CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE Flower Veterinary LCibrary FOUNDED BY ROSWELL P. FLOWER for the use of the N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 : oe Date Due ; | Ss | ce paptebly Hd vee DD ia. ic wes ESTES Feter Smit del. et hth, : ec Mintern Bros, Chromo, A group of protectively coloured avimals. ANIMAL COLORATION AN ACCOUNT OF The Principal Facts and Theories RELATING TO THE COLOURS AND MARKINGS OF ANIMALS BY FRANK E. BEDDARD, M.A. Oxon., F.R.S.E., Ere. Prosector to the Zoological Society of London, Lecturer on Biology at Guy's Hospital With FKowr Coloured Plates; and Wloodeuts in the Test LONDON: SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. NEW YORK: MACMILLAN & CO. 1892, Fife ioe We A Sh. BO, | \ey So Whe: |esod¢ 747 FS? Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld, London and Aylesbury. PREFACE. —- &— THe present volume has grown out of materials which I had collected for the ‘“ Davis Lectures,” delivered by me in the Zoological Society’s Gardens during the spring of Iso. This book is addressed, as were the lectures, to persons having no special knowledge of zoology, but that general interest in the facts and problems of the science, which is now so widely spread. It contains hardly anything novel, but professes to give some account of the principal phenomena of coloration exhibited by animals. Some of the facts and theories, however, have not, so far as I am aware, as yet found their way into works of a popular character; I refer particularly to the ingenious theories of Dr. EHisig and M. Stolzmanu. Inasmuch as Mr. Poulton’s work upon the Colours of Animals, recently published as one of the volumes of the ‘International Neientific Series,” and Mr. Wallace’s sketeh of coloration in his ‘ Darwinism,” deal with colour wlmost entirely from the point of view of natural selection, I have attempted to lay some stress upon other aspects of the question. The literature relating to animal coloration is cnormous ; xo much so that it is really beyond the powers of any person who cannot give up lis whole time to abstract it thoroughly. To write an exhaustive work upon Animal Coloration requires a sort of naturalist that now hardly can exist—a specialist in every group. However, all that I have lv PREFACE. aimed at is to furnish a general notion of the facts and theories relating to Animal Coloration, and I trust that nothing of great importance has been omitted. Many of my examples have been selected from animals that may be usually seen in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. I have not used insects so much as has Mr. Poulton ; this is not in the least because I do not regard them as furnishing such good material for the exposition of the phenomena and theories of colour ; it is simply because Mr. Poulton’s book is, or ought to be, in the hands of every one interested in the subject; and acting on this supposition I have thought it advisable to draw more largely upon other groups. Nevertheless it is impossible not to devote a good deal of space to insects. The theory of Mimicry, for instance, is almost entirely supported by evidence furnished from that group. I am much indebted to Mr. Bateson for numerous references tv papers bearing upon the subject of animal coloration, and to Prof. Flower for kindly permitting me to have drawings made of some of the beautiful preparations, illustrating animal coloration, which he had caused to he prepared for the national museum at South Kensington. Other assistance I shall acknowledge in the course of the following pages. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. The Colours of Animals.— Colours caused by Absorption of Light due to the Presence of Pigments.—Colours associated with Substances of Physio- logical Importance to the Animal.—Hamoglobin.—Chlorophyll.— Other Pigments of Physiological Importance.—The Coloration of Animals.—Vlan of Coloration not always Useful to the Animal.— Constancy of Coloration.—The Action of Natural Selection in pro- ducing Colour Vhanges must be strictly Limited.—Comparative Con- stancy of Colour in Genera and Species.—The same Plan of Coloration often found in Distantly-related Animals.—Relation between Colora- tion and Structure——Changes of Colour during Lifetime.—Absence of Brilliant Coloration among Mammals.—The Colours of Deep-sea Animals.—Change of Colour after Death—Connection between In- tegumental] Piements and lixcretory Products. CHAPTER II. COLORATION AFFECTED BY THE ENVIRONMENY, Local Colour Varielies.—Geographical Distribution of Colour.-—Additional Justances of an Apparent Connection between Colour aud Locality.— Effects of Food upon Colour.—Hffects of Temperature and Moisture.— Lixamples of Mclanic Varieties found upon Islands.—Further Examples of Effects of Temperature and Moisture.—Influcnce of Light.—Absence of Colour in Animals which live in Darkness not always due to Absence of Light.—Colour sometimes Dependent upon Light.—Bright Colours in Subterranean Animals.— Influence of Light upon Colours of Flat-fish.— Absence of Colour in Cave Animals.—Seasonal Change in Colour.— Seasonal Change in Orthoptera.—Seasunal Change in a Bectie.—Change of Colour in Arctic Animals.—Seasonal Dimorphism vl CONTENTS. CHAPTER IL. PROTECTIVE COLORATION, Special Colour Resemblances.—Protection afforded by Resemblances of this kind chiefly efficacious against Vertebrate Enemies.—Some Evidence showing that Caterpillars are concealed by Protective Coloration from Enemies.—Protective Coloration of the Iguana.—Protective Colora- tion occasionally appears to be Superfluous.—Protective Resemblance in an Annelid.---Protective Coloration the prevailing device among Leaf-feeding Caterpillars Protective Coloration in Man.—Green Colour of the Moth.—Longitudinal Striping of Caterpillars.—Longi- tudinal Striping found in all the species of the Butterfly Family Satyride.—These Larve usually feed by Night and often conceal themselves by Day.—Internal-feeding Larvz sometimes Striped.— Striping sometimes occurs in Certain Species Only of a Genera,.— Striped Larve do not always feed on or among Grasses.— Occasional Absence of Coloration in Internal-feeding Caterpillars—-The Resem- blance of the Larve of Geometers to Twigs.—Comparative Rarity of Green Trec-frequenting Animals an Argument in favour of Selection.— Deceptively-coloured African Mantis.—Protective Coloration in Spiders. —Do Animals select Resting-places which are in Harmony with their Colour /—Indifferent Colours.—Certain apparently Protectively Coloured Animals probably do not owe their Coloration to Natural Selection.—Specific Characters retained even in Insects which imi- tate the same Environment.—Protection often due to Multiplicity of Surroundings——Colours of Pelagic Organisms.—Protective Resem- blances due to Causes other than Natural Selection.—Combination of Many Methods of Defence.—Dimorphism in Coloration.—Variable Protective Resemblances in Chrysalids.— Variable Protective Coloration in Vertebrates. CHAPTER Iv. WARNING COLORALTON. The Magpie-moth Caterpillar as an Instance of Warning Colours.—Karlier Experiments with Warningly-coloured Insects.—Some Experiments upon the Palatability of Various Animals.— Warning Colours can only be safely adopted by a comparatively Small Number of Animals.— Objections to the Current Theory of Warning Coloration.—The Wings of some Inedible Butterflies resist Injury.—Dr. Fisig’s Theory of Warning Colours.—Connection between Integumental Pigment and Excretory Products.—Warning Colours of N udibranchs.— Warnine Coloration in Wasps.—Dr. Hisig’s View not universally applicable.— The Warning Coloration of the Skunk.—Warning Coloration in Other Mammals.— Warning Coloration in Reptiles.—Warning Coloration in Amphibia.—Bright Colours not always used as a Warning.—Instance of Alluring Coloration ina Lizard.-—Other Examples of Alluring Colours. —Bright Colours and Large Size of the Fins in certain Fish may haye w Protective Value. 83 lls CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER V. PROTECTIVE MIMICRY. Mr. Bates’ Theory.—-Mimicry often found only in Females.—Are the Danaidz strongly scented, like the Heliconidw ?—Distastefulness sometimes limited to a Few Individuals.—Resistent Structure of the Wings in Danaids an Additional Defence.—Mimicry between Pro- tected Forms.—Mimicry between Insects belonging to Different Orders.—A Protected Insect sometimes Mimicked by more than one Species.—Mimicry of Vertebrates by Insects and of Insects by Vertebrates.—Mr. Wallace’s statement of the Conditions under which Protective Mimicry occurs.—Objections to the Theory of Mimicry.— Resemblances among more or less remotely allied Animals which perhaps cannot be put down to Mimicry.—Instances of Developing Mimicry in Butterflies —Butterflies more attacked by Birds in the Tropics than in Temperate Regions.—Spiders mimicking Ants.— Difficulty of distinguishing between Mimicry and Warning Colora- tion.—Resemblances hetween Insects occurring in Different Countries. —Mimicry possibly originated between forms much alike to start with.—Cases of apparently Useless Mimicry.—Mimicry of Hymeno- ptera by Volucella is Difficult to account for.—Vision of Tnsects.— Cases of Mimicry in which the Mimicking Form is equally abundant with the Model.—Criticism of an apparent case of Mimicry.— Mimicry in some cases possibly only a Resemblance due to Affinity. —Mimicry among Mammals.—Mimicry among Birds.——Mimicry may be in certain cases even Disadvantageous.—Mimicry not always De- ceptive.—The Occasional Limitation of Mimicry to the Female Insect. —Mimicry between Unprotected Forms.—Relative Unimportance of the Imago Stage in Rutterflies.—Summary, : ‘ . 198 CHAPTER VI. SEXUAL COLORATION. Sexual Dimorphism in Colour,—Sexual Dimorphism of Colour most marked in Birds and Butterflies. Slight Development of Colour Dimorphism in Mammals.—Dependence of Sexual Dimorphism from the Generat- ing Laws.—The Theory of Sexual Selection.—-Difficulty of Believing in a highly-developed Aisthetic Sense.— A‘sthetic Sense of Butterflies.— Objections to the Theory of Sexual Selection.—Excitability at Breed- ing Scason of Animals among which there is no Pairing.—Some arguments in favour of Sexual Selection.—The Courtship of Spiders, - Sexual Dimorphism partly due to a Need for Protection on the part of the Female.--Mr, Stoltzmann’s Views.—Mr. Wallace’s Views. Summary GUNERAL INDEX . is i : ‘ 2 ‘ 7 »~ BRA INDUX OF AUTHOR'S NAMES, : ‘ i j « DST LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Eig ee PLATES. PLATE I.—A Group of Protectively Coloured Animals To face page 108 » IL—Kallima butterfly ‘ és * : 139 , IfL—Group of Animals Exhibiting Warning Colours 150 , IV.—Volucellz and Bees ‘ 225 WOODCODUTS. FIG. : PAGE | FIG. PAGE 1, Arctic Fox 74 | 18. Swallowtail Butterfly and 2. Ermine . 75 Larva lv 3. Orange Tip s7 | 19. (Fig. 10 repeated) 2 1T5 4, Lappet Moth . 88 7 20. Coral Snake 181 5, Sloth 96 | 21. Salamander 184 6. Delphinus delphis . 115 | 22. Fishing Frog . 189 7. Aptenodytes patagonica 116 | 23. Flying Gurnard . + DY 8. Phronima sedentaria 124 | 24. Leptalis and Ithomia 194 9, Mysis . ji 5 ; 125 | 25. Hornet Clearwing . 203 10, Eolis and Dendronotus . 128 | 25, Cladohates 236 11. Puss Moth and Caterpillar . 134 | 27. Bee Hawk Moth 245 12. Chameleons 142 | 28. Female and Larvae of Psyche. 254 13. The Horned Toad (Phryno- 29. Bird of Paradise 257 soma) 144 | 30. Humming Bird 258 14, Tree Frogs r . 145 | 31. Argus Pheasant 2s 15. Buff Tip Moth and Cater- 32. Cincinnurus regius 250 pillar 151 33, Night-Jar 270 16. Leopard Moth 158 | 34. Winter Moth . 271 17. Vapourer Moth: male, female, 35. Winter Moth, Maleand Female 271 and larva 160 | 86, Gypsy Moth , , 272 4 ANIMAL COLORATION. ———>—_ CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY.—THE PRINCIPAL FACTS OF ANIMAL COLORATION. ° We must clearly distinguish at the outset between ‘ Colour’ and “ Coloration” : the two terms are frequently confused, but they are obviously by no means synonymous. By colours we understand the actual tints (blue, green, red, etc.) which are found in animals ; by coloration, the arrangement or pattern of these tints. In certain cases the two expressions colour and coloration may be practically synonymous, may coincide : in a perfectly green caterpillar it is only necessary to mention the colour ; but in the vast majority of cases the colours are more than one, and have therefore a certain arrangement : there is thus a coloration. The Colours of Animals. The colours of animals are due either solely to the presence of definite pigments in the skin, or, in the case of trans- parent animals to pigment in the tissues lying beneath the skin; or they are partly caused by optical effects due to the scattering, diffraction or unequal refraction of the light rays. Colours of the latter kind are often spoken of as, structural colours ; they are caused by the structure of the coloured 1 2 ANIMAL COLORATION. surfaces. The metallic lustre of the feathers of many birds, such as the humming birds, is due to the presence of excessively fine striee upon the surface of the feathers. Dr. Gadow has recently gone into the question of the colours of birds’ feathers as determined by their structure in great detail,” and to his paper the reader is referred; in every case the colour needs for its display a background of dark pigment ; that this is so is shown very well in the case of the albino forms of many birds: the structure of the feathers is perfectly normal, but the pigment needed as a background to show up the effect of the feather structure is wanting. Colours caused by Absorption of Light due to the Presence of Pigments. By far the commonest source of colour in invertebrate animals is the presence in the skin of definite pigments which absorb all the rays of light except those of a particular wave- length, thus giving the effect of a particular colour. Pigments are found also in the hair and skin of mammals, in the feathers of birds, and in the horny integument of reptiles. A great variety of pigments have been approximately isolated and their chemical nature studied ; but it would be beyond the scope of the present work to attempt any general account of animal pigments. Those interested in the subject may refer to Krii- kenberg’s “ Vergleichend physiologische Studien,” to papers by Dr. Sorby, Dr. Macmunn and others in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science and elsewhere. There are a few facts, however, which may be noticed here. The same colour even in allied forms is not always due to the presence of an identical pigment. Thus the brown colour of. * Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882. INTRODUCTORY. 3 birds is chiefly due not to one pigment, but to two apparently distinct pigments, which give different chemical reactions; to these two pigments their discoverer, Kriikenberg, has given the name of Zoorubin and Pseudozoorubin respectively. An inspection of the feathers would not enable one to tell with certainty which of the two substances was the cause of the colour ; but an extract of zoorubin can always be detected by its change to a beautiful cherry red on the addition of the minutest trace of blue sulphate of copper. The green colour of the feathers of the turacou is due to a pigment, turacoverdin, which is quite different from that which causes the green colour of the parrot.* Again, the crimson colour of the same bird is produced by a very different pigment from those which cause the crimson colour of any other birds the colouring-matter of whose feathers has been studied. This being the case, it is not surprising to find that animals only remotely allied are often coloured by quite different pig- ments, which yet produce the same effect. But on the other hand there are some pigments which have a very wide distribution among animals. Zoonerythrin, or tetronerythrin, as it has been also called, is found in both vertebrates and invertebrates. The blood of the common earthworm owes its red colour to hemoglobin, as does also the blood of all vertebrate animals, including man. Pigments may be even common to plants and animals: apart from chlorophyll (see p. 6), it has been stated that carotin (a vegetable pigment) is found in certain crustacea. Sometimes differently coloured animals have in reality the same skin pigments. The attention of the reader will be directed in a later chapter to the remarkable difference in colour between the males and females of certain parrots. In * The actual pigment here is yellow. 4 ANIMAL COLORATION. Eclectus polychlorus this sexual dimorphism is extremely marked. It would be an exceedingly anomalous fact if the same species of bird were to possess different pigments in the two sexes; and as a matter of fact it is not so in this parrot, different in colour though the two sexes are. The same pigments are present, but the structure of the feathers is different, and thus the resulting colour as seen by the eye is different. Different colours may be also produced by a variation in the amount of the pigment present: the colours are darker if a great deal of pigment is present ; and if there is but little, the colour of the internal organs may show through the comparatively transparent skin, and by their admixture with the proper pigment of the skin produce a totally different effect. The varying colours of many earthworms, leeches, and other invertebrates, are instances of this. It is commonly said that there is no white pigment in animals : this statement appears to be erroneous. Mr. Gaskell finds that the pineal eye of the lamprey has white pigment. This is also the case with the butterfly Arge galathea. The white patches on the wings of this insect* turn yellow when ammonia is applied to them; as the ammonia evaporates the normal white colour gradually returns. With fixed alkalies such as sodium hydrate the primrose yellow colour was permanent, but the white could be restored by means of acids. Pigment is present in other organs of the body besides the skin: in the blood, for example, of red-(vertebrates, many worms) and green- (certain worms—e.g. Sadelia) blooded animals, and in the liver. The colour of an animal is sometimes entirely due to these internal pigments seen through the transparent and colourless skin (¢.g., pelagic ascidians, very small worms). * Nature, 1884, vol. xxx., p. 571. INTRODUCTORY. > Many of these pigments appear to have no special use in the animal economy, except in so far as they may be utilised in order to produce a protective resemblance to the surroundings,. - and in other ways treated of in the succeeding chapters. They are often merely waste products which are temporarily stored up in the skin (see p. 126). On the other hand, there are certain coloured substances which have been proved to have a functional importance. Colours associated with Substances of Physiological Importance to the Animal. Some animals owe their colour to substances embedded in the skin, or existing in the tissues beneath, which play an important part in the processes of respiration, digestion, and in other physiological functions. The coloration of such animals may be advantageous or disadvantageous as a means of con- cealment ; if disadvantageous, we must assume that the direct advantages of the processes accompanying life which the coloured substances give outweigh the disadvantages in ren- dering the animal conspicuous, etc. If they happen to be advantageous in the latter way, it must be looked upon as a fortunate accident. The substances themselves which give the colour cannot probably be changed without destroying or altering their useful physiological purposes ; nor, in some cases at least, can they be concealed without rendering them useless for their particular purpose. Hemoglobin. For example, most rivers and lakes abound with minute worms of half an inch to two inches or so in length, which are frequently of a bright red colour. These worms belong to several genera of the Oligochceta—a group which also includes the common earthworm. 6 ANIMAL COLORATION,. A particularly abundant form is Tudbifex rivulorum, which lives associated in great numbers and partially embedded in mud at the bottom of streams, etc. ; the head end is fixed in the mud, while the tail waves about freely in the water ; these worms form exceedingly conspicuous red patches, which must attract ground-feeding fish. The colour is due to a substance termed hemoglobin dissolved in the blood; this substance is also found in the blood of the higher animals, and it plays the chief part in respiration ; it is able to absorb from the air, and readily give up to the tissues, oxygen. A thickening of the body walls of the worm, or an extensive deposition of pigment, would no doubt render them less visible, but would probably at the same time interfere with the efficacy of the respiratory processes. This substance hemoglobin is a very widely spread respira- tory pigment, but it is not of much importance as giving a colour to the animal except in the group of the Annelids. Chlorophyll. Another pigment which is of physiological import is chloro- phyll. The colour of all green plants is due to this substance, which is found in the cells of the more superficial tissues. The importance of chlorophyll to the plant is enormous. The actual physiological processes which occur are not yet thoroughly understood, but the result is that in some way or other the living matter—the protoplasm—of the plant is able with the help of the green colouring-matter to split up the carbonic acid of the air into its constituent elements, carbon and oxygen. The carbon combines with the water in the plant to form starch. This process can only go on in the presence of sunlight : if some fragments of a plant that has been exposed to the sun for some time be teazed up with needles, and stained with a INTRODUCTORY. 7 solution of iodine, the blue colour of the starch, which com- bines with the iodine, can be seen under the microscope. The plant thus gets a large proportion of its food by the help of this green chlorophyll. It is a fact of very great interest that chlorophyll also occurs in animals : it is a proof of the fundamental identity between animals and plants ; the living matter or protoplasm of both is capable of manufacturing an identical product. As might be expected, chlorophyll in animals performs a perfectly similar function to that which it performs in plants ; this is particularly the case with certain lowly organised worms in which it occurs. There is a small worm belonging to the Turbellaria, which is entirely without an alimentary canal ; it has neither mouth nor stomach. This creature—Convoluta Schultzei—lives in sandy pools left by the sea, associated together in masses, which freely expose themselves to the sunlight. Professor Geddes found some years ago that they give off, when thus exposed, bubbles of oxygen gas, which is of course an indication that the vreen substance is chlorophyll. Other Pigments of Physiological Importance. Certain sponges are coloured by a substance which was originally described by Wurm under the name of Tetronery- thrin.* This orange red colouring-matter is widely spread in the animal kingdom ; it occurs, for instance, in two groups so widely separated as birds and sponges ; it is very common in sponges, and is believed by Kriikenberg capable of absorbing oxygen and converting it into ozone ; hence it is clearly of great importance as a respiratory pigment, and is analogous in a way to chlorophyll, or perhaps rather to hemoglobin. Like chlorophyll, it is very susceptible to light. « It was afterwards redescribed as Zoonerythrin. 8 ANIMAL COLORATION. Another pigment, which seems to be of equal importance to hemoglobin, is chlorocruorin, found in certain green marine Annelids ; it colours their blood, and performs the office of an oxygen carrier. : It is very possible that the brightly coloured oil globules which are found in the epidermis of certain Turbellarian worms, and in the small fresh-water annelid Zolosoma, play a part analogous to that of chlorophyll or tetronerythrin. The Coloration of Animals. It is important, as has already been said, to distinguish ? between “Colour” and “ Coloration "—that is to say, between the actual tints and their arrangement and distribution. It is no doubt the fact, as Mr. Wallace states, that colour is “a normal product of organisation,” entirely independent of utility; on the other hand, it will be pointed out in the following pages that there is a good deal of evidence to show that “ coloration ” bears often a distinct relation to the needs of the animal ; it may therefore have been modified by natural selection. One example will suffice to render this matter clearer: the common Peacock butterfly has wings adorned with the most varied and beautiful colours, with which are associated duller browns and black; if these different tints were scattered generally over the surface of the wings, the insect would be conspicuous to its enemies at all times,—the coloration might, if it were palatable to birds, render its extinction a matter of a very short time. But in the actual butterfly the most brilliant colours are concentrated upon the upper surface of the wings, and particularly to form four eyelike markings, one at the corner of each wing; the under surface is entirely mottled with dull shades; accordingly, when the insect is at rest and therefore more accessible to its foes, the inconspicuous underside is alone ‘ INTRODUCTORY. 9 visible; while when flying about in the sunshine and tolerably free from molestation, as it is strong on the wing, the brilliant colours do no great harm ; or possibly, as has been suggested, the highly conspicuous marks upon the corners of the wings attract the attention of birds to a part which may be injured without doing the butterfly much harm. It is supposed, therefore, that in cases of this kind there has been a gradual elimination of colour varieties less in harmony than others with the peculiar needs of the insect. Plan of Coloration not always Useful to the Animal. Any one who has some knowledge of natural history will at once remark that coloration is apparently not always in harmony with the mode of life of the animal; not only are colours and coloration which have no use that can be detected present, but the general plan of coloration is occasionally absolutely dangerous; so it at least seems. Mr. Romanes has pointed out that the different patterns on the breasts of woodpeckers can have no function; for these birds when in their natural haunts do not show the spotted under surface. The highly conspicuous larve of one of our rarer Hawk moths (Deilephila galii) must fall an easy prey to creatures that feed upon them, for it has been proved experimentally that they are not, as gaudily-coloured insects often are, distasteful to insect-eating animals; their colours cannot therefore have been acquired “as an advertisement of their inedibility.” The advocates of the theory of natural selection as applied to coloration are apt to explain cases of this kind by falling back upon our ignorance of so much of natural history: they main- tain that, were we better acquainted with the life and habits of those creatures, some explanation would be forthcoming ; 10 ANIMAL COLORATION,. there is, of course, no gainsaying such an argument. But many instances of coloration are not believed by any one to be > remarks adaptive; “there can be no question of adaptation,’ Mr. Wallace, “ in the brilliant colours of red snow and other low algee and fungi, or even in the universal mantle of green which clothes so large a portion of the earth’s surface.” * Mr. Wallace goes on to remark that “it is the wonderful individuality of the colours of animals and plants that attracts our attention —the fact that the colours are localised in definite patterns sometimes in accordance with structural characters, sometimes altogether independent of them, while often differing in the most striking and fantastic manner in allied species. We are thus compelled to look upon colour not merely as a physical but also as a biological characteristic, which has been differentiated and specialised by natural selection, and must therefore find its explanation in the principle of adaptation or utility.” There are some cases of internal coloration which show precisely the same individuality, and would, were they external, be put down as colour modifications requiring some explanation on the principle of utility. The body cavity of some lizards is deep black; the pig- mentation does not affect the entire lining of the body cavity, but only a part of it which is sharply differentiated from the rest ; the palate of the orang-outan is black, that of the chimpanzee, flesh-coloured, with no pigment at all. It is exactly these specific or generic differences in coloration which are sought to be explained by natural selection ; though it is clear that in these instances no such explanation is possible. It would not be, therefore, unreasonable to say that many forms of external colour modifications may possibly be also without any such explanation. It is at least too much to assume that * © Darwinism,” p. 189. INTRODUCTORY. 11 they must have some explanation, which may not have been forthcoming. A flagrant instance of non-adaptive coloration is the green tint of the bones in the fishes Belone, Protopterus and Lepidosiren, in the amphibian Pseudis and in a lizard. This green colour is due to the presence of vivianite. These apparent anomalies can, however, be regarded from another point of view: it cannot be too often or too strongly urged that we are living now among changes in the organic (and inorganic) world just as marked as they were formerly; perhaps even more marked, for the number of species’ must be greater now than in the very early periods of the world’s history; hence competition is keener. It is therefore not surprising to find, among forms that appear to be “in harmony with the environment,” others that have not been able to move with the times, or that are actually in process of moving. Constancy of Coloration. It has been urged that the constancy of animal colour indicates utility; domestic animals, it is said, are subject to great variability, which is vot seen in their wild relatives; the reason for this is supposed to be the elimination of such varieties among the wild animals. They occur in them just as much as in the domesticated forms, but these varying indi- viduals do not reach maturity, since they are not so suited to cope with the conditions of their natural existence. There are, however, a number of facts that must be considered in relation to this question. Firstly, most of our domestic animals have been domesticated for a long time; so long is this time that in many cases their origin is lost in the obscurity of the past. Who can say, for example, when the dog was first 12 ANIMAL COLORATION. domesticated, and what was the original stock, or probably stocks, from which an infinite variety of dogs have been bred and selected? During this period they have been subjected to every variety of treatment, have been fed with all kinds of food, and have been repeatedly crossed with other breeds. These facts alone give an opportunity for variation such as is not possessed by most wild animals. Secondly, variations in colour do of course occur among animals under natural con- ditions; the pages of our entomological journals constantly contain records of “varieties”; any one who will take the trouble to consult the beautiful plates illustrating Mr. Buckler’s “ History of British Lepidopterous Larve,” now being published by the Ray Society, will find that in several of them (e.g. Lophopteryx cvmelina—four varieties figured) the colour is by no means constant. The Ruff is, of course, the classical instance ; it is said that no two specimens of this bird are alike. One of the plates illustrating Dr. McCook’s work * upon “ American Orb-weaving Spiders ” is devoted to the illustration of eight or nine colour varieties of the female of petra trifolium. In fact, if colouring were really constant for a given species, there would be no chance for natural selection. Supposing that a marked variety occurs in a wild species, there is, first of all, a considerable chance against its reach- ing maturity; secondly, there is a considerable chance against its finding a mate ; thirdly, the hereditary influences on both sides are against the perpetuation of the variety. These appear to be more potent causes of the comparative fixity of colours in wild animals than the unfitness of the varieties to live. In domestic animals the two first difficulties are removed. * Vol. ii., Pl. I. INTRODUCTORY. 13 Occasionally, a fortunate concurrence of circumstances must have removed the difficulties in the case of wild animals. It is recorded in the “ Proceedings” of the Zoological Society for 1860 (p. 206), that nine albino moles were captured in a field near Beckenham, in Kent. These may have been, it is suggested, the offspring of one pair ; but more probably this was not the case, since moles usually produce only four or five young ones. Here, be it observed, the white moles were in a position to find a mate, and therefore the colour was handed on to their progeny. In the Zoologist * Mr. Stevenson recorded that a pair of albino night-jars were shot in the year 1856. The night- jar is a very invariable bird, and so the fact is of interest, if only as a record of variation. Moreover, white is a particularly unfavourable variation in a crepuscular bird, coloured, as the night-jar is, with hues entirely suitable to the dusky sur- roundings of late evening. The isolated occurrence of even a pair is not by itself, perhaps, a very remarkable fact as bearing upon the question at hand; what is more remarkable and important is the fact that an adult bird, also albino, was shot near the same place in 1858,f and another in 1859; this suggests a case of heredity of a variation most unfavourable to the well-being of the species. In the same Journal + the existence of sixteen or eighteen yellow rabbits in several adjacent warrens is recorded. This is clearly a very large number of individuals of an unfavourable variation. They disappeared, however, after the winter. It would be of great importance to collect statistics of variation occurring in nature ; but it is unnecessary to point, out the great difficulties that would attend this line of investi- gation. * xiv.,tp. 5278. Tt p. 6779. } p. 6560. 14 ANIMAL COLORATION. The Action of Natural Selection in producing Colour Changes must. be strictly Limited. Although it is reasonable to suppose that the elimination of unfit varieties may in some cases have led to the perfecting of say a colour resemblance between the underside of a butter- fly’s wing and a decaying leaf, calculated to deceive its enemies, such action must be limited in various ways. The material with which natural selection has to work is often very restricted. One kind of modification may be possible in one group which is quite impossible in another. Certain genera of “* Whites,” such as Leptalis, are believed to owe their striking resemblance to certain species of another family of butterflies—the Heliconide—to a need for protection : the Heliconide are distasteful to insect-eating birds, monkeys, and other animals ; in consequence, they enjoy an immunity from the attacks of these animals. This immunity is apparently shared by Leptal/s on account of its being mistaken for a Heliconid. It has the same shaped wings and the same pattern of coloration. Now, this shape and pattern are unusual among the “ Whites,” but it must be remembered that the actual colours are present: yellow, white, black and red are found among members of the family Pieride which bear no resemblance to the Heliconide ; the shape of the wings, too, which is so characteristic of the Heliconide is met with in at least one white butterfly—the Wood White. It is, therefore, not so remarkable to find the striking resemblance that exists between certain Pieride and certain Heliconide : the impression that is given by some books dealing with such subjects is that the mimicking Pierids have, so to speak, gone a very long way out of their road in assuming the livery of the Heliconide. A mimicry between one of the “Blues” and a INTRODUCTORY. 15 Heliconid would, for instance, not appear to be possible.. Similarly, we find among the Vanesside (“Red Admiral,” ‘ Tortoiseshell,” etc.) a very general dusky coloration of the underwings, which often bears a very perfect resemblance to a withered leaf, and, being thus probably advantageous to the insect, may have been produced by the survival of the best suited varieties; but among those Vanessidee where such aresemblance is not by any means perfect—e.g., the Painted Lady—there is still the same confused mottling, which might, with but a little change, be improved in the required direction. There is, so far as I am aware, no case known of a Vanessa with leaf-green underwings, such as are occasionally met with in butterflies that frequent trees. This plan of colour would probably be equally advantageous to a Vunessa, for green leaves often sprout out low down on the trunks of trees. There is here apparently, if not an impossibility of modification, at least a tendency for progression along the line of least resistance. Comparative Constancy of Colour in Genera and Families. The fact is that not only is coloration, with a few exceptions, constant for a given species, but it is also, with, of course, a wider range of variation, constant to genera and to families. There are exceptions, as there are among species ; but some of these exceptions are often correlated with anatomical differences which indicate that the supposed genus or family should be divided. For instance. the “laughing jackass” of Australia differs much from other kingfishers in colour ; and so do the rest among themselves ; but this family of birds presents a considerable variety of anatomical structure which argues a wider separation between some of the species than has been vet allowed by systematic Ornithologists. We find green to be a very. common colour among Parrots, Touracous, , and. 16 ANIMAL COLORATION. other tree-frequenting birds, but this colour does not occar in plenty of other genera and families which equally live among trees. Green appears to be an impossible colour among rodents and marsupials, and, indeed, among mammals in general, to which rule the “green” Cercopithecus and the sloth* are hardly exceptions. The Echinoderms as a group are distinguished by shades of a brown or red to a purple coloration ; but the wide distribution of certain colours is, perhaps, most strikingly shown in the Mammalia. Among butterflies we meet with the same thing. The Lycenide (“Blues”) are generally, as their name denotes, blue ; but they are also characterised by the eye-spots on the under surface of the wings. The mottling of the underwings of the Vanesside is another example ; so, also, is the “ silver- of the underwings of the fritillaries, and the tawny ing”? coloration of the upper surface. Besides, constancy of colour occurs among animals where it can hardly be of much use. It would be difficult to say in what way one species of earthworm is profited by having a bluish purple coloration, another in having a decidedly greenish tinge, and a third in being bright red. And yet it is perfectly possible to distinguish species by their coloration, as any one who takes a walk after a rainy night may see for himself. The earthworm has enemies above ground as well as below: the colours could obviously not be seen below ground ; and it has yet to be proved that the rook, as he follows the plough, exercises a deliberate choice in the colour of the worms which are selected as food. Moreover, the same colours are met with in earthworms inhabiting different parts of the world, and as unlike in structure as they can be ; this would * See, for the real cause of the green colour of the Sloth, p. 96. INTRODUCTORY. 17 be set down in the case of many animals to a similar need which has produced a similar effect. We can find, in fact, in this group, and for the matter of that in others, examples of most of the remarkable phenomena of coloration believed to owe their existence to natural selection, which yet cannot, at least so far as we can see, have that significance. The Same Plan of Coloration often found in Distantly Related Animals. Just as the same pigments may occur in animals that are not nearly related, so the same plan of coloration distinguishes animals that are occasionally quite distantly placed in the scheme of classification. Green butterflies, moths, beetles, birds, lizards and frogs are numerous ; the transverse stripes of the tiger are seen in the zebras and in the marsupial wolf Thylacinus ; a spotted coat distinguishes a considerable number of mammals belonging to different orders. The raven, the American Ani, the Molothrus, agree in having a uniform black covering of feathers ; the colours and patterns upon the wings of the butterflies belonging to the genus Leptalis are exactly repeated in butterflies of the genus Heliconius—a re- presentative of an entirely distinct family. Hye-like markings are found in caterpillars, moths, butterflies and shrimps. In fact, it is not too much to say that hardly any animal has a general plan of coloration which is distinctly its own, and is not even closely paralleled in some other animal or animals belonging to a different group. The reasons for these resem- blances will be discussed in the following chapters ; they may be roughly classified under three principal heads, which are however not trenchantly marked off from each other. Animals which resemble each other in having a uniform green colora- tion, such as the iguana, the tree frog, certain caterpillars and & ~ 18 ANIMAL COLORATION. moths, are for the most part tree frequenters. Their colour obviously assimilates to that of their surroundings ; they agree, therefore, in conforming to the same environment ; hence their similarity of colour, which is believed to be effective as a pro- tection from their enemies or as a means of allowing them to steal upon their prey unobserved. The patterns of coloration of other animals may have a similar meaning: the spots of the jaguar are believed to be suggestive of round patches of sunlight such as are admitted through a screen of leaves ; spotted deer may also perhaps be partially concealed by a similar impression being created. The transverse striping of the tiger is always said to enable the animal to shun observation among tall grasses ; the Thylacine may benefit by the same plan of coloration. This protectice coloration is widely spread among animals. The salamander, several species of British caterpillars, and the Heloderm lizard agree with each other in the startling contrast of their colours, which are black and yellow ; these animals, as well as many others which are conspicuously coloured, have been shown to possess some disagreeable quality, rendering them either unfit for food or dangerous to meddle with. It is believed that this warning coloration has been acquired in order to prevent any other animal making the mistake of attempting to kill and eat them. It is an advertise- ment—a highly coloured advertisement one may say—of their unsuitability as food. Finally, the particular and minute resemblances, often perfect down to the smallest detail, which animals belonging to quite different genera or families show for each other, are believed to be advantageous, in that one animal is mistaken for the other. In these cases a perfectly eatable and helpless insect mimics one that is nauseous or dangerous ; it is therefore let INTRODUCTORY. 19 alone by other animals, which have got to know either by painful personal experience or by hereditary experience that the insect. mimicked had better not be touched. This branch of the subject will be treated of at length in the chapter re- lating to “ Protective Mimicry.” The theory of Natural Selection is believed by most natural- ists to furnish the key to all these problems. ‘Among the numerous applications of the Darwinian theory,” remarks Mr. Wallace, “in the interpretation of the complex phenomena presented by the organic world, none have been more successful, or are more interesting, than those which deal with the colours of animals and plants.” Nevertheless, there are certain colour changes, which can be produced by the direct action of external conditions such as light, heat, cold, etc., and seem to be altogether independent of any selective process. It is very possible that colour is more largely atfected by such causes than has hitherto been ad- mitted. A few cases where these environmental effects appear to have come into play will be discussed in the next chapter. Relation between Coloration and Structure. Among segmented animals we constantly find that the pattern of coloration conforms to the segmentation. The oblique stripes on the caterpillars of certain hawk moths are repeated from segment to segment. Mr. Alfred Tylor* has attempted to show that in the Mammalia there is an analogous connection between deep-seated structures and superficial markings. In the zebra, for instance, a dark longitudinal stripe marks the whereabouts of the spinal column ; the striping on the flanks roughly corresponds with the ribs. : There is certainly evidence that coloration has some relation * “ Coloration in Animals and Plants,’ London, 1886. 20 ANIMAL COLORATION. to the distribution of the underlying nerves. Mr. Allen has stated* that the while marks on the head of the tiger correspond to the area of distribution of the infra-orbital nerves. The nerves terminate in or near the skin; and it is clear that there must be some connection between nerve supply and coloration, from the fact that in a hedgehog whose spines were white, the nerves in connection with the muscles for contraction of the skin were greatly diseased.t There are plenty of other pathological facts of a like nature. Changes of Colour during Lifetime. Many animals which are hatched from eggs deposited by the parent undergo a more or less elaborate series of changes before they acquire the adult form. The most familiar instances of this are the life histories of beetles, butterflies, and other insects in which the series of changes are most pronounced ; other insects, on the contrary, leave the egg in a condition which is not very dissimilar from that which they ultimately acquire. Many crustaceans, molluscs and other invertebrates are also liberated from the egg before acquiring their definitive structure and outward form. Among the Vertebrata the Amphibia constantly are hatched as “ tadpoles,” which possess only the rudiments of limbs, and have gills likea fish ; after a longer or shorter period under normal conditions, the gills disappear, limbs grow out, and the adult frog or newt is formed. Even among birds and mammals the young are occasionally produced in a somewhat imperfect condition ; though the differences between the newly-hatched bird and the new-born mammal from their parents are not nearly so great as in the case of the Amphibia. * Science, vol. ix., p. 36. t Zoolugist, vol. ix., p. 3022. INTRODUCTORY. 2] Where the metamorphosis is considerable, as for example among the Lepidoptera and Amphibia, the structural differ- ences are so great between the “ larva” and the “ imago” that they are not fitted to lead a precisely similar life. The food may be perfectly different: thus, the larvae: or caterpillars of Lepidoptera usually feed upon leaves, while the imago—the butterfly or moth—can only suck juices through its long proboscis. The tadpole of the common frog feeds upon decay- ing vegetable and animal matter, while the frog itself is insectivorous. Seeing that pigment has been proved in so many cases to be alterable by changes in the food, it is not surprising to find that as a rule the colours of larve are totally different from those of the adult form. There is no indication of the gorgeous coloration of the Peacock or Red Admiral butterfly in the dusky greenish larvie of these insects ; here, of course, the change of colour is related to active internal changes combined with a cessation from feeding. Indeed, other causes besides food may contribute to these differences of colour and coloration ; but it is sufficient for the present purpose to mention the fact that the differences exist. Curiously enough, the rule is not without exceptions. The common Magpie moth has a coloration which is very similar in both the larva condition and in the perfect state; even the chrysalis is not unlike the caterpillar: spots and blotches of black and yellow on a whitish ground characterise the moth and the caterpillar; the pupa is dark brown with yellowish rings. Some green moths—such as, for example, Halias quercana —have green larve. These cases are less striking than that afforded by the Magpie moth, since green is so common a colour in nature. But resemblances of the kind shown by the caterpillar and imago of the Magpie moth are so very rare 22 ANIMAL COLORATION. that they may be fairly set down to a coincidence having no particular meaning. While it is easily intelligible that different structure, different surroundings, and different food may produce differ- ences of colour between larvee and imagos, it is not so easy to understand the colour changes which take place during the caterpillar stage, or during the lifetime of an animal which is born in a condition practically identical with that of its parents. In some cases it may be plausibly urged that the progressive modifications in colour have a protective value ; but in other cases this kind of argument cannot be used. The leaf insect. (Phyllium) has, in the adult condition, a most extraordinary resemblance to a leaf; the colour is green, and the wing-cases are marked with lines which simulate the veins of the leaf ; some of the joints of the limbs are flattened and expanded. Mr. Andrew Murray relates* how an Indian species exhibited in the Botanical Gardens at Edinburgh deceived every person by its resemblance to the plant upon which it lived. The deception was ultimately the cause of its death ; for the visitors, sceptical as to its animal nature, insisted upon touching it before they would be convinced. This insect when it is hatched from the egg has, as have the Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers, cockroaches, etc.) generally, a form but little different from that which it finally gets ; but its colour is yellowish red, and not green. Directly it begins to feed, its colour speedily changes to a light green; this colour gets mixed with yellow later in the year, suggesting autumnal foliage, or at least a decaying leaf. The first change, from brown to green, looks very much as if the food were alone responsible, and as if it were caused by * “Notice of the Leaf-Inusect,” Edinb. New Phil. Journal, Jan. 1856. INTRODUCTORY. 23 the deposition in the tissues of the insect of but slightly altered chlorophyll. The brown colour of the young insect is probably suggestive of a withered leaf, so that the change of colour here is immaterial as far as concerns the protection of the insect ; brown or green might be supposed to be equally useful tints for a leaf-feeding and leaf-resembling insect. Many green caterpillars are of a faint green from the very first, and the eggs from which they are hatched are also green; this is the case with the Convolvulus and Privet Hawk moths ; but the green of the larva becomes intensified directly it begins to feed; the colour is largely due to the contents of the alimentary tract seen through the semi-transparent walls; but the blood also becomes rapidly green-coloured. The larve of most Sphingide pass through a very varied series of changes from the time when they first leave the egg to the time when they assume the chrysalis state. These colour-changes have been recently studied with great care by Mr. Poulton, especially with regard to the Convolvulus and Privet Hawk moths. The earliest complete observations upon the subject were, however, published by Weismann.* In this work, referred to in the foot-note, the reader will find an abundance of detail in addition to that selected for the present purpose. The caterpillar of the Large Elephant Hawk moth (Cherocampa elpenor) leaves the egg with a yellowish-white coloration, quite uniform, except for the caudal horn, which is black ; later on the skin, at first transparent, becomes green, the coloration being here, too, perfectly uniform, with the exception of the caudal horn, which retains its dark, black colour. After the first moult a fine white line on either side extended * “Studies in the Theory of Descent,” Eng. trans. by Prof. Meldola. 24 ANIMAL COLORATION. between the dorsal middle line and the spiracles, from the horn to the head ; while the horn developed a patch of red at the base. A little later a rndiment of the eye-spots appears as a slight curved indentation of the subdorsal white line on the fourth and fifth segments ; at this period a second white line connecting the spiracles is evident. After the second moult the concavities on the subdorsal line are filled in by a deposition of black pigment, the spiracular white line disappears, and the subdorsal line becomes indistinct. After the third moult the eye-spots become extremely con- spicuous, the general green coloration is no longer so uniform, bat darker green sinuous striations are shown upon a lighter ground. The fourth moult ushers in some important changes. The general colour has changed to dark brown, the striations being yellowish ; the subdorsal line only persists on the three front segments and on the eleventh ; the red at the base of the horn has entirely vanished, and that appendage has acquired a greenish colour. There are a series of stripes, first visible in the last stage, arranged obliquely on the spiracles. In the last stage the eye-spots of the fourth and fifth segments repeat themselves on the subsequent segment ; they are, however, merely black spots without the white and violet “ pupil” ; a pair of small, light-coloured dots also make their appearance on each of segments 5—11. The remains of the subdorsal line on the first three segments is very evident as a white line edged with black. We may thus distinguish a number of well-marked charac- teristics occurring at different periods of life. The young caterpillar is green, with no markings. In the next stage it is furnished with longitudinal stripes. Finally it becomes brown, and the longitudinal stripes have disappeared, except on the INTRODUCTORY. 24 first few segments, where one of them has given rise to eye- like markings ; a series of oblique stripes, quite unconnected with the longitudinal ones, have appeared. An important result of these observations, which were carried out with a large number of species of Hawk moths. is that the same markings are repeated in the same order in allied forms ; one stage or other may be omitted, but the oblique stripes never precede the longitudinal striping; nor does any caterpillar commence life with one of the later developed characters and recur to one of the earlier. Dr. Weismann considers that this series of stages, which is more complete in some forms than in others, is an indication of former influences that have been at work ; originally, for example, a longitudinal striping was advantageous to such caterpillars, perhaps for the reason, as it has been ingeniously suggested, that monocotyledonous plants were more abundant in former epochs of the earth’s history. The ribs on the leaves of these plants are arranged longitudinally, and therefore a caterpillar with a similar striping would be less conspicu- ous ; even now it is found that grass-feeding caterpillars are very generally longitudinally marked; for instance, those of such butterflies as the Meadow Browns and Gatekeeper. When these markings ceased to be useful, others more in accordance with the surroundings were developed; but a residue of the original coloration, only preserved in the earlier stages, is left to tell the history of the species ; this, at least, is the case as to some species ; others have, on the contrary. remained at a stage of coloration, which is, ex hypothes?, dis- advantageous. Dr. Weismann mentions a remarkable Sphinr larva preserved in the Berlin Museum, which appears to have remained of a uniform colour throughout the greater part of its life. Green was no doubt the earliest colour of these cater- 26 ANIMAL COLORATION. pillars, caused simply by the slightly altered pigment (chloro- phyll) derived from their food. Possibly the advent of birds, which are after all the chief foes of caterpillars, caused a necessity for some change of colour, to escape their keen sight. Dr. Weismann has pointed ont that green, although thoroughly protective as a colour to leaf-feeding caterpillars while they are small, is not so advantageous later: * the large size of the body alone would render them conspicuous ; but this is remedied by longitudinal or oblique striping, which breaks up the large surface into a number of small areas, and thus renders the insect less conspicuous. It may therefore be wondered why this particular caterpillar has still retained the primitive coloration ; it is as Weismann has said, “a living fossil.” It must always be remembered, however, that animal life is not stationary ; modification must be going on before our eyes ; and the very fact of the rarity of this caterpillar is so far an argument either that it is becoming extinct owing to its inadaptability, or that it is a variety of some form which has really become modified in the required direction. The fact that many Sphinx larvee just before pupation become brown-coloured is considered by Dr. Weismann to be an adaptation to a change in habit: they rest by day, and descend to the ground for concealment ; a green colour would be therefore not nearly so suitable as brown. But we have to consider the fact that such larvee are dimorphic ; some remain green, others turn brown. This, however, is not to be explained, as suggested by Mr. Poulton (p. 135), as a halving of the risks ; some caterpillars resembling leaves and * It will be noted that this suggestion applies with equal force to tree snakes, frogs, etc., which are usually brought forward as excellent examples of protective coloration (see p. 145) ; they are, of course, muck larger, and so the need for breaking up the surface is greater. INTRODUCTORY. 27 others stems or the bare surface of the earth ; it is simply a new and better adaptation which has not yet thoroughly esta- blished itself. The green caterpillars are to be looked upon as individuals of a class that will ultimately disappear owing to their retention of a less perfect form of adaptation. One difficulty in the way of this view of the origin of the marking of the Hawk moth caterpillars is that the markings are not always adaptive. With regard to the persistent reten- tion of the longitudinal striping in the Macroglossine (the Humming-bird Hawk moth, Bee Hawk moth, ete.), Dr. Weismann remarks that “it is not difficult to perceive how a whole group could have made shift with this low grade of marking [longitudinal striping] up to the present time. Colour and marking are not the only means of offence and defence possessed by these insects ; and it is just such simply- marked larvee as those of the Macroglossine which have the protective habit of feeding only at night, and of concealing themselves by day. Moreover, under certain conditions of life the longitudinal stripes may be a better means of protection, even for a Sphinx larva, than any other marking; and all those species in which this pattern is retained at the present time live either among grasses or on Conifera.” This last statement is not absolutely true, since Wacroglossa Juciformis feeds upon honeysuckle, which, though it may occasionally trail among grasses at the bottom of a hedgerow, also climbs to a considerable height. It has longitudinal stripes until an “advanced age.” So fur as the habit of night- Teeding is concerned, many of these larvie might have remained in the first stage: for it would not matter what their colour was. But it may be always said that we have here an indication of a former state of affairs; such an argument can no more be refuted than those of the believers in Special Creation. 28 ANIMAL COLORATION. On the whole, however, it is clear that there is a great deal to be said for many of the phenomena of progressive change in coloration being advantageous, and therefore conceivably due to the action of elimination of unfit varieties. Mr. Poulton has studied the life history of a caterpillar belonging to quite a different group of moths—the Geometre.* The adult larva of Selenia illunaria (one of the “ thorn moths”) has the usual twig-like appearance and coloration found in the group to which it belongs. When first hatched, the caterpillars are almost entirely black, with four transverse white stripes; these stripes gradually disappear, and the ground colour becomes browner. During the early stages the attitude, as figured by Mr. Poulton, would seem to render the caterpillar rather conspicuous ; the twig- like attitude assumed during later stages would probably be more advantageous in the earlier stages in spite of the colour. In fact, it is difficult to see any adaptation of colour and colora- tion in this first stage. It is still harder to detect any meaning of this kind in the colour changes of some birds and mammals. The Tapirs are forthe most part of a greyish-brown colour, which is uniformly distributed. The Indian species has, on the other hand, a good deal of white on the under parts. Now, the young Tapirs are invariably spotted with white spots on a brownish ground colour; the brown is decidedly different from that of the adult animal. In the same way the young of many Carnivora differ from their parents ; the young Lion is distinctly spotted, and traces of this are to be seen in the adult—particularly in the female; in relation to this fact it must be remembered that the female is less differentiated than the male. The young Pama is even more darkly spotted * Trans. Entomol. Svc., 1885, pp. 309 et seq. INTRODUCTORY. 29 than the lion whelp. The young of deer that are uniformly coloured when adult are also, in some species, distinctly spotted when young. On the theory that every colour change has a meaning in relation to the needs of the individual, it is not easy to see why animals that are of a uniform colour should commence life by being spotted. It has been suggested that the spots on the young—in the case of the Carnivora, at any rate—enable their parents to recognise them in the semi-obscurity of the caverns or dark places which they inhabit ; but it is not likely that an explanation of this kind can apply to all the cases mentioned. It might, however, with some reason, be urged that the defini- tive coloration is soon acquired ; and that in consequence the ex hypothesi) disadvantageous colours of the young would not have time to do their possessors much harm. But even this way out of the difficulty is barred in the case of Gulls. The bluish and white colour of many gulls is generally allowed to be of protective value ; in any case, they are not unlike their usual surroundings. For three years several of the- common species of gulls have a brownish speckled plumage, which is totally unlike that of the old bird; if one colour is advantageous, the other must be the reverse; and three years is either a considerable period, or not long enough. The fact of the matter is that the colours of the young in these cases are to be probably explained as a recapitula- tion of ancestral characters, as in the case of the cater- pillars investigated by Weismann. It is agreed among all Ornithologists, since Professor Huxley’s well-known paper upon the “ Classification of Birds,’* that the gulls are most nearly related to some of the Waders. Now, a brownish. * Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867. 30 ANIMAL COLORATION. speckled plumage is very common among these birds (e.g. Golden-Plover, Thick Knee, etc.), and might therefore be expected to occur in the nearly related group of the Gulls. In the same way many Carnivora are spotted ; hence it is not surprising to find a remembrance of this condition in those species which are self-coloured. Professor Eimer has lately published an elaborate memoir upon the markings of the Carnivora in which he maintains that there has been a gradual progression from longitudinal striping to spots, and that these have later united to form cross-bars, a uniform coloration being the last term in the series. This order is invariably maintained—a uniform coloration, for example, never preceding a _ longitudinal striping. Accordingly, though we find the young of the self- coloured Puma spotted, we do not find a uniform coloration in the young of any spotted or barred species. It must be mentioned, however, that this conclusion of Himer’s has been disputed by another zoologist, Dr. Haacke, who has found cross stripes in the young of a certain Australian fish, which is longitudinally striped when adult. The regularity in the development of the markings of the Carnivora corresponds to the regularity which Prof. Weismann found in the markings of his caterpillars ; and in both cases Prof. Himer sees a definite law of variation altogether independent of natural selection. Prof. Eimer does not quote in his “ Organic Evolution,” as he might have done, an interesting observation to which Mr. Wallace has referred on the authority of the late Mr. Alfred Tylor. It is that the cross stripes in the young of certain hogs are preceded by spots which actually do fuse together to form the cross-bars. ‘Still, these examples, like those described by Prof. Weis- INTRODUCTORY. 31 mann, are, many of them at any rate, capable of explanation on the theory that the markings of the young are a sur- vival of a form of coloration that was once useful, but has ceased to be so; but this explanation is obviously much strained if it be applied, for instance, to the gulls. Further- more, while it is quite intelligible that the remains of traces of longitudinal striping upon the very young, and therefore very small, Sphinx larvee could do no harm, it is not obvious that the persistence of analogous conditions in large mammals would be equally harmless ; it might have been expected, therefore, that the spots or stripes would have been entirely lost in the young. There, again, it must be of course borne in mind that evolution is not at a standstill; perhaps, if we knew it, there is an elimination of the spotted cubs of Carnivora going on. The whole matter, like the problems of animal coloration in general, presents us with an involved and complicated question, to which the answer is probably no more simple. Absence of Brilliant Coloration among Mammals. In view of the theories which have been advanced with regard to sexual selection, it is, as M. Stolzman has pointed out, a remarkable fact that brilliant colours are wanting in the Mammalia. To this rule there are no conspicuous exceptions ; the sternal callosities and naked patches about the face of monkeys are often red or blue, and some of the fruit bats have as bright a coloration as can be got from a contrast of black, orange, and white; but there is no mammal which can compare in point of brilliancy and variety of colour with even such a comparatively plain bird as the chaffinch. The colours of mammals are generally confined to dull shades of black, brown, orange, and white. Considering the supposed ad- 32 ANIMAL COLORATION. vantage of a green colour to tree-frequenting animals, it is not a little remarkable not to meet with green in some of the smaller arboreal mammals. The sloth, it is true, has greyish green hair, and there are monkeys in which the fur has a greenish tinge; but there is nothing like the leaf-green colour of the Iguana or Phyllornis. These facts show in a very striking way the limitations of the action of natural selection. The colours of the mammals are mainly due to the presence or to the absence of pigment in the hair; the hair is white when it contains air and no pigment, or very little pigment. There are apparently rarely structural peculiarities in hair which can, in conjunction with the contained pigment, give rise to brilliant colours. The Cape Golden mole (Chrysochloris) appears to be one of the few exceptions, and it is remarkable that this exception should be found in an animal which passes the greater part of its time underground. The Colours of Deep-Sea Animals. One of the most remarkable biological discoveries of the last thirty years is the proof that animals can live in the deep abysses of the ocean. The first actual demonstration of this truth appears to have been made so long ago as the year 1818, during the Arctic voyage of Sir John Ross ; from a depth of 800 to 1000 fathoms an Astrophyton was brought up on the sounding line; but little attention, however, was paid to the matter until the cruise of the Lightning and the Poreu- pine, in the years 1861-70. Since that date the memorable Challenger expedition, and numerous other expeditions fitted out by foreign governments, have resulted in the acquirement of a vast amount of knowledge about the inhabitants of the deep waters. Next in importance to the actual proof that animals, differing % INTRODUCTORY. 33: in no essential peculiarities from shore-haunting forms, can live at a depth of more than five miles, is the fact that brilliant coloration is so generally met with among them. This discovery obviously disposes of the old idea that colour always depends for its development upon sunlight. Experiments with sensitised photographic plates—a most delicate test— show that the sun’s rays can only penetrate for a few fathoms. It is, however, believed by some naturalists that some rays of light can reach even the greatest depths. Nevertheless there seems to be one objection to this view, and that is the fact that the sea-water contains too many opaque objects to permit of any such passage of rays. The surface fauna consist of creatures which are, for the most part, transparent or but faintly coloured, such as Medusz of all kinds, minute Crustacea, many worms, such as Sagitta, and various species of ascidians and molluscs, besides radio- larians and other Protozoa, and a few plants. Some of these organisms are so transparent as to be invisible when placed in a bowl of sea water ; but many of the more highly developed, such as the Salpa, are to be easily detected by the yellow “liver” or by the contents of the alimentary canal. The surface waters often swarm with those minute Alge which have been termed Diatoms ; these are so abundant in some oceans, and so far outnumber other pelagic organisms, as to produce, by the constant raining down of their siliceous skeletons, a characteristic deposit upon the sea bottom. Diatoms are coloured yellow by a pigment belonging to the chlorophyll series, which is somewhat opaque; the Salpw and other surface animals feed upon Diatoms, and the yellow colour of the alimentary canal is due to their presence in large numbers. Now, the surface fauna are not confined to a thin 3 34 ANIMAL COLORATION. layer of living organisms upon the actual surface of the sea, but extend downwards to some depth; hence it follows that light coming from above must be greatly prevented from passing through the surface water by the innumerable spots in the otherwise transparent organisms. Near to the shores of continents the opacity of the ocean waters is increased by the presence of sediment washed down by rivers or by rain and carried far out to sea by rivers and by the movements of the sea water itself. Such sediment occurs at as great a distance as two hundred miles from the shore ; but it is, of course, more abundant as continental land is approached. In any case, the total absence of chlorophyll- bearing plants from abyssal depths seems to point to an absence of light ; for chlorophyll, with a few exceptions, is not produced in darkness. It may be, therefore, admitted, in agreement with the opinion of most persons, that the ocean abysses are profoundly dark. One of the most noteworthy discoveries in view of this fact was the occasional, in some groups of deep-sea animals usual, occurrence of eyes. This discovery led to the formulation of the celebrated theory of abyssal light, which was first put forward by the late Dr. W. B. Carpenter and strongly supported by Sir Wyville Thomson. This theory accounted for the presence of eyes, on the view that the phosphorescence of deep- sea organisms furnished the requisite light to render the eyes available. That phosphorescence is a common phenomenon among deep-sea animals is an undoubted fact; it occurs among representatives of the most —_—_ Agassiz, Prof. A., 36, 38, 39, 121, 124. Allen, Mr., 20. Azara, 239. Baker, Sir 8., 84. Barrett, Mr. J. P., 189. Bates, Mr. H. W., 193, 207, 214, 252. Bateson, Mr. W.. 174. Belt, Mr., 183, 194, 207, 217, 234, 248. Bennett, Mr. A. W., 231. Bert, Prof. P., 185. Bertkau, Dr., 263. Blanchard, Prof., 118. Bovallius, Dr. C., 221. Brown, Mr., 78. Brown-Goode, J., 130. Buckler, 12. Buller, Sir W., 114, 239. Butler, Mr. A. G., 148, 163. Cambridge, Rev. O. P., 113, 217. Camerano, Dr. L., 44, 255. Carpenter, Dr. W. B., 34. Collnett, Capt. B., 58. Comstock, Prof., 234. Conn, Dr. H. W., 256. Coues, Dr. Elliott, 144. Cox, Mr, Ramsay, 50. Cunningham, Mr. J. T., 64, 68, 119, 140, 256. Darwin, Dr. C., 51, 57, 150, 256, 264. 275. Dobson, Dr., 262. Dorfmeister, Dr. W., 80. Druce, Mr. H., 219. Drummond, Prof., 101, 110, 117, 120. Edwards, Mr., 81. Eimer, Prof., 30, 49, 52, 56, 59, 79, 137, 214. Hisig, Dr. H., 127, 172. 178. Finn. Mr. F., 92, 153, 155, 161, 163, 239. Forbes, Mr. H. O,, 110, 188, 20£. Forster, W., 123. Gadow, Dr. H., 2, 44. Garrod, Prof., 238. Gaskell, Dr, W. H., 4. Geddes, Prof., 7, 187, 278. Goss, Mr. H., 49. Gould, Mr, J., 240. Grant Allen, Mr., 187, 226. Gregson, Mr., $9. Guillemard, Dr. 277. Giinther, Dr, A., 130, Gurney, Mr. J. H., 263. Haacke, Dr. W. 30. Haeckel, Prof., £5. Heckel, Prof. Ed., 111. Herdman, Prof., 127, 174. Hill, Dr., 235. Hopkins, Mr. F. G., 40. Horne & Smith, Messrs., 225. Howes, Mr, G. B., 184. Hudson, Mr. W. H., 86, 116, 178, 239, _ 280. Huxley, Prof., 29. Jacoby. Mr. M., 109. Jordan, Mr., 53. Karr, M. A., 273. Kent, Mr. Savile, 185, 267. Kirby & Spence, Messrs., 105, 129, 133, 204, 225. 288 Koch, Dr., 49, 52. Kriikenberg, Dr., 2, 3, 7, 72, 73, 143. Kiinckel d’Herculais, M., 227, 228. Leconte, Dr., 91. Leydig, Prof. F., 56, 71. Lubbock, Sir J., 98, 228. M‘Cook, Dr., 12, 217, 218, 219, 275. M‘Munn, Dr., 2. Macintosh, Prof. W. C., 125. Meldola, Prof. R., 63, 107. Merriam, Dr. Hart, 179. Merrifield, Mr., 82. Meulen, Mr. De W. 157. Meyer, Dr. A. B., 259. Milford, Mr., 43. Milne Edwards, Prof., 261. Mivart, Prof., 51. Morgan, Prof. Lloyd, 51, 225. Morris, Mr., 137. Moseley, Prof., 35, 37, 121, 131. Miiller, Fritz, 145, 194, 213, 215, 231, 249, 261. Murray, Mr. A., 22, 46, 64, 215, 226. Newman, Mr. E., 48, 49, 100. Newstead, Mr., 227. Newton, Prof., 258. Packard, Dr. A. S., 65, 66, 67, 68. Peal, Mr. 8. E., 205. Peckham, Mr. E. C., 216, 217, 273. Penny, Rey. C. W., 113. Plateau, Prof. F., 89. 194, 229. Poulton, Mr. E. B., 23, 26, 28, 41, 67, ct passim. Prince, Mr. E. B., 125. Ransonnet, Mr., 45, Riley, Dr. C. V., 278. Rogenhofer, Dr., 242. Romanes, Dr. J. G., 9. Ross, Sir John, 76, 77. Salvin, Mr. 0., 58, 59, 146, 180, 182. Sauermann, Dr., 54, 55. Schmidt, Prof. O., 255. Schweinfurth, Dr., 95. Selater, Dr. P. L., 70, 239, 259. Scudder, Dr., 55, 97, 99, 101, 170, 201, 210, 246, 247, 248, 249, 266. | INDEX OF AUTHORS’ NAMES. Seitz, Dr. A., 46, 47, 94, 197, 198, 199, 203, 204, 220, 232. Semper, Dr. C., 48, 49, 78, 142, 222, 236, 252. Sharp, Dr. D., 90, 221, 229. Sharpe, Mr. R. B., 240. Skertchly, Mr., 172. Smith, Mr. W. W., 61. Sorby, Dr. H.. 2, 96, 134. Spence Bate, Mr. C., 191. Spencer, Prof. W. B., 157. Stainton, Mr. H. T., 120. Stanley, Bishop, 11. Steere, Mr. J. B., 206. Stevenson, Mr., 13. Stewart, Mr. C., 188. Stolzmann, M., 31, 265, 276, 278. Stradling, Dr., 146, 157. Sutton, Mr. J. B., 263. Swinhoe, Col. C., 202. Tawell, Mr. J., 48. Thomson, Sir C. W., 24, 36. Thomson, Mr. J. A., 187, 278. Treat, Mrs. M., 277. Trimen, Mr. R., 172, 196, 197. Trouessart, Prof., 74. Tylor, Mr. A., 19, 30. Urech, Dr., 41. Van Dyck, Prof., 264. Wallace, Dr. A. R., 8, 10, 19, 30, 60, 61, ct passin. Waterhouse, Mr. C. O., 40. Weber, Prof. Max, 262. Weed, Mr. C. M., 87. Weir, Mr. J. J., 42, 148, 163, 266. Weismann, Prof., 23, 25, 26, 63, 69, 79, et passim. Welch, Mr., 76. Weldon, Prof., 116. Werneburg, Dr., 62. Westwood, Prof. J. O., 110. Willemoes-Suhm, Dr., 36. Wood, Mr. T. W., 87, 108, 137. Wood Mason, Mr. J., 187. Wurm, Dr., 7. Yarrow, Dr., 144. Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury XK _ \ A \ AS ~ . \ \\ RAG IW a | oS _ —