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NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PABLIAMENT STREET. [NEW SERIES, III.]COUNCIL OF THE CÀMDEN SOCIETY. FOR THE YEAR 1871-72. President, SIR WILLIAM TITE, C.B., M.P., F.R.S., V.P.S.A. WILLIAM CHAPPELL, ESQ. F.S.A., Treasurer. WILLIAM DÜRRANT COOPER, ESQ. F.S.A. F. W. COSENS, ESQ. JOHN FORSTER, ESQ. D.C.L. SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER, ESQ. ALFRED KINGSTON, ESQ. SIR JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. SIR FREDERIC MADDEN, F.R.S. FREDERIC OUVRY, ESQ. Treas. S.A. EDWARD RIMBAULT, LL.D. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. M.A. F.S.A. WILLIAM JOHN THOMS, ESQ. F.S.A., Secretary. THE YERY REV. THE DEAN OF WESTMINSTER, F.S.A. SIR THOMAS E. WINNINGTON, R A RT. SIR ALBERT W. WOODS, Garter, F.S.A.The Council of the Camden Society desire it to be under- stood that they are not answerable for any opinions or observa- tions that may appear in the Society’s publications ; the Editors of the several Works being alone responsible for the same.INTRODUCTION The Chapels attached to the Palaces of Sovereigns form a remarkable feature of Christian Europe, and, from the earliest time on record, they seem to hâve been served on the same grand scale as the Cathedrals. In England the Chapel Koyal is the most ancient choir concern- ing which we hâve any authentic account. In olden times it was the fullest, best appointed, and the most remarkable for its ex- cellence in the performance of the choral service. As regards the constitution of this establishment, Dr. Jebb, in his valuable work on “ The Choral Service of the United Church of England and Ireland ” (1843, 8vo. p. 147),gives us the following particulars :— “ The Chapel Establishment of the English Sovereign is not a corporate body. It has subsisted, however, according to its présent constitution for a long time anté- cédent to the Reformation. Over the Chapel présidés a Dean ; next to him a Sub- Dean ; then forty-eight Chaplains, with ten Priests in ordinary, and a numerous lay Choir, styled Gentlemen of the Chapel. The Chaplains’ duty is confined to preaching on Sundays ; they take no part in the performance of Divine Service. The liturgical offices are performed by the Dean, Sub-Dean, and Priests in ordinary. They hâve been often, but not uniformly, appointed from the Minor Canons of Westminster and St. Paul’s, and it would appear as if they were originally considered as forming part of the Choir. * * * From ancient lists, it appears that formerly the officiating members of the Chapel Royal were more numerous than now. In Queen Elizabeth’s time, thirty were in attendance at a time, at least occasionally. “ In strictness, this establishment belongs to no fixed place, but is bound to attend the Sovereign wherever he may be résident. Of this ambulatory service there are b11 INTRODUCTION. proofs in records of King Henry VIII.’s reign; and in later times, King George IY. used to command the attendance of his Choir at Brighton. But in general their services hâve heen confined to the King’s Palace in London; formerly to the magnificent Chapel at Whitehall, which was destroyed by fire after the Restoration ; and since that time to the small oratory in St. James’s Palace, a place altogether too mean for its high destination.” * The earliest facts on record relating to the “ King’s Chapel ” are contained in the Liber Niger Domus Regis, a MS. of the time of Edward IV. in which an account is given of this establishment in the reign of that monarch.t First we hâve a “ Deane of the Chappelle” who was “served, after a barrone service,” with a daily allowance of “ iij. loayes, ij. messe of great meate, a picher of wyne, two gallones of ale; and for wintere seasone one torche, one picher, ij. candies waxe, iij. candies piche, iij. talsheids,{ lyttere and rushes ail the yeare of the serjante usher of the hall and chambere.” He had also “ lodginge suffytyente for his horse and his servants ’ ’ in town or country. We are told that the Dean was also “ curate of confession of household,” in other words, “ Confessor to the Eoyal Household,” a title which is still kept up in the patent granted to the Sub-Dean. * The old Chapel Royal, Whitehall, was consnmed by fire Jan. 5,1698; and the new Chapel opened Dec. 9, in the same year. Dr. Blow composed an anthem, “ Lord remember David,” for the occasion. The Chapel Royal St. James’s was occasionally nsed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but the service was not regularly instituted there until the beginning of the eighteenth century. The celebrated Henry Purcell (according to Wheatley’s Piccadilly, p. 294,) once lived in “ a suite of apartments in St. James’s Palace, access to which was obtained by a winding staircase in the clock-tower.” Dryden when in debt used to stay with him for weeks together in these apartments, where he was secure from his creditors. f Harl. MSS. 293 and 642. See also Ordinances for the Government of the Royal Household, &c. 1790, 4to. J Firewood cleft and eut into billets of a certain length; each talsheid (or talwood) being sixteen inches in compass.—Cowell.INTRODUCTION. 111 There were also “ Chaplenes and Clerkes of the Chap- pelle,” twenty-four in number, “ endowed with virtues morolle and specikatyve, as of the musicke, shewinge in descante, éloquent in readinge, suffytyente in organes playinge, syttynge at the deane’s boarde.” The daily wages of each was sevenpence. They had clothing allowed, and furniture for their chambers ; with two loaves of bread, one ‘ ‘ picher 99 of wine, and six gallons of ale ; and from All-hallow- tide to Easter, two wax candies, twelve of pich,” and eight “ talsheids,” amongst them ail, daily. Those who were priests had one servant each, and the others one to every two ; besides stabling and keep for their horses. “ And if any of thés be let bloode in courte, he taketh daily ij. loayes, one messe of great meate, one messe of roste, one galone of ale ; and when the chappelle synge mattenes oyer nighte, called ‘ Blacke Mattynes/ then they haye allowed spice and wine.” Of “ Yeomen of the Chappelle,” called “ Pisteleres,”* there were two, who were chosen from amongst those children of the chapel whose voices had recently changed ; and this seems to hâve been an intermediate step between the latter and the “ Clerkes ” just mentioned. They had three-pence a day with clothing and other allowances. The “ Children of the Chappelle ” were eight in number, with a ct Master of Songe ” to teach them. They were boarded and lodged in the royal palace, and had daily amongst them “ two loaves, one messe of greate meate, ij. galones of ale; and for wintere seasone iiij. candies piche, iij. talsheids, and lyttere for their pallets. * * And * Epistellers, i. e. readers of the Epistles; they are frequently mentioned in the pages of the Cheque-Book. Gospellers, also of frequent occurrence, were the readera of the Gospels.IV INTRODUCTION. amongeste them ail to hâve one servante to trusse and beare their hamesse and lyverey in Courte. And that day the King’s Chappelle removeth, every of thés children then présent receaveth iiij d. at the Greene Clothe, for horsehire daily, as long as they be jumeinge. And when any of these children comene to be xviij, years of âge, and their voices change, ne cannot be preferred in this chappelle, the nombere being full, then yf they will assente, the Kyng assynethe them to a College of Oxeford or Cambridge of his foundatione, there to be at fynding and studye both . suffytyently, tylle the King may otherwise advaunse them.” There was likewise provided a “ Master op the Gramere Schole 99 for the choristers and other persons of the Court, so that the former were not only instructed in music, but also received what in that day was termed a learned éducation ; a practice which con- tinued down to the period of the Commonwealth. The first Master of the Children (or “ Master of the Song,” as he is called,) of the Royal Chapel, whose name has descended to our times, was Henry Abingdon, who, according to an Act of Resump- tion 13 Edward IV. (1473-4) was protected in the enjoyment of 40 marks per annum, which had been granted him in May, 5 Edward IV. (1465), “ for the fyndyng, instruction, and governaunce of the children of the chapelle of our Housholde.”* No particulars of this worthy are known, if we except a slight notice contained in an epitaph printed in “ The first foure Bookes of Virgil’s Æneis, translated into English Heroick Verse by Richard Stanyhurst. Lond. Imprinted by Henry Bynneman. 1583.” 8vo.t Even these doggrel rhymes only inform us that he was a good organist and a “ loud 91 * Rot. Pari. v. 594; vi. 86. f “ An Epitaph written by Sir Thomas More upon the death of Henrie Abyngdon, one of the Gentlemen of the Chappell. Wich devise the anthor was fayne to put in meeter, by reason the partie that requested his travel did not like of a very proper epitaph, that was first framed, because it ran not in rythme, as may appeare at fui in his Latin epigramms. Whereupon Syr Thomas More shapt these verses ensuing, with which the suppliant was exceedingly satisfyed, as if the author had hit the nayle on head :—INTRODUCTION. V singer ; and that he had been a Clerk of Wells Catliedral before entering the royal establishment. He was succeeded by Gilbert Banestre or Banister, who accord- ing to the Act of Besumption of the 22 Edward IV. (1482-3) was protected in the enjoyment of the same salary as his predecessor, for “ the exhibition, instruction, and governaunce of the children of the chapelle.,, Banister was a poet of sonie note in his day, and among other things wrote “ The Miracle of St. Thomas,” MS. in Bennet College Library, of which an account is given in Warton. His successor in office was William Cornyshe, or Cornish, a musi- cian of considérable skill, and who appears to hâve been esteemed by his brethren in the craft. We first read of him in 1493, when, in Henry the Seventh’s Privy Purse Expenses, a payment was made on the 12th of November “ to one Cornyshe for a prophecy, in rewarde, 13 s. 4d.;” and on Christmas day, 1502, a similar sum for a Christ- mas Carol. Under him the Gentlemen of the Chapel were accus- tomed to act plays before the King and his Court, and received rewards as the “ Players of the Chapel,” as distinguishing them from the King’s and Prince’s Companies of “ Players of Interludes.” When the children took part in a dramatic performance under Cor- nish, they received a gratuity of 6Z. 13s. 4d. This “ Master of the Song” was a great favourite with Henry VIII., and on one occa- sion received as a reward the large sum of 200/. The entry, thus “ Here lyeth old Henry, no freend to mischievous envy, Sumam’d Abyngdon, to ail men most hartily welcom : Clerck lie was in Wellis, where tingle a great many bellis ; Also in the chappell he was not counted a monngrel ; And snch a lond Singer, in a thonsand not snch a ringer : And with a concordance, a’most skilful in organce. Now God I crave duly, sence this man serv’d the so truly, Henry place in kingdoom, that is also named Abyngdon.”VI INTRODUCTION. worded—“ 8 Henry VIII. Nov., To Master Cornishe, gentylman of the King’s Chapell, upon a warraunt, in rewarde, 2001”—may hâve ineluded gratuities to his fellows. Cornish, like most of his musical brethren, was a poet, and wrote some rhymes entitled 4< A Treatise between Trouth and Informacion.” This was written in the Fleet Prison in 1504, when the author was confined in conséquence, as he himself asserts, of false information given by an enemy. “ As one of the King’s servants, and dating from the Fleet prison, we may suppose that he had fallen under the displeasure of the Star Cham- ber, perhaps for some ‘ prophecy ’ or ballad, not so agreeable to the King as the former. The semi-disguise of his name, (William Cornishe otherwise called Nyshewhete,) changing ‘ corn’ into ‘ wheat ’ and transposing the syllables, seems to show that he had written some things that he did not wish to avow. However this may be, he was eventually restored to the favour of the King, for in the last year of his reign, viz. in December 1508, we again find ‘ To Mr. Kyte, Cornishe, and other of the Chapell that played affore the King at Richmonte, 6li. 13 s. 4d.* William Crâne, who was a Gentleman of the Chapel in 1510, succeeded Cornish as Master of the Children, but at what date is uncertain. He was certainly Master in 1526, for in the Household Book of Henry VIII. we find under that date this entry :—“ For borde wages of the children of the Chapel, to Maister Crâne, xxvj s. viij d. and in 1529, u Item, to Maister Crâne, for playing before the King with the children of the Chapell, in rewarde, vj li. xiij s. iiij d.” A Book of Receipts and Payments of the Exchequer, 18 Henry VIII. (1526-7,) shows that his annuity was 40L:—“ Will0 Crâne, * See “ Some Account of an unpublished Collection of Songs and Ballads by King Henry VIII. and his Contemporaines, communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by W. Chappell, Esq. F.S.A.” Archæologia, vol. xli. p. 380.INTRODUCTION. VU Magistro Puerorum Capellæ Dom. Regis de annuitate sua ad xl li. per ann. sibi débit, pro termino Micbaelis Anno xviijmo Régis nunc Henrici VIII. rec. den. Will0 Gonson, x li.”# This brings us down to the period of the commencement of the MS. printed in the following pages, where the various Masters of the Children who succeeded Crâne are duly recorded ; while such bio- graphical particulars as I hâve been able to glean concerning them are given in the notes at the end of the volume. An ancient custom existed in the Chapel Royal, perhaps coeval with its establishment, of pressing men and boys with good voices for the service of the choir. This practice may be traced as far back as the time of Richard III.,f in the second year of whose reign a warrant was issued to John Melyonek, one of the Gentle- men of the Chapel, in the foliowing terms : “ Rie. &c. To ail and every our subjects, as well spirituell as temporell, these letters hering or seeing, greeting. We let you wite, that for the confidence and trust we hâve in our trusty welbeloved servaunt, John Melyonek, one of the Gentilmen of our Chapell, and knowing also his expert hahilitie and connyng in the science of * Lysons, Environs of London, iv. 467, speaking of the old church at Greenwich, says it contained memorials “ of Clement Adams, Master of the Children of the Cha- pel, 1516, and his wife, who is said to hâve survived him 72 years, dying in 1588.” He quotes Strype’s Circuit Walk, annexed to Stowe’s Survey,p. 91, as his authority. Lysons is altogether wrong in stating that Adams was Master of the Children of the Chapel. The fact is that he was appointed, May 1552, “ Schoolmaster to the King’s henchmen at Greenwich,” with a salary of 10Z. per annum, but was in no way con- nected with the Chapel establishment. The true date of his death is Jan. 9, 1586-7. See Cooper’s Athenæ Cantabrigienses, ii. 6. I take this opportnuity of mentioning that John Hunnis, spoken of in Malone’s Shakspeare (edit. 1821, iii. 423) as Master of the Children of the Chapel in 1572-3, is a mistake for William Hunnis, who was Master at the time. The extract from the Council Registers must hâve been wrongly transcribed by Malone. f Probably earlier. Henry VI. authorized the pressing of minstrels (a word of large signification), and his precept, dated 1456, may be seen in Rymer’s Fœdera, xl. INTRODUCTION. musique, hâve licenced him, and by these présents licence and give him auctoritie, that within ail places in this our reaime, as well Cathedral-churches, colleges, chap- pells, houses of religion, and ail other franchised and exempt places, as elliswhere, our Colege Roil at Wyndesor reseryed and except, may take and sease for us and in our name ail such singing men and children, being expart in the said science of musique, as he can finde, and thinke sufficient and able to do us service. Wherfore, &c. Yeven, the “ Appointments and Obituary Notices of the Gentlemen, &c.” and the “ Notices appertaining to the Serjeants, Yeomen, &c” As these lists were kept with some degree of regularity for a long sériés of years I hâve preserved them intact, supplementing them by two additional lists made up from other parts of the MS. The writer of the MS. was in most cases the u Clerk of the Chèque” for the time being.* The duties of this officer, as far as I can ascertain, were to keep an account of the attendance, and to note the absence of the priests and gentlemen in order to lay the same before the Dean or Sub-dean at certain times, probably every month. * An officer established in conformity with a similar one in other departments of the* Royal Household.INTRODUCTION. Xlll Likewise to attend ail admissions into the Chapel appointments, and to keep a record of the same as well as of ail rules and régulations issued by the Dean and Chapter for the government of the Chapel. To this office no salary was attached, but there were certain fees paid upon the admission of Members and upon other occasions.* The dates in the MS. range between 1561 and 1744. The en- tries cease in 1640, and are not resumed again till 1660, leaving a gap of twenty years, during which time the choral service was en- tirely discontinued in the Chapel, and its members scattered abroad to get their living as best they could. At the Restoration things were speedily set in order again, and such of the Members of the Chapel as were living were restored to their places, as may be seen by the subséquent entries. In pointing out a few of the important features of the MS. I must first allude to the biographical entries, many of which contain valuable notices of eminent poets and musicians, often supplying new and reliable dates. For instance, Richard Edwards, so well known in connection with “ The Paradise of Dainty Devices,” is recorded on p. 1 to hâve died (t on the last day of October, 1566,” a date that was wanting to complété our biography of the poet.f We also read of William Hunnis the equally well-known author of u The Hive full of Honey,” and many other quaint productions of the sixteenth century. Thomas Palfreyman, a naine remembered in connection with Baldwin’s “ Treatise of Morall Philosophie,” also cornes in for * The office of “ Clerk of the Chèque ” is now virtually abolished. The duties are performed by the Sub-dean. f “ The précisé year of his death is nowhere recorded.” Collier’s Bibliographical Account of Early English Literature, i. 242. It is to this valuable work that I hâve been indebted for the poetical extracts given in my note about Edwards at the end of the volume.XIV INTRODUCTION. his share of notice; and many other of the poet-musicians of the sixteenth and beginning of the following century receive mention of some kind in the pages of the Chèque- Book. Among Church Musicians we find much new and valuable mate- rial for the biographies of Tallis, Byrd, Bull, Gibbons, Humphries, Blow, Purcell, and indeed ail the famous men of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The later entries must not be overlooked as they contribute equally curious and minute details for the historian and biographer. Take as an instance the notices relating to Luke Flintoft, the author of one of the earliest of our double chants. Nothing whatever was known of his biography until, some years since, I published the information given in the Cheque-Book. In- deed the importance of this portion of the MS. cannot be overrated. Among the 44 Suits for Additional Pay” wehave a circumstantial account of King James the First’s 44 royal bounty to the officers of the Royal Chapel in the second year of his reign,” an event which has received the notice of Howes in his édition of Stowe’s Chro- nicle. This record in the pages of the Cheque-Book was consi- dered of so much importance that an anathema, 44 Cursed be the partie that taketh this leafe out of this booke,” was written in the margin. The 44 Orders, Decrees, and Reprimands,” contain some valuable material for the history of the government of the Chapel, and afford an insight into the private life of several well-known musi- cians. I may call especial attention to the 44 Acts done in Chapter, March 29, 1630,” and to a curious notice contained in it concem- ing Thomas Warwick, the father of the statesman Sir Philip War- wick. Among the 44 Royal Warrants ” are some of great interest to theINTRODUCTION. XV ecclesiologist, particularly those which relate to vestments, furni- ture, incense, &c. in the Boyal Chapel shortly after the Eestoration. The “ Chapel Feast” forms a feature in the Cheque-Book. This~ was an annual dinner of the Priests, Organists, and Gentlemen of the Chapel, each having privilège to bring a friend. The King or Queen supplied venison, wine, and a sum of money ; and the extra expenses were defrayed by two stewards chosen every year out of the body at large. This social meeting, which had been held almost from time immémorial, was discontinued some fifty years since, when instead of the contributions from the royal parks, larder, and cellar, a pecuniary compensation was accepted. Much information ~ concerning this old custom is given in these pages, adding mate- rially to the notices contained in the Privy-Expense Books of Henry YIII. and Elizabeth of York. It is remarkable that neither the Liber Niger Domus Regis nor the Northumberland Household Book notice the existence of a dis- tinct officer under the title of Organist. The duties were subordi- nate in early times, and appear to hâve been performed by the monks or clerks according to arrangement. The understanding in the Earl of Northumberland’s Chapel was this :— ‘ The Ordtjrynge for Keapynge Weikly of the Orgayns oon after an outher as the Namys of them hereafter followethe Weikely: The Maister of the Childer yf he be a Player, The Fyrst Weke. A Countertenor that is a Player, the ijde Weke. A Ténor that is a Player, the thirde Weike. A Basse that is a Player, the iiijth Weike. Ande every Man that is a Player to kepe his cours Weikely.” In Cathedrals of the old foundation the Organist is not a statutable officer, except as holding a lay-clerkship. Much curious information respecting the office of Organist mayXVI INTRODUCTION. be gleaned from the pages of the Cheque-Book, which possess the advantage of never having been seen by writers on tbe subject.* The notices of “ Serjeants, Yeomen, &c.” are not devoid of inte- rest. The particulars concerning George Whicher, the founder of certain alms-honses in Westminster, and of John Patten, father- in-law of the celebrated Orlando Gibbons, are new and valuable additions to the scanfcy biography we possess of these old worthies. H Perhaps the most generally interesting portions of the Cheque- Book are the curious and minute particulars it gives us of Royal ceremonies, Funerals, Coronations, Churehings, Baptisms, Christen- ings, Royal and Noble Marriages, &c. Many of these entries are of historical value. Among the first we hâve a curious account of “The Princely coming of her Majesty [Queen Elizabeth] to the Holy Communion at Estre [Easter] in 1593;” the meetings of King James I. and the Spanish Ambassador “ for the maintenance and continuance of the Spanish League the u Order of the Funeralls of King James I.;” the “ Order of the Chapells Service at the Coronation of Charles I.” &c. The “ Marriages in the Royal Chapel at Whitehall ” contain the names of many distinguished in history, besides a minute account of the ceremonies attending “ the Marriage of the two great Princes, Frederick Elector Counte Palatine of Rheine, and the Ladie Eliza- beth, the only daughter of the right highe and mightie Prince the Kinge of Great Brittaine ” As regards these marriage entries I would here point out that some * See Warton’s Life of Sir Thomas Pope (Ajppendix, p. 425), and the Rev. M. E. C. Walcott’s article on “ Choral Matters, ” in the Musical Times, April 1, 1871, for notices of Organists in early times.INTRODUCTION. XVII of the dates must be accepted with caution. The object of the Clerk of the Chèque was to record the fees paid upon these occa- sions, rather than to register any particular event. Hence the care- lessness with regard to dates. Nevertheless in the absence of au- thentic documents we are glad to accept these en tries asth ey are. Colonel Chester, who has taken much interest in the following pages, informs me that the Marriage Registers of Whitehall (in So- merset House) date only as far back as 1704. According to the same authority there is an earlier book going back to 1675, but it is merely the Note-book of Marmaduke Alford, Serjeant of the Vestry, copied from the original register, which in ail probability no longer exists. This being the case, I hâve not been able to correct the dates by any authentic register of the marriages here recorded. The entries of Baptisms, Christenings, Churchings, &c. are full of historié interest, and some of them supply information long sought for from other sources. In proof of this assertion I need only refer to Colonel Chester’s valuable paper on “ An Official Inaccuracy respecting the Death and Burial of the Princess Mary, daughter of King James 1.” (read at a Meeting of the Historical Society of Great Britain, on Monday, June 12, 1871,) where several notices of the Princess, extracted from the présent MS., are of considérable use in strengthening the learned writer’s argument. With regard to the Notes at the end of the volume, great care has been taken to bring together from authentic sources a variety of biographical particulars, some of which are entirely new, and others not generally known to the reader. It has not been thought neces- sary to include notices of the Deans, or to repeat any information that could be found in easily accessible Works. Possibly more might G AMD. SOC. dXV111 INTRODUCTION. hâve been done towards identifying many members of the Chapel who hâve received no notice in the foliowing pages, but it would hâve been impossible to hâve done this throughout, and I hâve succeeded, perhaps, as far as the most important names are con- cerned. The thanks of the Council of the Camden Society are due to the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chapel Royal, and to the Lord Chamberlain of the Household, for permission to publish the MS. now presented to the Members of the Society ; and I may add my especial thanks for the accommodation afforded me in having the MS. in my own possession during the process of transcription and collation. Before concluding this Introduction it remains to acknowledge the kind assistance which I hâve received in carrying these sheets through the press. My thanks are due in the first place to my old friend, W. Ch ap- pell, Esq. F.S.A., whose advice has been of the greatest use upon many points, and who kindly revised for me the Latin document relating to the résignation of Dr. Pearce. To Sir John Maclean, F.S.A., for the information relative to the Inquisitio post mortem on the Earl of Northampton. To the Rev. Canon Robertson, for his obliging collation of Dart’s copy of the Latin inscription on the monument of Orlando Gibbons with the original at Canterbury. To John Gough Nichols, Esq. F.S.A., for numerous acts of kindness while passing the work through the press, and for the notes upon the Whitehall marriages bearing his initiais.INTRODUCTION. XIX But above ail my thanks are rendered to Colonel Joseph Lemuel Chester, who not only freely gave me access to his extraordinary collections (the resuit of years of research and indus- try) in illustration of the Registers of Westminster Abbey, but assisted me in every possible manner by the copies of registers, wills, &c. For whatever original value the notes to the présent work may possess, the Members of the Camden Society are largely indebted to Colonel Chester, without whose assistance they could not hâve been so prepared. It is a source of great gratification to me to hâve been brought into communication with a gentleman who has taken such interest in the success of this undertaking. Edward F. Rimbault. 29, St. Mark's Crescent, Regent's Parle.CONTENTS PAGE I. —Appointments and Obituary Notices of the Subdeans, Priests, Organists, and Gentlemen. List 1. . .1 II. —Further Notices o£ the same. List II. . . . 31 III. —The Disposai of Payments due to Deceased Gentlemen . 55 IV. —Records of Suits for Additional Pay . . .59 V.—Orders, Decrees, and Reprimands, referring to Gentle- men, &c. . . . . . .62 VI.—Copies of Royal Warrants and Privy Seals . .91 VII.—Résignations, Dismissals, and Pétitions . .99 VIII.—Oaths of the Subdean, Gentlemen, &c. . . .106 IX.—“ Benevolences ” to the Gentlemen . . .112 X.—Records of the “ Chapel Feast ”. . . .122 XI.—Appointments of the Deans . . . .126 XII.—The names of the Subdeans, Priests, and Gentlemen at Various Coronations . . . . .127 XIII. —Notices appertaining to the Serjeants, Yeomen, Grooms, and other Officers List I. . . . .130 XIV. —Further Notices of the same. List II. . . .134 XV.—Royal Ceremonies . . . . .150 XVI.—Royal and Noble Marriages . . . .160 XVII.—Royal and Noble Baptisms, Churchings, Confirmations, &c. . . . . . . .167 XVIII.—Forms of Prayer, &c. ..... 175THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. I.—Appointments and Obituary Notices of the Sub- DEANS, PRIESTS, OrGANISTS, AND GENTLEMEN.—LIST J* The Subdeanes and Gentlemen succeedinge since the third yeare of the raigne of Queene Elizabeth, Mr. Angell then Subdeajie :— 1561. Mr. Paternoster was sworne gent the 24th of Marche, and Jones, Gospeller, and Thos. Rawlins, Yeoman, A0 3°. 1563. Thomas Wiles sworne genï the 8th of Marche, from Poules, A° 5t0. 1563. Merton died the 22d of September, and Roberte Parsons sworne in his place the 17th of October, A0 5t0. 1563. Mr. Walker was slaine the 27th of November, and Wm. Munday was sworne in his place the 21st of February, from Poules, A° 6t0. 1564. Tho. Sampson was sworne genï in Rie. Farrants roome the 24th of Aprill, from Lincolne, A0 6t0. 1561. Tho. Bird died in Februarie, Clarke of the Checke, and Morcocke made Clarke [of the] Checke, A0 3°. 1563. Rich. Bower died, Mr of the children, A0 5t0. 1566. -Rich. Edwards died, Mrof the children, the last [day of] October * This List extends from f. 5 to f. 14 of the original MS. The entries respecting serjeants, yeomen, and grooms of the vestry hâve been removed to Section xiv. of the présent volume. CAMD. SOC. B2 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF and Wm. Hunnis was made Mr of the children the 15th of November, A0 8°. 1566. Hechins died the 9th daie of November Anno 9°, and Nicholas Morgan was sworne in his place the 9th of De- cember, A0 10°. 1566. Mr. Alsworthe died the 22d of Januarie, and Eobert Greene of Poules sworne in his place the last of the same, A0 10°. 1567. Jo. Denman died the 28th of Maie, and Jo. Addie priest of Lichüeld was sworne in his roome the 27th of June, Anno 10°. 1567. Subdeane Angell died the 17th of August, and Mr. Norrice was sworne Subdeane the last of the same, A0 x°. 1567. Jo. Hottost priest of Poules was sworne the 4th of December in Mr. AngelPs place, A0 11°. 1568. Mr. Norrice, Subdeane, died the 6th of Maie, and Mr. Graves- end was sworne Subdeane in his place the 15th of Maie Anno 10°, and Mr. Hottost substitute at Greenwich. 1568. Wm. Ivett of West Chester was sworne the 18th of June in Mr. Norrice [’s] place, A0 11°. 1569. Subdeane Grevesend died the 8th of Aprill, and Eich. Tirwitt sworne Subdeane in his place the 13th of October Anno 12°. 1569. Eoberte Goodale was sworne the 13th of October, in Mr. Hughe Sully es place, A0 12°. 1569. Mr. Causton died the 28th of October, and Eich. Farrant was sworne in his place the 5 of November A0 12°, from Winsore. 1569. Eoger Centon died the 16th of Februarie, and Nich. Beighton was sworne in his place the 25th of the same A0 13°, from Lichfield. 1569. Eobt. Parsons was drowned at Newwark uppon Trent the 25th of Januarie, and Wm. Bird sworne gentleman in his place at the first the 22d of Februarie followinge, A0 14°, [from] Lincolne. 1571. Henry Alred died the 30th of Marche, and Eich. Granwall sworne gentleman in his place at the first the 8th of Aprill foliowing, A0 14°, from Cambridge.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 3 1571. Robt. Goodale died the 19th of September, and Giles Carott sworne in his place the 13th of October A0 14°. 1569. Mr. Ednye bought James Causters roome and entred into his place the first of October A0 12°. 1573. Dominus Giles Carott pisteler died the 20th of June, and Barth. Mason from Lichfield (minister) was sworne in his place the lOth of October foliowing A0 16°. 1575. Jo. Ridley died the llth of Januarie, and Wm. Bodinghurst of Liclifeeld sworne in his place the 28th of Februarie fol- io winge A0 18°. 1578. John Addie, preist, died the 9th of Febr. and Jo. Savill, y, priest, was sworne in his place the 28th of Marche A0 20°, from Westminster. 1579. Jo. Russell died the 30th of Marche, and Rich. Morrice sworne in his place the first of Aprill followinge A0 21°, from Glocester. 1580. Tho. Raulins died the 22d of August, and Ellis Stempe was sworne genï in his place the 9th of November A0 22°. 1580. Jo. Savill, Priest, was slaine, and buried the 25th of August, and Crue Sharpe was sworne in his place the 9th of Novem- ber A0 22°. 1580. Rich. Farrant died the 30th of Novr., and Anth. Todd sworne in his place the 26th of Febr., havinge allowed Decr. and Januarie before at the Greenclothe, and wages from the deathe of Farrant A0 23°. 1580. Wm. Jones, priest, gospeller, was buried the last of Februarie, X and Leonard Davies from Lichfield sworne gospeller in his place the 15th of Maie, and received paie from the lOth of Marche before, A0 23°. 1581. Roberte Moorcock, clark of the Checke, died the 15th of June, and Edmund Browne sworne in his place the 25th of December A0 24°. 1581. Jo. Moore, clarke of the Check, died the second of October, and Robt. Tallentier sworne in his place the 25th of De- cember A0 24°. b 24 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OF 1581. Wm. Edney died of the Plague the 13th of November, and Thos. Woodson of Poules swome in his place the 25tb of Decr. A0 24°. Note, that tbese three persons bad botbe wages and bord wages from tbe daie of tbe others deathes untill the daie of the swearinge by my Lord Chamberlaines warrant to the Greenclothe. -X1581. Salomon Compton was swome pysteler the 15th of Maie A0 24°, from Cambridge. 1583. Anthony Harrison sworne the of October in Mr. Morrice[’s] roome, who fledd beyond the seaes A0 25°, from Winsore. v 1583. Wm. Maperley died the last of Maie, and Wm. Barnes sworne gospeller at the first in his place the llth of October A0 25°, from Exeter. 1584. Eobert Greene swome Subdeane the 14th of Februarie in Mr. Tirwitts roome. \ 1584. Wm. Eandoll sworne pisteler the 15th of Februarie in Mr. Tirwitt’s roome, from Exôn. 1585* Tho. Tallis died the 23rd of November, and Henry Eveseed swome in his place the last of the same. Childe there. 1585. Jo. Bull sworne the of Januarie in Mr. Bodinghurst[,s] place. Childe there. 1586. Isaak Burgis sworne in Januarie in Mr. Eichmondes roome. 1587. Tymothie Greene sworne the 12th of June in Mr. Gooches roome. 1588. George Waterhouse swome genï at the first in Salamon Comptons [place] in July, who was displaced, from Lincolne. 1588. Edward Pearce sworne the 16th of Marche in Ellis Stempes place. 1589. Eoberte Allisone sworne the 12th of December in Mr. Pal- friman’s place. 1590. Jo. Steevens sworne the llth of August in Mr. Wiles his place.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 5 1591. Jo. Hewlett sworne the 23rd of Maye in Mr. Blithman’s place, ofWelles. 1591. Eichard Plumley sworne the of August in Mr. Ivettes roome. 1591. Anthony Anderson sworne the 12th of October in Mr. Mun- daies roome. 1591. Tho. Goolde sworne the 14th of November in Mr. Beightones roome. 1592. Tho. Morley sworne the 24th of July in Mr. Greene’s roome. 1592. Anthony Anderson sworne Subdeane the 26th of July in Subdeane Greenes roome. 1592. Peeter Wrighte from Westminster was sworne the 23rd of November in Mr. Benbowes place. 1592. Tho. Madoxe was sworne the lOth of Januarie in Mr. Hot- tost’s place, from Heryford. 1593. Anthony Anderson, Subdeane, died the lOth of October and Leonard Davies sworne Subdeane in his place the 15th of the same. 1593. Mr. Laurence from Poules was sworne the 17th of Octr. in Mr. Anderson’s place. 1593. James Davies from Canterburie was sworne the 29th of Januarie in Timothie Greenes place. 1595. Jo. Amery from Norwiche was sworne the 4th of Dec. in Mr. Madoxe [’s] place. 1596. Kobert Paternoster died the last of July, and Eoberte Stuckey sworne in his place the 20th of Aug. from Exôn. 1597. William Hunnis died the 6th of June, Master of the Children, and Nathaniell Giles sworne gent and Master of the Children in his place the 9th of the same, from Winsore. 1598. Eoberte Tallentire died the 15th of August, and Jo. Baldwin sworne in his place the 20th of the same, from Winsore. 1598-1599. Nath. Todd died the of Marche, and Francis Wiborow sworne in his roome the 26th of the same. 1600. Edward Pearce yealded up his place for the Mastership of6 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK the children of Poules, and John Heathman was sworne in his place the 15th of August, from Westminster. 1601. George Waterhouse died the 18th of Februarie, and Arthur Cock from Exôn was sworne the 8th of Marche foliowinge. 1602. Isaack Burgis was drowned in cominge out of the Lowe Countries, and Stephan Boughton (minister from Herifford) was sworne in his place the 25th of Aprill. 1602. George Woodson (from Winsore) was sworne the 7th of October in Thos. Morleyes roome. 1602. Wm. Lawes (from Chichester) was sworne the first of Januarie in Tho. Sharpes place. 1602. Anthony Kirkby (from Canterbury) was sworne the of Marche in John Heathman’s place. 1603. Jo. Wooddeson (from Winsore) was sworne the second of July in Mr. Buckes roome. 1603. Edmund Shergold sworne the first of Januarie in Mr. Barnes[,s] roome. 1603. Edmund Hooper of Westminster was sworne the first of Marche in Mr. RandolFs roome. ' 1604. Arthur Cock died the 26th of Januarie, and Orlando Gibbons sworne in his roome the 21 st of Marche followinge. Xl605. Barth. ]\lason, Priest, died the last of October, and Rich. Coton, Minister, from Winsore was sworne, in his place the 12th of November. 1605. Tho. Woodson solde his place to Wm. West of Canterbury, who was sworne in his place the 20th of Marche. 1606. Edmund Browne died the 27th of Aprill, and Randoll Tinker of Poules was sworne in his place the same daie. 1606. Randoll Tinker died of the Plague the 20th of Sept., and Luke Jones of Poules was sworne in his place the last of the same. 1606. Wm. Laurence died of the Plague the lOth of Novr., and David Henly of Winchester was sworne in his place the third of Decr.OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 7 1606-7. Mr. Granwall died the second of Marche, and Tho. Paine was sworne in his place the 27th of the same. 1607. Edmund Shergold died the 19th of Januarie, and George Cooke was sworne in his place the 21st of the same, from Winsore. 1608. Tho. Goolde died the 28th of July, and John Clarke was sworne in his place the 24th of August followinge. Childe of the Chappell. 1609. Tho. Paine died the 4th of Januarie, and George Sheffield of Durham was sworne in his place the 6th of Feb. followinge. 1609. Roberte Allison solde his place the 8th daie of Februarie unto Humfrie Bâche who was sworne into the same the selfe same daie. 1609. Robest Stuckey died the last of Febr., and Tho. Pearce of Westminster sworne in his place the 24th of Marche. 1611. Wm. Lawes resigned his place the 5th of Maye unto Ezechiell Waad who was sworne into the same that very daie, from Westminsteï. 1611. Richard Plumley died the third of October, and Jo. Frost of Westminster sworne in his place the 5th of November. 1613. Roberte Stone of the âge of iiijxxxvij [97] yeares died the second day of July, and Mathew White, Minister, and a Basse (from Welles), was elected and admitted gospeller in his place at the first the second of November followinge and was sworne the 27th daie of December then next ensuinge: the wages of Mr. Stone from his death to Mr. White’s admission was disposed of by the Deane of his Majestés Chappell. 1613. John Bull, doctor of Musicke, went beyond the seas without licence and was admitted into the Archduke’s service, and entered into paie there about Michaelmas, and Peter Hop- kins a Basse from Poules was sworne in his place the 27th of December followinge: his wages from Michaelmas unto the daie of the swearinge of the said Peter Hopkins was disposed of by the Deane of His Majestés sayd Chappell.8 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK 1614. Mathew White resigned his place unto my Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles Deane of his Majestés Chappell the 25th of September, and Vm. Crosse servant unto our sayd Deane was sworne in his place the 27th day followinge. 1614-15. Henry Eveseed died the 18th of November, and Wm. Heatherfrom Westminster was sworne in his place the 27th of Marche followinge ; the wages in the meane tyme was dis- posed of by the Deane. 1615. John Miners genï was sworne genï in ordinarie the 28th of Marche for the next place in the Chappell, of what parte soever. 1615. John Amyon of Westchester was sworne genï extraordinarie the 13th daie of Aprill. 1615. Thomas Sampson, Clark of theCheck, was drowned the 24th of Aprill and John Myners was sworne in his place the 4th daye of June followinge; and John Hewlett havinge executed the place of Clark of the Check for Mr. Sampson above eight yeares, was allowed to be Clarke of the Check by our Lord Deane and consent of the Company. 1615. John Miners died the second daye of July, and ThomasjDaye was sworne in his place the last of September followinge, the wages disposed by the Deane for that quarter. 1615. John Baldwin died the 28th of August, and Martin Otto was sworne in his place the last of September followinge, by the procurement of our gracious Ladie Queene Ann. 1616. David Henly died the 12th daie of August, and John Greene a secôndary of the churche of Exon was preferred to the place by order of our Lord Deane the 28th of December next foliowing, for a yeare of probacôn of his manners and good behavior, and he to receave the paye of the pisteler, but not sworne his Majestés servaunt in ordinarie, but to the supremacie, and so to stand for one whole yeare. 1616. Walter Porter, by warraunt from the reverend Father in God James Lord Bishopp of Winton and Deane of his MajestésTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 9 Chappell, was sworne genï of his Majestés said chappell in ordinarie, without paye, for the next place that shall happen to be and shall fall voyd by the deathe of any ténor that now is in ordinarie in the said chappell, and tooke and receaved his oathe to that effect the 5th daie of Januarie the yeare abovesaid, and paid for his oathe five poundes and other duties. 1617. John Greene beinge allowed to receave the wages of the pis- teler by the Lord Deane of his Majestés chappells order, and standinge uppon probation of his manners and good behavioyLr for one yeare, did so misdemeane himselfe and also marryed a second wiffe (the first beinge livinge) was tlierfore dismissed from his Majestés service the 28th of September, and Edmund Nellam (Deacon), a basse of the churche of Westminster, was sworne in his roome the 6th of November folio winge. 1617. Peter Wright died the 27th daye of Januarie, and Walter Porter was sworne in his place the first daie of Februarie fol- lowinge. 1619. Roger Ni[gh]tingall was sworne the 29th day of June in ordinary for the next place of a base that shall fall voyd in his Majestés Chappell. 1620. Mémorandum, that of late ther[e] was a question proposed that Jo. Hewlett was not lawfully elected to be clark of the check uppon the death of Mr. Sampson, who died five yeares past, wheruppon ther was a vestery called by Mr. Davies, Sub~ deane, on the 20th of June 1620, and ther[e] by a scruteny he was ellected and allowed to be clerk of the check by the major part of the genï, being then 25 in number. 1620 June 29. Thomas Peirse, servant to the Right Reverend Father in God Lancellott Bishop of Winton and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, was sworne a genï of his Majestés Chappell in Ordinary, to enter into pay uppon the deathe of Mr. James Davies, if he chance to live so longe. 1620. Martin Otto died the 2 ofJuly, and Roger Ni[gh]tingall, camd. soc. c10 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF clerk, a base from Poules, was sworne in his place the 20th day followinge. 1621. John Frost, Clerk, a base from Salisbury, was sworne the 26th day of Aprill in Ordinarie for the next place of a base that shall fall voyd in his Mates Chappell. 1621. Edmund Hooper, Organist, died the 14th daye of July, and Thomas Tompkins, Organist of Worcester, was sworne in his place the second daye of August followinge. 1621. Anthony Harrison, Clark, died the 20th of Februarie, and John Frost, a base and chauntor of Westminster, was sworne in his place the 14th of Aprill 1623; the wages in the meane tyme was disposed of by the Deane for pricking of songes and for a new sett of bookes for the Chappell, and other dis- posinges and allowances by his said Lordship. 1623. Wm. Bird, a Father of Musick, died the 4th of July, and John Croker, a conter ténor of Westminster, was admitted the 24th of December following for a yeare of probacôn of his good behaviour and 'civill carriage, or else to resigne and yeald up the promise graunted to him at the yeares end, and so to receave the wages of the pisteler in the meane tyme. 1623. John Amery died the 18th daye of July, and Kalphe Amner, Clark, a basse from Winsore, was sworne in his place the 16th of December following : the wages in the meane tyme was disposed of by our Lord Deane, &c. 1623. Leonard Davies, Subdeane, died the 9th of November, and John Cooke, a basse from Litchfield, was sworne pisteler in his place the 16th of December following, with this proviso, that the whole wages to the end of the quarter should be given unto Mr. Subdeane Davies[*s] wiffe by our Lord Deane his order. 1623. Stephan Boughton sworne Subdeane the 14th of Decr. in Subdeane Davies[,s] place by my Lord Deane himselfe. 1623. James Davies died the 24th of Marche, and Thomas Peirs was sworne in his place the 26th of the same, in the presenceTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 11 of Rich. Coton, substitute, John Stephens, John Hewlett, Frauncis Wiborow, Wm. West, Eoger Nightingale, Tho. Tomkins, Luke Jones and Ralph Amner. 1625. Mr. Orlando Gibbons, Organist, died the 5th of June, being then Whitsonday, at Canterbury, wher the Kinge was then to receave Queene Mary who was then to com[e] out of Fraunce, and Thomas Warwick was sworne in his place organist the first daie of July foliowinge and to receave the pay of the pistoler. 1625. John Croker died the 25th of Àugust, and George Wooddeson the younger was sworne in his place the 20th of November followinge, pisteler and gospeller, by the death of Mr. John^ Cooke, and lastly genï uppon the death of Mr. Hopkins; the wages in the meane tyme was imployed in pricking of songes by my Lord our Deanes order. 1625. John Cooke died the 12th of September, and Henry Lawes was sworne in his place the first of Januarie followinge, pis- toler, and Mr. Warrick genï, and George Wooddeson, the younger, gospeller, ao above said ; the wages in the meane * tyme was disposed of by our Lord Deane. 1625. Peter Hopkins died the 25th of November, and Mr. Richard Boughton, a base from Winsore, was admitted by warrant into his place the 29th of Aprill 1626; the wages in the meane tyme was disposed of by my Lord of Winchester our Deane. 1625. Mémorandum, that Mr. John Tomkins, Organist of St. Paule London, was sworne extraordinarie gentleman of his Majestés Chappell for the next place of an organist there, or the place of Anthony Kirkby, which of them shall first fall voyde. 1626. Frauncis Wiborowe died at Ely the 28th of October, and John Tomkins, Organist of St. Paule, was sworne in his place the third of November following, pisteler, and Richard Boughton gospeler, and Henry Lawes gentleman. 1626. Mémorandum, that Crue Sharpe died the 21st of December, and Thomas Rayment, a basse from Salisbury, was sworne c 212 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF \ pisteler in his place the 30th daie of Januarie folio winge, and Jo. Tomkins gospeller, and Richard Boughton genï. 1627. Mr. Luke Jones, Clerk, gent of his Majestés Chappell and Subdeane of St. Paules London, died the 18th daie of July, and Richard Sandy, a contra ténor of St. Paules, was sworne ^-pisteler in his place the 19th daie foliowing, and Thomas Raiment gospeller, and Jo. Tomkins genï. 1627. William Heather, Doctor in Musick, dyed the of July, and Thomas Laughton was sworne in his place the of October followinge pisteler, and Master Rayment gent, ; and Richard Sandie gospeller; the wagis in the meane tyme was disposed of by our Lord Deane beeing then Lord Bishopp . of Bath and Wells. 1627. John Hewlet, Clarke of the Check, dyed the llth of Februarie and Nathaniell Pownall was sworne in his place the 12th of the sayd moneth pisteler, and Master Sandy genï, and Tho- mas Laughton gospeller, and John Stephens, by the generall consent of the gent, was elected Clarke of the Check. 1630. Humphry Bâche died the 3lst of Marche, and George Nut- browne was sworne in his place the same daye pistler, Thomas Laughton genï, and Nathaniell Pownall gospeller. 1633. Upon the résignation of Thomas Peerce, Dor of Divinity, Thomas Holmes was sworne in his place, accordinge to the Custome and order of the Chappell, the 17th September. 1638. Thomas Holmes dyed at Salsburye at our Lady Day, and John Hardinge was sworne in his place. 1638. John Clarke dyed the July, and John Cobb was sworne in his place. 1638. John Tompkins dyed the 27th September, and Richard Port- man was sworne in his place. 1660. George Cooke dyed in August 1660, and ’tis supposM Edwd. Braddock was sworn in his place. 1661. Roger Nightingale, one of the Gentlemen of His Majesties Chappell and Confessor to his Majesties household, diedTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 13 November 25, 1661, into whose place as gentleman was ad- mitted Roger Hill, as Confessor Philip Tucker, one of the Gentlemen of his Maties Chappell. 1662. George Yardly, a base from Worcester, was sworne genï of his Majesties Chappell, in the place of George Low, June 7, after a résignation made by the sayd Geo. Low, Yicar Chorall of Salisbury. 1662. Mr. Henry Lawes, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell Royal and Clerke of the Check, died Oct. 21, and in his place was sworne as Gentleman Dr. John Wilson, Dr. of Musick, Oct. 22, and about the same time Mr. Thomas Blagrave was chosen Clerk of the Check. 1663. Mr. John Cave, one of the Gentlemen ofhis Majesties Chappell Royall, goeing home to his lodgeipg upon the 30th of Jan- uary about 7 or 8 of ye clock in the evening, about the new Exchange, was by one James Elliott, a Scott, run through the body, of which wound he departed this life the 16th day of February following 1663; into whose place was sworne Charles Husbands, a counter ténor from Windsor, a pro- bacôner, &c. the 14th day of March 1663. 1663. Mr. William Jackson, Clarke, one of the Gen? ofhis Majesties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 27th day of February 1663; into whose place was re-admitted George Lowe of Salisbury the 12th of March 1663. 1663. Mr. Ralph Amner, Clarke, one of the Gentlemen ofhis Maties Chappell Royall, dyed at Windsor the third day of March 1663; into whose place was sworne Mr. Blaze White, a base, Master of Art[s], the 14th day of March 1663. 1664. Mr. George Lowe, Clarke, one of the Gentlemen ofhis Majties Chappel Royall, dyed at Westminster the 16th day of May 1664. 1664. Mr. Henry Purcell, one his Majesties Gentlemen of the Chappell, dyed the eleventh day of August 1664, in whose place came Mr. Thomas Richardson.14 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1664. Mr. William Hopwood was admitted (a basse from Exeter) in Mr. George Lowes place the 25th day of October 1664, his pay to commence the first of Nov. following: the dead pay was disposed of by our Lord Deane, &c. 1664. Mr. Andrew Carter, a Priest of Salesbury, was sworn Genï of his Majesties Chappell Royall the 16th day of January 1664, and to corne into pay when a the next ténor or counter tenor’s place shalbe voyde. 1666. Mr. Thos. Peers, one of the Genï of his Majesties Chappell Royall, departed this life the tenth of August 1666, in whose place Mr. Carter was sworne the first day of Sept. 1666. 1666. Mr. Henry Smith, a Priest of St. Paul’s London, was sworne Genï of his Majesties Chappell Eoyall the 4th day of October 1666, and to corne into pay when b the next place shalbe voyde. 1666. Mr. Matthew Peniall departed this life the 12th day of January 1666; in whose place came Mr. Henry Smith as above written 1666. 1666. Mr. Thomas Hazard, one of the Genï of his Majesties Chappell Eoyall, departed this life the 23 of January 1666, in whose place was admitted Mr. Pelham Humphrey the next day fol- lowing, and sworne the 26th of Octr. 1667. 1669. Mr. Edward Colman, Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall, de- parted this life at Greenwich on Sunday the 29th of August 1669, in whose place was sworne Mr. Vm. Turner, a counter ténor from Lincolne, the eleventh day of October 1669. 1669. Mr. Edmund Slauter, a base from Windsor, was sworne Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall the 13th day of October 1669, and to corne into pay the next vacancy. 1669. Mr. Andrew Carter, Genï of his Maties Chappell Eoyall, de- parted this life at Salesbury the 18th day of October 1669, in whos[e] place came Mr. Edmund Slauter, a base from Windsor. 1670. Mr. Edmund Slater, Genï ofhis Maties Chappell Royall, de- • “ in ” in MS. b “ in ” in MS.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 15 parted this life the lOth day of Sept. 1670, in whos[e] place was sworne Mr. James Hart the 7th day of November, 1670, a base from Yorke. 1670. Mr. Gregory Thorndale, Genïof his Maties Chappell, departed this life the 17th day of January 1670, in whos place was sworne Mr. Rich. Hart the 26th day of Aprill 1671. 1671. Mr. Durant Hunt, Genï of his Maties Chappell, departed this life at Salesburythe 23 of Aprill, being Easter day, 1671, in whos place was sworne Mr. Andrew Trebeck, a basse from Worster, the 5th day October 1671. 1672. Dr. Walter Jones, Sub Deane of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life at Westminster the 12th day of July 1672. 1672. Capt. Henry Cooke, Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall and Master of the children, departed this life the 13th day of July 1672, in whos place as Master of the children came Mr. Pelham Humfrey, and in his place as Genï of the Chappell was sworne Mr. Burges Howes, a base from Windsor, the 11 th day of September 1672. 1672. Dr. Richard Colebrand was sworne Subdeane of his Maties Chapell Royall the 7th day of Sept. 1672. 1673. Mr. Philip Tynchare, Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall and Confessor, departed this life the ninth of May 1673, into whos place as Gent of the Chappell was sworne Mr. Stephen Crispin, a student of Christ Church in Oxon, the 13th day of May 1673. And upon the first day of November 1675 the said Mr. Stephen Crespion was sworne Confessor to his Maties Houshold. 1673. Dr. John Wilson departed this life the 22nd day of Feb. 1673, in whos place was sworne Mr. Rich. Gadbury, a counter ténor from Windsor, the 16th day of March 1673. 1673. Mr. Roger Hill, Clearke, one of the Genï of his Majties Chappell, departed this life the 2 day of March 1673, in whos place was sworne Mr. John Blow the 16th day of March. 1674. Mr. Pelham Humfrey, one of the Gent of his Majties Chappell /16 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF Royall and Master of the children, departed this life at Windsor the 14th day of July 1674, in whose place as Master of the children came Mr. John Blow, and as Genï of the Chappell was sworne Mr. William Powell, a tennor from Salesbury, the 21 of July 1674. 1674. Dr. Richard Colebrand, Sub Deane of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 28th day of August 1674. 1674. Dr. William Hôlder was sworne Subdeane of his Majesties Chappell Royall the second day of Septr. 1674. Be it re- membred that Dr. William Hôlder was sworne Subdeane by the Lord Chamberlane, at the speciall request of the Deane who was then absent at the Bath. 1675. Mr. Raphell Courteville, Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 28 day of December 1675, in whos place was sworne Mr. Michaell Wise, a counter ténor from Salisbury, the 6th of January 1675. 1676. Mr. William Howes, Gent of his Maties Chappell Royall, de- parted this life the 21st of Aprill 1676, in whos place was sworne Mr. Alphonso Marsh, junr. the 25 of the same month, being S. MarkesDay, 1676. 1676. Dr. Christopher Gibbons, Organist of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 20th day of October 1676, in whos place was sworne Mr. John Chrissostome Dusharroll the 26 day of the same month 1676. 1678. Mr. Charles Husbands, one of the Gent of his Maties Chappel Royall, departed this life at Windsor the 26 day of March 1678, in whos place was sworne Mr. Thomas Hawood the 29 day of March 1678. 1678. Mr. John Dowsing sworn Genï of his Maties Chappel extra- ordinary the 4th of December 1678. 1678. Mr. John Gostling sworn Genï of his Maties Chappell extra- ordinary the 25th of February 1678. 1678. Mr. William Tucker, Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall, de- parted this life the 28 day of February 1678, in whos placeTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 17 was admitted in ordinary Mr. John Gostling, a base from Canterbury, Master of Arts. 1679. Mr. John Abell swom Genï of his Matie8 Chappell extra- ordinary the first of May 1679. 1679. Mr. Burges Howes, one of the Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life at Windsor the lOth day of January 1679, in whos place was admitted Mr. John Abell in ordinary. 1679. Mr. Rich. Gadbury, one of the Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life at Windsor the 18th day of January 1679, in whos place was sworn Mr. Morgan Harris the 20 of Feby. following 1679. 1681. Mr. Alphonso Marsh, Senior, Genï of his Maties Chappel Royall, departed this life the 9th day of Aprill 1681, in whos place was sworne Mr. Leonard Wooddeson the 15th day of August 1681, to enter into pay the first day after Michaelmas following. 1682. Mr. Edw. Lowe, Organist of his Maties Chappel Royall, de- parted this life at Oxford the llth day of July 1682, in whose place was sworne Mr. Henry Purcell the 16th of Sept. 1682, but to take place according to the date of his warrant which was the 14th of July 1682. 1682. Mr. Thomas Purcell, one of the Genï of his Maties Chappel Royall, departed this life the last day of July 1682, in whose place was sworne Mr. Josiah Boucher the sixt day of August 1682, at Windsor. 1683. Mr. Nathaniel Yestment sworne Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall the 28th of June 1683, at Windsor. 1683. Mr. William Hopwood, Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 13th day of July 1683, in whose place was admitted in ordinary Mr. Nathaniell Yestment the 23rd day of July 1683. 1683. Mr. Samuell Bentham sworne Genï of his Maties Chappell Royall the 24th day of July 1683, extraordinary. 1683. Mr. Thomas Browne sworne Genï of his Maties Chappell CAMD. SOC. D18 THE OLD CHEQUE, BOOK OF Royall extraordinary, by yirtue of an Order from the Riglit Reverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London and Dean of his Maties Chappel Royall, &c. 1684. Mr. John Harding, Genï of his Matie9 Chappell Royall, de- parted this life the 7th day of November 1684, in whose place was admitted in ordinary Mr. Samuell Bentham the lOth day of November 1684. 1685. Edward Morton sworne Genï of his Matie® Chappel Royall extraordinary Aprill the 12th 1685. 1685. William Davis sworne Genï of his' Maties Chappel Royall ex- traordinary May the 23d 1685. 1685. John Lenton sworne Genï of his Maties Chappel Royall ex- traordinary November the lOth 1685. 1687. Mr. John Sharole, one of the Genï of His Mties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 5 day of August 1687. 1688. Mr. John James Gâches swom Gentleman of his Matics Chappell Royal ordinary November 8, 1688. 1688. Mr. Henry Smith, one ofye Gentlemen of the Chappell Royall, departed this life May the 23, 1688. 1689-90. Mr. Richard Hart, one of the Gentlemen of the Chappell Royall, departed this life Feb. the 8th 1689-90. 1689. Mr. Thomas Heywood, one of the Gentleman of the Chappell* resigned his place at Michaelmas 1688. King William and Queen Mary. 1689. Mr. Moses Snow was sworne Gentleman of there Majesties Chappell Royall exterordinary [sic] into the first vacancy that shall fall, Dec. the 17, 1689. 1689. Mr. Thos. Linacre sworne Gentleman of there Majesties Chap- pell extordinary [sic], December the 27, into the second vacancy. 1688. Thomas Blagrave, Clerke of the Checke, departed this life the 21 day of November 1688, and Edward Braddocke, one of the Gentlemen of there Majesties Chappell Royall, was chosen Clerk of the Chèque in his place.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 19 1686, Dr. Hôlder, Subdeane of tbere Majesties Chappell Royall, re- signed his place before Christmas in the yeare of our Lord 1689 unto Dr. Battle, who was accordingly sworne Subdeane of the saide Chappell Roy ail, 1689. 1690. Mr. Alixander Damascene was sworn Gentleman of their . Majesties Chappel Royall extraordînary the 6th day of December 1690, bymee R. Battell, S.D. 1691. Mr. John Howell was sworne Gentleman of tbere Majesties Chappell Royall exterordinary the 30th day of August 1691, by R. Battell, S.D. 1691. Mr. David La Count was sworne Gentleman of there Ma- jesties Chappell Royall exterordinary the 31 day of August 1691, by mee R. Battell, S.D. 1691. Mr. William Battle was sworne Gentleman of there Majesties Chappell Royall exterordinary the 10 day of December 1691, by me R. Battell, S.D. 1691. Mr. Symon Corbitt sworne Gentleman of there Ma*1*8 Chap- pell Royall exterordinary the 11 day of December 1691, by mee R. Battell, S.D. 1692. Mr. Snow was sworne Gentleman of there Majesties Chappell Royall the 8 day of Aprill, and admitted in ordinary in the place of Mr. Allphonso Marsh in the year 1692, by mee R. Battell, S.D. 1692. Mr. Allphonso Marsh departed this life the 5 day of Aprill 1692. 1692. Mr. Daniell Williams sworne Genï of there Majesties Chap- pell Royall exterordinary the 16 day of December 1692, by mee R. Battell, S.D. 1692-3. Mr. Charles Greene sworn Gentn of there Majesties Chap- pell Royall exterordinary the 2 day of Jan. 1692-3, by mee R. Battell, S.D. 1693. Mr. John Sayr, a Gentleman of the Chappell Royal, dyed in January 1693, and in succession to him (according to a former president) were sworne Mr. Linacre and Mr. John D 220 THE OLP CHEQUE'BOOK OP Howell into the place of Gospeller, by warrant from tbe Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chappell Eoyall, by mee B. Battell, Sub Dean, Witnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. 1693. Also soon after, viz. Feb. 24, 1693, Mr. Moses Snow was by order and warrant from the Dean of the Chappell advanced to the place of Epistler, and sworn also unto that place by mee E. Battell, Sub Dean, Witnes Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Check. 1693. The same day, viz. Feb. the 24th, Mr. Samuel Bentham, by a warrant from the Eîght Eeverend'Dean, was advanced to the place of a Gentleman of the Chappell in ordinary, and sworn accordingly by mee E. Battell, Sub Dean, Witness Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. 1694. Sept, the 22, 1694, Mr. Moses Snow was sworn into the fui place of a Gentleman of the Chappell Eoyal, by virtue of a warrant from the Eight Eeverend Dean of the Chappel, by mee E. Battell, Sub Dean, Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. 1695. Mr. George Bettenham, one of the Gentlemen of their Majesties Chappell Eoyall, departed this life the 19 day of September 1694. 1694. Mr. George Hart and Mr. Barnes were both sworn Gentlemen of there Maties Chappell Eoyall exterordinary the 10 day of " Sept. 1694, by E. Battle, Sub Dean, Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1694. Mr. John Howell was swome in the place of Epistler in there Maties Chappell Eoyall by warrant from the Eight Eeverend Lord Bishop of London, Deane of the Chappell, the first day of October 1694, by Ealph Battle, Subdean, Witnes Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1694. Mr. Thos. Linacre was alsoe swome Gospeller in their Majesties Chappell Eoyall by warrant from the Eight Beve- x rend Lord Bishop of London, Dean of their Majesties Chap-THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 21 pell, the lst day of October 1694, by Ralph Battle, Subdean, Wittnes Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1695. Mr. Henry Purcell, Organist in his Majesties Chappell Royall, departed this life the 21 day of Novem. 1695. 1695. Mr. Josias Boucher, one of the Gent of his Majesties Chappell Boyall, departed this life the 16 day of Decr 1695. 1695. By virtue of four warrants from the Dean of the Chappel Mr. John Howel was sworn Gent. of the Chappell in a fui place in the room of Mr. Bowcher, Dec. 10,1695, by mee Rh Battell, Wittnes Edw. Braddock. 1695. Mr. Damascene was sworn in a full place of Gentleman upon the death of Mr. Henry Purcell, Dec. 10,1695, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock. 1695. Mr. Charles Barns was sworn into the place of Epistler upon the advance of Mr. Howell, Dec. 10, 1695, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Witt. Edw. Braddock. 1695. Mr. Francis Piggot was sworn Organist extraordinarÿ Dec. 11,1695, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Witt. Edw. Braddock. 1696. Mr. Frost dyed upon the first day of June, upon whose decease Mr. Charles Barns was by a warrant from the Right Reverend the Dean sworn into a fui place of Gentleman of the Chappell, and Mr. George Hart was also sworn Gent. into the pay of Epistler, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Witnes Edw. Braddock. 1696. Mr. John Church was sworn Gentleman extraordinarÿ of his Majtiea Chappell Royall on the 31 day of January 1696-7, by vertue of a warrant from my Lord of London our Right Reverend Dean to mee Rh Battell, S.D., Witnes Edw. Brad- dock, Clerk of the Check. 1697. Mr. Francis Piggott was sworn Organist in ordinary'upon the death of Dr. Child, March the 24, 1696-7 (by vertue of a warrant from our Right Reverend Dean Henry Lord Bishop of London), by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Witt8 Edw. Braddock.22 THE OLD CHEQUE $OOK OF 1697. April lst, Mr. Daniell Williams was swom Gentleman of the Chappell Royall in ordinary and admitted into the fui pay of 73ü per annum in the place of Mr. Stephen Chrispion, whose place became vacant upon his refusai to sign the association (his pay is to begin from Lady Day last past, by order of the Right Reverend Dean Henry Lord Bishop of London) by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. 1697. Mr. James Cob dyed on the 20th of July 1697, and by a warrant from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chappell, Mr, John Çhurch was sworn into his place in fui pay of Gentleman the first day of August, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of Chèque. 1697. Mr. Morgan Harris dyed the 2d of November 1697, and by vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend Dean, Mr. Thomas Jennings was sworn Gospeller on the 8th of November, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1697. Nov. 9, Mr. George Hart was swom into a fui place by virtue of a warrant from the Right Reverend Dean by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of Chèque. 1699. By vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend Dean of the Chapel, dated June 20, 1699, I hâve swom Mr. William Washbourn a Gentleman extraordinary of the Chapel Royal, Rh Battell, S.D. J699. On Feby. 25th Mr. Blaze White, one of the Priests and Gentlemen of the Chapell, dyed, and upon Feb. the 29th Mr. George Hart, another of the Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, dyed. Rh Battell, S.D. It was then ordered that these removes following should bee made, by five warrants from the Right Reverend Dean, granted March the 2d, 1699.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 23 To Mr. Thos. Lynacre to advance to a fui place of' Gentle- man. To Mr. Thos. Jennings to advance to a fui place of Gentleman. To Mr. Thos. Edwards to succeed Mr. White and to bee admitted to the place of Epistler. To Mr. William Washbourn and Mr. John Ratcliffe jointly to succeed to and share the Gospeller’s place; these were ail sworn in by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. 1699. Upon a new establishment of a composeras place for the Chapell Royal Dr. John Blow was admitted into it by a warrant from the Right Reverend Dean, and sworn in by mee Ralph Battell, S.D., Wittness Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Checke. 1699. April 2. By vertue of a warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chapell, Mr. Humphry Griffith was sworn Gentleman extraordinary of the Chapell, by me Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Checke. 1700. July 7. By vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend the Dean of the Chapell Royal Mr. Jeremiah Clerk and Mr. William Crofts were both sworn Gentlemen extra- ordinary of the King’s Chapell (and to succeed as Organists according to merit, when any such place shal fall voyd) by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Cheke. 1700. Dec. 6. Mr. John Freeman was sworn Gentleman extra- ordinary of the Chapell Royall by the Right Reverend the Dean’s order, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Brad- dock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1701. June the 6th. By vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chapell24 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OF Royall, I hâve swora Mr. John Welden Gentleman extra- ordinary of the said Chapell. Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1702. May 8th. Upon the death of Mr. Watkins, a Gentleman of the Chapell, Mr. Stephen Crispion was sworn into a fui place by a verbal order of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Witness Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1702. Mr. Rd Elfford was sworn Gentleman of the Chapel the 2d of Aug. 1702, in an additional place to be added to the estab- lishment, by me Rh Battell, S.D. 1702. Mr. Watkins, one of the Gentlemen of the Chappell Royall, departed this life the 8th day of May 1702. 1702. Mr. Yestment, one of the Gentlemen of the Chappell Royall, departed this life the 23rd of August 1702. 1702. Sept. 5. By vertueof a warrant from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. John Freeman and Mr. Humphry Griffith Gentlemen of the Chappell Royal, joyntly into the place of Mr. Yest- ment, lately deceased, to be divided equally between them. Rh Battell, Wittness Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1702. Mr. Moses Snow, one of the Gentlemen of the Queen’s Chapell, departed this life the 20th of December 1702. 1702. Dec. 23d. By vertue of two warrants from the Lord Bishop of London I hâve sworn in Mr. John Freeman and Mr. Humphry Griffith into (each of them) a fui place in the Chapel Royall, upon the death of Mr. Moses Snow. Ralph Battell, S.D., Wittnes, Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1703. Aprill 14th. Mr. Harper and Mr. Palmer were sworn in Chaplains of St. James, Mr. Richardson also and Mr. Nicholas Phipps, Closet Keeper at Whitehal, byTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 25 order from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean, by mee Balph Battell, S.D., Witnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1704. May 15. Mr. Peggott, organist of her Majesties Chappell Boyall, departed this life May the 15th, 1704. 1704. Mr. Goodgroome, one of the Gentlemen of her Majesties Chappell Boyall, departed this life June the 27th, 1704. 1704. May 25th. By vertue of a warrant from the Bight Beverend the Lord Bishop of London I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. Jeremiah Clark and Mr. William Crofts joyntly into an or- ganisas place vacant by the death of Mr. F rancis Pigott. Bh Battell, S.D., Witnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Chèque. 1707. November the 5th. By vertue of a warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chapell, I bave sworn and admitted Mr. William Croft into an organisas place now become fui (sic) by the death of Mr. Jeremiah Clerk. Bh Battell, S.D. 1708. June the 12th. Mr. Edward Braddock, Clark ofthe Chèque, departed this life the 12th of June 1708, and Daniell Wil- liams, one of the Gentlemen of her Majesties Chappell Boyall, was chosen Clerke of the Chèque in his place. 1708. Mr. Jo. Howell, Gentleman of her Majesties Chappell Boyall, dyed the 15th of July 1708, and Mr. Barnard Gates was sworn Gentleman in his place. 1708. Mr. Humphry Griffith, Gentleman of her Majesties Chappell Boyall, dyed the 14th of Septr. 1708. 1708. Dr. John Blow, Organist, Composer, and Master of the Children, dyed the lst of October 1708, and had hisfull pay for both places to Christmas. 1708. Mr. Edward Braddock, Gentleman of her Majesties Chappell Boyall and Clarke of the Chèque, departed this life the 12th of June 1708, and by vertue of a warrant from the Bight Beverend the Lord Bishop of London I hâve sworne and ad- mitted Mr. John Mason Gentleman ôf her Majesties Chappell G AMD. SOC. E26 THE OLD CHEQUE ;BOOK OF Eoyall in the said Mr. Braddock’s roome. Eh Battell, S.D., Wittness Dan. Williams, Clark of the Chèque. 1708. Mr. John Howell, Genï of her Maj. Chappell Eoyall, dyed the 15tli of July 1708, and hy vertue of a -warrant from the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of her Majesties Chappell, Mr. Bernard Gates was sworn Gentleman in his place, hy me Eh Battell, S.D., Wittness Daniel Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1708. Mr. Humphry Griffith, Gentleman of her Maj. Chappell Eoyall, dyed the 14 of Sept. 1708, and by vertue of a warrant from the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of Her Majesties Chappell Eoyall, Mr. Frances Hughes was sworn Gentleman in his place, by me Eh Battell, S.D., Wittness Daniel Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1708. Dr. John Blow, Organist, and Master of the Children of her Majesties Chapell Eoyall and Composer in ordinary to her Majesty, dyed the first of October 1708, and by vertue of a warrant from the Eight Eeverend thé Lord Bishop of London, Dean of her Maj. Chappell Eoyall, I hâve sworne Mr. William Croft Master of the Children and Composer ; and likewise by vertue of a warrant bearing date the same day Mr. John Weldon was sworn Organist in the sayd Dr. Blow’s place, by me Eh Battell, S.D., Wittness Daniell Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1710. Mr. Charles Barnes dyed on the 2d day of January 1710, and by vertue of a warrant from the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of her Maj. Chappell, Mr. William Battell, Chanter of Westminster, was sworne Gentleman in his place, by me Eh. Battell, S.D., Wittness D. Williams, C. Chèque. 1711. Mr. Ste. Crespion dyed the 25th Novr. 1711, andby vertue of a warrant from the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of Her Majesty’s Chappell, Mr. Edward Aspinwall was sworne Gentleman in his place the first dayTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 27 of January 1711-12, by me Rh Battell, S.D., Wittness Daniell Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1712. Mr. Thomas Richardson, Gentleman of her Majesties Chapel Royall, dyed on the 23d of July 1712, and by vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of her Majesties Chapel, Mr. George Laye, a countra ténor from Windsor, was sworne Gentleman? in his place, by me Rh. Battell, S.D., Wittness Daniel Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1714. Mr. Richard Elford, Gentleman of his Maj. Chapel Royal, departed this life the 29th of October, 1714, and by vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesties Chapel Royal, Mr. Samuel Weely, a base from St. Paul’s, was sworne in hisjplace, by me Dolben, Subdean, Wittness Daniel Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1715. His Majesty having been graciously pleas’d to add four Gentlemen of the Chappell to the old establishment, viz. Mi. Wm. Morley, Mr. Geo. Carleton, Mr. Tho. Baker, and Mr. Samuel Chittle, and by vertue of four several warrants from the Right Reverend Father in God John Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maties Chappell Royall, I hâve sworne and admitted the aforesayd gentlemen Gentlemen in ordinary of his Maties Chappell Royall, to enjoy the same, together with ail priviledges and advantages thereunto belonging. Wittness my hand this 8th day of August 1715, Dolben, Subdean. Dan. Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1715. The Revd. Mr. Andrew Trebeck, Gentleman of his Maties Chappel, dyed the 19th day of November 1715*, and by vertue of a warrant bearing date December the 4th following, from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of His Majesties Chappell Royall, the Revd. Mr. Flintoft from Worcester was sworne Gentleman in ordinary in his E 228 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OF place, by me Dolben, Subdean. Witness Dan. Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1716. The Revd. Mr. John Radcliffe, Confeser and Gentilman in ordinary of his Majesties Chappell Royall, dyed the 29th of October 1716, and on the 9th day of November following the Rev. Mr. Samuel Bentham succeeded the said Mr. Rad- cliffe as Confeser, and Mr./John Gethin as^GenïJn ordinary of the Chappell, and wear accordingly sworne in the same day, being the 9th of Novr. by the Right j[Revd. the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Royall Chappell, Dolben, Subdean. Wittness Dan. Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1717. Mr. Leonard Woodeson, Gentleman of his Majesties Chappell, dyed the 14th day of March 1716-17, and by vertue of a warrant bearing date the 27th day of June, 1717, from the Rt. Revd. the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesties Royall Chapels, Mr. Peter Randall was sworne Gentleman in ordinary by me Dolben, Subdean. Wittnes Daniell Wil- liams, Clerk of the Chèque. , N.B. Aug. 8. 1715. That besides the four additional Gentlemen of the Chappell abovementioned, there were added in King George’s establishment, as follows: viz. a second Composer in Ordinary which place Mr. John Well- don was sworn and admitted into. A Lutanist, which place Mr. John Shore was sworn and admitted into. A Violist, which place Mr. Francisco Goodsens was sworn and admitted into. Ail these three were sworn and admitted into their respective places by me Dolben, Subdean. Wittness Daniell Williams. There was likewise inserted in the aforesaid establishment an allowance to Dr. William Croft (as Master of the Children) of eighty pounds per annum, for teaching the children toTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 29 Write and accompts, and for teaching them to play on [the organ], and to compose musick. Dolben, Subdean. 1718. Mr. James Hart, Gentleman of hi3 Majesties Chappell, dyed the 8th day of May, 1718, and by vertue of a warrant bearing date the 12th day of June foliowing, from the Right Eeverend the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Dean of his Ma]. Royall Chappells, Mr. James Chelsum was sworne Gentleman in Ordinary in his place, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean- Witness Dan. Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. 1717-18. The Eeverend Mr. Edw. Aspinwall, A.M., was sworne Subdean of his Majesties Royall Chappells, in the room of Dr. Dolben, the 20th day of March 1717-18. 1719. Mr. Luke Flintoft, by vertue of a warrant from the Et. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chappels, was sworn Reader in the Chapel of White- hall, in the room of Dr. Mangey, this 9th day of July 1719, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. 1719. Mr. Alexander Damassene, Gentleman of his Majesty s Chapel, dyed the 14th day of July, 1719, and by vertue of a warrant from the Et. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chapels, Mr. Talbot Young was sworn Gentleman in Ordinary in his place, this eight day of August 1719, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. 1719. The Revd. Mr. Thomas Linacre, Gentleman of his Majesties Chapel, dyed the day of 1719, and by vertue of a warrant from the Et. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum^ Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chappels, the Revd. Mr. Thomas Blennerhaysett was sworn Gentleman in ordinary in his place this twenty-first day of September 1719, by me Edw. As- pinwall, Subdean. 1719-20. The Revd. John Henry Winckelhausen, by vertue of a warrant from the Et. Revd. the Lord Bishop of Sarum, Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chapels, was sworn Reader of the Dutch Chapel at St. James’s, vacant by the surrender of the30 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK O F Revd. Mr. Sébastian Yander Eyken, thisfirst day of January 1719-20, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. 1719-20. Mr. Daniel Williams, Gentleman of his Maj^8 Cbapel, dyed the 12tb day of March, 1719-20; and by vertue of a warrant from tbe Rt. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chapels, Mr. Thos. Bell was sworn Gentleman in Ordinary in his place, this 14th day of March 1719-20, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. 1720. Mr. Daniell Williams, Clark of the Chèque, dyed the 12th day of March, 1719-20, and by vertue of a warrant from the Rt. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chapels, Jonathan Smith, Esqre, Serjeant of his- Majesty’s Chappells and Yestryes, was sworn Clark of the Chèque of the said Chappels in his place, this 4th day of Aprill, 1720, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. 1721. The Revd. Mr. John Henry Winckelhausen, Reader of the Dutch Chappell at St. James’s, dyed 21 day of October 1721, and by vertue of a warrant from the Rt. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesties Royal Chap- pells, the Revd. Mr. Sébastian Yander Eyken was sworn Reader of the said Dutch Chappell at St. James’s in his place, this thirtieth day of October 1721, by me Edw. Aspin- wall, Subdean. 1721. Mr. William Morley, Gentleman of his Majesty’s Chappell, dyed Oct. the 29th, 1721, and by vertue of a warrant from the Rt. Revd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesties Royal Chappells, Mr. William Perry was sworn Gentleman in ordinary in his place, this first day of November 1721, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. 1732. Dr. Edward Aspinwall, Subdean of his Majesty’s Chapels, departed this life Aug. the 3d, 1732, and the Revd. Mr. George Carleton, A.M., was sworn Subdean of the said Royal Chapels by the Rt. Revd. Edmund Lord Bishop of London,THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 31 and Dean of his Majesty’s Chapels Royal, on the 16th day of the same month. 1732. By vertue of a warrant from the Et. Revd. the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesty’s Royal Chapels, the Revd, Mr. Richard Howe was sworn into the place of one of the Priests in Ordinary of his Majesty’s Chapels Royal (vacant by the death of the Revd. Dr. Edward Aspinwall) the 3rd day of September 1732, by me Geo. Carleton, Subdean. 1732. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Revd. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesty’s Chapels Royal, the Revd. Mr. Henry Alard Butjealer was sworn into the place or office of one of the ministers of his Majesty’s German Chapel at St. James’s (void by the death of the Revd. Mr. Ruperti), Oct. 22, 1732, by me George Carleton, Subdean. 1732. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Revd. Èdmund Lord V Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesty’s Chapels Royal, the Revd. Mr. James Richardson was sworn into the place or office of Reading Chaplain at the Chapel of Whitehall (void by my own résignation) the 30th day of December in the year of our Lord 1732, by me George Carleton, Subdean. IL—Appointments and Obituary Notices of the Sub- deans, Priests, Organists, and Gentlemen.—List IL The names and sirenames of ail soche as are sworne extra- ordynarye into the Feloship of her Majestés Royall Chappell, sence the 29 of Maye 1592. Eliz. Dominæ Nostræ Reginæ 34. William Phelps of Tewksburye, in the Countye of Glocester, 1592, Maye 29. trayned up in the noble science of musick, for his care [and] kindnes Yhelçs. to Mr. Bull, Organiste in her said Majestés Chappell, was as in gratification therof admitted by our generall consent (Dec. *• John Shepperd, by the consent and order of the Right Worshipfull Doctor Mountague, Deane of the Chappell, the Subdeane and Gentlemen then attendinge, was sworne Gentleman of his Majestés Chappell (extraordinarie), who, at the takinge of his othe, did voluntarilie binde him selfe therby not to sue by any meanes direct or indirect, as by friendes or otherwise, to be admitted into an or- dinarie place of paye in his Highnes sayd Chappell, untill he shalbe called and approved fitt for the same by the Deane, the Subdeane, G 244 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF 1607, Nov. 12. Wm. Beckett sworne Con- fessor. 1609-10, March 24. 1611, May 6. and the major part of the Gentlemen then beynge. And for testi- monie tber of the said John Shepperd hâve heere unto subscribed his name, the daye and yeare above written, in the presence of the Gentlemen then attendinge. John Shepperd. [f. 276.] Be it remembred that uppon the 12th daye of November, Anno 1607, and in the fyfthe yeare of the Kinges Majestés raigne that nowe is, William Beckett, Clarke, Master of Artes, was (by the favoure and free guift of the Right Worshipfull Doctor Mountague, Deane of the Kinges Majestés Hon. Chappell,) sworne Confessor of his Majestés Housholde at Whitehall, the daye and yeare abore written, whose othe was ministred unto him publicklye in the chappell ther by Anthony Harrison, Substitute; who, in testimony therof, subscribeth his name the daye and yeare before written. Anthony Harrison. [f. 296.] Thomas Pearse sworne Pisteler the 24th of Marche, 1609, with this addicôn : You shall also sweare that if you lyve unto the full âge of 21 yeares, that then accordinge to your faithfull promise now made you shall take uppon you the holy order of a Deacon in Godes church, or to procure a dispensacon therby to doe his Majestie the office and dutie of a Deacon in his Royall Chappell, so longe as you shalbe a member of this place. In testimony heerof he subscribed his name the daye and yeare above sayd, per me, Thomam Pearce. [f. 306.] Ezechiell Wade sworne Pisteler the 5th of May, 1611, with this addicôn : You shall also sweare that if you shall live untyll Christmas next, that then or by that tyme, accordinge to your faithfull promise now made, you shall take uppon you the holy order s of a Deacon in Godes churche, therby to doe his Majestie the office and dutie of a Deacon in his Royall Chappell so longe as you shall be a member ofTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 45 this place. In testimony heer of he subscribed bis name the daie and yeare above sayd. Ezech. Waad. [f. 306.] Mena, that uppon the 16th daie of June, Anno Domini 1611, 1611, June 16. Thomas Brasfield, by the order of the Reverend Father in God, James Mountague, Bishoppe of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, was sworne Gentleman of the Chappell ex- traordinaire, who at the takinge of his othe did voluntarily binde him selfe thereby not to sue by any meanes direct or indirect, as by friendes or otherwise, to be admitted into an ordinary place of paie in his highnes sayd Chappell, untill he shalbe called and approved fitt for the same by the Deane, Subdeane, and major part of the gentlemen then beinge. And for testemony therof the sayd Thomas Brasfield hathe hereunto putte and subscribed his name, the daie and yeare above written, in the presence of the gentlemen then at- tendinge. Thomas Brasfield. [f. 28.] Memd that uppon the first daie of October, 1611, Wm. Lawes, by i$uf Oct. 1. the order of the Reverend Father in God, James Mountague, Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, without paie, a parte of whose othe was not to sue to be in ordinarie paye, unlesse he be first lawfully called therunto by the Deane, Sub- deane, and major parte of the Company. In wittnes heerof he hathe subscribed his name the daie and yeare above written, p me, William Lawes. [f. 25.] Mem. that uppon the 28th of Marche, 1615, John Miners, 1615, March gentleman, by order of the Reverend Father in God the Lord ^.g Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, sworne in Or- together with the consent of the gentlemen, was sworne Gentleman nexTplace. ^ in Ordinarie of his Majestés said Chappel for the next place that shall fall voyd there whatsoever, with addicôn unto his othe in this manner, viz. You shall also sweare that if y ou shall live one quarter of a yeare after you shall enter into paye in his Majesties Chappell,46 THE OLD CHEQUE pOOK OF 1615, Api. 13. Jo. Amyon swome Gentle man Extraor- dinary. 1618, June 29. y ou shall then, or by that time, accordinge to your faithfull promise now made, take uppon you the holy orders of* a Deacon in Godes churche, therby to doe his Majestie the office and dutie of a Deacon in his Royall Chappell, so longe as you shalbe a member of this place. Mem. these wordes foliowinge weare delivered in the former part of his othe, viz. which is a gentleman of his Majestés Chappell in Ordinarie,.for the next place there that shalbe voydof what parte soever. In testimonie heerof we hâve heerunto subscribed our names the daie and yeare above written. Leonard Davies, Subdean. Antho. Harrison. Ezech. Waad. Jo. Hewlett. S. Davies. John Amery. David Hinle. George Sheyffeijde. John Wooddeson. Willm. Crosse. [f. 316.] Mem. that uppon the 13th daie of Aprill, 1615, by order of the Reverend Father Lord Bishop of Bathe and Welles, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, John Amyon, of the cittie of West Chester, was sworne Gentleman of his Majestés Chappell Extraordinarie. In testimony wherof I hâve subscribed my name the daie and yeare above written. Stephan Boughton. [f. 32.] Mémorandum, that uppon the 29th daie of June 1618, Francis Sennock, by order of the Right Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishopp of Winton, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, and consent of the Subdeane and Gentlemen then attendinge, was sworne Gentle- man in Ordinary without paye, who, at the takinge of his othe, did voluntarylie bynd himselfe therby not to sue by any meanes direct or indirect, as by friendes or otherwise, to be admitted into an or- dinary place of paie in his Highnes sayd Chappell, untill he shalbe called and approved fitt for the same by the Deane, Subdeane, and major parte of the Gentlemen then attendinge. And for testemony therof the said Frauncis Sennock hath heerunto subscribed his nameTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 47 the daie and yeare above said in the presence of the gentlemen then attendinge. 1618. Fra. Sennocke. [£ 356.] Be it remembred that uppon the 29th daie of June 1619, by order 1619, June 29. of the Right Reverend Father in God Lancellott, Lord Bishop of Winchester, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, Roger Nitingegale, Clark, was sworne Gentleman of his Majtes Chappell in Ordinary, to succead in the place and paye of the next basse that shall happen to die within his Majestés said Chappell, which sayd othe was given by the approbacôn of the Subdeane and gentlemen then attendinge. In testimony wherof we hâve heereunto subscribed our names the daie and yeare above written. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. ÿTathanaell Gyles. Antho. Harrison. George Cooke. Richard Coton. John Amery. George Sheffeilde. George Wooddeson. Jo. Hewlett. Peter Hopkins. [f. 366.] Be it remembred that uppon the 29th daie of June 1620, by order 1620, June 29. of the Reverend Father in God Lancellott, Lord Bishop of Winton, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, Thomas Peirs was sworne Gentle- man of his Majestés Chappell in Ordinarie to succeede in the place and paye of James Davies, when it shall please God to make his place voyd by his death, which sayd othe was given by the appro- bacôn and good likinge of the Subdeane and gentlemen then at- tendinge, beinge 24 in number. In testemony wherof we hâve heerunto subscribed our names the daie and yeare above written. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Antho. Harrison. Orlando Gibbons. Tho. Day. Richard Coton. Tho. Tomkins. Edm. Nelham. Jo. Stephens. Witt West. Jo. Hewlett. George Cooke. John Amery. John Clarke. Geo. Wooddeson. Peter Hopkins* John Wooddeson. Wiftm Crosse. Walter Porter. Roger Nightingal. John Frost. [f. 37.]48 THE OLD CHEQUE, BOOK OF 1621, Api. 26. Be it remembred that uppon the 26th day of Aprill 1621, by Clerk*08^ warrant from the Reverend Father in God Lancellott, Lord Bishop of Winton, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, John Frost, Clark, a base from Salisbury, was sworne Gentleman of his Majestés Chappell in Ordinarie, for the next place of a base that shall fall voyd in the sayd Chappell. And this was don by the approbacion and good likinge of ail the Gentlemen then attendinge. In testimony heerof we hâve heerunto subscribed our names the day and yeare above written. Antho. Harrison, Substitute. John Hewlett. John Amery. [f. 35.] 1629,March 29. Be yt remembred that uppon the 29th daye of March, Anno Exechiell Domini 1629, and in the fifte yeare of the Kinges Majesties Raigne ConfessOT°rne that nowe 'isi Exechiell Waad, Clarke, one of the gentlemen of his Majestés Chappell (by the favor and freeguift of the Right Reverend Father in God William Laud, Lord Bishop of London and Deane ofhis Majesties Chappell, by virtue of his warrant,) was sworne Con- fessor of his Majestés housholde att Whitehall, the daye and yeare above written, whose othe was ministred unto him publickly in the chappell there, by Richard Coton, Substitute, whoe in testimony therof subscribeth his name the daye and yeare above written. Richard Coton, [f 386.] 1636. Mr. John Stephens, Clearke of the Check to the gentlemen ofhis Majtes Chappell, died the 13th of May, and Thomas Day, beeing then Master of the Children, was chosen and sworne Cleark of the Check in his place on Whitson Even foliowing, and Richard Jennings, a base, was sworne in Mr. Steven’s place, the twenteth of Aprill folio wing. [f. 16.] 1660, June. Be it remembred that upon the day of June, Anno Domini Roger Night- 1660, and in the 12th yeare of the reigne of our gracious Sove- CwrfessOT.01116 raigne King Charles the Second, Roger Nightingale, Clerke, one of the gentlemen of His Majesties Chappell, was sworne Confessor of His Majesties Household, [f. 386.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 49 Be it remembred that upon the 29th day of November, Anno i66i, Nov.‘ 29. Domini 1661, and in the 13th yeare of the reigne of our gracious Philip Tinker Soveraigne Lord King Charles 2., Philip Tinker, Clerke, Master of sworne Con- Arts, and one of the gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell, was sworne Confessor of His Majesties houshold by the Bight Worship- full Dr. Walter Jones, Subdeane of his Majesties Chappell Boyall, upon the warrant and free gift of the Bight Beverend Father in God Gilbert Sheldon, Lord Bishop of London and Deane of his Majtie8 sayd Chappell Boyall. [f. 386.] June 7, 1662. At Hampton Courte. Be it remembred that 1662, June 7. Mr. George Yardly was this day admitted and sworne Gentleman of his Majesties Chappell Boyall by our Beverend Subdeane Dr. Walter Jones, in the presence of us whose names are hereunto sub- scribed. Philip Tinker, Confessor to his Maties household. John Sayer, Gentleman of his Maties Chappell Boyall. Tho. Baynes, Seargent of the Yestery. [f. 446.] 1662, Noy. 8. Tho.Blagrave, These are to will and require you that, upon sight hereof, you Ckrijjj® sweare Thomas Blagrave, Gentleman of his Majesties Chappell. Boyall, into the office of Clerke of the Check, voyd by the death of Mr. Henry Lawes lately deceased, and this shall be your warrant. Given at Whitehall this eighth day of November 1662. To Dr. Walter Jones, Subdeane of Gift London, Dean of his his Majesties Chappell Boyall. Matiea Chappell. [f. 386.] 1663, ’Aug. 8. This day was Mr. William Wake admitted and sworne Gentle- man of his Majesties Chappell Boyall into the next place that falls, by our Beverend Subdeane Dr. Walter Jones, in the presence of Capt. Henry Cooke, Master of the Children, &c. The Coppy of my Lord’s Warrant:— Mr. Subdeane. I desire you to sweare William Wake one of the Gentlemen of the King’s Chappell into the next place that falls, CAMD. SOC. H50 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF and this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand this seventh day of August 1663. Gift London. Dean of his Matie8 Chappell. [f. 446.] 1672, Sept. il. Mr. Subdeane. I desire you to sweare Burges Howe one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell into the place of Capt. Cooke lately deceased, and this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand this llth day of Sept. 1672. Walt. Wigorn. Deane of his Matiea Chappell. [f. 45.] ■ -» 1674, July 21. July 21, 1674. On which day Powell, Clerk, Bachelor of Arts, was sworne and admitted Gentleman of his Maties Chappell Boy ail, into the place of Pelham Humfrey lately deceased, by the Right Reverend Father in God Walter Lord Bishop of Worcester and Deane of his Majesties said chappell. In the presence of J. Price, Pub. Notary. [f. 45.] 1675-6, These are to certifie that John Billon La marre is sworne and Fcfov. 19. . . admitted in the place and quallity of one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty’s Chappell Royall in ordinary, by vertue of which place he is to enjoy ail rights and priveledges thereto belonging. Given under my hand and seale the 19th of February 1675-6, and in the 28th yeare of his Majesties Reigne. H. London. Dean of his Majesties Chappell. [f. 45.] 1712-13. Doctor Ralph Battell, Subdean of Her Majesty’s Chappells, de- parted this life March the 20th, 1712-13, and the Rev. Mr. John Dolben, A.M. of Christ Church, Oxon, the only son of Sir Gilbert Dolben, Bart. was sworn Subdean of the said Royal Chapells, by the Right Revd Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London and Dean of Her Majesties Chapells Royal. [f. 15 ] 1727, Nov. 22. This is to remember, that on account of the great âge and in- firmities of the Revd Mr. John Gostling, Priest in ordinary of hisTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 51 Maj. Eoyal Chappell, living at Canterbury (being a Minor Canon of that Metropolitan Church), wbereby he was altogether unable to perform a journey up to London in order to be sworn and admitted into the Chappell Eoyal as newly confirm’d by his Maj. King George the Second, I did, with the approbation of the Et. Eevd Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the said Chappel Eoyal, commission the Eevd Dr. Elias Sydall, Prebendary of the Church of Canterbury, in résidence there, to administer the oath of ad- mission into the Chappel to the said Mr. John Gostling, by virtue of a warrant directed to me by the abovesaid Lord Bishop of London, to swear to admit the said Mr. Gostling into the chappel. N.B. The commission by me sent to the Eevd Dr. Sydall was written on paper stamped with sixpenny stamps. Given under my hand this 22d day of November, Annoque Domini 1727. Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. [f. 556.] Mr. John Weldon died May the 7th, 1736, and by virtue of a 1736 warrant from the Eight Eeverend Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. William Boyce into his place of Composer, June 21st, 1736. Geo. Carleton, Subdean. By virtue of a warrant bearing date the same day Mr. Jonathan Martin was sworn and admitted Organist in the said Mr. Weldon’s place by me Geo. Carleton, Subdean. [f. 576.] Whereas the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London, Dean 1736) jllne 21. of his Majesty’s Chapels Eoyal, has appointed William Boyce to be C.omposer, and Jonathan Martin to be organist of the said chapels; and whereas the place of Organist has much more duty and attendance belonging to it than the place of Composer (both which were enjoyed by Mr. Weldon lately deceas’d, during whose long indisposition the two places were joyntly supply’d by the two persons aforesaid), I the said William Boyce do promise and H 252 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF agréé that so long as I shall continue in the place of Composer, I will perform one third part of the duty and attendance belonging to the Organist, provided that I am allow’d one third part of the travelling charges belonging to the place. And I Jonathan Martin promise to compose Anthems or services for the use of his Majesty’s Chapel whenever required by the Subdean for the time being. In witness whereunto We hâve set our hands this twenty-first day of June 1736. William Boy ce. Jona. Martin, [f. 58.] 1736, Dec. 8. December 8, 1736. By virtue of two warrants from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworne and admitted the Eeverend John Higgate, Master of Arts, into the places and offices of Confessor of His Majesty’s Houshold, and Priest in Ordinary of his Maj. Chapel Royal, vacant by the death of the Reverend Mr Abraham Sharp. Geo. Carleton, Subdean. x[f. 585.] 1736, Dec. 15. By virtue of a warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. Francis Rowe into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapels Royal, now vacant by the death of Mr. John Freeman. Geo. Carleton, Subdean. [f. 585.] 1737, May 10. May the lOth, 1737. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Revd Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. John Travers Organist of the said chapels in the room of Mr. Jonathan Martin deceas’d. Geo. Carleton, Subdean. [f. 575.] 1737, May 27. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund the Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworne and admitted the Revd Mr. James Serces into the place of MinisterTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 53 of the French Chapel in St. James* Palace, vacant by the death of the Eevd Mr. Philip Ménard. Geo. Carleton, Sub-Dean. [f. 586.] By virtue of a warrant from the Et. Eevd Edmund Lord Bishop 1737> gept 21 of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworne and admitted the Eevd Mr. Francis Flahault into the place of Eeader of the French Chapel, vacant by the death of the Eevd Mr. Declaris. [f. 586.] By virtue of a warrant from the Eight Eevd Edmund Lord 1739. Bishop of London, Dean of His Majesty’s Chapels Eoyal, the Eevd Mr. John Smith was sworn into the place of one of the Priests in ordinary of his Majesty’s Chapel Eoyal (vacant by the death of the Bevd Mr. Eichard Powell), the 30th day of March 1739, by me, Geo. Carleton, Subdean. [f. 15.] By virtue of a warrant from the Et. Eev. Edmund Lord Bishop 1740, April 4. of London, Dean ofhis Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and ad- mitted Mr. Prince Gregory into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapel Eoyal, vacant by the death of Dr. William Turner. Geo. Carleton, Sub-Dean. [f. 59.] By virtue of a warrant from the Et. Eev. Edmund Lord 1740-1,Jan.29. Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. Anselm Baily into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapel Eoyal, vacant by the death of Mr. John Church. Geo. Carleton, Sub-Dean. [f. 59.] By virtue of a warrant from the Et. Eev. Edmund Lord 1741-2, Jan.18. Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. Peter Gillier into the place of Yiolist of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, vacant by the death of Francisco Goodsens. Geo. Carleton, Sub-Dean. [f. 59.]54 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OF 1742, May 21. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and ad- mitted the Revd Mr. Bernard Diemel into the place or office of Preacher of the Dutch Chapel, within the Palace of St. James’s, vacant by the death of the Revd Mr. Phineas Philibert Pielat. Geo. Carleton, Sub-Dean. [f. 59.] 1743, May 10. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royel, I hâve sworn and ad- mitted Mr. William Richardson into the place of Gentleman of ,his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of Mr. Thomas Bell. Thos. Baker, [f. 595.] 1743, Aug. 15. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and ad- mitted Mr. Nicholas Ladd into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of Mr. James Chelsum. Thos. Baker, [f. 595.] 1743, Nov. 12. By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and ad- mitted Mr. Thomas Vandernan into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of Mr. Samuel Weeley. Thos. Baker, [f. 595.] M43 13 virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and admitted the Rev. Mr. Anselm Baily into the place of Priest in Ordinary of his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of the Reverend Mr. John Abbot. Thos. Baker, [f. 595 ] 1743-4, By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop Mar. 13. q£ j^ondon, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and admitted the Revd Mr. Henry Evans into the place of Priest inTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 55 Ordinary of his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of the Reverend Mr. John Abbot. Thos. Baker, [f. 596.] By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. Robert Wass into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the résignation of Mr. Anselm Bayly. Thos. Baker, [f. 596.] By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop 1744, Api. H. of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworne and admitted Mr. Ben. Mence into the place of Gentleman of his Maj. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of Mr. Francis Hughes. Thos. Baker, [f. 60.] By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop 1744, Api. 14. of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworne and admitted Mr. William Savage into the place of Gentleman of his Mai. Chapels Royal, vacant by the death of Mr. Francis Hughes. Thos. Baker, [f. 60.] By virtue of a warrant from the Rt. Rev. Edmund Lord Bishop 1744, Dec. 11. of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Royal, I hâve sworn and admitted the Rev. Mr. Michael Nollet into the place of Reader of the French Chapel in St. James* Palace, vacant by the death of the Revd Mr. Francis Flahault. Thos. Baker, [f. 60.] III.—The Disposal of Payments due to Deceased Gentlemen* How the dead paies hâve bin allowed and disposed of after the deathes of the Gentlemen of the Chappell. 1568. Wm. Ivett from West Chester was sworne gentleman the * This List occupies f. 1 and the reverse in the original MS.56 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1581. 1581. 1581. 1582. 1613. 1613. 9 17 0 xviijth of June, in Mr. Norrice[V] place, being allowed ail June bord wages by tbe Green cloth for bis paines and charges, and xviij daies for quarter’s wages. Richard Farrant died the xxxth of November, and Anthony Todd was sworn yeoman in his place the xxvjth of Februarie, being allowed the bord wages for December and Januarie before by the Green cloth, and the wages from the death of Farrant. Crue Sharp sworne gentleman ye xxvjth of Februarie, and received wages for Januarie. Mr. Leonard Davies, minister from Lîchfield, was sworne Gospeller in Mr. Jones[V] roome the xvth of Maye, and re- ceived paye from the xth of March before, by warrant from the Lord Chamberlaine. Edmund Browne, Tho. Woodson, and Robt. Tallentire were sworne gentlemen the xxvth of December, in Mr. Morcock’s roome, in Mr. Ednie’s roome, and in Mr. Moore’s roome. And these three persons had both wages and bord wages from the day of the others* deathes, untill the day of the swearing by warrant from the Lord Chamberlaine unto the Green cloth, out of the which the Clark of the Check had of each of them xx®. Robert Stone died the second of July, and Matthew White was admitted Gospeller by his death tlie 2d of November fol- io wing ; the wages in the meane time was disposed of by the Right Reverend Father in God James Lord Bishop of Bathe and Welles, Deane of his Majesty’s Chappell. Jo. Bull, Doctor of Musick, went beyond the seaes and served the Archduke at Michaelmas, and Peter Hopkins was sworne in his place the xxviijth of December folio wing ; the wagis in the mean time was disposed of by the aforesaid Deanè in this sort, viz. to Mr. Cotton xx®. To Mr. Gibbons iijü vj® viijd. To Mr. Hooper iiju vj® viijd. To the co[mmon] servant ij® vjd; and to the Clark of the Check the resfc, which was xlj®i >d.THE GHAPEL ROYAL. 57 1615. Tho. Sampson, Clark of the Check, was drowned the 24th of Aprill, and Jo. Mlners was sworne in his place the iiijtlA of June foliowing, the wages was disposed of by the Deane from Mr. Sampson’s death unto the end of June folio wing unto Mr. Sampson’s wife. 1615. Jo. Myners died the second of July, and Tho^Daye was sworne in his place the last of September following. The 8U 2* 6d. wages in ye meane tyme was disposed of by our Lord Deane in this sorte, viz. to Mr. Daye v11. To Mrs. Sampson, to make my Lord’s guift to her x11, the some of xxxs, and to the Clerk of the Check xxxij8 vjd. 1616. David Henly died the xijth of August and Jo. Greene was preferred to ye place by order of our Lord Deane the xxviijth of December followinge : the wages was disposed of in the 8U 2® 6d meane tyme by the Deane in this sort, viz. to Jo. Greene iiju, to Mr. Coton xx8, to Mr. Henlies father and mother xls, to the Clark of the Check xvÿ8 vjd. 1617. Jo. Greene was dismissed from his Majtes service the xxviijth of September for his ill behaviour, and for marrying of two wives, and Edmund Nelham was sworne in his place the vth 4» 10* 6d. of November followinge : the wages in the meane tyme was disposed ofby the Deane in this sort, viz. given to Mr. Coton xxs. Item, to Greene hostis [sic] by my Lordes order xxxs. Item, to Mr. Nelham vijs ixd. Item, to Mr. Subdean iij 3 iiijd. Item, to the Comon servant for wages xviij. Item, to ye Clark of the Check the rest xxvij3 xjd. S[umma] v11 vjs. 1621. Anthony Harrison, Clark, died the 20th of Febr. and Jo. Frost was sworne in his place the xiiijth of Aprill 1623: the wages in the meane time was disposed of by the Right 34» 13*. Reverend Laurence Bishop of Winton, and Deane of the Chappell, in this sort, viz. to Mr. Amn[er] for attending in the vacacôn xx8. To Mr. Frost, who succeaded in the place iij11. To the Clerk of the Check iiij11, and the rest CAMD. SOC. I58 THE OLD CHEQUE ,BOOK OF H» H» 13» 10* 6d. 61' 15» 6d. for bookes and prick[ing] of songes for the Chappell as ap- peres winch is xxvjü xiij8. 1623. Wm. Bird died the iiijth of July, and Jo. Cr[oker] was admitted into his place the 24th of....* foliowinge ; the wages in the meane ty[me were] disposed of by the foresayd • Bishop our [Deane in] this manner, viz. : to Mr. Richard Bough[ton ?] sent for to be herd uppon the death of [Mr.] Davies xx8. To the Clark of the Ch[eck] .... To Mr. Steephens the xxixth of May , . . parte for pricking of a sett of bookes for the .... iijü iij8. To him thethird of Decem- ber .... for pricking in the bookes iijü xij8. Item, for ij quire of ruled [paper]. Item, paid for a reame of ordinary paper vs. Item, Mr. Stephens the third of May 1627 for paper, pricking 20 smale bookes for the Chappell iijü ij8. 1623. John Amery died the 18th of July and Ralph Amn[er], a base from Winsor, was sworne in his place the xvjth of December following : the wages in the meane tyme was disposed of by our Lord Deane, viz.: allowed by his Lordship for the charge of the gentlemen and children for iij choches [coaches?] and boat hire from Westminster to Harmonsworth to the funerall of Subdean Davies, as by bill, vu xd. To the Clerk of the Check xl8. To Mr. Stephens for pricking as in the next before iij11. 1623. Mr. Leonard Davies, Subdeane, died the ixth of November, and John Cooke was sworne in his place the xvjth of Decem- ber folio winge, with this proviso, that the wages to the end of the quarter should be given to Mr. Subdeanes wiffe by my Lord our Deanes order. 1625. John Croker died the 25th of August and George Wooddeson the yonger was sworne in this place the 20th of November following ; the wages in the meane time was disposed of in this sort, viz. : given to Jo. Croker’s wyddow xlvj8. To Mr. Tomkins xl8 for composing of many songes against the coro- * This leaf of the MS. is, unfortunately, much dilapidated, and in parts tom away.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 59 nacôn of Kinge Charles. To Mr. Stephens for pricking those songes xxx8. To the Clerk of the Check the rest, which is xixs vjd. 1625. John Cooke died the xijth of September, and Henry Lawes was sworne in his place the first of Januarie foliowinge. The wages in the meane tyme was disposed of by my Lord Deanes order in this sorte, viz. : given to Jo. Cookes wid- dowe xlvij8. To Mr. Stephens towards the pricking of songes in the sett of bookes iiij11 x8. To the Clark of the Check the rest, xxvj8. [1625?]. Peter Hopkins died the xxvth of November, and Richard Boughton was sworne in his place the 29th of Aprill 1626; the wages in the meane tyme was disposed thus: To Mr. Stephens, in full paiment of xxxvjü ix8, for pricking the said sett of bookes xjü xix8, and to the Clark of the Checke the rest, which is xxj8 ixd. IV.—Records of Suits for Additional Pay. Wheras it is intended that we, Leonard Davies, Subdeane, and ail the Gentlemen of the Chappell now beinge, will become suters to her Majestie for the obtayninge of some gifte or graunte which may be for the yearly increase of our livynges. And wheras it is thought inconvénient that ail the body of the company should take paines and follow the saide suite: We, therfore, whose names are subscribed, doe by this our acte aucthorise and allowe our saide Sub- deane and sixe of the auntientes of our companie (moste commonly waytinge) firste to graunte and geve to one Mr. Hills, of London, gentleman (at whose handes we doe receive the suite that we hope to obtayne of her Majestie), suche consideracôn or yearlye parte or pencôn issuinge out of the proffittes of the same sute (when it shalbe obtayned) as he our Subdeane ^nd those sixe of our felowshipj I 2 1595-6. Jany 20.60 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF 1604. Dec. 6. The Lord Charles Ha- ward, High Admirall, the Lord Tho. Ha- ward, Lo. (joyned with him) shall thinke convenient: And further, we hereby aucthorise and allow our Subdeane and those sixe his assistantes or associâtes to doe any acte or thinge whatsoever wherby our suite may be by them tke rather obtayned, and also to geve in rewarde to sucbe persons wbom tbey shall fynde readie and willinge to helpe and further the same our suite suche sorae and. somes of money as shall seeme good in their discrétions : Provided alwaies, that those consideracôns and rewardes shall not be demaunded nor taken out of the wages of the Gentlemen of the Chappell, but shalbe paide of the firste proffittes which should corne to our companye by meanes of the suite which shalbe delivered us by Mr. Hills, and geven and graunted to us by her Majestie : And, further, also, we doe ordayne that whosoever of our felowship of the Chapple shall refuce to agréé and to subscribe to this order and acte (beinge therto required) shall not be partaker with us of the benefite which shall arise to us by the suite, when it is obtayned. In witnes that we, whose names are under written, hâve agreed to confirme every parte of this our acte we hâve subscribed therto this 20th day of Januarie Anno Do mini 1595, et Anno Tricesimo octavo Eegni Reginæ Dominæ nostræ Elizabethæ. By me Leonard Davies, Subdean. Thomas Sampson. Anthony Todd. Anthony Harrison. Richard Granwall. Robert Tallentyer. William Barns. Crue Sharpe. William Randall. Thomas Madokes. Thomas Woodsonn. George Waterhouse. William Lawrence. Robert Allison. Petor Wryght. Tho. Goolde. [f. 236.] The Tyme of the Chapples Augmentacôn, quinto Decem. 1604. Be it remembred by ail that shall succeede us that in the yeare of our Lord God (1604) and in the second yeare of the reigne ôf oure most gracious soveraigne Lord James (the first of that name)THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 61 by the grâce of God, of Great Brittaine, Fraunce, and Ireland, Chamberlaine, Kinge. After a long and chargable sute continued for increase of Haward, Earle wages, in tbe end by the furtherance of certaine honorable persons ^nN^hLoiP" (named in the margent) Comissioners, and by the speciall favour and Cicill, Vis- help of the Right Worshipfull Doctor Mountague, Deane of the£°™*^?^ Chappell then beinge, and by the great paynes of Leonard Davies, Knowles, Subdeane, and of Nathanaël Gyles, then Master of the Children, with Houshold. other auntientes of the place, the Kinges most excellent Majestie of his Royall bountye and regard pleased to ad to the late inter- tainement of the Chappell ten powndes per annum to every man, so increasinge there stipendes from thirtie to fortie powndes per annum, and allso augmented the twelve childrens allowance from six pence to ten pence p diem : And to the Sergeant of the Yestrie was then geven increase of xu per annum, as to the gentlemen, and to the two yeomen and groome of the vestrie the increase of fower pence per diem as to the twelve children: His Royall Majestie ordayninge that these severall increases should be payde to the members of the Chappell and vestrie in the nature of boardwages for ever. Now it was thought meete that seeinge the intertainement of the Chappell was not augmented of manye yeares by any his Majesties progenitors Cursed be the (Kinges and Queenes raigninge before his Highnes), that therefore taket^tîüs his Kinglie bountie in augmenting the same (as is before shewed) leafe out of i i j i . i i ii ' tbis booke. should be recordid, to be had ever m remembrance, that therby not Amen. only wee (men and children now lyevinge), but ail those allso which shall succeede us in the Chappell shuld daylie see cause (in oure most devoute prayers) humblye to beseech the Devine Majestie to blesse his Highnes, oure gracious Queene Ann, Prince Henrie, and ail and everye of that Royall progenie, with blessinges both spirituall and temporall, and that from âge to âge and everlastinglye, and let us ail praye Amen, Amen. The names of the gentlemen lyvinge at the tyme of this aug- mentacôn graunted:—62 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OF Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Barthol. Mason, Antho. Harrison, Robert Stuckey, Steven Boughton, William Lawes, Antho. Kerbie, Cbaplaines. Doctor Bull, Organist. Nathanaell G y les, Master of the Children. Tho. Sampson, Clearke of the Checke. Robert Stone. Willm Byrde. Rychard Granwell. Crue Sharp. Edmund Browne. Tho. Woodson. Henrie Eveseede. Robert Allison. Jo. Stephens. Jo. Hewlett. Rychard Plumley. Tho. Goolde. Peter Wryght. Will. Lawrence. James Davies. Jo. Amerye. Jo. Baldwin. Francis Wyborow. Arthur Cocke. George Woodson. Jo. Woodson. Edmund Shirgoold. Edmund Hooper. Harrye Allred, Groome. [f. 31.] The Officers of the Vestrie then were— Ralphe Fletcher, Jo. Patten, j Seargeant. Robert Hewes, - Yeomen. Y.—Orders, Decrees, and Reprimands, referring to Gentlemen, &c. 1592, Jane 18. A perpetuall decrye made in a Chapter holden at Greenwich by Anthonye Anderson, Substitute for the présente of her Majestés Chappell Royall, and the reste of the Worshippful Companye the gentlemen thereof there assembled in the vestrye, the 18. of June, 1592. Eliz. 34. Be it knowne to ail our felows worshippful companye, as well for the présente as the tymes herafter, for ail tymes to corne, that in dewe considération of our moste bounden dewties to God our heavenly Father, to our dread Soveraigne Ladye the Queenes Majestie, and the contynuance of deserved creditt to the sufficient service of God and her Majestie, in her sayd Chappell, as also in respecte that the charges or gratulation of the parties admitted hath hitherto bene of so small valewe that sondrye (some of whom not so fitt as themselvesTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 63 and frends supposed for so honorable a service,) hâve attempted to obteyne favour to be extraordinarye of our sayd Companye, and happelye some hâve attayned by means therunto. We nowe, in a solemne chapter assembled, havinge dewe care of the prémisses, hâve in full consente determyned and decried that no person or persons, of what qualitie, deserte, or place soever, shalbe admitted by our consentes into our sayd companye extraordinarye herafter at any tyme but in and by the common consente by voyces in the chapter where and whensoever the Courte shall then be, and the oathe to be administred to the partie so chosen and admitted only by the Subdeane, or his Substitute, in the presence of thre at the leaste of the companye : And forther it is also by the same com- panye in chapter decried, that everye person or persons that herafter the date herof shalbe at their suicte (not called by the companye to our societie) admitted by oathe extraordynarye into our feloship, shall paye, or cawse to be payd, presently at and upon his sayd sub- mission, subscription, and admission, the some of five poundes of lawfful Englishe moneye to the officer présente, or the Clercke of our Checke, for and to the use of the sayd companye, as by the officer and clercke aforsaid shall from tyme to tyme be thoghte con- venyente. In witnes wherof, and of the whole prémisses, and everye parte of them, we of the sayd companye, Chaplens and Gentlemen of her Majestés sayd names, the 18. daye of June, 1592. xxxiiij0. Greenwich. Chappell, hâve subscribed our Eliz. Dominæ nostræ Reginæ Anth. Anderson, Substitute. Leonard Davies. Anthony Harrison. William Randall. George Waterhouse. Jo, Hewlett. Thomas Sampson. Robert Stone. Richard Granwall. Robert Tallentyer. Anthony Todd. Henry Eveseede. Isaac Burges. John Stephines. Richard Plumley. Thomas Golde. [f. 19.]64 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF Dec. 2,1592. Eliz. 35. Be it knowne, to whomsoever it may concerne, that in a chapter holden by us, the Subdeane, Chaplens, and Gentlemen of her Majestés Cbappell Eoyall, in full porpose to avoyde a great incon- venience very moche hertofore offred, to the no small hinderance of her Majestés service in her sayd Chappell. That whosoever of us whose names be underwritten shall at any time herafter, eyther when any place shalbe voyd in the sayd chapel, or beffore by him- selffe, or with or by other or others in any sorte make frends, mocion, sewte, or private labor, to the Right Honorable the Lord Chamber- len, or to anye others by whose favor his honor might be supposed to graunte the request for any place with us, not havinge therto the consent, firste of the Subdeane for the tyme beinge, and the moste voyces of the companye in a chapter then of porpose to be holden, shall fforfeite to the use of us the sayd companye the somme of x11 of lawffull Englishe moneye, which sayd some of ten poundes we do apointe, graunte and décrié shal by the Subdean’s apointment be stayd in the hands of the Clerke of our Check, and by him kepte to the use of the sayd companye from any and everye soche offender againste this wholsome and convenient order, from tyme to tyme herafter, owt of his bordwaiges els by him to be receyved. And if it shall happen any soche offender or offenders agenst this ordinance, or any parte therof, to use any means to be eased of this penaltie or to frustrate this order otherwyse then by a like common consent of our said companye, or to take up by any means his sayd waiges, or any parte therof, at Mr. Cofferer’s office or elswhere, wherbye the sayd forffett of ten pounds, or any parte therof, sholde be deteyned from the use aforsaid, besides that he shall knowe that he is wil- linglye perjured, violatinge his former corporall oathe, he shall for that offence also forfett to the sayd Subdeane and this companye aforsaid the some of other 10ü of like Englishe money. In witnes wherof we hâve subscribed our names voluntarylye in the said chapter holden at Hampton Courte, in the vestrve there, the 2. daye of December, 1592. Eliz. xxxvth.THE CHAPEL ROYAL* 65 î. Antli. Anderson, 12. Isaac Burgess. Subdeane. 13. Tymothe Greene. 2. Bartholomew Mason, 14. Edw. Pyers. Clerke. 15. Robert Allison. 3. Leonard Davies, Clerke. 16. John Hewlett. 4. Thomas Sampson. 17. Richard Plumley. 5. Richarde Granwall. 18. Tho. Goolde. 6. Crue Sharpe. 19. Tho. Morley. 7. Robert Tallentyer. 20. Peter Wryght. 8. Thomas Woodsonn. 9. William Randall. 10. George Waterhouse. 11. John Stephines. John Bull. Antho. Harrison. Anthony Todd. [f. 20 5.] The same daye, in the same chapter there and thén holden, as Dec. 2,1592. before on the former leaffe is sayd, it was also by the common Eliz* consent of the Subdeane, Chaplens and Gentlemen of her Majestés said Chappell, it was decreed, determyned and ordred for the better service of her Majestie, that as well ail and everye of us of the sayd Chappell, as any of the vestrye which shall for that tyme kepe the dore, or any other of them, that may or do heare us, or any matter of what nature soever talked uttered or concluded in any chapter by us at any tyme herafter, shall to any person or persons utter and reveal the same, or any our lawffull secrets there con- cluded, by the way of reporte, talke, reproche, complainte, pré- judice or otherwise to the said companye, of conclusion, matter or matters, person or persons, comprised or concluded, or included, in any the said chapters, shall, for the firste offence, forffett to the use of us, the sayd companye, the somme of vs, and for the second offence shall forfet the somme of xs, and if it shall apeare to the Subdeane for the tyme beinge, eyther by the parties owne confession, or by sufficient witnes, or by the open action, that the said partie or parties do offend in the prémisses the thirde tyme, then the sayd Subdeane, at his discrétion, shall take his surplese from him, dismiss him of CAMD. SOC. K66 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF his place whatsoever, tyll he may fynde forther favor of the Kîght Hon. the Lord Chamberlen from tyme to tyme herafter. In witnes wherof we hâve subscribed our names the daye and yere above men- cyoned. Anth. Anderson, Subdeane. BartholomewMason, Clerke. Leonard Davies, Clerke. Thomas Sampson. Richarde Granwall. Crue Sharpe. Thomas Woodsonn. Robert Tallentyer. George Waterhouse. William Randall. Tymothe Greene. Edw. Pyers. Robert Allison. John Stephines. John Hewlett. Tho. Goolde. Richard Plumley. Tho. Morley. Peter Wryght. Isaac Burges. John Bull. Antho. Harrison. Anthony Todd. [f. 21.] April 13,1593. The 13. daye of Aprill 1593, in a chapter holden at St. James’ Eliz. 35. Up0n an unkinde faction begon by sondry of the companye abowt againstfpre- the deverse manner of oathe taken (as they affirmed), it was pre- tensed oathes, sently by the Subdean, Anthony Anderson, geven to a perpétuai proved forP continuance in commaund that, sence every Chaplen, Gentleman of aiuUoprohibit ^happel, an^ others of the vestrye hâve, by coreporale oathe, soche unlaw- sworne their obedience to the Deane, Subdeane, and to his Sub- SmïeÏÏ stitute in al things for their government in the better service of her visable dewtie Maîestie as apereth in the oathe followinge, that none nor any of to her MaitIe in J r ® J her Royal them herafter at any time shold départe from the Courte and Chap- hertofore^ Pe^ any one ^ay, without spécial licence of the Subdeane for the hathe or her- time beinge or his Substitute or Substitutes : And therewith also ^oweTytiie was then lîkewise by the sayd Subdeane geven admonition to the sayd pretensed sayd Chapleyns, Gentlemen and vestrye, that if any man of them oathe not to be dyd disobey this command by his absence or departure without leave had or suffred. as before sayd, or havinge leave shall absent himselfe wilfully (orTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 67 be absent) from the said her Majesties Royall Chappell and Service in any sorte longer then in his licence and leave (as beffore) was or shalbe geven and graunted to him, and shall not rendre to the Sub- deane, or his Substitute in his absence, soche urgent cawse and ne- cessarye busynes for his excuse, and that soche &c. so proved or probable, as to the sayd Subdeane, or Substitute in his absence, shalbe admitted lawfull or tollerable, that then every soche Chaplen, Gentleman, Yeoman, Sergeant Yeoman, or Groome of the Yestrye shall be, at the pleasure and discrétion of the Subdean, checkt upon his next quarter’s waiges, for the first offence xxs, and for the seconde like offence other xx8, more or lesse in bothe, as to the Sub- dean shall seme convenyent in his discrétion; and for the third offence, the offender shal by the said Subdeane be dismissed of his surplice and service in chapple or vestrye tyll he cann get relieff at the hand of the Deane, and, for the présent, of the Right Honorable the Lord Chamberlayne, our Cheeffe Governor, under her Sacred Majestie. Anth. Anderson, Subdeane. It is forther ordred and decried for ever herafter by the sayd Sub- dean, that none of the sayd company or persons shall at any tirne hâve leave or licence to départe, excepte he first bringe to the Sub- dean, or his Substitute in his absence, another of his felows at his booke, which shall promise and do kepe the service at the sayd booke as behovethe accordinglye. First geven at Hampton Courte 1592, and now recorded the 17. day of April 1593. Anth. Anderson, [f. 2.] Be it remembrid the 19th daye of Aprill Anno Domini 1598, and 1598, Api. 19. in the forteth yeare of her Majestis Raigne, the Subdeane and the major part of the companye beinge assembled in chapter at White- haale did, with one assent, there agréé that from hence forth ail and every checke and checkes (apointed by oure statutes) which shalbe infiicted upon any Gentleman or other member of the Chappell by K 268 THE OLD CHEQUE TBOQK OP 1603, May 19. the Subdeane for breakinge of any of the statutes andorders, wherto wee ar ail sworne : that the same checke or portion of moneye shalbe staied and taken by oure Clearke of the Checke for the tyme being out of the offender’s boord wages which he is to receve that moneth wherin the offence shalbe committed, and the same monye by checke or checkes soe staied and taken upp, the Clearke of oure Checke shall accounte for and deliver the same to the Subdeane and the segniors of the companye then présent at the Feast of the Nativitye of Christ every yeare, to thend the same may be devidid (with her Majestés New Yeres gifte geven us) amongst the companie which then doe wayte. In witnesse that wee hâve geven our free and willing consentes hereto, Wee whose names are under wreten hâve subscribed to this order the daie and yere above rescited. Nathanaell Giles, Master of the Children. Richarde Granwall. Crue Sharpe. Anthony Todd. Robt. Tallentyer. William Randall. J. Burges. Edw. Peers. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Robt. Allyson. George Waterhouse. John Stevens. Jo. Hewlett. Richard Plumley. Peter Wryght. William Lawrence. S. Davies. John Amery. Edmond Browne. Bar. Mason. Willm. Barns. Robert Stuckey. [f. 24.] Be it ever remembred that uppon the 19th day of Maye in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge J âmes, at a Chapter holden at Greenwiche by the Subdeane and gentlemen of the Kinges Chappell ther assembled in the vesterie at the tyme of mynis- teringe of the Othe to the Kinge, taken and receaved by ail the gentlemen and yeomen of the said chappell and the officers of the vesterie, accordinge to the commaundement of the Kinge, signified by the Lord Chamberlaine, It was then and ther agreed and con cluded by a generall consent, ever after to continewe without vio-THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 69 lacon or alteration, That whomsoever of the gentlemen and yeomen of the chappell or officers of the vesterie shall départe awaie or be absente at any tyme or tymes from the sayd chappell or vesterie when their service and attendaunce shalbe comaunded or appointed, without lysense of the Deane, the Subdeane, or his sub- stitute : And also if they or any of them shall at any tyme disobey the lawfull comaundes and appointments of the Deane, Subdeane, or the Substitute, in any thinge that coneerneth the service of the Kinge, or shall not to there best indeavoure performe the dewties belonginge to their severall places, That then the sayd gentlemen and yeomen of the sayd chappell, and ail other officers of the vesterie shall willinglye and dutifullie submitt themselves, accor- dinge to the auncient and laudable custome of the chappell, to the check and punishment which the Deane or Subdeane shall thinke meete to impose uppon him or them, or any of them, for suche his or theirs absence, disobedience, or want of indeavoure as aforesaid, which lawdable ordinance and constitucon agreed uppon as afore- sayd, the Subdeane, gentlemen, and others whose names are heere under written, hâve setto ther handes faythfully and truelye to performe, fulfill and keepe. And do also by the same Chapter decree that whensoever any of the places of those of the chappell or vesterie shalbe voyde, that whomsoever shall succeade in the places aforesayd shall at the tyme of his or their admission and takinge of the othe to the Kynge, subscribe his name under his hand writinge that he will allwayes truelie and faythfully to his best indeavours performe and keepe the sayd lawfull ordynaunce and decree made as aforesayd, and that neither directly or indirectly the same be violated or broken by him or his procurement ; and because the true understandinge of this decree aforesayd shalbe made manifest, the parties aforsaid doo heerby protest uppon their othe and dutie which they owe to the Kinges highnes that the true meaninge of this constitucon and decree is only made and wholie intended to be for the avoydinge of perjurie and the better service of the Kynge, and noe waye by any intent or purpose to withdrawe themselves from70 THE OLD CHEQUE ,BOOK OF ther due obedience of tbeir officer, neither from tbeir sayd service and daylie attendaunce which ever hathe and ought to be performed of every person accordinge to his place and qualitie belonginge to the sayd chappell and vesterie. In wittnes heerof the parties whose nam es are and shalbe under written hâve settotheir handes this 19th of Maye in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge James, Kinge of England, Scotland, Fraunce, and Ireland, Defender of the Faythe, &c. Annoque Domini 1603. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Nathanaell Gy les. George Cooke. Richard Plumley. David Hinle. John Baldwine. John Clark. Francis Wiborowe. Hum. Bâche. Antho. Harrison. Robert Stuckey. Stephan Boughton. William Lawes. Anthonie Kirkbie. Thomas Sampson. Richard Granwall. Thomas Woodson. Henry Eveseed. Robert Allyson. Jo. Stevens. Jo. Hewlett. Wm. Lawrence. S. Davies. Georg Wooddeson. John Wooddeson. Peeter Wryght. Edmonde Hooper. Edmond Sheergold. Orlando Gibbons. Richard Coton. John Amery. William West. Luke Jones [?] Ezech. Waad. Mathew White. Thomas Peirs. George Sheyffeilde. John Frost. Peter Hopkins. Willm. Crosse. William Heather. [f. 34.] v 1603-4, Feb. 1. Mem. that the firste day of Febrüary in the same yeare 1603 the Right Worshipfull the Deane of the Chappell did commaunde and kepe a chapter in the vestrie at Hampton Courte, where it was ordered that soe often as then forwardes places shoulde become voyde in his Majestés Chappell, that the persons to be preferred should be ürste harde and approved for sufficiencie of voyce and skill by the Subdeane and the major parte of the Companye, and by them to be nominated and presented unto Mr. Deane, in whose power of right it hath bene and is to admytt at his pleasure suche persons as be approved.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 71 Àlso it was ordered at the same Chapter that the whole service and the songes to be performed in the Chappell shalbe appoynted by Mr. Deane or by the Subdeane of the Chappell at ail tymes, and in ther absence by the Substitute, yet not without the advice of the Master of the Children, for suche songes as are to be performed by the children in the Chappell. These two thinges were thus ordered in Chapter for the better service of the Kinges Majestie. [f. 28.] Orders for the Attendance of the Gentlemen of his Majestés Chappell. 1. Every yeare within the twelve dayes of Christmas a list or rowle to be made new and drawne by the Subdeane and three or more of the gentlemen, to be chosen by the major parte of the fellowshipp in a Chapter called for that purpose, which gentlemen with the Subdeane shall then also dispose of their wayting in the Chappell by a monethly course, that a competent number of the gentlemen be appointed to attend the service uppon the workinge dayes throughout the yeare (except in the accustomed tymes and weekes of libertye called playing weekes) under the penalty of a check for every one absence from any in his appointed monethe. 2. Uppon Sondayes, Principall tymes at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsontide, uppon holy dayes at bothe services, uppon festivall and offerynge daye eves, at evening prayer, uppon sermon dayes at morning prayer, ail that shalbe in the aforesayd list and rowle of daylie wayters, aswell out of their appoynted moneth as in it, shall attend the service under penalty of a check for every absence. 3. If any of the gentlemen chaunce to be sicke and infirme, not able therby to attend in any parte of his wayting moneth, one of the juniors of a contrary moneth shalbe called by the appointment of the Subdeane to supply the tyme of his absence under payne of check for faylinge any service.72 THE OLD CHEQUE. BOOK OF 4. If any of the gentlemen in his appointed moneth shall hâve any urgent busines or any impediment to be approved by the Sub- deane, his absence shalbe tollerated, provided that he procure another of the gentlemen of a contrary moneth and of his parte to wayte for him, and that the partye undertakinge such supply if he be defective therein he shalbe subject to check as in his owne moneth. 5. Every of the gentlemen called to wayte uppon any occasion by the Subdeane, though out of his waytynge moneth, shall obey and attend under paine of a check. 6. If any of the gentlemen shall départe out of the chappell in service tyme without leave of the Subdeane, and returne no more that service, he shall incurr the penalty of check of absence from ail service. 7. It shalbe lawfull for the Subdeane, for the ease of any of the ' auntientier seniors, at his discrecôn, to call the yonger juniors to wayte some parte of such senior’s moneth, and they shall obey and performe the same under payne of a check. 8. If ther be above two Organistes at once, two shall allwaies attend ; if ther be but two in ail, then they shall wayte by course, one after an other, weekly or monethly, as they shall agréé betwixt them selves, givinge notice to the Subdeane and the Clark of the Check how they do dispose of their waytinge, that therby it may be knowne who is at ail tymes to be expected for the service, and they shalbe subject to such orders, and to such checks, in the same manner as the other gentlemen are. 9. The check for absence from morning prayers, holy dayes^ festivall tymes, and sermon dayes, shalbe 4d, from evening prayer uppon such dayes and their festivall eves 3d, for absence from morninge prayer uppon workynge dayes 3d, from eveninge prayer 2d. 10. The check for late cominge, viz. after the first gloria patri ld, after the first lesson 2d, after the second as for absent from the whole service. 11. If any one shalbe over négligent, presuming that the ordinarieTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 73 check shall excuse him from further penalty, he shalbe subject to such further check as the Subdeane shall thinke fitt to laye uppon him. 12. Ail the checks shall monethly be divided amongst those of the gentlemen that hâve bin most diligent in wayting that moneth, by the judgment of the Subdeane of the moneth’s wayters. 13. If any scruple or doubt arise concerning any point in these orders, it shalbe referred to the resolucôn of the Deane of the Chappell, whose judgment shalbe theruppon obeyed. Guil. Bartho. et Welle, [f. 396.] The Auntient tymes of lyberty and playinge weekes. From St. Peter’s daye to Michaellmas daye is the quarter of liberty, and if the gentlemen weare uppon comaund appointed to attend and wayte at any tyme in this quarter yet they wayted only uppon Sondaies and holy daies. The weehe after Allhallowtyde. A weeke before Christmas. - A weeke after Twelftide. A weeke after Candlemas. Shrove Monday and Twesdaye. A weeke after Easter. A weeke after St. George. A weehe after the Rogacion weeke. A weehe after Whitsontide. Ail removinge weekes. At ail tymes when the Kinges Majestie is from a standinge house.* Guii. Batho. et Welle, [f. 40.] Be it remembered that in the yeare of our Lord 1615, ther arose a controversie between the Organistes, for the manner of their * The lines in italics are struck through in the original MS. CAMD. SOC. L 1615.74 THE OLD CHEQUE 300K OF waytinge at principall feastes. It was theruppon ordered by tbe Eeverend Father in God the Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, tbat alwaies heerafter the auncient custom should be observed, which was, and still must be, that the most auncient Organist shall serve the eeve and daye of every prin- cipall feast, as namely the eeves and daies of the feastes of* Christmas, Easter, St. George, and Whitsontide, the next Organist in place to serve the second daie, and so likewise the third for the third daie, if ther be so many Organistes, and for ail other festivall daies in the yeare, those to be performed by the Organistes as they shall fall out in their severali weekes of waytinge ; the feastes beinge ended, he that did or shoulde begin the Saterdaie before shall finish up the same weeke, accordinge to former custom, and the other to followe, except the feast of Christmas, for then they change every daye, as the quier dothe duringe the whole twelve dayes. Guil. Bath. et Well. Mem. that wheras ther is a rasure in the sixt line above written, it was rased and putt out by consent of the Lord Deane, the Sub- deane, and the now Organistes Edmund Hooper and Orlando Gibbons. In testemony wherof they hâve subscribed their names the second of November 1615. Edmund Hooper. Leonard Davies, Orlando Gibbons. Subdeane. [f. 335.] 1618, July 19. Be it remembred that uppon the 19th daye of July 1618, in a Chapter called and appointed by Mr. Davies, Subdeane, by order of the Eight Eeverend Father in God the Lord Bishop ofWinton, Deane of his Majesties Chappell, Cuthbert Joyner, Sergeant of his Majestés Vestery, for sunderie contemptes made against the said Lord Deane and his comaundmentes (to whom he is sworne to obey), for the same his contemptes an admonicôn with a prick was * “ Ail Saints ” is here erased from the MS.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 75 sett uppon his head, as is used in his Majestés house in sucli lyke eases, intendinge heerby his amendaient and reforrnacôn. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Againe for misusinge the Subdeane diverse waies contemptuously, as also his fellowship. Item, for bringinge false messages to the Subdeane as from the Lord Deane. Item, his great négligences used in his service. Item, for his daily absence from his place of attendance, and that without leave desired or graunted by his officer. Item, for conveyinge certaine parcells of his Majtes goodes out of his storehouse at Greenwich, and imploying them to suche uses as he pleased, without the leave or knowledge of the Lord Deane. The like offence hath never bin formerly comitted by any Sergeant. For ail these thinges it is comaunded by the Lord Deane that he shalbe checked the some of forty shillinges to be staied to his Majestés use out of wages next growinge and due to him. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. [f. 355.] Be it remembred that uppon the 25 th daye of June 1620, a 1620, June 25. Chapter was held by the Subdeane and Gentlemen for that ther was a former complaint made unto the Reverend Father in God Laun- cellott Lord Bishop of Winton, and Deane of his Majesties Chappell, that ther was not any lawfull Clark of the Check elected after the death of Mr. Sampson, who died five yeares before, the place beinge executed by John Hewlett, not only for that tyme. but by aprobacôn of the Company for morethen eight yeares before that, uppon which complaint the said Revd Father our Deane, upon and after due con- sideracôn had, did pronounce the place (from the deathe of Mr. Sampson) to be actually voyd, because the sayd John Hewlett was not chosen after his sayd death : Wheruppon his Lordship referred the consideracôn therof unto the Subdeane and Gentlemen, who beinge assembled together in Chapter by the sayd Subdeane, the matter was proposed whether the place did apperteyne unto the senior gentleman or to eleccon, in which it was resolved by the L 276 THE OLD CHEQUE, BOOK OF whole company that it was meerly by eleccon and not by senioritie, uppon which the sayd company proceaded to eleccon by scruteny, which being don, it was sealed up in Chapter and delivered unto our Lord Deane by the Subdeane, uppon openninge wherof by my Lord it did there appeare that by the voyces of seaventeene gentlemen then présente, John Hewlett was then and there ellected Clerk of the Check. In testimony heerof we whose names are heer under written hâve subscribed our names the daie and yeare above said. • Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Antho. Harrison. Richard Coton. John Clarke. Walter Porter.* [f. 366.] 1630. Actes donne in Chapter the 9th of Januarie 1630, by the Right Reverend Father in God William Lord Bishopp of London, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, for the rectifieng and settlinge of dyvers Orders in the sayd Chappell and Office of the Vestuarie:— 1. Imprimis, That the bread and wine for the Communion, and other provisions for the service of the Chappell, shall be brought by the Groome of the Vestry (to whose office such busines belongeth) into the Inner Vestry, and by none other but by his permission, which he shall deliver to the Seargeant, to be disposed of for the service, accordinge to the ancient costome. 2. That the Yeomen by turnes make readdy the alter, see the bookes, surplices, and plate returned to the standerd, and take care that the Kinges eussions be not made common at Communions, and not suffer woemen to be in the Chappell in seates or otlierwise at Comunion tymes but such as receave the Sacrament. 3. That the Sergeant of the Vestry shall at noe tyme attempt to gett or procure any warrant for standards and other such necessary utensills belonging to the service of the Chappell, except the ould be first adjudged unserviceable under the handes of the Deane and Subdeane for the tyme beinge, and ail utensills soe ajudged past service shall be fees propper to the Sergeant of the Vestry onely, as * The MS., probably containing other signatures, is here torn awav.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 77 anciently they hâve beene, unlesse it shall please the Kings Majestie to commande otherwise. 4. That the dyett, boudge of Court, as bread, beere, wood, shall be imployed in generall to the Seargeant and other offycers of the vestry, as in former tymes, the Seargent to^ be chiefe in orderinge the same. 5. It is likewise ordered that New Year’s guifts, and other gra- tuityes whatsoever given to the officers of the vestry, shall be faithfully delivered to the Sergeant, to be devyded in manner and forme as hath bene accustomed, viz. : the one half moety to the Sergeant and Groome, the other halfe to be equally devided amongst the yeomen. Guil. London, [f. 41.] Actes donne in Chapter the 29th of March 1630. By the Right 1630. Reverend Father in God William Lorde Bishop of London, and Deane of his Majesties Chappell, for reformacôn of dyvers mis- demeinors committed in the sayd Chappell and office of the Yestuary:— 1. Uppon a complaynt made unto the Kinge by dyvers gentlemen of qualitie attendinge neere about the Kinges Majestie, against Silvester Wilson, one of the yeomen of the sayd vestrie, for his un- Silvester Wil- civell speaches and misbehaviour towards those gentlemen and others in the Chappell, was put from his attendance in the Chappell by his Majesties speciall command, for the space of fourteene dayes, and ail his paye during that tyme geven to an other for attendinge in his place, with an admonicôn to behave him selfe more civelly and respectively hearèafter. 2. The sayd Silvester Wilson and Thomas Panell were then Silyester Wil- admonished to give more dilligent attendaunce to the keepinge of ^as^anelî° the doores in the Chappell, not goinge in and out so often into the vestrie (without comand)/but to continue in the Chappell duringe the tyme of devine service, for the better orderinge of the people in the tyme of prayer.78 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP Mr. Sandieand Mr. Pownall. The Gentle- men in gene- ral!. Mr. Warrick. 1632. 3. Mr. Richard Sandie and Mr. Nathaniell Pownall had an admo- nicôn given them to be more industrious and studius, for the better increase of knowledge and performance of their duty in their facultie for the Kinges service in the Chappell. 4. Admonicon was geven to ail the gentlemen in generall that at ail tymes of waytinge they bringe their psalters into the Chappell and singe at the Psalmodie, and not be sylent when it is ther duties to use theire voyces. 5. Mr. Thomas Warrick receaved a check of his whole paye for the moneth of March becawse he presumed to playe verses one the organ at service tyme, beinge formerly inhibited by the Deane from doinge the same, by reason of his insufficiency for that solemne service. Guil. London, [f. 406.] Actes done in Chapter the 29th of Aprill, 1632. By the Right Reverend Father in God William Lorde Bishop of London, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, for the rectifeing and setlynge of dyvers Orders in the sayd Chappell and office of Yestuarye:— 1. Imprimis, It is ordered that the gentlemen of the Chappell shall (at ail such tymes as they doe attend that service) corne in decent manner in their gownes and surplyses, and not in cloakes and surplyses, nor with bootes and spurres. The lyke observacôn to be used by ail others that corne to approve their voyces, or to be suitors for places theire. 2. Secondly it is ordered that noe man shall hâve his lodginge in the vestrye, or a keye to the vestry doore, without the consent of the Sergeant of that office for the tyme beinge. 3. Lastly (for dyvers good considérations) yt was ordered that Silvester Wilson should not corne into the Chappell or vestrye to doe any service there, notwithstandinge hee to enjoye the Kinges Majesties entertaynment, or any other casualties belonginge to a yeoman of the vestuarie, in as ample manner as in former tyme. Guil. London, [f. 416.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 79 At a Chapter holden in the Vestrie at Whitehall, Aprill 5, 1637. l637,April5. Whearas by expérience it is founde that since the disposinge of the waitinge of the gentlemen of his Majesties [Chappell] by a monethly course the Recorde whereof appears in this booke fol. 39 B.* the attendance of his Majesties service in the Chappell many times is to much scanted, not only one the workinge daies but alsoe one Sundaies, holidaies, and sermon daies, especially if the Court lie at Greenwich or Hampton Court, It is therefore ordered, That such as upon any pretence or occasion shall at any time happen to bee absente from any service in their moneth of waitinge, although they vfrere then checked for the same, or had leave of absence graunted to them by the Dean or Subdean, or were detayned by sicknes or any other urgent busines, yett they shall bee bounde to supplie the same by there presence and service in the month followinge, or els shalbe then checked for the same, as if it were in there appointed moneth; Provided alwaies that if any man shall not bee recovered of any sicknes by the next moneth followinge, then the supplyinge of his absences from his waitinge moneth shall bee deferred till the next by-moneth after his recovery and shall then be performed. It was alsoe declared, That if his Majesties service be neglected one Sundaies or Sermon daies or any other tymes in which ail are bound to attende, as well out of there appointed moneth as in it, in such case the ordinarie checke shall not excuse those which live neerer hand, but the same shalbe increased at the discrétion of the Subdean, accordinge to the Order. (folio 40 A. paragr. 11.) The Subdeane also is required to looke to the due observation of the Order made 1630 (as appears fol. 40-41 B. paragr. 4) touchinge the singinge of the Psalmodie, and of an other Order made 1632 (fol. 41-42 B. paragr. 1) against wearinge of clokes or cominge in with great boots and spurrs under there surplises, and if any trans- gress to checke them as if they were absente. Ma. Norvic. [f. 426.] * See p. 71 for the record here referred to.80 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OP 1638-9. Jany 5. 1639-40. Feb. 7. In the name of God, Amen. At a Chapter holden at Whithall in the vestrie there Januarie 5, 1638, by the Eeverend Father in God Mathewe Lord Bishopp of Ely, Dean of his Majesties Chappell Royall, in the presence of Stephen Boughton clarke, Subdeane, Thomas Day gentleman, Clarke of the Checke, and the rest of the Gentlemen, Priests, Deacons, and Clarks of his Majesties said Chappell. Forasmuch as Thomas Lawton, one of the Gentlemen of the said Chappell in a countretenor’s part, had sundrie tymes beene ad- monished, as well by the said Reverend Father tlie Deane as by the said Subdeane, ofhisdisordered and debauched courses in neglectinge his service in the Chappell, and in ordinarie hauntinge taverns and alehouses and distemperinge himselfe with drincke, and in sundry other misdemenors wherein hee hath at last soe farr miscarried as that his wife is repourted to bee corne to an untimely end by his hande. It is therefore declared by the said Deane, That the said Thomas Lawton is nowe deprived of his place and privilège within the said Chappell, and is fynally expelled from his Majestés service there. And order is given to the Subdeane and Clarke of the Checke, That they fourthwith waite upon the Eight Honble the Comptroller ofhis Majestés Houshold to give him notice of this Acte, and that they cause the same to be entred into the Registrie Booke of this said Chappell. Ma. Elie. [f. 43.] This Order was made by the King with his owne hand to yt. Our Royall pleasure is, That whosoever hereafter shall be admitted into our service as a gentleman of our chappell, The said ad- mittance shall first be In terminum probationis tantum, to endure onely but from the daye thereof unto the end of twelve months in ordinary attendance, not reconing the months of Julie, August, and September, at which time the place shall to ail effects be taken for voyd againe (the sayd admittance notwithstanding) unlesse the partie shalbe found to hâve demeaned himselfe during the said terme of triall soe diligentlie in his attendance, and soe honestly inTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 81 ail his carriage, and soe well tô hâve profited and improved himselfe in his facultie as that he may obtayne our favour to be readmitted for terme of his life. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, 7 Febr. 1639. Ma. Elie, Dec. [f. 436.] At a Chapter holden in the Vestry at Whitehall by the Reverend 1663, Dec. 13. Father in God George Lord Bishop of Winton for the better regulating of the Divine service in his Majesties Chappell Royall, the nineteenth day of December 1663, and in the fifteenth yeare of his Majesties reigne, it is thus ordered:— 1. To the end that the great n^glects in God’s service may be redrest in his Majesties Chappell Royall it is required that the Sub- deane take care that these orders be put in due execution. 2. Ail the gentlemen and officers and children shall yield obedience to the Deane and Subdeane and their Substitûtes in ail things touching the service to be performed in the Chappell : who- soever shall refuse shall undergoe such a check as they shall impose upon him, p. 34.* 3. No man shalbe admitted a Gentleman of his Majesties Chappell Royall but shall first quit ail interest in other quires, and those that relate at présent to other churches besides the Chappell, shall déclaré their choice either to fix at their churches. or to the Chappell, by the first day of March, his Majestie not permitting them to belong to both. And ail the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell shal] hâve their habitations within or neer the City of London, to be ready to attend at ail times when the Deane or Sub Deane shall summon them, p. 32. 4. Every gentleman and officer of the vestry shall give a note to the Sub Deane of the place of their aboad, that he may know where to send for them upon occasion. 5. The service shalbe appointed by the Deane or Sub Deane or his Substitute, with ad vice of the Master of the Children, for such Anthems as are to be performed by the Children of the Chappell. * P. 69. M CAMD. SOC.82 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 6. The gentlemen being decentely habited in their gownes and surplices (not in cloakes and bootes and spurrs) shall corne into the Chappell orderly together, and attend God’s service at the hours of ten and foure on the weeke dayes, and at nine and foure on Sundayes and Sermon dayes, and not départ till prayers are ended then to returne their surplices to the Standard. 7. Ail the Gentlemen in Generall being placed in their seates shall use their bookes and voyces in the Psalmodies and Eesponsalls according to the order of the Eubricke, and in the hymnes of the Church in the time of Divine service, and answer the Amen in a loud voice. 8. None of the Gentlemen shall plead priviledge above another for absence in his month of waiting, upon any occasion whatsoever, but if any one happen to be sicke, or hâve occasion of busines, to be approved by the Deane or Sub Deane, whereby he cannott attend the service, he shall procure one of his owne part, who is to waite in another month to supply his roome under paine of forfeiting a double check, p. 39.* 9. Ail the Gentlemen in General shall give their attendance at the service in his Majesties Chappell Eoyall on Sundayes and Holy- dayes and their eves; whosoever shall be absent shall forfeit a double checke, v. fol. 42 B.f 10. The check for absence on ordinary weeke dayes shall be twelve pence every service; on Sundayes, Holydayes and their eves two shillings a service, p. 39. 11. Every Gentleman that shall corne into the Chappell afterthe first Gloria Patri, shall be accounted tardy and be mulet sixpence; if he corne after the first lesson, he shalbe accounted absent and pay the whole check. 12. Whosoever shall be over négligent, presuming the ordinary check shall excuse him, shalbe subject to such farther check as the Deane or Sub Deane shall lay upon him, p. 39. 13. If the Subdeane shall see cause to require any gentleman to waite, though out of his month, the said gentleman shall obey and * P. 71. t 79.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 83 attend, under such a checke as the Subdeane with tbe Deanes consent shall lay upon him, p. 39. 14. Every Gentleman sworne extraordinary shall waite constantly in his Majesties Chappell, till his place fall, and shall be approv’d of both for manners, skill, and voyce, before he be admitted, p. 24* 15. Whosoever shall be admitted into a Priest’s place in the Chappell shall sweare to take on him the office of a Deacon the next Ordinacon and to doe the service thereunto belonging, p. 36. 16. Of the three Organistes two shall ever attend, one at the organ, the other in his surplice in the quire, to beare a parte in the Psalmodie and service. At solemne times they shall ail three attend. The auncientest organist shall serve and play the service on the eve and daye of the solemne feastes, viz : Christmas, Easter, St. George, and Whitsontide. The second organist shall serve the second day, and the third the third day. Other dayes they shall waite according to their monthes, p. 33. 17. The Sub Deane shall take care that an impartiall bill of perdicons for absence be duely kept and delivered to the Clerke of the Checke at the end of every quarter, to be defalkt out of the salaries of ail who are négligent, or hâve uppon default been mulcted, the which said summe of mulctes shall be delivered by the Clerke of the Checke into the Sub Deanes hands with ail dead pay, if any shall happen to be disposed off, as the Deane shall order and direct. 18. It is ordered upon his Majesties bountifull liberallitie in augmenting the salaries of the Gentlemen and others, that since the care and labour of the Clerke of the Checke is become greater then heretofore, he shall receive 2d in the pound out of every Gentleman’s salary or pension, as oft as he payes them. 19. The Sèrgeant, Yeomen, and Groome of the Yestry shall dayly attend the service in the Chappell at the hours of prayer ; the Sergeant shall every day before prayers deliver the Gentlemen their surplices * The references on this page do not tally with the folios of the Chèque Book. M 284 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF out of the standard, and every Gentleman shall returne his surplice to the standard when service is ended. The Sergeant of the Vestry shall not endeavour to procure any warrant, for standards or other necessarv utensills for the service of the Chappell, except the old be first adjudged unserviceable under the hands of the Deane and Subdeane for the time being, and the utensills unserviceable shall be the fees of the Sergeant, except the King’s Majestie command otherwise, p. 41. 20. The Yeomen by turnes shall make ready the alter and take care that ail the service and singing bookes and plate, with the surplices, be dayly returned to the standard, ibidem. 21. The officers of the Chappell shall take care that no persons be placed in the Gentlemen’s seates without leave of the Deane or Sub- deane. ' Geor. Winton. 22.. No man to take any booke out of the Chappell but he is to enter it into the Chèque Booke, or to leave a note with the Sergeant. [ff. 4ôb, 46.] 1664, Api. 30. Orders made for his Majesties Chappell Royall for setting of formes and stooles for such persons of his Majesties family that hâve not seates allowed them. 1. It is ordered, That the servant to the Gentlemen of the Chappell and the servant of the Vestry are allowed to sett formes or stooles by the seate sides in such convenient places that may not hinder the passage for the service. 2. That either of them are allowed to give seats, to such persons as are his Maj. servants as shall desire them of either of them, in such convenient places as they shall desire to sitt in. 3. That his Maj. servants and their wives shalbe first placed by either of them, which they shall desire, the one not interrupting the other, for such places spoken for, and that they place not ordinary servants or strangers before them of his Maj. houshold,THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 85 and that neither of them c-arry forme or stoole untill they are desired. 4. That the servant to the Gentlemen of his Maj. Chappell shall attend as well as the servant of the Yestry to help put on the gowns, as well as the other the surplusses, befor service begins. 5. That neither shall interrupt other contrary to these orders without incurring the displeasure of the officers of his Maj. Chappell Royall during pleasure. It is ordered that the two foresayd servants hâve each man his side to furnish with formes, viz. : The servant to the Gentlemen the Dean’s side, and the other servant the Sub Dean’s side, and that no stooles be set neer the desk or pulpitt on either side to hinder the free passage to the Communion table ; and it is desired that the Clerke of the Check in his discrétion would oversee that no in- decency be committed by the said servants in this buisines, whom if they shall not obey they shalbe lyable to such punishment as the Deane or Sub Deane shall inflict. April 30, 1664. Walt. Jones, Sub Deane. [f. 52.] 1671, May 20. The 20th day of May 1671. It is ordered that the old bookes and surplices shall be to the use of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell Koyall, paying to the Serjant of the Yestry twelve pence for the old booke, and ten shillings apeece for their old surplices. Upon the testimony of Mr. John Harding, Gentleman for 30 years standing. As also Mr. Thomas Purcell, Mr. Alfonso Marsh and Mr. William Tucker, who averre they hâve often heard Mr. Nightingalle to testifie the same, t as an an tient privelidge belonging to the said Gentlemen, [f. 4 66.] f675, july 10. Mémorandum July 10, 1675. Mr. Blasius White was by the Subdeane discharged from his Majesties service in obedience to his Maj. pleasure so signified in this following letter from Mr. Vice Chamberlane :—86 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1680, Nov. 29. 1693, April 5. Court at Windsor Castle, Julie y« 10,1675. My Lord, I am commanded by his Majestie to signify bis pleasure to your Lordship that y ou forthwith discharge Mr. Blasius White from his Majesties service, either in his Chappeli Boy ail or in any other service in his Maj. house. And that you give order that his name be put out of the booke of his Maj. servants under your Lordship. Thus with my best respects unto your Lordship I rest, Your Lordship’s most humble servant, G. Carteret. Superscribed— For the Rt. Reverend Father in God Walter Lord Bishop of Worcester, Deane of his Maj. Chappeli Royall, and in his absence to Dr. William Hôlder, Subdeane of his Maj. Chap. Roy. [f. 49.] At a Chap ter holden in the Yestry at Whitehall by the Kight Beverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London, our Deane, the 29th day of November, 1680, it was granted that the widows and executors of the Gentlemen should hâve the quarters wages in which they dy, onely with this limitation, if the Deane and Subdeane thinke fitt. [f. 46.] April the 5th, 1693. Mémorandum, That at a Yestry called by .the Bight Beverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London, Dean of their Majesties Chapell Boy al, it was ordered that whatever Gentleman of the Ckapell in waiting should absent himself from the practice of the Anthem on Saturdays or other holiday eves, when the King or Queen were to bee présent on the morrow, or upon any other occasions before the Wednesdays and Fridays in Lent, being thereto ordered by the Subdean to appear, should, besides the usual mulet, forfeit half a crown for every such absense. Eh. Battell, S.D. [f 535.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 87 August 21, 1693. Mémorandum, that at another Vestrycalled by 1693, Aug. 21. tbe Subdean, in the Dean’s absense, which was occasioned by a notorious neglect of the duty of the Chapell, at which the Queen was oiFended, the Subdeane did then warn ail the Gentlemen that in case of such scandalous omissions for the future they were to expect (besides the bare penalty of the mulet) publick admonitions, in order to suspension or deprivation, if they continued guilty of them. Rh. Battell, S.t). [f. 536.] January 20th, 1714. Mémorandum, That on the day of the date 1714-5, Jan.20. above written (beinge a day of publick thanksgiving) I read prayers at St. Paul’s Church, as being the King’s Chappell upon this occasion, that I appointed those who read the Lessons and Litany, and likewise in thé absence of the Dean of the Chappell (by whose especiall order, confirmed by the Vice Chamberlain, I officiated) that I read the Communion Service, being preceded by the Ser- jeant of the Yestry, and attended by the Gentlemen of the Chapell in their surplices ; and that ail others of our Society waited there as in the Chappell Royal. And this I thought might be proper to insert in the Check Book in order to prevent any contest or différence which upon the like occasion might possibly hereafter arise between the officers of the Chappells Roy ail and the Church of St. Paul. S. Dolben, Subdean. [f. 54.] In a full Yestry holden at St. James’ on Saturday the 23d of April, !720, April 23. 1720, whereat (previous notice being given) most of the Gentle- men were présent, the foliowing particulars were agreed upon and determined to be registred among the decrees and orders of the Body or Society of His Majesty’s Chappell Roy ail by and with the approbation of the Rt. Revd William Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of the said Chappel Royall (viz.) :— lst. That when any one of the Chappel, Le. of the Body or Society88 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OF that immediately attends on the Sovereign, dyes, the remaining part of the salary of that quarter in which he dyes (though he should dye in the first minute of the quarter) shall goe to his widow, heirs, executors, or administrators, according to an old immémorial custom. 2dly. That one old Common Prayer Book and one old surplice in use at his Maj. Chappel Royal at St. James’s, or at that Chappel where his Maj. chief and longest résidence shall be throughout the year, shall be the property or proper perquisit of every Gentleman, &c. to whom they were first deliver’d, paying to the Sergeant of the Chappel, his heirs, executors, or administrators, the accustomed fee of one shilling for each Common Prayer Book, and ten shillings for each surplice when new ones shall be provided, till when the books and surplices above mentioned shall not become the perquisit as above, or be taken away without leave of the Dean or Subdean. (Note. The Dean and Subdean in like manner hâve their books and two surplices, paying the Serjeant as above his fee of ten shillings for each surplice, five shillings for their Bible, and one shilling for their Common Prayer Book.) And the like in proportion is to be understood of thé books, surplices, furniture, and other tliings first delivered to the Confessor, Master of the Children, Serjeant, Yeoman or Groom, to become their perquisits to whom first deliver’d, but not to be taken away till new be provided, without leave as above. As for the old Common Prayer Books, Bibles, &c. in use in the other Chapels Royal (viz.): Hampton Court, Windsor, Kensington, &c. where his Majesty may résidé any part of the year, they shall be the proper perquisitt or property as aforesaid of the Gentlemen or members that at that time (when new ones shall be provided) compose the body of the Chappel Royal, each paying to the then Ser- jeant his fee as above, and likewise chuseing his book according to his seniority in the Chappel. These also hâve been old customs in the Chappel Royal, and now more plainly determined and registred for the removing of ail doubts and disputes that possibly may arise for want of such détermination or registring. 3dly. A play-week or week of Vacation from ail choir attendanceTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 89 having been always allowed after the holydays of Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide, ’tis determined, for the removal of ail doubts and disputes, that the first week after the above three great solemn tides or feasts which shal hâve holyday in it, shal be reckoned the play week or week of vacation above mentioned, and that a week wherein a holyday may fall though it were on a Monday or Saturday, only as it cannot be reckoned a week without a holyday, so is itt hereby excluded from being the week of priviledge or play-week here mentioned. Geo. Carleton. Tho. Baker. Wm, Turner. Luke Flintoft. Saml. Chittle. Sam. Bentham. Edw. Aspinwâll, Subdean. John Church. Tho. Gethin. Sam. Weely. Jam. Chelsum. John Freeman. Peter Kandall. Talbot Young. Franc. Goodsens. Tho. Jenings. Tho. Edwards. Bernd. Gates. Thomas Bell. Fra. Hughes. Thomas Blennerhaysett. George Laye. Officers of the Yestry:—Jonathan Smith, Sergeant, John Hill, Yeoman. [f. 57.] Pursuant to the Mémorandum on the foregoing page,* sign’d by 1724, Oct. 1. Dr. Dolben, Subdean, concerninge the attendance of the body of the Chappel Eoyal at the Cathédral Church of St. Paul, London, on the day of the publick thanksgiving 1714: when his Majesty K. George design’d to be présent at Divine Service in order to make a solemn offering in the Collegiate Church of Windsor within the Castle, on Sunday, September the 27th, 1724, the Officers and Gentlemen of the Chappel Eoyal being then ready to give their or- dinary attendance on his Majesty, I made application to know his Maj. pleasure concerning our attendance on his Majesty at Divine Service in the said Collegiate Church, alledging it as our duty and our right so to do : Mr. Yice-Chamberlain acquainted me that his Majesty intended to be présent at Divine Service in the above- mentioned Collegiate Church as Soveraign of the Garter onely,. and to présent the offering requiPd of the Knights of that noble Order, * See p. 87. N CAMD. SOC.90 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP and that the performing Divine Service at that ceremony belonged onely to the members of that church. Had his Maj. honor’d that church with his royal presence at Divine Service as King on any other occasion, our claim of discharging our several duties before his Majesty would hâve been allow’d as in a Royal Chappel, and the whole function committed to the charge of the Officers and Gentle- men of the Royal Chappel onely. On occasion, therefore, of Jhis Majesty’s appearing in the above-named Collegiate Church as Soveraign of the Garter, the Officers, Priests, and Gentlemen of the Chappel Royal did not attend his Majesty there. Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. [f. 55.] 1728-9, Mémorandum. When his Majesty King George the 2d from Jany. 1. Newmarket visited the University of Cambridge, Thursday in Easter week, April the 25th, 1728, according to the custom of his royal predecessors, his Majesty gave the degrees of the University to several persons. And it was then judg’d by the Bishop of London, Dean of the Chappell, and by my Lord Yiscount Towns- hend, first Secretary of State (whose province it was usually to draw up the list for the degrees), that the Subdean of the Chappell had a peculiar title to be set down in the list for the degree of Doctor in Divinity. And accordingly I was set down first in my Lord Towns- hend’s list for that degree (so Sub Dean Battel obtained his degree by the favor of her late Majesty Queen Anne, when she visited the University of Cambridge). But the usual method of forming the Catalogue for the degrees not being observed as formerly, it hap- pen’d by some mistake or. accident that my name was omitted in the Catalogue (for it was a very numerous one) that was delivered to the University. So that November following, by performing ail my exercises, I was admitted to my degree of Doctor in Divinity at Cambridge. This I thought proper to make a mémorandum of, that my successors, by this accident, may not hereafter be depriv’d of a claim and priviledge due to them on such occasions. Jany. the lst, 1728-9. Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. [f. 556.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 91 VI.—Copies oe Royal Warrants and Priyy Seals. Presidents, &c. 1625> October. A Warrant to the Exchequer to discharge as well the Deane, the Sub Deane, and Chaplains of bis Majesties Chappell, as the Gentle- men of the same, together with the Officers of the Vestry, of ail payments and sums of money due to his Majestie for the subsidies graunted him in Parliament by the clergy and temporalty of this reaime. By order of the Lord Chamberlain, procured by the Lord Conwey. [f. 48.] Charles Rex. Wheràs by our comaund at our first coming to the Crowne our A copie of the ,. . Kmges war- ancient vestery men had direccon to wayte m our Chappell (those rant to sweare that weare formerly our deare father’s servants being by us dis- ^^joyn^er- charged), to the end our said servantes might take place as ail other jeant of the our servants above-staires hâve in the like, yet notwithstanding you ^btSlmann misconstering our meaning, hâve sworne our father’s vestery men in sil^ter ther places as before, and made our ancient servaunts (when you Yeomen of the swore them) lowest in the vestery contrarie to our gracious intent same* towards them, we meaning to holde the same course with them (for their preferment) as we hâve don with the rest of our servants in 1625> r)ec- 19* other of our offices above staires, doe signifie unto you that our ex- presse will and pleasure is, and we doe heerby will and comaund you presently uppon sight heerof to sweare Thomas Meller joynt sergeant with the other, and that the same order and course be kept with them in everything as is with other our sergeants, where they are doubled; and that you likewise sweare Robt. Colman eldest yeoman of our vestery, and Silvester Wilson next yeoman to him, to whome we will hâve suche wages and allowances quarterly paid as the yeoman of our vestery had when we were Prince of Wales, being twelve pence a peece per diem for diet, and five powndes a peece per annum for wages (to begin from our first enterance unto N 292 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF the Crowne. And these our letters shal be as well unto you the Deane of our Chappell for the procuringe and setling our said olde servants as aforesaid, as also to our cofferers and other officers for paying and allowing the foresaid wages and allowances from tyme to tyme as the same shall growe due, a sufficient warrant and dis- charge in that behalfe. Given at our Courte at Hampton the nine- teenth day of December, 1625, and in the first yeare of our Baigne, &c. To our right trusty and welbeloved the Right Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishopp of Winton, Deane of our Chappell Roy ail, and to our trusty and welbeloved the offi- cers of our Greene Cloth, and every of them, and to the Subdeane and his Substitutes, and to every of them. [f. 195.] 1641, Aprill. ’ A warrant to the Exchequer for the discharging the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell, and the Officers of the Yestry, from pay- ment of the four subsides graunted to his Majestie in this présent Parliament. Subscribed by Sir Abraham Williams, upon signi- fication of his Majties pleasure by Sir Edward Powell, procured by Sir Peter Killegrew. These presidents were showne to the Lord Treasurer, upon sight of which his Lordship’s consent was obteined, that our Privy Seale might passe, and signified to be his Lordship’s pleasure in writing to the Lord Privy Seal, by Sir Phillip Warwick, Secretary to the Lord Treasurer. [f. 48.] 1663, May 4. Charles R. We will and command you that immediately upon sight hereof you deliver or cause to be delivered unto our wellbeloved servant Thomas Haynes, Esq. Sergeant of our Yestry, for the use of our Chapell, these parcells following, that is to say: foure surplices of fine Holland cloath, gathered in the collar, whereof two for the Deane and two for the Subdeane of our sayd Chapell. Item, three- score and foure surplices of fine Holland cloath for the GentlemenTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 93 of our sayd Chappell, twelve surplices for the musitians, and thirty and six surplices of the like fine Holland cloath for the children of our sayd Chapell. Item, twenty élis of diaper for foure cloaths for the Communion table, in the body of the sayd Chapell. Item, twenty élis of the like Holland cloath for six towells for the Com- munion. Item, seven élis of broad canvas and foure yards of greene cloath. Item, three Bibles of the great volume. Item, foure Communion bookes and 34 psalter bookes. Item, one demy carpit of Turkey worke to lay before the Communion table, and one other Turky carpit of a lesser size to lay upon the alter. Item, one grosse of silke points for the coapes. Item, three standards, whereof one is for the song books of our sayd Chapell, being two setts more than formerly hâve bin. Item, two bare hydes of oxe leather. Item, three thousand of tenterhookes, three hamers, one fire shovle, one pare of tongs, three black jacks, three gispins, two brushes, one perfuming pan of iron, six houre glasses, and a paire of strong iron andirons ; and that you content and pay for making the prémisses. And these our letters, signed with our owne hand, shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalfe. Given under our signett, at our Palace at Westminster, the 4th day of May, in the 15th yeare of our reigne, 1663. To our Rt. trusty and Rt. wellbeloyed cousin and councellor Edward, Earle of Sandwich, Master of our great Wardrobe. May it please your Majestie, • This conteineth your Maj. Warrant to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for necessaryes for your Maj. Chapell, and is done ac- cording to former precedents, save that there is added a Turky carpit to lay upon the alter, and two surplices for a boy added to the number of the children of your Maj. Chapell, by warrant frorq. the Et. Hon. the Lord Chamberlin signifying your Maj. pleasure therein. Exr p Lancelot Thornton. [f. 506.] Charles R. Charles the Second, by the Grâce of God, &c. To the Treasurer,94 THE OLD CHEQUE ,BOOK OF Chancellor, Under Treasurer, Chamberlins, and Barrons of our Ex- chequer, and ail other our officers and ministers there now being, and that heereafter for the time shalbe, Greeting : Whereas Doctor Walter Jones, Sub Deane of our Chappell, Balph Amner, Thomas Peerse, Thomas Hazard, John Harding, Edward Lowe, Doctor William Childe, William Howes, Christopher Gibbons, Phillip Tynker, John Sayer, Henry Cooke, Durant Hunt, Thomas Bla- grave, Gregory Thorndell, Edward Braddock, Henry Purcell, Wil- liam Tucker, James Cobb, Nathaniell Watkyns, John Cave, Al- fonso Marsh, Baphaell Courtivile, Edward Colman, Thomas Purcell, Henry Frost, John Goodgroome, George Bettenham, Mathew Peniall, Boger Hyll, George Yardly, Doctor John Wilson, William Jackson, Gentlemen of our said Chappell, Thomas Haines, Sarjeant of our Yestry, William Williams, and George Whitcher, Yeomen of our said Yestry, and Hugh Powell, Groome of our said Yestry, are severally charged or chargeable every one of them to pay unto us to and for the severall payments of foure intire subsidies granted to us by the temporalty of our Parliament begun and holden at West- minster the eighth day of May in the thirteenth yeare of our reigne, to be levyed and paide by such severall porcôns, and at such dayes and payments as is granted unto us and are limitted by the statute made in that behalfe at our said Parliament according as they and every of them shalbe severally taxed and assessed, as by certificate thereoff signed by the Comissrs for the assessing of the said payments within our household or elsewhere appointed and assigned, and in our Court of Exchequer certified and there remaining of Record, more plainely it doth and may appeare : Know yee that we of our especiall grâce certaine knowledge and meere moœn, in consideracon of the good and faithfull service done unto us, and that during their lives they in tend to doe, Hâve given, pardoned, remitted, and released, and by these présents for us, our heires and successors, we doe give, pardon, remitt, and release unto them and every of them above- menconed, ail such summe and summes of mony as is or shall be due by them and every of them for the said foure subsidies or anyTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 95 of them, to be leavyed and payde as aforesaid : Wherefore wee will and command you our said Treasurer, Cliancellor, Under Treasurer, Chamberlins, and Barons of our said Exchequer, That yee doe clearly acquitt and discharge against us, our heires and successors, ali our above-named servants and every of them from tlie payment of the said subsidies granted and payable unto us by our temporalty, and alsoe ail and every collector and collectors, receivor and receivors, officer and officers deputed for the payment of any pencons within our houshold or elsewhere, charged or chargeable in their account or accounts already made or to be made for the said payment and every or any of them, for the several summes of money to be paide by any the persons before menconed, or taxed or assessed upon them or any of them, for the prémisses and every part and parcell thereoff, although expresse mencon of the particuler summes of money by them or any of them, payable for the four subsidies aforesaid, or any of them, or upon them or any of them, to the severall payments of the said four subsidies assessed and taxed, or to be assessed and taxed, be not herein particulerly menœned and recited the statu te of the grant of the said subsidies; or any other Act or Ordinance heretofore made, or any use, custome, auntient order, or course of our Exchequer, or any other ambiguitie, doubt, question, matter, or cause whatsoever you or any of you to the contrary moveing in any wise notwithstandinge; and theise, &c. Given, &c. Exd p W. Trumbull. This conteineth your Maj. warrant for dis- charging the Gentlemen of yonr Maj. Chap- pell and the Officers of the Vestrie from the payment of the foure subsidies granted unto your Maj. in this présent Parliam*. Signified to be your Majesties pleasure by the Lord Chamberlin. W. Trumbull. [f. 486.] Charles R. Whereas Wee were gratiously pleased some time since for an en- 1663, Dec. 22. couragement to the Priests, Gentlemen, Children, and Officers of96 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OF our Chappell Royall to grant severall augmentacôns to the salaries and allowances heretofore usually made them and their predecessors in the time of our late dear father, of ever glorious memory : , And whereas wee hâve now lately, for the conveniency of the présent State of our affaires, thought fitt by our Warrant of the 25th day of August, 1663, to signifie our pleasure to you, for the retrenching severall diets, entertainements, and other expences of our household, wee, graciously reflecting on the constant attendance to which our said servants of our Chappell are obliged, and willing more parti- ticularly to continue a just and fitt maintenance to those that serve us in that relacôn, hâve thought fitt to déclaré and signifie our royall pleasure to you, that the said augmentacon so lately granted by us as aforesaid to the Priests, Gentlemen, Children, and Officers of our Chappell Royall be continued and paid quarterly to them for the future, with their former allowances granted unto them in the time of the reigne of our said royall father of blessed memory, our said order of the 25th August or anything therein to the contrary notwithstanding ; for which this shall be your warrant. Given at our Court at Whitehall, the 22th day of December, 1663. By his Majesties Command, Henry Bennett. To our Ht. trusty and well beloved Councillors Sir Charles Berkeley, Rnt. Treasnrer, and Sir Hugh Pollard, Knt. and B art. Comptroller of our Household, and the rest of the Officers of our Greencloth. This warrant is in the compting-house and entred in the booke at the compting-house, and entred also at the Signett Office, [f. 47.] The Coppy of our Pryvie Seal, &c.— 1664, Sept. 26. Charles the Second by the Grâce of God King of England, Scot- land, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To the Treasurer, Chancelier, Under Treasurer, Chamberlins, and Barons of our Exchequer now being, and which hereafter for the time* shall be, and to ail other the Officers and Ministers of our said ExchequerTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 97 for the time being, to whom it shall or may apperteine, and to the Lord Steward, Treasurer, Comptroller, Cofferer, Master of our Houshold, Clerkes of our Greene Cloath, and Clerkes Comptrollers of our said Household now being and which hereafter shall be, and to ail other the officers and ministers there whome it doth or may concerne, greeting. Our will and pleasure is, and wee doe hereby require and authorize you out of such our treasure as now is, or which hereafter for the time shall be and remaine in the receipt of our said Exchequer, to pay or cause to be payd unto the Cofferer of our Household now being, and to the Cofferer of the sayd Household which hereafter shall be, the severall sums of seaventy pounds a yeare for each of the Gentlemen of our Chappell Roiall, to be by our said Cof- ferer for the time being payd unto them according to our letters of Privy Seal in that behalfe, dated the six and twentieth day of Septem- ber, in the fourteenth yeare of our reigne, and also to pay unto the sayd Cofferers the summe of thirty pounds by the yeare for the diett, lodging, washing, and teaching of each of the Children of our Chap- pell Royall, the same to be by them payd unto Henry Cooke, Master of the sayd Children for the time being, and to the Master of the sayd Children which heerafter for the time shall be, ac- cording to our Letters of Privy Seale dated the fourteenth of October in the thirteenth yeare of oure reigne ; and our further will and pleasure is, and we doe hereby will and command you to pay or cause to be payd to the Cofferers of our sayd Household for the time being, the several sums following to be by them from time to time payd over to the Officers of our Yestry (that is to say) the summe of seaventy pounds per annum for the wages and fee of the Sergeant of our Vestry for the time being, the summe of forty pounds thirteen shillings nine-pence per annum to each Yeoman, and thirty pounds per annum to the Groome, according to our Let- ters of Privy Seale dated the three and twentieth day of October in the fourteenth yeare of our reigne : And our further will and pleasure is, that they shall enjoy their former allowances granted to them in the time of the reigne of our late Royall Father (of blessed camd. soc. o98 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF memory) according to our Warrant under our Signe Manuall dated the two and twentieth day of December one thousand six hundred sixty and three, in the fifteentli yeare of our reigne : The sayd se- verall payments to commence from Michælmas one thousand six hundred sixty three (our order of the five and twentieth of August one thousand six hundred sixty three, or any thing therein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding) : And these our Letters of Privy Seale or the Inrollement thereoff shall be unto you and every of you a sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalfe. Given under our Privy Seale at our Pallace of Westminster the six and twentieth day of September, in the sixteenth year of our reigne. Exd J. Mathew. [ff. 496, 50.] 1663, Dec. 10. The Coppy of the Lord Chamberlaines Warrant to the Signet for pardon for the Subsidies, &c. the Vestry being also included:— These are to signifie unto you his Majties pleasure, That you pré- paré a Bill for his Majties signature after the accustomed forme for a pardon to be granted from his Maj. to the Subdeane and Gentlemen ofhis Maj. Chappell, being his Maj. servants in ordinary, whose names are sett downe in the schedule annexed, that according to his Maj. gracious intention they may be exemptedfrom payment of any and every of the subsidies granted to his Maj. at the Parliament begun at Westminster the eight day of May, 1661, and for so doeing this shalbe your warrant. Given under my hand this lOth day of December, 1663, in the fifteenth yeare ofhis Majties reigne. . E. Manchester, [f. 48.] To the Clerke of the Signett attending. 1665, Dec. December, 1665. A Warrant Dormant to the Treasurer of his Majesties Chamber for the time being to pay to the Gentlemen and Officers of his Docquet. Majesties Chappell such summes of money as shalbe allowed them by bills signed by the Lord Chamberlaine for their expences in their extraordinary attendance upon his Matie, in removes and progresses, to comence from Mich. last. Subscribed by Mr. Trumbull, byTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 99 warrant of the Lord Chamberlaine, and procured by Mr. Secretary Morice. [f. 47b.~\ These are to signifie unto your Lordshipp his Majesties pleasure, 4670, Aug. il- That you provide and deliver, or cause to be provided and delivered, unto tbe Deane of his Majesties Chappell Royall at Whitehall, one standard for the Clerke of the Checque to the Gentlemen of the Chappell, to be placed in the vestry, as hath been formerly ac- customed, and this shalbe your warrant. Given under my hand this llth day of August, 1670. In the 22th year of his Majesties reigne. E. Manchester. To the Right Honble Edward, Earle of Sand- wich, Master of his Malies Great Wardrobe, or to his Deputy there. [f. 46 b.] YII.—Résignations, Dismissals, and Pétitions. Knowe ail men whome theis présentes maye concerne, that I 1611, May 1. Willm. Lawes, latelye one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell, and in ordinarye paye, doe, for dyvers causes me there unto movinge, make over my said place to Ezechiell Waade, havinge first obtayned the favor and consent of the Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of B a the and Wells, Deane of his Majesties Chappell, with the Subdeane and whole Societie, for a certeyne some of money before hand payed. I saye I doe advisedly, voluntarylye, and very willinglye resigne my said place in his Majesties Chappell as aforesaid the firste of Maye, 1611. In witnes hereof, I hâve subscribed to this my résignation in the daye and yeare before written. P me William Lawes. [f. 2o. The Copye of Jo : Myners resignacôn of his place in the Churche of 1615, .June 4. Exon: to our Lorde the Deane of his Majestés Chappell. Wheras I, John Myners, by the especiall favor of your good Lordshipp, and the general consent of the Gentlemen of the o 2100 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OF Chappell, was sworne in ordinarie to the next place that should fall of what part soever, since winch tyme, at the earnest request of some friendes of mine (beinge as then there was no place voyd in the Chappell), I went to Exe ter, and ther was made a member of that body, but presently after I was certifîed of the death of Mr. Samp- son, wheruppon I cam to your Lordshipp about it, and your Lord- shipp hath offered it me freely, the which then unadvisedly I refused, but your Lordshipp more favoringe me (then I deserved) would not take that my first deniall, but gave me longer tyme to consider therof ; afterwards uppon better advisement with my selfe of the many inconveniences that might com unto me by my beinge at Exeter, and of the good which might befall me heare, I returned to your Lordship againe, cravinge your honorable favor, that I might injoye my place, the which I was absolutly sworne unto, and your Lordshipp most favourably graunted it me, but with this proviso, that if I weare sworne and made one of the body of the Chappell I should signifie under my hand and seale that I did wholy leave and forgoe ail the right and interest 1 had or hâve in Exceter, and further, if it should so happen heerafter that I againe should betake my sealfe to Exceter, that then I shoulde loose ail the hope and benefitt which to me belonges by my place in the Chappell, to the which these your honorable demaundes I do most willingly con- desend, and for the satisfaccôn of your good Lordshipp and the rest of the Company I doe sette my hande and seale, purposinge (by God’s grâce) to give over Exceter, and to doe my best endevours for his Majestés service in the Chappell duringe life. This 4th of J.une, 1615. Signed and sealed by the said Jo: Myners. Wittnesses heerof, Antho: Harrison, Substitute. Jo: Hewlett. [f. 32.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 101 To the Right Reverend Father in God Lancellot Lord Bishop of lg20, Sept. Winton, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell. The Peticon of the Subdeane and Gentlemen of his sayd Mates A Peticbn rri n preferred Ghappell. against Henry Humblie shewinge unto your Honor, that, wheras Henry Eveseed, Eveseed* one of the Yeomen of the Yestry, was heertofore at the speciall in- stance of the Subdeane and Gentlemen preferred to an extraordinarie place in the vestrye, to succeade in ordinary uppon the next avoydance, and then, uppon the misbehaviour of Aldred, at the request of your suppliantes aforesayd was admitted into ordinarie, where he hath continued now nine yeares and upward, at acceptance of which othe (by order of the Reverend our late Deane) and under his owne hand, as appeareth in our Regis ter, he yealded himselfe to be de- prived of his place if any way he misbehaved himselfe in his sayd place, since which tyme he hath misbehaved himselfe continually, either in disgrâce of the whole society in generall or to sondrie of them in particuler, in such sort that it is not tollerable that he shoulde remaine longer to be indured. As first some fower yeares since he beinge infected with a fowle disease in his groine, to the great offence of ail, but chiefely of those that were constrained by meanes of their service to lye neere him, uppon which the late Lord Deane thought him unfitt to serve his Majestie in his progresse into Scot- land. Also since that tyme he hath very much abused himselfe through drunkennesse ; for the last winter at Whithall he was drounke many daies together so that he was alwaies fightinge with his fellowes or the servauntes, to the great disquiett of the Officers of the Greencloth. At midnight, and in his mad drounkennesse, he rose out of his bed naked, and would needes run out at a glasse window, where he tare his fleshe with the broken glasse [so] that he was not hole in a good while after ; in which his sayd drounkennes one nighthe came and vomited in a dishe of pottage which Mr. Harrison and others were eatinge of. Also at his Majestés last beinge at Green- wich, he soe still contynuinge his drounkennes that the porters com-102 THE OLI) CHEQUE 'BOOK OF plained of his continuait late cominge in drounke, at which tymes he takes occasion to quarrell and beate the servauntes. Againe uppon St. Peter’s day last, beinge the day of our feast, unto winch were invited many Officers of the House and other our good friendes, the sayd Eveseed did violently and sodenly without cause runne uppon Mr. Gibbons, took him up and threw him doune uppon a standard wherby he receaved such hurt that he is not yett recovered of the same, and withall he tare his band from his neck to his préjudice and disgrâce. Then he proceading from Mr. Gibbons mett our fellow Mr. Cooke in the ehappell, wher he gave him three blowes in the face, and after that he abused our fellowe Mr. Crosse and Richard Patten, and was not satisfied with those abusinges but challenged the field of some of them, which abuse did tend to our great discreditt, contemning the Subdeane or any thing he could say or doe therin. He reported unto the sergeant that the Sub- deane sate in Chapter as the knave of clubbs, and the rest of the company as knaves about him. And now on Monday last the 25th of this Sept. 1620, after many admonisions given in privât and publickly in chapter, and hopinge of his amendment did still forbeare to complain unto your Lordship, but growing still incor- rigible in the sight and hearing of many of the gentlemen and ail his fellowes of the vestery, and that causelesse he fell into unseemly termes with Mr. Subdeane, contemning his office, affirming it to*be poore, y et himselfe to be proud therof as the divill, telling him withall that he was a base fellow intruding him selfe into their office havinge nothing to doe therin, no not the Deane nor Subdeane had any thing to doe with them in their office, and threatning our fellow Cooke to teare the fleshe of[f] his face, with many other re- proachfull speeches to[o] longe heere to be spoken of. And lastly the sayd Eveseed hath bin reproved by the Subdeane and officers of the vestery to be the most négligent officer in his place that he hath knowne in his tyme, and that he is become a blasfemer and a filthy speaker in ail places, that his company is rejected whersoever he cometh.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 103 What is heere complayned of wilbe approved unto your Lordp by the gentlemen in generall, or by some of them in particuler. In testimony wherof seventeen gentlemen hâve heerunto subscribed our names.* Uppon readinge of this complaint in Chapter at Hampton Court, the 29th of September 1620, it pleased the Eeverend our Deane to suspend the said Eveseed untill the feaste of Ail Saintes following, expecting then to receave from him better answers unto the sayd complaint as by the said suspenœn under my Lord Deanes hand more plainly appeareth in fol. 34. f Uppon consideracon of which Henry Eveseed, yeoman of the vestery, did peticon unto the Eight Eeverend Lord Deane, the third of November, in manner foliowinge. Humblie shewing that not long since divers occasions hâve happened wherby offences hâve bin taken wherin your peticioner doth acknowledge him selfe guilte, And albehit he doth confesse to hâve deserved both the losse of his place and what other punishment your Lordship shall please to impose uppon him, yet he hopeth your good Lordship wilbe favourable unto him beinge a younge man and not understandinge him selfe nor his obedience to his betters; secondly having no other meanes to live uppon but his creditt and a porcion of land given him by his friendes, which is not sufficient for his maintenance; and thirdly havinge not bin sufficiently tutered in his youth, wherby to take any course of living, but is altogether destitute both of livinge and meanes to supplie him. His most humble suite unto your Lordship is, that your Honor wilbe pleased to be so good and favourable unto him as that he may enjoye the benefitt which ail his Majestés houshold servantes hâve and usually had, and that your Honor will vouchsafe in regard this is the first offence that ever he committed, and for his father’s sake, who somtyme was Gentle- * The names of the gentlemen are not subscribed to this entry in the MS. f See the following page.104 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF man of this Chappell, your Lordship will shew some favor unto him, and this shalbe a sufficient warninge for him never to ofFend in this kinde but ever to praye for your Lordships happie preservaœn. Uppon reading of this peticon also in Chapter at Whithall before his Lordship, his Honor’s pleasure was that the sayd Eveseed should submitt him selfe unto the gentlemen whome he had offended, and that his Lordship inight be certified therof under their handes by Christmas following, if not, his Honor pronounced his place to be then utterly voyd. Which submission not beinge accordingly don, ther was a proceading against him as on the next page appeareth. [f. 37.] 1620-1. March 3. Henry Eveseed deprived. Be it further remembred that uppon the third day of March 1620, the sayd Reverend Lord Deane held a Chapter at Whithall, wher were présente 21 gentlemen and the officers of the vestery, in which Chapter Henry Eveseed for not performing his submission as was formerly enjoyned him, and for not performing his duty and service in his place, and persisting dayly in his former abuses against the Subdeane and others of the gentlemen, as was then and there provid, and his Lordship finding no hope of reformacon in him, did then in Chapter (according to the order of his Majestés house by former prickes sett downe) pronounce his place to be utterly voyd, and the same to be enjoyed by some other. In testimony heerof his Lordship hath caused this act to be registred, and hath heer- unto subscribed his name the day and yeare above written. [f. 38.] Dr. Peirce his Résignation.* 1633, Ang. 31. In Dei nomine Amen. Coram vobis notario publico, publicaque et * This is very incorrectly entered in the original MS.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 105 aucthenft’cata persona, ac testibus fide dignis, hic præsentibus Ego Thomas Pearce sacræ theologiæ professor, unus generosorum Capellæ (supremorwm qué) regiæ, serenissimi in Christo principis et Domini nostri, Domini Caroli Dei gratia Angliæ ScotiæFranciæ et Hiberniæ Régis, fidei defensoris, yolens et affectans, ex certis causis veris et legitimis me et animum meum in ea parte spscialiter moyens ab onere et servitio dicti loci mei exui et exonerari, eundem locum meum cum suis juribus et pertinentuniversis in manus reve- rendissimi in christo patris et domini, domini Guilielmi providenfaa divina Episcopi Londmswsis et in Archiepwcopum Cant. electi decani Cappellæ Regiæ Majestatis predicfee aut alii cujuscunque hanc meam resignacionem admittendi projonstatem habentis seu habituri non vi metu dolo seu fraude ad hoc ductus seu seductus aut aliqua alia machinacione sinistra circumventus sed ex mea certa scientia et spontanea voluntate animoqws deliberato 2itque pure sponte sim- pliciter et absolute resigno dictumqus locum et officium meum in Capella regia predî'cfa re et verbo dimitto jure quoque et possessione meis in eadem capella prehabitis renuntio eisdem cedo et ab eisdem recedo totaliter et expresse in hiis scriptis. Tho. Peirs. Testibus Willi. Pean f Interposita et lecta fuit hujusmodi resignacio Samuele Franklin S coram me Johanne Hart notario publico aime curiæ Canï Dni Archibus London procurüm generalium uno in ædibus meis in yico vulgariter nuncupato Knightrider Street Citis London die Sabbathi ultimo die mensis Augusti 1633 presentibus tune et ibidem unacum notario publico ante dicto Willmo Peanetiam notario publico et Samuell Francklene rato testibus &c. Ita testor ego Johannes Hart Notarius Publicus. [f. 42.] CAMD. SOC. P106 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF 1592. VIII.—OATHS OF THE SüBDEAN, GENTLEMEN, &C. The Othe for the Subdeane of his Majestés Chappel :—* A. Yow shall sweare to serve the hie and moste excellent Princes James Elizabeth bythe grâce of God of England, Fraunce, and Yrelande, Kinge their Qweene, Deffender of the Faythe, &c., Also her heirs and successors, trewlye and faythfullye, as well in the spécial truste of this great their charge in the office of Subdeane of her Majestés Eoyall Chappel by their her highnes speciall favor bestowed upon yowe accordinge to the same truste in yowe reposed, as in ail other things towchinge her honor and securitie. Yowe shall not conceal or kepe secrete anye their their treasons committed or spoken againste her Highnes or anye her successors, but shall immediatelye within 24 howrs after soche treasons harde or knowne reveale the same to one of the Councell for the tyme beinge, or to one Justice of the Peace nexte adjoynning to the place whereas yow shall chaunce to heare of the forsaid treasons : Yow shall also sweare, testifye, and déclaré in your con- Kinges science that the Qweene Highnes is and oghte to be by the worde of God the only suprême Governor of this Eealme and ail other her Highnes dominions and contreys, as well in ail spirituall and eccle- siasticall things and cawses as temporall: And that no forren prince, person, prelate, State, or potentate hathe or ought to hâve anye jurisdiction, power, superioritye, preheminence, or auctorite ecclesiastical, within this Eealme : And therffore yow shall utterlye renownce and forsake ail forren jurisdictions, powers, superiorities, and * The words in italics are crossed ont in the MS., and those written above are in- tended to be snbstitnted for them. îhe “ othe ” was altered a second time for William and Mary. Another copy occnrs on f. 54, written in the reign of Queen Anne. This was again altered to serve for the House of Hanover, the clause “ his heirs and successors ” being bracketed as if for omission. It has not been thought necessary to insert the second copy, as it differs only in the orthography.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 107 auctorities whatsoever, and to promes that from hensfforthe yow shall Kinges and Q. their beare faythe and trewe alleageance to the Qweem highnes, her heirs and lawfull successors,andtoyour power shonld assiste and defende ail jurisdictions, privileages, preheminences, and auctorities graunted or Kinges and Q. belonginge to the Qweens highnes, her heirs and successors, or United and annexed to the Ymperiall Crowne of this Reaime: So helpe yowe God and the holye contentes of that boke. July 26. 1592, Eliz. 34. [f. 156.] The Othe for the Gentleman of the Chappell, and other Officers therto belonginge :— * Yowe shall sweare to serve the highe and mightye Prynces James, Elizabethe, by the Grâce of God of Englaund Fraunce and Ire- Kinge land Queene, Defender of the Faythe, &c. and to hir heyres and successors, truly and faythfully, both in the offyce yowe are called unto as also in ail other thynges towching her honor and suretye; yow shall not conceale or keepe secrete any treasons commytted or spoken agaynste her hyghnes, or any her successors, but that im- medyatlye within xxiiij houres after such treasons harde or knowen yow shall reveale and open the same to one of the Councell for the tyme beynge, or to one justyce of the peace neixte adjoynynge to the place wheras yow shall chaunce to heare of the foresayd treasons : Yowe shall also sweare, testyfye and déclaré [in] youre conscience that Kinges the Queenes Highnes ys and oughte to bee by the worde of God the only supreame Governor of thys Reaime, and ail other her highnes dominions and countreys, as well in ail spirytuall or ecclesiasticall * The words in italics are crossed ont in the MS., as in the previous entry. Another copy of the document is given on f. 30 (temp. Caroli I.), but it was not thonght necessary to include it here, as the words are the same. A third copy of the “ othe,” written on the accession of the House of Hanover, occurs on f. 55. The clause “ his heirs and successors ” is crossed out wheneyer it occurs in this latter copy. P 2 1558.108 THE OLD CHEQUE,BOOK OF thinges or causes as temporall, and that no forrayne prynce, person, prelate, State, or potentate, hath or oughte to hâve any jurysdiction, power? superiorytie, preheminence, or auctorytye, ecelesiasticall or spirituall, within thys Reaime, and therefore yow shall utterlye renownce and forsake ail forraine jurisdictions, powers, supe- riorytyes, and auctoryties, and to promyse that from henceforthe Kinges yowe shall beare fayth and trewe allegeaunce to the Queenes highnes, her heires and lawfull successors, and to your power shall assyste and defend ail jurisdictions, priveleges, preheminences, and Kinges auctorytyes graunted or belongynge to the Queenes hyghnes, her heires and successors, or united and annexed to the Imperiall Crowne of this Reaime ; yowe shall also sweare to be obedyente to the Deane and Subdeane for the tyme beynge of her Majestyes most honorable Chappell, and unto ail such lawdable orders as are or shalbee by them and the whole bodye of this Company thought meete and convenient to bee devysed for quyetnes ; and also yow shall not bee one whole day absent withoute lycence of the Deane or Subdeane, or their Substitute for the tyme beinge, so helpe yowe God and the holye contentes of that booke. God save Queene Elizabeth. Touching the Yeomen and Gro[o]me of the Yestrye :— And also to bee at the commaundment of the Sergeaunte of the Yestry for the tyme beinge, touching the service of her Majestie from tyme to tyme, so helpe yow God and the hole contentes of that booke. That is Sergeant of his Majesty’s Yestery in Ordinarie, and to receave such wages and fees as unto the sayd office apperteynethe. And that yow shall not départe from the service of the Kinge without lycence of the Deane, Subdeane, or there Substitute for the tyme beyinge. [f. 16.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 109 The Oth of William Phillips,* given the first daye of October, 1604: 1604. William Phillips, y ou shall sweare to serve faythfully and trulye the high and mightie Prince, James, by the grâce of God Kinge of great Brittaine, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the fayth, his lawfull heires and successors, in the place you are called unto, that is, a yeoman for his Majesties vestrye in ordinarye, to attend the Princé with such parcells of stuffe as are or shall be committed to youre charge by vertue of this warrant signed from the King’s Majestie, or otherwise, and you shall not clayme nor sue for any ordinarye place to attend in in his Majesties Chappell or Yestrie, by vertue of this oth. Ail these things you shall trulye performe and keepe, and allso be obedient to and in ail his Majesties service unto theDeaneand Subdeane of his Majesties Chappell, so help you God and by the holy contentes of this booke. Leonard Davies, Subdean. [f. 26.] I, John Croker, being to be admitted into a yeare of probacion John^Croker^ to serve in the place of a counter ténor in his Maj. Chappell Royall, Xxiiijth of do voluntarily sweare that by the grâce of God and his help I shall and will doe my best endeavour to make and approve my selfe meet every way by my temperate and sober quiet carriage in such man- ner as beseemeth me, and as shalbe approved by the judgment of the Deane and Subdeane and major part of the Gentlemen of the said Chappell, to be in the end of the sayd yeare taken in and made one of their Societie. And in case I shall not soe approve my selfe, then to avoyde, yeald up, and resigne my said place of probationer in his Majestés sayd Chappell into the handes of the Deane or Subdeane of the sayd Chappell for the time being. And further, I am willing and doe agréé that, in default of the prémisses touching my behaviour and carriage of myselfe, that my foresayd avoydance and resignacon * This form of oath is entered again, on f. 28J, as the “ othe of Thomas Myller geyen the 21st of Aprill, 1606.,’ It was not thought necessary to repeat it, as it differs only in orthography.110 THE OLD CHEQUE/ BOOK OF shall, by these présentes, stand good and available to ail intentes and purposes against me the said John Croker, for any claime or interest in or to the foresaid place or to the profittes any way be« longing therunto, so help me God. In wittnesse wherof I, the said John Croker, hâve subscribed my name in my owne hand and that voluntarilie in the presence of the Subdeane and diverse of the Gentlemen of the Chappell. John Croker. [f. 15.] 1606, Dec. 3. I, David Henly, doe voluntarily sweare that to the uttermost of my power I will doe my endevour by ail possible meanes to make and approve my self to the able doinge of the service required in his Majesties Chappell in perfect and good sort, as beseemeth me in the judgment of the Deane and Subdeane and major parte of the Gentlemen of the sayd Chappell, and that within the space of one whole yeare next after this my admittance into the sayd place, or els to avoyd, yeald uppe and resigne my place of probationer in his Majtie* Chappell into the handes of the Deane or Subdeane of the sayd Chappell for the tyme beinge : And further, I willbe willinge and doe agréé that in the default of the premises touchinge mine in- sufficiency, that my foresayd avoydance and resignacon shall stand good and avaylable by these présentes against me the sayd David Henly for any clayme or interest in or to the afforesayd place, or to the profittes any way belonginge thereto, so healpe me God: and in wittnes whereof I, the sayd David Henly, hâve subscribed my name with mine owne hand, and that voluntarily, in the presence of the Subdeane and many of the Gentlemen of his Highnes Chappell afforesayd, the third day of December Anno Domini 1606. David Henle. [f. 275.] 1662, Noy. H. I, William Jackson, Master of Arts, being to be admitted into a Priest’s place in his Maties Chappell Koyall, doe faithfully promise by the grâce of God to doe my best endeavour to make my selfe fitt by ail meanes for skill with pious, discreet, and sober demeanourTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 111 for the sayd place as shall be approved of by the Deane and Sub- deane of the sayd Chappell. And in case I shall not so approve my selfe in this yeare of probation, I shall at the end of it yeild up and resigne my sayd place into the hands of the Deane or Subdeane of the sayd Chappell, which sayd résignation shall, by these présents, stand good and available to ail intents and purposes against me, the sayd William Jackson, for any claime or interest in or to the foresayd place, or to any the profitts belonging therunto. In wittnes wher- of I hâve heerunto sett my hand this fourteenth day of November 1662, and in the fourteenth year of his Majesties reigne. William Jackson, [f. 446.] I, Blaze White, Master of Arts, being to be admitted into a Priest’s place in his Majesties Chappell Koyall, doe faithfully promise by the grâce of God to do my utmost endeavour by my skill and voice to performe and officiate the service in the sayd Chappell required of me by the Deane and Subdeane and his Substitute, according to the oath by me taken: And that I will demeane my selfe with such pious, quiett, and discreet behavour as shall be approved of by the Deane and Subdeane of the sayd Chappell : And in case I shall not ' approve my selfe in this year of probation, I shall at the end of it yeild up and resigne my place into the hands of the Deane or Sub- deane to be voyded to me to ail intents and purposes : I doe like- wise heerby promise to relinquish ail the interest I hâve in the Church of Canterbury, and shall not undertake any quire employ- ment in any Cathedrall Church, so long as I hâve relation to his Maj. Chappell Koyall. In witnesse wherof I hâve sett my hand the J fourteenth day of March in the sixteenth yeare of his Maj. reigne King Charles the Second, and in the yeare of our Lord 1663. ' Blasius White. [f. 49.] I, William Hopwood, doe subscribe as Mr. White hath done to 1664, Oct. 24. ail intents and purposes whatsoever. Witnes my hand the 24th of October 1664, and in the sixteenth year of his Majesties reigne. Will. Hopwood. [f. 49.]112 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1663-4, March 14. 1663-4, March 14. I, Thomas Richardson, being to be swome into the next place of a lay ténor or counter ténor that shall be voyd, and into halfe pay till such a place do fall, do promise (according to a statute in that behalfe required) to give ail diligence in my attendance on the service of his Maj. Chappell Royall as a probationer, and do promise and undertake for my demeanour and behavour as Mr. White above said hath done, as also that I shall not undertake any employment in any Cathedrall Church so long as I shall hâve relation to his Maj. Chappell Royall. Witness my hand the above sayd day of March. Tho. Richardson, [f. 49.] I, Charles Husbands, being to be admitted into a counter tenor’s place in his Maj. Chappell Royall and iftto halfe pay till a place shall fall voyd for Mr. Thomas Richardson, do promise for my be- havour as Mr. White hath done, and when I shall hâve the full pay of a Gentleman of his Maj. Chappell Royall, I doe promise to re- linquish ail my interest in the Church of Windsor, and betake myselfe wholly to the service of his Maj. Chappell. Witnesse my hand the day and year of Mr. White’s subscription. Charles Husbands. [f. 49.] IX.-—“ BENEVOLENCIES ” TO THE GENTLEMEN. Doctor Pearse. Certayne benevolence yearelye from the Lord A[l]m[o]ner to the Gentlemen of the Chappell on Maundye Thursdaye :— In the yeare 1580 . . . . . xxs. In the yeare 1581 . . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1582 . . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1583 . . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1584 . . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1585 . . .xxs.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 113 In the yeare 1586 ..... In the yeare 1587 ..... In the yeare 1588 ..... In the yeare 1589 ..... By the Eeverend Father in God Mr. Doctor Fletcher, being Lord A[l]m[o]ner, in the yeare 1590 . By the Eeverend Father in God Mr. Docter Fletcher, beinge Lord Almoner, in the yeare 1591 In the yeare 1592 ..... In the yere 1593 of the sayd L. Almoner (nowe the Bushoppe of Worcester) at Westmr the Maundy there holden . In the yeare 1594 of the saide Lord Almoner In the yeare 1595 of the Eeverend Father in God the Bishop of Durham ..... In the yeare 1596 of the Eeverend Father in God the L. Bishopp of London, being L. Almoner In the yeare 1597 of the Eeverend Father in God the Lord Bishopp of Chichester, beinge L. Almoner In the yeare 1598 of the Eeverend Father in God the Lord Bishopp of Chichester, beinge Lord Almoner In the yeare 1599 of the same Lord Almoner In the yeare 1600 of the same Lord Almoner In the yeare 1601 of the same Lord Almoner In the yeare 1602 of the same Lord Almoner In the yeare 1603 of the same Lord Almoner In the yeare 1604 of the same Lord Almoner In the yeare 1605 of the same Lord Almoner XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. [f. 74b.] DoctrWickam, B. Lincolne, L. A[l]m[o]ners Deputy. Bishoppe of Bristowe. To the Sergtx*. To the child- ren 48. Besides y8 xx" was also gave. The xxiii. of Aprill receved of the Bishop of Winchester, x8 for St. George’s Day 1596. The Continuance of the Lorde A[l]m[o]ner’s benevolence to the Chappell. By the Eight Eeverend Father in God, Mr Doctor Andros Bushoppe of Chichester, beinge Lorde Alm[o]ner in the yeare of our Lorde 1606 . . . . xx s. CAMD. SOC. Q Doct. An- drewes, B. of Chichester. 1606.114 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF D. Androwes, B. of Ely. Tlie Maundy was kept at Durham 1617. Dr. Androwes, B. of Winton, for the Maundy. Dr. Mountaine B. of Lincolne for the Maundy, and Bishop after- wards of Lon- don 1622. Dr. White, B. of Norwich for the Maundy 1629. Aprill the second and March the 26, 1630. Dr. Duppa, B. of Winchester for the Maundy,Aprill 11, 1661. Item of the said Reverend Father for the yeare 1607 Item rec. of the said Reverend Father for the yeare 1608 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1609 Item of the same Reverend Father nowe Busshopp of Ely for the yeare of our Lord God 1610 . Item of the same Reverend Father for the Maundie beinge held the 21st of Marche 1600, beinge then Maundy Thursday ...... Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1612 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1613 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1614 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1615 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1616 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1618 Item of the Reverend Father for the yeare 1619 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1620 Item rec. of the Reverend Father for the yeare 1621 Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare 1622 Item received of him for the yeare 1623 Item received of him for the yeare 1624 Item received of him for the yeare 1625 Item received of him for the yeare 1626 Item received of him for the yeare 1627 Item received of the same Rev. Father for the yeare 1628 Item received of the Reverend Father for the yeare 1629 Item received of the Reverend Father for the yeare 1630 Item received of the Reverend Father for the yeare 1661, by Henry Lawes, Clerke of the Check Item received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Hinch- man, Lord Bishop of Sarum, xx s. for the Maundy 1662 . ..... Received for the Maundy in the yeare 1663 XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 115 Received for the Maundy in the yeare 1664 . . xxs. Received in the yeare 1665 for the Maundy, by Thos. Blagrave Cleark of the Check . . . .xxs. Item received of the Right Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of London, Lord Almoner, for the Maundy in the yeare of our Lord 1666. The Maundy was kept in the parish church at Westminster . . .xxs. Received for the Maundy 1667 . . . .xxs. Item received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph’s and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy 1689, by Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check . . . . . . xx s. Item received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of St. AsapVs and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1690, by Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check . . . . . .xxs. Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph’s and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1691, by Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Check. Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd Bishop of St. Asaph’s and Lord Almoner, xxs. for the Maundy in the yeare 1692, by Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Checke. Received of the Reverend Father in God, Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Litchfeild and Coventry and Lord Almoner, xxs. for the Maundy in the yeare 1693, by Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Check. Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph’s and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1694, by Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Check. Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd Bishop of Litchfeild and Coventry and Lord Almoner, Q 2 An. 1691. Ann. 1692. An. 1693. An. 1694. An. 1695.116 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF An. 1696. An. 1697. An. 1698. An. 1699. An. 1700. An. 1701. An. 1702. An. 1703. xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1695, by Edw. Brad- dock, Clerk of Chèque. Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Litchfeild and Coventry and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1696, by Edw. Brad- dock, Clerk of the Chèque. Receiyed of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Littchfeild and Coventry and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1697, by Edw. Brad- dock, Clerk of the Chèque. Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester and Lord Almoner, xxs. for the Maundy in the yeare 1698, by Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check . . . . [f. 75.] Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1699, by Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check ...... Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester and Lord Almoner, xxs. for the Maundy in the yeare 1700,- by Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Check ..... Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester and Lord Almoner, xxs. for the Maundy in the yeare 1701, by Edw. Braddock, Clerk of Check ...... Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Litchfeild and Lord Allmoner, twenty shillings for the Maundy for the yeare 1702, by me Edw. Braddock, Clerk of Check Received of the Reverend Father in God Dr. Sharp, Archbishop of York and Lord Allmoner, twenty shillings for the Maundy in the yeare 1703, by me Edward Braddock, Clerke of the Check. xxs. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 117 Received of the Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Sharp, Archbishop of York and Lord Almoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1704, by me Edward Braddock, Clerk of the Check. , Received of the Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Sharp, Arch Bishop of York and Lord Allmoner, xx s. for the Maundy in the yeare 1705, by me Edward Brad- dock, Clerk of the Check. Received of the Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Sharp, Arch Bishop of , York and Lord Allmoner, for the Maundy in the yeare 1706, by me Edward Brad- dock, Clerk of the Check Received of his Grâce of York, now Lord Allmoner, twenty shillings for the Maundy. Received ofhis Grâce of York, now Lord Allmoner, one pound fpr the Maundy, by me Dan. Williams, Clerk of the Check » Ditto Ditto I Ditto / by me Daniel Williams, Clerk of Chèque. Ditto I Ditto J An. 1704. An. 1705. An. 1706. An. 1707. An. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1711. 1712. 1713. Received one pound, D. W- ) Qerk of tlie Cll Received one pound, D. Wms > [f 76 ] Docter Horne, Docter Watson, Docter Cooper, Byshoppes of Win- chester. Certayne benevolences yearely from the Bishoppes of Winchester, prelates of the Garter, to the Gentlemen of the Chappell at the feaste of St. George. In the yeare 1581 * , , . . xxs. In the yeare 1582 In the yeare 1583. , * , In the yeare 1584 . In the yeare 1585 1715. xxs. XX s. XX s. XX s.118 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP Docter Cowper. Doctor Cooper. In the yeare 1586 . . . . . xxs. In the yeare 1587 . • . . .xxs. In the yeare 1588 . . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1589 . . * . .xxs. In the yeare 1592 -. . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1593 . . . . . .xxs. In the yeare 1594 he dyed, leavinge the fee unpaide . Nil. Doctor Wickam. Doetor In the yeare 1595 . . . . .xxs. Wickam. J Doctor Daye. Item of the Eevd. Father in God Docter Daye, Lord Bishop of Wynchester, Anno 1596 . . .xxs. Doctor Bilson. Item of the Revd. Father in God Doctor Bylson, Bishop of Wynchester, Anno 1597 . . . .xxs. Item of the Reverend Father in God Doctor Bylson, Bishopp of Wynchester, Anno Domini 1598 . .xxs. Item of the Reverend Father in God Doctor Bilson, Bishopp of Winchester, Anno Domini 1599 . .xxs. Item of the Reverend Father in God Doctor Bylson, Bishopp of Wynchester, Anno Domini 1600 . . xx s. Item of the Reverend Father in God Doctor Bylson, Byshopp of Wynchester, Anno Domini 1601 . .xxs. Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare of our Lord 1602 . . . . . . xxs. Item of the same Reverend Father for the yeare of our Lord 1603 . . . . . .xxs. Item of the same Revd. Father for the yeare of our Lord 1604 . . . . . . .xxs. Item of the same Revd. Father in God for the yeare of our Lord God 1605 , . . . . xx s. Item of the same Revd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 1606 4 ^ . .xxs. Item of the aforenamed Reverend Father in God for the yeare of our Lord God 1607 xxs.THE CHAÇEL ROZAL, 119 Item of the sayd Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 16,08 .. ..... Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 1609 , # • Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 1610 ...... Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 1611 . . . . Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 1612 . . . . . Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord God 1613....................... Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord 1614 ....... Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord 1615 . . . . Item of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord 1616 ....... Item received of the Eevd. Father in God James Mount- ague, Lord Bishop of Winchester, for the fee due this St. George’s feast, beinge held at Winsor, the 13th of September, 1617 Item recd. of the same Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord 1618 ...... Item received of the Eevd. Father in God Lancellott Lord Bishopp of Win ton, for the fee due at St. George’s feast, beinge kept at Greenwich, the 26th of Maie, 1619 Item recd. of the Eevd. Father for the yeare of our Lord 1620 . . . . . . • Item recd. of the Eevd. Father for the yeare 1621 Item rec. of the same Eev. Father for the yeare 1622 Item received of him for the yeare 1623 . Item rec. of the same Eev. Father for St. George’s fèast, held at Winsor, the 28th of Aprill, 1624 XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. XX s. Doctor Mount- ague. Doctor An- drewes.120 THE OLD CHEQUE £OOK OP Item rec. of the same for the feast held at Winsore the 14 ofDecember, 1625 • . . .. , xxs. Item rec. of him for the feast held at Whithall the 27 of Aprill 1626 . . . . . .xxs. Doctor Neale. Item rec. of the Rev. Father in God Richard Lord Bishopp of Winton, for the fee due at St. George’s feast, being kept at Windsore, the 26 of Sept. 1628 . .xxs. Item rec. of the same Rev. Father for the feast held the 23 of April 1629 • . . . .xxs. Doctor Curie. Item rec. of the Rev. Father in God Walter Lord Bishopp of Winton, for the fee due at St. George’s feast, being kept at Whithall, the 23 of Aprill 1634 . .xxs. Doctor Duppa. Item rec. of the Rev. Father in God Lord Bishop of Winton, for the fee due at St. George’s feast, being kept at Windsor the 15 of Aprill, 1661 . . . 3ii. Doctor Morley. Item received of the Rev. Father in God George Lord Bishop of Winton, for the fee due at St. George’s feast, being kept at Windsor, the 23d of Aprill, the sum of xxs. and xs. for the children, AnnoDomini 1663 . xxxs. Dr. Morley. Reed, for St. George’s feast, kept at Whitehall, in the yeare 1667 • . . * . . .xxs. [ff. 726. 73.] Benevolences given to the Gentlemen of the Chappell by Bishopps at the tyme of their Consecracons as heerafter doe foliowe, viz. :— Imprimis, Receaved of the Reverend Father in God Doctor Mountague, Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, at the tyme of his Consécration, given to the Gentlemen of the Chap- pell, the some of . . . . . 5 li. Item, Receaved for the benevolence of D. Tompson Bishopp of Gloster, and of D. Buckridge Bishopp of Rochester, given to the Gentlemen at the tyme of their Consecracons, the some of 4U viz. of eyther of them . iiij li.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 121 Item, Receaved of D. Kinge, Bishopp of London, for the lyke benevolence, given at the tyme of his Consecracôn, the some of . . . . • xl s. [f. 7 lè.] The Lord High Treasurer of England gives to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for their New Year’s Gift forty shillings. The Right Reverend the Deane of his Maj. Chappell for the time being gives to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for their New Year’s Gift forty shillings. The Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bishopp of Oxford and Deane of his Maj. Chappell Roy ail, gave to the Gentlemen of his Maj. Chappell (at his coming in to be their Deane) a buck and ten pounds in gold to drinke his Lordship’s health, which was accordingly done at Windsor the 16 th day of August 1675. The Lord Allmoner for the time being giveth to the Gentlemen of the Chappell every Maunday Thursday twenty shillings, and five shillings every New Year’s Day. The Right Reverend Father in God Doctor John Robinson, Lord Bishop of London and Dean of his Majesties Chappell Royall, gave to the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell ten guineas to drink his Lordship’s health, and (buck venison being out of season,) his Lord- ship was pleased to give a guinea to buy venison, which was accord- ingly done; and as many Gentlemen as wear in toun mett and din’d at the Bell Tavern in Westminster the 22d day of October 1719. • The Right Revd. Father in God Dr. Wm. Talbot, Lord Bishop of Sarum, uponhis being made Dean of his Majesties Chappells Royall, gave a buck and tenn guineys to the Gentlemen of the said Chappell to drink his Lordship’s health, which was accordingly done at the Rummer at Chearing Cross, the day of August 1718. [f. 74.] CAMD. SOC. B122 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1619, June 27. X.—Records of the “ Chapel Feast.” A Warrante for three powndes geven by her Majestie to the Chappell Feaste:— By the Queene. Right trustie and welbeloved Councellor, wee greete you well, and lett you wytt our will and pleasure is that upon the sîghte hereof youe paye and deliver, or cause to be paide and delivered, to the Gentlemen of oure Chappell Royall the some of three powndes currante money in this our reaime, to be taken unto them as of our guifte towardes their feaste, as aboute this tyme in former yeares hathe bene geven unto them oute of our threasure remayninge in your custodie as Threasorer of our Chamber. Wherof faile youe not : and these our lettres shalbe your sufficient warrante and discharge in this behalfe. Geven under our signett, &c. To our trustie and welbeloved Thomas Henneage, Knight, Threasorer of oure Chamber. To our right trastie and welbeloved Coun- cellor the Lord Stanhope, Treasr of onr Chamber. [f. 85.J We will and command that uppon the sight hereof you deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Gentlemen of our Chappell Royall, or to the bearer hereof in their names, two bucks of this season, to be taken of our guifte, within Chynkeford Walke, within our Forreste of Waltham, in our Countye of Essex, anye restrainte, preevie token, or commaundment heretofore geven to the contrarye notwithstandinge. * And these our lettres shalbe your discharge in that behalfe. Geven under our signett at our Mannor House of, &c. 2 buckes, Henald Chappell. [sic.] 1 bucke, Enfield Chase. [f. 85.] Mem. that at a Chapter held the 27th daie of June, 1619, It was there agreed uppon by generall consent that alwaies heerafterTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 123 ther shalbe allowed unto the stewardes of the Chappell Feast of every gentleman attendant the some of three shillinges fower pence, whether the feast be generall or devided, and tliat the sayd monies be paid out of June bord wages, which comonly is paid at the breakinge up of the Chappell, and such of the Gentlemen as are growne aged or taken with sicknes, so that there is no expectacôn of their service any more, they to pay yearly sixe shillinges eight pence a peece towards the same feast : Provided alwaies, that if any of the Gentlemen by any occacôn shall hâve cause to be absent from the sayd feast, then any such gentleman may and shall lawfully appoint and send any copie of his friendes to supplie his absence at that feaste : and likewise if any of the Gentlemen shall bringe or send any frinde or friendes more than he ought to doe he shall paye unto the stewardes for every such guest the some of two shillinges sixe pence, to be taken out of his or their borde wages for the monethe of September next followinge. In testimony heereof we the Gentlemen now attend inge hâve heerunto subscribed our names the daie and yeare above written. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Antho. Harrison. Richard Coton. Ezech Waad. Jo. Hewlett. John Amery. George Wooddeson. Orlando Gibbons. Will. West. George Cooke. John Frost. Willm. Crosse. Edmund Nelham. Walter Porter. Peter Hopkins. George Sheffeilde. Nathanaell Gyles. [f. 36.] Warrants for Buckes graunted by Kinge Charles:— Our will and Pleasure is that uppon sight heerof you deliver or cause to be delivered unto the Gentlemen of our Chappell Royall, or to the bearer of this for them, one fatt buck of this season, and this our warrant shalbe your discharge. Given at our Court at Greenwich this 25th of June, 1626. To the Ranger, Keeper, or Underkeeper, of our Chase of Enfield. R 2 1626.124 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF Our will and pleasure is that uppon sight heerof you deliver or cause to be delivered unto the Gentlemen of our Chappell Royall, or to the bearer heerof for them, two fatt buckes of this season, and this our warrant shalbe your discharge. Given at our Court at Greenwich this 25th of June, 1626. To the Keeper and Underkeeper of our Parke of Mariebone. [f. 85.] The warrant for the 3 was as above is written. 1632, June 3 Decree made in a Chapter holden at Grinwich by Stephan Boughton (Subdeane of his Majesties Chappell Royall) and the Gentlemen of the Company there assembled togeather in the vestry beeing twenty in number, touching the choice of the Stuards of the Chappell Feast for the tyme to corne, this third of June Ànno Domini 1632:— Be it remembred that it is agreed and concluded by the Subdeane and Gentlemen assembled the day and yeare above written, that from hence forward the stuardes of the Chappell Feast are yearely to be elected and chosen by the company or major part thereof, being for that porpose yearely assembled by the Subdeane or Substitute’s appoyntment: And every gentleman soe chosen and elected as afore- sayd refusinge the sayd office of stuarde or stuardes shall paye xxs apeece, to be taken out of his wagis by the Clarke of the Checke for the tyme beinge, for the use of the company, to be expended at the sayd feast or otherwise, as the company shall thinke fytt : It is lykewise agreed on and concluded by the consent of the gentlemen aforesayd, that every one of the sayde company shall paye to the stuards out of June boardwagis for the sayd feast sixe shillings eight pence yearely for him selfe and his wife, the said vj3 viijd to be taken out of the sayd moneth aforesayde by the Clarke of the Checke to the use aforesayd: And such of the gentlemen as are exemted from dayly attendance shall paye to the use aforesayd xiijs iiijd out of his boord wagis in the month before expressed. It is further concluded and agreed on by the assent and consent of the gentlemen aforesayd, thatTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 125 yf any of the companie (whether maried or unmarried) shall bringe to the sayd feast any other person or persons except his owne wyfe, shall paye (over and above ail other paymentes before expressed) ten shillings for each person so brought, to be taken out of his wagis as before is expressed : And, lastly, it is concluded and agreed on by the gentlemen, that the stuardes shall yearely yeald a just and true accompt to the companie howe they hâve disbursed the moneys that they hâve receaved for the sayd feast, if the companie shall requier it at their handes. In wittnes heerof wee hâve heerunto subscribed our names the day and yeare first above written. [f. 69.] Be it remembred, That whereas Captain Henry Cooke, Master of 16C2- the Children of his Majesties Chappell Royall, was chosen by the Gentlemen of the said Chappell at their feast held in the yeare 1662, to [be] one of the stewards for the feast to be held in the next yeare following, viz. 1663, he, the said [Capt. Henry] Cooke accepted of that stewardship on condition that this choise should be no precedent to binde [him or] his successors for the future whilst they are Masters of the sayd Children, to take upon [them any] more the sayd stewardship, it being ne ver the custome of former yeares nor now ...............* meet or convenient for the Master of the Children to beare that office. [f. 36.] Charles B. Our will and pleasure is, that y ou forthwith paye or cause to be ju]y 28. payed to the Gentlemen of our Chappell Royall the summe of twenty pounds as of our free guift, and in lieu of three deere which of custome wee hâve been pleased to grant yearly unto them : For which this shall be your warrant. Given att our Court att White- hall the 28th day of July in the 18th yeare of our reigne 1666. By his Maties command, Arlington. To our trusty and wellbeloved Sir Edward Griffin, knt our Treasurer of our Chamber. £20 to the Gentlemen of the Chappell in lieu of 3 deere. [f. 475.] * A piece of the MS. is here torn away.126 THE OLD CHEQUE /BOOK OF 1690. 1618-9, January 1. Lancelott Lord Bishop of Winton sworae Deane of the Chap- pell. 1626, Oct. 6. Wm Lord Bishop of Bathe and Welles swome Deane of his Maj. Chappell. Mémorandum, that in the yeare 1690, being the second yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady King William and Queene Mary, tliere Majesties were graciously pleased to restore unto the Gentlemen of there Chappell Royall there antient annuall feast which for some years beffore they had lost, and instead of three bucks which they allways had at the said feast did then grant unto them twenty pounds in money to be yearly paid unto them out of there Majesties Treasury Chamber, with these perquisitts foliowing, viz. :— At the Salsary, fineÜower lbs ld. At the Poultry, butter 36pd. At the Pantry, Cheat fine 2 doz. Coarse 2 doz. At the Buttry, beer 1 hhd. At the Cellar, clarrett 2s® 2ps. At the Larder, a sir loyne of beef 46pd. [f. 846.] XI.—Appointments of the Deans. Be it remembred that uppon the first daie of Januarie 1618, the Right Honorable Lancellot Lord Bishopp of Winton and one of his Majestés Privie Counsell was swome Deane of his Majestés Chappell in the vestery at Whithall, whose othe was ministred by Leonard Davies then Subdeane, in the presence of the gentlemen then there attendinge. [f. 28.] Be it remembred that uppon the sixte day of October 1626, the Right Reverend Father in God William Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles was sworne Deane of his Majestés Chappell in the vesterie at Whitehall, whose othe was ministred unto him by Stephan Boughton, Subdeane, in the presence of the Right Hon. the Erle of Montgomarie, Lord Chamberlaine to his Majestie. Stephan Boughton, Subdeane. [f. 386.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 127 Deanes of the Chappell Royall since the yeare 1660 to 1687. Gilbert Sheldon, Lord Bishop of London, afterwards translated to Canterbury. George Morley, Lord Bishop of Winchester. Herbert Croft, Lord Bishop of Hereford. Walter Blandford, Lord Bishop of Worcester. Henry Compton, Lord Bishop of London. Nathaniel Crewe, Lord Bishop of Durham. Henry Compton, Lord Bishop of London, was againe made Deane of the Chappell Royall in the first yeare of the reigne of there Majesties William and Mary, and in the yeare of our Lord 1689. John Robinson, Lord Bishop of London, was, by her Majesty Queen Anne, made Dean of the Chappell Royall the 17th day of July 1713. William Talbott, Lord Bishop of Salisbury, was, by his Majesty King George, made Dean of his Maj. Royall Chappells the 15th day of March 1717-8. Edmund Gibson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, was, by his Majesty King George, made Dean of his Maj. Royall Chapells the 17th day of Novr 1721. [£ 53.] XII.—The Names of the Subdeans, Priests, and Gentle- men at Various Coronations. A note of the names of the Subdeane, Gentlemen and others of the Chappell, at the tyme of the Coronation of Kynge James the First. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. Bartholomew Mason. Stephen Boughton. Anthony Harrison. William Lawes. * William Barnes. Anthony Kirckbye. Robert Stuckley. Mynisters. 1660 to 1687. 1689. 1713. 1717-8. 1721. Anno Domini 1603.128 THE OLD CHEQUE SOOK OF 1661, Api. 23. Nathanaell Gyles, Master of the Children. Thomas Sampson, Clerke of the Check. Jo. Bull, Doctor in Musicke. Robert Stone. William Birde. Richard Granwall. Crue Sharpe. Edmond Browne. Tho. Wooddeson. Henry Eveseede. William Randall. Robert Allison. Jo. Stevens. Jo. Hewlett. Richard Plumley. Tho. Goulde. Peter Wright. James Davies. William Lawrence. Jo. Amery. Jo. Baldwine. F rancis Wyborough. Arthur Cocke. George Wooddeson Jo. Wooddeson. Ralphe Fletcher, Sergant. Jo. Patten, Yeoman. Robert Hewes, Yeoman. Henry Allred, Groome. Officers of the Yestry. O a> [f. 87.] The Names of the Subdeane, Gentlemen, and othersof his Majesties Chappell Royall, at the tyme of the Coronation of King Charles the Second, Aprill 23, being St. George’s Day, 1661. Doctor Walter Jones, Subdeane. Roger Nightingale. John Sayer. Henry Smith. I Ralphe Amner. Durant Hunt. William Tinker.j Ministers Phillip Tinker. George Low. ) Henry Cooke, Master of the Children. Henry Lawes, Clarke of the Checke. Thomas Peers, Thomas Hazzard, John Harding, Gentlemen. Edward Low, William Chylde, Christopher Gibbons, Organists. William Howes. James Cob. Edward Coleman. \ Thomas Blagrave. Nathaniell Watkins. Thomas Purcill. John Cave. Henry Frost. Alphonso Marsh. John Goodgroome./ Raphaell Courtevile. George Betenham Mathew Pennell. / Gregory Thorndell. Edward Bradock. Henry Purcill. O 0 P ft-, 1 a> PTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 129 Thomas Haynes, Sergeant of the Vestry. William Williams, Yeoman, GeorgWhitcher, Yeoman, Augustine Cleavland, Groome. At which time every Gentleman of the Chappell (in orders) had allowed to him for a gowne, five yards of fine scarlet, and the rest of the Gentlemen, being laymen, had allowed unto each of them foure yards of the like scarlet. [f. 44.] The names of the Gentlemen of the Chappell at the Coronation of 1685, April 23. our Sovereigne Lord King James the Second, Aprill the 23rd, 1685. Dr. William Hôlder, Sub Deane. John Sayer, v James Hart, John Sharold, \ George Yardley, Andrew Trebecke^ John Gostling, g Blase White, Stephen Crespion, Leonard Wooddeson, V g. Confessor, ,a [ & Henry Smyth, William Powell, Samuel Bentham, I 3 Dr. William Child, J Thomas Blagrave, Clearke of the Chèque. Dr. John Blow, Master of the Children. Edward Braddoçke. William Turner. John Abel. James Cobb. Richard Hart. Morgan Harris. Nathaniell Watkins. Michaell Wise Henry Purcell. Henry Frost. (was then suspended Josias Boucher. John Goodgroome. and did not appear). Nathaniell Vestment. George Bettenham. Alphonso Marsh. Edward Morton Thomas Richardson. Thomas Heywood. (extraordinary). Thomas Heynes, Sergeant of the Vestry. Marmaduke Alford, eldest Yeoman of the Yestry. Morice Morer, Yeoman of the Vestry. George Oldner, Groome of the Vestry, George Wyatt, Common Servant. At which tyme was allowed scarlett as at the Coronation of King Charles the Second, p. 44. [f. 525.] camd. soc. s130 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1689, Api. il. The names of the Sub Dean, Gentlemen, and others of their Majestyes Chappell Eoyall, at the time of the Coronation of King William and Queen Mary, Aprill the llth, 1689. The Eevd. Mr. Ealph Battell, Sub Dean. Mr. Blaze White. Mr. Stephen Crispion. Mr. Sayr. Mr. John Gostling. Ministers. Mr. James Hart. Mr. Leonard Woodeson. Mr. Andrew Trebeck. Mr. Samuel Bentham. Doctor William Child, Organist. Doctor John Blow, Organist and Master of the Children. Mr. Henry Purcell, Organist. Mr. Edward Bradock, Clerk of the Chèque. Mr. James Cobb. Mr. William Turner. Mr. Nathaniel Watkins. Mr. Alphonso Marsh. Mr. Morgan Harris. Mr. Josiah Bouchier. Mr. Nathaniel Yestment. Mr. Henry Frost. Mr. John Goodgroome. Mr. George Betenham. Mr. Thomas Eichardson. Officers of the Yestry. Henry Parker, esq. Serjeant. Marmaduke Alford, Yeoman. George Oldner, Groom. [f. 546.] XIII.—Notices appertaining to the Serjeants, Yeomen Grooms, and other officers.—List L A remembrance of the deatbes and incombe of the Officers of the Vestery:—* 1592. John Dison, Sergeant of the Yestery, died in December 1592, and Ealfe Fletcher was swopne Sergeant in his roome the 24th of the same. * This List occupies f. 8 and the reverse in the original MS.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 131 1591. John Burchall, eldest Yeoman, died at Chichester in the Queen’s Progresse the of August, and John Patten was sworne Groome in his place in the same progresse, by the Gent. Ushers, but was new sworne by the Sub Dean at his returne, before he could be receaved into wages. 1593. Vm, Pike, second Yeoman, died the 12 of Maye, and Henry Alred was sworne Groome in his place the same daye, and Robt. Hewes sworne younger Yeoman the viijth of June fol- lowing. 1608. John Patten, eldest Yeoman, made over his place the first of Maye unto Christopher Clark, who was sworne then Groome. 1608. Sergeant Fletcher made over his place to Cuthbert Joyner the 26th of June. 1610. Christopher Clark, Groome of the Yestery, resigned his place the 22th of December to Vm. Lowther, who was sworne Groome the same daye. 1611. Henry Alred for many disorders, and for suspicôn of stealing 3 coapes out of his Maj^8 Yestery at Greenwich, was put out of his place the vijtl1 of June, and Vm, Lowther was sworne Yeoman that daye, and Henry Eveseed the younger was sworne Groome of the Yestery in his place, the 19th of the same June followinge. 1615. Jhon Nicholas, eldest Yeoman of the Yesterie, sold his place unto Richard Patten, who was sworne Groome thereof the 30th of Sept, and Vm. Lowther and Henry Eveseed were sworne Yeomen. 1620. Henry Eveseed, for many disorders comitted and proved against him, was deprived of his Majestés service the third of Marche, and Thomas Pannell was sworne Groome in his place the 20th of the same, and then was Richard Patten raised to the Yeoman's place. 1604. Vm. Lowther, eldest Yeoman, died the 3 of July, and Thomas Walker, servant to the Lord Bishop of Winton, and s 2132 THE OLD CHEQUE, BOOK OF Deane of the Chappel, was sworne Groome in his place the xxy^ of the same followinge. 1625. Mémorandum, that uppon the xixth of November, by King Charles[’s] warrant, under his hand signed, was Thomas Meller sworne Joynt Sergeant of his Mates Yesterie, and Robt. Colman and Silvester Wilson Yeomen of the same, and Thomas Meller to receave suche wages as doth belonge to the Sergeant from his Majestés first entrance unto his Crowne, and Kobt. Colman and Silvester Wilson to receave xijd a peece per diem, and xM a peece per annum for the fee, and they to hâve prioritie of place above the Sergeant and Yeomen as other his Mates servantes had. 1625. Cuthbert Joyner, Sergeant of the Yesterie, died the vj daye of Januarie, and was buried in the Savoy Churche the daye followinge. 1636. Thomas Meller, Sergeant of his MatieB Yesterie, dyed the 25 day of June, and Thomas Walker, then eldest Yeoman of the Vesterie, was sworne Sergeant in his place on Christmas following ; and John Powntney, the youngest Yeoman, was sworne eldest Yeoman, and Hugh Jenkins, being then Groome, was sworne youngest Yeoman, and Roger Judd, servant to the Bushop of Norwich, then Deane of his Maties Chappell, was sworne Groome, uppon Shrove Twesday fol- io weing. 1660. Thomas Haynes was swora Sergeant of hisMajties Yestry, the vth day of November 1660; the same day at the same tyme William Williams was sworn the eldest Yeoman, and Whitell sworn youngest Yeoman, and Augustine Cleavland Groom.* 1665. Mr. William Williams, eldest Groom of [his Ma1*58] Yestry, departed this life the 28th of July [1665] ; in whose place was sworne Owen Phillips ye of August 1665, by warrant from Dr. [Morley] Bishop of Winton, Deane of his Matiea Chappell. * This enti’Y has been crossccî ont in the MS.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 133 1671. Mr. Hugh Powèll, Groome of the Vestry, [departed] this life the 28th of February 1671. 1671. Kichard Ouldner sworne Groome of the Vestry the 20th day of March. 1675. Capt. Owen Phillips, Yeoman of the Yestry, departed this life at Richmond, in Surrey, the 26 of August 1675. 1675. Mr. Marm. Alford was sworne Yeoman of the Yestry the 30 of August 1675. 1675. George Oldner sworne Groome of the Vestry the 29th of September, being Michælmas Day, at Whitehall. 1678. Mr. Adam Watkins, Bellringer, departed this life the third day of September 1678. 1680. George Whitcher, eldest Yeoman of the Vestry, departed this life the 4th of February 1680, in whos place was sworne Morice Morer the 5th of Febr. 1680; the said Morice Morer was sworne youngest Yeoman, but it was not to be a pre- sident to hinder the Groome of his right for the future. 1685. Thomas Heines, esq. sworne Serjant of the Yestry the 28th day of March. 1685. Mr. Marmaduke Alford sworne eldest Yeoman of the Yestry the 28th day of March. 1685. Mr. Morice Morer sworne youngest Yeoman of the Vestry the 28th day of March. 1685. Mr. George Oldner sworne Groome of the Vestry the 28th day of March. 1686. Mr. Morice Morer, youngest Yeoman of the Yestry, departed this life the day of Novr. 1686. 1687. Serjant Thomas Haynes, Serjant of the Yestry, departed this life the 30 of June 1687. 1695. Mr. George Oldner, Groom of the Yestry, departed this life the 14 of January 1694-5. 1697. Mr. Isaac Cook, Groom of the Yestry, departed this life the 5th day of April 1697.11 Dec. 1592. 25 Dec. 1592. 134 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OP 1704. Mr. Nicholas Phipps, Closet Keeper in the Chapel at White Hall, departed this life the 20th of January 1703-4. 1708. Mr. Mathew Fairless departed this life (Groom of the Vestry) the 14 of July 1708. 1715. Henry Parker, esq. Serjeant of the Yestry departed this life the 13th of March 1714-5. 1715. Marmaduke Alford, esq. Serjeant of the Yestry departed this life the lOth of May 1715. 1718. Mr. Daniel Farmer, Closet Keeper in the Chappell of White Hall, departed this life the 16th day of May 1718. 1719. Mr. John Lenton, Groom of the Vestry, departed this life the day of May 1719. XIV.—Notices appertaining to the Serjeants, Yeomen, Grooms, and other ofpicers.—List II. Ordinarye. The llth daye of December, 1592, at the speciall commaundeof the Right Honorable the Lord Chamberlen, was swome by Antho. Anderson, Subdeane, Henry Alredd, into ordinarye, withont waiges, and without forther suicte to his Lordship, to be sworne Groome of the Yestrye into waiges at the nexte avoydance. Thés beinge wit- nes[*s] of the oathe. Antho. Anderson. Bartholomew Mason. Leonard Davies. Thomas Sampson. Robert Tallentyer. [f. 215.] Upon Cliristmas Daye, the 25th of December, 1592, were sworne into ordynarye William Pike, the elder Yeoman of her Majestés Hon. Yestrye, and John Patten, that was Groome before, swome theTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 135 same daye the yonger Yeoman of the same Vestrye, and thirdlye Robert Hewes, the Right Hon. the Lord Chamberlen’s man, was likewise sworne Groome into the sayd Yestrye, and everye of thés by the apoinctment and commaundment of the said Right Hon. Lord Chamberlen, in witnesse whereof we the Subdeane and other the Gentlemen of her Majestés Chappell hâve subscribed our naines the daye and yere abovesayd. And likewise Raphe Fletcher, beinge the eldest Yeoman at the deathe of the last Sergeant, Mr. John Dison, was by her sacred Majestie apointed, upon the forsaid Lord Chamberlens presentinge to her Majestie (his ho. by her Majestie ordeyned our cheefe governor havinge no other Deane) was by the Subdeane likewise sworne Ser- geant of the sayd Yestrye the 24. of December aforsayd, beinge Christmas even. In witnes of the whole prémisses, we, as before, hâve subscribed our names. Anth Anderson, Subdeane. # Thomas Sampson. Crwe Sharpe. Thomas Woodsonn, Robert Tallentyer. William Randall. Henry Eveseed. Tymothe Greene. John Stephens. Bar. Mason Leonard Davies. Antho. Harrison. John Bull. Anthony Todd. [f. 216.] The 12. daye of May 1593, William Pike, late Yeoman of her Maye 12,1693. Majestés hon. Yestrye, departed, accordinge to a former order and comaundment, geven by the Right Hon. the Lord Chamberlen to her Sacred Majestie, geven the llth daye of December, as aperethe in the other paige, was sworne into ordinarye Groome of the sayd Yestrye Henrye Alred, a longe attendant in the said Yestrye, and sworne extrordinarye therto beffore. His oathe was geven him by me Antho. Anderson, Subdean of her Majestés Chappell Royall, in the parishe churche of Stebinhithe the daye and yere abovesayd, in * A signature occurs occurs here which it is impossible to decipher.June 8, 1593. 25 Jany, 1594-5. 1595-6. January. 136 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF the presence of two Gentlemen of the Chappell and the Serjeant of the Yestrye aforsaid. Anth. Anderson, Subdean. Richarde Granwall, Peter Wryght, Gentlemen. Rafe Fletcher, Sergeante. [f. 22.] The 8th daye of June was sworne the yonger Yeoman of hir Majestés most hon. Yestrye Robert Hewes, before beinge the Groome therof, and was sworne by me in the parishe churche of Stepneye in the morninge, then beinge présent sondry persons, 1593. Anth. Anderson. Samuel Totsford, Preacher and Curate ther. John Salisburye, Groome of her Majestés C. Tho. Hoare, and others. The Right Honorable the Lord Chamberlayne uppon the 25th day of Januarye Anno Domini 1594, did comaund me, Leonard Davies, Subdean, at Greenwich, to sweare Richard Hemyngwaye extraordinarye Groome of her Majesties Yestrie, comaundinge further that I shoulde recorde in this booke of remembrance, that his honoras pleasure is that the saide Rich. Hemyngwaye shoulde be placed Ordynary Groome in the Vestrye at the nexte avoydance whensoever without further suite to him : And the same his honor’s graunte was at the earneste sute of Mr. Morgan, her Majesties chiefe apothecarie: The day and yeare above writtenthe saide Rich. Hemyngwaye was sworne extraordinarye for the nexte Groomes place in a chapter kepte for that purpose as was commaunded. Leonard Davies, Subdean. [f. 225.] An Order sett downe by the Officers of the Yestrie with the Sub- deanes consent. Wheras the two Yomen of the Yestrie are by dewtie to see her Majestiës stuffe meete for her Chappell, to be trussed upp at everye remove and sent to her highnes nexte house of waytinge. UpponTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 137 sufficient cause it is agreed uppon by Mr. Fletcher, Sergeant of the Vestrye, and Robert Hewes, Yoman ther, and Henrye Alred, Groome, that John Patten, Yoman also (of that office) shall for the some of vj s. viij d. beinge bye equall porcons quarterlye paide to the Sergeante (by the saide John Patten) be discharged at every remove throughout the yeare of his personall beinge présent to see her Majestés stuffee so trussed upp and removed, as belongeth to his place. In testimonye that we the above named officers of the vestrie doe joyntlye consent hereto, We hâve subscribed our names to this order agreed uppon the of Januarye Anno Domini 1595, and in the 38th yeare of her Majestés Raigne. [f. 23.] Be it remembred that the 22th daye of June Anno Domini 1601, 1601. and in the 43th yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Henry Alred. Queene Elizabeth, Henry Alred, Groome of the Yestrie, for his manye and great disorders committed, recevid this his first ad- monition and warninge (with a pricke sett uppon his head) and that done in open Chapter by the Subdeane and ail of the gentle- men of the company then présent, beinge eighteen in number, in- tendinge hereby his reformation and amendement, as he regardeth his continuance in her Majestés service. Leonard Davies, Subdeane.* The said Henry Alred appearinge before the Subdeane and the rest of the Gentlemen in Chapter the 29th of the same June in the yeare afore said dyd then and there make his humble submission with promise of amendment hereafter of his former misdemeanors, and was there uppon accepted, and accordinge to the power which lyeth in us wee hâve reversed the said admonition and taken away the prick formerly sett uppon his heade. Leonarde Davies, Subdeane. [f. 165.] * This entry is erased in the MS. T CAMD. SOC.138 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF The 29th daye of Aprill Anno Domini 1603, the Subdeane and Gentlemen meetinge in Chapter to take order for the service of the Kinges Majestie as they weare comaunded, at which meetynge the Sergeante of the Yestrie did then and there to the greate disturbance of the sayd companie unreverently and undutifully behave himselfe towardes the Subdeane and gentlemen then présent, for the which the Subdeane and gentlemen then présente, beinge 21 in number, doe thinke meete that his Check for his contempt and disobedience as aforesayd shall be twentie shillinges to the Kinges Majestie, to be taken out of his next quarter’s wages. [f. 166.] 1606-7, Jany. 6. Hen. Eyeseede swome Groome of the Yestrie extra- ordinarie. Be it remembred that uppon the sixt daie of Januarie 1606, and in the fourthe yeare of his Majestés raigne that now is, was Henry Eveseede the yonger sworne a Groome of the Yestrie extraordinarie for the next place that shall fall therin, whensoever or by what meanes soever, by the order and gift of the Right Worshipfull Mr. Doctor Montague,. Deane of his Majestés Royall Chappell. In testimony the Subdean and Gentlemen of the Chappell who were then présente hâve subscribed their names the daie and yeare above said. Leonard Davies, Subdean. J. Bull. Francis Wiborowe. John Amery. Thomas Sampson. Richard Granwall. Henry Eveseed. Jo. Hewlett. Richard Plumley. John Baldwine. 1606-7, Jan. 6. Jo. Davies swome Yeoman of the Yestrie extra- ordinarie. Anthony Harrison. Stephen Boughton. [f. 29.] Be yt also remembred that uppon the daie above mencioned John Davies, by the order and gift of the right wors1 Mr. Doctor Montague, Deane as above said, was sworne a yeoman extraordinarie of his Mates Vesterie at the same time. And in testimonie therof the gentlemen who were présent hâve subscribed their names the daie and yeare first above written. Leonard Davies, Subdean. Anthony Harrison. John Baldwine. Jo. Hewlett. Stephen Boughton. J. Bull. Richard Plumley. Thomas Sampson. Richard Granwall. Francis Wiborowe. John Amery. Henry Eveseed. [f. 29.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 139 Be it remembred that uppon the 23rd of Februarie 1606, and in 1606-7. the fourth yeare of his Majestés raigne that now is, Robert Feb;23* Bicknar was by the free guift and comaunde of the right Worsh1 Mr. Doctor Mountague, Deane of his Majtes Chappell, sworne Bell- ringer for his Majtes householde, in the vesterie at Whitehall, by Leonard Davies, Subdeane, in which othe amonge other partes as to the supremacie &c. he was sworne to obedience to the Deane and Subdeane of the sayd Chappell, and to the Confessor of his Majestés housholde for the tyme beinge, in ail matters and thinges apper- teyninge to his said place and service. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. [f. 296.] Be yt remembred that Thomas Miller uppon the 26th daie of 1607, May 26. Maye 1607, was by the order of the right worshipfull Mr. Thos. Miller Mountague, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, sworne Yeoman of the Yeomanfor Kinges Mates Yestery, and to attend the Prince. And he receaved y^™ces his othe then as Yeoman after the same manner and forme as he did beinge sworne Groome, as above appearethe.* In testimony heerof I Leonard Davies, Subdeane, hâve heerunto subscribed my name the daye and yeare above written. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. [f. 286.] Be it remembred that uppon the 28th of Marche 1608, Henry 1608,March28. Alred, Yeoman of the Yestrie, for his fearefull blasphemies, wicked iexecracons and threatninges to spill bloud, and that at the tyme and place when the holy sacrament was to be administred the Wednes- day before Easter, beinge the 27th of the sayd monethe, to the great offence of many well disposed, receaved in Chapter, kept by the Subdean and Gentlemen the sayd 28th daie by the comaundment of the Right Worshipfull Mr. Doctor Mountague, Deane of his Majestés honorable Chappell, an admonicon with a prick sett uppon his head, as is used in his Majestés house in such lyke cases, in- tendinge theerby his reformacôn and amendment as he regardeth his continuance in his Majestés service. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. [f. 296.] * See p, 109.140 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OF 1608, May 15. Be it remembred that uppon the fifeteene daie of May 1608, Wm. Dale (beinge Whitsondaie) William Dale, by the order and appointment Princes °f the ^e Beverend Father the Lord Bishop of Bathe and Welles, and Yestrie. Deane of his highnes chappell, was sworne Groome of the Kinges Majesties Yesterie, to attend the Prince. And he then receaved his othe in the selfe same manner and forme as did Thomas Miller, as appearethe in the page next before. In testimonie heerof I Leonard Davies, Subdean, hâve heerunto subscribed my name the daie and yeare above sayd. Leonard Davies, Subdean. [f. 29.] 1608, Nov. 2. Be it agayne remembred that at a Chapter helde by the now Reverend Father in God James Lord Byshopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, the second of November 1608, Henry Alred, Yeoman ofthe Yestrie, for drounken- nes, many greate disorders, and threatninge the spillinge of the Sub- deanes bloude, receaved this second admonicôn by his Lordshipp’s order in the said Chapter, with an other prick sett uppon his head, still intendinge his reformacon of lyfe, or heerby shewinge him the cause of his just expulsion accordinge to the auncient orders of his Majestés house. Leonard Davies, Subdeane, [f. 306.] 1608, Nov. 2. Be it remembred that in the yeare 1608, the Sergeant and Officers of the Yesterie for the tyme beinge, did by way of peticôn complayne unto the Right Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles and Deane of his Mates Chappell, That the Subdeane and Gentlemen of his Majestés sayd Chappell that then weare did oppresse and molest them in their sayd office as they affirmed, beseeching therefore the sayd Reverend Deane, that by his order the Subdeane and Gentlemen might not hâve entrance or accesse into the Yestery, but only at the howers of service in the Chappell, nor that the Subdeane nor any with him should eyther dyne or supp in the sayd office as they hâve don, neyther that he nor any of the gentlemen should hâve eyther bed or trunck to stand in the vestery, but to hâve the place privateTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 141 unto themselves. Uppon this their complaint it pleased the sayd Eeverend Father the Deane to holde a Chapter in the sayd vestery the second day of November the yeare ahove sayd, wherto were called the Suhdeane and gentlemen then attendinge, beinge 24 in number, and also the Sergeant and officers of the Vestery : wher the sayd Deane examininge howe that office had byn used in tymes tofore, he founde that whiles that syxe Lord Chamberlaines had the government of the Chappell (in the vacancy of a Deane) that the Subdeane and Gentlemen did injoye in the vestery those privilèges which the officers now would abridge them of, and therfore the said Revcrend Father the Deane ont of his wisdom (to conserve order and quiett) did then in Chapter thus order the matters in question: First that the vestery should be used by the Subdeane and Gentlemen (as a place of repose) ail the daye for their severall exercises and comfort as had bin, and further that the Subdeane with fower or five quiett and sober gentlemen with him should dayly dyne and supp in the vestery as they had accostomed: And agayne for the matter of lodginge and placinge of the gentlemen’s truncks in the vestery his Lordship pleased to referr the conveniency therof unto the discrecon of the Subdeane and Sergeant of the vestrie for the tyme beinge. The which his Lordshipp’s sayd orders he hath caused to be registred in, this our booke of recordes the day and yeare above sayd, Wherto for the better confirmacôn it hath pleased his Lord- shipp to putto [sic] his hand, &c. Ja. Bath: et Well: [f. 35.] Be it remembred the third tyme, that at. a Chapter held and so appointed by the now Eeverend Father in God James Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, the one and twentithe of Marche 1610, Henry Alred, Yeoman of the Vestery, for blasphemy, for whoredom, for threatninge the spillinge of blood of certaine persons, for contemptes, and for many other great disorders committed, hath caused to be layd uppon him this third and last prick, by his Lordshipp’s order in the sayd Chapter, 1610-11, March 21.142 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OP therby shewinge the cause of his just expulcôn accordinge to the order and auncient customs of his Majestés house. [f. 316.] 1611, June 19. Henry Eveseed the younger sworne Groome of the Yestrie the 19th of June 1611, with this addicôn. Also I do voluntarilie take this as a part of my othe, that I will behave my selfe in my place, obediently, orderly, and quietly from tyme to tyme, or elseto yeald my selfe to be put out of his Majestés service. In testimony heerof I subscribe my name the daie and yeare above written. Henry Eveseed. [f. 246.] 1613, Nov. il. Be it remembred that William Phillipps was sworne Yeoman of Wm. Phillipps the Kinges Mates vestery the llth of November 1613, by warrant Charles. from the Revd. Father the Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Highness Chappell, directed to the Subdeane of his Majestés sayd chappell, or to his Substitute, bearinge date the 9th daie of the foresayd monethe of November, to serve Prince Charles in that place in suche manner and sorte as formerly he was sworne to serve Prince Henry, wliieh was donne accordingly as above said, and accordinge to his othe formerly taken as in foll. 26 appearethe,* the oathe of supremacie not beinge omitted. In testimony theerof I, Anthony Harrison, Substitute, hâve heerunto subscribed my name the daie and yeare as above said. Anthony Harrison, Substitute. [f. 286.] 1613-14, Feby. 6. Robte. Colman, his othe to serve Prince Charles. Mem. that Roberte Colman uppon the sixte daie of Feb- ruarie 1613, was sworne Groome of his Majestés vestery by warrant from the Reverend Father the Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his highness Chappell, directed to me Leonard Davies, Subdeane of his Majestés sayd Chappell, bearinge date the fifte daie of the same, to serve Prince Charles in that place in suche manner and sorte as Thomas Miller, next under neath writt, was sworne to serve Prince Henry, which was accordingly done as above said, the oathe of supremacie not beinge omitted. In testimony * See p. 109.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 143 heerof I hâve heerunto subscribed my name the daie and yeare above said. Leonard Davies, Subdeane. [f. 286.] Mem. that uppon the 16th daie of June, 1615, Henry Eveseed, Groome of the Yestery, for many négligences and abuses comitted by him in his place and service, received an admonishion by the Subdeane, at the direccôn of my Lord Deane of his Majestés Chappell, for the amendment of his former négligences and abuses, for the avoyding of further courses to be taken against him tendinge to his expulsion. Présente La. Bath et Well. Subdeane, Hewlett, Wiborowe, Crosse. Nicholas (Yeoman). [f. 32.] Be it remembred that uppon the fifte daye of November, 1615, 1615, Noy. 5. William Ward (by warrant from the Reverend Father in God the Willm.Wardes Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, and Deane of his Mates Chappell), Oathe.Groome. was sworne Groome of his Majestés Yestery Extraordinarie, for the tuninge and mendinge of his Majestés organes when he shalbether- unto required by those that hâve the charge therof : And it is a parcell of his othe to be obedient to the Deane and Subdeane of his Majestés Chappell for the tyme beinge, and not to sue or claime any place to attend in his Majestés sayd Chappell or Yestrie, otherwise then for the service above expressed. In testemony heerof I hâve heerunto subscribed my name the daie and yeare above written. [f. 336.] Be it remembred that a Chapter was held the 29th of September 1620, 1620, by the Right Reverend Father in God Lancellott Lord Sept‘ 29, Bishop of Winton, and Deane of his Majestés Chappell, uppon a peticon preferred by the Subdeane and Gentlemen of his Majestés sayd Chappell against Henry Eveseed, Yeoman of the Vestery, for many and sundrie abuses committed by him against the sayd Subdeane and fellowship, upon readinge wherof and examininge the par- ticulers of the complaint, and findinge the slender answeres of the said Eveseed therunto, did deferr this Chapter untill the Feast of Ail144 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OF 1624, April 20. Sampson Row- den swome Bellringer. 1625, June 20. William Hewes dis- placed from being our Comon Ser- vaunt. 1626, Api. 20. v 1626, July9. Saintes next followinge, to the intent his Lordsliip might be tlie better informed by his further answere therin. And in the meane tyme his Lordship’s pleasure was to suspend him from exercisinge his office, bothe in Chappell and Vestery, and that he should hâve nothinge therin to do, and that ail his wages should be stayed in the handes of the Clark of the Check untill he had satisfied his Lordship with better answers therunto. La. Winton. [f 346.] Mem. that uppon the 20th daye of Aprill 1624 (uppon the death of Robt. Bicknar) Sampson Rowden by the free guift and comaund of the Right Reverend La. Lord Bishop of Winton, Deane of his Majestés Chappell, was sworne bellringer for his Majestés Houshold, and tooke his oathe in ail respectes as Robert Bicknar did, as on the other side appearethe.* [f. 29.] Mem that at a Chapter held the 20th of June 1625, it was there agreed by the Subdeane and Gentlemen ther assembled, that for as muche as William Hewes, our comon servant, being often times formerly admonyshed of his ill behaviour and carriage towards his sayd masters and himselfe, and would not receave nor regard his sayd admonicions, but still growing worse and worse in dronkennes and other disorderly behaviour, was then in Chapter, by a generall consent, dismissed from his sayd place and service. In wittnes heerof the Subdeane and Gentlemen hâve caused this to be entered into the register booke to be a testimony of their so doinge. Stephan Boughton, Subdean. [f. 22.] Roger Evans, by warrant from the Right Reverend Father in God Lancellott Lord Bishop of Winton, and Deane of his Mates Chappell, was swome Bell ringer the 20th daie of Aprill, uppon the deathe of Sampson Rowden, who was bell ringer before him. [f. 336.] Mem. that uppon the 9th of July John Burward was sworne Groome of the Vestery extraordinary, for the tuninge and mendinge See p. 139.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 145 of his Majestés organs when he shalbe therunto required, as doth more largly appeare by our Lord Deanes warrant for that purpose. [f. 335.] Thomas Haynes was sworn Sergeant of his Majesties Yestry (by 1660. Dr. Jones the Subdeane) on the eight of November 1660, the same day at the same tyme William Williams was sworn elder Yeoman, and George Whitcher younger Yeoman, and Augustine Cleavland, Groome, in the presence of Mr. Roger Nightingale and Mr. Henry Lawes, Clearke of the Check. [f. 8.] Augustine Cleveland, Groome of the Vestrye, was killed with the 1662. violence of horses drawing a coach over him, June 3, 1662, at Hampton Court, and Hugh Powell was admitted into his place June 15th. [f. 8.] This day Hugh Powell was admitted and sworne Groome of the 1662. Vestry by the Right Worshipfull Dr. Walter Jones, Subdeane of June 15’ his Maties Chappell Royall, in the roome of Austin Cleveland who unfortunately dyed by the violence of horses and coach running over him at Hampton Court on the first day of this month, and was buried in Hampton Parish Church, June 3, 1662. Ita testor Philippus Tinker, Regiæ familiæ Confessor. [f. 445] Be it remembred that Mr. Thomas Dunkley was this day sworne March 21, Yeoman of his Majesties Yestry extraordinary, to waite closett whitehal Keeper in ordinarye, by the Reverend Subdeane, Dr. Walter Jones, in the presence of Thomas Blagrave, Clerk of the Checke. Tho. Haines, Serjeant of the Yestry. [f. 45.] Samuell Blayton, Bellringer, suspended by my Lord of Win- 1666. chester, Dean of his Majestés Chappell Royall, the 5th of Aprill 1666. [f. 865.] CAMD. SOC. U146 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP 1672, Dec. 23. I George Wyatt, being admitted and entertained Common Sergeant to tbe Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell Royall, doe promise and bind my selfe and my heires (not to embezell or pawne my Badge) in the sum of forty shillings, but to leave it when I dy to the Gentlemen my masters for the use of my successor. Witnes my hand the 23rd day of December 1672. George Wyatt. [f. 1.] k'ns^eîl^" Be ^ remembred that upon the fourth day of Jauuary 1672, ringer, the 4th Adam Watkyns was by the free guift and command of the Right l672anUary Reverend Father in God Walter Lord Bishop of Worster, and Deane of his Majesties Chappell, sworne Bellringer for his Majesties Houshold, in the Vestry at Whitehall, by the Reverend Dr. Richard Colebrand, Sub Deane, in which othe among other parts of the same as to the supremacy &c. he was sworne to obedience to the Deane and Sub-Dean of the said Chappell, and to the Confessor of his Majesties Houshold for the time being, in ail matters and things apperteineing to his said place and service. Rie. Colebrand, Sub-Dean. [f. 1.] Henry Wat- Be it remembred that upon the 26. day of November 1678, ringer^he 26th Henry Watkins was by the free gift of the Right Reverend Father of Noyember in Gc>d Henry Lord Bishop of London, and Deane of his Majesties Chappell Royall, sworn Bellringer for his Majesties Houshold, at Whitehall, by the Reverend Dr. William Hôlder, Sub-Deane, in which oath among other parts of the same as to ye supremacy &c. he was sworn to obedience to the Deane and Sub-Dean of ye said Chappell, and to the Confessor of his Majesties Houshold for the time being, in ail matters and things apperteining to his said place and service. [f. L] 1684-5. Mar ch the 23th, 1684-5, at Whitehall. Be it remembred, That Mardi 23. Mr.* Thomas Dunkley was this day sworne Yeoman of his MajestiesTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 147 Yestry extraordinary, to waite Clossett Keeper in ordinary, by our Reverend Subdeane, Dr. William Hôlder. [f. 45.] November 28. Mr. Richard Keyes was sworn Common Seijant, renouncing ail profits. Rh Battell. Witnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. [f. 10.] Jan? 23. By vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend Dean of the Chappell, I swore and admitted Mr. Isaak Cooke Groom of the Chapel or Yestry, in the place of Mr. George Oldner, deceased. Rh Battell, S.D. ^Wittnes Edw. Braddock. [f. 10.] April 14. Mr. Matthew Fairles was sworn Groom of the Chapel in the place ofMr. Isaac Cook, deceased, by mee Rh Battell, Witnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Check. [f. 106.] May 18. By vertue of a Warrant from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, Mr. Isaak Ellis was sworn in Bellringer to her Ma1?8 Chapels at Whitehal, by mee Rh Battell, S.D., Wittnes Edw. Braddock, Clerk of the Checke. [f. 116.] Jan. 28. By warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean, Mr. Daniel Farmer was sworn Closet Keeper of Whitehal Chapell, in the place of Mr. Nicholas Phipps, deceased, by mee Rh Battell, S.D. [f. 116.] Mr. Mathew Fairles dyed the 14th of July, 1708, Groom of the Vestry. [f. 12.] Mr. John Lenton was sworne Groom of the Chappell, in the place of Mr. Mathew Fairles, deceased, by me Rd. Battell, S.D. Wittness Daniell Williams, Clerk of the Check. [f. 12.] March 15,1710-11 To prevent any dispute that may hence- u 2 1693. 1694-5. 1697. 1703. 1703-4. 1708. 1708. 1710-11. March 15.148 THE OLD CHEQUE'BOOK OF 1710-11. 1714-15. 1715. 1716-17. Feb. 9. 1718. foreward arise betwixt the Yeoman and Groom of the Yestry, in relation to the right of keeping the doors of the ehappel, I do déclaré that the care of the outward doors and parts of the ehappel is in the Groom and not in the Yeoman of the Yestry. And that if there be any occasion for an assistant, the Groom shall employ some person whose deportment shall give no offence to any, and who shall submissively and readily comply with the directions of the Sergeant and Yeoman. H. London, [f. 53t.] March the 24th. By vertue of a warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Mr. Thomas Brookes was sworne in Bellringer to her Majestys Chappels at Whitehall, by mee Rh Battell, S.D. Witness Daniell Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. Henry Parker, Esq. Sergeant of the Yestry, dyed the 13th of March 1714-15, and Mr. Marmaduke Alford, Yeoman, was sworne Sergeant, and Mr. Jo. Hill, my Lord’s Gentleman, was sworn Yeo- man, by the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesties Roy ail Chapels. [f. 13.] Marmaduke Alford, Esq. Serjeant of the Yestry, dyed the lOth of May 1715, and Jonathan Smith, Esq. by vertue of a warrant from the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Majesties Chappell, was the next day foliowing sworne Serjeant in his place, by me Dolben, Subdean, Wittness D. Williams, Clerk of the Chèque. [f. 13.] Mathew Shelley, Organ Blower, dyed the 9th of Februarv 1716-17, and Samuel Clay, a Servant to the Dean, was on the 12th of the same month sworne Organ Blower in his place. Wittness Daniel Williams, Clerk of ye Chèque, [f. 1.] Mr. Daniel Farmer, Closet Keeper in the Chapel of Whitehall, dyed the 16th day of May 1718, and by vertue of a warrant fromTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 149 the Et. Eevcl. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesties Eoyal Chapells, Mr. Philip Bennet was sworn Closet Keeper in his place this 12th day of June 1718, by me Edw. Aspinwall, Subdean. [f. 13 6.] Mr. John Lenton, Groom of the Yestrey, dyed the day 1719. of May 1719, and by vertue of a warrant from the Et. Bevd. the Lord Bishopp of Sarum, Dean of his Majesties Eoyal Chapels, Mr. William Duncombe was sworn Groom in his place, this day of May 1719, by me Edw. Aspinwall. [f. 136.] February 9th, 1732-3. By virtue of a warrant from the Et. 1732-3, Feb. 9. Eevd. Edmund Lord Bishop of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels, John Herring was admitted into the place of Bell ringer of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, vacant by the death of Thomas Brooks (having first (as usual) sworn obedience to the Dean, Subdean, and Con- fessour of his Majesty's Houshold for the time being). Geo. Carleton, Subdean. [f. 576.] By virtue of a warrant from the Et. Eev. Edmund Lord Bishop 1737, Oct. 10. of London, Dean of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and admitted John Martin into the place of Bell Einger of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, vacant by the résignation of John Herring. Geo. Carleton, Sub Dean. [f. 586.] By virtue of a warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean 1743, • îÆâdfcli 30 of Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. John Martin into the place of Chapel Keeper of his Maj. Chapel at Whitehall, now vacant by the death of Mr. John Eichardson. Thos. Baker, [f. 596.] By virtue of a warrant from the Lord Bishop of London, Dean l743,April 19. of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal, I hâve sworn and admitted Mr. John Williams into the office of Bell ringer (now vacant by the résig- nation of Mr. John Martin) of his Maj. Chapels Eoyal. Thos. Baker, [f. 596.]150 THE OLD CHEQUE 'BOOK OF XV.—Royal Ceremonies. Aprill 15, The Princely e comminge of her Majestie to the Holy Communion Estreday 1593. at Estre [Easter], The moste sacred Queene Elizabethe upon Estre day, after the Holy Gospell was redd in the Chaple at St. James, came downe into her Majestés Travess: beffore herhighnes came the gentlemen pencioners, then the Barons, the Bushopps, London and Landaffe, thErls, and the ho: Councell in their colors of State, the Harolds at Arms, the Lord Keeper bearinge the Great Seal himselfe, and the Erle of HerefFord bearinge the sword beffore her Majestie. Then her Majesties Royal person came moste chearfully, havinge as noble supporters the Right Honorable thErle of Essex, Master of her Majestés Horse, on the right hande, and the Right Hon. the Lord Admyral on the lefte hand, the Lord Chambrelen to her Majestie (also nexte beffore her Majesté) attendante al the while. Dr. Bull was at the organ playinge the Offertorye. Her Majestie entred her travess moste devoutly, there knyelinge: after some prayers she came princely beffore the Table, and there humbly knielinge did offer the golden obeysant, the Bushop the hon. Father of Worcester holdinge the golden bason, the Subdean and the Epistler in riche coaps assistante to the sayd Bushop : which done her Majestie retorned to her princely travess sumptupusly sett forthe, untyl the présent action of the Holy Communion, con- tynually exercysed in ernest prayer, and then the blessed Sacrament first receyved of the sayd Bushop and administred to the Subdean, the gospeller for that day, and to the Epistler, her sacred person pre- sented her selfe beffore the Lord’s Table, Royally attended as beffore, where was sett a stately stoole and qwssins [cushions] for her Majestie, and so humbly knielinge with most singuler devocion and holye reverencedyd most comfortablye receyve the most blessed Sacramente of Christes bodye and blood, in the kinds of bread and wyne, accor-THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 151 dinge to the laws established b y her Majestie and Godly laws in Parliament. The bread beinge waffer bread of some thicker sub- staunce, which her Majestie in most reverend manner toke of the Lord Bushop in her naked right hand, her setisfyed hert fixinge her semblant eyes most entirely uppon the woorthye words Sacra- mental pronounced by the Bushop, &c. that with soche an holye aspecte as it did mightelye adde comfforts to the godlye beholders (wherof this writer was one very neare) : and likewise her Majestie receaved the cuppe, havinge a moste princely lynned clothe layd on her cushion pillowe and borne at the four ends by the noble Erle of Herefford, the Erle of Essex, the Erle of Worcester, and thErle of Oxford: the side of the sayd clothe her Majestie toke up in her hande, and therewith toke the ffoote of the golden and nowe sacred cuppe, and with like holy reverend attention as beffore to the sacramentaon words, did drinke of the same most devoutly (ail this while knielinge on her knies) to the confirmation of her faythe and absolute comfforte in her purged conscience by the holy spirit of God in the exercise of this holye Communion, of her participation of and in the merits and deathe of Christe Jésus our Lorde, and the perfecte communion and spiritual ffoode of the verye bodye and bloode of Christe our Lord Saviour : and so retorninge to her sayd Travess their devoutly stayed the end of prayers, which done her Majestie Royally ascended the way and stayrs into her presence, whom the Lord blesse for ever and ever. Amen. Ant. Anderson, Subdean. [f. 145.] Be it remembred that in the second yeare of his Majestés raigne, Augt.1604- and in the monethe of August, came an Embassador out of Spaine to take the Kinges othe for the maintenance and con- tinuance of the League betweene them, which was don in this manner and forme followinge, viz. : In the Chappell weare two Traverses sett up of equall State in ail thinges as neare as might be.152 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1610-11, Jan. 27. Then was there a table sett up at the halfe pace before the Com- munion table, neare the Kinges Traverse, wheruppon ther laye writinges and a standishe with pen and incke. Then his Majestie cominge into the Chappell, on his righte hand went the Constable of Spayne, and on his left the Spanishe lidger Embassador, and so they went up to the Communion table together. Then his Majestie went into his Traverse where he usually sitteth, and the Constable into the other, and there they bothe remayned till an Anthem was ended, which beganne so soone as his Majestie and the Embassador weare in their Traverses, till which time the Organs played. Then the Kinge and the Constable cominge out of their Traverses stoode neare together uppon the halfe pace, turninge their faces the one to the other: beinge so placed, my Lord Vicounte Cranborne Principall Secretarie read the Oath, the Kinge puttinge his hande within the Embassador s in the beginninge of the Oath, and làyd his handes uppon a Lattin Bible of the vulgar translaœn the other part of the othe, the Bible beinge held by the Deane of the Chappell in a Coape ail the while the Oath was reade. Then after the ta kinge of the Oath the Kinge and Constable kissed each other, and then they went againe into their Traverses, and ther staied till an other Anthem was songe. That ended, they went out of the Chappell in the same manner that they came in, the organs playinge till they weare gone out of the Chappell. [f. 695.] John Beaumanoir, Lord of Laverdin, Baron of Tusse, Asse, Millexe ; and Anthonis, Earle of Negreplisse, Launat et Mouxvoux in Guyenne, Governor and Lieutenant Generall for the French Kinge in his contries of Mayne, Lavali et Perche, and one of his Privie Counsell, Marshall of Fraunce, Knight of thorder of the Holy Ghost, and Ambassadore from the Christian Kinge to the King’sTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 153 Majestie of Great Brittaigne, in the monethe of Januarie 1610, to take his Highnes Oath for the maintenaunce and continuance of the league betweene them, which was don the 27th of the same in this manner and forme as followethe, viz. : In the Chappell weare two traverses sett up of equall state in ali thinges as neare as might be. Then was there a table sett up at the halfe-pace before the Coinunion Table, neare the King’s traverse, wheruppon ther laye writings and a standishe with pen and incke. Then his Majestie cominge into the Chappell, the Prince wente before him with the Embassador, and so they went up to the Comunion Table. Then his Majestie went into his traverse wher he usually sitteth, and the Embassador into the other, and ther they both remayned tyll an Anthem was ended, which beganne so soone as his Majestie and the Embassador weare in their traverses, till which tyme the Organs played. Then the Kinge and the Embassador cominge out of their traverses stood neare together uppon the halfe-pace, turninge their faces the one to the other. Beinge so placed, my Lord Treasurer read the oath, the Kinge putting his hand within the Embassador’s in the beginning of the Oath, and layd his handes uppon a Lattin Byble of the vulgar Translation the other part of the Oath, the Byble beinge held by the Bishopp of Bathe and Welles Deane of the Chappell, in a Coape, ail the while the Oath was read. Then, after the takinge of the Oath, the Kinge and Embassador kissed eache other, and then they went againe into their traverses, and there stayed till another Anthem was songe. That ended, they went out of the Chappell in the same manner that they cam in, the Organs playinge till they weare gone out of the Chappell. [f. 70.] CAMD. SOC. X154 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 1625, May 7. The Order of the Funeralls of Kinge James, wlio was buried the vijth daye of Maye Anno Domini 1625. He departed this life the 27th of March 1625, beinge Sondaye. His dead corps were brought from Theobalds to Denmark House, the of the same moneth, where ail his offîcers attended and wayted duringe the tyme that his corps lay there, except the Chappell, who wayted uppon Kinge Charles at Whithall. At Denmark House the hall there was made a chappell for the tyme, where the Confessor read morninge prayer daylie, and uppon Sondayes one of the Chaplaines preclied : the deaske was covered with black clothe. Two dayes before the daye of the funeralls the corps were brought into the sayd Chappell in greate solemnitie with an Anthem, and sett under an hearse of velvett, and the Gentlemen of the Chappell from that tyme wayted there, and performed solemne service with the Organs brought thither for that purpose ; they also wayted with the corps by course night and day: by night, first Decany syde, and next Cantoris syde, and twise in the night, viz. at nine of the clock and at midnight, they had prayers with a first and second Chapters, and ended with an Anthem. The hall or Chappell was hunge with blacks after this manner: the upper end, as farr as the baye window on the one syde and the dore on the other syde, was hunge with black clothe, ail the other partes with black bayes. At the upper end stood the Communion table, and was covered with fine black cloth adorned with two faire fronts of black velvett : uppon bothe sydesofthe hall from one end to the other were sett tables, and uppon bothe sydes of the tables were formes; bothe tables and formes were covered with black bayes, ail which velvett cloth and bayes, as well that which covered the tables and formes as that wherewitli the walls were hanged, were adjudged to be fees unto the gentlemen of the chappell, and was divided amongest them, wherin the Officers of the Vestery had also part accordinge to their places. Kinge Charles resided ail the tyme that the corps lay at Denmark House at Whithall, beingeTHE CHAFEL ROYAL. 155 attended by bis officers and servantes as he had while he was Prince, and there the Gentlemen of the Chappell wayted: the Chappell there was also hunge as that at Denmark House, the upper parte to the seates with black cloth, ail the rest with black bayes, the Coinunion table with black cloth, and adorned with two frontes of black velvett; the foot pace before it was covered with black cloth, the ray les round e aboute it with black bayes; uppon one syde was sett up a fayer traverse of black taffata, and in it a chaire of black velvett, in the chayer a short cushion and a longe cushion, both of black velvett: before the chayer a black velvett footstoole, a forme covered with a fayer large carpett of velvett, a longe velvett cushion upon the forme for the Ivinge to leane uppon, and another befor it for him to kneele uppon : against the wall stood another forme covered with black velvett, uppon it two longe black velvett cusshions with two velvett carpetts sutable for the Kinges offeringes. Ail the pavement within the traverseras covered with black clothe: ther was also a faire large foote carpett which reached from the Communion table to the halfe-pace risinge from the seates, for the offeringe. The pulpitt was covered ail over from the topp to the ground with black vellvett: uppon the deske was a faire deskcloth of black vellvett fringed. Ail these aforesayd hanginges, tafata, traverse, chayer, footestoole, cusshions, carpetts, pulpitt clothe, deske cloth, &c. were fees to the Gentlemen of the Chappell, and divided amongest them, wherin the Officers of the Vestery had also their partes accordinge to their places. The Deanes stall injhe said Chappell had over it a faire State of black vellvett of fower breads of vellvett and fringed with a fayer silke fringe; before him was a fayre vellvett carpett of fower breads; in his State was a longe vellvett cusshion to sitt uppon, another to kneele uppon, and a third laye uppon the deske before him, ail which State, carpett and cusshions were the Deane of the Chappell’s fee, and he had them to his owne use after the funeralls were ended. Ita est, Stephan Boughton, Subdeane. Mémorandum that Kinge Charles was him selfe in person the x 2156 THE OLD CHEQUE £OOK OF cheife mourner, and followed the corps of his father on foote from Denmark House unto Westminster Churche: and the Wardrop being unprovided of a traverse and other necessaries for West- minster Church, which could not sufficiently be provided, a warrant from the Lord Chamberlaine tothe Deane of the Chappell was procured to borrow the traverse in the Chappell at Whitehall, some of the cusshions and carpetts, ail which were restored back againe by the Lord Chamberlaines commaund unto the Gentlemen of the Chappell, as their propper fees and duties. Likewise at the funeralls oi Queene Elizabeth ail the mourninge ornamentes in the Chappell were adjudged to be fees unto the Gentlemen of the Chappell, and they had them to their owne proper uses. Ita est, Stephan Boughton, Subdean. Be it also remembred that at the funeralls of Kinge James, Stephan Boughton, Subdeane, and tenn other gentlemen being Ministers, had allowance of nine yards apeece of blackes for them- selves, and two yards apeece for their servantes. Also tliat Natha: Giles, Doctor and Master of the Children, William Heather, Doctor, John Hewlett, Clark of the Check, John Steepliens, Recorder of Songes, and Orlando Gibbons, senior Organist, had the lyke allowaunce of nine yards apeece for them- selves as the ministers had, and two yards apeece for their servauntes. The rest of the gentlemen, beinge 17, had for their blacks every one seven yardes, and for every of their servauntes two yards apeece. Extraordinarie gent: had as the 17 ordinarie gentlemen had. Cuthbert Joyner, Serjeant, had for himselfe seven yardes and fower yards for two servauntes. The two Yeomen and the Groome of the Vestrie had 4 yards apeece. Sampson Rowden, bellringer, had four yards. The common servaunts of the Chappell and vestery had for eache of them four yards. The Organ Blower had 4 yards. Ita est, Stephan Boughton, Subdean. [ff. 70b, 71.]THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 157 The Order of the ChappelPs service at the Coronaœn of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles, uppon Candlemas Day, in the first year of his raigne, Anno Domini 1625. Upon which day ail the Chappell mett at the Colledge Hall in Westminster, wher they had a breakfast at the charge of the Colledge, from thence they went by a back way into the Church, and so into the vestrie, where together with the Quier of Westminster they putt on surplesses and copes and went into Westminster Hall, and there wayted untill the Kinge came thither, who came from White- hall by water, and landinge at the Parliament stayres came into the Great Hall, wher was a large scaffold covered ail with cloth, and uppon it a throne and chayer of estate, wher the Kinge sate untill the whole trayne weare marshaled in their order. The Chappell foliowed the Knights of the Privie Counsell, who went next after the Knights of the Bath, the Sergeant Porter with his black staff and Sergeant of the Vestry with his virger goinge before them; next the Quier of Westminster, then the Chappell, who went singinge through the Pallace yard and round about the Church, through the great Sanctuarie till they came to the west dore of the Church : when ail the Chappell were within the Church they began the first An them. I was glad when they sayd unto me we will goe into the house of the Lord, for thither the tribes goe up, even the tribes of the Lord, to testifie unto Israell, to give thankes unto the name of the Lord. For there is the seate of judgment, even the seate of the House of David. O pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that love thee. After the Archbisliop hath don at the corners of the scaffold, and the people’s acclamacon ended, the Quire singeth Strengthened be thy hand, and exalted be thy right hand. Kighteous- 2 nés and Peace be the preparacôn of thy seate, mercy and 1625. 1. Anthem, Psal. 122. . Anthem.158 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF 3. Anthem. 4. Anthem. 6. Anthem. judgment ever goe before thy face. Allelujah: my songe shalbe alwaies of the lovinge kindnes of the Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c. When the sermon is ended, and after the Kinges Othe is taken, the Archbishop beginninge Corne Holy Ghost, the Quire singeth Corne Holy Ghost, etemall God, proceeding from above, Both from the Father and the Sonne, the God of peace and love, Visitt our mindes, and into us the heavenly grâce inspire, That in ail truth and Godliness we may hâve true desire. Thou art the very Comforter in ail woe and distresse, The heavenly guiftes of God most high, which no tong can expresse, The Fountain and the lyvely Spring of joy celestiall, The fire so bright, the love so cleare, and unction spirituall. After a prayer is read by the Archbishop, two other Bushops singe the Litany. And the Quire singethe the Answeres'. Whiles the Archbushop is annoyntinge the Kinge, the Quier singeth Sadock the priest and Nathan the Prophett annoynted Salamon Kinge, and joyfully approchinge they cryed, God save the Kinge, God save the Kinge, God save the Kinge, for ever and ever. The Kinge shall rejoyce in thy strength, O Lord. Allelujah. When the Crowne is sett uppon the Kinges head and the Arch- bushop hath ended the exhortation: Be stronge and of a good courage, &c., the Quier singeth The Kinge shall rejoyce in thy strength, O Lord, exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation : for thou hast given him his hartes desire and hast not denied him the request of his lipps. Thou hast prevented him with the blessinges of goodnes, and hast sett a crowne of pure gould uppon his head. Allelujah.THE ÇHAPEL ROYAL. 159 When the Kinge hath done at the Alter, and is goinge to his Throne, the Quier singeth the Te Deum. After the homage is done to the Kinge by the Lordes, and the Archbushop goeth to begin the Comunion, the Quier singeth Behould, O God our Defendor, and looke uppon the face of thine 6. Anthem. Annointed, for one day in thy Courtes is better then athousand. O how amiable are thy tabernacles, thou Lord of Hostes. Allelujah. Then followeth the Comunion, and when the Epistle and Gospell are ended, being read by the Bushops, the Quier singeth the Nicene Creed, the Archbushop beginning yt. After the Offitorie vearse is read by the Archbishop, the Offitorie beginneth with this Anthem, beinge songe by the Quier: Lett my prayer be sett forth in thy presence like unto the incense. 7. Anthem. Lett the liftinge up of my handes be as an eveninge sacrifice. Allelujah. After this then is ended, the organs playe till the Offitorie be ended. Then the holies and the Et in terra pax, &c., as in the Comunion book, to be songe by the Quier, except the Archbushop will read them. After the Comunion is finished, the Quier singeth O hearken then unto the voyce of my callinge, my Kinge and Anthem. my God, for unto Thee will I make my prayer. Then the ordinarie collects in the Comon Prayer Booke after the Comunion beinge read by the Archbushop, and the prayer of God, &c., so ail is ended. After ail the ceremonie in the Church was ended, the Kinge returned back againe into Westminster Hall in the same manner as he went, the Chappell goeinge in their former order, and singinge ail the waye till they came to Westminster Hall dore, and their they stayed, makinge a lane for the Kinge and ail the Lordes to passe betwixt them, and continued singinge till the Kinge was160 THE OXiD CHEQUE BOOK OP within the Hall: and from thence they returned back into the Church, where in the vestry they putt of their copes and surplusses, and came to White hall, wher they had some allowance of diett for their suppers. Ail the way from the scaffold in the Great Hall, through the Pallace yard and the Street in the Great Sanctuarie, unto the scaffold in the Quier of the Church, was strowed with russhes and uppon the russhes covered with blew broad cloth. [ff. 716, 72.] XVI.—Royal and Noble Marriages. Mariages eolemnized in her Majesties Chappell and Closet as folio wethe. 1. The Lorde Marques of Northampton was maried to Mrs. Frohelin at Westminster, in the Closet, in the monethe of May, in the yeare of owre Lord God 1571. xls. 2. The Lord Ambrose Dudley, Earle of Warwycke, was maryed to the Earle of Bedford hys daughter, at Westmynster, in the Closet, in the yeare 1573. One bucke, xls. 3. Sir Thomas Leyghton, Knyghte, was maryed to Mrs. Eliza- beth Knoles, in the Chappell at Westmynster, in the yeare 1578. - One bucke and xl s. 4. Syr William Drewery, Knyghte, was maryed to Mrs. Eliza- beth Stafford, in the Chappell at Greenewytche, in the yeare 1579. One bucke and xl s. 5. The Earle of Pembrooke was maryed to Mrs. Mary Sydney at Westminster, in the Closet, in the yeare 1580. One bucke and xls. 6. Sir Phillipp Harbert, Knight, was maryed to Susanna Vere, daughter of the Earle of Oxford, in the Chappell at Whitehaule, 1604, wher was payd for fees to Mr. Deane of the Chappell xli. and to the gentlemen of the sayd Chappell y îi. December the 27th in the second yere of the reigne of oure Sovereigne Lord Kinge James.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 161 7. The younge Earle of Essex was maryed to Frances Howard, daughter to the Earle of Suffolke, Lo. Chamberlaine, in the Kinges Chappell at Whitehall, the 5 or 6 of January 1605 (the Kinges Majestie givinge her in mary âge), wher was paid for fees to the Deane of the Chappell, he maryinge them, 10 ii. and to the gentle- men of the Chappell then ther attendinge 5 ti. ; which mariage was solemnized in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge James. 8. Be it remembred that uppon the 6th daye of Januarie 1606, (being twelfe day) and in the 4th yeare of his Maj. Raigne that now is, was the right hon. the Lord James Haye married in the Kinges Chappell at Whitehall, unto Honor, the daughter and heire of the Lord Dennie (the Kinges Majtie givinge her in marnage). And Doctor Mountague, Deane of the Chappell, marryinge them, had for his fee 10 ti. And the Gentlemen of the Chappell for their extraordinary service and attendance 5 ii. as before had byn payd them in and for the lyke service. 9. Be it remembred that uppon the 9th daie of February 1607, beinge Shrove Tuesday, the Lord Yicount Haddington was maryed in the Kinges Chappell at Whithall, unto Elyzabeth the eldest daughter of the Earle of Sussex (the Kinges Majestie givinge her in mary âge), wher was layd downe one the booke for fee for the Deane of the Chappell who maryed them 10 ii. And the gentlemen of the Chappell had for their fee as before had bin used the some of 5 ii. [f. 766.] The Order of askinge the banes betweene the two greate Princes the Prince Palatine and the Ladie Elizabeth her Grâce. I aske the banes of matrimonie betweene the two great Princes, Fredericke Prince Elector Count Palatine of Reine of the one partie, and the Lady Elizabethe her Grâce, the only daughter of the highe and mightie Kinge of Great Brittanny of the other partie. If any man can shew any cause why these two Princes may not be CAMD. SOC. Y162 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF lawfully joyned in matrimony, let him speake, for this is the, &c. First asked in the Chappell at Whithall the last daye of Januarie 1612, and there also the second of Februarie next foliowinge the second tyme, and the third tyme at Winsore the 7th daie of the foresaid Februarie. The Prince Palatine beinge installed Knight of the Garter the same daie. [f. 76.] The order of askinge the banes. I aske the banes of matrimony betweene Phillip Harbert, Knight, gentleman of his Majestés most honorable bedd Chamber, of the on[e] partie, and the Ladye Susanna Vere, of her Majestés most honorable Privye Chamber, of the other partie. Yf therefore ther beany that that can shew any lawfull impediment why these two honorable persons may not be joyned together in the holye estate of matri- mony, accordinge to God his holye institucôn, and the lawes of this Reaime, let them now speake, for this is, &c. [f. 76.] The Banes of Roberte Earle of Somersett. T aske the banes of matrimony betweene the Right Honorable personages, Roberte Earle of Somersett, of the on[e] partie, and the Ladie Francis Howard, of the other part: if any man can sheweany just cause why these may not lawfully be joyned together, lett him speake ; this is, &c. These banes weare solemply asked three severall times in his Maj. Chappell at Whithall: first the 19th daie of December 1613, the second time the 21th of the same, and the third time on Christmas daie, and married the daie followinge. I aske the banes of matrimony betweene Sir John Villiers, Knight, gentleman of the Prince his highnes bed-chamber, of the one partie, and Frauncis Cooke, youngest daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Edward Cooke, Knight, one of hys Majestés most hon. Privie Councell, and of the Hon. Ladie Elizabeth Cooke his wiffe,THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 163 of the ottier partie. If any man can shew any just cause why these may not lawfully be joyned together in the lioly State of matry- monye, lett him speake, for this the, &c. The first tyme these banes were asked was the 27th of September 1617, beinge Saturdaie at night, the second was Sondaye morninge the 28th of September, and the third and last tyme was the 29th daie followinge in the morninge, after which in the said morninge they were marryed at Hampton Courte. [ff. 7 6, 836.] The Order and manner of the solemne celebracon of the marriage of the two great Princes, Frederick Prince Elector Counte Palatine of Rheine, and the Ladie Elizabeth, the only daughter of the right highe and mightie Prince the Kinge of Great Brittaine, in his Majestés Chappell at Whithale, uppon Sondaie the 14th daie of Februarie 1612, in the lOth yeare of his Maj. raigne, and in the 17th yeare of the âge of the two yonge Princes. 10. First the Chappell was in royall sorte adorned, the upper end of it was hunge withe very riche hanginges, conteyninge a part of the storie of the Actes of the Appostells, and the Communion table furnished with riche plate. Then a stately throne or seate was raysed in the middest of the Chappell, some five foote in height and some twenty foote in lengthe, haveinge stayers to assend or descend at eache end, spred with riche carpettes under foote, and rayled one both sydes, the rayles covered with clothe of tissue, but open at topp that the whole assemblie might see ail the ceremony the better. Uppon the sides of the Chappell from the stales up to the Commu- nion table weare a duble rowe of seates made for the Gentlemen of the Chappell, arayed withe tapstery very comely. The place beinge thus furnished, the hower approchinge, which wasbetweene 11 and 12, his Majestie, to make his cominge to the Chappell more solemne and stately, proceaded from his Privie Chamber, throughe the presence and garde chambre, and throughe a new bankettinge house erected of pur pose for to solemnenize this feast in, and so Y 2 1612-3. Feb. 14.164 THE OLD CHEQUE, BOOK OF doune a paire of stayers at the upper end therof hard by the Courte gâte, wente alonge uppon a stately scaffold to tlie great chamber stayers, and tlirougbe the greate Chamber and lobby to the clossett, doune the staiers to the Chappell, into which this royall troupe marched in this order. First came the bridgroome arrayed in clotlie of silver, richly imbroydered with silver, with ail the younge gal- lants and noblemen of the Courte ; but ther entred the Chappell only 16 noble younge men Bachylers, so many as he was years olde, the rest of the noblemen and gentlemen by his Majestés expresse command entred not the Chappell. The Bridgroome thus beinge placed in his seate, next came the Bride. Before her went the Lord Harrington. She was supported or ledd by the Prince Charles on the righte hand, and the Earle of Northampton, Lord Privie Seale, on the left hand, attended with 16 younge Ladies and Gentlewomen of honor bearinge her traîne, which was of cloth of silver as her gowne was, her hayre hanginge doune at length dressed with ropes of pearle, and a Coronett uppon her head richly dect with precious stones. The gownes of ail the younge Ladies that followed her weare of cloth of silver. Immediatly after the yonge Ladies followed the Lady Harrington, wiffe of the Lord Harrington, who had bin Governesse to the Lady Elizabeth for the space of tenne yeares. Tlien came ail the greate Ladies of the Courte: with this traine she ascended the throne and tooke her place. Immediatly followed the Kinge and Queens Majestés, attended with their Officers of honor, and the Lords of his Majestés Privie Counsell and divers Ladies. The Kinge and Queene enteringe the Chappell and assendinge the Throne, thei sate in this order. First, on the right hand sate the Kinge in a Chayer most royally and richly arrayed. The diamondes and jewells uppon him weare not lesse worth by good estimacôn then sixe hundred thousand poundes in valewe. The Earle of Arundell bearinge up the sworde stood close by the chayer; next the sword sate the Bridgroome on a stoole, and after him Prince Charles sate uppon a stoole, and then Comte Henry stood by him, who is brother to Counte Maurice and unckle to the Palatine. OnTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 165 the, other side sate the Queene in a chayer, most gloriously attired in a white sattin gowne; the jewells on the attire of her head and the rest of her garmentes weare valewed at fower hundred thousand poundes : hard by her sate the Bride on a stoole ; ther stood by the Bride the Lady Harrington bearinge up her traine. The Lord Chamberlaine for the Kinge stood at the one end next the alter, the Lord Chamberlaine for the Queene stood at the other end, the Lord Privie Seale stood uppon the stayers of the Throne hard by the Kinge. The Kinge and Queene placed in their seates, the Lordes and Councellors of the Kinge, and the Lordes and Councellors of the Prince Palatine, tooke their seates on the left hand of the Chappell, the Ladies of Honor tooke the other side of the seates, the younge Lordes and gentlemen of Honor and younge Ladies and Bride- woemen, with the necessarie officers and attendantes uppon the Kinge and Queene, stood ail belowe uppon the pavement. This one thinge is remarkable, that by the great and extraordinarie care and diligence of the Earle of Suffolke, Lord Chamberlaine, the Chappell was so kept, as ther came not within the Chappell one person but of honor and great place. This Boyall assemblie beinge in this sort settled in their places, then began the Gentlemen of the Chappell to singe a full Anthem, which ended, the Bisshopp of Bathe and Welles, Deane of His Maj. Chappell, went into the pulpitt, which stood at the foote of the stepp before the Communion table, and preached uppon the second of St. John, the marriage of Canaa of Galilea: the sermon beinge ended, which continued not muche above halfe an hower, the Quier began an other Anthem which was the Psalme, Blessed art thou that fearest God, &c. While the An- them was in singinge, the Arch Bisshopp of Canterburie and the Deane of the Chappell went into the Yestery, and putt on their riche Coapes and came to the Communion table, wher standinge till the Anthem was ended, they two assended the Throne, wher these two great Princes weare married by the Bishopp of Canterburie in ail pointes accordinge to the booke of our Common Prayer, the Prince Palatine speakinge the wordes of marriage in Englishe. After166 THE OLD CHEQUE,BOOK OF the Arch Bishopp had ended the Benediccon, God the Father, God the Sonne, &c. the Quier sange the same benediccon in an Anthem made new for that purpose by Doctor Bull : this Anthem ended, the Arch Bisshopp and the Deane descended the Throne, and the Bridgroome and Bride followinge them kneeled before the Commu- nion table, where the versickles and prayers weare sunge by the Arch Bisshopp and answered by the Quier. The prayers beinge ended, began an other Anthem; that don, Mr. Garter, Principall Kinge at Armes, published the stile of the Prince and Princess to this effect. Ail health happines and honor be to the highe and mightie Princes Frederick the fourth, by the grâce of God, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Arch Sewer and Prince Ellector of the Holy Empire, Duke of Bavier, and Elizabeth his wiffe, only daughter to the highe mightie and Right Excellent James, by the grâce of God Kinge of Greate Brittaine. Which beinge ended, ther was brought out of the vestery, by divers of the Lordes, wine and wafers, which when they had eaten, they departed after the same manner as they cam in, beinge led back from the Chappell by the Duke of Lennox and the Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall. The Kinge and Queene,leav- irige the Bride and Bridgroome in the great Chamber, went to their privie lodginges, and left the Bride and Bridgroome to dine in State in the new banquettinge House with the Prince, the Embassadours of Fraunce, Venice, and the States, Count Henry, and the whole troupe of Lordes and Ladies. [ff. 77, 77A] 11. After that the Earle of Essex and his Wiffe the Ladie Frauncis Howard had byn maryed eight yeares, ther was by a Com- mission of Delegates an anullity found to be in that maryage propter latens, incurabile et perpetuum impeditum quo ad hanc : wheruppon they beinge sundered, ther was a maryage solemnized betweene the Earle of Somersett and her uppon the 26th of December 1613, at Whithall, in the Chappell, beinge St. Steeven’s daie, at which maryage was présent the Kinges Majestie and the Queene, with the Prince and ail the Lordes and Ladies of the Court and about London.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 167 The Bride was given by the Earle of Suffolke, Lord Chamberlaine, her Father. And the gentlemen of the Chappell had for their fee as before had been used, the somme of five poundes. 12. Mémorandum that uppon the 29th daie of September 1617, Sir John Villiers, Knight, Gentleman of the Prince his Highnes bedchamber, was married in the Chappell at Hampton Courte unto Frauncis Cooke youngest daughter of the Et. Hon. Sir Edward Cooke, Knight, one of his Maj. most Hon. Privie Councell, wher the Kinges Maj. (receavinge her from Sir Edward her father) gave her in marryage. And the Gentlemen had for their fee the somme of five poundes. [f. 78.] XVII.—Koyal and Noble Baptisms, Churchings, Confirmations, &c. The order and manner of the service performed in and by the Chappell at the Christninge of Marye the daughter of the Mightie Kinge, James, &c. the fyfte of Maye, Anno 1605. At the tyme when the Royall Infant should be brouglit to the Chappell, the gentlemen of that place (after many companies goinge before) went out of the Chappell two and two in ther surplesses unto the nurcerie doore, there following them the Deane of the Chappell, next after came the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, bothe in rich copes of Needellworke. Then ail returninge, came the noble Babe, who was carried under a cannapee of cloth of goold, and ail the waye as it came towardes the Chappell ther was a generall scilence, neither voyce nor instrument was heard in the waye. When the Royall Infant was thus brought unto the lower Chappell doore, there did the Archbishop and the Deane of the Chappell receave the Babe and came next before it into the higher Chappell. At the same instant did the Organest begine and continew playinge aloude untill the Child was placed in the Traverse, and the Gosipps one the right side without the cell, upon three severall rich stooles, and the rest of the honorable trayne, as thus: his 1605, May 5. At Greenwich.168 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF Majestie (with the Prince) in his clossett above, and tharells [the Earls], Bishops and Lords Barons on the oneside,and the great Ladies on the other side of the Chappell. When ail were placed, then begane an Antheme, shewinge the dedication of the Koyall Infant unto Allmightie God by baptisme (the Chorus whereof was filled with the help of musicall instrumentes) : the which Antheme beinge endid the child was brought from the Traverce to the Font, whome the Arch Bishop baptised with great reverence (beinge still in his rich cope), who was assistid in the administracon of the Sacrament by the Deane of the Chappell (he allso beinge in his cope). Under the cell (compassinge the font) were onlye the Archbishop, the Deane of the Chappell, the Gosypps (the Duke Yanhulston, the Ladye Arbella, the Countis of Northumberland,) the Great Countesse which held the Babe, and a Countisse bearinge her trayne, and the two supporters, which were the Duke of Lyniox and the Lord Treasurer. And fower Earles sonnes wayted without at the fower corners of the cell. In the tyme of the Baptisme the Kinge sent a Gentleman Usher to the Gosipps signifyinge his pleasurewhat the name of the Child should be, which Babe beinge named accordinglye, the Lord’s Grâce signed Marye, the Christened Infant, with the signe of the Crosse. And the Baptisme beinge ended, an other Antheme was songe of thankesgeevinge to God for the ingraffinge of the Blessed Infant into Christ his Holy Church by Baptisme. Then the heroldes put on there coates, and Garter the Kinge of Heroldes standinge neere the ray les which inclosed the Font, and tuminge his face towards the Kinges Majestie, did with a loud voyce proclayme what was his dutie to doe. That ended, the Trumpetors sounded cherefully, standinge in the Lower Chappell. Then began an offertorye to be played, in which tyme the noble baptised Infant was brought to the Holye Table and there itoffered, by the person of the Lord Treasurer. Then the God Father and God Mothers did severallye offer allso, beinge fett [fetched] from ther seates by the Lord Chamberlaine, the Deane of the Chappell receavinge ther offeringes at the Communion Table in his cope.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 169 Then followed a full Anthem (Singe joyfullye), in the singinge wherof the Gosipp’s great giftes weare brought out of the vestrie (by certaine Knightes) and placed uppon the Communion Table, at tliend of which Antheme the Collect for the Kinge was read, and therwith the service ended. Then cartaine Lords Barons brought up from the Lower Chappell a bason and ewer and towells, and the Gosipps washed, and after that a great bankquet was brought allso out of the Lower Chappell by Lords Barons in to the higher Chappell, and there first presentid unto the Gosypps, and then to other great personagis (the organes playinge aloud ail that tyme). When thesame Banquet was endid, ail the Companyes went out of the Chappell in order, and in ther due places as they came in, att which there returne with the Boyall Baptised Infant, the Chappell and the Musitions joyned together, makinge excellent hermony with full Anthemes, which continued so doinge untill the Child came unto the nurcerye doore, where it was first receavid. [f. 326.] The Order of the Queen’s Highnes Churchinge, which was in the 1605, May 19. Chappell, uppon Whitsondaye 1605. First at the Kinges cominge to his Closett to here the Sermon, ther was a full Anthem songe, and after the sermon was ended then was songe an Anthem for a Childe. Immediatlye after that, began an Offertorye to be played, in which the Kinges Matie came downe and offerred, and then went in to his Travase: forthwith certaine Knightes of the Garter and other honorable persons went up and did fetche the Queen’s highnes downe in to the Chappell, she beinge supported by the Duke Vanhulston and the Duke of Lynneox, and the Lady Arbella bearinge her trayne, who also did there betake her selfe to her travase, ail which tyme the Organest continued the offertory. When the Kinge and Queene weare so seated, then ended the offertory, and a full Anthem (beginninge Blessed art thou that fearest God) was songe, at the end whereof the Bishop of Canterbury, beinge assisted by Mr. Deane of the Chappell (and CAMD. SOC. Z170 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF both in rich copes) did read the ordinary service of Churchinge of woomen, appointed by the booke, her highnes kneelinge the while in her Travase. The churchinge beinge ended, the Queene rose up and cam forth and offered at the Holye Table, as the Kinges Majestie had formerly done, Mr. Deane receavinge both their offeringes in his cope, and the Organes playinge at each tyme. Then after the Queene had offered she retired herselfe in to her Travase, and presentlye began an Anthem of thankesgevinge, pre- pared of purpose for the Churchinge : that ended, the Collectes, one for the Kinge, the other for the Queene, weare read, and therwith ended the whole service. Then the Organest playd againe, whilst the Kinges Majestie, the Queene, and the whole trayne, departed out of the Chappell. [f. 33] 1606, .June 22. ge remembred with thankes gevinge to Almightie God, that uppon the 22d day of June (beinge Sundaye) Anno 1606, betweene the howers of three and fower of the clocke in the morninge of the same daye, Oure gratious Queene Anne by the help and goodnes of God was safelye delivered of a Royall Daughter at Greenwich, in his Majesties howse there. The daye followinge beinge Mundaye the 23th of the same moneth, the Royall Babe growinge verye weake, yt was baptized privately by Doctor Mountagew, Deane of his Majesties Chappell (by the naine of Sophia), betweene the howers of 6 and 7 of the clocke in the eveninge of the same daye, the Countisse of Suffolke and the Ladye Walsingam beinge her suerties or witnesses at her Baptisme. Allso the same nobell Infant beinge in thend overcomeby the power ofDeath, yealdid hersweete soûle into the handes of the Holye geiver therof, betweene the howers of 8 and 9 in the eveninge of the same Mundaye the 23th of June. The dead corpes of the Royall Babe was removed by water from Greenewich, and was interred in the Abbey Church of Westminster, the 26th daye of the same moneth beinge Thursdaye, attended by most of the Lordes of his Majestés Privie Counsaile, and many other great Lordes and Ladyes, ail clad in blacke, but not in murninge weedes.THE CHAPEL EOYAL. 171 Her Highnes second Churchinge. Be yt further remembred that upon tlie third daye of August beinge Sundaye, Anno 1606, the Queenes highnes was churched pryvatlye in her privie Chamber at Greenwich, by Doctor Mountagew, Deane of his Majesties Chappell, who also baptised the Royall Babe Sophia (latelye buried), which was the second Child her Highnes bare unto the Kinges Majestie after ther cominge unto this Kingdome. [f. 39.] The Order of the Prince’s Confirmacôn in the Chappell, the third of 1607, Api. 3. Aprill 1607, beinge then Good Fridaye. On which daye Henrie Prince of Greate Brittaine was attended on by sondrie honorable persons into the Kinges Chappell at White- hall, and in the tyme of singinge of the first Anthem before the sermon began, wher, at the lower step in the Quier there, a carpett and cushions beinge prepared, he there kneelinge was con- firmed in his faithe in Christe, by the Reverend Father the Arch- bishop of Canterbury (the Deane of the Chappell assistinge hirn, and bothe in riche copes). At which Confirmacôn were attendinge also with the Arch Bishop sixe grave Bishops (the Kinges Majestie remayninge that while in his greate Closett) : the which beinge don accordinge to the booke of Comon Prayer, and an Anthem songe, the Prince returned againe with his honorable traine unto the great closet, wher the Kinges Majestie still remayned, and then began the sermon, &c. The 5th of Aprill then next following (beinge Easter daye) 1607, 1607, Api. 5. Henrie Prince of Great Brittaine did after his confirmacôn pub- licquely receave the Holy Comunion, with the Kinges Majtie his father, in the Chappell at Whitehall, a cushion beinge prepared wheron he kneeled on the leafte hand of the Kinge his Father, a little belowe the Kinge. And after that Mr. Deane had ministred the z 2172 THE OLD CHEQUE' BOOK OF 1610-11, Mar. 22. 1613, Ap. 6. Comunion unto him selfe and his Assistantes, in one sorte of bread and cup, he then ministred the holy Comunion unto tlie Kinges Majestie in bread and cupp prepared for him selfe alone, and lastly unto the Prince in bread and cupp prepared only for his grâce : when the Kinge had receaved the bred, then the Prince had the bread administred unto him, and in lyke sorte the cupp. This holy Comunion was receaved by the Kinges Majtie the Prince and the rest ail reverently kneelinge in their severall places, before the Comunion Table. [f. 786.] The Order of the Ladie Elizabeth her Grace’s Confirmacon in the Chappell the 22th of Marche 1610, beinge Good Frydaye. On which daye her Grâce was attended on by sondry Hon. persons, bothe of Lordes and Ladies, into the Kinges Chappell at Whitehall, and in the tyme of singinge of the first Anthem, before the sermon began, wher at the lower step in the Quier there, a carpett and cushions beinge prepared, she there kneelinge was con- firmed in her fayth in Christe by the Reverend Father the Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, Deane of his Maj. Chappell, the Subdeane therof assistinge him, and bothe in riche copes; the Kinges Majestie and the Queene remayninge that while in their greate clossettes: the which beinge don accordinge to the booke of Comon Prayer, and an Anthem songe, her Grâce returned againe with her hon. traine unto the greate clossett where the Queens Majestie still remayned, and then began the sermon. The 24th of Marche then next followinge (beinge Easter daie) the Ladie Elizabethe receaved the Holy Comunion in like sorte as the Prince in the other syde did, &c. [f. 79.] Prince Charells Confirmacon in the Chappell the 5th of Aprill 1613, beinge then the Mondaie in Easter weeke. On which daie Charells Prince of Great Brittaine was attended on by sondrie honorable persons into the Kinges Chappell at Whithall, and in the singinge of the first Anthem, wher at theTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 173 lower step in the Queere there, a carpett and cusshions beinge pre- pared, he tbere kneelinge was confirmed in bis faithe in Christe by the Keverend Father in God the Bishopp of Bathe and Welles, Deane of his Majesties Chappell ( assistinge him, and bothe in riche coapes.) At which confirmacôn weare attending also the Arch Bishopp of Canterburie and grave Bisshopps, (the Kinges Majestie remayninge that while in the greate closett) : the which beinge don accordinge to the booke of Comon prayer, the Prince returned againe with his hon. traine unto the greate closett, wher the Kinges Majestie still remayned, untill the end of divine service. The 23th of Maye then next followinge (beinge Whitsondaye) Prince Charells receaved the Holy Comunion at Greenwich, in lyke manner as Prince Henry and the Ladie Elizabeth her grâce did, &c. 79.] The Names of the Children Baptised in the Chappell in the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth. Elizabeth, the daughter of the Lord Cobham, was baptised in the Chappell in the second yeare of her Majestés raigne, when was payd to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for fees 5 ii. Edwardus Fortunatus, sonne tothe Ladye Cicilia, was baptised in the Chappell in the seventh yeare of her Maj. raigne, when was payd to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for fees 5ii. The Names of the Children Baptised in the Chappell in the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge James. Anna, the daughter of the right honorable Therll of Southampton, Baptised in was baptised in the Chappell in the second yeare of his Majestés Aprill 1604. raigne, when was payd to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for mïT68 fees 5 ii. James, the sonne and heire of the right honorable the Earll ofBaptizedin Southamton, was baptised in the Chappell in the third yeare of his dayeCi606.26The Deanes fee 10 li. 174 THE OLT) CHEQUE BOOK OF Maj. raigne, when was payd to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for fees 5 li. James, the sonne of the right honorable the Earle of Nottingam, was baptised in the Chappell at Whitehall the 25th of Marche 1607, and in the 5th yeare of his Maj. raigne, the Kinges highnes, therle of Suffolke (then Lord Chamberlaine), and the Ladie Arbella beinge sureties. For which was paid unto Mr. Deane for his fee , and to the Gentlemen of the Chappell for their fees 5 li. James Lord Matrevers, the sonne and heire of the Right Hon. the Earle of Arundell, was baptised in the King’s Chappell at Whitehall the I7th of July 1607, and in the 5th yeare of his Maj. raigne. The Kinges highnes, the Earle of Suffolke (then Lord Chamberlayne), and the Ladie Arbella, deputie for the olde Cometesse of Shrosburie, beinge sureties, for which was payd unto the gentlemen for their fee 5 li. James, the sonne of the Right Hon. the Earle of Arguile, was baptised in the King’s Chappell at Greenwich, the 25th of September 1610, andin the 8th yeare of his Majestés raigne. The Kinges highnes (the Prince beinge his substitute), the Earle of Sarum Lord Highe Treasurer, and the Ladie Marquesse of Winchester beinge sureties. For the which was paid unto the Gentlemen of the Chappell for their fees five poundes. The Deane absent from the Christenninge. Anna, the daughter of the Right Hon. the Earle of Salisburie, was baptised in the Chappell at Whitehall the 23d of February 1612, and in the tenthe yeare of his Majestés raigne (the Queen’s Majestie, the Countisse of Darbie the younger, and the Earle of Shrosburie beinge sureties), for which was paid unto the Gentlemen of the Chappell for their fee five poundes. [ff. 75b, 76.] James Stuart, sonne of the Lord Aubigny, one of his Maj. bed- chamber, was christened in the Chappell at Whithall, on Wens- day the 29th of Aprill 1612. The Kinges Majestie, the Duke of Linox, and the Ladie Elizabethes grâce weare wittnesses therunto. For which was given to the Gentlemen for fees [five poundes].THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 175 Henry, sonne of the abovesaid Lo. Aubigny, was baptised in the Chappell at Whitehall the second daye of Aprill 1616. The Queene beinge gôdmother, the Prince and the Earle of Mar godfathers. For which was given unto the gentlemen for their fees five poundes. James, sonne of the Right Hon. the Lord Haddington, was baptised in the Chappell at Whithall the llth daye of March 1616. The Kinges Hignes, the Earle of Sussex, and the Ladie of Bedford beinge sureties. For which the gentlemen receaved for their fees 5 li. James, sonne of Sir William Feildinge, Knight, was baptised in the Chappell at Whithall the 13th daie of March 1616. The Kinges Majestie, the Earle of Buckingham, and the Ladie of Bedford beinge sureties. For which was given to the gentlemen for their fees 5 li. Charles, second sonne of the Right Hon. the Lord Haddington, was baptised in the Chappell ^t Whithall the 17th of May 1618. Prince Charles, the Lord Marquesse of Buckingham, and the Ladie of Hartford beinge sureties. For which was given to the gentlemen for their fees 5 li. [f. 796.] XVIII.—Forms of Prayer, &c. A Prayer for her Majestie and the Lordes of the most hon. Ordre 1593, Api. 23. of the Garter. O moste mightie and mercyfull Father, the absolute Protector of ail puissant Princes, noble Lords and valerous Knyghts, whose power hathe ever shewed it selfe in the prowes and wonderfull acts of thy holye worthies, We humblye beseche the still to saye and deffende thy moste noble worthye our dread Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth, whom thowe hast raysed up an admirable Deborah for thy holye Churche with us and farre abroad. O Lord, encrease her heroical power and strengthe in thee, her princelye herte andWee prayse and thanke thee, O Lord, in ail the noble Kinges patrones of this Order, and our benefactors. 176 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF hands for thee against ail thyne and her enymies, that thés her dominions may daylye flourishe in thy trewthe and trewe nobilitie. Graunt also, O Lorde, to the noble societie of the most honorable Ordre of the Garter, Josua*s holynes, David’s integritie, Salamon’s wisdome, and Gideon’s good successe, in ail their loyall services for and under thyne anoynted Elizabethe our Qweene, that so their peaceable practises and martial feates beinge begun, contynued, and en.ded in thee, may be so prospered by thee as still we may wondre at thy mightie Works, and magnifye thy mercye, throughe Jésus Christe our Lorde. Amen. Anth: Anderson, Subdeane, Aprill 23, 1593, Eliz. 33. [f. 846.] The Order for the Memory and Commendation of the Queenes Majesties Progenitors, Founders of the most noble Order of the Garter, to be used at the Feast of St. George. Oure Father, which arte in heaven, &c.; then 0 Lord, open thow my lippes, &c. Certaine psalmes. The first lesson the 44 of Ecclesiasticus, or the then We prayse thee, O God, etc. then 1 beleeve in God, etc. The answeres. O Lord, heare oure prayer; And graunt our pétition, etc. The Collect for the Sonday; . f First lesson, Judges 6 The first night< Chap. begin at llth verse. C Second lesson,Ephesians vj. then Mominge { \ iC“S T7__■ ( 1 Lesson, Ecclesiasticus 46. Eyenmge j 2 Lesson, Acts 25. Anth. Anderson, Subdean, Api. 23, 1593., 2. ecclesiasticus 4. ecclesiasticus 5. ecclesiasticus 7. ecclesiasticus 8. ecclesiasticus 11. ecclesiasticus 14. ecclesiasticus 25. ecclesiasticus 37. ecclesiasticus Second Lessons. 2. Chap. of the 2. the Phillippians. 3. Chap. of the epystle of St. Jhon. 1 Peter, 2. chap. Epistle of Jude. 1 Timothye, 2. chap.THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 177 O Lord God our Heavenly Father, and oure mercifull Saviour Jesu Christe, assiste James our most worthie Kinge continuallye with thie holie spirytt, that as he is auncientlie and trewlie descended from the noble Princes of this Eealme and the bountifull patrones and founders of this noble order, so he may proceede in ail good woorkes (namely) for sustentation of learninge and helpe of povertie, and that ail noble men of this Eealme (speciallie suche as be the Companions of this most honorable Order of the Garter) may like- wyse dispose them selves in honor and vertue at ail tymes, that God therby may be the better honored, the common wealth served, and there good famé remayne to ther posteritie, and that wee ail may continewe in the true fayth, and walke in good woorkes that God hath appoynted us, throughe Jesu Christe our Lord and Saviour. Amen. O Lord, save James our Kinge and ail the companions of this most noble order of the Garter. Amen.* [f. 85b.] Be it remembred with thankesgeivinge to Allmightie God, that upon the eight daye of Aprill in the yeare 1605, our gracious Queene Ann, by the helpe and goodnes of God, was safelye delivered of a Eoyall daughter at Greenewich in his Majestés howse there. A publicke Thankesgeivinge to God for the same, used in his Majestés Chappell. O Lord our God, Mercifull and Gracious, Wee render unto thy divine Majestie our most humble and hartie thankes for thy goodnes this last night past extended unto our most gracious Queene in givinge her so happie a deliverye of a blessed Infant. Wee most humblye intreate thy Majestie still to continew thy Fatherlye protection over her and it, that wee maye ever gyve praise unto thy Holye Name, through Jésus Christ our Lord. Amen. [f. 38.] * This Prayer again occurs, f. 82b, the only différence being in the spelling of c ertain words. CAMD. SOC. 2 A 1605, Api. 8178 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF A Prayer now to be used at the Feast of St. George. O Lord save our Kinge, and mercifully heare us, &c. Allmightie and most mercifull Father, we bumblie beseeche thee in the name of thy sonne Christ Jésus our Lord and Saviour, to direct and endew Kinge James, our most Godlye and worthie Soveraigne, with the continuall and plentifull grâce of thine Holy Spirite, that as he is aunciently and rightly descended from the most puissant and prudent Princes of this Kealme, the first founders and erectors of this most noble order of the Garter, so he may abound and excell in ail thinges acceptable to thee, namely, in the maintenance of pietie, peace, justice, and equity, in the supporte of good learninge, and the reliefe of the poore and oppressed: and graunt, most gracious Lord, that ail the noble men of this Reaime, especially suche [as are] companions of this most honorable order of the Garter, may be thoroughly devoted to trew godlines, valour, and vertue, so as God may therby the better be honored, their Soveraigne served, the Common wealth secured, and the memorial! of their well doinge remaine to their posteritie: and that wee ail may live and die in thy fayth and feare, and walke in those workes whiche thou hast appointed us, through Jésus Christ our Lord. Amen. O Lord, longe preserve James our Kinge and ail the Companions of this most noble order of the Garter. Amen. [f. 83.] The Order of the Maundy. The Subdeanbegins the Exhortation, Confession, and Proper Psalm for the occasion, Psal. 41. Then the Lesson, St. John, cap. 13th from verse lst to verse 18; which ended, his Matie (attended by the Lord Almoner and the white staves) goes to the poore men in order, sprinkles their feet with a sprig of hyssop dipt in water, wipes them and kisses them; which ended, his Majestie returns to his chair of State. Then begins the first Anthem, which let be, Hide not thou thy face from us, O Lord, &c. ; which done, the Lord Almoner distributesTHE CHAPEL ROYAL. 179 the shoes and stockin9. He being returned, sing the second Anthem, which let be, Prevent us, O Lord, in ail our doings, &c. ; which done, he distributes the cloaths, woollen and linnen. Being return’d, sing the third Anthem, which let be, Call to remembrance, O Lord, thy tender mercyes; which done, he distributes the purses; and being return’d, sing the fourth Anthem, which let be, O praise the Lord ail ye Heathen, &c. ; which done, he distributes the fish and bread. After which, being returned, the Gospell is read, St. Mat. 25th from ver. 14th to the end; which ended sing the last Anthem, which let be, O Lord, make thy servant King Charles, &c. Then this Prayer. Be présent with us, O Lord, by this gracious acceptation in the discharge of this our duty and service : and in as much as thou vouchsafedst to wash thy disciples’ feet, and didst command us to follow thy blessed steps till thy coming again, looke down graciously we beseech thee on the worke of thyne own hands performed this day (by thy servant our Gracious Soveraigne Lord the King) in imitation of thee and obedience to thy commands, and as by the outward washing by water the spots and stayns of the body are done away, so let ail the corruptions and défilements of our soûls through sin be cleansed by thy most precious bloud. Grant this, O blessed Jesu, who with the Father and Holy Ghost livest and reignest ever one God, world without end. Amen. Then Prayers for the King, Queen, &c. After the blessing, the Lord Almoner calls for wyne, and drinkes to ail the poore the King’s health, and bids them be thankfull to God and pray for the King. A Prayer at the Maundy. O most blessed Jesu, who, being the son of the ever living God, didst not only not disdeine to take our humane nature and the forme of a servant upon thee, but, haveing determined to lay downe thy life as a Ransome for the sins of the whole world, didst on the night 2 a 2180 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. before thy sufferings leave to tby disciples that admirable patterne of profound humility which men and angells migbt hâve stood amazed at, to see thee the God of Heaven and Earth wash and wipe and kisse the feet of thy Disciples : looke downe we beseech thee upon our Gratious Soveraigne thy good servant, and us, this day, whof to preserve the memory of this thy inimitable goodnesse, are heer assembled to praise thee for those thy high expressions of love to thy unworthy créatures, and earnestly to pray that this great example of thee, our Heavenly Master, may make such impressions in us that we may with humble minds and charitable affections be alwayes ready to descend to the lowest offices in relieving the necessitys of the meanest of our Brethren : that we haveing leamt of thee to be meeke, and humble, and charitable, may be the better fitted to receive the Holy Sacrament, and to reigne with thee in ail the glories of thy Kingdome. Grant this, O deare Jesu, and médiate for us with thyne Eternall Father, with whom and thy Holy Spirit thou livest and reignçst for evermore. Amen. [ff. lob, 76.] \_The following entries occur at the end off. 806, in oiher respects a blank leafJ\ 1662. Lisbona, the daughter of unknowne parents, accidentally found shortly after its birth in a private place of Hampton Court, but conceived to be the child of a Portugall woman, was baptized in a private chamber there, June 20, 1662. 1663. A Blackmoore baptised in the Chappell at Whitehall, 1663. FINIS.181 NOTES. Page 1. Mr. Angéll, Subdean.—John Angell, whose name occurs in the liste of Gentlemen of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. He died August 17, 1567 (p. 2). Ibid. Robert Parsons.—Morley spells his name Persons. See Catalogue at the end of Introduction to Practicall Musicke, 1597. He was born at Exeter, but no par- ticulars of his life are known. He is erroneously said to hâve been organist of West- minster Abbey. John Parsons, who was appointed organist of that establishment in 1621, may possibly hâve been his son. The epitaph upon “ Master Parsons, organist at West- minster,” printed in Camden’s Remains (edit. 1674, p. 549), relates to this John, not to Robert, as has been supposed. In The First Booke of Selected Church Musick, published by John Barnard, a Minor Canon of St. Paul’s Cathédral, in 1641, is con- tained a Morning, Communion, and Evening Service, by Robert Parsons. Many of his compositions are extant in MS., particularly in the library of Christ Church, Oxford ; and the wordsof some of his anthems are given in James Clifford’s Divine Services and Anthems, 1664. He was unfortunately drowned at Newark-upon-Trent, Jan. 25, 1569, and a record of the event is entered in the Cheque-Book (p. 2). Ibid. Mr. Walher.—William Walker, Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. Ibid. William Mundy.—A musician of some eminence, the father of John Mundy, organist of the Chapel Royal, Windsor, who died in 1630, and was buried in thecloisters of the establishment with which he was connected. Both musicians are mentioned in some verses at the end of a MS. collection of Motetts and Madrigals, transcribed, à.d. 1591, by John Baldwine, “ singing man of Windsor.” Recounting the celebrated composers of his time, he says :— “ I will begine with White, Shepperd, Tye, and Tallis, Parsons, Gyles, Mundie, th’oulde one of the Queenes pallis ; Mundie yonge, th’oulde man’s sonne, and likewyse others moe, There names would be to[o] longe, therefore I let them goe.” Sir John Hawkins has confounded father and son, making William the son of John, whereas the reverse was certainly the case. Had he observed the entry in the Chèque-182 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF TJIE CHAPEL ROYAL. Book, showing that William was swom a memberof the Chapel Royal, Feb. 21,1563, he could not hâve supposed that John, who took his degree of Mus. Bac. in 1585, and his Mus. Doc. degree in 1624, was the elder of the two. (See Wood’s Fasti, i. 236, 415.) It is hardly necessary to say that Hawkins has been copied in this mistake by ail sub- séquent writers. We learn from the Cheque-Book that William Mundy was received into the Chapel Royal from the choir of St. Paul’s, a fact hitherto unnoticed. Nothing is known of his biography ; even the date of his death is unrecorded. A service of his and four anthems are printed in John Barnard’s First Booke of Selected Church Musick, 1641, and a number of his compositions exist in MS. (See also Clifford’s Divine Services and Anthems, 1664, for the words of several of his anthems.) The anthem in Boyce’s Cathédral Music (also in Barnard), “ O Lord, the Maker of ail things,” incorrectly attributed to Henry VIII. by Aldrich and Boyce, is the composition of William Mundy. The words being contained in the Complin Service in Henry the Eighth’s Primer has probably given rise to the error. Ibid. Richard Farrant.—Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. He resigned his post to accept that of Master of the Children of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Hawkins says he was also lay-clerk, and one of the organists of the same establishment. The following entries from the Office-book of the Treasurer of the Cliamber (temp. Eliz.) relate to Farrant in his capacity of Master of the Children. They are extracted from Cunningham’s Account of the Revels at Court (Shaks. Soc. 1842, p. xxix.) :— “Payde upon the Counsayles Warrante dated at Westmr the xxvth of Februarye, 1568, To Richarde Farrant, Scole Mr to the Children of Wyndsor, for presentinge a playe before the Quenes Mtie on Shrove Tewsdaye at nyght laste paste, by way of, &c., vj li. xiii s. iiij d.” “ Payde upon the Counsayles Warrante dated at Windsor the ij of Jauuarye, 1569, To Richarde Ferrante, Scolem1 to the Childeren of Wyndsor, by waye of, &c., for pre- sentinge a playe before her Highnes this Christmas upon St. John’s daye at nighte laste paste, vj li. xiij s. iiij d.” Ôn Nov. 5, 1569, Farrant returned to his old appointment, and was reinstated Gentle- man in the room of Thomas Causton. The entry (p. 2) expressly says “ From Winsore.” He died Nov. 30, 1580 (p. 3) ; another entry (p. 65) gives the date Nov. 30, 1581. At ail events he died in one of these years, not in 1585, as Hawkins supposed. Hist. of Music, edit. 1853, p. 465. As a Church composer Farrant has great merit, an assertion borne out by his Works printed in Barnard and Boyce’s collections. Two of his anthems, “ Call to remem- brance ” and “ Hide not thou thy face ” (the last adapted by Aldrich), were for a long period used at Whitehall Chapel on Maunday Thursday, when the Sub-Almoner (attended by the organist in waiting and the Gentlemen and children of the Royal Chapels) distributes the Royal charity among certain aged applicants. Farrant is popularly known at the présent day by the association of his name with the anthem “ Lord, for thy tender mercies’ sake.” The history of this beautiful little an-NOTES. 183 them is involved in some obscurity, both as regards the words and the music. The former may be found, with some variations, in Prayers, commonly called Lydley’s Prayers, reprinted by the Parker Society in Bull’s Christian Prayers and Méditations, p. 174. So far as the music is concerned, it is extremely doubtful if Farrant was its author. It seems from internai evidence to be the production of a somewhat later era, and may possibly be the composition of John Hilton. In the old MS. Part-books preserved in Ely Cathédral it is ascribed to him; and Dr. Blow, when transcribing, in the year 1686, a large collection of the compositions of his predecessors and contemporaries, unhesitatingly attributed it to John Hilton. It was considered to be his by Dr. Tudway, and also by James Hawkins, organist of Ely Cathédral from 1682 to 1720. The words of the anthem appear in the second édition of Clifford’s Divine Services and Anthems, 1664, but with the name of Thomas Tallis attached to them as that of the composer. They next occur in Thomas Wanless’s Full Anthems and Yerse Anthems, printed at York in 1703, but without any name of composer. They are not found in any subsequently printed book of words of anthems until that of Mason (also printed at York) in 1782, when the name of Farrant is appended to them. The music of the anthem first appeared in print under Farrant’s name in Page’s Harmonia Sacra, published in 1800. But the mistake, if mistake it be, of attributing the anthem to Farrant, is of an earlier date. A copy exists in the handwriting of Dr. Aldrich, who has written the name of Richard Farrant at the end, afterwards Crossing it out and substituting in its place that of John Hilton. Ibid. Thomas Byrd, or Bird.—Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. He is supposed to hâve been the father of the celebrated William Byrd. If so, he was, in ail probability, also connected with the musical establishment of the Cathédral of St. Paul, in which choir his son was certainly educated. See the Life of William Byrd, prefixed to his Mass for Five Yoices, printed by the Musical Antiquarian Society. Ibid. Robert Moorcocke.—Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. He died June 15, 1581 (p. 3). Ibid. Richard Bower.—He seems to hâve succeeded William Crâne, who was Master of the Children of the Chapel in the latter years of Henry VlIIth’s reign. In the Household Book of Henry VIII., a.d. 1530, printed in the Trevelyan Papers (Camd. Soc. p. 161), we find “ Item, to Mr. Crâne, for playing before the King with the Children of the Chappell, in reward, vj li. xiij s. iiij d.” And in the Household Book of Edward VL, a.d. 1548 (ibid. p. 201), the following entry occurs :— “ Item, to Richard Bower, for playing before the Kings majestie with the Children of the Chappell, in rewarde. vj li. xiij s. iiij d.”184 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF T^E CHAPEL ROYAL. Rymer’s Fœdera (xv. 517) shows that his salary was 401. a-year. Strype, describing the old church at Greenwich (Stowe’s Survey, ii. 92, Circuit Walk), says : “ Within the rails are three fiat stones, with brass plates. One for Richard Bower, late Gentle- man of the Chapel, and Master of the Children to K. Henry the Eighth, K. Edward the Sixth, Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth. He deceased 26 July, 1561.” [1563?] Ibid. Richard Edwards.—This celebrated poet, musician, and dramatist is called by Wood a “ Somersetshire man.” He was born in 1523, and on May 11,1540, admitted a scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. On the foundation of Christ Church, in 1547, he becâme a student there, and in the same year took his degree of M.A. Wood tells us that he was also a member of Lincoln’sYnn. The period of his leaving the University is not known, but in his early years he appears to hâve held some appointaient about the Court. This is évident from the following passage in one of his poems in The Paradise of Dainty Devices :— “ In youthfull yeares when first my young desires began To pricke me forth to serve in Court, a slender, tall young man, My father’s blessing tlien I ask ’d upon my knee, Who, blessing me with'trembling hand, these words gan say to me: My sonne, God guide thy way,'and shield thee from mischance, And make thy just desartes in Court thy poor estate to advance,” &c. His expérience of Court life is further confirmed by a small volume of MS. Sonnets in the Brit. Mus. (Cott. MSS. Titus A. xxiv.), signed with his initiais, addressed to some of the beauties of the Courts of Mary and Elizabeth. Warton says that “ in the year 1561 he was constituted a Gentleman of the Royal Chapel by Queen Elizabeth, and Master of the Singing-boys there,” but this does not appear from the Cheque-Book. We hâve no means of ascertaining the date of his admission to this establishment ; but upon the death of Richard Bower, in 1563, he was appointed to fill his place as Master of the Children. Edwards is well known as a writer of songs and ballads; and as the chief contributor to The Paradise of Dainty Devices. Many of his pièces hâve been quoted by Warton, Ellis, and Brydges, and his beautiful “ Soul’s Knell,” supposed to hâve been written on his death-bed, is admired even to this day. He was the author of two dramatic pièces, Damon and Pythias, and Palemon and Arcite. The first was acted at Court, and printed, probablyin 1568 or 1570, although the earliest édition that has corne down to us is dated 1571. The latter was acted before Queen Elizabeth in'the Hall of Christ Church, Oxford, Sept. 3, 1566. Wood tells us that its performance’gave Her Majesty “ so much content ” that she sent for the author, and, after commending him, “ gave him promise of reward.” Poor Edwards did not^live^ to reap the] benefit [of this promise, as the Cheque-Book records that he “ died on the last day of October, 1566 ”—a few weeks after the performance of his play.NOTES. 185 Edwards was on friendly terms with most of the poets of his time. Copies of verses were frequently addressed to him. One of these, by Barnabe Googe, extracted from his rare volume, Eglog3, Epitaphes, and Sonettes, 1563, we shall quote:— “Of Edwardes of the Chappell. “ Devyne Camenes, that with your sacred food Hâve fed and fosterde up from tender yeares A happye man, that in your favour stoode— Edwardes in Courte that can not fynde his peeres— Your names be blest, that in the présent âge So fyne a head by Arte hâve framed out, Whom some hereafter, healpt by Poets rage, Perchaunce may matche, but none shall passe (I doubt). O Plautus ! yf thou wert alyve agayne, That comédies so fynely dydste endyte ; Or Terence, thou that with thy pleasaunt brayne The hearers mynde on stage dydst much delyght, "What would you say, syrs, if you should beholde, As I hâve done, the doyngs of this man ? No worde at ail, to sweare I durstbe bolde, But burne with teares that which with myrth began, I meane your bookes, by which you gâte your name, To be forgot you wolde commit to flame. Alas ! I wolde, Edwards, more tell thy prayse, But at thy name my muse amased stayes.” In Turberville’s Epitaphs, Epigrams, Songs and Sonnets, 1570, are two elegies on his death, one by Thomas Twine (one of the translatons of Yirgil), and the other by George Turberville, the editor of the book. Both pièces are interesting, but the former contains passages most deserving of quotation. Here we hâve an allusion to the place of his early éducation :— “ O happie House ! O place of Corpus Christi, thou That plantedst first. and gavste the roote to that so brave a bowe ; And Christ Church, which enjoydste the fruité more ripe at fill, Plunge up a thousand sighes for griefe, your trickling tears distill,” &c. The subséquent mention of his two dramas is valuable as coming from a contem- porary :— 2 B CAMD. SOC.186 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. “ Thy tender Tunes and Rimes, wherein thou woonst to play, Eche princely Dame of Court and Towne shall beare in minde alway. Thy Damon and his Friend, Arcyte and Palemon, With moe full fit for Princes eares, though thou from earth art gone, Shall still remain in famé,’* &c. These are valuable records of his poetical and musical character, and bear testimony to the estimation in which his talent was held by his brethren. Richard Edwards has been confounded with another poet of the same name, who may hâve been bis son. In the Registers of the Stationers’ Company, xxiij° die Febr. 1581-2, Richard Jones entered “ The Mansion of Myrthe, penned by C. Ed- wardes.” This was, perhaps, the same “ Mr. Edwardes” who wrote an epitaph on the Earl of Pembroke in 1569-70. At any rate the epitaph could not hâve been written by Richard Edwards who died in 1566, as Ritson supposed. (See Bibl. Poet, 195 ; and Collier's Register of Stat. Corn. i. 221 ; ii. 158.) As a musician we hâve little means of judging of Edwards’ talent, but few specimens of his skill remaining to us ; but he probably excelled in the art. He was educated under George Etheridge, who is said to hâve been ‘6‘ one of the most excellent vocal and instrumental musicians in England.” (Pits’ Angl. Script., Paris, 1619, 784.) The music of the beautiful choral song, “ In going to my naked bed,” is assigned to him by Hawkins, but without authority, as the MS. from which he printed it has no composer’s name attached to the piece in question. The MS., however, Thomas Mulliner’s Booke for ye Organ or Virginals, is contemporary with Edwards, and contains several of his compositions. Page 2. William Hunnis.—This poet-musician was a Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. He was a court poet of the Sternhold-and-Hopkins school, contributing largely to the rhyming literature of his day. Under the happy title of A Handful of Honeysuckles, he published Blessings out of Deuteronomie, Prayers to Christ, Athanasius’s Creed, and Méditations, in métré. But, as Warton says, “ his spiritual nosegays are numerous; to say nothing of his Récréations on Adam’s banishment, Christ his Cribb, and the Lost Sheep, he translated into English rhyme the whole book of Genesis, which he calls a Hive full of Honey.” (Hist. of Eng. Poet. edit. 1840, iii. 158.) Hunnis’s works may be thus briefly enumerated :—1. An Abridgement, or brief Médi- tation on certain of the Psalms in English Meeter, n. d. 2. Certain Psalmes chosen out of the Psalter of David, and drawen forth into Englyshe meter, 1550. 3. A Hyve full of Hunnye : contayning the Firste Booke of Moses, called Genesis, turned into English Meetre, 1578. 4. Seven Sobs of a Sorrowfull Soûle for Sinne : comprehending those Seven Psalmes of the Princelie Prophet David commonly called Penitentiall ; turned into a forme of familiar Praiers and reduced into Meeter, 1585. 5. Hunnies’ Récréa-NOTES. 187 tions : conteining foure godlie and compendious discourses, 1588. Of these works the two last-mentioned were the most popular, and éditions were multiplied, especially of the Seven Sobs, down to a comparatively late period. The Handfull of Honey- suckles contained in this volume was printed as early as 1579, although no copy of that date has descended to our times. For a more particular account of the works of this writer, see Collier’s Bibliographical Account of Early English Literature, the ftegisters of the Station ers’ Company, and W. Carew Hazlitt’s Hand-Book of Old English Literature. In the Office Books of the Treasurers of the Chamber during the reign of Elizabeth are many entries of payments to Hunnis, chiefly for presenting plays, in conjunction with the Children of the Chapel, before Her Majesty. One entry, quoted in Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court (Shaks. Soc. 1842, xxviii.) is sufficiently curious to extract :— “Paid upon a bill signed by the Lorde Chamberlayne To Willm. Hunys, Mrof the Children of her Mts Chappell, for xxtie queares and a half of paper royall, at ij s. the quere, xlj s. ; and for byndinge the same into xvij. books, whereof xiiij. at ij s. vj d. the peece, and thre at xxd. the peece, xls. ; and for writinge and prickinge ccx sheets in the said xvij books, at xij d. the sheete, x li. x s. In ail, by her Mat8 especiall order declared by the said bill, xv li. xj s. vj d.” Mr. Collier (Annals of the Stage, i. 235) says : “ Hunnis was concerned in the enter- tainment of the Queen at Kenilworth, and was the author of Interludes which were, no doubt, acted by the boys under his government ; he has hitherto been known only as the author of various poems and translations of the Psalms, but that he wrote dramatic pièces is évident from the following lines in his préfacé to Hunnis’s Hive full of Honey, 1578, by Thomas Newton :— * In prvme of youth thy pleasaunt penne depaincted sonets sweete, Delyghtful to the greedy eare, for youthful humour meete, Therein appeerde thy pregnaunt wit, and store of fyled phrase, Enough t’ astoune the doltish drone, and lumpish lout amaze. Thy Enterludes, thy gallant layes, thy roundletts and thy songes, Thy Nosegay and thy Widowe’s Myte, with that therto belonges, With other fancies of thy forge,’ &c.’* Hunnis contributed a Devise and a copy of verses to the Princelie Pleasures of Kenilworth, 1575; he has several poems in the Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576, and two in England’s Helicon, 1600. Very little is known of his biography. In 1550 he calls himself “ servant to the Ryght Honorable Sir William Harberd, Knight,*’ and in 1568 a grant of arms was conferred upon him. (See Sir Egerton Brydges' édition of Phillips’ Theatrum Poetarum, 1800, p. 88.) In the State Paper Office is preserved the “ Pétition of William Hunnys, Master to the Children of the Queen’s Chapel, to the Council,” soliciting an increase of allowance for maintenance of the children on account of many incidental expenses, the advance of prices in ail things since King Henry the Eighth’s time, and the cessation of many188 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. fees and émoluments. It is dated Nov. 1583. (See Calendar of S. P. Dom. Ser. 1581-90, p. 123.) There was another "William Hunnis living at the same time as the subject of our notice, who is frequently mentioned in the accounts of the Treasurers of the Chamber. He appears to hâve been “ Supervizor and Keeper of the greate gardens and orchardes at Greenwich.” It is hardly possible that the gardener and poet-musician were one and the same person ; but, as Mr. Cunningham remarks, “ a Hive full of Honey and a Handfull of Honeysuckles seem to savour not a little of the gardens at Greenwich.” (Revels at Court, 222.) According to a later entry in the Cheque-Book (p. 5) Hunnis died June 6, 1597. On the back of the title-page to a copy of Sir Thomas More’s Works, 1557, men- tioned by Warton, are written in a contemporary hand (perhaps that of the Poet himself) the following lines :— “ My Last Will and Testament. “ To God my soûle I do bequeathe, because it is his owne, My body to be layd in grave, where to my frends best known ; Executors I wyll none make, thereby great stryffe may grow, Because the goodes that I shall leave wyll not pay ail I owe. “W. Hunnys.” Ibid. Hechins.—William Huchins, Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. Ibid. Mr. Alsworthe.—Probably R. Ayleworth, Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. Ibid. Subdean Grevesend.—W. Gravesend, Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. Ibid. Mr. Causton, i.e. Thomas Causton.—Of this musician nothing personal has been discovered. He was a Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. He contributed to the curious and rare set of part-books published by John Day, the eminent printer, in the sixteenth century. This collection, the first of its kind, is entitled Certain Notes, set forth in four and three parts, to be sung at the Morning, Communion, and Evening Prayer, 1560 ; in a later édition, Morning and Evening Prayer and Communion, set forth in four parts, &c., 1565. He was also one of the contributors to the collection of Psalm-tunes published by John Day in 1563, under the title of The whole Psalmes in foure partes, which may be sung to ail musical instru- ments. The writer of the présent notice is in possession of a MS. set of part-books, which from internai evidence belonged to the Royal Chapel in the reign of Edward VI. This interesting set of books contains a number of Causton’s compositions. They are re-NOTES, 189 markable for purity of part-writing and flowing melody, closely resembling the style of Orlando Gibbons, the great Church composer of a later period. Specimens of Causton’s music, from Day’s Service Book, were reprinted in 1859 by the Rev. Dr. Jebb, in the Ecclesiologist. Ibid. William Bird, or Byrd.—Supposed to hâve been a son of the before-mentioned Thomas Byrd. He was educated in the Music School of St. Paul’s Cathédral, and, according to Anthony Wood, his master was the celebrated Thomas Tallis. He was born about the year 1538. In 1554 he was senior chorister of St. Paul’s, and consequently ahout fifteen or sixteen years old, when his name occurs at the head of the school in a pétition for the restoration of certain obits and benefactions which had been seized under the Act for the Suppression of Colleges and Hospitals in the preceding reign. This pétition, which is preserved among the records of the Exchequer (Michaelmas Term, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary), was granted and confirmed by letters patent, 14 Eliz. (see Dugdale’s St. PauPs, edit. Ellis), and the payments are still received by the Almoner. Byrd followed the example of his master, Tallis, by conforming to the Church Establish- ment in the reign of Elizabeth, and in 1563 was appointed organist of Lincoln Cathédral, where he continued till 1569, when, upon the accidentai death of Robert Parsons (as we learn by the Cheque-Book), he succeeded to his place in the Chapel Royal. The chief part of Byrd’s ecclesiastical compositions being composed to Latin words, he is supposed (notwithstanding the appointment he held) to hâve retained his prédilection for the Romish Communion. In the Proceedings in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Essex, llth May, 1605, we find the following entry :— [Parish of] “ Stondon Massie.” [Contra] Willielmum Bird et Elenam ejus uxorem. “ Presentantur for Popyshe Récusants. He is a Gentleman of the King’s Majesties Chapell and, as the Minister and Church Wardens doe heare, the said William Birde, with the as- sistance of one Gabriel Colford, who is now at Antwrerp, hath byn the chiefe and principall seduceer of John Wright, sonne and heire of John Wright of Kelvedon, in Essex, Gent., and of Anne Wright, the daughter of the said John Wright the elder ; and the said Ellen Birde, as it is reported, and as her servants hâve confessed, hâve [sic] appointed business on the Saboth daye for her servants of purpose to kepe them from churche ; and hath also done her best endeavour to seduce Thoda Pigbone, her nowe mayde servant, to drawe her to Poperie, as the mayde hath confessed ; and, besides, hath drawn her mayde servants, from tyme to tyme these seven yeres, from comming to churche ; and the said Ellen refuseth conférence ; and the minister and churchwardens hâve not as yet spoke with the said Wm. Birde, because he is from home,’* &c. We also learn from the saine “ Proceedings M that *‘ they,M the Byrd family, tf hâve byn excommunicated these seven yeares.” What was the end of the affair does not appear, for the above extract is ail that Archdeacon Haie has printed in his valuable Sériés of Precedents and Proceedings in Criminal Causes, extending from the year 1475 to 1640 ; extracted from Act-Books of Ecclesiastical Courts in the Diocese of London, 1847, 8vo.190 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. The persécution of Nonconformists was very bitter in the reign of Elizabeth, but more so in that of her successor ; and it seems more than probable that the flight of Dr. Bull and others to Antwerp was occasioned by threatened proceedings of a similar kind to the above. The tendencies of the old members of the Chapel Royal to the Romish re- ligion are confirmed by a passage in Morley’s Introduction to Practicall Musick (p. 151), where he says “ Farefax, Taverner, Shepherde, Mundy, White, Parsons, M. Birde, and divers others, who never thought it greater sacriledge to sjpurn against the image of a Saint, than to take perfect cordes of one kinde together.” Byrd is thought to hâve derived very considérable pecuniary advantages from a patent granted to him and Tallis by Queen Elizabeth, for the exclusive privilège of printing music and vending music-paper. Upon the decease of Tallis, in 1585, the patent de- vol ved wholly to Byrd, according to the conditions on which it had been granted. The following list of liis works (printed under the patent) will show the important service he rendered to his art :—1. Cantiones quæ ab argumento sacræ vocantur. Authoribus Thoma Tallisio et Guilielmo Birde, 1575 ob. 4to. 2. Psalmes, Sonets, and Songs of Sadness and Piete, 1587, 4to. 3. Songs of Sundrie Natures ; some of Gravitie and others of Myrth, 1589, 4to. 4. Liber Primus Sacrarum Cantionum, 1589, 4to* 5. Liber Secundus Sacrarum Cantionum, 1591, 4to. 6. Gradualia, ac Cantiones Sacræ, Lib. Primus, 1589, 4to. 7. Gradualia, ac Cantiones Sacræ, Lib. Secundus, 1610, 4to. 8. Psalmes, Songs, and Sonnets ; some Solemne others Joyful, 1611, 4to. Byrd was a contributor to many musical works of his time, besides being the author of three masses which were put forth without any name of printer. Of his compositions extant in MS. tne greater number are for the Yirginals. The so-called Virginal Bcok of Queen Elizabeth (in the Fitzwilliam Muséum, Cambridge) alone contains no fewer than seventy pièces; and in Lady Neville’s Virginal Book (in the possession of Lord Abergavenny) there are twenty-six different compositions. In a MS. collection of Motets, Madrigals, Fancies, &c., made in the year 1591 by John Baldwine, “ singing- man of Windsor,” are many of Byrd’s Motets in score. The collections of Barnard, Boy ce, and Tudway are rich in his Church compositions, and a very large number are preserved in the library of Christ Church, Oxford. At one period Byrd was an inhabitant of the parish of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate, and resided opposite to Crosby Hall, and adjoining the garden of Sir Thomas Gresham. It was afterwards called Sun Yard, and a part of the site is now occupied by the piano- forte warehouse of Mr. George Peachey. In a list of places frequented by certain ré- cusants in and about London, under date 1581, is the following entry : “ Wyll’m Byred of the Chappele, at his house in p’rshe of Harlington, in com. Midds.” In another entry he is set down as a friend and abettor of those beyond the sea, and is said to be residing “ with Mr. Lister, over against St. Dunstan’s, or at the Lord Padgette’s house at Draighton.’* We learn from the Cheque-Book (p. 10) that he died July 4, 1623. In the entry he is styled “ A Father of Music,” probably in allusion to his great âge ; for, if he was sixteen when his name appeared at the head of St. Paul’s Choristers’ School in 1554, he must hâve been eighty-five years old when he died : that he was considerably advancedNOTES. 191 in life there can be no doubt. Thomas Tomkins, one of his scliolars, printed, in 1622, A Collection of Songs to 3, 4, 5, and 6 parts, one of which he dedicates to his ancient and much reverenced Master, William Byrd.” The register of the parish of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate, contains the following entries, which probably relate to his family : — Burials *1 ** Walter Byrd, the sonne of William Byrd, the xv daye of May, a.d. 1687.” ’ l “ Alice Byrd, the daughter of William Byrd, the xv daye of Julye, a.d. 1587.” In another volume occurs an entry of Walter Bird’s marriage in 1614, and of Robert Byrd’s in April 1616. Byrd had a son named Thomas, who was educated in his own profession. He married Catherine, daughter of Thomas More, Esq., of Yorkshire, pro- bably a descendant of the Lord Chancellor, some of whose family settled in that county. In 1601 Thomas Byrd acted as substitute for Dr. John Bull, then travelling abroad for the recovery of his health, and in that capacity read the music lecture at Gresham College. Page 3. William Ednye or Edney.—He died of the plague Nov. 13, 1581 (p. 4). In Davies’s Scourge of Folly, 1611, 12mo., is an epigram “ To my worthy friend and admired Mr in the art of Musicke, Mr. Peter Edney.” This was probably a son of the person mentioned in the text. Ibid. Leonard Davies. — This is the first entry relative to one who rose to occupy the post of Subdean of the Chapel. He died Nov. 9,1623, ar.d was buried in the church of Har- mondsworth, co. Middlesex (p. 10). There is a stone to his memory on the floor of the chancel, which is inscribed “ Leonard Davies, Subdeane, of Hereford, 1623.” Lysons’s Environs, Middlesex Parishes, 142. The entry on p. 58 shows us that the Children and Gentlemen of the Chapel attended his funeral, and that a sum of money was allowed for “ coaches ” and “ boat hire ” on the occasion. Page 4. Thomas Woodson or Woodeson.—Several of the same surname occur in the course of the Cheque-Book. The Woodesons were a Berkshire family. (See Ash- mole’s Berkshire, iii. 69 ; and Dr. Bloxam’s Register of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1, 93, 136. Ibid. Anthony Harrison.—In the State Paper Office is preserved a letter to the Dean of Windsor to elect Anthony Harrison, Gentleman of the King’s Chapel, to a Petty Canonry there, void by the death of William Barnes, dated Jan. 23, 1603-4. (Calend. Dom. Ser. 1603-10, p. 70.) He died Feb. 14, 1622-3 (p. 10). Ibid. William Afaperley.—Gentleman of the Chapel in the reigns of Edward YI. and Mary. Ibid. William Barnes.—Petty Canon of Windsor. He died in 1603-4, when his place in the Chapel Royal was filled up by the appointment of Edmund Shergold (p. 6).192 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF JHE CHAPEL ROYAL. Ibid. William Mandait or RandolL—ln a MS. collection of the words of Anthems (Harl. MS. 6346) he is set down as the composer of two anthems, “ If the Lord himself,” anduOFather dear;M but his name does not occur in Clifford’s book. Nothing is known of his biography but what appears in the Cheque-Book. He was educated in the choir of Exeter Cathédral, and on p. 33 he is styled “ Organist ” of the Chapel Royal. His name disappears from the Cheque-Book in March, 1603, when Edmund Hooper took his place (p. 6). We hâve no record of his death. Ibid. Thomas Tallis.—One of the greatest English musicians of the sixteenth century. He was born early in the reign of Henry VIII. and probably received his éducation in the music-school attached to St. Paul’s Cathédral. If so, Thomas Mulliner, the pre- decessor of John Redford, was his master, and Heywood, Shelbye, Newman, Allwood, Blitheman, and others, his fellow-pupils. He seems to hâve been early admitted, even when “ a singing-boy,” into the Royal Chapel. The words at the end of the présent entry, “ child there/* imply this, if they do not mean that he was wholly educated in that establishment. Before the death of Henry VIII. he was appointed a Gentleman of the Chapel, in which situation he continued during the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and part of that of Elizabeth. The studies of Tallis were early devoted to Church-music, and many of his youthful compositions for the organ, founded upon the ancient plain-song of the Romish church, are still preserved in the Booke for the Organ or Virginals kept by his master, Thomas Mulliner. In 1560, or probably a little earlier, he contributed the eight tunes which appear in The whole Psalter translated into English Meter, and “ Imprinted at London by John Daye.” This Psalter was the work of Dr. afterwards Archbishop Parker, and is conjectured to hâve been published about 1560. In the same year Day printed his Certain Notes set forth in foure and three partes, to be song at the Morning, Com- munion, and Evening Prayer. Tallis was a contributor to this magnificent work, which may justly be looked upon as the foundation of our présent choral service. In 1575, in conjunction with his celebrated pupil William Byrd, Tallis published a collection of motets with Latin words—Cantiones quæ ab argumento Sacræ vocantur. Appended to this work is a copy of a singular patent, granted by Queen Elizabeth to the author, for the term of twenty-one years, for the sole publication of vocal and instrumental music, and for the ruling and vending of music paper. In 1641, John Barnard, a priest in orders, and one of the Minor Canons of St. PauPs^ published his First Book of Selected Church Musick. Tallis’s celebrated Full Ser- vice, so universally known, was first printed in this collection. It was subsequently reprinted in Boyce's Collection, &c. The library of Christ Church, Oxford, is rich in his MS. works, and specimens may be found in the British Muséum, Fitzwilliam Muséum, &c. Tallis died, according to the présent entry, Nov. 23, 1585, and was buried in the old parish church of Greenwich. Strype, in his édition of Stowe’s Survey, 1720 (Circuit Walk, p. 90), says that he found in the chancel, upon a stone before the rails, a brass plate wTith the foliowing inscription engraved thereon. But as the church was pulledNOTES. 193 clown soon after the year 1720, in order to be rebuilt, no memorial now remains either of Tallis or of any other person buried there previous to that year :— “ Enterred here doth ly a worthy wyght, Who for long tyme in musick bore the bell : His name to shew, was Thomas Tallys hyght, In honest vertuous lyff he dyd excell. u He serv'd long tyme in chappel with grete prayse Fower sovereygnes reygnes (a thing not often seen) ; I meane Kyng Henry and Prynce Edward’s dayes, Quene Mary, and Elizabeth oure Quene. “ He maryM was, though children he had none, And lyv’d in love full thre and thirty yeres Wyth loyal spowse, whose name yclypt was Jone, Who here entomb’d him company now beares. As he dyd lyve, so also did he dy, In myld and quyet sort (O happy man !) To God fui oft for mercy did he cry, Wherefore he lyves, let deth do what he can.*’ In 1726 Nicholas Haym issued proposais for the publication of a History of Music, but not meeting with sufficient encouragement the undertaking was not proceeded with. A number of engravings were prepared for the work, including portraits of Tallis and Byrd in one plate. An impression of this plate, perhaps unique, is in the possession of the editor. It was the kind gift of his ever ready friend Mr. William Chappell. Tallis’s autograph is preserved in the MS. of Waltham Holy-Cross (Lands. MS. 763). Ibid. John Bull.—Born about 1563 in Somersetshire. He was educated under William Blitheman of the Chapel Royal, a celebrated organist. On Dec. 21, 1582 (according to the Acts Book), he was elected organist of Hereford Cathédral, and after- wards master of the children. We learn from the présent entry that in Jan. 1585 he was admitted into the Royal Chapel, in Mr. Bodinghurst's place, and in 1591 upon the death of his master he is said to hâve succeeded him as organist. But this is mere con- jecture, as the Cheque-Book records that John Hewlett was Blitheman's successor in his place of gentleman (p. 5) and the office of organist as a separate appointment did not then exist. On July 9,1586, he was admitted Mus. Bac. at Oxford,(i having practised in that faculty fourteen years,” and on July 7, 1592, he was incorporated Mus. Doc. in the same university, having previously taken the degree at Cambridge. (Wood’s Fasti, edit. Bliss, i. 235, 258.) In 1596, upon the recommendation of Queen Elizabeth, Bull was the first appointed Music Professor in Gresham College, and, although unable to compose and read his lectures in Latin, according to the founder’s original intention, such was his favour with the Queen and the public, that the executors of Sir Thomas Gresham, by the ordinances CAMD. SOC. 2 C194 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL KOYAL. bearing date 1597, dispensed with his knowledge of the Latin language, and ordered “ The solemn music-lecture twice every week, in manner following, viz. the theoretique part for one half-hour, or thereabouts, and the practique, by concert of voice or instru- ments, for the rest of the hour, whereof the first lecture should be in the Latin tongue, and the second in English ; but, because at this time Mr. Dr. Bull, who is recommended to the place by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, being not able to speak Latin, his lectures are permitted to be altogether in English, so long as he shall continue in the place of music-lecturer there.” (Ward’s Lives of the Gresham Professors, p. viii.) In 1601 Dr. Bull went abroad for the recovery of his health, and, during his absence, was permitted to substitute as his deputy a son of William Byrd, named Thomas. He travelled incognito into France and Germany, and Wood tells a story of a feat performed by him at St. Omer’s, where, to a composition originally in forty parts, he added forty more in a few hours. After the death of Elizabeth, Bull still retained his post in the Chapel, and his famé as an organist was widely spread. On July 16, 1607, when James I. and Prince Henry dined at Merchant Taylors’ Hall, the royal guests were entertained with music, both vocal and instrumental. And while His Majesty was at table, according to Stowe, “ John Bull, Doctor of Musique, one of the Organists of His Majesties Chappell Royall, and free of the Merchant-taylors, beeing in a citizen’s gowne, cappe, and hood, played most excellent mélodie upon a small payre of Organes, placed there for that purpose onley.” (Chronicles, edit. 1631, p. 891.) In December of the same year he resigned his pro- fessorship in Gresham College, but for what reason does not appear, as he continued in England several years afterwards. In 1611 he was in the service of Prince Henry, and his name stands first on the roll of the Prince’s musicians, with a salary of 401. per annum. (Birch’s Life of-Prince Henry, p. 486.) In 1613 “ John Bull, Doctor of Musicke, went beyond the seas witbout licence, and was admitted into the Archduke's service.” (Cheque-Book, p. 7.) No valid reason can be assigned for his leaving the country, but it seems he had been preparing for this step some months previously. In the Add. MS. No. 6194 (Brit. Mus.) is preserved a letter from Dr. Bull to Sir M. Hicks, wishing his son’s name to be inserted instead of his own in some patent, dated April 26, 1612. And the same MS. contains an extract from Mr. Trumbull’s letter to James I. concerning the Archduke's receiving Dr. Bull, the King’s Organist, into his chapel without permission, dated May 30, 1614. The subséquent life of Dr. Bull has hitherto been simply conjecture, but the writer is fortunately enabled to clear up the latter portion of it from a letter written by the Che- valier Leon de Burbure, some few years back, in answer to certain inquiries. The Che- valier says, ” I do not know that the Cathédral of Antwerp ever possessed any MSS. of Dr. John Bull, but at ail events there hâve remained no traces for a long time. The only facts relative to John Bull that I hâve discovered are, that he became organist of Notre Dame at Antwerp in 1617, in the place of Rumold Waelrant, deceased ; that in 1620 he lived in the house adjoining the church, on the side of the Place Verte, in which the con- cierge of the Cathédral had lived ; that he died on the 12thor 13th of March, 1628, and was buried on the 15th of the same month in the Cathédral where he had been organist.’ *NOTES. 195 Specimens of Bull’s compositions for voices may be found in Barnard and Boyce's Collections, and in Sir William Leighton’s Teares or Lamentacions of a Sorrowfull Soûle, 1614, fol. He joined Byrd and Gibbons in contributing to the Parthenia, a col- lection of pièces for the Virginal printed early in the seventeenth century, and a large number of his instrumental movements are extant in the volume in the Fitzwilliam Muséum, known as Queen Elizabeth’s Virginal-Book, and in other MSS. See a curious list in Ward’s Lives of the Gresham Professors, pp. 203-8. A portrait of Bull is preserved in the Music-School at Oxford. It is painted on a board, and represents him in the habit of a bachelor of music. On the left side of the head are the words (t An. Ætatis svæ 26, 1589,” and on the right side an hour-glass, npon which is placed a human skull, with a bone across the mouth. Round the four sides of the frame is written the following homely distich :— “ The bull by force in field doth raigne : But Bull by skill good-will doth gay^.” Ibid. George Waterhouse.—Wood tells us, under the date 1592, that “ George Waterhouse, of the Queen’s Chappel, who had spent there several years in the practical and theoretical part of music. supplicated for the degree of batchelor, but was not, as I can find, admiRed.’* (Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 257.) Thomas Morley calls him “ my friend and fellow/’ and says that in canon writing he “ surpassed ail who ever laboured in that kinde of studie.” Introduction to Practicall Musicke, 1597, p. 115. A later entry (p. 6) records that he died Feb. 18,1601-2. Ibid. Edward Pearce or Pears.—In the year 1600 he resigned his place in the Chapel to become Master of the Children of “ Poules ” (p. 5), having succeeded Thomas Giles in the offices of Master and Almoner. He assisted Thomas Ravenscroft, who had been his scholar, by contributing some excellent part-songs to his Brief Discourse of the true but neglected use of charactering the degrees by their perfection, imperfection, and diminution in measurable music, 1614, 4to. He was succeeded in his appointments at St. Paul’s by Martin Pierson, Mus. Bac., but the date of his death has not been ascer- tained. Ibid. Robert Allison.—After serving in the royal establishment for twenty years he sold his place, Feb. 8, 1609-10, to Humphrie Bâche (p. 7). Nothing is known of his bio- graphy. He was probably related to Richard Allison, who harmonized some of the psalm-tunes for Este’s Collection in 1592, and published The Psalmes of David in Meter, 1599, folio. This work was sold by the author “ at his house in the Duke’s place, near Alde-gate.” Ibid. Mr. Palfriman, t.e. Thomas Palfreyman.—His naine occurs in a list of the chapel establishment of Edward VI., in conjunction with those of Tallis, Farrant, Hunnis, &c. He was a writer of verse, after the fashion of the Hunnis-school, although his published writings are chiefly prose. They are as follows : 1. Tho. Palfreyman his196 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP THE CHAPEL ROYAL. Paraphrase on the Romans, n. d.; 2. An Exhortation to Knowledge and Love of God, 1560 ; 3. Divine Méditations, dedicated to Mistress Isabell Harrington, one of the Gentlewomen of the Queen’s Privy Chamber, 1573; 4. The Treatise of Heavenly Philosophie, dedicated to the Earl of Sussex, 1578. The latter work contains some short sentences in meter towards the end. He enlarged William Baldwin’s Treatise of Morall Phylosophie, a popular little book of the sixteenth century, and the title-page of an édition, without place or printer's name, adds, “ Nowe the fourthe time enlarged by Thomas Paulfreyman, one of the Gentlemen of theQueenes Majesties Chappell, 1579.” (See Hazlitt’s Hand-Book, p. 22.) Page 5. William Blithman or Blitheman.—This eminent mnsieian is said by Tanner to hâve belonged to the choir of Christ Church, Oxford, and to hâve been Master of the Choristers in 1564. (Wood’s Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 235.) He had the honour of being musical instructor to the celebrated Dr. John Bull, and is called by Stowe “ organist to the Queen’s Chapel.** He died on Whitsunday, 1591, and was buried in the parish church of St. Nicholas Cole-abbey. The following epitapli, engraven on a brass-plate, and fixed to the north wall of the chancel, has been preserved in Anthony Munday*s édition of Stowe’s Survey, 1618, p. 675 :— “ Heere Blitheman lyes, a worthy wight, Who feared God above ; A friend to ail, a foe to none, Whom rich and poore did love. Of Princes Chappell Gentleman, Unto his dying day; Whom ail tooke great delight to heare Him on the organs play. “ Whose passing skill in Musicks art, A scholler left behind ; John Bull (by name) his masters vaine Expressing in each kind. But nothing here continues long, Nor resting place can hâve ; His soûle departed hence to Heaven, His body here in grave.* * Ibid. Anthony Anderson.—Was collated to the Vicarage of Stepney, Feb. 21,1586-7, having previously held for a month the living of Dengie, co. Essex. He died Oct. 10, 1593, according to the Cheque-Book, having held office as Subdean of the Chapel Royal for little more than a year. Ibid. Thomas Qoolde.—Brought up in the Royal Chapel. He died July 28, 1608. (P. 7.)NOTES* 197 Ibid. Thomas Morley.—As a composer and writer this musician is eminently dis- tinguished. We know little of his biography. He was probably educated in the choir of St. Paul’s Cathédral, of which establishment he was certainly organist before 1591. When Queen Elizabeth was in progress at Elvetham in Hampshire, during that year, “ A notable consort of six musicians so highly pleased her that she gave a new name unto one of those pavant made long since by Master Tho. Morley, then Organist of St. Paul’s Church.” Nichols’s Progresses, &c. of Eliz. iii. 108. He took his degree as Mus. Bac. at Oxford, July 8, 1588 (See Wood’s Fasti, edit. Bliss, i. 242); and from the présent entry we learn that he was admitted into the Royal Chapel July 24, 1592; and on Nov. 18 of the same year, he was sworn into the place of Gospeller (p. 34). In 1597 he printed his Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke, which he dedicated ** To the Most excellent Musician Maister William Birde, one of the Gentlemen of her Majesties Chappell.* ’ This most interesting work is divided into three parts : the first tcaching to sing ; the second treating of descant, or the method of composing or singing on a plain song ; and the third is on composition in three and more parts. “ Each of the three parts of this book is a several and distinct dialogue, wherein a master, his scholar, and a person competently skilled in music are the interlocutors ; and in the course of their conversation so many little particulars occur relating to the manners of the times as render the perusal of the book in a great degree entertaining to those who are acquainted with the subject of R.” (Hawkins, iii. 334.) Morley’s printed works consist of : 1. Canzonets, or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces, 1593; 2. Madrigalls to Foure Yoyces, 1594; 3. The first Booke of Ballets to Five Yoyces, 1595; 4. The First Book of Canzonets to Two Voices, 1595; 5. Canzonets, or Little Short Songs to Foure Voyces, collected out of the best and approved Italian Authors, 1597 ; 6. Canzonets, or Little Short Aers to Five and Sixe Voices, 1597 ; 7. Madrigals to Five Voyces, selected out of the best approved Italian Authors, 1598; 8. The First Booke of Consort Lessons, made by divers exquisite Authors, 1599 ; 9. The Triumphs of Oriana, to Five and Six Voices, 1600; 10. The First Booke of Aires, or Little Short Songes to sing and play to the Lute with the Base-Viol, 1600. It does not appear that any of his Church music was printed in his lifetime. A service is printed in Bar- nard’s Collection, and the words of several anthems are given in Clifford’s book. His Burial Service is well-known, and said to be the first part-service set to the words of our liturgy. He was a contributor to the MS. volume known as Queen Elizabeth’s Virginal- Book, but his talent did not shine in the composition of instrumental music. After the expiration of the patent for the exclusive printing of music granted to Tallig and Byrd, Morley obtained of Queen Elizabeth one of the same tenour, but giving more extensive powers. It was granted to him 40 Eliz. à.d. 1598. Under this patent William Barley printed most of the music-books which were published during the time that it continued in force. In 1602, Morley’s place in the Royal Chapel was filled up by the appointaient of George Woodeson, from the choir of Windsor (p. 6). The date of his death is unknown, but it is not improbable that the last-named entry records it. Mr. Burgon in his Life of Sir Thomas Gresham (ii. 465), speaking of the celebrated198 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. inhabitants of the great merchant’s locality, adds :—“ To this brilliant catalogue must be added the interesting name of Thomas Morley, the celebrated musician and writer of madrigals; who, as the parish register informs us, resided with his family in St. Helen’s : and often must Crosby Hall hâve re-echoed his sweet strains !... What is remarkable, William Bird was also an inhabitant of the same parish ; and it is well known that Wilbye the composer lived hard by. These facts harmonize well with Gresham’s endowed lectureship for the promotion of the divine art, which Morley, Bird, and Wilbye cultivated with so much success.” Ibid. Nathaniel Giles.—According to Wood this musician “ was born in or near to the city of Worcester, and was noted as well for his religious life and conversation (a rarity in musicians) as for excellence in his faculty.” (Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 229). He was educated as a chorister of Magdalen College, Oxford, and took his degree as Mus. Bac. June 26, 1585. In 1595 he was nominated to a situation in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, the terms of which appointment are thus given in one of the Ashmolean MSS. (No. 1125-33) :—“ The Dean and Canons of St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, by deed dated 1 Oct. 1595, nominate Nathaniel Gyles, B.M. to be Clerk in the Chapel, and one of the players on the organs there, and also to be master, instructor, tutor, and creansor, or governor, of the ten choristers, agreeing to give him an annuity of 81/. 6s. 8d. and a dwelling-house within the Castle, called the Old Gommons, wherein John Mundie did lately inhabit, with ail appertenances, as one Richard Farrante enjoyed the same. The stipend to be paid monthly by the treasurer, over and besides ail other gifts, rewards, or benevolence that may be given to the choristers for singing of ballads, plays, or the like: also such reasonable leave of absence as the statutes allow, except when Her Majesty shall be résident, or an installation or funeral of anv noble person shall be solemnized : on condition that the said Nathaniel Gyles shall procure meet and apt choristers within the space of three months after avoidance (Her Majesty’s Commission for the taking of children being allowed unto him), and that he shall instruct them in singing, pricksong, and descant, and bring up such as be apt to the instrument ; and that he shall find them sufficient méat and drink, apparel, bedding and lodging at his own costes within the New Gommons lately appointed for them ; and that he shall find a sufficient deputy during the times of sickness and absence.” On the death of William Hunnis, June 6, 1597. he was appointed Gentleman Extraordinary and Master of the Children of the Chapel Royal ; and on the accession of Charles I. was nominated (according to Wood) organist of the same establishment. In 1622 he took his degree as Mus. Doc. although Wood tells us, “In 1607 he supplicated the Yen. Congrégation of Regents to be admitted Doctor; which desire of his was granted conditionally that he composed a Choral Hymn of eight parts to be publicly sung in the Act wherein he should proceed ; but for what reason he did not perform that obligation I cannot justlÿ say. Sure I am, that in the Act wherein he proceeded, were certain questions to be appointed to be discussed between him and Dr. Heather, which being pro forma only, and not customarily to be done, were omitted. The questions were : 1. Whether discords may be allowed in music? Affirm.; 2. Whether any artificial instrument can so truly as the natural voice? Negat.; 3. Whether the practice be the more useful part of music or the theory ? Affirm.”NOTES. 199 The Children of the Chapel, under Dr. Giles, were frequently called upon to act before the Court. The following entry is one of many that might be adduced: “ To Nathaniell Gyles, Mr of the Children of the Chappell, uppon the CouncelPs Warraunte dated at Whitehall, 4 May, 1601, for a play presented before her Matie on Shrove-sondaye at night x1', and for a showe wth musycke and speciall songes prepared for ye purpose on Twelfth Day at night, c *, in ail xvu.”—Extracts from Accounts of the Revels at Court. (Shaks. Soc. xxxiii.) Dr. Giles was an excellent musician, if we may judge from the few specimens of his talent that remain. A service is printed in Barnard’s Selected Church Musick, 1641, and the words of several of his anthems are given in Clifford's Divine Services and Anthems, 1663 and 1664. In the Appendix to Hawkins’s Hist. of Music is preserved “ A Lesson of Descant of thirtie- eighte Proportions of Sundrie Kindes, made by Master Giles, Master of the Children at Windsor,” He is generally stated to hâve died about the year 1635, but the correct date is Jan. 24,1633-4. He was buried in one of the aisles adjoining to St. Gec rge's Chapel, Windsor, with the following inscription over his grave, preserved in Ashmole’s Berkshire, iii. 183: “In memory of that worthy Doctor Nathaniel Giles, Doctor of Musique, who served Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles. He was Master of the Children of this Free Chapell of St. George 49 years, Master of the Children of His Majesty’s Chaple Royall 38 years. He married Anne, the eldest daughter of John Stayner, of the county of Worcester, Esq. with whom he lived 47 years and had issue by her four sons and five daughters, whereof two sons and three daughters are now living. He died the 24th day of January, 1633, when he had lived 75 years.” On another grave-stone near the former is this inscription : “ Pattern of Patience, Gravitie, Dévotion, Faithful to the end, now Heyre of Heavn’s Promotion. Pietatis ergo Nat. Gyles, Filius natu maximus, mœrens posuit 2 Feb. 1634. Die cinerum versus est in cineres.” One of Dr. Giles’s sons, Nathaniel, became a Canon of Windsor and Prebendary of Worcester. His daughter Margaret married Dr. Herbert Croft, Bishop of Hereford. Ibid. John Baldwin.—He is called “ a singing-man of WTindsor,M a statement cou- firmed by the présent entry. He is remarkable for having transcribed into one volume a large collection of motetts, madrigals, fantasias, and other musical compositions by his contemporaries, both Foreign and English. The date at end of the MS. is 1591. Pre- fixed is a long poem eulogizing, in homely language, the various composera whose works grâce the volume. He died Aug. 28, 1615 (p. 8). Page 6. Stephen Boughton.—Dr. Bloxam (Register of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, i. 22) gives us the following notice of this old worthy: “Boughton, Stephen, Matr. pleb. fil. Bucks. 2 July, 1584, æt. 13 ; res. 1591; Clerk, 1594; B.A. 13 May, 1594 ; Chaplain in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, 1604 ; Canon of Worcester Cathédral,200 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OJF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 1628; Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal ; Vicar of Great Marcle, co. Hereford. He died before the Restoration.” In Davies's Scourge of Folly, 1611,12mo., is an Epigram, “ To my loving friend,. Stephen Boughton, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell.” In the State Paper Office is preserved a pétition of Stephen Boughton, Subdean of the Royal Chapel, to the Council. The petitioner States that, being only a lodger in Saint Martin’s-in-the-Fields, during his attendance at Whitehall, is by the inhabitants taxed in the sum of 35s. for ship money, wherein he conceives himself hardly dealt with, in regard he pays in other places. 1636 ? (Calend. Dom. Ser. 1636-7, p. 289.) Ibid. William Lawes.—Son of William Lawes of Steeple Langford : Thomas Lawes, Vicar-choral of the Cathédral of Salisbury, who died Nov. 7, 1640, was probably his uncle. The date of his birth is uncertain. He was educated under Giovanni Coperario (John Cooper) at the expense of the Earl of Hertford. He became a member of the choir of Chichester, and was called from thence in 1602 to the office of Gentleman of the Royal Chapel. On May 5,1611, he resigned his place, but was re-admitted Oct. 1, in the same year (p. 45). He was also one of the musicians in ordinary to Charles I. Fuller says : 11 He was respected and beloved by ail who cast any looks towards virtue and honour.” His gratitude and loyalty to his royal master were such that he took up arms in his cause ; and although, to exempt him from danger, Lord Gerrard made him a Com- missary in the Royal Army, yet the activity of his spirit disdained this intended security, and at the seige of Chester, in 1645, he lost his life. The King is said to hâve been su much affected at his death that he wore parti eu lar mourning for him. His memory is celebrated by Herrick in his Hesperides ; by Tatham in his Ostella, 1650; and by Robert Heath in his Clarastella, 1650. Lawes composed the music to many of the Court masques of his time, two volumes of which (autograph MSS.) are preserved in the music>school, Oxford. Many of his com- positions for viols are extant in MS. Printed specimens of his vocal music may be found in Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues, 1652 ; Catch that Catch Can, 1652; and other of Playford’s publications. See also Choice Psalmes put into Musick for Three Yoices ; Compos’d by Henry and William Lawes, Brothers, and Servants to His Majestie. Lond. 1648, 4to. Ibid. Anthony Kirby or KirTcby.—Afterwards Chaplain. He was living April 20, 1641, when his name appears in a list of the Chapel establishment, exempting its members from the payment of subsidies. (See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 103.) Ibid. John Woodeson or Woodson.—Of the choir of Windsor before his admission into the Royal Chapel. He was living in 1641, but his name does not appear in the Chapel establishment at the Restoration of Charles II. Ibid. Edmund Hooper.—Native of North Halberton, co. Devon, and probably educated in the choir of Exeter Cathédral. He succeeded Henry Leeve as organist of WestminsterNOTES. 201 Abbey in 1588, and was appointed Master of the Children of the same foundation by patent dated Dec. 3 in the same year. He was the first regularXy appointed organist of the Abbey. His patent, dated May 9, 1606, was renewed for life in 1616. From the old books of the Abbey we learn that he was occasionally employed in “ mending the organs,” and in “ pricking new song-hool-s,”—in other words transcribing music for the choir. Two of his anthems are printed in Barnard’s Selected Church Musick, and a large number are preserved in MS. He died July 14, 1621 (p. 10), and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey on the 16th of the same month. “ Margaret Hooper, widow of Edmund Hooper,” was also buried there, March 7, 1651-2. Ibid. Orlando Gibbons.—Not only “ one of the rarest musicians and organists of his time,” as Wood calls him, but one of the finest musical geniuses that ever lived. He was born at Cambridge in 1583, and it seems probable that he was the son of William Gibbons, who, Nov. 3, 1567, was admitted one of the waytes of the town of Cambridge, with the annual fee of 405.* Upon the death of Arthur Cock in 1604-5, he was ap- pointed a Gentleman of the Royal Chapel, and in 1606 he took his degree as Mus. Bac. at Cambridge. In 1622 he was created Mus. Doc. at Oxford, that honour being con- ferred on him at the recommendation of Camden, who was his intimate friend. It has been asserted that, besides his own exercise, composed for this occasion, he wrote that which gained a similar degree for Dr. Heyther ; but it is easy to raise reports of this kind, and impossible to réfuté them after a lapse of years. He succeeded John Parsons in 1623 as Organis tof Westminster Abbey. Wood says, “ At length being commanded to Canter- bury to attend the solemnity of the nuptials between K. Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, a daughter of the King of France (in order to which he had made vocal and instrumental compositions), died there of the small-pox, to the great reluctancy of the Court, on the Day of Pentecost, an. 1625.” (Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 406.) See also the entry in the Cheque-Book recording his death (p. 11). He was buried in Canterbury Cathédral, and * In the Corporation Common Day Book, under the date of the 25th of November, 1567, is this entry:—“Mémorandum, that at the Court holden the xxvth daie of November, in the tenthe yere of the reign of Soveraign Ladie Quene Elizabeth, Mr. Maior did delyver to William Gibons, musitian, fyve sylver collers, called the waites collers, ponderinge xxvij ounces di. And the said William Gibbons hathe found sureties for the delyverye of the same collers agayne when they be required, viz. William Barues & Richard Gravenes.” On the last day of July, 1573, William Gibbons of Cambridge, musician, in considération of 30Z., bargained and sold to John Hatcher of Cambridge, M.D., a messuage late in the occupation of William Bright, one of the aldermen of the- town, in the parish of St. Edward, and at the Court of Pleas held on the llth of August following, Mary, wife of William Gibbons, released to Dr. Hatcher her dower in the pre- mises. The messuage mentioned in the foregoing bargain and sale abutted on the south on another tenement of William Gibbons, then late belonging to Corpus Christi College-. (Coopères Annalsof the University and Town of Cambridge, iii. 176.) CAMD. SOC. 2 D202 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OE THE CHAPEL ROYAL. his widow erected over his grave a monument with a bust (of which there is an en graving in Dart’s Hist. of the Cathédral Church of Canterbury), the inscription upon which is as follows :— “ Orlando Gibbonio Cantabrigiæ inter Musas et Musicæ nato, sacræ R. Capellæ Or- ganistæ, Sphœrarumq. Harmonise, digitorum pulsu, æmulo ; Cantionum complurium, quæque eum non canunt minus quam canuntur, conditori ; Viro integerrimo et cujus vita cum arte suavissimis morihus concordissimè certavit, ad nupt. C. R. cum M. B. Dorobern. accito, ictuque heu sanguinis crudo et crudeli fato extincto, choroque cœlesti transcripto die Pentecostes à.d.n. mdcxxv. Elizabetha conjux septemque ex eo liberorum parens, tanti vix doloris superstes merentiss0 mœrentissa P. Yixit A.[ ], M.[ ], D. [ ]. (The figures for his âge left blank.) BOver the monument are his bust and shield of arms—Argent, a lion rampant sable, depressed by a bend gules charged with three escallops or. In the State Paper Office is preserved the copy of a grant, dated July 19,1615, to Orlando Gibbons, of two bonds forfeited by Lawrence Brewster of Gloucester, and his sureties, for his non-appearance before the High Commission Court at Lambeth. In the same repository is the pétition of Orlando Gibbons, Organist of the King’s Chapel, to the Earl of Salisbury for a lease in reversion of forty marks per an. of Duchy lands, without fine, as promised him by the Queen. (Cal. Dom. Ser. 1611-1618, pp. 107, 295.) Gibbons was concemed jointly with Dr. Bull and William Byrd in the composition of the collection of virginal pièces known as the Parthenia. In 1612 he published Madrigals of five parts for Yoices and Yiols. He also composéd the tunes to Wither’s Hymns and Songs of the Church, and a set of Fancies for Yiols. These, with the exception of two short sacred vocal pièces in Sir William Leigliton’s Teares or Lamentacions of a Sorowfull Soûle, 1614, constitute the whole of his Works printed during his life-time. A large number of his secular compositions exist in MS. But Gibbons’s greatest glory is his Church-music. Two services and a number of anthems hâve descended to our times. Dr. Tudway, speaking of them, says they are “ the most perfect pièces of Church-music which hâve appeared since the time of Tallis and Byrd ; the air so solemn, the fugues and other embellisbments so just and naturally taken, as must warm the heart of any one who is endued with a soûl fitted for divine raptures.” Undoubtedly the general characteristic of Gibbons* music is fine harmony, unaffected simplicity, and grandeur. Orlando Gibbons married Elizabeth, daughter of John Patten of Westminster, gent. (Yeoman of the Vestry of the Royal Chapel), by whom he had the foliowing children : James, bapt, June 2, 1607 (buried June 4 in the same year); Alice, bapt. Aug. 5, 1613; Christopher, bapt. Aug. 22, 1615 ; Anne, bapt. Oct. 6, 1618 ; Mary, bapt. April 9, 1621 ; Elizabeth, bapt. March 16, 1621-2 ; and Orlando, bapt. Aug. 29, 1623. These entries (kindly furnished by Col. Chester) are from the books of St. Margaret's West- minster, of which parish Gibbons was an inhabitant. He lived in the Long Wool-staple, which was situated on the site of the présent Bridge Street, outside the north wall andNOTES. 203 gâte of New Palace Yard î adjoining it, on the north side, was Canon Row. (See Over- seer’s Books, and Walcott’s Westminster, p. 79.) Gibbons’s widow did not long survive her husband. She died in 1626, and her will was proved July 30 in the same year, Ibid. Richard Cotton or Coton.—He was living April 20, 1641, when his name appears among the Chaplains of the Royal Chapel, in a list exempting the members of that establishment from the payment of subsidies. (See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 103.) Page 7. George Cooke.—Engrafted into the Royal Chapel from the choir of St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. He died in Aug. 1660 (p. 12). Ibid. George Sheffield.—A member of the Durham choir before his admission into the Royal Chapel. He was living in 1641, as appears bv the list of Gentlemen of the Chapel in that year. (See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 130.) Ibid. Thomas Pcarce or Peirs.—A member of the choir of Westminster Abbey before his admission into the Royal Chapel. He wasprobably related to Edmund Pearce, Master of the Choristers of St. Paul’s. He contributed some catches to John Hilton's Catch that Catch can, 1652. He died Aug. 10, 1666 (p. 14). Ibid. John Frost.—There were evidently two members of the Chapel of this name : the one here referred to, expressly said to be “ of Westminster,’’ that is, of the Abbey choir, and “ John Frost, Clerk, a base from Salisbury,” sworn April 26, 1621 (p. 10). The first-named was of Colebrook, co. Devon, and educated in the choir *of St. Peter*s, Exeter. He became “ Chanter ” of Westminster Abbey in 1623, died in 1642, and was buried May 10, 1642, in the north aisle of the Abbey. The second died in 1696 (p. 21), and was buried in the north cloister of the Abbey. The date of his death given in the Cheque-Book is June 1 : in the Registers of the Abbey, December, in the same year. Ibid. Ezechiel Waad or Wade—Afterwards Chaplain. He was living April 20, 1641, when his name occurs in a list of the Chapel establishment, exempting its members from the payment of subsidies. (See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 103.) Ibid. Robert Stone.—The old chorister whose death is here recorded, at the great âge of 97, had certainly been connected with the Royal Chapel for more than half a century. He was in ail probability the “ Stones ” whose name appears in John Day’s Morning and Evening Prayer, 1560. He was of Alphington, co. Devon, and was educated at Exeter, from which cathédral he was engrafted into the choir of the Chapel Royal. He was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey, July 3, 1613. Ibid. Matthew White.—His name occurs as a Gentleman of the Chapel in 1603 (p. 70). He resignedhis place in 1614, probably for some preferment (p. 8). On July204 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP THE CHAPEL ROYAL. 2, 1619, in conjunction with Cuthbert Joyner, “ Clerk of the Yestry,'” he received a grant of the surveyorsliip of lands, &c. belonging to rectories, vicarages, and rural prebends in England and Wales. A copy of the grant is preserved in the State Paper Office (Cal. Dom. Ser. 1619-28, p. 58). On July 18, 1629, he accumulated the degrees of bachelor and doctor of music at Oxford. (Wood’s Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 450.) The words of some of his anthems are given in Clifford’s book, so frequently mentioned in these notes. He also contributed some catches to Catch that Catch can, or the Musical Companion, 1667. Page 8. William Crosse.—His name occurs in the list of Gentlemen of the Chapel in 1641. See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 130. He probably died before the Restoration of Charles II. as his name does not appear among the Gentlemen of the Royal Chapel who attended at the Coronation of that monarch. Ibid. William Heyther or Heather.—Born at Harmondsworth, co. Middlesex, but the date is nowhere given. He was a chorister of Westminster, previous to his admisssion into the Royal Chapel. He was an intimate friend of Camden. In town they lived in the same house ; and when in 1609 a pestilent disease reached the locality, and Camden was seized with it, he retired to the house of his friend Heyther at Chislehurst to be cured. Camden, a few years before his death, determined to found a history-lecture at Oxford, and on May 17, 1622, he sent his friend Heyther with the deed of endowment properly executed to the Yice-Chancellor Dr. Piers. Out of compliment to Camden, and probably at his suggestion, the University on the foliowing day conferred the degree of Mus. Doc. upon Heyther and his friend Orlando Gibbons. (See Epistles to and from Camden, 1691, p. 329). Such was the regard of Camden for Dr. Heyther that he appointed him executor to his will ; and in the deed executed by Camden, March 17, 1621-2, con- taining the endowrment of his history-lecture at Oxford, the grant thereby made of the manor of Bexley in Kent is subject to a proviso that the profits of the said manor, estimated at 400/. a year, should be enjoyed by Mr. William Heyther, his heirs and executors, for the term of ninety-nine years, to commence from the death of Mr. Camden, he and they paying to the history professor 140/. per annum, at the expiration of which term the estate was to vest in the university.” (Biog. Brit. art. Camden.) Taking example by his friend Camden, Dr. Heyther in 1626 founded a music-lecture in the same university. The deed of foundation bears date Feb. 20, 2 Chas. I. and under it Richard Nicholson, Mus. Bac. and organist of Magdalen Coll, became first professor. Dr. Heyther died the latter end of July, 1627 (p. 12), and was buried, Aug. 1, in the broad or south aisle adjoining the choir of Westminster Abbey. He gave to the hospital in Tothill Fields, Westminster, 100/., as appears by a list of benefactions to the parish of St. Margaret in that city, printed in Hatton’s New Yiew of London, i. 339. The Music-school, Oxford, possesses a portrait of Dr. Heyther in his Doctor's gown and cap. Ibid. John Miner* or Minore.—He was one of the musicians in the establishment of Prince Henry in 1612, at a salary of 40/. per annum. (Birch’s Life of Prince Henry,NOTES. 205 p, 466.) His deathis recorded' tohave taken place July 2,1615. (See the same page of Chèque-Book.) Ibid. Thomas Day.—One of the musicians in the establishment of Prince Henry in 1612. Upon the accession oi Charles I. to the throne, he issued a grant in favour of the royal musicians, a copy of whicli is preserved in Rymer’s Fœdera. (Tom. xviii. p. 278.) From this we learn that Thomas Day had 401. yearly for his wages, and 66 for keeping a boy,” 2il. extra. He was organist of Westminster Abbey and Master of the Choristers from 1625 to 1632. He was also Master of the Children of the Chapel Royal in 1637 (Calend. S. P. Dom. Ser. 1637-8, p. 22); and also Clerk of the Chèque. (See p. 48 of the présent volume.) His dea h is said to hâve taken place in 1654. but it is not recorded in the pages of the Cheque-Book. “ Daniel Day, son of John Day,*’ was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey, June 1, 1627. Ibid. TValter Porter. — Son of Henry Porter, Mus. Bac. of Christ Church, Oxford, 1600. He was appointed Master of the Choristers of Westminster in 1639. He pub- lished Madrigales and Ayres of Two, Three, Foure, and Five Yoyces, 1632, and Motetts of Two Yoices for Treble or Ténor and Basse, 1657. The former work is dedicated to “ John, Lord Digby of Sherburne, Earle of Bristow.” The address, “ To the Practitioner,” has the foliowing curious passage : “ Before you censure, which I know you will, and they that understand least most sharply ; let me intreate you to play and sing them true, according to my meaning, or heare them done so ; not, instead of singing, to howle or bawle them, and scrape, instead of playing, and perform them falsly, and say they are nought.” The copy of the latter work in the Music-school, Oxford, is a pré- sentation-copy, and has a letter on the fly-leaf, in the handwriting of the author, com- mencing, “ Dr. Wilson: Worthy Dr. and my loving Cos." After being ejected from his appointments at the rébellion, he was patronized by Sir Edw. Spencer. It seems probable that he died before the Restoration. Page 9. Edmund Nelharn or Nellam.—In a warrant exempting the members of the Royal Chapel from the payment of subsidies, dated April 20, 1641, his name occurs among the Chaplains. He was also a Minor Canon of Westminster, and died in 1646. The Registers of the Abbey record his burial in the cloisters, Aug. 17 in that year. Some compositions of his are contained in John Hilton’s Catch that Catch can, or a Choice Collection of Catches, Rounds, and Canons, 1652. Ibid. Roger Nightingale.—One of the few members of the Chapel, admitted at this period, who survived to résumé office at the Restoration. In June, 1660 (p. 48), we find he was appointed Confessor to the King's household. Hawkins tells us that he dwelt with Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, at Buckden in Huntingdonshire, the épiscopal seat ; and, when that prelate was translated to York, he took Nightingale with him to Cawood206 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF T^E CHAPEL ROYAL. Castle, and, as a mark of his favour, settled upon him a lease worth 500t. He died Nov. 25,1661 (p. 12), and was buried in the east cloister of Westminster Abbey on the 28th of the same month. Page 10. Thomas Tomkins.-—“The Tomkins family,” says Burney, “ produced more able musicians during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries than any other which England can boast.” According to Wood, they descended from a family of the same name at Listwithyel in Cornwall. (Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 320.) Burney speaks only of one musician of the sixteenth century—Thomas Tomkins, “ chanter of the choir of Gloucester,” and the father of the better known Thomas and John. He was a Minor Canon of Gloucester, and the author of an account of the Bishops of that See, a MS. referred to by Dr. Bliss. In the Chapter Books of Worcester, under the date 1590, is an entry that the Dean, the Rev. Francis Willis, “ at the motion of Mr. John Tomkins, organist,” gave the sum of 41. for the old organ of St. Mary’s Churcli, Shrewsbury. This musician has hitherto escaped notice, unless he was the brother of Thomas; but it is more probable that he was an uncle, the brother of the Minor Canon of Gloucester. Wood mentions several members of the Tomkins family, but confesses his inability to range them “ according to seniority.” This the writer is also unable to do, but some little help is afforded by the dedications to Thomas Tomkins’s Songs of 3, 4, 5, and 6 Parts, printed for Matthew Lownes, 1622. (This was the work of the musician alluded to in our text.) The first song is inscribed, To my deare father, Mr. Thomas Tomkins ;” the fourth,‘‘To my brother, Mr. Nicholas Tomkins ” (afterwards Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Charles I.) ; the tenth, “ To my brother, Peregrine Tomkins the twelfth, “ To my brother, Giles Tomkins” (afterwards Organist of Salisbury Cathédral); the twenty-sixth, “To my brother, Mr. John Tomkins ” (afterwards Organist of St. PauPs Cathédral) ; and the tw'enty-eighth, “ To my sonne, Nathaniel Tomkins ” (afterwards Prebendary of Worcester). Thomas Tomkins, the author of the above-named work. was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford. He was student 1604-6; usher 1606-10; and Mus. Bac. July 11, 1607. He studied music under the celebrated William Byrd, and early in life occupied the post of organist of Worcester Cathédral, a situation which he retained till his death. Burney says he contributed a madrigal to the well-known collection, The Triumphs of Oriana, 1600 ; but, from the above dates, this is simply impossible. The madrigal in question must hâve been the production of his father. Thomas Tomkins the younger was the composer of a noble collection of church-music entitled Musica Deo Sacra et Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. The greater part of these services and anthems were written for the Royal Chapel in the time of Charles I. The work was published in 1664, after the author’s death, and is advertised in 1666, “to be had at the chaunter's house, West- minster.' * Wood speaks also of his MS. collection of church-music, bequeathed to the library of Magdalen College by James Clifford, the author of the Divine Services and Anthems, and “ still preserved in the archives thereof.” The MS. collection is not now to be found in the library. Thomas Tomkins joined the Royal Chapel in 1621, and in the record entered in the Cheque-Book (at the above page) he is called “ Organist ofNOTES. 207 Worcester.” He died in 1656. In the parish register of Martin-Hussingtree, co. Wor- cester, is the following entry: ** 1656. Buried Mr. Thomas Tomkins, Organist of the King’s Chapel and of the Cathédral, Worcester, June 9.” In Abingdon’s Antiquities of Worcester Cathédral, 1723, p. 77, is preserved an epitaph on “ Alicia or Aies, the wife of Thomas Tomkins, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell Royall, a woman full of faith and good works. She dyed the 20th of Jan. 1641.” The Rev. J. Toy, of Worcester, preached her funeral sermon, which was published in 4to. in the fol- lowing year. Ibid. Ralph Amntr.—Son of John Amner, Mus. Bac., Organist, and Master of the Choristers of Ely Cathédral from 1610 to 1641. It appears from the Ely Register that Ralph was elected a lay clerk in 1604, and was succeeded by Michael Este in 1609. Amner was then probably admitted into holy order3, as he is styled “ Vicar,” viz. Minor Canon. Some of his anthems are preserved in the books of Ely Cathédral. See the Rev. W. E. Dickson’s Catalogue of Ancient Choral Services and Anthems in the Cathédral Church of Ely, 1861, 8vo. He died at Windsor, March 3, 1663-4 (p. 13). In Catch that Catch can, or the Musical Companion, 1667, (p. 7) is “ a Catch in stead of an Epitaph upon Mr. Ralph Amner of Windsor (commonly called the Bull-Speaker) who dyed 1664,* ’ the music composed by Dr. William Child. Page 11. Thomas WarwicTc.—Was by birth a gentleman, descended from the War- wicks or Warthwykes of Warwicke, co. Cumberland, and bearing the same arms : Yert, three lions rampant argent. In Sir Edward Bysshe’s Visitation of Kent, his father Thomas Warwick is styled of Hereford,” where probably the son was born. Davies of Hereford in his Scourge of Folly, 1611, has a short poem “ To my deere friend, countryman, and expert Master in the liberall science of Musicke, Mr. Thomas Warrock.,, He was one of the Royal musicians for the lute in 1625, and Wood says he was Organist of West- minster Abbey (MS. Ashmole, 8568, 106), but his name does not occur in the roll of organiste of that establishment. The saine authority tells us that he composed a song of forty parts, which was performed before Charles I. about 1635, by the members of the Royal band and their friends. In March 1630 he received a reprimand from the Dean and Chapter of the Royal Chapel for insufficiency in his organ-playing (p. 78). But it must be borne in mind that he succeeded Orlando Gibbons. It required more genius than Warwick possessed to worthily occupy a post once filled by so great a man. Thomas Warwick held office as a commissioner for granting dispensations for con- verting arable-land into pasture, and was evidently a man of some position in society. He married Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of John Somerville of Somerville, Aston-le- Warwick. Sir Philip Warwick, the well-known statesman, author of the Memoirs of the reign of Charles I. (born at Warwick House, Westminster, Dec. 24, 1609), was his son. The time of his death is uncertain. The last notice of bis name occurs in a list of the Royal Band in 1641, a document exempting the King’s musicians from the payment of subsidies. (See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 103.)208 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. Ibid. Henry Lawes. —Son of William Lawes of Stéeple Langford, and bom at Dinton, co. Wilts. in 1596. He is erroneously said to hâve been the son of Thomas Lawes, vicar- choral of Salisbury Cathédral. He received his musical éducation under Giovanni Cope- rario, and at the expense of the Earl of Ilertford. He entered the Royal Chapel in 1625, and passed through the grades of “ Pistler ” or Epistler, Gentleman, and Clerk of the Chèque. He was also a member of the Royal Band of Charles I. In 1634 Milton's Masque of Cornus, one of the brightest gems of English poetry, was written for the Earl of Bridgewater, at whose mansion it was first performed. Henry Lawes composed the music, and performed the part of the attendant spirit. He taught music in the family of Lord Bridgewater, and Lady Alice Egerton was his pupil. Lawes was highly praised by Milton and Waller. Fenton says that “ the best poets of Lawes’ time were ambitious of having their verses set to music by this admirable artist.” He published three books of Ayres and Dialogues, with the respective dates 1653, 1655, and 1658. In these collections are songs written by Thomas, Earl of Winchelsea; William, Earl of Pembroke; John, Earl of Bristol; Lord Broghill ; Thomas Carey, son of the Earl of Monmouth ; Henry Noël, son of Lord Campden; Sir Charles Lucas ; and Carew Raleigh, son of Sir Walter Raîeigh. Many of the songs of these amateur poets possess great merit; and Lawes’s three books contain a body of élégant and spirited lyric poetry which deserves to be better known. He set to music the songs in the masque Cœlum Britannicum by that sweet poet Thomas Carew, and ail the lyrics of Waller. He composed the airs and songs in the plays and poems of William Cartwright, and the Christmas Odes in Herrick’s Hesperides. He further composed tunes for Sandys’s Paraphrase of the Psalms, pub- lished in 1638. He and his brother William also composed a volume of Choice Psalmes,. which was not published till 1648; though Milton’s sonnet, prefixed to it and addressed “To Mr. H. Lawes on the publishing ofhis Airs,” is dated February 9, 1645-6. The usurpation of Cromwell put an end to masques, and music of ail kinds, and Lawes was dispossessed of ail his appointments. The préfacés to his published works contain many sensible reflections upon the state of the art. In one of tliem he speaks of the Italians as being great masters of music; but, at the same time, his own nation liad produced as many able musicians as any in Europe. He censures the partiality of the âge for songs sung in a foreign language, and in ridicule of it speaks of a song of his own composition, which was nothing more than an ind x of the initial words of some old set of Italian madrigals. He says that this index, which he had set to a varied air and which read together was a strange medley of nonsense, passed with a great part of the world as an Italian song! In anotherpréfacé he says: “ As for myself, although I hâve lost my fortunes with my Master (of blessed memory), I am not so low to bow for a sub- sistence to the follies of the âge, and to humour such as will seem to understand our art better than we that hâve spent our lives in it.” At the Restoration Lawes was restored to his places in the Royal Chapel, and he composed the Coronation Anthems for Charles II. He died Oct 21, 1662, and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey on the 25th of the same month. Ibid. Richard Boughton.—A Member of the Choir of St. George’s Chapel, Windsor,NOTES. 209 before his admission into the Royal Chapel. He was living in 1641, when his name appears in the list of Gentlemen of the Chapel, dated April 20, in that year. (See Colliers Annals of the Stage, ii. 130.) Ibid. John TomMns.—Educated at King’s College, Cambridge. The brother of Thomas Tomkins, before mentioned. He was probably a chorister of Gloucester Cathédral (where his father was minor-canon), and, upon losing his voice, grafted into the University of Cambridge for the completion of his éducation, according to the Cathédral statutes. From the roll of organists of King’s College, Cambridge, it is certain that John Tomkins was appointed to that office in 1606, and that he held it till 1622, when he came to London to fill the same important post in the Metropolitan Cathédral. He was ftucceeded at Cambridge by his brother Giles. Theperiod of John Tomkins's marriage is not known ; but he had a son, Thomas, born in Aldersgate Street, who was educated at Oxford, and rose to be D.D., Chancellor of the Cathédral of Exeter, and Rector of Lambeth. He was the author of some com- mendatory verses prefixed to Edmund Elys’s Divina Poemata, 1665, and was probably the editor of his uncle’s work, Musica Deo Sacra, in the previous year. He died August 20, 1675, and was buried at Martin-Hussingtree, co. Worcester. He had another son, Robert, who was one of the Royal Musicians in 1641. The date of John Tomkins’s death is variously given. Wood (Fasti, i. 320) says Sept. 27, 1626; Fisher (Monuments of St. PauPs, p. 79) says 1636; Dugdale (Hist. of St. PauPs, ed. 1818, p. 58) says Sept. 27, 1638 ; and Carew (Survey of Cornwall, ed. 1811, p. 165) says 1646. Dugdale’s date is the correct one, as is proved by the entry in the Cheque-Book, p. 12. He was buried in St. PauPs Cathédral. William Lawes, the unfortunate brother of “ tuneful Harry,” wrote the following “ Elegie on the death of his very worthy friend and fellow-servant, Mr. John Tomkins, Organist of his Majesties Chapell Royall.” It is extracted from the Choice Psalmes put into Musick for Three Yoices, by the brothers Lawes, published in 1648 :— “ Musick, the master of thy art is dead, And with him ail thy ravisht sweets are fled : Then bear a part in thine own tragedy, Let’s celebrate strange griefe with harmony ; Instead of teares shed on his mournfull herse, Let’s howle sad notes stoPn from his own pure verse.” Ibid. Thomas Rayment,—Of the choir of Salisbury in the early part of the seven- teenth century. He was living in 1641, when his name appears among the members of the Royal Chapel. (See Collier’s Annals of the Stage, ii. 130.) Page 12. Richard Sandy.—A member of the choir of St. PauPs before his admission into the Royal Chapel. On March 29, 1630, he was admonished by the Dean and Chapter of the Chapel Royal, and recommended to be more “ industrious and studious CAMD. SOC» 2 E210 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. for the future (p. 78). His name occurs in the liât of Gentlemen of the Chapel in 1641. He probably died before the restoration of Charles II. Page 12. Nathaniel Pownall.—He was admonished by the Dean and Chapter of the Royal Chapel on March 29, 1630, at the same time with Richard Sandy (p. 78). He was living in 1641, but his name doesnot appear at the restoration of Charles II. Ibid. Thomas Holmes.—Son of John Holmes, who, according to a note in a MS. organ-book, was “ Organist of Winchester and afterwards of Salisberrie r in the time of Queen Elizabeth. This John Holmes was the musical instructor of Adrian Batten, as we learn from another MS. note in the book above referred to ; “ Ail these songs of Mr. John Holmes were prickt from his own pricking in the year 1635 by Adrian Batten, one of the vickers of St. Paul’s in London, who some time was his scholler.” A few of Thomas Holmes’catches are contained in Hilton’s Catch that Catch can, 1652. Ac- cording to some MS. Collections for a History of Musicians, by Tho. Ford, Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxon., he died at Salisbury, March 25, 1638, a date confirmed by the Cheque-Book. Ibid. John Hardinge.—One of the “ Musicians for the Yiolins ” in the royal band of Charles I. Dec. 20, 1625. He died Nov. 7, 1684 (p. 18), and was buried on the lOth of the same month in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. Ibid. John Cobb.—A catch and four canons of his composition are contained in Hilton’s Catch that Catch can, 1652, and an excellent glee, “Smiths are good fellows,” may be found in Playford’s Musical Companion, 1667. He wrote an “ Elegie on the death of his friend and fellow-servant, Mr. William Lawes,” which is printed in the Choice Psalmes, by the brothers Lawes, 1648. No particulars of his life are known. Ibid. Richard Portman.—This is the only entry in the Cheque-Book relative to this musician. He was a pupil of Orlando Gibbons, and succeeded Thomas Day as organist of Westminster Abbey in 1633. He is said to hâve resided sometime in France with Dr. Williams, Dean of Westminster, who was a great patron of music and musicians. Many of his anthems are extant in the old books of the cathedrals, and the words of some may be found in Clifford’s Divine Services and Anthems, 1663, and in Harl. MS. 6346. The date of his death is not recorded. Ibid. Edward Braddock.—He was chosen Clerk of the Chèque in 1688 (p. 18). He was also a lay-clerk of Westminster Abbey, Master of the Choristers in 1670, and copyist in 1690. His only daughter, Elizabeth, married Dr. John Blow. He died June 12, 1708 (p. 25), and was buried in the north cloister of the Abbey on the 17th of the same month. Page 18. Roger HUI.—John Hill, “ one of the waites of the citie of Westminster,” inNOTES. 211 1663 (Harl. MS. 1911), was perhaps a relative. Roger died March 2, 1673-4, and was buried in the little cloister of Westminster Abbey, on the 4th of the same month. Ibid. George Lowe.—Probably a brother of Edward Lowe (p. 17). Both were natives of Salisbury, He died at Westminster May 16, 1664, and was buried in the little cloister of the Abbey on the folio wing day. Ibid. John Wilson.—Born at Faversham, co. Kent, in 1594. Until the year 1626, a period of thirty-two years, we are entirely ignorant of any particulars concerning his life. It is during this period that he is supposed to hâve been the “ Jack Wilson ” of Shake- speare’s stage. (See Who was Jack Wilson the Singer of Shakespeare’s stage? an attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Musick in the University of Oxford, à.d. 1644, 8vo. 1846.) Wood says, “ being naturally inclin’d in his youth to vocal and instrumental music [he] bccame at man’s estate so famous for it, that he was first made a gent. of his Maj. Chappel, and afterwards his servant in ordinary in that faculty.” His name does not occur in the Cheque-Book as a member of the Chapel in the reign of Charles I., but the imperfect manner in which this book was kept may easily account for the omission. He was a celebrated performer on the lute, and a great favourite with Charles I., with whom he was in “ constant attendance.” In a copy of verses prefixed to Wilson’s Cheerfull Ayres or Ballads, 1660, the writer, “ J. H. O. C.,” speaking of some of the songs having been performed before the King, concludes in this strain :— “ I do not wonder that the King did call, ‘Wilson ! there’s more words, let’s heare them ail:’ Such was your skill, that what the rest o’ the Court Perhaps thought long, judicious ears thought short. Excellent artist ! whose sweet strains deveur Time, swift as they, and make days seem an hour. But what need more, since ’tis enough to tell But this, King Charles hath heard and lik’d them well.” He was created Mus. Doc. at Oxford in 1644, at which time he appears to hâve taken up his résidence in the University, for Wood says, “ after the surrender of the garrison at Oxon, an. 1646, he spent some years in the family of Sir William Walter, at Sarsden, in the parish of Churchill in Oxfordshire, who with his lady were great lovers of musio.,, (Fasti, ii. 71.) In 1656, at the request of Mr. Thomas Barlow made to Dr. Owen, Vice- Chancellor of the University, who had been his pupil, he was constituted Music-Professor and had lodgings assigned him in Balliol College, where, being assisted by some of the Royalists, he lived very comfortably, exciting in the University, according to Wood, “ such a love of music, as in a great measure accounts for that flourishing State in which it has long subsisted there,” and for those numerous private music-meetings of which this writer in his own life lias given such an amusing relation. At the Restoration Wilson was reinstated212 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP THE CHAPEL ROYAL. in his various appointments. He accordingly quitted the University and took up his résidence in London. He married the widow of Matthew Peniall, Jan. 31, 1670-1, an died at his house near the Horse-ferry, Westminster, at nearly 79 years of âge. He was huried in the little cloister of Westminster Abbey, Feb. 27, 1673-4. Page 13. Thomas Blagrave.—Of an ancient Berkshire family. Eldest son of Richard Blagrave, member of the royal band of Charles I. (eldest son of John Blagrave of Bul- marsh, Reading, co. Berks. by his third wife, Anne, daughter of Tho. Mason of North- wood, Isle of Wight, Gent.) Appointed a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal at the resto- ration of Charles II. Hawkins tells us that “ upon the revival of choral service, in the Royal Chapel especially, they were necessitated, for want of treble voices, to make use of cornets, and on particular occasions sackbut sand other instruments were also employed.” Blagrave, he says, was a performer on the cornet (Hist. of Music, 767, edit. 1853). Some of his songs are printed in Select Ayres and Dialogues, 1669, and in other of Playford’s numerous publications. His portrait is in the Music-School, Oxford. He died Nov. 21, 1688 (p. 18), and was buried in the north cloister of Westminster Abbey on the 24th of the same month. His wife, Margaret, was buried in the same grave. Hatton notices these burials, but says the dates are illegible on the monument. (New View of London, ii. 533.) Ibid. John Cave.—The circumstance here recorded is also mentioned in Pepys’ Diary under the date Feb. 1, 1663-4 : “ I hear how two men last night, jbstling for the wall about the New Exchange, did kill one another, each thrusting the other through ; one of them of the King’s Chapel, one Cave, and the other a retayner of my Lord Generall Mid- dletoll’s.,, Cave was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey, Feb. 18, 1663-4. Ibid. William Jackson.—Matriculated at Oxford (servitor Ch. Ch.) April 1,1656; B.A. Nov. 1, 1659; M.A. July 15, 1662. He was buried in the west cloister of West- minster Abbey, Feb. 29, 1663-4. Ibid. Henry Purcell.—The father of the celebrated Henry. He seems to hâve en- tered the Royal Chapel at the restoration of Charles II. (at least there is no trace of him before), and his name occurs among the Gentlemen of that establishment serving at the Coronation (p. 128). In 1663 he was appointed a member of the royal band, as appears by the following document (copy) in the writer’s possession : “ These are to certify, That Mr. Henry Purcell, who succeeded Segnor Angello in his place of the private musicke ; That the said Mr. Henry Purcell tooke possession of his place in the year 1663, upon St. Thomas’ Day ; deceased the llth August, 1664 :— “ These are to certifye the death of Mr. Henry Purcell. Henry Cooke. Tho. Purcell. Alfonso Marsh Gregory Thorndale. Edward Colman.”NOTES. 213 He was buried in the east cloister of Westminster Abbey on the 13th of the same month. His widow, Elizabeth, was buried at St. Margaret’s Westminster, Aug. 26, 1699. Page 14. William Hopwood.—A member of the choir of Exeter Cathédral, where, in ail probability, he was educated. Afterwards a Petty Canon of Westminster. He died July 13, 1683, and was buried in the east cloister of the Abbey on the 17th of the same month. Ibid. Matthew Peniall or Pennéll.—One of the Gentlemen of the Chapel at the Co- ronation of Charles I. (p. 128). He was buried in the little cloister of Westminster Abbey Jan. 13, 1666-7. Ibid. Thomas Mazard.—His name appears for the first time in the Chèque Book among the Gentlemen of the Chapel who attended the Coronation of Charles I. He was a “ singing man ” of Westminster, and was buried in the cloisters Jan. 25,1666-7. Ibid. Pelham Humphrey or Mumphries.—Received his éducation as a chorister of the Chapel under Captain Cooke. Upon the death of his master in July 1672, he succeeded him in his office as Master of the Children (p. 15). “ By the direction and at the charge of Charles II., Pelham Humphreys was sent to Paris to study under Lulli, and, like his master, therefore he formed his style, though at second-hand, on that of Carissimi, and on his return home was the means of making his artistic brethren acquainted with a number of effects, many of them beautiful and ail new, and a System of composition differing in plan and detail from that of tbe great English masters of the second period as widely as the Lyrical Ballads of Wordsworth differ from the Pastorals of Pope.” Hullah’s Lectures on the Third or Transition Period of Musical History, 1865,p. 201. A MS. in the writer’s possession purporting to be an account of Secret Service Monies (temp. Car. II.) kept by Sir John Shaw, contains the following items :— “ 1664. To Pelham Humphreys to defray the charge of his journey into France and Italy, 200IP “ 1665. To Pelham Humphreys, bounty, 1001.” “ 1666. To Pelham Humphreys, bounty, 150/.” His return to England is noticed by Pepys in the following passages of his characteristic Diary :— “ Nov. 1, 1667. To Chapel, itbeing Ail Hallows Day, and heard a fine antbem, made by Pelham, who is corne over.” “ Nov. 15, 1667. Home, and there find, as I expected, Mr. Cæsar and little Pelham Humphreys, lately returned from France, and is an absolute Monsieur, as full of form and confidence and vanity, and disparages everything, and everybody’s skill but his own. But to hear how he laughs at ail the King’s musick here, as Blagrave and others, that they cannot keep time or tune, nor understand anything; and at Grebus [Louis Grabut], the Frenchman, the King’s Master214 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP THE CHAPEL ROYAL. of the Musick, how he understands nothing, nor can play on any instrument, and so cannot compose ; and that he will give him a lift out of his place; and that he and the King are mighty great.” On Aug. 8, 1672, he was appointed “ Composer in Ordinary for the Yiolins to his Majesty.” (Sign Manual Warrant.) His career however was a short one, as he died July 14, 1674, aged 27, and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey “ near the east door ’ ’ on the 17th of the same month. In the third book of Playford’s Choice Ayres and Songs, 1681, there is “ A Pastoral song set by Mr. William Gregory in memory of his deceased friend Mr. Pelham Humphrys, &c.” Humphrey married about 1672. His wife was remarkable for her beauty, if we may trust to Richard Yeel, who wrote “ An Hymeneal to his dear friend Mr. Pfelham] H[umphrey],” printed in his New Court Songs and Poems, 1672, 8vo. Page 14. Edward Coleman.—The son of Dr. Charles Coleman, one of the royal band temp. Charles I., who died in 1664. He took part in the performance of The Siégé of Rhodes in 1656, and was the husband of Mrs. Coleman who performed Ianthe in the same play, one of the first English female actresses on our stage. See Notes and Queries, 2nd Sériés, iii. 471. Ibid. William Turner,—Educated in the chapel at the same time as the celebrated Henry Purcell. He was a Yicar Choral of St. Paul’s, and a Lay Yicar of Westminster Abbey. In 1696 he took his degree of Mus. Doc. at Cambridge. An anthem is in existence, “I will alway give thanks,M called the Club Anthem, as having been composed by Humphrey, Blow, and Turner in conjunction, and intended by tbem as a memorial of the strict friendship that subsisted between tbem. Dr. Turner died Jan. 13, 1740, aged 88, and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. Page 15. James Hart.—Gentleman of Westminster Abbey. He was one of the singers in the “Ode to St. Cecilia,” 1687. Many of his songs are printed in Choice Ayres, Songs, and Dialogues, 1676-84; The Theatre of Musick, 1685-7; The Banquet of Musick, 1688-92 ; and other musical works of the latter part of the seventeenth century. He was the father of Philip Hart, organist of St. Andrew-Undershaft and St. MichaePs Cornhill, and subsequently of St. Dionis Backchurch. There were two other membera of the chapel of the same name, i. e. Richard Hart, admitted April 26, 1671, and George Hart, admitted Sept. 10, 1694, probably of the same family. James Hart died May 8, 1718, aged 71, and was buried in the west cloister of the Abbey, on the 15th of the same month. Ibid. Dr. Walter Jones.—Eldest son of John Jones of Worcester, Gent. by Anne Dewrs of Powick, co. Worcester. He was of Christ Church, Oxford, and took his M.A. degree Oct. 24, 1634, at the âge of seventeen. He married Philippa, daughter of Dr. Fell, Dean of Christ Church, Dec. 17, 1643 ; he had previously taken his B. A. degree. On Oct. 19, 1660, he became D.D. He died July 15, 1672, and was buried in West- minster Abbey.NOTES. 215 The Rev. James Clifford dedicated his interesting work The Divine Services and Anthems usually sung in Cathedrals and Collegiate Choirs in the Church of England, 1663, to “The Reverend Walter Jones, Doctor in Divinity and Sub-Dean of His Majesties Chappel Royal, &c.” In a high style of laudation, Clifford asks the Sub- Dean “ to be pleased, therefore, to intermit awhile those Seraphical Raptures, in the excellency whereof, and your thereto tuned piety, you are so famously happy, and vouchsafe an eare to the mean addresse of these rudiments (as it were) of Church musick, which, like otlier perfections, hath suffer’d meerly through the people’s ignorance.” Then, after declaring that if the book is favourably received by him to whom it is inscribed, the compiler expresses his opinion that if the worthy Sub-Dean will “ descend and deign a favourable approbation thereunto, it cannot but command réception from others ; “ since,” he adds, '* my knowledge at Oxford (improved furtherat London) of your eminency this way, cannot so far disoblige the world as not to believe you hâve the Suprême Mastery in religious music/' Making due allowance for the amount of flattery which we are accustomed to in addresses of this kind, it proves that Dr. Jones was a lover of the divine art, and a fitting man for the post he occupied in the royal establishment. Ibid. Durant Hunt.—His name occurs in the list of Gentlemen of the Chapel at the Coronation of Charles II. (p. 128). He was buried in the nave of Salisbury Cathédral, where a small tablet of grey marble records that “ Durantius Hunt died 23rd April 1671." Harris’s Copies of the Epitaphs in Salisbury Cathédral, &c. 1825, p. 92. Ibid. Captain Henry Cooke.—Brought up in the Chapel in the reign of Charles I. which he quitted at the commencement of the rébellion to join the King’s Army. Here he is said to hâve so distinguished himself that he obtained a captain’s commission in 1642. His skill in music, as well as his loyalty, recommended him to the favour of Charles II. and he was appointed Master of the Children of the Chapel at the Restoration. Pepys gives some characteristic notices of him, from which we extract the following :— “ May 18, 1662. (Whitsunday.) By water to White Hall, and there to chapel in my pew . . We had an excellent anthem, sung by Captain Cooke and another, and brave musique . . After dinner to chapel again; and there had another good anthem of Captain CookeV* “ Sept. 14,1662. (Lord’s Day.) To White Hall Chapel, where sermon almost done, and I heard Captain Cooke’s new musique. This the first day of having vialls and other instruments to play a symphony between every verse of the anthems ; but the musique more full than it was the last Sunday, and very fine it is. But yet I could discern Captain Cooke to overdo his part at singing, which I never did before.” “ Feb. 13,1666-7. Discoursed most about plays and the Opéra, where, among other vanities, Captain Cooke had the arrogance to say that he was fain to direct Sir W. Davenant in the breaking of his verses into such and such lengths, according as would be fit for musick, and how he used to swear at Davenant and com-216 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP THE CHAPEL ROYAL. mand him that way, when W. Davenant would be angry, and find fault with this or that note. A vain coxcomb he is, though he singsand composes so well.” In 1663 Cooke solicited and obtained from the King a grant for himself and his suc- cessors in office to receive 30£. per annum, for dieting, lodging, washing, and teaching each of the Children of the Chapel ; and in July 1664 he was appointed to the office of “ Composer of the King’s Private Musick for Voices,” at a salary of 40l. per annum. On May 28, 1666, in conjunction with Thomas Purcell and other Gentlemen of Chapel, he petitioned, “ on behalf of themselves, the pages of the Chapel, and boys whose voices hâve changed, for payment, there being no money assigned to the Treasurer of the Chamber for that purpose.” Ashmole in his Order of the Garter, speaking of the Festival of St. George at Windsor April 17, 1661 (pp. 663-576), adds : “ To complété the pomp of this great cere- mony, we may (in the last place) fitly remember the musick as a part thereof ; it being particularly taken notice of in most places of the register where the grand procession is recorded. The choirs, both of the Sovereign’s Chapel at Whitehall and this at Windsor, being here (as before is noted) united, ail singing the sacred hymn together, while the grand procession devoutly passeth on. This hymn was composed and set with verse and chorus by Captain Cook, Master of the Children of the Sovereign’s Chapel, by whose direction some instrumental loud musick was at that time introduced. namely, two double sackbuts and two double courtals, and placed at convenient distance among the classes of the Gentlemen of both choirs, to the end that ail might distinctly hear, and consequently keep together in both time and tune : for one sackbut and courtal was placed before the four petty canons who begun the hymn, and the other two immediately before the pre- bends of the College.” Wood observes (MS. Ashmole 8568) that “ Captain Cook was the best musician of his time till Mr. Pelham Humphrey, one of the children of the Chapel educated by himself, began to rival him, after which he died with great discontent.” He was buried in the east cloister of Westminster Abbey July 17,1672. Page 15. Dr. Richard Colebrand.—Rector and Dean of Bocking, co. Essex, 1660; afterwards Rector of Topsfield. “ 1664, 1 Dec. Rie. Colebrand clericus S. T. P. ad miss, ad rect. de Toppesfield [in com. Essex] per promot. Edwardi Wolley S. T. P. ad ep. Clon- fort. Rtg. Lond.” (Wood’s Fasti, ed. Bliss, ii. 53.) He died Aug. 28, 1674. (p. 16.) Ibid. Philip Tynchare or Tinker.—Matriculated at Oxford Nov. 2, 1621. He was installed Chanter of Westminster Abbey Feb. 11, 1660-1; and in 1662 he was made “ Confessor to his Majesties Household.” (p. 49.) He died May 9, 1673, and was buried “ near the door of Lord Norris’s monument ” on the 12th of the same month. (Stanley’s Mem. of Westm. Abbey, p. 198.) He was the compiler of the first part of the earliest existing Burial Register of the Abbey, contained in one volume, folio, 1606 to 1706. This is one of those volumes which has occupied the undivided attention for some years of that learned and laborious antiquary Colonel Chester, a gentleman to whom the writer is under so many obligations for material to illustrate the présent volume.NOTES. 217 Page 15. Stephen Crespion.—Son of Jeremiah Crespion of London by Camilla, eldest daughter of Stephen and Camilla Nau. Matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford, July 13, 1666, aged 17; B.A. May 17, 1670 ; M.A. March 22, 1672-3 ; Confessor to the Royal Household Nov. 1, 1673 ; Sacrist of Westminster Abbey July 25, 1683; Pre- bendary of Bristol Aug. 3, 1683 ; Chanter of Westminster 1683-4. The Cheque-Book records his death Nov. 25, 1711 (p. 26). He was buried in the south cloister of West- minster Abbey. Ibid. John Blow.—Born at North Collingham co. Notts. in 1648. He was brought up in the Chapel Royal, and distinguished as a youthful composer. (See Clifford’s Divine Services and Anthems, 1664.) In 1669, at the âge of 21, he was appointed Organist of Westminster Abbey, which situation he resigned in 1680 in favour of the celebrated Henry Purcell. In July 1674, upon the death of Pelham Humphrey, he succeeded to the post of Master of the Children of the Chapel (p. 16). In 1685 he was appointed a member of the Royal Band, and “ Composer in Ordinary to His Majesty,” a title which Matthew Locke had enjoyed before him, but which appears to hâve been at that time merely honorary. He was slso Almoner and Master of the Choristers of St. Paul’s Cathé- dral, being appointed to these offices upon the death of Michael Wise in 1687. Tbese latter situations he resigned in 1693 in favour of his pupil Jeremiah Clark. Blow was not a graduate of any university ; but Archbishop Sancroft, in virtue of his authority in that respect, conferred on him the degree of Mus. Doc. On the death of Henry Purcell, in 1695, he was again elected Organist of Westminster Abbey ; and in 1699 he was appointed “ Composer to the Chapel Royal ” (p. 23) at a salary of 40Z. per annum, pro- cured through the influence of Dr. Tillotson. He died Oct. 1, 1708, and was buried in the north aisle of Westminster Abbey. As a writer of church-music Dr. Blow holds a high rank, and an exhaustive collection of his services and anthems has been transoribed in score by the learned and diligent librarian of the Sacred Harmonie Society, Mr. W. H. Husk. His printed works are as follows : 1. Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day, 1684 ; 2. Elegy on Queen Mary, 1695 ; 3. Ode on the death of Henry Purcell, 1696 ; 4. Lessonsfor the Harpsichord ; 5. Psalms for the Organ ; 6. Amphion Anglicanus, 1700. A number of his vocal pièces may be found in Playford’s latter publications. Dr. Blow married Elizabeth, the only daughter of Edward Braddock, one of the Gentlemen and Clerk of the Chèque of the Chapel Royal. By her he had one son and three daughters, most of whom died in early life. Blow’s wife died Oct. 28, 1683, at the âge of 30, and was buried in the north ambulatory of Westminster Abbey. Page 16. Dr. William Hôlder.—Born in Nottinghamshire about the year 1614 ; educated at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, and, in 1642, became Rector of Blechingdon, Oxfordshire. In 1660 he proceeded D.D., was afterwards Canon of Ely, Canon of St. Paul’s, Subdean of the Chapel Royal, and Sub-almoner to the King. Amongst other works, noticed in Chalmers’s Biog. Dict., he was the autlior of A Treatise on the Natural Grounds and Principles of Harmony, 1694, 8vo. He first treats of Sound in general, CAMD. SOC. 2 F218 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF.THE CHAPEL ROY AU. how it is produced and propagated ; then on the vibrations of sonorous bodies ; on the nature of concord, as consisting in the coincidence of the vibrations of two chords ; and on the three kinds of proportion, arithmetical, geometrical, and harmonical. The work is writton with great perspicuity. It is said, in the introduction, to hâve been drawn up chiefly for the sake and service of the Gentlemen of the Chapel. Dr. Hôlder was a great disciplinarian. Michael Wise, who perhaps had fallen under his lash, used to call him Mr. Childe, Dr. William, 21, 94, 128, 130, 226 Chittle, Samuel, 27, 89 Church, John, 21, 22, 53, 89, 225 ^ Cicilia, Lady (her son), 173 Clark, Christopher, 131 Clark, Jeremiah, 23, 25, 22 7 Clarke, John, 7, 12, 47, 70, 123 Clay, Samuel, 148 Cleveland, Augustus, 129,132, 145 Cobb, James, 22, 94, 128, 129, 130, 227 Cobb, John, 12, 210 Cobham, Lord (his daughter), 173 Cock, Arthur, 6, 37, 40, 62, 128, 230 Colebrand, Dr. Richard, 15, 16, 146, 216 Coleman, or Colman, Edward, 14, 94,128, 214 Coleman, Robert, 91, 132, 142 Colman, See Coleman Compton, Bp., 127 Compton, Salomon, 4 Cooke, Capt. Henry, 15, 59, 94, 125, 128, 215 Cooke, Frances, 162, 167 Cooke, George, 7, 12, 47, 70, 123, 203 Cooke, Isaac, 133, 147 Cooke, John, 10, 11, 58, 59 Cooke, Mr., 102 Cooke, Sir Edward, 162, 167- Cooper, Bp., 117, 118 Corbitt, Symon, 19 Cotton, or Coton, Richard, 6, 10, 47, 48, 56, 57, 70, 76, 123, 203 Courteville, Raphaël, 16, 94,128, 218 Crespion, Stephen, 15, 22, 24, 26, 129, 130,217 Crewe, Bp., 127 Croft, Bp., 127 Croft, William (afterwards Dr.), 23, 25, 26, 28, 227 Croker, John, 10, 11, 58, 109 Crosse, William, 8, 46, 47, 70, 102, 123, 143,204 Curie, Bp., 120 Dale, William, 140 Damascene, Alexander, 19, 21, 29, 225 Davies, James, 5, 9, 10, 32, 56, 62, 128 Davies, Leonard, 3, 5, 9, 10, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 46, 47, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 74, 75, 76, 123, 127, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 191 Davies, S., 38, 39, 40, 68, 70 Davis, William, 18 Day, Bp., 118 'Day, Thomas, 8, 47, 48, 57, 80, 205 Declaris, Mr. 53, 232 Denman, John, 2 Dennie, Lord (his daughter), 161 Diemel, Bernard, 54, 233 Dison, John, 130, 135 Dolben, John (afterwards Dr.), 50, 87, 148, 231 Doughtie, Edward, 43 Dowsing, John, 16 Drury, Sir William, 160, 238 Duncombe, William, 149 Dunkley, Thomas, 145, 146, 237 Duppa, Bp., 120 Dusharroll, John Chrisostom, 16, see Sharole Ednye, William, 3, 4, 56, 191 ‘Edwards, Richard, 1, 184 Edwards, Thomas, 23, 89 Elford, Richard, 24, 27, 228 Elizabeth, Queen, 150 Elizabeth, Princess, 161, 163, 172, 240 Ellis, Isaac, 147 Essex, the Earl of, 161, 166,239 Evans, Henry, 54 Evans, Roger, 144 Eveseed, Henry, 4, 8, 39, 62, 63, 70, 101, 103, 104, 128, 131, 135, 143 Eveseed, Henry (the younger), 138, 142 Fairless, Matthew, 134, 147, 237 Farmer, Daniel, 134, 147, 148 Farrant, Richard, 1, 2, 3, 56, 182INDEX OF NAMES. 245 Feilding, Sir William (his son), 175 Flahault, Francis, 53, 55, 232 Fletcher, Dr. 113 Fletcher, Ralph, 62, 128, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137 Flintoft, Luke, 27, 29, 89, 229 Frederick, Count Palatine, 161, 163,239 Freeman, John, 23, 24, 52, 89, 227 Frohelin, Mrs., 160, 238 Frost, Henry, 94. 128, 129, 130 Frost John, 7, 10, 21, 47, 48, 57, 70, 123, 203 Gâches, John James, 18 Gadbury, Richard, 15, 17 Gates, Bernard, 25, 26, 89, 228 Gethin, John, 28 Gethin, Thomas, ? 89 Gibbons, Dr. Christopher, 16, 94, 128, 219 Gibbons, Orlando, 6, 11, 47, 56, 70, 72, 102, 123, 156, 201 Gibson, Bp., 127 ——“Giles, Nathaniel (afterwards Dr.), 5, 37, 38, 39, 40, 47, 61, 62, 63, 68, 70, 123, 128,156,198 Gillier, Peter, 53, 233 Godbalde, Roger, 36 Gooche,------, 4 Goodale, Robert, 23 Goodgroome, John, 25, 94, 128, 129,130, 228 Goodsens, Francisco, 28, 53, 89, 230 Goolde, Thomas, 5, 7, 34, 38, 60, 62, 65, 66, 128, 196 Gostling, John, 16, 17. 50, 129, 130, 220 Granwall, or Granwell, Richard, 2, 7, 34, 38, 39, 40, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 128, 136,138 Gravesend, or Grevesend, Subdean, 2, 188 Greene, Charles, 19 Greene, George, 38 Greene, John, 8, 9, 57 Greene, Robert, 2, 4, 5, 33, 230 Greene, Tymothie, 4, 5, 35, 65, 66, 135 Gregory, Prince, 53, 232 Griffith, Humphrey, 23, 24, 25, 26 Gyles, Richard, 41 Haddington, Viscount, 161, 239 -----(James and Charles, sons of), 175 Hant, Durant, 15, 94, 128, 215 Harrison, Anthony, 4, 10, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 47, 48, 57, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 70, 76, 100, 123, 127, 135, 138, 142, 191 Hawood, Thomas, 16, see Heywood Hay, Lord, 161,239 Haynes, Thomas, 49 (not Raynes), 92, 94, 129, 132, 133, 145 Hazard, Thomas, 14, 94,128, 213 Hardinge, John, 12, 18, 85, 94, 210 Harper,-----, 24 Harrington, Lord, 164 Harris, Morgan, 17, 22, 129, 130, 221 Hart, George, 20, 21,22 Hart, James, 15, 29,129, 130, 214 Hart, Richard, 15, 18, 129 Heather, William, see Heyther Heathman, John, 6, 38, 39 Hechins,----, 2, 188 Hemingwaye, Richard, 136 Henly, David, 6, 8, 46, 57, 70, 110 Henry, Prince, 171 Herbert, Sir Philip, 160, 162, 239 Herring, John, 149 Hewes, Robert, 62, 128, 131, 135, 136 Hewes, William 144 Hewlett, John, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 33, 35, 38, 46,47, 48,62,63/65, 66, 68, 70, 75, 76, 100, 123, 128,138,143, 156 Heyther, William (afterwards Dr.), 8. 12, 70, 156, 204 • Heywood, Thomas, 16, 18, 139, 219 Higgate, John, 52, 232 Hill, John, 89, 148 Hill, Roger, 13,15, 94, 210 Hills, Mr., 59 Hoare, Thomas, 136, 137 Hôlder, Dr. William, 16, 19, 86, 129, 146, 147,217 Holmes, Thomas, 12, 210 Hooper, Edmund, 6, 10, 56, 62, 70, 72, 200 Hopkins, Peter, 7, 11, 47, 56, 59, 70, 123 Hopwood, William, 14, 17, 111, 213 Horne, Bp. 117 Hottost, John, 2, 5, 34 Howard Lady Frances, 161, 162, 166 Howe, Richard, 31 Howell, John, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 225 Howes, Burges, 15, 17, 60 Howes, William, 16, 94, 128, 218 Hughes, Francis, 26, 55, 89, 228 Humphrey, Pelham, 14, 15, 50^ 213246 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OP THE CHAPEL ROYAL. “ Hunnis, William, 2, 5, 186 Husbands, Charles, 13, 16, 112 Ivett, William, 2, 6, 55 Jackson, William, 13, 94, 110, 212 James I., King, 154 James II , King, 129 Jenkins, Hugh, 132 Jennings, James, 233 Jennings, Thomas, 22, 23, 89 Jones, Dr. Walter, 15, 85, 94, 128, 145, 214 Jones, Luke, 6, 11, 12, 70 Jones, William, 1, 3, Joyner, Cuthbert, 74, 131, 132, 156, 234 Judd, Roger, 132 Keyes, Richard, 147 Kirby or Kirkby, Anthony, 6, 11, 38, 40, 62, 70, 127, 200 Knoles, Elizabeth, 160 La Count, David, 19 Ladd, Nicholas, 54 La Marre, John Billon. 50 Laugton, Thomas, 12, 80 Laurence, William, 5, 6, 38, 39, 40, 60, 62, 68, 70, 128 Lawes, Henry, 11, 13, 49, 59, 99, 114, 128, 145, 208 Lawes, William, 6, 7, 40, 45, 62, 70, 127, 200 Laye, George, 27, 89, 229 Lcnnox, the Duke of, 166, 168 Lenton, John, 18, 134, 147, 149, 224 Leyghton, Sir Thomas, 160, 238 Lilliat, John, 43 Linacre, Thomas, 18, 19, 20, 23, 29, 224 Lloyd, Bp., 115, 116 Lowe, Edward, 17, 94, 128, 221 Lowe, George, 13, 14, 128, 211 Lowther, William, 131 Madoxe, Thomas, 5, 35, 60 Mangey, Dr., 29, 230 Maperley, William, 4, 191 Marchant, John, 35 Marsh, Alphonso, 17, 85,94,128,129,130, 221 Marsh, Alphonso, junior, 16, 19, 218 Martin, John, 149, 150 Martin, Jonathan, 51, 52, 232 Martyn, Richard, 37 Mary, Princess, 167, 240 Mason, Bartholomew, 3, 6, 34, 37, 38, 62, 65, 66, 68, 127, 134, 135 Mason, John, 25 Matravers, Lord, 174, 241 Meller or Miller, Thomas, 91,109, 132, 235 Ménard, Philip, 53, 232 Mence, Benjamin, 55 Merton, 1 Miners, John, 8, 45, 56, 99, 204 Montague, Dr., 39, 41, 61, 119, 120, 230 Moore, Jo. 3, 56 Morcocke, Robert, 1, 3, 56, 183 Morer, Morice, 129, 133 Morgan, Mr., 136 Morgan, Nicholas, 2 Morley, Bp., 120, 127 Morley, Thomas, 5, 6, 34, 65, 66, 197 Morley, William, 27, 30, 229 Morrice,----, 4 Morton, Edward, 18, 129 Munday, William, 1, 5, 181 Nelham or Nellam, Edmund, 9, 57, 123, 205 Neyle, Bp., 120 Nicholas, John, 131, 143 Nightingall or Nightingale, Roger, 9, 11, 12, 47, 48, 85, 128, 145, 205 Nollet, Michael, 55, 233 Norrice, —, 2, 56 Northampton, the Earl of, 164 Northampton, the Marquis of, 160, 238 Northumberland, the Countess of, 168 Nottingham, the Earl of, 166 ------------(his son), 174 Nutbrowne, George, 12, 47 Oldner, George, 129, 130, 133, 147 Otto, Martin, 8, 9 Ouldner, Richard, 133 Paine, Thomas, 7, 41 Palfryman, Thomas, 4, 195 Palmer, ----, 24 Panell, Thomas, 77, 131 Parker, Henry, 130, 134, 148 Parsons, Robert, 1, 2, 181 Paternoster, Robert, 1,5 Patten, John, 62, 128, 131, 134, 137,234 Patten, Richard, 102, 131,236 Pearce, Dr. Thomas, 12, 104, 112INDEX OF NAMES, 247 -Pearce, or Piers, Edward, 4, 5, 35, 65, 66. 195 ■---------------, Thomas, 7, 9,10, 14,44, 47, 68, 70, 94, 128, 203 Pembroke, the Earl of, 160, 239 Peniall, or Pennell, Mathew, 14, 94, 128, 213 Perry, William, 30 Phelps, William, 31, 32 Phillips, Owen, 132, 133 Phillips, William, 109, 142 Phipps, Nicholas, 24, 134, 147 Pielat, Phineas Philibert, 52 Piggott, Francis, 21, 25, 225 Pike, William, 131, 135 Plumley, Richard, 5, 7, 38, 40, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 128, 138 Porter, Walter, 8, 9, 47, 76, 123, 205 Portman, Richard, 12, 210 Pountney, John, 132 Powell, Hugh, 94, 132, 145 Powell, Richard, 53 Powell, William, 16, 50, 129 Pownall, Nathaniel, 12, 78, 210 Purcell, Henry. 13, 94, 128, 212 Purcell, Henry (the younger), 17, 21, 129, 130, 222 Purcell, Thomas, 17, 85, 94, 128, 223 Radcliffe, or Ratcliffe John, 23, 28, 227 Randall, Peter, 28, 89, 229 Randall, William, 4, 6, 33, 34, 35, 37, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 128, 135, 192 Rawlins, Thomas. 1 Rayment, Thomas, 11, 12, 209 Richardson, James, 24, 31 Richardson, John, 149 Richardson, Thomas, 13, 27, 112, 129, 130 Richardson, William, 54, 233 Richmonde, -----, 4 Ridley, Jo. 3 Robinson, Bp., 127 Rogers, Nicholas. 42 Rowden, Sampson, 144, 156 Rowe, Francis, 52 Ruperti, Mr., 31 Salisburie, the Earl of (his daughter), 174 Salisburye, John, 136 Sampson, Thomas, 1, 8, 9, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 56, 60, 62, 63. 65. 66, 68, 70, 75, 128, 134, 135, 138, 241 Sandy or Sandie, Richard, 12, 78, 209 Savage, William, 55, 233 Savill, Jo. 3 Sayer or Sayr, John, 19, 59, 94, 128, 129, 130 Sennock, Francis, 46 Serces, James, 52, 232 Sharole, John, 18, 129, 219 Sharp, Abraham, 52 Sharp, Archbishop, 117 Sharp, Crue, 3, 11, 34, 37, 56, 60, 62, 65, 66, 68, 128, 135 Sharpe, Thomas, 6 Sheffield, George, 7, 46, 47, 70, 123, 203 Shergold or Sheregold, Edinund, 6, 7, 39, 40, 62, 70 Sheldon, Bp., 127 Shelley, Matthew, 148 Shepperd, John, 43, 231 Shore, John, 28, 229 Slater or Slauter, Edmund, 14 Smith, Henry, 14, 18, 129 Smith, John, 53 Smith, Jonathan, 30, 89, 148 Snow, Moses, 18, 19, 20, 24, 224 Somerset, the Earl of, 162, 166, 240 Sophia, Princess, 170, 240 Southampton, the Earl of (his children), 173, 240 Stafford, Elizabeth, 160 Steevens, or Stephens, John, 4, 10, 12, 34, 35, 39, 40, 47, 48, 58, 59, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 128, 135, 156 Stempe, Ellis, 4 Stephens, John,see Steevens Stone, Robert, 7, 56, 62, 63, 128, 203 Stuckey, Robert, 5, 7, 38, 39, 62, 68, 70, 127 Suachenberg, Helen, 238 Suffolk, the Earl of, 165, 167 Sullye, Hugh, 2 Sussex, the Earl of (his daughter), 161 Sydney, Mary, 160 Talbot, Bp., 127 Tallentier, Robert, 3, 5, 34, 37, 56, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 134, 135 Tallis, Thomas, 4, 192 Thompson, Bp., 120 Thorndale, Gregory, 15, 94, 128 Tinker, Philip, 49, 94, 128, 145, 216 Tinker, Randall, 6248 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL Tirwitt, Richard, 2, 4 Todd, Anthony, 3, 34, 35, 56, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68,134,135 Todd, Nathaniel, 5 Tomkins, John, 11, 12, 209 Tomkins, Mr., 58 Tomkins, Thomas, 10, 11, 47, 203 Totsford, Samuel, 136 Travers, John, 52, 232 Trebeck, Andrew, 15, 27, 129, 130, 229 Tucker. George, 41 Tucker, Philip, 13 Tucker, William, 16, 85, 94, 12S, 220, 241 Turner, William, 14, 53,89, 129,130, 214 Tynchare, Philip, 15, see Tinker, Philip Vandereyken, Sébastian, 30, 230 Vandernan, Thomas, 54, ,233 Vanhulston, the Duke of, 168 Vasco, Michael, 40 Yere, Lady Susan, 160, 162 Yestment, Nathaniel, 17, 24, 129, 130 Villiers, Sir John, 162,167, 240 Waad or Wade, Ezechiel, 7, 44, 46, 48, 70, 123, 203 Wake, William, 49, 231 Walker, Mr., 1, 181 Walker, Thomas, 131, 132 Ward, William, 143 Warwick, the Earl of, 160, 238 Warwick, Thomas, 11, 78, 207 Washbourn, William, 22, 23 Wass, Robert, 55, 233 Waterhouse, George, 4, 6, 34, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 195 Watkins, Adam, 133, 146 Watkins, Henry, 146 Watkins, Nathaniel, 24, 94, 128, 129, 130 Watson, Bp., 117 Weely, Samuel, 27, 54, 89, 229 Weldon, John, 23, 26, 28, 51, 228 West, William, 6, 11, 40, 47, 70, 123 Western, Humphrey, 33 Whitcher, George, 94, 129, 132, 133, 145, 236 White, Bp., 114 White, Blaze, 13, 22, 85, 86, 111, 129, 130 White, Matthe#, 7, 8, 56, 70, 203 Wiborow or Wyborough, Francis, 5, 11, 38, 39,40,62, 70, 128, 138,142 Wickham, Bp., 113, 118 Wiles, Thomas, 1, 4 Wilkenhausen, John Henry, 29, 30, 230 William III., King, 130 Williams, Daniel, 19, 22, 25, 30,117, 147, 148, 225 Williams, John, 150 Williams, William, 94, 129, 132, 145 Wilson, Dr. John, 13, 15, 94, 211 Wilson, Silvester, 77, 78, 91, 132 Wise, Michael, 16, 129, 218 Woodeson, George, 6, 36, 39, 40, 47, 62, 70, 123, 128 Woodeson, George (the yonnger), 11, 58 Woodeson, John, 6, 39, 40, 46, 47, 62, 70, 128, 200 Woodeson, Leonard, 17, 28, 129, 130 Woodeson, or Woodson, Thomas, 4, 6, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 56, 60, 62, 65. 66, 70, 128, 135,191 Wrighte, Peter, 5, 9, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 60, 62, 65, 66, 68, 70, 128, 136 Wyatt, George, 129, 146 Yardly, George, 13. 59, 94, 129 Young, Talbot, 29, 89, 230 Westminster: Printed l>v Nichols and Sons, 25, Parliament Street.INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND PLACES Andirons, 200 Anthems at Coronation of Charles I. 157 Appointments of Deans, 39, 126 ------Gentlemen, 1 et seq. ------Serjeants, &c. 130 et seq. Attendance of Gentlemen, orders for, 71 Augmentation of salaries, 60 Banns of Marriage, 161, 239 Baptisms, royal and noble, 167, 240 Bellringers, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149 Benevolences or gifts, 112 Bishops, Consécration of, 120 Black cloth, 156 Black Jacks, 93, 235 Books, orders appertaining to, 85, 88 Bouge of Court, 77, 235 Bucks, warrants for, 123,124 Cambridge, 90 Canterbury, 32, 51 Ceremonies, Royal, 150 Chapel Feast, the, 122, 236 Chapter, Acts done in, 77, 78, 81 Cheat, fine and coarse, 126, 237 Chèque, Clerks of the, 1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, J8, 25, 30, 48, 49, 57, 58, 75 CSristnings, Royal and Noble, 167, 240 Churchings, Royal and Noble, 167» 240 Closet Keepers, 134, 147, 148, 149 Common Seijeant, 146 Communion, Queen Eliz. taking the, 150 Composers to the Chapel, 25, 26, 51 Confirmations, Royal and Noble, 167, 240 Consécration of Bishops, 120 Copes, 93, 255 Coronation of James I. 127 ------Charles I. 157 ------Charles II. 128 ------James II. 129 ------William and Mary, 130 CAMD. SOC. Deans of the Chapel, 126 Deaths of Gentlemen, 1 et seq. Decrees appertaining to Gentlemen, 62 Denmark House, 154, 238 Dismissals from the Chapel, 99 Divine Service, Orders for regulating, 81 Dress of Gentlemen, 78, 79, 82 Dutch Chapel, St. James’s 30, 54 Enfield Chase, 122, 123 Epistellers, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21,34,44 Exeter, 41 Feast, the Chapel, 122, 236 Forms and stools, orders for setting, 84 French Chapel, St James’s, 55 Funeral of James I. 154, 237 Gentlemen, appointments of, 1 et seq. ■ attendance of, 73 -------deaths of, 1 et seq. -------decrees appertaining to, 62 -------gifts to, 112 -------payments of, 55 et seq. -------reprimands of, 62 German Chapel, St. James’s, 31 Gifts, New Year’s, 121 Gispins, 93, 235 Gospellers, 1, 3, 7, 11, 20, 22, 23, 33, 34, 56 Greenwich, 14, 33, 34, 37, 38, 43, 63, 68, 75, 124, 136, 160, 170, 171, 177 Grooms of the Vestry, 130 Half-pace, 153, 237 Hampton Court, 35, 49, 64, 67, 70, 92, 103, 145, 163 League, the Spanish, 40, 151 Lichfield, 56 Lutanist of the Chapel, 28 2 K250 THE OLD CHEQUE BOOK OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL. Marriages, Royal and Noble, 160, 238 Mafylebone Park, 124 Masters of the Children, 1, 5, 15, 16, 25, 26, 28, 49, 97 Maundy Thursday, 112 Misdemeanors committed in the Cliapel, 77 New Year’s Gifts, 77 Oaths of Subdean, Gentlemen, &c., 106 Orders appertaining to Gentlemen, 62 Organ-blowers, 148 Organists of the Chapel, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25, 26, 31, 37, 51, 52, 72, 73, 83 Organs, 143 Pay, suits for increase of, 59, 233 Payments of Gentlemen, 55 et seq. Perfuming-pan, 93, 235 Pétitions, 99 Playing-weeks, 73 Prayers, forms of, 175, 241 Prick or mark, 137, 140, 141, 234 Privy Seals, 91 Reprimands, 62 Résignations, 99 Royal baptisms, 167 Royal ceremonies, 150 Rummer Tavern, 121 Saint George, the Feast of, 117 Saint James’s, 66, 87, 88 Saint Paul's Cathédral, 87, 89 Salsary, the, 126, 237 Serjeants of the Vestry, 130 et seq. Spanish League, the, 40, 151 Standards, 76, 84, 93, 234 Standing-house, 73, 234 Stepney, 33, 135, 136 Subdeans, 2, 5, 10, 16, 19, 29, 33, 50 Suits for increase of pay, 59, 233 Surplices, 85, 92 Traverse or screen, 152, 153, 237 Vestry, Grooms of the, 130 -------Serjeants of the, 130 et seq. -------Yeomen of the, 76, 130, et seq. Violists of the Chapel, 28, 53 Warrants, Royal, 91 Westminster, 98, 157, 160 Whitehall, 37, 44, 48, 49, 67, 79, 80, 81, 86, 96, 99, 104, 126, 139, 146, 154, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166 Windsor, 13, 17, 27, 36 Yeomen of the Vestry, 76,130, et seq. Westminster : Printed by J. B. NicqpLs and Sons, 25, Parliament Street.REPORT OF THE COTOCIL OF THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, READ AT THE GENERAL MEETING ON THE 2nd MAY 1871. The Council of the Camden Society elected on the 2nd May 1870 hâve to announce with deep regret the deaths during their year of office of two of their colleagues, Edward Foss, Esq. and the Yenerable Archdeacon Hale. Mr. Foss, whose Lives of the Judges will ever remain a lasting memo- rial of the patient research and judicious investigation which characterise the true student of history, was one of the earliest Members of the Camden Society; he had from time to time been frequently elected on the Council, where his excellent judgment, thorough business habits, and kindly disposition rendered his presence always as welcome to his col- leagues as his services were useful to the Society. Mr. Foss, who was in his 83rd year, died on the 27th of July, after a very short illness. Although the Camden Society had been in existence many years before the distinguished name of the late learned and venerable Archdeacon of London was enrolled on the List of its Members, few hâve contributed more than he to the crédit of the Society. Although his réputation as a scholar and one deeply versed in the history of his country generally— but more especially of that Church of which he was so eminent a Member, is founded upon others of his works, the two books which he edited for the Camden Society, The Domesday of St. PauVs, published in 1858, and The Registry of the Priory of St. Mary Worcester, published in 1866, must be regarded as two of the most valuable publications which the Camden Society hâve given to the world, and as monuments of the profound learning, critical acumen, and historical knowledge of their2 REPORT OP THE COUNCIL, 1871. lamented Editor. Archdeacon Haie, who was elected of the Council immediately on his joining the Society, was a diligent attendant at its meetings; and his death, which took place in his seventy-sixth year, on the 27th of November, was a loss to the Society which will not readily be supplied. In conveying to the families of their lamented colleagues the condolence of the Society, the Council felt assured they were only anticipating the wishes of the whole body of the members. Among the other deaths which the Council hâve to record as occurring during the présent year are those of two other well-known scholars who had frequently given the Camden Society the benefit of their advice and expérience on the Council, William Henry Blaauw, Esq., to whom, as one of the founders of the Sussex Archæological Society, ali students of antiquities are deeply indebted; and Bolton Corney, Esq., whose learning and ability hâve done so much to correct and illustrate the history of English literature. To these names the Council hâve to add those of B. W. Booth, Esq. William Clark, M.D. Rev. A. B. Clough. William F. De La Rue, Esq. Thomas Frewen, Esq. The Rev. William Harness. Thomas Hewitt, Esq. John Hodgson Hinde, Esq. Edmond Hopkinson, Esq. Edward Howes, Esq. M.P. The Lord Bishop of Manchester. John Parsons, Esq. Marlborough Pryor, Esq. E. P. Richards, Esq. E. W. Riddell, Esq. Edward Scholfield, Esq. Thomas Willement, Esq. F S.A.REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, 1871. 3 The following Books hâve been issued during the past year :— I. Notes of the Debates in the House of Lords, officially taken by H. Elsing, Clerk of the Parliament, a.d. 1621. Edited from the Original MS. in the posses- sion of Lieut.-Col. Carew, by Samuel Rawson Gardinbr, Director. For this important contribution to our general, and more particularly to our Parliamentary history, the Society is once more indebted to the kindness of Colonel Carew and the sagacity of the late Mr. Bruce, who detected its value when examining the manuscript at Crowcombe Court. II. The Camden Miscellany, Volume the Sixth, containing—1. Life of Mr. William Whittingham, Dean of Durham, with an Appendix of Original Documents. Edited by Mrs. M. A. Everett Green. 2. The Earl of Bristol’s Defence of his Négociation in Spain. Edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Esq., Director. 3. Journal of Sir Francis Walsingham, from Dec. 1570 to April 1583. Edited by Charles Trice Martin, Esq. B.A. Two of these Papers, namely, the Life of the Puritan Dean of Durham and BristoPs able defence of his conduct while Ambassador in Spain, hâve been published from the originals in the Bodleian Library and the Public Record Office. For the third the Society is again indebted to its late Director and the kindness of Colonel Carew. These will be very shortly followed by III. Letters and Papers of John Shillingford, Mayorof Exeter a.d. 1447—1450. Edited by Stuart A. Moore, Esq. The following works are in the press, and will form the publications for the year 1871-2 :— I. The Trevelyan Papers, Part III. Edited by Sir Walter C. Trevelyan, Bart. II. The Chèque Book of the Chapel Royal from the reign of Elizabeth to the Accession of the House of Hanover. To be edited by Dr. Rimbault. III. The Fortescue Papers, consisting ehiefly of letters relating to State Affairs, collected by John Packer, Secretary to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. During the past year the following Works hâve been added to the list of Suggested Publications :— I. The Mayor of Bristol’s Calendar, by Robert IIicart, Town Cleik, Bristol,4 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, 1871. temp. Edward IV. with a continuation subsequently added at various dates. To be edited by Miss Luc y Toulmin Smith. 2. The Life of Bishop Bedell, by his Son. From the Original MS. in tbe Bodleian Library. To be edited by T. Wharton Jones, Esq. 3. An Unpublished Letter of Gustavus Adolphus to Sir Patrick Spens, and a Memoir, apparently by Richelieu, on the course to be pursued towards the Hugue- nots in 1625. To be edited by S. Rawson Gardiner, Esq. Director. The laborious and important task of preparing a General Index to the first hundred volumes of the Society’s publications, which has been en- trusted to Mr. Henry Gough, has, notwithstanding the interruption to his labours, occasioned by a severe attack of illness during the past winter, made considérable and satisfactory progress. Fifty-one volumes hâve been indexed—nineteen more are in hand—-of which an amount equal to nine has been completed, leaving only thirty to be dealt with ; and his arrangements generally are so far advanced, that Mr. Gough hopes at no distant time to be able to report that the MS. is ready for the press. The Council refer with satisfaction to the Report of the Auditors for evidence as to the stability of the Society, notwithstanding the great decrease in the number of Members, owing to the many deaths of old and valued friends whose loss the Councils of the last few years hâve had to déploré. That a Society which was the first of its kind should, after an existence of three and thirty years, find itself called upon to invite public attention to the services which it has rendered to Historical Literature is not to be wondered at ; and, pointing to the goodly row of publications already issued by the Society, the Council appeal to ail who take an interest in the study of England’s history, the biography of England’s worthies, and in these the sources of England’s greatness, to add their names to the Society, and enable it to continue and extend its useful and honourable labours. SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER, Director. WILLIAM J. THOMS, Hon. Sec. 5th Avril 18/1.REPORT OF THE AUDITORS. We, the Auditors appointed to audit the Accounts of the Camden Society, report to the Society, that the Treasurer has exhibited to us an Account of the Receipts and Expenditure from the lst of April 1870 to the 31st of March 1871, and that we hâve examined the said accounts, with the vouchers relating thereto, and find the same to be correct and satisfactory. And we further report that the foliowing is an Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure during the period we hâve mentioned. Receipts. £ s. d. To Balanceoflastyear’saccount.. 53 7 8 Received on account of Members whose Subscriptions were in ar- rear at last Audit........... 59 0 0 The like on account of Subscriptions due on the lst of May, 1870.... 227 0 0 The like on account of Subscriptions due on the lst of May, 1871.... 13 0 0 One year’s dividend on £466 3 1 3 per Cent. Consols, standing in the names of the Trustées of the Society, deducting Income Tax.. 13 15 2 To Sale of the Publications of past years.......................... 32 9 6 To Sale of Promptorium Parvulorum (3 vols, in 1)................ 1 12 0 By Sale of £550 Consols at 94& .. 517 0 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Paid for printing 500 copies, Vol. 103, Lords’ Debates 42 14 6 Paid for binding 400 copies of ditto................. 14 8 0 Paid for binding 151 copies of Miscellaneous Vols.. 5 13 11 Paid for printing 500 copies Vol. 104, Camden Mis- cellany Vol. Vt.................................. 70 2 6 Paid for Paper..................................... 31 7 0 Paid for Miscellaneous Printing............... 611 0 Paid for delivery and transmission of Books, with paper for wrappers, warehousing expenses, &c. (in- cluding Insurance)............................ 20 15 0 Paid for Advertisements .............................. 7 2 0 Paid for Transcripts................................. 49 10 0 Paid Mr. H. Gough (further payment on account of General Index) .................................. 100 0 0 Paid for postages, collecting, country expenses, &c. .. 6 5 8 By Power for Sale of £550 Consols..................... 1 1 6 Law Expenses on ditto... ............................. 2 2 0 Charges on Scotch draft,. ............................ 0 0 4 £917 4 4 By Balance . 559 10 11 £917 4 4 And we, the Auditors, further state, that the Treasurer has reported to us, that over and above the présent balance of £559 10s. \\d. there are outstanding various subscriptions of Foreign Members, and of Members résident at a distance from London, which the Treasurer sees no reason to doubt will shortly be received. Hen. Hill. J. W. CüSENS. J. Walter K. Eyton. 30th April, 1870. ^ Auditors.