a TEES USA as a arelsrebe uta es " at a UA K ak a ey HA li Ase — HES resale tiki is Aaa RT eae aero ee i een ay Wee a ele (et tines} Ach ate : sane Haare Raha tae ch La ata Rees hea Aree Haare ‘ aly Brees Sands ase eA Sid ea 5 wetted i nate ae = Ra ass psa ts 4 ie Radek : LARC ESE ty eet eae ici * SS Wasaga Wa a ; i Tae ss cna tae ah Sin Ratt py iae ran aa nes ; me: i a a betinats SEnee Sis Seale re Sed seers Eras Hh aa sh ev ras yee at df th ae He aia Ny Auge f Penge en Penne 21 eae ioe ef Me ald tei ty ee is Leta eit ee oe eae oo Ss ees a See ieee sa fs CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY a Thain TIT MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES IN HISTORY, ECONOMICS AND PUBLIC LAW EDITED BY THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Volume V] [Number 3 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO: A STUDY IN THE RELATIONS OF CITY AND COMMONWEALTH BY DELOS F. WILCOX, Ph.D., University Fellow in Administrative Law, Columbia University in the City of New York COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK May, 1896 Price $1 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE I. Necessity of studying the legal relations of cities » 2... 1 2... ‘Il Tl. Zutls of special legislation... 1 wwe ce hw ew ewe ee ns 12 Expense tothe states 2 eee Sw ew es 12 Local irresponsibility ies ge aes Seprse> coy’ Kh ee Bee $83 eS) Legislative corruption . . . BOS Be IEE ase Wak es Sav 6s Ga OR! Fane 13 State interference in local affairs . ab wap ah Ge GEIR a + 73 The Cincinnati Commercial Hospital cases... 2... 1 + ee 74 The State vs. Covington. .. .. 0 2. 2+ ee eee Bie te gs eI PS Dictum with reference to special ‘acts in general forms... . . . ~ 75 The dictum carried into effect, State vs. Mitchell. . . . . eer er ae Inconsistency of the General Assembly. . ..... ce a ee ee “70 The code of 1878, with a new classification. . . . . oe we STF The victory of the General Assembly. . .. 2. 2 ee ee 22 78 Great increase of strictly special legislation . . ..... a oe ew. 78 Number of special acts granting financial powers... ... +--+ 79 Progress in the descriptive character of “ general ” laws... .. . 80 Defiance of the court 2... 6 1 ee ee ee eet ee we 82 Further classification of cities... 0. we et ee ee ee 83 Table showing present classification . . 2... + eee ee i ee 84 IV. Zhe doctrines of the Supreme Court. . . 1.1222 by tae eae eel OS School districts, townships and counties... .. +4 + e+e ee. . 85 Classification, proper and improper... .... + s+ + ees 86 Judge Okey’s opinion. 2 ww ee ee ee ee ee ee ee viii CONTENTS. Politieal ehanzee-s a -: 4) oes 4 eae ee PAGE Division within the court. © 2 2. ee ee ee ee tee ee 87 The awkward logic of the court’s decisions . . 2. 2... - + 88 V. General remarks . . 3 be VSS ie OR aw eal BF Unfortunate results of the court’s position . ee ee ee The question of necessity of special legislation... . . . . . + +». 89 The real causes of special legislation, . . 2 1 2 we ee 2 © © © © 90 CHAPTER VI. THE DEVELOPMENT OF DETROIT’S CHARTER. The difficulty of logical arrangement. . . 2... 2 ee ee eo + OF Political periods... . . . ee a ee ee oer a et te ey OE I. The Military f eriod, r610 to 817. 6 1 ww we ww hw ee we OF Discovery and settlement... ....... eee ee we ee 93 First incorporation . sew we ot se aN IO. The failure of Hull’s government We SURE ND SEeG eh es Saat a Sit ovat taal se 94. II. Zhe Council Period, 1813 to 1854 . iS ih eas cas de soe ee 95 The influence of Lewis Cassi ee fe) i eee ole ge Qe ol ee 95 The charterof1i8I5....... ia wee Ge we 95 The charter of 1824. . . oe ee 96 Changes in the council and executive officers |... . ‘ 97 PETS CHONS 3 ot slaves ee Sige 8) ee av ied yet aan Sere Oe ae Cr Soe OS Ge ae 10S Financial affairs . . Se (as Nak Oak, ap lag es dere te: Lbid., 64 v. 123. é 4 [bid., 64 v. 129. 5 Lbid., 64 v. 203. 6 Jé7d., 65 v. 86. 389] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 71 doubt the existence of a court of law in Ohio, to which the in- terpretation of the constitution could be referred. But in the December term of 1868, the Supreme Court decided the case of Welker vs. Potter? A law passed in 1866, conferring cer- tain powers in regard to street improvements upon cities of the first class with less than 100,000 population at the last federal census,? was upheld by this decision. The constitutional provision considered was the one requiring that “all laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation throughout the state.”3 Nine years later, in the case of The State vs. Mit- chell,* the court explained that in this earlier case the question of granting corporate powers by special act had not been brought up or considered at all. This decision made in 1868, after twelve years of really special legislation, was not calcu- lated to instil in the minds of Ohio law-makers any new respect for the constitutional limitations requiring general leg- islation. The laws of 1869 speak for themselves. By one, “the city council of any city of the second class having a pop- ulation exceeding 20,000 and not exceeding 20,100, at the last federal census,” was authorized to issue bonds for the payment of its debt. The act of May 6th is quite a curiosity.6 Here is the first section: “The city council of any city of the first class having a population of 150,000 inhabitants, wherein a public avenue of not less than one hundred feet in width is now projected, to be known as ‘ Gilbert avenue,’ is hereby authorized to issue the bonds of said city in any sums not exceeding $150,- 000, for improving such avenue, bearing a rate of interest not to exceed seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum at such dates and for such length of time as they may deem expedient, the same to be sold at not less than par, and the proceeds thereof to be applied exclusively to the improvement of such 118 Ohio St., 85. 20. L., 63 v. 133. 3 Cons., art. ii, sec. 26, 431 Ohio St., 592. 50. L., 66 v. 144. 8 b7d., 66 v. 130. 72 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [390 ‘ Gilbert avenue’ commencing at the western terminus of said avenue.” On the very next day after this last act was passed, the general municipal code of 1869, containing sixty-one chapters and 732 sections, became a law.t At the end, a list of 185 acts were enumerated and repealed. The object seems to have been the codification and unification of the really general laws, with no pretense of putting an end to special legislation. This conclusion finds weighty support in the wording of an act passed at the opening of the legislative session of 1870, which authorized the council, “in cities of the second class, containing a population of 9,229, and no more, according to the census of 1860,” to build a railway within the corporate limits? Ill. Special legislation since 1870 under the influence of Supreme Court decisions. In the December term of 1870, a case3 was brought to the Supreme Court involving the constitutionality of a special act passed in the preceding April, ‘“‘to prescribe the corporate limits of the city of Cincinnati.” Asa matter of fact, by this law the boundaries of the city had been extended to cover considerable outlying territory in which were included several incorporated villages. The act was declared void, and the court put forward these three propositions: (1) The General Assembly cannot, by special act, create a corporation. (2) It cannot, by special act, confer corporate powers on corpora- tions already existing. (3) In the purview of these proposi- tions and of the constitutional provisions on which they are based, there is no distinction between private and municipal corporations. In the following session of the general as- sembly, 1871, it seems that two-thirds of the laws, general in 10. L., 66 v. 145-286. 2 [bid,, 67 Vv. II. 3 The State v. The City of Cincinnati, 20 Ohio St., 18. 40. L., 67 v. 141. 391] 1N MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 73 form, referring to municipalities, respected the established classification. Several laws affected cities with over 150,000 or 180,000 population. One referred to those with from 11,000 to 12,000 population. For purposes of tax limitation villages were classed as those with more and those with less than 3,000 population.2 In each of the two classes of cities there were made three grades, the population limits of the first class, third grade, being exactly the same as of the second class, first grade—30,000 to 80,000. The practice of the Supreme Court in deciding that certain acts brought before it were not unconstitutional under other provisions, without considering the question involved in con- ferring corporate powers affecting only one city, doubtless led to a good deal of confusion for several years as to the real at- titude of the court toward classification. The case of Walker vs. Cincinnati3, decided in 1871, like that of Welker vs. Potter, already referred to, was such a case. The act conferring upon cities of the first class with 150,000 inhabitants the right to construct a railroad, under which the “ Cincinnati Southern” was established, was held not to be in conflict with those sec- tions of the constitution cited in the argument. Of course, it is impossible to determine just how much the legislature was influenced by these decisions. But whatever the cause, its dis- regard for the constitution was always a progressive factor in its municipal law-making. In three acts of the year 13872, Cleveland, which had a population of 92,000, was the only city included within the different limits, 50,000 to 100,000, 80,000 to 100,000 and go,000 to 150,000.35 But the climax of that year’s legal fictions was reached when “ villages or cities containing a population of 5,641, and no more, by the federal census of 1870, published in the last volume of the Ohio Sta- tistical Report,” were authorized to erect car shops. 10. L., 68 v. 132. 2 [bid., 68 v. 133 « 3 21 Ohio St., 14. #18 Ohio St., 85, supra. 50. L., 69 v. 13, 128, 138. 6 [bid,, 69 v. 70. 74 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [392 : It is only very slowly that judicial light penetrated into this legal jungle. An important step was taken, however, in the second case of the State vs. The City of Cincinnati.t Several years before, a special act had been passed establishing the Cincinnati Commercial Hospital, and putting it under the management of a board of trustees, with power to issue by- laws and regulations for its government.2, By a subsequent act these rules and regulations were subjected to the approval of the city council before going into effect The Court upheld the former act,t as not establishing a corporation, but declared the later act unconstitutional as conferring corporate powers on the city council by special act. These decisions, however, not yet touching the question of classification, had no deterrent effect on the Assembly. Toledo, with a population of 31,584, was differentiated from Columbus, whose inhabitants num- bered 31,274, not only by being in a different class, but also by the population line fixed at 31,5005. Xenia was any city of the second class having a population at the last federal census not exceeding 6,400, nor less than 6,300.6 A law was passed to affect all cities and villages through which the National Road passed.” In 1876, a law was passed regulating the gen- eral tax for street improvements, to appply to all cities except cities of the first class, “ having at the last federal census of A. D. 1870, a population of not less than 31,50Cc, nor more than 33,000.” In the years 1874 to 1876 there were passed at least nine- teen acts which, though general in phraseology, never could apply to more than one city. One of these provided that “ in all cities of the first class, having at the last federal census a population of 200,000 and over, the police powers and duties 123 Ohio St., 445. 20. L., 58 v. 151. 3 Tbid., 61 v. 142. 4 The State of Ohio v. Davis, 23 Ohio St., 434, argued in connection with the other case. . 50. L., 7o v. 117, 142. § [bid., 7ov. 116. 1 Lbid., 70 v. 153. 8 [bid., 72 Vv. 24. 393] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 75 shall be invested in and exercised by a board of five members to be appointed by the governor.”? This act was tested be- fore the Supreme Court in the case of The State vs, Covington; and held to be valid on the ground that this police board was not made a corporate body, and hence was not given cor- porate powers. Referring to the phraseology of the act as probably intended to protect it from the constitutional provis- ion, the court said: “If such was the purpose, it is well to say here that such ends cannot be accomplished by such means. This enactment is essentially local and special in its nature. We do not deny that the legislature may classify the subjects of legislation—to wit, cities and villages—and that a statute in relation to a class would be treated as a general law, within the meaning of these provisions of the constitution, but there is no classification accomplished by this statute. Cincinnati was, is, and ever will be, the only city in this state that had a population of 200,000 and over at the federal census of 1870. Cincinnati therefore is the only city to which this statute can ever apply, and it might as well have been named in the act.” But the court held that local legislation is not prohibited by the constitution unless it be of a general nature, or be special legislation conferring corporate power. Hence, although the circumulocution of the general assembly was rebuked, the way was laid open for the transfer of all the public functions of cities and villages to boards or individiduals not responsible to the corporation in any way, and this could be done boldly without any pretense of general forms. A year later, in the case of The State ws. Mitchell,t the court carried its dictum TO. L., 73 v. 70. 2 29 Ohio St., 102. 3 See also, The State v. Davis, 23 Ohio St., 434, supra. *31 Ohio St., 592, segra. This case is a good one, as showing how far the courts will go to protect the innocent holders of bonds issued under an unconstitu- tional statute. The law had provided that the abutting owners on any street might petition for the benefits of the act, and elect commissioners to superintend certain improvements desired to be made. The city was to issue bonds in advance to pay for the work, and special assessments were to be levied to pay the bonds. The court held that where the bonds had been issued and the improvements com- 76 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [ 394. into effect by holding an act invalid which had attempted to confer upon the council of Columbus certain powers in regard to street improvements, under the guise of cities of the second class having above 31,000 population at the last census. The fatal clause in the act was, “at the last federal census.” The attitude of the court certainly bewildered the General As- sembly. For whereas in 1877, before the last decision, laws had been passed applying to any cities of the second class in this state which by the last federal census had “a population of 12,652”' and “a population of not more than 11,082 nor less than 11,080,” in the year following an extra appropriation from the school fund for the support of public libraries was authorized “in all cities which, by the last federal census, had, and all those which hereafter, on the first day of March, in any year, as ascertained by any federal census, may have a population exceeding 90,000 and less than 200,000 inhabi- tants.”3 This certainly was a general law according to the rules of the court, but it conferred powers on the board of education which by a later decision turned out to be no cor- porate body at all within the meaning of the constitution. This is an excellent illustration of the spasmodic attempts on the part of the law-makers to bring now and then an act within the provisions of the constitution in the spirit of the court’s in- terpretation. But when at the same session, mixed in with a few such attempts, we find many of the old palpable violations re- peated, and other violations of the spirit of the law as glaring as an act which actually authorized “ any incorporated village, which, by the federal census of 1870, had, and which, by any subsequent federal census, may have a population of 10874 to borrow money for railway construction, it seems utterly in- conceivable that all these acts were voted on and passed by the same assembly. pleted, all the owners who had in any way participated in the proceedings leading to the execution of the work, were estopped from pleading the unconstitutionality of the act in order to avoid paying their assessments. 10. L., 74 v. 174. ? Lbid., 74 v. 203. % Lbid, 75 v. 11. * bid, 75 v. 110. 395] LN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 77 On May 14, 1878, a new municipal code was enacted.t In it we find the intricate system of classification which still re- mains as the groundwork of Ohio legislation. Cities of the first class were divided into three grades, with provision for a fourth grade to be composed of cities afterwards advanced from the second class. Cities of the second class were di- vided into four grades. Villages were divided into two classes. As in the laws of 1852 and 1853, villages could be advanced to cities of the second class when their population exceeded 5,000, and second-class cities could become first- class cities when their population exceeded 20,000. But ad- vancement was optional, and there certainly were no very great inducements held out for the exercise of the option, in the shape of liberal legislation. It seems, further, that the ad- vancement from grade to grade within the class was not optional. The wording of the section has a peculiar Ohio twang. Grades were to be determined by the formula— “Those which, on the first day of July last, had, and those which hereafter, on the first day of July in any year, have, ac- cording to any official report or abstract of the then next pre- ceding federal census,” a population of over 200,000 shall con- stitute the first grade, between 90,000 and 200,000 the second grade, and between 31,500 and 90,000 the third grade of the first class; between 30,500 and 31,500 the first grade, between 20,000 and 30,500 the second grade, between 10,000 and 20,000 the third grade, and below 10,000 the fourth grade of the second class. The first five grades included one city each, and it was very evident that the population, basis was simply incidental. It seems that the only way in which a particular grade could be recruited was by cities coming up froma lower class. For the cities which had a population within the re- spective limits at the time of the act, that is, by the census of 1870, were to remain in their grades as then assigned. At least, so it worked in practice as recognized by later laws, and 10, L., 75 v. 161-419. 78 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [3 96 no provision was made for voluntary advancement from grade to grade. The code embodied in its later divisions, with little change, the already existing laws passed from time to time. At the end, 123 acts were enumerated and repealed. On the same day acts were passed for cities with 10,592" and 8,075? population respectively at the last census. After a quarter of a century of experiment and struggle against an oppressive constitution and a capricious Supreme Court, at last the assembly had succeeded in laying down the main lines of municipal law-making. With the five chief cities each settled in its own grade for all time with moral certainty, it only remained necessary to add a new grade from time to time as some smaller town rose to promninence, and in the case of villages and less important cities, to describe them by their population at the last census with the redeeming clause which made the law applicable to corporatins with the same population at any future census. It was even deemed safe to grant a margin of two, five or ten inhabitants, and in some cases still more. It was an exciting play with chance. I imagine that many an hour has passed swiftly for Ohio legis- lators as they busied themselves with the pleasing mathemat- ical problem of how much latitude in population could be given in any particular act without incurring the calamitous prob- ability that more than one city or village would come within its scope in the course of a century. The Ohio legislature had won a splendid triumph. The situation was so completely in its own hands that there was no need to adopt the form of general legislation in most cases referring to villages and minor cities. Duriug the seventeen years from 1876 to 1892 inclusive, more than 1200 special acts were passed granting by name to strictly municipal corporations the right to issue bonds for every imaginable purpose, to transfer certain speci- fied funds, to build halls, to sell or buy land, to build bridges, to construct sewers, to levy special taxes, to improve streets, 10. L., 75 v. 541. 2 [bid., 75 Vv. 557+ 397 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 79 to erect gas works, to extend water works, to establish a police force, to procure fire engines, to sink natural gas wells, etc., etc., including a few acts changing the corporate name. These acts could be passed with impunity, either because the citizens of the localities were indifferent, or because by the simple application of the cure-all formula any one of the acts could be made general, if any symptoms of opposition ap- peared. In practice there was much variation from year to year in the number of these acts. From fifty-four in 1877 they fell to twenty-four in 1880, climbed to fifty-four again in 1883, and reached their maximum at one hundred and seventy-six in 1889, dropping to eighty-one in 1892, and rising again to eighty-eight in 1894. Of the 1202 such acts passed between 1876 and 1892, 594 gave power to borrow money, 470 gave power to transfer funds, and 60 gave power to levy a special tax, making a total of 1124 or 93.5 per cent. giving special financial powers to the cities and villages named in the acts. No better proof is needed that the most difficult 1 Local and Special Acts of the Ohio Legislature Conferring Powers upon Municipal Corporations. Vear Total number aa To borrow | To transfer io of acts. money. funds. powers. tax. 1876. ... 11 7 3 I 3 1877... 54 49 25 15 9 1878... 41 35 22 9 4 1879... . 43 37 17 15 5 1880... . 24 20 6 Io 4 1881... 31 24 15 8 I 1882. ... 24 24 9 4 II 1883. ... 54 53 38 15 o 1884... 56 52 26 24 2 1885) 53. ce 62 59 38 18 3 1886. ... 66 61 31 27 3 1887, 2. 3 « 80 75 46 26 3 1853... 117 109 51 56 2 1889. ... 176 168 Ics 58 5 1890. ... 126 121 56 62 3 199L. 2 as 156 Is 72 77 2 1892... 81 79 34 45 ° 1876-92. . . 1202 1124 594 470 60 80 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [398 problem to solve by general municipal laws is the proper limi- tation upon the local financial powers, in a system where there is no state control over the localities except that exercised by the legislature. It seems hardly necessary to follow through, from 1878 on, the acts special in effect, but general in form. However, there were added from year to year some new variations in the form- ule of circumlocution, which we may consider for a moment. In 1881 certain powers were conferred upon “the council of any city of this state which by the federal census of 1880 had a population entitling it to pass from the rank of a city of the third grade, second class, into the rank of a city of the second grade, second class, but which has provided by ordinance that such city shall remain a city of the third grade, second class, The way in which a law is made to apply to various cities is ‘well illustrated by the act of April 16, 1883, establishing a board of tax commissioners “in each city of the first, second and third grades of the first class, and in cities of the second class, first grade, and in cities having a population of 20,000, and not more than 30,000, and in cities having a population of 15,435, by the last federal census.”* Two years later an act authorized the issue of bonds by ‘‘the city councils of cities of the second class, in which a majority of the electors, within three years last past, have voted in favor of the erection of a market house in sazd city, and which, from any cause, has not been erected therein.”3 Sometimes the name of the city af- fected was given in the title of the act, though in the act itself it was referred to by its grade and class. It was enacted in 1885, that “any city of the second grade of the first class is hereby authorized to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding $65,000, to provide means to construct and rebuild a bridge over Walworth Run, on Pearl street, in the city of Cleveland.”* 10.L., 78 v. 178. 2 [bid., 80 v. 124. 8 Jbid., 82 v. 90. 4 Tbid,, 82v. 114. 399] IN MICHIGAN AND OHTO. 81 About two weeks later, a law affecting Dayton, provided, “ That the city councils of cities of the second grade of the sec- ond class be and zs hereby authorized and empowered, for the purposes herein set forth to issue bonds upon the terms herein named, entitled as follows, and to the amount severally set forth: Park street sewer bonds, $65,000; Southwestern sewer- age bonds, $35,000. Said Park street bonds to be issued to enable the city council of said city to construct a sewer or drain, beginning at the Miami river and running through Ap- ple, Oak and Ford streets, and through and along the present course of what is known as the Park street sewer, Parrott street drain and Steel’s drains, to take the surface drainage water off of the southern and eastern parts of said city ; said southwest- ern sewerage bonds being issued to enable the city council of said city to construct drains for the purpose of draining the surface water from Power street, South Broadway and Euclid avenues, and the southern and western parts of said city.’”’? Bad grammar is certainly not-the worst feature of such legis- lation, though it does point to ignorance or carelessness not complimentary to the general assembly of one of the most populous states in the Union. In 1886 a special tax levy was authorized “in any city of the fourth grade of the second class having by the last federal census a population of not less than 12,258, and not more than 13,000, and in which city there is established and main- tained by a public library association, not organized for profit, a public library free to all the inhabitants of such city, and containing not less than 2,000 volumes.’? This description goes into enough detail to identify an escaped convict. Another instance of such description is found in an act authorizing the issue of bonds to purchase a site and erect normal school buildings by “the council of any incorporated village in this state, wherein, at the time of the passage of this act, there exists a private corporation, not for profit, incorporated under 10,L., 82 v. 129. 2 Tbid.; 83 v. 79. 82 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [400 the general incorporation laws of this state, and the purpose for which said incorporation is formed is to secure to its mem- bers and patrons the advantages of education in all depart- ments of learning and knowledge, especially in the branches usually comprehended in academic and university collegiate courses, though not excluding such primary instruction as is usually furnished in common and normal schools.”* A good many acts were passed at various times affecting villages in counties containing cities of a certain class and grade. One applied to all villages in Wood county,? authorizing them to sink gas wells. A law of April 12, 1889, was to the effect, that “in cities of the third grade of the second class, which were advanced to said third grade, second class, during the year of our Lord 1887, and which had, according to a census taken in such cities in compliance with the provisions of chapter four, division two, Title XII, Revised Statutes, a po- pulation of 10,221 on the twentieth day of May in the said year of our Lord, 1887, there shall be a board of public affairs,”’3 The position of defiance toward court and constitution taken so constantly and so successfully by the assembly needs no better proof than the act of March 24, 1890, which provided, “that in any village, situated in a county containing a city of the first grade of the first class, which has been heretofore specifically empowered by a special act of the legislature to issue bonds for the purpose of purchasing a suitable site and erecting thereon a building containing a town hall and offices for the officers of the corporation, and said acf has been found to be unconstitutional because of conferring corporate powers by special act, that the village council of any such village is hereby authorized to issue the bonds of the said village, not exceeding in amount $17,000, to sell the same and use the proceeds thereof in purchasing a suitable site, and erecting 10. L,, 84 v. 63 2 Jbid., 86 v. 429. 3 [bid., 86 v. 246. 401] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 83 thereon a building containing a town hall and offices for the officers of the corporation.”* And yet at this same session of the assembly eight village councils were authorized by name to erect town halls. The classification of cities had by no means reached its maximum of incomprehensibility in the municipal code of 1878. Although that law had evidently contemplated the possibility of cities being advanced from the second class to the first, in providing that such cities should constitute the fourth grade of the first class, no laws were ever provided for this empty grade. In 1888, however, the general assembly enacted that whenever a city of the second class should by vote of the people become a city of the fourth grade of the first class, it should be governed by its own laws then in force until new laws were enacted for its new grade? There is no evidence*that such laws were enacted, and I see no particular inducement under the circumstances for any second class city willing its own promotion, unless perhaps there is prestige to be gained by the mere fact of being a city of the first class in Ohio. But in 1891 the legislature put Springfield into a grade by itself, the third grade @ of the second class, comprising all cities with a population between 28,000 and 33,000 at the census of 1890, or at future censuses.3 In 1894, cities between 16,000 and 18,000 were constituted the third grade d of the second class. Hamilton was the town affected. Ashtabula, being all the cities with a population between 8,330 and 9,050, was made the fourth grade @ of the same class$ Although there appears to be some confusion in section 1548 of the statutes as last revised, the actual status of the chief cities as recognized by the legislature, with their population by the census of 1890, seems to be as presented in the accompanying 10. L., 87 v. 94. 2 [bid., 85 v. 130. 3 [bid., 88 v. 159. 4 [bid., 91 v. 14. 5 [bid., 91 v. 58. 84 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [402 table” The last column shows the number of acts referring to these cities specially, passed at the legislative session of 1894. The total number of such acts passed would be something less than 176, the sum of the figures in the column, because in several cases two or three cities were specified by their par- ticular grades or populations in the same act. These figures, of course, do not include the special acts for villages desig- nated by population. Of these there were in 1891 as many as thirty-five. One of the confusing results of this way of naming villages and cities by population, is that the same method has been applied to counties and townships, although they are not held to be corporations in the meaning of the constitutional 1 Table Showing the Classification of Ohio Cities, 1894. ‘ ‘ P Number Population basis} B one Populatio# | of acts é | of classificaton. wbich Namco ot cities: in 1890. | referring 3 census. to,passed oO in 1894, I 200,000-++ | 1870 Cincinnati. 296,908 43 First 2 | 90,000- 200,000] 1870 Cleveland, 261,353 22 Class} | 3 | 31,500-90,000 | 1870 Toledo. 81,434 14 4 | 20,000-31,5001; Any None. (| 1 30,500-31,500 | 1870 Columbus. 88,150 10 2 | 20,000-30,500 | 1870 Dayton. 61,220 12 3 | 10,000-20,000 | 1870 Youngstown. 33,220 4 Akron, 27,601 2 Canton. 26,189 2 Zanesville. 21,009 5 Sandusky. 18,471 ° Newark. 14,270 I Second Portsmouth, 12,394 I Class 1 Perhaps 9 others. | 10,092to 18,553 10 3a | 28,000-33,000 } 1890 Springfield. 31,897 6 3b | 16,000-18,000 | 1890 Hamilton, 17,565 8 4 5,000-10,000 | 1870 Bellaire. 9,934 ° Piqua. 9,090 I Marion. 8,327 2 Marietta. 8,273 6 Perhaps 24 others.|5247 to 8224 24 lL} 4a 8,330-9,050 1890 Ashtabula. 8,338 3 1 This is an inference fron the other provisions of the law. 403 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 85 restriction, Another peculiar phenomenon is the passage of precisely similar laws sometimes under this general population formula, and sometimes under the undisguised names of the municipalities as avowedly special acts. This certainly must be the result of the local origin of local acts, those drafting the measures in many cases being ignorant of the attitude and decisions of the Supreme Court on the subject of special legis- lation conferring corporate powers. IV. Lhe doctrines of the. Supreme Court. Even a general study of special legislation in Ohio under the constitution of 1850 would not be complete without going a little more fully into the decisions of the Supreme Court than I have done in the preceding pages. Perhaps the follow- ing summary of the rules already established will serve as a convenient presentation of the main points in the decisions of the court, if supplemented by a little explanation of the prin- cipal cases not referred to already. (1) Local legislation is not prohibited by the constitution.? (2) The constitutional prohibition of special acts conferring corporate power, applies to private and municipal corpora- tions without distinction.? (3) School districts and boards of education partake of the public nature of the county and the township, and are not cor- porate bodies in the meaning of the constitution 1State v. Covington, 29 Ohio St., 102, supra. 2State v. Cincinnati, 20 Ohio St., 18, szpra. 5State v. Powers, 38 Ohio St., 54. In this case the general assembly had created a special school district, and provided for the election of a board of educa- tion, to whom property was to be transferred, and who were to have power to levy taxes, and all other powers belonging to “ village districts,” which were declared to be corporate bodies in the general law. The court said, «It is quite obvious to us that county and township organizations, although gzasi corporations, are not within the meaning of this provision of the constitution ; and, upon full considera- tion, we are unanimous in the opinion that school districts, as similar organizations, though declared by statute to be bodies politic and corporate, are not within the 86 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [404 (4) Whether or not certain powers granted by the general assembly are corporate powers, depends largely upon the na- ture of the body upon which they are conferred. (5) It is competent for the assembly to establish special boards for specified cities, to be appointed by the governor or otherwise, independent of the municipal corporation, to which public governmental functions, such as the police, are given without incorporation.” (6) The fact that certain officers were everywhere chosen by the people of the localities at the time that the constitution was adopted, does not operate as a limitation upon the power of the legislature to provide for their appointment by the state authorities, or otherwise.3 (7) For purposes of general legislation, the classification of cities and villages according to population is proper.‘ (8) The principle of classification must be a reasonable one. The presence in a city or village of a college or university is just ground for classifications (9) Classification according to population may be proper, although at the time only one city is included ina given grade, if other cities may come into the same grade by growth in population, and municipal action. reason or meaning of this inhibition of the constitution.” Reference is made to State v. Cincinnati, 20 Ohio St., 18, where on page 37, a similar dictum in regard to counties and townships is given, based on the decision in the case of 7he Commissioners of Hamilton County v. Mighels, 7 Ohio St., 109. 4State v. Davis, 23 Ohio St., 434, and State v. Cincinnati, /é2¢., 445, supra. 2 State v. Covington, 29 Ohio St., 102, supra. 8 /bid. For distinction between local and governmental functions, cf Cincin- nati v. Cameron, 33 Ohio St., 336. 4State v. Brewster, 39 Ohio St., 653. 5 Bronson v. Oberlin, 41 Ohio St., 112. § State v. City of Toledo, 48 Ohio St., 112. The act considered in this case was passed on January 22, 1889 (O. L., 86 v. 7), and conferred upon cities of the third grade of the first class the power to issue bonds for natural gas works. The question of the issue was to be submitted to the voters at the municipal or the general 405 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 87 (10) Any act is special, no matter what its form, if it applies to only one city, and never can apply to any other without further legislative action.” The fine-spun distinctions in the decisions of the court, and the seeming uncertainty of its attitude toward city legislation, was doubtless largely the result of a division of sentiment among the judges. In the case of The State vs. Pugh,? where an act was held to be unconstitutional, owing to the impossi- bility of any other city than Columbus ever coming under its provisions, a dissenting opinion was delivered by Judge Okey and concurred in by Judge Follett, thus pitting two judges against three. Judge Okey said: “If the question were res integra, by no means could it be said to be clear that this court would hold that article thirteen, section one, of the con- stitution, has any application to municipal corporations.” But he admitted that the series of cases already decided had left that construction settled. He then reviewed the development of classification, pointing out its necessity in order to allow election next succeeding after the passage of the act. The municipal election came in April, and the general election in November. July 1 was the date on which population was to be determined for the advancement of cities from one class to another, by the general law. Toledo was the only city in the third grade of the first class, but there were other cities witha population between 31,500 and 90,000, the limits fixed in the code for that grade. In spite of the fact that the code declared that cities thereafter advanced from the second to the first class should form the fourth grade of the latter class, the court held that cities of the second class with more than 31,500 population might have gone into the third grade, first class, on the first of July of the year when the act under consideration was passed, skipping the fourth grade mentioned in the code, as no further provision had been made for it in the way of legislation. The court did not take into consideration that a law of 1888, O. L., 85 v. 130 had provided that cities advanced from the second class into the fourth grade of the first class, should be governed by their own laws till legislation was provided for the grade into which they entered. This shows the extremity to which the court would goto uphold special legislation under the guise of classification. 1State vw Pugh, 43 Ohio St., 98, and State v. Mitchell, 31 Ohio St. 592, supra. 2 43 Ohio St., 98, supra. 88 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [406 legislation fitted to the varying and imperative needs of the large cities. In the case of The State vs. Brewster,’ this same judge had delivered the opinion of the court upholding the classification of cities as enacted in 1878. He had said: “The validity of that classification has been repeatedly recognized in this court, and the reasons for adhering to that construction of the constitution are cogent and satisfactory.” I think too much emphasis can hardly be placed on the influence of those judges who, though sometimes in the minority, at other times had the opportunity to introduce their own.opinions when de- livering the opinion of the court. It would be hard to deter- mine whether the general assembly or the court dealt in the more subtle legal technicalities in order to allow special legis- lation for cities. Ata later time in the case of The State vs. Wall,? the results of this policy had become so ridiculous and palpably inconsistent, that the court said: “ Grave doubts may well be entertained as to the constitutionality of this method of classifying cities for the purpose of general legislation. But it has received the sanction of this court in repeated decisions heretofore made.” The discrepancy of these remarks and Judge Okey’s opinion that municipal corporations might not be adjudged corporate bodies in the meaning of the constitu- tion, if the question could be reopened from the beginning, shows the opposite tendencies within the court itself. It seems clear that in its vacillation the court became the dupe of the legislature. The conservative elements secured the sanction of the court for the system of classification, while it was yet semi-reasonable. But this sanction included the optional fea- ture with reference to advancement, which afterwards operated so cunningly in the interests of special legislation. But the court having set its seal to the scheme, could only regret the caricature of a legal system which had grown up with its sanc- tion. It is true that no case seems to have yet been decided involving the constitutionality of a legislative act conferring 1 39 Ohio St., 653, sepra, 2 47 Ohio St., 499. 407 | IN MICHIGAN AND O#10O. 89 powers on municipal corporations of a definite population at the last or any succeeding census. But after straining the possibilities to their utmost to show that some other city be- sides Toledo might have come under the provisions of an act referring to cities of the first class, third grade, before the time required for its provisions to be carried out,’ it could not have decided with very good grace that it would be impossible for more than one city to ever have a population of just 6,046. V. General remarks. After. what has gone before it is needless to say that the constitution of 1851 failed to do away with special municipal legislation. To any one reading the convention debates there can be no doubt that Judge Okey’s “ wish was father to the thought” that municipal corporations were not included in the section prohibiting special grants of corporate power. From the legal point of view the results of the Ohio policy have been most unfortunate, introducing a habit of legal technicality which makes legislation a mere sophistical display., This study has often seemed to me more appropriate for the subject of a humorous address than for a serious discussion.? But whether we consider the course of special legislation in Ohio humorous or disgraceful, it is necessary to keep our patience and look into the causes. It is often argued by the friends of special legislation that such laws are necessary. Granting that a great many special laws were required during the forty years following the adop- 1State vw. City of Toledo, 48 Ohio St., 112, supra. 2Section two of an act passed March 29, 1873, reads: “ That an act entitled, «An Act to amend section one of an act entitled an act to repeal an act entitled, an act supplementary to an act entitled an act authorizing the appointment of metropolitan police commissioners in cities of the first class with a population of less than 100,000 inhabitants at the last federal census, passed April 5, 1866, passed March 29, 1867, and to provide a police for cities of the second class, passed April 16, 1868,’ passed May 6, 1869, be and the same is hereby repealed.” O. L., 70 v. 84. 90 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [408 tion of the constitution of 1851, in order to allow the cities of Ohio to attain their best development, it may yet be success- fully contended that the vast majority of the special laws actu- ally passed during that period could have been easily dispensed with under a careful system of general legislation. Either local self-government is a failure, or the popularly elected au- thorities of villages and cities can be trusted with the power to transfer moneys from one municipal fund to another in case of need, without a special act of the legislature. If this de- tailed special legislation is really a necessary thing, it seems strange that the Ohio convention of 1873 and 1874, after twenty years’ experience, should have recommended to the people much more stringent provisions limiting the power of the legislature than were provided in the constitution of 1851. Perhaps we may say that the most important forces which led to the peculiar development of Ohio legislation were these two: distrust of municipal authorities in financial matters, and the desire to allow each community to do as it pleased in the management of its local affairs if it would only ask for permis- sion. The result of the former of these forces was the very carefully defined and limited powers of borrowing money and levying taxes granted in the general municipal acts. The re- sult of the latter force, was the varied legislation granted for the asking to particular localities according to their individual whims. Some village wanted to sink natural gas wells, a city wanted to build a railroad or car shops, or to aid manufactur- ing enterprises, or the people of some locality wanted two chambers in their city council, to defend them against the one chamber that these same people had elected. In laws as well as in Convention debates, we find everywhere the evidence of unlimited confidence in the people themselves and their de- sires, but great distrust for the local authorities elected by the people. The legislature granted the localities what they wanted, but made them ask for it. CHAPTER VI. THE DEVELOPMENT OF DETROIT’S CHARTER. A CHRONOLOGICAL outline of Detroit’s legislative history would give one of the best possible illustrations of the way a city government is built up bit by bit from year to year under the system of special legislation. The trouble with such a sketch is that it becomes wearisome. It is not easy to show the true course of development, and at the same time arrange the materials of charter history in any logical order. For special legislation, even when left to its natural course accord- ing to the growing desires and needs of a given locality, es- pecially where the locality itself is going through a course of rapid development, does not readily yield itself to a scientific analysis. But when political forces also come in to change the natural course of charter evolution, the chief characteristic of special legislation becomes its lack of logical sequence. The history of Detroit is no exception to this rule. It would be very hard, indeed, to find any clear-cut and satisfactory division of Detroit history into periods, from the point of view of local government alone. But as our main object in this study is to find out something of the relations existing be- tween the city and the state, we may take advantage of certain fairly well-marked periods in the political history of Michigan and Detroit, in their relations to each other. These periods do, as a matter of fact, correspond roughly with different ten- dencies in the local government. The first period down to 1813, when Lewis Cass became Governor of Michigan Territory, may be styled the military period. Detroit was first of all a military and trading post, 409] gt Q2 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [410 for the possession of which white nations fought with each other and the Indians Its civil government was incidental. The period from 1813 to 1854 is marked by the dominance of Lewis Cass and the Democratic party in Michigan. The city and the state were in political accord, and the form of local government approached the “council system.” But in 1854. the triumph of the new Republican party in the state, while the city remained Democratic, opened the way for political in- terference in the municipal legislation and administration. About the same time the “ board system” began to be intro- duced into the city charter. This system appeared in all parts. of the country at about that time, and proved itself to be the form of city government most adapted to the demands of leg- islative interference in local affairs for political purposes. Hence, although it is not at all likely that the system was first introduced into the Detroit charter for political reasons, it is. quite certain that its later development was intensified by its inherent adaptability to the partisan ends of legislatures. unfriendly toward the politics of the city. In the year 1889,a political revolution in Detroit brought the city and the state once more into political accord; and while this fact has not seemed to have a very marked influence on charter legislation, there has been a slight tendency to increase the powers of the mayor in accordance with the general movement throughout the country during recent years. But the most important characteristic of this last period of Detroit’s history, is the strong development of the civic spirit and the increased activ- ity of the administration under the personal leadership of Mayor Pingree. 1See Mistorical and Scientific Sketches of Michigan, p. 17, where Lewis Cass says, speaking of Detroit, «« How numerous and diversified are the incidents, com- pressed within the period of its existence! No placein the United States presents such a series of events interesting in themselves and permanently affecting, as they occurred, its progress and prosperity. Five times has its flag changed, three dif- ferent sovereignties have claimed its allegiance, and since it has been held by the United States, its government has been thrice transferred; twice it has been be- seiged by the Indians, once captured in war, and once burned to the ground.” 41r] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 93 1. The military period, 1610 to 1813. As early as 1610, Frenchmen from Montreal visited the present site of Detroit, but the first permanent settlement was made by Cadillac in 1701. During all of the eighteenth cen- tury Detroit remained a military post, the houses of the settle- ment being crowded together inside the palisades for defense from the Indians. But although the population was very small, the post was the centre for an immense fur trade, and hence of the greatest commercial importance. Upon the cap- ture of Montreal in 1760, the whole of the northwest passed into English hands. After that time a few Englishmen came to Detroit to live, and the American immigration set in when the post was occupied in 1796 by the United States govern- ment under Jay’s treaty. In January, 1802, the settlement was incorporated as a town by the act of the governor and legislature of the Northwest Territory, which assembled at Chillicothe The officers to be chosen for the town were five trustees, a secretary, an assessor, a collector, and a marshal. Soon after, upon the creation of the State of Ohio, Detroit was transferred to Indiana Terri- tory, of which it remained a part till 1805, when the territory of Michigan was formed. On June 11 of this year, Detroit was burned to the ground. Very soon afterwards the judges and governor of the new territory arrived, and took niatters into their own hands. They were authorized by act of Con- gress to adopt laws from the statutes of any of the old states, and hence for the next few years all the acts of Governor Hull and Judges Woodward and Bates were excerpts from the statute-books of New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, etc. The local acts referring to the government of Detroit were taken chiefly from Maryland. On Septcmber 13, 1806, Detroit was incorporated as a city.2 There were to be a mayor appointed 1¥Farmer’s History of Detroit and Michigan, p. 133. 2 Mich. Terr. Laws, 4 v. 3-6. 94 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [412 by the governor, and a city council composed of two cham- bers of three members each, all elected by the people. The mayor was given an absolute veto on all laws passed by the council, and was to appoint all city officers except the register, who was to be named by the governor. The powers given to the city council, their exercise being always liable to the mayor’s veto, were very extensive. The council could pro- vide, among other things, for sanitation, police, drainage, lighting, repair of streets and bridges, vehicle licenses, fire companies, markets, weights and measures, and education. They could pass all laws necessary for carrying out these powers, and could levy and collect taxes. To illustrate the minuteness of the enumeration of their functions, they were authorized to fix and regulate the size of bricks to be used in the city, to regulate the measurement of lumber, coal and wood, to sink wells and erect pumps, and to regulate the weight and quality of bread. This would have been local self-government with a vengeance, except for the absolute veto power of the mayor appointed by the governor. But the system appears to have been a failure. The gover- nor and judges quarreled with each other, and governed the people in an arbitrary fashion. On February 24, 1809,7 Gov. Hull, in the absence of the judges, repealed the law of 1806; but on the return of the judges an act was passed September 16, 1810,? repealing all laws made for Michigan prior to the establishment of the territory in 1805, and also all laws enacted by Governor Hull in the absence of the judges between June 2, 1807 and September 1,1810. Hence the act of 1802 incor- porating Detroit as a town was clearly repealed, and the in- corporation act of 1806 was presumably revived, though it has now been statute law in Michigan for many years that the re- peal of a repealing act does not revive the original measure.3 But however it may have been legally, the city of Detroit had 1Mich. T. L.. qv. 83. * Ibid,, 1 v. 900. ’ Howell’s Annotated Statutes, sec. 3. 4! 3] LN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 95 little government except the personal government of the ter- ritorial authorities, until the new charter was granted under Governor Cass in 1815. It is hardly necessary to mention the fact that Detroit was in the hands of the British military for about a year after its surrender by Governor Hull in August, 1812, Il. The council period, 1813 to 1854. In the year 1813 Gen. Lewis Cass, a man of New England birth and training, succeeded to the governorship of the Ter- ritory of Michigan, in place of Hull, who had been disgraced by his surrender of Detroit to the British. Governor Cass held his position until 1831, and during that period did his best to encourage the growth of local self-government among the people After Michigan became a state in 1837, although Cass’ public activity was transferred to the field of national -politics, his influence in his state was almost supreme until the new Republican party came to power in 1854. During this whole period, the state and the city being of the same politi- cal faith, Detroit legislation seems not to have been influenced by partisan motives. The system of city government centered in the council, and the detailed changes from year to year were made in accordance with the natural growth of local needs. During most of this period, that is, until 1847, Detroit was the seat of the State government. At that time the cap- ital was removed to Lansing. Let us proceed to take up in detail the development of the city charter under these circum- stances. The Charter of 1815. On October 24, 1815, Detroit was reincorporated as a city by the new territorial authorities.’ The original act of 1802 was revived and amended. The old officers were retained, namely, five trustees, secretary, assessor, collector and marshal. All these were to be elected annually 1 Howard, Local Const. Hist. of the UO. S., pe 154. 2 Mich. T. L., I v. 534-541. 96 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [4 14 from residents by the freeholders, the householders paying an annual rental of $40.00, and such other residents as should be given the freedom of the corporation by majority vote of the electors. The board of trustees were given general powers to establish laws and ordinances for the health, safety, cleanliness, convenience and good government of the city. All laws, or- dinances and regulations of the trustees were to remain in force until the next annual meeting of the electors, when they were to be submitted to vote, and if rejected by a majority of the citizens present, were to be null and void. All taxes were also to be voted by the annual meeting. The trustees could fill vacancies in elective offices, appoint subordinate officers, call special meetings of the citizens for voting taxes, and license and regulate taverns and other public houses of entertain- ment, The secretary of the board of trustees was required to keep a legible copy of all laws, ordinances, etc., in a book open to the public inspection. Six years later, 1821, a supervisor of roads and highways was added to the list of city officers, and the voting qualifications were amended? Henceforth all free white male citizens of the United States who had lived in the city for a year and had paid taxes were to have the right of suffrage. The Charter of 1824. By act of August 5, 1824, Detroit was granted anewcharter? The elective officers were to be mayor, five aldermen, marshal, supervisor, assessor, collector and three constables, chosen annually. The mayor and aldermen to- gether were to appoint a recorder, a treasurer and a clerk. Refusal or neglect to serve in any of the elective offices might be punished by a fine of not more than $25.00. The mayor, recorder and aldermen were to constitute the common council. No business could be transacted with both mayor and recorder absent. The recorder was to be the vice-mayor of the city. Taxes were to be voted by the people on recommendation of the council, but the amount to be levied in any one year was 1Mich. T. L., 1 v. 314. 2 Ibid., 2 v. 221-230. 41 5] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 97 not to exceed one-fourth of one per cent. of the assessed valu- ation of all real and personal property. The mayor’s court was established, to consist of any three or more members of the common council, always including either the mayor or re- corder. This court was to be a court of record, and to have full jurisdiction in cases of offenses against the city laws or ordinances, Changes in the council and executive offices. The general form of organization provided by the charter of 1824 lasted for more than thirty years, although a new charter was granted in 1827," and numerous amendments were passed from year to year. The council maintained its position as the central organ of the city government. Its composition was changed in 1839, when the city was divided into wards, each of which was re- quired to elect two aldermen, a constable and an assessor The mayor retained his position as presiding officer of the council, but had no appointive power. When the Board of Education was organized in 1842,3 the mayor became its president, but kept that position for only four years.4 In 1846 he was forbidden to preside over the mayor’s court except in the absence of the recorder,5 but the act of 1846 was repealed a year later. The recorder lost his vote in the council in 1839. During this whole period the list of elective officers was long. By an act of 1849 the charter officers to be elected annually on general ticket were to be: recorder, attorney, clerk, treasurer, marshal, superintendent of water-works, phy- sician, director of the poor, sexton, clerk for each public market, surveyor, three inspectors of fire-wood, and two weigh-masters.?, In 1827 the collector had been made an ap- pointive officer, and a definite provision had been made that all ministerial officers should be appointed by the common 1 Mich. T. L., 2 v. 339-354. 2 Mich. Laws, 1839, pp. 31-35. 3 [bid., 1842, pp. 112-116. $ Ibid., 1846, p. 101. 5 [bid., pp. 19-21. § [bid., 1847, p. 96. 7 Jbid., 1849, pp. 32~36. 98 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [416 council, and be removable at pleasure.t A few years later the constables were made subject to removal by the council for cause. Holding more than one office had been forbidden by the charter of 1827, but this provision was repealed in 1844, and at the same time the council was authorized to appoint a city auditor to hold office for three years, subject to removal only by two-thirds vote of the entire council3 By act of 1849 the council’s power of removal over ministerial officers was greatly diminished, as it could henceforth be exercised only by two-thirds vote after showing cause and giving a hearing. Elections. In 1837 the required city residence for electors was reduced to six months, and a board of five election in- spectors was provided, to be chosen by popular vote, and to serve at all city elections. Two years later, with the division of the city into wards, the election inspectors were to be the two aldermen and the assessor chosen in each particular ward.® A heavy penalty was attached to “repeating.” The term of ward residence required of electors was fixed at ten days, but was increased to thirty in 1841.7 Financial affairs. The finances of the city were not very well managed during this early period. In 1827 the council was authorized to issue due bills for payment of debts, which were to be receivable at par for taxes and other payments to the city, and were to be transferable without endorsement. The amount in circulation at any one time was not to exceed $5,000.82 This issue by the city of fiat money was not alto- gether successful. The limit of issue was disregarded, and, although the right to issue was taken away entirely in 18429 the last of the outstanding bills were not redeemed till 1871.7 1Mich, T. L., 2 v. 570-571. * Lbid., 3v. 1422. 3 Mich. Laws, 1844, p. 101. * Ibid., 1849, pp. 32-36. > Lbid., 1837, p. 199. 6 Jbid., 1839, pp. 31-35. 1 Jbtd., 1841, pp. 192-201. 8 Mich. T. L., 2 v. 570. Mich. Laws, 1842, p. 28. 10Farmer’s [History of Detroit and Mich., pp. 152-155. 41 7] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 99 In 1835 the common council was authorized to make its first loan, if the consent of the citizens’ meeting could be obtained. The amount of the loan was to be $50,000, payable in thirty years, and bearing interest at six per cent. The annual tax limit was raised to one-half of one percent. in 1841.2 Begin- ning with 1845, almost every legislature authorized a speciab tax levy of $15,000 or $20,000. In 1851 provision was made fora sinking fund.+ The council was authorized to levy a special tax to cover current interest on the debt, and $5,00¢ in addition, which, together with all surplus saved from the gen- eral taxes, was to be appropriated to the sinking fund. Assessments. One of the most striking evidences of the ‘dif ficulty of getting a just taxable valuation of property, is to be found in the frequent changes in the method of assessment. Until 1839 assessments were made by one elected assessor, but at this time each ward was required to elect its own as- sessor.s The assessors of the wards were then to sit together as a board of equalization for the entire city after their several assessment rolls had been left open to public inspection. This plan seems to have been unsatisfactory, for in 1846 the city was divided into three districts, each comprising two wards, and the two ward assessors in each district were required to make their assessments together.6 But two years later it was decided that one assessor should be chosen in each district and the three should make out the rolls for the entire city jointly.7 The very next year, 1849, the old plan of assessors elected by wards was revived,’ and in 1850 the three-district plan was tried again? One assessor was to be elected in each . district for a term of three years, and the assessment for the whole city was to be made as by the act of 1848. This method was not changed till 1855. 1 Mich. T. L., 3 v. 1422. 2 Mich, Laws, 1841, pp. 192-201. 3 Jbid., 1845, p. 25. * Lb7d., 1851, p. 41. 5 [btd., 1839, pp. 31-35. 8 Jbid., 1846, pp. 19-21. 1 [bid., 1848, pp. 40-45. 8 Jbid., 1849, pp. 32-36. 9 [bid., 1850, pp. 9-12. 100 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [418 The schools, Yducation was the first of the municipal func- tions put into the hands of a separate board. The first act providing for common schools in Detroit was passed in 1833.7 A school committee was to be elected, consisting of eighteen members, one-third of whom were to retire each year. Teach- ers’ salaries were to be paid by tuition fees, special provision being made for indigent children. It was not until February, 1842, that free schools were established for all children be- tween the ages of five and twenty years. At that time the city was constituted a single school district with a board of education consisting of the mayor, recorder, and two school inspectors, elected by each ward. Refusal to serve could be punished by a ten dollars fine. For the support of the schools the common council was authorized to levy a tax, the whole amount not to exceed one dollar for every child of school age. In 1846 the mayor ceased to be president of the board, his place being taken by an elected member3 The legislature of 1847 authorized the board to borrow $5,000 with the consent of the freeholders, but a sinking fund was provided to extin- guish the debt within not more than twenty years. It was specifically declared by statute that the offices of member of the board of education and member of the common council should not be incompatible.s Corporate functions. Of course it was necessary that with the growth of the city the functions of the government shoulp gradually expand. In the charter of 1827 the council was au- thorized to contract for water supply, and also to provide for the relief of the poor. The volunteer fire service was encouraged by exempting firemen from jury and militia duties. The fire- ‘men were to organize into companies, make their own rules, elect officers, and hold meetings at least once a month to test their implements, The law went on to say,“ Upon any alarm 1Mich, T. L.,.3 v. 1238-1242. ?Mich. Laws, 1842, pp. 112-116. 3 [bid., 1846, p., 101. * [bid., 1847, p. 50. 5 [bid., 1847, p. 96. 419] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 101 or breaking out of any fire within said city, each member of a fire company shall forthwith repair to the engine house, and from thence proceed, without delay, with their fire engine and other implements, to the place of such fire.” In 1841 the council was given full power to enact all proper ordinances “relative to the control, regulation, protection and use of drains and sewers.”* It was also invested with all the powers and functions of a township board,? and authorized to erect a city jail. The water commissioners. This gradual expansion of the corporate functions of the city resulted in the elaboration of the governmental machinery. The system of executive boards did not reach its height until after 1870, but as early as 1853 an act was passed establishing the board of water commission- ers3 This board was to consist of five members, one to retire each year. The first commissioners were named in the act itself, but their successors were to be appointed by the com- mon council. The board was authorized to borrow $250,000 on the credit of the city ata rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent. Members of the board could not be interested in any city contracts, and were allowed no compensation, but could appoint salaried officers for the administration of the water works. Surplus revenues were to be invested in safe stocks, and used in paying off the bonds as they fell due. Any deficiency in revenue was to be supplied by a special water tax. 1Mich. Laws, 1841, pp. 192-201. 2 Ever since its incorporation Detroit has had only a double system of local gov- ernment. The city was never included in any township, but has had its own rep- resentatives on the county board of supervisors since the introduction of the New York township-county system in 1827. 3 Mich. Laws, 1853, pp. 180-187. 4 These men had been appointed water commissioners by ordinance of the coun- cil during the previous year, so that they were really local appointees. 102 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [420 Ill. The period of boards, 1854 to 1889. As already stated, a revolution in Michigan politics took place in 1854, which brought about a much sharper opposi- tion of political interests of the city and the state than had existed before. The “board system” of city government would have been introduced, doubtless, even in the absence of these different interests, but the fact that opposite parties were in control at Detroit and Lansing could not but tend to aggra- vate the evils of a system, bad under almost any conditions. The direct influence of party politics on the organization of the city government by the legislature does not become apparent until 1865, when the Metropolitan Police Board was estab- lished. But the year 1855, when extensive charter amend- ments were passed leading up to the new charter of 1857, marks the advent of a new force in Detroit legislation. From that time on, the laws provided for the city have been more drastic, showing an increased distrust on the part of the legis- lature, due, no doubt, to the rapid growth of the city and the city problem, as well as to political differences. The legislation of 1855. The first important changes under the new state regime were embodied in the act of 1855.1 The council was authorized to appoint policemen and watchmen. It was provided that no person unable to read and write the English language should be eligible to any office except those of scavenger and chimney-sweeper. No person holding a contract for any public work was to be eligible to the coun- cil, and any contract thereafter made in which a councilman was directly or indirectly interested should be null and void. The method of assessment was changed once more. The new ward assessors were to make out their rolls without consulta- tion, and then sit together as a board of review. But the final review and correction of the rolls was reserved for the com- mon council. A service tax for the sewer fund was authorized, 1Mich. Laws, 1855, pp. 209-227. 421 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 103 and property could be seized and sold for a term of years in default of payment of special assessments. The creation of an almshouse department, to include an almshouse proper, houses of correction, etc., was authorized." Another provis- ion of the act of 1855 gave the council unlimited discretion to require of any officer, elected or appointed, new and additional bonds, and in case of failure, to declare the office vacant and appoint another person for the remainder of the term. Any officer could be removed by a majority vote of the members elected to the council, for such reasons as they might deem sufficient. The Charter of 1857. Name. A new charter was granted in 1857,? much more elaborate than any of the preceding ones. The change in the name of the corporation shows that the American city was escaping from the traditions of the English borough. The legal title, “The Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Freemen of the City of Detroit,” became simply the “ City of Detroit.” The council and executive officers. By this charter the mayor ceased to be a member of the common council, and that body was required to elect its president from its own membership. There were to be two aldermen from each ward, as before. Outside of the council, which was still to a large extent the 1It is interesting to note the words of this provision: « Every person confined, supported, maintained or relieved in said department, whose age and health will permit, shall be employed in some useful labor, and the officers in charge thereof shall use their best endeavors to provide for all persons under their care, such labor, as on trial, shall be found to suit the capacity of the individual. It shall be the duty of the officers to keep and employ separate and apart from each other the paupers and criminals, and as far as possible to classify the latter, so that the novice in crime may not be contaminated by the evil example and converse of the more hardened and confirmed.” This interesting piece of legislation was omitted from the charter of 1857. It was rather enlightened for prison legislation in those days. The provision of which it formed « part was the legal beginning of what afterwards became the Detroit House of Correction, with Mr. Z. R. Brockway, of Elmira fame, at its head. 2 Mich. Laws, 1857, pp. 73-154. 104 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [42 2 central body of the administration, eight charter officers were to be chosen by the city at large, and several more by each ward. The general official term for elective officers was fixed at two years. The comptroller, who had taken the auditor's place a year or two before, was to be appointed by the council. A new executive board was established. It was to consist of three sewer commissioners appointed by the council on the mayor’s nomination, to serve without compensation for terms of five years. To this new board was given the appointment of an engineer, with whose assistance a plan was to be drawn up for sewers and drains in the entire city. . Qualifications for office. Removal. Very careful provisions were made to prevent official corruption. Defaulters, of course, were ineligible to office, and the old educational qualification was continued. Members of the council were ineligible, dur- ing their terms and for one year thereafter, to any office under the charter which should be created or whose emoluments should be increased during that time. Any officer becoming interested in any contract with the city was to be removed by the common council, and be deemed guilty of corrupt malfeas- ance in office, and be liable to a fine not exceeding $1000 or confinement in the state’s prison for not more than one year, or both fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. Any person offering to bribe an officer in any way, or any officer accepting a bribe, was to be liable to the same penalties. The recorder could be impeached in the same way as any ju- dicial officer of the state. The council might expel any one of its members or remove the comptroller or any of the elective officers (save the mayor and recorder) for corrupt or wilful malfeasance or misfeasance in office or for willful neglect of official duties, by a two-thirds vote of all the aldermen, the ac- cused officer having been given a copy of the charges and op- portunity for defense. In each case the charges, and the votes of the councilmen, were to be entered on the records. The mayor was given power to suspend or remove the marshal, 423] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 105 street commissioners, deputy marshal, constable, overseers of highways, and officers of the police,—but he had to report the removals and his reasons to the council. That body could re- move appointive officers by a majority vote of all. New offic- ial bonds might be demanded of any officer at any time by the common council, but the old special provision for declaring the office vacant in case of failure to meet the new require- ments was not renewed. Thus what might have resulted in the tyranny of the council over the city officers was conditioned by the general provisions for removal. Elections. The time of the annual charter election was changed from February to November, so as to come at the same time as the state and national elections. Each ward was constituted an election district. The inspectors of elections were to be the two aldermen together with a third person chosen by ziva voce vote of the electors present at the opening of the polls. The voting qualifications were made to conform with those provided in the state constitution. Perjury on challenge of one’s vote was made punishable by a fine of $1,000, or five years at hard labor in the state’s prison, or both. “Repeating” was to be punished by a penalty of $500 fine, or three years in the state’s prison, or both. No qualified voter was to be liable to arrest on civil process during election day. The powers and duties of the council. The legislative powers of the corporation were, of course, vested in the aldermen as constituting the common council, but the mayor was given the usual veto power subject to a two-thirds vote. Appointments to and removals from office and resolutions fixing salaries were not, however, subject to the mayor’s veto. The council meetings were to be public, its proceedings published in a daily newspaper, and its records kept open to public inspec- tion at reasonable times. No ordinance and no resolution im- posing taxes and incurring liability could be passed at the same meeting at which they were presented, unless by unani- 106 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [424 mous consent or at a special meeting called for the purpose. No alderman could vote on any question in which he was personally interested. All others present were required to vote, and in case of tie the proposition was to be lost. All appointments to office by the council were to be made by ma- jority vote of all aldermen elected. The president of the council was authorized to appoint such standing committees as the council should direct. Chairmen of committees and members of city boards were given power to administer oaths and summon witnesses. No officer’s salary could be de- creased during his incumbency, nor increased save by two- thirds vote of the council. The common council was given power—“to prohibit and prevent any riot, rout, disorderly noise, disturbance or assemblage, or the crying of any goods in the streets, or elsewhere in the city;” to prevent indecent exhibitions; to prohibit and remove nuisances ; to establish a board of health ; to prohibit and prevent the erection of dan- gerous buildings within a fixed limit; to suppress houses of ill-fame and assignation ; to prohibit, restrain or prevent gam- ing for money, and all kinds of lotteries; to license and regu- late saloons (if made lawful by the state), hotels, butcher shops, public exhibitions, bath houses, etc. to establish a system of police; to appoint inspectors, measures, etc.; to pro- vide for the census; to establish almshouses, jails, etc.; to as- sess, levy and collect corporation taxes, etc., etc. Revenue, finance and contracts. The revenues and moneys of the city were to be distributed among thirteen funds named in the charter,and such other funds as might be constituted by the common council. The funds named were these: (1) Gen- eral fund, (2) contingent fund, (3) interest fund, (4) sinking fund, (5) fire department fund, (6) poor fund, (7) general road fund, (8) district road fund, (9) sewer fund, (10) street opening fund, (11) street paving fund, (12) public building fund, and (13) recorder’s court fund. For funds numbered one, two, five, six, seven, and thirteen, the council could levy and assess gen- 425 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 107 eral taxes not exceeding one per cent. on the total property valuation. Special provisions were made for the other funds, and the city budget was to be presented to the citizens’ meeting for their approval, after the estimates for the ensuing year had been sent in by the comptroller and revised by the council. ° $30,000 a year might be levied for the sewer fund. The coun- cil was required to levy a tax to meet current interest charges, and also to provide between $5,000 and $10,000 ayear for the sinking fund. Special assessments could be levied for the sewer fund, and also for the street paving fund, the amount for the latter not to exceed $50,000 in a single year. For the public building fund, bonds could be issued not to exceed $300,000 in amount. The bonds had to run at least twenty ‘years, bear no higher than seven per cent. interest, and not be sold below par. All contracts worth $200 or more were to be let only to the lowest responsible bidder. The council could mot incur debt except as provided in the charter, but could authorize the comptroller to make a temporary loan to meet ‘current expenses in anticipation of the annual revenue. No ‘warrant could be drawn on the treasury unless there was money ‘for the purpose named in the warrant. All warrants required the signature of the comptroller, and the approval or authori- zation of the common council in pursuance of law. Contracts in which city officials were interested were to be void, as before. At the end of each fiscal year the comptroller was required to make a complete and detailed statement of the financial condition of the city, to be published in two news- papers. Such general information was to be given in addition ‘as would be necessary for a general understanding of the ‘pecuniary resources and liabilities of the city and of the con- dition of each fund, together with such recommendations as the deemed advisable. Any officer or board could be required to make estimates for the current or ensuing year, and give accounts for any past year at any time. The mayor, comp- ‘troller and chairman of the ways and means committee were 108 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [426: to constitute a loan committee. The board of commissioners for the sinking fund was to be composed of the mayor, comp- troller, treasurer and members of the ways and means com- mittee. Assessment of taxes, A new method of assessment was pro- vided by this charter. One assessor for the entire city was to- be appointed by the council on the mayor’s nomination, to serve for three years and devote his whole time to the work. He was given power to appoint two assistants. The assessor,,. comptroller, treasurer, attorney and chairman of the ways and means committee of the council were constituted a board of review, though the final correction of the assessment rolls was. left to the council. The recorder’s court. The recorder’s court was established: in place of the old mayor’s court. In the absence of the re- corder, one of the circuit judges was to preside. The court: was given substantially the same privileges, powers and juris- diction as the circuit courts had, besides having exclusive cognizance of offenses against the city ordinances. In case of persons aggrieved by the decisions of the recorder’s court with reference to the city’s exercise of eminent domain, am appeal was open to the state supreme court. Charter amendments, 1859 to 1864. The charter of 1857 was granted when Detroit was in a stage of rapid development. The city had now a population of about 40,000, which had in-. creased from 770 in 1810, 9,000 in 1840 and 21,000 in 1850, The “City of the Straits” after 150 years was really beginning: to grow. The problems of municipal government were multi- plying, but the whole governmental system of the city could no longer be revolutionized so easily as in the early years of its existence. There were a few important amendments passed, however, before the passage of the metropolitan police bill of 1865, when the real struggle against legislative interference and the abuses of the board system began. In 1859, the as- sessor was directed to separate the rural from the built-up. 427] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 109 portions of the city, and assess according to benefits enjoyed. Two years later the board of review was made to consist of three resident property holders appointed for terms of three years by the council on the mayor’s nomination.2? By the same act the list of appointive officers was considerably modi- fied, by adding the marshal, a receiver of taxes, a superin- tendent of the house of correction, a counselor, and, on nomi- nation of the mayor, a fire marshal. The mayor and two other persons appointed during pleasure by the council were ‘constituted a board of police commissioners, on whose recom- mendation the council was to appoint policemen and watch- men. The commissioners could remove any officer of police ‘summarily for cause proven, and the council could dismiss any police officer at pleasure. In 1864 the terms of office of the two appointed commissioners were fixed at four years3 The Metropohtan Police. February 28, 1865, marks the be- ginning of a new period in the legislative history of Detroit.4 The Board of Metropolitan Police was established, to consist of four commissioners appointed from residents of Detroit by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. “These commissioners were to hold office for eight years, retir- ing one every second year, and to receive no compensation. ‘They were to have exclusive control of the police force and the police organization, and could appoint a superintendent of ‘police, one or more captains, sergeants, and patrolmen at sal- aries limited by the act. No police officer was allowed to re- ceive fees for his services, or to hold any other office, or to ac- cept a public nomination for any office. No police officer could be removed except for cause, and after a hearing, nor could he resign except after giving a week’s notice. All va- cancies in the higher ranks were to be filled by promotion. Every policeman had to be a United States citizen and a resi- «dent of Michigan for two years, able to read and write English. 1 Mich. Laws, 1859,.p. 1057. 2 Ibid, 1861, pp. 180-203. 3 [bid., 1864, p. 20, * Lbid., 1865, pp. 99-115. LIO MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [428 No one who had ever been convicted of a crime was eligible, and persons removed for cause could not be re-appointed. No police officer, while on duty, was allowed to enter any saloon or house of prostitution except in the actual perform- ance of his duties. Any citizen could complain against a police officer, and cause him to be tried before the board. Members of the board could be removed by the governor in. the same way as sheriffs. The expenses of the police depart-. ment were to be a city charge. The board was to make an annual estimate of expenses in detail, which was to be sent in by the comptroller with his other estimates, and allowed by the council without being referred to the citizens’ meeting. The books of the department were open to the inspection of the mayor or comptroller, and the council could require reasonable information at any time. Annual reports were to be made to the council. The office of city marshal was abol- ished, and its functions vested in the superintendent of police. On the whole, the department of police was well organized, but the assumption of control by the state and the enforced payment of all expenses by the city without its having any voice in the administration roused a great deal of opposition. The riot of 1863 had doubtless convinced the Republican leg- islagure that Detroit with its Democratic proclivities would not furnish adequate protection for its colored residents. There was some talk, too, that a state police organization was. needed to cleanse Detroit politics. And so it is not strange that the real questions of constitutional and administrative law were somewhat obscured by the heat of party passions. Within a few years, however, the independence of the metro- politan commission was decreased. In 1867, the limit of po- lice expenditures was fixed at $125,000 a year,t and in 1875. an act? required that the estimates of the commissioners be submitted for approval to the city Board of Estimates, a body 1 Mich, Laws, 1867, vol. 2, pp. 265-280. ? Mich, Local Acts, 1875, p. 719. 429] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. III consisting of two members elected from each ward and five members elected by the city at large At the special session of the Legislature in 1882, the police commissioners were given more complete control over the police force? The su- perintendent of police, detectives, attorney, surgeon and secre- tary and property clerk, could be removed at pleasure. The fire department. By act of March 26, 1867, the Fire Commission was established, to consist of four members, ap- pointed by the council on nomination of the mayor for terms of four years Any one of the commissioners could be re- moved by a two-thirds vote of the common council, after hav- ing been given a chance to defend himself. A position on this board was incompatible with any political office. The esti- mates up to $80,000 a year were to be levied if approved by a citizens’ meeting, and paid into the Detroit Fire Commission fund. The books of the commission were open at all times for the inspection of the mayor and comptroller. By an act of 1885 provision was made for pensioning firemen after twenty- five years of service. In the same year a board of building inspectors was established, to consist of three mechanics or architects appointed by the board of councilmen, the newly created upper house of the city legislatures These inspectors were to devote their whole time to the work and receive sala- ries not exceeding $1200 a year. Parks, The problem of parks received serious attention after 1870. In 1871 a bi-partisan board of six park commis- sioners was established, the first members being named in the act.6 Their successors, however, were to be appointed by the 1The board of estimates had been established in 1873 to take the place of citi- zens’ meetings. 2Mich. L. A., 1882, pp. 3-5. 3 Mich. Laws, 1867, vol. 2, pp. 931-938. The first commissioners were named in the act. 4Mich. L. A., 1885, pp. 470-472. 5 [bid., pp. 552-555. 6 Mich. Laws, 1872, vol. 2, pp. 1322-1334. 112 MUNICIPAL .GOVERNMENT [430 mayor and council, two retiring each year. They were author- ized to investigate and advise the common council in reference to the purchase of land for a park. The penalty attached to the embezzlement of public funds was imprisonment in the city House of Correction for not more than five years, or a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. If the plans of the commis- sioners were approved by the council, the question of issuing bonds to carry them out was to be submitted to the citizens’ meeting. The citizens’ meetings called for the purpose could not come to a decision, and the Legislature of 1873 abolished them altogether To take the place of this species of referen- dum a board of estimates was created, to be made up of two members from each ward and five members at large, all to hold office for two years. The ex-officio members without vote were the president of the council, chairman of the ways and means committee, presidents of the boards of education, police com- missioners, park commissioners, and of the fire commission, and the senior member of the board of inspectors for the house of correction. The board was required to decide by absolute Majority vote what estimates should be allowed for all pur- poses formerly submitted to the citizens’ meeting. But at the same session of the legislature the park commissioners had been authorized to purchase a park and require the council to issue the necessary bonds.?_ This act was overthrown by the courts3 The matter rested until 1879, when the common council was authorized to purchase Belle Isle fora public park, and construct a bridge or tunnel across the Detroit river. ‘The power to borrow money for this purpose was granted, but ‘the total debt of the city, not including that of the water board, and deducting the amount in the sinking fund, was never to 1 Mich. Laws, 1873, vol. 2, pp. 265-269, and Farmer’s History of Detroit and Michigan, pp.74, 75, 161. * Mich. Laws, 1873, vol. 2, pp. 100-103. 3 « Detroit Park Case,” 28 Mich., 228. 4Mich. L. A., 1879, pp. 215-216. 431] IN MICIIGAN AND OHIO, . 113 exceed two per cent. of the total assessed property valuation of the city. In 1883 a new board of park commissioners was established. Again, in 1889, the mayor was authorized to appoint, with the consent of the council, four electors and tax- payers to be “ Commissioners of Parks and Boulevards.” The board of public works. A bi-partisan board of public works, to consist of four members, the first members named in the act, and their successors to be appointed by the mayor and council for terms of eight years, was provided by the act of April 18th, 1871.3 But the creation of the new department was bitterly opposed, by the friends of the water board, whose functions were to be transferred, and the act was declared un- constitutional by the Supreme Court. In the eventfuly ear of - 1873 a new act was passed creating the “ Detroit board of public works,” to consist of three members appointed by the council on nomination of the mayor for terms of four years.5 $20,000 bonds were required of each. Their salaries were left to the decision of the common council, but they were ex- pected to devote all their time to board duties. The street commissioners, overseer of highways, city surveyor, sewer commissioners, and plan and grade commissioners were super- seded by the new board. An annual report covering expen- ditures and condition of works in each department under their control was required, Lbid., 1895, not yet published. 6 Jbid., 1893, pp. 459-463. 439] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 121 by this act, was authorized to contract for public lighting, or with the approval of the citizens, to purchase an electric light- ing plant, the first cost not to exceed $800,000, and manage the business directly. As a result of this law, the city now owns its own lighting plant, and is supplying itself with light at a much lower cost than under the former contract system. The last few years have been marked by much progress in street-paving and sewer construction. But perhaps the most important advance has been made with reference to the street- car system. After along and determined fight with the old companies, the franchise of about forty miles of streets was re- cently awarded to anew company on favorable terms. Single fares are five cents, but eight tickets can be had for a quarter, good between 5.45 a.m.and 8 p.m.,and six for a quarter, good during the rest of the twenty-four hours. The new fran- chise is to run for thirty years, when the city will have the right to purchase the plant for a consideration the amount of which is to be determined by arbitration. The city of Detroit has to-day a population of about 250,- ooo. In the decade between 1880 and 1890 the number of inhabitants almost doubled. Detroit is clearly entering upon the career of a large city. There are no densely populated slum districts, and the city almost everywhere is clean and well-suited for residence. Mayor Pingree has made the city’s corporate life very vigorous for the last six years. At the close of 1894 there were 215 miles of paved streets. The 147 miles of public sewers and 256 miles of laterals, being the total for the city up to that date, had been constructed at a cost of about five and a quarter millions of dollars. Belle Isle, the chief park of the city, has an area of nearly 700 acres, and there are several small parks scattered through the city. The mayor’s annual message of January 8, 1895, is full of suggestions and recommendations. He urges the necessity of bringing the departments into complete subordination to the executive. A part of the aldermen might well be elected 122 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [440 at large. A general purchasing agent for the city should be provided, and all officers and boards be required to order their supplies through him. The mayor advocates municipal civil service reform, and the adoption of civil service examinations in the selection of jurors. A thorough system of independent audit is urged for all the departments. An increase of the bond limit to at least four per cent. of the assessed valuation is favored. The mayor favors the taxation of all property ex- cept that belonging to the city. Churches, railroads, works of art, etc., should no longer be exempt. He denounces the meter system as used by the water board, and recommends free water. The school board ought to be reorganized to con- sist of a small commission appointed by the mayor or elected by the people on general ticket. A new primary law should be enacted with stringent provisions to prevent any one but qualified voters of the district taking part. The revenue for re-paving streets, which now is taken entirely from the general treasury, should be replenished by a graded vehicle tax, like that in Denver, Colorado. It is to be hoped that the present tendencies in the Detroit administration will continue. One of the things most needed, however, in order to allow the city to extend its activities at will, is a new charter based on the ideas of larger home-rule and administrative unity. At the present time the city gov- ernment consists of a long list of elected and appointed offi- cers, a common council of sixteen members, and the following thirteen boards and commissions: Estimates, Public Light- ing, Police, House of Correction, Sinking Fund, Education, Library, Poor, Water, Health, Fire, Public Works and Park and Boulevard. CHAPTER VII. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLEVELAND’S CHARTER. Tue charter history of Cleveland, like that of Detroit, may be divided into four periods. In the case of Cleveland, these divisions are well-marked from the standpoint of governmental organization rather than from the standpoint of political rela- tions. The first period lasted till 1836, and was the period of village organization. The city charter of 1836, which was in force until 1852, is what marks the second period. The adop- tion of general municipal laws in 1852 brings us to the third period, during which Cleveland was nominally under general laws, but practically governed to a very large extent by special acts. The charter of 1891, although in form a general law, was such a radical measure that it may be fairly said to have marked a new period in Cleveland’s charter history. The last three periods may be roughly characterized as the periods of the council system, the board system and the mayor system respectively. I. Village organization. According to the custom of the times, a patch of the Ohio wilderness was laid out and christened “ The City of Cleve- land” by a surveying party sent out in 1796 by the Connecti- cut Land Company. But unlike many other “ paper cities” of the Northwest, Cleveland came to be a real city, with peo- ple, and industries, and municipal organization. The town- ship was organized in 1802, and in 1814 the village was incor- porated" The officers of the village were to be president, re-- 1Qhio Laws, 13 v. 17-26. 441] 123 124 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [442 corder, three trustees, treasurer, village marshal, and two as- sessors, all of them freeholders or householders, chosen by electors of a year’s residence. The corporate powers of the village were vested in the first five officers, and they, always including either the mayor or recorder, could pass by-laws and ordinances not in conflict with national or state law. But there was a special provision which forbade them to abuse, take up, or sell the horses, cattle, sheep and hogs that might stray into the village from outside owners. With these two limita- tions, the ordinance power was left free for all things seeming “necessary and proper for the interest, safety, improvement and convenience of said village.” There was, of course, the customary enumeration of powers granted to the corporation. The amount of property to be owned could not be more than enough to yield an annual income of $5,000, and the rate of taxation was limited to a maximum of one per cent. The records of the trustees’ proceedings were to be open at all times for the inspection of every elector. This charter was not much changed for the next twenty years, An act of 1827 regulated the slaughtering of animals and provided for the suppression of certain nuisances. In 1831 the first attack was made upon the excise problem The board of trustees was empowered to grant a license for vending spirituous liquors, on petition of twelve respectable householders, the annual fee not to be less than $30.00. No license could be granted for more than one year, nor unless the grantee was of good moral character, and the trustees were convinced that the license would be of public benefit. In 1834, the system of special assessments was introduced3 The trustees were authorized to protect the land exposed to Lake Erie, and assess the cost of the improvements on lots in pro- portion to benefits. Sewers and street improvements, except 1 Ohio Local Acts, 25 v. 27 (vol. 25, p. 27). 2 [bid., 31 v. 223. ® [b1d., 32 V. 93, 94. 443 | {N MICHIGAN AND OHTO, 125 sidewalks, were to be paid for in the same way. During the next year a board of equalization was established to adjust the grievances caused by these special assessments ; and a board of three appraisers was appointed by the General Assembly. This is an early instance of the appointment of local municipal officers by the central legislature. Il. Cleveland under tts first city charter, 1836 to 1852. The charter of 1836. The organization of the council. By act of March 6, 1836, the inhabitants of Cleveland were incor- porated as acity.2, The government was vested in a mayor and council, the latter to be composed of three members chosen from each ward, and as many aldermen as there were wards, elected on general ticket, but no two of them were to be residents of the same ward. The number of wards was fixed at three until the council should see fit to increase, alter or change them. This is certainly an extraordinary system, establishing a city council composed so curiously of local and general ele- ments, with power to increase or to decrease its own numbers at pleasure. The combination of aldermen and councilmen in a single body suggests the influence of English municipal or- ganization, while the requirement that one alderman shall be elected from each ward by vote of the entire city is the exact obverse of the general English system, which limits the resi- dence of the voters but not that of the candidates. The powers of the council, The powers of the council were enumerated at great length. The general clause reads,—“and further to have power and authority, and it is hereby made their duty, to make and publish from time to time all such laws and ordinances, as to them may seem necessary to sup- press vice, provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the prosperity, improve the order, comfort and convenience of said city and its inhabitants, and to benefit the trade and com- merce thereof, as are not repugnant to the general laws of the 10. L, A., 33 v. 220. 2 (bid, 34 v. 271-284. 126 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [444 state.” A city clerk and any other officers necessary to the in- terests of the city were to be appointed by the council. Bya two-thirds vote of this body the mayor might be allowed compensation, and their own members might be paid not to exceed $1.00 apiece for each meeting attended. The mayor. It is worth while to quote in full the duties of the mayor as outlined in this rather remarkable charter. “ It shall be the duty of the mayor,” the law runs, “to keep the seal of said city, sign all commissions, licenses and permits, which may be granted by the city council; to take care that the laws of the state and of the city council are faithfully exe- cuted ; to exercise a constant supervision and control over the conduct of all subordinate officers, and to receive and examine into all complaints against them, for neglect of duty; to pre- side at the meetings of the city council when other duties shall permit ; to recommend to said city council such measures as he may deem expedient; to expedite all such as shall be re- solved upon by them; and in general to maintain the peace and good order, and advance the prosperity of the city; asa judicial officer he shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of all cases for the violation of any ordinance of said city ; and in criminal cases he is hereby vested with powers co-equal with justices of the peace within the county of Cuyahoga, and shall be entitled to like fees ; 4nd he shall award all such process, and issue all such writs as may be necessary to enforce the due administration of right and justice throughout said city, and for the lawful exercise of his jurisdiction, agreeably to the usages and principles of law; and when presiding at the meet- ings of the city council, he shall have a casting vote, when the votes of the members are equal.” The mayor, members of the council, treasurer and marshal were all to be elected annually. Financial provisions. This charter was remarkable also for its financial provisions. The city council was given “ power to borrow money for the discharge and liquidation of any debt of the city, either present or prospective, and to provide for the 445 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 127 redemption of any loan by them made, and the payment of the interest thereon; and to pledge the revenues and property of the city therefor.’ This grant was made effective by the power to levy such rate of taxes as should be necessary for the discharge of lawful debts and the payment of current ex- penses. But the exercise of these powers was carefully guarded by a prescribed procedure insuring deliberation and responsibil- ity. An ordinance for making a loan had to receive the affirm- ative votes of two thirds of the whole council, the yeas and nays being entered on the records, then be postponed at least two weeks, and be passed again in the same manner. The tax levy, also, was to be fixed by an absolute two-thirds majority. One assessor was to be appointed for each ward by the coun- cil, and that body was to determine the method of correction and equalization. Ordinary laws and ordinances had to be passed twice by an absolute majority vote. The school system. The council was given the oversight of common schools, and authorized to divide each ward into school districts and appoint from each district one judicious and competent person to be a member of “The Board of Managers of Common Schools in the City of Cleveland.” To this board was given the direction of the school administration, while the council was to furnish the funds. The schools were to be free to all white children more-than four years old, and the property of colored persons was exempted from school tax- ation. Subscriptions to railroad and plank road stocks. In 1838, a plan of subscribing to railroad companies was inaugurated, which turned out exceptionally profitable in Cleveland’s case. The city was authorized to procure a loan and subscribe $200,- 000 to the stock of a proposed railroad, to run in the direction of Pittsburg. Five persons, named in the act, were, “ by and with the consent of the city council of the said city of Cleve- land, and the citizens thereof,” appointed commissioners in 10. 7. A., 3% v. 53. 128 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [446 trust to manage the required loan and its investment. Vacan- cies in their number could be filled by co-optation. The city council was required to provide funds for the payment of in- terest on the loan, and the principal when due. If the coun- cil refused, the commissioners could levy the necessary tax themselves. They were required to make semi-yearly reports to the council, and submit their books to inspection by it or its authorized committees. They were to be allowed compen- sation for their reasonable expenses. During the next thirteen years, before the constitutional prohibition of 1851," four sim- ilar acts were passed, authorizing an aggregate subscription o1 $500,000 to the stocks of various railroads.? Cleveland's rail- road investments seem to have been weli administered, and were profitable in the long run. In 1845, a subscription of $50,000 to the capital stock of a plank road company was au- thorized, with the consent of the electors3 The county auditor was required to levy a yearly tax, for the payment of interest on the bonds, and the dividends on the stock were to be set aside as a sinking fund. The excise problem. In 1839 the council was deprived of its power to grant retail liquor licenses, and taverns could be licensed only by the county court of common pleas; and the court was bidden to “specially take care that no tavern be licensed where the principal business contemplated is an habitual resort of the citizens for tippling ardent spirits, wine, ale or beer, or any other intoxicating liquors.” In 1850 a new departure was made by the creation of a board of excise, the first commissioners being named by the legislature. 1 Constitution of 1851, art. viii, sec. 6: “*The general assembly shall never authorize any county, city, town, or township, by vote of its citizens or otherwise, to become a ssockholder in any joint-stock company, corporation, or association whatever ; or to raise money for, or loan its credit to or in aid of, any such com- pany, corporation or association.” 70. L. A., 44 v. 1673 47 v. 1463 49 v. 452, 502. 3 [bid., 43 Vv. 403. * Tbid., 37 v. 383. 5 /bid., 48 v. 356. 447] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 129 Their successors were to be appointed by the council for three-year terms, one retiring each year. The board was re- quired to hold quarterly sessions, and “ grant license to keep a tavern, porter-house, or house of entertainment to all appli- cants therefor, who, by the testimony of witnesses (to whom said board is hereby authorized to administer oaths), shall show to the satisfaction of the commissioners, such applicant to be of good habits, not addicted to drinking, and who would not in the opinion of said commissioners, permit or suffer any drunkenness, riotous, disorderly or licentious conduct, in his or her house, store or grocery, or on the premises occupied by him or her.” All license fees and fines were to be turned into the city treasury. Changes in the council and executive offices. By a charter amendment of 1841, the members of the council were pro- hibited from receiving pay, and the maximum salary any municipal officer could receive was fixed at $200.00 per year. In 1847 the terms of the aldermen were extended to three years, one-third of the aldermen retiring each year.2— There Seems to have been some trouble with the city marshal, for whereas by the charter of 1836, he had been an elective officer with power to ce his own deputies, both he and they were now to be appointed by the city council. In 1848 return was made to the old method of filling the office, and the council was given power to remove the marshal for cause after hearing his defense His salary was to be fixed at not more than $400.00, while his deputies were limited to $100.00 a year. Two years later, in 1850, Cleveland township was in- corporated in the city, four wards were established subject to change by the council, and the number of councilmen elected by each ward was reduced to two.t In this same year the council was empowered to establish a board of health.’ The number of its members, their official terms, compensation, and 10. L.A., 37 v. 383. + [bid., 45 v. 135. 3 [bid., 46 v. 153. * [bid., 48 v. 364. 6 Jbid., 48 v. 487. 130 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [448 to some extent their powers were left to the discretion of the council, In 1851 the city sexton was made an elective officer.* Provision was also made for the union of Cleveland and “ Ohio city.”2. The new territory annexed was to constitute two new wards, thus increasing the membership of the council. Taxation, An unlimited taxing power was not left to the city council long. In 1841 five mills on the dollar was fixed as the maximum rate3 The levy determined upon was to be certified by the mayor to the county auditor, and collected with other taxes by the county treasurer. In 1847 the tax rate for general purposes was limited to two mills on the dol- with four-fifths of a mill school tax and, and three-fourths of a mill levy to pay debts already contracted These levies were to be determined between April 1 and June 1 of each year, and within the same period the special assessments for street improvements were to be fixed for the year. In 1850 the tax limit for general purposes was raised to three mills on the dol- larS in the following year, certain real estate, recently an- nexed, was made subject to city taxes for railroad, school, road and poor relief purposes only, until it should be divided and sold or improved as city lots.® Special assessments. Methods of levying special assessments have caused Ohio statesmen a good deal of anxiety. One of the mooted points has been the incidence of that part of the burden of a local improvement resulting from the payment of damages to injured individuals. By an act of 1849 this part of the expense in Cleveland was to be paid out of the city treasury.7, In 1851 a change was made in the method of levy- ing assessments for local improvements.’ On petition of at least twelve freeholders for street improvements, the council might provide for the payment of the expense by the peti- tioners, out of the city treasury, or by a discriminating tax if 10. L. A. 49 v. 114. 2 Tbid., 4gv. 118. 3 Joid., 39 v. 66. * lbid., 45 v. 135. 5 [bid., 48 v. 487. § Jbid., 49 v.11 4. ' [bid., 47 v. 204. 8 [bid., 49 Vv. 114. 449] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 131 the petitioners represented one-third in value of the property to be taxed. Damages to individuals were to be added to the expense of the improvement. The mayor's court. In 1841 jury trial was granted to per- sons tried before the mayor for violation of city ordinances.t Ten years later the city clerk was authorized to hold the mayor’s court and was given concurrent jurisdiction with the mayor in cases of ordinance violation.? Ill. Cleveland under general laws, 1852 to 1891. We have now reached the end of avowedly special legisla- tion for Cleveland, except in isolated acts. The new constitu- tion, adopted in the year 1851, required the organization of cities by general laws. Cleveland does not seem to have suf- fered very much from the evils of special legislation, although within the years imrnediately preceding the adoption of the new constitution there had been considerable legislative action, particularly relative to the excise problem and special assess- ments. But on the whole Cleveland had enjoyed a liberal and carefully-framed charter. The population of the city had in- creased from 1,075 in 1830, to 6,071 in 1840, and 17,034 in 1850. This was still a small population compared with the great aggregations of recent decades, but the period of rapid growth had set in, and the problems of municipal government taxed the wisdom of the legislature. The general act of 1852. By the general act of 1852 for the organization of cities and villages in the state of Ohio, all the special acts referring to city charters proper were swept away.* Those special laws which had dealt with subjects local in their nature and under which important rights had become vested were not disturbed, of course. But a general organization for cities and villages according to classes was provided. Cities 10, L. A., 39 v. 162. 2 Totd., 49 v. 114. 3 Art. xiii, secs. I and 6. * Ohio Laws, 50 v. 223-259. 132 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [4 50 of the first class were those with more than 20,000 population, and as Cleveland came within that category almost at once, we need speak only of the organization and powers of cities of the first class. The council, its organization and powers. The aldermen of the old regime were done away with, and the city council was made to consist simply of the two trustees chosen from each ward for terms of two years, half of them retiring every year.. Members could be expelled by a two-thirds vote of all. The council was also given power to remove appointive officers by an absolute majority vote, and elective officers by an absolute: two-thirds vote, after granting them a hearing. The passage of by-laws and ordinances required a majority vote of all trus- tees after three readings on different days, unless otherwise provided by three-fourths vote. Every ordinance was to have a single object, expressed in its title, and ordinances amended or revived were to be repeated in full. Trustees could not be appointed to any municipal office during their term, except as provided in the law, and they were forbidden to be interested in any municipal contract. Any improvement involving the condemnation of private: property required a two-thirds vote of all councilmen. The same majority was required for any improvement to be paid for by special assessment, unless petitioned for by two-thirds of those to be assessed. Improvements and repairs of streets, bridges and sewers could be undertaken only on recommenda- tion of the board of city improvements. The executive officers and boards. The mayor was required in cities of the first class to make an annual report to the coun- cil with recommendaticns, and was given power to appoint the chief of police and an equal number of watchmen from each ward as determined by the council. The electors were to choose for terms of two years, the mayor, city marshal, civil engineer, fire engineer, treasurer, auditor, solicitor, - police judge and superintendent of markets. Upon the establish- 45 1] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 133 ment of water works the council was required to establish a board of three water works trustees, to hold for three years, and to be elected one each year. Three city commissioners were to be chosen in like manner, to enforce the ordinances of the city, superintend the cleaning, improving and lighting of the streets, commons, etc., and with the mayor and civil engi- neer to constitute the board of city improvements. The coun- cil was empowered to establish within the city or county an infirmary. Its management and the granting of out-door reliet were to be placed in the charge of a board of three directors, also elected one each year. A house of refuge, a house of correction and workhouse, or a city prison, could likewise be established, and placed in charge of a board of directors. The annual election was to be held in April, and all persons resi- dent within the city and entitled to vote for county officers were to be electors. Taxation, revenue aad finance. The limit of taxation for general purposes was placed at five mills on the dollar, and for special funds as follows: Police fund, two mills; fire depart- ment fund, one mill; house of refuge, house of correction, work house and city prison, one and one-half mills; water works, one-half mill; schools, two mills; city infirmary and poor relief, two mills; sinking fund, one-half mill ; inter- est fund (required), two mills. Taxes could be levied unifor- formly on lots, platted or unplatted. A tax on dogs and other animals not on the state and county tax lists was authorized. Loans to the amount of $100,000 annually were permitted, but only in anticipation of revenue. Appropriations, when there were no funds in the treasury to pay them, were to be void. Perhaps the worst feature of this law of 1852, in so far as it was intended to replace special legislation, was the narrow limitation of the borrowing power, and the minute regulation of the tax levy. If any particular city should need to under- take some large enterprise necessitating a loan, the legislature 134 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [4 52 would have to be specially importuned for the grant of power, and this would certainly prove fatal to the spirit, if not the form, of general legislation. Extension of the borrowing power. The very next year after the passage of the general act of 1852, it was found necessary to extend the borrowing powers of cities. By the amending act of March 11, 18537 any city not already having water works was authorized to borrow $500,000 for their construc- tion. Running expenses were to be met by water rents, and a sinking fund was to be provided by special tax. Cities were also empowered to borrow money for the purchase of school lands and the erection of school buildings, while cities of the first class were authorized to procure a loan of $500,000 for public wharves, squares, parks or market places. In 1856, and again in 1860,3 the city councils of cities having water works were authorized to borrow money for the purpose of constructing main sewers. An act of 1879 gave to all muni- cipal corporations the power to issue bonds for local improve- ments,t A two-thirds vote of the electors was first required, and the bonds could not be sold below par, or carry more than six per cent. interest. The authorized objects of the issue included the erection of various public buildings, the purchase of sites, construction of bridges, turnpike roads, etc., the refunding of debt, and the making of any local improve- ment authorized by law. Besides these general provisions, a great many special bond issues were authorized for Cleveland from year to year, for the improvement of the water works,3 the construction of bridges,® elevated railroads,7 market build- ings,? a drainage conduit,9 etc. In 1885, loans were author- ized to meet the current expenses of the city government.” 10. L., 51 v. 360-374. 2 Ibid, 53 v. 185. + 3 [bid., 57 v. 53. * [bid., 76 v. 158. 5 Jbid., 69 v. 133 79 Vv. 112. ° Lbid., 69 v. 138. 1 [bid., 80 v. 159. 8 Jbid,, 81 v. 185. 9 Ibid, 82. 250. 10 Joid., 82 v. 86. 453 IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 135 Taxation and finance. In 1856, the limit of taxation, not including school, debt and special assessment levies, was placed at five mills on the dollar.t The tax limit was again disturbed in 1862, this time being fixed at four mills, not in- cluding an extra one-half mill for lighting. An important era in Cleveland’s financial administration was opened by the establishment of the sinking fund commission in this year, to which the city’s railroad stocks were turned over. In twenty years this fund increased from $361,377 to $2,700,000, at an expense of only $600 for management.4 The five commis- sioners were named in the act, to hold their places perma- nently. Ordinary vacancies were to be filled by codptation, with the consent of the council, while the court of common pleas of Cuyahoga county could remove any member for cause on complaint of the council, and appoint his successor. In the years following this act the General Assembly fixed the tax limit almost every year, usually raising the maximum ag- gregate or adding a special fund. By the municipal code of 1869,5 the limit of taxes for general purposes was fixed, then the limits of the annual levy for ten special purposes were fixed, and finally the maximum aggregate levy for each of twenty-three more special purposes was determined. At the same time the limit of loans permitted in anticipation of reve- nue was raised to $200,000. A year later five new tax limits of annual levies for special purposes were added.° A limit was also fixed for the aggregate annual levy. By an act of 1883,7 a new method of supervising taxation was adopted in the creation of a tax commission, consisting of the mayor, au- ditor, and three citizens appointed by the superior court of Cleveland? No tax could be levied by the council, school 10. L., 53 v. 214. 2 [bid., 59 v. 72. 3 [bid., 59 v. 126. 4E. M. Avery, “ Cleveland in a Nutshell.’’ 50. L., 66 v. 145-286. * [oid., 67 v. 68. 1 Tbid., 80 v. 124. 8 The Superior Court of Cleveland was established in the year 1873. O.L., 70 v. 297. 136 - MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [454 board or any other city authority without the approval of this commission. The functions of this commission seem to have been chiefly legal, to see that any attempted taxation was duly authorized. In 1890, however, the tax commission was di- rected to appoint twenty assessors for Cleveland, equally from the two political parties which cast the highest vote at the preceding county election.‘ Public employment or office of any kind was made a bar to these appointments. Deposits, contracts and appropriations. By an act of 1888 a depositary commission, to be composed of the mayor, the president of the board of education, and the city solicitor, was required to receive bids from the various banks for the de- posit of the public moneys.? A very rigid system of daily payments to the city treasurer by the several departments, daily deposits by him, daily statements by him and also by the depositary to the city auditor, and sworn monthly state- ments by the city auditor, was inaugurated. Two years later it was made unlawful for any officer, councilman or member of an executive board to contract or vote to contract, or to incur any expense or liability whatever, beyond the amount regularly and lawfully set apart for the particular department concerned.3 It was to be unlawful for any officer to contract to pay any money not already in the public treasury to the credit of the department, and unappropriated. Another act passed in 1890 required the city council, by the first week of each fiscal half-year, to make “ detailed and specific appropria- tions for the several objects for which the city has to provide, apportioned to each month, of the moneys known to be in the treasury, or estimated to come into it during the six months next ensuing.’* This action was to be submitted to the tax commissioners for approval, amendment or rejection. Ex- penditures for the next six months had to be kept within the appropriations, and balances left over at the end of the year 10. L., 87 v. 138. 2 [b1a.,85 v. 197. 8 Tbid., 87 v. 96. 4 [bid., 87 v. 342. 455] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 137 unexpended were to be recredited to the funds from which they were taken. Spectal assessments. In the act of 1856 authorizing the construction of sewers, it was provided that special assess- ments for street improvements should not exceed fifty per cent. of the value of the lot on which they were levied, to be ascertained after the completion of the improvement. Excess. costs were to be a charge upon the general treasury. An act of 1860 authorized the council to divide the city into six main sewer districts, and levy sewer taxes in the several districts in-- dependently.2, The general expense of any main sewer could’ be lessened by the levy of a special assessment equal to the estimated cost of an equal length of branch sewers. In 1865,. the city was authorized to have its streets sprinkled on petition of a majority of adjacent owners, and to pay the expense by a. special tax per foot front3 It was enacted in 1870 that special assessments should be limited to twenty-five per cent.. of the taxable valuation of the property on which they were- levied And no person could be compelled to pay in any one- year more than one-tenth of the taxable valuation of his prop: erty for local improvements. But a year later the valuation was again allowed to be determined after the completion of the improvements An act of 1875 required that the cost of im- proving street intersections should be a general charge, and in addition at least one-fiftieth of the total expenses for a street: improvement, not including sidewalks, was to be paid from the city treasury.© In 1881 an act provided that one-half the costs of repaving should be paid from a tax levied on the gen- eral property duplicate.7 Reports to the State Auditor. The nearest approach to state supervision over city administration, except by the Legislature, 10. L., 53 v. 185. * [bid., 57 V. 53- 3 [bid., 62 v. 180. 4 [bid., 67 v. 68. 5 [bid., 68 v. 125. 6 [bid., 72 Vv. 24. 7 [bid.,78 v. 136. 138 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [456 that I have found in either Michigan or Ohio, was provided for by the Ohio law of April 5, 1856.7 One section provided that “ the city clerk of each city of the first and second class shall, on or before the first Monday in June, report to the audi- tor of the state, the aggregate expenses of such city for the ‘preceding year under the following heads: schools, police, streets, bridges, fire department, lights, poor, salaries and in- terest, and also the amount of the general city tax for all the preceding objects and for any others not enumerated, and the special taxes of the city for the same period, and the popula- tion of the city. Any city clerk who shall neglect to make report as above provided, shall forfeit and pay the sum of $100, to be recovered before any court having jurisdiction of the sub- ject matter in the name and for the use of the city.” This provision is still in force in Ohio, but does not seem to have had any very important results. Lhe board of revision. By this act of April 5, 1856, it was also provided that “the mayor, the president of the council and the city attorney shall constitute a board of revision, which shall meet as often as once in every month, to review ‘the proceedings of the council, and of all other departments of the city government, and report to the council whether any ‘department of the city government has transcended its powers, whether any officer has neglected his duties, and also report whether any, and what retrenchments in the expenses of the ‘city, and what improvements in any of the departments of its government can be made.” This provision was calculated to insure a careful and unified city administration, if we take for granted high character and ability in its members and the ‘other city officers. In 1886 an act was passed giving the board of revision full authority to prescribe to the several de- ‘partments of the city government, the forms for their books, accounts, reports, etc., and to formulate and enforce a uniform system of accounting.? By an act of 1887 the board of revis- 10. L., 53 v. 57. 2 Lbid., 83 v. 169. ~457] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 139 ion was authorized to spend each year a maximum of $1,000 for attorney, stenographer and incidental expenses in conduct- ing investigations.! Persons refusing to testify before the ‘board could be committed to jail for contempt. The appointment of officers. An act of 1856 made the city ~clerk an appointee of the council, and also required the coun- -cil to choose the civil engineer, and to designate one of the -city commissioners to be acting commissioner, while the two others were to become merely advisory officers.2. The same ~change was to be made in the board of infirmary directors. In 1858 the superintendent of markets became an appointee of ‘the council,3 but in 1863 the appointment of this officer as well as that of the civil engineer and the fire engineer was con- -ditioned on the mayor’s recommendation. A board of health “was provided for by general law in 1867.5 The mayor was to ‘be ex officio its president, but the six other members were made appointees of the council for terms of two years. The ‘board of directors of the house of correction authorized soon after for Cleveland was to consist of the mayor, and four resi- -dent freeholders appointed by the council on his nomination. By the provisions of the municipal code of 1869,” of the gen- eral officers provided for cities of the first class, seven were to “be elected, four appointed by the mayor with the council's “consent, and two, the clerk and the auditor, were to be chosen by the council itself. Other offices to be established by ordi- ‘nances were to be filled by appointment of the mayor subject ‘to the council’s approval. No less than eleven administrative boards were provided for in the code, four of them to be “elected, four appointed by the mayor and council, one ap- “pointed by the council, and two composed chiefly of ex officio ‘members. By an act of the next year, the auditor, clerk, ‘solicitor, treasurer, clerk of the police court, and civil engineer 10, L., 84 v. 32 2 [bid., 53 V. 57. 3 Tbid., 55 v. 70. $ Jbid., 60v. 51. 5 Jéid., 64 v. 76. % Jbid., 64 v. 130. 1 [bid., 66 v. 145-286. 140 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [458:- were given the right to appoint the subordinates in their re-- spective departments, subject to the council’s approval. It was also provided that a board of sewer commissioners, to be- composed of five members appointed by the mayor and coun- cil, might be established by ordinance. In 1876 the one popu- larly elected member of the board of improvements was made- an appointee of the council? By the new code of 1878 the: civil engineer again became an appointee of the council? A platting commission which had been established four years be- fore to be appointed by the council,t was now to consist of” three members appointed by the mayor subject to the confir- mation of the council. An act of 1883 required that no more: than three of the five infirmary directors should be appointed: from the same political partys Three years later a bi-partisan board of elections to consist of four members appointed by the governor was established.® This board was to appoint all of” the election judges and clerks in the various precincts of the- city. The control of the council over the administration, Aside: from its powers of appointment, which, as we have just seen,. were considerable, especially in the first part of this period, the- council, as the central, permanent body in the city govern- ment, was given quite a large control over the action of the administrative officers and boards. By the act of 1853,7 the water works trustees were required to report monthly and an- nually to the city council, which was given the right to ap-- point a committee to investigate the water administration once ayear or oftener. In 1861, the board of city commissioners was abolished, and the board of improvements was henceforth to consist of the mayor, the civil engineer, the chairman of the council committee on streets, and one street commissioner elected for two years.® In like manner, the chairman of the 10. L., 67 v. 68. 2 [bid., 73 v. 143. 8 Jbid., 75 v. 161-419. * [bid., 71 v. 116. 5 [bid., 80 v. 46. 6 /bid,, 83 v. 11. 1 Lbid., 51 v. 360-374. 8 Jbid., 58 v. 25. -459] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 14! council committee on infirmary was given a place on the board -of infirmary directors, along with the superintendent of in- firmary, and one director elected for two years. When the board of health was established, an annual report to the coun- «cil was required, but that body could not refuse to pay the health bill Similar provisions were put in force in regard to “the directors of the house of correction, authorized in 1867.7 In the following year, the board of education,3 which had been -established in 1859, to consist of one member from each ward, was given a much more independent position than heretofore.t “The council’s approval was required only for the most import- -ant financial measures, such as the purchase of sites and the -erection of school buildings. By the code of 1869,5 the au- ditor, solicitor and civil engineer were given seats in the coun- -cil without vote, for deliberation on questions affecting their respective departments. The action of most of the boards pro- vided for in this code was made subject in part to the approval -of the council. In 1870, the mayor was given a seat in the -council without vote.© A law passed in 1876 forbade the coun- -cil to delegate its contract power, and required a majority vote -of the whole council to make contracts and adopt ordinances,’ “Contracts made in violation of these provisions were to be -void as against the corporation, but binding on the contractor. In 1881, the council was required, upon the estimate of the ‘board of improvements, to provide for the cost of the street -cleaning service, which was hereafter to be done by the street “commissioner, and not by contract.2 Only in a few such cases -as this was the council deprived of its financial discretion. On the whole, with the constant changing of the administrative organization, the council maintained a fair degree of control ~over the most important municipal affairs. General powers of the city. The law of 1853 gave the coun- 10, L., 64 v. 76. 2 [bid., 64 v. 130. 3 Jbid., 56v. 281. 4 Lbid., 65 v. 236. 5 [bid., 66 v. 145-286. 6 /bid,, 67 v. 68. 4 [bid., 73 v. 125. 8 Lbid., 84 v. 67. 142 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [460 cil an important control over the gas supply... The council was authorized to fix the maximum charge for gas and rent. for gas meters, and appoint inspectors to certify the correct- ness of bills against consumers. By a law of the following” year, the price of gas, once fixed and accepted by the gas com- pany, could not be changed within ten years unless agreed upon? By an act of 1857, no land could be annexed to any municipal corporation without the consent of three-fourths of the voters resident on the land to be annexed3 In 1868 the city was authorized to enter into an agreement with a charit- able organization for the erection and management of a. hospital, to be partly supported by public funds* In the code: of 1869, besides being given the customary police powers, the- municipality was authorized to construct canals, sewers, hos- pitals, jails, market houses, water works, gas works, public: halls and school buildings ; to provide parks, public cemeteries, and free public libraries ; and to establish health, fire and police- departments. In 1875 Cleveland was authorized to establish. industrial schools for the benefit of destitute and neglected. childrenS A year later the board of improvements was re- quired to divide the city into districts and contract for the repair and cleaning of the streets, and the removal of garbage.* An important law was passed in 1879 with reference to street railways? The franchise could not be given except after ad- vertising, and then only to the corporation or individuak. which offered the lowest fares, and had secured the written consent of the owners of a majority of the feet front along- the proposed line. No franchise could be granted for more: than twenty years, and after the grant the council was for- 10. L., §1 v. 360-374. Cleveland is said to have had cheaper gas than any other city in the United States, save Pittsburg. See Griswold, « The Corporate- Birth and Growth of the City of Cleveland,” West. Res. and N. O, Hist. Soc.,. Tract No. 62. 20. L., 52 v. 30. 3 Lbid., 54 v. 85. 4 Tbid., 65 v. 83. 5 [bid,, 72. 211. * /bid., 74. v. 103. 1 [bid., 76 v. 156. 461] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 143 bidden to release the grantee from any of the obligations im- posed by thc agreement. The police department. The still crude condition of police: organization was shown by an act of 1854, which authorized the city council to provide for the election or appointment by the mayor of a chief of police, lieutenants, and an equal num- ber of night watchmen from the several wards, to hold for one year." Two years later the mayor was to appoint the chief of police and assistants with the advice of the council. By 1866 the question of police administration was becoming important. The Assembly in that year provided a “ metropolitan” board for Cleveland, to be composed of the mayor, ex-officio, and four members appointed by the Governor for eight-year terms, one retiring every two years3 The Governor had also the power of removal for good cause. The authorized expenses of the board, including certain specified extras, were made a city charge without the discretion of the council. Maximum salaries were fixed. This system seems to have caused dis- satisfaction, for two years after its adoption the city council was authorized to remove police commissioners for good cause by a three-fourths vote of all, and was required to divide the city immediately into four districts in each of which a commis- sioner should be chosen at the next election* Meanwhile all the powers of the metropolitan board were vested in the mayor. In 1876 the functions of the health board were transferred to the police commissioners,5 but a separate board of health was again established in 1880.6 The fire department. An act of 1865 required the mayor, the civil engineer and the chief fire engineer to examine halls, churches, theaters, etc., and to give certificates showing these structures to have abundant means of ingress and egress in case of danger or alarm.” In the year 1874 a board of five 10. L., 52 v. 47. * Tbid., 53 v. 57- 8 [bid,, 63 v. 104. * Ibid, 65 v. 45- 5 [bid., 73, V. 47- 6 [bid., 77 Vv. 89. 1 Ibid., 62 v. 139. \ 144 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [462 fire commissioners was established, to consist of the’ mayor as president, the chairman of the council committee on fire and -water, and three resident freeholders appointed by the mayor and council* Contracts for more than $500 required the -council’s approval. The board was to appoint the chief of the fire department and his subordinates. But “no officer or mem- ‘ber shall be appointed or removed on account of his religious -or political opinions, nor participate in the political campaigns ‘or conventions of any political party whatever.” This was the first of a series of attempts to put firemen and policemen be- yond the influence of party politics. The mayor was removed ‘from the fire board in 1876, and his place was supplied by another elective member.? It was deemed necessary to add to the non-partisan clause,—“ but the right of each officer and member to vote at any election as he may for himself deter- mine shall remain inviolate.” By an act of 1881, the mayor, fire marshal and assistant fire marshal were constituted a board of examiners of insecure and unsafe buildings.3 In 1886 the constitution of the fire commission was changed to adjust itself to the bicameral council# The mayor was to be ‘president, and the chairmen of the committees on fire and water -of the two council chambers, together with four elected mem- bers, made up the commission, Two years later a system of building regulations was adopted, and the appointment of a building inspector and assistants by the mayor and council was authorized.s The bicameral experiment. We have already seen that in 1885 special laws were required to meet current expenses in Cleveland. Probably, as a result of such financial mismanage- 10. L., 71 v. 38. 2 Lbid.,73 v. 76. * [bid., 78 v. 76. * /bid., 83 v. 184. By an act of the same year (O. L., 83 v. 198) the chairmen ‘of the two committees on streets were made members of the board of improve- ments in like manner. 5.0. L., 85 v. 289. 463] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 145 ment, the General Assembly created a second chamber of the council as a check on hasty and extravagant action.t As now constituted, the board of aldermen was to be composed of nine members elected by districts for two year terms, while the board of councilmen was to be composed of one member from each ward, also elected for two-year terms, but in the alternate years. Within ten days after election each chamber was to assemble for organization and elect a president and vice-presi- dent by wve voce vote. Ordinances might originate or be amended in either chamber, but had to be passed by both, and the interval of at least a week was required between the action of the two chambers on any ordinance involving expense or creating an obligation. Each board was to meet at least twice each month, but never on the same or succeeding days, ex- cept in joint session. An absolute majority vote of each board was required for the passage of an ordinance involving expenditure ; and the mayor was given the itemized veto- power over all important ordinances, except for special assess- ments, subject, as usual, to a re-passage by absolute two- thirds majorities after the lapse of at least ten days from the receipt of the veto message. All elections of city officers and confirmations of official appointments vested in the council were to be made in joint session. In 1887, the number of aldermen was increased to fifteen, to be elected in three dis- tricts,2 but two years later this upper chamber of the council was abolished 3 Increasing powers of the mayor. Even the new charter of Cleveland, adopted in 1891, so Gallican in its radical recon- structiveness, was preceded by legislation tending to unify the administration. We have already noticed the increased powers given to the board of revision in 1886 and 1887 and the stringent financial measures of 1888 and 1890. The in- crease of the mayor’s powers is also to be noticed. In 1856 he had been made president of the council by an act referring 10. L., 82 v. 111. 2 Tbid., 84. v. 125. 3 Ibid., 86 v. 277. 146 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [464. to Cleveland alone He lost this position through some of the changes in the general law, but was given a seat in the council without vote again in 1870.2 By the code of 18693 he had been an ex-officio member of four of the executive boards, while from time to time his powers of appointment had been extended at the expense of the council. In 1889 the accounts. of the city were put in charge of a comptroller, “appointed by the mayor without the advice and consent of the council, on the first Monday in May, 1890, and every three years there- after.”4 This officer could also be removed by the mayor for incompetency. An act of 1890 gave the mayor a veto on orders of the police, health and fire boards, involving expendi- ture, subject to a four-fifths vote of the board concerned.5 IV. The charter of 1892. The act of March 16, 1891, “to provide a more efficient government for the cities of the second grade of the first class,” was one of the most important and sweeping municipal acts ever passed by an American legislature.© The organization of the city government of Cleveland was recast. The law cov- ering less than twenty pages, was a remarkably concise docu- ment for an American city charter. This was partly due to the fact that the general powers and duties of municipalities are prescribed in Ohio by the municipal code. The fundamental principles of the new charter were the separation of the execu- tive and legislative departments and the complete unification of the administration under the mayor. The legislative department. ‘The first eleven sections of the act refer to the legislative functions of the city government. These are vested ina council of twenty members elected in ten districts for terms of two years, half retiring each year? 10. L., 53 v. 57. 2 [bid., 67 v. 68. . 3 Jbid., 66 v. 145-286. 4 /bid., 86 v. 366. 5 [bid., 87 v. 343. 8 Jbid., 88 v. 105-121. 7 The number of councilmen has since been increased to twenty-two. 465 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 147 Members are required to be residents of their respective dis- tricts. The council chooses its own president and vice-presi- dent, and may elect a sergeant-at-arms and a page. It also elects the city clerk. Except as specifically provided in this law, the council can exercise no power of election or appoint- ment to any office. It must, however, establish and maintain a police force and a fire force, and provide for the appointment of a health officer and subordinates. It may also provide for appointment of officers to enforce laws in regard to markets, city scales, sealing of weights and measures, harbors and wharves, consumption of smoke and examination of stationary engineers, and such other officers in the several departments as it may deem necessary for the good government of the corporation and the full exercise of its corporate powers; and it may prescribe their duties and fix their compensation. Every ordinance, resolution or order involving expenditure, making a contract, imposing a tax or penalty, fixing water rent, or granting a franchise, must be introduced at least a week before its passage, and unless it relates to an improve- ment or assessment recommended by the board of control, must be submitted to the mayor for his approval or veto within ten days. He may approve or disapprove independent appropriation items. But the council by an absolute two- thirds majority may pass any measure over his veto, after at least a week’s further consideration. All general ordinances and those providing for improvements to cost $500 or more must be published in at least two daily newspapers of opposite politics in the city. The council or any authorized council committee is given power to conduct investigations, subpcena witnesses, compel the production of books, commit for con- tempt, etc. No witness may be excused from testifving, but his testimony cannot be used in criminal proceedings against himself, except for perjury. The executive department. The executive power of the city is vested in the mayor, heads of departments, and other officers 148 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [466 provided for. The mayor, treasurer, police judge, prosecuting attorney of the police court, and clerk of the police court, are elected by the people as formerly. The most im- portant change in the charter is to be found in the estab- lishment of departments in imitation of the ‘ Federal” government. They are six in number, namely, public works, police, fire, accounts, law, and charities and correc- tions. At the head of each department is a director ap- pointed by the mayor, with the council’s advice and consent,. to hold until the expiration of the official term of the mayor appointing him. Each director is required to give a $20,000 bond approved by mayor and council. The salary of the mayor is $6,000; that of the director of law, $5,000; that of the other directors, $4,000 each. The mayor and directors must devote their whole time to their official duties and can hold no other public office or employment except that ot notary public or militia officer. The compensation of all municipal officers must be by salary, and all fees and perquis- ites are to be paid into the city treasury, on penalty of forfeit- ure of office. All officers must be dona fide residents of the city and citizens of the United States. All officers and em- ployes are forbidden to attend, or be members of or delegates to any political convention at which municipal officers are nominated, except where policemen attend on duty. In case of violation of this provision the mayor or head of the appro- priate department must remove the officer or discharge the employe. All officers, clerks and employes, except as other- wise provided, are appointed by the heads of departments without the advice and consent of the council. A head of de- partment may dismiss with written statement of reasons any officer or employe under him, except for political reasons; and provided further, that policemen and firemen must be given a hearing, if demanded, before the mayor, director of law and president of the council. Each director may prescribe rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, for his department. 46 7\ IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 149 He is required to furnish the mayor or council with any infor- mation desired in relation to the affairs under him. The mayor and directors are required to co-operate in such a way as to secure the most economical purchase of supplies for all departments at uniform rates. They are given seats in the council without a vote, and they may be compelled to attend meetings. The mayor may take part in all proceedings, and each direetor in those affecting his department. Duties of the mayor and directors. The law goes on to take up the duties of the mayor and the several directors in more detail. The duty of sending to the council from time to time a statement of the finances and other appropriate matters is imposed upon the chief executive. He is also given the abso- lute power to remove the directors and his other appointees, but the order of removal must be in writing, entered in the records of his office, and a copy must be transmitted to the council without delay. In cases of emergency, for five days, or longer if authorized by the council, the mayor may assume complete control of the police and fire forces. A private sec- retary is allowed him, who shall also be secretary of the board of control. The mayor is further required to call the directors together at least twice a month for consultation on city affairs, and reports may be asked for. The department of public works is in charge of a director, and includes the care, man- agement and administration of water works, streets, public grounds and parks, including opening, improvement, repair, cleaning and lighting; public buildings and bridges, except those falling directly under the charge of some other depart- ment; sewers, drainage and dredging; surveys, maps, plans, estimates, etc.; all matters relating to or affecting highways, footways, waterways, harbors, wharves and docks; and the appointment of harbor masters and other officers authorized by the council for regulation of the navigation, trade and com- merce of the corporation, in pursuance of law. The whole department is organized in three divisions, under the “ super- 150 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [468 intendent of water works,” the “ superintendent of streets” and the ‘chief engineer,” respectively. Under the director of police are placed the police force, police telegraphs, etc., the sealing of weights and measures, the city scales and markets, the inspection of food, and the public health functions in gen- eral. The members of the police force are to be appointed in accordance with civil service rules; and the police pension fund is placed under the charge of a board consisting of the mayor as president, the directors of police and of law, and three members of the force elected by their fellows. Under the director of the fire department are placed the fire force, its buildings, apparatus, etc.; the inspection of buildings, boilers, elevators and fire escapes; the examination, regulation and licensing of stationary engineers; and the consumption of smoke. The fire force also is appointed under civil service rules. At the head of the department of accounts is placed a director to be known as the city auditor. He is required to keep accurate accounts of taxes, receipts, debts, appropriations, etc., and audit the accounts of each department annually or oftener. He prescribes the forms of book-keeping and reports made to him. Other detailed regulations to prevent illegal warrants and loose expenditure are in force. The director of law is known as the corporation counsel, and is the legal ad- viser of the city. _His duty is to draw up all contracts and bonds, and indorse them, besides performing the regular duties of solicitor. Under the director of charities and corrections are ranged the work-house, the house of refuge and correction, the cemeteries, the infirmaries, and all other charitable and penal institutions established by the city. Lhe board of control and financial commissions. An import- ant feature of the charter, perhaps simply a survival of past ideas, is the board of control, consisting of the mayor as presi- dent and the six directors. This board must hold at least two meetings a week, and perform the duties of the old board of improvements, commissioners of sewers, and board of revis- 469] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. I51 ion. The old sinking fund commission, tax commission, de- positary commission and annual and decennial boards of equalization are continued under the new system. But these have to do chiefly with the technical application of the system of taxation, and the performance of certain special financial duties, and do not form an essential part of the city adminis- tration. Contracts. The only important feature of the charter still to ‘be spoken of is the part dealing with contracts. Paved streets must be cleaned by contract. Contracts will not bind the city unless money has first been appropriated, or, if payment is to be made as the work progresses, unless a tax has been levied to meet the estimated expenditure. Contracts for more than $250 must be in writing, executed by the proper director, and approved by the council and the board of control. The usual requirements are made for receiving proposals where contracts are to be entered into for more than $500, and prohibiting a ‘contract in which any city officer or employe is interested directly or indirectly. Amendments to the charter. An amendment passed about a month after the original act, adopted another idea from the national government.* In case of the disability of the mayor, or a vacancy in his office, the heads of departments are to succeed him, with precedence as follows: Law, public works, police, fire, accounts, charities and corrections. Another act passed by the same assembly placed the valuation of property in the hands of not more than forty assessors, not more than half of them to be of the same political party, to be appointed by the county auditor and approved by the tax commission.? 10. L., 88 v. 304. 2 Jbid., 88 v. 341. In Ohioa general re-assessment of real estate is made once in ten years by district assessors elected by the people’ Township assessors are elected every year to list chattel property. The forty assessors referred to in the text perform the duties of township assessors for the forty wards of Cleveland. They do not act together in any way. Annual and decennial city and county boards of equalization are provided for by law. 152 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [470 The appointment of the members of the annual board of equal- ization was then transferred from the council to the mayor.* A trace of the old system is found in the provision for the ap- pointment of an inspector of boilers by the director of the fire department, sadject to the approval of the council? It is needless to follow the details of legislation further. In the few years since its enactment, the Cleveland charter of 1891 has maintained itself remarkably well against the on- slaughts of piecemeal legislation. The general assembly con- tinues to pass about a score of acts at every session referring to certain details of the Cleveland administration, and there is small reason to hope that the charter will long remain ma- terially unaltered, unless some radical reform is inaugurated in the methods of legislation for Ohio cities. In 1892 the. school administration of the Cleveland district was reorganized on the plan of the city charter, the executive and legislative authori- ties being separated and vested in a school director and a school council respectively3 The council is composed of seven members elected at large by the people of the city. It is possible that a thorough trial of this general scheme in all city affairs may so strengthen its.hold on the popular mind as to operate successfully as a check on legislative interference. 10. L., 88 v., 370. 2 Tbid., 88 v. 379. 3 Tbid., 89 v. 74. CHAPTER VIII. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND: A REVIEW OF THEIR MUNICIPAL. EXPERIENCE, Organization of the council, Detroit has tried a good many things in the way of government, as we have seen. Twice the- common council has consisted of two chambers, once under- Governor Hull’s charter of 1806, and once during the period. from 1881 to 1887. The upper chamber was established in 1881 for the purpose of checking the board of aldermen in: their reckless and corrupt expenditures. But the two cham- bers did not check each other, and in the Legislature of 1887 it was charged that the upper house had taken the lead in ex- travagance and corruption. The experiment under Hull was. not given sufficient trial to add much to the sum of political experience, but that of 1881, where the members of the second chamber were elected by general ticket for comparatively long terms, with partial renewal every year, goes a long way to- disprove the supposition that election by general ticket will insure responsibility and efficiency. Cleveland’s experience: has been somewhat different from that of Detroit. The council from 1836 to 1852 was composed of a single chamber,. but had two kinds of members, the councillors chosen by wards and the aldermen chosen by the whole city. In 1885 Cleveland tried the bicameral council, by the establishment of an upper chamber to consist of nine members elected by dis- tricts for two-year terms. This experiment lasted four years, until 1889. In Detroit the lower chamber was known as the board of aldermen, while in Cleveland the upper chamber was. given that title. In Detroit the upper chamber was given all the powers of the council in confirming appointments, and was. 471] 153 154 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [472 also given the financial power formerly belonging to the citizens’ meeting and later to the board of estimates. In ‘Cleveland the election and confirmation of officers by the council were to be done in joint session. Here also both chambers were elected by popular vote, by ‘districts, and for the same term. During most of their history, however, these two cities have had the one-chamber system, with but one -class of members, usually elected, two from each ward, for two-year terms. But in Cleveland’s latest charter, we find a smaller council of twenty members, elected in ten districts, each of which usually comprises four wards." Powers of the council. The functions of the council are fully as important as its form of organization. In the charter of 1806, the Detroit council was given almost unlimited ‘powers, subject, however, to the absolute veto of the mayor. In 1815, the trustees’ sphere of action was almost as large, but all ordinances had to be submitted to popular vote. In 1824, ‘this restriction was omitted in the new charter. Until 1857, all appointive officers were chosen by the council. By the charter of that year an important power of removal was given ‘to the council over all elected and appointed officers, save the mayor and recorder. Since that time the tendency has been ‘to decrease the appointive powers of the council, regulate and define more minutely its general powers, and assign large ‘parts of its administrative functions to separate commis- sions. But the Supreme Court has indicated in the case of Attorney General vs. The Common Council of Detroit,? that ‘the legislature would not be permitted to deprive the council of its essential legislative functions. Probably this attitude of the court has helped to keep the common council a very im- ‘portant body in the Detroit government. The first city char- ter of Cleveland gave the council very extensive functions, ‘backed by full financial powers. The council named all ap 1 The council is now composed of twenty-two members. 2 29 Mich., 108, supra. -473] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO 155 pointive officers. Although its taxing and borrowing powers were strictly limited under the general act of 1852, a pretty full power of organizing the city administration and appointing ‘the officers not named in the general law, was given to it. “The tendency of the next ten years was to increase the coun- -cil’s power in the appointment of the various boards and -officers provided for by law. But for the last thirty years, the ‘tendency has been carefully to restrict the financial powers and gradually to take away the appointive powers of the council. ‘Under the last charter it is confined almost entirely to legisla- ‘tive functions, though its consent is still required for the ap- ‘pointment of the heads of departments. In the history of ‘these two cities the pay of aldermen and councilmen has ‘ranged from nothing, or a small per diem allowance, to a max- imum of $600 a year in Detroit at the present time. In both -cities the council has the power of passing on all important -contracts. The executive. The organization and powers of the execu- tive have gone through various forms. The most remarkable is the oldest, namely, the mayor appointed by the governor -and given an absolute veto over the acts of the council, in Detroit’s first city charter. After that short-lived experiment, -and a period from 1815 to 1824 with no mayor at all, the “mayor was elected by the people, and continued to be a voting ‘member and president of the council until 1857 in the case of ‘Detroit. In Cleveland the mayor was simply the presiding -officer of the council with no vote except in case of tie, until 1852, when that body began to choose its own president. In the early days of both cities the mayor was chiefly a judicial and peace officer, though Cleveland’s first charter gave him a position as superintendent of the administration under the ‘direction of the council. With the separation of the mayor ‘from the council came an increase in his appointive powers -and a decrease in his judicial powers. The mayor of Detroit also received important powers of removal by the charter 156 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT (474. of 1857. He was given a veto over most of the acts of the council, subject to a two-thirds vote, which he still retains. The same is true of the mayor of Cleveland under the present: charter. The importance of the mayor has been increased in. both cities from time to time by his being made ex-officio mem- ber or president of certain boards, or by his being given a veto: © over their proceedings. But Detroit has no unified adminis- tration, and the power of the present mayor, Mr. Pingree, is. due more to his personal qualities than to his official position, Only the city counselor and the members of the police board’ are appointed by the mayor absolutely. Most of the other- heads of departments, if they may be so called, are elected by the people, while the several boards are appointed, one or two- members at a time, by the mayor and council. In Cleveland, on the other hand, the mayor has become the real head of the- city administration, with a cabinet of directors patterned after: the President’s cabinet in the national government. One very’ important feature in which Cleveland departs from the “ Fed- eral” example, however, is in giving the mayor and directors. seats in the city council for deliberation. His extensive veto- power and absolute power of removal make Cleveland’s mayor- one of the most powerful and responsible officers in all our municipal service. It should be added that the board of pub-- lic works in Detroit and the directors of departments in Cleveland are required to give all their time to their public: duties, and hence tend to become semi-professional officers. Administrative boards. The two cities that we are consider- ing have by no means been free from the “board system.” It- is to be expected that public education shall be separated from: the ordinary municipal authorities and put under separate- management. In 1836 the council of Cleveland was author- ized to appoint a school board, and in 1842 an elective board’ was established in Detroit. The Cleveland school board long’ ago became elective, and in 1892 was succeeded by a director and a school council elected by the city at large, on the plan -475.] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 157 ‘of the city government. In the case of Detroit the mayor was president of the board of education at first, but was removed in 1846. In 1893 the financial resolutions of the board were subjected to the mayor’s veto. The separation of school af- ‘fairs from the ordinary city administration was followed by special provisions for various other more or less independent "boards, as we have already seen. There is no very marked -difference in the experience of the two cities on this point, ex- -cept that Cleveland has at last thrown off the system for the most part, while Detroit is as much entangled in a confusion -of authorities as ever. Detroit, however, has had the advan- tage of a much fuller protection by the courts than has been :given in Ohio. Perhaps the reaction in Cleveland has come sooner from this fact also, that its boards have frequently been -elective, while the Detroit boards have more generally been appointive. Detroit still has, all told, a “baker's dozen” of ‘boards and commissions. The bi-partisan principle tried ex- ‘tensively for the cities of Ohio and Michigan has been found “unconstitutional in the latter state.* The direct vote of the people. The direct vote of the citizens ‘has been a very important force in determinining municipal policy in Detroit. From 1815 to 1824 all ordinances had to be submitted to the people for approval or rejection, while ‘taxes continued to be voted by the citizens’ meeting until 1873. Since then at various times the question of issuing bonds has been submitted to the electors, as well as certain questions be- ‘longing to the school administration. Much less dependence -has been placed on the popular vote in Cleveland. Occasion- -ally the question of a new loan is submitted to the electors, ‘but the citizens’ meeting and the popular approval of ordinances have been unknown there. The working of local self- govern- ment in the two cities is interesting. In Detroit, where the people have had more power, there has been a greater struggle against legislative interference by the establishment of centrally 1 Attorney General v. The Board of Councilmen, 58 Mich., 213, supra. 158 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ‘ [476- ; appointed boards, There seems to have been less central in- terference in the case of Cleveland, and less struggle against it. This difference can probably be explained by the fact that the same political party usually controls in Cleveland and in the. state of Ohio as a whole, while different parties have ruled in. Detroit and the state of Michigan. Finances. The crucial point in American city government. seemis to be the finances, In the charter of 1824 the maximum. tax rate in Detroit was put at two and a half mills on the dol-- lar of the valuation of real and personal property. This limit. was doubled in 1841. Ten changes in the method of assess- ment were made during eighty years. The power to levy special assessments was first granted in 1855 for sewer pur-- poses. Thirteen separate funds were established in 1857.. Their number at the present time is legion. The tax rate had. risen to 15.77 mills in 1894, on a total valuation of $2009,- 151,220; while the net indebtedness of the city was $3,359,- 294. The limit of indebtedness is fixed by law at two per cent. of taxable valuation, while the public property now owned by the city is valued at more than $12,000,000. Cleve-- land’s financial history has been considerably different. As a. village its tax limit was placed at one per cent., with no- borrowing power. But in 1836 an unlimited taxing and: borrowing power was granted, including the right to levy special assessments. In 1841, however, the general tax rate- was limited to five mills. With the introduction of general legislation under the new constitution, the taxing power was. strictly limited in aggregate and in detail, and the borrowing: power was taken away. Since then the General Assembly has: been called upon constantly to authorize special loans and tax: levies. The tax valuation of all property in the city for 1893 was $126,515,990, and the tax rate was 13.45 mills. The ordinary expenditures for 1894 were almost five million dol- lars. The total debt of the city was, on January 1, 1895, $10,-- 266, 205.32, as against city property and permanent improve-- 477) IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 159: ments valued at $33,850,264.35. Thus we see that the finan- cial affairs of Cleveland have been carried on in a much larger: way than those of Detroit. Detroit owns its own water works and public lighting plant. Cleveland owns its water works. and several cemeteries. Both cities have extensive parks. Detroit and Cleveland have had in reality about an equal. amount of special legislation, though that of Cleveland has. been clothed in general form. In Detroit, we find under Mayor Pingree’s administration a strong development of civic: spirit, and a tendency to extend the functions of city govern- ment. In Cleveland, under its new charter, we find the em- phasis laid on the perfection of administrative machinery, rather than on the extension of administrative functions. 1 See « Annual Reports,” City of Detroit, 1893; City of Cleveland, 1894. CHAPTER IX. THE ELEMENTS OF A CITY CHARTER. Ir is certainly a common remark among municipal reform- -ers of the present time that the form of charter makes little -difference, if only competent and honest officers have the con- ‘trol of the administration. It is true, to be sure, that govern- ment cannot rise permanently above its source. But while it may be readily admitted that good laws cannot forestall bad government, it is no less certain that bad laws can seriously interfere with the work of good officers. And thanks to this ‘inequality of conditions, it is seen to be necessary that we have ‘both good laws and good officers to administer them. There is no loop-hole through which the people can slink away and ‘escape responsibility for the character of government. The first thing to be considered in discussing forms of muni- -cipal organization is the fundamental idea of what the city cor- poration exists for. Is the city a business corporation or a political unit? It is hard to define the extreme views on this question, although there has been a good deal of loose talk about it. It is known that in ancient times Athens and other cities were city-states. This is also true of Venice, Florence and other cities of the Middle Ages. But in modern times, outside of a few German free cities, the city has been the creature of a larger state. Still, in being subordinate to the state, not all cities have lost their real political character. The ‘tremendous influence of Paris as a unit on the politics of France in modern times is well known. It may be said with equal truth that New York city has been a political unit in ‘the history of American public affairs, and it has been sug- 160 [478 479] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 161 gested to set it off by itself as one of the commonwealths of the Union. All American cities have been recognized in law and in fact as governmental divisions, political in their nature. On the other hand, British and German cities seem to have emphasized the business side of their corporate life. The cus. tom of advertising for a chief of police’ or a burgomaster? cer- tainly points to a somewhat different conception of city gov- ernmental functions than we are acquainted with in America. To the municipal reformer who has seen with disgust the degradation of our city politics, and who has been taught to look to the cities of the Old World for beautiful examples of non-partisan municipal governments, it is not strange that the idea of a city governed simply on business principles, without any reference to politics, should appeal strongly. The result has been a good deal of unsound thinking with reference to municipal reforms. City government, like all government, is both political and industrial, and it is hard to keep a true equilibrium between these two characteristics, It is no easy matter to tell just where business leaves off and politics begins in governmental affairs. A great proportion of all the affairs of government, whether national, commonwealth or municipal, should be conducted on business principles, always keeping in view the general welfare. In the city, with its paving, street cleaning, sewerage, lighting, water supply, sanitation, parks, street railways, public buildings, docks, housing regulations, charities, excise administration, libraries and public schools, police, and fire service, we see an accumulation of the so-called business functions of government. It is not clear but that the name business is applied quite indiscriminately to the com- paratively recent fields of governmental activity. It is possible that with the complete break-down of the military civilizations of the old world and the establishment of permanent tribunals for international arbitration, all government may some day 1 Albert Shaw, “ Municipal Gov’t in Great Britain,” p. 66. 2 [bid., “« Municipal Gov’t in Continental Europe,” p. 318. 162 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [480 turn into business. The point I wish to make is that city government is government, and to call it business and not politics, is simply to say that all government is tending to em- phasize the industrial at the expense of the military functions. The essential thing is that, however you classify and name the activities of government, under a democratic system the indi- vidual citizen as a citizen has his share of responsibility for the success or failure of public affairs. Next to this fundamental question, in discussing the forms of city organization we must take account of the size of the city, and the character and distribution of its population. An immense city like London or New York is too large an ad- ministrative unit to insure the greatest efficiency, and too large an elective unit to insure the most intelligent and careful choice of officers. The character of a city’s population is im- portant in determining the basis of suffrage and the qualifica- tions for office. The presence of large aggregations of foreign- born persons not yet familiar with our institutions, the influx of tramps and semi-criminals, and the absence in suburban residences of a large proportion of the most thrifty members of the community, make the problem of municipal suffrage a serious one indeed. The problem of ward divisions is compli- cated by the mobility of the population, the general lack of neighborhood spirit, and the geographical differentiation of the population according to race, religion or wealth. There are in the large cities of the modern world at least four more or less distinct types of governmental organization. In one the municipal council is the all-important central body, and not only. makes the ordinances, but carries on the ad- ministration through its committees and appointees. The cities of Great Britain are organized on this plan. This was formerly the American plan also, but at the present time the council system has almost lost its hold on our municipal or- ganizations. We have already seen that Detroit and Cleve- land had this system in their early history. Minneapolis still 481] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 163 has council government, with some modifications A second type of municipal organization is that prevalent in the French and German cities, where the council chooses the executive, but has no power of removal. The mayor and his adjuncts in France and the burgomaster and his staff in Germany are the real heads of the administration, and once in their positions are quite independent of the council. In this type of muni- cipal organization the executive officers tend to be professional, though this is probably truer in Germany than in France, ow- ing to the longer official terms in the former country. A third type of municipal organization is that represented by Cleve- land and a few other American cities at the present time. It is the outcome of extending the separation of powers, as worked out in the United States national system, into local government. The council, in this system, is confined to legis- lative functions, while the mayor, elected by the people, is given very full powers as chief executive and head of the ad- ministration. The judicial power is vested in a separate system of city courts, so that the division of the government into the three sets of organs is tolerably complete. The fourth type of city organization is the prevalent one in the United States, and has been called the board system. There are so much confusion and so little uniformity in the board system that it hardly deserves to be called a type, but it has certain general characteristics that appear in most cases. Cleveland from 1852 to 1891, and Detroit since about 1853, are fairly good examples of this system in its more moderate form. The government of New York city varies from this type in the great powers that are given to the mayor in appointing the various boards, but as the boards exist and have their duties minutely regulated by law, while the council has been reduced almost to a nonentity,; we cannot deny the American metropolis a place 1 Fora very interesting and able account of the Minneapolis system, see Fro- ceedings of Minneapolis and Cleveland Conferences for Good City Government, Pp. 93-104. 164 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [482 in the general category of board-governed cities. In fact this variation of the board system in favor of the mayor’s power has become almost universal in our large cities. Perhaps Denver is as good an example as still survives of the board system, where the mayor and the council both have compara- tively small powers. In the true board system, the members of the several boards are elected one or two at a time by the people, or appointed by the governor of the state, or appointed by the mayor and council who have very meagre powers of removal. The board system is the outcome of a very compli- cated set of ideas. The doctrine of piecemeal legislation, the distrust of the local council, the belief ‘in popular election, the theory of partial renewal, the desire for non-partisanship, the idea that deliberation is required in administrative bodies, and the greed for political spoils, all have had more or less to do with the distribution of city administrative functions among boards. There is practically nothing to be said in favor of the board system as it has been developed. All agree that sub- stantial unity or at least harmony must be attained in muni- cipal administration by some means or other. The council system has a good many things in its favor, first among them being the fact that some of the best governed cities in the world have that type of organization. But this statement should not be made too sweeping, for we find that the cities of continential Europe have a type of government differing quite radically from that of the British cities, where the council system exists in its purest form. But even if we class the governments of Berlin and Buda-Pesth with those of Glasgow and Birmingham, as opposed to the kinds of city government prevalent in America, because of the lesser im- portance of the council in the latter, we can find no conclusive proof that a system which works well in Old World cities will necessarily give New York or Detroit a good government. Although the rapid growth of cities is in all the western world a phenomenon of the present century, and especially of the pres- 48 3] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 165 ent half century, it is still true that American conditions are different from European conditions. The most important difference, probably, lies in the greater race mixtures in Amer- ican cities. Foreign immigration has made every one of our large towns a world-city, with no sense of unity in its popula- tion. There has probably been also a great difference in in- dustrial conditions in the cities of the New World and of the Old. Although the industrial expansion in European cities during the last few decades has been marvelous,? it is hardly possible that the opening up of the vast resources of a new country like the United States should not be attended with more feverishness, unsteadiness and lack of co-operation in the centres of trade and production, than would be exper- ienced in the older and more fully developed countries of Europe. Under our conditions the sense of social unity and social responsibility tends naturally to be less strong. The individual prefers to take his chances scrambling for himself. The result is a dearth of civic feeling, an individualism that is death to responsible self-government in densely populated dis- tricts. Now the leading characteristic of the successful coun- cil government is precisely the unity of interest, the greater household feeling, that American cities do not have at the present time. In the early part of the century in the isolated settlements of the West, with the town-meeting spirit still vig- orous, with a comparatively homogeneous population, with no system of quick communication like that we now have, there survived something of the borough spirit, and council govern- ment was possible, as we have seen in the case of Detroit and _ Cleveland. But when towns grew into cities, although there might be a good deal of local pride in particular places, it came to be of that unfruitful and ungenerous kind that con- sists in scorn rather than emulation. It seems to me that this lack of real civic spirit is the factor which must be taken into consideration before we argue for the council plan from the 1Shaw, of. cit., p. 290. 166 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [484 experience of foreign cities. London and Paris are exceptions to the general systems of city government in England and France. They are too cosmopolitan to have the civic spirit required for entire self-government. Of course, other peculiar factors enter into their problems, but on this one point we find almost all American cities like them. Hence it seems a prac- tical necessity to modify or abandon the council system for the present in our general city polity. From the standpoint of the city as an industrial unit, a busi- ness corporation, if we reason in the abstract, there is much to be said in favor of council government as found in Great Britain, or of the continental system where the administration is put in the hands of permanent professional officers. We never cease to hear the cry that city administration is business, not ‘politics, and should be conducted on a business basis. A little closer observation will show, however, that the man- agement of cities in the United States has been carried on in too much the same way as our great business corporations. The rings of city bosses and the rings of corporation directors have exploited the citizens and the stockholders in the interests of self-aggrandizement. The trouble has arisen in both cases from the preoccupation in personal pursuits of the individuals exploited; it is the same old story of the lack of social spirit. Each man prefers to take his chances alone until the struggle for existence becomes too sharp to permit any longer the enormous waste arising from lack of codperation. It might easily be contended that the lack of sound business manage- ment is as conspicuous a failure of American life from the standpoint of social welfare as the character of our municipal governments has been. The business principles which have brought about the amassing of so large a part of the wealth of the United States in great fortunes, certainly do not give any very great promise of bringing in the millennium if applied to city governments. ‘The fact is, our cities have had too much busi- ness on the corporation plan in their government. The argu- 485] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO, 167 ment in favor of the council system from the analogy of indus- trial corporations is, therefore, not conclusive. The interests of a business corporation are radically different from the in- terests of a city. We may, perhaps, conclude that the council form of govern- ment is ideal in cities where there is a strong feeling that the city is nothing but a larger household, and where municipal administration is regarded as business and not politics. In the United States, however, with our universal suffrage and our democratic ideals, it is no easy matter to keep city affairs out of the domain of politics. Our national and state governments are based on the checks-and-balances theory, and party or- ganization has become very deeply rooted in all grades of government. I have little sympathy for that view of our political fixedness which declares to be impracticable, any governmental improvement no matter how much needed, if only it runs counter to our century-old political tradi- tions. One of the most hopeful things about the inflow of foreign immigrants is that their presence among us tends to overcome the narrow prejudices of American politics, and opens the way for the modification of our system by the introduction of new methods of government and administration. Still most of our legislation is distinctly American in spirit, -and we must look for progress along the lines already laid down in this country. The politicai prejudices of our people must be reckoned with in any reformatory schemes we may advocate. Democracy is on trial in the United States, and the severest test of its worth has been and is presented by the problems of city government. That type of municipal organi- zation arising from the application of the doctrine of checks and balances and the separation of powers in government is firmly grounded in American public law, and is, I am inclined to think, a necessary and perhaps desirable outgrowth of our political ideas. As a result of the great increase in the import- ance of the administration in city government as opposed to 168 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [486 the other departments, we find a mayor under the system of the separation of powers and the concentration of responsibil- ity a much more important officer relatively than even the President. There is a striking analogy between the mayor-governed city of the present time and the absolute monarchies of two or three centuries ago. Weare told that these alsolute monarch- ies were founded on unorganized democratic states." In the earlier development of the democratic spirit, before the people have been well-trained in self-government, the dictator system seems to be necessary. This is approximately the case now in city government. No great city population is as yet well trained in self-government on the basis of manhood suf- frage. The peculiar problems of government in dense aggrega- tions of people bring essentially enlarged spheres of activity within the domain of politics. The American tendency seems to be to regard these new problems as not essentially different in their nature from national and commonwealth problems, Although practically all municipal reformers are crying for the separation of local affairs from national and state politics, it re- mains true that the separation is not made, and almost at once after some so-called non-partisan uprising in the cities the peo- ple fall back within the old party lines. Democracy is still political rather than economic. Hence, if we are to have man- hood suffrage, we must expect political government in the cities as well as elsewhere, at least until the masses have gained more freedom and training in industrial autonomy.? Political democracy, partly conscious of its own weakness, likes the one-man power. Responsibity is thus assured, and the people 1 Burgess, “ Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law,” vol. i, pp. 66, 127. ? Mr. Kidd, in his “Social Evolution,” and other thinkers of the present day, have pointed out that while the political enfranchisement of the masses is almost complete in the western world, equality of opportunity in the social and indus- trial world is still an ideal to be worked out in future generations. 487] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 169: are less afraid of being imposed upon. As Americans we are getting to despise everything in the shape of legislative bodies.* Yet even in these bodies the democratic spirit crops out. In England the standing committees of the municipal councils. and the one or two standing committies of the House of Com- mons are chosen by election, while in the United States only the national senate follows this rule. In the lower house of Congress, in both branches of the state legislatures, and in the city councils, standing committees are usually appointed by the presiding officer.2 Thus it appears that the granting of large powers to the mayor is in line with our general political tendencies, and this policy is not likely to be soon abandoned. If we accept for the present the general form of city: organ- ization by which the departments of government are separated, and the mayor is made the responsible political chief of the whole administration, there still remain many details to be con- sidered. Either the council, the state legislature or a series of boards must exercise the municipal legislative powers, no matter how complete control the mayor may be given in ad- ministration. The levying of taxes, the authorizing of loans, the granting of franchises, the passing of ordnances, etc., are very important functions. The council being recognized as. the sorest spot in our city polity, it becomes a serious problem how to organize this body in such a way as to insure the largest responsibility. We have seen that by Cleveland’s new charter the council is composed of twenty members elected in ten dis- tricts.3 The man who was the principal author of that charter complains that the number of councilmen is too large; three or five would do better This certainly is an extreme prop- 1Commons, “ Proportional Representation,” chap, 1. 2 The municipal government of Chicago offers a marked exception to this rule. The mayor presides over the council, but that body elects its own committees. 3 Supra, There are now twenty-two members elected in eleven districts. “Hon. E, J. Blandin, Municipal Government of Cleveland, in the Proceed- ings of the Minneapolis Conference for Good City Government, pp. 112~118. 170 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [488 osition. It does not seem likely that the legislative functions of a great city can reasonably be placed in the hands of so small a body. It is sometimes urged in favor of a large coun- cil that the well-governed cities of Europe have large councils, and also that it is more difficult for private corporations inter- ested in bad government to corrupt a large council. A ques- tion equally as important as the number of council members, is the manner of choosing them. Where there are two cham- bers of the council the tendency is to elect the upper house by general ticket and the lower house by districts. The objection to the district plan in any form of government is the require- ment of residence in the district for the councilman chosen by the people of any district. The conditions in cities are quite different from those in the rural parts of the country, because of the sharp local differentiations of city populations with reference to wealth, nationality and social standing. The dif- ference in neighborhood feeling and acquaintance is also marked. In New York city, for instance, it is quite possible for two families of the same general standing in society to live on the same street with only a brick wall between them for years, and not know each other’s name. In such a city a man’s neighbors are not those who live next to him, but the people scattered through various parts of the city who meet him at church, in business, or at the club. Still it seems un- just and impolitic to completely centralize the legislature of a city with more than a quarter of a million inhabitants. The demands for election by general ticket and the demands for election by district are conflicting, and can be met only by a compromise, and perhaps a poor one. It seems much better, nevertheless, to elect a part of the council by general ticket and the rest by districts, all members to sit together as a sin- gle chamber, than to separate them into two chambers accord- ing to the manner of their election. However, if an effort is to be made to secure local representation, ward divisions should be permanent, and established as far as possible on the lines 489] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 171 of local unity.*| Then the number of representatives from each ward or district should be determined from time to time by population. The councilmen elected on general ticket ought to have longer terms than the others, thus giving a certain element of permanency to the city legislature, and making the positions in the gift of the city at large more desirable and im- portant. Perhaps some system of proportional representation should be adopted in elections to the city council. This is a much debated question at the present time. It does not seem to be an easy task to find a method of proportional representation that will work smoothly and exactly. It is also objected that under this system members chosen by parties would lose the feeling of responsibility to the people of their districts, which, under the present system, attaches to legislators as the sole representatives of both the majority and the minority of their constituents. It seems probable that more conservatism is re- quired of a legislator who must be able to command a major- ity of the votes of his constituents for*his re-election, than of one who may be re-elected even if the opposition comes into the majority. Proportional representation seems calculated to strengthen the hold of party government by making a strong organization necessary for every faction that desires to be rep- resented. Whether party government is a good or an evil is an open question. Most people recognize parties as a neces- sity. If they are a good, then it may be well to strengthen them by entrenching them in law. If they are an evil, per- haps they may have to be entrenched in law in order to be regulated. If the objections to proportional representation can be overcome, it may succeed in bringing us nearer to pure democracy. The idea of having every political sect repre- sented in the legislature according to numbers is not strictly in line with the established idea of republican or representative government. It aims, rather, at a new form of democracy, by 1 Shaw, “ Munic. Gov’t in Continental Europe,” pp. 32-35. 172 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [490- which the whole mass of the people is reproduced in miniature in the legislative body. If this is a possible and desirable thing, it can best be tried in cities where the people are nearer: to each other, and have more uniform interests. There is room for many differences in the detailed organiza- tion of the city administration. The Cleveland system of de- partments, copied from the National administration, gives a good illustration of almost complete centralization. The organ- ization by boards placed at the head of the several departments, and still under the mayor’s control, might offer the advantages. of deliberation in the management of parks, water works, sewers, police, etc. At any rate, to insure an efficient admin- istration, a permanent staff of officers and clerks is required in each highly developed’ department. Hence the civil service should be subject to rules that will insure merit as the basis of appointment. The idea of party representation on boards and among appointees, seems to be entirely opposed to sound prin- ciples of administration. Under a party system “ spoils” should certainly belong to the victors. But there is no reason for re- garding the ministerial civil service as spoils in any intelligent system of party government. While we may regard the mayor system as the best form of city organization under existing American conditions, it can hardly be accepted as the ultimate type. It is sometimes said that an all-powerful mayor can make a very good government or he can make a very bad government for the city, but at any rate he can be held responsible by the people at the next elec- tion.’ This theory seems to be based on conditions that ought 1In a personal letter, dated March 5, 1896, in response to an inquiry about the working of the new Cleveland charter, Judge Blandin said : “Your apprehension that an unified administration would tend to become a big partisan machine, was the current opinion here when the plan was proposed, and was made use of with very great effect by those who opposed its adoption. The working of the scheme has entirely disappointed their expectations, and proved the groundlessness of their fears. On the contrary, the first two mayors who were elected under the new charter were unable to secure their re-election, although 491 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 173 not to last. It means simply that the people are too busy to ‘take a continued interest in self-government, they are tired ‘of being imposed on by the professional politicians, and so they will choose one man to govern them and hold him responsible at the end of his term. Now, the science of good government -cannot be learned in one day, even by a man responsible to the people of a great city. Under these conditions the people choose some man to give them a good government, and the next day after election return to their individual vocations, thinking their duty is done. But there are in all of our cities a class of professional politicians who do not weary of the de- tails of the administration. If the mayor has to be taught, these men teach him. He sees the public will through their eyes, and becomes dependent upon them. The next mayor is likely to be one whom the people do not choose. The mayor system seems to be a remedy for city misgovernment adopted in im- ‘they gave a moderately fair administration. The politicians were unable to real- ‘ize their usual advantage, and blamed the administration for it, They should have blamed the plan. ««The present administration is unlike the two former ones, highly unpopular with the best people. The mayor has made every effort to build up a political machine within the city government, with the result that he is to-day unpopular with the masses of the people, so that any attempt on his part to be re-nominated -or re-elected would without doubt be overwhelmingly defeated. “ On the contrary, the school director in this city under a plan similar in princi- ple, has been twice elected and has every prospect of being re elected this spring, and has given an unprecedentedly good administration of school affairs. I think I may summarize the whole situation by saying that our experience here with the new plan has shown that a capable, honest executive would have more chance of retaining his place than any one who sought to make the office the head of a po- liticalengine. In short, exactly the opposite of what you anticipate has been our experience. The reason for this is that the masses of the people everywhere de- ‘sire good government. Under our scheme their entire efforts can be concentrated substantially upon the one office ; and the people, having this opportunity to choose, susually choose aright. In the election of a multitude of officers at one time, of -course choice is practically out of the question; and the primaries of the dominant parties name the public officers. 1 believe it to be the general opinion here that -our plan of city government defeats rather than promotes the establishment of a -~powerful political machine.” 174 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [492 patience and depending for its efficiency on the spasmodic rise of civic interest among a busy population, with little sense of unity. If our political ideals do not come to dismal grief, the American city must in time develop a social consciousness of its own identity, and its population must gain experience in self- government. When these two things come to pass to any great extent, it is likely that the dictatorial mayor will have to give way to a less arbitrary executive. It seems strange that little or no attention has been given to the idea of introducing par- liamentary or cabinet government into cities. Probably this can be explained by the fact that this system is strongly polit- ical, while old-world cities and new-world reformers believe that city affairs are economic. If, however,we go on along the lines marked out by our past experience, though perhaps faintly marked, we shall develop a fusion of business and poli- tics in city affairs; democracy in politics and in economics will meet in the city hall. When questions of local financial policy, including the city ownership of street railways and electric lighting plants, really come to be recognized as political ques- tions, we shall be a long way toward the realization of this ideal. The parliamentary system is admirably fitted to com- bine administrative efficiency with political democracy. The tenure of the executive is so precarious that the business of administration simply has to be entrusted to a corps of perma- nent officials. But whatever form our future municipal charters may take, it seems tolerably certain that we shall work out the problem of democracy in the cities. It is not important that all cities should have the same governmental organization. The neces- sary thing is that they shall be allowed free self-development, while the civic spirit in them is encouraged. This may possi- bly be best accomplished by granting them the right to form their own charters, as is now done in the larger cities of Mis- souri, California and Washington. The relation of the city to the state, and the duty of the state to the city, will be the sub- ject of the next chapter. CHAPTER X. THE CITY AND THE COMMONWEALTH. THE two methods of dealing with the evils of special legis- lation for cities which we have seen tried in Michigan and Ohio, have not been successful in meeting the difficulties, although the Michigan plan has not failed so utterly in accom- plishing its purpose as the Ohio plan has. The greatest obstacle to the solution of the problem lies in the genuine distrust of the political capacity of city populations felt by the rural communities. It seems that there is a real foundation for this distrust. Many thoughtful critics of the cities would attribute their incapacity for self government to their relatively large proportion of foreign-born citizens. This observation doubtless carries great weight, but there are other important factors in the problem. To be a good citizen of a large urban community requires a greater degree of self-restraint and a wider intelligence than to be a good citizen of a rural town- ship. The functions of government are much more vital in the city. Water, light, drainage and transportation, the very essentials of every individual’s every-day life, must come directly through the government or under government con- trol. There is no need to argue further that the governmental demands upon the citizenship of cities are of a more exacting nature than those upon rural folk. On the other hand, leav- ing aside the difference in the race elements of population, there seems to be good reason to think that the mere fact of aggregation tends to reduce the average political capacity of citizens. Along with the opportunity for culture and wide in- telligence furnished by city life, there comes an intense 493] 175 176 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [494 economic struggle which absorbs the energies of the more substantial citizens. The crowded conditions, the high cost of living, the extreme development of pleasure-giving institutions, the very noise on the pavement, all unite to destroy or prevent the habit of reflection in the people. They have no time to think. There is no solitude, except the awful solitude of the stranger in a large place. A reasonable degree of opportunity for the slow grinding process of thought is one of the essen- tial elements in the development of political capacity. People in great cities have always tended to herd. There is a popu- lace. Thus it appears that democracy is really being put to an ex- traordinary test in our great cities. There the nature of gov- ment is more economic and its functions more varied, and hence a greater political capacity and experience are required of the citizens. But not only the mixed race elements, but also the very conditions of city life, tend to lessen the develop- ment of these characteristics, at least for the time being. The people of the states have apparently had good reason to dis- trust the people of the cities in matters of self-government. Whether this distrust is short-sighted is another question. “ Home-rule” is the war-cry of municipal reformers now, and has in its favor one very strong argument, not the inher- ent right to self-government, but the fact that only by throw- ing a full degree of responsibility upon the cities can their tendency to political degeneration be overcome and a true civic spirit aroused. It is a life and death question, for what is to become of democratic government when the majority of the people live in cities, unless we have taken pains to make those cities responsible self-governing communities? Of course, we cannot hope to legislate good citizenship into large masses of people off-hand. But there is no question but that the form of government, especially by its placing of responsi- bility, can greatly help or greatly hinder the growth of capable and honest citizenship. Still we must not be too hasty in 495 | IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 177 granting complete local autonomy in local affairs ; for our peo- ple are impatient of failure, and are quite ready to abandon ex- periments before they have been fully tried. But in the exist- ing state of political affairs, the gravest duty devolving upon the people and the legislatures of the several commonwealths in their governmental capacity is the careful, honest and sym- pathetic encouragement of municipal capability and responsi- bility in the management of municipal affairs. There being no centralized administration in the several commonwealths of the union, the only central control over municipalities has been that exercised by the state legislatures. This control has expressed itself chiefly in the special acts which make up so large a part of our volumes of session laws. The doctrine of the enumeration of powers has greatly limited the competence of the local authorities. Yet, in the absence of an administrative control, the very principle of local self-ad- ministration has made it necessary for the legislature to keep its powers of interference in local affairs unhampered. The system of legislative control has proven itself entirely inade- quate. Some other method must be adopted. The obstacles in the way, arising from our historical development, do not make our task hopeless, for several reasons. First, we have an example of centralized administration in the national govern- ment, and so we need not go abroad to find a system for im- portation into the states. Second, as has already been re- remarked, the presence of such a large proportion of foreign citizens in our borders will render us more ready to accept the results of foreign experience in matters of detail. Third, in our own courts, notably those of Michigan, a tendency is show- ing itself to define more or less sharply the line of cleavage between purely local affairs and state affairs administered by local authorities. Fourth, notwithstanding the enumeration of municipal powers, which has seemed so hopelessly imbedded in American law and politics, the right has been granted to cities to form their own charters in three states of the Union. 178 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [496 This may be the opening wedge through whose application the idea of larger municipal powers may be adopted. Fifth, there is a very strong tendency among us to give the city a footing in constitutional law, and in spite of failures in specific meth- ods tried, the constitution-makers have not become discour- aged. Sixth, our universities are beginning to do important work in the study of municipal science and comparative con- stitutional and administrative law. The position of the American city as an organ of govern- ment is peculiar. In spite of its helplessness in law, except for specific constitutional provisions in this state or that, the city is continually setting up the claim to an inherent right of self-government. In Michigan this doctrine of a higher law than the written constitution has even been recognized by the Supreme Court. The status of the city is undetermined. There are conflicting claims. As with our national govern- ment under the Articles of Confederation, law and fact do not coincide. The great problem of our future politics is to estab- lish on a firm basis the legal relations of the city, and bring those legal relations to coincide with the demands of the city’s natural position. The city is in fact a distinct unit in its pub- lic interests. It must be recognized as such in law. There have been persons willing to go so far as to advocate the erec- tion of New York city into a separate and independent com- monwealth of the Union. This suggestion will probably not soon be carried out, but if it were, the problem of city govern- ment in the United States would not be much nearer solution, for it would not be possible to make many cities into separate states. The solution will have to be worked out by the sev- eral commonwealths. It is not improbable that the city may introduce into the federal system a new category of govern- ments.* With the powers of state and municipal governments In the Netherlands, the municipalities as well as the provinces are recognized in the national constitution, and their position is thus made independent of the national and provincial governments to some extent. 497] IN MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 179 carefully delineated in the state constitutions, and with charters in the shape of self-framed constitutions, there is no reason why the federal experiment should not be elaborated. The great cities themselves cannot be completely centralized. The spirit of local autonomy by districts or wards will come to be more strongly developed, though unity of administration will always be more necessary for the city than for the common- wealth. If we intend to persist in the trial of self-government, the status of the city in politics must be determined. It is hard now to discover who is to blame for city misgovernment. The habit of legislative interference is so strong that city populations are sure to be thwarted if they try to govern themselves in a responsible manner. The ultimate solution of the problem must lie in the greater centralization of general administrative functions under the state government, and the more complete localization of municipal administrative func- tions under the city government. The Ohio plan of prohib- iting special legislation altogether, is as undesirable as it is impossible. It is law on an arbitrary basis, and refuses to recognize the facts of local and special legislative needs. The Michigan plan of requiring the local choice of local officers may be in the right direction, but it certainly is incomplete. It involves the essentially illogical idea that the Commonwealth shall make the laws, but that the locality shall have some discretion about their enforcement. The experience of France and Germany proves that it is not impossible to unite state and local functions in a single officer, but in that case his responsibility is differentiated. We may at least conclude from our study that any constitutional solution of the city problem must have regard to both sets of evils now existing, those primarily affecting the state and those primarily affecting the locality. The state must be protected: from the wastefulness and corruption of special legislation, but at the same time must be protected from anarchy in the: 180 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT [498 enforcement of its general laws. The city must be protected from state interference in local affairs in both law-making and administration. THE END.: PUBLICATIONS OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. AN IMPORTANT HISTORICAL WORK. BRUCE.—Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. An Inquiry into the Material Condition of the People, based upon Original and Contemporaneous Records. 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