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On a small alluvial island, one hundred and fifty miles above the mouth of the river, the foundations not only of a flourishing city, but of a great commonwealth, are supposed to have been laid by a few Dutch adventurers whose only aim was a gainful traffic with the natives of the country. Such a settlement was indeed made, but there seems to have been an error in regarding it as prior to all others. It is known that the Dutch visited the river the year after its discovery, and that they continued to frequent it from year to year for the purposes of trade, until it was found necessary to erect forts for their protection. What their establishments were before the build- ing of the forts, is not stated by any of the Dutch writers with- in our knowledge ; but undoubted though incidental authority enables us to form a corect idea of the state of things on Man- hattan Island in 1613, or four years after the discovery of the river. We refer to the accounts of the expedition of Captain Samuel Argali against the French colonists of Acadia, who, as he was returning to Virginia, made a passing visit to the Dutch on “ Manhattas Isle.” The following brief notice of this event is taken from an English publication, containing a description of the country granted by Charles I. to Sir Edmund Ployden, under the name of “ the Province of New Albion,” in 1634, embracing an exten- sive territory north of Maryland.* “ Then Virginia being granted, settled, and all that part now called Maryland, New Albion, and New Scotland, (Nova-Sco- tia,) being part of Virginia, Sir Thomas Dale, and Sir Samuel Argali, Captains and Counsellors of Virginia, hearing of divers aliens and intruders, and traders without license, with a vessel and forty soldiers, landed at a place called Mount Desert in Nova-Scotia, near St. John’s river, or Tweed, possessed by the 'French ; there killed some French, took away their guns and * Entitled, •* A Description of the Province of New Albion ; and a direc- tion for adventurers with small stock, to get two for one, and good land free- ly ; and for gentlemen and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plen- tifully,” &c. “ Printed in the year 1648.” Reprinted at Washington, D. C. •by P. Force, 1837.Argyll’s expedition. 835 dismantled the Fort, and in their return landed at Manhatas Isle in Hudson's river, where they found four houses built., and a pretended Dutch governor under the West India Company of Amsterdam share or part, who kept trading boats and truck- ing with the Indians ; but the said Knights told him their com- mission was to expel him and all alien intruders on his Majes- ty’s dominion and territories ; this being part of Virginia, and this river an English discovery of Hudson, an Englishman. The Dutchman contented them for their charge and voyage, and by his letter sent to Virginia and recorded, submitted him- self, company and plantation to his Majesty, and to the Go- vernor and government of Virginia ; but the next pretended Dutch Governor, in maps and printed cards (charts), calling this part New-Netherlands, failing in paying of customs at his return to Plymouth in England, was there with his beaver goods and person attached to his damage £1500. Where- upon, at the suit of the Governor and Council of Virginia, his now Majesty, by his embassador in Holland, complaining of the said aliens’ intrusion on such his territories and domains,, the said Lords, the States of Holland, by their public instru- ment declared, that they did not avow, nor would protect them, being a private party of the Amsterdam West India Companyr but left them to his Majesty’s will and mercy ; whereupon three several orders from the council table and commissions have been granted for the expelling and removing them thence, of which they taking notice, and knowing their weakness and want of victuals, have offered to sell the same for £2500. And lastly, taking advantage of our present war and distraction, now ask £5000, and have lately offered many affronts and damages to his Majesty’s subjects in New England; and in general endanger all his Majesty’s adjoining countries most wickedly, feloniously, and traitorously, and contrary to the marine and admiral laws of all Christians, sell by wholesale guns,, powder, shot and ammunition to the Indians, instructing them in the use of our fights and arms ; insomuch as two thousand Indians by them armed, Mohacks, Raritans, and some of Long Isle, with their own guns so sold them, fall into war with the Dutch, destroyed all their scattering farms and boors, forcing ; them all to retire to their upper fort, forty leagues up that river, and to Manhatas ; for all or most retreating to Manhatas, it is now a pretty town of trade, having more English than Dutch It will be noticed that the date of Argali’s expedition is not The writer, Beauchamp Plantagenet, Esq,, (as he is styled,) was one of a company formed for the purpose of planting a colony in the province of New Albion, and as the grant to Ployden covered the greater part of New-Nether- lands, his animosity to the Dutch is easily explained. See a copy of this grant. in Hazard’s State Papers, i. 160—170.386 argall’s expedition. given by this author, but he states the circumstances attend- ing the visit to our river more particularly than any other English writer of that period. The officer whom he styles “ a pretended Dutch governor,” was without doubt the Opper- koopman, or superintendent of the trade on the river ; * and the company called “the West India Company of Amster- dam,” was the association of merchants afterwards incorpora- ted under that name. No mention is made of any fort upon the island, and as none was erected before 1614 or 1615, this circumstance of itself would render it probable that Argali’s visit was made at a prior date. As the expedition was fitted out from the Virginia colony, for the purpose of vindicating the English title to the country, it would be natural to look to that quarter for a particular ac- count of it. But there seems to have been a studied conceal- ment on the part of the early writers upon the affairs of that colony in relation to this matter, which can only be explained on the ground that the wanton and destructive attack in a time of profound peace, without notice of any kind, on the infant set- tlements of the French colonists in Acadia, was viewed as at least impolitic, and likely to lead to serious consequences be- tween the two governments, if openly proclaimed or justified. For this, or some other reason, only incidental or meagre no- tices of the expedition occur in the Virginia writers. Purchas has the following reference to the enterprise without date :— “ Captain Argali’s northward discoveries towards Sacadehoc, and beyond to Port Royal, Sancta Crux, and thereabout, may not be concealed; in which his adventures, if he had brought home no commodity to the colony, (which yet he did very much, both of apparel, victuals, and many other necessaries,) the honour which he hath done unto our nation by displanting the French, then beginning to seat and fortify within our limits, and taking of their ship and pinnace, which he brought to James- town, would have been reward enough for his pains, and will ever speak loud his honor and approved valour.”! In another place the same author describes more at length the controversies with the French in respect to their title to the country, but nothing is said of the visit of Argali to our river.! Smith, whose history of Virginia was published about the same period, is equally unsatisfactory ; he says— “ Sir Thomas Dale, understanding there was a plantation of Frenchmen in the north part of Virginia, about the degrees of 45, sent Captain Argali to Port Royal and Sancta Crux, where * Hendrick Christiaens is the first commander on tlie river mentioned by the Dutch writers. See above, p. 299. ' t Pilgrims, 1. ix. c. 10. j Ibid. I. ix. c. 19argall’s expedition. 337 finding the Frenchmen abroad, dispersed in the woods, surpris- ed their ship and pinnace, which was but newly come from France, wherein was much good apparel and other provision, which he brought to Jamestown, but the men escaped and liv- ed among the savages of those countries.”* This is the only notice Smith takes of the expedition, and it will be seen that he is mistaken in supposing the French colo- nists to have escaped, as several of them were carried to Vir- ginia. It may be likewise inferred from his statement, that the enterprise was undertaken during the administration of Sir Thomas Dale, as governor of Virginia, which would bring it within the year 1614 ; but this is equally erroneous, as the most conclusive evidence exists that it took place in the pre- ceding year, under the administration of Sir Thomas Gates. Smith had no connexion at that time with the Virginia colony, having left it several years before, and this portion of his his- tory is compiled from the statements of others, instead of being the result of his own observation and knowledge, as is the case with the earlier part of it. It is remarked by a careful writer, that Smith is “ an unquestionable authority for what is related, whilst he staid in the country,” although “ vastly confused and perplexed;” but “the latter part of his history * * * is liable to some suspicion. No doubt is entertained of his integrity, but being himself absent in those times upon other projects, he depended upon others for his account of things ”t The work from which subsequent historians seem to have chiefly taken their accounts of Argali’s visit to the Hudson, is Heylin’s Cosmography, published in 1652,—a work of great learning and of high reputation at that period. After mentioning the discovery of the river and its subsequent occupation by the Dutch, he adds—“ But they were hardly warm in their new habitations, when Sir Samuel Argali, governor of Virginia, spe- cially so called, (having dispossessed the French of that part of Canada, now called Nova-Scotia, An. 1613,) disputed the possession with them ; alleging that Hudson, under whose sale they claimed that country, being an Englishman, could not alienate or dismember it, (being but a part or province of Vir- ginia,) from the crown thereof. Hereupon the Dutch gover- nor submits himself and his plantation to his Majesty of Eng- land, and the governor of Virginia, for and under him. But a new governor being sent from Amsterdam, in the year next following, not only failed in paying the conditioned tributes, hut began to fortify himself and entitle those of Amsterdam to a just propriety.”! * General Hist, of Virginia. Richmond edit. ii. 18* fStith, Hist, of Virginia, Introd. iv. Williamsburg, 1747. iBook 4th, part 2d, p. 3. Stith, pp. 132-3, appears to have drawn his ac- count of the expedition from Smith and Heylin. 43338 argall’s Expedition. Several errors occur in this extract that have been repeat- ed by many succeeding writers. Argali was not governor of Virginia before 1617, nor did he receive the honour of knight- hood until a still later period. The idea of a sale of the coun- try by Hudson to his Dutch employers, is too absurd to require contradiction. Argali made several voyages to the colony in command of a ship belonging to the Virginia Company. It appears from a letter addressed by him to a friend in England, dated June, 1613, that he had arrived in the preceding year ; and in the spring of that year, he was employed in exploring the eastern side of Chesapeake bay in a shallop. During this time, his ship was left to be got ready for a fishing voyage, and on his return, May 12, 1613, he completed his preparations, and at the date of his letter was about sailing on his intended voy- age. He says, “ Thus having put my ship in hand to be fitted for an intend- ed fishing voyage, I left that business to be followed by my master, with a ginge (gang) of men, and my lieutenant forti- fied on shore, with another ginge to fell timber and cleave planks, to build a fishing boat; my ensign, with another ginge, was employed in the frigate* for getting of fish at Cape Charles, and transporting it to Henry’s town, for the relief of such men as were there ; and myself, with a fourth ginge, departed out of the river in my shallop, the first of May, for to discover the east side of our bay, which I found to have many small rivers in it, and very good harbours for boats and barges, but not for ships of any great burthen. * * * So having discovered along the shore, some forty leagues northward, I returned again to my ship the 12th May, and hasted forward my business left in hand at my departure ; and fitted up my ship, and built my fishing boat, and made ready to take the first opportunity of the wind for my fishing voyage, of which I beseech God of his mercy to bless us.”t A contemporary French author, Champlain, (the founder of Quebec,) states that the English of Virginia were accustomed at that period to pursue the cod fishery sixteen leagues from the island of Monts Deserts,% and that a party arrived there for that purpose in the year 1613, commanded by Samuel Ar- gali, who being overtaken by a storm were driven on shore • Small light vessels were then termed frigates, the present use of the word being of more recent origin. f Pilgrims, 1. ix. c. 9. j A large and lofty island on the coast of Maine, a few miles east of Pen- obscot bay, still called Mount Desert. It is well settled and contains two towns, named Eden and Mount Desert.ARGALl/s EXPEDITION. 339 near Pemptegoet.* Here they were told by the Indians that a French ship was at the island of Monts Deserts, whereup- on Argali, being in want of provisions, and his men in a shat- tered, half-naked condition, resolved after ascertaining the strength of the intruders to attack them. The French seeing a ship approaching under full sail, and discovering it to be an armed Englishman, without being aware that t$n others were following, prepared to defend themselves. After a short resist- ance, being overpowered by a superior force, the French yield- ed, with the loss of a Jesuit father, Gilbert du Thet, who was killed by a musket ball. Several others were wounded, and all but five were made prisoners. The English then took pos- session of the French ship, and plundered it of whatever they could find, not excepting the commission from the king of France which the commander, La Saussaye, had in his ca bin. Such is the statement of Champlain. Another French wri- ter of the same period, Lescarbot, relates the affair in a man- ner less favourable to his countrymen. He says that the French vessel having recently arrived at Pemptegoet, information was given by the natives to some Englishmen who happened to be on the coast, and that the latter going to ascertain whether it was friend or foe, Gilbert du Thet, the Jesuit, on discovering them, cried out, “Arm, arm; it is the English /” and there- upon opened a fire upon them, which was vigorously re- turned, and with such effect that the English, having killed three persons, (of which number was Gilbert du Thet,) and wounded five, boarded the ship, and having plundered it, land- ed upon the island, where they met with no resistance. The French commander who was on shore at the time of the at- tack, had fled with fourteen of his men to a remote part of the island, but the next day came and surrendered himself on re ceiving an assurance of safety. On being required to show the commission under which he sailed, he failed to produce it, and the English therefore adjudged him to be a pirate, and caused his effects to be distributed among the soldiers. The English captain, continues Lescarbot, was named Samuel Argali, and his lieutenant, William Turnel. Having put the greater part of the prisoners on board a fishing vessel, and -set them at liber- ty, Argali returned to Virginia, taking with him three Jesuit priests, and fifteen other persons, among whom are named leCa- fitainede marine, CharlesFleuri d’Abbeville, and M. La Motte.f * The French name for the Penobscot. Champlain, Voyages de la Nou- velle France, 105. (Ed. 1632.) t Hist, de la Nouvelle France, par Marc Lescarbot, Avocat en Parlement, et temoin oculaire d'une partie des choses ici recitees, Paris, 1618.1. v. c. 13. This writer was no friend of the 3esuits.340 argall’s expedition. The party thus summarily dispersed by Argali, had left France for the purpose of establishing a colony within the limits of Acadia, under the auspices of the Jesuits, at the ex- pense of Madame de Guercheville, a wealthy French lady, who was zealous for the conversion of the American natives to Christianity. They had arrived at La Heve, a port in Nova- Scotia, on the 16th of May, 1613, and proceeded from thence to Port Royal, where they took on board two Jesuit missiona- ries who had incurred the displeasure of Biencourt, the go- vernor of that colony. Leaving Port Royal, they went to the island of Monts Deserts, where they resolved to fix their settle- ment. The pilot conducted them to the east end of the island, where they set up a cross, celebrated mass, and named the place St. Sauveur. Scarcely, says Champlain, had they be- gun to provide themselves with accommodations in this retreat, and to clear the land for the purpose of improvement, when the English came, and frustrated their benevolent designs in the manner already described. “ The cross around which the faith- ful had gathered was thrown down,”* and the liberal supplies which they had brought from France for the intended colony,, the offerings of pious zeal, were plundered, and carried away to minister to the wants of the English heretics in Virginia., The success of Argali, and the relief afforded by the booty he brought home to a starving colony, stimulated the authorities of Virginia to a fresh enterprise against their French neigh- bours, under the pretext of defending the English title to the country founded on the discovery of the Cabots. The settle- ments of St. Croix and Port Royal were commenced before the English had planted a single permanent colony in any part of the new world, although more than a century had elapsed since the discovery on which they based their claims to the whole North American continent north of Florida. To follow up the plunder and destruction of St. Sauveur by an immediate attack upon those places, was the policy of the Virginia government, and an armed expedition, consisting of three vessels, command- ed by Argali, sailed forthwith for Acadia. Touching at the scene of their late outrage on the island of Monts Deserts, they set up there a cross bearing the name of the king of Great Britain, instead of the one erected by the Jesuits; and then sailed to St. Croix, where they destroyed all the remains of a former settlement. Crossing the bay of Fundy, they next land- ed at Port Royal, (now Annapolis, Nova-Scotia,) and finding the town deserted, the governor being absent, and the peo- ple at work several miles from the fort, they met with no re- sistance in pillaging and stripping the place of whatever it con- * Bancroft, i. 148.argall’s expedition. 341 tained, loading their ships with the spoil, and destroying what they could not carry away. The settlement had existed eight or nine years, and had cost its founders more than one hun- dred thousand crowns in money, beside the labour and anxiety that necessarily attended their efforts to plant civilization upon a desolate coast. At the time of its destruction, Port Royal was under the go- vernment of Charles de Biencourt, as vice-admiral and lieu- tenant-general of New-France, whose unkindness to the Jesuit missionaries excited their enmity to such a degree that they were accused of having piloted the English expedition on this occasion. The charge is denied by Champlain, but countenan- ced by Lescarbot, who publishes at length the formal complaint of the Sieur de Poutrincourt, (one of the founders of the colo- ny and the father of Biencourt,) addressed to a French admi- ralty court, in which he distinctly charges Biart, one of the priests who accompanied Captain Argali to Virginia, with hav- ing plotted the destruction of Port Royal. This document is dated July 18, 1614 ; and an answer wTas put in by the accus- ed two years after. Without entering into the merits of the controversy, it is sufficient for our purpose to refer to it as es- tablishing the dates of the events described by the complain- ant. Poutrincourt says, that he left Rochelle on the last day of the preceding December, [1613,] in a vessel of seventy tons or thereabout, for Port Royal, where he arrived on the seven- teenth of March, and was informed by his son Biencourt, the lieutenant-general of New-France, that the governor of Vir- ginia had sent thither a ship of two or three hundred tons, another of one hundred tons or thereabout, and a large bark, with a number of men, who, on the day of the feast of Allsaints last, [the 1st of November, 1613,] landed, and under the guid- ance of the said Biart, plundered the habitations of himself and. the other French people who abode there, &c.* In was on his return from the last expedition, that Argali is- stated by the English writers to have visited the Dutch settle- ment at the mouth of the ^Hudson ; and as, according to both Champlain and Lescarbot, he left Port Royal on the ninth of November, he probably arrived here during the same month.. The three vessels composing the expedition sailed together from Port Royal, but a violent storm soon after dispersed them the bark was never again heard from ; the ship containing the Jesuits arrived in England by the way of the Azores, Lescarbot, lv. c. 14. Champlain says the English compelled an Indian to act as their guide, the French declining the service.!, iii. c. 1. Charlevoix, him- self a jesuit, does not allude to the charges against Biart, but on the other hand describes him as a model of apostolic sanctity, healing the sick by miraculous^ power, &c. Noun. France, L 134.342 argall’s expedition. while Argali reached Virginia in safety. It is not improbable that the latter was compelled to make our harbour by stress of weather, and unexpectedly discovered the small establishment of the Dutch merchants upon Manhattan Island. Unable to re- sist a large armed ship, it is not strange that Hendrick Chris- tiaens, or whoever had the direction of affairs, endeavoured to propitiate the insolent and rapacious Englishman, flushed with conquests made in time of peace, over infant colonies yet strug- gling into existence, and promised all that was desired of him.* It is said that the former, not only “ submitted himself and co- lony to the King of England, and to the governor of Virginia under him,” but agreed also to pay an annual tribute as an ac- knowledgment of the English title. But information having been sent to Holland, after the departure of Argali, another su- perintendent arrived the following year, who refused to pay the tribute, and “ also began to fortify and put himself into a posture of defence and it is added, that “ the claim of the English being either wholly waived for the present, or but faintly pursued, they [the Dutch] the same year made a firm settlement, which soon became very flourishing and populous.”t It thus indisputably appears, that, in 1613, four years only after the discovery of the river by Hudson, a few houses had been erected on Manhattan Island, the germ of the present city of New-York. Alarmed by the threats of their English visitors in that year, the JMtch merchants took immediate measures to protect their tradfe by building forts, both at that place, and on Gastle Island, near Albany, in 1614 or 1615, as already relat- ed. A few years later, in 1623, the sites of the forts appeared to have been changed. Fort Amsterdam was then erected near the ground now known a sthe Battery, on the southern extremity of Manhattan Island; and Fort Orange was built on the main land, within the limits of the present city of Albany. Notwith- standing the formidable pretensions of the English colonists of Virginia, no subsequent attempt was made from that quarter to reduce the Dutch settlements under their jurisdiction; but a commercial intercourse sprang up between the two colonies, that .proved equally advantageous to both. Editor. * During the short time that Captain Argali was Deputy-Governor of Virginia, he contrived by fraud and extortion to amass considerable wealth, at the ex- pense of the colony, and rendered his government generally odious by tyran- nical and oppressive conduct. Stith. 150. t Stith. 133.