D iB a ;: i Core ree Cornell Mniversity Library BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Sage 1891 Cornell University Libra HA1121 1821 Abstract of the answers and returns made ABS TRACT OF THE, ANSWERS AND RETURNS Made pursuant to an Act, passed in the First Year of the Reign of His Majesty King GEORGE IV, INTITULED, ‘“ An ACT for taking an Account of the Population “ of GREAT BRITAIN, and of the Increase or “« Diminution thereof.” preliminary Mbservations. enumeration Abstract. parish-WRegister Abstract. M. DCCC. XXI. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 July 1822. ie 502. A CONTENTS. J. —ENUMERATION ABSTRACT - II. —PARISH-REGISTER ABSTRACT II. — INCREASE OF THE POPULATION IV. — TABLES OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES jOreliminarp Dbservations: p- Vv P> XXL - p. XXvii pp. XXxil fo XXxv County or BeEDFORD- - - Summary and Ages - BERKS ei e 2 Summary, p.11 - - BUCKINGHAM - - ~~ Summary and Ages - CAMBRIDGE~ - - Summary, p.23 - - CHESTER - - z Summary and Ages - CORNWALL - - Summary, p.41 - - CUMBERLAND - - Summary, p.50 = DERBY - 7 = Summary, p.59 - - DEVON - - e Summary, p.71 - - DORSET - - S Summaty, p.82 - - DURHAM - - 7 Summary, p.91 - - ESSEX - - - Summary, p.102 - - GLOUCESTER - - Summary, p.117- = HEREFORD - : Summary, p. 126 - - HERTFORD - 3 Summary, p. 131 HUNTINGDON - - Summary, p. 135 KENT - - = = Summary, p. 148 - - 502. Enumeration Abstract: Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages, Ages Ages Ages Ages 103 104 119 120 127 128 132 133 136 137 149 County or LANCASTER - - Summary, p. 160 - LEICESTER - Summary, p. 169 - Ages Ages LINCOLN - - « Parts of Holland - - - Parts of Kesteven —————- - - Parts of Lindsey Summary, p.187 - - Ages, MIDDLESEX - - - Summary, p.196 - - Ages MONMOUTH - - - Summary, p.202 - - Ages NORFOLK - - - Summary, p.219 - - Ages, NORTHAMPTON - - Summary, p.230 - - Ages NORTHUMBERLAND - Summary, p.244 - - Ages NOTTINGHAM - - - Summary, p.252 - - Ages OXFORD - - - - Summary, p.261 - - Ages RUTLAND - - - - Summary, p.264 - - Ages SALOP - - - - Summary, p.274 - - Ages SOMERSET - - - Summary, p.289 - - Ages, SOUTHAMPTON - - Summary, p.301 - - Ages STAFFORD - - is e Summary, p.311 - - Ages SUFFOLK - - - - Summary, p.323 - - Ages, SURREY - - - - Summary, p.330 - - Ages b p- 150 - 161 - 162 - 170 - 192 172 » 177 188, 189 - 190 - 197 - 198 - 203 = 204 220, 221 - 222 - 231 - 232 - 245 - 246 - 253 - 254 - 262 - 263 - 265 - 266 - 275 - 246 290, 291 - 292 - 302 - 303 312 - 313 324, 325 - 326 - 33! il CONTENTS. County oF County OF SUSSEX - - - Pp. 332 WORCESTER - - - - p. 368 Summary, p.341 - - Ages - 342 Summary, p.374 - - Ages - 375 WARWICK - - 343 YORK - East Riding - 376 Summary, p.349 - - Ages - 350 Summary, p.389 - - Ages, 390, 391 WESTMORLAND - - - 351 -- North Riding - 392 Summary and Ages = 354 Summary, p.406 - - Ages - 407 WILTS - - - - 355 - -- West Riding - - 408 Summary, p. 365 - - Ages, 366, 367 Summary, p.425 - - Ages - 426 SUMMARY of ENGLAND - - p- 427 CouNnTY OF County oF ANGLESEY - - - = 431 FLINT = = @ GS <= & see Summary, p.433 - - Ages - 434 Summary and Ages - - - 461 BRECON” - - - - - 435 GLAMORGAN - - - 462 Summary, p.438 - - Ages - 439 Summary, p.467 - - Ages - 468 CARDIGAN - - 440 MERIONETH - - 3 - 469 Summary, p. 443 - Ages 444 Summary, p.470 - - Ages - 471 CARMARTHEN - - = 445 MONTGOMERY - - - 472 Summary, p.448 - - Ages - 449 Summary, p.475 - - Ages - 476 CARNARVON - -— - 450 PEMBROKE = Ae - 477 Summary, p. 452 - Ages - 453 Summary, p.480 - - .Ages - 481 DENBIGH - - - - - 454 RADNOR - - 482 Summary, p. 457 - Ages 458 Summary, p.484 - - Ages - 485 SUMMARY of WALES - - - p- 486 SHIRE OF SHIRE OF ABERDEEN - - = = 489 KINCARDINE; Ages - - - 516 Summary, p.4g91 ~ - Ages - 492 HINROGSs Ages. «. << = c¥9 ARGYLL - - - - - 493 Summary, p. 494 - - Ages - 495 STEWARTRY OF AYR - ~ 2 a u - 496 KIRKCUDBRIGHT; Ages - - §18 Summary, p.497 - - Ages - 498 SHIRE oF BANFF; Ages - - - - 499 LANARK _ - - s - - 519 BERWICK; Ages- - - - 500 Seer ee a BUTE; Ages . : : — LINLITHGOW ; Ages - - - §22 CAITHNESS: Age =< + = wi ED Re se ce Bag CLACKMANNAN; Ages - - 502 ee 8 524 DUMBARTON; Ages - - = 503 PEEBLES; Ages - a . - 524 DUMFRIES - - - - = ibid PERTH : a 7 ~ 508 Ages = = 5 = = §04 Summary and Ages - - = 530 aie reno ieer Aees : : ; Fe RENFREW ; Ages = . - = §31 ELGIN ; Ages 2 4 o - 507 ROSS AND CROMARTY; Ages 532 FIFE - : = - - - 508 ROXBURGH - S : - 533 Summary and Ages - - - 510 Summary and Ages - - - 534 FORFAR - - 4 - 51 SELKIRK; Ages - - - - 535 - - - - - 12 fiona cae: Ags- - - ao SRIRLING;: Ages = oe: 6 INVERNESS : ? : ii SUTHERLAND; Ages - - - 637 Ages - - - 515 WIGTOWN;; Ages - - - 538 SUMMARY of SCOTLAND - - p. 539 GENERAL SUMMARY of GREAT BRITAIN — 542 3 ISLANDS in the BRITISH SEAS - - APPENDIX ye tROPOLIS. - - - S - es es CONTENTS. ill Warish - Register Abstract : County oF CouNTY OF BEDFORD - - - - pl MIDDLESEX - - : p. 71 Summary - - - Z Summary - - - 43 BERKS - - - - - 3 MONMOUTH - - - 44 Suminary - = = 7 Summary - = - "5 BUCKS - - - - - 8 NORFOLK - - = a 46 Summary - - - - 10 Summary - S i 82 CAMBRIDGE - - - - 11 NORTHAMPTON - - 83 Summary - - - - 14 Summary 2 : S 86 CHESTER - a % 3 z 15 NORTHUMBERLAND - 87 Summary - - = = 16 Summary - . a 88 CORNWALL - - - - 17 NOTTINGHAM - - - 89 Summary - - - - 19 Summary - 7 2 91 CUMBERLAND - - - e 20 OXFORD - 7 - e 92 Summary - - - =. 21 Summary - s s 94 DERBY - - - 7 3 22 RUTLAND - 7 “ S 95 Summary - - : = 23 Summary - = a 96 DEVON - - i - < 24 SALOP - - . iS 947 Summary - - - - 29 Summary - < 99 DORSET - - - - < 30 SOMERSET 2 2 e 100 Summary - - 7 - 33 Summary - 107 DURHAM - - = 2 si 34 SOUTHAMPTON - s 108 Summary - 2 es 7 36 Summary 2 = <= 110 ESSEX - = 7 = a 37 STAFFORD - - 5 = 111 Summary - - - - 41 Summary - = a 112 GLOUCESTER - 3 x - 42 SUFFOLK - 2 . E 113 Summary - = = = 47 Summary 7 be 117 SURREY - - a 3 118 HERETO - : ‘ re e Summary - 7 e 120 ee : SUSSEX - - . . ne HERTFORD - - . - 51 Summary < 5 123 SUNN ug RR WARWICK - - - . 154 HUNTINGDON - - - - 53 Summary - - = 125 pamiadey 3 - 7 54 WESTMORLAND -— sr eB KENT - - - - = 7 55 Summary 7 5 2 124 Summary - - - - 57 WILTS - - - i 128 LANCASTER - - , 58 Sramey 7 70 Summary - 144 SUMMARY of ENGLAND . = - p.a4s County or | County oF ANGLESEY; Summary - - 147 FLINT; Summary - - 150 BRECON; Summary - - - ibid GLAMORGAN; Summary - ibid CARDIGAN; Summary - - 148 MERIONETH ; Summary - 151 CARMARTHEN ; Summary - - ibd MONTGOMERY ; Summary - ibid CARNARVON; Summary - - 149 PEMBROKE; Summary z 152 DENBIGH; Summary - - - ibid RADNOR; Summary i = ibid SUMMARY of. WALES 7 = - Pp. 153 APPEN DIX} SUMMARY of ENGLAND and WALES - - 154 ISLANDS in the BRITISH SEAS - - 156 THE METROPOLIS - - BF iv CONTENTS. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS: I. Enumeration Abstract. p-.Vv QuvueEsTioNs addressed to Overseers in England; and to. Schoolmasters inScotland- - - - = = - = = = = CompaRATIvE STATEMENT of the Enumerations of 1801; 1811; and 1821p. viii ARRANGEMENT of Counties and Hundreds - - - - - - p- ix - - + - - = Citiesand Towns” - - - - - - - p-x - - - + - + Parishes and Townships - - + - - pp. Xi. xil - - - - + - Extra-parochial Places, and Liberties - - - p. xill CompLetion of Returns - -~ - - = - - - p: xiv Aces of Persons - er bid. Counties of England, Wales, and Scotland; in the Islands of CoMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the Ages of Persons in the several | pp- XV. Xx Guernsey, Jersey, &e.; and in The Metropolis - - - - Il. Parish Register Abstract. Questions addressed to Officiating Ministers in England - = = p. xxi Number of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages - - - - - p. Xxili Concerning the Registry of Marriages - - - + - - -p. xxiv - - - - - - - - of Burials - - - - - - - -—p. xxv - - + + - + - = of Baptisms - - - - - - p. Xxvi Il. Increase of Population. TABLE oF Popuation throughout the last Century, England and Wales pp, xxix TaBLes of the several Counties -_ = = = = & Pp. Rex. xxxy PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. HE ACT which was carried into effect in the Year 1801, “ for taking an “* Account of the PopuLarion of Great Britain, and of the Increase or “ Diminution thereof,”’—having now been repeated in the Years 1811 and 1821, a Comparison of the Results of these National Investigations seems to be required, not only as the Population Abstracts of 1801, 1811, and 1821, may hereafter be referred to in connection with each other, but because a large volume, consisting chiefly of Names and Figures, cannot be readily and effectually consulted without such previous Explanation as may serve to shew the Method and Order pursued in digesting and connecting the Subject-matter of the ENUMERATION Abstract and of the Parisu-Recistxr Abstract ; and in so doing on the present occasion, the OBsERvatTions prefixed to the volume of 1811 will be repeated, with such alterations and additions as have become necessary from another Repetition of the Population Act, which affords a further Comparison of Results, and contains a new Enquiry regarding the Aces of Persons. I. —— Enumeration Abstract. THE QUESTIONS, by means of which was to be ascertained the Numper of Houses, Famitizs and Prrsons, (with the Ages of Persons in the Year 1821) were as follow; Viz. QUESTIONS ADDRESSED TO THE OvERSEERS IN ENGLAND; AND TO THE SCHOOLMASTERS IN SCOTLAND: Who are respectively required to take an Account of the Resident Population, by proceeding from. House to House, on the Twenty-eighth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, and on the days immediately subsequent thereto, if one day shall not be sufficient; and they are also required to specify in writing the Name of the Parish or Place in the Schedule, and whether it be usually called a Parish, Township, Tything, Quarter, or by what other Denomination. 1*—HOW many Inhabited Houses are there in your Parish, Township, or Place; and by how many Families are they occupied ? 2°-—-HOW many Houses are now building, and therefore not yet inhabited ? 502, c 3'—HOW v1 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 34—HOW. many other Houses are Inhabited F 4°—WHAT Number of Families in your Parish, Township, or Place, are chiefly employed in and maintained by Agriculture, or by Trade, Manufacture, or Handieraft; and how many Families are not com- prized in either of the Two preceding Classes r N. B.—The total Number of Families in Answer to this Question, must correspond with the Number of Families in Answer to the 1st Question; and if any Doubts shall arise as to the Class in which any Family or Families ought to be comprized, such Doubt is to be stated as a Remark (under Question 7th,) not omitting therein to specify in which Class such Family or Families may have been comprized in your Answer to the 4th Question. 5°—HOW many Persons (including Children of whatever Age) are there actually found within the Limits of your Parish, Township, or Place, at the Time of taking this Account, distinguishing Males and Females, and exclusive of Men actually serving in His Majesty’s Regular Forces, in the Old Militia, or in any embodied Local Militia, and exclusive of Seamen either in His Majesty’s Service, or belonging to Registered Vessels ? 6"—REFERRING to the Number of Persons in one thousand eight hun- dred and eleven, To what Cause do you attribute any remarkable Difference in the Number at present ? 7**__IF you are of Opinion that in making the preceding Enquiries (or at any Time before returning this Schedule,) the Ages of the several Indi- viduals can be obtained in a Manner satisfactory to yourself, and not inconvenient to the Parties, be pleased to state (or cause to be stated) the Number of those who are under 5 Years of Age, of those between 5 and 10 Years of Age, between 10 and 15, between 15 and 20, between 20 and 30, between 30 and 40, between 40 and 50, between 50 and 60, between 60 and 70, between 70 and 80, between 80 and go, between 90 and i00, and upwards of 100, distinguishing Males from Females ;—And are there any other, Matters which you may think it necessary to remark in Explanation of your Answer to this or any of the preceding Questions ;—And in what Manner and to what Place of Residence and Post Office Town are Letters intended for you usually directed ? SIMILAR QUESTIONS had been asked under the authority of the Population Act of 1801 ; excepting only that in the Acts of 1811, and 1821, the Question regarding “ UnINHABITED Hovusks” was divided, for the sake of distinguishing Unfinished Houses, and “therefore not yet Inhabited,” from Houses uninhabited from any other cause:— and excepting an Alteration in the Question regarding “ Occupations,” which in the Act of 1801 applied to Persons, but in those of 1811 and 1821 to Families. The additional Question of 1821, concerning AGEs, will require particular notice in a subse- quent part of these Observations, The propriety of distinguishing New, but unfinished Houses, an indication of pros- perity,—from Houses in decay, or uninhabited from any other cause authorizing an opposite inference,—needs no explanation ;—and to have proceeded further, so as to have defined more exactly in the first question, What is to be deemed an inhabited House ? might have produced new difficulties, and would certainly have destroyed the power of comparison between the Returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821; yet unavoidable doubts have occurred PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Vib occurred in making the Return; Are conjoined tenements inhabited by distinct families, and distinctly rated.and taxed, to be deemed distinct Houses, or otherwise? Of a much more doubtful class are the Flats or Floors usual in the large Towns in Scotland ; so are Stables and other Outhouses to which Bed-rooms are attached. But these distinctions and others which may be traced in some of the Returns, were deemed upon consideration to be too minute in putting a general question, and are merely mentioned for the sake of the curious enquirer, who may have, accasion to draw inferences from the number of Houses as entered in the Abstract. The Question of 1801 relating to the Occupations of Persons, was found in practice to produce no valuable Result. In some instances, a Householder seemed to understand that the Females of his Family, his Children, and Servants, ought to be classed with himself; but generally these appear to have been referred to the Third Class, as being neither Agricultural nor Commercial: insomuch that in some places, where the Popula- tion was known to be almost entirely Agricultural, the Returns of 1801 do not assign above a third part to that Class; and in Commercial Towns a similar paucity of Persons employed in Trade, is sometimes observable. When the Returns came in, the failure of the Question was manifest, and accordingly no labour was bestowed in attempting to correct the Answers in which the Number of Persons ascribed to the Three Classes did not coincide with the total Number of Persons. In fact it appears to have fallen short of that Total by above Half a Million; a sufficient indication that no inference can safely be drawn from the columns of the Abstract of 1801, purporting to class the Population according to Occupations. It may be seen that the amended Question in the Acts of 1811 and 1821 enquires,— “ What Number of Families [not of Persons] are chiefly employed in or maintained by ** Agriculture? How many by Trade, Manufacture, or Handicraft? and how many “ Families are not comprized in either of these Classes ?”—and in general the Answers appear to have been made with care and sufficient distinctness. Tbe same kind of doubt as in the Question regarding inhabited Houses remains, and, for the same reason, must remain, regarding Families. What is to be deemed a distinct Family? One single person inhabiting a house cannot but be returned as a Family, although the word Family usually denotes more persons than one. But there is difficulty regarding Inmates, who in the various degrees of connection arising in domestic arrangements, may be deemed of the same family, ora distinct family. Single persons lodging in houses inhabited by a family, seem not usually to have been reckoned as distinct Families ; never perhaps when they are boarded also. In some few of the Returns of 1821 the Question of 1801 was answered, the number of Persons instead of Families appearing in the classification ; in some the number of Houses instead of Families was accounted for; but these and other casual inaccuracies occurred too seldom to invalidate any general conclusion ; and in all cases of doubt, Letters were dispatched to the Overseer or Schoolmaster, and explanation procured. In many Schedules where the intention was evident, though the Number or Classification was erroneous, correction was applied ; and upon the whole, it may be said, that in the formation of the Abstract nothing occurred to create a wish for any further alteration of the Question regarding Occupations, unless it were possible to settle in which of the classes Miners, Fishermen, and those employed in Inland Navigation ought to be placed. Several of the Returns of 1821 contained the desired remark on this subject, show- ing to what class such persons had therein been assigned. These remarks are not omitted in the Notes, which are inserted at the bottom of the page throughout the Abstract. In the Answers respecting the Families employed in Agriculture, a remarkable proof occurred of the difficulty of putting any Question which shall be universally understood in the same manner. In some few places the Occupiers of Land, but not Labourers in Agriculture, are supposed to belong to that Class; in other places exactly the contrary. Doubts are expressed in some of the Returns, whether Shepherds and Graziers (as they are not, strictly speaking, employed in the Culture of the earth,) ought to be ascribed to the Agricultural Class ; such opinions, however, are usually notified, or otherwise apparent, and any mistake resulting from them has been corrected in entering the Return in the Abstract. The subject of Classification may be dismissed by stating, that the Third or Negative Class appears to consist chiefly of superannuated Labourers, and Widows resident in small Tenements ; this may serve to shew that scarcely any information can be drawn from the numbers which appear in the Third or N egative Class: From the Two former Classes, and especially the Agricultural, important inferences may with confidence be deduced ; for instance, that in the year 1811, rather more than one-third part of the Population of Great Vill PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Great Britain (or, more accurately, 352 in 1,000) were employed in raising subsistence for the other two-thirds ; that in the year 1821, the proportion had decreased to one-third (333 in 1,000) :—the degree in which the Population of the several Counties of Great Britain is Agricultural, may of course be easily deduced from the respective County Sumuaries. SUMMARY AND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE ENUMERATIONS OF 1801; 1811; anv 1821. Rate of Rate of Population |———}-——>|_ Population | ——~——". Population ee 1801 In- Dimi- 1811. In- Dimi- 1821. crease, | nution, crease, | nution, p. Cent. | p. Cent. p- Cent. | p. Cent. ENGLAND - -]| 8,331,484 | 143] -— | 9,538,827 | 18 | ~ 11,261,437 WALES Sue 541,546 13 - 611,788 175 - 717,438 SCOTLAND - -]f 1,599,068 13 ~ 1,805,688 15 $§ - 2,093,456 ~- 10,472,048 14 — | 11,956,303 174 - 14,072,331 ARMY, NAVY, &c. 470,598 36 ~ 640,500 = 50 319,300 TOTALS - -| 10,942,646] 15 | - | 12,596,803] 143] - | 14,391,651 A Calculation has also been made upon the Comparative Population of each County, in the same periods. [See pp. xxxili—xxxv.] The Number of Males composing the Army, Navy, &c. includes The Regular Army, The Artillery, and The British Regular Militia, all according to official documents; the Regiments of Local Militia, which were embodied for Training and Exercise on the 27th May 1811, were ascribed to their respective Counties: not so, nor on the present occasion, the Regular Militia; because the Substitutes serving therein, (by far the greater proportion of Regular Militia-Men) are not always taken from among the Inhabitants of the County for which they serve. With the Navy are included The Royal Marines: and to all these are added The Seamen employed in navigating Registered Vessels.—None of these Classes. can be ascribed to particular Counties, nor consequently taken into account in the foregoing Comparative Statement, otherwise than in the General Total ;—nor properly in that, without making allowance for the large number of Foreigners (perhaps 100,000) employed as Merchant Seamen during the War, and consequently taken into account ia 1811 :— nor without considering, that many Soldiers and Sailors are attributable to lreland; which consideration would operate proportionally upon the larger Number of Men serving in 1811, as compared with the smaller Number in 1821. In order therefore to avoid the uncertainty hereby indicated, the Rate of Increase has been separately calculated on the respective numbers of Females only, viz. ee ye Nar —~ 1801. Increase 1811. Increase 1821. p. Cent. ih A p. Cent. 14 154 FEMALES - 5, 492, 354 or 6, 262,716 or 7, 253,728 FEMALES, 14,02 15.82 —__— —_>-——- — \ Xs SNS And the absolute Increase of Population in Great Britain (if measured by doubling that of Fema ers only) appears to have been about One Million and a Half in the first period, Two Millions in the second period. How far this apparent Increase is sustained by a comparison of the Baptisms with the Burials (as entered in the Parish Registers) during these periods, will be discussed in a subsequent PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 1X subsequent part of these Observations; in this place it seems proper rather to’ explain the order in which. the Returns have been ‘digested for ‘ready Reference,—such Explanation being necessary, or at least serviceable to all-who may: have occasion to consult the Population Abstract. THE leading Division of England into Shires or Counties appears to have been esta- blished by our Saxon Ancestors above a thousand years since; almost all the Counties being mentioned in History before the extinction of the Saxon Heptarchy. In the Popu- lation Abstract the Counties are placed in Alphabetical order, and in England each distinctly ; but in Scotland it has been found necessary to join the Shires of Cromarty and Ross, the former being as it were scattered in about Fifteen separate fragments throughout the latter, and being indeed usually considered in modérn Laws as forming part of it. Much inconvenience is experienced by the Inhabitants of the Shires of Ross and Cromarty from these numerous ‘‘ Annexations,” which were made. by authority of two Acts of the Parliament of Scotland in 1685 and 1698, in favour of an Individual, whose estate was thus consolidated into one jurisdiction. The further Division of the Southern parts of England into Hundreds is also unquestion- ably of Saxon origin, and probably in imitation of similar districts which existed in their parent Country : * but in what manner the Name was here applied, is not certain. At least one hundred (which in Saxon Numeration means one hundred and twenty +) Free Men, Householders, answerable for each other, may be supposed originally to have been found in each Hundred; for that the Hundreds were originally regulated by the Free Population is evident from the great number of Hundreds in the Counties first peopled by the Saxons, Thus Kent and Sussex at the time when Domesday Book was compiled, each contained more than Sixty Hundreds, as they do at present ; and in the Counties which composed the antient Kingdom of Wessex, the Hundreds are almost as numerous. In Lancashire, a County of greater area than any of these, there are no more than Six Hundreds,—in Cheshire, Seven: and upon the whole, so irregular is this distribution of territory, that while several Hundreds do not exceed a square Mile in area, nor One thousand Persons in Population, the Hundreds of Lancashire average at Three Hundred square Miles in area, and the Population contained in one of them (Salford Hundred) is above 320,000, This striking irregularity seems to have been felt as an inconvenience as early as the time of Henry VIII, when a remedy was attempted by ordaining Divisions (called also Limits or Circuits) which still exist (more or less manifestly) in most of the English Counties. These Divisions appear to have been formed by a junction of small Hundreds, or a partition of large Hundreds, as convenience required in each particular case, and are recognized in subsequent Acts which regard the Maintenance and Relief of the Poor. But time, which had caused the irregularity of the ancient Hundreds, gradually has the same effect on more modern arrangements; so that to alter the Names or Limits of the ancient Hundreds would really be equivalent to inventing and being forced to learn a new and changeable language, instead of retaining in use that which has been established for ages, An instance of the inconvenience of such reform occurs in Wales, several of the Counties of which were created by Act of Parliament in 1535, and the ancient Districts called Cantrefs and Commots altered into Hundreds, by virtue of a Commission under the Great Sea. for that purpose; but the alteration was attended with much unexpected difficulty, ‘three years, and afterwards three years further, being allowed for it by subsequent Acts of Pailiament ; and after all this deliberation, the new Counties and Hundreds exhibit more instances of indistinct boundary, that is, of Parishes and Townships not conterminous with the County or Hundred, than do the ancient Counties; while the abolished Cantrefs and Commots are not yet quite forgotten, and occasionally cause some confusion. . -Such Innovations are really unnecessary, as Temporary Districts for present. con- venience will always be settled by the Civil Magistrates, or by custom, around each place where * Tacitus seems to describe a Hundred-Court very exactly: Eliguntur et principes qui jura per pagos vicosque reddunt: Centeni singulis ex plebe comites, concilium simul et auctoritas, adsunt, De Morib. German. + Numerus Anglice computatur 1 Cent. proCXX. Domesday Book, Vol. 1. p. 336. In Cw. Linc. 502. d 2 22° Hen. VIII. c. 12. A. D.1551. 43° Eliz. & 12-13° Car. IL. 27° Hen. VIII. c. 26. See p. 471. Enum. Abst. 28° Hen. VIII. te Be 31° Hen. VIIL c.11. x PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. where Petty Sessions are usually holden *: and in like manner for the business of the Lieutenantcy of each County, Sub-Divisions are formed from the ancient Hundreds, subject to such alteration as circumstances may require. In the Northern Counties, formerly exposed to hostile Invasion, Wards and Wapen- takes stand in place of Hundreds; and in the Population Abstract they are alike arranged in Alphabetical order in each County. Where the Divisions are very ancient, as the Lathes of Kent and the Rapes of Sussex, or where necessary from the multiplicity of the Hundreds, as in Hampshire and Dorset, they are preserved, and their several Hundreds ranged under them. The Rapes of Sussex were Military Divisons at the time when Domesday Book was compiled; and the Lathes of Kent may have had a similar origin, connected perhaps with the Cinque Ports, and for the Defence of the Coast against invasion. The Divisions of Dorset underwent a change in the year 1740. One exception to the general arrangement occurs in regard to the Jarger Towns, which as usual are placed at the end of their several Counties. For this there is a better reason than at first sight appears: Corporate Towns and some others have a peculiar Jurisdiction, and really are not in any Hundred. The degree of separation and exemption varies infinitely, as might be expected, and cannot be reduced to any general rule, being indeed sometimes a subject of Litigation. Hence the strict propriety of placing many Cities and Towns at the end of the respective Counties :—and for the sake of comparison, other ‘Towns, which have risen into importance since the disuse of granting Charters and Immu- nities, are placed with the rest, although these Towns are for every purpose included within some Hundred of the County. The most ready way therefore of finding the Popu- lation of a principal Town, is to refer to the Summary of its County, before searching for the Hundred in which it is locally situate, where however a proper reference will always be found. The Merropotis presents an unusual difficulty, as extending into Two Counties, and therefore has been necessarily inserted distinctly in an Appendix +. In the County Summaries the Total of entire Hundreds is usually to be found; in the Body of the County all recognized Sub-divisions of the Hundred are distinguished, each with its separate Total. So far the arrangement of the ensuing Volume differs little from those of 1801 and 1811, nor indeed from the several Poors Rate Returns of 1776, 1786, and 1803; nor ought it to differ from established precedent, without good reason for so doing. But the very repe- tition of such enquiries has been found to render it absolutely necessary to enter more minutely into the relative connection and the identity of places than before. This necessity will best be understood by stating, that there are in England and Wales about 550 Parishes which are known to extend into Two Counties, or into more than One Hundred, or other Division ; and that every one of these places creates a danger of Duplicate Entry. No person entrusted with the care of rendering complete the Population Returns, can fail to refer to all preceding Authorities; nor, doing so, can fail to apply for Returns to Parish Officers, who apparently, but not really, have made default: Nor can any effort of Memory prevent this; the orthography of the Names of Places being too little settled, and indeed many names identically the same occurring too often, to permit any certain recognition of the same place. The best method of avoiding these difficulties appeared to lie in a more careful attention to the Parochial connection of places ; besides that for many purposes, particularly Ecclesiastical, the knowledge of the Population of a Parish is at least as useful as that of its constituent parts. The Instruction prefixed to the Questions of the Printed Schedule was intended to produce Information of this kind; which indeed had before been asked with some effect, as appears in the Poor Return Abstract of 1803; with the help of which and of the present Returns, it is hoped that a successful attempt has been made, to ascertain the Parochial connection of all places in Great Britain; so that no Parish should be named in the Enumeration Abstract without a Reference to all its constituent parts; and that no such part should be named without a Reference to its Parish ; and this whether the whole Parish be in the same County, or otherwise dis- joined in entry. In * Information has recently been requested from the several Clerks of the Peace, number of places in England and Wales where Petty Sessions or Divisional Meetings are usually holden; they amount to 595; and the number of acting County Magistrates is 4,430; but many of these no doubt act under more than one Commission of the Peace, which must make the real number much less. (For particulars, see p. xxxiv.) + Enum. Abstr. pp. 550, 551. Par. Reg. Abstr. pp. 157—160. as to the a PRELIMINARY -OBSERVATIONS. xi In this attempt some difficulty has occurred, which renders it necessary to enter into a brief Statement respecting the Parochial Division of the Kingdom ; which may bedeemed Ecclesiastical rather than Civil. The Country Parishes of England (in the modern sense of the word Parish) seem ori- ginally to have been of the same extent and limits as the several Manors; nor could it well be otherwise, because when it became settled, during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, that Tythe was generally due to the Church, every Lord of an independent Manor would of course appoint a Clergyman of his own chusing, in default of which the Tythe would have become due to the nearest Mother Church. Hence the Parochial Division of England appears to have been nearly the same as now established, in the Taxatio Ecclesiastica, which was compiled in the Reign of King Edward the First. (a. p. 1288—1292. In the Towns indeed there is considerable variation, personal Tythes having been much more productive before the Reformation of Religion than afterwards, and consequently a greater number of Clergymen maintained in populous places. Thus the City of London (within and without the Walls, but not including the Borough of Southwark) which now reckons One Hundred and Eight Parishes, forming no more than Seventy-two Ecclesiastical Benefices, had at that time One Hundred and Forty ; Norwich in like manner is reduced from Seventy Parishes to Thirty-seven, and other ancient Cities in proportion : a sufficient indication that the number of Parishes in Towns was formerly suffered to increase in pro- portion to the Population: and (besides that personal Tythes and Dues must always have been in a great degree voluntary,) it appears fromthe Taxatio Ecclesiastica, that the Profits accruing from one and the same Parish were not confined to one Spiritual Person, nor even to one Religious House or Community. Under such circumstances, it is not likely that Town-Parishes were anciently limited either in number or extent; but the conflicting Rights of Tythe-Owners, and the Perambulations ordained by The Canon Law, must have established the Boundaries of Country Parishes much earlier. In later times the Boundary of every Parish has been settled with precision, and indeed rendered immutable by any authority short of a special legislative enactment. This exact- ness has been produced by the Laws for the Maintenance and Relief of the Poor, whose claims on a Parish being regulated by their legal Settlement in it, and the Assessment or Poor’s Rate which takes place in consequence, being levied according to the property of the other Inhabitants, a double motive for ascertaining the Boundary of a Parish con- tinually subsists, and has been frequently a subject of litigation since the Poor Laws became burdensome. When this began to take place, the Parishes of the Northern Counties were found to be much too large for the due administration of the Poor Laws, which must always be founded upon a personal knowledge of the situation and character of every one applying for relief, and is therefore a subject to which no general rule can with propriety be applied. The inconvenience which was felt in the Northern Counties from this cause will be easily ex- plained, by stating, that Thirty or Forty square Miles is there no unusual area of a Parish; and (genetally speaking) Parishes in the North average at Seven or Eight times the area of those in the Southern Counties. Hence in the 13th year of Charles IT. (soon after his Restoration) a Law was passed, permitting Townships and Villages, though not entire Parishes, severally and distinctly to maintain their own Poor, assigning as a reason for this innovation, “ That the Inhabi- “ tants of Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Northumberland, the Bishoprick “ of Durham, Cumberland, and Westmorland, and many other Counties of England and “ Wales, by reason of the largeness of the Parishes within the same, have not and cannot “reap the benefit of the Act of Parliament (43° Ext1z.) for the Relief of the Poor.” Under this Law the Townships of the North have become as distinctly limited in prac- tice as if they were separate Parishes ;* and of course make separate Returns, which in the Abstract. of 1801 are placed alphabetically in their several Wards and Hundreds, but are now arranged under their respective Parishes; whereby the perplexity arising from a crowd of explanatory Notes has been avoided, and the convenience of those who have occa- sion to ascertain the Population of a whole Parish, is best consulted. This arrangement appeared in all the Counties North of the Humber and the Dee, and occasionally elsewhere, in * Yet in some cases the above Law of Cha. II. has not been deemed to have effected its purpose Jinaily, so. that the Townships seem to remain always liable to separation and partition upon ap- plication to neighbouring Magistrates: an opinion by which private property is largely endangered, and a new source of Litigation opened. Might it not be judicious to prevent these evils by a decla- ratory Law, against alteration of the limit of any District, now maintaining the Poor separately ? Degge Pars Coun. Reds ic. Ae: xii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. in the Abstract of 1811, and is now extended throughout the Kingdom. The arrange- ment originated in Northumberland and Westmorland,* but in extending it to the South- ern Counties, the place which gives name to the whole Parish is always called Parish, though it be only part of the Parish (the less important designation merging in the other); nor could this be avoided without departing from the customary manner of speaking. A proper Note of Reference will always be found to accompany the name of every Parish which occurs oftener than once, as not wholly contained in the same Hundred or other Division. Besides this immediate and indispensable purpose of the Notes, they will be found to embrace such other information as may tend to elucidate the arrangement and connection of places, or to obviate doubts which frequently arise where well-known places seem to have been omitted, being indeed included in the Return of their Parish. Many Notes are of a miscellaneous kind, extracted from the Returns themselves, whenever the information contained in them appeared to be useful, or explanatory of any remarkable increase or diminution of the Population. In attempting an arrangement of the kind above described, comprehending the whole Kingdom, the Question, What is a Parish? has often occurred, and has been found not easily determinable. It has been asserted, that a Parochial Chapel is that which hath the privileges of administering the Sacraments (especially that of Baptism) and the Office of Burial. “ For the liberties of Baptism and Sepulture are the true distinct Parochial “ Rights: and if any new Oratory had acquired and enjoyed this immunity, then it dif- “ fered not from a Parish Church. And till the year 1300, in all trials of the Rights of “ particular Churches, if it could be proved that any Chapel had a custom for free Bap- “tism and Burial, such place was adjudged to be a Parochial Church.” But however true this may have been until the date of the Taxatio Ecclesiastica before mentioned,—in the present sense of the word Parish, it is evidently fallacious, inasmuch as almost every Chapel of Ease would thereby constitute a separate Parish : and in the various degrees of the de- pendence of Chapels on their Mother Churches (as some rule must be adhered to) it has been deemed safe to assume, that where the Curate is appointed and removable by the Incumbent of the Mother Church, and more certainly where Church-Rates still continue to be paid towards the Repair of such Church, the Chapelry is not Parochial. On the other hand, a perpetual Curacy has not been struck out of the List of Parishes merely because the Curate is appointed by the Incumbent of the Mother Church, his permanent Tenure (especially if the Curacy has been augmented under the Laws which: direct the dis- tribution of Queen Anne’s Bounty+) seeming to alter the case materially. But this attempt at definition is rather meant to shew what has been aimed at, than what has been accom- plished ; it being impossible to ascertain minutely all such circumstances. Nevertheless, the doubtful cases are not many; and for any general purpose the number of Parishes and Parochial Chapelries in England and Wales may safely be taken at - - 10,693. The Number of places in England and Wales of which the Population is distinctly stated in the present Abstract, is - - - - - - - 15,773+ The Number of Parishes in Scotland is 948 ; of Population Returns is - 1,046, lt has been found practicable in this Volume, without too much increasing the Notes, to state in one Total the number of Inhabitants in cach Parish, when returned in Town- ships or Tythings; not without an especial view to the Ecclesiastical purposes of the Population Abstract, as regarding the Cure of Souls, and the degree of accommodation afforded in the several Parish Churches ; the total number of persons in each Parish being every where shown in the Note referring to such Parish; or to the largest part of a Parish, when not entirely in the same County, Hundred, or other Division. . In such cases, before the word Parish, the words (part of) are inserted. To * Mr. Davidson, Clerk of the Peace for the County of Northumberland, arranged the Townships of that County under their several Parishes, in 1777; and W. W. Carus Wilson, Esq.’ an active Magistrate in Westmorland, did the same for that County, in 1802 ;—in arranging the. other Counties, when original information could not be procured, recourse was had to Mr. Carlisle’s Topographical Dictionary, which experience proved to be worthy of confidence. + The Act of 1° Geo. I. c. 10. § 4. is not positive on this point; for, after declaring “ that all * such Churches, Curacies, and Chapels, which shall be augmented by the Governors of the “ Bounty of Queen Anne, shall be from the time of such augmentutions, Perpetual Cures and “ Benefices,’—in the next Section (§ 5.) it goes on to provide, ‘* That no Rector or Vicar of the ¢ Mother Church having Cure of.Souls within the Parish or Place where such augmented Church ‘ or Chapel shall be situate, shall thereby be divested or discharged from the same ; but the Cure “¢ of Souls, with all other Parochial Rights and Duties, shall hereafter remain in the same state plight, and manner, as before the making of this Act, and as if this Act had not been made.” ° . - an a PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xiii To'arrive at~a settled Orthography of the Names of places would manifestly be for general convenience, and this object has not been slighted, the name which appeared on each Return not having been adopted without collation with the former Population Abstract of 1811, and occasionally with the several Poor Return Abstracts, whereby frequent errors have been corrected ; but it is to be understood that this kind of correc- tion has been applied only to the Enumeration Returns, not to those of the Clergymen ; so that in the Parish-Register Abstract every name will be found exactly as it appeared to be spelled in the original Return. Besides Parishes and their Tythings or Townships, there are many places not contained within the Limits of any Parish, and thence called Extra-Parochial ; and from some of these, Returns of their Population are not easily procurable. They are found usually to have been the site of Religious Houses, or of ancient Castles, the owners of which did not permit any interference with their authority within their own Limits; and in rude times, the existence of such exemptions from the general Government of the King- dom is not surprising. At present the case is widely different; and there seems to be no good reason for permitting Extra-Parochial places still to avoid sharing the burdens borne by the rest of the Community. Thus an Extra-Parochial place enjoys a virtual exemption from maintaining the Poor, because there is no Overseer on whom a Magistrate’s Order may be served; from the Militia Laws, because there is no Constable to make Returns ; from repairing the Highways, because there is no Surveyor ; besides all which, the Inha- bitants have a chance of escaping from direct taxation of every kind. For in the language of the antient law of England, such places were not ‘ Geldable nor Shireground,’ non sub districtione curie Vicecomitis: and as the Sheriff was the Receiver General in his County till about the time of the Revolution, Extra-Parochial places were neither taxable nor within the ordinary pale of civil jurisdiction; and the Inhabitants are still virtually exempt from many civil duties and offices served not without inconvenience by others for the benefit of the community at large. The number of such places is not inconsiderable, though difficult to be discovered ; the present Volume exhibits above 200 of them; and the subject is the more worthy of attention, inasmuch as the acquisition of new Land, whether by reclaiming Forests, Drainage of Fens, or Embankment from the Sea, furnishes’ frequent occasion for endea- vouring even now to establish Extra-Parochial Immunities. The subject of complaint being an unreasonable exemption from certain general Laws, the remedy might be applied to that defect only; so that all places, where any person is found ready to act as Overseer of the Poor, Constable, and Surveyor of the Highways, might be permitted to remain as they are; but the Magistrates of each County might be empowered to annex all other Extra-Parochial places to adjoining Parishes for the purposes above described. Districts of larger extent may be found, which under the name of Liberties interrupt the general course of Law as affecting Hundreds, in like manner as Extrg-Parochial places that of Parishes. In Dorsetshire, where this inconvenience chiefly prevails, the Grants of some of these Liberties are dated as late as the Reign of Henry VIII, and even of Elizabeth. The proper Remedy for the Inconveniencies arising out of these improvident Grants, might be to subject them to abolition by the County Magistrates, whenever by default in the appointment of proper Officers, these Liberties (ander whatever title) are found to obstruct the due administration of’ Justice or of the Laws. Other deformities there are inthe Territorial arrangement of England and Wales, which may be deemed the more worthy of attention, as of more easy remedy. Such have been already mentioned as causing Duplicate Returns, where Parishes extend into more Counties, or into more Hundreds than one. The number of places of the first class, in so far as they have been noted, is 134, scarcely any County not affording an instance, and some having “Parishes intermixed with every surrounding County. The Parishes which extend into more Hundreds or Divisions than one, are much more numerous ; and still more consi- ‘derable is the number of those places which lie at a distance from their own County or Hundred, to the frequent inconvenience of the Inhabitants and of the Public. Indeed several of the Hundreds are so strangely scattered, that they might be advantageously merged in others, as from the conjoint name of some Hundreds seems formerly to have been done. Instances of the inconvenience here alluded to, and of the remedy, are most frequent in Wiltshire. Winkley Hundred in Somersetshire, Farringdon Hundred in Berkshire, that of Barton-Stacey in Hampshire, and some others, are remarkable instances of irregularity still in existence. The consideration of all these Anomalies might be referred to the County Magistrates, who alone could accurately point them out, and who best know by experience how far such places are inconvenient to the Inhabitants, or to the 502. e Public See the re- spective Notes xiv PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Public at large. After reasonable time allowed for the itivestigation, a single Act of Parliament might be passed, authorizing and enforcing the several alterations pointed out by the Magistrates. The Land Tax Acts, which were annual in the last century,. fre- quenUly make arrangements of this kind, applicable to the Assessment of the Land Tax, but.not for other purposes. Tux Enumeration of the whole Population may be considered as complete, no place being known finally tohave omitted making Return. In cases where the name of a place differs from the Abstract of 1811, or where two places are included under one title, all the former Names are preserved in a Note, and in cases where any place has been wans- ferred from one Hundred to another, explanation is afforded in the same manner. The proportion of the Sexes was as 100 Males to 110 Females of the Resident Popu- lation in the years 1801 and 1811; at present to only 106 Females, a difference which may obviously be ascribed to the cessation of War, and the consequently smaller number of Males in the Army and Navy. In conclusion, itis proper to mention, that where the Total of any County, as laid before Parliament in February 1822, shall be found to differ from the Total in the present Volume, the latter is to be considered as the authentic Total, a few corrections on dis- covery of duplicate entries, of omissions, and of clerical errors, having been made on the final revision of the work. The only material error discovered in the Abstract of 1811, upon Collation with the present Abstract, occurs in the North Riding of the County of York, where from some clerical error in adding the Columns of the Liberty of Langbaurgh, an omission of 13,061 Persons took place, whence a diminution of Population between the Enumeration of 1801 and 1811 was ascribed to the North Riding, making it appear a singular and unaccountable exception from the general increase. The error is now rectified in the Comparative Table of Counties. [p. xxxii.] Concerning the Enumeration Abstract, nothing more remains to be said, but that the Population of the Islands of Mann, of Jersey, of Guernsey, and its adjacent Isles, has been obtained for the first time, and is entered in the Appendix, p. 545. AGES OF PERSONS. . Connected with the Enumeration of Persons, a new QuESTION concerning their Ages avas added in the Year 1821 ; viz. IF you are of opinion that in making the preceding Enquiries (or at any time before returning this Schedule) the Ages of the several Individuals can be obtained in a manner satisfactory to yourself, and not incon- venient to the Parties, be pleased to state (or cause to be stated) the Number of those who are under 5 years of age, of those between 5 and 10 years of age, between 10 and 15, between 15 and 20, between 20 and 30, between 30 and 40, between 40 and 50, between 50 and 60, between 60 and 70, between 70 and 80, between 80 and go, between 90 and 100, distinguishing Males from Females? IT will be perceived, from the tenor of this Question, that the Answers to it were purposely left optional, both as regarding the Returning Officer, and the Persons to whom dhe Question was to be proposed by him. Doubtless it was foreseen that no com plete Return -to such a question was to be expected; but it was also obvious that the Result sought, would be attained with sufficient degree of certainty, without endeavouring to enforce the enquiry upon the entire Population. In fact the Return of Ages embraces Eicut- ‘Nintus of the Persons enumerated ; a proportion which shews so much general good- -will in execution of the Population Act, that the less laborious task of mere enumeration, cannot but have been performed in a careful manner to that extent at least, The Aces oF Persons (as returned) appear at the end of each County, but do not and cannot afford means of Comparison, unless by a Calculation which Supposes the same number of Persons to exist in every County. This has been accomplished as far as Six places of Figures, and appears in the annexed Tasuxz. For the sake of Compression, the two last places of Figures are omitted, unless where they are necessary for accuracy in the Columns which contain the more advanced stages of Human Life. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 1—ENGLAND. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the AGES OF PERSONS in the several Counties of ENGLAND, on the 28th day of May 1821, as deduced from the ReruRNs made under the Pt specified Ages, supposing (for the sake of Comparison) the Number of Males whose Ages were returned from each County to have been Ten Thousand, and the Nt N. B.The DECIMAL PARTS having been omitted for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Erro a ee ee ee ee / MALES. (or SSS eee COUNTIES 5 10 15 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 COUNTIES Under 5 10 of to to to to to to to to to & of 5 to to ENGLAND. 10 15 20 40 50 60 710 80 90 upwards. ENGLAND Years. 10 15 BEDFORD - - - 1336 1207 1054 1008 902.2 657.5 468.8 226.6 51.51 - BEDFORD - - - 1254 1051 1 BERKS - - - .« 1385 1183 979 1098 928.0 709.1 489.9 277.9 75.66 16 BERKS - - - - 1292 1097 BUCKS -- . .- 1339 1229 1017 1052 915.6 702.3 502.7 269.3 70.11 - BUCKS - - - - 1286 1050 CAMBRIDGE .- . 1313 1137 1051 1106 909 9 648.3 459.4 202.6 | 52.31 - CAMBRIDGE - - 1313 1035 1 CHESTER - - - - 1405 1224 1022 1109 895.2 505-2 304.7 193.4 53.24 08 CHESTER - - - 1336 1115 1 CORNWALL - - - 1352 1202 1047 1073 856.4 651.6 437.3 229.7 54-69 .08 CORNWALL - - 1255 1055 1 CUMBERLAND .- - 1341 1197 gg 1150 995.3 607.3 446.5 240.6 66.37 26 CUMBERLAND - 1260 1069 DERBY - - - - - 1389 1223 1025 1078 891.3 660.0 455.0 227.8 59-69 10 DERBY - - - - - 1340 1178 1 DEVON - - - - - 1362 1156 987 1145 899.4 676.0 4955 248.8 60.61 10 DEVON - - - - - 1223 1001 DORSET - - - - - 1 1362 1221 969 1041 930.5 705.2 536.6 280.5 68.96 - DORSET - - - - - 1229 1055 ‘ DURHAM - - - - 1368 1193 974 1250 860.8 649.3 484.2 251.9 83.74 77 DURHAM - - - - 1261 1065 1 ESSEX - - - - - 1402 1163 954 1135 950.1 661.7 464.5 216.5 50.22 15 ESSEX ----.- - 1351 1084 ‘ GLOUCESTER - - - 1323 1172 1004 110% 960.7 686.8 473.2 241.1 63.52 - GLOUCESTER - - - 1247 1065 ‘ HEREFORD - - 1268 1191 1003 1117 961.9 776.1 568.7 289.4 81.99 39 HEREFORD * =m 1238 1073 c HERTFORD - - - 1431 1225, 991 1108 915.2 645.2 442.4 226.0 57-11 - HERTFORD .- - - 1297 1132 1c HUNTINGDON- - - 1417 1185 1016 1043 897.1 687.1 498.1 234.5 56.63 = HUNTINGDON - - 1361 1123 ¢ KENT - - - - - - 1394 1195 gi2 1146 955.1 703.2 458.9 231.1 52.84 .06 KENT - - - - - - 1349 1097 ¢ LANCASTER - - - 1436 1262 1018 1143 887.9 564.3 343.8 154.1 38.92 14 LANCASTER - - - 1934 1157 10 LEICESTER - - - -~ 1307 1128 1004. 1126 942.4 690.2 482.9 240.1 62.31 12 LEICESTER - - - .- 1289 1053 10 LINCOLN - - - - 1315 1129 1022 1109 936.0 697.7 456.2 236.0 65.90 - LINCOLN - - - - 1308 1051 10 MIDDLESEX - - 1112 962 874 1524 | 1164.9 | 719.3 362.1 137.7 25.63 21 MIDDLESEX - - - 1002 830 9 MONMOUTH - - - 1247 1113 1008 1247 990.7 673.1 469.3 221.9 72.63 - MONMOUTH - - - 1274 1048 9 NORFOLK - - - .- 1332 1124 1003 1078 923.4 684.4 498.5 282.0 70.11 125 NORFOLK - - - - 1271 1003 9 NORTHAMPTON - .~- 1311 1135 1014 1065 937.0 715.2 547.6 290.5 56.68 = NORTHAMPTON - - 1265 1030 9 NORTHUMBERLAND 1356 1211 1013 1088 882.2 669.7 484.5 276.8 82.00 16 NORTHUMBERLAND 1241 1075 NOTTINGHAM.- - .- 1345 1183 1064 1071 925.7 680.1 468.5, 235.0 | 63.16 - NOTTINGHAM .- - 1276 1092 OXFORD- - - - - 1287 1142 1110 1100 920.2 | 676.9 | 494.0 | 263.0 | 69.65 | 4.57 - OXFORD -.-.- . 1285 1071 RUTLAND - - - - 1288 115) 1079 1042 926.7 732.2 597-5 274.8 71.70 3.26 = RUTLAND - - - - 1235 1015 SALOP «= « = «= « 1329 1238 1022 1087 970.8 675.7 508.8 262.2 71.70 4.90 - SALOP - - - - - 1332 1142 SOMERSET - - - - 1322 1163 983 1122 911.5 672.9 484.3 232.6 61.73 3.41 - SOMERSET - - - - 1204 1000 SOUTHAMPTON - - 1430 1179 936 1162 934-5 | 679.2 | 473.7 | 232.4 | 64.76 4.62 .07 SOUTHAMPTON - - 1324 1060 STAFFORD - - - - 1426 1234 1002 1130 895.8 614.7 405.9 207.8 52.23 4.24 - STAFFORD - - - - 1406 1116 SUFFOLK - - - 1377 1185 1010 1061 879.3 71.3 504.2 270.0 67.93 4.58 - SUFFOLK - - - - 1310 1064 SURREY - - - - - 1284 1122 go. 1315 1105.2 718.4 409.7 178.6 38.25 3.08 :07 SURREY - - - - - 1207 988 SUSSEX - - - - - 1431 1236 953 1067 886.0 651.3 450.1 245.2 57.98 2.76 +19 SUSSEX - - - - - 1443 1163 WARWICK - - - - 1277 1133 1003, 1481 1123 936.6 710.5 514.2 263.9 67.10 4.07 36 WARWICK - - - - 1234 1013 WESTMORLAND - - 1306 1121 1012 1488 1093 933-9 670.7 504.2 289.1 76.30 2.74 ~ WESTMORLAND - - 1262 1079 WILTS« « «© w «+ « 1321 1188 1006 1445 1070 919.8 691.5 506.7 257.3 71.71 4.71 -10 WILTS -..- - 1221 1036 WORCESTER - - - 1319 1147 974 1473 1148 | 987.4 79-1 | 484.0 | 249.9 | 68.28 | 4.32 +37 WORCESTER - - -~ 1275 1058 YORK (East Riding) - 1339 1167 971 1405 2121 1032.9 709.8 451.9 235.0 64.76 3.88 32 YORK (East Riding) - 1934 1093 — (North Riding) - 1359 1195 1003 1384 1070 890.8 | 715.4 | 541-9 | 311.0 | 94.47 9.67 28 — (North Riding) - 1284 1036 — (West Riding) - 1403 1914 1033 1442 1124 855-3 | 612.1 | 403.8 190.7 | 45.12 3-50 +03 — (West Riding) - 1365 1156 ENGLAND (collectively) 1343 1169 988 1470 1155 941.0 | 665.6 | 447.6 | 221.9 | 56.25 | 4.15 012 ENGLAND (collectively) 1268 1056 502. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. XV ete 1.—ENGLAND. ies of ENGLAND, on the 28th day of May 1821, as deduced from the Returns made under the Poputation Act; shewing, what would be the Number of Persons of the several er of Males whose Ages were returned from each County to have been Ten Thousand, and the Number of Females to have been Ten Thousand, respectively. d for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Error, not exceeding One in the Ten Thousand. a eg a See FEMALES. 60 70 80 100 COUNTIES Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 to to to & of 5 to to to to to to to to to to to & 70 80 90 upwards. ENGLAND. Years. 10 15 | 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | upwards. 68.8 226.6 51.51 - BEDFORD - - - 1254 1051 1053 1740 1136 904.3 648.3 462.9 213.3 53-50 3-00 23 89.9 | 277.9 | 75.66 16 BERKS - - - - 1292 1097 941 1580 1180 964.7 | 701.7 | 505.0 | 276.0 | 89.01 6.61 32 02.7 | 269.3 | 70.11 - BUCKS - - - - 1286 | 1050 985 | 1645 | 1158 | 965.6 | 692.3 | 476.5 | 267.8 | 70.15 | 4.70 23 50.4 202.6 52.31 - CAMBRIDGE - - 1313 1035 1032 1682 1100 926.4 644.8 442.7 217.6 51.72 2.15 - 94.7 193.4 53-24 08 CHESTER - - - 1336 1115 1043 1681 1161 75.1 568.6 395.6 208.4 61.66 5.10 07 37:3 229.7 54-69 .08 CORNWALL - - 1255 1055 1007 1636 1134 895.4 702.8 509.9 267.8 81.98 6.36 124 46.5 240.6 66.37 26 CUMBERLAND .- 1260 1069 987 1674. 1201 915.1 691.4 529.6 271.3 88.86 | 10.68 75 55.0 227.8 59.69 10 DERBY - - - - 1340 1178 1051 1607 1147 859.9 618.1 433.0 217.5 59.66 4.81 - 95-5 | 248.8 | 60.61 .10 DEVON - --.- - 1223 1001 968 1653 1230 | 926.0 } 714.1 | 539.4 | 276.8 | 83.62 | 7.65 +09 36.6 280.5, 68.96 - DORSET - - - - - 1222 1055 965 1646 1188 970.6 7115 534.2 264.7 77.29 9-91 = 34.2 251.9 83.74 77 DURHAM - - - - 1261 1065 1013 1609 1143 910.9 689.0 510.8 276.6 99.09 12.79 aii 34.5 216.5 50.22 15 ESSEX --- =. - 1351 1084 956 1642 1157 921.0 645.4 466.8 213.9 60.34 44.8 -07 "BQ | 241.1 63.52 - GLOUCESTER - - - 1247 1065 999 1633 1166 960.5 | 680.8 | 495.8 | 272.1 | 79.24 6.51 +25 8.7 289.4 81.99 -39 HEREFORD - - - 1238 1073 972 1560 1151 963.8 727.6 572.7 294.2 | 109.42 11.66 39 12.4 226.0 57.11 - HERTFORD - 2 1297 1132 1013 1646 1181 924.3 623.4 444.8 223.3 67.22 3.20 +32 8.1 234.5 | 56.63 - HUNTINGDON .- - 1361 1123 983 1582 1112 873.0 | 661.4 | 502.1 223.2 | 62.11 4.78 - 8.9 231.1 52.84 .06 KENT - - - - - - 1349 1097 953 1662 1205, 909.9 625.9 420.3 207.8 55-58 4-41 28 3.8 154.1 38.92 +14 LANCASTER - - - 1934 1157 1073 1678 1217 868.5. 527.0 351.0 167.6 40.70 3-71 (17 2. 240.1 62.31 2 LEICESTER - - - - 1289 1053 1005 1677 1188 921.1 645.3 479-7 234.8 60.40 4-55 +23 6.2 236.0 65.90 - LINCOLN - - - - 1308 1051 1026 1655 1136 929.8 667.9 470.6 237.2 71.13 6.15 36 2.1 137.7 25.63 21 MIDDLESEX - - - 1002 830 947 2046 1529 | 1061.2 679.3 391.0 1605 37.51 3-99 33. 9.3 221.9 72.63 - MONMOUTH - - - 1274 1048 995 1576 1195 944.6 648.2 544.2 269.0 91.23 10.17 87. 8.5 282.0 70.11 125 NORFOLK - - - - 1271 1003 952 1644 1147 965.2 703.1 508.0 282.7 85.05 8.35 23 7.6 290.5 56.68 - NORTHAMPTON - - 1265 1030 961 1618 1156 960.1 719.8 542.5 256.5 62.82 3-95 13 4-5 276.8 82.00 16 NORTHUMBERLAND 1241 1075 1063 1676 1136 900.2 673.6 511.0 284.3 93.22 | 13.96 .93 8.5 235.0 63.16 - NOTTINGHAM - - 1276 1092 1023 1710 1165 914.3 643.5 451.1 228.6 61.08 4.37 - 4.0 263.0 69.65 4.57 - OXFORD - 2 ee 1285 1071 991 1564 1154 972.3 711.5 505-5 249.3 76,54 6.09 16 7-5 274.8 71.70 3.26 - RUTLAND - - - -J 1351 1235 1015 997 1573 1056 084.4 771.3 606.9 323-4 76.81 9.74 = 3.8 262.2 71.70 4.90 - SALOP - -- - - 1332 1142 1006 1534 1139 908.7 677.4 526.3 264.1 94.88 7.79 32 1.3 232.6 61.73 3.41 - SOMERSET - - - - 1204 1000 987 1684 1293 965.1 694.0 519.7 256.8 75.29 6.23 .06 3.17 232.4 64.76 4.62 .07 SOUTHAMPTON - - 1324 1060 966 1655 1231 912.3 667.8 441.6 223.9 60.07 5.20 +14 5-9 207.8 52.23 4.24 - STAFFORD - - - - 1406 1116 982 1653 1137 889.3 599.0 424.3 212.9 59:43 6.06 37 1.2 270.0 67.93 4.58 - SUFFOLK - - - - 1310 1064 963 1618 1129 917.8 671.3 500.1 267.2 84.26 6.87 15 ).7 178.6 38.25 3.08 .07 SURREY - - - - - 1207 988 945 1760 1357 | 1027.9 682.3 427.6 197.3 48.52 6.32 28 1 245.2 57.98 2.76 +19 SUSSEX - - - - - 1443 1163 954 1568 1111 842.4 603.6 431.1 224.1 54-85 4.11 - .2 263.9 67.10 4.07 36 WARWICK - - - - 1234 1013 979 1701 1166 962.7 686.8 498.0 261.3 66.51 5.00 12 2 289.1 76.30 2.74 - WESTMORLAND - - 1262 1079 929 1557 1143 925.8 739.3 547.0 309.5 | 100.98 7.35 39 7 257.3 71.71 4.71 +10 WILIS - - - - - 1221 1036 970 1632 1171 981.8 725.9 525.5 260.6 68.79 5.26 - .0 249.9 | 68.28 4.32 37 WORCESTER - - - 1275 1058 987 1691 1173 950.1 672.8 478.1 262.1 79.18 5.81 24 9 235.0 64.76 3.88 +32 YORK (East Riding) - 12934 1093 1006 1674 1185 974.5 683.4 462.1 239-4 70.94 4:72 +10 .9 311.0 94-47 9.67 28 — (North Riding) - 1284 1036 996 1530 1129 952-9 704.8 561.8 318.6 | 114.13 | 10.81 55 8 190.7 45.12 3-50 03 — (West Riding) - 1365 1156 1050 1586 1143 846.9 592-4 411.5 187.2 49.10 3-03 06 6 221.9 56.25 4:15 +12 ENGLAND (collectively) 1268 1056 995 | 1684 | 1210 932.6 653-3 458.0 228.2 64.85 5:75 22 RS OT NS EE a EE LETTS ERSTE ES | | PRELIMINARY: OBSERVATIONS. —X—X—X—X—X—X—X—XX——_—_—X—————S—_—S—sJXSNJ XViL 2.—WALES. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: of the AGES OF PERSONS in the several Counties of Waxes, on the 28th day of May 1821, as deduced from the RETuRNs made under the PopuLatTion Act; shewing, what would he the Number of Persons of the several specified Ages, supposing (for the sake of Comparison) the Number of Males whose Ages were returned from each County to have been Ten Thousand, and the Number of Females to have been Ten Thousand, respectively. N.B.—The DECIMAL PARTS having been omitted for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Error, not exceeding One in the Ten Thousand, MALES. iS ‘ COUNTIES Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 of 5 to to to to to to to to to to to and WALES. Years. | 10 | 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 80 90 | 100 | ¥pwards. ANGLESEY - -] 1575 1499 1238 982 1385 1062 889.9 590.6 464.3 232.6 76.13 4.26 = BRECON - - -} 1341 1288 1143 1028 1538 1162 912.8 682.3 519.7 273.8 98.73 11.64 +47 CARDIGAN - -f 1535 1494 1268 1042 1325 1096 862.6 597-7 459.2 244.5 69.44 6.44 .36 CARMARTHEN -| 1604 1473 1259 1020 1389 1039 808.0 663.7 443.9 218.3 75.12 6.89 - L-CARNARVON - -] 1492 1484 1205 998 1389 1135 890.4 623.2 477.2 238.4 60.74 5.07 - DENBIGH - = = =f 1511 1367 1190 99 1429 1147 880.1 663.8 481.8 256.3 73.18 9.52 - FLINT- - - - - - 1555 13°70 1250 1003 1527 1123 845.3 647.7 428.8 188.1 56.68 4.93 = GLAMORGAN -| 1460 1323 1201 1032 1566 1156 888.8 635.3 443.4 223.9 62.45 8.09 21 MERIONETH - 1405 1406 1151 1010 1313 1146 882.1 677.6 574.7 327.7 96.09 11.09 “ MONTGOMERY -] 1476 1321 1190 998 1452 1152 925.1 646.6 491.6 260.5 82.46 4.25 i PEMBROKE - -] 1619 1475 1197 986 1364 1019 843.9 676.7 484.7 246.7 "77.70 10.44 = RADNOR - - = -] 1478 1361 1158 1002 1441 1096 863.7 640.7 556.6 305.3 90.26 6.19 - WALES (collectively) | 1514 1407 1210 | 1009 1433 1109 871.4 646.3 474.8 243.6 74.09 7.54 .09 FEMALES. fe oo ~ COUNTIES Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 of 5 to to to to to to to to to to to and WALES. Years. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | Upwards. ANGLESEY - - -f 1419 1296 1047 983 1589 1150 987.7 648.7 521.6 261.0 90.84 5.32 _ BRECON - - ~ - - f 1941 1218 1060 998 1589 1209 916.4 679.8 546.8 327.5 | 10312 9.80 93 CARDIGAN - -| 1361 1333 1185 986 1552 1172 868.9 655.9 514.0 263.7 98.30 8.05 67 CARMARTHEN - -] 1412 1290 1096 1051 1556 1148 885.2 | 675.4 | 516.0 261.7 94.83 | 13.30 64 CARNARVON - - - | 1328 1269 1121 1025 1549 1170 925.6 673.8 527.4 207.9 | 100.22 | 10.95 +34 DENBIGH - - -] 1398 1322 1081 971 1473 1149 924.4 697.6 575-1 288.2 | 107.82 | 12.01 a FLINT - - - - - 9 1501 1326 1115 1026 1515 1120 897.3 664.7 476.1 256.2 92.46 9.37 Ae GLAMORGAN - -] 1397 1297 1113 1004 1619 1180 901.6 629.2 494.7 252.0 | 101.89 9.84 61 MERIONETH - - -] 1259 1170 1053 996 1450 1241 963.5 751.6 621.2 347-4 | 137.17 9.64 e MONTGOMERY - -]| 1366 1218 1100 969 1547 1185 946.3 691.6 565.6 295-8 | 104.24 | 10.56 35 PEMBROKE - =] 1366 1264 1033 986 1670 1118 887.4 677.2 561.3 297-2 { 120.67 | 16.44 1.51 RADNOR -| 1367 1294 1082 1071 1474 1165 882.8 | 668.6 | 572.2 283.8 | 129.43] 10.71 - WALES (collectively) | 1382 1281 1093 1003 1560 1163 911.6 | 672.6 | 535.5 | 281.4 | 104.76] 10.95 50 tw XVili PRELIMINARY: OBSERVATIONS. : 3.—SCOTLAND. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the Aczs of Persons in the several Shires of ScorLanD, on the 28th day of May 1821, specified Ages, supposing (for the sake of Comparison) the Number of Males whose Ages were returned from N.B.—The DECIMAL PARTS having been omitted for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under MALES. i peer! SHIRES Under 3 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 of 5 to to to to to to to to to to to and SCOTLAND. Years. 10 15 20 30, 40 50 60 ‘70 80 90 100 | upwards. f ABERDEEN - 1402 1248 1203 989 1456 1134 942.8 694.5 548.5 285.5 86.91 8.06 1.01 ARGYLL 1562 1480 1295 1110 1404 1021 761.8 609.8 478.8 203.7 55-53 16.96 | 42 AYR - - - 1592 1403 1265 1033 1475 1083 850.8 593.8 421.2 214.8 60.53 6.58 ~ BANFF -} 1424 1269 1240 990 1394 1038 941.6 702.3 590.8 305.7. | 100.09 7.07 = BERWICK - -| 1473 1362 1225 1005 1508 1074 861.2 576.6 494.5 262.0 62.68 5.01 - BUTE - 1396 1360 1434 1046 1410 942 880.6 670.9 471.9 306.9 74.03 74 = CAITHNESS roe 1250 1402 1297 1173 1514 983 848.1 719.2 530.4 219.8 56.35 6.34 - CLACKMANNAN - -] 1599 1532 1454 2045 1278 978 go2.8 650.9 364.3 144.6 40.22 2.68 - DUMBARTON 1472 1329 1362 1077 1615 999 854.8 684.9 365.8 187.3 45-95 7.80 DUMFRIES - 1520 1459 1307 1078 1372 1054 858.8 624.7 437.0 221.3 63.15 5.07 +30 EDINBURGH 1501 1368 1175 961 1639 1310 656.3 580.2 337.3 138.5 30.94 2,85 .23 ELGIN - - 1420 1292 1252 1060 1493 1011 882.2 627.3 556.2 318.2 79.56 7.75 .70 FIFE - - -| 1473 1360 1261 998 1402 1074 | 939-0 | 682.2 | 5105 | 243.4 | 54.20 3-91 19 FORFAR - 1356 1285 1151 1067 1382 1109 934.0 "774.7 580.0 277.6 75.67 6.48 .29 HADDINGTON 1536 1426 1282 992 1457 1038 884.9 605.1 503.0 214.2 55-50 5.97 3 INVERNESS - 1469 1458 1286 1073 1420 1068 780.5 684.1 470.8 197-7 76.23 | 14.67 1,92 KINCARDINE 1364 1265 1358 1010 1402 966 921.7 722.6 587.3 311.9 82.45 7.00 = KINROSS - 1301 1249 1153 1085 1511 1038 907.3 761.6 563.0 336.2 71.05 2.73 me KIRKCUDBRIGHT - 1563 1466 1339 964 1381 1068 871.9 640.8 431.4 203.0 61.00 10.80 we LANARK - 1506 1345 1266 10Ty 1548 lig 946.1 599.0 340.0 152.1 37.44 3.29 .09 : LINLITHGOW 1570 1393 1316 946 1545 1093 907.8 534.0 414.3 234.8 40.51 5.52 NAIRN - 1967 1271 1276 1025 1358 1127 0258 702.4 615.5 278.0 52.12 2.48 = Oe ee y 7 f 2865 | 1258 | 1161 | 1029 | 1466 | 1009 | 913.1 | 780.1 | 639.0 | 296.1 | 78.96 | 4.99 PEEBLES -| 1418 1439 1406 1050 1630 973 872.5 | 550.1 366.7 | 245.8 | 44.33 4.03 PERTH - - 1294 1229 1238 1072 1557 1060 8098.6 9771.9 552.3 245.5 72.84 7.29 RENFREW - 1680 1349 1197 1050 1636 1037 849.7 589.2 392-5 169.6 43.08 4.79 74 ROSS and CROMARTY | 1497 1398 1213 1020 1380 1099 865.2 701.0 479-3 243.3 80.20 1848 a4: ROXBURGH - -| 1527 1407 1249 g91 1403 1086 916.6 686.9 440.3 226.6 61.79 5.66 = SELKIRK - - - | 1526 1569 1139 1083 1457 1101 9948 | 645.9 | 3432 | 171.6 | 5616 3.12 STIRLING - he is 1522 1358 1269 1102 1500 1033 909.3 606.4 462.1 197.3 35.30 4-01 - SUTHERLAND) = -] 1369 1331 1263 1198 1477 1051 836.9 | 678.2 | 550.1 194.8 | 44.19 5.41 i WIGTOWN 1551 | 1480 | 1215 964 | 14la | 1025 | 8682 | 6644 | 480.6 | 255-4 | a.95 | yoe7 | a8 SCOTLAND (collectively)! 1494 | 1957 1247 | 1032 1490 1095 | 895.4 | 649.9 | 458.1 | 216.3 | 58.22 6.71 43 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 3.—SCOTLAND. xix as deduced from the RetuRNS made under the Popurtation Act; shewing, what would be the Number of Persons of the several each Shire to have been Ten Thousand, and the Number of Females to have been Ten Thousand, respectively. 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Error, not exceeding one in the Ten Thousand. mics FEMALES. co = SHIRES Under | 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 | 100 of 3 to to to to to to to to to to to and SCOTLAND. Years. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 |upwards. ABERDEEN - -f 1186 1077 968 997 1683 1229 992.5, 817.5 612.6 325.1 99.94 10,96 .38 ARGYLL - - -} 1482 1365 1148 977 1481 1175 872.9 730.3 487.2 203.1 65.04 12.88 41 AYR -- -] 1404 1244 1118 1108 1712 1154 883.0 627.2 448.9 227.4 65.02 : 8.47 15 BANFF - - - - - | 1221 1105 gi2 935 1661 1196 | 1013.9 883.3 662.3 310.2 91.92 8.48 - BERWICK - | 1304 1231 1014 1034 1760 1176 876.5 682.4 568.1 276.3 69.50 6.32 57 BUTE - - - = -] 1199 1167 1135 1116 1681 1066 984.6 742.9 577.6 256.7 66.91 6.83 = CAITHNESS - --- -] 1083 1147 1060 1119 1792 1176 985.6 806.7 583.5 190.1 52.99 4.37 62 CLACKMANNAN - 1455 1278 1247 999 1633 1207 887.4 677.0 393.0 169.9 48.17 2.54 oid DUMBARTON _ -f 1313 1199 1106 1186 1845 1105 880.4 640.1 452.6 199.9 57-55 14.78 78 DUMFRIES - ff 13916 1281 1138 1028 1670 1168 909.9 653.2 508.6 246.5 74.19 6.99 27 EDINBURGH ~- -]7 1213 1108 1043 1074 2096 1363 953-7 583.6 364.8 156.2 39-55 2.80 58 ELGIN - 1160 1027 929 1040 1627 1223 | 1023.5 855.8 686.9 329-9 86.85 10.25 ~ FIFE - - - 1290 1171 1053 979 1704 1205 945.3 752.0 566.8 260.8 67.25 5.26 - FORFAR - - - -f 1128 1049 1059 1028 1785 1226 | 1010.7 824.9 585.2 238.2 58.17 5.52 25 HADDINGTON - -@ 1311 1233 1022 1036 1656 1178 922.1 749.8 534.8 272.1 72.95 11.52 - INVERNESS - -# 1338 1268 1092 1072 1597 1198 873.1 777.6 476.4 197.5 87.05 17.82 4.67 KINCARDINE - -] 1147 1050 1016 923 1707 1229 983.7 861.2 663.1 312.5 98.03 8.85 .68 KINROSS - | 1197 1133 1021 997 1758 1121 1004.4. 811.8 597-3 290.1 63.38 4.88 ie | KIRKCUDBRIGHT -4§ 1366 1252 1068 1043 1809 1180 839.7 671.0 473.2 218.9 70.84 8.36 = 1 LANARK - - -9 1373 1165 1083 1139 1867 1217 933.5 617.9 387.0 165.6 47.44 3-95 47 | LINLITHGOW .- -# 1494 1231 1048 | 929 1761 1136 892.2 689.4 556.7 244.5 70.94 7.51 - NAIRN - - - 1093 . 998 965 1019 1530 1205 1072.1 868.8 833.8 353-2 51.34 10.27 - in - 7G iia 1015 840 897 1788 1238 | 1079,5 872.9 717.0 337.2 87.59 4.83 1,21 PEEBLES - - - - | 1373 1276 1156 1122 1909 1027 853.6 | 632.3 426.8 183.8 29.64 9.88 - PERTH - - - - fF 1134 1114 1049 1037 1798 1203 995-9 816.3 546.9 236.7 63.36 5.76 27 RENFREW - -— 1550 1250 1142 1117 1817 1080 840.3 588.9 384.5 176.6 47.89 5.32 17 ROSS and CROMARTY | 1224 1173 972 957 1707 1270 968.5, 805.8 586.7 223.8 90.98 16.27 4.98 ROXBURGH + -9 1324 | 1272 1065 989 1706 1158 929.0 697.7 | 526.9 260.6 65.63 4.65 +46 SELKIRK - - -F 1413 1390 1116 988 1693 1165 894.5 635.2 419.6 209.8 | 58.28 17.48 - STIRLING - - -~ -} 1985. | 1260 ; 1007 | 1101 1721 1128 928.2 692.8 519.4 183.5 65.06 7.90 ee SUTHERLAND - -] 1204 1153 | 1076 1082 1687 1215 | 947-3 | 813.2 | 568.5 | 188.2 | 61.17 4.70 WIGTOWN - <« -] 1348 1281 1103 | 994 | 1689 1123 908.5 | 685.1 | 550.2 | 237.2 | 72.36 9:19 es SCOTLAND (collectively)} 1294 | 1177 | 1057 } 1048 1.1769 | 1204 | 937.9 | 711.6 | 502.2 | 295.5 | 65.18 7.42 .60 XX PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 4—ISLANDS OF GUERNSEY, JERSEY, &c. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN THE ISLANDS OF GUERNSEY, JERSEY, AND MANN. MALES. a y 1 Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ISLANDS e to to to to to to to to to to to and OF 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | upwards. ——— GUERNSEY - - -]} 1454 1370 1150 958 1329 1215 924.5 795.2 491.6 235-3 74.59 2.10 JERSEY - - - =] 1527 1343 1064 962 1519 1264 | 1015.6 672.5 415.1 159.3 53-62 4.60 - MANN - - -| 1457 1369 1191 1026 1496 1119 926.8 658.2 462.9 | 230.9 | 59.60 3.14 - Total of MALES - 1478 1361 1141 990 1465 1186 954-2 696.4 454-5 209 5 61.19 3.36 FEMALES. (7 \ 5 10 | 15 |} 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 6 | 7 | 80 | 90 | 100 a ee Under ISLANDS to to to to to to to to to to to and OF 2 10 15 20 30 40 | 50 60 70 80 90 | 100. |upwards. eS GUERNSEY .- - 1183 1149 948 942 1815 1374 895.8 795.9 512.0 276.8 | 102.58 5.31 - JERSEY - - * 1223 1130 946 987 1690 1306 1020.3 776.6 569.6 255.2 88.72 7.07 MANN - - -] 13932 1258 1088 1095 1578 1117 968.8 688.2 540.5 244.2 83.16 5-74 - j | Total of FEMALES - |. 1261 | 1190 1009 1024 1671 1239 | 968.3 | 742.5 | 543.3 255-5 | 89.57 6.07 = | 5—THE METROPOLIS. Under | 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 | 100 - 5 to to to to to to to to to to to -AL OF and TOTAL Years. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | upwards, See oy MALES - -]| 1397 | 1095 936 865 | 1718 1548 | 1203.9 | 730.7 | 353.6 | 128.5 | 22.47 1.69 21 FEMALES - 7 1216 995 834 959 2062 1567 1092.4 | 690.9 388.8 156.4 34.64 3-93 32 IN the application of the foregoing TABLEs, some allowance ought to be made for the increasing duration of Life during the last hundred years; that is to say, persons of advanced age would be more numerous at present, (because fewer of them would have died) had the chances of life been as high during the last hundred years as they are now become. Something more on this subject will be found in a subsequent part of these Observations. [See p. xxvi.] The number of Females, between the Ages of 20 and 30, exceeds the corresponding number of Males as stated in every County (except Monmouth); and the higher ages of Females probably partake of the same fallacy, so far as to induce Calculators to rely on the Table of Male Ages only. They may also be induced to attach an inferior degree of credit to the Ages of Males as well as Females in Scotland, where is wanting in a great degree the Record of Parish Registers, and very advanced Ages cannot but rest on repute rather than on knowledge and evidence. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. _Xxi If. —_ Parish Reaister Abstract, THE Second object of the Population Act of 1801, was to ascertain the Increase or Diminution of the Population during the preceding Century, by means of the Parisn RecisTers; to effect which object certain Questions were appointed to be answered by the officiating Minister of every Church and Chapel in England and Wales: and the Population Acts of 1811 and 1821 repeat the same Questions, each for the preceding Ten Years. The Population Act of 1801 extended this enquiry to Scotland also; but it appeared in the sequel, that few Registers are kept in that Country, only 99 Returns having been received; so that it was useless to repeat the Question as regarding Scotland, in the Acts. of 1811 and 1821. The Questions respecting Parish Registers, and Chapelry Registers, were as follow : QUESTIONS Addressed to the Orriciatine Ministers in England, by whom a Return is to be made to the Bishop, on or before the 21st day of June 1821. 1°\—WHAT was the Number of Baptisms and Burials in your Parish, Town- ship, or Place, in the several Years 1811, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20; distinguishing Males from Females? 2‘—WHAT has been the Number of Marriages in your Parish, Township, or Place, in the severai Years 1811, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20? 3°—ARE there any Matters which you think it necessary to remark, in Explanation of your Answers to either of the preceding Questions ? Especially whether any and what annual Average Number of Baptisms, ' Burials, and Marriages, may, in your opinion, take place in your Parish, without being entered in the Parish Register ? THE Clergy of England and Wales were enabled to answer the two first of these Questions, by having recourse to the ParisH RzGisTERs, which have beenestablished in England ever since the Reformation, and were further regulated by Law in the year 1812. When it was enacted in the Reign of Henry VIII, that the Church of England should be no longer subject to the Pope, Thomas Cromwell was appointed the King’s Vicegerent for Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction ; and in that capacity issued certain Injunctions to the Clergy in the year 1538. One of these Injunctions ordains, That every officiating Minister shall, for every Church, keep a Book, wherein he shall register every Marriage, Christening, and Burial; and the Injunction goes on to direct the manner and time of making the Entries in the Register- Book weekly ; any neglect therein being made penal:—and in the first year of Edw. VI, (Anno 1547) all Episcopal authority was suspended for a time, while the ecclesiastical Visitors then appointed, went through the several Dioceses to enforce divers Injunctions, and among others that respecting Parish Registers. This Injunction was again repeated in the beginning of the Reign of Elizabeth, who also appointed a Protestation to be made by the Clergy, in which among other things, they promised to keep the Register-Book in a proper manner. The Canons of the Church of England, which are now in force, date their authority from the beginning of the Reign of James I, (Anno 1603). One of them prescribes very minutely in what manner Entries are to be made in the Parish Registers ; herein reciting the Injunction of 1538, and ordering an attested Copy of the Register of each successive Year to be annually transmitted to the Bishop of the Diocese or his Chancellor, and to be preserved in the said Bishop’s Registry 502. h This XXil PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. This Canon also contains a retrospective Clause, appointing that the ancient Registers, so far as they could be procured, but especially since the beginning of the Reign of Eliza- beth, should be copied into a Parchment Book, to be provided by every Parish. This wise regulation appears tu have been carried into full effect at the time; so that the ancient Parish Registers now extant, usually commence with that Queen’s Reign, and some of them earlier, quite as far back as the Date of the original Injunction, That part of the Canon which directs the Register-Book to be kept in a Coffer in the Church, has not been enforced, as it was found by experience that the Book was liable to be damaged by the moisture prevalent in uninhabited Buildings, and also to be purloined with the other contents of the Church Coffer. The Register-Book was heretofore usually kept in custody of the Officiating Minister, at his own House, if resident on the Benefice, otherwise in that of the Parish Clerk ; but the Act 52 Geo. III, c. 146, has made some alteration in this and other particulars. This Law is intituled, “ An Act for the better regulating and preserving Parish and “ other Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in England,” but does not appear to fulfil its intention as to Births. It received the Royal Assent on the 28th July 1812, and enacts that the Registers of Parishes, and of Chapelries (where the ceremonies of Baptism, Marriage and Burial are performed) shall be kept in Books of Parchment, or of good and durable paper, wheréon shall be printed the Heads of Information required to be entered ; also a printed number prefixed to each future entry, such entries to be divided by a printed line. The King’s Printer was charged to provide and transmit such Register Books as soon as conveniently might be after the passing of the Act, which was to take effect on the ist January 1813 : and with no small exertion on his part, the entire number of Register Books, upwards of 33,000, (three to each Parish and Chapelry) were printed, bound and transmitted, before that time, although no preparation could be hazarded before the Act received the Royal Assent, as it was very likely to stand over to a future Session. The provisions of this Act are not such (generally speaking) as were likely to affect the Returns of Registers under the Population Act of 1821, excepting only that a very distinct mention of the Registry of Baptisms “ whether Private or Public,” has evidently added to the number of Registered Baptisms, (to an uncertain amount indeed) and in so far has been useful ; but it precludes any inference which otherwise might be drawn from a com- parison of the respective numbers of Registered Baptisms which took place before and since the end of the year 1812. The Act proceeds to direct, that the Register Books shall be keptin a dry well-painted iron chest, to be kept at the residence of the officiating Minister, or in the Parish Church or Chapel; also that Copies on Parchment of all Registers shall be sent annually to the Registrar of each Diocese; enforcing in this respect the before mentioned Canon, with particular directions as to the form and manner of transmissal, and subsequent arrange- ment of these Copies by the Registrar; but this last intention cannot be accomplished until proper Buildings or Receptacles in each Diocese, and a fund for payment of the persons employed in such arrangement, shall have been provided. The Act extends to Cathedrals, and to Churches and Chapels of all sorts, though not Parochial ; and this has somewhat augmented the number of Returns received under the Population Act, although it has added very little to the number of Baptisms or of Burials returned. At the close of the Aet of 1812, it is specially provided, That nothing therein con- tained shall extend to repeal any provision of the Marriage Act; of which it will be ne- cessary to say something in the proper place; the strictness of its provisions as to the Registry of all Marriages, having furnished excellent and most useful Returns under the successive Population Acts. THE Number of Returns of Parish Registers and Chapelry Registers received from England and Wales in the year 1801, (including a Supplementary Return) was supposed to be 11,065, which was not far from the number really due; but from the circumstances of a new inquiry, some of these were redundant, some were duplicate, and in many instances (on the contrary) no Return was made. The discovery of a large degree of inaccuracy in the Supplement of 1801, arising from Duplicates, and a certain knowledge that the Parish Register Abstract of that year had necessarily PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xcXIH necessarily been formed with a degree of expedition not permitting sufficient investigation, was a cogent reason for proceeding more cautiously on the next occasion; and this was the more necessary, as the Return of 1811 was to be compared with that of 1801, which standing alone, and being intended merely to show the Increase or Diminution of the Population during the last Century, was not much less effectual for its own particular purpose, although a considerable proportion of the Parish Register Returns were not brought to account; the result of a comparison of the several years with each other, not being much affected by it. This consideration, though a sufficient excuse for attending to expedition rather than to the completion of the Returns of 1801, was no longer valid in 1811; and particular care was then taken accordingly, both by marking the name of every supposed Benefice and Curacy on a set of County Maps, and checking the Returns by that criterion, as well as by all other authorities which could be obtained; this was a laborious task, and gave rise to above Two Thousand Applications to officiating Clergymen and others, and to a large correspondence, which however produced 857 additional Returns, and left no room to doubt but that sufficient knowledge was thus procured to insure a complete Return on any future occasion. It is obviously needless in the year 1822, to detail the process by which the Returns of 1801 and 1811 were connected for the purpose of comparison; on a balance of the redun- dant and the deficient, the Baptisms were deemed to be deficient as One to Thirty-two; the Burials as One to Twenty-nine ; the Marriages as One to Fifty ; and additions were made accordingly, to which it is sufficient to refer without repeating a page of figures and calculations, which was very necessary in the Preliminary Observations of 1811. The number of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, in the last Twenty years (1801-1820) is here subjoined, as not liable to imputation of uncertainty, such as has been above explained. NUMBER OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS, YEAR, ; | YEAR. MARRIAGES. | ; Males. | Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1801 | 120,521 | 116,508 | 237,029 | ] 1801 101,352 | 103,082 | 204,434 67,228 1 1802 | 139,889 | 133,948 273,837 1802 | 99,504 | 100,385 | 199,889 90,396 1803 | 150,220 | 143,888 | 294,108 1808 | 102,459 | 101,269 | 203,728 94,379 1804 | 150,583 | 144,009 | 294,592 1804 | 91,538 | 89,639 | 181,177 | 85,738 1805 } 149,333 | 142,868 | 292,201 1805 | 91,086 | 90,154 | 181,240 49,586 1806 } 147,376 | 144,553 | 291,929 | | 1806 | 92,289 | 91,163 | 183,452 80,754 1807 } 153,787 | 148,507 | 300,294 | | 1807 | 97,996 | 97,855 | 195,851 83,923 1808 | 251,565 | 144,509 | 296,074 | | 1808 | 102,614 | 98,149 | 200,463 82,248 J 1809 | 152,812 | 147,177 | 299,989 1809 | 97,894} 93,577 | 191,471 83,369 1810 | 152,591 | 146,262 | 298,853 1810 | 104,907 | 103,277 | 208,184 84,470 | 4811 | 155,671 | 149,186 | 304,857 | | 1811 | 94,971 | 93,572 | 188,543 86,389 | 1812 | 153,949 | 148,005 | 301,954 1812 | 95,957 | 94,445 | 190,402 82,066 1818 160,685 | 153,747 | 314,432 1813 | 93,726 | 92,751 | 186,477 | 83,860 1814 | 163,282 | 155,524 | 318,806 1814 | 103,625 | 102,878 { 206,403 92,804 1815 | 176,233 | 168,698 | 344,931 1815 | 99,442 | 97,966 | 194,408 99,044. 1816 | 168,801 | 161,398 | 330,199 1816 | 103,954 | 102,005 | 205,959 91,946 | 1817 | 169,337 | 162,246 | 331,583 1817 | 101,040 | 98,229 | 199,269 88,234 1818 | 169,181 | 162,203 | 331,384 | | 1818 107,724 | 105,900 | 213,624 92,779 1819 {171,107 | 162,154 | 333,261 1819 | 106,749 | 106,815 | 213,564 95,571 1820 | 176,311 | 167,349 | 343,660 | | 1820 | 104,329 | 104,020 | 208,349 96,833 The Number of Returns of Parish Registers and Chapelry Registers collected under the Population Act of 1811 was 11,1 59; under the Act of 1821, the Number is increased to 11,342, from a cause which has been already stated, but which does not materially affect the comparison of the two Abstracts. Further 1 Geo. III. e 53. XxiV PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Further it may be proper to remark, that the Number of Benefices in England and Wales is by no means equal to the Number of Parishes; because in many instances Two or more Parishes are permanently united as one Benefice ; and in the Diocese of Norwich, which includes Norfolk and Suffolk, the Diocesan has the privilege of granting a personal Union of Parishes, on account of the small extent and value of many Benefices in those Counties. The Parisu-REGISTER AgpsTRACT has been framed with special Reference to the Summary of each County in the ENuUMERATION ABsTRACT; so that every Total of Persons which there appears, may be compared with a corresponding Annual Total of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages; and an Annual Average of these for each entire County, may be obtained by the easy process of dividing the Total (which appears under each County Summary) by Ten;—and further to facilitate general Calculations, the Annual proportion of the Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, to the Population of each County, is also given at the end of these Observations. Every place which has made Return of a Register, is distinguished in the Parish- Register Abstract, as Rectory(R.) Vicarage(V.) Parochial Chapelry (P.C.) Chapelry or Curacy (C.) As the Marriage Register may be deemed correct ; next to it, the Register of Burials; and lastly, the Register of Baptisms, it will be found most convenient to treat of each distinctly, and in that order. ConcERNING THE REGISTRY OF MARRIAGES. MANY Inconveniencies having arisen from the undue Solemnization and Registry of Marriages, an Act was passed in the 26° Geo. IJ, “ for the better preventing of Clandes- tine Marriages,” which directs a certain Formula for the Registry of Marriages, to be attested and signed by the Minister officiating, the Persons married, and two or more Witnesses ; and declares any Erasure or Mutilation of the Marriage Register, or any False Entry therein, to be Felony without Benefit of Clergy; nor can a Marriage be legally solemnized in any Chapel consecrated, since this Law was made. A retrospective Relaxa- tion of the Act in this particular case took place in 1781, under an Act by which Mar- riages already solemnized in such Chapels, were declared to be valid ; but the Registers of such Marriages were ordered to be forthwith removed to the Parish Church. Some few Persons are known to evade the provisions of the Marriage Act, by a Mar- riage in Scotland; but the Registry of Marriages in England is not much affected thereby, because the Parents or friends of the Female who has been thus uregularly married, usually cause such Marriages to be afterwards solemnized according to the Law of England. The Marriages of Dissenters of every denomination take place in the Established Church; but not those among Quakers, who are permitted to intermarry in their own Congregation. To these may be added the Jews, who marry according to their own peculiar Ceremonial ; but neither of these religious Sects are numerous; so that the Re- turns made, pursuant to the Population Act, ought to comprehend almost the total Number of actual Marriages; and the above causes of a small deficiency are not (all of them) likely to be removed. A great variation in the annual Number of Marriages is caused by the circumstances of the times, and especially by the price of provisions ; the difference arising from this cause is such, that no safe inference concerning the Increase or Diminution of Population can be drawn from the comparison of any single Years with each other: But the average Amount of the Marriages for five years together, or for a longer period, is the best evidence on the subject, because the Register of Marriages may be deemed perfectly correct. As it is intended, throughout the present Observations, to give the most important Results of the Acts of 1801 and 1811, as well as of 1821, the following Tasue not only shows PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. shows the Number of Marriages in each Year since 1754, but also the average Amount XXV- of Marriages for every Five, and for every Ten Years since the Marriage Act has been fully:in foree. It will appear in the sequel of these Remarks, that Results drawn from this Table would be very similar to the Results drawn from the Registered Baptisms. In the YEAR 1755 the number of MARRIAGES (adding a Supplementary Fiftieth part, for deficiency of Returns under the Act of 1801,*) was 49,379 ; Numiber of Marriages in each Year, spateDE Gece Finest from 1755 to 1800. Five Years. } Ten Years. A.D. | Marriages. | A.D. | Marriages.} A. D. | Marriages. = SS = = —— 1755 to 1760, inclusive + 52,666 i 1756 | 50,972 | 1771] 60,612 | 1786] 68,992 || 1760 to 1765 - d° - 1 ne a tio7 48,300 | 1772] 60,397 | 1787 | 76,448 ses es aa aaa 1758 | 50,672 | 1773 | 59,769 | 1788 | 70,032 Se eee pee ot 59,892 1759 | 55,537 | 1774 | 60,512 | 1789 | 70,696 ; 1760 | 57,848 | 1775 | 62,473 | 1790] 70,648 1775 to 1780 - d° - « see ae 1761 | 58,101 | 1776} 65,462 | 1791] 72,590 || 1780 to 1785 - d°® - « 66,722 ? 1762 | 56,543 |] 1777| 65,020 | 1792! 74,919 / 1763 | 62,935 | 1778 | Ga,707 | 1798| 72,880 || 2785 % 1789 - a - | ey 71,784 1764 63,310 | 17791 63,671 1! 1794) 71,797 BGO to BIRR, od 4-98 805 1765 | 59,227 | 1780 | 64,309 | 1795) 68,839 || 1795 to 1800 - d® - + 74,998 1766| 57,043 | 1781| 63,768 | 1796| 73,107 || 1800 to 1805 - a - « | Tae 1767| 55,324 | 1782| 63,071 | 1797] 74,997 1768| 58,331 | 1783| 66,287 | 1798] 79,477 || 1805 t 1810 - a - + 82,953 | oe 1769 | 61,825 | 1784] 68,935 | 1799) 77,557 BELG TOE NOES: 89,012 J 1770 | 62,693 | 1785| 71,509 | 1800/ 69,851 || 1815 to 1820 - d° - + 93,073 For the Marriages in each year from 1800 to 1820 inclusive, see p. XxXili. The Annual proportion of Marriages to the Population is as one to 134 in England and Wales, the several Counties ranging from one in 106 to one in 179; [See p. xxxiii.] the extremes take place in Middlesex and in Hertfordshire, the custom of surreptitiously marrying in the Metropolis increasing the number of Marriages therein, at the expence of the adjacent Counties, | CoNCERNING THE REGISTRY OF BURIALS. THE Registry of Burials may be supposed to be deficient, on the following consi- derations: 1, Many Congregations of Dissenters, inhabiting Towns, have their own peculiar Burying-grounds ; as have the Jews, and the Roman Catholics, who reside in London. a. Some Persons from motives of poverty or convenience, inter their Dead without any religious ceremony. But in estimating the deficiency from this cause, it should be con-: sidered that a place must be very populous before the establishment of cheap Burial- grounds can become a profitable speculation. Such there are in the Metropolis, in Bristol, and in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. But the Number of Interments within the London Bills of Mortality is not wholly unknown+; and of the Interments, at the Ballast-Hills near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a Register or Account is kept, of which a Return was received, and entered. 3. Children who die before Baptism are interred without any religious ceremony, and consequently are not registered. ‘ 4. Negligence: * This fact was ascertained very carefully in 1812, as is detailed in the Preliminary Observations to the Abstract of 1811 (p. xix.) : 502. + See Par. Reg. abstr. p. 200, * See Prelim. Observ. 1811. p. xxii, XXVi PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 4. Negligence may be supposed to cause some omissions in the Registers, especially in those of small Benefices, where the Officiating Minister is not resident. 5. Many Persons employed in the Army, and in Navigation, die Abroad; and conse- quently their Burials remain unregistered. The Annual Number of Burials, as collected in pursuance of the Three Population Acts, authorizes a satisfactory inference of diminishing Mortality in England; the average Number of Burials not differing materially from the Year 1780 to the Year 1800; the first Five Years of that period, the last Five Years, and the whole period, giving the same average result; not but that the effect of the Dearths by which England was afflicted in 1795 and 1800, is very perceptible in the increased mortality of those years. Many other, and no doubt very various considerations would occur to every Investigator of such a subject; especially the doubt as to how many years of the Burial Register ought to be applied as a Divisor to existing Population. If, for instance, the average Number of Registered Burials in the preceding Ten Years, is applied to the Number of persons resident in England and Wales in the Year 1821, the Annual Mortality very little exceeds one in Sixty; but if the Registered Burials of the Year 1820 are applied in like manner, the result is a mortality of one in Fifty-seven or Fifty-eight, which last propor- tion (Burials not brought into the account considered) is perhaps nearest to the truth. The same calculations, founded on the numerical results of the Population Act of 1811, shew a Mortality of one in Fifty-two, and one in Fifty respectively. The rate of Mortality in the Year 1801 has heretofore been taken at one in Forty-seven ; in 1790, at one in Forty-five; in 1780 at one in Forty* : so that on the whole the annual Mortality seems to have decreased from one in Forty, to one in Fifty-eight (nearly one-third) in Forty Years. The causes of increase in the duration of human life (hereby indicated) will no doubt be investigated by those who are able to elucidate the subject ;—houses less crowded, better food, better clothing, and more cleanliness among the numerous classes of Society, cannot have been without some effect ; and to these may be added the increased extent of drainage, which may have acted beneficially on the health of the Agricultural Population. The improved treatment of Diseases is stated in many of the Returns, as a cause of increasing Population, and especially the substitution of Vaccination for the Small Pox ;— infectious Fevers have almost disappeared, even in the Metropolis; and Intermittents, which till lately under the name of Ague, infested the Country very extensively (especially the Fen Districts) are no longer spoken of. So in former times, the Plague (as it was called) disappeared as soon as the City of London had been rebuilt after the great Fire of 1666; so the Land-Scurvy, and before that the Leprosy, became gradually extinct when the Reformation of Religion, and improvements in Agriculture, had removed the necessity of eating Salt-fish and Salted Meat during the greater portion of the year. The Mortality in the several Counties of England ranges between one in 47, and one in 72; Middlesex and Sussex being the extremes. In Anglesey, the Mortality is stated at one in 83. CoNCERNING THE Recistry OF BAPTISMS. THE Registry of Baptisms is deficient from the same causes as that of Burials, from most of those causes in a greater degree. and 1. Many Dissenters of every denomination (those especially who reside at a distance from any other Burial-place) from motives of decency or convenience bury their dead in the Cemeteries of the Established Church, though they baptize after their own manner, or not at all. The Question respecting Unentered Baptisms and Burials showed a differ- ence of nearly Four to One in the degree of Deficiency in the year 1811, the Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms (as stated at the end of the several Counties) having been 14,860; of Burials (setting aside London) 3,899; at present the proportion is Five to One in the degree of deficiency, the Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms (as stated at the end of the several Counties), being 23,066; of Burials, setting aside London, 4,657. Nor does this represent the full amount or Proportion of Un- entered Baptisms, the Clergy of the most populous places, especially where many of the Inhabitants PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS: XXvil Inhabitants are Dissenters, usually declining to hazard an Estimate. A Burial Ground on the contrary is a visible object, and among the persons connected with it, the Clergyman can usually procure an Account (more or less accurate) of the Number of Interments. 2. Some irreligious Persons, especially in large Towns, neglect the Rite of Baptism altogether. 3. Some Children die immediately after Birth, unbaptized ; these however not being registered among the Burials, the Comparison is not affected from this cause. The great defect in Baptismal Registers heretofore arose from Private Baptism, which is carried to an extent not at all in the contemplation of the Founders of the Church of England ; for the Canon ordaining Registers applies to Christenings, without further explanation ; and this word is usually understood to mean Publick Baptism only. The practice of the Clergy is not uniform on this point ; and it appears from the Remarks subjoined to some. of the Parish-Register Returns of 1811, that the Registry of Private Baptisms was refused in many places, from a conscientious desire thereby to induce persons to cause their Children to be publickly received into the Congregation: but the Parish Register Act of 1812 no longer leaves this optional, and the effect of it has been such, that Registered Baptisms, which heretofore were 147 to 100 as compared to the Burials, are increased since the year 1811, so as to exceed the Burials in the proportion of 162 to 100. 4. Negligence may be supposed to-cause the same proportion of Omissions in the Registry of Baptisms as in that of Burials. The whole Number of Baptisms collected for the purposes of the Population Acts of 1801, 1811, and 1821, appears to be 12,570,083: of these, 6,418,422 Males; 6,151,661 Females: So that the Baptisms of Males are 10,433 to 10,000 Females.—The whole Number of Burials appears to be 9,126,031: of these, 4,568,828 Males, 4,557,213 Females; a remarkable equality in so large a number; whence it may be inferred, that the larger proportion of Males born (43 per cent,) is also the proportion dying Abroad in the em- ployments of War and Commerce. The proportion of Baptisms to the Population is as one to 35 in England and Wales; the several Counties of England range between one in 31, and one in 47; Kent and Monmouth being the extremes. In Brecon the proportion is stated at one in 53. Ill. ceca Gnerease of the Population, FROM the Registers of BAPTisMs, Burrats, and MarriaceEs, as collected in 1801, _an Estimate of the Increase of the Porunarion of Great Britain throughout the last Century was then to be attempted ; and so far as the Marriage Register of England and Wales extends, there was no danger in depending on it for that purpose: but from the many alleged causes of deficiency in the Registry of Burials and Baptisms, it may be urged, that no safe deduction can be made therefrom. It cannot be denied that the Mortality, and consequently the number of Burials, in any insulated year, is an irregular criterion of Population. The Registered Burials from the year 1780 prove this abundantly. And as the Number of Baptisms is much more steady, and in a great degree dependent on the Number of Marriages, recourse has been had to the Baptismal Register in calculating the Population for the early part of the last Century, of which only every Tenth year appears in the Abstract of 1801. , ‘The Objection usually urged against the authority of any Collection of the Parish Registers of Baptisms is, that Registers were in former periods more defective from negligence, than they have been in the Years nearer to the present time. As no particular Date can be assigned when the improvement happened, it must be supposed to be progressive quite to the present time: and as the manner of registering Marriages according to the Act which took place in 1754, admits of no suspicion of de- ficiency in that Register, it would thence follow, that the Registered Baptisms must ex- hibit an increasing proportion to the Marriages quite to the present time. If this be not the case, the objection drawn from the supposed progressive improvement in the Registry, cannot be applicable since the date of the Marriage Act (1754). It is therefore fit to ascertain see p. X1v. Xxvili PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. ascertain this proportion at as many periods as the collection of Registers affords an opportunity of so doing; and herein it is reasonable to assume, that the Marriages of any current year, and of the Four preceding years, must chiefly influence the Number of Baptisms in it. The medium Average of Marriages in 1760 and the Four years preceding it (as col- lected in 1801, and now corrected) may be taken at 52,666; the Registered Baptisms of the same year 1760 appear to have been 192,900; therefore the Registered Baptisms were at that time as 366 to 100 Marriages. In this Manner the following TABLE of Proportions has been formed : BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. 1760 - - - - 366 - - to - - 100 1770 = - - 361 - - to - - 100 1780 - = + - 356 - - to - = 100 178s > = = = 366 = = fo = = Joo 1790 - - - - 359 - = to - = 100 1705. SR Se Ba Se Ne 1800 - - - = 340 - - to = = 100 1805 - - = - 350 - - to += - 100 1810 - - - = 360 - - to = = 100 1820 - = - - 369 - - to - = 100 It appears hence that the Proportion of Registered Baptisms to Marriages continued much the same to the year 1810;* the extremes of the fluctuation differing only a Four- teenth part, and that difference tending to prove not that the Registers are more accurate, but rather dess accurate now than formerly. So that from the year 1755, the amount of Registered Baptisms will give very nearly the same results as that of Marnages, in any calculation of the Increase of Population in the last Half of the Eighteenth Century, Of the earlier part of that Century, the want of an accurate Marriage Registry renders it impossible tu speak so confidently ; as far as analogy is of weight, a similarity with the later period may be supposed ; and in the Abstract of 1801, appears a further reason for believing that the correctness of the Registers has not been unequal throughout the last Century: for in the first years which appear in the Abstract of 1801, the amount of Re- gistered Baptisms stands thus: In 1700, 152,000; in 1710, 139,000 ; in 1720, 155,000; and this fluctuation is different from what must have happened if the deficiencies of Re- gistry were greater the further we go back in the examination. It is true indeed, that in the years 1709 and 1710, England was afflicted by a dearth, which must have lowered the proportion of Births in 1710 as happened in 1795 and 1800; the scarcity which prevailed in 1710, causing the average price of Wheat to rise to 62 shillings per quarter; whereas the average price of the Ten preceding years was only” 30 shillings per quarter. The scarcity of 1800 caused the average price of Wheat to rise to 110 shillings per quarter; whereas the average price of the Ten preceding years was no more than 54 shillings per quarter. Therefore the severity of the dearths of 1710 and of 1800 may be assumed to have been equal, and the effect of both in diminishing the Births and Baptisms to have been also equal. In the year 1800, the Baptisms were 2 55,000, though the Five years average is 264,000. By applying a proportional Increase to the Baptisms of 1710, the Number from whence the Population of 1710 is to be deduced, becomes 146,000 instead of 139,000. If the latter Number were used, the Population of: 1710 would appear to have been no more than 5,003,000 in the ensuing TABLE. Having * The increased proportion of Baptisms in 1820 arises from the Parish Register Act of 1812, ’ under which Private Baptisms are more frequently registered than heretofore. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS: XXIX Having premised these Remarks in order to establish the authority of the Register of Baptisms for forming an Estimate of the Increase or Diminution of the Population during the last Century, it is necessary in the next place to determine at what Number to take the existing Population of 1801.—The Enumeration of that Year amounts to 8,872,980 Persons for England and Wales ; and to this Number an appropriate share of the Soldiers and Mariners is to be added. These appear to have been 470,598; and supposing Two- thirds of them in 1801 to have been Natives of England and Wales, about a Thirtieth part may be added to the then Resident Population. Therefore the existing Population of England and Wales in 1801, is taken at 9,168,000 in the following Taste; and the Population therein attributed to the other years is obtained by the Rule of Proportion. Thus: If 263,409 Baptisms (the average Medium of the Five Years 1797—1800) were produced from a Population of 9,168,000; from what Population were 157,307 (the Baptisms of 1700) produced? TABLE OF POPULATION THROUGHOUT THE LAST CENTURY. ENGLAND AND WALES. i ne POPULATION. | oe POPULATION. = 1700 - - 5,475,000 1760 - - 6,736,000 1710 - - 5,240,000 1770 - - 7,428,000 1720 - = 5,505,000 a 5,796,000 1780 - - 7,953,000 1740 - - 6,064,000 17909 - = 8,675,000 750 - = 6,467,000 1801 - - 9,168,000 ver eet Hereby it may be seen, that although the beginning of the Eighteenth Century exhibits a decreasing Population, the lost Number had been regained in 1720; since which time a continual though irregular Increase appears. For the year 1790, the average Medium. of the Baptisms of each year with the four preceding years is taken. The Baptisms of every year previous to 1780 were not called for by the Act of 1801. It was supposed, that when the Enumeration Returns of 1811 were collected and arranged, a considerable Deficiency in those of 1801 would become manifest ; but this did not happen, the seeming Deficiencies of 1801 so constantly disappearing upon enquiry and explanation, as to leave scarcely Twenty places additional in 1811, and those among the smallest of the 15,741 which made separate Returns. The variation from this number in the present Abstract, (which contains 15,773 Enumeration. Returns) entirely arises from the conjunction or division of parts of the same Parish, at the option of the Overseer, or of the other persons employed in the Enumeration, and of course does not indicate any real defect or redundancy, nor affect the Total Return of any Parish, nor of the Abstract generally. It has been reasonably supposed, that the first Enumeration of the People in Great Britain, especially as it took place in time of War, was rendered somewhat defective from backwardness or evasion in making the Answers required, inasmuch as direct taxation, and more obviously the levy of men in every place, might possibly be founded on the results of such an investigation. But as no such effect was perceived to take place, the Returns of the year 1811 were in all probability more full and accurate than those of 1801; and the War having now ceased, there remains no reason to suspect’ the least deficiency in the Return of 1821. Indeed, the voluntary Return of the Ages of Persons, an enquiry of far more labour than that of the enumeration of Houses, Families and Persons, proves, by the extent of the Answers, that the Population Act has been carried into effect in the year 1821, not merely with willingness, but even with zeal, throughout the greatest part of the Kingdom. 502, k How XXX PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. How far the Increase of 14 per Cent. in the period between the Enumerations of 1802 and 1811, and of nearly 16 per Cent. in the period from 1811 to 1821, (as computed on the Female Population only) may have been produced from such causes, cannot be dis- covered; but that the effect was not very different in the two respective periods, may. be reasonably inferred by shortly adverting to the Parish Register Abstract. It may be stated, that the Increase of the Population of Great Britain from 1801 to 1811, was 1,654,000, according to the respective Enumeration Returns ; and of this Increase, 1,277,000 in England and Wales :—the Registered Baptisms are 2,878,906 ; the Registered Burials 1,950,189; showing an Increase of 928,717: so that, even allowing the Deficiency of the Baptismal Register not to be greater than of the Burial Register, more than Two-thirds of the Increase is established upon incontrovertible grounds. Again, in the period between the Enumerations of 1811 and 1821, the Increase of Popu- lation in England and Wales appears to have been 1,828,000; while a comparison of Registered Baptisms and Burials gives an apparent Increase of 1,245,000, or rather more than Two-thirds of the actual Increase. This similarity of result seems to prove, that the Enumeration of 1801 was no more defective, as compared with that of 1811, than the Enumeration of 1811 is to that of 1821. The annual excess of Unentered Baptisms over Unentered Burials is estimated at 13,561, in answer to the third question put to every officiating minister; but three times this number, after making every allowance, would scarcely reconcile the Parish Register Abstract with the actual Increase, as resulting from the three successive Enumeration Abstracts. But that the Register of Baptisms is much more deficient than that of Burials bas already been shown, although it does not seem possible to ascertain (by direct evidence) in what degree one Deficiency exceeds the other. The proximate causes of the Increase of Population in Great Britain, are obviously the diminished Rate of Mortality, and the increasing Number of Children born; the first of these causes has been already adverted to, and the Remarks on the Schedules, tn answer to the 6th Question, assign many local causes of Increased Population, and are briefly inserted in the Notes whenever any remarkable Increase appears really to have taken place. The instances of Diminished Population are very few, and almost always noticed. The Remarks which state the Increase of Population to have resulted from the operation of the Poor Laws, are too frequent for distinct insertion; they suppose persons to marry with a direct view of thereby obtaining a weekly allowance, or at least in reliance on that kind of resource in time of need; nor can it be denied, but that such an effect seems very natu- rally to follow from the compulsory nature of the Relief afforded to the Poor in England; and it is quite certain, that whenever employment is scarce, the married man will have a preference, lest he should be constrained to apply to the Overseer for gratuitous aid. But there is reason to suspect that the Poor Laws are much less conducive to an Increase of Population than they are usually stated to be in argument, and in the Remarks on the Population Schedules ; because it must be recollected, that although in Scotland there is no Poor’s Rate, the ratio of Increase since 1811 is nearly 16 per cent. upon the Resident Population; while in England itis no more than 18 per cent. (as computed upon the Resident Population of both Countries;) a small difference, and such as probably would be expected, had Poor Rates equally, or not at all, existed in both Countries. A class of Remarks more frequent in Scotland than in England, goes some length in accounting for the Increase of the Agricultural Population; not immediately from the prosperity of Agriculture during the first Twelve or Thirteen years of the present Century, but consequentially, from the disuse of Farm-house Servants (Male Servants especially) when the Master began to live in a very superior manner to his domestics, and the Mistress to dislike the trouble of providing for them. The dismissed Labourer in such cases could not but become a Cottager, and in his new situation could scarcely fail to become a Married Man. The Manufacturing Population is naturally on the Increase ; not only as every short period of prosperity and increased wages produces imprudent Marriages, but also because in many Manufactures, Children are able to maintain themselves at an early age, and so to entail little expense on their Parents, to the obvious encouragement of marriage. But this is not a proper place for going deeply into the causes of increasing Population ; which may be deemed a solid good, or a dreadful evil, according to the circumstances of the PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. XXX1 the country in which it occurs. {fa commensurate increase of Food and of Raiment can be produced by Agriculture and by. Manufacture, an accession of Consumers in the home market cannot but be beneficial to all parties; and the Increase of Population in such case may be deemed equally: desirable in itself, and conducive to National strength. and National prosperity. From the Collection of Parish Registers it is not difficult to compute the Increase or Diminution of the Population of the several Counties of England and Wales during the last Century; from the Year 1801, the Enumerations furnish a much more authentic comparison, which also includes Scotland. To the Columns in the succeeding pages which exhibit these Comparative Statements, Seven other Columns have been annexed, partly founded on a combination of the Abstracts of ENumERATIOoN and of Paris REGIsTERs contained in this Volume; partly exhibiting other particulars, deemed to be not irrelevant or useless in furtherance of such investi- gations as usually cause reference to be made to the Popu.taTion ABSTRACT, and to these PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS arising from it. Jno Rickman, June, 1822. a XXXi1 IV.—TABLE OF COMPARATIVE ENGLAND. POPULATION. COUNTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oF 1700. 1750. 1801. Increase 1811. Increase 1821. percent. per cent. BEDFORD + - - 48,500 53,900 65,500 11 72,600 18 85,400 BERKS - - - - 74,700 92,700 112,800 8 122,300 10 134,700 BUCKINGHAM - - 80,500 90,700 111,000 10 121,600 13 136,800 CAMBRIDGE - - = 476,000 72,000 92,300 13 104,500 19 124,400 CHESTER - - : 107,000 131,600 198,100 18 234,600 17 275,500 CORNWALL + -— ° 105,800 135,000 194,500 15 223,900 17 262,600 CUMBERLAND - 62,300 86,900 121,100 14 138,300 15 159,300 DERBY - - - - 93,800 109,500 166,500 15 191,700 13 217,600 DEVON - - - - 248,200 272,200 354,400 12 396,100 13 447,900 DORSET - - - 90,000 96,400 119,100 8 128,900 14 147,400 DURHAM - - 95,500 135,000 165,700 11 183,600 15 211,900 ESSEX - - - - 159,200 167,800 234,000 11 260,900 13 295,300 GLOUCESTER = = 155,200 207,800 259,100 14 295,100 16 342,600 HEREFORD - - - 60,900 74,100 92,100 6 97,300 8 105,300 HERTFORD - - - 70,500 86,500 100,800 14 115,400 15 132,400 HUNTINGDON - - 34,700 32,500 38,800 13 43,700 14 49,800 KENT - - - - 153,800 190,000 317,800 21 385,600 13 434,600 LANCASTER - =| 166,200 297,400 695,100 23 856,000 25 1,074,000 LEICESTER - - - 80,000 95,000 134,400 15 155,100 15 178,100 LINCOLN - - - 180,000 160,200 215,500 14 245,900 17 288,800 MIDDLESEX - - - 624,200 641,500 845,400 17 985,100 19 1,167,500 MONMOUTH - - - 39,700 40,600 47,100 36 64,200 13 72,300 NORFOLK - - - 210,200 215,100 282,400 4 301,800 16 351,300 NORTHAMPTON” - - 119,500 123,300 136,100 a 146,100 13 165,800 NORTHUMBERLAND 118,000 141,700 162,300 10 177,900 14 203,000 NOTTINGHAM - 65,200 77,600 145,000 16 168,400 13 190,700 OXFORD - 79,000 92,400 113,200 9 123,200 13 139,800 RUTLAND) - - 16,600 13,800 16,900 1 17,000 11 18,900 SALOP (Shropshire) - - 101,600 130,300 172,200 17 200,800 5 210,300 SOMERSET - - - 195,900 224,500 282,800 11 313,300 16 362,500 SOUTHAMPTON (Hampshire 118,700 137,500 226,900 12 253,300 14 289,000 STAFFORD - 7 7 117,200 160,000 247,100 23 304,000 14 347,900 SUFFOLK - - - 152,700 156,800 217,400 12 242,900 14 276,000 SURREY - - 154,900 207,100 278,000 20 334,700 22 406,700 SUSSEX - = - - 91,400 107,400 164,600 19 196,500 21 237,700 WARWICK 96,600 140,000 215,100 10 236,400 18 280,000 WESTMORLAND - 28,600 36,300 43,000 10 47,500 10 52,400 WILTS - - - - 153,900 168,400 191,200 5 200,300 13 226,600 WORCESTER - 88,200 108,000 143,900 15 165,900 13 188,200 YORK, East Ripinc~- 96,200 85,500 144,000 20 173,000 12 194,300 D° NortH Ripine - 98,600 117,200 160,500 4 171,100 10 187,400 D° - West RipInG 236,700 361,500 582,700 16 675,100 21 815,400 ENGLAND” - - | 5,108,500 6,017,700 8,609,000 142] 9,870,300 162] 11,486,700 WALES- -— - 366,500 449,300 559,000 | 13 632,200 | 15% 731,800 5,475,000 6,467,000 | 9,168,000 142] 10,502,500 164] 12,218,500 REMARKS. Col. 4 & 5.—THE Population of Great Britain in the year 1811, as here ascribed to the several Counties, is less by 243,000 than in the Table (page viii) not more than Two thirds of the Army, Navy, &c. at that time being supposed to be Natives of Great Britain; the other third part of the Army and Navy be- ing attributed to Ireland and Foreign Countries, and a majority of the Seamen who then navigated Registered Vessels. On these considerations no more than a Thirtieth part was added to the Resident Population of each County for its share of the Amy, Navy, &c. and the same proportion is continued backward in the preceding Columns, 1, 2, & 3.—But to the Resident Popu- lation of Great Britain in the year 1821, no more than a Fiftieth part is added, the Army and Navy having decreased since 1811. This tends to lessen the per Centage increase ascribed to the several Counties, between the years 1811 and 1821. Col. 6.—The Area of the several Counties of England and Wales, in Square Statute Miles, is here given as measured upon Arrowsmith’s large Map (date 1815-16) which being founded on the Trigonometrical Survey, is little liable to future | alteration ; and the measurement of it having been accomplished by means of an actual Division of the Surface into Square Miles, scarcely admits of error as to the Area of England and Wales; nor would the Area of each County be less accurate supposing its ENUMERATION AT FIVE PERTODS. XRX ——— s ENGLAND. 6. ” 8. 9. | 40. its 12. AREA Divisional] Acting | Nonber™| Number of[ ne, | ANMest Paononrions. COUNTIES in Squere Meetings, | County of Population Register One One Ote Miles or Petty | Magis- : eturns, | Returns, | Baptism | Burial |Marriage English.) | Sessions. | trates. Parishes. { 1824. 4821. “to to to OF 463 6 41 123 147 128 36 62 131 - BEDFORD. 756 9 98 151 } 230 | 160 34 1 58 145 - BERKS. 740 10 136 202 240 {| 206 35 56 144 - BUCKINGHAM. 858 11 83 167 | 276 | 175 ae | 58 126 - CAMBRIDGE. 1,052 8 69 90 504 128 36 55 136 - CHESTER. 1,327 16 99 203 4 218 205 34 ) 71 154 - CORNWALL. 1,478 5 55 104 302 | 137 34 | 58 154 - CUMBERLAND. 1,026 6 #4 139 337 | 188 35 | 63 153 - DERBY. 2,579 20 167 495 487 472 32 | 61 127 DEVON. 1,005 9 63 271 309 267 36 66 154 DORSET. 1,061 16 74 45 j 302 99 34 | 55 143 - DURHAM. 1,532 14 188 406 431 403 35 59 150 ~ ESSEX. 1,256 | 18 179 339 439 341 37 | 64 | 119 GLOUCESTER. 860 12 136 219 281 225 38 63 170 HEREFORD. 528 12 95 132 150 132 34 | 58 179 - HERTFORD. 370 3 22 103 107 98 35 63 132 HUNTINGDON, 1,537 14 168 411 446 402 31 50 130 - KENT. 1,831 16 100 40 464 203 32 55 126 | - LANCASTER. 804 6 52 216 348 259 36 59 133 - LEICESTER. 2,748 16 110 629 745 623 32 62 138 LINCOLN. 282 13 200 197 239 201 38 47 106 | - MIDDLESEX. 498 10 39 125 158 127 47 | 70 154 - MONMOUTH. 2,092 33 154 731 951 694 33 61 136 NORFOLK. 1,017 9 49 306 346 298 36 58 134 NORTHAMPTON. 1,871 4 43 88 534 100 38 | 58 145 | NORTHUMBERLAND. 837 10 58. 212 269 217 33 58 133 NOTTINGHAM. 752 13 59 217 307 236 35 61 153 | OXFORD. 149 1 4 52 56 50 36 62 148 RUTLAND. 1,341 11 109 216 308 | 234 35 58 155 - SALOP (Shropshire.) 1,642 16 130 475 517 479 37 63 149 | - SOMERSET. 1,628 11 110 298 349 311 | 32 58 117 SOUTHAMPTON (Hampshire.) 1,148 8 62 145 350 180 32 56 128 | STAFFORD. 1,512 16 110 510 523 502 35. 67 139 SUFFOLK. 758 11 165 142 161 144 40 52 148 SURREY. 1,493 16 134 310 329 302 | 33 | 72 151 - SUSSEX. go2 14 61 205 265 209 37 52 123 - WARWICK. 783 4 32 32 124 68 | 35 | 58 155 - WESTMORLAND. 1,379 16 gl 300 388 314 37 66 145 WILTS. 729 13 go 171 247 202 34 56 143 - WORCESTER, 13 48 237 450 246 33 57 1247 YORK, East Ripine. 5,961 20 93 183 533 224 36 63 151° D° NortruRrorine. 19 110 193 668 298 35 61 131 | - D°- West Rrpine. 50,535 611 3,968 9,860 | 14,532 | 10,484 35 57 133 - ENGLAND. 7,425 84 462 833 1,241 855 41 69 156 WALES, *, _ = For the sereral 57,960 | 595 4,430 | 10,693 | 15,773 | 11,342 | 35 | 58 | 134 Roney lig REMARK S—continued. its detached parts to be all known. Of such irregularities, Fifty- three have bee taken into account in these Calculations, and those which remain undiscovered, are presumed to be of incon- siderable dimensions, though perhaps not few in number. Most of the detached parts are assessed in the County wherein they are locally situate. To convert the English Square Mile into a Measure applicable to the Maps of all Civilized Nations (for the purposes of‘comparison) it is only necessary to reckon it as Three-fourths of the Area of the Square Geographical Mile; in other words, that Four English Square Miles are equal to Three Geographical. This proportion may be deemed exact ; for supposing a Degree of Latitude (between 51° and 52°) to measure 60,864 Fathoms (on the authority of General Mudge) the Area of an English Square Mile to the Geographical Square Mile is as 300 to 398. 6. The English Square Mile contains 640 Statute Acres. Scotland (with its Islands) is about equal to Ireland in Area, and is Half as large as England and Wales; but in computing the Area of Scotland in English Square Miles, it is right to mention that the Scottish Mile is 5,952 English Feet, or (compared with the English Mile) as 9 to 8:--But it is rapidly falling into disuse. Col. 8.—The Number of County Magistrates who have qua- lified themselves to act, is considerably less than the Total of this 502. this Column, many of them acting for more than one County or Jurisdiction Those who act for the Isle of Ely are included in Cambridgeshire ; and the Justices acting for the Ainstey of the City of York, are included in the East Riding. One hundred and eighty-three Cities and Towns have Magistrates who lay claim to an exclusive Jurisdiction ; but most of them exercise only a concurrent Jurisdiction with the County Magistrates, and XXXIV IV.—TABLE OF COMPARATIVE WALES. POPULATION. rc —s ——\ COUNTIES Be 2. 3- 4. 5. ae 1700. 1750. 1801. Goes 1811. ee 1821. percent. percent. ANGLESEY - - - - 22,800 26,900 35,000 10 38,300 20 46,000 BRECON - - - - * 27,200 29,400 32,700 19 39,000 14 44,500 CARDIGAN --- 25,300 32,000 44,100 18 52,000 13 59,000 CARMARTHEN - = - 49,700 62,000 69,600 15 79,800 15 92,000 CARNARVON - - - - 24,800 36,200 43,000 19 51,000 16 59,100 DENBIGH - - - - - 39,700 46,900 62,400 6 66,400 18 78,000 FLINT - - - - = - 19,500 29,700 41,000 17 48,100 14 54,900 GLAMORGAN - - - - 49,700 55,200 74,000 19 88,000 18 103,800 MERIONETH - - - 23,800 30,900 30,500 5 32,000 9 35,100 MONTGOMERY - - - 27,400 37,000 49,300 9 53,700 14 61,100 PEMBROKE - - - 41,300 44,800 58,200 8 62,700 20 75,500 RADNOR - - - - - 15,300 19,200 19,700 10 21,600 8 23,500 ToTaLs - 366,500 449,300 559,000 13 632,600 16 431,800 REMARK S-—continued. Col. 9.—Parishes not being always conterminous with the County in which the Parish Church is situate, it is necessary to remark, that 268 Parishes in England and Wales are known to extend into Two Counties, Two Parishes into Three Counties each; (for particulars the Abstract may be consulted) but the Parish is herein uniformly ascribed to the County in which the Parish Church is situate. The Parish Churches in England some of them no Jurisdiction at all. and SC OT LAN D. POPULATION. Number Number of of Population SHIRES. i : Retums, - 1BOte pues: WOR 1821. Parishes. het. per cent. per cent, ABERDEEN - - - - 127,200 10 139,600 14 158,500 82 93 ARGYLL - - - - - 74,300 19 88,400 12 99,300 50 56 AYR -- - ee 87,100 23 107,400 21 129,800 46 51 BANFF - - - 7 37,000 2 37,900 17 44,400 23 27 BERWICK - - - 31,600 1 31,800 7 34,100 33 34 BUTE - - -- - 12,200 12,400 13 14,100 5 6 CAITHNESS - - - - 23,400 4 24,200 27 30,800 10 10 CLACKMANNAN - - - Ba,200 11 12,400 9 13,500 5 6 DUMBARTON 3 21,400 17 25,000 11 27,900 12 12 DUMFRIES — 56,400 15 65,100 11 72,300 43 A5 EDINBURGH - - 127,100 21 153,600 27 195,300 41 46 ELGIN =F eb ae Fs 27,600 5 29,000 9 31,800 20 23 FIFE - - 96,900 8 104,600 12 116,800 61 46 FORFAR = 102,400 8 110,800 4 115,700 54 56 HADDINGTON - - 31,000 4 32,200 1 35,800 24 25 INVERNESS - Zi 76,800 5 80,900 14 92,000 30 37 KINCARDINE~ - - 27,200 4 28,400 5 29,700 19 21 KINROSS - - - - - 6,900 8 7,500 6 7,900 4 ; ” KIRKCUDBRIGHT - - 30,200 15 34,800 14 39,700 28 aay LANARK ENUMERATION AT FIVE PERIODS. XXXV WALES. 6. 4. 8. Q. 10. 11. 12. AREA | Divisional | Acting Nonber Nonier aes of Aynuat Proportions: i ree County Bapaiition reaister 4 One One One COUNTIES (English.) | Sessions. [Magistrates.| Parishes. | “J 9.) ° 1844. = oo ao lage = 271 4 22 67 76 72 41 83 146 | - - ANGLESEY. 754 6 43 66 120 72 53 67 158 | - - BRECON. 675 9 46 65 109 70 40 70 159 - CARDIGAN. 974 8 35 77 124 81 45 67 142 - - CARMARTHEN. 544 5 31 69 77 69 38 69 149 | - CARNARVON. 633 8 36 59 108 59 37 62 154 - - DENBIGH. 244 7 24 27 68 31 34 64 190 - + FLINT. 792 9 77 125 189 | 123 43 69 158 - - GLAMORGAN. 663 6 23 34 45 34 43 67 163 - - MERIONETH. 839 9 37 51 92 53 38 65 160 - MONTGOMERY. 610 7 67 141 158 | 139 47 83 159 - - PEMBROKE. 426 6 21 52 1D 52 36 64 159 - RADNOR. 7425 84 462 833 1,241 | 855 41 69 156 | - Torats. REMARK S—continued and Wales are‘no more than 10,458 in number, 139 Parishes Parochial’ places, and- Returns of Constabularies instead of being annexed to others as far as concerns the Offices of the Townships, in some of the Northern Counties. Church, and 96 Parishes having no Church whatever, or none fit for Divine Service. Col. 10.—The Number of Places which separately and dis- Gee CDs Col. 11.—This Column includes the Returns received from tinctly levy a Rate to maintain their own Poor is 14,640, Col. 12.—The Unentered Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, according to the Poor Return Abstract of 1815: the larger num- mentioned in the Parish Register Abstract at the end of the ber of Returns under the Population Act, arises from Extra- several Counties, are included in these Computations. SCOTLAND. POPULATION. Number Number of of Population SHIRES: ir a Parishes. ee ie 1801. Tacveass 1811. Therease 1821. 1891. per cent. per cent. LANARK - - - - - 151,600 31 198,100 26 249,300 50 51 LINLITHGOW - + - 18,400 9 20,100 15 23,100 13 15 NAIRN - 2 - +e 8,500 - 8,500 8 9,200 4 7 ORKNEY and SHETLAND 48,400 =) 47,700 14 54,200 53 56 PEEBLES - - - - - 9,000 14 10,300 - 10,200 16 16 PERTH Be RS 130,600 7 139,600 2 141,800 81 83 RENFREBW - - - - 80,700 19 96,100 19 114,400 17 22 ROSS and CROMARTY - 57,200 10 62,900 12 70,200 33 33 ROXBURGH - - - - 34,800 11 38,500 8 41,700 32 34 SELKIRK - - - - - 5,200 16 6,100 11 6,800 5 9 STIRLING - - - - - 52,500 15 60,200 J1 66,700 24 29 SUTHERLAND - - - 23,900 2 24,400 - 24,300 13 15 WIGTOWN - - - - 23,700 _ 17 27,800 22 33,900 17 17 Totats - | 1,652,400 13 | 1,865,900 14] 2,125,300 948 1,046 REMARK. TO the Resident Population in Scotland for the Years 1801 and 1811, One-thirtieth Part is here added for the probable proportion of Army and Navy; to the Resident Population of 1821, One-fiftieth Part is added. numeration Abstract - - - - - - - - page i to 551. (after which a new series of Foros coinmence, with) Parish Register Abstract - - - - - - - page 1 to 160. Enumeration Abstract, 502. m County of Bedford. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- | Fawr | Aux [———— By | |g | ate | i, | Onan on é how 3 bet angle: Ranilies PA TOTAL = man m- + t Com- : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 framiies! 2 | 2 | ployea [p04 fovized nf | oor 3 Oc-- | & 7 in | the Two S B fewnea| | 3 | ace Jam] peas | = | & [PRRSONS CUL- lorHandi-| ing BARFORD Hundred. ‘pum 7 cralls 1 Classes: Banronp, Great- - - = Parish} 118}.132] 1] 4 110 20 2 311 - 324. 635 . Colmworth - - + - = Parish 84 87 | 1 1 92 4 11 B21 . 229 450. Eaton-Socon with Wyboston - Parish} 447] 458] 2 | 10 352 74 32 g13 -} 1,126 2,039 Goldington - - - - - - -Parish 76} 108 | 2] 2 82 21 5 206 220 426 Ravensden -.- - - - - _ Parish 47 51] -| 3 45 6 - 137 . 126 263 « Renhold - - - = - - = Parish 59 63) -—| - 55 5 3 164. 176 340 Roxton - - - - - + = Parish} 104] 127] -—| 1 115 9 3 278 259 537 Wilden - - - - - - - Parish 57 gi} -| - 71 6 14 216 231 447 ; 992 1,117 | 6] 21 | go2z2 | 145] 70 fF 2,446 | 2,691 | 5,137 BIGGLESWADE Hundred. eet tao Astwick - + - - - - - Parish 11 iw] -| - 17 ‘1 - 447 52 99 Barford, Little - - - - - Parish 25 28} —-| - 27 - 1 54 69 123 Biggleswade - - - - = - Parish . ‘Geith Holme and Stratton) - Hamlet } 448 | 459) 4] 5 257 neh a 1,336 a 2778 Cockayne-Hatley - © - Parish} = 21 a1] —-| 1 18 1 2 54. 63 117 Dunton with Millo - - - - Parish 68 68] -| 1 13 8 47 181 151 332 Edworth - - - - - = = Parish 20 20} ~-} - 20 - = 53 34 87 Everton - - - - - = (#) Parish 25 38) -| - 37 - 1 80 74 154... Eyworth - - - - - = = Parish 13 a3} -| - 22 1 - 66 45 111 Langford + - - = = Parish[ 103] 130] 2] 2 118 12 ~ 323 308 631 | Potton - - - = = = = Parish} 298] 324) - | 5 197 124 23 4 724 471 1,498 Sandy (part of) with Gritford (>) Parish} 150 | 162} —| 2 102 47 13 605 573 1,178 Sutton - - - - - = = Parish. 63 63] -] - 60 2 1 174 195 369 Tempsford - - - - - - Parishf[ 100} 120]/ —| 1 103 14 3 308 269 577 - 56 13 22 189 . 211 400 Wrestlingworth - - - - - Parish 81 gi| - 1,426 |1,565 | 6 | 17 [1,027 | 408} 130 | 4,197 4,257 | 8,464 CLIFTON Hundred. Atlséy - - - - - - - ‘Parish} 1023] 114] ~2 "4 24 13 292 270 562 | Campton - - - - - (>>)-Parish} 69 80} 1] - 72 8 - 204 “| 206 410 | .Shefford - - - - - = Hamlet} 126] 133] 2] 5 15 113 5 ~ 296 © 322 ~ 618 Chicksands - - - - -~ Extra Par. 10 10 os = 9 - 1 39 26 - 56 Clifton - - - = - = (°) Parish 96} 108] -—] 1 48 24 6 230 253 483 Henlow - - - - - - Parish] 120] 136{ —| — 95 33 8 324 | 364 688 Holwell - - = - + - Parish} 26 29) -| - 29 - - 89> go 179 Meppershall - - - - - - Parishl 80] go] —] - 86 2 2 199 | 198 "| 397 Shitlington (part of) - (4) Parish 82 95/ -| 1 52 22 21 236 234 470 Holywell - - - - - - Hamlet 7 g/ -| - 9 7 2 27 23 50 Stondon, Lower - - - Hamlet 19 a4} 1] - 24 - - 65 70 135 Stondon, Upper ~ = = = Parish 4 4} -]| - 4 - - 19 14 33° Stotfold - - - - - ‘Parishf 123] 134] 17 1 118 16 = 333 360 693 865 | 966) 7} 8 | 666 | 242} 58] 2,344 | 2.430 -| 4,774 FLITT Hundred. oo oe in the Clay - - - = Parishf 122 139 | 2] 4 100 34 5 326 342 668 addington (part of). - ~- (*) Parish ‘ aid: Marker 56 yar of) - 0 Heralet \ 69 | 76; -| 1 56 14 6 205 174 379 Clophill ne Se Parish} 172 | 176] 1/1 3 9 145 28 3 401 437 838 a1; Flitton - -(*) Townsh. 5 104} 1 1 92 5 247 254 5OL Flitton Par. Silsoe - - © Hamlet an 127 a} - 81 32 14 281 287 568 | Gravenhurst, Lower - - - Parish| 10 oe ae - - 33 30 63 Gravenhurst, Upper - - - Parish} 38 61} -| - 50 8 3 137 154 | 291 Haynes - = - + = = Parish} 147] 154] -]| 1 122 18 14 381 394 775 Higham-Gobion- - - - - Parish] 16 wy] -| - 16 - 1 39 47 86 ! Hyde, Fast& West - - Hamlet 85 go} i] 1 57 30 3 247 261 508 Luton | Leegrave, or Lightgrave Hamlet} 53 64) -| - 60 4 = 143 139 282 Par; 4 Limbury cum Biscott - Hamlct].. 49 55 | -| 1 52 3 a 135 141 276 () |Luton™ - - - - Town] 558 | 649 |-6/ 10 155 | 426 68 { 1,387 | 1,599.] 2,986 1 80 15 2 234 243 477 Stopsley - - = - Hamlet 88 97 | - (#) Tetworth, part of the joint Parish of Everton with Tetworth, is g observation applies very generally in this County.——(*) Shitlington in Toseland Hundred (Huntingdonshire) and there entered——(°) The } Parish is partly Clifton Hundred——(°) Part of Caddington, including | entire Parish of Sandy with Gritford, including Beeston in Wixamtree { part of Market Street Hamlet, is in Dacorum Hundred (Hertfordshire) | Hundred, contains 1,392 Inhabitants. (**) The entire Parish of | and there entered ; the entire Parish contains 1,549 Inhabitants | Campton contains 1,028 Inhabitants——(*) Several Females employed } (‘) The joint Parish of Flitton with Silsoe contains 1,069 Inhabitants, in making Straw-plat and Lace, form part of families attributed herein | ——(®) The entire Parish of Luton contains 4,529 Inhabitants, | to Agriculture, from the occupation of the Males of the family. This Lis PNA s S3 Sa Ge PEE i : = B (Enumeration. 2 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BEDFORD—continued. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS: __ PERSONS. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faur- | 2° | aun By , LIES | chiefly OTHER ; oR : how z chiefly employ- | Families n TOTAL 3 many » | 3 em- ed in | not com- wa EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |Families] 2 |S | ployed | paane,|prizedin) 4 < i Z| 0 | 3 a im | Sitana. Mthedwo 3 & __|PERSONS, g cupied. | & a Aonri- factures,| preced- fx = CUL- |lorHandi-| _ ing FLITT Hundred—continued. TURE: | craft. | Classes. é Pulloxhill - - - - - - Parish 59 97 2 = 81 16 es 238 237 475 Shitlington (part of) - - - (4) Parish go 97} -| 1 83 12 2 238 256 494 Streatley - - see Parish 8 68 ‘ 6 with Sharpenhoe - - - Hamlet } 5 any S 8S 9 a a aoe Sundon - - - - - - Parish 41 a7) -| - 68 re) - 194 193 387 1,860 |2,159 | 15 | 25 | 1,360 | 664] 135 | 5,008 | 5,355 | 10,363 MANSHEAD Hundred. - | Aspley-Guise - - - - Parish} 158] 162] a! 1 118 31 13 436 412 848 Battleden - - - - - = Parish Q1 a7} —-| - 24 1 2 86 65 151 Chalgrave - - - + Parish} 145 151 oa ee 110 38 3 358 352 710 Dunstable - - - - - Parish} 329] 360] 2] 6 64] 163] 133 827 | 1,004 | 1,831 Eaton-Bray - - - = = Parish} 157] 165] —] ~ 100 50 15 416 400 816 Eversholt - - - * - Parish} 168] 180] —] 6 135 45 - 410 460 870 Harlington - - Pansh} 78 82] -]}| - 58 11 13 199 199 398 Hocklifle - - - + = Parish 73 be eh oe 6 12 57 198 195 393 Holeutt - - - - - - Parish 10 wzyoa1if - 6 1 5 34 28 62 Houghton-Regis - - - + Parish} 240] 2947] 4| 3 170 47 30 627 656 “| 1,283 Husborn-Crawley - - - - Parish} 102! 102] —| — 82 15 5 271 301 "| ° 572 { Leighton-Buzzard Township} 532 | 566] 3 | 17 119 | 258] 189 1,335 { 1,414 "|| 2,449 Leighton- | Billington - - Chapelry 49 49/ -| - 48 1 - 7 24 113 937 Buzzard j Eggington - - Chapelry 37 58] -| - 46 11 1 156 || 146 © 302 Parish(") | Heath & Reach(+) Chapelry| 156; 158] —| 2 135 23 ~ 345 381 726 ; Standbridge - — Chapelry 73 81} -| 1 68 13 - 193 214 407 Milton-Bryant - - - - Parish 73 82} -] 1 68 12 2 162 184 346 Potsgrove - - = = = = Parish 41 44|/ -] 2 35 4 2 83 100 183 Salford - - - + = = Parish 64 68 | -]|] 1 7 14 47 145 167 312 Studham { Humbershoe - - Hamlet 62 64] -| 4 12 50 2 165 198 363 (part of ) « eee St. (part of) Hamlet - - -| - = - - - - - Parish(?) (Studham - - - Hamlet 37 ~{- 28 6 2 : Q° Tilsworth - - + Parish 50 x -| - 7 43 1 : 1 - ‘ oe Tingrith - - - = = Parish 24 a5{[ —-} - 18 3 4 41 84 155 Toddington - - - - = Parish} 329] 346 1 5 234 95 17 811 854 1,665 Totternhoe - - - - Parish 89 94) — 1 55 23 16 219 231 "450 Westoning = > = > = = Parish} 125 | 157] -| 2 81 45 31 307 327 - 634 Whipsnade - - - - Parish 37 39 | 2 - 37 1 1 102 97 . 199 Woburn - - - - Parish} 310] 358] -—| 7 27} 311 20 "68 888 1,656 3,569 | 3,83 1 1,898 |1,330 | 61 REDBORNESTOKE Hundred. : | : y ae a : saa 9,697 48,737 Ampthill - - - - - - - Parish} 295 | 323 2 112 162 Cranfield - - - - - Pansh} 166] 239 5 4 159 69 a ee "| os ~ : a Elstow - - - - - - Parishf 102 log} -] - 87 18 4 251 2 : BS Flitwick - - - - = = =| Parish g2 | 107] 1 1 77 26 4 248 a4 4 Houghton-Conquest Parish} 142 145 1 - 138 " = 331 a 4 : Kempston = - - - + + Parish} 273 | 330] 3] 11 262 65 3} 671 748 1 ° Lidlington - - - - - - Parish} 137] 166] —] @ 111 54 1 342 i . Marston-Moretaine - - - Parish} 172] 179] 2] — 100 20 59 442 ao oe ; Maulden - - = - - Parish} 195] 223] 1] 3 163 30 30 47 3 oy eee Millbrook - - - - - Parish | 76 Bo} 1] — 46 31 3 1 eee Ridgmont - - - - - i | oe ao gm Parish} 161] 165] 1] 1 140 19 6 391 41 810 © Steppingley - 2 - = = = Parish 56 93 2 1 64 8 1 156 = Wilshampstead - - - = Parish go} 100} 1] — 73 14 13 | 398 7 323 Wootton 7 2-2 + = Parish} 178 | 207} -| - 181 23 3 493 re : ths 2,1 2,446 | 20 | 28 | 1,71 6 , ¢ STODDEN Hundred. Tene ue cs “ | oe 6,063 11,673 Bolnhurst - - - = = - Parish 38 42} 3] - 3 - Clapham - - - - - - (*) Parish 33 42; 1] = a 3 2 ae ; ae a Dean, Nether and Upper - - Parish 99; 101} 2] — "9 19 3 244 2 = oe Keysoe - - - - - - Parishf 118] 124{ 2] 1 115 9 S 309 35 479 Knotting- - - - - - Parish 27 2B]; -]}| - 28 - - 60 ae ¢ 4) Shitlington Parish is partly in Clifton Hundred, in Fli i ; ish is j —" Hadid 3 de entire Parish ct 1,149 Tene he sintea Up ia teat cae oe Tue a aa : (ymadeSircet eR uae ee ae Inhabitants. (©) The Parishes ot Clapham, Milton-Emest, id Ghee, be cree: ‘ in Flamstead Parish, Desbin Honived Ga, pitty we Scien Si a ae, Sais M-DCCC.XXL.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 04. 3 = aceniiaenal a A ARR NTO A eRe nf COUNTY OF BEDFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Spe Winn Fant i By a LIES | chiefly Ornen d , OR how = | chiefly employ- Families an TOTAL 3 enany: to | ‘s em- edin | "ot com- a a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g | Families BY 2 | poyea reams, [preedin| 4 fis : s c- = Z i ” | the Two > a cupied. | A | 5 oes ee preced- 3 a PERSONS. : J ©UL- lorHandi- ie STODDEN Hundred—continued. Ture. | craft, | Classes. Melchbourn - - - + - =~ Parish} 52 53) — | 7 51 2 a 110 134 244 Milton-Ernest - - - - (*) Parish] + 72 8) -] 7 68 15 2 153 211 364 “Oakley - - - - - ~ (*) Parish] 99] 109) 2] — a7 31 1 244 age | 486 Pertenhall - - - - - - Parish{ 67 Ji; ry 2 - 11 a8 162 162 324 Risley - - - - - - - Parish} 165] 165) -| 4 f° 84 52 29 387 403 490 Shelton - - - - = - =~ Parish 23 Ve} opel 22 2 1. -69 60 129 Stanghton, Little - - - + Parish] 77 78) 1} - 68 7, ‘3 201 205 | 406 Tilbrook - - - - - + Parish} 56] 58{ -| 3 44| 13 1 145 152 297 Wielding, or Yelden - - - Parish} 40} 56) -| ~ | 47 8]. -4-]. 136- 143 | 279 966 |1,037 | 12 | 11 | 805} 180) 52 | 2,457 | 2,593 | 5,050 “WILLEY Hundred. + = Biddenham - - - - - + Parishf 553 65) =] — 62 1; 2. 202 191 393 Bletsoe - - - - - - = Parish 63 |. 68) 2] - 59 6 3 230 153 383 Bromham - - - - + - Parish} 57] 71) -| 7 62 6 3 141 157 298 Carlton - - - « - -(!) Parish} 88) 98) 2)-3 53 23 22. 191 238 |{- 429 Chellington - - - ~ - (1) Parish} 32 34; -| -—] 16 4 14 54 67 121 Farndish - - - - - - = Parish a fg NO ee 16 = Ls 38 35 73 Felmersham - - - -(™) Parish] 43] 47) -| 1 40 6 1 118 104 222 ~~ Radwell - - - - - + Hamlet] 34] 40] -| - 36 oo. 83 85 168 Harrold - - = - - - = Parshf 194] 211] -] 5 | 102! 81) 28 424 515 939 Odell ~ - - - «= + = Parish? 654 75} -{ — 67+ 5 3 202 237 439 Pavenham - - - = - - Parish 2} 105] 2] 1 76 28 1 218 237 455 Puddington - - - - ~ Parish 85 | 110; =~} =| 91 16 3 277 304 581 Sharnbrook « - « - - - Parish| 132] 146) -| — 49 61 6 334 357 691 Souldrop - - + = = - Parish 37 56.) -] - 45 10 1 97 126 223 (Stagsden - - - - - - = Parish} 85] 132] -| ~ 113 18 1 257 285 542 Stevington - - - - + Parish] 103} 130] =] — 93 32 5 235 250 485 ° Thurleigh - - - - - - Parishf 87 | 114] 2] 2 95 19 = 232 245 “A77 Turvey - - - - -(*) Parish| 182; 200] -] 1 160 30 10 395 487 | 882 “Wymington - - - - © Parish) 514 58 a 53 5 = 120 142 262 11,499 | 1,776 | 8 | 14 71,318 | 355 | 103 | 3,848 | 4,215 | 8,063 WIXAMTREE Hundred. ; as — = | Blunham = - + = = = (°) Parish} 96] 109] -| — go 15 4 256 284 | 540 Moggerhanger - - - ~- Hamlet] 712 / 87] -] - 58 12 17 197 208 405 Cardington -. - - - -(¥) Parish} 99] 212] -—] 1 56 49 6 274 332 606 East-Cotts - = - - Chapelry| 102.) 131) —| — | 104] 26 1 294 294 | 588 Cople --- ~ - = = ~ Parish 94| 120) -| - 96 16 8 262 262 524. Northill (including Ickwell) - (4) Parish} 77 82) =) = 56 14 12 199 192 391 orncote, Hatch, Brookend, | =) = : Budnor, and part of Beeston’ Bialst 49 53 + B 5 sa ai ao }) Upper and Lower Caldicotts - Hamlet] 62 yo} -| 4 §1 13 6 182 187 369 | Old Warden - - - - = Parish} 100) 321) -—| - 107 9 5 341 329 670 | Sandy (part of) (™) Par.:—BeestonHamlet] 38] 46) -]| - 31 10 5 107 107 214 ‘Southill Parish [B'0OM, ~ - Hamlet] 39} 46/ —| 1 39 3 4 118 108 226 vs (*) $s" 2Southill - Township, 108 142 = - 94 26 22 314 368 682 a Stanford - - Hamlet] 45 50| -] - 36 8 6 122 135 257 | Willington - ~ - - - - Parish} 46 58) -| - 58 ~ - 146 140 286 1,026 }1,226) -— | 6 | 918; 207] 101 2,939 3,060 5,999 / “BEDFORD Borough. ———|—— - Cuthbert, St, - - - - - Parish} 130] 142{ -j| 1° 55 60 27 248 330 578 John, St. - ~ = + = Parish 64 W8)| -| - 20; 45 13 170 182 | 352 Mary, Sti: - - - - - + Parish} 197] 146] 2] 4 3 82 61' 349 459 808 Paul, St. o- - - - - Parish} 609] 723 | 6] 6 46 | 501 | 176 | 1,484 1,591 3,075 | Peter, St. - - « - = = Parish} 134] 153] 9| 2 23 62 68 245 408 . 653 1,074 |1,242 | 17] 13 | 147{ 750] 345 | 2,496 2,970 5,466 ae a ) The Parishes of Clapham, Milton-Ernest, and Oakley, form (near | contains 945 Inhabitants——(?) The entire Parish of Cardington con- Bedford) a detached Portion of the Hundred of Stodden.——(‘) The | tains 1,194 Inhabitants. East-Cotts includes Cotton-End, Harrowdea, Parishes of Carlton and Chillington were heretofore much intermixed; | and Fenlake-——(*) The entire Parish of Northill contains 1,001 Inha- but since the year 1801, a distinct Boundary bas been established under | bitants.——(") Most part of Sandy Parish is in Biggleswade Hundred, the-authority of an Inclosure Act.——(™) The entire Parish of Felmer- and there entered ——(5) The entixe Parish of Southill contains «1,165 sham contains 990 Inhabitants.——-(") One Female upwards of 100 years | Inhabitants. . of age in the Parish of Turvey.——(°) The entire Parish of Blunham L (Enumeration. 4 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ne = COUNTY OF BEDFORD—conéinued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD. —, e HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Fami- Famr- | jigs ALL HUNDREDS, By s LIES | chiefly OrnER : how = | chiefly | employ-| Families 3 TOTAL &e. < many i il em- edin |not com- an 5 ow & |Familes| 2 | 3 ployed | Trans, |prized in 5 g Oe ji | a in | Manu. | the Two a PERSONS. a cupied. | “55 2 Acri- | factures, preced- Ss Ba : cUL- lor Handi- Siac URE. asses. Hundred of = ae BARFORD - - - - - = 992] 1,117; 6 | 21 go2} 145 7o | 2,446 2,691 5,137 BIGGLESWADE - - - - -] 1,426] 1,565] 6 {17 | 1,027| 408; 130-) 4,197 4,257 8,454 CLIFTON - - -- - 865] 966 8 666] 242 58 | 2,344 2,430 4,774. FLIIT - - - - = = =] 1,860! 2,159/ 15 | 25 | 1,360] 664] 135 5,008 5,355 | 10,363 MANSHEAD - - - - - - | 3,569} 3,839] 14] 59 | 1,898] 1,330] 611 9,040 9,697 | 18,737 REDBORNESTOKE - - - | 2,135} 2,446] 20 | 28 | 1,713] 546} 187 5,610 6,063 | 11,673 STODDEN - - - - = = 966 | 1,037] 12 | 11 805] 180 52 2,457 2,593 5,050 WILLEY - - - ~ - ~1| 1,499) 1,776] 8 | 14 | 1,318) 355] 103 | 3,848 | 4,215 | 8,063 WIXAMTREE - - ~- - - | 1,026] 1,226; -—| 6 g18| 207] 101 2,939 3,060 | 5,999 Borough Town of BEDFORD - - - - 1,074/ 1,242 | 17 | 13 147] 750} 345 2,496 | 2,970 | 5,466 Torats - 15,412 |17,373 | 105 | 202 110,754) 4,827 / 1,792 | 40,385 | 43,331 | 83,716 Ages of Persons. MALES. an f uner| & | 20 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70) 80] 90| oof ,; Hundred to to to to to to to | to | to | to | to ae ee 5. 10 15 | 20 30 | 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 {100 J & BARFORD - -| 430] 330] 291 | 236 | 387 | 234] 208] 153 | 110] 55] 11 - | 2,446 BIGGLESWADE -| 690} 562} 471 | 492 | 625 | 427{ 385] 245 | 199] 83/ 17 - | 4,197] CLIFTON - - -| 394] 329| 307] 216) 371} 223] 197 | 134] 103] 55| 5] - | - | 2,334 FLIIT 7 - -}| 780] 661}; 609; 536 | 733] 529] 469] 319 | 236/112] 29] - |] - 5,013] MANSHEAD - — ~ [1,426 | 1,262 | 1,153 | 966 /1,294 | g10| 860] 593 | 361] 191/ 38} 2] - | 9,056 REDBORNESTOKE -]| 905 | 777} 657] 628 | 769} 545] 485 | 413 | 265/132] 33 | 21] - | 5,611 STODDEN -] 395] 316 | 281) 246 | 371 | 248] 210] 166 | 124] 56/318] 6! - | 2,497 WILLEY - = -} 598; 484] 440] 374] 616) 400} 314] 253 | 216)106/ 28 | - | - | 3,829 WIXAMTREE -| 495 | 372 332 | 315 | 4652 272 276 183 | 143| 65] 22 2] - | 2,929 BEDFORD, TOWN -] 331 | 302] 9332] 246] 398] 281 239 | 196 | 136] 60] 4 1] = | 2,529 Total of MALES - [6,444 | 5,395 | 4,873 | 4,255 | 6,016 | 4,069 | 3,643 | 2,655 [1,892] 915/208] 15 | — 140,381 FEMALES. fo Under | © 10 15 20 |-30 | 40 | 50 | 66 | 70 | 80 | 90 [100] 4° Hundred : to to to to to to to | to | t |tlt|*®}] 8 - 0 is of 1 15 20 30 40 50 SP 90 80 | 801400) Fe BARFORD - 7] 427] 376 | 315 | 250) 454) 297] 233] 170] 101] 53/41 | 2| - | 2,689 BIGGLESWADE - == | 707 | 554 | 455 | 441 | 707) 4451 396) 249] 190! g2/ 17] a] - 4,254 CLIFTON - : “| 405 | 297 | 261 | 274) 428} 245) 220] 146] 111] ge} ie] o 7] 2,441] FLITT 7 - - | 789 695 619 | 597 go2 626 | 457 301 | 241/105) 21 7 : Page MANSHEAD ~ - 11,380 | 1,228 999 | 1,071 | 1,734 | 1,127 857 582 | 461] 193 57} 2 7 ae | REDBORNESTOKE 935 | 741 | 638 | 621 [1,037 | 681 | 550} 432 | 269) 125) 32 | @ |. - 6,063 SLOnnEy. - 7] 395] 347} 260) 274) 412 | 284) 932) 184 |. 129/51 16 | —-| ~ | 2,684 WILLEY - ~] 574| 489 | 375 | 403} 760 | 508] 427) 312 | 225/135 30 | o | 4 - ‘4,241 WIXAMTREE - -— 469 | 408 | 321] 330] 515 | 334} 264] 214 | 130 g2io2] 3] - 3,068 BEDFORD, TOWN ; 329 | 299 | 308] 299] 589] 376] 281 | 218 | 148 76 al hc - | 2,937] Total of FEMALES 6,410 5,434 | 4,551 | 4,560 7,538 4,923 | 3,917 2,808 2,005} 924 232] 13 1 43,316 above) being . . . 83,697, ... with the question to that effect. THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Bedford being . . . 83,716, . The Totel Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Bedford, was 147, question concerning the Ages of Persons. respective numbers of Males and Females. : . . and the Number of Per it thence appears, that the ages of almost all the persons therein enumerated sons whose ayes are returned (as every one of which contained A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, o have been obtained in compliance an answer to the rv incorrect in the M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV: C. 94. 5 <=] County of Berks. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 2 Paine | 74 1 ary By 3 LIES | chiefly Orurr ‘ oR “ie ey # chiefly | employ- | Families w TOTAL ki 0 em- i -F. q EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 Famikes| 2 | ployed Wee eee = 3 ae ‘g Oc. | 3] 2 | in | Manu. | theTwo f& __|PERSONS. 4 jeupied.| & | 5 | Acri- factures,| preced- = re CUL~ JlorHandi-| ing BEYNHURST Hundred. - TURE. | craft, | Classes. Bisuam - - - = - = Parish] 193} 1481 -|] 2 "9{ 48] 21 355 352 707 Hurley - - - + - + Parish} 196] 222] —| 6 136 51 35 540 525 | 1,065 Remenham - - - - - - Parish} 42 82} 1] 3 37} 24 21 178 202 -| 380 Shottesbrook- - - - + «= Parish 17 26] -j] 1 21 3 2 63 72 135 White-Waltham- - - - Parish} 127 | 161] 2! 3 103 36}. 22 -398 | 397 795 545| 639} 3115 | 376) 162] 101 | 1,534 | 1,548 | 3,082 BRAY Hundred. Bray - - - Division] 210] 221] —] 1 100 35 86 496 465 961 Bray Parish} Maidenhead (>) Division] 187 234. 1 4 63 105 66 472 473 945 (*) Touchen - - Division] 147 156} 1 4 120 28 8 384 394 4778 Water-Oakley - Division 92} 106] 3]! 1 81 13 12 246 229 475 636 | 717 | 5113 | 364} 181] 172 | 1,598 | 1,561 | 3,159 CHARLTON Hundred. - = - Barkham - ~ - - =" - = Parish 34 43 {| -| 1 41 2 - 127 . 88 -| 215 Finchamstead - - = = ~ Parish g1{ 112] -| 5 92 19 1 280 272 552 | Hurst - - ~ Parochial Chapelr 2 Whistley Hurst - - €) Liberty \ 198 WA) 4 91 57 26 424 423 847 Shinfield, East side - - (4) Parish} 107] 107] -| -— 83 14 10 297 282 579 Sonning Parish (*):—Early - Liberty a4 8) -| 3 69 6 10 228 219 447 Swallowfield (part of) - - (f) Parish 47 m1] —-| 3 61 4 3 188 159 347 514] 592] -|16 | 437] 105] 50] 1,544 | 1,443 | 2,987 COMPTON Hundred.” Aldworth- - - - - = = Parish] 50 56} -| 2 46 8 2 143 150 | 293 Catmere - - - - - - = Parish 14 16] - 14 - 2 42 47 89 Chilton - - ~ - = = = Parish 50 al] -|[{ - 48 3 - 116 113 229 Compton - - ~ - + - = Parish} 100] 107] -—{ 2 94 9 4 230 252 482 Farnborough - - - - = = Parish 47 55} 1] 1 50 5 ~ 107 103 210 | Ilsley, East - - - - = Parishf~ 119] 125] -]| 2 71 50 4 341 335 676 Isley, West - - - - = Parish} 84]. 86] 2] 1 76 9 1 165 163 328 ° 464] 496; 3] 7] 399; 841 13 | 1,144 | 1,163 | 2,307 COOKHAM Hundred. (8) - Binfeld - - - - - = - Parish] 202 » 243 2/ 4 116 106 21 535 522 1,057 Cookham.- - - - Parish} 509 | 614] 2]15 | 255] 259] 100 | 1,344 | 1,390 | 2,734 Sunninghill - -~ - - - =» Parish} 225] o30] 2 | 14 135 58 37 572 553 1,125 936 | 1,087 | 6 | 33 | 506] 423 | 158 | 2,451 | 2,465 | 4,916 FAIRCROSS Hundred. - - = Beedon - - - - - - Parish} 60 62] -]}| - 60 2 = 162 151 313 | Boxford - - - - - = ° Parish 8 6 8 6 with Westbrook - - -() Tything ae ea So} 9 . a ane a7 53 Brght-Waltham - -- - = Parish 82 89 | -| 2 "3 13 3 214 236 450 Brimpton - - = = = - Parish 83 96} -]| 3 74 18 4 239 225 464 Chieveley - - - - - (4) Parish} 224] 248] -| 7 206 32 10 584 579 1,163 Leckhamstead - - = Chapelry 72 76) -| 1 65 7 4 181 177 358 Winterbourn - ~ - + Chapelry 70 74/ -]| 1 11 1 52 171 150 321 | Frilsham - (4) - - - «= ‘Parish 37 42] —| 2 31 a 4 90 81 171 | Hampstead-Norris - - - - Parish] 156] 223 1] 3 154 33 36 565 546 1,111 Newbury Parish (*):——Sandleford Priory 3 3} -| - 1 - 2 8 9 17 Peasemore - = = - - = Parish 61 63 | -] 1 55 6 2 136 148 284 Shaw cum Donnington - - - Parish} 111 { 118] —]| 9g 69 28 21 273 258 531 Speen P. (ean - = Tything/ 158] 158] 6] 6 2} 69] 87 381 437 818 (1) Woodspeen & Bagnor Townsh.} 142] 142] 81 4 45 40 57 302 292 594 Stanford-Dingley - - - - Parish} 28] 31] 1] — 20 9 2 67 68 135 . @) The entire Parish of Bray contains 3,159 Inhabitants —_(°) The town of Maidenhead is partly in the Parish of Bray, partly in the Parish | of Cookham; One Female upwards of 100 years of age in Maiden- head.——(°) The Parochial Chapelry of Hurst is partly in Sonning Hundred, partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts) ; the entire Parish con- tains 2,091 Inhabitants——(“) The West side of the Parish of Shinfield is. in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts), and another portion of the Parish is. || in Theale Hundred (Berks);, the entire Parish contains 1,065. Inha- bitants——(*) Sonning Parish is mostly in Sonning Hundred—— . (f) Swallowfield Parish is mostly in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts); the entire Parish contains 983 Inhabitauts——-(®) Bracknell, part of the Hundred of Cookham, is included in the Return of Easthampstead (Rip- plesmere Hundred.) (») The Tything of Westbrook is in Kintbury- Eagle Hundred, but the entire Parish of Boxford is included in this Re-. turn,—— (i) The entire Parish of Chieveley (which includes the Tythings | of Oare, Courage, and Snelsmore,) contains 1,842 Inhabitants. ——(*) The Town of Newbury is entered at the end of the County——(!) The Pa- rish of Speen is partly in Kintbury-Eagle Hundred, C ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. 8 COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fame | Fame] Aut B : LIES «py | OTHER | on ; how z chiefly Safle Families Z| oe i Zo man ‘i 2 = . 3 3 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |ramilies! 2] 2 | ployed [qo [cam & 3 os ‘3 Oc- 2/4 in Mana the Two x 5} PERSONS, | 3 cupied. | | 5 Aart- | factures,| preced- = cuL- JorHandi-| _ ing FAIRCROSS Hundred—continued. ‘ TuRE. | craft, | Classes. ThatchamfGreenham - (™) Chapelry} 187] 189] 2] 4 117 57 15 | 461 486 947 ‘Parish | Midgham + - — Chapelry 46 68] -{ - 34 17 17 158 171 329 Wasing - - - - = - = Parish} 13 13] i] 1 13 = - 37 31 68 Welford - - - ~ = -(*) Parish} 1971 207] -| 8 177 26 4 554 504 1,058 Yattendon - - 2 + + Parish 43 45 | 1] 1 39 4 2 108 122 230. 1,881 |2,064 | 20 | 52 | 1,342 | 390] 332 | 4,980 | 4,945 | 9,925 FARRINGDON Hundred. Barrington, Great - - - (°) Parish = -j} -| - = = = % os ee Coxwell, Great - - - - + Parish 60 ”8 2} - 63 8 vf 147 159 306 Farringdon, Great (part of) (P) Parish] 397 | 448] 1] 6 197 | 189 62 1,121 1,150 2,271 Coxwell, Little - - Township 46 59 - 1 49 5 5 149 122 271 Hospital - - - (P) Tything - -f} -] - = = = = = = Inglesham - - - - ~- (4) Parish - -} -|] - ie = 7 = 2 = Langford (part of) - - (T) Parish] 76 841 -| 3 63 15 6 216 171 387 Farringdon, Little - - — Tything 50 31] -| 2 30 1 = 81 59 140 Shilton - - - = - = (*) Parish 46 52; -{| 1 40 11 I 141 115 256 655 | 7521 31134 442} 229) 81 | 1,855 | 1,776 | 3,631 GANFIELD Hundred. - Buckland with Carswell - Parish} 151 | 173] -] 2 141 21 11 463 430 893 - Hatford - - Parish 24 28} -} - 26 - 2 70 62 132 Hinton-Waldrist = - Parish 46 61] 3] - 5l 2 8 153 162 315 Longworth (part of) = (*) Parish 98 106 |] -]| 3 47 22 4 262 275 537 Charney - - - - Chapelry 49 54] 1 1 39 10 5 127 116 243 Pewsey + - - - = Parish | = 21 24) -{ 1 21 1 2 60 62 122 Shillingford - - - = Parish 54 68} -]| = 67 1 - 132 139 271 Stanford-in-the-Vale (part of) (") Parish} 151 156] -| 3 119 34 3 385 387 772 594 | 670] 4]10 47 541 gl 38 | 1,652 | 1,633 | 3,285 HORMER Hundred. Se Abingdon - - - (Y) Borough a eo) aes - - - - - - Aldates, St.f Grampound, or ar Parish ) |. Grand-pont - eee im te =e ~ ~ = ~ 7 ~ Bagley-Wood - - - = Extra-P. 1 rfo-} - - 1 - 1 3 4 Besselsleigh - - - - + Parish 22 234) -] - 16 3 4 65 65 130 Botley - Tything 23} a3] -]| 2 23 - - 65 53 118 Bradley - - - Tything 1 ryej - 1 - - 3 2 5 Chawley - - = Tything 14 15] 1 1 15 - - 38 32 70 Chilswell - - Liberty 1 1} -{ - 1 - 11 5 16 Comner |} Cumner Township 04) 105] -] —- 87 16 2 261 247 508 Parish Henwood - - — Tything 1 a 1 - 5 2 4 ® Hill-end = - - = Tything 21 21], -{ - 20 1 - 53 49 102 Stroud - - Tything 12 wos yp + 12 - - 36 40 46 Swinford - - — Tything 10 lof -]}] — 8 1. 1 30 24 54 Whitley - - = Tything 6 6, -] - 6 - - 21 16 37 Wootton ~- - — Chapelry 54 61 1 1 59 2 - 166 144 310 Barton - > Farm 1 r}o-| - 1 - - 4 4 14 Helen, St.) Pumney —- > Farm 1 j=] =< 1 - - 2. 2 4° Parish 4 Norcott - - Township 16 164 = 16 - - 39 46 85 ®) Sandford Township 17 1g} - 2 17 - 2 50 42 92 Shippon - Township 26 28 1 24 1 we 71 67 1 38 : Hinksey, North a tt + Parish 33 34) -] - 24 10 - 100 82 182 Hinksey, South - - - - - Parih} 32| 32] —| - 18 6 8 69 | 73 142 Radley - -- - - - = (*) Parish 66 67} -| - 64 2 1 216 © 196 412 Kennington - - = Township 31 36] -] - 32 4 - | 82 89 171 Thruppwick - - + Liberty 5 6} —] = 5 ~ = 14, 16 30 ™) No Return appears to have been received from Greenham | 638 Inhabitants. *) Shile ish is pz i Le Gaal in the sear Toil 3 it was then supposed to be included in Coxforubiney mie a eee a, ar the Return of the rest of Thatcham Parish (Reading Hundred.)\—— ] (*) Longworth Parish is partly in Ock Hundred. The entire Parish con- ° The Parish of Welford extends into Kintbury-Eagle Handred ; but | tains 974 Inhabitants. —~(u) Stanford-in-the-Vale Parish, is partly in e entire Parish is included in this Return.—-(°) The Parish of Great- | Ock Hundred. The entire Parish contains 931 Inhabitants __(" The Barrington is mostly in Slaughter Hundred (Gloucestershire) and there Borough of Abingdon is entered at the end of the County. The entered.——(?) It is remarked, on the Schedule returned from Great Tything of Grampound is included in the Return of St. Aldates (City of Farringdon, that the Poor Laws tend to the increase of Population. | Oxford.)}——(*) The entire Parish of Cumner contains 1,303 Inhabi- The Tything of Hospital, heretofore returned in Farringdon Hundred, tants. ——-(”) The Parish of St. Helens forms the chief part of the Borough is now included with Wadley, in Shrivenham Hundred. The entire | of Abingdon, which is entered at the end of the County. Barton and ; Parish of Fartingdon contains 2,784 Inhabitants.—-(*) Ingleshain Parish ] Pumney are detached farms, not attributable to any particular Town- is mostly in Highworth Hundred (Wilts) and there entered.——(") Lang- ] ship——(7) The entire Parish of Radley contains about 500 Inhabitants, ford Parish is locally situate in Oxfordshire. The entire Parish contains 4 part of the Township of Kennington being in the Parish of Sunningwell, i M.DCCC.XXI.} ‘° THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94: ” COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HOUSES : QCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Far | Fawr | Auz By - LIES chiefly Orner TOTAL on how 3 chiefly employ- | Families oa ; ; 3 many a 4 em- ed in |notcom- . oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z |¥amilies] =| 2 | ployea [qo4'™ Puveainf 4 4 Oc- og] in Manu. | the Two 3 S FESSONS, 3 cupied. = 8 Aunr- | factures, preced- Ba cuL- lorHandj-| _ 19g HORMER Hundred.—continued. ture. | craft, | Classes. Seacourt - - - - - - = Parish 5 5S eS 5 = io 15 14 29 Sunningwell - - - - ~ (*) Parish] 52 61 | -| 4 52 2 7 148 129 277 Wytham - - - - - - + Parish} 42] 44] -]| - 40| 3 1 129 112 pice 587 | 629| 5| 7 | 548] 52 | 29 | 1,607 | 1,557 | 3,254 KINTBURY-EAGLE Hundred. (°) Poa ere Avington - - - - - - Parish 17 wyzio-} 1 17 = = 38 39 77 Chaddleworth with Woolley - Parish} 83} 94] -| — 74} 15 5 239 209 448 Enborne - - - - = Parish 55 75) 1to- 71 2 2 182 167 349 Fawley with Whatcombe - - Parish 38 43, -| - 37 3 3 122. go 212 Hampstead-Marshall -- - - Parish} 45 69 | -| 3 34 | 20 15 148 156 304 Hungerford ~ - - - - (*) Parishf 198) 268 | -] 5 124] 91 53 489 641 1,130 Eddington with Hiddon - Tything} 96] 108] -| 1 7o | 31 7 202 219, 421 Sandon-Fee - - - — Tything 98 105 | -|4 53] 13 39 227 247 474 Inkpen - - - - - ~~ Parish? 141] 141] -| 7 | 105] 28 8 324 293 617 Kintbury - - - -'- (+) Parish] 289] 599] 4] 9 | 185] 93 | 128 896 867 | 1,763 Letcomb-Bassett ©- - - - Parish 58 57) -|o- 49 6 2 142 138 280 Letcomb-Regis - - - (4) Parish? 84] 87] -| 5 72 | 10 5 197 191 388 Challow, Fast = - - Chapelry 56 66] -]| 2 50 9 7 128 128 256 Challow, West .- - - Chapelry} 36 36 | 3] 1 36 = = 84. 72 156 Shalbourn (part of) -- - - (*) Parish} 101 114] - 1 97 15 2 272 259 531 Shefford, East - - Parish 15 4] -| - 13 - 2 34 25 59 ‘Shefford, West - - Parish 98 118] 41 1 118 ~_ - 246 244 490 Speen Parish onic - Tything 77 wo} a) 5 52 8 17 189 191 380 @) Church Speen - Tythngf 116] 116] 1] 5 73 | 20 23 304 296 ‘Boo Woodhay, West- - - - = Parish 22 28] —| 2° 26 1 1 40 44 144 1,721 |2,9033 | 11 | 52 | 1,356 | 365 | 312 4,533 | -4,546 9,979 LAMBOURN Hundred, —. : — * SS | Garston, East - - - (8) Parish 79} 150] — | 1 125 | 22 3 330 307 637 Paes ore a and Hadley - Tything 71 94 | =] = 88 6 - 235 216 451 bourn | mon en} tying! 85] 87} -] - | 5a] a4 | - 215 | 183 | 398 “Oy Lambourn, Upper - ~ Tything} 54] 83] -] - 95| 4 1 |] 188 166 | 354 Lambourn, Chipping Township] 208] 236] ~| 8 143 | 79 14 551 545 | 1,096 497| 650] -—| g ] 484 | 148 18 1,519 | 1,417 | 2,936 | MORETON Hundred. | | — : para (2) }Ciapent - = Liberty 6 8 per es 7 i a 23 15 38 Ashamstead - - - - - - Parish 71 5) -| 1 68 4 - 171 166 837 Aston-Tirrold. - - - Parish 74 m4), -| 1 60 | 10 4 175 180 . 356 Bassildon-.~ = - - - ~ Parish} 157] 174] -| 2 140 | 21 13 335 351 686 Blewberty | seal ae - Hamlet 34 34, -| 2 23 9 2 $1 73 154 Parish, ©] “iehian ite } Liberty 44 51] -| 2 46 4 1 104 111 215 Brightwell - - - - - = Parish{ 96] 1067 —| 3 844 14 8 270 276 546 Dudcote - - --- Parish} 40} 43] —| — 30 8 2 106 gl 197 Garston, East’ - - - (8) Parish 7 ae eas We | ia es 2 2 ~~ ~ ~ Hagborne{Hagborne, East - Liberty] 96 | 121 |°—| 98 | 22 1 274 250 524 Parish (1) lees West - Liberty 38 AS [re oe A4 3 1 go - 94 184 Harwell - -' = "Parish ] 124] 162] 1] 4 105 | 33 24 358- 343- AOI Moreton, North- - - - ~ Parish} 53} 69] —| 1 59] 4 6 roi- | 157: 348 Moreton, South - - - - - Parish 59 79} -| - 47 | 12 21 181. | 183 364 Moulsford © - - -'- - - Pasa} 32] 39} -| -] 351 4 4 = $3- 93 476 Sotwell - - - - - - - Pain}! 30/ 38/ -| 1] 29] 4 | 5 79 66 | 145 Streatley, - - - = - Parish} 115} 121] -—| 3 81 | 26 4 275 315 | 590 Wallingford - - - - -m) Borough ey Steet ecct|h| = 2 a ie saa | oma a . }1,069 | 1,242] 1]19 | 964]175 | 103 | 2,796 | 2,764 | 5,560 :€°) Sunningwell Parish contains of the Township of Kennington. . ‘The entire Parish of Speen contains 2,392 Inhabitants, w—(°) Partof Boxford Parish ig in Kinthury-Eogle epee nee ce Te Pach of East Garston pee sag Fandeer, entire Parish is enteredin Faiugross Hundred; Leverton is also in this | partly in Wantage Hundzed ; but.the entire Parish is entered in Lam- Hundred, but is included in the Return of Chiltun Foliot Parish, Kin- | bourn Hundsed.——(*) The entire Parish of Lambowm contains: 2,299 wardstone Hundred (Wilts.)——{°) The entire Parish of Hungerford | Inhabitants.-——(') Allballows Parish is mostly inthe ia ie ga contains 2,025 Inhabitants.—-(*) ‘The eutire Parish of Letcomb-Regis | ford——(*) Blewberry Parish is mostly in Reading Hundred. egntains 00 Inhabitants.———(¢) Part of the Parish of Shalbourn is in | (') The entire Parish of Hagborne contains 708 Inhabitants7—-(") The ‘inwardstone Hundred ( Wilts), and there entered. The entire Parish Borough of Wallingford is entered at the end of the County. contains 941 Inhabitants.——(*) The Parish of Speen is partly in Fair- [Enumeration, 8 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BERKS —continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | FAN | Any B : LIES : oO 7 i oF x how 2 chiefly Se Farnilies B TONAL 3 ay f s em- din |notcom- ws 4 > OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families 2) | ployed | qe [prised inf = Bo egos 2 o 1S a fom Manu- | the Two < fy y 4 cupied.| @ | 5 Asrr- | factures,| preced- a cut- lorHandi-| _ ing OCK Hundred. TURE. { craft, | Classes. Appleton = - (*) Parish 65 LEE See 66 | 10 - 162 oa 304 Eaton - - - - Township} 21 ee a1} — - 47 2 85 Drayton - - - Parish} 103 106 | ~|} - 88 15 3 230° 26 498. Fyfield - - - - = Parshf 70] 83] -] 4 74; 7 2 199 208 407 Hanney, West, Par: (°) Lyford Chapelry 19 20; -| - 20 = = 61 a 133 Kingston-Bagpuze - - = Parish 62 oe 47 9 10 171 "oe 327 Longworth,Par:(?) DraycotMoore, Ham. 43 AB | | 32, 11 2 98 9 194 Marcham - = - ~ = (8) Parish} 156] 170].-/ 3 | 141] 21 8 429 400 829 Frilford - - - - - Township} 25] 31] -]| — 26{ 2 3 64 a 152 Garford - - - + « Chapelry 41 41 = 1 40 1 = 103 9 192 Milton - > - + + = Parish? 83 { 84] -| 5 OF] a4 6 191 230 421 Stanford-in-the- f Goosey and ; Gl) aes ee 3 1 8 6 15 Vale, Par: () | Circou } Tything 33 3 35 3 7 9 Steventon - - - + - Parish} 122] 149] -{ 3 | 112] 32 5 326 326 652 Sutton-Courtney - - - (8) Parishf 166] 179] -]| 5 105 | 63 11 369 400 769 Appleford - -- Chapelryf 36} 36] -| - 35 1 = 78 83 161 Sutton-Wick - - - - Township] 40| 41] -| 5 Bo 2 114 103 2147 Tubney - - - - + - Parshf 29} 29) —]7 - 25 3 1 76 62 138 Wittenham, Little - - - - Parish] 24| 24] -| 2 23} = i 54 53 107 Wittenham, Long - - - - Parish} 107] 114] ~—]| 1 102 12 - 253 243 496 1,245 | 1,354 | — | 26 | 1,091 | 207 56 3,108 | 3,133 | 6,241 READING Hundred. Beenham - - - - - Parish 80 g1j} -] 1 58 | 21 12 208 229 437 Blewberry (part of) - - -(t) Parish} 125 | 130] -—| 6 109 | 17 4 285 287 | 572 Bucklebury - ~ - - Parish} 183 | 248) -| -— ]| 209] 35 4 588 555 f 1,143 Cholsey - - - = - -(") Parish] 184] 200] -}| 2] 154] 37 9 485 490 975 Giles, St. Par: (") Whitley (+) Hamlet] 54] 60} 2] 4 Bo 5 2 122 154 276 Mary, St. Par: (¥) Southcot - Tything} 15 1: sean oe 11 3 4 36 85 121 Pangbourn” - - - - Parish} 125) 140] —] 1 48 | 56 36 357 346 703 Reading - - - - - (%) Borough = 7 ai = = i = = 7 - Stratfield-Say, Par: Beech-Hill (¥) Tyth. 43 49; 1] 2 43 4 2 145 129 274 Sulhampstead-Abbotts (part of) (#) Parish] 47 64] -| 2 26] 22 16 141 138 279 Graisley - - - Tything 14 20.) [a 18 2 = 48 37 85 Thatcham (part of) - - -(#) Parish} 468] 489 | 2] 3 365 | 108 16 1,208 | 1,193 | 2,401 Tilehurst - - - ~- - - ~- Parishf 314] 353! 3] 7 233 | 84 36 922 838 1,760 1,652 | 1,862 | 8 | 29 | 1,327 | 394 | 141 4,545 | 4,481 | 9,026 RIPPLESMERE Hundred. Clewer - ~ - - - - = Parish} 364] 489] 6] 9 112 | 292 85 1,055 1,060 | 2,115, Easthampstead - - - -(>) Parishf 104 | 135] - |. 2 103 | 22 10 319 296 615, Winkfield (with Ascot) - - Parish} 288 | 328] 1 | 10 191 | 80 57 829 847 | 1,676 - Windsor - - - - = © (©) Borough - m st po = - - - = = 4 756 | 952 | 7| 21 | 406] 394 | 152 | 2,203 | 2,203 | 4,406 SHRIVENHAM Hundred. Ashbury (part of) - - -(#) Parish} 95} 99] -| 2 85 | 13 1 250 248 498 Idstone - - - © = — Tything 35. 35} -| - 32 2 1 77 17 154 Odstone ~- - - - - Tything 4 4) -| - 4 ie zs 19 19 31 Buscot - = - + - = = Parish 78 | 88) 1) - 70 2 16 208 213 421 Coleshill - - - - - (44) Parish 52 67; -| - 49] 14 4 166 158 324 Compton-Beauchamp - - = Parish 22 23] 2| 3 21 1 1 47 56 103 | Eaton-Hastings - - - - - Parish 25 33} -] - 31 1 1 84 94 178 distinct Return. said to attract and retain parishioners. €") The entire Parish of Appleton contains 389 Inhabitants.— (*) The Parish of West-Hanney is mostly in Wantage Hundred, and there entered with the Township of East-Hanney ; although part of the last mentioned place is-in Ock Hundred, and in the year 1811 made a °) The Parish of Longworth is mostly in Ganfield Hundred.——() The entire Parish of Marcham contains 1,173 Inha- bitants.——(r) The Parish of Stanford-in-the-Vale is mostly in Ganfield Hundred.——(*) The entire Parish of Sutton-Courtney contains 1,147 Inhabitants. One Female upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. —-{') The Parish of Blewberry is locally situated near Wallingford, | and is partly in Moreton Hundred: it contains 941 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is attributed to a Charity School, which is (¥) The Parish of Cholsey is situated near Wallingford. part of the Borough of Reading. forms part of the is entered at the end of the County.—__{ is mostly in Holdshott Handred (Hans), locally situated in Charlton Hundred. hampstead-Abbotts contains 364 Inhabitants. of Thatcham (which is partly in Faircross Hundred habitants——>) Part of the Parish of Eastha ham Hundred, but is included in this Return. Windsor is entered at the end of the Ashbury contains 683 Inhabitants. is in Highworth Hundred (Wilts, gh of Readin County. (") The Parish of Saint-Giles forms (") The Parish of Saint: Mary | -——({*) The Borough of Reading ”) The Parish of Stratfield-Say The Tything of Beech-Hill is (*) The entire Parish of Sul- *) The entire Parish | ) contains 3,677 In a is in ae ——(°) The Borough. o (4) The entina Partitiof ——(**) Lint, part of Coleshill Parish, ) but is included in this Return. 2 | M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. ¢. 94. 9 EN — COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HOUSES: ___OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pane | 74" | Au j By 3 LIES | chiefly {| OTHER . oe 3 ae 3 | chiefly | employ-| Families g TOTAL ‘ ain ; . 3 a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. s Funiles 2 A se — or) ig 3 A q ic d 3 4 m Manu- | the Two a fa PERSONS. a cupied. | 6 Y Acrr- | factures,| preced- a o cuL- jorHandi-) ing SHRIVENHAM Hundred—continued. ture. | craft. | Classes. Farringdon,Gr. f Wadley,.or Little-| Ty. } a = ae 5 oie Par: (*) worth and Thrupp f (+) 44 45 - 45 192 ue - Shrivenham (with Beckett) (f) Parish} 131] 169] -—| 3 113 41 15 347 349 696 Bourton - - - © = - Tything 55 58; -{ - 50 4 1 148 127 275 Fernham - - + - - - Hamlet 27 337-2) 2 33 - 92 gl 183 Longeot - = - - - Chapelry 81 81] 1] 2 "5 6 - 210 209 419 Watchfield - - = - Township 57 6} —-} = 56 14 6 156 150 306 Sparsholt, { Kingston-Lisle Salty os 6 6 8 Par: (8) and Farlow Chapels OE 7 3 9 162 175 357 Uffington- - - - =(*) Parish 9} 112] -—] = 60 28 24 247 276 523 Baulking - - - = + ~-;Hamlet 17 g2] -] - 30 2 - 82 "3 155 Wolstone - <= - - += Township 35 56/ —-| 1 48 5 3 134 113 247 . 898 |1,089 | 4414 865 | 145 49 2,581 2,531 5,112. SONNING Hundred. Arborfield - - = © - = Parish 32 51} -| - 47 4 - 132 113 245 Hurst, (i) fNewlupd - = Liberty 46 52] it - 42 10 - 148 116 264 Par: Chap: |Winnersh - - Liberty 96 96} -]{ - 46 10 10 269 222 491 -Ruscomb - = - - - - - Parish 38 42} -]| - 37 3 2 107 101 208° Sandhurst (+) - - - -(*) Parish 95 | 102} —| 3 56 5 4 480 291 "71 Sonning (part of) - - - -(!) Parish 85 g2} -{ 1 23 30 39 195 247 442° Sandford and Woodley - Townships} 142] 156] ~| - 100 23 33 397 362 759 Wokingham (part of)| Berks ~- Divisionf 162] 192] -—]} — 122 26 44 496 452 948 Par: () Town - Divisionf 325 | 3534 -| 7 a7 176} 100 442 800 1,542 ! 1,021 [1,136 | 1411 580 | 287 | 269 2,966 2,704 5,670 | THEALE Hundred. Aldermaston - - - - - - Parish} 128| 134] -|[ 2 871 35 12 326 327 653 Bradfield - - - - - - ~ Parish? 178] 179 ].-] 4 162 14 3 479 467 946 Burghfield - - - - + - Parish] 170] 190] —]| 8 142 23 25 453 428 881 Englefield - - - - (-+) Parish 98 80}:-} 4 56 17 7 179 164 343 Padworth - - - = - - Parish 51 51} -} 1 30 9 12 138 133 271 Purley - - - - - = = Parish 36 39] -]| 2 33 1 5 88 108 196 Shinfield (part of) ] Hartle nee om o ies eile } Liberty} 43] 59] -} 2] 54] 3] 2] 270 | 153 | 323 ‘| Stratfield-Mortimer - - (°) Parsh{ 107] 122] -—]| —-— 41 41 10 | 340 307 647 | Wokefield - - - - - = Tything 21 20; -|{ - 18 1 1 63 42 105 .Sulham - - - - - - = Parish 24 254 -| 1 23 1 1 78 94: 152 | Sulhampstead- Lower End Parish if 32 34} -] - 27 6 1 95 "5 150 Bannister (?) | Upper End ame" TL 22 a9.) —| 4 19 6 8 83 82 | 165 i Tidmarsh - - - = - = Parish 28 28}; -| 2 21 5 2 98 61- 139 . Ufton - - - - = = = = Parish 62 1) -] 1 65 5 1 183° 167 350 : Woolhampton - - = = = Qarish 43 "3| 4] 2 33 28 12 193 194 387 | 1,053 {1,138 | 4 | 30 841 195 | 102 2,926 2,782 | 5,708 WANTAGE Hundred, Ardington - - = - © = Parish "3 8] -| 2 69 15 1 190 213 403 Childrey - - - - + - - Parish} 134] 120] —j 1 105 14 1 219 259 478 Denchworth - - - + - = Parish 34 54/ -]| - 43 9 2 120 134 254 _ Garston, East - - - ~-(4) Parish - - -} - 7 -_ a = (ea os Hanney, West (part of) - -(') Parish}, 75 my} —-t 4 59 16 2 205 182 387 Hanney, East - - - Township? 121 | 124] -| 5 87 29 8 296 291 587 | Hendred, Fast - - - - - Parish} 148] 152} 1] 5 113 31 8 447 416 863. Hendred, West - - - - - Parish} 49 65] -] - 63 2 - 150 169 319 (*) The Parish of Great-Farringdon is mostly in Farringdon Hundred. f) The entire Parish of Shrivenham contains 1,879 Inhabitants —= (®) The Parish of Sparsholt is mostly in Wantage Hundred.——(») The entire Parish of Uffington contains 925 Inhabitants ———(') The Parochial Chapelry of Hurst extends into Charlton Hundred, and into Amesbury Hundred (Wilts).——(*) The increase of Popvlution in the Parish of Sandhurst, is attributed to the establishment of a Military College, and to an Inclosure of Land in the year 1815.——(') Part of Sonning Parish is in Charlton Hundred, and there entered. Part of the Parish, called Eye and Dunsden Liberty, is entered in Binfield Hundred, Oxfordshire, The entire Parish contains 2,493 Inhabitants. (™) Part of Woking- ham Parish forms a detached part of Amesbury Hundred (Wilts) The entire Parish contains 2,810 Inhabitants. ——(") The Parish of Shinfield ” is partly in Charlton Hundred, partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts). (°) The entire Parish of Stratfield-Mortimer contains 752 Inhabit- | ants. One Male upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish -—~(") The entire Parish of Sulhampstead-Bannister contains 315 Inhabitants.—— (1) East-Garston Parish is entered in Lambourn Hundred.——(‘) The entire Parish of West-Hanney contains 1,107 Inhabitants. It is partly in Ock Hundred. + . D _ 10 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration. PT ROTO cae PTO as Se Tee COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : ‘PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Fam {Fam fags y 3 LIES . OrurR } Om ; hor , ze chiefly Sees Families A TOTAL | 3 many | wo] em- | edin |notcom- wa S or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families} .& a ae & < : loyed rized in Q ic 4 Ploy TrRaDE, | P 4 Ss 3 Oc- 3 a in Manu. | theTwo fl PERSONS.| 5 Sapien oes = Acari- deciines preced- z aa ‘ cuUL- lorHandi- ing WANTAGE Hundred—continued. ‘ TURE. { craft. | Classes. Lockinge (East and West) Parish } 6] ec) ae 74 4 = 160 173 . Betterton and West-Ginge Tythings 78 7 6 i 34 Sparsholt (part of) - -(#) Parish} 96] 113] —'| 1 | 106 1 245 215 460 Wantage - - - - - -(t) Parish} 520} 531 | - 3°} 20 91! 347 93 | -1,302 | 1,258 | 2,560 Charlton - - - - - - Hamlet 43 45} -} 1} 44 1 7, 104. 111 215 Grove - - - — - Hamlet] 96 oo}, 21 7 go 7 z 230. 251 481 1,462 [1,542 | 5| 38 | 944] 481 | 117 | -3,677 | 3,672 | 4,349 | WARGRAVE Hundred. e Waltham, St. Lawrence Parish | 116 123 |. ef 9; 98 24 1 318 ; 320 638 Warfield - - = = = = Parish} 178 | 223 3] 4 135 68 20 599 556 1,155 Wargrave - - - - - - Parish} 274 | 282] 1 AS) 177 70 35 431 678 1,409 668 | 628 | 5 | 24.7 410] 162] 56 | 1,648 | 1,554 | 3,209 ABINGDON Borough. ! Helen, St. - - - ~ -(*) Parish] 970 |1,001 |. — | 22 48 | 852] 101.] 2,228 | 2,340 | 4,568 Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish} 120] 130} —] 2° 13} go] 27 276° 293 569 1,090 }1,131 | — | 24 f 61 | 942] 128 | 2,504 2,633 55137 NEWBURY, Town of Newbury - - - - -(") Parish J 1,132 }1,137 | -— | 28 6} 800} 331 | 2,492 | 2,855 | 5,347 READING Borough ‘ Giles, St. - (+) (”) Parish] 826 | 873; 2} 33 73] 435] 365 | 1,825° |°2,189 | 4,014 Lawrence, St. - - - - Parish{ 748] 862] 2] 24 13 | 593 | 256 | 1,906 2,185 4,091 Mary, St. - - - + -(%) Parish} 872 [1,071 | 33 | 45 189 | 697] 185 | 2,954" | 2,508 | 4,462 2,446 |2,806 37 102 | 275 | 1,725 | 806 | 5,985 6,882 | 12,867 WALLINGFORD Borough. Allhallows - - - - -(¥) Parish 18 19} -] 1 6 3 10. 2-4. 47 99 Leonard, St. - - - - - - Parish} 127 | 143] 4| 2 24} 84} 35 317 315 632 Mary, St. the More + - = Parish} 133) 137] 5] 4 7{ 59) 71 421 452 873 Peter,St.- + - ~ + - ~ Parish 85 gi} 1] 1 3 77 11 223 248 471 Wallingford-Castle - - - Extra P, 3 3] 1] 1 x 2 1. 41. 7 18. 366 | 393 | 11} 9 40] 225} 128° 1,024 “1,069 2,093 WINDSOR Borough. Windsor, New - - - - Parish} 677] 703} 5) 10] 68] 370] 265 I 1,964 2,324 | 4,288 Windsor, Old - - Parish} igo} 205] 6} 2] g6]}- 39] 470 495. |. 555 | -1,050 Windsor-Castle and Lower-Court — 50, 53] -| 8&8 | ae 51” 125° 235 360 917 | 961.) 11} 20 | 164 411} 386 | 2,584 | 3,114 | 5,698 | (5) The entire Parish of Sparsholt (which is partly in Shrivenham Hun- | Reddin Hundred, contains 4, i i m7 . * ch | dred) contains 817 Inhabitants———(*) The entire Parish of Wantage | of St. ier (Reading) watch ae en a 7 oe ons . contains 3,256 Inhabitants. —(") The entire Parish of St.Helens, Abing- } contains 4,883 Inhabitants.) The ‘entir . P. an ae Allballo en don, (which is partly entered in Hormer Hundred) contains 4,901 Inha- ee which is partly entered in Moreton H os so 0 hallows’ bitants——(") Sandleford-Priory is entered in Faircross Hundred.——- | Inhabitants, Ne eRe] (") The entire Parish of St. Giles (Reading) which is partly entered in M.DCCC.XXI.] COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 11 SUMMARY ; OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BERKS. J HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : ' F Famr- . Bd MTS Ng ALL HUNDREDS, ; ’ By ws Lies | chiefly Orner | 3 how 2 | chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL &e. 3 many eb 3 em- ed in | not com- ot q iS Or 3 Families | ployed | Trax, | prized in a Ss S| Oc |e {2 | in | Manu. | theTwo = — |PERSONS. cupied. | 5 P Acrt- | factures,| preced- 3 aa) ~ cun- lorHandi-| _ ing tures. | eraft, | Classes. Hundred of. BEYNHURST - - - - - | 545] 639| 3/15 | 376] 162| 101 | 1,534 |. 15548 | 3,082 BRAY - - 2 = 636 | 717 | 5 |13 | -364} 181} 172 1,598 |° 1,561 | 3,159 CHARLTON - - ~~ - - | 514} 592] ~/16 | 437| 105} 50] 1,544 | 1,443 | 2,087 COMPTON = = = + * =| g6q| 496) 61 9] Sag| S41 3 4 aydd |.2G3 | 2,207 COOKHAM - = - ~ - = | 936 |1,087] 6] 33 | 506] 423] 158 | 2,451 | 2,465 | 4,916 FAIRCROSS 7 eS *.] 1,881 | 2,064 | 20 52 | 1,342 390 |} 332 4,980 43945 9,925 FARRINGDON - < 655 | 752) 3| 13 442 | 229 81 1,855 |.1,776 | 3,631 GANFIELD - = - - - 1 594] 670} 4}10 7 541 g1 38 1,652 |~ 1,633 | 3,285 HORMER- - - - - 587 | 629 | 5} 74 548! 52 29 1,697'| 1,557 | 35254 KINTBURY-EAGLE - - ~ | 1,791 | 9,033 | 11 | 52 11,356 | 365 | 312 | 4,533 | 4,546 | 9,079 LAMBOURN- - - - - 497 | 650} -| 9 | 484| 148 18 1,519 | 1,417 | 2,936 MORETON - - - - - ~ | 1,069 [1,242 { 1] 19 | 9641 175| 103 | 2,796 | 2,764 | 6,560 OOK - - - - - = 1,245 [1,354 | -| 26 J 1,091 | 207| 56 | 3,108 | 3,133 | 6,241 READING - - - - ~ | 1,652 |1,862 | 8 | 29 [1,327 | 394] 141 4,545 4,481 9,026 RIPPLESMERE - - 7561 952 vis 406 | 394 152 2,203 25203 4,406 SHRIVENHAM - - - = 898 | 1,089 | 4 | 14 865 | 145 79 F ~ 2,581 2,531 | 5,112 SONNING - - - - - P1021 | 1,196 | 1] 11 580 | 287 | 269 2,966 | - 2,704 | 5,670 THEALE - - + - - - | 1,053 [1,138 | 4] 30 | 841] 195} 102 | 2,926 | ~ 2,782 | 5,708 WANTAGE - - - = - ~ [1,462 |1,542/ 5|38 | 944] 481] 117 | 3,677 | -3,672 | 7349 WARGRAVE - ~ + - 568 | 628 | 5 | 24 410 | 162 56 1,648 1,554 39202 ie Borough of - ABINGDON += + ~ = - | 1,090 J1,131 | — 24 61 | 942} 128 2,504 | 2,633 55137 Town of : q NEWBURY = # = = = = } aiee lage | — | og 6 800 | 331 2,4g2 | 2,855 | 5,347 . Borough of : | READING - - - - - = | 2,446 | 2,806 | 37 |1o2 | 275 [1,725 | 806 | 5,985 | .6,882- | 12,867 _ Borough of ‘ ‘ ; WALLINGFORD :. - - a 366. 493 11] 9 40] 225 | 128 1,024 1,069 2,093 Borough of WINDSOR - ~ -'.. --] 917} 962 | 11 | 20 164 | 411 | 386 2,584 3,114 5,698 Toran - + = [24,705 |27,700] 154 | 622 |14,769| 8,773 | 4,158 | 65,546 | 66,431 | 131,977 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. 12 COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. eA 7 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60} 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 i Hundred UR ee iy to to to to to to to | to | to | to} oo a f 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards} £ 0. BEYNHURST - -] 228] 221 180 | 144! 218 184 | 146 83 | 74] 43 | 12 1 — 71,534 BRAY z = -] 227} 2521 194] 140] 200] 181 171 126} 641 31] 10] 1] — 11,597 CHARLTON - -] 232] 217/ 184] 172| 204] 168] 127] 120] 68] 43] 8] 1] — $1,544 COMPTON - -] 161] 156] 138] 106] 173] 136 gl 76} 69| 32} 8{ -—] — [1,146 COOKHAM - -~} 386] 351] 259] 202] 360] 292 221 | 174] 118] 67119] 2] — $2,451 FAIRCROSS - -] 683] 699] 606] 448| 709] 521| 465} 327 | 247/155{| 38] 4] — 44,902 FARRINGDON - -] 308] 272] 240} 159] 247} 216] 158] 107} 93] 44}11) -—] — 11,855 GANFIELD - -]| 253] 232] 179] 182] 2201 | 175] 148] 112] 86] 563] 16] -] — 41,6547 HORMER - - -] 208] 255] 230] 167] 242] 162] 157] 116] 77] 48]-121] -—] — ]1,673 KINTBURY-EAGLE -]| 546! 490| 355! 374] 473 | 3961 364] 219 | 187/145] 46! 6] — [3,601 LAMBOURN~ - -{ 205] 231] 206] 141; 196} 152] 129] 107] 88] 52] 11] 12] - $1,519 MORETON - =| 379] 359] 325] 351] 334] 271] 2927] 2211145] 97] 24] 3{ — [2,636 OCK - 7 =] 492} 479] 399] 345] 497} 368 | 285 | 262/173] 96) 18 | -] — [3,414 READING - -f 670} 615] 524] 459] 619] 350] 415] 297 | 216}128] 29] 12] — 94,323 RIPPLESMERE - -] 334] 268} 240] 181} 320} 255] 232] 189] 103] 54] 15] 1] — [2,192 SHRIVENHAM - -1 344] 358] 293] 250] 335] 251] 218] 162 ]150] 63] 21} 3] — [2,448 SONNING - -]| 363] 323} 274] 245 | 406| 259] 239 | 169]119] 74] 24] 1] — 2,496 THEALE - - -}— 372] 393] 327] 291 | 394] 311} 248] 191 | 124] 771/18] -—]f 1 J2,74¥ WANTAGE - -| 469] 488) 472] 344] 465; 318] 295 | 2561168) 85 | 30] 1] — 33391 WARGRAVE - -] 203] 231 | 224] 178] 213] 175] 131 | 131 | 80] 52])17/ 2] — 41,643 ABINGDON, BORO’ -]| 375} 322] 291] 243] 396] 289] 245] 163/115] 53/12 | —| — }2,504 NEWBURY, TOWN -]| 3331 283] 309] 255] 334] 338] 242] 185 |135{ 60]18] —| — J2,492 READING, BORO’ -{ 621 584 | 479| 467] 713] 593-1 417] 320]197] 79 | 21 1 — 14,492 WALLINGFORD, BORO’} 150] 118] 116 91 | 179] 120 976 86 | 44{ 28} 4] 11 — 1,013 WINDSOR, BORO’ -| 366] 369 | 274] 221} 389] 314] 287} 187] go] 60] 27| -]| — fo,584 Total of MALES - |8,908 | 8,566 | 7,318 | 6,056 | 8,837 | 6,795 | 5,740 | 4,386 |3,03011,71 9] 468] 30] 1 [61,854 FEMALES. © ~ aN ime 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70} 80} 90 ag 4 Hundred to to to to to to to to | to} to} to} a of 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80]| 90 |100\,2P3,) 2 BEYNHURST - -] 238 206 175 114 | 249] 203 143 113 | 70] 29] 7 I — 11,548 BRAY - - -7 221] 213} 154] 129] 253] 182 161 106 | 88 | 35 | 17 1 1 71,561 CHARLTON - -]| 210] 186] 171 134 | 168] 171 135} 121 | 63] 34/18} ~; — fa,qi1. COMPTON ~ -7 147} 165] 145 | 120] 179 | 125 92 77; 66 | 39] 10; —| — 41,165 COOKHAM - - 376 309 218 223 410 327 253 171 |107 | 75 |] 18 3 — [2,490 FAIRCROSS - ~| 648 | 651 | 553 | 466] 760] 564} 463} 318 |267 |120 36 | 4] — 14,850 FARRINGDON - -] 249] 230] 189] 156] 281 | 221 179 | 122 | 90 | 43 | 15 1] — {1,776 GANFIELD - ~} 224] 229] 190] 152] 241 194} 139} 118] 74] 54] 147 1{| — [1,633 HORMER - - -] 214! 207] 207 139 | 218 170 148 114 | 68 | 42} 23] -—|} — J1,550 KINTBURY-EAGLE - | 512] 497| 413] 330] 528] 444] 316] 260 /195 109 | 34 | 2] — |3,640 f LAMBOURN-~ - - 183 172 151 122 233 162 141 118 | 76 | 40] 17 2 ~— 41,417 MORETON - -| 365} 338] 299] 230] 357 307 257 189 |140 | 82 | 30 2 — $2,506 OCK ~ 5 =| 495} 503) 397} 287} 485 | 392] 330] 228 |178| 99] 25] 2| 1 [5.422 READING - 74 707) 589} 491} 365 | 648 | 451 | 414} 301 |230 |117 | 42 | 2 | ~ 14357 | RIPPLESMERE © =| 3007) 260] 235 203 | B21} 29a | e971} 163: laom | 98) a8] af a 2,203 SHRIVENHAM - -}| 362 329 | 253 | 214] 385 269 | 209 172 1137 | 75 | 11 4 2,420 SONNING - - -| 341 | 293) 276] 212] 402 | 289} 246! 140 j120] 681/316!) —| _ 2,433 THEALE - 7- ~]f 386] 365 | 295 |) 243 | 362 | 289) 271 | 174 1134] 77 haz} 5] — 2,618 | WANTAGE - -]| 426] 466] 376] 362 488 362 351 243 |172 | 96] 28 2 — 13,372 WARGRAVE- - -} 192] 217] 179] 153] 243 164} 154] 110} 75 47} 17 1 ~ (1,552, ABINGDON, BORO’ -| 334} 284] 252) 296} 483] 314] 255] 188 |135 72/19] 1] — [2,633 NEWBURY,TOWN -J]| 347]! 331 316 | 325 | 482} 348] 258] 201 147 | 821 17 1 — $2,855 READING, BORO’ - | 510] 506] 434] 455] 7871 534] 412] 297 |186 144173] 31] — 14,341 WALLINGFORD, BORO’| 138} 107] 123] 116] 200] 120} 103 67 | 55| 261 5] 2] 1,062 WINDSOR, BORO’ - | 347 | 331 | 315 | 290] 637] 441] 316] 211 |134 69} 22} 1] ~ 3114 Total of FEMALES - | 8,472 | 8,014 | 6,807 | 5,836 | 9,800 | 7,316 | 5,983 | 4,352 /3,132\1,712 552| 41 | 2 [62,019 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Berks being... .131,977,.- being . . . 123,873, . . . it thence appears, that the ages of upwards of one-sizteenth part in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Berks was 230, nine of which concerning the ages of persons, and are thus marked (-+): and a small —or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. ..and the Number of of the persons there proportion of the Returns of Ages w: Persons whose ages were returned, in enumerated, have not been obtained contained no answer to the question ‘ere somewhat deficient, or redundant, M.DCCC:XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. 13 renege County of Bucks. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | PAN | An By a] PT niet (oo “ oR how Z| chiedy | employ Families w TOTAL : 3g meny wo | ‘3 om ed in |20tcom- n 4 or ., EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 |Families! .§ s ployed | 7, ee prized in 3 < 3 Oc- = 4 in Manu- the Two =< a PERSONS. s : 5 a & a cupied.| 69 P Acnr- | factares, preced- = ial ; €UL- lorHandi- Clare ASHENDON Hundred. Tne grat | A SHENDON with Pollecot - Parish 5O 62 ier me 62 cs 163 . 176 339 Aston-Sandford - - - - - Parish] 34 ie ee eo ig} 1 40 44 84 Beckley (#) P. Studley (part of) Chap. _ AB 15 es - 15 = = 43 47 go Boarstall - - - - - - - Parish 44 47] —-| - 46 1 - 114 117 231 Brill - - - - -.- - - Parish 234] 287] 1] 8 181 | 94 12 524 536 1,060 Chearsley - ~~ - = Parish 57 64] 1] 3 55 9 = 128 135 263 Chilton, with Easington - - Parish 68 "5| -| - 68 3 4 181 198 379 Claydon, East - - - ~- (>) Parish 69 87} —| 1 60 | 13 14 170 169 339 Claydon, Middle - - - ~= Parish 17 19 1 1 16 1 2 92 68 160 Crendon, Long - - - - - Parish] 980 306} 2] 4 224 | 60 22 604 608 1,212 | Dinton (*) Par.:—Aston-Mollins Hamlet 1 af o—-] = 2 - ~ 7 2 9 Dorton - = - - = - © Parish 23 30 - ~ 27 ~ 3 73 60 133 Grandborough - - - = ~- Parish 44 ya} —-f = 66 6 - 137 149 286 Grendon-Underwood - = - Parish} 64/ 43] -| 1 59 6 8 153 159 312 Hogshaw with Fulbrook - - Parish 6 6 - - 6 - a 39 29 68 Ickford - - - -' = = (4) Parish 70 yo| -| 2 61 8 1 167 157 324 Imire - - - - - = = Parish 12 zw] -| - 12 - > 28 40 68 Kingsey ~ = - - = = = Parish 36 38} -| - 34 2 2 107 97 204 Ludgershall and Tetchworth (*) Parish 64 |} 106] 1] - 97 9 = 271 249 520 Kingswood - - - - - Hamlet 8 io/ -j - 8 2 - 26 30 56 Marston-Fleet - - - - ~ Parish 6 6; -| - 6 _ - 19 24 43 | Marston, North - - - - Parish} 112 118 2 3 641 52 2 2474 284 558 Oakley (+) - - - - - - Parish "3 m7} —| 2 "6 1 - 182 200 . 382 Oving- - - - = - - Parish "5 71 31 1 51] 22 4 185 187. 372 Pitchcott- - - - = = «+ Parish 9 11 -]o- 11 - - 23 21 44 Quainton = - - ~ = = (f) Parish 96} 169] -} —- 122 | 43 4 439 472 911 Shipton-Lee - - - ~ ~ Hamlet 18° 20| -]| - 20 - = 60 46 106 Quarrendon - - - - ~ - Parish 13 13} -| - 13 a - 35 33 68 § Shabbington - - - - - Parish 47 48 | -] - 45 3 - 138 103 241 |] Towersey - - - - Parish 74 So ak om 64 16 - 181 186 367 J Waddesdon - - - ~ - (8) Parish} 281 | 303] 1] 1 249 | 48 662 665 |} 1,327 Westcott (+-)- - - - + Hamlet 53 53 -Jo- 53 - - 132 129 261 _Woodham | ~ - - - - Hamlet 6 6; -] .- 6 - - 14 14 28 4 Wiachendon, Nether - - - Parish 39 53[ -| 1 51 2 - . 14 137 284 4 Winchendon, Upper - - - Parish 43 43}.-] - 43 - - 105 111 216 | Wootton-under-Wood - - - Parish 61 73 Sti 2 59 9 5 180 164 344 4 Wortninghall - - - - ~ Parish 62 w8{ -| - 72 6 = 171 .| 143 314 2,244 | 2,623 | 12 | 26 | 2,117 | 416 | go 6,014 | 5,989 | 12,003 AYLESBURY Hundred. AYLESBURY - - - = (*) Borough = ef pS fe ss is Sh ee sf 3 | Aston-Clin-] Aston-Clinton - Township] 138 207 | —1| 6 145 | 27 35 328 | 395 | 723 ] ton (#) Par. fLeonard, St. - Hamlet 29 Sih se} os 30 1 - 86 ~ 99 185 Bierton with Broughton - + Parish} 11 3} 108; -—] 3 “9 | 11 18 206 324 620 ] Bledlow with Bledlow-Ridge - Parish] 197} 204] 2/ 1 136 | 42 26 504 546 | 1,050 Brands-fee - - - - ~ (*) Liberty - = |e] me - - = - - = | Buckland - - ~ -~ ~ © Parish 84 93} 2] 1 68 | 15° 10 234 262 496 Cuddington - - - - - ~ Parish} 76 | 114] —| 48 | 26 10 261 286 547 Dinton (part of) - + - - (1) Parish 98) 173] 1 1 136] 31 6 386 408 794 Ellesborough - - - - Parish} 106] 115] 5 | 1 99 {| 13 3 300 281 581 Haddenham = - - - = ~ Parish 238 | 298] 51 3 208 | 51 39 641 653 | 1,294 Halton -.- - = - - + parish] 34 BAe) aap 32 1 1 103 92 195 Hampden, Great - - - ~ Parish 53 61; 1a] — 51 9 1 135 146 28 Hampden, Little - - - - Parish 16 19} -| = 15 4 = 43 45 88 Hartwell - - - = (™) Parish} 27 oo ae 21 5 1 64 69 133 Horsehdon - - - - = « Parish] ° 5 Sf anh oS 5 2 1 22 28 50 Huleott - - - = = - = Paishf of | 31} —| — ar, = = 64 75 139 Kimble, Great ~ - - = = Parish 60 63 | 2] 2 15 3 45 192 168 360 ' Kimble, Little - - - - ~ Parish 34. 94] =] = 30 4 - 89 © "6 165 ‘contains Claydon, including Bottle-Claydon. 576 Inhabitants —-(f) Quainton, J _ @) The Chapelry of Studley, in the Parish of Beckley, ] Bullington . Hundred (Oxfordshire), and there entered, is mostly in (°) East- n (°) The Parish of Dinton is mostly in Aylesbury Hundred; partly in Desborough Hundred. (*) The Parish of Ickford extends into Ewelme Hundred (Oxfordshire), but the whole is here entered.—(e) The entire Parish of Ludgershall including Doddershall and i Deuham ; the entire Parish contains 1,017 Inhabitants. —(®) The j entire Parish of Waddesdon contains 1,616 Inhabitants———(h) The Borough of Ayirssury is entered at the end of the County.—(') The entire Parish of Aston-Clinton contains 908 Inhabitants—(«) No dis- tinct Return from the Liberty of Brands-fee, which extends into the Parishes of Great-Missenden, Little-Missenden, and Hitchenden; (the latter in Desborough Hundred.» (') The Parish of Dinton extends into Ashendon Hundred and into Desborough Hundred ; the entire Parish contains 817 Inhabitants\——(™) The decrease of Population in the Parish of Hartwell, is.explained by its having been the residence of the King of France and his Court in the year 1811. E 14 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘[Enumeration, a oe —=<—== COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 7 Fam | OEP | A ; LIES sa OrHER OR . how 3 chiefly a Families wn TOTAL 7° many | 2» | ‘s em- ed in |not com- 4 or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z |Families! 2 | 2 | ployed |taanr,|minam| 4 @ | O- |B] in | Mune ne ges ia & —_|PERSONS, & jecupied. | & | 5 | Acar- | factures, preced- a me cuxt- jorHandi-| ing AYLESBURY Hundred—continued. ture. | craft. | Classes, Lee - - = + = © = Parish 33 39] -| - 32 6 1 97 101 198 Missenden, Great - - - Parish} 332 | 350] 2] 11 303 35 | 12 857 878 1,735 Missenden, Little - - - - Parish} 156] 169] 2] 4 | 108 39 | 22 389 425 814 Risborough, Monks - ~- - Parish{ 187] 205] 1] 4 184 19 2 467 467 934 | Risborough, Princes - - ~ Parish{ 367 | 4o8{ 2] 7 259 | 135 | 14 976 g82 | 1,958 Stoke-Mandeville - - ~- - Parish 84 86} -| 1- 79 a - 197 205 402 Stone = - - - + - = Parish} 131] 171] 3{ 2 153 16 2 336 380 716 WENDOVER - - - Borough & Parish} 281 | 376] —| — 148 | 196) 32 794 808 1,602 Weston-Turville - - - - Parish 97 | 121] -—] 1 101 15 z 306 305 611 3,001 | 3,545 | 28 | 50 | 2,546 | 713 | 286 8,167 8,504 | 16,671 BUCKINGHAM Hundred. Addington - - - = Parish 10 18 | =) i = 4 46 43 89 Adstock - - - - = = = Parshf 68 my Be 53 13 5 184 209 393 Akely - - = - = - = Parish 6o. 63 -|]| - 52 11 ae 141 154 295 Barton-Hartshorn - - Parish 22 a4} -]| - 22 2 = 62 51 113, Beachampton - - - - ~ Parish 43 56} -] - 38 8 10 118 133 251 Biddlesdon = - - = - = Parish 33 387 | -| - 34 1 2 84 gl 175 BuckincHamM - (™) Borough & Parish - -| -| - es a - - - - Caversfield + - ~ - ~ (®) Parish 20 20} -] - 15 4 1 60 48 108 Chetwood - - - = = ~ Parish 25 36) -] - 35 - 1 67 64 131 Edgecott - - - - = - = Parish 30 30] -1 3 30 - S 74 86 160 Foxcott - - - - - - + Parish 11 24}, —-| — 24 - - 54 65 119 Hillersdon - - = - - = Parish 46 48) 5] - 48 - - 126 121 247 Leckhampstead - - - - = Parish g2] 104] -] - g2 9 3 235 284 519 Lillingstone-Dayrell + - - Parish 17 a7} o—-]| - 17 —{ 10 68 59 1297 Luffield-Abbey - - (°) Extra P. _ -} -] - — 7 ma ~ - - Maidsmoreton - - - - = Parish g2} loz} -—|} 1 44 18 | 10 196 211 407 Marsh-Gibbon - - - ~- - Parish} 127] 163] -| 1 118 40 5 357 381 738 Padbury - - - + - = Parish} 103 | 158] —| 2 120 22] 16 293 325 618 Preston-Bissett - - - ~- (?) Parish 49 87) -| 1 81 6 - 188 208 396 Radclive with Chackmore - = Parish 55 yo; —-t = 13 50 4 127 169 296 . Shalstone - - - - - = Parish 35 45} -| 1 42 1 2 94 107 201 Steeple-Claydon- - - - = Parish go 152 1 - 140 11 1 393 All 804 Stowe - - - - = = (°) Parishf 77 wl =| eS 59 a) ag 239 239 478 Stratton-Audley- - - ~- (PP) Parish - -} -] - ms - = = = . Thornborough - - - - = Parish g2} 134] 1] 3 88 26 | 20 283 289 572 Thornton - - = = + = Parish 15 17 - - 12 1 4 45 33 78 Tingewick - - + (9) Parish 80 183 | - 2 96 53 34 968 464 832 Turweston - - - - - = Parish} 157 64} 1] 1 56 8 ~ 148 166 314 Twyford - - - + (*) Parish] 69 74; —| 2 68 6 - 180 187 367 Charndon - + - - Hamlet 29 36; -] - 36 is s 48 847 165 Pounden - - - - + Hamlet 16 18} -| - 18 = ss 51 40 g1 Water-Stratford - - - Parish 35 By. | a 37 os Re 74 93 167 | Westbury + - - ~ - Parish 69 76] 1 2 60 8 8 170 195 345 1,667 | 2,048 | 12 | 20 | 1,589 | 301 | 158 | 4,603 | 4,993 | 9,596: BURNHAM Hundred. - AcGMonDEsHAM, orAmersham Boro &P.{ 478] 562] 9 | 7 206 | 260] 96 1,243 1,369 2.612 Beaconsfield - ee ~ Parish} 328) 357) - | 23 | 149| 160] 48 852 884 | 1,736 Burnham- - - ~ (*) Parish} 312] 364) -| 1] 227] gg] 38 890 826 | 1,416 Boveny, Lower - - - Liberty 40 40 so 1 32 7 ‘ ce By in Chalfont, St. Giles - - - Parishf 216] 240} 6] 5 122 75 | 43 513 591 1,104 Chalfout, St.Peters - - - Parish} 254] 288] 2] 4 147 76 | 65 - 642 709 1351 Chenies - - - - - Parish} 102 117 { -] - 64 38 15 298 297 "305 Chesham - + + - = (*) Parish [1,000 | 1,323 | 12 | 40 507 | 537 | 279 2,360 2,672 $,032 Chesham-Bois - - - = Parish 33 36] = 1 4 30 2 a1 89 " ete Dorney = Sel - Parish 53 54{ -| 1 45 5 4 153 126 279 ™) The Borough of Bucktncuan: is entered at the end of the County. loyed in makin ~—t ; ; A ©) Contain Parish extends into the Township of Bicester: Markets Bal, oe fuhatienten as The cata of i ee Ploughley Hundred (Osfordshire.) The entire Parish of Caversfield | penham and other Liberties, called Toun, Wood, Brittwell, East Gai contains 208 Inhabitants, _—~(*) Luffield-Abbey, Extra-parochial, and and Beveney, contains 1,918 Inhabitants, —(t) The Return of ‘dic partly in the County of Northampton, is included in the Return of the Parish of Chesham, includes Ashley-Green, Billington Hamlet, Chart- Stratton Audley Paih, partly in tis Hundred, entered le Ploaghcy | WeterGhe ac mance® od Ashridge) Hamlet, and Lattimners (with ‘al = ’ indred, 1s entered in Ou; e' aterside an i i Hundred (Oxfordshire.} (2) At Tingewick the Females are canal at tinct Returns, fey) Chapelry, all which in the year 1811 made dis- | M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. Q4. 15 ae “= COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fare | E41 Ary By eC tzs | TIES | Oruzr oR how 2 | chichy | Chiefly | plies wi TOTAL : ieany 1s ae employ- Familie w EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. E lerte| 212 | gyn ee eo 8 BS 3 | Oc | 3/4 in | TRape, |r 3 = lpupson a cupied, & 5 Acri- Boy pieced 3 a ; cus lorHandy| ing BURNHAM Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Farnham-Royal (part of) - (*) Parish} 126] 1931 4 62 49 | 20 315 371 686 | Hedgerley-Dean - - - Hamlet 38 39 | -| 2 32 4 = 98 101 199 | Seer-Green - - - - - Hamlet] 48 48} -—| 2 36 12 - 135 129 264 F Hitcham - - - - - =| + Parish 37 37 - 36 es 1 78 94 172 } Penn - - - ~ - - - Parish} 182] 214 | 2] 2 160 49 5 543 511 1,054 i} Taplow - - - - - © Parish 97 | 113 3 30 65 | 18 287 299 586 ee ak 3,344 | 3,963 | 31 | 95 | 1,859 | 1,469 | 635 | 8,593 | 9155 [17,748 Cc ESLOE Hundred. Aston-Abbots - - - Parish 66 we ee Pe 52 7] 14 175 146 321 Cheddington - - - = - - Parish 42 m1 | ~| 21 60 9 a 154. 187 342 Choulesbury - - - - - (¥) Parish 26 26} -| - 15 10 1 66 66 132 Cublington - - - - = = Parish 55 60] -—| 3 45 12 3 126 133 259 Creslow - ~- - - = - = Parish 1 a a 1 _ - A. 1 5 Drayion-Beauchamp - Parish 35 54} -] 1 52 = 2 128 144 272 | Drayton-Parslow - - - * Parish 50 87] =] - a4 8 2 184 188 372 Dunton - - - + - - © Parish 17t04y} -} = 16 - 1 56 42 98 Eddlesborough - - = = (*) Parish 60 96} -| 1 47 31 18 240 251 491 Dagnell - - - - - Hamlet 41 62); -|] - 28 13] 21 165 . 149 314 Hudnall - - - - =~ ~- Hamlet 12 21 —| - 5 8 8 44 . 47 gl Northall - - - - - = Hamlet 62 98} -| 1 49 27 | 22 . 239 243 482 Grove- - - = - = + = | Parish 4 4| -| - 1 2 1 10 8 18 Hardwicke - - = = = (2%) Parish 34 43] -| - 35 5 3 86 121 207 Weedon - - - - - = Hamlet 82 84/1] 4 64 12 8 212 | 208 420 Hawridge- ~ - - = - = Parish 36 41} -| - 38 3 - 114. 94 208 Hogston - ~ - = = = = Parish 44 44, -| - 40 3 1 89. 99 188 Horwood, Great- - =~ ~(¥) Parish} 114 | 12a4}/ -—| 6 46 30] 18 276 308 584 . Singleborough- - - - = Hamlet] 21 23} -| 1 23 2 = 50 54. 104 Horwood, Little - - - - - Parish 86 | 104] -]| 3 89 10 5 207 222 429 Ivinghoe - --- - ~ = (2) Parish} 301 | 114] -—| 2 48 36 - 266 285 551 Aston - - - - = = + Hamlet 45 81] -|] 2 58 23 - 192 190 382 Horton and Seabrook - ~ Hamlet 29 31; -] - 23 8 - 64 75 139 ] Margaret, St.- - - - ~ Hamlet} 107] 120] 4] - 102 18 - 288 305 593 | Linslade - - - ~- = = © Parish 41 82/1 -| 1 66 14 2 182 188 370 Marsworth - - = = - = Parish} 81 89] 2] 2 63 25 1 184 207 391 } Mentmore, Parish (*):—Ledburn Hamlet 25 34} -| 1 32 2 - a4 88 165 | Mentmore- - - - - Township 33 34] -| - 31 2 1 64 73 137 | Mursley with Salden- - - ~ Parish 52 97} -| - 83 6 8 229 244 473 ] Piglesthorne - - - = (°) Parish 69 m5) 1} - 71 4 - 175 178 353 | . Nettleden and Friesden - — Chapelry 21 22} -| 1 10 5 4 55 53 108 Shenley, Parish : (©) —Brook-end Hamlet 43 49/ 1/ - 46 3 - 192 102 224 J Slapton - - ~ - - - ~ Parish 55 58} al] — 45 9 6 152 160 312 J Soulbury - - - - - - © Parish 79] daa] —-| 2 85 13 13 288 259 547 q Stewkley - - - - - - © Parish} 92] 216] -—| - 134 80 @ 474 459 933 Swanbourne - - - - © Parish 84} 193} 2] 1 98 30 5 304 312 616 Tattenhoe- - - - © - = Parish 3 3, -| - 3 - - 9 7 16 Whaddon-~ ~ - - «+ (*) Parish} 113 | 123] 1] 5 58 48] 14 240 285 525 Nash - - ~ - ~ = + Hamlet 6 80] -|] 2 53 21 6 178 197 375 Whitchurch - - - - ~- + Parish} 122] i164] 1] 1 81 45 | 38 377 468 845 Wing - - - - - © = © Parish? 157] 244] ~| 2 171 52 | 21 524. 562 1,086 Wingrave with Rowsham - + Parish} 110] 142} -—| — 100 28) 14 344 331 675 Winslow - ~ - - - = + Parish} 260] 291/ 1] 5 144] 124] 23 592 630 1,222 eae aaa 2,846 | 3,526 115 | 50 4 2,448 | 784 | 204 8,005 | 8,369 | 16,374 unared. ee 4 Bradenham - - - - - © Parish} 36| ‘39/ -| -—]| 27 8} 4 98 122 220 Dinton, Parish 1()—Moreton (+) Liberty 2 34 °-] - 3 -| - 8 6 14 Fawley - -~ - - - - + Parish} 50 50, -| - 38 10 2 145 131 276 Fingest - - - - - ~ - Parish 63 63] 2] 3 38 20 5 143 152 295 (°) The Parish of Famham-Royal includes part of Salt-Hill, The entire Parish contains 1,14 Inhabitants ——(") At Choulesbury, or Cholesbury, the adult Females aré Lace-Makers, the Children Platters of Straw.—() The entire Parish of Eddlesborough contains 1,378 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Hardwicke contaivs 627 Inha- bitants.——(”) The increase of Population in the Parish of Great Hor- wood is attributed to the custom of allowing Bread Money to the Poor. The entire Parish contains 688 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Ivinghoe contains 1,665 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Mentmore contains 302 Inhabitants.:—(») The entire Parish of Pigles- thorne contains 461 Inhabitants—(°) Shenley Parish is partly in Newport Hundred. (4) The entire Parish of Whaddon contains goo Inhabitants. (©) The Parish of Dinton is mostly in Aylesbury Hun- dred, partly in Ashendon Mundred. [ Enumeration. 16 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | TAN" | Ane By ai LIES chiefly OTHER ‘ OR é ae & chiefly employ- Families 4 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & Familes| 2 2. Pullover lige iad 3 3 i = | [ea| 3 in | Manu- |the Two = & |PERSONS, | cupied.| & | 5 Aeni- | factures, | preced- a re cuu- jorHandi-| ing DESBOROUGH Hundred—continued. ture. | craft. | Classes. Hambledon (+) - - - ~ Parish] 230] 239] o| 6 180 44 15 632 649 1,281 Hedsor, with Lilliffee - - - Parish 39 43 | -j| - 25 15 3 98 go 188 Hitchenden, or Hughenden ~ (f) Parish] 231 | 264} —]| 1 186 30 48 593 654 1,247 Ipstone - = (8) Parish 50 61} -| 5 51 10 a 139 133 | 272 Marlow, creat - - - - -Borough} 480 545 —| 14 139 170 236 1,154 1,378 2,532 Marlow, Greatf- - - -&Parish} 215 | 243] 2] 8 145 56 42 608 623 1,231 Marlow, Little - - Parish} 152 | 166] —]| 6 162 4 = 365 410 775 | Medmenham- - - - = - Parish] 61 73] -| 2 61 9 3 191 178 369 | Radnage - - - - + Parish 73 80} -] 2 "5 4 1 177 189 366 Saunderton - - - - - - Parish 32 32} -] - 28 4 = 109 101 210 Turville - - - - - - Parish 84 85 | -| 2 55 17 13 191 171 362 Wooburn - - - - - - Parish] 346} 367] ~ | 18 112 | 188 67 866 965 1,831 Wycombe, Chipping, (") or] J Borough] 516 | 563] -| 3 44] 376] 143 1,333 1,531 2,864} Hicu-WycomBE - (& Parish} 539 | 569] 2 | 10 97 | 191 | 281 1,311 1,424 2,735 | Wycombe, West- - - - - Parish] 287] 287] 4] 5 177 | 103 7 735 810 1,545 3,486 | 3,772 | 12 | 85 | 1,643 | 1,259 | 870 | 8,896 | 9,717 | 18,613 NEWPORT Hundred. —S Astwood - - ~- - - = Parish 42 48] 1{ - 43 4 1 145 118 263 Bletchley - - - - (4) Parish 64 81] -| 2 59 19 3 184 179 363 | Stratford, Fenny - - Chapelry} 106] 110} -| 5 66 40 4 238 283 521 } Water-Eaton - - - ~- Township 40 571 -|] 3 53 4 = 141 135 276 Bradwell - ~ - - - = Parish 59 65 1 1 30 22 13 116 155 271 Bradwell-Abbey - - - Extra Parochial 3 3] -| - 3 - - 12 8 20 Brayfield, Cold - - - - Parish 20 20} -| 1 13 1 6 35 45 80 | Brickhill, Bow - - - ~- (*) Parish] 101] 103] 2]| 8 58 40 5 223 215 438 | Brickhill, Great - - - - Parish 135 138 1} - 104 25 9 2471 287 558 | Brickhill, Little - - (*) Parish 97 | 116] 1 1 39 68 9 229 256 485 | Broughton - - - Parish 30 42} —| 3 35 6 1 95 96 191 Calverton~ - - - - = Parish "5 80] 2] 2 66 6 8 173 197 370 Castle-Thorpe - - - - ~- Parish 60 “3{ -| 1 46 18 9 151 197 348 Chicheley - - - - - - Parish 48 48] -}| - 43 3 2 103 116 219 Clifton-Reynes - - = = Parish 47 54 - 30 6 18 101 129 230 Crowley, North - - - - - Parish} 155 | 211] 1] 2 129 80 2 364 411 yh Es Emberton - - - - - (!) Parish} 121 152] 1 128 13 11 226 323 549 Gayhurst - - - = (®) Parish 15 17/ -| - 17 - - 46 44 go Hanslope - - - - Parish} 279 | 293! -—] —- 221 58 14 614 882 1,479 Hardmead - - Ey Se Parish 10 19] -]}] - 17 2 = 40 35 , "5 Haversham - - Parish 55 4p o—-—} - 53 16 5 140 149 289 Lathbury - - - - =| Parish 32 32 -| - 30 - 2 82 82 164 Lavendon- - ~ = - - Parish | 130 141 - 3 78 59 4 285 328 613 Linford, Great ~ - (®) Parish 82 89 | -] 2 40 17 32 195 213 408 Linford, Little - - - - Parish 10 wz} -]}] - 10 - 1 33 40 43 Loughton- - - - = = = Parish 60 66} -—| 2 45 13 8 137 156 293 Milton-Keynes - - - - = Parish 65 72} —-| = 63 8 1 159 179 8 Moulsoe - = 2 = = +) Parish 63 69}; -]| - 56 12 1 131 12 a -Newton-Blossomville - - - Parish 45 yi} -| = 63 5 3 118 1 ee 249 Newton-Longville - - - - Parish 77 | 113} -/] 1 89 22 2 214 OP 486 Newport-Pagnell = - - Parish] 649 | 773 | 3] 21 196 | 382] 5 | 1,343 1,730 3,103 Olney - - - - - - Parish} 524] 557] 3] 16 120, 283] 154 | 1,072 1.267 2339 Ravenstone - - = = Parish 95} 112] -| 5 67 31 14 "191 "2047 : 18 Shenley, Par :—Church-End (°) Townsh. 51 55| -| 3 35 6 14 114 111 Sherrington - - « Parish} 166 175| -| 2 75 85 15 365 431 B Simpson - - - - = (4) Parish a7 86} -| 4 29 30 27 186 20 a Stanton-Bury - - = Parish 8 8) -|] - a 1 = 18 pe ae Stoke-Goldington - - - Parish} 159] 178] -| —- 136 42 = 387 431 ee Stoke-Hammond - - - - Parish 62 63} -| 3 56 6 1 149 171 320 (‘) It is remarked in the Return of the Parish of Hughenden, that | Bletchley Parish, in Si is . “ the Increase of Population must be attributed especially to the early | ford, fe sitte PULA Bin ae Es Remny-5eai: ‘« and improvident Marriages which the Poor-Laws so openly encourage. | Bow-Brickhill and Little-Brickhill, the Females avec i ) At “ The most industrious Labourers earn no more for their Families than | in making Lace. (‘) The Return of Emberton pt i - pane a “ a bare subsistence, and the most idle and wasteful are secure of that.” | of Okeney cum Petsoe. (™) The Return of Ga = eee el Brands-fee is partly in this Parish. (SeeAylesbury Hundred.) ———(®) The | fields, Extra-Parochial——(") At Great-Linford ural tnclades (ore- Pe ee spas aie SuOK sues (Oxfordshire), but the { turf-huts, and cultivate Woad. (°) The entive paar es whole e entered. e entire Pari 2 - ich i i A e tains 5,599 liebe Toy Seen Cheep ee i ca Huts cents 449 Inhabitants, M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cy Q4e° 17 ems EET: RTETLEE ; ea COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam. |) Paste) aus By a LIES chief OTHER oR how 2 cbiefly |! on re _| Families vn TOTAL - 3 many B-| 2 em- | fz i not com- oH a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |Families} 2 | 2 | ployed | po .5,,|prizedin] = or 4 Oc- = s as Manu. | the Two a is PERSONS. a cupied.| @ | 5 Acrr- |/factures, preced- a mH cuL- jorHandi- Clac NEWPORT Hundred—continued. Ee | craft. ee Stratford, Stony (P) West-side{ United 210} 213} -| 7 20 146 | 47 452 517 969 - - - - East-side| Parishes 108 | 108] 1] 3 5 89] 14 244 286 530 Tyrringham with Filgrove - - Parish 35 43 | 1] - 31 ad 12 94. 110 204 Walton - - - - - - Parish 19 20} -| - 18 1 1 52 50 102 Wavendon - - - - - Parish} 145] 150] 1] 1 113 20} 17 335 386 721 Weston-Underwood - - - Parish} 76] 108 | 1] —- go il 7 189 231 420 Willen - - ~- - - - Parish} 17] 17) -| — 17 Ea | om 39 44 83 Woolstone, Great - - - ~- Parish 23 25 | -—| 2 15 5 5 59 49 108 Woolstone, Little - - - - Parish 22 25; -| 4 22 3 = 52 62 114 Woolverton - - - - - Parishf 71] 74/1 —|] - 54 8} 12 162 173 335 Woughton-on-the-Green - - Parish 41 58} -| 1 33 24 1 136 163 299 4,684 | 5,316 | 20 | 109 2,866 1,740 | 710 10,673 | 12,434 23,107 . STOKE Hundred. Colnbrook - - - (2) Chapelry - =| oh = = = = = = Datchett - - - - + - Parish} 131 | 178{ -—| 2 85 44] 49 383 456 839 Denham - - - - - = Parish} 192 | 223) -— {11 114 71] 38 628 561 1,189 Eton - - - - - - - Parish} 346 | 432] 4 | 13 28 | 297 | 107 1,395 1,080 2,475. Fulmer - - - - - - Parish 63 5 | -| 2 57 8] 10 175 165 340 Hedgerley - - - - Parish 32 35| -| 2 24 8 3 "5 83 158 Horton - - - - - - = Parish} 146] 189] -| 7 88 75 | 26 398 398 4796- Iver - --- - Parish} 305 | 348] 1 8 217 go} 41 840 823 1,663 Langley-Marish - - - - Parish} 297] 364] 1] 4 197} 109] 58 816 800 1,616 Salt-Hill - - - - - (*) Village = = - - - - - = - - Slough - - = - = = (*) Town - - - - - - - - - - Stoke Poges - - - - - Parish 194 | 203] —| 5 149 40} 14 542 531 1,073 Upton Parish with Chalvey - - Hamlet} 217 | 235] — | 11 g1 | 121-} 23 645 623 1,268 Wexham ~ - - - - - = Parish 33 36) 3] 1 21 5 | 10 83 a1 154 Wyrardishury, or Wraysbury - Parish} 108 | 110}; — | 22 50 20 | 40 245 275 520° 2,064 |2,428 | 9 | 88 | 1,121 888 | 419 6,225 5,866 12,091 AYLESBURY (*) Borough, and Aylesbury - - - = - Parish{ 865 | 890] 6] 15 240 | 411 | 239 2,117 2,283 4,400 - BUCKINGHAM Borough. BuckinGHAM (#) Borough and Parishf 283 | 328] —| 4 27} 186 | 115 662 833 1,495 _ Bourton - - - - - Hamet} 8 8S} -~] - 8 -| - 26 24 50 Bourtonhold - - - - - Hamlet} 110] 133] 2 21 72) 40 256 297 553 Gaweott - - - - - -Chapelry} 120] 126] 1] 5 82 24 | 20 273 293 6 66_ Lenborough - - - - - Hamlet 9 9! -]|- 9 - - 41 34 75 Prebend-end - - - - ~= Precinct} 145] 152] -—| 1 64 55 | 33 316 410 426 675 | 756 | 3] 12 | 211 | 337 | 208 1,574 | 1,891 .] 3,465- : (’) The West-side of Stony-Stratford formed the Parish of St. Giles; y partly in Stoke-Poges, partly in Upton; and its Population is included the East side was the Parish of St. Mary Magdalen. (7) The Town | in the Returns of those Parishes respectively——(t) It is remarked, | of Colnbrook is situated partly in Horton, partly in Iver, partly in Lang- | that Charitable Institutions have drawn seventy families to Aylesbury. " Tey-Marish, and partly in Stanwell (Middlesex) ; and its Population is (") The entire Parish of Buckingham contains 3,465 Inhabitants. included in the Returns of those Parishes respectively ——(") The | Females af Gawcott aré said to be much employed in making Thread village of Salt-Hill is partly in Upton Parish, partly in Farnham-Royal | Lace. Parish (Burnham Hundred.)——(°) The Town of Slough is situated 18 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. prea AS en 5 COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BUCKS. ~ ; HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: | Fami- B eh See an HUNDREDS, how S | chiety one: Families d TOTAL we. H fetus] 2) 4 | otal com meee) Bo] 2 | a | oe 2 eee [eee ren a PERSONS. 5 copied.} & | 5 | AGrr- factures, | Preced- a Fu ee ee | Hundred of TURE. | craft. ASHENDON - - - - = ~| 2,244] 2,623] 12 | 26 | 2,117] 416 go 6,014 5,989 12,003 AYLESBURY - - - - = -] 3,001] 3,545] 28 | 50 | 2,546] 713] 286 8,167 8,504 | 16,671 BUCKINGHAM - - - = -] 1,667] 2,048] 12 | 20 | 1,589| 301 | 158 4,603 | 4,993 9,596 BURNHAM - - - - = -1 3,344] 3,963] 31 | 95 | 1,859} 1,469 | 635 8,593 | 9,155 | 17,748 COTTESLOE - - = - - =| 2,846) 3,526] 15 | 50 | 2,448] 784] 294 | 8,005 | 8,369 | 16,374 DESBOROUGH - - - =- -] 3,486] 3,772] 12 | 85 | 1,643]1,259 | 870 8,896 9,717 | 18,613 NEWPORT - - - - - =| 4,684] 5,316] 20 |109 | 2,86611,740 | 710 | 10,673 42,434 | 23,107 STOKE - - - - - - =} 2,064] 2,428} 9 | 88 | 1,121] 888] 419 6,225 5,866 | 12,091 Borough of AYLESBURY - - - - - -[ 865] 8g0} 6/15 | 240) 411 | 239 | 2,117 | 2,283 | 4,400 BUCKINGHAM - - - - - 675] 756] 3] 11 211] 337 | 208 1,574 1,891 3,465 24,876 /28,867 | 148 | 549 | 16,640] 8,318 | 3,909 | 64,867 | 69,201 | 134,068 | Ages of Persons. MALES. c a iia | > 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 a Hundred to to to to to to to to | to | to} to a & of | & | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90}100/"7;.[ 8 ASHENDON - -| 874| 689} 627} 544] 699| 630 | 517] 410 | 276) 165| 52| 4] — | 5,487 AYLESBURY - - 11,230 |1,053 | 996} 849 ]1,094 | 864 | 735] 626 | 459| 211/ 62 | 1] — | 8,180 BUCKINGHAM - -| 637] 618 { 536] 476] 688] 486] 435 | 341 | 237/ 158/34] 6] — 4,652 BURNHAM - $1,361 | 1,213 | 1,006 822 | 1,198 930 853 542 | 404! 216] 49 5 ~ | 8,599 COTTESLOE - - $1,238 | 1,101 963 | 818 41,119 | 730; 592] 553 | 400] 228] 66 | 3] —- [7,811 DESBOROUGH - - | 1,308 | 1,170 {1,014 | 782 |1,129 | 915 | 706] 564 | 392] 208) 46} 3] — 8,297 NEWPORT - = [1,536 | 1,375 | 1,296 | 1,036 | 1,545 | 1,089 | 1,044 | 793 | 623| 316) 79 | 3] — 410,735 STOKE - - -| 809} 813} 979 | 749 | 808] 648, 614] 376 | 254) 136/35] 4] — 6,225 AYLESBURY, BORO’ - } 331 280 | 221 239 | 343 | 233 180 155 | 85| 36] 13 1} — | 2,117 | BUCKINGHAM - -] 249} 210 |! 184) 154] 238) 165 | 149] 108] 68} 39/10} —| — J 4,574 Total of MALES - 19,573 | 8,522 | 7,822 | 6,469 | 8,861 | 6,690 | 5,895 4,468 35198)1,713) 446| 30 | — [69,617 FEMALES. - Under | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 0 | 801 90 |1001 5 Hundred ‘ to to to to to to to to | to | to} to} & J a A up- Oo of 10 | 3 fF 20 | 80 | a0: | BO | 60 | 0 | a0 | 90. 11007, | 2 , ASHENDON = - = |_ 833 | 744 | 590 | 567 | 867 | 634] 546] $71 | 280| 174/ 41 | 3! — {5,650 |AYLESBURY - - 11,198 | 1,109 | 965 822 |1,350 | 962 824 | 598 | 400] 217) 52 | 4} — } 850+ BUCKINGHAM - -} 725 | 685] 526] 513 827 | 590] 440] 319 254| 132] 30 4 | — | 5,045 BURNHAM " = 41,302) 1,227 | 990 | 883 | 1,465 | 1,053 | 911 | 599 | 449| 2211 57] 6 | — [9,163 COTTESLOE = - | 1,269 | 1,030 | 841 | 849 |1,393 | 927] 770] 582 315| 212) 67} 6 | — | 8,961 DESBOROUGH ~- - [1,267 | 1,201 | 983] 861 {1,467 |1,031 | 8271 635 451| 252| 80} 2 | — | 9,057 NEWPORT ~ + ]4:597 | 1,433 }1,193 | 1,253 | 2,137 | 1,473 | 1,287 | 921 | 668] 3661 85 | 6 | ~— I12,419 STOKE Iai. -| 800 | 790} 620] 509} 9551! 721 | 608 403 | 260] 156| 43 1| = | 5,866 AYLESBURY, BORO’ -{ 289 | 320] 233] 262] 381 | 263] 203] 168 95} 54/15] -—]| — | 2,288 BUCKINGHAM - -1 258} 224] 212 191 364 | 235] 163 121 75) a41i Sf =] — Total of FEMALES - | 9,538 | 8,763 | 7,153 |6,710 |11,206 | 7,889 |6,579 | 4,717 |3,24711,805 478] 32 | — (68,137 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Buckingham being . . . 134,068, . . . and the Number of Persons whose ages are returned (as above) being . . . 131,754, . .. it thence appears, that the ages of one filty-eighth fart of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Buckingham was 240, four of which did not con , whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked ( -+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Age: ; deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, chitin tain any answer '$ were somewhat M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Cambridge. HOUSES. OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fae | PA) Ane By a LIES | chiefly OrHER oR 7 how 2 cbiefly | employ-| Families w TOTAL 3 many | ww | 3 em- ed in | not com- wd EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 | Families) | 4 ployed | Traps, | prized in fa = oF — 1 Ge te | in | Manu-|theTwof & __|PERSONS. a feupied. | | Acrr- | factures,| preced- S Fe CUL- forHandi.| 10g ARMINGFORD Hundred. ruRE. | craft. Classes. Ajsineron-1y-tTH2-C LAY - Parish 38 49 = s 47 2 - 120 113 233 Bassingbourne - - ~- = () Parish} 135 218 | 1] 2 156 | 55 4 531 511 1,042 Kneesworth - - - - = Hamlet} 25 36} -| - 1g] 12 5 86 85 i7t Croydon with Clapton - - Parish | 41 63 | 1 = 58 4 1 183 185 368 Guilden-Morden- - = - - Parish] 85 122; —| 2 fF 10o1{ 18 3 296 274 570 Hatly, East - - - - - Parish} 18 a2) —-| - a2} — = 53 55 108 Littlington - - - - (°) Parish] gi 98} -| - 63 | 33 2 260 245 505 Melbourn - <= - - - - = Parish} 149 238) 4] —- 155} 83 - 633 546 1,179 Meldreth - += - - - ~- - Parish} 95 130} 1] —- 90 | 37 5 331 312 643 Royston - - - - - ~ (°) Parish} a eo = = = = es 2 Shingay - - - - - ° | Parish 15 OCT 15 - - 15 = = 49 37 86 Steeple-Morden - - ~ - - Parish} 9 116] - 108 a - 292 322 614 Tadlow - - - - = - - Parish} 30 | 33] -—| - 33 = os 73 74 147 Wendy - - - - - - - Parshf 22 | 24] -] - 20 4 - 66 68 134 Whaddon = - - - - - = Parishf 53 66; -| - 63 2 1 159 159 318 896 fi,z29[ 7) 4 950 | 257 22 3,132 2,986 6,118 CHESTERTON Hundred. ————|- —— | ——— \—— : Chesterton (+) - - - - Parish} 216 234) —- 142 [| 68 | 24 614 523 1,137 Childerley - - - - = Parish 5 LE cS 11 -}]| - 30 20 50 Cottenham - - - - - Parish | 210 330 |} 2] = 221 {| 76 33 763 725 |, 1,488 Dry-Drayton- - - - - Parish} 57 | 79] 1] 4 51 | 18 10 205 215 | + 420 Histon - - - - - Parisi} 89 144/ 3] 1 117 | 10 | 17 338 340 678 Oakington Par. (¢):—Westwick Hamlet 8 | gf -]| - Qi - - 25 22 47 585 | 807] 6| 3] 551 | 172 84 1,975 | 1,845 | 3,820 CHEVELY Hundred. ‘nei Z i t Ashley cum Silverley - - Parish yo f 75 f -—|] -~ 69 6 ~ 172 179 351 Cheveley - - - - + - - Parisi} g6 | 109] -—]| — 94] 11 4 257 264 521 Kirtling -- - - - Parish} 110 129} -—f 4 84 | 29 16 322 305 627 Newmarket, All Saints - (*) Parish] 96 121 a" 8 5 33 83 332 372 + 704 Wood-Ditton- - - - ~ Paish] 97 |' 150] 1] - 120 | 16 14 419 393 | 812 471 | 584] 1} 3 | 3721 95 | 117 | 1,502 | 1,513 | 3,015 CHILFORD Hundred. am z _ ' Abington, Great- ~ = - - Parish 62 65 1 1 44 10 11 176 161 337 Abington, Little- - = - - Parish] 47 56] -| 4 40 | 10 6 130 127 257 Babraham - - - ~ - - Parish} 45 | 57] —|} 48) 1 8 118 120 |, 238 Bartlow - - - - - (Ff) Parish} 18 [| of} +] - 13 3 5 46 | 48 ff 94 Castle-Camps - - - - - Parish} 194 138 | 2/ 2 109 | 33 6 310 308 | 618 Hildersham - - - - = Parish. 29 | 40 = 2 34 4 2 103 go 193 Horseheath - - - - - Parishf gt? | g2] 2] 17 51] 265 16 197 216 413 Linton, - = = = = ~ * Purish[ org | gis | -} 3 | 127! 139 | 49 795 | 724 | 1,519 Pampisford - - ~ - - - Parshf 39 | 61] -] —- 47 | 14 _ 145: 140 285 Shudy-Camps - - - - Parish 43 66} —} - 57 6 3 163 170 333 West-Wickhanr - - - - Parish | 65 10o3 |} -| ~ 85 | 15 3 243 274 517 8 | 1,01 8 6 250 | 109 2,426 2,378 | 4,80. FLENDISH Hundred. ha co Re Shes ee ee Cherry-Hinton) - - - - (8) Parish} g6 | 111] 2] 2 94] 14 3 239 235 474 Fen-Ditton - - - - - - Parish} 67 |' 100]. —} —- 88} 11 | 1 249 212 401 Fulbourn - -> - - (*) Joint Parish} 159 228] 2] 2 149 | 44 | 35 499 524 1,023 Horningsea - - - + - Parish | 61 62]; -j] 1 47 | 15 = 147 138 285 Tevershamr - + - - - 4 Parish{ 21 37} -} 1 35 2 = 80 15 155 404 |. 5881 4{ 6 F- 413-1 86 39 1,214 1,184 2,398 (*) The entire Parish of Bassingbourne contains 1,219 Inhabitants. (°) Straw-platting’is mentioned’ as an unprofitable employment at Litt- lington--——(‘) Royston Parish is mostly. in ‘Odsey Hundred, Herts, where the whole is entered.——(*) Qakington Parish is mostly in Northstow Hundred. (€) The Parish of Newmarket St. Mary is in | Lackford Hundred, Sutfolk——(‘) The Inhabitants of Bartlow-Eud ha SSR SS SDR TEIEEA (otherwise called Stevington) part of Freshwell Hundred, Essex, resort to Bartlow Church, and contribute towards maintaining it in repair. (8) An extensive inclosure-of land is‘assigned as the cause of increased Population in Cherry-Hinton Parish, (4) Fulbourn includes the Parishes of All-Saints and St. Vigor. 20 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fao | TANT | Au By a LIES chiefly OrnHER : on : how 2 | chiefly | employ- |Families I TOTNh 3 many a Ee em- ed in /uot com- nn 5 oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. |Families) € | 4 | ployed | Traps, [prized in iz Ss ; s Oc- = a in Manu- | the Two = 3 PERSONS, & jeupied. | | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a a cut- |orHandi- ince asses. LONGSTOW Hundred. See nate Bourn- - - - - - + Parishf 142] 165] —- 102 | 52 i 395 357 752 Caldecote- - - - - - = Parish 13 19 - - 19 = = 58 53 111, Caxton - - - - - + Parish 74 m9] 1] = 46] 21 12 196 210 406 Crexton ee ee ee | | ee 38; -| - 31 3 4 119 106 225 Eltisley - - - = - - + Parish] 50] 65| -—| — 60 2 3 159 160 319: Eversden, Great - - - - - Parish 35 52) -]| - 40} 11 1 133 135 268 Eversden, Little - - - Parish 28 47} -|] - 47 = = 118 114 232 Gamlingay - - - - - - Parish] 297] 279] 4] 4 175] 81 23 606 650 1,256 Gransden, Little - - - - Parish 48 55} -| - 40 9 6 | 123 138 261 Hardwicke - - - + + Parish 18 go} -| - 28 2 - 61 73 134 Hatley, St.George - - - Parish 20 Oo sap 8 20 1 1 51 54 105 Kingston - - - - - Parish 32 59) - 1 50 9 - 144 134 28 Longstow - - - = + ~- Parish 32 38} -| 2 32 4 2 99 92 191, Toft - - - - - - - = Parish 40 62} -] - 48 | 12 2 131 128 259. 783 }1,010} 5] 9 | 738| 207 | 65 | 2,393 | 2,404 | 4,797 NORTHSTOW Hundred. Girton - -- =. Parish 60 66} -—] 1 57 8 1 184 142 326 Impington - = - - = = Parish 29 33) -| 1 29 = 4 74 75 149° Landbeach - - - = Parish 47 76; -| - 4 2 - 188 183 371 Lolworth - - - + - = Parish 17 a7} —| - 27 - - 60 51 111 Longstanton, All Saints - - Parish 59 mB} -| - 6o 8 10 195 175 370 Longstanton, St. Michael - Parish 27 a7 | —}| - 21 4 2 69 65 134 Madingley - - - - - Parish 47 54}; -] - 52 2 - 120 111, 231 Milton - - = - Parish 74 44| 7| 2 58 | 12 4 176 165 341 Oakington (+) - - - (4) Parish 97 79) 1] - 52 15 12 205 188 393 Rampton - eee - Parish 26 47| -| 1 45 2 - 110 107 217 Waterbeach - - - - - - Parish} 138 178 | —| - 150 | 24 1 424 390 814 601 | 739] 8] 5 625 | 80 34 1,805 1,652. | 3,457 PAPWORTH Hundred. ee Boxworth - + - - Parish 5l 65] -| - 55 9 1 163 154 317. Conington (+) - - Parish 27 45] -| - 43 Z - 111 gl 202 Elsworth - - - - - - + Parish} 107 | 117] -—| 2 95 | 22 = 324 449 "73 Fen-Drayton - - - - Parish 54 67) Si = 63 4 - 174 151 325 Graveley - - -- - Parish 32 53] - - 48 5 - 122 120 242 Knapwell- - - + - - Parish 25 25) -| 1 25 - - 70 66 136° Over - - - 2 - - Parish} 119} 176] -—] 1 160 | 14 2 428 374 802 | Papworth, St. Agnes - (*) Parish 16 i] 1] - 16 - - 36 38 74 Papworth, St. Everard- - - Parish 22 26}; -] - 26 - - 54 63 117 Swavesey = - - = = Parish} 142 212} —| — 120] 46 46 514 515 1,029 . Willingham - - Parish} 168 | 256} 4] — 186 | 60 10 571 599 1,170 763 |1,058| 5 | 4] 837) 162 | 59 @ 2,567 | 2,620 | 5,187. RADFIELD Hundred. Balsham - - - - - + - Parish} 154] 177{ 3] - 151} 21 5 480 479 959. , Brinkley - = = = = = =. Parish 36 67 - = 48 16 3 153 164 317 Burrough-Green- - ~ + = Parish 66 80} 1] - 59 | 19 2 191 190 381 Carlton Parish, with Willingham Hamlet 45 65; -| - 60 4 1 186 177 363 Dullingham - - - - - = Parish 451 105| —| & 96 4 2 321 304 625 Stetchworth - - - + + - Parish 58 96} 1] - 70} 16 10 242 220 462°: Westley-Waterless - - - - Parish 31 33 | 1] = 29 3 1 83 "5 158 Weston-Colville - - - - - Parish 52 98} -| 2 92 17 9 201 218 419 West-Wratting - - - - - Parish g2 | 149] 1} 3 128 | 417 4 330 366 696 60g | 870] 7 | 10 713 | 120 37 2,187 2,193 4,380 (') Oakington Parish contains the Hamlet of Westwick, Chesterton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 440 Inhabitants. (*) Papworth St. Agues Parish extends into Toseland Hundred, Huntingdon, -M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. 1V. C. 94. a1 COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fams- | Fam) aur By oc LIES ey OrnER ; OR how 2 chiefly | oi a _| Families on TOTAL 3 | many} «| 8 em- a not com- a a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 Families] .§ 5 ployed | Paang, {prized in i a OF | Oc | 2) fim | Mang. |theTwof 2 |PERSONS. SS are & | cupied.| @ | 5 | Acrr- |factures, | Preced- S i | ee TAINE Hundred. eee | Bottisham - - - + - - Parish] 229] 230 2 164) 47 19 549 574. 1,123 | Stow with Quy - - - - - Parish} .69 7 oe] = 71 3 2 178 200 378 Swaffham-Bulbeck - - - Parish} 140} 153] -—| —- 116 37 ~ 359 325 684 Swaff ham-Prior - - (') Parish} 149] 225] -!} 2 167 38 20 483 496 979 Wilbraham, Great -- Parish} - 82 ge] =) = 76 20 —~ 7 250 -| 245 495 Wilbraham, Little - - - - Parish 55 64} 1] 5 57 1 6 138 136 274 . 724 | 844} 4] 9 | 651 | 146) 47 | 1,957 | 1,976 | 3,933 STAPLOE Hundred. Burwell - - - - - - - Parish} 276] 346| 1] 2 | 200 49 | 97 770 448 | 1,518 Chippenham - - - = - Parish} 113 128 | -—| 3 100 24 4 330 277 607 Fordham - - - - - - () Parish}? 159 | 222] 2] 4 165 47 10 518 524 | 1,042 Isleham - = - - - Parish} 342 | 358 | 4] 1 99 95 | 164 881 835 1,716 Kennett - - - - - - - Parshf 20] 36] -| 1 24 4 8 79 85 | 164 Landwade - - Parish 3 5 - - 5 = - 12 8 20 Snailwell - - ~ - Parish 35 42} —-| — 38 3 1 106 116 222 Soham - - Parish} 537 691 3 563 107 21 1,378 1,478 2,856 Wicken - + - - - Parish} 111] 159] 1] 2 140 19 - 394 358 752 1,596 |1,987 | 11 | 21 [1,334 | 348] 305 | 4,468 | 4,429 | 8,897 THRIPLOW Hundred. Foulmire - - - - Parish 97 | 104] -| 1 55 26 23 264 207 541 Foxton - - - - Parish 5 62 1 - 45 13 4 166 202 368 Harston - - - Parish} 108 | 114] 1 1 66 30 18 266 263 52y Hauxton - - - ~ = Parish 49 49} -| 2 42 7 - 115 121 236.. Newton - - - - Parish 23 g2} -| - 25 3 4 "6 70 146 Shelford, Great - - - - Parish 89} 150} -); - 103 32 15 342 376 7.18 Shelford, Little - - - Parish 53 82} -} 3 56 23 3 222 216 438 Stapleford - - - - - Parish 58 S82} -| - 42 14 26 194 214 408 Thriplow - - - - Parish 50 84] -| 2 64. 15 5 184 187 371 Trumpington - - - - Parish} 106] 120] 1 2 80 13 27 249 | 291 540 684 | 879] 3] 11 578 | 176) 125 2,078 2,217 | 4,295 WETHERLEY Hundred. é Arrington - - - = - = Parish 31 36] 2a] - 30 4 2 95 99 194 Barton - - - - Parish 32 57} -| - 45 6 6 136 137 273 Barrington - - - - Parish 82 96} —| 1 69 16 11 240 243 483 Comberton - - - - + Parish} — 49 82) -]| - 70 11 1 204 179 383 Coton .- = - j= - ~ = Parish 39 42} -| - 37 4 1 105 123 228 -Grantchester = - .- | - - Parish 43 m1} ai - 41 14 16 161 183 344 Harlton - - - - - - = Parish 32 44} 1] - 42 2 - 111 110 221 Haslingfield - - - - Parish 76} 108] 1 1 98 8 2 274 270 544 Orwell - - - - =) Parish 69} 103} - |] 1 83 17 3 237 238 475 Shepreth - - - - - - Parish 51 65) 17 - 51 14 - 158 162 320 Wimpole - - - - - + Parish 72 80} -] - 76 4 - 263 230 493 576 | 784} 6| 3] 642 | 100) 42 {| 1,984 | 1,974 | 3,958 WHITTLESFORD Hundred. Duxford - - - - - - Parish} 133 | 136] -| - 116 14 6 291 314 605 Hinxton (+) - - - Parish} 67 69} 4] - 63 3 3 145 167 312 f Ickleton - - - - Parish 98 | 140] 1] - 107 32 1 306 296 6o2 Sawston - - - - = Parish} 100] 168] -—]| 5 100 56 12 349 350 699 Whittlesford - - - - - - Parish 66 | 100; -| 3 49 17 4 250 236 486 464] 613 | 5] 8 465 | 122 26 | 1,341 1,363 2,704 to the grievous effect of the Poor Laws. ‘() Swaffham-Prior includes the joint Parishes of St. Cyric and St. Mary——(™) The great increase of Population in Fordham Parish is ascribed 22 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. — ee COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : — Famt- Sse py PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famt- | pigs ALL By es LIES | chiefly OTHER : 6x . how 2 | chiefy | employ- | Families A TOTAL z many oe em- ed in {not com- 5 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 2 Families} & | 2 ployed | T rized in & a - . 3 3 s ry RADE, |P Ma si s Oc- 3 z in Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS, a cupied.| & | 5 | Aorr- | factures,| preced- a CUL- lorHandi-| 19g 7 aes ture. | craft, | Classes. ae nue a ISLE OF ELY. Downham - - - - - Parish} 254] 289] 3] - 239 36 | 14 687 663 1,350 Littleport- - - - - - - Parish] 360] 493) -]} 5 371 85 | 37 1,198 1,166 2,364 WISBEACH Hundred. Elm - - - - - - = = Parshf 254] 258] 2] 5 226 30 2 691 677 1,368 Leverington - - - - (°) Parish} 166] 166] -/| 1 146 20 - 414 434 848 Parson-Drove - - - Chapelry g1 4} o-j] - 99 Qi 4 362 313 675 Newton - - = - + Parish 58 6), -| - 69 6 1 179 189 368 Outwell - - - (°) Parish "6 “6, -| - 60 16 - 201 197 398 Thorney - = - = + - Parish} 281 | 342] 6] - 258 73) 11 999 971 1,970 Tyd, St.Giles - - - - Parish} 109} 158] -]| — 139 19 - 393 388 "81 Upwell - - - - - (9) Parish} 196] 237] -]| 3 171 51 15 565 583 1,148 Welney (Part of) - - + Chapelry 52 58 = = 50 6 2 161 151 312 Wisbeach, St. Mary’ - Parish{ 236] 273] 3) 6 244 29 - 702 660 1,362 Wisbeach, St.Peter’s - - - Parish} 1,418 | 1,501 | 25 | 39 257 | 750 | 494 3,017 3,498 | 6,515 WITCHFORD, NORTH Hundred. Chatteris - - - - - - - Parish} 659 | 730] -] 2 | 605 | 105] 20 1,604 | 1,679 | 3,283 Doddington - - - - = (*) Parish} 116 135| 51 4 111 22 2 339 337 676 Benwick - - = = Chapelry g2 94) -| - 83 11 - 264 250 514 March (-+) - = + Chapelry} 870 | 851 | - | 19 537 | 262 |) 52 1,924 1,926 3,850 Wimblington - - - = Hamlet} 151 159 | 7 7 134 22 3 433 426 859 Whittlesey (+) - - - - Parish} 719 /1,110] 6] 8 "47 | 306] 57 2,613 2,663 5,276 WITCHFORD, SOUTH Hundred. Coveney - - = - - - (*) Parish 66 41 1 1 67 3 1 177 148 325 Manea - - - - - - Chapelryf 110] 140] 4] 12 118 19 3 342 315 657 Grunty-Fen-House - - (°) Extra-Par. - - -|- - - - - i _ Haddenham - Parish} 260 | 3551 2| 5 210 94} 5% 877 848 1,725 Mepal- - - - - - - - Parish 57 81 -| - 52 29 4 197 209 406 Stretham - - - - = (®) Parish] 147 178} 2] - 140 37 1 446 429 875 Thetford - - - Chapelry 3 43] o—-| - 11 -—]| 32 111 118 229 Sutton- - - + - - - Parish} 193 | 245] 3] 2 160 61] 24 581 576 1,157 Welches-Dam - - Extra-Par. 21 a7} -| - 27 - - 847 69 156 | Wentworth or Wingford - - Parish 21 28 - 1 27 - 1 80 59 139 | Wilburton - = - - - = Parish 64. 95} -| - 77 17 1 218 247 465 Witcham - - - - - Parish 73 101 -| 2 gl 10 - 238 235 473 Witchford- - - - - - «# Parish 69 82 2) - "5 4 - 203 198 401 75273 |8,580 | 71 | 111 | 5,601 | 2,147 | 832 | 20,303 | 20,622 | 40,925 CAMBRIDGE Borough. = All-Saints - + + + Pash? 172) 175) 7h - —| 66] 109 339 549 938 | Andrew, St. the Less - - - Parish} 385 | 393137] 9 24 | 334 35 1,062 1,149 2,211 | Andrew, St. the Great - - Parish} 272 | 321 1} 1 —| 247 74 563 704, 1,267 ’ Benedict, St. - - - - Parish 156 174 3 / 2 - 108 66 462 505 967 Botolph, St. - - - - Parish} 132 136 | —| - 4 | 127 5 290 426. 716 ~ Clements, St. - - - = Parish} 148 179] -| - - 176 3 375 397 772. Edward, St. - - - - - Parish 146 156 3, = 1 127 28 391 419 810. Giles, St.- - - - + + ~ Parish} 314 | 393 | 10] 4 37 | 157] 199 772 863 | 1,635 Mary, St. the Great - - - Parish} 137] 148] 24 2 ~ | 136 12 414 466 880 Mary, St. the Less - - - - Parish} 110} 192] —} 1 15 96 21 298 350 648: Michael, St. - - = - «= Parish 57 | 58 - t - 58 _ 152 227 379 ®) The City of Ely is entered at the end of the County, and includes { habitants. ©) The entire Pari: i | : tie Penis of Caney in Trinity-Ely Parish._—(°) The entire Parish } bitants. mN Ihe entire Parish of Cae 5,899 Inte ‘ of Leverington contains 1,523 Inhabitants ——(°) Part of the Parish of } (¢ It is uncertain whether the Inhabitants of Grunty-Fen-House ate Outwell is in the Hundred of Clackclose, Norfolk, and there entered. included in the Return of Haddenham or of Wilburton : they are not The entire Parish contains 954 Inhabitants. (") Part of the Parish f included in the Return of Wentworth,——() The entite Parish of of Upwell, and part of the Chapelry of Weliey, are in Clackclose Hun- | Stcetham contains 1,184 Inhabitants, dred, Norfolk, and there entered. The entire Parish contains 3,782 In- M.DCCC XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IY. C. 94. 23 : ear a COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: - PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | FA™™ | Aue ‘By | aj LIES | chiefly OTHER | oR ; how = chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL | |_s many { . em- rs ft 7 - : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z |Fawiies| 2 |S | ployed |taane,{prized in) 3 or ‘g Oc- on in’ | Manu- } the Two < fa PERSONS. | | cupied.) @ | 5 | Acrr- |factures,| preced- a fH CUL- lorHandi-{ ng CAMBRIDGE Borough—continued. TURE. | craft, } Classes. Peter, St- - - - 7 - Parish} 111 | 139 - -—{ 130 234 24.7 481 Sepulchre, St. - - - - > Parish 127.) 143 11 80} 52 291 354 645 Trinity, The Holy - - - Parish } 327 | 416 3 411 2 815 978 1,793 University of Cambridge (") - - - - ' a rll bw) 4 _- ~ - - - _- 2,504 |2,954 | 67 | 21 | 95 {2,123 | 736 | 6,508 | 7,634 | 14,142 ELY, City. Ely College (+) - 7 Extra P. 19 19 ae ~ T ee 19 34 56 90 Ely-Trinity - - - - - - Parish] 70g] 749] 2] 10 | 153 | 280] 316 | 1,671 | 1,767 | 3,438 Mary’s, St. - - - = = (*) Parish] 324 {| 328; —| 1 ] 152 | 88 88 712 748 1,460 ‘Chettisham - = - = Chapelry 16 zi -j}o - 11 5 1 44 47 91 1,068 }1,113 | 2j)121 } 316 373 424 2,461 2,618 5,079 (") The resident Members of the University of Cambridge are included | Return was made——(“) The entire Parish of St. Mary (Ely) con- in the Returns of the respective Parishes: In the Year 1811 a separate } tains 1,551 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE. cr ’ | Hundred of ARMINGFORD - = - - =f 896 |1,2299 | 7! 4 95° | 257 22 3,132 2,986 | 6,118. CHESTERTON - - - - -[ 585} 807] 6] 3 | 551 | 142 84 1,975 | 1,845 | 3,820 CHEVELEY - = - = - -] qi 584] 1 3 372 95 117 1,502 1,513 3,015 CHILFORD - - © - - -f 778 /1,014] 5] 8 655 | 250] 109 2,426 2,378 4,804 FLENDISH - - - - - -| goa] 538] 4] 6] 413 86 39 1,214 | 1,184 | 2,398 LONGSTOW = = = = = =<] 488 1010) 6] 6 738 | 207 65 } 2,393 2,404 | 4,797 NORTHSTOW - ~- - - -1# 601 739) 8] 5 625 80 34 1,805 1,652 3,457 PAPWORTH - - ~ - - ~]} 463 41,058} 5] 4, 837 | 162 59 2,567 2,620 | 5,187 RADFIELD - - - - = ©f 609} 870] 7| 10 413] 120] 37 2,187 2,193 | 4380 STAINE - - - = = - -]| a4} 844] 41] 9 651 | 146 47 1,957 | 1,978 | 3,933 STAPLOE - Soe! Grae = = }1,596 | 1,987 | 11 | 21 $1,334 | 3481 305 4,468 | 4,429 | 8,897 THRIPLOW - - - - - -] 684| 87g| 3] 11 | 578| 176] 125 | 2,078 | 2,017 | 4295 WETHERLEY - - - - -| 576| 784] 6 3 642 | 100 42 1,984 1,974 | 3,958 WHITTLESFORD - - - -| 464] 613] 5] 8 | 465] 122] 26 1,341 1,363 | 2,704 | Isle of BLY - = = = = = = ~}7,273 [8,580 | 71 | 111 | 5,601 |2,147 | 832 | 20,303 | 20,622 | 40,995 Borough and University of | CAMBRIDGE - - ~ - = |2,594 | 2,954.| 67 | 21 95 }2,123 | 736 6,508 7,634. 14,142 City of a ee i ee ae. ELY - - = - - - - -{1,068 1,113] 2] 12 | 336] 373! 424 | 2,461 | 2,618 | 5,049 ; Totans - - - 20,869|25,603} 217 | 247 15,536 | 6,964 | 3,103 F 60,301 | 61,608 | 121,909 24 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, — A I a COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. r ; oe Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 GO | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 a Hundred 5 to to | to to to to. to to | to] to | to - B "| 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50-] Go | 70 | 80/ 907/100) Ty & of . ARMINGFORD - -| 4731 429] 392] 320] 469 | 349| 261) 205 | 151) 64| 16] 3 | —-]3,132 CHESTERTON - -| 208 | 197} 143] 144] 197) 148 | 135 yo | 76] 23] 10] —| — 71,361 CHEVELEY - 208 | 170 | 199} 209] 228] 155) 118 92 | 77) 42) 7} — | = 41,505 CHILFORD - -]| 366 | 339 | 308] 232] 349 | 263} 209] 172 | 121] 611 7] 1] — f2,428 FLENDISH -] 202 147 | 139 |- 120} 196] 129; 105 "9 | 7o| 22} 5) -—| —{[1,214 LONGSTOW - -}| 395] 306} 265 | 241 | 369] 270] 224] 151 | 122} 52] 12) 1] — $2,408 NORTHSTOW -| 256] 205 | 196] 1631 238 | 170] 132] 110 | 80] 41 | 9{ 1] — 1,601, PAPWORTH -| 343 | 326] 295] 268; 365 |} 240] 235 175 | 119] 67 | 22 1 | — 2,456. RADFIELD -}| 354] 299 | 247 208 | 320 | 255 | 198 144 | 108] 45 | 14] -— | — §2,192- STAINE - 307 | 292 | 241 | 197} 288 | 204] 166, 107 | 106; 39] 14] 1] — 41,962. STAPLOE - ~ - -}| 709 | 602} 523] 481 | 666!| 450) 390} 322 | 214] 93} 18] -—| — 14,468- THRIPLOW -] 338] 2771 263] 193 | 306] 214[ 207] 126, 85) 46] 17] 1] — 2,073. WETHERLEY - 301 275 236 223 298 181 201 114-| 99] 42 | 13 1 —.11,984 | WHITTLESFORD 171 160 128 129 | 168 141 107 89 | 56] 37 9 1, - 1,196 ELY, ISLE OF - | 2,616 | 2,143 [1,680 |1,676 2,470 | 1,758 | 1,415 | 1,045 | 633}259 | 67 2] —- 15,764, CAMBRIDGE BORO’ a £06! and UNIVERSITY }- 933 | 689 | 693] 723 1,190 | 858] 652 | 374) 268) 99 | 26 | 1 6,506, ELY, CITY - -} 393 | 324] 270] 219 | 358] 261 220 170 | 127} 66 | a0 | —| — | 2,428% Total of MALES - }8,573 | 7,180 | 6,218 15,746 8,475 | 6,046 | 4,075 13,545 pat 1,108) 286] 14 | — 54,678} ; j FEMALES. | Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 .| 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 P } Hundred 5 to to to to to to to to to] to| to] & El Jl : 10 15 20 30 - 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 | 100) UP- 2 4 of hates ___|wards. i ARMINGFORD -}. 484] 387] 356} 305] 491 311 273 {| 272/124] Jo 1.134) -[| - 2,986 | CHESTERTON - | 200] 204 | 146 103 200 150 134 a7 78} 26! 4} —]| — 41,322. CHEVELEY - 219 187 179 143 268 141 155 88 461 44 )°10 | —]| ~ 41,510' CHILFORD - 354 | 357 | 240] 213) 364} 255} 234] 157.| 129] 55) 19} —| ~ 42,377) FLENDISH - 172 | 182] 112} 108| 197] 127] 115 82] 591 27] 3] -| — 41,184 LONGSTOW - -] 372] 352] 240{ 212] 343 | 282 248 150 | 127] 49] 14] -—1| — 72,389] NORTHSTOW - -] 226) 207] 151 113 | 233 | 182 135 | 110] 72! 29!) 5] 14 — 41,464] PAPWORTH - - | 371 | 351 | 307] 271 | 335} 290] 225 | 179] 121] 68 | 14 | -—| — |2,5324 RADFIELD - -} 383 | 298] 241 192 | 323 | 241 | 218 | 145] 92) 51) 14} —] — [2,198] STAINE - - - | 366] 263] 213 192 | 311 187 175 | 119} 82; 51 | 10] 2] — 41,971 |: STAPLOE - - -| 731 | 611] 437] 466] 708 | 443] 401 | 301 : ag aes 32] 1] — $4,433 fi THRIPLOW - - | 364] 315] 235 | 205) 347; 235 | 203] 142| 109 44] 15| a | — [2,215 WETHERLEY - -]|. 310 | 276] 226: 196] 314] 203 192 118 | 82! 43 | 13 1 — 11,974 | WHITTLESFORD 193 141 134 | 116] 158 125 137 87 a 31 | 12 1 — 11,196 } ELY, ISLEOF - - | 2,564 | 2,149 | 1,640 | 1,654 | 2,770 | 1,723 | 1,499 |1,012.| 651,293 | 75.| 3 | — [16,033 CAMBRIDGE BORO’ | Mes and UNIVERSITY r 99° | 743 | 657 |1,030 | 1,622 | 936 | 605 | 482 | 283 | 162 | 23 | 1| — 17,534 ELY, CITY - 369 | 315] 273 | 250] 417] 316] 228] 182 aa 67 }13] 1] — 42,563 Total of FEMALES - | 8,668 | 7,338 | 5,787 | 5,769 | 8,401 | 6,147 | 5,177 | 3,603 PAR aee 289] 12 | — 155,881 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cambridge being ..... 121,909, .... and the Number of Persons whose ages were returned, being . +++ 110,559, .... it thence appears that the ages of one-eleventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Cambridge (including the Isle of Ely) was 176, seven of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of - Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXL.] of the Hundred.—(*) Most part of Bunbury Parish is in Eddisbury Hundred, First Division. ——(°) The entire Parish of Coddington con- | tains 346 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Farndon. contains 857 Inhabitants.——(°) Part of Handley Parish is in the Lower Divi- sion of the Hundred, The entire Parish contains 932 Inhabitants. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEOIV. C. 94. 25 Ea County of Chester. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fam: | Act i By : LIES LIES | OTHER / oR ; how 3 hiefy | Chiefly ae i TOTAL 5; 4 many 1 chielly employ- Families | Rn EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 |Families| & ‘3 em- | ed in | not com- wa a or S | oc | 3 |S | Ployed |Taane,/prizedin} = = |pERsons. "| cupied.| *3 & Mann- | the Two =a = ; ee a} P Acni- |factires, | Preced- a al BROXTON, High Division. cut- |orHand?| _ ing : Aavnens acai: 0) TURE. | craft, | Classes. Aldford - - - - Township} 81 82 -|- 59 14 9 253 238 491 ‘Churton - - =| - = Township[ 41 42 -|-- 35 6 1 103 107 210 Bunbury, (part of) Parish: (°) . : Burwardsley - - - - Chapelry[ 57 ‘69 1 _ 57 12 ~ 125 147 272 Coddington Parish : O - : Aldersey - - - = Township] 24 25 -| - 22 3 ~ 67 41 138 Chowley - - - - - Township] 12 12 -| - 12 - - 40 38 . 48 Coddington - - - - Township] 13 17 -| - 17 - - 65 65 130 Farndon Parish: (*) ‘ Barton - = ~ - © = Township} 27 33 Suh ese 24 5 4 81 87 168 Churton by Farndon - - Township} 21 25 -| - 18 2 5 54 63 117 Clutton - - = = - Township} 17 17 -| - 14 3 - 42 54 96 Crewe - - - - - = Township 9 10 -| - 8 1 1 22 25 47 Farndon - - - + - Township} 80 go —| 2 8 22 60 197 232 _ 429 | Handley Parish : (*) holed Handley - - - - = Township] 50 50 ry o- 28 13 9 129 127 256 Harthill - - - - = - Parish} 26 28 -| 1 18 6 4 78 69 147 Kingsmarsh - - - - ~ Extra-P. 5 6 1] - 6 - - 22 24 46 Malpas Parish : (f) Agden - - - - + - Township] 17 21 -| - 21 - - 69 53 122 Bickerton - - - - Township | 71 45 -| 1 64 11 Z 206 164 370 Bickley - - - - Township | 67 82 -| - 72 10 - 217 214- 431 Bradley - = - Township | 12 17 -|} -7|.8 - 9 43 35 48 Broxton - - - Township} 54 66 -j; 1 58 8 - 180 192 352 Bulkeley or Buckley - Township} 38 42 -{ 1 31 11 - 90 88 178 Chidow - - - - - ‘Township 2 2 - - 2 - - 7 8 15 Cholmondeley - - - - ‘Township]} 49 50 -| - 38 7 5 143 154 297 Chorlton - - - - - Township] 20 21 -| 1 4 6 11 58 66 124 Cuddington - ~- - - Township} 48 52 -{ - 13 12 27 121 126 247 Duckington —=- - - Township} 14 14 -| - 11 3 - 44 37 81 Edge - - - = = - Township}! 53 |! 55 | -| - | 53 2 = 143 155 298 Egerton - - - = = Township} 13 17 -| - 16 1 - 61 “BA 115 Hampton - - - - - Township} 38 38 -|{ 1 32 6 - 107 100 207 Larkton = - - - - - Township} 11 11 - 11 - - 31 29 60 — -Macefen - - - - = Township] 10 11 -i- 11 - = 27 21 48 Malpas - - - + Township! 204 | 231 1} 4 74 83 74 592 |. 535 1,127 Newton juxta Malas - - Township} 5 5 -| - 3 2 - 8 10 18 Oldcastle - - - - - Township} 15 20 —~| 1 6 2 12 48 45 93 Overton - - - - - Township} 12 18 -| - 16 1 1 58 43 101 Stockton - - - Township 4 6 -| - 6 - - 14 18 32 Tashingham with Grindley Township} 51 51 -j 1 48 3 = 149 134 283 Wichaugh - = - - = Township] 4 6} -|] - 6 - - 17 19 36 Wigland - - - - = Township] 38 41 2/1 31 9 1 98 106 204. Shocklach Parish: (¢) , Caldecott - - = - - Township] 12 12 -|o- 5 = 41 8 Shocklach, Church - - Township 22 27 -| 1 26 - : 81 7 158 Shocklach, Oviatt - - Township] 33 35 - 7 7 21 gt 89 180 Tilston Parish: (*) Carden - - - - = = Township} 35 39 -| - 29 10 = 99 96 195 Grafton - - - - - - Township} 1 1 -| - 1 = = 13 8 21 Horton - - - -* - Township} 20 24 -{ - 18 5 1 470 41 141 Stretton - - - + - Township] 12 ig | -|{ - 14 2 3 48 58 106 Tilston - - - - - Township| 58 80 eet) oe 43 21 16 183 187 370 1,506 | 1,695 | 6 | 16 | 1,104 | 309 | 282 | 4,435 | 4,362 | 8,797 (*) Most part of the Parish of Aldford is in the Lower Division () The entire Parish of Malpas contains 4,917 Inhabitants. The Town- ship of Iscoyd is entered as part of Maylor Hundred (Flintshire 3» and it also extends into Branfield Hundred (Denbigh.)——(°) The entire Parish of Shocklach contains 422 Inhabitants.—-(") The entire Parish of Tilston contains 833 Inhabitants. at ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. _-COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Fat | ans on, foe e 4) la | “a TOTAL 4 . G many 5 cldety employ- | Families 8 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. % lramiies| > | @ em- | ed in) | not com- oh = oF 3 oc |S | & | Ployed | Taane, | prized in 4 a |PERSONS, & cupied. | 3 & 7 Manu- | the Two ; < cupied. | 2 Bes Eg a Manu | the < Ey PERSONS. § BUCKLOW Hundred—continued. Si = a ee ae a ae . Bowdon Paiksis © 2 aie, TURE. | craft. Classes. Agden = - - - (*) Towitshipy ¢11 14 co 12 | 2 ; . Altrincham - - - - Chapelry{ 462 6 2 6 . A eal a Ashley - - - - - - Towaship} 48 | Sel a 5 | a met ae ae oe Baguley - - - ~ - Township 831° 83) -] 1 50 25 8 o ; 8 oe Bollington - - - (¢) Township 16 16, =] - 9 4 ~ a gah Bowdon - - = + = Township 80 86} ~-] 1 80 6 ~ : i ie rs Carrington - - - - - Chapelry "15 8} -]| - 30 51 4 ae ‘ ne | Dunham-Massey - - Township 177] 181 } -—| — 140 28} 13 a el i os Hale - - - ~ ~ - Towrship? 171 | 382} ~ 1 4 Partingtow - - - 7 ~- Township 53 77 ~- [ es a = O08 : hi Timperley - - - - - Township? i28| 230} 3] 1 99 25 6 357 326 683 Budworth, Great, Parish: (*) Anderton - - - - Township} _ 38 —| 10 _ Antrobus - - - - ~- Township 83 3 ny (iat st 12 ma a oa Aston by Budworth - - Chapelry 66 66} -} 1 49 9 8 a ne ie Barnton - - - - Township 117 132 - 3 23 8 } tO1 6 oe oe Bartington = = - - - Township 15 we -} — 12 3 a 2 8 a a Budworth, Great = - Township} 107} 107] -| 3 43 48 | 16 ae a oe Cogshall - - + + Township 19 20} -}| — 16 3 1 6 oo ae Comberbach - - - Township 51 52 2 1 21 25 6 a es nae Crowley - - - ~ - Township 22 a2} 4]. - 18 2 2 8 os on Dutton - + - = - Township 60 63 f -| = 58 5 - 13 1 oo Hull and Appleton - - Township} 281 | 285 | 3} 3 721 19 1 fi 6 : a Leigh, Little - ~ - Chapelry 53 66} -| 3 a 3 : cee 8 =) ae Marbury - - ~ Township 9 ye-] = 4 1 i 2 ' 6 2 Marston fet SP, ie Township 71 "3 ro 6 .30 43 = a F a ao Peover, Little - Township 20 25 = ae 21 4 - sete _ aoe Pickmere - - Township 26 34) -1 1 22 12 - oe 2 - Pluinley - = = ~ = Township 43 44 Bey 1 41 _ a i a Seven-Oaks. - - - Township 25 a7} —-/| 1 20 é 1 at Cay Stretton - - - Township} 57 oe on 1 1 ie Pat) cee Tabley,Inferior - - = Township 22 22f —} 2 ; - rs pe mee Whitley,Lower - - - Township 44 44} -| - 35 6 1 8 38 ae yee Over - ~ Township 50 5o{ ~| 41 44 4] - 1 i aes A incham - = - = = Township 84 84 pe 15 59 10 268 223 | 49% Grappenhall, Parish: (”) Grappenhall - - - Township 6 3 65; -| 2 54 8 3 192 8 Tat a alae 9 20 400 oa atchfor Chapelry } 9251 228 { 2] 3 75} 119} 34 636 616 1,252 Knutsford, Parish: (”) Bexton - - = - = Township 410 11 -| = Knutsford, Nether - - Township ey : : 6 He a 2 ienniatiel: Ove «<< Somuiy — ee re a 132 a 1,349 1,404 2,753" Ollerton - - - - = Township 49 49 = 4 : : 2 he ee ate Toft eos - + Township 40 46 = pe : 24 o. = : 240 | 3 3 | 20 123 113° | 236 ; Lymm - - 2 = © = » Parish ! 388 | 428) 3] 6 197 | 225] 6 Mae . - i 1,042 1,048 } 2,090 : y Parish} 229 | 2371 —|! 12 157 | 68 | 42 594 "604 1,198 Rosthern, Parish: (*) : t Aetlen - = - - = - Township = = See ds = aE mi ollington - - - - = Township 32 44 —-[ = - 5 8 Leigh, High ee Chapelry |} 145 tas -| - c 28 4 ] . ea Martall with Little Warford Township 45 47 oe 1 ; 39 8 i a 6 . 854 Mere - <= - - = Township 101 101 - 1 —- go Ll - ae ao oe Millington -_ - - Township 49 50| -| 4 15 30 136 8 - Peover, Superior - - - Chapelry} 94 i oe a 45 21 , 268 lee Rosthern - = - - - Township 40 73 eon 36 2 12 att 8 ne Tabley, Superior - - - Township 49 83} -| e ‘8 ae a 373 Ti ee oe = 59 1 227 223 “450 p 20 20} -| 2 6 ro} 4 43 44]. 8 _ () Agden Township and Bollington Township, are said to be partl ire Pari i ee ee He eae one Vote Wits ce of Caretin, wigu ngs ee IC NOR ish of Bowdon contains 7,442 Inhabitants. 4) Great-Bud h | ford, incr ior —_—(*) Pay i Sake A ro ee ne Nostinies ueted ai Eadsbony Tinsed: the Aes ee ie eee Fue om re Parish contains 14,346 Inhabitants") Th i i i i Bolling ( i ich arieee Gra ppenhall contains 1,652 Tha Wisute : The Mae of Posen - ae a te ne maBrN ery the Township of Latchford is attributed to the establishment of a Cotton : wo os ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration.. COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BUCKLOW Hunudred—continued. Runcorn, Parish: (”) Acton-Grange - - - Township Aston-Grange - - - - Township Aston by Sutton - - + Township Clifton, alias Rock-Savageé - Township Daresbury - - - - Chapelry Halton - - - = - © Chapelry Hatton - - - + - - Township Keckwick - - + = Township Moore - - = = + = Township Newton by Taresbury Township Norton - = - © = Township Preston-on-the-Hill - = Township Runcorn - - - - (%) Township Stockham - = + = = Township Sutton - - 2 © - Township Thelwall - - - - Chapelry Walton, Inferior - - + Township Walton, Superior - - - Township Weston - 2 = = = Township Warburton - - + + = Parish EDDISBURY Hundred, First Division, Budworth, Little - - - ~ - Parish Bunbury, Parish: (?) Alpraham - - - = = Township Beeston - - + - - = Township Bunbury - - - + + Township Calveley - - - = Township Haughton + = + - Township Peckforton - - - - Township Ridley - ts ee Township Spurstow - - - - = Township Tilston-Fernall - - = Township Tiverton - - - - = Township Wardle - - - - - = Township Delamere, Parish : (*) Delamere - - - - Township Eddisbury - - - > Township Oakmere = - - - Township Middlewich, Parish : (° Weever - - - - Township Oswald’s, St. Parish : (°) Eddinshall - - - - Township Over, Parish: (4) Oulton, Low - - = = Township Over - - - - = Township Wetterball - - Township Tarporley, Parish: (¢) Eaton - - - = - = Township Rushtcn = - - © Township Tarporley - - - > Township Utkinton - - Township Whitegate or New Church Par: (f) Damhall - - - - = Township Marton - - - - = = Township HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Mt | ee | die B . LIES . _ [tow | | EY enieny | cbely | Ornen 4 | Tova. 3 many | oy | em ed in {not com- wo 5 z Families} .€ a ployed Tnave, | prized in | 2 Ss Oc- I a +A Manu- | the Two < Fs PERSONS. i cupied.] @ | 5 Acri- | factures, preced- a ma CUL- jorHandi-| ing TURE. craft. Classes. 23 25] -| - - 20 5 2 86 62 148 4 4 - _ 4 - - 20 16 36 37 37 cate GS 26 10 1 94 103 - 197 2 2} -| - 2 - - 13 13 26 25 a7, -| - 15 9 3 71 75 146 197 | 205] 3] 2 106 | 90 9 541 525 1,066 77 80 - 2 56 24 a 211 186 397 10 oj 1} - 10 - - 32 24 66 47 SOY SS | 45 2 3 115 128 243 19 21 - 1 19 1 1 58 66 124 44 46} -| - 42 3 1 150 144 294 61 63 2 9] 54 - 206 185 391 540 | 629] 2] 17 22 | 165 | 442 1,514 | 1,589 3,103 6 7| -| - Th = 27 25 52 47 bi} -{ 1 38 | 13 = 125 141 266 65 65 1 1 63 2 es 162 165 327 66] 66] -| 1 ba | 7 = 177 176 353 36 42 | -| - 23 8 11 106 113 219 53 54] - 1 9 8 37 152 142 294 86 89] -| - 63 | 25 1 258 — 251 509 6,637 |7,013 | 24 |129 | 3,407 |2,484 [1,122 | 18,671 | 18,521 {37,192 82 ss} —-|] 1 64 | 24 282 242 524 66 “6{| -| 1 61 | 15 - 200 209 409 66 W\| =f 59} 15 3 207 234 441 108) age) —) = 58 | 75 5 332 335 667 23 33 - - 30 1 2 107 114 221 28 28 | -] 1 26 2 - 89 86 175 48 56) -| - 8 10 38 141 153 294 16 16; -{ - 15 1 < 63 60 123 104} 104 | -|] — 81 23 = 268 265 533 23 26} -| - 23 3 - 89 "7 166 106 | 115] -]| 2 47 | 35 3 301 290 591 17 22; —-| 2 17 5 = 70 59 129 48 48) 5] 1 40 8 - 151 111 262 14 4] -| - 14 - - 4l 31 72 15 16) -| - 16 - - 49 41 go 22 32} -]} - 26 5 1 go 87 177 2 on 2 - - 7 18 25 6 6) -| - 6 - & 30 30 60 400 | 425] 5] 11 53 | 124 | 248 1,080 1,077 2,157 40 bl} -] 1 41 7 3 133 164 297 85 95{/ -| 1 67 | 25 3 250 227 477 47 6o{ -| - 60 - - 156 159 315 179 183 | 2{ 10 26 | 87 70 391 — 409 800 38 40] -| 3 25} 15 - _278 253 531 26 28; -| - 21 4 3 107 100 207 150} 152) -| — 151 - 1 303 279 582 1,757 | 1,931 | 12 | 34 | 1,067 | 484 | 380 5,215 | 5,110 | 10,325 ©) The entire Parish of Runcorn contains 7,738 Inhabitants. The Quarries at Runcorn, which afford Stone for the Docks and other public Works at Liverpool, have caused an increase of Population. (7) Part of the Parish of Bunbury is in Broxton Hundred; the entire Parish con- tains 4,021 [nhabitants——{?) The Parish of Delamere did not exist in 1811, having been subsequently created by Inclosure of the Forest of that name ; it now contains 424 Inhabitants. (>) Most part of Mid- diewich Parish is in Northwich Hundred.——(¢) For St. Oswald’s Parish, see Wirrall Hundred, and the City of Chester: it is sometimes called Saint Werburgh’s—(‘) The entire Parish of Over contains 2,514 Inhabitants—-(¢) The entire Parish of Tarporley contains 2,123 Inha- bitanty. () The entire Parish of Whitegate contains 789 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. 1V. C. 94. 29. COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ner — — Fan) Faso ‘ OR . By 3 ek chiefly Ceas S oar - e ey employ- | Families i TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families 2 z ployed oo a oo a a or a Oc- a | a: y Manv- | the Two < a PERSONS. wee 4 cupied.) | 5 Acrr- | factures, preced- S me EDDISBURY Hundred, Second Division. cUL- lorHandi-| ing . Barrow, Parish: (£) TURE. | craft. | Classes. Barrow, Great - - = Township 46 “6]} ~} 4 20 - 56 204 189 393 Barrow, Little ©- - - Township 41 41{ -| 2 17 - 24 135 114 249 Budworth, Great, Parish: (+) % Castle-Northwich - - Township} 122 128} 4] = 4 28 93 286 289 575 Hartford - - - - - Township] 155] 1571 31 4 f° 96 44 17 381 391 772: Winnington - - + - Township 48 49} -| 2 31 18 - 123 107 230 Frodsham, Parish: (#) Alvanley - - - - = Chapelry 56 59} -| 1 54 5 - 142 142 284 ‘Frodsham - - - - Township] 307] 336) 4] 4 | 129 | 159 48 744 812 1,556 Frodsham - - - - = Lordship} 101 143} -—| 4 7 115 18 10 481 492 973 Helsby - - - = = Township] 65 65 | 2| - 61 4 = 179 199 378 Kingsley ~ - = Township} 139] 175] 7] — | 162 13 - 442 482 924 Manley- - - - Township 58 61] -| - 56 5 - 182 151 333 Newton by Frodsham Township 20 20/ -| = 18 2 - 60 49 109 ‘Norley - - - - = Township 84 8} 1} 2 64 21 - 224 210 434 Ince - - - - © - = Parish 81 86) -]| 3 "5 8 3 239 221 460 :Plemonstall, Parish: (*) - Bridge-Trafford - - + Township 11 wf} -]| - 2 3 6 24 37 61 Tarvin, Parish: (1) : Ashton - - - + = Township "6 "6 1 ~ 56 19 1 205 209 414 Bruen-Stapleford - - - Township 26 26} -| - 16 6 4 148 120 268 Burton - - - - ~ = Township! 11 1g | =] =f ae 1 - 40 | 38 78 Clotton-Hoofield - - - Township} 75 Wey eof ai re - - 181 207 388 Dudden - - - = ~ Township| 933 43) -| - 36 9 - 121 122 243 Hockenhull - -~ + - Township 4 oe 3 1 = 17 21 38 Horton with Peele - - + Township &8 af =f 3 1 1 18 18 36 Kelsall - - - - = - Township} 112 { 112/ 1| 1 57 40 15 395 293 598 Mouldsworth - + = Township 23 a3} 1[ - 21 2 7 82 56 138 J. Tarvin - - - - |. - Township | 193 199 - 4 96 74 29 593 519 1,022 | Thornton, Parish: (™) Dunham - - - - - Township]! 55] “55| —| — | 41 14 = 173 133 306 Elton - 7 + -* = Township 22 32 - - 30 2 Te 88 gl 179 Hapsford - - - - - Township 14 17 1 14 14 3 - 48 41 89 Thornton-in-the-Moors - Township 26 a7{ -| - 26 = 1 86 76 162 _ Wimbolds-Trafford + - Township 16 7} -| - 16 - 1 56 61 117 : Whalley, Parish: (*). Willington - - - (*) Township} 12 tal eh oh ae - = 51 50 201 ; Weaverham, Parish : (°) ; iy Acton - - - - - Township 52 55 | -| 4 34 17 4 151 150 301 | Crowton - - - = = Township} ‘go 95| -| - | 7o wz | .14 236 219 455 p Cuddington = - - - - Township 40 59 | -| 1 35 19 5 153 129 282 Onston - - - - - Township 13 3) =) = 5 = 8 35 36 a Wallerscoat - - - Township 1 1 re ees 1 = - 4 6 10 | Weaverham cum Milton - Township 158 | 162] -| 4 42 59 31 $373 376 | 749 | Weaverham - - - Lordship 86 86; —| 2 59 4 20 23g 259 492 [: MACCLESFIELD Hundred. 2,507 2,701 | 25 | 37 | 1,694 | 611 | 391 7,153 | 7,115 ~ | 14,268 Alderley Parish: (?) _ Alderley, Superior - - Township} 72] ° 49 | —-| —]| 66 10 3 244 (229 473 | Alderley, Inferior - - Township 95 92] -| 3 83 9 = 359 "309 668 t Warford, Great - - - Township | 65 65}; -—| 2 35 22 8 167 169 336 ) Astbury Parish : (a) : | Somerford-Booths - ~ Township 50 ee ee 39 11 1 142 “| 143 285 | Cheadle Parish’: (+) : . is ‘ | Cheadle, Bulkeley - - Township] 547| 597] —|. 4 80 | 441 46 1,565 | 1,664 | 3,229 : (®) The entire Parish of Barrow contains 642 Inhabitants. (") Most as if Willington is usually said to be in Whalley Parish, for no better rea- }; part of Great Budworth. Parish is in Bucklow Hundred. (‘) The son than that it formerly belonged to Whalley Abbey. For parochial rites > entire Parish of Frodsham contains 5,451 Inhabitants,—-(k) Most part of | the Inhabitants resort to St. Oswalds, Chester, but they pay part of the: : Plemonstall Parish is in Broxton Hundred.—— (‘) Part of Tarvin Parish great tythes to the Rector of Wem, and part to the Rector of Tarvin, - is in Broxton Hundred : the entire Parish gontains 3,485 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Weaverham contains 2,360 Inhabitants. b (®) The entire Parish of Thornton contains 853 Inhabitants. (®) The | (°) The entire Parish of Alderley contains 1,477 Inhabitants, (9) Most ~ extensive Parish of Whalley is chiefly in Lancashire (Blackburn Hundred) part of Astbury Parish is in Northwich Hundred, (‘) The entire partly in Yorkshire (Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake:) but it seems Parish of Cheadle contains 6,508 Inhabitants. I [ Enumeration, 30 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER _ aos Sa aT COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, SOs pend Bie | ER a : B . LIES eee Orne oR : ad 3 chiefly Anes ae i TOTAL . EXTRA. 7 many p 2 em- in | NOtcom- A-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Families 2 £ | ployed ea . es re fe a OF 2 Oc- = i os in Manu- | the Two = = = = Township 88 93 1 4 4 88 1 279 284 563 Hollingworth - ~ - Township] 237] 261; -—| 3 10 | 247 | 4 714 679 1,393 Matley - > > = + = Township 58 | fo}; -| - 12 48 - 162 162 324 Mottram-in-Longden-Dale Township 311 | 356} 1] 4 4| 348 4 962 982 1,944 ee ee ete ye Township} 331 | 386 | 15 | 12 8} 368 10 1,079 1,080 2,159 tayley-Bridge - Township}? 280] 286] 3} 11 29] 218 39 788 821 1,609 Tintwisle - - - - Township} 271 | 294 = 9 49 209 33 777 803 1,580 Northen or Northenden Parish: (*) Etchells (partof) - - Township] 126 128 1 i - 55 65 8 388 388 6 Northen or Northenden Township} 124 | 135] —| 1 66 41} 28 309 321 gf Prestbury Parish: (“) | Adlington - - - Township} 180 | 190] —| — 10 Birtles er - fe ‘Township 9 3 - = 8 - = oe oo ne Bollington - - - - Township} 327 | 328{[ 4] 24 80 | 248° - 856 867 | 1,723 Bosley - - - - Chapelry 85 gz | -| 6 4 38 2 284 262 "546 Butley - - - - (*) ‘Township 114 | 125 - 3 48 76 1 291 288 Capesthorne - - - - Chapelry wzj az], —-] = 10 - 2 36 2 * Chelford = - - = = Chapelry 20; 30] -]| - 22 3 5 a = se Eaton - - = = - Township 55) 55 | 3 1 38 17 - 147 180 Fallybroom - - = = Township 7 7 - _ a) - - - oo Henbury with Pexall - - Township 69 | 92 - 1 49 7 16 221 ca 438 Hurdsfield - - Township] 213 | 215 | 29] = 14| 196 5 526 556 1,082 Kettleshulme - - - - Township 60} 61] -| 4 51 10 - 161 193 ; Lyme-Handley - - - Township 434 43] -] 1 35 | 8. - 132 121 mat Macclesfield-Forest - - Chapelry 49} 49] -| 23 47 2 ~ 12 136 bo Macclesfield - - - (*) Township ate - - - - - ~ : s ee Marton - - - - Chapelry 51 1{| -] - 8 | _ 6 1 - Mottram, St. Andrew - Township] 68 | 68 -| 2 oe - 6 | oe = ee Newton - - - - - Township 18] ia] -| - 8 10 | eg 53 42 "aE Poynton - = = = + Chapelry 95} 102] —-| — 20) 74 | 8 268 278 540 Pott-Shrigley - - - - Chapelry 64) 64} 1] 3 26 | 35 | 3 170 161 331 ielod - >= = = = Township 86} 88) -}] 1 36 | 384 14 219 221 ee ainmow - - - - - Chapel: 285 | 2 | , Rede Noel =”. > amen 8] 92] 4]27] So] oo) ey tes | azo | age Siddington - - - - ~ ‘Chapelry 86 96} -} 4 62. 29 | 5 an me 481 Sutton - - - - Township} 600] 600 | 28 | 8 5 oe i 94] 501 5 | 1,468 | 1,523 | 2,991 Tytherington - - - - Township 69 69! 3] - 23 46 | - 180 "202 | 82 ipton - - = = = Township 40} 30] ~] — 7 - 26 6 :* Wildboar-Clough - - - Township 78} 80] -| ¥ 40 : | 8 A o Wincell > - = Chapelry 85 87} -~| 4 49 33 ’ - a 7 466 Withington, Lower - - Township] 102 | a02| 3 1 63 25) 1 36 28 ae Withington, Old - - - Township 29 BOC ceed |e 23 ; : "Be temp - - - Township 62 62} -| — 27 oS 2 a3 - eH | orth i - + = + = Township y2 | 76t a} — 17 57 | 2 211 195 406 Rosthern Parish : (7) Snelson - - - - - Township 274 28) -]| — 21 5 2 65 2 137 Stockport Parish: (”) ; Bramhall - - - - - Township} 218 22 Oo 4} - 1 Sone Ses Township | 321 343 o, a ae ae a [ 1 o ie Sunningtoh - - - = Township} 349 40 - 1 - ¢ é a8 Distley - - = - - chapehy| 275] 292| 6/44] 2] 4081 aa] vecg | 2097 | B12 Duckinfield - - ~ . Towuship| 777 | 843 | 42 | 16 bs b 0 725 1,533 Etchells (part of) - Township 127} 1392{ -—] 1 40 a = i | may) ace Hyde - - - -~ - ii 471 | 505] 20] 6 12 | 490 | ite ee 3 me 4 7 Ie (*) The entire Parish of Mottram-in-Loneden- i i i Inhabitants, ‘The introduction of Steam-weaving i slated te hase inn | Rees tem sae shel is entered atthe entof the County. One female creased the Population in Newton Township. (‘) The entire Parish | the Townshi fe B tley Le WES ea are a of ‘Northenden contains 1,406 Inbabitants. The Townsbip of Etchells | of Rusthern’ Parish isin Backlon Hoo ee et 8 —C) Most part is partly in Stockport Parish, and so entered.—(") The entire Parish fs a arish is in B ucklow Hundred. (") The entire Parish of Prestbury (including ‘the Town of Macclesfield,) contains 17 Dae ie renee eae ere la RE M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. O4. COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. 31 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Famr- | Famt- | acy , _By : LIES MES | OrHer oF P how g chiefly See Families a TOTAL . 9 man “ a em- . t ey < EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Familves 2 2 | ployea ee i oe f a ae 2 | Oc |e ie | @ | Manu |theTwo] = & & _‘|PERSONS. 4 cupied.| = | 5 | Acrr- |factures,| preced- a fa MACCLESFIELD Hundred—continued. cut- lorHandi-| _ ing : 3 tune. | craft, | Classes. Stockport Parish—continued. Marple - - - - - - Chapelry} 441 | 487} ~ | 19 88 | 356 43 | 1,314 | 1,332 2,646 Norbury - - - - - Township]. 105 | 131] -] 2 48 44 39 334 346 680 Offerton - - - - - Township a7 9] -| 9 18 58 3 203 198 404 Romily - - - - - Township} 208 | 216] 1 | 12 26 | 181 9 595 586 1,181 ‘Stockport - - - (™) Township] 3,405 [4,342 | 5 | 54 24 | 4,256 62 | 10,495 | 11,231 | 21,726 Torkington - - - - Township 40 47 | -—| 2 10 30 a 142 151 293 Wernith - - = Township] 297] 316] 3 | 14 19 | 295 2 932 872 | 1,804 Taxal Parish: (*) -Taxal - - - - - - Township 47 47/ 1] 1 24 21 2 132 109 241 Whaley with Yeardsley - Township 470 70} —| 2 16 47 4 216 205 420 Wilmslow Parish: (7) zs : : Bollen-Fee - - - - - Township] 333 | 340] —j 16 g1 | 227 22 888 873 1,761 Chorley a So St Township 85 88 -—-/{/ - 33 52 3 230 248 i 478 Fulshaw - - - Township 45 48 -} 1 21 26 1 127 129 256 Pownal-Fee - - - - Township} 235] 248 | 3 12 97 | 144 7 692 749 } 1,432 WiRerWied Maes, 14,551 {16,205 | 192 | 385 } 2,898 |12,190] 1,117 eet 44,212 487,479 Acton Parish: (7) Acton - - - - - - Township 56 56 | -j 2 17 14 25 139 134 273° Aston juxta Mondrum = - Township 26 26); -} 41 22 4 - 80 19 159 Austerson - - - - - Township 6 6 - - 6 - - 34 31 Q5 | Baddington - - - = Township 13 a1]; —] - 20 1 - 95 65 140 | Brindley - - - - - Township 30 32; —-} - 23 9 - 88 49 167 Burland - - - + Township 75 | 105) -f —- 49 21 5 261 244 505 Cholmondstone - - - Township 25 go; —-| - 23 6 1 102 106 208 Cool-Pilate - - - Township 3 4|/ -j] - 3 1 - 24 24 48 Eddleston - - - - - Township 16 16} - 1 13 3 - Abd 50 95 Faddiley - = - - = Township 40 59{ -| - 44 15 - 157 134. 291 Henhull = - - - Township 16 wf; -| - 10 6 = 46 44 go Hurleston - - - - - Township 27 32} -}| - 21 6 5 89 102 191 Newhall - - - - - Township} 148] 175] -| 2 111 50 14 388 466 854 Poole - - - - - = Township 28 35} -| - 22 8 5 96 89 185 Stoke - - - - - Township 18 22; —-} 4 15 6 1 71 66 137 Worleston - - - - = Township 64 66; -j] - 40 20 6 183 186 369 Audlem Parish: (#) Andiem - - - - ~- Township} 258 | 269] 1] 9g 163 94 12 662 645 1,307 Buerten - - - = - Township 44 95} -| - 86 | 9 - 264 260 524 Dodcot cum Wilkesley (?) Township 93 | 109] -] —: 86 18 5 336 334 670 Hankelow - - - - - Township] © 52 52); -| —] 49 2 1 197 131 258 Tittenley - - - ~ - Township 4 4} -| 41 4 - - 16 20 36 Baddiley - - - - - - Parish} 43 54] -| -| 52 2 = 141 | 129 270 ‘ Barthomley Parish: (>) Alsager - - - ~- =~ Chapelry 66 66} 2] - 35 12 19 201 158 359 | Barthomley - - - ~- Township "5 6); -| — 64 12 - 226 224 450 | ‘Crewe SSS ie, ete Township 53 59 ~ 3 39 5 15 138 159 207 | Haslington - - ~ - Chapelry{ 187] 188] -—| 2 156 27 5 511 \ 474 985 | Copenhall Parish: (¢) Copenhall, Church - - Township 65 654) -]| -— 57 7 rr 183 183 366 Copenhall, Monks - ~- Township 25 25) -| -) 22 3 - 81 65 146 | Marbury, Parish: ( so) Marbury with Quoisley - Township] 76 82} -| 2] 56 15 11 190 205 395 Norbury - - - - - Township} 81 81) 1] - | 62 18 213 225 438 ‘Minshull, Church -- - - Parish] 62 94\—-] - 63 29 1 255 273 528 Nantwich, Parish: (©) Alvaston > = = + Township: 6 6} -{ -] 5 1 - 20 17 37 Leighton - - - - ~ Township} 31 45) -| - 43 2 - 137 133 270 | entire Parish of Wilmslow contains 3,927 Inhabitants. @) The | entire Parish of Acton contains 3,767 Inhabitants——(*) The eutire Parish of Audlem contains 3,085 Inhabitants. (*) Barthomley Pa- vish extends into Staffordshire (Pirehill Hundred.) The entire Parish (*) The entire Parish of Taxal contains 662 Inhabitants——(”) The contains 2,333 Inhabitants. tains 833 Inhabitants —~(°) 5,633 Inhabitants. E (°) The entire Parish of Copenhall contains 512 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of ‘Marbury con- he entire Parish of Nantwich contains ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF CHESTER—coniinued. a HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : ; PARISH, TOWNSHIP, tae | EE | ane B : LIES bi Ornrr : oR ; fey 8 chiefly ae Families wn TOTAL eee eon 2 Families Ei 4 lege hae peed fa q or j 3 Oc- a in Mann- | the Two << rss} PERSONS. Gi copied. | gm | 5 Acni- | factures,| preeed- a Fa i NANTWICH Huudred—continued. cur- jorHandi-| ing aed Nantwich, Parish—continued. ume, | toate | Clases, Nantwich - - - = Township} g27} g70}10 | 48 | 111] 629] 230 | 2,222 | 2439 | 4,661 Woolstanwood - - Township 9 Bi) aed 8 1 Zs 34 31 65 Sandbach, Parish: (*) ° : . Bechton - - - - = Township} 195] 141 | -—| 1 109 18 14. 402 357 759 Hassall - - - - - - Township 28 34 ss 1 32 1 1 123 95 218 Whitchurch, Parish: (2) ‘ j Wirswall - -! - - - Township 15, Te |) 5 1 12 = 3 49 64 113 Wistaston - ~ - - - Parish} «8| 66} —| - 42 13 11 174 158 332 Wrenbury, Parish: ¢) . Bromhall - -: - Township 19: 30 -| - 24 3 s 98 98 196 Chorley aye Sy tiee, eke Township 27 33 Sal |e 32 1 = 99 84 183 Dodcot with Wilkesley (>) — Township s ees Pa tee Al eas I - = = - - Woodcot = - - Township 4 el eel 4 1 = 14 15 29 Wrenbury with Frith - Township 82 106 = 1 44 13 49 255 271- 526 Wybunbury, Parish: (/) Bartherton -'- - Township 3 3 = - 3 = - 14 15 29 Basford - - Township 9 13 =o 1 9 4 = 45 41 86 Blakenhall - - - + Township 36 37 sc 37 - a 118 107 225 Bridgemere' - + - - Township 38 44 1 - 34 a 3 121 112 233 Checkley with Wrinehill - Township 28 341 -| - 30 4 - 108 103 211 Chorlton» - - Township 16 2/ -| - |. 19 4 Re 45 46 gl Doddington - = ° Township 9 9 - -- 4 - 2 16 23 39 Hatherton - - - ~ Township 59 "5 1 = 69 6 = 213 205 418 Hough - - - - Township 35| 42] -1 - 26 14 2 96 106 202 Hunsterson - = - Township 34 44] -| - 26 4 14 117 122 239 Lea - 2 - - + Township 10 yo} -—| = 9 1 - 37 34 a1 Rope - - - Township 18 18 -| - 17 1 - 49 46 95 Shavington with Gresty - Township 42 5a} Se] = 47 8 = 141 133 274 Sound - - - - - Township 39 AS | tes = 44 4 _ 126 121 247 Stapeley - - - - Township 67 67} 1] 1 54 13 s 143 186 329 Walgherton - - - - Township 32 45) -| - 27 13 5 124 122 246 Weston - - - - Township 88 go - = 58 19 13 226 237 463 Willaston - - ~- - - Township 41 42 -| - 26 12 4 112 97 209 Wybunbury - - - = Township 82 83/ -| 3 33 34 16 218 211 429 NORTHWICH Hundred. 3,832 | 4,261 | 17 | 81 | 2,507 |1,254 | 500 J11,118 [11,213 | 22,331 Astbury, Parish: (*) Buglawton - ~ - Township} 150 151 a A 66 85 - 443 505 948 Congleton - - - Chapelry ]1,196 [1,310 | 16 | 4 | 116 }1,097| 97 | 2,977 | 3.428 | 6,405 Davenport - - - Township 15 eo iP al 11 3 L 56 40 96 Hulme-Walfield -- - - Township 16 16| -} - 15 1 - 50 58 108 Moreton with Aleumlow - Township 21 22 i - 22 - = 71 58 129 Newbold-Astbury = - Township} 115 | 122 | —| 3 94 25 3 281 288 569 Odd-Rode - -.- - Township} 208} 208 | —!| 8 114 86 8 582 561 1,143 Radnor - 5 ee Township 2 2 = = 2 = = 8 6° 14 Smallwood - - Township {| 100 105 | -| 5 63 24 18 308 - 276 584 Summerford - Township. 13 we} -| - 14 1 1 5S 52 107 Brereton with Smethwick - - Parish} 105 107 = 1 99 4 1 319 305 624 Budworth, Great, Parish: (') Allostock Township "5 83] -| - "5 8 - 240 221 461 Birches - - =. - Township 1 1 -{| - 1 - - 4 4 8 Hulse - - - Township 6 8 oe 1 vy) 1 = 24- 30 54 Lack-Dennis - Township 4) 5 ail es 4 1 - 20 24° 44 Lostock-Gralam , - Township 87 04} -| 3 60 DF 7 257 268 525 Northwich =e Township | 291 325 | -—|11 3 213 109 704 486 1,490 Peover, Nether - - Chapelry'] 43 55 |---| - 27 14 14 126 124. 250. Rudheath - ( ] ) Township es os fm _ ee fos — a ica ms Witton with Twambrook Chapelry } 479 533 -|1 12 393 128 1,204 | 1,201 2,405 (f) Most part of the Parish of Sandbach is in Northwich Hundred.—— ] 4,146 Inhabitants. (*) The Parish of Astbury extends into Maccles- (®) Most part of Whitchurch Parish is in Salop (North Bradford Hun- | field Hundred. The entire Parish contains 10,383 Inhabitants——— [| dred.) (®) The entire Parish of Wrenbury contains 934 Inhabitants, } (!) Most part of Great Budworth Parish is in Bucklow Hundred. Eighty besides those who are ascribed to Audlem Parish as residing in Dodcot cum | of the Inhabitants of Rudheath (which is mostly in Davenham Parish). Wilkesley Township. (’) The entire Parish of Wybunbury contains reside in Witten Chapelry. of the Inhabitants of Rudheath being attributable to Great Budworth }, and Sandbach Parishes——(") Middlewich Parish is partly in Eddis- bury Hundred. The entire Parish contains 4,350. Inhabitants. (°) Sandbach Parish is partly in Nantwich Hundred. The entire Parish contains 6,369 Inhabitants; 17 of the Inhabitants of Rudheath (which is M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 33 COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - Bear: Soaks hes By 3 | LS | chiefly | Ornee a < ee : = chiefly employ- Families : # TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 Families 2 : 3 feved Ten, on w = foe | S, | Oe 1 We Pin | Mane ne den a & _|PERSONS. — a copied. | 6 | 5 | Acar. | factures, preced- a fe cut- jorHandi-| ing NORTHWICH Hundred—continued. ture. | craft. | Classes. ; Church-Lawton - - - - = Parish 95 | 97 cl Sy 33 39 25 293. 239 . 512 Davenham, Parish: (™) ta Bostock - - - - - ~ Township 30 32] -] 2 17 4 11 81 93 174 Davenham - - - - Township 72] 71 tia 18 27 32 186 193 379 Eaton - - - - - = ‘Township 1 Lp Se 1 _ = 8 10 18 Leftwich - - + - - Township} 218 | 233] 2] 7 15 119 99 610 582 1,192 Moulton - - - - - Township 39 39 a 1 19 4 16 101 95 196 Newhall - - - «- - Township 3 3 - - 3 a ez 8 9 17 ‘Rudheath - - - (®) Township} 63 65] -| 4 25 6 34 181 182 363 Shipbrook - - - - - Township 13 13}; -| - 13 2 - 44 48 92 Shurlach - - - - - Township 10 lo/| -| - 8 2 = 32 32 64 Stanthorne - -~ - - - Township] 20 zo} —| 2 19 1 7 73 15 148 Wharton - - = - ~ Township] 153 152 q 8 12 39 101 458 395 853 Whatcroft - + - - - Township 4 y)o-| - 7 = = 35 36 71 | Middlewich, Parish: (") ‘Byley with Yatehouse - - Township 22 23} -| - 22 1 - 59 43 132 Clive - - - - - Township 17 a1} -] 1 19 2 - 15 14 29 -Croxton - - - + = Township 5 5{ -| - 5 = _ 25 27 52 } .Kinderton with Hulme - Township 95 95} -| 3 51 44. - 243 226 469 | Middlewich - - - - Township} 281 | 281 | — | 31 109 | 172 - 582 630 1,212 Minshull-Vernon - - - Township 58 60} -] 1 57 3 - 168 181 349 Mooresbarrow with Parme Township 4 4/ -| - 4 7 - 13 12 25 Newton - - - - - Township] 313} 318] 2 | 26 216 97 5 152 768 | 1,520 -Occlestone - - - - - Township 17 17 1 17 - - 51 43 94 Ravenscroft - - ~-. - Township 3 S3to-t - 3 - - 9 17 26 Sproston - - - = - Township 24 25) -| - 19 4 2 77 71 148 Stublach - - - - Township} 13] 13] -| = 13 4 - 33 31 64° Sutton - - - - - - Townshipf{ 5 7 - - 6 1 - 15 17 32 Wimboldsley - - - - Township 18 wi -) - 18 ~ - 60 . 61 121 Sandbach, Parish: (°) ~ ; ‘Arclid - - - + - Township? 10{ 31] —|] 3 7 4 - 32 33 65 Blackden - - - - - Township} 32 33] -| - 9 22 2 104. 87 191 Bradwell - - - - Township} 43 44/ -| 2 44 7 = 1427 140 282 ‘Church-Hulme - - = Chapelry 71 3; -| 4 11 49 13 189 208 397 Cotton - - - - + Township 16 16 - - 38], 11 2 47 34 81 Cranage - = - = = Township 84 87} -| 3 1] 53 19 204 229 433 Goostrey with Barnsha Chapelry } 50 52) ~| 3 20 28 4 148 150 298 Leese - - - - - = Township 21 21} —-] 1 7 12 2. 65 70 135 Rudheath - - - (°) Township = sett’ tele fs = = = - - - Sandbach - - - - ~ Township] 5851] 6151 5 | 20 145 | 396 74. 1,377 1,528 2,905 ‘Twemlow - - - - - Township] 20 20} -] —- 11 9 = 60 70 130 Wheelock - - © = Township 80 86} -| 4 24 58 4 236 222 458 Swettenham, Parish: () ‘ Kermincham - - - - Township 22 30 - - 28 2 - g1 85 176 Swettenham - - - ~- Township 35 41] -] 1 38 1 2 141 118 259 iS Ms 7 bese Warmingham, Parish: (9) ‘Elton - - - - ~ ~ Township 72 45} 21 4 28 11 36 193 186 379 Moston - - - - - - Township] | 29 eg} -} - 25 3 1 a4 66 143 “Tetton - - - - - = Township 34 36) -| - 16 15 5 84 86 170 -| > Warmingham - - - - Township} 69 mam] -j) 1 53 14 4 181 205 386 WIRRALL Hundred, Higher Division, | 5°799 {9157 | 40 | 186 | 2,038 /3,239 | 880 | 15,292 | 15,912 | 31,204 Backford Parish: () ig Backford - - - ~ ~ Township 28 30} —| 2 26 3 1 74 66 | 140 Chorlton .- - - . - Township 14 wf] el - 10 1 4 41 37 | 78 Lea - - - « + = - Township} 11 wa{-| - 11 3 - 45 42 87 Mollington, Great + - Township} 22) 25] -]| — 23 2 - 59 63 122 _Bromborrow (part of) = = (*) Parish 51 5i{ -—]| 41 29 9 13 158 147 305 (™) The entire Parish of Davenham contains 3,470 Inhabitants ; 97 | mostly in Davenbam Parish) being attributable thereto. — (°) The en- tire Parish of Swettenham contains 435 Inhabitants. (1) The entire |. Parish of Warmingham contains 1,069 Inhabitants. ') Part of the Parish of Bachford is in Broxton Hundred. ‘The entire Parish contains 450 Inbabitants-——-(°) Bromborrow Parish is partly in the lower divi- sion of the Hundred ; the entire Parish contains 446 Inhabitants. K [ Enumeration, 34 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER —— = — COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES : ___ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr- | Famt- | ayy By ‘i LIES Anes OruerR or how 3 chiefly canoe: Families - TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. f yet SS Leck sem eomeome a or 3 Families} .= aS ployee | Trane, |prised in i s —_——- ‘g Oc- 2/4 in Manu- | the Two < 8 PERSONS, WIRRALL Hundred, 4S cupied.| & | 5 Acrr | factures, preced- = Higher Division..— continued. cut- lorHandi-| _ ing Bunton 4a: (*) TURE. | craft, | Classes. Burton - + - - = Township 49 664 a | 44 + 10 11 168 158 326 Puddington - - - Township 21 23) -| - 14 4 5 78 a7 155 Eastham Parish: (") Eastham - eee Township 64 v4} —-{ 1 54 15 5 188 180 368 Hooton - - - - - ~- Township 20 20} —|] 1 il 4 5 52 60 112 Pool, Nether - - - - Township 1 ss - 1 - 1 12 12 4 24 Pool, Over - = + Township 16 16{ -| = 15 1 = 3 39 74 Sutton, Great - ~~ Township 31 31] -| 1 31 - - 101 81 | 182 Sutton, Little - - - Township 57 61] 1] - 44 15 2 162 167 329 Thornton-Childer - - Township 33 34 ies - 18 6 10 88 89 | 177 Whitby (part of) (") - - Township 31 31}; -| - 12 7 12 80 84 164 Holy Trinity Parish: (”) Blacon with Crabhall ~ Township 10} 10; -] = 10 = = 34 41 75 Mary, St. Parish: (¥) Mollington, Little - Township 3 3) ey os 3 - - 15 | 13 28 Neston Parish: (”) Lidsham - - - - = Townshin 13 13 -foo 12 1 = 40 34 | 74 Leighton - - - - Township 74 82} -—| 2 19 11 52 178 226 404 Ness - - > - Township 53 57} =| = 22 35 - 206 188 | 304 Neston, Great - - - - Township] 323 328 | 7] 12 46 | 196 86 595 823 1,418 Neston, Little - - = Township 71 yo} 1] 2 59 3 10 151 165 316 Raby - - = = = Township 26 28; -—|] - 27 - 1 88 57 145 Thornton-Mayow - Township 38 38} -] - 38 - - 105 99 204 Willaston - - - - - Township} 42 43} 1 1 36 4 - 137 124 261 Oswald’s, St. Parish: (*) Croughton > = - = Township 3 By) ces oe 3 - - 14 13 27 Shotwick, Parish: (*) Cappenhurst - - Township 27 317 -] - 30 - 1 80 81 161 Kingswood - Township 9 9} -| - 9 - - 23 21 44 Saughall, Great - - - Township 60 66} -| — 62 3 1 177 166 343 Saughall, Little - - ~- Township 8 8} -—-| 1 8 - ~ 16 22 38 Shotwick - - - - ~ Township 19 19} -] - 17 2 - 56 38 94 Woodbank, alias Rough ‘nade 4 7 thei i i Shotwick - - - - ee 7 1 > 5 2 9 we 39 Shotwick-Park - - - - Extra P. 2 2) —-] - 2 - - 14 9 23 Stanlow-House - - - - Extra P. 1 34 2) 3 - ~ | 6 10 16 Stoke, Parish - (¥} Stanney, Great - - - Township, 2 Oy ee) 2 - - | 10 8 18 Stanney, Little + - - Township} 35 AL j =| 22 5 14 110 118 | 228 Stoke - - - - Township} 21 23) -] = 18 1 4 64 65 129 Whitby (part of) - = - Township’ 14 ig] Sy 8 - 6 42 44 86 \ WIRRALL Hundred, Lower Division: [17310 | 12394 | 10 | 24 | 804 | 346 | 244 | 3,521 | 3,687 | 7,208 Bebbington Parish: (7) Bebbington, Higher - - Township 33 S65 at a 25 6 4 100 116 216 Bebbington, Lower + ~- Township 64 68} 1] 2 36 19 13 149 167 316 Poulton with Spittle ~- - Township] 18 ij}; -| - a - fo. 45 56 101 Storeton - - = = = Township 33 36 - ~ 30 | 6 eG 121 99 ‘v0 Tranmore - - - - ~ Township} 108) 120) ~| -] 50 | qo | 30 409 416 825 Bidstone Parish: (*) i Bidstone with Ford - + Township} 40 4oy —-| - 30 | 8 1 2 124 1 | Birkenhead = - - - Chapelry} 19 36} 10] — 6 | 1 | a9 86 ae ai ae i with Grange "Township | 19° 19f ~] 1 13; 64 - 68 . 51 119 foreton - - - ~ = Township} 44 454 —-|] - 37 | 61 2 | 138 i 2 Saughall-Massey - - - Township} 25 28, —~] ~— 2B 1 3 - | 86 os a ©) The entire Parish of Burton contains 481 Inhabitants, — ”) The 4 contains 3,916 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Pari i te etitire Parish of Eastham contains 1,430 Inbabitants. Part of Waits tains 719 Tubabitanta———(? ) The eee ae ea Township is in Stoke Pa'ish.—(") Holy Trinity Parish, St. Mary's 461 Inhabitants. Part of Whitby Township is in Eastham Parish. Parish, and St Oswald’s Parish, constitute part of the City of Chester, | (‘) The entire Parish -of Bebbington contains 1,678 Inhabitants.— entered at the end of the County——_(“) The entire Parish of Neston (2) The entire Parish of Bidstone contains 1 s014 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI. | ' THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4.. “35 COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES - OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fast | Ary J SY By of umes | MES | Oruen i ‘ how £ chiefly oe Families a 7 Toray EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. SB lesades| 2) of gy | edi [ntcome | gy 2 oF , ei oe |S |e Ployed |Trape,|prizedinf = 4 = —_|PERSONS, WIRRALL Hundred, Gi cupied.| 5 Acri- a preced- s fy Lower Division—continued. cuL- lorHandi_ ing Bromborrow (part of) Parish: (>) TURE, | craft, | Classes. Brimstage - - - ~ ~- Township 28. 30; -] 1 23 6 1 71 40 141 Heswall Parish: (°) a Gayton - + - ~ = Township 17 19} -{ 1 19 - - g1 | 62 153 Heswall with Oldfield * + Township 43 47{-] - 40 4 - 119 114 233 Thurstaston - - - ~ - Parish 23 25} at 25 - - 72 55 127 Upton, or Oye Chucch - - - Parish 29 30} -| 2 11 4 12 go 93 183 Wallazey Parish: (*) Liseard - - - + + ~- Township a1 83, —|f 2 40 6 9 157 188 345 Poulton with Seacomb = - Township a7 861 3 [10 57 5 24 173 207 380 Wallazey - - - - - Township 80 80} -] 2] 41 6 3 219 225 444 | . West-Kirby Parish: (°) Caldey, Great and Little - Township 16 16] - 14° 2 - 50 40 90 Frankby - - - + + Township 16 if =} - 17 - 1 29° 37 66 Grange - - - ~- - - Township 20 22 1] - 15 3 4 65 60 125 Greasby - - = + Township 28 30}; -] 41 26 4 - 159 46 235 Hoose - - - - Township 24 26} -]| 2 1 2 23 62 52 114 Meolse, Great - - Township 31; 31] -]} - 10 3 18 82 a4 159 Meolse, Little - - Township 19 23) -[ - 9 4 10 81 50 131 Newton with Larton - - Township 7 gi -}{ = 9 - - 22 26 48 - West-Kirby - -. - - Township 35 36 { -}] 1 30 3 3 46 96 172 Woodchurch Parish: (f) Arrow - - - =- = = Township 13 ig@q — 1 14 2 - 35 BF 4 9a. Barnston - - - - Township 23 244 -| 2 23 1 - 48 45 93 Irby - - - - - - = Township 24 25) 1] - 9 5 11 66 | 49 145 Landican - - - - - Township 6 6; -] - 6 - - 26 27 53 Noctorum - - - - - Township 2 2} —-] 1 2 - -4 16 14 30 Oxton - - - - - - Township 33 33 |} -) - 27 6 - 97 72 169 Pensby - - - - - - Township 4 Ahiet = 4 - - | 10 12, 22 Prenton - - - - - Township} 17 wt} -| 2 15 1) 1 | 49 50 99 Thingwell ~ - - Township} 15 15} -j - 12 3 - 31 47. 78 ‘Woodchurch - - - - Township] 13 13}, -| - 5 2 6 42" 32 74 1,117 }1,208 | 17 | 32 9 820 | 173 | 215 3,364 3,309 6,673 CHESTER CITY. : Bridget, St. ~ - - - - Parish} 165] 176] -4 1 4. aa 320 | 48 80 Cathedral-Church, - - (-+) Precinct : : : a . a ze and Little St. John - - = Ex-Par \ 51 a ae ee ~ 4 25 ‘ 32 , 88 j 182 270 Jobn, St. Baptist - ~ - - Parish |1,035 [1,079 | 9] 52 4 361 1 6271 91 | 2,319 | 2,779 | 5,098 Martin, St. - - - - Parish} 97} 1121 -| 6 51 754 32 235 330 565 ‘Mary, "St. upon-the-Hill 2 : (patof) + = (@) - Parish} 620} 843°} 12/28 | 155 | 335} 353 | 1,593 | 1,783 | 3,376 ] Michael, St. - - - - Parish} 146] 161] -| 5 1 130 30 289 423 412 Olaves, St. - - - - - Parish? 118] aya} -d 2 51 70 50 2547 330 587 Oswald, St. (part of) - - @) Parish} 853 | 928! 5| 32 | 201 | 542] 185 | 2,031 | 2,303 | 4,334 Peter, St. - = Parish} 189 | 208] —| 8 4 200 1 470 546 1,016 ‘Spittle-Boughton - Extta-P. sepatea Vi 33 341 -| 3 5 22 7 7 40 80. 150 Trinity, Holy and Un- (1) Parish 6 { 6 divided (part of) = oa aris 554 | 790) 3) 41 26 | Als | 319 | 1,303 1,733 303 3,864 | 4,529 | 29 | 186 | 830 | 2,552] 1,147} 8,975 | 10,974 | 19,949 : ! : 4 | Macclesfield - - - ~ - ~ Town] 3,008 | 3,662 | 37 | 64} 99 |3.240] 323 | 8421 | 9,325 | 17,746 t (©) Bromborrow Parish is mostly in the Higher Division of the Hun- -| Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,736 Inhabitants-——(h) The Pa- dred.—(°) The entire Parish of Heswall contains 386 Inhabitants. | rish of St. Oswald extends into Broxton Hundred and into Wirrall Hun- (*) The entire Parish of Wallazey contains 1,160 Inhabitants —-(°) The | dred. The Parish contains 5,126 Inhabitants——(") The Parish of the entire Parish of West-Kirby contains 1,140 Inhabitauts—-(*) The | Holy Trinity extends into Wirrall Hundred. The entire Parish.contains entire Parish of Woodchurch contains 835 Inhabitants.——(£) The Pa- 4 3,111 Inhabitants, rish of St. Mary-on-the-Hill extends into Broxton Hundred and Wirrall : 36 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, wae COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued, SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. - HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fam- ed ALL By . LIES . Orner “HUNDREDS, | how % | chiesy te Pension e TOTAL > 3 many uo | 3 em- edin |notcom- a &e. = | Families) 5 3 ployed | Tp ape, | prized in a ) Parish} 191 199 | 1] 12 25| 1494 - 398 441 839 Looz, West - ~- - - - Borough} 103 | 135 | ~| 4 41 34 | 60 236 303 539 | Veep, St.- - - - - + + Parish} 108] 116] -—]|] 7 82 19 15 303 282 585 ‘Warleggon - - - - - = Parish 50 54} -| 4 36 9 9 157 139 2096 Winnow, St.- - - = - + Pash}? 153] 175] 5| 4 156 12 7 449 457° 906 2,847 |3,275 | 31 [138] 1,794 | 942 | 539 | 8,200 | 8,378 | 16,578 Borough Town of LAUNCESTON - - (©) Parish] 245 | 439 |] 1 4 124 | 269 46 974 1,209 2,183 Towa of | Falmouth - - - - - = (4) Town] 441 /1,045| 1] 9 53 | 416 | 576 | 1,849 | 2,543 | 4,392 (”) One Female in'Liskeard upwards of 100 years of age.——(*) The the Borough contains more Inhabitants than the Parish of Launceston. . entire Parish of St. Martin contains 1,181 Inhabitants.: (>) The entire —(*) The entire Parish of Falmouth contains 6,374 Inhabitants ; Parish of Talland contains 1,978 Inhabitants:——(°) The Borough of besides which, the Parish of Budock extends into the Town of Falmouth, Launceston extends into Lawhitton Parish, so that (strictly speaking) and adds considerably to the Population. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL, (NOT INCLUDING THE SCILLY ISLANDS.) t — Hundred of EAST - - - = = = = -] 5,063] 6,090} 57 | 259] 2,827] 1,547] 1,716] 15,022 | 15,319 30,341 KERRIER - - - - - =| 7,425| 8,504| 86 | 381] 2,573] 2,107| 3,824] 20,116 | 22,630] 42,746 LESNEWTH - = = - - =] 1,402] 1,573] 12] 43] 1,113] 333] 126] 3,737} 3,744 | 7,481 PENWITH - - - ~ = - [10,853 |11,849}142 | 400] 3,081| 3,237| 5,531 | 29,121 | 31,521 | 60,642 POWDER- - - ~ - - =~ | 8,266 |10,106{126 | 317] 3,268! 3,711] 3,127] 24,907 | 26,236 | 51,143 PYDER - - - ~- - = -{4 3,877] 4,3421 45 | 146} 2,017] 1,935] 390] 10,747 | 11,001 21,748 STRATTON - - - - = -| 1,487| 1,665| 14| 28] 1,101] 452] 112] 4,410] 4,143 | 8,553, TRIGG - - - = - = +{ 1,977] 2,315] 20! 92] 1,351] 594] 370] 5,734] 5,906 | 11,640 WEST- - - = - = = -] 2,847] 3,275] 31 | 138] 1,794; 942] 539] 8,200] 8378 | 16,578. Borough. Town of LAUNCESTON - - - « - 245} 4391 11. 7 124] 269 46 074 1,209 2,183 Town of FALMOUTH =~ < = = » =] agi} 104%) 4 9 53| 416) 576] 1,849 | 2,543 | 4,392 Totars - - - 143,873 151,202 | 535 |1,820] 19,302 [15,543 {16,357 | 124,817 | 132,630 | 257,447 42 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration. a TS COUNTY OF CORNWALL—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. 7 0 |100] W 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 0 | 80 | 9 4 oo to to to ta to to to to | to | to} to |-& & Hundred 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100] UP} & of ro | EAST - ee 2,247 11,988 | 1,716 | 1,459 } 2,138 | 1,609 ]1,402 {1,076 | 773] 368) 95 | 7 | — f4,878 KERRIER - - [2,497 | 2,207 | 1,944 | 1,654 | 2,078 {1,479 | 1,299 | 986 | 641] 323] 77 | 6 | — 15,191 LESNEWTH - -} 557 | 501 | 383} 366} 549 | 463] 363] 234 | 182] 103] 33 | 34 — | 3,737 PENWITH - ~ 14,875 | 3,793 | 3,592 | 3,044 | 4,326 | 2,957 | 2,302 | 1,621 | 853] 493/105 | 7 | — [27,967] POWDER ~- io - 13,924 3,281 2,851 2,489 3,849 2,733 2,077 1,714 1,175 620 150 12} - 24,875 PYDER - - 11,718 | 1,405 | 1,273 | 1,200 {1,602 {1,210 | 921 | 687 | 469] 2311 59 | 2 — 20,997] STRATTON + -| 511] 459] 407| 412] 595] 395| 279] 241 | 198] 96] 22] 2] 1 } 8,617 TRIGG - - =f 771} 777] 683 | 543} 911 | 657] 497} 373 | 309] 177] 34] 2} ~ | 5:734 WEST = - ~1|1,274/ 1,097] 984} 883 {1,171 | 855 | 706} 538 | 406] 226) 57] 2} —} 8199 | LAUNCESTON, BORO’ -} 146 167 | 129 | 100} 169] 117 | 103 86 | 72 25| 7 1 {| —] 1,122 FALMOUTH, TOWN -]| 316 | 270] 214} 198] 253] 182 153 | 129 | 80 47| 6] 1] — | 1,849 Total of MALES - 18,836 115,945 14,176 |12,348 17,641 12,657 10,101] 7,685 |5,158/2,709/645 | 44 | 1 $117,946 FEMALES. ee : a: ‘under {| 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 [| 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80| 90/100f 2 to | to to to to to to to | to | to} to; & a | Hundred 5 10 15 | 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100 YP | - : of f ; F | EAST - - - 12,149 | 1,959 | 1,647 {1,472 | 2,313 | 1,798 |1,403 | 1,107 | 773} 409] 129 8| - 15,167 oS - - [2414 2,198 | 1,836 | 1,827 | 2,944 11,944 {1,611 | 1,314 | 849] 476/156} 13 | 1 117,583 | LESNEWTH - > -7 517] 469} 383} 403] 582] 450} 348] 255] 198] 118] 33| 2] —| 3,758 | PENWITH - - 14,810 | 3,868 | 3,210 [3,055 | 5,020 3,307 | 2,612 | 1,989 11,524] 773/250] 27 | 1 130,446 / POWDER - ~ 13,820 | 3,207 | 2,677 | 2,674 | 4,507 | 2,954 2,322 | 1,827 11,365} 666] 205} 12 — [26,236 PYDER - - ~ [4,520 | 1,414 1,285 [1,118 | 1,755 1,292 | 938 | 754 | 581| 277] 66] 4] —- 11,004 | STRATTON = -] 540} 448) 379] 307 |. 485 | 401 | 288] 2471166 93] 25} 2] —] 3,381 TRIGG - - -| 829] 7261 579} 575 | 965.1 697) 557] 421 | 315] 191] ag] 2} —] 5,906 WEST. - - 1,156 1,057 899 | 868 | 1,280. 931 810 583 | 444} 257] 81] 4] 1] 8,971 | LAUNCESTON, BORO’-} 156] 168 134] 123 245 170.|. 141 103 | 69]. 42 g| 2] —] 1,362 ‘FALMOUTH, TOWN -] 305 | 266) 241] 239] 478] 320] 230] 238 | 128] 66] 28} 4| —|] 2,543 ' — Total of FEMALES ~ [18,216 |15,780 |13,270 |12,661 |20,574-|14,264 11,260 | 8,838 (6,412 3,368|1,031| 80 | x 125,757 : \. fe , THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cornwall ‘being .... 257,447, .... and the Number of Persons whose Avges are returned (as above) being .... 243,703, .... it thence appears, that the Ages of one-nineteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained | in compliance with the question to that effect. } epucerning the Ages of persous, and are marked thus (+): and.a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redun- dant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. The Ages of Persons in St. Thomas-Street, are returned with Launceston. i ¥ ' : } The Total Number of Returns received from the County of Cornwall was 218, four of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question- i i ! fi M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 43 —— — County of Cumberland. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ° Pamr- , ae Att | By 3s ee chiefly Ounee on | how | chiefly employ- | Families wi TOTAL cet eee 3 | many] » | 3 em- | cqin [not com-f =f = EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, £ |Families| & | -g | ployed |paxps, [prized in i < 0g = | Oc | S| | in [yfenu, | the Two = = |PERSONS. a cupied.| 5 Acrr- |facfures,| Preced- a Fy cUL~ lorHandi-| pion [Prams ALLERDALE Ward, above Darwent | a ee Artrcpoy - - - - (*) Parish} 85 884 -] 2; 66 17 5 234 244 478 ' Bees, St. (part of) Parish : (>) | _ Bees, St. - - - + - Township} 111] 114] -—} 1 49 26 |. 39 327 328 655 Ennerdale - - - - = Chapelry 38 41; -]{ 1 30 10 1 112 97 209 Eskdale and Wasdale - (°) Chapelry 49 531 -| 3) 35 12 6 164 132 296 Hensingham - - - Township} 166] 176] 4] 5 | 52 39 85 403 457 860 Kinneyside- - - - - Township} © 37 40, =| 14 33 3 40 104 121 225 Lowside-Quarter - - - Township 48 48) -—] 2 33 14 1 165 188 353 Netherwasdale - - ~ Chapelry 36; 36} -] 3 25 2 | 9 105 106 211 Preston-Quarter - - - Township 781 | 831 | 8 | 10 51] 193] 587 | 2,124 2,132 4,256 Rottington - - - - ~ Township 6 6; -} 1 4 - 2° 28 28 56 Sandwith - - - - - Township 57 60} -]| § 33 11 16 173 185 358 Wheddicar - - - + - Township 8 8 -{[ - vi 1 - 28 24 52 Whitehaven - - --(>) Township - -} =<] - - - - - a - Bootle - - - - © - - = Parish} 120} 120] -—]| 4 67 Al 12 326 330 656 Bridget’s, St. Beckermet (¢) - Parish} 97} 104] -| 4 59 34 11 257 288 545 Brigham Parish: (°) Blindbothel - - + - Township 16 ig} -} - 19 = me 55 57 112 Brigham - - - - - Township} 79 79 1 4 19 12 48 192 198 . 390 Buttermere - - = - Chapelry| 21 21{ -/] 1 11 10 - 60 76 136 CocKERMOUTH - - Borough Town} 721 | 776] 61] 39 128 | 613 35 | 1,752 2,038 3,799 Eaglesfield - * - = Township 80 81] -| 3 40 29 12 199 206 405 Embleton - - - - - Chapery} 69] 69] 1] 1 5G 10 4 207 184 391 Graysouthen - - - - Township} 91] 93] -| 7 37 21 35 210 206 416 Mosser - - - - - - Chapelry 21 21 = 2 19 2 = 51 51 102 Setmurthey - - + - Chapelry} 30] 35] -| 2 a}. 2 5 99 89 188 : Whinfell ~ + = = = Township 21 21 - - 14 3 4 55 52 107 Cleator - - - - + - - Parish} 109] 129} -] 1 30 87 12 348 470 818 Cloffock - - - - ~ () Extra Par. a | eee a es = aes = i Corney - - - - = - - Parish} 50} 50} -| — 45 5 = 165 124 289 Crosthwaite (part of) Parish: (8) -| Borrowdale - - - (8) Chapelry 63 671 -| 4 36 28 3 187 159 346 Braithwaite - - - - Township 37 37 1 1 25 6 6 108 106 214 Coledale, or Portingscale - Township 53 531 -| - 39 8 6 131 163 294 Newlands - - -.- - Chapelry, 20 20; -| 1 17 3 oa 49 66 ate Thornthwaite - - - = Chapelry 31 31, -| - 14 12 5 79 94 164 Dean Parish: (*) Branthwaite - - - - Township 64 67} -| 2 47 18 2 178 177 355 Dean - - ~~ Township 33 34] -—}] 2 27 6 1 94 74 168 Ullock, Pardsey, and Dean-Scales T.} 69|/ 7o} —|} 1 52 16 2 152 157 309 Distington ~ = - = Parish} 175 | 197] 1] 4 yo | 111 16 495 493 988 Dregg Parish: (4) Carleton - - - + Township| 23 24|/ -| 3 20 2 2° 68 76 144 Dregg - - - - - Township 50 5l} -]{ 1 33 9 9 139 150 289 Egremont - - - - - - ~~ Parish} 348 | 353] 2 | 22 117 | 195 41 846 895 1,741 Gosforth - - - - -(*) Parish} 139 | 151] 3} -2 110 37 4 447 441 &88 ‘Hale with Wilton - - - = ~ Parish 40 4o} -| - 31 6 3 127 122 | 249 ‘Harrington = - - - - = - Parish] 347 | 438] 1 | 23 29 85 | 324 787 | 1,058 | 1,845" Irton - - - - -' = =(!) Parish? 45} ag] —-| - 421 5 2 131 138 269 Santon and Melthwaite - Township 44 49{ -{ 1 39 | 8 2 153 144 297 _ John’s, St. Beckermet - - - Parish 79 gi] 2} 2 49 39; 3 284 265 549 Lamplugh - - ~ - -(@) Parish} 103] 108] 21} 2 73| 28 ” 354 307 661 (#) Arlecdon Parish includes Frizington High and Low, and Whilly-’ moor Towriships ——(°)' The entire Parish’ of St. Bees, (including the Town of Whitehaven, which is entered at the end of the County) con- tainy 19,169 Inhabitants’; besides which Loweswater Chapelry is or was in'St. Bees Paris: ——(“) Eskdale and Wasdale include the Township of |} Wasdale-head.——(4) St. Bridget’s-Beckermet Parish’ includes ‘ the Township of Caluer, in Copeland.—ce) The entire Paristy of Brigham contains 6,097 Inhabitants——(‘) Cloffeck Extra-parochial is men- | tioned in the Note on Workington.——(<) Crosthwaite Parish is mostly cluded in the second column of occupations ———-(") The entire Parish of Dean contains 832 Inhabitants.—(!) The entire Parish of Dregg con- | tains 433 Inhabitants; among them a female upwards of 100 years of age.——(*) The Return of the Parish of Gosforth includes High and Low Bolton, and Bornwood Townships. (‘) The entire Parish of Irton contains 566 Inhabitants——-(™) The Return of the Parish of Lamplagh includes Ketton-Quartér, Lamplugh, Murton‘or Moor-Town, and Winder, Townships, all of which, in the year 1811, made distinct . Returns. in Allerdale Ward, below Darwent. The miners of Borrowdale are in- [ [ Enumeration. 44 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fase | 88] ane B : LIES ; Oruer OR hae 2 chiefly ae Families aw TOTAL 3 many & 4 em- edin | not com- a 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families & | & | ployed | Trane, | prized in a 3 OF S Oc- =| in Manu_ | the Two = 3 eupied. | & | 5 | Acar eae, preced- 3 2 PERSONS. ALLERDALE Ward, above Darwent— cuL- |JorHandi-| _ 2S continued. TURE. | craft. Classes. Lorton Parochial Chapelry: (") ; Brackenthwaite - - - Township 27 a7} —-| - 18 2 7 a1 69 140 Lorton - 2 - - ~ = Township "3 ae | Sa 2 35 15 25 1§1 202 353 Wythop - - - = Chapelry 21 21}, -—} 2 17 2 2 49 51 100 Loweswater - - - (°) Par: Chap: 87 89} -| 1 70 9 10 213 227 440 Millom Parish: (?) i Birker and Austhwaite - Township 18 18 - 2 18 - - 58 43 101 Chapel-Sucken - Township 47 47) -| - 42 4 1 127 124 251 Millom, Lower - - - Township 62 62 2 2 34 16 12 167 153 320 Millom, Upper - - - Township 93 93 | -| 6 75 15 3 241 219 460 Thwaits - - - - (?) Chapelry 60 60} -| 1 47 11 2 171 144 315 Ulpha =~ - - - + = Chapelry 68 69 | -| 3 50 19 214 154 368 Moresby Parish: (9) an Moresby - - - = = Township 84 8 | 4] 3 32 49 4 193 245 438 Parton - - - - = - Township} 114] 122] 4] 1 -— | 109 13 223 273 496 Muncaster with Birkby - Par: Chap:| 109] 115 | —| 8 84 16 15 272 283 555 Ponsonby and Newton - - - Parish 22 22 - 1 21 1 - 72 "8 150 Salter and Eskat - - - - Extra P. 5 5} -| 2 5 - = 19 18 37- Waberthwaite- - - - - - Parish 22 24 rt o- 21 3 - 68° 470 138 Whicham- - - - = - = Parish 48 48} -| 3 40 4 1 167 134 301 Whitbeck - - - - - = - Parish 34 30 | =| 2 31 3 1 126 95 221 Workington Parish: (*) Clifton, Great - - - - Township 62 63] -| 3 22 10 31 113 138 251 Clifton, Little - - - - Township 43 43} -}| 5 32 11 - 99 104 203 Stainburn - - = + - Township 28 28] -| 2 26 2 - a7 61 138 Winscales - - - - ~ Township 27 27} -—| 1 25 1 1 73 84 157 Workington - - - (') Township }1,224 | 1,751 1 | 54 | 127 | 469 | 1,155 2,758 _| 3,681 6,439 7,088 | 7,978 | 47 (277 | 2,731 | 2,593 | 2,654 | 18,465 |.20,146- | 38,611 ALLERDALE Ward, below Darwent. 7 Allhallows - - - - - = Parish 38 39] -| - 34 3 2 119 100 219 Aspatria Parish: (*) Aspatria and Brayton - + Township} 132] 136] -—| 1 74 45 17 304 328 632 Hayton and Melay ~ - Township 41 41 1 36 5 - 122 119 241 Outerside and Allerby - Township 63 63 1 - 32 31 - 189 158 347 Bassenthwaite - - - - - Parish 97 | loz] -| 4 86 8 8 277 260 537 Bolton Parish: (*) oe Bolton-High-side - - - Township 65 66] -| 5 50 13 3 157 164 321 Bolton-Low-side - - - Township} 141 151} -!| 3 38 103 10 417 385 802 Bridekirk Parish: (*) Bridekirk - - © Township 25 26] 2: 4 20 2 4 72 72 144 Broughton, Great- - - Township} 105 105 | -—| 6 41 56 8 204 231 435 - Broughton, Littie - + Township 58 60] -]| 2 30 22 8 114 123 237 Dovenby - - - - - Township? 45] 45] -| - [| 39 5 1 105 109 214 Papcastle and Goat - - Township 69 69| -| 3 31 22 16 174 210 384 Ribton - - - - ~- = Township 6 6} -—| 1 6 - - 21 15 36 Tallentire - - - - - Township 40 4o} -| - 35 4 1 140 104 244 Broomfield (part of) Parish: (”) Allonby - - - - - Chapelry} 158 165 1] 9 15 28 122 330 379 409 Broomfield, Crookdake & Scales Town. 62 66] 1 _ 48 11 4 176 187 363 Langrigg and Mealrigg - Township 42 42 rj o- 25 17 = 101 93 194 Newton, West - - - - Township 50 53 | 2 1 53 - ~ 173 136 309 (®) The entire Parish of Lorton contains 593 Inhabitants—— (°) Loweswater includes Mockerkin, and is a Parochial Chapelry, sometimes attributed to the Parish of St. Bees. (?) The entire Parish of Millom contains 1,815 Inhabitants, Chapel-Sucken being included in Thwaits Chapelry——(*) The entire Parish of Moresby contains 934 Inhabitants. () It is remarked in the Return of the Parish of Workington, that ‘there is a place adjacent called Cloffock, containing 3 Houses, 7 Males, 8 Females. It’ is extra-parochial.”— The entire Parish of Workington contains 7,188 resident Inhabitants, and 439 sailors are said to be from home.———(*) The entire Parish of As- patria contains 1,220 Inhabitants. Labourers at the coal-pits are included ‘ in the second column. (t) The entire Parish of Bolton coutains 1,123 Inhabitants. Bolton-High-side Township is sometimes called Bolton- Gate ; Bolton-Low-side is called Bolton-Wood, and Quarry-Hills_——'}. (%) The entire Parish of Bridekirk contains 1,694 Inhabitants—— |. (°) Broomfield Parish is partly in Cumberland Ward. The entire Parish:} contains 2,107 Inhabitants, exclusive of 603 sailors employed in registered’ } vessels, and 3 soldiers. “8 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION. ACT, I-GEO. Iv. C. 94. 45 COUNTY OF. CUMBERLAND—continued. = HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS. “ PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ‘aida Fat ae i By : LIES chica OrHeEeR oe 5 tee Z| chiefy | craploy- | Families a TOTAL 3 nang: eo | em: a in not com- wn = € EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 Families a s ployed Peace pri zed in a = Township} 158] 211] -— | 11 23 | 166 22 458 497 955 Hawkesdale - - Township 62 yy {o—-| 1 39 29 9 167 169 336 Ivegill - - - - - = Township 23 29] -j 1 17 10 2 70 59 129 Raughton and Gatesgill - Township 51 56} -| - 35 14 7 152 142 294 Grinsdale - - - - - Parish 24 25} -| 5 22 2 1 69 69 138 Kirk-Andrews-upon-Eden - (*) Parish 24 28} -| - 10 8 10 15 66 141 Kirk-Bampton Parish: (2) Kirk-Bampton =~ - Township 34 37} -—] - 21 11 5 98 95 193 Bampton, Little - - - Township 30 a) Ole 22 9 1 82 go 172 Oughterby = - - - - Township 23 23] -| — 14 6 3 53 52 108 Kirk-Bride - - - - - - Parish 65 65/ -| 3 24 41 - 148 160 308 Mary, St. (part of) Parish: (°) : Wreay - - Chapelry 22 23} 2] 4 16 6 1 69 61 130 Orton Parish: (PP) Baldwin-Holme - - Township 40 4o} -]f = 29 9 2 121 113 234 Orton - = - - + Township 43 43 - - 25 10 8 100 108 208 Rockcliff Parish : (92) Rockeliff, Church - - - Township a7 oe | 8 | og 54 22 1 1647 195 362 Rockcliff, Castle - - - Township 68, 72; 2) 2 63 5 4 170. igo 360 Sebergham Parish: (7) Sebergham, Church, or Low Township 60 yo| =| 2 48 8 14 164, 174 338 Sebergham, Castle, or High Township} 103 | 105] —| 2 82 23 - 292 273 505 Stanwix (part of) Parish: (*) of Cargo, or Craghow - « Township 55 551 -1| 3 31 14 10 129 145 274 Stainton - - - - Township 12 13; -| - 12 1 ~ 37 34 m1 (*) In Beaumont Parish, Bowness Township, and Kirk-Andrews J at the end of the County.—(°) The entire Parish of Dalston contains Parish, an unfmished canal is the assigned cause of the Increase of | 2,716 Inhabitants, New collieries have produced an increase of Popu- Population ; also in Drumburgh Township, where eleven fatuilies in that | lation——(4) The entire Parish of Kirk-Bampton contains 4°70 Inhat occupation ate entered in the third column.— (!) The entiré Parish | bitants..-(??) The entire Parish of Ortou contains 442 Inhabitants —= | of Bowness contains 1,220 Inhabitaits——{™) Broomfield Parish is | (91) The entire Paristi of Rockcliff contains 722 Inhabitants, (*) The partly in Allerdale below Darwent. (") The entire Parish of Burgh- | eutire Parish of Sebergham contains gog Inhabitants) Stanwix upon-the-Sands contains 907 Inhabitants.—-(°) St. Cuthbert’s Parish | Parish is mostly in Eskdale Ward, and St. Mary’s Parish, are mostly in the City of Carlisle, and entered M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. iv. C. 94. 47 COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, eae eee | Ee = By. a LIES | chiefly Oruer . = ees oe = | chiefly | employ-| Families a eo ‘ 3 many “ em- di aati i EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, # Families e a ployed T. ee peed ih | 3 OF Sg | Gee) | in | Manu. | the Two 3 & |PERSONS. 4 cupied./ @ | 5 J Acnt- | factures,) preced- e a 1 ba AE che al a _ cut- jorHandi-| in; ee : CUMBERLAND Ward—e i wren. | eee | Glace Thursby Parish : . ) Parton - - - = Township 18 i8 | -| #t 13 2 3 49 46 95 Thursby, High - = + Township 95 75 | 1 1 38 22 15 184- 171 355 Crofton-Quarter - - - Township 12 wzj--—] = 10 2 = 34 31 65 Warwick (part of) Parish: (") Aglionby - - - - + Township 16 19} 1 1 17 2 - 43 48 gl Warwick - - - = Township 53 55] -]| 6 26 14 15 114 143 257 Wetheral (part of) Parish: (¥) Cumwhinton and Coathill Township 92 94} 1 1 66 22 6 233 239 472 Seotby - - - - - - Township} 70 yo |° = 45 17} 8 153 165 318 Wetheral - - - - + Township 75 87}; -}] 1 40 17 - 230 221 451 Wigton, Parish: (”) Oulton - - - - Township 76 m7] —-| 4 28 46 | 3 164 172 336 Waverton, High a ewe Township 89 89} -| 2 83 6 | - 244. 233 477 Wigton - + - - - = Township} 729 | 956] 2 | 27 128 | 761 67 1,932 2,124 4,056 Woodside-Quarter - - Township 97 | 118} 2] 8 51 53 14 | 278 | 309 587. ESKDALE Ward. 3,394 [3,822 | 24 [114 | 1,771 |1,699 | 352 | 9222 | 9,316 | 18,538 Arthuret Paiish: (*) : Brackenhill - - - - Township 81 81} 1) LT 43 7 1 228 213 441 Lineside - - - - - Township 35 | 385] -| = 34 1 - 102 108 210 Longtown - - - ~ - Township} 309 | 404 | 1 | 16 153 | -192 59 847 965 1,812 “Netherby = - - - + Township 85 8} 1] 2 43} 10 2 229 261 490 Bewcastle Parish: (Y) . Bailie - - - - Township 69 yo} -—| 2 60 9} 1 195 191 386 Belbank = - - - Township 15 “6]} -| 4 47 25 4 213 202 415 Beweastlé - - - - - Township? 38] 38] -| —- 26 8 4 97 gt 188 Nixons - - - - - Township 49; 49] 1] 1 37 11 1 117 107 224 Brampton Parish: (7) ; “Brampton - - - - - Township} 434 | 576 | — | 21 131 | 438 7 1 1,147 | 1,301 | 2,448 Easby - - - - Township} 15 15| -—]| 2 15 es - 50- 46 96 Nawarth, ot Navwardh Castle ‘Township'| 66 FA | Sol 16 18 37 184 193 377 Carlatton 7" + = - + Extra Par. 6 6]; -| - 5 | 1 Fe 33 at 54 | Castlecarrock (Town and Outside) = Parish'| 65 68] -]| 2 55 6 7 172 174 346 Crosby-upon-Eden Parish: (+) Brunstock - - - - ~- Township’ 10 10] -| 2 4 3 - 25 28 53 Crosby, High - ~ - - Township] 23 a25| -| 1 14 2] 9 68 68 136 Crosby, Low - - - = Township} 28 34) -| 1 20 6 8 88 96 184 Walby - - - - + - - Township’ 6 6 - - 6 - = 25 21 46 Cumrew Parish: (>) ; Cumrew, Inside - - Township’ 29 31) -] - 23 6 |. 2 72 46 148 Cumrew, Outside - ~ - Township’ 15 wi -| - 14 1 - 42 41 83 Cumwhitton Parish: (°) 2 -Cumwhitton - + - - Township} 48 531 -]| 6 45 5) 3 149 136 285 oorthwaite & Northsceugh Townsh. 46 50) =~] 5 35 8 7 133 126 259 Denton, Nether - - - - - Paris 44}. 44] -]| 2 30 14 - 140 147 287 Denton, Upper - ~ (4) Par: Chap: a7{ oay}o-| = 15 2, - 51 49 100 Farlam Parish: (*) : ; A Ok East-Farlam - - - - Township 82 8] -} 2 35 4 44 275 216 491 West-Farlam - - - - Township] 32] 32{ -| - 1 ee a 85 87 172 () The ettiré Parish of Thursby contains 515 Inhabitants. of age-——(") The entire Parish of Bewcastle contains 1,213 Inha- () Warwick Patish is partly in Eskdale Ward ; the entire Parish con- | bitants'; one Female upwards of 100 yéars of age. (2) The entire | tains 518 Inhabitants. ——(") Wetherat Parish is partly in Eskdale | Parish of Brampton contains 2,921 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish Ward; the entire Parish contdins 2,192 Inhabitants, the Population | of Crosby-upon-Eden contains 419 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish } Having beén much increased by ari‘intlosure of land——(") 'The entire | of Cumrew contains 231 Inhabitants———(°) The entire Parish of |) Parish of Wigton contains’5,456 Inhabitants; the increaséd Population [|| Cumwhitton contains 544 Iuhabitants.—.-(¢) Upper, or Over-Deniton i | } in the’ Town is attributed’ to increased tradeing) The’ entire Parish | sometimes: attributed to’ Abby-Lanercost Parish.—-(*) The entire ! - of Arthuret'cantains 2,953 Inhabitants ; one Female upwards of 100 years | Parish of Farlant contains 663 Inhabitants. f — — tm oe = = ncn in an ls ath I eS r ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | FA™™ | ay fo By as LIES chiefly OcueR : OR . how & | chiefly employ- | Families n TOTAL 3 many to a em- ed in |not com- nn 3 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families} .€ iS ployed TRADE prized in a < OF ‘3 Oc- = S in Manu- | the Two. < a PERSONS, | cupied.| & 5 Acrr- | factures, preced- & 2) CUL- JorHandi-| Ing ee ESKDALE Ward—continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. = Hayton Parish: (f) Faugh and Fenton- - - Township 63 63 | 1] 3 55 8 = 156 175 331 Hayton - - - - = Township| 83 97} 2] 1 89 7 1 233 258 491 Talkin - - - - - Township} 57] 57] - go} 20 | a 144 136 280 Irthington Parish: (8) Irthington - - - - - Township? 46] 47] -| 4 21] 14 12 133 118 251 Leversdale - - - - - Township] - 72 74 1 2 47 15 12 232 218 450 Newby - - = = = Township 18 18 = 1 13 4 1 44 53 97 Newtown - - - - - Township 41 44 - 1] 10 19 17 8 108 114 220 Kingmoor- - ~- - - - Extra-P.] 30 33} -| - 16] 13 4 84 78. 162 Kirk-Andrews-upon-Esk Parish: (*) Kirk-Andrews, Middle Township} 128] 129] 1] 3 100 | 28 1 302 322 624 Kirk-Andrews, Nether - Township} 102] 102} - | 2 76 | 24 2 260 256 516 Moat - - - - Township} 55 55] -} - 31 4 20 142 158 300 Nichol-Forest - -- Chapelry} 143 | 146 | 2] 4 78 | 25 | 43 397 398 795 Kirk-Liuton or Kirk-Levington Par.: (#) Hethersgill- - - Township] 134] 134] 4] 7 58 | 32 44 385 391 776 Middle-Quarter - - Township 97 101 1{ - 65 | 21 15 260 272 532 West-Linton or Levington Township} 117] 117] 1] 5 37 | 19 61 316 307 623 Lanercost-Abby Parish: (*) Askerton - - - - Township} 74] 78] 1] 2 69 9 - 252 251 503 Banks - - - - - - Township 53 53 | -, 1 40} 11 2 151 129 280 Burtholme - - - - - Township 40 40 + 3 35 3 2 112 111 223 Kingwater - a Township| 53 53 | -]| 2 43 8 2 174 157 331 Waterhead - - - - - Township 22 23) fi 20 2 1 93 82 175 Scaleby Parish: (1) East-Scaleby - - - - Township} 43/ 43] -| - 27 | 16 es 118 137 255 West-Scaleby - - ~- - Township 65 65} 2] - 30} 24 11 191 172 363 Stanwix (part of) Parish: (™) ‘Etterby - - - - + Townshipf— = 11 wz! —/ 1 9| - 2 35 32 67 Houghton - - = - - Township 58 60/ -| 4 35 16 9 144 144 288 Linstock - - + + = Township 43 43 es = 21 11 11 126 105 231 Rickerby - - - - = Township 13 22) —-| = 7 7 8 50 58 108 Stanwix - - - + = Township 84 100 6 1 13 61 26 177 223 400 Tarraby - - - = = Township 31 32 -~|- 15 13 4 72 81 153 Stapleton Parish: (*) Belbank- - - - + - Township 20 20; -]| - 12 = 8 64 73 137 Solport - - - = = Township 61 61} -|] - 53 8 - 191 169 360 Stapleton - - - = Township 84 85] - 81 4 - 235 252 487 Trough - - - Township} 26 26} -| 2 24 2 - 69 74 143 Walton Parish: (°) Walton, High - - - + Township 26 26] - 18 4 4 97 80 177 Walton, Low - - - Township 56 59/ -] 2 48 9 2 144 159 303 Warwick (part of ) Parish: (P) Corby, Little - - Township 30 30} -] - 12 | 18 - 80 go 170 Wetheral (part of ) Parish: (2) Corby, Great - - = Township 66 66} 1] 6 24] 31 11 153 150 303 Warwick-Bridge - - Townshipf 119} 119 3 17 | 100 2 306 342 648 3,971 | 4,306 | 30 |140 | 2,379 [1,380 | 547 10,997. | 11,289 | 22,286 () The entire Parish of Hayton contains 1,102 Inhabitants—— (®) The entire Parish of Irthington contains 1,020 Inhabitants. The Township of Newtown is stated to have declined in Population since 1811 from the failure of the cotton manufactory, but in fact there is an increase of 34 Persons. One Male, and one Female, upwards of 100 years of age. (>) The entire Parish of Kirk-Andrews-upon-Esk con-, tains 2,935 Inbabitants, (‘) The entire Parish of Kirk-Linton or Kirk-Levington, contains 1,931 Inhabitants.——k) The entire Parish. of Abby-Lanercost contains 1,512 Inhabitants. Upper-Denton Chapelry is sometimes ascribed to it, but the Population not therein included.——= (!) The entire Parish of Scaleby contains 618 Inhabitants, -(™) Stan- wix Parish is partly in Cumberland Ward; the entire Parish contains 1,592 Inhabitants. (") The entire Parish of Stapleton contains 1,127 Inhabitants. One Male upwards of 100 years of age (°) The entire Parish of Walton contains 480 Inhabitants——(?) Warwick Parish is mostly in Cumberland Ward.——(1) Wetheral Parish is mostly in Cum- berland Ward. The increase of Population in the Eskdale part of it, arises from the establishment of a cotton mill at Warwick-Bridge, M.DCCC.XXI.] THK POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 49 COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—continucd. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Haiace | ER By “s LIES chiefly OrnEeR oR : how e chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL 3 many | 4 a . a f EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, EZ frames! 2] 2 | poyea [oe en) es 2 or 2 | Oc | 2] tz | im | Manu |theTwo] qj |PERSONS. & | cupied.} 9 | 5 | Acrr- | factures,| preced- a Fa CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing LEATH Ward. TURE craft, | Classes. | Addingham Parish: (*) ‘Gamblesby - - ~ - - Township 45 51 2 39 12, = 138 141 279 Glassonby - - - - - Township} 28 31; -j| 1 26 5 - 79 74, 153 Hunsonby and Winskill - Townships 247 a7} —-]| - 22 4 1 92 "9 151 Salkeld, Little - - - = Township 24 ag} —-{| - 17 4 3 58 53 111 ] Ainstable with Rushroft - - - Parish 93 | 102] 2] 3 73 20 a 240 278 518 Aldstone - - - - - - (*) Parish} 673 | 870] 3] 7 34 | 159 | 677 2,212 2,199 4,411 Garrigill - - - - - Chapely] 216 225 3 6 17 17 191 669 619 1,288 Castle-Sowerby Parish: (*) Bustabeck - - - ~ Township} 45 47| -| 2 22 22 3 127 121 248 How-bound - - - ~ Township 50 52 2 2 23 5 24 150 129 279 Row-bound - - - - Township 18 20]; —- 1 18 2 - 64 48 112 Southernby-bound - - Township 25 35| -| - 14 21 - "3 87 160 Stocklewath-bound - - Township 43 43 | - 2 41 2 = 104 109 213 Croglin - - - - - - = Parish 64 64) 1} - 52 12 - 182 166 348 Dacre - - - - - - -(*) Parish] 151 | 168] —| 4 | 112 32 24 474 430 904 Edenhall Parish: (") Edenhall - - - = - Township 32 42 1 34 5 3 139 112 251 Langwathby - - 7 = Chapelry 41 49} -j 1 31 16 2 120 130 250 ‘Greystock Parish: (”) Berrier and Murrah = - Townships 22 a2} -} 1 21 1 - 66 62 128 Blencow, Little - - - Township 13 13) -} - a 1 5 25 28 53 Greystock - - - ~ - Township 50 52; -] 1 27 13 12 126 129 255 Hutton-John - - - - Township 3 3/ -}] - 2 - 1 16 14 30 Hutton-Roof = - - - Township 42 42/—-j| 1 32 7 3 117 97 214 Hutton-Soil - - + - Township 49 58} -—| 2 50 8 - 140 140 280 Johnby - - - - = Township 21 a1} -| 1 19 2 - 53 46 99 Matterdalé - - - - - Chapelry 60 65| -| 3 65 - - 146 153 299 Motherby and Gill - - Townships 24 a4] —-| - 17 5 2 56 56 112 Mungris-Dale - - - Chapelry} 42 42} -| 4 36 4 2 110 126 236 Threlkeld - - - = ~- Chapelry m1 1) =| 4 49 14 8 153 150 303 Water-Millock - - - ~- Chapelry 68 3}; -| 1 48 9 16 186 224 410 Hesket-in-the-Forest Parish: (*) 7 Hesket, Nether and Upper Township} 124] 147 | 2 3 ] 104 43 - 422 358 4780 Itonfield- - - - - - Township 40 4o; -| - 35 4 1 112 98 210 Petterell-Crooks - - - Township 84 84]; -| 1 69 8 4 282 231 513 Plumpton-Street - - - Township 20° go} -—] 1 19 - 1 63 65 128 Calthwaite - - - - - Township 36 37 | -| - 32 5 - gl 77 168 Hutton-in-the-Forest Parish: (7) Hutton-in-the-Forest - Township 33 35 | -| 2 23 4 8 82 45 157 Thomas-Close - - - - Township 15 | -| - 12 2 1 49 46 95 Kirkland Parish: (7) Cuigaith - - - - = Chapelry 50 50} -—]| 1 39 11 - 128 129 257 Kirkland and Blencarn - Townships 33 35 | -| - 24 6 5 109 108 217 Skirwith - - - - - Township 42 46] 1] - 34 12 - 125 113 238 Kirk-Oswald Parish: (?) Kirk-Oswald - - - = Township]? 153 | 163] -| 2 547 82 24 377 383 460 Staffield, or Staffol- - - Township 50 50] —| 2 41 y| 2 165 144 309 Lazonby Parish: (* Lazonby - = - - - Township 93 99] -| - 76 20 | 3 274 259 533 Plumpton-Wall - - - Township 41 44| -j| 1 go} 11 3 141 127 268 Mary’s, St. (part of) Parish: (°) Middlesceugh & Braithwaite Hamlets 36 36; -| - 34 2 - 115 | 106 221 __(*) The entire Parish of Addingham contains 694 Inhabitants. — (*) The eittire Parish of Aldstone contains 5,699 Inhabitants——(t) The entire Parish of Castle-Sowerby contains 1,012 Inhabitants.——-(") The Return of the Parish of Dacre, includes Dacre, Great-Blencow, Newbiggin, Soulby and Stainton Townships, all of which in the year 1811 made dis- tinct. Returns—(’) The entire Parish of Edenhail contains 501 Inha- | bitants. The inclosure of waste lands has caused a large increase of |. Population.—(") The entire Parish of Greystock contains 2,419 In- habitants.———(*)_ The entire Parish of Hesket-in-the-Forest contains 1,799 Inhabitants. —-(’) The entire Parish of !futton-in-the-Forest contains 252 Inhabitants——(”) The entire Parish of Kirkland.contains 712 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Kirk-Oswald contains 1,069 Inhabitants.——(°) The éntire Parish of Lazonby contains 801 Inha- bitants. (*) Middlesceugh and Braithwaite are detached Hamlets of St. Mary’s Parish, City of Carlisle, O 50. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER cer COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—continued. (Enumeration. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fant | FAY [are By a LIES chiefly OrHER : oR i how x chiefly | employ-| Families 8 TOTAL = many | » | @ f em- | edin | not com- wn - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families B SF ployed | Tranz,| prized in a 4 sg Oc. | = | ‘a im | Manu- | the Two a a PERSONS, cI cupied. Q y AGRI: | factures, preced- 2 CUL- JorHandi-| _ 8 eevee LEATH Ward—continued. tuRE. | craft, | Classes. == Melmerby - “5 - Parish} 50 55 | -| 2 41 11 3 127 123 250 Newton-Rigny Parish : Cy Catierlen - - - - Township 19 20} -| - 18 2 = ve: 52 124 Newton-Rigny- - - Township 26 26} -|] - 19 3 4 66 60 126 Ousby - - = = = = = Parish 49 53] at o- 36 10 9 148 128 246 Penrith - - - - = = (°) Parish} 800 /1,120] 3 | 15 180 | 780 160 2,482 2,903 5,385 Renwick - - - = - - Parish 69 69 | 1 1 22 42 5 190 174 364 Salkeld, Great - - - - (f) Parish 78 78} -| 2 66 9 3 213 190 403 Skelton, Parish : (8) Lamonby - - - - Township 43 46] -| 2 40 5 1 135 139 74 Skelton- - a Township 65 67} 1] 1 42 24 1 170 162 332 Unthank - - - - Township 38 38] 2/1 3 28 8 2 137 115 259 8 6 1,218 0 4365 | City of CARLISLE. 4,127 | 4,809 | 24 | 8 2,069 | 1,522 12,37 12,305 | 24136 Mary, St. Within (part of) Parish: (>) . Abbey. street - + Township} 117 | 226] -] 3 1 197 28 436 588 1,024 Castle-streel - - - Township} 131] 213 | —| 2 —;) 172 41 a7t. 530 go1 Fisher-street - - - - Township 63 "9| =| 97 - 54 25 164 229 393 Scotch-street - - - Township} 215 | 362] — 1 21 333 27 441 871 3,612 Caldew-gate - - = Township} 504] 755 | 1] 31 35 | 709 11 1,928 1,987 Bs915 Cummersdale - - - + Township 65 gi} -| 9 49 42 - 250 262 512 Ricker-gate - =~ - - Township} 175 | 295| -| 38 5} 278 12 - 555 686 1,235 Cuthbert, St. (part of) Parish: (/) Botchard-gate- - - - Township} 172 367 1 - 68 298 1 1,017 1,185 2,202 Botchardby - - - - Township 22 a4} =] i 14 - 10 60 65° 126 Brisco ot Birksceugh - - Township 60 60 ~~ - 24 16 20 140 168 308 English-street - - - - Township} 462 | 7og | —- | 13 3} 680 26 | 1,576 | 1,673 | 3,249 | 7 1,986 |3,181 | 2] 76 | 201 } 2,779 | 201 | 7,238 | 8,238 | 15,476 Town of WHITEHAVEN. : : (In St. Bees Parish) (*) + - - - 2,117 |2,749 | 2 | 89 45 11,324 [1,380 | 5,772 6,666 | 12,498 | (4) The entire Parish of Newton Rigny contains 250 Inhabitants. (©) The Return of the Parish of Penrith, includes Burrowgate, Dockray, Middlegate, and Sandgate, Netherend-Bridge and Carleton, Town and Plumpton-Head, Townships, all of which, in the year 1811, made dis- tinct Returns. (f) The inclosure of Inglewood-Forest has caused houses to be built, and increased the Population of Great-Salkeld.—— (®) The entite Parish of Skelton contains 858 Inhabitants.——(h) St. Mary’s Parish is partly in Cumberland Ward, partly in Leath Ward, and is so entered ; the entire Parish contains 9,943 Inhabitants. The Townships of Caldew-gate, Cummersdale, and Ricker-gate, aré hot fF (strictly speaking) in the City of Carlisle.——(‘) St. Cuthbert’s Parish | is partly in Cumberland Ward ; the entire Parish contains 6,878 Inha- ff bitants. Botcliardby Township is a suburb of the City. The unfini Carlisle Canal increases the Population of the City.) The Popu- lation of Whitehaven is said to have decreased in the last two years | from decrease of trade. The sailors belonging to registered vessels |. (about 800 in number) are reckoned as such elsewhere. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. — Nf. Ward of ALLERDALE, above Darwent- - | 7,088 | 7,978 | 47 |277 | 2,731] 2,593 | 2,654 | 18,465 | 20,146 | 38,611 f ALLERDALE, below Darwent - - | 4,563] 4,959] 26 |130] 2,101] 1,849] 1,009 | 11,536 | 12,504 | 24,040 F CUMBERLAND - - - = ~J] 3,394] 3,822] 24/114} 1,771] 1,699] 352 9,222 9,316 18,538 Fe ESKDALE- - - - - - -] 3,971] 4,306] 30/140} 2,379] 1,380] 547] 10,997 | 11,289 | 29,286 | LEATH - - = - = = ~] 4,127] 4,8cg9| 24 | 88] 2,069] 1,522] 1,018 12,370 12,365 | 24,735 |. City of CARLISLE - - = - - -J} 1,986] 3,181] 21 70 201{ 2,779} 201 7,238 8,238 | 15,476 Town of WHITEHAVEN - + - - -[ 2,117] 2,749} 2 | 89 45| 1,324] 1,380 55772 6,666 | 12,438 Torars - - 247,246] 31,804 155 908 11,297 |13,146] 7,361 | 75,600 | 80,524 | 156,124. oases M.DCEC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. lV. C. 94. 51 COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—confinued. Ages of Persons. MALES. e ve ~ ; 100]. | Under} 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60} 70 | 80); 90), ] Hi Ward oe to to to to to to to to} to} to} to} u-] & of ‘| 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |waras] 2 ALLERDALE, : _ cae = 2,938 | 2,687 | 2,337] 1,794] 2,528) 2,045 | 1,702 | 1,118 | 750} 458) 111] 6 18,474 eee : 1,841] 1,533] 1,407] 1,224] 1,960} 1,424) 1,073 | 751 | 551) 321) 75| 12 | - |.12,172 CUMBERLAND - — - | 1,325] 1,176] 1,020] 905] 1,454] 1,134] 847 | 596 | 460} 235] 64; 6} —| 9,222 ESKDALE - - — - | 1,690] 1,484] 1,383] 1,095] 1,605] 1,163) go2 ; 686 | 567/ 297/105] 19 | 2 }.10,998 LEATH - - - | 1,732] 1,631] 1,518] 1,308] 2,008| 1,370] 1,136 | 746 | 529] 285] 96] 5 | — $12,364 CARLISLE, CITY 1,228] 996] 795} 677] 1,107] 878] 697 | 414 | 288) 136) 16) 6 | —] 7,238 WHITEHAVEN, TOWN | 948] 719] 665} 553] 861 7561 545 | 319 | 259] 102] 39] 6) —| 5,742 Total of MALES - [11,702 |10,226| 9,125 eee Taseae 8,770 | 6,902 | 4,630 |3,404)1,834 506 59 _ 2 $76,239 FEMALES. r =\ ‘Tunar|-5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60} 70j 80] 90/107} os Ward 5 to to to to to to to | to| to] to] toly.| & f of "| Jo | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100 wards} & . , ALLERDALE } seca tuewerer’ 7 2,893] 2,532| 2,199] 1,974] 3,311] 2,325] 1,819 | 1,404 ]1,029] 526,177] 18 | 1 20,148 | | ALLERDALE } : HiGacDiewet - | 1,774| 1,607] 1,269} 1,226] 2,067] 1,446|1,099 | 889 | 636) 356, 124] 12 | 1 |12,506 CUMBERLAND - - | 1,329] 1,148] 964]. 882] 1,524] 1,107] 861 | 670 | 543f 238! Yo] 19 | +] 9,355 ESKDALE - - - | 1,618! 1,448] 1,268} 1,105] 1,787] 1,272] 994 | 698 | 628) 346 113] 6 | 3 }.11,286 | LEATH - - - | 1,743] 1,598] 1,338! 1,266] 1,991| 1,451|1,089 | 816 ] 609/339} 116] 11 | 1 $12,368 CARLISLE, CITY - | 1,162) '.962]. 811 "197 1,476} 1,090] 794 | 527 | 402) 165 48] 4 es 8,238 WHITEHAVEN, TOWN 890 429! 659, ~ 601 1,166] 869| 625 | 497 | 367) 189] 59/15 | — | 6,666 Total of FEMALES - ]10,349 10,024 8,558 7,851 13,322 | 9,560} 7,281 | 5,501 |4,214/ 2,159] 707} 85 | 6 179,567 "THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cumberland being .... 156,124 ..~. and the Number of Persons whose Ages are returned, being .... 155,806 .... it thence appears, that the-Ages of ‘nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect The Total Number of Enuta¢ration Returns received from the County of Cumberland was 302, every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of persons. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages’ were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. st te ABSTBACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: County of Derby. HOUSES: __ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | Wine | Ac By ae LIES | chiefly OrHER . oR how & | chiefly | employ- | Families wn TOTAL 3 many a | 3 em- ed in not com- wi 3 é EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. «| Families} .g 4 ployed | Traps, |prized in ‘a | < 0 2 | 0 | 214 in | Manu. | the Two a = —_|PERSONS, & |cupied | | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a Lal ~ lorHandi-| in APPLETREE Hundred. | Coe Pea Glasses Asunorne (part of) Parish: (*) Hulland - Township 49 49} -] 2 40 6 3 104 117 221 Hulland-Ward = - - - Hamlet 56 56) -| 2 20 13 29 149 140 289 Hulland-Ward-Intacks Township 9 io} -j 1 10 - - 22 17 39 Sturston - - - - - - Hamlet} 123 12347 -| - 32 56 35 302 259 561 Yeldesley - - - Hamlet 30 go} -|] 1 39 1 - 102 100 202 Barrow (part of) Parish: (>) Synfin and Arleston - - - Liberty 11 yfo-| - 11 - = 34 40 74 Twyford and Stenson - - Chapelry 42 46] -] 5 42 4 - 131 104 235 Barton-Blount - - - Parish 9 g9| -| - 9 - = 35 38 73 Boylstone - - - - - - Parish} 59 62) -| 2 51 10 1 153 177 330 Bradborne (part of) Parish: (°) Atlow - - = = Chapelry 34 34] -| - 32 1 1 93 104 197 Bradley - - -- - Parish} 42 63 | -| - 35 16 12 165 155 320 Brailsford - - - - - - - Parish] 132] 155] 1] 2 | 120 | 27 8 372 352 724 Breadsall - - - - - - Parish} 104] 121] -]| —- go 28 3 286 258 544 Chaddesden - - = - - -~ Parish 97 97} -| 3 59 30 8 237 249 486° Church-Broughton and Sapperton Parish} 100] 110] 2] — 83 13 14 271 265 536 Cubley - - - - + - - Parish 76 86} -] - 64 13 9 921 218 439 Dalbury with Lees - - - Parish 37 52] —-|] - 39 3 10 118 123 241 Doveridge - - - - = = Parish} 155] 159] 1] — | 126 16 17 418 425 843 Duffield - - - - - © (4) Parish} 463} 527] 3410 7 121 | 324 82 1,302 1,381 2,683 Belper - - - + ~ (%) Chapelry}1,239 {1,418 | 11 | 12 65 {1,309 44 3,511 3,724 7,235 Hazlewood - - + + - Township 89 94} -]| 3 68 23 3 235 248 483 Heage - - - - - - Township} 324] 325] 1] 6 69 }| 181 "5 895 847 1,742 Holbrook - + - - Township] 112 | 127] —| 2 18 97 12 273 290 563 Shottle and Postern - - Township] 107 107 | -| 3 95 10 2 302 305 607 Turnditch - - - - - Chapelry a7 80} -—| 2 22 22 36 194 190 384 . Windley- - - - ~ = Township 35 35 - - 30 3 2 102 97 199 Edlaston and Wyaston - ~- - Parish 54 56| -| 1 49 7 - 144 133 277 Etwall Parish: (f) Etwall and Bearward-Cote Townships 48 87 | -| 3 67 11 9 229 216 445 Burnaston - - - - - - Hamlet 29 eg} -| 1 28 1 - "3 "5 148 Kedleston -- - - - Parish 21 21] -|] - 17 2 2 50 59 109 Kirk-Hallam (part of) Parish: (8) Mapperley - - - - - Township 67 67} -| - 37 22 8 175 163 338 Longford Parish: (*) Alkmonton - - = + Township 12 w|—-| 1 12 - - 38 43 81 Bentley, Hungry - - - - Liberty 13 13} -| - 12 1 - 48 40 88 Hollington - - - - = Township 56 58} -| - 50 5 3 156 158 314 Longford - - - - Township 96 | 101 1 1 63 25 13 294 279 573 Rodsley- - - - - - - Hamlet 26 35| -| - 2 9 5 109 99 208: Marston-upon-Dove - - -(/) Parish 16 18} -} - 17 1 - 53 54 |- 107 Hatton - - + - - - = Hamlet 38 42} -| 1 27 12 3 120 105 225 Hilton’ - - - - - - Township} 106 106 1 5 98 8 - 241 262 533 Hoon - - - = - = Township 4 4/ -]| - 4 - = 20 20 40 Marston-Montgomery - - - Parish go g0| -]| 3 84 6 - 234 235 469 Mugginton - - - = = ()) Parish 52 52 | -| 4 50 z oe 159 149 308 Mercaston - - + - Township 27 a7) -| - 23 4 - 88 48 166 Ravensdale-Park - - - + Hamlet 9 9} -| - 8 1 - 26 25 51 Norbury and Roston - - - - Parish 94 104 | -— | 2 gl 13 - 247 251 498 Osmaston - - - - - = - Parish 60 64] -| 4 55 5 4 144 152 296 Radbourn - - = + + Parish 42 47| -| 1 42 2 3 126 134 260 (*) The Parish of Ashborne is mostly in Wirksworth Hundred, partly in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred. (>) The Parish Charch of Barrow, and great part of the Parish, is in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred. (¢) The Parish Church of Bradborne, and great part of the Parish, is in Wirksworth Hundred.——(¢) The entire Parish of Duffield contains 13,896 Inhabitants. (*) The Population of Belper has been greatly increased by the enlargement of a cotton manufactory. : —(f) The entire Parish of Etwall contains 593 Inhabitants. —(*) The Parish Church of Kirk-Hallam is in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred- —(h) The entire Parish of Longford contains 1,264 Inhabitants.——= (}) The entire Parssh of Marston-upon-Dove contains go5 Inhabitants. —(j) The entire Parish of Mugginton contains 525 Inhabitants. Sacer eee -M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94- 53 COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. ee HOUSES : __ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fase | Famt-) ary - : By a LIES ‘ hich OTHER oR | how on chiefly hes _| Families a TOTAL : ‘ : ie : 3 many | » | 4 em- ue of not com- a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, = |Families! € | 3 | ployed Ira ane | prized in a 4 POR g Oc- : = in 2 | the Two PERSONS. ——— ic | cupied. 2 5 Acri- ae preced- 3 a Fe: Ce ane " APPLETREE Hundred—continued. TURE, |_ craft. : -{ Scropton and Foston - - - - Parish g4 | 103} —] 12 59 28 | 16 261 249 510 4 Shirley - - - - - -(*) Parish] 60} 63] -| - 50} -10|/ 3 156 153 309 .Stydd - - - = - - Township 5 hl 5 nef | See 18 © 12 30 Yeaveley - - - - - Township] 39 43} -| 2 15 3] 25 136 114 250 Snelston - - - - = - - Parish] 73 g2} 1] 1 27] 24) 41 239° 223 462 Somersall-Herbert - - ~ - Parish 18 w}-| = 14 1 3 457 59° 104 |Spondon - - = - - ~ (1) Parish 223] 223] 5] 2 89} 101 | 33 595 591 1,186 Stanley +"- - - = = Chapelry 68 yo} -| - 34 27 9 _182 175 357 Sudbury - = 2 2 2 + = Parish g2{ 101] 1] — 54 24, 23 320 308 628 | Sutton-on-the-Hill - - - (™) Parish 22 a2} —| - 17 3 2 44 97 151 Ash- - - - - - - () Hamlet 6 6, -| - 6 - a1 26 47 | Osleston and Thurvaston - Township 57 79]1] 1 21 13 | 45 214° 226 440 Trusley - - - - - - = Parish] 16] 16] -| — 16 a 58 56 114 Wirksworth (part of) Parish: (*) 4 Alderwasley - - - - Township 80 80} -| - 62 17 1 236 218 454 Ashleyhay = - = © = Township p21} 52] —-| = 51 1 - 104 119 223 Biggin - - -. - « Township 30 31 -{ - 28 3 - 44 86 160 ' Idridgehay and Allton - Township 26] 28) -| 1 22 5 1 48> “82 160 6,560 | 6,070 | 29 | 91 | 2,815 |2,603 | 652 | 15,642" | 15,727 | 31,369 HIGH PEAKE Hundred. | Bakewell Parish: (°) : . Ashford - - - - Chapelry] 147] 147] 3] 4 35 56 | 56 350 378 728 Bakewell - - - - - Township] 357] 386) 5] 4 107 | 201 | 78 856 |. 926 1,782 Baslow - = - - - Chapelry} 165 | 176] 1 2 83 56 | 37 446 426 872 ' Beeley - - -' - ~- = Chapelry 54 55| -]| 1 44 9 2 188 162 350 Blackwell - - - -+*- Township 9 9 - 1 9 i = 27. 31 58 Brushfield - - - - - Township 4 y{ -} 1 9 - - 21 19. 40 Bubnell - - - - = - Township 18 wf -]| - 17 1 1 52 44 96 Buxton - - - - - - Chapelry} 184] 188] 3] 6 115 57 | 16 454 582 1,036 - Calver ‘2 = - = e+ Hamlet} 115 121 -| 3 14 35 | 72 288° 316 604. Chelmerton. - - - = Chapelry| ~ 48 50} -| 3 39 11 - 127 135 262 Curbar - - - = + - Hamlet 65 m1) -to- 13 12 | 46 188 ~ 204 392 Flagg - - - + = Township 47 | 49] -| 1 25 1] 2 117 103 220 Froggatt - - - - - Township 23 25) -| 3 ‘5 8 | 12 89° go 179 Harthill or Hartle - - - Township 10 oj -] - 8 2 - 34 26 60 Hassop - - - - - - - Hamlet 23 30{ -| - 15 1 14 67 61 128 Longstone, Great, with Holme Chapelry] 96] 96| 2] 3 15| 67] 14 226 216 | 442 — _ Longstone, Little - - - - Hamlet] . 31 34) -| 1 15 19 - 42. "3. 145 “Monyash - - = - = Chapelry 48 9) -| 5 39 31 8 J . 197. 184 381 Over-Haddon - - - - Township 54 56) -| 3 17 11j{ 28 | 130 136 266 _ Rowland - + - - = Township 18 23} -| 2 9 2} 12 51 58 109 - Rowsley, Great, and part of Aport T. 41 42} -| - 30 5 9 128 110 238 ‘Sheldon - - - - - Chapelry 32 g2{ 2] = 10 5| 17 95. 68. 143 _ Taddington and Priestcliffe | Chapelry 95 95| 1] 6 65 12} 18 -.. 249 214 463 _ Wardlow (part of) - - (°) Township 34] 36] -] 2 4{ 4] 28 go 48 168 Castleton - - - - - = (p) Parish} 210 214 | —]| 10 14 31 | 169 496 497 993 . Edale - -. = + ~ - Chapehy|. 80 81] -—]| 12 51 23 ” 219 216 435 -Chapel-en-le-Frith Parish : (7) 1 ‘. . “Bowden’s-Edge - - - Township]! 196] 230 1 | 18 38 84 | 108 531 | 562 1,093 _Bradshaw-Edge - - + Township}? 333 | 361] 3 | 21 29} 141 | 191 842 “866 1,708 ‘Coombs-Edge - - - - Township} 79° 83) -| 7 30 18 | 35 219 214 433 (™) The entire Parish of Sutton-on-the-Hill contains 638 Inhabitants, The Township of. ‘Ash i is said to have made no Return in 1811, (®) The entire Parish of Wirksworth contains 7,315 Inhabitants———(°) The entire Parish of “&) The entiré Parish of Shirley contains 589 Inhabitants. —(!) The .entire Parish of Spondon contains 1,543 Inhabitants. Bakewell contains rather Jess than 9,162 Inhabitants; an undistinguish.. able part of the Township of Wardlow being in Hope Parish, but the: whole is here ascribed to Bakewell.) The entire Parish of Castleton centains 1,428 Inhabitants—(4) The entire Parish of Chapel-en-le-’ Frith contains 3,234 Inbabitants. E 54 Sem ine ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘| Enumeration, Nee ae ee COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: __ PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fars | PAM) Aut By z ee chiefly OruER $ oR , how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families : a . 3 many | a | em- | edin | not com-| 4 iq EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & |Families! 2 | & | ployed | py apx,| prized in e Ss B | Oc |e | a m | Manu. | the Two 3 a a cupied.) | Acrr- | factures,} Preced- mS cuL- lorHandi-| _ ing HIGH PEAKE Hundred—continued SORE: | etatie | Clesick Darley-Dale (part of) + -(') Parish} 927 | o40 5 59 "6 | 105 583 592 1,175 Edensor with Chatsworth - (*) Parish 80 95| -| 4 52 25 18 270 239 509. Pilsley - - - - - = Hamlet 43 45| -| - 30 9 6 123 120 243 Eyam Parish: (*) Eyam (+)- - - = = Township] 921] 221] -|{ 6 24} 81] 116 483 538 | 1021 Foolow - - - = - ~- Hamlet 50 5B} - | 1t 16 21 18 145 153 298 Woodland-Eyam - - + Township 48 48] - 1 29 8: 11 89 108 1947 Glossop Parish: (") Beard - - - = = + + Hamlet 56 57 1 8 16 39 2 175 157 332 Charlesworth - - - - Hamlet} 161] 164/ 5] 4 60 | 104 - 481 524 | 1,005 Chinley-Bugsworth & BrownsideChap.J 187 | 193] —| 11 64 | 120 9 508 530 1,038 -Chunat - ~ - - - Township 24 25| -]| 2 17 8 - 74 71 145 Dinting - = -. = = Township 25 26} -| 4 15 11 - 79 : 73 152 | Glossop - - - = = Township} 217 | 228/15] 5 59 | 169 - 666 685 | 1,351 | Great-Hamlet - - - - Township| 147 147/ 1] 2 49 93 3 353 352 705 | Hadfield - - - = = Township} 115 118} 6] - 17 101 = 328 331 659 Kinder - - - - = = - Hamlet 20 20} = 2 15 5 - 72. 57 129 | Ludworth and Chisworth Township} 179 | 185] 1] — 38 | 147 - 555 522 1,077 | Mellor - - - - - Chapelry |. 348 365 1 | 24 37 308 20 1,009 1,090 2,099} Olerset = - - + - = Hamlet 48 48) -]| 4 12 32 4 149 144 293 | Padfield - = = = = Township qe) 8a) eh ae 231 59 - 241 258 499 | Phoside - - - = - = Liberty 96 96 | -1 4 18 45 3 261 243 504. Simondsley - - - - Township 55} 58} -| 4 22 36 - 178 162 340 Thornsett - - = - - - Hamlet} 136; 141] —-| 14 28} 110 3° 395 363 4958 Whitfield - - = - + Township| 163] 169] g| 6 28] 141 - 475 509 984 | Whittle - - - + - Hamlet} 313 | 316] 14 | 24 29 | 278 9 857 839 1,696 Hathersage - - - + - (*) Parish} 121 126) —-|] 4 54 65 4 331 327 658 | Bamford - - - = - = Hamlet 42 42 - 1 22 14. 6 137 126 263 | Darwent - - - = Chapelry 23 23| -| 4 18 - 5 68 55 123 | Outseats - - - - - = Hamlet 40 41] -| 3 28 5 8 96 81 177 Stoney-Middleton - - Chapelry} 135] 135 { —| -— 26 | 102 4 300 335 635 | Hope, Parish: (*) ‘ Abney - - - ~ + - = Hamlet 23 23 -| 3 20 3 - 70 73 143 Aston and Thornton - - ~- Hamlet 22 22} —| 1 10 11 1 46 56 102 Bradwell - - - - - + Hamlet} 234] 238] -—]| 6 20 38 | 180 561 569 | 1,130 | Brough and Shatton - - = Hamlet 19 19 - - 14 5 - 48 45 93 | Fairfield - - - - = Chapelry} 107 107] —]| 2 41 20 46 242 240 482 | Fernilee - - - ~- = Township "6 781 2] 3 13 20 45 231 191 } 422 Grindlow - - Township 25 26}; -j] - 4 22 - 66 53 119 Hazlebadge - - - - - Liberty 9 9} -]| - 9 - = 30 21) 51 Highlow - - - = - Township 8 9| -} 1 8 1 _ 21 5 36 Hope - - - - = = Township 93 95] 1 3 68 19 8 262 256 | 518 - ‘Hucklow, Great - - - Hamlet 51 52] -| 5 11 12 29 148 126 |} 274 Hucklow, Little - - - Liberty 48 48/ -] 4 7 16 25 97 121 218 Nether-Padley - ~ = - Hamlet 5 51-1 1 5 - _ 18 18 36 Offerton - - = = = ~- Hamlet 6 6] - 1 5 1 ea 24 16 40 Stoke - - - - = ~- Township 12 wf] —-| - 12 - - 42 32 14 | Thornhill - - - - - - Hamlet] 26 26] 1] 1 24 2 - 69 40 139 Wardlow (part of) - - (*) Township - -{| -}j - - ee = Se es = Woodland-Hope - - - - Hamlet 37 43} af - 41 2 - 124 101 225 Peak-Forest - - - - = Extra Par.f 137] 137| -| 5 591 19] 59 360 320 680 Tideswell - - - - -(¥%) Parish} 324] 324] -] 4 39 76 | 209 9736 807 1,543 Litton - - - - += = - Hamlet 85 96} -]}] 1 22 a4 _ 372 338 410 Whestone - - - - ~- Hamlet 13 13; -| - 13 - = 35 31 66 Wormhill- - - - - - Chapelry 59 59 | -!| 3 54 4 1 193 154° 347 (*) The Parish of Darley is partly in Wirksworth Hundred ; the en- ships now make distinct, Returns, which, in 1811, were comprised in the tire Parish contains 1,830 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of | Return of Glossop Township.—) The entire Parish of Hathersage Edensor contains 752 Inhabitants, ) The entire Parish of Eyam contains 1,856 Inhabitants. —(*) The entire Parish of “Hope contains contains 1,516 Inhabitants. The failure of lead mines in the Township | 4,102 Inhabitants, besides those which reside in part of the Township of Foolow has caused a decrease of Population therein—/(") The en- | of Wardlow, the whole of which are entered in Bakewell-Parish.—— tire Parish of Glossop contains 13,766 Inhabitants; the increase of Popu- | (°) The entire Parish of Tideswell contains 2,666 Inhabitants, lation being ascribed to increased cotton manufactories, Several Town- = M.DECE.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94. 55 ' COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, rps ) Fass | FAM Tare By ed “IES | chiefly OrHER gR Er how ! a chiefly | employ. | Families a TOTAL ; inan “ : s . . Bick SI ee : EXTRA-PAROCHIAE PLACE, — 2 | Pamilies Za pea [getin jasc] og} 3 igs | O- | e/a in | Mann. | the Two Z & — |PERSONS. carer iec eaeaaCa a cupied. a je Acrr- factures,| preced- Bi ' cuL- lorHandi-| ing : : HIGH PEAKE Hundred—continued. | TURE. | craft, | Classes. 1 Wirksworth (part of) Parish: (4) i Tron-Brock-Grange - - - Hamlet 5 5{ -} 1 5 - - 20 14 34 | Youlgrave (part of) Parish: (*) ls -Birchover - - - ~ ~ Chepelry] 19) 20] —]f - 12 - 8 63- 58 121 Gratton - - = - - = “Hamlet 6 6; -] - 6 - - 27 24 51 ‘Stanton - - ~ = - = Chaperyf 145 | 147] -] 8) 54 92 1 361 349 410 Wanster - - + - - = Chapelry} 200] 201] -] 11 98 58 |} 115 451 | 477 928 ‘Youlgrave - + - = =. Township 185'| 188 | -] 4: 52 39 97 489 466 955 8,025 | 8,327. 87 1346 | 2,463 |3,681 | 2,183 21,516 21,620 43,136 MORLESTON & LITCHURCH- Hundred. ; = Alkmund, St. (part of) Parish: (°) : -Chester, Little - - - Township 33 36] --] - 9 23 4 46. 101 177 Darley-Abbey - - - - Township? 119 | 1394] -]| 6. a7 | 105 2 380 461 841 Eaton, Little -.- - - Chapelry{ 108 110] -—]| 2 21 66 23 281 266 547 | Allestrey - - - - = - = Parish 67 oO | 244! 18 38 14 180 181 361 Aghborne (part of) Parish: (©) : Clifton and Compton - - Township} 152] 152] -]| 1. 51 89 12 367 401 | 468 Agton-upon-[rent - - - - Parish} 116 | 121 -} 8) 64 41 16 271 |} 281 | 552 Barrow (part of) - - - - (9) Parish] 54 57 1 1.1 43 12 2 163 144 307 Crich (part of) - - - ~- (©) Parishf 392 | 3904] =| 5 117 | 165] 112 1,033 991 2,024 Dale-Abbey « - - - = Extra Par. 83 83} -] 2 69 14 - 220 198 418 Denby - - - - = = = Parish} 169 196 2 1 34 160 2 569 504 1,073 Egginton - - = = - © Parish 64 671 -]} 3) 58 6 3 152 167 319 Elvaston - = ~- - = = «= Parish 97} 1o1} —} 1 46 16. 9 228 265 493 | “Hatlam, West - - - - - Parish} 1311 143] -] - 40 89 14 365 1 341 706 Heanor Parish: (f) | : -Codnor and Loscow + ~ Township} 239 | 262] -—| 8 BR | 207 - 689 640. | 1,329 Codnor-Castle and Park-Liberty E. P. a7 a7) om} oe 11 66 - 388 - 305 693 Heanor - - - - - - Township] 423} 426] 31] 4 66] 321 39 1,201 1,163 2,364. Shipley - - - = - - Township} 103 111 - 1 25 85 1 301 294 , 595 Horsley Parish: (2) : ; Horsley = - - + - = Township] 121 126] —| 4 39 85 2 301 323 624 ‘Horsley-Woodhouse - ~ Township] 118 | 125 | 2) — 18 | 106 1 280 312 592 Kilbourne - - - - Township 94 g6 | -—] - 247 47 22 266 232 498 Ilkeston - - - = - ~ (*) Parish] 672 | yaa} 1 | 16 156 | 538 30 1,830 1,851 3,681 Kirk-Hallam (part of) - ~ (4) Parish 15 15/ -| 1 13 2 = 42 - 53 95 Kirk-Langley, with Meynell-Langley P: 97 104 | -| 1 43 28 3 280 272 552 Mackworth - - - - (*) Parish 72 yo} — poe 58 9 5S 170 | 222 392 ‘Mark-Eaton - - - = Township 38 38]; -]} 1 33 3 2 137 121 258 Michael, St. (part of) Parish: (1) ’ Alvaston - - - - ~- Township} 82 86} 1] 2 46 28 12 | 184 215 399 Mickleover - - - - - (™) Parish} 116] 140] 1] 1 98 40 2 314 314 631 Findern - - - - ~- ‘Township 15 80}.-|{ 1 53 17 10 179 184 363 “Little-Over - - - - Township 70 y1ia/1 4 56 6 9 195 184 1 379 Morley Parish: (") ‘Morley - - - - - Township Bl 53 | 1] 4 43 9 1 133 | 140 ‘| 273 Smalley - - - - = Township? 135] 139] -| - 45| 74,| 20 383 344 727 (#) The Parish, of Wirksworth is mostly in Wirksworth Hundred —— @) The entire Parish of Youlgrave. contains 3,593. Inhabitants ;.it is partly in Wirksworth,Hundred—(>) Most part of the Parish of St. Alkmund, is-entered at the end of the County, as part of the Borough of Derby. The jncrease of Population in the Township of Darley-Abbey is attributed to indulgence of the poor, and improvements in medical management ; in Little;Eaton Chapelry, stone quarries have been opened———(°) Ashborne Parish is,mostly in Wirksworth Hundred. a) The entire Parish of Barrow contains 616 Inhabitants ; partly in \ppletree Hundred. (*) The entire Parish of ,Crich contains 2,961 Yahabitants; partly in Wirksworth Hundred, partly in Scarsdale Hun- dred,—(‘) .The entire Parish of Heanor contains 4,981. Inhabitants ; collieries have been opened. there, and the families therein employed (to.the number 78) are entered in the 2d column of Occupations..— (®) The. entire:Parish of Horsley.contains 1,714 Inhabitants ——(") The increase, of Population in Ilkeston is ascribed to the facility of erecting cottages therein in preference to the adjoining Parishes.——(') The en- tire Parish of ;Kirk-Hallam contains 433 Inhabitants ; partly in Apple- tree Hundred. (*) The entire Parish of Mackworth contains 650 Inhabitants. (1) Most part of the Parish of St. Michael and of the Parish of St. Peter is entered at the end of the County, as part of the Borough of Derby——(™) The entire Parish of Mickleover contains 1,373 Inhabitants———(") The entire Parish of Morley contains 1,000- Inhabitants, ° : 56 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS: UNDER (Enumeration. : = COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | TANT | An By a LIES hie Orner 7 oR how 2 | chiefly Re Te _| Families w TOTAL 3 many | » | 3 em- oe ae not com an oJ oe | . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Families} .4 3 ployed | Ppapg, \prized in i 3 ‘'s Oc- = fy in Manu- | the Two =a fs PERSONS, 5 cupied.} §& | D AcRI- | factures,| preced- 3 a) cUL- lorHandi-| img J — MORLESTON and LITCHURCH Hundred, TURE | craft, | Classes. Samer continued. ———— Ockbrook - - - - - = ~ Parish} 237] 241] 4] 4 41} 149; 51 599 604 | 1,203 Pentrich Parish: (°) ' ; : Pentrich - ~ + = (°) Township 82 84] -| 1 37 40 4 255 253 508 Ripley - - - - - = Township} 291 | 300] -—| 4 50 | 247 3 849 786 1,635 Peter, St. (part of) Parish : (!) ; . Boulton - - - - = Township] 932 34; -| 2 23 4 4 88 - 80 | 168 Litchurch - - - - - - Hamlet 21 21 4 1 14 5 2 |. .35 - 58 . 93 Quarndon - - + - - - Parish 83 83] -| 2 45 24] 14 209 229 438 Sandiacre- - = ~ - = - Parish} 114/ 119] —| 6 40 67 | 12 295 292 587 Risley (part of) - ~- (?) Township - - -| - - - ~ - = = Sawley Parish: (4) Breason - = - + = Township 109 117 2 - 50 60 4 277 302 579 Draycott and Wilne - + - Liberty} 201] 2051 51 4 48 | 142] 15 536 566 1,102 Hopwell - - - = - = Liberty 3 3), -| 2 - 1 15 19 34 Long-Eaton - - - - Township} 127] 1396] -—| 3 37 82) 17 333... 349 682: “Risley (part of) - = (?) Township 48 49/ -| - 40 5 4 144 144 288 Sawley- - - - - - Township} 185] 191 1] - 56 | 127 8 447 511 958 Stanton-by-Dale - - - - (*) Parish 83 87]/ -] 2 51 20! 16 239 219 458 | Weston-Underwood - - Township 49 49| -| = 44 5 - 121 107 228 Weston-upon-Trent - - + - Parish 80 84} -]| 2 52 18 14 197 200 397 Willington - ~ - = = = Parish 64 46 1 44 15 17 213 198 411 Wiln and Shardlow - - ~ (*) Parish} 163 | 170] 2] 1 67 89} 14 493 500 993 6,155 | 6,458 | 33 |112 | 2,283 |3,597 | 578 | 16,903 | 16,890. | 33,793 REPTON and GRESLEY Hundred. ay Appleby (part of) - - - - (*) Parish} 115] 117] 3] 7 Fi) $0) 10 298 298 596 Caulk - - - - - - - - Parish 10 10{ -—| 3 4 - 3 29 34 63 Chellaston ~ - - - - © Parish 64 64] -} - 60 4 - 179 159 338 Burton-upon-Trent (part of) Parish: (*) s Winshill - - - -’ Township 67 yo| = 49 16 5 167 190 357 Chilcote - - + - (*) Chapelry} 40 41| -| - 40 1 - 94 98 192 Church-Gresley - - - - (*) Parish 60 60; -j| - 20 40 - 156 150 306 Castle-Gresley - - - - Hamlet 23 a4] -| —- 24 - - 65. 64 129 Drakelow - - - - - Township 9 9} -]| - 8 - 1 45 39 84 Linton - - - - ~ = Township 53 55| -| 2 30 13} 12 114 127 241 Swadlincote - - - - - Hamlet 74 4) -| - 28 46 237 222 459 Oakthorpe & Donisthorpe (*) Hamlets} 145] 154] -—| 3 128 20 6 348 384. 732 Croxail with Edinghall - - (¥) Parish 29 29} -]| - 26 3 - 87 98 185 Catton + - - - - - Township 7 Tio-| = 6 - 1 45 44 89 Derby-Hills - - - = (#) Extra Par. 14 y4]o-) - 12 - 20 37 | 39 "6 Foremark- - - - - - (4) Parish 11 1] —| - 11 - - 32 30 62 Ingleby - - + - Township 27 31] -] - 23 2 6 68 73 141 Hartshon - - - - - - Parish} 172] 172] 3] - 127 45 - 419 | 451 870 Lullington - - - - + (>) Parish 57 59} -| - 45 7 4 149 152 301 Coton-in-the-Elmes - ~- Township 61 61} -) = 51 9 1 165 120 285 Measham- -'- - - = (°) Parish] 271 | 280] 1] 6 12, 42 | 196 way 687 1,404 Melburn - - - - - + - Parishf 412] 460 1 | 20 103 223 | 134 9go 1,037 2,027 (°) The entire Parish of Pentrich contains 2,143 Iuhabitants. The Population has decreased one-third in the Township of Pentrich since 1811, which is said to be owing to the insurrection which took place there in 1817, in consequence of which the Duke of Devonshire’s agents destroyed many of the houses. (°) The Township of Risley is entered: wholly in Sawley Parish. 4) The entire Parish of Sawley contains 3,643 Inhabitants. —=(") The entire Parish of Stanton-by-Dale contains 686 Inhabitants. —=($) A large poor-house belonging to several Town- ships, has been built at Wiln, (*) Most part of the Parish of Appleby is entered in the Hundred of Sparkenhoe, Leicestershire. -(") Most. part of the Parish of Burton-upon-Trent is in North Offow Hundred, Staffordshire. (*) Chilcote Chapelry is connected with Clifton Camp- ville Parish, Ofow Hundred, Staffordshire. (*) The entire Parish of Church-Gresley contains 1,951 Inhabitants, including the whole of Oak- thorpe, which is partly in Stretton-en-le-Field and Measham 3 and in- cluding the whole of Donisthorpe, which is partly in Nether-Seale Parish, Sparkenhoe Hundred, Leicestershire. Y) The entire Parish of Croxall contains 305 Inhabitants, It is partly in Offlow Hundred, Staffordshire. (7) The Extra-parochial Place called Derby-Hills, is situated g miles south of Derby.——(#) The entire Parish of Foremark ‘contains 203 Tnhabitants.——() ‘Lhe entire Parish of Lullington contains 586 Inha- bitants.——(°) The Parish of Measham has sustained a decrease of Po! pulation from the failure of cotton trade, and of collieries : it extends into | Oakthorpe Township, entered with Church-Gresley Parish ; Measham, Stretton-en-le-Fields and Willesley, form a detached portion of the Hun- dred, being locally situate in Leicestershire. M:DCCC.XXI-J ? THE "POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV.-C. 94. 5a no = COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. -HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fane | PA! | aun , By pes LIES | chiefly | OTHER | oR f how 3 chiefly. ean Families wi TOTAL t 3 . a s 2 | 7 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Fentiat 2} 2 seediac cine hk | Ee = or 3 Oc. | 3 | 4 in | Manu. | the Two a = _|PERSONS. 4G cupied. oa) Pp Acri- factures, preced- a ia CUL- {orHandi-' ng bey “REPTON & GRESLEY Hundred—continued tuRE. | craft, | Classes. Newton-Solney: - = -+- = Parish} 56 591 -| 3 52 4 3. 126 | 135 261 Normanton - - - - - = Parish 53 55 | -| - 37 10 8 144 ] , 150 294 Osmaston- = - - = = = Parish 26 26} -| - 20 4} 2 a7 82 159 Packington (Part of)- -- (¢4) Parish 5l 53} -| 2 28 13 12 “127 129 - 256 Ravenstone (Part of)- - - (4) Parish 60: 60, -} 1 19 6 35 81 108 189 Repton - - ‘~ = - (*) Parish] 936] 356] —| 21 187] 101 68 _ 899 903 1,802 Bradby - - + = - - » Hamlet 54 574 - 41 5 11 165 137 302 Rosliston - - - - - = = Parish 59 59} -| - 46 10 3 189 170 359 Smisby - - - + + = Parish 62 64} -—| 2 56 8) - 158 164 322 Stanton-by-Bridge - - - - Parish 32 32] -|] 1 30 1 1 82 108 190" Stapenhill - - - - - (f) Parish} 127] 217 { -—| —- 95 18 41 254 281 | 535 Cauldwell - - + Hamlet 31 33 | -| - 30 2 1 82 15 157 Stanton and Newhall - - Township} 205 | 215) —| 4 114] 101 - 666 | 533 _| 1,099 Stretton-en-le-Fields - = (°) Parish 20 20} -}] —- 20 - = 47 69 | 116 Swarkestone - - - - + Parish 48 50 | -|] 1 40 10 - 123 120 243 Ticknall - - - - - Parish} 274 | 274] 1] 5 190 60 24 590 684. 1,274 { Walton-on-Trent - + - Parish 48 7B} -| 4 63 10 ‘|. 206 2t0 416 Willesley - - - (°) Parish 8 8) -| = 7 = 1 + 31 * 91% 62 3,291 13,418 | 9 | 90 | 1,962 | 894 | 562 | 8,388 | 8,585 | 16,973 SCARSDALE Hundred. ~ : : Alfreton, with Alfreton-Outseats Parish} 811 | 891 | 10] 4] 159] 679] 53 | 2,515 | 2.174 | 4,689 _ | Ashover (part of) - - - (8) Parish} 500 | 505 2|17 260 | 135 110 1,287 1,219 2,506 | Ault-Hucknall - - - - (*) Parish} 113] 119] -—! - 81 28 10 323 282 605 | Barlborough - - - - - - Parish} 125} 1396! -—| 1 43 36 57 336 339 675 | Beauchief-Abbey - - Extra-Par. 15 iw] -| - 9 1 5 50° 47° 97 Beighton - - = - - = Parish} 167] 170] -—| 3 77 66 27 425° 431- 856 | Blackwell- - - - - = Parish 87 87 -| 4 39 28 20 228 - 229 457 { Bolsover - - - - - (1) Parish} 228 | 228 | -!| 5 128. 70 30 - 604 - 641 1,245 Glapwell (part of) - - Township 22 ga) —| — 12 3 7 48 62 110 Brampton- - - - - - =~ Parish? 393] 434] 1] 4 57 95 | 302 1,151 1,166 2,317 Cutthorpe - - - - - — 72 ya} —| 2 32 13 2 165 "150 | 315 Chesterfield (+)- - - '~- (*) Parish] 1,048 [1,079] 2 | 29 2] 527| 550 | 2,345 -} 2,732 | 5,077 Brimington - - - - Township] 127], 130] -| 6 35 93 22 316 313 629 Calow - - - - - - - Hamlet 79) 83 | -| 4 17 9 57 -2t0 ~ 185 395 Hasland - - - - = Township}! 158| 163} 1] 8 44 46 73 - 352 418 770 Newbold and Dunstan - - Hamlet! 196] 200] -—| 4 49°} 146 5 500 462 962 Normanton, Temple - Township] » 30 go} -|] 1 29 1 - 67-| 74 141 Pilsley ~ - - - - - =~ Hamlet 50 fo) al 7 28 16 8 143 141 284 Tapton- - - - - - Township 30 | 31 - 1 14 14 3 ~ 68 - 81 149 Watton - - - Township]? 168 | 175] -| 3° 78 81 | 16 370 - 413 783 ¥ Clown- - - - “ = Pash] mga) ig97} —-| 2 28 59 50 304 ‘| 312 616 Crich (part of) Parish: (1), ye % i Wessington - - + Township 87 87 1 42, 45 = . 209 279 488 Dronfield - - - - - ©) Parish f 301 | 301 | — | 18 36 150 | 115 W471 751 1,522 Coal-Aston’ - - - Township! 55 56} -| 4 18 9 29 . 169. 135 304 — Dore - - - - - - =~ Hamlet} 103] 110] —]| 8 86 24 = 240 236 476 Holmesfield - - - - Township{ 82 88] 1] 5 45 27 16 256 243 499 Totley - °- - - - © - Hamlet? 63) 64] 1] 3 43 21 - 162 143 305 Unstone - = - = = Township? 105] 118] -—| 3 59 47 12 oll 203 574 Eckington Parish : ee > SG ogee : 7 Eckington - ~ - = °Township} 199} 213) -| 1 38 | 148 27 522 491 | 1,013 Mosborough -- + -- -» - Township {--157 | 164] — 59 88 17 410 408 818 (4) Most part of the Parishes of Packington and Ravenstone is in {| Goscott Hundred; Leicestershire ——(¢) The entire Parish of Repton eontains 2,104 ee The entire Parish of Stapenhill con- tains 1,791 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Ashover contains 2,998 Inhabitants. It is partly in Wirksworth Hundred. (4) The Return of Ault-Hucknall Parish includes Stainsby ; and part of Glapwell,. q which is mostly in Bolsover Parish. (‘) Ttie entire Parish of Bolsover 3 contains. 1,355 Inhabitants, including part of Glapwell——(k) Tle’ entire Parish of Chesterfield contains g,190 Inhabitants——(1) Crich Parish is mostly in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred, (™) The entire Parish of Dronfield contains 3,680 Inhabitants, and a small part of Barlow . Township, entered in the Parish of Stavely. (®) The entire Parish of Eckington contains 3,598 Inhabitants. : 1S ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. [Knumeration: PERSONS: HOUSES: __OCCUPATIONS: _ PARISH, TOWNSHIP, eon P| Faw | MANE | Aue By Bs LIES chiefly Oruzr : oh ; how Z | chicfy employs Families s TOTAL U man Fe éiii- in ||| hot com- cA os EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. # Families 2 3 ployed Trane, {prized it ie 2 ee 3 | Go | 3 | 4 th | Manu {theTwo| ‘2 = — |PERSONS, ‘3 | cupied. a D | Acitt- |factures;| preced- = Ei SCARSDALE Hundred—continued. Sj] Pe ie. Eckington Parish—continued. Renishaw - - - Township o4] azr} -] = 57 46 8 263 288 551 Troway - - - Township]? 247 | 267] 1] 5 69 | 163 35 606 610 1,216 Eknton - - - + Parish 65 65} 1] - 53 12 ~ 178 174 352 Heath - - - - - = + Parish 74 81], -} 1 53 20 8 195 216 411 Killamarsh - - - - - - Parish} 137} 156] 1] 1 74 64 18 385 394 779 Langwith- - - - ~ + Parish} 34 37] =| - 29 3 5 79 74 153 Morton - - - ~ - - (%) Parish] 22 a4 S| 4 21 : - 76 73 149 Brackenfidld - - - - Township 68 68} -]| - 50 18 - 178 175 353 Normantdn, South - - = Parish} 201 ai} —| 2 50 | 152 9g 559 497 1,056 Norton - - - - - + Parish? 328] 334] 1] - 144 | 132 58 go08 789 1,697 Pinxton - - - - - - Parshf 120 f 139} 1] - 20] 115 4 35 331 681 Pleaseley - = - - - - Parish{ 96] i104] -—| 2 62} 26 16 246 283 529 Searliff - - - - - + Parish} 103} 103] + |] 2 95 8 = 262 232 494. Shirland - =< - + = (P) Parish} 124] 127] 11] 9 62 59 6 314 300 B14 Higham - - - - - = Hamlet] 123] 130] —| 3 66 61 3 284 307 591 Staveley - - - - - (4) Parish} 4og} 424] 4] 2 156 | 216 52 | 1,041 1,010 | 2,061 Barlow- - - - - + Township} 134] 136] =|] 4 49 68 19 356 352 708 Sutton with Duckmantoh - + Parish} i19] 135] -—| 3 40 50 15 360 325 685 Tibshelf - - - - - 6 Parish} 131 i4i | -—]| 10 44 48 19 364 347 711 Whittington - - - - - - Parish} i128] 132] @ 4 25 86 21 336 344. 680 Whitwell - - - - - Parish} 172] 185] 3] 3 124 58 3 448 425 873 Wingerworth - - = = 4 Parish 92 g2} -| 3 60 17 15 221 238 459 Wingfield, North - - - (*) Parish 55 56] -| 2 43 11 2 156 134 290 Claylanie - - - - - Township] 103 105 1 1 49 24 32 230 235 465 Stretton- - - - - = Township} 110] 120] 1! 2 106 13 1 241 248 489 Tupton - - - + Township 40 4o} -| 4 22 9 9 101 101 202 Woodthorpe - - ~- = Township} 44 44] -| - 9 9 26 113 98 21k Wingfield, South - - - - Parish} 119] 211] -| 9 80 | 114 17 525 526 1,061 9,198 | 9,738 | 37 | 230 | 3,389 | 4,298 | 2,051 24,232 [23,946 | 48,178 WIRKSWORTH Hundred. ea oa Ashborne (part of) - - = (*) Parish? 457 | 481] 1 | 29 23] 370 88 949 1,239 2,188 Eaton and Alsop-le-Dale — Township 8 8; -]} 2 4 1 ~ 31 30 61 Newton-Grange - = + © Liberty 4 4) - 4 = = 23 15 g8 4 Offcoat and Underwood - - Liberty 58° 63) 1] - 37 15 11 162 179 341 Ashover Parish: (t) Dethwick-Lea and Holloway Hamlet 88} 108| -}| 2] 64 38 6 246 246 492 Bentley - - - - - + Parish. 49 51} -} 2° 42 8 1 118 124 242 Bonsall - - - - - - - Parish} 302 | g26— 3] 7 49} 241 36 686 710 1,396 | Bradborne (part of) - = - (") Parish 39 38 | -] 1 33 4 1 105 105 _ 210° Aldwark - - - Township 15 15} -]}] 3 11 _ 4 48 44 92 Ballidon - - - - = Township 17 i} -{ -| 19 - - Bt 51 102 Brassington - + - - Township} 148] 149] ~—| 3 54 35 6e 333 356 689 Lea-Hall(+)- - - - Hamlet 3 er ee 3 - - 12 11 23 { Carsington - ~ - = + Parish 53 55 | -| 3 29 1 25 146 124 270 Crich (part of) Parish: (*) Tansley - - = = - + Hamlet 86 951/ -| - 30 41 24 211 238 449 Darley (part of) Parish: (*) Winsley and Snitterton - - Hamlet} 134 | 134] -]| 20 39 14 81 334 321 655 (°) The entire Parish of Morton contains 502 Inhabitants.——(?) The entire Parish of Shirland contains 1,905 Inhabitants———(4) The entire Parish of Staveley contains 2,759 Inhabitants; including the whole of Barlow Township, partly attributable to Dronfield Parish. (7) The entire Parish of North-Wingfield contains 1,657 Inhabitants. ——(*) The Appletree Hundred——(*) Ashover Parish is mostly in Scarsdale Hun- dred.———(") The entire Parish of Bradborne contains 1,313 Inhabitants. (") The Parish of Crich is mostly in Morleston and Litchureh aa ——(*) The Parish of Darley is mostly in High:Peake Hun- red, entire Parish of Ashborne contains 4,708 Inhabitants. It is partly in M.DCCC.XXI.] TRE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. LV. ©. 94. ° 59 mee CE NOE ee eae COUNTY OF DERBY—contiaued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oe Fawr | A" Pace By “a LIES | chiefly OTHER oR F how 2 chiefly employ: Families nn TOTAL =o many & 3 em- | eq jn |uot com- cK : a ia EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. % Families] .S q ployed | Trane, [prized in a 3 or 3 Oc | S| in | Manu- | the Two a ‘ PERSONS. 45 cupied.| & 145 | Acrr- | factures,} Preced- a Ba WIRKSWORTH Hi i CUL- lorHandi-{ _ 98 uudred—continued. Ture. | craft. | Classes. Hartington Parish: (¥) . ; Bese ; Town-Quarter - + Township 74 87] -t 1 38 151 34 274 244 518 Middle-Quarter with Earl-SterndaleT.] 69 31/1] 6. 59 g 6 216 201 417 Nether-Quarter - - Township 82 82] —-]-3 78 4 - 220 215 T -435 Upper-Quarter ~ - + Township} 185 189} 3] 3 146 19} 24 435 413 848 Hognaston - - - - + - Parish 62 65} -]| 2 46 14 5 149 143 292 | Kirk-Ireton - - - - (®) Parish} 130] 132] 1] 1 7a 31 | 39 321 340 661 Ireton-Wood - ’ Township 31 88} -q - 2g 4 - 149 88 165 | Kniveton + - += - = - = Parish 78 “B8] -} - VR 4 2 205 189 | 394 Mappleton= ~ = - = +» - Parish 37 37} -jo- 30 1 98 103 #01 Matlock + - - - = = Parish} 605 { 609] 5] 1 51} 551 ” 1,384 1,536 2,920 Parwick += - = - - + - Parish 97} 101] —]| 6 54 31] 16 272 279 561 Thorpe + - - - ~ = = Patish 28 eB] =] 3 24 4 = 115 88 | 203 Tissington+ - - - - = = Parish 74 a il eal 45 29 3 231 265 496 Wirksworth (part of) - - + (#) Parish] 774] 820] 8] 26 | 123] 6641 33 1,861 | 1,926 | 3,784 Gallow - - - - = + - Hamlet 15 a5| 1 a 13 2 - 47 53 4 100 Cromford = = - - + Wownship] 232] 271] 6| — 4| 262 5 501 651 1,242 Hopton + - + - + + Township 19 20} -{ 1 4 2} 1 58 “58 ¢ 116 Ible - - - - + - + Township] 25 en | -| 5 6 4] 15 2 8s { 135 Middleton by Wirksworth ~- Hamlet} 188 | 211 | -| 6 4} 23 | 184 436 46 904. | Youlgrave (part of) Parish: (>) : Elton - = = - - Pownship}] 1967 128] 3] = 30 20} 498 261 287 | 548 Middleton and Smerrill + Chapelry 52 52, 4] = 49 3 - 143 137 280 4,444 |4,682 | 37 |141 | 1,425 | 2,467 | 790 | 10,921 | 11,540 | 22,461 Borough of DERBY. Alkmunds, St. (part of) | - (©) Parish} 675 | 793418 {412 ]- 88 630 | 75 1,627 1,835 3,462 All-Saints - - - - - - - Parish} 687) 788] 4] 6 1 702 | 85. 1,766 1,979 | 3,745 Michael, St. (part of) - = (°) Parish] 1971 255) =| 1047 13 144) 98 462 474 925 Peter, St. (part of) - - - (°) Parish] 788 | 830 | 34] 14 6 m3 | 61 1,880 2,094 3,974 Werburgh » - - - - + - Parish $1,034 |1,045 | 17 201 7 4461 182 4 3.547 2,770 5,317 35381 | 3,711 | 73 | 62 | 245 2,965 | 501 J 8,271 | 9,152 117,423 _@) The entire Parish af Havtingtoi voutativs 2,218 tahabitants; antong 4 Parish is imostly in High-Peake Hundred —¢°) The Parishes of | whom éne Male upwards of 100 years of age, in the Town-Quarter.— St. Alkmund, St. Michael, and St. Peter, extend into Morleston Hun- 8 The entire Patich of Kirk-Ireton contains 826 Inhabitant 5 dred. The entire Parishes contain respectively 5,027, 14324, end 4,235 ‘The entire Parish of Wirkswatth, which éxtends ihto oaks Inhabitants. - ; (>) Youlgrave and Appletree Hundreds, ¢ontains 7,315 Inhabitants. din pa hee ee ws eg kay: — s+ Be shai ies sch ap, a. , ~ SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DERBY. {— ee ‘ : ; 5 : : i 3 — | Hundted of ; APPLETREE + - - - + =] 5,560| 6,070] 29 | gi] 2,815] 2,603] 652 | 15,642] 15,727 | 31,369 HIGH-PEAKE - - - - =| 8,025| 8,327] 87 | 346] 2,463] 3,681) 2,183 | 21,516 } 21,620 | 43,136 MORLESTON and LITCHURCH | 6,155| 6,458] 33 | 112] 2,283] 3,597] 578 16,903 { 16,890 | 33,793 REPTON end GRESLEY + =~ | 3,2917 3,418{ 9 | go] 1,962] 8944 4562 8,388 | 8585 1 16,973 i Sits fea SCARSDALE - - - - - - [| 9,198] 9,738] 37 | 230} 3,389] 4,298 | 2,051 24,232 | 23,946 | 48,178 | WIRKSWORTH - - - - =| 4,444) 4,682] 3% | 141} 1,425] 2,467| 790 | 10,921 | 11,640] 22,461 Borough of \ | DERBY + - - - - ~ - | 3,381! 3,711] 73] 62 245 | 2,965} 501 8,271 9152 | 17,423 Torats - - - 49,054 (49,408 305 |1,072] 14,582 |20,505 | 7,317 | 105,873 | 107,460 | 213,533 60 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration; Lee nS COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. C- <1] Und 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 |100) 3 aia to to to to to to to to to to | to - a Eames 56. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 }100),7%,| 2 of eerie soa APPLETREE - - | 2,492 | 2,223 | 1,804 11,606 | 2,299 | 1,651 | 1,402 | 981 | 703] 374/ 95 | 8 | — $15,638 HIGH-PEAKE - - 13,207 | 2,980 | 2,696 | 2,141 | 2,979 | 2,317 | 1,801 | 1,398 | 9467 433} 91 | 8 | — [20,997 eer 2,703 | 2,356 | 2,100 | 1,656 | 2,467 | 1,729 | 1,482 } 1,114 | 742} 364/118) 11 | — [16,842 REPTON and GRESLEY | 1,267 1,182 1,080 821 | 1,122 879 794 | 536 | 399) 224] 57 61 — | 836% SCARSDALE - - {3,361 | 2,986 | 2,696 | 2,322 |3,089 | 2,336 | 1,883 | 1,439 [1,071] 515 147 | 7 | — [21,852 WIRKSWORTH - $1,638 | 1,476 | 1,301 [1,117 |1,591 | 1,171 930 | 780 | 535] 291]°64 | 4] 1 410,899 DERBY, BORO’ - - 71,175 1,085 903 884 | 1,332 | 1,002 876 | 541 | 284] 142) 42 | -4] — | 8,270 Total of MALES - [15,843 | 14,288/12,580 |10,547 [14,879 |11,085 | 9,168 16,789 |4,680.2,343] 614} 48 1 | 102,865 ‘ ; FEMALES, ie \ U 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 { 80 | 90 | 100 4 Under & < Wand to to to to to to to to to to | to hie a ue 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |1c0|,"P;.| © of ‘ —|\— APPLETREE . > | 2,260 | 2,076 | 1,879 | 1,654 | 2,611 | 1,773 11,358 | 966 | 7o1| 3461 94| a] — 15,722 HIGH-PEAKE - - | 3,231 | 2,878 | 2,543 | 2,381 | 3,273 | 2,340 | 1,712 |1,236 815] 448,108] 7] — | 20,972 N , eae 2,607 | 2,352 | 1,986 | 1,744 | 2,773 | 1,921 | 1,327 |1,002 | 716! 362) 95) 4] — [16,889 REPTON and GRESLEY ] 1,299 |1,192 | 979} 820 /1,275 | 9824 754} 565 | 398| 230] 60) 4] — | 8,558 SCARSDALE - - [3,220 | 2,890 | 2,604 | 2,109 {3,135 | 2,381 [1,882 | 1,321 | 976] 436/134 13 | — | 21,101 WIRKSWORTH - - | 1,605 | 1,473 | 1,313 | 1,142 | 1,960 |1,320 | 1,020 | 764 553| 286/ 82) go | — 111,527 DERBY, BORO’ 1,196 | 1,065 938 | 1,068 | 1,677 | 1,207 883 | 341] 152] 47) 9| -— | 9,152 sl Total of FEMALES - [15,418 |13,926 12,242 |10,918 |16,704 |11,924 | 8,936 | 6,423 |4,500!/2,260| 620 50 | — | 103,92t THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Derby was... .. BIA a us gw and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was... 206,786, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one thirty-third part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. - The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Derby was 337, three of which did not contain any answer whatever ° to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus(-++): anda small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the Tespective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XX1] -- THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4:. 61 County of Devon. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Panic Mae Asie: By . LIES : Orner oF iio = chiefly ee Families oH TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Familes ss 3 sieve a |e in ee: us a or S| Ob S| 8 | i! ae the Two : a PERSONS. ‘ =| ed. 5 a Rie “4 a AXMINSTER Hundred. 4 Bt eee ee S fe A xmunstEr Parish: (# Dumas | omtta, | Cmseet Beerhall - =< - - - Tything 56 61] -| = 46 | 10 Bd 161 170 331 Town - - - - - - = Tything} 305} 342] -— | 14 2g | 228 85 759 944 | 1,703 Westwater - - - - - Tything} 62 64} 1] 1 14 | 10 40 180 177 357 | Wyke - - - - Tything 67 73} 1/1 44%. 56] 12 5 166 185 351 | Axmouth - - = = - = Parish} 100] 100] -—]| 2 go 8 2 259 270 529 Combpyne - - - - -- - Parish} 28 28] 1] - 23 2 3 59 73 132 Combrawleigh - - - - - Parish} 49 59| -| 4 41 | 14 4 149 136 285 Honiton - - - Borough & Parish} 681] 685] 7] 9 61 | 467 | 157 1,565 | 1,731 | 3,296 Kilmington - - - - - = Parish{ 104] 109] 1] 3 60 | 41 8 238 246 484 Luppitt - - - - - - Parish} 130] 152] 3] 4 | 118 | 30 4 375 364 739 Membury - - - ~- = = Parish} 136] 155] 3] 4 7 111 | 33 11 436 401 837 Musbury - - - - = = Parish} 53] 79] 5] - 49 | 25 5 207 168 375 - | Roosdown - - - (>) Extra-P. 1 1} -] - 1 ~ 7 9 5 14 Thorncombe - - - ~ (°) Parish! 257] 257] 2] 6 129 | 89 39 667 655 | 1,322 | Uplyme = - - - Parishf 176] 191] 1] 6 122 | 47 22 41: 434 848 Up-Ottery - - - - + Parishf 158] 177] 14] 2 131 | 46 - 464 4.22 886: Yarcombe - + - - Parish{ 102 1W7 ij} 1) 8 93 | 22 2 ~ 392 401 793 2,464 |2,649 | 27 | 62 J 1,173 | 1,084 | 392 6,491 6,777 13,268 BAMPTON Hundred. Bampton - - - - = - Parish} 294] 332] 5] 8 211 | 110 11 862 771 | 1,633 Burlescombe - - - - (9) Parish} 173] 213 | 2] 11 98 | 50 65 524 549 1,073 Clayhanger - - ~ - Parish 54 55 | -| 2 44 9 2 168 174 342 | Hockworthy - ~ - - - - Parish] 42 134 -| - 64 8 1 192 162 354 Holcombe-Rogus - (*) Parish? 157] 157] -| 2 461 55 26 416 413 829 Morebath ~ - - Parish 72 78] -| 4 50 | 19 9 212 203 | 415 Uffculme ee - = - - Parish? 390} 405] 2] 10 182 | 189 34 961 1,018 1,979 1,182 |1,313 | 9 | 37 725 | 440 | 148 3,335 | 3,290 | 6,625 BLACK-TORRINGTON Hundred. : Abbotts-Bickington - - Parish} 11 ee ae 12, - - 39 36 75 | -Ashbury - - - - - - - Parish 8 8 -{ - 6 - 2 43 31 44 Ashwater - - = - - - Parish} 133 136 2 4 96 | 29 11 397 377 774 Beaworthy - - - - = Parish 54 56) 1] - 47 9 = 146 153 299 Belstone _- - +e Parish 36 371 -| 1 25 4 8 78 79 157 Black-Torrington - - - - Parish} 168] 169] 5] 11 125 | 24 | 20 415 495 880 . Boyton (part of) Parish: (f) / Northcott - - - - - - Hamlet 15 15) - 1 12 2 | 42 41 83° Bradford - - 2 - - = = Parish 43 311] 3 57 | 14 2 201 -| 183 384 Bradworthy - - - - - - Parish} 147] 1731) 5] 4 131 | 22 20 512 466 978 Bridgerule (part of) - - ~- (8) Parish 28 36) 1] 3 32 3 1 103 95 198 . Broadwood-Kell - + - + Parish} 59 64] 1] - 50 8 ee 196 193 389 Clawton -.* 2 = = = Parish 81 | 100] 2] 2 go} 10 a 272 262 534 Cookbury - - - - - Parish} 48 eo | pi, a 4l a 4 157 125 282 Exbourne - - = - = = Parish 84. 841} 5] 1 54} 30 253 250 503 Giles, St. on-the-Heath - - Parish} 53] 53] —| 3 50 3 - 164. 137 301 Halwell - - - = = Parish 26 34 1 1 31; 2 1 -114 102 - 216 Hatherleigh - - - - - Parish] 286 {| 287] 2] 4 156 | 98 33 751 748 1,499 Highampton - - - - Parish 43 56} 47 3 51 5 - 146 136 282 ollacombe - - - - Parish 14 wy] —-{ - 13 1 = 50 46 96 | Holsworthy - - = - - Parish}. 199] 240] 81 5 161 | 71 8 711 729 1,440 Honeychurch - - = - = Parishf 11 ypto—y] = 10 1 7 40 26 66 Inwardleigh - - - - - Parish} 78 g2|.-| 3 81 6 5 289 251 540 Jacobstowe - - - - Parish 42 44] —| 2 38 6 - 136 133 269 Luffincott-.- - - - - - Parish] 12 wf af = 8 5 ~ 55 185 - ‘go Milton-Damerell - - - - Parish 89]. 104] 1; 2 68} 20 16 ~332 329° 661 Monk-Oakhampton - - Parish 42 43 1 1 Bien 8 4 126 103 229 Northlew - - - - - - - Parish] 145/ 153] 3. 1 109 | 24 20 451 417 868 Northpetherwin - - - - - Parish}. 149} 185 | 4/10 | 150] 34 1 458 467 955 Oakhampton (part of) Parish : () Kigbear - - ~ - (-+) Hamlet} 18} 18] —| — 18{ - - 67 49 116 ' (*) The entire Parish of Axminster contains 2,742 Inhabitants.—— (*) Roosdown is locally situated in the Parish of Axminster. (°) The Parish: of Thorucombe, including Ford Abbey, is a detached portion of the County of Devon, being surrounded by “Dorsetshire. (*) The Parish of Burlescombe extends into the Hundred of Halberton ; but the whole is here entered.——(¢) A temporary increase of Population of Holcombe-Rogus is said to result from workmen employed in digging.a new Canal, (f) The Parish of Boyton is mostly in Stratton Hundred, Cornwall. (®) The Parish of Bridgerule is partly in Stratton Hun- dred, Cornwall ; the entire Parish contains 436 Inhabitants. (4) The §. |. Parish of Oakhampton is mostly in Lifton Hundred. R 62 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, era nao me Sar sin ste rereninereeeisnepeemeeeeiicinnitieiiateth COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS; ; PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 7 fn | | ie 1 CCSCSCC“ - + = Parish} 1112} ali] 2] - 98 13 - 26 0 a Westputford - - - + + + Parish 60 78) -| 4 65 13 ae a a alle 3 = 425 —— te L ARUN hate 2,924 [3,178 | 56 | 90 | 2.444 | 565] 169 | 9,086 | 8,566 | 17,650 Ashford - - - + ~- Parish 2 | 3 2 alt oes 20 f r Spent - - Borough & Parish | 774 isons 6 | 25 21 856. +e sane ape % a af 7 s = Pm , Bie Lie a eS 130 | 2] 3 eS 19. 2 318 330 648 Bratton-Fleming = - - Parish} 85 93 Ste “6 6 a = 26 52 Braunton - - = = Parish} 311! 331] 4 Ps eu ; 1 a 249 490 Buckland, East - - - Parish 23 2 ss 2 43 a 889 1,699 Buckland, West - - » Parish 47 ores xe m oe 98 188 Cub Mace «= 2 2 2 peo) wos Ps 1 3 3 10 3 151 137 288 Ten, at i ee dl eee may |) ae | ae | ee Down, West - s a ae Pah ie Selly Se 2 4 2 194 228 429 Filleigh ae eee 58 a oy 2 68 23 2 290 272 662 _Géorgeham - = « (} Pos] i671 4 e a 33 on ue tpl 156 307 Goodleigh SS es 70 - 2 5 106 26 38 379 432 811 Heanton-Purchardeh - - + Parish] 97 i ee = s 3 1st nye 351 Ilfracombe - : + Parish] 486 99 4 ee a 13 9 233 252 485 Kentisbury 5 oe ee ee ne 3 | 32 4] 380} 73 | 1,135 | 1,487 | 2,622. Marwood - - # - Pash 1654 afi ae ~ 7 ar 143 164 307 ition oo ois Ane ee ee Cle el el) Sd) ee ee Pine =< 7 = teevil es on : 44 6 2 140 140 280 Tents <= <¢ = peg| oe) oe 4] 47/ 150/ 471 564 | 666 | 1,230 ‘ —'— 4 i ez 24 ene = 56 74 ; 130 _ BUDLEIGH, Hast, Hundred. 3:13 | 3,589 | 37 | 124 1.481 | 1,683) 425 | 8,255 | 9,072 | 17,997 Aylesbear - - - - + (J) Parish ~ Nesvtori-Poppleford -, - = Tything i a > 3 = a 5 182 191 373 ‘ Bicton = (Pah 38 fe 7 0 0 2 229 452 481 Budleigh, Basti 6. sce ee a aER 962 a a 2 44 = - 89 115 304 Clist, St. George oe Seal ee a? 78 | 133 | 153 768 938 | 1,706 Citlenica = 2 = sand 2 9} 1) 47 52] 14) 3 172 173 | 348 Clist, St. Mary - eee) ey eed A ee a 185 198 383 Clist-Sackville - (impiie| . | bat. 18 B| 64 81 143 Colaton-Rawleigh - a = Pal age por ale ce e 7 a = 4 - Datinn a = la: tee eh) eel ee 32] 24] 96 383 387 540 Farringdon - - = «(Paris re bilees x 1 a io Gittisham ee on Ss | =| 2] 48) 48 4 188 191 340 Harpford ts o- et as Spgeishs 55 Ze = 7 47 15 5 175 176 355i Litlchemaad Ramones) tain| gee| at alae | ae) gee) sel ate | eae | ae Lympston- 7 Pad oes a 3 | 41 55 | 486 76 1,212 1,629 2,841 | Ouetioa =< & = 3 ea aes | 3 3} 1} 10 66 | 119 58 434 586 1.096 Rockieas = a < > CY mee eh 1; 3 140 | 101 16 487 584 ot Rawleigh - . (1) Tything a 9 cat 83 13 2 215 228 "443 ota Regis - + + Parish 74 7 a A 6 Me im i = _ — ti . 1 ) Silay Ts Batt gor] age] 8] § | 20 | 03] 25] ree | ate | al Seminal 562 14/45 | 54] 274| 2934 | 1,206 | 1,541 | 2,744 ! Withycombe-Rawleig 2 C8) Paden 18 ‘ 3 = = 23 = = 60 60 | “ia Woodbury - ee i Sg ee fa Shae 85 | 12] 45 461 593 | 1,054 oy 28) | ee 702 792 | 1,494 3441 3,899 46 194 | 1,481 11,564 | 854 | 8,923 aoe ee CY One Male upwards of 100 i : Jne I | years of age in Georgeham Parish.—— artly i i i i eae ae oo conte 854 Inhabitants, alr The one eae eee ae 1 Ch) sidcwoatteia Necons Cones past Sackville is. retumed, partly in the Parish of Sowton | has greatly increased —(* Pe ar Eee Place ; hence the Population. CRs BUS) Ee aragin Poh (1) ‘he Tying | of Witgsomiesisngh. nN wisn hea ‘M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 63 COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: __ PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, —— <=) TB. | Pat : ay 4 tizs | LES ALL = how EB | ciety | opiod- [Families | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B [my | o |e |e | din Inotcom| 93 a ae % ee & a ployed | Traps, prized in | S 7 a a ae Pee _ | Manu- | the Two =< fj |PERSONS. a “| a | P GRI- | factures,| preced- & Fy CUL- lorHandi-| ing BUDLEIGH, West, Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Cheriton-Fitzpaine - «. - Parish} 185 | 196] =] 4 132 56 8 520 482 1,002 Bradley - - - - (°) Tything - -{| -] - = - = + - = _ Fulford - - - = (?) Tything - -| -| - = - - - = a Poughill - - = + = = Parish 65 671; 3] 1 51 13 3 160 161 321 Shobrooke - - - (?) Parish} 144] 147] 1] 2 121 21 5 363 374 737 Stockley-English - - - + Parish 19 24} -| 3 20 4 - 65 62 127 Stockley-Pomeroy - - - = Parish 43 43} -—| 2 33 10 - 118. 108 226 Upton-Hillions - - - + Parish} 932 32;) -| a 21 8 3 83 85 168 Washfield - - - - - - Parish} 78 86) 1] 3 44 4 5 217 240 457 566 | 595 | 5 | 19 | 452] 119 | 24 | 1,526 | 1,512 | 3,038 CLISTON Hundred. : Broadclist - - - - Parish} 402] 414] —]| 3 304 86 | 24 964 g21 1,885 Butterleigh - - - - (4) Parish 28 28) -—]| 3 14 10 4 14 70 144 Clist-Hydon'- - - - - - Parish} 52 55} 1/ 3 39 8 8 161 136 297 Clist, St. Lawrence - - - Parish 30 30} 1] 1 22 5 3 68 81 149 Whimple- += - - - (!) Parshf 96] 120] =| 1 53 1g | 48 246 281 557 ; 608 647 2] 11 432 128 87 1,543 1,489 3,932 COLERIDGE Hundred. — = Ashprington - - - - - - Parish} 117] 126] =| @ 69 32 | 25 294 325 619 Blackauton 7 - - Parish} 226 | 234] 41] 9 172 56 6 621 606 1,227 Buckland-Toutsaints - (*) Parish 6 6}; -j} - 5 - 1 21 19 40 Charleton - - - - - Parisif 125 | 1391] -—] 1 93 21] 4149 312 306 618 Chivelstone - - - ~ Parish}. 114] 120] -—] — 15 25} 20 316 321 637 Cornworthy - - - - - Parish} 104 | 109; -—]| 1 86 23 = 288 319 607 Dittsham - - - + - - Parish} 142] 147 | 2 4 gl 22 | 34 356 348 4704 Dodbroké- + - - - - - Parish} 117] 183] 2 4 65 | 103 | 15 401 484 885 Halwell - +» -~ = - += ~ Parish 50 69; 2) 1 51 11 " 246 222 468 Harberton - - - - = Parish} 267 | 276] 41] 13 167 78 | 31 4700 725 1,425 Petrox, St. - - - - (8) Parish} 126 239} -| 9 20 47 | 172 388 588 976 Pool, South - - - = - = Parish 972} 103] —]| 2 79 21 3 248 245 493 Portlemouth; East - - - - Parish 71 yo] —-{| 41 53 19 + 191 200 391 Saviour, 8t. - - - - (*) Parishy 267 | 564 | ‘= | 28 21 280 | 263 933 1,356 2,289 Sherford.- - - --- - = Parish 48 83 1 a 48 34 1 220 209 429 Slapton -.- - - - = - Parish} 123] 193] — 14 100 28 5 336 353 689 Stekefleming - -~ - - + Parish{ 118 133 | -1 7 78 41 14 330 356 686 Stokingham - - - - ~ - Parish} 286 317 | 4] 23 226 83 8 9728 759 1,487 Torness - - - ~ Borough & Parish} 346 651 1 9 87 | 413 | 1§1 1,325 1,803 3,128 Townstall - - - - (8) Parishf 171 277 3] 13 27 97 | 153 515 405 1,220 2,926 | 3,973 | 23 [138 | 1,613 | 1,434 | 926 8,769 |10,249 | 19,018 COLYTON Hundred. - po Branscombe - - - - - Parishf 150] 155] 4] 2 109 40. 6 363 410 773 Colyton - - - - - + Parish} 399] 399] 1] 5 288 | 86] 25 952 993 1,945 Cotleigh - - - - - + Parish 44 49] -| 4 43 5} 2b 123 116 239 Farway - + - - - + Parish 64 65] -| 2 52 11 2 179 167 346 Leigh, North - - - - + Parish} 42 42} -} — | 32° 10 “ 119 95 214 Leigh, South- - - - + = Parish'| 55 63/ 1} — 59° 4 = 165 162 327 Monkton - - - = = - + Parish 22 27} af 1 21 6 a 95 61 136 Offwell - - - - - - +4 Parish} 69 69]. 1} 2 50 16 3 205 174 379 Seaton - = - = = .(*) Parish} -96 | 104] 11] 8 34; 18] 53 217 272 489 Beer - = - - = - = Tything] 234 | 258] 10} — 64} 31 | 163 563 693 | 2,256 Shute - ~~ - - = - + Parish} 105] 123) -| 3 34 25.) 64 287 306 593 Widworthy - - - - - = Parsht 50| 50] —| 1 16 14'| 20 148 . 126 274 1,330 | 1,404 19 | 28 | 802} 266} 336 | 3,396 | 3,575 | 6,971 (°) Bradley is included in the return of Crediton Parish. (°) Ful- J with Loddiswell, Stanborough Hundred. (°) The Parishes of St, | ford is partly in Shobrooke Parish, but is returned wholly in Crediton | Petrox, St. Saviour, and of Townstall, form the Borough of Clifton-Darr- | Patish—(4) Butterleigh is a detached pirtion of the Hundred of | movin Hardness, (') The entire Parish of Seaton contains 1,745 ; Cliston, to the northward, (*) Buckland-Toutsaints is connected 4 Inhabitants. 64 ABSTRACT OF ANSWEKS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. ae a TE LT FT a COUNTY OF DEVON—coniinued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, fRanare ee | Bees By ; LIES | chiefly | OrHen ci = how g chiefly antgin- Families 4 TOTAL - many ‘ 3 em- ed in | not com- un EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families = 2 ployed | Traps, | prized in a S a a Oc | Bi in | Manu- | the Two < & |PERSONS. 3 cupied.| 6 p Acri- | factures,| preeed- a fa cut- jorHandi-} ing CREDITON Hundred. rure. | craft. | Classes, Colebroke - - - Parish} 156 | 1641 3] 10 103 58 3 438 437 875 CREDITON - (") Borough & Parish }1,149 |1,221 | 3] 54 } 431] 578] 212 2:475 3,040 59515 Kennerley - - - - - Parish 20 2o0| -—| 1 18 = 2 46 47 93 Morchard-Bishop - = - - Parish} 347 | 373 2] 6 191 162 20 883 | 1,052 ~ 1,935 Newton, St.Cyres - - - Parish} 215 230} -| 8 163 63 4 550 533 1,083 Sandford - - - - - Parsh} 380] 452] 5 | 16 236 164 52 924 982 1,906 2,267 | 2,460 | 13 | 95 | 1,142 |1,025 | 293 | 5,316 | 6,091 | 11,407 ERMINGTON Hundred. Aveton-Gifford - - - - Parish} 152] 196] -| 7 167 28 1 476 448 924 Bigbury - = ds Parish{ 99] 100] 1] 4 80 19 1 284 252 536 Cornwood- eae Parish} 181 | 190] -—| 3 149 35 6 549 508 1,057 Ermington - - = + Parish} 153 | 187] 2] 6 79 69 39 670 709 1,370 Harford - - - Parish 25 29) -|- 21 4 1 go 109 199 Holbeton - - + Parish} 189] 196] 4] 9 148 37 11 554 529 1,083 Kingston - - - - - Parish 89 | 105] -| 6 67 27 11 273 252 - 25 Modbury ~ (4+) - Perith | 367 | 446] 4 | 19 216 | 188 42 1,007 | 1,187 2,194 Newton-Ferrers - Parish | 132 138 | -—| 2 92 35 11 366 353 719 Ringmore - - Parish 60 yo} -—| 1 55 8 4 162 166 328 Ugborough - ~~ Parish} 241 | 244 | 2 | 11 189 53 2 765 664 1,429 1,688 |1,901 | 13 | 68 $1,263 | 506] 132 5,196 5,168 10,364 EXMINSTER Hundred. Ashcombe - - - - - - Parish 45 53 | -| 4 41 9 3 147 136 283 Ashton - - - - Parish 53 53-| ih 40 6 4 134 124 258 Bishops-Teignton - - Parish} 155] 167] 4] 5 147 6 14 430 516 946 Chudleigh - - - Parish} 384! 392] 41] 15 105 | 232 55 987 1,066 2,053 Dawlish Z - Parish | 511 | 522 | 13 | 68 224] 2044 94 | 1,233 | 1,467 2,700 Doddiscombsleigh - - - = Parish 59 61} -| - 50 7 4 191 165 356 Dunchideock - - - - - - Parish 30 go.) <1 Ff 23 4 2 96 104. 200 Exminster - - - - - Parish} 167 167 | -—| 2 118 41 8 461 467 - 928 Ide - - - 2 + Parish} 131 144] 1] 4 a1 45 28 317 407 724 Kenn - - = - + - Parishf 163] 179] -] 8 136 32 11 J 495 411 go6 Kenton - Z - - Parish} 399} 406} 3] 11 119 | 246 41 905 986 1,891 Mamhead - - Parish 51 681 ssq. 4 34 12 12 157 163 ~ 320 Powderham - - - - + Parish 43 46} -|] 4 27 7 12 105 111 216 Shillingford, St. George - Parish 10 10) =| = 9 2 1 31 39 40 Teignmouth, East - - (%) Parish} 263 308! 3 | 26 17 | 192 99 528 938 1,466 Teignmouth, West - - + Parish} 486 | 547 1 | 36 9 | 402 136 1,092 1,422 2,514, Trusham - - ee Parish 34 | ° 37) =| a 26 11 - 107 85 192 2,984 | 3,182 | 30 [188 1,194 | 1,461 | 527 7,416 8,607 16,023 FREMINGTON Hundred. - Alverdiscott - - - - Parish 63 64| -| 4 5l 10 3 170 - 164 334 Fremington - - ' ~ Parish} 200 [ 214) 3] 6 | 144] 35] 35 537 562 1,099 Giles, St. - - - Parish} 144] 149| -| 4 115 23 11 384 402 "86 Horwood - + - - Parish 24 24| -|] - 19 3 2 76 68 144 Huntshaw - - - Parish 53 53 | -! 1 46 B - 153 138 291 Instow - - - = Parish 61 95th | A 50 21 4 174 179 353 Leigh, West - - - Parish 84 94|/ -| 4 78 14 2 229 223 452 Newton-Tracey - - Parish 16 16 | 1 2 12 4 ~ 48 36 84 Roborough Sd Pash} 97 | 102] 4] 3° 79 21 2 254 269 523. Tawstock - - -* Parish] 240] 253} 11 7 165 49 39 616 621 1,237. |. Torrington, Great - ("") Parish} 455 | 545] 13 | 44 | 138; 323 84 — 31,135 | 1,403 °| - 2,538 Ristsanien Se: 1,437 | 1,589 | 23 | 79 | 897 | 510| 182 | 3,776 | 4,065 | 7,841 | Burlescombe (part of ) (*) Parish - -| -| - - - - - - - Halberton - - Parish} 277 | 342] 1] 8 237 82 23 802 796 1,598 « 2) The Parish of Crediton extends into West-Budleigh Hundred. The | place ; hence the unusual increase of Population,—_("") One female up- entire Parish consists of the Borough of Crepiron, with the Tythings of | wardsof 100 years of age in Great Torrington Parish__—”) This part Canon-Fee, Bradley, Fulford, Knowle, Rudge, Town, Uford, Uton, and | of Burlescumbe Parish is called Ashtord, and is included with the-rest ¢ Woodland. (") East-Teignmouth is become a fashionable watering- } the Parish, in Bampton Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘ THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. ° “ 65 Th ih ae COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES: - OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, £ Fane | 2" 1 Ane By : LIES EES OrHER oR . how z chiefly ae Families Z| TOTAL : v many em- =” Inotcom- | ° : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 |ramilies| 2 3 ployed | gf eed in 4 4 or : 2 | Of | 212 | @™ | Manu |[theTwo] = |PERSONS. |. 5 cupied.| | | 5 Acrr- |factures,| Preced- a a CUL- lorHandi-| 198 HALBERTON Hundred—continued, TURE. | craft, | Classes. Sampford-Peverell - - - - Parish} 171] 174] —| 4 131 "39 11 362 “397 939 Willand “- - - - - - = Parish 59 66; -—| 1 32 20 14 140 149 289 ; Whitrey - 2 es (*) Tything = es as - oes ss = fa = is 507 | 582 1113 400 134 48 | 1,304 1,322 2,626 HARTLAND Hundred. - - Clovelly - - - - - = Parish} 184] 199] 1] 6 48 | 118 3 413 528 941 | Hartland - - - - - - - Parish} 261] 373] -| 7] 325| 42 6 975 993 | 1,968 | Wellcoombe - - - - ~ - Parish 48 51} -—| 4 42 9 - -121 126 247 ’ Wolfardisworthy < - - Parish} 119] 140] —| — 122 16 2 393 362 755 | Yarmscombe - - - - = - Parish 68 86} 1] 5 66 12 8 238 225 463 ; 5 680 | 849 | 2| 22 633 197 19 2,140 2,234 | 4,374 HAYRIDGE Hundred. - _Bickleigh - ~ -- = - Parish 50 50| -!| 3 40 9 1 150 123 273 Blackborough - - - (¥) Parish - ea le = - - - - - | Bradninch - - - - - Parish} 285 | 345] 3] 7 134 | 174 37 712 799 | 1,511 Broadhembury - - - Parish} 141 | 180] —| 3 144 33 3 458 434 892 Cadbury - - - - - - Parish 44 44| -| 2 35 7 2 132 110 242 Cadeleigh - - - - Parish 40 49/ -| 2 12 5 32 122 114 | 236 | Cullompton - - - - - - Parish} 695 | 754; 6| 52 218 | 481 55 1,650 1,760 ~| 3,410 | Feniton - - - - = - Parish 46 54] —| 2 45 6 3 7 166 | 155 321 Kentisbere with Blackborough (Y) Parish] 215] 228] 1] — 163 60 5 585 | ~558 1,143 Nether-Exe - - - - - Parish 19 1g} —-] 2 18 - 1 50 © 53 103 | Payhembury - - - - - Parish 71 g1{ 1] 1 68 22 1 266 241 507 | Plymtree - “- --- - - - Parish 46 ae a 8 54 20 3 185 | 196 381 Rewe (part of) Parish: (7) any: . Up-Exe - - - - + Tything 17 17); -| - 15 1 1 47 45 92 | Sheldon - - - - - = = Parish 31 34] -| - 32 2 - |. gil 95 186 Silverton - - - -(+) Parish] 257] 288] -—| 4 150 | 124 14 632 | 676 1,308 Tallaton - - - Parish 55 g1 a, 33 72 13 6 223 | 170 } 393°: Thorveton - - - - - = Parish} 274 | 276] — | 23 115 | 106 | 55 644 673 1,317 2,316 |2,597 | 13 | 107 | 1,315 | 1,063 219 1 6,113 6,202 | 12,315 ‘HAYTOR Hundred. Albots-Kerswell - - -- = Parish 99 | 102] —]| 4 46 30 26 } = 203 234 437° Berry-Pomeroy - - - - Parish} 152} 231] —| 8 56 | 163 12 576 679 | 1,255 ( Brixham - - = + + + Parish} 800 { g24 |] 1 |124 140 | 203} 581 | 2,046 | 2,457 | 4,503 | Broadhempston - - - - Parish} 148] 152) —| 3 67 51 34 367 422 789 ion (*) Parish} 19 im) <—1 4 18 = 1}; 76 61 137 ) Churston-Ferrers - Parish} 146] 146| —| 3 105 36 5 361 365 726 | Cockington - - - - - - Parish 50 50 | -J| 2 26 10 14 f 113 “167 | 280 . Coffinswell - - - - - = Parish 56 65 | - 1 57 3 5 122 133 255 f Denbury - - - - - Parish |g 94| -| 4 8 12 74 186 226 412 ‘Ipplepen - - - - - - Parish] 168 186 |] 3 2 95 76 15 [— 377 438 815 | Woodland - - - - Chapelry 40 45 | 1 1 14 3 28 fF 112 121 233 : Kingskerswell - - - - - Parish{ 140] 163] 4| 8 60 32 m1 314 365 679 Kingswear - - - - - Parish} 66] 71] —| 2 1 12) 69 149 |} 379 | $28 > ' Little-Hempston - - - = Parish 50 50} -| - 43 4 3 147 176 323 | Marldon - - ~ = - = Parish 64 93 1 2 43 14 16 192 192° 384 Mary-Church, St. - - - Parish} 199 | 208] 4] 1] 172 26| 10 497 508 | 1,005 Paington - - - - - = Parish} 309] 359] 7/18 | 166 98 95 797 | 999 | 1,796 | Staverton - - - - - - Parish} 183] 201 | 3 | 23 160 | 38 3 505 537 1,042 Stoke-Gabriel - - - - - Parish] 128 128 | 3] 4 70 30 28 § 300 338 |. 638 Torbryan - - - - - - - Parish 52 53 | -| 7 52 1 = 137 140 277 Tor-Moham with Torbay - Parish} 308 | 389/13] 7 58} 116) 215 | 830 | 1,095 | 1,925 Widecombe-in-the-Moor - (*) Parish] 145 | 148] 2| 3 | 125] 20 3 489 445 934 Woolborough ~ + -(?) Parish} 342} 446] 21] 15 54 | 298 94 820 1,039 1,859 35755 | 4,303 | 44 | 243 | 1,636 | 1,275 | 1,392 [ 9,716 | 11,316 | 21,032 - (*) Whitrey is included in the Return of Uplowman Parish, Tivertcn | church or chapel of their own. (7) The Parish of Rewe is mostly _Hundred.——(’) The Parish of Blackborough is included in the Return | in Wonford Hundred. (*) Buckland-in-the-Moor, and Widecombe- : of .Kentisbere Parish. There are, in fact, 74 Persons resident in Black- } in-the-Moor, form a detached portion of Haytor Hundred, to the north- ; borough Parish ; they resort to the church of Kentisbere, having no | west. (°) Woolborough includes the Township of Newton-Abbots. | Ss 66 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration: rp nen nN eR Ee COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faure | PAM | Ay [7 B 4 LIES a OTHER oR : bee 2 chiefly seed Families wa TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ZB lpanites| 2 | 2 [ ployea | ct [orca 2 a 3 Oc- = 4 in Manu. ” |'the Two < B PERSONS, G cupied.| & | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- = CUL- JorHandi-| _ 198 HEMYOCK Hundred. TuRE. | craft, | Classes. Awliscombe - - - ~ - ~ Parish? 87] 100} —| —- 73 19 8 266 247 513 Buckerell - + + ~ = Parish 43 63} -| 1 42 15 6 167 148 315 Church-Stanton ~ - + + Parish} 175; 193] 2] 5 142 43 8 443 419 862 Clayhedon - - ~ - ~ ~ Parish} 147] 153] ~| 2 131 21 1 407 415 822 Culmstock - - - - - - Parish} 298] 304] 1] 7 138 | 143 23 622 735 1,357 Dunkeswell - - - - - Parish 65 80} -—] 5 63 16 1 228 213 441 Hemyock ~- - = - = ~- Parish} 977] 284] 1] 4 181 95 8 575 584 1,159 1,092 | 1,177 | 4} 24 f 770} 352 55 | 2,708 | 2,761 | 5,469 LIFTON Hundred. Bradstone - - + = ~ = Parish 17 18] -|] + 13 4 1 65 50 115 Bratton-Clovelly - - - - Parish} 106] 115] 11] 2 112 2 1 377 328 905 Bridestowe - - - - - - Parish} 126] 1399} 2] 1 93 27 19 411 376 984 Bradwood-Widger - - - - Parish} 125 | 132] 2] 2 131 1 ~ 422 326 748 Coryton - - = - = = Parish 42 48}; -|] - 38 10 - 131 127 258 Dunterton - - - - (-+) Parish 30 36]; -}] - 30 1 5 73 53 126 Germans-Week - - - - - Parish 44 56] -—]| 2 45 11 - 163 161 324 Kelly - - - - + - - Parish 37 47} -]| 3 32 4 8 109 109 218 Lamerton - - - (+) (°) Parish} 133) 191] 3] 2 142 47 2 568 501 1,069 Lewtrenchard - + - - - Parish 36 60 | -]|] - 30 29 1 201 143 344 Lidford - - - - - - - Parish] 139 | 146] 2 | 12 118 25 3 374 360 434 Lifton - - - - - = = Parish}? 206] 229] 3] 3 174 46 9 586 628 1,214 Mary-Stow - - - - - - Parish 48 68} -—|] - 52 9 a 193 183 376 Mary-Tavy - - + - - - Parish 66] 133] -] - 31 101 1 503 430 933 OakKHAMPTON - (*) Borough and Parish} 308 | 379] 3] 4 169 | 143 67 941 966 1,907 Peter, St. Tavy, Parish: (° Willsworthy - - - - - Hamlet 14 14]/ 1] 2 14 - - 50 36 86 Sourton ~ - - - - =~ - Parish 94} 114] 1 2 a9. 10 27 259 287 546 Stowford - - - + - = = Parish 60 45 1 2 63 9 3 197 197 | 394 Sydenham-Damarel - (°) Parish 57 58) -| - 47 4 4 143 145 288 Thurshelton - - + - = ~ Parish 69 48 1 1 "5 3 - 206 191 397 Virginstow - - + - - = Parish 16 19 lj - 19 - - 63 53 116 1,773 |2,155 | 31 | 38 [1,505 | 492 | 158 | 6,035 | 5,650 | 11,685 MOLTON, South, Hundred. Anstey, East - + - ~- - Parish 30 30} -] - 247 3 - 88 83 171 Anstey, West - - - - - Parish 30 38; -| 2 35 3 _ 110 110 220 Bishops-Tawton - - - - Parish] 230 246 1 4 170 43 33 540 660 1,200 } Chittlehampton - - - Parish] 351! 362] 2] 8 | 227 go 45 871 877 | 1,748 ° George-Nympton - - - Parish} = 53 Bet ee es 38 a 8 132 127 259 Knowstone - - + = - - Parish 79 84} -| 4 65 14/, 5 230 214 444 Landkey - - - - - - = Parish} 122] 131] —| 4 69 18} 44 330 353 683 Molland - = © = = = Parish a4 gi{ -| - 38 18 35 242 1 214 456 Molton, North - - - - Parish} 334 | 389] 1] 11 172 | 151 66 Q15 932 1,847 Molton, South - - - - ~- Parish} 675 | 734 | 12 | 36 | 257} 438] 39 | 1,514 | 1,800 | 3,314 Satterleigh - - - - - + Parish 7 io} -}| 5 8 2 - 30 25 55 Swimbridge - - - - - - Parish} 242 | 256] 3] 5 179 40 37 696 678 1,374 Twitchen - - = e - Parish 30 go] 1} 3 28 2 - 79 83 162 Warkley - - - - - - - Parish 48 48} 1] 1 24 2 22 137 131 268 2,308 12,502 | 21 | 82 | 1,337 | 831 | 334 5,914 6,287 | 12,201 OTTERY, ST. MARY, Hundred. Ottery, St. Mary - - - Parish} 693 | 715 | 4] 21 326 | 246] 143 1,749 1,773 3,522 PLYMPTON Hundred. Brixton - - - - - Parish} 145] 152] 1] 5 88 32 32 427 427 854 PiyMpTon-EarL - Boroughand Parish} 103 | 165 | —| 5 41 67 57 328 434 762 Plympton, St.Mary - - Parish} 308 | 434 1 a 231 119 84 1,019 1,025 2,044 Plymstock - - - - + Parish} 408] 588] 7] 28 721 499 17 1,365 1,370 2,735 Revelstoke - - - - - = Parish 80} 103 a ee 3 46 11 46 240 244 484 (©) Lamerton and Sydenham-Damarel form a distinct portion of Lifton | Parish contains 2,023 Inhabitants.—(*) The Parish of St. Peter-T: Hundred, being surrounded by Tavistock Hundred.—(‘) The Parish ] is mostly in Roborongh Hundred. The entire Parish contains 444 li-’ of Oakhampton extends into Black-Torrington Hundred; the entire | habitants, M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. 67 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, “| Gees | EF | tes oR By 3 MES | chiefly | OTHER Pa ‘ how | 2 | chiefly | employ-| Families aH TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ZB |many | xo] Bf em | edin [notcom-| 4 5 | Families 2 ‘a | ployed | Trans, | prized in e Oe _ @ | Oc | 2 |Z | in | Manu- |the Two q & IPERSONS. SS cupied.| Rp Acri- | factures,| preced- a Fa cux- jorHandi-| ing PLYMPTON Handred—continued. ture. | craft. | Classes. Shaugh - - - - = = = Parish} 156] 190} 1] 5 168 21 1 289 262 551 Wembury - - - - - = Parish 95 | 109} -]| 1 a7 12 20 304 260 564 Yealmpton - ~- - = = = Parishf 241 | 274] 21 7 132 89 53 624 61 1,235 ROBOROUGH Hundred. 1,536 |2,015 | 13 | 62 | 855 | 850] 310 | 4,596 | 4,633 9,229 Andrews, St. (part of) Parish: (f) Weston-Peverel, or Penny-Cross Ty. 32 32]; - 22 5 5 100 138 238 Beer-Ferris - - - = (8) Parish} 361 | 413} 1] 8 187 57 | 169 | 1,103 1,095 2,198 Bickleigh - - - - - - = Parish 70 go2}; —] 1 44 14 34 240 217 457 | Buckland-Monachorum - = Parish] 198 | 219} —/| 18 141 62 16 622 555 1,177 Budeaux, St.- - - + - = Parish} 131 | 131] 2] 1 46 22 33 331 358 689 Charles the Martyr (part of) Par: (f) Compton-Gifford - - - - Tything 31 39 | 1] 4 23 1 15 74 101 195 . Eggbuckland - - - - = Parish} 170) 193] 1] 6 107 46 40 476 478 954 7 | Maker, Parish: (4). Vaultershome - - - - Tything] 221 | 298| — | 34 50 44| 204 576 646 1,222 Meavy - - ~ = - + = Parish 53 55} —| 2 50 5 - 180 141 321 Peter-Tavey (part of) (*) - = Parish 63 “4, -/|] 1 45 | 28 1 183 175 358 Sampford-Spiney - - - Parish} 53 63} -| 3 42 19 2 163 170 333 Sheepstor- - - - - - ~ Parish 19 wi —-| 41 16 —i 3 "5 54 129 Tamerton-Foliatt - - - - Parish} 165 | 186} — | 10 105 51 30 544 557 1,101 Walkhampton - - - - = Parish 88 g6} 1] 4 63 26 7 404 266 670 Whitechurch - - - - ~- Parish} 103 | 119} -—1 3 94 17 8 358 | 334 692 1,758 | 2,029 | 6 | 97 | 1,065 | 397] 567 | 5,429 | 5,285 | 10,714 SHEBBEAR Hundred. Albotsham - - - - - = Parish} 61 64{/ -!] 5 50 9 5 187 199 386 Alwington - - - - - - Parish 72 “6, 11 4 56 17 3 197 189 386 Beaford - - - - + = Parishf 110 / 110 f 1] 4 22 27 61 282 300 582 Bideford - - - - - = = Parish} 683 | 800] 3 | 21 235 | 284] 281 1,802 2,251 4,053 Buckland-Brewer - - - ~ Parish{ 187] 189] 1 2 139 | 47 3 522 521 1,043 Buckland-Filleigh - - - - Parish 44 44} -|{ 1 44 | - - 137 137 274 Bulkworthy - - - - - - Parishf 28 29} 2/ 1 21 | 8 - 81 "4 155 Frithelstock - - - - - + Parishf 101 | 106] —]| 8 98 | 8 - 326 306 632 Huish - - - = = = = Parish] 17 wzwte-] = 12 3 | 2 57 61 118 Iddesleigh - - - - - = Parish 46 78} 1] 5 52 20 6 245 237 482 Landcross - - - = - © Parish 11 14} -j| 2 12 1 1 40 43 83 Langtree - - - - - - = Parish} 136[ 144] 3] 3 111 22 11 388 390 748 Littleham - - - - ~- Parish 60 62, 1] 2 47; 12 3 167 200 367 Meeth - - - - = = = Parish 43 48 1 1 38 8 2 137 133 270 Merton - ~- - - = - = Parish? 143] 146[ -—]| 2 122 23 | 1 349 348 697 | Monkleigh - - - - - - Parish} 61 g91| -| 3 72 19 - 265 244 509 Newton, St.Petrock - - Parish 40 49} -| 2 20 13} 16 148 130 278 Northam - - - - -~ - - Parishf 524] 542} 4} 39 go 63 | 389 1,129 1,421 | 2,550 4 Parkham - - - - Parish} 175; 179] 4! 8 145 32 | 2 490 477 967 Peters-Marland - - - - - Parish 42 59 | 1 1 47 12 | - 175 168 343 Petrockstow - - - - - = Parish go 98} -] - 76 21 | 1 278 293 571 Putford, East - - - - Parish 29 32} 2] - 24 4 4 96 98 194 Shebbear - - - - - - - Parish} 195} 202] 3] 3 147 34] 21 506 500 1,006 Sheepwash - - - - -~ = Parish 83] 92} -—] 2 46 35 | 11 224. 212 436 Torrington, Little - - - - Parish g2} 10oz} 1] 6 88 12 2. 258 247 505 Ware-Gifford - - - - = Parish 94 98} -| 2 84 14. - 234 | 235 469 35197 | 3,471 | 29 127 | 1,898 | 748] 825 | 8,720 | 9,414 | 18,134 SHERWILL Hundred. Arlington - - ~ = - ~ Parish 34 36; 1] 1 29 y = 84 93 177 Brendon - - - - - - - Parshf 50] 54] -j| 1 44]. 10 - 128 147 275 Challacombe - - - - - - Parish 41 43} -| 2 39 4 - 126 114 240 : 4) The Borough of Plymouth, which includes most part of the Parishes of St. Andrews and St. Charles the Martyr, and with it Stoke-Damerall and East-Stenehouse (all in Roborough Hundred) is entered at the end of the county. Hundred.). (®) Beer-Ferris Parish includes the Borough of Brrratston.——(h) The Parish of Maker is mostly in Cornwall (East 68 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ; Bo. | | hoe ; LIES i OTHER Ai : how = | chiey sue Families ze TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 jimany { x | s [ em | edin |notcom- a a “oF 3 | Families 5 ‘e | ployed | Traps, | prized in a s 4 Oc- 3 S in’ | Manu- | the Two x a PERSONS. a cupied. | @ | Acrr- |factures,| preced- a Fe : cut~ |jorHandi-| ing SHERWILL Hundred—continued. rure. | craft. | Classes. Charles - - - - - - Pamsh 59 62} -| 1 46 15 1 165 157 322 Countisbury - - - - - - Parish 26 26; -] - 18 1 7 55 63 118 Highbray - - - Parish 49 4g} -] - 49 - - ~143 135 278 | Linton - - - - - Parishf 1187 118] -—| 3 40 36 12 296 336 632 Loxhore - - “ - Parish 43 46} -| - 37 5 4 lil 130 241 Martinhoe - - - - - Parish} 43 47| 1] - 44 3 - 96 108 204 Paracombe - - - Parish 69 69 | 1] 2 69 - - 176 188 364. Sherwill ~- +e - - Parish} 111 134} 1 4 128 - 6 321 324 645 | Stoke-Rivers — - - + - Parish} 49 54} 1] 2 47 6 1 154 137 291: 692! 438); 5 | 16 | 620 87 31 | 1,855 | 1,932 3,787 STANBOROUGH Hundred. | ; ee Allington, East - - - Parish 81 107 1 - 84 23 = 300 315 615: Allington, West - - - - Parish} 118} 128] -—} — 111 14 3 375 403 778 } Brent, South - - - - - Parish} 235 | 246] 10] 8 219 20 9 712 «| 689 1,401: | Buckfastleigh - - - - Parish} 359 | 581] 6 | 15 131 | 445 5 1,086 1,154 2,240 | Churchstow - - - Parish 52 52} —-} 1 47 5 - 140 176 316 Dartington - - - - = Parish 99 103 | —| 11 85 12 6 291 311 - 602 Dean-Prior - - : Parish 97; 109] -]| 5 52 56 1 281 280 561 Diptford - - - - - - Parish} 107{/ 143] 2] 7 100 39 4 341 312 653: Holne - - - - = Parish 68 7) -| 6 21 56 1 219 191 410 | Huish, North - - - - - Parish 40 “8]| -| 4 64 14 = 237 203 440 Huish, South - - = - Parish 66 76) -| 4 60}, 8 8 189 194 383 Kingsbridge - - - - Parish} 158} 303 | 3] 2 30 170 | 103 633 797 1,430 Loddiswell - - - - Parish} 133 | 138] 21] 5 111 22 5 _ 368 394 762 Malborough - - (DP) Parish} 248] 2561 31] 9 212 20 24 150 802 1,552 | Milton, South - = = = Parish] 47 65} -] 4 52 11 2 175 181 356. | Moreleigh - - = - - Parish 32 g2{ —-} = 26 6 = 97 105 202 Rattery - - - - - - Parish 62 87 | - 1 53 18 16 291 268 559 Thurlestone - - Parish 85 87} -} 1 74 11 2 235 | 191 426 Woodleigh - - oe Parish 42 45| -| - 37 4 1 156 142 298 2,159 | 2,714 | 27 | 83 | 1,569 | 957 | 188 | 6,876 | 7,108 | 13,984 TAVISTOCK Hundred. ; t Brentor :- - = - = - = Parish 18 igi —-} ~ 13 1 5 84 67 151 | Milton-Abbot - - - - Parish f 154 218 3 - 136 60 22 578 573 1,151 | Tavistock (+) Borough & Parish] 680 | 1,194 | 23 | 7 375 | 468) 351 | 2,563 2,920 5483 852 11,431 | 26] 7 | 524| 529| 378 | 3,225 | 3,560 | 6,785 | TAWTON, North, with WINKLEY Hundred. SSS Ashreigney, or Ringsash Parish} 183 185 1 4 145 38 2 420 438 858 | Atherington - - - - Parish} 101 13); -| 4 41 20 22 270 265 535 | Bow, or Nymet-Tracey - - Parish} 162 / 192] 11] 6 108 65 19 405 407 872 | Brushford 7 - + Parish 23 23; -| 1 22 1 - 62 72 134 Bundley - - - - - - Parish 59 591 -| 5 54 5 — 173 162 335 Burrington - - - - > Parish} 150 192 1 | 12 151 39 2 405 474 939 Chawley - - - - - -* Parish 154] 177] 1] 8 108 40 29 370 422 792 Clanaborough - ~ - - Parish] «+ 6 71 -] = 6 _— 1 33 23 56 Coleridge - - - - - Parish ff 120) 121] -| § 45 41 fF 302 330 632 Dolton - = = - Parish} 140] 142] 1] 8 97} 40 5 356 392 748 Dowland - - Parish 38 38) 2) - 36 2 - go 106 196 Down, St. Mary - - - - Parish} 63 68} -|] 1 56 10 2 201 199 400 Eggesford - - - Parish 26 31 —-| 2 18 6 4 60 84 144 High-Bickington - - - Parish} 125) 145] 1] 12 51 32 62 352 356 748 Lapford == = o Pash] i271, a44| 2) ¥ 75 | 62 7 319 35 674 Nymet-Rowland - > Parish 16 16} -}] 1 12 4 - 5l 51 102 Tawton, North - - - - Parshf 281] 306] 4] 5 124 | 144 38 9723 840 1,563 Wembworthy - - = = Parish 65 66} -| 5 55 1 - 184 165 349 Winkley - - Parish f 262 | 280] 1 | 13 148 69 63 710 726 1,436 Zeal-Monachorum - - Parish f 104 | 115 {| — | 12 gl 19 5 302 379 681 & = 2,205 | 2,420 | 15 |111 [1,503 | 648 | 269 5,848 6,346 12,194--} (5b) The Return of Malborough Parish includes the Chapelry of Salcombe. tants, and other diseases; but this has been remedied by drainage of surface water.— k) The entire Parish of Tiverton contains 8,631 Inhabi- (’) Uplowman Parish extends into Halberton Hundred. The M.DCCC.XXI.J THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. 6g . COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Hacc. | eam | hee ay 4 oi LIES on el g chiefly chiefly ae 2 TOTAL ! 3 many - | 8 em: employ-| “am pe c ; EXTRA-PAROCIIIAL PLACE. = lyamites| ® | 2 | pte | edi [potcom wf + or | a0, Ge pee | | eel Oe = |PERSONS| 4 cupied. | & | 5 Acri- gies preced- a & : coL- JorHandi-! ing TEINGBRIDGE Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. ASHBURTON | Borough and Parish} 396 | 778 | -— | 15 232} 486] 60 1,528 1,875 3,403 Bickington - - - - = = Parish 36 52), -| - 44 8 - 153 148 301 Bovey, North + - - - - Parish} 103 111 -| 5 a4 28 9 309 294 603 Bovey-Tracey - - - Parish} 325 | 343] 11] 3 241 82 | 20 817 868 1,685 Hennock - - - - + - = Parish} 129] 142] 1] 1 107 1g} 16 355 323 678 Highweek - - ~- = = Parish} 182 | 196] 4 | 15 99 67 | 30 420 487 907 Ideford - - - = - = = Parish ve 951 - 1 52 21 2 173 183 356 Ilsington - - = + = = Parish} 189} 199{ 3] 2 161 36 2 579 543, 1,122 Kingsteington - - - - (1) Parish} 219 | 223] 2] 1 153 48 | 22 570 561 1,131 Lustleigh - - = Parish 54 58); -| 1 42 9 ” 184 141 325 Manaton - - - - = - = Parish 56 69] 1 5 28 ll 30 224 179 403 Moreton-Hampstead - Parish} 386 | 3098 1 4 218 165 15 939 993 1,932 Teingrace - - - Parish 23 24] 1 2 a1 2 1 63 68 131 2,171 {2,668 | 14 | 55 | 1,472 | 982 | 214 6,314 | 6,663 | 12,977 TIVERTON Hundred. Calverleigh - - - = Parish 17 a4{ -] - 12 3 9 40 53 93 Huntsham - - - - = Parish 26 26] -| 4 20 6 - 97 76 153 Loxbear - - - = - - Parish 23 25) -| - 16 7 2 76 62 138 TIVERTON Borough and Parish: (*) Clare - - = = = = Quarter 62 62} 1] - 62 - - 202 179 381 Pitt - - - - - = Quarter} 114] 116] -| 5 114 = 2 370 326 696 Pryors - - - = = - = Quarter 84 84} -|] 1 79° 2 3 249 227 476 ‘Tidcombe - - - - - = Quarter 66 66}; —| - 62 = 4 212 174 386 Town - - - - - - Quarter} 997 {1,262 | 5 / 18 124; 979 | 159 3,055 3,657 6,712 ] Uplowman - - - = - (!) Parish 80 80} -| - 61 16 3 223 202 425 1,469 |1,745 | 6} 28 | 550 | 1,013 | 182 4,504 | 4,956 | 9,460 WITHERIDGE Hundred. - Bishops-Nympton - - - - Parish! 188] 911 | -—| 8 167 44 - 569 527 1,096 | Cheldon - - - - - = Parish 20 20} -); 1 18 1 1 46 50 96 | Chulmleigh - - - - Parish} 303 | 327] 11] 24 | 145] 125] 57 737 769 1,506. 4 Creacombe es - - Parish 6 8 -| - vi 1 - 21 19 40 Cruwys-Morchard - - - - Parishf 113] 114] -| - 86 24 4 339 313 652 | King’s-Nympton - - Parishf{ 124! 144) -| 9 118 24 2 322 301 623 | Mari-Ansleigh “- - - Parish 54 54} -] - 42 11 1 140 149 289 | Meshaw - - - - - - Parish 31 31|/ -| - 24 9 = 84 19 163 Oakford - - - - - - Parish 89 96} -| 1 80 14 2 253, 221 474 Puddington - - - - Parish 33 35 | -| 6 25 9 1 96 80 176 Rackenford - - - - ~ Parish 49 87}; -| 2 61 15 | 71 203 192 395 Romansleigh - - - ~ Parish 31 36} -|] 1 32 4 - 111 103 214 J Rose-Ash - - - = - Parish 68 87} -|] 2 69 13 5 222 214 436 Stoodley with Highley, St. Mary Parish 42 8B] 2] - 59 15 4 264. 202 466 Templeton - - - - - Parish 39 39 | -| 2 30 9 - 108 go 198 Thelbridge - - - - - = Parish 24 a4} 1] — 22 2 - 87 81 168 Washford-Pine - - Parish 26 261 -]| -)| 18 8 - 75 64 139 Witheridge - 2 - - Parishf 246 | 254] 8 | 4 134 41 | 49 554 567 1,121 Woolfardisworthy - + - - Parish 36 36 | -]} 2 26 3 7 106 107 213 Worlington, Fast - - - ~~ Parish 43 44] -| 2 34 4 3 128 125 253 | Worlington, West - - - - Parish} 28 29} -| 1 23 4 2 97 "5 172° 1,653 | 1,780 | 12 | 65 1,220] 411 | 149 4,562 4,328 | 8,890 WONFORD Hundred. Alphington - - - - - Parishf 221 | 921] 2 | 15 116 69 | 36 482 588 1,070 | Brampford-Speke - - - Parish 44 63 -| 2 28 14 21 149 154 303 Bridford - - - = Parish 78 gi} 1] 7 71 10} 10 267 224 491 Chagford - - - + + - Parish} 276 | 290] 6] 7 199} ° 76] 15 760 743 1,503 Cheriton, Bishop - - - - Parish} 127] 142] 4] 2 97 40 5 371 382 753 Christow - - - = - - Parish g6 | 106] 3] 1 70 20 | 16 274 257 531 Combintinhead - - - -(™) Parish} 100] 107] -| 4 97 4 3 179 224 403 Drewsteington - - - = Parishf 222} 243] 2] 4 188 40] 15 577 611 1,188 . «4) Kingsteington was formerly remarkable for the frequency of agues | whole Population is entered here——(™) Stokeintinhead Parish includes Shaldon Green, and, with Combintinhead and Haccombe, forms a distinct portion of the Hundred near Newton-Bushell. x T [ Enumeration; 70 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bin | EEE | poy, By | UP | chiefly | OTHER on | ae & | chiefly | employ-| Families vj | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. E |pamiies! 2 | S | ployed |g, [nedin| «= Z or @ | 0 1/2] 4 a og ee = & _|PERSONS, 3 cupied.| | 5 Acnr- | factures,| preced- a cut- |orHandi-| ing WONFORD Hundred—continued. TuRE. | craft, | Classes. Donsford = - Pash? 118] 153] 41] 9 126 24 3 442 BUT 819 Gidley - - Parish 20 20/ 2] 3 19 1 -. 62 59 121 Haccombe - (+) (™) Exstra-P. 2 3] -| - = 2 1 13 14 27 Heavitree - - - Parish} 211 248 | 10| 7 134 43 71 599 684 1,253 Hittisleigh - - ~ + Parish 21 32} -}| - 26 3 3 88 75 163 Holcombe-Burnell - Parish 40 43} -| 2 37 4 2 134 103 237 Huxham - - Parish 16 28) - 1 17 11 = 88 84 172 Leonard, St. - - Parish} 42 ga s= | ®t 5 3 34 87 119 |, — 206 Nicholas, St. - - = + Parish} 233] 255] 3 | 24 15 70 | 170 362 607 969 Ogwell, East (") Parishf 59 eo] et a 35 7 17 136 159 295 Ogwell, West (*) Parish 7 7|/ -| - 6 - 1 22 20 42 Pinhoe : « Parish? 102 | 106] 2) 2 44 23 6 250 227 477 Poltimore’- - - Parish 51 6a) Bi 46 9 - 143 127 270 Rewe (part of) (°) Parish 31 gy | —t 4 15 14 4 gl 97 188 Sovton - + =~ =~ + + @) Pain} 68) yil ~| = 49| 15 7 183 156 339 Spreyton - - - - Parish 68 81} 2] 4 56 8 17 210 188 398 Stoke-Cannon - - - = Parish} 63 67} 1] 3 38 22 7 167 170 337 Stokeintinhead - -(™) Parish} 129 | 132] —| 6 go 19 23 286 324 610 Tawton, South - - Parishf 303 | 345] 1] 7 239 69 37 914 964 1,878 Tedburn, St.Mary - - Parish {| 113] 122] 2] 3 95 24 3 386 323 709 Thomas, St. the Apostle - (9) Parish] 492 7977 | 13 | 24 64 | 607 106 1,591 1,654 35245 Throwley - - - Parish 60 60} -—]| 2 53 a - 196 190 386 Topsham - - - (7) Parish} 567 | 619] 2 | 30 8] 383] 228 1,405 1,751 3,156 Upton-Pyne - - - - Parish 85 go} 1] 1 80 9 1 203 228 431, Whitstone —- Parish} 101 | 113] 1] 5 gl 14 8 314 271 585 4,166 | 4,824 | 62 |187 | 2,287 | 1,667 | 870 11,401 | 12,154 | 23,555 EXETER City, and County of the same. Allhallows, Goldsmith-street - Parish 51 82} -}] 1 = | 82 - 184 253 437 Allhallows-on-the-Walls - Parshf 100] 157] 3] 4 2 134 21 321 377 698 Bedford-Circus - - Precinct 20 20| -]}] 1 - 4 16 34 85 119 Bradninch - (8) Precinct - _ - ~ _ - = S - = Close - - - - = Precinct} 111 | 198] -—| 4 ~ 95 | 103 309 463 979 David, St. - - - Parish} 365 | 492] 4 | 19 24 | 262 | 206 997 1,285 2,282 Edmund, St. on the Bridge - Parish} 180] 346] —| 8 57 | 261 28 619 "59 1,378 George, St. - - - Parish} 110 | 202] -]| 6 3) 147 52 368 425 793 John, St. ~- = - = + = Parish 49 128 | 2] 6 6 | 112 10 237 306 543 Kerrican, St. - - - - Parish 58 89! -] 3 = 86 3 190 200 390 Lawrence, St. - - Parish 88 | 147} -]| 3 —| 110 37 296 369 665 Martin, St. - - - + Parish 45 62} -] 1 - 50 12 126 203 329 Mary, St. Arches - - - Parish yo] 117] -| 2 3 "5 39 264 280 544 Mary, St. Major - - - Parish} 345!/ 635] 5 | 7 1 | 247] 387 | 1,394 1,690 3,084 Mary, St. Stepps - - - Parish 97 267] 5 | 6 16 | 228 23 499 | 591 1,090 Olave, St. - Parish} 1396] 212} -—| 7 1 189 22 404 518 922 Pancras, St. - - - Parish 51 79/ -] - - 61 18 196 192 388 Paul, St.and Bradninch - - Parish} 238] 382] 1] 9 2 184 | 196 716 834 1,550 Peterock, St. Parish 45 50} -| 2 - 50 - 131 163 294 Seidwell, St. - - Parish] 665 | 906 | 25 | 20 17 | 696] 193 1,871 2,501 | 4,372 Stephen, St. - - Parish 63 ai =] = ~ 59 12 193 259 452 Trinity, Holy - - - - Pah] $39) 612/48) 6 31 870) 421 986 | 1,391 | 2,377 3,256 15,155 | 58 |118 135 | 3,511 |1,509 | 10,335 | 13,144 | 23,479 Borough of PLYMOUTH and SUBURBS. - Andrew, St. - (*) Parish 1,350 | 2,995 | 10 [157 92 | 1,684 | 1,219 5.159 7,047 | 12,206 Charles-the-Martyr = - (") Parish } 1,034 | 2,155 | 19 | 76 84 |1,292 | 779 4,110 55275 9,385 Stoke-Damerall - - Parish £3,147 | 7,844 | 13 |148 61 | 3,239 | 4,544 14,867 | 18,711 | 33,578 Stonehouse, Fast - - - Parishf 717 |1,471 | 18 | 62 81 595 | 795- 2,321 3,722 6,043 6,248 |14,465| 60 |443 | 318 |6,810 |7,337 | 26,457 | 34,755 | 61,219 (*) East-Ogwell, and West-Ogwell, form another distinct portion of the Hundred near Newton-Bushell: (°) The Parish of Rewe is partly in Hayridge Hundred. The entire Parish contains 280 Inhabitants. (?) The Parish of Sowton extends into East-Budleigh Hundred —— (3) The Chapelry of Aldridge is included in the Return of the Parish of St, Thomas the Apostle——(") One female upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Topsham. (°) Bradninch is included in the Return of St. Paul’s Parish(‘) Part of the Parish of St. Andrew is entered in Roborough Hundred ; the entire Parish contains 12,444 In- habitants. One male upwards of 100 years of age.——{") Part of the Parish of Charles-the-Martyr is entered in Roborongh Hundred ; the entire Parish contains 9,560 Inhabitants, . M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, U GEO. IV. C. 94. 7h COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DEVON. — HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : ” OH Baaer- ue ALL ; HUNDREDS, ; By = MES euicty OruEr ; , ro 3 ha ; = chiefly employ- Families ; 8 TOTAL 5 nY | eo |} em- ed in | not com- wb a 4 a 8 4 ployed ae ee in a 3 . . OF “ feupied. | 2 |S | Acm- facture, preced= 3 5 pen cuL- jorHandi-| ing ea : ture. | craft, | Classes. Hundred of pee AXMINSTER - ~ - - | 2,464 | 2,649 | 27 | 62 | 1,173 | 1,084 | 392 | 6,491 | 6,777 | 13,268 BAMPTON - ~ - - - + 41,182 /1,313] 9 | 347 yo5 | 440} 148 3,335 3,290 6,625 BLACK-TORRINGTON 2,924 13,178 | 56 | 90 | 2,444 | 565 | 169 9,086 | °8,566 | 17,652 BRAUNTON - 7 ~ 13,183 13,589 | 37 |i24 | 1,481 | 1,683 | 425 8,255 | 9,672 | 17,924 BUDLEIGH, EAST - - - = | 2,441 |3,899 | 46 |194 | 1,481 11,564 | “854 8,323 9,927 | 18,250 BUDLEIGH, WEST - - - | 566} 595| 5] 19 | 452] 119 24 | 1,526 | 1,512 | 3,038 | CLISTON - os os 608 | 647 | 2 | 11 432 | 128 847 1,543 1,489 3,032 COLERIDGE - - - - - | 2,926 |3,973 | 23 |138 | 1,613 | 1,434 | 926 8,469 | 10,249 | 19,018 COLYTON - - - = 41,330 |1,404 | 19 | 28 [| 802] 266) 336 | 3,396] 3,575 | 6,971 CREDITON « - - - = ~ | 2,267 |2,460 | 13 | 95 J1,142 11,025 | 293 5,316 6,091 | 11,407 ERMINGTON ~ = | 1,688 | 1,901 | 13 | 68 J 1,269 | 506] 132 5,196 5,168 | 10,364 EXMINSTER ~- - - - - | 2,984 |3,182 | 30 [188 | 1,194 |1,461 | 527 | 7,416 | 8,607 | 16,023 FREMINGTON - - - ~ = | 1,437 |1,589 | 23 | 79 897 | 510] 182 3,776 4,065 7,841 HALBERTON - - + + 507 | 582] 1413 400 | 134 48 1,304 1,322 2,626 HARTLAND - - + - 680 | 849, 2 | 22 633 197 19 2,140 2,234, 4,374 HAYRIDGE - - - - = - [| 2,316 | 9,597 | 13 1107 | 1,315 | 1,063 | 219 6,113 |, 6,202 | 12,315 ‘HAYTOR - - - ~ + 13,755 | 4,303 | 44 [243 | 1,636 | 1,275 | 1,392 9,716 | 11,316 | 21,032 HEMYOCK - - - + = 1,092 1,177 | 4 | 24 470 | 352 55 2,708 | 2,461 | 5,489 LIFTON - - - - 1,773 |2,155 | 31 | 38 | 1,505 | 492] 158] 6,035 | 5,650 | 11,685 MOLTON, SOUTH = -_—s=_—«-:—*| 2,308 | 2,502 | 21 | 82 | 1,337] 831] 334 | 5,914 | 6,287 | 12,201 OTTERY, ST.MARY ~ - + | 693] 715] 4 | 21 326 | 246] 143 | 1,449 | 1,773 | 3,522 PLYMPTON - - - = - 1,536 | 2,015 | 13 | 62 855 | 850] 310 4,596 | 4,633 | 9,229 ROBOROUGH - - - - «+ | 1,758 [2,029] 6 | 97 | 1,065 | 3971 567 5,429 | 5,285 | 10,714 SHEBBEAR - - - = - - | 3,197 |3,471-| 29 |127 | 1,898 | 748} 825 8,720 9,414 | 18,134 SHERWILL - - - = - 692 | 738) 5 | 16 620 847 31 1,855 1,932 3,787 SFANBOROUGH + - - | 2,169 | 2,714 | 27 | 83 | 1,569 | 957 188 6,876 7,108 13,984 TAVISTOCK - - - - = 852 11,431 | 26] 7: 7 524] 529] 378 3,225 3,560 6,785 ee | - - ~ | 2,205 |2,420 | 15 j111 | 1,503 | 648] 269 5,848 | -6,346 | 12,194 TEINGBRIDGE - - - ~ | 2,171 | 2,668 | 14 | 55 1,472 | 982] 214 6,314 6,663 | 12,974 TIVERTON - - - - = 7 1,469 /1,745 | 6 | 28 | 550 ]1,013 | 182 | 4,504 | 4,956 | 9,460 WITHERIDGE - - - - - | 1,653 |1,780 | 12 | 65 [1,220 | 411 149 4,562 4,328 8,890 WONFORD sy) ae - | 4,166 | 4,824 | 62 j187 | 2,287 | 1,667 870 4 11,401 | 12,154 | 23,555 Borough of PLYMOUTH and SUBURBS - | 6,248 {14,465 | 60 |443 | 318 | 6,810 | 7,337 | 26,457 | 34,755 | 61,212 TotaL - - ~- $71,486 |90,714 | 756 3,082 37,037 33,985 |19,692 | 208,229 230,811 439,040 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS COUNTY OF DEVON —continued. AND RETURNS UNDER: [ Enumeration. Ages of Persons. MALES. PN 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90} 1007 ee to to to to to to to to to } to | to ea 5 Hundred = 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/100} yarasf © of peers ees ips AXMINSTER 1,001 | 880] 791 | 645] g60|] 684] 551 | 451 | 301/172 | 65] 5] — | 6,506 BAMPTON - 520 480} 429} 313] 472} 345] 292] 211 | 154] 98) 22] —| — | 3,335 BLACK-TORRINGTON [1,336 | 1,232 | 1,053 | 945 |1,503| 992 | 697] 548 | 417/259] 53] 2] — | 9,017 BRAUNTON 1,282 (1,051 | 965 | 848 }1,174 |; 906 | 785) 565 | 409}215 | 45 | 41] 1 | 8,250 BUDLEIGH, E.& W. [1,334 | 1,151 | 1,030 | 830 !1,269 | 961 | 800] 530 | 439/234 | 64] 5 | — | 864, CLISTON 211 | 209) 164] 160) 229g] 189] 126] 103} 92] 51) 9] -| — | 1,543 COLERIDGE - [1,481 / 1,255 | 973 | 851 |1,144 }1,019 | 711 | 610 | 472/223 | 47 | 3] — | 8,789 COLYTON -| 496] 484] 447 | 322| 509] 332] 276] 240 | 185) 81} 25) —| — | 3,397} CREDITON - -]| 819} 745) 612] 551 | 728] 598) 475| 351 | 279/139] 19] 2] - 7 5,917 ERMINGTON -] 596 | 590] 511 | 460) 634] 494] 310] 255 | 194/124 { 25] 21 — | 4,195 EXMINSTER - ~= 11,224 | 956 | 896] 684 /1,035 | 845 | 665] 489 | 3851198 | 35| 4] — | 4,416 FREMINGTON 588 | 502 | 414} 393] 556} 409 | 336] 244 | 208) 96 | 24] 3] — | 3,773 HALBERTON” - - 189 165 145 140 183 124 144 87 | 75} 34117 1 — f 1,304F HARTLAND - - 340 286 246 211 302 219 173 147 | 110] 79 | 23 4] — | 2,140 HAYRIDGE -| 890} 682] 618} 569] 835] 622] 480] 392 | 293/138] 42 | 1] — | 5,560 HAYTOR 3 1,615 | 1,371 |1,168 [1,090 /1,125 | 972 | 854] 701 | 514/248 | 64] 4] — | 9,726 HEMYOCK - - | 384] 376] 310) 277] 405 | 293] 210] 185 | 144/102] 27] -] ~— | 2,710 LIFTON -~ - 789 | 678 | 599] 536 |1,011 | 623 | 447 | 381 | 233/120] 24) -| - | 5,411] MOLTON, SOUTH - -| 873] 745 | 681 | 588} 898] 659] 538! 407 | 336/147] 36] 41] —- | 5,912 OTTERY, ST. MARY -]| 252} 231 | 269}; 190] go2|] 193} 144] 118 | 89] 47/31] 3] - 1,749] PLYMPTON - ~-J] 713} 635 | 506| 5031 682] 498] 405] 303 | 214/106 | 27] 4] - | 4,596 ROBOROUGH - -| 859] 718] 643 | 591 | 818] 672] 462} 337 | 243/123 | 22] 1) — | 5,489 SHEBBEAR - - 11,364 }1,156 | 1,073 | 97 }1,309 | 932] 722] 522 | 451/227 | 61] 4) — | 8,718 SHERWILL - -|{ 260] 225), 220; 167] 304] 203] 153] 129 | 106] 62] 13] 1] ~ | 1,863 STANBOROUGH 998 | 931 | 871 | 778} 9541] 7571 5741] 471 |. 327/195 | 39] 21 — | 6,867) TAVISTOCK += - 93 gl 81 64} 1293 84 63 28] 18] 12) 5] -—| -—] 662} aes a 865 | 785} 683 | 661] 919 | 627 / 471 | 375 | 308)125 | 26] 3 | - | 5,846} TEINGBRIDGE 941 | 862) 749 | 608} 8478) 744 | 522] 468 | 346/164] 31] 1] — | 6,314 TIVERTON ~| 595 | 580] 584] 477] 718] 421 | 3851 330 | 237/128 | 40] g| — 4,504 WITHERIDGE -f| 608! 567 | 544] 455] 751] 540} 389] 305 | 247,122 | 29] 5/] —- | 4,562 WONFORD - 1,698 | 1,488 | 1,274 | 1,084 | 1,645 |1,318 |1,081 | 838 | 607 277 1771 3) - 11,390} eniee pe } 1505 | 1,335 | 4047 1,077 | 1,449 | 1,393 | 1,061 | 705 | 479/230 | 53 | 1] 10,335} sa Ae aetna 4,898 | 4,103 | 2,791 | 1,994 | 2,631 | 3,494 | 2,892 | 1,879 |1,114/508 |127 | 10 | 1 426,441 Total of MALES 31,617 275545 23,387 19,959 38,375 23,162 dic cilia 10,024'5,033/ 1,226] go is 202,288) THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Devon was... . 439,040, . Was . . . 425,923,... whence it appears, that the Ages of one thirty-third part of the persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in cow- pliance with the question to that effect. -+.and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, M.DCCC.XXL.] ‘ HE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 73 COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALES. cr =a 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60| 70| 80; 90/100), Unie to to to to to to to to | to | to | to = es Hundred ® | a0 | a5 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80| 90 | 100 hwaras & of AXMINSTER - -| 9371} 847] 765] 651 |1,094] 740] 593 | 486 /368 |240}] 69 | 2} — | 6,792 BAMPTON - -]| 4771 474} 387] 251 | 472 | 371 | 304] 212 |199| 98 | 42] 3] = | 3,290 BLACK-TORRINGTON 11,310 |1,087 | 946] 873 /1,320} 982] 722] 529 |457 |220] 69} 41] — | 8,519 BRAUNTON~ - ~ | 1,227 11,159 | 924 11,001 | 1,641 $1,118 | 939 | 670 |556 |318 |102 | 16; — | 9,661 BUDLEIGH, E. & W. - }1,420 |1,122 | 922] g24 /1,755 11,187 | 815 | 634 |529 |299 | 99 | 4] — |.9,710 CLISTON - - -f 198 | 220] 142] 124] 226} 171] 152 93 | 89 |} 62) 18] —| = | 1,495 COLERIDGE - ~~ }1,492 | 1,218 1,013 | 981 | 1,638 }1,292 | 888] 719 /570 |327 | 86] 7 | — 410,231 COLYTON™ - -} 493 | 467] 390] 354] 580} 418] 304] 243 |216 | 89] 20] 2] — | 3,576 CREDITON - -~]| 818] 739] 602] 546] 936} 724] 645] 446 380 |203 | 46} 5} = | 6,090 ERMINGTON” - -} 600] 491 | 413] 440] 645] 452] 363] 260 |191 {107) 18] 1] — | 3,981 EXMINSTER—- ~ 41,152 {1,075 | 859 | 863 11,555 |1,050 | 737 | 586 |489 |207 | 80} 4] — | 8,657 FREMINGTON - -| 566] 493] 410] 427] 630] 485] 358] 298 |233 }121 |] 40] 3 1 | 4,065 HALBERTON~ - -{ 194] 179 | 127 | 198} 182 141 149 | 106 | 67 | 26] 21 2] — | 1,322 HARTLAND - -| 296 | 302 | 2271 204] 370] 256] 190] 161 {141 | 69] 14] 4] — | 2,234 ‘HAYRIDGE - -]| 766 | 703 | 559 | 519 | 879} 642} 494] 418 |302 /180 | 58| 6] — | 5,526 | HAYTOR - - - 11,585 | 1,409 | 1,206 | 1,177 | 1,685 | 1,387 | 1,026 | 915 |563 }265 | 86] g | — [11,313 HEMYOCK °° - -} 389 | 350] 274] 248 | 392] 317 | 254 | 210 {172 {121 |] 30] 4] — | 2,761 )LIFTON - - -| 771 | 689} 565 | 542 | 813 | 560} 427 | 345 |218 |121 | 26| 2] — [5,079 : MOLTON, SOUTH -| 835} 740] 614 | 590 |1,045 | 752 | 611 | 480 |360 [192 | 64 | 3] — | 6,286 _OTTERY, ST. MARY -| 244 i 214 | 206] 154] 265] 217 | 169) 124 |104 54 20; 2] - | 1,773 PLYMPTON - -1| 749| 554] 494] 405] 741 | 538] 416] 331 J230 |117 | 42] 6] — | 4,623 ROBOROUGH - -| 801] 691] 525] 524| 884) 652] 469 | 359 [276 114 | 23] 3] - | 5,321 SHEBBEAR = - 11,314 |1,153 | 977 | 915 | 1,571 |1,089 | 825 |} 676 |499 |276 |104 | 7} — | 9,406 SHERWILL - 8 eh) 236 | 237 193 189 | 284 | 222 185 |} 152 |128 | 70 | 35 1] — | 1,932 STANBOROUGH -] 954] 889] 853 | 736 |1,106 | 801; 610] 493 |358 |165 |] 39] 6) — | 7,010 TAVISTOCK - -f gt} 84} 75} 68} 106] 65) 53] 41] 33] 17) 7) -| —] 640 a ae : oT 878 | 792 | 688] 605} 963] 731] 554] 475|397 188/76} 8] — | 6,355 TEINGBRIDGE - -J] 931 | 855} 648 | 632 /1,019 | 812] 589] 500 /424 /193| 58] 2| — | 6,663 TIVERTON - -| 659 | 563 | 522] 575 | 881 450 | 425 | 352 |/289 |172] 61} 9 | — | 4,958 WITHERIDGE - -]| 593 | 535.| 449] 398] 650] 530] 404] 312 |272 |130 38 | 5] — 1 4,316 |} WONFORD~ .- - 11,648 | 1,456 1,204, 11,169 |2,012 | 1,480 | 1,091 | 915 | 706 1378} 88 | 9 | 1 [12,157 Sue 4 1,352 | 1,389 | 1,131 | 1,374 | 2,618 | 1,747 {1,321 |1,011 |710 {356 |113 | 16 | — ]13,138 oe 4,791 |4,195 | 3,088 | 3,061 | 6,019 | 5,130 | 3,626 | 2,419 [1,536] 696 [178 | 16 | — Js4,755 Total of FEMALES - [30,767 [27,361 |22,398 |21,648 (38977 27,509 |20,708 |15,971 |12,062/6,191 as 171) 2 [223,635 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Devon was 487 ; nine of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (-+): anda small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, 74 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS: AND RETURNS UNDER County of Dorset. [ Enumeration; — —< The Returns of the Population are arranged according to the Divisions and Subdvesons of this County; and the Hundreds precede the Lzberties in each Division. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BLANDFORD (North Division.) COOMBS DITCH Hundred. Awoverson - - - = - Parish Blandford, St.Mary - - - Parish Blandford-Forum - - (#) Town Bloxworth - - (+) - = ‘Parish Thomson - - - - - = © Parish Winterborne-Clenstone - - - Parish Winterborne-Whitechurch - - Parish PIMPERNE Hundred. Bryanston - - - - = Parish Durweston - - - = = = Parish Fifehead-Neville - - (°) Parish Hammoon = = - = - = Parish Haselbury-Bryan - = (°) Parish Houghton-Winterborne - - Parish Langton-Long-Blandford - ~- Parish -Pimperne- - + = - - = Parish Stepleton-Preston - - - Esxtra-P. Strickland-Winterbourne - - Parish Stourpain- = - - - = + Parish Tarrant-Hinton - - - - = Parish Tarrant-Keynston - - - = Parish Tarrant-Launceston © - = Parish ‘Tarrant-Ranston - - = © Parish RUSHMORE Hundred. | Winterborne-Zelstone - - ~- Parish DEWLISH Liberty. Dewlish - - - Parish rane Parish St. Andrew - - BLANDFORD (South Division.) CORFE-CASTLE Hundred. CorFE-CastLeE (4) Borough & Parish North-Division - - + - Tything South-Division - - - - Tything BEER-REGIS Hundred. Beer-Regis - - = (&) Parish Shitterton - - - - = - Tything Milbourne-Styleham - - - Parish Winterbourne-Kingston - - Parish HUNDREDSBARROW Hundred. Aff-Puddle - - - (f) Parish Bryants-Puddle - - - - Tything Turners-Puddle - - - - - Parish Stoke, East, Parish : Worgret - - - - (8) Tything HASILOR Handred. Arne - - - - = - - Parish Church-Knowle - - (*) Parish Holme, East - - - - - Parish HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: By Famr- ps Au | | how ° enn, chiefly aii i ys TOTAL ss [veany | | BY em) | employ- | Zamilies : a & | Families P| a loved | £4 2 not ie ye a Or : 21% (212 1*o |=-tenel & PERSONS, =I cupied. | *S a Mann. | Het wo a a ; a a}, Acri- |factures, | Preced- Ff & iy CUL- JorHandi-| _ 9g pean ——. TURE. | craft, | Classes. te) of} a 10] 5 “ 41 37 78 58 WT \| “| > 25 191 33 167 191 358 34 38} - oe 30 2 6 99 111 210 7 Oui) seed 9 - - 23 20 43 14) 14| -| 13} = 1 34 39 73 89 | 97] 1] 2 mol ay 10 236 257 493 19 19) =| = 19 - = 39 40 79 83 g6; 1] - 49 18 29 236 218 454 15 {| -| 1 12 al 2 49 46 95 15 16] -{ - 9 4 3 37 34 7 105 | 112] 7] 4 80 26 6 295 279 574 37 49} -j} - 41 5 3 93 110 203 25 27) -—1} 3 20 - 7 78 82 160 85 | 110] -]} 1 93 13 4 202 224 426 6 6] =| = 4 - 2 13 10 23 68; i a! = 62 10 3 179 185 364 64) 104) 3| = 51 20| 33 234 265 499 a8 | 69} <-| @ 49 a) se 134 144 278 39 51] 2] 2 36 14 1 112 108 220 17 17{ -| - 16 1 = 42 46 88 9 wl}oop = 12 - - 33 25 58 36; 50] -|] - 39 10 1 105 140 245 65 68} -| = 59 9 re 194 192 386 46 57| -} 2 35 16 6 113 131 244 1,020 |1,196 | 16 | 16 823 | 219 | 154 | 2,788 | 2,934 59722 1g8 | 201) =i = 65} 91] 45 380 443 823 73 GE} el = 60 15 2 188 196 384 ‘ Gh tgp eh 44 9 3 129 129 258 | 188 | 221) -| 4 93} 50; 78 438 | 515 953 30 3a) —| 2 12 11 10 62 65 127 47 52] 1 1 27 18 a 130 134 264 64 gz} -] 1 78 13 1 226 238 464 48! 55) -]| 4 42 6 4 139 140 272 OT. 39 | 7 2 23 5 11 81 88 169 | 20 20; —-; 1 18 - 2 46 52 g8 | 25 29) -| - 16 - 13 67 67 134 7 | So) ey] = 59 9 21 213 187 400 7 Ro) aN = 6 - 1 21 21 42 | 1,465 persons.—(*) The entire Parish of Beer-Regis contains 1,080 (#) The Town of Blandford-Forum is entered at the end of the County. ——(°) Fifehead-Neville and Haselbury-Bryan form a detached portion of the Hundred and Division, being locally situate in Cerne Division. ——{(‘) Milbourne St. Andrew, included in this Return, is in Dorchester Division ——(¢) The Borough and Parish of Corre-CasTLE contains Inhabitants, Beer-Heath is included in the Return.—(f ) The entire. Parish of Aff-Puddle contains 441 Inhabitants.——~(®) Worgret ae t is included in the Return of East-Stoke (Winfrith Hundred. )——-(4) The Return from Church-Knowle includes Bradle and Creech Tythings. M.DCCC.XXI.J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO.IV. 0. Q4+ : COUNTY, OF DORSET—continued. : HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . + Fae | FOO | acy sere ‘ B : LIES * Orner — a: A ine B | chiesy: ee Families é TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, SB fmany | ws | Bf em [edin [notcom-f 4 ry ‘ : =| Families 2 ‘a. | ployed | 7, ‘ape, | Prized in < F sees ‘3 Oc- a ae in Manu. | the Two 4 a PERSONS. : 4 cupied.| @ | Acrr- | factures,| preced- (ea q BLANDFORD (South Division) inued. cuL- lorHandi-| _ ing HASILOR Handred—continued. - SURE) crate: | Claates: Kommeridge - - - - = Parish 18 18}; -]| 2 12 - 6 42 - 48 go Steeple - - - = = - «© Parish] 40 4o{} -]|] 1 35 3 2 117 116 233 | Tyneham = - = = - = Parish 39 | -39] -j} 2 31 7 |. 1 117 123 240 ROWBARROW Hundred. ‘ Langton-Matravers - - - - Parish} 124] 124] —| 2 41 82 1 311 317 628 Studland - - - - = = + Parish} 84 84} -—| 2 AY 3) 34 164 218 382 Swanage - - - - - - = Parish} 307{ 317] 41] 39 40 | 2171}; 60 770 837 1,607 | Worth-Matravers - - - Parish 55 63} 1 1 36 26 |. 1 155 |} 170. 325 WINFRITH Hundred. , | Coombe-Keynes - - - - = Parish 29 ag} —-{ - 20 1 8 61 - 67 128 | Lullworth, East - - - - - Parish 76 6} -{ = 47 10 19 162 191 353 Moreton - - - * = = = Parish 53 54} ~f 1 43 9 2 124 132 256 } Poxwell - - - - = - = Parish 11 wz{-j - 12 - - 34 39 73 Stoke, East -« - - - (8) Parish 99 g9} -} 1 87 9 3 269 250. 519 | Warmwell - = - = - = Parish 16 16]; =} 1 15 - 1 40 42 82 | Winfrith-Newburgh - - - Parish} 130] 1571 5] — 132 18 4 365 399 764 Woodsford - - - = - = Parish} 20 23) -| 1 23 -} c= 97 82. 159 BINDON Liberty. Chaldon-Herring - - = = Parish 50 5a; -f[ — 48 2- ~ 149 121 240 Lullworth, West - - - - - Parish] 77 82] 1] 2 51 21 3 184 181 365 Wool - - - - - = = = Parish 97} 104] -—f 2 78 22 4 230 223 453° OWERMOIGNE Liberty. / Owermoigne - - - - = Parish} 54 gal =| we 66 q 1 ' 182 195 377 STOBOROUGH Liberty. | Stoborough ~ = - + (i!) Liberty - -~{| -{ - - - - - - - 2,202 | 2,432 | 12 | 71 | 1,407 |. 671 | 354 F 5,636 6,026 | 11,662 | BRIDPORT Division. (/‘) BEAMINSTER-FORUM and REDHONE Hundred. (*) Beaminster - - - = Town &Parishy 518 | 558] 17 | 21 161] 327 70 1,325, 1,481. | 2,806 | Bradpole =~ - - = = = = Parish} 178 | 279]/ 1] 2 89} 145 45 395 531 926 Chardstock - - - - = = Parish} 230] 258] 1] 5 179 68 11 636 620 1,256 Chedington - - - ~ - = Parish 28 34] -] = 27 5 2 80 84 164 | Corscombe - - - = =~ = Parish} 120] 133] 1] 3 101 25 " 317 315 632 Mapperton + - - - = = Parish 13 16) -] - 14 - 2 61 62 123 Mosterton - ~ = - = =~ Parish 58 61} -} 1 34 19 8 129 155 284 . Netherbury - - - - (!) Parish} 366] 373] 3] 10 289 66 18 939 1,015 1,954 ' Perrott, South - - - - = Parish 64 14) 21 39° 43 11 20 138 179 317 Poorton, North - - - - = Parish 17 wf -] —- 17 2 - 45 44 89 Stoke-Abbas - - - - - = Parish} 107 | 123] 1] 12 99 22 2 293 322 615 | 'Toller-Porcorum, Parish : (™) : Over and Nether-Kingcombe Tything 30 31| -}] - 24 3 4 81 "8 159 | Wambrook - - = = + = Parish 19 28) — 21 a 106 95 a0i EGGERTON Hundred. | Askerswell - - - - - - Parish 35 44|/ -] - 37 1 6 go 100 190 | Hooke - = - = = = = Parish 44 46] -| 3 38 8 - 121 113 234 | Longbredy - = - - - = Parish 54 58| -| 2 49 8 1 146 145 291 Poorstock - - - - (*) Parish - -} -| - = = = = = 7 Winterborne-Abbas - - - = Parish} 28 33 | -| 2 26 5 2 89 81 170 Wraxall - - - - - - «= Parish 12 wj-| = 12 - = 35 27 62 GODDER-THORNE Hundred. (°) wuk be Allington- - - - - = - Parish] 201 | 228] 7] 3 27} 197; 4 527 612 1,139 Shipton-George - - = - Par. Chap.J}. 63.) 63] -| 1 34], 16) 13 153 158 31 | Wallditch - - - - -~ «= Parish 29 30] -| 2 29 1 - 65 16 141 © (‘) Stoborough Liberty, as a suburb of the Town of Wareham, is en- tered with it dt the end of the County——(‘') The Boroughs of Brip- Porr and Lymz-Recis‘are entered at the end of:the County—— (*) Little-Winsor is included in the Return from Broad-Winsor Liberty. —~ 0 The Return from Netherbury includes Aish, Bowood, Melplash, and Netherbury Tythings——(™) Most part of the Parish of Toller- Porcorum is in Dorchester Division (Tollerford Hundred.)——(") For }. the whole of Poorstock Parish, including West-Milton, Nettlecombe and South-Poorton Tythings (Eggerton Hundred) see Poorstock Liberty. —— 0 Sturthill Tything is included in the Return of Burton-Bradstock arish (Frampton Liberty.) aa ee cies 46 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, C**_>_*_——~~—~—~—*=*EEEE&== COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. ai. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bencie \E an Au By a LIES ; OrnHer 2 of . how = chiefly ed Families . g TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B | my | wm | em- | qin |notcom- a iq : 3 |Families) 2 a ployed | Tp apr, | Prized in a si e 4 feorca} 2/3 | ach [amet] S| fPensons BRIDPORT Division—continued. mn pie’ Q | BY Acrr- factures,| Precee- cuL- forHandi-| 8 WHITCHURCH-CANONICORUM Hundred, TURE. | craft, | Classes. Burstock - - - - - ~ Parish 42 Go ah 3 28 15 4 87 116 203 Catherston-Lewston - + = Parish 4 al eae es 4 - = 11 16 27 Charmouth - - - - - Parshf 104] 119} 2] — 25 39 | 55 257 350 607 Chideocck - - = - - = Parish] 1397 | 171} -—1 47 111 22 | 38 344 371 715 Marshwood - - - - = (P) Parish go} 11} 3] 5 70 41 se 278 254 532 . Pilsdon - - - - = = - Parshf a7 {| or} —] — 17 4 | = 46 54 100 Stockland - ~- - - ~ (4) Parish} 204] 207 { 31 7 160 43 4 572 575 | 1,147 Symondsbury - - - - - Parish} 202] 2917] 5] 1 181 32 4 499 577 1,076 Whitchurch-Canonicorum - (P) Parish} 2514 275 | 4| 2 220 48 7 651 666 1,317 Stanton, St.Gabriel’s - - Par: Chap: 21 a2} -]| 4a 20 2 i 55 57 112 Wootton-Fitzpain - - - - Parish 68 80} - 1 57 21 2 206 240 446. BRIDPORT - - - = (*) Borough - -} -/ - - - = = = = BROADWINSOR Liberty. Broadwinsor - - - - - (*) Parish} 236] 307{ -—| 4 164 60} 83 683 704 | 1,387 FRAMPTON Liberty: (*) Bettiscombe - - - - = Parish ll yw] -{ + 12 - = 33 29 62 Bincombe - - = = (-+) Parish 16 26 - 23 3 = 98 80, 178 Burton-Bradstock - - - - Parish} 170] 1901 2,/ 3 66 45 | 79 358 496 854, Compton-Vallance - - - - Parishf 11 15 - 15 = - 46 40 | 86 Frampton - - - - - = Parish} 81 gof ~] 1 71 11 8 195 223 418 Winterborne-Came (part of) - Parish 8 9} -}] - - 2 4 13° 21 - 34° LOTHERS and BOTHENHAMPTON Liberty. 4 : : Bothenhampton - - - - - ‘Parish 53 yo; -—|{ 2 30 20 4 180 205 385 |} Lothers - - - - - - Parish} 142] 176] 1] 5 = 37 | 50 409, 448 857 | Lyme-Recis - - + (*) Borough - -}| -] = - - Say, ee ee - [| POORSTOCK Liberty: (*) ; Poorstock - '- - - + = Parish] 214] 242 1 4 134 47 |. 61 515 495 1,010 |} 4,296 | 4,912 | 44 | 110 | 2,860 | 1,426 | 626 11,307 {12,910 |23,617 | CERNE (Sub-division.) ‘ ; BUCKLAND-NEWTON Hundred. Buckland-Newton Parish: (*) Brockhampton and Knowle - Tything 28 35) 1 1 32 2 1 95 100 195 Buckland-Newton - - ~- Tything 42 45; -{ - 28 14 3 140 135 275 Duntish - - - - ~ = Tything 18 20} —]| = 7 12 1 53° 48 101 Mintern, Parva - - - - Tything] 18 20} 1] - 15 3 2 47 58 105 Plush - - - - - = « Tything 28 31 1 1 28 3 - 88 - 79 167 Mappowder - - = ~- - - Parish 45 52} -]| - 41 9 2 120 127 247 Pulham, East - - - - (*) Parish 19 20; —-|] = 18 2 - ; Pulham, West - - - ~- Manor 32 35/ -—| - 34 1. - uae a8 ae Wootton-Glanville - - - (*) Parish 56 68; -—| 1 53 1 4 163 146 309 CERNE, TOTCOMBE, and MODBURY Hundred: (7) Cattistock - - - - = = Parish 4 86 4 48 30 8 189 193 382 | | Cerne-Abbas - - - - - Parish} 161 | 196] 2] 2 54] 129) 13 540 520 1,060:} | Cerne, Nether - - - - = Parish 13 13 1 12 1 - 29 31 | 60. Compton-Abbas - - - + = Parish 13 13} o—-| - 13 7 = 44 36 80 Godmanstone - - - - = Parish 26 26) -| 3 21 5 - 67 61 128 Hawkchurch (part of) Parish: (7) Wyldecourt - - - - - Tything 45 69; 1] - 29 26 | 14 130 168 298 Hilfeld - - + - - - Par: Chap: 18 24, -| 2 22 2 - 61 66 127 (?) The Parishes of Marshwood and Whitchurch-Canonicorum are | near Bridport; Bincombe and Winterborne-Came, south of Dorchester; much intermixed, but the Population is properly attributed to each. The Frampton and Compton-Vallance, westward of Dorchester. Winterbortie- Jatter Parish includes in its Return, Barn, Abbotswooten, Vale, and Wild } Came extends into the Hundred of Culliford Tree. “) The entire ; Quarters. (2) Stockland forms a detached portion of the Hundred | Parish of Buckland-Newton contains 843 Inhabitants ——() The Pa- and County, being surrounded by Devonshire._(") The Boroughs of } rish of East-Pulham, including West-Pulham Manor, contains 272 Inha- Bridport and Lyme-Regis are entered at the end of the County. bitants. (*) Wootton-Newland Tything is included in the Retum’ |: (*) Broadwinsor Liberty and Parish includes Childhay, Deberford, and } of Wootton-Glanville. (°) Middlemarsh Tything is included inthe | Drimpton Tythings; Little Winsor is also included ‘in the Population | Return of the Parish of Mintern, Magna (Puddletrenthide Liberty.) —~ Return, though in Redhone Hundred, (*) The Liberty of Frampton | (*) Most part of the Parish of Haw church, under the name of Philly- is composed of Bettiscombe, near Lyme-Regis ; Burton-Bradstock, | holm, is in Dorchester Division (Uggscombe Hundred.) mu M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ‘ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 7 COUNTY OF DORSET— continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Face | PO ace : B : LIES wy OruER a _ bien 3B | chieay a Families vs TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 many | w& | ‘a em ed in |notcom- ws 4 «| Families! 6 3 Ployed | Paape prized in le < or SS Be} 0: | 2) in | Manu- | the Two = & _‘ [PERSONS. CERNE Sub-division—continued. fouled: | | © | Acar |factures,| preced- | Fi cUL- lorHandi-| _ ing WHITEWAY Hundred. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Cheselborne - - - - = = Parish] 53 66) 11-3 54 | 10 2 157 179 336 Hilton - - - - + - = Parish} 112} 116] -]| 3 95| 17 4 278 332 610 Ibberton - - - - - - Parish 44 50} —-|{-- 45 5 - 108 114 222 Melcombe-Horsey - - - Parish 31 32} -}| - 28 2 2 71 82 153 Milton-Abbas = - - - Parish} 97 178} -| - 151 19 8 376 391 767 Stoke-Wake - - - - - Parish 27 a7} a] 1 26 1 - 68 "1 139 — Woolland - - = = - = Parish 21 ayd =f = 26 1 - 67 68 135 . ALTON PANCRAS. Liberty. Alton-Pancras - - - - Parish 35 46} -]} - 35 8 3 100 107 207 PIDDLETRENTHIDE Liberty. Mintern, Magna - = - (#) Parish 49 59] —~} - 51 4 1 160 151 311 Piddletrenthide - - - - - Parishf 111 127} —| 2 82 28 17 298 292 590 SYDLING, ST. NICHOLAS, Liberty. Sydling, St. Nicholas - - (>) Parish} 127] 133] 5] 7 95 | 26 12 280 283 563 1,343 | 1,614 | 14 | 34 1,143 | 374 | 97 | 3,873 | 3,966 | 7,839 DORCHESTER Division. CULLIFORD-TREE Hundred. Broadway - - - - Parish 58 61] -] 2 46} 14 1 143 139 282 Buckland-Ripers - - - - Parish 15 15] -]| 2 15 - - 30 30 60 Chickerell, West - - - - Parish 83 89! 1] 4 40] 15 34 206 203 409 Herringstone - - - (°) Chapelry 11 yw] —-] — 11 - 1 45 43 88 Knighton, West - - - - --' Parish 41 44/ 1] - 40 4 - 115 114 229 Osmington = - - = =~ = Parish 49 59; -| 3 35 | 19 5 160 158 318 Radipole - - - - (°°) Parish 39 54} 4] - 251 14 15 113 113 226 Stafford, West - - - - ~ Parish 34 BF ab oS 22 8 7 86 98 184 Whitcombe - - - = - = Parish 10 wo{ 2] 1 9 ~ 1 26 28 54 Winterbourn-Came (part of) Parish: . J Cripton = - - - (+) Tything 3 4) ~{ - 4 - - 10 10 20 | Winterbourn-Monkton - - = Parish 15 yf -} = 15 ~ 39 38 "7 _ GEORGE’ Hundred. Bradford-Peverell and Muckleford Parshf 55} 57] —| 2 46 8 3 131 146 | 294 | Broadmayne - - - - - - Parish 47 58) -]| - 29] 21 8 147 130 297 Charminster - - - - - = Parish 99} 126] 1] 1 93 | 25 8 266 290 556 Stinsford - - - - - = = Parish 56 44] -| 3 50 5 19 153 184 337 | Stratton with Grimstone - - Parish 59 69 | 1 2 36 | 21 12 129 133 262 _ Winterbourn, St.Martin - - Parish 64 68} 41 2 53 | 14 1 178 164 342 PIDDLETOWN Hundred : (4) : Admiston, or Athelampton ~- Parish a wy -| - 14 1 - 40 39 79 Burlestone - - - - = = Parish, 11 wf —-[} - 8 - 3 28 35 63 | Piddletown - - - - - - Parish] 184] 210! — 3 132 | 64 14 462 499 961 | Tincleton- - - - + = - Parish] 22 28) 4|] —- 22 1 5 66 76 142 | Tolpuddle - - ~ - - Parish} 66 GP) |) ss 69 6 2 158 193 351 : TOLLERFORD Hundred. | Chelborough, East - - - = Parish 12 18} =] = 18 _ ~ 48 48 96 | Chelborough, West - - - Parish 12 12] -—|. = 12 - 31 25 56 Chilfroom - + - - - Parish} 19 a0} cat = 26) - - 57 49 106 Evershot - = - = (+) Parshf 93] 102] —| 1 56 | 37 9 289 278 567 ’ Froome-St. Quintin - = Parish 29 30 | -—} 2 25 2 3 57 63 _ 120 Froome-Vauchurch - = Parish a7 {' ag} -{| - 17 a 5 50 55 105 Maiden-Newton - - - - = Parish ov} 112) 2] 4 59 | 47 6 275 245 520 Melbury-Sampford - - (-+) Parish 8 9 - 4 1 4 35 43 78 'Rampisham - - - - - - Parish 44 8 { —| — 51 | 22 5 188 180 368 Toller-Frattum - - - - - - Parish 8 8.) saP Las 8 S - 16 21 37 Toller-Porcorum - ~~~ (®) Parish} — 59 48} —| — 53.| 15 10 176 164 340 - Winford-Eagle - - = + Parish 30 » 3g0}; -]| - 29 1 - 78 74 152 be i, — here included. (*)_Mintern, Magna Parish extends into Cerne, Totcombe, and Mod- ; bury Hundred ; and into Fordington Liberty. The whole Population is (>) Sydling, St. Nicholas, is the mother church of ' Hillfield Parochial Chapelry:—-(¢) Herringstone, or Winterbourne- | Herringstone, claims to be Extra-Parochial 3 together with Winterbourne- : Farringdon, which is included in the same Population Return. (°°) The rish. that of wives and children of the 1st regiment of Royal Dragoons, residing within the Barracks at Radipole, are. not included in the Return from that Pa- 2) The Population of Milbourne St. Andrew’s is included with burch-Stone, in Dewlish Liberty, Blandford Division——— (©) The entire Parish of Toller-Porcorum contains 418 Inhabitants. It extends into Beaminster and Redhone Hundred. : xX ES SS EE 78 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. —— COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . Fam | P4™! {ane ; LIES i OTHER . oR e hae g chiefly a Families A ne man: . m- i - } EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families # | 4 | aye mo oe peed i = oe 2 Oc- 3 iB in Manv- | theTwo - Parish 5 5 - 1 5 - = 11 11 22 Fleet 2 ni - Parish} = 25 ob} 2] - 15 4 9 65 67 132 Hawkchurch (part of) Parish: (8) Phillyholme - - -Tything} 97 | 111] 21] 1 70 31 10 281 277 558 Langton-Herring ~ Parish 32 32} -| 3 23 4 5 81 71 152 Litton-Cheney - - - = Parish 81 ss | —]| 2 50 13 25 194 230 424 Portisham - Parish} 111 | 12¢] —]| 5 107 11 4 294 306 600, Puncknowle - Parish 53 53} -| 5 53 - = 148 152 300 Swyre - - - Parish 43 Ag kom 31 12 1 108 102 210 Winterbourn-Steepleton Parish 26 291 —| 3 20 8 1 78 83 161 DorcHEstTeR (*) Borough - - -| - ~ - - - = - FORDINGTON Liberty. Fordington -. - Parish} 233 | 268] 4] 2 94} 130 44 618 657 1,275 Hermitage (4) Parish 26 32) -| 1 30 2 - 65 78 143 Mintern, Magna Parish : Hartly (#) Tything = - - - - - - ~_ ~ - Stockland Parish : Dalwood - - (*) Chapelry 94] 119} 1] 1 82 30 7 248 274 522 ISLE OF PORTLAND Liberty. Portland - - - Parish} 393 | 421 6} 15 16 | 310 95 1,144 1,110 2,254 PIDDLEHINTON Liberty. Piddlehinton - - - - - Parishf 68 “6} a] 1 58 11 4 iyi | = 1847 358 SUTTON-POINTZ Liberty. | Preston - - (') Parish 37 3847 -| - 16 10 12 84 | 87 171 Sutton-Poyntz - - - = Tything 64 65] -] - 49 9 Pi 167 170 337 Stockwood - - - (™) Parish 5 wz} 1] 2 7 4 - 17 16 33 WAYHOUSE Liberty. Upway - - - = + - Parish} 100} 111] 2] 6 47 53 11 222 263 485 WYKE-REGIS and ETWALL Liberty. Wyke-Regis - Parish | 149 159| 71 4 10 100 49 437 477 914 3366 | 3, 88 | 2,087 | 1 8, 08 | 18,302 SHASTON, (East Division.) 3,366 | 3,776 | 43 087 {1,144 | 545 994 | 93 cee | BADBURY Hundred. Chalbury - Parish 27 284 ~] - 19 6 3 66 69 135 Gussage, St. Michael - - Parish 52 551 1 1 53 2 - 135 1 246 Hinton-Martell Parish} 44 B1{ -]} 2 51 - - 134 123 257 Hinton, Parva or Standbridge - Parish 5 5} -? 1 4 1 - 13 12 25 Horton ~ Parish 747 go} -]}] = 69 21 - 210 210 420 Moore-Critchell = - Parish 55 62} -} 4 45 14 3 144 123 267 Shapwick = - - - Parish} 85 go} -} 2 67 20 3 208 201 409 Tarrant-Crawford with Preston Parish 9 16] -} - 15 1 - 35 41 vice Wimborne-Minster - (") Parish} 259] 307} 5} 11 33 | 118] 156 653 734 1,387 Cowgrove - - Tythmg} 113 | 128] -f 1 106 17 5 325 313 638 Holt - - + Tything] 215] 244] 5) 8 | 129) 74] 41 581 | 599 | 1,180 Leigh Tything} 74) 91] 1] 8 35 37 19 160 198 358 COGDEAN Hundred. : é Canford-Magna - - - (°) Parish} 136] 178] 1 1 147 23 8 440 442 882 Kingston or Kinson - - Chapelry{ 128 | 131] 5 | 9 79 25 27 - 304 315 | 619 Longfleet - - - - Tything] 125 | 126) 2] — a4 33 16 374 436 810 Parkston - - - - Tything 85 89 | 4] 6 49 12 28 -178 207 385 (*) The entire Parish of Little-Bredy contains 205 Inhabitants. — (©) Dalwood is locally situated in Devonshire, (1) The entire}, (®) The entire Parish of Hawkchurch, composed of Phillyholme j Parish of Preston contains 508 Inhabitants. (™) Stock wood is locally } Tything, and Wyldecourt Tything (Cerne Division) contains 856 In- } situate in Sherborne Division. (*) The entire Parish of Wimborne | habitants———(h) The Boroughs of Dorcuester and Weymourn are | Minster contains 3,563 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Cantord, entered at the end of the County. (*) Hermitage is a detached portion | Magna contains 2,696 Inhabitants. of the Division, locally situate between Cerne and Sherborne Divisions. M.DCCC. XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 79 COUNTY OF DORSE?T--continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam. | EO | Aes “ By : LIES yrs | OTHER ie a ; how 3 chiefly eae Faunilies a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S foamy [oo | Bf em | edin |notcom-| A 5 «| Families] .€ | 4 ployed | Tanz, |prizedin 2 Tythingf = 41 44; -] - 37 6 | 1 93 115 -208 eae = Shilling: (*) Parish} 79 | 86] -| 4 63 20 3 214 216 430 Tarrant-Gunville - - - - Parish 95} 111] —] 8 78 29 4 247 | 240 487 Turnworth = = = (*) Parish 14 17) -}| - 14 1 2 36 36 72 SIXPENNY-HANDLEY Hundred (part of.) Cann (St.Rumbold) - - = Parish, 64 65; 1] - 45 17 3 187 178 365 Compton-Abbas - - - - Parish 65 86} at —- 15 11 - 179 189 368 Fontmell, Magna - - - (¥) Parish] 77 { 103} -—| 1 9 14 12 219 240 | 459 Hartgrove - - - - Tything} 53 60} -] - 51 4 5 132 142) 274 Iwerne-MinSter - = - = Parish} 114] 150] —] 1 96 49 5 297 325 622 Melbury-Abbas - - - - - Parish] 66 "51 1{ 2 58 12 5 167 178 345 Orchard, East - - - - + Parish 38 40} -] 1 30 8 2 88 105 193 Orchard, West - - - - - Parish}. . 27 33 | -| - 29 4 = 48 95 173 | 1 - : - ALCESTER Liberty. Shaston, St.James - - = (*) Parish’ - ~| -] - - ~- - - - - (°) The Tything of Coombe-Almer is included in Sturminster-Marshall | Woodcots Tythings, are included in the Parish of Handley. (‘) The Parish) The Tythings of Alderholt, Beveridge, and Farewood, are | entire Parish of Farnham contains 283 Inhabitants. It extends into the incladed in Cranborne Parish, ‘as also the Tythings of Blagdon, and | County of Wilts (Chalk Hundred.) : (4) Bellchalwell, Shillingstone, Monckton-up-Wimbome ..(in Monckton-up-Wimborne Hundred.) and Turnworth, form a detached portion of the Division of Shaston, (*) Long-Ham, part of Hampreston Parish, is in Westover Liberty, (”) The entire Parish of Fontmel-Magna contains 733 Inhabitants. Hants; but the Population is included in the Return of Hampreston | (*) Alcester Liberty, and Shaston St. James, form part of the Borough Parish_——($) The Chapelry of Gussage, St. Andrew, Minchinton and } of Suasron or SuarrEsBuRy, entered at the end of the County. : = — : ome mene ee — ee ee aca: 80 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Famr- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami-| jigs ALL | By S LIES | chiefly Oruen ; f or how 2 chiefly employ- | Families 2 TOTAL | 3 many | yy | 3 em- ed in | not com- wa 4 oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families} € | & | Ployed | Traps, | prized in a 3 Fe Oc 1 2 | a in| Manu- | the Two < PERSONS, Si cupied.} m | 5 Acri- |factures,| preced- a Fa asl cuL- forHandi-| _1™& SHASTON (West Division) —continued. J TURE. | craft. | Classes. GILLINGHAM Liberty. Gillingham - (%) Parish} 436] 456] 1] 4 | 200] 103 | 153 1,070 | 1,176 | 2,246 © Bourton - - Chapelry}{ 126] 174] -| 4 45 | 123 6 378 435 813 Motcomb 2 Parish} 201 214} -| 1 178 27 9 563 621 1,184 1,581 |1,803 | 4] 31 [1,152 | 438 | 213 4,162 4,510 8,672 SHERBORNE Division. SHERBORNE Hundred. Beer-Hacket - - - Parish 15 wl -| - 15 - = 45 33 78 Bradford-Abbas - - Parishf 109] 114} -—] - 67 42 5 256 277 533 Castleton - - Parish 30 39 | 1 1 17 16 6 88 86 174 Caundle-Bishop - (7) Parish 78} 106]; 1] 1 84 12 | 10 145 167 312 Caundle-Marsh - - Parish 14 16} -} - 14 2 = 31 31 62 Caundle-Purse - - Parish 27 32, -| - 30 2 = 62 80 142 Compton, Nether - - Parish 88 89 1 6 45 40 4 235 223 458 Compton, Over = 15 - Parish 16 29} -} 1 21 9 1 71 48 149 Folke — - - Parish 42 544 - 1 37 12 5 123 146 269 Haydon - - - Parish 19 26} -| - 24 2 - 55 54 109 Holnest - - - Parish 21 30} -| - 29 - 1 78 84 162 Lewston - - - - Extra Par. 2 2 - - - = 2 4 4 8 Lillington = - - - - Parish 28 44) -] - 42 1 1 83 102 185 Longburton - - - = Parish 47. 64} 1] = 50 14 - 164 163 327 Lydlinch - 2 2 e - Parish 52 68) -| 1 60 6 2 175 189 364 North-Wootton 2 Parish 12 wd - 1 15 - - 30 34 64 Oborne — - - - Parish 1 25) -| - 19 4 2 63 60 123 Sherborne = - - (#) Parish - -] -}fo- - - - - -- - Thornford a - - Parish 55 71 -/| - 64 5 2 150 179 329 Up-cerne - - (>) Parish 10 12] —-| 2 10 1 1 37 47 84 YETMINSTER Hundred. Batcombe - + ~ ‘Parish 29 37 1 1 30 a 87 90 177 Clifton-Mabank - - - + Parish 8 gt -| 1 8 1 - 28 38 66 Melbury-Bubb - - ~ - = Parish 25 28} -} 1 247 1 - 63 66 129 Melbury-Osmond - - - Parish 53 mf -} 1 37 22] 12 160 159 319 Yetminster - - - - = (°) Parish 86] 115} 3] 4 50 56 9 271 272 543 Chetnole - - Chapelry 39 5st} —-|] Vv 28 18 5 115 124 239 Leigh - - Chapelry 61 yo} -| 3 43 13 { 14 170 173 343 HALSTOCK Liberty. Halstock - - Parish gl 100} —]| 2 76 23 1 223 224 447 RYME-INTRINSICA Liberty. Ryme-Intrinsica—- - Parish 34 35 | - 1 23 9 3 77 82 159 1,110 | 1,367 8 | 29 965 316 86 3,089 3,265 6,354 STURMINSTER Division. BROWNSHALL Hundred. Caundle-Stourton - - - Parish 61 1) -1 3 55 13 3 155 170 325 Stalbridge - - (*) Parshf 144] 198] 1] 5 19 60 | 119 474 513 987 Gomershay - Tything 13 13] -| 2 6 1 6 44 44 88 Thornhill - - - - Tything 45 57 1 3 49 5 3 138 134 272 Weston - - Tything} 37 49} -] - 7 8] 34 101 123 224 | Stock-Gayland - - - + Parish 8 11 -]o- 11 — _ 30 33 63} REDLANE Hundred. Buckhorn- Weston - Parish 61 69} 1] 3 53 16 - 175 152 324 Child-Okeford — - - Parish 92 117 | -{| - 94 21 2 332 362 604 Fifehead-Magdalen - - - Parish 27 43) -]| - 35 4 4 155 141 296 Hanford = - Extra Par. 1 1 = = - - 1 3 10 13 Iwerne-Courtnay - - ~- (°) Parish} 96] 119] -] - 82 31 6 251 261 512 minster Division). of the County. (°) The entire Parish of Gillingham contains 3,059 Inhabitants. (7) The Return of Caundle-Bisbop Parish includes Caundle- Wake (Stur- (*) The Town of Sherborne is entered at the end (°) Up-Cerne is a detached portion of the Division, 1,571 Inhabitants. it includes Farringdon Chupelry. situate near Cerne-Abbas.——(‘) The entire Parish of Yetminster con- tains 1,125 Inhabitants.——(“) The entire Parish of Stalbridge contains (€) Twerne-Courtnay is sometimes called Shroton; M.DCCC:XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. $1 COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fant | 74 | Aue By J LIES chiefly Orurenr oR e how = chiefly | employ-.| Families a TOTAL man . a . - . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |ramilies| £ | 3 | ployed | team, | prized in 4 3 or 3 Oc- ma | in Manu. | the Two g cupied.| @ | 5 Acri- fecbnes preced- a & poe ; : CUL- JjorHandi-} _ ing STURMINSTER Division—contznued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. : REDLANE Hundred—continued. Kington-Magna - - - - = Parish 85 gl 3 "7 12 2 246 240 486 Maenston = > fon Parish 19 a7| —-]| 2 17 6 4 58 82 140 Silton - - - - = ~ - Parish 83 83) -]| - 35 447 1 204. 205 409 Stower, East - - - - - = Parish 81 | 107] 1] - gl 16 - 238 | 238 476 Stower, West - - - - - Parish 35 49|/ 1] 1 44 3 2 108 97 205 Sutton-Waldron - - - - + Parish 37 48} -| 1 46 2 - 86 120 206 Todber = = Se) +) Persh 24 26] 1] - 18 8 - 57 40 127 STURMINSTER-NEWTON-CASTLE Hundred. Hinton, St. Mary - --- Parish | 66 67| -| 2 45 ‘10 12 145 152 207 Marnhull - - - - = - = Parish} 240) 285] 2) 7 | 135 | 120 30 599 674 1,273 Margaret-Marsh - - = - Parish 10 5] -| - 15 - - 43 41 84 Okeford-Fitzpaine - - - - Parish go| 119] -] 2 78 32 9 229 270 499 Sturminster-Newton-Castle (+) Parish} 353 | 364] 5 | 11 | 140 | 124 | 100 952 - 860 1,612 STOWER-PROVOST Liberty. Stower-Provost - - = Parish]? 134 | 165 | 1 5 | 125 32 8 392 408 800 1,842 | 2,194 | 15 | 50 | 1,277 | 571 | 346 5,015 5,400 | 10,415 BLANDFORD Town. Blandford-Forum - - - Parish} 433 | 583] —- | 15 12 | 275 | 296 1,196 1,447 2,643 BRIDPORT, Borough of : BRIDPORT - - - = - = Parish} 594 | 740| 2) 8 65 | 493 182 1,642 2,100 | 3,742 DORCHESTER, Borough of _All-Saints = - -- - Parish 91 142} 2] 1 14 89 39 292 360 652 Holy-Trinity - - - - - Parish} 181 233 1 3 15 190 28 487 5665 | 1,052 Peter, St.- - - - - - - Parishf 121 zo} 3] 2 6 103 31 537 502 1,039 i 393 | 515 | 6| 6 | 35 | 382 | 98 1,316 | 1,427 | 2,743 LYME-REGIS, Borough of Lyme-Recis - - - - - Parish] 377] 480] 4/ 20 59 | 194 | 227 956 1,313: | 2,269 SHAFTESBURY, or SHASTON, Boro’ of 'Holy-Trinity- - - - - - Parish} 221] 248} — | 11 80 | 115 53 513 602 1,115 James, St. - - - © ~- (f) Parish g2} 101} —]|. 3 45 50 6 205 231 436 Alcester - - - = - - Liberty 59 667 -|] - 35 23 8 131 157 288 Peter, St. - - - - - - Parish} 211 | 219] -j| 8 6 | 200 13 496 568 1,064 583 | 634{ —| 22 | 166 | 388 | 80 | 1,345 | 1,558 | 2,903 SHERBORNE, Town of Sherborne - - - - - Parish} 634 | 776] 1] 7 89 | 626 61 1,560 2,062 |: 3,622 WAREHAM, Borough of é Holy-Trinity - - - - (8) Parish 59 “6; —~| 3 3 29 44 143 168 311 _. Stoborough - - = = = Liberty 58 65 1] - 12 38 15 142 138 280 Lady St. Mary and Out-Parish Parish} 197) 206] -—| 3 16 | 149 | 41 ALR. 536 961 Martins, St. - - - - - - Parish 81 86} 6] 9 44 34 8 176 203 379 Borough ot 395 | 4331 7 | 15 45 | 250 | 108 886 | 1,045 | 1,931 WEYMOUTH and MELCOMBE-REGIS. Melcombe-Regis(+) - - - Parish] 639] 840 | 34 | 51 2 | 698 | 140 1,796 | 2,456 | 4,250 Weymouth - - - - - Par.Chap.] 451 | 631 | — | 38 6 | 172 | 453 1,061 | 1,309 | 2,370 1,090 | 1,471 | 34 | 89 8 | 870 | 593 2,857 “| 3,765 | 6,622 Town and County of the Town of POOLE. St.James - = - - = = Parish {1,108 |1,378.)17 | 55 | 2 |1,311 | 65 | 3,014 | 3,376 | 6,390 (‘) The Parish of St. James, Shaston, including the rest of Alcester Liberty, contains 724 Inhabitants———(®) The Parish of Holy Trinity, Wareham, including Stoborough Liberty, contains §91 Inhabitants. Y [ Enumeration: $2 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DORSET. f | | HOUSES : | OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: : Famr- | , f Famt- | “yips ALL DIVISIONS, By |} 3 LIES chiefly OTHER . how [| 2 chiefly | employ-| Families wR TOTAL &e. 3 many | ow | ‘g en- edin {not com- w a or | Families! 2 | 3 | ployed | Traps, (prized in a < 2 | O. | 3/4 in P Mang. |theTwof ‘2 & _‘|PERSONS. : YS |cupied. | | 5 Acnr- |factures,| preced- [ E ; . cUL- |JorHandi- ine _ TURE. ft. asses. Division of —_a BLANDFORD, NORTH~ - - | 1,020{ 1,196} 16 | 16 823] 219] 154 2,488 2,934 5,722 BLANDFORD, SOUTH - - | 2,202] 2,432} 22 | 71 [1,407] 671 | 354 | 5,636 | 6,026 | 11,660 BRIDPORT - - - - - ~- | 4,296] 4,912] 44 |110 | 2,860 | 1,426 | 626 11,307 | 12,310 | 29,617 CERNE = - - - = = - 11,343] 1,614), 141/34 $1,143] 374] 97 3,873 | 3,966 | 7,839 DORCHESTER - - ~ - -1 3,366] 3,776} 43 | 88 | 2,087 |1,144 | 545 8,994 9,308 | 18,302 SHASTON, EAST - - - 3,559| 4,008] 51 j100 | 2,596 | 863 | 549 9,298 | 9,753 | 19,051 SHASTON, WEST - - ~- 1,581] 1,803] 4] 31 [1,152 | 438 | 213 4,162 4,510} 8,672 SHERBORNE - - + = -{ 1,110] 1,367} 8 | 29 965 | 316 86 3,089 | 3,265 | 6,354 STURMINSTER - + - - 1,842) 2,194} 15 | 50 [1,277] ° 571 | 346 5,015 5,400 }| 10,415 , Town of BLANDFORD - - = « ~ 433} 583] —| 15 12 | 275 | 2096 1,196-] - 1,447 2,643 Borough of BRIDPORT - - s+ = 594) 7407 2] 8 65 | 493 | 182. 1,642. 2,100 3,742 Borough of DORCHESTER - - - - - 393] 515] 6] 6 35 | 382 98 1,316 1,427 2,743 Borough of LYME-REGIS - - - - 377| 480] 4] 20 59] 194 | 227 956°} 1,313 } 2,269 Borough of . SHAFTESBURY, or SHASTON - 583] 634] — | 22 166 | 388 80 1,345 1,558 2,903 Town of BHERBORNE - - - - -§ 634/ 776] 1] 7 89 | 626 61 1,560 2,062 3,622 Borough of WAREHAM - - - ~ -— 395) 433] 7 | 15 75 | 250] 108 886 { 1,045 | 1,931 Borough of WEYMOUTH and MELCOMBE- 8 ‘ ito REGIS « - - = - -ff 1099) 1471) 34 | 89 8 | 870} 593 2,857 | 3,765 | 6,62 | Town and County of POOLE, = = = = = ae] Bye8, 1,378 | x7 | 55 2 / 1,312 65 3,014 | 3,376 | 6,390 |. Torars - - 25,926 130,312 | 248 786 14,821 |10,811 | 4,680 | 68,934. 75,595 |'144,499 M.DCCC.KKL] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. | $3: / COUNTY OF :DORSET—cantinued. Ages of Persons. - j M ALES. \ ‘Under | 5 le | 15 | 20: | 30 | 40.}| 50 | Go | 70 | 80 | 90 Division ‘ to to to to .} to | to to to | to | to | to = & of 3. 10 15 .20 30: 40 50 60 | TO | 80 | 90 | 100 wards! & BLANDFORD, NORTH -{ 400 | 341 | 297 | 257] 383] 296} 243] 213] 144] 74] 18} 2] - 2,668 BEANDBORD, SOUTH -| 873 | 793) 717 | 5637 689} 538 | 514] 393 | 309] 197] 47| 68 | — J 5,613 BRIDPORT - -11,757 |1,597'|1,427 | 1,019 | 1,447 | 1,208 995 | 780 | 525} 312] 68 | 10 | = 424,145 -CERNE -— - -]| 542] 4721 457} 390] 588] 399] 360] 286] 226) 118] 30 5 | -— 49.873 | DORCHESTER = - -11,307 |1,224 11,081 | 845 | 1,141 859 | 819 | 601 | 481) 241) 53 8 Se 8,660 SHASTON, BAST - ~11,416 |1,229 /1,142 |. 895 /1,2041 949] 8921 650 | 533] 284] 81 Si — § 9,283 SHASTON, WEST -] 647 | 554] 540! 409] 584] 412 374 | 280 | 42] 109] 24.) &1 — 54,177 |SHERBORNE~ - -} 415; 414] 368 | 282] 457 335 | 294} 207] 192) 86] 35] 4] — | 3,089 STURMINSTER - -}| 652} 676 | 525] 431 | 604 | 386 | 366) e272 | 203] 97) 17] 1 | 7B 4,230 BLANDFORD, TOWN -| 166 145 | 147] 129] 175] 128] 118 81] 75| 2} G) =|. = £4,196 BRIDPORT, BORO’ -} 269] 224 | 190] 153] 231) 178 | 151] 215 | 86] 32) 11 | 2] — 471,642 DORCHESTER, BORO’ -} 161 | 134] 176) 159} 248] 194; 148] 134] 57] 20] 7] 1] — 7 1,439 .LYME-REGIS, BORO’ --| 143 | 145 | 108 76| 132} 112: 84 69 | 41} 34, 3] 17 -—F 948 ‘SHAFTESBURY, BORO’ 188 189 | 31591 117 190 | 152 108 101 81] 44] 11 5 | — § 1,345 SHERBORNE, TOWN -] 183 | 186 | 180 | 186 | 211] 162! 177| 108| 104] 53] 10] —| — | 1,560 WAREHAM, BORO’ -f 129} 106 108 98 101 84. 98 yo | 51] 34|/ 107 -] = 892 | WEYMOUTH and MEL- ead ot Wa | COMBE-REGIB, BORO’ 194 | 167.) 135 84] 111 103 106 46 52] 24] 8 Wad 1,061 | POOLE, TOWN and} ls = COUNTY a 451 | 367 | 281] 310] 550] 359} 279} 2074131) 62] 15] 2 } 3,014 Total of MALES - ]|9,893 | 8,966 | 8,038 .| 6,377 9,046 6,854 | 6,126 4,643 13,533 1,847 454 58 Le 85,835 FEMALES, Ll = aie ze i f ==] yo dane ON | under |- & |. 10 | 16 } 20 } 80 | 40 | 50 | GO | 70 | BO | 90/1007 - Division . , . to to to to .| to to. to to |..to. | to | to 8 & ® cal 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 50 | 60 | 70 |.80 | 90/100}, & | BLANDFORD, NORTH -} 369 | 346] 300] 262] 454] 3397 314] 162) 141! 84] 25°) 1f - | 2,807 ‘BLANDFORD, SOUTH -f 825-} ‘806 | 6651} 5924 935] 685] 559| 434] 315] 158) 43 7 | — | 6,024 BRIDPORT - -11,846 | 1,568 | 1,313 | 1,047 11,973 [1,445 11,146 | 881 | 623]}-296)107 | 13] — [12,258 (CERNE - - ~{ 507] .465| 399] 367] 692] 460] 386] 297 | 213].123/ 39.1 71 — | 3.055 DORCHESTER - =~ 41,143 |1,176 | 997 | 904 |1,396.41,077 | 890 | 609 | 474|.230/ 66) 134 ~ | 8,975 SHASTON, EAST - ‘ -11,403 | 1,221 | 1,056 | 8g0 1,465 | 1,128 | 979} 748 | 532/ 255| 79} 3] - |.9,757 SHASTON, WEST -]| 639 | 544] 480] 447] 732.1 536 [ 416] 296 | 247|-118] 24.) 7 |. - | 4,486 SHERBORNE ... - -} 444 | 404] 324] 344] 487) 424] 304] 244 | 205] 78 21 2 — 7 3,281 STURMINSTER - ~]| 616 | 593] 528 | 4444. 668) 5054 423] 323 | 209] 129/ 34] 3] —- | 4,475 BLANDFORD, TOWN - 184 141/} 119 125'| 282 220 , 122 105 : 100] 41 7 Pa 1,447 |BRIDPORT, BORO’ = -]} 254 | 228] 217] 217) 404] 277 | 206] 132 | 108} -43) 12 | 2{ — | 2,100 | DORCHESTER, BORO’ -F 1534 116]{ 134] 189)| 93317 159 156 881 69] gol127} 1 — 7 1,448 LYME-REGIS, BORO’ -{ 167 | 124{ 107| 120] 288] 162] i120] 104] ¥2l° 37/10] 2} = 41,313, SHAFTESBURY, BORO” | 176/178] 155 | 175 | 254°) 188] 157] 118} 100) 47} 8” “ef ce 1,558) SHERBORNE, TOWN -f 221 227 214'| 219! 356 | 224} 223] 1511 135| 691 2347 | — § 2,062 WAREHAM, BORO’ -} 113] 122] 118] 107} 166) a10] 121: 77 | 69|- 44/-84 -—]} — | 1,045 WEYMOUTH and MEL+) : TO, : a : ‘] COMBI ans BORG 185 } 180] 136] 126] 219] 160{ 145] 821 gol 18,17} 14 = fF 1;309 POO ‘0 F : 1 i Bs i y j 4 | penne se -| 467] 320] go1| 346] 698 | 414}. 300] 251° 167| 87/19] 6] - | 3,876 Total of FEMALES - [9,712 [8,759 | 7,563 | 6,921 11,800 8,513 | 6,957 | 5,100 | ay829 1,897 554) 71 | — §71,676% THE Total Number of Persons in ‘the county of Dorset being . . . 144,499, - - - and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned * being. . . 137,511, .. . it thence appears, that the Ages of one in twenty-one of the persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in com- ' pliance with the question to that effect. ; The Total'Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Dorset, was 309, six of which did not réturn aly atiswer whatever to , the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (43: and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, ; or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. : , adc deca, ; ee I la 84 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, ‘County of Durham. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, eh ae or ie 3 | chieay ee Families oh TOTAL 3 many ms 3 em- ed in {not com- wn 4 oe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ‘3 | Families) 8 ‘e ployed | Trang, | prized in 4 3 : 3 Oc- 3 a in Manu- {the Two 5 PERSONS.|. | | cupied.| D | Acrr- | factures, preced- a 2m CUL- forHandi-| Ing rs rer CHESTER Ward (East Division). TURE. | craft, | Classes. Bedlington (+) - - - = (*) Parish} 292 | 389 | 1] 6 94 { 231 64. 933 929 1,862 Bolan = - = - ee 1go | 162; -|] 5 46 m1 45 353 380 733 Gates-Head - - - - - (*) Parish] 1,618 [2,673 | 18 | 35 g8 | 1,419 | 1,156 5,593 | 6,174 | 11,767 Jarrow Par: Chap: (° Harton - - a " - - Township 42 56] -| 2 24 16° 16 107 128 235 Heworth - - - - Chapelryf 729] 875] 5 | 13 85 98 | 692 1,867 2,054 3,921 Monkton and Jarrow - (°) Township} 607 | 757] 2] — 73| 109 | 575 1,884 1,646 3,530 Shields, South - - (©) Chapelry} 724 |2,286 | 3] 14 2 | 2,243 41 3,638 5,247 8,885 Westoe (+) - - - - Township} 790 /1,743 | 6 | 11 42 | 1,303 | 398 3,520 4,098 7,618 Monk-Wearmouth Par: Chap: (4) Fulwell - - Township 23 23} -| - 9 2 12 50 68 118 Hylton - - - = = Township 37 53 | — | 10 18 33 2 168 152 320 Monk-Wearmouth - - Township| 210] 320] 2] 10 42 130 148 549 729 1,278 Monk-Wearmouth-Shore - Township] 620 |1,334 | 8 | 11 10 | 579 | 745 2,095 2,829 4,924 Southwick - - - - Township} 197} 197] —| 6 12] 179 6 507 497 1,004 Washington Parish: (°) Barmston - - - Township 4 3] -] - 3 10 - 35 44 "9 Usworth - - - - Township} 269 | 285] 1] 5 36 | 100] 149 664 401 1,365. Washington - - - - Township} 256] 256] -—| 4 35 | 208 13 647 596 1,243 Whitburn - - - - - - (f) Parish} 144] 158] -—| 8 go 17 51 415 441 856 6,705 |11,580| 46 | 140} 719 | 6,748 | 4,113 | 23,025 | 26,713 | -49,738 - CHESTER Ward (Middle Division.) Chester-le-Street Par: Chap: (8) Beamish (+) - - = - Township} 330] 354] -| 11 43 66 | 215 811 832 1,643 Birtley - - - - - - Township} 212 278 | -!| 5 32 44 | 202 704 682 1,386 | Chester-le-Street - - Chapelry} 258 | 449 | 2] 4 84 | 255 110 867 1,025 1,892 Edmondsley - - = Township 35 43 | -| 4 25 10 8 go 115 205 Harraton - - - = - Township] 405 | 439 1] 5 49 | 335 55 1,135 1,082 2,217 + Hedley - - - - - Township 9 9} -| - 9 - - 25 24 49 Kibblesworth - - - = Township 43 46) -| - 31 15 - 122 115 237 Lamesley - - - = ~- Chapelry| 385 | 406] —| 14 61 | 256 89 841 879 1,720 | Lintz-Green (+) - - - Township] 133 | 148] -—]| 3 45 33 70 360 354 714 Pelton - - - - (8) Township] 116] 123) -—]| 47 28 95 - 229 293 522 | Plawsworth - - = - Township 46 52} -}] 1 30 9 13 116 111 227 Ravensworth - = - Township 29 36); -| 2 20 16 - 80 81 161 Urpeth - - - - - Township] 131 135 |} -| 2 23 gl 21 350 300 650 Ouston - 2+ = + = Township 49 49/ -|] - 6 - 43 172 132 304 Waldridge - - - - - Township 18 21); -|] - 16 2 3 69 56. 125 Oswald, St. Parish: (*) Broom - + Township 20 21} -| 2 17 3 1 55 38 93 2,219 {2,609 | 3 | 6o 549 | 1,230 | 830 6,026 | 6,119 | 12,145 CHESTER Ward (West Division.) Edmondbyers Par: Chap: (! Edmondbyers - - ~- - Township 71 73 - 8 44 28 1 172° 186 358 Hunstonworth - - - - Chapelry 40 yo; -| 4 3 3 64 213 198 411 Kimbleworth - - - - Extra P : 4 6) =-| - 6 - - 18 14 32 Lanchester Par: Chap: (*) 1 Benfield-side - - - Township 40 75 | 1 4 14 40 21 172 169 341 Burnop and Hamsteels Township 26 26) -| - 23 3 - 66 61 127 (@) The Parish of Bedlington, which is locally situate in the County [ Township of Usworth includes also North-Biddick. Great and Little | of Northumberland, near Morpeth, contains the Townships of Bedlington, | Usworth are in one Return.—(‘) Whitburn includes also Cleadon Chambois and North-Blyth, Choppington, Netherton, East-Sleckburn, Township. (®) The Parish of Chester-le-Street extends into the and West-Sleckbura, each separately returhed in 1801, but now (as in | North Division of Easington Ward. The entire Parish contains 13,936 1811) ineluded in one Return.—(*) Seamen belonging to registered | Inhabitants. Tanfield colliery is partly in Beamish and partly in Lintz-. shipping seem to have been improperly included in the Retum of Gates- | Green Townships. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Pelton head. One female upwards of 100 years of age. (©) The entire Parish | Township. (4) Most part of the Parish of St. Oswald (or Elvet) is of Jarrow contains 24,189 Inhabitants. Headworth and Hebburn are | entered with the City of Durham, at the end of the County.—_—(i) The | included in the Return of Monkton and Jarrow Township, in which is one | entire Parish or Chapelry of Edmondbyers contains 769 Inhabitants. ——- |! male upwards of 100 years of age ; one also in South-Shields Township,——_-] (©) The entire Parish of Lanchester contains 4:979 Inhabitants ; it (¢) The entire Parish of Monk-Wearmouth contains 7,644 Inhabitants. The | extends into the N. W. Division of Darlington Ward. Dipton and Pontop families of seamen (about 400) are in the third column of Occupations. are included in the Return of Collierly, : () The entire Parish of Washington contains 2,687 Inhabitants. The , } M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION: ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 85 COUNTY OF DURHAM—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pare | 482 | Ace ’ By a LIES chiefly OTHER oR ni Ras & enon employ- | Families af TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families o z ployed | 7° vealin 3 oF 3 c- = : in Re W ‘q cupied. | 5 Acri- pea at $ Be REBSONS: _ CHESTER Ward (West Division) —continued. foe pEeindie aoe aches aol : Lanchester Par: Chap :—continued. —— ' Butsfield - - = + - Township 41 43} -—| 4 29 11 3 110 116 226 Collierly - - ~ - = Township} 109] 124] -—| 3 28 93 3 268 288 556 Conside and Knitsley - - Township} 23 | 25 - 4 19 4 2 46 65 141 Billingside - - - - = Township 9 9| -{| 1 3 6 - 19 26 45 ‘Ebchester - - - - = Chapelry]. 48 48| -| 1 15 17 16 109 gl 200 Esh - - - - = = (*) Chapelry 65 69 | - 1 55 14 - 292 178 470 Greencroft - - - - = Township 40 41| -—| 2 20 21 - 122 107 229 Heelyfield - - - - - Township 27 28, -} - 15 13 - "76 85 161 Holmside - - - - - Township 43 48} -| - 33 15 - 112 116 228 Ivestone - - - - = Township 50 52} -}| = 29 22 1 121 117 238 ‘Kyo- - - - - = © Township 45 87} 1]o1 19 68 _ 239 209 448 ‘Lanchester - - = = Township] 118 | 127] 1] 2 64 57 6 314 345 659 Langley - - - - - Township 13 if -| - 12 1 - 51 46 97 ‘Medomsley - - - - Chapelry "4 91] -| 3 34 23 34 220 241 461 Satley - - - - - - Chapelry 22 24} -| - 16 4 1 53 50 103 4 Muggleswick - - - - = Par. Chap. 57 63] -| 3 52 6 5 153 125 278 Ryton Parish: (?) -Chopwell - - - - ~ Township 45 45| -| 5 23 15 ” 126 111 237 Crawerook - - - - - Township 66 46] -|. 3 32 12 32 153 - 155 308 ‘Ryton - - - - + ~- Township} 101 120 | —]| 14 37 47 36 198 247 445 . Ryton-Woodside, - + - Township} 190} 198] 1] 8 48 39 | 113 522 535 1,057 Stella - - - + = = Township 71 g8 | —-] 1 11 42 15 196° 225 421 7 Winlaton - - - - (!) Township]? 549 | 618 | - | 29 41 =| 468 79 1,729 | 1,566 3,29 { Whickham Parish: (™) | Fellside- - - - - - Townshipf 100 | 101] 1 | 11 50 23 28 194 261 455 -Lowside - = = - - Township} 236 | 245 | — | 18 19 | 180 56 570 580 1,150 ‘Swalwell - - - - - Township{ 259]; 294 | — | 28 15 | 216 63 664 656 1,320 Whickham - - - - - Township} 185 185 1 8 23 146 16 354 434 788 | Witton-Gilbert. - - -(*) Par: Chap. 81 95 | 2] 4 40 22 33 175 189. 364 ; 2,941 | 3,227 | 8|170] 902 /1,692 | 633 7,857 | 7,792 | 15,649 DARLINGTON Ward (South-East Division.) beeen Auckland, St. Andrew Par: Chap: (°) _Byers-Green - - - - Township 50 54] -| - 45 9 - 119 112 231 -Counden-Grange - - - Township 5 5| -| - 5 - - 9 19 28 Eldon - - - - = = Township 24 25] -| - 25 - - 37 57 94 Middlestone - - - = Township 22 a4] -}] - 15 2 4 50 67 117 -Midridge-Grange - - - Township 8 8} -| - 7 1 - 31 27 58 Old-Park - - + = ~- Township 3 4) -] - 4 - ~ 12 18 30 Sunderland-Bridge - - Township 24 45 | -| - 9 17 19 99 105 204 _Westerton - - - - - Township 13 5] -| - 9 5 1 35 42 a7 Windlesteon - - - - Township 38 39/ -| 2 21 8 10 g2 81 173 Aycliffe Parish: (?) Aycliffe. Great - - - Township} 190] 190] 1] 7 80 68 42 391 416 807 Brafferton - - = + - Township 38 45| -| 3 34 11 - 127 136 263 .Preston-le-Skerne - - Township 25 25|/ -| 1 21 2 2 64 62 126 Woodham - - - - = Township 33 33} -]| - 16 4 13 106 "7 183 Coniscliffe Parish: (4) Coniscliffe, High - - Township 49 49| -| 3 34 14 1 122 123 245 Coniscliffe, Low - - + Township 35 95 | -| - 32 3 - 70 76 146 Darlington Par: Chap: (") “Archdeacon-Newton - - Township 12 12 1] - 12 ies = 7 a 37 64 Blackwell - - - - - Township 47 62} —| - 39 13 10 123 145 268 Cockerton - - - - - Township}. gi] a12{ +] 8 49 43 20 235 234 469 es ie oo = Township} 876 11,213 | 2 | 24 | 155 | 849 | 209 2,737 | 3,013 | 5,750 By ™ : ‘|’ (®) One. female upwards of 100 years of age in Esh Chapelry.—— | the. Parish——(°) Most part of the Parish of Auckland, St. Andrew is 4 () The entire Parish of Ryton contains 5,763 Inhabitants. One male | in the North-West Division of Darlington Ward ——(?) The entire Parish | and one female upwards of 100 years of age in Winlaton Township, | of Aycliffe contains 1,379 Inhabitants——(4) The entire Parish of : (™) The entire Parish of Whickham contains 3,713 Inhabitants. Coniscliffe contains 391 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Dar- (*) The Return for Witton-Gilbert includes also the outside part of | lington contains 6,551 Inhabitants. : : Z Qo Ee —— a SSN, 86 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF DURHAM —vcontinued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : ‘PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | Bae | OEE | tee By 3 LIES | chiefly OrnHER > OR . how 2 chiefly employ- Families 4 TOTAL 3 many en 3 em- edin {not com- n ‘ EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 F ae = i ployed | Trap, [prized in 4 3 Or c- os ou in . | the Two 4 cupied. | 5 AGri- pee preced- Ss a PERSONS, DARLINGTON Ward (South-East Division) cut- forHandi-| ing continued, TURE. | craft, | Classes. Gainford Parish: (°) Denton - 2 = = Chapelry 27 29 = 1 20 5 4 63 62 125 Houghton-Lee-side - - Township 22 23 = = 23 - - 64 5d 122 Haughton-le-Skerne Parish: (*) Barmpton - ~ - - = Township 23 23 ee ee 21 2 _ 50° 55 105 Burdon, Great- - = = Township 18 SO) eri. ves 16 1 5 31 45 46 Haughton - - - - - Township 93 107 = 3 39 51 17 203 263 466 Whessoe - - - - Township 22 22 ex Ges 21 1 - 50 49 99 Heighington Parish: (") Coastamoor - - - « Township 3 31 -| - 3 a - 6_ 6 12 Heighington = = = Township! 340 | i9g|/ —| 8 42 44 49 271 286 557 Killerby- - - - - - Township 19 ig} -| - 17 2 a 51 56 107 Midridge - = = = « Township 51 51 = 3 43 8 = 97 104 201 Redworth - - - - - Township 67 "8 = 1 28 22 28 146. |]. 161 307 School-Aycliffe - - = Township 6 Sol ee 8 2s = 17 20 37 Walworth - - - - - Township 24 24 Bs 1 19 3 2 80 {> 82 162 Merrington Parish: (° Chilton - - - + - Township 32 33 = 2 28 5 - 90° .|~ 92 182 Ferry-Hill ~ - - - Township 125 129 -| 3 57 48 24 269 - 305 574 Hett- - = - = = - Township 36 40} —-|] —- 15 16 9 122 111 233 Merrington - - - Township 64 69} -| 2 33 21 15 140° 150 290 Whitworth Par: Chap: () Tudhoe - = - = Township AT 55 2 2 38 16 1 174 124 298 Whitworth - - - - (”) Township 16 1} —-| - 16 1 2 53 58 111 2,408 | 2,884 | 6 | 74 | 1,099 | 1,295 | 490 | 6,463 | 6,934 | 13,307 DARLINGTON Ward—South-West Division. Cockfield - - - - = (*) Parish} 113 121 2 5 32 64 25 267 266 533° Gainford (part of) Parish : (Y) és Barnard-Castle - - - Chapely} 393 | 8441 4 | 18 126 531 | 187 | 1,649 | 1,932 | 3,581 Bolam - - - - Township 23 32 | —|] — 28 2 2 56 65 121 Cleatlam (part of) (Y) Township 24 Dy le cere ge 19 3 2 68 58 126 Gainford - - - = ~ Township} 110] 113] 1] 3 55 38 20 234 266 500 Headlam_ - - - Township 21 24] — 1 14 4 6 162 70 232 Ingleton - - Township 78 80] -| 6 53 18 9 139 156 295 Langton - - - = Township 18 18 ih Ss 14 2 2 47 43 go Marwood - - ~- Township 27 FO.) a 22 8 - 109 103 212 Morton-Tynemouth - Township 6 6} ~| - 6 ~ - 15 167 31 Pierse-Bridge - Township 50 2} —-| 41 32 20 - 110 126 236 Staunton and Streatlam - Township 43 52] —-| — 38 10 4 127 124 251 Summerhouse - - Township 40 46] -| —- 41 5 - 89 100 189 Westwick - - - = = Township 21 21 -| - 20 1 - 44 53 97 Whorlton - - - - Chapelry 55 58] 3} 1 38 16 4 144 156 300 Middleton-in-Teasdale Parish: (7) Egglestone - - (7) Chapelry 68 93 1 2 39 35 19 231 233 464 Forest and Frith - ~ = Township 83} 129] -| — - —| 129 376 347 723 Middleton-in-Teasdale Township} 166] 238 | 2} — 24] 206 8 643 620 1,263 Newbiggin - - - Township 59 77) -| 1 4 4 66 227 189 416 Staindrop Parish: (#) Cleatlam (part of) = - - Township - sete es ose = ez = eS = Hilton - - - - - - Township 22 22; —-! — 20 2 os 59 54 113 Langley-Dale and Shotton Township 32 g2} -] - 29 1 2 104 94 198 Raby and Keverstone - - Township 45 56] -| - 15 7 34 92 111 203 (8) Most part of the Parish of Gainford is in the South-West Division lington Ward ; the entire Parish contains 6,50: j of Dartington Ward.—(*) The Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne extends | is ee in Gainford Parish, partly in Stainton eee oe into the North-East Division of Stockton Ward ; the entire Parish con- Township is included in thi turn,———=(”) The entire Parish of Mid- tains 1,245 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Heighington contains } dleton-in-Teasdale cofitaiast 66 Inbabitants. The Towrfhip of Forest 1,383 Inbabitants. —(") The entire Parish of Merrington contains 1,279 | and Frith consists of Ettersgill part, Middle-Forest part, aid Hassoad Johabitants. ——(“) The Chapelry of Whitworth contains 409 Inha- part. One male upwards of 100 years of age in Egglestone Cha elry.—— bitants. It is dependent on Brancepeth Parish N. W. Division of the (*) The entire Parish of Staindrop contains 2,047 Tokapiiarte fosiden Ward. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Whitworth Township. those attributable to it in Cleatlam Township which is entered in Gain- —(*) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Cockfield Parish— | ford Parish. , (’) The Parish of Gainford is partly in the South-East Division of Dar- M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. _ 87 COUNTY OF DURHAM —continued. HOUSES; OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | PMP | aus | By es UES | chiefly OruER : OR e ee £ chiefly . | employ- | Families ; i TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Wwaniea| 2) 2 toa la eel Oe = or 3 Oc | Z| 3 in | Manu. |theTwo] = |PERSONS. 4 copied. | 6 | 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- = eal DARLINGTON Ward (South-West Division) | 5 cUL- JorHandi-| _ ing continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Staindrop Parish—continuéd. : ‘Staindrop - - - + - Township| 247] 294] 1] 2 115 | 108 7 605 668 | 1,273 Wackerfield - - - - Township 24 a4} —-| - 18) 63 3 5t 54 105 Woodland - - - = = Township 33 33 | 1] 2 8 25 | ~ 82 73 155 Winston - - - = - - -. Parishf 46] 61] -| 2 29] 13] 19 148 139 287 DARLINGTON Ward (North-West Division, | 12847 | 2:580 | 16 | 44 | 842 }1,126 | 612 | 5,878 | 6,116 | 11,904 Auckland, St. Andrew (part of) Par: C. (>) Auckland, St. Andrew (+) Township 26 29} —-]| 2 23 3 3 59 60 119 Auckland, St. Helen - - Chapelry 53 59 | -| 4 47 5 | a 97. 123 220 Auckland, West - - - Township] 247] 257] 11 7 64 | 108 85. 545 561 | 1,106 Bedburn, North - - - Township 41 “4 | -|] 2 48 5 21 147. 204 341 Bedburn, South - - - Township 63 65 | -}| 6 44 21 - 195. ¥71 366 Barony - - - - = - Township} 104 | 106 1| 4 39 11 56 237. 242 479 Binchester - - - - - Township 5 5{| -| - 4 - 1 23. 26 | 49 Bishop-Auckland - - (>) Township] 394] 537 | 2 | 22 81 | 260] ig6 | 1,008 1,172 2,180 Coundon - - - - - Township 44. 46]; -| 1 15 6 25 116 106 222 Evenwood - - - - = Township "9 9} -| 4 33 30 16 149, 157 306 Hamsterley - - - - Chapelry} 106/ 121] -| 5 33 82 6. 274 278 552 Hunwick and Helmington Township} 31 33 | -| 1 26 4 3 82, 78 160 Lynesack and Softley - - Township]! 159| 159] 1) —- 82 45 32 356 376 432 Newfield - - = - - Township 2 2} -| - 2 - - 6. 5 11 Newton-Capp - - - - Township 26 28; -| 2 19 9 = 43. 72 145 Pollards-Lands - - -~ Township 21 25/ 2] - 10 3 12 61 56 117 Shildon - - - - = Township 22 24| -] 2 14 5 5. 60. 55 115 Thickley, East- - = - Township 2 2} -| - 2 - - 5. 6 k1 Brancepeth Parish: (°) . Brancepeth- - - ~ - Township 68 “6! 5] 3 53 15 8 312 227 5389 Brandon and Byshottles - Township} 102] 113 3 41 29 43 328 281 6a9 Crook and Billy-Row - - Township 36 40] —]| - 30 10 - 125 103 228 Hedley-Hope - - - - Township 8 9} -]| - 7 2 - 23 28 51 ‘Hemlingten-Row - - Township 29 29/ -| - 27 2 - 70- 84 154 Stockley - - - - = Township 11 w{ -]| - 12 - - 57 46 103 Willington - - - - = Township 45 46 1 2 19 17 10 104 117 221 Escombe ~ - - - - Par: Chap: 52 56] -| 6 35 13 8 112 120 aq Lanchester Parish : an . Cornsay - = - - ~- Township 56 57! -| 83 32 13 12 135 | 114 249 4 Stanhope Parish: (¢) | Forest-Quarter (+) - - Township] 436} 666] - | 13 36 55 | 575 1,939 1,796 30735 Newland-Side - - - + Township] 107] 142] -—]|] 1 38 22 82 383 380 463 Park-Quarter (-+-) - - Township} 148] 216] —]| 3 22 9 | 185 649 © 610 | 1,259 Stanhope-Quarter - - - Township} 185} 313 | 2 1 34 51 228 796 788 1,584 Witton-le-Wear - - - Par: Chap: 96 | 101 4 25 21 55 | . 306 225 531 Walsingham - - - - - - Parish} 390] 476) -|14 | 149] 219 | 108 | 1,050 | 1,147 | 2,197 EASINGTON Ward (North Division.) (¢) | 39224 | 4,003 | 15 [115 1,146 | 1,075 |1,782 | 9,882 9,814 | 19,696 4 Bishop-Wearmouth Parish: (f) ; Bishop-Wearmouth (+) - Township | 1,361 | 2,176 | 33 | 49 109 |1,598 | 469 | 4,173 5,304 9,477 Bishops-Wearmouth-Pans Township 47; 118] -—]| - —| 101 17 229 254 483 Burdon - - - - = - Township 26 go} -] 1 27 3 - 87 62 149 Ford- - - - - = = Township 96] 168] -—] 1 17 73 78° 415 376 491 Ryhope- - - = - += Township 60 59} -| 1 55 4 - 185 183 368 Silksworth - - - = - Township 30 38] -}| 1 25 10 3 113 97 210 Tunstall - - + = + Township 9 9 = = 9 ig = 31 33 64 @) The Parish of Auckland, St. Andrew is partly in the South-East Q The entire Parish of Stanhope contains 7,341 Inhabitants. Weardale Division of Darlington Ward ; the entire Parish contains 8,223 Inhabi- Yhapel is in this Parish. (°) North-Bayley, with St. Mary-le-Bow, tants. South-Church is included in the Return of Auckland, St. Andrew and South-Bayley, with Little St. Mary, are entered with the City of Township. One male upwards 100 years of age in (Bongate) Bishop- Durham, at the end of the County.——-(‘) The entire Parish of Bishop- Autkland Township.——(°) The-entire Parish of Brancepeth contains Wearmouth contains 11,542 Inhabitants. A flonrishing colliery has 1,905 Inhabitants, besides those in the Chapelry of Whitworth, much increased the Population of Great-Lumley Township. 88 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DURHAM—continued. [ Enumeration, NE ee PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. EASINGTON Ward (North Division) continued. Chester-le-Street (part of) Parish . (8) Lambton Lumley, Great - Lumley, Little Township - Township Township Dalton-le-Dale Parish: (*) Dalton-le-Dale - Dawdon Hesleton, Cold Morton, East - Houghton-le-Spring Bidick, South - Bourn-Moor Cocken Eppleton, Great - Eppleton, Little - - Township Township Township - Township (*) - Township - Township ‘- Township - Township - Township Herrington, East and Middle Township Herrington, West - Hetton-le-Hole - Houghton-le-Spring Moorhouse - - - Moorsley Morton-Grange_ - Newbottle Offerton Painshaw Rainton, East - - Rainton, West- - Warden-Law Seaham Parish: (j) Seaham - - - Seaton and Slingley Sunderland - Township (4) Township (4) Township Township Township Township (4) Township - Township (7) Chapelry Township (4) Township Township Township Township - (*) Parish EASINGTON Ward (South Division.) Castle-Eden - - Easington Parish: (1) Easington - - Haswell- - - - Hawthorn Shotton - Kelloe Parish: (™) Cassop - - - Coxhoe Kelloe, Church Quarrington - Thornley - - Wingate - - Monk-Hesleton Parish : Hulam or Holom Hutton, Henry - Monk-Hesleton = - Nesbit - - . Sheraton - ~- Thorpe-Bulmer- - Parish - Township - Township Township Township - Township Township ~ Township Township - Township - Township Township Township - Township Township Township Township HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Famr- a Ar. [~~] : By 3 eae : chiefly Onare . how 2 chiefly employ= Families wi TOTAL S { Sany | g | e Pie! it eg re (Hopeaue % 4 ie = | Families} -.2 < ployed | Tpans. | prized in a < 3 Oc | 3] 4 in Manu. | the Two < Fa PERSONS. Ss cupied. a 5 Acrr- | factnres, preced- a Fu CUL- lorHandi-|_, "8 ture. | craft, |Classes. 60 62|/ —-| - 11 40 11- 130 163 293 228 | 258] 141 1] 38 37 | 183 642 598 | 1,240 64 yo} — 1 16 30 24 168 183 351 11 11 a ee 7 1 3 28 21 49 3 3 = — 3 aaa ve 21 14 35 7, 11 2 - 10 1 - 31 24 55 ist ag) —f =] ae 2 = 36 36 72 a? | 45) =) 4 8 7| 30 72 95 167 193 | 216] 12] — 4 206 3 613 526 | 1,139 7 a Se oS 7 i = 17 42 59 5 6} -| 3 5 1 - 22 21 43 2 a1 ml oS 2 = i 13 19 32 34 38 = 1 20 10 8 66 67 133 38 ma ke ae 29 26 179 150 329 107 | 145] 31 | 24 57 86 2 546 373 919 405 | 537/ 6) 6 | 36 | 102] 399 | 1,507 | 1,398 | 2,905 5 5|/ if - 5 7 o 15 14 29 a i} -| —- 8 1 1 20 28 48 50 fo; BP os 5 44 1 181 127 308 379 | 449] 1] 8 34 105 | 310 1,178 1,128 2,306 38 38; -]| 3 12 8 18 102 96 198 401 | 447] 21] 5 24 59 | 364 | 1,045 | 1,045 | 2,090 112] 119] 20] — 9 108 2 352 319 671 230 | 238; 2) — 37 174 27 622 538 1,160 3 3} -] 7 2 : = 7 7 14 20 20| -| 2 18 2 - 55 48 103 20 24} —-| — 20 2 2 51 44 95 4,108 | 5,500 113 | 92 | 673 |2,845 ;1.9%2 | 12,952 | 13,433 | 26,985 55 58) -| 1 36 14 8 123 158 281 114 | 1399/ =] 1 gl 40 8 303 290 593 17 17 - 17 = - 56 _ 59 115 25 30 1 ~ 22 4 4 va 63 140 55 55 | os} 2 24 18 13 127 137 264 11 ae | oS) 10 1 = 44 34 98 27 27 oS 11 5 11 78 “54 132 18 OF fh Serie se 13 1 5 50 5l 101 oo) Sah Si) 84 ae 20 = 93 84 177 9 |. sap ve a 3 1 29 31 60 25 25! -| 4 24 1 - 67 64 131 2 2) -} = 2 - - 7 9 16 39 42] -| 2 37 5 = 84 - 90 174 207 Se) =) a a5 5 3 87 Wi 164 : eho i = 5 4 g 23 25; -| 1 19 6 - 52 64 116 3 2) 2) 3 = = 15 9 24 (*) Most part of the Parish of Chester-le Division of Chester Ward. contains 211 Inhabitants, contains 12,550 Inhabitants, The le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, increased by the extension of from the opposite reason, Population of the Town Newbottle, and West Rainton, collieries ; that of Painshaw has One male, one female, upwards of 100 years © Street is in the Middle -(b) The entire Parish of Dalton-le-Dale () The entire Parish of Hou ghton- le-Spring ships of Hetton- is greatly declined of age in Newbottle Township. G) The entire Parish of Seaham coutains 198 Inhabitants. of the County.—(!) The entire Parish of Easington contains 1,112 ——(") The entire Parish of Kelloe contains 679 Inbabi-_ tants.——-(") The entire Parish of Monk-Hesleton contains 503 In- Inhabitants. habitants, (k) The Town of Sunderland is entered at the end M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. lV. C. QA, 89 COUNTY OF DURHAM—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, F Fami- : By . 5 — ee ree he ; how 3 chiefly ou Families wn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BZ. fmt} wo] B | em | edin {notcom-] yy “i i : 50 oo a 2 a ployed | Trang, pa = 3. oF : 3 c- : 7 i ” | the Two ; = , : 5 - | cupied. a 5 any. fe raved: 3 a PERSONS. EASINGTON Ward (South Division)— . cut- lorHandi-| _ 8 = 3 continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. aa | Oswald, St. Parish: ((°) Shincliffe - - - - = Township} 70 79| -| 7 47 19 13 160 207 367 | Pittington Parish: (P) | ss dpi Hall-Garth += (-+) ~- Township 56 60} -|] - 25 35 - 165 139 304. Shadforth - - - - - Township 49 49} -| - 45 4 - 108 115 223 Sherburn - - - - = Township 72 v2) —-| —- 62 10 - 131 150 281 | Sherburn-House - - - - Extra P. 12 w2|15| -- 4 3 2 38 29 67 Trimdon - - «© - = = = Parish 61 67 | -| 1 4l 19 4. 154 148 302 Whitwell-House - - - - Extra P. a ya) -| - 4 - - 20 18 38 813 | 877] 16} 24 | 589] 213 75 | 2,073 | 2,084 | 4,157 STOCKTON Ward (North-East Division.) - a Billingham Parish: (4) Billingham - - - Township go 96} —-| 1 72 14 10 182 213 395 Cowpen-Bewley - - - Township 26 a7| —-| 2 24 3 - 91 61 132 Newton-Bewley - - - Township 23 23) -| 2 23 - - 43 43 86 Wolviston - ~ - + - Chapelry| 113] 125] —| 1 go 26 9 283 258 541 | Bishops-Middleham Parish: (7) Bishops-Middleham - - Township 80 87) -| 7 46 25 16 193 211 "| 404 Cornforth - - - - = Township 68 m1) -| 5 22 47 2 166 164 330 Garmondsway-Moor - Township 6 6 = _ 6 = - 20 15 35 Mainsforth - - - - = Township 8 8; -| - 6 1 1 22 22 44 Thrislington - - - ~ Township 3 3/ -| - 3 = - 6 8 14 ‘Elwick-Hall - - - - - = Parish] 24 24; -| - 22 1 1 94 82 176 “Greatham Parish: (*) » Claxton - - - = = Township 6 6 1 6 - - 20 18 38 Greatham - - - - - Township} 106] 120] 2 82 24 14 207 239 446 .Grindon Parish: (*) Grindon - = - + = Township 56} 54] -| 2 47 4 - 126 129 255 . Whitton - - - - = Township 12 w2{ — 11 - 1 29 30 59 ‘Hart Parish: (*) Dalton Piercy - - - - Township 15 17{ -| 1 15 2 - 36 39 . 95 Elwick - - + - = Township 51 51{ -| 1 35 12 4 104 109 213 . : Hart - - - - - + Township 44 47} -| - 40 4 - 117 114 231 * Throston - - = - - Township 9 lz] -]| - 11 = - 35 36 71 ‘Hartlepool - - - - - - Parish} 259] 269} -—| - 10 25] 234 570 679 1,249 Sedgefield ‘Parish: (*) ' Bradbury - - - = = Township 30 go} -| 1 25 3 2 77 95 152 Butterwick - - (*) Township 8 8} -| - 8 - 26 28 54 Embleton - - += = = Township 17 1g} —-] 2 19 - ~ 51 5 102 Fishburn - - - - = Township 46 47\ 1] 4 34 8 5 101 gl 192 Foxton and Shotton - - Township 9 of apt = 9 - - 28 35 63 Mordon .- - - = = Township 27 27) -| 2 18 6 3 56 68 124 ‘ Sedgefield - - - - + Township} 298] 306] —| 8 258 38 10 666 602 1,268 4 Stainton Parish: (*) Elstols - - - - Township 6 6] - 5 - 1 16 12 28 . Stainton, Great - - Township 21 62) -] 3 16 4 2 59 67 126 ‘Stranton Parish: (¥) Briertton - - - - - Township 4 4 - - 4 - - 14 vi 21 Seaton-Carew - - - ~- Township 71 mw] -| = 29 21 21 135 177 312 Stranton - - + + = Township 68 79 1| - 52 20 7 190 181 371. 1,604 /1,685 | 4] 48 | 1,048 | 294] 343 | 3,743 | 3,864 | 7,607 (°) The Parish of St. Oswald, or Elvet, is mostly entered with the City of Durham at the end of the county; itis partly in Chester Ward, Mid- dle Division——(?) The entire Parish of Pittington coutains.878 Inha- bitants.—(4) The entire Parish of Billingham contains 1,154 Inhabit- J ants.——(') The entire Parish of Bishops-Middleham contains 827 Inhabitants.—(°) The entire Parish of Greatham contains 484 Inha- bitants.———-(") The entire Parish of Grindon contains 314 Inhabitants, ——(") The entire Parish of Hart contains 590 Inhabitants, besides those in the Chapelry or Parish of Hartlepool_—(*) The entire Parish of Sedgefield contains 1,955 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 | years of age in Butterwick Township——(*) The entire Parish of: Stainton contains 154 Inhabitants ———(”) The entire Parish of Stranton contains 704 Inhabitants, a he Aa Enumeration. go ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ce —— <==, COUNTY OF DURHAM—continued. HOUSES : i OCCUPATIONS : ‘PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- {Fam | Ary : t aa &B z LIES aA OrHER On how 3 chiefly, sual: Families i” i TOTAL ‘ 3 man . Ea] em- in [not com- 5 wd . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Rene : 2 a ployed a = a res 8 t 3 or a pee [a Ss ™ (| Manu- | the Two 3 & _|PERSONS. ‘8 cupied.| ® | 5 Acrr- factures, | Preced- Fx STOCKTON WARD (South-West Division.) CUL- lorHandi-| ing ff, , : TURE. | craft, | Classes. i Bishopton Parish: (7) a i i Bishopton - - - - - Township 73 85} -] - 50 20 15 182 183 365° Newbiggins, East and West Township 5 5 2 5 - 7 13 13 26 | Stainton, Little - - Township 15 15 = 2 14 - 1 33 29 62. f Craike - - (#) Parish} 109 | 115] -—] 2 72 28 15 260 278 538 | Dinsdale, Low - - = Parish 17 22} —] 1 16 1 5 53 58 111 Eaglescliffe Parish: (>) i Aislaby - = = = Township 28 28{ -jf41 27 1 - 78 88 166 |} Eaglescliffe - - - - Township 85 85 = 2 47 Ol it's 7 170 162 332 | Newsam - - - - Township 6 Be ee 7 7 = 19 25 44 |] Elton - - - - ~ = = Parish 21 21] -—]| 2 19 2 - 48 57 105 Haughton-le-Skerne (part of ) Parish : C5 Coatham-Mundeville - — Township 33 33-} -| - 21 10 2 85 99 184: Sadburge - > - Township 89 go| -|{ 3 70 15 5 138 177 315 Horworth Parish: (4) Hurworth - - - - - Township{ 174] 182] ~— 67 96 19 400 411 811 | Neasham or Nysam - Township 63 63} 1] 2 39 18 6 153 160 313 | . Middleton, St. George - = Parish 46 46}; -} — 28 14 4 105 104 209 Newton, Long - - - = Parish 64 67) =| = 57 9 1 168 170 338 | Norton - - - (+) Parish} 257} 258} - | 12 105 102 51 506 680 1,186 | Red-Marshall Parish: (¢) Carleton - - - - Chapelry] 27 Be, os |) 19 6 8 65 "5 140 | Red-Marshall - ~ (+) Township 13 13]; -| - 8 4 1 32 43 : Stillington - - - - Chapelry 12 wz} -| = 12 - - 24 25 49 |, Sockburn (part of) - - - (f) Parish 9 9/ -|] - 9 - - 19 24 43 Stockton-upon-Tees Parish: (8) : Hartburn - - - Township 33 35] - 32 - 3 57 64 121 Preston-upon-Tees - ‘- Township 10 10} -/] 1 8 2 - 30 27 57 Stockton-upon-Tees - ( +) Township} 893 /1,113 | 4 | 34 63 | 4541 596 2,304 2,702 5,006: “J 2,082 | 2347 | 5 | 66 | 795} 813) 739 | 4,942 | 5,654 | 10,596 | ISLANDSHIRE: (*) Aneroft - - - - - ~ Par: Chap: 255 | 266] 2 | 13 164. 85 17 659 719 1,378 Belford (part of) Parish : (4) Ross - - - * - Township 9 9 = = 9 - = 29 26 | 55 OL: Holy-Island - - - = Bae) 996°) ape | = lag 644 63 27 375 | 385 760 J. Kyloe- - - - - - Par:Chap:| 185] 187] 2 | — 140 30 17 489 | 501 9go - Tweedmouth ~ > > Par:Chap:] 759 [1,081 | 8 | 25 81 | 207] 793 | 2,182 2,491 4,073 ; NORHAMSHIRE : (*) 1347 |1,697 | 19 | 53 | 458} 385] 854 | 3,734 | 4,122 | 7,856 Norham Parish: (!) ee ; . z E : oe 163 168; —~] 4 109 28 31 413 450 863 j , Township} 53 53} -| 1 25 6 22 143 142 285 |, Felkington - - (') Township] 35 35 | —{| 2 19 3 13 gl 95 186 |. Grindon - - + = Township 28 a8} —-] - 28 - - 84 89 173 Horncliffe - - - - Township 68 741 -| 3 18 13 43 187 164 351 I. Loan-End—- - - Township} 25 28} —| 3 19 3 6 70 "3 143 |! Longridge — - - > Township 14 1} -] 4 11 1 4 36 45 81 Norham : - - Township] 178 191 2 3 69 103 | 19 421 480 gol | Norham-Mains - Township 22 22 1 19 1 2 65 57 122 b oreewoc - - - Township 52 53] -| 2 26 5 22 126 135 261 |} ae fon --- Township} 37 | 37] -| 1 20 12 5 113 119 232 z Sek, - Township}! 50] 50] —| 2 35 10 5 151 157 308 | 725 | 755 | 2 | 23 398 | 185 | 172 1,900 2,006 | 3,906. . | *) The entire Parish of Bish i ; - 5 : ses ox The Parish of Craike i locally situate in Yor tine Chane War OF . ae en oe . er Bow apie Tees ventas, sity ae pentake.) —-(°) The entire Parish of Eaglescliffe contains 542 In Northumberland aiid adjomi oe aie ee rd ole a a ‘) ee fo of Haughton-le-Skerne is mostly in the | Parish is mostly ‘in the North Division of Srulabrough Wank hang Harm cont 1 ta Iban.) Se enter heel | Notaambera asthe Tomship of Ros hve bal Daa Marshall contains 264 Iuhabitants.—,t ) The Parish of Sea is re roe Nonaas reniae . Bie Se 0 oe : a 2 f ry . * r bl mostly in Allertonshire Wapentake, North Riding of Yorkshire, ship also includes Gicietaa. AOR Rehabs: a i _4- M.DCEC:EXK } - BHB, POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEQ. IV. C. OA gt CQUNIY QE DURHAM —ognfinuedy SE SS 5 an HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: : Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : ; A i RaMe- eis ALL By a mes | chiefly Oruer oR 5 how & chiefly | employ- | Families vi TOTAL a . fa Many, By 4: ' i le in |Mot.com- h- a. & mde EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. [| 2 [Families 24 | ployed [reaun, | prized in : e or | ‘3 Oc- |e in | Manv- | the Two a PERSONS. }} ‘| copied. yk | Acrr- | factures | preced- a ee i cuL- lorHandi-) ing CITY OF DURHAM, ; q 7 i | TURE. | craft, Classes. i . . } Castle-Precincts - - - Extra-P.| 9. 16.) 1 a = 10; 6) ' 93 32 55 f College - - - ‘= - - Extta-P. 18 ww} -f- =, - 18; 34 We. F112 | Giles, St:Gilligate - - - -. Rarish] 172] 300.) — 3 48\] 87 | 165, 579 658 | 1,237 ie le-Haw, with Art Raich} 64] 7p] -{ 1 - 26\| 51 165 283 448 | Mary, St. Little - - - @) Paishf 17f 17 -f 1 fF 2 f af 15.f 66 gl f 157 Nicholas, St. - - - - Barish} 297 | 490} -| 2 - 476. | 14. 988 | 1,227 | 2,015 2 d le" s i . * Oswald, St. (part of) Parish: ("), ; ; : : tL = Crogsgate, or St. Margaret's: Chapelry F 1527 | 344 2 1 9 | 295} 40 681 } 7473 | 1,454 Elvet - - - - - ~ (*); Barony] 169] 3361) 1); u | 34 |! 229 | 73: 834 | 886 | 1,420 Elvet - - > - - - Borough] 115 194} 1] 2 41; 62]. 91 | 364 537, | go1 Framwellgate - - - Township} 142] 340] 1/]' 6 62 | 176 }° 102 fF 742 781 1,523 f 1,152 [2,132 | 6] 17 | 195 | 1,362} 575. f 4,476 | 5,346 | 9,822 | Town of ee : ; oR a eee 4 ; Sunderland - - - (+) Parish} 1,618 | 4,064 | 5 | 40 14 949:|3,101 | 6,149 8,576 | 14,725 () Little St; Mary, Parish includes the South Bayley andiGaol_—— | entire Parish, contains, 6,148 Inhabitants. One Female upwards of y : )-Fhe Parish of St. Oswald, or Elvet, extends into the Middle Division [ 100 years of'age in Etvet Barony. | of Chester Ward, and; into. the South Division of Easington Ward, The i re rea Ee ee SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. : {f . = vr 7 T 7 ¥ w ov a T é . * ¥ ee tT ee T ¥ CHESTER WARD. Three Divisions; - ' a t 4 11,865,17;416} 57 |‘370] 2,179) 9,670] 5,574} 36,908 | 40,624 | 77,532 | DARLINGTON WARD, ; Three Divisions- - - - -|*7,479]'9,467]'37 | 233] 3,087) 3,496] 2,884 | £2,993 "22,864 | 44,087 f f , . ‘ 7 Kc Ea EASINGTON WARD, | L : } l Two Divisions - - - - - | 4,921] 6,377|129 |. 116] 1,962] 3,058] 2,057], 15,025 | 15,517 |. 30542. : STOCKTON WARD, Two Divisions 1 ' ' + ' 3,686 | 4,032} 9 |.114) 1,843] 1,107] 1,082] 8,485 |. 9,518 |. 18,203; ISLANDSHIRE - : 1,347] 1,697] 12 | 53] 458} 385] 854) 3,734 | 4,122] 7,856 ‘NORHAMSHIRE - , ‘ ' JS ' 7251 755} 2| 23, 398] 185] 172] 1,900] 2,006 |’ 3,906 City of DURHAM = = % S = x ane P92 | 6] 17f 195 taba 515 J 4,476 | 5,346 | 9,822 Town of SUNDERLAND - - = + ~4°1,618}'4,064] 5 | 40 14{ 949] 3,101} 6,149 | 8,546 | 14,725 Torars - - - [32,793!45,940| 257 | 966] 9,427 20,212 [16,301 | 99,190 | 108,573 | 207,673 3 y COUNTY OF DURHAM—continued.' ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration.’ Ages of Persons. being .... 158,199, .... it thence appears, compliance with the question to that effect, The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received to the question concerning the A ges of persous, and are thus marked (+): or redundant, —or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. that the Ages of one-fourth part of the from the County of Durham was MALES. > f heat ‘ . 100 f 5 10 15 20 30 40.) 50 | 6O | 70 | 80 | 90 i a ; ea eis ae ee ee ee eae ee a ee (tof tof g / ke. > | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50] 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 ae CHESTER WARD - - [5,095 | 4,342 | 3,571 | 2,804 | 3,705 | 3,053 | 2,532 2,048 |1,487| 671/206 | 28} 3 [29,545 DARLINGTON WARD [2,807 | 2,671 | 2,433 | 1,897 | 2,715 | 2,094 | 1,720 | 1,343 | 947 587 |210 17 | 2 719,443 EASINGTON WARD - 11,657 | 1,439 | 1,378 | 1,078 |1,657 |2,842 | 923 | 600 | 465] 202] 69] 14] 1 12,325 STOCKTON WARD -]| 836] 716] 642| 648] 846 | 627 | 523 407] 329/ 182] 83] 3] — 5,842 ISLANDSHIRE - - -]| 645] 543] 457/ 405 | 503| 346] 314] 210] 179! 113]} 19 | -| — 3,734 NORHAMSHIRE - -]| 279 | 283] 239| 206} 288} 179] 157] 115] 7a] 63/18] -—| - 1,901 DURHAM, CITY - -]| 612] 574] 500! 485] 575 | 516] 482 294 | 260] 128] 4a 8} - 4476 SUNDERLAND, TOWN 7 = = = “ = es Sk eh es Pee hve ee ge Total of MALES Ho 1088 9,220 | 7,523 |10,289 | 9,657 | 6,651 | 5,017 |3,741|1,946/647 | 70 | 6 fy7,266 FEMALES, f \ - 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 7/80] 90/1]. - | WARDS, Under oe | et oe Be to to to to, to to to to to to | to ae 5 = 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80-} 90 | 100 Sails a CHESTER WARD - 4,720 | 4,251 | 3,516 | 3,233 | 5,209 |3,745 13,019 2,303 1,603] 853] 284] 37 | 4 [32,777 a s ‘ a DARLINGTON WARD [2,758 | 2,507 2,060 | 2,154 | 3,276 | 2,259 | 1,868 | 1,456 1,071} 630} 234] 35 | 2 ]20,310 EASINGTON WARD - [1,553 | 1,409 1,204 978 11,551 {1,211 822 577 | 455{| 225] 79| 10 1 [10,075 SFOCKTON WARD -| 804| 717 644 | 624 }1,066 | 740] 616 | 436 | 346 204; 92] 6 | 1 | 6,296 ISLANDSHIRE - -| 635 | 513] 395] 4221 646 437 | 363] 264 | 255] 118]'37] 7! — | 4,122 NORHAMSHIRE' - -| 259] 277] 250 203 | 331} 212) 1721 144] 93! gol 15| 1] —] 2,006 DURHAM, CITY -| 668] 530] 550] 588 915 | 648 | 512} 396 | 311] 160} 61] 4] 1] 5,347 SUNDERLAND, TOWN - - = - = i a “ = = oe ai es = Total of FEMALES - [11,397 /10,204. 8,619 8,202 13,024 19,252 | 7,372 | 5,576 194.209 802103 | 9 80,933 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Durham being .... 207,673, jase and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in 302, thirteen of which did not contain any answer whatever and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. 03 County of Essex. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | P47 | ay : : By. = LIES | chiefly OrHER ; , OR 3 how = chiefly employ- | Families a TOTAL 5 2 : man. “ = ‘ a ; EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = lsat! £12 layalee meet e = ee. |4 sO |S ie Pa pee lee a a 3 ‘ 3 3 n Manu- | the Two < Aa PERSONS. A {cupied. | | 5 Acnri- | factures,} preced- a fy cuL- jorHandi-| Ing BARSTABLE Hundred. TURE. craft. | Classes. Bewrurer, North - - - Parish 45 46} -| 2 46 - a 177, 126 303 Benfleet, South - - - - Parish} 106] 114] -— | 4 40 43 1 268 247 515 Bowers-Gifford - - - = -Parish 40 44] -} 2 37 4 3 133 88 221 Bulphan - + - - - - = .Parish? 29 42; -} - 39 1 2 146 96 242 Burstead, Great - - (7) Parish} 326] 336] 2} 8 176 | 137 23 gil 950 1,861 Burstead, Little. - - - Parish 20 37] -| - 32 3 2 100 101 201 Chadwell, St. Mary’s - - - -Parish 39 41} -} 1 36 2 3 106 96 202 Corringham - - - - = - Parish 44 48] -| - 38 8 2 141 - 94 235 Doddinhurst - - - Parish 5l ya] -| 1 69 4 1 180 176 356 Downham - - - - -- Parish 51 60} -| - 55 3 2 167 148 315 Dunton - - - - - Parish 17 a4} -| 1 23 1 - 66 67 133 Fobbing - - - = + Parish} 74 82] -| 1 59 19 4° 221 186 407 Horndon, East - + = © Parish 64 73) 1] 2 49 15 9 233 226 459 Horndon-on-the-Hill - (#) Parish 40 84 | 1 1 39 35 10 234 186, 420 Horndon, West - - + Parish 8 8}; -| - 8 ~ - 21 24 45 Hutton - - - - - - - Parish} 46 ma] —-| - 48 8 18 206 212 418 Ingrave - - - - + - Parish 86 89] 1] 3 51 30 8 223 | 204. 427 Laindon - - - - - ~ (#4) Parish 52 6) —| - 71 4 1 _ 239 163 402 Basildon - - - = - — Chapelry 24 26); -| 1 26 - - 84 58 142 Langdon-Hills - - - - = Parish 29 39 | -| - 34 4 1 109 96 205 Mucking - - - - - = = Parish 25 38 | -| - 37 1: - 109 80 189 Nevendon - - - Parish 23 36) -| - 36 - - 104 82 186 Orsett - - - - - - - Parish] 133] 208] —| 2 136 48 ad 607 523 1,130 Pitsea- - - - + - - «© Parish 55 59} -}| - 44 11 4 173 116 289 Ramsdon-Bellhouse —- - Parish} 95 95} 1] 1 87 8 - 202 213 415 Ramsdon-Crays - - - - Parish 60 61} -| 1 43 12 6 142 134 246 Shenfield - - - + + - Parnshf 104 { 110] -| 3 63 24 23 301 318 619 Stanford-le-Hope - - - - Parish 53 58] 1] 3 49 4 2 175 126 301 Thundersley - - - - (>) Parish 58 59| -| - 52 Bs ~ 165 148 313 Thurrock, Little - - - - Parish 36 40} —j|] 1 33 4 3 101 gl 192 Tilbury, East - - - = (°) Parish 35 55} -| 1 42 9 4 135 119 254 Lee, East, or Chapel (++) - Liberty 1 tb eS 1 S 7 5 5 10 Tilbury, West - - - - - Parish} 41 52] -| - 42 6 4 128 121 249 Vange - - - = Parish Q1 26} -| - 24 2 - 72 5% 124 Wickford.- - - - - - - Parish] 0 46] -]| 1 60 15 1 206 175 381 2,034 | 2,391 | 7 | 40 |1,755| 475 | 161 | 6590 | 5,847 | 12,437 BECONTREE Hundred. . ~ - Barking Parish : (*) Town OTC ooh oe Ward] 519 | 542 | 14 | 10 97 | 371 74 7 1,219 1,361 2,580 Chadwell - - - - - = - Ward 89] 108! -] 1 69 20 19 250 211 461 Ilford - - - > Ward} 518] 596} 5] 15 | 350] 1471] 99 } 1,480 | 1,492 | 2,972 Ripple - - - - - - = Ward 73 “6/ 1] 2 64 6 6 196 165 361 Dagenham - oe 3 Parish | 363 | 377] 5| 9 | 278 85 14 945 919 | 1,864 Ham, East - - - - - - Parish] 212/ 253) -| 7 183 46 24 735 689 1,424 Ham, West(+) - - - (*) Parish }1,722 11,980 | 9/58 | 439] 917| 624 | 4.472 | 5,281 | 9,753 Alford, Little - - - - Parish 15 15/ 1] 3 10 2 3 f 38 - 49 87 Leyton, Low - - - - - Parish] 572 | 676] 1 | 35 245 | 239 | 192 1,552 .| 1,822 3,374 Walthamstow - - - - - Parish} 685 | 830] 2 | 35 130 | 552 148 1,986 2,318 4,304 Wanstead 7 = = + Parish} 229 | 234] 1] 10 93 51 | 110 609 745 | 1,354 Woodford, St. Mary - - - Parish} 395 | 471 | 11 117 | 168] 1751 128 | 1,326 1,373 2,699 5,392 |6,158 | 50 | 202 | 2,106 | 2,611 | 1,441 14,808 |16,425 | 31,233 CHAFFORD Hundred. =a eee es Aveley - - - - - - - Parish! 136 | 255] -—| 3 186 55 14 - 384 - 349 733 Childerditch - - - - - - Parish 30 46] -| - 40 6 - 161 128 289 Cranham - - - - - - Parish} = 47 5B) -| - 51 2 2 157 132 289 Ockendon, North - - - - Parish} 50 51} -| 2 44. 6 1 . 165 . 160 | 325 Ockendon, South - + - Parish{ 154] 162] 2] 6 go 64] ° 8 399 378 777 Rainham - - - - - = - -Parish{ gi | 110] 1] 4 65 40 5 295 278 573 |} . (*) One Male upwards of 100 years of age in Great-Burstead | Parish; one Female upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of | Horndon-on-the-Hill. 544 Inhabitants. (*) ee entire Parish of Laindon contains ‘art’ of Thundersley Parish is in Rochford Hundred. The entire Parish contains 550 Inhabitants——(‘) East- Tilbury Parish, with Lea-Chapel Liberty, contains. 264 Inhabitants —. (4) The entire Parish of Barking contains 6,374 Inhabitants, (°) The Return of West-Ham includes the Four Wards into which the Parish is divided. Bb { Enumeration. 04 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER —— COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. | HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, = Fh Bae: | BA | tics, By Pa LIES chiefly OrneR 2 oR . how g chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL vo man ‘ - i - 3 a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & Eaniliea = z payedla aaa a 3 be ‘gs Oc- a : in Manu. | theT < ‘g cupied. Q 5 Acri- i auees fede: a i eee cuL- |orHandi-| _ ing as CHAFFORD Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. = South-Weald - - (f) Parish} 199 | 213) 3] 9 137 54 22 583 552 1,135 Brentwood - - - + Chapelryf! 249] 308] 2] 7 33 | 139] 136 700 723 1,423 Sid = oo = want ae) gel ol ad Se) el oa b fee 99 | ‘206 Thurrock, Grays - - - Parish} 142 142] 4] 5 47 74 21 372 379 742 Thurrock, West and Purfleet - Parish 97} 191] -] - "3 33 85 435 394 829 Upminster - - - - - Parish} 163] 174] =} 3 114 46 14 512 440 952 Warley, Great - - = - = Parish 94. 97} -| 2 74 16 4 261 260 521 Warley, Little - = - Parish 27 32] -] 1 25 4 3 89 go 179 Wennington - - - - - - Parish 18 21j —-{ = 18 2 1 63 65 128 . 1,517 | 1,8 12 2 | 1,0 2 68 418 CHELMSFORD Hundred. ! 2 i Be a sa _ se ee Baddow, Great - - - - Parish | 2 a 1] 8 16 120 | 8 Baddow, Little - - - - (8) Parish 2 aa -fo1 ee 27 a oe Hg ie Middle-Mead - - - - Hamlet 27 385} = 2 24 9 a 103 99 ac Blackmore - - - Parish} 118 134] - 2 83 38 13 339 318 657 Boreham - - - - - = Parish 96] 174] 1] - 123 33 18 440 478 18 cea - - - - Parish 67 13] -|{ - 63 31 29 321 303 bo4 uttsbur - oe = = = =) Pan Ghalnsiord - - ~- - - aa tear i 2 sae a se sae a ot Moulsham ar } 893 | 978] 4 | 21 94 | 497] 387 | 2,450 | 2,544 -) 4,994 agnal-St. James - - - = Parish 0 = 1 2 Chignal-Smealy - - - = Parish yi sf -| - - i : = 36 Danbury - - - - - = (+) Parish} 192} 209] 1 8 139 61 9 500 505 1 Bs Fryerning - - - > = Parish} 118) 1296] —| 97 41 71 14 305 307 iG 2 Hanningfield, East - - - Parish 54 79/ -]| 1 62 11 6 208 190 08 Hanningfield, South - - - Parish 26 33] -| 2 27 6 - 100 76 oe Hanningfield, West - - - - Parish 89 94] -| = 947 16 1 248 220 188 Ingatestone - - = = = + Parish] 121 167 | —/| 2 "8 30 59 380 367 Leighs (part of) Great - - (i) Parish 27 36} -| - 31 4 1 106 75 13, Leighs, Little - - - - ~- Parish 31 Sh) ey 24 5 2 86 16 : Margaretting - - - - ~- Parish gl 04) -| - 59 21 14 237 sa os Mountnessing - - - - - Parish 144] 1491 -]|] 4 119 25 5 3 i 8 Rettendon - - - - - Parish gl 121 -| 2 88 20 13 ae fe Bo Roxwell - - - + = - - Parishf 139] 161] —| ¢ 130 21 10 2 8 Runwell - - - - - - - Parish 43 60; -| 1 58 2 ~ 166 a of Sandon - - = = - - = Parish 52 99/ -| 1 g1 8 - 260 208 88 Springfield - - - - - - Parish} 953] 292! -—| 6 108 } 115 69 732 718 1 i 0 Stock - - - 7 = 2 + Parish} 127] 128] -]| 3 77 43 8 310 300 a : Waltham, Great - - -: - Parish 344] 354] 14) 3 246 "5 33 8 896 88 Waltham, Little - - - - Parish 79 | 126] 1] 4 72 38 16 oie a "bad Widford - - - - - - - Parish 2 28) - Woodham-Ferris - - - = Parish] 1 62 166 | 2 2 1 26 ah ; ae 380 $05 Writtle - - - - - - = Parish] 399 507 | 5 | 7 325] 120 62 1,064 1,036 2,100 4,273 | 5,070 | 18 | 90 | 2,706 | 1,539 | 825 | 12,762 |12,222 | 24,984 CLAVERING Hundred. Berdon - - - = - = - Parish 63 6 : 4) — 6 Clavering - - - = = Parish} 176] 922] 1 : sé A ; ae = Farnham - - + - - Parish 86 101 2 1 g1 8 ; re pa ri 21 0 Henham (part of) Parish: (3) : me Pledgon - - - - - = Hamlet 26 33 | 2 1 29 2 84 "6 160 Langley - - - - + + Parish 8 6 3 4 7 = 1 62 - Manewden - - - - - Parish} 133 137] -—} 2 119 16 2 cee ee es6 Stanstead Mountéitchet (part of ) Par. (4) entfeld - - - - - - Hamlet} 101 105 | -| 1 6 pe re is oe ee 4 31} 28 242 271 513 y Parish 48 66; -| - 60 4 2 177 152 329 681 | 795] 5} 11 | 645] 104) 46 | 1,983 | 1,884 | 3,867: () South-Weald Parish including Brook ich is ii € » in g Brook-street and Brentwood h i i i ig nope ae ae aaa eo -(*) The entire Pavlstrof Titik Lear aeels te ce Witten Haare a eee tants, =. i s 7 7 j . 2 Naabr ae Penge Hundred) "The Hem of Danbury ‘ocides Resely | Cease seeegnee Pav, and Henhas Par ae monly M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 95 COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | F*™- | aut oo By os LIES chiefly OrnEr OR . how 3 chiefly employ- Families 4 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 2 tae) | 3 | pti [motcome | og i” oF le 5 pa 4 ‘a ployed | Trang, | prized in B 3 5 eanat 2 is in Manv- the Two = Parish 157; 283] 1] 5 56 | 79 | 148 597 _ 690 1,287 Wormingford- - - = = Parish 69 79) -\| 2 64 9 6 225 228 453 1,487 |1,951 | 7 | 18 | 1,942] 371 | 338 | 4,658 | 4,640 | 9,298 LEXDEN Hundred. (Witham Division.) ae Ss Aldham - - - - - - Parish 53 “6/ -| - 44 | 25 4 212 223 435 | Chappel, or Pontisbright - Parish 59 8} 2] - 551 29 1 176 155 331 - | Coggeshall, Great - - - Parish] 517 | 613] —]| 12 115 | 278 | 220 1,391 1,505 2,896 . Colne, Earls - - - - ~ Parish} 245 | 268] 3] 10 135 | 114 19 _ 603 626 1,229 Colne, Engain - - - - ~ Parish 75 | 113/ -| 1 73] 28 12 261 | 286 547 Colne, Wakes - = - - - Parish 55 87} —-| - 66 4 14 213 | 204 417 Colne, White - - - Parish 64 64) -| - 60 4 - 151 147 298 | Copford . - -- + ‘Parish 115 | 115 | -| 2 85 | 18 12 284 308 592 | Feering - - - - - - Parish} 122} 143] -| 4 118 | 21 4 317 | 298 615 Inworth - - - - - - Parish 84 89} -| 1 81 4 1 217 220 437 | Markshall - - - - ~- = Parish 5 9} -|] - 8 = 1 , al. 28 59 | Messing - - - - - - - Pash} 81] ais | a] — 96 | 15 4 356 349 705 | “Pattiswick - - - - = = Parish 58 66} -| —- 55 3 8 160 160 320 Tey, Great - = + + - = Parish} 121 128] —-| 3 100 | 27 1 327 298 625 Tey, Little - - - - - - Parish 8 Gee 8 = 1 24 25 49---] | Tey, Marks - - - - - - Parish} 40 6a) =] = 53 9 2 191 160 351 1,702 [2,044 | 6 | 33 | 1,152 | 585 | 307 | 4,914 | 4,992 | 9,906 Coxcnester Borough, and so entered. (*) Including Great-Birch and Little-Birch. Some of the Parishes in‘ the Coucuzsren Division of Lexden Hundred are connected with eee eee a : te eee Co, 98 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. . Sanna COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, = Fam | *thy | Ate By 3 LIES | chiefly OrnEr . or 3 ow = chiefly | employ-| Families 4 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z lramite! 21 3 | ployed |reus,|prsedinf = ie 3 Oc- 3 4 in Manu. |the Two a 3 PERSONS S| cupiced.| &@ | S | Acrr- |factures,| preced- Z Fey - * j- in ONGAR Hundred. rune. | erat, | Clases Bobbingworth - - - - - Parish} 51 ay fo --f 1 53 2 2 143 134 277 Chigwell - - - - ~- Parishf g00 | 323} -—| 7 139 86 98 807 889 1,696 Fyfield - = - = + Parish} 108] 108] —| 2 75 | 27 6 307 | © 276 583 Greenstead - - - - = = Parish 16 1} -] - 14 1 3 74 57 131 Kelvedon-Hatch - - Parish} 43 65] -| 1 40 14 11 164 “ye "336 Lambourne (+) - - = = Parish} 125} 145] 2] 1 106 35 4 388 341 729 Laver,High - - - - - Parish 80 o7| -| 1 70 21 6 244 220 484 Laver, Little - - ~ - Parish 16 wyo“|o- 17 = _ 55 52 107 Laver-Magdalen - - - Parish} 38 46} -]| - 46 = ss 120 116 236 Loughton - - - = ~ - - Parish} 166 198 3) 5 89 58 51 485 494 979 Moreton - - - Parish 69 88] 7] 3 55 28 5 216 192 408 Navestock - - — - - Parish} 130 144 a - 131 9 4 450 390 840 Norton-Mandeville - - Parish 20 28 -| - 22 3 3 76 65 ‘a North-Weald-Bassett - = (Y) Parish} 101 139} -| 2 116 15 8 432 395 824 Ongar, Chipping - - Parish} 123] 132] -—| — 18 78 36 396 372 768 Ongar, High - - + - Parish} 214] 230] 6] 2 138 64 28 558 568 | 1,126 Roothing, Abbots - - - (%) Parish 23 a3]; -| - 21 2 - 73 66 ; Roothin g, Beauchamp - - - Parish 31 48] -| - 34 3 11 108 10 a oo Morrell - - (*) Hamlet is -{ -| + - - - = z a elley “= = = « = Parish - 9 Stanford-Rivers - - - - Parish} y a 1 a 1 je 1 36 ‘A i iS ae Stapleford, Abbots, Rivers -. - Parish 48 84] -| 3 40 11 s 241 o a Stapleford, Tawney - - - Parish 44 50} af — 43 3 ; ns 1 6 oe Stondon-Massey 7° Parish 48 64] 1] 1 46 5 : 114 1 16 ase Thoydon-Bois - - - - Parish 46 86} -| 3 65 8 1 229 21 138 ae ee or Coopershall Parish } 4 39 | 162} —| 4 67 24 e 346 6, pe oydon, Mount - - - - Parish 32 39) -|} - 36 2 1 132 113 245 ROCHFORD, Hundred. ee ee eee ee | Ashingdon - - - * - = Parish 11 wy} -]}] - 1 1 | Barling os - = = ~- Parish 44 58 - - a 1 - 1e4 in - ee - 2 = - - ue 121 136 2 1 114 20 2 394 338 7132 L ~ — arish - Farnbridge, South - - - - Parish : es -}| 3 a 2 z 3; s i Fouln ess - 2 = 2 = = Parish 57 837 -]} - 44 9 _ 367 a8 $y Hadleigh - - - - - - Parish 67 68} af - 48 19 1 161 168 ae Havengore-Marsh - - Extra P. 1 1 —-{ - 1 ~ es 21 2 a Hawkwell - - - - (3?) Parish 44 734 -} 1 67 5 1 196 166 362 Seas - + ~ - - Parish} 139 { 144] 2[ — 108 36 = Al4 3470 784 Lai : - - 8 - = - Parish} 111 194} 8}{ 6 28 31 135 431 474 905 AR TSHR. oe Ce oss ios SP arsh 72 89} -|{ 1 44 33 12 223 1 396 Prittlewell with Milton ~- - Parish] 340 {/ 350] 2 | 19 114] 132 | 10 16 1 08 o Rawreth -- - - Parish 43 62] 1} 3 53 8 : fa "160 ae Rayleigh - ~ Parish} 228] e30] — | 6 124 80 23 621 582 | t : : Rochford - - - - Parish} 263] 284] 2] 5 101 139 44 692 690 : 3s Shoebury, North - - - Parish 40 44) -] 1 37 ii a Shoebury, South - - = Parish 17 23} - | - 21 a : 81 Nes e cole? , - = = = = = Parish 5 5] -{ 1 5 - - 18 i a outhchure - = - = Parish ! Stambridge, Great - - - - Parish - C 2 $ 2 gah ms i Stambridge, Little - - - Parish 19 19} -| - 17 2 al ae is Sutton - - - > - =) Parish 10 16] -/ - 1 - j pe ie "89 ieeedee ts Parish : i : 7 a " hundersley - - - - (*) Hamlet ef eine, : ae - - > Parish 1 1 a — |} és 78 56 18 i: wee ne erin a ee ‘ ‘ ‘ i , g, Little Parish 41 48) - ; 1 45 3 - 152 110 262 BeGe | mata | | 64 | 1,453 | 607 | 354 | 6,609 | 5,963 | 12,572 % ‘ 2 : af tas o of abbot cole a partly in Harlow Hundred, J) of Morrell-Roothing is Included in the Return of the Parish of White- a a ae ae Hastingwood and Thornwood |; Roothing, Dunmow Hundred.(**) One Male upwards of 100 years : “). entire Parish of Abbots-Roothing, which extends | of age in Hawkwell Pari ——( : Hanlets, 3 5 arish, b is into Dunmow Hundred, contains 236 Inhabitants, (*) The Hamlet | in Dantaple Hundred, ° pene a ce w ab ‘ M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 99 aan Taian COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. é HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ie A ie | | ie By i LIES chiedy Oruer OR 3 en g chiefly | employ-| Families aw TOTAL exrrapanocutaL puacs. | Z |raniies| 2 | pinged [ere et of] 4 co c- |g : in _ | the Two : "a foupied.| & | S | Acni- i cee) 6S Gi [PERSONS yy - CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing TENDRING Hundred. TURE. | craft. | Classes. | Alresford - - - - - - - Parish} 38 46} -] - 42]. 2 2 149 121 270 Ardleigh - - - - - - - Parish} 280 | 280/ 1] 2 209 67 4 731 656 | 1,387 Beadmont, with Moze - - «+ Parish 58 87} -|] 1 66 9 12 224 | 210 434 Bentley, Great = 2 = = » Pini} ato 178} -| - 118 60 - 411 383 794 Bentley, Little - - - - - Parish 55 87} -] - 78 9 = 204 198 402 Bradfield - - - - - - Parish] 109 | 172] 1] 3 113 52 4 421 403 822 Brightlingsea(+) - - - (°) Parish} 210] 303) -] - 65 44 | 194 803 725 1,528 | Bromley, Great - ~ - - + Parish 83 | 127] -| 2 95 26 6 379 314 | 693 | Bromley, Little - - - - - Parish 50 4) —-| - 62 9 | 3 187 162 349 Clacton, Great - - - + Parish} 143 | 212] -—| 6 158 42 | 42 539 536 1,075 Clacton, Little - - - - + Parish 79 | 104} 1] 1 88h 14 2 252 242 494 Elmstead - - - - - - = Parish 86 | 124] -] - 104 19 1 365 328 693 Frating - - - - - - = Parish 29 39; -|] - 32 6 1 136 127 263 Frinton - - - - - - Parish 4 5{ -| - 5 - 19 26. 45 Holland, Great - - - - - Parish 51 yay —-} = 60 12 - 221 192 413 Holland, Little - - + Parish 13 14] -]| 1 14 - = 37 36 43 Kirby - - - - - - + Parish} 108 | 175} 1 1 143 32 - 449 404 853 Lawford - - - - = - - Parish} 110] 147] 1 1 88 52 4 339 349 688 Manningtree - - - - Parish] 240 | 275] —| 1 2 214 61 572 693 1,265 | Mistley - - - - - ~ Parish} 115 165} -—{ 1 4l 41 83 354 424 | "778 | Oakley, Great - - - «+ Parish} 110 | 187] -—} 3 134 51 2 515 475 ggo Oakley Little - - - - + Parish} 29] 55) -! —- 44 1 4 116 146 262 | Osyth, St. Chick - + - Parish} 170] 320} —| 1 240 "6 4 735° 679 1404 | Ramsey - - - - - - Parish} 134] 148] -] - 100 25 23 337 339 | 8&7 | Tendring - - - - = - = Parishf 130} 132] -—|] 1] 112 19 1 355 345 700 | Thorpe-le-Soken - ~ + Parish] 150 | 247} 1] 1 139 62 46 — 577 571 | 1,148 | Fhorrington - - - - - - Parish 74 "G1 =| 3 61 15 - 186 167 353 | Walton-le-Soken - - - = Parish 66 56} -| - 53 3 - 139 154 293 Weeley - - - - (4) Parish} 116 f te8f -—] = 98 28 2 327 341 668 Wix, or Weeks - - - - + Parish} 104} 167} —] —- 147 20 - 426 392 818 | Wrabness - - - - = © Parish 35 jit -{ = 42 4 2 126 127 253 | 3,079 14,253 | 6 | 29 | 2,756 | 1,015 | 482 f 10,631 | 10,265 | 20,896 THURSTABLE Hundred. : Goldhanger - - - © - + Parish "5} 103] —]| 2 "6 22 5 241 218 | ‘459 ‘| Keybridge - - - - + Parish} 101 166} 1] = 56 97 13 [' 445 423 868 | Langford - + - - = - + Parish 46 48} 1] = 30 16 2F 124 124 251 | Tollesbury - - - = - = Parish} 142 192 } -—| 5 158 18 16 497 461 958 : Tolleshunt, Darcy - - + Parish} 126] 1393 f —-| — gl 33 9 361 304 665. Tolleshunt, Major - - - Parish 57 87} =| = 46 10 1 227 195 422 ‘|, Tolleshunt, Knights - - += Parish 62 81} 1| 2 61 17 3 200 | 176 |} 346 Totham, Great - - - - = Parish g2| 120f 1} 1 101 17 2 282 298 580 Fotham, Little - - - = - Parish 52 57h =] 4 49 8 - 136 131 267 Wickham, Bishops - - - ~ Parish] 100 105 -| 5 60 23 22 242 225 467 853 {1,092 | 4] 16 | 758] 261) 73 | 2,755 | 2,558 | 5,313 UTTEESFORD Hundred. : Arkesden - - - = - ~ Parish 69 gof 1} 1 19 8 37, 217 198 f 415 Birehanger - - - - = Parish 65 | 66 -—]{ 1 47 12 47 — 160 v76 = «6336 ff Chesterford, Great - - - - Parish} 133 | 154 f 81) 1 112 34 8 374 381 em. Chesterford, Little - - - + Parish 27 46 -—]|} - 44 2 - ff 100 g2 192 Chishall, (Greah = ser, a> 19 yok — | = 647 12 -~f 183 170 | 389) Chishall, Little (+) - - - Parish 14 5%] -}} - 11 3 1f 42 29 a Chrishall - - - = - - Parish} ' 70 o7f -f - 92 5 -f 210 201, 41t Debden - - - = - - Parish? 166] 167} —1) 2 132 33 2 460 | 480 |. gygo Elmdon - - - - - = Parish 87] 139f af - 117 16 6 f 293 308 601 Elsenham - - - = - » Parish 89:| 105} -f = 50 55 - 208 2206 | 434 Haydon - - ~ - = - Parish} 56] 59|{ 1 1 49 | 9 | 1] 139 | 133 272 feevan (part of) - - + (©) Parish} 114} 160] 1 af 147 13 - 318 326 644 Littlebury (+) - - - - - Parish} 140} 147] -| —- 102 24 21 380 386 66 Newport (+) - - - - - Parshf 114) 153, - |. 2 60 62 31 422 430 Ba! (©) The Parish of Brightlingsea. is a Memben of the Town.and Port | Parish of Weeley.——(¢) The entire Parish of Henham, which. extends of Sandwich, one of the Cinque Ports in Kent.—~(‘) The removal _ into Clavering Hundred, contains 804 Inhabitants, of the extensive Barracks has caused a decrease of Population in the a Atheletes Se 100 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘| Enumeration, COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: . Fami- ae PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ee ne a iy 3 hiefl THER . oR how 3 ‘chiefly ciel Families wi TOTAL ; 3 may | 4» | em- | edin |not com- aa 4 ter EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |Families| 2 | = | ployed | Traps, |prized in 8 a a Oc- | S = in Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS, 3 cupied.| | 5 Acrr- | factures,) preced- ei ee cut- |orHandi-| ing “wre. | craft. | Classes. } UTTLESFORD Hundred—continued — Quendon - - - - Parish 25 54.) = 1 24 6 4 74 ~ - 82° 156 Rickling - - - Parish 58 104 | - 2 84 18 2 225 194 419 Stansted-Mount-fitchet (part of) (f) Parish } 187 194] -| - 96 58 | 40 516 489 1,005 Streethall - - Parish 9 ll oth ee 11 = = 28 26 54. Takeley Parish | 163 191 1 1 173 17 1 548 586 1,134 Wendens-Ambo (+) - - Parish 68 68} -{ - 49 11 8 174 162 336 Wendon-Lofts - - = Parish 10 wa}o-{ - 11 1 2 34 33 67 Wicken-Bonant - - - - = Parish 25 2ag| -| - 26 2 1 59 - 63 122 Widdington - + - Parish | 72 93} -| 1 78 13 2 202 165 367 Wimbish with Thunderley - - Parish} 149 | 181] 21] — 146 17 | 18 430 379 809 1,989 | 2,396 | 14 | 15 71,807 | 431 | 158 5,796 5715] 11,511 WALTHAM Hundred. Chingford- - - - - Parish} 166] 172] 2] 8 83 59 | 30 427 ~ 410 837 Epping - - - Parish 299 395 2 | 20 112 226 57 _ 839 849 . 1,688 Epping-Upland - (®) Chapelry with Ryhill - - - - + Hamlet } BE) OOO Sn oo 249 | 209 | 458 Nazeing - - = + = Parish 125 148 - 3 137 8 5 394 350 - 744 Roydon (part of ) (*) Parish 43 59 | -| 2 53 6 = 146 125 271 ‘Waltham- - = Parish] 161 174 {| 1] 10 101 67 6 406 401 807 Stinchcombe - - Parish 84 84} -] 1 53 24 4 214 218 432 : Uke «ass - Parishf 501 | 515 | 6] 12 7} 497} 11 | 1,260 | 1,395 | 2,655} Wotton-under-Edge - = (8) Parish} 968 /1,160] 7133 | 142 834 | 184 2,372 | 2,632 | 5,004« | 4482 | 4.987 | 72 |140 | 1,491 | 2,917 | 579 | 11,622 | 19,269 | 03,891" (*) The Parish of Almondsbury is mostly in Langley Hundred. The { to have increased the Po i i i i . 2 y 3 g . pulation of Hinton Tything. —(e) A coal-mine } entire Parish contains t,408 Inhabitants. (>) The Parish of Henbury | has been opened at Cromhall, whereby sit ass tees in- |, 1s mostly in Henbury Hundred. (©) The Parish of Hill is locally } creased. (f) Rockbampton is mostly in Langley Hundred, where the oe in Upper Berkeley Hundred ; otherwise the Upper and Lower } whole Population is entered. (®) The pare es Wotton-under-Edge b < Tete Se are quite distinct. : © The entire Parish | includes the Tythings of Huntingford, Sinwell and Bradley, Symonds- contains 3,835 Inhabitants, The digging of a canal is said | Hall and Combe, and Wortley. M.DCCC.XXI.| THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 105 COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—coniinued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faure | Fame [ave aaa By : eee LIES | ¢ oR = ole 3 | chieay a eas “ TOTAL . Q o EXTRA-PAROCHIAL LACE. ZB fpr) 21 2 | em, | eain |notcom-| 4 or @ | oc | S| | Pak” |Teape, prized int 2 |PERSONS 4 cuied. | 212 i Mann- | the Two s fy : A DIG A Aurt- | factures,| preced- a cuL- JorHandi-| ing — BISLEY Hundred. ture. | craft, | Classes. Bisley - = + - - - - Parish {1,150 | 1,152 } 9 | 40 402 | 750 2,537 |} 2,884 | 5,421 Edgeworth - - - - - ~ Parish 25 31 - 1 29 - 2 61 43 134 Miserden - - - = = = Parish go 89} 1] 38 68 19 2 243 271 514 Painswick Parish: (*) Edge - - - - - - : Tything} 303] 341] 2] 1 73| 237) 31 469 858 1,627 Shepscomb - + =~ Tything} 156] 161] -| 5 46 65 | 50 355 370 725 Spoonbed - - - - Tything} 174] 190] 1 2 47 | 117 | 26 378 502 880 Strondend - + = = ‘Tything) 155) 1951 —| ~ 69 79 7 373 439 812 Sapperton Parish: (4) Sapperton! - - - ~ Tything 45 60} -| 4 39 9 14 148 147 , 205 Frampton =e Eyre 33 37 | -| 3 20 17 - 82 99 181 Stroud. - - - - - - (*) Parish] 1,419 | 1,493 | 23 | 47 118 |1,144 | 231 3,430 3,667 9,097 Winstone - - - ~ - = Parish 41 41] -| = 24 9 8 106 86 192 i 3,591 | 3,750 | 36 {106 | 935 | 2.444 | 371 8,482 | 9,396 | 17,878 | BLIDESLOE Hundred. Alvington - - - - Parish 54 591! 3] 3 37 15 4 132 140 272 Awre - - - (+) () Parish] 208} 219] 2 | 14 94 | 110 15 576 562 1,138 ae Hl Lidney - + - -(@) Parish} 175] 198] 6] 1 70 72 | 56 558 482 1,040 Aylburton - = Chapelry 66 68 2 a 32 22 14 179 174 353 503 | 544 | 13 | 18 233 | 219 | 92 1,445 | 1,358 | 2,803 BOTLOE Hundred. Bromsberrow - - - - - Parish 58 49} -|o41 66 10 3 179 156 335 Dymock - - - - - - Parish} 2841 310] 2] 10 263 43 4 810 748 1,458 Kempley - - - - - = Parish 50 58} -4 1 39 13 6 164 137 gol Newent Parish: (") j Boulsdon and Killcot - (-*) Tything 86 86] -] 4 65 14 7 193 215 408 Compton - - - - (+) Tything 80 8] -| 2 63 1 11. 217 186 403 Cugley - - - = (+) Tything 15 82] -| 3 45 5 2 197 184 381 Malswick - - - - (-+) Tything 35 36| -| 2 31 5 - 103 78 181 Newent - - - - (+) Liberty} 255 | 267] 2] 4 46} 113] 78 620 667 1,287 Oxenhall - - - - - (+) Parish 66 69] 1 2 47 16 6 165 158 323 Pauntley - - - - - - - Parish 47 52; -| - 51 1 - 157 123 280 Rudford - - - - ~ (°) Parish} 16 i6| —| 2 16 -j; o- 59 38 97 Taynton - - - - - - Parish 87 102 |} =- 1 88 14 ~_ 278 238° 516 Upleadon = - - - + - = Parish 33 371 -| 2 35 2 - 93 89 182 1,172 11,279 | 5) 34 | 915] 247 | 117 3.235 | 3,017 | 6,252 BRADLEY Hundred. Aston-Blank - - - - = Parish 54 67} -]| 2 57 8 2 148 148 26 Bibury (part of) Parish: (?) Winson - - - - = Chapelry 34 42] —-| - 38 4 - 94 Ql 185 Coln-Rogers - + - Parish 28 o8 | -—{ 1 23 2 3 647 72, 139 _Compton-Abdale -- Parish} — 36 40} -| - 34 4 2 88 96 184 ‘Dowdeswell - - - - - Parish 34 a7| -| 5 30 4 3 94 87 181 Farmington - - - - - - Parish 48 50| -—|] — 38 10 2 139 106 245 Hampnett -~ - = = = = Parish 22 22 i 2 21 - 1 65 56 121 Hazleton - - - ~- = - (9) Parish 28 30 1 - 27 3 - 80 66 146 Yanworth = — - = Chapelry 19 a2]| —{ 2 20 2 - 59 60 119 (4) The entire Parish of Painswick contains 4,044. Inhabitants. 1,393 Inhabitants ——(") The entire Parish of Newent contains 2,660 (4) The entire Parish of Sapperton (including Frampton-Marshall) con- | Inhabitants ——(°) The Parish of Rudford extends into Dudstone and tains 476 Inhabitants——(«) The increase of Population at Stroud, is | King’s-Barton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 189 Inhabi- attributed to the flourishing state of the clothing trade. —(') The ] tants. (°) Most part of the Parish of Bibury is in the Hundred Parish of Awre includes the Tythings of Blakeney, Blidesloe, Etloe and | of Brightwell’s-Barrow.——(4) The entire Parish of Hazleton contains Etloe-Duchy, and Hagloe. (™) The entire Parish of Lidney contains | 265 Inhabitants, Ee { Enumeration. 100 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETORNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | AME | Au By s LIES hiefy | OTHER 3 OE : how 3 chiefly alee Families a TOTAL 3 many wo | "s em- ed in }notcom- nn a Now EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & |Families} & | 2 | ployed | Trang, | prized in | 3 g | Oc |B) 2 [im | Manu-|theTwo ? 3 fi |PERSONs. f[cupied | | 6 Acrr- | factures,| preced- BRADLEY Hundred—continued. cuxt- jorHandi-| ing tune. | craft. | Classes. Naunton (part of) Parish: (*) Seen 6 6 Aylworth - Hamlet 4 7 i i 4 - ~ 1 1 32. Eastington - - - Chapelry 31 36} 2] - 53, 1 2 121 99 220 Notgrove - - - - - - Parish 44 44) —-|{ 1 41 3 = 103 95 198: Morthiesh «.— << +. = Bah 10} wa] af Ss 49 53 69 391 382 793 Salperton - - - - - - Parish 39 41] -| - 28 12 1 96 77 173 Sevenhampton - - - Parish 87 g2 | 1] 1 70 14 8 198 188 386 Shipton-Oliffe - - - - Parish 40 42} -}] 1 37 5 - 93 84 174 Shipton-Sollars - Parish 13 pos] = 10 2 1 33 29 62 Stowell - - Parish 6 6{/ =-] - 5 ~- 1 15 18 33 Turkdean - - - Parish 29 45} -| 7 37 7 1 121 107 228 Whittington - - Parish 42 47) - 1 32 10 5 110 105 215 Withington - - - Parish} 161} 164! -—| 4 138 18 8 376 383 759 949 }1,043 | 5128 | 772] 162} 109 | 2,507 | 2.365 | 4,872 BRIAVELLS, St. Hundred. Abinghall (*) - - Parish 42 46} ~| 6 5 8 33 119 96 215 Bicknor, English - - Parshf 105 | 106; -| 5 60 30 16 280 254 534. Briavells, St. - - - - Parish} 216 219 3 3 199 20 ~ 559 553 1,112 Dean Forest: (') Denby Walk - - - (+) Extra-P.— 180 | 190 5 34 36 | 120 440 417 857 Herberts-Walk - Fxtra-P.f 189 | 214] 2] 6 14 | 189 11 527 533 1,060 Little-Dean-Walk - - Fxtra-P.f 162 | 170] -—| 6 47 33 go 379 394 493 Speech-house-Walk - (+) Fxtra-P. 6 9} -| 1 - 9 - 24 19 43 Worcester-Walk - - Fxtra-P.} 343 | 353) 7 | 15 85 | 232 36 801 487 1,588 York-Walk - - Extra-P.f 221 | 245] 1) 2 14} 170 61 644 570 1,214 Dean, Little(") - - - - Parshf 150} 158] 1] 4 14 66 48 401 406 807 Newland Parish: (") Breem - - - - - Chapelry 87 s8} =| —- 14 62 12 216 201 414 Clearwell - - - - - - Tything} 117 ya2} —~| 4 72 45 5 307 276 583 | Coleford - - = - Chapelry} 353 | 3641 4 | 18 82 | 234 48 891 913 1,804 |. Lea-Bailey - - - - Tything 21 aif ~} 1 13 1 4 46 47 93 Newland - - - - - - Tything 50 65} -—| 14 5 50 10 259 227 486 Flaxley - - - (+) Parish 30 33 | -1 2 23 3 4 93 103 196 Hewelsfield - - - - - Parish 83 841 4] 5 50] 26 8 229 205 434 Lea(*) - - - - Parish 15 11 —-| 2 8 5 2 55 34 89 Mitchell-Dean - - - - - Parish} 133 { 163 | 3 | 14 65 49 19 283 273 556 Ruardean - - - - - - Parish] 152 156 | ~| 4 58 52 46 370 359 729 | Staunton - - Parish 43 46} -1 5 22 13 11 96 104 200 2,698 | 2,867 | 25 122 884 | 1,363 | 620 7,019 6,771 | 13,790 | BRIGHT-WELLS-BARROW Hundred. : i Aldsworth - - - + Parish| 68 bey ae 62 9 6 171 176 347 Barnsley SS Jet - Parish 59 78} -]| 2 48 9 21 158 160 318 Bibury (*) - ens - Parish} 74 "9| -{ 1 39 23 17 184 147 361 | Ablington —- - Tything 20 24); -t - 18 5 1 65 62 127 Arlington - - Tything 40 "4 - 2 43 16 15 174 143 317 Cold St. Aldwins - - - - Parish 88 89} 2] 2 69 15 18 20. East-Leach-Martin, otherwise eee ° 2 ¥ aad . Burthorpe oe os 5 aris 43 43 | -—| 2 39 4 a 117 114 231 | East-Leach-Turville - - Pansh m1 81} -|}| 4 66 12 3 160 17 : : 3 333 Fairford - - - - Parish} 315} 319] 31 7 166 111 42 "35 812 1,547 Heatherop - - = = Parish 70 yo; —| - 54 4 9 143 147 290 | (") Most part of the Parish of Naunton is in Slaughter Hundred. Dean includes 123 Persons resident in an adjoining Extra-parochial Dis{ @) The Return of Abinghall includes an Extra-parochial District, border- [| trict. (‘) The entire Parish of Newland contains 3,383 Inhabitants. ing on the Forest of Dean. (*) The Extra-parochial Population ascribed (“) One half of the Parish of Lea is in Greytree Hundred (Here- to the Forest of Dean, appears to exceed 5,500 persons, A rail-way | fordshire) and there entered. The entire Parish contains 180 Inbabi- and the consequent extension of coal mines has caused a considerable | tants———(*) The entire Parish of Bibury contains ggo Iuhabitants: imcrease since the year 1811, (*) The Return of the Parish of Little | Part of it, called Winson, is in Bradley Hundred. M.DCCC. XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 107 TR RRR enn, n,n ne enee nc nec ennc rec ccnnncrnne nce nne enc nncnnn cree nee a a COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-—-conéinued. HOUSES , OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS: : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | Famte | ace By + LIES UTES | Orner oR é how 3 chiefly ae Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ss fom [a] BP em | edin |notcom-| x 5 ‘ {Families} § | 4 ployed | Paap, |prized in fa = OF g | O- | 214 in | Manu |theTwo-| & — |PERSONS. a cupied.| 3 | 5 Acni- | factures,| preced- a et BRIGHT-WELLS-BARROW Hundred. cur lostanatl ae continued. TURE, | craft, | Classes. Kempsford - - - - - - Parish} 173 | 173] -] 4 151 18 4 415 423 838 Leachlade - - - - (%) Parish} 221 | 287] 2] 5 120] 87 80 565 589 1,154 Quennington - - - - - - Parish 63 63], -]| - 38 17 8 173 172 345 Southrop - - - - - Parish 51 574 -| - 44 8 5 163 150 313 1,386 {1,514 | 7 | 29 957 | 341] 216 | 3,412 | 3,502 | 6,914 CHELTENHAM Hundred. - ——|-__—_— Charlton, King’s - - - - Parish} 294] 321 | 3] 5 a1} 272} 28 443 | = =864 1,607 Cheltenham (+) - () Parish} 2,297 | 2,837 [119 1134 362 }1,824 | 651 6,088 7,308 | 13,396 Leckhampton = - - + - Parish 56 56] -|] 2 44 10} 2 162 156 318 Swindon - - - - - - = Parish 38 41] -] 1 29] 5) 4 96 105 201 CLEEVE, or BISHOP'S CLEEVE, 2,685 | 3,255 |122 1142 456 |'2,111 688 7,089 8,433 | 15,522 Hundred. : Bishop’s-Cleeve Parish: (#) Bishop’s-Cleeve - - - Townsh.} 106] 117] 2] - 92 19 6 221 237 458 Gotherington - - - - - Hamlet 66 86] 1 3 12 14 60 186 162 348 Stoke-Orchard - - - Hamlet 57 58} -| 2 50 8 - 108 131 239 Southam and Brochampton = Hamlet 36 441 -| 3 40 3] 1 138 110 248 Woodmancott - - - - - Hamlet 51 56} -| - 56 - - 126 129 255 CROWTHORNE and MINETY 316 | 361] 3] 8} 250; 44] 67 779 769 | 1,548 Hundred. : - , ot ee Ampney-Crucis - - - - Parish} 126] 134] -—| 6 109 23 2 289 301 590 Ampney-Down -. - - - - Parish "6 80f -| - 69 8 3 182 183 365 Ame emer Lain} 29] eof -| 2] 27{ 2] -1 59 | om | 130 Ampney-St. Peter, otherwise | , | Easington - ey a ae - Parish 38 43}, -| - 24 13 6 86 gl 177 Badgington - - - - - - Parish 32 35} 1] 4 30 4 1 "5 62 137 Baunton - - - - - - - Parish 27 a7} —-| 2 247 - - 59 40 129, Cerney, South - - - - - Parish} 206] 255] 41] 4 196 | 53 6 439 483 922 CiIRENCESTER (>) - Borough and Parish - -| -] - = - - = = = Coates - - - - = Parish 53 64) - 1 55 8 1 145 164 309 Daglingworth - - - - = Parish 55 59} -} 1 51 4 4 136 117 253 Driffield - - - - - - = Parshf 31] 31] -| 1 31 Ss = 77 67 144 Duntsborne-Abbots - -(°) Parish] 35 371 -| 4 27 7 3 87 84 171 | Duntsborne-Rouse - - - - Parish 20 20; -| = 20 = 47 53 100 Harmhill - - - = - - Parish 12 17; -{ 1 16 - 1 38 37 75 Maisey, Hampton - - - = Parish 75 "9| ~]} 2 56 14 9 181 181 362 Minety - - - - - (@) Parish} 110} 116] ~—]| 5 97 15 4 291 271 562 ] Preston - - - - = = - Parish 35 4o} 2! — 37 2 1 46 84 160 Bara Fe gee aaa May ” a Parish 79 85 | 1 1 67 14 | 4 167 182 349 Stratton - (—+)- + - = Parish} 55 6o{ 4] 3] 40. 15 5 149 122 271 DEERHURST Hundred 1,094 |1,211 | 12133 | 979 | 182 | 50 | 2,583 | 2,623 | 5,206 (Lower Division.) ; : 7 Deerhurst (part of) - (*) Parish 27 a7{ ->b -. 22 5 - 86 82 168 Elmstone-Hardwicke Parish: () Uckington - - - Chapelry} 35) 38] =| = 33 3 2 92 87 179 Leigh ~ - = = © (8) Parish 4 with f} 77 Wy) be 63 13 1 181 159 340 Evington - - - - - - Hamlet (") The Return of the Paxish of Leachlade includes Linhill, which is | contains 256 Inhabitants ———(‘“) Minety is locally situate near Malms- in Bampton Hundred, Oxfordshire——-(*) The great increase of the | bury in Wiltshire——(°) The Parish of Deerhurst is mostly in West- population of Cheltenham js attributable to the mineral spring, which | minster Hundred. The entire Parish contains 742 Inhabitants. causes much resort to the Town,—--(#) The entire Parish of Bishop’s- | (*) Most part of the Parish of Elmstone-Hardwicke is in Westminster Cleeve contains 1,548 Inhabitants, (°) The Borough of Ciren- | Hundred. (®) Evington is in Westminster Hundred ; but the Popu-, cxsTER is entered at the end of the County.——(°) The Parish of | lation is not distinguished in the Return. Duntsborne-Abbots extends into Rapsgate Hundred, The entire Parish ae [ Enumeration. 108 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bees | OE | die By : LIES | chiefly | OTHER . on how z chiefly age Families a TOTAL ie Z many a ft oe em- ed in | not com- wa 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. x Families] 2 ployed | Trang, | prized in oF S ar s Oc- = my in Manv- | the ‘'wo a a PERSONS. 5 cupied.| & | © | Acrr- | factures,| preced- ae fo cuL- jorHandi-| ing = DEERHURST Hundred (Lower Division) ture. | craft. | Classes. continued. Prestbury [- - - © + Parish} 152] 199] 3] 4 ] 110 72 a 460 446 906 Staverton - - - Parish 48 48 = 4 37 8 3 145 117 262 Tirley, with Haw - Parish | 75] 100} -—| i 82 18 = 222 221. 443 Woolstone - - = (*) Parish} 20 a2{ -| -—]| 20 2 = 44 45 89 434 | 511 3 9 367 | 121 23 1,230 1,157 2,387 DEERHURST Hundred ‘Upper Division.) Coln, St. Dennis - - - - Parish 30 30; -] 1 16 9 5 99 80 179 Compton, Little - - Parish 59 60} -—} 1 47 10 3 155 159. 314. Preston-upon-Stower, with Alscote Parish 70 81} -|{ 2 75 6 Fe 177 157 334 Welford - - (') Parishf 140] 147] -—]| 3 | 110 34 3 323 318 641 299 | 318} -—]| 7 | 248 59 il 754 714 | 1,468 DUDSTONE & KING’S BARTON Hundred, - (Lower Division.) Churcham (part of) Parish: (*) Higham, Over, and Linton - Hamlets 45 55 | 2 1 47 8 - 124 128 252 Hartpury - - > - Parish? 123] 151] 1{ 3 | 119 31 1 416 395 811 Lassington - - s - Parish 12 13; -| - 13 - - 31 21 52 Maismore - Parish 58 a7} orto= 58 11 8 206 198 404 Preston - - Parish 13 44) -] 1 11 3 - 51 36 847 Rudford (part of) Parish: (!) High-Leadon - - - - Hamlet 15 17) -J 1 17 ~ 42 50 92 266 | 327] 41 6 | 265 53 9 870 828 1,698 DUDSTONE & KING’S BARTON Hundred, (Middle Division.) Brookthrop - - + + Parish 26 S60) a] -= 34 2 - 86 160 Catherine, St. - - (™)_ Parish as Zonif Aeridh? se ve _ oat m = os Elmore - ee ee Parish 70 yo; 1} — 58 10 2 197 158 355 Harescomb - - = = - = Parish 18 eg) -} 41 20 3 = 55 49 - 104 Hempstead - - (*) Parish 28 Sh ep 22 6 3 74 83 157 _South-Hamlet - (*) Hamlet 80 93 | 12 6 24 27 42 162 229 . 391 Littleworth - - - - ExtraP, 42 58 { - 1 13 45 - 111 126 237 Mary, St. de-Lode, Parish: (®) Barton, St. Mary - Hamlet 128 143 - oy "6 56 11 2 , 95 aie 670 Tuffley - 2 - - - = Hamlet 28 29 ss ees 28 1 so 65 57 122. Matson - - - - - = Parish 4 my eo oe 4 & % 15 20 35 Michael, St. Parish: (°) : Barton, St. Michael’s - - Hamlet 60 70 | 19 5 54 4 156 181 337 itchcomb - - - Parish 29 43 a oe 9 29 5 92 95 187 Prinknash-Park - Extra P, 1 2 SNS te 1 es 1 3 6 9 Quedgley (part of) Parish: (?) Woolstrop - + Hamlet 6 6, 1 4 i 1 16 20 36 Upton, St. Leonard’s - - Parish} 171 171 | -| 5 | 145 22 ’ 2 Whaddon - - - = Parish 21 26 on 2 22 - a +08 895 4 a 7° 139 715 | 808 | 35 | 26 | 472 260 76 1,826 2,008 3,834 (°) Woolstone, a detached portion of Deerhurst Hundred, is near | of Kingholm Hamlet ( i i ith i a E 1 j ig partly in both) is th th included.——(") Th Tewkesbury ; and Preston is near Campden.—_{') The Parish of Wel- } entire Parish of Hempstead ae sou lahaiede Thc ate of eee is near Evesham) extends into Barlichway Hundred, War- Population in South Hamlet is attributable to a singed spring. —— wickshire. The entire Parish contains 702 Inhabitants——(*) Most } (°) Most part of the Parish of St. Michael is in the Cit of Elan ee oe Parish is in Westbury Hundred.——(!) Most part of | entered at the end of the County ——(") Most part a the Parish of fiero a Hundred. (™) The Parishes of St. Catherine and Quedgley is entered in Whitstone Hundred. + Mary-de-Lode form part of the City of Gloucester ; and the Return | - M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cc. 94. 109 SS rey COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fams- | Famt- | Ars By : LIES UES | Orner on _ | how z chiefly ae Families of TOTAL F : 7 many Y ‘g em i ot com- 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL’ PLACE. g Famille Be ployed a = ee 4 3 = g y fete Manu- | the Two PERSONS. 3 cupied.| 9 5 Acri- fetaeees preced- 5 i se cuL- jorHandi-| ™g DUDSTONE & KING’S BARTON Hundred, Ture. | craft, | Classes. (Upper Division.) fj Badgeworth - - - - - - Parish} 152] 169] 2 146 20 3 368 347 415 Barnwood - - - - = - Parish 81 87]| 2] 2 46 18 23 177 215 392 Brockworth - - - - - = Parish 80 83) aft - 64 16 3 178 208 386 Catherine, St. (part of) Parish: (4) Longford, St. Catherine’s - Hamlet 23 e3/ -|] 1 17 4 2 55 58 113 Churchdown - - - - (") Parish}? g2| 102} -| -—] 96 6 ~ 265 250 515 Huckle-Cot - - - - - Hamlet 86 84} 1 1 81 3 e 217 222 439 Hatherley, Down - - - - Parish 247 37} -|o- 33 3 1 go 80 170 Hatherley, Up - - - - - Parish 4 5} -{| - 5 - = 15 17 32 Mary-de-Lode, St. Parish: (4) Longford, St. Mary - - - Hamlet 19 19| -}] - 14 4 1 50 52 102 Twigworth- - - - - - Hamlet 16 20} -| 1 17 3 sat . 42 48 90 Wooton -s> + + ~ Hamlet] 71) 77) 2) 2) 45 | 20 | 12 pe aay 397 Norton - - - - + - > Parish 68 84} -| 1 "5 8 1 172 177 349 Sandhurst - - - - - - Parish 65 97 | -| 2 46 14 7 241 232 473 Shurdington, Great - - - - Parish 22 22; —-|{ 1 12 q 3 53 49 102 Whitcombe, Magna - - - Parish} 22 go} —| 4 20 9 1 "9 46 155 828 | 939] 8/16 | 747 | 135 | 57 2,172 | 2,258 | 4,430 GRUMBALD’S ASH Hundred, (Lower Division.) Acton-Turville - - - - - Parish 45 49| -] - 36 13 - 114 101 215 Dirham and Hinton - - - - Parish gl 101 1] - 19 10 12 260 266 526 Dodington - - - - - - Parish 10 wo} -] - 4 2 1 48 58 106 j Iron-Acton - - - = (*) Parish - -} -| - - - - - = - | Littleton, West - - - - - Parish 20 28] -| 1 28 - - 59 50 109 ] Sodbury, Chipping - - - - Parish{ 201 228 | —| 16 80 | 130 18 516 543 1,059 | Sodbury, Little - - - - - Parish 21 23] 2) —- 21 - 2 54 53 107 q Sodbury, Old - - - - - Parish} 145] 176) 1] 3 "9 26 a1 393 410 803 Tormarton - - - = - = Parish 62 63] -| 1 55 4 4 176 | 145 320 Wapley, with Codrington - - Parish 55 64} -] - 64 - - 150 157 307 650 | 742] 4] 21 | 449 | 185 | 108 § 1,769 | 1,783 | 3,552 GRUMBALD’S ASH Hundred, (Upper Division.) Alderley - - - - - (-+) Parish 33 371-1 3 10 20 9 112 123 235 Badminton, Great - - - - Parish 96} 105} -]| - 8 15 82 224 240 464 Boxwell, with Leighterton - - Parish 62 65 1 64 - 1 139 158 297 q Charfield - - - - - - + Parish 58 63 | -| - 45 16 2 166 178 344 Didmarton - - - - - + Parish 23 26] -| - 11 6 9 44 57 101 Hawkesbury Parish: (t) Badminton, Little - - - Tything 23 g2] -]}] - 22 8 2 54 43 97 Hawkesbury - - - - - Tything} 78 87} 1] 1 67 11 9 202 187 389 Hillesley - - - - - ~- Tything] 165] 177] 2] 3 80 95 2 395 405 800 Upton - - - - - - - Tythng} 115! 129] -] 3 68 40 21 275 273 548° Horton - - - - - - - Parish} 88 89 | -| 2 63 147 9 212 173 385 Oldbury-on-the-Hill - - - Parish] 75 71 41 2 32 24 21 201 170 371 Tortworth - - - - - ~- Parish 49 54], 1] - 37 15 2 130 147 277 | Wickwar - - - - > Parish} 156] 184] -—] 9 83 86 15 462 457 919 1,021 1,125 | 5 | 24 590 | 353: | 182 2,616 2,611 5,227 (*) The Parishes of St. Catherine and of St. Mary-de-Lode are entered | Iron-Acton Parish, which is entered in Thornbury Hundred.——(*) The in the City of Gloucester, at the end of the County———(") The entire | entire Parish of Hawkesbury contains 1,834 Inhabitants. Hillcott, Sad- Parish of Churchdown contains 954 Inhabitants. (®) Acton-Agar, | dlewood, and Tresham, are included in the Return from Hillesley. part of this Hundred, is not distinguished (as heretofore) from the rest of Ff 110 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANT BTTURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. 9 Se RR ON REY COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. age. (*) The entire Parish of Westbury-upon-Trym contains 3,721 Inhabitants; one Female in Shirehampton upwards of 100 years of age. —) Most part of Tytherington Parish is in Thornbury Hundred. () The Return of the Parish of Guyting Power, includes Framcote HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS ee PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Basa | APO Boe By “ LIES dicity OrneR i oR howe 3B | chiefly employ-| Families R TOTAL ‘ . 6 em- ae t com- 5 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 lpeniies! @ | 2 | ployea ao Ce ms i = oF 3 Or | Z| a in Manu. | the wo oi =| PERSONS, 3 cupied. aq 5 AcRri- | factures, preced- a i) HENBURY (Lower) Hundred. Ne OPEL TURE. | crait asses. i Henbury (part of) Parish : (") Henbury - - - - - Township 89 Boy 29 25 35 ae a a Redwick and Northwick - Chapelry 33 48} -| - 27 4 17 12 131 ae Stowick - - - (*) Tything} 80] 81] -] 3 py Ee a ee aT ‘ ‘ 86 617 1,20 Westbury-upon-Trym - - (*) Parish} 185 202 4 | 14 134 51 17 5 9203 Shirehampton - = (*) Chapelry 107 121 2 5 25 a1 85 ann 391 635 Stoke, Bishops - - - - Tythng] 343} 391] 9 | 58 ag | 228) 134 75 1,127 | 1,883 837 | 932 | 15 | 84 315 | 329 | 288 | 2,146 | 2,730 4,876 ; HENBURY (Upper) Hundred. Compton-Greenfield - - Parish 4 7] -| - 6 = 1 24 18 42 Henbury (part of) Parish: (“) Aust - - - = Chapelry 25 36 - i 18 4 14 101 gl 192 Charlton - - - - - - Tything 52 52} -| 83 46 4 2 150 146 -296 Compton - - - = = ~ Tything 23 25 - 3 24 1 = 76 75 151 Stoke, Gifford - - - - Parish 65 69} 1 - 62 4 3 190 186 346 Tytherington (part of) Parish : (*) Itchingion - - - - - - Tything 22 24; —-| —- 24 = - 80 64 144 Yate - - - - - - - Parish | 154 | 179| 2] 5 | 122 29 | 28 401 426 827 348 | 392 | 3] 12 302 42 48 | 1,022 1,006 | 2,028: KIFTSGATE Hundred (Lower Division.) Aston Somerville - - Parish 17 24], -] - 20 3 1 57 53 110 Buckland-with-Laverton Parish 63 81} -] 1 65 11 5 194 188 382° Charlton-Abbots - - - ~- Parish 19 1g} =| 8 3 3 13 46 41 87, Childs-Wickham - - - Parish 84 95 | =| 4 92 23 - 193 235 428 Didbrook - - = = = = Parish 47 57 |---| - 38 15 4 172 119 291 Dumbleton - - - - - + Parish 63 43{ —| 2 50 18 5 211 163 374 Guyting, Lower, or Power (¥) Parish} 139] 153} 1 9 130 20 3 322 — 307 629 | Guyting, Temple - - - - Parsh} 91/ 106} 1] 1 88 16 2 288 222 510 | Hailes- - - - - = - Parish 23 eg] -]} 1 Qu 2 = 65 71 136 Hawling - - - - - = (*) Parish 41 41] -| = 37 4 - 109 86 195 | Rowell - - - - + Hamlet 7 8} - 8 - - 16 16 * 32, Pinnock - - - = =~ = = Parish a 9} -] 1 9 = - 19 14 33 Snowshill- - - - - - = Parish 62 67} -| - 57 10 - 143 158 301 Standley-Pontlarge - - - - Parish 11 11} -| 2 11 oz - 28 20 48 | Stanton - - - - - Parish} 58 62} -{ 1 46 16 - 140 129 269 | Sudeley-Manor - - - - Parish 12 ywfo-|] - 12 2 - 36 54. go Toddington - - - - - Parish} 51 564 1] 2 38 11 4 229 126 355: Twining - - - - - - (*) Parish} 181 202} -| 5 157 38 4 436 "413 849. Winchcombe = - - (>) Parish} 475 | 557} 1 | 24 ‘2399 | 226 92 | 1,090 1,150- | 2,240° Wormington = - - = - - Parish 17 17) -| - 14 3 - 48 35 83° | ——— 1,468 | 1,675 | 4| 56 Ju115 | 421] 139 | 3,842 | 3,600 | 7442 KIFTSGATE Hundred (Upper Division.) j Aston-Subedge - - Parish 24 24} -—| 2 21 3 - 55 61 116 Batsford --- - + Parish 18 19} —-| 4 12 2 “65 55 ‘53 108 Campden, Chipping- - - (©) Parish] 257 | 267] 7] 2 119 115 33 582 667 1,249, Berrington - - - - - Hamlet 36 48 - 33 2 13 - 85 86 171. Campden, Broad - - Hamlet 53 56} -| 4 44 12 - 36 114 250) | Wessington and Combe - Hamlet 26 26} 1] 2 23 3 = 60 68 128 i ® The entire Parish of Henbury (partly in Berkeley Hundred) con- | Chapelry. (7) The entire Parish of Hawling contains 227 Inha-| J tains 2,283 Inhabitants ; one Female in Stowick upwards of 100 years of | bitants. (2) The Return of the Parish of Twining. includes Mythe and Mythe-hook (Tewkesbury Hundred), the whole Parish being neat Tewkesbury.——(°) The Return of: Winchcombe Parish includes all the | ten Hamlets heretofore separately returned. ——(£) The entire Parish of Campden contains 1,798 Inhabitants, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO.IV. C: Q4: | Aq] COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Tepe reres Raia. 7 By tear ae : Ha Om how c ehiety chiefly ie a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. @ ivauies| | 2 | one [empl not cum a | ps 3 Oc- | & | | Ployed | paapx, |Prizedin a S persons. | 4 |cupied.| 3 | 2 1 | Manu- | the Two a a a: QQ} Pp Acrr- |pctures, | preced- S om KIFTSGATE Hundred (Upper Division) cuL- |orHandi-| ing = continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. : Condicote (part of) - ~ (4) Parish | 16) a7] =f 14 16° 1 - 41 40 81 Cow-Honeyborne - - = = Parish 66 mr} —-| - 56. 12 3 169 164. - 333 Dorsington - - - - - Parish} 24 28] -| 3 22 | 6 - 58 63 121 Ebrington - - - ~ -(*) Parish? 103] 109/ —| 3 96 13 - 278 257 535 Ilmington, Parish: (f Lark-Stoke - - - - - Hamlet 1 th el SR 1 = z 5 2 5 Longborough with Bankfee - Parish} 125] 125] 1] 3 105'| 18 2 260 266 526 Marston-Sicca - - - - - Parish} 52) 57] —| 3 47— 4 3 142 130 272 Mickleton - - ~ - = (8) Parish? 131] 137] —| 5 101 33 3 279 295 574 Pebworth- - - - = - - Parish} 391] 193] —| — 112° 17 4 301 319 620 Quinton - - - - -(*) Parishf 1 Og. sb es 14 25 = 230 206 436 ‘Admington - - - - - Hamlet] 39 AV || oe 38. 3 = 80 82 162 Saintbury - - - = - © Parish: 33 36 | -| @ 35. = oe 40 86 156. Season-Cote - - - - - - Parish 15 16] -| 1 13 2 1 43 43 86 Swell, Upper - - - - - Parish 16 18} -; 1 16 2 3 44 38 82 Weston-upon-Avon (part of) (1) Parish 25 OF) ia] 25 = cs 50 43 93 Weston-Subedge- - - - - Parish 64 85 1 2 84 1 = 165 182 347 Willersey - - - - - = = Parish 66 40 | -]| 2 40 = ~ 168 133 301 1,402 | 1,507 | 10 | 40 [1,163 | 277 67 | 3,354 -| 3,398 | 6,752 LANCASTER, Dutchy of. Bulley, - + - = + = = Parish 36 42{ -{] 1 36 6 - 124 113 237 | Huntley - - : - - = = Parish} 47 90} 3] 2 60 22 8 209 196 405 ;, [Lower - - : 9} 103} 1] 1 4 21 258 245 503 | Longhope (/) ope . ‘I Parish ee gaa a a8 ia 156 ize 287 Minsterworth - -~ - - =| Parish 82 98 | —| 2 71 15 12 238 224 462 Rodley - - - - - - (*) - = —-| -} - - = a - - - | Tibberton- - - ~- - - = Parish 46.) 50} 1 1 44 6 = 145 137 282 401} 448| 6) g I 304 90 54 | 1,130 | 1,046 | 2,176 LANGLEY and SWINEHEAD, Hundred, i : : (Lower Division.) Almondsbury (part of) Parish: (!) ‘Hempton and Patchway = - Tything, 82 88} 1 1 "3 12 3 252 — 248 © 500 Over - - - - = Tything; 21° 24] -] -, 23 1 ~ 66 67 133 | Tockington, Lower - - - Tything) 53 58} 1] 2 48 10 - 177 121 298 | , Alveston (part of) - - - (™) Parish’ 22 28} —-| - 26 2 - 83 67 150 , Littleton-upon-Severn - - - Parishf 23 28}; -]}| - 25 2 1 72 61 133° | Olveston, Parish: (*) , ‘Olveston - - = = = ~ Tything} 133] 142] 2| 2 116 20 6 340 341 681 ° Tockington, Upper - - - Tything] 137] 139] ~| 2 102 27: 10 345 325 670 Rockhampton - - - - - Parish 28 g2] 1} 1 16 1 15 81 48 159 499) 539} 5| 8 | 429'} 75'| 35 | 1,416 | 1,308 | 2,724 LANGLEY and SWINEHEAD, Hundred, , - (Upper Division.) Alveston (part of) - - -(™) Parish} 93] o7| —| - 65| 15:| 414 234 273 504 Bitton, Parish: (°) ‘Bitton - - - - - + - Hamlet] 342] 415! 2 4 55.) 228:| 132° 883 905 1,788 Hanham - - - - ~ Chapelryf 228 | 236] —/ 19 30 70 | 136 5ll BUS 1,086 Oldland - - - ~ - Chapelry} 846] 868 3/9 121 | 264.) 483 2,069 2,228 4,297 Doynton ~ - - = = = = Parish 72) 78] 1 1 60} 12 6 209 206 415 Frampton-Cotterell - - - + Parish} 306 | 335] 4 9 7511 184! 46 816 794 1,610 Winterbourne - - = = (?) Parish} 321 | 334] —| 12 36.| 259 39 896 763 | 1,659 Hambrook- - - - - - Hamlet] 173.| 186] 3] 10 591 98| 29 456 512 968 2,381 | 2.549 | 13 | 60 §01 |1,130 | 918 | 6,074 | 6,256 | 12,330 (4) The ‘Parish of Condicote is partly in Slaughter Hundred; the } Inhabitants———(j) The entire Parish of Longhope contains 790 Inha+ -entire Parish contains 165 Inhabitants. —-(°) Charingworth and Hitcoat- bitants.—(*) Rodley is included in the Return of Westbury-upon- Boyce are included in the Return of the Parish of Ebrington. Severn, Westbury Hundred. (!) The Parish of Almondsbury is (*) Imington Parish is in Warwickshire (Kington Hundred.) partly in Berkeley Hundred ; the entire Parish contains 1,408 Inha- () Mickleton contains Hitcoat-Batrim Hamlet 3 also Upper and Lower j bitunts, (™) The entire Parish of‘Alvyeston contains 657 Inhabitants. Clapton.——(h) The entire Parish of Quinton contains 598 Inhabitants, ——(") The entire Parish of Olveston contains 1,351 Inhabitants,—— (‘): The Parish of Weston-upon-Avon extends into the Alcester Division | (°) The entire Parish of Bitton contains 7,171 Inhabitants——/?) The of Barlichway Hundred, Warwickshire; the entire Parish contains.107 4 entire Parish of Winterbourne contains 2,627 Inhabitants, [ Enumeration. 112 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER peer sen a COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS 3 PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr- | Fast | art By : LIES TIES | Orner few a : chiefly ae “a i 3 many . 5 on employ i A gest nw & s TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. eZ Fanilies 2 4 glaged Erbe prized inf = g oF 3 c- = i in ” | the Two - - Parish] 47 47} -| 1 34 8 5 113 102 215 Horsley - - - - - (4) Parish} 758 | 770 | 12} 18 146 | 597 27 | 1,761 1,804 | 3,565 Minchinhampton - - (°) Parishf1,005 11,034 | 9 | 31 57 | 939 38 2,307 2,600 4,907 Rodborough - - - Chapelry} 411 411 2|12 40 344 27 971 1,067 2,038 Nailsworth - - - (9) Chapelry} 176 { 179] 2] 4 4] 167 8 401 497 898 Rodmarton - - - - - Parish 16 84 - i 70 12 2 182 175 357 Shipton-Moyne - - - - = Parish 74 86; -] - 70 11 5 190 200 390 Tetbury - + - - - - Parish} 527] 580| 3] 23 | 228) 284] 68 | 1,356 | 1,378 | 2,734 Weston-Birt with Lashborough Parish 36 4o| -| —- 36 2 2 97 101 198 Woodchester - - - - - - Parish} 180] 186] 2] 5 6} 157 23 443 486 929 3,512 |3,689 | 31 | 98 | 778 [2,622 | 289 | 8,361 | 8,988 | 17,349 PUCKLE-CHURCH Hundred. Abson with Wick - - - - Parish} 146] 146] -|] 1 39] 51} 56 378 337 715 Cold-Ashton - - - - - Parish] 53{ 56] -|] - 48 4 4 147 137 284 Puckle-Church - + - - Parish} 118} 127 | -—| 3 74 43 10 307 305 612 Siston - - - - - + - Parish} 177] 179] -| 2 19} 56} 104 462 440 goz Westerleigh - - - - - Parish} 310] 310] 6] 4 93 62 | 155 938 879 | 1,817 804 | 818 | 6] 10 273. | 216} 329 2,232 2,098 | 4,330 RAPSGATE Hundred. Brimpsfield - - - - Parish} 73} 77 | -| 4 66 11 = 169 179°; 348 Cerney, North - - (*) Parish} 118] 130] 2] - 94 29 7 271 291 562 Chedworth - - - - = = Parish} 215 | 251 | -—| 9 170 58 23 483 492 975 Coldsborne - - - +* = = Parish 49 53 ~ 1 35 9 9 127 118 245 Cowley - - - = - = = Parish 58 58} —-]| 1 39 18 1 113 160 273 Cranham - - - - =~ = - Parish 69 1} -| 5 13 9 49 174 147 321 Cubberly - - - - - = = Parish 34 40t —{| - 35 5 es 122 115 237 Dunsbourn-Abbotts (part of) Parish : (*) Dunsbourn-Leer - - - Township} 21 aij —-| 2 17 3 1 40 45 85 Elkstone - - - = = = = Parish 65 73) <-] - 70 3 - 154 142 296 Rendcombe - - = + - ~- Parish 32 35 1} - 25 4 6 101 89 190 Sides @ ©: a a @) es Byseh 9 11 -f| - 11 = - 19 21 40 743 | 820] 3] 22 | 575] 149) 96 | 1,773 | 1,799 | 3,572 SLAUGHTER Hundred (Lower Division,) Barrington, Great - - (") Parish 10 ~_ 6 Barrington, Little - = + Parish = 38 = ; a ° = 3 ce a Bourton-on-the-Water - - - Parish} 157] 172] 4/ 2 68 84 20 361 397 758 Claptom = = ¢ 3 = == Banish 25 27 | te 2 25 2 - 56 62 118 Naunton and Harford (part of) (") Parish 97 | 103] 2] 4 66 31 6 221 218 39 Rissington, Great - - - = Parish 85 go} -j} 1 70 17 3 222 22 i 6 Rissington, Little - - - - Parish 50 50 ei 2 42 6 2 11 4 - Rissington, Wick - + + = Parish 40 Be a 7 44 8 5 ae a re Sherborne - - = = - = Parish 10 < 2 ; Slaughter, Lower - - - Parish - me - 36 8 : ae — ce Slaughter, Upper - - = - Parish 52 Reh oe Lg 48 6 + a sa nee Widid = Ss ao et “Bt Gg bk ; ei eh ee pe “ i Parishf Go} 741 5] — 43 22 9 157 160 317 847 | 926]15]15 | 624] 243] 59 | 2,118 | 2,104 | 4,222 | (2) Nailsworth Chapelry is mostly in the Parish of Avenj a . i i i sat into the Parishes of Horsley ne Fiiingen Bene & eee eee fo meuake i t 2 cae a ‘ade Return. T . i’ hai 2 . : shire aringdon Hundred ;, waste 9 ihe — 9 Pen ae - ee but the whole is here entered. (*) The entire Parish of Naunton Catinsdep. ants Wacduanente Tpliiape oe , ae ae a contains 471 Inhabitants ; it is partly in Bradley Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] pee a ‘THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. Q4. ng Sa -COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER —continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pag | Pe | age By oe EiES ied. OrueR oR how 2 chiefly | gol y Families wn TOTAL 3 many | | ‘3 cme ae id. {not com- wa a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g Families] .& & ployed ie in ans g ia OF 2 O- | 3 | 4 im | Wee lea Tea a = —|PERSONS. 4 cupied.| | 5 Acnr- er preced- a fs . » CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing SLAUGHTER Hundred (Upper Division.) oF TURE. | craft, | Classes Adlestrop - - - - - - = Parish} 43 48} -| -| 42 3 2 106 123 229 © Bledington - - - = - = Parish 70 mi] -| - 49 19 3 173 167 340 Broadwell - - - - - - Parish 54 yr] —-| 2 54 14 3 149 147 296 Condicote (part of) + - (*) Parish} 12 13/ -| - 12 1 = 42 42 84° Eyford - - - - - - - Parish 12 ya} —| - 12 - - 33 34 647 Iccomb (part of) - - - (Y%) Parish 2 3} -| - Ce a ~ 9 9 18 QOddington - - - - - = Parish go o7} -| - 67 23 aq 228 230 458 Stow-on-the-Wold (+) - (7) Parish] 269] 291] 3 | 23 f 110 | 152 29 641 663 3304. Donnington - - - ~ - Hamlet] 35 46| 2] 2 35 8 3 98 103 201 Mangersbury - - - - Hanlet 45 49] 4! 7 29 20 - 114 112 | 226 Swell, Lower -- = - - = Parish 64 69} 27 1 50 16 3 135 |. 128 263 Westcote - --- - - - - Parish 35 351 -| 2 30 5 i 95 _ go 185 431 | 803/11 | 37 | 492 | 261 50 1,823 1,848 3,671 TEWKESBURY Hundred (Lower Division.) —— 3 Ashchurch Parish: (#) Aston-upon-Carron - - «= Tything 35 38} -| - 30 . 8g ~ 89 a7 | 166 Fiddington and Natton - - Tything 28 28 ate ~- 27 1 oi 88 "8 * 166 Northway and Newton - ~- Tything 36 38 | -1 1 32 4 2 93 g2 185 Pamington - - - - = Tything 28 28 1 28 ~ 7 66 60 126 © Boddington (part of) = (>) Parish 31 31| -| 3 27 4 - 92 87 179 Forthampton - - - - Parish "5 go} 1] = 70 16 4 247 224 474 Kemerton - ~ = = = - Parish? 119] 1231 2] 2 m1 40 12 254 266 520 Oxenttit = = <= © =» = Pah 22 go] —-| - 25 5 87 g1 178 Tredington - - - - Parish 28 2g} —|~2 27 2 as "3 65 “ge i TEWKESBURY - - - ( > Borough}. —|.. —]| -—] = i os = = = “{ Walton-Cardiff - - - -- - Parish 12 w{—-{ - 12 - - 29 22° 51 4141 4471 31 91 349] 80 18 1,118 | 1,065 | 2,183 ' TEWKESBURY Hundred (Upper Division.) - | Alderton with Dixon - - = Parish 63 66} —-}| 1 55 10 1 166 146 312 | Ashton-under-Hill - ~- (4) Parish as matt | GLA eras es - = 7 = ee Bourton-on-the-Hill (part of) (*) Parish 39 41{ -]| 1 22 18 1 87 87 174 | Clifford-Chambers - = - = Parish} 99 52} -| 1 36 11 5 154. 154 -| © 305 'Lemington, Lower - - + + Parish] 19 wt o-] - 14 - - 38 29 67 | Prescott- - * - 2 ~ ° Extra-P. 10 wa} -|] - 12 ~ - 27 29 56 | Shenington - - - - - = Parish “4 "51 —| 1 55 147 3 188 193 381 Stanway - - - - > > *- Parish 94, 84) -| - 43 8 3 213 202 415 | Washborn, Great - - - + Parish 17 e2| —-| 1 21 1 oi 37 43 80 326 66 |" — }. 288 65 13 go 883 1,790 THORNBURY Hundred (Lower Division.) : ee : i a _fIron-Acton - - - - (f) Parish} 200 | 206) 2] 4 | 160 | 39 4 568 554 | 1,122 -Thornbury - - - - (8) Parish} 90] 246] 2] 8 | 63 | 118 65 597 664 | 1,261 Falfield and Moorton = - Chapelry} 162} 167] ~—| - | 123 31 13 439 . 405 844. ‘Kington “- - - ° - Tything 98 98| 3] 8 40 9 49 408 423 $31 Oldbury-upon-Severn - Chapelry} 107 | 107/ -—| - 43 5 59 270 258 528 a Rangeworthy - - 2 = Chapelry 42} §1 1 - 36 15 = 161 145 296 Tytherington (part of) - (") Parish} so] 60] -—| - 51 8 1 1470 160 330 . 8799] 935 | 8 | 20 | 516 | 225 | 194 | 2,603 260g | 5,212 (*) Condicote Parish is partly in Kiftsgate Hundred.. The entire ‘Parish contains 165 Inhabitants -——(") Most part of the Parish of Iccomb is in Worcestershire (Upper Oswaldslow Hundred.) ——(#) The rentire Parish of Stow-on-the-Wold contains 1,731 Inhabitants. (#) The entire Parish of Ashchurch contains 643 Inhabitants.—— (°} Most part of the Parish of Boddington is in Westminster Hundred. The entire Parish contains 41g Inhabitants———(¢) .The Borough of | Tewkesbury is entered at the end of the County.——(*) The Parish of Ashton-under-Hill is mostly in Tibaldstone Hundred, and the whole is there entered. (°) The Parish of Bourton-on-the-Hill is mostly in Westminster Hundred, and is entered accordingly ——(*) The Parish of Tron-Acton extends into the Hundred of Grumbalds-Ash, but the whole is here entered.———(®) The entire Parish of Thornbury contains 3,760 | Inhabitants———(") The Parish of Tytherington is partly in Henbury Hundred, The entire Parish contains 474 Inhabitants, Gg 1r¢ ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. —E _———==— ‘ COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Fic —- 1 Au j LIES * | Orner . 38 ; tee = | chiety ae Families : is Hue EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. eB [pest @ | Z | cm, | edin |notcom-| of = id eGo. | S| | Ped | Txapy, jprized inl 2 — |PERSONS, a : 3 a in| Manu- | the Two Ss | & [cupied-) 1 5 | Acar factures,| preced- a = - ij in Niece cectl usa saanes THORNBURY ae - oe ow Gs, eae | (Upper Division. Marshfield -.- - - - - Parish} 274} 302] -| 6 257 38 7 801 468 | 1,569 TIBALDSTONE Hundred. Ashton-under-Hill - - - = Parish 68 68 | -—| 3 50 17 1 152 | 149 301 Beckford - - - (4) Parish 88 98 | -]| 3 72 18 8 220 22% 442 Hinton-on-the-Green - - Parish 39 42} 21 - 40 1 1 | 102 93 195 195 | 208 | 2] 6 162 36; 10 - 474 464 938 WESTBURY Hundred. Blaisdon - - - - = (-+) Parish 47 49} -] 2 31 10 8 127 116 243 ' Churcham (part of) - - (*) Parish} 98] 102] 1] 3 92 4 3 f- 238 243 | 481 Newnham - - - (+) Parish} 171 188 | —| 2 35 70} 83 485 527 1,012 Tidenham = - - (™) Parish} 189 | 205] 3] 5 144 41 | 20 574 528 1,102 Westbury-upon-Severn - -(!) Parish} 372 1 gor | 51] 7 311 86 4 954 - 935 1,889 Wollastone - -(+) ©) Pash] 169| 173| 1! -—— 1396] 30] 7 474 410 884 i 1,046 } 1,128 | 10 | 19 749 | 244 | 125 2,852 | 2,759 | 5,611 WESTMINSTER Hundred, (Lower Division.) Boddington (part of) - (") Parish 43 43] -|{ - 36 5 2 7 4114 117 234. Corse - -.- - = = = = Parish 92 g2 | 1 2 87 5 = 242 204 446 -Deerhurst (part of) Parish : (°) Apperley and Whitefield = Hamlet 46 92] 1] 2 64 22 6 215 186 401 Deerhurst-Walton - - - Hamlet 36 36] -| 3 32 4 - 86 87 173 Elmstone-Hardwicke (part of) (°) Parish 26 ay fee 41 ES - 98 80 | £78 Hasfield - - - - = - + Parish] 48 48} -] - 44 1 3 120 117 237 Leigh Parish: (?) Evington - - - - + - Hamlet = af sel es - = - - - | - 321 | 352} 2] 7 F 304) 37| 12 [| 878 | 791 | 1,669 WESTMINSTER Hundred, f (Upper Division.) ; | Bourton-on-the-Hill (part of) (9) Parish 34 35¢ 1] 1 247 6 2 89 g1 180 Moreton-in-the-Marsh - - Parish} 212} 216} -—]| 3 14 79 1123 | 503 512 | 1,015 — Sutton-under-Brails (") - - Parish} ~ 51 59 f -| - 49 9 1 114 122 | 236 Toddenham - - - - - «= Parish 86 88] 1] 2 59 20 9 229 211 440 . 383 | 398] 2] 6 | 149] 114] 135 fF 935 936 | 1,871 - WHITSTONE Hundred, + F (Lower. Division.). , } Eastington Parish: (°) ; Alkerton - = = - + = Tything[ 198 1 206 3 5 | 467 134 26 448 515 963 Eastington- - - - - = Tything] 126 130] 1} 4 32 69 | 29 350 368 718 Frampton-upon-Severn Parish} 183] 192} 31 9g 69 | 114 9 516 480 996: F Frocester - 7 = = = = = Parish 64 87 1] 3 66 19 2 204 233 437 F King-Stanley - - - - - Parish} 498 447 | 2115 83} 354} 10 1,051 1,218 2,269 Leonard, Stanley, St. - - - Parish} 138 144} 1] 2 25 | 116 3 382 375 | 187 Stonehouse - ~ > = = Parish} 39a] 448] 1{) 8 59 | 360] 29 1,011 1,115 |, 2,126 Wheatenhurst - - = = - Parish 48 76 | hi 30 35 | 10 183 | 187 370 11,594 |-1,729-| 13-] 43: fF 410 [1,207 | 118 4,145 | 4,491 | 8,636 () The Return of Beckford Parish includes Bengrave and Grafton, heretofore returned separately. (©) The Parish of Churcham is partly in Dudstone and King's-Barton Hundred. The entire Parish. contains 733 Inhabitants——(!) The Return of Westbury-upon-Severn includes. Redley. (See Duchy of Lancaster Hundred.)——(™) Tidenham and Wollastone form a detached portion of Westbury Hundred’; the Cha- pelry of Lancaut is ecelesiastically connected with the latter; with the . former in all other things, and.the Population is accordingly incladed in that of Tidenham, (?) Part of the Parish of Boddington is in Tewkesbury Hundred. The entire Parish contains 413 Inhabitants——— ) (°) The Parislies: of: Deerhurst and Elmstone-Hardwicke are partly.in : Deertiurst Hundred; and.entered. accordingly. The latter contains g57 Inhabitants,——(?) The Parish.of Leigh (or, The Leigh); is:raostly.in' Deerhurst Hundred, where the whole is entered.——(4), The Paristrof. Bourton-on-the-Hill is partly in Tewkesbury Hundred. ‘The entire Parish ; contains 354 Inhabitants——(") The Parish of Sutton-under-Brails is locally situate in Warwicksbite (Kington Hundted.)——(*): The entite ) Parish of Hastington contains 1,681 Inhabitants, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 64. 115 st A LSS SESE EPS A EIS, COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HOUSES : ___ OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ce ite ie hae By ; LIES : OtneER ee Ga eee EB | ciety | one. |amilies | | ToraL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Families s 2 | spect ae sees a 2 ce 3 fot | s in | the T < | PERSONS. a cupied. | 5 5 Acri- oes preced- a i E Hundred, - JorHandi-| _ ing uu enna Pee. Classes. Fretherne - - - - - - -Parish 46 46 ae 18 20 8 109 101 210 Hardwick - -- - - - - = Parish 80 82} 17} 5 40 12 - 227 219 446 | Haresfield - - - - - ~- Parish} 116) 126] -| = 96 28 2 339 323 662 Longnéy - - - - = = - Parish 86 88} -| 8 76 12 - 226 217 443 Moreton-Valence - - - Parish 70 81 2] - 55 25 1 195 153 348 Quedgley (part of) - ~ (*) Parish 39 45) -} - 37 6 2 115 112 237 Randwick - - - - - Parish} 188] 213] 31 9 30 147 36 484 500 984 Saul - - - - > + = Patish 94 | 101] -]| 2 11 go - 276 191 467 Standish - - + + - - = Parish} 101 | 108] ~—j} 2 49 26 3 262 263 525 820 |} 890} 6 | 27 | 472 366 52 2,233 2,079 4,312 BRISTOL City. All-Saints - - (+) - - Parish 30 30} 1/17 - 30 - 46 97 173 Augustin, St. - (+) - Parish | 1,030 | 1,735 | 3 | 58 = 970 | 765 | 2,945 | 4.076 | 7,321 Castle-Ward - - (+) - - Precinct} 238 | 342] -— | 10 - 313 29 403 823 1,526 Christ-Church - (+) " Parish} 137 { 209] 7 | 17 ~ 165 A4 530 499 |} 1,029 Ewin, St - - - (-+) - Parish a1} arf -]}] — - 19 2 35 64 99 James, St. (part of) (+ “(8 Parish {1,295 | 2,426} 7 | 97 | 189 |1,584 | 653 | 3,851 4,953 8,804 John-the-Baptist, St. (+) “ Parish } 111 | 2007 — | 34 - 125 75 359 398 957 Leonard, St. - - (-+) = Parish 37 65! -—| 15 - 59 6 142 143 285 Mary-le-Port, St. (+) Parish 44 55} — | 22 = 53 2 123 tw ooo Mary-Redcliffe, St. (+) - - Parish} 961 /1,390 [| 9 | 78 4 |1,155 ] 231 f 2,696 | 3,131 5,827 siete . - - eS - - Parish] 492] 798 | 3] 42 8 2 37% ee ae oe ‘Nicholas, St - - (+) - <- Parish} 241 497 1 | 32 - 351 14 : 3 ; Paul, St. (pat of) (+) (*) Parish {1,076 | 1,704 | 7 | 76 1 11,528 | 175 3,099 4,221 7,320 ’ P Peter, St.- - - (+) ) Parish} 3275 (| 232] 1] 2 - 135 | 97 711 gr2 1,623 Poiliprand Jaood,St 1 _ (#) pasisn] 893} gio} 3 | 467 - | 810] 00 | 1,604 | 1.979 | 3,673 Stephen, St. - - (+) - - Parish] 234 a eee _ 232 | 252 g21 1,157 2,078 Temple - - - (+) - ~- Parish} 823 | 1,347 | 1 | 20 -— | 850} 497 | 2,590 1753 | 51343 Thomas, St. - - (+) a Parish} 176 | 3171 —| 46 - 276 41 605 671 1,276 Trinity - - - - “) Wardf — es | aah s = a ~ = = Werburgh, St. - (+) - - Parish 22 22| —|19 - 22 - 58 : 58 f. 116 = 7,736 |12,784| 43 |672 | 202 | 9,096 |3,486 | 23,502 | 29,387 | 52,889 BARTON-REGIS Hundred. Clifton - - - (+) + - Parishl1,088 |1,472 | 42 | 77 | 61 | 698] 713 | 3,332 | 5,479 |. 8,811 George, St. - - + = (*) Parish] 1,102 |/1,152 | 6 | 52 | 348 381 | 423 2,483 2,851 55334 roe (*) Parish} 651 | 735 125152] 51 294 | 390 | 1,322 | 2,283 | 3,605 ‘Mangotsfield - - - - - ~- Parish} 610] 674] 4 } 28 81 543 50 1,540 1,639 3,179 feeime By a St Jacobs M4) (#) Pavih 13,875 | 2,531 | 39 [298 | 68 [2,990] 473 | 5512 | 6a12 | 11,824 j Stapleton - - - (+) - - Parish} 412 | 4454 1414 65 154 | 226 | 1,011 1,126 2,137 5,738 |'7,009 {117 |361 | 674 | 4,060 } 2,275 | 15,200 | 19,690 | 34,890 | (*) The entire Parish of Quedgley contains 263 Inhabitants; it extends into Dudstone and King’s-Barton Hundred——(") The Parishes 1 of St. James, ef St.Paul, and of St. Philip and St. Jacob, are mostly in ‘Barton-Regis Hundred, which is subjoined to the actual Returns of the County of the. City of Bristol, in order to afford a just view of the ‘Population of that City. Some of the Parishes of Bartou-Regis Hundred cannot indeed properly be deemed suburbs of the City; but on the South side of the River Avon, the suburb of Bedminster cannot be in- cluded, as being in Somersetshire ; upon the whole, the City of Bristol is thus represented as containing rather more inhabitants than may be . deemed to reside in it. The entire Parish of St. Philip and St. Jacob contains 15,497 Inhabitants; those of St. James and St. Paul 19,729 Inhabitants ; but these cannot be distinctly ascribed, the Return of the Out part of these Parishes (so called) being conjoimed——() Trinity Ward, which heretofore made a separate Return, is now included in the Returns of the Parishes of Christ-Church, St. John Baptist, and St, Peter’s. The Hospital in the Parish of St. Peter contained 168 Males, and 273 Females, at the time of making the Return——(*) In the Parish of St. George, one Female upwards of 100 years of age. SSE 110 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continucd. HOUSES: OCCUPAT. ION S: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pe | Oar) gg LIES By a LIES | chief Oruer on how £ | chiefly | Sonlon-| Families a TOTAL 3 | many! y | 2 ene ed in [Dot com- vt a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. «| Families} | 2 ployed | p, ape, |prized in & rad OF S| Oe te | in | Manu |theTwo] & & [PERSONS 9g cupied.| 5 e Acri- factures, preced- a By €uL- lorHandi-: nog aie, GLOUCESTER City. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Aldate,St. - - - - - - Parish} 131 | 160] 2] 3 =| 995 | 85 336 380 716 Catherine, St. (part of (Y) Parish} 226] 253] 1] 6 Bo aaa) Dad 478 | ~ 569 | 1,047 John-the-Baptist, St. - - Parish} 233 | 28: ] 6 | 12 21]; 183 a7 600 677 | 1,277 Mary-de-Crypt, St.- - - Parish} 151] 191] 2] 6 —}| 106; 85 446 oly ‘963 Mary-de-Grace, St. - - Parish 46 49/ -/ 1 - 48 1 122 147 269 Mary-de-Lode, St. (part of) (¥) Parish} 231 | 349 | -| 9 2) 291 76 | . 560 705 | 1,265 Michael, St. (part of) - - (¥) Parish| 161} 184] 1} 8 2| 160; 22 396 521 917 -Nicholas, St. - - - - Parish} 378 | 622) 12] 4 174} 421 27 J 1,138 1,194 | 2,339 Owen, St. - - - - - (2) Parish 66] 106] -]{ - ll 79 16 182 190 372 The Holy Trinity - - - + Parish} 109] 124] -| — — | 10g 15 276 310 586 : 1,732 |2,319 | 13 | 49 | 240 [1,624] 455 | 4534 | 5,210 | 9,744 Borough Town of CIRENCESTER - - - - = Parish/1,006 [1,107 | 4] 11 140 | 751 216 2,286 2,701 4,987 Borough Town of TEWKESBURY - - - = = Parish} 1,044 1,172 | —| 88 122 865 185 2,368 2,594 | 4,962: Parish of St. Michael 1,254 Inhabitants ; all these are partly in Dudstone and King’s-Barton Hundred, and entered accordingly. City Prison, in St. Owen’s Parish, contained 4 Males and 13 Females at the time of making the Retum. (°) The entire Parish of St. Catherine contains 1,262 Inhabitants; the entire Parish of St. Mary-de-Lode, 2,544 Inhabitants; the entire (#) The M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94.’ ° ‘117 - Re Te, ‘COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER INCLUDING THE COUNTY OF THE CITY OF BRISTOL. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: 2 Famr- eae ALL HUNDREDS, a | Br 3 | ™* | chieny | Ormen ; ‘ be. 2 | cen | ge |e fete | eohtoge| Benito ga json Ce de peepee or ee ee a) Oe bee ee el oS = —_|PERSONS. cupied.| | 5 Acri- | factures, preced- a Fy ao ase Pa ans Hundred of Sol BARTON-REGIS - - - - | See the City of Bristol. BERKELEY - = - - - - 14,793 [5,328 | 73 [146] 1,746 |2,971 | 611 | 12,536 | 13,191 | 25,727 BISLEY - - - - - - 3,591 13,750 | 36 | 106 | 995 12,444 | 371 8,482 9,396 | 17,878 BLIDESLOE - - - - - - 503 | 544] 13 | 18 233 | 219 92 1,445 | 1,358 | 2,803 BOTLOE - - - - - - - | 1,172 /1,279] 5 | 34 915 | 247 | 117 3,235 | 3,017 | 6,252 BRADLEY - - - - - =| 9491/1,043] 5|28 | 72} 162] 109 | 2,507 | 2,365 | 4,872 BRIAVELLS, St. - - - - | 2,698 | 2,867 | 25 | 122] 884 ]1,363 | 620 | 7,019 | 6,771 | 13,790 BRIGHTWELLS-BARROW - $1,386 |1,514 | 7 | 29 957 | 341 216 3,412 ] 3,502 | 6,914 CHELTENHAM - - - - - | 2,685 |3,255 {122/142 | 456 [2,111 | 688 | 7,089 | 8,433 | 15,522 CLEEVE - - - - - - -]| 316] 361} 3] 8] 250) 44|1 67 779 | 769 | 1,548 CROWTHORNE and MINETY - } 1,094 | 1,211 | 12 | 33 g7g | 182 50 2,583 | 2,623 | 5,206 DEERHURST - - - - - 733 | 829] 3] 16 615 | 180 34 1,984 1,871 3,855 DUDSTONE & KING’S-BARTON } 1,809 | 2,074 47 | 48 ] 1,484] 448] 142 4,868 5,094 9,962 GRUMBALD’S-ASH - = - - | 1,671 [1,867] 9 | 45 [1,039 | 538] 290 4,385 4,394 8,779 HENBURY - - - -.-- - | 1,185 |1,324 | 18 | 96 | 6171 371 | 336] 3,168 | 3,736 | 6,904 KIFISGATE - - - - ~- - | 2,870 |3,182 | 14 | 96 [2,278 | 698 | 206 47,196 | 6,998 | 14,194 LANCASTER, Duchy of - - - 401} 448] 6] 9 304] 90] 54 1,130 1,046 j 2,176 LANGLEY and SWINEHEAD ~ } 2,880 | 3,088 | 18 68 930 |1,205 | 953 4,490 7,584 | 15,054 LONGTREE - - - - - - [3,512 13,689 | 31 | 98 9778 |2,622 | 289 8,361 8,988 | 17,349. PUCKLE-CHURCH - - = - 804 | 818 | 6] 10 273 | 216] 329 2,232 2,098 _ 4,330 RAPSGATE - - - - - - | 743] 820] 3| 22] 575] 149| 96] 1,773 | 1,799 | 3,572 SLAUGHTER - - - - ~ 11,578 | 1,729 | 26 | 52 1,116 | 504] 109 | 3,941 | 3,952 | 7,893 TEWKESBURY - - - - - | 740] 813] 3/14] 637] 145{| 3% | 2,025 | 1,948 | 3,973 THORNBURY - - - - - $1,153 [1,237] 8 | 26 973) 263} 201 3,404. 3,377 6,781 TIBALDSTONE - - - - - 195 | 208} 2{ 6 162 36 10 474 464 | 938 WESTBURY - - - - - ~- [1,046 |1,118 | 10 | 19 949 | 244] 125 2,852 2,759 5,611 _ WESTMINSTER - - - - ~} 704] 750) 4]13 | 453 | 151] 146 | 1,813 |] 1,727 | 3,540. WHITSTONE- - ~- - - - } 2,414 | 2,619 | 19 | 70 882 11,567 | 170 6,378 1 6,570 | 12,948 City of PEREGIS Honited Jy * [189474 |19,793| 160 14088] 876 13,156] 3,761 | 38,702 | 49,077 | 87,779 Borough of : CIRENCESTER - - + - - } 1,006/1,107] 4 | 11 140 | 751 | 216 2,286 2,701 4,987 City of GLOUCESTER - - - - - | 1,732/2,319 | 13 | 49 240 }1,624) 455 4,534 5,210 9,744 Borough of TEWKESBURY - - - - - J 1,044/1,172{ — | 88 122 | 865 | 185 2,368 | 2,594 4,962 Toran - - - {60,881 [72158 705 [2,555 | 23,170135,907 |13,079 | 160,451 | 175,392 | 335,843 Hh 118 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. r ses! ee 5 10 15 | 20 | 30 40 | 50 | 6o{| 70| 80] 90/100} | 7 “ to | to to to to to to to to | to | to - = Hundred ®* 1 ao | a5 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80| 90 ]100|yaras| © of | { BARTON-REGIS - - | Entered with the City of Bristol. } BERKELEY - - 1,824 | 1,450 | 1,218 {1,218 | 1,677 | 1,228 {1,026 | 713 | 478} 231 | 51 2] ~ 11,116 BISLEY - - - - ]1,211 | 1,145 | 1,048 | 912 | 1,299 | 903} 846] 544 | 347|176| 48} 3) — | 8,480 BLIDESLOE - - 115} 107| 125} 102) 123} 92] 79] 60] 32] 23} 4, -| ~] 862 BOTLOE - - - -]| 289} 228] 210, 186] 247{| 180] 156] 100] go} 2g} 11 2} — | 1,798 BRADLEY - - - -] 355] 313] 265 | 251) 422} 269} 213 | 176] 125] 82] 18) 1] —- | 2,490 BRIAVELLS, ST. - -]1,007 |} 883 | 745 | 614/| 953] 732 | 610] 420 | 296/153] 39] -| — | 6452 Suan - -| 477] 454) 414] 340] 452] 363] 340] 244) 176/117 | 34] 1] — | 3,412 CHELTENHAM - -| 163] 135 94 81 | 180] 127 99 su | 46) m1 8) =| =| gop CLEEVE - - - 105 | 112 88 69} 117 80 79 6o| 41] 21 | 6| 1) -]| 99 ee pa 355 | 319] 276; 225} 348] 256) 225) 187] 151) 72] 21) —| = | 9,495 DEERHURST - - 283 | 261] 254] 183] go1] 189} 190] 148} 104] 58/17! -]| —- | 1,988 PNanospanton y-| 978] 674] 533} 454] 769] 573 | 450] 323 | 258/222 | 32] 1 | - | 4876 GRUMBALD’S-ASH -} 606] 565 | 482] 418| 663] 455] 390] 320] 219/108/| 45) 2] - 4,273 | HENBURY - - -7 464) 421} 384] 282) 463] 377} 306} 234} 154] 73} 11] 1] - 3,170 KIFTSGATE - + = $1,051 | 937] 779] 743 {1,093 | 728] 722 508 | 384\191 | 60] 3) — | 7,199 . LANCASTER, Dutchy of | 157) 138 | 137 {| 107$ 185 | 119 | 103 77 | 66] 30] 11} -| = | 1,130f- SE 4 1,169 | 1,137 | 999] 697 41,038 | 820] 691} 464 | 306/128} 32] 9! - 4,490. LONGTREES - - + ]1,292| 997 |1,019| 868 1,232 | 811 | 842] 563 { 362 225 45 | 5 | — | 8,261) PUCKLE-CHURCH -] 325 | 286} 285] 2251 314] 229] 202 163 | 120; 671/16} -]| — | 2,292 RAPSGATE - - - -] 240} 251] 199] 1681 066] 181 | 146 131 | 104 46 1] =| =) 2976] SLAUGHTER - - -] 456] 468] 3476] 327 478 | 362] 303} 242 | 182]100 | 28] —| —- | 3,322 TEWKESBURY - - 252 | 255 | 244 | 238] 312 | 200] 184] 168! 103] 55/18! -—| — | 2,029 THORNBURY - - =} 500} 509| 428 | 317| 508! 379| 275] 247/149] 751} 25| 2] - | 3,424/ TIBALDSTONE - - - 56 54 59 41 "5 48 51 41 | 24/ 8] 6] -| -] 463 WESTBURY - - -{ 251] 243| 225] 176] eee] 185] 166 142 | 101} 38} 18 | 1] — | 1,468 WESTMINSTER - - | 258] 253 239 | 164] 224 | 215 183 130 | 85/ 52/15} —| — 41,818 WHISTONE = = = [i099 | B46) 748] Gan | Sew | wai 617 | 380 254 156 | 32 | 2] — | 6,318 BRISTOL CITY, with | BARTON REGIS a 1,071 | 930 | 837 | 731 | 961 | 819 | 683} 532 | 3211128] 23} 34 — | 7,039 snc cr =| 8a] | wo | oo] ca] el a) he | | of [at TEWKESBURY BORO’ i ee a ole ee ae : > 9 233 | 237] 330] 293] 259 | 180] 123] 70/13] 41] -- 7 2,368 wna of MALES 17,341 |15,419 19,658 11,692 17,246 12,841 11,192 | 8,001 5513 Bug 740 49 esas 116,499 si rare seks ee Gloucester was... + 835,843, +++and the Number of Persons whose Ages were sali have not been obt » ges of between one-third and one-fourth (say, two-sevenths) of the persons therein enumerated, ained in compliance with the question to that effect, M.DCCC.XXI.} THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 119 COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALES. c ay 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60; 7] 80]; 90]100] , Under | & A i to to to to to to to to | to | to-| to ae Ei Hundred "| 40 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80| 90 |100|yarasl © of -BARTON-REGIS - - | Entered with the City of Bristol. BERKELEY - ~ ~ | 1,700 | 1,413 |1,269 |1,171 |1,917 11,336 11,049 | 734 |533 |286 |] 83] 9] — f11,500 BISLEY - - - - - 41,147 |1,047 11,000 | 997 |1,559 {1,186 | 938 | 629 {452 1253 | 79 | 10 | — | 9,207 BLIDESLOE - - -] 119 l 115 85 88 | 107 49 73 62} 17 | 22} 7} 2[ - 9746 BOTLOE - - - -{§ 225| 215 | 196] 146} 205] 187 |] 151] 105 | 52] go} 7} -— | — $1,629 BRADLEY - - -f| 308] 3241 247 | 2061 352] 291 | 229] 174 {121 | 71 | 22] —| — | 2,345 BRIAVELLS, ST. - -]| 979 | 874} 701 | 587} 884] yo2 | 582] 402 |275 |156| 53 | 6] — | 6,201 BRIGHTWELLS ] BARROW -{ 7 ~| 475 462 | 418 | 297 | 509} 361} 356] 268 {206 [116 | 34] 1] — $3,503 CHELTENHAM -4 165 | 128 133 109} 248 | 127 94 56 | 39 | 12} 10] 1] — | 1,122 CLEEVE - - - 94 94 65 46 | 108 84 86 68 |} 42) 39/131 -| = | 769 WTHORNE i ersedibees re -} 350} 288 | 273 | 202] 370] 275 | 263} 203 |139 | 94] 25] 1] — | 2,483 DEERHURST - - -7{ 269; 268] 202] 147| 259] 221 191 147 | 86 | 45) 17] 2] — | 1,854 DUDSTONE and eG 717 | 601 | 554] 500) 851} 617} 457 | 345 [261 |154 | 49] 2] — | 5,108 GRUMBALD’S-ASH - | 552 | 5421 471 | 487] 675 | 468] 389] 319 |211 [116] 4o| 1] — [4,271 HENBURY - - - 490 | 452) 375) 366| 779 | 422| 350 | 255 |163 | 63] 20] -| 2 | 3,737 KIFTSGATE - - -f 998 | 925 | 703] 719 |1,064; 725} 688 | 486 /395 |219 ; 62; 1] — | 6,985 LANCASTER, Dutchy of 158 | 1364 121 93 | 156] 120 97 69 | 65 | 31 | 10} —| = | 1,046 LANGLEY and ' onan } - 11,155 |1,053 | 891 | 712 {1,155 | 850} 689 | 466 [368 j158] 591 8} - | 7,564 LONGTREES - - - 1,286 |1,069 | 949 | 919 |1,508 {1,028 | 909 | 682 /426 |249 | 57 | S| — | 8,988 PUCKLE-CHURCH -f 315 | 272} 193] 204 | 325! 233] 196] 153 |112 | 72 | 23 | -—| = | 2,098 RAPSGATE - - -J{ 254} 222} 190] 156] 277 | 198! 188] 123 }117] 57417} -| — } 1,799 SLAUGHTER - - -} 476] 459) 332 | 296] 480, 395] 310} 2391182 |}107/ 48} 1] + | 3,295 TEWKESBURY - -{ 283 | 228| 224] 188} 296} 210] 195} 147] 92 | 61418) 2] - 1,944 THORNBURY - 501 | 471 | 369 | 281 | 518} 395] 289 | 248 }183 | 92] 22] 3] —- | 3,372 TIBALDSTONE - - 52 52 59 41 60 60 54 22/ 38) 21] 4] 2] — | 465 _WESTBURY — - -f 235 | 225] 186 | 178] 275] 190] 156] 113 | 79| 56] 12] 1] —- |-1,706 WESTMINSTER - -f 232; 235] 166} 177] 251 | 212} 188 | 117] 77) 53/14] -]. — 9 1,722 WHITSTONE - - -]| 952 | 878{- 662 | 685 |1,040] 782} 598 | 436 [296 |170| 47| 1) — 1 6,547 aM RESTS Hl 1,138 |1,022 | 945 | 979 | 1,496 1,013 | 824 | 614 |442 |216] 56) 7] 1 8,753 CIRENCESTER, BORO’ } 339] 266] 264 | 280 499 | 348] 264] 179 [156 | 80/25 / 11] = J 2,701 GLOUCESTER, CITY - | 633 | 513] 441 | 567 |1,112 | 673] 517} 341 |250 ]118 | 39 | 8 | - [5,222 TEWKESBURY, BORO’ | 324 | 271 | 237] 260 467 | 356} 280] 155 |149| 73119] 3] — | 2,594 Total of FEMALES - [16,921 (15,120 |12,921 12,11419,802 14,144 11,650 | 8,257 (6,034/3;300 961) 79 3 |121,286 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county .of Gloucester was 439 ; thirty -nine of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning Ages, and are marked thus (+): among which are all the Parishes (except one) of the City of Bristol, ‘Chifton also, and Cheltenham. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 120 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration,” County of Hereford. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Sei Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, BO | sang Fs ey o4 eee ws TOTAL oR how z chiefly employ- Families 5 3 many i a em- ed in | Hot com- w OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. |Families) 2 | 2 | ployed | Trane, | prizedin 4 3 PERSONS . cs Oc- ta Fe in Manu- | the Two < fa . 3 cupied. | @ | 3 Acri- | fuctures, preced- a = : |__|] cut jorHandi-} 8 BROXASH Hundred. ; ture. | craft. | Classes. : | i 2 161 333 URY - = - - = Parish 83 8&6 1 2 82 3 1 172 faa gi ce - Parish 187 207 1} 11 120 40 4 * ae os 984 Bredenbury - oe eS Pam ae 4) 7| 3 a 1 aS 585 642 | 1,297 Bromyard = - - - (@) Parish] 249 | 295 | — | 24 0 ee 7 a 295 io Linton - - (*) Township} 110} 123 | - | — 107 1 oT gee Norton - - - - = Township} 126 137 — | 10 104 29 4 “ a A Winslow - - - - - Township 86 g1| -| 4 89 2 - 99 4 Bockleton (part of) Parish: (°) Ses - - - Hamlet 18 w|o-| - 14 5; an és De Collington i Parish 28 31 = 3 25 e 67 67 134 Cowarne, Little - -- Parish 35 35) So 31 4 me sae 585 Cowarne, Much - - - Parish} 100] 120] ~j] 2 107 10 3 ae ae Felton as Serdar NS - - Parish 22 24 = = 22 os 8 oe 5 93 ae Grendon-Bishops - - - Parish 41 45| -| 1 29 8 8 Be = Marden - - + - - ~ (°) Parish} 172 | 177] 2 8 155 22 2 7 a * Amberley - - - — Chapelry 6 6} -| - 6 - 3 ; Bs a Ocle-Pitchard - - - - - Pansh 45 48| -| 2 13 4 2 as ao Pencombe - - - - © (@) Parish 85 go} -| 3 74 14 2 3 a Be Sapey, Upper + - - Parish 69 “6| -| 1 48 27 1 : 59 3 ; Stanford-Bishop - - - (©) Parish 49 50 ee 1 45 5 = , 37 Stanford-Regis - Township 16 16], -j - 14 2 - 4 : “a Stoke-Bliss - - - (f) Parish 30 3871 —]| 2 28 9 - 3 i - ; Stoke-Lacy - + - - = Parish 40 “6| -| 1 67 a 2 179 a 35 Sutton-St. Michael - (8) Parish 11 13} -| 4 13 = 30 5. Sutton-St. Nicholas - - - (®) Parish 52 56) -| 5 52 4 - 101 101 Tedstone-Delamere - - - Parish 47 48 | -/| 1 44 4 - 119 1 me a Tedstone-Wafer - - Parish 22 27} -| = 26 1 - 50 a g Thornbury - = - - ~- (") Parish 32 36) -| 2 35 1 - 97 183 Ullingswick - - - - - Parish 54 54| -| 4 47 7 - 130 124 254 Wacton - - - -.- .- - Parish 18 19| -| 1 19 = - 56 |. 57 113 Whitbourne - - - - - - Parish} 167) 190] 1] 8 127 32 | 31 421 400 821 Withington - - - (4) Parish} 125 | 130] 1] 5 103 23 4 303 336 639 Preston-Wynne - - - Chapelry 29 29} -—| 2 26 3 A gl 4 167 Wolferlow - - - - - © Parish 21 a1} -| 1 21 = - 60 57 114 2,217 |2,425 | 6 |111 ]1,786 | 514 | 125 | 5,578 | 5,397 |10,975 | EWYASLACY Hundred. = Clodock Parish: (*) : Crasswall, Lower & Upper Township 45 “S| -| 7 66 10 2 191 183 374 Llanveynoe’ S - + Chapelry 65 68 - |) ar 61 4 on 157 166 323 Longtown - - - - - Chapelry 158 167 4 - 154 10 3 448 304 842 Newton - - - - Township} 53] 55} -|] 1 42 12 1 123 134 257 Cusop - - : - Parish} 54] 54] 1] 6 41 o| # 125 141 266 | Cwmyoy Parish: (') Bwleh - - - + - Township 18 19 es 1 12 5 2 44 37 81 | Toothog - - - - Township 23 23/ -| 4 21 2 - 44 43 87 1: Liancillo - - - - - = Parish 15 17 =| 4 16 1 i 47 42 89 ' Margaret's, St. - - - - Parish} 71 s1}| 1] 6 59 11 1 151 166 317 ||) Michael-Church-Eskley - Parish 81 96 | -| 7 80 13 3 220 204 |. 424 | Rowlstone oS SS - Parish 24 27 1 2 21 4 2 a7 68 145 Walterstone - - - - - - Parish 39 39 os 1 29 10 S, 88 88 176 | 676 | 714] 8 | 50 602 94 | 18 1,715 | 1,666 | 3,381 | GREYTREE Hundred. 1 Aston-Ingham - + - - - Parish} 114} 114 | 11] 2 go 24 - 288 263 551 |) Brampton-Abbots - - - - Parish 29 30; -| 2 23 5 2 84 44 158 Brockhampton - - « - Parish 26 29} -| 2 24 5 = 62 54 116 (3) The entire Parish of Bromyard contains 2,767 Inhabitants. One | shire, Doddingtree Hundred ; the entire Parish contains 303 Inhabitants, Female in the Township of Linton upwards of 100 years of age. (®) The Parish of Sutton-St. Michzel is said to be united to Sutton- (°) Most part of Bockleton Parish is in Doddingtree Hundred, Wor- | St. Nicholas, except in church rates and tythes. (4) The Retum cestershire ; the entire Parish contains 385 Inhabitants. (¢) The | of the Parish of Thornbury includes Westwood Townsbip, Wolphy. entire Parish of Marden contains 815 Inhabitants. (4) The Parish Hundred.—-(‘) The entire Parish of Withington contains 806 In- of Pencombe includes the Townships of Grendon-Warren and Marstone- } habitants.——(*) ‘Lhe entire Parish of Clodock contains 1,796 Inha- Stannett. (©) The entire Parish of Stanford-Bishop contains 317 In- } bitants.———(!) Most part of Cwmyoy Parish is in Abergavenny Hun- habitants.——(‘) The Parish of Stoke-Bliss extends into Worcester- | dred, Monmouthshire ; the entire Parish contains 679 Inhabitants. eee” M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.° 121 i COUNTY OF HEREFORD—continued. 5 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, —- ——~ y— | Pam | Fase By = ties ao . oF | how B | chieny | oes | perciies 4 | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |ramies! 2&1 2 | ptoyea iin |notcom| 3 we @ | Or) S 7a) i | atone pketeal 3 2 |PERSONS. a 3 4 anu- | the Two | Acrr- | factures, preced- a me cuL- |orHandi-| 18 — ———— } sure. | craft. | Classes. HUNTINGTON Hundred—continucd. el Huntington ~ - - Pansh 6 S| = = 33 5 a 115 a oe Kington hs (#) Parish 6 ac 12 | 16 45 | 206 | 148 971 oe 1,980 Barton, Bradnor & Rustrock Township 93 m3) —-| - 56 17 - 179 1 z 357 Chickward, Pembers-Oak & Lilwall T. 46 46| -| - 44 2 = 168 1 = 331 Both-Hergests —- - Township 26 a9} -| 2 26 1 2 76 9 145 Whitney “ey Oe (>) Parish 56 64] 2] 2 Bl 8 5 128 140 288 Willersley- - - - (¢) Parish os ei) 2a eo = “3 2 = es i Winforten Sd Se aah) Parish 34 41 = 1 35 6 oss 81 88 169 975 | 1,089 | 17 | 40 } 581} 338 | 170 2,771 2,711 5482 RADLOW Hundred. eee Ashperton - Parish} go} 103) -| 1 847 13 3 203 195 398 Aylton - os oe - - - Parish 17 17 —_ - 17 - ~ 56 44 100 Bishops-Froome Parish : (“) ‘ Bishops-Froome - = Township 69 yo} 2] 4 2 17 3 15 147 298 Eggleton - = = Township 29 32 2 26 3 3 89 83 172 Halmonds-Froome - Township 62 64) - 1 - 51 12 1 126 140 275 Leadon 2 = - = » Township 14 16 - - 15 1 - 32 40 72 Walton- - - - Township 16 7} o-] - 14 3 - 39 4l 80 Bosbury with Upleadon - Parish} 205 | 215) 1] 4 188 24 3 497 469 966 Canon-Froome - - - Parish 16 1; -}] = 12 2 2 56 49 105 Castle-Froome - Parish 34 BA. set 4, 29 5 ~_ 95 85 180 Coddington - - - - Parish 29 351 —-{| 2 35 - - 96 &8 184 Colwall - os - - - Parsh} 142] 171] -| 4 101 42 | 28 396 386 782 Cradley (East) | _ entey Pam f129}] 155] 1] 4 109 38 8 375 364 739 (West) L125} 149|/ -| 5 | 102] 374] 10 363 357 720 Donnington - - - - Parish 23 23 1 1 16 3 4 51 52 103 Eastnor - - - Parish 89 96} -| 4 3 12/ 81 247 228 475 Evesbatch - - - © - Parish 12 12} -| 3 11 - 1 47 40 87 Ledbury - - - (‘) Parish} 636] 660] 3 | 33 293} 308] 59 1,696 1,725 | 3421 Parkhold - = - - Township 8 8 = 1 8 - - 31 24 58 Lugwardine - - - Parish} 132] 143] 1] 1 124 19 - 282 336 618 Marcle, Little - - - - Parish 25 25) - 1 22 3 es 82 86 168 Morton-Jeffries - Parish 10 10 - 9 - 1 36 28 64 Munsley - - Parish} 34 341 -] 3 27 6 1 go 92 182 Pixley - - - - Parish 18 19} -| - 17 2 = 59 93 132 Stoke-Edith - - - (8) Parish 57 66] -| 2 36 20 | 10 147. 155 302 Westhide - ~ Par: Chap: 37 39 | -| - 31 6 2 98 95 193 Stretton-Grandsome - Parish 28 28 = 27 - 1 49 a1 150 Tarrington - Parish 88 92 2 a 74 12 6 267 233 500 Weston-Beggard- - - - Parish Bi 58 =, 4 81 43 139 131 240 Yarkhill - - - + Parish 82 84) -| - 15 10 | 59 223 212 435 2,311 | 2,493 | 11 | 73 | 1,558 | 606 | 329 6,148 | 6,078 | 12,226, STRETFORD Hundred. : ok Ngeiesss Almeley — oe = Pak aga; age | @ | 4 28 19 | 104 331 368 699 Aymestrey Parish: (4) Conhope - Township 16 16 ae oe 14 2 i 36 60 96 bay - Parish 29 B04 1) 3 20 8 2 63 56 119 f Dilwyn - - +e - Parish} 199 | 214] 2] 9 134 361 44 503 523 1,026 I Eardisland - oe oe Parish} 169] 172] -]| 3 124 31 17 399 392 791 Kingsland - - - - Parish} 196] 214] — | 13 157 431 14 52d 465 989 Kings-Pyon = = = - Parish] 76 m9| 1] 3 61 4] 4 188 188 376 Kinnersley - - - (*) Parish 66 Ba Bey Ow 62 7 2 171 169 340 _ @) The entire Parish of Kington contains 2,813 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is attributed to the establishment of an iron foun- dry, and nail manufactory. (°) The increase of Population in Whitney Parish is attributed to the residence of the principal land-owner, who in un was a minor.——(*) The Parish of Willersley contained no more . ae house in 1811; it is probably included in one of the adjoining mio es, but no Return could be obtained.——(*) The entire Parish of \sbops-Froome contains 897 Inhabitants. — (°) The enitire Parish of Cradley contains 1,459 Inhabitants, (*) The entire Parish of Led- bury contains 3,476 Inhabitants. One Male upwards of 100 years of } (®) The entire Parish of Stoke-Edith contains 495 Inhabitants, } age. provided the Chapelry of Westhide is to be deemed part of it—— () The Return of Almeley Parish includes Hopley’s-Green and Logasto Townhips, Wolphy Hundred.——{i) Most part of Aymestrey Parish; which includes the Township of Upper-Ley, in Stretford Hundred, is i Wigmore Hundred. (*) The Return of Kinnersley Parish includes New-Church Township, Wolphy Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 423 COUNTY OF HEREFORD—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fast | EA | Aue By aa LIES chiefly Oruen ’ oR ‘ how 2 chiefly | employ.| Families a TOTAL 3 many ? em- di not come f- 41 oh EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families e = ployed Trane, pibetes ed = or ‘3 Oc- af TE in Manu- | the Two 3 a PERSONS. 4 | cupied.| | S | Acrr- | factures,| preced- Ee ; CUL- jorHandi-| _ ing STRETFORD Hundred—continued. TURE craft. -| Classes. Letton (part of) Parish: (1) Letton (+) - - - = Township 19 2u% 2 4 16 5 - 50 45 95 Lyonshall - - - - Parish{ 166 | 170] 21 2 104 | 38 28 430 466 896 Monkland = - - - - Parish 43 46} -| 2 40 6 = 89 98 187 Pembridge - - - Parish] 267 | 269 {| —|{ 6 227 | 38 4 589 614 | 1,203 Shobdon - - - - = - - Parish} 103] 119] 2] 3 67 | 39 13 285 251 536 Stanton-upon-Arrow (part of) (*) Parish 19 20} —|{ 2 16 3 1 60 59 119 Stretford ~- - + Parish 8 8/ -} 1 vi 1 - 20 28 48 WEOBLEY - - Borough & Parish} 159 | 163] -—]| 9 96 | 55 12 368 371 739 1,676 | 1,763 | 22 | 59 | 1,173 | 345 | 245 4,106 | 4,153 | 8,259 WEBTREE Hundred. ? Abbey-Dore - - - Parish 93 112 - 1 90 | 17 | 5 273 250 | 523 Allensmore - - - - - Parish]? 116} 116] 3] 3 105 9 | 2 267 246 | 513 All-Saints Parish: (") Grafton - - - = Township 9 9} -| - 9 - - 24 | 21 45 Bacton - - - = Parish 23 27 1 1 23 4 - 71 49 120 ' Blakemere - - - - Parish 32 35 | -| 2 8 oy 20 82 “81 163 Bredwardine - - - - - - Parish 67 75 | -| 1 71 4 - 187 192 379 Bullingham, Upper. = _ (°) Parish 19 a1] —-} - 20 ~ 1 56 56 112 Lower 53 62} -|] 1 46 | 12 2 115 149 264 Callow - - - = ~ ~ = Parish 28 31] -| - 20 6 5 65 74 139 Clehonger - - - - Parish 44 v4] -| 4 59 | 15 - 169 170 339 Devereux, St., with n Didley - - Parish 39 a9) | =f = 35 3 1 119 89 208 Dinedor - - - - Parish 48 55} -| - 5l 3 1 156 145 301 | Dorstone Parish: (?) Dorstone, Lower - - Township 99 111 - 5 73 33 5 191 211 402 Dorstone, Upper - - - Township 39 42} 1] — 37 4 1 108 81 189 Dulas ~ - - + = = Parish 10 lo} -]| - 9 1 - 29: 31 60 | Maton-Bishop- - - = -- = Parish 80 89} -| 6 69} 14 6 238 214 452 Ewyas-Harrold - - - - Parish 86 86} -] 1 54 | 22 10 220 192 412 | Haywood- Dorost-aherty Extra P. 9 g} -|] - 9 - - 40 23 63 Hom-Lacy - - - - - Parish 70 81) -| 1 "3 6 2 204 185 389 Kender-Church - - - = Parish 14 14) -] - 11 3 - 40 37 a4 Kent-Church- - - - = Parish 5l 54] 1] 1 44 8 2 165 146 311 Kingstone- - - - - - - Parish 89 931 -| 7 41 { 21 1 214 192 406 Madley - - - - - - - Parish} 191] 191 | -—{ 4 129] 51 11 475 463 938 Moctas - - ~ - - - - Parish 35 361 =} - 5 | 30 1 99. 86 185, Peter-Church -- - - - - Parish} 128} 146) -| 3 107 | 28 11 348 338 686 Preston-upon-Wye - - - - Parish 42 50] —} 2 39 | 10 1 143 129 272 Thruxton - - - - - - Parish 12 3] -| - 12 - 1 29 25. 54 Tiberton - - - - - - = Parish 27 28} -| - 20 7 1 67 "9 146 } Turnastone - - ~ - - Parish 11 a} -] - 11 - - 27 33 60 Vowehurch - - - = - (4) Parish 66 "5 1] = 51 23 1 172 195 367 Wormbridge - - - + - - Parish 19 wg} -|] 1 16 3 - 42 53 95 1,679 |1,812 | 7/44 | 1,377] 344 | 92 | 4.435 | 4,235 | 8,670 WIGMORE Hundred. Aston = - - - - - + - Parish 12 12}; -| 1 11 1 - 28 26 54 Aymestrey - - - - - (') Parish] 145] 150] 31 4 121 oh 22 351 366 17 Brampton-Bryan (part of) Parish: (*) Brampton-Bryan - - - Township} 20 20; -—| 2 14 3 3 58 43 101 Boresford & Pedwardine (-+) Township 20 20; -| = 20 - - 64. 48 112. () Letton Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred. The entire Parish | Inhabitants——-(4) The Return of Vowchurch Parish includes the Town- contains 163 Inhabitants—~(™) Most part of Stanton-upon-Arrow | ships of Monington and Straddle.——(") Aymestrey Parish includes Earls- Parish is in Wigmore Hundred. (") All-Saints Parish isin the City | Lenthall, and Upper-Ley, which is in Stretford Hundred. The entire of Hereford——(°) The entire Parish of Bullingham contains 376 In- | Parish contains 318 Inhabitants-—-(*) The Lor dship of Stanage, part habitants——(") Dorstone Parish includes part of Vowmine Township, | of Brampton-Bryan Parish, is in Knighton Hundred, County of Radnor. -the other part is included in Clifford Parish, Huntington Hundred. The | The entire Parish contains 341 Inhabitants. entire Parish (exclusive of those in Vowmine Township) contains 591 ae COUNTY OF HER EFORD—continued. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. + a HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : ree Fami- = PARISH, TOWNSHIP, P Hine Lirs - ¢ OR ie z chiefly ee Families a TOTAL PLACE 2 Pe) ole ltl been = o | . 2 ili 4 y 2, [prize = EXTRA-PAROCHIAL e a 5 4 Pp - ts x bea a aan 3 a —— s 3 cupied.| A | 5 Acnt- | factures,} preced- = SS i cvt- forHandi-| _ ing WIGMORE Hundred—continued. turF. | craft, | Classes. Bucknill (part of) Parish : (*) ; _ 8 ; ea Coxall - Township } 91 29 - 1 22 1 a : 5 ; 34, 1 - 2 1 9 9 194 Buaeee “2 eee a 2 is 1 82 85 167 Byton - - - Parish 32 33 = 29 z a a Downton - Parish} 13 22 Lo 14 2. rss 47 Elton - - - - - Parish 16 18 = ns 15 3 Parish} 75 | 75 a1] 3] 45 18 12 149 155 304, Wigmore - - - - - = (Y) Parish} 92 94 -| 4 78 14 2 220 209 429 1,007 }1,077 | 9 | 36 | 806 | 168 | 103 2,624 2,566 | 5,190 WOLPHY Hundred. Almeley - - - (?) Parish - - -| - _ = = = Ss Ss Brimfield - - - - - Parish 118 | 123 -| 44 86 31 6 280 252 532 Croft - - (#) Parish 2 2 - - - = 2 4 : 6 13 i Newton - Township } 20 23 - 1 22 = 1 48 58 106 Docklow - - - = (>) Parish} 34 36 -| - 34 2 - 100 gl 191 Edwin-Ralph with Butterley (°) Parish} 29 33 -| - 33 - - gl 66 157 Eye Parish: (4) Eye-Moreton and Ashton Townships] 55 68 oe | es 19 42 4 140 138 278 Luston - - - Township} 89 101 - 80 16 5 201 199 400 EVEOM. eek Sp es Parish | 30 33 1 3 23 4 3 69 56 125 Ford’s-Bridge - Extra P. 5 5 et es 5 ae a 18 13 31 Hatfield - - Parish | 30 37 se) 4 31 3 3 "9 "4 153 Hereford, Little, with Upton - Parish} 82 86 Se oes 78 6 2 174 179 353 Hope-under-Dinmore - - Parishf go | 108 2 a gl 13 4 258 270 528 Humber cote (©) Parish} 15 15 -j - 13 1 1 34 35 69 Risbury Township | 38 43 i 5 34 9 a "5 75 150 Kimbolton ~- - Parish | 94 99 1} 2 47 10 42 322 312 634. | Kinnersley - (f) Parish - = el es 5 = es . Zs = (*) Most part of Bucknill Parish is in Purslow Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish contains 465 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Leintwardine contains 1,277 Inhabitants ——(") Most part of Presteigne Parish is in Radnor Hundred, County of Radnor, and most part of Cascob Parish is in the Borough of New Radnor. The entire Parish of Presteigne contains 1,941 Inhabitants; and tbat of Cascob, exclusive of the portion included in Litton Township, contains 117 Inhabitants.— > Most part of Old Radnor Parish is in the Borough of New Radnor. Ounty of Radnor. The entire Parish contains 1,331 Inhabitants. (*) Stauton-upon-Arrow Parish is partly in Stretford Hundred. The entire Parish contains 385 Inhabitants. (°) Wigmore Parish inclades Limebrook Township. (*) Hopley’s-Green and Logaston Townships in Almeley Parish, Stretford Hundred, are included in the ‘general r Return of the Parish. (*) The entire Parish of Croft contains 119 Inhabitants. (>) Docklow Parish includes Fencott Township.—— | (©) Edwin-Ralph with Butterley is locally situate in Broxash Hundred. | —(4) The entire Parish of Eye contains 678 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Humber contains 219 Inhabitants.—(f) Newchurch,} part of Kinnersley Parish is included iu the general Return of the Parish. (See Stretford Hundred.) 1 25 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF HEREFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Fas cn ‘ Aas y 3 hiefl THER : ge Bow = | chiesy employ- Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, BS [may | wo] 3 fo em | edin |notcom-| vf a - 3 [Families 6 q ployed | Trang, | prized in i. 3 g Oc- | 3 Z in Manu- | the Two a 5 PERSONS. eo a cupied.| p Acri- | factures, preced- a >) cuL- jorHandi-} ing WOLPHY Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Laysters - - - - - - = Parish 39 40} 1] 3 39 1 - 114 113 227 LeomMInsTER ~- (8) Borough and Parish} 777°} 829] 2 | 75 92 | 510 | 227 1,673 1,978 | 3,651 Broadward - - - = (8) Township 59 60] ~| 5 49 4 4 167 154 321 Ivington- - - = - (8) Township} 132 133} 2| 5 116} 14 3 355 319 674 Letton (part of) Parish: (*) Hurstley - - - - + Township 13 ww] -}| - 14 1 - 35 33 68 Lucton - - - - ~ - - Parish? 23] 31{ -—]| 1 ig} 9 9 93 88 181 Ludford (part of) - - ~ = (/) Parish 23 23} -| 1 10 6 4 41 44 85 Middleton-on-the-Hill - - - Parish 59 63); -| 2 58 4 1 206 163 369 Orleton - ~- - - - - Parish} 110] 129} -—| 4 101 | 26 2 287 287 574 Puddlestone with While - - (*) Parish} 59| 63] -| 2 50 | 13 - 159 157 316 Richard’s-Castle (part of) - (!) Parish 40 42| —| 2 35 5 2 123 106 229 Rochford - - - - = - Parish} 50} 80{ -|} 3 18| 14 | 48 143 121 264 Sarnesfield - - = = = Parish 21 a2; —-} 1 18 1 55 47 102 Stoke-Prior Parish: (™) Stoke-Prior - - - - Township 72 82); —| 4 23.| 13 46 175 162 337 Wickton and Risbury - - Township] 22] 22] —]| 2 a1{ 1 - 71 69 140 Stottesden Parish: (*) Farlow - - - - = = Chapelry 67 72} —| 4 56 | 16 - 173 172 345 Thornbury - = - = -~ (°) Parish - os 7 - S * = 5 = Yarpole - - - - = = (?) Parishf 132] 141] -] 1 100 | 31 10 321 3o1 622 2,429 | 2,659 9 | 132 1,409 | 814 | 436 6,087 | 6,138 |12,295 WORMELOW Hundred. (Lower Division.) Bridstow - ~- - = - = - Parish} 103 | 111f 11] 7 66 | 40 5 267 274 541 Ganerew - - - = = = = Parish 24 a4] —| 2 16 4 4 56 62 118 Garway - - - - = = - Parish} 107 119g} -| 5 113 6 - 270 252 522 Goodrich Parish : Glewston - - - - = Township 20 21 -{- 15 6 - Goodrich - - + = = Township 81 119 1 3 92 22 5 327 384 11 Huntisham - - - - = Township 18 if} -| - 16 2 - Hentland - - - - - - - Parish}? 108! 119 | —| 2 50 | 33 36 301 276 577 Llangarran - - - - - = Parish} 172] 201} 2] 2 169 | 28 4 519 497 1,016 Llanrouthall - - - - - - Parish 16 17 2 16 1 - 60 58 118 Marstow - - - - © - = Parish 21 a1} -| - 20 1 ~ 40 62 132 Peterstow - - - - - - Parish 46 48} -/| 1 42 5 1 154 123 277 | Tretire with Michael-Church - Parish 29 32} -| 2 31 1 - 65 61 126 Welsh-Newton - - - - - Parish 46 50 - 44 6 ~ 117 103 220 Weonards, St. - - - - - Parish 93 | 126} 2] 1 100 | 25 1 342 300 642 Whitchurch - - - ~ - - Parish]? 155] 160{ 2 | 15 114 | 39 4 364 366 730 1,039 {1,186 | 8! 42 904 | 219 63 2,912 | 2,818 5,730 WORMELOW Hundred. : : (Upper Division.) Acconbury - - - - - = Parish 28 aby} —-| - 28 - - 85 63 148 Ballingham - - - - - - Parishf 29 31} -| 3 23 3 5 61 66 127 Birch, Little- - - - - - Parish 64 67 1 2 48 17 2 156 154 310 Birch, Much - = - - - Parish 72 4] 1] 2 57 | 16 1 199 154 353 Boulstone - - = = - = Parish} 14 15] -| - 12 2 - 41 34 75 Dewchurch, Little - - - - Parish 65 65| -| 2 26} 32 7 179 151 330 Dewchurch, Much - - - - Parish} 105] 109] -—| — 94] 11 4 299 286 585 Dewsall - - - - = - - Parish 5 Bay ofS 5 7 - 14 19 33 Foy - - - - = = - (9) Parish} 54 Bp |e cms oe 52 2 1 146 147 293 (®) The entire Parish of Leominster contains 4,646 Inhabitants. | Parish is in Munslow Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish contains 490 The increase of Population (which is not remarkable) is attributed to || Inhabitants. (™) The entire Parish of Stoke-Prior contains 477 In- the effect of the Poor Laws. Broadward Township includes Brierley, | habitants——-(") Most part of Stottesden Parish is in Stottesden Eaton, Hennor, Stretford and Wharton. Ivington Township includes | Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish contains 1,608 Inhabitants. Cholstrey, Hideash, Newtown, Stagbatch, and Wintercott.———() Most | (°) Westwood, part of Thornbury Parish, is included in the Return of part of Letton Parish is in Stretford Hundred——(!) Most part of | the Parish. (See Broxash Hundred.)——(?) Yarpole Parish includes Ludford Parish is in Munslow Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish } Bircher Township. (4) Foy Parish includes Eaton-Tregoes Township, contains 280 Inhabitants.——(*) The Parish of Puddlestone-with-While || locally situate in Greytree Hundred, includes Brockmanton Township, (!) Most part of Richard’s-Castle K k 126 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER eS, COUNTY OF HEREFORD—continued. [ Enumeration. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. WORMELOW Hundred (Upper Division) Harewood - Haywood Liberty Killpeck - - King’s-Caple - Llandinabo - Llanithog - - Llanwarne - Orcop - - - Pencoyd - - Sellack - - Treville - - continued. ' i Parish - Extra P. City of HEREFORD. All-Saints - Baptist, St. John Martin, St. - Nicholas, St. - Owen, St.- - Peter, St. - Gi Parish Parish Parish Extra P. Parish Parish Parish Parish Extra P, ) Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: pcos (EAMETS | ao Fami- nee a By ; LIES hieflv THER . . how z chiefly oe ‘Families a TOTAL 3 many ) a em- ed in | not com- w | oe ‘3 | Families & | | ployed | Trans, [prized in ‘a| 3 : ‘g Oc- sg a in Manu- | the Two 4 PERSONS, 4 cupied. | (9 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a & P cuL- lorHandi-| _ ing TURE craft. | Classes. 15 w}-] 1 12 3 - 36 44 80 8 8B} -| - 8 - is 38 37 75 46 46] -1| 3 42 4 - 129 136 265 50 50] -| 1 9 5 36 138 133 271 8 wo} a] — 4 1 2 26 26 52 3 Oe rk 3 = = 14 9 23 59 Teg Sh 2 14 7 50 181 143 324 104 | 119] 2 1 | 100 18 1 263 228 491 32 32] -|] 1 32 - - 88 43 161 50 65/ -|{ 1 40 vy) 18 150 151 301 15 1S Se 13 2 = 382 42 74 826 | 883} 5 | 19 | 626 130 | 127 2,295 2,006 4,371 | 527 | 643} 7| 9 | 195 414 34 1,131 1,410 2,541 220 | 253} —| 10 28 136 89 575 412 1,287 3) 98, —| Fb 49 105 44 371 472 843 197 | 211] 2! g 1 94 | 116 485 599 1,084 274 | 328] 1] 10 1 98 | 229 612 774 1,386 362 | 424] 1] 19 25 261 138 922 1,027 1,949 1,763 | 2,057 | 11 | 64 | 299 |1,108 | 650 | 4,096 | 4,994 | 9,090 (*) Grafton Township, part of All-Saints Parish, is in Webtree Hun- dred, and there entered. The entire Parish contains 2,586 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the City of Hereford is ascribed to vac- cine inoculation, to the peace, and to the convenience of a market. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD. r Hundred of City of BROXASH - - EWYAS-LACY GREYTREE - - GRIMSWORTH - HUNTINGTON RADLOW- - STRETFORD - - WEBTREE - - WIGMORE - - WOLPHY- - - WORMELOW - HEREFORD - Torars —~ 2,217) 2,425] 6 (111 J 1,786] 514 | 125 5,578 5,397 | 10,975 676} 714} 8] 50 602 94 18 1,715 1,666 3,381 2,133| 2371| 18 | go] 1,446] 690] 235 | 5,473 | 5,551 | 11,024 1,330] 1,388] 11 | 44 g91| 263 | 134 | 3,332 3,288 6,620 975} 1,089] 17 | 40 581} 338] 170 | 2,771 2,711 5,482 2,311 | 2,493] 11) 73] 1,558] 606 | 329 | 6,148 6,078 | 12,226 1,676] 1,763) 12 | 59] 1,173] 345 | 245 | 4,106 | 4153 | 8,259 1,679| 1,812} 7 | 44] 1,377] 344] 91 | 4,435 | 4,235 | 8,670 1,007! 1,077] 9 | 36 806} 168 | 103 2,624 2,506 5,190 2,429| 2,659! 9g 1132 1,409} 814 | 436 6,087 - 6,138 12,225 | 1,865 | 2,069] 13 | 61 } 1,530 349 190 5,187 4,914 | 10,101 1,763 | 2,057] 11 | 64] 299|1,108 | 650 | 4,096 | 4,994 | 9,090 20,061 |21,917| 132 | 804 13,558 | 5,633 |2,726 | 51,552 51,691 | 103,243 q M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94. 127 Deen Te ee ee COUNTY OF HEREFORD—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. ag ie oe ; a ; ides 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 a Hundred | to to to to to to to | to | to | to | to - a vi 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 6 | 70 | 80 | 90 {100} "7, ) 2 BROXASH - -]| 710} 711 | 671} 581 | 775] 593 | 520] 464 | 320] 183] 39 | 34 — | 5,570 EWYAS-LACY - -] 229} 226} 212 | 155) 237} 201 | 147] 1144113] 56] 23] 2] — $1,715 GREYTREE - -j| 707} 722} 608] 538] 765) 615 | 579} 433 | 301] 121} 31 | 2] — | 5,422 GRIMSWORTH - -| 444} 435] 387] 360] 448| 359] 325] 261] 196] go} 32| 1] — | 3,338 HUNTINGTON - -]| 390] 346] 326| 249 | 438| 306] 266} 184] 163; 71] 22| -| — | 2,763 RADLOW - - -| 834] 792] 766} 626] 843 | 719} 562) 444 | 342) 173] 41 | 4} 1 | 6,147 STRETFORD - -]| 526] 536] 476} 393 | 537; 439} 396] 319 | 239] 130/49 | -—]| — | 4,049 | WEBTREE - -| 549 | 546} 523] 415 | 687 | 520] 417] 318 | 257) 155) 44) -—| — | 4,432 WIGMORE - -]| 326 | 303 | 295} 280] 381} 295] 233 | 205 {| 161} go} 18] 1] 1 | 2,589 WoLPHy - - -| 835} 771 | 778} 576 | 899 | 601 | 575 | 512 | 356| 182] 56 | 3] — | 6,144 WORMELOW - -| 700 | 646} 630] 525] 761] 550] 497] 398 }| 262) 131] 40] 2] — 95,141 HEREFORD, CITY - 515 475'| 442 453 522 540 422 333 | 210] 95] 26 3 — | 4,036 Total of MALES - [6,765 | 6,509 | 6,114 | 5,151 | 7,293 | 5,738 | 4,939 | 3,985 2,920,486 421} 22 | 2 [51,345 FEMALES. er tle > Under | 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 {100} 3 Hundred to to to to to to to | to | to | to | to} & a of 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 j100},°P,} © BROXASH - -]| 746 | 677 | 602] 525] 761} 613} 533] 413 | 3021.167| 50] 5] 1 | 5,395 EWYAS-LACY - ~]| 221} 221] 159] 190} 239 | 188} 145] 114] 120] 51) 22] 64 — | 1,666 GREYTREE - -]| 763] 712 | 617] 496] 850 | 620} 542] 404 | 328] 158] 45 | 51 —4 5,540 GRIMSWORTH - -} 4391 433] 396] 313 | 481} 377 | 327 | 226{ 180] g1| 28] 7] 17 3,289 HUNTINGTON - -| 3761 346] 258] 238] 444] 331 | 254 | 182] 164] 72} 28 4] — | 2,607 RADLOW - -] 848 | 756] 665] 606] 971! 669 | 578] 447 | 313| 167) 59 | 5 | — | 6,084 STRETFORD - -J| 529} 503{ 462{ 358{| 609/ 488] 437 | 289 | 261/ 130] 63] 4] — | 4,133 WEBTREE - -] 551 { 556] 481 | 417 { 612 | 506 | 366) 317 | 230] 110] 50] 7} — | 4,203 WIGMORE : -]| 347] 317} 254] 249] 408] 262] 269] 181 | 168) 7a} 24} 34 — | 2,554 WOLPHY - - -{| 787] 790] 648{] 581] 913! 732] 614} 477 | 368] 189] 90] 71 -- | 6,196 WORMELOW - ~-f 689] 520] 529] 448] 793] 535} 417 | 336] 239] 147] 47 | 3} - | 4,703 HEREFORD, CITY -]| 5271] 537{ 461 581 948 | 6oo | 487] 358 | 284] 160] 57 | 4] - 4,994 Total of FEMALES - [6,823 | 6,368 | 5,522 | 5,002 | 8,029 | 5,921 | 4,959 | 3,744 |2,94711,514] 563] 60 | 2 51,454 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Hereford was... .. 103,243, 0.20 and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was... 102,799, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persuns therein enumerated have been obtained in compliance with . the question to that effect. : The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Hereford was 281, two of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus(-+) : and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 128 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [{Enumeration. County of Hertford. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : v Famr- {| Fame) Ant is PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Sat “btes Pall : jae) 2 (See ete a fg fom ao) man a ed in = 3 oF ee Peel ed [ete | ge @ Oc- = oi Manu- = fy B 5 cupied.| 2 | 35 Acri- | factures,| preced- a by a eeepc fies ae RAUGHIN Hundred. SURE: | ciel, | : i : 656{ 614 93 | 490 73 1,615 1,743 -| 3,358 Bisuor-Srorrrorp (?) Parish} 610 5 4 S % 624 604 1,298 Braughin- - - - Parish} 233 | 2441 37 3 =) 7 i 113 99 a Eastwick = Ss = © = = Parish 25 85) -]f 7 : 3 109 104 213 Gilstone - - - - = = Parshf 42! 45{ -]| 2 : 3 oe ers i si Hunsdon- - - - (>) Parishf 111] 117] —] 2 5 Re i Lise ious aod Sawbridgeworth - - Parish} 384] 402} 51] 11 223 el ee soa. | sage Standon - ae - Parish} 269{ 414] 1] 3 2a 93 ? ve , : 8 196 108 48 40 474 47 950 Stanstead-A bbots - - Parish} 181 9 a, 70 5 a 197 189 386 Thorley - - - - - - - Parish 71 ip} =| 2 a E ana 957 529 Thundridge Sa - ~ - Het oO) gil =) 75 Baa 1,965 | 384 : 2 1 ’ Wem oe Sms ice: Parish | 670 e oS ce i 213 "45 Westmill - - - - - Parish 70 = Widford - - - - - - - Parish} 95} 95] -1 4 66 25 4 239 222 461 2,837 |3,150 | 20 } 69 | 1,262 | 1,138 | 750 | 8,116 8,270 | 16,386 BROADWATER Hundred. : Aston - - oe - > Parish oF wey | 2 = a = te 36 ae Ayott, St. Lawrence - - + Parish] 24 eh el ee 27 : iz Ri ae os Ayott, St. Peter - - - - - Parish} 50 52] -{ 1 29 8 : nas age. |) deen” Baldock - - - - - - - Parish} 286] 332] 1 3 123 Pe 9 BB Bennington - - - - ~- Parish { 110 119 - - 87 23 9 eet ae ie Datchworth - - ee Parish 99 oo) ook go 9 a =e 6 an Digswell ~ 2 2 = - = Parish 36 40.) a | 33 2 5 = a Graveley - - - + - + Parish 60 66] -| 2 47 14 5 A a Hatfield, Bishop - - - (*) Parish} 584] 670} 6] 14 a 122 ne ae se ee - - + Parish} 343] 355) -—| 8 193 119 43 802 oe ee Totteridge - - - « (*) Parish 64 ya] —-1| 5 gn) 12 23 234 25 a Walkern - - - ~ ~- - = Parish 132 139 | -| 5 110 26 3 309 oe = Watton - - - - ~ ~ Parish} 153 | 179} 2] 2 108 41 30 406 40 Welwyn - - - - - - = Parish 215; 2411 4] 2 130 82 29 628 659 1,287 Weston = + - = - - - Parish} 167] 184] 9 5 145 35 4 457 470 927 Willi - = Parish 8 5} -| - 46 4 5 133 136 269 . Gtiondleys Great = sf] ; 1 157 172 329 Wymondley, Great - - - - Parish 58 59} -|] - 51 7 a Be Wymondley, Little - - - Parish 37 38] -| - 34 3 1 99 12 ai CASHIO Hundred, 2,816 35155 23 | 52 2,022 662 471 7,785 7,852 15,637 cr Liberty of St. ALBANS. as Abbots-Langley - ~ 7 = Parish} 341] 343] 2] 3 236 90 17 853 0 1,733: Aldenham — : - 7 - (*) Parish} 242] 268] — 9 185 57 26 676. 723 1,399 Barnet, Chipping - - - - Parish! 280 329 | —} 14 49 {| 158] 122 907 848 1,755 Barnet, East - - - - + - Parish 92} 104] 1] 2 48 34 22 261- 246 507 Braintfield - (f) Parish 34 50} -] 4 43 2 5 122 110 232 Codicote - ~ 7 7 > Parish} 144] igg} —] - 89 42 18 397 398 795 Hexton - - - - . - Parish} 55 639, & 4} = 55 4 1 175 163 338 Idlestree, or Elstree - - - - Parish 58 60] 1 1 16 9 35 157 152 309 Michael, St. (part of) - (8) Parish} 158] 168 4| 6 133 19 18 477 440 917 Newnham - - = = =) Parish 15 23) ~-} = 22 - 1 61 51 112 © Northaw - - - > Parish} 109] 145] ~| — 96 29 20 311 255 566 | Norton - - - - Parish 64 68: fe, a 52 10 6 165 148 313 Pauls, St. Walden - -~ - ~ Parsh{ 179} 193] - | 16 164 25 4 458 448 906 Peter, St. (part of) Parish : (2) Sleep, and part of Smallford (") Hamlet 127 | age =| ¥ 105 23 5 336 393 639 Tittenhanger - - Hamlet? 121] 121/ 6) ~ 70 48 3 321 301 622 Prosperity of the malting trade, in the Parish of Bishops-Hatfeld. portion of the Hundred near Barnet, (#) The increase of Population at Bishop-Stortford is attributed to the (*) In Hunsdon Parish, widows re- siding in two alms-houses, and the por in the workhouse, 34 persons, have been taken as three families, column of Occupations ——(°) One Female u amounting to and are placed in the third pwards of 100 years of age (¢) Totteridge Parish is a detached é ‘ The increase of Pupulation is prin- cipally owing to the establishment of two schools since 1811, Return of Aldenham Parish includes the Hamlet of Theobald-Street, (¢) The Dacorum Hundred. contains 2,461 Inhabitants. Parish. ugh of St. Arzan’s. y Smallford Hamlet is partly in St. Stephen's (*) Braintfeld is locally situate in Hertford Hun- dred; Cudicote and Shephall in Broadwater Hundred; Hexton and’ St. Pauls Walden in Hitchen Hundred 3 Newnham and Norton in Odsey Hundred ; all distinct from each other.—(*) St. Michael’s Parish is partly in the Borough of Sr. AvBan’s, which is entered at the end of the county. The entire Parish contains 1,370 Inhabitants. ter’s Parish is partly in the Boro The entire Parish. (8) St. Pe-'} M.DCCC.XXI.]_ THE POPULATJON ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 129 COUNTY OF HERTFORD—conrtinued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Famr- | F4-{ arn |_| i B : LIES LIES | Orner hove z chiefly — Families wa TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE SZ famey | | BP em [ocdin fnotcom-f uf 4 -] i. 3 ee = a ployed Traps, primed an 4 s OF s e a a m : the Two a 2 leupied. | 2 | 3 | Acre Ae preoed- 3 i (PERSONS. CASSIO Hundred, CUL- lorHandi-}| _ ™g or Liberty of ST. ALBANS—continued, TURE. | craft, | Classes. Redboun - - - = - - Parish} 317 337 5 1 33 149 155 855 929 1,784 } Rickmansworth - - - Parish} 663] 800] 4/ 6 313 | 271 | 216 1,961 1,979 3,940 |} Ridge - - - - ~ += - Parish} 56 58} 2) - 38 4 16 189 201 390 | Sandridge - - - - - Parish} 129 140 | —| 2 130 8 2 410 413 823, { Sarratt - - - - - ~- = Parish} 65 72| 6 2 4. 27 4 195 202 397 | Shephall - -—- - - - Parish} 28 g2} -| - 26 1 5 106 81 187 | Stephen, St.- - - - - (i) Parish] 190 | 313] ~ | 4 | 232 és | 26 802 778 | 1,580 Watford with Cashiobury Parish: (*) Cashio - - - = - = Hamlet} 144] 158] -| 2 95 24 39 394. 395 789 Levesdon - - - - - - Hamlet 70 84) 2) — 59 11 14 231 173 404 Oxhey - - - Hamlet} 118 156) -| 3 a4 64 18 256 304 560 Town - - - - = - Hamlet} 589 | 722] — | 12 215 | 297 | 210 1,384 1,576 2,960 - 4,388 | 5.089 33 | 85 | 2,619 | 1,462 | 1,008 | 12,460 | 12,497 | 24,957 DACORUM Hundred. - , Aldbury - - - - - Parish} 133 | 144] 12] 4 | 104 31 9. 316 360 676 Aldenham - - - - -(') Parish - is - oS.) -—} a = - - - Amersham and Beaconsfield Parishes: (™), ‘Coleshill - - - - Hamlet} 88 go} 1] — 49 36 5 230 262 492 Berkhampstead, Great - - - Parish}! 450] 499] 1 | 15 175 178 | 146 1,102 1,208 2,310 Bushey - - - - - -(*) Parish? 300] 308] 7 | 12 111 | 116] 81 732 775 1,507 Caddington (part of) - -(°) Parish} 211] 230| -— | 6 171 50" 9 533 637 |. 1,170 Flamsted - - ‘— - Parish} 243°} 253) 1] — 195 30 28 736 656 1,392 Gaddesden, Great - - - - Parish} 194 | 198 1/41 115. 29 54 527 569 1,096 Gaddesden, Little - - - Parish} 105} 125) —| 1 58:1 38 29 267 264 531 Harpenden - - = «© = Parish} 307] 34241 1] 2 214 67 61 822 871 1,693 Hemel-Hempstead - - ~-(?) Parish} 735 | 846] 4/32 | 230] 528 88 | 1,931 2,031 3,962 Bovingdon - - - - Chapelry] 178] 201] —| 8 | 132 25 44 474 480 954 Flaunden - - - - Chapelry 55 55) —} -.” 47 8: = 148 129 277 Kensworth - - - - - Parish} 120] 136[ -—j] 12 107 26 3 316 299 615 | King’s-Langley.- - - - = Parish} 248 | 268 {| — | 12 114} 122 32 584° 658 1,242 | unmet ae - - Parish] 203} 205} 1] 6 | 1551 39] 21 492 536 | 1,028 | North-Mimms - - -(*) Parish} 202] 202} -| -] 158] gy] 14 525 482 -| 1,007 Puttenham=- - - - Parish} .27 a7 kof = 26 1 - 61 51 112 ; Shenley - - = - = - Parish} 214] 215} 3] 5 | 143] 46} 26 557 | 575 | 1,138 : Studham (part of} - - = (4) Parish] 48 50}; -|] 1 4l & 4 115° 123 238 ‘Tring - - - - = = (*) Parish] 554] .672 | 121 9 306 | 2447 89 f 1,514 1,772 | 3,286 | Wheathampstead - - - - Parish| 277 | 285-| 2-]) 4-] 199- 66} 20 Ta 807 1,584 ; Wigginton “2 - = - Parish 85 Bet 2] - 14 9 2 234 243 477 z 4,977 | 5,456 | 48 |129 | 2,924 11,774 | 758 112,993 |13,788 | 26,781 EDWINSTREE Hundred. =. a —_|- — i Albury roe ee Parish| 115 | 1324 -| 8 115 12 5 301 295 596 ; Anstey - - - - - Parish 62 97) -|; 1 84 11 2 222 218 440 Aspeden - - - - - Parish? 102 / 107} -] 14 67 23 17 215 240 455 Barkway - - - - - -(*) Parish} 100 | 176] -{) 1 77 | 57) 42 377 394 77) Nuthampstead - - - Hamlet Se 4a aS 45 — = 117 105 222 Barley - - + - + - Parish} 124] 136} -]) 3 (98 33 5 368 327 695 Buckland - + - - = Parish} 55 69} -| - 57 10 2 177 166 343 Hadham, Little - - - Parish} 146 173 | -|i 2 144 19 10 406 381 787 Hadham, Much - - - Parish} 230] 236] —]| 2 133 59 44 623 585 1,208 Hormead, Great - - - - Parish} 107| i23] -| 2 82 25 16 276 288 564, | Hormead, Little - - - Parish 19 a2} -| 1 20 1 1 61 51 112 Layston - - - - - - ~ Parish} 199] 204! -| 9 92] 99! 38 504 510 | 1,014 | Meesden - - - - = - - Parish} 33] 36] 2] - 31 4 1 86 78 164. Pelliam, Brent - - - - = Parish? 48 Bit -| - 48 3 - 136 144 280 Pelham, Furneux - - - - Parish} 116} 133| 1] 29 117{ 13 3 288 278 566 ish, Burnham Hundred, Bucks.— _ (4). St. Stephen’s Parish includes Park,, Smallford and Windridge Wards——(*) The entire Parish of, Watford with Cashiobury contains 4:713 Inhabitants——('), Theobald’s-Street Hamlet is included in the Retum of Aldenham Parish, Cashio Hundred.——(™) Colesbilt Hamlet is pe in Agmondesham (Amersham) Parish, and, partly in Beacons- figld J fe i -(*) Bushey, Parish; and orth-Mimms Parish, are locally situate in Cashio, t from each other.——-(°) Part of Caddington Parish is in Bedfordshire ee a, rete ean enemies fundred, distinct ae Hundred,) and there entered. The entire Parish contains 1,549. nhabitants——-(?) The entire Parish of Hemel-Hempstead contains 5,193 Inliabitants———(4) Part of Studham Parish is in Bedfordshire: (Manshead Hundred,) and there entered. The entire Parish coritains 774 Inhabitants. —(*) Tying-Parish ‘includes Long-Marston and Wil- stone Hamlets,——(*) The’entire Parish of Barkway contains: 993 In- habitants. = poo Ll -130 ABSTRAUT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘( Enumeration, COUNTY OF HERTFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : A PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- | Fas- | Aut clack : LIES = kor @ | ctiety | AY | ponte i EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 ey | 3 3 ee wed he {not oo : TOTAL eo. 1212 | om eee] 2 % 3 cupied.| 3 | 5 | Acrr- oe preced- 3 tae PERSONS. Cc ~ j- 1n EDWINSTREE Hundred—continued. ae aang Glacten, Pelham-Stocking - - - - Parish 24 a9} -—| - 28 1 = 68 82 150 Throcking - - - - - - Parish 13 wy] -{ 1 6 4 3 o 2 6 Wakely - (t) Extra-P. 1 1 ales 1 Sa = ‘3 ; 4 : Wyddiall - - - - - = - Parish 41 41] -| 3 25 11 5 117 108 225 1,570! 1,8 6 [1, 65 | 18 as " HERTFORD Hundred. oe | 12g) 2) gh | ATO) Bee | 8 4,388 | 4;282 | 8,670 Amwell, Great - - - (") Parish} 205 | 228] — 88 6 Hoddesdon (part of) - (#) Hamlet e it Zee 4 e 44 a ad 584 afb All-Saints Parish : (“”) Amwell, Little - - - Liberty 3 1 : 4 39 | 4] 1 0 6 12 131 Brickendon - - - - = Liberty} 11g | 128 | 1 1 o 58 47 ae an a Bayford hinds Soteh aye parish 51 : bo | Sf = 39 7 9 153 154 30 Bengeo - - - - - Parish f 1 : : 44} 177} 21 7 57} 44] 76 379 352 1 | Berkhamstead, Little - - - Paris as : . Broxburn (*) he eS : ae ah a st : eae = ans aL -|: 8 28 21 Hoddesdon (part of) - - Hamlet fe 282 oan : Res 66 | 110 aa os 1 ess Cheshunt, St. Mary (+) - (”) Parish ernie y ) ‘ y a 799 o 4) 44 a = 255 2,2 15 2,261 | 4,376 Hertingfordbury - - - - Parish! 127] 149] 4 f : - ye 595 Margaret, St. - - - + - Parish 17 tet ee 2 97 as 391 . 436 827 Stapleford - - + = Parish} 37] 94 - ‘ = - - 97. Th eS ek Se BS eee ot aad 11 212 pag ee ee Oy a 0 ail ee | ae 105 | —| 2-$ 42 26] 37 233 259 492, HITCHIN and PIRTON Hundred. ,256| 2,449/ 15 | 73 | 1.077 | S44 | 728 | 6110 | 6,344 "| 12,454 Mis - = = Parish a =) 45 6 6 121 126, 247 Radwell - - je ee) eel ce otiioe lll Ge at 113 95 208 Reed - - - - - - = Parish a a sul = 13 2 2 45 46 91 f Royston - - - - (>) Parish} oye i il abe 50 1 1 108 106 214 | uslides “se es =o * Bom] 66) 8 # "8 129 = 686 488 | 1,474 NUON. os? seh iol) “ep eee SS : Ee 5 166 16 Tema a. Goo peal oe eel Ge ee SS ao |) ae | ee 4 Wii «Sao & aeat eb oor le 74{ 28) 87 467 o 872, | Yardl : Parish 40 42 is a) 8 405 . 72, # mG Sm em ce em Phat 3 3 1 96 114 210 | eat eae ee oe; t3| 3 331 286 617, | 1,219] 1,392 | 7 | 15 933 | 275 | 184 3,411 3,960 a _ () Wakely, Extra-parochial, heretofi ‘ : oe in the East-India College were ibdaded in detailer Gren ae (including that part of Hoddesdon Hamlet, situate in Great antes ee ae hen the present Return was taken, were absent in Parish fate neat See wee C) C2 te ‘ » U s : : < 2 1 = - a ti Hoddesdon Hamlet is oe ee oe = in oo Parish. —(*) Hitchin Parish includes the iiekiee ec oa qicred-——(") Most part of All-Saints Parish is in feet ee (#) Broadfield is annexed to Cottered.—{°) Roy- | 8, entered at the end of the County. -——(*) The entire Parish sibals ja ae | oie Cambridgeshire (Armingford Hundred) ‘but the M.DCCC. XXI.] | THE’ POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 131 ere COUNTY OF HERTFORD—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam. | 7@*™ | au By a “IES | chiefly OTHER OR Fe how & chiefly employ- Families 2 TOTAL man “ e . an ols ak ee EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 | Families 2] | ployed | rane, | prized in 8 Z 7 2 Oe f= | in | Manu- | the Two < sj PERSONS. & cupied.| 1.5 Acri- factures,| preced- S fu cUL- |orHandi-| ing HERTFORD Borough. TURE. | craft, | Classes. . AllSaints -. - - -,.- (°) Parish | 176] 205{ -| 3] 14 |. 115 "6 556 564 | 1,120 Andrews, Si.within - -(4)) Parish 265 | 3031 -| 2 25 154 | 124 665 734 |. 1,399 , St.without - - -s°™ 25 g8 | -| 1 4 18 16 gl 111 202 John, St..within - - - (*) Parish 145 | 181 | -]{| 1 17 57 | 107 377 368 445 John, St. without - - = (°) Liberty So) ae] Sp S| ae 1] 15 583 216 799 649 | 769) -| 7] 76 | 355] 338 | 2,272 | 1,993 | 4,265 ST. ALBAN’S Borough. Alban’s, St. otherwise the Abbey Parish 431 546} 8+ 3 61 414 41 1,319 1,500 2,819 Michael, St. (part of) - - (f) Parish 83 96} -—| - 38 | 51 7 226 227 453 | Peter, St. (part of) - - - (8) Parish | 215] 294! 1] 3] 58 199 37 518 682 | 1,200 729 | 936} 9|-6 | 157 | 664] 115 | 2,063 | 2,409 | 4,472 i +3 n (©) All Saints Parish is partly in Hertford Hundred. The entire , Parish of St. John contains 1,544 Inhabitants———(‘) Most part of St. Parish contains 2,023 Inhabitants. (4) The entire Parish of St. An- | Michael’s Parish is in Casbio Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,3'70 drew contains 1,601 Inhabitants——(¢) The Blue Coat School belonging | Inhabitants. (®) Most part of St. Peter’s Parish is in Cashio Hun- tp Christ’s Hospital, is situate in the Liberty of St. John’s, The entire | dred. The entire Parish contains 2,461 Inhabitants, : SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF HERTFORD. = ‘ Hundred of " BRAUGHIN - - - - - - | 2,837] 3,150] 20 | 69 | 1,262] 1,138{ 750 8,116 | 8,270 | 16,386 BROADWATER - - - - - | 2,816/ 3,155] 23 | 52 | 2,022} 662] 471 7,785 | 7,852 | 15,637 CASHIO - - - - = = - | 4,388] 5,089] 33 | 85 | 2,619] 1,462/1,008 | 12,460 | 12,497 24,957 DACORUM - - - - = - | 4,977] 5,456] 48 |129 | 2,924] 1,774] 758 | 12,993 | 13,788 | 26,781 EDWINSTREE - - - - - | 1,570| 1,824} 2 | 36 | 13270} 365] 189 4,388 | 4,282 8,670 HERTFORD ~ - - - - - | 2,256] 2,449] 15 | 73 | 1,077] 644] 728 6,110 | 6,344 12,454. HITCHIN and PIRTON - - - | 1,737| 1,950] 15 | 37 | 1,145] 596} 209 4523 4,798 9,321" ODSEY - - - - - - - | 1,219] 1,392} 7/15 | 9337 275| 184 | 3,411 | 3,360] 6,771 : : eA Borough of HERTFORD - - - - - - [| 649) 769] -| 7 76} 355 338 | 2,272} 1,993 | 4,265 Borough of : ST AUBAN'S = < © = = 4291 936] 9| 6 157| 664| 115 | 2,063] 2,409] 4,472 Torars - - - |23,178|26,170{172|509 13,485] 7,935] 4,750 | 64,121 | 65,593 | 129,714 [ Enumeration, was .... 124,466, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one twenty-fifth part of the compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns Teceived from the County of Hertford was i 50, whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persous, and is marked thus (+): and deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the Tespective numbers of Males and Females, Persons therein enumerated were not obtained in one of which (Cheshunt) did not contain any answer a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat 132 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ree COUNTY OF HERTFORD—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. 100 : 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 : a < Hundred Tse to to to to to to to to | to | to] to oa 5 ‘ > | 1 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 et 0 _- ——_——_| BRAUGHIN = - = = $1,295 |1,174 {1,011 | 800 [1,144 | 898 | 764 | 522 | 365| 172] 44] 2] -{ 8101 BROADWATER - 71,168 | 1,071 943 | 792 41,181 | 840 | 713] 475 357 194] 471 4] - £7,785 CASHIO - - - = - 11,835 11,769 | 1,486 | 1,198 |1,878 11,444 |1,193 | 796 | 526! 287] 66 | 5] — 12,483) DACORUM - - = =- [2,146 | 1,893 | 1,606 | 1,264 {1,734 |1,449 [1,199 | 816 | 546] 2591 75 | 3 — [12,990 EDWINSTREE -] 656] 562} 508; 480] 663] 441} 359] 317 | 230] 120] 32 2) — | 4,370 HERTFORD - 610 | 538 | 452, 3934 587} 453} 354 | 276] 183] g2/ 18] -]| -] 3,956 HITCHIN and PIRTON 691 656 | 583} 452} 631'} 510] 403 | 280] 200} 91] 26] 1] — 4,524 ODSEY - = -7 536} 450] 397 381 | 440} 374] 304] 232 | 178} 100) 28] -~] -| 3,420 |” HERTFORD BORO’ -f[ 248] 486 | 367} 179} 343} 228 169 139 | 66] 38} 9} -—] —| 2,242 ALBAN’S, ST. BORO’ - | 308 |] 273 | 242] 201 298 | 2392} 215 146} gi} 48) 9| -—] — 4 2,063 Total of MALES 9,423 | 8,872 | 7,595 | 6,140 | 8,899 | 6,869 | 5,673 | 3,999 [2,742/1,4011354] 17 | — 61,984 FEMALES. cf aS l oN, : 0 5 | 10 | 15 | -20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 - af Hundred e to to to to to to to { to | to | to | to a 5 rf a : 10} 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 {100 Loe © BRAUGHIN - - - -11,951 | 966] 964 811 1,259 | 935 | 772.{ 496 | 378] 156] 62 | 5 | — | 8,055 BROADWATER =- = [1,175 |-1,057 | 921 | 4790 1,270 | 903 | 6624 479 | 357{ 186] 49 | 21 1] 7,852] casio = = 7 = = 12,736 | 1,607 | 1,340 [1,139 | 2,137 |1,490 11,155 | 766 | 533] 309] 77 | 3} - 12,275] DACORUM - - - - ]2,036 | 1,795 1,501 | 1,424 | 2,285 11,605 | 1,296 | 793 | 539] 260] 67 | 2. —.|13,603 |: EDWINSTREE - -7 641 563} 478) 411 663 459 | 383 }| 300 | 239] 111] 46 | - —-1 4,294 EEE = S| Soe) GB | asa) Bag) Gye.) ane |} aye.) abn | tea! oq) ga 3 | 1] 3,860} HETCHIN sid EIRTON- 9 G78.) soz) s67 | 654, vos | soe . 415 | 289] 192) 116] 28 | 2 | ~ | 4.n98] ODSEY - - : 475 | 444 | 364} 404.) 491 | 389] 304 209; 158] 82} 22] 1] 33343] HERTFORD, BORO’ - | 262) 259] 261] 211 311 | 234 | 186 | 198 | 87] golig {7 —| — 1] 1,993 ALBAN’S, ST. BORO’ -| 296] 319 | 243] 245: 429 | 295 | 227) 162 | 114) 56] 21] 2| —f 2,409 Total of FEMALES - | 9,032: 8,103 | 7,071 | 6,328: 10,284 | 7,378 15,775 3,895 |2,779 1,395] 420] 20 | 2 62,482 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of: Hertford was .... 129,714, .... and- the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned _ ] M.DCCC.XXI. THE POPULATIUN ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 133 County of Huntingdon. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ie Famr- nar ae By a tizs | ea Oruer 4 é how 2 chiefly earls Families a | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, = ipee| 21 8 em- | ed in |notcom- v3 4 ie : 5 ‘amnilies 2 3 ployed | Paaps, | prized in| & S sg Or | Se |e in | Manu. | theTwo = -_|PERSONS. 5 cupied. | | > | Acnr- factures, | Preced- a me Ls i- 1n ——— HURSTINGSTONE Hundred. ent oR eae. Buvsrisuam = - - + = Pansh} 135 145 | - 2 87 38 20 312 323 635 Broughton, - - - - = = Parish 50 81{ 2] 1 69: 9 3 187 164 351 Bury - - - - - - ~ 4 Parish 51 3) -{ - 58 13 2 157 180 337 Colne - -- +e - Parish} 97{ 108] —] 5 71 24 | 23 245 235 | 480 Earith - - - - + - = Parish 93 147} -1}] 3 65° 70 | 12 334 340 674° Hartford - - - - - - = Parish 68 73) -| 1 55 15 3 159 212 371 | Hinchinbrook - - - (#) Extra-P. - -{| -| - - - - = = 7 Holywell, with Needingworth - Parish} 176; 186! 1] 2 156 17] 13 388 394 782 Houghton - - - - - Parish 60 89} 4] 1 v1] 16 2 215 212 427 Hurst, Old - ~ - - = Parish 33 34) ~-] - 34 - 7 79 77 156 Ives, St. - - - - (+) - Parish} 544] 616] 5/ 15 89 | 450] 77 1,345 1,432 | 2,777 Pidley, with Fenton - - - - Parish "5 7); -| - "5 3 = 202 172° | 374 Ramsey - - - - - - ~ Parish} 557] 577| 3/12 | 325] 178! 74 1,409 | 1,405 | 2,814 Raveley, Great * - - Parish 45 50} -! = 45 5 = 113 109 222 Raveley, Little - - - Parish 8 p53] -| - 15 - =) 3a 36 68 Ripton, Abbotts, with Wennington Par: 57 62) -| - 56 4 2 206 173 379 Ripton, King’s - - + (°) Parish a7; 61} -] = 59 2 7 125 135 260 Somersham - - - - - - Parish] 166] 242] 1] 6 | 163 6o | 19 562 604 | 1,166 Stukeley, Great - - - - - Parish 57 70}; =| - 64 4 2 165 176 34t | Stukeley, Little - - - Parish 52 go} -|] — 71 164 3 178 207 385 + Upwood - - = - = (°) Parish 80 80; -j} 1 65 11 4 199 189 388 | Warboys - - - - - - - Parish} 171] 267] 1] 2 204 55 8 692 661 1,353 Wistow - - - - - - Parish 50 y2) —-| 1 68 4 os 185 167 352 Witton, or Wytton - - - - Parish 33 Sl} -}] - 43 7 1 138 123 261 | Woodhurst - - - - = = Parish 46 “6} —-1 1 68 8 = 170 165 335 2,761 | 3,343 | t7 | 53 | 2,076 | 1,009 | 258 7:797 7,891 15,688 LEIGHTONSTONE Hundred. Alconbury - - - - - - Parish} 39/ 68] —| — 52 12 4 424 359 783 | Alconbury-Westen - - - Parish} 49} 82] -| —- 45 | 18} 19 185 197 382 Barham - - - ~ = = = Parish 16 2} =-{ - 23 2 is 53 51 104, j Brampton - - - - (4) Parish} 220] 220] 1] 2 | 130] 71] 39 509 555 | 1,064 | Brington - - - - - = Parish} 20 32| -| - 30 1 1 86 78 | 164 -Buckworth - - - - ~- = Parish} 30 32} -| - 31 - 1 76 75 | 151 | Bython - - - - - - - Parish} 60 651 -| 4] 35 18 | 12 152 14% 293 Catworth, Great - - ~ - Parish} 69] 105] 1] 2 61 25] 19 261 268 529 Coppingford - - - - - - Parish} 10 13] -| - 13 -| - 36 34 70 | Covington - - - - - Parish} 22 25; —| = 25 -| - 59 80 139 Easton - - ~ - - = = Parish} 26] 97] -| = 37 -| - 82 go 172 Ellington - - - - - - = Parish} 64 y1} 2] 2 60 11 - 170 174 844 Gidding, Great - - - - - Parish} 71] 102] —| 1 81 21 - 257 | 239 496 Gidding, Little - - - - - Parish 6 ef | 11 -| - 31 33 64. | Gidding, Steeple - - - - Parish 18 18} -/| 1 18 - = 43 50 93 Graffham, with East-Perry- - Parish] 51 | 51{ -| — 50 1| - 133 134 267 Hamerton - - - - - Parish 27 27; -| 1 24 2 1 76 65 141 | Keyston - - - - - = Parish 42 46} -| 2 39 2 5 101 95 196 | Kimbolton - - - - - - Parish} 295 | 300/ -| 3] 112] 132] 56 751 811 | 1,562 | Leighton - - - - - Parish} 81] 6] -| = 89 oi = 224 222 446 Luddington-in-the-Brook (*) Parish - -j| -| - - - fe es + | Molesworth - - - - Parish} 36]/ go] -| - 36 4} - 106 85 191 | Spaldwick - - - - - - Parish} go wr] —-| 41 44 27 7 157 175 332 Stow - - - - - (Ff) Parish 41 44) —-| - 40 4 = 99 95 194 Swineshead - - - - - - Parish} 53] 54; 2] 1 47 ie 127 118 245 Thurning - - - - (8) Parish 15 1} -j| 1 18 - > 79 77 156 Upton - - - - - - ~~ Parish? 20} of] —| — 23 SF a 75 76 151 Weston, Old - - - = - - Parish 45 151 -| = 66 9 - 179 200° 379 Winwick - - - - = (4) Parish 44 64} -| 2 58 5 1 149 152 301 “Woolley - - - - - - - Parish 11 yf -| - 11 = = 29 35 64 1,521 |1,830 | 6 | 23 |1,309 | 382] 139 | 4,709 | 4,764 | 9,473 (*) Hinchinbrook is partly in St. Mary’s Parish, Huntingdon, and . partly Extra-Parochial——(°) Kinp’s-Ripton Parish includes the Ham- : | let of Sapley——(*) Tenements have been mistaken for Houses in the | Stow, with Little-Catwick. Return of Upwood. The actual number of Houses is 56.—(*) Thirty- five workmen employed in building a mansion house, but not constantly . tesident in Brampton Parish, are included in the Return.—(¢) The Parish of Luddington-in-the-Brook is partly in Polebrook Hundred, Northamptonshire, where the whole is entered. (*) Stow, or Long- (©) Thurning Parish extends into’ North-~ amptonshire, Polebrook Hundred.——(h) Winwick Parish is partly in Polebrouk Hundred, Northamptonshire, but the whole is here entered, Mm 134 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration, pss ———_—_—_—_———————=— COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam. | Pam] Avy By LIES a Orner OR : chiefly on ‘ EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE z ey bo 3 ae “ale : ooteot 4 Bae 5 A ze . 3 ae a & e nes Trang, | Prized in 4 : oF c- tS : ed 1 | Manu- | the Two a 4 a cupied. | 4 5 Acri- faetues, preced- 3 Bi PERSONS. CUL- jorHandi-) 1g NORMAN-CROSS Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Alwalton - - - - - + Parish{ 54 58}; 1{ 1 46 | 10 2 130 | 12 Caldicote - - - - - - Parish 12 13} o-] 1 12 1 - = a oa Chesterton - - - - Parish 18 23, -]| - 1 2 2 Ss Conington - - - Pari ; : 2 ae 95 - + Parish 35} - 37) -| - 30 1 6 116 99 21 Denton - - - - Parishf 19 20} -] 1 19 1 - 46 44 ; Elton es - - Parish]? 182] 182] -] — 128 | 40 14 374 411 3 Pletton - - - - = + Parish! 34 34/ -]| - 26 8 - 46 8 He Folksworth - - - - Parish 34 34 _ -_ -29 4 1 ie 159 Glatton - - - - Parish 76 95]/ -| - go 4 1 1h 189 ne Haddon - - - - ~ - = Parish 15 28 [ of = 23 - - 54 j 358 Holme - - - - - = Parish 56 59] -t - 52 6 1 160 : he Morborn - - - ees Boek] a6 iad at = ie = 151 gl1 oe eee - (') Parish - -{ -{ - - - - . = no 4 Orton-Longville - - = = Parish BY 1 we aes : wi a 2 Orton-Waterville - - - Bah 57 és -f{- - 1 : : : oe ue rr Sawtry-All Saints - - - - Parish} 100] 114] 1} — 62 34 18 : A Sawtry-St. Andrew - - - - Parish 65 yo; -—{ - 49 | 14 7 é 36 a Sawtry-St. Judith - (*) Extra-P. 38 46) -{} - 44 1 1 108 A af iste with ee - Parish 56 44 | ~] 2 40 | 32 2 190 184 a tandground - - - - -(!) Parish} 124] 1931 1 5 43 | 78 10 245 280 Farcett - - - - — Chapelr 6 10 -}| 1 : ae Stilton - - - - --. ane be 1 : . 7 = = Mage = se te tal gat geht oe celle 343 | 367 | 710 Water-Newton - - - - = Parish} 24 apt —| 4 ; = 7 43 48 gi Woodstone - - - - = = Parish 22 se ba i - 4 3 68 70 138 Woodwalton - - - - - = Paih| 43| gy{ 1] a pe 5 3 72 77 149 Yaxley - - - = - -(*) Parish] 202] 219] 1] 4 is es ‘ 104 107 211 535 535 | 1,070 Bi | TOSELAND Hundred. 19691 4,752 | 8 | 21 | 1,208 | gor | 143 | 3,990 | 4,030 | 8,020 Abbotsley - - - - - Parish} 68 o} 1] — Buckden - - - ~ + = Parish} 184 a -| 2 a 66 = ma 185 ue Diddington - - - - - ~ Parish] 32 1 al 3 2 . 15 464 509 973 Eynesbury - - - - - = Parish} 181] 188] 4! 4 . 2 74 83 157 Fen-Stanton - - ~ = + = Paisht 114 | 916) =| 4 49 | 24 15 421 -| 482 903 Godmanchester - - - - - Parish} 430! 44g] — S| tor] 62 | ga 375 401 776 Gransden, Great - - Pash} 109 | 4 a. ae: 244 | 178 27 968 985 | 1,953 Hail-Weston = - = - Parish 61 6 dl ak oe 4 286 259 545 Hemingford-Abbots - - - Parish] s2/ se] | -]| 25] 8 | - 157 | 140 | 297 Hemingford-Grey - = = - Parish 65 8 s ee 12 4 233 187 400 Midloe - - - + - - Baer | 6/ 7] — , : 10 | 22 150 | 153 | 303 eots, St. ~ - - - 2 | Pay a ices = = 21 22 Offord-Cluney - 2 xe ne, a oy 32 129 | 292 83 1,041 | 1,231 aes Offord-Darcy - - - - - Parish] 49 a6 oa oe 44} 8 = 120 117 237 Papworth-St. Agnes = - (°) Parish = a Ws = 38 3 8 106 108 214 Paxton, Great - = = = Parish 34 8 a = = i" s Paxton, Title 9 3 63 1,720 819 270 6,244 6,540 12,784 (4) Luddington-in-the-Wold i ia Willi d - s partly ia Willibrook H. i amptonshire, where tl le i ee aS undhed, Nosth: smupn ef Fopalation a fee hepikine a ile = 1) The a : aor s St. Judith, | in P; apwor' HE Hinded, Caateegeniac : ee oe a "The eDitkines,ol4 Lie : Parish of Standground | entire Parish of Gres t Staughi lestcten sea Ta ean yr pipet a A mode of relief called head-money, 2) Evert ey peel wire whales (a) Te ae ne Tiages, and pauper Population at Wiehe ioe Henares, Bo pies a ee a wance of the barracks has caused a dimi- | Parish contains “iii i M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. 1V.'C. 04. "435 I a TTS COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON—continued, HOUSES: _ OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Fame | ais By 3 | chicty | chiefly | OTE OR . how 2 chiefly enaploy- Families | a TOTAL B [many] y|] 3 em | ed in |not com ; cl] oP EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & |Families| 6 | 3 | Ployed [qo Iprizedin} a a | Oc |e |e in| Mann. | the Two a st _ [PERSONS. a lcupied.| & | 5 |) Acar factures, | preced- st a : a oo cng ; BOROUGH OF HUNTINGDON: we cca esas é All-Saints = 2 - - - - ~ Parish 67 wl Ly 8 8 49 20 198 241 439 Benedict, St. - - - - - - Parishf 142] 174] 1] 9 52 42 50 338 377 415 John, St. - - - - - ~ = Parish} 148] 190{ -| —- 36 "3 81 318 431 749 Mary, St. - - © - . (*) Parish} 171 | 222] -—| 9 26 | 132 64 426 477 903 528 | 663} 2] 8 § 122 | 326 | 215 1,280 1,526 2,806 (*) Hinchinbrook is partly in Hurstingstone Hundred, partly in St. Mary’s Parish, SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. ; oN Hundred of : HURSTINGSTONE ~ - - - 2,761 35343} 17 | 53 2,076 1,009 258 95797 4,891 15,688 LEIGHTONSTONE - = - =] 1,521] 1,830] 6 | 23 J 1,309] 382] 139 f 4,709 4,764. 9,473 i j NORMAN-CROSS - - =~ - § 1,581) 1,752] 8 | 21 | 1,208} 401] 143 31990 | 4,030 | 8,020 TOSELAND - - - - - ~| 2,488] 2,809] 13 | 63 | 1,720] 819| 270 | \ 6,244} 6,540} 12,984. Borough of f ; | HUNTINGDON - = + - - 528| 663/ 2] 8 122} 326] 215 1,280 | 1,526 | 2,806 Totars - -} 8,879] 10,397] 46 |168 | 6,435/ 2,937| 1,025 | 24,020 | 24,751 | 48,771 pan, 136 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/100] — Funded Under to to to to to to to to | to} to] to Ess = 5. ° a 10 } 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80] 90/100) | HURSTINGSTONE - =] 955 | 924] 774| 651 | 984! 653] 564] 457 |299/135| 28] 2] -— 6,426 LEIGHTONSTONE - -| 749 | 662] 584] 496} 653] 476] 428] 280 Jeg1/ia1]24]/ 1] — 4,695 NORMAN-CROSS - -f 641 542 | 413 | 386 | 602 | 427] 369! 272 J221/ 91] 26] -—] — 3,990 TOSELAND - - - -f[ 893} 882] 746, 607) 825 649] 523 | 441 |313/167| 45 5 | — |6,096 HUNTINGDON, BORO’ 178 | 167 | 140] 139] 164] 134] 128 91/53} 22} 4] -] —IJ1,220 Total of MALES - 13,416 | 3,177 2,657 | 2,279 | 3,228 | 2,339 2,012 | 1,541 1,117] 526}107] 8] 22,427 FEMALES. f \ 5 10 16 20 30 40 50 6Q | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 Hundred Unser | gy to to to to to to | to} to] to] to = 4 2s = ao} a8 | oe | eo ao | oo} we tye | eo ben 100 |waras] © HURSTINGSTONE - - [1,038 | 899] 751 | 626 999 | 686] 478 | 407 | 295} 131 33] 4] — 16,347 LEIGHTONSTONE - -} 742 | 663 547] 445! 728] 518} 4381} 310 235}102| 24] —| — 4,752 NORMAN-CROSS ~ ~| GOB) g57 | a8] s7x | 6f2| aga | aye 257 | 205/103] 31 | 1} ~ [4,018 TOSELAND - - -]| 906 | 860] 708 644} 972 | 734] 582 451 1328)145/ 47] 5] - 6,383 HUNTINGDON, BORO’ 188 155 | 164 178 | 301 173 | 134 98} 931331 8] a] - 1,526 Total of FEMALES - | 3.482 32134 | 2,586 | 2,264 | 3,642 | 2,560 2,010 | 1,523 | 1,156 514/149] 11] — 123,025 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Huntingdon was .... 48,771 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ..++ 45452 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-fifteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Huntingdon was 107, two of which (St. Ives and Hilton) did not pigs any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of &€s were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the Tespective numbers of Males and Females, M.DCCC.XXI.] : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94,°. 137 » County of Kent. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ee Ey Famti- ALL oR By 3 ues | MES | Oger : how 2 | chiefly steel Families 3 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, g | may! io | 3 em | ley) ot come a 3 Families 3 a ployed Taape prized in a 4 OF San ie 3 el 3 |e an Manu. | the Two 3 a PERSONS. LATHE OF ST. AUGUSTINE. 5 LP | AGRE [atures Primes e BEWSBOROUGH Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Bocxtanp-near-Dover - - Parish} 131 140 - 3 31 84 25 340 353 693 Charlton (part of) - - (4) Parish {2 104 | 109 | 10] 6 17 85 a 362 365 727 Charlton (part of) - - - - oe 12 15{/ -| 1 2 13) - 29 35 64 Cliffe, West - - - - - Parish 5 5} -| = 5 = - 39 13 52 Coldred -" - - - - = = Parish 14 a1{ —-| — 20 1 - "2 53 125 Deal - - - - - - (°) Parish} 1,302 |1,400 | 1 |262 110 |; 507 | 783 | 3,136 | 3,675° | 6,811 Ewell -- - - - + = = Parish 48 64} —-| - 40 20 4 180 160 340 Guston - - - - - - = Parish 37 37 | -]| - 35 2 -— 110 ‘96° 206 Hougham (part of) - - (°) Parish 58 66/ 3] 1 55 9 2) 240 180° 420 Langdon, West - - - - - Parish 19 20} -]| - 20 = - 41 45 86 Lydden - - - = - - = Parish 29 33 | -| 1 26 4 3 92 57 149 Margaret, St. at-Cliffe - - Parish 87 87} -] - 69 10 8 351 262 613° Poulton - = - - - - Parish 3 Bd ee 3 7 - a1 8 , 29° River -:- - - - - = ~- Parish 96} 105} 1] 8 34 59} 124 380° 321 7O1- Sibbertswold - - - - - = Parish 53 54} -| = 34 12 8 136 163 299 Whitfield - - - - - - | Parish 40 41 -|- 28 7 6 112 95 207 BLEANGATE Hundred. : . : Chislett - (+) - + Parish} 191 | 198] -—| — 167 23 | 8 591 544 1,135 Herne - - - ~ - ~ (4) Parish} 242 | 319] 2] 13 196 61 62. 857 - 818 1,675 © Hoath- - - - - - - Parish 59}. Fo} -} = 46 17 4 178 170 348 Reculver - - - - - - = Parish 36 40 { —-|{ 1 36 4 7 136 130 266 Stourmouth - - - = Parish 40 45) -| - 41 4 - 137 120 257 Sturry oc otis 2 5 = Parish} 157 168 | —| 3 107 53 8 441 437 — 878 Swalecliffe - - - - - + Parish 13 20} -]| — 20 = - 98 65 143 Westbeer -- - - Parish 37 37} -| - 30. 1 6 104 go 194 BRIDGE and PETHAM Hundred. f Beaksbourne - - - (°) Parish 49 54] ~-| = 42 4 5 16% 149 311 Bridge - - - - - ~ ~ Parish? 86] o9 | 1] 2 37 | 36] 26 202 { 230 432 Hardres, Lower - - - - Parish 28 41} —-| a2 36 1 4 112 101 213 Hardres, Upper - - - ~ - Parish 49 49 _ 1 "38 6 5 142 101 243° Horton - + = - (f) Chapelry nie ee Ap ies fa: = = - _ Nackington - - - - + = Parish 20 ga) — - 19 1 2 86 9 | 165 ; Patrixbourne - + = = =) Parish 43 45 ee 1 31 1 13 147 121 268 Petham - - = ~- - =~ = Parish. 94 102 bes 1 | 80 13 9 263 | 273 | 536 Waltham - - - - - (8) Parish} 67 s6} -| - "7 9 es 323 . 259 .| . 582 an CORNILO Hundred. ; z = Langdon, East - - - . Parish 33,| 46] -| - 35' 9° 2 194 153 “| 347 Mongeham, Great ~ + + Paihd so.) 56) =| = 40.| 10 6 138 | 143 281 Mongeham, Little - - - ~ Parish 17 a1fo—-| = 21 - - 60 . 53 113, Northboummer> =~ e = = Pant) dg) 446, —) — f 216) a9 5} 400 | 357 757 Oxney = - - - = = | Parish 1 1 ae aa 5 i a. 4 11 Ringswould - - - (*) Parish} 94] 96) -| 4] 49] 22] 35] 244 | 251 495 Ripple - - - - + = = Parish 21. 25; -f 4 22 1 2 81 go 171 Shoulden - - - - = - = Parish 46 5a | = ft 4 46 2 4 142 143 285° Sutton-by-Dover - - - - Parish 31 31{ -| 3 27 3 1 82 | 92 154. Walmer - - == CY) Parish] 9175 317] = thes 58 | go} 169 730 |. 838 | 1,568 _. DOWNHAMFORD Hundred. eo: ule 22 Adisham - - - - - ~- © Parish 39 53} ah a 48 3. 2 169 136 305 Fordwich'- - - - - - + Parish} 53 53 | - | 1 44 8 1-121 121 242 Ickham -- - - - = © © Parish 89 ‘94 | -| 4 82 5 7 273 248 521 | Littlebourn - - - - - - Parish] 122, 127 | 4/ 2 76 39 12 378 . 320 698 Staple next Wingham - - - Parish} 73 87 | -| - 83 4 xe 241 | . 226 467 Stodmarsh - - - - - + Parish 26 28; -| 4 25. 1 a Fg OP. 55 122, Wickhambreux - - - - ¢ Parish 82 g1| -|i 1 64! 20 7 236 233 469 (@) The largest part.of Charlton Parish is distinguished in the Return as being in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The entire Parish con- tains 791 Inhabitants.—-(>). The’ decrease of Population in the Parish of Deal (to the amount of 540 persons) is attributed to the cessation. of war.——(°) Hougham Parish is partly. in Folkestone Hundred, Lathe of Shepway, and partly in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The entire Parish contains 834 Inhabitants,—(¢) The increased Population in the Parish of Herne is attributed to the building of lodging-houses at Hearn Bay.. {°) Beaksbourne Parish is in. the Cinque Port Liberty of Hast- ings.—(*} Horton Chapelry is. included in the Return of Chartham, ff Felborough Hundred, Lathe of Scray. (®) A poor-house belonging to Twelve United Parishes is situate in Waltham Parish, and contains 57 males and 41 females, included in the Return of that Parish——~ (4) Ringswould Parish is in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The 35 families in the third column of Occupations, are chiefly employed in fish- ing—(') Walmer Parish is in the. Cinqne Port Liberty of Sandwich. The decrease of Population (to the amount of 586 persons) is attribute- able to the comparative disuse of the barracks, One female upwards of 100 years of age at Walmer. 7 No { Enumeration: 138 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ES NESTE | rotate renee —— — COUNTY OF KENT—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, nuts Fami- Rex, or he 3 ieee chiefly a a TOTAL ow 2 chie! loy- ilies ‘ EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. area | lt Bae eee cond. ae 4 . = ya & 3 ployed | Traps, | prizedin | s ae ‘3 - t= : i Manv- | the T a SONS, INE 5 cupied. Fe 5 ie ees aeuns 3 my LATHE OF ST. AUGUSTINE, cut- jorHandi-| ing ——_——- continued. Tue: craft. | Classes. EASTRY Hundred. : : Barfreston - - - - - Parish 16 1] -| - 11 5 2 52 63 115 Bartholomew, St. Hospital (*) Extra-P. - | Sa x re = an 9 at Betteshanger - - = = Parish 3 4 a = 4 ae é 73 ¥ Chillenden - - - - - - Parish 26 29} -} - 18 6 5 c 8 tas Denton = so () Parish] 25| 39} -| 2 30 8 1 9 oe Eastry - - - - - (®) Parish] 163 192 3 2 113 69 10 551 Be 1,002 Eython - - - - - - Parish} 67] 74] -|} 2 33 | 27 14 “6 sp Ham = + - = Parish 5 6) =] = 5 = 1 Knowlton - - - - - = Parish 3 all SS 1 sai 4 2 5 Sa Tilmanstone - - - - - = Parish 41 58 1 cs 52 3 3 tat 5 a Waldershare - - - - - Parish 11 vj -| - 8 = 3 oe 35 6 a Woodnesborough - - - - Parish} 101 144 | -|{ 2 136 6 2 a es : Word, or Worth - - - - - Parish] 67 | 68] -| - 61 2 5 20 3 43°. KINGHAMFORD Hundred. Barham - - - - + + Parishf 130} 167] -| 2 107 35 25 433 a gi2 Bishopsbourne - - - Parish} 63 65]/ -| 3 55 5 5 149 uy 6 325 Kingstone - - - - ~~ Parish 46 58] —| 2 51 5 2 175 12 301 Wootton - - = - = - = Parish 20 24]; —-| - 16 4 4 61 70 131 ‘ PRESTON Hundred. Elmstone - - - + Parish 12 14}; -|] - 13 1 = 43 33 76 Preston-by-Wingham = - -~-_—-~Parish 79 | 100} —| 2 81 13 6 255 | 249 504 RINGSLOW Hundred, or the ISLE of THANET. Birchington - (*) Parish} 119] 124] -| 2 76 21 27 346 354 700 Lawrence, St. in-Thanet Parish} 315] 339| —| 6 | 174] 72 93 | 79° 811 | 1,601 Margate - = - (*) Parish $1,345 | 1,503 | 18 | 26 115 | 863] 525 | 3,634 | 4,209 | 7,843 Minster - - - - - - - Parish} 170 182 1 1 133 35 14 497 — 423 920 Monkton - —- - = Pash 69] 73 -| 3 67 6 - 187 161 348 Nicholas, St. at-Wade - - - Parish} 107] 122] —| 2 86 20 16 301 289 590 Peter, St.- - - (*) Parish} 461 | 464] 1 | 40 157 127 180 1,020 | 1,081 2,101 Ramsgate - (+) - (*) Ville] 1,063 | 1,216 | 15 |148 42} 532 | 642 | 2,697 wat oe Sarr - - - - (©) * Ville 39 41} -| 1 33 5 3 94 © a Stonar - - ~ - - Parish 9 9| - tr | 4 2 3 23 21 44 Wood - - - - - - (*)_ Ville 32 40} -|}| - 38 2 - 93 119 212 - WESTGATE Hundred. (*) Dunkirk (Vile) - - - Extra-P.} 103 | 108 | 103 3 2 - 296 247 543 Dunstan, St.- - - - - Parish} 128 132 hel Aes 41 23 68 328 - 391 719 - East-Bridge - - (°) Extra-P. 4 yw] -] - - - 15 17 17 34 Gregory, St. (Ville) - Extra-P. 64] 111 | -| 6 16 40 55 163 209 372 Hackington, or St. Stephen - Parish] 65 66] -| 3 45 10 11 173 176) °349- Harbledown, St. Michael (?) Parish} 138 | 144 3} 114 8| 22 358 320 678 - Holy-Cross- Westgate (part of ) . 5 ich without (2) Parish} 153 | 161 6 9} 106 46 ;, 432 .| 440. 872% Staplegate - - - - - Extra-P. 38 58} -| 3 6 29 23 134 123 257 Thanington - - (‘) Parish 53 65| -| 2 48 15 2 194 180 374. WHITSTABLE Hundred. Cosmus, St. and Damian-in- Parish 8 : 88 "aig - 6 aaa aa 438 - the-Blean - - - eee a ee 5 go Seasalter (Liberty) - - - - Parish} 128] 134) ~| - 30 241 80 309 345 654 Whitstable - - - - (5) Parish} 275 | 296] 1] 6 74 | 66] 156 844 767 | 1,611.7 (*)} The Hospital of St. Bartholomew is entered with Sandwich at the end of the county. (1) Denton Parish is partly in Kinghamford Hun- dred, but is wholly entered in Eastry Hundred. (™) Eastry Parish is partly in Wingham Hundred, but is wholly entered in Eastry Hundred. ——(*) The Return for Birchington Parish is exclusive of the officers and men on the Preventive Service, with their families. Birchington, Margate, St. Peters and Wood, are in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover ; Ramsgate and Sarr-Ville in the Cinque Port Liberty of Sandwich. The Ville of Broadstairs is included in St. Peter’s Parish. The increase of Population at Margate and Ramsgate is attributeable to their being fashionable _watering-places.——(°) East-Bridge, Extra-P. partly. used as an Hospital. (?) The poor-house of five united Parishes, contain- ing 48 persons, is situate in Harbledown, St. Michael’s Parish—~ (4) Holy-Cross, Westgate Parish, is partly in the City of Canterbury, 25 is the Precinct of the Archbishop’s Palace ; so also is Longport Borough, and the St. Augustine Almonry and Monastery, forming part of St. Pe~ [ ter’s Parish. The entire Parish of Holy-Cross-Westgate contains 1,072 | Inhabitants. Harwich Hamlet is included in the Return of Whitstable, -, Whitstable Hundred——(*) Thanington Parish includes the Hamlet of Milton—_—{°) Whitstable Parish includes the Hamlet of Harwich. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 4. 139 ed “COUNTY OF KENT—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, nats Stl PERSONS 3 . Famr- ce Aut a ae By S| Sims | chictiy | Ore EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, < ae a) a | ee |e Pts a | ee ; = Families| £ | = ployed Ts ae prized in w 4 OF y ‘s Oc- xy 4A in Manu- | the Two a g PERSONS . cupied.| & o Acri- enw d- 155 321 Farleigh, East (+) - - - Parish] 200] 200 | —]| 5 155 42 3 592 551 1,143 Linton and Crockhurst - + Parish} 107] 122] —| 4 100 17 5 337 349 686 Loose - - - - Parishf 166] 182} 3] 9 88 99 15 448 434 882 MarpstonE (7) = - - - Borough = fe eat = - - ~ - = SHAMWELL Hundred. Chalk voce (©) Parish 82 go; -] - 46 17. 27 206 218 424 ' Cliffe - 2 - = Parish} 146) 146] -]| 5 135 11 - 347 326 673 Cobham - - - - - - Parish} 116 | 133 |] -| 5 76 27 30 334 312 646 Cooling - - - - = - Parish 15 a1] -| - 20 1 - 71 53 124 Cuxton - - - - - - Parish 31 51} -|] - 48 3 - 200 184 384 Denton - - - - - (°) Parish - -| -] - = - - - - - Frindsbury - - - - - Parish} 279 | 334] 3 | 19 142 80 | 112 776 786 | 1,562 Halling - - - - - - Parish 50 58] 1 1 38 18 2 203 143 346 Higham - - - + - = Parish 87 | 102] 1] 4 46 14 12 306 262 568 Shorne and Merston - - Parish} 115 | 145 1 1 112 26 7 423 353 776 Stroud-Extra, pattof - (f) Parish} 283 | 3412 | 3] 10 55 263 23 798 683 1,461 TOLTINGTROUGH Hundred. Gravesend - - - - - Parish 646 | 907 | 5 | 20 126 | 482] 299 1,796 2,018 | 3,814 Ifield - - - - - Parish 12 yw} -]| - 12 - - 29 26 55 Luddesdown - - - - Parish 35 46) -| -| 31 6 9 125 110 235 Meopham - - - - - - Parish] 111 | 141] -—]} — 99 34 8 433 400 833° Milton-next-Gravesend - (8) Parish} 462 | 694] — | 16 41 | 420] 233 | 1,310 1,459 2,769 Northfleet - - - - - Parish} 351 | 397] 14 42 103 | 206 88 979 985 | 1,964 Nursted - - - - - + = Parish 6: 6} -] 1 6 - - 17 16. 33 Lowey of TONBRIDGE. () : Hadlow (+) - - - - - Parish} 277] 320] 4] 3 236 67 17 907 850 1,757 Tonbridge (+) - - (*) Parish} 1,155 |1,407 | 4| 67 ] 603 | 558 | 246 } 3,532 | 3,874 | 7,406 TWYFORD Hundred. / Farleigh, West - - - - - Parish} 58 51 -1 4 49 24 2 184 180 364 Hunton - - - - - - Parishf 116] 117] 3] 1 94 15 8 339 344 683 Nettlestead - - - - - Parish 34 49| -| - 43 4 | 2 125 | 130 255° (°) Paddlesworth is said to have been united to Snodland Parish from the earliest period ; and the Inhabitants are known to have married, baptized, and buried at Snodland, since the reign of Queen Elizabeth. ——(‘) Oxenoath is included in West-Peckham Parish.. (4) Brough- ton-Monchelsea, Pinnendon-Heath, and Coxheath, are partly in Maid- stone Hundred, partly in Eyhorne Hundred. Tbe Borough of Marnsrone is entered at the end of the County.——(°) Denton Parish’ is included in the Return of Chalk Parish. There is no Church at Denton.——(‘) Stroud-Infra is in the jurisdiction of the City of Ro- | Parish contains 2,704 Inhabitants——-(®) The Families of Watermen , in the Second Column of Occupations, to the numberof 191.——(") The | Parish of Caple extends into the Lowey of Tonbridge. The Town called | Tonbridge Wells is partly in the Parish of Tonbridge, partly in Speld- | hurst Parish, and partly in Fraset Parish, Rotherfield Hundred, Rapé . of Pevensey, County of Sussex. chester, and with it is entered at the end of the County. The entire in the Parish of Milton (part of the Town of Gravesend) are entered M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. Iv. Cc. 94. 141 a a sonia = = © Parish 68 81 -| ~ 59 10 12 204 210 414 Moldashh - - - - ~ - - Parish 47 yo} —-{! —~ | 61 9 - 215 163 378 MARDEN Handred. Goudhurst - ‘- - ~(*) Parish 385 462 1 1} 326 36 100 "1,299 1,280 2,579 Marden - - - - (+) (') Parish 354 | 367] 5 |- 4 | 282 67 18 1,100 951 2,051 Staplehurst - - - - (") Parish] 236] o77 | 1 6 | 201 61 15 774 739 | 1,513 MILTON Hundred. ‘Bapchild - - - + = = Parish 60 63 =} = - 160 1 07 Bobbing - - - - - - - Patish 41 65} -] 1 2 : 8 155 os ee \ See Se Ren ee | Ee ag] get wl a tee 14 2 298 352 650 Bredgar - - - - - - ~ Parishf 58 95| -| 1] 69 | 22 4 266 242 508 Halstow, Lower - - - - Parish 35 42]{ -/| 4 16 8 18 111 109 220 Hartlip - - - - - = Parish 51 69} -] - 56 7 6 160 140 300 Iwate = = = & & < (*) Parish 22 2g] ~] ~ 8 10 10 "5 70 | 146 Kingsdown - ts = = =) Parish 11 wz]—-] — 11 1 = 44 31 75 Milstead - ~ os 2 2 = = Parish 29 g2; —-| - 26 4 2 109 82 191 Milton-next-Sittingbourn - - Parish 317 | 361} —~| 10 86 | 201 74 1,019 993 2,012 Murston - - - - - - ~ Parish} “oo 23/ -~| =] a1 1 1 74 67 141 oo " 7 ss = +) Parish} 103 115 1 1 85 28 2 323 306 629 : gece Se ees = Bae Tee] aa | 4 | 118 47 26 505 525 1,030 _ Hodeupsetins - a= « Baal ag 41} -/ 1 38 3 - 148 159 307 eens " 7 7 7 7 Parish? 294) 395] —| 5 | 34 | 269 22 748 789 | 1,537 7 Bal ee ae 29 33] -] 41 31 2 - 122 94 216 uns mom ee ee Se Se, BARioh 26 Bo 1 14 6 12 "5 85 160 Upchurch - = - - - ~ Parish} 64 72| -1| -| 66 5 1 218 196 | 414 ROLVENDEN Hundred. in - - - - Parish] 274] 306} —| 2 | 230 | 68 8 | gi2 834 | 1,746 |, olvenden - - - Parish} 157 | 240] 1 1 | 165 67 8 702 |. ;.701 1,403 |: | (°) {he Parishes of Goudhurst and Staplehurst, are i ah —(4) The Return for Charth ish i Horton |: brook Hundred, partly in Marden Hennticd, where te oe Cheney in =e ae Petham Becier. Gashe be Siete = q nee - a ) Faversham is in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The (‘) The Parishes.of Goudburst, Marden and Staplehurst;: are partly in J) pateea ‘fm een The In-Liberty of Faversham ; Cranbrook Hundred.——(*) Chetney Hill is in Iwade Parish, The | } Parish, partly in Faversham Hiniied, ot wll arses Gye Pe ee ee -M:DCCC.XXL. | THE POPULATION ‘ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 143 ‘COUNTY ‘OF KENT—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Far [ ay, | By 5 LIES OTHER a . how 3 chiefly oe Families wa ee EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 lot @) 2 | Se | din [DE gt 4 on B [Oe | S| a | Pa | Tene, | 3 |PERSONS. . ‘3 a Manu- a me a cupied.} | > | Acari- factures,| Preced- Z os LATHE OF SCRAY—continued. cur- lorHandi-) <8 [| —_! i ‘ : <3 Tur. | craft, | Classes. SELBRITTENDEN Hundred. : Newenden-Liberty - - - - Parish] 17 a7{ —-| 41 17 10 - 48 73 151": Sandhurst..- - - - - - Parish} 134} 218] -| 3 | 149] 57 12 577 605 | 1,182 - Liberty of the ISLE of SHEPPY. East-Church - - - - - + Parish] gy | 113] -] 1 100 12 1 - 385 320 705 - Elmley, Isleof - - - ~ - Parish 4 5} -|] - 5 - = 12 11 23 Leysdown = - - - - = Parish 20 | -| - 24 1 - 45 57 132. Minster-in-Sheppey- + - - Parish] 1,228 | 1,702 | 22 |100 100 |1,300 | 302 | 3,868 | 3,729 | 7,597 ‘Sheerness - - - - - (t) Villef 58] 180] -| 1 —-+} 145 35 426 391 817 QuEENBOROUGH - Borough & Parish} 160] 188 | — | 15 -| 36} 152 400 481 881 Warden - + - - - - - Parish 3 3| -| - 2 1 ~ 13 7 8 21 TENTERDEN Hundred. ‘Ebony - - - - = (*) Parish - ~| -| - - _ = ~ = = | Tenterden - - - - (*) Parish} 527 | 628] -/| 10 293 | 233 | 102 1,600 1,659 3,259. TEYNHAM Hundred. | Doddington - - - = - = Parish 68 80}. -| - 52] - 20 8 237 214 451 | Linstead - - - - - - - Parish} 139 | 168 | -—| 1 87 | 48] 33 455 435 890 Teynham- - - - - - = Parsh{ 100| 125] -| — 19| 29] 17 309 2g 600 } WYE Hundred. | Boughton-Aluph- - - + = Parish} -75 91} -| - 63 19 9 248 205 453 | Brook - - = = - = (*) Parish - -} -] - - = = = = = 'Crundale - - - - - - - Parish 29 45+ -| - 40 4 1 123 127 250 | astwell - - - = = = = Parish 16 3h -| - 18 3 2 62 72 134 Wye - - - - - - - = Parish] 269 {| 298| -{ 3 | 158 go 50 750 758 | 1,508 11,577 \14,264| 81 lo55 | 7,275 | 4,661 | 2,328 | 38,093 | 36,994 | 75,087 | LATHE OF SHEPWAY. (a) : ALOESBRIDGE Hundred. j Brenzett (part of)- (*) - - Parish 10 to} -| - 4 6 - 28 24 52 - Brookland - - - - - = Parish] yg| 87] -| 2 43 25 19 245 242 487 | Fairfield - - - - - - + Parish 9 a1} -] - 11 = = 44 42 86 BIRCHOLT Franchise and Barony. (”) _Aldington: (part of) * + ~ (7) Parish} 87] 129/ 2] 1 | 105] 197 7 372 356 728. _Bircholt - - - (+) - - Parish 5 -| 1 - - 18 15 33 Brabourne - - - + + Pash} 117] 129) 1] —- 74 19 36 326 273 599 ‘Hastingleigh - - - - - = Parish} 26 33 | -| - 15 5 13 105 89 194. -Smecth - - = = - + - Parish 54 7) yd - 55 21 1 200 -193 393 ; FOLKESTONE Hundred. “Acrise - - - - - (#) Parish - ee Ge ae = = me s - - Alkham - - - - - = =°* Parish 83 g8j 1| 2 86 12 _ 264. 245 509 ‘Capel-le-Ferne - = - ~ - Parish 27 33} -| - 33 ~ - 114 81 195 Cheriton - - - - «© (°) Parish} 205] 209] — | 10 61] 112 36 521 Goo | 1,121 : Folkestones - - = = = Town] 794/ 862] 4 | 33 64| 174 | 624 | 1,862 | 2,127 | 3,989 (a) The Liberty of Romney Marsh extends into several of the Hundreds of the Lathe of Shepway, so that if a Parish is not found in its Hundred, it is probably entered in the Liberty of Romney Marsh. A few Parishes (marked thus *) are entered partly in their respective Hundreds, partly in the Liberty; but no part of the Hundreds of Langport and Martin Pountney, and Worth, nor of New Romney Liberty, is entered otherwise than as included in Romney Marsh, which - is inserted last of all in this Lathe. i () The decrease: of Population in. Sheerness Ville is attributed to a | Barony contains Bircholt, Bra, bourn and Hastingleigh ; the Franchise reduction in the Dock-yard and Ordnance establishments; the entire | contains part of Aldington and Smeeth.——( ) Aldington Parish is partly ‘Parish of Minster contains 8,414 Inhabitants. ") Ebony Parish is | in the Liberty of Romney Marsh ; the entire Parish contains 735 Inha- ;partly in Tenterden Hundréd;-but wholly entered in Oxney Hundred, | bitants. 2) Acrise Parish is partly in Folkestone Hundred, but wholly "Lathe of Shepway.»-—(*) Yenterden Parish is in the Cinque Port | entered -in Loningborough Hundred.——( ) The Return of Cheriton ‘Liberty. of Hastings ——(*) Brook Parish is partly in Wye Hundred, | Parish is exclusive of Half-pay Officers, Pensioners, and the Preventive but is wholly entered .in. and Longbridge Hundred.——(”) The ] Service Men. ; Barony of Bipohole is sometimes attributed-to the Lathe of Scray ; the : ; 144 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. —_——— : ———== COUNTY OF KENT—continued. : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ane ee hoe By ‘oes LIES : OruER : OR : how z chiefly anes Families n TOTAL Z many se ae em- din | not com- a 4 ‘ EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |eamitles| 2 | 2 | ctoyea [att lorved in a of 3 Oc- me | te in Manu- | the Two =< a PERSONS, 5 cupied.| 5 | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a Fy ; : cuL- forHandi-| _ ing LATHE OF SHEPWAY—continued. TURE. otek Classes. FOLKSTONE Hundred—continued. Folkestone - () Parish} 100} 1129] -— | 14 65 15 32 291 261 562 Hawkinge - - - - >) Parish 16 a4} ~| -] 24 - = 69 63 132 Hougham (part of) - (*) Parish 97 loz | 3] 14 17 47 38 209 205 414. Newington-next-Hythe - - Parish 76 g2/ 1/ 17 63 20 9 259 239 498 Swingfield - - - - + Parshf 47] 50] -| - 47 3 - 178 126 304 HAM Hundred. / Orlestone (part of)“ - - (°) Parish} 49 59} -| - 24 14 18 128- 134 262 Warehorne - + - - - Parish 72 86} -]|] 1 67 18 1 262 231 493 HAYNE Hundred. Postling - - - - - - Parish} 23] 30] —-| — | - 26 3 1 89 86 175 | Saltwood - - - - = Parish 72 88} -| 3 81 3 4 290 280 570 | HYTHE Hundred. } Hythe, West = - (*) Parish 16 24; -| — 22 2 = 69 50. lig > Hyrue, St. Leonard cf a } 382] 4131 9 | 33 18 | 195] 200 g60 | 1,221 | 2,181 LANGPORT Hundred. * ~ at = = = - = = - ~ LONINGBOROUGH. Acrise = - - = - (+) Parish 28 28; -| - 23 3 2 89 97 186 klhm - - - - - *) Parish 187 | 209] -]| 4 130 42 37 591 577 1,168 Lyminge - - - - = (4) Parish 95} 117] 1 1 108 ” 2 330 319 649 Lyminge - - - - Extra P. 13 14} —-] - 10 3 1 33 36 69 Paddlesworth = - - - = Parish 9 wo} -] - 10 - - 24 - 20 44 MARTIN POUNTNEY Hundred. * - = Ss = Se ps = as a na NEWCHURCH Hundred. , ee Gure)*- - Cy) Bai] a3| a6] 1} — 4l 5 = 145 105 250 Mee Se ee ee et Rel ot em} ay 5 =e iy 154 | 331 OXNEY Hundred. Ebony - oF ie ~~ Parish} = 19 26) -| 14 19 - ” 89 62 151. eee ioc a ae She | ga) te 5 | 232 193 | 425 ittersham - - Parish} 141} 169] -| 3 121 38 10 463 448 gil ROMNEY, Cinque Port. * < = a sos = = 2 - STOUTING Hundred. F Elmsted - - - - - Parish 6 8 othe Monks-Horton - - - -~ - Panch 7 3 68 9 6 239 215 454 — i 35} 35] -| 2 30 5 - gl 95 186 ous oe ate fat Bh] asf eS go] 12 S 111 118 229 tellin - - J a Stouthi er Sn Gh ee s ) ae #3 ag el ee 53 4 = 163 132 295 - Parish} = 37 45] -} 2 40 3 2 121 115 236 STREET Hundred. Bonnington (part of)* - () Parish 18 2 - 1 Hurst (part of)* - - - C1) Parish | 4 2 Sei | aes ‘ a 3 : as oa Lympne (part of)* - = (m a Sallinge - : Y eae { ) ae 56 oe ee ees 73 10 6 250 194 444 a 57 27) 2 = 55 17 1 245 224 469 WORTH Hundred *, oa a 2 ie: ns aes - = e (©) Part of Folkestone Parish is independent of the To f i : hich i pote tee if i wn of Folkestone, wholly entered in Stouting Hundred——(®) A Workhouse for several |- te eg ad 0) Hvac Be Agee Sak sige ental 4,541 Inha- United Parishes has been built at ihe —(h) The entire Parish of . Lathe of St. Aagus sities this partoftee 2 ae ae eevee Hundred, Lyminge contains 718 Inhabitants. — (") Bilsington Parish is partly in the Town and Port of Dover. The ene ee in the Liberties of the Liberty of Romney Marsh ; the entire Parish: contains 299 Inba- : bitants———(*) Orlestone Parish is partly in the A Legs 834 Inha- Dipasiths——<) Stelling Parish is partly in Lonimborough Hundred.—— 4" Marsh ; the entire Parish contains 453 Tah Peak iberty. = Romney | ( ). Bonnington Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney Marsh ; they: Parish is within the Libetien or #22 ae ae ( ih est-Hythe } entire Parish contains 152 Inhabitants: (1) Hurst Parish is partly in place has increased in the number of Houses, but rt 2 the, which the Liberty of Romney Marsh ; the entire Parish contains 30 Taha Population ; the Families of the Mies ati te see an tants. @) Lyne Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney’ : being withdrawn. Stelling is partly in Loningborough Hundred, but 5 the entire Parish contains 467 Inhabitants, i M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. 145 COUNTY OF KENT—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Fam] 4 LL OR By I ee hiefi OruER 3 how 2 shiedy supers Families 8 Tore EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BS iemmy | > | 2 | oy | edin |notcom| of iz ee = amilies} .§ | 4 ployed |, ined i 6 Oc. 3 | i RADE, | prized in : 4 ¢ g By Manu- | the Two 3 3 PERSONS. SG jeupied. | | 5 | Acnr- | factures, preced- a SHEPWAY LATHE—contznued. CUL- |orHandi-| ing ROMNEY MARSH Liberty (*). ae ee | lan -Aldington (part of) - - - - Parish 1 rj -j - 1 - - 5 2 7 Bilsington (part of) - - - - Parish 5 6; -| - 4 2 - 29. 20 49 4 Bonnington (partof) + - - Parish 2. 3] -| =- 3 - - 13 10 23 Brenzett (part of) - - (°) Parish] 34 38} - 32 6 = 94 92 186 Broomhill - - - - (P) Parish 7 9} -| 1 9 - - 29 27 56 Burmarsh, - - - + - - Parish 17 aa}o—-} — 19 2 - |. 53 41 94 . Dymchurch - - - - + - Parish 81 104 | -| - 59 38 a 269 274 543 with pis Blackmanstone - - - - - Parish 1 tf of 1 ~ - 4 4 ~ 8 East-Bridge - - - - = - Parish 4 Ac] at cs 4 ~ - 9 9 18 Hope, All-Saints - - - - Parish 5 y{ —~| = 4 - ~ 25 23 48 Hurst (part of) - - - - - Parish 1 1] -} - 1 4 2 6 Ivy-Church - - = = - = Parish 28 37 | -| - 34 2 1 132 120 252 Lydd - - - (+) - - - Parish} 290] 301] -]| 6 137 66 98 406 931 1,437 | Lympne (part of) - - - - Parish 4 4} -| - 3 = 1 10 13 23 Mary’s, St. - - - = - - Parish 14 1} =| = 19 - - "3 30 103 Midley - - - - - - = Parish 5 ee 7 - - 21 12 33 New-Church - - - - - Parish} 92 40} -| = 38 - 2 165 116 28 Orgarswick - - ~ - - - Parish 1 1) -| - 1 - - 4 6 1 | Orlestone (part of) - - - - Parish] 34 42| —| = 20 1 11 go 101 191 Romwzy, New - - a 157 | 200] 4| 4 64; 62] 74 433 529 962 Romney Old, - - - - - Parish 21 a7); —-| - 24 3 - 81 72 153 Snargate - - - - - ~- - Parish 15 18) —| — 16 2 - 46 47 93 Snave- - - - - - = - Parish 13 ot) =| = 21 = 57 51 108 4,200] 4,897 | 29 [139 | 2,488 | 1,080 | 1,329 | 12,736 | 12,684 | 25,420 LATHE of SUTTON at HONE. - AXTON DARTEORD and WILMINGTON Hundred. Ash. - - - = = - = = Parish 92 101 1 3 80 14 4 272 233 505 Darenth - - - - - - - Parish 94 106 | ~] — 73 30 3 292 282 574 Dartford - - - - - - - Parish} 609] -762 | 9 | 19 102 | 459] 201 1,815 1,778 3,593 Eynesford - - - (4) Parish] 196 | 265 |. 3 1 144 82 39 546 531 1,077 Farningham - - - - Parish 97| 137! -—| 2- 65 35 37 332 254 586 Fawkham - - - - = = Parish 31 37 + - 1 31 4 2 93 75 168 Hartley - - - - ~ Parish] = 31 31} -] - 124 3 1 87 74 161 Horton-Kirby - = - - = Parish 88 99 | -| 1 92 22 5 263 274 537 Kingsdown - - - - (*) Parish 40 my | =] 2 55 8 14 226 212 438. | Longfield - - - - - - - Parish} 14 24} -\) - 23 1 - 68 45 113 Lullingstone - - + = + Parish 5 5} -| - 3 - 2 26 15 41 Ridley - - - - - = = Parish 10 jo] =| = 9 ss 1 36 4 38 "4 | Southfieet -- - ~ Parish} 125 | 142] 1] 3 04] (24 24 305 272 577 | Stone-near-Dartford - Parish 95| 102} -—| 4 82] ‘20 - 279 235 514 Sutton-at-Hone - - .- + Parish} 157 163 | 7] 3 104 40 19 414 449 863 Swanscombe - - - = Parish} 163 183 1 6 55 116 12 456 452 908. Wilmington - + - - Parish{ 124] 138) -—| 6 96 26 16 335 318 653 BLACKHEATH Hundred (°). Charton-next-\Voolwich - Parish} 294! 3471 5 | 17 43 96 | 208 410 916 1,626 — | Eltham .- - - - - (t) Parish} 313] 408] 5 | 12 170 ‘99 | 139 898 985 1,883 Mottingham - (*) Hamlet 15 iw} -|] - 13 1 4 40 54 94 | Kidbrooke - - = - (®) Liberty 4 9} 1] - 8 1 = 39 34 73 ! Lee ee - - - Parish} 119} 149| -| 3 39 44|, 66 294 443 737 Lewisham - - - - - Parish $1,409 | 1,591 | 11 | 26 480 | 602] 509 3,630 4,555 8,185 (°) Part of Aldington Parish is in Bircholt Franchise ;.part of Bil- | partly in Aloesbridge Hundred. The entire Parish contains 238 Inha- sington is in Newchurch Hundred; part of Bonnington is in Street | bitants. (*) Broomhill Pzrish is partly in Langport Hundred, and Hundred ; part of Brenzett is in Aloesbridge Hundred; Broomhill is in | partly in Goldspur Hundred ; Rape of Hastings, County of Sussex. | Langport Hundred ; Burmarsh, Dymchurch with Blackmanstone, East (4) Eynesford Parish includes Crockinhill Hamlet.——(") Kingsdown | Bridge andj Orgarswick are in Worth Hundred ; Hope, All-Saints and | Parish extends into Codsheath Hundred.——() The Towns of Deptford, Lydd are in'Langport Hundred ; Ivy-Church and Midley are in Martin- | Greenwich and Woolwich, are entered at the end of the County—— | Pountney Hundred ; St. Mary’s and New-Church are in New-Church t) Mottingham Humlet extends into Chiselburst Parish, Ruxley Houn- Hundred ; Snargate and Snave are in Aloesbridge Hundred ; Hurst and Qa The entire Parish of Eltham ‘contains 1,977 Inhabitants, - Lympne are partly iy Street Hundred,"and Romney (New and Old) | (") Kidbrooke Liberty, heretofore a Parish, | form the Cinque Port Liberty of that name.——(°) Brenzett Parish is , 3 : 4 a Pp 146 A | BSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration SECTOR ; COUNTY OF KENT—continued. f er HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- Fami- ea nS i a oe : a By | 2 1 ae a : oi hi 3 é i : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 fale eo 38 os employ Families w TOTAL 2 a oD a m- . i 2 Families} .¢ 4 ployed ed in | not com- 5 4 = ‘3 Or |Z 14 = Takes, “ in a a or e ; SB |e . LATHE 6f SUTTON at HONE fouied.| 2 1S | kegs lees ipo, e fi |PERSONS. continued. cuUL- orHandi- ing - BROMLEY ana BECKINGHAM Hundred ess ae Beckenham - - a sy 196 214 15 6 Bromley : (+) - ~ Parishf 486] 648] —- in 134 289 on ; 568 622 1,180 B CODSHEATH Hundred. = ne ee pecan 7 5 s 2 “) ie 159 173 1 1 108 50 15 501 6 Pe, SS ae ee ei ee Pe, ae a oe Keming 2 peat fol S/ =f 2] By a] 33 | uo | 34 eigh - iz . 1 molt oS 81 4 = Otford - - - - (*) Pash} 115] 169| -| -| 114] 46] 9 | See ee Bal a2 os een] 15] 135] 2) 2] 8) ag} a8] pe | gs ae Seven-Oaks - p 5 an 272 3 168 56 48 30 biimehed ; x : (Y) Parish} 362] 418} 9] 5 51 | 218} 149 aye 642 | 1,320 Went = Liberty} 230] 239] 4] 81 135] 73 a 1,006 |} 1,108 | 2,114 i Steanstaee Coe ) a Liberty 89 121 1 l 105 10 6 = 613 1,216 Sundridge = (2) a 178 = 6 108 44 26 238 308 612 aris 94} 220] ~]} 3 138 64 18 i 453 891 LESSNESS Hundred. 7 care Crayford z 7 . : Erith 8 Parish | 315 | 380} —/ 19 | 139] 191] 5° 1 Plumstead - - - : Lee 223 281| —-| 4] 165{ 99] 17 oa o47 1,866 Wickham, East —- arish f 491 | 479 | 2 | 30 263 | 140 “6 | 4 52 | 1,363 Parish 52 By | —-{ 1 26 ae - 140 1,246 | 2,386. B RUXLEY Hundred. ae i 317 Chak zeta : 2 %, . (*) sighed 403 466 4} 25 233 151 82 Chiselhurst - (8) oe 128 apt 2| ¢ 4h ape] 26 : ee 1,147 | 2,311 Cray, Foot’s - - - - oe 264 | 342} -—| 6] 160 66 4i6 : 338 456 Cray, St. Mary's s oe oa a 46 a 3 15 12 19 i 735 1,586 Cray, Notth - = = = % oe 44} 165] 2] 1. 46 68 a B 136 201 Cray, St.Paul’s — - cn =e 42 45| -| 1 25 % 18 © 422 874 Cadhom a *) © «x ash] 72) 74] —| 2 48 | 20 6 9 116 245 Pisin = et eee Parish} 124} 132) —| 1 111 19 si 186 178 364 Farnborough - - - - - : eae 69 74) 7] 5 47 20 4 347 336 683 Hayes =a) fede Soe arish FOI 97} -| 3 7 185 155 349 - - Pp 8 75 1 1 Keston - - - - - ~ Beet a 86} 1] 10 40 21} 25 292 261 553 Nockholt - me weg vce - Fans 5° 51 peels Xe 30 10 11 ae ren 429 Orpington - 2 p er 83 82] 4] 6 43 26| 13 114 138 252 Wickham, West - - - ati ee 147| -| 2] 102] 30] 15 ee 192 407 ~ Paris my i =| 4 6 344 | 754 ___ SOMERDEN Hundred. (*) . Aah) eer 265 555 Chiddingstone - -~ - - -~ ’ Cowden < 2 . Eanst 164] 195} -| 2 160 26 Hever g Parish} 80) 116] -| — 9 589 507 | 1,096 P; 98 1 09! Penshurst = - = os nee oe) ag | =| = 93 is a 354 329 683. Speldhurst - - - (>) ais 165 | 2397) -—| — 155 ao : 313 293, 606. , ‘arish f - — al Saal be 2 4 a 734 65 1,392 | WESTERHAM Hundred (*). 7 = = = aac - ae Pak y | esterham - a : 30] 280] —- - Se Barish 301 3! 3 158 105 147 “6 33] 1 704 690 | 1 a. 4] 156} 104) 73 880 862 be 10,626 |12,500| 98 | 28 -} CANTERBURY CITY. 4 | 5,921 | 3,965 | 2,614 | 31,038 | 31,676 | 62,714. All-Saints - (+4) - - Pan 1 Alphage, St. - - a ae 82 87] -] 2 16 Andrew, St. - - - - ~ - — 204} 250} —| 3 5 a 17 199 255 454 AcHbiols Piece - .-tenal 22) 221 =| 2 Fi fae | ee | eae Christ-Church - - - - - aoe 29 ge | =| 2 7 : 3 242 294 | 530. George, St. the Martyr 2 aa, 36 38} -| 7 = A 13 93 116 209 Holy-Cross, Westgate, ash} 207 | 250] -| 8 Si cee | 87 152 239 within (part of) e - (°) Parish} 39 aul @l a 74 444 623 |! 1,067 7 *5 t¢ 89 111 | 200, (”) Bradsted Parish extends i 3 2 Pari 7 sinto Westerh Patioh extends into Somerden Hundred.——~@) The ent Parsee | Fane Sbatanust Perish i entered ee at Sundridge has eed coo C) A Risnakseln fe os (Washlingstone Hundred. )}——(*) Meat set. in the Lathe of Aylsford ed.——§¥(#) Bexley Parish extends a iat Parish, is ia Westgate Hundred, Lathe of ae. ei M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 147 COUNTY OF KENT—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- | Fame | Ary (| B $ LIES TIES | OTHER oR . tier = | chiefly sae Families ws TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Families %b s sased ed in |Dot ine wa 4 OF Sh Or 1 Se | an |e Tee = = PERSONS. | 5 cupied.| 5 5 Acni- meee preced- & aad CUL” JorHandi-| _ Ng CANTERBURY City—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Margaret, St.’ - - - - - Parish} 109} 106] —| 4 35 46 15 388 403 791 Martin, St. - - (-+) - - Parish] 934 37| -| 3 23 10 4 79 84 163 Mary-Bredin, St. - - - - Parish} 118] 123] —]| 6 8 "6 39 258 320 578 Mary-Bredman, St. - - - Parish 86 94] -] 1 - 48 : 46 213 247 460 | Mary-Magdalen, St. - - - Parish go} 104] ~| 4 as 55 49 239 24i 480 Mary, St. Northgate - - - Parish{ 4oq/ 610] —| 15 | 115 281 } 214 | 1,095 1,349 2,444 Mildred, St. - 2 - > Pash} 372 | 462] 7] 9 86 293 83 814 918 1,732 Paul, St.- = - - - (4) Parish? 160] 175] -1 3 "3 84 18 329 392 9721 Longport - - ~ Borough} 143{ 155| 1] 6 26 54 "5 313 371 684 Augustine, St. - - - Almonry 9 1 | a4 2 1 | 2 8 23 30 | 53 Augustine, St. - - Dis. Mon. 17 7} 1| 2 1 9 4 102 16 | 178 Peter, St. - - - = = - Parish} 152 188 1 8 = | 1979 16 311 438 749 /2,408 | 2,890 | 11 | 87 | 394 [1,750 | 746 | 5,780 | 6,965 |} 12,745 Town of | Chatham (part of) - (+) - (°) Parish } 2,549 | 3,337 | 26 |135 | 293 |1,451 [1,593 | 6,881 | 7,873 | 14,754 And City of ROCHESTER. | Cathedral Church - - - = Precinct} 24 a9} -| 2 - 11 18 42 87 129 | Chatham (part of) - (+) - (°) Parish 96 | 122) -—), 1 2 51 69 228 286 514 | Margaret, St. - - - - = Parish} 777 | 901 | 5 | 24 50 387 | 464 ] 1,927 2,202 4,129 Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish? 518 | 691 1} 20 9 596 86 1,541 1,753 32294, Stroud, infra - - = (f) Parish{ 171 | 256] 1] 6 31 205 20 626 617 1,243 4,135 | 5,336 | 33 {188 | 385 | 2,701 | 2,250 | 11,245 | 12,818 | 24,063 Town of DEPTFORD. Nicholas, St. - - - (2) Parish} 1,161 |1,523 | — 1173 1 374 | 1,148 2,931 3,406 6,337 Paul, St. (part of) = - (5) Parish} 2,481 [3,411 | 19 [217] 280 11,805 | 1,326 | 6,382 4,143 13,525 Town of : Greenwich - - - - (‘) Parish {3,007 |4,002 | 171346] 117 |1,224 | 2,661 | 10,740 | 9,972 20,712 6,649 | 8,936 | 36 |736 | 398 |3,403 |5,135 | 20,053 | 20,521 | 40,574 Town and Port of DOVER (3) as — “at ce James, St. the Apostle - - Parish} 272 | 301] 11 15 - 251 50 780 894 1,674 Mary, St. the Virgin - - - Parish }1,574 [1,891 | 16155 | 32 794 11,065 | 3,995 | 4,658 8,653 1,846 | 2,192 17 | 70 32 | 1,045 | 1,115 4,775 | 5552 10,327 Borough of. Maipstone - - (+) - - Parish} 2,131 | 2,348 | 42 | 103] 451 1,577 | 320 6,083 6,425 | 12,508 Town and Port of SANDWICH. (3) St. Bartholomew Hospital - —_Extra-P. 18 18; -|] - 1 - 17 26 35 61: St.Clement - -.- - - - Parish} 161] 177] —| 10 5 25} 147 377 400 a7 | St. Mary-the-Virgin - - ~- Parish] 160] 187] 2 | 14 91 68 28 427 487 914 St. Peter-the-Apostle - - + Parish} 207] 217] -—| 6 5 112 | 100 496 664 1,160 : 546 | 599] .21 30 | 102 205 | 292 1,326 | 1,586 2,912 : Town of Woolwich - - - - + = Parish} 2,520 | 4,293 | 11 | 227 14 |1,652 |2,627 | 7,606 9,402 17,008 (®) The entire parish of St. Paul contains 1,636 inhabitants. County of Surrey. The entire Parish contains 14,481 Inhabitan‘s. One, (*) Chatham is partly within the jurisdiction of the City of Rochester, | male and one female, upwards of 100 years of age, in the Parish of. and wholly adjoins to that City. The entire Parish contains 15,268 | St. Paul. (*) The Increase of Population in Greenwich is partly Inhabitants ——(f) Most part of Stroud Parish (Stroud-Extra) is in | attributable to the Naval Asylum, and Increase of Resident Pensioners, . Shamwell Hundred, Lathe of Aylesford. The entire Parish contains | The Parishes of Deptford and Greenwich make one large town, and the’ 2,704 Inhabitants. —(*) The Decrease of Population in the Parish of | Total appears accordingly——(j) Several places which are within the’ St. Nicholas Deptford, is ascribed to the Reductions in the Dock-yard. | jurisdiction of the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover, and of Sandwich, One female, upwards of 100 years of age, in the Parish of St. Nicholas. | are entered in the respective Lathes and Hundreds wherein they are ~—(h) St. Panl’s Parish (Deptford) is partly in East Brixton Hundred, § locally situate. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration, 148 eee enapenn ns eee a COUNTY OF KENT—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF KENT. — HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : Famr- a ALL ; B : LIES . Oruer HUNDREDS, fio 3 chiefly sae Families a TOTAL J . 8 emn- : i &e. = Families = ei ployed oo aieedly a 3 OF EI Oc- = in ze ; C = : Manu. | the Two < s cupied.| | 5 Acrr- fenives, peel = a PERSONS, | cun- JorHandi-| _ ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. Lathe of ST. AUGUSTINE - - - - [11,098 12,324] 75 |722] 5,175] 3,661] 3,488] 31,523 32,372 | 63,895 AYLESFORD = - = = = [12,771|15,360| 76 {345 | 8,234] 4,480] 2,646 | 39,575 | 39,188 | 78.763 SCRAY = = = = + + + [11,577]14,264/ 81 | 255 | 7,275} 4,661] 2,328 | 38,093 | 36,994 | 75,087 SHEPWAY - > 7 + =] 4,200} 4,897} 29 |} 139] 2,488] 1,080] 1,329] 12,736 12,684 | 25,420 SUTTON-AT-HONE - - < = [10,626 12,500] 98 | 284] 5,921| 3,965| 2,614 31,038 | 31,676 | 62,414 City of CANTERBURY - - - - 2,408; 2,890] 11; 87 394| 1,750] 746 5,780 6,965 | 12,745 Town of CHATHAM, - and - - - City of 4,135 | 5,336] 33 | 188 385} 2,701] 2,250} 11,245 12,818 | 24,063 ROCHESTER - so ue € Towns of DEPTFORD and GREENWICH | 6,649| 8,936 36 | 736 398 | 3,403] 5,135 } 20,053 20,521 | 40,574 Town and Port of DOVER - - - = = - -{ 1,846] 2,192] 17 | 40 32) 1,045) 1,115 | 4,775 | 5,552 | 10,327 Borough of MAIDSTONE - - - - - | 2,131] 2,348] 42 103 451| 1,577! 320 6,083 6,425 | 12,508 Town and Port of SENET w= " ~{[ 546} 599] 2) 30] 102} 205] age] 1,326 | 1,586 2,912 Town of ee ~ “f S,520) 4,203) 21 | 907 14| 1,652] 2,627] 47,606] 9,402 | 14,008 ToTaLs > ~ 170,507 185,939 | 511 |3,186 30,869 30,180 24,890 f 209,833 | 216,183 426,016 M.DCCC.XXI.] was .... 355,546, ..+. whence it appears, that the Ages of one-sixth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Kent was 446 ; twenty of which did not contain any answer to the. question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (++): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 149 a 2 COUNTY OF KENT—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Oe “ aN Under | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60} 70 | 80 | 904100} 4 Lathe to to to to to to to to | to | to} to | & a 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 7 | 80] 90 |100] "P-| & of wards. ST. AUGUSTINE - - | 4,079|3,545 | 3,081] 2,507] 3,487] 2,730] 2,297} 1,680 [1,112} 601]156]| go } — $25,284 AYLESFORD - - - | 5,267] 4,528 3,763 3,170] 4,711} 3,775] 3,034| 2,262 |1,350| 626 154 12 — $32,652 SCRAY - - - — - | 5,667/ 4,936 | 4,099] 3,538] 5,236] 3,964] 3,105 | 2,206 |1,448) 780] 184] 10 | ~ 135,173 SHEPWAY - - - -] 1,947/1,625 | 1,415] 1,239] 1,783| 1,346] 1,042] 770 |509} 266] 80} 1] — {12,023 SUTTON-AT-HONE - | 4,258) 3,901 | 3,264[ 2,477] 4,019] 3,158| 2,688) 1,911 |1,281)628]114] 7 {| — [24,646 CANTERBURY, CITY -] 851| 791 | 628] 493] 719! 695| 533] 368 |269)131| 33] 41 —-{J 5,515 CHATHAM TOWN, and : ROCHESTER had 668) 545 | 511] 390] 539) 534] 415} 299/166) 58) 11) -| -] 4,136 DEPTFORD TOWN, and eter aa 2,729 2,634 2,718] 1,245| 1,890] 2,233] 2,258}1,908 [1,514] 775 | 136] 12 1 $20,053 DOVER, TOWN and PORT] +704] 650 533} 423] 704] 630] 509} 352 )169| 77} 21) 3] - 4 4,775 MAIDSTONE, BORO’ - - ~ ~ - - = = es ett] caf oe. ce as bag eg hota 196} 184] 167] 115] 158] 162} 135} 93] 78} 24| 14] -—| -] 1,326 WOOLWICH, TOWN - | 1,596|1,225 | 884| 465| 726) 974) 812) 540 249/106] 28) 1] —] 7,606 Total of MALES - [27,962 24,564 [21,063 |16,062 |23,972 |20,201 |16,828 |12,389 |8,085|4,072 931 59 | 1 176,189 FEMALES. OT: —™~ Under 5 10 15 20 |. 30 |}: 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100 4 Lathe to to to to to to }- to | to} to | to} to | & a 5. 1o | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70/ 80| 90;100| w-]| © of y wards, ST. AUGUSTINE - - | 3,804] 3,480 | 2,747] 2,902| 4,072] 2,826} 2,211] 1,651 |1,118] 603]170} 12 | 1 [24,997 AYLESFORD - - - | 5,108} 4,533 | 3,568] 3,184] 5,130] 3,644} 2,739] 1,966 |1,258]611}150] 10 | — [31,901 SCRAY - - - - ~-] 5,660) 4,801 | 3,873) 3,478 | 5,440) 3,915| 2,917] 1,909 |1,342/ 702/177) 13 | 2 |34,229} SHERWAY Ge = = 1,870] 1,668 | 1,397] 1,165 | 1,938] 1,347] 1,008] 719] 530) 234}-85; 5 | — 11,966 | SUTTON-AT-HONE - | 4,165} 3,816 | 3,045] 2,481 4,741 | 3,432 2,603 | 1,785 |1,183| 586 | 126} 10 | — § 247,973 CANTERBURY, CITY rn 831] 734 639} 644] 1,332) 833] 632] 408]322/178} 50] 6 | — | 6,609F CHATHAM TOWN, and ; } ; ROCHESTER CITY - 566} 574] 514] 491) 878] 585| 440; 289/198] 86| 37) 1] - | 4,659} eee | 2,606} 2,378 | 2,223| 1,921 3:247 2,768 | 2,260) 1,498 1,006] 480} 117] 18 | 2 }20,5248 DOVER, TOWN and PORT] 728] 702 | 567] 548) 1,081} 674] 512] 407/212) 83) 36] 1] - | 5,5519 MAIDSTONE, BORO’ - - - - - - - - - -| -| -| =<] - es oe 213 ]> 206 188} 170] 247] 173] 156 96} 82] 49} 5].21 -] 1,586 ‘WOOLWICH, TOWN - | 1,505/1,305 | 919] 714] 1,708 1,422) 842 | 498/288/115| 44] 2] -J| 9,362 _ Total of FEMALES. - pp71958 24,197 {19,680 |1'7,098 |29,814 |21,619 |16,320 |11,226 599 ar 9971 79 | 5 79,3571 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Kent was .... 426,016, ...- and the Number of Persons-whose Ages were returned Qq ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, 150 ee SS County of Lancaster. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Psi ae an oO B F LIES ae OruER - fst ZB | chiefly le Families vi | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Fumilte : * s ploy d Bs “ es ge 4 2 or 3 Oc- Zio in Manu. | the Two < a PERSONS, Fen & [cupied.| & | 5 | Acrr- | factures,| preced- a me AMOUNDERNESS Hundred. ce (| clntes Bispwam Parish: (*) Bispham with Norbreck - Township 63 63] -| 2 bt 10 2 167 156 323 Layton with Warbrick - Township} 130 | 130] 2] 1 6 126 4 - 276 373 449 Garstang Parish: (°) Barnacre with Bonds - Township g2 95/ -| 2 65 27 | 3 298 | 250 548 Billisborrew - - - Township 38 38}; -| 1 13 20) 5§ 110 $9 209 Cabus - - - = - - Township 49 51 = = 44 6 1 151 126 277 Catteral - - - - - Township} 117] 140] -]| 1 20 | 118 2 358 . 346 704 Claughton - - - - (°) Township} 152 | 160] -—| 8 111 49 = 494 449 943 Clevely ae (>) Township 26 26 = = 20 6 = 76 72. 148 Forton - - «= - - Township 125 129 1 3 80 39 10 288 299 587 Garstang - - - - Townshipf 186 | 199} 1] — 12] 162] 25 460 476 936 Holleth - - - - Hamlet a 7 - - e - - 26 17 43 Kirkland) + - - - - Township 92 96 a 23 54 19 253 258 Sl Nateby - - - - - (*) Township} 67 68} -| - 62 6] ~ 198 208 406. Pilling - - - - - Chapelry ] 281} 186} —|] 1 141 40 5 565 | 478 | 1,04 Winmarleigh - - - Township 36 45 aaa 1 44 1 ae 127 121 248 Wyersdale, Nether - - Township} 136] 196] -]|] - 49 80 7 391 409 800 Kirkham Parish: (°) Bryning with Kellasnergh — Township 21 Se) 10 -{ 11 g2 53 145 Clifton with Salwick Township 98 | 106} -| 1 54 44 8 310 298 608 Eccleston, Little, with Larbrick’ T. 43 45} -| - 14 10} 21 114 110 224 Freckleton - - - (°) Township} 168 /| 176] 1] — 15 23 | 138 430 445 875 Goosnargh - - = = Chapelry : with Newsham - - - Township 292 oe - a aoe 180 13 953 © 899 1,852 Greenalgh with Thistleton Township 60 68 | -| 2 29 29] 10 196 223 419 Hambleton (¢) Chapelry 76 "8} -} 1 61 15 2 166 172 338 Kirkham - - (©) Township] 503 | 517 1 | 20 4| 4701 43 1,303 1,432 2,735 Medlar with Wesham - Township 38 38 - 2 23 3 12 99 116 215 Newton with Scales - - Township 68 68} -| 4 18 44 6 190 190 380 Ribby with Wrea_ ~ - Chapelry go 91} -| 3 26 54 11 248 252 500 Singleton - - - ~ Chapelry 48 79) 1 - 44 33 2 | 286 215 501 Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Township} 136] 136] -—]| 3 69 67 - 400 360 460 Warton - - - + Chapelry gl 07 | -} 4 46 43 8 220 248 468 Weeton- - - - - = Township 85 86} -] - 57 26 3 257 216 473 Westby with Plumptons (¢) Township} 127 zg} -] - 63 59 4 387 384 471 Whittmgham - - - - Township? 110} 115] — | 40 66 9 333 - 328 661° Lancaster (part of) Parish: (“) Bleasdale - - - — Chapelry 36 36} -—| 2 32 4 - 108 104 212 Fulwood - + = Township} 75 76] 1} 2 33 38 5 209 | 221 430 Myerseough - - - - Township 92 97} -{ 1 45 371 15 274 283 557 Preesall with Hackersall - Township} 145 | 148 | -—| 3 "5 41 | 32 357 343 700 Stalmine with Stanall - Chapelry 98 98 - 4 62 20 16 253 254 507 Lytham - = Parish | 228] 258] — | 18 15 55 | 128 636 656- | 1,292 Michael, St. Parish: (*°) : Eccleston, Great - - + Township] 130] 130/ -| 3 24 89] 17 325 | 323 648: Elswick 6 - + » Township 57 57} -1 2 16 39 2 145 - 145 290 Inskip with Sowerby - - Township 138 | 141} -| 2 81 56 4 382 357 739 Rawcliffe, Out - - - Township! 101 | 109} -—| 1 76 22} 11 314 284 598 Rawcliffe, Upper with Tarnicar T.] 111 119 1} 4 99 14 6 335 308 643 Wood-Plumpton - = Chapelryf 277] 294] -| 5 101 | 172] 21 805 830 1,635 Poulton Parish: (f) Carleton - - += = = Townshi 6 6 - 1 58 2 1 16 6 Hardhorn with Newton - Township és 65 -| 2 ba : ~ 1 33 1 a a 7 - -(f) Township} 260 | 264} 1) 4 104 | 105} 55 697. 700 1,397 oulton - - - = - Township} 216 219 - 4 55 107 57 454 557 1,011 Thornton - - - ‘= - Townshipf 146] 146] 1] 4 138 4A 1 439 436 876- ‘ (*) The entire Parish of Bispham contains 1,072 Inhabitants. ham to the increase of trade, generally. One male upwards of 100 co c poe entire pores of Garstang contains 7,403 Inhabitants. Clevely | ofagein Hambleton Township, another in Westby Township.——(*) Most ae y te is ly in page Parish, Lonsdale Hundred (South of the | part of the Parish of Lancaster is in Lonsdale Hundred (South of the finer oe Population at Claughton is ascribed to the Sands.) The Borough is entered at the end of the County.— (¢) The iis Bark of eek Sn wee : ae iuprved agriculture. C ) The en- } entire Parish of St Michael contains 45553 Inhabitants. ——(‘) The entire Populait 4 18 11,925 Inhabitants. The increase of } Parish of Poulton contains 4,031 Inhabitants. The increase of Popula- pulation at Freckleton is ascribed to 2 sacking manufacture ; at Kirk- { tion at Marton is ascribed to an extension of trade, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 151 Sr Seniicall PPLE OTE EP Te TIN COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: ‘PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pee, | 22 | aes By | 20t | chiedly | OPOzs — . |} ae Z| chiefy | cnnloy.| Families oh TOTAL , SB fomay fiw |S fem easy |notcom-| 5 fs EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = {Families} © | 3 | ployed |ppsny |prizedinf © 3 en g [Oc | 8 | in | Mano. | theTwo 2 & _|PERSONS, 4G cupied.| | 5 Acrr- |facturés, preced- s me | - ‘g P “¢ CcUL- j- In, AMOUNDERNESS Hundred—cont ies Oe kGnaes: Preston Parish: (#) Barton - - - + = = Townshipp 69 "5 | -|] 1 52 22 1 217 197 414 Broughton - - - - Chapelry} 110} 113] 1] 1 43 50 | 20 308 307 615 Elston - -- - Township 11 a} -} - 10 1 - 39 37 76 Fishwick - - - - Township 52 59| -—| 2 17 38 4 137 147 284 Grimsargh and Brockholes Township 51 55} -| - 29 21 5 168 175 343 Haighton - - - = Township} . 33 33} -{ 1 17 13 3 87 97 184 Lea, Ashton, Ingol, and Cottam T.| 125] 127] 3] 4 | 74 46 7 330 328 658 PRESTON - - (8) Borough }.4,014 | 4,989 | 53 |162 115 |4,629 | 245 11,856 112,719 | 24,575 Ribbleton - - - = Township 29 29} -| 1 8 18 3 49 72 151 ' Ribchester (part of) Parish: (>) Alston with Hatherall - = Townshipf 143] 1511 -| 3] 43 96} 12 497 451 948 BLACKBURN Hundred. 10,462 |11,687| 68 [317 | 3,092 |7,540 |1,055 | 30,164 [30,766 | 60,930 (Higher Division.) < ‘ Bury (part of) Parish: (/) OT canes: 1 Township} 187 | 198 | 1] 8 -—| 195 3 597 627 1,224 Henheads - - - = - Township 38 Al} =f - - 41 121 125 246 Musbury - - - - Township | 111 121 -| 4 10 {| 109 2 391 337 728 Mitton Parish: (*) Laund, Old Booth - - Township "6 "9 2 15 60 4 192 198 390 Whalley (part of) Parish: () Accrington, New - - (!) Township] 690 | 704150] 6 8} 675] 21 2,074 2,035 4,109 Accrington, Old - - - Chapelry} 216 | 2091 8} 5 3} 215 3 607 654 1,261 Altham - - - - Chapelry 73 “Ay —-] 1 13 5 | 56 226 213 439 Barley with Whitley-Booths Township} 129] 131 -| - 49 78 4 390 375 965 Barrowford - - - Township} 402 | 450/13] 7 63 | 382 5 1,059 1,109, 2,168 Booths, Higher - - Township} 576 | 596] — | 21 —| 590 6 1,592 1,580 | 3,172 Booths, Lower - - Township} 292 | 295 | 7 | 15 79 | 214 2 748 765 | 1,533 Brierscliffe with Extwistle Township} 247 | 254] —| 6 57} 195 2 714 693 | 1,407 Burnley - - - - (1) Chapelry}1,029 |1,227 | 12 | 14 23 11,167} 37 3,149 3,229 | 6,378 Chatburn - - + - - Township] 103 103 | -|] — 11} 82 10 287 265 | 552 CLITHEROE - - (') Borough} 501 582 | 42 4 96 427 79 1,533 1,680 3,213 Cliviger = - - + - Chapelry} 196] 196] -| 2 -~| igo} 6 664 650 | 1,314 Colne - - - (1) Chapelry [1,270 | 4,423 | 21 | 32 23 11,365 | 35 3,525 3749 | 7,274 Dunnockshaw - - - - Township 11 wa{ —-|] - - ll - 36 40 | "6 Downham - - - - = Chapelryf 104 | 110] —]| 2 25 a7 8. 307 313 620 Foulridge - - - - - Township] 239] 242] 4]! 2 70 | 169 3 646 661 1,307 Goldshaw-Booth - - - Chapelry]! 159] 174] —| 6 io | 161 3 414 405 | 819 Habergham-Eaves - - Township} 849 | 891 1 | 22 “6 | 779 | 36 2,229, 2,383 | 4,612 Hapton- - - - - - Townshipf 104] 108] -—| — 26 77: 5 287 2d1 568 Heyhouses - - - - ~ Township 32 37) -| = 1 35 1 98 89 187 Higham-Booth - - = Township} 172] 176] 2] 4 41) 127 8 461 430 891 Hallowe Reedy, Fille) “a } os] m{ —| | ao] 6o| a | 24 | 198 | aan Huncoat - - - - - Township? 116] 321] -—| — 13} 107 1 311 318 629 Ightenhill-Park - - (!) Township 38 38} -| - 4 34. - 105 103 208 Marsden, Great - - - Chapelryf 311 | 326| -—]| 2 53.| 267 6 950 943 1,893 Marsden, Little - - - Township] 357] 407 [12] 2 27 | 372 8 1,022 1,030 2,052 ‘Mearley - - - ~- - Township 13 ig} -]| - 7 6 - 44 45 89 Mitton, Little - - - (!) Township 14 wu} =+-| - 9 5} - 53 46 99 Aeon en eee pohapety 1,592 | 1,673 | 22 | 747 211,646] 25 | 4,228 | 4,329 | 8,557 Padiham - - = = = Chapelry] 559] 692112] 3 27 | 559. | 106 1,524 |} 1,536 | 3,060 Pendleton - - - - = Chapelryf 216} e394} -| 5 16 | 213 5 693 626 1,319 ’ (®) The entire Parish of Preston contains 27,300 Inhabitants. The large increase of Population in the Borough of Preston is ascribed to the extension of trade.——-(h) Most ‘part of Ribchester Parish is in Blackburn Hundred.——(‘) The entire Parish of Bury contains 34,581 Inhabitants. Most part of. Bury Parish is in Salford Hundred. (*) The Parish of Mitton is mostly in Yorkshire, W. Riding, (Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake.)——(!) The entire Parish of Whalley (which is partly in the Lower Division) contains 84,198 Inhabitants.’ The great increase of Population, especially in the Townships of New-Accrington, Burnley, Clithero, Colne, and Wiswell, is ascribed to the extension of manufacture in spinning cotton thread, weaving and printing calico, and a new colliery has been opened in the Township called Ightenhill-Park. Deadwin-Clough, Tunstead, Wolfenden, and Bacup are included in the Return of New-Church ; Hewthorn and Coalcoates, in the return of Little Mitton, The Parish is said to extend into Cheshire (Eddisbury Hundred) and Yorkshire (Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake, ) 152 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER . [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fare | Fast {Agr faa ery By s LIES chiefly OTHER oR how 3 chiefly employ- Families wa TOTAL 3 many | | 3 em- | eq jn |notcom- a a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 4 |Families} € | | ployed | Trans, | Prized in is = oF ‘3 Oc- = re in Manu. | the Two ta a PERSONS ; moans a cupied.| 5 Dp Acri- | factures, preced- S fy 4 BLACKBURN Hundred. (Higher Division.) euL- forHandi-} 8 continued. ture. | craft, | Classes. }-———___. Whalley Parish—continued. Read - - + Township 81 gi} -| - 247 64 = 250 260 510 Rough-Lee-Booth - - - Township} 157] 159] -| 1 10 146 3 470 | 488 958 Simonstone - - - Township 58 67 -} 3 10 50 7 191 205 396 Trawden-Forest - - Township} 441 470 | 12 3 87 375 8 1,254 1,253 2,507 Twiston - - - = = Township 32 32 -~| - 16 16 > + Township 34 34} -] - 12 22 ms 95 83 178 Yate and Pick-up-Bank Township} 238 {| 246] 1] 4 S 233 | 13 406 653 1,359 12,510 /13,615 (223 }276 | 1,146 {11,941| 528 820 | 36,326 BLACKBURN Hundred. ee pete ans Pe solicit 35 36,326 | 72,146 (Lower Division.) Blackburn Parish: (™) Balderston - - - - - Chapelry} 1 09 112} -]| 2 Gg Billington - - - - Chapelry | 157 160} -]| - "5 a : 333 i ies Blackburn 2 2 s Township | 3,944 | 4,337 | 18 1157 | 100 | 3,969 | 268 10,426 |11,514 | 21,940 Clayton-le-dale - - Township 93 95| -| 2 8 87 - 309 9 89 8 Cuerdale - - - - - Township 28 28; -}] - 10 18 - 84. 82 286 Darwen, Lower - - - Township 357 | 377 5 1 4 373 - 1,147 1,091 2,238 Darwen, Over- - - - Chapelry}1,114 1,157 | 11 | 30 28 |4,121 8 3,295 3,416 6: Dinkley - - - - - Township 35 37/ -| 1 4 33 - 127 ll 1 ae Eccleshill - - - - Township 470 71} -| 2 3 68 - 237 219 ie Harwood, Great - - Chapelry | 357 | 380] 6 1 22 348 10 1,050 1,0 i: Harwood, Little - - - Township 33 34] - 1 1 12 6} 16 1 09 1 3 ae Livesly - - - - - Township} 281 297 | —] 12 51 95 | 151 809 855 1 664 Mellor - - - Township | 326] 330] 21 2 8 321 1 1,01 6 81 Osbaldeston - - Township 52 54] 1] 2 3 50 1 11 = ae : is Pleasington - - - - Township 95 | 104} -] 2 14 69 | 21 316 309 625 Ramsgrave - - - Township 86 go; -| - 8 Rishton - - = - ~ i : s : a ae ae : Township}? 183; 2064 —1]| 2 13 3 | 190 61 Salisbury - - - Chapelry 70 yg) ef cee 4 6 i 2 fee ae Samlesbury - - - ~- Chapelry | 321 325 | -| 7 20 oe a0 6 Tockholes - - > Chapelry 207 208 = 5 13 2 1 A 66. bo ; oo Walton-le-Dale - ~ Chapelry | 954 1,070 | - | 23 } 133 : ‘ 63 je oan Wilpshire - - - - Township 48 51} -| 2 5 ci = o 3 — a Witton - - - Township | 181 201 1 6 a a i ™ 1 a3 3 172 | 26 08 Chipping Parish: (*) : cg : a Chipping - - - - - Townshi 201 Thornley-vit-Wheatley - Township] 841 82| | 24° ae) ae oe ca, | ee | ee Mitton Parish: (*) _ Aighton Bailey & Chaigley Township] 2 33 | 2651 9g] 3 go 171 4 86 622 1.48 Ribchester Parish: (part of) (°) : o Dilworth - - = = ~ Townshi 156 = | Dutton - 2 - ew ee Tomiy 86 es = : - — 3 471. a |. Oe | Ribchester - - - - Township] 297 0 1 a a 83 mm aoe oe ca 9 393 2 29 259 | 15 863 897 | 1,760 Whalley (part of) Parish: (! ) 3owland with Leagram | Townshi 6 - Church-Town - = - - Cian an ne 7 : on 4 6 189 181 370 — Clayton-le-Moors - - - Township| 207 349} -| 4 - a 367 385 ae ne gden = - = - Chapelry $1,170 }1,1 70| 5153 | 2 P oe yes 995 a 1083 swaldtwistle - - - - Townshi ete ae age S$ ‘ownship 789 850 | 11 15 14 793 63 2.45% 2;509 4,960 12,493 {13,499 | 70 1358 1,154 11,050| 1,295 | 36,822 | 37,640 74,462 The Parish i ; echt fs goa naa : ] ee a fy Movkehiie West Riding. to the introduction of Vaccine Inoculation. A colliery has been opened Page.———(™) The entire Bet f ee kb a) ae ee ea preceding at Over-Darwin. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Black- tants. The great increase of Popelaten 3h ee hme ite Township.—(") The entire Parish of Chipping contains 1,735 . i xtensive Parish is nhabitants,——(°) Th q . . ah * ascribed to the extension of cotton manufacture in all its branches, 2nd Sic neiriade _ oa ova tia which is partly ic = 2 . M.DCCC. XXI.] — THE POPULATION ACT, COUNTY OF LANCASTER-- continued. T GEO. Iv. C. Q4. NNN ee tains 860 Inbabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Leyland contains 12,959 Inhabitants, The pleasant and healthy situation of Leyland Township is said to have attracted many Inhabitants from the neiglibour- HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Rance ieeg iin (se oR By 3 LIES | chiefly | OTHER : : ; how ZF chiefly | employ-| Fauuilies ws TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 any wo | ‘e eine ed in |notcom- wa 4 a Families & 2 ployed Trane, | prized in A < OF s Oc- 5 Q in Mannv- | the Two < a PERSONS. f A cupied. | @ | 5 AcrI- | factures,| Preced- a mH CcuUL- di in LEYLAND Hundred. rune. | erat, | Clases, Brinde - - - - - = = Parish} 246] 256] -] 2 34 204 | 18 805 4769 1,574 Chorley - - - - - = (?) Parish {1,275 [1,370 { 18 } 66 82 [1,241 | 47 3,634 3,681 | 7,315 Croston Parish: (4) ‘Bispham - - - - + Township 42 42{ —-| - 17 23 2 132 122 254 Bretherton - - - - - Township} 129] 131 1{ - 48 "5 8 375 373 748 Croston - - + - = Township} 237 | 261} -| 4 56 186 | 19 668 699 1,367 Hesketh with Becconsall - Chapelry 98 99] -] 1 69 30 - 248 228 476 Mawdesley- - - - - Township} 137} 137} 11 3 66 w1{ - 415 418 833 Tarleton - + - = Chapelryf 291 | 293 | —| 2 | 146 99} 48 489 827 1,616 Ulnes-Walton - - - Township 86 89] -{ 2] 38 51 - 270 267 537 Eccleston Parish: (*) Eccleston - - - - - Township} 121 | 127 f 2{ —- 38 78} 11 364 363 724 Hisken - - - - - Township 51 2/4 1 22 247 3 142 132 274 Parbold - - - - Township 68 68} -] 1 27 39 2 179 160 339 Wrightington - - - - Township} 248 | 248 | 3] 2 } 105 132 | 21 730 931 1,461 Hoole Parish : «) : Hoole, Little - - - + Township 36 37 | - a1 14 2 114 102 216 , Hoole, Much - - Township} 123 | 125 | — 42 68 | 15 325 319. 644 Leyland Parish: (*) r Clayton-le-Woods = - Township} 139 { 146} -] 2 33 113 - 403 398 801} Cuerden - - - = = Township} 88] 964 -| -]| 17 TT 2 275 294 569 Euxton - -. - - + = Chapelry| 228 | 239 1 1 41 104 | 94 672 688 1,360 Heapey- - - - - = Chapelry 84 88} -] 1 22 66 - 271 259 530 Hoghton - - - - - Township[ 349 368} 5| 5 14. 353 1 1,048 1,063 2,111 Leyland- - - - - - Township} 551 611 1 3 55 521 35 1,559 1,614 3,173 Wheelton - - - - ~ Township] 188 208 3] 5 15 190 3 591 595 1,186 Whittle-le-Woods - - - Township} 361 377} —|11 48 320 9 1,032 1,051 2,083 Withnell - - - + Township? 184] 184] -]| - 16 168 - 561 585 1,146 Penwortham Parish: ¢") Farrington - - - - - Township "8 81 es 1 32 49 - 269 244. 513 Howick - - - + = Township 23 254 -| - 10 13 2 63 73 136 Hutton - - - - Township gl 101 -| - 23 69 9 307 306 613 Longton - - = = Chaperyf 307] 330} -]| 2] 94 208 | 28 894 897 | 1,791 Penwortham - - - - Township} 243 | 250] —| 2 32 199 | 19° "37 764 1,501 Rufford - - - - - Parish 169} 189] 2] — | 153 26 | 10 543 530 1,073 Standish Parish: (w) Adlington - - - - - Townshipf 161 181 | 10 2 53 125 3 547 496 1,043 Anderton - - - - - Township} 72 80; -t 1 27 «53 - 216 216 432 “Charnock-Heath - - Township| 126 | 130] —}| 3 10 120 - 423 400 823 Charnock-Richard - Township] 190] 1390] =] - 64 57 9 400 394 794 Coppull- - - = - - Chapelry 167 167 | —} 3 36 126 5 499 518 1,017 Duxbury - - - ~- - Township 52 56) -{ 1 14 34 8 172 140 312 Shevington - - - - ~- Township} 132 | 132} -—} 8 31 101 - 419 417 836 Standish with Langtree - Township}? 370 | 3704 2] 2 48 256 | 36 1,036 1,029 2,065 Welsh-Whittle- - - - Township 29} 29! -f - 16 13 - 76 "5 151 Worthington - - - - Township 18 25 ~ - 12 13 = 75 68 143° |, LONSDALE Hundred. 7,528 |7,928 | 49 (134 [1,757 | 5,712] 459 | 22,278 | 22,305 | 44,583 (North of the Sands.) Aldingham - - - - (*) Parish} 141.) 144] -—| — | 114 12{ 18 389 371 60 Cartmell Parish: (7) Allithwaite, Lower - -. Township} 160] 161] 3] 6/7 71 60 | 30 418 421 839 Allithwaite, Upper - - Township] 135 | 145 | -—| 4 85 37 | 23 394 377 771 Broughton - - - - = Chapelry 73 73) -1 3 36 15} 22 197 184 381 () The increase of Population in the Parish of Chorley is ascribed to | ing Townships. (*) The entire Parish of Penwortham contains 4,554 the establishment of new cotton-factories. (4) The entire Parish of Inhabitants. (”) The entire Parish of Standish contains 7,616 Inha- Croston contains 5,831 Inhabitants ——() The entire Parish of Eccles- || bitants. The increase’ of Population is ascribed to the establishment of ton contains 2,801 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Hoole con- | new cotton-factories.. (*) The Return of Aldingham includes the Townships of Glaston and Leece, of Upper and Lower Aldingham ; all which made separate Returns in 1811,———(’) The entire Parish of Cartmell contains 4,923 Inhabitants. : Rr (Enumeration: 14 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LANCA STER—continued. pana aioe antag 5 Seta HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: - Famt- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Famr os Fae 7 ‘ how z chiefly a F ae : a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. a Ln emo) See AO ta a oF 2 [Palle og |e monet | | a (PERSON 5 cupied. | & 5 Acni- | factures,| Preced- a i LONSDALE Hundred (North of the Sands) cut- lorHandi-| _ ig continued. ture. | craft. | Classes. Cartmell Parish—continucd. : Cartmelfell 2 Chapelry 56 66 = 3 49 10 @ 212 pe ; on Holker, Lower - - = Township} 203] 214] 1 | 18 107 51 56 4 a a Holker, Upper - - (y) Township} 181 | 190} —| 7 71 91 28 57 = 6 , ' Stavely - - ~- Township 67 67 2 2 46 16 5 174 7 35 Coulton - - - - - (%) Parish} 282] 293] 1) 7 94 89 | 110 835 792 | 1,627 Dalton-in-Furness Parish: (*) Dalton - + - ~ Township 165 165 - - 110 40 15 eal 367 714 Hawcoat-above-Town- - Township} 120 | 125] -—| 1 74 26 25 ay 343 710 with Ireleth - - Township 88 88 = - ay 7 4 2 253 513 Yarleside - - - - Township 76 81 - 2 65 13 3 27 233 599 Hawkeshead Parish: (>) Claife - - + - Township} gi} gr] -| —- 44} 12) 35 ee: 238 452 Hawkeshead - - Township} 166 | 166] -| 9 53 65 48 41 413 29 Monk-Coniston & Skellwith Township 84 84); 1] 1 42 22 20 215 2 : 1 426 Satterthwaite - - Chapelry 54 611/ -| 3 33 26 2 147 160 307 Kirkby-Ireleth Parish: (°) Pie hie - Chapelry |} 255 } 268] -—]| 3 g6 | 112 60 618 635 1,253 Dunnerdale - - - Township 26 26] -| 1 24 2 - 75 143 Leathwaite - - = Chapelry 38 38 | -| 6 24 9 2 97 111 208 Low-Quarter - - - Township} 115 | 117} -| 1 36 68 13 296 276 572 Middle-Quarter - Township 94 96} 1] - 26 64 6 282 222 504 Woodland and Heathwaite Township 41 46 | -—| 6 35 10 1 134 133 267 Pennington - - = - - Parish 50 54] -| 5 31 16 4 148 136 284 Ulverstone Parish: (4) ‘ Blawith- - - - Chapelry 38 39); -| 2 23 9 4 94 9 ae Church-Conistone - - Chapelry} 103 | 104] —| 2 33 60 11 305 261 56 Egton - - = (2) Chapelry 97 07, -| 3 47 40 10 216 254 470 Lowick - - - = - = Chapelry 67 3) =] 2 29 39 5 198 180 378 Mansriggs - Township 12 w2j-| 1 11 - 1 35 27 62 Newland - Township 80 83 1 6 45 18 20 213 227 440 Osmotherley - - Township 54 Ba seh se 22 28 4 131 133 264 Satterthwaite - - (4) Chapelry 25 25} 1] —- 15 2 8 80 74 154 Ulverstone - - Township} 812} 895 | 6 | 36 106 | 528} 261 1,967 2,348 4,315 Torver - - os Chapelry 52 52| -| 3 27 25 = 141 122 263 Urswick - + (*) Parish} 147 | 147] 1] 3 87| 23) 37 397 390 | 787 LONSDALE Hundred. 4,248 | 4,440 | 18 |147 | 1,891 | 1,645 | go4 | 11,392 | 11,498 | 22,890 (South of the Sands.) Bolton-le-Sands Parish: (°°) Bolton-le-Sands - - Township? 105 | 111 | 4] 4 38 46 24 306 309 615 Kellet, Nether - - - Township 62 65 | = =e 59 6 = 190 168 358 Kellet, Over - - - Chapelryf 102] 112] 1] 7 96 13 3 283 248 531 Styne with Hest Township 52 53 = i 41 4 8 170 147 317 Burton-in-Kendal (part of) Parish: (f) Dalton - Township 24 24) -| - 23 - 1 92 59 151 Claughton - - - - Parish 18 ig} -j 1 14 5 as 54 69 123 Cockerham Parish: (8) Cockerham - - - + Township}? 134 | 138| —]j 2 138 - a 307 376 173 Ellel - - = - Chapelry} 294] 315] -—1| 9 121 | 177 17 904 947 | 1,851 (*) The increase of Population at Upper-Holker is ascribed to the prosperity of trade, and the improvement of medical knowledge. (7) The Return of the Parish of Coulton includes the Townships of East and West-Coulton, Haverthwaite, Finthwaite, and Rusland, and Nib- thwaite ; all which made separate Returns in 1811. (4) The entire Parish of Dalton-in-Furness contains 2,446 Inhabitants. (>) The entire Parish of Hawkeshead contains 2,014 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to the depressed state of the mantiufacturing districts, causing the Iuhabitants to resort to agricultural Parishes. (°) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Ireleth contains 2,947 Inhabitants. A similar remarle to that on Hawkeshead.——(¢) The entire Parish of Ulverstone contains 7,102 Inhabitants, A small decrease of Population at Egton is ascribed to the disuse of a cotton mill. opened at Satterthwaite. the Townships of Adgarley, made separate Returns in 1811. Sands contains 1,821 Inhabitants. Return of 137 Inhabitants in 1811; but is supposed o (©) The Return of Urs Bardsea, Stainton, an Slate-quarries are wick Paris includes d Bolton ; all which (&¢) The entire Parish of Bolton-le- A Township called Bolton made been a duplicate Return of part of Bolton-le-Sands Township. Parish of Burton-in-Kendal is most!y in Westmoreland ; (Kendal Ward, (®) The entire Parish of Cockerham contains 2,624 Inhabitants; not including part of Clevely and Lonsdale Ward.) wholly entered in Garstang Parish, (Amounderness.} m enquiry to have The Township, which is M.DCE€C.XXI.| THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 155 Hee ee ee ener ee eee ee eer ee ee ee ce ee COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: ———— —_ |, Famt- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, S Famr- | Sins ios 3 LIES - THER C OR ; . fy 3 chiefly a Families 4 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 2 hae 2) eS ei oe ie 3 ae (Pout) 3 |g | Med |tmsne,[preetin) | S _dpersons, a cupied.| | 5 Acri- |factures, | Preced- Ss fe i 7 cuL- jorHandi-| _ mg LONSDALE Hundred (South of the Sands) ture, |_craft. | Classes. continued. ania Halton - - - - - - -() Parish} 144] 158 | —]| 10 77 64] 17 434 394 828 Aughton - - - ~- - Chapelry 25 29} -| 1 26 2 1 117 82 199 Heysham - - - - - - =~ Parish} 101} 106} -—| 9 93 9 4 267 273 540 Lancaster (part of) Parish: (4) Aldclife - ~ - - - Township 11 a1{ —| 2 ll - 44 41 85 Ashton with Stodda. - Township 42 47} -| 2 45 2 - 117 125 242 Bare- - - - - = Township 18 19 - - 19 - 45 46 gl Bulk - - - - - - Township 18 18} -| 2 18 - - 52 59 111 Caton - - - - - = Chapelryf 209] 213] 1] 19 19 go} 44 5ll 596 1,107 Gressingham - - - - Chapelry 37 39] -| 2 35 2 2 108 93 201 Heaton with Oxcliffe - Township 23 25} -| - 22 3 - 109 67 176 Middleton - - - - - Township, 31 32{ -| 1 29 2 1 96 89 185 Overton - - - + = Chapelry 66 69 | -—| 11 24 27} 18 177 167 344 Poulton- - - - - + Chapelry 67 69} 2] 1 61 4 1 183 180 363 Quarmoore - - - (1) Township gi} 91} -]| 5 64 25 2 329 343 | 672 Scotforth - - - - Township} 100] 102] —| 5 100 2 - 293 286 579. Skerton- - = - - ~ Township} 275 | 303} 2 | 12 yo | 176] 57 587 696 1,283 Thurnham - - - = Township} 75 751 —| 2 72 1 2 220 228 448 Torrisholme - - ~- + Township 29 31; 11 12 138 146 284 Tunstal - - - - Township 24 ayft —-| = 147 5 5 68 847 155 | Warton Parish: (*) Borwick - - - - = Township 42 42} -| 1 B81 8 3 136 115 251 Carnforth - - - - = Township 55 55} -| 1 37 14 4 143 151 294 Hutton - - - - - Township 37 371 -| 6 21 14 2 100 113 213 Silverdale ~ - = - - Chapelry 44. 44} -]| 2 39 5 = 130 113 243 Warton with Lindreth - - Townshipf 109} 110] -—| 4 56 36 | 18 278 280 558 Yealand Conyers - Township 43 43} 1] 2 17 14] 12 132 132 264 Yealand-Redmayne - - Township 39 go}; -}) - 36 4 - 121 106 227 | Whittington - - - - - « Parish 82 g1 11 51 16 | 24 234 227 461 3,459 | 3,617 | 12 | 170 | 2,226 | 1,010 | 381 9,869 | 9,727 | 19,596 SALFORD Hundred. Ashton-under-Lyne Parish: (°) . Ashton-Town - - - - District 11,643 | 1,740 | 32 | 36 19 {1,680 | 41 4,514. 4,708 9,222 Audenshaw - - - - - District] 620] 670] 1 | 16 24 | 640 6 1,923 1,858 3,781 Hartshead - - - - - = District] 1,548 | 1,607 1 | 42 80 11,508 | 19 4,595 4,632 9,137 Knott-Lanes - - - - - District} 644] 770] 1 4 29} 717 | 24 1,978 1,849 3,827 (4) The entire Parish of Halton contains 1,027 Inhabitants——=(i) The { to the Parish of Thornton, in Lonsdale, the church of which is in Yorkshire, Parish of Lancaster extends into Amounderness, and including the Bo- | (Staincliffe and EwcrossWapentake. )—~—(™) The entire Parish of Tunstall rough Town of Lancaster, (entered at the end of the County) contains | contains 757 Inhabitants ———(") The entire Parish of Warton contains 19,272 Inhabitants. In the Township of Quarmoore, the inclosure of an | 2,050 Inhabitants.—(°) The entire Parish of Ashton-undet-Lyne cori- extensive common has increased the Population.——(*) The entire Parish | tains 25,967 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to of Melling contains 2,340 Inhabitants——(!) The entire Parish of } the extension of the cotton manufacture. Tatham contains 880 Inhabitants ; but perhaps Ireby rather appertains ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: ea “| Fame PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fast | pigs | Att By 3 LIES | chiefly Ocnes TOTAL oR how 2 chiefly employ- | Families 4 L PLACE Z femael & | 2 | pemea | ct im ot cdinf az or i * = aml a riz Sr ere elo. 12/60" ene tie‘ wo 2 & _IPERSons, = cupied. a 5 Acri- factures, preced- sa ey : CUL~ lorHandi-| ing SALFORD Hundred—continued. TURE. | rat, | Classes. Iton Parish: (P ee & ) - = = Township 31 32} -| 1 12 19 1 110 ae pa Blackrod - - - - Chapely} 434) 4741] -— | 13 67 | 394 13 1,208 1,22 2,43 Bolton, Great - - Township } 3,791 | 4,396 | 63 | 39 50 14,170 | 176 | 10,646 11,391 a Bolton, Little - (?) Chapelry | 1,662 {1,871 | 57 | 24 59 |1,683 | 129 4,515 ae 9525 Bradshaw - Chapelry} 118 | 122] -| 5 19 97 6 375 33 - Breightmet = - - Township} 165 17o} -—] = 14] 151 5 489 aa 993 Edgworth - - Township 275 290 8} 9 75 213 2 860 9 ie Entwisle - Township} 118 | 120] —| 29 2] 115 3 348 329 77 Harwood - - - = Township} 325 | 332] 2] 8 19 | 311 2 823 986 1 *8og Lever, Darcy - =~ = Chapelry} 158 175 1 3 4 | 170 1 499 457 95 Lever, Little - - - Township | 320 | 347 1 | 16 24 20 | 300 930 924 1,854 Longworth - - = - Township 39 39; -]| = 11 28 - 134 104. 238 Lostock - - - - = Hamlet? gi] 100] —| 5 17 83 - 280 296 576 Quarlton - - - - - Township 37 37 1 2 15 bo _ 151 169 a0 Rivington - - = = Chapely} 94 97| -| @ 30 57 10 313 270 583 Sharples - (?) Township} 335] 391 | — 13 23 91 359 1,027 1,038 2,065 Tonge with Haulgh = - (?) Township} 302] 335] — 13 26 | 254 55 846 832 1,678 Turton - - - - - Chapery] 354} 377 1} 9 108 39 | 230 1,075 1,015 2,090 Bury (part of) Parish: (4) Bury - - - > Township [1,934 | 2,160 | 27 | 63 29 | 2,086 45 5,191 55392 ; 10,583 Elton - - - > Township}? 451 | 5071 3] 9g 57 | 367 83 1,408 1,489 2,807 Heap - - - > Chapelry 11,060 | 1,134] 5 } 14 50 | 1,018 66 | 3,220 3,332 6,552 Tottington, Higher - Chapelry} 299] 308] 2 | 28 42 233 33 903 825 1,728 Tottington, Lower - ~- Chapelry {1,181 | 1,303 | 20 33 47 | 1,220 36 | 3,678 3,655 | 75333 Walmersley - - © Township} 478 531 4] 18 61 458 12 1,592 1,698 3,290 Dean Parish: (") Farnworth - - > Chapelry} 334 | 378] 3] 47 35 | 342 1 991 1,053 2,044 Heaton - - - - Township? 137/ 139} -—| 9 32 | 107 - 420 406 826 Hilton, Little - - Chapelry} 396} 458] 2] 47 58 | 398 2] 1,215 1,250 2,465 Hilton, Middle - Township} 154] 170} -—] — 28 "5 67 455 483 938 Hilton, Over - - Township 95 | 111] 4] 3 37 59 15 319 272 591 Horwick - - + (") Chapelry] 471 | 515 | —{| 26 46 | 452 17 1,454 1,419 2,873 Halliwell - - - - - Township] 416 479 | 1] 23 96 | 377 6 1,137 1,151 2,288 Kearsley. ~ ~ Township} 303 | 327] ~—| 13 18 | 306 3 939 894 1,833 Rumworth - * = + Township? 160} 168] 4] 6 26 | 132 10 445 402 847 Westhoughton - - Chapelry} 671 | 698/ 1] 7 162 | 525 11 2,087 2,124 4,211 Eccles Parish: (*) Barton (+) - (*) Township } 1,280 11,474 | 12 13 183 | 1,227 64 } 3,997 4,050 7:977 Clifton - - - - ($) Township} 171 | 201) —] = 14.{ 187 - 585 583 1,168 Pendlebury - Township} 162] 180] 2] 3 9| 161 10 539 508 | 1,047 Pendleton (+) - Township [1,032 | 1,106 | 18 | 45 26 | 992 88 2,784 3,164 5,948 Worsley - > ~ Township }1,097 | 1,272 | 7] 9g 178 | 1,062 32 | 3,498 3,693 | 7,191 Flixton, Parish: (*) Flixton - Township} 233) 245] —| — 54} 169 22 782 822 1,604 Urmston - - + Township} 105/ 11g] —| — 13 94 4 317 328 645 Manchester Parish: (") Ardwick - (") Chapelry} 617 | 735 | 4 32 34 | 510 191 1,596 1,949 3,545 Beswick Township 9 9 - = 1 1 9 19 16 35 Blackley ( +) - (*) Chapelryf 472 | 528] — 4 gl 408 29 1,491 1,420 2,911 Bradford - Township 18 20}; -]|] - 8 12 — 45 50 95 Broughton - Township} 146] 148] 5] 5 24| 104 17 426 454 880 Burnage- - Township 92 g8 | -}] 1 31 63 4 257 256 513 Cheetham (+) - - Chapelryf 369 | 375] 4] 12 22) 307 46 894 1,133 2,027 (?) The entire Parish of Bolton contai ins 50,197 Inhabitants. The great increase is attribut The Return of Little Bol Manufacture, One female upwards of (9) The entire Parish of contains 34,581 Inhabitants. 18,916 Inhabitants, is stated in the Return of ton T and that of Tonge Township, ed to the extension of the cotton manufacture. ownship speaks of the revival of trade; states the general prosperity of trade and notwithstanding occasional checks during the last ten years. 100 years of age in Sharples Township. Bury (which is partly in Blackburn Hundred) °) The entire Parish of Dean contains The increase of the manufacture of calico printing Horwick Township. (§) The entire Parish of Eccles contains 23,331 Inhabitants. The increase of the bleaching trade is mentioned in the Return of Barton; and new collieries opened at Clifton. (t) The entire Parish of Flixton contains 2,249 Inha- bitants, (*) The entire Parish of Manchester, including the Town 'of Manchester and its Suburb Salford (entered at the end of the County) contains 186,942 Inhabitants. The new Road to Manchester, and the establishment of print-works and dye-houses, is mentioned as a cause of increased population at Blackley. One male, upwards of 100 years of age at Ardwick, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 157 ————— ‘ COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fam ars By 3 LIES ehiets OrnER on . | how & | chiefy | employ. | Families wh TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. EB [my | ws | em | edin pot com] gf : ee eee ee eee a ie tee 3 cupied. | |S Acri- panes preced- 3 Fa PERSONS. ] SALFORD Hundred—continued. oe ae ae | Manchester Parish :—continued. Chorlton with Hardy - - Chapelry} 110] 119) —]| 1 97 16 6 298 326 - 624 | Chorlton-Row - - Township } 1,630 | 1,683 {110 [106 37 | 1,256 | 390 3,657 | 45552 8,209 ‘ Crumpsall - - - Township] 139 | 160] 2] 15 27 | 105 28 466 444 910 { Denton- - - - = - Chapelryf 323] 369| 5] 4 13 | 351 5 1,023 989} 2,012 | Didsbury - - - - Chapery| 156] 172] -| 3 51 | 107 14 466 467 933 i Droylsden - - - - ~ Township} 389 | 426] 51 3 8] 410 8 1,469 1,386 2,855 Failsworth - - - - - Township} 509] 599] -|{ 5 37 | 5431 19 1,594 | 1,764 | 3,358 Gorton - - - - - Chapelry| 261 284 | -— | 13 32 | 232 20 782 822 1,604 Harpurhey - - - - - Township 55 56] -} 4 6 50 - 148 149 297 Heaton-Norris (--) - - Chapelry }1,050 | 1,429 | 13 } 11 72 11,353 4 '3,276 3,682 6,958 - Houghton - = 2 Township} 323) 356) 71 5 8 | 347 1 1,051 | 1,033 | 2,084 Hulme - - - - - - Township} 749 | 8go | 21 | 53 37 | 536} 317 1,985 | 2,249 | 4,234 Levenshulme (+) - - Township} 133 140 / 1] 14 24] 109 4 374 394 4768 Moss-Side (+) - - Township 25 26; -]| - 8 16 2 91 81 172 Moston (+) - = - = Township{ 89] 100} 1] 4 14 81 5 296 297 593 Newton - - - - - Chapelry} 421] 453] 51 5 22] 415 16 1,293 1,284 2,577 Openshaw - - - Township 86 94} 14 1 26 66 2 250 247 497 Reddish - - + - - Township gl 04] 3] 3 18 67 9 322 252 574 Rushulme - - - - - Township} 148 180 1 3 45 120 15 426 487 913 Stretford - - - Chapelry] 378] 397) - | 6 178 | 215 4 1,094 1,079 2,173 Withington - - + Township} 143] 156] -] —- 98 58 ~ 456 436° 892 | Middleton Parish: (”) Ainsworth - - - - - Township] 266 | 297] 6] 5 28 | 253 16 826 783 1,609 | _Ashworth - - - - - Chapelry 41 40} -] 1 7 33 - 143 137 280 | Birtle with Bamford Township} 200 | 220 | — 1] 16 24 | 196 - 595 612 1,207 | Hopwood - ~« - = Township} 211] 213] -| 1 40 | 170 3 703 | 681 1,384 | ‘Lever, Great - - - - Township} 116 { 118] -—] 4 8 | 110 - 325 306 631 | _ Middleton - - - - - Township} 1,006 | 1,067 | 8 | 15 91} 963 13 2,833 2,976 | 5,809 -Pilsworth - - - = - Township "5 77 | Se 32 45 - 248 251 499 ‘Thornham - - - - Township}? 204 | 209] -]| 6 32 | 153} 24 703 671} 1,374 Oldham cum Prestwick Parish: (x) ; Alkrington - - - - Township 58 67} 2] 3° 12 §1 4 183 182 365 | Chadderton - - - Township} 826] 968] 3] 8 55 | 887 26 2,548 2,576 5,124 Crompton - - - - Township] 985 |1,007 | 15 | 17 15 | 964 28 3,203 3,279 6,482 | Heaton, Great - - - - Township 33 go} -| —- 8 32 - 114 110 224 Heaton, Little - - - - Township] 102 116 1 4. 17 97 2 314 316 630 | Oldham - - - - - Township] 3,691 | 4,199 | 70 | 75 145 | 4,008 46 10,730 | 10,932 |, 21,662 . Pilkington - - - - - Township|1,442 |1,677 | 10 | 28 87 | 1,563 27 4,415 4,561 | 8,976 © Prestwick - - - Township} 456 | 503 | 5 | 10 59 | 418 26 1,368 | 1,356] 2,794 | Royton - - - - - Chapelry| 764] 808 | 2] 8 — | 808 =, 2,486 | 2,447 | 4,933 | Tonge - - - - = Township} 922 261} 14] -, 17 | 230 14 683 407 1,390 | Radcliffe - - - - - - - Parish} 516] 589/ -} 1] 13 403 | 173 1,588 | 1,501 | 3,089 Rochdale Parish: (7) | 0 Blatchinworth - - - Chapelry! 537] 600} 9/16 | 881] 502 10 1,603 1,540] 3,143 Butterworth - - - - Township[ 905 | 978 | 6] 32 972 | 903 3] 2,838 2,716 5,554 Castleton - - - - - Township}1,420 {1,536 | 4 | 40 | 35 | 1,466 35 3,823 4,071 7,894 Spotland (Further Side) - Township { 6 6. 68 Spotland (Nearer Side) - Township }o,242 3,095 | 12 108 | t2a | 2,420 13. nit 002 | 13,453 1 rden See St ie : 4 ee ad ee 7 } 819 | 896 | 28 | 37 | 3] 881 12 | 2,485 | 2,500] 4,985 Wardleworth - - - - Township |1,006 | 1,225 | 7 | 23 | 15 | 1,155 55. 35173 3,278 6,451 . Wuerdale and Wardle Township | 956 | 1,016 | 10 | 30 | 1 | 932 83 2,890 2,739 5,629 ‘Wigan, Parish : (7) ‘Aspull - ~ - - -~ Township} 276] 325 | 24] 12 44 | 221 6o | 949 945 1,894 54,030 60,173 | 689 |1447| 4,170 (52,152/3,851 | 159,472 | 164,120 323,592 .(") The entire Parish of Middleton contains 12,793 Inhabitants.—— | Poor Laws and late Vagrant Act as injurio —() T ot The entire Parish-of Oldham-cym-Prestwick cis 52,510 Inha- ee Parish of Rochdale contains tee Te S t Beck, bi hitants. Additional factories are said to be the cause of increased Popu- | Agbrigg Wapentake, W. R. of Yorkshire, (7) The Parish of Wigan Iation at Oldbam, Chadderton, and,Crompton; the Return of Royton } is mostly in West-Derby Hundred. mentions Children Apprentices brought from London ; and- states the ) Ss 158 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Famr PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr | Ying | ALL By os | MES | chiefly | Orser : oF . how = | chiefly | employ-| Families ; 4 TOTAL 2 many th | Ss em= ed in |notcom- wn 4 oe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ig |Families} € | € | ployed | Tganz, | prizedin a S 4 Oc- a "a in | Manu- | theTwo < 2] PERSONS. 4 cupied. | | 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- = ea cut- forHandi-}| ing WEST DERBY Hundred. TuRE. | craft. | Classes. Altcar- - - - = = Parish 70 8] -| - 42 28 8 265 234 499 Aughton - - - + Parish} 226] 238] 11° 2 | 135 50 | 53 655 624 1,279 Childwall Parish: (# Allerton A - - Township} 38 38} -]| 1 30 3 5 163 165 328 Childwall - - - Township 21 e1| -|1 17 - 4 57 70 127 Garston - - Chapelry} 139] 150] 1] 7 a7 45 | 28 427 447 874 Hale - - - - Chapelry | 117 128 | - 1 51 63 14 332 298 630 Halewood - - - - Township] 160] 164] 1] 3 | 116 39 9 480 454 934 Speke : - = = Township} 57 1 of = | Bo 2 - 248 214 462 Wavertree - - Chapelry | 268 310 | 6 | 18 95 135 80 710 910 1,620 Woolton, Little - Township} 107] 108] 1] 2 67 14 | 27 332 341 673 Woolton, Much - Township} 159] 172 | -—| 7 56 40} 76 455 515 970 Croxteth-Park - - - Extra-P. 4 ed ee es 3 1 - 18 12 30 Halsall Parish: (>) Down-Holland - - Township} 106] 115] —] 2 48 23} 14 328 301 629 Halsall - - - 4 Township} 169] 170} 3] 2 | 113 44 | 13 501 469 970 Lydiate - - Township | 105 17] 41 1 78 27 | 12 337 354 691 Maghull - - Chapelry | 127 127 1 8 92 18 | 17 373 347 720 Melling - - Chapelry 89 89 - 3 30 48 11 280 248 528 Huyton Parish: (*) Huyton - - ee Township | 152 163) -| 3 43 53 | 67 446 417 863 Knowsley - - - - Township] 194 | 209] ~j| 1 | 1974 32 3 592 582 1,174 Roby - - - Township 47 48 - ~ 44 4 - 1 36 174 310 Tarbock - - - Township | 102 16; -] - 66 50 - 356 343 699 Leigh Parish: (4) Astley - - - > - Chapelry} 306] 340] —| 1 16 318 6 929 953 1,882 Atherton - - - - Chapelry{ 790 | 804] 2] — 50 742 12 2,001 2,144 45145 Bedford - - - - + Township? 449] 570] 2] 1 45 433 | 92 1,420 1,410 2,830 Pannington - - - (4) Township] 480] 542 3/ 8 42 490 | 10 1,332 1,450 2,782 Tyldesley - - - ~- (*) Township] 678 824 | 10 | 14 11 811 2 2,062 2,263 4,325 West-Leigh - - - (4) Township} 412 | 461] 1] 6 22 419 | 20 1,173 1,235 2,408 LIVERPOOL - - - - (®) Borough - - - - - - _ - - - North-Meols (f) Parish} 539 | 548] —| 65 | 150 390 8 1,375 1,388 2,763 Ormskirk Parish: (8) Bickerstafle - - - ~- Township| 194 197} —| -— | 166 27 4 665 547 1,212 Birkdale - + Township 60 ARN es os 62 12 - 215 199 414 Burscough - - - Township} 327 | 332] 1/| 4 | 235 50 | 47 g10 845 1,755 Lathom- - - - (8) Township} 519 | 545 4] 5 | 361 163 21 1,542 1,455 2,997 Ormskirk - - - Township | 738 | 782] g | 16 67 490 | 225 1,812 2,026 3,838 Scarisbrick - - - - Township] 265 | 279} 1] 2 | 225 36] 18 819 "65 1,584 Skelmersdale - - - - Chapelry| 101 1o2 | ~] 2 58 36 8 332 290 622 . Prescot Parish: (*) i Bold - - - - Township]? 132] 135] —| 1 7 ate 21 2 427 391 818 Cronton - - Township 67 68 _ 2 33 33 2 188 170 358 Cuerdley Be Township 53 53 = - 50 3 = 162 159 321 Ditton - - - = Township 83 84 1 3 39 35 10 246 209 A55 Eccleston - - - - Township} 350] 373] —| 6] 4 51 210 | 12 972° 959 1,931 Parr - - ~~ Township] 268 | 278] —| 4 48 225 5 757 766 1,523 Penketh - - = Township 74 84} -] 1 50 26 8 234 243 477 Prescot - - Township} 842 /1,184 | ~—| a3 52 869 | 263 2,154 2,314 4,468 Rainford - - ~~ Chapelry} 274] 281] -—| 3 93 109 | 79 662 713 1,375 Rainhill = - - + Township | 113 119 1 1 66 43 10 351 289 640 Sankey, Great - - += Chapelry 99} 105] -| 1 62 37 6 283 268 551 Sutton - - - - - - Township | 431 438 | —| 2 | 186 243 9 1,146 1,183 2,329 Whiston - - - Township} 204 | 204] —| 2 | 145 45 | 14 650 656 1,306 Widness with Appleton - Township} 276] 286] -— |] 41 78 170 | 38 742 697 1,439 Windle - - - - ~ ~ Township} 843] 914] — | 16 m9 804 | 33 2,458 2,362 4,820 war is said to have increased the Population. of Leigh contains 18,372 Inhabitants. blished at Tyldesley and West-Leigh. (#) The entire Parish of Childwall contains 6,618 Inhabitants. @): The entire Parish of Halsall contains 3,538 Inhabitants, entire Parish of Huyton contains 3,046 Inhabitants. (°) The The cessation of (*) The entire Parish , Sundry manufactures are men- tioned as prevalent at Pennington ; and new factories have been esta- (*) The Parish of Liverpool is entered at the end of the County, years of age at North-Meuls tains 12,422 Inhabitants. Lathom Township.—(h) Inhabitants. lation. (f) One male upwards of 100 (*) The entire Parish of Ormskirk con- One female upwards of 100 years of age in The entire Parish of Prescott contains 22,811 An extension‘of collieries at Parr bas increased the Popu- M.DCCC:XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 159 oa ‘COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. ee HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pau > fy ee ge OR 3 i E ‘ how 2 chiefly Ree Families wn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 woah ‘ vo ‘s i oo ed in | not com- os ; _OF @ Ge (ee Pa ae. Hees 4 PERSONS. jcupied.| | | Acrr- | factures,| preced- a i WEST DERBY Hundred—continued. a or, Ao Claes, Sephton Parish: (/) Aintree - - - - - «+ Township 39 39} -| 1 12 22 5 144 116 260 Crosby, Great - - - - Chapelry} 134] 136] 2] 19 51 49 36 326 348 674 Crosby, Little - - - - Township 53 59| -| 1 44 9 6 186 173 359 Ince-Blundell - - - Township "5 go} -| 2 71 12 a 252 220 472 Litherland - - - - Township "7 my) il 5 38 16 23 240 261 501 Lunt- - - - - - =- Township 12 16} -/] 1 14 1 1 35 40 75 Netherton - - - - - Township 33 35 | -}| - 26 2 4 92 94 186 Orrell and Ford - - = Township 39 41] -| 3 30 5 6 102 115 217 Sephton- - - - - - Township 61 62} -| 1 51 7 4 193 196 389 Thornton - - - - = Township 49 50 | -] - 36 -10 4 147 153 300 Toxteth-Park - - - - (*) Extra-P.]2,224 | 2,580 | 46 | 121 34} 991 41,555 | 5,869 6,960 | 12,829 Walton-on-the-Hill Parish: (1) Bootle with Linacre - - Township]? 124} 132 | 1{1 9 56 64 12 378 430 808 Everton- - - - - Chapelry} 320] 9332 { 21} 11 33 | 183} 116 460 1,349 2,109 Fazakerley - - - ~ - Township 67 41! -| 3 59 5 10 192 226 418 Formby- + - - - - Chapelry} 219 | 219} -]j] — 128 30 61 646 611 1,257 Kirkby - - - - + - Chapelry}? 174] 174] -| 4 152 22 - 518 517 1,035 Kirkdale - - - = (!) Township] 149] 163] 11 7 27 93 43 624 649 1,273 Simonswood - - - - Township 56 56} -| - 56 - - 220 170 390 Walton-on-the-Hill - - Township} 162] 179] -—| 6 28 37 | 114 544 627 1,171 West-Derby - = ~- (!) Chapelry]1,100 |1,148 | 36 |] 69 439 | 537) 172 2,695 3,609 6,304 Warrington Parish: (™) Burtonwood - - - - Chapelryf 148 | 163] —}| 4 111 50 2 459 452 gil Poulton with Fearnhead - Township} 115 | 117 | 5] 2 3 38 6 313 318 631 Rixton - - - - = - Township} 152 | 162] -—|] — 35} 125 2 512 478 990 Warrington - - - ~- Township] 2,748 | 2,929 | 17 | 67 115 |2,637 | 1977 6,392 4,178 | 13,570 Woolstone with Martinscroft Township} 106) 111] —| — 39 59 13 309 287 596 Wigan Parish: (*) Abram - - = = = = Township] 72 80] 2] 2 21 55 4 285 219 504 Billinge (Chapel-End) - Chapeiryf 181 | 194] 1] 2 23.| 150 21 471 531 1,002 Billinge (Higher-End) - Township 94} 106] -—| 3 24 48 4 341 329 670 — Dalton - - + - = Township 85 87 | = 2 53 14 20 253 233 486 © Haigh - - - - - (") Township} 220] 220] 3 | 12 40} 180 - 669 631 1,300 Hindley- = - = = (®) Chapelry} 627 | 648 | 5} 19 53 | 586 9 | 1,849 | 1,908 | 3,757 Ince- ~ - - = = (*) Township} 246] 246] -—1| 4 37 | 201 8 673 689 1,362 Orrell - - - - = (*) Township} 371 | 390] -]| 2 121 375 3 1,088 1,018 2,106 Pemberton - - - - (") Township} 611 660 | 4] 20 68 | 592 - 1,818 1,861 3,679 Upholland - - - = (*) Chapelryf[ 542 | 568) 1] 4 106 | 447 15 1,504 1,538 3,042 Wiican - - - - () Borough - - -j|o- - - i - - - Winstanley- - - - - Township} 124] 129! 1 1 39 88 2 392 408 800 Winwick Parish : (°) Ashton-in-Mackerfield - Chapelry{ 867 {1,071 | 14 | 21 75| 955 41 2,799 2,875 5,674 Culcheth - - - - = Township? 339] 412] -—]| 2 106 | 305 1 1,106 1,057 2,163 Golborne - - - - + Townshipf 211 | 225} -—| 2 32 | 189 4 626 684 1,310 Haydock - - - - Township} 148 | 165} -| — 247 130 8 468 448 916 Houghton, Middleton, & Arbury Town. 45 48) -j| 1 20 27 1 144 136 280 Kenyon- - - = - - Township 59 64} ~| 2 25 37 2 200 196 396 Lowton - - - - - ~- Chapelryf 312] 414/ —-—| 6 30 | 376 8 987 1,001 1,988 Newron-in-Mackerfield Bor. & Chap.| 271 | 289 | -—| 4 55 | 221 13 799 844. 1,643 Southworth and Croft - - Township} 204 { 230 1] 5 40 | 182 8 616 641 1,257 Winwick - - - - - Township 99} 109] -| 2 53 36 20 282 320 6o2 26,588] 29,142, 212 714 | 6,926 '18,237|3,979 | 75,028 {79,012 | 154,040 oe () The entire Parish of Sephton contains 3,433 Inhabitants. 4 &) Toxteth, which seems not to have been included in any ancient Parish, 4 possesses two places of Divine Worship, St. James’s and St. Michael’s, the last recently consecrated.—(1) The entire Parish of Walton-on- the-Hill contains 14,765 Inhabitants. The County House of Correction { at Kirkdale contained 520 inmatesin May 1821, The neighbourhood of | Liverpool accounts for the increase of Population at West-Derby, and other Townships.——-(™) The entire Parish of Warrington contains 16,698 Inhabitants——(") The entire Parish of Wigan is partly in Salford Hundred, and contains 36,818 Inbabitants. The extension of the collieries at Haigh, Orrell, and Pemberton, is stated to have caused an increase of Population ; new factories at Hindley and Ince have had the same effect; and both these causes at Upholland. The Borough of Wigan is entered at the end ef the County.——(°) The entire Parish of Winwick contains 16,229 Inhabitants. A resort of persons from neigh- bouring Townships is stated in the Return of Ashton in Mackerfield ; and an extension of the Haydock collieries, as causing an unusual increase of Population. : 160 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ’ [Enumeration. ————e—— — COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES: i OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faw |? | are By «G LIES chiefly OrneR on how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families nw TOTAL = many | . | 3 em- ed in | not com- aw e , EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 ue 2 2 ployed Traps, | prized in A Z Or a oF Gee in Mann- | the Two < fg PERSONS. is cupied.| 5 Acri- factures,| preced- = ky f CUL- lorHandi- are ‘ TURE. t. asses. Borough of J as LANCASTER - - (F) Borough | 14792] 2,079} 14 | 97] 116 | 1,193| 770 | 4,937 1 5,407} 10,144 Borough of . LivERPOOL ~- ~- (%) Borough & Parish 19,007 [25,309 | 192/1,140] 130 | 11,421/13,758 | 54,340 | 64,632 | 118,972 Town of Manchester (-+) - - (*) Township [16,653 |22,869 | 116) 604] . 22 | 22,161] 686] 51,520 | 56,496 108,016 Salford (+) - - = (*) Township | 4,503) 5.449] 48) 267] 50 | 4,955] 444] 12,453 | 13,319] 25,772 21,156 /28,318 | 164) 871 72 |27,116) 1,130 | 63,973 | 69,815 | 133,788 Borough of ——— Wican - - - (*) Parish | 3,176] 3,366] 24 | 88 | 43 | 3,254] 69] 8,581 9,135 | 17,716 )Extra P. 2 2f-j{ - a 2 = 49 39 88 pecan with Normanton = - ae 2 a a ote oF A a - ie 573 1,070 Sibir aoe doerase 46s = 0S aris - - 1 1 28 Broughton, Nether - - - - Parish 80 88}; -|{ 1 42 36 10 210 af 8 Buckminster - - - (*) Parish} 62 66} 1] 1 49 17 = 192 135 327 Sewstern - - = = Chapelry 57 63 Se Ps 52 ll i 161 137 298 Burton-Lazars - - - - Parish 45 Bp ay 47 sy oS 120 129 249 Claxton, or Long Clawson - - Parish} 136] 145] -| 2 94 39 2 352 326 678 Cold-Overton - - (2) Parish 22 24}, -{[ - 19 1 4 61 62 123 Coston - - - - = Parish 28 28; —-] 1 24 4 -{ ° 81 81 162 ae ~ - = Parishf 98] 114] 1] - 84} 22 8 250 268 518 eskabDy - - = - = = Place 1 1 = = 1 aa a 5 Dalby, Little - - Parish Ba Bei) a=S fa 14 2 16 89 6 1 se Eastwell - - - - = = Parish 24 24} —-}] - 21 1 2 59 50 10 Eaton ~ - = = = = ~- Parish 57 60 -| 1 48 12 - 144 140 i Edmondthorpe - - - = Parish 34 37 | -] 1 33 2 2 77 41 1 $ Garthorpe - - - - > Parish 20 20} -] = 18 2 - 66 49 a Goodby-Marwood - - Parish 36 38; -}| 1 27 4 7 80 gl 1 ; Harby - - = - + Parish 80 8] -| - 60 15 10 242 : Harston - - - - ~- - - Parish 33 3 -| - 24 6 6 A "80 of Hose - - - = Parish 59 63} -| 1 49 14 - 165 — Kerby-Bellars - - - - Parish 42 42] -]| - 39 2 1 116 87 ae ae - - - = - Parish 56 63} -] - 51 9 3 150 160 310 age ree | | a |e | Sa | ae = = ia ape. a a p= Welby - - - - aspastin 8 8} -]f - 8 : = 2 se "6s Muston - - - Parish 54 56 - 1 41 8 7 122 120 : Plungar - - - - Parish 41 42} -] 2 38 4 = 102 101 a Redmile - -~ - > = = Parish 79 84) -|{ - 60 23 1 206 20, i Salthby - - - - - «& - Parish 44 47 1 - 37 6 4 121 oe i Saxby - - - - - - - Parish 31 31], - | - 28 2 1 "5 3 7 Scalford - - - - - - Parish 95° 96] -] 2 58 22 16 212 one a Somerby - - - - (4) Parish 81 86} 1] 1 37 34 15 188 196 33 Sproxton - - = © = = Parish 70 72 1 _ 50 19 3 192 a . eevod - - 2 + = = Parish 36 41 1 a 40 1 - 108 110 Be athern = = - = = = = Parish 88 -| - Sysonby - - - - - Parish 12 yf}o-] — 13 - 4 : ge - 4 Thorpe-Arnold - - - - Parish 23 24, -] — 23 - 1 3 : Waltham-on-the-Wolds = - Parish g9 | 110] -}| 41 73 34 “ a Be Withcote - - - (4) Parish 6 8t —-| - 8 - i a 8 i Wyfordby, with Brentingby - Parish 22 23; -|] - 23 - - : 36 Wymondham - - - - Parish} 112 | 12 6 { 2 63 24] 3] 2 7{ 39 18 319 305 624 — eae a 2,907 |3,106 | 13 | 43 | 1,907 819 380 4,662 7,652 15,314 Billesdon - - - - f) Parishf 1 Goadby - - - - - oe — a s . “ = oe pe ee Rolleston - - - - Chapelry 7 7} -| 1 7 - - be 6 aa Blaston - - > + 2 = Parish 11 11]/ -—]| 2 10 a : 15 16 31 Bowden, Magna- - - (8) Parish} 2 19| 225] 1] 2 a) Sex| ae 31 27 Zz Market-Harborough - - - Town] 310] 325 3] 12 —| 288 7 Pi a. a Bringhurst - - - - (8) Parish} | o1 ai] -| - 12 ° 3 999 | 1,873. Drayton - - - - (*) ‘Township 32 se =| 8 28 7 6 47 55 102 Easton, Magna moe es Chapelry 117 1 & 6 45 59 104 Burrough- - - - - Parish = 7 . 52 +o 260 269 529 aris 33] BF) =) 2 28 4 5 101 82 183 (*) The entire Parish of Ab-K i i : i ion i (*) The Inhabitants . Hale : sees Spares 39 pabab ante + increase of Population in Melton-Mowbray is chiefly attributed to a large and mechanics employed by his Grace the Dake of Rutland, ee ae GP eat ae he ‘Be town and neighbourhood. |The Pying the detached offices belon, ing to Belvoir-Castl i 5; tiles segutdnaeen Ba a nileaa en Sf Splate Harisieak innkeeper and his family Bol ging | r-Vastle, excepting only an } Billesdon contains 751 Inhabitants. —(£) The entire Parish of Bowden Cicnkyne ts ites voir is partly in the Soke of Grantham, } Magna contains 2,834 Inhabitants,——_’2 i i ‘Brine, 635 Tanai Beare Faith of Buckminster contains } hurst contains 735 Thitants "The Gee a es mle i detached portion ae a ea Head ieee pone aN Sth : ton is attributed to an inclosure, and to putting out sail apprentices. F 2 x M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 163 - = Parish 93 93) -]| 3 51 25 17 186 197 383 Carlton-Curlieu - - - (4) Parish 6 7) oat - 4 2 1 20 29 49 Illston-on-the-Hill (part of) Chapelry 28 go] -]| 2 27 1 2 57 68 125 Church-Langton Parish: (*) Langton, East - - - Township 68 69} -| 2 33 27 9 145 164. 309 Langton, West - - Chapelry 16 16} -] 1 5 8 3 42 48 go Thorp-Langton - - = Chapelry 49}: 49| -] - 26 14 9 94 121 215 Tur-Langton - - - - Chapelry 81 86] -| 3 40 24 22 159 159 318 Crancee - - - - ~ - -° Parish 20 a2} -; 1 22 - - 46 55 101 Dry-Stoke (part of) Parish: (1) Holy-Oakes - - - - = Liberty 1 2} - 1 - 1 2 5 4 Evington « » - - - » » Parish 52 53} -]|] - 32 20 1 140 117 257 Fleckney - - - - + - - Parish} 89] 93] -| -] 34 | 39 | 20 225 225 450 Foxton - - - - - - + Parish} 93 991 -| -] #41 33 25 188 195 383 Gaulby - - - - - (®) Parish 21 21}; -| 1 20 - 1 39 57 96 Frisby - - - - - - Chapelry 5 5{ -| 1 5. - - 4 11 18 Glen, Magna - - - (") Parish} 138] 150| -| ~ | 5° | 97 3 357 340 697 Stretton, Magna - - - Chapelry 4 4/ -}] 1 4 - - 9 8 17 Glooston.- - - - = - = Parish 35° 35 | -| - 32 3 ~ 95 67 142 Gumley - - - - - - = Parish 63 63}; -} 1 37 6 20 132 157 289 Hallaton - - - - - - - Parish} 152] 159] 11 — |. 53 | 103 3 315 329 644 Holt and Bradley - - - = Parish 9 9| -| 1 8 - 1 22 31 53 Horninghold - - - - - = Parish 20 20} —-| 27-147 3 - 48 49 97 Houghton-on-the-Hill - - - Parish 89 89] 1] 3 48 22 19 192 182 374 Hungerton (part of) Parish: (°) , Baggrave - - - - - - Liberty 1 1) -}] - - - 1 6 9 15 ‘Ingarsby - - - - - Hamlet 3 on ea 3 - - 4 q 14 Husband-Bosworth - - - - Parishf 187 | 190] —]| 1 | 1247 60 3 427 390 817 Kibworth-Beauchamp - (?) Parish] 123 | 135] —| 2 22 | 108 5 283 305 588 _ Kibworth-Harcourt - - Township 87 go} -]}] = 33 48 9 197 199 396 zl Smeeton-Westerby - - Township 65 87} -}] 1 28 50 9 194 194° 388 Knaptoft (part of) Parish: (4) Mowsley - - - - - Chapelry 54. 60} -] 1 42 14 4 130 133 263 Knossington - - - - - - Parish 37 41] -]| 2 37 4 - 99 94 193 Laughton- - - - - - - Parish 35 39} -]| 2 21 2 16 83 go 173 Lubenham - - - - (‘) Parishf 112] 139] —]| 2 | 30 45 64 254 277 531 Medbourne - - - - (%) Parish} 107 | 112) —{| 2 | 49 31 32 248 266 514 Norton, King’s, Parish: (*) King’s-Norton- - - - Township 13 133) —{ 1 4 2 4 33 38 m1 Tilston-on-the-Hill ((part of) Chapelry - -j} ~]| -q - - - - - - Stretton, Parva - - - Chapelry 29 29) -]| - 23 5 1 58 470 128 Nosley - - + + + -Extra-P. 1 rj-i - 1 - - 8 10 18 Ouston, with Newbold - - - Parish] 42 42] -| -] 39 2 1 gl 121 212 Pickwell, with Leesthorpe (") Parish} 25 28} ~}| 24 23 2 3 go m4 167 Saddington - - - -- - = Parish 53 60} ~—| 1 37 15 8 116 (116 232 Scraptoft - - - - = = - Parish 26 26} -] - 20 2 4 60 66 126 Shangton - - - - - - = Parish 8 8] —~| -| 8 - - 26 18 | 44. Slawston - - - - - - = Parish 53 58| -!| 14 29 13 16 118 110 228 | Stonton-Wyville - - - - Parish 24 26) —-| 14 25 1 - 55 67 122 Stockerston - - = = + = Parish 10 10; —{| 17 10 - - 27 23 50 Theddingworth (part of)- (*) Parish 51 52} —-}| — 36 12 4 104. 98 202 - Thurnby - - - - - (*) Parish 34 34] -| - 23 9 2 78 68 146 Bushby - - - - - = Hamlet 17 17} -{ - 13 4 - 42 45 87 Stoughton - - - - + Chapelry 31 99) a) = 23 9 1 | 82 85 167 | (') Illston-on-the-Hill Chapelry is partly in King’s-Norton Parish, but | ———(") Lubenham Parish contains part of Thorp-Lubenham, which is | wholly entered under Carlton-Curlieu Parish, wherefore the entire Parish | mostly in Marston-Trussell Parish, Hundred of Rothwell, county of | of Carlton-Curlieu contains less than 174 Inhabitants. («) TheTown- | Northampton, and there entered.——=(*) The entire Parish of Medbourne | ships of East-Langton, West-Langton, Thorp-Langton andélur-Langton, | contains 567 Inhabitants, provided the ae of Holt and Bradley form the Parish of Church-Langton. The entire Parish contains 932 | is to be deemed part of it; this appears to be doubtful——(‘) Illston- Inhabitants. ——(!) Most -part of Dry-Stoke Parish is in Wrangdike | on-the-Hill Chapelry is partly in Carlton-Curlieu Parish, where the whole Hundred, ‘County of Rutland. ‘The entire Parish contains 59 Lnha. | is entered, so that the entire Parish of King’s-Norton contains more than bitants——(™) The entire Parish of Gaulby contains 114 Inhabitants. | 199 a ame Pickwell is a detached portion of the Hundred, —(") The entire Parish of Glen-Magna contains 714 Inhabitants. north-eastward.. -(") Theddingworth Parish is partly in Rothwell f ‘Most part of Hungerton Parish is in East Goscote Hundred.—_— | Hundred, County of Northampton. ‘The entire Parish contains 264 °) The entire Parish of Kibworth-Beauchamp contains 1,372 Inhabit- | Inhabitants=e=(*) The entire Parish of Thurnby contains 400 Inha- | ants,——-(4) Most part of Knaptoft Parish is in Guthlaxton Hundred, bitants. : ; sss 164 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: COUNTY OF LEICESTER—continued. HOUSES : ___ OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Race on (ite ox oe 3 LIES | chiefly OrnER Z TOTA eg tet eee: oe |p a ; oO oo 7 a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & Families! .§ g ployed ee prized in ie 3 OF ‘3 Oc- 3 " in Manu- | the Two a g PERSONS. GARTREE Hundred. inued. ee eh ee eee = . Hundred—eontinued. CUL- lorHandi-} ing ees : Classes. Tilton (part of) Parish: (Y ae Marefield - - - - - Township 6 6] - - 6 - = 14 18 32 Tugby (part of) Parish : (7) Keythorpe - - - - - = Liberty 3 4/- - 4 - - 15 11 26 Welham - - - - - - Parish 14 15 | - 2 14 1 - 34 4o 74 Wistow - - - - - - (#) Parish 2 2/- - - - 2 4 5 9 ‘Newton-Harcourt - - Township 61 61} - - 36 25 - 155 143 298 3,351 {3.559 | 9 | 74 | 1,599 | 1,396 | 564 | 7,826 | 8,180 | 16,006 GOSCOTE, East, Hundred. Allexton - - - - - = = Parish 17 17 - 1 10 2 5 37 37 74 Ashfordby - - - Parish} o4] 95| 1] - 49| 23] 23 228 196 424 Ashby-Folville = - - - (>) Parish} 33] 33] -| - 19 6] 8 89 74 163 Barsby - - - - = = Chapelry} 51 64} -| 3 30} 25] 9 123 119 242 Barkby - - - - (°) Parish 97 99; -| 14 55 40 4 235 222 457 Barkby-Thorpe - - - Chapelry 10 wz}; -] 1 11 1 - 34 36 70 Thurmaston, North - Chapelry 38 39] - i 21 17 1 101 gl 192 As joan (part of) - (4) Parish 08 ae -| 3 ~~ 141 | 31 si ee 1,568 eeby - - = = = - = = Parish 2 2 - - 2 - - 5 2 120 Belgrave (part of) - - - (*) Parish} 150] 164] -] 3 43 861 35 378 357 735 2 oe South, - - ae 144] 154] 5] 2 37 | 116 1 404 394 798 rookesby - - - - - - Parish 2 2} -J] - 1 1 - 9 14 23 Cossington - - - += = =| Parish 58 60 | - 1 40 11 9 110 127 237 Croxton, South - - - - - Parish 61 66] -—| 2 45 13 8 175 141 316 Dalby, Magna - - - = Parish 80 81; -} 1 72 9 - 197 205 402 Dalby-on-the-Woulds - - - Parish 64 74{/ -J|41 62 9 3 183 174 357 Frisby-on-the-Wreak - - = Parish 80 86} -| 4 46 29} 11 179 197 376 Gaddesby- - - - - - = Parish 52 63} -] 1 49 14 - 142 140 282 Grimston - - + - = - Parish 41 41]/ -]} 3 25 11 5 110 go 200 Hoby - - - - - = - = Parish 65 69| -| 2 38 21} 10 168 184 352 Humberstone - - = - = Parish 98 98} 2] 3 41 29; 28 208 207 415 a ee (part of) = - aes 37 46} -|] - 29 8 9 116 117 233 uenby - - - = = + Hamlet 2 2)-] - 1 = 1 1 1 0 Launde - - - - — Extra-P. 6 6; -]|] - 6 - - 2 a 35 Loddington - - - - (&) Parish 34]. 41] -] - 39 2 - 60 88 148 Whatborough (part of) - - Liberty 3 3] -| - 3 - - 9 9 18 Lowesby - - - - = = (*) Parish 14 i9/ -| 2 18 = 1 62 51 113 Newton, Cold - = - Chapelry 22 23{ -| - 22 1 - 53 51 104 Norton, East - - - - = Parish 27 27} -| 1 10 5 | 12 57 63 120 Prestwould - - - = = (i) Parish 13 13] 5] - 2 9 2 35 37 72 Burton-on-the-Woulds - Township 81 83 6] - "8 4 1 200 216 416 Coates - - - - - - Township 16 16} -} - 14 2 2 39 35 74. Hoton - - - - = = Chapelry 46 76) -| 2 56 17 3 205 207 412 Queeniborough - - Parishf 110] 112 { —| 9 59 51 2 245 224 469 Ragdale - - - + Parish 19 wg}-! 4 16 1 2 53 45 98 Ratcliffe-on-the-Wreak - - - Parish 22 23 -| - 17 3 3 61 63 194 Rearsby - - - - - = Parish 99} 103} -| 3 40 34 | 29 220 231 451 Rotherby - - - = - - - Parish 23 27; -1 1 14 9 4 "19 64 143 Rothley (part of) Parish: (*) Keyham - - - - = Chapelryf 41] 43) -| — = 118 210 Wartnaby - - - - - Chapelry 18 20 fers 2 3 . - - 43 go Wyeomb and Chadwell - — Chapelry 23 24; -| 2 22 - 2 50 51 101 Saxelby - - - - - (}) Parish 22 25; -| 1 17 4 4 53 50 103 Shoby - - - - - - - Hamlet 4 4} -| - 4 - - 15 16 31 Seagrave - - - - - = - Parish 48 78 1 5 49 20 9 211 213 424 Sileby - - - + - = Parish} 280] 286] —| 6 76) 187 | 23 636 692 1,328 Skeffington ay 6 Se SPR = 3 9 3 as aris 32 37 - 30 6 1 847 82 169 YSOnS See se ee Parish 262 | e974) =| @ 62 | 170] 42 619 645 1,264 ww) Most part of Tilton Parish is in East-Goscote Hundred. @)_ Most part of Tugby Parish is in East Goscote Hundred.— -(*) The entire Parish of Wistow contains 307 Tubabitants.——-(>) The entire Eee of Ashby-Folville contains 405 Inhabitants) The entire sone of Barkby contains 719 Inhabitants——_(‘) The House of In- ee = Barrow-upon-Soar was supported by eight Parishes only in po ut it is now extended to twenty-six Parishes. Most part of oe Parish is in West Goscote Hundred.) Belgrave 8 partly in West Goscote Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,904 Inhabitants. dred, The entire Pari: (f) Hungerton Parish is partly in Gartree Hun- d sh contains 292 Inhabitants. Parish of Loddington contains rather less than 166 Inha borough Liberty being partly in Tilton Parish; but the entered. oO Most part of Rothle ') The entire Parish of (®) The entire bitants ; What- ) whole is here ( h) The entire Parish of Lowesby contains 217 Inhabitants. —(i) The entire Parish of Prestwould contains 974 Inhabitants——— y Parish is in West Goscote Hundred... Saxelby contains 134 Inhabitants, : M.DCCC.XXT.J a THE POPULATION ACT, COUNTY OF LEICESTER—continued. 1 GEO. IV. Cc. 94. 165 ee SS HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | PAMEY At By ws “rs | chiefly OTHER . OR : how S| chiefly | employ. Families a TOTAL 3 many | 8 em- edin | not com- 3 4 ion EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 Families} .§ 3 ployed TRapE prized in < s | Oc | 3] 4 in | Mana. | the Two = — |PERSONS. ‘3 cupied. a 5S Acri- factures,| preced- a CUL- orHandi-| _ ing GOSCOTE, East, Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Thrussington - - - - - = Parish} 106] 115] -] 1 54 49 | 12 241 225 466 Tilton (part of) - - - - (®) Parish 37 39}; -{ 1 34 5 - 83 97 180 Halstead - - - - - Township 37 39} -} - 35 4 oa 94 93 187 Whatborough (part of) - Liberty - -{| -|] - - = a = = oe Tugby (part of) - - = (*) Parish 50 54{ -]| 2 20 6} 28 110 129 239 Twyford - - - - - (°) Parish} 69 “6} -| 2 56 16 4 147 166 313 Thorp-Satchville - - (°°) Hamlet 38 38] -]| - 33 4 1 92 go 182 Walton-on-the-Woulds - - - Parishf 59 63} -] - 54 8 1 144 145 289 Wimeswould - - - - Parish} 222 | 230 | — | 10 104 | 100 | 26 536 525 1,061 3,546 | 3,747 | 20 |104 F 1,994 41,340 | 413 8,754 | 8,747 | 17,501 GOSCOTE, West, Hundred. Anstey-Pastures - - - Extra-P. 2 2}-|] - 1 - 1 5 6 11 Ashby-de-la-Zouch - (?) Parish} 756 | 830] 6 | 16 241 | 532 | 57 1,876 2,061 3,937 Blackfordby - - - - Chapelry 58 60} -| 1 37 17 6 146 144 290 Barrow-upon-Soar, Parish : Mountsorrell - - - = Chapelryf 298 | 323] —| 14 32] 246] 45 693 729 1,422 Quorndon - - - = (*) Chapelryf 300 | 326] 4] 6 66 | 191 | 69 740 763 1,503 Woodhouse - - - (8) Chapelry} 202 223] 6] 4 81 137 5 564 593 1,067 Beaumanor - - - = - — Extra-P, 15 15 = - 15 - = 52 44 96 Beaumont-Leys - - - - Extra-P. 2 2} -| - 2 = 8 6 14 Belgrave (part of) Parish: ($5) Birstall - - - - Chapelry 68 15} -| - 31 39 172 199 371 Belton including Gracedieu - Parish} 134 | 141] -]|] 3 62] - 52} 27 342 322 664 Breedon - - - ~ - (*) Parshf 215 | 220] -|} 3 169 45 6 511 533 1,044 Staunton-Harrold- - -. Township 57 57) -| - 39 | 14 4 153 176 329 Moe 17 1 CURA oso | aus] | 2] ae a] oo [ous | oie | a2e7 Broadgate (+) - - - - Extra-P. 1 rt —-] = - - 1 4 6 10 Charley - - = - - = — Extra-P. 8 8} -| - 8 - - 24 18 42 Cole-Orton - = - Parish} 180 196} -} 4 45 114 | 37 401 482 883 Diseworth - - - - Parish} 108} 140] -—]| 6 72 49} 19 338 380 718 Donington, Castle - - - - Parish} 539] 539] 11 22 134 | 319 | 86 1,206 1,354 2,560 Garendon - - - .- = Extra-P.. 4 4} -| - 2 1 1 18 25 43 Gilroe - = + = = Extra-P. 1 1 1] - 1 - - 2 3 5 Hathern - - - - - ~- = Parish] 235 254] —-|{ 6 68 168 18 562 582 1,144 Kegworth - - - - - (*) Parishf 333] 343} —-]| 19 114} 207 | 22 985 822 1,607 Isley-Walton - = - - Chapelry 13 wB}o-7y- 11 1 1 31 34 65 Langley-Priory - - - - — Extra-P. 1 i = = 1 5 8 13 Leicester, Abbey - - - — Extra-P. 2 2) -{| - 2 - = 9 6 15 Lockington - - - (*) Parish 41 43) -| - 28 4 8 100 106 206 Hemington - - - + Township 81 gi} -{| - 42 27 | 22 222 199 421 Loughborough Parish: (* : Loughborough = - - - Town} 1,492/1,561 | 16 | 37 250 11,170 | 141 3,626 |} 3,739 | 7,365 Knight-Thorpe - - Township 10 o} -]| - a 1 2 22 30 52 Wood-Thorpe - - - - Hamlet 13 44} -] - 11 2 1 40 37 a7 Newtown-Linford - - - Parish 93 95} -] 1 57 29 9 280 269 549 Osgarthorpe - - = - = Parish 75 | 81] 1) 5 45 a4 | 12 174 178 352 Packington (part of) with Snibston(Y)Parish 89 go} -—|] 2 60 16} 14 227 219 446 Ravenstone (part of) - - - (#) Parish 87 go] -—]| 2 49 17 | 24 134. 121 255 J (™) Tilton Parish is partly in Gartree Hundred. The entire Parish contains rather more than 399 Inhabitants ; Whatborough Liberty being partly in Loddington Parish, and there wholly entered. (*) Tugby Parish is partly in Gartree Hundred. The entire Parish contains 265 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Twyford contains 495 Inhabi- tants.——(°°) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Thorp-Satchville Hamlet. (P) The entire Parish of Ashby-de-la-Zouch contains 4,227 Inhabitants.——-(4) Barrow-upon-Soar Parish is partly in East Goscote Hundred. The entire Parish contains rather less than 5,560 Inhabi- tants; the South part of Mountsorrel Chapelry in Rothley Parish, being included in this Return ——(") The increase of Population in Quorndon Chapelry is attributed to a lace manufactory which has beenrecently es- tablished at that place-——(*) The increase of Population (174), and of 49 Families employed in Agriculture in the Chapelry of Woodhouse, is attributed to the inclosure of a considerable tract of waste land ; and the Population would have been still greater but from the decline of frame- work knitting——(*5) Most part of Belgrave Parish is in East Goscote Hundred.——(*) The Hamlets of Tongue and Willson, which hereto- fore made separate Returns, are included in the Return of Breedon Parish, which contains 2,630 Inhabitants ——_(") The entire Parish of Kegworth contains 1,672 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Lockington contains 627 Inhabitants——(*) The increase of Popula- tion (1,965) in the Town of Loughborough. is attributed to the sale, in . lots, of a considerable estate ; tu the inclosure of Charnwood Forest ; and to the establishment of a lace manufactory about 12 years ago. The entire Parish of Loughborough contains 7,494 Inhabitants. Y) Pack- ington Parish is partly in Repton and Gresley Hundred, County of Derby. The entire Parish contains 702 Inhabitants—_—¢*) The Hos- pital at Ravenstone for (he Parishes of Cole-Orton and Ravenstone, and Township of Swannington will account for the considerable number of aged females. Ravenstone Parish is partly in Repton and Gresley Hun- dred, County of Derby. ‘The entire Parish contains 444 Inhabitants. 7 % ay 160 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER nnn COUNTY OF LEICESTER—continued. (Enumeration, North end of Mountsorrel Chapelry is in Barrow-upon-Soar Parish ; the South end being returned with it though in Rothley Parish. The entire Parish of Rotbley contains rather more than 1,349 Inbabitants. ——(») Donisthorpe Hantet is partly in Nether-Seal Parish, and partly u SHurel)-taresley Parish, Repton and Gresley Hundred, County of ] gies where the whole is entered. (©) The increase of Popuiation 2 io sae aw is attributed to the inclosure of Charnwood Forest, and to ve ene knitting trade, which employs a large part of the Popu- ation. (*) The entire Parish of Thurcastou coutains 1,159 Inhabi- HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, thie ae inci] B : LIES ; OTHER . oR : how z chiefly Se Families 4 TOTAL 3 man : 3 em- edin | not com- wn EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Familtes 2 4 | ployed | tape, prized in A 4 or ‘s Oc- 3 | in | Manu- | the Two a PERSONS. S feupied.| & | 5 | Acrr- }factures,| preced- a a cuu- jorHandi-| ing GOSCOTE, West, Hundred —continued. Ture. | craft, | Classes. Rothley - - - (#) Parish} 201} 210f -| 7 97 | 104 9 471 477 948 Mountsorrel - (#) Chapelry - =p =] = =~ = = im 2 Seal, Nether and Over - (%) Parish{ 223 | 241] 1] 5 147 76 18 568 a 1,160 Sheepshead - = (*) Parish} 655] 714] 10] 3 7 140} 549 25 | 1,815 | 1,649 | 3,464 Shermans-Grounds - - — Extra-P. 3 3} -1 - 1 1 1 10 9 a 9 Sweepstone, with Newton - Parish} 1257 125] —} 7 84 36 5 312 3 ne 25 Swithland - - - - Parish} 59] 7o] 1| 3f 33] 33 47 168 16 336 Thorpacre, with Dishley - Parish 70 73 Sek) 7 31 38 4 174 177 351 Thurcaston - (+) - (4) Pansh 53 57) -{ 1 36 19 7 144 133 277 Anstey - - = = * Chapery{ 160] 168] -| 8 35 | 128 5 404 380 784 Cropston - - - ~ - Township} 21) 23] -| — 17 6 = 47 51 98 Ulvercroft - - - - Extra-P. 14 14} -] 2 13 1 49 38 87 Wanlip - - - - - - Parish} 24) 295] 14 - 20 3 2 66 62 128 Whatton, Long - - - - - Pash} 151] 170] -] 2 48] 113 9 424 396 820 Whitwick - + - (*) Parish} 223 | 242] 4] 2 65 | 142 35 577 569 | 1,146 Swannington - - Township} 113 | 119| —}f 1 35 79 5 274 267 541 Thringstone - - - - Township} 210] 214] -] 4 34 | 106 74 585 586 | 1,171 8,038 | 8,564 | 51 $197 | 2,702 | 4,970 | 892 fF 20,205 20,583 | 40,788 GUTHLAXTON Hundred. Arnesby - - - - = Parish} g1} 100] -—] 5 39 61 = 237 222 459 Ashby, Magna - - = Parish 56 58; -f 1 35 23 - 135 145 280 Ashby, Parva roe Parish 32 32{ 17 1 20 3 - 2 84 176 Aylestone (partof) - - (ff) Parish} 102 | 110} —f - 40 64 6 267 273 540 Glen, Parva - - (+) - Township 31 32} -] 2 10 22 - 62 66 128 Bitteswell = - - - - Parish 95 96} -F - 51 32 13 223 204. 427 Blaby - - + - ~ (8) Parish} 1974 207] -]| 5 38 | 167 2 489 500 989 Countess-thorpe - - Chapelry} 142 142, -]f —- 49 93 - 367 374 441 Broughton-Astley Parish: (*) Broughton-Astley - - Township 47 Sit -{ 1 22 20 9 111 99 210 Prime-Thorp - Township 61 66} -] 1 21 36 9 143 127 270 Sutton-in-the-Elms - - Township 30 30, -{ 1 22 6 2 80 40 150 Brunting-thorpe - - - - - Parish 46 80] 1 1 38 40 2 195 173 348 Cal-thorpe -~- - - Parish 39 39} -{ - 13 18 8 80 84 164. Castle-View (4) - Extra-P. Liberty 27 o7} -} - - 24 - 71 78 149 Claybrooke, Parish: (*) Bittesby - - - - Liberty 1 1 - 1 - - 4 4 11 Claybrooke, Great - Chapelry | 90 go} 3] - 48 37 5 261 197 458 Claybrooke, Little - - Township 15 1w6f -]f - 10 - 6 24 27 54 Ullesthorpe - - - - Hamlet} 116 121 — | 10 40 470 11 286 312 598 Wigston, Parva - - Township 17 19} -] - 14 4 38 41 719 Cosby, with Little-thorpe - - Parish} 162 178 - 1 65 92 21 444 439 883 Cottesbatch - - - - - Parish 21 21 -| 1 18 1 2 60 58 118 Dunton-Bassett - - Parish} 104 | 104] —] 2 44 56 4 241 219 460 Foston - - - - + = Parish 4 yi -| - 5 2 - 12 12 24 Frowlesworth - - = Parish 76 { -1 1 41 15 22 133 168 301 Gillmorton - - - Parish} 146) 146} -| — 49 97 ~ 362 356 718 Kilby - - - = = Parish 88 881 -] 2 54 34 - 209 200 409 Kilworth, North — - Parish 66 81} -} 2 45 32 8 104 197 391 Kilworth, South - - - Parish 97 99} -] 1 70 28 223 224 450 Kimeote - - - () Parish} 103] 107] 1] 2 51 45 11 237 261 498 Cotes-De-Val - - - - Hamlet 1 r{-] - 1 - - 4 5 7 Knaptoft (part of) - (™) Parish 6 a -Jo- 7 - - 33 27 60 Bheaishy © 2 = = = Chapel) 9a] 92) —] 2 a8) 83 2 155 155 310 Walton - - - - - Hamlet 55 58} -f - 16 34 8 104 127 231 €) Rothley Parish is partly in East-Goscote Hundred. This part of | tants. (*) The entire Parish of Whitwick contains 2,858 Inhabi- the Parish includes Rothley-Temple Liberty, Extra-Parochial. The | tants. (*) Aylestone Parish is partly in Sparkenhoe Hundred. The entire Parish contains 749 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Blaby contains 1,730 Inhabitants. (") The entire Parish of Brough- ton Astley contains 630 Inhabitants——(i) Castle-View adjoins the Borough of Leicester, which is entered at the end of the Couuty.—— (*) The entire Parish of Claybrooke contains 1,200 Inhabitants—— (1) The entire Parish of Kimcote contains 505 Inhabitants (™) Knaptoft Parish is partly in Gartree Hundred. : The entire Parish contains 864 Inhabitants, a M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C, 4. 167 COUNTY OF LEICESTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fam | acy B ; "LIES ries EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. So fmy] w]e fem edie |notcom-| ff a oe : 3 Families] | 2 ployed |-paapg, {prized in fe 3s 2 O- | 2] i | Swann’ | the Tero E = |PERSONS. 4 cupied.| & | 5 Aerr- | factures,| preced- ial CUL-~ JorHandi-| 1g a GUTHLAXTON Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Leire - - - - - - = = Parish 88 90} -]| 2 40 48 2 - 202 - 233 435 Lutterworth - - - - (™®) Parish} 4441 456{ 3 | 20 | 119 | 282 55 1,007 1,095 2,102 Margaret (part of) Parish: (*) Knighton - - - = - — Chapelry 96 49| -| 3 21 53 5 186 197 383 Misterton - - - - (°) Parish} 100] 104] —] -— | 776 20 8 286 253 539 Oadby - - - - = - Parish} 182 185 | -| 7 45 4115 25 447 409 856 Peatling, Magna - - - ~- Parish 46 46} -| - 28 18 = 106 122 228 Peatling, Parva - - - ~- - Parish 30 got -| - 26 4 ~ 82 gi 173 Shawell - - - - - + = Parish 44 45| -| - 34 4 4 110 99 209 South-Fields - - + (P) Liberty] 182 188 | 14] 3 15 | 150 23 319 443 762 Swinford - - - - - - = Parish 95 07} -| 2 47 29 21 220 230 450 Westrill and Stormore - - - Extra-P, 1 1{ -] 1 = - 1 3 3 6 Whetstone - - - ~- - - Parish} 173] 1821 3] 3 53 | 118 11 465 418 883 Wigston, Magna - - - - Parish{ 437 | 458 | — | 10 73 | 342 43 1,031 1,058 2,089 Willoughby-Waterless - - - Parish 67 y2| —| 3 29 31 12 168 154 322 4,232 | 4,402 | 26 | 96 | 1,630 | 2,409 | 363 10,194 | 10,334 | 20,528 SPARKENHOE Hundred. Appleby (partof) - - (4) Parish} 229} 2331 4 | 15 | 160 60 13 593 592 1,185 Aston-Flamville - - (‘) Parish 12 133]; -| 1 13 ~- - 47 33 80 Burbage and Sketchley - Chapely} 286] 315] —| 2 | 110 | 202 3 790 14 1,504 Aylestone, Parish: (*) Lubbesthorpe - - - - Chapelry} 12 wz]—-j] - i2 - es 45 36 81 Bardon-Park- - - - = - Extra-P. io! 10} —]| 2 10. - - 44. 25 69 Barwell - - - - - (t) Parishf 223] 230] 1] 1 59 | 131 40 541 554 1,095 Potters-Marston - - - - Hamlet 2 2| -—-] - 2 - - 11 5 16 Stapleton - - - - - - Hamlet 52 54}, -] 1 35 15 4 136 124 260 Bassett-House - - - ~- - Extra-P, 2 Ob wee 2 - - 9 6 15 Cadeby - - - - = (") Parish 34 35) -] 3 20 8 4 80 87 167 Osbaston - - - - - Township 38 38, -] - 35 3 - 97 49 176 Congerston - - - - = = Parish 32 ge] —-} - 24 5 3 77 72 149 » Croft - - - - - - - = Parish] 53 53] -{| 2 25 24 4 159 138 297 Desford - - - - (“) Parish} 158] 160] —-] —{| 74 | 179 7 423 441 864 Barrons-Park - - - - - Hamlet 2 2 -f{ - 2 - - 5 3 8 Drayton, Fenny - - - = - Parish 25 254 -]| - 20 4 1 59 59 118 Elmsthorpe - - - - - - Parish 4 4} -] - 4 - i 29 17 46 Enderby - - - - - = Parshf 234] 268) -] 1 64 | 203 1 597 546 1,143 Glenfield - - - - - (*) Parish 88 go} 1] 2 44 42 4 215 215 430 Braunstone - - ~- - Chapelry 42 425 -] - 39 3 - 114 100 214 Braunstone, Frith - - = Liberty 1 1} -] - 1 - = 6 4 10 Glenfield-Frith - - - - Liberty 1 ia = 1 - - 3 1 4 Kirkby-Frith - - - = Liberty 2 2} -| - 2 - - 9 9 18 Kirby-Muxloe - - - Chapelry 51 51} —-] 1 39 12 - 123 153 256 Gopsall Liberty - - - - - ExtraP. 1 a} -| - - - 1 4 3 9 Heather - - - - (Y) Parish 82 83} 1] 2 43 35 5 215 196 4ll Tree - = Parish} 106} 108] —| 2 | 77 | 27 4 262 271 533 Hinckley - - - - - (#) Parish} 317} 343] - | 18 25 | 296 22 746 873 1,619 Hinckley-Bond - - - Township} 852] 934] 4 | 56 62 | 835 37 2,036 2,180 | 4,216 Dadlington - - + Chapelry 37 37 | -| - 25 11 1 go 89 179 Stoke-Golding - - Chapelry} 124} 126] —| 1 35 85 6 319 275 594. Wykin- - - - - - - Hamlet] 12 13/ -| - 12 1 - 50 48 98 ("™) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Lutterworth Parish. (") Most part of St. Margaret’s Parish is in the Borough of Lrr- - cesTeR, which is entered at the end of the County. (°) Misterton Parish includes the Hamlets of Poultney and Walcote. (°) No dis- tinct Return was made for South-Fields in 1811, nor does any such place appear to have been noticed. The observation upon the present Return is, that in 1811, there were only six houses in South Fields; and the excess of Females is attributed to the great number of servants, amongst whom there are only two Male servants. (1) Appleby Parish is partly in Repton and Grosley Hundred, County of Derby. The entire Parish contains 1,781 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Aston- Flamville contains 1,584 Inhabitants——(s) Aylestone Parish is in Gathlaxton Hundred. Lubbesthorpe is called (in the present Return) an Extra-Parochial Eber e The entire Parish of Barwell con- tains 1,371 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Cadeby contains 343 Inhabitauts. Osbaston Township is partly in Market-Bosworth Parish. (") The entire Parish of Desford contains 872 Inhabitants, —(*) The entire Parish of Glenfield contains 932 Inhabitants. —~ (7) A coal pit has been opened in Heather Parish, and several new houses are inhabited by colliers. (#) Hinckley includes the Hamlet of Hydes-Pastures, situate in the Hundred of Knightlow (Southern Di- vision) County of Warwick. The entire Parish of Hinckley contains 6,706 Inhabitants. The Population of Hinckley is said to have increased from 1811 to 1815; and since that to have declined, in consequence ot the cessation of trade with America; hence also paupers have increased, and are very burthensome on the rest of the Inhabitants. cea SIE REED 168 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. a omer ceeeertencmmeeeennenet COUNTY OF LEICESTER—continited. HOUSES: OCCUPA?! ONS: PERSONS: TS PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ; Fam | ie = y o LIES chiefl THER a on . how 3 chiefly enol Families fe TOTAL z many | | em- | edin |notcom- an - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. | Families 2 4 ployed | Trang, | prized in | E ¥ 3 Oc- eit in Manu- | the Two PERSONS. 4 . 5 a 3 & i cupied. | 5 Acrr- | factures, preced- aa CUL- {orHandi- ag SPARKENHOE Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Ibstock - - - -(*) Parish? 201 213 | -] 5 oF 126 10 508 550 1,058 Hugglescote and Donnington Chapelryf 124] 137] -—| 3 go 45 2 347 336 683 Kirkby-Mallory - - (°) Parish 56 56] -]}] 1 50 4 2 147 149 296 Earl-Shilton - - - Chapelry | 339 | 361] 17 4 84 | 251 26 913 858 1,771 Leicester-Forest - -~ - - Extra-P, 11 w{—-| - 12 - = 33 38 71 Market-Bosworth - - (‘) Parish # 190 205 | - 1 66 101 38 553 564 1,117 Barleston ~ - - = - Chapelry| 113 18; -j| 8 39 19 ~ 299 318 617 Barton-in-the-Beans - (°) Township 37 37 | 1] - 22 10 5 80 97 177 Carlton - - = - - Chapelry 37 37] -| 1 25 12 - 102 116 218 Osbaston (part of) - = (°) Township - -| -| - _ = = = = = Shenton - - - = - Chapelry 35 37| -| 5 30 5 2 103 g1 194 Sutton-Cheney - - - Chapelry 73 761 -| 3 60 16 - 185 169 354 Markfeld - - - = - - Parish} 218 228 | -| 3 4o | 188 - 536 542 1,078 Merevale - - - (4) Parish ~ aol) pee ilb es = ie a ie - 3 Mythe - - (+) Extra-P, 2 2 ssi] ss 2 - - 5 9 14 Nailstone - - - (®) Parish 73 45 {| -} 1 60 10 5 183 176 359 Barton-in-the-Beans (part of ) Township - -/| -]|] - - - - = - - Normanton-le-Heath - Chapelry 38 38; -|; - 36 2 - 103 112 215 Ef Narborough - - - = (f) Parish f 141 161 —-| 2 49 95 17 385 390 175 Huncote - - - - - Hamlet 62 66] 2] 5 25 32 9 148 141 289 Newbold-Verdon - - - - Parishf 120] yoo | -—| 1 69 51 2 268 308 576 f Norton juxta Twycross - - (8) Parish 40 yo; -] = 61 9 - 160 166 326 E- Bilstone_ - - + - Township 33 sa ei 2 22 4 7 go 86 176 Orton-on-the-Hill - - - - Parish "6 80} -} - 56 20 4 175 195 370 Peckleton with Tooley ~ - - Parish 52 69} -| - 47 13 9 166 193 359 Ratby- - - = - - (*) Parish] 106) 117] -| = 62 50 5 304 310 614 Botcheston and Newton - Township 16 18} -| -4} 4 1 ~ 52 35 87 Grooby - - Hamlet 64 68} -| - 36 18 14 160 164 324 Sapcote oe (7) Parish} 133] 172} -| 3 55 | 112 5 400 397 797 F Shackerstone = - - (*) Parish 59 6o} -—| 2 36 22 2 146 124 270 Barton-in-the-Beans (part of ) Township - Ae = eZ SS = = ES es = Odestone - - - ~ Hamlet 39 41} o-| — 29 4 8 116 100 216 Sharnford - - - - + - Parish 99} 102] -] - 54 32 16 234 226 -| 460 Sheepy-Magna - - - - (!) Parish 84 8&4} ~] 2 64 17 3 212 215 427 Ratcliffe-Culey - - Chapelry 45 50} -| — 39 6 5 99 112 211 Sheepy-Parva - - - Parish 17 a 13 4 - 5l 36 87 Sibson - - - ~ - ~ (®) Parish 56 56} -]|] —- 50 5 1 126 111 237 Upton - - - = - = Township 30 30} -| 4 29 1 en 80 61 141 Snarestone - - - - - Parish 95 454 —| 2 50 20 5 166 190 356 Stanton-Stoney -~ o- - Parish 95 106 1 1 40 54 12 268 265 533 Temple-Hall - - (*) Extra-P. 10 AG es 11 = = 65 40. 105 Thornton - - -(°) Parish m1 79} - 1 48 29 2 229 183 405 Bagworth with Bagworth- 6 Park - - . - -f Chapelry 7 68} -]| - 34 32 2 215 174 389 Stanton-under-Bardon : and Horsepool - - a Forensiny 53 Be ae EP 41 16 re 158 144 aoe Thurlaston - - (?) Parish} 101 104} -—]| — 39 32 33 253 260 513 Newparks - - = = Liberty 2 21 —| = 2 - - 8 9 17 Normanton-Turville - - Hamlet 3 ey 3 = 13 6 19 Twycross - - - - - Parish 64. 64} -—| 1 48 15 1 190 183 373 Witherley - - - - (3) Parish] 89 89} 1] 2 65 6 8 192 204 396 Atterton - - - = - - Hamlet 13 13 - 1 13 - - 34 41 75 6,618 | 7,039 | 17 174 | 2,976 | 3,640 | 423. | 17,187 |17,122 | 34,309 Gy eee entire Parish of Ibstock contains 1,741 Inhabitants. Norton contains 502 Inhabitants. (4) The increase of Population in ) Extra-P. 53 Sof 2 | = 50 5 = 225 173 398 Flet - - - - - - = Parishf 137} 146] 2/ 3] 120] 21 5 383 393 778 Gedney - - - - (°) Parish] 286 | 295} 1] 5 273 19 3 719 723 1,442 Gedney-Hill - - - (*) Chapery] 55] 70] ~| - 42 19 9 179 165 344 Holbeach - - - - - - Parish} 699] 715] 2) 12 | 472] 176 | 67 | 1,836 | 1,785 | 3,621 Moulton - = - - = = = Parish} 324} 337) —| 44 265) 58] 14 865 764 | 1,629 Pinchbeck - - - - (#) Parish} 419] 445] 4] 6 | 354] 73] 18 | 1,110 989 | 2,099 Spalding -. - - - - (#) Parish} 2,070 {1,125 | 15 | 11 468 | 448} 209 | 2,454 2,753 5,207 Sutton, Long, or St.Mary’s (*) Parish} 467 | 467] 7] 6 325 | 135 7 7 1,233 | 1,157 | 2,390 Sudo Bourne, or Sutton, | rome} 118| 148] 2] 1] 193] 25| -| sao | 333 | 679 Sutton, St.Edmund’s - “Chapelry} 107} 111 | 4] — | 109 2 = 284 265 549 Sutton, St.James - - Chapelry 57 op > pt 68 10 = 166 177 343 Tydd, St.Mary’s - - - + Parish} 149 | 162] 1) 2 | 150] 10 2 398 378 776 Weston - - - - - - = Parishf{ 96/ 98 | ~]} 2 88] 10 e 254 244 498 Whaplode - - - - (*) Parish} 249} 261 { 2] 1 | 238] 16 7 590 614 | 1,204 Whaplode-Drove - - ~- Chapelry 92} 1097 1] 1 88 18 3 288 252 540 4,880 | 5,127 | 40 | 58 | 3,553 [1,180 | 394 | 12,661 |12,452 | 25,113 KIRTON Wapentake. : Algarkirk- - - - - - - Parish} 105] 117] -| 1 116 - 1 331 271 602 Bicker- - - - - - = = Parish} 135] 152] 1] —- 112 25 15. 320 307 627 Coppin Sike and Ferry Corner ExtraP. 3 3; -] - 3 - - 6 11 17 Donington - - - - - = Parish? 343] 357] 1] 4 184 88 85 805 833 1,638 Fosdyke - - - - - - - Parish 79 93; 1] - 69 10 14 228 196 424. Frampton - - - - - = Parish} 120 136} -—] — 118 15 | 3 323 365 688 Gosberton - - - - (f) Parishf 339 | 343] 2] 5 222 gl 30 485 833 1,618 Harts-Grounds - - (8) Extra-P. 13 15} -| - 15 - - 35 32 | 67 Kirton - - - = - (*) Parish? 324! 337] -| 5 251 53 33 826 866 1,692 Brothertoft- - (+) Chapelry 23 24 1 21 3 - 64 47 111, wie dS oa (+) Extra-P.f 30 31} -| - 28 3 7 92 64 136 D° near Pelham’s-Lands —Extra-P. 6 6; -]| - 5 1 - 16 11 27 D° - near Fosdyke (+) - Extra-P. 28 36) -|] - 24 10 2 90 | 89 | 1479 Quadring - - - - - = =~ Parish} 1314 150] —] 2 119 20 11 362 342 404 Skirbeck (‘) (part of) Parish : - Skirbeck-Quarter - - - - Hamlet 54 56 2 21 22 13 158 167 325 Surflet - - - - - - Parish} 142 | 167] 1] 1 116 33 18 393 419 812 Sutterton- - - - - - Parish} 196 | 196] -—| 2 155 37 4 537 477 1,014 Swineshead - - - - - Parish} 345 4 369) 1] 4-4 310 54 5 841 855 1,696 Waste-Lands - - ~ (*) Extra-P. - -| -| - - - - - - - Wigtoft - - - - - Parishf 135 | 139] 3] 4 117 21 1 321 316 637 Wyberton - ee en Parish 86} 87] -] 3 84 2] 1 248 239 487 12,637 {2,814 | 10 | 34 | 2,090} 488) 236 | 6,761 | 6,740 | 13,501 SKIRBECK Wapentake. - i Bennington - - - - - - Parish } 87 89 1 2 66 16 4 219 187 406 Butterwick - - - - - = Parish 48 89; 1] 21 67 18 4 258 224 482 Fishtoft - - - - - (1) Parish} 87 g8} —-| 2 89 9 - 246 210 456 (). The increase of Population in the Parishes of Cowbit, Corwland, Pinchbeck, Spalding, aud Whaplode, is attributed to Inclosures ; in Gedney Hill, to the improved state of Agriculture. (°) The apparent diminution of Population in Deeping-Fen, arises from many of the Inha- bitants being now returned in the parts of Kesteven. (°) The entire Parish of Gedney contains 1,786 Inhabitants, (¢) The entire Parish of Long-Sutton contains 3,955 Inhabitants.) The entire Parish of - Whaplode contains 1,744 Inhabitants. (*) The increase of Population in Gosberton is attributed to Inclosure, and the prevalence of Bastardy. —(®) Harts-Grounds, or Gibbet-Hills, Extra-parochial, are adjacent to Swineshead Parish. The Extra-parochial places in the Hundred of Kirton arise from the improved drainage of the Fens. (4) The entire Parish of Kirton contains 1,803 Inhabitants. (i) Skirbeck Parish is mostly in Skirbeck Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,307 Inhabitants ——— (*) The Waste-Lands are supposed to be now included in the Return from Boston, as Extra-parochial. (1) The increase of Population in Fishtoft, Leake, and Boston, is attributed to the Inclosure of Common Lands and Fens ; in the latter place moreover, to the depressed state of Agriculture, which is supposed to cause a greater resort to Towns. One’ female upwards of 100 years of age in Boston, - 172 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Baxite |] Ave B 4 LIES hiefy | Ornrr oR a z chiefly aia Families a TOTAL ; 3 many >| 3 em- di t com- a 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, | Families = 4 ployed ce ptieeetas By a oF 3 Oc- a z in Manu- | the Two a ra PERSONS, g cupied. | 5 Acri- | factures,| preced- a my : v3 4 a - jorHandi-] ing PARTS OF HOLLAND—continued anaes ele ces SKIRBECK Wapentake—continued. hue = 2 ~ - - Parshf 180/ 188} -]| 3] 157] 19 12 427 435 862 Leake - a ere (1) Parishf 288} 294} -|{ 2 150 | 26 118 724 693 1,417 Leverton - - - ~ - =) Parish ff 105 | 106] 1 2 95 10 1 291 253 544 Skirbeck (part of) - (i) Parish] 206] 217] 4] 5 | 107] 47 | 63 485 497 | 82 { Wrangle - - - - - - Parishf 172] 197] 1] 6 159 | 247 11 511 484. 995 1,203/1,278 | 8] 23 | 890 | 172 | 216 3,161 | 2,983 | 6,144 Borough of 2 a th - Parish & [2,176 | 2,404] 23 | 23 104 | 954 {1,346 4,836 5.494 | 10,330 Boston - Se (+) Extra-P. g) 464 = fh at a a 25 18 43 2,185 | 2,414 | 23 | 23 106 | 958 {1,350 J 4,861 5,512 | 10,373 PARTS OF KESTEVEN. ASWARDHURN Weapeutake. Asgarby - - - - - - Parish 12 a | 12 = = 23 32 55 Aswarby - - - Parish 20 20 1 14 4 2 63 53 116 Aunsby - - - * Path ag) ef] =1 4 18 2 1 59 46 105 Burton-Pedwardine - - - Parish 21 21 -|- 21 - = 69 55 124 Evedon - - - - + Parish 13 zi o-{ - 17 = = 50 39 89 Ewerby - - - - -~ - Parish 54 15} -] - 58 6 11 157 158 315 Hale, Great - - - - (™) Parish} 213 11 -| 2 8 0 298 27 ; 9 9 5} 3 4 9 9 577 Hale, Little - - Township 52 55} -] 1 50 5 - 147 139 286, Haydor (part of) Parish: (*) Culverthorpe - - Township 8 yz} -{ 1 10 1 = 30 3t 61 Kelby - - ~ - - « Chapelry 18 1; -]| = 18 = = 67 57 124 Heckington ~ - - - Parish} 316{ 331] -| 3 171 | 101 59 708 730 | 1,438 Helpringham- - - = - - Parish 145] 145| -| - 106 { 31 8 352 341 693 Howell - - + Parish 12 13}, -|] - 13 - - 32 35 67 Ingoldsby - - Parish 58 66} -| —- 54) 11 1 196 164 360 Kirkby-le-Thorpe - - Parish 33 35 | -| - 30 4 1 86 80 166 Quarrington = - - - - - Parish} 23 26} -] - 19 5 2 67 65 132 Scredington - - - - =~ - Parish 56 By oe | 53 4 ~ 136 120 256 Silk-Willoughby - - - = Parish 37 AT |) seul 33 5 3 103 94 197 Sleaford, Old - - - Parish 45 Br} -| - 26 | 18 a 108 107 215 South-Kyme (part of) - (°) Parish} 88 86} a} 4 731 16 - 278 238 516 Swarby - - - - = =< Parish 27 30} -] - 29 1 - 71 72 143 1,176 {1,253 | 2 | 13 910 | 244 99 3,100 2,935 {| 6,035 AVELAND Wapentake. Aslackby - - - - (*) Parshf 67{/ 681 1] 2 49 | 13 6 168 150 318 Graby - - - - - Hamlet 3 7) [| H 2 1 - 11 10 21 Milthorpe - - - - - Hamlet 20 Go | eS 19 1 = 47 39 86 Billingboroush - - - - Parish f 162} 165{ -—| 4 110 | 43 12 358 387 745 Bourne, Parish: (%) Bourne - - - - - Hamlet} 404} 421] 2] 6 246 | 125 50 1,039 ggo 2,029 Cawthorpe - - - Hamlet 12 13 - 13 = - 34 35 69 Dyke - - - - - Hamlet 24 26}; -} - 21 5 ~ 71 73 144 Dembleby - - - ~ * Parish} = 11 ww{ -]| - 11 - - 30 28 58 Dowsby - - ee Parish 35 38} 1] - 34 2 2 96 105 201 Dunsby - - - - - - ~ Parish} 31 BB eo 32 = 1 97 93 190 ne - - - iC Parish 122 135 | -|{ 2 50} 52 33 363 396 759 aceby - - - - - - Parish 11 zzj{ —-{ 1 10 1 - 35 30 65 Hacconby - = - - (%) Parish} 50 50} 1] — 45 5 - 140 123 263 Stainfield - - - - - Hamlet 14 4; -{ 1 13 1 - 27 31 58 (’) See Note on preceding page.———-(™) The entire Parish of Hale contains 863 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Great Hale——(*) Most part of the Parish of Haydoris in the Wapentake of Winnibriggs and Threo.——(°) Kyme Parish is partly in Langoe Wapentake; the entire Parish contains 799 Inhabitants——(?) The d entire Parish of Aslackby contains 490 Inhabitants, —(4) The entire ‘Parish ef Bourne contains 2,242 Inhabitants —_(") Falkingham Castle is now become the house of correction for the parts of Kesteven, (*) The entire Parish of Hacconby contains 321 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. 173 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fams. | Fam | Agu PERSONS: B : LIES PIES | OrHER i ae B | chiefly aoe. Families e one EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3B jimany | wo | 3 em | edin [not com- a a ¢ = © |Families] § | & ployed |p, 4 pe, |prizedin ay < OF g Oc- = mt in ‘Manuc the [wo a a 3 cupied. | 65 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- 3 & PERSONS. PARTS OF KESTEVEN—continued, cut- |orHandi-| ing ; TURE. | craft, | Classes. AVELAND Wapentake—continued. Horbling - - - - - - = Parish gl 99} -| - 42 23 4 235 256 491 Kirkby-Underwood - - - - Parish 33 33 | -| - 28 5 - 83 84. 167 Laughton - - - - - = - Parish 1 ya} —-} 1 11 - ~ 42 34 "6 Morton - - - - = = (*) Parish} 111 125} -|{ - 103 20 2 276 235 BY Hanthorpe, or Harmthorpe - Hamlet 27 33 | -} - 31 1 1 110 144 254 Newton - - = - - - - Parish 34 39} -| - 29 9 1 84 78 162 Osbournby - - - - - = Parish gl 95} -|} - 58 35 2 218 210 428 Pickworth - - - - - > Parishf 39 32} -| 1 24 6 2 87 99 186 ‘Rippingale - - + - - - Parish} 117 | 117] -—] - 102 15 ~ 297 314 611 Scott-Willoughby - - - - Parish 2 eR) aes) a 2 = = 7 5 ren Semperingham - - - = (") Parish 6 6} -]}] - 6 = - 22 21 43 Birthorpe - - - - Township 12 12] -j - 10 1 1 2g 27 56 Pointon - + - + = Township 81 86} 1] 1 76 10 - 174 189 363 Spanby - - - - = = Parish 13 13} ati 8 ce 5 40 33 +B} Swaton = = = = = + = Parish 50 55! -| - AT 4 4 162 136° 298 tates Ce - ae ao) gat alg 36 4 1 101 101 202 Walcot - - - = = = © Parish 28 28} —-] 2 27 1 = 19 73 152 1,751] 1,835| 8 | 23 $1,325 | 383] 127 | 4,562 | 4,529 | 9,091 BELTISLOE Wapentake. ° Basingthorpe, with Westby - Parish 21 25) -| - 20 2 3 56 59 115 Bitchfield - - - - - + - Parish 29 29/ -] - 27 2 - 79 65 144. Burton-Coggles - - - - - Parish 44 46] 1] - 33 7 6 114 131 245 Bytham, Castle - - - - (*) Parish? 99] 106] —]| 2 81 15 10 283 294. 577 Counthorpe - - - - - Hamlet 49 yio—-| - a - - 27 16 43 Holywell, with Awnby - — Chapelry 15 1} -] 1 12 2 1 58 58 116 Bytham, Little - - - - - Parish 49 Bly -—| - 38 10 3 116 107 223 Careby - - - 2 = = Parish 12 14] -| - 13 - 1 24 27 51 Colsterworth Parish: (*) i Twyford - - - = - Township 16 ij} -| - 1 16 2 41 32 "3 Corby - - = - © = = Parish] 107 120}; 3] - 46 37 y 305 276 581 Creeton - - - - - = = Parish 11 aaj —| - 11 - - 24 27 51 Edenham - - - - = = (%) Parish 67 75} -| 1 51 23 1 186 208 394 Grinsthorpe - - - - = Hamlet 17 20} —] - 10 9 1 42 48 go Elisthorp - - - - - Hamlet 11 wzj —-| - 11 - - 26 32 58 Scottlesthorp - - - - - Hamlet 20 23] -| - 22 1 - 61 54 115 Gunby - - - + © = Parish 29 29] ~—| 2 14 14 1 87 62 149 Jmham - - - - - = (2) Parish 30 52} -] - 27 12] 13 134 116 250 Bulby - - - - - - ~ Hamlet 17 18) -] — 18 ~ - 56 49 105 Hawthorp - - - - - Hamlet 8 9} -|] - 9 - 28 30 58 Lavington, otherwise Linton (#) Parish 20 a2} —] — 21 - 1 68 55 123 Hanby - - - = - = Hamlet 6 6} -] - 6 - 17 15 32 Keisby - - - - - ~ - Hamlet 9 wf] -| - 13 2 - 40 40 80 Osgodby - - - - ~ Township 15 wp] -}| - 15 - - 46 49 95 Skillington - - - + - - Parish 67 mu} at] i 57 12 2 196 168 364 ‘Stainby - = - - = = - Parish 28 29/ -| - 14 13 2 85 73 158 Swayfield- - - - - - ~ Parish 44 46}; -—| (2 38 8 - 104 102 206 Swinstead - - - - + Parish 54 64} -|] 1 44 17 3 162 157 319 Witham-on-the-Hill - - (*) Parish] 44 49/ -| - 28 15 6 124 122 246 Manthorpe - - - - - Hamlet 21 a2} —-| — 15 3 4 62 45 107 _ Toft wit Lound - - - - Hamlet 49 50| -| 1 32 10 8, 114 96 210 Witham, North - - - - (©) Parish] 35 35| —| 1 3 27 5 81 93 174 Lebthorpe - - - - - - Hamlet 5 5] -| - 4 1 = 19 16 35 Witham, South - - - - + Parish} 59 63/ -| 2 39 24 - 181 164 345 1,065 11,172 | 5 | 14 810 | 282 80 | 3,046 2,886 5932 E (‘) The entire Parish of Morton contains 763 Inhabitants ——(") The entire Parish of Semperingham contains 462 Inhabitants. (”) Bytham Castle Parish contains 736 Inhabitants, *) Most part of Colster- worth Parish is in the Soke of Grantham") The entire Parish of Edenham contains 657 Inbabitants——(* The entire Parish of Imham contains 413 Inhabitants. contains 563 Inhabitants. contains 209 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Lavington con- tains 330 Inhabitants. —-() The entire Parish of Witham-on-the-Hill (£) The entire Parish of North Witham _t. Yy [ Enumeration. 174 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faw | Fame | au, By : LIES TES | Over OR cS 3 hiefl : _ | how & | chiefly | inploy- | Faniilies vi | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many, oh Z em- ed in | uotcom- wv 4 Si = sy hea 2 = ployed Trane, | prized in A S 4 en A 5 & san Manu- { the Two a a PERSONS. PARTS OF KESTEVEN—continued| |" |_| 7 | Ach |fuctores, peced [™ c BOOTHBY GRAFFO, Wapentake. TURE. | craft, | Classes. (High Division.) Boothby - ~ = 2 + + Parish 30 s1{ -| 1 30 = 1 a 78 155 Coleby - ~ - - Parish} 54 66} -|{ 1 52 14 = 171 151 322 Eagle (part of) Parish: (4) . Eagle-Hall - - - Hamlet 5 5} -| - 5 - - 25 20 45 Harmston~- -- = Parish 6 1 2] 4 6 - 178 1 “ Morton - - - = « Extra-P. fy a -{ - : : - 6 7: “ aan Se eae ey ep pel ah eb a ee | ee SS - - Paris = = = = Swinethorp - (+) ExtraP. : i Sp a - - ob F a Welbourn - + - - Parish 93 104 Jf -] 1 79 15 10 235 254 489 Wellingore - - Parish} 141 | 166] —| 2 150 13 3 372 355 727 . 520{ 585} 3115 | 481] 47) 27 J 1413 | 1,361 | 2,774 BOOTHBY GRAFFO Wapentake: (Low Division.) Auborn - - - - ~- ~ (®) Parish 3 r}oaft = 6 2 11 10 222 Haddington (part of) Township a . - - os 2 : a 108 Bespingham ange - (f) ares 123 | 123] -]| 2 79 41 3 315 298 613 - - ish 12 w]o—-]f - 1 - Carlton le~-Moor Lands - = - Parish 72 Ba msl oe ie 11 es 2 ve6 a Daa - - (8) Paishf 20] 25] 1] = 22 -{| 8 86 73 159 isby = - - Township 10 10} -]| = 10 - - 39 29 68 Eagle (part of) - - (4) Parish} 56 m{ at 2 53 11 4 152 156 308 Eagle Woodhouse - + Extra-P, 1 rf -| - 1 - - 4 6 10 Hyekham, North - = Parish 1 eh 39 Hyobam cot 2 = Geel ipl get =l—d Sst 21 = et a8 | aes | Norton-Disney - - - - Parshf 36] 36] -| — 34 2 = 10 10, 2 Scarle, North - Parish a : 2 “i e, arish 95 99 1 72 18 9 231 203 434 Skell e 2 4s f . ellingthorpe - (f) Parish ff 70 oa fo —f = 64 11 2 194. 176 0 Stapleford - -~ - - - Parist ss _t 8 37 Seandethy ees pe 35 29 2 4 112 101 213 le ~ Paris 9 m7 | 2 1 16 = 1 196 169 365 Pe ee - - Parish 48 48} -| - 41 3 4 130 105 235 y' ~ - = © = Parish 17 w7zio-] - 16 - 1 58 44 102 4793 838 | 6 8 674 112 52 2,185 2,002 4,187 FLAXWELL Wapentake. Anwick - - - - - 2 | Poy Ashby - - Sada He ae so) Sep —] 2 46 4} - 125, 121 246 Figs <= 2 o« o peal at eer hoe 2b Sy Ss 79 76) 155 Brauncewell - <= = (Spe 8 eee 20 1 2 60 49 109 Cranwell - - - - - OS Pane wb Si ie 8 1 = 49 28 We? Digby - - - Parish eee ae ; x 86 69 155 Dorrington - es a a -{- 48 16 - 145 132 277 Leasingham - - - - (?) Parish é 6 ate a a = _ — — Roxholme - - Hamlet eer) os tae 39 14 3 127 132 259 Rauceby, North - - - - - Parish - oe | aa cS a 44 43 87 Rauceby, South - - = = Parish 3 = ie 33 6 : 140 112 252 Roulston - - - = Parish i : aah 43 + 1 124 131 255 Eiekingtin = = a) < pant qe aol et 2) We 4{ 1 64 59 | 123 | Sleaford, New ) ® Pad oA a tty = 101 29 7 342 336 678 Holdingham =~ Hennes | BO] 4034, 24 Sf 94} 229] 140 f 995 | 1,099 | 2,004 | | Temple-Brewer - Ext? - eh la = = = a - ee ll } 2 5 Sey 5 - - 34 18 52 979 |1,074 | 3} 12 | 595] 323 | 156 | 2,624 | 2,605 | 5,229 (*) Eagle Parish i lv ioe ‘apentake ; the cule Parich colt fe oo of Boothby-Graffo | pasture into arable lands——(®) The entire Parish of Doddington” ‘arish contains 330 Inhabitants, reckoni 3 ‘ abitants. (©) Auborn | contains 227 Inhabitants. (4) A large quantity of land has been dington Township, which (stricil ing therein that part of Had- | brought into cultivation at Brauncewell, since the Return of 1811; also |: = eee to which Parish 12 ‘ome at ng) ike South-Hyckham | at. Cranwell. (') The entire Parish of Leasingham contains 348 In- Sd dan mee omni Rte | tie, 0) ft nv ah of BE a | rations ; in Skellingthorpe to the conversion of ; ; t si DECOR] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. 175 COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: eee as PERSONS: Fami- A 2 OR By | . Lius A THER : tet 2 chiefly ae Families ws TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 |_many] |S Po em [oobae |notcom- a 8 = |Families| & | & | ployed-|qo,n, | prizedinf & 3 “ one eS 2 Bot | S| EF ot | Mam. | theTwof = 2 2 _|PERSONS. PARTS OF KESTEVEN—continued} = [PEC | @ | © | Acnt- Jfactures,| Preced- f= = UL- jorHandi-| mg LANGOE Wapentake. ture. | craft, | Classes. (First Division.) ‘ Billinghay - - - - (?) Parish? 158] 184] -—] — 110 | 54 20 437 414 ' 851 Dogdyke - - - - - Township 34 46} -]| - 43 2 1 112 119 231 Walcott - - - - - = Hamlet a7 871 1 2 69 | 12 6 246 226 472 Kirkby-Green - - - - Parish 14 wey] -{- 13 2 - 33 35 68 Kyme (part of) Parish: (™) Kyme, North - - - Township 45 53) -] - 35 6 12 151 132 283 Timberland - - - - - (*) Parish 719 go} -j 1 62 19 9 264 234 498 ‘Martin - - = - - = Hamlet 40 81 fj -] - 66} 15 - 318 271 589 Thorpe-Tinley. - - - Township 14 144) -| - 12 - 2 49 47 96 LANGOE Wapentake. 491 570} 1| 38 410 | 110 50 1,610 1,478 | 3,088 (Second Division.) - Blankney- - - - - = Parish 41 go} —] —- 96 4 4 250 245 495 Dunston - - - ~- - - = Parish "7 81] -]| - 44 7 ~ 196 210 406 Metheringham - - - - = Parish 94 | 108} -—} 1 89} 19 - 308 318 626 Nocton - - - = - - Parish 68 75) -} - 63 a 5 207 169 { 376 Potter Hanworth - - - Parish 56 81}; -—f} 1 67] 14 - 189 185 374 Scopwick - - = - + Parish 41 48 1{- 40 4 1 131 101 232 Washingborough - - (°) Parishf 100 | 105 {| -]j 5. 88 | 14 3 241 237 478 Heighington - - - - Township 977 79} -] 2 58} 18 3 194 202 396 584 | 667) 1] 9} 555) 93 | 19 1,716 | 1,667 | 3,383 LOVEDEN Wapentake. Ancaster - - - - = - Parish} 86 go} 1] 1 54 | 25 11 221 218 439 | Beckingham - - - Parish 98 964 -—} 2 47 | 16 3 220 210 430 | Bennington, Long - = - - Parish} 150] 200) —| 6 144] 41 15 428 453 881 Breughton Brant - - - - Parish} 126] 130] 2] = 771 40 13 302 204 596 Carlton-Scroop - - - - = Parish 21 31} -{ - 23 2 6 13 "5 148 | Caythorpe with Friston - - ~ Parish} 111 lig] -] 2 741 33 12 283 | 284 567 Claypole - - - - + Parish} 114] 114] -—]| 8 81 | 30 3 325 280 605 | Doddington, Dry - - - - Parish] 38 46} 1] - 4l 5 - 115 112 2247 Fenton +7 - - - - - Parish | 22 a2} -{ = 21 1 - 43 56 99 Foston - - - - - - - Parishf 80 93] -| 2 67 | 22 4 204 229 426 Fulbeck - - - - - - = Parish 99 | 107; 2] = 68 | 33 6 271 284 555 Hough-on-the-Hill - - (?) Parishf? 105] 112} -—| —- 81] 19 12 298 255 533 Haigham - - - - - - = Parish 60 63] -| - 47 9 7 144 146 |. 290 Leadenham - - - - Parish} 116 121 -| - 56 | 36 29 285 289 574 Marston - - - - - = Parish} 72 94; 1] - 75 16 2 204 189 393 Normanton - - - - - - Parish 40 45{/ -| - 32 6 7 88 101 189 Stragglesthorpe - - - - - Parish 18 ig} -{ - 18 1 - 51 49 100 Stubton - 2 - - - Parish 34 36]; -] - 9 1 28 49 95 174 Westborough- - - - - - Parish 45 47} -] - 37 5 5 120 107 2247 | 1,435 [1,585 | 7 | 21 | 1,080 | 341 | 164 | 3,734 | 3,719 | 7,453 NESS Wapentake. jae Barholm - - - - - - ~ Parish 314 33], -| 1 24 5 1 80 74 154 Baston - - - - - - (4%) Parshf 193] 145] - {1 1 4g | 48 18 330 352 682 Braceborough - - - - = Parish go} 32} 14 1 28} 3 1 119 79 198 Catlby, - - - + - = - Parish 35 4o} -—] - 32 4 1 101 85 186 Deeping, St. James - - - Parish} 316) 324] 14 8 43. | 53. | 228 675 410 1,385 Deeping, Market - - - (9) {Parish} 150] 204} 1) 12 84 | 120 - 504. 512 1,016 Deeping, West - - - - Parish 51 64 | -} 1 53 | 10 1 155 147 302 Greatford- - - + - + (*) Parish 35 37 | -| - 29 6 2 142 116 258 Wilsthorpe - - - = Chapelry 17 20} -} 1 12 3 5 58 44 102 Langtoft - - - + - -(4) Parishf 97! 110] ~]j 2 35 | 29 46 262 223 485 Stowe- - - - - - - Parish 2 4{ -| - 1 = 3 12 9 21 ‘Fallington = = - - «= = Parish 46 48) —| = 37 9 2 127 113 240 = () The entire Parish of Billinghay contains 1,554 Inbabitants—— (™) Most part of the Parish of Kyme isin Aswardham Wapentake.— (®) The entire Parish of Timberland contains 1,183 Inhabitants.— (°) The entire Parish of Washingborough contains 874 Inhabitants. ——(’) The Return of Hough-on-the-Hill includes Brandon and Gelston Hainlets, heretofore returned separately. (4) An inclosure of land has. |. taken place at Baston ; the Return of which place, as wellas of Market- Deeping and Langtoft, iricludes the Population of certain Extra-Parochial: } places in the Fens———(t) The entire Parish of Greatford contains. |; 360 Inhabitants. ; [ Enumeration. 176 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER a ee a ed oar tai COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. j HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fare | PAM | Aye By ss LIES ~ og, | Ornen OR a a z eels ae Families es TOTAL sr a - . f com- 5 a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Families 2 & played ed in oe io w id ie 3 Oc- = | he in Ses the Two i = feupied | | 5 | Acar lpgcmte|preced- | = i IPERsons, Parts of KESTEVEN —continued. il orHandi- on fe NESS Wapentake—continued. oe i Thurlby (*) with 78 98} -| 2 2 16 62 261 213 474 Northorpe and > - - - Parish 31 33} -{[ - 12 6 15 69 67 136 Obthorpe - - 3 Bap ore z 2 th 5 12 Uffington- - - - - - - Parish| 93] 102] 1] 3 64. 20 18 244 222 466 1,148 }1,297 | 4 | 21 557 | 335 | 405 | 3146 | 2,971 | 6,117 WINNIBRIGGS and THREO Wapentake. : Allington, West - - - - - Parish "3 | 7} -| - 51 22 5 188 169 357 Barrowby - - Parish} 117 | 147] -| - 93 28 26 324 347 671 Boothby-Pagnell - - - - Parish 21 a2} -| — 17 2 3 56 54 110 Grantham - - - (*) Parish - -{ -] - - - = - - = Harrowby - es se Township 8 8 ca = 7 a - 23 22 45 Spittlegate - - - - Township} 151 154} 8 1 54 42 28 359 350 409 Haydor (part of) - - + - (*) Parish 52 56] 1] 1 45 9 2 177 - 160 337 Honington - - - - = Parish 28 29} -| 2 28 - 1 80 46 156 Ponton, Little - - - + Parish 30 36 = = 35 i 1 82 98 180 Ropsley - - - = -() Parish 97 | 103]; 2] 47 70 28 5 248 241 489 Humby, Little - ~ - Hamlet 17 7 oS 15 1 1 34 31 65 Sedgebrook - - - + Parish 39 45} -| - 40 5 2 113 117 230 Somerby with Great Humby - Parish 50 Ha) ei 3 40 4 5 127 119 246 Stoke Parish: (*) Stoke, North - - - - Township 19 19 = - 17 2 - 72 56 128 Stroxton - - - - - = - Parish 22 Pe ol 20 1 1. 69 71 140 ee eee aa Bl a) ee) ane é rey 2 i = 14 1 183 377 Wilsford ce er ee Parish 74 Pe i 59 14 4 169 172 341 W oolsthorpe - ee Parish 95 | 130] -| - 64 47 19 291 275 566 Wyvill with Hungerton- + - Parish 21 21; -| - 20 =H 1 66 58 124 1,017 {1,128 | 12 | 20 GRANTHAM Borough, with the SOKE, |— ‘ GaP PEF | 208 | Saha | Ree | be Barkston - 5 = = + = Parish 81 Bo { _ Belton - - - - + Parish 30 35} - : ] a = eo - . Braceby - - - -~ ~ - ~- Parish 2 BOY ao 20 ae - Ba Colsterworth - - - - (%) Parish} 147 155} - 2 1 11 : i 2, be ca Denton - - - ~ ~ ~ < Parish 103 ra6 ‘ ; 9 ] 17 350 353 703 Gonerty, Great = == Patsl ara] x77 | 6| 3 | roe] ‘sa| 20] 3x8 | 968 | Fg RANTHAM (7) - - Bor: & Par: Manthorp with Little-Go- | 73° | *82 | 22 | 24 | 68} 499} 314 | 1,969 | 2,179 | 4,148 5 tierhy << 5 z Township | 247 | 258 3 86 | 128] 44 568 6o7 | 1,175 artaxton - - - - Parish ape | es Londonthorpe - - Pach . 7 - 2 9 = oe 175 389 Ponton, Great - + Parish 72 9 = 1 = aE : eee ae 195 Sapperton - - - Scat Geren he - : 59 26 8 217 201 418 Stoke, South - - - (*) Parish 13 1 = 2 a os 26 = 55 Easton = - - - - - | Hamlet 38 38 ra : a = 2 48 46 94 - 34 2 2 113 93° 206 1,783 | 2,011 | 25 | 36 | 654 | 905 2 648 6 BOROUGH of STAMFORD. oe See | ae | Bie All Saints: 0 (: - Paris George, St. - - - - . pay] 257) 300) -| 47 9] 259] 32 | 614 | xq | 1,988 3 nf 223 258 | 3 John St Baptist - = = «= Parish 6 3 10 129 11 9 555 636 1,191 Mary, Sh ee = - Parish : - a oe 2 6 | 119 93 503 500 1,003 Michael, St.- - 2 - - + pais] ase] oft] 3 | 3 ] 48) 35 38 | aan | BaF L 214) 3] 4 13} 111 go 539 572 1,111 892 | 1,038 | 11 | 16 38 | 663 | 337 | 2,337 | 2,713 | 5,050 (*) The entire Parish of Thurlb ‘ OH oe i zluriby contains 622 Inhabitants. Parish of Ropsl i Inhabi sR most ‘ath oe 2 ae a Pr oe are in the Parish of Grannies Parish i: made uetheseke eaten : and 1S eae ciate - rounded by the Wa nie Wik Soke of Grantham ; this Soke is sur- (’) The entire Parish of Colsterworth (which once a os B it Joe») manner, and extend to Bel ov!“ tnnibriggs and Threo, in a very irregular | Wapentake) contains 776 Inhabitants, includin sce a d : nis ‘ pe: () Th eo tof Havas a eae ee were resident lodgers at the time of the enumeration--—(") The aucife Aswardhurn W, : aydon (which extends into arish of Grantham, which extends i h innibrives’ f- apentake) contains 522 Inhabitants ———(”) The entire sid Threo) coniaias 6.077 Tohabianc, rena ica 1s M.DCCC.XXI.] “THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 177 Sa : : COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, F Fami- A By ; ited hiell ae = . how 3 chiefly ee Families wn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 [many | a | 3 fem fed in |not com} ys 4 s ‘3 «| Families} | 3 ployed | Traps, |prized in Fl s OF a Oc- oO — . a | eg 4 cn 2 a Fa eae os ee 3 . fa PERSONS. {| PARTS OF LINDSEY. = | cae lopeecuel ing ASLACOE (East) Wapentake. ee Caenby - - - - - - - Parish] 17 23 -{ = 22 - 1 66 55 121 Firsby, East - - - - Parish 4 4 -| - 4 - - 14 15 29 Firsby, West - - - - - Parish 5 5 ah 5 = = 17 17 34 ‘| Glentham - - - - - Parish} 52 | 7o°| -| —] 64 5 1 197 175 372 { Hackthorn - - - - - - Parishf 29 39 -{| - 32 6 1 126 130 - 256. Hanworth, Cold - - - - Parish} 8 11 =| <= 11 - - 29 28 57 Normandy - - - - Parish} 46 67 -{ 1 54 11 2 168 160 328° Norton, Bishop - - - (#) Parish} 62 67 1] - 54 |. 13 - 150 153 303 Atterby = - + = = Township 20 22 - J 20 2 - 53 57 110° Owmby - - - - - - - Parish] 38 43 | -| -] 37 3 3 105 gl 196 Saxby- - - - - - - Parish} 20 20 = 18 2 - 55 50 105 Snitterby - - - - - - - Parish] 36 36 2} - 34 2 - 80 73 153 Spridiington - - ~ - - = Parish} 33 41 -| 2 37 4 - 98 101 199 370 | 448 31 4 7 392 48 8 1,158 1,105 2,263 ASLACOE (West) Wapentake. | Blyborough - - - + - = Parish] 04 32 -| - 32 - - 87 97 184 Cammeringham - - - - - Parish] 07 27 el ae 26 1 - 69 73 142 Coates - - = = - = = Parish 8 8 -] 1 8 - - 26 19 45 Fillngham - - - = - Parish} 39 | 50 -| - 41 7 2 144 135 249 Glentworth - - - - - Parish] 45 50 -}|41 42 4 1 143 132 275 Harpswell - - - - - Parish} 18 18 -|] - 16 1 1 39 40 19 Hemswell - - - + - = Parish} 65 65 -|] 1 60 5 - 136 135 241 | Ingham - = - = - - = Parish} 50 60 -/| - 39 17 4 140 147 287 Willoughton - - - - =~ = Parish] 72 88 -{ - 66 22 - 200 209 409 351 | 398 | -| 3 | 330 }| 60 8 984 987 | 1,971 BOLINGBROKE (East) Soke. - Carrington - - - - (°) Township} 15 16 -j| - 10 ~ 6 "9 60 139 East Ville - - - (>) Township} 14 30 -~[o- 20 = - 69. 49 118 Halton-Holegate - - - - Parish} g4 | 105 -/ 41 "6 18 11 231 229 460 | Hundleby- - - - - - «= Parish] 66 81 -| 2 44 22 15 172 176 348 Keal, East - - - - - = Parish} 58 65 -j}; - 59 6 - 170 143 313 J Lusby - - - - - - = Parish} 22 22 -];} - 21 1 - | 63 63 126 Mavis-Enderby - - - - = Parish] 35 37 -j = 34 2 1 104 | 85 189 Mid-Ville - - - -(°) Township} 20 21 -| - 21 - - 82 57 139 Reithby - - - - - - Parish} 31 35 -| 1 24 4 7 gl 89 180 Spilsby - - - - - - = Parishf 215 | 222 -| 4 62 | 135 25 626 608 1,234 © Steeping, Little - - - ~ = Parish] 50 52 1/1 48 3 1 139 139 278 | Thorpe - - - - - ~- = Parish] 63 69 -| 6 60 4 5 197 184 381 Toynton, All-Saints - - - Parishf{ 61 41 2 1 63 5 3 186 156 342 Toynton, St.Peter’s - - - Parish} 66 72 -| - 66 3 3 203 191 394 813 | 888 3119 | 608 | 203 ve 2,412 2,229 4,641 BOLINGBROKE (West) Soke. Asgarby - - - - - - = Parish] 15 16 -{ = 15 - 1 36 41 "9 | Bolingbroke - - - (°) Parish] 153 | 170 1/ 4 8&4 69 17 358 395 "53 Frith-Ville - - - (>) Township] 38 42 1] 1 42 - - 150 122 272 Hagnaby - - - - - - = Parish} 14 15 -|o- 11 - 4 46 45 gl | Hareby - - - - - - = Parish? 13 16 1} - 12 3 1 35 36 1 ‘Keal, West - - - - - = Parish{ go 98 -| - |- 94 4 - 243 259 502 Kirkby, East - - - - + Parish} 63 74 -| 2 53 16 5 164 183 | 347 Miningsby - - - - - ~- Parishf 22 28 -{| - 25 1 2 64 70 — 134 Revesby woe ee = =) Parish J 111 121 a2, go 16 15 300 272 572 | Sibsey - - - - ~ = = Parish] 255 | 276 1]/ 7 f 196 | 61 19 703 65t | 1,354 | Stickford - - - - - ~- = Parish] 71 m1 -| - 58 10 3 171 172 343 | (@) The entire Parish of Norton Bishop contains 413 Inhabitants.—— 4 (°) The Townships of Carrington, East-Ville, Mid-Ville, Frith-Ville, and West-Ville, (also Langrick-Ville and Thornton-le-Fen, in Horncastle J Soke,) were created as such by Act of Parliament, on occasion of a very ex- | tensive Drainage of Fen Lands, and are not dependent on any Parish. } This Act penieh was passed in the year 1812) recites the Acts for drain- | ing and allotting Wildmore Fen, and the West and East Feas, and states the public utility and convenience of dividing about 14,000 acres (part thereof) into Seven Townships; in order that the general public laws now in force, concerning Constables, and for the Relief and Employment of the Poor, might be put in force. Most of the Parishes in the Soke of Polingbroke appear to have increased in Population, by reason of Allot- ments of Fen Lands ; and especially the Parish of Bolingbroke, from lots of ten acres each, leased on condition of building Houses thereon. Ts 178° ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: ois A st et COUNTY OF LINCOLN—centinued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, = Beer Se. lee ee to AMI- ’ ALL { oR By a LIES ahielly OTHER ' Oo ees ag : bk EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLAGE. Vcr eee |e eee) Se 3 | Families £ @ | ployed | Trans, prized in 3 q > ae | ‘5 4 3 afm Manu- | the Two <4. Bes PERSONS, PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. | | PES) | Bf Acne fen a oh - 10) = > BOLINGBROKE (West) Soke—continued. ture. | craft, | Classes. | —_—— Stickney - - - - + - Parish} 154] 159] -| 3 PF 123 21 15 394 369 463 West-Ville - - (>) Township 15 wpe -}| 1 15 - -f{ 61 ' 41 102° 1,014 |1,101 | 4 | 18 | 818 201 82 f 2,725 | 2,656 |' 5:381: BRADLEY HAVERSTOE Wapentake. | : Ashby, with Fenby - - - - Parish} 46] 46] -| 2 [| 26 8} 12 f 103 | 88 | igor Aylesby - - - + - = Parish} 26 26), =| =f ag 3 4] 68 74 |) 142 Barnoldby-le-Beck - - Parish f= 51 Sly =} 3p 32 10 Qf 111 109 j| 220 Beelsby - - - = Pash} 35] 35: —| — fi 32 3 -~{ 8 | Wy ate Bradley - - - - - - Parish] 17 ih S| ay = ~f 39 39 78 Brigsley - - - - - - Parish 22 ao) =| =f 46 4 2 49 45 94 Cam «= ss 22 Baal 6) sof 4) =|) 38 2 - 47 58 | 106 Clee - - © - (*) Parish] 104} 107] 1] 8 | 24} 69] 14 178 228 | 406" Cleethorpe - - Township}. 23 27, -| 3 ff 24 3 = 84 70 154 Coates, Great - - Parish | 36 46} -| rf 38 4 4 123 114 237 Coates, Little - - . Parish} 13] 13] -] — 13 - “ 21 2% 47 Coates, North - = Parish} 34] 34] -| 1 31 2 1 73 81 154. Cuxwold - - - - = Parish 5| tw} —-} 2f 10 - -}[ 32 28 | 60 Fulstow - - - - Pansh} 85] 93} -| 5 85 9 1] 198 191 | 389 Grainsby - - - - Parshf 15] 17] -| 2 15 2 -[ 64 50 | 114, GrimssBy, GREAT - Bor: & Par: | 687 699 | 1] 46 109 346 244 | 1,521 1,543 3,064, Hatclifle - - - - - Parish} 17] 20} -| — ff 19 1 - 51 48 | 99 Hawerby, with Beesby - - - Parish 10 13; =| =—fF 21 = 2 28 ay |. | Ge Healing - - ~~ - Paishf 16) ag h —-] 1 16 2 1 54 40 | 94 Holton-le-Clay - - - - - Parish 37 38} -| -| 27 4 4 106 | 114 | 220 Humberston - 2 2 + = Parish 46 46} -| ~f ai 3 / 2 113 104 : 214 Irby-upon-Humber - - - Parish 29 47| -1|.~-f 39 6 2 124 93 217 Laceby - - - - - - = Parish? 106] 106/ -| —f 66] 30 10 251 272 523 Marsh-Chapel - - - - Parish ag 96] -| ~f 75 18 3 207 | 204 fi git Ravendale, East - - (4) Parish 13 wy3f-{ — 12 - 1 30 33 63 Ravendale, West - - Township 4 5f -] - 5 ie - 20 | 12 | 32 Rothwell - - - - - Parish} 42 43], -) - 38 5 - 105 gz | 194 Scartho - - ee - Parish 37 38} -| 1 29 6 3 470 48 148 Swallow - - - - - - - Parish 17 g@1y —-| 1 20 1 - 89 33 122 Swinhope - - - - - ~ - Parish 19 20} -| - 19 - if 49 45 | 94 Tetney - - - - ~ = = Parish} 125] 128] —] — 96 28 4 326 296 622 Thoresby, North - - (®) Parish 88! 14] 1 6 6 2 d i i 3 9 29 1 253 231 484 Waith “os = - Parish 6 6 - 1 6 ~ ~ 1 i ; 0 Waltham =~ - - - - = Parshf 112} 115] - 4 48 2 a, | 2 3 268 i 26 Wold-Newton - - - - = Parish| 15 20} -| 4 15 - 2 68 57 fe CALCEWORTH Hundred. 2,031 {2,171 | 4 | 88 [1,160 | 644] 367 [ 5,013 | 4,881 | 9,894 (Marsh Division.) Aby, with Greenfield - - - Parish oe ‘Ane rby - > > = = =) Parish es s e es e . 2 27 oH : a Gdlker im fo hie 45 2 1 112 114 a Claythorpe - - - - - - Parish 8 LO? sp S| ve f 4 : a efi Calceby - - - - Parish 5 8{ —| - 3 : =k - = rt | Cawthorpe, Little - - - Parish 27 28 ~_ 2 26 ‘ ‘i 68 bo Cumberworth - - - - Parish 26 Bae cg Pe : 8 ee Gayton-le-Marsh - - - Parish 48 6o} —|] — ise 2 7 3 a aR ae - - > = = ~~ Extra-P, 1 raj -] = - Ee S — “7 _ ogsthorpe - - - - - i % if Hoe 22 BRL MSF tag] fa] gr) a8] xo | n05 | an6 | at Legbourn - - +e Parish 82) 83} -| 4 66 s 7 re ve iis Mableth a i 10 a 204 208 412 ethorpe, St. Mary - - Parish 45 46) -] 3 ° eae St. Peter - - - Parish 8 9} -| 1 °3 ie : 8 i “35 umby, Par with Chapel Mumb : . co P 4 y oa me : : : ie 10 9 pu 295 582 sutpnrarthe- Marsh - - Parish 29 32] -]| - 30 : 2 63 2 135 way = & = 4 - - Parish 54 61; 2] - 50 10 1 142 160 302 (°) See Note on preceding page.——() The entire Parish of Clee contains i i p : 95 Inhabitants. (¢) It is stated, that persons resort to and contains 560 Inhabitants. —(*) The entire Parish of East-Ravendale | settle in North-Thoresby, as being an uninclosed Loi = M.DCCC.XXIL] THE COUNTY OF. LINCOLN—continued. POPULATION: ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . OR continued. 1 "Theddletiiorpe, All Saints (f) . Theddlethiorpe; St. Helens.- - Thoresby, South.- - -. -. - } Tothill - - - - - - - : ‘Trusthorpe - - sped CALCEWORTH ‘Hundred. (Wold Division.) Bilsby and Thwalby - ees } Claxby - - - - Barlsthorp - - - - | Hagnaby, with Hannay : Maltby-le-Marsh - - - | Markby - - - - Rigas, with Aitsby - - - Saleby, with Thoresthorpe | Strubby, with: Woodthorp. ' Ulceeby, with Forthington - ; Well and Derthorpe - - (8) ' Willoughby - - - - (4) ' rtoopa -CANDLESHOE. Wapentake. (Marsh Division.) Addlethompe - - - - - Bareg bette ESE = - | Croft - - - - - - Friskney - - ; Yncoitmells - ! North-Holme eee | Onby 2 = # = = (3). Skegness - - - - - - - Wainfleet, All Saints Wainfleet, St. Mary - | Winthorpe a foe € sb © fF bog CANDLESHOE Wapentake, (Wold Division.) Ashby - - - - - - - Braytoft - - - - - Candlesby - - - - - Dalby - - - - - - Driby- - - - - - - - Firsby - - - - - = - Gunby - - - - - = = Irby-in-the-Marsh - - - - Partney - - SP ae ote) Scremby, with Gretby - 2 Skendleby - - te Beanie Crete sm: ‘ee Sutterby - - - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE: | PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. CALCEWORTH Hundred (Marsh Division) Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Welton-in-the- -Marsh, with Boothby Par: x a me EIT (f) One female upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Thed- | dlethorpe-All-Saints——(®) The Return of Well includes Derthorpe and Mawthorpe.——(1) ‘The Return of Willoughby includes the Hamlet of Sane a eee SRE Ae ee : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: oo f Fami- | Fam | yips AL By 13 LIES | chiefly | OTHER ‘ a how | £ chiefly employ- Families n TOTAL z oe. oo |i 3 em- ed in |not com- Bo ) 4, ae Soe 3 |g | Ployed | Trans, [prized in za Ss sete a ¢ eae ae in, Manu- | the Two i PERSONS. 4 eupied.| 1'55 | Acni- factures,] preced- S er cut- jorHandi-| _ ing z : - ture. |~ craft; | Classés. eae ve | ! 44 52) — |i = 37 6 9 100} 412 211 48} 59] - -| 43 9 Zz 114, 125 239 22 27) =] 1 19 7 1 75. 74.) 149, 11 v2} —fi4 12 - = 34° 38> 42 44| 56) -|) 1] 40 7 9 2g [ 138 | 262 896 | 1,028 | 5 15 825 | 141 | 62 | 2,437 | 2,459. | 4,896. 304 | 307| 2], 4] 58 | 159 | go 705 | 801 |’ 1,506 26 a7} -|o41 12 5 10 64 68; |: iga 83 99} 1!) 2 98 1 - -214 202 |) 416 17 18} -—|; - 17 - 1 52 45 |! 97 19 19] -|j - 19 = -. 53 48 - 101 15 17} - |) 1 17 = Ss 59 47 106. 43} 42) -|[ 19 38 4 | - 103 | 96 | 199 14 wij -})/- | 17 1 = 49 45 94 21 a2) —|}) - 20 2 - 58 49 107 36 43} - |} = 38 3 2 124 111 235 45) 46} -|, - | 42 4 a 125 130 255, 351 40f -ji- | 37 3 - 109 105 214, 19 19} -|) - 16 1 2 66 69 135 108.| 108 | — | = 92 15 1 248 266 | 514 54]; 66} -]}i - } 46 17 3, 180 163 |’ 343 839 | 891} 3] 9 | 567 | 215.| 109 | 2,209 | 2,245 | 4,454 5) 204 = a 36 3 =) 97 79 176 189 | 224} 2] 1 f 100 | 73 | 51 434 469 | 903 82) 87] 2) 4f 77 | 5 5 248 235 483. 193 | 248) 2]. 1 | 204 31 13 666 602 1,268, 31 32) -| - | 24 8 = 84 71 |, 155 33 | 38] -| - | 20 4 | 14, 82 73 155 44 56} -] - 46 10 - 136 146 283 21 25); -| 2 23 a 2 75 75 150 186 | 190] 2] 2 65 88 37 436 442 8478 99 | 108] 1] 3 | 102 - 6, 297 247 544 35} 45] 1] 1 43 2 = 113 120 233 | 948 | 1,092 | 10] 15 | 740 | 224 | 128 J 2,668 | 2,559 | 5,227 24 26} —| - 25 1 - 69 71 140. 24) gol =| 17 29 1 = 95 84 179 44 47} -| 4] 28 14 5 119 132 .f 251 10 go} —-} — 15 1 4 46 53 99 9} a7] -| -] 17 =| # 40 42 82 22 a4} oat — 21 2 1 63 _ 56 119 8 aa} -| - 4 - 4 29 40 69 13 ip] iy - 14° 1 = 44 34 48 59 59 = 1 29 18 12 144 149 293 33 | 38) -| -] 31 = 2 104. 96 200 38 43} -| = 36 6 1 95 115 210 54} 55] -| -] 48 | 6 | 2 130 148 | 2978 5 6/ - 6 = = 19 14 33 52 68} -j 1 55 11 2 171 184 | 355 395} 459| 3| 7 7 361 61 37 1,168 1,218 | 2,386 Sloothby——(#) The increase of Population in Orby is attributed to the improved state of agriculture and drainage. 180 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, ee re nee —— COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faure Famr- ies B : LIES eae a | ite 2 | chiefly ae c soe i | ETOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Elenite! | 2 | ota | edn. fnoteom- Z 4 a 3 : ? T , | Prized in eee = Oe | 5 4 i leet Oe = PERSONS, . a cupied.) @ | 2 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. ea cuL- jorHandi- gine TURE. | craft asses. CORRINGHAM Wapentake. : Blyton, with Wharton -— - Parish 98 | 103] -—| —- 86 15 2 257 247 504 Corringham, Great and Little Parish | 102 1OZ |: =) 23 75 13 14 250 229 479 eoreheoet - (4+) (). Parish | 1,284 1332 5/43 | 45 {1,134 18 ae 3,126 5:893 orton - - - = - - Hawlet} 143 14 4 3 25 41 oO 2 314 580 Stockwith, East - - Hamlet 46 55] -| - 28 16} 11 105 119 224 Walkerith ~ - - = = Hamlet 11 13 ca = 13 = = 35 32 67 Grayingham - - -“- Parish 24 a4} —-| — 24 - - 76 65 141 Greenhill - - - - - — Extra-P. 1 1{ -| - 1 She 5 6 11 Heapham - - - - - = Parish 23 23, - 1 19 4 i 57 55 112 Kirton (in Lindsey) - - - - Parish? 339] 339] 1] 8 | 167 | 149] 23 731 749 | 1,480 Laughton Parish: (1) Laughton - - - Township 51 58 | -} 2 53 5 > 183 136 319 Wildsworth - - - - Hamlet 1 gy} -{| - 19 - = 52 §1 103 lea - - - = - - - Parish} “3 36} -{ 2 30 5 1 98 101 199 Manton Parish: (™) Cleatham - - - - Township] 24 24; -{ -— | 20 - 4 67 50 117 Northorpe - - ee =e Parish 26 26! -|} 3 25 1 - 66 61 1247 Paddocks - - - (+) - — Extra-P. 1 1; -| - 1 de = 1 2 3 Pilham - - - - - = Pash 20 20} —-] 1 18 2 - 51 51 102 Scotter - - . Parish] 184 | 201 | -—} - | 140 38 | 23 443 495 938 Scotton - - - (") Parish 62 62} -| 1 50 3 9 196 168 364 Ferry, East - - 7 Hamlet 29 31) -} - 30 - 1 75 46 151 Southorpe Sa ine Sie Extra-P. 6 6 = = 6 = = 18 16 34 Springthorpe- - - - - Parish 32 34} -| - 30 4 = 104 96 200 2,549 12,656 | 10 | 6 0 1,430 21 0 6,2 12,148 ee ee ; 7 | 905 | 1,430] 3 5,903 45 14 Asterby - - - - - - Parish 25 32 - ~_ 28 : ia 3 1 2 18 Baumber, otherwise Bamburgh ~ Parish 54 61}; -] 1 54 6 1 a “5 a6 are -— - Se e Bah} Sof tpt = | a] Ye 22] 6 272 218 490 Sobing on: a ee 5 ee 7 rh) Ss 19 15 34 ee upon-Bain - - = Parish 47 49} -] - 42 4 = 134 135 269 G ae Mom eros Sse Parish | 87 38{ -| -] 35 2 1 130 133 263 Heniees Fliee ag te hee 55 oa) — 48 7 = 128 116 244 Tang ye SS - * =) Parish 52 60] -]| 2 35 8] 44 162 135 297 ee oe Parish 21 21 - - 19 2 xs 66 55 121 ee atiealy ae ee ©) Parish } 55 75, ri} = 51 11] 13 187 160 347 nton, Market - Parish 27 27 we 1 16 4 4 59 72 131 ae toa Parish] 14] 20} ~| =f 90 a 57 50 107 urton, Great - - - = Parish 21 22; -| 3 19 2 l 77 68 145 GARTREE (South) Wapentake, oN | 372 | Ly Sy 45a 77| 44 | 1,558 | 1,398 | 2,956 Bucknall ee ee : Dalderby - - - on ak ae aie ae 46 -~; 1 44 2 - 134 107 241 Gautby - —— Parish be St 5 1 = 25 15 40 Horsington - - - - ~ Parish eee 18 a 3 57 61 118 Kirby-upon-Bain - - (P) Parish pe - 1 - 61 7 2 172 150 322 _Tumby- - - - - -~ Township BR a1 . 10 1 130 1 . 256 Kirkstead - -~ »- . 2 L Parish 5 1 1 171 164 | 335 Langton (near Horncastle) - - Parish : ae ea | 24 3 e 70 62 132 Martin - - ~ Ae ie eee 4 20( -| -—]F 19 1 = 52 48 100 Minting - - - « a ce ie ee ee -| - 30 26 55 es. - Parish 0 Scrivelsby aaa 2. Bees 5 55} 2] - 51 3 1 144 126 270 Stixwould - 2. . = re - cc aaa es 22 1 1 81 72 153 Witiewball’ 2 2.6 ge 4 ae Ge So) =) = i Be 4} - 100 114 214, Thornton - - - . . _ ee 115] 121] 2] 3 54 394 28 308 319 627 Thorpe - - - - . Pea) aot Ee Bh) oe 87 66 153, 30] go, =) =) wy 4} 83 134 135 269 k) The ent : : ¢ e e eid oe of Gainsborough contains 6,761 Inhabitants. (®) The entire Parish ou Se 422 Inhabitants. j i on (which is tly in Manl. 7 €ont: partly in Manley Wapentak ains 198 Inhabitants") The entire Parish of Sia 515 Inhabitants——~(°) The increase of Population at Scamblesby. is ascribed to the employment of labourers by occupiers of land on part of the Wold, which is not in the Parish, and where are few cottages—— (°) The entire Parish of Kirby-upon-Bain contains: 591 Inhabitants, ‘M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 181 COUNTY OF LINCOLN—conéinued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- A s S| RE | es: | ee — _ | how B | chiety ae Families eA TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. SB [my] » | 3 em- | edin {notcom-| 4 i = {Families} 2 | 2 ployed | Trans, |prized in a =- @ | Oc | 3) 72 fin | Manu. |theTwo] 3 = [PERSONS. i ni) cupied.} Pp Acrr- | factures,| preced- a aS) PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. cut- jorHandi-| ing a TVRE. | craft. | Classes. GARTREE, South, Wapentake—continued. | Waddingworth - - = - Parish 13 13} -]| - 13 ~ = 29 30 59 Wispington - - - - - Parish 16 we] -j} —- 13 2 1 33 37 40 Woodhall - - - - - = = Parish 35 36} -| - 26 3 4 98 93 191 638 | 607] 5 | 8 | 567 82 48 1,855 1,750 3,605 HILL Hundred. Ashby-Puerorum - - (4) Parish 22 a2} -} = 21 1 - 59 58 117 Aswardby - - (+) - Parish wf 15] -} - 11 1 3 32 48 80 Brinkhill - - - - - - - Parish 18 21 ~ 1 17 3 1 50 69 119 Claxby-Pluckacre - - - Parish: 4 6}, -} - 6 ae a 22 14 36 Enderby, Bag - - ~ + - Parish 17 a2} —}] — 16 5 1 48 59 107 Fulletby - - - - - - - Parish 41 53} -] - 45 8 - 140 114 254. Greetham - - - ~ - - Parish 22 28} -] - 26 2 = 80 68 148 Hagworthingham - - - Parish} 105} 106} 1] § 76 24 6 263 270 533 Hameringham - - - - - Parish 30 go} -| - 28 - 2 46 730 149 Harrington - - - - - Parish 11 wt] -| - 12 1 2 51 54 105 Langton (by Spelsby) - Parish 26 32} -—| 1 30 2 - go "9 167 Ormsby, South,» with Ketsby - Parish 36 48; -{ 1 36 10 2 145 116 261 Oxcomb - - - - = Parish 5 5{ -| - 4 1 - 14 14 28 Salmonby - - - - = - Parish 14 mi -t| - 14 1 - 46 43 89 Sausthorpe - +» - - - - Parish 28 281 -—| 2 24 2 2 84 83 167 Scrafield - - - - - - Parish 3 5] -| - 5 - - 16 4 23 Somersby - - - - - = Parish 12 wj}o-}| - 10 - 2 50 45 95 Tetford - - - + - = - Parish} 2112 { 211] 1] 2 93 18 - 253 278 531 Walmsgate - - - - - Parish 9 zz} -{ - 11 - - 28 28 56 Winceby - - - - - = - Parish 14 144f- -] - 14 - - 38 40 78 Worlaby - - - - - - ~ ExtraP, 3 4) -| - 4 - - 17 15 32 546 | 603] 2] 12 | 503 | 79 | 21 1,602 | 1,573 | 3,175 HORNCASTLE Soke. Ashby, West - - - - - Parish gl g1| -] 2 98 7 6 189 189 378 Coningsby - - - - - - Parish} 339} 351 1] 9 | 244 gl 16 806 845 1,651 Haltham-upon-Bain) - - - Parish 37 4h} -} - 37 4 - 104 92 196 Horncastle - - - - - = Parish} 6514 665 | 2419 | 251 | 321 93 1,440 1,618 3,058 Langrick Ville - - = (") Township 36 26} -] - 34 1 1 107 88 195 Mareham-le-Fen - - (*) Parish] 125 127 a 96 30 1 295 314 609 Mareham-on-the-Hill - ~- ~- Parish 22 26) 14 - 23 3 - 65 68 133 Moorby - - - = - = = Parish 21 26 -}| - 23 3 ie 61 57 118 Roughton- - - = - - = Parish 23 a7} —-} - 22 3 2 58 52 110 Thimbleby - - - + () Parish 44} .83{ -] 1 48 5 - 203 181 384 Thornton-le-Fen - - (*) Township 23 a6} -f - 23 2 1 74 67 141 Toynton, High - - - - = Parish 32 g2 | -l 1 26 6 = 73 86 159 | Toynton, Low - - - - - Parish 15 i] -} - 15 - - 56 39 95 Wiiksby - + + + - + Parish 8 9{| -]| 1 9 - - 35 23 58 | Wood-Enderby - - - + - Parish 31 gl] -] - 29 2 2 89 94 183 528 [1,586 | 5 | 33 | 988 | 478 | 120 3,655 | 3,813 | 7,468 LAWRESS Wapentake. Aisthorpe- - - - - - - Parish 12 13} -| - 13 - - 37 33 70 } Barlings - - - - - - + Parish 33 47} -| - 41 6 - 114 131 245 Brattleby - - - - - - - Parish 21 ay7| -| = 19 6 2 72 85 157 Broxholme_ - - - - - Parish 24 a4) -| - 24 - - 74 74 148 Burton (by Lin cnt - = = Parish 33 35 | 1] 2 16 3 16 98 88 186 Buslingthorpe - - - - - Parish 7 gi} -| - 9 - - 31 24 55 Carlton, North - - - - =~ Parish 26 31; -—| 1 28 3 - 96 "5 171 Carlton, South - - - - Parish 26 a} oaifl - 25 2 1 105 89 104 Dunhollm- - -.- - - Parish 38 38) -| - 31 4 3 ill 109. 220 Faldingworth - - - = = Parish} 45 47| -| 2 38 9 - 148 128 276 Fiskerton - - - - + + Parish} 54 65) -| - 55 10 = 155 139 294 Friesthorpe - - - Parish} 11 ay} -{| -foaui - - 22 23 45 Greetwell - - - - = ~ Parish 5 Bl. oss 5 ~ _ 21 24 45 (9) The Return of Ashby-Puerorum includes Stainsby Hamlet, and Holbeck Extra-Parochial-——(") Langrick-Ville, and Thornton-le-Fen are two of the Townships mentioned in the note on the Soke of Boling- broke. ——(5) ') The increase of Population in Mareham-le-Fen and Thimbleby, is ascribed to the drainage and inclosure of Wildmore Fen. Aaa ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. 182 COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : ee PERSONS: Fami- ie ALL oR Pee a LIES | chiefly OrnEr oe “ "y: : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Saag ge foe Pee ee, eB a een 5 Families £ 2 ployed | Trans, { prized in = S OF § ee 3 & Ee Manu- | the Iwo fg PERSONS, PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. | [TPP] A | Pf “SRE |factures,; preted 5 = i- 3 LAWRESS Wapentake—continued. TURE. | craft, {| Classes. Margaret, St. in-the- ‘ GleiGe of ) I a i oe 3 ; ? eS ae ca 88 Mary-Magdalen, St. : eta” } (*) Parish} 128} 134] -]} 6 4 | 47 | 83 356 345 701 Nettleham - - Parish 95} 117] 24 2 47 37 3 292 280 2 | Paul, St. in-the-Bail - (t) Parishf{ 102] 109] —| 3 8 43 58 191 232 ee i Reepham - - - = Parish 48 52} —-]| 1 36 10 6 117 130 2447 Riseholme - - - (*) Parish 10 io} -| = 9 - 1 42 31 49 Saxelby, with Ingleby - ~ ~ Parishf 110] 117] 3] 2 80 23 14 278 283 561 Scampton - - ~ (*) Parish 33 35} -| -] 31 3 1 123 415 238 Scothern - - - - = - Parish 47 78 1 1 60 10 8 181 185 366 Snarford = 8 ewe ce Pansh 8 sat at 8 y ee 9 39 25 64 Sudbrooke - = - - + Parish 12 3} -f - 8 = 5 56 47 103 Thorpe, West - - - - - Parish 8 g/ -]| - 9 - - 41 28 69 Torksey, with Harwick - (*) Parish 50 534 -| - 42 11 = 145 122 267 Welton - - - © = Parish 86 92] -] - 997 15 - 240 2 Willingham, Cher i 6 6 i a: es g ; Ty - - Parish 1 1 perl ce 16 - = 44 45 89 LOUTH-ESKE Hundred. 1,167 |1,273 | 8 | 20 | 781 | 252 | 240 3,322 | 3,326 | 6,648 (Marsh Division.) = 7 Alvingham - - - - - = Parsh O _ Carlton, Castle - - - - - face, * BB Zz S c = a “ae re oe Carlton, Great ~ - - - - Parish 39 47 | -] 1 45 2 = i ae o Carlton, Little - = = = Parish 20 OO -csl |) | Ss 19 1 = be ese ae Conisholm - = = = = «= Parish 23 23 = 1 23 we = a - shied Grainthorpe, with Ludney and ; 39 my Geet at os 7 a Parish 92; 114] -] 2 87 11 16 260 243 503 timoldby - - = - = Parish 68 Saif] sa Manby Ue Oe oh aye eo sian a Spee 6 abe 146 298 Reston, North - - - - Parish 6 6} -| 2 “ ° 2 a pe oe Saltfleetby, All Saints - - - Parish 39 50f -| — 29 10 11 ee - 218 Saltfleetby, St.Clements - - Parish 23 32} -] = 20 5 4 A 6 Saltfleetby, St.Peters - - = Parish 35 40; -—]|] 2 26 8 6 3B 8 18 Skidbrooke, with Saltfleet-Haven Parish 81 86} 1} 5 34 32 20 1 8 1 3) 6s Somercoates, North - - Parish} 153 157} -|} 6 83 28 46 52 i a ee ae South - - - - Parish 54 67 -/| — 58 7 2 338 a 50 burgh ss oo ae : arburg Parish 43 46} -] 14 34 8 4 113 94 207 Lo ee ea i ues, 768 | 861} 3] 20 | 608 | 130 | 123 2,002 | 1,976 | 3,978 Authorpe - - - a ekg Spas j Burwell iy trie arth a si sete oe a = 49 51 100 Calcethorpe - =~ - - - Parish Bl phlict % : : e 87 . Cockerington, St. Leonard ~- Parish 41 41 1 5 6 o os 39 . 21 60 Cockerington, St. Mary - = Parish 38 AGT se 3 4 “03 83 ote Elkington, North ~ = - Parish 14 tact is ‘ - 3 , ee 93 7 Elkington, South - - = + Pail 471 a7| —| .| ad c = 34 ao 74 Farforth, with Maiden-Well =) “Pagan 6 16 _ ‘ 2 5 3 127 141 268 Gayton-le-Wold - - - Parish 14 ig] — 6 2 _ = ae a Hallington - — - Parish 13 hoe = e 2 = 59 63 122 Haugham - + oh) aod Seated ae Wich eG 37 38 75 Reddugiom es 2d, Ge Pahl ge |) Sayfa) oa oe . . 49 51 100 Kelstern - - = () Parish 19 oe een ee ro t a 95 84 179 ‘ Lambcroft (+) - - ~- Hamlet 4 Bu ee 5 - e a Os a8 outh - a a ee = = 20 11 31 Tee: acc ( ) auf 1,2 7 a : 38 35 | 620 | 632 2,863 | 3,149 | 6,012 Muckton = - - Parish 17 26} —| = 2 7 i = 19 24 43 Raithby, with Maltby - - - Parsh| o4| o4] —| — @ a = 41 60 131 Rhee 22S ce eee a) eh eo ee a 70 50 | 120 4 4 - - i6 17 33 () St Mary Magdalen in the Bail, St. Paul in the Bai : ee peichiass peo siasts in the City of oa an titi Care acre Te ei ae ee € 0: : e ? aaa u 1 in- ete gop Taantnts “(81h eta of Racaise see Sted bY Se dealin of tages eghinsing Paes aad | a “ee-Ligne, Extra-Parochial.__(w ‘i : : residence of /agricultural labourers in the town. The entire at Scampton is attributed t ——(*) The increase of Population | Parish contains 6,055 Inhabitants. O. He ae IIs sj : ted to the di ff a : 2055 inhabitants. One female, upwards of 100 years | val toate inthe Wapentake of Wels "oe enare Kes rg, | of ee i Louth “_— M.DCCC.XXI.] TE SS THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C¢. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN —continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | Pr] Ave B 5 LIES : oO ox ; : ia 3 chiefly ae Families a TOTAL -EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Sf omany | og |B Pom PE Inot com-| of a a | Families! & | G | ployed |p prized in ie Ss —_ = Oc 214 Ae Theta =‘ |PERSONS. ed. - PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. | [| "P¥"| ® | | ‘con | Setures| Preset a B LOUTH ESKE Hundred : TURE. | craft, | Classes. (Wold Division—continued.) Stewton - = - = = - = Parish 12 iol ek Ss 12 - - 29 34 63 Tathwell - - - - - - = Parish 37 50} —| 1 48 2 - 139 133 272 Wilton-le-Wold - - - ~- = Parish 23 31} -} - 30 1 - 88 56 144 Witheall - - - - - = - Parish 8 8} -] 1 4 1 ~ 65 24 89 Wykeham, East - - - - - Parish 4 4} -{ - 4 - - 17 12 29 1,648 | 1,793 | 8 | 44 | 498 | 654 | 41 | 4,302 | 4,438 | 8,740 LUDBOROUGH Wapentake. Brackenborough - - - = Parish 8 9] -1| - 9 - - 30 24 54. Covenham, St. Bartholomew - Parish 39 45| -{} - 40 4 1 115 104 219 Covenham, St. Mary - - - Parish 25 36} -] - 33 3 7 72 470 142 Fotherby = Oe ok es yaih 42 43| -| - 39 ‘4 - 109 89 198 Grimsby, Little - - - - Parish 9 9) -| - 9 - - 37 30 67 Ludborough - - - = - Parish 45 57{ 1] 2 §1 6 = 150 134 284 Ormsby, North - - - - - Parish 20 20 - - 17 3 = 63 48 111 Utterby - - - - - - Parish 34 38 7 1 32 6 > 8&6 79 165 Wyham with Cadeby - - Parish 11 18 -~} - 18 - = 58 49 107 248 26 1 20 62 1,347 MANLEY Wapentake. aa8 a78 : 3 : , i : (Zastern Division.) Bottesford - - - - (#) Parish 19 Bor | es 22 - = 47 54 101 Ashby - + - + + = Township 58 61 = 1 45 13 3 167 121 288 | Burringham - - = - - Township 58 “1 a 1 55 9 q 170 168 338 Holm - - - - - - - Hamlet 6 ny] o—{ = 6 1 - 14 25 39 Yaddlethorpe - - - - - Hamlet 17 19} -j] - 18 1 - 46 41 87 Broughton - - - - (°) Parish} 166] 193] 1 1 | 107 66 20 420 407 827 Frodingham - - = - (°) Parish 14 14] -| 1 12 1 1 34 34 68 Bromby - = - - + Township 26 ob] — 1 20 5 1 68 60 128 ’ Scunthorpe - - ~- - Township} 37 47} -{| - 38 9 = 104 106 210 | Hibalston - = = 2 » = Parish 110 112 1 3 99 12 1 257 265 522 } Manton - - - = + (4) Parish 4 y{ -| 2 6 - 1 26 22 48 : Twigmoor - - = = - = Hamlet 5 5| -| - 5 - - 19 14 33 | Messingham - - - - (*) Parish} 170} 173] —| 2 | 105 50 18 424 431 855 Butterwick, East - - - Township 47 55 1 2 48 2 5 126 122 248 Redbourn - - = = - = Parish 40 55) -| - 45 4 3 135 135 270 Scawby with Sturton - - - Parish] 164] 174] 4| 8 73 61 40 419 419 838 Wadingham - - - - - Parish 64 on =1 3 65 7 Ag 225 222 447 : 8 6 2 1 2,701 2,646 5 MANLEY Wapentake. fee ee ie ene : e eee (Northern Division.) | Appleby - - - - - - - Parish} 5] 96] -| 2 | 7o | 16 | 10 268 266 534 Aukborough - - - - - = Parish 88 gs | -|] 42 66 21 1 210 218 428 | Burton-upon-Stather - (f) Parish} 127] 159] -—| 1 96 26 37 388 374 762 ‘Bottesford Parish : (*) Crosby - - = = Township 28 29} -| - 27 2 - 70 46 146 Flixborough - - - - - - Parish 41 Ae | =| 4 35 4 6 110 106 216 | Halton, West - - - - - Parish | swith Gunhouse - - - 7 Hamlet } 70 fo) 67 3 3 ue 198 374 ; Roxby with Risby - - - - Parish 60 67} -| - 55 5 4 182 168 350 { Whitton - - - - - - = Parish 49 49} -| 1 42 5 2 107 105 212 | Winteringham - - - - - Parish] 159] 169] —| 6] 105 | 52 | 12 354 392 746 Winterton - - - - - - Parish} 151 | 203] 1 1 | 112 60 51 490 (525 1,015 858 | 998] 1113 | 675 | 194 | 129 2,360 | 2,423 | 4,783 () The entire Parish of Bottesford (which is partly in the East, partly in the North Division of the Wapentake) contains 999 Inhabitants. .(>) Broughton, with Manby and Castlethorp, () The entire Parish of Frodingham contains 406 Inhabitants———(*) The entire Parish of Manton, which is partly in Corringham Wapentake, contains 198 Inha- bitants.——(°) The entire Parish of Messingham contains 1,103 Inhabi- }. tants._——( ) The Population of Burton-upon-Stather is increased by the: residence of labourers who work in neighbouring Parishes, This Parish extends into Corringham Wapentake. 184 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. [ Enumeration. — of Luddington contains 962 Inhabitants. increase of Population. common has caused an increase of Population——(i) The entire Parish n (*) The eutire Parish of Owston contains 1,969 Inhabitants. A drainage work causes a temporary 1) Most part of the Parish of Caistor is in Yarborough Wapentake.——(™) The Return from Binbrooke includes stated as a cause of increased Population at Thoreswa Walesby. ——(’) The entire Parish of Kettlethorpe with Tang Soe a (4) The entire Parish of Stow, contains 698 Inhabitants. Inhabitants. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ce Fae fac By J ae chiefly OTHER or . how & | chiefly employ-| Families i TOTAL a . Q eim- - & EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g Familes| 2 S| ployed on eh “a 4 4 a $ O- | B14 in | Manu.’ | the Two a & __|PERSONS. PARTS OF LINDSEY—continued. € cupied. A a Acri- factures, preced- = fx idles . 5 CUL- lorHandi-| Ing ee MANLEY Wapentake—continued. ture. | craft, | Classes. (Western Division.) Althorp — = - (8) Parish} 47 53} -| 1 39 13 1 139 113 252 Amcotts - - - - Township 45 63 mil) es 53 10 - 168 178 346 Keadby - - - Township| 43 Sal. ah a 48 Cy 142 137 279 Belton - - - - + - - Parishf 289] 318] 1] 12 214 39 | 65 718 719 1,437 Crowle - = - - (4) Parish} 295 | 388] 47 | 18 278 | 100] 10 879 850 -|} 1,729 Eastoft- - - - - = Township 34 50 | -{ - 47 3 = 104 128 232 Epworth - - - - Parish} 383 | 403] -| 6 273 116 14 835 928 1,763 Haxey - - - Parish} 370] 412} 2] 4 340 72 7 931 957 1,888 Luddington - - - = (i) Parish 77 98 | -| 2 47 18 3 224 238, 462 Garthorp - - = = Township 94 97 | -1 5 62 26 9 253 247 500 Owston - - (©) Parish] 194] 269] 1] 2 97 | 130} 42 647 653 | 1,300 Butterwick, West, & Kelfield, Township} 120 | 132] —| 3 120 11 1 340 329 “669 Wroot - - - - - - = Parish 54 62} -] - 57 5 = 150 135 285 WALSHCROFT Wapentake. 2,045 | 2,399 | 12 | 43 | 1,705 549 | 145 5,530 5,612 © 11,142 (North Division. ) Caistor Parish: (1) Holton-le-Moor - = + — Chapelry 20 es} -| - 24 4 _ 61 44 135 Claxby - - - - Parish 30 35 | -| - 32 2 1 93 gl 184 Kelsey, South - - - - Parish} 120] 120] -—]| 1 70 39] 11 315 308 623 Kingerby - - - - Parish 11 12 1{ - 10 1 1 43 41 84 Newton (by Toft) - - - Parish 13 I4{o-| - 14 - i 33 37 "0 Normanby-on-the-Wold - - Parish 16 19} -j 1 16 3 - 46 50 96 Osgodby with Kirkby - Parish 40 46] 1] - 40 5 1 109 105 214 Owersby, North] _ _ « Pell 48 54} rto- 1 3 - 136 — 136 272 — South am 18 a3, -{ - 21 2 - 68 68 © 136 Rasen, West - - - - - Parish 37 37} -| - 35 1 1 117 93 210 Thornton-le-Moor - - Parish 13 ‘eof -| - 19 1 - 50 65 115 Toft (next Newton) - - - - Parishf “12 13zft-|] 2 13 - - 31 34 65 Usselby - - - - - Parish ll 12 2 9 2 1 ae 41 "5 WALSHCROFT Wapentake, 389 | 433] 5] 4] 354| 63] 16 1,136 | 1,143 | 2,279 (South Division.) Binbrooke, St. Gabriel - - Parish} 101 | 101 1} - 76 25 - 256 241 497 1 Binbrooke, St. Mary - (™) Parish 52 57} 2] - 30 19 8 155 138 293 . Croxby - - - - - = Parish 6 wy}o-{| - 12 - 1 29 38 67 Linwood - - - - - Parish 26 26} -) 1 26 1 1 69 69 138 | Rasen, Market - - - Parish} 243 | 266] 1] 13 56} 125] 85 574. 592 1,166 Rasen, Middle, and Drakes Parish} 101 19} -| - 118 21 - 258 250 508 Stainton-le-Vale - - - Parish 24 24} —-]} — 21 3 - 66 an 121 Tealby - - - = - (") Parish} 167] 170] -]| 1 89 54] 27 384 371 755 Thoresway - - - (°) Parish 19 g0f -—] = 18 2 - 76 40 116 Thorganby - - - - + Parish 17 17y,o-| - 15 2; - 49 53 102 Walesby - - - - (°) Parish 47 50} -} 2 45 3 2 117 122 239 Willingham, North - - - = Parish 37 a7} =] = 34 2 1 106 105 .{ 211 840 | g22 4] 17 540 257 | 125 2,139 2,074 4,213 WELL Wapentake. fe eens pe Burton, Gate - + © - Parish 15 zt —-{ - 16 - 1 48 62 116 Kettlethorpe - - - (?) Parish 35 36] -] 4 26 6 4 99 102 201 Fenton - - - - - = Hamlet 33 a7) =| 4 20 12 5 99 99 198 Knaith - - - - + = Parish 9 9}; -| - 8 ~ 1 33 26 59 Marton - - - Parish 81 go} -{ - 64 21 5 189 206 395 Newton-upon-Trent - Parish 57 635, =4 = 51 12 - 141 154 205 Stow - - - - - - (4) Parish 61 724 2) 3 64 8 = 166 168 334 Bransby - - - = - Township 12 16 1 = 14 2 ea 36 39 "5 Normanby- - - - - Township 6 6} -| - 6 = 7 11 10 21 Sturton - - - = + Township 53 61} -} - 52 9 4 145 123 268 - 1 (*) The entire Parish of Althorp contains 877 Inhabitants. (4) The | Orforth, Extra-Parochial——(") In the Parish of Tealby, one female up- entire Parish of Crowle contains 1961 Inhabitants. The inclosure of a | wards of 100 years of age-——(°) The improved state of cultivation is 1° + top, contains 399 Cincluding Stow Park,) M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 185 SS SE COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : F 'aatr Jeo es 2 | Bee P| EP etiaty | aes 4 | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B (emay.( 21 3 | omy | ed in |notcom-| 4 munities € a Ploy ed ‘Trane, | prized in 5 ong 3 Oc- = 1 in ? 4 4 . ‘5 a Manv- | the Two < PERSONS. . 4 cupied.| | 5 Acri- factures,| preced- a Leal PARTS OF LINDSEY—continxed. cut- JorHandi-| ing WELL Wapentake—continued. TURE, |_craft. | Classes, Torksey Parish: (7) Brampton - - - - - Township 20 ao0{ -]}] - 20 - - 54 44 98 “Upton - - © - ~ # (*) Parish 39 50} -| 1 38 8 4 106 . 115 221 ‘Kexby - - - - + = Township 39 39; -| - 32 4 3 go 81 171 Willingham - - ~- - - = Paitsh 61 61} -{ - 54 6 1 146 146 292. 522 | 577} 1) 3 | 465} 88 24 1,363 | 1,375 | 2,738. WRAGGOE Wapentake. (East Division.) Barkwith, East - - - - = Parish 36 go} -] - 33 6 - 103 92 195. Barkwith, West - - - - Parish 14 144] -] - 14 - - 49 44 93 Benniworth - o- = = = Parish 47 63] -] - ‘5A 9 2 183 163 346 .Biscathorpe - - - - - = Parish 8 9| -| - 8 1 - 22 15 37° Burgh, with cary - = - - Parish 27 271 -?} 3 22 4 1 72 56 128 Hainton - - - - = = Parish 34 4g] 2] - 42 5 2 126 102 228 Hatton - - - - - - = Parish 29 g07 -| - 22 8 - 82 83 165 Kirmond-le-Mire - - - = Parish 11 az{ —-] - 11 - - 37 34 "1 Langton (near Wikasby) - - - Parish 28 36} 1d - 36 - = 95 98 193° Ludford - - - + - Parish 84 87] -} - 47 | 10 - 229 197 426. Panton - - - - - = Parish 14 14] —-I 1 13 1 - 41 42 83. q Six-Hills - - - - - = + Parish 23 25{ -] - 25 = - "3 68 141 - Sothy - - - - - - - = Parish 20 a3; -| - 22 1 - 66 62 128 Willingham, South - - - - Parish 39 42], -| - 28 4 9 105 - 97 202° WRAGGOE Wapentake. 414 | 469} 3] 4] 407] 50 | 12 | 1,283 | 1,153 | 2,436. : (West Division.) Apley- - - - - = = = Parish 29 goat -{| - 30 2 - 70 69 139 Bardney - - - - - ~ ~ Parish} 161 206} -—| 2 45 35 126 473 481 954 Bullington - - - - - = Parish 4 9{/ -] 1 9 - - 23 - 22 45. Fulnetby - + - + - - = Parish 8 8; -| - 8 - - 26 26 52. | Golthe - - - = - Parish 14 wmf] -| - 15 - - 50 45 95 Holton, with Recharge - = = Parish 26 28; -}| - 17 4 4 69 - 73° 142 Legesby - - - - = = = Parish 38 43 1]; - 43 - - 123 108 231 Lissington - - - - = = Parish 26 35|/ -} - 31 4 - 92 gl 183 J Rand - - - - = =~ - = Parish 15 1] -} - 15 - - 49 53 102 Snelland - - -'- - - = Parish 22 23; -} - 23 - - 69 64 133 { Stainfield - - - - = - Parish 18 18] -| - 18 - - 54 49 103° Stainton (by Langworth), - (*) Parish 35 36; -| - 36 - - 87 95 182 Torrington, Fast - - - - Parish 18 ig} -} - 17 2 - 49 40 89 Torrington, West - - - - Parish 24 24 f -—] - 18 6 - 78 55 133 Tupholme - - - - - — Extra-P. 11 wz} -]}] - 11 - - 37 34 a1 | Wickenby - - 7 = = Parish 24 26; -]| - 24 1 1 68 57 125 Wiaghy = = = = = = = Pai] 93) gy] | = 53 | 34 6 330 303 633. . 569 | 641} 1] 3] 413} 88 | 140 1,747 | 1,665 | 3,412 YARBOROUGH Wapentake. (East Division.) Croxton (+) - - - - = Parish sat ai 3) -with Yarborough - - - ae *S a8 : 7 i 47 a ay Habrough - - - - - = Parish} 50 61; -| - 50 9 2 150 136 286 Halton, East- - - - - - Parish} 102] 102); 1/ 5 88} 14 - 216 252 468 Imingham - - - - = - Parish 39 39} -|}| 2 20 4 15 103 _ 104 207 Keelby - - - - - - Parish 94 98} -| - 83] 15 - 231 231 462 Killingholme, North * : 23 28}; -|] 1 26 2 - 4 74 151 Suite Se wish 66) 66) 4} = 50] 11 5 138 149 284 Kirmington - - - - - - Parish 47 48} -| 1 40 8 - 114 - 129 243° Limber, Magna - - - Parish 93 88} -| - 461 10 2 224 197 421 Limber, Parva, with Brocklesby Parish 16 go} 1] - 74a 65 8 146 110 256 Riby' - - - - - - - = Parish 20 33 | -| - 28 4 1 93 "5 168. Stallingborough - - - = - Parish 63 1] —-| = 63 4 1 174 169 343 608 | 680; 3] 9 | 556} 89- | 35 | 1,713 | 1,666 | 3,379° " '(®) The Parish of Torksey is mostly in Lawress Wapentake——— | Return of Stainton-by-Langworth, includes Newball and Reasby—— (*) The entire Parish of Upton contains 392 Inhabitants—(") The ] (“) The entire Parish of Killingholme contains 438 Inhabitants. Bbb 186 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. . COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fa | ene | a, ae By Ps LIES ee Orner : . how 2 chiefly eaples Families wm TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = many eb 'S eins edin | Dot com- vi 4 as 3 ae & 3 ployed Tuapz, prized in 8 Ss 4 ‘3 c- = : in Manu. | the Two =} 4,880] 5,127] 40 | 58 13,553 1,180 | 394 | 12,661 | 12,452 | 25,113 KIRTON + - + = + = = | 2,637] 2,814] 10 | 34 [2,090 | 488 | 236 | 6,761 | 6,740 | 13,$01 SKIRBECK - - - + - - | 1,203] 1,278] 8 | 23 890 | 172 } . 216 3,161 -| 2,983 6,144 Borough of ' BOSTON - = = - - - =| 2,185] 2,414] 23 | 23 106 | 958 11,350 J 4,861 | 5,512 | 10,373 PARTS OF KESTEVEN. Wapentake of ASWARDHURN - - - - $1,176] 1,253] 2113 | gio] 244 99 3,100 | 2,935 | 6,035 AVELAND - - ~ > > 41,751] 1,835} 8 | 23 $1,325 | 383] 127 | 4,562 | 4,529 | 9,091 | BELTISLOE - = - - - -{ 1,065{ 1,172] 5|14 | 810] 282} 80 | 3,046 | 2,886 | 5,932 BOOTHBY-GRAFFO - ~ - 141,313] 1,423] 9 | 23 11,155 | 189 79 3598 | 3,363 6,961 | FLAXWELL + - - - -| 979] 1,074{ 3] 12 | 595] 323} 156 | 2,624 ] 2,605 | 5,229 _LANGOE - + - - - - -] 1,075] 1,237] 2 | 13 965 | 2034 69 3.326 | 3,145 6,471 LOVEDEN + - = - - -1 1,435] 1,585| 7 | 21 [1,080] 341 | 164 | 3,734 | 3,719 ee NESS ow cea cee 7 | 48] 402971 4/21 | 557] 3354 405 | 3146 | 2,072 | 8117 | WINNIBRIGGS and THREO - | 1,017] 1,128] 12 | 20 | 749] 257} 129 | 2,769 | 2,690 | 5,459 Borough of | GRANTHAM, with the Soke = - | 1,783] 2,011] 25 | 36 6541 905 |] 458 | 4648 | 4,746 9394 Borough of = i ; STAMFORD - - - - - + 892} 1,038] 11 { 16 38 | 663 | 337 4 2,337 2,713 5,050 | el q PARTS OF LINDSEY. Wapentake of | ASLACOE - - = - = -] a1] 846] 3] 7] ye} 108 16 | 2,142 | 2,092 } . 4,234 — , Soke of : ’ BOLINGBROKB - - - - 1,827 1,989 4137 11,426 404 | 159 } 5,137 | 4,885 10,022 Wapentake of } | BRADLEY-HAVERSTOE - ~- | 2,031] 2,171] 4 | 88 ]1,160] 644] 367 | 5,013] 4,881 | 9,804 1 Hundred of 1 7 CALCEWORTH - + - = - | 1,935] 1,919] 8 | 24 41,392 | 9356 | 171 | 4646 | 4,704 | 9,350 4 . Wapentake of ee a , CANDLESHOE - + - - -[ 1,343] 2,551| 13 |.22 [1,101] 285] 165 | 3,836 | 3,777 | 7,613 CORRINGHAM - - - - -} 9,549] 2,656] 10 | 67 | 905 }1,430] 321 | 5003 | 6245 | 12,148 GARTREE - - + ~ - -[ 1,150] 1,269] 6116 | 1,018 | 159) 92 1 3,413 4 3,148 4 6,561 . Hundred of | _ AML - - - - - - = -f 548) 603} 2] 12] 503}. 79} 22 J 1602 | 2,573 | 3,175 , ‘Soke of . HORNCASTLE - + - - =| 1,598] 1,586} 5] 33 | 988] 478} 120 | 3655 | 3,813 7,468 | Wapentake of : i i i LAWRESS - - ~ - ~ - 41,167] 1,273] 8] 20 81} 252 | 240 35322 -{ 3,326 6,648 | Hundred of ; LOUTH-ESKE - + - - ~ | 2,416/ 2,654/ 11'| 64 [1,106 | 784} 764 | 6,304 | 6,414 | 12,718 | Wapentake of | LUDBOROUGH = - = - -f 293| ov5| 1/ 3] 248) 26] 1 | 7204 6274 1,347 — MANLEY - - - - - =| 3,911] 4,533] 20 | 81 |3,149| 997 | 387 | 10,591 | 10,681 | 21,272 WALSHCROFT - ~ - - -]/1,999/ 1,355| 9 | 21 | 894] 320} -141 3275‘) 3,217 4 6,492 WELL- - = - + - = -f gat] 577! 1| 3] 465} 88] 24 | 1,963 | 1,975 | 2,738 WRAGGOE - - - - - -J} 983/ 1,110] 4] 7 | 820] 138| 152 | 3,030 | 2,818 | 5,848 YARBOROUGH - = - - - | 3,308] 3,541| 12 | 65 | 2,220 |1,003 | 318 8,314 8,526 | 16,840 City of in : : 4 ( — -MINCOLN = - - - = - 4 2,076| 2,166] 9 | 60 | 532 11,971 | 263] 4,970 | 5,307 | 10,367 Torars - - - 53,813 pene, 302 | 979 | 34,900] 15,845] 8,015 # 141,570 | 141,488 | 283,058 188 ABSTRACT,OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. e + 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | '70 | 80 | 90 }100 4 Parts of ee to to to to to to to to | to | to | to . a : -f oo HOLLAND: 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70} 80 | 90 | 100 E & wards, Wapentake of ELLOE ~ - - [2,097 11,664 | 1,304 | 1,257 | 2,135 [1,521 41,142 | 906 | 4944;168 | 42 | 2] — [12,660 KIRTON - - -fijo2z0| 865} 7581 633 41,031 | 736] 591} 518} 246f 98] 299} 24 — | 6,597 SKIRBECK - - -]} 521} 469 | 326] 309! 455] 382} 271 | 228} 1091 73) 171) 17 — | 3,161 BOSTON BORO’ - -]| 780] 623] 481 | 425} 709} 607} 528] 327|177) 72] 16{ 17 — | 4,836 Parts of KESTEVEN : Wapentake of ASWARDHURN - - | 487! 469] 337] 315] 450] 341 | 293] 215 | 124] 60} 11] 1] - F3,103 AVELAND - - -]| 637] 629! 524| 462] 682] 478{ 426] 328 | 253]118| 23] 1] — | 4,561 BELTISLOE - - -} 4731 419 | 350] 324] 495] 280] 303] 213 | 150} 84] 22] 14 —- | 3,114 BOOTHBY-GRAFFO 505 | 4761 394] 396] 527} 379] 342] 223 | 185}104] 26] 2] - | 3,559 FLAXWELL - - -f 181 168 | 151 154} 229] 113 | 107 81 | 68} 30] 5} -] - 4 1,287 LANGOE - - - -{ 552} 433 | 383 | 2344] 529] 347] 298 | 263 / 136) 55) 15] -} — | 3,355 LOREDEN -- - oe 476 | 427| 3784 542] 377 | 350 | 245 | 202 i 251 ) — | 3072 - - - - -f 4 403 1 ‘ 2 2| 2 170} 62 | 2 1f - aed 7 375 | 331} 433 | 325] 30 43 | 17 5 3,146 ical 423 | 364) 317 | 264] 450] 310] 282] 157] 99} 70} 13 | 2] — | 2,756 GRANTHAM BORO’ : with the Soke - f~ | 629} 556] 520} 506] 753 551 | 445] 281 | 224/127 | 37] 14 — | 4,630]: STAMFORD BORO’ -f 288] 290} 2931 274 4 327] 243 | 246] 179] 104} 48/13] 2] —- | 2,337 : Parts of LINDSEY: ASLACOE, Wapentake - | 295 | 284] 225} 226} 350] 230] 19 66 = i : ‘ 4. 152 | 101 | 23] = 2,146 BO aL : ; SS : 798 | 664} 563} 532} 8541 595 | 446] 297] 219] 97 | 26] -| — | 5,091 Wapentake rt} 742 659 | 580} 499] 655; 566] 507 | 358} 254]130] 47} 7] — | 5,004 oo Hundred} 718 | 609] 525} 494} 704] 500] 390! 250 | 228/127] 39] 3] - | 4,587) pentake o : CANDLESHOE - -f| 630 0 xs connivena ~ | 03 Soa) $20] 386] fer | 8] asp] ase] ge] az | az] af = [ges GARTREE ~ = «| 566{ 480 | ° 351 | 296 | 217 | 162)107 | 34 | 3] — | 3,130 ; 5 4 417 | 313 | 502 | 355} 299] 231 | 148] 69 | 28] 5] — | 3,413 HILL, Hundred - 238 29 1 : HORNCASTLE, Soke -| 543 | 482 ie 7 mci 169 152] 86] -72| 38} 8] 1 1,575 LAWR : 426 | 319 | 301 | 179} 87 | 22} -| — | 3,665) rae a 453 | 409 | 334] 352 | 5651 3794 324] 207 | 145]105 | 34] 6 3,313 a u g = = = a ~ of : s Werte. ce ndred | 913} 826 | 760} 662} g61 | 639] 560} 478 | 305|164 | 43 | 41 - | 6315 LUDBOROU 2 : wee ale ie a 85} 84) 99] 78] 65| 38] 33} 13] 4] -J.-f 720 WALSHCROFT = - | ‘-59 ae 1,193 | 1,106 | 1,562 |1,115 | 996 | 824 | 531/308 | 88 | 6 | — fo,595 ie ee oe an 354 333 489 | 339] 331! 211] 135! 80} 20 | 1] — | 3,272 WRAGGOE - -} 468 | 395 a j ot Ge l-gee | cee | ae le eon ed Hey YARBOROUGH - - 1,213 | 1,005 ae Pe eet ee eee eh eee ? ? 993 59 11,240 | 8471} 7701 657 | 409]246 | 83] 2] — $8,315 LINCOLN, CITY - - 749 | 667} 6231 .493 | 685 | 581 496 | 345] 203] 88] 271 2 | — | 4,959 Total of % beard al of MALES 20,611 |18,016 15,471 14,006 (20,884 |15,202 |12,826 | 9,561 |6,252/3,234 903] 68 | — 137,034 THE Total x 3 ay rca Seca loo aba rae of Lincoln was. ane 283,058,....and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, compliance with the question to pS ieek at the Ages of one-thirtieth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in M.DCCC.XXL.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. O04. 189 SP SE ST ET COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALES, co aS ™ 5 1o | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go} 70] 80; 90 {100}, Under t t & a Parts of ‘i to to to to to to to to | to 0 0 a 5 HOLLAND: 10° 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 fwards Wapentake of ELLOE - - - = $1,868 }1,759 {1,187 | 1,264 |2,159 |1,510 }1,157 | 834 1497 ;186] 51 | 31] — [12,475 KIRTON - - - -{| 974] 8701 687 | 664 ]1,142 | 720] 630] 451 [266 | 94] 40} 3] — | 6,541 SKIRBECK - - -}| 470{ 422 | 294] 296] 449 | 380| 273] 193 [118] 69] 15-| 3 — | 2,982 BOSTON, BORO’ os 765} 616 | 532} 563 ]1,086 | 729] 501 | 364 |225 } 91/18} 3} 2 | 5,494 Parts of KESTEVEN : Wapentake of “ASWARDHURN - -[ 474] 395 | 3121 279 | 494] 322] 272] 179 |1401 49/17] 3} 1 | 2,937 ‘AVELAND ~ - -| 630] 569] 458| 489] 744] 509] 444| 297 [245 J111 | 29] 1] — | 4,526 BELTISLOE - - - { 4321 403 | 345| 2741 465 |- 311 | 284] 204 [160 } 75/31] 3] — | 2,987 BOOTHBY-GRAFFO 465 | 466} 367] 298 | 534] 3784 320} 219 |170| 79] 28] 2] — | 3,326 FLAXWELL - -| 167 173 120} 113 | 200] 129 94 74 | 631 36) 2] —-{ -— $1,171 LANGOE - - - -} 485 | 446] 339} 296 | 500] 353] 250] 230 |150} 70/15] —| — | 3,134 LOVEDEN - - -]| 549] 440] 378] 367 | 621] 408 | 351 | 281 {177 |121 { 26] 2] — 93,721 NESS - - - ---[| 379 | 418} 283] 283 | 474] 334] 304] 217 [143 | 80] 21] 2] — 42,938 WINNIBRIGGS and - | d : THRE a 429 | 354| 279| 226} 450] 307] 255] 172 |127] 67/19] 3 | — | 2,688 GRANTHAM BORO’ . ; : with the Soke -f~ | 575 | 608 | 480} 526 | 804 | 544] 464) 304 |266 {134 | 34] 5} — | 4,744) STAMFORD, BORO’ -f 316} 290{ 289] 314] 492:| 339] 271 | 190/130 ]-60]21{ -| — [ 2,712 . Parts of LINDSEY : ASLACOE, Wapentake- | 295 | 292| 228] 213! 344] 224] 186] 123 |109| 53/19.) 1 | ~ | 2,087 BOLINGBROKE, Soke - } 735 | 690} 496| 5841 800] 560{ 410] 249 /212 1/104 | 26] 3] — | 4,869 BRADLEY-HAVERSTOE, ; Wapentake - - - } 727 662; 510} 482 846° 562 481 314 | 250 | 115 36 | 5 _ 7 | 4,990 CALCEWORTH, Hundredf 715 | 632 | 496 | 497] 738 | 492} 403/{ 309 {240 |117.] 45 | 1 1 | 4,686 Wapentake of 5 ; .CANDLESHOE - -f[ 612] 539} 377] 380{ 632/ 449 | 319] 206|159| 81} 20] 4[ — | 3,778 CORRINGHAM - -] 395} 403] 325| 344| 476] 354] 275 {| 242 |167 | 96} 32] -]| — | 3,109 GARTREE - - - | 497] 444] 341 | 302} 468; 348] 295] 191/144] 92] 27} 7] — | 3,156 HILL, Hundred - + -§ 231 | 237 163 162 218 160 139 951 65 | 38] 11 1 ~— | 1,520 HORNCASTLE, Soke - [| 535 | 375 | 431] 396} 639 | 433] 344] 274{174| 80] 29] 3] — [3,713 LAWRESS, Wapentake - | 429 | 408 | 361] 346] 620] 390] .290,} 208 {148 | 85] 36; 4]. — | 3,325 _ LOUTH-ESKE, Hundred | 966 | 743 | 685 | 651 |1,090| 669] 589] 434 |331 [184] 55| 2] 1 | 6,400 - Wapentake of : ; ||. LUDBOROUGH - - 99 82 60 67 | 103 69 57 44] 22} 20] 4] -] - 6247 _ MANLEY “2 = = $1,520 | 1,399 | 1,161 | 1,120 {1,628 } 1,151 | 1,043 | 767 |487 |297 [103 | 5 | — [10,681 WALSHCROFT - -~f 487] 442] 379} 290] 507] 373] 293 | 206/148] 64] 26/ 1] 1 | 3,217 WELL - - - -f 205} 191 139 | 143 | 230] 129] 133. 92} 72] 31 ]10} —| — | 1,375] “WRAGGOE - - -f 429] 389} 313] 309] 403 | 315 | 247 { 180 |144] 72.) 16] 1] — | 2,818 YARBOROUGH - - [1,126 {1,056 | 975} 889 1,356 | g22| 814 { 620 |421 [259] 70; 6 | — | 8,514 -LINCOLN, CIty - -] 708] 659| 573] 599] go2! 651 | 518 | 364/261 }131 | 40/ 7} — 45,413 t Sa RS Total of FEMALES - ]19,689 |17,872 |14,363 |14,026 |22,614 15,524 (12,706 | 9,127 (432 3,241])972| 84 | 5 136,654 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Lincoln was 745 ; twelve of which did not contain any answer to the ft question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): anda smail proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective nurubers of Males and Females. : Cee 190 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. County of Middlesex. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, on EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. EDMONTON Hundred. Edmonton - - - - (*) Parish Enfield - - - - (>) Parish Mims, South = - - = = Parish Monken-Hadley (*) Parish Tottenham Parish: (4) High-Cross - - ~ -.- Ward Lower - - - - - - - Ward Middle - - - -' - = - Ward Wood-Green - - + + - Ward ELTHORNE Hundred. Brentford, New - - - - Parish Cowley - - - - (®) Parish Cranford - - - - - (f) Parish Drayton, West - - - ~- - Parish Greenford - - - = = = Pamsh Hanwell - - - - - - Parish Harefield - - 2 = = = Parish Harlington - - - - - = Parish Harmondsworth - (+) (®) Parish Hayes - os ss + = =) Parish Hillingdon - - - - () Parish Uxbridge - - - - ' Chapelry Ickenham - - - Parish Northolt - - - - Parish Norwood - - - - ‘= Precinct Perrivale - - - = - Parish Ruislip - - - - = = ~ Parish GORE Hundred. Edgware - - - - += = = Parish Harrow-on-the-Hill + (*) Parish Weald and Greenhill - Hamlet Hendon - S; Cy (4) Parish Kingsbury - - - - Parish Pinner - (4+) - - Parish Stanmore, Great - (*) Parish Stanmore, Little - - (K) Parish ISLEWORTH Handred. Heston - - - - = (!) Parish Isleworth - - = - (1). Parish Twickenham - | (™) Parish OSSULSTONE Hundred (Finsbury Division.) Artillery-Ground, Old - - Liberty Charter-House - - - Extra-P. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS 2 PERSONS: Fami- Famr- ties oo B : LIES : THER i 3 chiefly AL _| Families a TOTAL 3 many | 4 | 3 em- | og ed not com- 3 4 oe =| Families] .8 2 | ployed | pa aps, | prized in a 3 a Oc | 3 7 in Manu. | the Two < 3] PERSONS, s cupied.| @ | DB | Acri- faetures,| Preced- a me CUL- lorHandi-| _ 98 turz. | eraft, | Classes. 8 8 4,045 4,900 1,334 | 1,390 | 6 | 62 478 | 514] 39 3,855 ’ fF 1,309 11,573 | 14 | 52 | 482} 410] 681 } 4,039 | 4,188 8,224 357 | 357] 1] 9 J 198 | 125 34 991 f 915 | 1,906 156] 205 | -—] 6 “48 95 62 392 534 g26 - 305 | 356| 2 8 g2} 200] 64 764 974 | 1,738 1240 | 261 | 2] 6 55 | 163 43 621 803 | 1,424 3206 | 4951 21 9 g1} 254} 90 g12. | 1,143 | 2,055 105 | 11g] rt 4 49 50} 14 281 314 595 4,132 | 4,690 | 28 | 156 J 1,493 | 1,811 |1,386 | 11,855 | 12,916 | 24,771 -360} 415} -| 5 14 | 297 104 994 1,042 2,036 59 6601) ea qos 12 26 28 159 190 349 42 54] 5} 1 34 3 17 138 150 288 120 | 193] 2] 4 57} 46} 20 312 296 608 78 88} 2] 1 61 18 9 217 198 415 164 | 182] -—| 9 34 37) 111 498 479 977 229 | 241 417 143 76 22 611 6147 1,228 73 971 8| 4 80 6 11 245 227 472 132] 212] 1] 1 162 37 13 552 524 | 1,076 267 | 298) 4 | 12 145 87 66 748 782 1,530 537 | 587} 15 | 16 f 243] 281 63 | 1,467 | 1,419 | 2,886 506 | 595| 3] 9 —| 302) 293 } 1,363 | 1,387 | 2,750 48 65 | - 1 43 14 8 128 153 281 56 57) 2] 1 52 5 = 243 212 455 195 | 195} -| 5 14] 170 11 575 549 | 1,124 5 5 2 me 4 7 1 13 12 25 239 | 288] 3] 4 |] 223 36 29 704 639 | 1,343 3,110 3,568 | 49 | 80 }1,921 | 1,441 806 8,967 8,876 | 17,843 109 | 142 1 1 58 45 39 271 280 551 } 596 | 677) 5]|12 | 395] 209] 73 | 1,660 | 1,357 | 3,017 450 | 503] - |} 14 180 188 135 1,603 1,497 3,100 66 80]; -]| 8 54 10 16 168 192 360 | 181} 203] 1] 3 134 4} 28 523 553 1,076 180 | 222] 2] 47 22 82) 118 490 500 g9go 112} 127/ 1] 6 41 51 35 352 360 712 1,694 [1,954 | 10 | 51 884 | 626 | 444 | 5,067 | 4,739 | 9,806 447 | 584] 9 | 22 241] 231 | 112 1,402 1,408 2,810 899 | 1,082 | 3} 25 | 420] 359] 303 | 2,484 | 2,785 | 5,269 738 | 945 | 4 | 16 31 | 519] 395 | 1,849 | 2,357 | 4,206 2,084 | 2,611 | 16 | 63 692 |1,109 | 810 | 5.795 6,550 12,285 187 | 385 | -| 19 -—| 303 82 685 802 1,487 al TE SS = - 1l 102 42 144 (#) Edmonton was h The increase of Population is as near the Metropolis, where wag field was heretofore returned a of the neighbourhood. Nottingham to Tottenham. Inhabitants. (*) At Cowl —") Inclosure of land ha and many houses have been Parish, including Uxbridge, built on the small allotment: contains 5,636 Inhabitants, —¢' eretofore returned as divided into four Wards, cribed to the resort of persons to places es are higher than elsewhere——(°) En- s divided into four Quarters. At Enfield was a manufactory of small arms, until the end of the late war. c) At Monken-Hadley many cottages have been built, from the known tbs ) eralit (*) A manufactory has been transferred frome The Parish of Tottenham contains 5,812 ey several cottages have been demolished. s taken place at Crauford and at Hillingdon ; s. Hillingdon ®) Between thirty and forty persous died of a fever in the years 1818 and 1819 at Harmondsworth. (h) Harrow-on-the-Hill was heretofore returned as divided into two Hamlets and the Town.——(i) Qne female upwards.of.. 100 years of age at Hendon, where the increase of Population is ascribed to boarding-schools, and to the residence of the infant poor of St. Clement ‘ Danes and of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, (kK) Several seminaries or academies for education have been established at Great Stanmore and Little Stanmore. (}) The Town of Hounslow is partly in Heston | Parish, partly in Isleworth Parish. New inclosures at Heston and Twickenham, and many houses built on small allotments.——-(™) One fercale upwards of 100 years of age at Twickenham. eee KSEE PEED M.DCCC.XXxi.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 191 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP,. — ; Fami- ' By ; Bes hi a Gans oe 3 how 2 | chieay tiglegs Families 8 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, EB femeey | |B | em | edin prot com} a 2 ‘amilies 3 ‘3 ployed } Trang, [prized in a : 3 Oc fe |e in | Manu- | the Two a = PERSONS. : Este 4 cupied.| @ | 5 Acrr- | factures,] preced- & ea _ OSSULSTONE Hundred, cut- forHandi-| ing (Finsbury Division)—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Clerkenwell, St. James’s (") Parish 14,995 | 9,726 [185 [202 72 16,953 }2,701 | 18,533 | 26,572 | 39,105 Finchley'- - - - - = Parish} 359 | 407 | 10] 11 93 } lol | 213 1,129 1,220 2,349 Fryern-Barnet - - - - - Parishf 102 | 105 | -] 3 52 36 17 274 260 534 Glass-House Yard - - (°) Liberty} 168 | 335] 1] 1 -— {| 239 96 641 917 1,358 { Hortsey'- - - - = (?) Parish 640 743 | 10 | 22 113 307 323 1,917 2,205 4,122 Islington, St. Mary - (9) Parish 13,495 | 45244 ]124 1172. 19 11,543 | 2,682 9550 | 12,867 | 22,417 Luke, St. Parish: (*) City-Road - - - - - Liberty 1,677 |2,899 | 44 | 59 18 11,894 | 987 5,058 6,260 | 11,918 Finsbury, East - - - = Liberty} 910 /1,514 | — | 22 1} 959 | 554 2,887 | 3,473 | 6,360 Finsbury, West - - - ~ Liberty} 679 /1,3970 | 2 | 21 8 {1,199 | 163 2,559 | 2,616 | 5,175 Golden-Lane - - - - = Liberty] 830 /1,692 | 6 | go g 41,612 41 3,093 2,968 | 6,061 Old-Street - - - - - Liberty} 769 11,818 | — | 24 11 11,624 | 183 3,273 | 3,100 | 6,373 Whitecross-Street - - - Liberty} 652 /1,317 | 31 | 64 — | 1,298 19 2,517 2,472 4,989 Sepulchre, St. (part of) (™') - Parish} 555 11,156 | — | 19 -—| 940 | 216 2,381 | 2,359 | 4,740 Stoke Newington, St.Mary - Parish} 398] 450] 34 | 10 | 197] 140) 113 1,117 | 1,553 | 2,670 16,427 |28,172 1447 739 593 |19,148| 8,431 | 56,316 | 63,486 | 119,802 OSSULSTONE Hundred, (Holborn Division.) Andrew, St. Holborn, (above- the-Bars) and St. Cog Parish | 2,829 | 6,285 | 29 |130 — | 3,824 | 2,461 12,316 | 14,176 | 26,492 the-Martyr - (+) - (*) ae Ely Renee ne Liberte gi1 |2,244 | - | 747 —|1,826 | 418 | 4,454} 4,548 | 9,002 Clement-Danes (+) (*) Parish} 487] 836] 14 7 —}| 607 | 329 1,905} 2,105 | 4,010 Ely-Plaee - - - - - -ExtaP.f 45{ 48] -| - = 2 97} 171 268 Giles, St. in-the-Fields, and 2 _ig- George, St. Bloemisbury | Parish | 4,456 [12,255 | 27 (431 8,366 |3,889 | 24,289 | 27,504 | 51,793 Hampstead, John St. (+) Parish $1,047 | 1,455 | 15 | 47 161 |} 494 | 800 3,104 | 4,159 | 7,263 Lancaster, Duchy of (") Precinct} 67 63} -{ 1 - 34 29 227 262 489 Mary, St. le-Bone - (%) Parish | 9,761 [22,516 |261 ]143 20 112,608 | 9,888 41,386 +} 54,654 | 96,040 Paddington - - - - - Parish [1,139 | 1,448 | 28 | 13 4| 760] 684 2,852 | 3,624 | 6,476 Pancras, St. - - - (%) Parish ] 8,824 |16,382 |181 goo | 377 |8,752 |7,253 | 31,796 | 40,042 | 71,838 Rolls-Liberty - - - (%) ExtraP.{ 313} 602} 6] 4 —} 504 98 } 1,415 | 1,322 | 2,737 = Bee ob ay Parochial Precinct 31 49] 7] - * 34 15 On iat ee 129,910 [64,183 1555 |1,253] 552 |37,721 |25,900 | 123,942 | 152,688 | 276,630 OSSULSTONE Hundred, | ; (Kensington Division.) | Acton - - - - - + Parish} 326] 356] -]| 7 100 56 | 200 961 968 1,929 Chelsea, Luke, St. - - (#) Parish } 3,602 | 5,829 |146 |138 275 | 2,979 | 2,575 11,623 | 15,237 | 26,860 Chiswick - - - - - (>) Parish} 654} 825] 5 | 249 234 | 390} 201 1,984 2,252 | 4,236 Ealing, with Old Brentford (+) ‘Parish $1,116 | 1,325 | 17 | 27 269 | 235 | 821 3,185 | -3,423 6,608 Fulham - - (++) ~ (*) Parish} 987 ]1,219 | 13} 46 | 437] 448 | 334 2,949 | 3,543 | 6,492 Hammersmith - (-+) Chapelry {1,406 | 1,887 | 22 | 68 273 |1,140 ] 474 4,032 4,777 8,809 Kensington - ~- (+) (#) Paristr} 1,984 }3,218 | 14 | 68 332 | 1,621 | 1,265 5,749 | 8,679 | 14,428 Twyford - - - (-++) - Extra-P. 3 3/ -] - 1 | - 2 17 16 33 Wilsdon - - - = - - = Parishf 234] -278 1 5 | 15 127 "5 46 692 721 1,413 10,312 [14,940 [222 (396 | 2,048 | 6,944 15,948 | 31,192 | 39,616 | 70,808 @) The adwinistration of the Poor Laws is supposed to tause an in- crease in the Populationiof Clerkenwall ; all, who can make out a case of apparent poverty, being relieved ; St. James and St, John’s form the arish of Clerkenwell——(°) Glass-House Yard is déemed to be in the Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate (City of London without the Walls.) Several houses are said to"have been demolished, but the Population is as in 1811.—(?) The Town of Highgate is partly in Hornsey Parish, partly in St. Pancras Parish. Anew inclosure at Hornsey, has caused an increase of Population ——(2) One female upwards of 100 years of age at Islington-—(r) The entire Parish of St. Luke’s | contains 40,876 Inhabitants---~(") The most populous part of the Parish of St, Sepulchre is distinguished, as Saint Sepulchre without New- gate, as is entered as part of the City of London without the Walls. | —C) Part of the Parish of St. Andrew (Holborn) is in the Cit of London-without-the-Wails. »*The entire Parish, or United Parishes of St. Andrew and St. George-the-Martyr, thus contain 41,728 In- habitants——-(") The apparent increase of Population in the Liberty of Saffron Hill, is attributed partly to the greater facility of obtain- ing Returns of Males, when not apprehensive of serving in the militia; and to the diminished mortality of infants, (*) The Parish of St. Clement Danes is mostly in the City of Westminster, and so entered. “) The Duchy of Lancaster Precinct is part of the Parish of St, Mary-le-Swand, Westminster——(*) In the Return from Mary-le-Bone, lodgers have very generally been taken as distinct fami- lies. When the Enumeration was taken, many principal families were gone out of town. One male, and six females, upwards of 100 years of age, in this Parish.——(’) Four females, upwards of 100 years ofage, in the Parish of St. Pancras, which extends into the Town of Highgate, (7) One male upwards of 100 years of age in the Rolls Liberty —— (#) One male upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Chelsea. Knightsbridge is partly in Chelsea, partly in Kensington, partly in St. Margaret’s (Westminster.)——(°) One female upwards of 100 years of age at Chiswick.——(°) The Parish of Fulham (including Hammersmith) contains 15,301 Inhabitants, 192 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {E-numeration. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued. Botolph, St. without Aldgate, : or East-Smithfield-Liberty ran 941) 1,575) 3 Bromley, St.Leonard - - + Parish{ 842/ 946] 10 Catherine, St. by the Tower - Precinct 427 685| - Christ-Church, Spital-fields - Parish} 2,300] 4,752] 34 George, St. in the East (-++) - Parish | 5,345| 7,612| 188 Hackney, St.John - - = Parish | 3,715] 4,653 | 116 Limehouse, St.Anne - - (*) Parish{ 1,683| 2,317] 83 Norton-Falgate-Liberty - Extra-P.J 267{ 498] —- Shadwell, St.Paul - - (+) - Parish} 1,682] 2,399] 7 Shoreditch, St. Leonard - - Parish] 8,269 [12,828] 93 Stepney Parish: (f) Mile-End, New-Town - - Hamlet? 946] 1,720] 51 Mile-End, Old-Town - - Hamlet] 4,284) 5,399] 157 Poplar and Blackwall - - Hamlet] 2,020} 2,642} 32 Ratcliffe - - - (+) - Hamlet} 1,136) 1,718] 32 Stratford-le-Bow, St.Mary - Parish{ 404/ 464/ — Tower of London - - - - Parish 84} 117} — Tower, Old, Without - (8) Precinct 31 41f - Wapping, St.John - .- -(*) Parish} 483] 822] 1 Whitechapel, St. Mary (-+) - Parish} 4,225! 7,418] 29 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : -. PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fane | © | aus} ———)—__—— on By S| 2 | chieny | Ons== 2 how Z| chiefly | employ-| Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PI.ACE. 3 | many | 4 | 3 em- | 64 in |not com- 3 Families 3 a ployed Trane, | prized in a s OF | 2 a a 2 ae Manu- | the = 3 és PERSONS, a = ced- OSSULSTONE Hundred : ee - Cae cae (Tower Division.) TURE. | craft, | Classes. Bethnall-Green, St. Matthew, Parish : (¢) Church - - - - - Division] 2,361] 2,867/117] 55 9 | 2,330] 528 6,195 6,424 | 12,619 Green - - - = ~ = Division} 1,759] 2,055} 45] 108 44} 1,119} 892] 4,590] 5,065 | 9,655 Hackney-Road - - Division | 2,030} 2,801] 25] 82 28 | 1,834] 939 5,600 6,036 | 11,636 Town - - + - = - Division | 1,945] 2,978] 13] 47 — | 2,496} 482] 5,868 | 5,898 | 11,766 | 19 16 | 1,130} 429] 3,032] 3,397 | 6,429 61 109 755| 112 2,115 2,245 | » 4,360 38 —} 527} 158] 1,300] 1,324 | 2,624 191 13 | 4,506] 233 9,025 | 9,625 | 18,650 365 — | 5,049| 2,563 | 14,740 | 17,788 | 32,528 206 187 | 1,883] 2,583 | 9,766 | 12,728 | 22,494 119 4 | 1,249] 1,064 4,589 5,216 9,805 18 =| 337) 161 869 | 1,027 | 1,896 143 — | 2,399 —}| 4482] 5,075 | 9,557 494 42 | 8,284] 4,502 | 24,843 | 28,123 | 52,966 43 — | 1,715 5| 3,396 | 3,695 |, 7,091 323 23 | 2,104] 3,272 | 10,151 | 12,725 | 22,876 133 18 | 2,044} 580 6,052 6,171 | 12,223 110 1 610] 1,107 3,107 3,866 6,973 9 33 | 375] 56] 1,135 | 1,214] 2,349 9 - g} 108 176 287 463 6 - 29 12 99 106 205 150 -| 563] 259 1,432 | 1,646} 3,078 283 — | 3,955] 3,463 | 14,394 | 15,013 | 29,407 47,179 |69,337 [1,036 3,072] 527 '45,302 23,508 | 136,956 | 154,694 291,650, SPELTHORNE Hundred. Ashford - - - - - - - Parish 67 67 | - Bedfont, East, with Hatton - - Parish] 142 | 148] 2 Feltham - - - - - - Parish} 154] 163] — Hampton - - - - - -(‘) Parish} 357] 489 { 2 Hampton-Wick - - - - Hamlet] 238 | 2861 -2 Hanworth - - - - - Parish} 103 105 - Laleham - - - - - = Parish 89 g2] - Littleton - - - = = =) Parish: 23 27 - Shepperton - - Parish} 158] 170] 2 Staines - - -~ + - Parish} 396 | 447| 7 Stanwell - - - - = (%) Parish} 237 | 246] 2 Sunbury - - - (+) - Parish{ 317} 378] —- Teddington - - - - - Parish} 168 | 176] 3 2 34 16 17 190 141 331 13 109 27 12 423 348 771 16 94 53 16 512. 450 962 6 101 | 166 { 222 987 1,301 2,288 12 27 165 94 568 693 _ 1,261 8 60 40 5 265 2847 552 6 37 17 38 243 256 499 = 22 1 4 75 74 149 10 55 49 66 370 412 482 19 22 131 | 294 949 | -1,008-/ 1,957 11 133 89 24 621 . 604. 1,225 15 152 105 121 884 | 893 1,777 2 62 68 46 427 436 863 2,449 | 2,794 | 20 120 g08 | 927] 959 6,514 | 6,903 | 13,417 LONDON CITY, Within the Walls. Parish 96 | 120] — Parish | 230 352 Parish 62 68 - Parish 67 118 | - Parish 22 26 ) Parish 17 25 - Alban, St. Weod-street Allhallows, Barking. - Allhallows, Bread-street Allhallows-the-Great - Allhallows, Honey-lane Allhallows-the-Less —- _ ( 1 -—]| 120 - 311 320. 631. 18 —} 281 71 744, g20 | 1,664 7 = 54 14 176 144 320 8 -| 118 = 274 252 526 1 - 26 - 69 68 137 2 a 2 39 59 98 (*) The entire Parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal-Green, contains 45,676 Inhabitants, among whom, one male and one female upwards of 100 years of age in Green Division. (¢) The West India Docks and East India Docks have caused a great increase of the Population of Limehouse. (f) The Parish of Stepney contains 49,163 Inhabitants. One male upwards of 100 years of age at Mile.Eud, Old-Town. At Ratcliffe the ages of persons could not he obtained, the question being thought to have connection with service in the militia——(®) Many honses demolished on the site of the New Mint.—(") Many houses have been demolished in the Parish of St. John of Wapping, for the purposes of the London Docks. Warehouses and coach-houses havé been deemed uninhabited houses——(') The Parish of Hampton (in- ‘ cluding Hampton-Court Palace) contains 3,549 Inhabitants. Some in- crease of Population has arisen from the establishment of a calico-printing manufactory. (*) The Parish of Stanwell extends into the Town of Colnbrook. (?) In the Parish of Allhallows-the-Less, dwelling-houses have been demolished, or converted into warehouses, M.DCCE:XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94. 103° ee EE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued: HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fant |F™ ] ave B . LIES oe ar | tow || E | tet | Sst | pas | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, B fmt wo} B | e™ | edin |notcom-| of. | or 5 Families} & | & | Ployed | Tpaps, [prized in a Ss 4 Oc- 3 = in| Manu- | the Two < 5 __ {PERSONS. | ; S feupied.) & | 5 | Acri- |factures, preced- a 2) F LONDON CITY cut- lorHandi-| _ ing i Within the Walls—continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Allhallows, Lombard-Street ~ Parish 99 | 110] —]| 9 - 94] 16 281 209 580 . Allhallows, London-Wall - ~ Parish} 202] 394] — | 15 - 340 | 54 806 871 1,677 | Allhallows-Staining - - - Parish} 105 | 111] -—]| 9 - 48 | 33 271 306 | 577 | Alphage, St. near Sion-College - Parish} 141 | 2761 -—]| 8 - 275 1 619 587 1,206 Andrew, St.Hubbard - - ~ Parish 50 61} -]| 6 - 56 5 152 135 287. Andrew, St.Undershaft - - Parish} 163 | 218] —| 12 - 188 | 30 538 623 1,161 Andrew, St. by-the-Wardrobe - Parish 81} 162] -]| 6 ~ 100 | 62 356 334 690 Anne and Agnes, St. an 2 pea TS } (7) Fain] 86) 206] -} 6] - | 103] 3 | 296 | 265 | 561 Anne, St. Blackfriars - -.- Parish? 265 | 645] —| 6 - 414 | 231 1,430 1,508 | 2,938 Antholin, St. - - - (*) Parish 65 77 | 2] 10 — |' 64] 13 176 189 365 Augustine, St. - - - - = Parish 44 61} -]| 6 - 57 4 161 146 307 Beene as (°) Parishf 68] 44] -| 47 - 221 52 166 173 339 | Bennet, St. Fink - - - = Parish 84 99] -]| 1 - 99 - 243 268 511 Bennet, St. Gracechurch - - Parish Al 49} -—| 14 - 41 8 141 149 290 Bennet, St. Paul’s-Wharf - - Parishf 80] 149] —]| 2 = 115 | 34 257 295 | 552 Bennet, St. Sherehog - -(?) Parish 24 29] 2] 5 - 22 4 65 77 142 Botolph, St. Aldgate - (4) Parish _ -j -| - - = ee = - = Botolph, St. Billingsgate - - Parish] 30 33 | -]| 2 - 32} 1 84 107 19t | Christ-Church - - = (49) Parish} 3531 367] -—| 14 = 268 | 99 952 1,050 2,002 _ Christ-Church - - - = Hospital 27 29} -].- ~ -| 29 658 77 "35 | Christopher, St. le-Stock - (7) Parish 15 17} -}] - = 17 = 39 45 84 “Clement, St. near East-Cheap - Parish 51 61] -]| 4 _ 61 = 123 150 273 - Dionis, St. Backchurch - - Parish *°123 | 182} —| 8 1 175 6 394 397 7Q9t Dunstan’s, St. in-the-East - Parish} 192] 245 / -|].9 Ff - 210 | 35. 497 658 1,155 | Edmund, St. the-King - = Parish 69} -89} -] 5 - 64 | 25 231 211 442. . Ethelburga, St. - - - + = Parish y8{ 117] -{ 1 - 117 = 373 381 704 « eat pense Vueimrunder path] 137] 270) -| 23] - | 169] 1 f -505 | 494 | 999 Gabriel, St. Fenchurch-Street - Parish} 62 yo} -| 3 1 41 | 28 172 171 343 George, St. Botolph-Lane - - Parish 32 50} -| 1 - 50 - [| 98 117 215 | Gregory, St-by St.Paul’s.- - Parish} 206] 293] -| 4 - 248} 45. 686 | 4782 |. 1,468 - Helen, St. near Bishopsgate - Parish{ 107 | 144] 2] 3 - 108 | 36. 314 382 696 | James, St. in Duke’s Place (*) Parish 87] 139] 4] 6 - 139 - 355 377 732 .[ | James, St. Garlick-Hythe -(*) Parish 45 | 126) —| 5 - 126 - 241 232 473 John, St. Baptist - - -- - Parish 66; .82; -]| 4 = 63] 19. 199 218 417- ' John, St. Evangelist - - - Parish 21 a2; —-| - - 22 - 54 32. 86 F John, St. Zachary - - = - Parish} 55{ 63| —| 11 - 56 4 161 161 322 F Katherine, St. yee . - Parish} 103} 164] -| 3 - 116] 48 307 405 712 E . Cree-Churc . } aetna Christ Church y Pasi] 297 | 350] -|10f ~ | ago] - | 823 | gor | 2,814 | Lawrence, St. Jewry - - = Parish} 114] 104] =| 3 - 89 15 354 348 702 Lawrence, St. Pounteney - - Parish 51 m2) —-{19f —- 57 | 15 152 200 352 ' Leonard, St. East-Cheap - - Parish 44} “50} -| - - 50 - 155 152 307 | Leonard, St. Foster-Lane (partof)(*) Par: 49} 81] -{ 5 - a7 4 186 191 377 - Magnus, St.- - - - - - Parish 40 49| -| 5 - 49 - 108 119 227 | Margaret, St. Lothbury - (') Parishf 62] 71/1 -| 3 - 49 | 22 159 172 331 Margaret, St Moses - - + Parish] 24) 271) —1] 11 - 26 1 a9 72 149 : Margaret, St. New Fish-Street Parish} 58; 65} -{ 4 - 65 - 169 175 344 Margaret, St. Pattens - - - Parish} 30 34] -] - = 34 - 96 89 185 pea saa, ’ gs p > Pash} 28:] 2g | -| 1 - ag| - 66 66 132 Martin, St. Ludgate - - = Parish} 144] 235 | — | 18 - 235 - 605 595 1,200 Martin, St. Orgars) - - - Parish 56 y2}| 2] 6 ~_ 50 | 22 153. 197 350 Martin, St. Outwich - - - Parish} 39 55 | -| 2 - 26] 29 116 136 252 Martin, St. Vintry = =» () Parish, 25 50| -| 4 - 50 - 118 87 205 Mary, St. Abchurch - - - Parish} 6} 112] -| — - 112 - 256 249 505 Mary, St. Aldermanbury - - Parish} 110:] 185 | -| 2 = 159 | 26 431 452 883 } (™) Part of St, Anne and St.Agnes, and part of St. Leonard Foster- | 2,737 persons——(") St. Christopher-le-Stock and St. Margaret Loth- [| laneisin the Liberty of St. Martin-le-Grand, belonging: to the City of | bury are united.—(S) In St. James’s Duke’s Place and St. James [ | Westminster, but the whole Population is here retarned.——(") St.An- | Garlick-Hythe certain Houses have been demolished, and not yet rebuilt, tholin and-St. John Baptist are united. °) In the Parish of St. Bar- | ——(‘) Many Houses have been demolished in the Parish of'St. Martin’s : tholomew-by the Royal Exchange, many of the Houses are said to be | Vintry, to give access to the new Southwark Bridge ; and in the Parishes | let’ as Offices, and -Families not resident in them.——(?) St. Bennet- | of St. Leonard Foster-lane, and St. Michael-le-Quern, to form a Site for |. Sherehog and. St.Stephen Walbrook are. united.——(1) St.Botolph | the intended new Post Office. In the other part of St. Leonard Fostér-lane J) Aldgate is mostly without the Walls, and the whole is there entered._———_} (heretofore called the Liberty of St. Martin’s-le-Grand, and attributéable (99) The Parish of - Christ Church (including the Hospital) contains { to Westminster) all the houses have been demolished for that purpose. Ddd a 194 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS. PERSONS: Fami- ae ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By 3s | 5 | chiety | OTE " oR how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families ue TOTAL 3 |omany | »| 2] em | edin not ee 2 oF 3 =| ili = <= rized in EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 3 ae 3 5 a eer ae Two 4 z PERSONS g cupied.| & | 5S | Acrs-. factures,| Preced- a cuL- jorHandi-| _™g LONDON, CITY, TURE. | craft, | Classes. ? i Within the Walls—continued. é Mary, St. Aldermary - - - Parish 772 98 | -| 4 - 98 - re es 368 Mary, St. leBow - - - Parish 62 69 | -— |} 16 - 69 - ie ee Mary, St. Bothaw Dowgate - Parish 35 43/ -| 8 - 28 15 : A i. ae Mary, St. Colechurch - - (") Parish 41 47| -| 1 - | 18 29 - a ‘ us Mary, St. at Hill = = Fahy ws) we) =) 2 - | 163 : = 4 4 en eee, Onn G.| an) el et -S Vame 1S 337 | 384 | 721 eupern ee AMPs 138 162 300 Mary, St. Magdalen, Milk-street Parish 51 49| -] - - 38 11 : re 4 Mary, St. Mounthaw - Parish 35 89} -]} 4 - 60 29 = a os : Mary, St. Somerset - - + Parish 37 WB.) ef = - 40 33 ss . Mary, St. Staining - - - - Parish 35 54} -| 8 - 54 = 107 eo = Mary, St. Woolchurch-Haw - Parish 31 351 -| 6 - 12 23 93 : ; : Mary, St. Woolnorth - - Parish} 73 go} -| 13 - | 41 49 241 or - ; Matthew, St. Friday-Street - Parish 35 35 | -| 3 - 34 1 ee as : Michael, St. Bassishaw - + Parish} 115] 1521 3] 2 - 97 55 a “ 714 Michael, St. Cornhill - - Parish 96 | 1011 -—] 6 - 54 47 25) ete ao Michael, St. Crooked-Lane Parish 82] 197] 1] 3 — | 126 1 268 Ss 576 Michael, St. Queen-Hithe - - Parish 85 180} -} 4 - 177 3 353 393 © 41 Michael, St.-le Quern - - (*) Parish 41 43 | -| 9 = 43 - 129 se - Michael, St. Paternoster-Royal Parish 28 32] -| 4 - 32 - "5 ne: | Michael, St. Wood-Street - - Parish 470 88} -| 4 i 86 2 247 1 433 Mildred, St. Bread-Street - - Parish 46 y2| -| 3 - 63 9 160 169 329 Mildred, St.-in-the-Poultry - (*) Parish 48 481 3] 4 = 36 12 14d 130 271 Nicholas, St. Acons - - - Parish 34 34{/ -| 5 - 18° | 16 92 88 180 Nicholas, St. Cole-Abbey - - Parish 29 54} -} 1 - 34 20 125 103 228 Nicholas, St. Olave > - Parish} 35 72) -| 4 - 60 12 172 178 350 Olave, St. Hart-Street - - - Parish] 172 | 196] -] 5 - 99 97 430 582 | 1,012 ‘Olave, St. Old Jewry - - - Parish 56 48} -]| 2 - 40 8 113 126 239 Olave, St. Silver-Street - - Parish} 145] 302 | — 4 — | 286 16 554 581 1,13, Pancras, St. Soper-Lane - - Parish 31 35 | -| 2 - 33 2 96 94. igo f, Peter, St. Cornhill - - (*) Parish} 108] 114] 2] 2 - 89 25 365 366 731 | Peter, St. near Paul’s Wharf ~- Parish 48 92 5 - 81 11 149 197 346 | cee mi oe eae mae 9) Yr =| @ —+ $9 | 40 276 300 576 Peter, St. Westcheap - - - Parish 45 49| -| 3 = 49 a 152 114 266 Stephen, St. Coleman-Street - Parish] 388 | 689 | 10 17 —- | 543 | 146 1,487 1,575 | 3,062 Stephen, St. Walbrook - - (?) Parish{ 60 62} -| 3 = 34 28 126 | 152 | 278 Swithin, St. London-Stone - Parish} 78] 110] 1/ 37 = 83 27 247 261 508 Thomas, St. the-Apostle - - Parish 83 140} -| a1 = 103 37 261 304 565, Trinity-the-Less —- - > Parish 54) 218} -] 3 - | 118 - 245 257 502 Vedast, St. Foster-Lane (Y) Parish 55 v2 | —| 48 cd 72 _ 225 173 398 7,938 |11,571| 32 | 560 2 |9,609 }1,960 | 27,506 [28,668 | 56,174 LONDON, CITY, - Without the Wails, Andrew, St. Holborn - (#) Parish) with Barnards-Inn -- ‘ mee 665 | 1,415 | - | 36 — 41,178 | 237 fF 3,078 3,156 | 6,234 Bartholomew, St. the Great (+) Parish 350 | 796] —1 38 1 466 29 1,427 | 1,504 2,931 Bartholomew, St. the Parish | 6 : i Less(+) - (4) f° & Hospita ff 5? ae ae = | o4 = 431 . 392 23 Botolph, St. without Alders-7 : pe - : sp = “a po) Parish} 501 | 872! 3 | 15 — | 812 60 | 1,953 2,050 |} 4,003 page. St. Peter-le-Poor are mostly occupied as St. Vedast, Foster. (®) See Note upon preceding page——-(*) See Note upon precedin: (*) St. Mary Colechurch cae Si tied Posies re sitet ——(") Ia the Parish of St. Peters Cornhill, several Houses have been demolished to enlarge Leadenhall tiarket.——(") The Fuuses in i Count ing-houses, no person or only_ servants lodging in them at night——(7) In the Parish of -lane, four houses were destroyed by fire since 1812, (7) Most part of St. Andrews is in the Holborn Division. of Middlesex. ——(*) The Betura. of St. Bartholom in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. extends into the Finsbury Division. Inhabitants. 13,011 Inhabitants, ew the Less includes 471 Patients (°) St. Botolph without Aldersgate The entire Parish contains 5,361 Several Houses have been demolished. The entire Parish of St.Sepulcbre (which extends inte the Finsbury Division) cuntains M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cc. g4 195 LY cient COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Basti Ate , B ‘ LIES fi THER i . jee 3 chiefly ane Families ny TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BS fmmy | wo] ef em | edin [nctcom-| yy a = |Families| .8 a, ployed | 7, ape, | rized in 4 a oF s Oc | 2] 2 in | Manu- | the Two < fj‘ |PERSONS. 4 cupied.} @ | 5 Acnr- | factures,| Preced- S Fu LONDON CITY, = eas lead ne Po Without the Walls—continued. ture. | craft, | Classes. Botolph, St. Aldgate - - (°) Parish ]1,196 | 2,199 | 26 | 66 — |1,484] 715 4,332 4,735'| 9,067 Botolph, St. without-Bishopsgate Parish ]1,246 {2,597 | —- | 76 3 11,829] 765 4,796 55344. | 10,140 ase xfubi Bridget, St. ‘ _— 1 799 11,870 | — | 64 — }1,082 | 788 3,640 3,648 7,288 -Hospital with - - xtra-P, z S Bridewell - - - - = Precinct f 65 75 ie 35 ae ule ae 443 Dunston, St. in-the-West - Parish} 393 | 845 |] —]} 10 - 801 44 1,705 | 15844 3,549 Giles, St. without-Cripplegate(*) Parish } 1,495 |2,988 | 1 | 99 51 | 1,874 | 1,063 6,593 6,445 | 13,038 a (*) Parish} 852 |1,875 | 5 | 35 — 11,415 | 460 4,228 4,043 8,271 Trinity-in-the-Minories - (f) Parish 92 yi} -| - - 81 40 309 371 680 White-Friars Precinct - - Extra-P.} 121 | 337] -| 3 - 163 | 174 626 621 1,247 Inns of Court and Chancery :(*) Barnard’s-Inn - - ~ ~ (8) + - -~p-]| - = - - - ~ - Clement’s-Inn ‘- - - - (8) - = —-| =<] - - - _ ~- - - Clifford’s-Inn - (--) - - Extra-P.f 75 -f -j =— - - - 6 | 40 101 Furnival’s-Inn - - - = Extra-P. 58 12 | 38] - - - 12 64 36 100 Gray’s-Inn - - (+) - Extra P.} 281 87) -| 4h - -—| 287 140 68 208 Inner-Temple - - - - = Extra-P.f} 353 wy -| —- - 3 13 324 81 405 Linceln’s-Inn - - - - Extra-P.J 281 25| -| 2 - - 25 202 66 | 268 . peels eee - , - Extra-P.]) 311 16} -— | 16 - 6 10 234 64 298 ew-Inn - © - = g - - - ee - - - _ _ - -{| is - sia aa Ca Extra-P, 17 8}; -}| - = - 8 10 21 31 Serjeant’s-Inn, Fleet-Street (++) Extra-P.f 17 wio-] 1 - - 17 43! 5Y 94 Staple-Inn - - - - - — Extra-P, 13 33} -| - - = 33 33 8. 41 wianensera ike chew 9,232 |16,497) 73 | 4559 55 111,599 4,850 | 34,441 | 34,819,| 69,260 S FER, City and Liberty. b Anne, St. Soho - - - ) Parish | 1,408 |3,805 | 3 | 19 — 13,236 | 569 47,285 47,930 | 15,215 Clement, St. Danes (+) - (/) Parish | 1,088 | 2,356 | — | 20 -— |1,678 ) 678 5316 | 5,437 | 10,753 Gegree, Ot Haver} ~ parish {4,863 [9,221 | 30 | 74 | 104 [4,873 4,244 | 20,864 | 25,520 | 46,384 James, St. - - - - (*) Parish }3,1a9 | 7,440 [210 | 91 — {4,272 |3,168 | 16,195 | 17,624 | 33,819 James’s, St. Palace (++) - (!) Extra-P.. _ -{| -— - - - - - os ee John, St. - (++) - ~ (™) Parish 12,689 | 4,630 |101 | 52 | 117 [2,171 | 2,342 7,898 | 8,937 | 16,835 Leonard, St. Foster-Lane] ,, . fi ‘ Gad Ss = ke (") Parish. - -| -| - ers Tih. ae a - = Margaret, St. = - - (°) Parish {2,472 |5,733 | 25 | 65 | 87 |2,180|3,466 | 9,942 | 12,445 | 22,387 Martin, St. in-the-Fields (?) Parish} 2,664 | 6,533 | 22 | 44 — | 5441 | 1,092 13,618 | 14,634 | 28,259 Mary, St. le-Strand (9) Parish’'| 170] 4574 —| 10 - 310 | 147 863 g21 | 1,484 ae aS ea, - oe 553 11,2471 -| 7 ~ 955 292 2,769 3,065 5,834 riny, Gar - ce 8 tia-P, _ - -|{ - - a ~ wm de os Whitehall © 25 <= 49 tery] “o|) =) els} = gee Sze = a = The Close of the Collegiate ' Chunch of St. Peter, - _ Eales p28 32 eae Oe. aL 6 26 78: 103 181 oo Jana Whtenell yy Extra-P.f 21| 100 -| -{ - | 4] 96, 254 387 641 18,502 141,554 | 391 | 382 | 308 j25,126|16,120 | 85,082 | 97,003 | 182,085 (©) In the Parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate, two males upwards of 100 years of age; this Parish is partly Within-the-Walls, but the whole is entered here——(‘) The Return of St. Gile’s-without-Cripplegate includes the New Prison for Debtors, White-Cross Street. (¢) The Parish of St. Sepulchre is partly in the Finsbury Division of Mid- dlesex. The entire Parish contains 13,011 Inhabitants. (*) Each set of Chambers in the Inns of Court and Chancery appears to have been deemed a separate House. (®) Barnards-Inn is included in the Return of St. Andrews, Holborn; Clement’s Inn and New-Inn in the Return of St. Clement-Danes, Westminster. (5) The removal of the higher classes to the Western part of London, who are replaced by more numerous room-renters, has increased the Population of St. Anne’s Parish——(') The entire Parish of St. Clement-Danes (which extends into the Holborn Division) contains 14,763 Inhabitants («) In the Parish of St, James, many houses have been demolished to make room for the New Street towards Mary-le-bone——(!) The verge of the Palaces of St. James’s and of Whitehall, with Privy Garden, are comprized in one Return ; separate Returns were received in 1811. (®) The Milbank Penitentiary, containing 713 persons in May 1821, and houses built in Tothill Fields, have much increased the Popu- lation of St. John’s Parish. (°) The Liberty of st. Martin’s-le Grand (part of the Parish of St. Leonard's, Foster Lane) is converted into a site for an intended New Post Office, so that all the houses and inha- bitants have disappeared.c—(°) One male and one female in the Parish of St. Margaret upwards of 100 years of age. (°) Many houses in Whitcombe-Street, Cockspur-Street, and the Haymarket, and the whole of Suffolk-Street, have lately been demolished, to make room for new streets and improvements, otherwise the Parish of St. Martin’s-in- the-Fields would have been more populous———(9) The entire Parish of St. Mary-le-Strand contains 2,273 Inhabitants, including the Duchy of Lancaster, Wolborn Division of Middlesex. : 196 rae Ss ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS'AND RETURNS UNDER ———— ———————————————————— COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued. [ Enumeration. OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. SUMMARY —_ HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: | By oo ae \ aa Le ; HUNDREDS, 3 | may | g| % | chiesy aoe Famities | og a eee &e. 3 Ge 3 c ployed a pceta 3 3 ae | cupied | Q | 5S in | Manu. | the Two s 2 ; Acrr- | factures,| Preced- CUL- |urHandi-| _ ing wea TURE. | craft, | Classes. Boi EDMONTON - - - = 4,132] 4,690 | 28 | 156] 1,493 | 1,811] 1,386 ] 11,855 | 12,916 | 94,771 ELTHORNE -'- - = - 3,110] 3,568 49 80 1,321 | 1,441] 806] - 8,967 8,876 | 17,843 GORE - = - - = = 1,694| 1,954] 10] 51} 884 626] 444 5,067 4,739 | 9,806 | ISLEWORTH - - - = 2,084} 2,611/ 16 | 63] 692} 1,109| 810 5,735°| ~ 6,550 | 12,285 OSSULSTONE: FINSBURY Division - - ~- 116,427|28,172 |447 | 739] 593 119,148] 8,431 | 56,316 - 63,486 | 119,802 HOLBORN Division ~ . - 29,910 64,183 [555 |1,253] 562 137,721 125,900 | 123,942 | 152,688 | 276,630 KENSINGTON Division - ~- [10,312 [14,940 /222 | 396] 2,048 | 6,944] 5,948 31,192 | 39,616 | 70,808 : TOWER Division - ~ = = 147,179 69,337 {1,036 3,072 527 145,302 |23,508 | 136,956. | 154,694 | 291,650 SPELTHURNE Hundred + - | 2,449] 2,794] 20 | 120 go8 927} 9597 6,514 6,903 | 13,417 City of LONDON within the Walls - = 7,938 /11,571| 32 | 560 2 | 9,609] 1,960 | 27,506 | 28,668 | 56,174 LONDON without the Walls + 9,232 116,497 | 73 4551 55 |11,592| 4,850 34,441 | 34,819 | 69,260. City of . WESTMINSTER - - = = - {18,502 /41,554 [391 | 3824 308 25,126 [16,120 | 85,082 | 94,003 | 182,085 ToTals - - 152,969) 261,871|2,879/ 7,327] 9,393 |161,356|91,122 533,573 | 610,958 | 1,144,531 _ M.DCCC.XXI. J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 197 ae ee a COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued. Ages of Persons. / MALES. [~ es: — 5 100 x Under 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/72 a Hundred 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to] up e 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | GO | 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards| & of EDMONTON - = - $1,839 | 1,799 1,570 952 | 1,642] 1,428/1,063 | 774 | 534] 233} 56 1} — 711,891 ELTHORNE - - - [1,255 | 1,114 969} 786} 1,290} 985} 834] 575 | 373] 209] 72] 121 — | 8,42e4 GORE - - - - -]| 615] 663 670} 464] 686} 508] 293] 262] 165] 98} 19} 1} — {| 4,444 ISLEWORTH - - -]} 846]. 752] 711! 494] 894] 695] 553} 374 | 259| 124) 28{ 5 | - J 5,735 OSSULSTONE, FINSBURY Division - } 8,419] 6,599] 5,318 4,895 | 9,325] 8,355| 6,324] 4,076 2,057) 694]140 | 10 | — [56,212 HOLBORN Division - $14,928 [11,218] 8,985 | 8,733 119,559 {17,818 12,900 | 7,631 |3,422/1,1731229 | 19 | 2 [106,607 KENSINGTON Division | 2,059 | 2,249 | 2,077) 1,260 | 2,133] 1,812] 1,664] 800] 744) 387] 65} 9] 1 [15,260 TOWER Division —_- 116,138 ]12,'702 ]10,628 | 8,200 |13,797 |14,067 [11,795 | 7,657 |3,877 115871255 15 | 3 [100,701 SPELTHORNE - - -| 799| 693 635| 562 857| 687] 5971 377] 278] 123°17] 4] — | 5,689 City of ; ; LONDON, within wee | 22603 | 1,932 | 2,579) 3,393 | 6,227) 4,538] 3,104] 1,895 | 879 298) 55 | 2! — [27,505 LONDON, without th b13,820 | 2,960 | 2,329/ 2,395 | 6,330] 5,260| 3,865] 2,369 |1,078) 373| 59 | 8 | 2 |30,848 WESTMINSTER - - | 5,801 | 4,435 | 4,289 | 4,880 |10,201 | 8,402] 6,364} 3,688 |1,677]. 555! 91 1 1 [50,385 Total of MALES - [59,122 |47,116 |40,760 (37,014 |72,941 4655 49,356 |30,478 15,548 5,834 1006 87 | Q {423,701 FEMALES. rf eps . ™~ 100 s 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 : Hundred ens to to to to to to to to | to | to| to ce a ‘ 1o | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wardsf ©. 0 or EDMONTON - - - | 1,749] 1,786] 1,301] 1,150] 2,391] 1,669] 1,151] 851 | 595] 295} 72 | 8 | — 413,018 ELTHORNE - = =] 1,159] 1,117| 902] 762) 1,378/1,057 801} 529 | 401} 189] 49 | 7 | -] 8,351 GORE - - - - -] 555] 537} 422] 361] 753] 545] 418] 279] 182] 95} 34] 4] 1 | 4,186 ISLEWORTH - - - 896} 766] 621] 589] 1,187] 871] 623] 457 | 3421 149] 45 | 3] 1 7 6,550 | OSSULSTONE, FINSBURY Division - | 8,281} 6,544] 5,397| 6,083 |12,988] 9,472] 6,452 | 4,263 |2,680]1,0241255 | 31 | 1 [63,480 ‘HOLBORN Division - 119,545 [11,904 9,771 |12,008 |30,850 122,515 114,639 | 9,009 44793 1,830)421 | 43 | 10 [137,248 KENSINGTON Division | 2,375 | 2,418] 2,174] 1,932] 2,856] 2,487] 1,976) 1,515 [1,026] 308] 87 | 23 1 [19,178 TOWER Division - - [16,036 ]13,081 |10,978 10,800 {19,471 |16,083 ]11,813 | 7,727 |4,523/2,0941453 | 40 | 1 113,100 SPELTHORNE - - -{ 826] 740] 569] 535] 1,066] 764] 656] 395] 263! 142135] 5| - 4 5,996 City of Fo TONDON, within, VW o.757] 2,190] 2,017] 3,372] 7,045] 4,733] 3.197] 1,939 [1,039] 373] 84] 7 | ~ [28429 DON, wi ' LONDON. withow ally 3,860] 3,172] 2,402! 3,340] 6,809] 4,983] 3,677] 2,308 |1,351] 568/109 | 7} = 132,586 WESTMINSTER - - | 5,948] 4,734] 3,984] 5,498 |13,083| 9,476] 6,457) 3,889 1,974) 769187 | 17 | 1 [56,017 Total of FEMALES - [63,987 148,919 |40,538 |46,230 99,877 741655 51,800 |33,161 |19,088/7,836)1,831/195 | 16 [488,133 a THE Total Number of Persons in the ‘County of Middlesex was .... 1,144,531, .-.. and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned ' was + 911,834, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of about one-fifth part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained i in, | -purmance of the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Middlesex was 239 ; twenty-seven of which did not contain any answer _:to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a certain proportion of the Returns of Ages were deficient, a few others redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. * Eee 198 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, —————— County of Monmouth. HOUSES: oe : PERSONS: AMI- Fami- ALi len rene By | 2 | tiety | Onman | TOTAL oR how 2 chiefly | employ- | Families : a 3 many | ‘3 em- ed in te nae a a or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 sisal a|a ployed Trans, ee. z & PERSONS, = eee 3 cupied. a 5 emt factares, a a 3 TURE. | craft, | Classes. ABERGAVENNY Hunared. (Upper Division.) f) Parish : (* 8 ap atke ay - - 2 Hamlet 16 18} -]| 3 16 1 : 46 . ; a 2 Be oe ee eee aoe teen ose Goytrey Seren ie ‘- = + Parish? 108 | 113] -—| 5 e ‘ a0 156 137 | 293 Lanellen - - - - - Parish 62 66} 1] 3 2 : 93 909 233 535 Lanfoist - - - - - ~ (>) Parish} 91} 93] 4] 3 ae ‘4 go 70 160 Langattock-nigh-Usk - - Parish} = 32 32} -| 5 a 6 248 190 438 Lanhileth- = - = + = (©) Parish} 7 apey 4 aie Lanover. : a 18 5 | 1,010 853 | 1,863 Higher Division == (>) Parisnf] 327 | 353 7 3 8 6 11 "135 147 282 Lower Division - - 51 51 7 ae 7 ; 13 15 28 Lansaintfread- - - - - - Parish 2 3) oo 6 ~ 112 114 226 Lanvair-Kilgidin - - - Parish} 40) 41 | - = a 5 = 52 47 99 Lanvihangel-nigh-Usk - =~ Parish {1 : = eee wa | goa 1 | 1,052 761 | 1,813 Lanwenarth-Ultra - - - (4) Parish | 30 327 ne IS 25 4 16 130 107 237 Mamhilad - - - - - = Parish 45 45 Trevethan - - - ~ = (°) Parish joo | y2o}17] 3 225 | 395 | 100 2,121 1,810 | 3,931 with Pont-y-Pool - - - Township t 2,480 | 2,627 | 49 | 41 | 606 11,687 | 334 | 8,116 | 6,444 | 14,560 ABERGAVENNY Hundrod. (Lower Division.) Abergavenny - - - - (*) Parish] 679 | 724 9 {18 62 | 511 | 151 1,574 mene 3,388 Lloyndi - - - - Hamlet} 28 28} 1] 4 27 1 - 52 9 Cwmyoye, (f) Cee Division - - - ] Parshd| 45 45} -| 4 38 4 ~ 104 101 — Baas 5 ‘aris i a 45 11 1 152 154 3 Lower Division Uo 57 57 Ba al ors Lanarth (part of) - - - (&) Parish 53 65 - 3 41 21 : ae cay 509 Langattock-Lingoed- - (*) Parish] 42 48] -|] 4 39 3 6 ; a Lanthewy-Rytherch Parish 74 754-1 9 67 8 - 163 os ‘ Lanthewy-Skirrit - - - - Parish 19 19} -| 2 15 4 - - 3 4 Lantilio-Pertholey, Citra pss a 76 76} -] 4 66 8 2 1 173 339 Ultra f (1) Parish 8 | 87] 11 6 72 12 3 180 207 387 Lanvapley - - - - Parishf 22 22} —-] ~ 29 - ~ 58 54 a Lanvetherine- - - - Parish 41 Boe ceo 39 3 - 119 8 ma Lanviangel-Crucorney part of) (i) Parish 66 67} 2} 2 40 15 12 151 14) a Lanwenarth-Citra - - - (*) Parish 51 51] 1} 4 41 Q 1 96 g2 7 Old-Castle - - > - + Parish 15 ap foo] = 16 1 = 37 30 7 1,353 [1.423 | 14 | 61 630 | 614] 199 | 3,154 | 3,373 | 6,527 CALDICOTT Hundred. ae (Upper Division.) Arvans, St. - - (®¥) Parish 54 59] -| - 27 9 23 127 162 289 Caerwent- - - - - - | Parish 48 52h {ay fe _ : Bi 4 Crick - - - - - Hamlet? 20} a1] — is 66 7 ae 39 Caldicot - - - Parish? 112 | 118] 1] © 84 23 11 242 256 498 Chepstow - - = - = ~ parh 531 | 626) 9g | 52 5 | 416] 205 1,420 1,588 | 3,008 Howick - - - - « (1) Extra-P. 5 Gi |e 5 _ = 20 14 34 Itton = = 240) Pea oe) ee a dN 22 1 1 56 67 123 Lanvair-Discoed - () Parish 39 4o!l -]|] q 37 3 - go gl 181 Dinham ye es Hamlet 3 4 - os 3 a 1 18 12 39 than is acribed to the extension of iron works, vpened at Lanhileth_—(*) Lanwenarth Ultra, _ T e Parish contains 3,592 Inh yoye Parish is partly in Gwyas-Lacy Handred, abitants, - County of Hereford, and in the Higher Division of Lanover Parish, and in the Parish of Treve- (©) A colliery has been re ee and Lanwenarth Citra, which is in the Lower Division of this Hundred) form the Parish of wenarth. The entire Parish contains 2,001 Inhabitants, n of Lanwenarth Parish, lar] o the recent establishment of collieries and forges, at Carn-y-Derris in the Parish of Lanwenarth, —c« Abergavenny Parish is ‘partly in the Upper Division of this The *) Cwm. entered accordingly. The Upper Division includes Liantony-Abbey. The entire Parish contains 679 Inhabitants. Parish is in the Lower Division of Ragland H r ik male upwards of 100 years of age at Langattock-Lingoed.——(' ) Lan- } tillio Purtholey, Citra and Ultra, form the Parish of Lantillio-Pertholey. The entire Parish contains 726 Inbabitants.—(3) Llanfihangel Crucor- ney Parish is partly in Skenfreth Hundred, Upper Division. The entire Parish contains 366 Inhabitants. Lanwenarth Parish is in the U; and entered accordingly. (1) Howie! (K) Lanwenarth Ultra, part of pper Division of Abergavenny Hundred,, kk) The Parish of St. Arvans extends into Upper Ragland Hundred. The entire Parish contains 307 Inhabitants —— YE a seems in some respects a Hamlet of the Parish of Itton—— (™) The entire Parish of Lanvair-Discoed contains 211 Inhabitants, ®) Most part of Lanarth fF a One fe- | M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 199 COUNTY OF MONMOUTH—continued. : HOUSES , OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Fawr | P| Any B : LIES f Orner on 1... |b tee B | chiety | ore | Families “| TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. SB [many | | Sf em | edin | notcom- qi & = | Families 5 3 Ployed | Type, | Prizedin iS < OF ‘s Oc | B's in | Manu. | the Two = |PERSONS. | cupied.) Pp Acri- | factures, preced- 3 Fu CALDICOTT Hundred. cuL- lorHandi-| ine TuRE. | craft, | Classss. (Upper Division)—continued. Mathern - - - - - - = Parish 55 55} 1] - 46 9 - 201 173 374 Mounton - - - - += - - Parish} 12 a2] ~| 1 ~ 11 1 24 28 52 Newchurch: (*) East Division - - - (") Parish} 93] 96] 1] 5] 8&5 10 1 206 216 422 West Division - - - - Parish} 27] 31] -| 1] 29 2 = 73 67 140 Penterry - - - - - - - Parish} 10] 10] ~| — | 10 - - 30 30 60 Pierre, St. with Runston - - Parish 8 S| =) 4 6 1 1 43 | 38 81 | Portscuett - - - - - Parish 26 28] -|] 1 12 4 12 82 86 168 Shire-Newton - - - (°) Parish} 92{| 95] -| 4 4 93 2 - 219 209 428 Shire-Newton- - - - - Village} 46] 56] -| 4] 38 | 18 - 126 135 261 1,205 {1,340 | 13 | 72 | 568 | 516 | 256 | 3,190 | 3,353 | 6.543 CALDICOTT Hundred (Lower Division.) = \ Bishton - = - - - - - Parish} 35] 361 -! -— | 33 3 a 15 a8 | 153. | Brides, St. Netherwent - (?) Parish 28 30} -| 2 28 2 - 66 66 132 | Landevenny - - - - - Hamlet 10 vad -{ - 11 - - 30 23 53 Christ-Church - - ~ (9%) Parish 97 071 1] 5 m1 18 8 300 257 557 Caerton-ultra-Pontern - - Hamlet 62 66 2t41 24 27 15 149 148 297 Gold-Clif - - - = Parish} 42 431 -| -| 37 6} = 134 134 268 { Ifton e-- - = Parish 8 8} -| 4 8 - - 24 26 50 | Lanmartin - - - - (‘) Parish} 30] 30; —| —] 26 4 - 7° 83 161 Llanbeder - - - - - - Hamlet} 13 dat 4 ok ag 2 a 21 25 46 Langstone - - = (%) Parish 26 a7} -| 4 26 1 - 64 61 125 Lanvaches - - - - = Parish 47 51 1} - 47 4 - 122 125 247 | Lanvihangell near Roggiet - - Parishf 9 9{ -| - 9 - - 25 20 45 | Lanwern - - + + - = Parish 5 5{/ -{ - 4 1 - 15 12 27 Magor - - - - - (*)_ Parish a7 79| -| 2 63 12 4 184 200 384 Redwick - - - - Chapelry] 40 46| 1| -| 43 3 S 125 113 238 Nash - - - - - = - - Parish 43 44) -] - 44 - - 109 124 233 Penhow - - - - = - = Parish 41 44) 2| 2 35 9 - 119 101 220 Roggiet - - - - - - Parish 9 ro} -| - 8 2 - 20 | 22 | 42 Undy - - - - - += - - Parish} Go| 62] -| 2] 62 - - 146 - 134 280 | Witston - - - - - = - Parish 14 wawz]o-| - 14 - - 48 43 gi ° | Wilerick - - - - - - - Parishf = 7 7] -| - 7 - - 30 17 47 | 703 | 7331 7 | 26 | 612 | 94 | 27 1,884 | 1,812 | 3,696 RAGLAND Hundred (Upper Division.) - | Arvans, St. Parish: (**) ‘ Portcassegg - - = - + Hamlet 4 4} -| - 4 ~ - 8 10 18 Chapel-Hill - - - - (*) Parish 84 96]; 1] 6 i 47 38 226 238 464 Cwmearvan - - - - - - Parish 64 64[ -| 5 go 5 29 153 | 140 293 Kilgwrrwg - - - =~ - - Parish 26 26 1 1 24 2 - 57 56 113 Landogo - - - - = - = Parish} 131 | 142] 1/13 | 16 | 117 9 314 298 612 j Langoven - - - - + Parish 21 39} -| 1 32 4 - 74 63 137 Tgnishet ee ee ee Bal Ba] eb) al | Lae 8 S 125 130 255 } Lansoy - - - - + - = Parish 32 36} -| - 33 3 us 76 63 139 | Lanviangel-Tor-y-mynydd - Parish} 42 421 1] 5] 37 5 = 108 105 | 213 Mitchel-Troy - - - - - Parish} 56 56; 2] 7 32 6 18 152 153 395 Penalth - - - = += - + Parish 46 46) -!| 5 64 12 - 240 224 464 Tintern, Little - - - - - Parish 65 67; -]|] 2 12 35 20 135 150 285 Trelleck - - - - - (*) Parish{ 149} 154] —| 16 | 146 8) - 410 346 756 Trellek - - - « - = Town 21 24} 2) 4 13 5 6 69 69 138 Trelleck-Grange - - - Chapelry| 22 22 | -| 2 18 3°; 2 65 27 92 Wolves-Newton - - - - + Parish] 40 40} 1] 2 40 - - 111 111 222 886 | 944] 9 | 69 560 | 263 | 121 2,323 2,183 1,506 (") In the East Division of Newchurch Parish, 60 families of the 85 employed in Agriculture, ate oecasionally occupied in the Woods, cutting and converting wood into eharcoal; the entire Parish contains 562 Tnhabitants.——(°) The entire Parish of Shire-Newton contains 689 In- habitants.——¢") The entire Parish of St. Brides Netherwent contains 185 Inhabitants. (4) The entire Parish of Christ-Church contains 854 Inhabitants—(") Lanmartin Parish includes Landevand Hamlet—— (*) The entire Parish of Langstone contains 171 Inhabitants ; one female upwards of 100 years of age at Langstone.-—(") The entire Parish of Magor contains 622 Inhabitants.——("") Most part of St. Arvan’s Parish is in Caldicot Hundred, Upper Division —(") Chapel-Hill Parish in- clades Tintern-Abbey.——() Trelleck Parish consists of the Parish Division, Town Division, and Grange Division ; the entire Parish contains 986 Inhabitants, 200 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF MONMOUTH—continued. [Enumeration. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faw | 0 7 Aue By £1 cpecay | chietiy | OPeee ‘ OR 4 a = ety une Hailes ; 4 TOTAL 2 f 3 e di not com- nN EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 | Fens = z ployed ao prized in i = eee tS c e Lwo ie cupied.| 3 | 5 Acri- ae preced- 3 e | me CUL- lorHandi-|_ ng RAGLAND Hundred (Lower Division.) TURE. | craft. | Classes. —— Bettus-Newydd - + - - = Parishf 16 19 -| 2 12 Hi - 44 40 84 Bryngwyn - - - - - = Parish} 52 61 1 1 52 3 6 133 132 265 Dingestow - - - = ~ (#) Parish} 38 39 -| 4 36 1 2 gl 83 174 Lanarth Parish: (¥) _ Clytha- - - = - - - Hamlet] 58 76 1; 8 54 20 2 197 179 376 Fe - - vie - + Parish} 89 89 -| 6 78 9 2 160 191 351 anvibangel- ¥ stern-Llewe: oa eae oe (2) Parish] 13 | 13 | -| 1 8 es 5 28 33 61 Penrose - - - - - - = Parish] 76 86 -| 4 58 21 4 197 188 385 Pen-y-Clawdd - - - - - Parish 8 9 -| 2 8 - 1 21 20 41 Ragland - - - - - - = Parish} 125 | 125 2/1 4 go 29 6 364 269 633 Tregare - - - - = += = Parishf 66 70 1} 2 63 4 - 175 160 335 541 | 587 | 5| 34] 459 | 97 | 31 1,410 | 1,295 | 9,705 SKENFRETH Hundred. (Upper Division.) Grosmont - - - - - = Parish} 130 | 133 1} 1 7 2119 1L 3 370 331 701 Langua - 5 2 = + + = Parish 11 13 Se 9 4 ) arishf 15 15 Se = 9 44 28 72 Skenfreth - - - - - ~ Parish] 94 | 102 | -| 4] 82 20 Zs 256 232 488 Llanfiangel-Crucorney (part of) Parish: () Penbiddle - - - - - ~ Hamlet] 15 17 1} - 17 - - 36 3t 67 SKENFRETH Hundred. 405 | 426 | 3 | 14 | 361 | 51 14 1,125 987 | 2,112 (Lower Division.) (4) Dixton-Newton Parish: (©) Us fond Iedunek - + - Hamlet? 70 74 ~| 4] 68 6 = 174 186 360 - ixton-Newton - - - ~ Hamlet} 35 41 1 2 34 5 2 95 110 205 Llangattock-Vibon-Avel - - Parish | 97 | 112 -| 3 | 105 9 - 270 244 - 514 Maughans, St. - - - = - Parish 35 40 -| 4 34 6 a 4 67 141 Rockfield <= =< = © = = Parish 40 56 lg 42 rie 4 : Bi : 2 171 164 335 Woot Bicknor - - - - ; Parish | 17 20 SA) 15 3 3 61 52 113. onaston = - - = - ~(f) Parish 27 28 -| 1 23 5 = 85 64 149 321 | 371 1/19 | 321 43 7 930 887 | 1,817 USK Hundred (Upper Division.) Gwernesney - - - - = Parish lee Kemeys, Commander - - - Each - = re ene ar : 33 69 angeview - - - - 2 - Par iw i. Llangwn, Icha (8) one ee 43 4 40 3 = 79 94 173 Ucha a * > > Parish ; ee = 4 1 = 22 19 41 Elanifowell’ = cS = - 2 pam’? fae | | oh ee | Be PS 139 | 157 | 296 Liantrissaint - - - - ~~ parish] 53 eae ee) oe 35 28 63 Tredunnock - - - ~ 2 CL Parish a 54 i 4 44 10 = 134 137 271 Toatrey = cee fe) | ee TP eT ee eT OS 86 g2 | 178 Usk (part of) ) is - ve a : = 06 oe — OU eS ae! SB Res Parish J 207 223 1 8 6 Gwehellog - - - . - 54 | 11 53 467 522 989. wehellog Hamlet} 60 63 = 2 58 5 a 174 175 349 535 | 580 3} 31 | 370 | 150 | 54 1,365 | 1,450 | 2,815. Henabangel-Ystem-Liewern Parish is in the Upper Division of Skenfreth es ) The Parish of Liantillio-Grossenny made two distinct Sate re divided by Upper and Lower.——(>) Lanfihangel- hae ema arish is partly in the Lower Division of Ragland Hun- A © entire Parish contains 133 Inhabitants, —(°) Most part County. bitants. of Llanfihangel-Crucorney Parish is in Abergavenny Hundred, Lower Division—4) The Borough of Mowmoura, locally situate in the Lower Division of Skenfreth Hundred, is entered at the end of the (©) The entire Parish of Dixton-Newton contains 565 Inha (*) One female upwards of 100 years of age at Wonaston. ——(®) The entire Parish of Llangwn contains 337 Inhabitants — (*) Usk Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Usk Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,338 Inhabitants, i M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. 201 A a ES ST AE FT OE SE TE aS STE EE LY EL LT PTY TE ATED E Oe Ng AER SAREE ED COUNTY OF MONMOUTH—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Famt- Jee ere B 9 LIES A THER \ oR oe Z | chiety | SAY | Pamities A TOTAL 2 many | P| 7g em- a 2 not com- Q 3 OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, |Families| 3 | = | ployedl psy, [prizedinf 3 SG. ae | ew eel, = & __|PERSONS. 4 ; a) anu a By : cupied, Acri- | factures,| preceed- cut- jorHandi-| ing USK Hundred ; (Lower Division.) ORS). | eralts | Classes: Lanbadock - - - - = Parish 80 82} 1] 4 53 26 3 191 178 369 Landegveth - - - - = = Parish 20 21} -| 1 16 5 - 61 65 126 Langattock, near Caerleon (#) Parish 48 53} -| - 16 37 ~ 143 155 298 Caerleon - 2 = - = Town] 208] 235] 1] 13 2} 228 5 525 537 1,062 Langibby - - - - - - = Parish 81 86} -]| 4 61 6] 19 245 249 494 Lanhennock - - - - - - Parish 28 28] -] 1 26 2 = 74 71 145 Lanthewy-Vach - - - - Parish 32 36} -| - 34 2 - 90 82 172 Lanvihangel-Lantarnam - - Parish} 211] 114] 3] 2 go 22 2 271 294 565 Lanvihangel-Pont-y-Moile - Parish 26 32] -| - 24 7 1 82 46 158 Llanvrechva, Lower] __ () Parish 2 133] 133] 5] 5 15 | 104] 14 319 343 662 Upper f~ ee 62 63} -]{ - 27 36 - 174 137 gl Monkswood - - - ~- = -Extra-P. 32 32 5b aeap 25 4 - 93 83 156 Panteague - + - - - (') Parish} 273] 289] -| 1 33] 247 9 770 708 1,478 Usk (part of) Parish : (™) Glascoed - - - - - Hamlet 37 43} 1] 2 42 1 - 105 96 201 WENTLLOOG Hundred. 1,171 11,247 | 11 | 34 | 464] 730] 53 3,123 | 3,074 | 6,197 (Upper Division.) —— ee Bassaleg (part of) Parish : (") Duffrin) - - - - - = Hamlet 41 43 | -| 4 16 14} 13 112 116 228 Rogerstone - - - + - Hamlet} 133] 133] -—j| 6 64 69 ~ 325 337 662 Bettws - - - - - + = Parish 19 1g} —-| - 19 z - 40 36 46 Bride, St. Wentiloug: - - = Parish 30 33 | 1 1 24 5 4 96 97 193 Coedkernew - - - - + Parish 22 a2} —-| 1 21 1 - 67 61 128 Hentlis - - - - - - = Parish 34 34 1 1 31 3 - 111 98 209 Malpas - - - - - = = Parish 39 39] 1] - 35 4 = 86 83 169 Marshfield - - - - - - Parishf 102] 104] —J| 1 7. 18 | 15 240 243 483 Mellons, St. - = - - - - Parishf 113] 113} -!| 3 93 17 3 269 282 551 Michaelstone-Vedow - - Parish 35 40} -]| - 15 8 | 17 106 gl 197 Peterstone - - - - - = Parish 23 25} -| 1 21 - 4 57 65) 122 Risca - - = - = = - = Parshf 100} 100} -—] 6 13 11 | 76 204. 154 358 Rumney - - - = = ~ - Parish 45 60 1 2 38 9 13, 123 132 _ 255 Woollos, St.(°) with - - - Parish i 6 8 News 202 sa ao Tole 186; 2) 3 24] 156 47 473 | 961 WENTLLOOG Hundred. 913} 951} 6} 29 | 485 | 315 | 151 | 2,314 | 2,268 | 4.582 (Lower Division.) Bassaleg (part of) Parish : oe) Graig - - - - - - Hamlet] 97 971 2/13 54 17 | 26 220 219 | . 439 Bedwas (part of) Parish: (4) Bedwas, Lower - - - = Hamlet 54 54} -| 3 38 11 5 145 127 272 Bedwas, Upper - - - + Hamlet 52 60} —-| 6 26 -—| 34 148 150 298 Bedwelty, Parish: (* ) Ishlawreoed - - - - Hamlet? 127] 127] 4] 1 21 98 8 487 491 978 Mamhole - - - - ~- - Hamlet] 299! 311] 2 26 | 282 3 976 488 1,764 Ushlawreoed - - - - + Hamlet? 590| 605 | 26] 2 20 | 579 6 2,090 1,550 3,640 Machen - - - - - (8) Parish} 196] 211] 1/104 98] 113 - 528 504, | 1,032 (‘) The entire Parish of Langattock contains 1,360 Inhabltants. —— (©) The entire Parish of Llanvrechva contains 973 Inhabitants—— (1) The increase of the Population in the Parish of Panteague is as- cribed to the establishing of iron and tin works since 1811, but which are not, at this time, in full operation. (™) Most part of Usk Parish is in the Upper Division of the Hundred of Usk.——(*) Bassaleg Parish is partly in the Lower Division of the Hundred of Wentlloog. The entire Parish contains 1,329 Inhabitants, —-(°) The increase of Popu- lation in St. Woollos Parish is attributed to the erection of cottages and - other buildings at Pillgwenlly, and other places near the Town of New- port, where the Inhabitants are chiefly employed in shipping coal, iron, &c. and bringing the same from coal and iron works on the hills, as Halliers. (°) Most part of Bassaleg Parish is in the Upper Division of the Hundred of Wentlloog.——-(4) Bedwas Parish is partly in Caer- philly Hundred, County of Glamorgan, and entered accordingly. ‘Ihe entire Parish contains 6g0 Inhabitants.——(") The entire Parish of Bedwelty contains 6,382 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the Hamlets of Ishlawreoed, Mamhole, and Ushlawreoed, is attributed to the extension of the coal and iron works in the neighbourhood.—— (*) Machen Parish, consisting of the Upper and Lower Divisions. Eff 202 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANT) RETURNS UNDER ee [ Enumeration: COUNTY OF MONMOUTH—continued. nor HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ~| Famr- | 3 Fami- AMI he By uae | ates | ones fy Z| chieny | rey | vamilies TOTAL _EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3.) many | gf & | St eee Inotcime : i —& (Families) 2) 3 ployed Trane, |prized in ia e - ‘s Oc- = 3 in| Manu- | the’Ewo a 3 PERSONS, ‘WENTLOOG Hundred. [cupied. | og | 5 | Aer | factures,| preced- a fs _ Ww ; CUL- forHandi-| _ ing (Lower Division.—continued.) TURE. | craft. Classes, i Mynyddyslwyn ('). Parish Clawrplwyf - - - + Hamlet} 180] 202; —}| 8 | 50°] 18 | 134 662") 588 | 1,250 Mynyddmaen - - ~ Hamles{ 136 | «136 ] 1 - 23 11 102 271 240 511, Penmain - - - - ~Hamlet{ 198] 217] 3| 4) 57 | 22 | 138 837 | 588 | 1,425 1,929 | 2,020 | 39 | 47 | 413° {1,151 456 6,364 | 5,245 [11,609 Borough of ' j MonmouTH - - =e - Parish. 469 873 6 | 43 171 430 272 1,980 2,184 4,164 - | ; Oo The entire Parish of Mynyddyslwyn contains 3,186 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. eee oY Hundred; of ABERGAVENNY : - | 3,833] 4,050] 63 ]102 | 1,236] 2,301] 513 11,270 | 9,817 | 21,087 CALDICOTT - - - - | 1,908] 2,073] 20 | 98 | 1,180] 610] 283 “5,074 | 5,165 | 10,239 RAGLAND - - - = 1,427] 1,531} 14 }103 | 1,019} 360 142 3,733 | 3,478 4,211 PEE eA 728} 797) 4 | 33 682) 94] 21 2,055 | 1,874 | 3,929 | USK = - = = + + + - 11,706] 1,827) 14] 65 | 834] 886] 107 | 4488] 4524] 9,012 “ WENTLLOOG - - - - - | 2;842| 2,971] 45 | 76 898| 1,466] 607 | 8,678] 4,513 | 16,191 | Borough of } MONMOUTH - * - -fF 769) 873] 6 | 43 171] 430 | 272 1,980 | 2,184 4,164. i Tor - | 4 ALS 13,211 |14,122| 166] 520 | 6,020| 6,147 1,955 | 37,278 | 34,555 71,833 M.DCCC.XXIi] THE POPULATION ACT, "1 GEO. IV. €. g4. ake COUNTY OF MONMOUTH—continued. 20% Ages of Persons. was + 71,453 - the iisstiba to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Monmouth was 158 ; “ever "y one of which contained an answer to the © A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the question concerning the Ages of Persons. respective numbers of Males and Females. j MALES. ; i 7 he Be 2 ff “y , #4 =6 1o | 15 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90|100]. ~~ Hundred ae to to to to to to | to} to | -to{ to|.& 2 Z b : ; a As = x up- | oO of | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80} 90 |100) 1 & ABERGAVENNY - ~ [1,357 | 1,288 }4,111 ] 1,219 }2,090 | 1,513 | 1,101 739 |488}292]105|] 7 | — f11,250 CALDICOTT - - <=] 672 {| 6871 562] 478 709 | 584} 494) 354 |240}123) 22) 3] - 4,928 RAGLAND | - = 470 | 472 | 474} 393 | 502 | 430] 374 | 240 |207] 94| 34] 2] -} 3,692 SKENFRETH - - -§ 261 | 261 | 229] 205 | 296 | 234! 215 | 165 {1161 48! 211 2! —] 2,053 USK - + - ; 595 | 573 | 511] 433 | 667} 552} 447] 328 |223}119; 34] 7] —{| 4,489 WENTLLOOG - - $1,252 |1,092 |1,013 | 806 | 1,513 | 1,081 | 822 | 498 [351/176] 45) 3] - 8,652, MONMOUTH, BORO’ ~- 284 245 f 224 198 | 259} 223] 216] 169 /113] 30) 8] 3] — 1,972! ‘Total of MALES - [4,891 | 4,618 | 4,124 | 3,732 | 6,036 | 4,617 | 3,669 | 2,493 sree 822] 269] 27 |) — 34,036: FEMALES. : {— = \ : 5 10 | 15 | 20°]| 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70] 801] 90 |100 ose Hundred Eee: ) Parish? 129] 156] 2] 3 721 60 24 395 412 807 Witton - - - - - = - Parish 12 20]; -|] 1 18 2 = 63 49 112 824 | 917 | 6 | 16 641 | 199 a 2,385 2,329 | 4,714 BROTHERCROSS Hundred. (“) Burnham-Deepdale - - = Parish 24 30] -| - 27 3 - 52 61 113 Burnham-Norton - Parish 39 43/4] - 43 = = gl 96 187 Burnham-Overy = - - > Parish} 102 110) 11] — 84] 12 14 283 225 508 Burnham-Thorpe - - + - Parish} 67 Jol 1/ 3 65 4 1 1977 167 344 Burnham-Ulph and Sutton - Parish 68 68} ~| 3 40] 16 12 152 163 315 Burnham-Westgate - - - Parish} 192 195 1 2 1 2 8 9 7 95 9 453 404 937 Creake, North - - - Parish} 117] 124] ~] 1 97 | 23 4 328 290 618 Creake, South - - - - Parish} 165] 168] —| 3 148 | 16 4 361 367 9728 Waterden- - - - Parish 3 3; -| - 3 - = 9 7 16 777 | 811 | 1 12 8 6 CLACKCLOSE Hundred. z am ee 64 goer | MBER ae Barton-Bendish - - - - - Parish 0 86 ess ||! Beachamwell = - - - Parish a Sr | sec es ie : : a : : 38 288 Bexwell - - a = Pari ° = 15 13 2 mo) 4g) ag] et ig | 1 33 30 83 rected 2 oe = e Parish 20 36 |r 2 2 31 2 = 99 86 185 rimplesham =~ - ~ Parish 35 Gor, oP es 5 - 1 Dein, West 2 2. 2 RemM] EL 6] a] a ass] ag | 7 | geo | age | ane Downham-Market - . _ - on a a oe 83:] 93 3 240 280 520 . msh} 417} 436] 8 | 15 0} 146 | 140 1,100 | 2,0 Fincham = = 3 ==. 5 2 aaa i 7 944 , 1044 Fordh ae seh cay eed SE eee ee | a 8 372 | 336 | 708 Eiege Ses Ese 26 27} 1] 1 25 2 - 74 62 136 Holme (nest Runcton) pal et ee eT eee ae | og 476 | 492 | 968 Marh ee ae 47} -[ 1 42 4 1 107 gl 198 - aaem Sos (2): “Parish 81 136 1 e 117 I 5 678 | Outwell - - - ~ (*) Parish} 126 126 6 - 2 ae 7 Roxham - - - ~~ Parish 6 et “a 45 | 59 290 266 558. Runcton, South - - - - Parish 14 23 7 '< ae z = ae ; 1 40 Ryston - - = Paley = 1 2 6 3 123 : 4 = ae = Shingham - - - - - - Parish 4 a ei . a . a = Shouldham = - = - Parish 130 141 = 5 88 3 a ; Shouldham-Thorpe - se adh 41 12 338 341 79 aris 65 65 = - 56 8 16 Southery - - - - Pail age ae 1 6 139 395 Stoke-Ferry - - - - Pui aie} age ton) eel 8 332 331 | 663 Stow-Bardolph - - =~ -~ Parshf 9g hohe 41 | 50 | 69 362 341 703 Stradsett - - - - . = Bats et ee ce Seed ae ee 352 350 702 Polite! smo ae eel ee) Ee |) el ae) 95 81 176 Upwell - - - (©) Parish is fe eZ ‘1 14) 7 45 7 172 an Weln e i i 295 | 79 9 95 972 1,92 ey (part of (*) Hamlet 64 So} 3] -~ 68 10 . 203 191 "304. 5 ‘ aa 2 — — a: of land, and smal] tenements built thereon, is men- Be e os of Lingwood, as having caused an increase of ae Pa Norfolk Luuatic Asylum, containing 111 persons, nae of Thorpe, which is partly in the City of Norwich, and so . € entire Parish contains 1,091 Persons. (*) Thoruham, which is partly in Brothercross Hundred, is entered wholly in Smithdon (7) One male upwards of 100 years of age in Marham (&) Outwell, Upwell and Welney, Hundred. Parish. shire (Wisbeach Hundred), and so entered. are mostly in Cambridge- M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. 205 COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fare | FA™ | aun 4 By ro of. Lies chiedy Orurr ; _ Syke = | chiefly | employ-| Families g TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B fpmeny.| © |S J em | edin |notcom-| of A 4 Gee 3 | 4 Bevel oe ee 5 3 OF = jcupied.| 2 | 5 | Acne ferns nee a fa perenne cuL- |orHandi-| ing eo CLACKCLOSE Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Wallington, with Thorpland: - Parish 10 wo| -} — 10 - - 28 44 972 Watlington - - - - Parish 95 96}; -]| 8 42 37 17 253 235 488 Wereham'- - - - - - = Parish} 106{ 114] 1] 2 68 29 17 262 284 546 Wimbotsham - - - - = Parish 64 8} 2] - 10 69 6 188 225 413 Wormegay - - - - - - Parish 58 67; -| ~ 53 14 - 170 192 362 Wretton - - - - ~ = - Parish 80 83} 1] 1 57 19 4 222 197 419 2,729 | 3,341 | 21 | 59 | 2,097 | 768 | 476 ]- 8,123 | 8,154 | 16,277 CLAVERING Hundred. Aldeby - - - - - ~ = Parish 68 9} -| - 85 10 - 227 248 475 Brooke - -'- - - - - Parish 81] 123] 2] 1 76 21 26 304 336 640 Burgh-Apton - - - - - Parish 57 41) -{ 1 59 9 6 181 207 388 Burgh, St. Peter- - - - - Parish 50 554 -| - 48 3 4 134 125 259 Ellingham - - - - - Parish 72 76} -{ 1 51 21 4 179 160 339 Geldetous : a - - - Parish 56 58] -| - 46 12 - 137 147 284 Gillingham All Saints, and - Parish Gillingham St. Mery - - Parish } 49 pe ea. 44 7 ° 173 106 369 Haddiscoe - - = = Parish 65 66} -|] 1 46 18 2 166 150 316 Hales - - - ~ - - Parish 49 ‘50 | —| 2 47 3 =. 135 117 252 . Heckingham - - - - (f) Parish 19 31} 1] - 31 - - a4 69 146 Howe - - - - - - (8) Parish 17 17} o-| - 16 - 1 50 49 99 Kirby-Cane - - - - Parish 70 m7] —| 2 60 15 2 180 160 340 Norton-Subcourse - - - - Parish 54 m4/ -| 1 57 16 1 192 175 367 Raveningham - - - - - Parish 34 50| -| 1 46 1 3 138 123 261 Stockton - - - - - Parish 17 a1} -] 1 15 - 6 44 48 92 Thorpe, next eieddiscae - - Parish 17 17} -| - 17 - - 51 45 96 Thurlton - -:- - - - - Parish] 62 95|/ 1] - 49 28 18 209 205 414 Toft-Monks - - - - - Parish 32 56 | 2] - 49 6 T 145 137 -| 282 Wheatacre, All Saitite, - - - Parish 25 34] -] 1 23 7 4 83 76 159 nee a (f) Extra-P, 1 ba ee = = = 210 185 895 895 |1,137 | 6} 13 | 865 | 187 | 84 | 3,015 | 2,958 | 5,973 DEPWADE Hundred. Ashwellthorpe - - - - Parish} 53 yo| -J| - 29 41 - 204 -214 418° Aslacton - - - - - - Parish} 50 Jo} 3] - 55 15 - 160 192 352 Bunwell - - - - - - Parish} 109 | 160] 14 1 96 48 16 -395 379 74, Carlton-Rode - - - (*) Parish} 159] 192] 1] 1 | 134 | 39 19 432 437 869 Forncett, St. Mary - - - - Parish 32 57) -| - 5l 6 - 132 142 274. Forncett, St. Peter - - - - Parish 84, 123] 1] 1 83 38 2 325 313 638 Fritton - - - - - (4) Parish} 31] 54] -| -] 41 7 6 136 139 275 Fundenhall - - - - - - Parish 41 57} -] = 36 20 1 148 159 307 Hapton - = = = =~ = = Parish 26 43 a 1 24 13 6 84 .102 186 Hardwick - - - - - = Parish 30 41} 1 | — {| 30 11 - 128 109 237 Hempnall - - - (4) Parish] 224 | 229) — | — | 146 78 5 432 582 | 1,014 Morning-Thorpe - - - = Parish 19 27; —-| 4 19 6 2 94 83 160 Moulton, St. Michael - - - Parish 61 86} -| = 71 15 - 220 197 417 Shelton - - - - - Parish 35 41} —| 2 36 5 - 127 109 236 Stratton, Long, St. Mary - - Parish} 102] 126] -—]| 2 44 62 20 314 322 636 Stratton, St. Michael - - - Parish 27 46} —] 4 35 8 3 112 117 229 Tacolneston - - - - - - Parish 954 75/ 1] 1 38 28 9 192 224 416 Tasburgh - - - - - - - Parish} 62 99} -| 1 60 38 1 223 246 469 Tharstor - - - - - - - Parishf 50/ 77) —| — | 65 12 - 185 184 369 Tibbenham - - - = Parish 87} 116] -] 1 89 19 8 290 263 553 Wacton-Magna-- - - - - Parish] -33 44) =| 1 22 13 9 122 111 233 1,369 | 1,833 | 8 |.14 | 1,204 | 522 | 107 4,438 | 4,624 | 9,062 (‘) The Loddon and Clavering House of Industry and Hospital is si- tuate at Heckingham, ‘and contains 395 Inhabitants. locally situate in Henstead Hundred——(4) One female upwards of 100 t (®) Howe is years of age in Carlton-Rode Parish——(i) The younger part of the Population of Fritton are now employed at bombazine looms; but at Hempshall the consequences of machinery are thought to be injurious. Ggg ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration.. 200 my Sapeemoeey COUNTY OF NORFOLK.~ continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fame | FAM (ae By a LIES dhien OruEer OR sas & eels employ- | Families wn TOTAL 2 “2 z in }not com- 5 : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g |Faniles| & 4 | ployed |twane, prized inp ofr | a Me 5 o m Manu- | the T 5 cupied. a ‘D Acne fachares: preced- 3 eS poe ; CUL- /orHandi- Bee aaa DISS Hundred. ee See re Bresgingham - - - - - = Parish 88 | 196] -j] - a Burston - - - - - - Parish St il ves a - ; ss oe ues Di : 54 79 49 24 6 201 204 40. iekleburgh - - = = + (*) Parish} 118 164; -—|. 1 123 8 - . Diss -- - - - - - - - Parish 5 : a os oe Pee ee ee ee) Be | a | ee ee | ee | ee Parish 40 55| -} - 41 9 5 159 166 L He Ss es () Parish 6 8] -| - 8 - - 34 26 me ae ek Se SS Parish | 69 mg} —-{ - 84- 26 3 285 2 ; Roydon - - - - = = - Paiish 82) 137] -|] - 76 47} 14 31 88 ot Scole, otherwise Osmondiston - Parish} 57 93} 1] - 40 21 2 on mit pe Shelfanger - - = - - (™) Parish 52 79/ 3h - 47 25 4 221 a Shimpling <_< ~ = «= — Parish 26 6 eal se 9 440 Thelveton - - - 3 30 i 94 85 179: Ti = . wt ae Pansh 20 33 _ - »28 3 2 72 go 169 ivetshall-St. Margaret - - Parish 50 69] -]}' - 58 10 1 1 Tivetshall-St. Mary - - - Parish 42 61} -| - a a 347 Wittaihias = 9 = =<) Bees aed 9 : me 2; 3 vid 155 f' 332 1 149 = 9 38) 15 344 339 683 EARSHAM Hundred. ee A fa) ooh), ee | Ae 4,350 | 4,466 8,816 Ah aS Se ae eS Bilme@a a = = « « Sik 73 oat =) = 89 22 = 280 321 601 Biockdsh + = » « « Panl x4] Sat a; = 32 oh! 92 98 190 Bena ~~ Shoat Sie eee oh re, eae ie 39 40 5 194 191 385 1; 4 88 17 6 2 Ivarsham - - - = © - - Parish 127 140 2° 3 93 308 601 Mendham kao Oem Bp Peete te, eealy A 353 397 760 eedham - - - - - - = Parish 46 ay | 6 ae - « 5 i Pulham, St. Mary Magdalen - Parish 2 5 2 183 168 | 361 Plat 66 Mary the View - Teint an | qe, | a| - ee ee 489 | 520 | 1,009 Reddenhall, wid Hiren, = Pete! doa | so, 1 =| 9 | «| asc lace a ae 797 Rushall ~s = Ss Pat? 38] gt} 3 a a 106 724 917 | 1,641 Starson - ~ = = - = = Pari _ re 145 134 299 Thorpe-Abbots - - - - - oh a ihe a 5 “i ae 220 oe Wotwell ee <2 om = Ban) oe = = 38 4, = 118 128 246 fps oT | go) 39 226 260 486 1,090 | 1, ERPINGHAM (North) Hundred. 90] 15544 | 2] 16 | 95r | 391 | 202 | 3,700 | 4,073 | 7773 Aldborough - - - - é : Antingham - - - - = - is Bt hice 4 821 2 134 134 268 ee a Sie ee el Geel all et: eet, at Seg ey ee arniugham-Norwoud - - - Pari io 43 13 5 13" ot Barningham-Winter - - shen 15 1b os = 7 2 6 7 — Dia ies a ope a ec 8} -| - 22 eh at Beeston-Regis - - - - - Parish eae | be é ay 23 25, 8 Hegiisie ws wa oc. tea 2.) seh cee al ed Se 106 | 4 238 Cromer - - - ea 20 28; -| - 28 as ot 3? 3 : oF - Parish} 906 = 66 83 1 Felbrigg - - - - = - = Parish 206 5 21) 176 9 “492 531 ‘sett Gimingham - - - ~ raat cal altel se) 2) 2 82 a | ae Guim 222+ Ri) RY RPI) o] M) el a | ae | | u Sem sae i Parish 12 is on 1 9 178 173 351 ony 28 Sp Parish} 53 57 als : g 6 28 31 59 roe ; - - = = Parish 63 98 2 2 e a 28 134 116 250 tion = = =~ = Parish ae 2 93 | 184 Mundsle ele . 19 a 1 Negi: +2 OR | ad ad 24 ap | ay ba gn anor e Oise 2k = Parish 103 112 4 48 16 2 164. 169 333: Plumst " 7 > Parish? 19] 36] —|] 2 252 277 | 529 Roighton Se a a eed oh) ae de a ® ie Runton - n . 3 : ao Eat 67 73 q i rv ab 18 . 79 159 Sheringham - - - . sk pa 89 / 1] 2 80 8 1 ie an a : - 3 14; Sidestrands = - - - - - pasnf ag] ge | 2] 7] 73] 72] 2 | 358 | 338 | 694 5 10 7 69 a 146 (*) The Parish of Dickleburph i Earsham H, : eburgh includes the Hamlet of Lai ; Q) The Park oe bees whole is entered in Diss Mundtea,- Rage Cc hecctee ee ha Br (or Tho + 4 ed, Suffolk, and there o . ‘i inks Retard of dn tonwe parva) was included with Séole, } is mentioned in the R entered.——(°) The increase of Fishery ey (*) One male upwards of 100 years of age at Trane. in the Return from Mundsley, the establishment of a school PB pe giao bone = | eeelidcii M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 207 SE Ty COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Famt- ar By ef LIES ae OruER | EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. £ fenuies 2 3 ployed ca a ce a : ae j =) 1 Ose |S Manu. |theTwof 33 ae me 246 138 ang Mannington - - - - - -° Parish] 2 2} -| - 2 -~| - |. ‘8 8 16 Marsham- ~- - - - (P) Parish? 145 | 151] 1] — 72 71 8 315 309 624 Oulton - - - - ~ (?) Parish} 67] yo} —| — 62 6| 4 197 185 | 382 Oxnead - - - - = - ~ Parish a eo a 9}. -}| 1 25 28 | 53 Saxthorpe - - - - - - Parish 94 80} —] 2 64 14 2 | 175 167 | 342 Seottow - - - - - - = Parish} 8% 96} -| - 66 27 3 F213 221 434 Skeyton - - - - = = = Parish 47 70} =] - 58 12 - ) 153 171 324 | Stratton-Strawless - - - - Parish 28 39} -| - 34 3 2 96 g1 187 | Swanton-Abbett - - - - + Parish 65 g2} —-| 1 47 34] 11 196 228 424 3 Thwaite - - - - = = Parish} 21 29} -| - 18 4| 4 54 62 116. 3 Tuttington +5 - - - - - Parish 32 47} 1] 1 44 3 = 118 110 228 Wickmere - - - - - - Parish] 32 6{ -| - 41 9| 5 | 131 154 285 Wolterton - - - - - = Parish 4 8}; 1] 1 6 2 = 17 20 37 2,478 |2,878 | 18 | 36 }41 2 62 6,295 | 6,614 | 12,909 EYNSFORD Hundred. = : ¢ Hee | f a : Alderford -' - - - - = Parish 6 6) -]| -: 5 1 - 29 16 45 | Bawdeswell - - - ~ - - Parish} 81] 129] —| 2] 102| 26] 1 292 298 590 | Billingford - - - - - - Parish{ 34] 57/1/37 38] 13] 86 124 124 248 Bintree - - - - - - - Parish] 38{/ 73] 1] — 49 | 24] = 158 175 333 Brandistone - - - - - - Parish] 12 161 == 48 -{| 41 45 46 gl Bylangh - - - - - ~ = Parish 10 16} —| — 16 - - 42 51 93 Elsing - - + - - = = Parish! » 59 82} -| — 69 11 2 179 195 374 Foulsham + - - (1) Parish} 131] 180] 2] 7 94} 69] 17 410 425 835 Foxley - ~- = - - = = Parish 47 51{ -| 2 45 6 - 136 114 250 | Guestwick - = s+ = = Parish 23 36] —] 1 33 2 1 84 847 71 | | Guist - -. 8 = = = = | Parish 39 "3 1{ - 53 12 8 160 148 308 -() The increase of Fisbury is mentioned in the Return from Munds- ] for several united Parishes.——(%) An inclosure has taken place at ley, the establishment of a school at Tranch. ——(?) Bombazines and } Foulsham. i worsteds are now manufactured at Marsham ; at Oulton is a workhouse ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration, 208 COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | Faur-] , z Fami- eee ALL on By a LIES chiefy | OTHER . how £ | chiefly eales Families . TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many | | 3 em- | ed in | notcom- : a 3 5 oe & 2 ployed | Traps, ponte g a CE e Ee u in Manu- | the Two 4 = cupied.| & | 5 Acri- eae preced- 3 A PERSONS. cuUL- Handi-} in, EYNSFORD Hundred—continued. TURE oa Cisices: a Hackford (by Reepham) - - Parish} 12 129.| 3] 2 43 74 12 310 333 643 : Haveringland = - - - = Parish 19 Be cel es 29 6 - 80 94 174 | Hindolveston - - - = - Parish} 159! 160] —] 4 | 122 37 1 372 384 756 poe -- - - - et 3 33) -| - 33 - ; 88 92 160 - = t= = = 5 = ~ Paris 3) 117] -] - 1 30 1 2 288 81 Morton-on-the-Hill - - - = Parish 16 28) -]| - is 6 5 mB 4 : Reepham - - - Parish 69 69} 2] - 50 17 2 181 164 oe Ringland - - - - - - = Parish 38 62) -| 1 42 17 3 148 138 286 cat - oe : Parish 38 48| -| - 42 5 1 133 112 245 ogee = eee) el BS) ele a) | | 5 7 m= a 1 j a - - > Parish 19 20}; 1] — 20 = = 53 56 ee poe. - - > - Parish 19 19] -| 4 15 3 1 54 58 112: eae - oe - + Parish 13 13}, -]} 1 4 2 4 46 . 36 82. Wat 7 : oe aoe Parish 51 84] a] - 67 11 6 197 105 392° fipiaielites Gee 2 c= aul ge) pep al a ee le ool oe ; yg Ae - = ~) Pari 2 2 6 2 Witchingham, Little, otherwise - : 2 ; : : a sie os St. Faith - - - - - *} Parish 4 Gt bey = 7 = - 28 24 52 Wood-Dalling - - - = - Parish} 102 103 | -—] 1 46 20 q 2 ! aS 57 _ 270 527 Wood-Norton - - - - = Parish 49 3) 1 1 57 12 4 158 155 313 1,642 | 2,048 | 16 | 31 | 1,466 | 468 | 114 | 4,055 | 4,936 | 9,801 FLEGG (East) Hundred. ; Caist a i ¢ oo pee ot Las oF 172} 5] 3 | 164 4 4 366 406 | "7 Mautby - - - - ee te or} -]o4 79 19 3 215 209 424 Ormsby, St. Margaret, with Eee . 7 7 a ~ oe = 7 Scratby - - - - - Pao | 140) 145] 3) 41 88 | 37 | 20 333 354 | 687 oe St. Michael - - Parish 52 52} -| 2 36 5 11 114 147 261° Ske: ie ‘Heningty - : a ou - = : et - iS ne 94 a : = 1 - ee ee es eee es ee 537 | 596} 11 | 31 | 474 | 84 38 1 FLEGG (West) Hundred. a | cee 2355 1,418 2,773 Ashby, with Oby = - - = + Parish 11 Billotigie ee Gow Baap) el) ae a ee : 1 37 35 72 Burgh, St.Margaret’s - - ~ Parisn| 6 4 8 d a a = 32 31 63 Chis 4 a ee tent Gl et) ee ES a) tae | eee Hemsby - - - ~ - Cy Ban Fe sans Fs 9 = ~ 30 20 50. o - 79 121 - - ¢ garth = = Se Ee] Gee] ape | aise a 10 13 238 260. 498 epps, with Bastwick - - - Parish] 46| 46} _| — 55 419 426 . 45 Rollesby - - . CG). Pais 68 37 9 = 114 105 219 Somerton, East - - ~ ~ 2 — 8 Sth “oe 64 12 8 332 287 619 Somerton, West - - - Parish "6 7 ae i 1 29 6 : ? 28 wall 47 7 ae OG Sm a x Parish 18 - af 2 a : i 104 93 197 nterton = - = = = -~ Parish 88 123 is 3 31 = 79 a a oe 551 6o oe hae FOREHOE Hundred. : Lo Ee pe eh ee en | Saige | vee Barford as . wi =e! ser oe Pansh 8 8 : el diab age Se Pang = : 2 oy 19 7 196 191 387 ae a Bowthorpe - Parish] 4 6 ez| a 5 at 3 188 200 388 Gi Se Raa gy _ | 55 33 - 224 232 456 arleton-Forehoe - - - . Parish at 5 edd) oe 47 4 1 115 ~ 121 236 Coles ee ee i Bae, 2B ee | 19 2 2 64 66 130 Costessy - - : 29 53] —| 1 3 ry SS ee eS ee Parish 43 ne wa 140 127 267 Coston” - - tO age | A 1 8 cee ~ 2 = Pane 4 = 3 51 2 11 412 412 824 Dae Soe = Bitty] god od | ae = = 28 37 65 Basten ne - = = Parish 68% aoml a 8 2 2 ae 56 103 a a = e 40 231 471 —— ae as 49 49/ -|] 4] 40 8 1 82 83 165 | (7) An inclosure In th e House of Industry (or Workhouse) of land has taken pl : Place at Hemsby._—(*) The Return of Rollesby includes 291 i of the Hundreds of East and West Fee ene M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cc. 94. 209 SS SS RE Se COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. ‘HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famt- SSS Famt- | “jing ALL By 3 LIES | chiefly Ornzr 5 per ss how # chiefly | employ-| Families gi TOTAL many : 3 em- in {Not com- 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Familie = 3 pay ? a pe : ie 7 a (OS ; ‘ si ‘3 cupied. a 5 Acri- ae preced- s a : CUL- ‘orHandi-| _ ing FOREHOE Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Hack ford - - - - Parish 46 46} -| - 44 2 - 107 115 222 Hingham - - - - - = = Parish} 283 |] 294] 2] 6 | 121 | 113 60 726 716 1,442 © Honingham - - - - - = Parish 51 56} -]| 2 34 15 4 156 165 321 Kimberley - - - - - = Parish 17 26} -}] - 18 8 - a4 68 145 Marlingford - - - - = Parish 21 36} -] - 22 9 5 g2 87 179 Morley, St. Botolph .- - - Parish 35 59; 4] - 48 11 - 131 138 269 Morley, St. Peter - - - - Parish 23 37 | -| - 29 8 ~ 99 102 201 Runhall - - - - - - = Parish 18 29} -| - 25 4 - a7 83 160 Welborne - - = + = Parish 23 a7; -| 1 22 5 - 85 81 166 Wicklewood - - - - = = .Parish 56 yo} -| - 65 4 1 321 351 672 Wramplingham - - - + Parish 25 38} -] - 33 4 1 102 113 215 Wymondham Parish: (*) Downham - - - =Division] 169 | 179 | 3] 4 94 42 13 474 461 935 Market-Street -(-+) - -Divisin] 269 | 285] -| 7 38 | 221 26 624 684 | 1,308 Silfeld- - - + - = = Division 85} 115] -| - 81 34 ~ 211 233 444 Suton - - - = = = Divisio | 122 122 1 3 53 53 16 323 322 645 Towngreen - (+) - - Division] 172 189] -| 4 50 | 115 24 395 494 889 Wattlefield - - = - — Division 48 87} -| - 55 31 1 241 246 487 1,995 | 2,445 | 11 | 36 | 1,417 | 847 | 181 | ‘5,977 | 6,215 | 12,192 FREEBRIDGE-LYNN Hundred. 5 Anmer - - - - ~ - = Parish} 25 32} =] - 23 4 5 63 59 122 Ashwicken - - - Parish 13 13 -|o- DBO | = 40 39 79 Babingley - - - = + Parish 5 y| -| = 7 - = 25 28 53 Bawsey - - - = - = - Partsh 3 4/ -| - 4 = = 19 . 15 34 | Bilney, West = - - Parish 30 30} -] - 29 = 1 102 g1 193 Castle-Acre - - - - - - Parish} 242 | 250] —!| 5 | 143 97 10 549 551 1,100 CasTLe-RistnG - Borough & Parish 43 63]; -| - 48 11 4 171 172 343 Conghamn - - (+) - = Parishf 55 56] -| - 52 3 1 148 131 279 Dersingham - - - - - Parish 66 107 1 - 84 11 12 256 278 534 Flicham - - - - - Parish] 57 67| -| - 60 6 1 178 168 346 Gayton - - - - - - - Parish 69 | 104] 1] - 86 14 4 279 266 545 Gayton-Thorpe - -~ - - - Parish 26 34] -] - 34 = = go 97 187 Gaywood - - (+) - Parish} ~98 | 109} 1] 2 gl 15 3 224 250 474 Grimstone - - - - - - Parish} 188] 196] 3} 14 | 154 | 38 4 464 454 918, Harpley - - - - - = Parish "74 48) —-| - 48 26 4 179 180 359 | Hillington - - - - = ~ Parish 25 49} -—| - 42 4 3 126 126 252 Leziate - - - - - - = Parish 13 24} —-{ - 24 - - 61 62 123 Massingham, Great - - - Parishf 136] 152] 5 | 3 J 117 31 4 367 371 738 Massingham, Little - - - - Parish 11 20} -| - 18 1 is 68 57 125 Middleton - - - = ~ - Parishf 128] 131] -—]|] 1 96 33 2 342 323. 665 Mintlyn - - = - - - = Parish 3 3) 4) = 3 = - 18 12° 30 Newton, West - - - ~ Parish 27 46| -| 1 32 6 8 105 106 211 Pentney - - - = - = Parish 82 8 | -}{ 2 66 14 5 211 207 418 Roydon - - - = - = = Parish 18 a1} -| - 17 4 - 107 98 205 Runcton, North - - - (*) Parish} ° 59 61/ -] - 46 8 7 158 156 314 Sanderingham - - - - - Parish 8 wa] o—-{ = 13 ~ 1 34 38 72 Setchey - - - - - - - Parish} 17 oe] see) 9 6 2 48 46 94 | Walton, East - - - - = Parish 20 4o} -| - 33 6 1 92 82 174 West-Acre - - - - (*) Parish 60 65{ -| - 54 11 - 189 173 362 Winch, East - - - - - = Parish 40 my | -—| 2 56 16 5. 195 181 376 | Winch, West - - - - Parish 63 69); -|] - 68 1 - 166 149 315 Wolverton - - -'- = Parshf 16] ° 31] -] - 30 1 7 75 84. 159 Wootton, North - - - - - Parish 20 351 -| 1 21 5 9 go 97 187 Wootton, South - - - = Parishf 30 32 | -—| - 31 1 = 77 74 151 1,769 |2,122 | 12 | 18 | 1,652 | 373 | 97 5.316 | 5,221 | 10,537 FREEBRIDGE-MARSH-LAND Hundred. Clenchwharton - - - - ~ Parish 81 ‘93; -| - 82 10 1 225 231 456 |} Emneth - - = - = (*) Parish] 192 {| 29251 21 7 | 135 40 50 472 498 970 Lynn, West - = - (%) Parish 80 83 1 4 37 | 18 - 28 183 184 367 ‘Lynn, North - - - ~ - Parish 17 iy} -—| 2 ‘10 6 1 43 42 85 D (‘) The entire Parish of Wymondham (or Windham) contains 4,708 9 an increase of Population at Emneth, OC) A temporary increase o} Inhabitants.——(") The .Retum from North Runcton includes Hard- {.Population at West Lynn, and at Wiggenhall, St. Germans, is ascribed - wick Hamlet. ¢”) West- Acre includes Custhorpe, in South Green- | to the Eau-Brink Drainage operations. ) # hoe Hundred.——(*) An inclosure of land is mentioned as having caused ; Hhh A ANS W N {Enum i ion 210 — anim, oe COUNTY NTY OF NORFOLK—continned. PARISH, TOW HOUSES : — = OCCUPATIONS: : or By a Fame ’ PERSONS: —- XTRA-B, : IES LIES LL AROCHIAL PLACE, 3 a f z chiefly ong Oren 2 Families) 2 | £ Sapa loy- | Families ‘ € Oc. | 2ts ployed |,,°4 in /notcom~ 3 wn TO FREEBRIDGE MARSH LAND Hundred: | 3 apibdl 2 a a ae prized in a = TAL eontinived. si Aarr- | fact u- |the Two a s OF Terrington, St. Clements cor fontfandl| Ping = fi _PERSons. errin St _ - - Parish * | cvaft. : Tilney oii ce ot ” Parish ge aoe | | F 245 So Tilney, with Itingtin. a ea Parish - 1227 3] 1 101 = 3 725 68 Hetil St. Lawrence - - Parish} 28 # ae es 61] 10 | : gon ac saat alpole, St. Andrew ~ > Parish f 84) 1 es 48 2 : 208 583 Walpole, St. Peter - > > Parish 70 By 1 1 100 ms 98 196 404 Walsoken at i - Parish 195 74 1 1 59 ee c= 267 138 } 236 aes West Z ~ 7 > > Parish 256 oe 2 6 180 30 9 175 ae 582 Viggenhall, St. Germa: - ~- Parish} 143 | 168 4| 2 166 | 12 556 185 360 weegenbel, St. Mar “MG (%) Parish 89] 4 3] 4 139 iS | 27 612 a 1,102 - cemnball, St. Wisy aseualen Parish 98 x -f; 1 83 A 10 369 2 1,240 ‘iggenhall, St. Peter - - - Parish 33 me Tt 8 85 | 11 9 310 - 735 - Parish 19 50 2 40 re 3 277 a | 684, = 19 _ | ~ 122 i is 551 GALLOW Hundred 1,801 2 075 1 57 J 6 239 : >! 17 | 42 | 1,590 5 | 5 | 122 agthorpe : si | 159 5,000 Barmer th 2 a4) = 5 = Parish: 17 : 4,994 | 9,994. Barsham, East - - - + = Parish 5 ry = - Barsham, North- - ~ > = Parish 4o | 5] -] 1 2 3 5 Barsham, West —-- - Parish 8 42°) Sh es 2 | oe = oe 36 | 69 Broomsthorpe -~ = = Parish : 19) =F a ue 4 9 a 1 ie cae Dunton, with Dought - - + Parish 1 11 ee ey 2) > i 1 102 203 Fakenham-Lancast On SS s- S 2 Boca 11 = - | 34 32 a Alethorpe - - Pan (7) Parish oat as | ‘i a - a 39 | 66 iam with Cro ~ > > Hamlet 359 7/1 9 a = eo 7 11 elhoughton xton = Pari 2 oy es 72 | 157 3 6 H ghton - - - arish 70 - 130 6 1} 124 empton Btn hog Poy a - Parish 6 74 - es 1 = ea 793 863 1,626. Hougiion, Gate ce 4 | =) = Bri ig | 4 : af 8 Kettleston Toa = Paral 9 69 | —} — 51} 21 i 164 164 9 Pensthorpe 9 - - meal at eS 43| 22 | 4 164 at 33k come ~ ss mint “| “GP I] c ee Hy, ape 299 ainham, Last - Parish 4), = 7 8 103 od . : - = _ 2 seas South, Si Mase Parish Ps i * = = ae 130. | oe ainham, West yt. Martin - Parish 3 29 1 = ‘. 12 14 | 30 Ridham, East. . Fersh| 24! 06) -[ — 1 ag] 1 & 7 P| Rudham, West - - = = Parish 32 56 ‘ 26 oc ie 67 63 14 Ryburgh, Great = - Parish ey Aes a oe i 50 51 -— avumel, aa. Ol i 81 7 49 | 25 169 172 | aa i - 7 A Sherer ato Ze sagt a 29 : a 1 = - 3 ae 394 807 Snoring, Little - - |” _ waenh fe) Be 3} sls | 2 we feet Sie on. ee fot fe) os 34 881 9 ~ 58 ae 3G Syderstone Bas (*) rn 2 41 57 - 18 2 fl Di 29 ) 53 111 Tatterford = oa cel zi 28) ge fs 45 pe Tatterset - = es ce en 56 70 2 81 9 _ 134 53 98 Testerton - -s = Bi = 10 14 4 we) ae - 203 137 ONL Toft, T . ed We = / 3 ae | ae t, Trees - - Parish 27 10 3 168 149 oe ee a ee eae 1 3 = 7 GREENHOR GH a 3 = 13 1 i 77 150 E (North) H 1,441 ms - 14 |. 1 ; undred. i 1,689 18 44. moO 3. ae 2 i. 32 | 1,083 | 392 | 43 87 inham Be 2 : 214 Fe ' - P: iS. 3 8 F Cockthorpe ~ = Pan 59 59 f 92 | 4042 | 199 e es : Patish 103 | 108 Se 44] 15 ; Hit Id-Dalling — - Sinn 2 6 = bat on | ae 121 lindringham hse act as ck wh oko 5 4 | 31 mein 146 | 26% Hales oe 53 ne ge a ks 8 hob os nie 218 438 maak: 3 os , * Houghton, St. Giles-i > Fe ak 150 fF 150) 9 |. a 66 8 zs 27 — ed Quarles. . imthe-Héle Ean, | 8 | OSPR 8 4} 124] 06 7 168 ‘ 47 noring, Great +). Era 2 43 ag} = 107 5g = 325 54 322 : pet eet =]. 48 eo 402 332 | Ga s 61 se e a 3 f - £ 114 | = 810 ili 2a ik - ff 2 | 206 - 75 11 . ee A temporary increa 14 9 i 172 y 23 1] @ge operation. —__, se of Population 188 360 and hus taken le (#) The entire P 3 West-Lynn, and at Wi lei Place at Stibbard. arish of: Fakenham-Lan iggentiall, St. Germans, i caster, contains 1,6: a is ascribed’ to: th 5 Patan ae (7) An inclosure of M.DCCCC.XI.| THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. O4-. 211 ‘ COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | Fam | Aup B : tizs | VIES [9 as 3 ies B | chiesy ae ern a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BS fmay | >] BL em | edin [notcom-| oj 4 or A Families| .€ & ployed TravE, prized in a : ‘3 Oce | a | 7. m | atenu. | the Two a = |PERSONS. S cupied.| @ | 5 | Acrr- | fictures,| preced- a Et GREENHOE (North) Hundred : ae cuL-" lorHandi-| ing continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Stiffkey - + - - = . = Parish 78 78} -| - 72 6 - 186 164 350 Thursford - - - - - Parish 56 "6} -1 - 56} 16 4 174 182 356 | Walsingham, Great - - = Parish 68 ss} -|} 6 68 a 13 196 217 413 Walsingham, Little - - - Parish} 227 | 252] -| 8 65 | 89 98 490 577 1,067 Warham All Saints, with : Waste Se Mary Soe } Parish 79 84) -] - ve 6 1 192 208 460 Wells-next-the-Sea - - - Parish{ 648 | 6096] 7 | 16 133 | 424 | 139 1,400 1,550 2,950 yj Wighton - - - - = - = Parish 46] 113] -| 2 a1 | 23 19 267 240 607 1,850 | 2,078 | 14] 41 [1,068 | 690 | 320 4,486 | 4,719 | 9,205 GREENHOE (South) (* ) Hundred. - —~+ Bodney - - - Parish 8 14] -| - 14 - - 46 44 go Bradenham, East - - Parish 61 yo} -} 1 56 | 14 = 187 153 340 | Bradenham, West - - - Parish 58 9| -| 1 65} 11 3 206 179 385 Caldecot - - - = - - = Parish 6 6] -| - 6 - i 15 22 37 Cockley-Cley - - = Parish} 33 4o; -] - 35 4 1 126 112 298 Cressingham, Great - - Parish 43 85) 1} - 72 | 41 2 206 194 400 Cressingham, Little - Parish 33 34 | -|147 21 8 5 78 82 160 Didlington - - - - - Parish 10 144} -] - 5 1 8 39 2 41 Foulden - - - + Parish} 63 101 1 1 "9 | 21 1 237 230 467 Gooderstone - - - - Parish §1 86) 1] - 63 | 19 4 209 230 439 Hilborough - - - - Parish 59 68} 1] - 61 6 1 177 172 349 Holme-Hale - - - - - Parish 57 87} -| 3 75 | 12 _ 224 198 422 Houghton-on-the- ‘Hill - - - Parish 5 8] -} - 8 - - 11 23 34 Langford - «+ = = = = Parish 4 Bl oa 5 - 2 18 il 29 Narburgh = - - - - - Parish 50 61} —-| 1 46 | 15 - 157 137 204 Narford - - - - = Parish 21 a3) -| - 14 8 1 67 62 12g Necton - - - - - - Parish] 183 | 192} —| 4] 137] 51 4 437 430 8647 Newton (by Cuetleacre) - Parish 8 13} -|[ - 12 1 - 36 32 68 | Oxborough - - - Parish} 54 63} -| 1 50 6 a 148 172 326 Pickenham, North - - - Parish 27 45) 1 1 36 4 5 119 99 218 Pickenham, South - Parish 14 27) —-| = 22 1 4 81 65 146 Shingham = - - (>) Parish > -| -| - = - ~ - _ = Seuth-Acre - - - Parish 16 16; -|] - 15 _ 1 56 44 100 Sporle, with Palgrave - - Parish} 110] 149] 2] 1 116 | 27 6 367 339. 4706 Swaffham - - - - - - \Parish] 553 | 587 1 6 234 | 263 go 1,358 1,478 2,836 1,530 11,875 | 8 | 37 [1,247 | 483 |, 145 4,605 | 4,549 | 9,145 GRIMSHOE Hundred. g . Buckingham. (near a) - - Parish 6 6) -{ 1 4 - 2 16 13 29 Colveston - - - Parish. 7 4 ~fo- 9 ~ ~ 22 20 42 Cranwick - - - - - Parish, 13 4] o--t - 10 2 2 37 33 70 Croxton - - - - = - Parish. 43 49} -] 1 47 1 1 122 124 246 Feltwell St. Mary and St. Nicholas Parish} 245 | 245] -{ 2 106 | 55 84 550 593 1,153 Hockwold, with Welton - - Parish f{ 128 { 180} -}f 5 152 | 25 3 422 424 846 Ickborough - - - - = Parishf 35 39); -} - 33 4 2 77 | 77 154 Lynford - - - - - - = Parish 10 12} -} - 8 - 4 a 25° [ 52 Methwold - - + = = Parish} 220] 230] 11] 2 190 | 36 4 589 575 | 1,164 Mundford - - - - - + Parish} 77 86] 4} - 40 | 37, 9 196 201 3947 Northwold - - - - (*) Parish} 187 | 199] 6} 1 108 | 48 43 495 486 981 Saitoh = = « + - Parish 2 3], —-f - 3 ae 10 it 21 Stanford - - - = - Parish 25 a7) —-} - 27 - = 73 oF 150 Sturston - - - = - - = Parish tho 7] “| - % - - 24. 18 42 Toft, West - - = - ‘Parish 21 a2; —-] - 18 1 3 59 69 128 Weeting, with Bromntiill - - Parish] 83 83, -| 3 66 | 13 4 205 1y4 399 ,1,109 [1,209 | 11 | 15 826 | 222 161 2,934 2,940 | 5,874 (*') Custhorpe is in South Greenlioe Hundred, but iyincluded in the Return of West-Acre (Freebridge-Lynn Hundted, )——» ‘(@) Shingham Parish is mostly in Clackclose Hundred, where the whole is entered -——(*) Cottages have been built at North- wold by proprietors of lands adjoining the Parish, thus throwing the eventual burthen of Paupers on the Parish of Northwold. 212 ABSTRACY OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, pc ee COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP; poy OY Fane | Pam | are : py | |g | atte | cas | orm a ey | 48 oy employ-| Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |Families) 2 | 3 ‘7 | cin eae og i 5 a. | 8 ployed | po anz,| Prized in a 3 OE s es} : in | the Two PE 3 | cupied.! 5 | Acnr- a preced- 3 iS RSONS. GUILT CROSS Hundred. er Classes ———— Banham - - - - Parish Blo’-Norton - - - - = = a — Bs ‘ 3 ape 39 5 606 589 1,195 Garboldisham - - © - - Parish > : 54 10 3 177 164 341 Gasthorpe Se acs Patish ae A ae nae ae 6 350 350 700 Harling, East - - - - = Parish mh 1 : Salta a0 2 = 53 |. 60 113 Harling, West - - - - - Parish 1 de = 2 33 26 | 118 455 412 867 Kenninghall - - - - - Parish oe 2 8 eh Be ” i 4 60 56 116 Lopham, North - = 4s path 97 7 a es 149 92 7 618 655 | 1,273 Lopham, South - - + - Parish} 113 i a Be a i 367 374 741 Quiddenham - - - - = + Parish} 17 el ot = ae) 7 t 418 403 821 Riddlesworth - - - - Parish 10 = ae Bos 5 3 58 63 121 Rushford, with Snarehill = Pahl 45 - Serr 10 1 2 39 re 83 mi ae = 2 85 83 | 168 8 HAPPING Hundred. 948 | 1.279; 61 9 | 767 | 344] 168 | 3,286 | 3,253 | 6,599 Brumstead - - - - = Patan 16 of oe Catfield - - = - eRe aut ee de Meike ay ee 59 34 | 93 Happisburgh == = - - = Parish a E a a 19 277 304 581 oe with Eccles - - - Parish - a ee a 24 27 266 257 523 ickling - - + - - - Par 7 = 3 2 oe 12 100 Horsey (next the Sea) - —_(¢) oa Oo) ea ce ice ~ 23 3 321 358 649 Ingham . cea. Yar ee SP aia ee y=) a 16 ey = 50 5 u Lessingham - 3 i 5 93 | 2] - 68 24 1 7 95 L Parish 34 a 213 205 418 udham 3g - : 2 47 - 38 9 = Palli Parish 126 183 ae 99 96 195 Behe ers = Parish} 57 6 i ae 58 23 370 410 780 Potter-Heigham 243 is oy or ih re 46 9 a4 8 R Parish 58 no | - 14 152 300 uston, East = + -( ; 2 53 12 5 1 Stalham - ) Pein] 126] 128} -| 2 | roo] 16{ 13 173 | 367 | 340 c oe aris 0 Sutton - - - - - Parish gil ee Pe se) ae Be 251 oat A Walcott - - 5 71; -| - 43] 2 49 W. - Parish 25 2 4 4 146 171 317 axham ee ee ee : Si) ap eS 24 1 = Parish 9 Bi ceed ome 61 71 132 7 a = 37 26 63 0 HENSTEAD Hundred. 033/1,282 | 2] 14 | 891 | 271] 120 | 2,889 | 2,944 | 5,833. ey ’ Arminghall - - - - : Bixley je rte are Le 18} -] — 1 Bramerton — - ks 7 ane 22 22} -| — o 60 55 115 Caister, St. Edmunds - P. ad 23 Bo 20 9 6 59 57 107 Framingham, Earl - - - ~ ae 38 38] -] 2 30 : 95 89 184 Framingham, Pigot- - - - oe 12 12} —|] 9 16 - = 83 81 164 Holverstone - - - f ah 69 72; 1) = 49 18 eo 31 56 Kirby, Bedon ee ee ee 6 oy Aah ae ee Poincind. Gen eas. ele | 2) =k 3 a ae ey ae Poringland, Tide ce Wen 9 —— 1 46 58 at 4 1 103 98 201 Rockland - - - i aon J =| 3 48 | 30 - 212 195 407 Saxlingham, Nethergate (f) face 46 67} a} = 51 13 3 6 : Saxlingham, Thorpe - - ~ Parish 75 | 16] a] — 86 58 : 160 158 318 Shottesham, All Saints - — pai i on} —| ¥ il ge 281 314 595 Shottesham, St. Mary and asl 62 96! 1] 2 67 5 5 66 67 133 . ce Martin - i Parish | 40 65 7 ig 234 224 458 tke | ay) ae Surlighan, ee Fensh} 55) 55) —| - is ae ee Trowse, with Newton = — 52 83] -—|] e 48 on 166 137 303 Whitlingham : arish | 130] 139] ~| 2 ; 15 200 203 403 Edit, c«css op fe.) si) - ey ae) ae eT) ee | le Fish 13 15 ed _ z th 20 13 33 78 : : z 37 42 79 1 } 1,002 : o1 630 | 302 70 | 2,406 | 2,412 | 4,818 (*) “ The Parish of H fore and water, is nearly insulate, Principally consists of low a , is nearly insulated by th marshes, bogs, | ‘ several famili ; . stream, i lat y the sea to th . , veral families settling ther . tes Eelfieet oe ene Happing from oe i Lee % ae state from this dianishod en ee 7 oF ls b a “ Parish of Hors: orsey Mere to the west and north south, | “ (Signed) William Dawson, Over: ” arcity of labour. ss .. “The- said ’ seer. (©) An inclosure of land Act of Patlia ey ib inclosed about seven or eigh 1 at East Ruston, and many cottages built ; : ment, which caused an increase of tee Ne c A manufacture of bombasin is eeiitlished at ‘Galician, Noe 1» DY gate. ly i “ -M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT,- 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 213 ————_—_—_—_—————————————————— eee COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - Pee Ae je 5 LIES . THER OR ; ies 3 ehiefly aa Families uw TOTAL 3 many eo | 3 em- ed ii e not com- wo 4 +. OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, & |Families| 2 | | ployed |qpype, [prized inf 3 3 Oc | 3 | F in | Mama | the Two = & |PERSONS. 4 cupied.| «| © ff Acrr- | factures,| Preceed- = fa cuL- orHandi- ing HOLT Hundred. runs. | erat. | Clases | Bale, or Baithley - - - - Parish} 50} 55] —| 1 44 B) 5 121 144 | 265 | Blakeney - - - - - - - Parish? 108] 206] -| - go] 162] 14 407 396 803 Bodham - - - - = - = Parish 58 67 | 1 1 46 6) 15 141 157 298 ; 4 Briningham - - - - - - Parishf 54 54} -| 2 28 Ww] 14 148 134 282 » Brinton - - = = - = - Parish 45 45| —| 2 18 1} 44 103 118. |. 2@1 Briston - - - - - Parish} 201 201} —| 4 197 24 a 378 411 989 - Cley (next the Sea) - - - - Parish} 169] 176] -]| 5 56 72] 48 357 385 742 Edgefield - - - - + - Parshf 137] 143] 1] 3 117 19 4 346 334 680 , Glandford, with Bayfield - - Parish} 18 wy] -| - 18 1 ~ 44 49. 93 » Gunthorpe Big eS - Parish} 64 64) -| - 59 4 1 159 158. 317° Hempstead - - - = - = Parish] 55 59; -| - 48 11 _. 149 140 289° Holt - - - = - - - = Parish] 255] 267] 3] 6 101 | 126] 4o 634 - 714 | 1,348" Hunworth - - - - - = Parish} 48 52] it] 4 39 13 - 109 111 2201 Kelling - - - = ~ - + Parish 29 29) -|] 1 28 1 = 8&9 "4 163 « Langham - - = - - - = -Parish} 67 68} -| 3 59 8 1 161 163. 324 Letheringsett - - - - - - Parish} 51 52] -| = 35 13 4 119 132. 251 | | Melton-Constable, with Burgh - Parish{ 19 a2] —-| = 15 2 5 59 52 111; Morston - - - - - = - Parish 15 34/ -| - 19 ~| 15 61 78 | 139 ' } Salthouse - - - - - - + Parish} 54 58; 2] 1 31 19 8 131 150 281 Saxlingham - - - - - Parish 24 25; -| 1 22 2 1 "6 a1 147 Sharrington - - - - = - Parish} 51 51} -| 2 44 2 5 123 . 112, 235 / Stody - - = - - - - = Parish} 21 27] -| 2 22 2 3 62 63 125 / | Swanton-Novers - - - - - Parish 47 66; -| 1 31 28 4 154 148: 302 5 | Thornage - - - - - «. = Parish} 59 61] 1} - 43 11 4 123 . 141 264 | Weybourne - - - ~ = = Parish] 39 54) -[- 49 4 1 111 119 230 Wiveton - - - - - - Parish} 46 53 | -| - 39 10 4 98 111 209 1,868 | 2,008 | 9 | 36 }1,218 | 576 | 214 | 4,463 | 4,665 | 9,123, HUMBLEYARD Hundred, - - = Bracon-Ash - - - - - - Parishf 49 51] -|} 41 29 19 3 119 141 260 Carlton-East - - - - Parish} 48 51{ -| -—| 47 3 1 133 129° 262° Colney - - - + - - = Parish} 15 | -| - 11 1 3 38 © 40- 78 | Cringleford - - - - - - Parish 147 26| -| 2 16 5 5 69 ~ 81 150.” Dunston - - - - - - - Parish] 20 20} -| - 16 2 2 55 567 111° yf Flordon - - - - - - = Parish 23 35|/ -| - 24 6 5 95 84 159. Hethel - - - - - - - Parish 20 41} -] - 35 6 = 113 96- 209. Hethersett - - - - - - Parishf 183] 186] -—| 4 | 123 53 | 10 456 | 471 | 927 Intwood - - - - - © = Parish 12 w}-}] = 12 - - 21 23 44 Keswick - - - - = - = Parish} 14 wil -| - 4 -| 10 41 63 104 Ketteringham = - - - Parish 20 35/ -| 1 30 4 1 87 | ~ 88 175° Merkshall, or Mattisball. Heats, Parish 3 3) -| - 3 - - 13 10 2 Melton, Great - - - - Parish} 65 “6) -| 1 65 8 3 208 178 38 Melton, Little - - - - - Parish 32 46], -| 1 41 5 - 112 g8 ~ 210 Mulbarton ‘- - - - - - Parish 84 98} 1] - 66 29 3 192 225 417 Newton-Flotman - - - (#) Parish] 40 mu{ -| 41 43 28 - 195 195 390 |, Swainsthorpe - - - - - Parish 23 36/ -] - 29 9 - 91 04 185 Swardeston - - - - - - Parish} 52 61} 1] - 39 17 5 143 148 291 Wreningham - - - - - Parish} 54 83] -| - 65 7] o1 2147 210°} ‘427 we 794 963 2/11 401 210] 52 2,378 2,430 4,808 LAUNDITCH Hundred. Beeston, with Bittering - - - Parish} 124] 1431 3 | 2 75 34 | 34 324 342 , 666: Beetley - - - - - - - Parish} 48 3) =| 3 59 11 3 183 173 356 |: Bilney, East - - - = - - Parish 29 37 | -| 1 31 5 1 85 - 87 1929 Brisley - - - - - = = Parish "5 88} 2] 1 60 26 2 187 - 195 362 * Caller ~~ + = = + + Parish] . 72 m4) 1] 1 55 151 4 178 | .180 | 358 Dereham, East Parish: (*) 7 LE ‘Dillington -.- - = - = Hamlet] 4 eb el oS ” = 17 12 ag ~ P Dunham, Great - ~ - - ~ Parish 61] 103] 2] 1 73 18] 12 [ 227 241 | 468 °F _ Little = - - - - Parish 53 53] 241 41 9 3 7~ 146 161 307 | by tos we ; ee L za : ~ me we NEI v ry (®} The i increase of Population at Newton-Flotman is said to arise from its situation between incorporated Hundreds, the. poor. endeayouring to gain a settlement where there is no workhouse. =} East Dereham Parish is mostly in Mitford Hundred. Til 214 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. {Enumeration. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faas. | Fame | Aas By ; TIES MES | OTHER OR a . how 2 chiefly chiefly se . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S [many | io | B fem ao Deel 4 eh 3 — £13 eet Trane, [prized in | s , -OF <4 me 3 t Manu- | the Two ‘Sj cupied. | 5 Rens. eee as a PERSONS. pean we licie eee | | OB LT ‘CH Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Elmham, North - - - Parish Frarisham, Great - - - - ok “e es t ; se = 44 523 523 1,046 : fs : = 21 1 1 : fe a aaa) eae ta 3 | 1g | 28 Gressenhall - © - atau “4300 ce Ea a 1 1 59 | 45 | 104 Sei = 2 1 Hoon 2 22 Pencil on] as] =) Pao | 8 tf me] ag | a Kesnpiton eas x eee S ae = 7 a g i 131 i23 254 xham, East - - - - - Parish] 36 et ol a0 27 56 | Lexham, West - - - - Parish} 19 te tiek = 2) et = 95 gi | 186 ( oe Sp ee 3 A - Parish 123 131 3 8 61 6 ae Be) 45 92 | Milevem 4 = oe ee aie ee ae oo) ae Gawick, wie Beteslon Parish} Go] 111) —/| 2] 50 | 30 | 31 a78 | aes p ees , with Pattesley - - Parish 13 13 {| a 8 : i 238 | 516 S ugham = = 5 Parish 58 66) =| = 58 8 a , 46 79 Sen ee Se ed eae a | > oa ieee ee ae ee ee ae ae) Ged a | Tittleshall, with Godwick 7 aes 145 145 1 1 100 42 3 361 362 a Weasenham, All-Saint: Sh we oe a a 80 15 2 225 221 ca 1 Weasenham, § eee _ aa 58 59} |] 7 44 9 6 145 a48 1 ote n am, t.Peter’s - - Parish BY 59 al) a 7 _ 139 284 Li cee pies - - = Parish} 30 ao ot 38 . ? Te aD 293 ee es - - = Parish ees a ‘ . ae Wiens =" 222 2 mmaf ade) ate f 3] tf oe | a |g | ae oat | Be - - = > + Parish 15 ie oe : 237 §22 4 19 = 54 i) 113 1,936 1 ay Se ; LODDON Hundred. 936 | 2,345) 17 | 37 | 1,674 | 481 | 190 5,844 | 5,639" |°11,483 ee with Yelverton ~ Parish 35 37 ah at 6 Bachan - = = = Pash} 32] 47] -| — 33 — 1 81 88 169 Des i acs 1 110 124 2 Bae os eh mht 49} 64 | =| = }.-53 | 20 34 Carleton Se a ‘a es pach 95 97 | 14 8 80 14 : ms mil 343 Chedgrave = ee 16; -| -—] 12 E es °47 ay8 Co ee ee ee Se ee Se ae aoa fe 42 37 | 79 Ditchingham = - eS eer ee Be 2 . oe ea Ce Hardley —- oe abe | tee SS Bh Bor | cass shu a a : re at = ‘aris’ 28 as a 1 400 701 ee Boe Se st oe Barish: 59 - BE 29 9 - 111. 111 - 222 Kiniead = cae ees = 8 w| — = = : * #31 152 283 Tee ee eee = . 30 33 63 laden poet id - > > Parish 54 = = 48 ; - 118 . 112 230 Mundham - - - -~ 7 ee 141 | 214] 1) 27 go 94. 165 184 349 Seething - - ash} 44] 651 ~| 1 | 30 533 505 | 1,038 Be ee tee ee) | eee 67 a ee 161 | 143 | 304 Thurton - - Sie, eo Parish 9 ia esd es Poe ut 1 204 182 386 Thwaite - me ee Parish 38 431 - a) 24 3 1 61 . 40 101 Topcroft + - nee i. 13 ig; 1} — 15 - 6 79 | 91 170 Wandin =< - = = & ash} 58{ 81] -| 1] 62 | 18 2 43 51 94 - Parish go 98 | 2 ‘ 1 218 202 420 77 . 17 4 269 236 505. MITFORD Hundred. 1,104 /-1,351| 5 | 16 as | aes Burgh, South ia 940 | 323 | 88 | 3,339 | 3,344 | 6,683 ? - - - si . Cranworth ‘- - ate Parish} 45] 49] -—| 2 Dereham, East - : (1) Bane Be 61] ~|} - 4 2 im 129 113 242 Garvestone - - = - ) pal 630 | 665] 2] 11 a zs a 168 163 331 Figdariva oo - - Parish 70 451 = 331 | 220 | 114 1,546 1,698 “| 3,244 Hockerin " 7 7 Parish} 59 | oy ae) ee 166 | 164 | 330 iiue a ee ee 0 3 ee, 9 4 “a92 ] 239 | 461 Methiel . 22 2 7 SO 4] at] = Lag a 8 197 | 195 | 392) Macatall, Burgh - - - . mn oe agg | | ae aa ay : 57 70° 124 eymerston = - = = © — Parish’ “2 46{o=a) = 40 6 - 473 - 45 930 Shipdham - - - . . . ae A peek ce a oe = 107 122 219 Thema rotor ot > Passh{ a3] 360] a] ar | oar [agi | 8 | san 156 | 285. ; - Parish 9 it) ap et 131 8 841 801 | 1,642 r op Oa ee 48 30 78 (@) Part of East Dereham Parish is in Launditch H aud the consequent ores roe cneee Parish contains 3,273 Inhabitants. An inclosure of the Pui, of cottages, is supposed to have increased the Population, M.DCCC.XXI.] Ree eT THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. ieee ns COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. 215 Roudham ss = Shrophan- Snetterton - Wilby - + - Wretham, East Wretham, West Barwick - - Bircham, Great Bircham-Tofts Brancaster - Docking - - Fring - - - Heacham ss Holme (next the Hunstanton - Ingoldesthorpe Sedgeford + Skernborne - Snettisham - Thernham - Titehwell - - Attlebridge - Catten - Crostwick Drayton - | Felthorpe - Prettenham eu po be ering ott OR | Buckenham, New 4 Buckenham, Old Eccles - - | Ellingham, Great Hargham == Hockham = - Tllington - - Kilverstone - Larling - - Bircham-Newtoa Sea #taad Westfield - - - - Whinbergh - - - ; Wood-Rising e 3 | Yaxham - - - - SHROPHAM Attleburgh - - Besthorpe - = Brettenham - - Bridgeham - - oaee et bbb daa gg Rockland, All-Saints Rockland, St. Andrews Cr t Bee dich tet ap Suis Stanhoe, with Barwick Besson, SL. Audzew PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Hundred. ot # 0 f Ft aoppa gf @ © # @ ££ 8 § 8 8 1 a t boa hb bt ba Ringstead, Great, St. An- drew and St, Peter - yt aovpee pete tera i ee ee ee | oe yr re en a | SMITHDON Hundred. }e u © pr to aoe TAVERHAM Hundred. ep 8 Poe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. MITFORD Hundred—continued. ] Tuddenham, East | Tuddenham, North Parish Parish { - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish. Parish Parish Parish ‘Parish Parish Parish | HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Famte - Fami- | pigs Aut By a ures | chiefly OrnER : x how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families n TOTAL Bf my | >| 2 | em | edin |notcom-| 4 ae ae 5 | Families & << ployed | Trang, | prized in a S Se B | Oe |e Le in | Manu- |theTwo} = & __|PERSONS. a cupied.| @ | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- e Fe a CUL- lorHandi-| _ ng TURE craft. | Classes. 59 | 110] —|{ 1 gl 18 1 278 246 524. 43 62 2) - 50 11 1 182 186 368 20 30} -| - 26 4 - 78 87 165 25 37/1] - 31 6 = 104 92 196 20 art -| - 16 2 3 65 54 119 75 | 101 1| 2 63} 24 14 264 241 505 1,586 | 2,072} 9 | 33 | 1,344) 550 | 178 52054 | 5,104 | 10,158 p28) o47) 4) @ | S17 | ta |} 1g 823 836 | 1,659 62} g6{ -| -] 94} 2 - 246 273 | 519 9 gt -{ - 9 ~_ = 26 24. 50 37 61 1} = 41 | 16 4 155 139 294 143; 165) 11 4 61 | 75 29 362 358 720 227 | 234|/ -| 5 | 150} 53 | 31 574 | 560 | 1,134 12 23} “| - 18 3 2 61 61 122 114} 165 1 4 120 | 45 ~ 388 372° 760 15 15] -| - 15 7 - 38 34 72 83} 123 1 1 103 17 3 280 245 525 Th th ea} Se Ss - 54 42 96 8 8} -{ 1 a = 1 17 14 31 34 40); -}| - 39 1 ~ 80 g1 171 58 58} 3] - 47 | 11 - 135 132 267 29 29/ -| 3 22 7 = 72 va 143 14 16] -| - 16 - - 41 31 72 51 99| -| - 84 | 13 2 228 229 457 29 43} -] - 30 8 5 126 99 225 12 7] -| - 13 2 2 58 45 103 } So) Sa, 1 = 50 | 7 - 184 158 342 1,327| 1,620] 11 | 23 | 1,151] 373 96 3,948 | 3,814 | 7,762 4 fy 3h = 1 17 12 29° 92 “6) -| - 62 |. 14 - 210 188 398 17 LO) y= 17 = = 40 35. 75 12 2a} -} = 2a4y - = 69 66 135 135 | 184) -| — 83 | 32 69 385 — 385 770 119 | 231] =| =| G36] 91 4 547. | 560 | 1,107 15 g0}; -| - 28 1 1 "5 64 139 136 | 169] 1] - 78 | 39 | 52 344 366 710 48} 54) -]| - 37 8 9 107 112 219 52 97| -| - 50 | 26 21 209 224 433 52 59} 2] 21 35 | 13 11 120 127 247 89} 99] -] 1 62 | 22 15 225 228 453 97 | 103} -| 3° 96} 7 - 284 250 534 24) 2) -| - | 25} - = 68 67 135 78 {| 181 { 2] 1 128 | 39 14 487 472 959 82, wr} -]j] - 99 } 12 ~ 203 242 445 130) 148) -] - 69 | 42 37 312 315 ay 17 36 -| - 26 - ~ 68 68 136 1,179| 1,638, 5] 6 | 1,058 | 346 | 234 | 3,770 | 3,781 | 7,551 9 19} -] - wf 1 = 50 55 105 6 9} -} - 9 1 1 32 37 69 123 | 127} +] 2 45] .38 | 44 276 363 639 m | 27] o) = 22} 1 4 67 69 | 136.. 67 wot 1{ 3] 40] 22 8 150 133 283 53 7991 414 34 69] 10 - 188 182 370 45] 47; -[ 1] 39] 7 1 121 127 248 (*) One male in Larling Parish, upwards of 100 years of age-——~(1) The Return of Ringstead Parish includes the Hamlet of Chosell. piste i 2 216 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS. AND RETURNS: UNDER ' [Enumeration REESE are 7 COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 7) OC«@S Pare a Af" aS Se B ; L Rae on a E | ctiety | OAT | rte = J | employ- | Families w TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Eig @ le leet ee eee a 3 Beuilies & | | Ployed | traps, [prized in 8 a oF 3 ic a z iD Manu- the Two ta = 3 cupied.| & | D Aczr- | factures,| preced- si fj]. |PERSONS., 9 2 Py CcUL- i-| TAVERHAM Hundred—continued. te go Glance ae ( é f) se (™) ok Ted et po 2 ae : 245 239 484 part o - - -(@) Parish 9 9 - 1 9 = S 28 1 : Horsford - - - - - Parish 63} 110] -—]{ 2 67 28 1 f . $ j 1 5 251 261 ae ele Faith - - - ~ Parish] 155 | 157] 3] 2 57 98 3 aps sa ae orstead, with Staininghall - Parish 57 gi} -| - 50 22 1 =~ an St. Faith - - - Parish 64 64} 4} 2 30 34 c sd 492 _Rackheath 2 2 eS Paadh 2 eatulicges 394 Salhouse - - - - - - Parish vot Pee -~| 6 - ; oe ae 260 | Spixworth - - - - Parish 9 g| -| - a : : 256 elo 475 Sprowston - - - - -(") Parish} 171 | 176] -] 2 a 43 31 74 Taverham - - es = & ‘Parish 16 ete tel ee aes ge a tae 428 832 Wroxham - - - - - - Parish} 65 72 “93 192 i , aa 47 20 5 169 182 351- TUNSTEAD Hundred. ac ic il 798 ae a B08 3,401 6,696 Ashinanhaugh - - = - = Parish 21 2 Bacton - - - - elves SParich 7 o B 25 2 = 62 66 128 Barton-Turf - - - - - - Pash _ - 2 : 35 < nd 200 188 388 Beeston, St. Lawrence - Parish 6 | e 73 5 ie 192 179 371 Budell = - - ~~ Cy Bemy gi] at) —| = ete | a Db aa 54 wig - - 8, pak ‘ 00" 1 Dilham - - - oa ye eae Be 16 ms 15 iS fe 44 40 ow Edingthorpe - - - - - paul ey ect 41 8 36 | 11 223 197 a0 Felmingham = - oe et ser Papas ae i) ae 9 : 86 89 14 Honing - - - - me Se TL eT Oe | 8 2 182 1 Sete see. a. ee a) oe) =| —F oe | ue | 4 134 i 258 Hoveton, St.John - - - - Parish “ iat oe a ay 1° 225 215 440 hat St.Peter - - Parish 2 a a ie ce = 3 137 133 | 270 Riparian L Sst = 1 - : Netesbead = - @) Pash! a7] a7} =] af oas | 2 | = ie ee Paston - - oo oe Fare 98 130°] 4 3 89 32 9 ss a oe Ridlington = - is res Be oe a 50 7 4 fos ee oF ; S ‘arish 1 a 23 Sco-Ruston - - - - - - Parish a5 ia Ms es 3° ” a 102 101 203 Sloley - - - (3) Parish a a 48 55 103 Smallburgh - - (4) Pari 55 fey FP 39 24 12 142 166 arish 100 115 = 308 Swafield = - (+) 2) ee 4] 80 | 32 2 364 8- Tunstead = - aut) 28 aS) 2) 32 18 6 a te ( - - = Parish 4 68 6 191 Walsh i 79| 114} =] - 3 3 WWsk ne North - = (*) Pash} 491] 491} 4] 3 we a 17 245 256 501 Witton a Ses : oe 45| 45) 1] 1 . a _ ee oe a * ~ Paris 0 ES 94 162 Worstead - - mee ere Patan o Fs ; 4 a 3 3 126 110 236 i 41 39 332 374° | 706 1,76 at WALSHAM Hundred. 704 | 2,036 | 13 | 32 | 1,213 | 582 | 241 4,742 | 4,890 | 9,632 Acle - - - ‘ = ~~ = + Parish pas Beighton- - - - - - sh} 1367 139} 1 <4 fives - 2... ep Sel ae = OE eee 347 | 361 | 698. Hemblington - - e a 76 81) -] 4 52 ei 129 115 nae R ; ~ : 3 6] =] -— = 139 255 © oa le di Fanewoath ~ Parish 59 : el el eo : = 95 go 185 Tindall ok. 2 ae 63 Ot Ped 6, : i 182 170 352 | Upton, with Fishley - a oy 13 13/ =] -1 a3 4 13 224 | 213 | - 437° Walsham, South, St.Mary and). | 2 | 9%] ~]| 4] 80 | 10 a 4g | 36> *-99- St.Lawrence - ~~ Parish| 8 nae 224 465 Wickhampton - - - - 2 py: ey Be) a ed Bot pe) ag 279 252 524 Woodbastwick - - - : Son a an eri 21 es 59 _ 45|--] 3] 44 }- 1 2 53 |. 112 ee 116 - 120 236 - 642 | 82 ~ 9} 1]12 | 617 [170 | 42 2,041 "| 1,995 | 4,036 | ‘@) Hellesdon Parish is mostly j : = Read ly in the City of Norwich. , =, fs ee () aon Sprowston within the last fan Ne i as built on the allotments. The Return of Smallburgh inclades the House / Ts not residing in the farm- yee of Industry there situate, containing 131 males pga a(t marry young) g ‘arm-honse, are induced : £13 , 107 females—(*) A OF age ey Tad) Oe female instead Parish upwards of uced to J silk manufactory has been established at North-Walsham, One female (*) The common has been inclosed at Sloley 2 oo in this Parish upwards of 100 years of age, fe wa ee , 01 ages - é : wy M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. g4.° 217 COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. . HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: = PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Famr- | Fam | yt By S| Gu | chiety | Orme oR : how: = satel employ- |Families 4 TOTAL 3 man + ‘em- a = . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Famihes z S| ployed |< i prised in a : or 3 Oc. ee |e 1} Mann- |theTwof. = fa PERSONS. 4 cupied. | : | 5. | Acrr- factures, | preced- a Fy CUL- lorHandi-| _ Ing qont een WAYLAND Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Ashill - - - - ~ - Parshf 117 121 -| 1 g1 24 3 280 299, 579, Breckles -- - - - = = Parish 17 27/ -| = 26 - 1 66 - 4° 140 Carbrooke ~ - ‘= - - - Parishf 154] 154] -]| 3 134 16 4 851 420 771 Caston - - == = = (8) Parish 93 97 | 21 4 62 28 4 196 236 432 Ellingham, Little - - - - Parish 49 49{ -| - 45 3 1 123 117 240, Griston - - -:- - = = Parish 39 39} -| - 36 3 - 96 102 198 Merton - -' - - = - = Parish 29 2@g{ 1} 1 28 1 - 98 84 162 Ovington - - - - - - Parish 48 49} 2] 2 45 3 1 117 - 102 -| 219 Rockland, St. Peter’s - - - Parish 73 3, -| = 52 20 1 166 183 349 Saham-Toney - - - - - Parish} 196] 196] —] 10 165 26 5 480 445 925 Scoulton - - = - = = Parish 61 63} -| - 56 6 1 175 164 339 Stowbedon - - - - = = Parish 57 67 | =| 1 60 q - 154 136 290 Thompson - - = = = = Parish "8 80} 2) 4 72 8 - 219 208 427 Threxton - - - - Parish 6 6] -| - 6 - - 16 | 18 34 Tottington - - - = = = Parish 33 54} -| - 46 8 - 143 141 284 Watton - - - - - - - Parishf{ 199] 199] -| 5 60}. 98 41 443 451 894. 1,249 |1,303 | 7] 31 | 984} 254] 65 | 3,103 | 3,180 | 6,283 BOROUGH of KING'S LYNN. : All Saints, South Gate - - Parish} 352] 3771 9 | 7 15 | 235 | 127 71 835 1,606. Edmund, St. North End - - Parish} 308 | 369/ —| 8 3] 152] 214 681 825 1,506 Margaret, St. Parish: (*) ; Chequer - - - + Ward? 200] 238} -]| 5 1 89 | 148 469 651 1,120 Jew’s-Lane - - - = Ward} 162; 200] —{| 10 1 108 gl 442 522 964 Kettlewell - - + - - Wardf 268} 269] 1] 11 —| 232 37 542 594 1,136 New-Conduit - - - - Wardf 238 | 260] -| 2 -—| 114] 146 452 617 1,069 Paradise - - - - - - Ward} 246| 287] 3] 6 15 | 114] 158 449 574 1,023 Sedgeford-Lane - - - = Ward} 347] 421 | 2 | 13 5 | 141 | 275 $10 956 1,766 Stone-Gate - - - -(t) Wardf 268 | 296) 3] 4 1 84} 211 574 696 1,270 Trinity-Hall - - - - - Wardf| 165 | 174} =| 1 - 59 | 115 334 459 793 2,554 | 2,891 | 18 | 67 41 | 1,328 | 1,532 | 5,524 | 6,729 | 12,953 - CITY of NORWICH. - All-Saintts - - - - - Parish} 148 | 190] —| 1 —| 169 21 330 411 41 Andrew, St. - - - - - Parish} 202 | 253] 5] 9 1 | 234 18 677 841 1,518 Augustine, St, - - - - - Parish} 323] ago] —| 3 6} 427 4 741 886 1,627 Benedict, St. - - - - (") Parish 276 | 303] 3] 4 6; 230 67 536 589 1,125 Clement, St.- - (+) - ~ Parish} 497} 579 | 8! 9 14| 458] 107 1,076 1,288 2,364 - Earlham, St.Mary - - - - Parish 14 4]; —-| - 10 4 = 59 59 118 Eaton, St. Andrew - - - Parish 91 g8 | —| 3 63 17 18 204 215 419 Edmund, St.- - - - - = Parish} 151 | 185] 1] 1 a| 167 17 290 387 677 — Etheldred, St. - - - - - Parish} 547 64} -| 41 os 59 5 115 158 273 George, St. Collegiate (++) - Parish] 313) 352! —| 10 12] 311 29 702 908 1,610 George, St. Tombland - - Parish} 171 | 189] 1] 3 - 88 | 101 333 464 997 Giles, St. - - - - - - Parish} 287] 330] 4] 2 1] 253 "6 559 863 1,422 | Gregory, St. - - - - - = Parish] 239] 294] — | a9 1] 237 56 563 681 1,244 Heigham ~ - - - - - Parish} 355 | 420] 2] 5 | 120] 300 - 664 839 | 1,503 Helen, St. - ~ - - ~ (*) Parish 75 92 | -/ 1 -{ 88 4 198 2247 425 Hellesdon (part of) (+) - (*) Parish 32 32} 2] 1 42 | 20 - 129 119 248 John, St. Madder-Market - - Parish} 195 | 236] —| @ -— | 230 6 446 511 957 John, St. Sepulchre - - - - Parish} 325] 383] 7 | 4 4| 378 1 716 883 | 1,599 James, St. - - - - -(¥) Parish} 331 | 353] 2 | 13 10 | 175 {| 168 620 648 | 1,268 Pockthorpe - - - - - Hamlet] 298 390/15 | 4 52 | 180; 158 635 678 1,313 Julian, St. - - + - - - Parish} 208] 266| —~| 4 — | 228 38 418 514 932 Lakenham - - ~ - - = Parishf 403] 452 | 41) 9 98 | 267 87 896 979 | 1,875 Lawrence, St, - - - - - Parish] 219 300} -| 4 =| 293 7 543 549 1,092 Margaret, St. - - = - - Parish 274 | 304] -| - 24 | 273 7 415 523 938 | Martin, St. at Palace - -(") Parish} 251 | 353] 6] 2 9] 239 | 105 569 633 | 1,202 ; Martin, St. at Oak - - - (*) Parish 576] 711] 1] 2 27 | 697 4 1,141 1,336 2,477 (*) An inclosure has taken place at Caston. (*) The entire Parish of St. Margaret contains 9,141 Inhabitants, One female in Stone-Gate Ward upwards of 100 years of age.——(") The increase of Population in the Parishes of St. Benedict, St. Martin at Palace, St. Martin at Oak, and St. Stephen, is ascribed to the flourishing state of the silk and worsted manufacture at Norwich. (*") The hospital for ancient people is in St. Helen’s Parish.—¥—(*) Hellesdon Parish is partly in Taverham Hundred, The entire Parish contains 293 Inhabitants.——(’) The en- tire Parish of St. James contains 2,581 Inhabitants. Kkk ~ ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, 218 ile COUNTY OF NORFOLK—conéinued. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS : Fami- Bante ima ff >; *° PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ey Lies de Oruzr a : how 2 chiefly employ- Families 4 TOTAL | 3 many fs 3 em- edin not com- wa it EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Families g a ployed Trane, | Drizedin S 4 oF = cupied. 2 5 Aenri- ee preced- ‘st Ep PERSONS. CUL- lorHandé-| _ 98 rf TURE. | craft. | Classes, CITY of NORWICH—continued. Ma she 2 > ee ss = Eee gag) gag | a | ae = 1339 / = 697 824 | 1,521 Michael, St. Coslany - (2) Parish] 969 { 317 | 4/12 | 11 | 204 | 102 619 | 721 | 1,340. Michael, St. at Plea - - - Parish} 46 | -7 6 - 69 9 161 228 989 Michael, St. at Thorne - - ~ Parish 457 | 465] 21 9 — | 465 - 801 949 1,750 Paul, St. = - - = + Parish? 461] 549] 1] 2 9 | 335 | 205 985 | 1,175 |} 2,160 Peter, St. Hungate - - - - Parish 98 137} -| 3 - |137 | - 238 F 273 | 511 Peter, St. Mamcroft - - - = Parish 507] 536] 3 | 13 33 | 349 |. 154 ¥,078 1,593 2,671 Peter, St. per Mountergate - - Parish 371 | 468] 3] 7 18 | 258 | 192 808 |. 981 | 1,789 | Peter, St. Southgate - - - Parish} 409 Wi b= | 9 | 122 12 245 285 | 590 Saviour, St. - (+) - - = Parish 270 | 300] -]| 3 18 | 282 - 563 703 1,266 - Simon and Jude, St. - - - Parish 46 98} -| 5 - 96 2 200 247 447 Stephen, St. - - - - = (") Parish 639 | 731 | 32 | 44 29 | 526 | 176 1,279 1,648 | 2,927 Swithin, St. - - - - ~ Parish]? 145 186 1 =| = = 174 12 333 414 750. Thorpe, St. Andrew (part of) (7) Parish 57 58} 4] 9 11 35 12 [| 122 162 | 284 -'Timberhill, St. John Baptist (+) Parish 248 | 275} 4] 4 5 | 259 1 525 576 | 1,101 Trinity or St. Mary in the Marsh Parish} 109 105 | -| 5 55 45 fF 2197 366 583 Trowse, Carrow and Bracondale Parish 112 w2t 6] - 9 "6 247 240 265 | 505 10,624 /12,478 | 158] 249 | 626 9,783 |2,069 | 22,686 |2%7,602 50,288 Borough of THETFORD. Cuthbert, St. (in Suffolk) - = Parish 226 | 2511 5 | 3 36 | 143 472 516 546 1,092 | Mary, St.- = = - - = = Parish 156} 213] g|] 4 30 | 159 24 356 410 466 | Peter, St. - - 9% © = © = Parish 197 239 1 1 62 129 48 535 529 1,064 579 | 703 | 15] 8 | 128 | 431 | 144 1,407 1,515 | 2,922 Borough of p Yarmoutn, Great - (2) Parish 3,981} 4,318] 20 |157} 10 | 1,286 3,022 | 7,649 |10,391 | 18,040 ©) The Parish of Thorpe St. Andrew is mostly in Blofield Hundred. The flourishing state of weaving is noticed at Thorpe St. Andrew, and St. Michael Coslany——() One male upwards.of 100 years of age in Great Yarmouth, M.DCCC.XXE.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. Q4. 219 COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. sacle San rn— \ HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fami- cae ALL By $ LIES hiefy | OTHER HUNDREDS, how B | chiety | ei. | Families i TOTAL o many eo ‘a em- pec not com- 5 o &e, i | Families} 5 a ployed | Tp ape, |prized in a 3 oo 4 Oc- 3 zg 2 Manu. | the Two q fe PERSONS, cupied.| = | 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- ee GUL- lorHandi-| ing ; Hadred of TURE. | craft, | Classes. BLOFIELD - - - - - -f 824} gi7 | 6116 | 641 | 199 a 2,385 | 2,329 4,714 BROTHERCROSS - - - - 777 1 811 | 14 f 12 578 | 169 64 1,906 1,860 3,766 CLACKCLOSE - - - ~- - [2,729 |3,341 | 21 | 569 [2,097] 768] 476 | 8,193 | 8,154 | 16,077 CLAVERING = +s = =f 895 11,137 ie: 13 865 | 187 84 3,015, 2,958 5,973 DEPWADE - - - - - - 11,369 11,833 | 8 | 14 $1,204 | 522 | 107 4,438 4,624 9,062" DISS - - - = - = - = 41,211 [1,752 | 6113 | 991 | 600] 161 | 4,350 | 4,466 | 8,816 EARSHAM - - - = - -1]1,090 [1,544] 1 | 16 951 | 391 | 202 3,700 | 4,073 79°73 ERPINGHAM, NORTH ~- - 41,689 | 1,917 | 13 |] 32 11,103 | 587 | 227 4,416 | 4,491 8,907 ERPINGHAM, SOUTH - - - 2,478 2,878 fas | 36 | 1,793 | 723! 362 6,295 | 6,614 | 12,909 EYNESFORD - - - - - $1,542 | 2,048 | 16-| 31 | 1,466 | 468 | 114 4,955 | 4,936 9,891 FLEGG, EAST - - - = -]| 537] 596/11] 11 474 84 38 1,355 1,418 2,773 FLEGG, WEST - = - - -f 551] 760] 2117 533 | 119 | 108 1,920 1,793 3,713 FOREHOE - - = = ~- ~ 141,995 | 2,445 | 11 | 36 [1,417 | 847] 181 5,977 6,215 | 12,192 FREEBRIDGE-LYNN - - [1,769 [2,122 | 12 | 18 1,652 | 373 97 5,316 5,221 | 10,537 FREEBRIDGE-MARSHLAND — [1,801 | 2,075 | 17 | 42 | 1,590 | 326] 159 | 5,000 | 4,994 | 9,994 GALLOW + - - - - «(1,441 |1,68g | 18 | 32 [1,083 | 392 | 214 | 3,892 | 4,042 | 7,934 GREENHOE, NORTH - - 1,850 | 2,078 | 14} 44 [1,068 | 690 | 320 4,486 | .4,719 9,205 -GREENHOE, SOUTH -, - - 11,530 |1,875 | 8 | 37 11,247 | 483] 145 4,605 | 4,540 | 9,145 GRIMSHOE - = - - = = £1,109 }1,209 } 11 } 15 826 | 292 161 2,934 2,940 5,874. GUILTCROSS - - ~ - -[ 948 /1,279| 61 9] 7671] 344] 168 3,286 | 3,953 6,539 HAPPING ~ - - + - ~ 1,033 /1,282/ 2 | 14 891 | 271 | 120 2,889 | 2,944 5,833 HENSTEAD - -~ - + - - 781 [1,002] 4] 14 | 6301 302] 70] 2,406 | 2,412 | 4,818 HOLT - - = - - - ~ $1,868 |2,008| 9 | 36 [1,018] 576} 214 4,463 4,665 | 9,128 HUMBLEYARD - - - - - 774| 963| 2}11 | yor} 210] 52 | 2,378 | 2,430 | 4,808 LAUNDITCH - - - ~ £1,936 12,345 | 17 | 37 [1,674 | 481 | 190 5,844 5,639 | 11,483 LODDON - - - - ~ f1,104 | 1,352 | 5 (16 | g40} 323 88 3,339 | 3,344 6,683 MITFORD - - - - - ~ [1,586 |2,072 | 9 | 33 1,344 | 550 | 178 5,054 | 5,104 | 10,158 SHROPHAM + - - - - [1,397 |1,620 } 11 | 23 [1,151 | 373 96 3,948 | 3,814 7,762 SMITHDON - - - - = - {1,179 [1,638 | 5 | 6 | 1,058| 346| 234 | 3,770 | 3,781 | 4,551 TAVERSHAM - = - - ~- $1,158 | 1,353 | 10 | 23 796 | 441 116 3,295 3,401 | 6,696 TUNSTEAD - - - - - =] 1,764 12,036 | 13 | 92 |1,013 | 582] 241 4,742 4,890 9,632 | WALSHAM - - - - - -f| 642] 829] 1/19 | 617] 170] 42 | 2,041°| 1,905 4,036 WAYLAND - - - - - ~ 11,249 }1,3031 7/| 31 | 984 | 254| 65 | 3,103 | 3,180 | 6,283 Borough of KING’S-LYNN - - - = - 12,554 | 2,891 | 18 | 67 41 /1,328 |1,522 | 5,524 | 6,729 | 12,953 | | City of : NORWICH - - - ~~ [10,624 /12,478 |158 [249 | 626 | 9,783 | 2,069 | 22,686 | 27,602 | 50,288 ‘ Barough of i THETFORD ~- - - - -| 579} yo3 115] 8 128 | 431 144 | 1,407 | 1,515 2,922 . Borough of : YARMOUTH, GREAT - - - 13,981 |} 4,318 | 20 [157 10 | 1,286 | 3,022 7,649 | 10,391 | 18,040 Totats - - - 62,274 74,498 | 525 |1,269 | 36,368 |26,201 11,928 166,892 | 177,476 | 344,368 ———————— —_—_ 220 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. (em —~ 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 ae ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eo Hundred 5. up- | 6 Be 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 6o | 70} 80] 90 ]100\para.| © BLOFIELD - - - -] 357] 315 | 252 246 | 371 267 211 152 | 129] 64) 164) 3] - 2,383 BROTHERCROSS - -] 243] 248| 252} 223] 277] 212] 183] 110] 94{ 49] 141 1} - | 1,906 CLACKCEOSE - ~ | 1.324 11,156 | 929 | 771 |1,205 | 891 | 787} 501 | 343) 166] 43 { 4] 1 | 8121 CLAVERING - - -} 418) 377] 275] 317] 435; 290] 298] 217 | 142] 65) 25] 4] - | 2,799 DEPWADE - -} S41} 632] 585 | 487] 659} 443 | 391] 315 | 211! 136) 45] 3] - | 4548 DISS - - - - - =f 640} 612} 538] 466] 582] 426] 389] 333] 190] 138] 321 3] 1 4,350] EARSHAM + - - 550} 515} 413} 361} 493] 411] 340] 254] 198] 127) 34] 3] ~ | 3,699) ERPINGHAM, North -| 684] 538] 500! 441 | 665 455 | 401] 288 | 235] 169] 34] 6} - | 4416 ERPINGHAM, South - | 902] 773] 714 | 6691 yaa 597 | 598| 4371397] 193] 71] 2] - 6,298 EYNESFORD - -/ 751) 644] 579} 499| 711} 507| 427| 355 | 392] 147] 27/ 1/1 =| 4969 FLEGG, East = - 222} 193} 149] 157] 186] 142] 115 87 | yo! 26) 6) 2 | — | 1,955 FLEGG, West - 4 340) 270] 214} 176} 264] so2] 149] 134] 114] 50] 14] 2] - 1,929 FOREHOE - - 783 | 645 | 588] 533] 773 | 499] 434| 320 | 230] 147] 36] 7] — 4,995 FREEBRIDGE-LYNN 811} yo2 | 4861 480] 816 521 | 436] 323 | 216/117! 16 | 14] — | 4,928 FREEBRIDGE-MARSH- LAND 7 ‘ 762} 756 | 511] 484] 791 | 627{| 445] 339] 179] 78 14} 1] — | 4,987 Se ~ 7 =P SID} 472 | 408} 416} 595] 405] 396] 308 | 205] 121] a7 | 2] — 3,874 GREENHOE, North - - | 674] 5691 404} 448{ 672} 479] 407| 339 |} 2341 194| 31) -| - | aays GREENHOE, Soub - -( 844) 618 | 5151 465| 665 | 488 419 | 289 | 222/137] 30} 6] — | 4,698 PAIMEHO SS s = | dot gue | see) ps6) avy) eee | wee. |, 197 {155} 95] 25} 1] — { 2,936 GUILPEROSS + > =| 633} 403 | 4191 gio] 464} g08| 06] aia lagal Se 34] 1] - | 3,263 HAEPING = > ©] a8) 382 | gog | a98) gov! ong | aGe | sae} aa0 79} 18} 2] — | 2,861 HENSIEAD ~~ 5 ©] 35 9g | 296 | gan} 9961 np 193 | 182 | 121] 68] 25 | 1| — | 2,393 ae ee PB Be) aay | deg | Gry) ang) wax) aay | aia tee} ag) a | sl dae MOMELEYARD Sf 398: 348] apg | 8a)! 365 241] 208] 146] 135] 73] 24} 5] — | 2,386 EAUNDIH Fo =] 907) pea) B65.) sey | Bes 587 | 5171 410 | 293] 189| 45 | 2] — | 5,818 EODDON & = 5 =h Bib] gba] 365 343: | 471 | 376 | 304] 210/172] 81] 22 | 21 — | 3,330 SMITHDON - - - -| 569 : — 595 | 396) 369) 255 | 201) 122) 34] 3 | 1 | 3.955] “TAVERSHAM ~~ 532 | 469 ee 3°4) 572 | 384 | 352} 253/199] 97] 15] 4] - | 3,770 TUNSTEAD - - -| 684] 660 a el 508 | 317) 299{ 226] 157) 85| ig| 1] — | 3,298 WALSHAM - = - -f 321 | ong ee ; ee ee eal ee asians all ed ’ 245 | 200 | 286 | 213 | 168] 127]105| 7o} 18] 2] — | 2,033 493) 346) 315, 423] 344°] 288] 213 123} 91] 24} 1 | — | 3,103 i oo a Ii 603 | 526 | 837 | 660} 558] 365 | 280] 127 24) -| — | 5,450 THETFORD, BORO’ - 18 ns Bee Me [Rae [ae aE (iste | aha ee ey a) Sa YARMOUTH, GREAT 9} 152) 206) 160} 135] 94! 77] 361 11 | -|] - | 1,407 BORO’ se a 1,352 11,156 | 910 705 | 839] 803] 439] 492 | 385/ 214 491 4] 1 | 7,649 Total of MALES 24,720 [21,602 [18,291 [16,260 23,903 17,488 14,976 |11,100 8,085 4,573 1,137| 95 | 4 | 162,176 THE Total N . umber of Persons in the county of Norfolk was ..., 344,568, .... and the Number of Persuns whose Ages were returned, was . ~ °° * 833371, . . . whence it eile : : ‘ pliance with the question to Gage S, that the Ages of one in thirty-one of the Persons therein enumerated have not been returned in com- a M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. C. 94. 221 COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALES. eo 1 =. 5 1o | 15 | 20 |. 30 | 40 | 50 | 60} 70} 80] 90 | 100 r Pudesd ne to to to to to to to to to to | to = & eh “ ) 10. | 15 20 30 | 40 50 60 | 70| 80} 90/100}, ,,35| © BLOFIELD - - - -]| 360] 323] 210} 207] 389] 274] 215 154] 110] 77; 18 1}| —-] 2,338 BROTHERCROSS - -| 229 { 284] 216] 165] 292] 219] 186} 122] 88] 44] 13] 2] — | 1,860 CLACKCLOSE - - - 11,345 [1,153 | 782] 752 |1,344] 985 | 721] 568 | 341] 151) 38] -]| —- | 8,180 CLAVERING - - -]| 420| 361 292 284 | 423! 311 262 199 | 131} 64] 32] 3] — | 2,782 DEPWADE - - - -]|. 584 | 667] 5451 474) 663} 487] 481 295 | 219| 134] 50] 3 1 | 4,603 DISS - - - =| 657) 574] 446] 437] 703] 479] 443} 329] 200] 143] 41] 4] — | 4,456 EARSHAM - - - -] 462 { 608] 394 | 371; 614] 449] 378] 295 | 204{ 146] 56] 41] — | 3,981 ERPINGHAM, North -[ 653] 558] 471 | 403 | 694] 467| 462] 310] 265] 143] 57 | 8 7 | 4491 ERPINGHAM, South - | 937] 860] 585 | 607 |1,072.] 701 670 | 474 | 384| 234] 85} 5] - | 6,614 EYNESFORD - - -| 700} 653] 499 | 473 | 751! 551} 477] 359} 262} 129] 49/ 4] — | 4,898 FLEGG, East - - -] 218] 183 172 129 | 234] 146] 120] 104] 68) 34] 10} -]} —.| 1,418 FLEGG, West - - -] 266) 248] 202 161 299} 225] 137] 110] 87} 31] 11 2{ - | 1,779 FOREHOE - - - -]| 774 |. 672] 531 | 510} 808] 562] 439] 323 | 234 138 32] 61 - | 5,029 FREEBRIDGE-LYNN | 826 | 624/ 482] 476| 781] 5731 439] 289 | 207| 106] 33] 4| — | 4,840 ee 843 | 723 | 475 | 490 | 873] 595] 424] 329] 182] 59| 16] -| — | 5,009 GALLOW - - - -] 542] 509] 394} 380] 653] 456} 412] 305 | 232) 122) 421 51} — | 4,052 GREENHOE, North - -| 671 |. 562] 464] 459] 7561 515} 476| 390] 235) 144] 47] 11 | — 4)730 GREENHOE, South - - | 713 595 | 438 445 711 524 | 428 282 | 242; 129] 31°] 37 - 4,541 GRIMSHOE =- - -{ 451| 394] 337{| 304] 429] 298] 303] 189] 133] 73| 21/ 6] - 2,938 “GUILTCROSS - - -] 510[ 473 344 | 264] 487 | 362 316 | 231 | 139] 93! 29 | 3] —- | 3,251 HAPPING - - - 473 | 392} 268 | 274) 454.) 318} 297] 214] 150). 85| 25} 14. - | 2,951 HENSTEAD - - - -] 354 | 324] 234] 219 | 385 | 268] 233] 167] 121] 80] 24° 4] - | 2,413 HOLT - - - - -] 632] 533] 489] 490] 692] 530] 505] 352 | 231} 160] 50] 1] — | 4,665 HUMBLEYARD - -] 359; 283 256 240 | 390] 271 | 233 | 168} 140] 58| 271 1f — | 2,426 LAUNDITCH - - - | 905| 725] 543] 484{1 goo| 600] 534- 376 | 284/168) 35} 4] — | 5,558 LODDON - - - -f 538] 431] 352{ 314] 539! 370{| 312] 201 | 160] 89| 35] 3] — | 3,944 MITFORD - - | 737 | 676] 561 | 507 | 789| 552] 479] 360] 252/157| 30) 4] — | 5,104 SHROPHAM - - -| 567] 505] 383] 332| 616] 469{ 373 | 254|178] 98{ 34] 4] —- | 3,813 SMITHDON - - - 567 1.476 | 394] 312] 635] 415 | 384 | 267 | 220] 85] a3] 3] —- 3,781 TAVERSHAM - - -} 471 | 424| 408] 324] 605} 353] 305{| 231165) 82] 24] 4] - | 3,996 TUNSTEAD - - -| 683} 621 | 488] 471 | 740} 540] 456} 324 | 300; 148] 54.) 7] 2 | 4,894 WALSHAM - - - -} 300] 279] 216] 165 { 325] 183] 191 | 130/112) 71] 27} 1] — | 2,000 WAYLAND - - - -f 451 | 472] 93471 305] 476] 376| 293] 194] 148].100] 16-| of — 3,180 KING’S-LYNN, BORO’ | 841 } 722 | 609| 714 {1,236} 868{ 695 | 473 | 369].177| 40| 6] 1 | 6,754 “NORWICH, CITY - - | 2,904 | 2,477 | 2,148 {2,106 | 4,343 | 2,924 | 2,297 | 1,829 |1,288/ 736/210 | 18 | ~ 23,280 ‘THETFORD, BORO’ -]| 206] 164] 151] 153] 249 197 | 142] 105 | 85] 52] 1] —| — 1,515 BORO = y [15334 | 1,226 | 1,060 |1,088 | 1,796 |2,293 | 1,005 | 734 | 530] 299] 80| 6 | — jro,391 Total of FEMALES [24,483 21,754 |17,177 |16,292 128,146 19,646 |16,523 12,036 8,696.4,839 1,456|143} 4 {171,195 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Norfolk was 751 ; twelve of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+) : and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages are somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Lll ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration. 229 ——= 4 County of Northampton. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : FERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Fam 7 Aus By y LIES . OrnEer oR ; how z chiefly ae _| Families ws TOTAL © EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE SB fmm] we | Bp em vedin’ | not com- a a > : Z. Beraites £ 2 ployed | Traps, | prized in A a PE 2 4 c- | 3 z in | Manu- | the Two =< RSONS, a cupied. a Pp Acri- eae preced- = ei = cUL- j-| _ 10, CHIPPING-WARDEN Hundred. ene, Poon Velaees: ae Asron-Le-Watis- - - (#7) Parist 2 Appletree - - Fale - 33 = : - d 7 o 2 a ear eee 5 Tae) 9) eg | =] 2 | nen] ag) 333 gor | 634 Chipping-Warden - - - - Patish ms oe ae 131 | 67 7 444 459 903 Edgcott - - - - ae oe See) oe go} 11 4 235 253 | 488 i a ee ae 14 { -]1 13 1 1 29 33 62 Greatworth - - - ~ Padi : re at ote iT} 8 aa 263 285 548 Sulgrave Sey AS Parish a. A V2 t a : ae ae ae oe Woodford, with Membris Parish 7 a] 3 34 pak 294 | 578 e mp AES GE om OP a, ge - 412 354 766 CLELEY Hundred, 928 | 986} 5 | 12] 695 | 210 81 2,239 | 2,224 | 4,463 Alderton - =< = = ~ ~(4 i parang < Se ay eas ) eal pe at ~ = 40 4 7 77 100 177 Cosgrove - - + 2% Paenl 3 on ee 60 9 3 166 175 341 Easton-Neston, with Hulcote - Parish fe Sy 89 | 19 4 276 283 559 Furtho a - (°) mi oe 384} —] 5 25 = 9 61 76 137 Grafton-Regis - = =e op, i 2 Selle eta Pes 2 - - 8 4 12 Hifivel <<, Gs = = gual @, 4 gol ed = 34] 8 1 119 102 214 Old-Stratford _ eee 4; 89] 2] s 68 | 20 1 223 209 432 Passenham ~ «© a () Pant 4 59 ; 62 ih = eS ~ - nd = Paulers-Pur x . : : 2] 1 14 16 Potters-Pary Be ke HS aan (2) se 216 230 1 2 i 76 : a a Ty Us Vardley-Cabion =. a tea} | ee) | Se Be Be | ag 397 | 448 | 8 Roade — Healer} 119 | 127] 9 | = 78 | 47 2 268 a be Stoke-Bruerne - : e (2) ers 101 108 | -] — 69 | 24 15 225 ee i. Shuttlehanger - - ~ Chapelry ra = tie 73 | 13 = 211 213 424 WICKER Hoe om: ee Be, 88 ca She a : i 148 160 308 © pat eae . = 198 | . 273 471 1,352 ‘CORBY Hundred, 7352 | 15452 | 7117 | 1,059 | 340 | 53 3,251 | 3,536 | 6,787 Ree a a tats iO oy ake Blatherwycke - - - (f) er ee oa) +] 3 41 | 26 15 177 190 367 Bripton, <= = o 2 2 Bee 35} 41] 2] 1 36 3 2 119 121 240 Brigstock = - 25 a Sia ae ie 15 6 1 6 0 i Pune a Gs ee) EP Se aed at aaah ee : 08 oa Carltn: Bask zs - Parish 86 101 Ee ji 80 7 529 50 1,037 Corby a : 7, Et he Parish 17 17 = 1 5 ‘ . 251 220 471 Cottingham - % aie Pamh| 399) 44a) — | « 17} 34 91 - of 63 Middleton - - ) Pesbe a6} a6) —| a] 6 ee ee Dene a Township 85 Sb eta = 24 9 230 232 462 Deenthorpe - - 7 EB : iz ee 43 7 a) 34 < : : = a 377 Dingley - - - ~ ee oy 44 49; 1] - 40 9 es aoe eae 204 Fineshade - -~ - . Y a 33 35} -] 41 17 6 12 : re ee: Geddington - - ~ 2 ~ oe 13 13}, -] - 13 = as S 7 ae Greion, = 5 ew ey te May =| = 137 | 38 “6 a a Harringworth ie Parish 176 180 _ 3 136 45 ~ 37 375 751 eign sn oe ee Se as 1 349 338 684 Newton - - - Parish 27 5a} | we oh 7 2 162 188 350 Oakley, Great = E 7 : — 18 wy -| - 14 2 ae 83 aa Oakley, Lidl, 2. , ty $8) a4) -T >i al « | 3 ae . a Rockingham - - ~ . anh 28 28; -|] 1 25 3 iS 2 7 183 Stanion - - - - ae cis 57 Gio cash 49 8 = 6o | 121 Stoke- Albany Bal i arish 55 59 1 2 47 En 4 i. 152 278 Sutton-Bassett - - a ee 83 88 | ~| 2 79 8 4 eS ae 297 Wally = ee YF Bee] ed 46) og |e a ey Se Weekley - . _ > Pa) 86) ak a) = ! 74 | 142 - Parish : a 1 102 107 209 51 54 7 = 29 9 16 123 132 255 : oss ae ah Parish of Aston-le-Walls contains 271 Inhabitant: A Ww oddi = itants,———. * a Se my 18t1=——(5) “The. Gaeieen Boddington were returned scnasataly cette one Parish includes the Hamlet of Denshanger,) and Prevented the increase of Po ‘date : ee 1S supposed to have cout’gay 1 1 ink - eoe eae Theventire Pate of Etta Poy Mentioned as the canse of an t nat Byfield. ‘) Lace-making is | of St. M 1410 Inhabitants. —~(*) Blatherwycke comprizes the Parishes gis, and Stoke-Br creasing Population at Alderton Gratt Mary Magdalen and the Holy Trinity; united in the year 1448 732 Inhabitants, -(e) 7 The entire Paristiuf Stoke-Fruem cactcane, Ufo e 1 The entire Parish of Cottingham contains 839 Inhs bit ts— Parish of Cosgrove, ao oe of Old Stratiord is pevieaa ke (h) The decrease of Population in the Parish of taxten, in one: y in the Parish of Furtho, partly in a Parish quence of some families being removed to an adjoining Parish, M.DCCC.XXL.] ERT ETRE THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. RN ER 223 COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. kin, 12 +e increase of Population in Newnham Parish js partly attributed to lace- partly to a school for boys having been established since 1811. Norton Parish includes tle Hamlets of Muscott and Thorpe —— entire Parish of Blakesley contains 752 Inhabitants ——(") The entire Parish of Cannons-Ashby contains 203 Inhabitants—-(°) Luffield Abbey, Extra-Parochial, is partly in Greens-Norton, partly in Buckingham Hundred, County of Buckingham, and is included in the Return of the column of occupations, were brought up in the woollen manufactory, which a few years back flourished in the village of Long-Buckby ; but that trade having failed, nearly the whole are maintained by agricultural labour ; so likewise in Great-Creaton Parish, many families are now employed ‘in husbandry who formerly were occupied in the woollen manufactory. Including Murcott, the Parish of Long-Buckby contains 1,843 Inhabitants. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, a Famr- | Fame-} ayy . B ‘ Lies | LIES ai oR . oe i 3 chiefly aan 4 cents wi TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B lps | 2 ployed | ,e4 in |notcom-| of a ie f : a Oc- 3 aq: a Traps, | prized in a 3 i ‘ s c 3 4 Manu- | the Two - .Parish} 100} 121} -—] — 83 22 16 283 281 564 Harpole - - - Parish} 139 | 140] -]f 5 84 37 19 345 342 687 Heyford, Nether ~- - Parish 88 95| -} 6 46 32 17 211 211 422 Heyford, Upper - - - Parish 26 267 -]f - 23 2 - 66 56 122 Holdenby - - - - Parish 28 29; -] - 26 3 - 84 65 149 Kislingbury - - - Parish 117 133 | -—} -— | 110 21 2 319 324 643 Ravensthorpe (part of) - (>) Parish} 102 17} o—-}] - 86 29 2 222 278 500 Uno - - - ue 1 9 af = 18 1 - 51 39 go ( é aris = = 4 1 1 25 20 45 Whilton - - - - - Parish 73 | 81] -] 83 46 19 16 188 182 370 ee aa 1,647 | 1,780 | 5 | 24 |1,135 | 372 | 273 | 4,051 | 4,042 | 8,093 undred. silent - - - Hg 172 | 221) -] 4 | 126 §1 44 454 473 927 ees on - Paris 77 102 i 2 95 5 2 240 215 455 — ey = = aes 53 a th 39 5 11 122 128 250 i on ss = - + ‘aris 20 2 = - 20 oa - Oo 8 Hannington - - Parish 37 39} -] 2 29 3 4 se es : Hardwick - - - = Parish 15 15 -]| - 9 2 4 ies 2 a Harrowden, Great - - - Parish 25 26] - 1 29 3 1 647 "3 140 pemeniens Little - ~ Parish 93 2 -| 2 57 36 3 209 211 420 Tanya Se Gf) oa = 28 2 - a a tt | ss = 7 1 1 Hanging-Houghto - Hamlet 23 2 -| = = 4 ss 6 be Hi Old, or Wold - ~ = Parish 8 a: - 2 Orlingbur - 3 Goel est) gol Pee ee 166 ee Bitelloy - - Paik “a . x - i : =: at he , oS = 21 234 452 ee - | ~ Parish 70 76 a 1 47 22 io 167 156 323 c e - = Parish 112 120 = _ 76 28 16 263 266 529 POLEBROOKE Hundred NEN | ee ee 2,567 | 2626 | 5,193 Barnwell, St.-And - i = ca ndrew sor - 2 2 25 11 13 121 134 “255 Hemington - Parish E 2 E a i a ; : : "8 68 = Luddington-in-the-Brook (¢) Parish 23 23) -; = i ag Oundle | (©) Parish a 23 eS = 60 59 119 Ashton - - Hamlet 6 a | 4h 84 | 25g 4 180 1,040 | 1,110 | 2,150 Polebrook (8) Bush 43 26 oe he 30 = - 67 62 129 Armston - - - - Hamlet 2 Vet colt ie a te 3 167 149 316 Thurning - - C). Parsi bas Soy 2 lite 7 — = 10 13 23 Warmington - (8) Parish 1 106 7 _ = a ie = es Winwick (part of) (ny Pais! ean ~ 7 98 13 - 258 261 519 8 - = 3 ROTHWELL Hundred. a | Be | 7 {0 | 382 | 303. | 199 2,007 | 2,082 | 4,089 Arthingworth - Paris! — . Bacioca ree si - Peas 48 - - 107 103 210 Bowden, Little - (4) Parish 74 wy | 8 = - a oy 3 6 9 Oxenden, Little - - - Tales edge ee 24 13 149 159 308 Braybrook - - - Parish 91 gl 1 2 6 2 nak Fi 2 4 6 Clipston - - - - - Parish |. 166 171 2 Z 5 zy 9 200 ~ 179 - 379 Desborough - > > = Parish} 205 | 278 . - 19 39 | 113 395 418 813 Draughton - - ee +) Parish 39 5 8 ake = - a co 479 oer Farndon, East - - =e Pah a - “a = 36 2 - 89 81 170 SHON 6 ee rode pe eA) a Cf) ae ao oe 111 | 139 | 250 ae 4 1 1 16 21 37 a a oe (°) Ravensthorpe Parish is partly in Guil Sueegen Tau eh cass 720 Tababitants —(e) THe emg Beige | Elton, the latter of whichis locally situate in Wilybnook Hundred oo contains 233 Inhabitants—_/4) Luddington-in-the-B a he entire Parish contains 2,279 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish wu is hese eeeereg“igbtonsione Hundred, Huntingdonshire, but the | Stair one breve contains 339 Inhabitants, ——(®) Warmington. Parish io ae pte entered. Ou the contrary, Tharning raish, part in as ree the Hamlet of Warmington, locally situate in Willybrook.Hun- () 0 : dl is entered in Leichtonstone Hundred, Huntin sdondte e a Co Wins Pana Partly in Polebrook Hundred, is pany undle Parish includes the Hamlets of Biggin. Che Bad Leightonstone Hundred, Huntingdonshire, where the whole is entered. Som, Churen-field and 1 ——(') ‘The entire Parish of Littie-Bowden contains 314 Inhabitants. M-DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. t —(") Moulton-Park, Extra-Parochial, entered separately in 1811, is COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- Hon Au i By “a LIES chiefly Orner . oR 7 how 3 chiefly employ- Families n TOTAL 3 many | | “s em- | edin {Hot com- wR a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, = |Families! & | 2 | ployed|Taans,|prizediny s a 4 Oc- 3) 3S in | Mann. | the Two 3 a PERSONS. a cupied. | p Acrr- | factures, preced- a fy cuL- JorHandi- Ga ROTHWELL Hundred—continued. Se Harrington - - - + = Parish} 32 33} 11 34 27 1 5 92 92 184 -Haselbeech - - - - - = Parish 30 30} -—| 2 25 3 2 46 94 170 Kelmarsh - - - Parish 32 32} -| — 7 18 1 13 85 87 172 Loddington - = = © = Parish 38 43 | —-| 14 36 5 2 115 99 214 Maidwell_ - ~ = = = Parish 49 55) -| ~ | 41 12 2 146 133 279 Marston-Trussel - - - Parish 47 49| -| 2 42 6 1 ili 104 215 Thorpe-Lubbenham - (*) Township 1 aj —-| - - - 1 1 1 2 Oxenden, Great - - - = Parish 56 68] -| 2 55 13 ~ 140 137 277 Rothwell _- - - - - (!) Parish] 388 | 400] — | 10 g4 | 299 4 872 870 1,742 Orton - ~ - = = Chapelry 22 23) -| - 22 1 - 45 46 gu Thorpe-Underwood - Hamlet 2 | eS oe 2 = = 9 3 12 Rushton, All-Saints & St. Peters, Parish, 72 80} -| = 16 8 56 178 188 346 Sibbertoft - - - Parish 82 99/ 1] 3 46 23 - 211 195 406 Sulby - - - = ~ - = = Parish 9 9{--]| - 5 = 4 34 25 59 Theddingworth Parish: (™) ; Hothorpe - - - - «© Hamlet 9 wt] -] 1 14 - 1 31 31 62 Thorpe-Malsor - - - = - Parish 56 59} -]| 2 38 10 11 146 153 299 1,617 |1,720 | 5 | 33 | 840 | 541 | 339 3793 | 3,847 | 7,640 SPELHOE Hundred. Abington - 2 + = - =) Parish 26 26} —| —- 24 1 1 85 go 175 Billing, Great - - - - - Parish 63 hi -] - 30 13 32 150 184 334 Billing, Little - - + Parish 15 17{o-} 1 16 - 1 36 40 46 Boughton - - = - = = Parish 470 “6; —-|] — 67 9 - 174 177 351 Kingsthorpe - - - - - Parish} 255] 279} 3] 4 | 199 69 11 613 613 1,226 Moulton - - - - = (*) Parish} 218] 227] —| 6 F 184 39 3 532 540 1,072 Moulton-Park - - (*) Extra-P, - -} -] - - - - - - - Overstone + - - - Parish 37 40} —| 1 34 5 1 95 97 192 Pisford =~ - - - - Parishf 106] 106) —] —- 67 26 13 226 280 506 Spratton - - - - - (°) Parish} 190 | 192 1| 4 99 46 47 410 429 839 Creaton, Little - Hamlet 22 a2; —-{ = 16 2 4 54 52 106 Weston-Favell - - - - = Parish a7 82 | -{ 1 54 | 13 15 182 207 389 11,076 | 1,142 4117 £ 791 | 223 | 128 2,557 2,709 5,266 TOWCESTER Hundred. : Abthorpe - - (?) Parish 80 | 100} -] = 42 45 13 197 220 417 Cold, Higham - Parish 70 yo; —-| 2] 64 4 2 157 157 314 Gayton - - - - = -. Parish 76 81} -—| 2 49 20 12 196 193 389 Pattishall- - - - - Parish f 161 | 161] —| 2 | 194 24 3 343 352 695 Tifield - - - - - - Parish 28 31/ -—| 3 fF 19 6 6 64. 63 127 Towcester - - = = (%) Parishf 529] 611 | 2] 5 | 177 | 244 | 190 1,194 | 1,360 | 2,554 | 944 11,054} 2) 14 | 485 | 343 | 226 2,151 | 25345 | 4,496 WILLYBROOK Hundred. Apethorpe - Parish {| 36 51) -| -— fF -34 12 5 129 128 257 Colly-Weston - - - Parish} 65 vo} -| -—f 45 23 2 171 182 353 Cotterstock - - - - = Parish 30 32 | -| —- 27 5 - aT 82 159 | Duddington - - - - - = Parish 81 81] -| 3 28 25 28 160 192 352 Easton - - - - - - Parish} 139 155 1 3 4% 65 86 4 357 ' 332 689 | Elmington - - - - (*) Hamlet ~ -{ -]| -— - = = ~ = = ' Fotheringhay - - - - = Parish 58 65} 1] - 62 3 1 160 149 309 Glapthorn - = = = = = Parish 67 6] - 1} 63 13 - 178 176 354 | King’s-Cliffe - - - - - - Parish} 227] o94!/ 2] 7 | 84 | 114 36 563 517 | 1,080 (*) Thorpe-Lubbenham Township is partly in Lubbenham Parish, | Hamlet is situate in Guilsborough Hundred. The entire Parish of Spratton |) | Gartree Hundred, County of Leicester, but.the whole. is here entered. | contains 945 Inhabitants——(") Abthorpe Parish includes the Hamlets : The entire Parish of Marston-Trussel (with this:addition) contains 217 | of Charlock and Foscote, and the Families “ chiefly employed in Trade” ! Inhabitants.——(!): The: entire Parish of Rothwell contains 1,845 Inba-’ } in this Parish, are manufacturers of silk stockings and bone lace——— }. bitants——(™) Most part of Theddingworth Parish is in Gartree Hun- (4) Towcester Parish includes the Hamlets of Caldicott, Handley and |. dred, County.of Leicester. The.entire Parish contains 264 Inhabitants. Wood-Burcot———(') Elmington Hamlet-is included in the Return of f. Oundle Parish, Polebrook Hundred. ; now included in the Return of Moulton Parish—(°) Little Creaton - 7 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. 228 COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: | f Famr- tigi Aut "i LIES PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By a | ue | itt | ome seas how 2 chiefly employ- | Families a) Be {may | a | 2 | em | edin |not com. dj = or 3 m ‘g Son EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. See ‘ Blogea Teas, {plein 5 = _ |PERSoNs. 3 cupied.} = | 5 | Aonr- factures, | preced- a & . cuL- JorHandi-| ing TURE. craft. Classes. WILLYBROOK Hundred—continued. Lutton - - - = = = (*) Parish 40 50] -|] 1 45 5 5 88 ot Nassington - = - - + Parish} 115 Y20) | Sp = 73 31 1 273 0 . Sauthuntele - 2 = © - | Parish 21 23, -}| - 10 4 5 59 2 ae Tansor - + - - = Parish 50 SEL Se ) = 34 15 119 5 ‘i Warmington - - - - -(t) Hamlet = Se Re Re = x 2 = og wie - = = = = Parish 69 80f -| - 46 26 8 185 a Se Yarwell - - - - - - = Parishf 60 744 -} 1 36 35 3 147 5 3 1,058 /1,168 ] 3] 16 652 | 396 | 120 2,666 2,648 “| 5,314 WYMERSLEY Hundred. Blisworth - a - Parishf 127, 147] -] - 73 | 45] 29 353 343 sc Brafield-on-the-Green - - + Parish 81 86; -] 1 71 15 = a a ce Castle Ashby - - -() Parish 24 25 10 3 12 5 < Cogenhoe, or Cocknoe - - = Parish 45 53, 1} — 39 8 6 124 13 : 55 Collingtree - - - = = Parish 39 42] -| 3 30 3 9 95 re ie Courteenhall - - - - - Parish 26 26) -] - 19 2 5 61 3 44 Denton - - - Parish} 81 97} -] 1 go 7 = 223 252 #15 Grendon - - - - - ~ Parishf 128] 135/ -—]|] 3 93 23 | 19 278 319 pas Hardingstone - - (“) Parshf 133] 140] 1] 5 80 44] 16 316 340 5 Far-Cotton, with Paper-Mills 6 ree i i * he 184 356 and Delapree-Abbey -

- - + + Parish} = 23 a3} -| - 21 1 1 53 62 115 Rothersthorpe - - = = Parish 53 55} 1{ 2 9 7/1 39 128 144 272 Whiston - - - + Parish 10 2} o—} = 12 _ - 24 23 - Wootton - - - Parish} 123] 129] -—]|] 7 84 41 4 279 302 5d1 Yardley-Hastings - - -~ Parish | 186 | 237} -—]| - 173 61 3 442 475 917 1,592 [1,772 | 11 | 29 J1,217 | 344 | 181 3,897 4,227 8,124 Borough of NORTHAMPTON. All-Saints - (+) - - - - pach 1,114 11,283 | 7} 12 341,236 | 44 2,802 2,998 | 5,800 Giles, St. (+) ~ > - () Parish} 408] 512 } 12 5 5 | 462] 45 1,012 1,120 | 2,132 Pea + eis ~ Parishf 76} 78} -]| 3 4| 63] 11 256 220 476 Sepulchre, St. - - - - (%) Parish} 425 | 488] 14] 10 22; 414] 52 1,130 1,255 | 2,385 2,023 | 2,361 | 33 | 30 34 | 2,175 | 152 5,200 5,593 | 10,793 NASSABURGH or PETERBOROUGH Liberty. Bainton - - ~ - (2) Parish 30 35 | -| 3 20 6 9 88 74 162 Barnack - - > + (*) Parish 90 96} -] 2 70 26 ~ 205 174 379 Pilsgate - - - Hamlet 25 27} -] - 24 1 2 71 82 153 Southorpe - Hamlet 18 24} 1] 1 23 1 - 62 55 117 Borough-Fen (Ville) - - Extra-P, 27 Roe ies dae 32 ~ & 109 95 204 Castor - - + (>) Parish 86} 122] -]| 4 75 39 8 ‘252 242 494 Ailesworth - - - Hamlet 47 50] -—]| 2 44 6 _ 131 118 249. Sutton + - - — Chapelry 21 21po—-| 18 3 - 53 60 113 Upton - ~~ = Chapelryf 20 aif -| — 20 1 7 53 50 103 Polebrook Hundred. Northampton. (§) Lutton, or Luddington-in-the-Wold, is partly in Norman-Cross Hundred, County of Huntingdon, but the whole is here entered,—_— @ Warmington Hamlet is included in the Return of Warmington Parish, (") The decrease of Population in the Parish of Castle-Ashby is ascribed to the absence of the famil v (“) Hardingstone Parish include be entire Parish contains 1,012 Tuhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Piddington contains 871 Inbabitants——(7) The increase of Popu- ly of the Marquess of s Cotton-end Hamlet. lation in the Parish of St. Giles is ascribed since 1811; and that in the Parish of St. which, in the latter Parish, « full employment in that bran 100 years of age at Bainton. tains 649 Inhabitants. Inhabitants, to the great increase of houses . Sepulchre to the same cause, Te chiefly occupied by shoemakers, who find ch of trade.——-(7) One female upwards of (2) The entire Parish of Barnack con- .——(>) The entire Parish of Castor contains 846 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 229 (SSS = ES RES ‘COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Mice ae Aga on be S| aa OY : mle Pe TOTAL | -| gla ole [Se pariest| 2 | 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. q |Families) 2 | 2 | ployed | Tnanz,|prized inf & : or 4 eupied, 3 8 ean ueae. oe 3 a PERSONS. ret actures, : NASSABURGH or PETERBOROUGH | dam | coke | Olin Liberty—continued. Etton, with Woodcroft - - - Parish} 20 23} -| 1 23 7 = 68 57 125 Eye - - - - - - - = Parish] 167} 188] 2{ 2 143 34 11 375 372 947 Glinton - - - - - - Parish 74 75 | 2] 2 48 19 8 188 184 372 Helpstone - - - - * = Parish g2} 100] 1] 1 66 27 7 198 174 372 John, St. the Baptist Parish: (°) : Dogsthorpe - - - - - Hamlet 75 75. (oS = 17 5 53 191 188 379 Eastfield, with Newark - - Hamlet 51 5i J =] 2 12 3 36 116 131 247 Longthorpe - - - - = Hamlet} 48 48 | -| - 5 1 42 125 115 240 Marholm - - - - - = Parish 20 23) -| - 23 = - 58 62 120 Martins, St. Stamford-Baron (4) Parish] 194} 288] -| 8 3 83] 202 551 639 1,190 Woothorpe - - - - - Hamlet 9 g9{ -| - 3 1 5 20 16 36 Maxey - - - - - -(®) Parish “4} 81] -—| 2 60 11 10 199 195 374 Deeping-Gate - - - - Hamlet 32 40; -j] 1 25 10 5 83 87 170 Newborough - - - - - = Parish 31 31] -| 4 30 1 - 70 59 129 Northborough - - - - Parish 45 59} - 1 49 10 - 118 114 232 Paston- ~ - - + -(f) Parish 16 17} -] 1 15 - 2 45 53 98 Gunthorpe - - - - - Hamlet 8 8} -| - 8 - - 22 21 43 Walton - - - - - - - Hamlet 31 32] -] 1 28 4 - 81 70 151 Werrington - - - - Hamlet 64] 103] 1] 2 57 31 15 253 219 472 Peakirk - - - - - = + Parish} 37 42} 1] 4 33 8 1 84 96 180 Thornhaugh - - - - - = Parish 46 53) -} - 46 6 1 128 138 266 Ufford- - - - = - (8) Parish 31 36! -j 1 20 9 7 80 68 148 Ashton - - - - - + = Hamlet] 23 23| -| - 19 4 us 72, 59 131 Wansord- « - - - = = Pain|’ og! a7] -—1} — St ae) 48 90 89 179 Whittering - - - = = Parish} 37 38 | 2f - 36 2 - 99 84. 183 1,618 |1,908 | 10 | 39 | 1,103 | 366] 439 | 4,338 4,220 8,558 City of PETERBOROUGH. John, St. the Baptist - - () Parishf 919 | 943 | 11 | 21 to} 302] 631 2,059 2,390 4,449 Minster Close - - - - Precinct 31 38}; -} 19g - 4 34 49 100 149 950 | 981 | 11 | 22 10} 306] 665 2,108 2,490 4,598 ©) St. John Baptist Parish is in fact the City of Peterborough, | Paston contains 764 Inhabitants. (®) The entire Parish of Ufford although it extends beyond the limits of the city. (*) The entire | contains 279 Inhabitants. h) St.-John-Baptist Parish extends into Parish of St. Martin-Stamford-Baron contains 1,226 Inhabitants. It is { the Liberty of Peterborough. he entire Parish contains 5,315 Inha- a suburb of the Borough of Stamford (Lincolnshire) ——(¢) The entire | bitants. Parish of Maxey contains 544 Inhabitants——(‘) The entire Parish of Noo ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER. [Enumeration, 230 sie COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON — continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: — | | Par — hee nee ee HUNDREDS, ie B | chicay | MY | rere v | TOTAL = os : & employ- | Families : x E frames 2] Z| pioyea tem (reece) od | | oe 2 lotta S| 2 | | Ma |telwo] 3 A PERSONS, a & P Acrr- | factures, preced- a ——J] cvt- fJorHandi-| _ ing ees Handiele TURE. | craft, | Classes. Sa CHIPPING WARDEN - - 928; 986} 5] 12 695 | 210 81 2,239 2,224 | 4,463 CLELEY - - - - - = -| 1,352] 1,452] 7] 17 1,059 | 340 53 J 3,251 3,536 | 6,787 CORBY - - - ~ ~ | 45132) 2,251) 15 | 39 1,544] 464 | 243 7 5,043 55134 | 10,177 FAWSLEY - - - - - =| 2,680! 2,791{ 12 | 47 J1,490) 939 | 362 | 6,541 | 6,599 13,140 GREENS NORTON - - -] 1,027] 1,085] 5] 8 614} 303 168 2,423 2,486 4,909 GENSPOROUGH ~~ = = = 10943) 2047] 8 | a7 fagoa | sea] aor | 4917 | 4660 | oes HAMFORDSHOE - = - -{| 1,570} 1,725| 4 29 541 991 193 3,743 4,191 7,934 HIGHAM-FERRERS - -| 1,429] 1,660] 7] 8 925] 512] 163 [| 3,604 3,964 | 7,568 HUXLOE - - - - 2,320] 2,472) 12 | 34 $1,225 | g¥e 275 5,730 5,902 | 11,632 KING’S-SUTTON - - - 2,370} 2,609) 18 | 43 [1,733 | 582 2904 | 5,778 6,119 11,897 NAVISFORD - - - -f 476/ 513] ~1 3 321 | 132 60 | 1,171 1,264 | 2,435 NOBOTTLE-GROVE - | 1,647] 1,780] 5 | 24 1,195 372 |} 273 | 4,051 4,042 | 8,093 ORLINGBURY - - - - 7 1,007! 1,142] 1 {16 749 237 128 2,567 2,626 5,193 POLEBROOK - - - 744) 833} 1] 10 | 391] 303] 139 2,007 2,082 | 4,089 ROTHWELL - - = | 4617] 4,720] 5 433 | 840] 541] 9399 3793 | 3,847 | 7,640 SPELHOE - - - - ~ | 1076) 1,142) 4}17 | 791 | 205] 108 2,557 | 2,709 | 5,266 TOWCESTER—- =e 944] 1,054) 2114 7 485! 343] 226 | 2,151 2,345 | 4,496 WILLYBROOK - - - ~- 1,058] 1,168} 3 | 16 652 396 120 2,666 2,648 5s314 WYMERSLEY - - - - 14592] 45772) 11 | 29 {1,217 | 374] 181 | 3,897 | 4,007 | 8104 Borough of NORTHAMPTON - - - - | 2,023 2,361] 33 | 30 34 12,175 | 152 | 5,200 5,593 | 10,793 Liberty of PETERBOROUGH - - ~ =| gso! 81] i1 | o9 10} 306} 665 | 2,108 | 2,490 | 4,598 City of PETERBOROUGH - - - ~-| 1,618 1,908] 10 | 39 | 1,103 366 | 439 | 4,338 4,220 8,558 Torars - - - 132,503) 35,552 179 | 527 118,974 | 11,695 4,883 | 79,575 | 82,908 | 162,483 “‘M.DCCC.XXI.] COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. 231 Ages of Persons. MALES. fe z : / : ‘\ Under | 2 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 3 Hundred to to to to to to to | to | to | to] to} & eB 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | GO | 70| 80; 90 |100) "P| & of : ; eeeontee Ali tazess.| ; . ___ |wards. CHIPPING-WARDEN - | 323 | 279] 278} 235 | 333 | 250} 292) 162 [124] 52/14] 14 —] 2,283 CLELEY - - - -| 482] 445; 369{ 326] 470] 317] 321 | 234/191) 79/14] 1] — | 3,249 CORBY - - - - =| 723] 692] 576] 444} 691 | 500 | 459} 420 |326/185| 32 / 1] — | 5,049 FAWSLEY - -| 727 | 655} 546] 50 656 | 593 | 448 | 352 [251/166] 31] 21 — | 45,935 GREENS-NORTON -[| 354| 289! 254] 284} 353] 268 | 222 181 $135; 80] 10] 3] — | 2,433 GUILSBOROUGH - -] 542} 526] 395] 365] 5171 377 | 872 | 320 [240/156] 41 | 4] - | 3;855 HAMFORDSHOE - -J| 590}. 488; 380] 377] 547] 431 | 380] 240 [204] 91] 14] —- 35742 HIGHAM-FERRERS -]| 515] 493} 4324 386] 526] 379 | 333] 254 {180; 87] 18 1] - | 3,604 HUXLOE - - - -]| 894| 762} 748] 564] 807] 610{ 506] 407 /325|159] 35] 2) — | 5,819 KING’S-SUTTON -| 872 | 743 | 648] 562] 695] 568] 556] 425 }271/170| 34] 11] - 49 5,545 NAVISFORD - - -]| 161] 164] 117] 130] 198] 125} 103 63 | 74] 32} 4] -—| — 91,172 NOBOTTLE-GROVE 597 | 5771 459} 386! 550] 427 | 398] 268 }2e45!117) 16] 1] - 44,041 ORLINGBURY - - -f[ 402} 313] 282] 270] 391 | 287! 220] 177 134] 76] 23] -—} — | 2,575 POLEBROOK - - - 274 276 243 223 304. 211 193 127 {111} 47] 10 = — | 2,019 ROTHWELL - - -]| 548 | 446{ 426| 977 { 524] 352] 368] 308 | 261/155] 23 1| -— 13,789 SPELHOE - - = 398 ; 335] 328) 299} 346] 253] 236) 159/125] 55} 14} -| — | 2,548 TOWCESTER - ~ -]| 337 {| 269] 234 | 236] 282 232 218 158 |112| 61] 10 1 | — | 2,150 WILLYBROOK - - -{ 394] 372] 354] 235] 356] 298 254} 210/119] 681 15 1] — | 2,676 WYMERSLEY - ~- -{ 597] 505} 442} 401] 586| 415} 358] 233 | 219,124} 23 | 1] — 13,904 NORTHAMPTON BORO’] 203 182 152 156 | 264] 140 | 105 871 54] 35} 81 -{ — 141,386 page 678 | 538} 436] 482] 730] 491; 380] 314] 194} 84/171 -| - 74,344 PETERBOROUGH CITY | 347 | 255 213 183 | 325 245 199 138 |115] 48] 9 1 — | 2,108 Total of MALES - [10,958] 9,604 | 8,312 | 7,429 |10,451 | 7,799 | 6,861 | 5,237 |4,010]2,127] 415] 22 | — | 73,295 FEMALES. fo = Ny Undr{ 2 | 10 } 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 } 60) 70 | 80} 90/100] 4 Hundred to to to to to to to | to | to] to | to] & a 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100} “P- 2 er ; : wards, CHIPPING-WARDEN -] 317] 270} 240] 227 | 356] 272 | 202] 163145] 61] 10] -—]| — | 2,263 CLELEY - - + -| 479| 410] 380] 348] 595} 453} 345 | 245 1176) 83) 22 | -]| — | 3,536 CORBY - - + -| 733} 671 | 491 | 470 | 787] 532} 520 | 420 |317]/151/ 41) 4] — [5,137 FAWSLEY - - -} 716] 665} 5351 4591 727] 545 ¢ 431 | 360 |2731138] 28) 34 —]| 4,880 GREENS-NORTON -] 361] 314] 258] 235 | 422] 284} 249] 154 [122] 68/18] 1] — | 2,486 GUILSBOROUGH + -]| 4971 511] 367] 3371 529 | 447] 367 | 333 {206/108} 24] 1] -| 3,707 HAMFORDSHOE - -{ 532{ 478] 431 | 402 {| 749] 540 | 400} 311 [213] 98] 23 1] ~—] 4,178 f HIGHAM-FERRERS -] 552} 517] 425 | 460/ 650] 402 392 | 279 | 188) 77; 17] 1] -— 43,960 HUXLOE - - - -{ 873} 789] 591] 538{ 961} 607} 517! 440 |314]143| 37 | 2] - | 5,902 KING’S-SUTTON - - | 848] 723] 639] 605 | 941 | 676] 597] 382 |310/158] 39] -—]| —- | 5,918 NAVISFORD - = -]| 190 165 } 137 111 219 | 140 116 73} 66) 37/ 9) 1 — | 1,264 NOBOTTLE-GROVE -{ 617] 541]. 419] 339] 646] 4671! 9376} 263 }225/112] 22 | —| - 7 4,027 ORLINGBURY - - -] 373] 313] 237] 251 | 461 | 319 | 258} 167 {146} 72/19} —}| ~§ 2,616 # POLEBROOK -~ - = 291 239 204 203 344 261 198 148 |123] 50] 11 -— |) =] 2,072 ROTHWELL - - -| 544} 494] 392] 349; 580] 432] 377 | 300 |241/ 97' 33 | 1) — [3,840 SPELHOE - - - -f 382] 340] 3307 3221 419 | 286|] 2507 183114] 69) 12 | 1} = | 2,708 TOWCESTER - - -| 315 { 269] 257} 2344 401 | 272] 235] 171/118] 55; 17} 2] — $2,346 WILLYBROOK - - -{ 392] 382] 269; 211} 349! 287) 287] 222/145] 83/18 | 3] — | 2,648 WYMERSLEY - - -]} 585 { 547! 449] 420] 691 | 468] 421 266 242/101) 29] 1} = | 4,220 NORTHAMPTON BORO’] 231 | 168] 141 {| 139] 308] igo] 123 go | 66) 244 5} -}| -] 1,485 seit a ge -} 629] 547] 420] 384] 687] 523} 386} 306/219) 93] 33 1 | 4,234 PETERBOROUGH CITY} 353 { 254{ 210] 2511) 468] 287] 244] 190/151] 70] 10 | — | 2,490 Total of FEMALES - [10,810] 9,607 | 7,822 | 7,295 |12,290| 8,780 | 7,291 | 5,466 | 4,120 1,948, 477} 30 | 1 75,9371 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Nortlampton was .... 162,483, .... aud the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was .... 149,162, .. obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Northampton was 346; five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): aremarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages in this County were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Maley and Females. .. whence it appears, that the Ages of one-twelfth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, 232 ea County of Northumberland. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fac | Er | dpe By . LIES ares OTHER OF ; how 3 | chiefly anes Families wy TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 Famibes) © ‘3 in a {cd in |notcom- ce coe Ee ed ee PERS B| : 3 a anu- BAMBROUGH Ward. peer et fe — ee on s . oy (North Division.) = TURE. ate a Sides Bam BROUGH Parish: (#) Adderstone- - - - = Township 59 5 fall ods Oo 161 181 Bambrough - - (#) Township 83 = - 2 : a Pi 159 183 on Bambrough-Castle - - Township 8 8} -] 1 - 2 6 12 50 62 Bradford - +» - - - Township 8 -8 - 1 8 - = 21 27 48 Beadnell - - (*) Chapelry] 55 56] -| 5 24] 21 11 89 124 213 Budle - - - - - Township 16 1 -j| - 12 3 2 45 54 99 Burton - - - - Township 16 16] - 1 16 - = 47 38 85 Elford - - - - - = Township 21 2r{ —-| - 16 5 = 65 66 131 Fleetham - - + = Township 17 wzwin-{| - 11 2 4 47 47 Glororum - - - = Township 9 g9/ -| - 9 - - 22 24 is Hoppen - 7 = = + Township 7 a - = a - - 10 19 29 Lucker - - Chapelry 38 40} -]| 3 24 5 11 89 105 194 Mouson = - - Township 13 14] -} - 14 - - 34 39 93 Newham - - * - Township 50 50} —|] 1 43 7 - 149 149 298 Newstead - (>) Township 19 wf} -] - 19 - - 44 40 go Outchester- - - - . Township 18 18 1 - 18 - - 53 56 10 Ratchwood - - - Township 2 2; -| - 2 - = 5 5 1 : Shoston Py eet sont 3 Township 10 10 - - 9 - 1 30 33 6 Spindlestone - - = Township 21 22; o—-1 41 15 7 - 50 47 : Sunderland, North Township | 126 126 1 2 a7 48 1 263 303 Be Swinhoe - - - Township 19 19 = 1 19 - = §1 60 a Tuggal - = = = = Township 17 17 - 1 17 = - 37 48 8 Warrenton > - > = Township 21 21 - - 20 1 - 64 64 1 ie Warnford, or Warrington — Township 4 8f/ -] = 6 1 1 15 12 27 Belford (part of) Parish: (¢) Belford - = - Townshi 182 2 , Detchant = id Township 25 . E = a a a er asin gton - - + Township 42 42 -j|o- 36 6 - 93 d ; 86 Easington-Grange = - Township 10 wo} -| = 10 - - 27 : : : Elwick - - - Township 13 13 -| - 13 = a 33 6 3 Middleton - - - - Township 12 wa} -| = 11 - 1 32 47 79 BAMBROUGH Ward. 944 | 1,025 | 4} 25 | 633 | 287 | 105 2,452 { 2,618 | 5,070 (South Division.) Ellingham Parish: (“) Charlton, North - Townshi - : Charlton, South - - - Township a a 1 : ao "é : : 4 : : - Chathill - -_~ = Township 5 6 _ _ é = . - s 2 Ditchburn, East & West Township 17 Wy_-} - 11 1 5 46 : 7 Doxford > - Township} 12 1 | 11 1 2 ; 2, a Ellingham - - - - « Township 51 53 | 1 2 39] 11 . pe : a Preston - - - Township 12 wzs}oiy = 10 1 pi 25 e Shipley - - - = = Township 23 23 - 2 21 2 : ee zr ; ; = 74 55 129 Embleton Parish: (°) Brocksfield- - - ~ = Townshi E Bruton, High and Low - Township 16 16 - i 2 e = = Craster - = - > Township 24 OA. | sep a a ‘ 38 32 7 Dunston - - - - «~ Township 42 47 = 1 37 10 ae 36 ou Embleton - - - - - Township 94 94 _ 6 50 5 oo 107 10 213 Fallowdon - - - - ~ Township] 90 Sri all senile : 4 20 210 - 203 413 Newton - - = - - Township 48 oe » 3 5 52 60 112 Renington - - - Cha 2 32 120 127 247 pelry 60 60} -| 1 47 4 28 272 Rock - - - - = Chapelry 38 38 -| = 34 , ae Stamford - 2 + - Township 21 21 |} = - 1 : ao a a Howick - - - - - Parish 45 45 | - 2 a 6 ‘ oa ae 14 106 128 234 oe Parish: (f) ; Alemouth - - - = Township go tae na O4e | S| Ae 2} 92 - 170 236 406 'y with Hawkhill Township | 108 14] - 1 89 22 3 . ee 576 2) The entire Pari : a a. in et ie apa canta 3,342 Inhabitants. One | entire Parish contains 1,783 Inhabitants. —(4¢) The entire Parish of Timie-workd and collieries — ie ae S oF 100 years of age. Certain | Ellingham coptains 1,027 Inhabitants ——(e) The entire Parish of Em- Return for Newstead Township ait at Beadnell,——(>) The | bleton contains 1,806 Inhabitants ——_( f) “Part of Lesbury Parish. is Rosebrough, hip includes Brickwoodhall, Rayhugh, J in Coquetdale Ward (East) but the whole is included here. "The entire Clattery, Common flat and Lan c ebroi tery, ; e-head. —(¢ i i i Parish is partly in ‘the County of Durham, (oe Tennis He aerneegeree ane M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 233 a a FO SS, COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND —continued. HOUSES :- OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ae Famr-{ . [- LIES By ; LIES | chi OrHER in how | 3 chiefly a. Families “a TOTAL 7 i 3 3 many | 4 | 3 em- din | not com- 3 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Families} 2 4 sioyed es a preaiin 8 oF E Oc |e | o in | Manu. | the Two S PERSONS. 4 cupied.| @ | 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- 3 BAMBROUGH Ward. cuu- forHandi-| ing (South Division)—continued. tune. | craft, |'Classes. Longhoughton Parish: (#) Boulmer and Seaton-House - Township 19 a2} -| - 4 15 - 50 54 104 Houghton, Little - - - Township 19 ig} —-| - 18 1 - 35 42 77 Longhoughton - - ~- Township 92 94} -—} 1 64 28 2 245 224 469 Mill-Little - - - = (8) Township} ~~ -{| -{ - = = - - ~ = CASTLE Ward. ‘ 933 | 964} 3 | 32 | 595 | 269 | 100 | 2,298 | 2,401 | 4,699 (East Division.) All Saints Parish: (*) Byker (+) - - - (*) Township} 451} 888] -114 | 16 | 718] 154 | 1,895 | 1,957 | 3,852 Heaton - - - - = = Township 82 ss} -] 1 26 14 48 247 223 470 Andrew, St. Parish: (‘) Cramlington - - - - Chapelry 68 yo | -} 6 50 13 4 148 182 330 Jesmond (+) - - + - Township 43 89} 11] - 5 4 a7 200 267 467 Earsdon Parish: (*) Blackworth - - - - Township] 46 47 | =) @ 15 31 1 124 119 243 Blyth, South (+) and Townshi ie 8 6 8 Newsham - - - f ~ *o*™SP} 443 | 443 | - 2 13 132 9 09 99 1,005 Brierdean - - - - - Township 9 9} 1] - 6 = 3 25 27 52 Earsdon = - - = Township 66 66] -|] - 23 28 15 139 132 271 Hartley ss ) Township 415 426 — | 28 20 220 186 © 797 998 1,795 Holywell - - - - = Township 19 20} —| 2 17 3 = 43 57 100 Seaton Delaval - - - Township 60 60 | —| 14 21 26 13 113 127 240 Sighill - - - - = ~- Township 25 28} -| 4 17 9 2 67 71 138 Gosforth (part of) Parish: (1) Gosforth, North - - = Township 24. a7} o-| - 10 5 12 63 78 141 Gosforth, South - - - Township 21 29} -| - 17 12 ~ gz 82 174 Horton Par: Chapelry: (™) Bebside - - - - - Township 11 e237) -| - 8 13 2 55 68 123 Cowpen (+) - - -() Township] 443 | 443} -| —- 46 396 1 889 876 1,765 Hartford, East - - + Township 1 1 _ 2 1 _ - 6 9 15 Hartford, West - - - Township 20 20} -| 2 8 6 6 28 29 57 . Horton - - - - = = Township 29 29 - 1 26 3 = 87 52 139 Long-Benton (+) - + - (") Parish{ 983 |1,025 | 24] 8 | 153 856 16 | 2,891 2,656 5:547 Morpeth Parish: (°) Catchburn - - - ~ (°) Township 22 244 —-| = 24 - - 71 82 153 Liepscot - - - - = Township 32 35} -| 1 19 2 14 82 82 164 Tynemouth Parish: (?) Chirton (+) - - - = Township} 579 870 | -—] 14 88 "62 20 2,961 2,090 4,351 Cullercoats - - - - Township 92 144} 2] 4 - 10 134 238 298 536 Monkseaton - - = (?) Township? 106] 119] 14 2 19 96 4 258 279 537 Murton otherwise Moortown Township}? 116 | 116] —| 4 14 99 3 266 290 556 Preston (--) - - - (?) Township} 109] 136] 1] ~2 37 47 52 279 348 6247 Shields, North (+) - - Township] 853 |2,081 | — | 24 1 762 |1,318 | 3,845 4,360 8,205 Tynemouth (+) - - - Township] 1,525 {2,214 | 18 | 73 51 669 | 1,494 | 4,192 5,262 9,454 Whitley - - - = (?) Chapelry{ 96] 114] -|{ 41] 19 89 6 264. 290 554 Wallsend - - - - - - (4) Parish} 560 }1,050] 4| 2 23° «| 1,024 3 | 2,590 2,513 5,103 7359 |10,734| 62 [218] 793 | 6,052 | 3,889 | 23,064 {24,900 | 47,964 (®) The entire Parish of Longhoughton contains 650 Inhabitants. | Walker, and Weetsted ; all which in the year 1811 made distinct re- Little-Mill Township is included in the Return for Little Houghton. turns,——(°) Morpeth Parish is partly in the West Division of Castle © All Saints Parish is mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. | Ward, but mostly in Morpeth Ward (West Division). Catchburn An earthenware manufactory has been established in Byker Township. | Township includes Morpeth-Castle, Parkhouse, and Stobhil. (?) The @ St. Andrew's Parish is partly in the West Division of the Ward, but | entire Parish of Tynemouth contains 24,820 Inhabitants. Whitley lime mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (®) The entire Parish | quarry, and the new colliery have increased the Population of Whitley of Earsdon contains 4,644 Inhabitants, At Hartley the glass bottle | and Monkseaton Townships. Barracks have been converted into dwell- manufactory has been diminished ——(1) Gosforth Parish is mostly in } ing houses at Preston. (2) The return of Wallsend Parish includes the West Division of Castle Ward,——_(™). The entire Parish of Horton | the Townships of Howdon-Pans, Walls-End, and Wellington; each’ of contains 2,099 Inhabitants. The Population has been increased by the | which in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. The collieries in this enlarged establishment at the Cowpen collier ——(") The Retarn of | Parish have been much enlurged since the year 1811, Long-Benton includes the Townships of Killingworth, Long-Benton,, 234 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. [ Enumeration, a tite HOUSES. OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fase | ary Paae oe By - < LIES ieee Orner oR : how g chiefly empl oy- Families 8 TOTAL & Q - “ notcom- 5 PADRE APOC RIA BEA z Families a & siege ce prized in a or - 3 Oc: 3 a in Manu. the Two a PERSONS Gj cupied.) | 5 Acri- | factures,| Preced- a By : CASTLE Ward. cuL- jorFandi-| _™8 (West Division.) ia TURE. | craft, | Classes. Andrew, St. Parish: (*) Tenhan = - = = Township 19 a1| -| - 14 5 2 36 51 87 Bolam Parish: (S) Trewick - - - - Township 6 9 - 1 g es - 29 21 50 Gosforth Parish: (*) Brunton, East- ~ - - Township 48 48} -|} 2 11 37 oe 143 127 270 Brunton, West (+) - Township 23 23} -| 1 19 4 = 63 63 126 Coxlodge = - - Township} 109} 114] -| - | 30 29] 55 360 273 633 Fawdon - Township 101 127 - - 5 121 1 412 335 47° Kenton, East and West Township} 224 | 233} -| — 23 183 | 27 634 570 1,204 Heddon-on-the-Wall Parish: (") Eachwick (part of) (*) Township}! 101 aol -f — 5 5| = 16 20 36 Heddon, East - - ~ Township 11 1; Sp 11 7 = 22 22 44 John, St. Parish: (*) Benwell - - - - Township} 236] 262] -] 3 30 179 | 53 654 642 1,296 Elswicke - - Township ou 88} -] - 17 60} 11 232 232 464 Westgate - - - (%) Township? 195 | 294] 9] 6 6 193 | 95 567 793 1,360 Meldon - - - = = - = Parish 28} '32] -]} - 23 5 4 68 88 156 Mitford Parish: (*) Edington - - - + Township 8 8] 1] 2 8 - - 18 26 44 Molesden - - = - Township 6 6 ~ - 5 1 = 13 8 21 Morpeth Parish: (¥) Newminster-Abbey - - Township 16 19} -] 1 11 7 1 39 40 79 Shilvington - - Township 19 19} -] - 17 2 - 61 49 110. Tranwell, and High Church Township 15 | 1 1 13 = 2 32 46 "8 Twizell -- - Township 5 5] -| - 5 = = 22 16 38 Newburn Parish: (?) Black-Callerton - - Township 36 36] -| 2 30 6 ~ 89 84 173 Butterlaw - - - = Township 4 6} -]} - 6 - - 15 13 28 Denton, East - - Township} 114] 124] -—]} 3 28 34.| 62 261 287 548 Denton, West - - Township 13 84; -| 4 1 3 | 80 205 199 404 Dissington, North - Township 12 vw} —-] — 6 3 3 38 27 65 Dissington, South - - Township 12 i3/ -| 3 12 1 - 37 37 74 Newbiggin - - Township 6 6 = - 5 = 1 21 26 47 Newburn - - - Townshipf 174 | 192] -]| 3 15 165 12 474 444 918 Newburn-Hall - - Township} 110] 137] —| —] 10 107 | 20 323 306 629 Sugley - - - - - - Township} 44] 44! —-| 1 2 35 | 47 128 138 266 Throckley - Township 41 36] -| 3 247 9 - 77 82 159 Wallbottle - - - > Township} 116] 127|/ —| 3 13 10 | 104 364 312 676 Whorlton, East & West - Township 11 wz} -] 2 4 1 3 28 29 57 Woolsington - - - Township 6 6); -] 4 5 - 1 20 16 36 Ponteland Parish: (#) Berwick-Hill =- - - Township 19 19/ -| 3 16 3 s 67 44 111 Brenkley - - - Township 7 Wy acl @ 6 1 = 19 18 37 Callerton-High _ Township 25 25| =| 2 21 3 1 53 51 104 Callerton, Little - - - Township 3 BS >[ = 3 ~ ~ 9 12 21 Coldeoats - - + + Township 7 Bel Sec 48 7 - - 23 22 45 Darras-Hall - - - - Township 2 2}; -/ 4 2 - - 6 6 12° Dinnington - - = Township 42 42; =] 4 15 20 4 98 107 205 Higham-Dykes - Township 4 4/ -]| 1 3 1 - 13 10 23 Horton-Grange - Township 11 12 = S 11 1 _ 36 30 66 Kirkley - - - (#) Township} 23] 23/ -|] -—] oo - 1 15 m1 | 146 Mason - = = Township 21 21} -] 4 13 4 1 65 62 127 Milburn - - Township} 17] 17]| -| 2] 12 Ale 42 40 82 Milburn-Grange - - Township 7 7) -j| - q - - 17 15 32 peth Ward, West Division. indale Ward i —(“) The Parish of St, John i (") The Parish of St. Andrew is mostl Division of the Ward. The entire Parish contains 3,295 Inhabitants. ey The Parish of Heddon-on-the-Wall is rmeatly fs ae East Division of Meteo The Township of Heddon-on-the Wall is there entered. part of Eachwick Township is in Tindale Ward, East Division. | ridge and Cartermoor. s mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon- ) f y in the Town of Newcastle-upon- » Tyne, Westgate township bein leasantly situated, has become a Tyne, and partly in the East division of Castle Ward.—(°) Bolam bs ic scbenh, M iP. : . a Mee itford Parish i tly in Morpeth Ward Parish is mostly in Tindale Ward (North-east division), partly in Mor- arish is mostly in Morp ‘ visi (West Division).——(”) Morpeth Parish is mostly in Morpeth Ward, (*) Gosforth Parish is partly in the East | West Division, and partly in the East Division of Castle Ward.—— (7) Newburn Parish is partly in Tindale Ward, East Division. The entire Parish contains 4,202 Inhabitants. (2) The entire Parish of Ponteland contains 1,524 Inhabitants, Kirkley Township inclades Ben- M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. 235 C. Q4. RE A ES SRS TE cy COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—coniinued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS ; Fami- pee ALL OR B : LIES a ; hee B | caiety | HY | ames g | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many ec em: |[SMBIOy= : : 3 2 pa a0 edin |notcom wa or ‘3 | Families 3 3 ployed | Tp ape, [prized in 8 3 ‘sg Oc- 3 ay in Manu. | the Two 3 a PERSONS. CASTLE Ward, (West Division.) poupied. | | | Acar | factures, preced- Fa continued. CUL- jorHandi-|_ ™g Ponteland Parish—continued. ee a Ponteland - - - - - Township 74 "9| -| 2 44 25 10 166 192 358 Prestwick - - - -° Township 29 2g} —-] 2 17 9 3 "5 80 155 River-Green - - - - — Extra-P, 8 of} - 4 3 - 24. 27 51 Stannington Parish: (>) Blagdon - - - - - Township 16 17} -| - 13 - 4 30 34 64 East Division - - - Township 60 61} -}] 1 27 17 17 147 140 2847 North and West Division Township 37 39| -| 3 36 2 1 118 99 217 Plessey with Shotton - Township 88 94] 1] - 52 26 16 183 212 395 South-Division - - - Township - -~| =] - es = = = a = Whalton Parish: (°) Newham - - - ~- Township 13 13]; -}] = 13 - - 39 37 76 Ocle or Ogle - - - - Township 21 23] -| 4 20 3] - 92 76 148 | Riplington- ~ - - Township 6 7) -] - 4 - - 11 14 25 Whalton - - - - Township 67 67} -| - 29 25 13 138 147 285 COQUETDALE Ward. 2,522 | 2,806 | 12 | 72 | 832 11,355 | 619 9,027 6,968 {13,995 (East Division.) (4) Alnwick - - - - - - (°) Parish} 823 1,404! 3]15 | 174 | 512 | 718 2,673 | 3,254 | 5,927 Felton Parish: (f) Acton, and Old Felton - Township 20 20} —] 1 19 1 - 50 41 gl Elyaugh - - - = - Township 4 4} -{ - 2 - } 2 5 8 13 Felton - - - - - Township 96 | 136] 1 2 30 60 46 265 289 554 Greens, and Glantlees - Township 13 13} 4h i2 | - 1 35 41 46 Swarland - - - - = Township 39 44] -| 7 af 10 | 4 103 108 211 Longframlington Par: Chap. (8) Brinkburn, High Ward - Township 36 371 -| 5 15 18 4 99 98 197 Brinkburn, Low Ward - Township 8 9; -j| - 4 2 - 29 26 55 Longframlington - - - Township} 107] 123] -—| 6 56 34 33 264 299 563 Shilbottle Parish : (*) Guyson - = = = Township 33 34} -] 1 23 10 1 86 87 173 Hazon - = + Township 17 18 {| -]| 41 14 3 1 51 48 99 Newton-on-the-Moor - Township 47 52} -| 1 19 27 6 117 127 244 Shilbottle - = 33 Township | 108 112} -| 4 44 54) 14 259 289 548 Whittle - - - - - Township 16 16] -| 4 16 - - 25 39 64 Woodhouse - - + Township 5 5| -] - 5 ~ - 15 10 25 Warkworth Parish: (‘) / Birling- - - - - - Township 16 1} -| - 11 5 7 45 24 69 Brotherick - = + = Township 1 1 - - 1 - = 6 4 10 Buston, High - - - Township 17 17/ -| - 15 2 = 46 49 95 Buston, Low - - - - Township 17 17 - - 15 2 7 40 45 | 85 Starton-Grange - - Township 14 | -/ 1 13 1 = 37 35 ie Walkmill - - - - - Township 2 2 - - 2 - - 5 8 13 1,439 | 2,094 | 4] 48] 520 | 741 | 833 | 4,255 | 4,929 | 9,184 (°) The Returns of Stannington Parish in 1801, 1811 and 1821 re- § “ (what is technically called) laid in—that is, discontinued to be worked quiring explanation, a circumstantial letter from the Vicar of the Parish | “ or carried on ; from which circumstance about 300 pitmen removed is here inserted ;—viz. “ The Parish of Stannington naturally forms itself | “ from the Parish to the Chapelry of Cowpen, where a fresh pit or “ into two Divisions, viz. north and south, the river Blythe, as nearly as | “ colliery was opened, and where they continue to dwell. This statement “ may be, running through the middle of it. It is then subdivided into | “ will account for the great decrease in the Population of the Parish of “ 8 Townships, The North Division comprizes the 2 Towaships of | “ Stannington, and also in that of inhabited houses, and satisfy you that “ Stannington; that of Bellasis and Bogghall, Saltwick, Duddo and | “ no part of the Parish has been omitted in taking the Population, which “ Whinny-Hill, Clifton and Coldwell; total 6. The South Division | « might naturally enough appear to have been the case, without the “ consists of 2 Townships (viz.) Blagdon and Stumpy-Riggs, and that | “ explanation in question. I can throw no other light upon the subject. “ of Plessey and Shotton. The Population of the North Division, as | “ but trust what I have here given, may be sufficient for the purposes “ returned to me by the Overseer thereof, consisted of males 265, females | “ required.” The entire Parish of Stannington contains 963 Inha- “ 939; making an aggregate of 504. This subtracted from the total bitants——-(°) The entire Parish of Whalton contains 534 Inha- “ amount 963, as returned to you, will leave for the South Division 459, | bitants—— (¢) Bilton and Wooden are in Coquetdale Ward (East “ which I dare say may be a very correct account of the Population. | Division) but are included in the return of Lesbury Parish, Bambrough “« Now as to the proportion of males and females in the South Division, | Ward (South)——(*) Denwick, included in the Return of Alnwick e as T have no document by me to shew them, or of the inhabited houses in | in Bambrough Ward (South). One male and one female in Alnwick “ either Division ; but I apprehend you will not have much difficulty in upwards of 100 years of age. A great number of workmen are emplo ed. “ methodizing or classing them from such documents as have been sent | at Alnwick by the Duke of Northumberland.——(‘) Part of Felton Pavish “ you, jumbled together as they are. The most important consideration | is in Morpeth Ward (East) ; part in Morpeth Ward West Division. The “ T apprehend, with you is, to come correctly at the Population, and I | entire Parish contains 1,516 Inhabitants. “®) The entire Parish of ef dare say 963 may bea very true account of it. For the great decrease | Longframlington contains 815 Inhabitants———(4) The entire Parish of “ in the Population of the Parish, as compared with that of the last census | Shilbottle contains 1,153 Inhabitants ——(‘) Warkworth Parish is “ in 1811, I can very See account. About 8 years ago, a very | mostly in the East Division of Morpeth Ward. “ extensive colliery in the South Division and Township of Plessey, was ‘ ABSTRAC! ACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration AE TS Ree cr NY COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND —continued. HOUSES: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : ‘i Fawr | Fa™t- | aut : OR LIES Bl |g | el Skene EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. § |_many | , | 2 ama) | employ-| Families wv | TOT = {Families} ¢ é ployed a in, [not oe a 4 oe =z Oc- a] = Ba RADE, |Prized in 5 oP a ied.| 2 a Manu- | the Two i COQUETDALE Ward (North Division.) ee ee. pe as acres preced- Ss 5 PERSONS, Alnham Parish: (*) aoe pebtanes) ice . aft. | Classes. Alnham - - = ee Tetenshi = Prendick - + - ~- oe os ale 19 2 = 75 68 Screnwood - = - - - Township a aie : o a 26 ry Unthank - - ip} 4 6 | -|-] 4 2 a 42 68 an. - - - Township 5 5 as 20 17 37 Edlingham Parish: (1) a a . 10 11 21 Abberwick -. - - ~ Townshi 2 Bolton ee he Township = ee < : 23 . = 65 6 Broom-Park + - - - qa aaie Z oe ath ee i a 3 71 _ a Edlingham = - : acai 7 9 -|- 4 i 2 os se 144 Learchild 2% 5 iP} 30 3} eS ae 19 8 5 43 Townshi - \ 98 10 Lemmington - + - - oven ee - Te 5 7 cs 17 re "AG Eglingham Parish: (*) a Yea, EE g : et 62 es Bassington - - - = Townshi Beanly - - - or ae Township a a Prd ip. See 4 a - 5 7 Bewick, New - - _ 7 = Fa 23 2 6 3 Bewick, Old - - - - oe 17 17 -| - 17 a = . 86 160 Brandon Sena ipf 41 | 42 | -] BF 26 | 15 é 53 93 Branton - - ee ae 2h = - 20 = 1 ae os 247 Crawley yt ae : . ae 16 17 a 1 14 2 1 57 61 118 Eglingham = - ce oe 4 7 —~jo4 7 = 2 52 59 111 Hareup, or Harehop onan 35 35 = 4 12 < 19 10 Pi 23 Hedgeley - - - - - Tow ae 9 9 eS 9 _ ee 94 go. 184 Li Est; = & © Mowat, 8 8 | =| 4 8 2 = 26 46 Lilburn, West - ee eae 17 17 -/| 1 15 2 x : 20 36 Mine ge ce ownship? 34 | 34 | -| - 47 50 97 - Townshi 33 1 7 8 Wooperton- - - - = Township _ ie pale = 13 1 1 = ue se Ilderton Parish: (*) es fe te 11 = 44 44 lid ; 37 31 68 lerton - - = = Townshi Middleton-Hall - - - Tov aa 24 24 -| - 23 a 1 Middleton, North- - - Tae - a -{[ - 10 1 7 75 82 157 Widdleton, South =<. = = ‘Towatay 25 | 26 | ~| 1] 16 a 3 31 30 61 Roddam - - - - - ae nship | 11 11 poe ee a . 68 60 128 Rosedom. 2 6 ee 4 Pelee. 19 19 -{ - 12 1 6 33 36 69 7 1 Ingram Pansh: @) _ 4 a = 7 12 = 2 36 . g° Fawdon, Clinch & Hartside Townshi , 74 Ingram, Linop & Green- P 15 15 = =e 15 a sidehill- - - - } Township | 11 a4 > = 36 44 80 Reaveley = = = = = ‘Towuhi ; ~ ” - = 35 39 74 ‘ 1 Whittingham Parish: (?) ; "= eS oe = = 34 40 Callaley and Yetlington - Townshi 74 Glantn - - - - - 7 py 82 63 = 1 3 51 6 Lorbottle = “1 (2 eae 2 80 96 2] 5 39 3 6 182 181 363 Ryle, Great - - badass 19 19 -{ - 17 : ae 231 243 474 Ryle, Title = ~ < % Pe 16 16 | -] — se = 50 50 100 Shawdon ete a es oe 9 9 Sh 6 : - 57 42 99 Whittingham - - ownship 16 | 16 | -| : 2 29 19 48 - Township J 117 117 es 9 56 - 1 41 36 4 2 = 16 | a6 277 gil 588 QUETDALE Ward (South Divisi : ute 2) 45 662 i 5 112 Elsdon Parish: (2) ee) 138 | 2,406 | 2,595 | 4,931 star led ae oe Gee onkridge-Ward - - - ship} 57 64 ah Otterburn-Ward - - = cea 17 17 a1 4 i. 3 4 155 144 299 Rochester-Ward - - c aah nship | 75 80 =} 3 43 aes 61 48 109 Miaisiend Wan! => Momus) 2 | ee bt a | oe 4 ae 189 | 199 | 388 Won 2 «ee | ee ee) a 3 | 39 269 222 491 Ramshope - - Township | 29 30 s 3 2 26 212 18 - - Extra-P. ; 1 15 5 10 88 5 397 |. 1 ON) ie a Se = 46 164 3 7 333 368 -| 13 22 - 77 1,855 | ae a oe of Alnham contains 269 Inhabita: meee Township includes Seems 008 Pr Re | SF Taaren coneeiad a8 Talishi ante. —~(r) (The entire Part i ire Parish of Egli tidge and Lemmington Mi gion } tingham contains 1,749 Inhabi , (°) The entire Parish of Whit Pp. glingham c ug ills ——() Th : ; 49 bitants. A ili arish of derton n contains 1,440 Inhabitants : ) The | exclusively, is recommended as lik column for Pauper families contains 579 Inhabitants —(°) Tee entire | occasion of any future Hopalatia vi ip iphidier ucla re Parish | Elsdon contains 1,848 Tohabiesirs.. Bey neneens Remah a M.DCCC.XXI1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 237: _————— | COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ——— lt | PT ge By 3 | 2 | chietly | OnE on _ | how Z | chiedy | empioy- | Families 4 TOTAL 1 v man: . em- ° ey . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 mean’ Z 2 ployed | 4°4 ua rs ae a 3 or gs Oe jets in| Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS. SG | cupied.| | 5 AcRrr- | factures,| preced- a tal CUL- JorHandi-} ing COQUETDALE Ward (West Division.) TURE. | craft, | Classes. Allenton, or Allwinton Parish: (7) Allenton - - - = Township | 19 19 -{| - 16 3 - 59 47 106 Biddleston - - - - - Township] 30 | 30 | -—| -]| 30 - > 87 79 166 Borrowdon- - - - Township] 33 35 -{ - 22 5 8 89 go 179 Clennell - - - - Township 4 4 -{ - 4 -_ - 11 16 27 Fairhaugh - -: - - Township 1 1 -{- 1 ~ - 4 4 8 Farnham - - - - Township 7 4 =] o< 4 - - 21 15 36 Linbriggs - - - - Township | 11 11 -;| - 11 _ = 37 33 70 Netherton, North side Township 8 8 -| 2 8 - - 33 21 54 Netherton, South side Township | 10 13 -{ - 10 1 2 33 38 41 Peals - - - - - Township | 11 11 -| - 10 1 = 36 40 46 Sharperton -.- - - Township J 21 21 -| - 19 2 = 49 58 107. ‘Hallystone: Parochial Chap: (*) . Barrow- - - - = - Township 2 2 - - 2 —_ i 8 9 17 Dueshill - - - - Township 8 8 -{o- 3 - 5 20 21 41 Hallystone~ - - - Township | 30 30 -| - 8 12 10 63 69 132 Harbottle - - - - Township | 35 37 —-{ 1 15 10 12 44 107 181 Linsheeles - - - - Township} 13 13 -jo-= 13 - - 55 42 97 Kedland - - - - - Extra-P. 8 9 -jo- 9 = 35 27 62 Rothbury Parish: (*) : Bickerton -“ - Township 4 |, 4 -| 2 4 = m= 12 6 18 Caistron -~- - - = Township} 8 8 -{ - 8 - - 18 25 43 Chartington - - - Township | 17 17 1] 2 15 i 2 30 49 79 Debdon- - - - - Township 3 3 -| = 3 - - 9 9 18 Fallowlees - - - Township 1 1 - = 1 re = 2 1 3 Flotterton - - - - Township] 15 17 -| - 14 2 1 35 57 92 Hellinghill- - -.- Township} 24 24 -| - 20 4 - "5 55 130 Hepple - - - - - Township | 19 19 -j- 14 5 ~ 54 57 111 Hepple-Demesne - (*) Township 8 8 —{| 2 J 1 = 17 28 45 Hesley-Hurst - - = - Township 9 9 -~| - 4 2. = 19 Q7 46 Lee-Ward - - - - Township} 18 19 -|- 15 4 - 50 43 93 Mounthealy - - -. Township 8 8. ~fo- 3 2 3 “BR 15 38 Newtown - - - = Township 8 8 -| - 8 - = 31 25 56 Paperhaugh - - - Township} 15 15 -/! 1 10 3 2 42 - 38 80 Raw - - - - - - Township 8 9 1 2 6 3 - 27 24 5 Rothbury - - (t) Township} 148 | 210 1/3] 43 | 100 67 413 478 891 Rye-Hill }- - - - - Township 8 8 - 1 8 = = 27 22 49 Snitter - - - - - Township | 30 30 -| 2 30 - 7 ve) 81 160 Thropton - - - Township] 39 46 —-| 2 31 13 2 "6 82 158. Tossen, Great - - - Township] 20 26; -] - 11 3 12 BB 55 110 Tossen, Little - - Township 7 a -| - 4 ~ ~ 17 19 36 Trewhitt, High & Low Township | 20: 24 -{ 1 22 2 - 62 55 117 ' Warton - - - - - Township 8 8 -—} 2 8 - - 22 24 46 - Whitton - - - (t) Township] 22 29 -}o1 15 2 12 43 64 110 ' Wreigh-Hill - - - - Township 3 4 -{ - 4 - - 15 14 29 : ‘ 721 | 820 3] 24 | 502 | 180 | 138 1,967 2,072 4,039 GLENDALE Ward. ——— ‘ ' (East Division.) Chatton - + - = = = Parish} 274 | 290 -| 7 | 206 38 46 744 716 | 1,460 ‘Chillingham Parish: (*) s Chillingham - 2 is Township} 30 |' 30 = 1 28 - 2 "8 68 146 | Hibbun -.- - - Township | 19 20 a ns) 16 3 1 45 48 93 ' Newton - =~ - ~ - Township] 18 19 | -| - 18 1 = 60 57 117 Doddington Parish: (*) ‘ Doddington - - -~-°- Township] 88 88 as 26 1 22 : Earl, otherwise Yeard-Hill Township 9 9 a : ‘ a ies . a o a .()-The entire: Parish of Allenton contains 900 Inhabit: nts.—— mbrough Ward (South). The Township of Hepple i (the entire Parish of Hallystone contains 468 iaebiane The Whitefield Bese ; me female in Rothbury tata cee entire: Parish of. Rothbury contains upwards of 2,609 Inhabitants,'Bank- | Whitton Township, upwards of 100 years of age-——(") The entire land Township being wholly: included in. the Return of Chartington ; | Parish of Chillingham contains 356 Inhabitants ——-(;") The entire Pa- and Sandylands Township in the Return of the Parish of Longhonghton, | rish of Doddington contains 865 Inhabitants. ; Ppp ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, e338 COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND —continued. f HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- oo BS es By ‘i LIES chiefly Orarr OR : how = chiefly employ-| Families wa TOTAL a man ¢ - ; b = 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g Penile ‘ 2 a seal fo Re a 2 fe 3 c- ct | in Manu- | the Two < a cupied, a 5 Acri- fechines: preced- = Bi PERSONS, GLENDALE Ward (East Division) CUL- JorHandi-} _ ing aontinaied. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Doddington Parish—continued. Ewart - os Township | 27 24 ~~} 41 19 - 8 65 85 150 Humbleton - - - Township 39 41 -~| 4 25 8 8 48 106 184 Nesbitt oS te Township 11 11 i 2 it = - 31 21 52 Lowick - - - - - Parish} 346 354 5 | 15 | 127 140 847 914 885 1,799 Wooler - - - Parish} 315 | 413 —| 9 f 103 172 138 845 985 1,830 oy 1,176 | 1,302 | 5 | 49 | 621 | 388 | 293 3,088 3,222 | 6,310 GLENDALE Ward (West Division.) Branxton - - - - - = Parish 47 47 =i 2 41 6 - 122 131 253 Carham - - - - (*) Parish} 240 | a42 1] — | 236 5 1 644 | 726 1,370 Ford - - - > > = Parish} 352 | 352 -}| 6 | 326 20 6 896 gl1 1,807 Kirknewton Parish : (¥) i Akeld - - + = Township 27 27 1 3 22 5 - 2 | * g 16 Couldsnouth and Thomp- T ; ae e6 7 son’s-Walls - ana og City OR a Oe i é 23 21 44 Coupland - - - « Township | 16 16 =} = 14 2 - 51 47 98 Crookhouse - - - Townshipf 2 2 -]o- 2 - ~ ~ ii ys 18 Grey’s-Forest - - - Township 9 "7 -| - 6 1 os 31 23. 54. Heathpool - - - Township 6 6 ap 2 6 ~ - 22 20 42 Howtell - - - Township} 37 40 Bf 38 2 - 94 96 190 Kilhaom - - -~ - — Townshi 40 43 os 116 130 6 Kirk-Newton - - - T 1 1 - at 3 4 3 "a ieee ee aa ip 3 3 iz 11 = 2 43 40 _ 83 i = =e mo. teat a at hk ES 8 33 36 | 69 Newton, West - - 7h Ae a : a . Te = 4 x8 758. Peston - ae oa Pa : S 2 ; 13 2 - 47 48 95 Selby’s-Forest - - - Towoship 8 8 -f - 8 = a = “bs Yeavering - - - Township} 12 12 ce 11 _ 1 32 |.°° 32 64 922} 932) 2 | 14 | 856 59 17 2,499 | 2,632 | 5,131 MORPETH Ward (East Division.) er snr ira Bothall Parish: (7) Ashington ani Sheepwash - Townshi 8 8 - . Bothall-Demesne . - - Teasekin 42 45 7 Z . : 3 . - . Longhirst- - - - . Township 36 = a 4 3 1 = Oldmoor ee EP, ee Township 11 = : — : _ a pe 7 ; ae 1 39 40 9 Pegsworth - ~ ~ Township | 27 28 ana a6 is ; "6 79 155 Felton Parish: @) ., Bockenfield - - - - 7 i a 5 Eshott So ee x atieciie a rs ake ni ~ 7 58 49 107 Thriston, East and West, . 3 22 1 60 54 4 1314 ‘st Pi Shot-haugh - | Township | 58 59 SP 34 21 4 153 172 325 pham - = - - ~ © pay: Chap: | 70 70 =| al 66 13 1 154 194 348 Warkworth Parish : (°) Amble 2S Sa) ete Acklington - - . _ Semi eo s te é as 3 a 88 109 197 Acklington-Park = Township 17 a = ie “7 18 4 137 132 269 Bullock’s-Hall - ~ - Township 3 adh ~ o 7 | 60 | tag Chivington, East -~ - Townshi ° i 3 = = 7 7 14 Chis a 7 iP} 39 39 vf Ss 35 - 4 104 103 207 vingtou, West Township | 21 21 = = 8 Glosterhill = - ~ = Townshi . i. ae a us - 50 58 10 Hauxley - ot. Towscntn 26 Bs ia 5 es a) 14 17 31 Hadston - = Oy aera 7 a 19 Z 7 55 59 114 i Ss es Shee a ge hoe de | = 36 52 88 Pp} 12 12 -{ 2 8 3 i 41 31 "2 C) The Return o mee ‘ and Shidlaw, Dov oe Fapeh paella the Townships of Carham | Division ofthe Ward. The entire Parish of Bothall contains 1,222 In- tim (East and West) ‘ee = armouth, West Learmouth, Min- habitants. (*) Felton Parish is partly in the West Division of the Watk Common ; all of wits ne Preston, Tythehill, Wark and | Ward 3 but mostly in the East Division of Coquetdale-Ward— | —~(") The entire Paridh of i nie 1811, made distinct Returns, (°) Warkworth Parish is partly in the East Division of Coquetdale- ——() Part of Bothall Parish il newton contains 1,701 Inhabitants. | Ward, The entire Parish contains 2,965 Inhabitants. One female in sh, called Hebburn Chapelry, isin the West Hadston Township upwards of 109 years of age. ae M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Paci tomy i oft B : LIES | . THER is | how EB I chiesy Sas Tivditiey gy | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B | many | | 's em- | ed in sere a a oF ‘3 | Families} & | -G | ployed | Trane, prized in 8 3 ; 3 Oc | 3] in Manu- { the Two a PERSONS. | | cupied.| 5 Acrt- | factures,|; preced- 3 iy MORPETH Ward! (East Division) cut- JorHandi-}| ing continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. ‘Warkworth Parish—continued. Togston 7.7 + = = Fownship 16 19 - 1 17 2 = 46 56 102 Warkworth - - - Township} 99 | 153 1 2 51} 100 277 317 594 Widdrington - = - -Par:Chap:| 73 94 =| = 68 5 1 208 | 180 388 Woodhorn Parish: (°) Cresswell - - - - - Township} 46 5l - L 12 8 3l 167 136 393 Elfington - - - - Township} 51 51 af 33 14 4 131 124 255 Hurst - - - - - + Township 9 9 -|{ 1 9 = = 20 22 42 Linmouth - - - - Township 4 4 - - 4 ~ = 1 11 22 Newbiggin - - - Township | 82 96 2} 5 3 25 | 68 221 213 434 Seaton, North - - - Township} 32 | 34 | -| 2] 20 | 12 2 76 83 159 Woodhorn - = = - Township} 31 31 -{ 2 25 5 1 76 79 155 Woodhorn - - = -~ ‘Demesne 2 2 ~j}o-a- 2 - = 4 4 8 986 | 1,087; 4 | 36 | 617 | 222 | 248 2,572 | 2,667 | 5,239 MORPETH Ward (West Division.) : : Bolam Parish: (4) Bolam- - - - - Township} 10 11 -| 4 4 1 22 33 55 Bolam-Vicarge . - = Township 3 3 =| - 1 - 8 6 14 Gallow-Hill - - - Township] 11 11 = ee 6 3 2 35 39 74 Felton Parish: (*) F ? Brinkburn, South Side Township 5 5 -fo1 4 1 = 14 11 25 Hartburn Parish: (f) Angerton, High - - - Township} 15 20 t} 2 18 2 - 45 42 87 Angerton, Low - - Township} 12 16 -{ - 7 6 3 34 41 75 Corridge - - - - - Township} 4 4 -} - 4 - - 18 9 27 Hartburn - - - - - Township 4 4 ih 2 = 2 ly 12 23 Hartburn-Grange - - Township} 15 15 -j} - 12 3 - 32 36 68 Highlaws - - = ~ - Township} 3 5 -|{- 4 1 - 12 15 27 Longwitton - - Township | 26 26 -j| - at 4 1 95 74 149 Middleton, North - - Township} 13 16 1} 2 8 6 2 35 40 "5 Middleton, South - - Township 4 5 -~{ = 5 - - 13 18 31 Rothley - - Township{ 26 26 - - 23 3 = 73 V7 150 Thornton, East - (f) Township 9 9 a |e 6 3 - 37 24 61 Thornton, West - - - Township 9 4 -/| - 4 - - 20 23 43 Todridge - - - - = Township 1 1 =| - 1 - - 3 5 8 Whitridge - - - - Township} 2 2 mal ence 2 - - 2 8 10 Hebburn - - - (8) Par: Chap: - = -}|- - - - 2 zi - Causey-Park - - - ~ Township} 19 19 —-| - 4 10 2 46 42 88 Cockle-Park - - - Township{ 11 11 -| 2 11 - - 26 | 31 57 Earsdon. - = = Township} 17 | 17 —~| 2 13 4 - 47 47 94. Earsdon-Forest - - - Township 9 4 al ees 4 a - 15 19 34 Fenrother - - - - - Township} 20 20 -| 3 15 3 2 50 49 99 , Hebburn - - - Township 17 17 | -|] 2 10 5 2 52 41 93 CO Tritlington’ - - - = Township[ 20 21 -| 2 13 6 2 49 | 50 99 | Longhorsley Parish: (*) Bigges, or Carlisle’s-Quarter, Township | 51 51 =f - 40 8 3 128 134 |. 262 Freeholder’s-Quarter - Township{ 22 27 ~{ - 22 5 - 50 59 109 Longshaws - -= - - Township 6 6 -/ - 3 2 1 20 18 38 Riddles-Quarter - - - Township] 50 55 -~| -]| 50 5 - 102 104 206 Stanton - - - = - Township[ 31 31 Sls 28 3 - 86 82 168 Todburn - - - = = ‘Township 3 3 - 3 - - 5 |, 10 25 Wingates - - - (*) Township] 34 34 -| 2 26 4 4 83 | 4 177 Witton-gshiels - - - - Township 4 4 = 4 - - 9 12 21 Mitford Parish: (/) Benridge - - - - = Township| 12 12 -~| - 10 - 2 37 20 57 __ ©) The entire Parish of Woodhorn contains 1,378 Inhabitants. part of the Parish of Bothall, which is mostly in the East Division of the, | (*) Bolam Parish is mostly in Tindale Ward (North East Division,) and | Ward——(4) The entire Parish of Longhorsley contains 1,006 Inhabi-' } partly in Castle Ward (West Division.)——(e) Felton Parish is partly in } tants. The Return of Wingates Township includes Chirm, Garrotlee, the East Division of the Ward ; but mostly in Coquetdale Ward (East | Wholm, and Wingates-Moore.———(') Part of Mitford Parish is in Castle Division.) (‘) Hartburn Parish jis partly in the North East Division | Ward (West Division.) The entire Parish contains 625 Inhabitants, - of Tindale Ward. The entire Parish contains 1,474 Inhabitants. The | Heighley Township includes Espley, Heighley-Gate, and Morpeth North- Return of. East-Thorntun Township includes East Thornton-Moor and | Gate. — 4 _Meldon-Park Corner——(*) The Parochial Chapelry of Hebburn forms mS 240 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- — ALL By S| TS | chichy [OTHER oR } how é chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL 3 man . em- i = EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 IF cules # z ployed Fee pened is a s ee eS, ‘3 Oc- 5 Z in Manv- | the Two a a PERSONS. 4 cupied. | 4 YP Acrt- | factures,] preced- a a ‘ , MORPETH Ward (West Division) cut- jorHandi-| ing continued. “—~| curz. | craft. | Classes. Mitford Parish—continued. : Heighley, High and Low - Township 17 17 = = 14 3 - 35 ~ 41 46 Mitford - - Township 34 37 44 —} 4 26 7 4 91 87 178 Newton-Park - - - - Township 3 3} 1] - 3 = a 9 6 15 Newton-Underwood - - Township 18 19| -j - 17 2 - 37 38 75 Nunridge - - + Township 8 8 - 2 7 1 - 20 19 39 Pigdon - - - - - Township 4 4 Sori ose 7 ae = 14 22 36 Spittle-Hill - - - Township 2 2 = 1 - 1 5 4 9 Thropple - - - - Township 13 w{ -| 1 4 1 7 34 | 41 "5 Morpeth Parish: (*) Buller’s-Green—- - Township 247 67 | 4] 4 9 35° 23 113 142 255 MorertH - - - Borough} 458 | 828 | —! 20 | 172 | 431 | 225 1,576. 1,839 | 3,415 Netherwitton Parochial Chapelry : (/) oe oe = ae, Suandep 3 i a _ 3 1 4 4 14 Ewesley - - Township 4 4} -{ 1 4 _ - 12 14 26 Healy and Comb-Hill - Township 6 7] -[ - 4 3 - 25 18 43 Nether-Witton Township 60 63} -| - 35 17 11 138 139 “97 Nunnikirk - - Township 3 3 - - 1 - 2 a 6 13 Ritton-Coltpark - - Township} 15 13] -| 1 9 3 3 31 | 33 64 Ritton-Whitehouse = - Township 5 51 -{ - 4 1 - 12 11 23 1,180 |1,628 | 7} 51 | 725 | 595 | 308 3.470 | 3,792 | 7,262 TINDALE Ward (East Division.) Bywell, St. Andrew, Parish : (®) ‘ Bearl - - - Township 11 wa} -] - 12 2 - 20 36 > 56 Broom-haugh Township 24 oy {| it - 13 8 6 57 + 859 116 Riding - - - Township] 23 26 { -| 1 6 4 16 - 64 68 135 Stocksfield-Hall - Township 4 4} -| - 3 - 1 10 13 23 Styford - - - - Township} 32] a2] -! -]o oa - 1 36 33 69 Bywell, St. Peter’s, Parish: (") Acomb, East '- - - Township 8 8 ah ee q e 1 25 | 26 51 Broomley - - = Township| 57 59} -| 2 44 9 6 187 | 167 354 ee ener a Township 36 36; -—] 2 29 4 3 81 - 93 174 Espershields and Millshield Township] 27 27 | -}| 3 9 4 14 88 f[ = g2 180 Fotherly, High Township 15 7] -] 4 16 1 = 46 ; 46 g2 Heally - - Township 10 12 - - 11 1 al 26 23 49 Newton - - Township 21 22} —| 4 14 8 - 55 50 105 Newton-Hall - Township 21 217; -|] 1 16 4 1 40 49 89 Newlands - - - Township} 31 31/ -| —~—| ow 14 - 80 74 154 Stelling = - =< Township 3 ach sel oe 3 - - 5 7 12 Whittonstall - - - - Chapelry 24 25 = os 19 4 2 "8 68 146 Corbridge Parish: (°) Aydon - - - Township 19 20; -]|] 3 16 4 - 51 } 48 94 Aydon-Castle - - Township 6 6; -} - 6 - - 17 14 31 Clarewood - + Township 11 wz} -| - iL = = 35 27 62 Corbridge - - - - - Township} 230] 3021 -—{11 | 102 | 107 93 613 641 1,254 Dilston - = + = = Township 21 28} -] 4 25 2 1 76 86 162 Halton - - Township 14 14 = 3 14 = - 20 40 60 Halton Shields + - - Township 12 wz} -} 1 6 5 1 29 28 57 Thornborough - - Township 14 4} -|] 5 14 - = 39 35 | 74. Whittington, Great - Township 40 46; -j 2 32 6 8 113 111 224 Whittington, Little - - Township 4 4/ -{ - 4 - - 10 9- 19 Heddon-on-the-Wall Parish: (?) Eachwick (part of) (?) Township 24 25 -j; 12 5 8 74 59 133 © Morpeth Parish is partly in the East, and partly in the West ‘Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish contains 4,292 Inhabi- tants, The Return of Morpeth Borough includes the Gaol, House of Correction, and Pours-house.——-(1) The entire Parish of Nether-Witton Contains 460 Inhabitants. (™) The entire Parish of Bywell, St. An- drew, Contains upwards of 399 Inhabitants ; the Township of Bywell being wholly entered in the Parish of Bywell, St. Peter, though one- fourth of the Population is attributable to Bywell, St. Andrew.— (*) The entire Parish of Bywell, St. Peter, contains 1,406 Inhabitants, subject to the foregoing remark.——(°) The entire Parish of Corbridge |’. contains 2,037 Inhabitants——(?) The Parish of Heddon-on-the-Wall } : is partly in the West Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish cov- tains '770 Inhabitants. Eachwick Township is partly in Castle Ward, West Division. ‘M.DCCC.XXI-] _ _—— THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 241 COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. ; $ HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pints |e ae —--—— L x ie Woe E | chieny che es “| TOTAL ; sf es em- | employ- : . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 eal ea). beguvad wit tg 4 . ‘ ao and i F] 3 Oc- 3 3 yu Manu. | the Two q fa PERSONS. SG feupied.| Q | B | Acar |e tires | preced- a Lad TINDALE Ward (East Division) ; Cute arena et ing ; ~ continued. TURE: | craft, | Classes. Heddon-on-the-Wall Parish—continued. ‘Houghton and Clowhouse — Township 23 ea} ~{| - 18 6 = 48 | 52 100 ‘Heddon-on-the-Wall -. - Township 40 yo}; -| 3 22} 30 18 184. 178 362 ‘Heddon, West - - - - Township 8 8] -} 4) 8] = - 17 21 38 Whitchester - - - - Township 12 wy}o~r]- 10 2 - 31 26 57 Newburn Parish: (4) ‘ : : ‘Dalton - - - + - Township]? 26 29]/ -} - 20 4 5 6o 62 122 Ovingham Parish: (*) _Dukeshagg -_- - Township 1 r{-| - 1 - - 5 4 9 Eltringham - - - - Township 10 a] -j - 4 1 3 28 24 52 Harlowhill - - - - - Township 25 25; ~] - 18 6 1 63 | 61 124 Hedley - - - - - + Township 41; 41] -] 2 21 11 9 15 93 168 Hedley-Woodside - - - Township 8 9|/ -| 3 9 - - 33 22 55 Horsley - - - - - Township 52 52) =| = 30] 20 2 122 135 257 Mickley - - - - - Township] | 39 43} —-] 1 30 | .10 3 90 88 | 148 ‘Nafferton - - - - = Township} © 9 g9]/ -! - 7 2 a5 20 | 19 39 Ovingham - - - - - Township 52 56} -| - 21 | 29 6 134 | 131 265 Ovington - - - - = Township 81 87; -| - 52 | 33 2 173 189 362 Prudhoe - --- - - Township 65 41 1}o- 42 | 23 6 134 159 293 Prudhoe-Castle - ~- - Township 12 w}-{ - 10 1 - 43 36 “19° -Rouchester- - -:- ~- Township 6 6}; -} - 6 = - 5: 16 31 Spittle -.- - = - - Township 1 1} -/ - 1 - - 2 | 1 3 Welton - - + = = = Township 13 14] -| 2 13 1 - 35 32 67 Whittle - - -- Township 6}; » 8] -| - 8 - _ 17 15 32 Wylam - - - - - - Township? 148] 148/ 1] 3 24} 15 | 109 373 | - 355 728 Shotley Parish :_(*) : / ’ g / ‘Blanchland, High ~~ Chapelry "go go} -]}].- 4 | 30 63 207 205 | 412 Newbiggin: - - = = = Township| 15 1 <1 2 9 6 - 30 39 69 Shotley - - - - - - Township} 94] 112] -| 2 yo | 32 10 gil 298 609 Slaley - - - - - - (*) Parish} 122] 132] -| 8 go} 38 4 302 280 582 - }1,751 |1,911 | 3 | 72 | 1,026 | 482 | 403, | 4,530 | 4538 | 9,068 TINDALE Ward (North-East Division.) ‘ Birtley --~ - ~-- Par: Chap: 85 88 | -|] - 57 | 17 14 180 213 393 Bolam Parish: (") . : Belsay - - - - = - Township 60 61} 1] 1 2{ 16 1 175 “152 2 Bradford ~- - - - - Township 8 S) Si ° 8 a on Harnham - - - - ~ Township 16 16] -|{ 1 10 2 4 29 32 61 Shortflatt - - - - - Township 5 5} -| - 4 1 9 13 22 Chollerton Parish: (") Barrasford - 2 2 + = Township 42 42; o—] — 30 12 = 102 gl 193 ‘Broomhope and Buteland - Township 15] 15] -| = 5 2 8 40 47 847 Chollerton - - - - = Township 25 25| -| 6 22 2 1 44 72 149 . Colwell and Swinburn - Township} 73 9} 21 4 46 | 30 3 197 206 403 ‘Ginnerton and i Township 71 76/ -| 8 60} 15 1 192 | 218 409 Corsonside ss 2 - > = Parish 84 92] 1] 3 66] 18 8 254 233 487 Hartburn Parish : (”) Cambo - - - - - - Township} - 22 a2} —-{ — 6] °:6 10 46 55 101 Deanham - - - - = Township 9 9| -| - 9 - - 25 28 53 Favinley otherwise Farnlaws Township 2 2} -| - 2 - - 4 12 16 Greenleighton - -. - Township 8 g/ -| - 8 1 - 19 18 37 Hartington - - - ~- Township 10 10; =| - 10 - - 26 29 55 Hartington Hall - -. - Township 4 yp om dor 4 - - 21. 24 45 Harwood - - - = ~ Township 6 6) -| 2 6 = = 27 12 39 (3) Newburn Parish is mostly in the West Division of Castle Ward. o The entire Parish of Ovingham contains 2,742 Inhabitants. The pitmen’s families are placed in the third column of Occupations. :(*) The entire Parish of Shotley contains 1,090 Inhabitants. (*) The ‘Return of Slaley includes the’ whole Parish ; heretofore there were two Returns.—(“) Bolam Parish is partly in the West Division of Morpeth Ward, and partly in the West Division cf Castle Ward. The entire Parish contains 651 Inhabitants. (‘) The entire Parish of Chollerton ‘contains upwards of 1,241 Inhabitants, part of Buteland and Broomhope being returned with Birtley. Whitesidelaw and Little Swinburn are included in the Return of Chollerton Township—() Hartburn Parish is mostly in the West Division of Morpeth Ward. . Qqq Return of Kirkharle Township includes the Townships of Belridge, Great- law, Kidlaw, Mirlow-House, Shield-Hill, and Thrivewell.—— Y) The entire Parish of Kirkwhelpington contains 793 Inhabitants ——(“). The entire Parish of Stamfordham contains 1,827 Inhabitants. (#) The en- tire Parish of Thockrington contains201 Inbabitants,—-(») The extensive Parish of Simonburn, or more properly speaking, the six Parishes into which it was divided by Act of Parliament (51° Geo. III, c. 194) con- tains 4.397 Inhabitan' ts. The new Parishes are thus described in the Act,—The Parish of B bh ellingham consists of Bellingham, East and West Charlton, Leemailing, The Nook, and Tarretburn, and contains 1,396 In- ve ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enumeration. eae a COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS : SHIP, Fami- = ee Fane | Mae |, 3 hiefl é = bee 3 chiefly eae Families a TOTAL CHIAL CE. 5 “ a em- din |not com- wo a a ea 3 Familes a 2 ployed Ts ea prized in 3 3 OF ——_—— 3 Oc- = Se in Manv- | the os 3 ra PERSONS, re atc ied. A a a S fx TINDALE WARD (Nord Eat isin) }]Zfouneds) | 5 ] Aone frst pre eontinucd. “—~| rurz. | craft. | Classes. ; Hartburn Parish—continued. ; 6 el sae 4 2 es 15 20 35 Shafto, East - - - - Township hee 6 - 3 28 26 54 fheito, Wet. = = = Tome 9 on oe 6 10 247 104 101 205 Wallington-Demesne - Township 43 Kirkharle Parish : (*) ; el 4 3 = is 12 10 22 Hawick - - - - = Township 3 3 Shy BS : Zi go Has 192 Kirkharle - - - - = Township os ao 7 24 6 a 63 1 140 Kirkheaton - - - - Chapelry 2 Kirkwhelpington Parish: (”) PN. = 34 0 "4 Bavington, Great - - Township pe a Se a 4 108 ss 225 Capheaton - - - - Township 4 4 Se : oe: 8 7 1B Catcherside - - - - Township 3 ee a ; = al 3 4 7 Coldwell - - - - - Township 2 Be dre i = 7 4 - 6 Crogdean - - - - - Township Oa aires : = eS 3 5 8 Pp ee ee : ied 4 1 1 22 26 48 Harle, Little - - - - Township 9 earl Fes 9 4 31 33 64 Harle, West > + + Township 13 13 mal 18 19 22 136 141 277 Kirkwhelpington - - Township 53 59 ; st 36 33 69 Whelpington, West - - Township 11 11h 9 Stamfordham Parish: (7) 2 _ m aa . Bitchfield - - - - + Township i i hs i: ‘ : 26 a ee Blackheddon - - - - Township 1 1 ete 8 - < 52 sn Cheeseburn-Grange - - Township} 19 19 ‘ ms ss = 38 38 “6 Fenwick - - - - - Township 13 13) 7 3 4 1 40 - 66 136 Hawkwell - - - - - Township 31 31) 7 5 6 : 262 250 512 Heugh - - - - ~ - Township 84 111 = = 47 3a 2 ie oa 239 Ingoe - = © = = Township] 45 45| -| 8] 25 19 4 : ; 39 Kearsley - - - - - Township 2 Sails Peal vce 6 ‘ ; 80 "3 152 Matfen, East - - - Township 27 30]; ~| 4 2 ‘ 150 157 907 Matfen, West - - - Township 65 67 ~| 2 “e * 2 21 17 38 Nesbit - - - - - = Township 6 6 + 1 7 ir 3 ee ae Ouston - + = - = Township a 3/ -| 1 2 16 2 Ryall - = = = = = Township 22 22 aa = 19 3 a Be 7 3 Walridge - - - =- = Township 1 LiL} =p = 1 - - | Thockrington Parish: (*) ‘ | Bavington, Little - .- Township 15 15} —-| 2 9 4 37 a : Cary-Coats - - - - Township 8 9 = = 3 = 7 : Sweethope - - - = Township 4 iP ee 3 a isi Z ; ye: | ‘Thockrington - - + - Township 8 Bop seb 5 = 3 23° | 5 1,197 |1,263 | 4 | 56 | 785 | 276 | 202 3,154 3,240 6,394 TINDALE WARD (North West Division.) Newbrough - - - = =~ Par: Chap. 87 99) -| 7 61 13 25 213 238 “451 ' Simonburn Parish: (>) i ’ Haughton - - - (>) Township 23 a4| -| 4 19 3 a 64 63 127 Humshaugh - - - — Chapelry 63 42! ~1 3 36 15 21 162 172 Bee Simonbum - - - ~- Townshipf 95 | 109 | -—| 4 59 24 26 278 291 509 Bellingham Parish Bellingham - - - - Township} 79 gi| -| - 19 50 22 186 218 404 Charlton, East - - - Quarter 27 28} ia} — 17 4 7 67 "6 143 Charlton, West - - = Quarter} 41 41| -| 2! 10 6 1 a 82 105 187 Leemailing - - - - Quarter} 49 52) -| 1 46 3 3 133 152 285 Nook, The - - - - Quarter 19 21 |) es 18 2 I 61 52 113 Tarretburn =- - - = Quarter 47 47 | -| 1 40 9 - 134 130 . C) The entire Parish of Kirkharle contains 354 Inhabitants. The | habitants. The Parish of Falstone consists of Falstone, Plashets, and. Wellbaugh, and contains 501 Inhabitants. The Parish of Gaystead consists of Chirdon and Smalesmouth, and contains 246 Inhabitants. The Parish of Thorneyburn consists of Tarset and Thorneyburn, and contains 358 In-- habitants. The Parish of Wark consists of High-Shitlington, Low-Sint- | lington, Wark, and Warks-Burn, and contains 866 Inhabitants; leaving to the Mother Church of Simonburn, a Parish containiag 1,030 Inhabitants, |: consisting of Haughton, Humshaugh and Simonburn Townsbips—The ' Paper Mill at Haughton not being in use at present, the Population. of that Township is less numerous than usual. * ‘M.DCCC.XXT| THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. 243 NRE as | PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, TINDALE WARD (North West Division) continued. ‘Simonburn Parish (*)—continued. Falstone Parish : Falstone - - - - - « - « Plashets - - - - -- Township Well-haugh - - - - Quarter Gaystead Parish : Chirdon - - = = - Township Smalesmouth - - - - Township Thorneyburn Parish: Tarset, West - - - - Quarter Thorneyburn - - + ~- Township _ Wark Parish : Shitlington, High - - Quarter Shitlington, Low - - - Quarter Wark - - - - - - Quarter Warksburn - - - - Township Warden Parish: (°) Brokenhaugh - - = - ~~ Quarter Dean-Raw - - - = = Quarter Haydon Chapelry, otherwise Elrington - - - -f Quater Lipwood - - - = = = Quarter Warden - - - - © Township TINDALE WARD (South Division.) Middle-Quarter, North - Township West-Quarter - - - Township John-Lee, St. Parish: (f) Acomb, West- - - - Township » Amick - - + - = = Township - Anick-Grange - - - Townhsip Bingfield - - = - = Township Cocklaw - - = - - Township Hallington - - - - Township Portgate - - - - - Township Sandhoe - - - - - Township Wall - - - - + = Township Fallowfield - - = - Township TINDALE WARD (West Division.) Haltwhistle Parish: (£) Bellester - - - - - Toanship Blenkinsop - - - °(8) Township Coanwood, East - - - Township Teatherston. - - - - Township Haltwhistle - - - - Township Hartley-Burn- - - - Township OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Allendale - - - = = (*) Parish Hexham Parish: (°) Hexham Township : Gilligate --* - = = Ward Hencoats - = = - = Ward Market - - = + - - Ward Priestpopple - - - (°) Ward Hexhamshire, High-Quarter - = - Township | Low-Quarter - - ~- Township Middle-Quarter, South - Township | HOUSES: Famy- Bey Aut B . LIES : OrHER . bee 3 chiefly sane Families ws TOTAL | - | 4 i : ' Eprints] £] 2 | nope ct perm] ff S| oe a “tog 1 4 - | Traps, {P 4 S s De le ae edin | Manu- | the Two = PERSONS. & [cupied. | gy | S | Aanr- | factures,| preced- a fs CUL- jorHandi-| 48 ture. | craft, | Classes. 36 36]; -] - 5 2 29 118 116 234. 49} 49} -| - 8 3 | 38 128 139 267 12 te 9 1 4 46 aT 83 26 oy} -| 3 26 1 - 89 44 163 31 seb =| 24 a8 | a | aa 85 84. 169 3a| 48| =| @| 36 3 7 93 96 189 14 wy] -4) - 6 1 q . 50 54 104. 19 19 - 1 15 4 pipe 62 43 105 73| 85] =<] 34 2 | BBY 95 177 190 367 54 54} —] 2 25 1 28 151 139 290 26 26) -|{ 1 23 1 2 63 92 155 128 | 128} —f — 43 40 | 45 266 269 535 54 63] 1 12 9 42, 192 166 358 105 | 1221 —}| 6 F 2 38 57 253 273 526 90} 99} -}| 5] 53 | 44 2 238 260, 498 1,286 11,399 | 2155 | 656 | 314 | 429 J} 3,391 | 3,529 4 6,920_ 790} 849] 14} 8 | 210 | 112 | 527 2,430 2,199 -| 4,629 147 288} -]| 5 62 166 60 563 667 1,230 106 | 190] 2] 27 45 |. 75 70 303 455 758 123} ais} -| 3 9 | 140 | 63 378 457 | 835 135} 338} 2{ 247 31 | 234 } 73 557 936 } 1,293 465 60, mf —— 18 7 Bf ag 143 136 279 © 86 98 | -]}| 2 42 4 31 | 25 236 210 446 33] 46| -{ -] 39 5 2 85 88 173 36 38) -| 3 23 9 6 91 | 88 179 43} 45] -| 77 33 5 8 125 | 118 243 113} 1139] 2) 5 54 31 28 255 278 533 38 39) -| 4 20 16 3 470 96 166 7 8} -] - 4 - 1 22 21 43 16 7 16 - 1 52 59 111 37 387, -} - 31 6 - 98 101 199 25 25; -| 1h 197 4 4 62 67 129 6 6) -| = 4 2 - 15 18 33 42> 49}]>-} =| 41 5 3. 88 g2 180 87 | 104} -| 4 24 22 58 236 229 465 19 19} -—| - ” - 12 42 51 93 1,934 [2,571 | 19 | 46 | 733 | 870 | 968 | 5,851 | 6,166 [12,017 23 ag4{ -{ = 12 11 Tt 59 59 118 50 56} —| 6 29 26 1 155 162 317 31] gi} ~| =| 20 4 7 75 go 165 468) 47} a) -4 42 3: 2 130 109 239 135] 174] 2] 5 46 60 68 326 381 707 17 17| -| -— | 16 1 ie 45 47 92 >) See preceding page. © Wale (*) The Townships of ick, Extra-Parochial, is iacluded in the Returns of Warden | Parish. The entire Parjsh: of. Warden contains 2,072 Inhabitants—— a endale, Allendale West, Cotton, Keenty, Broad- ‘side, and Forest, included in the Retdrn of Allendale Parish, were all separately returned in 1811. In the year 1811, this Parish was divided into Five Rectories and Parishes.——~(°) The entire Parish of Hexham contains 5,436 Inhabitants, One female in Priestpopple-Ward upwards of 100 years of age——(*) The entire Parish of St. John Lee contains 1,952 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Haltwhistle contains 3,583 Inhabitants. The Population of Blenkinsop Township is increased from the extension of the colliery. 244 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS’ AND RETURNS UNDER ‘[ Enumeration, | COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- A ——___ PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famt- | cons LL By ea LIES chiefly OTHER ; oR how 2 chiefly | em loy- | Families “oI _ TOTAL 3 many | 3 em- pe in | not oe ah 4 ; op -PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families} .¢ a loyed | T , [prized in ; Cree ee ee ee ae ee hoe a cupied. a P AGcRrI- | factures, preced- a a ivisi cut- lorHandi-| _ ing sania pela ag ae TURE, sot Classes. Haltwhistle Parish—continued. Mentor, - = - --+- Township} 114 115 mit og 82 20 13 297 - 296 593 Melkridge - - - - Township 45 554-1] 4 go |. 14 11 148 - 140 288 Plainmellor - - - - Township 31 of S| Ss 29 3 1 . 84 100 184 Ridley ee oe ee Township 45 46 1 1 38 if 1 113 118 231 ‘Thirlwall - - - = = Township 46 54 {| -] 2 40 9 5 157 136 293 Thorngrafton - - - ~ Township 51 52} -| 5 17 15 20 115 132 247 Wall-Town - = - = Township 15 iG; -]}] - 16 - - 62 47 109 Kirkhaugh - - - - = = Parish 54 54] -| 3 26 2 26 -129 159 286 Knaresdale - - - - - Parish} 114 | 114] —| 4 | 106 8 - 293 271 564 Lambley Parish: (*) ; Ash-holm - - - - Township 22 g2{ —] 2 22 - - 60 62 122 Lambley -:- - + - Township 20 20, -]}] 1 20 - = 65 | "4. 139 Whitfield - - - - - - + Parish} 44 55} -| — 1°36 19 ~ 152 137 | 289 go6 | 985} 5] 3 | 627 | 202 | 156 2,463 | 2,520 | 4,983 Town of 7 ‘ Berwick-upon-Tweed -~ (i) Parish | 1,024 2,030 | 3 | 34 116 {1,061 | 853 3,964 | 45759 8,723 Town and County of the Town of [ ; NEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE. All-Saints - (+) - (*) Parish |1,872 | 4,180 14/145 5 13,847 | 328 7,493 9,062 | | 16,555 Andrew, St. - (+) - (*) Parish} 846 |1,624 | 22 | 4o 28 |1,019 | 577 3,099 4,132 | 7,231 John, St. - (+) - (*) Parishf 770 [1,407 | 6 | 42 7 145125 | 275 | 2,889 | 3,401 | 6,290 Nicholas, St.- (+) - = = Parish} 543 |1,086 4113 5 11,055 26 2,444 2,661 51105 4,031 |8,297 | 46 |240 | 45 | 7,046 |1,206 | 15,925 | 19258 35,181 (*) The entire Parish of Lambley contains 261 Inhabitants,—— (‘) The increase of Population at Berwick, is ascribed to the employment of workmen on the New Pier, to Vaccine Inoculation, and to the Dis- pensary lately established for the benefit of the Poor, (*) All Saints Parish is partly in the East Division of Castle Ward, The entire Parish contairis 20,877 Inhabitants.» The Parish of St. Andrew is partly in the East and partly in the West Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish contains 8,115 Inhabitants. The Parish of St. John extends into the West Division of Castle Ward. ‘Fhe -entire Parish contains 9,410 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the Town of Newcastle, is attributed to the effect of Peace, as causing soldiers and sailors to return ‘home; besides that, in the time of War, there was a difficulty in obtaining a full Return of Males, who were liable to serve in the Militia. Gates- head, a suburb of Newcastle, separated from it by the River Tyne, con- tains 11,767 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. r Ward of BAMBROUGH 1,877/ 1,989] 7 COQUETDALE - - - - -13,375| 4,194] 9 CEENUME = 6b es 2,098} 2,234] 7 MORPETH ~ s 2 = = 1 2,166} 2,715] 11 TINDALE - = = - = -| 47,074 8,129] 33 Town of . BERWICK-UPON-TWEED ~ 4 1,024] 2,030] 3 ‘Town and County ofthe Town of NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE - 4,031] 8,2971 46 57 | 1,228] 556] 205 4,750 | 5,019 | 9,759 CASTLE - - - = - = | 9,881 /13,540] 74 | 290 1,625 | 7,407| 4,508 | 30,091 | 31,868.| 61,959 130 | 1,907} 1,087 | 1,200 9,606 | 10,403 } 20,009 63] 1,477] 447] 310 5,587 | 5,854 | 11441 87 | 1,342/ 817] 556 6,042 | 6,459 | 12,504 265 | 3,827 | 2,144| 2,158 | 19,389 | 19,993-| 39,382 34] 116] 1,061) 853 | 3,9641 4,759 | 8,723 4 240 45| 7,046|1,206 | 15,995 19,256 | 35,181 Torars - - - [31,526 43,128 | 190 |1,166 | 11,567 |20,565 eet 95,354 103,611 | 198,965 ° M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 245 COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. Ages of Persons. : MALES. Cc = = 100 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | '70 | 80 | 90 5 i Bader to to to to to to to to | to | to _ to f id Ward 5. up B a ' 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | '70 | 80 | 90 | 100|wards] & BAMBROUGH - - - 404} 686! 542| 441 | 679] 529] 366} 335 |238)185] 41] 5 - 44751 CASTLE - - - - =| 2,078} 1,705] 1,644] 1,309 | 1,991] 1,432]1,093 | 845 | 541) 267] 74 | 11 | — [12,890 COQUETDALE - - - | 1,341] 1,285] 1,195/1,004 | 1,348] 1,010] 824] 708 |515|267] 94 | 15 1 9,604 GLENDALE- - - -| 797] 803} 755} 568| 816| 569; 553 | 327 |229/135| 35 | 5] — | 5,592 MORPETH - - - -| 781] 794} 723] 620 | 836| 684} 587 | 453 1322/190] 57| 3/ —- [| 6,050] TINDALE - - - - | 2,771] 2,525! 2,193] 1,870 | 2,792} 2,028] 1,578 | 1,173 |924}553|178 | 23 | — 18,608 BERWICK-upon-TWEED, Town and County of the }> 605] 535! 492] 416 443} 435) 421 | 275 |209,104] 25} 4] — | 3,964 “Town - - = - - NEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE, Town aud County of the - - - - - ft ~ ea ‘Si f = aa tes i Town = - - - Total of MALES - | 9,077] 8,333] 7,444|6,228 | 8,905] 6,687]5,422 | 4,116 |2,978/1,701] 504 | 66 | 1 |61,462 FEMALES. f N 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60} 70] 80 | 90 | 1° ia t 1 ¢ » | lel) miele tS Ward ~ to to 0 to 0 _ to 0 | to 0 | to | up. of 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |wards. S BAMBROUGH + - - 633] 613) 531 | 552 812; 619] 431 | 344 | 2614146 48 ; 9} 1° 4,998 CASTLE - - - - - | 1,934) 1,675} 1,511 | 1,289 2,175 1,509 }1,146 | 803 }529} 297/117 | 16} —- 113,001 COQUETDALE - = - | 1,305] 1,276] 1,091 [1,114 | 1,736/ 1,183 |} 966 | 745 [564/312] 91 | 20 | 3 [10,406 GLENDALE-» = - - 799} 745| 609] 701 964} 533 | 426] 382 |300/160] 48) 51 - 5,672 MORPETH - - - -]| 725} 743] 692 | 685 | 1,076} 7671! 633 458 1376)231! 56/13 | 1 | 6,456 TINDALE - - - -| 2,609/ 2,450 | 2,008 | 2,023 | 3,205 2,136 | 1,712 | 1,259 |985| 562/208 | 25 | 1 |19,183 BERWICK-upon-TWEED, Town and County of the 572 Town = = = = - 502} 489] 491 | 840} 581] 490) 352 |280/125|) 35 | 2] —- | 4,759 Town and County of the Town - - = = = NEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE, | Total of FEMALES - | 8,577| 8,004] 6,931 | 6,855 |10,808 | 7,328 | 5,804 | 4,343 |3,295|1,833|601 | 90 | 6 164,475 ‘ THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Northumberland was . . . . 198,965, . . . - and the Number. of Persons whose Ages were feturned was . . 125,937, . . whence it appears, that the Ages of more than one-third of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. . The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Northumberland was 534; fourteen of which (ainong them all the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Returns) did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus(“+): and a small proportiou of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective uumbers of Males and Females, Rrr 246 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. County of Nottingham. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, a oR Ji 4 | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 vi 4 - aQ 8 3 f IPERSons. | BASSETLAW Wapentake. . (Hatfield Division.) j ee Baswortn - - - + Parish 68 219 197 416 Blyth - - - - - + (#) Parish} 171! 382 419 801 Barnbymoor, with Bilby - Township 95 87 182 Hodsock - = - = Lordship 125 99 424, Styrrup—- - - (#) Township 237 204 444 Torworth - - - = = Township 106 113 21 Bothamsall .- - - - - - Parish 165 145 se Boughton - - - - = - - Parish - 57 6 - 146 143 989 Carlton-in-Lindrick - - - Parish} 170 2 131 30 12 454 |. 434 888 Cuckney - - - - i ey Parish - 26 27 4 196 231 424 Holbeck - - - - ~ Township = 35 1 = 124 115 239 Langwith - - - + - Township = 20 29 1 173 205, 378 Norton - - - = Township oe 42 9 = 181 210 391 Edwinstow - ~ - - ~ (°) Parish - 118 16 8 318 330 648 Budby - - - - <= = Township = 29 4 = 72 68 140 Carburton - - - - = Chapelry 1 31 2 2 81 "3 154 Clipstone - = + = Township 1 42 - = g2 50 142 Ollerton - - - - = Chapelry i 61, 39) 1 291 285 | 576 Perlethorpe - - + Chapelry = 5 2 8 50 43 93 Elksley - - - - + - - Parish 2 50 19 6 181 166 347 Finningley - - - - - (#) Parish 1 65 5 = 208 160 | 368 Aukley - - - - + Township 2 47 6 = 150 147 207 Harworth - - - = (°) Parish 3 57 14 10 207 188 395 Styrrup (partof) - - (#) Township = SR os a = = - os Haughton - - - - (f) Parish 7 Py sep 4 5 = 20 20 40 Styrrup (part of) - - (#) Township mid Fe | et = = = = = = Mattersey - = - Parish | 78 Sa | x] 8 53 17 12 217 209 426 Misson - - - -(&) Parish} 148] 148] -| 3 129 17 2 366 354 720 Ordsall - - --- Parish} 80; 143] 2] 8 91 | 43 9] 317 | 315 | 632 Retford, West - ~ - - Parish} 144] 144] -| 2 36] 56| 52 266 | 305 | 571 Rufford (Liberty) - - - = Extra-P. 56 Co) =) = 60 = a 160 103.) 323 Walesby - - - - - - = Parish 60 64) Sp 46 13 5 156 152 308 Wallingwillis - - - - — Extra-P, 1 Lis} = 1 = = 1 6 7 Warsop - - - - - = (*) Parish} 202] 210] —] — 135 64 11 549 523 | 1,072 Sokeholme - - - - Township 11 yw} —-| - 12 - oe 38 31 69 Welbeck - - - - - - ExtraP.] = 7 7{ -| 2 3 -| 4 36 28 64 Woodhouse-Hall - - - = Extra-P. 1 dsl ee ee 4 = i 3 5 Worksop - - = = - - = Pash | 944] 9783/13/12 | 437| 3551 186 § 9,250 | 3.307 4,587 8,540 | 17,172 BASSETLAW Wapenteke, 3,275 13,442 | 211 45 | 2,163 | 857 | 422 | 8,632 | 8,54 17 (North Clay Division.) ; : Applesthorpe, otherwise Alblethorpe Parish 21 21; —-j) 2 17 3 1 54 |. 49 103 Bole - - - - - - - © Parish 36 4o}| -| - 37 3 i 89 | 104 193 Burton, West - - - - - Parish 6 Wieop Se he es 6 1 a 13 | 19 937 Clareborough - - - ~- (i!) Parish} 436] 449] 4] 8 150 | 256 43 959. |. 979 | 14929 Clayworth .- - - (*) Parish} 72] 109] 1] — 80 22 4” 210 221 431 Wyeston, or Wiseton - Township 21 a1] -] - 17 2 - 61 65 | 126 Gringley-on-the-Hill - Parish} 139 143 - - 109 30 4 339 308. 647 Leverton, North - - Parish 61 62); -]} 1 49 13 = 174 126 300 Leverton, South - « -(?) Parish 66 67 | -{ 3 42 9 16 146 154 300 Cottam - - - = Chapelry 17 wy}, 2 16 1 = 31 43 "4 Littleborough - - - - Parish} 11 / 138] ~] 1 13 ~ _ 31 33 64 Misterton - - - - - () Parish} 170] 170) —/| 3 157 13 _ 406 405 | 811 Stockwith, West - - - Townshipf go} 147} —| 7 29 | 101 147 317 | 301 618 a , ish i i thwell and Scrooby Liberty, partl Population in Harw is . : in CQ N es pees on Division of Strefiorth and Tekh aoe Parish from Sy itoneee e - ety Rees of Wapentake, West Riding of the County of York. The entire Parish Haughton P arish includes Serlby, 5) eee ¢ Population in contains 3,456 Inhabitants, including Styrrup Township ; which is partly | Misson Parish is ascribed to the establishm bs if ae 2 ay in Harworth Parish, and partly in Houghton Parish. The increase of entire Parish of Warsop contains 1,141 Inh: te TY Clachorenl Population in the Parish of Blyth is ascribed to the improved state of | is sometimes reckoned part of Southwell : rf Se ) 1 The agriculture, and the consequent employment of labourers. (°) The | increase of Population in Clareborough Ea aby ee sual ta of Cuckney contains 1,435 Inhabitants. 00) The enue paca of the poor-rates.——(k) The entire Paul shee wth eat Pam eer euralal) res pee Pn 4 3o Takata ted) The entire Parish of South-Levertor contatts | The entire Hench ete cae Tohabitants. (©) The increase of | Inhabitants, -——(") The entire Parish of Misterton contains 1,429 M.DCCC:XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 247 COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM—continued. | ‘HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fama | Fae | Au . By | ; | Lies ; Orner OR 7 Parish 24 BAS Plumtree (part of) Parish: (*) , cal bale 18 & os 43 29 92° __ Clipston = « - = - Tommie) el agai -| -| 93{ 73) 28 | 483 | 510 | 993 Radcliffe-on-Trent - - - - Parish 94 of ne Shelford - = - - - - (”) Parish} 106 cua heel 77 | 20] 13 5 553 with Newton (part of) - - Township a z a “6 5B ae Saxondale - - - - ~ Township 36 ae = _ 24 ; 4 81 79 153 Te es (*) ae a a -{| - 22 2 - qi 69 146 bby. e. eS Se ans = 2 2 89) Ty eooewell-Butler - - = Township} 89] 102; 1] 1 83 19 44 45 , 409. 1,033 {1,126 | 4] 9 | 817} 238 71 | 2,873 | 2,792 | 5,665. a Leal (North Division. Amey = 27 7 Pein oh] BL | =P) LEY Me | | Be Poe 2 oN : : Sa 691 | 694] -| 29 125 | 554 15 1,744 1,828 39572: | Raid = 6 2 + = = = Ban) G3) 6 | @ | a7 | wor) abe) 84 1,760 1,839 31599" Bulwell - = = + - - Parish} 383) 388] 2! 15 100 | 251 37 oe eee 2,105" Hucknall-Torkard - - - - Parish} 330} 339] 2 | 12 - ee = 5 bay ce Kirby-in-Ashfield - - + - Parish] 245 | 245 a1 3 ee - 230 209 | 439 ibys Se ee a Pea Be Maracld = wives ean ante 1,650 | 1,753 | 2 | 65 170 14a} 150 | 3,714 4 peee Mansfield-Woodhouse ~ - - Parish} 317] 32% | 3} 6 130} 15 25 751 47 1,59 Papplewick - - - - + (%) Parish} 105 | 1057 — 6 22 . 2 279 314 593 Newstead - - - - - - Priory 27 28 = 1 20 6 - ae a 174 Seton <= a =e a Poh) 4p | BIE] 7] S 70 $ 19 12 go 31 138 Skegby - - - - - - = Parsh{ 115] 118] 1] 2 39 | 79 = 293 291 | 584 Sutton-in-Ashfeld - - (°) Parish| 729] 808] -| 8 | 137] 655) 16 | 1,954 1,989 3,943 Hucknall-under-Huthwaite - Hamlet} 127] 150] 1] 1 49} 78] 23 35° ae sae Teversall - - - - - - = Parish 75 q7| -| 2 53 22 2 225 9 414 5,829 |6,120 | 30 |172 | 1,243 [4,372 | 505 | 15,077 |15,595 30,672 BROXTOW Wapentake, (°) (South Division.) Attenborough Parish: (4 Chitwell” - - Be, - « Hamlett? 152] 170] 2] 2 56 93 21 431 - 392 823 Toton - - - - - - ~- Hamlet} 32 36] -| - 27 8 1 96 112 -{ 208 Beeston - - - - - - = Parish} 283 | 309 | 3 | 15 79 | 146 54 454 780 -| 1,534 Bilborough - - - - - * Parishf 51 53} -| 4 17 15 21 133 158 291 Bramcote - - - = - - Parish 89 g1|] -| - 39 41 11 208 233 | 441 Brewhouse-Yard- - - - Extra-P. 18 25) -| - - 25 - 39 51 - go Cossal- - - - - - = = Parish] 56 56} -| = 26 10 20 168 149 317 Eastwood - - - - - -(*) Parishf 209] 215) ~| 2 40 | 166 9 598 608 | 1,206 Greasly - - - - ~ + = Parsh{ 712) 772] 1) 7 226 | 506 40 | 2,216 2,025 | 4,241 Lenton - - - - - Parish} 210 | 254 | 2] 7 82 130 42 608 632 1,240 - Nuthall - - - = - - - Parish go 95| -| 1 45 38 12 244 291 -|....465 Radford - - - - = = - Parish} 913 | 992 | 29 | 31 101 | 879 12 2,289 2,517 806 Stapleford- - - - - - - Parsh| 237] 237] 2 | 15 38 | 143 | 56 557 547 | 1,104 Strelly - - - - = = Parish 63 68 | -]| 2 21 17 30 176 174 350 Trowell - - - + - - - Parish} 85 BT 42 45 - 227 237. | 464. Wollaton - - - (4) Parish} 112 | 114] -| 3 48 58 8 281 290 “| 571° 3,312 |3,574 | 39 | 89 887 | 2,350 | 337 | 9,025 | 9,126 | 18,151 ©) The Return of Kinoulton Parish includes Lodge-on-the-Woulds, (°) The entire Parish of Sutton-in-Ashfield contains 4,655 Inbabi - Extra-parochial. (") Plumtree Parish is mostly in the North Division } tants. (€) Standard Hill, Extra-parochial, which is lecally situate in South Broxtow Wapentake, is entered with the Town of Nottingham, at the end of the county. (4) The entire Parish of Attenborough con- tains 1,031 Inhabitants.——(¢) An increase of collieries in Eastwt Parish, since 1811——(*) Several houses having been demolished at Wollaton, the Populaticn is decreased. ma ’ M.DCCC:XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. 249° COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM—continued, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr. | 7" | Ace By a “res | chiefly OTHER oR : how 3 chiefly employ- Families wa TOTAL 3 many | “a em- | edin |notcom- “v B EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, ‘3 | Families & a ployed | Trang, | prized in 5 Collingham, South - - - - Parishf 115] 157} —| 1 [| 109 29 19 345 341 686 © Girton - - - = «= = (*) Parish 37 39) 1] 1 28 1 10 | 88 94 182, Langford - - - - - = = Parish 21 a1} —-| - 21 - a 71 46 147 / South-Searle- - - - = (i) Parish 25 32 | -|] 1 28 - 4 7 80 151 Besthorpe - - ~ - ~ Chapelry 47 59| -| - 37 14 8 127 144 271 Thorney - - - - = - (*) Parish 20 a7] - 24 2 1 67 62 129 Broadholme - - - - - Hamlet 9 wz] -j] 1 5 2 5 247 30 57 -Wiggesley- - - - = - Hamlet 12 16; -]| - 15 1 - 44 34 - 48. Winthorpe - - - = - = Parish 52 57) -| - 39 17 1 107 - 128 235 633 | 771) 3] 9 | 496 | 193 | 82 | 1,777 -| 1,828 | 3,605 NEWARK Wapentake. (South Division.) Balderton- - - - - - - Parish} 176] 189! -—]| 93 | 127 40 22 387 386 173 Barnby-in-the-Willows - - ~- Parish 43 44] -| - 37 6 1 120 124 247° Coddington - - - -. = = Parish 82 82} —-| 3 62 18 2 189 185 374 Cotham - - - - = = - Parish ll 11 -} - ll - - 36 - 38 a4 Elston- - - - - -. = = Parish 80] 104} -| 1 60 23 21 221 225 - 446 Farndon - - - = - - = Parish} 112] 117{ -| - 83 23 11 235 264 - 499 Hawton - - - - = - Parish 34 38} -|] - 25 12 1 107 109 216 Kilvington - - - - = (!) Parish 4 y{| —-{| - 4 = - 15 - 9 24, Alverton - - - = - - Hamlet - - -! ~ - - - - - - Shelton - - - - = - = Parish 17. arya} - 20 1 - 53 52 105 Sibthorpe- - - --=- - - Parish 23 a4] -| - 23 1 - 96 66. 142 Staunton -- - - - - - (!) Parish 19 19} -| - 14 3 2 74 68 | 142 Flawborough (part of) (! ) Chapelry 12, wf-| - 12 = - 41 - 44 85 Syerston - - - = = = = Parish 26 26] -| - 23 2 1 57 42 129 Thorpe - - - - - - = Parish 24 af -| - 22 2 _ 50 46 96 i 666 | 718 1] 7 | 526 | 1931 61 1,661 1,691 3,352 RUSHCLIFFE Wapentake. (North Division.) Barton - - - = - = = Parish 41 79} -| 2 64 13 2 190 213 403 Bradmore - - = - = = Parish 64. 64} -|] - 34 24 6 221 189 410° Bridgford, West - -:-- - (™) Parish 38 39} -| - 25 6 8 92 116- 208 Bunny- - - - = = - = Parshf' 64 gi} -|.- 59 28 4 191 204 395 Clifton, with Glapton - - =~ Parish 84] 114] -—] 1 41 28 15 255 215 470 Edwalton - - - - - - = Parish 22 25; -| -— | 23 1 1 51 68 119 Keyworth - - - - = = Parish 83 g1| -| 2 58 30 3 206 248 454 Plumtree (part of) - - - (") Parish 49 54 | -| = 37 4 10 169 144 313 ‘ Normanton-on-the-Wolds Township 38 4o}--| — 21 12 4 98 96 194 |: Ratcliffe-upon-Soar = - - + Parish 34. 36] —-| 5 25 11 - 82 86 168 Ruddington - - - = - = Parishf 101 { 200] 1] 1 78 | 106 16 571 567 1,138 — Stanton-on-the-Wolds - - ~- Parish 22 22; —-| = 8 3 11 68 51 119 Thrumpton' - - - ~ - = Parish 25 26; -| 3 22 2 2 49 - 6o 109 | Wilford --- - - - = - Parish} 95 97} -| - 97 14 6 273 - 296 569 790 | 978 | 1] 14 | 6o2 | 285 | 91 2,516 -| 2,553 | 5,069 RUSHCLIEFFE Wapentake. (South Division.) Costock, otherwise Cortlingstock Parish "3 45 | -| - 40 28 4 176 165, 341 Gotham - .- - - --- - Parishf 109 | 118] 2] 1 44 73 1 319 306 .| 625 | Kingston-upon-Soar- - - = Parish 28 28} -| 2 25 3 - 92 74 166 Leake, East - - - - - = Parish} 159} 165 | 4] 54 99 | 63 3 408 375 783 Leake, West - - - - - - Parish] 36 39/ -| -]| 32 5 2 111 100 211 (®) The entire Parish of North-Clifton contains 864 Inhabitants. Twenty, persons have emigrated to North America-——(") Mering, which is entered in the North Division of Thurgarton Wapentake, and called " Extra-parochial, is said, to be in the Parish of Girton; it is entered in Thurgarton (North) Wapentake.—(i) The entire Parish of South | Scarle contains 422 aati) The entire Parish of Thorney . contains 264 Inhabitants——(!) The Hamlet of Alverton is included partly in the Return of Kilvington Parish, and partly in that of Staunton Parish. The entire Parish of Staunton contains 227 Inhabitants. The other part of Flawborough Chapelry is included in the Return of Orston Parish, Bingham (North) Wapentake. (™) West-Bridgford Parish is partly in Bingham (South) Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 310 Inhabitants.. 4) Plumtree Parish is partly in. Bingham (South) Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 579 Inhabitants. ° Sss 250 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, : cee oan == COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM—continued. HOUSES : — OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | ; om Bisa eet ren or Pe 3 ‘am chiefly mae id . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S fomay | gy | Bf oem [sea aor com] yf a na = {Families} 2 | & J ployed | Traps, [prized in e 2 OF a Oc- | 3 a in Manu- | the Two = a PERSONS, 4 cupied. | & | D | Acrr- | factures, preced- & ae ; RUSHCLIFFE Wapentake. (South Division.) = cmt tee Woes aa continued. | cee econ aces Normanton-upton-Soar - - - Pansh} 67 69| -}| -]| 58 | 111 = 172 154. 306 Rempstone = - - - - Parish 72 838} -| 5 39 43 1 199 169 368 Stanford-upon-Soar - - - - Parish 24 24} -| = 2¢ - a4 74 86 160 Sutton-Bonnington - - - ~- Parishf 192} 205] — | 11 60 | 122 23 481 502 983 Thorpe - - - - Parish 4 Aa ee oe 4 - - | 19 14 33 Widmer-Pool - + - Parish 43 45) -4} - 36 4 5 119 110 299 Willoughby-in-the-Wolds - - Parish 73 95} -| 1 42 20 33 227 223° 450 Wysall - - - - - Parish 54 58 1} - 50 8] - 133 | 154 2847 erga 934 | 1,008 | 6] 25 | 551 380 47 2,530 2,432 4,962 ; ELL and SCROOBY f : | ! Liberty. (°) . Askham - - - - - - = Parish 54 54} -, 1 49 5 - 136 134 | 240 Beckingham - - - - Parish 95} 105} -| - 94 11 - 246 269 - 515 Bleasby - - - - - Parish 531 53 - 5 39 | 14 - 154 136 290 Blidworth - + - (?) Parish} 145] 156) 8| 4] 77 | 67 | 12 397 347 744 Blyth (part of) Parish: (9) | Ranskill - - - = (1) Township 62 63} -| - 51 11 1 179 138 317 Edingly - - - - - - - Parishf 75] 76} -| 3] 50 | 20 6 164 | 180 344 Everton - - - - - -(*) Parish} 138] 142] -| 3 | 96 26 20 4{ 317 324 641 Scaftworth = - - Township | 22 a2) —| —~7 21 -Fo1 49 $1 | 100 ea sae 3 - - ee 164 7 -| 5 | 124 36 8 | 394 aly- |- 814 la - - - - = Parish 72 4 = 2 54 20 =< 1 - gi Halloughton - - - - Parish 19 21 o-| = 21 - - 46 a on Hayton - - - - - = Parish} 49] 57) 1| 2 51 | 6 - 136 ro8 | o4y Kirklington - - - - - = Parish 43 46} -|] - 28 | 4 11. 4 123 117} 240 | ee eh eee ea) a ae pal Vea I wee) ae Sa a aris oO i. 2 _ - 4 Scrooby - - - - = = ~- Parish 57 59) -}| -— 48 4 9 8 a 288 Southwell- - - - - (*) Parish | 573 610 | 8} 46 | 178 | 279 | 153 1,481 1,570 3,051 Sutton- - - - - = ~ (t) Parish 47 71 1 1 57 13 i 4 171 - r76- | 347 Lound - - - - - Township 60 83 - - "5 8 =e 181 -| - 189~ 370 Upton = OS SS cee eS Ransh 96 3 96 2 6 "7 14 5 221 211 432 THURGARTON Wapentake ee eee ee eee. | 4942 | 4951 | 9,893 sone (North Division.) ; : F : verham - = - = - = Parish 2 2 -—|e- - 4 a i ! Caunton - - - - - - - Paci 80 Be gee) 6, 8 ae, o ot 4 _ Cromwell- - - - = - Parish 30 33 | 2 rq 21 10 2 | — ee ; oe Fledborough - - - - - ~ Parish 15 Re ee oe 14 s ae 99 = i) 384 Hockerton = - ~ = - = Parish 23 Bs a a 6 7 = ET) as SRE 75 Holme - - - - - = Parish} 25 Se ah eb ox : sa a ea Kelham - - - - = - - Parish 0 Oo; -| -) 2 ae” a ae i 3 ee 30 4 6 95 104 199 Kneesal (part of) - - - (*) Parish 60 72 -| - 53 18 1 210 204 414 Kersall - - - - Hametf 16] 18] -/| 14 6 | go My ‘ Maplebeck - - - - - Parish} 36 a9| -| a4 32 6 ] 43 39 | 82 Marnham- - - - - ~- (*) Parish 5 = : 101 92. | 193 : 4 45 1} 36 9 - 4 422 | 1390 | 2954 Grassthorpe - - = = Township 23 eet =| 2 36 32 | 5 Mate 2 es 2 sites | 21 a) ahead - | 21 = 51 46 | 97 ee nS oe ta ah | toe | | ag 1 aa ge 210 | a8 | 44s athley Townshi 2 2 S sac : Muskham, South - - - (2) na e sae oa 33 3 6 91 81 172 | 47 ; 43 4 3 148 1g0 | 2478 (°) Of the Parishes constituting the Liberty of Southwell and Scroob i idi t he ry, | take, West Riding of th ; rding ih ee Edingly, Farnsfield, Halam, Hailloughton, Kirklington, Morton, | blished at Ranskill has ecu f nee eee Sees aoa e — ‘ Nl pe oui ee ihe North from the }| Parish of Everton contains 741 Inhabitants. asst (*) The Tvaee af the wath voy On eHurgarton Wapentake ; Everton, Hayton, Mattersey, | house of correction (06 i a li fi eave ae Sutton are contigious to Scrooby, nearly separating the | Southwell. A silk a eee iin ae ee dare oe ne ore oe of Pps Wapentake; Becking- | (*) The entire Parish of Sutton conta ne Tuhahtiant nes “(8 Knees worth Clay Division, and near Gainsborough ; Askham | Parish is partly i S ivisi j T ire | Coe =e ae as Blidworth is locally situate | Parish cue Ga Ue eS een ee = ce, areDorough, sometimes reckoned part of the | contains 351 Inhabit at Meri ; tre? arochia oe and Scrooby, is entered in the North-Clay Division | is said'to be in the Parish of Gaon ‘Nonth Di eal Newsrk W a : w.——( ) The improvement of agriculture is mentioned as take-——(") The entire Parish of Nacth-Muskian Se ee § cause ot the increase of Population at Blidworth.—(@) The Parish of | bi — (7 Blyth is ‘wostly in the Hattield Divition ot Bassetlaw ; a ‘te sales Carlen pene en eee inte the North ana South Vivisiou of Strafforth and Tickhill Wapen- ee —..., _. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, i GEO. IV. C. 94. 25% COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM —continued. ‘HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, F Fami- 4MI- | Ting ALL oR By S LIES | chiefly OruEr . st ae 2 | chiefly | employ-|Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ble) ee em- | edin {not com- a = 5 amilies gy 3 ployed | Trans, |prized in a 3 OF g s a 3 4 in Manu- | the Two < ey PERSONS, 4a “1; Alp AcRr- | factures,| preced- a al THURGARTON Wapentaker Sabie __] cut- lorHandi-| ing North Division—continued. SURE. | rail, | Classes, Normanton-upon-Trent - - Parish 62 80} 2 2 48 32 - 154 143 297 . Norwell - - - - - - (*) Parish} | 101] -| 14 74 | 22 251 225 476 Norwell-Woodhouse - - Township 26 26 a 1 21 5 2 eo 51 o Carlton-upon-Trent - - Chapelry 54 sO] -| - 45 9 2 133 154 284 Ossingtoh- - - - - - - Parish} 48 sot -} 41 38 5 7 148 | 153 aot Park-Leys - - = - + Extra-P. 1 1 ee = 1 = Ss 6 4 10 Rolleston - - - - - - Parish 59 59) -| 1 46 7 6 141 165 306 Staythorpe - - - - + Parish 11 wqo-] a 12 - - 40 29 69 Stoke, East, near Newark - (°) Parish} 79 G2) -} — 62 17 3 204 220 424 Sutton-upon-Trent - - - - Parish} 160] 195] ~| 1 9 119 67 9 438 446 | B84 Weston - - - - - + Parish 69 vol -| 41 49 17 4 166 134 300 Winkbourn - - - - + Parish 27 a7} -| 4 23 3 1 88 m1 159 5 1,272 11,401 | 6 | 16 $1,007 | 300 94 3,489 3,422 6,911 THURGARTON Wapentake. aS oa —|—___—— (South Division.) Burton-Joyce - -- - (é) Parish 88 go} -| - 34 49 4 238 270 508 Bulcote - - - - + Hamlet] 31 31] -| - 21 8 2 13 69 142 Calverton- - - - - - Parish} 188 | 212] 2] 2 38 | 143 31 558 506 .| 1,064 Colwick - - - - - = = Parish 18 20} -| 1 18 - 2 55 65 120 Epperstone - - - - - - Parish} 93] 103] -—]| 1 69 33 1 250 263 | 513 Fiskerton - - - = - - - Parish 65 66, -| - 32 28 6 166 176 342 Gedling - - - - - - (4) Parish} 82 82} -| 2 48 29 5 250 | 249 499 Carlton - - - - - + Hamlet] 270 | 306] 33] 6 95 | 199 12 688 657 1,345 Stoke-Bardolph - - - ‘Township 35 374 =| 1 31 6 = 89 84 |. 173 ene - + > - = = Parish 20 20} -| 2 17 2 1 48 48. . 96 overingham - - - - + Parish} 64 v2} -| 3 36 35 1 166 169 335 Lambley - - - - - - - Parish} 125} 1313 -—| — 31 99 1 384 | 306 690 Lowdham- - - = - - (*) Parish} 133} 135] -| 4 9-75 60 - 354 | 325 679 ‘Caythorpe - - - - - Township? 54| 59| -| 1] 19 | 37 | 3 152 133 | 285 Gunthorpe- - - - - Township/ "6 "9 2 37 39 3 188 182 370 Oxton - - - - - = Parish} 162 | 167] -] — 85 59 23 397 401 798 Snenton -- - - - - - = Parish]. 931 | 240] 8] 8 47 | 182 av 559 653 | 1,212 eo - - - - ‘Parish 50 71 2} 41 45 12 14 166 164 330 1 Woodborough - - + - - Parishf 119 | 121} —| 2 56 63 2 362 | 356 | 77 1,907 | 2,042 | 45 36 834 | 1,083 | 125 5143 | 5,075 | 10,218 , - - Borough Town of - / . ; : : ; NEWARK-UPON-TRENT - - Parish }1,620 | 1,823 | 29 | 42 | 121 | 1,510 | 192 3,827 4,257 | 8,084 Town and County of the Town of a ast NG ie } en NOTTINGHAM. | fo. | | Mary, St. (+) - - - - + Parish} 5,993 | 7,150 | 67 larg | 261 [6,732 | 157 | 15,292 |17 420 | 32,712 Nicholas, St.- - - - - - Parish B07 55 | 1137 19 "631 | 205 “L817 2.300 fe 17 | Peter's, St. - - - - > - Parish} 608 710} -j}18 J 2 | 651) 57 1,541 1,820 | 3,361 Standard-Hill, and Limits of the | ; . Castle of Nottingham -(Hf™ Fy 37] 37) =) —f{ - | 294-8 7 9% | 126 | 295 ane . 7:375 | 8,752 | 68 j270 J 282 | 8,043 | 427 | 18,749 | 21,666 | 40,415 ! bE ; (*) The entire Parish of Norwell contains 874 Inhabitants —(°) East | ——(e) The entire Parish of Lowdham contains 1,334 Inhabitants | Stoke is sometimes attributed to Bingham, sometimes to Newark Wa- } (') Standard-Hill (adjacent to the Town of Nottingham) is in the South | pentake——(°) The entire Parish of Burton-Joyce contains 650 Inha- | Division of Broxtow Wapeutake. | bitants ——(‘) The entire Parish of Gedling contains 2,017 Inhabitants. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration; 252 eS COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. pr ey HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- Fami- | sips ALL ; HUNDREDS, By 3 LIES | chiefly OTHER ‘2 3 a = chiefly | employ- Hepat 4 TOTAL DS ‘ em- din, |not com- zs Families 2 & ployed Th Hy prized in 8 3 pe 's oe ae in Manp- | the Two 3 a PERSONS. } is cupied.| 5 | 5 Acrr- |factures, | preced- Fe : cuL- or Handi- ie Hundred or Wapentake of Sa BASSETLAW, Hatfield Division - - -] 3,275] 3.442] 21] 45 | 2,163] 857] 422 8,632 8,540 | 17,172 North-Clay Division - - -] 1,932] 2,100] 5 | 37 | 1,044] 868 188 4,782 5,028 9,810 South-Clay Division - - - -| 1,382] 1,487] 4 | 23 | 1,096; 287] 104 | 3,535 3,508 | 7,043 BINGHAM, North and South Divisions - -] 2,164] 2,317] 10 | 25 | 1,542} 614 | 161 | 5,806 5,710 ) 11,516 BROXTOW, North and South Divisions - -] 9,141) 9,694] 69 {261 | 2,130] 6,722 | 842 | 24,102 24,721.| 48,823 NEWARK, North and South Divisions - =] 1,299] 1,489 4 | 16 1,022] 324 143 3,438 3,519 6,957 RUSHCLIFFE, North and South Divisions - -[1,724 | 1,986] 47139 | 1,153] 665 | 168 5,046 4,985 | 10,031 Liberty of SOUTHWELL and SCROOBY -} 1,931 | 2,070] 20 | 49 | 1,270] 559) 241 | 4,942 4,951 | 9,893 Hundred or Wapentake of THURGARTON, North and South Divisions - -} 3,179! 3,443 51 | 52 | 1,841 | 1,383 219 | 8,632 | 8,497 | 17,129 . Borough of NEWARK-UPON-TRENT 1,620/ 1,823] 29 | 42 | 121 |1,510| 192.] 3,827 4,257 | 8,084 Town and County of the Town of NOTTINGHAM - - - - - 7,375 | 8,752] 68 | 270 282 18,043 | 427 [18,749 21,666 "40,415 Fran ToTaL - - - 35,022 38,603 | 288 | 859 | 13,664 [21,832 3,107 | 91,491 95,382 |.186,873 re ey was wee 153,922) .. obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the C : Mary, in the town of Nottingham, excepted) contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A small Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant;—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Ttt M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. ¢. 04. 253 COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. [— 100] 43 5 1 90 Hundred or Wapentake }Ut] & | to | te | w 1 w | wo | o [lwo {wofol&| & of 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 {| 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100],0%.1 & BASSETLAW, Hatfield Division - - ~| 1,237| 1,187] 996] 918] 1,218] 1,013] 758] 583] 413] 229) 68 | 3 | — | 8,623 North-Clay Division - -| 741] 638] 539] 539] 650} 519] 425} 326] 259} 113/36] 11 — 4,786 South-Clay Division - -[ 514 452 399 368 534 377 316 2421 199} 105} 32 - - | 3,538 BINGHAM, | North and South Divisions | 881] 788] 672] 627] 843] 610] 514] 408] 262} 1541 46 | 1] — | 5,806 BROXTOW, ay North and South Divisions | 3,865 | 3,367] 3,012] 2,463] 3,405] 2,573] 2,242] 1,557|1,009] 449/103 9} — |24,0545— NEWARK, North and South Divisions 494) 481 361} 367] 516] 368] 332 248| 181]. 96133] 2] - | 3.479 RUSHCLIFFE, , North and South Divisions 737| 700} 630{ 534] 706] 522] 466} 366) 237) 151] 44] 4] — | 5,097 SOUTHWELL and SCROOBY ee 701| 673] 625} 522] 732) 411] 459} 313} 248) 120] 36) 4] ~ | 4,844 ' THURGARTON, _ North and South Divisions | 1,259] 1,122{ 987] -921| 1,347] 916} 764; 626] 425 216] 54| 7) -— | 8,644 -UPON- i TREE ao 552| 443; 406] 440] 581 429] 420 265| 186) 87116] 2] — | 3,827 NOTTINGHAM TOWN, and COUNTY of the 435| 392] 385] 401] 596) 417) 354] 245] 149) 70113) -| — | 3,457 TOWN - - - Total of MALES - [11,416 |10,243| 9,012] 8,100/11,128] 8,155] 7,050| 5,179 '3,568)1,790|481 | 33 | ~ 176,155 FEMALES. . 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 2 . d e 9 0 0 0 Hundred or Wapentake } Under | |, to to to to to to | to | to | to | to| & a of 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100),7,) 2. BASSETLAW, , Hatfield Division - - -| 1,158] 960] 969] 910} 1,405| 1,000] 823}- 537} 390) 237] 55 | 4{ — | 8448 North-Clay Division - -] 627} 625) 588] 534] 832} 573] 485) 325] 256/142) 38 | 3] — | 5,028 South-Clay Division - -| 507/ 443/ 364] 332] 609} 383} 294] 252] 194] 99/31]. -| — | 3,508 BINGHAM, : North and South Divisions 801 "871 666| 543] 950] 656} 494} 363] 274] 120] 42} 4] — | 5,700 BROXTOW, North and South Divisions | 3,809] 3,272] 2,883] 2,523] 4,084] 2,955] 2,190] 1,487} 964] 428]116 | 8] —- | 24,719 _ NEWARK, North and South Divisions 536| 488) 335] 3521 5741 430] 290] 239] 183] 74] 18} 2) — | 3,521 . RUSHCLIFFE, North and South Divisions | 696] 722/ 555| 499] 777| 520| 506] 319| 205] 149] 34} 3] — | 4,985 SOUTHWELL and Se Re 729| 619] 519] 431] 856) 527] 420} 326] 259) 132} 32 | 1] — 5 4,851 THURGARTON, North and South Divisions J 1,258| 1,152] 916] 805] 1,369/ 956] 776] 585] 406] 213) 65] 3] — | 8,504 NEWARK-UPON- TRENT, mono -| 552} 461} 304] 490] 873] 526) 426} 291] 209] 100) 22] 3] — | 4,257 NOTTINGHAM TOWN, and COUNTY of the 451] 392| 392] 540] 972] 536) 406] 280] 168) 84] 22] 3] —- | 4,246 TOWN - - - - Total of FEMALES [11,124] 9,921] 8,491 | 7,959 |13:301| 9,062| 7,110] 5,004 |3,508)1,778/475 | 34| — 177,767 THE Total-Number of Returns in the County of Nottingham was . . . 186,873, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages werereturned, - whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly one-sixth part of the persons therein enumerated, have not been _ ounty of Nottingham was 26g ; every one of which (the large parish of St. proportion of the ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration, 254 County of Oxford. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fans | 78" [ au. [— By te LIES | hie OTHER . oR . | how & | chiefly | crploy-| Families | TOTAL z many | » | 3 em- ed 2 not com- n 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families) .§ = | ployed Trape, | prized in | a or g Oc- | = a in Manu. | the Two < a PERSONS, S fecupied.) & 1 5 | Acai- factures,| Preced- a & cut- forHandi-} mg _ | BAMPTON Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Auvescort- - - - Parish 65 yo] -| 3 66 6 ns 185 172 357 Asthall and Asthall-Leigh - - Parish 67 m1] -| 4 61 4 4 188 177 365 Bampton (with Weald) (7) Parish] 285 | 912 2] 12 181 95 | 36 414 746 1,460 Aston and Cote - - - = Hamlet} 117 ri -| 2 142 9 = 330 329 659 Brighthampton (part of) - - Hamlet 18 23} -| - 20 3 - 52 45 97 Chimney - - - - - Hamlet 6 6} =] 1 6 = - 22 24. 46 Shifford - - - - — Chapelry 8 8} -] - 8 - - 20 22 42 Blackbourton - - - - - Parish] 45 64] -| 2 61 2 1 174 162 336 Broadwell (+) - - - (>) Parish 49 49 -J| - 42 6 1 115 111 22 Filkins - - 7 = + = Hamlet? 105 105 1 2 91 10 4 243 265 508 Holwell - - = = ~ — Chapelry 18 20; -{ 1 18 2 - 38 48 86 Broughton-Poggs - - - - Parish 24 a4} -]| - 21 2 1 64 50 114 Burford - - - + -(°) Parishf 290] 336} —] 147 193 | 125 | 18 691 718 | 1,409 Upton and Signet - - Hamlet} 53 53] 2] 1 41 9 3 145 132 277 Clanfield - - - - - - - Parishf 109} 120] 2] 3 88 29 3 243 247 490 Ducklington - - - - - (4) Parish 79 ya} —-{|o1 54 16 2 181 192 373 Hardwicke - - + - Hamlet} 95 a5} -| - 19 5 3 63 61 124 Kelmscott - - - - - = Parish 29 30] -] 2 28 1 i 53 65 118 Kencott - - - - - - = Parish 40 49] -| - 28 14 7 85 89 174 Langford (part of) Parish: (*) Grafton - - Township 11 wa] - 1 13 = 1 42 39 81 Radeutt - - - - Hamlet i 9} -| - 4 2 - 13 17 30 Norton, Brize - - - Parish} 96{ 102] -—| — 89 12 1 279 249 528 Sialtet tee aol Bar hee ce og Si; aa e . = Standlake - - - 2 = Parish with part of Brighthampton (#) Hamlet } esp age | | - 44 | 76 327 316 643 Westwell - - - Parish 31 32 -} = 26 4 2 81 "9 160 Witney ~ 7 2 = = (8) Parish} 533] 626] 9] a1 85} 472 | 69 1,301 1,526 2,827 Crawley - - - - - Hamlet} 46 47} -| 2. 32 8 4 107 114 221 Curbridge - -~ - - - Hamlet 63 g6} -]} 1 19 12 5 179 193 372 Baler - = + + = * = Hamlet 29) 219] -\ 4 45 | 1341} 40 541 557 | 1,098 ewo- - - = = - Hamlet 4 55} -| - 51 4 - 133 133 266 Yelford - - - - - = | Parish 2 2} —-| = 2 - 7 11 5 16 2,576 | 2,930 | 16 | 81 1,615 | 1,031 284 6,620 | 6,883 | 12,503 BANBURY Hundred. a ee Bansury (+) - (*) Boro’ and Parish 651 | 748 | 1 | 50 14} 631 | 103 1,618 1,778 | 3,396 Neithrop - - - - - - Hamlet} 390] 408] 8 4 1 305 97 6 931 g20 | 1,851 Charlbury - - () Parish} 266 | 993] 1] 7 81 | 180] 32 630 718 | 1,348 cabins ae - + + ~ = Hamlet 22 25) 4 a 23 2 = 43 44 147 instoc - 2 = = = Hamlet 102 2 = 66 Clattercott - - - Extra-P. rt -]yo e+ 1 ye = = a Cropredy(+) - - - -(*) Parish} 117 | 1911 —| 9 6 2 86 262 8 Bourton, Great and Little - Hamlet} 106} 308 | -- 2 Be - . ne 208 am Clayden - - - Chapelry 54 Saf cee 44 10 = 134 118 252 Prescott ~ s+ 2 - + Hamlet 2 Of iP 2 5 _ 10 9 19 « : een =e Uneelty 294.) age) =| Bf agi aed « 405 420 825 | walchffe - - - - (}) Parish 63 63} -]| - 57 4 2 181 17, 6 i 75 35 Epwell - 7 + = Chapelry} 78 79] -| 3 61 16 2 1%g 176 365 S utford, East Chapelry 6 7, -| - 2 5 - 19 14 33 Shutford, West - Township "9 82} -]| 2 55 24 3 193 171 344 2,104 | 2,290 | 12 | 80 | 1,003 | 1,094 | 193 5,120 5,300 | 10,420 (#) The entire Parish of Bampton contains 2,304 Inhabitants. The | female in Witney Parish upwards of 106 , (hy The Hamlet of Begubanpton, or Brittenton, is partly in Bampton Parish, | éntire Parish of Banbury attains aio Ge i) Ths ve ae one Easiet : e ‘ The entire Parish of Broadwell con- | Parish of Charlbary, which js partly in Chadlington Hundred, contains a ORE abate Se e entire Parish of Burford contains | 2,877 Inhabitants. he increase of Population is ascribed to leather- J bea Calon ot . e entire Parish of Ducklington contains | dressing, and the manufacture of gloves.) Cfopredy Parish is ce Se i, ngford Parish is mostly in Farringdon Hun- | partly in Bloxham Hundred, and extends into Kington Hundred (War- } dtc Sota: a os pee in Bampton Hundred, forming | wickshire). The entire Parish contains 2,395 Inhabitants. Warding- Leaiiads, Ghee meen ire . ee Farringdon Hundred, Berks), and | ton Chapelry includes Williamscott or Willscott, and Cotos.—— in Brightwells-Barrow Husdren ice een a Ie ae es oe 6 lake le ae Si ee ee eee 8 * : iS in the latter. nt i ; i . (®) The entire Parish of Witney contains 4,784 Inhabitants, One West-Sharieed, meee ce etn ey eng M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. "° O5F COUNTY OF OXFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, eo PERSONS: By: : LIES ae OTHER oR ; ‘eee 3 chiefly ite _| Families FA mont . a em- . is s = EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Familtes 1a | pve = in ne oh a os ‘s Oc- | & 4 in eae the [wo a a | cupied.} 3 | 5S | Acrr- |factures,| preced- 3 a PERSONS. cuL- JorHandi-|, mg BINFIELD Hundred. wURE: | etaft, | Cleaice Bit «« 46 26s = Pain] 80) S6| =| 4 76] 4 6 204 179 383 Caversham - - - - = - Parish} 239] 258] 1] 10 127 | §0 81 658 659 1,317 Harpsden, with Bolney - - - Parish 41 49} -} 1]. 43 1 5 122 101 223 Henley-upon-Thames ~ - - Parish 696 | 844] 4 | 21 125 | 410 | 309 1,583 1,926 3,509 Rotherfield-Grays - - - - Parish} 162] 162] 1) 4 83 | 51 | 28 359 358 717 Rotherfield-Peppard - - - Parish} 77 88; -] - 62} 18 8 219 182 401 Shiplake - < - - - = - Parish} 201] 112] —| 3 65 | 32 15 264 264 528 Sonning (part of) Parish: (™ Eye ST pees ‘ ) - Liberty} 166] 184] -| 2] 145] 5 | 34 428 417 845 1,562 11,783 | 61] 45 726 | 571 | 486 3,837 4,086 9,923 BLOXHAM Hundred. Adderbury, East - - - (8) Parish} 196 | 204] —] 4 | 124] 64 16 469 455 924 Adderbury, West- - - Township} 72 go} -| 5 46 | 35 9 191 211 402 Barford, St. John - - Chapelry 23 | 24] -| 3 24 = - 62 61 123 Bodicott - - - = - Chapelry} 143] 1471 -]| 3 91 38 18 315 323 638 Milton - - - - - - = Hamlet 38 387 3] = 29 8 1 96 94. 190 Alkerton - - = - - - = Parish 31 33] -]{ 3 31 2 = 83 95 158 Bloxham - - - + - -(°) Parish] 296] 300] —J] 11 126 | 119 55 615 685 | 1,300 Milecombe - - - - - Chapelry 45 49) -| - 43 5 1 109 111 220 Broughton - - - - -(?) Parish} 46 47} -| 1 36 9 2 116 110 226 Newington, North - - Hamlet 62 78} -1 41 52) 24 2 143 148 291 Cropredy (part of) Parish: (4 Malan , -- 2 Chapelry 67 77 { =| 4 66) 11 - 170 140 310 Drayton - - - - - - Parish} 39] 41] -1 3 go) 4 al 97 88 185 Hanwell - - - - - = = Parish 59 59} -| 1 51 7 1 147 139 286 Horley - - - - = - (*) Parish 68 80} -} - 58 | 18 4 161 156 317 Hornton - - - - Chapery} 121) 136] - 2 | 721) 50 14 256 273 529 Swalcliffe (part of) Parish: (*) Sibford-Ferris - - - - Hamlet} 5° 50} -|-- | 45 5 - 93 123 216 Sibford-Gower - - - ~ Hamlet} 105] 117] -—| 4 | 62) 31 24 242 - 252 494 Tadmarton -. - - -.- - Parish 80] gi]. -] -] 82 8 1 200 201 401 Wigginton -.- - - -(*) Parish] . 55 66} -| -- 47 | 14 5 135 156 291 Wroxton - - - - - -(®) Parish} 116] 219] 1] 5 | 101] 17 1 274 304 578 Balscott - - - © - = Hamlet 42 44) -] 7 42 2 - 114 100 214 1,754 |1,890 | 4] 47 | 1,264 | 471 | 155 4,088 | 4,205 | 8,293 BULLINGTON Hundred. ' Albury eB aa. mr Se (*") Parish |. 6 6 Wi a= - 5 “ 1: 23 15 38 Tiddington - - + - - Hamlet 32 37 | -| 1 1g} 14 4 87 89 176 Ambrosden = - - -- (*) Parish 31 32] -| 3 24 6 2 90 go 180 Arncott + - + + - Chapelry} 39] 58) -| - 541 3 1 136 134 270 ‘Blackthorn - - + - Chapelry 72 g2] -] - 85 4 = 212 181 393 Baldon-Marsh - - - ~© ©» Parish 65 66} -} -' 57 4 2 154. 158 312 Baldon-Toot - - - - - - Parish 42 Belt - 47 8 i 1247 131 258 | Beckley - - - - - - (7) Parish 71 80 | -| 3 63 15 2 203 193 396 Studley with Horton - - Chapelry 70 74) - 1 58 13 3 181 158 339 Clements, St. - - = - + Parish? 116] 130|48| 84 62] 60 8 4 371 399 7470 Cowley - ~ - ----- - Parish} 88/ 97) 7{ 2] 47] 40 | 10 232 240 472 Cuaddesden - - - = = (7) Parish 49 50 as 2 44 4 2 131 136 2647 Chippinghurst - -.- - Hamlet 6 7, -| - 4 = me 15 13 28 Denton = - - ~ = © = Hamlet 31 31) 1 1 31 - - "3 61 134 Wheatley - - - -.- Chapelry} 173] 185} 2} 4 85| 79 | 21 456 443 899 Elsfield - - ~ - = = = Parish 33 40) 4] - 37 3 - 101 87 188 Ferest-Hill - - - - - + Parish 29 33) -| - 18] 13 2 86 41 157 Garsington - - + + + Parshf 1174) 121 af 2 85 | 32 4 313 282 595 (") Sonning Parish is mostly in Sonning Hundred, and partly in Charlton Hundred (Berks.)~—«(") The entire Parish of East-Adderbury contains 2,277 Inhabitants. —~+(°) The entire Parish of Bloxham (North and South) contains 1,520 Inhabitants.—-(?) The entire Parish of Broughtom.contains -517 Inhabitants,——(a) -Cropredy Parish is mostly in Banbury fHundred ; it also:extends into Kington Hundred, County: of Warwieki—-—(") The entire Parish of Horley.contains 846 Inhabitants. — (°) Swacliffe Parish is mostly in Banbury Hundred.——(*) The practice of relieving the poor by head money. (according to the number of persons in a family) operated as an inducement to early marriages, especially when corn was dear. (") The entire Parish of Wroxton contains 792 Inhabitants..——(”) The entire Parish of Albury contains 214 Inhabitants——.(*) The entire Parish of Ambrosden contains 843 Inhabitants.—-~(") The entire Parish of Beckley, which is partly in Ashendon ‘Hundred (Bucks) contains 825 Inhdbitants———-(*) The en- tire Parish of Cuddesden contains 1,328 Inhabitants. - _— a 256 COUNTY OF OXFORD—continued. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, of Oxford.) —-( and Wallcott H mlet i Pudlicott and Shorthe ttlemoor Liberty extends into the Parish of St. Mary-the-Virgin (City i —(°) Great-Milton Parish is most] ly in tae Additional houses have been built at Nune arcourt.—__¢@) Charlbury Parish is mostly in is included in the Return of that ampton are attached to ChilsonC Thame Hundred. ham-Courtney by Banbury Hundred, part of the Parish, hapelry.—~(¢) The HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- A PARISH, TOWNSHIP, a shoe arms | eae oa : iia z chiefly employ- Families : a TOTAL £ Will 2) fae tae) |S < oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Oe | S| ployed | Teepe, |prisedis 4 beacons ig cupied. a Pp Acri- |factures, preced- S & CUL- |orHandi- fives TURE. raft. . BULLINGTON Hundred—continued, Headington - - - - = = Parish} 201 | 264] 3] 7 117 | 97 50 Bae as po Holton - - - - - - - Parish} 47] 47} -| =] 43] 1 3 se ce = Horsepath - - - - - Parish 52 60] -| - 52 8 = E ee 4 Ifey 7 = + 2) Baht a08 | a5] ad 3 84 | 24 11 293 a 527 Littlemoor - - - - (#) Liberty m4 84} -—| 2 62] 20 2 159 ee 354 Marston - - - - - - Parish 47 83} -| 1 69 | 14 - 180 a ce Merton - - - - @ - - Parish 33 34/ -]| = 34 = = 81 2 103 Milton, Great Parish : Chilworth - - - : - - Hamlet] 10 waj —-] 1 10 1 re 33 om 63 Nuneham-Courtney - - (*) Parish} 58 68] -| - 49 6 13 143 109 312 Piddington - - - - = - Parish{ 58] 84] —] — 78; 6 - 187 172 359 Sanford - - - - + Parish 39 43 - 34 2 4 94 99 193 Shotover - - - + = + Parish} = 17 21] 3] = 17 2 2 44 41 85 Stanton, St. John’s - - - Parish g2 | 101} -| 4 "6| 14 11 223 245 468 Stow-Wood - - - - - Parish 5 51 -| - 4 1 i 16 10 26 Waterperry - - - ~ = - Parish} 95 4.f -] - 37 = 4 129 113 242 Wood-Eaton -~ - - - - = Parish 14 14] -| - 12 “2 - 42 27 69 1,953 |2,273 | 72 | 45 | 1,606 | 502 | 165 5,390 | 5,294 | 10,684 CHADLINGTON Hundred. , Ascott- - - > 2 + = Parish 49 83] -] 1 67 | 14 2 199 210 409 Bruern (Liberty)- - - = Extra-P, 5 7| -| - 4 7 = 33 31 64 Charlbury (part of) Parish: (4) Chadlington, East - - Chapelry} 23 24| -| 1 20 3 1 58 67 125 ‘Chadlington, West (+) - -Tything} 83 86} -]} 1 61 | 20 5 263 245 508 Chilson (+) - - - (4) Chapelry 35 go} —-| + 35 - 5 125 127 252 Chastleton - - - - - - Parish| 49 47] -| - 44 3 - 136 114 250 Churchill- - - - - - Parish} 123] 141 1; - 104 | 25 12 338 327 665 Cornwell - 7 2 = 2 = Parish 13 1g} -]| = 15 1 3 47 50 97 Enstone, Church Parish: (*) . Cleveley - - - - - + Hamlet] 41 47] =| 2 37 6 4 116 98 214 Enstone, Church - - - ~- Hamlet 48 55 | -| 2 34 18 3 132 122 254 Enstone, Neat + - - - Hamlet 58 BS | we) 35 | 20 3 166 160 326 Gagingwell - - - = ~ Hamlet 12 a a 12 - i 27 36 63 Lidstone - - - = - - Hamt] 30 86: [ cer| e 25 - 5 79 67 146 Radietd <= - «= = = Hamlet) 16 Ns) a i3{[ - 2 37 37 74 BE ee Se ce Ma ee ee ed eel oe - 75 61 136 Fulbrook - - ~ - - - - Parish 78 78 1 2 57 17 4 169 182 351 Idbury- - - = = 2 = | Parish 32 $e [eet 29 3 3 87. 106 193 Kiddington Parish: (f) Kiddington, Over - = - Hamlet 46 59) =4d es 49 8 2 127 125 252 - Kingham - - - - « - Parish 86 g1}| -]| 2 44 | 29 18 226 238 464 Minster-Lovell - - - - - Parish 57 64/1] - 44! 13 4 1890 146 926 - Northmoor - - - - - - Parish 61 88 | =| 1 48] 10 - 189 177 366 Norton, Chipping - ~ - (£) Parish 426] 460] 3] 15 162 | 196 | 102 1,140 | 1,126 | 2,266 Norton, Over- - - - - Hamlet "5 “6] —| 2 45 18 13 188 186 374 Norton-Hook - - ~ - (") Parish} 232 | 243 3] 6 202 | 34 7 558 514 | 1,072 Southrope- - - - - Township 56 59] -] - 49 9 1 150 129 279 Rollright, Great- - -~ -~ - Pansh 79 89]/ -} — 63 | 23 3 228 191 419 Rollright, Little - - - - - Pars, 5 6] -] — 5 1 = 12 16 28 | Silioal =2 Se = Se Bea) ep Gah) oa be 53 | 10 os 149 144 293 Sarsden “ s - = © = = Parish 17 20 -{| - 16 1 3 76 52 128 Shipton-under-Whichwood - (1) Parish 73) 1139] -] 4 “6 | 32 5 214 224 441 Langley - - - - ~ Chapelry 9 12 -| - 12 - - 33 30 63 Leafeld - - - 2 2 Chapelry} 105 | 134] -| 1 118] 15 1 297 256 553 Tyneham - - - ~ « Chapelry | 39 49] -] - 39 4 6 140 120 260 BRO = os oe ee Chapelry} 118] 126] -—| 4 85] 36 5 293 274 | 567 SA Roe Sr ae: Ganda! “hy ged ated) eet ge he 194 | 197 -| 391” _@) The entire Parish of Ifley (with Hockmoor) contains 881 Inhabitants. entire Parish of Church-Enstone contains 1,077 Inhabitants. f) The Return of Over-Kiddington includes the Parish of Nether-Kiddington; which is locally situate in Wootton Hundred.—(®) The entire Parish of Chipping-Norton contains 2,640 Inhabitants, h) The entire Parish of Hook-Norton contains 1,351 Inhabitants. The increased Popu- lation is said to consist of paupers only.—({) The entire Parish. of Shipton-under-Whichwood contains 2,275 Inhabitants. = M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. : SS ‘COUNTY OF OXFORD —continued. 257 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Baws | eet aes By « & Parish | 98 28] 1] - 16 12 - 15 80 155 Pirton (-++) - - - (*) Parish 118 wil - 1 101 | 14 16 314 308 | 6ee Shirburn - - - - Parish; 63 69} -| - 64 3 2 153 179 | 332 Stoke-Talmage - - - + Parish? of | 24] -|] 1 20 3 1 yo 70 140 Watlington - - - - - (%) Parish] 295] 354] 2] 6 151'| 127 46 7o2 | yay ‘| 1,479 Weston, South - - - - - Parish 22 28; —-| -) 23 5 - 57 51 108 Wheatfield - + - ~ =) Parish! 17. 1} -] -. 16, = 2 39 40 79 567,| 652 | 3| 8} 391'} 164] 97 1,410 | 1,605 | 2,915 PLOUGHLEY Hundred. : + Ardley- = - = + © Path 33) gp] 2) =| gol 4] Bt 67] 8% ‘ 191 Bicester, Parish: (7) : : ‘Kings-end - - + Township aye 5o; rfto- 35 | 144 1 1 a4 | 30 | 141 a “Market-end (part'of) - - Township] 426] 477 | 8] 4 197} 228)] 52 1,092 | “18 ans Caversfield, Parish : (+) | Bicester, Market-end (part of) Township 25 9 | -| - 6 10! ‘9 | 48 52 4 100 Blechingdon ~~ = + + Parishif aig} 4 wf. 8 6} : i 3 ae Boyes -- ~ ( Entra P. S Reh ne 2. ee us - By ucknell - - - + = = Parishi 2} 4 wet Way AL, ae ; Ciutinspecoimme: = eee] #1) 1 2P 2] 8) 4) cp oe] oe | Fencot and Murcot - - - Hamlet} 59'{ 61| —| 1 58 3 = 136 138 | 274, Chesterton - - - - + - Parish a7 83 1 3 65 12 Gs ee be: 4 : Cottesford ~ = = = = = Parish 27. 24 ee - 26 aa zs : 9 ; 39 Finmere - - - = = - = Parshil 69] 7} —1 ~ 63 12! 2 pi i 308 Es " toc ot sos + Parish\f = 62)) 67] -| - 54 12) a 151 | 138 | 289 Goddin ta ee ne Feast 95;| too} 2] = 13 22 65 230 246 | y76 ston - Parish 20 20}; —- 1 19 1 — 6. ‘ a1o Hampton:Gay - -- - 4 - Parish 17) wio=| a ' 5 ae “Hampton-Poyle - =~ ~ ~ Pari mF ot 62 a5. | 88 iia i Pasi 29) 361 -) ~{ a3 a] af 76] 97 | 353 Hardwicke - - - ~ ~ (*) Parish 17 Vek eek a ea i Fctiw-(a\ ; a4 ye 47 51 98 a) ~ vow os + -Parishf 631 63{ ~| — 38 18, 7 163 187 350 Heyford, Lower - - - « = Parish 98:| 101 a 68° 27! 6 2 ee i Heyford, ‘Warren or' Up er- - Parish 62: 62 4q 3 : \ 57 2 495 Islip ta! sl eg ae (4) Parish ' 1 47 a 3 130 127 ¥ 257 Kifttington ~ - . - pan | oft 252] 7] 29 18) 377) F004 32a | 334 4 O55 Parish} 133] 236 {[ -—| - |] 121 13 2 8 6 Launton - - - - + Parish} 7o'}| ‘102 | -| 2 | 200 2 ad rie one a Lillingstone-Lovell - - - - Parish 32) ge | axl .& 23 8 | b bee Wage | ‘ $ . . Pies eh a a kee Se ante aah includes the Liberties of Chal-_y Warmscomb Hamlet, included in the Return of Watlington Parish, were ——(*) The entire rae w ae e year 1811 made distinct Returns, separately returned in 1811, (*) The entire Parish of Bicester con- boarding school increases the aes contains 1,097 Inhabitants. A | tains ‘2,544 Inhabitants. ‘The Township of Bicester-Market-End is Parish is locall situaterd “Deib, er of males. 3 a) Part of Lewknor partly in Caversfield ‘Parish. (*) Caversfield Parish is mostly in Uphill, and As 2» dat ke . rough one ucks.) “Lewknor, “| “Backiigham Hundred (Bucks.) “The Township of Bicester-Market-End 7 A Gy knoe ee ie I y are included in Lewknor:Parish— ] is mostly in Bicester Parish. (°) Boycutt, Extra-parochial, is included “5 The Returs af B ra _ eT, ene at Stoken-Church,-— in the Return of the Parish of Stowe Bucks.) ©) The entire Parish Golder and Standhiit oy nie pe udes aS Hamlets of ‘Assendon, Clare, | of Charlton-wpon-Otmore contains 8 1 Eihabitants. *) Two-boarding in the year 1811 ie ne erty of Christmas-Common, all which | schools have been established ‘at Islip»——-() Tusmore’ arish-is included ct Keturns.—(") “Greenfield Liberty, and in the Return of the Parish of Hardwicke. i “ M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 259 ee eet COUNTY OF OXFORD—continued. , HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | “4% [ay By a LIES chief | OTHER oF 3 | bm Z| chiefly | cmploy-| Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. £ |Families| 2 3 played Ra an a or 2 | 0 18] 4 in | Wea | theTwo 3 & _‘IPERSONS. S| cupied.} | 5 J Acnrr- | factures,| preced- ey ‘ cut- JorHandi-| _ ing PLOUGHLEY Hundred—continued. TURE) crak, | Cases: Middleton-Stoney - - - + Parish 65 68} -| - 53 | 12 3 155 185 340 Mixbury - - - - - - (°) Parish 74. yo} -| ~ 61 8 1 183 153 336 Newton-Purcell - - = - = Parish 27 a7, -| = 26} 1 - "6 67 143 Noke - - - = - - = «= Parish 30 33} 1] 1 301 3 - 82 86 168 Oddington - - ~- - = = Parish 36 39! -| 1 36] - 3 80 86 166 Shelswell - - - - = - + Parish 4 4] -| - 4] - = 24 27 51 Somerton- - - - - = - Parish 41 m1} —-| - 7} - 208 192 400 Souldern - - - = - - Parishf 110] 110} 17] 1 go | 16 4 245 246 491 Stoke-Lyne - - - - ~- (f) Parish} 52 60] -| - 60} - - 161 142 303 Bainton - - - - - = Hamletf 11 wj—-| - 11 ~ - 31 27 58 Feweot- - - - - - - Hamlet 34 34] -| - 32) 1 1 80 68 148 Stratton-Audley - - (8) Parish 61 64] -| 1 564 8 - 181 161 342 Tusmore - - - - - (}) Parish ~ ao ae [hose -) ies S es fo i Wendlebury - - - - - = Parish 39 45) -]| 2 36) 5 4 107 93 200 Weston-on-the-Green - - - Parish 85 go} -]| - 41 15 1 237 225 462 2,523 12,713 | 17 | 24 | 1,857] 556 | 300 | 6,596 | 6,539 | 13,135 THAME Hundred. Attington - - - - - - ExtaP.| 2) 2} -] - 2 - = 6 2 8 Milton, Great - - - (!) Parish} 106] 127] -—] — 90] 33 4 302 291 593 Ascott - - - - - - = Hamlet] 8} awa] -] - 1 - - 21 24 45 Milton, Little - - - - + Parishf go] 100; —] 2 80} 19 1 221 221 442 Tetsworth - - - - - = Parish¥ 1051 110] —]| 3 81 34 68 243 252 495 Thame (+) - - ~- - - (*) Parish} 479] 502} 17 — 106 | 85 | 311 1,198 1,281 2,479 Waterstock - - - - - - Parish 26 26} —-{ — 24 - 2 72 60 132 816 || 878} 1] 5 321 | 171 | 386 2,063 2,131 4,194 ‘WOOTTON Hundred. . Aston, North - - - - - Parish 59 ya} -] - 45} 16 } 41 151 145 206 Aston, Steeple - - - - (!) Parish 87 94] -{[ 2 361 33 | 25 199 196 395 Aston, Middle - - - Yownship 24 25| -| - og toe 1 49 m1 120 Barford, Great - - - - = Parishf 66] 82] —] - 67 | 12 3 184 155 339 Barton - - - - - - (®) Parshf 103] 106] 1] 2 83 | 22 1 208 196 404 Barton, Westcott - - - - Parish 4g} 52] 1] 3 42) 7 | 3 138 115 253 ‘Begbrooke - - - = - (*) a 20} 20] —] - | 16, 2 2 52 50 102 Bladon - - + - + (°) Patsh| Yo} 77] =~] 5 60} 16 1 195 185 380 ‘Hensington - - - - - Hamlet} 22] 24] -] -J] 2047 — 4 64 66 130 Cassington - - - = = (?) Parish 62 "51 —-{| 1 52] 21 2 163 178 341 Worton - - - - - = Hamlet 12 3) -]| - 10 - 3 28 24 52. Cogges - - - = = = (9) Parish} 86 89} 9] 2 72) 15 2 230 222 452 cd Wilcote - = = - ‘Township 2 2} -} = 2 - yo o- 6 5 ll Combe, Long - - = ~- = Parish 93} 116] 1] 2 471 61 | 8 269 205 564 Deddington - - - - - (*) Parish} 274/] 314) 7] 1 194] 94 | 26 “708 696 1 1,404 Clifton - - - - = ~- Township} 50 52] -] 17 44 y7yo2 140 131 2471 Hempton - - - ~ - “Township | 32 40} 3] - 36 3] 1 92 80 172 Dunstew - - - - = = = Parish? 78// 103] 1] 1 7 24 | 2 235 225 460 Ensham - - - - - - - Parsh{ 316) 327] 2] 2] 156) 107 | 64 812 893 |} 1,705 Glympton - - - - - = Parish 21 26] -] - 16 2 8 54 87 141 Fiudborongh --- - Parish} 183} 183) 2] 2 9 143) 27 J 18 431 | 454 885 throp- - - - - ~ = Parish] ; 7 ea Onndirep ois = = = Bet * oe eas oh = $3 73 1 136 | Kiddington, Nether - - - -(*) Parish | =, -j -| -, Sf = = - = Kidlington - - - - - (*) Parish} 183] 190] 1] 2 123) 57 | 10 489 449 938 Gosford - - = + = Township, 9 10} -]}] - 4 6, 4 ie 21 26 47 Thrup- + - - ~ - - Hamlet} 313) a3f —| 2] 22] 2 - | 34 ot yas Water-Eaton - - - - Township] ag,| a8} -| — 13; 5 57 56 J 11g (¢) The Return of Mixbury Parish includes Fulwell Hamlet and Wil- || Townships. (") A female boarding-school has been discontinued at Parish consists of Middle-Barton, Steeple-Barton, and Sesswell-Barton : lason Township.—(‘) The entire Parish of Stoke-Lyne contains 509 i] Inhabitants——(*) Stratton-Audley Parish extends into Buckingham } Hundred (Bucks. | ton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 701 Inhabitants.——(*) The i increased Population of Thame chiefly consists of paupers. ——(5) Tusmore Parish is included in the Return of the Parish of Hardwicke. —(') Great-Milton Parish is partly in Bulling- (‘) The entire Parish of Steeple-Aston contains 515 Inhabitants ——-(™) Barton Begbrooke.-——(°) The entire Parish of Bladon contains 510 Inhabi- tants.——(?) The entire Parish of Cassington contains 393 Inhabitants, —(1) The entire Parish of Cogges contains 463 Inhabitants (*) The entire Parish of Deddington contains 1,847 Inhabitants. (** Nether-Kiddington Parish is included in the Return of Upper-Kid- dington, Chadington Hundred.——(‘) The entire Parish of Kidlington contains 1,153 Inhabitants. A large boarding schoel for boys has been established here. 260 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF OXFORD-—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr- | “lies | Att By a LIES chiefly OrHER . oR : how 2 chiefly employ-| Families a TOTAL Bt many ans ee em- edin [not com- nn a oP EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |Families) © | 4 | ployed | Trans, prized inf s 's Oe cee er in | Manu- | the Two < fi] \PERSONs, G cupied.| | 5 Acni- | factures,| preced- = a cuL- lorHandi-| ing —_—_ : TURE. | craft. | Classes. WOOTTON Hundred—continued. Leigh, North - - - - Parish} 115 | 122] —| 2 83 | 33 6 303 289 592 Leigh, South - - - = = Parish 51 73 ae oS 72 1 sas 168 148 316 Newington, South Parish 87 88} -] - 65 18 5 210 218 428 Rousham (+) - - ~ Parish 28 eg} afd - 27 a 2 78 82 160 Sandford - -(*) Parshf 97] a11 | 2] 1 84 23 4 257 232 489 Shipton-upon-Cherwell = - Parish 25 25) -| - 22 1 2 15 72 147 Stanton-Harcourt - - - Parish} 937 124] -] 1 107 14 3 312 294 606 Stonesfield - - - - Parish 96] 107} 1] - 42 52 13 259 239 498 Tackley as ee Parshf 90] 104] 1] — 88 13 3 234 244 478° Tew, Great - - - (”) Parish 88 93 1 1 "5 17 1 297 234 531 Tew, Little - - - Chaperyf 44/ 67] -| 3 58 2 7 116 113 229 Woolvercott - - - - - Parish 84 90} -]}] 3 46 36 8 239 254 493 Wootton ~ + - = (*) Parish} 205] 229] 7} 6 133 66 30 550 534 1,084 Worton, Nether - - - = Parish 14 144] -| - 12 - 2 47 49 96 Worton, Over - ee Parish 10 io} -| —- 4 1 2 25 31 56 Yarnton, or Yarington = - (%) Parish 54 54] - 46 6 2 141 132 273 35133 | 3,486 | 40 | 44 7 2,384 | 814 | 288 | 8,383 | 8,259 | 16,642 City and University of OXFORD. Aldate, St. - - - (7) Parish} 325 | 353] 51] 2 - | 340 13 go2 969 1,871 All Saints - - - - ~- (#) Parish 83} 102] -]| 6 —| 102 - 290 310 600 . Ebbe, St. - - - - (7) Parish} 223] 397/30] 1 —| 113] 284 650 682 1,332 . Giles, St. - - - - = Parish} 294 | 324] 12] 5 34 | 238 52 709 807 | 1,516 Holywell - (7) Parish} 144] 155] —-]| 2 2 126 a4 509 473 982 John’s, St. Sy eee Barish 22 gl] - 1 - 6 25 65 60 125 Mary-the-Virgin, St. - - - Parish 61 65; -]| - - 46 19 170 213 383 Mary-Magdalen, St. + (7) Parish] 347] 500| 1 3 -| 470 30 993 1,063 2,056 Martin, St. - - - - Parish "76 84 1 = 84. - 244. 262 506 Michael, St. - = = = + = Parish} 167 182 - 2 - 100 82 516 525 1,041 Peter-le-Bailey, St. - - - (#) Parish} 201] 240] 1|[ 5 -—| 173 67 663 602 1,265 © } Peter, St.,in-the-East - - - Parish] 191 253} - 1 - g2 161 637 4748 1,385 Thomas, St. - - - (7) Parish] 297] 354] 5] 6 13 152 189 970 869 1,839 - University of Oxford - -(#) - - -| -| - - - — 7 1,315 148 1,463 2,431 | 3,040 |*54 | 35 49 | 2,042 | 949 | 8,633 | 7,731 | 16,364 Liberty of OXFORD. Bineey - ss 2 + = Parshf 14 16] -] - 15 1 ~ 37 45 ” 82 Blenheim-Park - - - ~- Extra-P. 15 1g} -] - 3 3 13 49 41 go Woopstock - + ~- Boro’ & Parish] 246 318 | -—]| 12 16 | 275 24 704 451 1,455 275 | 353] — | 12 34} 279 40 790 837 1,627 (®) The Return of Sandford Parish includes Grove-Ash and Ledwell St.Thomas, mention the i f lod the University. Hamlets——(*) The entire Parish of Great-Tew contains 760 Inhabi- (#) The cause Sota de oe oe ies es tants.-—=(*) The glove manufacture has much increased at Wootton.— the numbers inhabiting the colleges and hall in 1811 and 1821) is (”) Cottages having been built at Yarnton to afford more accommodation | chiefly the increase of persons seeking their livelihood in the learned to the then Inhabitants, the Population has increased thereupon, and } professions, in consequence of a return to a state of peace ; but the dif- over-filled the new cottages also, C) The Return of St. Aldate’s Pa- |} ference can never be very considerable, taken in the mode ‘io-which this Tish uae - apie of Grampound, which is locally situate in Hor- | Enumeration has been taken, because, unless new colleges are erected, mer Hundred (Berks.) The Return of this Parish, of All-Saints, of | the building cannot well hold more than a given number. St. Ebbs, of Holywell, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Peter-le-Bailey, and eee M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1! GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF OXFORD—continued. 261 SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Hundred of BAMPTON BANBURY BINFIELD BLOXHAM EWELME - LANGTREE " LEWKNOR PIRTON - PLOUGHLEY THAME - WOOTTON City of OXFORD - Liberty of OXFORD - &e, BULLINGTON DORCHESTER HUNDREDS, CHADLINGTON - ToraLs : HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: | By ¢ |u| ae (oe 7 h = A z . ‘OTA 3 | many | | 3 | chiesy | chiefly |The, A) eee £ |Families| 2 | 3 | em- [employ- a) 22 a or = | oc. | 3 | 4 | ployea | cd Pee, oa = 3 cupied. 2 5 in ee Ne Two 3 a PERSONS. AcRrr- | factures,| Preced- ; CUL- \orHandi-| 98 TURE. | craft, | Classes. - -] 2,576] 2,930] 16 | 81 | 1,615 | 1,031] 284 | 6,620 | 6,883 | 13,503 - =] 2,104] 2,290] 12 | 80 | 1,003 | 1,094} 193 5,120 5,300 10,420 - -] 1,562] 1,783) 6] 45 | 726] 571| 486 | 3,837 | 4,086 | 7,923 - -| 1,754] 1890] 4] 47 [1,264] 471] 155 | 4,088 | 4,205 | 8,293 - -| 1,953] 2,273] 72 | 45 | 1,606] 502] 165 | 5,390 | 5,294 | 10,684 - =| 2,652] 2,958] 10 | 48 | 2,078 | 628| 252 | 7,278 6,928 | 14,206 - -| 627) 672) 1] 8 | 522] 113] 37] 1,541 | 1,550 } 3,092 - 1,101| 1,214] 4 | 26 877 | 240] 97 | 2,898 2,742 5,640 - -| 679] 754) 3] 5] 619 g0} 45 | 1,900 1,835 | 3,735 - - 841] 955] 21 18 619 205} 131 |, 2,270 2,329 4,599 - -]| 567! 652) 3] 8 391 164] 97 | 1,410 1,505 2,915 - - | 2623) 2,713) 17 | 24 71,857] 556} 300 | 6,596 | 6,539 | 13,135 - -]| 816) 878] 1] 5 321 171| 386 | 2,063 2,131 4,194 - =] 3,133] 3,486] 40 | 44 | 2,384] 814] 288 | 8,383 | 8,259 | 16,642 - =] 2,431] 3,040) 54 | 35 49 | 2,042| 949 | 8,633 | 7,731 | 16,364 - <| 275) 353] —| 12 34{ 279] 40 790 837 | 1,627 - 25,504 98.84 245 | 531 115,965 | 8,971) 3,905 | 68,817 | 68,154 | 136,971 262 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF OXFORD—continued. (Enumeration. compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Oxford was 307; fifteen of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persous, and are marked thus (-+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundact,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Ages of Persons. MALES. r —~ under} 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90/10 3 Hundred 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to} up = . 10 | 15 20 | 30 | 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards} © 0. BAMPTON - - - gi2 | 858} 783] 684] 932] 642 {| 639 | 455 | 381} 179] 36] 4] —-| 6,505 BANBURY - - - 464 | 455 | 386] 283] 438] 354] 306] 219] 132} 89/ 24} 2] -] 3,152 BINFIELD - - - 558 | 494} 4a1 371 | 576 | 450 { 390] 265} 199} 97] 23] -]| - | 3,844 BLOXHAM - - = 605 | 571 | 416} 370] 568] 473 | 379 | 306 | 229] 151] 26] -—| -] 4,094 BULLINGTON - - 792 | 694] 587) 586] 796} 584] 507 | 365 | 293] 134] 53] 1] — | 5,392 CHADLINGTON - 1,007 | 905 | 855 | 696} 968} 733 | 598 | 475 | 375] 203] 51] 4] —-] 6,870 DORCHESTER - - 220} 236] 181 | 157] 197] 153] 141] 120] 81} 46/15] ~] -] 1,541 EWELME - = = 294} 373] 286] 245) 346] 237] 233 | 159] 144] 69] 24) 4{ -] 2,414 | LANGTREE - - - 250 { 247] 206} 179] 216) 155] 161 | 118); 69) 41} 21] —] —] 1,663 LEWKNOR - 267 | 239] 258|-199 | 248); 2295] 172 154 | 117! 451 6; 2] — | 1,932 PIRTON - = - =< 151 158] 116 108 162 107 112 84] 53] 40} 5] —| —|] 1,096 PLOUGHLEY - = 1,004 | 813] 733} 644] 893] 691 | 616} 445 | 300} 201]-58| 2), =| 6,400 | THAME - - - = 136 | 99] 121 75] 107] 85} 75| 73] 50, 29) 7| 2| -] 859 | WOOTTON - - - 1,243 1,114 | 1,069 | 845 }1,152 | 905] 770] 548 ec 231/ 58 | 31] — | 8,338 OXFORD, CIFY - 978 | 821 | 757 1,514 1,901 }1,095 | 666] 449 267; 90} 30] 5] — | 8,573 OXFORD, LIBERTY 104 98 | 75 89 | 124], go "5 61] 45° 24} 6] -4} - 790 Total of MALES | 8,985 | 8,169 | 7,250 | 7,045 | 9,624 | 6,979 | 5,840 | 4,296 |3,135 HP82) 442} 29 | — 163,463 FEMALES. c es eH | 60 ‘ Under 5 10 15 20! 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 & 2 Hundred 5 to to to to to. to to | to} to] to} to} om] a 10 15 20 30 | 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100 wards} & of f y ! | BAMPTON - - - 957 | 872] 760 | 674] 987 | 727} 655} 500 | 364] 204] 65 | 4] 1 | 6,770 | BAMBURY - - - 484} 457} 311 | 302 | 485 | 368] 293] 222 | 146] 88) 13; -—]| — | 3,169 #| BINFIELD - - - 539 | 4721 460] 384] 659 | 496] 413 | 298 | 235] 107] got ¥ ft ~ 7 4,104 | BLOXHAM a SS 610 | 568} 485] 368 | 617} 494] 419] 291 | 224] 107118] -—]| —] 4,201 | BULLINGTON ~~ 778 | 799] 552] 469 | 845 | 587] 476} 386 | 278] 141] 48] -| —-] 5,269 CHADLINGTON. - 893 | 810] 690] 685] 950} 602] 662] 5478 | 353! 146] 66 | -—| —- | 6,435 ' DORCHESTER - - 233 199 | 170 139 240 172 138 | 120 f 79} 514 9 1 ~ 7 1,550 EWELME - - - 322 | 295} 212] 213 | 338] 259] 244] 163] 1191 611 25] 3] — | 2,254 LANGTREE - - - 230} 248] 201 152 214] 161 178 85 | 63) 411 8] 1] — 4 1,582 LEWKNOR - - - 285,| 275 213 163 285 241 210 153 | 106] 49} 14] 2] = 1,978 PIRTON - - - - 159 | 122 140 116 | 190 140 118 | 110] 55] 30] 8 1 — | 1,189 PLOUGHLEY - - gog | 834] 671 | 596} 966 | 726] 633 | 402 | 317] 180] 59 | 7 | — | 6,300 THAME - - += - 109} 102 79 92 136 89} 80 71 57 25 4 1 - 848 WOOTTON - - 1,217 | 1,132 950 | 773 [1,202] 925 | 769 | 527 | 415] 186157] 7] —- | 8,160 OXFORD, CITY 990 855 | 727) 982 41,487 |31,119} 710] 478 | 304] 116] 29 | 8 | — | 4,805 OXFORD, LIBERTY 105 a7 40 82 186 103 74 59 42! 25] 12 2 - 837 Total of FEMALES - } 8,820 | 8,027 | 6,691 |6,190 | 9,767 | 7,208 | 6,072 | 4,443 |3,157/1,557,478] 38 | 1 62,4491 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Oxford was .... 136,971, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, Was... 125,912, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-twelfth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in i! M.DCCC.XXI. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. ee 7 = County of Rutland. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, s Bea ET de By Ee RIES | chiefly | OTHER ok how 2 chiefly | on ce Families 8 TOTAL : 3 many | 95 | ‘= em- a in not com- ws q EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLAGE. ig [Families| 2 | = | ployed |aeane,|prizeding 3 oF A Oc- | 3 | 3 in | Manu. | the Two < & |PERSONS. = eupied. | | 5 | Acar faetures, | Preced- A a pons de CUL- lorHandi- Clase ALSTOE Hundred. bere (Rb 9s Sousa Asnweit - - - - - - Barish] 40 447 -{ - 44. 2 i 108 112 220 Burley- - - - - - = - Parish} 40 45 -l- 39 3 3 99 - 123 { 222 Cottesmore - - - = ~- (4) Parish} 83 | 100 -{| 2 70 29 1 231 266 497 | Batrow - - - - = - Hamlet} 23 25 -| ~f 23 2 - 54 51 105 | Exton- - - - - - - Parishf 145 | 168 1} 1 "5 46 47 363 - 372 - "735 Greetham - - - - = Parish] 86 92 -{ 1 58 30 4 285 256 541 Horn - - - - = = = = Parish 1 1 -{| - 1 - = 6 4 10 Market-Overton- - - - - Parish} 87 | 105 -| 1 48 oh 20 230 238 468 Stretton - - - - = - + Parishf 41 46 -{| - 38 3 5 101 94 195 Teigh - - - - - = - «© Parishf ge 34 2 - 30 3 i 96 83 178 Thistleton - - ~ -, - Parish 32 36 -j| - 33 2 1 94 87 181 Whissendine - - - + Parishf 126 | 140 2} 2 f 116 22 2 354 347 701 Whitwell - - - - + + Parish} 22 24 1] - 15 7 2 60 52 113 | 758 | 863 61 7 1 590 | 186 84 9,081 2,084 | 4,165 EAST Hundred. = — — - : ——| Casterton, Great - - ~ Parish} 63 "3 -| - 45 23 5 186 149 335 Casterton, Little - - * Parish} 17 18 -| 3 15 - 3 48 36 84 ‘Empingham - - > - + Parish 146 | 169 ~} 179 131 34 4 383 376 959 Essexding - = = - = + Batishf 2g, 35 i| - 33 2 - 85 go 175 Ketton - - - - - ~ + Parishf 170 | 176 1{ 6 | 117 44 15 411 386 "907 Pickworth - - - - - Parish} 24 29 -| - 27 / 2 - 46 64. 140 Ryall - - = = = = = Parish es Belmisthorp - - - - ee me 1 485 epee e 35 ay aa] one 439 Tickencote - - ~ - - Parish} 20 21 -| - 20 ~ 1 73 53 126 Tinwell - - - -- Parish 6 ‘ with Ingthorp - - - Hamlet f 3? ae ee 27 ie wet eat 245 609 | 690 2/12 7 491 151 48 1,610 1,490 |. 3,100 MARTINSLEY Hundreds 900 pe fe == soe Sas Ayston - - - - - - Parish} 23 25 -j| - 15 2 8 53 57 110 Edith-Weston - - - - - Parish} 70 74 -j| 2 49 20 5 150 151 301 Hambleton - - - - - = Parish] 45 53 -{| - 40 12 1 150 158 308 Lyndon - = =~ - - = = Parish} 20 21 1{ - 17 - 4 48 58 106 Manton ~ - - - - = = Parishf 45 53 -~j| 1 35 12 6 | 115 114 229 Martinsthorpe - - + + = Patish t 1 =f - 1 - = 2 2 4 Normanton - - = - = = Parish 5 5 -| - 2 1 2 15 11 26 Preston - - - = - = - Parish} 57 66 3) - 35 20 11 149 146 295 Ridington - - - - - - Parish} 54 54. -f{ = 45 8: 1 195 123 347 Uppingham - - - - - - Parish} 308 | 321 — | 12 73 | 153 95 807 823 1,630 Wing - - - - - - - Parish} 66 64. -| 4 40 17 7 132 141 273 694 | 737 | 4/19 | 352 | 245 | 140 | 4,746 | 1,783 | 3,529 OAKHAM-SOKE Hundred. : Beligus: soc eS aa (®) Parish: 84 89 -yo1 62 20 4 196 198 394 /Gunthorpe = - - «+ - Eodgef> 1 1 -{|- 1 - |- = * sq SFO Braunstoh - - - = - Parish} 87 | 110 1} 2 66 16 | 28 197 | 226 423 Brooke - -~ - - + = © Parshf 22 22 se Re = 18 4 = 53 57 +) 110 Clipshami - - - - + = = Parish} 40 44 - | - 36 5 3 113° | 108 221 Fgleton - - - - = - = Parish}: 27 |. 97 = foe a | 6 | 24 65 66 | 131 Langham - - - - + Parish 110 | 128 — | «| sor | 96; 1 204 2447 571 Oakham-Deanshold - - + Parish ; aah Baleyeeee, 5-3 “Ghai en 76 | -/| 1] 13 | 64.]. 99 368 428 796 Oakham-Lordshold - - - = Parishf) with Leigh-fields = - - = Lodge 253 | 256 ae 8 128 | 112 16 669 695 | 1,364 Wardley = - = - - - = Barish i1 11 | -| 2 11 - - 29 23 52 806 | 864 4113 | 456 253 155 1,988 2,081 4,069 (*) The entire Parish of Cottesmore contains 602 Inhabitants ———(>) The entire Parish of Belton contains 401 Inhabitants. 264 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. I Sr ee st reper ener ce COUNTY OF RUTLAND—continued. HOUSES : __ OCCUPATIONS: __ PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSIIIP, a he By a nine chiefly | OTHER oR _ | how 2 | chiefly |v ploy-|Families ‘ TOTAL zB {many | |] 3 cme edie [riot com- . a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families 5 = Pisyed Traps, [prizedin a oF ‘s Oc- = z Manu- | the Two 3 PERSONS. s cupied. | 5 Acri- factures, | preced- I CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing WRANDIKE Hundred. aUnEs | eral, (Classes: Barrowden - - - - - Parish} 107 113 1 1 69 36 8 261 263 524 Bisbrooke - = = = = = Parish 41 46 -]| - 46 os = 104 119 223 Caldecott - - - - - - = Parish 60 67} 6] 2 41 21 5 136 138 274 Glaston - - - - - - = Parshf 46] 46} -| -]| 25 | 17 4 89 99 188 Liddington - - = = Parish} 125] 1921 -] 1 83 47 2 291 303 594 Luffenham, North - - - ~- Parish 85 91 -| 1 54 22 15 209 212 421 Luffenham, South - - - - Parish 54 56] -| - 43 10 3 149 125 244 Morcott - - - - - - = Parish 84 | 102) 2] —- 60 24 } 18 228 215 443 Pilton - - - - = = + Parish 12 4} -| = 13 = 1 33 33 66 Seaton - - - - - = (°) Parish 67 69 | -| 4 44 21 4 182 195 377 Thorpe (by Water) - - - Hamlet 17 1p oS | 16 1 - 41 39 80 Stoke-Dry - - - - - (4) Parish 11 wz; -}] = 12 - - 28 24 52 Tixover - ~ - - - - Parish 13 17| -j} 1 15 - 2 47 61 108 y22 | 782} 9] 10 | 521 | 199 62 1,798 1,826 | 3,624 (©) The entire Parish of Seaton contains 457 Inhabitants ——(*) Stoke-Dry Parish extends into Gartree Hundred, Leicester, and contains 59 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF RUTLAND. ia N Hundred of ALSTOE - - - - = - -]} 758} 863|/ 6) 7 590 | 186] 87 2,081 2,084 | 4,165 EAST - - - = - ~ = -]| 609] 690] 2} 12 491 | 151] 48 1,610 | 1,490 | 3,100 MARTINSLEY - - - = -| 694 | 737] 4]19 | 352] 245 | 140 1,746 | 1,783 | 3,529 OAKHAM-SOKE - - - -| 806 | 864] 41] 13 456 | 253 | 155 1,988 2,081 4,069 WRANDIKE - - - - =| 722} 782] 9/| 10 521 | 199 | 62 1,798 1,826 | 3,624 Torats - - 13,589 | 3,936 | 25 | 61 | 2,410 | 1,034 | 492 9,223 | 9,264 | 18,487 M.DCCC.XXL] ‘THE POPULATION ACT,.1 GEO. 1V. C. 94. 265 = me la COUNTY OF RUTLAND—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. C ‘NY 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60} 70] 80] 90} 100] Hundred Maser) Gp to to to to to to | to| to] to _to = a 5. TS) ee 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 wards) © AISTOE - - - - -] 291 | 288] 266} 212] 296) 200; 166} 176 4123] 49/13] 1] -'f 2,081 EAST - - = = © -f 224] 214 183 195 237 161 155 112 | 70} 38 13} —} — J] 1,592 MARTINSLEY - - ~f 226] 191] 212] 219] 232! 191] 175) 122/111} 53] 14] -| - 1,746 | OAKHAM-SOKE - -f 309] 2634 2074 188] 266; 225} 197] 141 [116] 64] 11 | 1] — J] 1,988 WRANDIKE - -| 268 | 2307 192} 179] 259] 192] 160] 123 ]130] 49/15] 1 | —- 1,798 Total of MALES - ]1,318 | 1,186 | 1,060 993 | 1,290 | 959} 853] 674 |550/253| 66] 31 —} 9,205} FEMALES. © ‘\ 5 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 Hundred Mintice to to to to to to to to | to} to} to] & 2 * 1 40 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80! 90}100] w-| © of wards) © ALSTOE - - - - -] 302] 278 { 220 189 | 316} 208] 215 154 |117] 67 | 15-} 3} = 9 2,084 EAST - - - -} 216] 180] 133] 150[ 225] 169} 152{ 118] 81) 55}10{ 1] - 1,490 MARTINSLEY - - 205 | 206 | 187 | 184} 314] 171] 172] 143/114] 58} 16] 3] - 1,773 4 OAKHAM-SOKE - -} 304] 256 | 191] 229 | 304] 231] 217] 151 4125/55/17] 1] - 2,081 WRANDIKE - - 222; 222) 207) 170} 295] 197} 154) 147 ]124] 641134) 1) —J| 1,816 Total of FEMALES - | 1,249 | 1,142} 938 | 922 |1,454] 976] 910{ 713 |561/299] 71] g |] - 9,244 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Rutland was .... 18,487, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages are returned, was .... 18,449 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compiiance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Rutland was 56; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A very small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or reduudant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Femaies. 266 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, ee aE — ay, County of Salop. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS. PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fane | TC | an By s LIES chiefly OTHER oR = how 2 | chiefly | employ-| Families w TOTAL many : a en- edi not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S [Families]! £ | = | ployed | Trane, |prizedin] 3 oF S Oc- | a in Manu- | the Two = PERSONS fg cupied.| & | 5 | Acrr- | factures,| preced- ‘st a ae cUL- Handi-| ing BRADFORD (North) Hundred. nue eae | eles DRAYTON Division. : Apvvzniy - - - - - Puishf 59] 73) -| -| m | - | 2 181 | 197 | 378 Cheswardine - - = - = - Parish} 155-1 174 - 4 124 40 10 504 8 : ; 434 93 Childs-Ercall - - = + = Parish 74 “6{ — 1 66 9 1 203 186 389 Drayton-in-Hales (part of) (#) Parish] 747 459 4 | 21 300 253 206 1,723 1,977 3,700 Hinstock - - - - - - - Parish} 128] 128] ~—] 2 | 121 4 - 372 299 671 Hodnet - - - - (°) Parish} 302 | 308] 1] - | 249 37 22 g16 879 | 1,995 Weston and Wixhill-under- HeteCasle = 2. Chapelry 58 68 - 1 33 16 19 164 158 322 Moreton-Sea, otherwise Say- = Parish} 138 141} -] 2 | 113 20 8 383 379 462 Muckleston (part of) Parish: (°) Bearston - = - = - Township 12 a2] -] - 9 1 2 47 32 49 Dorrington - - - Township 31 31 1] - 25 4 2 gl 94 185 Gravenhanger - - - Township 33 33 rj o- 22 6 5 102 98 200 Woore - - - + = Township 61 y2,o—-| 4 41 24 9 184 181 365 Norton-in-Hales- - - - - Parish 44 44] -] = 30 5 9 131 110 241 Stoke-upon-Tern, Parish: (4) Eaton - - + - - = Township 21 arf o-}] — 14. 5 2 67 56 123 Ollerton - - - - ~ Township 30 32] -{ 1 26 6 62 m1 133 Stoke - _t 77 * + Township 95 107 1 1 a1 17 19 281 260 541 Westanswick - + - Township} 35 37 | -| 1 33 4 - 95 93 188 WHITCHURCH Division. Ightfield - - - - - = Parish 26 a7) 1] - 24 3 - 142 119 261 Lee-Brockhurst - - - - — Parish 27 38} -}] - 35 3 - 83 "9 162 Moreton-Corbet - - - (*) Parish 40 4o| -}] - 32 8 - 132 103 235 Prees, Parish: (*) Calverhall - - - - - Chapelry 51 54) -| - 38 8 8 149 144 293 Prees and Steel - - - Township] 234] 294] 1] 5 | 218 67 9 434 791 1,525 Sandford - - - - = Township 72 93/ -} - 68 15 10 278 283 561 Whixhall - - - - - Chapelryf 127] 175] 1] 2 71 20 84 413 398 811 Shawbury (part of) (2) Edgbolton- - - - - Township "7 92 2 40 21 1 fF 219 238 457 Shawbury - - - - - Township} 60] 65] 1] - 45 19 1 171 168 339 Stanton-upon-Hine-Heath, Parish : () Booley- - - - - - Township 25 26] —-] 1 24 1 1 72 62 134 Harcourt - - - + + Township 5 5] -] - 4 - 1 21 13 34 High-Hatton - - - - Township 31 32} -]| 1 29 2 1 99 94 193 Moston - - - + Township iL w}o] = 10 1 1 37 29 66 Stanton - - - - + Township 46 56] -] 1 38 9 9 143 130 273 Wem, Parish: (‘) Aston - - - = = = Township 51 51} -7 1 34 8 9 129 133 262 Cotton - -~ - - - - Township "5 go 1 1 68 22 - 220 238 458 Edstaston - - - - - Chapelry 64 yo! -]| 3 53 15 2 197 200 397 Horton - - - «© - Township 16 16] -] - 8 3 5 43 56 99 Lacon - - - - - - Township 4 4} -| - 4 - - 25 20 45 Lowe and Ditech - - Township 13 133) -| - 13 - - 49 44 93 Newtown - - - - Chapelry 14 wy] -] - 12 2 - 38 34 42 Northwood - - - - Township 33 33 - 1 31 2 oa 86 96 182 Soulton - - - - - Township 3 3/ -1 - 3 - - 14 16 30 (4) Drayton-in-Hales Parish is partly in Pirehill (North) Hundred, | Darleston, Fauls, and Mickley. The entire Parish of Prees contains 3,190 County of Stafford ; the entire Parish contains 4,426 Inhabitants. Inhabitants ——(*) Shawbury Parish is partly in Piashill Hundred, partly (°) The entire Parish of Hodnet contains 2,117 Inhabitants.——(°) Most ] in the Liberties of Shrewsbury ; Edgbolton Township includes Muckleston part of Muckleston Parish is in Pirehill (North) Hundred, County of | and Great-Witchford, and Shawbury Township includes Little-Witch- Stafford ; the entire Parish contains 1,753 Inhabitants. (4) The entire | ford. The entire Parish contains 1,133 Inhabitants——(h) The entire Parish of Stoke-upon-Tern contains 985 Inhabitants. (©) Moreton- Parish of Stanton-vpon-Hine-Heath contains 7oo Inhabitants. Corbet Parish includes the Township of Preston-Brockhurst, which is | (i) Wem Parish extends into Pimbill Hundred, but the whole is here partly in Shawbury Parish, Pimhill Hundred.——(*) Calverhall Cha- | entered ; the entire Parish contains 3,608 Inhabitants. Pelry includes Williston and Millenheath; Sandford Township includes M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 267 COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fanr- | FAM} Ary B : LIES LIES | OrnzR oR , he 3 chiefly ane Families un | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S (| ele bet ets Pee) oe 4 3 amilies| . 5 , Ployed | 7, ang, | prized in a oF ——_——___—— 3 Oc | ZS] te Pin | yan. {the Two a PERSONS BRADFORD (North)—continued. | cupied.| B | S | Acnr- | gactures,| Preced- s : 8 : WHITCHURCH Division—continued. ee gears Classes, Wem, Parish—continued. Tilley - - - - - - Township a1 | -| 3 54 1B} 2 185 163 348 Wem - - - - - - Township} 332] 3321 1] - | 47 145 | 140 721 834 1,555 Wolverley- - - - - Township 9 9} -| -f 8 1 - 36 31 67 Whitchurch (part of) - (*) Parish}1,071 | 1,103 | 12 | 37 |, 393 516 | 194 2,591 2,785 5,376 Wiel = - + < Top! =| =| =| =f = -| ~ 2 7 mee 611 | 4, 26 | 2,782 | 1,360 2 12, 8 aaApRORW eee 4 4,934 93 | 27 13 79 2,533 | 12,805 | 25,338 NEWPORT Division. Bolass, Magna, and Meeson - Parish{ 33 42} -]| 1 38 3 - 144 130 244 Chetwynd - - - - = = Parish 91 101 1 2 67 26 8 288 278 566 Edgmond - - - - - (4) Parshf 188] 195] 1] 9 | 144 28 | 23 514 534. 1,048 Cherrington - - - = Township 30 33 - 1 27 3 3 95 97 192 Chetwynd-Aston - - - Township 50 52] 5 2 52 - - 145 146 291 Church-Aston - - - — Chapelry 73 93/| -|[ - 5 64 4 149 180 329 Tibberton - - - - - Chapelry 67 m4, —| - 57 17 ~ 149 154 303 Kinnersley - - - + - = Parish 48 48) -| —- 44 4 = 130 123 253 | Lilleshall -(+)- - - - Parish} 519 | 630] -—| 2 | 105 481 | 44 1,616 1,527 3,143 Longdon-upon-Terne - - - Parish} 14 16) =| a 14 2 = 45 50 95 Longford - - - - - = - Parish] 39 39.0 2) 6 6 31 a 109 125 234 Newport - - - - - - - Parish} 478 | 478| —| 8 | 133 214 | 131 1,127 1,216 2,343 Sheriff-Hales (part of) Parish: (™) Woodcote - - - - Hamlet} 26]{ 26] -| - fF 24 a oS go 98 188 WELLINGTON Division. Atcham - - = - + - Parish} 86] g2) -|} -— | 46 39] 7 235 254 489 Buildwas - - - - - - Parish} 52] 54] ~} 14 50 40 = 105 135 240 | Dawley, Magna- - - () Parish} 996 |1,058] 3 | 10 61 952} 45 2,631 2,516 5147 | Eaton-Constantine - - - - Parish 54 54, - 2 29 19 6 127 124 251 Ercall, Magna - - - = Parish} 341 | 343] 1] 2 | 269 58 | 16 996 956 1,952 Eyton-upon-the-Wild-Moors (°) Parish] 74 7B) 2) - 20 8 | 50 194 196 390 Leighton - - - - - Parish} 75 75| -| 14 50 22 3 188 187 375 Preston-upon-the-Wild-Moors Parish f 5 50} -| - | 43 7 a go 119 209 Roddington - - - - - - Parish{ 88] 101] 21] 2 | 60 28] 13 222 223 445 Stirchley - - - - - - - Parish} 38 39 | 6] -] 10 29} - 88 84 172 Uffington = - - - = = Parishf 25 25{ -| 1 22 3) = 69 70 139 Uppington - - - - = Parish 23 23 of Coeet| 13 5 5 50 61 111 Upton, Magna - (+) - (?) Parish} 101) 115] 2| 6 | 85 25) 5 331 336 667 Upton-Waters - - - = Parish 31 gly} 1} 2 22 8 1 85 80 165 Wellington - - - - - Parish {1,700 |1,871 | 16 | 60 | 185 | 1,465 | 221 4,137 | 4,253 8,390 Withington - -~ - - - = Parish} 36 43} -] 1 36 6 1 91 fe) 179 Wombridge - - - - (%) Parish? 361 | 386] 3] 5 4 | 330| 52 948 g12 1,860 Wrockwardine - - - - - Parish} 422 | 467] 2] 8 | 133 253 | 81 1,128 1,112 2,240 Wroxeter - - - = - = Parish} 112] 124] 1] 1] 89 24) 11 349 310 659 sca ne Bacay 6,321 |6,835 | 45 | 128 | 1,943 | 4,160 | 732 16,665 | 16,675 | 33,340 HALES OWEN Division. Boscobel - - - = = (1) Extra-P. 5 5 e = 5 aes ~ 19 wu 30 Claverley - - + = - - Parish} 254 | 255] 21 6 | 175 54 | 26 648 657 1,305 Hales-Owen (part of) - (*) Parish£1,472 /1,485 | 13 | 68 | 192 [1,170 | 123 4,119 4,068 8,187 Worfield - - - - + - - Parish} 315 | 319] -—] 5 | 222 73) 24 792 "90 1,582 SHIFFNALL Division. Albrighton - - + - - ~ Parish} 198] 203] 2] 93 | 109 70 | 24 476 492 968 Boningale, otherwise Boninghall Parish 30 31 o 28 3 - 48 82 160 «& Whitchurch Parish includes the Townships of Alkington, Great- | miners at Eyton-upon-the-Wildmoors, are entered in the gd column of Ash, Little-Ash, Black-Park, Broughall, Dodington, Edgeby, Hinton, | Occupations. ) The Return of Upton-Magna Parish includes the Hollyhurst, and Chimnell, Tilsteck and Whitchurch 3 all of which Town- | Population of an Extra-Parochial Place, called Haughmond Demesne, ships made separate Returns in 1811. Wirswall Township, part of | containing 60 Inhabitants; in 1811 this place seems not to have been Whitchurch Parish, is in Nantwich Hundred, Chester, and there entered. | included in any Return——(9) The depression of the iron trade de- The entire Parish contains §,489 Inhabitants.——(!) The entire Parish ] creased the Population of Wombridge Parish in 1816 and 1817; it has of Edgmond contains 2,163 Inbabitants.——(™) Most part of Sheriff- ] since increased to nearly its former amount———(") Boscobel is con- Hales Parish is in West Cuttleston Hundred, County of Stafford; the | nected with Donington Parish, so that it is not clearly Extra-Parochial. eutire Parish contains 1,064 Inhabitants.—(n) Dawley, Magna Parish } ——(°) Hales-Owen Parish is partly in Halfshire Hundred, County of includes the Townships of Dawley, Parva, and Malins-Lee, both of which | Worcester ; the entire Parish contains 10,946 Inhabitants. were separately returned in 181 1.——(°) The families of colliers and 268 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enumeration. COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : Se aa PERSONS : Famr- | sigs ALL on nh 3 LIES | chiefly | OTHER : how 2 i ipa EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. {many | | & | Gch [employ-| Families g TOTAL 2 Families) 2 | 3 ied ed in not com- wy 2 on 4 Oc- 3] ployed | Trans, | prized in he | s alec 4 m | Manv- | the Two < a PERSONS. BRIMSTREE Hundred— continued. ra Pies] Py Acrt- | factures,} preced- a Fy cut- jorHandi-| ing SHIFFNALL Division—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Donington - - - = (*) Parish 67 67] -| 4 64 2 1 172 158 330 Kemberton - = + Parish 48 49} -| 3 34 12 3 130 130 260 Ryton - - - = = = Parish 35 35 {| -{ 1 33 2 - 62 69 131 Shiffnall - - - - - -(*) Parish} 290] 315] — | 26 98 | 161 56 722 741 1,463 Hatton - - - - Township} 109} 116] -—!| 6 74 21 21 281 307 588 Priors-lee, with Oakengale Chapelry| 367 | 389 { — | 15 74} 246 69 937 914 1,851 Woodside - - - + Township 90 94} -|{ 6 "8 6 10 266 243 509 Stockton - - - - - - Parish 79 gi} -{ 1 55 15 21 254 246 500 Sutton-Maddock - - - - Parish 78 80] -| 2 59 21 - 222 195 417 Tong - - - - = = - Parish] 100 100 | -| 2 68 27 5 261 275 536 3.537 | 3,634 | 17 | 148 | 1,368 11,883 | 383 | 9,439 | 9,378 | 18,817 CHIRBURY Hundred. Chirbury - - - - - Parish} 259] 283] -]1 4 110 35 | 138 921 721 1,442 Church-Stoke (part of) Parish: (") Brompton with Riston - Township 34 37 - 1 29 5 3 107 go 197 Hyssington (part of) Parish: (*) Mucklewick - - - = Township 12 wz} -f - 11 1 = 26 27 53 Shelve - - - - - - Parish 9 11 1 - 11 - - 24 3l 55 Worthen Parish: (*) Bing-Weston - - - - Quarter 23 23} -{ - 23 - - 82 73 155 Bromblow - = © © = Quarter 5t 56} -]1 50 4 2 174 143 317 Heath, Upper- += - - ~ Quarter 30 30} 1] 2 25 7 5 243 261 504 Worthen - - - - = Quarter J 108 133 | -]{ 2 g2 39 2 389 319 708 526 | 585 | 2 {10 351 84 | 150 1,766 1,665 3,431 CONDOVER Hundred. Acton-Burnell - - - (%) Parish} = 45 50) 1] = 41 7 2 119 111 230 Ruckley and Langley - Chapelry 17 17 - 1 14 3 7 38° 37 75 Berrington - - + - Parish 85 g2{ -{ 1 65 23 4 350 307 657 Condover- - - - = - Parish} 274} 281 | 1] - 267 14 - 690 688 1,378 Cound- - - - - (7) Parish 15 o4t -] - 72 16 6 248 256 504 Cressage (+) - - Chapelry 60 69} -} 1 56 13 - 148 147 295 Frodesley - - - + Parish 26 27) -} 1 20 6 1 98 81 179 Harley - - - - - - Parish} 47) 47] -| - 39 a 121 114 235 Kenley -- Parish 63 69} -|] - 54 15 - 172 149 321 Leebotwood - - - - Parish 28 35} -| 1 14 14 9 100 104 204 Longnor - - - - Parish 47 49] -]} 1 16 23 10 104 118 222 Pitchford - - + (#) Parish 45 451 -] 2 25 13 4 122 104 226 Preen, Church - = - = - Parish 13 13) -} - 13 - - 39 34 73 Pulverbatch, Church - = ~- Parish 81 99} -]{ - 82 14 3 266 273 539 Smethcott = - - - - Parish 65 67} -]| - 62 5 - 185 162 347 Stapleton - - - - - - Parish 36 43} —-] - 38 5 - 121 119 240 Woolstaston - -~ - - - = Parish 16 164 -{ - 13 3 - 48 45 93 FORD Hundred. 1,023 [1,113 } 2] 8 891 | 181 41 | 2,969 | 2,849 | 5,818 Abberbury or Alberbury (part of) Parish : (>) Alberbury - - Township 53 64} -| 1 49 10 5 167 165 332 Benthal and Shrawardine Townships 6 8} -] - q 1 - 21 27 48 Eyton - - - - Township 15 19 ca = 14 4 1 30 35 65 Rowton and Amaston - Townships} 47 | 51+ —| 2 42 7 2 121 106 227 Wollaston - - - - - Township 68 86; -| 1 71 11 4 234 207 441 Cardeston - - - - - Parish a a 150 with Watlesborough - Township } 65 68 ze 56 = vat z 20% Ford ~ =e = = © = Parish} 39 49] -| - 43 3 3 104 108 212 Habberley - - - - - Parish 24 g0/ ~-| - 25 4 1 79 72 151 The entire Parish of Worthen contains 2,116 Inhabitants") The entire Parish of Acton-Burnell contains 305 Inhabitants. ts The entire Parish of Cound contains 799 Inhabitants, (#) The apparent entire Parish contains 1,388 Inhabitants. W) Most part of Hyssing- | decrease of Population in Pitchford Parish is attributed to the absence of ton Parish is in Momesweny Hundred, Caan. of Moni oneks The nearly the whole of the Honourable Cecii Jenkinson’s family. : (%) Al- entire Parish contains 283 Inhabitants. (*) Worthen Parish is partly berbury Parish is partly in Cawrse Hundred and partly in Deythur in Cawrse Hundred, County of Montgomery. Bing-Weston includes | Hundred, in the County of Montgomery ; Alberbury Township include s Beachfield, Walton and Rewins-Farm. Worthen includes Brockton, | Cardiston and Ford Townships. The entire Parish contains 1,946 Aston-Rogers, Aston-Pigott, Nether and Upper Heath and Habberley, | Inhabitants. (") See preceding page——(*) The entire Parish of Shiffnall contains 4,411 Inhabitants.— (%) Church-Stoke Parish is partly in Cawrse Hundred, partly in Montgomery Hundred, County of Montgomery. The M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. 269 ee aaa HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : aon. { POM Aut : LIES ; THER oe : how 3 chiefly ha _| Families 4 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. io many & | se em- A a not com- wa Pe 3 «| Families} 2 | 3 ployed |p, ang, | Prized in 4 3 ‘3 Oc- a 3 in Manu- the Two 3 a PERSONS. & cupied. Q 5 Acri- factures preced- re FORD Hundred—contiuued. CUL* lorHandi-| _ mg Pontesbury Parish: (£) tuRE. | craft. | Classes. Cruckton- - ~- - - Quarter 57 66} -| 1 57 8 1 195 182 377 Edge - - - - - = Quarter} 63 wy o-| = 48 9| 14 189 183 372 Longdon - ~ + = = Quarter} 75} 751 -| 1 46 13 | 16 192 195 387 Pontesbury - - - - - Quarter] 209] 300] 1] 3 137 65 | 98 624 695 | 1,322 Westbury Parish : Minsterley - - - - (4) Chapery] 145] 148] -]| - 63 44) 41 368 390 758 Westbury - (+) - - - Township] 232 | 267| -| - | 160 47 | 30 713 682 | 1,395 1,098 | 1,300 | 1 | 10 818 | 266 | 216 3,187 | 3,197 | 6,384 MUNSLOW Hundred. (¢) Abdon- - - += - - - = Parish 31 32} -]} - 23 9 - 85 72 157 Acton-Scott - - = - - = Parish 24 29} -|{ 1 24 5 - 92 95 187 Ashford-Bowdler - - - Parshf 16] 16] -| 1 13 1] 2 39 50 89 Ashford-Carbonell (part of)” (f) Parish 18 20} -] 1 10 6 4 50 55 105 Bromfield Parish: (8) ’ Bromfield - - = Township} 101] 110] —] 2 74 32 4 265 275 540 Dinchope - - - = Township} 12 wz] —|]| —- 12 -| - 35 48 83 Halford = - - - Chapelry 10 10} -]|] 2 8 2 = 26 25 51 Cardington - - = - - Parish} 124] 136] 4]{ -— | 118 17 1 354 333 687 Clee, St. Margaret’s- - - - Parish 55 56] -]| 3 46 6 4 116 113 229 Culmington - - - - (+) Parish 95} 103} 1] 2 97 22 4 298 271 569 Diddlebury Parish: (?) Diddlebury - - - - = Division 93 yy) —-| = 67 9 1 208 226 434 Middlehope - - - - Division 28 35 - 34 1 a 88 92 180 Peaton - - - = = Division 28 32} —| 2 25 6 1 101 92 193 Sutton - - - - = = Division 30 34] - 31 3 - gl 89 180 Easthope - - - - = Parish 13 20; -] - 16 4 - 52 41 93 Holdgate Parish: (*) Bouldon - - - - - Township} 11 ya] —]| 2 6 6 - 30 30 60 Brookhampton - - Township 11 16] — 15 1 - 49 52 101 Holdgate - - - - - Township 12 12 - - 9 3 ag 46 3l 77 Hope-Bowdler - - -() Parish 28 32} -| - 26 4 2 94 85 179 Hopton-in-the Hole - - - Parish 6 6}; -]{ - 4 2 = 11 13 24 Ludford (part of) - ~ - - (*) Parish 39 41] -{ 1 39 2 7 93 102 195 Munslow - - - - - - Parish} 108) 147] -| - 114 30 3 361 347 708 Onibury - - - - = - Parish 66 83 jy afi 63 20 - 230 215 445 Priors-Ditton Parish : (8) Ruthale and Ashfield - Township 6 6} -| - 5 1 - 20 20 - 40 Richard’s-Castle (part of) Parish: (°) Moor, with Batchcott - Township 29 29, -| - 24 2 3 Overton - - - - - Township 12 12! -]} 2 9 1 2 126 135 261 Woolferton - - - Township 10 wo} —-{ —- 8 1 1 Rushbury - - - ~ = (?) Parish} gi gi} 1] 4 81 8 2 243 235 478 Stanton, Lacy - - - - - Parish} 243] 951] 6] 5 198 44 9 633 634 | 1,267 Stanton, Long - - - - = Parish 49 5li/ -] - 47 4 oa 130 131 261 Stoke St. Milborough Parish: (1) Heath - - - - - - Chapelry a y{-| - 6 1 = 21 20 ~ 41 Stokesay - - - - - - = Parish} 100] 118] —| 12 96 15 7 290 274 564 Stretton, Church - - - ~-(*) Parish{ 248] 262] — | 13 142 78 | 42 604 622 1,226 (©) The entire Parish of Pontesbury (including Little Hanwood, locally situate in the Liberties of the Town of Shrewsbury), contains 2,458 In- habitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Pontesbury Quarter. (4) The 41 Families in the third column of Occupations in the Chapelry of Minsterley consist of lead miners. The Township of Westbury includes Westley and Yockleton Townships, separately re- turned in 1811. The entire Parish contains 2,153 Inhabitants. (£) Bitterley Parish is partly in Munslow Hundred (see Overs Hundred). (*) Most part of Ashford-Carbonell Parish is in Stottesden Hun- dred.———(*) The entire Parish of Bromfield contains 674 Inhabitants. ——/(") The increase of Population in Culmington Parish is partly attri- buted to a School having been established, chiefly for the education of farmers children, whose parents for the most part reside in other Parishes. ——(i) The Townships of Crofton and Splashford, which made a Return in 1811, are now included in the Return of Diddlebury Division, and the three other Divisions in like manner comprehend Lawton and Poston, Upper and Lower Parks and Westhope. The entire Parish of Diddle- bury contains 987 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Holdgate contains 238 Inhabitants ——(!) Hope-Bowdler Parish includes Chilmick and Ragdon Township, which made a separate Return in 1811. (™) Ludford Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred, County of Hereford. The entire Parish contains 280:Inhabitants.——(" ) Most part of Priors- Dittou Parish is in the Liberties of Wenlock.——(°) Richards-Castle Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred, County of Hereford. The entire Parish contains 490 Inhabitants——(?) Rushbury Parish comprizes the Townships of East-Wall, Gretton, Lutwytch and Stanway, Rushbury, Stone-Acton, and Wall-under-Haywood ; all of which made separate Returns in 1811. (4) Most part of Stoke St. Milborough Parish isin the Liberties of Wenlock.——(") Church-Stretton Parish comprizes the Townships of All-Stretton, Church-Stretton, Little-Stretton and Minton, separately returned in 1811. : Zzz 270 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY: OF SALOP—contiaued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | Fame | PAM (ayy By os Eres chiefly Oruer OF i how = | chiefly employ-| Familes w TOTAL TO) » a2 as i . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. if Fatal 2} 1 pioged ue Maia a 3 oF 4 Oc- = 3 in Manu- | the Two a a PERSONS. S |[cupied./ = | & | Acrr- |factures,| preced- a Fey CUL- JorHandi-' ing MUNSLOW Hundred—continued. Zona | ate OES Tugford - = - = + = Parish} 40 42} -] 1 32 9 1 gl 95 186 Weston, Cold - Parish 5 5 - 1 5 a & 16 8 24 Wistanstow (part of) - (#) Parish} 209 | 112] 3 4 — 78 | 30 4 268 296 564 1,888 | 2,067] 16 | 45 | 1,585] 385 | 97 5,256 | 5,222 | 10,478 OSWESTRY Hundred. ——) Felton, West(+) - - - Parish} 180 | 207] 1) 8 161 | 38 8 529 506 | 1,035 Halston - 2 = = = (t) Parish 2 2 -f;o- 1 = 1 24 15 39 Kinnerley - - = Parish} 215 | 240] -| 4 183 | 55 2 561 606 |} 1,167 Knockin - - - = = = Parish 45 48} -| 1 26] 10 12 116 109 225, . Llanyblodwell - - - = Parish} 156 173 1 2 120 26 27 407 443 850 Llansillin (part of) Parish: (#) Soughton - - - = Township} 45 | 51] 1] 2 45° Qo = 123 126 249 - Llanymynech - - (*) Parish} 89] 93] -] 4 18 | 22 | 53 223 231 454 Martin, St. Parish: (*) | Ifton-Rhyn - - = + Township} 198 | 199] 2] 1 123 | 55 a1 473 462 935 Weston-Rh d : B oheea z - Townships 192 195 1 6 123 44 | 28 448 469 917 Melverley - - (+) - Parish 43 44, —] -— 34 6 4 111 114 225 Oswestry = - (”) Parish} 692 | 751 | 3} 12 | 379 | 187 | 185 1,778 | 1,835 | 3,613 Oswestry - 28 Town} 844 | 848 | 1 | 16 35 | 719 94 1,748 | 2,162 | 3,910 Ruyton-in-the-Eleven-Towns Parish} 168 168 2) 104} 45 19 451 411 862 Selattyn - (2) Parish} 204] 214] 1] 12 118] 28 68 482 477 959 Whittington - - - - Parish} 273] 368} -] 3 192} 62 | 114 go4 845 1,749 3,346] 3,601] 12 | 71 1,665: 1,300] 636 8,378 8,811 17,189 OVERS Hundred. Bitterley - - - - (2) Parish} 191] 194] -—] 2 82 | 25 87 541 523 1,064 Burford Parish: (>) Buraston and Whetmore - Township 46 46, -]| - 31] 12 4 3 122 104 226 Burford - Township 69 69 = 1 46 11 12 176 1 89 365 Nash, Tilsop, and Weston Township 74 75) -1 7 49] 24 2 191 186 377 Whitton - - = Township 12 wl-<-J|oa 12 3 - 36 32 68 Greet- - - - - Parish 144) 15} -] 1 14 = 1 35 44 79 Milson - ~ - - - - © Parish 30 30} -] 1 24 6 ~ 63 62 125 Neen-Sollors - + = = Parish 42 42 rte 41 1 - 116 115 231 Silvington - - Parish 9 9} -}] - 8 1 - 24 17 3k 487 |] 495 | 1413 307 | 83 | 105 1,301 | 1,272 | 2,573 PIMHILL Hundred. : Baschurch - - - Parish] 207 215 | -{ 6 128 | 75 12 666 611 1,277 Ellesmere = - - - - Parish [1,143 11,165 {| 3] 5 | 653 | 449 63 2,993 | 3,063 | 6,056 Fitz - - - - - Parish 39 40; -] 1 25 | 12 3 125 104° 229 Hordley - - - - Parish 53 53{ -| - 43 10 - 154 154 308 Loppington - - Parish} a@01] 116] -—] 5 81 | 22 13 310 | 312 622 Mary, St. (part of) Parish: (°) Albrighton - - - Chapelry 10 wy3]-] - 10 3 - 41 34 15 | Leaton - 2 Township 51 56] -| - 54 2 - 107 116 223 Woolascott - - Township 6 7} -| - 9 - - 17 12 29 (*) Wistanstow Parish is partly in Purslow Hundred. The entire Pa- rish contains 883 Inhabitants, (‘) Halston was formerly a Preceptory of the Kinghts Templars. (*) Most part of Llansillin Parish is in Chirk Hundred, County of Denbigh. The entire Parish contains 1,697 Liwyntlanan and Treprenal. (*) The entire Parish of St. Martin contains 1,852 Inhabitants. (°) Oswestry Parish includes the Town- ships of Llanforda, Trefarclawdd, Pontregaer, and Lynymon, Maesbury, Morton and Crickheath, Middleton, Aston, Hisland and Wooton, Weston, Sweeney, Treflach and Tresonna, separately returned in 1811. The entire Parish, including the Town of Oswestry, contains 7,523 In- Inhabitants ——(”) Lianymynech Parish includes the Townships of habitants———(2) The increase of Population in Selattyn Parish, is attributed to the number of cottages built upon land cultivated since 1811.——(#) Bitterley Parish extends into Munslow Hundred. The decrease of Population, in this Parish, is accounted for by a boarding- school ceasing to exist since 1811, and by the absence of two families from their mansions. The 87 families, in the third column of Occupa- tions, are colliers and miners, One female upwards of 100 years of age in Bitterley Parish. (°) The entire Parish of Burford contains 1,036 Inhabitants———(*) St. Mary’s Parish is partly in the Borough, » and partly in the Liberties of Shrewsbury, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. 271 COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. _of Clun contains 1,781 Inhabitants ——-(') The entire Parish of Clun-’ HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ! Fines Fame hee 1 B a LIES «gy i| OTHER ss ad elie 2 | chiety ae Families wi TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3B fury | wo] | 8 | edin [notcom-| yj 4 : : ‘5 | Families 3 a ployed '| 7, ape, | Prizedin 3 = OF = | Of | 2} 3 | in | Manu |theTwo] & _|PERSONS. wa | cupied.) | , | Acnr- |factures, preced- a fy CUL- jorHandi-| 0g PIMHILL Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, .| Classes. Middle (part of) - - - (4) Parish | , 143 166 | -| 6 | 101 45 | 20 428 405 833 Montford - - - - - Parish} | 76 96} -] - 82 14 - 285 232 517 Ness, Great - - - - (*) Parish] 104 | 114] 1] 2 94 30 | 10 280 300 . 580 Ness, Little - - - - (Chapelry} 42) 46] -| 2 38 8 - 144 109 253 Petton - = - = + = = Parish| 5 5| -|] - 4 = 1 24 24 48 Shawbury (part‘of) Parish : (f) Besford - - - - = Township] 27 ey) -{ - 22 5 foo 85 84 169 Preston-Brockhurst - - Township! - -{[ -] - - - fo o- = - - Shrawardine - - - (8) Parish] 30 a7) 2) =F 8 6 | 6 94 83 197 Welch-Hampton - -, - - Parish] 75 g2] -| - a7 15 - 234 | 244 478 2,112) 2,248] 5 | 27 | 1,424| 696 | 128 5,987 5,887 | 11,874 PURSLOW Hundred. : ; Bedstone - - - - - = - Parish 25); 2] -| - 15 7 3 93 72 165 Bettus - - 2 = + + Pash} 56] 63/ -| —] 43 | aE 174 167 341 ine _ cnvf Borough! 324 | 331 | 2] 18 | 117 | 186 28 8 833 1,616 BisHop’s-CastLe (+) - (*) ie Pate 40 4a | 4 36 4 5 re 123 264. Bucknill (part of) = ~- (i) Parish 57 "4) - 35 13 26 164 167 | 331 Clun Parish: (*) Clun - ~ - = - = Township} 179] 173 | —| 6 50 40 83 406 386 792 Edeclift - - - + - Township 61 61}; -| - 40 9 12 f 229 190 419 Hobendrid - - = - Township 47 47{ -{ - 27 8 12 136 119 | 255 Newcastle - - - - Township 37 37 | =} 4 30 6 1 173 142 315 Clunibury Parish: () Clunbury and Obley - - Townships 65 75) 1 1 60 14 1 195 164 359 Clunton and Rempton Townships | 102 112 | 1] 3 | 105 7 - 208 233 441 Clungunford - - - - - = Parish 85 86 - 50 11 25 245 229 474 . Dinmore - -(+)-: - Extra-P. 1 se 1 - - 9 3 12 Edgton - - - = = = = Parish with Brunslow - - - roe 40 42 1Jo- 32 8 2 108 112 220 and Harderlea - - - Extra-P.j}] ' Hopesay - - - - - - - Parish} 100} 126] 2] 1 94 23 9 303 309 612 Hopten-Castle - - - - Parish 21 26} -| = | 22 2 2 6 74 150 Llanvair-Waterdine - - - Parish 87 93 | 1] 8 87 6 - 262 215 477 Lydbury, North - - (®) Parish} 139] 168{ -—| 3 | 123 16 29 428 464 892 Lydham (part of) - (+) - (") Parish 18 20} -—'| 1 15 5 2 60 53 113 Mainstone (part of) - - €°) Parish} 49 58 {| -| 2 50 2 6 160 . 136 206 Mindtown - - - - = Parish 6 Go sm ot 6 - - 16 15 31 More - - - - - - - - Parish} 47 48) ~| 2] 37 6 5 141 136 274 Norbury - - - - - - - Parish} 72 fa|—| 34 25 7 | 41 199 178 S77 . Ratlinghope - - - - (°) Parish 40 AB fom | oe 43 2 - 170 107 | 274 Sibdon-Carwood - - - Parish 10 yw} o-] - 12 = -. 32 29 | 61 Stow - - - - = = - Parish 26 33] -| 3 16 9 8 88 69 157 Wentnor - - - - - - - Parish’ Q7 113 = 2 73 16 24 306 297 583 Wistanstow (part of) - (9%) -Parish{ 53] 58] 3] 2 46 11 1 150 169 319 1,884 2,048 | 10 | 61 | 1,290] 425 | 333 5.455 ‘| 5,171 10,626 STOTTESDEN Hundred. Acton-Round - -: - - - Parish) 38 42] —i 4 39 3 - 111 103 214 Alvel rt of Parish eT cttet Racist @) eal 157 | 158) -| 3 | 135 | 21 2 404 427 831 (*) Middle Parish is partly in the Liberties of Shrewsbury. The en- { bury contains 800 Inhabitants. (™) North-Ledbury Parish includes tire Parish contains 1,190 Inhabitants. —(*) The entire Parish of Ness | the-Townships of Acton, Brockton, Down, Eaton and Choulton, Eyton contains 833 eee 0) Shawbury Parish is partly in North- | and Plowden, Ledbury and Totterton, separately returned in 1811.—— Bradford Hundred, and part within the Liberties of Shrewsbury. | (") Lydham Parish is partly in Montgomery Hundred, County of Mont- _Preston-Brockhurst Township is included in the Return of Moreton- | gomery. The entire Parish contains 225 Inhabitants———-(°) Mainstone .Corbet, North-Bradford Hundred——(®) The decrease of Population | Parish is partly in Montgomery Hundred, County of Montgomery. The _in Shrawardine Parish is ascribed to a family of nine persons having left } entire Parish contains 451 Inhabitants. () Ratlinghope Parish, .the Parish, and from an increase of Burials over that of Baptisms——— | comprizes the Townships of Gatton and Ratlinghope, separately re- (4) The entire Parish of Bishops-Castle contains 1,880 Inhabitants—— | turned in 1811.——(4) Most part of Wistanstow Parish is in Munslow (9 Buck Parish is partly in Wigmore Hundred, County of Hereford. | Hundred.——(") Alveley Parish is partly in the Borough of Burpc- - ‘The entire’ Parish contains 465 Inhabitants,——(*) The entire Parish nortH. The entire Parish contains 975 Inhabitants, One female upwards of 100 years of age in Alveley Parish. a5, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, (SS ts sepa a ee ee aooneane . COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fa |] ag 7 : By J oe hiefy | OTHER . e | em |. |B | tie employ. |Famites | gq | Forar EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & \Families| 2 | 2 | ployea | ct |Miedinl 4 < oF 4 08. s s a Traps, | prized in s Basa 3 exsaicl = 4 Manu- | the Two < is ERSONS. a pie. | > Aerr- | factures, preced- a fe cut JorHandi-| _ ing STOTTESDEN Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Ashford-Carbonell (part of) (%) Parish 38 42} 1] 1 23 11 8 104 107 211, Astley, Abbots - : Parish} 138] 140] -]| 3 113 a1 6 315 349 664 Aston-Botterell - - - Parish 40 40] -—| 2 34 6 - 114 116 230 Billingsley - - - - = Parish} 34] 34] -] - 29 5| - 83 93 176 Burwarton - - = - = Parish 22 22 1 1 11 10 1 66 57 123 Cainhams- - - - = Parish} 194] 201] 2] 4 81 | 108] 12 442 494 936 Chelmarsh 2 - = - Parish 72 g1| -| 3 84 4 - 228 230 458 Chetton - - - - - (t) Parish 85 86] 1] 2 67 12 4 224 230 454 Loughton = - - — Chapelry 23 24{ -] 2 22 2 a 67 52 119 Cleobury-Mortimer - - - - Parish} 328] 331] — | 21 167 | 147] 17 788 814 1,602 Cleobury, North - - Parish 32 32] -| 4 22 8 2 84 89 173 Corely - - - - - + Parish} 121] 121] 1] 4 62 8] 51 271 295 566 Dowles” - - > - + =) Parish 15 17{ -| 1 10 4 3 28 33 61 Glazeley - - - - - - Parish 7 y}o-l = 5 - 2 25 21. 46 Highley - - - - - = Parish} 84] 97] 1] 6 ge.) (eee) ca 201 223 424 Hope-Baggot —- - = Parish} 17 18] -| 3 16 2 - 38 33 ve Hopton-Wafers - - - - - Parish 93 93; -—| 4 29 45 | 19 232 227 459 Kinlet - - - - - - Parish 87 95} -| - 89 4 2 286 266 552 Middleton-Scriven - - - Parish} 19 19| -| 2 14 A: 3 44 42 86 Morvill - — - (*) Parish} 73] 74} -| 1 70 4} - 173 194 367 Aston-Eyre - - - Township} 23} 23) -| - 22 a 29 34 63 Neen-Savage - - - - - Parish{ 87 gif -| 1 83 4 1 246 239 485 Neenton - - - - Parish 23 23|/ -| 2 18 4 1 65 54 119 Oldbury - - - - - = Parish} 18 22/ -| 3 17 4 1 53 57 aS Pattingham (part of) Parish: (”) , Rudge - - - - = Township 11 11 my 1 10 = 1 37 “32 69 Quatford (part of) Parish: (*) Eardington - -(*) Township] 60 61} -| 4 38 19 4 149 157 306 Quatt-Malvern - - - (9) Parish 61 61] -}| 1 43 14 4 191 151 342 Shineton - - - - - - = Parish} 37 87 | Sl 31 4 2 88 94 182 Sidbury - - - - é Parish 16 we} -| = 16 - - 43 50 93 Stottesden - - - - (2) Parishf 232] 247] 2] 9 147 46 | 54 637 626 1,263 Tasley - - - - - - = Parish 17 18] -] - 14 a 3 45 5° 95 Upton-Cressett - - - = Parish 9 pom os 9 a = 36 33 69 Wheathil - - - - - - Parish 23 eg/ -| - 20 1 2 80 61 141 2,334 |2,426 | g | 89 [1,632 | 586 | 208 6,027 6,133 | 12,160 “ Borough of BRIDGNORTH. Alveley (part of) Parish: (#) Romsley - - -- Liberty 23 325 = 27 5 - 82 62 144 Leonard, St. - - - - Parish] 507] 550] -—|16 | 104} 370 | 76 gg2 | 1,169 | 2,161 Mary-Magdalen, St. - (°) Parish} 432] 483] - | 15 190 | 235} 58 916 1,019 1,935 Quatford (part of) - (°) Parish} 26 31} -| 2 14 17 ~ 52 53 105 988 [1,096 | ~ | 33 335 | 627 | 134 2,042 2,303 4,345 Borough of LUDLOW. Lawrence, St. Parish: (¢) Broad-Street and Castle - - Wards} 443 | 482 2) 16 26 | 22g | 227 903 1,305 2,208 Corve-Street - + - Ward} 160} 171] -| 4 25 92] 54 318 422 440 Old-Street- - - - - = Ward} 403 | 486] 1 | 23 113 | 280 | 93 899 973 1,872 1,006 1,139 3 | 43 164} 601 | 374 2,120 2,700 4,820 (*) Ashford-Carbonell is partly in Munslow Hundred. The entire bitants——(") Quatt-Malvern Parish extends into the Liberties of Bridg- Parish contains 316 Inhabitants——(') The entire Parish of Chetton north.——=(*)_ Stottesden Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred, County contains 573 Inhabitants. (%) The entire Parish of Morvill contains ] of Hereford. The entire Parish contains 1,608 Inhabitants. (#) Most 430 Inhabitants. (“) Most part of Pattingham Parish is in Seisdon ] part of Alveley Parish is in Stottesden Hundred. >) The decrease of Hundred, County of Stafford. The entire Parish contains 935 Inhabit- Population in St. Mary-Magdalen Parish is attributed “ to the deficiency ants.——(*) Quatford Parish is partly in the Borough of Brrpcworrn. | of the manufacture and iron-foundery.”———(°) Most part of Quatford The increase of Population in Eardington Township is ascribed to the in- | Parish is in Stottesden Hundred. (4) The entire Parish of St. Law- crease of iron works, The entire Parish of Quatford contains 411 Inha- | rence contains 4,820 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 273 ee -COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fanr- | 4™"- 1 ape By og LIES chiefly OrHER i. eae £ | chiedy | employ- [Families q | TOTAL , t ” i em- i t com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 [Families 2 3 Siosed ae pact a 3 or S } 0c | oi te | in | Manu-|theTwof = & __|PERSONS. F 4 joupied. | Bo} 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- a Fx cut- jorHandi-| ing Borough of SHREWSBURY. tung. | craft, | Classes. Alkmond, St. - (+) - ~ Parish] 308] 370] - .32] 239] 99 795 917 | 1,712 Chad, St. - - (+) (°) Parish #-1,392 |1,485 | 4 | 40 148 | 1,217 | 120 3,296 3,918 9,214 Holy-Cross and St. Giles () Parish] 299] 324] -| 7 80 | 158 &6 633 811 1,444 Julian, St. - - = - = - Parishf 506] 540] 4 | 10 80 | 370 go 1,263 1,293 2,558 Mary, St. (part of) (-+) (8) Parish} 955 |1,030 | 1 | 11 13} 465} 552 2,643 2,685 5,328 Meole-Brace - - - (*) Parish] 213 | 242} 3} 7 J ~110 57 45 645 703 1,348 3,603 |3,991 | 12 | 81 463 | 2,506 | 1,022 9,275 | 10,327 | 19,602 SHREWSBURY Liberties. - Battlefield - - - - Parish 13 iw3f-| - 13 - - 32 32 64 Broughton = - - - - - Parish 31 34] -| 1 31 3 - 89 88 177 Grinshill - - - - - Parish 40 42} 1] — 25 16 1 101 113 214 Hanwood, Great - - - = Parish 31 34) -]f - 11 13 10 71 86 157 Hanwood, Little - - (4) Township ~ ae es ee = 5 = = = 3 Mary, St. (part of) Parish: (*) Astley = = = = - Chapelry 40 40} —{ — 34 6 - 108 96 204 Clive - 7 - - Chapels 54 58} 1 1 37 14 4 154 152 306 Middle (part of) Parish: (1) Hadnall-Ease- - - - — Chapelry 61 ya} —-| 1 53 12 9 182 181 363 Preston-Gubbals- - - (®) Parish 38 38 | -| - 27 8 3 83 83 166 Merrington - - - = Township 41 41} —-}] = 28 4 6. 102 101 203 Shawbury (part of) Parish: (") ; Acton-Reynold - - = Township 32 gz {orf - 20 12 - 87 81 168 Sutton = - - = - = = © Parish 15 16; —| —- 16 - - 34 37 71 398 | 4221] 3} 37 295] 91] 364 1,043 | 1,050 | 2,093 WENLOCK Borough and Liberties, Badger - - - - + Parish 28 eb, —-| = 25 1 2 60 - 72 132 Barrov - - + - = ~- = Parish 96 96} -] - go 6 - 219 243 462 Beckbury - - (+) - - - Parish 54 55 | 3 2 31 19: 5 141 144 285 Benthall - - - - - - = Parishf 119} 119] -| 5 3 12 | 104 277 277 554 Broseley - - - (°) Parish} 1,019 | 1,093 | —- | go 89 | 926 78 | 2,393 2,441 4,814 Ditton, Priors - ~ (°) Parish} 145] 146] -—] 1 130 16 - 344 301 645 Deuxhill - - - - - - Parish 9 wz} =|] - 9 2 = 30 19 49 Eaton - = - = + = Parish 78} 110] 1 1 31 14 65 311 255 566 Hughley - (+) - Parish 17 Ws A 12 5 = 56 45 101 Linley - - - - = = Parish} 19 19{ -| 2 13 - 6 5l 45 96 Madeley - - - - - Parish $1,081 | 1,138 | 10 | 38 89 | 989 60 } 2,626 2,753 5,379 Monkhopton - - -- Parish 34 34] - 1 31 3 - gl "7 168 Posenhall - - - - Extra-P. 3 3/ -f 41 2 _ 1 7 4 14 Shipton + - - = - - - Parish 18 wi —-f — 14 2 2 66 60 126 Stoke, St. Milborough - (4) Parish go 99} adc 97 - 2 262 - 292 554 Wenlock, Little - - - - Parishf 184] 192} -—] 2 58 | 132 2 508 457 965 Wenlock, Much - - - - Parish} 481 | 492] -] 5 357 } 119 16 1,120 1,080 2,200 Willey - - - - - - - Parishf 28 g2{ -] = 20 5 q m1 84 155 3,503 3,702 | 15 [149 | 1,101 | 2,251 | 350 | 8,613 | 8,652 | 17,265 (°) The Return of St. Chad includes a few military, then in the town; } dred, partly in the Borough of Sunewssury. (‘) Most part of Mid- also the staff of the Shropshire Militia. (*) Holy-Cross and St. Giles Parish include Abbey-Foregate, and a small part of Colebam, in the Borough of Surewszuny. (®) St. Mary’s Parish is partly in Pimhill Hundred, and partly in the Liberties of Shrewsbury. “The entire Parish contains 6,165 Inhabitants. (4) In the Parish of Meole-Brace is the workhouse, or house of industry for all the town Parishes ; it contains 290 Inhabitants, all ascribed to Meole-Brace in the Return. (i) Lit- tle-Hanwood Township is included in the Return of Pontisbury Parish, Hundred of Ford.—(k) St, Mary’s Parish is partly in Pimbill Hun- ble Parish is in Pimhill Hundred.—(™) The entire Parish of Preston- Gubbals contains 369 Inhabitants. Bradford Hundred, and partly in Pimhill Hundred. (") Shawbury Parish is partly in (°) The de- pression of trade is stated as the cause of a dimjnution of the Population at Broseley, which contained 4,850 Inhabitants in 1811. (°) Priors- Ditton Parish is partly in Munslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 685 Inhabitants. (4) Stoke, St. Milborough Parish is partly in Munslow Hundred, The entire Parish contains 595 Inhabitants. 4A 274° ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, ——= — SS COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP. e ‘ t FN HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: HUNDREDS, ; By as Famr- ee ALL 3 howe 3 LIES chiefly OruER ‘ TOTAL ss = | many | ,, | 3 | chiefly |employ-| Families! & 3 Families 8 a ae ; ed in | not pare fe 3 OF S Oc- 3 - ployed |} T rized in Bs ped, 2 5 in Vanie the Two S iS PEER ONS: Acrt- | factares,| preced- = CUL- lorHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, { Classes. Hundred of BRADFORD, NORTH - - - | 4,611] 4,934] 26 | 93 | 2,782] 1,360] 792 | 12,533 | 12,808 | 25,338 BRADFORD, SOUTH - - - | 6,321] 6,835] 45 |128 [ 1,943] 4,160] 732 16,665 | 16,675 | 33,340 BRIMSTREY - - + 3,537 | 3,634] 17 |148 § 1,368] 1,883] 383 9,439 9,378 | 18,817 CHIRBURY - - + =- - 526} 585} 2 | 10 351 84] 150 1,766 1,665 39431 CONDOVER - - - - - -{ 1,023] 1,113] 2] 8 891 181} 0 41 2,969 | 2,849 5,818 FORD - - = - ~ = =] 1,098] 1,300] 1 | 10 818 266} 216 3,187 3,197 | 6,384 MUNSLOW - = - + - - 1] 1,888! 2,067] 16 | 45 | 1,585] 385 97 5,256 5,222 | 10,478 QSWESTRY - - - + - ~ {| 3,346] 3,601] 12 | 71 | 1,665] 1,300} 636 8,378 8,811 | 17,189 OVERS ~- - - - = += -[| 487] aos} 1] 13 307 83] 105 1,301 1,272 2,573 PIMHILL- + = - - - 2,112} 2,248] 5 | 27 § 1,424] 696] 128 5,987 5,887 | 11,874 PURSLOW - - - - ~ ~- | 1,884] 2,048] 10 | 61 | 1,290} 425} 333 5455 5,171 | 10,626 STOTTESDEN - - + - ~-f 2,334] 2,426] 9 | 89 | 1,632] 586} 208 6,027 6,133 | 12,160 Borough of BRIDGNORTH - - - - ~§J 988] 1,096] -| 33 335 | 6271 134 2,042 | 2,303 | 4,345 Borough of LUDLOW - ~- - + - = | 1,006] 1,139] 31} 43 164 601} 374 2,120 2,700 4,820 Borough and Liberties of SHREWSBURY - - - - -]| 3,999) 4,413] 15 | 84 | 758 | 2,59711,058 J 10,318 | 11,377 | 21,695 Town and Liberties of WENLOCK - + - - - 4} 3,503/ 3,702] 1§ [149 J 1,201] 2,251] 350 8,613 | 8,652 | 17,265 | ToTats - - - 38,659141,636 179 | 1,012] 18,414 | 17,485} 5,737 | 102,056 | 104,097 | 206,153 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 275 COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. Ages of Persons, MALES. fi ea a Ss \ 5 10 | 15 | 20 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70} 80) 90)100) , Under ti tl 4 & 4 Hundred 5. O to to to to to to to } to 0 oe 5 of 10 15 20 30 | 40 50 | 60 | 70} 80 | 90 }100 yards.) ™ BRADFORD, North - = 41,831 | 1,665 | 1,575 | 1,260 | 1,750 11,333 | 1,167 | 820 | 642] 437|]124 | 3 | — (12,607 BRADFORD, South = + 42,137 | 2,065 | 1,877 | 15498 | 2,279 | 1,504 |1,330 | 977 | 603] 304] 79 | 10 | — [14,753 BRIMSTREY - - ~- 41,496 / 1,319 11,179 | 942 | 1,372 [1,020 | 1,430 | 622) 431} 233/54] 3] — |20,101 CHIRBURY - += -] 247 | 244) 243} 200] 243{ 196] 138| 841 98] 54}184{ 14 — | 1,766 CONDOVER - - -| 303] 316] 387] 300] 409] 306| 253 | 2441174) 108} 29) 2] — } 2,831 FORD - - - - -f| 378] 379} 372 296! 441 305 272 201 | 147} 153,16} 2) - 2,862 MUNSLOW - - -1} 758 | 682 | 636} 537} 8274 636 | 480} 369] 286, 143] 62] 31) — | 5,419 OSWESTRY - - - - 41,145 |1,048 | g03 | 816 [1,021 | 8751 745 | 4901 4141279] 42 | 6] — | 7,684 OVERS - - - - -]} 182 | 165] 150, 140] 196] 153 | 105 89 | 78) 371 6] -]| — | 1,301 PIMHILL + - ~ - 7 765 | 761] 741] 711 | 832] 653] 539] 387 322! 182] 60 | 21 — | 5,935 PURSLOW - - - -| 613 | 549} 530! 460 | 672] 479) 352} 290 | 228] 142] 31] 27 — | 4,348 STOTTESDEN - - -]| 802] 794{ 742 | 600] 893] 590] 567} 461 | 340] 169 ote | ae 6,011 BRIDGNORTH, BORO’ 260 | 295 | 225] 185 | 231) 2571 2031 17211298] 664171 3] - } 2,042 LUDLOW, BORO’ - -]} 303 | 243] 252] 263 | 294] 274]| 201 141} 104] 30] 54 —]} — { 2,210 SHREWSBURY, BORO ‘ 1 and LIBERTIES -fJ_ 452 536 | 460} 320] 431 | 441 | 370 | 2271 224) 91/30] 34 — 4 3,584 | N d 4 bia as at 1,210 | 1,139 | 1,087 | 850 ]1,199 | 862 | 777 | 627 | 450} 178] 34 Bae 8,416 Total of MALES - [12,881 |12,200/11,359 |.9,378 13,090 9,974 | 8,909 | 6,201 |4,669|2,406 658 454 - |91,7'70 FEMALES f 1 ~ 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 380 | 40 | 50 | 601 7 | 80/90/1200) .. ee t ti ti t t t eel eee ine Hundred 5. 0 0 0 0 0 o o | to 0 om apd S ee 10 15 20 30 | 40 | 50 } GO | 70} 80 | 90 | 100 wards, me BRADFORD, North = - $1,733 | 1,701 | 1,381 |1,293 | 2,047 |1,520 $1,138 | 864 | 687| 378/192 | 7 | — 112,881 BRADFORD, South - - |2,195 | 2,085 | 1,826 |1,310 | 2,206 | 1,634 | 1,310 | 1,000 | 743] 373 ]126 | 18 | — |14,827 BRIMSTREY - - - 41,324 11,337 |1,114 7 900 {1,448 {1,077} 793} 584 | 371| 159] 61 | 10 | ~ | 9,178 CHIRBURY - = -]| 226} 226] 212] 207 ) 206 | 195 | 129) a17| 79] 46] 22] —| — | 1,665 CONDOVER - - -{ 301 | 321] 284] 298] 371 | 292 | 276 | 236 | 1817118] 43 |] -—]| = | 2,721 FORD - - - - -f{ 420] 389] 320] 294 | 471 | 296] 268 | 202 | 157] 82] 21 1 1 | 2,922 MUNSLOW - - - -f 745; 692 | 601 583 | 870 4 606 480 | 337 | 286; 129| 641 5 | — 74 5,398 OSWESTRY - - - 41,157 11,110 | g08 | 832 ]1,227 | 887] 813 | 523 | 471] 210 54 4] —~ | 8,196 OVERS - - - - -f 186] 165] 136] 131, 200} 141 | 122] 76} 73/ 32} 7! 2) 1 | 1,272 PIMHILL - - - -] 724] 739 | 681 651 920 4 686] 512} 379 | 320] 194 ae | 4 | ~ 1 5,883 PURSLOW - - - -4% 585] 513] 441} 387] 6401 457 | 366} 270 | 214] 105; 38} 2; — 1 4,018 STOTTESDEN - - -| 829] 889} 710] 596] 9144 664} 559] 422 | 308 177 64] 6 | 1 | 6,139 BRIDGNORTH, BORO’ | 249| 289] 225] 251] 3713 279! 202} 196] 134] 69} 36] 21] = | 2,303 LUDLOW, BORO’ - -f 286] 302] 273} 289] 516} 345 | 263 | 195} 141] 62125] 314 — | 2,700 SHREWSBURY, BORO’ ; q : ‘ ; and LIBERTIES - a 475 | 497| 434] 4121 556] 525) 345 236 | 231] 91147] 3] - | 3,857 ieee pein 1,196 |1,062 |1,008 | 866 }1,218 | 924] 823] 624 | 464) 215] 64] 5] —- | 8,469 Total of FEMALES - 12,631 |12,317 |10,554|9,300 14,181 |10,528° 8,399 6,261 |4,865]2,441| 877] 72 3 |92,429 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Salop was... . 206,153, .-+- and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, + was... 184,199,... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-ninth part of all the Persons :iherein enumerated, have not -been -obtained jin compliance with the question to that effect, The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from:the.Connty of Salop was go8 ; fifteen of which did not contain any.answer do the | ‘aestion concerning the Ages.of Persons, and are marked thus (++): and a small proportion of the Returns were.somewhat deficient, er redundant, —or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females ; especially in ‘the Hundred of Brimstrey. [Enumeration. 276 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER a —— ——— County of Somerset. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | FAM 1 Ane ar B : LIES ; Ornt on lh ore B | chieny | chefy | parities a | TOTAL 3 any’ His en ie - not com- 5 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |vemites| 2 |S | ptoyea |o0™ ae i a oF a Oc- = a in Manu. the Two < a PERSONS. & | cupied.| @ | S | Acni- factures, | preced- a ee cuL- forHandi-| _ ing ABDICK and BULSTONE Hundred, TORE. | craft, | Classes. Asuttt - - - = Parish 69 yo} —-} —- 41} 20 9 179 199 378 Beer-Crocombe - - = (*) Parish 29 36] -| 1 32 3 1 87 99 186 Bickenhall - - - Parish 34 36} -]{ 2 23} 13 - 114 101 215 Bradon, North and South - - Parish 6 a} o-}] = 9 - - 13 19 32° Broadway - - - (*) Parish 63 87] -—] 2 39 | 38 10 212 184 396 Buckland, St. Mary - (>) Parish} 101} 108] 1] 4 98 9 1 207 268 565 Cricket-Malherbie - - - Parish 9 16] 1] - 12 3 1 40 33 "3 Curland - - - = =| Parish 31 39} 1] - 23} 16 - go 78 168 Curry-Mallett - - - Parish 69 89] 1] 2 54] 22 13 246 215 461 Curry-Revell - - - = Parish] 218 251 1 5 162 81 8 600 592 1,192 Donyatt - - - - Parish} 107 { 109] -—| 5 87 | 22 - 256 262 518 Dowlish, West - - - Parish 6 7] -/ 1 6 1 - 18 14 32 Drayton - = - - (©) Parish} 75 99} 1] 2 “9 | 16 4 229 215 444— Middleney - - - - — Tything 3 4} -}] 1 4 = - 13 12 25 Earnshill - - (4) - Parish 1 i eh aif) 2 1 ” 6 13 Fivehead ~ 2 + =) Parish 59 74, 1), 2 64] 10 ~ 154 172 326 Hatch-Beauchamp - - = Parish 35 46; 1] 1 36 6 4 116 129 245 Ilminster - - - - - - Parish? 348] 410] 2] 4g 137 | 234 39 1,026 1,130 2,156 Ilton - oe ee Parish 67; 109] -] — go} 18 1 237 223 460 Isle-Abbotts - - - - - Parish f 44 61} -] 1 49 8 4 163 179 342 Isle-Brewers - (+) - Parish 23 26} -] - 16 8 2 105 114 219 Lackington, White - - - Parish 38 47} -]| 2 36 4 7 133 109 242 Puckington - = + - Parish 31 39]} -/| 1 30 9 - 116 104 220 Staple-Fitzpaine - Parish 61 yo} -—}| 2 68 2 - 198 187 385 Stocklinch, Magdalen - - - Parish 14 17; -| 2 17 a = 4r 38 79 Stocklinch, Ottersay - - - Parish 17 26) -| 3 26 - - 72 68 140 Swell - & fe: se ep SE pay 26 28) -] = 26 2 - 60 73 133 1,584 | 1,912 | 10 | 42 | 1,262 | 545 105 4,822 4,823 9,645 ANDERSFIELD Hundred. Broomfield - - - -. Parish 66 81 -| 3 40 8 3 240 249 489 Creech, St. Michael - (4) Parish} 166} 166} 5] 2 140 | 20 6 405 407 812 Durleigh - - - = - - - Parish 25 26]; -] - 26 ~ - 65 62 127 Enmore - - - - - = - Parish 55 55 - 1 27 20 8 140 147 287 Goathurst - - - = - + Parish} 58 67} -| 3 30] 23 14 173 169 342 Lyng - - - - = (4) Parish 62 69} -| - 61 8 - 185 150 335 432 | 464) 5] 9] 354] 79 | 31 1,208 | 1,184 | 2,392 BATH FORUM Hundred. Bath-Easton - - - (*) Parish? 253] 275] 6] 7 164 | 73 38 621 709 1,330 Bath-Ford - - - - - Parish} 136! 149] 2] 6 69 | 60 20 325 363 688 Bathwick - - - - - Parish} 559 | 844} 26 | 26 141 | 264 | 439 1,574 2,435 4,009 Catherine, St. - - - (°) Parish 18 20; -) 3 16 3 1 70 57 127 Freshford - - - Parish} 131 136 | 3 | 16 18 | 69 49 298 309 587 Kelston - - - - - Parish} 50 50} -—| 4 24] 13 13 108 140 248 Langridge - - - = - Parish 16 7z7}o-| - 16 - 1 51 52 103. Lyncomb and Widcomb - - Parish} 876 | 1,363 |131 | 70 163 | 765 | 435 2,571 3,309 5,880 Moncton-Comb - - - - Parish} 151 155| -| 7 4 25 123 425 430 855 Stoke, North - s - Parish 24 24 | 1 1 17 4 3 . 68 61 129° Stoke, South - - - - Parish 50 57 | 2] 2 30 | 22 5 119 139 258 Swainswick - - - - Parish 76 gl 1] 3 60} 11 20 179 202 381 Walcott - - = - (f) Parish - Sali seal Be = ~ - = = - Weston - - - - Parishf 369} 432] 7 | 29 289 | 103 40 893 1,026 1,919 | Wolley - - - - - Parish 18 23) -} - 22 1 - 55 46 101 2,727 | 3,636 |179|174 | 1,036 {1,413 |1,187 | 7,337 | 9,278 |’ 16,615 (*) Capland Tything, which is partly in Beer-Crocombe Parish, and partly in Broadway Parish, is wholly included in the Return of the latter. (>) The Parish of Buckland St. Mary extends into the Hundreds of Martock and South-Petherton, An inclosure of land has taken place in this parish. (*) The entire Parish of Drayton contains 469 Inhabi- tants. (*) Creech St. Michael, and Lyng with Athelney, form a distinct portion of the Hundred of Andersfield ; and Boroughbridge is partly included in the Return of Lyng, partly in Whitley Hundred—— *) The Liberty of Easton and of, Anrill is included partly in Bath-Easton arish, partly in St. Catherine’s Parish. (f) Walcott Parish is entered with the City of Bath, at the end of the County, The large increase of Population in most of the Parishes in Bath-Forum Hundred, is attributable to the vicinity of Bath, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 277 COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fairs | 28 | Ave By 3g LIES hiefl OrTner : or ay how . | & | chiefly reece _| Families | TOTAL : 3 many | & | & em- oa = not com- Z 4 or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ‘ |Families| 3 | = | ployed |7,,., |prizedinf 3 = | Oc | 3] 6 in | Manu’ | the Two < — ——«[PERSONS. rs cupied, | | © Acnr- | factures,| preceed- = cuL- jorHandi-| _ ing BEMPSTONE Hundred : Ture. | craft, | Classes, | Allerton, Chapel - - - - Parish 46 58} =| - 47 11 - 166 169 335 Biddesham - - - - - = Parish 18 29] 1] - 26 3 es "3 63 136 | Breane - - - - (8) Parish 14 wy} ory - 14 1 3 41 45 86 Burnham - - - = - = Parish} 143 195 2 4 103 54.| 38 440 480 920 Huntspill Parish : Aston-Morris - - - (5) Tything = - -| - - - ~ - - - | Mark - - - - - = = = Parish} 198 | 219} ~| 5 60 28 | 131 572 578 1,150 Weare - - - - - © - Parishf 127] 174) 3] 2 148 24 2 389 411 800 Wedmore - - - - (!) Parish} 59°| 593| 4] 6 | 478} 100] 15 1,533 | 15546 | 3,079 1,136 |1,286 | 11 | 17 | 86 | 221 | 189 3214 | 3,292 | 6,506 BRENT with WRINGTON Hundred. as Berrow - - - ~ = (*) Parish} 68 83] -| 1 44 12 | 27 215 234 449 Brent, East - - - - - = Parish} 122] 176] -—| 2 134 33 9 399 421 820 Brent, South - - - - - - Parish} 116] 134] 11] 4 105 21 8 364. 400 764 Burrington - - - - (?) Parish} 103 128 | -—| 2 66 33 | 29 279 280 559 Lympsham - - - - = - Parish 95 118; -| 3 a7 20 | 21 249 247 496 Wrington - with - - (!) Parish] 148] 182] 4] 2 85 | 621 35 466 457 923 Broadfield - - - - - - Tything} 67 81} —| 3 "9 5 4 223 203 428 719 | go2} 5 | 17 583 | 186 | 133 2,195 | 2,242 | 4,437 BRUTON Hundred : (™) Brewham, North - - = - Parish m4 yy} ft 68 9 Ss 201 188 389 Brewham, South - - - - Parish 97 ov| -| 1 97 Ss as 296 304 600 Bruton - - - - ~ (*) Parish} 384] 420/11] 20 | 134] 258] 28 "80 | 1,078 | 1,858 Discove - - - - - Tything 8 8 a = 6 1 1 24 19 43 Redlynch - - - - - - Tything 21 2 -| 2 22 1 1 52 41 93 Weeke Champflower - Chapelry 13 14 7 2 13 as 1 41 41 82 Fastrip - - - - - - Extra-P. 2 2 - a 2 = a 8 9 17 Milton-Clevedon - - - = Parish 38 42}; —} 2 26 10 6 82 107 189 Piteomb - - - - - (°) Parish 31 32] -| 1 24 6 2 72 113 185 Hadspen - - - = = = Tything 34 Sl} -{o1 44 6 1 124 122 246 Upton-Noble - - - - ~ = Parish 62 69} 1] - 53 8 8 139 146 285 Yarlington - - - - = = Parish 34 57) -| 1 51 3 3 128 | 173 301 801 | 893 | 12 | 30 540 | 302] 51 1,947 2,341 4,288 CANNINGTON Hundred. : Aisholt otherwise Asholt - - Parish 33 40} -j| = 33 5 2 86 go 176 Cannington - - - + (?) Parish] 213] 228] 1] 6 159 53 | 16 604 611 1,215 Edstock and Beer - - - Hamlet 3 3), -| - 3 = nt 8 5 13 Charlinch - - - - Parish 35 41] -] - 29 10 2 132 119 251 Fiddington - - ~- - = - Parish 36 40} 1] 2 33 6 1 97 . 88 185 Otterhampton - - - - + Parish 33 4i |, Sls 35 3 3 103 118 221 Over-Stowey - - (1) Parish] 71] #132/ —| 4 129 3 - 277 310 587 Spaxton - - - - + - = Parish} 144] 183] 2] 5 116 55 | 12 414 402 816 Stockland-Bristol -~ - - - Parish 30 43{/—-| 1 29 11 3 109 go 199 Stogursey - - - - (*) Parish] 250] 262] 3] 5 132 88 |. 42 677 685 1,362 Stringston - - - - - - Parish 26 27/1 2} 3 24 2 1 71 60 131 874 ]1,040 | 9 | 26 9729 236 82 2,578 2,578 | 5,156 (®) Breane is separated from the rest of Bempstone Hundred, to the N.West.—(h) Aston-Morris Tything is included in the Return of the rest of Huntspill Parish, Huntspill and Puriton Hundred. (‘) The Return of Wedmore includes Panborough, Glaston Hundred.——(*)The Population of Berrow is decreased since 1811, supposed to be from the unprosperous state of agriculture——(!) Burrington and Wrington form a distinct portion of the Hundred of Brent with Wringtun, to the N. West. Theentire Parish of Wrington contains 1,349 Inhabitants ——(™) Clapton in Bruton Hundred, is included in the Return of Maperton Parish, Catsash Hundred. (*) The entire Parish of Bruton contains 2,076 Inhabi- tants. —-(°) The entire Parish of Pitcomb contains 431 Inhabitants ; the Tything of Cole is included in the Return of Pitcomb Parish——- P) The entire Parish of Cannington contains 1,228 Inhabitants —— (4) A silk manufacture has been established at Over Stowey,——— ‘) Stogursey Parish includes Fairfield (Williton and Freemanners undred. ) 4B 278. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: « COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fass [4 _ By 3 thee | chiefly ‘Orner ; me | he & | chietly | cmptoy-| Families i | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |vamites| & | 2 | ployea | 24 i2 fnotcom | a an 4 Oc- 5 5 rch Trane, |'prized in | S : : Parish 43 5b -| = 53 2 - 162 158 320 , Littleton, High, with Hallabrow Parish} 172 | 181 | 2| 2 16 46] 119 438 426 864 ' Midsummer-Norton (#) Parish : | - > = - + = Tythingh 25+ og | -} 1 7h 6s 7 56 50 106 Downside - - + + = Tything 8 1 2 1 18 2 Po ee ore - ooo pea } a ; inn i : q a fe 103 a Pa Sas ilton - - = = = = Tythin = ; 35 | Paulton - - - - - = ~ Parish fe i : alee 688 ae = | Stone-Easton - - + - - Parish} 48 ee , 38 a 21 oe ae | Ubley, otherwise Obleigh - - Parish 66 yo} -| 3 i 4 26 oe ie ae Westharptree - - - - - Parish} 98] 109] —| —- 20 21 68 267 961 528 2,968 | 3,309 | 37 | 53 | 1,320 | 921 11,068 | 8,188 | 7,878 | 16,066 CREWKERNE Hundred. =i . Crewkerne ~ - - ~ = - Parish 6 80 | 1 | 1 8 6 | - Hinton, St.George - - - - Parish 76 : : "ea 6 33 ae a a Merriott - - (+) - - - Parish? 2293] 235] 3] 3 | 188] ge 5 590 622 | 1,212 Misterton - - - + = Parish 47 83] Lt 3 42 10 31 176 186 "362 Sea-Borough - - - = = Parish} 18 18} -}| = 17 1 S 41 51 g2 Wayford ~ - - + = (>) Parish 35 38 | -| 2 34 4, = 109 115 224 1,033 11,115 | 18 | 22 647 | 399 | 69 2,878 3,183 6,061 CURRY, (North) Hundred. Curry, North - - - (°) Parish} 323 { 323] 6 | 228 8 6 Hatch, West - - - - - = Parish 59 *63 - | : 57 o t = 2 ne Stoke, St. Gregory - - - (4) Parish} 218] o392] 4] 2 147 83 2 591 511 | 1,102 Stath Division - - - - Tything 43 48 1 1 33 5} 10 127 140 "064 Thorne-Falcon - - = =~ = Parish 40 45) —-/ 1 31 13 1 107 114 221 Thurlbear- - - - - - + Parish 30 38} -] - 38 - - 106 109 215 713 | 748] 11 | 13 | 534] 181 | 33 1,937 | 1,880 | 3,817 FROME Hundred. ; Beckington - - - - - = Parish} 246] 254] — | 8} 131 86 eee - - - + = = (*) Parish 94 108 - : bo : a a ie ee ord - - - = - - = Parish] 43 1| -|[ 2 1 6 Cranmore, East - - - - - Parish 10 11 -|- a - : ee ae °68 Elm, (Great and Little) - (f) Parish} 66 yo; 1] ~ 20 47 3 230 219 449 ee - (+) (@) aos ay a a 102 a 1,576 844 ee 6,601 ae 1 - ee ee ee s - 10 [ Lullington - - - - - = Parish 37 go} -t - 30 9 2 ia ao a Marston-Bigett - - - - + Parish 86 86) 14 21 55 28 3 228 | 243 471 Nunney - - - - - - (*) Parish} 180] 183| —| 2 42} 92] 49 387 441 828 Trudox-hill - - (+) - Hamlet, 57 63] -—f 2 50 12 ~ 145 147 292 Orchardleigh - - - - - Parish: 9 g| -{ - 6 2 1 15 12 297 () Whitnelt Tything is included in the Return of Emborrow Parish, | and Morland Divisions in 1811.——(‘) Berkeley and Standerwick which is called, Emborrow In and Out. (#) The entire Parish of ] made a joint Return in 1811 ; they have been separated in consequence Midsummer-Norton contains 2,326 Inhabitants.—-(>) The Return of | of the new County Rate arrangement—~(') The Population of the’ Wayford includes the Tythings of Ashcomb and Oathill——(°) The | Parish of Elm has been increased by the establishment of extensive iron Return of North-Curry Parish includes the Tythings of Knapp, Lillis- } works~——(®) The increase of Population at Frome is attributed to | don, and Wrantage, each of which, in the year 1811, madea distinct | Peace, and the return home of soldiers at Rodden to its vicinity to } Return.—(“) The entire Parish of Stuke St. Gregory contains 1,369 }| Frome.——(») The entire Parish of Nunney contains 1,120 Inha- Inhabitants. Distinct Returns were made from the Higher, Middle, | bitapts. = — —— SE 280 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, . — a COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | 200 | Aut By d ies chiefly Orner OR <3 a : = ee employ- Eels wi TOTAL 2 od th a di not com- vi EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 aie = | | ployed | reaps, | prized in 4 : = Weel e By in Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS. 4 pie’) & | 2 | Aorr- | fuctures, preced- = ra CUL- lorHandi-| ng FROME Hundred—continued. TURES orale Oa Road - - - - = - (4) Parish] o3¢ | 257] 21 4 42] 21 2 571 646 1 . Rodden - - (8) Parish eG 50 =i 30 . 1 a 136 ae Standerwick - - - (©) Parish 14 15 2) - 10 5 - 38 48 86. Wanstrow - - - - = (*) Parish 53 69} -]| 2 46 23 - 154 158 312° “Weston - - - - - - Hamlet li wf] - 1 14 - - 36 49 85 Whatley - - - - - - - Parish a4 "79/ -| - 40 17 | 22 160 194 354. Witham-Friary - - - (7) Parish} 107] 114] -| 3 108 6 - 288 301 589 Woolverton - - - - = = Parish 30 30 | 1 1 13 14 3 g1 93 184° 3,729 |4,077 | 34 {126 | 843 | 2,251 | 983 9,810 | 10,755 | 20,565 GLASTON-TWELVE-HIDES Hundred. (*) , Baltonsborough - - - - Parish} 10 1go} 2] 47 108 22 - Q 6 Bradley, West - - - + = Parish 13 21 Ah c= 19 2 os ae “br ay Glastonbury St. Benedict - - Parish 80 91] -| 2 13 13 | 65 191 226 417 Glastonbury, St. John - - Parish} 453] 477] 14 12 349 | 105] 23 1,064 | 1,149 | 2,213 Meare- - - ~ - - ~ = Parish} 185 | 213] 1| — 188 22 3 583 568 L151 . . ? Nyland, with -~ om oe Parish Batcombef - - - - - Tything 6 ea : A a 18 o 38 Pennard, West - - - - - Parish} 125] 157] 2| - 45 20} 92 445 445 890 Wootton, North - - - - Parish 43 54) -] = 45 9 - 139 139 278 1,015 11,149 | 7] 22 | 7731 193 | 183 2,820 | 2,952 | 5,772 HAMPTON and CLAVERTON Hundred, (*) i Bathampton - - - - ~ Parish 37 47} 2] 4 17 1g} 11 113 130 243 Charleome - ~ - - - Parish 16 Wi ob 4 4 9 54 70 124 Claverton- - - - - - - Parish 26 33 {| y= 21 6 6 65 72 137 79 971 3] 4 42} 29] 26 232 272 504 HARTCLIFFE with BEDMINSTER - Hundred. Ashton, Long - - - - (-+) Parish] 202 227 1 2 126 53 | 48 486 682 1,168 Backwell - - + - + (°) Parish? 231] 156] 1] 1 86] 50] 20 421 442 863 Barrow-Gurney - - - - Parish 47 47}; -] - 39 4 4 142 143 285 Bedminster - - - - (P) Parish | 1,412 |1,673 | 30 | 73 61} 595 |1,017 | 3,830 | 4,149 | 7,979 Butcombe - - - - + = Parish} 34 46) 1] 1 45 1 = 109 104 213 Chelvey - 2 lee xe Parish 9 9 - 7 1 1 31 31 62 Windford - - - - = Parish} 127] 162} -| 3 | 130] 30 2 443 406 849 1,962 | 2,320 | 33 | 80 | 494] 734 |1,092 | 5,462 | 5,957 | 11,419 HORETHORNE Hundred. Abbas and Temple-Combe - - Parish}; 89 95] -| 5 75 16 4 214 244 458 Charlton-Horethorne - - Parish} 103 ]},110] -]| 5 80 yz] 13 217 272 489 Cheriton, North- - - + - Parish 43 55) --] - 54 - 1 105 111 216 Corton-Denham - - - - Parish 77 8} -| 2 52 31] 2 224 245 469 Goathill - - - - - - = Parish 4 Ao Sh es 3 1} - 10 10 20 Henstridge - - - - Parish} 184] 184] -] 4 159 19 6 430 481 g11 Holwell and Backshaw = - = Parish 70 701] 3] 3 61 6 3 164 178 342 Horsington - - - - Parish} 154 |} 196; -—| 8 105 64 | 27 452 473 925 Marston, Magna- - ~- - 5 ne 53 62{ -]| 2 32 14} 16 154 170 324 oroug! Miizporne-Porr - (%) | and f 281 283 | 9] 8 98 159 | 26 712 728 1,440 Parish Pointington - - - - - = Parish} 36 37} -| - 31 4 2 74 88 162 () The increase of the woollen manufactory is mentioned as having caused an increase of Population at Road.——(®) See preceding page. ——(*) The entire Parish of Wanstrow contains 397 Inhabitants. A new road has added to the local advantages of the place. —~!) Witham- F nary is an Extra-episcopal liberty, containing Chart er-House-on-Mendip, which is entered in Winterstoke Hundred. (@) Panborough is in- cluded in the Return of Wedmore (Bempstone Hundred) and West-Holm in the Return of Pilton (Whitstone Hundred), (°) The places atrri- buted to the small Hundred or Liberty of Hampton and Claverton, are locally contained in Bath-Forum Hundred. (°) Coal works have been established at Backwell. (?) The great increase of Population at Bed- minster is ascribed to ils contiguity to Bristol, being a large suburb on the Somersetshire side of the river. (4) Many Inhabitants have lately settled at Milborne Port, in consequence of its being a Borough Town. M:DCCC:XXI. ] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. 281 SERRE CN I IETS LO ee 0 COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Famt- | ary By 28 LIES hci OruEeR ox . how 2 chiefly | © at Y | Families a TOTAL z many | 4 | 3 em- real e: not com- a “ey EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ig |Families| & | 2 | ployed |p. 45, |prizedinf 8 < oY ‘'s Oc- | 3 |G in Mann +) the Two Z Fe PERSONS. ia cupied.| 9 | 5 aoe factures, pia =) ns . TURE. pes a Clastes HORETHORNE Hundred.—continued. craft. Sandford-Orcas - - - = = Parish 64 ym) —-| - 62 9 = 159 173 332 Stowell - - - - - - Parish 21 25) -| 1 21 4 = 45 57 102 Trent - - - - - = - =~ Parish 81 93 | 2/1 4 44 15 34 267 212 479 1,260 | 1,370 | 14 | 42 | 877 | 359 | 134 3,227 | 3,442 | 6,669 HOUNDSBOROUGH, BERWICK and COKER Hundred. Barwick with Stafford - - + Parshf 7°| 85) 4] 3] 39 | 42 4 185 215 400 Chilton-Cantilo - - ~ - (*) Parish 25 33] ~] 7 26 3 4 68 72 140 Chinnock, East - - - - - Parish 97 | 120} —]| 2 72 39 9 287 294 581 Chinnock, Middle - - - - Parish} 29] 38] 1] 2 20 10 8 82 91 173 Chinnock, West - - - ~ - Parish] 86] 104] -| 2] 48 | 54 2 225 252 477 Chisleborough - - - + Parish 84 { 100} -| —- 73 16 11 205 229 434 Closworth - - - - = - Parish} 4°{ 43] —| 3 6 3 | 34 85 102 187 Coker, East - - - - - (*) Parish} 210] 220) —| 2] 63 | 135 | 22 553 550 | 1,103 Coker, West - - = - = Parishf 142 [ 178] 1] 3 20 | 120 38 426 502 928 Hardington-Mandeville- - - Parish} 95] 116] 2] 3] 58 | 51 7 251 286 537 Haslebury-Plucknett - - - Parishf 155 | 177] 1] 77 60 | 96 | 21 355 413 768 Norton-under-Hambdon - - - Parish 67 | 106} -/ 3 43 40 23 236 246 482 Odcombe - —- ~ - Pash} 76] 114) 1] 3] 17 | 69 | 28 288 252 540 Pendomer - - - - - - Parish} 15 | -{ 1 15 - = 38 32 70 Perrot, North - - = = ~- Parish 71 86; -| 5 47 32 7 195 192 387 Sutton-Bingham - - - - = Parish 7 12.) Se) = 12 aa = 37 41 78 1,269 | 1,547 | 10 | 38 | 619 | 710 | 218 | 3,516 | 3,769 | 7,285 HUNTSPILL and PURITON Hundred. Huntspill - se ee (t) Parish | 274} 283] 2] 4 J 214 41 ..| 28 668 669 1,337 Puriton with Woollavington - Parish 66 76; -j 1 61 11 4 176 174 350 340] 359} 1] 5 | 275 | 52 | 32 844 843 | 1,687 KEYNSHAM Hundred. Brislington - - - - (") Parish} 173] 194] 11] 5 84 40 70 573 643 1,216 Burnett - - - - - = = Parish 10 3] -| - il s 2 37 38 75 Chelwood- - - - - - = Parish 42 45 {| —~| 1 40 2 3 124 98 222 Compton-Dando- - - - - Parish 67 “6) -| 4 52 12 12 174 170 344 Farmborough - - - - - Parish} 166] 166] 2] — 86 53 27 379 373 752 Keynsham - - - - - = Parish} 340] 385] —| 11 $138 | 158 89 870 891 1,761. Marksbury - - - - (*) Parish 51 53{/ 1] 4 38 11 4 154 127 281 Houndstreet - - - - - Tything 14 16] -| 1 15 1 ~ 40 33 73 Nempnett-Thrubwell - - - Parish 44 53 | 1] 1 49 4 = 136 128 264 Priston - - - - + - Parish 56 61} af — 18 4 36 146 140 286 Publow - - - - = + Parish} 167] 175) -—| 7 63 70 42 410 426 836 Queen-Charleton - - - Parish 25 33 | -| 1 29 +2 2 66 81 147 Saltford - - - - = - (*) Parish 60 66}; -]| 6 60 5 1 178 149 327 Stanton-Drew - - - - (¥) Parish} 135] 141] -—| 5 | 1012 31 9 302 320 622 Stanton-Prior - - = = - Parish 26 26} -]| - 23 2 1 75 83 158 Thomas, St.in Pensford - - Parish m1 “61 —| 5 49 22 5 157 162 319 Whitchurch, otherwise Felton - Parish 51 69 {| -]}] 3 42 18 9 182 221 403 1,498 |1,648 | 6] 54 | 898 | 438 | 312 4,003 | 4,083 | 8,086 (*) Chilton-Cantilo (including Nether Adber Chapelry), is separate from the rest of Houndsborough Hundred, to the north east. (‘) The Return of East Coker Parish includes North-Coker.— (t) The Return of Huntspill Parish includes the Tything of Aston- Morris, which is locally situate in Bempstone Hundred. (8) The new Lunatic Asylum at Brislington contains 125 persons, —— (*) The entire Parish of Marksbury contains 354 Inhabitants.—— (*) An increase of Bastardy is mentioned as prevalent at Saltford, and in some other Parishes in the vicinity of Bath and Bristol_—(’) A manufactory has been removed from Stanton-Drew since 1811. Ss 4C 282 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration.” ————————>——====— — ees COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Rim | eS | Ae on By 3 LIES chiefly OTHER . is Be = | chiefly | employ- | Families i TOTAL EXTRA-P. L PLACE. aD bo | ‘s em- ed in |notcom- w AROCHIA CE 3 Neralics & c| ployed | Traps, peed 5 3 OF foe ft os : ay Manu- | the Two IP at iS cupied.| & | 5S | Acnr- faotires; areas 3 Pa ren cuL- jorHandi-| _ ing KILMERSDON Hundred. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Ashwick ~ - - - - (#) Parish} 193] 219] 4] 2 80 15 64 379 450 829 Babington = - -- - Parish 37 37} -{| - 8 21 8 46 80 156 Buckland-Denham - - (#) Parish 93 96} 1 3 9 83 4 219 221 440 Hardington - - - - Parish 4 4} -| - 2 - 2 15 16 31 Hemington - - - - - + Parish} 72] 72) -] — 65 7 - 163 160 323 Holcombe - - - = = Parish} 112] 112 | -—|{ 1 20 1 81 253 274 527 Kilmersdon - - - - (°) Parish} 369 | 388] 11 5 71 64] 253 969 1,022 1,991 Radstock - - - (*) Parish} 164} 169] 1 5 29 34 | 106 491 411 goz Stratton-on-the-Foss - - Parish 74 Ga seen g 24 30 20 139 178 317 Writhlington - - = = Parish 38 41] -] - 13 20 8 128 88 216 1,156 |1,212 | 7}19 | 321 | 345] 546 | 2,832 | 2,900 | 5,732 KINGSBURY (East) Hundred. (“) Chard Parish: (¢) Chard = = = 3 - Tything} 184] 273] 9] 8 51 | 173) 49 628 702 1,330 Crim-Chard - - - Tything 15 87, -| - 2 12) 73 | 180 178 358 Old-Chard = - - - -Tythmg} 124] 141] 4] 4 6} 84] 51 330 356 686 | Poor-House - - - - 1 1 oa | ee zs -| 1 9 17 26 South-Chard » - - - — Tything 43 50] 2] — 22 14} 14 140 129 | 269 . Tatworth and Forton - Tything) 84 Sq.) eh 3 47 29) 13 221 216 437 Combe-St.-Nicholas - - + Parish} 197 211 5| 9 92 70 49 514 532 1,046 Huish-Episcopi - = - - + Parish 45 94; -]| 2 87 6 1 244 228 472 Kingsbury-Episcopi - - (°) Parish] 280] 303] 1 3 263 31 9 724 746 | 1,470 Winsham = - - - - - - Parish} 156] 184] —| 14 94 82 8 427 « 451 878 KINGSBURY (West) Hundred. (‘) Ash-Priors - - - - = - Parish} go2| 46] -| 1 39 6 1 112 89 | 201 Bishops-Lydeard (+) (8) Parish? 208 | 225} 1] 13 139 78 8 503 513 1,016 Buckland, West - - - Parish} 160] 171 | 3] 8 119 49 3 371 379 750 Fitzhead - = = = = = Parish 54 63)! -]| 5 48 12 3 151 149 300 Wellington - - - - - Parish} 837 | 842] 3] 14 207 | 524] 111 1,927 2,243 || 4,170. Wiveliscombe - (+) - - Parish} 543 | 656} 6 | 33 209 | 323 { 124 1,276 1,515 2,791 3,063 | 3,436 | 34 [117] 1.425 11,493 | 518 | 7,757 | 8,443 | 16,200 MARTOCK Hundred. (4) Martock - - - ~- - - = Parish? 376] 544] 1 | 14 260 | 232 52 1,204 1,356 2,560 MELLS and LEIGH Hundred. Leigh-upon-Mendip - - Parish} 149] 149] —| 3 148 1 - 337 329 666 Mells - - - - - - - = Parish} 231] 260] 1] 1 50 | 126 84 566 581 | 1,147 380 | 409 | 1] 4 198 127 84 903 g10 1,813 MILVERTON Hundred. Ashbrittle - - - - (4) Parish} 111 air} —} 5 49, 36 3 297 282 579 Bathealton - - - = - = Parish 22 a2} 1] — 19 3 ~ 56 49 105 — Kittisford - - - - - - = Parish} 32]. 32] -] - 22 7 3 84 g1 175 Langford-Budville - - - - Parish} gg|] 116] 1] 4 95 | 20 1 282 282 564 Milverton - - - - (*) Parish} 380] 415] 7117 220} 166 29 896 1,034 1,930 (7) A brewery and coal-works have been established at Ashwick. (#) The cultivation of Teasles (which are used in the woollen manufac- tory), has increased the Population of Buckland-Denham. (°) The Return of Kilmersdon Parish includes the Hamlets of Charlton, Coleford, Kilmersdon, Kilmersdon-Common, Luckington, and Lypeat, all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. Coal-mines have caused an in- erease of Population——(*) Coal-mines have caused an increase of Population at Radstock, (*) Chard and Combe St. Nicholas, Huish- Episcopi, Kingsbury-Episcopi, and Winsham, in four unconnected por- tions (East and South-East of Taunton), form that part of the Hundred called East-Kingsbury. The entire Parish of Chard contains 3,106 Inhabitants ———(e) The Parish of Kingsbury-Episcopi includes the Tythings of Barrow, Kingsbury-Episcopi, East-Lambrook, West-Lam- brook and Lake, and Stembridge, each of which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. —(f) West-Kingsbury is in two unconnected portions (West and South. West of Taunton) ; Wellington and Buckland forming one ; Ash-Priors, Bishops-Lydeard, Fitzhead and Wiveliscombe, the other. (®) Bishops-Lydeard includes the Tythings of Bishops- Lydeard, Coombs-Ash, East-Bagborough, East-Coomb Hill, Lydeard- Punchardon and Quantock. (+) Buckland St. Mary, partly in Martock Hundred, and partly in South-Petherton Hundred, is entered in Abdick Hundred.——(1) The Tything of Greenham is included in the Return of West-Ashbrittle Parish——(*) One female in Milverton Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The establishment of a silk manufactory in this Parish has caused an increase of Population. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. Q4. 283 . re aeeeinieseente re mee COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- a Au By as LIES dhtety OTHER oe : how 2 | chiefly | employ-| Families gj TOTAL a . a o . 3 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 lvamites| 2 | 3 | poyealaQ2 paca] = g 4 oF j 3 Oc- a in | Manu- | the Two 4 S |PERSONS. 4 feupied. | | 5 Acrr- | fuctures,| preced- 3 ? a cut- lorHandi-| ing MILVERTON Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Runnington - - - = = - Parish 12 22; —-| — 4 12 3 39 51 go ‘Sampford-Arundell - - - + Parish 72 78 {| -| 2 56 21 1 191 185 376 Stawley - - - - - = = Parish 247 32 1} 4 22 10 - 107 88 195 Thorn, St. Margaret - - = Parish 24 24} —| 1 22 2 = 69 46 145 779 | 852 | 10 | 33 535 | 277 | 40 2,021 2,138 4,159 NORTON-FERRIS Hundred. Bratton, St. Maur - - + Parish} 14 4| -| 1 13 1 - 38 42 80 Charlton-Musgrave - + - Parish 57 64] 41 3 55 6 3 186 180 366 Cucklington, with Clapton-Forms Parish 53 64} -—| 1 54 3 7 151 169 320 Kilmington - - ~ = (1) Parish 119 121; -—| 2 64 54 3 275 281 556 Maiden-Bradley Parish: (™) _ Yarnfield - - - - - Hamlet 12 7; -{ = 17 = = 58 36 94 Penscellwood - - - - ~ Parish} 53 68] 1] 1 41 24| 3 156 176 332 Shepton-Montague - - - - Parish] 60 791 -| 2 71 8 - 185 182 367 Stoke-Trister, with Bayford (") Parish} 57 77| 1/ ~ 52 18 7 202 175 377 Stourton (part of) Parish: (°) Brook, alias Gasper - - Hamlet 61 68]; =-|] 1 31 27] 10 136 176 312 Wincanton - - - - - = Parishf 390] 408! 2] 15 119 | 242 | 47.9 1,017 1,126 2,143 876 | 980] 8 | 26 | 517] 383] 80 2,404 | 2,543 | 4,947 PETHERTON (North) Hundred. Bawdrip - - - ~ - - - Parish 72, "9| -| 1 67 10 2 189 183 372 BRIDGWATER - - - (?) Borough - ed eet ae, - - - = - 7 Chedzoy - - - - - - = Parish 84 o7 {| -! 1 97 16 4 240 233 472 Chilton-Trinity - - - - - Parish 9 g} -| - 9 - - 26 23 49 Durston - - - - = Parish 39 45} -| 1 35 9 1 106 105 211 . Pawlett - - - - - ~ Parish 69 98} -|} 1 83 12 3 260 269 529 Petherton, North - - - - Parish] 581 | 603 | 2 | 22 405 | 1521 46 1,517 1,574 3,091 St. Michael-Church- - - - Parish 8 io} —-] — 10 - - 24 26 50 Thurloxton - - - - = Parish 29 35 | ~1 1 27 8 ~ 85 93 178 Wembdon - - - - - - Parish 43 60} -j}] 1 49 9 2 148 145 293 934 |1,036 | 2] 28 | 762 | 216] 58 2,595 | 2,650 | 5,245 PETHERTON (South) Hundred. Barrington - - - - (4) Parish 41 8 | -| 4 63 17 5 215 238 453 Chaffeombe - - - - - = Parish 47 56| -]| 3 51 4 1 110 115 225 Chillington - - - - - - Parish 54 62} -| 4 60 1 1 116 154 2470 Cricket, St. Thomas - - - Parish 15 16} a] = 13 - 3 40 35 "5 Cudworth- - - - - = ~ Parish 31 z0} -| 2 29 1 - 80 64 144 Dowlish-Wake - - - (1) Parish 46 72] -!1 2 56 8 8 155 164 319 Knowle, St. Giles - - - - Parish 19 19} -| - 19 - - 49 42 gl Lopen- - - - - - - Parish 94 98 | 2] 2 46 50 2 219 206 425 Petherton, South - - - = Parish} 401 436 | - | 12 246 | 107 | 83 996 1,094 2,090 Seavington, St. Mary - - - Parish 44 65 | -] 1 58 6 1 155 164 319 Seavington, St. Michael (8) Parish 22 42] -| 1 32 9 1 106 106 212 Dinnington - - - Chapelry 4l 44] 1 1 35 5 4 107 101 208 Shipton-Beauchamp - - - Parish} 105 {| 115] —| — 71 42 2 257 310 567 Whit-Staunton - - - (*) Parishf 49 67} -| - 45 ly] 41 179 148 327 1,039 [1,207 | 4 {35 | 824] 261 | 122 | 2,784 | 2,941 | 5,725 (1) Kilmington is a detached portion of Ferris-Norton Hundred, to- | commonable pasture called West Moor, no part of iti Population of | wards Frome.——(™), Maiden-Bradley Parish is mostly in Mere Hun- | which is included in the Barrington Return, though partly in that Parish, dred, Wilts ———(*), French Prisuners were on their parole at Stoke- () Parishioners have increased at Dowlish-Wake, by taking pota- Trister in 1811.——(°) Stourton Parish is mostly in Mere Hundred, | toe ground for that purpose.— (°) The entire Parish of St, Michael Wilts———(?) The Borough of Bripcwarer is entered at the end of | Seavington contains 420 Inhabitants. (°) Whit-Staunton is a distinct the County———(4) Many houses are said to have been built on a | portion of South-Petherton Hundred, to the westward, ABSTRACT OF Sas 284 = ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. ———_—_———— COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- ony ox By J ae chiefly | Ornzn ; on 2 a ; = pe employ- | Families B TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3S |Famites! & | 2 ployed co in |notcom- 8 S| oe 2 [02 15 18 | Pea Metal o # — |PERSONS 3 cupied. | 3 5 Acri- factures, | preced- 3 = ae CUL- Jor[andi-| ing PITNEY Hundred: (“) TURE. | craft. | Classes. Langport-East-over - - (“) Parish} 132] 185} 2] 3 2] 169 14 516 488 1,004 Muchelney - 2 - = + Parish 51 63°) =] 2 53 10 - 175 154 329 Pitney - - + - = - - Parish 64 40; -| = 66 3 1 142 159 301 247} 318} 2] 5 121 | 182 15 833 801 1,634 PORTBURY Hundred. Abbots-Leigh - - - - - Parish 54 62 2 3 38 11 13 161 156 317 Clapton - + - - = Parish 25 30} =} 1 18 4 8 86 71 157 Clevedon - - - - - ~ = Parish 103 107 3 6 89 15 3 205 286 581 Flax-Bourton = - - - = Parish 31 36 = 1 13 13 10 93 99 192 Easton-in-Gordano - ~ ~- (*) Parish} 395 | q4o] 5] 8 16 62 | 362 1,009 1,100 2,109 Nailsea - - - - = - = Parishf 289] 335] 2] 9 186 | 127 22 850 818 1,678 Portbury - - 2s 2 2 = Parish} 105 | 127] -| = 84 13 30 303 291 594 Portishead - - ~ = - (¥) Parish 86 112 1 1 97 8 4 245 261 506 Tickenham - - ~ = ~ - Parish 73, 81 2/1 1 5 5 210 195 405 Walton-in-Gordano. - - ~- Parish 42 42| -| - 30 9 3 847 94 161 Weston-in-Gordano - - - Parish 20 aot ee] es 18 3 _ 5l 60 111 Wraxall - - - = (+) - Parish} 116 143 1 3 121 13 9 407 362 4769 1,339 [1,536 | 16 | 33 | 781 | 283 | 472 | 3,807 | 3,773 | 7,580 SOMERTON Hundred: (7) { Aller - - ~ - - Parish 80 85} 3] - 92 12 1 228 226 454 Camel, West - - (+) - Parish] 43 66) -]|] - 51 14 1 1E5 149 304 Charlton-Adam - - - - Parish 62 71 1{ 1 67 9 3 185 192 377 Charlton-Mackrel - - - Parish 48 62 1 2 5l 9 2 162 147 309 Kingsdon - - - Parish 94} 111 1 1 79 29 3 263 273 536 Long-Sutton ee ee Parish} 138 | 174] -] - 140 23 11 436 420 856 Lydtord, East - - - - = Parish 23 30} —| 2 16 8 6 69 68 137 Somerton - - = + - = Parish} 301 | 379] 3 | 12 239 | 104 36 797 846 1,643 Yeovilton - - (+) (*) Parish 23 32} -] - 24 4 1 45 5 150 Bridghampton - (-+) ~- Tything 17 22) -] 1 20 1 1 49 56 105 829 | 1,040 | 91; 19 759 | 216 65 | 2,419 2,452 4,871 STONE Hundred. Ashington - - - = = Parish 9 18} -| = 18 - - 39 42 81 Brimpton - - - Parish 20 2ag9| —-{| - 15 12 2 60 65 125 Chilthorne-Domer - - + - Parish 26 43/ -| 1 40 1 2 110 124 234 Limington - - - - (>) Parish 50 52 | —| 2 42 10 - 123 114 237 Draycott - - - - Tything 4 5) -| - 4 1 _ 14 17 31 Lufton - + - = = = Parish 5 5l -l - 4 - 1 9 12 21 Mudford - - © - - = = Parish 76 74) rt - 40 4 - 193 182 375 Preston - - = = + Parish 53 63] - 1 39 22 2 142 175 317 Yeovil - - - © - = Parishf 780} 853 | 25 | 26 137 | 680 36 2,167 2,488 4,655 1,023 } 1,145 | 26 | 30 | 369) 733 43 | 2,857. | 3,219 | 6,076 TAUNTON and TAUNTONDEAN Hundred. Angersleigh - - - - Parish 9 yz] -} - 9 1 1 32 32 64 Bagborough, West - - - Parish 80 82} 21 4 68 12 2 214 207 421 Bishop’s-Hull - - - - = Parish} 161 213 | 3] 6 58 | 100 55 394 534 928 Bradford - - - - - Parish} 62 gi | 1} 6 58 27 6 267 258 525 Cheddon-Fitzpaine - - - Parish 44 65} -!| 1 44 13 8 142 130 272 Combe-Florey - - - Parish} 58 65) -| 2 47 16 2 156 150 306 Corfe - = - - - Parish 50 59; -| 2 47 10 2 116 116 232 (*) Middleney, which is locally situate in Pitney Hundred, is entered with the Parish of Drayton, in Abdick Hundred. (¥) The coal trade has increased at Langport, in consequence of the navigable river ; and with it, the Population. (*) Easton-in-Gordano, otherwise the Parish of St. George. (7) The Population at Portishead has been increased by the inclosure of a common down, and other waste Jand—— (*) Somerton Hundred is iu three distinct portions; West-Camel and Yeovilton being to the south-east, East-Lydford to the north-east of the main part ef the Hundred. (#) The entire Parish of Yeovilton con- tains 255 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Limington contains 268 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 285 COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faar- | PAM | Aut B : LIES : OruER a : how B | chiesy oan: Families Pe TOTAL — EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Zo jmay} os] 3 | &™ | edin [notcom-| xf : ee 3 | Families} .2 S ployed | Trang, | prized in mR g Oc | 3 | iF in | Manu. | the Two a = |PERSONS.. ‘q cupied.| ~@ | Acrr- | factures,| preced- 3 te r TAUNTON and TAUNTONDEAN CUL- jorHandi-| 198 Z TURE. | craft.- | Classes. Hundred—continued. Cothelslon - - - - = - Parish 21 a2{--{| - 18 3 1 53 55 108 Heathfield - = - = = + Parish 21 25) -| - 23 2 - 14 57 131 Hillfarrance - - - - = = Parish 94. 98} 4] 3 63 33 24 227 256 483 Kingston Parish: (°) _Eastern-Division - - - ‘Tything} 103] 112} 1] 1 64 25] 23 | Western-Division - - Tything 39 58} -] 3 47 10 1 } 468 47° 938 Hestercombe - - - - - Hamlet 2 at-4) - - 1 1 8 8 16 Lydeard, St. Lawrence - - - Parish} 128] 134] —| 2 118 16 - 312 306 618 | Norton-Fitzwarren - - - = Parish| 67 044) -]| 4 57 31 6 228 247 475 Nynehead - - - - - - Parish} 38 57 | al 2 49 9 1 164 144 308 Oake - eee ee Parish} 27 32 | -| - 29 3] - 96 93 189 Orchard-Portman - - - = Parish 15 a1] -]| 1 14 4 3 58 42 100 - Otterford - - - - - - Parish 55 64} 1] 1 54 9 1 192 174 366 Pitminster - - - ~ - (4) Parish} 262] 280] -—| 5 220 49} 11 711 705 1,416 “Rimpton - - - - - ~ (®) Parish 30 42} -| 2 35 6 1 107 112 219 Ruishton - - - - - - Parish 58 66} 21 3 51 13 2 181 148 329 Staplegrove - - - - - ~ Parish} 55 48) -| 2 48 30 - 188 215 403 Stoke, St. Mary - - - - - Parish] 49 49{ 2] - 46 3 - 121 127 248 Taunton - = = = (f) Borough - a) =p S - - - - - Tolland - = = = = = Parish 16 22 - 1 17 5 - 64 49 113 Trull - - - = = = = Parish 70 99 | 1 1. 63 14] 22 259 269 528 Wilton - - - - = = = Parish 96} 101 1| 4 50 38 | 13 251 328 579 Withiell-Florey - - - - (*) Parish 12 wyo-]} - 12 -{.- 45 41 86 1,722 | 2,054 | 19 | 56 J 1,409 | 481 | 164 5,128 .| 5,273 | 10,401 TINTINHULL Hundred. TLcHESTER or Ivelchester (#) Bor: & Par:f 157 | 184] 51] 3 55 87 | 42 399 403 802 ———_—_—_— - - - += = Gaol - -; -| - - - - 152 |, 40 192 Kingston - - - - - (*) Parish 48 58] -} 2 42 13 3 133 - 131 264 Montacute - - - - - Parish} 195 | 237] 1 1 g2 {| 131 14 461 512. 973: Northover - - - - - Parish 21 a1} afi 12 9 - 65 56 121 Stoke-under-Hamdon - - (‘) Parish] 220] 240] 2] 4 167 46 | 247 531 . 541 1,072 Thorn-Coffin - - - = Parish 2 a3; -] - 14 1 8 53 44 97 Tintinhull - - - - ~(*) Parish] 68 84} —-} 1 59 21 4 194 194. 388 Stock-Dennis - - - ~- Tything 2 2) -1 - 2 - - 3 7 10 732 | 849] 9] 12 | 443 | 308] 98 | 1,991 | 1,928 | 3,919 | WELLOW Hundred. Camerton - - ~ - - - Parish} 181 | 188] 3] 3 32 | 148 8 524 480 1,004. Charterhouse-Hinton - (-+) Parish 85 97 | 1) 12 18 "5 4 353 287 640 Comb-Hay - - - - - Parish 41 41) -]| 1 34 6 1 119 118 237 Corston - = - - - = Parish 78 84] -|] -. 54 17] 13 186 182 368 Dunkerton - - - - Parish 42 8}; 1] 2 13 5 | 60 193° 172 365 English-Combe - - - ~ - Parish 52 66} 1] 1 42 6] 18 154 |} 157 311. Farleigh, Hungerford - - ~- Parish 28 34} 1] 3 26 5| 3 82 92 174 Forseote - - - - - - - Parish 10 10; —|] - 10 - - 82 33 115 Newton, St.Loe - - ~ - Parish 50 84} -| 1 6 6} 72 214 217 431 Norton, St.Philip - - - - Parishf 134} 150] 2] 5 34 84} 32 — 327 342° 669 Tellisford - - - - - - Parish 29 34} 1] 2 16 10 8 "6 g1- 167 Tiverton - - - - - Parish} 289 | 289] 19] 6 36 | 142] 111 9720 780 1,500: Wellow - - - - - - Pash} 163 | 175! -| 7 125 27 | 23 425 392 817 1,212 | 1,330 | 29 | 43 446 | 531 | 353 3455 | 32343 6,798 : (©) The entire Parish of Kingston contains 954 Inhabitants. : (?). The Return of Pitminster Parish includes Blagdon, Duddlestone, Fulford, Leigh, Poundisford and Trendle Tythings. (*) Withiell- - Florey is a distinct portion of the Hundred of Taunton, and Taunton- Dean, to the west; and Rimpton (Another distinct portion) is beyond Ilchester, and at the south-east corner of the County——(") The Borough _ Parish includes the Hamlet of Allowenshay. of Taunton is éntered at the end of the County.——(®) The entire Parish of Ilchester contains 994 Inhabitants—-—(h) The Return of Kingston © The manufacture of gloves is mentioned as having increased the Population of Stoke-under- Hamdon. (X) The entire Parish of Tintinhull contains 398 Inha- bitants, 4D 286 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF SOMERSET— continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ie | PET dee By is LIES chiefly OruER oR . how 3 chiefly employ- Families wn TOTAL 3 many obs em- edin |not com- n EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 wee & 3 phys Trapg, ned in e 3 or S E= ! in . |the Two ic cupied. a 5 Acri- ed preced- 5 EB pee CUL- forHandi-| __ ing WELLS-FORUM Hundred. ue} one, |e Binegar - - - - - - = Parish 09 86; -| - 50 24 12 165 198 363 Cranmore, West - - (') Parishf 59 59) -| - 46 6 7 136 134 270 Dinder - - = + = = Parish 43 43} -| 6 26 15 2 88 87 175 Evercreech - - = - - (!) Parish] 266] 275} 3] 8 40 74 | 161 590 663 1,253 Litton os = = & «= Parish 81 96 | -] 3 55 25 16 182 196 378 Priddy - - - - - > Parish 28 32], -| 3 32 = . 85 56 141 Wells, City: Andrew, St. - - - - = Extra-P. 53 58} -| 3 = 15 43 103 195 298 Cuthbert, St. In- - - - - Parish} 495] 6731 31 7 128 | 406] 139 1,387 1,637 3,024 Cuthbert, St. Out - - - - Parish} 510] 544] 1 | 18 374 | 103 67 1,278 1,288 2,566 Westbury - - - - Parish} 118 128 2 1 102 19 7 300 322 622 Wookey - - - - - = Parihf 190 { 223] -—] 2 147 50 26 512 528 1,040 . 1,920 |2,217 | 9 | 51 [1,000] 737] 480 | 4,826 5,304 | 10,130 WHITESTONE Hundred. . Batcombe — - - - (@) Parshf 154] 175} 1] —- 128 33 14 382 410 492 Croscombe (+) = - - Parish} 168} 174] 31] 7 64 1 39 363 379 742 Ditcheat - - - - = - Parish} 230] 262 | -—]| 6 115, 71 76 574 649 | 1,223 Doulting - - - - Parish} 130] 130] 2] 1 {| 100] 30 - 308 325 633 Downhead - - - - - - Parish 40 53] 1! - 50 3 - 109 99 208 Hornblotton - - = - ~ = Parish 20 a4] -} —- 24 - - 51 60 111 Lamyatt - - - = - = Parish 36 53} -] 2 50 2 1 123 120 243 Pennard, East - - - - - Parishf 131 153} -{ 1 38 16 99 360 395 "755 Pilton-with-Wotton - (") Parish} 209 | 2271 4a] 6 152 66 9 543 557 1,100 Pylle - - + = = = = Parish 28 36} -} 4 32 3) [° 1 87 89 176 Shepton-Mallet - - - ~ ~ Parish] 1,060 | 1,075 | 18 | 37 217 | 744] 114 2,335 2,686 5,021 Stoke-Lane, or Stoke-St. Michael Parish] 228 | 229] 1 2 92 gl 66 474. 526 1,000 ° 25434 } 2,591 | 30 | 63 | 1,042 | 1,130] 419 | 5,709 6,295 | 12,004, WHITLEY Hundred. (°) : Asheott ~ - - - - - - Parish} ‘99 | 129) -] 3 97 32 ~ 380 332 712 Blackford - - - - - - - Parish 25 38, -} 1 34 4 - 78 46 154 Butleigh - - - - - - Parish} 169 | 176] 1] — 96} 50] 30 406 403 809 Compton-Dundon - (?) Parish 97 | 101] 5] 3 "9 20 2 256 237 493 Littleton - - - - - = Hamlet 11 wf -{ - 11 - - 25 26 51 Cossington - - = - Parish 46 65 1 1 42 | 15 8 121 147 268 Greinton - - - - - = - Parish 34 41} -] 2 32 6 3 108 129 237 High Ham - - = - = Parish J 181 181] -—| 2 148 247 6 512 441 953 Holford - - - - - - = Parish 44 44} -] - 21 21 2 124 116 240 Holton - - - = = - Parish 46 47 | -]| 2 35 12 - 121 114 235 Middlezoy - = - - (9) Parish} 106] 110] -—| — 99 11 - 311 294 605 Monkton, West - - - Parish{ 150} 198] 1] 6 103 62 33 489 515 1,004 Moorlinch - - - - (7) Parish] 54/ 50] -| - 53 5 1 117 134 251 Catcott - - - = - Chapelryf 1121 131 1| 5 115 16 - 2096 283 579 Chilton-upon-Poldon - - Hamlet "5 7 | a} — 16 4 54 178 174 352 Edington - - - - - Chapelry 65 69; -]| 3 62 6 1 160 181 341 Stawell - - - - - Hamlet 28 41 -| - 41 - - 100 100 200 Sutton-Mallet - - - - Hamlet 18 go} -| - 26 4 - aa 87 164 Othery - - - - - (‘) Parish 95 | 104] 1] = 88 15 1 259 250 509 Podimore-Milton = - - - Parish 23 35} -| 3 31 4 - go 86 176 Shapwick - - - - - - Parish 76 76 a 1 47 24 5 214 200 414 Street - - - - - - -* - Parshf 103 148 1 2 98 44 6 386 405 791~ Walton - - - - - - Parish} 98] 126] 4] 2 | 107 17 2 344 291 635 Weston-Zoyland - - - - (%) Parish} 137] 185] 2] 2 84] 49] 52 420 387 807 Wheathill - - - - - Parish 5 wo} -] = 8 1 1 25 22 47 Woollavingtons - - - - - Parish 66 §3:/ 3] = 47 20 16 175 206 381 1,962 | 2,315 | 24 | 38 | 1,620} 472] 223 | 5,772 | 5,636 | 11,408 (1) -Cranmore and Evercreech, with Chesterblade, form a detached portion of Wells-Forum Hundred, to the eastward. the Hamlet of Chesterblade is included iu the Return of Evercreech Parish. (®) Batcombe is a detached portion of Whitestone Hundred eastward. —() Pilton Parish includes West-Holm, Glaston Hundred. (°) The main part or the Hundred ot Whitley consists of King’s Sedg- moor. It’s five unconnected portions are, Blackford and Holton near Wincanton, Holford near Quantoxhead, West-Monkton near Taunton, Podimore-Milton near Uchester, and Wheathill near Castle-Cary. (°) The entire Parish of Compton-Dundon contains 544 Inhabitants. (2) Boroughbridge (Andersficld Hundred) is included in the Returns ut Middlezoy, Othery, and Weston-Zoyland——(") The entire Parish. of Moorlinch contains 1,887 Inhebitants. : M.DCCO.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEQ. IY. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET—~continued. : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: * 7 : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, — : Pine: F ‘s a ene oR ay a LIES : OTHER © . chief, ae 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, zg tay eb 3 rs enpley Fleeeece| a ae CAE a a eel ‘| cupied. a 5 Aent- Foon preced- s E : WILLITON & FREEMANNERS — CUL- lorHandi-| ing Hundred. (*) TURE. | ‘craft, | Classes. Bicknoller - - + = ~- = Parish 37 50} -| 8 29] 17 4 125 126 251 Brompton-Ralph - - - Parish} 53 69} -| 2 57 11 1 232 21% 449 Brompton-Regis (+) - - - Parish} 140] 146] 3] 3 109 29 8 405 | 366 Ppl Brushford- ~- - - - - - Parish} 64 67 | -| 2 54 12 1 166 145 311 Chipstable - - - - - Parish 70 yo}; -| 1 58 11 1 173 164 337 Clatworthy - - - - - Parish} 36 49} -| - 39 9 1 145 | 135 280 . Crowcombe - ~ - - + = Parihf 119} 119} ~| —- 63 48 8 205 305 600 Deueuman, St. - - - - Parish} 360 | 385} 21 2 177 | 190 18 924 941 1,865 Dodington - - - - - =- Parish 13 19} -] 1 15 4 - 59 54 113 Dulverton - ~ - - = - Parish} 206] 232] 11] 2 115 | 104 13 534 593 1,127 Flworthy - - - - - Parish 28 33} 1] 1 29 3 1 93 94 187 Exmoor - + - -.«- - Extra-P, 9 9} -| - 9 i 1 101 12 113 Exton - - - - - - = = Parish 43 60] 1] —- 56 4 - 146 155 301 Halse - - - - = + - = Parish] 75 81} -]| 2 57 16 8 222 925 447 Hawkridge - - - - - Parish 10 10/ =| 2 8 - 2 26 24 50 Huish-Champflower - - - Parish 53 53 | 2 1 45 8 = 133 184 317 Kilton - - - - - = = Parish 18 2B} —-] 1 27 = 1 "7 72 149 Kilve - 5 = = = = + Parishf 44 48) —-| 12 30 12 6 127 136 263 Lilstuck (+) - - - - - - Parish 12 13) -] - 13 - 7 42 29 71 Monksilver - - - = = Parish 49 60} -] 1 43 15 2 153 153 306 Nether-Stowey - - - - - Parish} 153] 155] 1 1 66 42 17 385 388 4773 Nettlecombe - - - © = Parish 59 66} -} - 5A 9 3 189 183 372 Old Cleeve - - - (*) Parish] 220] 254} 61 9 149 87 18 612 ‘ 639 1,251 Quantoxhead, East - - Parish 52 53} -| - 29 23 1 122 154 276 Quantoxhead, West - - = Parish 42 45) —-] 1 34 7 4 103 122 225 Raddington - - - - - - Parish 13 wz] o-] - 15 1 1 57 44 101 Sampford-Brett - - - - - Parish 29 4o} —| 2 28 8 4 gl 103 192 Skilgate - - - - - - - Parsh> 41 41] -| - 30 10 1 118 108 22 Stogumber - - - - - Parish] 202 | 243] 1] 6 158 55 30 664 617 1,281 Upton - - - - - - Parish 49 58] -| - 42 10 6 149 148 207 Winsford - - - - - - = Parish 88 97} 2] 4 66 19 12 249 239 518 Wilhypoole - - - - - ~- Parish 35 35] -| 1 29 6 = 107 97 204 2,422 | 2,705 | 20 | 54 |1,731 | 801 | 173 | 7,054 | 6,972 | 14,026 WINTERSTOKE Hundred. : y Axbridge- - - - (*) Parish} 172 | 210] 2 | 22 61 | 107 42 489 499 988 Badgworth - - - - - Parish 51 68}; -] 1 44 6 18 155 164 319 Banwell - - - - - - = Parish} 252] 290] 4] 8 182 78 30 699 931 1,430 Blagdon - - - - = ~- = Parish} 211 231 4] 1 143 46 42 533 535 1,068 Bleadon - - - - - - Parishf 102 / 106] 1] 2 m1 25 10 258 260 518 Charterhouse - - - ~ (*) Ville 21 a1} -j] - 19 1 1 57 58 115 Chedder - - - - =~ = (*) Parish] 314] 393} 3 | 10 239 91 63 926 871 1,797 Christon - ~ eee Parish 13 13] -j| 1 13 = - 32 23 55 Churchill - - - - - - - Parish} 153] 179| -] 4 161 13 5 441 383 824 Compton-Bishop - - - - Parish "5 97} -| - 56 5 36 249 264 513 Congresbury - - - - + Parishf 211} 221] 2] 2 138 46 37 598 604 1,202 Harptree, Kast - - - - - Parish} 130] 139] 3] 5 20 19 | 100 2904 333 627 Hutton - - = - = Parish 44 58} —-| 1 35 17 6 171 154 325 Kenn - - - - - - © = Parish 47 49} 1] - 16 4 29 133 143 276 Kewstoke 7 - Parish 54 87} al 70 17 - 227 202 429 Locking - - - - - © - Parish 26 35} it - 30 2 3 96 102 198 Loxton - - = - - - Parish 29 30] -| 2 24 2 1 75 go 165 Puxton - - - - - - Parish 27 go} -]| —- 30 - - 67 70 137 Rodney-Stoke - - - Parish 56 60}, 1] - 32 5 23 152 120 272 Rowberrow - - - - - Parish 46 46{ -{ — 4 41 1 153 181 334 Shipham - - - - - (*) Parish] 128] 140] 2] — 11 25 | 104 312 323 635 Uphill - - - - = - Parish 39 51} 3] 2 31 9 11 137 133 270 Weston-super-Mare (+) - (¥) Parish} 126] 147] 8 | 23 6 57 84 347 391 738 (°) Fairfield, which is locally situate in Williton and Freemanners Hundred, is included in the Return of Stogursey, Cannington Hundred. ") Lodging-houses have been built by the sea side at Old Cleeve. ) The increase of the male population at Axbridge is ascribed to the cessation of war. (") Charterhouse Ville is connected with Witham Friary, Frome Hundred) 'The Return of Chedder Parish in 1811, included Batcombe and Nyland ; an addition of 40 Persons to the then Population. ———(*) In Shipham Parish, 80 Families employed in the lead mines aud calamine works, are included in the third column of Occupations. (°) The Hamlets of Ashcombe and Milton are included in the Return of Wéston-super-Mare, in which many Houses have been built for the sake of residence near the sea, The Population of Worle (the adjoining village) has increased in con- sequence of the demand for poultry, and other marketable commodities, 288 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND. RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | TONE | An By a LIES chiefly OTHER OR is how 2 chiefly employ- Families 8 TOTAL 3 many ey | te em- ed in | not com- ws EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g [Families] 2 | 2 | ployed | Trane, [rized in A c or c~ = 7 f in Manu- | the T ; a cupied. a 5 Acri- ined preter: & = peerone CUL- forHandi-} _ ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. WINTERSTOKE Hundred=continued. Wick, St. Lawrence - - = Parish 48 52} —-| 4 41 9 2 148 119 267 Winscombe - - - - (7) Parish} 255] 314] 3] 3 231 51 32 16 "12 1,428 Worle- - - - - - (%) Parish} 130] 140] 2] 4 70 65 5 333 340 673 Yatton, East - -| | (*) Parish 96} 100] 3] 2 76 20 4 308 290 598 Yatton, West - - 129] 181] 5] 3 101 50 30 441 477 918 2,985 | 3,488 | 49 | 90 J.1,958 | 811} 719 | 8,547 | 8,572 | 17,119 CITY of BATH. James, St. - ~ - - - - Parish {1,632 [1,656 | — | 15 70} 827} 759 | 2,834 | 3,444 | 6,278 Michael, St. - - - - - - Parish} 433 | 778] -| 3 — | 476} 302 | 1,545 | 1,917 | 3,462 Peter and Paul, St. - - - - Parish} 362] 654] -—]| 8 8} 582 64 1,368 1,657 3,025 Walcott - - - + - (°) Parish} 2,730 | 5,458 | 79 |232 | 113 [3,006 }2,339 | 9,541 | 14,505 | 24,046 59157 | 8,546 | 79 [258 191 | 4,891 | 3,464 | 15,288 [21,523 [36,811 Borough of BRIDGWATER - - = © = Parishya.o59 | 1,186 | 16 | 35 132 |} 817] 237 2,939 3,216 | 6,155 | Borough of TAUNTON. James, St. (+) - - - - Parish} 342 | 450] g | 8 150 | 218 82 958 1,290 2,248 Mary Magdalen, St. - - = Parish 1,161 {1,256 | 18 | 38 33 [1,069 | 154 2,787 3,499 | 6,286 1,503 | 1,706 | 27 | 46 183 |1,287 | 236 | 3,745 | 4,789 | 8,534 (’) See preceding page.———(”) The Population of the Parish of Winscombe has been increased by Inclosure of a Common, and cottages built on small allotments ——(*) The entire Parish of Yatton contains 1,516 Inhabitants.——(>) Walcott Parish extends into Bath Forum Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. 289 COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : Famt- or Aut By A LIES hi OrHER HUNDREDS, . how 3 chiefly cae. Families wn TOTAL 3 many * oe em- i not com- A a &e. 2 Famili on 3 ed in tc a OF . -g | Families} & |g | Ployed | prans, | prized in sg s | Oc |e 1 | in | Manu. |[theTwo] 2 & |PERSONS. a cupied.! @ | 5 | Acar- |factures,| preced- a re cUL- jorHandi-| ing Hundred of TurE. | craft, | Classes. ABDICK and BULSTONE 1,584 {1,912 | 10 | 42 |.1,262 | 545 | 105 4,822 4,823 9,645 ANDERSFIELD - - - - 432 | 464] 51 9 354 19 31 1,208 1,184 2,392 BATH FORUM - - - = - | 2,727 13,636 | 1791174 { 1,036 |1,413 11,187 | 7,337 9,278 | 16,615 BEMPSTONE - - - = = 41,136 | 1,286 | 11 | 17 876 | 221 189 | 3,214 3,292 6,506 BRENT, with WRINGTON - - | 719} 902] 51] 17 583 | 186] 133 2,195 2,242 4,437 BRUTON - - - = -~ = =] 801 | 893 | 12 | 30 540 | 302 51 1,947 2,341 4,288 874 ]1,040 | g | 26 722 | 236 82 2,578 2,578 5156 1,333 11.499 | 6| 45 | 838] 377 | 284 ] 3,613 3,709 7,322 CANNINGTON + =- = CARHAMPTON - = - CATSASH - = = - 1,231 |1,464 | 8 | 46 888 | 492 84 | 3,498 3,677 7,175 CHEW and CHEWTON 2,968 | 3,309 | 37 | 53 | 1,320 | 921 |1,068 | 8,188 4,878 | 16,066 CREWKERNE - - - 1,033 [1,115 | 18 | 22 647 | 399 69 | 2,878 3,183 6,061 CURRY, NORTH = FERRIS-NORTON - 713 | 748] 21/13 | 534] 181 33 | 1,937 1,880 | 3,817 876 | 980) 8 | 26 | 517] 383] 801 2,404 | 2,543 | 4,947 FROME - - = - = = = 13,729 14,077 | 34 [126] 843 | 2,251 | 983 | 9,810 | 10,755 | 20,565 GLASTON-TWELVE-HIDES - [1,015 | 1,149 | 7 | 22 473,{ 193] 183 2,820 2,952 5,772 HAMPTON and CLAVERTON - 19 97/ 3] 4 42 29 26 232 272 504 HARTCLIFFE, witht ~ | 6 8 6 BEDMINSTER ae 1,9) 2 2,320 33 oO 494 734 1,092 54 2 5,957 11,419 HORETHORNE - - - - - [1,260 | 1,370 | 14 | 42 877 | 359] 134 | 3,227 3,442 6,669 HOUNDSBOROUGH - = = $1,269 {1,547 | 10 | 38 619] io} 218 | 3,516 3,769 4,285 HUNTSPILL and PURITON -]| 340} 359] 1] 5 | 245 52 32 844. 843 1,687 KEYNSHAM - =~ = - ~ -] 1,498 [1,648] 6] 54 898 | 438 | 312 | 4,003 | 4,083 8,086 , KILMERSDON - ~ = = + 11,156 |1,212 | 7 | 19 321 | 345 | 546 2,832 2,900 5,732 KINGSBURY, East and West - | 3,063 | 3,436 | 34 [117] 1,425 {1,493 | 518 | 7,757 8,443 | 16,200 MARTOCK - - = - - =| 376] 544] 1] 14 260 | 332 52 1,204 1,356 2,560 MELLS and LEIGH - - - +] 380] goog] 1] 4 198 | 127 84 903 910 1,813 MILVERTON - - PETHERTON, North PETHERTON, South - -7 779 | 852] 10/33 | 535] 277 40 | 2,021 2,138 4,159 “7 934] 1,036} 2] 28 | 762] 216] 58 | 2,595 | 2,650 | 5,245 ~ [1,039 {1,207 | 4] 35 | 824] 261 | 122 | 2,784 | 2,041 | 5,725 PITNEY - - - - 247 | 318; 21 5 121 182 15 833 801 1,634 PORTBURY - - - 1,339 | 1,536 | 16 | 33 | 781 | 283] 472 | 3,807 | 3,773 7,580 SOMERTON - - - - = -]| 829 ]1,040] 9|19 | 759] 216] 65 | 2,419 2,452 4,871 STONE + 7 7 7 7 741,023 }1,145 | 261 30 | 369] 7334 43 | 2,857 3,219 | 6,076 TAUNTON and TAUNTONDEAN | 1,722 | 2,054 | 19 | 56 J1,409 | 481] 164 | 5,128 5,273 | 10,401 TINTINHULL - - - - =} 732] 849} 9g | 12 443 | 308 98 1,991 1,928 3,919 WELLOW - - - = ~ =41,212 (1,330 | 29 |43 { 446] 531] 353 | 3,455 | 3,343 | 6,798 WELLS-FORUM - > = = $1,920 |2,217 ' 9g | 51 [1,000] 737] 480 4,826 5,304 | 10,130 WHITESTONE - = = =- ~- 42,434 | 2,591 | 30 | 63 | 1,042 | 1,130 419 5,799 6,295 12,004 WHITLEY - = - - 1,962 | 2,315 | 24 | 38 $1,620 | 472 | 203 55772 5,636 | 11,408 WILLITON and FREEMANNENS {2,422 | 2,705 | 20 | 54 | 1,731 801 173 9,054. 6,972 14,026 WINTERSTOKE - - - - $2,985 13,488 | 49 | 90 f.1,958 | 811 719 8,547 8,572 17,119 City of BATH - - - - - = = ~§5,157 [8,546 | 79 | 258 191 | 4,891 | 3,464 [15,288 | 21,523 | 36,811 Borough of BRIDGWATER = 2 - = = 41,059 |1,186 | 16 ] 35 132} 817] 237 § 2,939 3,216 6,155 Borough of TAUNTON - ~- ~- - - ~- [1,503 | 1,706 | 27 | 46 183 | 1,287 | 236 | 3,745 | . 4,789 8,534. Totaus - - - [61,852)'73,537| 850 1,974 31448 27,132] 14,957} 170,199 | 185,115 | 355,314 4 E 290 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, sais: COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. = = 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 Under & 4 to to to to to to to to to | to | to a Hundred 5. up- 5 of 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 |100/wards,| © ABDICK & BULSTONE [| 741 | 611 | 561 | 469] 668} 497] 405 { 291 | 267/135 | 25| -| — | 4,670) ANDERSFIELD~ - 194 } 154} 141 125] 155 163 | 102 61 | 69} 33} 11] -| - | 1,208 BATH-FORUM ~ - - 11,189 | gio | 7831} 7547 |1,033 | 884] 730] 524 | 279/118] 25 f - | - | 4,232 BEMPSTONE -. - 515] 417} 388] 321] 501} 358| 303] 183] 153] 49] 21] 5] - | 3,214 BRENT with WRINGTON] 347] 289 | 239 | 219) 351] 225| 194] 156] 113] 52] 10] -| - 2,195, BRUTON - - -| 300] 244] 237] 207] 230] 223) g01 | 133] 102] 51/19} -| — | 1,947, CANNINGTON - - -]| 380] 371 | 267] 251] 409 | 291] 233{ 178] 113] 68/14] 1] = | 2,946] CARHAMPTON - -{| 544{ 486] 411 | 318] 498] 414] 322] 251} 213/126 | 28) 2] —- | 3,613] CATSASH - - - =] 528] 470] 390| 349| 499 | 375 | 358] 238 | 185) 81 | 21] —| - | 3,494 CHEW & CHEWTON - }1,146 } 1,045 | 970 | 803 |1,151 | 794] 614] 486 | 342/126 | 35] 5] —- | 9,517 CREWKERNE - - -]} 111] 104 82 66 "3 80 44 56} 30) 14] 5] 1] - 666 CURRY, North - - =] 356] 299 | 237] 161] 232] 209| 169] 156] 90] 47] 12] -]| ~ | 1,968 FROME - - - - -]} 6111 578] 515 {| 377 | 549| 427] 368| 270 | 198) 93/25) 2| ~ | 4,003) GLASTON-TWELVE- | HIDES - - -(7| 422} 407] 305 | 277] 409] 331 | 247] 195] 151] 61 [14] 1] - aee) HAMPTON and 8 = | CLAVERTON - «(7 40 35 21 17 3 25 14 22] 12] 3] 5] — 232] HARTCLIFFE with SUnMINGEER } 143 | 129 | 100] ait] 174] 117 | 105 Gr; Sh) ag) © =p =) god HORETHORNE - - -| 438{ 416 | 431 | 281! 464 | 323] 307{ 242 | 209) 99/17] -]| — | 3,227 HOUNDSBOROUGH -| 568] 500] 435 | 335 | 496} 378] 302 | 212 | 182) 84) 24} 2] — | 3,518 HUNTSPILL & PURITON] 147 101 98 81 107 104 82 52 | 46] 202 4{/ -| 7 844 KEYNSHAM - - -f 618] 521 | 455 | 365) 599] 451] 413] 369 | 196) 78 | 27) 1] — | 4,093 KILMERSDON - - -]| 498] 357] 323 | 252| 472] 313] 236] 179 | 142] Go] 41} 1] — | 2,844 KINGSBURY, East & West! 849 | 763 | 761] 606] 816] 652] 515 | 427 | 286/169] 42 | 2) — | 5,888 MARTOCK - - - -] 186] 158] 160 80 | 189] 117] 110] 109] 56{ 29} g] 1] — | 1,204 MELLS and LEIGH =] 130] 127] 114 “61 124 99 75) 66] 48] 399] 6] -| - 904 MILVERTON - - -f 313] 247] 244} 195 | 302] 195] 169 | 160/115) 59/21] 3] — | 2,021 NORTON-FERRIS - -]| 334] 363] 297] 233 | 313] 264] 216 | 157 | 132] 64 | 21] 1] — | 2,304 PETHERTON, North -]| 410{ 331 | 324] 224] 374] 263] 250] 178 | 140; 77} 23] 2] — | 2,595 PETHERTON, South -| 461 | 410] 350] 244] 375) 287] 247 | 185 | 128) 75 | 16) 1] — | 2,779 PITNEY - - - -f 138] 124 97 82 | 126 86 76 59} 231 17] 5] -] - 833 PORTBURY - - - 561 | 424] 406} 302] 536] 307] 331] 225 | 141) 64] 14] -—] — | 3,401 SOMERTON - - -}f 356] 303] 220] 182] 323] 231 178 | 146} 116) 63} 21] 2] — | 2,140 STONE ~ - - - -| 447] 380] 321 [| 293] 383] 415] 298] 160] 91) 57} 15} 2 2,861 TAUNTON and a is TAUNTON-DEAN }- 751) 7321 613} 517) 716} 5651} 443) 368 | 269'116 | 36] 5 5,131 TINTINHULL - - -]} 326] 283] 193] 181] 310] 216] 196] 135] 92) 58} 7] 14 — | 1,998 WELLOW = ~ - -]7 513] 482 357 261 432 374 | 2665 187 | 117° 53} 13'| 2] — | 3,056 WELLS-FORUM - -]| 689] 620] 542] 4561 7471 527] 474] 357 | 267 119] 25] 3] - | 4,826 WHITESTONE - - -]| 753] 678] 619] 553] 721 | 563] 529] 381 | 319 186] 49; 5] — | 5,356 WHITLEY - - - -]| 888] 812] 664] 595 | 843] 630] 503] 348 | 304,127] 34] 2] = | 5,750 WILLITON and . = FREEMANNERS j 881 | 840) 753 | 736 11,004 | 722! 561 | 442] 402/219 | 50; 2 6,612 WINTERSTOKE = - [1,294 } 1,139 | 1,007 775 | 1,254 919 713 497 | 378] 184 | 53 - — | 8,213 BATH, CITY - - = [2,492 }1,630 | 1,532 11,584 | 2,879 |1,862 | 1,283 | 994 | 575|253 | 93 | 1] - [15,278 BRIDGEWATER, BORO’} 523] 407 | 362] 295 | 416} 336{ 263] 162 | 107] 55)11 | =| — | 2,937 TAUNTON, BORO’? -{| 494]. 458| 404] 368] 479] 410{ 362] 200] 147] 48) 24} 1] — | 3,395 Total of MALES [23,625 |20,155 |17,729 |14,980 22,770 |17,112 13,896 10,258 |7,383 | 3,546 g41| 52 | — | 152,447 { | THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Somerset was .... 355,314, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 317,804 ... whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-ninth and one-tenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, were not ob- tained in compliauce with the question to that effect. li M.DCCC.XXI. | ‘COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. Ages of Persons. FEMALES. 7 : | 6 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60/| 70 | 80] 90 | 100 Under ‘i ti t t J t t & 4 Hundred 5. 0 to 0 0 to to to to 0 to 0 sa & of 10. | 15 | 20 | 30 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80 | 80 |100 Iwaras) ABDICK & BULSTONE | 688) 613] 503] 456] 743] 547] 472 | 292 | 283/128 | 38] 3] — | 4,766 ANDERSFIELD - -]f 172] #147} #1174) @30| 196] 134] 111 61 | 59] 40 8] -}| = | 1,195 BATH-FORUM - - $1,210 | 957 | 931 | 1,233 |1,742 [1,171 | go6 | 588 } 343/148 | 47} 31 — | 9,248 BEMPSTONE - - -J| 570} 457 | 327] 324} 514] 381] 285] 213/119; 79] 21] -—{| — | 3,290 BRENT with WRINGTON] 348 | 281 | 216 | 240 | 372} 259] 190] 139] 129; 52] 16] 1] — | 9043 BRUTON - - -} 304 | 293 | 219] 241 | 360] 305} 218] 156] 145) 75] 21) 4] — | 2,341 CANNINGTON - - -| 376! 359 | 241 | 258] 403 | 304] 241] 1721126] 58] 38] 1] — | a5yy CARHAMPTON - -| 5301 478 | 367] 317] 560] 370] 362 | 270 | 251 157! 35] 2] = | 3,699 CATSASH - - - =] 531} 490}; 369} 320] 5321} 489) 373] 261 | 180) 95] 25} 2] — | 3,664 CHEW and CHEWTON - {1,125 | 915 | 790 | 671 |1,129 | 809 | 681 | 446 | 310)154 | 63| 6] — | 7,099 CREWKERNE - -— 114 98 66 60 | 191 94 64 57 | 42} 26] 6] 1] — 159 CURRY, North - ~| 287] 259 | 179] 172) 285} 203} 180] 139] 81] 59/ 15] 2] — 4 1,852: FROME - - - - -| 606] 493] 448] 338| 718] 505] 368] 296] 192,105] a8} 2] - | 4ugg GLASTON-TWELVE- ' : | HIDES- - - -f~ | 44°] 385] 321] 299) 465 | 342] 256] 217) 130) 75) a1] 1] - 2952] HAMPTON and 6 CLAVERTON - -f{7 3 39 32 390 §1 i 39. 23 14, 11 5 1 | : 272) HARTCLIFFE with ! SRDMINGLER } 150} 136 99 85} 165} 117 92} 63] 48] 21 6) 1} - 983) HORETHORNE - - -| 442] 459] 332] 304] 561 | 396] 362] 243 | 205/103] 24] 1] - | 3,432! HOUNDSBOROUGH 579 | 472] 361 | 360] 642 | 4356] 362] 229 | 205] 99] 22] 34 — | 3,769 HUNTSPILL & PURITON| 107 109 101 73, 133 ) 115 85 46 | 50] 20 3] 1 - 843) KEYNSHAM - - -]| 576] .460| 447] 308] 6844 528] 432| 298 | 304/107] 35] 5 | - 4,184, KILMERSDON - - -|{ 436] 363] 270] 221) 470 | 382] 264] 211 | 164] 77| 30] -]| — | 2,888: KINGSBURY, East & Wes} 797} 746] 649 | 608] 971 | 735} 623] 499 | 3731197] 56/11] — | 6,265 | MARTOCK - - - = 185 138 144 145 241 142 143, 97 79| 34 6] 2 - 1,356 | MELLS and LEIGH -f 133] 121] 88 64, 127°] 108 79 65 | 67] 47] 11), 2] - gi2' MILVERTON - - -| 307] 257] 215] 180] 361] 254] 176] 186] 104] 61] 34] 2] 1 | 9,138) NORTON-FERRIS - -| 335 | 309| 267| 257] 423) 302| 229] 161] 158] 86] 16] 2] — | ona : i | PETHERTON, North -} 391] 369] 281] 237] 373} 346| 249} 159 | 146] 73] 22 | 4] - | 2,650: | PETHERTON, South -] 438 | 377] 307] 25911 447] 360] 285 181 | 165}100 |] 20 | 2] — | 2,941 TPIINEY = = = = sf gag) 136: 69 79:1 130: 98} 691 45] 42) 14/ 6] -] - 791, PORTBURY - - -]| 534] .459| 335] 309] 564] 403] 343] 215] 155] 82118] 3] - | 3,411 SOMERTON - - - -]} 299] 269] 206] 2351 357} 248] 196] 153 | 142] 42] 25} 14 - 2,173 STONE - - - -{f 473] 385} 315 | 354} 612] 391 285] 191] 124] Sof} 17 [ 1] — | 3,217 ‘AUNTON and T. Sa aceite }- 724] 685] 527] 458: 874 | 622] 500? 380] 270]170] 46] 9] —- 5,265, TINTINHULL - - -f 266 | 225} 186) 170) 367} 219] 215] 137] 95] 35] 11] 11 — | 1,907 WELLOW - - - -} 518] 407} 300] 287] 453] 387 $ 264] 215 | 152] 52] 13] 1] — | 3,049) WELLS-FORUM - -] 682] 624) 536] 565} 864 | 646] 524] 373] 303]129] 56] 2| -.| 5,304 WHITESTONE - - -} 734] 687) 578) 537] 955 | 705 | 613] 479 | 367]205 | 53] 3] - | 5,916 WHITLEY - - y - | 874 | 766} 598} 504] 804] 635 | 533] 374 | 300/147] 44] 3] - | 5,582 WILLITON and ‘FREEMANNERS -f~ 915 | 828} 711 | 646 1,003} 711 | 587 505, 390/208 | 53] 1 6,558 WINTERSTOKE - -'[1,243 {1,072 | go9 | 784 1,360] 941 | 705] 5211 405/197] 46) 3] — | 8,186 : ‘| / 4 BATH, CITY - - -.12,356 |.1,983 |-1,820 |.2,301 ].4,312 [3,133 |2,292 ]1,661 11,059)474-1138 | 4] —--\21,593 BRIDGEWATER, BORO’| 464] 372 | 347] 378] 581} 385 | 280] 1951131] 64] 17| 2] - | 3,016 TAUNTON, BORO’ -J 4g0| 457] 412] 470] 811 | 534| 442] -273 | 189] 87] 34] 5] - | 4,204 Total of FEMALES 29,908 19,908 16,536 [16,317 |27,845 [20,221 15,959 |11,476|8,59314,247/1,245| 103| 1 [165,357 THE ‘Total Number of Enumeration Returns, received from the County of Somerset was 517 ; twenty-three of which did not contain any answer | to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (-+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 292 ARSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, = — , —— ——————_[_[_£_ {= {——— = XY County of Southampton (Hants.) HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pie ae ee By . LIES f Orner on . how 3 chiefly a. ccs a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 many | eo» | ‘s em- | ed jn | not com- ee ap “3 | Families 2 c| ployed Trape, | prized in [ea] # ne 7S a in | Manv- | the Two a a PERSONS. ee cupled.| Pp Acri- |f reced- ALTON (North Division.) a eae D ine a rH ALRESFORD Liberty. TURE. | craft. Classes. Anresrorp, New - (7) Parish} 210] o50] 2] 8 34 | 200] 16 599 620 1,219 ALTON Hundred. Alton - - - - - Parish} 426] 459] 2][ 2 167 |} 131 | 161 1,244 1,255 2,499 Binsted - Sot ce ce Pansh.f 337°] 275-1 =) 3 140 20] 15 494 452 946 Bramshott a 3 (>) Parish] 184] 200] -—] 3 143 40] 17 523 483 1,006 Chawton - - - - =~ = Parish 42 63} -] - 53 6 4 201 216 417 Frensham (part of) Parish: (¢) Dockingfield - - - + ~ Tything 26 32] -] 1 28 4 - 85 84 169 Froyle - - - - = Parish} 112 | 1397] —] 1 87 29g} 21 371 363 934. Greatham - - ~- Parish 26 4o} -] —- 36 1 3 97 80 177 Hartley-Maudit - - - = Parish 8 w2{ ~-] - 11 - 1 30 26 56 Holybourne - - - - - - Parish 54 io4 | -] 1 42 24 8 241 241 482 Kingsley - - - = Parish 52 67} -]} 2 54 13 - 195 178 373 Neatham - - - - + Extra-P. 16 16} -] - 14 2 - 44 48 92 Worldham, East - - - Parish 30 37 | -|] - 36 1 - 87 69 156 Worldham, West - - Parish 13 20; -]f - 17 3 - 48 52 100 BISHOP’S-SUTTON Hundred. Bighton - - - Parish 43 49} -} 1 36 4 6 137 94 231 Bishop’s-Sutton + - + - - Parish 88 gi} -]} - 54 28 9 243 231 474 Bramdean - - - = = Parish 42 50} -] 1 30 12 8 115 117 232 Headley - - - (4) Parish} 160} 193] 1] 4 164 25 4 567 526 1,093 Ropley - - - - - - Parish} 133 | 140] -—{ 3 95 23] 22 367 363 730 Tisted, West - - - - - = Parish 26 37} -J] - 34. 3 - 114 g2 206 SELBORNE Hundred. Empshot - - = - Parish 18 26} -] - 21 5 - 44 65 139 Faringdon - - = - - Parish 62 86) -] - 61 22 3 241 238 479 Hawkley - - - - - Parish 32 46) -| 1 43 3 - 116 137 253 Newton-Valence - - = Parish 53 59} -]} - 51 5 3 138 142 280 Selborne - - “ - Parish} 128 175} -] 1 143 30 2 471 422 893 Tisted, East - - - - () Parish - with Rotherfield - - - - Tything } 29 lg a iat nee 208 2,150 | 2,617 | 6 | 32 11,668 | 644 | 305 | 6,989 | 6,725 | 13,714-- ALTON (South Division.) EAST-MEON Hundred. East-Meon - - - - (f) Parish} 171 | 248) -—[ 4 181 42} 25 664 622 1,286 Froxfield - - - - Parish 72}; 105) 1] - 93 8 4 282 266 548 Steep - a5 ee AE) Pai 94) GR Ry 74 18 3 266 233 499. Ambersham, North - - - Tything 16 25) -ft- 23 2 - 70 64 134 Ambersham, South - - = Tything 23 38} -]| 1 35 3 - gl 84. 175 ; FINCH-DEAN Hundred. : Blendworth - - - - (*) Parish 32 48| -| 1 28 10 { 10 109 140 249 - Buriton - - - - (4) Parish} 133 146} -]| 1 92 33 | 21 399 368 "67 . Catherington - - - - - - Parish} 122 156} —-| —- 82 60 14 403 395 4798 Chalton - - - + - (*) Parish 45 45 | -] 1 42 1 2 129 120 249 Idsworth - - - - - - Tything 44 61{ -] 1 35 16 | 10 169 141 310 Clanfield - ee ee Parish 21 36; -] 1 33 2 1 100 96 196 | PETERSFIELD (') Borough & Parish} 250] 271 | 4 | 8 101 145 | 25 690 456 1,446 Sheet - - - - - - - Tything 58 68 | -| - 46 18 4 157 149 306 1,081 |1,342 | 5|18 | 865 | 358 | 119 | 3,529 | 3,434 | 6,963 (?) Old Alresford is in Fawley Division, Fawley Hundred. (°) Bramshott Parish includes Liphook. (£) Frensham Parish is mostly in Farnham Hundred (Surrey). (‘) Headley is a detached portion of Bishop’s-Sutton Hundred, on the eastern border of the county. (¢) The Population of East-Tisted includes the workmen employed in rebuilding Rotherfield-House——(*) The Return of East-Meon Pa- rish includes the Tythings of Bordean, Coombe, East-Meon, Langrish and Riplington, which, in the year 1811, were separately returned. Part of East-Meon Parish is in Meou-Stoke Hundred (Portsdown Division.) The entire Parish contains contains 1,336 Inhabitants.——(®) The en- tire Parish of Steep contains 808 Inhabitants. North and South Am- bersham are locally situate in the County of Sussex, eastward of Mid- hurst.———(h) The increase of Population at Blendworth, and at Cather- ington, is attributed to the inclosure of the Furest of Bere———(*) Nursted and Weston Tythings, which are here included in the Parish of Buriton, were separately returned in the year 1811. (*) The entire Parish of Chalton, or Chalkton, contains 559 Inhabitants——-(‘) The entire Parish of Petersfield contains 1,752 Inhabitants, ° au M.DCCC.XXI] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. TT ee eee ee en eee nee nena 293 COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. Return of Amport Parish includes the Tythings of Cholderton and Sarson, which, in the year 1811, made separate Returns.——(°) The entire Parish of Andover contains 4,219 Inhabitants——(?) Fyfield Parish includes Redenham Hamlet. Clanville, Nutbin, and Penton-Grafton.——_(") The Hundred of Barton- Stacey contains six Parishes, of which, Barton-Stacey is south-east of Andover ; Colemore and Priors Dean are near Petersfield ; Headbourn- Worthy and King’s-Worthy are near Winchester ; and Pamber is near Basingstoke, northward. Sutton Scotney is included in the Return of Wonston (Fawley Division ;) Inherst and Ham in the Return of Bang- hurst, Evingar Hundred (Kingsclere Division.) ——(*) The Return of (4) Weyhill Parish includes { HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Primi: zeae Aur B : LIES - OTHER oo ‘ how. 2 chiefly oe Families vi TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 ji many} |e | em | ed in |notcom- vs 4 5 Families 2 ic] ployed | 7, aps, | prized in a < oF 4 a 3 | 4 in | Manu- | the Two s Gj |PERSONS. 6 ) 2 Acrr- | factures,| preced- al -ANDOVER Division. cut- lorHandi-| _ ing ats hae ee TURE. | craft, | Classes. 4 ‘ANDOVER Hundred. Abbots-Ann - - - - - (®) Parish g2 | 121 | 2] 1 | 101 18 2 284 242 526 Amport - - - - - -(") Parish} 126] 144] -—| 2 97 25 22 340 306 646 ANDOVER - (°) Borough and Parish} 794} 909] 8] 8 | 258 | 445 | 206 2,036 2,087 4,123 Foxcote - - - - - Chapelry} 18 18] —| 1 16 2 - 52 44 96 Appleshaw - - = - - = Parish 58 61] -| - 32 21 8 133 145 278 Clatford, Upper - - - - = Parish 79 79/ -—| 2 61 14 4 194 176 370 Enham, Knights - - - - Parish 18 wi} -] = 15 2 1 40 37 ay Fyfield - - ~- - = - (?) Parish 33 54], <<] 1 42 4 5 95 106 201 Grately - - - = - - = Parish 34 36} -| - 32 3 1 "4 68 142 Kimpton - - - - = = Parish 70 ef Be he 66 8 3 163 203 366 Monkston - - = - - - Parshf 51] 54] 1] 1 32 16 6 134 123 | 257 Penton-Mewsey - - - - - Parish 42 45} -| 3]. 38 4 3 88 114, 202 Quarley - - - ~ - - = Parish 28 35| -| - 30 2 3 99 114 213 Tidworth, South - - - - Parish 32 34] -| - 26 1 " go 108 , 198 Thruxton - - + - - = Parish 53 53} -| - 42 6 5 115 125 240 Weyhill - - = - - (4) Parish 84 84] - 56 10 18 208 200 408 BARTON-STACEY Hundred. (‘) Barton-Stacey - - - -(*) Parish} 114] 120] -—| 1 94 17 9 304 277 581 Colemore .- - - - + - Parish} 24 24} —| «= 19 - 5 64 59 123 Headbourn-Worthy - (-+) - Parish 25 35) -!| - 34. 1 - 87 89 176 King’s-Worthy ~ - - ~ (*) Parish 44. 66] -]|] - 39 20 ” 174 170 344 Pamber_ - ~ 2 = = = Parish 89 93/ -| - 81 8 4 211 198 409 Prior’s-Dean - - - = - Parish 24 24} -| - 22 2 - 84 66 150 -KING’S-SOMBOURN Hundred. Ashley - - - = = - = Parish 17 a2} -|{ 1 21 = 1 50 40 go Farley-Chamberlayne - ~- (") Parish 27 34] -| 1 34 - - 103 98 201 Houghton - - - - ~ (¥) Parish - ee S _o = Ee es = Leckford - - - - - - - Parish} 41 47} -| - 45 1 1 107 93 200 Longstock - - - + - Parish 82 84/ -| - 54 13 17 200 197 397 Romsey, Extra - (Parish 623 | 644] 1] 9 | 262 | 254 | 128 1,526 1,592 3,118 Romsey, Infra TL 381 | 399 | 10] 9 | 30 | 278 91 994 | 1,016 | 2,010 Sombourn, King’s - (-+) - Parish} 192] 208) —| — | 197 25 6 523 468 991 Sombourn, Little - - - - Parish 16 20} -| - 17 3 24 35 59 StocKBRIDGE - - Borough andParish] 161] 164{ 2] 1 47 87 30 344 371 | 715 Timsbury - - - - + = Parish 30 39] -] 1 36 3 ~ 95 93 188 THORNGATE Hundred: (*) Bossington - - - - ~ = Parish 14 4] —-}] - 13 - 1 41 34 "5 Broughton - - - - -(Y%) Parishf 168] 181] 3] 3 85 35 61 386 391 947 French-Moor - - + Tything 9 10} -—] 2 10 - - 28 16 44 Dean, East - - -~ - = - Parish 247 35) -] 1 24 2 9 82 78 160 Lockerley - ~ - - + Parish 76 | 101] -—| 1 87 -| 12 2 250 254 04 - Mottisfont - - - - - - Parish 99 | 102] 2 1 49 13 10 265 239 501 Sherfield-English - - - - Parish 59 64) -] - 59 4 1 181 146 327 Shipton Bellinger - - - - Parish 56 59] -]| = 41° 9 11 143 124, 267 Tytherley, otherwise Tuderley, East Parish 53 61} -j} - 45 14 2 140 119 259 Tytherley, otherwise Tuderley, West Parish 52 80; -| - 69 10 1 257 237 494 Wallop, Nether - - - - - Parish} 127] 167] -—} — | 139 22 6 426 413 839 Wallop, Over - - - - - Parish 95 105 -{| - 86 12 7 255 24.4 499 Wellow, East - - = - ~- Parish with Embley - - - - Tything } 52 56 . 3 54 2 ° 1 oe 5 (™) Abbots-Ann Parish extends into Wherwell Hundred. (") The § Barton-Stacey Parish includes the Tythings of Barton-Stacey, Bransbury, Drayton, and Newton-Stacey, all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns.—=—(t) Kingsworthy Parish extends into Mitcheldever Hundred (Basingstoke Division.) (") Farley-Chamberlayne Parish includes Slackstead, which is in Basingstoke Division. (*) Houghton Parish is partly in Buddlesgate Hundred, Fawley Division, where the whole: is entered.——-(*) Cadnam, in Thorngate Hundred, is partly included in, Eling, partly in Minstead Parish (New Forest, East Division ;) Wigley- is included in Eling Parish. (7) The entire Parish of Broughton coutains 821 Inhabitants, Pittleworth being included in the Return of the Parish. * The entire Parish of Romsey contains 5,128 Inhabitants, 4F ial tS = ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. ea — a : zi OCCUPATIONS: : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES 7 , . NS PERSONS Famr- fis go : F OR By za LFES hiefl THER ho’ } 2 chiefl chieny 1s 5 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Bt ata Pee ee empliy: Secies : i is e Families! .§ a ployed Tr hee prized in a a ‘ 212) ars in | Mang. |theTwof = q _|PERSONs. ANDOVER Division—continued. es cupied. | | ao beats P pala a ee WHERWELL Hundred. rurr. oe Classes. ape Abbots-Ann Parish: (7) Littlee-Ann - = + + - Tything = eerie eel ye ed = = E = a Bullington - 2 + + Parish 23 33) -| - 31 1 1 45 85 160 Goodworth-Clatford - - - Parish 81 84} 1] 21 74 7 3 210 | 172 38s Longparish - - - - = - Parish} 134] 149] -| -] 117] 25 7 340 353 698 Tufton, otherwise Tuckington - Parish 32 38} -}| - 36 2 re 73 83 156 Wherwell, with Westover - + Parish} 122 | 124] -—]| 1 101 | 20 3 313 399 622 4,781 | 5.308 | 31 | 57 13,106 |1,479 | 723 | 12,658 | 12,484 | 25,142 BASINGSTOKE Division. sat aa BASINGSTOKE Hundred. Basing - - - - = - - Parish} 197] 209] 2] - 166 38 5 527 546 1,073 Basingstoke - - - - Parish} 588] 654] 2] 11 140 | 259 | 255 1,499 1,666 3,105 Bramley - - - - + Parish 7ij 107} -]| - 87 19 1 240 215 455 Cliddesden - - - - - Parish 40]: 46} -] —- 40 5 1 135 129 264 Eastrop - = = - + = Parish} 12 13) =<] - 5 4 4 34 Sa ey Maplederwell = - - - Parish 39 39) -] - 34 3 2 96 go 186 Monk’s Sherborne Parish: (#) Chineham - - - - = Tything 4 yyoaut = 6 1 - 25 16 41 Nateley-Scures - =~ - + Parish 49 52) -]} 2 40 11 1 123 122 245 Newnham - - - - - = Parish] 56 56| -| 3 46 7 3 129 137 266 ‘Sherborn, St. John - - - - Parishf 113 / 119] 1] 2 100 11 8 315 284 596 Steventon- - - - - = Parish} 20 32] -] - 27 3 2 88 63 151 Tunworth - - - = = = Parish 12 22, -}{ - 21 =z 1 66 53 119 co - 2s + + + +) Parish 20 321 -]f - 20 6 6 80 63 143 inslade - - - - - Parish} with Kempshot - - - ot a2 ap ~ a 7 3 75 83 ape Bentley-Liberty : Bentley - - - - Parish} 118] 131] -] 3 101 18 12 354 336 690 BERMONDSPIT Hundred. Dummer - - - - = - = Parish 6 go} -|{ - "8 10 2 190 203 393 Ellisfield - - - - = - © Parish 35 47 | = 30 15 2 118 100 218 Farleigh-Wallop - - + + Parish 13 4] -| - 12 - 2 42 42 84 Herriard - - - - - (°) Parish 46 6) 1) - 63 9 4 198 171 369 Nutley - -'- - - - * Parish 15 26} -|] - 22 4 - 69 61 130 Preston-Candover - - - Parish 58 94} -| 3 63 27 4 249 223 472 Upton-Gray - - - - (°) Parish 68 m7) 41 1 44 19 14 201 187 388 Warnborough, South - - Parish 65 m1) —-| 1 47 9 15 184 172 356 Weston-Corbett - - = Extra-P, 2 2} -| - 2 - - 10 10 20 CRONDALL Hundred. s Aldershott - - - - - Parshf 109} 116] =| 4 69 33 14 260 265 525 Crondall Parish: (¢) Ewshott - - - - - = Tything] 74 99} -| 4 89 9 1 256 233 489 Dippenhall - - - - - Tything 46 70} —| = 54 12 4 161 151 312 Crondall and Swanthorpe - Tything 80 971 -| 5 78 11 8 223 247 470 Crookham - - + - - Tything 81 | 128] -| 1 110 16 2 315 308 623 Farnborough - - = - - Parish} 45 55} -| 3 36 15 4 141 146 287 Long-Sutton - - - - = = Parish 63 65, =—-] 1 59 5 1 172 156 328 Yately - - - = - (*) Parish} 123] 123] —} 2 | 103] 16 4] 352 352 704 Cove - a is - - Tything 79 82} -| 2 45 34 3 208 195 403 Hawley - - - - - Tythingf 102] 129} -| 2 108 15 6 353 308 661 Minley - - - = - — Tything 4 5} 1| = 5 “ ~ 20 13 33 (*) Abbots-Ann Parish is mostly in Andover Hundred, where the whole is entered. (*) Monk’s-Sherborne Parish is mostly in Chutely Hundred (Kingsclere Division). The Tything of Woodgarston is in- cluded in the Retnrn of that part of the Parishh——-(°) Herriard Parish includes Southrop, which is in Odibam Hundred.——(°) Hoddington is in Fawley Hundred, but is here included in the Return of Upton Gray- ——(4) The entire Parish of Crondall contains 1,894 Inhabitants. (¢) The entire Parish of Yately contains 1,801 Inhabitants. The appa- rent increase of Population arises from a large omission in the Return of 1811. M.DECC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. O4 295 ES EEE LL COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. ; HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Faure poy ees Ae By Jog [TES | chietly | OTHz8 ; 5 how ea chiefly employ- ns w TOTAL 4 5 mai en be em- a not com- . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 3 Familes 2 cI ployed we prizedin a 2 or ; 3 Oc- | J + in Manu- | the Two 2 PERSONS. |: 2 supied, | a Acri- d- fa “E 5 cupied.} |S GRI- | ctures,| PFece a fx BASINGSTOKE Division—continued. j cuL- |orfandi-| 28 HOLDSHOTT Hundred. EOSFs | orate, | Elis: Eversley - - - - ~- (f) Parish}. 107] 122] 1] 4 62 45 15 300 2470 570 Bramshill, Great - Tything 23 30; -|] - 28 2 - 91 96 187 Bramshill, Little - - - Tytbing 2 2}—-| = 2 - a 6 4 10 Hartley-Westpole - - - - Parish 42 54} -—| 1 32 10 12 156 116 272 Heckfield Parish: (£) Heckfield - - - - - ‘Tythingf 115) 122} ~—| 2 55 36 31 329 307 636 Mattingley & Hazely-Heath, Tythings} 112] 114, -—!| 1 53 35 26 270 243 513 Silchester - - = - - «+ Parish 85 gof -| - 71 | 13 6 203 204 407- Stratfield-Mortimer Parish : (*) Mortimer, West - - - Tything] 562 "5f 1] -~ | 64 9 2 184 156 340 | Stratfield-Say (part of) - (i) Parish 66 gz fp -| - 45 15 2 274 201 495 Stratfield-Turgis - - - - Parish 42 43] =-[ 1 23 8 12 123 115 238 MITCHELDEVER Hundred. (*) : | Mitcheldever - - - (!) Parish} 155] 165} 1) 2 | 139 19 4 459 369 828 | Northington - - - - - - Parish 30 43) -] - 23 4 16 152 125 277 Popham - - - - = = Parish 20 2gof -| - 12 6 2 50 48 98 Stratton, East - - - ~- - Parish 71 82} -| af 56 18 8 202 184 386 ODIHAM Hundred. Bentworth - - - - - = Parish gl gi} -| - 61 9 21 292 256 548 Dogmersfield - - - = = Parish 44 50} —| - 40 4 3 112 101 213 Elvetham - + - - - = Parish 94. 94}; 1] 1 63 30 1 246 251 497 | Grewell - - - = = = = Parish 54 52} -| - 30 14 8 119 111 230 Hartley-Wintney - - - - Parish} 157 172] 2 2 48 68 26 460 475 935 Hazely-Heath (part of) - (™) Tything - ahh - - - = = - Lasham - - - - = - Parish 25 go} -| - 35 2 2 104 84. 188 Odiham - - - - - (*) Parish} 463] 505{ 1| 9 | 244 | 232 29 1,208 1,215 2,423 Lyss-Turney - - - - - Tything 93 108 | 3] 2 98 10 - 274 286 | 560 Rotherwick - - - - - Parish 80 86} -}] - 57 16 13 210 192 402 Shalden - - - - - - = Parish 23 33 | -| 1 33 - - 83 66 149 | Sherfield-upon-Lodon - - - Parish} 110] 1112] -| 2 83 25 3 274. 248 522 Weston-Patrick - - - - - Parish 22 44} -| - 34 4 3 93 96 189 | Winchfield - - - - = - Parish 35 48} -| = 38 - 10 114 112 226 FAWLEY Division. 4,761 | 5,499] 19 | 80 | 3,563] 1,284] 652 | 13,896 | 13,327 | 27,223 BOUNTISBOROUGH Hundred. (°) Godsfield - - (+) - - Exstra-P. 1 rt -| - 1 - - 5 3 8 Itchin-Abbas - = - - = Parish 45 49} -| - 42 4 3 125 129 254 Ttchin-Stoke, with Abbotston (°) Parish 39 43) - - 43 - - 153 95 248 Swarraton - - = - - - Parish 12 234 1 1 22 1 - 54 55 109 BUDDLESGATE Hundred. (°) Chilbolton - - - - - = Parish 61 66} -| 2 54 9 3 190 166 356 Compton - - = = = + = Parsh 36 52 - - 38 4 10 143 124 267 Crawley - - - = (q) Parish 62 9) -| —- 56 10 13 187 167 354. Hunton - - - - - — Chapelry 15 26}; —~| —] 26 - ~ 58 64 122 Haughton - - - - (7) Parish 55 Bt - 61 11 6 192 173 365 Hursley - - - - - - ~ Parish} 186], 265} -| 2 27 30 8 665 637 1,302 Littleton - - - - - - < Parish 13 way —-| — | 217 - 2 59 49 108 Milbrook - - + - (*) Parish{ 307] 415 | 6] 20 | 152 | 155 | 108 992 1,132 2,124 Mitchelmersh Parish: (#) Awbridge - - (-+) - - Hamlet 46 56} «| - 52 4 - 125 125 250 Brushfield - - (++) - - Hamlet 40 50} 1 - 45 5 - 153 131 284 Mitchelmersh - (+) - - Hamlet 46 Bi -| - 71 7 = 183 191 374 ) The entire Parish of Eversley contains 767 Ihabitants——(*) The { Holdshott Hundred.——(™) The Return of Odiham Parish includes the entire Parish of Heckfield, which also includes Holdshott, contains | Tythings of Hillside, Rye and Stapeley, Murrell-Green, and North- 1,149 Inhabitants. Hazely-Heath extends into Hartley-Wintney Parish, | Warnborough ; which, in the year 1811, were separately returned. The Odiham Hundred.——(") Stratfield-Mortimer Parish is mostly in Theale }| entire Parish contains 2,983 Inhabitants.—(°) Chilland is included in | Hundred (Berks.——(') Stratfield-Say Parish is partly in Reading Hun- | the Return of Martyr-Worthy (Fawley Hundred.) Abbotston is said to dred (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 769 Inhabitants.———-(*) The | be Extra-Parochial. (°) West-Sparkford is included in the Return of. . Tything of Abbots-Worthy is included in the Return of Kingsworthy || the Parish of St. Faith (City of Winehester) entered at the end of the. Parish, Barton-Stacey Hundred (Andover Division.) Flackstead is in- }| County. (4) The entire Parish of Crawley contains 476 Inhabitants. cluded in the Return of Farley-Chamberlayne, Audover Division —— (*) Houghton-Drayton Parish extends into King’s-Sombourn Hun- (1) The Return of Mitcheldever Parish includes the T ythings of North- | dred (Andover Division.)——(*) The entire Parish of Mitchelmersh brook, West-Stratton, and Weston-Colley, which, in the year 1811, made | contains g08 Inhabitants.——(") Millbruok includes the village of Red- separate Returns——_(™) The Tything of Hazely-Heath, whichis partly | bridge, Redbridge Hundred. | in Hartly-Wintney Parish, is wholly entered with Heckfield Parish, 290 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. (Enumeration, ES ERE Ere Eee HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pia. (dae | ee . Lies | MES | Ornen os ; i B | chiey ee Families ef TOTAL 3 mani * a em- : com- . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |ramikes! & 3 | ployea ft aeedls & 3 or ‘3 Oc- = a in Manu. | the Two < a8 PERSONS, Gf eupied. | ] AcRrr- | factures, preced- a i) FAWLEY Division—continued. CUL- lorHandi-} _ ng ‘ TURE. | craft. | Classes. BUDDLESGATE Hundred—continued, - é Nursling, otherwise Nutshalling - Parish 88} 114] 1] 3 77 12 25 316 321 637 Otterbourne - - - - - ~ Parish} 95] 107] ~| © | 66 | 20 | 21 296 269 585 Sparsholt - - - - = (*) Parish 53 7) 1] = 73 4 7 187 183 370 Stoke-Charity - - - - = Parish 19 26] -|] = 23 3 - 80 64. 144 Week = + + + = & = = Primf af} a9 | =] = 8 91 1 7 66 70 136 Wonston - - - - - = = Parishf 134| 147] -] 3 1 93 | 47 1 ~ 330 338 668 FAWLEY Hundred. Alresford, Old - - - = Parish 70 my] =| 4 65 5 4 235 210 445 Avington - Se et Sa ag pei ah ash ag 8 9 99 96 195 Bishop’s-Stoke - - - - = Parish 167 | 195] -| 2 | 137 49 9 507 500 1,007: Cheriton - - - = (*) Parish 71 9 {/-} 1 49 10 6 249 214 463 Beaworth - - - - - - Tything 19 33 | -]| - 30 2 1 73 63 136 Chilcomb - - - - - Parish] 36 38 | -| -]| 19 13 6 86 72 158. Easton - - = - + = = Parish] 57 8} -| - 63 17 5 218 209 427 Exton - - - = - - = = Parish 40 55] -] - 49 6 - 152 141 293 Hinton-Ampner - - - = = Parish} 44 m4 / -| - 60 11 3 158 167 325 Kilmeston - - + = =) Parish 37 43 | -{ 1 32 6 5 110 102 212 Martyr-Worthy - - - (*) Parish 22 37 | -]}| - 33 2 2 125 112 237 Medsted - - - = ~ - = Parish} 49 69] -| 214 60 7 2 213 181 394 Morestead - = - - + Parish 11 1] -| —- 13 2 1 47 33 80 Ovington - - - = - Parish 35 36] 1] - 22 13 1 101 79 180 Owlesbury - - - ~ - = Parish} 95] 112] -| — | 85 16 | 11 308 295 603 Privett - - - - - = = Parishf 32 44] -] = 34. 10 - 118 111 229 Titchbourn .- - - - = = Parishf 36 54} -~| -—] 44 7 3 143 114 257 Twyford - - - - - - Parish} 169} 217/ 1] 5 | 113 | 59 | 465 558 | . 490 | 1,048 Wield - - - - - + - = Parish] 39 49] 1] 1 32 6 11 114 108 222 West-Meon - - - - - Parish 97 | 143] -] 1 79 55 9 378 369 747 Winnall - - - - = - - Paiish 11 a4; -]| - 10 6 8 62 66 128 MAINSBOROUGH Hundred, Candover-Brown - - - - Parish 39 61] -} - 50 5 6 145 129 274 Candover-Chilton - - Parish 14 4] -] - 13 = 1 47 40 87 Woodmancott - - - - - Parish 12 yz] o-| - 16 1 - 33 42 75 MANSBRIDGE Hundred. (°) Badderley, North - ~- += - Parish 48 50] -]| 1 33 6 11 145 141 286 Botley - - - - - - - Parishf 126] 132/ 1] 3 | go | 70 | 22 359 331 690 Chilworth - - - - - Parish{ 20 26] -{| - 7 23 2 1 78 69 147 Hamble-en-le-Rice - - - - Parish 85 | 108 | -]| 7 4 18 83 195 226 424 Hound - - - - = (2) Parish} 62 66} 1] 1 | 61 3 2 202 185 387 Stoneham, North - - - = Parish 81 { 1390] 2] = | 101 22 | 406 344 750 Stoneham, South - - (3) Parish} 404 | 467] 2| 2 | 262 | 148 57 1,134 1,128 2,262, 3,537 | 4.418} 19 | 59 | 2,965] 912 | 541 | 11,357 | 10,853 '| 22,210 KIGSCLERE Division. CHUTELY Hundred. Church-Oakley - - - - Parish 52 59] -| 2 50 5 4 134 112 246 Hannington - - - + - Parish 49 59/ -| = 57 2 - 131 114 245 Monk Sherbourn - - (>) Parish 88 93/ -| 1 "5 10 8 259 194 453 Wootton, St. Lawrence - Parish} 128 133 2 — | 102 25 6 322 342 664 Worting - - - Parish 21 26; -| - 15 3 8 65 71 136 EVINGAR Hundred. Ashmansworth - - Parish 42 42 - 1 33 4 5 101 95 196 Baughurst - - - - (¢) Parish 84 gi} -] - 68 10 13 237 197 434 (®) The Return of Sparsholt includes Lainson (Mansbridge Hun- 4 burst, aud Dummer Andrews Swathling (Extra-Parochial 2 itis also partly dred.)——() The entire Parish of Cheriton contains 599 Inhabitants. | in the Town of Southampton. The entire Parish contains 2,702 Inha- —(*) Martyr-Worthy includes Chilland (Bountisborough Hundred.) ] bitants. Its vicinity to the Town of Southampton, and the division and (’) Boyat is included in the Return of Otterbourn (Buddlesgate | sale of an estate in small parcels, has contribated to increase the Popula- Hundred.) Dummer Andrews Swathling (Extra-Parochial) isincluded in | tion of this Parish. (?) Monk-Sherbourn Parish is partly in Basing- the Return of South-Stoneham. Lainson is included in that of Sparsholt | stoke Hundred. The entire Parish contains 494 Inhabitants ——— aca. Hundred.) (7) Netley-Abbey aud Woolstone are in (°) Baughurst is a detached portion of Evingar Hundred, Eastward ; ound Parish——(#) The Return of South-Stoneham includes the | and contains Inhurst aud Ham (Barton-Stacey Hundred.) Tythings of Allington, Barton, Bittern, Eastley, Pollick and Shamble- M.DCCC.XXI-] THE POPULATION ‘ACT, 1 GEO: IVi C. 94. 297 SS re yr COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Scene Famr- | Fami- | Ary 1 By : : LIES te | OrHEr ss _ | bow | | S | chiesy ee: Feniilies oj TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 2 many | s {| ‘s ee edin [not com- no 4 7 ‘ 5 [Families ec 4 ployed Trape, |prized in a s . “ B | O- | 8 | in {| Manu. |theTwo} ‘a A «PERSONS. & popied.) & | 5 | Acrr- | factures,| preced- a fa bs : _CUL- forHandi| Ing KINGSCLERE Division—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. EVINGAR Hundred—continued, Burghclere - - - - - (4) Parish? 126] 136] -| 2 |: 116] 11 9 383 380. 763 Freefolk - * = = Parish or Manor 6 104, -- - 8 2 - 41 27 68. Highclere - - - -.- - Parish} 85 89} ~] - 41 9 9 232 225 457 Hurstborne-Priors - - - - Parish} | 83 gly -] - "5 | 12 4 200 204 404 Kingsclere Parish : (*) Le Ecchinswell - - - - =Chapeky} 84 go}; -] - 80 7 3 208 191 399 Mary, St. Bourne - - - - Parish} 2251 295 | —} 1] 180] 41 4 562 491 1,053 Newtown, near Newbury - ~- Parish 53 64} --| 3 47 9 8 127 141 268 Warrcuuncn (partly +) Ons “267+ 317] 11 -] 197] 87 | 33 699 735 | 1,434 Woodhay, East - - - - - Parish} 257 | 2571 -| 47 191 | 46 20 621 585 1,206 KINGSCLERE Hundred. ‘ Ewhurst - - 2 = = = = Parish 2 2} -] - 1 = 1 11 4 18 Kingsclere - ~ - = = (®) Parish} 457] 474] 5 | 12 332 | 103 39 1,166 | 1,130 | 2,296 _Sidmonton - - = = Chapelry 22 25{ -| 1 25 - ei go 66 156 Litchfield - - -.- - = Parshf 16] 16] -] - 5 | 1 - 50 35 85 -Woolverton - - - - - © Parishf 41 41/ -— - 31 5 5 100 113 213 = OVERTON Hundred. Ashe - - - - = = = = Parish 22 a2} ~-}| - 20 - 2 48 66 114 Bradley - - - - + (*) Parishf 19 24] —-|o- 18 3 3 56 44 100 Dean - - - -- - Parishf 31 31] -]} - 20 6 5 78 79 157 Laverstoke - - - - * - Parish} 20 2o{ -] - 71 12 1 58 43 101 Overton - - - - - - - Parish? 259 | 2671 5] 47.197 | 54 16 660 681 1,341 Tadley - - - = - - Parish} 122 | 136] —{ —f 125] 9 2 298 299 597 Waltham, North - - - (!) Parish} 74 81} -] 3 92 7 2 201 172 373 _- PASTROW Hundred. : at Combe - + = + = + Parish 27 38} -] - 31 = 4 107 | 81 188 Crux-Easton - - ~ = - - Parish 15 wt —-| - 15 - - 34 40 74 Faccombe - - - = - - Parish 29 48} 1] 8 34.) 12 2 152 153 305 Hurstbourn, Tarrant - . - Parish? 145] 156} 1] 4 g2 | 41 23 397 369 | 766 Linkenholt - - - ~ - Parish 16 w)- 1 16) 2 - 42 31 73 Tangley - - - - - - = Parish} 49 bit — | - 44 5 2 136 120 256 Vernham-Dean - - - - - Parishf 100f 111] 1] — 66 | 25 20 358 270 628° Woodcutt- - - - - - Parish 16 wy -—] - 18 - - 49 43 g2 ; om 35132 13,375 | 16 | 45 | 2,544 | 567 | 264 8,413 | 7,946 | 16,359 NEW FOREST, East Division. : BEAULIEU Liberty. Beaulieu - - - - - - (*) Parishf 223} o34] -| - 168 | 45 21 611 595 |} 1,206 BISHOPS-WALTHAM Hundred (part of.) (1) Exbury (with Leap) - - + - Parish 42 60} ~]| - 40} 12 8 163 148 311 Fawley - - - = - - (®) Parish]? 925} 338 {| 2 | 12 151} 95 g2 830 854 1,684 ° DIBDEN Liberty. Dibden - - - - - - Parish 57 74) -} 2 52] 13 9 211 232 443 LYMINGTON Liberty. Borough & . Lymineton ~- - (*) { Gite } -§26} 653 | —| 17 13} 44 | 192 1,431 1,733 3,164 NEW FOREST Hundred, East. Boldre - - - - - -(*) Parish} 405 436} 3 | 24 319 | 74 43 1,109 1,071 2,180 Brockenhurst - - - - - Parish} 147} 159| 3] 4 94} 33 32 418 400 818 (4) Earlston, (Kingsclere Hundred) is included in the Return of Burgh- | Tadley is another detached portion, on the northern border of the coun- | clere (Evingar Hundred.) One female in Burghclere Parish upwards of | ty.——(') The prevalence of bastardy is mentioned in the Return of North 100 years of age.——(“) Kingsclere Parish is mostly in Kingsclere Hun- } Waltham, as attributable to the crowded state of the cottages, without se- f dred.——(‘) The Return of Whitchurch Parish includes the Tythings of | parate lodging rooms. (*) Beaulieu Parish includes an Extra-parochial J Charlcott, Cold-Hurley, Freefolk and Freefolk Prior, and Whitchurch, all } place, containing 11 Houses and 77 Inhabitants, in the year 1811.——. which in the year 1811 were separately returned. These Tythings made } (1!) The other Parishes of Bishops Waltham Hundred, are in Portsdown no Return of the Ages of Persons, although the Borough appears to have | Division,and entered accordingly. (™) Brightminstone and Stone (part made such Return, (®) Kingsclere Parish is partly in Evingar Hun- | of Redbridge Hundred) are included in the Return of Fawley Parish. i dred. The entire Parish contains 2,695 Inhabitants.——(h) Bradley is | (") Sway and Walhampton (Christ Church Hundred) areinBoldreParish, a detached portion of Overton Hundred (south-eastward) near Alton. | and the Borough of Lymincron is a Parochial Chapelry within it. 4G 298 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘Enumeration. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Paar ones Aigo : By us Liks chicfl OrHER on , | how & | chiefly | cmploy-| Families re TOTAL : oS many uw | 8 em- -” | not com- ws : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Families| 2 | 2 ployed aa prized in 8 OF S | Oe | 3] fo ih | Mam. |theTwo} a = |PERSONS. 4 cupied.} AQ | Acrr- | factures,| Preced- S Fy cuL- forHandi-| 128 NEW FOREST, East Division—continued. TuRE. | craft, | Classes. NEW FOREST Hundred, North. Bramshaw (part of) - (+) - (°) Parish 72 go} -| 5 | 61 24 5 205 202 404 Linwood ~ - - = ~ (P) Extra-P. - _ - = - - “ - - mo Lyndhurst - oe - - Parish} 202] 246) 1 5 126 81'| 39 543 627 1,170 Minstead - - - (2) Parish} 196] 2121 3] 9 97 74] 4 496 511 1,007 Ringwood Parish: (') Burley - - - - - Tything ; with Bistern-Closes aa oF qe S| ek) ae a aes vat 393 Burley-Lodge, &c. - - ~ Extra-P, 6 6/ -| -| 6 - - 16 14 30 Ringwood (part of) - Township 10 l1zj]-|] 3 10 ~ 1 23 20 43 Woodgreen (+) - - Extra-P. 92 y2} —-| = 72 - 182 175 357 REDBRIDGE Hundred. Eling - - - - - (4) Parishf 819 | 839] 7 | 13 462 | 215 | 162 2,169 9,145 4,314 RINGWOOD Hundred, (part of.) Milford Parish : Pennington - - + (*) Tything - —-| -] - - - = - 7 Z 3,210 13,544 | 21 | 98 [4,751 | 1,131 | 662 | 8,647 | 8,948 | 14,595 NEW FOREST, West Division. : : BREAMORE Liberty. Breamore - - - - - Parish 84 | 116) -]|] 5 82 20] 14 259 290 549 CHRISTCHURCH Hundred. (*) CHRISTCHURCH - (*) ae 920 |1,007 |] 6] 10 369 | 463 | 175 2,178 | 2,466 + 4,644 Harbridge Parish : Efford = - - - - (*) Tything ax -| -|] = - - - - od - Hordle - - - - - (*) Parish} 116 25] 2] 4 112 8 5 256 261 517 setae - - - + = - Parish} 112 | 126 1 4 108 9 9 352 350 4702 Milford - - - - (”) Parish 1 with Keyhaven - x paca 256) 280] 8] 13 136 68 | 76 676 656 1,332 Sopley - - 2 rs Parish} 169 | 215] 2] 1 153{ 48] 14 483 495 978 FORDINGBRIDGE Hundred. Charford, North - - - () Parish 12 12 ef yes 11 1 ~ 23 34 57 Charford, South - - - Tything 12 ig} -| - 10 | 1 2 39 36 75 Elimgham = - - Parish} 69] 80] 2] 4 64 aj 5 220 177 397 Fordingbridge = - - - (*) Parish} 488} 531 | 21] 19 265] 227] 39 1,230 1,214 2,444 Godshill - - - - - - Tything 41] 42] 1] 2 25 13 4 78 80 158 Pale. es Se 2 - Parish 32 32] -| - 31 - 1 89 92 181 Ibsley - - - oe ee Parish 67 Bt ol 57 10 4 169 148 317 Rockburne - - - - - Parish 87 | 104] 2] 3 86 10 8 223 241 464 RINGWOOD Hundred. Harbridge - - - - Parish 66 v2} —| 2 63 4 2 189 163 352 Ringwood (partly +) - - (>) Parish} 678 | 720] 21] a1 286 | 258] 176 1,664 | 1,764 | 3,428 WESTOVER Liberty. Holdenhurst - - - - Parish} 125 | 130] -| 3 116 14 - 279 301 580 3,334 | 3,676 | 28 | gt | 1,974 [1,168 | 534 | 8,407 | 8,768 | 17,175 (°) Bramshaw Parish is partly in the Hundred of Cawden and | Parly, Iford and Tuckton, Winkton and Burton, which in the year 1811 Cadworth (Wilts.) The entire Parish contains 726 Inhabitants.—— | made distinct Returns; of these Iford and Tuckton are in Westover (?) Linwood was returned in 1811, conjunctly with Godshill, (see } Liberty, which contains also North-Ashley (Ringwood Parish) and Long- Fordingbridge Parish) and Woodgreen ; it is situate half-way between | Ham, the Population of which is included with that of Hampreston Minstead and Ringwood ; but no certain intelligence could be obtained | Parish, (Shaston, East Division, Dorsetshire.)——(“) The Tything of as to the Return of its present Population. The village of Redbridge }| Efford is included in the Return of Milford Parish. Harbridge Parish is is included in the Return of Milbrook Parish (Buddlesgate Hundred.) | entered in Ringwood Hundred.——(*) The increase of Population at ——(%) Cadnam (part of Thorngate Hundred) is partly included in the | Hordle is attributed to an inclosure of waste lands. (°) Milford Parish Return of Eling, partly in that of Minstead ; Wigley is also included in | extends into Ringwood Hundred (New Forest, West Division.) the Return of Eling. Redbridge Village is in Milbrook Parish (Buddles- | (*) The entire Parish of North Charford contains 132 Inhabitants —— gate Hundred) and included therein. (*) Ringwood Parish is mostly | (#) The entire Parish of Fordingbridge Ceinting Godshill, sometimes in Ringwood Hundred (New Forest, West Division.)——(*) Pennington | deemed Extra-Parochial) contains 2,602 Inhabitaitts, (>) Ringwood Tything is included in the Return of the rest of Milford Parish (Christ- | Hundred extends into New Forest, East Division. Ringwood Parish is church Hundred )——(*) Sway and Walhampton in Christchurch Hun- | partly in the Hundred of New Forest, North (New Forest, East Division.) dred, are in Boldre Parish (New Forest East.) (*) The Return of | The entire Parish contains 3,804 Inhabitants, Christchurch Parish includes the Tythings of Bure and Hinton, Hurn and M.DCCC.XXE.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. ©. 94. 299 nN TESA I OTT roman ‘COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Far | FA | Au By nC Lizs chief OrnER = ae . | bow & | chiety employ- | Families vi TOTAL oO nan - : -f - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |vamilies| 2 2 | ployed | grave Be i a oF a | O- | 3 | 4 in | Manu. | the Two & — |PERSONS. a cupied.| | | Acrr- | factures,| preced- 3 Fy , ‘ ease cUL- ‘Handi-| PORTSDOWN Division. pani ee Gises ALVERSTOKE and GOSPORT Liberties. \ L Alverstoke - ~ - - + (©) Parish} 830| 940] 4]141] 215 | 295| 430 | 2,038 | 2,750-| 4,788 Gosport - = - = - = Town]1,241 {1,366 | 2/311 -—| 378) 988 | 2,706 3,478 - | 6,184 BISHOPS-WALTHAM (part of) Hundred. (4) Bishops-Waltham - - - - Parish} 378] 402 | — | 10 259 106 37 1,019 1,107 2,126. Bursledon - - = - = = Parish 96 106 | -| 9 30 47 29 234 239 473 Droxford - - - - = Parish} 246] 267) -1| 7 170 55 42 693 717 1,410 Durley - - - - - Parish} 58 66} -| - 56 10 - 173 146 { 319 St. Mary-Extra, otherwise Weston (4)Parish | 179] 191 | 1] 7 33} 142 16 496 487 983 Upham - - - - = ~ = Parish} 72 g8 | 1] 2 63 20 15 269 224 493 BOSMERE Hundred. Hayling, North- - - - + Parish{ 57] 68] -| 1 38 8{ 22 156 139 295 Hayling, South - - - - - Parish a7 “7 1] -| 2 42 35 - 241 202 - 443 Warblington - - - = = = Parish ‘ acu Exnswortlt . ont 374} 400] 3 | 29 106 84 | 210 891 959 | 1,850 FAREHAM Hundred. Fareham - - - - + Parish} 690] 725} 4] 22 169} 421] 135 | 1,783 1,894 | 3,677 HAMBLEDON Hundred. = Hambledon - - - = - (©) Parish} 2781 385] 5] - 220 | 115 50 1,001 885 1,886 HAVANT Liberty. Havant - - - - - = + Parish} 3307 379} -]| 8 106 | 186 87 | 1,059 1,040 2,099 MEON-STOKE Hundred. (f) Corhampton - - - += «= = Parish 17 a3) 1f - 20 1 2 83 85 168 East-Meon Parish: (®) i Westbury and Peak - - - Hamlet 5 8, -] - 7 - 1 28 22 50 ff Meon-Stoke - - - - - = Parish 49 19); ~| = 48 30 1 168 200 368 Soberton - - - - = = Parishf 131] 181] 1] 5 101 44 36 455 427 882 f Warnford - - - - = - - Parish 40 57} 2] 1 47 4 3 191 173 364 PORTSDOWN Hundred. (*) Bedhampton - - = - - = Parish 76 99} 1] 3 50 10 39 221 192 413 Boarhunt - = = + = =) Parish 36 4o| -| - 38 2 - 113 92 205 Farlington - - - ~- - (4) Parish] 101} 119] —| 12 62 41 16 291 262 553 Porchester - - - - (*) Parish} 145 | 160) —] 27 47 53 63 362 395 57 Southwick - - - - = © Parish} 132 144] 3] 2 83 37 24 368 343 711 Widley - - - - - - © Parish 97} 114] 1 3 63 33 18 275 269 544 Wymering - - - - = (!) Parish} 126} 132] 1 | 16 57 56 19 315 310 625 TICHFIELD Hundred. Rowner - - - - - - © Parish 15 a2) —-| - 20 - 2 69 69 138 Titchfield - - - - - - Parish} 596 | 688 8 347 | 243 98 1,730 1,798 3,528 Wickham - - - - - = - Parish} 170} 203] 1] 2 70 92 41 541 593 1,134 . 6,642 17,542 | 31 |628 | 2,567 | 2,551 | 2,424 | 17,969 | 19,497 | 37,466 ISLE of WIGHT Division. — EAST MEDINA (or MEDHAM) Liberty. Arreton - - - - - = - Parish} 277 | 342] -]| 4 290 | 374 15 842 915 1,757 Binstead - -~ - - = = = Parish 43 43|/ -| 3 18 12 13 112 113 225 Bonchurch - - = - - = Parish 21 21 ~ 1 12 5 4 61 61 122 (©) The entire Parish of Alverstoke, contains 10,972 Inhabitants. ¢ ham Hundred and Parish.)——(*) East-Meon Parish is mostly in East The decrease of Inhabitants at Gosport is attributed to the return of | Meon Hundred, Alton, South Division.) —(*) Portsdown Hundred peace.—(“) Part of Bishops-Waltham Hundred is in New Forest, | contains Portsea 4 uildable, which is entered as part of Portsmouth, at East Division, St. Mary-Extra is adjacent tothe Town of Southampton, | the end of the County.——(i) Farlington Parish ineludes a house in the Bittern and Pollack are included in. the Return of South-Stoneham, | Mudlands, Extra-Parochial. The increase of Population is ascribed to Mansbridge Hundred,—(¢) The Return of Hambledon Parish, includes | the inclosure of the Forest of Bere.——-(*) The decrease of Inhabitants the Tytbings of Denmead, Earvils, Glidden, Chidden, and Hambledon, | at Porchester, is attributed to the removal of the establishment hereto- which in the year 1811 made distinct Retyrns——(‘) Meon-Stoke | fore attendant on the depot of French prisoners at Porchester Castle, Hundred contains Burwell, part of the Parish of Hambledon, and Lyss- | ——-(1) The decrease of Population at Wymering is attributed to the Abbess, the Population of which is included in that of Lyss-‘Turney (Odi- | barracks at Hilsea being comparatively unoccupied. 300 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: ee —————_——_—_——— COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES : O€CUPATIONS: PERSONS: -. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, naa] oe | ae By a LIES chiedy Orger oR “s oe = chiefly epley- us a TOTAL o nD " erm i not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 Ae = z pleyed Tae. prized in & < or ce i ! in Manu- | the Two < a cupied.| 5 5 | Acrr- facines, preced- a E PERSONS: ISLE OF WIGHT Division—continued. cuL- forHandi-| _ ing EAST MEDINA (or Medham) Liberty, TERE) conti, | Clases: continued. Brading - - - - - (™) Parish} 318 | 422] 21] 15 | 205 79 | 138 1,010 | 1,013 2,023 Godshill - - - = - - = Parish]- 175] 234] 1] 5 | 175 56 3 626 .] . 588 1,214 Helen’s, St. - - - - = + Parish} 136] 1491 -]| 3 65 33 51 400 404 804 Lawrence, St. - + = - = Parish 16 17} -}] 1 8 1 8 48° 48 96 Newchurch - - - (®) Parish} 6331] 7341 5} 5 | 266 | 226 | a4 1,951 1,994 | 3,945 Niton - - - - - - - Parish 64 "B8} aja 34 15 29 211 232 443 Shauklin - - - - - Parish 31 31] -—! 5 17 3 bat 92 83 155 Whippingham - - - Parish} 324] 401 | 5} 10 § 189 | 141 71 1,016 1,052 2,068 Whitwell - - - - - = = Parish 87 98 | -] 1 76 22 - 246 242 488 Wooton - - - - = = = Parish 7 Bj ew} - 6 1 1 30 26 56 Yaverland - - - = - Parish 16 167 -| - 15 - 1 47 45 92 WEST MEDINA (or Medham) Liberty. Brixton - - - - - - = Parish g8 | 128] -] -— 99 29 - 348 338 686 Brook - = - - - - + = Parish 19 21} —e{ — 13 6 2 64 59 123 Calbourn - - + - (°) Parishhf 107] 144] —| @ | 100 26 18 — 398 369 467 Carisbrooke - - - (?) Parish} 594] 629 | 5 | 15 | 298 | 285 46 2,239 | 2,431 | 4,670 Chale - - - - - Parish 80 98 | 2] 3 69 1 18 238 235 | 473 Freshwater ~ - 2 + = Parish} 154] 179] 2] 3 94 21 64: 426 450 876 Gatcomb - + - Parish 44 46 | -| 2 35 8 3 116 131 247 Kingston - - - - - Parish 7 wy} -| - 10 - 1 40 28 68 Mottiston - - - - - = Parish 27 35} --] - 34 1 - 72 "7 149 — NEWPORT - - Borough & Parishf 695 | 810} 3 | 18 - [395 | 415 1,841 2,218 4,059 Nicholas, St. Castle-Hold - Parish 43 52] -{ - 3 27 22 132 149° 281 Northwood - - - = (9%) Parish} 534] 600] 5135 | 100 | 487 13 1,703 1,876 .| 3,579 Shalfleet - - = = + = Parishf 134} 178] 1] 4 | 131 31 16 464 414 878 Shorwell - > 2+ + = =) Parish 84] ait] —-| - 81 19 11 297 279 576 Thorley -- - - + Parish 19 24 [--} 1 17 5 2 78 54 132° YARMOUTH - - Borough & Parish 94} 109} -] 3 - 40 69 279 285 564 4,881] 5,769] 32 | 142] 2,460| 2,022 1,287 15,407 | 16,209 | 31,616 City of WINCHESTER. Bartholomew, St. - - (') Parish 97} 102] —]| 2 30 46 26 455 275 730 Lawrence, St. - - - - - Parish 53 66] —| 2 - 61 5 158 186 344 Mary, St. Kalander - - Parish f 112 135 | -| 2 - 98 37 367 411 978 Maurice, St. - - + - Parish} 217] 2521 3] 4 20 | 196 36 688 939 1,427 Peter, St. Colebrook - - = Parish 72 yo} -{ 1 14 35 30 158 219 377 Thomas, St. - - = (*) Parish} 175 |] 226] 6] 2 1 118 107 594 9798 1,392 The Close of ma - 14 4] -| - ~ - 14 and Precinct 41 "6 117 The Widows College - J - | 4 yw] -| - ea pe 4 SOKE Liberty. Bartholomew, St. Hyde-street (*) Parish - ee ea he ad ine ei =z = ms BY Faith,St. - - - - -f =» Parish eZ : with Hospital of St. Cross oe 79) 39} 2 ay ae 50 173 199 372 John, St.- - - - - - - Parish] 194] 167] 1] 3 13 | 121 43 gil 394 795 Michael, St.- - - - - ~- Parish go 99} -| 2 = 85 14 203 296 499 Milland (Ville) - --- Extra-P. 24 29) 2) - 1 11 17 51 50 102 Peter, St. Cheesehill - - - Parish| 117] 131 | -| 2 6 | 118 7 261 320 581 Swithin, Little, St.- - (*) Parish} 28] 36] 4] 12 Sl ae 19 190 126 316 1,219] 1,432| 18 | 21 | 102 | 918 | 412 3,650 | 4,089 7,739 (™) One female in Brading Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. —— (") The Return of Newchurch Parish includes the North and South Di- visions, and the Town of Ryde, which, in the year 1811, were separately returned. (°) Calbourn Parish includes the Borough of Newton. (°) The Return of Carisbrooke Parish includes the Hamlets of Bil- lingham, Bowcomb, and Carisbrooke ; which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. The great increase of Population in the Parish of Carisbrooke arises from the situation of the Borough of Newrorr, the increasing suburb of which is in Carisbrooke Parish._—(4) The Town of West Cowes is in the North Division of Northwood Parish———(") The Parish of St. Bartholomew,which is partly in the City of Winchester, and partly in Soke Liberty, is wholly included in the Return of the former. The County Bridewell is in this Parish, and the large public school of Hyde Abbey.——(‘) The Return of St. Thomas’s Parish includes 34 males and 85 females in the Barracks, and 58 maJes and 4, females in the gaol. (‘) The Parish of Little St. Swithin extends into the City of Winchester. In this Parish are included two schools; one of them containing 148 inmates; also Winchester College, containing 70 scholers, besides servants, and the families of the Warden and of the Second Master ; so that the total number of inmates therein is go. -M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. ¢. 94. gol COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES: _ OCCUPATIONS» PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ‘aas ae ers By a LIES | Chiefly | OTHER on iz how 3 chiefly elaglee Families Z| TOTAL ° many r em- in |Not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. EZ |vamites| 2 | 2 | pioyea | 003, [oaecsin if : ae "a. Oc- B a in Manu- | the Two a a PERSONS. A | cupied.| | S | Acnr- | factures, preced- a ae ; cUL- lorHandi-} mg foo Borough of PORTSMOUTH. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Portsmouth - - - - - = Parish}1,100 |1,784 | — | 96 31 645 | 1,136 2,881 4,388 7,269 - Portsea - - - -) _ _ parish Jf 6809 | 7,894 | 16 [485 | 510 13,529 | 3,855 | 15,8581 18,927 | 34,785 Portsea-Guildable (*) 718 | 782] 1 | 47 179 | 271] 332 1,686 | 1,908 | 3,594 8,627 [10,460] 17 (628 | 692 [4,445 15,323 | 20,425 | 25,223 | 45,648 Town and County of SOUTHAMPTON. ; All-Saints - - - - - = Parshf. 593] 777 | 12 | 16 —~| 5751 202 1,523 2,162 3,685 Holyrood - - -- Parish} 272 | 376{ -—} 4 1] 324 51 784 955 1,739 John’s, St. - - - - Parish 99} 185} 1] 2 -| 165 20 | - 286 365 651 Lawrence, St. - - - - = Parish 61 997 3] - - 66 33 180 279 459 Mary, St. - - - - - - Parish f 781 {1,015 | 26 | 18 15 | 878 | 122 2,210 2,498 4,708 Michael, St. - - - - - ~ Parish} 265 | 417] 2] 4 -| 280] 137 743 928 1,671 Stoneham, South, Parish: F ‘ Portswood - = - (*) Tything go gij -| - 30 43 18 205- 235 440 2,161 | 2,960 | 44 | 44 46 | 2,331 | 583 5,931 7,422 | 13,353 (“) Portsea-Guildable is that part of the Parish not within. the juris- § to contain fewer Inhabitants than at the end of the war, though more diction of the Borough of Portsmouth, being in the Hundred of Ports- | than in 1811———(*) South Stoneham Parish is mostly in Mansbridge down. The entire Parish of Portsea contains 38,379 Inhabitants, among | Hundred (Fawley Division.) whom, one male upwards of 100 years of age. This Parish is supposed SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (OTHERWISE HAMPSHIRE OR HANTS.) C oo“ ~ - Division of ALTON, NORTH - - = - | 2,150] 2,617] 6] 321,668] 644] 305 6,989 6,725 | 13,714 ALTON, SOUTH - - - - 4] 1,081] 1,342] 5] 18 865] 358] 119 3,529 3,434 6,963 | ANDOVER - - - = 4,781) 5,308] 31 | 57] 3,106] 1,479] 723 12,658 | 12,484 | 25,142 BASINGSTOKE - - - - =] 4,761] 5,499] 19 | 80] 3,563] 1,284] 652 | 13,896 | 13,327 | 27,223 FAWLEY - - - - - = -| 3,537] 4,418 19] 59] 2,965} g12] 541 } 11,357 | 10,853 } 22,210 KINGSCLERE - - - - -] 3,132] 3,375] 16] 45] 2,544| 567| 2641 84131 7,946 | 16,359 NEW-FOREST, EAST - - = {| 3,210] 3,544| 21 | 98] 1,751] 1,131] 662 8,647 | 8,948 | 17,595 NEW-FOREST, WEST - - - | 3,334} 3,676] 28 | 91} 1,974] 1,168] 534 8,407 | 8,768 | 17,175 | PORTSDOWN - - - - | 6,642| 7,542] 31 |628] 2,567] 2,551| 2,424 | 17,969 | 19,497 | 37,466 ISLE OF WIGHT - 4,881} 5,769] 32 ; 142 | 2,460] 2,022/1,287 4 15,40% | 16,209 | 31,616 Borough of PORTSMOUTH and - | 8,627 10,460] 17 {628} 692] 4,445|5,323 | 20,425 | 25,223 | 45,648 Town of PORTSEA = - - - Town and County of SOUTHAMPTON - - - | 2,161] 2,960} 44] 44 46} 2,331] 583 5,931 7,422 | 13,353 City of WINCHESTER and } SOKE LIBERTY ~ } 1,219] 1,432] 18 | 21 10a) g18] 412 3,650 | 4,089 9,739 CONVICTS on Board the Hulks in owt ‘ Portsmouth Harbour - - .. ee Pee a tae = ce by 1,095 -— | 1,095 Torars - - - [49,516 [57,942 | 287 {1,943 | 24,303 [19,810 |13,829 | 138,373 | 144,925 | 283,298 302 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER -[Enumeration. Se a eet cane or aan eeiea lt" COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Lr cee s. ~ Under | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70) 80) 90}100] Division to to to to to to to | to | to | to} to} & BS 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80} 90/100) "P-} © of wards, ALTON, NORTH - - [1,087 |1,017] 823 | 736] 962| 738{ 615 | 468 |}340]195] 58] 5] -{| 7,044 ALTON, SOUTH - -]| 522] 514} 418! 343] 478] 407] 310] 252/169} 86) 27) 1] - | 3,527 ANDOVER - - - - [1,807 | 1,602 | 1,418 | 1,204 | 1,698 | 1,323 |1,131 | 857 |680}313] 64] 4] — } 12,101 BASINGSTOKE - - ~- [1,986 | 1,846 | 1,530 | 1,331 [1,954 11,491 |1,201 | 933 |653]364|104|] 4] — 113,397 FAWLEY - - - ~ $1,586 {1,484 | 1,348 | 1,033 | 1,523 [1,246 {1,026 | 718 |502/286| 66/ 2] — 10,820 KINGSCLERE - - - }1,103 |1,129 | 1,019 | 866 ]1,180} 888} 726] 542 | 485|237| 73; 11 | —] 8,269 NEW-FOREST, EAST = }1,235 |1,112 | 939 | 804 ]1,124| 925 | 764] 596 1396/168] 39! 4] -] 8,106 NEW-FOREST, WEST - ]1,220 |1,072 | 902 | 697] 957] 860] 728] 509 |448]224| 63) 2|/ —J| 7,682 PORTSDOWN - - - ]2,928 | 2,600 | 2,122 | 1,529 | 2,026 | 2,129 | 1,681 | 1,297 | 874] 425/134) 6] — 17,751 ISLE OF WIGHT - - }2,629 | 2,328 | 1,823 | 1,435 |2,120 | 1,679 |1,342 | 959 |633]330/213| 11 | — [15,402 PORTSMOUTH BORO’ and PORTSEA se 3,732 3217 2,314 1,555 2,215 2,765 2,061 1,352 797 330 78 8 1 20,425 SOUTHAMPTON TOWN and COUNTY ~~! 904 | 815 | 659] 622 }1,004 | 718 | 586] 381 j219] 82] 17) 34 - 6,010 WINCHESTER CITY and Sime LIBERTY = 439 | 453 | 507] 407] 544| 426] 370] 250/161/ 79] 33/ 1] -f| 3,670 Total of MALES - ]21,178 /19,189 ]15,822 |12,562 |17,785 115,595 (12,541 | 9,114 |6,357 /3,119] 869| 62 | 1 [134,194 FEMALES. ££ eet Under | © | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |}100] 4 Division to to to to to to to | to | to | to] to | & = 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 80)| 90]100; P| & of : wards, ALTON, NORTH - - [1,047] 932 | 706] 647 |1,044| 757 | 597 | 535 |340/176| 55; 4} -]| 6,840 ALTON, SOUTH - -| 522] 506] 380] 320] 523] 402] 290] 219 |153|) 98] 18] 3] -] 3,434 ANDOVER - - - ~ [1,688 [1,532 | 1,295 | 1,138 [1,953 | 1,357 [1,108 | 847 | 629/293) 100/ 11 | — }11,951 BASINGSTOKE ~ - - }2,029 }1,805 | 1,4%7 11,195 11,919 | 1,425 [1,185 | 910 |607/345| 88] 10] — [12,945 FAWLEY - ~ - - 11,577 {1,430 |1,089 | 923 [1,638 | 1,276 | 936] 714 |455/237| 67] 3} — ]10,345 KINGSCLERE - - ~- | 1,138 {1,063 | 889 | 754 |1,203| 8451 736 | 531 |409|203/ 56) 7] 1] 7,835 NEW-FOREST, EAST - | 1,221 |1,121 | 894 | 802 | 1,399 | 1,013 | 804 | 563 |386)222) 41| 1] -] 8,467 NEW-FOREST, WEST - [1,136 | 1,057 | 833 | 725 |1,272 | 966] 778} 553 | 432/216 561 3] —]| 8,027 PORTSDOWN - - |2,707 | 2,554 | 2,062 | 1,941 [3,222 | 2,437 | 1,726 | 1,331 | 867) 429] 113) 14 | = ]19,403 ISLE OF WIGHT - - }2,498 | 2,276 | 1,820 | 1,618 | 2,761 | 1,947 |1,364 | 1,019 |591|/312) 77] 5 1 116,289 TH BORO’ Seat ee 3,722 |3,274 | 2,588 | 2,394 | 4,308 | 3,562 | 2,338 |1,552 /937/422] 115] 11 | — | 25,203 SOUTHAMPTON TOWN a and COUNTY - 7 gio | 855 | 636] 846 11,585 | 985 | 7o8| 450 |291]}118] 37) 1 7A2aF WINCHESTER CITY and] SOKE LIBERTY -f 443 | 4171 453] 437 | 709} 534] 400] 270 [181/112] 31} 1] — J] 3,988} Total of FEMALES [20,638 |18,822 Tela ced 23,538 17,508 12,970 | 9,494 6,278/3,183| 854 | 74 | 2 | 142,169 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Southampton (Hampshire), was .... 283,298, .... and the Number of Persons whose AgeS were returned was .. .. 276,363, .... whence if appears, that the Ages of one in forty-one of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeratiun Returns received from the County of Southampton (Hampshire), was 349 ; nine of which did not contain any answer, and two very defective answers, to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the other Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M,.DCCC:XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 303 County of Stafford. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, " Fawr | Fam | ary : LIES i oO OR : ke 3 chiefly ebiety Pailics os TOTAL 3 many | w | ‘a em- ot eo not com- wb EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = [Families] 2 | 2 | ployed | 71. Iprized inf ini B | % es i, | gee lheTwat 2 = —_|PERSONS. a cupied.| @ | D Awrt- | factures,| preced- a a cUL- forHandi-| _ ing CUTTLESTONE (East) Hundred. UTURE: | craft. | Classes. . Baswicn, or Berkswich (#) Parish 99| 104] -| 1 64 28 | 12 280 279 559 Acton-Trussel - - - - Township 3 Bednall- = « = = + Towmtip } 99 | 105 2} 96} 9] - go. | 261 | 562 Brockton - - - + = Township} 50 52} —-} 2 go 14 8 135 120 255 Brewood Parish: (°) Brewood - * - - ~- Township} 4371 457| 2] 5 234 | 156] 67 1,180 1,083 2,263 Coven - - - - ~ = Liberty} 101} 102] -7| — 45} 54 3 255 244 499 Bushbury Parish: (°) Essington - °- - * - Township} 109} 111] -| 3 54 57 - 308 297 | 605 Cannock Parish: (¢) Cannock - - - = ~ Township} 143 | 165] 4 | 16 741 77) 14 359 | 407 766 Cannock-Wood - - - Township 72 83] -—| 2 33 48 2 192 163 355 Cheslyn-Hay - - ~- - Township} 110 | 115] 1 | 10 66 35 | 14 287 261 548 Hednesford and Leacroft - Township 46 83} -| 2 62 20 1 231 211 442 Huntington - - - = Township 25 29) -| 24 27 2 - "3 65 138 Wyrley, Great + - - Township} 103 | 109) —| 3 35 69 5 284 247 531 Castle-Church - - - = = Parish} 231 | 248] -—] 1 117 81} 50 521 597 1,118 Penkridge Parish: (*) Coppenhall - - = = Chapelry 18 i] =| - 17 1 - 50 58 108 Dunston - += + - + Township} 46 46 | =| 4 40 6 - 112 122 234 Penkridge - - - + - Township} 406] 448] -J| 11 272 153 | 23 1,159 1,140 2,299 Rugeley - - - - = - = Parish} 494] 533 | -] 10 91 | 317 | 125 1,319 1,358 2,677 Shareshill - - - - - (f) Parish 53 56] -} 1 44 11 1 148 138 286 Saredon, Great and Little Township 46 47| -| 3 44 2 1 137 160 ' 297 Tiddesley-Hay - - - + Extra-P, 7 yo{ —]j = 5 4 1 26 17 43 Wolverhampton (part of) Parish : (8) Featherstone - - - - Township 8 9} -]| - 4 1 1 29 20 49 Hatherton - - - - - Township 55 59) -j| - 51 7 1 167 153 320 Hilton - - - ~ - = Township 5 8} -| - 9 - 1 24 31 55 Kinvastan - - © = Township 3 3g} -] - 3 ~ - 13 6 19 2,796 |3,000 | 7 | 77 | 1,518 11,152 | 330 | 7,590 | 7,438 | 15,028 CUTTLESTONE (West) Hundred. Blymhill, with Brincton - - - Parish} 121 | 121 { —| — 92 24 5 317 284 604 Bradley-in-the-Moors (*) - Parish} 134 | 196{ ~| 2 122 i1 3 390 233 723 Church-Eaton - - - (!) - Parish} 151 | 156] -—| 1 116 38 2 418 4ll 829 Forton and Meer - - - - = Parish] 123] 140] —J| 1 99 a2] 19 333 369 702 Gnosal Parish: (*) Apeton = - (-*) - = Quarter 12 wy}-{ - 9 3 - 30 29 59 Cowley- - - = ~ = Quarter go go}; ~{ — 55 31 4 260 238 498 Gnosal - - - - - Quarter} 182) 182} —]| 1 "8 98 6 515 523 1,038 Knightley - - - - - Quarter 61 61 | -| 2 49 12 - 157 165 322 Moreton - (+) - - Hamlet} 154] 156| 1] -] 105] 33] 18 360 394 754 Haughton - - - - - = Parshf 93{ 105) -| — 76 22 7 227 246 473 Lapley- - - - - - (*) Parish 33 44| -] - 42 2 - 102 96 198 Wheaton-Aston - - ~ Township| 132 | 147| -—|] — Ql 56 - 372 346 418 Norbury - - - - - (!) Parish 35 36; -| - 32 2 2 112 108 220 Weston-Jones - - - - Township 19 20; -| - 19 1 - 53 36 89 @) The entire Parish of Baswich contains 1,376 Inhabitants. Wal- ton and Milford are included in the Return of Baswich. (>) The en- tire Parish of Brewood contains 2,762 Inhabitants. The Return of Brewood Township includes the Liberties of Chillington and Somerford, and the Townships of Bishop’s-Wood, Hide and Wooley, Kiddermore- Green, and Park-Lanes,—_(°) Bushbury Parish is mostly in the North Division of Seisdon Hundred.——-(4) The entire Parish of Cannock con- teins 2,780 Inhabitants.———(*) Penkridge Parish extends into the West Division of Cuttleston Hundred: The Return of Penkridge Township in- cludes the iene 90h Lovedale and Drayton, Mitton, Otherton, Pile- ton, Water-Eaton, Rodbaston, Whiston and Bickford. The entire Parish of Penkridge contains 2,641 Inhabitants.—-(f) The entire Parish of Shareshill contains §83 Inhabitants. ——{*) The Parish of Wolverhamp- ton is mostly in North Seisdon Hundred, and partly in the Hundred of Offlow, South. (4) The Return of Bradley Parish includes the Liber- ties of Billington and Woollaston. The Population of Alstone, Brough and Rule, heretofere deemed Extra-parochial, appears to be included with that of the Parishes of Bradley and Gnosal, 33 persons being attributable to the former, 28 to the latter. The Population of Apeton is, iz like man- ner, included partly in Bradley, partly in Gnosal. The entire Parish of Gnosal contains 2,671 Inhabitants —— (') The Return of Church-Eaton Parish includes the Townships of Marston, High-Own and Little-Own, each of which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. It also includes Oslow and Wood-Eaton.——(*) The entire Parish of Lapley contains 916 Inhabitants ———(!) The entire Parish of Norbury contains 309 Tnhabitants, x ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. SES AT a ee a COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Pae- [Ace By S LIES eicdy OruER oR : how 2 chiefly employ- Families wn TOTAL z many | » | 3 em- | eq jq |Rotcom- es A EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families} .§ = ployed | TRapg, | prized in a oF 4 Ore | 1% in | Manu- | the Two < 2 PERSONS a cupied.| @ | DB Acri- | factures, preced- a E : CUTTLESTONE (West) Hundred, sone. PEt tases continued. - Penkridge - - - - (*) Parish - -| -|- - = - 7 - - Sheriff-Hales - - - (*) Parish} 167 181 -| 4 148 | 33 - 462 414 876 Weston-under-Lizard - Parish 32 50] -| - 20 4 26 139 157 296 1,539 | 1,637 | 1) 11 | 1,153 | 392 92 45247 4,152 8,399 OFFLOW (North) Hundred. Alrewas - - - - (°) Parishf 202 | 202) —| 6 141 | 61 - 490 489 979 Fradley - + - - - - Hamlet 78 86 | -]| 2 "5 9 2 206 220 426 Orgreave - - - - - - Hamlet} 93 23] -| - 22 1 - 37 50 87 Alrewas-Hayes - - - - Extra-P. 11 wa}]-| - 4 4 3 36 38 74, Bromley-Regis - - - - - Parishf 110] 114] 11] 3 85 | 19 10 334 248 612 Burton-upon-Trent (part of) (P) Parish} 833 | 973 | 11 75 123 | 622 | 328 1,921 2,193 | 4,114 Branson = - - - =~ Township m4] 76) -| 1 65 8 3 215 197 412 Burton-Extra - - - Townshipf 163] 178‘ — | 11 29] 97 52 422 488 910 Horninglow - - - - Township 68 68} ~] 2 53 7 8 173 168 341 Stretton - - - - - Township 93 3 | -| 2 47| 25 1 195 179 374 Chad, St. (part of) Parish: (4) Curborough, with Elmhurst Township 48 48; -] 1 48 - - 126 124 250 Clifton-Campville - - (*) Parish 6 with Haunton - - - Township aur 114 ~ ~ 9° a0 4 333 294 aE Harleston - - - - Chapelry 34 40] -| 1 35 5 ~ 117 94 211 Croxall Parish: (*) Oakley - - - - Township 5 5 -; - 5 - = 19 12 31 Draycott - - - - - - - Parish 63 63} -} 1 58 5 - 155 166 321 Edinghall, otherwise Edingale(t) Parish} 44 47} -| - 31 9 7 112 112 224 Hamstall-Ridware - - - Parish} 84 89 | -| 1 66 | 20 3 226 229 455 Hanbury Parish: (*) Coton - - = - - = Township 9 9 = = 9 - - 21 21 42 Fauld - - = - = - Township 10 yo] -| - 10 - - 31 17 48 Hanbury - - <- - = Township 28 29 - 22 6 1 75 72 147 Hanbury-Woodend - ~- Township 54 56} -| - 5l 5 _ 121 135 256 Marchington - - Chapelry 74 87), -] - 66; 21 - 247 216 463 Marchington-Woodlands — Township 53 60} 1] 1 58 2 - 158 160 318 Newborough - ~ - - Chapelryf 120 150} -| - m1 31 48 369 375 744 Stubby-Lane - - - - - Hamlet 34 34} 1] 2 33 1 - 88 89 177 Mavesyn-Ridware - - Parish 82} 117] -]| 1 91] 19 4 289 309 598 Michael, St. Parish: () Fisherwick - - - Township 16 16] =-| - 16 - ~ 46 45 91 Freeford - - - - - Hamlet 2 2; -| = 1 - 1 6 8 14 Haselor - Township 4 6 - - 6 - 29 20 49 Streethay - - ae Hamlet 14 Le oS oe 15 oe = 40 50 go Needwood-Forest - (*) Extra-P. - -j| -| - “ ws = = mn ” Pipe-Ridware - - - Parish 15 a1} —-| - 18 2 1 66 48 114 Rolleston - - (%) Parish} 114] 119) -] - 61} 54 4 284 315 599 Anslow, otherwise Annesley Township 55 55 | -| 2 50 5 - 131 } 139 270 Tamworth (part of) Parish: (7) Syerscote, otherwise Sterscote Liberty 8 8; -| - 6 2 - 22 19 41 (™) Penkridge Parish is mostly in the East Division of Cuttlestone Hundred, where the whole is entered.——(") Sheriff-Hales Parish is partly in the Hundred of South Bradford (Salop.) The entire Parish contains 1,064 Inhabitants.-—=(°) The entire Parish of Alrewas contains 1,492 Inhabitants. The Population is decreased, owing to the stoppage of a cotton manufactory. (?) The Parish of Burton-upon-Trent is partly in Repton and Gresley Hundred (Derby.) _ The entire Parish con- tains 6,700 Inhabitants. Want of employment is mentioned as having checked the increase of Population——(“) The Parish of St. Chad is mostly in the City of Litchfield——(*) The entire Parish of Clifton- Campville contains 838 Inhabitants——(*) Croxall Parish is mostly in Repton and Gresley Hundred Cae Part of Edinghall Parish is included in the Return of Croxall Parish, Repton and Gresley Huu- dred (Derby.)———(") The entire Parish of Hanbury contains 2,195 Inhabitants——(") The Parish of St. Michael is mostly in the City of Litchfield, and partly in the South Division of Offow Hundred. (*) Needwood-Forest, heretofore Extra-parochial, is included in the Re- turns of the several Parishes, to which it was allotted for inclosure— (’) The entire Parish of Rolleston contains 86g Inhabitants.——(”) Tam- worth Parish is mostly in the South Division of Offow Hundred, and partly in Hemlingford Hundred, Warwick. as M.DCCC.XXI.] ~ THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €.94. . 305 Fe, COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Agr | au By oS | YES | chiefly | OTHER : OR 7 how 3 chiefly employ- Families HA TOTAL . Z 3 many | » | 3 em- | edin | not com- vi 4 oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 | Families) = ployed | Trane, | prized in a ‘3 Oc | 3 | 2 in | Manu- |theTwo] 3 PERSONS. a cupied.| | 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- B ‘ cux- jorHandi-| | Ing OFFLOW, North, Hundred—continued. ° ture. | craft, | Classes. Tatenhill - - - - - - (4) Parish] 89] 89] ~| 5 46 11 2 223 | 203 426 Barton-under-Needwood - Chapelry} 242 | 256} -| 8 141 86 29 663 624 | 1,287 Dunstall - - - = - Township 36 36, -| - 31 3 2 97 87 184 Wichnor - - = = ~ Chapelry 24 24) —| 1 7 14 3 gt | 7} 162 Thorpe-Constantine - - - - Parish 4 4) -| - 3 - 1 23° 17 40 Tutbury - - - - = - (>) Parish] 266] 283] -| 6 106 | 121 56 682 762 1,444 Whittington - - - - = (°) Parish] 124] 1394| -]| 2 97 29 8 353 354 707 Tamhorn - - - - = = Hamlet 1 TE aay es 1 = = [ul 5 16 Yoxhall - - - - - = (4) Parish} 199 | 913} -| 5 97 go 26 562 | 583 | 1,145. Hoarcross - - - - - Township} 101 105 | -| - 82 16 a 350 261 611 3,802 4,149 | 4 |140 | 2,202 11,330 | 617 | 10,195 _] 10,336 | 20,531 OFFLOW, South, Hundred. (*) : Aldridge - - - ~ - - (f) Parish] 159] 162 | 2] 6 132 15 15 406 414 820 Bar, Great - - -- - Chapelry} 1399 | 148| -, 2 96 29 23 381 382 463 Bentley- - - - - - = Liberty 17 7 | -| - 13 “2 2 57 | - 42 99 Armitage, with Handsacre - - Parish} 140 | 170] 41 7 50 g1 29 419 | * 374 793 Canwell - = - - - - Extra-P. 3 Bid eee | es 5 - - 11 13 24 Darlaston - - - - = - (8) Parish ]1,080 |1,080 | 3 | 47 12 | 1,060 8 | 2,862 2,723 5,585 Drayton-Bassett - - - - - Parish} 84] 101 | —| 3 80 12 9 | -246-| 222 468 Elford -.- - - = - - - Parish 56 85 1 3 50 23 12 213 211 424 Farewell, with Charley -. - - Parish 36 36]; -| - 31 5 - 112 | 90 202 Hammerwick - - - - - Parish 45 49| -|] 1 36 13 a 128 go 218 Handsworth, with Soho - - (*) Parish} 597 | 610| 1 | 38 157 | 346] 107 | 1,444 | 1,638 3,082 Perry-Barr- - - ~ - -Hamlet}] 120] 129{ 1 1 82 30 17 448 329 a77 Harbone - - - - - (') Parish} 952 | 271 | 1 | 15 48 | 165 28 418 682 1,400 ‘Smethwick - - - - = Hamlet] 334 | 346) -| 4 80 | 250] 16 995 | 955 | 1,950 Hints --- - - - - = Parish 48 49 = 1 40 6 3 131 119 250 Longdon’ - - - - - = Parish} 234 264 2 8 128 95 41 562 553 1,115 Norton-under-Cannock - - - are 6 6 6 8 a ° ag 66 -with Little-Wyrley - - Townshipf| 129} 119] -} 3 47 1 35 3 9 Ogly-Hay - - - - - Extra-P. 3 4} -| - 2 2 - 13 10- 23 Rushall -- - - - - - - Parish 123 | 131 { -—| 11 25 83 23 353 317 670 Shenstone - - - - ~ (*) Parish} 301 | 304] 1] 8 192 62 50 | . 845 | 854 | 1,699 Statfold - - - - - - - Parish 3 3] -| - 2 = 1 14. 15 29 St. Michael (part of) Parish: (1) ee pares a Township{ 133 | 146] 1] 2] 78] 58] 10] 347 328 | 675 Pipe-Hill - += - - - Hamlet 14. 4] -| 1 9 2 3 36 56 92 Wall - - = = - - Hamlet] 14 w4y]o-] 1 14 - = 43 41 84 TAMWORTH (part of) (™) a 324 | 338) 1] 13 48 | 237] ° 53 827 809 | 1,636 Biddescote - - - ~ - Township 12 13} -]| - 3 5 5 36 - 34 70 Bonehill- - - - = - Township 50 50 | 2 1 15 28 4 143° 136 2479 Fazely - - - - - = Township] 189 | 205] ~| 4 37; 129] 39 503 625 | 1,128 Hopwas-Hayes - - - Extra-P. 1 1} -| - - - 1 2 1 3 ‘Wiggington - - - - Township] 152] 154| 1{ 2 | 106 22 26 337 410 947 Tipton, otherwise Tibbington (-+)(*) Parish ]1,973 | 2,204 | 22 | 32 34 [2,079 | 91 | 5,890 | 5,656 | 11,546 4 Walsall (+) - - - - = (°) Parish }1,145 1,216 | 4 [111 5 | 916] 295 2,719 | 2,785: | 5,504 Walsall-Foreign (+) - (°) Township ]1,236 |1,272 | 9 | 66 225 | 913} 134 | 3.417 | 2,993 6,410 | Wednesbury - - - - = (°) Parish }1,194 {1,325 | 9 | 37 23 | 1,208 94 | 3,305 | 3,166 | 6,472 Weeford - - - - =~ - (?) Parish 45 46) —-| - 33 8 5 | 152 126 | 278 Swinfen - - - - - ~ Hamlet] 18 al} -} - 17 1 3 60° | °49 109 Packington - - - - - Liberty 4 9 1 - 4 - - 29° 24 53 West-Bromwich - - - (°) Parish 1,790 |1,883 | 5 | 41 104 | 1,763 16 | 4,860- | 4,645 | 9,505 (*) The entire Parish of Tatenhill contains 2,059 Inhabitants. is partly in the North Division of Offlow Hundred, but mostly in the (°) The increase of Population at Tutbury is ascribed to the inclosure | City of Litchfield——(™) Tamworth Parish. is partly in North Offow of ‘Needwood Forest.——(°) The entire Parish of Whittington contains | Hundred, and partly in Hemlingford Hundred (Warwick); the entire 723 Inhabitants. sie) The entire Parish of Yoxhall contains 1,736 | Parish contains 7,185 Inhabitants. Wiggington includes Comberfield ; Inhabitants ——(¢)° Part of Dudley with Netherton is in the Hundred } and Coton. The improved treatment of children is said to have conduced | of Offlow, South, but the whole is entered in Halfshire Hundred (Wor- | to the increase of Population at Tamworth.——(") The Population of 4 cester.)——(‘) The entire Parish of Aldridge contains 1,682 Inhabi- | Tipton has been increased by the coal and iron trades.——(°) The 4 tants. (®) Many families have removed from Darlaston, to work at | entire Parish of Walsall, which includes Bloxwich, contains 11,914 the collieries of Wednesbury and West Bromwich. (») The entire | Inhabitants. The Population of Walsall-Foreign, of Wednesbury, and | Parish of Handsworth contains 3,859 Inhabitants. The Population has } of West-Bromwich, has increased with the increase of the collieries. increased, caused by the vicinity of Birmingham.— (') The entire J (") The entire Parish of Weeford contains 440 Inhabitants. The estab- Parish of Harbone contains 3,350 Iuhabitants ——(k) An extensive } lishment of a school has increased the Population. inclosure has taken place at Shenstone ——(!) The Parish of St.Michael g ‘ 41 306 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration,’ Se seen are ee SS SA oe ——— a : Se ~ COUNTY OF STAFFORD —continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, SS Pier pee ree ; B ; LIES ; Orner on . ise BI chiety cae Families wi TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ss jf) a) Se bee Teas | merce “ z Families & I ployed Traps, {prized in Hl z lor A | tat a | | atm [theTwoy 6 PERSONS. i qi fipied.) et Acrr- | factures,| preced- a e OFFLOW, South, Hundred—continued. 4s cut- forHandi| ing . - Wolverhampton Parish: (4) SEES | saath, ee Pelsall - ~ - ~ ~ (4) Chapelryf 108 | 1295} =] 15 15 | 109 1 317 262 ~ $7 Wednesfield - - - - Chapelry} 270] 290] ~]| -g 104 | 144 | 12 832 636 a Willenhall (+) - - - Chapelryf 701 | 784] 4] 56 67 | 622] 95 2,174 | 1,791 3,965 PIREHILL, North, Hundred. 13,266 /14,188 | 75 | 549 | 2,282 [10,624] 1,282 | 36,745 ~| 34,917, | 71,662 Abdaston Parish: (*) ; Abdaston - = = = Township 18 2 -—| 2 18 3 2 85 40 157 Bishop’s-Offlow - - - Township 37 42]; —} = 32 6 4 109 “| 1017 210 Flashbrook - - - (*) Township 16 a2} —-f - 21 1 - 65 ~ 62 127 Tunstall - - - - = Township 13 iw] -f = 17 - 1 54 48 102 Ashley - -~ - - - - Parshf 149] 150] —| 4 109 36 5 381 348 729 Audley Parish: (*) : Audley - = - - = - Township} 130 1go, -]| - 20 B71 93 - 301 . 282-|- g8q°: Bignall-End - - - + Township 55 56; -] 1 11 13] 32 163 -| - 145 308 Eardley-End - - + - Township 22 o2) ~/} 1 16 2 4 97 95 192 Halmer-End - - - - Liberty? 100} 103] -—] - 23 9] 71 292 261 553 Knowl-End - - <= - Township 34 34 1 3 16 6 12 116 . 92 . 208 Park-End + - - = = Township 12 w}—-j - 10 2 ~ BF be 95 88 Talk-o’-th’-Hill - - + Township 196 | 197] 1] 4 25 30 | 142 524 - 484 1,008 Barthomley Parish: (") 1 “fo Batterley - - = + Township 48 5Oo} 1] 2 42 6 2 121 121 242 Batchacre - - - - - - - () - -]| -] - - - - - - - Betley - - - - = ~ - - Parish 171 193} -—] 2 84 58] 51 467 465 932 Biddulph - - - - - - (*) Parish 317 | 317] 2] 4% 99 | 115 | 103 791 875 | 1,666 Burslem - - - = = - (*) Parish 1,869 | 2,087 | 22 | 82 25 [2,027 | 35 4,714 4,985 | 9,699 Hulton- Abbey - - Township 83 98; 3] 4 15 68] 15 233 _ 244 477 Drayton-in-Hales Parish: (7) Almington - - - - - Township 41 42] -| 3 30 12 - 136 124 260 Bloore-in-Tyrley - - Township} 41 41} —}] —- 35 6 - 115 99 214 Hales - - - - - Township 40 41} —-] - 35 2 4. 131 121 252 Eccleshall Parish: (7) ae Aspley - - - - + «+ Township 3 3 _ 1 3 - - 14 10 24 Bromley =~ - - © Township 4 4] - 1 4 - - 21 19 40 Broughton - - - - Township 2 2} —-] - 1 = 1 9 21 30 Charnes - - = - Township 14 14] —- 1 9 5 - 49 42 |. gl Chateull - - = - ~- Township 9 9} -|] - 8 1 ~ 40. 31 71 Chorlton - - - « - Chapelry 35 35] —-] - 31 4 - 135 102 237 Chorlton-Hill - - * - Township 18 ww] -] - 17 1 - 62 42- 94 Coldmeece - - - = ~ Township 8 8) -] - 5 3 - 29 32 61 Cotes - - - = - Township 43 451 -| 5 45 - - 119 122 241° Croxton - = - = = Township} 128] 128] —~] — 100 28 - 383 | 300 683 Eccleshall « - - - = Town} 235] 235] -| 10 170 63 2 615 639 1,254 Horseley - - - - - Township 97} 100 1] — 26 "4, - 262 225 487 Mitmeece - - = - - Township 19 1] -| - 16 3 - 6g. 62 131 Pershall - - = = Township 16 16 - 1 13 3 - 41 39 80 Podmore - - - - Township 12 12 - 1 12 - = 39 36 "5 Slindon - - - + = = Township 24 24; -—]f - 21 5 - 57 973 130. Sugnall, Magna - + - Township 22 24] =-] 1 13 8 3 58 51 109 Sugnall, Parva - + Township 10 ya] —-| - 12 - - 43 36° 49 Three-Farms - - + - Township 6 6] -| - 6 = - 33 22. Bb. Walton ce ee Township 21 22 - 1 22 - - 57 52, 109 Wootton - - = Townshipf 36 36) -| 2 24 9 3 73 73 146 Keele - - + - - - = Parishf 196] 201] 1] 7 58 | 128] 15 548 513 | 1,061 Madeley - - - - - - Parish? 210] 217] -—]| 3 114 65 | 38 601 565 1,166 Maer Parish: (#) ; Maer - - = - = Township 42 42 - 1 34 7 1 123 109 232 Maerway-Lane - - - Hamlet 35 39] -]| 2 34 5 = 116 103 219 oe Scasiit i ‘a ivision of Offlow | factory, an earthenware manufactory, and an iron forge have been estab» ae hienede Dale. Nonth Diviion of Seladen Henarel, One lished at Biddulph since 18 a The entire Parish of Burslem, female in Pelsall Liberty upwards of 100 years of age: —(‘) Theentire | which includes Sneyd, Contains 10,176 Inhabitants. It is resorted to Parish of Abdaston contains 596 Inhabitants. (*) Batchacre, here- | for the purpose of learning the earthenware manufacture——() The tofore erroneously deemed to be Extra-parochial, is now included in the | Parish of Drayton-in-Hales is mostly in North-Bradford Hundred, Salop. Return of Flashbrook Township. 0 The entire Parish of Audley | ——(#) The entire Parish of Eccleshall contains 4,227 Inhabitants. contains 2,940 Inhabitants. (*) Barthomley Parish is mostly in { (#) The entire Parish of Maer contains 451 Inhabitants, Nantwich Hundred (Cheshire.) (”) Three new collieries, a cotton M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cc. 94. --307 COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ; 7 Pare | Fa | Aue ae ; Bi : LIES eet O on ; bes B | chieay a ee a TOTAL 1 man: o Zz em- . tcom- . : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Families | 2 | ployed- tae, ened 4 wy 2 0c | 3] ’e | St | Manu |theTwof 3 PERSONS. }° 4G [eupied. | | 5 Aorr- | factares,| Preced- a Ba : PIREHILL, North, Hundredcontinued. soe oe ees —_—- Muckleston Parish: (>) : Aston - - - - = + Township 33 52} 17 1 32 16 4 141 136 279 Kneighton - ~- = - Township} 26 26} -} 2 13 11 2 46 92 148 Muckleston otherwise Maxon, Towaship go 37 | -} - 16 6] 15 86 93 | 179 Oakley - - - - - Township 12 iw} —-] 1 8 3 1 47 47 94 Winnington - - - - ‘Towaship} 40] 43] —]| 1 34 4] 5 116 110 226 Norton-on-the-Moors Parish: (°) Bermersley - - - - Township} 35 37 | -| 3 17 16 4 101 89. 190 Norton-on-the-Moors - Township] 339] 349] 1 1| 18 70 229] 50 g10 883 _] 1,793 Offley, High, Parish : (4) . Loynton - - - - Township 5 5} -| - 4 - 1 22 18 40 Offiey, High - - - - Township}? 112 | 1293] -| 4] 84 38 1 309 260 569 Standon - - = - = = = Parish 69 69} -| 3 53 13 3 220 195 415 | Stoke-upon-Trent - - (°) Parish} 826 | 828 | 23 | 44 | 194 595} 59 1,924 2,045 3,969 Clayton - - = - = = Liberty 31 g2} —-} - 24 6 a "5 ay 152 Hanley - - - - + Chapelry| 1,105 |1,157 | 10 | 86 3 940 | 214 2,707 | 2,915 | §,622 Longton and Lane-End - Township }1,349 11,455 | 72 {113% 65 |1,174 | 216 3,429 {1 3,671 7,100 Penkhul and Boothen - Township] 954] 9541 7 | 72 51 708 | 195 2,446 | 2,469 | 4,915 Seabridge . - - (©) Township 20} .24]f -f 4 20 2] 2 70 70 140 Shelton - - - (°) Township}1,493 |1,536 | 71017 43 | 1,204 | 289 | 3,562 | 3,763 | 7,325 Swinnerton - - - + - + Parish} 141] 148] ~| 2 | 130 wy) 4 416 416°] 832 Trentham Parish: (f) Blurton & Lightwod-Forest, Chapelry f 151 168 | -—]f 2 50 1o1 | 17 433 411 844 Butterton - - + - - Township 5 5) -}| - 1 1 3 11 11 22 Clayton-Griffith - - - Township 5 6} -]} - 4 2 - 20 14 34 | nchurch - = = © Township 33 35) 1] - 25 9 1 119 105 2o4 Handford - - - + = ‘Township 95 | 100] —} 2 28 61] 11 263 227 490 Trentham - - - + + Township? 113] 1281] —f —- 59 39 | 23 289 300 589 Whitmore - - - = © - Pash] 44] qa] .] 1] 33 yl 4 166 | 136, | 302 Wolstanton Parish: (8) = Brerehurst - - - - = Hamlet] 128] 131] —| 8 27 91} 33 ~3g0 | 324 | 734 Chatterley - - = - Township] 33 35 | ~f 2 22 8 5 106 98 204 - Chell - - - = = = Towiship 63 2} —-1 4 31 38 3 “179 221 400 Chesterton - - - - Townshipf 181] 109) 1] 2 43 125} 31 508 466 974 Knutton - - - = = Township} 143] 152] -] 10 97 39 | 16 410 399 809 Oldcott <= - - - = Townshipf 119] 195] 1] 6 14 119 2 338 “7g 1. 615 Rainscliff - - - ~- = Township? 113{ 113] -—]| 2 - 113 = 420 259 679 Stadmerslow - - = - Township} 46 49} -f 2 15 26] § 139 125 264 Thursfield - - - - = Chapely 57 581] 1f 2 5 471 46 ipl of > 114 265 Tunstall-Court - - - - Liberty? 520] 580] 26! 12 59 517 4 1,281 1,341 | 2,622 Wedgwood - = ~ = Township 13 13]; -]| = 9 6; - ~ 39 29 68 Wolstanton - - - - Township} 196] 202] 1} 41 23 154) 25 502 456 968 | 13,245] 14,054] 185 | 669 | 2,885 | 9,271] 1,898 | 34,955 | 35,020 | 69,975 PIREHILL, South, Hundred, ; Barlastian - - - = - - - Parish 85 gi} -| 5 57 25 9 231 231 462 Bromley, Abbots - - (*) Parish} 305} 318| 3] 6 | 157 108 | 53 977 7568 | 1,533 Blithfield - - - = (i) Parish 33 39! -| 1 33 4 2 94. 113; 207 Newton - - = = = = Liberty 43 63] -} - 48 5 ~ 137 126 263 - Chartley-Lodge - - - - Exta-P.[ 1 a} o-] - 1 = - 5 6 11 (@) Muckleston Parish is partly in North Bradford Hundred (Salop.) The entire Parish contains 1,753 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Norton-on-the-Moors contains 1;983 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of High-Offey contains 609 Inhabitants. Loynton was heretofore included in the Return of High-Offey, as was Batchacre, now returned with Flashbrook Township, Abdaston Parish.——(*) The Parish of Stoke-upon Trent includes also the Townships of Bagnall, Botteslaw, Bucknall, Eaves, Fenton-Calvert, and Fenton-Vivian; which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns, Seabridge is partly-in Swiunerton Parish, The Township of Shelton includes part of Cobridge, and Etruria. The entire Parish of Stoke-upou-Trent contains 29,223 Inhabi- tants. ———(') The entire Parish of Trentham contains 2,203 Inhabi- tants.——(®) The entire Parish of Wolstanton contains 8,572 Inhabi- tants.———-(>) The Return of Bromley-Abbots Parish includes Bromley- Bagots Liberty, and Bromley-Hurst Township, which, in the year 1811, made separate Returns, (!) The entire Parish of Blithfield contains 470 Inhabitants. 308: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration.: —) COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- : Faur- | ying ALL iE OR By =e LIES | chiefly OrHER ¢ how = | chiefly | employ-| Families . TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BS jomany | so | ef em | edin |motcom-] 3. fas. 5 ree Fe ‘ ployed | Trang, | prized in a 3 = c- =I : in Manv- {the T < ; = capied. | & 5 | Acrr- aeriien preced- a fe Sretae ——_ |] CYL JorHandi-| _ ing PIREHILL, South, Hundred—eontinued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Chebsey - - - - = (*) Parish "3 87 | -| 6 6 12 8 181 196 : Cold-Norton - - - - Township 4 4 = = , = - 26 aa . oe Colton - = - + - - = Parish} 118] 123] 2] 1 88 26 9 290 279 569 Colwich Parish: (1) : Colwich - - - = - Township} 302] 3321 1] 10 | 201 79 | 52 831 815 1,646 Fradswell - - - - = Chapelry 39 39} -{ 1 36 1 2 107 112 219 Creswell - - - - - - Extra-P. 1 1a} -] - = = 1 6 6 12 Ellenhall - - - - - - = Parish 51 54} -].- 28 11] 15 151 136 287 Gayton = - - - = = - Parish 57 61} -j| - 45 ‘14 2 152 - 132 284 Ingestrie - = - > 2 + Parish 23 23] -]} - 19 - 4 66 59 -125 Mary, St. Lichfield, (part of ) Parish : (™) ‘Hopton and Coton = - (®) Liberty "2 “6; —| + 64 4 8 268 “249 517 Marston - - - - = Chapelry| 17 17} -| - 14 2 1 51 45 | » 96 Salt and Enson - - - ‘Township m1 71 -| 4 53 10 8 228 211 439 Tillington - - - + + Township 4 A, SS 3 a 1 20 19 39 Whitgreave - - = + Township 32 33} -| 1 32 1 - 98 106 204 Mary, St. and St. Chad be , (Stafford) (part of Hashes 1") Worston = - - © = Township 3 3 cet 1 2 as 12 11 23 Milwich += - - = = - - Parish} 102 121] -| 3 "6 29g | 16 289 278 567 Ronton - - - - = = Monastery 1 1} -| - 1 = = 7 4 11 Ronton - - - - - - = Parish 54 58} 1} = 51 4 - 174 160 © . 334 Sandon - - = + = = = Parish 99 | 100}; -]| —- 69 21 10 248 265 513 Seighford - = 2 (°) Parish} 151] 157] 1] 3 | 133 20 4 410 441 “851 Stone Parish: (?) Beech - - = - - - = Liberty} 162 164] -| 5 94. 36 | 34 414 . 424 838 Hilderstone - - = - = Liberty 299] 301 1} 41 156 10g | 36 832 "59 1,591 Kibblestone - - = - = Liberty} 181 184] 14] 5 88 48 | 18 554 _ 535 1,089 Normicott - - ~ + - - Liberty} 154 | 160 1 2 38 96 | 26 444 434 878. Stone - - - - = - = Liberty] 532 | 555] 1|18 | 171 299 | 85 1,435 | 1,420 2,855 Stowe- - - - - = (9) Parish} 225 |: 239] ~| 4 | 142 64 | 33 584 601 1,185, Tixall - - - - - = = = Parish 26 a7 | —-| 3 23 1 3 fF 102 96 198 Weston-upon-Trent - (') Parish 93 | 101 1{ 4 51 38 12 211 231 442 Yarlett - - - - = © Liberty 3 Bel ay cee 3 os - 12 21 33 3,416| 3,601] 25 | 93 | 2,047 | 1,102 | 452 9,447 4 9,295 | 18,742 SEISDON, North, Hundred. : Bushbury - - - - (*) Parish} 111 | 116} -| 3 "4 37 5 285 284 569 Moseley - = + + - = Hamkt 13 13t-] 1 12 = 1 26 29 55 Himley - - - - - = ~ Parish 61 82] -| 3 30 28 | 24 187 192 379 Kingswinford - -- - - - Parish {2,051 |2,173 | 12 | 31 | 129 | 1,767 | 277 5,508 5514 11,022 Penn Parish: (*) Penn, Lower - - - - Township 37 39} 1} - 29 4 6 116 114 230 Penn, Upper - - - - - Liberty} 116] 116] +] 3 50 51 15 260 279 539 Rowley-Regis - - = (*) Parish{1,094 }1,217 | 4 | 24 44 11,136 4 3,064 2,998 6,062 Sedgley SA Tien (+) _- - Parish 2,991 13,357 | 18 | 54 112 3,073 | 172 8,697 8,498 17,195 Tettenhall-Regis, with w) = Pari ' Tettenhall-Clericorum Oy > Pansh) QOL 8b | =| 13.) aie 145 | 60 te 734 1,464 Oaken - - - - (*) Hamlet? 41] 46) -| 3] 36 5| 5 117 127 244 Pirton, with Trescott - - Hamlet. 46 47} -j| 1 31 5} 11 137 122 «| 259 | Wolverhampton (-) - (*) Parish 3,338 |4,208 1171157] 63 |4,047 | 98 9,239 9,141 18,380 Bilston - - (+) - — Chapelry }2,008 | 2,509 | 12 | 59 20 {1,980 | 509 6,141 5,862 12,003 _ 12,368] 14,238) 64 }352 | 770 |12,278/1,190 | 34,507 | 33,894 | 68,401 ‘) The entire Parish of Chébsey contains 421 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Colwich contains 1,865 Inhabitants. Great Haywood and Wolseley are included in the Return of Colwich Township, (™) The Parish of St.Mary is mostly in the City of Lichfield. A Lunatic Asylum at Hopton and Coton contains 102 Inmates. (*) The Parish of St. Mary and St. Chad is mostly in the Borough of Starrorp.——~(°) Seighford Parish includes Aston and Doxey Town- ships. (°) The entire Parish of Stone contains 7,251 Inhabitants. —~(4) In the Parish of Stowe, land has been divided into small allot- ments, and many houses built thereon.—(') The entire Parish of Weston-upon-Trent contains 475 Inhabitants. (§) Bushbury Parish is partly in East-Cuttlestone Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,229 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Penn contains 769 Inhabitants. (“) Mines have been opened at Rewley-Regis. The Return in- cludes the Upper and Lower sides of the Parish) Tettenhall Parish is partly in the South Division of Seisdon Hundred. The entire Parish contains 2,478 Inhabitants ; provided Oaken Hamlet (which is said, in | the Return, to be ia the Parish of Codsall, South-Seisdon Hundred) is really in Tettenball Parish (*) The Parish of Wolverhampton is partly in South-Offow Hundred, and partly in East-Cuttlestone Hundred. The entire Parish contains 36,838 Inhabitants. Several additional fur- naces for smelting lead ore have been established. , M.DCCC.XX1L.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94.° 309 gece reenter AEA a Se ee COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued, : HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- ee Au By S LIES | Vion OrueR on h z hie le ae é exrrararocmut viace. | % |ymnc} o| 2 | oem, (edie |rocom | og | Bf TO anARe : 3 Families 2 3 ployed Tranr, prized in iz << OF 3 Oc- z z in Manu- | the Two a : = PERSONS, a cupied.| @ | 5 Acri- |factures,| Preced- fF ” BH, ‘ CUL- JorHandi-| _ mg SEISDON, South, Hundred, TURE. rs "| Classes. Areley, Upper - - - - - Parish] 156] 160] — | 11 80 | 28 52 _ 360 355 915 Bobbington - - - ~- ~- (Y) Parish} 80 83| -]| 2 "5 8 - * 203 190 393 Broom - - - - - = (2) Parish 19 23] -}] 1 18 2 ae 65 69 134 Clent - - - - - - + = Parish} 166] 215} -| 3 91 | 88 36 445 440 885 Codsall - - - + = - (*) Parish] 116] 120] 2] 4 83 | 31 6 327 932 659 Enville - - « - - = - Parish} 151] 153] 2] 24 86] 28 39 414 428 842 ee - 2 + - eee acd 376} 380] -| 9 per 87 49 ce 876 1,735 atshull - - - = = = = Parish 29 29] -| -| 2 1 = 4. 0 144 Pattingham - - - - - (>) Parish? 175} 175] -| 4 |. 160] 15 ~ 445 421 866 ‘Swinford, Old (part of) Parish : (°) ‘Amblecoat - - = = - Hamlet] 220] 256] -| 4 | 6 | 249 1 553 604 1,157 ‘Tettenhall (part of) Parish: (4) Pendeford ~ - ~ - = Township} 47 a7} —-]| 1 42 5 = 129 124 | 253 ‘Wrottesley - - - = - Hamlet] 46 48| -| 3 40 4 4 134 | _ 124. 258 Trysull and Seisdon + = = = Parish} 112] 118] —]| 6 67 | 21 30 274 265 539 Heo = - - + + (*) Parish} 252 | 320) 1] 4 50 | 226 44 666. ae 1,308 rton - = = = © = = Liberty} 31 36], -} - 14/17 5 89 1 170 Woodford-Grange - = + Extra-P. 1 rjo-| - i 7 7 7 | 14 earoe saat 1,977 | 2,164 | 5 | 54 | 1,085 | 810 | 269 | 5,035 | 5,037 | 10,072 , orth, undred, Allstonefield - - - - = (f) Parish 142} 144] -—| 1 105 | 19 20 336 341 697 Elkstone, Lower - = - Township 21 er} -| - 18 3 - 53 - 55 108 Elkstone, Upper - - - Township 37 37} -] 1 3 4 ~ 82 69 151 ‘Fairfield-Head - - -- Township} 196| 196] 1 | 10 180 | 14 2 570 565 1,135 Heathy-Lee - - ~ (f) Township] 150] 151] —| 4 93] 12 66 396 - 392 788 Hollinsclough - + - Township]-110| 127} -| 8 37 | 82 8 269 291 560 Longnor = - - - = Chapelryf-101 | 103] -| 3 32 | 57 14 244 - 216 460 ‘Quarnford = =- = + = Chapelryf{ 134] 146] 1] 7 58} 81 q 346 © 349 695 ‘Warslow = - = + - Chapelry} 123} 123/ -| 3] 63] 60 ~ 343 252 595 Blore Parish: (®) - : : ‘Blore with Swainscoe - Township 55} s6} -] 1 49 4 - 144 144 - 288 ‘Calton - - - - = (8) Chapelry 13 13} -| - q 5 1 33 30 63 Caverswall - - - - - (4) Parishf 2 gz! -| 4 60 | 28 4 264 291 555 Weston-Coyney and Hulme Township[| 86 861 -]} 5 65 | 18 3 283 244~ 527 Capldon - - - - = = - Parish] - 64 64] -—] 2 39} 16 9 178 172 - 50 Cheddleton - - - - - (4) Parish} 204 | 2905] — | 11 131} 71 3 a 519 1081 Basford - - - = = Township 43 44| -] 2 33 | 10 1 154 128 282 Cunsall - - - - = Township 28 29}, -| - 26 3 - 96 | 86 182 Dilhorne - - ~ - - = (*) Parish} 141] 146] 3] 14 821 55 9 379 -| 365 TA4 ‘Forsbrook - - ~ - - Townshipf' 138} 145] 1] 7 88} 55 2 329 336 665 Grindon - - - - = - (?) Parish 42 43/14 1 31 6 6 114 122 236 . Grindon - - - - = Township} 33 33 J -f- 27 5 1 119° 100 219 Horton and Horton-Hay ~- (™) Parish 76 78/ -1 3 50] 25 3 200 181 381 ‘Blackwood and Croborough Township} 114] 115 | 21 1] 103 6 6 298 263 561 Nam (with Throwley and Casterton) Parish 36 39} 17 - 30 9 - 145 108 253 Tpstones (part of) - + - (*) Parish ” | -{ - 8 ~ - | 25° 23.) 48 Kingsley (part of) Parish: (°) | ; Whiston - - - = © Township 68 66, -{ 2 331 33 - 212 191 403 Leek Parish : (?) : e _Bradnop - ~- - - - Township} 86 88! -1 3) 74] 6 8 247 242} , 489° Endon - - - - - Chapelryf 88 go} 1} — 581 27 | 5 239 206 445 Gi ace tie eo extends into Primstree Hundred (Salop.)—— | and Waterfall Parish (South Totmonslow Hundred ;) and the Population | room is locally situate in Worcestershire, east of Kidderminster. (7) The Parish of Codsall contains 903 Inhabitants, provided Oaken Hamlet North-Seisdon Hundred) is included as part of it——() Pat- tingham Parish is partly in Stottesden Hundred, (Salop.) ‘The entire Parish contains 935 Inhabitants. —(¢) Old-Swintord Parish is mostly in the Lower Division of Haltshire Hundred (Worcester.)——(*) Tet- tenhall Parish is mostly in the North Division of Seisdon Hundred.——— ‘ The entire Parish of Wombourne contains 1,478 Inhabitants, The entire Parish of Allstonefield contains 5,169 Inbabitants. One female in Allstonefield, ‘and one in Heathy-Lee Township, upwards of | 100 years of age-——(*) The entire Parish of Blore contains 351 Inha- A bitants, Calton Township extends into Croxden Parish, Mayfield Parish, "Totmonslow Hundred.——(°) Leek Parish is partly in South-Totmonslow | bitants; and it is probable that some other Township (or part of Town- is distributed accordingly-——(*) The entire Parish of Caverswall ‘con- | tains 1,082 Inbabitants~——(‘) The entire Parish of Cheddieton contains | 1,525 Inhabitants. ——(*) The entire Parish of Dilhorne contains 1,409 | Inhabitants.——(!) The entire Parish of Grindon contains 455 Inbabi- ‘ tants.——(™) The entire Parish of Horton contains 942 Inhabitants. (®) Ipstones Parish is mostly in the South Division of Totmotslow Hundred.——(°) Kingsley Parish is mostly in the South Division of ' Hundred. The Townships ascribed to this Parish contain 4,292 Inha- | ship) ought to be added to it, as the entire Parish is stated on the | schedule to contain 4,855 Inhabitants, : 4K 310 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. —— EEE COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. : ‘ HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - Famr- | Famr- |] arr By aa eae irs | Orner ois : how BE 4 wely ae Families ss TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BS fumany | sy | sf e™ | edin not com-f yj 4 = |Families} £ | 2 | Ployed |p, .pp Iprized in a 3 or ‘3 Oc- = a in Manu- | the Two 3 a PERSONS. ‘a cupied.| ® | Dp AGri- | factures, | preced- re TOTMONSLOW, North, Hundred: cur- lorHan dic ing = continued, TURE: | craft. | Classes. Leek Parish—continued. se Longdon - = - = ~- Township 64 641 -| 4 53 8 3 183 167 350 Heaton - - = - - Township "3 a8 P33 35 37 1 205 186 391 Leek-Frith - - - - Township] 149[ 156] - | 12 118 32 6 418 388 806 Onecote - - - - - Chapelry} 100] 101} 5] 4 51 11} 39 302 283 585 Rushton-James - - - Township 62 65) -| - 46 14 5 186 168 354 Rushton-Spencer + - Township 64 65) -} 4 47 14 4 186 173 359 Stanley - - - - ~- Township 20 20} -—| 4 12 6 2 Go 53 113 Tittisworth - - - - Township 50 51 | -| 1 40 10 1 142 146 288 Oakover - - = - - Parish 10 io} -j| - 9 - 1 38 31 69 ae 3,020 [3,093 | 17 |115 | 2,004 | 849 | 240 8,360 | 7,876 | 16,236 TOTMONSLOW, South, Hundred. : - Alveton - - - - - (4) Parish} 200 211 1 4 470 120 21 534 569 1,103 Cotton - - - - - Township 83 83} -| 2 81 2 - 245 194 439 . Denston - - - - - Township 43 47} -| 1 30 10 4 118 112 230 Parley. see een Township 82 82} -} 2 61 21 - 216 182 398 Bramshall - - - - - - Parish} 35| 36] -| 2 31 4} 1 gt 98 189 © Bradley-in-the-Moors (+) - Parish 17 1g} -|{ 1 17 2 - 44 40 84. Cheadle - - - - -(') Parishf 746 | 761 | 21 33 166 | 410 |} 185 1,900 1,962 | 3,862 Checkley and Tean - - - (*) Parish} 311 | 322] -| 9 105 | 169} 48 m4 817 1,591 Madeley-Holme - - Liberty 83 go| -| 2 25 60 5 256 223 479 Croxden -:~ - - - ~(*) Parish a 7 : 8 with Great Yate - - Township a 44 : 33 4 7 rae ee he Calton -. - - - = (®) Township 3 3 me ce 3 = = 8 7 15 Draycott-in-the-Moors (++) - Parish 94} 1031 -| - 83 17 3 291 288 579 Ellastone - - - .- = (") Parish mo) 72} -}] 1 54 18 - 174 - 176 350 ‘Calwick -- - - - - Township 21 21 - - 20 - 1 55 65 120 Prestwood = - = - - Township 15 pH | -| = 13 - 2 48 40 88 ‘Ramshorn + - - - = Township 23 24, -} 1 24 - - 86 66 152 Stanton - - = --+- Township 43 mrt o-} 1 57 14 - 182 191 373 Wootton - - - - Township 52 55} -{[ 4 55 - - 123 122 245 Gratwich -: =~; - - +> = - Parishf 19 a2, — | - 19 3 - 40 45 115 Ipstones (part of) - - - (*) Parish} 187 igo} 1] 8 76 421 42 482 480 962 Morrage and Toxt - - Township 76 7B 3) 2 35 12} 31 209 206 415 Kingsley - - - - -() Parish} 176] 176] af = "6 | 100 - 462 455 917 Kingston - - - - = Parishf 49° yo} lt - 57 1 2 185 170 355 Leek Parish : (7) Rudyard and Caudery - Township 17 ot a ee 11 6 - 61 51 112 Leigh - - - .-'- ~(@) Parishf 184} 194] ~| 4] 134] 37] 23 484 463 947 ‘Field - - - - - Township 9 9 - - 4 5 - 41 31 72 Mayfield Parish: (>) ; Butterton - -°- - - Township 82 87} -1 5 31 26 | 30 226 206 432 Calton (part of) - (*) Township 22 24] —-] - 19 - 5 44 43 87 5 Mayfield - - - += Township} 156 { 156] -| 4 66 87 3 363 527 890 Woodhouses - - ~- - Township 4 |) oe = 3 1 - 9 17 26°- Rocester - - - - - - Parish} 184} 210} 1] - 56 52 | 102 489 548 1,037 Sheen - - + = + Parish 69 69 | -| 6 63 6 - 206 223 429 Uttoxeter - - - + + (°) Parish} 926] 941 2} 31 111 677 | 153 2,199 2,459 4,658 Waterfall - - + = (4) Parish 95 95 | -| 5 50, 36 9 236 225 461 Calton - - - (*) Township 15 1} -}] 1 14 - 1 35 38 73 Wetton - - - - - - Parish} 112] 122| -—| 4 64 58 7 323 286 609 4,379 | 4,538 | 12 '137 | 1,817 | 2,040 | 681 11,410 111,742 | 23,152 (4) The entire Parish of Alveton contains 2,170 Inhabitants. The The entire Parish contains 1,320 Inbubitants. (*) Leek Parish is increased number is to be attributed to the number of workmen employed | mostly in North-Totmonslow Hundred. (#) The entire Parish of | by the Earl of Shrewsbury in beautifying the Abbey. (F) One female | Leigh contains 1,019 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Mayfield in Cheadle Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (°) The entire Pa- | contains 1,435 Inhabitants. A cotton factory has been rebuilt since rish of Checkley contains 2,070 Inhabitants——(‘) The entire Parish ] 1811. (©) The Return of Uttoxeter Parish includes the Townships of Croxden contains 273 Inhabitants. (¥) Calton Township (which | of Crakemarsh, Creighton, Stramshall, and Woodlands, and Loxley appears three times in South Totmonslow,) is partly in Blore Parish, | Liberty ; all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. A branch North Totmonslow Hundred. (“) The entire Parish of Ellastone | of the Grand Tounk Canal Navigation having been extended to Uttoxeter, contains 1,328 Inhabitants. (*) The Parish of Ipstones is partly in | has caused a great increase of Population, (¢) The entire Parish of North-Totmonslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,425 Inhabi- | Waterfall contains 534 Inhabitants. : tants——(’) Kingsley Parish is partly in North Totmonslow Hundred. : ‘ ; M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1°GEO. IV. C. 94. :. 31, a : rEneenoreene 7 a ea COUNTY OF STAFFORD— continued. : HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, —— Fami- B vo | ane | Be Vers y (ae B . “s ‘ how 3 chiefly aa Families wn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ef omany | so | cs em | edin |not com. vi ay doe = | Families £ 5 ployed | Traps, |prized in | s 4 Oc. | BY] in | Manu- | the Two I & — |PERSONS. a cupied. | 65 Pp Acri- | factures, | preced- S fe -- : CUL- |orHandi-| ing eet ! City of LICHFIELD, . TURE. | craft. | Classes. ‘ 42 252 102 874 942 1,816. 82 | .342 | 146 1,266 1,455 2,721 133. | 97 39 |. 665 653 1,318 ~ - 67 63 157 |, 220 | Chad, St. - - (8) Parish} 328 | 396 | 13 Mary, St. - - + -73(f)- Parish} 473.) 570] —} Michael, St.- - - - (8) Parishy 256] 269] 3 The Close - - - ~ (3) Extra-P. 64 67 | - ‘ ‘ 4 to HO 0D Se 1,121 |1,302 | 16 | 14 257 | 691 | 354 | 2,868 | 3,207 | 6,075 — Borough of ; aes NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE - - = 11,399 | 1,726 | 13 | 98 135 }1,184] 407 3,394 3,637 47,031 © Borough of STAFFORD. Mary, St. and St.Chads - (i) Parish}: 991 ]1,090 | 5 | 17 130 | 712} 248 2,915 2,821 5,736 - q (°) The Parish of St. Chad (Lichfield) is partly in North Offlow Hun- } South Division of Offlow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 2,413 Y dred. The entire Parish contains 2,066 Inhabitants. (f) St. Mary’s | Inhabitants. (°) Many families absent, on the 28 May, to which the Parish is partly in South-Pirehill Hundred. The entire Parish contains | apparent decrease is attributable. (‘) The Parish of St, Mary and} 4,016 Inhabitants. One female in this Parish upwards of 100 years of § St. Chads is partly in the South-Pirehill Hundred. The entire Parish } age.——(®) St: Michael’s Parish is partly in the North and partly in the | contains 5,759 Inhabitants. ; SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD. {7 : : — Hundred of © fo fe CUTTLESTON, East and West - | 4,335 4,637} 8 | 88] 2,671] 1,544] 422 11,837 11,590 |. 23,427 OFFLOW, North and South ~ - [17,068 /18,337} 79 689 4,484 11,954 | 1,899 46,940 45,253 | 92,193. PIREHILL, North and South - - [16,661 |17,655 |210 | 762] 4,932 |10,373] 2,350 | 44,402 44,315 a 88,717, SEISDON, North a South - - {14,345 |16,402} 69 | 406] 1,855 {13,088 | 1,459 39,542 98,991 78,473 TOTMONSLOW, North and South | 7,399/] 7,631] 29 | 252] 3,821] 2,889] 921 19,770 | 19,618 | 39,388 City of LICHFIELD - - - - - =] 1,121] 1,302] 16! 14 257| 691] 354 2,868 3,207 6,075 Borough of NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE - | 1,399] 1,726] 13 | 98] 135] 1,184] 407 | 3,394 | 3,637 | 7,031 “Borough of . ; STAFFORD - - - ~ - -f 991/ 1,090} 5j| 17[ 130{ 712] 248 2,915 | 2,821 5,736 ' TorTaL - - - 63,319 68,780 429 |2,326| 18,285 |42,435 | 8,060 | 171,668 | 169,372 | 341,040 312 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration; COUNTY OF STAFFORD—oontinued. a Ages of Persons. . MALES. nao cig J 5 | 10 | 15 |.20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go| 70] 80} 90 | 1% Under ti ? t & Hundred , 0 to to to to to to o } to to } to of 10 15 20 30 40 | 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |wards. 7 TOTAL CUTTLESTON, East and ere oo 1,678} 1,601] 1,322| 1,063] 1,619| 1,318] 1,012} 795 |587/375] 89 | 7 | — [11,466 OFFLOW, North & South | 4,984} 4,608} 4,083{ 3,212) 4,772) 3,811] 2,987}1,906 |1,361]682]160 | 15 | — |39,581 PIREHILL, North & South | 7,413} 6,486] 5,532| 4,525| 6,067! 5,031] 3,878] 2,552 |1,567(692}210 | 16 | — [43,969 SEISDON, North & South | 2,486} 2,245] 1,887] 1,499} 2,402) 1,658] 1,379; 950 |602/289} 59] 4] = [15,460 TOTMONSLOW, WN i ead sau ot ont] 3,117] 2,752] 2,382] 1,975] 2739] 2,041] 1,657/ 1,259 | 858|521]133 | 9| ~ [19449 LICHFIELD, CITY - 388} 350| 363] 273] 420] 323] 287) 224 |154] 681 18) -|. — | 2,868 NEWCASTLE-UNDER- \ LYNE, BORO’ - -f) 557| 462} 396] 343; 468) 390) 342) 240/133; 66) 13) 2] - | 3,412 STAFFORD, BORO’ -]| 409) 337| 342] 354; 466} 354/ 293] 195]101; 53] 8] 3] — | 2,915 | Total of MALES - J21,032 18,841 16,307) 13,244) 18,953] 14,926] 11,835 8,121 pean 690 | 56] — | 132,114 | FEMALES. f N\ 6 ,| 10 | 15 | 20 ! 30 | 40 | 50 | 60|70| 80 | 90 ns Under 4 Hundred s, to to to to to to to to to to | to up- a of 10 15 20 30 40 - 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 \wards. 2 CUTTLESTON, East a, West - - - - -fp 2012] 1,498] 1,247] 1,062} 1,795} 1,234] 998] 693 |619/297| 98 | 6} — J11,159 OFFLOW, North & South | 4,759| 4,594] 3.511 | 3,167 | 5,349] 3,756} 2,864] 1,859 |1,365/675]190 | 17 | 1 32,107 PIREHILL, North & South | 6,997 | 6,245 | 5,052} 4,432] 7,344] 5,022] 3,914] 9,622 11,675: 757}206 | 20 | — [44,286 SEISDON, North & South | 2,482] 2,368] 1,710] 1,396] 2,465] 1,653] 1,371] 911 |664/306| 88 | 8; — [45,422 OTMONSLOW, North ce ee Af 25849} 2,695 | 2134] 1,892] 3,065] 2,193] 1,670| 1,214 |854/ 542/153 | 24 | 3 119,288 LICHFIELD, CITY - 36%} 3471 319) 329} 601 420} 318] 216 4173{;103} 20 | 3 1 | 3,217 NEWCASTLE-UNDER- : Be i LYNE, BORO’ - -f) 541 469} 403] 381] 623] 411} 351 | 214 |136| 77] 13 3,619 STAFFORD, BORO’ -} 377| 332] 342] 292) 571} 308} 246] 173,111] 51) 16) 2] ~ | 2,821 Total of FEMALES - [19,984 |18,548 {14,718 |12,951 121,813 14,997 |11,732 | 7,902 |5,597/2,808| 784 | 80 | 5 | 131,919 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Stafford was . . . . 341,040, . . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was . . 264,033, . . whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-fourth and one fifth (say two-ninths) of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Stafford was 350; eleven of which (including Walsall and | Wolverhampton) did not return any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus( +): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, M.DCCC.XXI.] ———— THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO: Iv. C. 94. County of Suffolk. OR | Acron - - Alpheton - - Assington - Boxford (part of) Boxted Brent-Eleigh -Bures, St. Mary Cavendish - - Chilton - - Cockfield - - Cornard, Great Cornard, Little Edwardstone - Glemsford — - Groton - - Hartest - Lavenham Lawshall - . Melford-Long Milden - Monks-Fleigh Nayland - - - - Newton, near Sudbury Polstead -- Preston - --- - Shimpling -- (-+) Somerton -.- - Stanstead. - - - Stoke, near Nayland Waldingfield, Great Waldingfield, Little -te 1 ¢ © @ © bb b@ yt Ce en ee ee Ashfield, Great Badwell, Ash Bardwell - - Barnham—- Barningham - ‘Coney-Weston Culford. - - Elmswell - - - Euston - - - Fakenham, Magn Hepworth - - Hinderclay Honington Hopton - Hunston - Ingham - Ixworth - - Txworth, Thorpe Kneettishall - - Langham - ~- Livermere, Parva Norton - - Rickinghall, Inferior ' Sapiston - - - Stanton - - Stowlangtoft - Stow, West - (+ poirot 4 8 Uo aor 4 ob Popo ot bor t bob Pr t bo bo boa Wiston otherwise Wissington , © von F rt b bo por bo t PARISH, TOWNSHIP, BABERGH Hundred. = » Vw o | & (% “=~ a t to8 ' Mer BLACKBOURN Hundred. Fates po bon m& rorouovoptoroe “=~ 1 a Ww EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish. Pansh Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish | Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish ; HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: —— 4+ | Pane | Fan Aut By ay IES chiefly Oren a: how = | chiefly | employ-| Families ws TOTAL 3 many in | 3 ene ed in : | not com- wh is 5 | Families FI < ployed | Pp aps, | prized in fc 3 OF 3 Oc | B's in | Manu- | the Two a PERSONS. | cupied.) | 5 | Acrr- | factures,| preced- = es CUL- lorHandi-| 10g TURF. | craft, | Classes. 86 97} -| 1 82 9 6 275 280 555 56 58} -| - 52 5 1 134 | 130 264 79| 109] —j 1 86 13} 10 268 265 533 117} 164) -| 2 103 55 6 388 355 743 Sat a4 | S| 29 4) 1 102 94. 196 48 53} 1} - 37 7 9 149 149 298 102} 166} -]| - 112 48 6 411 426 837 242) 270} -]} 8 140 118] 12 568 647 1,215 20 ez} —-}| — 12 4 6 50 47 97 160} 180] =] — 128 50] 2 438 459 897 137} 139] -]| 1 99 24} 16 351 305 656 42 64} -| 1 53 11 i 164 133 297 55 83/ ~] 2 92 8 3 206 210 416 159] 279] -—| -— f 172] 103 4 602 673 | 1,275 HOS) Tay om 974 444 6 296 301 597 155} 160] 1} 2 82 51] 27 369 371 740 375 | 425 1 4 159] 251 15 897 1,001 1,898 182} 186] -] —- 146 35 5 450 387 837 493 | 511 {| +] 14 177 | 274] 60 1,093 1,195 2,288 . 29 29} -| - 29 - - 79 ~ 88 167 139} 143] —| -— | 100 35 8 349 364 713 199 | 233] -| 10 73} 104| 56 516 503 1,019 ~ 95) 85} 1} - 75 7 3 173 ‘170 343 179} 192} 12] - 148 42 2 451 449 900 40 62} i] 4 58 4 - 165 155 320 Ce} oF] =| = 87 8] 2 235 215 450 .19 ayt -] - 26 1 - 88 68 156 66 66; 2] — ‘47 15 4 181 160 341 250} 252/ 1! 29 152} 73] 27 qe 676 | 1,393 126) 1296] -|{ — 111 12; 3 357 354 411 87] 103] -]} - 47 14] 42 185 201 386 31 46} -| - 44 2 - 125 121 246 3,968 | 4,588 | 9 | 46 | 2,815 {1,431 | 342 [10,832 | 10,952 | 21,784 Ao 7 ep = 60 8{| 4 155 190 345 48 8); -] - 49 15 14 217 “210 427 Fo. Tae, =] a 91 29} 19 358 “329 687 58 73] 1] - 61 12 - — (197 172 369 54 84] 1] = 46 6 2 216 “214 424. 20 50} -] —- 43 5 2 128 133 261 33 Wp myo 52 15 4 159 [ (132 291 83 | 133} -] - 108 20 5 ‘315 313 628 37 OF fo ab 37 4 = 71 93 164 35 39} -| - 35 3 1 ‘108 “106 214 103 | 107] 1] — 89 12 6 262 261 523 56 90; -]| 3 14 9} 67 ‘Q11 192 403 21 50] 4} = 40 6 4 110 ‘140 |. 250 68} 109) -—j 1 56 36 | 17 254 270 524 33} 37); -| 1 25 10 2 86 | 92 178 35 7a) eps 34 2 1 95 go 185 112 194 | 1 1 100 58 | 36 445 | 507 952 P26) 2p) St O35) a OR 79 69 148 ee is es 7 =) 2 387 33 70 29 44].-{ - 36 4 1 130 138 268 27) 30} -| - 27 2 1 98 89 | 187 yoo | 158} 3] - 117 | - 33 8 350 "941 691 88 93/ -{ - 56 23} 14 200 “228 | 428 30} 45] -| - 28 11 6°} 130 112 242 188 | 207] 2]/ 4 121 yo | 16 486 © 453 939 az} a9] 1] -f 28 ~ 1 88 84 172 oo) 38) -] = Pee; @y 9 76 103 179 contains 944 Inhabitants. bitants.. eee .(*) Boxford Parish is partly in Cosford Hundred. The entire Parish (>) The Parish of Bures is partly in 4) Hinckford Hundred (Essex.) The entire Parish contains 1,292 Inha-— (¢) The early marriages of paupers is mentioned in the 4.1L Return from Shimpling ; and that no more than four marriages between persons not of that class, have taken Place in the Jast ten years. (*) At Little-Livermere, land has been brought into cultivation —— (¢) Stanton All-Saints Parish includes Stanton St. John, c 3t4 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. _ Seer —————=) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- sos Aut By s LIES . OrHER a a) lon E | chiesy Sai Mawalle 4 | TOTAL oy an em- in |not com- 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Z Families : 4 | ployed | rears, cone Be zi oF A | 0c, | 2 | ft | Manu. | the Two q = — |PERSONS. ae st pied.} & | S | Acar. factures,| preced- Ei cuL- forHandi-| 19g BLACKBOURN Hundred—continued. ture. | craft, | Classes. Thelnetham - - - - - Parish 68} 102] 1] 1 83 19 - 264 248 - 512 Troston - - - Parish 39 80/ -; 2 53 19 8 194 177 - 371 Walsham- le Willows - - (f) Parish} 1395 | 206} 1] - 136 41 29 544 587 1,081 Wattisfield - -- - Parish} 74] 122] —| 1 88} 28] 6 279 317 596 Weston-Market - - - - Parish 41 m1) -| - 47 14} 10 161 171 332 Wordwell - - - - - ~- Parish 8 ro} -| - 8 - a 29 19 48 1,834 |2,671 | 13 | 16 [1,851 | 523 | 297 6,526 1563 | 13,089 BLYTHING Hundred. | Aldringham - - - - Parish 43 62} -] - 49 13 - 161 154. 315 Binacre - - + Parish 18 got -] - 29 - 1 123 101 224 ° Blythburgh - - - - = (8) Parish 6 with Hinton aud Buleamp - Hamlets } 55 94} 1} - ua 14 3 204 249 513 Blythford - - - - - Parish 21 2g ft —] - 28 1 - 89 "4 - 163 Bramfield = ~- - - - Parish} 121 / 136{ —{ 3 74 56 6 316 314 630 Brampton - - = - = Parish 28 49} —f{ - 44 4 1 107 148 255 Chediston = - -- - Parish 66 i oe 65 12 - 25 212 427 Cookley - - - - - - Parish 34 49} —] - 42 6 1 133 141 244 Cove, South - - - ~- - Parish 24 38} -~| - 37 1 ei 92 94 186 Cratfield - - - + = Parshf 81] 129} —] —- 105 22 2 354 363 717 Darsham, near Yoxford (*) Parish 97 97) -| - 72 23 2 226 261 -| 487 | DunwicH - - - Borough and Parish 38 45| ~| - # 33 2{ 10 103 97 200 | Easton-Bavents - - - = Parish 3 37 -| - 3 = - 9 15 z4 | Frostenden - - - ~ Parish 48 76f —| - 62 13 1 168 222 - 390 .Halesworth - - - - Parish} 414} 462} 3 {12 205 | 290} 67 1,012 1,154 } 2,166 ‘Haveningham - 2.3 Parish 17 784 —-{ 4 48 20] to 203 208 411 Henstead - - - - - - (4) Parish 48 53 | =| 2 43 6 4 150 118 268 Holton - - - - - - = Parish 51 82) -{ 1 50 32 - 197 202 399 Huntingfield - - - ~ Parish 43 BO cll cs 54 wf. 205 181 386 Knodishall - - - - - = Parish 39 66} —| 4 60 5 1 151 165, 316 Leiston with Sizewell - - Parish go} 286; —] — 142 4l 3 478 476 954 Linstead, Magna - - > Pash? 13.) ag{ — | - 19 ~} - 50 53 103 Linstead, Parva or Lower - - Parish 19; 31} -]} - 22 gf - 83 81 164 Middleton - - - (*) e sch 26 48} —} — a2} Bf 8 109 104. 213 with Fordley - oe { 52 Si eb sai oy 9 1470 181 351 North-Hales, otherwise Covehithe Parish 2a1f 32, ~] - 32, -f - F 93 46. 169 Peasenhall - - + - Parish 86} 174] 3] 4 85 58} 31 360 386 | 746 Reydon - - - - - = = Parish 42 62; —]} — 62 | - - 157 168 325 Rumburgh - - - - - Parish 77 9; -| - 69 10 - 229 216 445 Sibton - - - - - - Parish 64} log] ~ 95 9 2 280 289 569: Sotherton coe os Parish 95}; 32}; -—[ 2 30 QR - gr 847 178 Southwold - - - - - Parish} 9348 | 362] 4 | 22 46} 139 £177 823 853 1,676 Spexhall - - - - - - ~ Parish go} 30] -]7 = 26 37 1 80 92 172 Stoven - + - - = Parish 9 OO ef oe 16 5 o- 60 56 116 Theberton - - - = - ~ Parish 69 || 108} —] 1 72 23 [ 13 280 a7) 55% Thorington - - - Parish 17} 296 ft -] - 20 3) 3 81 77 158 Ubbeston =~ - + - Parishp 38] 38] -] = 29 8, 2 94 87 181 Uggeshall - - - - Parish} 38] 63] —| — 43 ef 5 150 158 308 Walberswick - - - - Parish} 61] 61] -] 4 30 13 | 18 135 128 263 Walpole - - - Parishf 124 | 128] —| — 96 28} 4 302 303 605 Wangford - - - - (7) Parishf 76] tig} —| 2 52 50 | 14 312 f 303 615 Henham - - - - Hamlet 4} a3} -]| - 20 3, - "3 58 131 Wenhaston with Mells - - + Parish 07! 474} 1] - 122 41} W1 450 437 887: Westhall - - - = Parishf 50 | Tat o=] = 62 wf -— 217 223 440 Westleton - - = Parshf 89 |) 157) =| = 109 30 | 18 432 356 4788 Wissett - - - - Parish 64] 83] =] 2 59 20 4 210 225 435 Wrentham - - - (5) Parishf 124] 207} =] = 107 78 | 22 484 - 511 995 Yoxford - - 2 - = Parishf 129] 218} 1] — 104 82 | 32 518 555 1,073) House of Industry - (8) 1 rh =a - 1} o- 259 276 535. 3,245 | 4,468 | 11 | 51 | 2,726 1,253 | 489 | 11,338 i 1,565 | 22,903 (§) The increase of Population i in the Parish of Walsham-le-Willows, is ascribed to the i incorporation of small farms ; those who lived as farm- servants formerly, being now induced to marry improvidently. ——(®) The House of Industry is situat Bul let b and at Wrentham: s situate in Buleamp Hamlet.——(b) At Darsham, many cottages have been built on the waste.——— | () Henstead Parish is partly in Wangford Hundred. The entire Parish | contains 509 Inhabitants, tains 564 Inhabitants. ——(!) 746 Inhabitants. ?. The entire Parish of Middleton ¢on- e entire Parish of Wangford contains M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘ THE ‘POPULATION ACT, 1: GEO. IV. €. 4. a -COUNTY OF SUFFOLK —téntiaued. i HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, = F Fami- A aaa AMI- | rigs ay on ey Ss | 48 | chiefly | OTHER : e how 2 chiefly employ- Families n TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Bf my | |e | em | edin faotcom-| of Ss 3 ‘amilies Be 3 ployed | Traps; {prized in gq oe z | o | 8] 4 i | Mam. (heTwol = |PERSONS. a eupied.} | 5 Aerr- | factures,| preced- & a 7 O pak) etAehag these iA ta cux- forHandi-| ing Sa oe BOSMERE and CLAYDON Hundted: Ture. | craft. | Classes. Akenham- - - - - - = Parish} 13 ga} eb cE 99 - os 62 58 120 Ash-Bocking - - + - + Parish} 38 54} -—| -— |. 43 8 3 118 130 248 Badley - - - - - = # Parish 10 144{ -] - 13 1 = 43 41 84 Barham - = - - 3 Parish} 45 “51 -| -| 48 21 6 439 406 845 Barking - - - - = (*) Parish 54 8) -]} - 59 16 3 190 197 387 Needham, Market - - + Hamlet} 277] 293] —| 4 96 | 145 52 5go 710 | 1,300 Battisford - - - - - - Patish 60 81 i} - 46 5 - 2i7 204 421 Bayleham - - - « - = Parish 48 50/ -| 1 45 4 1 104 133 237 Blakenham, Great - - - - Parish 24 33) -| - 21 9 3 86 46 162 Blakenham, Little - - - + Parish 22 23) 1] - 21 - 2 61 59 120 Bramford - = - - - - © Parishf 147] 175} —| — | 120 52 3 420 435 855 Bricett, Great - - - - = Parish 34 sry -{t - 43 8 si 143 147 290 Claydon - - = - = ~ & Parish| 42 wy toad 36 33 8 172 156 328 Coddenham - - - - - + Parishf 168} ty2} =] — fF 112 53 4 396 451 847 Creeting, All Saints - + - Parish 35 54{ -|] - 40 7 4 136 135 a7 Creeting, St. Mary - - - = Parish 26 31] -| - 18 9 6 84 83 167 Creeting, St.Olave - - - + Parish 5 6] -j - 4 2 = 14 18 35 Crowfield - - - (°) Pat: Chap: 50 62 1} - 7 49 13 ~ 161 184 345 Dormsden = - - = + Parish 11 w}-f{ - 14 - - 39 35 74 Flowton - - = - + Parish 30 33} -| - 31 1 1 68 82 | 150 Gosbeck 4 2 2 2 = +) Parish 62 54} -) - 49 5 - 163 145 308) Helmingham - - - 4 Parish} 40 53% -| 1 37 9 7 169 156 325) Helmingstone - - - 4 Parish 41 56 f -] - 48 5 3 153 169 322 Henley - - - - - = « Parish 36 57h -{ - 53 2 2 125 116 ~ 241 Mickfeld - - - - ~ + Parish 29 48f- -] - 44 3 1 128 118 246 Nettlestead - - - + - - Parish 16 16f -]| - 15 1 - | 47 38 85: Offton- - - - - - ~ Parish} 48 67; -]f 2 52 15 - | 163 165 328 Ringshall’- - - - - - - Parish 42 57k ito ot 52 5 ~ | 154 -150 -| 304 Somersham - - - - (°) Parish 50 81} -]}| 2 54 19 8 193 184 377 Stonham, Aspel-~ - - + ~ Parish 42 98 | —] 1 79 18 1 314 319 633 Stonham, Earl - - - - - Parish 94} 141 | -] 1 | 100 36 5 341 336 6747 Stonham, Parva - - - - ~ Parish 39 61 f -—]} = 29 10 22 f 144 167 311 Swilland - - - - - (9) Parish] 44 46} -| - 44 2 - - 107 88 195 Westerfield - - - - (*) Parish 60 62}? -| = 44 11 4 135 154 289 Willisham - - - = - = Parish 23 36} 1] - 30 6 - 89 84 173 House of Industry - - () - - = eel de - a 2 = = = 11,855 | 2,332 | 6 | 13 $1,642 | 532 | 158 | 5,971 | 6,129 | 12,100 CARLFORD Hundred. : Pee Bealings, Great - - = (*) Paishf 69 | @9| -| -f} 42 | 38 | 166 | 173 | 339 Bealings, Little - - - - + Parish 30 ‘bak -| 2 40 9 6 135 127 262° Brightwell - - - = Parish 13 wyi-}] - 11 2 - 45 28 "3 i Burgh - = - = - - Parish 36 50] tf] 1 42 4 4 128 122 250 Clopton - - - - = ~- ~- Parish 49 "ey —{1 1 68 6 1 209 204 413 Culpho - - + - - = Parish 9 12 fi =} — 12 - - 33 22 55 _Foxhall - - 2 + = = Parish 39 | 39] +] - 36 1 2 124 93 | 2147 Grundisburgh - - ~ ~ ~ Parish 92} 177) -| 4 9% 69 11 423 392 815 Hasketon - - - - - - = Parish 66 | 112] =| — |} 80 18 14 2479 251 530 Kesgrave - - 2 ee Parish 17 i7} =| —7 13 1 3 49 53 102 Martlesham - - - - - Parish 50 82} 1] 2 "3 9 - 208 205 413 _Newbourn) - - - - - - Parish 19 34]; -| -f 32 2 - 89 92 181 Otley '- - - - 3 - Parish} 112 w2f —-| = 65 15 2 326 303, “629 Playford - - - 3 - Parish got 57} -| ~ 47 8 2 130 134 264 Rushmere - - - + - = Parish 49} 99] 1] 2 84 14 1 231 206 437 Tuddenham - - =~ - - - Parish 34} 65| -| 1 46 13 6 159 149 308 Waldringfield - - ~ - - Parish ig9/ 31} -] - 26 5 - 85 78 163 Witnesham - - - - ~ - Parish yo] aie] 1] -— 48 24 7 273 242 B15 803 [1,211 | 4] 13 | g22 | 221 | 68 | 3,092 | 2,874 | 5,966 315 (™) The House'of Industry for the Hundred of Bosmere and Claydon is included in the Returu of Barham Parish. The House contained 198 inmates in the year 1811, at present 489.——(") The entire Parish of Barking contains 1,687 Inhabitants.—(°). At Crowfield, many cottages have been built on the waste land, by permission of the Lord of the Ma- nor: Crowfield is sometimes deemed a:Chapelry in the Parish of Codden- -ham.——(°) The improvement in medical treatment is mentioned among the causes of increased Population at Somersham.—(4) At Swilland, and some other places in the Hundred of Bosmere and‘Claydon, Popu-" lation appears to have decreased, although there is an increase of 1,385 ; | persons in this Hundred, collectively taken.——«(") Westerfield Parish extends into the Borough of Ipswicuh.——(*) The general amelioration ‘ of the conditiort of the poor is‘mentioned:as-a cause of increased-Population at Great-Bealings, 316 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. ye COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ere Famr- fds LIES on ee oon, | ae : 3 | many | | 3 ee 8 Se ace EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Lees: 2 ok tee ee eee ae 4 oes gee ale |e ee ene) Sl oS) bnson = cupied. a 5 | Acre fetes, preced- 3 i ERSONS. CUL- JorHandi-| 4g COLNEIS Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. ? Bucklesham - - + = Parish 38 54} -| 1 45 9 7 131 138 269 Falkenham - - - - = Parish 34 57 | -| 7 5l 6 - 137 148 285 Felixstow = - - - - - Parish 50 a7 | —-| 1 58 | 17 2 189 196 - 385 Hemley - - - + - - Parish} 13 wyf-|- 12 - 1 41 39 80 Kirton - - - - - - = Parish 67} 125} -| - go} 32 3 288 290 578 Levington - - - - - - Parish 41 46] -—| 1 35 5 6 108 97 205 Nacton - = - (t) Parish] 109 | 113 | 2] 5 58 | 27 28 268 259 527 Trimley, St. Movin - Parish 58 93} -| 1 65 | 18 10 231 205 436 Trimley, St. Mary - - - Parish 46 Di ae 41 18 16 204. 175 379 Walton - - - - - Parish} 160] 171] 1] 2 g2 | 45 34 389 394 983 House of Industry '- - - - 1 1} -j] - - 1 - 116 126 242 617 | 8251} 3] 11 547 | 178 | 100 2,102 2,067 | 4,169 COSFORD Hundred. : Aldham - - - - - Parish 50 54| -| 1 5l 3 - 146 146 292 Bildeston, otherwise Bilson - - Parish] 117 | 183] 2] —- 53 | go 40 398 416 814 Bo«ford (part of) Parish: (") Hadleigh - - - - - - Hamlet 36 40} 27 1 26 9 5 105 96 201 Brettenham - - - - Parish 45 65 | -| 2 55 4 3 131 149 280 , Chellesworth, otherwise Gielen Parish 38 58 | -| 2 26} 21 1 166 145 | 311 Elmsett - - - - - - Parish 45 8) -j| 1 63 | 12 3 192 179 371 Hadleigh - - - - Parish | 576] 629} 1] 9 232 | 275 | 122 1,369 1,560 2,929 Hitcham - - + - Parish} 187 | 209} -]} — 159 | 20 30 461 504 965 Kersey - - - - - - Parish} 125 136] -—] 2 107 | 28 1 293 328 621 Kettlebaston - - - - - Parish} 24 38} -| 1 38 7 ae 95 95 190 Layham - - - - - - Parish} 119] 121} —|] 2 96 | 25 - 304 291 595 Lindsey - - - - - - Parish 42 45/ -| - 42 3 - 121 111 232 . Naughton - ee e Parish 21 26} -| - 23 3 - 83 72 155 Nedging - - - - Parish 30 33} -| - 28 4 1 107 96 203°: Semer - - (+) - 9, Parish 36 48} -| - 391 7 2 144 118 262 — Thorp-Morieux - - - Parish 71 m6} -| = 69 6 1 183 186 369 - Wattisham - = = - - Parish 28 4o} -| - 33 6 1 86 107 193 Whatfield - - Parish 60 59} -—| 2 55 3 1 166 160 326 House of Industry - ( +) (*) = - - -| -| - - - - go 79 169 1,650 |1,938 | 4 | 23 } 1,195 | 522 | 221 J 4,640 | 4,838 | 9,478 HARTISMERE Hundred. Aspall- - - - ~ - - - Parish 16 24) -] - 24 - - 58 51 109 Bacton - - - - - - - Parish 96 | 149} -| - 106 | 37 6 355 360 915 Botesdale - = - - - - -~ Parish 78 113{ -| 1 47} 36 30 307 277 584 Braiseworth - - - Parish 21 37 -| - 35 2 - 80 go 170 Brockford and Wetheringset Parish | 121 192 1 - 158 | 32 2 442 495 937 Broome - - - - Parish 38 69 1 2 42 14 13 153 171 324 Burgate - - - - Parish 41 68} -| 1 59 6 3 170 174 344 Cotton - - - - - Parish go 99} 1] 1 94 5 - 246 281 527 Eye - - - - - Bor: & Parish] 339} 355 | - | 1 162 | 174 19 939 943 1,882 Finingham eo 7 Parish 60 86}; -| 1 68 | 16 2 208 224 435 Gislinghaom - - - - - - Parish 81 124 1 - 64 18 42 307 313 620 Mellis - hs oe - - Parish 57 88} -| 1 69 | 16 3 226 221 447 Mendlesham - - - - - - Parish] 174 | 254] -—| - 146 | 71 37 592 658 1,250 Oakley - - - - - Parish 48 5) -| - 58 | 16 1 187 216 403 Occold - - - Parish "9 83) -| - 67 | 15 1 220 241 461 Palgrave - - - - - - Parish Q2 138 | -|] 1 yo | 51 17 313 341 654 Redgrave - -- Parish] 90} 145 [| - | — 85 | 39 | 21 347 366 713 Redlingfield - - Parish 23 53 ot ee 50 3 - 117 105 222 Rickinghall, Superior - - Parish] 136] 148] -| - 73.) 59 | 16 330 375 705 Rishangles - - = Parish 25 42 | - 36 6 - 94 114 208 Stoke-Ash - - - + - Parish 39 69} -| - 57 9 3 158 172 330 Stuston - - - = Parish 30 45) -{ 1 31 6 8 94 114 208 Thorndon, All-Saints - Parish Be) 125 ( SR TE | 33 15 310 328 638 Thornham, Magna - Parish 47 m1) -| - 48} 11 12 159 183 342 Thornham, Parva -- Parish 19 a7{ -|{ 1 21 6 - 46 63 139 (*) Many cottages have been built on the heath at Nacton. (") Boxford Parish it mostly in Babergh Hundred.——-(") The House of Industry is at Semer, but distinctly returned in the schedule. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 317 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faar- | PA" | Ans : By a LIES deed. OTHER on : how 2 | chiefly simple Families - TOTAL z many | | @ em- | eq in (not com- a qq EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 Sons 3 e ployed | Trang, [prized in a 3 or a c= = 7 in ” | the Two ‘3 |cupied.| @ | S | Acnr- ee aed 3 fi [PERSONS. CUL- /orHandi- ee HARTISMERE Hundred—continued. ee ee ee Thrandeston - - - - - - Parish 43 67) - 1 42 15 10 148 182 -330 Thwaite - - - - - - - Parish 18 go; -} - 26 2 2 57 55 ‘112 Westhorpe - - - - - - Parish 31 48] -} - 46 2 - 110 124 234 Wickham-Skeith - - - - Parish 62 96] -f - 66 | 29 1 246 277 523 Wortham - - - - - - Parish} 112{ 166] -—| - 88 | 47 31 475 460 935 Wyverstone - - - - - - Parish 33 51] iy — 47 4 - 128 132 260 Yaxley - - - - - - - Parish 50 80} LE - 65 | 13 2 201 224 425 | 2,264 |3,217| 612 [2,127 | 793 | 297 | 7,853 | 8,333 | 16,186 HOXNE Hundred Athelington - - - - - - Parish 13 g0{/ -} - 16 4 - 51 49 100 Badingham (+) - - - - Parish 80} 147} 14 1 130 | 15 2 408 408 816 Bedfield - - - - - - - Parish 44 62} -]} - 54 8 - 149 170 319 Bedingfield - - ee Parish 35 67) 1) - 60 9 = 157 161 318 Brundish - - - - - - - Parish} 48 66; -]}] - 59 7 = 229 198 427 Carlton - - - - - - Parish} 16 20{ -] - 13 5 2 62 64 126 - Denham - - - - - - = Parish 31 46) -} - 44 2 - 128 131 259 | Dennington - = - - - =~ Parish} 105 | 174] -] - 143 | 29 2 468 470 938 Fressingfield - - - - - - Parish} 143] 227] -—|[ - 153 | 57 17 614 617 1,231 Horham - - - - - = Parish 53 81 -| - 71 12 ~ 232 191 423 Hoxne - - = - - - Parish} 135 | 220} -| — 133 | 75 12 507 559 1,066 Kelsale - - - - - - - Parish} 135] 218} -—| 2 134 | 55 29 520 540 1,060 Laxfield - - - = - - =~ Parish} 138 | 232] -| 2 158 | 67 7 580 578 1,158 Mendham - - - - = (*) Parish} 105] 169] 1] 2 105 | 47 17 418 417 835 | Metfield - - - - - + = Parish} 84] 127] 1] —- 88 | 37 2 333 349 682 — Monk-Soham - - = - = Parish} 49 mt -} - 65 6 - 190 198 388 _ Saxtead - = - - = = = Parish 53 8) -| - 62 23 - 225 228 453 Southolt - - - - - + - Parish 26 37 | -| - 27 | 10 - 97 106 203 Stradbrook - - - - = = Parish} 163] 281 | 2] 2 154 | 95 32 692 4708 -| 1,400 Syleham - - - - - - - Parish 48 y2{ -| - 58 | 10 4 “175 185 360 Tannington - - = - - = Parish 24 36) -| - 28 6 2 106 103 209 Weybread - + - - = Parish g2 | 1392] -]| 1 99 | 33 - 344 336 680 Wilby - - - - - - - Parish 67} 106] -]| - 88 | 15 3 282 294 ° 576 Wingfield - - - - - - Parish 80} 120} -]} = 106 | 10 4 277 301 578 Withersdale - - = - - = Parish 20 35} -—] 1 25 8 2 85 83. 168 Worlingworth - - - - - Parish} 84{ 1421 —| - 109 | 31 2 355 330 685 1,871 |2,995 | 6}; 11 | 2,182 | 674 | 139 7,684 | 7,774 | 15,458 _ LACKFORD Hundred, (7) Barton-Mills - - - - - Parish Q1 92} 4} 1 34 | 37 21 240 283 523 Brandon - - - - ~ ¢ Parsh{ 335! 353 | 7| 14 | 137] 137 | 79 863 907 | 1,770 Cavenham - - - = = = Parish 39 50} -] 1 43 6 1 122 139 261 Elvedon otherwise Elden - - Parish 40 41} -j] 1 34 3 4 151 126 297 Eriswell - - - - - - - Parish 44 "9/1 4} - 66 5 8 176 170 346 Exning - - - = - - - Parish? 142] 154/ 1] 5 126 | 27 1 356 339 695 | Freckenham - - - - - - Parish 48 66} -—| 4 51 14 1 203 163 366 Gazeley - - - - = » (?) Parish - -~f -]| - 2 = - = - = Herringswell - - - - Parish 26 37} -| 1 30 1 6 105 110 215 Icklingham, St.James & All-Saints Parish 60 | 102} -] —- 98 4 - 197 227 424 Lakenheath - - - - - Parish} 189 | 203 | 2] 6 108 | 47 48 529 513 1,042 Mary, St. Newmarket - - (*) Parish} 304 | 402] 1] 3 141 | 178 83 889 921 1,810 Mildenhall, St.Andrews - - Parish} 5671} 694] 41] 3 412 }171 | 111 1,490 1,484 | 2,974 Santon-Downham - - - ~ Parish 11 yw] -| - 10 - 2 43 36 79 ' Tuddenham - - - - - - Parish 64 66} 1 2 49} 13 4 163 - 153 316 Wangford - - - ~ ~ = Parish 10 of -—{| =- 8 - 2 34 29 63 - Worlington - - - - - = Parish 70 8} 1] 2 49} 19 10 184 176 360 2,040 | 2,439 | 25 | 40 | 1,396 | 662 | 381 5,745 | 5,776 | 11,521 (*) Mendham Parish extends into Earsham Hundred, (Norfolk) so that about one-third part of the Population here entered, is, strictly speaking, attributable to that Count ee The Parish of St. Cuthbert ieee locally situate in Lackiord undred, is entered with the orough of Tuerronp at the end of the County of Norfolk ; and Kent- ford Parish extends into Lackford Hundred, but most part is in Ris- bridge Hundred, where the whole is entered——(#) ‘The Hamlet of Higham Green (partly in Lackford Hundred) is wholly entered with the rest of Gazeley Parish in Risbridge Hundred——(*) The Parish of All-Saints Newmarket is in Chevely Hundred, Cambridgeshire, and there entered, 4M 318 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER NN, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—cantinued. [ Enumeration. . HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fase | FAM Tae a By sf MES | chiely | OTHER ; ; Ow» 3 chiefly employ- Families Hn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Sy may | a | Bf em | edin | notcom- 4 5 Henules & 3 Moved Trang, pre! in 4 3 OF = Et 1 . | the Two a cupied.| 5 5 AGri- ane preced- s B REBSONS. cUL- orHandi- ing LOES Hundred. (>) TURE. | craft, | Classes. Brandeston - - ~ - - Parish 57 94} -]}] 1 80 11 3 232 226 458 Butley - - - + = = Parish 59 62]; -]} 1 55 4 - 162 159 321 Campsea-Ash - - - - = Parish 46 66] 1] - 49 13 4 165 177 342 Charsfield - - ~ - - = Parish} 67] 106] -| —- 85 19 2 285 264 549 Cretinghom - - - - - = = Parish 50 54y) -] - 44 10 - 186 189 375 East Soham ~ - + = = Parish 96} igo} 17 2 97 40 3 329 312 641 Easton - - - - - - Parish 44 q2} -| 1 44 14 14 175 196 371 Eyke - - - - - ~ - =~ Parish} 79 79} -| -] 67 12 = 197 199 396 Framlingham - - - - - Parish{ 461 | 490} t] 7 | 216 | 164 | 110 1,136 1,191 2,327 Hacheston - - - - - Parish 65 | 106} -] — 65 28 13 273 261 534 Hoo - - - - = © = Parish 31 31) -} - 30 1 - 84 go 174 Kenton - - - - = = = Parish 39 44] -{ 1 36 7 1 131 121 252 Kettleburgh - - - - - = Parish 43 69} -|{ 1 55 10 4 175 185 360 Letheringham - - ~ =- = = Parish 16 31 - 1 29 2 - 85 90 175 Marlesford - - - - - = Parish 81 8} -} 2 55 19 11 fF 215 221 436 Monewden - - = - - = Parish 26 41} -{ - 38 3 -_ 99 89 188 Rendlesham - - = - = Parish 43 45} -| 1 44 - 1 117 132 249 Woodbridge - - - - - (°) Parish} 640} 880] -—]| 25 | 116 | 556 | 208 1,795 2,265 4,060 943 |2.495 | 3 143 71,205 | 916 1374 | 5,841 | 6,367 | 12,208 MUTFORD & LOTHINGLAND Hundred. —_~—— Ashby- - - - = + - Parish 7 yf -] = i) _ - 17 17 34 Barnby - - - - = © - Parish] 55 56] =] = 42 | 14 7 136 126 262 Belton - - = - - - Parish 83 84} -] 1 65 14 5 195 190 385 Blundeston - - - - = - Parish 88 go} -|{ - 65 22 3 253 195 448 Bradwell - - - - +© = = Parish 48 48}; -{ - 36 2 10 136 136 272 Burgh, Castle - - - = - Parish 36 47| -] 2 41 | 3 3 121 118 239 Carlton-Colville- - - - + Parish} 142 146] 4 129 16 1 363 351 14 Corton - - = - = - - Parish 70 1) = 60 10 1 184 191 375 Flixton - - - = - = Parish 4 6} -] - 6 - - 18 16 34 Fritton - - - - - - Parish 27 37 ~ 31 3 3 a7 97 174 Gisleham - - - + + Parish 38 42} 1} —- 35 6 1 113 109 222 Gorleston- - - - ~ = (4) Parish} 414] 475] 1]17 | 66 | 255 | 154 891 | 1,037 | 1,928 Gunton - - = © = = - Parish, 9 wu] -}| - 14 a too 43 44 847 Herringfleet - - - - = = Parish 29 32} =-] - 23 8 1 80 88 168 Hopton - - - - = = - Parish} 52 52} -} = 41 10 1 135 139 274 Kessingland - - - = - - Parish} 75 | 122] 1} 2 7 74 | 39 9 291 288 579 Kirkley - - - - - - Parish} 66 67} -| 3 17 4 46 184 153 337 Lound - - = = = - - Parshf 83] 83] -—| -— | 66 13 4 220 196 416 Lowestoft - - - - - - - Parishf 756] 820] 4 | 22 97 | 663 60 1,711 1,964 3,675 Mutford - - - - = - - Parish 43 44-1] 3 64 7 3 192 195 387 Oulton - - - - = = (®) Parish 95 9} -| - 74 19 2 236 235 471 Pakefid - - - - - - = Parish 69 qa} -| 47 38 15 19 172 197 349 Rushmere - - - - - - Parish 17 22h Sp ee Te 4 1 61 53 114 Somerleyton - - ~- - - (4) Parish{ 60 63] 21 34 31 30 2 179 190 349 South-Town - - - - - Parish} 225] 242 6 | 14 9 118 115 396 643 1,039 House of Industry - - - (*) - - - mg |, e - - 133 100 233 2,621 | 2,867] 19 | 71 41,148 [1,275 | 444 [| 6,537 | 7,028 113,565 PLOMESGATE Hundred. —— —|—__-——|_ ALDEBURGH - - een and Parish} 258 288 | -— | 40 18 49 191 571 641 1,212 Benhall - - - = Parish 72 139 1 1 117 18 4 335 375 710 Blaxhall -:- - - = = -~ Parish 51 95 rio- 64 17 14 238 236 474 Bruisyard - - - - - = Parish 33 63) -| - 57 6 = 136 133 269 Chillesford - - - - - - Parish 16 OT a ss 27 = ae 68 42 140 Cransford ‘- - - - - (Ff) Parish 47 47 - = 35 6 6 152 142 294 Farnham - -.- - - - Parish} 42 4g) -]| - 26 8 9 106 107 213 Freston -. - - - 7 + Parish} , 62 83] -| = 72 10 1 224 228 452 Glemiise, Great - - + - Parishf (41 34 ad - 60 | 12 1 197 216 413 q (?) The Parishes of Bredlield and Dallinghoo are partly in Loes Hun- dred, but are wholly entered j in Wilford Hundred.—(°) The decrease of Population at Woodbridge, is ascribed to the disuse of the barracks. ——(®) Gorleston aud South-Town are united, and frequently reckoned as one Parish.——{*) The House of Industry is situate in Oulton Parish, (f) The low wages paid to single men, and the absolute want of employment, is said to produce early marriages at Cransford, parochial relief being thereby procured. M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IY. C. 94, 319 a eee ty ee = COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faau- B Nae cee Omen : te | how = | chiety ae Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Inany wo | ‘a cme ed in | notcom- 5 oF ‘5 =| Families 3 5 ployed | Traps, | Prized in A hae S 3 ‘s Oc- | t in Manv- | the Two /PERSONS. 4a cupied.} | 5 Acrrt- | factures,| preced- a a ale : cuL- jorHandi-| ing PLOMESGATE Huudred-—continued. TuRE. | craft, | Classes. Glemham, Little - - - - Parish 68 89} -| 3 68 21 7 176 173 349 Haselwood - - - = - = Parish 12 ig} -|- 17 1 1 55 44 99 Tken - - - - - = = © Parish 36 6o| —| -— | 56 4 - 175 188 363 OrrorpD - - (8) Borough and Parish} 216] 284 -1| 1 77 42 192 532 587 1,119 Parham - = - - = # «= Parish 59 go} 2] —] 68 14 8 2277 221 448 Rendham - - - = = = Parish 49 86} 1] -— | 55 22 9 223 229 452 Saxmundham - - - = - Parish] 134] 207] 1] 2 | 43 | 105 59 473 516 989 Snape- - - - - = - - Parish} yo] 113] -]| - 7 71 30 12 246 272 518 Sternfield - - - = = Parish 23 41 1] - 31 6 4 94 86 180 Stratford, St, Andrew - - - Parish 22 49} -| - 44 5 - 109 104 213 Sudborne - - - - = ~- = Parish} 57 86} 1] 1 83 3 - 284 277 561 Swefling - - - - - - Parish{ 43 15) -| -| 47 26 2 191 176 367 Tunstall - - - - - - Parish 75 | 136] -| - 50 39 47 329 324 653 Wantisden - - - - = = Parish 12 22}, —-| - 21 - 1 66 62 128 1,498 | 2,212 | 9 | 18 J1,207 | 504 | 501 5,207 | 5,409 , 10,616 RISBRIDGE Hundred. | Barnardiston - - - = = (*) Parish 24 38} 1] - 7 37 1 - 88 87 175 Bradley, Great - - - - ~~ Parish 89 96} 1] - 86 10 = 243 244 487 Bradley, Little - - - - Parish b 8} -| - 6 2 - 17 14 31 Chedburgh - - - - - + Parish 27 47} -{ - 28 17 2 124 116 240 | Clare - - - - - ~- - = Parish} 307] 333] 8] 2 | 128 157 48 697 790 1,487 Cowling - - - - - = = Parish 87] 171} -—]| 1 7 129 40 2 418 372 790 { Dalham - - - - - - = Parish 64} 113} —]| 1 | 103 8 2 237 261 498 Denham - - - - = = = Parish 16 314 -| - 29 2 - 79 87 166 Denerdistan orherwise Denston - Parish] 60 4} —-| = 56 11 4 166 161 327 Depden - - - - - = = Parish 38 wa) —-) - 55 10 9 159 160 319 Gazeley - - - - - ~ (4) Parish} 41 6| -| 3 64 11 1 188 186 374 Higham-Green - - - - Hamlet 43 54] -] 1 51 2 1 137 133 270 Haverhill - - - = ~ (*) Barish} 289] 298] 1] 3 98 | 200 S 692 729 | 1,421 Hawkedon - - - = = = Parish 45 62), -] - 44 14 | 4 169 160 329 Hundon - - - - ~ Parish} 133} 182] -—]| - | 153 29 - 477 479 956 Kedington (part of) - ~- (+) Parish} 101 | 115] —| 2 96 18 1 271 242 513 Kentford - - - - - = (®) Parish 17 24{ —} = 20 4 - 59 50 109 Lidgate - - - - - = +» Parish} 49 84} -] 4 69 13 2 189 200 389: Moulton - - - - - Parish} 40 yo | -| = 57 7 6 156 156 312 Ousden - - - - = = = Parish 38 By to -| - 40 17 - 152 179 331 Poslinford with Chipley - - ~+ Parish 33 54], -]o- 51 2 1 140 155 295 Risbridge, Monks - - (4) Extra-P. - -} -{] - = - - - - = Stansfield - - - ~ = =~ Parish 84 86}; 2} - 64 20 2 252 199. 451 Stoke, by Clare - - = = = Parish 110] 143] ~{ 2 | 116 24 - 352 394 746 | Stradishall - - - - + Parish 64 89] - 1 68 21 ee 214 216 433 Thurlow, Great =~ - - = (®) Parish 52 42) —} 9 56. 14 2 234 228 462 Thurlow, Little - - - - + Parish 41 53} -| 1 33 15 5 219 217 436 Whixoe - - - - = - = Parish 23 26) -} = 21 3 2 92 75 | 147 Wickhambrook - - - - = Parish} 149 | 243 1} — | 188 52 3 654 641 1,295, Withersfeld - - - - - - Parish 68 | 100] -]| - 87 12 1 249 235 484 Wratting, Great = - - - Parish, 48 62} -| 2 58 4 - 123 140 263, Wratting, Little - - - - - Parish 41 43} tf] - 41 2 - 97 86 183. 2,228 [2,978 | 15 | 21 J2,132 | 745 | 101 97,327 7,392 | 14,719 SAMFORD Hundred. : : Belstead - - - - - © = Parish, 28 46, —-f} = 40 6 = 132 123 255 Bentley - = - - = - «= Parish 13 3) -}| - 66 7 ~ 192 174 366 Bergholt, East - - - - = Parish} 472 | 266] 4| 2 | 149 gl 26 608 638 1,246 Brantham - - - - - - Parish| 66 y2{ —| 2 49 16 9 206 179 |) = 385 Burstall - - - - = - + Parish{ 38 38) -| - | 33 5 ~ 103 100 | 208 Capel, St.Mary - - - -~ Parish 61 yop} -i 1 82 21 2 288 273 561 Chattisham - - - - - = Parish} 45 451 -| - 43 2 ~ 103 128 | 991 Chelmondiston - - ~ = = Parish, 51 4} —-t = 41 17 16 195 171 366 Copdock - = = - - = = Parish} 61 63} -| -] 41 19 3 149 | 129 278 (®) Gedgrave is included in the Return of Orford——(") Monks- { Essex. The entire Parish contains 1,649-Inhabitants.. (1) Keding- Risbridge, which contains 11 Inhabitants, is included in the Return | ton, otherwise Ketton Parish, is partly in Hinckford Hundred, Essex. of Barnardiston Parish——(') The entire Parish of Gazeley contains | The entire Parish contains 607 Inhabitants——(™) Kentford Parish : 644. Inhabitants. Higham-Green Hamlet extends into Lackford { extends into Lackford Hundred.——(®) One female in Great Thurlow dred.— ¢*) Haverhill Parish. is partly in Hinckford Hundred, | Parish upwards of 100 years of age. . re 320 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS. AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. pe ce Se i ree COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faw | ABE | es, By 3 MES | chiefly | Orurr : on 5 ae | 2 | chiefly |employ-| Fanuilies ; a) | oe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = [Families] 2 | 2 | ployed | wed | % or 4 Oc- = 2 in Mano- | theTwo < a PERSONS. ee & feupied. | & | 5 7 Acrr- | factures, preced- a fy : cut- jorHandi-; ing SAMFORD Hundred—continued. wowE. | crafts | Classes: Erwarton - 5 2 5 +) Parish 30 36} -] 2 31 4 1 85 72 | 157 Freston - - - - - Parish 20 a0 SPs 27 3 1 86 103 189 Harkstead - - - - ~ - Parish 39 59} -]| - 48] 11 - 160 141 301 Higham - - - - = Parish 52 55} 1] = 29] 17 9 120 142 262 Hintlesham - - - - - - Parish} 106{ a11 | -]| - gl 18 2 286 276 562 Holbrook - - - - - - Parish wo) yoy | =4 3 1o4 | 18 5 348 293 641 Holton, St.Mary - - - Parish 24 38] -| - 36 1 1 114 99 213 Raydon - + > - - Parish} 100 | 100] 1f —- 81] 13 6 266 235 501 Shelley - - - - - = Parish 17 231 -] - 19 2 2 67 63 130 Shotley - - = = = Parish 68 68 | -]} 2 61 4 - 175 164 339 Sproughton - - - - - Parish 87 g1} -] 1 66} 18 4 265 241 506 Stratford, St.Mary - - - Parish 76} 146} -| 2 44| 63 39 305 309 614 Stutton ~~ - - = = = Parish 50 86} -]|{ - 58 | 21 4 242 233 - 475 Tattingstone - - - - (°) Parish 44 6) —-] 1 60 | 15 1 175 171 346» Washbrook - - - - - =~ Parish "3 m7} —-] 2 58 | 15 4 195 182 377 Wenham, Great - - - - Parish 35 35) 1} - 35 - - 100 105 205 Wenham, Little - - - Parish 10 wy7yo-] - 15 1 1 45 45 go Wherstead - + - > =) Parish 28 44{-| - 36 3 5 122 120 242 Woolverstone - - - - - Parish 32 56 rj - 41 13 2 141 128 269 House of Industry - - - - (°) - - a) eS ie = - 129 1go0 | 319 1,558 |2,058 | 8 | 18 | 1,484 | 427 | 147 5,402 | 5,227 |10,629 STOW Hundred. : - Buxhall - - - - - - = Parish 93] 108} =| —- y2{ on 15 218 239 | 457 Combs - - - - - = = Parishf 104! 144] 3] = 123] 2 - 361 375 736 Creeting, St.Peter, or West - Parish 23 go} -| - 29 1 - 84 85 169 Fimborough, Great- - - - Parish 52 80{ -| - 62 | 16 2 205 187 - 392 Fimborough, Little - - - Parish 11 16]; 1] - 12 4 - 35 35 70 Gippin = = - - = © Parish Tath Stamina? e- e a 13 AOE rh 15 3 : 53 54 oa Harleston - - - + - Parish 10 we} -| - 16 -- - 42 52 94 Haughley - - - Parish} 103 168 1 1 gl 46 31 427 427 854 ~ = = - = Parish Oe ne - oe - ter Ce a ae a Oe = 283 294 577 One-House - - - - (?) Parish 24 39] -| - 32 4 - 93 92 185 Shelland - - ~ - - - - Parish 13 a4} -| —- 19 5 - 55 49 104 Stowmarket - - - - - Parish? 438] 473] -1| 3 112 | 2908 63 1,055 1,197 2,252 Stow-Upland = - - - Parish} 154 { 168] -—| 4 132 | 36 ae 441 395 836 Wetherden - - - - - - Parish 65 98 | 1] 1 67 | 247 4 236 232 468 House of Industry - - + - (?) - - -~{| =—| - - - - 110 125 235 1,180 |1,503 | 6 | 9 | 887 | 500 | 116 3,698 | 3,838 | 7,536 THEDWESTRY Hundred. Ampton - - - = - - Parish 21 24] - | ~ 13 2 9 57 60 117 Barton, Great - - - - Parish} 133] 144] -] — 116} 16 12 345 357 702 Beyton, otherwise Beighton - - Parish 42 42 1 2 22 18 2 122 116 238 Bradfield Combust - - - - Parish 34 35 | -| 3 26 6 3 61 85 146 Bradfield, St. Clare - - - Parish 26 49} -| - 42 6 1 98 103 201. Bradfield, St.George - - - Parsh} | 89 90 - 1 58 31 1 196 213 409 Drinkstone - - - + + = Parish 61 99} 1] 1 81 | 12 6 223 233 456 Felsham - - - - = = -~ Parish 37 81 -j| - 62 17 2 198 191 389 Fornham, St.Geneveve - - Parish 19 a7} o-| - 24 - 3 68 6 144 Fornham, St.Martin - - - Parish 41 48} -| 3 33 6 9 106 116 222 Gidding - - = = = - Parish 18 go} -| - 24 5 1 94 70 144 Hessett - = © © = - = Parish 44 86}; -| =- 76} lo - 200 193 393 Livermere, Magna - - - - Parish 33 60} -j - 50 9 1 117 134 251 Pakenham - - = - - > Parish} 106} 178] 1] — 128 | 38 12 472 456 928 Rattlesden « - = - - = Parish} 199} 248] 1] 4 160 | 48 40 496 536 1,032 Rougham - - = + = - Parish g2} 161} 14] 2 102 | 32 27 396 382 478 Rushbrook - - © = © = Parish 22 37 -| - 33 3 1 100 04 194 Stanningfield - © - © + Parish 57 61] --| 4 55 5 1 143 147° 290 Thurston = - © © = © = Parish 55 88 | -] 1 441 11 3 187 190 377 Timworth - - += = - - Parish 33 33 | -| - 27 6 - 116 94 210 Tostock ~ - = = = © = Parish 39 61) -| - 46 | 11 4 124 157 281 (°) The House of Industry for the Hundred of Samford, is sitnate in Tattingstone Parish——(") The House of Industry for the Hundred of Stow, is situate in One-House Parish. M.DCCC. XXI-] cr re a > THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. -6.:Q4- -. 413 COUNTY OF YORK: (West-Riding)—continued. P ARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS - PERSONS: — |. Famq- : Famr- | igs ALL oF me <3 LIES | chiefly OrnER sind Bs ; how 2 | chief . | Famili ws TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g | may] s| 2 ree orem “ai 5 a Bea, 3 Homilies & ie} ployed Trapg, ee A Ss ; C= : D : _|t r CLARO WAPENTAKE—continued. B jeupied.| B | 3 | Aon leeemes|preeed | 3 Ai |PERSONS. Upper Division. cuts \orHandi- Clase —_ Leathley Parish: (*) — || Castley - - - + - = Township] 3] 23] -| 2 5 $1) 45 41 69 110 Leathley - - ~- (*) Township 61 61] -| - 42 14 5 161— 151 312 Marton, with Grafton® - + = Parish 92 95 | -| 4 56 26 | 13 237 227 464 Nun-Monkton - - + = = Parish 66 81} -} - 60 16) 5 171 173 344 Otley (part of) Parish: (f)- . Farnley - -. - = = - Township 34 34) -| = 20 q 9 95 84 179 Lindley - - - - - © Township 27 a7| -]| 2 25 2 - 98 80 178 Newhall, with Clifton - ~ Township 40 40} ~| 3 28 6 6 112 96 208 Timble, Little - + - + Township 11 u]j-| - 10 1 - 34 28 6a Ouseburn, Little (part of) Parish: (®) Ouseburn, Little - - - Township 55 58} -| 1 48 7 3 140 | 153 293 Widdington - + - ~ Township 4 4| -| - 4 - - 18 130 31 Ripley (part of) = = - (*) Parish 53) 53} -| 1 26 16 | 11 130 12 251 Skipton (part of) Parish: (!) . : Beamsley (part of) - - ~ Township 48 49| -| 5 29 31 17 111 121 232 Hazlewood and Storiths - Township 37 37} -~] 41 26 i - 109 100 209 Spofforth Parish: (*) Follifoot - - - = = Township 64 64} 1] 1 33 28 3 154 139 293 Linton - - = + = = Township 35 351 - 27 6 2 "7 go 167 Plompton - + © + = Township} 31 31] -| - | 29 2 - 108 100 208 Ribston, Little - + - + Township 46 46} -| 3 24 19 3 93 102 195. Spofforth - - + - - Township{ 179] 189| -—] 7 J 128 51} 10 476 419 895 Stockeld = + = = = Township 10 10 -~| - q 2 1 32 37 69 Wetherby - - - = - Township{? 256] 268] -—| 7 J 103 135 | 30 606 - 611 1,217 Walkingham-Hill, with Occaney, Extra-P. 3 3) “| - 3 = al 14 10. 24 Weston Parish : (!') ; Askwith - - - = + Township 75 75| -| 3 48 -| 29 198 169 367 Weston - - = = = = Township 23 23/ -] - 22 - 1 53 55 108 Whixley (part of) Parish: (™) es : Green-Hammerton - - Township 48 691 1al 3 q 20| 42 166 163 329 Whixley - - = = = Township 70 "5| —| 2 64 10 1 245 222 467 MORLEY WAPENTAKE. 2,365] 2,489) 7 | 81 $1,641 | 555 | 293 6,408 6,098 12,506 Batley (part of) Parish: (*) Churwell - - - - = Township] 155 | 158] — | 13 13 122] 23 419 - 395 814 Gildersome - = - - Chapelry} 306 | 306] - | 19 34. 190 | 82 799. 793- | 1,592 Birstall Parish: (°) ; Clackheaton -> - -(°) Chapelry}? 430} 436| —] 9 48 382 6 1,227 1,209 | 2,436 Drighlington - - - - Chapelry] 358] 3651 -| 9 3 296 | 66 - 832° | 887 1,719 Se Great mk) Township} 1,120 1,151 | 7] 30 | 80 |1,019| 52 | 2,906 |. 3,046 | 5,952 Heckmondwike - (+) Township} 494 | 528] 2} 37 4 486 | 38 1,278 1,301 2,579 ‘Hunsworth - - - - - Township} 154 | 154] —| = 25 129 - 446 424 870 Piveencee ae (°} oe a 2} 40 34 SH 259 ae | 2,035 ee _. Tong = - = = - Chapelry| 373 | 3 —| 15 2 209 go2 gil 1,893 Wike - (+) - - (°) Township} 284 | 292] -| 6 31 245) 16 778 731 1,509 Bradford Parish : (?) Allerton - - = = = Township | 274 1° 276] 4] 4 31 243 2 746 - 742 1,488 ' * Partly in the Libe (¢)- The entire Parish of Leathley contains 423 Inhabitants. The school, hospital, and almshouses are included .in the Return. () Otley Parish is partly in Lower-Claro Wapentake, but mostly in Upper-Skyrack Wapentake.——~(®) ‘Little-Ouseburn Parish is mostly in Lower-Claro Wapentake.——-(») Ripley Parish is partly in Lower- “Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish ‘contains 1,182 Inhabitants, (‘) Skipton Parish is mostly in Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. -Beamsley is partly in’ Addingham” Parish—_—(*) The -entire Parish of Spofforth contains ‘3,044 Inhabitants, (1) The entire Parish of | “Weston contains 475 Inhabitants.——(™) Whixley Parish is partly in Lower-Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains: 809 Inhabitants. ——(°) Batley Parish is mostly in Lewer-Agbrigg Wapentake. rty of St. Peter of York. (°) The entire Parish of Birstall contains 21,217 Inhabitants. Clack- | heaton Township includes Scholes and Qakenshaw ; at Liversedge, the . increase of manufacture is noticed; at Wike, an Inclosure has taken place. (?) The entire Parish of Bradford contains 52,954 Inhabi- tants, It contained no more than 36,358 in 1811. The increase ofiron | works is noticed in the Return from North-Bierly ; of the worsted ma- nufactory, in that from Bowling. In Bradford Township, the Population is nearly doubled (having been 7,767 in 1811) from the unequalled in- crease of manufacture. Scribbling mills and worsted mills are noticed in the Return from Eccleshill; and the increase of cotton weaving, as well as of the woollen manufacture, at Horton, 5N 414 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration. ee COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Kons | | a | py | | = | tm | ciety [Ome : od eee ala ae | ee ee gq. 1 7ou EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Panitesl 21 2 | ployea oe . saan i a ne a) ee in| Manu. |theTwo J & _ |PERSONS. | cupied. | | 5 Acnr- | factures,| Preced- s EB MORLEY WAPENTAKE—continued. cuL- JorHandi-| 8 . ; | ture. | craft, | Classes. Bradford Parish—continued. . Bierley, North (+) - (?) Township $1,139 }1,181 } 6 | 11 110 | 1,054 17 | 3,053 3,017 6,070 Bowling - - - (?) Township} 626 | 707 | 16 | 15 441 629} 34 | 1,799 | 1,780 | 3,579 Bradford - - - ~- (?) Township}2,459 | 2,519 | 99 | 68 17 | 2,452 50 | 6,428 6,636 | 13,064 Clayton- - - - - ~ Township} 695 | 697 } 24 | 31 81 | 612 4} 1,794 | 1,815 | 3,609 Eceleshill ~ - - -(?) Township]? 443 | 467 | 6 | 34 34 | 406 27 1,065 1,111 2,176 Hawarth - - - - - Chapelryf g26 1,036 | 1 | 35 35 | 964 37 | 2,322 | 2,356 | 4,668 Heaton - - - - - Township} 229 | 231 { 5 | 4 36 | 193 2 619 598 | 1,217 Horton - - - - ~- (?) Chapelry 11,386 |1,454 | 21 | 30 | -50 13,059 | 345 | 3,559 | 3,633 } 7,192 Manningham - - - - Township} 482 568 8 | 15 38 | 518 12 1,233 1,241 2,474 Shipley i - = = = Township 316 319 4] 17 33 224 62 851 755 1,606 Thornton - (-+) - Chapelry} 788 | 796 | 17 | 24 45 | 646 | 105 2,051 2,049. | 4,100 Wilsden - - - - - Townshipf 324] 324 | 12 | 14 34 | 290 -| 842 869 | 1,711 | Calverley Parish: (4) | Bolton - - - - - Township} 121 | 121 f 2] 4 17 86 18 | 326 308 634 ae 3 é co amr } 493 493} 1] 1] 25] 441 | 27 | 2,933 | 1,972 | 2,605 Idle - - - - Chapelryf 934] 9341 7 | 47 37 | 890 ” 2,286 2,380 4,666 Pudsey - - - - - - Chapelry]1,219 {1,229 | 3 | 78 66 | 958 | 205 | 3,107 3,122 6,229 | Dewsbury (part of) Parish : ne 2 Cliton hed 2. reomat|}393 | 403} fax} 76] 254! 79] 902 | 015 | 007 Halifax Parish: (*) Barkisland - - - Township} 399 | 412} 1 | 22 1 391 20 1,124 1,100 2,224 Elland, with Creatnd - Chapelry]| 997 |1,006 | 5 | 53 35 | 961 10 2,519 2,569 5,088 Erringden - - - -(*) Township] 2541] 2547 ~| 5 711 183 - 719 752 1,471 Fixby - - - - - ~- Township]! 74] 75} -| 3 33 31 11 159 186 345 Halifax - - - - - - Township [2,734 | 2,851 | 68 ‘110 8 |2,258 | 585 5,920 6,708 | 12,628 Heptonstall. - - - Chapelry} 833 | 833 | 7 | 15 —| 826 7 2,179 2,364 4,543 a equa se} Township} 722| 754|13| 42 | 86] 596] 72 | 1,972 | 1,964 -] 3,936 Langfield - e - Township} 345] 3724 2/| & 28 | 338 6 1,000 1,069 2,069 ‘Midgley - -) - Township} 398} 406] 2 | 18 8 | 398 - 1,130 1,077 2,207 Norland - - (+) - Township{ 301 301 -~| 4 50 | 239 12 823 842 1,665 Ovenden -- - (+) - Township} 1,268 1,287 | 33 | 53 152 }1,115 20 3,206 3,154 6,360 Ouram, North - (+) ~- Towiship 1,378 | 1,492 | 51 | 61 93 | 1,259 80 | 3,433 | 3,408 | 6,841 Ouram, South - (++) - Township? 826 | 866 | 6 | 34 119 | 741 6 2,098 2,158 4,256 Rastrick - - - Chapelry] 550] 561] — | 20 38 | 487 36 | 1,344 | 1,452 | 2,796 Rishworth - - - - Township] 252] 259] -—| 8 —] 259 - 851 737 1,588 Shelf - - - - - - Township} 392] 412] 1t| 6 30 | 380 2 1,012 986 1,998 Skireoat - - - - - Township} 667 | 672 | 12 | 14 24 | 602 46 1,636 1,687 3,323 Sowerby - - (*) Chapelry }1,245 | 1,297 | 8 | 40 77 | 1,214 6 | 3,519 | 3,371 | 6,8go Soyland - - - - ~- Township} 608} 608] 9g | 12 —| 608 - 1,612 1,630 3,242 ff ‘Stainland = - - Township} 488} 505 | 6 | 12 5 | 500 -— | 1,384 | 1,430 | 2,814 # Stansfield - - - = Township $1,274 ]1,392 | 5 | 30 | 197 | 1,193 2 | 3,580 | 3,695 | 7,275 Wadsworth - - = Township{ 831 | 831 | 20 | 15 ~| 823 8 2,246 2,263 4,509 Warley - - - - - - Township{ 937] 983] 5 | 37 19} 833] 131 2,478 2,504 4,982 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. [85:599 /36,706 | 504 {1,244 | 2,237 [31,834 2,635 | 92,231 |93,537 {185,768 (Lower Division.) = Adlingfleet Parish: (*) Adlingfleet - - - - - Township 47 49} -| - 44 3 2 116 140 256 Fockerby - - - Township 23 23] -]| - 20 2 1 50 56 106 Haldenby and Eastoft - - Township 13 13f -} - 13 - - 39 30 69 Kellington Parish: (") Beaghall - - - Township} 112] 114] —| 3 "9 32 3 282 264 540 Egbrough - - - - - Township 42 44} -| 2 36 7 1 106 109 215 Kellington - - - + Township 42 60; -| - 48 9 3 132 151 283 Whitley - - - ~ - Township 38 56{ -] 1 43 8 5 143 141 284 () See preceding Note") The entire Parish of Calverley con- | tion of cotton works, A place called Ramble, included with Erringden tains 14,134 Inhabitants——(") Dewsbury Parish is mostly in Lower- | in 1811, is now returned with Sowerby. (‘) The entire Parish of | Agbrigg Wapentake. ——(*) The entire Parish of Halifax contains 92,850 Adlingfleet contains 431 Inhabitants. ——-(¥) The entire Parish of Kel- Inhabit: ants. It contained no more than 73,415, in 1811; the increase | lington contains 1,328 Inhabitants. is attributable to that of the woollen manufactory, and to the introduc- M.DCEC.XXE.] --* PHE POPULATION -ACT, IF GEO. FV. C. 94. 415 COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued., : is : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: { OCCUPATIONS: ; R Faure | FaMe | ayy oR By LIES LIES | OTHER b i how £ chiefly chiefly Families wa TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Sf omany | ap | BP cme | Ome ot com a a ; , = |Families} 2 g ployed Ts i prized in & 3 oF 2 | O- |e pe [wm [FB etwol at PERSONS. OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. aj cupied. | & | Ant | factureap Presed | a Be L Lower Division ti d TURE. oe Gisies é g Snaith (part of) Parish: (*) eg Armin - - - - = = Chapery} 93] 107} -]| —- gl 14 2 279 291 f 570 Balne - - ~ - - - Township] ~ 72 27 4 8 70 2 -| 152 177 329 Cowick - + - - = = Township} 173 191 -| 6 104 48 39 453 452 {~ 905 Goole - - Township} 71 83} -| - 70 11 2 232 218 450 Gawdall - + - ~ - Township 48 50} —| 1 50 ~ - 118 125 § 243 Hick - - - = = = Township 49; 49 -| 1 46 3 > 107 121 228 Hensall- --- - - - Township 44 51 Fa ers 46 5 = 122 111 233 Hooke - - - - - - Chapery} 79{ 84} -| 4] 72] 12 = 182 181 363 Pollington - - - - = Township] 10 109} ~] ~ 78 25 - 253. 230 483 Raweliff - - - - - Chapelry| 314] 323) -| 4] 190] 1] 42 | 726 770 |. 1,496 | Snaith - - - + - = Township} 176] 186] 2] 6 47} 109} 30 420 414 834 | Whitgift Parish: (*) Ousefleet - - - - - Township} 45| 46] -| 5 43 3 ~ m7 fF = 436 253 Reedness - - - - - Township} 123] 151} ~| 1 7 117] 932 2 328 355 683 Swinefleet - - | = - Township] 151] 214] -| 1) 157] 46] 141 462 | “494 | 956 Ff | Whitgift - - - - = Township 60 Wife -| 26 59 12 = 147 163 | 310 } Womersley Parish: (¥} Cridling-Stubbs - - - Township} 27] 19] -| 1 Lo I 8 51 45 96 Smeaton, Little - - - Township] 36{ 39/ -|} 1 33 6 - 101 75 f 2176 Walden-Stubbs = - - Township 27 28); -{ - 27 1 i 81 77, ~ 158 Womersley - - - - Township 60 68) =) 3 62 5 1 172 144 316 2,056 | 2,294 | 2} 44 $1,655 | 487 | 152 | 5371 | 5.470 | 10,841 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. - = (Upper Division.) i . j Ackworth - - - : - - Parish 259} 260} 2 | 8 f 107 86 67 779 796 1,575 | Badsworth Parish: (#) | Badsworth se Township 35 351 -| - 30 2 3 105 | 95 200 Thorp-Audling - - Township 57 59| -| 1 ff 51 6 2 181 163 | 344 Upton - -°- - = - Township 37 37 | -| = 33 4 ~ 96 88 184 Bramwith, Kirk - - - - - Parishf 43 48] -| - 42 4 2 120 132 252 Burgh-Wallis- - - (*) - Parish 37 38} -| 2 31 4 3 123 114 237 .Campgall Parish: (>) 2 Askerne += - - = ~- Township 25 28; ~| —f 21 9 - ” 82 “9 159 i Campsall ~ - - © Township 65 74{/ —~{ -~f— 59 10 5 206 | 183 389 Et Feywick - - ~- - + Township 50 50} -J| = 45 5 - 144 “151 295 § Moss ~ - - = - Township 49 54} -| - 49 5 - 116 126 | 242) Norton - - - - ~.- Township 87} 1399] 1] 4 111 26 2 338 | 330 | 668 Sutton - - - - ~- - Township 26 28; -} — 20 9 1 "14 1 1 145 Castleford Parish: (¢) : Castleford - ~ - Township} 228} 240} ~| 5 24 50} 166 526 496 1,022 Houghton, Glass - - Township 85 g2| -| 2 29 25 38 212 200 412 Darrington Parish : (4) Darrington - - = + Township 95 9} -| - & 8 - 253 257 | 4510 Stapleton - - - - ~- Township] 20 20} -~| —-f 16 4 - 51 58 | 109 Featherstone (part of) Parish: () | Featherstone. - - - - Township 68 7o| 3) af 63 6 1 174 -163 337 Peerston-Jaglin - - - Township} 55] 55{| -| 3 44 5 6 113 131 244 Ferry-Frystone - - - - - Parish} 161] 168! ~| 5 12 11] 145 391 | 386 777 Kirkby, South Parish: (f) ise Elmsall, North = - Township} 46 46) -| ~ 38 4 4 55 58 } 113 Elmsall, South - - - Township | 102 104 | -—]| 4 66 24 14 231 222 453 Kirkby, South - - ~ - Township} 126] 140} ~| 1 95 30 15 315 318 633 Shelbrooke- - - .. - Township 18 Wy, —-] - 16 1 1 61 54 115 Kirk-Smeeton - - - = = Parish} 54 66| -| - 56 10 ~ 163 158 321 .-(*) Snaith Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Barkstone-Ash { of Campsall contains 1,918 Inhabitants——(‘) The entire Parish of: Wapentake. ‘he entire Parish contains 5,909 Inhabitants.—(*) The | Castleford contains 1,44 Inhabitants.——(“) The entire Parish of Dar- entire Parish of Whitgift contains 2,202 Inhabitants ——(") The entire | rington contains 619 Inhabitants——(¢) Featherstone Parish is partly in Parish of Womersley contains 746 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish Love Sones Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants, of Badsworth contains 728 Inhabitants.——(*) The Return of Burgh- { ——(‘) The entire Parish of South-Kirkby contains 1,314 Inhabitants, Wallis Parish includes Haywood and Sutton;——(*) The entire Parish : ‘416 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ee ee [ Enumeration: COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding) —continued. phn reWRerLS: HOUSES : eS _ PERSONS: AMI- a Famt- | sires ALL OR pe 3 LIES chiefly OTHER : oan ow 2 chiefly loy-| Famili n EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. < may es 3 = a ey : ie ie — a / - 4 o Hee) ae. |: a ployed | Traps, | prized in 4 3 ; 3 oe d 7 & in | Manv- | the Two rs} PERSONS. OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE—continued}] & | °°P'°- | & | © J Acrr- | factures,| preced- a Lal ‘ cut- forHandi-| ing Upper Division-—continued. TuRE. | craft. | Classes. Owston Parish: (8) Owston - - - = + Township} 62 66} -] - 42 10 14 168 138 306 Skellow - - = + + Township} 32 32 | -| 2 24 4 4 74 72 146 Pontefract Parish: (*) Carleton - - - = = Township[ 30 go} 1] - 16 5 9 64 68 132 Hardwick, East - - = Township] 16 yt -| - 13 4 = 46 50 96 Knottingly - - - - Chapelryf 797 | 859] 2 | 70 19] 199} 641 1,907 1,846 | 3,753 Monkhill - - - - - Townshipf 114 21] —] 1 1 1 9 12 28 40 PoNTEFRACT ~- Boro’ andTownship} 927 {| 937 | 2 | 31 200 | 600] 137 2,095 2,352 4,447 Tanshelf - - + = + Township 95 95; 1] 2 25 40 30 101 195 356 Pontefract-Park - - - - Enxtra-P. 7 7} -] 2 7 = e 23 24 47 Wragby (part of) Parish: (4) 7 - : Hardwick, West - - - Township 17 18] -| 3 14 1 3 47 — 46 93 Hasle - - - = = - Township 30 30} -] - 29 1 - 72 67 139 Hill-top - - - - - Township 19 w}-f{ - 10 5 4 44 53 97 Harstwick and Nostal (+) Township 4 4) -| - 2 1 1 23 26 49 3,875 | 4,089 | 11 | 144 | 1,547 11,215 | 1327 — 9,645 | 9,792 | 19,437 SKYRACK WAPENTAKE, Lower Division. Aberford Parish: (*) Aberford* = - = (*} Townshipf 126{ 131 f -| 1 79 28 24. 274 305 579 Parlington = - - - Township 45 46] -] - 22 6 18 109 120 229 Sturton-Grange - = ~- Township 16 wy -| - 11 5 - 44 48 92 Bardsey Parish: (') Bardsey, with Rigton + Township 67 67} -]} 3 54 10 3 198 158 356 Wothersome - - - - Township 3 2) =<] = 1 = 1 8 8 16 Barwick-in-Elmett Parish: () Barnbow - (+) - - Township} 51 64] -] - 30 28 6 149 124 273 Barwick - - ~ - - Townshipf 125 | 131} 1] 6 83 26 22 314 279 593 Kiddal and Potterton - (++) Township] 22 a3} -] - 13 7 3 64. 60 124 Morwick and Scholes (+) Township} 106] 112] -]} 6 65 | 34 13 242 249 491 Roundhay - 2 © = = Township 38 38 2 4 23 5 10 go 96 186 Collingham - += - - + = Parish} 58] 62] -] 2 50] 11 1 148 138 286 Garforth, West - - - - - Parsh] 150] 166] 2] 4 35 | 32 99 389 342 731 Harewood (part of) Parish: (*) 1 Keswick, East - = = Township] 61 62} 4] 2 35 21 6 150 146 296 Kippax Parish : (°) illecthn-Bywnter - - Township 61 64} -| 2 16 48 - 175 _ 154 329 Kippax - - = - «© Township 181 198 2 6 67 105 26 466 492 958 Preston, Great & Little - Township} 39 82} -] 4 7 70 5 258 220 478 Swillington - - - - - - Panshf 98! 98] -] 1 7 23 4 249 261 510 Thorner Parish: (?) / : Scarcroft - - - (?) Township 19 20} -]} 1 18 2 - 57 48 105 Shadwell - (+) - - Township 39 39] -| 7 34 5 = 97 100 197 . Thorner - - - + += Township} 148 1p0{ -| 3 107 40 3 371 337 708 Whitkirk Parish: (9) Austhorpe - - - - - Township 30 BE =] 2 14 14 3 80 70 150 Seacroft - - + © + Township} 188 195} -| 3 109 59 27 446 440 886. Temple-Néwsom (+) - Township} 253] 260) 2] 4 7 103] 107 50 557 609 1,166 Thorp-Stapleton - = - Township 3 SS = 3 oz 15 10 25 1,926 | 2,060 | 13 | 59 | 1,047 | 689 | 324 | 4,950 | 4,814 | 9,764 (®) The entire Parish of Owston contains 452 Inhabitauts.——(») The entire Parish of Pontefract contains 8,824 Inhabitants ——(') Wragby Parish is partly in Staincross Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 660 Inhabitants, exclusive of part of Fouldby, included in the Return of Sharlston, Lower-Agbrigg Wapentake. (*) The entire Parish of Aber- ford contains goo Inhabitants. Aberford Township extends into Sher- burn Parish (Barkstone-Ash Wapentake.)———(!) The entire Parish of Bardsey contains 372 Inhabitants. Wike Township is partly in Bardsey * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. Parish, partly in Harewood Parish, where the whole is eutered.—— '(™) The entire Parish of Barwick-in-Elmett contains 1,267 Inhabitants, ——(") Harewood Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake, but mostly in Upper-Skyrack Wapentake. (°) The entire Parish of Kippax contains 1,765 Inbubitants, (°?) The eutire Parish of Thorner contains 1,010 Inhabitants. An Inclosure has taken place at Scarcroft. (9) The entire Parish of Whitkirk contains 2,227 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04, 325 eer eee eae ee I Seni COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALES. a 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | Go|} 70} 80/90 4100] | Under ; & id Hundred é to to to to to to to to | to | to | to Py ap- er 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90.}100 a a BABERGH - - $1,546 | 1,412 |1,180 | 966 [1,661 |1,188 | 1,042 | 775 |570 |299 | 92 | 6 | — [10,737 BLACKBOURN - 865 | 799 | 628] 565 | 971 | 644} 576 | 403 1333 [186 | 54} 3] - 6,024 BLYTHING - - [1,764 |1,604 | 1,256 | 1,082 {1,852 |1,328 {1,085 | 727 |511 |266 | 91 | 7 | — [11,573 BOSMERE and CLAYDON] 899] 800] 650} 603 |1,039 | 664} 530] 408 1315 [153 | 51] 2] — | 6,114 /CARLFORD - -| 463] 410} 290] 258} 441} 370| 253] 181/116] 72 | 16] 3] — | 2,872 COLNEIS ~~ - -{ 3561 281 | 214} 201 | 324] 248] 178 | 191] 82] 43] 10] -—] — | 2,068 COSFORD - - -| 671 | 605} 4971 4827 719] 482] 448} 341 [218 |122 | 50] 7] — | 4,642 HARTESMERE - - 11,196 |1,030 | 872 | 881 |1,308 | 916] 794] 570 1427 |251 | 80] 7] — | 8,332 HOXNE - - - $1,136 |1,018 } 785 | 751 11,078 | 780] 648 | 514 1351 [218] 77] 9] —- | 7,365 LACKFORD e -}| 8731 751] 649] 569 | 943] 663} 503] 361 }283 |146] 38] 3! ~ | 5,782 LOES - - -]| 886] 842 | 648 | 646]1,060} 741 | 563} 421 13361154] 611 3] — | 6,361 MUTFORD and TOReTNELARS 1,017 | 948 | 734 | 648 }1,169 | 807] 680] 455 |321 |192 | 49} 5 | — | 7,025 PLOMESGATE - -| 787] 739] 590 | 532] 888] 599] 450{ 370 |258 |112 | 50} 3) — | 5,378 RISBRIDGE - -{]1,194/1,014 | 792 | 716 [1,138] 795] 647 | 487 |373 |178] 48] 3 | 1 | 7,386 SAMFORD - -| 804] 685] 614 | 470] 792} 604] 488] 9318 j279 }128 | 38] 3! — | 5,223 stow - - -| 566] 459] 388] 354] 661 | 418] 365] 256 |243 |104] 24] -—| — 13,838 THEDWESTRY - -]| 689] 624} 508) 409} 715 | 4981 474 | 312/263 |153 | 46| 5] — | 4,606 THINGOE- - -| 390) 365] 316| 268} 479 | 309] 279] 218 1152) 80] 31] 2] ~ | 2,889 THREDLING - - 244) 227 175 174 215 205 155 127 | 99 | 65 | 24 5] — | 1,715 WANGFORD - -] 951 | 855] 700] 642 {1,072 | 723 | 553} 454 |310 /213 | 62] 71 - | 6,542 WILFORD - =| 514] 433] 365] 336{ 555! 370] 281 | 255/139} 68/ 26] 1) — | 3,343 Si oases 297 | 308 | 249] 268] 47o} 303} 2261 159/128] 72] 15] 1] = | 2,496 | IPSWICH, BORO’ _—-- | 1,264 | 1,093 | 957 | 882 | 1,739 [1,207 | 869 | 591 ,457)/218 | 72] 7] 1 | 9,355 SUDBURY, BORO’ -| 268] 243] 195] 185 | 3712] 259] 202} 153/131 | 85) 23) -| — | 2,115 19,640 |17,545 |14,252 |12,888 |21,660 |15,121 [12,287 | 8,987 6,695.3,577 1,128} 92 | 2 | 133,874 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Suffolk was 523; six of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): a very small proportion of the Returns of Ages in this county, were some- what deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, 40 326 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. EE T_T County of Surrey. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pan aut AGE OR 2 J a chiefly Ornzr , 5 ow 2 chiefly employ- | Families ua TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many | eo | ‘a em- ed in |notcom- a 4 5 Hauiies # 2 ployed |p, apg, |prizedin | q or c- tS : in Manu- | the Two < a cupied, a 5 Acrr- feclaen preced- e i PERSONS cuL- {orHandi-| ing Se Dey TURE. | craft, | Classes. Arrox'- - + - = = = Parishf 91 97} -| 1 80 14 3 237 233 470 Bramley - - - - - + - Parishf 106] 152] -]| 5 94 47 11 350 357 407° Dunsfold - - - - = - - Parish 87 | 115) -] 1 85 22 8 320 258 578 Hascomb - ~ - = - = - Parish} 47 50]; -] 1 38 10 2 122 131 253 Martha, St. - - - - - (4) Parish 40 57 | -| 3 14 40 3 101 96 197 Shalford - - - - - + = Parish} 143 | 158] 1] 6 83 62 13 357 387 744 Wonersh - - - - - - - Parish} 185] 185] -]| 2 118 44 23 503 415 gi8 (Second Division.) Albury - - - - - -(®) Parish} 143] 152 1 8 847 42 23 383 382 165 Cranley - -- - - Parish} 166] 208) 1] 1 150 37 21 656 526 | 1,182 Ewhurst - - - - Parish} 156; 161] -—| 3 125 25 11 436 385 821 Shere - - - - - (©) Parish} 202} 214} -]| 2 145} 55 14 564 513 | 1,077 BRIXTON Hundred. 1,366 1,549 | 3 | 33 ] 1,019 | 398}; 132 | 4,029 | 3,683. | 7,712 (Eastern Division.) (“) fare Battersea (part of) Parish: (*) “Penge (+) - - - - Hamlet 41 42} - 1 17 5 20 122 106° 228 Bermondsey - - - - - - Parish {4,278 |6,715 | 51 | 362) 123 15,354 [1,238 | 12,125 |13,110 | 25,235. Camberwell (+) - - - (°) Parish} 3,010 | 3,632 |141 | 158 — | 998 | 2,634 4,504 110,372 |17,876 Christchurch - - - - (f) Parish = — - es = 2 = ais 2 ie ES Clapham (+) - - - - Parish f1,132 |1,564 | 41 27} 230 | 635 699 3,124 4,027 9,151 Deptford, St. Paul (part of) - (&) Parish} 183 227 1 4 50 98 79 464 ~ 492 956 Lambeth (+) - - - (P) Parish} 9,294 [13,047 |248 | 377{ 447 |6,969 |5,631 | 25,792 | 31,846 [57,638 Newington, St. Mary - CG) Parish 15,819 | 7,935 |160 | 405} 148 |4,373 13,414 [14,917 {18,130 |33,047 Rotherhithe - - Parish] 2,098 | 2,934 | 17 | 114] 134 | 1,915 885 5757 6,766 | 12,523 Streathani - - - - - Parish} 535 | 664125! 38] 235] 248 181 1,669 1,947 3,616 (Western Division.) Barnes - - - = - = - Parish} 208 209 4 4] 107 55 47 585 655 1,240 Battersea (+) - = (*) Parish} 801 |1,162 | 7] 41f 235 | 867 60 | 2,168 2,596 | 4,764 Merton - - - Parish 186 | 223 | -| 5 85 | 104 34 574 603 1,177 Mortlake (+) - - - () Parish} 403 | 526 | 13] 16] 106 196 | 224 1,169 1,315 2,484 Putney (+) -- - Parish} 539 | 650 | —| 10} 176 | 346] 128 | 1,584 | 1,810 | 3,394 Tooting-Graveney - - - - Parish} 241 | 357 | —- 7 38 | 163 158 935 928 1,863 Wandsworth - - - - - Parish} 984 |1,308 | 10 | 41] 270 | 790 248 3,280 3,422 6,702 Wimbledon - - - - - Parish} 318 | 382] — | 11] 118] 170 94 1,179 1,016 2,195 30,070 141,577 | 718 62 2,519 |23,284| 15-774) 82,948 |99,141 {182,089 COPTHORNE Hundred. : (First Division.) 3 : Banstead - - - - - - Parish} 165 | 180 | 2 4) 134 28 18 497 443 940 - Epsom- - - - - - - - Parish} 430] 559] 6 | 16) 141 216 | 202 1,428 1,462 2,890 Ewell - - - - () Parish} 290] 306] 21 7 8g! 85] 132 755 795 | 1,550 Walton-on-the-Hill - - + Parish 42 53 | 1 - 41 8 4 179 135 314 (Second Division.) Ashtead - e; Sexe oe Pa Oe HE A) ah Ce Bey 88 280 299 579 Chessington - - - - - Parish 28 28 1 1 28 = - "8 42 150 Cuddington - - - Parish 19 19 | 1 - 19 - - 61 56 117 Fetcham - - - - - - = Parish 61 82] -. 1 62 13 a 184 193 377 Headley - - - - - Parish 43 43 | - 2 37 4 2 97 87 184 Leatherhead - - - - - Parish] 256 260 1 4h Ol 117 52 5A 424 1,478 Mickleham - - - - - Parish 81 99 | 4 mF 51 20 28 247 258 505 Newdigate «= © -(*) Parish 48 60} — 1 47 8 5 187 185 372 1,557 |1,800 | 18 | 43] 791 | 536] 473 | 4,747 | 4,709 | 9,456 (2) St. Martha is the name of a chapel frequented by the Inhabitants | ——() Lambeth Parish includes the Hamlets of Brixton-Causeway, of Chilworth, who are here returned under that title. (°) The increase | Kennington, Stockwell and Vauxhall, and Lambeth-Palace, Extra-pa- of Population at Albury, is attributed to the establishment of a paper rochial——(') The Parish of St. Mary Newington includes the Hamlet manufactory——-(©) Married men being sure of employment in prefer- of Walworth. Two females in Newington Parish upwards of 100 years ence to single men, or of obtaining relief if unemployed, early marriages of age. ——(K) The entire Parish of Battersea contains 4,992 Inhabi- are become usual at Shere. (4) The Eastern Division of Brixton | tants. The Hamlet or Ville of Penge is near Sydenham, in the Eastern Hundred contains the Manor of Hatcham, and the Liberty of the Clink, | Division of Brixton Hundred.—(!) Mortlake Parish includes East- part of St. Saviour, Southwark.——(¢) Camberwell Parish includes the | Sheen. (™) Ewell Parish is partly in the First Division of Reigate Hamlets of Dalwich and Peckham. (®) Christchurch Parish is mostly | Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,737 Inhabitants. (") The in the Borough of Southwark, where the whole is entered.—(®) The | entire Parish of Newdigate contains 579 Inhabitants. The Hamlet is in Parish of St. Paul, Deptford, is mostly in the Town of Deptford,(Kent.) | the Hundred of Reigate, and there entered. M.DCCC.XX1.] COUNTY OF SURREY—continued. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. [V. C. 94. pe a 327 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: F Fant- AMI- | Lins ALL By i LIES | chiefly OrHER how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families wi TOTAL 3 many | w | 6 em- a o not com- ; 5 3 tee | @ | ployed | Trans, | prized in a 3 oF je. | p in Manu- | the Two PERSONS. q _ {cupied.| 4 5 Acrr- Pace preced- S a s CUL- lorHandi-| _ mg SS TURE. | craft, | Classes. oq] 139) 2] 2 64} 42 | 34 374 358 732, 22 go | -| 1 25 3 2 13 80 153 64 go} ~} 5 69 | 12 9 278 221 499 210] 259] 1! 7] 158] 56 | 45 725 659 -| 1,384 97 | 110] ~| 4 49 | 34 | 27 255 271 526 a1 87} 1] 2 60 | 15 12 219 Qu 430 330 |} 387] -|17 189 | 98 | 100 gll 980 -} 1,891 - 177} 188} —| 18 56 | 64 68 405 492 897 253 | 292} -—} 9 126 ; 88 78 667 673 1,340. 200} 219) 1] 3 33 | 61 | 125 498 | 535 | 1,033 190 | 213 | 1 | 14 75} 39 | FO 536 572 | 1,108 48 62 | -—| 2 51 - 11 173 144 317 1,366 {1,558} 3 | 69 | 639 | 419 | 500 3,664 | 3,878 | 7,542 yu2f} 118) -—]| 2 93 | 22 3° 325 283 608 571 | 665} 9g | 16 113 | 310 | 242 1,419 1,713 3,132 171 187); —|] 8 151} 15 21 436 433 869 33 36} -] 1 32 3 1 106 gl 197 42 83] -—| 2 651 15 3 226 231 A457 142 151 1] o- 122 17 12 393 365 458 95} 122] -| 4 80 | 36 6 294 260 554 g2 |/ 111 -| 2 40 | 37 4 368 342 710 } 68 Gat a al 56 8 10 190 174 364 9 10} 1]{ - 6 2 2 30 28 58 1,365 {1,557 | 11 | 39 | 788 | 465 | 304 | 787 | 3,920 | 7,707 49 81 -{ 1 65 11 5 | 212 211 423 724 | 7961} 3] 12 337 | 329 -| 130 2,042 2,056 4,098 61 qi} 2) 1 42) 21 8 215 166 381 74} go; -} - 57 | 20 13 247 242 489 22 22} —| 3 17 1 4 61 69 130 72 83] -{ - 64. | 15 4 194. 195 389 174 | 212) —| =| age] 35 7 a5 536 463 999 167 | 175 | -| 8 421 75 28 427 460 887 95 | 125] 1] 2 go} 27 8 308 300 608 169 |} 250] -| 5 172 | 52 26 623 641 1,264 1,607 |1,905 | 6 | 32 | 1,068 | 586 | 251 4,865 4,803 9,668 (°) A large printing-office and ex- (“) One PARISH, TOWNSHIP, orn EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. EFFINGHAM Hundred. Bookham, Great - - - - Parish Bookham, Little - - - - - Parish Effingham + - - - + Parish ELMBRIDGE Hundred. (First Division.) Moulsey, East - - - - = Parish | Moulsey, West - - - = - Parish Walton-upon-Thames - - (°) Parish Weybridge - - - - - (?) Parish _ (Second Division.) Cobham - - - - - - (9) Parish Ditton, Thames Parish : (*) Ember and Weston - - + Hamlet Esher - - - - - (3) Parish -Stoke-D’Abernon - - (t) Parish FARNHAM Hundred. Elstead - - - = - = - Parish Farnham - - - - - - (*) Parish Badshot and Runfold - + - Tything Runwick - - - - - - Tything Culverlands and Tilford - - Tything Wrecklesham and Bourn- - Tything Frensham- - - - = - (*) Parish Chart and Pitfold - - - - Tything Seal - ~ - - = = - = Parish with Tongham - - - - - Hamlet Waverley (Vill) - + - - Extra-P. GODALMING Hundred. (First Division.) Compton - - - - - - Parish | Godalming - - - - Parish Hambledon - - - - Parish Nicholas, St. Parish: (*) Artington - - - = - - Tything Peper-Harow- - - - - = Parish Puttenham - - - - - - Parish (Second Division.) ‘Chiddingfold - - - + - - Parish HasteMERE(-+-) - Borough & Parish Thursley - - - - - = - Parish Witley- - + - - -~ = - Parish ) The Return of Walton-upon-Thames Parish includes Common- Side, Hersham and Burnwood, and Town Divisions, which in the year 1811 were separately returned, tensive iron-works, which were established at, Weybridge in 1811, no longer exist there, which has caused a decrease of Population. | male in Cobham Parish upwards of 100 years of 2ge——(") Thames- Ditton Parish is partly in the Second Division of Kingston Hundred. Esher extends into the Hundred of Kingston, but the whole Population is here entered. <‘) Oakshot Hamlet is included in the Return of , Stoke-D’Abernon Parish.——=(") The entire Parish of Farnham contains 5,413 Inhabitants. The Hamlets or Tythings do not appear to be very accurately defined in this extensive Parish, the Population not being returned under the same titles as in 1811——-(W) Frensham Parish is said to extend into the North-Alton Division of Hampshire; see Docken-. ' arish is : field. The entire Parish contains 1,433 Inhabitants.——=(*) St. Nicholas The entire Parish contains 1,592 Inhabitants,——_(*) The Parish of | Parish is mostly in the Borough of Guiiprorp. 328 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, Se — Le COUNTY OF SURREY —continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- Fami- ETES ALL OR By gj LIES chiefly Orner how 2 | chief _| Famili ; TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. glue) Go) Ecos | ene ces Ge a 3 | Families 5 ‘a | ployed | ‘Trane, | prized in a a OF ‘3 Oc- 3 a in Mann- | the Two a a GODLEY Hundred. s cupied. | 4 5 Acori- factures,| preced- st By PERSONS. (First Division.) ee orHandi- én: ese a ee Ash Parish: (¥) Se eee Fnmley'= + = - > Chapelry} 247 | 262] 1] 5 | 144] 65] 53 655 62g | 1,284 Bisley 2 + - - = = = Parish 49 52} -] - 34 16 2 136 137 273 Byfleet - 2 - 2 + + Parish 81] 105] 1] 2 85 13 4 222 205 427 Chobham - - - - + = = Parish} 306] 328] 1] 4 248 54 26 885 834 1,719 Horsell - - - - - - = Parish go| 115] 1] 3 7A 39 a 324 293 617 Pyrford - - - = - + - Parish 45 59| -]}| - 57 2 - 144 150 294 (Second Division.) Chertsey - - - - > Parish} 805 | 827} 9! 44 366 | 301 | 160 | 2,141 2,138 | 4,279 Egham - - - - - ~ (#) Parish} 598{ 420] 1 | 38 301 | 230] 189 | 1,780 | 1,836 | 3,616 Thorpe - -~ ~ - - - = Parish 41 93}; 1] 6 72 16 5 246 263 509 KINGSTON Hundred. 2,292 | 2,561 | 15 | 102 | 1,381 | 736 | 444 | 6,533 | 6,485 | 13,018 (First Division.) Kingston-upon-Thames- (*) Parish} 843 | 1,155 | 11 14 262 | 617 | 276 2,450 2,458 4,908 Ham with Hatch - - - - Hamlet] 150] 176] -—] 7 86 55 35 426 535 964 Hook - - - - - ~- = Hamlet 48 49|/ -| 3 43 4 2 107 115 222 Petersham - - - - - = Parish 71 m1] -| 2 46 15 10 202 314 516 Richmond - - - = (®) Parish} 976 | 1,226 | 9g | 18 6} 584} 636 | 2,545 | 3.449 | 5,904 (Second Division.) Ditton, Long- - - = (°) Parish 52 68} - 43 12 13 168 193 361 Talworth - - - - + - Hamlet 36 39} -| 1 36 2 1 124 110 234 Ditton, Thames Parish : (¢) Cleygate - - - - = = Manor} 102 102} —] 2 68 12 22 318 241 559 Kew - - = = - = - = Parish} 111 123 | 3] 6 - —|}| 123 275 408 683 Malden - - - = - - Parish} 41 | 46] -| - 36 3 7 135 115 250 REIGATE Hundred. 2,430 | 3,055 | 23 | 55 | 626 |1,304 1,125 | 6,750 | 7,938 | 14,688 (First Division.) sae Betchworth - - - - -(°) Parish} 177] 1479] 31] 2 121 32 26 490 419 909 Buckland (+) ~- - - - Parish 38 50 | 1a} — 44 5 1 145 147 292 Charlwood - - = = - = Parish} 156] 200] —| 1 144 46 10 607 527 1,134 Ewell (part of) Parish: (*) Kingswood - - - Liberty 34 38] -| 4 30 4 1 104 83 184 Horley - 2 - - 2 + Parish} 176] 183] 1] 1 131 52 - 567 496 1,063 Leigh - - - - - Parish 65 89} -]| 1 "6 12 1 256 197 453 Newdigate (part of) Parish: (8) Newdigate- - - - - = Hamlet 21 34} -] 1 26 7 1 117 go 207 ReiGatE - - - - -()) Borough} 213] 245] -| 4 33 | 174 38 626 702 1,328 - - - - Foreinf 286 |} 321 1] 11 217 73 31 814 819 1,633 (Second Division.) Burstow - - - - - Parish} 106} 125] -] — 110 15 - 383 332 415 Chipstead - ec oe ote Parish 53 84] -| 3 62 11 11 248 192 440 GaTTon (+) - Borough & Parish 22 22] —} 1 9 2 11 68 67 135 Merstham - - - - - Parshf 140] 146] 1] — 52 74 20 408 388 4796 Nutfield - - - - - Parish} 124] 130; -—] 4 98 22 10 354 353 907 TANDRIDGE Hundred, 1,611 |1,846 | 7 | 33 | 1,153 | 532 | 161 | 5,187 | 4,812 | 9,999 (First Division.) BLECHINGLY - - Borough & Parish 195 243 - 3 120 106 17 630 557 1,187 Crowhurst - - - - - Parish 22 BB ors 37 = 1 115 99 214 Godstone - - ose Parish} 159 | 242 | —| 4 131 } 101 10 613 597 1,210 Horne- - - - - = - = Parish 89 g6} -] - 86 10 = 319 266 585 —-(’) The Parish of Ash is partly in Woking Hundred. The entire | of Long-Ditton contains 595 Inhabitants, (*) Thames-Ditton Parish Parish contains 1,867 Inhabitants. The neighbourhood of the military | is mostly in the Second Division of Elmbridge Hundred. (*) The fF college at Sandhurst has caused an increase of Population at Frimley. Population of Betchworth has decreased (by 98 persons) since 1811, |’ (@) Many cottages have been erected on the waste at Egham. when many workmen were employed there in building aud otherwise—— (*) The entire Parish of Kingston-upon-Thames contains 6,091 Inha- | (*) Ewell Parish is mostly in the First Division of Copthorne Hundred.— |} bilants. An increase of houses is mentioned in the Returns of Ham and | (®) Newdigate Parish is in Copthorne Hundred. ——(h) The entire Hook; likewise at Petersham and Richmond. (>) One female in | Parish of Reigate contains 2,961 Inhabitants. : Richmond Parish upwards of 100 years of age. ——(°) The entire Parish j y M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘ THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 329 COUNTY OF SURREY—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fanit- Famt- | sins ALL 4 Ox By es LIES | chiefly OTHER « | ae & | chiefly | employ- | Families 2 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 7g many | | ‘e em- | edin |notcom- a a 5 Families # 5 ployed | Trap, | prized in 4 =a ' oF =e | Oc | 2] '2 | in | Manu |theTwo & _|PERSONS. 4 cupied.| p | 5 Acrt- | factures, | preced- 3 fy TANDRIDGE Hundred. (First Division) cuL- lorHandi-| _ ing continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Limpsfield - - - - - - Parish} 162) 193) -| 1 103 | 49 41 473 445 |. 918 Lingfield - - - - - - - Parish} 275 | 325] 2) 7 J 271] 43 | 11 861 823 | 1,684 Oxted- - - - - + - - Parish} 129] 156] -] 2 89] 42 | 25 384 393 777 Tandridge - - - - - = Parish} 73 94) -| 7 80 | 10 4 222 199 421 . (Second Division.) Catterhamn - - - - - - Parish} 80 84); ~]} 1 48] 14 22 241 194 435 Chelsham - - - = = - Parish 35 42) ey oS 40 1 1 126 gl 217 Farley- - - + - - - = Parish 15 15 | sy A 15 - - 58 26 84 Tatsfield - - - - = - = Parish 24 32] -]| - 29 2 1 92 82 174 Titsey- - - - - - + Parish} 27 33 |) Ss 30 2 1 go 77 167 Warlingham - - - - Parish 77 81 1] 2 50 | 23 8 245 176 421 Woldingham - - - - - - Parish 4 Fi cle 7 = - 28 19 47 : 66 | 1,68 8 WALLINGTON Hundred. 1,3 1,001 3; 2 1,136 | 403 142 4,497 4,044 8,541 (First Division.) Addington - - - - - Parish 52 68] -| - 56 g 5 184 170 354. Chaldon - - - - - - Parish 26 28} -] - 28 - = 92 94 166 Coulsdon - - - - - - - Parish 71 94} -| - 71 | 18 5 298 218 { 516 Croydon - - - + = - =~ Parish} 1,667 | 1,895 | 42 | 35 404 | 816 | 675 4,485 4,769 9,254 Sanderstead - - - = = - Parish 31 31 -| 2 23 4 4 101 88 189 Woodmansterne - - - - = Parish 25 33 | -| 2 24 - 9 96 "5 171 ' (Second Division.) _ Beddington - -.- - ~- (!) Parish 46 86} ~]| 2 50] 17 19 238 242 480 Wollington - - - - Hamlet}? 138 | 151] -—]} 2 18 | 94 39 444. 403 847 Carshalton, otherwise Casehorton Parish} 295} 329 | 4] 8 115 | 149 65 870 905 1,775 Cheam - - - - - - - Parish] 175] 179] 1] 10 1274 30 22 426 366 792 Mitcham - - - = - - Parish} 728] 883 ] 2 { 26 296 | 460 | 127 2,188 2,265 4,453 Mordon - - - - - - - Parish} g8{ 120] —| — 47| 29 | 44 307 331 638 Sutton- - - - - 2 - © Parsh} 171 193 | 2 3 69 | 80 44 460 451 gll . 090 1 O 7 1,328 | 1,70. wee 3.553 | 4,09 | 5 | 9 1328 | 1,704 {1,058 | 10,189 | 10,357 ade (First Division.) : Ash - - - - - - = (*) Parish} 112} 114] 1) 3 82 | 19 13 292 291 583 Purbright- - - - - - - Parish} 67] 100; 1) 1 79 | 19 2 261 211 472 Stoke next Guildford- - - - Parishf' 193] 235] —-]| 5 83} 91 61 498 622 1,120 Wanborough - - - - Extra-P. 21 25h ard 20 2 3 53 54 107 Windlesham - - - ~ - © Parishf 313] 326] 4] 2 153 | 92 81 833 454 1,590 Woking - - - - - - - Parish| 320) 361] 1] 6 [| 254] 69 38 944. - 866 | 1,810 Worplesdon - - - - ~(!) Parish} 203] 254) 1] 6 220; 32 2 676 600 1,276 (Second Division.) Clandon, Fast (+) - - - - Parish 38 52) —| 1 37 | 10 5 122 - 108 230 Clandon, West - - - - - Parish 53 86] 1] 1 7o; 12 4 189 172 361 Horsley, East - - + - = Parish 24 40; -|] - 33 5 2 97 95 192 Horsley, West - - - - = Parishf 115 | 123] -| 3 95} 19 9 321 |- 290 611 Merrow - - - - - - = Parish 44 49! -| - 30 2 17 122 |. 118 240 Ockham - - - - - - - Parish} 114} 118) -/ 4 81 | 28 9 308 | 257 565 Send - - - - - © = © Parish sei EUple ss = ee = Chante, joas 246] 2) 3 107 | 76 63 644 639 | 1,283 Wisley - - - 2 © + ~- Parish 19 25.) ie fh 22 3 ea 75 66 141 WOTTON Buuaiee 1,871 | 2,154 | 11 | 35 | 1,366 | 479 | 309 51435 5,146 | 10,581 (First Division.) Abinger - - - - - ~- - Parish} 115] 120] -—] 1 85} 12 23 386 356 742 Ockley - - - - = - - Parish 83 | 109] =| 1 84 | 20 5 337 305 642 Wotton-Low-Hill & Up-Hill - Parish} 100] 104] 1] 4 64 | 20 20 - 303. 286 589 (Second Division.) : Capel - - - - - - - = Parish} 112] 161] -—] 1 109 | 30 a2. 456 420 846 Dorking - - - - - = = Parish} 697] 842 | 14 | 30 308 | 335 | 199 1,878 1,934. 3,812 1,107 | 1,336 | 15 | 37 | 650 | 417 | 269 3,360 | 3,301 | 6,661 i) The entire Parish of Beddington contains 1,327 Inhabitants———- { tains 1,867 Inhabitants——(!) The Return of Worplesdon Parish in- (*) The Tything of Normandy is included in the Return of the Parish | cludes the Tythings of Burgham, Perry-Hill, West-End, and Wyke, all of Ash, which extends into Godley Hundred. The entire Parish con- § which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns, , = 7 - 4 P 30 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AN]) RETURNS UNDER eaacaarracrecccccc reece ee ee ey COUNTY OF SURREY—continued., [ Enumeration, OR Christchurch (-+) George, St. the Martyr John, St. Horselydown Olave, St. - Saviours, St. Thomas, St. - - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - -() () (+) - = = ( 7 ~ (4) EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. GUILDFORD, Borough Town of Holy-Trinity - - - = © Parish Mary, St. the Virgin - - - Parish Nicholas, St.- - - - + (®) Parish SOUTHWARK, Borough Town of Parish Parish Parish P) Parish Parish Parish HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Fami- | Fami- -_ ALL B ‘ LYES res OrHer ‘ her ; B | chiefly ae Families PA TOTAL vv man ath om 13 sy % 7 & Familixs| 2 4 | ployed ao atisedin a S| es ‘3 Oc- = a an Manu- | the Two 3 : PERSONS. ‘S cupied. | | 5 Acrr- | factures, preced- E fay nee ts CUL- orHandi-| _ ing TURE. | Graft, | Classes. 189 | 209] 2 2 8 145 56 519 615. 1,134 . 225 | go2] 1] 7 9 165 | 128 617 693 1,310 128 i160} -|{ 6 33 107 20 329 388 914 542 | 671 | 3} 15 po aig | 204 | 1,465 | 1,696 | 3,161 | . 1,811 / 3,193 | 13 | 33 | 21 | 2,303 | 869 | 6,280 | 7,059 | 13,339 5,149 | 8,901 | 123] 271 65 | 47,009 | 1,827 | 17,516 | 18,852 36,368 1,527 | 2,209 | 18 | 88 | 19 1,465 | 725 | 4,379 | 4,784 9,163 1,221 | 2,105 | 4] 59 1 | 1,223 881 4,154 | 4,266 8,420 2,639 [4,445 | 50 | 47 | 166 | 2,751 |1,528 J 8,423 | 8,385 | 16,808 130 | 354] -| 4 - | 324 30 938 869 1,807 12,477| 21,207) 208 | 502 | 272 | 15,075) 5,860 | 41,690 | 44,215 85,905 Parish contains 1,206 Inhabitants, into the East Division of Brixton Hundred. of Persons in St. George’s Parish includes—in the King’s Bench Prison, 495 meles and 20 females; in the Marshalsea Prison, 77 males and 22 females; in the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 140 males and 103 females; in the Philanthropic Soclety, 129 males aud 51 females; in the School (™) St. Nicholas Parish is partly in Godalming Hundred. The eutire ) Christ-Church Parish extends (°) The total number for the Indigent Blind, 49 males and 4'7 females; in the Freemason’s School, 67 females; in the Magdalen Hospital, 3 males and 80 females ; and in Bethlem Hospital, 125 males and 122 females, One female in St. George the Martyr’s Parish upwards of 100 years of Olave’s Parish extends into the City of London——(9) of St. Thomas’s and Guy’s Hospitals is included in that of St. Thomas’s Parish. Distinct Returns were received in 1811. age. () St. The Population SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SURREY. fc gee iy Hundred of BLACKHEATH = - - - -| 1,366] 1,549| 3] 33} 1,019 | 398] 132] 4,029 | 3,683| 712, BRIXTON - - - - = =~ [30,070 |41,577| 718 |1,621] 2,519 |23,284 |15,7'74 | 82,948 | 99,141 | 182,089 COPTHORNE - - - - | 1,557| 1,800] 18] 43] 791 | 336] 473] 4,747 | 4,709 | 9,456 EFFINGHAM- - - - - =} 210] 959] 1) 7} 158| 56) 45] 725 659 | 1,384 ELMBRIDGE- - - - - -] 1,366] 1,558] 3| 69] 639| 419] 500] 3,664 | 3,878| 7,542 FARNHAM = - ~~ — = _ =| 1,365] 1,557] 42 | 39] 788 | 465| 304] 3,787 | 3,920] 4,09 GODALMING - - - - | 1,607] 1,905} 6 | 32] 1,068 | 586] 251] 4,865 4,803 | 9,668 GODLEY - -- 2,292 | 2,561) 15 | 102] 1,381 | 736] 444] 6,533 6,485 | 13,018 KINGSTON - - - - - -| 2,430] 3,055/ 23} 55] 626 | 1,304] 1,125] 6,750 | 7,038 | 14,688, REIGATE ~ > - = -$ 1,611) 1,846) 7] 33)1,153 | 532] 161] 5,187 4,812 | 9,999 TANDRIDGE- - - - = -]| 1,366] 1,681] 3] 28]1,136| 403} 1421 4497 | 4,044 | 8,541 WALLINGTON - - - - ~ 1 3,553! 4,090] 51 | 90] 1,328 | 1,704| 1,058] 10,189 | 10,357 | 20,546 WOKING - - - ~ = - 7 1,871] 25154} 11 | 351 1,366 | 479] 309] 5,435 5,146 | 10,581 WOTTON- - — - - | 1,107] 1,336] 15] 37) 650} 417| 269] 3,360 | 3,301] 6,661 Borough of GUILDFORD- - - - -] 542] 671] 3] 35f 50] 417| 204] 1,465 1,696 | 3,161 Borough of ; . SOUTHWARK - - = = ~|12,477|21,207)208) 502} 272 |15,075| 5,860 | 41,690 | 44,015 | 85,905 ToraLts - “pares 88,806 }1,096| 2,741 14,944 46,811 | 27,051} 189,871 208,787 | 398,658 M.DCCC.XXI.] | “THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. 331 Peer ence CE nny COUNTY OF’ SURREY—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. L — O®} 100] Under | © 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90}, oi < Hundred 5 to | to to |. to to to to | to | to | to| to}up-] & é 10 | 15 20 | 30 | 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards| & 0. - - i BLACKHEATH - - -]| 541 {| 583] 560] 409] 538] 443] 364 | 286] 186] 96) 22] 1] — |} 4,029 BRIXTON - - - 6,093 | 5,504 | 4,680 [3,123 | 5,998 | 5,637 | 5,029 | 3,072 {1,605] 616/117 | 13 | — [41,487 COPTHORNE - - -f 644] 668! 571] 472] 684} 606] 483] 327] 239] 107| 27 | 1] —]| 4,829 EFFINGHAM - - -f 109 93 70 "31 114 93 66 52} 32] 17/ 6] -| -—] 725 ELMBRIDGE - = -] 504) 472] 412 | 347] 552| 456] 375 | 240] 195] 90/19} 1] 1] 3,664 FARNHAM - - - =] 571] 530] 480} 387] 542] 392] 325] 259/171) 95) 31] 4] —] 3,787 | GODALMING - - -] 668] 572] 548| 395! 652] 513] 370] 321 | 234] 133] 28) 3] — | 4,437 GODEEY - - = -]| 919] 963] 789] 586| 931} 788} 619} 459] 315] 131] 32 | 2] — | 6,533 KINGSTON - - - -f 827] 777 | 806 | 666 ]1,074 | 929 | 680] 470 | 308] 174) 351 4] - | 6,750 REIGATE - - - -] 715 | 696] 569| 433 | 689, 564] 482] 331 | 211] 1101 35; 1| —] 4,836F TANDRIDGE - = -]{ 639) 604] 518{ 470] 699 | 496] 391] 329] 225] 97/29} -]| - | 4497 WALLINGTON. = = ~- 11,476 | 1,297 | 1,190 | 1,193 | 1,413 | 1,198 {1,046 1 683 |- 462] 185] 44 2] — {10,189 WOKING + - = -]} 802] 721] 593] 4521 815] 629] 493.| 383 | 240] 142] 23] 31].-] 5,296 WOTTON - - - -]}| 476] 436] 422] 357] 522] 360] g06/} 221} 149] 90] 21} —]|. — | 3,360 GUILDFORD, BORO’ -f 214] 183] 172] 147] .219] 193] 141 95 yo| 26] 4] 1] —] 1,465 SOUTHWARK, BORO’ - [4,332 | 3,421 | 2,931 | 2,789 14,928 | 4,655 | 3,912 12,275 | 949] 328| 50] 61] — {30,576 _ Total of MALES - | 19,530| 17,520] 15,311] 12,299] 20,370] 17,952) 15,089) 9,803 |5,591\2,437|522| 42 | 1 [136,460 FEMALES. f ee ~\ unaer | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80| 90 | 72° 4 Hundred 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to} uJ & 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100\wards} & of BLACKHEATH - - -]} 582] 525] 424] 345 | 539] 429] 310] 236 | 173] 104,16 | -—]| —] 3,683 BRIXTON - - - = (6,057 | 5,514 | 4,623 | 4,340 18,552 |6,620 | 4,981 | 3,307 |1,944] 861] 206] 33 | 2 |47,040 COPTHORNE - - -]| 683} 669] 487] 446] 788 | 584] 456] 326] 218] 104/37] 2] — | 4,800f EFFINGHAM - - - go | 101 52 47 | 111 75 "6 51 | 33) 16] 7] ~] -| 659 ELMBRIDGE - -]| 500| 465} 413} 316} 675] 478] 419 | 266} 207] 102} 35 | 2] — | 3,878 FARNHAM - - - - 588 | 541 | 405] 409] 642} 405] 378] 249] 185] 93] 20] 4] —] 3,919 GODALMING - -{ 687] 586] 455] 339] 739} 472] 364] 321 | 204] 133) 38] 6| -] 4,344 GODLEY - - -~ -| 985] 933] 699} 611 |1,002 | 8296] 577] 426 | 269] 124] 30] 37. - 6,485 | KINGSTON - - - -| 855 | 820| 774] 849 |1,611 |1,062} 764] 625 | 415) 195] 61 | 6] 1] 7,998] REIGATE - ~ - -}| 708| 640] 502] 457] 649} 511] 416] 273 | 210] 114/27] 2] - | 4,500} TANDRIDGE - - -/ 596] 604] 453] 355 | 593] 478] 331] 308] 208) 96) 20] 2] — | 4,044} WALLINGTON - - ~ [1,397 | 1,311 | 1,001 | 1,068 | 1,822 | 1,340 | 1,011 649 | 463| 218] 66] 7] — [10,353 WOKING ~- - - -f 789] 729] 530} 434] 802] 591} 458 | 343 | 230] 103) 39] 7] — | 5,055 WOTTON: - - -—.531] 445] 407] 337] 479 | 353 | #92] 295 | 157) 75) 171 3] = 4 3,902 GUILDFORD, BORO’ -f 241] 208] 171 | 192 “304, 211] 152] £03 | 63) 41] Of] 1 1,696 SOUTHWARK, BORO’ - | 4,206 | 3,300 | 2,837 |3,071 16,041 | 5,109 | 3,812 | 2,240 |1,181] 463) 71 | 13 | 1 132,345] Total of FEMALES - [19,495 |17,391 | 14,233] 13,616 25,349) 19,544] 14,797) 9,828 |6,160]2,842| 699] 91 | 4 {144,049 F THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Surrey was .... 398,658, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 280,509, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-third and one-fourth, (say, two-sevenths) of the Persons therein enumerated, bavé not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. ’ ~ Pe Total: Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Surrey was 161; thirteen of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are marked thus (+): (among which are Camberwell, Clapham and Lambeth.) A small proportion of the Retums of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, County of Sussex. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- By a ian ied ae chie! . : 7 2 how 3 chiefly eles Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = leat @ tS em- | edin |not com- wi 3 oe 5 amilies 2315 ployed | Trapr, |prized in a = een a| 2 & 4 mm _| Manv- | the Two < a PERSONS. ‘1a - | factures,| preced- ee RAPE OF ARUNDEL. . oes loetainel | a in ARUNDEL Hundred. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Anrvnper - - Borough and Parish] 460 485 8 4 29 372 84 1,175 1,336 (9,511 AVISFORD Hundred. Barnham- - - - Parish} 21 33 | -| -] 28 5 - go 83 173 Binsted - - - - - - Parish} 14] a7] -1| 14] 17 - - 49 49 98 Climping - - + = = = Parishf 32] 48/ -| -] qi 4 3 128 130 258 Eastergate - - - - - - Parish} 28 35} 1} 4 28 4 3 gl 75 166 Felpham near Bognor - (#) Parish 86} 109] -| 5 5A 41 14 291 290 581 Ford -- - = Parish 8 w}—-|] = 9 2 1 38 | 45 83 Madehurst - - - - + © Parish 23 28} -| - 24 2 2 86 83 169 Middleton - - - = = Parish 6 8) —-] - 8 - - 25 19 44 Southstoke and Offha - - Parish 20 20} -]}] - 16 3 1 58 57 115 Tortington - - - - Parish 13 i3g/ -=| = 8 2 3 49 39 88 Walberton - - - - - Parish yy] 128] 1] 1 87 33 8 3A1 336 687 Yapton - = = - = = Parish 79 | 105}; 1] - 76 21 8 311 268 579 BURY Hundred. Bignor - - - + - = = Parish 20 26} =] - 23 - 3 66 42 138 Bury - - - - - - (>) Parish 931 103] 1] - 81 22 - 262 242 504. Coates - - - - = Parish 6 8 man es u. 1 - 24 17 4l Coldwaltham - - - = - Parish 44 57 SO 49 8 - 170 187 357 Fittleworth - - - - - Parish 93 127 1 1 a7 43 q 314 317 631 Hardham = - = - = = Parish 12 17 -| - 17 - - 60 54 114 Houghton - - - - = Parish 25 35} -|{ 1 13 17 5 83 79 162 Wisborough-Green - - (°) Parish} 226} 309] -—| 3 | 237 58 14 873 806 1,679 POLING Hundred. Angmering - - - - Parish} 131 177} —{| 1 7 117 50 10 491 406 897 Burpham - - + - = Parish 35 51} -| 2 37 M1 3 119 104 223 _Ferrng - - - - - - Parish 44 57 | =] 8 40 10 7 145 141 286 Goring - - - - - = - Parish 67 88} -—]| 2 60 23 5 241 235 476 _Kingston - - - - + = = Parish 9 10} -—| 3 8 2 - 21 22 43 ‘Leominster - - = - - (4) Parish 99 | 112] 1] 5 83 23 6 287 _ 875 562 Warningcamp - - - Tything 18 22} -| 4 19 3 ~ 57 56 113 Little-Hampton - - - Parish} 205 | 224] 1 | 21 19 50 | 155 570 596 1,166 North-Stoke - - - - - + Parish 9 wf{—-] 1 12 - - 37 26 63 Poling - - - = - + Parish 34 37; -| - 29 4 1 101 “go 191 Preston, East - - - = - Parish 30 34) -] - 28 1 5 143 116 259 Rustington - - - - - Parish 51 68 3) - 51 12 5 167 160 327 ROTHERBRIDGE Hundred. Barlavington - - - - = Parish 10 17; -| 1 13 4 - 51 43 94 Burton — - - + = = = Parish 1 1 -|- 1 - - 4 7 14 Duneton - - - - - - Parish 37 45 -{ - 36 9 - 128 118 246 Egdean - = - = - - = Parish 11 144) -| - 13 1 - 34 32 66 Kirdford - - - + - Parish} 204 | 282} 2; 2 | 227 46 9 848 754 1,602 Lurgasall - - - = - = Parish go] 117] -| 3 84 31 2 339 325 664 Northchapel - - - - (¢) Parish} 105] 147] -—]| 3 82 32 33 366 383 749 Petworth - - - - Parish} 457] 543 | 3 | 6 | 158 | 213 | 172 1,361 1,420 2,781 Stopham - - - - = - - Parish 18 2] -] - 16 6 4 65 74 139 Sutton - - - - - - © Parish 46 62}, -]}] - 46 15 1 193 160 353 Tillington - - - - - - Parish} 133 154} - 114 29 11 368 313 681 Woolavington, East and West - Parish 36 54] 1 45 5 4 136 136 272 WEST-EASWRITH Hundred. Amberley - - - - - (f) Parish "6 |} 109] 1 1 88 17 4 275 273 548 Billingshurst, East (®)| |_| pag, [ff 185 | 150; 1] - 96 36 18 409 385 704 ————_ West - 103 |} aaa ft -] —- 69 26 16 307 268 575 (*) The increase of Population at Felpham, is attributable to the vicinity of Bognor, a fashionable watering-place——(*) The Tything of Westburton is included in the Return of Bury Parish. (©) Wis- borough Parish extends into the Hundreds of Rotherbridge and West- Easwrith, and includes the Chapelry of Loxwood-End. (*) The entire Parish of Leominster (Limister) contains 675, Inhabitants—— (©) One male in Northchapel Parish upwards of 100 years of age.—— i ) The Hamlet of Rockham is included in the Return of Amberley }, ‘arish——(®) The entire Parish of Billingshurst contains 1,369 Inha- bitants, M.DCCC.XX1.] THE’ POPULATION ACT, 13 GEO. Iv. Cc. Q4- ‘COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. ‘ HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | FO] ass B ; LIES ries | Oruer ee ‘how B | chiedy | MY | pamilies e TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BZ fomany | |B fem [chin |notcom-| ys 4 3 Families 3 a ployed Tease prized in a = OF § e- i131) 4 in | Mann- | the Two 3 & |PERSONS. ; A} cupied.}| @ | D Acrt- | factures, preced- Fa | RAPE OF ARUNDEL-—continued. CUL- lorHandi-|_-ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. WEST-EASWRITH Hundred—continued. Chiltington, West - -.- (") Parish} 93] 117] -]| — go] 26 1 336 302 638 Greatham - = - = - « Parish 7 wz] =<-| - 12 - - 33 38 71 Parham - - - - - - =~ Parish 10 10; -| - 5 - 5 39 38 "7 Pulborough - - +» = - = Parish} 331 | 343 6 225 | 105] 13 991 g10- | 1,901 Rudgwick - - = - - - Parish 140] 162] 2] - 129 29 4 521 453 - 974 Slinfold - - = - «© - (*) Parish 84] 110} -] 1 92 14 4 348 296 644. Storrington - = - - - - Parishf’ 161} 17g [ -—|] 13 82 57 | 34 472 429 go1 Wiggonholt - - - - - - Parish 5 8} -; - 5 1 2 27 20 “4a RAPE OF BRAMBER. 4,391 5,382 29 95 3,160 1,532 6go 14,627 13,988 28,615 BRIGHTFORD Hundred. ee - - = = - (4) ae 623 | 685 | 10 |100 101 | 311 | 273 1,658 2,067 3,725 apham - - - - = =- =~ Parish 32 45{ -| - 40 1 4 141 104 245 Durrington - - - - - - Parish 38 39 | -| 2 27 11 1 110 84 194 Findon - - - = ~ - - Parish 85 97 | -| 2 61 19] 17 233 ~ 244 477 Heene - - - = = - - Parish 36 38 | -—] 11 20 11 7 89 89 178 Lancing - - - = - - = Parish? 116] 118] 1] 9 80 29 9 306 284 590 Sompting - - - - ~ - Parish 92 gz} -]| 2 "5 12 5 230 242 472 BURBEACH Hundred. Beeding, Upper (©) 1 =| aca 2a 6} -| - 68 4 1 281 218 499 ———- Lower - 52 66 | 3 53 6 o 224 .. 181 - 405 Edburton - - - = - (!) Parish 18 1) -] 1 17 - 1 48 44 - 92 Tfield - + - = 2 - - = Parishf 111 141] -| 2 96 34) 11 420 338 958 EAST-EASWRITH Hundred. Chiltington, West - - - (®) Parish - -}| -{ - - - i - - =m - Itchingfield - - - - - Parish] 45] 56] -| - 40 =| 1 189 160] 349 Slinfold - - - - - - (®) Parish - -|-]- - - 7 - = = Sullington - - - - (*) Parish 42 42] - 32 | 10 - 154 133 287 Thakeham - - ~- - - (°) Parish} 100] 104] -—| 2 94 8 2 334 - 269 603 Warminghurst - - - - - Parish 14 20] —- 17 3 54 62 116 FISHERGATE Hundred. Kingston-by-Sea otherwise : ; Kingston-Bowsey ~ si - Parish 4 io} -]o4 10 - - 28 - 28 56 SHOREHAM, NEw -~ Boro. and Parish} 203 | 230] 1] 6 2| 1o1 | 127 472 575. | 1,047 Shoreham, Old - - - - = Parish 38 43} -{| - 36 5 2 120 115. 235 Southwick - - - - = - Parish 57 wa} =-| - 27 37 8 156 218 374 HORSHAM - (?) Borough and Parish} 791 | 88 | 9 | 19 312 | 434 | 141 2,325 | 2,250 — 4,575 _ PATCHNIG Hundred. Patching - - - - - - = Parish 30 41 | -] - 29 12 - 120 102 222 SINGLECROSS Hundred. Nuthurst - - = - - - Parishf 114] 116] -—j 1 104 10 2 340 | 288 628 Rusper - - - - - = © Parish 69 89] -| - 60 16] 13 268 219 487 Warnham - - - - - - Parish? 148] 169] 1] 2 125 32 | 12 483 431 914. STEYNING Handred. hee BRAMBER - - Borough and Parish 20 231 -| 5 17 3 3 44 54 98 Buttolphs - - - - - = Parish 10 yo} -| 1 10 - - 40 | 220 62 | Coombs - ~- - - - = = Parish 6 io} -| - 10 - - 42 28 70 STEYNING - - Borough and Parish} 232 | 254] -]| = 122 | 103} 29 677 647 1,324 | Washington - - - - - Parish} 124} 132] 1] 2 97 31 4 360 | 344 | 704 rWistn - = = - - - - Parshf 32] go} 2] - 34 4] 2 163 130 | 293 ' _ (>) West-Chiltington and Slinfold Parishes extend into East-Easwrith | Arundel Rape, and there entered.——(") Part of Sullington, containing - Hundred (Bramber Rape ;) but the entire Population is bere entered. about 100 Inhabitants, is locally situate near Horsham. (°) At ‘ (1) Broadwater Parish includés Worthing, a fashionable watering- | Thakeham is situate a house of industry, belonging to seven united . place, which accounts for the large increase of Population in this Parish. } Parishes ; it contains 69 inmates, who are included in the Return of : ——() The entire Parish of Beeding contains 904 Inhabitants——- | Thakeham Parish_—_—((?) From the Parish of Horsham, three Returns '() Edburton Parish extends into Poynings Hundred (Rape of Lewes,) ] were received in 1811, distinguishing the Borough-part, the North-part, - ahd is entered accordingly. ‘The entire Parish contains 269 Inhabitants. | and the South-part; the increase. of Population is attributed to the ! ——(™) The Parishes of West-Chiltington and Slinfold are mostly in | inclosure of 800 acres of land. t __ 4Q ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. (Enumeration, HOUSES OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fane | FAM | aay By . : LIES é Orner oR ef ee z chiefly ee Families 4 TOTAL | EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = lpamites! & | 2 | ya | cd ia [neteom a 2) oor | 4 oe = 4 P 2 Traps, | prized in s | 5 f 3 dh ‘| Manu- | the Two Parish} 120] 124] -] 2 54} 42 28 328 ‘322 650 TIPNOAK Hundred. Albourn - = - - - - Parish} 44 67) -| - 56 4 4 192 168 | 360 Henfield - - - - - = Parishf 243 | 2581] -—| 5 130 | 76 52 704 ‘700 1,404 | Woodmancote - - - - + Parish 37 57) | SS = 49 3 5 153 141 294 | WEST-GRINSTEAD Hundred, Ashington - = - = = Parish 41 41} -] 2, 37 3 1 117 112 229 Ashurst, near Steyning - - - Parish} 56 45) 11 - 7 56] 18 1 205 189 394 Shipley - - - - (%) Parish} 148] 178] 2] 1 153 | 22 3 633 526 1,159 West-Grinstead - - - - Parish} 143 | 211 | -]| 1 166 | 41 4 658 571 1,229 WINDHAM and EWHURST Hundred. Cowfold - ~ - - - - - Parish} 110 138] - 1 109 25 4 413 409 822 Shermanbury - - - - Parish 42 57} 1] = 45 9 3 169 151 320 4,322 | 4,969 | 32 | 180 | 2,671 | 1,496 | 802 13,681 | 13,259 | 26,940 RAPE OF CHICHESTER. : : ALDWICK Hundred. Bersted, South - - - Parish} 303 | 3271 3 | 43 95 | 183 49 807 954 1,851 Lavant, East and West - - Parish 65 73] -| 3 54] 10 9 188 176 364 Pagham - - - - Parish} 193 | 202 1] 5 145 | 48 9 537 472 | 1,009 Slindon - - - - - - - Parish 70 99} -| - 55 | 22 | 22 249 222 471 Tangmere - - - = \- = © Parish 28 go} ~| — 25 9 6 847 87 174 BOSHAM Hendred. Bosham - - + - - Parish} 208 {| 219] —| 4 116 | 34 69 510 539 1,049 Chidham - - - - - (‘) Parish 38 55| -| 1 51 4 - 156 137 | 293 Funtington - - - - - - Parishf 110] 155| 2] 3 110 | 35 10 406 441 8447 Stoke, West - (+) - (*) Parish 16 15 - 15 - - 49 43 92 Thorney, West - - - - - Parish 12 19} -| - 17 2 ~ 63 48 111 BOX and STOCKBRIDGE Hundred. Aldingboun - - - - - Parish 42 60} —| 2 50 6 4)1 Lidsey - - - - Hamlet 15 24] -] - 20 2 2 450 405 855 Westergate - - = - - Hamlet 53 58} -]| 2 31 25 2 Appledram - - - - Parish 17 26} -| - 23 3 - 55 48 133 Boxgrove - - - - = = Parish} 152 167} -—| 3 131 25 11 425 443 868 | Donnington - - - - Parish 25 5it -| - 35 | 12 4 140 127 267 Eartham - - (+) - - - Parish 19 25} -}] - 19 3 3 55 50 105 Fishbourn, New - - - = Parish 64 69} -| 1 11] 38 20 132 156 288 Hunston - - - - - Parish 32 39} -}| - 24| 15 - "9 87 166 Merston - - - - - ~ = Parish 18 18] -| 1 16 - 2 62 45 107 Mundham, North - - - Parish 5l 8} -| - a4 8 - 221 201 - 422 Oving - es - Parish} 144] 148] 1] 1 47 1 50 21 332 305 637 Rumbold’s-Wyke - - - Parish 56 63] 4a] 2 34} 17 12 148 155 303 Upwaltham - - - - - - Parish 10 14} -| - 13 - 1 58 41 99 Westhampnett - - - - Parish 68 m2 | —| 1 44] 19 9 214 187 {| 401 DUMPFORD Hundred. Chithurst - - - - - - Parish 23 28} 1] - 23 3 2 81 65 146 Didling - - - - - - Parish 13 20; —-] - 20 - - 49 32 81 Elstead - - - - = - Parish} 27 36 | -} - 30 5 1 107 83 190 Harting - - - - = (**) Parish} 190] 236] 1] 9 150 | 51 35 558 514 | 1,072 Rogate - - - - - = - Parish} 106] 1g2/ -—| —- 116 | 19 7 368 356 794 |Turwick - - - - - - = Parish 11 20} -{ 1 16 3 1 61 51 112 Trayford - - - = - - Parish 19 27) -!| 1 25 2 - a7 60 137 Trotton - - = - (*) Parish 56 "6| -—]| 2 54 | 20 2 212 178 390 (4) At Shipley the poor-house contains 53 persons, who are included in the Return.——(") An inclosure of land'is mentioned as the cause of a large increase of Population at Chidham. (°) The regular Return from | West-Stoke was not received, and no information could be procured, ex~ cept of the number of Males and Females ; so that the number of Houses and Families herein attributed to West-Stoke is taken from the Return of 1811, asan approximation, and for the sake of conformity. (**) The increase of ‘Population at Harting is attributed to the return of the poor to their own Parishes, from the growing scarcity of agricultural employ- ment,——() Trotton Parish extends into Easebourne Hundred, includ- ing Milland Chapelry. The Population of the whole Parish is here "entered, mea ere ~ ermeaaen o ce armenn renee ee M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 335 COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. . HOUSES : ~ SccuraTioNs: PERSONS: ‘PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . Famt- niet ALL { pH how 2 | ee | adety |p | « | roraL Sa ae a |many |g] 2 | SU lene ey a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. £ vamiies| © | 2 1 cecal -©1™ |oucedinl a oF 5 a |S ployed | parang, | Prizedin os @ | Oo |S] pin | WAP |the Two] 2 = |PERSONS. & | cupied.|} & 1D | Aoni- factures,| Preced- aS et cUL- lorHandi-| 198 TURE. | craft, | Classes. RAPE OF CHICHESTER=continued. EASEBOURNE Hundred. Bepton - - - - - - = Parshf 26] 36] 1] -] 34] 2 11 2 67 | 140 Cocking - = - - - = Parish} 51 7a) =) = 45| 18 11 166 174 340 Easebourne - - - (*) Parshf 143] 155 [ 14 9 94] 36 25 395 382° 277 Lodsworth Liberty - = — Chapelry 46 | 106] 1) 3 86] 15 5 257 256 513 Farnhurst - - - - + - Parish} 86] 120) —| — 52 | 28 40 | 317 276 | 593 Grafham - - - - - - Pash} 52| 72] -| -| 54] 15 | 3 | 176 167 343 Heyshot - - - - = - - Parish} 56 64] -]} 2 56 8 = 155 154 309 ad co se = = = =) Parish 45 68] 1] 2 40] 197 11 | 163 142 305 Vineh -- - - - - - - paishf 14] r4[ -| -] x2] 2} - | 39] 38] 77 Linehmere - - - - - - Parish] 42 55 | -} 2 43] 12 - 148 134° 282 Mipuurst - - - Borough and Parish} 234] 252 | 14 12 63 | 140 | 49 644 | 691 | 1,335 Selhaom - - - - - = Parish 13 t4], as 13 = 1 41 39 80 Stedham - - - - - = - Parish} 56 gz] 1] - 57 | 25 10 | 246 207 453 Woolbeding - +~ - -,- - Parish} 41 58} -| 1 48 7 3 135°] 126 261 MANHOOD Hundred. Birdham - - - - - - Pash? 69] 95] 2] - 74) 16 5 293 239 532 Earnley, with Almodington - Parish 21 24} —-| - 22 - 2 97 41 148 Itchenor, West - - - - - Parish 34 39] -| 3 11 9 19 102 "9 181 Selsey - - - - - - = - Parish} 107] 152] -| 1 95 | 50 4 400 366 "66 Sidlesham - - - - - Parish} 195 | 195] -—| 2 187 8 - 537 492 1,029 Wittering, East - - - - - Parish 40 46} -j] - 38 6 2 112 104 216 Wittering, West - - - () Parishf 100] 104] —]| 3 62] 19 23 254 250 504 WESTBOURN and SINGLETON Hundred. Bindertoih - - = ~ - = Parish} 13 15] -| - 14 a 1 33 34 67 Compton - ~ - - - - = Parish 50 50} -]| 2 25 | 20 5 114 119 233 Dean, East - - - -.- - Parish 65 67} 1] 4 24] 42 1 212 - 185 397 Dean, West - - - - - - Parish} 107] 114] 1] —- 481 28 8 317 305 622 Marden, East - - - - Parish 11 1] -] 41 15 2 1 48 37 85 Marden, North - - - - = Parish 3 6} -| - 6 - - 13 4 20 Mid-Lavant - - - - - - Parish 50 53] -| - 29} 16 8 124 119 243 Racton - - - - = - Parish 17 a2} —-] — 13 6 3 51 49 100 Singleton - - - = (*)_ Parish 45 56] —-j] 1 34] 14 8 139 146 285 Charlton - - (+) - - Tything 34 46} -| 1 34 | 10 2 99 100 199 Stoughton - - - + Parish 84] 115} 1] - 82] 14 19 271 248 519 Upmarden - - - - - Parish 42 61] -{ 1 42] 10 9 166 140 306 Westbourn - - - - - - Parish} 383] 395} —| 14 145 | 129 | 121 885 967 1,852 4,659 | 5,561 | 24 |149 | 3,449 | 1,396 | 716 | 14,228 | 13,648 | 27,876 RAPE OF HASTINGS. BALDSLOW Hundred. Crowhurst - - - --- = Parish 43 56} -{ 1 51 2 3 181 159 | 340 | Hollington - - - - - Parish 40 46] -| - 40 2 4 141 131 272 Leonards, St. - - - - - Parish 19 a1; -} - 13 3 5 53 47 100 | Ore - - - - Parishf 107| 126] —]| 3 83] 21 22 287 259 546 oe a Coste (Y) Parishf 12] 16] —| 1 i) 8 - 55 6o | 115 | Westfield - - - - - - Parish f 117] 149] —| 2 126 | 20 3 443 4 454 “804 BATTLE Hundred. | Battle- - - - - - - Parish} 460 | 516] —| 7 302 | 155 59 1,437 1,415 2,852 | Whatlington - - - - - - Parish 38 58} -| - 44 7 7 145 140 285 ‘BEXHILL Hundred. F Bexhill - - - (#) Parishf 295] 334] 1/15 | 169) 94 | 71 975 932 | 1,907 io ‘ (8) The entire Parish of Easebourne contains 1,290 Inhabitants | Port of Hastings, and entered accordingly ——(”) The Population of f “ (”) Pilots and sworn King’s Officers are included in the Return of West | Bexhill was increased during the war, troops being stationed there in * Wittering.——(*) The entire Parish of Sitigleton contains 484 Inhabitants. } barracks. ——(") The Parish of St. Mary-in-the-Castle is mostly in the Cinque- 336 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER , (Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: 6 PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faure | Fam) ayy B LIES : Oo id _ | bow 3B | chiety | oro)-| Familes fe] penta: EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 rae wb 3 can q | ed in. [not com- a q or S| Oo te ie |e | yee nea. 2 |B pensons 4s cupied.} @ | 5 Acri- |factures, preced- RAPE OF HASTINGS—continued. cuL- forHandi-| ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. FOXEARLE Hundred. Ashburnham - - - = = = Parish 94} 128] -]} 1 93 | 19 16 379 389. "68 Hertsmonceux - - - - Parish} 196] 218] 3] 6 122 | 62 34 668 650 1,318 Wartling -~ - - - - (*) Parishf 132] 166] -]| - 113 | 37 16 516 | 474 990 GOLDSPUR (>) Hundred. Beckley - - - = = + Parish} 156] 240] -] 2 181 | 43 16 712 659 1,371 East-Guldeford - = - = Parish 21 23/ -| 1 21 1 1 57 67. 124 Iden - - = - - - = =~ Parish? 94] 103] -] 6 74 | 20 9 282 _ 260 | 542 Peasmarsh - - - - = = Parish? 175 | 175/ -]| 1 137 | 32 6 448 465_ 913 Playden - - - = - - - Parish} 63 63} 1] - 33 | 23 q 166 151 317 GOSTROW Hundred. Brede- - - - - - - Parish} 122 171 -| - 126 | 36 9 457 445 go2 ° Udimore - - (+) - - = Parish 49 a7) o-{ = 60 8 9 214° 214 428 | GUESTLING Hundred, Fairlight - - - - - - Parish} 67 88} -]| 3 “1 | 414 3 240 | 23y-]) 4ay Guestlng- - - - = - - Parish} 120] 192] -—| 9 98 | 20 14 356 341 697 Icklesham - - - - © Parish 60} 103} 1] = 66 9 28 301 284 |} 585 HOU Se) Woe Se es» Pail 33 54} -] - 32 | 13 9 138 162-]|~ 300 Cinque Port of HASTINGS. (¢) All-Samts - - - - - Parish} 341] 476] 6 [ 11 23} 84 | 369 1,077 | 1,120 | 2,197 St. Clements - - * - Parishf 375] 466] 1 {| 18 21156 | 308 1,102 1,258 2,360 St. Mary-Bulverhithe (+) - Parish 4 4} -| - 4 - ~ 17 17 34 St. Mary-in-the-Castle (part of) (4) Parish} 162] 183 | 12 | 21 5 | 124 54 436 ~ 677 1,113 St. Mary-Magdalen- - - ~- Parish 12 1] -| 1 10 1 5 48 - 39 ~ 87 The Priory - - - - Extra-P. 51 55} 3| 2 13 | 30 12 167 - 127 204 HAWKESEOROUGH Hundred. di Burwash - - - - ~- (*) Parish} 9318} 363] -]| 6 268 | 74 21 1,011 | 926 | 1,937 Heathfield - - - = Parish} 278 | 296] 2] 10 202 | 68 26 829 784 | 1,613 Warbleton - - - - + Panshf 168] 203] -|} 1 124] 39 40 590 | _ 577 1,167 HENHURST Hundred. Etchingham - - - - - = Parish 9 | 121} —] 1 103 14 4 310 315 625 Hawkhurst - - ~ - (f) Parish = = = a = os = = “en es Salehurst - - - - (8) Parish} 274 | 382 7) 4 248 | 111 23 1,071 1,050 2,121 NETHERFIELD Hundred. : a Brightling - - - - = Parish 75 | 103] -{ — 83] 20 - 342 299 641 Dallington - - - (*) Parish? 100] 108] ~—!| 5 65 | 18 25 289 259 548 Mountfield - - - + = Parish 97 15} -!|] 5 104 | 10 1 354 329 683 Penhurst - - - - - - = Parish 13 Wye} = 17 ~ - 53 53 | 106 NINFIELD Hundred, , Catsfeld - - - - ~- ~ Parish 99] 119] -] 4 100 | 16 3 297 278 575 Hooe - - - - () Parish 64 99|/ -| 1 84] 13 2 312 288 600 Ninfield - - - + 2 + Parish 7} ula} —| 2 g8 | 10 3 310 | 308 618 Cinque Port of RYE. Rye- - - - - (!) Parish] 601 | 710] § | 10 62 | 591 57 1,768 1,831 3,599 SHOYSWELL Hundred. Ticehurst: — - = - - Parishf 254] 340] 3] 2 291 | 44 5 973 993 1,966 (*) The facility of obtaining Parish relief is mentioned as the cause of increased Population at Wartling——(°) Broomhill Parish is partly in Goldspur Hundred, but is wholly entered in the Liberty of Romney- Marsh, Lathe of Shepway (Kent.) (*) The Town and Port of Hastings contained 3,848 Inhabitants in 1811, at present 5,085 Inhabitants, it being a fashionable watering place ; the families of fishermen are included im the third column of Occupations.——(4) The Parish of St, Mary-in- the-Castle is partly in Baldslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,228 Iuhabitants——(e) Burwash Parish extends into Shoyswell and Henburst Hundreds, but is entered wholly in Hawkesborough Hundred. The Return of paupers to their Parishes is mentioned as a cause of the increase of Population here and at Dallington, but cannot be generally applicable-——(f ) Hawkhurst Parish is mostly in the Lathe of. Scrag oe where the whole is entered. (®) Rotherbridge or Roberts- ridge is in Salehurst Parish, h) Sixty-four families, out of eighty- four employed in agriculture at Hooe, receive parochial relief. (+) The increasing cultivation of hops has caused an increase of Popu- lation at Rye, and in the neighbouring Parishes. M.DECC.XXI._ THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. — 337 COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | FA™i- | Act reer B 5 fumes | te) | Orger oe x Wee g chiefly pe Families v3 TOTAL 0 man. s em- . t = ; EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Famiites 2 4 ployed | 4° _ at g 3 or Ss | Oe pel a in| Manu- | the Two 4 fi] |PERSONS. 4S | cupied.| | 5S | Acnr- | factures,| preced- a al RAPE OF HASTINGS—continued. cut- lorHandi-| ing TuRE. | craft. | Classes. STAPLE Hundred. Bodiam - - - = = - - Parish 39 55) -| - 42 9 4- 153 161 314 Ewhurst - - - - += - - Parish} 219} 222] 1] 4 180 41 1 652 573 1,225 Northiam - - - - - = Parish} 190] 262] 3] 5 157 66 39 684 674 1,358 Sedlescomb - - - - - - Parish 78| 195] -—]|] 6 75 37 13 331 336 667 ' Cinque Port of WINCHELSEA. St. Thomas-the-Apostle - ~- Parish} 153 | 174] 2 | 11 82 63 29 386 431 817 g 28 RAPE OF LEWES. 6,634 | 8,188 | 51 {191 | 4,512 | 2,281 J 1,395 | 22,213 | 22,098 | 44,311 BARCOMB Hundred. (*) Barcomb - - - = = - = Parish} 121} 144] -—| 1 128 16 — 394 359 753 Hamsey - - + - - = = Parish 42 53{ 2] 1 25 12 16 266 271 537 Newick - - - - - = = Parish “8] 103] -] - 80 19 4 278 262 540 _ BUTTINGHILL Hundred. Ardingley - - - - - = Parish 70 99] -| 2 42 23 4 299 280 579 Balcomb - - - = «© C!) Parish} 101 | 114] — 70 28 16 338 268 606 Bolney - - - - - - = Parish 97 | 112 1] - 97 13 2 291 269 560 Clayton - + - = = = = Parish 73 79; 1] - 42 6 1 242 211 453 Crawley - - - = - - Parish 51 60} -| = 22 25 13 174 160 334 Cuckfield = «“ - = - = Parish} 324] 436] 2] 3 275 | 126 35 1,250 1,135 2,385 Hoathly, West - - - - - Parishf 119} 172] -— J] 1 115 38 19 523 420 943 Hurst-Perpoint - - - - - Parish} 213 | 245] 3] 1 134 69 42 642 679 1,321 Keymer, North and South - - Parish} 112 w2]} ~] = 84 19 19 359 320 679 Slaugham s+ - - - - Parish} 123 | 148] —-] 4 99 46 3 497 436 933 Twineham - - - ~ = - Parish 38 48 | -| 1 32 9 4 148 127 275 Worth - - - += - = - Parish} 264 | 276 1 221 40 15 931 794 | 1,725 DEAN Hundred. Patcham - - = - - - = Parish 70 75} -!| 3 60 10 5 209 194 403 FISHERGATE Hundred. Hangleton - - (+) - Parish 8 8; ~| - 8 - = 26 26 52 Portslade - - - e - Parish 41 62}; -| 1 40 19 3 233 188 421 HOLMSTROW Hundred. Newhaven otherwise Meeching (™) Parish} 158{ 167 | -—| 2 18| 53| 96 447 480 | ga Piddinghoe - = - - - © Parish 29 49) -| - 44 4 1 137 114 251 XNodmell - - = - - - = Parish 39 65} -| - 46 16 3 175 161 336 Southease - - - - - Parish 15 26} -| 1 25 1 - 60 52 112 Telscombe - - - - - = Parish 17 23}; -|] 1 19 - 4 59 54 113 LEWES Hundred. Lewes - = - - = (®) Borough - -~| -| - - - - - = - POYNINGS Hundred. Edburton -Parish: (°) Fulking - (+) - - - Hamlet 25 41} -| - ay 3 1 93 84 177 New-Timber - - - - - Parish 26 26] -| — 24 2 =f 81 80 161 Poynings - - - - - - - Parish 38 40]/ 1] - 23 16 1 123 109 232 Piecombe - - - = - = Parish 20 39} -| - 33 6 - 119 99 218 PRESTON Hundred. Hove = = ss se ee Path] 46) 49, 91 4] 85) 1] Fl d49 | 263 | gia Preston - - - - = = (?) Parish} 53 551 -| 2 33 11 1 129 190 319 (*) Southover, part of Barcomb Hundred, is entered with Lewes at the | with its Suburbs (Southover and Cliff,) is entered at the end of the end of the county.——(') Balcomb Parish extends into Street Hundred. | county——(°) Edburton Parish is partly in Burbeach Hundred (Bram- The inmates of the Parish workhouse are entered as one family inthe | ber Rape.) The entire Parish coutains 269 Inhabitants.- —(?) The third column of Occupations.——~(™) Pilots and Preventive Officers are | two female schools at Preston cause a disproportionate number of females included in the Population of Newhaven.——() The Borough of Lewes, } in the Return, 4R 338 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration.: COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawn- | Famr- [ary peo B . LIES LIES 0 on ine B | chiesy ane ae of EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3B peey | > 1s | | edin |notcom ; oe 3 oe 5 5 pe Traps, | prizedin 5 oF g c- mm 4 Manu- | the Two | oupied.| & |S | Acer lrsctures| preced | f2 PERSONS. . cuUL- ‘Handi-| ing RAPE OF LEWES—continued. rUak: | one, Helasen STREET Hundred. Chailey - - - - - - = Parish] 169] 177] -| 5 111] 49 17 499 447 946 Ditchelling - - - - - (4) Parish} 122] 183] -]| 2 108 | 53 22 420 424 844. Plumpton - - = = + Parish 47 50} -| - 40 5 5 144 128 272 Street - + - = = - = Parish 21 25{ -{| - 22 2 1 m7 15 152 Westmeston_ - = + = (*) Parish 35 43 -| - 35 3 5 £32 119 251 East-Chiltington - = Chapelry 31 43} -{ - 35 8 - 141 102 243 Wivelsfield - - - - - ~~ Parish gl 98} -} 1 71} 19 8 275 262 537 SWANBOROUGH Hundred. Iford - - - - = = - Parish 30 32) -| 1 30 2 80 "7 157 Kingston, near Lewes - - - Parish 28 29} -] 1 24 2 3 82 go 172 WHALESBONE Hundred. Brighthelmstone - - - (*) Parish - Dee ape es = - - - - - Westblachington - - - Parish 10 10} -] - 10 = - 27 24 54 YOUNSMERE Hundred. Falmer - + - - -(*) Parish "5 45 1/ 3 49] 15 11 246 191 437 Ovingdean - - - - - = Parish 15 1) -]| - 12 - 4 39 40 "9 Rottingdean - - - = - (") Parish 148 156 3 | 14 87 45 24 361 411 772 pees 3»234 | 3873 | 17 | 56 | 2,595 | 848 | 430 f11,195 | 10,378 | 21,543 | RAPE OF PEVENSEY. ALCISTON Hundred. Alciston - - - + = = = Parish 28 Ay | = = 44 3 = 133 114. 247 Alfriston - - - - - - Parish} 107} 116] —]| 2 43 | 56 17 324 324 648 Lullington = - - - = - Parish 4 9 - 1 7 ~ - 19 20 39 BISHOPSTONE Hundred. Bishopstone - - - + Parish 26 44} -]o1 24] 15 5 147 130 277 Denton - - - - = = = Parish 22 23, -] - 19 3 1 92 61 133 BURLEY ARCHES or BURARCHES Hundred. | Lindfield - - - - - - Parish} 238 | 266} 2] 5 149 | 93 24 4729 681 1,410 DANEHILL HORSTED Hundred. Horsted Keynes - - > - Parish} 116] 135] -—| 2 94 | 37 4 377 336 713 Selmeston - - - - Pash} 30) 37{ -| - ax 3 1 109 99 208 Tarring-Neville - - + - - Parish 16 wy] -}] - 16 - i 42 39 81 -DILL Hundred. Hailsham - - - - - -(*) Parish} 168 | 224 2 2 148 | 57 22 662 616 1,278 Hellingly = + - = + (*) Parish} 178] 937] -—| 2 164 | 67 6 686 627 1,313 I; EASTBOURNE Hundred. Eastbourne - - - = - (%) Parish 465 | 4871 3] 46 165 | 268 54 1,226 1,381 2,607 EAST GRINSTEAD Hundred. East-GRINsTEAD - Borough & Parish 439 587} 1 3 356 | 141 go 1,636 i 1,517 3153 (4) The discontinuance of farti sérvants in the house, causes youn tion of Rottingdean—() Hailsham Pari i i men to marry earlier than formerly, (*) The entire Parish of West! of the Coniston of ea ee uf bee meston contains 494 Inhabitants.— (*) The Town of Brighthelmstoue | mentioned in the Hailsham Return as resulting from impunity —— 2 ooo at the end of the County.——(t) Many workmenare attracted | (*) An in¢losure of land bas taken place at Hellingly—_(’)_ The Pre er, by employment afforded by the Earl of Chicester——(#) The ] wives and familiés of soldiers and sailors at Eastbourne, are less nume- Teventive service has caused an accession of 30 persons to the Popula- | fous by 221 persons than in 1811. . M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 339 and this is the more probable, from the females appearing to be two to one at that time. Inhabitants. The number of Houses is the same as in 1811; but the increase of Inhabitants is 190.——(°) At Withyham more land is under culture than in 1811, and many cottages have been built. (°) Lam- berhurst Parish is partly in the Lathe of Aylesford (Kent.) The entire Parish contains 1,325 Inhabitants. ——(4) ‘St. Thomas in-the-Cliff (part (2) The entire Parish of Hartfield contains 1,440 - COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pang Fami- hae [By a] LIES oe OTHER om _ | how Z | chiefly | Oinio..| Families a TOTAL zZ many ¥ 4 ic. lees S obicatie “a | EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = lveniies| 2 | 2 | gy | olin (neh ui 5 i f 2 Oc- 3 ae . cea tele. 4 3 PERSONS. | . Sowa! At E | aon [ei lor | 2 | E | : ; CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing RAPE OF PEVENSEY—continued. TURE. craft. Classes. FLEXBOROUGH Hundred. East-Blatchington - - - (2) Parish} 21 37 | -| - 25| 6 6 88 99 187 | Heighton - - - - + = = Parish} 15 53} -| - 13 1 1 41 30 71 SEAFORD - - Cinque Port & Parish] 198} 201 | 7 | 12 68 | 76 57 521 526 1,047 HARTFIELD Hundred. Hartfield, North me, Jf 5° 77{ -| 2 65 6 6 247 227 ANA == Sontli * OR) Fant aa | 483) 6 | a Vg. | ag | 8 495 | 471 | 66 Withyham - - - - -(°) Parish] 253] 324] -] 2 | 258] 49 | 17 741 652 | 1,393 LONGBRIDGE Hundred. Arlington - - - - - - - Parish 74) 412} —| 1 99} 13 - 323 291 614 Berwick - = - - - - - Parish 32 32 1 - 29 2 1 88 84 172 Folkington - - - - = = Parish 32 g2] -] 2 29 1 2 95 gl 186 Littlington - - - - - - Parish} 22 23| -| 1 16 2 5 75 58 133 Wilmington - - - = - - Parish 42 64} -| 1 37 | 16 11 176 145 321 LOXFIELD-DORSET Hundred. Buxted - - - - - - - Parish} 160] 160] 1] 2 100 | 37 23 796 413 1,509 Framfield - - - ~- - - Parish} 231 | 2951 | -—|] 6 190 | 45 16 933 404 1,437 Isfield - = = = = = + Parish 66 95| -| - 59 | 33 3 286 283 569 Uckfield - - - - - = * Parish} 177] 199] -| 7 79 | 90 | 30 509 590 | 1,099 LOXFIELD-PELHAM Hundred. Lamberhurst - - - - (°) Parish 98| 149] -]| 2 #1 Ga 11 416 371 | 484 Mayfield - - - - - = Parish} goo} 462) 4] —- 355 | 99 8 1,398 | 1,300 | 2,698 Wadhurst - - - - - - Parish} 363] 382 3) 1 270 | 87 25 1,123 1,013 2,136 Lowey of PEVENSEY. Pevensey - - ~ - = = Parish 52 64 | -| - 18 15 31 140 152 292 Westham = - - = - = Parish 96} 142 1 1 421 19 2 309 274 583 _- RINGMER Hundred. (*) Glynd - - > 2 2 = Parish} 296] gi} -—| - 26} 9 6 133 117 250 Ringmer ae . mt let oe Parish 162 224 1 6 144 43 37 636 635 1,271 Southmalling Gy Ses He . Parish 103 114 4 2 39 54 21 304 316 620 Stanmer oe ee ee (®) Parish 20 22 - - 15 5 2 47 46 123 ROTHERFIELD Hundred. Fant, otherwise Frant - -(f) Parish] 280! 340] —| 241 199] 75 66 877 | 850 | 1,497 Rotherfield - - - - - (6) Parish|f 444 | 480] 3] 6 | 388] 82 10 1,445 | 1,325 | 2,770 2 2} -| -| 1 1 - 8 4 12 RUSHMONDEN Hundred. Fletching -. - - - - - - Parish] 250! 319] -| 3 244 | 60 15 898 792 1,690 Horsted, Little - - - - - Parish 45 47 | —| 2 45 = 2 146 140 286 Maresfield - - - - = (*) Parish? 215] 259] -—| 3 155 | 71 33 733 706 | 1,439 SHIPLAKE Hundred. Chalvington - - - ~ - = Parish 20 a7) —-{ 1 22 5 - 96 85 181 Chiddingly - - - = + Parish} 109 | 147] 2] - 85 | 39 23 465 405 870 Easthothly - - - - - Parish 67} 106] -]| -. 55 | 32 19 252 258 510 Laughton - - - - - + Parish} 96 127 1 1] 112 9 6 373 358 731 Ripe --- - = = - = = Parish 40 60 | -j 2 40 | 18 2 202 162 364 Waldron + - - + -(4) Parish} 143 | 181 | -—| 2 143 | 35 3 500 465 965 (*) The Return of East-Blatchington must have been very erroneous y of Ringmer Hundred) is entered with Lewes at the end of the county. in 1811, if the Inhabitants were then really no more than 144 (as (¢) Stanmer is locally situate in the Rape of Lewes. Much em- stated in the present Return) but it is probable that the wives and | ployment is afforded at Stanmer by the Earl of Chichester.——(f) The families of soldiers then in. the barracks, swelled the number to 362; | ‘Town called Tonbridge Wells is partly in the Parish of Tonbridge, , partly in that of Speldhurst (Lathe of Aylesford, Kent) and partly in Frant Parish, which extends into that county——(®) The two houses and families subjoined to the Return of Rotherfield Parish, dwell on | the boundary line, and not being returned with Mayfield Parish are thus included.—() The impunity of bastardy is complained of at Maresfield———(') An extensive Common has been ‘inclosed at Waldron. § [ Enumeration. 340 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER a COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. HOUSEs: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ride | Oe ae ae By rd LIES chiefly OrHer - how = | chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL - 2 : 3 many « em- a t ss % EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE = Fan ilies 2 2 angel € prized le i 3 oe Ej c- | 3 : in | Manu- | the Two PE ; 3 cupied.] 5 Acri- enites: preced- = & HONS RAPE OF PEVENSEY—continued. eno. he Cras: TOTNORE Hundred. Beddingham - - - + + Parish 28 41] 1] - 39 2 - 127 128 255 West-Firle - - - - - = Parish} 108] 118] 2] 2 78 26 14 348 296 644 WILLINGDON Hundred. Dean, East - - - - - = Parish 51 56} -] - 42 10 4 151 145 296 Dean, West - - - - - Parish 13 25/ -| = 25 - - 83 80 163 Fnston - - = - = = Parish 10 lo} - 3 10 - - 34 28 62 Jevington - - - - = = Parish 51 61 = 1-8 49 8 4 147 153 300 Willingdon - - - + +) Parish g2 93] 2] 2 56 26 11 257 263 520 6,735| 8,133] 46 | 147 | 5,290 | 2,038 | 805 | 23,054 | 21,776 | 44,830 City of CHICHESTER. All-Saints, otherwise the Pallant - Parish 55 61; -—] 2 - 45 16 103 191 204 Andrew, St.- - - + - - Parish 93 | 103] -—] 1 5 80 18 295 413 708 Bartholomew, St. - - - = Parish} 56 62] —| 4 8 31 23 148 158 306 The Close - - - - = Precinct 24 24] 1 2 1 4 16 46 99 145 Martin, St. - - - - - Parish 56 60} -] 2 - 19 41 126 195 321 New Town - - - - = — Extra-P. 17 1g] 1 1 2 12 5 32 50 82 Olave, St. - = - - + Parish 43 50/ —| 2 30 18 104 156 260 Pancras, St. Within (*) Parish 56 56} -| 2 4 44 8 123 154 277 —— Without leis | oe ae a ee ae 3 | 165 6 370 411 781 Peter, St.-the-Great, otherwise Subdeanry - - - (1!) parish fe 547] 664] 7 | 48 | 26 | 578 | 60 | 1,654 | 1,778 | 3,332 Subdeanry-Without - - 69 80} ~ 15 47 18 210 224 434 Peter, St.-the-Less - - - - Parish 70 6/ -~] 3 3 44 29 165 257 422 1,245] 1,429| 9 | 74 | 69 |1,102 | 258 3.276 | 4,086 | 7,362 Borough of LEWES. All-Saints - - - - - Parish} 260] 310] 1 | 13 — | 230 80 947 839 1,586 St.-John-Baptist, (Southover) (™) Parish] 112 | 142} -] —- 37 66 39 319 372 691 St.-John-under-the-Castle - (") Parish] 271 ] 319] 5) 3 20 | 263 36 928 867 1,795 The-Castle - - = (®) Precinct 5 5] -} - - 4 1 12 15 27 St.-Michael - - - - - - Parish} 145] 169] -—| 7 6 | 114 49 435 526 961 St.-Peter & St.-Mary-Westout (°) Parish} 108 | 133] -| 1 18 42 73 339 322 661 St.-Thomas-in-the-Cliff - (™) Parish] 215 | 234] 2] 4 1 | 217 16 632 730 1,362 1,116] 1,312] 8 | 28 82 936 294 3,412 3,671 7,083 Town of BRIGHTHELMSONE (-+) - (?) Parish | 3,947] 4,718 | 360] 352 92 3,834 | 792 11,019 13,410 | 24,429 (*) The entire Parish of St. Pancras contains 1,058 Inbabitants. One male upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. {!) The entire Parish of St. Peter-the-Great contains 3,766 Inhabitants.—_(™) The Parishes of St.-John-Baptist-Southover, and of St.-Thomas-in-the-Clif are not within the jurisdiction of, the Borough of Lewes, but form part of the Town. The Boundary of the Extra-Parochial Precinct of the Castle has been minutely ascertained since 1801, and restricted to four houses. °) The Return of the Parish of St.-John-under-the-Castle includes the Inmates of the House of Correction. The number of inhabited Houses in this Parish is greatly increased since 1811, and the Population in like proportion. This Parish extends into Swanborough Hundred. (°) The Return of the Parish of St. Peter and St. Mary (always called St. Ann’s) included, in 1811, the Wives and Families of the Soldiery then quartered in the Barracks, since demolished.——(°) The Population of Brighthelmstone, in 1811, was 12,012; so it has more than doubled in ten years, chiefly from this Town being the occasional residence of His Majesty. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94: 341 en = ae 3 EE SR EOE, te Se Rm ra a Ee PR PT COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Fami- —— ss Fami- via Ps y 5 LIES : THER RAPES, _ | how S| chiety oe Families oh TOTAL % 3 many th a em- ed in |2otcom- wn 4 c. 5 re 5 = ployed Trane, | Prized in 4 3 oF 3 c- Sg bry in the T ¢ cupied. a 5 Acri- ees pieced: 3 a pense CUL- jorHandi- ere. . ses. ~ Rape of TURE. | craft. aS ARUNDEL - - - - - +{44,391 15,382 | 29] 95 | 3,160 |1,532 | 690 14,627 | 13,988 | 28,615 BRAMBER - - - - - - [4,322 | 4,969 | 32/180 | 2,671 |1,496 | 802 13,681 } 13,259 | 26,940 CHICHESTER - - ~- = ~ 14,659 |5,561 | 24]149 | 3,449 | 1,396 716 14,228 13,648 | 27,876 HASTINGS - - - = - = $6,634 |8,188 | 51}191 | 4,512 | 2,281 | 1,305 22,213 | 22,098 | 44,311 LEWES - - - - + ~ ~ 13,234 |3,873 | 17] 56] 2,595 | 848] 430 | 11,195 | 10,378 | 21,573 PEVENSEY - - - - ~ - 16,735 |8,133 | 46]147 | 5,290 |2,038 | 805 | 23,054 | 21,776 | 44,830 City of CHICHESTER - - - - 11,245 | 1,429 9| 74 69 }1,102 | 258 3,276 4,086 4,362 ‘Borough of , LEWES - - ~ = - - $1,116 | 1,312 8} 28 82 | 936} 294 3,412 3,671 7,083 Town of BRIGHTHELMSTONE - - - [3,947 | 4,718 | 360| 352 92 |3,834 | 792 | 11,019] 13,410 | 24,429 ToTaLs - - ~ [36,283 143,565 | 576 | 1,272} 21,920 |15,463 | 6,182 116,705 | 116,314 | 233,019 48 nc een ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUSSEX-—conétinued. Ages of Persons. MALES. — uner| & | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 0 | 70 | 80] 90/100] 3 : to | t | to t¢ | t | to | t fte | te | to fot & F 3 tse 5% | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go | 70 | 80 | 90} 100), & ARUNDEL - + ~ = [2,293 | 2,061 | 1,756 | 1,362 | 2,038 | 1,568 | 1,308 |1,054 | 692] 374| 100} 4] 2 914,611 BRAMBER - - - - [2,234 [2,045 11,724 | 1,276 | 1,884 | 1,480 [1,197 851 | 580} 340] 70} 2] — $13,683 CHICHESTER - - - [2,145 | 1,946 | 1,708 | 1,307 | 1,918 | 1,501 | 1,288 }1,014 | 744] 453] 92 7} — $14,123 HASTINGS - = - - 3,657 | 3,187 | 2,686 [2,101 | 3,249 | 2,324 11,901 | 1,335 | 931] 463/127] 4| — [21,965 ‘LEWES - 2 - + 91,762 11,575 11,362 | 1,075 | 1,604 | 1,207 |1,007 | 670 |'510] 248] 65} 1 | — [11,046 PEVENSEY¥ - - - = 13,835 {3,318 | 2,997 |2,238 | 3,182 | 2,328 | 1,977 | 1,472 | 996} 584] 126] 9} - 23,062 CHICHESTER, CITY - 471 | 450 | 358 | 305| 492] 402] 337] 228] 149} 59] 23] 1] 1 | 3,246 LEWES, BORO’- - -] 463} 476] 417] 366] 536 | 412] 307] 229] 134] 59] 16; 11) — | 3,416} a eres) = = = , = _ a ween tines | TOWN - - - - Sh a | Total;of MALES. - [16,860 |15,058./13,008 |10,030 [14,903 [11,222 | 9,322 | 6,853 [4,736 2,580 609} 29 2 | 105,212 FEMALES. . unaer| 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80/90 {100f 3 * : s.| 40] 38 | a0 | ao | a | 50 | oo | a0 {a0 | 90 frooler| 8 ape of wards) = & ARUNDEL - - - - [2,187 | 2,009 | 1,652 | 1,336 | 2,050 | 1,549 | 1,209 | 904 | 632| 360] 97 | 8] ~- 13,993 | BRAMBER - + = = [2,037 [1,848 | 1,592 | 1,299 | 2,191 | 1,512 |1,060 | 783 | 613] 252] 66 | 4] — 413,257 (CHICHESTER - - - 2,110 [1,854 [1,479 | 1,230 | 2,117 | 1,525 |1,167 | 892 | 662 353| 83 | 11 | — $13,483 HASTINGS - - - ~- 13,696 |3,161 |2,440 | 2,145 | 3,590 | 2,430 |1,749 | 1,189 | 862 433] 96 | 10 | — |21,801 LEWES - - - - - [1,708 ]1,546 1,217} 932 |1,520]1,106 | 878] 587 | 475| 224 55] 2| - 10,250 PEVENSEY - - - - 13,650 |3,375 | 2,686 [1,991 | 3,085 | 2,296 |1,858 | 1,326 |] 838) 506 a 13} — }21,743 CHICHESTER, CITY -| 489] 503] 433] 407] 799| 519] 376] 266 | 187] 83] 21] 3] — | 4,086 LEWES, BORO’ - -} 495} 465} 394] 419] 689] 423 | 319] 227 | 140] 81) 14] 1] — | 3,667 ‘BRIGHTHELMSTONE, } = _ am a _ = = ee ieee hee ee ne TOWN # = = Es Total of FEMALES 116,372 {14,761 |11,893 | 9,759 {16,041 111,360 | 8,616 |6,174 |4,409/2,292| 561| 42 | ~— | 102,280 was... 207,492, . in compliance with the question to that effect. THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Sussex was . © + 233,019, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, . whence it appears, that the Ages of about one-ninth of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Sussex was 329; eight of which did not contain an answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): among which is the town of Brighthelmstone. A very small proportion of the Returns of Ages in this County, were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. County of Warwick. 343 Parish of Coughton contains 926 Inhabitants——(*) One male upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Ipsley_==(¢) Most part of Tarde- | bigg Parish is: in Halfshire Hundred (Upper Division) County of Wor- cester. The entire Parish contains 3,458 Inhabitants. (*) Most part of Weston-upon-Avon Parish is in Kiftsgate Hundred, (Upper Division) County of Gloucester. The entire Parish contains 107 Inhabitants.—— Tiere seinen . attributed to omissions in the former Return.” The stoppage of a large | part of the Parish, : habitants. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Fami- Famt- | \ips At oR B 5 LIES . rece 3 7 chiefly OruEer < TO EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 | many | | 2 | ety femploy-| Families : g Ee = |Families} 2 | 4 lo ed Sean pence a a z OF 4, Oe. 3 iS ployed | Trang, | prized in 3s ‘a | cupied. Z 8 fc oe ca a ey poe BARLICHWAY Hundred. ee ea ae bie ALCESTER Division. Turz. | craft. | Classes. Aczsrzr = = = = = = Parish} 465 | 465 | 11] 31 139 | 220 106 | 1,064 1,165 2,229 Alne, Great - - - - - = Parish 55 a7 to -t - 68 4 2 154 163 317 Arrow with Ragley (part of) - (#) Parish 50] p06) —] = 48 6 2 153 137 290 | Coughton- = - - - - (>) Parishf 55 58] - 45 6 7 119 154 273 Sambourn - = - - - - Hamlet} 120 126] - 41 31 24 335 318 653 Ipsley - - - - - - -(*) Parish} 138] 141] 2] 3 47 | 90 4 379 | “375 | 745 | Kinwarton - - - - = = Parish a yt-]| - 6 - 1 22 19 41 Morton-Baggott- - - - - Parish 38 41]/ -| 3 36 5 7 88 + 80 168 Spernall - - - - - = + Parishf 21 art -| - 19 1 1 56 | 57 113 Studley - - - - - - - Parishf 257] 257} 2] 4 135 | 115 7 645 -603. | 1,338 Tardebigg (part of) Parish: (*) Tutnal and Cobley - - - Hamlet 85 o1| -] 3 59 8 24 254 206 460 | Weethley - - - - - = Parish 12 13] -] 1 13 - - 30 24 54 | Weston-upon-Avon (part of) Parish: (°) | Milcott- - - - - - = Hamlet 2 2} -| - 2 - -~4f 6 | 8 14 | 1,311 [1,355 | 15 | 47 | 688] 489 | 178 | 3,296 | 3,399 | 6,695 HENLEY Division. Beaudesert - - - + - = Parish 37 46] -| 2 34 10 2 113 96 | 209 Claverdon - - - - = (f) Parish g6} 108} -| —- 49 23 6 251 | 214, 465 Langley - - - - - - Hamlet 38 39; 1] 1 37 2 - 109 83 192 Pindley - - - = - = Hamlet 4 Bi] -; - 5 = ~ 12 14_ 26 Preston-Baggott - - - - - Parish 44 47 | -| 2 36 9 2 120 | 99 219 Rowington - - - - - - Parish} 176] 238] 1 159 57 22 450 - 438 888 Wootton-Waven- - - - (8) Parish} 107] 120] —| 4 98 17 5 280 261 | 541 Aspley and Fordhall ~ - - Hamlet 20 25} -| 2] 10 6 9 58 - 48 106 Henley-in-Arden - - Chapelry{ 261 | 296} 1 | 19 87 | 186 23 | 581 | 668 1,249 Ullenhall - - - - + Chapelry 89 93} 1) 34 66 19 8} 180 172 352 872 | 1,017 | 4 | 35 611 | 329 77 2,154 | 2,093 ‘| 4,247 SNITTERFIELD Division. : ; Alveston - = - - + ~ - Parish} 121} 123} 1] 4 8 20 25 fF 315 3r5 630 | Bearley - - - - - - © Parish} 49 52) -] - 35 17 -—f- 414 116 230 | Budbrook- - = - - - - Parish go 98} -}| - 81 13 4 225 213 438 Fulbrook - - - - - - - Parish 15 w7t-| - 16 1 -— 44 33 a4 | Hampton-Lucy, otherwise Bishop’s|,, ., { hem a Y2 otherwise DasneP® tPaish | 113) 117] 2] 3 “8| 23] 16 289 265 554 Haseley - - = - - - ~- Parish} 33 41] -] 2 33 7 1 111 99 210 Hatton - = = - =(F) Parish} 49 56, -} 4 11 8 37 152 135 287 Beausall ~ - - - + Chapelry 62 62) ~-| 1 60 2 - 138 131 269 Shrewley - - - - - Chapelry? 465 jl} -| - 32 14 127 123 250 Honily - - - - - - = Parish? 14 16} -| - 16 - - 36 27 63 Loxley - - - - = = ~ Parish 61 79} -| 2 66 12 1 159 152 311 Norton-Lindsey - - += - - Parish 33 331 -j| - 25 8 - 80 69 149 Sherborne - - - = - = Parish} 42 42] —-| 3 31 3 8 113 | 104 214 Snitterfield - - - - - - Parish? 1374 152] -—/| 1 120 24 5 340 302 642 Wolverton - - - - - Parishf 364) 46] 1] 1 40 6 - "5 aM 152 Wroxall - - - = - - = Parish 25 34, -] - 31 2 1 97 80 197 a y 925 |1,019] 4 | 18 753 | 163 | 103 2,415 2,241 4,656 } (4) Arrow Parish is partly in Stratford Division of Barlichway Hun- | (*) The entire Parish of Claverdon contains 683 Inhabitants, (®) The dred. The entire Parish contains 501 Inhabitants. (») The entire } entire Parish of Wootton-Waven contains 2,248 Inhabitants. The in: crease of Population in the Hamlet of Henley-in-Arden “ may partly be paper miil has caused a decrease of Population in the Wootton-Waveti (h) The entire Parish of Hatton contains 806 In- | 344 a ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. [ Enumeration. nt A VS . PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: oan PERSONS : Famt- TES ALL OR or a LIES chiefly OTHER ; EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ee | Sed ae oe eel) a Be. eee = = | Families & e ployed | Trang, | prized in is 3 OF a « i ce a ii in Manu- | the oe 3 BS PERSONS. ig . GRIe ‘eced- BARLICHWAY Hundred—continued. koe ere : STRATFORD Division. TURE: | craft. | Classes. Arrow (part of) Parish: (4) Oversley - - - - + = Hamlet} 43 43] -} - 40 3 = 103 108 211 Aston-Cantlow - - - = Parishf 181 195 | 4] 7 150 45 - 464 413 877 Bidford - - - - - + (*) Parishf 243 [| 251] 4] 6 156 87 8 640 579 1,219 Billesley - - - ~ - - - Parish 2 Ss oe 2 - 1 14 12 26 Binton - - - + - - = Parish 46 46] -| 2 29 8 9 118 114 332 Exhall - - = - = - - Parish 42 46] 1] - 32 14 - 113 96 209 Haselor - - - - - + = Parish 73 81] -] 1 47 14 20 201 186 387 Salford - - - - = - Parish} 166} 171 | -] 1 127 14 30 408 405 813 Stratford, Old - - = (!) Parish} 211 | 220/15] 4] 142] 49] 29 | 478 518 996 Luddington - - + - - Hamlet 35 35 | -] 1 35 = - 81 83 164 Stratford-upon-Avon- - - Town} 590] 617] 2 | 43 94] 398 | 125 1,433 1,636 3,069 Temple-Grafton and Arden - Parish 40 43 | 1] - 28 11 4 175 161 336 Welford Parish: (™) Bickmersh & Little-Dorsington Ham. 11 rf oS = 12 - - 35 26 61 Wixford - - - = - + - Parish 27 28.) =] 15 9 4 55 55 110 1,710 | 1,791 | 27 | 65 | gog | 652 | 230 | 4,318 | 4,392 | 8,710 HEMLINGFORD Hundred. —— — |—___—_—_- ATHERSTONE Division. Ansley - - - - - ~ - Parish} 113] 140] 2 79 59 2 357 363 720 Baxterley- - - - - - Parish 41 42 -| - 36 4 2 110 100 210 Caldecote- - - - - - - Parish 15 17 -|{ - 12 2 3 42 44 86 Chilvers-Coton - - - -(") Parish} 445 | 466] 2] 2 81 | 340 45 1,011 1,158 2,169 Corley - - - - - - - Parish 59 60 | -]| 4 50 10 - 167 149 316 Fillongley - - - - - - Parish} 169] 197] 2] 5 147 42 8 507 473 980 Lea-Marston - - - - - = Parish 39 50] 1 1 44 5 7 119 165 284 Mancetter - = - - - (°) Parish 64 69] 1] - 63 2 4 164 143 307 Atherstone - - = - Townshipf 718 | 723 | 14 | 20 15 | 706 2 1,701 1,733 3,434 Hartshill - - - - - Hamlet} 131 133 | 1] 5 49 63 21 310 352 662 Oldbury - - - - - © Hamlet 11 yiJj -] - 11 = - 42 37 19 Maxstoke- - - - + - Parish 65 81 -| 1 70 10 1 185 179 364 Merevale - - - - = = (?) Parish] 35 36) -| - 24 6 6 104 104 208 Nuneaton - - - - ~ - (9) Parish] 1,492 11,564 | 17 | 35 242 | 1,304 18 2,968 3,642 6,610 Shustoke with Blythe - - (7) Parish 47 69; -| - 46 12 11 158 173 331, Bentley - - - + - Hamlet 52 52) -] 1 49 3 - 124 122 246 Weddington - - - - - = Parish 10 wo} -]}] - 8 _ 2 46 45 g1 Whitacre, Nether - - - ~ Parish 15 76) -| 4 58 17 1 219 189 408 Whitacre, Over - - - - = Parish 44 49] -|{ 1 44 5 - 152 140 292 3,625 |3,851 | 40 | 79 J 1,128 | 2,590 | 133 | 8,486 | 9,311 |17,797 BIRMINGHAM Division. Birmingham - - - - - (*) Town pe =) eek > Ee G _ = = Coleshill - - - = - = Pansh} 337 | 364 {| 1 | 16 115} 152 97 852 908 1,760 Curdworth - - - - - (*) Parish 50 53 | -| 2 41 10 2 146 122 268 Minworth - - - + Township 51 57) -—| 6 37 19 1 146 141 287 Sheldon - - - - - - - Parish 78 86] -] 2 62 17 q 222 201 423 Sutton-Coldfield - - - - Parish} 677 | 704 | 6 | 29 360 | 227] 117 1,692 1,774 3,466 Whishaw - - - - Parish 5 eck MU GRRGAL as Loe ea! Ok tant 41 43] -]| 2 28 8 a 118 101 219 1,234 |1,307 | 7157 | 643] 433] 231 | 3,176 | 3,247 | 6,423 (4) Most part of Arrow Parish is in Alcester Division of Barlichway Hundred. (*) Bidford Parish includes the Hamlets of Barton, Broom and Marlclift——(') The increase of Population in Old-Stratford is at- tributed to a number of houses (59) having been erected since 1811. The entire Parish contains 4,229 Inhabitants———(™) Most part of Welford Parish is in Upper-Deerhurst Hundred, County of Gloucester. The en- tire Parish contains 702 Inhabitants——(") There has been an increase of the ribbon manufactory at Chilvers-Coton._—(°) The entire Parish of Mancetter contains 4,482 Inhabitants. In Hartshill Hamlet the “ property chiefly belongs to small proprietors, and this, added to the salubrity of the air, and the excellence of the situation, may account for the very great increase (213) of Population.”——-(?) Merevale Parish extends into the Hundred of Sparkenhoe, County ot Leicester, but is wholly en- tered here.——(4) Nuneaton Parish includes the Hamlets of Attleborough and Stockingford. (*) The entire Parish of Shustoke contains 577° [ Inhabitants.——(°) The Town of Birmingham (with Aston and Edg- baston) is entered at the end of the county. (*) The entire Parish of Curdworth contains 555 Inhabitants. Fe M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, —_—_—_—X————————— COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 345. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: a7 pp Fane | Pr are om By 3 ack chiefly Orne 3 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Sil lee, eee a eee hs = Nemes # 4 ployed Tn Ge: prized in i Ss or » S C= = , m HEMLINGFORD Hundred, S lcmiet) € 18 bac (SME Bi gPERSONS. contenued. } cuL- |orHandit ing SOLIHULL Division. ree | enatt., /Clanes, Baddesley-Clinton - - - - Parish 18 az{ ~{ - 18 2 1 79 61 140 Barston - - - - = - Parish 55 4|/ -| - 65 ” 2 173 171 344 Berkeswell - - - - Parish} 276] 338} 1] 6 296 | 40 2 740 728 1,468 Bickenhill, Church - - - (") Parishf 117 | 134] 1] —- 114] 18 2 335 313 | 648 Elmdon - - - - - - = Parish? 20]. 20] -]| —- 17 1 2 67 79 146 Hampton-in-Arden - - - (*) Parish} 110] 114] 1] — 81 28 5 279 259 538 Balsall - - - = + Chapelryf 162] 237] -| 5 155 | 45 37 524 532 1,056 Kinwalsey- - - - - - Hamlet 4 5} -| - 5 es 7 8 12 20 Knowle - - - - - Hamlet? 218] 239] 1] 1 145 | 84 10 559 523 1,082 Nuthurst - - - ~ Hamlet 19 20 2 3 16 3 1 42 34 "6 Meriden - - - - - (*) Parishf 161] 183] -] 5 118 | 34 31 468 459 927 Packington, Great - - - - Parish 64 64} -| - 34] 19 11 176 175 351 Packington, Little - - - Parish 27 31} -| - 26 4 1 73 77 150 Solihull - - - - - -(%) Parish] 552] 576| 2] 5 311 | 153 | 112 1,401 1,416 2,817 1,803 | 2,056 | 8 | 25 [1,401 | 438 | 217 4,924 | 4,839 | 9,763 TAMWORTH Division. Austrey; - - - - - = Parish 8 | 10 2/1 62 11 28 255 2 Baddesley-Ensor - - - - Parish 36 a 3] 1 32 : 48 260 268 235 Grendon, with Whittington- - Parishf 106} 106] -—]| - 541 33 19 284 270 554 Kingsbury - - - - Parish| 242 | 282] 2] 7] 215] 57 10 691 654 | 1,345 Middleton - - = = - Parishf- 107] 113] -] 1 96 | 13 4 345 278 623 Newton-in-the-Thistles, or New-]_, . ‘ton-Regis - - - - far 76 79) -| - 54] 20 5 202 208 410 Polesworth - - - - - ~ Parishf 365] 380{ 1| 3 | 236 | 198 6 937 | 897 | 1,834 Seckington - - - - = - Parish 23 23 oe = 19 2 2 55 41 126 Sbuttington - - - - - - Parish 30 g0} -| 2 26 4 e 86 83 169 Tamworth (partof) - - - (7) Parish} 393 | 409] -|15 | 50] 305 | 54 917 | 1,021 | 1,938 Almington and Stone-Delph Township} 49 52} -| 2 42 9 1 130 127 257 Bolehall and Glascote (7) Township 78 Ml] il 4 26 | 32 20 189 225 414 _ Tamworth-Castle - ~ Liberty 5 5] -| - 3 1 1 10 “9 19 Wilnecote with Dosthill - (#) Hamlet? 139 | 141] -]| — 66] 56 19 343 310 653 - 1 KINGTON Hundred. Se eee ee eee ee eee BRAILS Division, Barcheston with Willington - Parish 37 444 -| 3 29 6 9 93 g1 184 Barton-on-the-Heath - - - Parish 35 43} -] - 35 6 2 103 98 201 Brails - - - - - - = = Parish} 245 | 260 1 1 221 37 2 603 630 1,933 Burmington - - - - - - Parish 32 35} -| 2 247 6 2 83 93 176 Cherington - - - ~- - = Parish 67 67} -, 2 50] 14 3 158 158 316 Compton-Wyniates - - - Extra-P, 6 67 -| - 6 ee he ee 14 14 28 Honington - - = - - - Parish 63 69} -| - 50] 16 3 169 168 337 Idlicote - - - = = (*) Parish 19 19} -| 2 13 1 5 48 40 88 | Long-Compton = - - = (>) Parish} 161] 167] —] 1 126 | 38 3 449 All 860 Pillerton-Hersey - - - Parish 52 52] -]| 1 42 8 2 142 126 - 268 Pillerton-Priors - - - - = Parish 41 41] -] - 38 3 = 100 111 211 Stretton-on-the-Foss - - (°) Parish a7 86} -] - 57 25 4 225, 185 410 Whatcott - - - - - + - Parish} 38 47} -] 1 32 | 12 3 100 99 199 Whichford - - - ~ ~ (4) Parish 6 | with Ascott- - - - - - Hamlet 9 1x 3 58 16 ay 300 ane B80 Stowerton - - ~ - - - Homlet 46 58} -| 3 58 - ~ 105 98 203 Wolford, Great - - ~ -(*) Parish] 541. 54] 1] - 46| 8 2 143 129 272 Wolford, Little - - - - Hamet} 51[ 54] -| - 49| 5 - 137 120 257 1,120 | 1,203 3] 19 937 | 201 65 2,872 2,751 5,623 (*) Church Bickenhill Parish includes Lyndon and Marston Quarters —(") The entire Parish of Hamas Arden contains ae Inha- J bitants. —(*) The increase of Population in Meriden Parish is attri- buted to the establishment of a school, and an addition to the numbers in the house of industry, since 1811— Y) One female upwards of 100 years of age at Solihull—_—(”) Tamworth Parish is partly in North Offlow, but mostly in South Offlow Hundred, County of Stafford. The - increase of Population is attributeable to vaccination, and to the better mode of preserving health. The entire Parish contains 47,285 Inhabitants. The Township of Bolehall and Glascote form a small part of some of the . Streets in the Borough of Tamwortu. The increase of Population in the Hamlet of Wilnecote is chiefly owing to the establishment of collieries and brick and lime kilns. (*) The decrease of Population in the Parish of Idlicote is accounted for by the mansion-house and a farm-honse being unoccupied at this time, which were inhabited in 1811. (°) The in- crease af Population in Long-Compton Parish is attributed to nearly all the poor belonging to the Parish having been brought home by orders of removals.———=(*) Stretton-on-the-Foss is separated from the rest. of Brails Division, by a part of Worcestershire. (7) The entire Parish of Whichford contains 583 Inhabitants——(¢) The entire Parish of Wol- ford contains 529 Inhabitants. 4 T ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enunieration. COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. Serr ——EE HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Past la ey S| “ES | chiety | OTHE* oR : how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families n TOTAL 3 many } » | @ em- edin |not com- w 5 : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families} € | = | ployed |Trane, [prized inf < or ‘3 Oc- 3 a in | Manu- {the Two << a PERSONS, s cupied.} D Acrr- | factures,| preced- a ce cut- forHandi-| ing KINGTON Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. BURTON DASSETT Division. Avon-Dassett = - - - Parish 47 4g9{ -]| 1 37 9 3 121 121 242 Burton-Dassctt - - - = Parish 84 ss | —| 2 66 | 18 4 355 315 670 Cropredy Parish: (‘) Mollington - - - - Chapelry = ab re fe - = es = - - Farnborough - - - = - - Parish 63 73 = - 35 17 21 178 178 366 Fenny-Compton - + Parish] 115 123 ah 5 64 38 21 280 292 572 Priors-Hardwick - - - = Parish 50 55} -| - 40 | 14 1 132 131 263 Priors-Marston - - - = - Parishf 134] 136] -]| - 120 | 14 2 281 312 593 Ratley and Upton - -.- = Parish 82 80 ah ss 45 3 4 173 229 402 Shottswell - Parish 59 6o| -]| 2 47 12 1 138 190 268 Shuckburgh, Lower - - = Parish 28 28 1 23 5 - 76 go 166 Warmington and Arlescote - Parish 95 | 104} 2] 4 78 | 19 7 239 198 437 Wormleighton - - - + Parish 32 38} -]}] - 27 2 9 95 76 171 789 | 836} 2] 15 612 | 151 73 2,068 2,072 4,140 KINGTON Division. i 5 ars Atherstone-upon-Stour - - Parish 21 24} - 22 1 1 52 42 94 Butlers-Marston - - = = Parish 56 59] -]| 2 47 | 10 2 139 136 275 Chadshunt - = - = = Parish a yto-] - 9 - = 20 17 37 Compton-Verney - - Extra-P. 4 to} -]| - 9 s : 17 20 37 Eatington, Lower and Upper - Parish} 138] 151] 2]{ 2 118 | 28 5 333 308 641 Gaydon - - - - = Parish 46 46) -} 3° 34] 12 - 98 89 187 Halford, or Halford-Bridge - Parish 42 131 -1 3 33 | 15 25 143 170 313 Ilmington - - - (8) Parish with Compton-Scorpion - - Hamlet } 157 169 : 5 137 23 9 363 359 qe Kineton, or Kington - (4) Parish} 175 1751 -| 5 80 | 66 29 394 388 482 Combrook - - - = Chapelry}! 55] 574 -| 1 50.) 7 s 150 139 289 Lighthorne - - - - Pash} 74} 75] -| - 68 | 6 1 169 147 316 Oxhill - ~ = © = Parish 63 "6 64] 10 2 144 163 307 Radway - - = = = = Parish} 80 80} aft - 49} 21 10 178 168 346 Tysoe with Westcote - + Parish} 218] 931} -] 4 168 | 58 5 540 530 1,070 Whitchurch - - - - - (8) Parish] 58] 69/ -] 1 55 | 5 9 125 137 262 1,227 $1,302 | 6 | 27 | gq4i | 262 99 2,865 | 2,813 | 5,678: WARWICK Division. ; : ob ; Barford - - - + - - Parish} 141 144} 2] 4 55 | 26 63 315 356 671 Bishop’s-Tachbrook (part of) (") Parish} 116] 132] -] —- 1i2] 18 2 gol 298 599. Charleote - - - = Parish] 61 67} -} 1 61 5 L 159 172 331 Chesterton - - - Parish aud Kington, otherwise Little 41 44 —-f - 44 - = 112 119 231 Chesterton - - - -f Hamlet) Lapworth - - - - (i) Parish} 194] 138] -|{ 2 105 | 23 10 308 314 622 Morton-Morrell - - = Parish 51 631 -] - 51 | 10 2 | 136 3Q1 257 Newbold-Pacey and Ashorn Parish} 70 y4| -] 3 65 6 3 | 156 175 331 Packwood - - - - - Parish 50 58{ -| 2 46} 12 - 160 119 279 Tanworth - () Parish} 401 | 430} 1 ]:10 230 | 169 31 | 1,052 941 1,993 Wasperton - - - - - = Parish 45 45} -} - 40 3 2 122 149 271 Wellesbourn-Hastings and Walton Parish} 115 | 2120 —| -—} 85 | 29 6 295 305 600 Wellesbourn-Montford - - - Parish} 118] 127] 1{ 3 | 88 | 35 4 263 262 525 . t 1,343 {14421 4 | 25 f 982 | 336 | 124 F 3,379 39331 6,710 (*) Cropredy Parish, mostly in Banbury Hundred, is partly in Blox- |), Parish is partly in Knightlow Hundred, Kenilworth Division. The entire ham Hundred, County of Oxford. The entire Parish contains 2,395 In- | Parish contains 654 Inhabitants———(') Lapworth Parish includes part. habitants. —(®) Ihmington and Whitchurch are separated from the | of the Hamlet of Kingswood.—(*) Tanworth Parish contains the rest of Kington Division by a part of Worcestershire. Whitchurch in- |} Liberty of Monks-Riding, locally situate in Knightlow Hundred, Kirby cludes Broughton, Crimscott, and Wimpstone Hamlets, separately re- } Division, said at this time to have no Inhabitants, One male upwards turned in 1811.——(") The entire Parish of Kineton contains 1,071 | of 100 years of age in the Parish of Tanworth. Inhabitants ; one male upwards of 100 years of age. Bishops-Tachbrook SSS M.DCCC.XX1] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cc. 04- GOUNTY OF WARWICK —continued. i HOUSES; OCCUPATIONS; PERSONS: _- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fave |" | ken - By ns tirs | chiefly OruER oR : how © = chiefly employ- Families | wR TOTAL * co x . . he lca Ue jm is EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B leoe, 2 |e | pega beatin) z OF 3 Oc | 3 | 3 in | Manu. |the Two a & = |PERSONS. '& [eupied.) @ | 5 | Acnr- | factures,| preced- s Fa - ‘- a Y Seer ene KNIGHTLOW Hundred. oe ae ieee ; KENILWORTH Division. a ee Ashow - ~ - = - - Parish 42 43} -} - 32 4 9 86 92 178 Baginton = = 2 + = (!) Parish 55 62} -} - 48 8 6 135 146 281 Bishop’s-Tachbrook Parish : (™) Faehbrook-Mallory - - - Hamlet 9 g)/ zt - 7 1 1 26 29 55 Bubbenhall - - - - = - Parish 59 6o} -{| - 55 3 2 118 129 247 Gubbington - - - - - - Parish] 132] 157) 1] — | 107] 44 6 314 300 614 Harbury, otherwise Harberbury Parish | 228 | 240 -—] 2 | 172) 58 10 536 509 1,04% Kenilworth - - - = - ~- Parish? 550 | 566) 14 | 25 178 | 260 | 128 1,259 1,318 2,597 Leamington-Priors - - (*) Parish] 399 | 408 j 23 | 5Q | 18 | 290 | 100 929 1,254 2,183 Leek-Wootton - - = += Parish 86 93} -| 3) 65 | 24 4 222 214 436 Lillington - - - = = Parish] = 44 47 1] 37 8 2 114 112 226 Milverton with Edmonscott - (°) Parish 42 424 -]| 4 42 - - 87 106 193 Offehurch - - - - + Parish} 59 62} 1] - 49 | 11 2 170 167 837 Radford-Semele - - - Parshy 94] 106] 1] 2 93 | 12 1 245 2247 472 Stoneleigh - - - - - Parish} 299] 313] 2] 2 262 | 28 23 731 660 | 1,391 Ufton - - - - - Parish} 37 40} -] - 40 = a 85 69 154 Whitnash - - - - - Parish} 56] 58} -]{ - 54| 4 _ 153 134 287 2,191 | 2,306 | 43 | 98 [1,259 | 755 | 292 5,210 | 5,466 | 10,676 KIRBY Division. : oh Allesley - - - - - ~ Parish} 167] 171 $5 —| 2 117 | 39 14 5 404 440 844 Arley - - - - - = - Parish 57 59 f 1] 2 51 6 2 135 132 2647 Astley - + - - Parish 57 66 { -| 2 45 | 18 3 153 140 293 Bedworth - - - - - Parish] 778 | 840} — | 35 139 | 679 22 1,615 1,yO04. 3,519 Binley - - - - - - = Parish 8 : with Earnsford - - = Liberty|f 45 ae be 38 6 1 ae es ast Brinklow - - - - - - - Parish} 179] 179] —| 10 105 | 53 21 3947 360 954 Bulkington - - - - (?) Parish} 182 195} -| 2 59 | 135 1 388 459 847 Barnacle - - - - - Hamlet 44 46] -| - 25} 21 - 102 117 219 Bramcatt - cos Hamlet 5 5] -| - 4 ~ 1 18 47 35 Marston-Jabbett - - - - Hamlet 18 BH -f +: ier _ 41 41 82 Ryton - - - - - - - Hamlet} 77] 84} -| 2 451 39 = 170 175 345 Weston - - - - = - Hamlet} 28 ag{ —{ 2, 22 8 - 98 "3 151 Burton-Hastings - - ~ Parish} 51 53{ ~| -—[f ai} te 115 126 241 Claybrooke (part of) Parish (7) Wibtoft - - - - - Hamlet 21 a1} -| - 21 - - 58 | 54 442 yl ep ee| gt] TH) S| agp ef ever) ae he Harborough-Magna - - Parish} 70 yol =-{ 4 56 }} 12 2 170 149 319 . Holy-Trinity, (part of) Parish: (*) r Coundon - - - - = Hamlet 45 47 rE] 2 38 9 = 106 407 313 Willenhall - - - - - Hamlet}? 23 2a4|/—-| = G1 - 3 53 47 | 100 Monks-Kirby - - - - (*) Parish} 110 f tio| -—| -]| 100f) 8 2 298 | 286 584. Copston-Magna - - = - Hamlet} 18 18; -| - 17 1 - 50 | 48 98 Fasenhall - - - - - Hamlet}? 38 38 | 1] 4 30 8 - 84 |. 80 164: Paitton - - - - - - Hamletf 116 121] 1) 65 59 |} 48 14- 293 259 552 Stretton-under-Foss and : ; ok A ; Seal d-Revel aes - Hamlet] 59{ 62] 1] - 38 || 13 11 139 [ 128 961 Shilton - - - - - - Panshf 73 78} -] - 32 1 44 2 193. 203 | 396 Sow: (part of) - - - «© = ‘(*) Parish? 61 y2| -| 2 34 {| 33 5 164. 166 § 330 Stretton-Baskerville - - - Parish} 16 wi-| - 13 2 QF 51 | 8634 «| 85 Tanwerth Parish: ("): : Monks-Path, or Monks-Riding Liberty } - er ede | ae & es I 0 eet = = f = Willey - - - - - - - Parish} 23 a3) -| 3 22. 1 ff - 55 1 46 | 101 (2). The. decrease of Population in the Parish of Baginton-is-attributed- |- Iuhabitents- (4)- Most: part of Claybrooke: Parish is in’ Gathlaxton | to the shutting up of a boarding school—_—(™) Most part. of Bishops- Tachbrook Parish is in Kington Hundred, Warwick Division.——(") The increase’ of Population (1,640), in the Parish of Leamtington-Priors, is | attributed to the inftux of Persons: who resort there for the benefit of the waters.——(°) The decrease of‘ Population in Milverton Parish, is owing to‘the failure of-a cotton mill.——("+)' The increase of’ Population in the Parish of’ Bulkingtonis ascribed? to the’building of houses, required’ in consequence of a ribbon manufacture. The entite Parish contains 1,679 Hundred, Gounty of Leicester. The entire Parish contains- 1,312 In- habitants——(") Most part of The Holy-Trinity Parish is in the City.’ of Coventry.—(*) The entire Parish of Monks-Kirby contains 1;659- Inbabitants——(*) Most part of Sow Parish-is in the-City of Coven- try. t) Tanworth Parish is in the Warwick Division’ of Kington Hundred, and Monks-Path Liberty contains no Inhabitants,:the Person’ who occupies the land residing at Brinklow. a — 348 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. ———————=——_—_—_—————=_=j COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: orcas : PERSONS : Famr- Soe ALL oR By a BIBS chiefly Oren . h 2& | chief il Pe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Gla ele | oe eee a a eo 3 Houiles & | ployed Trape, | rized in a 3 oF c- a ‘ m KNIGHTLOW Hundred—continued.| 2 | cupica.| 3 |S | acm [2@™:|pecn | = fy | PERSONS: KIRBY Division—continued. CUL- JorHandi- Ae Wolston (part of) Parish: (”) Cer | sie Ae Brandon and Bretsford - - Hamlet} 70 7] -4 1 64 12 1 191 160 351 woes ‘ - - - - Parish} 1684 181] -—]| 1 107 68 6 420 431 851 Wi rook - - - - - Parish ae Hopstord - bn ote ee) OR es 46} ay] 5 162 147 309 2,696 | 2,853 | 5 | 82 $1,433 [1,295 | 125 6,308 | 6,502 | 12,810 RUGBY Division. , ze - + 2 - - - = = Parish} 91 gif} 1a] 1 70 8] 13 199 202 401 ourton-upon-Dunsmoor - - i with iy att - 2 - Pats i 75 a4 Ay = 64 13 a 158 aed ore Brownsover - - = - - = Parish 15 17] -| 2 4 13 - 59 53 112 Churchover - -~ - - = - Parish 59 61] - 42 15 4 171 151 322 Clifton-upon-Dunsmoor == _(*)_ Parish 15 6) —-] - 62 14 ss 179 193 372 Newton and Biggin - - Hamlet 52 54} —] — 37 14 3 117 123 240 Dunchurch - - ~ ~- = (¥) Parish with Toft - + <= Panlee[f 729 299) 153 35 | 12 476 471 947 Thurlaston = - - + = Hamlet 65 65] -| - 47 15 3 159 145 304 Frankton - - - - - = = Parish 55 56] -| 3 46 8 2 137 116 253 Hillmorton - - + - Parishf 169 | 176 | —] 10 40 69 | 37 381 398 779 Lawford, Church - - - - Parish 66 ya} —-| - 55 13 4 193 162 355 Newbold-upon-Avon += - (7) Parish 48 88 | -]|] 2 67 19 2 213 199 412 Cosford - - - - - - Hamlet 8 8} -j 1 4 1 - 27 28 55 Lawford, Little - - ~ - Hamlet 4 4h se] se 3 - 1 15 12 27 Lawford, Long - - - + Hamlet} 103] 103] -| — 95 8 - 250 224 474 Newnham-Regis - - - - Parish 28 28} -]| - 28 = - 73 61 134 Rugby - = 2 = = = (*) Parish} 415 420 - 6 96 277 47 1,273 1,027 2,300 Ey en pe ane - - Parshf 110] 110] —]} 1 99 11 - 257 241 498 Te - “ Med Pritectbone b Pain? 170] 174] -| 3] 207] 39] 28 | 412 | 349 | 760 Villouseby ci St ee Pail Ga 96 fs) a 16 24] 56 239 182 } 421 olston (pa - 2 - i i oe oe Sao ®) a 446 128} —| 2 92 31 5 311 279 590 2,046 2,105 | 2 | 31 [1,259 | 627 | 219 5,298 | 4,780 10,078 SOUTHAM Division. Birdinbury - - - - - Parish 48 bl} -] 1 29 12 | 10 108 105 213 Chapel-Ascote - - - - Extra-P. 1 1 -|- 1 - - 7 5 12 Grandborough - - - = - Parish 04 101 -~| - 64 8 29 254 229 483 Hodnel - - - - - = Extra-P. 1 1] -]} - 1 - ~ 6 3 9 Hunningham = - - = - = Parish 43 43} -| - 37 6 - 104 89 193 Hydes-Pastures - - - (©) Hamlet - -| -| - - - = - - 7 Itchington, Bishops - - Parish 89 g1} -| 4 76 14 1 219 211 430 Itchington, Long - - - Parish f 180] 191 1 1 152 31 8 438 398 836 Ladbrooke - - - = = = Parish 60 62} -|{ 2 51 5 6 124 124 251 Leamington-Hastings + - (4) Parish 93 106 | ~-]}] 5 83 18 5 236 208 444 Marton - - © - - Parish 70 70] 1 1 36 28 6 163 154 317 Napton-on-the-Hill - - - - Parish} 198 | 202] -—]| 9 171 28 3 455 437 892 Radbourn, Lower - - - xtra-P. 3 37 -] - 3 - = 13 17 30 Radbourn, Upper - - - — Extra-P. 2 2} -] - 2 - - 10 4 14 Shuckburgh, Upper - - - - Parish 8 1} -] - 5 - 5 25 22 47 Southam - - - - - - - Parish} 223] 228] 4] 11 go] 101 37 551 610 1,161 Stockton - - - - - = Parish 43 744 1 1 16 6} 52 184 160 344 Wappenbury - - - - = = Parish 27 a7} o-| - 24 2 1 aie - - - + - © Hamlet 38 39} -] 1 32 6 1 \ ee ab4 Watergall- - - - - - Extra-P. 2 2} —-]| - 2 - - 9 4 13 Weston-under-Weatherly - Parish 49 49} -] - 42 4 - 135 97 232 Wills-Pastures - - - - Extra-P. 1 af o-f - 1 - - 0 5 12 Wolfhamcote- - - - += = Parish 87 871 -| 5 80 5 2 201 212 413 1,390 | 1,441 | 7 | 41 998 | 277 | 166 3,389 | 3,241 | 6,630 (*) Most part of Wolstan Parish is in the Rugby Division of Knightlow Hundred. (*) The entire Parish of Clifton contains 612 Inhabitants. ¥) The entire Parish of Dunchurch contains 1,251 Inhabitants. ——— (*) Newbold-upon-Avon Parish includes the Hamlet of Little-Harbo- rough, which Hamlet is in Great-Harborough Parish, Kirby Division. The entire Parish of Newbold Avon contains something Jess than 968 Inhabitants. Many houses have been built upon the waste land at Long-Lawford.——y*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Rugby, is ascribed to the flourishing state of the school——(») Wolstan Parish is -, partly in the Kirby Division of Knightlow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 941 Inhabitants. (©) Hydes-Pastures Hamlet is included in the return of Hinckley, Sparkenhoe Hundred, County of Leicester —— (*) The decrease of Population in the Parish of Leamington-Hastings, is attributed to several large families having left the Parish, and their . places supplied by smaller families. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. [V. C. 4. a A Se ar a i RS SP I a SS US EBS SES a eS TS ee 349 COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | FAME | Are By 3 ties | chiefly OrnzR . or : how = | chiefly | employ-| Families B TOTAL 3 many | w | ‘a em- | edin |notcom- wa =| EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Families) & | 2 | ployed | Traps, [prized in a < OF g | Oc | 3] 2] in | Manu |theTwof = & — |PERSONS. p=) cupied.} Pp Acrt- | factures,| preced- a om CUL- JorHandi-| _ ing Town of TURE. | craft, | Classes. BIRMINGHAM (+) - - (°) - - {17,323|19,526| 88 |1,160 6 119,374] 146 | 40,855 | 44,561 | 85,416 ‘Aston (+) - - - — (f) Parish | 3,787| 3,962] 54 | 281] 504 | 3,222] 236 9,265 | 9,924 | 19,189 Edgbaston - - - + + Pash} 377] 378] 6] 20f 97 165| 116 go8 1,209 2,117 21,487 |23,866 |148 11,461] 607 |22,761| 498 | 51,028 | 55,694 | 106,722 City of COVENTRY. Holy-Trinity (part of) - - (8) Parish] 1,548] 1,618] 4 | 37 24 | 1,580 14 3,175 3,570 6,745 John, St. Baptist, with Michael, St. (5) Par.{ 2,729] 3,343] 38 }114 | 144 | 2,816] 383 6,860 47,637 | 14,497 4,277 | 4,961] 42 [151 | 168 | 4,396] 397 | 10,035 | 11,207] 21,242 County of the City of COVENTRY. Anstey - - - - + = = Parish 31 42 1] - 23 16 3 102 103 205 Exhall - - - - - - - Parish} 161] 163] 3] 1 51 105 7 378 397 775 Foleshill - - - - - © Parish} 1,046 11,060 | 5 | 22 96 924 40 2,274 2,663 4,937 Michael, St. (part of) Parish: (n) ‘Keresley - - - - - - Hamlet 83. go} -]| 2 49 34 Gi 185 201 386 Radford - - - - - - Hamlet 41. 41] -| 3 25 16 - 99 107 206 Sow (part of ) - - + - (}) Parish} 180] 182] 4] 8 61 102 19 448 434 882 Stivichall - - = - = - Parish 22 a2} —-| 4 10 5 4 42 54 96 Stoke - - - - - - - = Parish} 129] 133] -| 4 47 80 6 273 299 572 Wyken - - - - - - = Parish 13 15] -| 2 12 3 - 43 36 49 1,706 11,748 | 13 | 43 | 374 | 1,285 89 3,844 | 4,204 | 8,138 Borough of WARWICK. (*) Mary, St. - - - - - - Parish}2,101 11,268 | 9 | 41 36 999 1 455 2,972 3,131 6,103 Nicholas, St. - - - Parish} 422 | 492] 51] 12 59 249} 184 1,047 1,085 2,132 1,523 |1,760 | 14 | 53 | 95 {1,026 | 639 4,019 | 4,216 | 8,235 (¢) Birmingham consists of the Parishes of St. Martin and St Philip. —(f) Aston Parish includes the Chapelry of Deritend.——(*) Holy Trinity Parish is partly in Kirby Division, Knightlow Hundred. The increase of Population is ascribed to the increase of trade a few years ago, and to a number of labourers coming to reside in the Parish from adjoining Parishes and Hamlets, in consequence of the cottages in those places having been taken down. The entire Parish of The Holy-Trinity contains 7,058 Inhabitants, including as part of it the Hamlet of Cam- den, Kirby Division of Knightlow Hundred.——(h) The entire Parish of St. John-Baptist, with St.-Michael, contains 15,089 Inhabitants, in- cluding Rudford. Most part of St. Michael’s Parish is in the City of Coventry. (}) Sow Parish is partly in Kirby Division, Knightlow Hundred. The increase of Population is attributed to a colliery and to the ribbon-trade. Thirty-three of the families in the third column of Occupations are coal-miners and boat-men. The entire Parish of Sow contains 1,212 Inhabitants. (*) The increase of population in the Borough of Wanwicx is attributed to the increase of factories and other buildings. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WARWICK. a “\ _ Hundred of BARLICHWAY - - - - - | 4,818 | 5,182 | 50 {165 | 2,961 |1,633 | 588 12,183 | 12,125 | 24,308 HEMLINGFORD - - = 8,469 | 9,118 | 64 {197 | 4,153 |4,184] 781 21,329 | 22,073 | 43,402 KINGTON - - - == = 14,479 | 4,783 | 15 | 86 [3,472 | 950} 361 11,184 | 10,967 | 22,151 KNIGHTLOW | - - - - -/8,323 8,705 | 57 |252 | 4,949 | 2.9054 802 20,205 | 19,989 | 40,194 Town of BIRMINGHAM - - - ~- ~ |21,487/23,866] 148 1,461} 607 |22,761| 498 | 51,028; 55,694 106,722 City of COVENTRY - - + - 14,277 | 4,961 | 42 {151 168 | 4,396 | 397 10,035 | 11,207 | 21,242 COUNTY OF THESAME - - | 1,706 |1,748 | 13 | 43 374 | 1,285 89 3,844 4,294 8,138 Borough of WARWICK - - - ~ ~ - | 1,593 | 1,760 | 14 | 53 95 | 1,026 | 639 4,019 | 4,216 | 8,235 Totats - - ~ |55,082 (60,123 | 403 |2,408 16,779 |39,189| 4,155 | 133,827 | 140,565 274,392 350 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. ‘| 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 ; 80 | 90 | 100 ; Hundred eT ito to to to to to to | to} to} to} to ie = Be * | a0 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70| 80] 90 |100 eal BARLICHWAY - - $1,715 | 1,622 | 1,420 [1,252 {1,757 | 1,330 11,127 | 894 |633/348| 87 | 41! 1 $12,190) HEMLINGFORD- - 31303 | 2,820 }2,447 | 1,964 | 3,071 | 2,327 | 1,964 | 1,537 {1,136} 569/161} 9 | — [21,308 | KINGTON - - - ~ 91,591 | 1,463 [1,271 {1,139 | 1,589 | 1,165 | 1,096 | 806 |642]339] 87 | 7) 2 [11,197 KNIGHTLOW - - [2,890 | 2,547 | 2,355 | 2,009 | 2,984 | 2,220 11,866 | 1,409 {1,082]556]131| 7] — $20,056 | BIRMINGHAM, TOWN 106 | 125 120 } 104} 150] 100 78 G2} 42/17{ 4] -[ - go8 COVENTRY, CITY - 41,601 {!1,142 [1,019 {1,088 | 1,627 |1,271 | 960 | 722 | 421/196) 41 | 3} - 10,091 COUNTY OF THE SAME] 638 | 504 | 397 {| 356} 520} 455 | 378 | 270/203! 98] 23} 3] — 3,845 WARWICK, BORO’ ~-f 574 | 454} 447] 471 687 | 524} 361 240 | 140| 83] 27 1{ — | 4,009 Total of MALES - [12,418 | 10,677/ 9,476 | 8,383 12,385 | 9,392 | 7,830 | 5,940 '4,299| 2,206 561) 34 | 3 183,604 i FEMALES. 7 \ 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 Hundred Unuer to to to to to to to to | to} to] to] & a me 10 16 20 30 40 50 ! 60 70 | 80 | 90/100} 'P-f © of wards| © BARLICHWAY - - - 1,637 [1,578 | 1,278 | 1,123 | 2,017 11,342 |1,220 | 863 |667]313| 77} 9 | — fu2,124 HEMLINGFORD- - 3,281 | 2,746 | 2,271 | 2,151 | 3,569 |'2,561 | 2,074 | 1,541 11,119]673] 172) 14 | 1 22,173, KINGTON - - - 1,623 {1,444 [1,163 |1,011 | 1,645 |1,194 |1,059 | 810 | 620/294! 47] 6] —- 10,946 KNIGHTLOW - - 2,849 12,513 |2,034 11,825 13,398 | 2,262 | 1,990 1,354 11,001| 523 134 | 9} —- 19,892 BIRMINGHAM, TOWN 94} 122 96 | 161 345} 164 88 804 41/15 | 3} -} -f 1,209 COVENTRY, CITY - - 1,576 1,218 1,030 | 1,188 j 2,114 | 1,432 | 1,062 | 753 |481/237] 57} 3) — fui,151 .COUNTY OF THE SAME} 635 | 525] 4301 477] 745 | 543] 414} 239 |176| 88 | 22} 21] ~{[ 4,206 WARWICK, BORO’ -]| 568 {| 467] 409 {| 489] 796] 535] 373] 267 |178|104].30] -—| ~-] 4,216 Total of FEMALES - {12,263 |10,613] 8,711 |8,425 114,629 |10,033 | 8,280 }| 5,907 ope 572) 43 1 [86,007 was .... 169,611 ... and Females. THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Warwick was ... « 274,392, . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, . whence it appears, that the Ages of more than one-third of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Warwick was 265; two of which (from the Town of Birmingham and the adjoining Parish of Aston) did not contain eny answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked, (+): a temarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 351 County of Westmorland. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, sy P| eae | SE | ace By | 2s | chiety [Om : oR : how £ chiefly employ- Families wa TOTAL | 3 many > | 4 em- din |notcom- us | EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |Families)] & | 5 ployed Ty prizedin [ea] oy i ‘3 ‘Oc- 3 5 in Maa ie the Two a 3 PERSONS 3 cupied.} @& | 5 Acrr- | ¢ ctures, | Preced- si e | CUL- lorHandi-| 128 EAST Ward. TURE. | craft, | Classes. A prxesy, St. Lawrence Parish: (#) APPLEBY - Borough & Township| 145 183} -]|] - 50 80 53 408 416 824 Burrals - - - - = = Township 13 13] - 7} 2 il 2 = 39 36 75 Colby - - - = = = Township 28 28 - 24 2 2 ay 64 141° Drybeck - = - + = Township 20 22} —4 —- 21 1 - 58 42 100 Hoffe - ~ - = Township 20 2o{ —-] - 17 1 2 52 41 93 Scalergate - - - - = Township 19 26, -} - 18 3 5 59 49 108 Asby - - - ~ (°) Parish 83 87] -] - 63 10 14 204 214 421 Bongate Parish: (°) | Bongate and Langton - Township} 101] 117] 1/11 66 42 9 320 317 637 Crackenthorpe- - - Township 22 23] -] 1 18 2 3 68 66 134 Hilton - - - - = ~- Township 48 56} --} - 32 9 15 150 150 300 Murton bess os ves Township} 26 33} -] - 4 8 18 116 88 204 . Brough Parish: (“) Brough - - - - (4) Township} 128] 201 | 2] 4 47 87 67 478 462 940 Brough-Sowerby - - - Township 31 34, -] - 27 4 3 go go 180 Hilbeck- - - - - ~ Township 21 2af -} —- 21 - - 57 44 101 Stainmore - - - - - Chapelry 97} 118] 1] 3 "5 38 5 306 310 616 Crosby-Garrett Parish: (°) | Crosby-Garrett - - Township 40 46} -] - 22 10 14 88 105 193 Musgrave, Little - - Township 12 w}o-/ 1 12 - ~ 43 37 80 Dufton- - - - - = (f) Parish 81 89} 3 - 40 17 32 269 242 511 Kirkby-Stephen Parish: (8) Hartley - - - - - Township 31 32} 1] 1 12 4 16 41 65 136 Kaber - - = - (4) Township 35 37 | -|} 3 37 - - 84 80 164 Kirkby-Stephen - - Township} 238 | 315] -—]| — 45 {157 | 113 608 704 1,312 Mallerstang - - Chapelry 53 57 1 ~ 39 3 15 126 117 243 Nateby - - - - - Township 35 37, -| - 18 6 13 65 15 140 Smardale « - - = Township 7 Gyo a q - - 29 26 55 Soulby - at fap Chapelry 50 571 -| 3 51 6 - 130 121 251 Waitby - = - = = = Township 9 9 - 1 9 - - 23 23 46 Wharton - - - - - Township 13 wp} =-| - 15 - ~ 41 40 81 Winton - - - - = Township 60 63} -| - 60 3 - 163 121 284 Kirkby-Thore Parish: (*) Kirkby-Thore - - Township 60 a7 2 3 47 15 15 196 181 397 Milburn & Milburn-Grange Chapelry 52 55 | -} 2 34 4 14 146 157 303 Temple-Sowerby - - - Chapelry} 73 76) 3/1 21 35 20 183 188 371 Long-Marton - - - - - - Parishf 133 | 141] -—]| — | 132 9 ~ 361 353 714 Musgrave, Great- - - - Parish 29 gol} -{ — 28 1 1 85 103 188 Newbiggin - - - + - - Parish 27 31} -} 1 12 13 6 76 46 152 Ormside - - - - - - - Parish 28 33} 1] 1 22 4 4 94 108 202 Orton - - - - - + (i) Parish] 294] 313 | 1} 8 | 225 | 49 | 39 733 792 | 1,525 Ravenstone-Dale - - - - Parish} 254] 268| ~| 9 | 243 | 25 - 500 559 | 1,059 Warcop Parish: (*) : Bleatarn - - - - - - Hamlet 25 254 -] 2 25 = = 69 60 12g | Burton - - - - - Hamlet 6 6; -]| - 5 1 = 25 27 52 Sandford - - - - - + Hamlet? 28} 29) -| -]| 27 | 2 = 93 70 163 Warcop- - - - - - Hamlet} 54] 61] -]{ 14] 44 17 ~ 182 187 369 2,529 | 2,903 | 15 | 59 | 1,729 | 673 | 501 6,968 | 7,006 | 13,974 (4). The entire Parish of Appleby St. Lawrence contains 1,341 Inha- } bitants———(°). The Return of Asby Parish includes the Townships of Asby-Coatsforth, Little-Asby, and Asby-Winderwath ; each of which, in the year 1811, made a distinct return.——-(¢) The entire Parish of Bongate contains 1,275 Inhabitants.s—(4)Part of the Township of Kaber { (entered in Kirkby-Stephen Parish) is in Brough Parish. Brough Town- ship consists of Brough Town and-Church-Brough. The entire Parish ] of Brough contains 1,837 Inhabitants, besides those attributable to it in ‘Kaber Township.———(*) The entire Parish of Crosby-Garrett contailis 273 Inhabitants.——-(") One female in Dufton Parish upwards of 100 years of age. More labourers are now employed in the lead mines }. than in.1811.———(®) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Stephen contains 2,712 Inhabitants. An academy, containing about 140 inmates, has been discontinued since 1811; on the other hand, house-rent being low, paupers belonging to other Parishes (122 in number) reside in the Township of Kirkby-Stephen. In the Township of Winton, a boy’s school increases the male population ——() The éiitire Parish of Kirkby-Thure contains 1,051 Inhabitants. ——() The Return of Orton Parish includes part of Birbeck-Fells (Shap Parish, West Ward) and of Fawcet-Forest, (Kendal Parish, Kendal Ward).——(*) The entire Parish of Warcep contains 713 Inhabitants. ae ABSTKACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enumeration.: — COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | F4™I- | Apr B : LIES LIES | OTHER a 2 how 3 chiefly ae Families wi TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Sod oe eS et edn eecon oat 4 oF Bf Oc | 21 a | Pe [teams peel = PERSONS 4 cupied 3 a mn Manu- | Be A : & -| @ | © | Acrr- | factures,| Preced a ms KENDAL Ward. cU=- |orHandi-| Gas TURE. | craft, | “)88S¢S- Beetham Parish: (!) Beetham --- Township} 158] 173} 5} 4 | 118 31 24 412 418 830 Farlee - - = + - Township 16 17} -{ 3 10 2 5 54 48 102 Haverbrack - - Township 22 25) -{ 1 10 2 13 59 68 127 Methop and Ulpha = == Township 11 12] =] 1 11 1 = 44 38 82 Witherslack - - - - Chapelry 58 81} 1] 2 71 9 1 263 214 477 Burlon-in-Kendal (part of) (™) Parish Preston-Patrick - - - Chapelry}| 66{ 45 | 2} —] 56 10 9 205 193 398 Grasmere Parish: (") Ambleside - - - + - Chapelryf 166] 1475] 1] 1 52 66 57 381 457 838 Grasmere - - - - - Township} 62 62 {| 1] 8 34 19 9 165 159 324 Langdales - - = = Township 52 69{ aft 7 37 32 - 175 142 317 Rydal and Loughbrigg Township 51 53) -1 7 24 12°} 17 144 155 299 Heversham Parish: (°) Crosthwaite and Lyth - Chapery{ 109 | 115| 1] 2 87 22 6 406 375 781 Hincaster - - - - - Township 21 a1} - | 2 19 2 - 5l 69 120 Levens - - - - (°) Township? 125 | 135 | 1] 9 J 100 25 10 394 371 465 Milthorpe and Heversham Township] 249 | 281 6) 11 66 135 80 686 415 1,401 Preston-Richard - - - Township 63 65) 1] 2 40 22 3 182 166 348 Sedgwick - - - Township 38 38; -} - 20 16 2 93 gl 184 Stainton - - - = Township} 66] 66! —]| 4] 38 26 2 219 178 397 Kendal Parish: (P) Crook - - - - - Chapelry 37 42 1] - 27 11 4 119 108 227 Docker - - - - + Township 15 16 _ 1 15 1 = §1 38 89 Fawcet-Forest - - - (?) Township 8 8} -j - 5 1 2 36 18 54 Grayrigg - - - - - Chapelry 39 4o| —| 2 36 4 - 109 120 229 Helsington - - - - Chapelry 47 47 | -| 4 39 5 3 150 118 268 Hugil - - - - - = Chapelry 53 53] 1) - 25 20 8 153 147 300 Kentmere - - - Chapelry 39 39/ -| 6 20 15 4 110 102 212 Kirkland - - (?) Township} 122 | 330] —| 2 49 | 185 96 638 740 1,378 Lambrigg - 2 8 Township 27 33) -| - 31 2 - 84 80 164 Long-Sleddale - - Chapelry 34 36 | -]} 2 31 5 - go 95 185 Natland - - - - - Chapelry 44 50}; —| 2 36 8 6 129 115 244 Nether-Graveship - - Township 14 14) -| 2 - 12 2 33 43 "6 Nether-Staveley - - Township 28 33 | 1] - 27 4 2 106 83 189 New-Hutton - - - - Chapelry 25 26; -| 2 18 2 6 64 63 124 Old-Hutton and Holmescales Chapelry 46 8 | -}| - 64 14 q 226 198 424 Over-Stavely - - Township 60 60! -| 7 29 30 1 171 141 312 Patton - - ~ - Township 12 wil -} - 10 2 1 44 45 89 urea oe re mL Gowmsiip | Se) ae} Sy) a boas | 2 188 160 348 Selside with Whitwell (?) Chapelry 37 41; -| - 36 5 - 176 115 291 Skelsmergh - - Township 40 41 -| 2 30 4 4 135 123 258 Strickland, Kettle - (?) Township 70 42) -} 1 56 16 - 217 173. 390 Strickland-Roger = -_-(P) Township 56 62} -| 6 32 28 2 186 155 341 yea a - (?) Chapery} 78] go} -| - | 70 | 20 - 247 257 504 Whinfell - - - Township 34. 36) =] - 32 4 - 109 95 204 Winster - - (°) Chapelry - - - - - - i - = - Windermere Parish: (9) Applethwaite - - - Township 76 “6| -| 3 66 5 5 195 222 417 Troutbeck - - - - Chapelry 66 68) -| 2 56 12 - 181 154 335 Undermilbeck - - - (?) Township} 135 | 144] 1 | 13 67 45 32 355 334 689 2,660 | 3,075 | 24 |122 11,744 | 906 | 425 8,235 | 7,899 | 16,134 (!) The entire Parish of Beetham contains 1,618 Inhabitants. (™) Burton-in-Kendal Parish is mostly in Lonsdale Ward, and partly in the Hundred of South Lonsdale (Lancashire). The Township of Homescales, part of this Parish, is returned with Old Hutton, in Kirkby-Kendal Parish_—") The entire Parish of Grasmere contains 1778 Inhabitants. Ambleside Township extends into Windermere Parish.——(°) The entire Parish of Heversham contains 3,996 Inha- bitants. Levens Township extendsinto Kendal Parish. (?) The en- tire Parish of Kendal, which is partly in Londsdale Ward, contains 17,417 Inhabitants; of these the Town of Kirkby-Kendal, which is en- tered at the end of the county, contains 8,984 Inhabitants. The Town- ship of Fawcet-Forest extends iuto the Parish of Orton (East Ward), and into the Parish of Shap (West Ward). The Return of Winster Chapelry is included in that of Undermilbeck (Windermere Parish ;) these two places are united in the maintenance of the poor. The Town- ship of Kirkland adjoins the Town of Kendal, and is greatly burthened with poors-rates. The apparent increase of Population in Selside and Whitwell Township arises from labourers employed in making a road. The inclosure of a common in Strickland-Kettle Township, the like at Underbarrow, and employment at a manufactory in Strickland-Roger Township, are stated as causes of increased Population——(4) The entire Parish of Windermere contains 1,441 Inhabitants. Ambleside Township, which is partly in Windermere Parish and partly in that of Grasmere, is wholly entercd in the latter. M.DCCC:XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, Re a yee SS 1 GEO. IV. C. 94, 555. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND—continued. HOUSES: _OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | Fawr {P41 arn | By a LES | chiefly OTHER 7 oR g how 2 chiefly employ- Families a TOTAL a many | w» | ‘3 em- ed in | not com- wa EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 5 «| Families} | 2 ployed | Traps, | prized in ea 3 or 3 Oc. | 2 | 2 in | Manu. | the Two 2 & __|PERSONS. SG jcupied.| @ | 5 Acri- | factures,| preced- x b. . CuL- JorHandi.} _ ing LONSDALE Ward. TURE. } craft. | Classes. Burton-in-Kendal (part of}) Parish: (‘) Burton-in-Kendal - ~- Township] 145] 149] 21] 9 63 49, 14 320 353 673 Holme - - - = =~ (‘) Township 69 8) 5] 21 22 54 2 184 236 420 | Kendal Parish: (*) Dilliker - - = = - Township 16 17} -]| 2 13 4 - 47 42 89 Kirkby-Lonsdale Parish: (*) Barbon - - - - = Chapelry 59 66} -| 3 44 18 4 172 176 348 Casterton - - - - = Township 58 58} 1] 4 40 13 5 133 144 277 Firbank - - + - - Chapelry 37 37} -| 1 35 1 1 107 102 209 Hutton-Roof - - - (*) Chapelry 42 45} -—-| 2 26 - 19 133 124 257 Killington - - - ~ (*) Chapelry 52 56} -| - 47 5 4 192 143 335 Kirkby-Lonsdale - - - - Townf 297] 329{ -| 4 | 113 | 143 43 822 821 1,643 Lupton - - - - = (*) Township 46 55] -| 1 34 5 16 129 92 221 Mansergh - - - - - Chapelry 32 g2} —| 1 30 2 - gl 66 157 Middleton - - - + - Chapelry 53 53 | —-|{ 2 49 ~ 3 1 165 157 322 906 | 975} 8| 30 | 516 | 320 | 139 | 2,495 | 2,456 | 4,951 WEST Ward. Askham Parish: (*) . Askham - - - - - Township 52 y1{ -j 2 29 21 21 177 178 355 Helton - - - - = = Township 22 33) - 21 9 3 85 a4 162 Bampton - - - - - -(*) Parish} 108] 119] -| 4 49 27 13 316 298 614 Barton Parish: (*) ; Barton, High - - - = Township 50 53{ -| 1 38 12 3 154 168 322 Hartsop and Patterdale - Chapelry 57 62) 1] 47 34 13 15 135 147 282 Low-Winder - - - Township 2}. af —-] = 2 - - 11 8 19 Martindale - - - = Chapelry 32 32] -| 3 31 1 - 81 4 155 Sockbridge = = - ~ Township 38 42 1 2 13 6 23 105 85 190 Yanwath & Eamont-Bridge Township 41 50} —] 1 39 11 - 121 123 244 Brougham - = =~ - = - Parish 20 21} —| 2 17 1 3 78 65 143 Cliburn - - - = = = (Y) Parish 40 42} 2] - 26 8 8 103 102 205 Clifton - - - - = - = Parish 49 55} 2] = 31 12 12 137 146 283 Crosby-Ravensworth - - (7). Parish} 156] 170] 2| 2 | 127 29 14 443 420 863 | Lowther - - - - - - + Parish} 118} 118] —| 2 96 9 13 311 288 599 Morland Parish (*) 4. Bolton - - - - - = Chapelry "5 "51 31 3 57 18 - 220 225 445 Kings-Meaburn - - ~- Township 35 38} ~{| 1 33 3 2 88 88 176 Morland - - - - - Township 68 78) 3], 1 35 27 16 180 192 372 Newby - - - - = = Township 53 63] 1] 2 40 13 10 162 176 338 Sleagill - - - - - = Township 31 32] -| - 13 8 1 76 81 157 Strickland, Great - - - Township 42 52) 2] 1 31 12 9 126 120 246 Strickland, Little - - Township 20 23, -| - 21 2 - 62 53 115 Thrimby - - - = = Chapelry 10 wo] -{ - 10 - - 34 28 62 Shap - - - - - - - (>) Parishf 148) 196] ~| 8 | 146 50 - 471 498 969 1,267 11,437 | 17 | 42 | 969 | 292 | 1496 3,676 3,640 7,316 Town of Kirkby-Kendal - - + = - — 41,881 | 2,048 | 49 | 48 | 138 | 1,610 | 300 4,139 | 4,845 8,984 (*) Burton-in-Kendal Parish is partly in Kendal Ward, and partly in the Hundred of South-Lonsdale (Lancashire) ; the entire Parish con- tains 1,642 inhabitants. The cutting of a canal has increased the popu- lation in Holme Township. The same observation is applicable to Kil- lington Township in Lonsdale Parish. () Kendal Parish is mostly | in Kendal Ward.——(*) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Lonsdale con- ] tains 3,769 Inhabitants. Newbiggin is included with Hutton-Roof; Cowbrow with Lupton——(*) The entire Parish of Askham contains 4 517 inhabitants ——(") The Return of Bampton Parish includes part of Mardale. (*) The entire Parish of Barton contains 1,212 Inhabi- tants.——(") An inclosure of land has taken place in the Parish of | Cliburn——(“) The Return of Crosby-Ravensworth Parish includes | part of Birbeck-Fells. (*) The entire Parish of Morland contains 1,911 Inhabitants——(b) The Parish of Shap contains part of Mar- dale, of Birbeck-Fells, and of Fawcet-Forest. The latter is entered in Kendal Parish, 4X 354 ABSTRACT OF ANSWESS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration; ae COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. oe HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- oir ALL WARDS, By ; LIES ‘aay | OTHER . | how 2 | chiefly os Families vi TOTAL &e. 3 Pamil’ wo | ‘3 em- ed in |notcom- ws q az Z foe) 2 | 5 | Gee lete| |B perso v= 1 eS ne Lwo i a cupied. | & | 5 Acari-: fatness preced- = eS a s CUL- orHandi-| _ ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. EAST WARD - - - - - - 42,529 |2,903 | 15] 59 11,729] 673] 501 6,968 | 7,006 | 13,974 KENDAL WARD e 2,660 13,075 | 24} 12211,744 | go6 | 425 8,235 7,899 | 16,134 LONSDALE WARD - - ~ -f[ 906} 975]| 8] 30 516 | 320} 139 2,495 2,456 | 4,951 WEST WARD '- - - - = $1,267 | 1,437 | 17 | 42 969 | 292] 146 3,676 3,640 | 7,316 Town of KIRKBY-KENDAL - ~- + 1,881 | 2,048 | 49 | 48 138 |1,610 | 300 | “4,139 | - 4,845] 8,984 Totars - - - 19,243 |10,438] 113 | 301 | 5,096 |3,801 | 1,541 | 255513 | 25,846 | 51,359 Ages of Persons. MALES. ae = hn a ; ss. — under} © | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60/70] 80] 90 }100] 4 ’ ; a to to to to to to to to | to | to | to & 5 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | GO | 70 | 80] 90] 100| P-} © wards, EAST WARD - + -1]1,022 ] 921 838 | 665 }1,014} 723 | 681 | 461 }353/225| 55} 11] — | 6,959 KENDAL WARD - - 41,316 |1,052 | 926} 883 /1,278 | 851 | 771 | 490 |404]227] 57 | 4] — | 8,259 LONSDALE WARD -f 349 | 322 274 | 265 383 | 201 203 178 }135| 74 | 21 -| =] 2,495 WEST WARD - + - | 467] 466] 384] 381 | 570] 414] 321] 296 |911]127] 361 1} - | 3,674 KIRKBY-KENDAL, Town 683 | 572 440 389, 553 | 511 408 | 287 }184] 85 | 26] 1] —- 45139 Total of MALES =] 3,837 | 3,333 | 2,862 | 2,583 | 3,798 | 2,790 | 2,384 | 1,712 |1,287/738/195| 7 | — [25,526 FEMALES. Under| 2 1o | 15 | 20 | 380 | 40 | 50 | 60{ 70] 80 | 90}100] 4 sf < to to to to to to to to {| to | to | to} & Fay 5. 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80j 90 |100] P-} © ' : wards, EAST WARD - - 925 | 857 | 756} 663 }1,103 | 825 | 661 | 512 |391]230] 86 | 6] 1 | 7,016 KENDAL WARD 1,225 11,0361 859 | 736 1,164} 880] 710] 524] 415/254] 78 | 6 | — | 7,884 LONSDALE WARD 365 | 346 | 266] 233] 390] 244] 212] 175/132] 73117] 31 - [2,456 WEST WARD - - -# 472} 456] 411} 3551 566) 405 | 323] 310 ]210} 96137) 3] - 143,644 KIRKBY-KENDAL, Town] 630 | 567} 498] 414 | 801 6o1 | 487 | 390 | 266/147] 43 | 11] - | 4,845 Total of FEMALES {3,617 | 3,262 | 2,790 | 2,401 | 4,024 | 2,955 | 2,393 | 1,911 [4,414] 800; 261| 19} 1 125,848 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Westmorland was .... 51,359, -- ++ and the Ages as returned (being of 51,374 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Enumeratiun Returns received from the County of Westmorland, was 121. M.DCCC.XXI1.] oe THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. G4. eee 355° County of Wilts. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, » Rae | ey a a By < LIES | chiefly Orne . t j ae 2 chiefly | employ-| Families wa TOTAL B . 3 em- in |not com- 5 fe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z| Families 2 4 | ployea Neen pied inl | S or a ee 212 | | Moe [tete] gs & IPERSONS. § A cupied, y Acrt- | factures,| preced- = ro . cu1- forHandi-| _ ing ALDERBURY Hundred. | TURE. § craft, | Classes. Atpersury - + ~ (@) Parish 81) 125] +] 6 96 20} 9g 297 291 588 Farley - - - = (4) Chapely 43 4 | 1] 2 18 5] 31 118 lil 229 Pitton - - - - - - - Chapelry 54 63) -j 1 53 8 2 155 153 308 Clarendon-Park (Liberty) - - Extra.P. 29 35 | -| - 33 1 1 go 93 183 Dean, West - - - (°) Parish 45) 45] -i 7 42 2 1 143 115 258 Grimstead, East - + - Chapelry 23) e3} -] - a1 2}, - 60 47 107 Grimstead, West - - - - Parish 28 36) -| 1 33 2 1 81 80 161 Idmiston Parish: (°) Ford - - - - - - — Tything 2 3; -| = 3 - 7 12 8 20 Gomeldon - - - - - = Tything 4 yi) —-| 2 a - 29 21 50 Jdmiston - - - = Tytbing 43 | 47 2 36 10 1 gl 86 177 Porton - + - - = - Tything 31 | 31 1{ 5 29 2 - "5 65 140 Shripple - - - - - Tything 10} 10; -] = 10 - _ 29 a2 | 51 Laverstock and Ford - (@) Parish 62 75| -| 3 40 } 15] :20 212 203 415 Melchet-Park (Liberty) - (*) Extra-P. 3 3{ -| 1 3 | - - is 4 9 Plaitford - - - - - (f) Parish 42 56} -| 2 49 4) = 152 124 276 Winterbourne-Dantsey - - - Parish 35 4o}] 2] - 27 9 4 44 46 150 Winterbourne-Earls - - - Parish 45 50] 3] 1 43 5 2 104 106 210 Winterbourne-Gunner - - - Parish} 33 36} -] - 28 4 4 62 70 132 Winterslow, East and West - Parish} 135 | 146] -| 3 80 38 | 28 373 375 748 751 885 | 7] 29 651 130 | 104 2,162 2,050 4,212 AMESBURY Hundred. | AHington - - - - - - - Parish 11 151] -!| 3 15 -{ = 33 31 64 | Amesbury - - - (+) - Parish} 172 | 205] 1] 8 | 110 64} 31 372 438 810 ‘Boscombe - - - - - - Parish 26 26) -| - 23 3) - 65 63 . 128 Bulford - - - - - - - Parish 53 60] 2] 2 51 71 2 140 129 269 | Cholderton - - = - - > Parish 32 32 - 1 21 61 5 "7 42 149 Durnford.- - (+) - (8) Parishf 102} 102} ~| 4 | 977 20{ 5 232 | 240 472 Durrington - (+) - - - Parishf{ 77] 77] -| 4 68 9] - 184 186 370 Figheldeahn - - - - - - Pansh} 76) 102} —| - 95 6) 4 201 236 437 Hurst (part of) Parochial Chapelry : 0) | Broad-Hinton- - - - - Liberty | 83] 110} —| - 62 | 22] 26 238 251 489 LuDGERSHALL - - Bor: & Parish] 110 118} -—| 6 95 23) - 245 232 477 Milston and Brigmis - - - Parishf 25 25) -| 1 22 21) 1 49 49 98 Newton-Toney - - - - - Parish} 55 62) 1] - 54 6} 2 155 127 | 282 Shinfield-Westside (part of) (') Parish 27 31 -{ 2 17 11 3 "9 84 163 | Swallowfield (part of) = (F) Parish} 131 138 - 2 88 43 | " 315 321 636 Tidworth, North - - - = Parish 65 77, lt 45 10} 22 170 © 157 327 | Wellow, West - - (') Parish 64 85; at - 94 g} 2 181 214 395 | ‘Wokingham (part of) - (™) Perishf 71 y4]o-1 1 35 | 17] 22 171 149 320 1,180 | 1,339 | 6 | 34 | 952 | 258] 129 | 2,907 | 2,979 | 5,886 BRADFORD Hundred. = ; Bradford, Great - - ~ (") Parish 733] 792] 4/27] 21 | 756] 15 1,735 | 2,025 | 3,760 Atworth - - - - - Chapery{ 110] 131 11] 93 | 101 29] 1 325 317 | 642 Leigh-Wooley - - - Tythingf 306 | 333] 4|17 | 61 248 | 24 740 829 | 1,569 Holt - - - - - - Chapely} 163 | 173] 1) 9 | 49 { 211] 13 388 458 846 Winsley, with Limpley-Stoke Chapely] 616 | 679} 5 | 29 J 115 557] 7 1,411 1,568 2,979 ‘Wraxall, South - - - Chapelry 72 85} - |} - 59 231 3 239 196 435 ee - - - - Parishf 13994 145] 34 1 43 99} 3 393 383 776 Chalfield, Great - - - - Parish’ with Little Chalfield & Cottles Extra-P. } Peg) SAR a gs ae 4, 3 43 57 | 100 (2) The entire Parish of Alderbury contains 1,125 Inhabitants. The | ——i(") Hurst Parochial ‘Chapelry is mostly in the Hundreds of Charl- Hospital, with ten Almshouses at Farley, are not reckoned as separate | tou and Sonning Berks.) The entire Parish contains 2,091 Inhabitants. -houses——-(°) The entire Parish of West-Dean -contains 365 Inbabit- (4) Shinfield Parish is mostly in Charlton and Theale Hundreds ae The entire Parish of Idmiston contains 438 Inhabitants, | (Berks.) The-entire Parish contains 1,065 Inhabitants.——(k) Swallow- —(4) i erstock Parish is partly in Underditch Hundred, ‘he en- | field Parish is partly in Charlton Hundred (Berks.) The entire Parish tire Parish contains 904 Inhabitants. Two Lunatic Asylums have con: | contains 983 Inhabitants.——(!) An inclosiire has taken place at West- tributed to the increase of Population——(*) The Mansion-house in | Wellow since 1811. The Parish of East-Wellow isin Hampshire (Andover Melchet Park not inhabited in May 1821.——() Plaitford is a distinct. | Division.)——(™) Wokingham Parish is mostly in Sonning Hundred portion of Alderbury Hundred, southward.——(®) The Return of Durn- | (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 2,810 Inhabitants. —(”) The en- ford Parish includes Little-Pusnford, Netton, New-Town and Salterton, | tire Parish of Great-Bradford, with Trowl, contains 10,231 Inhabitants, 356 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. _———— SE. COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, pose ——— | Baw | Fore | a By} fg | ome | EME | omen oT 2 | fee & | chiefly | employ-| Families vB TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & VWaute! PLS boyd OO oye or 3a | Of |S 14 or ies a PERSON: 3 cupied.| 64 5 Acri- Aetiies: preced- = E a CUI- JorHandi-| _ing BRADFORD Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Monkton-Farley - - - - Parish 60 64] =| 6 43 ll 10 188 159 347 Winkfield, with Rowley - - Parish 61 67} -—] 2 34 28 5 174 180 354 2,272 12,481 | 18] 94 | 536 11,863] 82 5,636 | 6,172 | 11,808 BRANCH and DOLE Hundred. Berwick, St. James - - - + Parish 45 46} 1] 8 43 2 1 118 109 227 Fisherton-Anger, near Salisbury Parish} 207} 246 7 1 8 27 146 a9 614 639 1,253 Fugglestone, St. Peter (°) Parish} 115] 126] -~] 6 52 51 23 254 274 528 Langford, Little ~ - - Parish 4 8] -} 1 8 - - 18 14 32 Langford, Steeple - - - - Parishf 123] 133 | —| 2 J 100 26 7 269 288 557 Maddington - 2 = - = Parish 78 871 -| 2 15 10 2 182 187 369 Newton, South - - - (?) Parish} 132] 132] 3) 2 98 17 17 274 305 579 Orcheston, St. Mary - + Parish 24 29} —-} - 29 - - 45 65 110 Sherrington - - - - (2) Parish 34 34}, -|] - 32 2 - 81 84 165 Shrewton - - - - = = Parish 89 | 102 1 2 64 31 7 225 236 461 Stapleford = - - - - = Parish} 56 62} 2| 2 53 8 1 153 152 305 Tilshead - - = = = Parish 73 87} -| 1 15 8 4 204 ~ 991 425 Witton - = - (*) Bor: & Parish} 390] 437] 4] 11 78 245 114 977 1,081 2,058 Wily, with Deptford - - - Parish 89 96} 3] - 63 14 19 [ (230 236 466 Winterbourne Stoke - - - Parish] 56 57} - 5t 4 2 137 144 281 Wishford, Great- - - - - Parish] 82 88] -| 2 73 13 2 182 190 372 1,597 |1,770 | 15 | 42 | 921 | 577 | 272 | 3,963 | 4,225 | 8,188 CALNE Hundred. Barwick-Bassett - - - - Parish 29 42] -|] = 37 4 1 85 77 162 Blackland -- 7 - Parish} 10, M1] —] — 8 a = 20 24 44 CatnE - - - (8) Bor: & Parish} 879 | 979] 6] 9 | 438 | 423 | 109 2,162 | 2,387 | 4,549 Bowood - - - - - Liberty 8 8) -| - 3 1 4 29 34 63 Calstone-Willington - - - Parish 6 6; -| - 5 1 = 18 17 35 Cherhill - - - = - - = Parish} 71 8o{ -| -] 52 21 7 163 183 346 Compton-Bassett - - - ~- Parish 95 | 104 = 88 12 4 229 251 480 Heddington - - - - Parish} 60 { 60) -} 1 56 3 1 146 150 296 Yatesbury - - - - ~- = Parish 53 53) el Ss 49 4 = 113 121 234 1,211 1,334 | 6 | 10 [| 736 | 472 | 126 2,965 35244 6,209 CAWDEN and CADWORTH Hundred. (*) Barford, St. Martin - - = Parish 95 | 121} -| 2 88 23 10. 271 289 560 Baverstock - - - - - = Parish 16 24) -]| - 20 1 3 68 67 135 Bramshaw (part of) - - (") Parish 5t 56] -} - 53 2 1 149 170 319 Britford - - (*) Parshf 148{ 157) -| - | 109 | 42 6 358 355 713 Burcombe, South - - - - Parish 93 81] 1] 2 39 40 2 164 210 374 Coombe- Bissett - = - = Parish 62 80} 2] 3 63 10 4 168 163 331 Fovant, otherwise Foffont - - Parish 97 | 131 1] 3 95 28 8 253 270 523 Harnham, West - - - - - Parish} 50| 571 -}| 247° 49 7 1 123 144 267 Homington - - - - Parish} 32; 39] 1) - | 34 5 94 83 177 Nether-Hampton - - - - Parish 22 33] -| 1 29 1 3 68 19 147 Odstock - = - - - = Parish 27 38} -| - 33 4 1 66 67 133 Stratford, St. Anthony - - - Parishf} 30 34] -| -— fF 28 2 4 72 76 148 Sutton-Mandeville - - - - Parshf 55 | 57| -| 14 37 13 i 112 138 250 Whitchbury - - - = - Pash] 32! 37] -|] 2 25 8 4 78 78 156 790 | 945 | 5115 | 702 | 186 | 57 2,044 | 2,189 | 4,233 _ CHALK Hundred. Alvesdiston - - - - - - Parish 46 461 1 2 44 2 - 112 112 224 Berwick, St. John - - - - Parish 83 92 1 1 46 14 2 188 198 386 Bower-Chalk - - - > Parish} 79 84} -] - 58 22 4 182 176 358 Broad-Chalk - - - - Parish} 142 | 158] -—| 1-} 140 13 5 345 361 706 Ebbesborne-Wake - - - Pansh 48 51 -| 83 45 6 - 123 116 239 (°) Fugglestone St. Peter includes Bemerton. (°) The Return of | Park, and in making roads and other alterations in and about the town. South-Newton Parish includes Burden’s-Ball, Chilampton, South-New- (*) The entire Parish of Calne contains 4,612 Inhabitants.— ton, Stoford, Ugford and Wishford, which, in the year 1811, made dis- | (t) Bulbridge, part of Cawden and Cadworth Hundred, is included in the tinct Returns. (*) Sherrington is a detached portion of Branch and | Return of Wilton (Branch and Dole Hundred.) «) Bramshaw Parish Dole Hundred, westward. (*) The Return of Wilton includes the | is mostly in New-Forest East Division (Southampton.) The entire Parish Tythings of Bulbridge (Cawden and Cadworth Hundred) and Ditch- | contains 726 Inhabitants.——(“) The Return of Britford Parish includes ampton ; the woollen manufactory not being prosperous, many who were | the Hamlets of East-Harnham and Longford. occupied in that branch of trade are now employed in Lord Pembroke’s THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C: 94. 357 M.DCCC.XXI.] eS ED COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: ~~ PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pins Faatr aes Bi 5 LIES ae Oren oR : baw Z | chieay are Families fh TOTAL 3 . oa ce : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 lpi. 2 4 ‘aed aon areas 8 3 or 2 | O- | gi in | Mena. | the Two : _ {PERSONS. Sfecupied. | Q | 5 AGRI- | factures,| Preced- a a CUL- forHandi-} _ ng CHALK Hundred—continued. TURE. | craft. | Classes. § Fifield Bavant- - - - - + Parish 7 io} -|]-- 10 - - 19 23 42 } Semley - - - - = ~(*) Parish} 123] 154] 3] 1 129 29 3 337 338 675 { Tollard-Royal - - - -(¥) Parish] 55] 55] -| 3 42 4] 9 149 139 288 583 | 650] 5111 | 544] 83] 23 1,455 | 1,463 | 2,918 CHIPPENHAM Hundred. -Alderton - = = = - (*) Parish 32 34] -] - 32 2 - 88 88 176 Biddestone, St. Nicholas (7)] _ Parish 82 86} -]} 3 44 27 | 15 208 179 387 Biddestone, St.Peter - - 5 5| -l - 3 - 2 13 14 27 Box - - - - - - = - Parish} 239] 257] 24) 3 94 8&3 | 80 651 685 1,336 Bremhill - - - - - - - Parish} 286] 330| -{ - | 286 37 7 696 747 | 1,443 Castle-Combe - - + - - Parish} 129] 1396] 1] 4 36 41 | 59 .320 315 635 CuiprenHaMm - - + (#) Borough} 521 | 717} 3417 139 | 529} 49 1,500 1,701 3,201 Allington - - - - - = Tything 18 a1joij - 19 2 - 53 57 110 Tytherton-Stanley and 2 Nethemuars | - Tything} 37) 41] 11 2 39 1 1 eS 2 195 ‘Christian-Malford Parish: (>) Avon - - = = = = Chapelry 3 3) -} - 3 _ ~ 10 8 18 Colerne - - - - - = =~ Parish} 179] 187] -]| 4 “98 60} 29 ~ 462 426 | 888 Corsham - - - - - = = Parishf 506] 641] 4] 14 236 | 181 | 224 1,340 1,387 2,727 Ditteridge - - - - - + Parish} 18 19} -| 2 “13 z 1 35 51 86 Easton-Grey - - - - = (*) Parish} 36 36] -] 2 27 q 2 81° 70 151 Hardenhuish - - = - - Parish 14 wayfto-] - 12 1 1 33 37 70 Hullavington Parish: (°) Surrendral - - + - = Tything 5 Be lieete ies 5 - - 19 15 34 Kellaways - = = - - ~ Parish 4 Ae ceed 4 - - 6 9 “15 | Kingswood - - - = - (4) Parish{ 238] 269] 7] 5 47) 217 5 700 691 1,391 Kington, West - - - - «© Parish 63 64 | ~}] —- 64 - = 154 131 285 Laycock - 7 + - - + Parish} 329] 346] 1] 5 167 | 150} 29 787 895 1,682 Langley-Burrel - - - - - Parish 82 88} 2] 4 69 14 5 226 202 428 Leigh-de-la-mere - - - = Parish 23 a4] —-| - 20 4 - 59 66 125 Littleton-Drew - - - = - Parish 35 95} -| - 33 1 1 76 79 155 Luckington - - - + (*) Parish 58 68 | -] - 44 20 4 130 150 280 Pewsham - - - - - — Extra-P. 67 68 | 1 1 57 4 4 169 153 322 Sherston, Magna - - -(*) Parishf 243 | 250] 2] 5 | 141 71} 38 567 579 | 1,146 Shersten-Pinckney - - - (*) Parish 21 a2} —-} - 22 - - 57 66 123 | Slaughterford - - - - - Parish 29 29} -| - 20 8 1 66 55 121 Sopworth - - © - - (*) Parish 38 45| -] - 31 6 8 93 129 223 Wraxham, North - = - - Parish m7 81} 2] 5 63 10 8 180 165 345 | Yatton-Keynall - - - - - Parish} 86 99} -| 3 58 1g | 22 218 212 430 3,503 | 4,024 | 27 | 79 | 1,926 | 1,500 | 598 9,100 9,454 | 18,554 DAMERHAM (North) Hundred. Christian-Malford - - - (°) Parish} 197] 205 | -| 1 129 61 15 431 447 8478 Grittleton - - - - - - Parish 58 3) 3] - 54 17 2 176 178 354 | Kington, St. Michael, Parish: (f) Easton-Percey - - ~ Tything 4 4{/ -| - 4 ~ - 19 10 29 Kington, St.Michael - Tything g8 | 103] 1| 2 62 28] 13 229 207 436 j Langley - - - - Tything 91} 102] 2] 2 53 27 | 22 257 247 504 Nettleton - - - - - - Parish 45 88 1 2 46 10 2 207 216 423° 523 | 575| 7| 7 | 378 | 143 | 54 1,319 | 1,305 | 2,624 (*) Semley is a detached portion of Chalk Hundred, north westward. | is mostly in Malmesbury Hundred.——(*) The Parish of Kingswood is | ———(") Tollard-Royal Parish is partly in Dorsetshire, (Shaston, West | locally situate in Gloucestershire, near Wickwar. The flourishing state Division.) The entire Parish contains 571 Inhabitants, erroneously | of the fine woollen manufacture has attracted many strangers ; and chil- stated at 283 in the Dorsetshire abstract, (*) The Parishes thus | dren finding profitable employment, marriages and population are greatly marked, are separated from the southern portion of Chippenham Hun- | increased.—(°) Christian-Malford is a distinct portion of North- dred, North-Damerham Hundred intervening. (*) The entire Parish | Damerham Hundred, eastward. The entire Parish, which is partly in of Biddestone contains 414 Inhabitants ——() The entire Parish of | Chippenham Hundred, contains 896 Inhabitants———(t) The entire Chippenham contains 3,506 Inhabitants-—(>) Christian-Malford Pa- | Parish of Kington, St. Michael, contains g69 Inhabitants. Tish is mostly in North-Damerham Hundred.——(¢) Hullavington Parish 4% 358 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. [ Enumeration, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fas | PN | Au By 3 uiee chiefly Orner OR . how & | chiefly employ-| Families #8 TOTAL 3 * 5 . ~ EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ] ‘leis 212 | peed deena) “Es a or 2 | oe | 3] 4 ia | Manu’ | the Two = & PERSONS. pic} cupied. | | 5 Acrr- | factures,] preced- a te cuL- forHandi-| ig ese ges fe DAMERHAM (South) Hundred: (°) tuRE. | craft, | Classes. Compton-Chamberlain - - Parish 56 ya] -} 3 53 | 14 4 124 - 143 267 Damerham, South - - - - Parish 94 126 1 1 110 10 6 290 315 605 Deverhill, Longbridge - - - Parish} 262] 294] -| 7 114 | 151 29 643 706. | 1,249 Deverhill, Monckton - - - Parish 30 39} 1} 1 33 6 - 87 94 181 Martin - > = = = = Parish 88 96} -| 3 85 | 10 1 249 279 528 530} 626] 7] 15 395 | 191 40 1,393 1,537 2,930 DOWNTOWN Hundred: (4) Bishop’s-Fonthill - - - = Parish 41 42}{ -| = 37 4 1 111 117 228 Bishopston - - - - - Parish} 112 139 | -|{ 2 124 13 2 333. 330 . 663 Bodenham and Nunton = Parish 56 60} -]}] 1 44 4 12 141 145. 286 Downton Borough and Parish} 566} 694], 8] 8 411 | 159 | 124 1,453 1,661 3,114. Hinpon - - Borough and Parish} 163} 167} —| — 6 | 158 3 400 430 830 Knoyle, East - - - - - Parish} 152] 187] —| 6 132 | 37 18 473 “| 481 954 Standlinch - - (+) - - Parish q y{oef - 4 ~ = 20 22 42 1,097 {1,296 | 8 | 14 761 | 375 160 2,931 3,186 6,117 DUNWORTH Hundred. Anstey - - - = - - Parish 65 WA} —-| = 62 10 2 139 188 — 327 Berwick, St. Leonard - - Parish 4 i a ee | 4 = 22 22 44 Chicklade - - - - - Parish 22 25 1} - 20 a 3 55 84 139 Chilmark - - - - Parish 8 6 6 28 with Ridge ats Tything | 2° 114} —| 2 g2] 1 281 243 524 Donhead, St. Andrew - Parishf 145 148 2 1 84] 26 38 379 374 153 Donhead, St. Mary - (1) Parish] 243] 280] 11] 3 111 81 88 656 705 1,361 - Fonthill-Gifford - - - Parish 96} 104} -j - 80} 19 5 205 266 471 Sedghill - (+) - Parish 27 45| -| - 35 3 7 98 115 213 Swallowcliffe - Parish 46 48} —-] - 38 | 10 - 121 131 252 Teffont-Evias - Parish 27 29 - 27 2 - 70 oe 147 Tisbury - - - - (J) Parish} 215] 239} 2] 3 179 | 50 10 978 1,144 2,122 1,001 }1,113 | 6 | 10 735 | 219 | 159 3,004 39349 | 6,353 ELSTUB and EVERLEY Hundred. - ! Collingbourn-Ducis - - - Parish 93 95} -| 6 66 | 23 6 238 238 476 Endford - - - = - (*) Parish f 139} 156] —]| 8 132 | 21 3 379 384 763 Fyfield - - - - - — Tything 28 go} —-| — 16 8 6 65 73 138. Everly - - = Parish 57 64); -—! 14 39 | 10 15 158 158 316 Fittleton - - Parish 6 6 with Hacklestone - - Tything } 53 79} 14 - 3} 13 3 1g 15 298 Ham - - - - = = (') Parish 38 38} —] 2 31 4 3 87 84 171 Hinton, Little - - - (!) Parish 55 62} 2] 2 57 3 2 158 126 284 Nether-Avon - - - (©) Parish go 99} -| 3 49 | 17 3 209 214 423 Chisenbury - - - - Tything 5 Ge se]! es 9 - = a2 | 19 41 Overton Parish: (*) Alton-Priors - - Chapelry [| ; with Stowell - - — Tything {f 3? ae 33 ep SF 68 98 166 Patney - - - -(!) Parish 28 31} -| - 26 3 | 2 75 66 141 Rollstone - - - -(!) Parish 9 yo} -]}| —- 9 - 1 23 18 41 Stockton mas (1) Parish 52 65] 1 3 35 | 15 15 129 138 264, Westwood, with Iford - - (!) Parish 99 99 | -| 10 40} 56 3 236 226 462 Wroughton - - - (!) Parish} 246] 278] 4] 5 211 | 47 20 646 735 1,381 1,023 1,150 | 8|40 ] 845 | 221 84 2,635 | 2,733 | 5,368 (®) Of the five Parishes which constitute South-Damerham Hundred, Compton-Chamberlain is a distinct portion, near Wilton ; Longbridge- Deverhill, near Warminster ; and Monckton-Deverhill, near Mere—~— (+) Bishop’s-Fonthill, East-Knoyle, and Hindon, are far removed from ownton, westward. Bishopston is another distinct portion of the Hundred, near Wilton. (4) The Tythings of Charlton, Dognell, and Haystone, which are included in the Return of Donhead Parish, in the year 1811, were separately returned, (J) The Return of Tisbury in- cludes the Tything of Chicksgrove and Staple () The entire Parish of Enuford contains go1 Inhabitants. (1) Rollstone is a detached portion of Elstub and Everley Hundred, south westward ; and Stockton, another portion in that direction ; Little-Hinton is near Swindon, east- ward ; Wroughton is southward of that place; Ham is on the border of Berkshire, near Hungerford ; Patney is near Devizes ; Westwood is on the border of Somersetshire, near Trowbridge: (™) The entire Parish of Nether-Avon contains 464 Inhabitants.——(") Overton Pa- rish is reostly in Selkley Hundred, where the Population of East- Overton Township (strictly speaking in Elstub and Everley Hundred) is included. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 359 COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, FOWNSHIP, Pate ieee AGE: an By | LIES chiefly OrnEeR ; how 2 chiefly | employ- | Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. #- lect 2b Pe | ed.an . neticonts i S 3B ‘amilies 2 | ployed | Traps, {prized in 8 3 oF 3 O- | | 4 in | Manu- | the Two q = |PERSONS.. 4 cupied.} Q | 5 Acni- | factures,| preced- S oe 7 eh . cux- lorHandi-} Ing et FRUSTFIELD Hundred. | ture. | craft. | Classes. Landford - - - .- = = + Parish 36 4o{ -] 2 24 4 12 104 109 | 213 iach here - = - ooo } aed) SAG) ES a — 599 te ae 240] 266] —]| 8 171} 42 53 703 679. | 1,382 | HEYTESBURY Hundred. a E a | Boyton - = = - = = «& Parish 10 1of -] -— 5 1 4 oan Corton -'- - Township 54 544 af — 44 4 6 } 139 145 seh _ Brixton-Deverill - - + Parish 33 354, -1| = 31 3 1 80 "3 153 Chiltern, All Saints. + - + Parish 4A 89, -]| 3 81 7 1 149 202 981 Chiltern, St. Mary - - - < Parish 38 3947 -| 1 29} 10 - 80 89 169, Codford, St. Mary > = + Parish 40 Gif -] a1 43 9 9 128 130 258 Codford, St. Peter - Parish with Ashton-Gifford - + Township } 59 66) 2] a 39 | 23 . ne 177 347 “HEYTESBURY - - Borough andParish{ 243 | 264] 2] 8 84 | 138 42 656 643 1,329 Hill-Deverill - - - ~ « Parish! 22 a7} -]| = 247 - - 65 70 135 Horningsham - - - (°) Parish} 258] 313] -—| 5 178 | 73 62 621 646 1,267, Imber, (South part) - - (?) Parish’ - —-{| -q]| = - - = es = steel Knook - - - - - - «+ Parish} 50 534 -f = 30 | 23 - 134. 134 268 Orcheston, St.George - - = Parish| vit Elston oe - Tyiting } 32 39} ~} 2 ag) = 7 9° ay 17 .Tytherington - - - = Parish 28 32} —-| ~- 30 2 - 81 66 144 Upton-Lovell - - - - Parish? 45 48} 1] 2 23] 14 11 108 122 230 HIGHWORTH, CRICKLADE, & STAPLE] 986 {1,130 ] 5 | 23 | 683 | 307 | 140 J 2,531 | 2,614 | 5,145 Hundred. (4) aera Sees Ashton-Keynes - - ~- (*) Parishf 202} 2021 —] = 152 | 44 6 42” 461 888 | Leigh - - - - Chapelry 46 48} -] 1 48 - - 138 125 263 Blunsdon, St. Andrew - - - Parish 10 yo{ -{] 41 8 = 2 31 34 65 | Castle-Eaton - - - - Parish 60 64} —-t + 58 2 4 145 189 334. | CRICKLADE Borough: St.Mary - - - - - = Parish} 99 g6} -| 1 63 | 25 8 228 229 457 StSampson - - - (*) Parish} 223 | 239] -]| 8 134 | 66 39 500 §28 1,028 Whidhill - - - Towtiship 4 a{~-l- 3 ~ 1 12 9 21 Eisey - - - + = (*) Parish 13 29} -| — 29 - - 58 78 136 Water-Eaton - - < Township 8 8} -| = 8 - - "30 28 58 Hannington - - - - - Parish 82 g2} -1|] 5 61 8 23 215 197 412 Highworth Parish: (*) Broad-Blunsdon - - Chapelryf 126] 126] a] 5 93 | 29 4 ay 281 552 Sees " - - + = Tything 3 3, -| - 3 - - 14 10 24 ighwort - - + - — Tythin, oe Restnop & Weston Tything } 293 | 304} 8] 3 | 164 | 128 12 966 g22 | 1,888 Marston, South - - ~- Chapelry 44 52 ~ 2 52 - - 150 149 2909 Sevenhampton + ~- - Tything 41 494 41 1 44 3 2 124 118 242 Inglesham + - = - - (") Parish 24 Ga yim | 24 - - 63 66 129 Latton - - - - - = Parish 68 my to— |} 4 57 | 12 8 159 156 315 Liddiard-Millicent + - - Parish 65 81f 1] - a7 - 4 1847 204 391 Marston-Maisey + - + Parish 42 46] -} 3 43 3 - | 89 95 184 Poulton - - = - = Parish 93 73] —| 1 60 10 3 153 156 309 Purton - - - + - (") Parish} 326] 326] 2/ 9 255 | 51 20 836 860 1,696 Braydon - = + - - = Hamlet 9 yof 1] —- 10 - = 37 33 70 Rodbourn-Cheney + - - Parish 101 126} 2 i 104] 12 10 268 276 544 Shorncutt - - - - - Parish 6 ah -} - 4 - = 10 15 25 Somerford-Keynes - - - - Parish 72 13) -{| 1 56 | 16 1 164 160 324 Stanton-Fitzwarren - - - Parish 28 98} -}| 4 36 1 1 120 142 262 | Stratton, St. Margaret’s (*) Parishf 139] i70] 4] 2 149} 21 is 392 353 745 2,201 |2,367 | 20 | 46 71,788 | 431 | 148 | 5,787 | 5,874 411,661 Q) One male in Horningsham Parish upwards of 100 years of age.— progress in 1811, which caused a temporary increase of population ——. ‘(?) Imber Parish, which is partly in Heytesbury Hundred, and partly | (t) The entire Parish of Kisey contains 194 Inhabitants.—_(") The in Swanborough Hundred, is wholly entered in the latfer——(4) Lynt | entire Parish of Highworth contains 3,005 Inhabitants") Ingle- is in Highworth Hundred, but is included in the Return of Coleshill, | sham is partly in Farringdon Hundred, (Berks) but the wholé is here ‘Shrivenham Hundred, (Berks.)———(*) The entire Parish of Ashton- | entered. (Ww) The entire Parish of Purton contains 1,466 Tiiha- Keynes contains 1,151 Inhabitants.—~() The entire Parish of } bitants——(*) Upper-Stratton Tything is included in the Return of St. Sampson (Cricklade) contains 1,049 Inhabitants. A canal was in } Stratton St. Margaret’s, ences en 360 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. a eee een | COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: ee s PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pee oe a By = LIES chiefly OruER oF 2, ee = | chiefly | employ-| Families i | TOTAL z many me ia em- ed in |not com- % gf EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. |Families] 2 | 3 | ployed | Trang, | prized in oF 2 | Oe alt | in [Men ltheTso] 86S & __|PERSONS. — a feupied.} 1 SS | Acar factures,| preced- = me cuL- jorHandi- fie KINGSBRIDGE Hundred, sls ee Ly Mac Chisledon = ~- - - - Parish} 202 202 So 36) 142 32 28 527 550 1,077 Cliffe-Pypard - - - - - Parish 151 sf -] - 152 6 - 415 400 815 Draycot-Foliatt - - - - - Parish 4 4/ -] 2 4} - - 16 8 24 Hillmarton - - - - - - Parish} 143] 161] -| 2 137 | 19 5 386 401 787 Lineham - - - - - - Parishf 171 | 232] -—] 1 123 | 53 56 503 407 g10 Lyddington - - - + = Parish "6 83] -]|] - 79 4 ~ 207 202 409 Lydiard-Treegooze - - - - Parish{ 118{ 149] -] 2 137} 11 1 350 B07?) 7a7 Swindon - - - - - - - Parish} ove 376] 51 5 13 | 336 27 767 813 | 1,580 Tockenham = - - - = - Parish 26 32 - 1 23 4 5 77 76 153 Wanborough - - - - - = Parish} 166| 168] — a 143 | 23 2 448 455 903 Woorton-Bassert - Boro’ and Parish} 344 | 354] 2 | 33 166 } 134 54 851 850 | 1,701 1,673 | 1,919 | 7 | 57 [1,119 | 622 | 178 | 4,547 | 4,529 | 9,076 KINWARDSTONE Hundred. Brpwin, Great —_ (*) Boro’ & Parish 347 | 444] -—| 2 276 | 104 64 985 943 1,928 Bedwin, Little - - - - - Parish gl loo | -—| 12 92 5 3 263 241 504 Brimslade - - - - Extra-P. 12 2g) —-] - 23 - - Be 55 © 110 Burbage - - ss + © Parish} 237 | o44] -) - 199 |] 33 12 61 579 1,195 Buttermere - - + - - - Parish 21 21 =| - 21 - - 95 61 136 Chilton-Foliatt - - - - (*) Parish with Leverton - - - —‘ Tything } Ae ap MES ES oe eee 9 398 379 777 Chute 7 foe ee ot Pah ge |) aig | ae | go} 17 8 235 254. 489 Chute-Forest - - - - Extra-P, 25 a5) -| - 25 - = 75 69 144 spi pla tae orl 2 i eel ei el ad al a] = ug | 132 | 2951 Collingbourn-Kingstone -{ ~ ae 40 5B |] 36} 15 4 101 132 233 Collingbourn-Vallance - -} - - 57 v2} -1 1 63 6 3 156 177 333 Easton - = = = - - = Parish 79 93} -! - "31 419 3 210 237 447 Froxfield - - + - = + = Parish 82 g2} 1 1 "6, 14 2 234 274 508 Hippenscombe - - = - Extra-P, 11 a1} -}] 1 11 - = 19 21 40 Hungerford Parish: (4) Charnham-Street - - Tything} 56 62 2| 8 24} 27 M1 171 177 348 Marlborough Forest : Cadley - - - - = — Extra-P. 9 a] -| = 11 - = 23 22 45 Milton-Lilborne - - - - Parish} 113} 120| -| 2 | a11[{ 5 4 293 339 632 Pewsey - - = = = - + Parish} 250/ 291] -]| 1 198 | 83 10 624 713 1,337 Shalbourn (part of) Parish: (*) Shalbourn-West - - - Township 58 68] —-] - 60 8 = 209 | 201 410 Tidcombe - - - - = - Parish 45 45| -|} 2 A2 3 - 115 122 237 Wootton-Rivers - - - - - Parish 46 851 -| 2 62} 19 4 195 205 400 1,887 [2,173 | 4 | 22 | 1,638 | 395 | 140 5171 5,333 | 10,504 MALMESBURY Hundred, Abbey (in Malmesbury) - - Parish] 29 | 31| —| - ii) ag] 6 77 92 169 Ashley - - - - - - Parish 19 20} =| - 19 1 = 46 57 103 Bremilhom - - - - - = Parish 5 Rhos p os 3 1 1 13 12 25 Brinkworth - - - - -(f) Parish} 166] o44] 6{ — 49 | 41 | 154 520 542 | 1,062 Grittenham - - - - = Tything 23 24} —-] - 23 1 - 81 73 154 Brokenborough - - - - = Parish 48 51} -}] 1 48 3 = 128 134 262 Charlton - - - - = = = Parish} 98] 127] 2] = 113 11 3 281 282 563 Crudwell - - - - - = (8) Parish 81 cS oe i 15 6 = 203 210 413 Eastcourt - - - - + — Tything 35 43] 2] - 38 2 3 70 87 157 Dauntsey - - - - - = Parish? 64] 93|] 2] - 89 3 1 237 230 467 Draycot-Cerne - - - + - Parish 23 34] -] - 24 8 2 86 83 169 Foxley - - - - - = = Parish 13 13, -{| - 11 1 1 35 36 71. (@) The Return of Great-Bedwin includes the Tythings of Crofton, | bitants——(“) Hungerford Parish is mostly in Kintbury-Eagle Hun- Martin, Wilton, Wixcombe, and Wolfhall, which in the year 1811, | dred (Berks.)——(¢) Shalbourn Parish is mostly in Kintbury-Eagle were separately returned. (>) Leverton, part of Chilton-Foliatt | Hundred (Berks.) (') The entire Parish of Brinkworth contains Parish, is in Kintbury-Eagle Hundred (Berks) but the whole is here | 1,216 Inhabitants——(®) The entire Parish of Crudwell contains 570 entered.——(*) The entire Parish of Collingbourn contains 8:7 Inha- | Inhabitants. te M.DCCC.XXI-] « THE 'POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. ° 36r ee eee a, COUNTY OF 'WILTS—continued, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, ‘TOWNSHIP, = ae B tae (Pe nae ‘By ; LIES A T: ga ; how . 3 chiefly ee Families | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B jomany | oo |S em- | edin | notcom- wi or of. 5 = | Families 4 | 2 | oployed | Trane, | prized in 5 3 : t ¢ Oc-' | ¥ | a in | Manu. | the Two 3 PERSONS. | 5 cupied.} @ 1 5S | Acrr- |factures, preced- . cut- jorHandi-] _-19§ MALMESBURY Hundred—sontinued. turs. | craft, | Classes. Garsdon - = - = - = + Parish] 37 44 {| -] - 35 9 - go 93 183 Hankerton '- - = - () Parish} = 57 58 | -| 3 38 17 3 | 145 124 269 Cloatly - - - - - Tything} 19 go} 1] - 9 6 5 43 44 - 87 Hullavington - - - (i) Parish} 92] 101] 1] 4 ay 24 6 236 236 472 Kemble - - - - - -(*) Parish} 94] 108] -—| 4 84 18 3 216 219 435 Lea and Cleverton - - - + Parish] 67 y9| -| - 74 5 - 190 | «184 371 - B h | Maumzspury - - (!) Ream 268} 283] -| 7 64] 150] 69 595 727 | 1,322 Burton-Hill - - - - Tything} 37 40] 2] 3 21] 12 4 81 111 |. 192 Cole and West-Park - Tything 5 5| -| - 4 - 1 17 20 37 Corston. - - - ~ - — Tything 34} 40] =| 1 26 11 3 88 83 171 Milbourn - - - - Tything 19 a1| ~—| 2 17 2 2 53 62 115 | Rodborne - - - - Tything} 19 33} 1] 2 25 4 4 76 63 139 | Newnton, Long - - - - Parish} (59 59} -| 2 44 11 4 153 153 306 Norton-Coleparle - - Parish} 25 | 29] -| -—] 29 - - 56 54 110 “Oaksey - - - - + ‘= - Parish} 72 ya} —1 3 59 10 3 197 | 188 | 385 Poole-Keynes - - - - - Parishf 30 30} -] - 2] 3 1 72 74 146 Seagry, Lower and Upper - - Parish 34 50] 1] = 37 10 3 105 110 215 Somerford, Broad - - - ~ Parish 86 95} -| 3 "5 19 1 233 248 481 Somerford, Little - - - Parish 52 63) -| 1 48. 12 3 156 |. 174 | 330 Stanton, St. Quinton - - - Parish 52 57) -} - 48 4 5 138 147 | 285 | Sutton-Benger - - - - = Parish 66] 108] =| — 49}. 24 5 221 237 458 Westport, St. Mary - - Parish} 158 | 198] 2] 2 158 | 27] 13 445 578 1,023 1,986 | 2,359 | 20 | 34 [1,577 | 470| 312 | 5,383 | 5,764 | 11,147 MELKSHAM Hundred. ane ' Earl-Stoke ee Bl oe Saale 74 48 7 2 61 13 4 ; 187 188 _ 375 Hilperton - - - - - (™) Parish} 191] aig] 2] 5] 47] 150] 16 | 437 467 | 904 Keevil Parish: (*) Bulkington - - - - Tything 5l yo} -| 17. 51] 19 ~ “160 146 306 Melksham - - - - (°) Parish} 913] 9711 6] 43 | 390] 465 | 116 2,417 | 2,348 | 4,765 Seend - - - - (-+) Chapelry] 197 | o52] 1; 6 105 62 | 85 504 507 | 1,011 Poulshot - - - - - - - Parish} 62 66] 1] 5 47 9| 10 166 157 323 Trowbridge - - - - (™) Parish 1,786 | 2,169 | 27 | 96 100 1,986 | 83 4,400 | 5,145 | 9,545 Whaddon ote 2 2 2) Parish 9 12 —| 2 ‘4o], 2 ne 30 «| . 33 63. 3,283 [3,831 | 37 [160] 811 | 2,706 | 314 8,301 | 8,991 | 17,292 MERE Hundred. 7 : Kingston-Deverill - -' = © Parnsh 66 80 > 4 48 17 15 i 162 el 166 5 328 ; | Knoyle, West - - - - - Parishf 33 38] 1] 2 34 4 = 109 99 | 208 | Maiden-Bradley - os (@) Parish 88 116 2 5 92 22 2 : 247 279 526 . 4 Mere Parish : (9) : Town - - - - - - Tythingf 197] 226] -j] 5 2] 112 2 596 624 | 1,220 Woodlands & Chaddenwicke, Tything} 132 | 143] -—| ~— Z 46 a5 a 331 "663 Zeals - - - eS. Tything} 58 6o} -{ - 23 30 4 “253 - 286 - 539 Stourton (part of) - + (") Parish 69 y4| 1] 2 39 22] 13 152 | 194, 346 641 | 737] 4|18 | 387] 253} 97 | 1,851 .| 1,979 | 3,830 POTTERNE and CANNINGS (*) Hundred. Sa Bromham +" - -- --(+) Parish} 287 | 918} —| 19 | 153| 132/ 33 663 | _ 694 | 1,357 Bishops-Cannings - - (*) Parish} 291 | @55 |] —| -2 227 20 8 611 | . 613 1,224 Chittoe - - - = - Tythingl 53] gg} -| 2 49 6; - , 267.) ~ 28. | 23a< Heme 8 > 277, Chapel] 285] 298] 2} 5 | 159] 95] 44 626 | 639 | 1,265 Ighway - - - - - (") Pash] (15 | 26] -| - 24 2! = 59 49. 108 3 ‘ * z . : ~ : i . 25 ee 2 - ‘ ~ . ” 7 . P (ass er y ; i La oO The entire Parish of Hankerton contains 356 Inhabitants. pulation.———(?) Maiden-Bradley Parish is partly in Ferris-Norton Hun: ) ] ullavington Parish is partly in Chippenham Hundred ; the entire | dred (Somerset). The entire Parish contains 620 Inhabitants— arish contains 506 Inhabitauts—_) The Tythings of Ewen and of o The entire Parish of Mere contains 2,422 Inhabitants. (7) Stourton Wick is included in the Return of. Kemble Parish. (!) The entire arish is partly in Ferris-Norton Hundred (Somerset). The entire Parish of Malmesbury contains 1,976 Inhabitants ——(™) The increase | Parish contains 658 Inhabitants. *) The borough of Devizes is en: of Population at Hilperton and at Trowbridge, is ascribed to the increas- | tered at the end of the Cs The entire Parish of Bishops- ing woollen manufacture,——(") Keevil. Parish is mostly in Whorwels- Cannings contains 2,729 Inhabitants.———(") Highway is locally situate down Hundred.—~( ) The entire Parish of Melksham contains, 5,776 | near Calne, being a detached portion of Potterne and Cannings Hun- Inhabitants. The discovery of a saline spring, tends to increase the Po- | dred. : 4Z 362 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. — COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. ———==_, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : Famy- Spee ay eg aren ae ee recent) PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famt- | igs | Att By ae LIES chiefly OrHER x 3 how = | chiefly employ-| Families n TOTAL Zs jmany | aw | BP em | edin |notcom-| yj a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 | Families} ‘ | ployed | Trane, | prized in 5 < oF . S | oO | S| tT in | Manu.’ [the Two & _|PERsons. | Gj cupied. | > | Aorr- | factures,| preced- a E be 4 | Sa) 03 [LE [SERBS] gd |B peso ‘WHORWELSDOWN Hundred : sae [oa Glates . continued. Coulston, East - - - - Parish 16 16] - 1 16 - - 46 53 99 Edington, Parish: (7) ; : Coulston, West, & Baynton Tything 34 34] -]}] - 32 1 1 "8 .go | 168 Edington - - - - -Tythng} 94] 137] -1| ~ 1] 93 18 6 216 243 459 _Tinhead - - - ~ - ~ Tything} 85 gi | =] 2 68 17 6 244 228 472 Keevil = = = = 3 (*) Parish} 103] 103] -] 1 77 18 - 8 254 242 | 496 1,119 | 1,178 | 8] 20 | 667 | 404 | 107 2,935 3,006 55941 Borough of DEVIZES: . John, St. the Baptist - - + Parish} 309 354 1] 18 45 |} 226 83 967 1,005 1,972 Mary, St. the Virgin - - - Parish} 457] 537] —| 24 61 - 223 | 253 F 1,060 | 1,176 2,236 766 891 11 45 | 106 | 449 | 336° 2,024 | 2,181 4,208 | Borough of MARLBOROUGH: Mary, St. the Virgin - (*) Parishf 262} 505] 2].1 | 300 [105 | 100 g28 | 673 1,601 | Peter, St. and Paul, St.~ (") Parish] 222 | 327] -{ 1 45 | 228 54. | 712 925 1 1,437 484] 832] 2] 2 | 345 | 333 | 154 1,640 | 1,398 | 3,038 City of NEW SARUM: Edmund, St. +» - - - - Parishf 707 {| 830] 10 | 12 28 | 754 48 1,852 | 2,060 3,912 Martin, St. - - - - Parish} 423 | 504] =| 23 - | 446 58 978 1,126 2,104, Thomas, St.- - - - - - Parish} 390[ 428] 4 | 28 21 | 345 62 982 1,248 | 2,230 The Close of the Canons of |,. the Cathedral Church ~ (OF Sa] PO] =) 2 Po — | at | 7 161 356 | 517 1,605 1,872 | 14 | 65 | 49 11,576 | 247 3,973 | 4,790 | 8,763 (*) The entire Parish of Edington contains 1,099 Inhabitants——- | more and more crowded with families and inmates, (*) Many labourers (*), Keevil Parish is partly in Melksham Hundred. The entire Parish | who work in the neighbouring Parishes, reside in St. Peter’s Parish, in contains 802 Inhabitants ——-(") The Staff of the Wiltshire Militia are | order to evade parochial settlement where they work. quartered in the Parish of St. Mary, Marlborough, and the cottages are M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 365 re ae rs COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. SUMMARY : OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WILTS. ie HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: c Fami- ae Aut HUNDREDS, iy @ | btety | PAY | aos ‘yj | TOTAL : 3 man. r 4 em- i a not com- ; a ; &e, # Families 2 4 ployed Th ‘apg, | prized in eI 3 = ‘gf | Oc | 3) 7 ™ | Manu. |theTwof = & . |PERSONS. ig cupied.} & | 5 Acnr- | factures,| preced- = faa CUL- jorHandi-| mg Hundred of runs. | craft, | Classes. ALDERBURY - - ~ - ~f 751] 885! 7 | 29 651 | 130] 104 | 2,162 2,050 4,212 AMESBURY - - - - - -]1,180 / 1,339] 61] 34 952 | 258] 129 | 2,907°] 2,979 5,886 BRADFORD - - - - - ~ f2,272 |2,481 | 18] 94 | 536 | 1,863 82 | 5,636 6,172 | 11,808 BRANCH and DOLE - - = 11,597 |1,770 | 15 | 42 | 921] 577 | 272 | 3,963 | 4,225 | 8,188. CALNE - - - - - - = f1,911 11,334} 6] 10 936 | 472} 126 | 2,965 3,244 6,209 CAWDEN and CADWORTH -f[ 790! 9451 51 15 yo2 | 186 57 2,044 2,189 4,233 CHALK - - - - = ~ -f| 583! 650} 5 {11 544 83 23 7 1,455 1,463 2,918 CHIPPENHAM - = - ~ - {3,503 | 4,024 | 271 79 | 1,926 |1,500 | 598 | 9,100 9,454 | 18,554 DAMERHAM, North and South - $1,053 |1,201 | g | 22 773 |. 334 94 2,712 2,842 50554 DOWNTON - = - = - = $1,097 {1,296} 8 | 17 761 | 375) 160 | 2,931 3,186 6,117 DUNWORTH - - - = = {1,001 /1,113 ] 6] 10 "95 | 219] 159 3,004. 3,349 6,353 ELSTUB and EVERLEY - - }1,023 {1,150} 8 { 40 845 | 221 84 | 2,635 2,733 5368 FRUSTFIELD - - - - =] 240 2661 -| 8 171 42 53 703, 679 1,382 HEYTESBURY - - - - =] 986 /1,130] 5 | 23 683 | 307] 140 | 2,531 2,614 5145 He aaa Pere 2,201 | 2,367 | 20 | 46 [1,788 | 431 148 5,787 5,874 | 11,661 KINGSBRIDGE - - - - + 41,673 11,919 | 7157 $1,119 | 622] 178 | 4,547 4,529 9,076. KINWARDSTONE - - - - [1,887 [2,173 | 4 | 22 [1,638] 395 140 5,171 55333 10,504. MALMESBURY - - - - - | 1,986 | 2,359 | 20 | 34 11,577 | 470 | 312 5,383 5,764 | 11,147 MELKSHAM - - - - - ~ 13,283 [3,831 | 37 {160 811 {2,706 | 314 8,301 8,991 | 17,292 MERE - - - - = - =f 641] 737} 4 | 18 387 253 97 1,851 1,979 | 3,830 POTTERNE and CANNINGS - [1,635 1,806 | 5 | 50 11,134} 416 | 256 3,889 3,991 -7,880 RAMSBURY - - - - + -§ 608! 664] 2] 9 477 | 152 35 1,652 1,568 3,220 SELKLEY - - + - - -1|1,156 11,374] 8] 20 [1,040] 264] 70] 3,037 | 3,137 | 6,174 SWANBOROUGH - - ~ [1,803 | 2,154} 2] 27 71,568) 361} 225 | 4,570 | 4,877 | 9,447 UNDERDITCH - - - +] 276 303 4 {10 210 "8 15 674 683 | 1,357 WARMINSTER - - - - = 11,938 2,184 17 | 67 740 | 744} 700 | 4,718 5,128 9,846 WESTBURY - - - - = = [1,354 (1,456| 14/43 | 380] 761 | 315 | 3,310 | 3,536 | 6,846 WHORWELSDOWN- - - - [1,119 |1,178] 8 | 20 [ 667] 404} 107 | 2,935 3,006 | 5,941 Borough of DEVIZES - - - - - ~] 766} 8911 1] 45 106 | 449] 336 | 2,027 2,181 4,208 Borough of MARLBOROUGH - - - -| 484{ 832] 2] 2 345 | 3334 154 1,640 1,398 3,038 City of NEW SARUM - - - - - 11,605 |1,872 | 14 | 65 49 {1,576 | 247 | 3,973 | 4,790 | 8,763 Torars - - - [41,702] 47,684] 294 |1,129]| 24,972] 16,982| 5,730 | 108,213 | 113,944 | 222,157 5A 366 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. c j Z a ! 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 {| 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 |:70 | 80 | 90 | 100 ee t t t io te be | ee io t ©. Eincived 5. 0 0 to to oO 0 0 0 0 ine 5 of 10 15 20 30 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100}waras| © ALDERBURY - - 303} 316 217 202 345 224} 206 156 | 124] 55} 11 a} o-) 2,160, AMESBURY. - -] 280 | 244] 229] 240] 315] 253 178 | 164/132) 59/24] 14 - | 2,119 BRADFORD - - - 41,0324 686! 677! 513! 808] 613] 525] 389 | 239] 126/27] 1] - 5,636 BRANCH and DOLE -{| 568} 516} 439 | 372! 570] 458] 401 276 | 218] 108] 28 | 24 ~ 3,956: CALNE - - - - -| 488] 384] 331) go1] 408} 328] 255] 197 | 162] 84] 25] 2] — | 2,965) CAWDEN and = owen \ 276 | 267] 243] 194] 300] 259] 184] 134] 105] 64ala7] 2 2,044 CHALK - - - -7] 185] 218] 192} 151 | 224] 13951 126] 104] 75} aglaa] a] — 1,455 CHIPPENHAM - - 13,355 |1,257 [1,074 | 896 | 1,301 988 815 | 661 | 469] 195] 84 | 5] — | 9,100 Ae paras 405 | 346} 293] 2521 375 | 303] 262 | 208] 151 84] 16] 2) = | 2,697 DOWNTON - - = =| 471} 387} 334] 269] 407] 310] 298] 193] 153] 66] 22] 1] — | 2,911 DUNWORTH - - - 386 392 338 310 451 297 264 211 | 167) 71] 19 ~| — | 2,906 ELSTUB and EVERLEY | 348] 351 | 342 | 246) 414] 272] 243 | 177] 138] 87} 171 -{ — | 2,635 FRUSTFIELD - - lll 100 85 65 114 m1 63 35 | 33] 177 8] =] - 702 HEYTESBURY - -] 399} 331] 313] 253] 369] 259] 228] 155/132] 73] 16] 2] 12 | 2,530 HIGHWORTH, CRICK- . a LADE and STAPLE 2 914} 769} 709] 573 | 753| 585} 488} 379 | 282/179] 38] 7 5,676 KINGSBRIDGE- - -] 729} 661 | 546] 458] 610] 454] 431] 287 | 203] 1311 36] a | - 45547 KINWARDSTONE - -]| 807} 678] 583 {| 5231 747 | 525} 448] 383 | 282] 141] 44] 8] — 5,169 MALMESBURY 847 | 712} 623 | 518} 778 | 560} 486} 383 | 292] 132] 481 3] - 5,382 MELKSHAM - 1,306 | 936} 841 | 789 {1,195 | 843 | 6924 480 | 309] 174] 331 -—} — | 7,598 MERE - - - -| 218} 251 260} 216} 243] 183] 167] 145] 94} 53/17] 2] —- 1,849 POTTERNE&CANNINGS] 495 | 454] 372 2651 392] 329] 297] 208 | 170] 68/19] 2] —- 3,071 RAMSBURY = - 255 | 220] 253 168 | 233} 157 119 | 104 | 82] 53] 8] -—] — [1,652 SELKLEY - - -} 451 | 394] 331 | 326} 364} 290] 263] 182 | 130] 69/14] 3] — | 2,817 SWANBOROUGH - -J} 665] 590] 537} 442] 699] 476] 419] 315 | 250| 115 49} 1] — | 4,558 UNDERDITCH - - 74 81 66 89 } 100 78 66 571 35] 24 4) -] - 674 WARMINSTER - - -{ 723} 610] 579] 451 | 696} 503] 414 | 316 | 260] 141] 94] 1 - | 4,728 WESTBURY - - -§ 537 | 454 | 405] 303 ( 496} 333 g10 | 222/161} 69] 20] -t — | 3,310 WHORWELSDOWN 231 182 195} 177) 255 166 | 147] 126] 94] 46/15] 1] — | 1,635 DEVIZES, BORO’ - 211 239 269 289 | 3651 197 191 154} 72| 381 15 1 — | 2,007 MARLBOROUGH, BORO} 200] 207] 219] 209] 231 176 | 169] 110! 86} 25) 8] -!| — 1,640 | NEW-SARUM, CITY 518 | 512 | 461 | 401} 491] 507] 413] 282/171] 97/19] 1] — | 3,843 Total of MALES (15,788 |13,745 |12,356 |10,461 |15,035 (11,132 | 9,568 | 7,193 |5,271|2,677|'746| 49 | 2 104,022 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Wilts was .... 222,157, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, ' was... 214,212 ... whence it appears, that the Ages of about one twenty-eighth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been 4 obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XKI.] ' THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO.3V. c. 04. 367 COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALES. 6 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | ae ee to to to to to to to | to | to | to | to i Z ] of 10 15 20 | 30 40 50 69 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 \waras| Bt ALDERBURY - - -] 287| 292] 214] 166] 326] 246] 177] 160] 101] 66) 15] 1} — | 2,051 AMESBURY - - 297 | 2401] 192] 219] 344] 252 {| 205] 146] 120) 78 go} ot ae o4as BRADFORD - - -{| 918] 728] 638] 613 /1,037 | 742 4 567] 407 | 269] 122] 27] 14 — | 6,069 | BRANCH and DOLE -]| 548 | 516] 450{] 403 | 610] 528] 445) 346] 249] 93] 24) 2] — | 4,214 CALNE - - - - -] 476] 418] 321] 3141 5324 377] 292 | 227] 186) 77) 23] 1] — | 3,244 eee } - -| 327] 265] 224] 2021 360] 273} 196{ 152] 111] 65/1347 1] — | 2,189 q CHALK - = - - - 204 201 154 127 234 155 147 114 979) 42) 7 = — | 1,464 ] CHIPPENHAM - - - |1,296 | 1,180 1,016 | 858 |1,502 | 1,120 | 899 | 717 | 526] 236) 88; 6] — | 9,444 ' Cee om a aaa 430 | 368 | 256| 267] 4o0g| 338} 284 | 228] 146) 92/13] 1| — | 2,832 | DOWNTON - - - -] 501 424 | 30% 308 | 485 {| 363; 321 237 1 137| 72] 144 LS 3,164 DUNWORTH - + -]| 445 | 329] 351 | 308} 512! 359! 292] 221 | 202] 891 24] 2] — J 3,134 ELSTUB and EVERLEY | 357 | 356] 284] 270 {| 424 | 289 | 293 | 220 | 1371 73] 29 1} =— | 2,733 FRUSTFIELD - -f 91! go] 78] sol 127} 83] Go] 48] 30] 151 7} -| - 4 679 HEYTESBURY - - -| 397| 325] 253] 2191 445] 3151 278] 165 | 126} 69/16) 2) - | 2,610 eae 844| 749] 630] 610} 881] 725} 584] 402 | 301| 176] 53 | 4] - | 5,959 KINGSBRIDGE- - -]| 638 | 590| 498 | 454] 681 | 522] 443} 300 | 227] 149] 25] 2 | -| 4,529 KINWARDSTONE ~ -{ 780} 682] 558} 490] 8311! 594! 530] 389 | 278| 166] 32] 3] - 55333. MALMESBURY - - -| 792 |. 753} 607] 570} 938] 648] 525| 405 | 304/ 151] 60] 3] — J 5,755) MELKSHAM - - -]1,242 | 944] 867] 906 ]1,622 | 980] 892] 536 | 393| 158] 381 5) — | 8,583 MERE - - = - ~] 284] 264 | 203 { 188} 304] 241 | 200 132 | 97} 45119] -—| — 91,977 POTTERNESCANNINGS| 488 | 423} 352 | 327| 460| 369| 355} 248} 175] 69) 24] 7] -. 3,097 RAMSBURY - - -] 229] 215 153 134 | 269 173 121 115 { O1] 53] 14 1 — 1 1,568 ‘SELKLEY - - - -| 437] 345} 336 | 266 | 459} 327] 278 | 228) 148) 85/25 | 1) ~— | 2,935 SWANBOROUGH - -]| 643] 553] 485] 469 | 801 | 572] 478 | 409 | 288) 142/37 | -| — | 4,877 UNDERDITCH - - 96 79 58 55 | 104 04 "2 56] 47) 19] 4] —} 7 682 WARMINSTER - - -| 729 | 588! 488] 494] 827] 619] 516[ 410] 289] 142/23] 3] - 5,128) WESTBURY - - -]| 565| 455| 346] 291] 614] 386] 341 | 259] 191| 84/13} 14 —- 7 3,546) WHORWELSDOWN -| 249 | 182] 176] 141] 287] 195} 175{| 119 | 114] 36/14} 2] — J 1,690 DEVIZES, BORO’ - -]| 236| 236 | 285} 281] 392] 222] 191 | 156] 116) 48] 16} 2 S en] MARLBOROUGH, BOROY 142] 175 |] 174] 202 | 241 | 163] 133] 100] 59} 19) 7} 3) -— | 1,41 8 NEW-SARUM, CITY -1 476] 494) 466] 487 | 929] 633] 529] 347 | 254] 141] 32] 2 { — | 4790 Total of FEMALES 15,443 13,457 11,414 |10,689 |17,987 |12,903 |10,819 | 7,999 | 5,791 | 2,872 758] 58 | — 110,19 | I z . “ THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Couuty of Wilts was 388; nine of which did not contain any answer tothe | question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and u very small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat | deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 368 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. County of Worcester. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Tian: Fami- Aires By ; LIES Li = Oruer i a bok z chiefly enplae: Families i TOTAL . i - any: r a em- j t iS . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 2 Familes 2 s jieyed ae = puat a E ae g Oc- ge in Mann- | the Two 3 3 cupied. | | 5 | Acrr- | factures,} preced- is PERSONS. cUL- {orHandi-| _ ing neces BLACKENHURST Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. (Lower Division.) Assots Morton - - - - Parish 44 47] -| 1 42 4 1 122 114 236 Church-Lench (part of ) Parish: (*) Atch-Lench - - - - = Hamlet 14 15/ -| 2 14 1 ~ 31 32 63 Sheriffs-Lench - - + - Hamlet 13 1g] - 19 - _ 40 36 46 Hampton, Great - - Parish BG with Little Hampton - Township } or oe 7 = 168 16% oft Norton - - - - - - = Parish with Lench-Wick - - - Tything } 76 81 a : - 7 194 192 386 Oldberrow - - - - = (°) Parish 19 2go0| -| - 17 - 50 52 102 233 | 2 -| 4] 22 1 0 1,18 BLACKENHURST Hundred. ay i : boF be a (Upper Division.) Badsey - - - - = (°) Parish 64 “4| -| 2 48 18 8 157 | 197 -| 334 Aldington - - - - - Hamlet 19 a2} -| - 21 1 = 41 46 87 Bretforton - - - - - - Parish] 87 99} 1] 1} 65 25 9 233 218 451 Church-Honeyborn with Poden Parish 25 26} -| 2 24 2 - 70 66 136 Littleton, North - - - - Parish 7 = with Middle-Littleton - Township } oi 74 - ae 1 179 163 34? Littleton-South - - - - - Parish] 35 39] -| 1 28 8 3 114 go 204 Offenham - - - - - + Parish{ 81 83] 3] - 56 17 10 180 162 342 Wickamford - - ~- - - = Parish 23 28) -| - 26 2 = 71 59 130 28 8 0 1,0 81 2,026 DODDINGTREE Hundred. eee) ee 8 v3 oe = : (Lower Division.) Abberley - ~ - - - - Parish} 112] 131] -—| 3 [ 119 10 2 280 294 574 Astley - - - - - - - Parish} 170} 174] -—] 7 | 136 36 2 416 368 784 Bayton - - - - - Parish 86 89! -1| 3 73 14 2 253 213 466 Doddenham - - - - - = Parish 55 58} -—| 3 50 a 1 108 144 252 Mamble - - - - - - - Parish 65 ma{| -{ - 56 14 1 213 173 386 Ribbesford - - - - (4) Parish} 13 13; 1] -| 13 - - 37 36 73 BEWDLEY - - - - = Borough] 879 | 878] 11] 38 “6 | 515 | 287 1,776 1,949 3,725 Rock - - - - - - -(°) Parish} 245] 262] 1| 2 | 164 50 48 663 603 1,266 Shelsley-Beauchamp - (f) Parish 52 56} 1] 4 45 5 6 128 154 282 Shrawley - - - - - Parish} 83} 112] 1] 5 78 31 3 242 242 484 Stockton - - - + Parishf 28 31] -] - 27 2 2 97 gl 168 Witley-Great - Parish with Redmarley - - - Hamlet } 79 a2 48 oS 54 ud 1 187 354 1,867 |1,954 | 6 | 64 | 891 | 701 | 362 4,380 | 4,434 | 8,814 DODDINGTREE Hundred. (Upper Division.) P Acton-Beauchamp - - - - Parish 49 49} -]| - 42 6 1 126 132 258 Arely, Kings - - + =) Parish 76 78); -| 8 69 9 - 189 169 358 Bockleton - - - - (®) Parish 52 54) -| - 45 6 3 144 150 294 Clifton-upon-Teame - + - - Parish 86} 100, -—] 1 81 19 - 265 255 520 Cothoridge - - - - - - Parish 44 45} -| - 37 6 2 146 131 277 Eastham - - - - - - (*) Parish 65 69} 1] 4 63 5 1 169 178 347 Hanley, Child - - Chapelry 36 39} 1] 2 32 6 1 98 97 195 Orleton - - - Chapelry 23 26] 1a] - 23 3 - 70 65 135 Edvin-Loach - - - - (i) Parish 13 15} -| - 15 - - 29 34 63 Hanley-William - - Parish 23 23/ -| - 22 1 - 76 48 124 Kyre, Great - - - - - = Parish 37 42 1 1 23 4 15 72 90 162 (#) Church-Lench Parish is mostly.in the Upper Division of Halfshire ]| Alton, Snead, Hightington, and Lindons. iw Shelsley-Beauchamp Hundred. (°) Oldberrow is a detached portion of Lower Blacken- | Parish is mostly in the Upper Division of Doddingtree Hundred. ‘The hurst Hundred, to the northward. The demolition of a few cottages has | entire Parish contains 603 Inhabitants——(*) Bockleton Parish is diminished the Population—_—(¢) The entire Parish of Badsey contains | partly in Broxash Hundred, Herefordshire. The entire Parish contains oe Inbabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Ribbesford contains 3,798 | 385 Inhabitants.——(>) The entire Parish of Eastham contains 677 abitants.——(e) The Return of Rock Parish includes the Hamlets of | Inhabitants——(*) Edvin-Loach is locally situate in Herefordshire. M.:DCCC.XXI.] THE. POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C.:94,: 369 COUNTY .OF WORCESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fam 1 Ary By LIES | hiefy Orurr oR . how 2 chiefly employ- Families ws TOTAL ; ' Z many | ,, | 2 em- | oq jn |notcom- a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACF. [Families] & | 3 | ployed | Trane, | Prizedin & 3 ae ‘3 Oc- 5 E in Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS. a | cupied.) @ | 5 Acrr- | factures, Preced- = a i o mM, DODDINGTREE Hundred, ieee (Upper Division) —continued. - , Martley - - - - (*) Parishf 226] 247] -]| 5 202 40 5 582 544 1,126 Hillhampton - - - - Hamlet 16 a3] af i 22 1 - 72 66 138 | Sapey-Pritchard - - - - = Parish 43 44] -}| 4 37 a - 114 86 200 | Shelsley-Beauchamp Parish: (') Shelsley, Kings - - - - Hamlet 53 67; 1] - 53 14 - 140 124 264 *Shelsley-Walsh - - - Parish 11 a} -| 1 11 - - 32 25 57 Stanford - - - - - - = Parish’ 31 31] -| - 22 q 2 94 100 194. Stoke-Bliss (part of) Parish: (™) Kyre, Little - - - + Hamlet] 25] 26] -| 5 21 5 = 66 55 121 Suckley - - - - - (*) Parish} 109 { 121] =| 3 104 17 - 306 316 | 622 Alfrick - - - - (*) Chapelry 83 | 100] —] 2 81 19 - 219 226 445 Lulsley - - - - - Chapelry} 26 28] -]| 2 27 1 - 61 59 120 Tenbury - - - - - (°) Parishf 210] 209] 1 8 43 92 44 470 538 1,008 Berrington - - ~ - - Hamlet 40 43} -] 1 42 1 - 100 95 195 Sutton - - - - - - Hamlet 38 38} -] 1 32 5 1 109 96 205 Tenbury Foreign - - - - Hamlet] 45 57 | -] 2 50 6 1 146 114 260 1,460 11,585 | 7] 51 | 1,229 | 280] 76 | 3,895 | 3,793 .| 7,688 HALFSHIRE Hundred. (Lower Division.) Belbroughton - - - - ~ Parish} 311 | 330] 5] 7 126 | 165 39 923 453 | 1,476 Chaddesley-Corbett - - - Parishf 262] 272 | 2] 12 in7 | 62 33 699 644 | 1,343 Churchill - - - =~ = = Parish 26 25} -} 1 13 9 3 "4 67 141 Dudley (+) - - - - = (?) Parish] 3,184 | 3,637 | 42 | 53 84/3410 | 143 | 8,945 | 9,266 | 18,211 Elmley-Lovett - - - - = Parish 46 83] -| 4 66 16 1 232 215 447 Frankley - - - - - - - Parish 32 33} -| 2 29 3 1 105 84 189 Hagley - - - - - - - Parish} 124] 141] ~|] 1 48 62 31 279 316 595 Hales-Owen (part of) Parish: (4) Cradley - - - = - Chapelryf 331} 389] 5 | 21 37 313 39 824 872 1,696 Luttley - - - - - - Hamlet 32 34 - 12 a2 - 84. 101 185 Warley Wigorn - - - = Hamlet] 155 163 1 4 33 108 22 455 — 423 878 Hartlebury Parish: (*) in Milton, Upper - - - Hamletf{ 41 41] -| 3 9 26 6 87 94 181 Kidderminster, the Foreign of, (°) Parish] 411 | 420] 4] 4 103 | 300 17 '999 1,044 2,043 Milton, Lower - - + Chapelry} 483] 513] 1 | 26 22} 416 "5 1,265 1,279 2,544 Old Swinford - - - (*) Parish} 932] 959] -—]| 13 35 | 799 | 125 2,459 2,521 4,980 Stourbridge - - - - Township] 979 /|1,081 | -— | 10 14 | 1,034 33 2,445 2,645 | 5,090 Pedmore - - - - - - = Parish} 57 57} -| - 31 18 8 138 | 169 307 Rushock - - - - - - = Parish 32 36] -| - 33 2 1 97 84 181 Stone - - = - - = = = Parish 86 87]/-| 1 38 | ° 28 21 231 233 464 Wolverley Parish: (") Kingsford - - - - - - Hamlet - -| -/| - - - - - - - 7,554 |8,301 | 60 |162 910 |6,793 | 598 | 20,141 | 20,810 | 40,951 HALFSHIRE Hundred. (Upper Division.) | Bromsgrove - - - - = - Parish }1,513 |1,682 | 9g | 63 456 11,061 | 165 3,645 3,874 9,519 Church-Lench. (part of)- (*) Parish 39 41} -] 1 29 HS) 116 87 203 Corton-Hacket - - - - = Parish 35 36] -] ~ 18 17 1 92 95 187 °, The entire Parish of -Martley contains 1,264 Inhabitants. One ] tion, although other trades are in a depressed state at Dudley.—— male in Martley Parish upwards of 100 years of age.——-(!) Shelsley- } (4) Hales-Owen Parish is mostly in Brimstree Hundred, Salop»— Beauchamp Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Doddingtree Hun- | (") Hartlebury Parish is mostly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. dred. The entire Parish contains 603 Inhabitants. (™) Stoke-Bliss 8) The Town of Kidderminster is entered at the end of the county. f Parish is mostly in Broxash Hundred, Herefordshire ——(") The entire | The suburb called The Foreign, has received an accession of Population Parish of Suckley contains 1,187 Inhabitants. One female in Alfrick | from the increase of trade in the town.—(*) Old-Swinford Parish is |: Chapelry upwards of 100 years of age.—(°) The entire Parish of Ten- partly in South Seisdon Hundred, Staffordshire. The entire Parish bury contains 1,668 Inhabitants?) Dudley is locally situate in | contains 11,227 Inhabitants -—(") Kingsford Hamlet is included in the Offlow Hundred, Staffordshire. Additional coal’ mines and iron-stone | Return of the rest of Wolverley Parish, Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. mines have been opened, and a correspondent number of iron-works (“) Church-Lench Parish is partly in Lower Blackenhurst Hun-. erected since the year 1811, which accounts for the increase of Popula- | dred, The entire Parish contains 342 Inhabitants. : 5 B 370 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: COUNTY OF WORCESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Fawr | Apr By a] IES hich OTHER on “ how & | chiety eaglays Families w TOTAL ip A. man. tb | a em- +, | not com- uw 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Familes 3 4 | ployea a prized inf | 3 | oF s Oc- ‘3 a am Mann- | the Two S =} PERSONS. 4 cupied.) Q | D | Acre factures, | Preced- & et HALFSHIRE Hundred. CUL- lorHandi-| 28 er ; TURE. | craft, | Classes. (Upper Division)—continued. Crowle - - - = - = (®) Parish ~ at ef oe i es = - - ~ Dodderhill (pait of) - - -(%) Parish} 145 | 179] 1] 2 126 41 | 12 378 356 734 Elmbridge - - - - Chaperyf 741 75] 2] 3 61 14| = 172 164 336 Doverdale - -- + Parish 6 8] =| = 5 2 1 39 21 60 Feckenham - - - - - = Parishf 460] 503] 1117 190} 281 | 32 1,181 1,202 | 2,383 Grafton-Manor - - - - — Extra-P, 4 8] -| - 7 - 1 22 23 45 Hadsor - - - - = = = Parish} 22 23} -| - 19 3 1 76 59 ‘135 .Hampton-Lovett - - - - Parshf 30{/ 34] 1] - 26 s) 4 89 87 176 King’s-Norton - - - ~ (#) Parish} 684} 706] 7/18 7 354] 2531 99 1,764 | 1,887 | 3,651 Kington - - - - © = — Parish} 26] 33] +] 3 31 af = 79 69 148 Northfield - - - - - Parish] 278} 366] -| 7 | 1397] 208] 21 797 770 | 1,567 Salwarpe - - - - - = - Parish] 65] g2] 1] 1 83 i 232 230 462 Tardebigg - - - - = (*) Parishf 581 | 614] 3] 8 173 | 375 | 66 1,456 1,542 2,998 Upton-Warren - - - - Parish 60 79| -| 2 58 11] 10 221 242 463 Yardley -~ - 2 2 = = Parish? 440] 475 | 2 | 14 321 109 | 45 1,192 1,121 2,313 OSWALDSLOW Hundred. 4,465 | 4,954 | 26 139 | 2,094 | 2,400 | 460 | 11,551 [14,829 | 23,380 (Lower Division.) Berrow - - = - = - (>) Parishf 9747 o7{ =| = 91 a4] 2 231 233 464 Bredicot - - - - - ~ = Parish: 4 B)] -]| - 8 -| - 18 19 37 Broadwas,- - - + Parish} 47 58] -|] - 42 wy 4 134 138 272 Churchill - - - - - - Parish 22 22] —}| = 21 rf o- 56 46 102 Claines - - - - - = (*) Parish] 496] 534] 4 { 14 179 | 194 | 161 1,141 1,368 | 2,509 Whistons - - - = (°)Tything] 183 | 294] 61 go 7} 106) 181 591 753 1,344 Clement's, St. (partof) - - (4) Parish} 100] 105} 2| 13 12 55) 38 193 260 453 Croom-D’Abitot - - - - Parish 18 24} ~-| - 18 5 2 57 72 129 Croom, Earls - - - - Parish 37 37} -| 1 31 3 3 92 04 186 Croom, Hill ~ - - - + Parish 31 43} -| - 35 51 3 93 95 188 Grimley - -- - ~ Parish] 130 12, -] - 120 9 3 347 — 319 666 Hallow - - - - - -(*) Parish] 221 229] -| 4 169 43] 17 545 | $36 1,081 . Hartlebury - - - - -(f) Parish} 326] 336] 2] 4 196 | 120} 20 829 847 1,676 Hinlip - - - - = - = Parish 18 a4| 2] - Qu 3 - 71 58 129 Holt - - - - - - (8) Parish 64 68; -—|] - a4 22 2 190 165 355 Witley, Little - Chapelry} 57 62) -| - 51 10 1 152 150 302 John, St. Bedwardine Parish : (*) John, St. Bedwardine - Township} 235 | 235] 1/ 4 22} 181] 32 530 631 | 1,162 Wick-Episcopi - - - Township] 247 | 285 | 1/ 15 ro8 | 1331 44 587 676 | 1,263 Kempsey - - - - - = - Parish} 235] 235] 1/ 4 78 59 | 98 506 | 625 | 1,129 Knightwick - - - - - (4) Parish} 24 34| -| 2 32 2 - 88 67 155 Kenswick - - - Chapelry 2 4] - 4 - - 8 9 15 Lindridge - ere - - (F) Parish} 116) 197] ~ 94 30! 3. 317 318 635 | Knighton-upon-Teame - Chapel wwhNewsham =. Hear 89] 326} -| 4 | 99] af - | 246 | 280 | 526 Pensax - - - - - Chaperyf 109} 109| -}| 2] 44 16) 49 296 278 574 Malvern, Little - - - ~ (>) Parish’ 14 i) -| - 10 3) 2 33 34 67 Martin, St. (part of) - - - (1) Parish} 135 | 1911281 2 | 82 81 | 28 388 428 816 Michael, St. - - (™) Parish} 97 | ay7] 2] 5 2| 132] 43 270 387 657 College-Precincts - Extra-P.} 19 a2}, -| 5 - 1} a1 56 80 136 Norton-by-Kempsey - - - Parish 78) aig} 1] - 15 6] 98 - 260 - 257 517 Oddingley - - - - = Parish} = 32 35} -| 4 33 1) 1 77 gl 168 C) Crowle is partly in the Middle Division of Oswaldslow Hundred, | greatly increased the Population of this Parish. A new gaol at Whistons where the whole is entered. (*) Dodderhill Parish is partly in the } has a similar tendency. (*) St. Clement’s Parish is partly in the City Borough of Droitwich, and ‘entered ‘at the end of the County. The | of Worcester. (¢) An inclosure of land, and new cottages thereon, at entire Parish cotitains 1,565 Inhabitants. (*) The Return of King’s- | Hallow.——(‘) Hartlebury Parish is partly in Lower Haltshire Hundred. Norton Purish includes Headly, Moseley, Moundsley, and. Rednal, | The entire Parish contains 1,857 Inhabitants——(®) The entire Parish which in 1811, were separately returned.——(*) Tardebigg Parish is ]| of Holt contains 657 Inhabitants. (») The entire Parish of ‘St, John partly in the Alcester Division of Barlichway Hundred, (Warwick ;) | Bedwardine contains 2,424 Inhabitants———(i) The entire ‘Parish of Tardebigg includes Bentley, Redditch and Wibheath Yields. The entire | Knightwick contains 170 Inhabitants. — (*) The entire Parish of Parish contains 3,458 Inhabitants ; the increase of Population is ascribed Lindridge coritains 1,735 Inhabitants. Knighton with Newnham, ‘and to the thriving manufacture of needles urid fish-hooks at Redditch. Pensax, form altogether, a deétached portion of Lower Oswaldslow () Berrow, Little-Malvern, Pendock, and Redmarley D’Abitot, are {| Hundred, near Tenbury—(!) St. Martin’s Parish is mostly in the City Separate from the rest of the Hundred, it being situate in the south-west | of Wotcester——(™) The ‘entire Parish of ‘St. Michael ‘Bedwardice part of the County.——(¢) The entire Parish ‘of Claires contains 3,853 | contains 793 Inhabitants. It forms part of the City of Woréester, and Inhabitants, A branch of the Birmingham and Worcester canal has J} incloses the College Precinct, Extra-Parochial. “M.DUCC.XKL] | THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. Iv. c. 94. 371 ac ————E==E COUNTY OF WORCESTER—continued. 4 HOUSES : / 2 OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, d 7 Fam | F4*™ | ar 4 By ; LIES fe 7 OruER ae] i ‘s as j e how & ‘chiefly eaiplond Families ga TOTAL 3 anany ‘ -em- di t com- | } aye, EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. zg | Pamilies| 2 a | ployed 7 oth of aire & z oF i ‘Oc- 3 is din Mant- | the Two < S| PERSONS, qf & jecupied.| @ | 5 Acrr- | factures, preced- : a ™ OSWALDSLOW Hundred. CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing TURE. | craft, | Classes, (Lower Division) —continued. 4 : Ombersley' - - - - -(") Parish 355 | 392 | 2] 3 65 69] 258 go2" gi2 ‘| 1,814 Pendock - - - - + ~ () Parish 53 65| -| 1 54{ 10 1 139 137 276 Peter, St. (part of) - - -(°) Parish] 108 1 tea) gt 4 29} 59] 24 216 | 256 472 Whittington - - - - Chapelry| 42 42} -| 1 32. 5 5 115 92 207 Redmarley D’Abitot - -(*) Parish] 161] 188| 3] 12] 158'| 28 2 475 | 480 | 955 Ripple - - - - - = (P) Parish 142 | 180] -| 2 117 | 55 8 391 389 780 Holdfast. - - - - + - Hamlet 18 20; —-| =~ 20 - - 45 44 ‘89 Spetchley - - - - - = Parish} 18 25| 1] - 22 3 - 62 59 421 Stoulton - - - - - - --Parith] 554 71/1 -| 3 61 | 8, 2 191 189 | 380 Warndon - - - - = = = -Parish}| 28 40| -| 2 35: 3° 2 79 98 | 177 Welland - - - - - - = Parish] 4 04/ —-| 1 75) 16° 3: 238 215 453 White-Lady-Aston - - - Parish 54} 68] -| - 60 | 6: 2 165 177 i} = 342 Wichenford - - - - - = Parish 48 | 56] 1 1 48 5- 31 182 162 |} 334 Wolverley - - - - ~ (4) Parish} 2564 290] 1] 10] 117] 154] 194 769 | 760 | 1,529 8 {5,420 | 51 aga | 2,541 11,695 11,18 412 371. 13,270, | 25,041 OSWALDSLOW Hundred. _ ee ee eee eee (Middle Division.) : ‘ 1 Alvechurch - - - - - (7) Parish} 269] 302] -| 12 204] 85 | 131 749 664 | 1,413 Bishampton - - - = - - Parish] 73] 80] —| — 55} 23 27 205 169 | 374 Bredon - - - = = = (*) Parish} 202] 211 | 1 7] 136] 43 32 450 478 928 Norton-by-Bredon - - Chapelry 46{ 47) -| -] 37. 5 5 91 108 199 Cropthon - - - - = (*) Parish 62 63] -] 1 50 12 1 160 | 144 304 Charlton - - - - - - Hamlet} 62 63) 1] 5 52 8 | 3 135 142 | 277 Netherton - (-++) - - - Hamlet] 14 21} —} 4 20 1” ~ 56 50 106 | Crowle - - - - - -(*) Pah} 69] 99] -|] 1 y4| 22; 3°] 220 aga | 461 Elmley-Castle - - - - - Parish} 66 83] -| 2 63 20: =i 158 158 ; 316 | Fladbury - - - - - - (*) Parish 80 9] —-1 4 65 10° 4) 228 223 | 451 Hill and Moor = - - - Township] 61 61] -} - 59 2! - 157 138 | 295 ‘Hob-Lench otherwise) Rb Leach - - Hamlet] 20] 23] - | 1 23 -Jfo-< 54 48 102 Stock and Bradley ~- - Chapelry 37 52 | -—| 2 44 8 | - 108 100 208 ‘Throckmorton = - - - Chapelry 29 29}, -}] - 27 2! Sy 79 74 | 153 WyretPiddle - - - - Chapely| 34 34] -| = 16 13) 5° 89 89 | 178 Hanbury - .- - - ~ - + Parish} 161] 217] -] 2 | a7e 40 5-| 520 522 | 1,042 Harvington - - - + - = Parish 61 63 | -!| 1 bl 8. 4 154 199- 353 Himbleton - - - - ~ (3) Parish 84 87] 2 6 64. 18 | 5 227 210 | 437 Shell - - - - ~ - - Hamet 8! gg] -i} 8 1 ~4 247 1) 45 Huddington - - ~ = - Parish} 17 a2} —j] 15 6 a AL 54, a5 | Inkberrow - - - - - + Parish} 352 | 359 1)| 18 272 56 31 814 85 1,667 = Overbury - - - - -(%) Pash} go{ 86] -| 4 f 54] 29 3 179 216 B95 Alstone - - - = ~- Chapelry 18 21 1 18 3 -- 42 - 37» 79 ‘Cenderton - - = - ~ Hamlet 21 2a} -] 3 19 1 | 48 ‘41 ‘89 Teddington - - - ~ Chapelry 25 26) -—f -, 23 3 -- 5 71 146 ‘Washbourn, Little - Chapelry 8 12 en = 10 -] 2 - 28 27 55 Rouse-Lench - - = - = Parish} 54 564 =} rif ge 3 1 132 126 | 258 Sedgeberrow - - - - - ~ Pansh] 49° 56} =] -] 49) 6 1 137. 113° 250 Stoke-Prior - - - - Parish} 176] 184! -]}] 651 134 45 5 453 | 447 900 Tibberton - - --- - Parish 55 69} 1] 5) 56] 11 2- 136 . 152 288 . : aly | ! 2,303 | 2,536} 6 | 80 | 1,922 | 487) 127 | 5,982 | 5,912 |11,894 © g (°) See’precelfing page. (*) The Return 6f Oiberiley Parish includes the Townships of Borley, Hadley and Hay-Elms, ‘Mayeux.and Chatley, Northampton Par- sonage and Powers, Ombersley, ‘Sychampton Brookbampton: and Com- hampton, Uphampton, Winnall, Acton and Dunhampton, which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. —_(°)' The Parish of St. Peter is mostly in ‘the City of Worcester——?) Ripple Parish is partly in Lower Pershore Hundred. ‘The entire Parish contains 963’ Inhabitants. | ——(4) Wolverley Parish extends :into Upper -‘Halfshire Hundred, and forms a detached portion of Lower Oswaldstow ‘Hundred, near Bewde | [* The iron and tin manufactures have increased at Wolverley.. (") Alvechurch forms a detached portion of Middle Oswaldslaw Hun- i dred, near Bromesgrove ; Harvington .and Priors-Cleeve, .another,such ” portion near Evesham. (*) The-Return .of Bredon Parish includes | the Hamlets of Bredon, Hardwick and Mittons, Kinsham, and West- mancoate ; the Hamlet of Cutsdean (Upper Oswaldslow Pattee) ty ‘also in Bredon. Parish. The entire Parish .contains 1,239 Inhabitants. } (‘) The entire Rarish of Cropthorn-contains 687 Inhabitants. ! (4) Crowle Parish extends into:‘Upper. Halfsbire, Hundred.—~(") ‘The | entire Parish of Fladbury contains-1,387 Inhabitants—_* ) The‘entire Parish of Himbleton contains 482 ‘Inhabitants ——(’) "Phe entire Parish 23 of Overbury contains 764 Inhabitants. 372 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF WORCESTER—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | Fami- Air: . LIES mae R —~ : ae, 3 chiefly aie ae wi TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many | x | ‘a em- | edin |notcom- wa 2 Families 5 _ ployed- Trane, |ptized in a or S [ Oc 7S ye 7 edin | yan. [theTwof -< PERSONS. OSWALDSLOW Hundred. & joupied. | = | S | Acrr- | factures,| preced- = (Upper Division.) (7) cut- |orHandi-} ing Re Blockley Parish: (#) ee ee Aston, Magna - - - - Hamlet 55 oe 51 8 - 133 121 254 Blockley - - - - + Hamlet] 235 240), 3] 12 157 | 78 5 551 607 | 1,158 Ditchford - - - (+) - Hamlet 5 Spo = 4 1 = 25 21 46 Dorne - - - - = = = Hamlet 9 7} -| - 7 - - 22 23 45 Draycott ~ - - - = = Hamlet 35 41} -—] 2 34 9 97 100 197 Northwich - - - = = Hamlet 4 4}, -]- 2 1 1 20 17 37 Paxford - - - - =+ += Hamlet 32 34] - 1 go 4 76 77 153 Bredon (part of) Parish: (>) Cutsdean - - - - - Chapelry 28 30} -] - 25 5 - 57 55 112 Cleeve-Prior - - - - + = Parish 68 g24oaf] - 67 5 - 172 171 343 Daylesford - - - - - - Parish 19 wgyft-f - 17 - 2 47 56 103 Evenload = - - - - = = Parish 42 591 -] - 51 7 1 145 152 297 Tecomb (part of) - = - (©) Parish 31 36; -] 1 28 5 3 85 61 146 Shipston-upon-Stour - (4) Parish} 314] 3227 27 4 123 | 184 14. 748 814 1,562 Tidmington - - - - (¢) Parish 12 wz] -] - 10 - 2 38 32 70 Tredington - - - - (4) Parish} 51 53} -|] - 371 15 1 122 104 226 Armscott - + - - - - Hamlet 26 28} -] - 25 2 1 470 61 131 Blackwell - - - - - = Hamlet 48 52] 27 - 42 9 1 115 113 228 Darlingscott - - - Hamlet 37 42], -t - 38 4 - 104 85 189 Newbold - - - - - = Hamlet 51 54] 1 2 33 13 8 138 120 258 1,100 | 1,168 | g | 23 J 781 | 348 39 2,765 | 2,790 | 6,555 PERSHORE Hundred. (Lower Division.) Birts-Morton - - - = = Parish 41 56] -] = 52 4 - 127 109 236 Bushley - - ~ - - = = Parish 62 2p —] = 59 9 4 164 202 366. Castle-Morton - - - (*) Parish] 137 178 | 2 1 150} 27 1 398 390 788 Chaseley - - - = (f) Parish 46 72} —| 2 58 8 6 172 165 337 Eldersfield - - - (f) Parishf 146] 164] 1] 4 149 | 15 ~ 386 357 743, Hanley-Castle - - - (8) Parish} 256] 264] 2] 2 176] 52 36 686 938 1,424 Leigh - - - - - - (*) Parish 301 | 326} -] 1 241 | 69 16 746 800 1,546 Bransford - - - - - Chapelry 49 52] —) 1 40 9 3 128 136 264 Longdon - - - - + = = Parish? 117] 1397] 3] - 98 | 22 17 310 330 640 Madresfield - - - - = - Parish 39 42} -] - 34 5 3 100 102 202 Malvern, Great - - () Parish 293] 321] 3/17 204 | 82 35 450 818 1,568 Newland - - = - - Chapelry 25 28; —{| - 23 5 - 66 59 12 Mathon - - = - = = = Parish 98 120] -]| 2 110 7 3 317 316 633 Powick - - - = = (*) Parish} 287] 313} 4] 15 2321 53 28 662 698 1,360 Bransford (part of) ~ (*) Chapelry - -| -] - - - - - - - Clieveload - - - Hamlet 6 71 —-] - 7 - 19 17 36 Woodsfield - - - (*) Hamlet 10 io} -] - 9 1 22 34 56 Ripple (part of) Parish: (1) Queenhill - - - - — Chapelry 18 25, -{| 1 24 1 - 52 42 94 Severn-Stoke - - - - Parish} 142] 149] 1] 4 120] 22 My 324 342 666 Staunton - (+) - (f) Parish 55 92 1{ - 66 5 1 155 153 308 Upton-upon-Severn - + - = Parishf 464] 538] 2] 24 126 | 144 | 268 1,188 1,131 2,319 2,592 | 2,946 | 19 | 74 | 1,978 | 540 | 428 6,772 | 6,939 | 13,712 PERSHORE Hundred. (Upper Division.) Abberton - - - = - | = Parish 13 13 - 1 13 ~ - 41 41 82 Alderminster - - () Parish go 94 1 2 a7 12 5 226 217 443 (7) Alderminster is partly in Upper Oswaldslow Hundred, partly in | Castle, in which these Wells are situatee——(h) The entire Parish of Upper Pershore Hundred, where the whole is entered. (#) Blockley | Leigh contains 1,810 Inhabitants, including the whole of Bransford Cha- Parish is locally situate near Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Gloucestershire. The | pelry, part of which (strictly speaking) is in Powick Parish———( 1) The entire Parish contains 1,890 Inhabitants———(°) Bredon Parish is mostly | entire Parish of Great-Malvern contains 1,693 Inhabitants. (*) The in Middle Oswaldslow Hundred. (©) Iccomb Parish is partly in | entire Parish of Powick contains 1,452 Inhabitants, besides those which Slaughter Hundred, Gloucestershire. The entire Parish contains 164 | belong to it in Bransford Hamlet, which is entered as if wholly in Leigh Inhabitants. (*) Tredington, Shipston-upon-Stour, and Tidmington, | Parish. Que male in Woodsfield Hamlet, upwards of 100 years of age. form altogether a distinct portion of Upper Oswaldslow Hundred, being | ——(!) Ripple Parish is mostly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred,—— locally situate in Warwickshire. The entire Parish of Tredington con- | (™) Alderminster extends into the Upper Division of Oswaldslow Hun- Tains 1,032 Inhabitants——-(*) One female in Castle-Morton Parish | dred, but is locally situate in Warwickshire; Berley is in the north-east upwards of 100 years of age.——=(f) Chaseley, Eldersfield, and Staunton, | part of the County ; Broadway forms the south-east corner of the County ; forma distinct portion of Lower Pershore Hundred, being the south-west | Dormston is an insulated spot, northward 3 and Martin-Hursingtree, corner of the County. (®) The resort of invalids and others to Malvern | another such spot, near Droitwich. Wells, has greatly increased the Population of the Parish of Hanley- M.DCCC.XXLJ, THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. Q4. 373, COUNTY OF WORCESTER—continued. : HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | 24% | Ace By ° LIES ree OrHER ee _ | how ZB | chiesy cee Families of TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, SZ fmany | of es fF e™ | edin [uctcom-§ a 5 3 Families p= 3 ployed Traps, [prized in a = or Sa a | nea | 2 Bf git, | Mame thetwo | & & PERSONS. . GRI- reced- PERSHORE Hundred. oo e cut forifande| . ing = = (Upper Division) —continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Andrew, St. = - - = (*) Parishf 177] 191] -| 9 30} 131 | 30 411 452 863 Bricklehampton - = ~ Chapelry} 30 31} -| 1 29 2 7 77 79 156 Defford - - - = = Chaperyf 71! -71 | -—| 8 55 16 - 174 173, 347 Pensham - - ~- - - = Hamlet 18 i] -|} 2 18 7 = 49 46 95 Pinvin - - - - - = Chaperyf 28] 32] -]| - 28 4] - 100 99 199 Wick-near-Pershore - - Chapelry 42 v1} o—} 1 68 3 - 139 164. 303 Besford - - - - - - - Parish} 29] 36] -| 1 28 2} 6 69 85 154 Beoley - - - - = (™ Parish? 119{ 134] —| 6 ff 102] go] 2 325 315 640 Birlingham - - - - = = Parish 52 68] -) 27. 57 8 3 166 161 327 Broadway - - - - (™) Parish} 278] 301] 3] 5 | 204[ 84] 13 673 709 | 1,382 Broughton-Hackett - - - - Parish} 27 27; -| 2 22 5 = 67 56 123 Comberton, Great - - - - Parish 48 53} -1 3 44 4 5 gl 115 206 Comberton, Little - - - - Parish 40 41] -) 3 38 2 i 86 86 172 Dormston - - - - ()_ Parish 21 21; -{ 2 18 3 = 59 54 113 Eckington - - - - - = Parish} 109] 145! -{ 1 70} 34] 41 322 346 668 Flavel, Flyford - - - - - Parish 30 354 ~] - il 2) 22 85 74 159 Grafton, Flyford - - - - Parish 43 44) -] 1 36 5 3 128 113 241 Holy-Cross - - - - (°) Parish} 310] 340] 4 {11 250 85 5 688 777 1,465 Wadborough - - - - = Hamlet 19 24], -| - 24 - - 68 64 132 Walcott with Membris - ~- Hamlet 38 44} -|{ 2 44 ~ - 174 158 332 Martin-Hussingtree - (*) Parish 35 46; -[ 1 42 3 1 104 113 217 Naunton-Beauchamp - - - Parish 25 25, -| 2 22 2 1 67 82 149 Peopleton - - - - - = Parish 36 49} -| - 45 3 1 137 127 264 Piddle, North - - + Parish 28 29} 1} 1 27 2 = 79 54 133 Pirton- - - - - - = = Parish 40 46] -| - 40 6 - 109 105 214 Strensham - - - = - - Parish 63 63} -]| 3 48 5 | 10 165 147 312 Upton-Snodsbury - - - = Parish 57 BT ae 42 14 1 150 141 291 : 1,916 |2,149 | 9 |'64 | 1,532 | 467 | 150 5,029 | 5,153 || 10,182 Borough of DROITWICH. Andrew, St. and St. Mary - - Parish} 112} 144) 1] 9 15 7 324 342 666 Dodderhill (part of) - - (?) Parish} 116] 137] -} 2 13 56 | 68 233 262 495 Nicholas, St.- - - - - - Parish 84} 103] -| 2 27 43 | 33 210 — 213 423 Peter; St.- - - - - - - Parshf 141] 183] 1] 6 22 86 | 75 277 315 592 453 | 567] 2] 19 77 | 269 | 221 1,044 | 1,132 | 2,176 Borough of EVESHAM. ee All-Saints - - - - + = Parishf 302] 333} -—|} 9 92 | 191} 50 681 | 806 1,487 Lawrence, St. - - = Parishf 241 | 248 | -— | 10 83; 101; 64 528 619 1,147 | Peter, St. Bengworth - - ~- Parishf 179 | 187] -| 5 82 80 | 25 387 466 853 722; 768) -} 24 | 257] 372 | 139 1,596 | 1,891 | 3,487 Town of KIDDERMINSTER (part of) (1) Parish }1,942 |2,178 | 2 | 56 16 | 866 |1,296 g 5,280 5,429 [10,709 City of WORCESTER. Alban, St. - - - - - = Parish} 60 89} -] 1 4 81 1 133 172 305 -All-Saints - - - - = + Parish’ 413] 583] —- | 16 -—| 556] 27 1,095 1,285 2,380 . Andrew, St. - - - - (') Parish} 374] 495 | — J] 10 — | 490 5 974 1,185 2,159 Block-House - - - + ExtaP.f 127] 155] 74) 3 15 | 122] 18 305 342 647 Clement, St. (part of) - (*) Parishf 269] 310] 5] 8 25 | 2521.33 678 786 1,464 College - - - - = () Precinct} — -|f- - - - 8 - = Helen, St. - - - - - - Parishf 320{ 412] -] — - 402 | 10 465 807 1,662 ™) “See preceding page. , wool-spinning and carpet-weaving:——(‘) One male in St Andrew’s n) The entire Parish of St. Andrew contains 1,963 Inhabitants. Parish (Worcester), upwards of 100 years of age. (°) St. Clement’s % The entire Parish of Holy-Cross contains 1,929 Inhabitants. Parish is partly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. The entire Parish con- °) Dodderhill Parish is partly in Upper-Halfshire Hundred. The | tains 1,917 Inhabitants——(‘) College Precinct, Extra-Parochial, is entire Parish contains 1,565 Inhabitants.——(4) Part of Kidderminster | entered with the Parish of St, Michael Bedwardine (Lower Oswaldslow | is in Lower Halfshire Hundred. The entire Parish contains 15,296 In- | Hundred), which whole Parish forms a part of the ‘ity of Worcester, | habitants. Trade and manufacture has flourished in this place, especially | though not within the boundary of the Franchise. 5 C 374 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. SS ea EEE, COUNTY OF WORCESTER—continued. HOUSES: - OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bia SE) he By | TE | chiefly | OTHER oR ; : ; how 2 chiefly employ. Families 4 TOTAL 3 many « ao em- * s EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families) | 2 | ployed [pgm fovized inf 2 oF 7 ka i ? : ‘g ee im | Manu. | thel'wo : & _|PERSONS. : GQ jfeupied. | gy | S AcRi- | tactures,| preced- a 23) etc ae ; : CUL- JorHandi-) _ ing et ea es City of WORCESTER—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes, Martin, St. (part of) - (") Parish} 443] 513 | 12 ] 12 ~ 500 13 * 1,157 1,367 2,524 ‘Nicholas, St. - - - - Parish} 381 | 438] -]| 6 - 229 { 209 “997 1,329 | 2,926 | Peter, St. (partof) + - (%) Parish| 462} 5781 7| Q | 100 400 | 78 1,148 1,244 2,392 Ff Swithin, St. “- - - - + Parish} 188} 213} 1] 7 - 210 3 - 472 579 | 1,051 Worcester Gaol and Bridewell (++) - - ~PEmton - - - 87 26 113 3037 ; 3,786 | 31 | 72 | 147° | 3,242 | 397 4,811 | 9,212 |14,023 (°) St. Martin’s Parish is partly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,340 Inhabitants. ——(") St. Peter’s Parish is partly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,071 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. C : ay Hundred of BLACKENHURST - - -} 628| G6o4} 4] 11] 551] 106] 937 | 1,642 | 1,571- 4 3,213 " DODDINGTREE - - - - - | 3,328] 3,539{ 13 1115 [2,120 | 981 438 8,275 8,227 16,502 HALFSHIRE - - - - - © §12,019113,255] 86 | 301 | 3,004 | 9,193 } 1,058 | 31,692 32,639 64,331 OSWALDSLOW - - - 8,101] 9,124] 66 | 244 | 5,244 | 2,530 11,350 | 21,118 | 21,972 | 43,090 PERSHORE ~- ~- - - 4,508] 5,095] 28 [138 [3,510 11,007 | 578 | 11,801 | 12,092 | 23,893 Borough of DROITWICH ~- - - - - 453| 567} 2] 19 77 | 269] 221 1,044 | 1,132 2,176 Borough of EVESHAM - - -— - we, 768} -| 24] 257 | 3724 139 | 1,596 | 1,891 | 3,487 Town of KIDDERMINSTER - - - - | 1,942| 2,178] 21] 56 16 | 866 {1,296 5,280 | 5,429 | 10,709 City of WORCESTER ~- - - - -| 3,037] 3,786].31) 72} 147 |3,242 | 397 | 7,811 | 9,212 | 17,023 ToTaLs - - ~- 134,738 /39,006 j 232 | 980 [14,926 [18,566 | 5,514 | 90,259 | 94,165 | 184,424 » M.DCCC.XXI.] err 2 2 enna THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. COUNTY OF WORCESTER—continued. Ages of Persons. was... 165,360,... MALES . = : 100 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80; 90 Under & a to to to. to to to to to | to } to | to ie: = Hundred ® 1 ao {45 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 701/80 | 90 |100lwards © of > BLACKENHURST - - 225} 229) 214) 164] 227 154{/ 164] 1399] 81} 42] 11 — | 1,652 DODDINGTREE - -{ 1,059} 1,058} 977] 820] 1,211]° 953} 732] 632 {501/244} 81] 3 1} 8,272, HALFSHIRE - - -} 3,534] 3,083{ 2,636] 2,181| 3,342] 2,601] 2,156) 1,451 |1,020} 570/155 | 14} — 422,743 OSWALDSLOW - - - | 3,033} 2,758] 2,455] 2,010] 3,079| 2,312] 2,221] 1,429 41,065 5291156 | 10 | ~ $21,057 PERSHORE - - - - 1,669| 1,542] 1,381] 1,158] 1,634] 1,277] 1,116] 845 |619]310] 95 | 4] 1 #11,651 DROITWICH, BORO’ - 139 128 112 go 146 154 103 83} 59} 27 3; -~{ 7 | 1,044 EVESHAM, BORO’ - 213} 196] 167] 167] 217} 183} 195] 102] 95] 52] 9| -]| — | 1,596 eee) - 848} 652!) 556} 537] 806} 670] 571] 319] 211/103} 20} 1] — | 5,204 TOWN - - - WORCESTER, CITY - [| 1,141] 1,039; 795] 766} 1,272 992 739) 500 | 269/147] 23 1 1 | 7,685 Total of MALES - ]11,861] 10,685) 9,293 | 7,893 | 11,934) 9,296] 7,997 | 5,500 |8,920/2,024) 553 | 35 | 3 [80,994 FEMALES. m7 te oF 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70] 80] 90 os a to to to to to to to to | to | to } to up- q Hundred 5. Ss! 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 [wards| = & of : BLACKENHURST = -]| 223] 225] 167{ 165] 227] 159] 167] 118] 78{ 28| 12] 21 — | 4,571 DODDINGTREE - ~-{ 1,155| 1,073] 839] 797] 1,243; 868} 760| 680 |483}/245| 80] 6} 1 | 8230 HALFSHIRE - - - | 3,278] 3,087] 2,536] 2,196) 3,969] 2,720! 2,185] 1,448 [1.1011 571 {173 — [23,273 OSWALDSLOW - - - | 2,832] 2,891] 2,392] 2,085] 3,520] 2,525| 2,166} 1,501 |1,094) 628/181 |} 17} — [21,832 PERSHORE - - - - | 1,633] 1,571] 1,240] 1,184] 1,871] 1,361] 1,156] 830 16391353/104 } 74 4% $11,950 DROITWICH, BORO’ - | 129] 123] 109] 113] 198] 141] 121; 98] 54] 29] 16] 1! - | 1,132 EVESHAM, BORO’ - - 260] 244 198} 180} 337} 220] 164} 130] 88] 54] 13] 3] - | 1,891 eet - | 909] 608} 555] 532} 987} 670] 489/ 324 J1e4]atal 311 -| = | 5,342 WORCESTER, CITY - | 1,118 937| 890] 1,078].1,914) 1,229/ 8081 547 13731}189} 58] 4] - | 9,145 Total of FEMALES - [11,537 |10,759| 8,926 | 8,329 |14,266! 9,893! 8,016 | 5,676 14,034 /2,2111668 | 49 | 2 184,366 - HE Fotal Number of Persons in the County of Worcester was . . . 184,424, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, whence it appears, that the Ages of one-tenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in com- pliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Worcester was 247; five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning ‘the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus(—+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redandant,—or incorrect, in the respective unmbers of Males and Females. ES Soe i ee PS snare SR rN ROS =—=_ 370 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. County of York (East Riding.) Including the City of York, the Ainstey of the City of York, and the Liberty of St. Peter of York. a HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, cn eaten de Fami- sae Ay om ed S| chicay | chiety ae ee ‘ ow 2 chiefly - | Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S may |g | 2 0 em | he lancet | a3 a 3 |Families} € | 2 } ployed | rape, | prized in 4 S 4 a 3 z Rent eT = B EEESONS. NT an = ‘| a ~ | factures,| preced- a al J BUCKROSE WAPENTAKE. = ae Scan cite ee Sita . asses. Ackram (part of) Parish: (#) ate Acklam with Barthorpe (*) Township} 74 74 -| 3 59 14 1 197 192 389 Leavening * - - + Township} 54 62 3] 1 12 20 30 150 144 294 Birdsall - - - - - - - Parish} 931 41 -| - 37 2 2 134 106 240 Bugthorpe* - - - - = = Parish 52 55 -|- 37 18 es 146 135 281 Burythorp - - - + - Parsh{ 39 43 - - 37 6 - 104 112 216 Cowlam - - © = = - Pansh 2 2 = oa 2 =e a 23 10 33 Fridaythorpe™ - - - + = Parish 48 52 - 3 47 5 - 139 136 275 Grimston, North* - - - - Parish] 95 25 -j; 1 21 1 8 73 66 139 Helperthorp - - - - - Parishf 21 21 -{| - 6 2 13 86 71 157 Heslerton Parish: (>) Heslerton, East - - - Township} 32 33 =f o- 19 5 9 109 87 196 Heslerton, West - - - Township} 47 47 -j - 35 5 4 149 124 273 Kirby-Grindalyth Parish: (*) Duggleby ~ - - = Township} 26 26 -~{ = 20 4 2 94 60 154 Kirby-Grindalyth - Township | 28 31 -| - 30 ~ 1 89 89 178 Thirkleby - - + Township 9 7 -} - 4 = - 23 21 44 Kirby-under-Dale - - - - Parish} 50 50 1/ 2 44 é 1 179 156 335 Kirkham - - - = = Extra-P. 3 3 -} 1 2 - 1 4 3 7 Langton Parish: (4) Kennythorpe - + - - Township] 12 12 -} - 10 2 - 46 37 83 Langton - - = - = Township] 52 55 —~{| 1 27 8 20 136 144 280 Norton Parish: (°) Norton - - - - - Township} 229 | 231 -}| 8 84 55 92 512 505 1,017 Sutton - - - - - = Township} 12 12 Sel 4 4 1 58 29 87 Welham - - - - = Township 8 8 “too 5 1 2 35 29 64. Rillington Parish: (f) Rillington - - = - - Township} 137 | 145 -|} 8 Pay 27 1 333 350 683 Scampston - - - - Chapelry} 42 42 -{ 2 33 7 2 95 105 200 Scrayingham Parish : (8) Howsham - - - - ~ Township] 43 45 -| 2 37 4 1 108 117 225 Leppington = - - - Township} 21 22 it 2c 1 1 72 57 129 Scrayingham - - + = Township] 29 31 ue a 20 5 6 83 74 157 Settrington Parish: (*) Scogglethorpe = - - Township} 49 49 =| 4 41 8 - 112 110 222 Settrington - - - Township} 92 95 -|{ 2 67 26 2 278 257 535 Sherburn - - - - - + Parish} 87 99 -{ - 58 32 9 244 252 496 Skirpenbeck ¥* - - - - Parish] 34 37 -| a4 28 5 4 132 131 263 Sledmere, (with Croom Hamlet) - Parish] 65 65 -| 2 23 3 49 238 f 187 425 Thorp-Bassett - - - - - Parish} 25 29 -{ - 27 7 2 88 68 156 Weaverthorp Parish: (/) Luttons-Ambo * - - - Township] 55 56 -| - 31 15 10 169 142 311 Weaverthorp - - - - Township] 70 75 ~{ 2 54 14 7 164 170 334 Westow Parish: (*) Eddlethorp - - - Township 9 9 -{- 5 1 3 33. 29 62 Firby - - - - Township 6 6 = - 6 - - 24 20° 44 Menethorpe - - - Township} 24 25 -|- 24 1 - 70 61 131 Westow - = - - - Township| 78 81 “| - 61 17 3 | 200 223 423 Wetwang Parish: (!) * ? Fimber = - - + = - Chapelry} 24 24 -!41 20 1 3 64 40 104 Wetwang - - - = Township] 85 87 2} 3 67 18 2 215 207 422 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, (*) Acklam Parish is partly in Langbaurgh Liberty, North Riding of ) ton contains 883 Inhabitants——(®) The entire Parish of Scrayingham ork. The entire Parish contains 788 Inhabitants») The entire ] contains 511 Inhabitants——() The entire Parish of Settrington con- Parish of Heslerton contains 469 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish } tains 757 Inhabitants——(!) The entire Parish of Weaverthorpe con- | of Kitby-Grindalyth contains 376 Inhabitants.—(*) The entire Pa- | tains 645 Inhabitants——(«) The entire Parish of Westow ‘contains aS of Langton contains 363 Inhabitants. (©) The entire Parish of | 660 Inhabitants. (1) The entire. Parish of Wetwang contains orton contains 1,168 Inhabitants.(') The entire Parish of Rilling- } 526 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 @EO0. IV. ¢.-94. 377 Te — COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Faure | Fam | ace B : LIES ties | Oren On : ihe 3 chiefly a Families ws TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 ly | eis rm, | edin jpotcom-[ vi or ‘ 7 2 Families é a ployed Trane, | prized in a @ | oe |S Pe Pin |e ltheTwo] = # —|PERSONS. ° % 4 cupied.| =) Acrr- |factures,| preced- & i BUCKROSE WAPENTAKE—continued. cut- |orHandi- ate Wharram-Percy Parish: (™) eS ea a Raisthorpe and Birdall - Township] 3 3 1-4} - 3 me - 32 15 47 Thixendale - - - - Township} 31 33 -| - 30 | 3 ~ 102 82 184 Towthorpe - - - - Township 5 § | -]2 - 5 oa in 39 | 22 61 Wharram-Percy - - = Township 3 3 -{ 1 3 - ~- 31. 13 44 Wharram-le-Street Parish : Wharram-le-Street - - Township| 21 24 oo 23 1 ~ 67 60 127 Wintringham Parish: (*) Knapton - - - + - Township} 31 31 -} - 29 1 1 117 8g 206 ‘Wintringham - - - - Township] 52 52 —{ 2 43 7 2 174 152 | 326 Yeddingham - - - = - - Parish} 15 17 -~| - 12 3 2 69 58 127 1,988 } 2,080 | 6 | 49 | 1,425 | 360 | 295 5,839 | 5,347 | 11,186 DICKERING WAPENTAKE. ; Argam - - - - + = Parish 4 4 -f- 4 - - 28 12 35 Bempton - - - - = - = Parishf 46 54 -} 3 15 5 34 115 | 116 231 Bessingby - - - - = - Parish} 17 19 -| - 15 - 2 43 40 83 Boynton - - - - + - - Parish} 18 wey -{ - 7 4 7 66 57 123 Bridlington Parish : (°) Bridlington and Quay - Township] 913 {| 976 -—| 40 J 200 | 585 191 1,951 2,324 4,275 Buckton - - = - - Township} 27 27 -j|- 23 3 1 74 "3 147 Easton - - « - - Hamlet 2 2 -| - 2 - - 12 9 21 Grindall - - - - Chapelry} 19 19 -fo- 16 - 3 58 49 107 Hilderthorp - - - + Township 8 9 ie ote 4 |. 2 3 28 23 | 51 Sewerby and Marton - Township} 64 64 -| - 56 6 2 159 158 317 Specton - - = - - - Hamletf 19 | 19 -j = 19 - - 57 59 116 | Burton-Agnes Parish: (?) Burton-Agnes” - - Township} 54 65 -|- 39 14 12 157 164 321 Gransmoor - - - - Township{ 13 14 -J- 14 - - 49 36 85 Haisthorp - + - + - Township} 17 17 “f= 12 3 2 59 50 109 Thornholm - + - - Townshipf 16 18 -{- 15 1 2 55 39 94 Buston-Fleming or North - + Parish} 65 65 -~| 2 43 6 16 203 183 386 Carnaby - - = - - - - Parishf 21 23 -{ - 17 3 3 43 57 130 Filey (part of) - - - (9) Parishf 165 | 165 -{ 1 2 116 25 366 407 ‘mg Flamborough + + + - © Parishg 173 | 209 1] 2 6o 16 {| 133 468 449 917 Folkton Parish: (7) Folkton - - + - ~- Township— 24 26 -| - 25 - 1 74. 40 144 Flixton - - + - - Township] 53 53 -} 3 44 9 - 135 132 264 Foston-upon-Wolds Parish: (*) Brigham - - ~ - + Townshipf 19 19 -| - 16 - 3 56 47 103 Foston-upon-Wolds - - Township} 55 58 -{ 2 34 17 4 150 150 300 Gembling - - - - - Township[ 16 18 -| - 18 - - 48 39 87 Kelk, Great - + - - Township} 20 29 -{- 26 2 1 81 77 158 Foxholes Parish: (*) Butterwick - + - - Chapelryf 12 15 - 4 2 9 52 41 93 Foxholes, with Boythorp - Township] 24 26 -| 1 Q1 2 3 2 77 169 Fraisthorp, with Auburn - - ParishJ 14 14 -f- 1 1 2 52 39 gt Ganton, with Brompton - - Parish[ 46 47 -]| -]| 42 4 1 151 124 278 Garton-upon-theeWolds * - - Parish} 69 71 ~]| 1 55 10 6 181 176 357 Harpham - - - - - = © Parishf 43 43 -| - 28 9 6 127 124 251 Hunmanby Parish : ; Hunmanby - + - - Towishipf 209 | 212 -{ 4] 117 52 43 506 512 1,018 Kelk, Little - - - - + ExtraP.f 10 }/. 10 ale 9 1 - 26 25 51 (™) The entire Parish of Wharram-Perey contains 336 Inhabitants. —-—(") The entire Parish of Wintringham contains 532 Inhabitants. Linton and Newton are included in the Return of Wintringham Town- ship——(°) The entire Parish of Bridlington canteins 5,034 Inhabitants, —?) The entire Parish of Burton-Agnes contains 60g Inbabitants. * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, ——(%) Filey Parish is partly in Pickering Lythe Wapentake, North Riding of York. The entire Parish contains 1,128 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Folkton contains 411 Inhabitants, (®) The catire Parish of Foston-upon-Wolds contains 648 Inhabitants—— (*) The entire Parish of Foxholes contains 262 Inhabitants, 5 D 378 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration es — —=— COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding(—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Famr- ss ae Aut PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By e | uae | Qiks lores i . 4 oo = | chiefly | employ-| Families 4 TOTAL 3 many | em | ‘3 em- | edin |not com- a , = |Families| 2 e ployed | Traps prized in Ry < a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Oc | 3 | 4 oh sie peed = = _ [PERsons, 4 copied.| 9 | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a ad cux- jorHandi-j ing trre. | craft. { Classes. DICKERING WAPENTAKE—continued. Kilham* - - - - - - Parish} 1go | 192] 1 1 J 131 43 18 525 446 971 Langtoft Parish: (") Cotton* - - ++ = = Township 1 1 -} - 1 - - 12 4 16 Langtoft*- - - - = Township "3 g9o9/ -j 1 78 12 = 214 202 416 Lowthorp- - - - - = (*) Parish 25 26f -]| 1 19 1 6 80 69 149 Muston - - - - - - - Parish} 68 68; -—] 1 42 18 8 185 165 350 Nafferton Parish : (¥) ‘Nafferton - - + Township 188 213 1 4 121 Bl 41 463 454 917 Wansford - - - - - Township} 62 62}; -| - 6 56 - 163 181 344 Reighton - = - - - - - Parish} 40 44) -|{ - 34 4 6 107 110 217 Rudston - - - - = ~ Parish 70 80 - - 12 14 54 221 196 417 Ruston,; Parva - - - = - Parish 27 go} -]{ - 20 6 4 "9 61 140 Thwing - =~ - - = - (#) Parish 38 524, —-{ 1 46 3 3 161 153 314 Willerby Parish : (*) Binnington - - Township 6 6} -]{ 2 6 - - 24 26 50 Staxton - coe es Township 42 42} -—] 1 31 6 5 117 96 213 Willerby - - = + Township 4 4{ -]| - 4 - > 20 14 34 Wold-Newton, - - - (°) Parish 18 30} -| - 6 6 18 104 73 177 with Forder - - - Township| 6 Sec. oo a 33 15 48 HARTHILL WAPENTAKE. 3,134 | 3,372 | 3 | 72 91,598 | 1,093 | 681 8,255 8,206 | 16,461 BAINTON-BEACON Division. t.,. Bainton - - - - = - = Parish 58 65} -7F - 49 12 4 161 139 300 Dalton, North, Parish: (°) Dalton, North - - Township 66 13] 1f - 58 15 7 202 196 398 Neswick - - - - + Township 11 11 - - 9 1 1 30 25 55 Driffield Parish: (4) Driffield, Great*- - - Township} 488] 495] 3] 18 | 144 | 225 | 126 1,110 1,193 2,303 Driffield, Little* - - - Chapelry 18 20 1 - 14 2 4 36 39 75 Emswell with Kelleythorpe Township 15 wy] -| -| 15 - = 60 33 93 Holme-on-the-Wolds - - = Parish 26 ayy —-f - 21 3 3 65 73 138 Hutton-Cranswick Parish: (*) ) Hutton-Cranswick - - Township 131 131 - - 99 32 = 483 434 917 Rotsea - - - e Township 3 3) -| - 3 - - 14 9 23 Sunderlandwick - - - Township 7 7} -{ - 7 - = 32 28 60 Kilnwick Parish: (f) Beswick - - = - Chapelry 31 36} -| - 23 9 4 99 93 192 Bracken - - - Township 3 3) -{[ 1 3 - - 19 11 30 Kilnwick - - - - + Township 43 51{ -j 1 37 14 - 120 110 230 Lockington (part of) - = Township 21 28, -] - 19 6 3 66 58 124 Kirk-Burn Parish : (®) East-Burn - - - = Township 1 1} -{ - 1 ~- - 8 4 12 Kirk-Burnn- - - - Township 20 26, =] - 21 5 = 65 54 119 South-burn - - - - Township 21 21 - - 21 - = 50 53 103 Tibthorp - - + + Township 32 35) -| - 32 3 7 127 94 221 Lockington Parish: (>) Aike (part of) - - = - Township 9 10 = a 8 2 = 29 30 59 Lockington (part of) - _ Township 68 y4{—-| 1 51 8 15 196 171 367 Lund - - - - - = -(‘) Parishf 58/ 80} -| -—| 54 | 23 3 192 165 357 Middleton - - - - Parish 81 88} -} = 72 13 3 220 221 441 Scorbrough - - - - = ~ Parish 13 14}; -| - 8 - 6 46 42 88 %) The entire Parish of Langtoft contains 432 Inhabitants—— A few families have emigrated from Lowthorp to America. The entire Parish of Nafferton contains 1,261 Inhabitants. Thwing Parish includes Octon, Octon-Grange, and Wold-Cottage. TG) The entire Parish of Willerby contains 297 Inhabitants. B ae entire Parish of Wold-Newton contains 225 Inhabitants—— ¢ a entire Parish of North-Dalton contains 453 Inhabitauts. ) The entire Parish of Driffield contains 2,471 Inbabitants——(¢) The ( C) (*) @) Zz * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. entire Parish of Hutton-Cranswick contains 1,000 Inhabitants. Rotsea maintains its own poor separately. (*) The entire Parish of Kilnwick contains 576 Inhabitants. Lockington Township is mostly in Lockington Parish—®) The entire Parish of Kirk-Burn contains 455 Inhabitants. ——(h) The entire Parish of Lockington contains 426 Inhabitants. Aike is partly in St John’s Parish, Beverley; and Lockington Township is partly in Kilnwick Parish——(‘) One male in Lund Parish upwards of 100 years of age. , M.DCCC.XXI.] ° THE POPULATION ‘ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 379 = spe eepiee neem | COUNTY OF YORK (Kast Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP,. F Fant- AMI- | Jig ALL . ox By 3 LIES | chiefly OrnEr : : how 3 chiefly | employ- | Families a TOTAL . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 {oy | ele em- | ed in |notcom- fh | Families 3 3 ployed | Trang, | prized in a OF ‘3 Oc- 3 é in Manu- | the Two < PERSONS. ; | cupied.| o | 5 Acrr- | factures,}| preced- s ey _,HARTHILL WAPENTAKE—continued. CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing TURE craft, | Classes. BAINTON-BEACON Division—continued. Skerne - - - - - = © Parish} 41 41] -]2 36 5 = 119 132 251 Warter - - - - - Parish 66 66) -j - 54 9 3 255 173 428 Watton - - - - - - - Parish 40 4z2fo“f - 34 5 3 168 139 307 HOLME-BEACON Division, 1,371 11,463 | 5 | 22 | 893 | 392 | 178 3,972 | 3,719 | 7,691 Aughton Parish: (*) 3 Aughton - - - + - Township 47 47} —| 2 14 4 29 138 131 269 -Cottingwith, East - - Township 56 69} -| 2 61 6 2 156 152 308 Laytham - - = - = Township 21 24] -} - 23 - 1 64 61 125 Brindleys - - - - - «© Extra-P. 1 2) =] = 2 - - 3 4 7 Bubwith Parish: (1) Breighton - - + - - Township 27 4aufo-[ - 38 3 = 92 87 179 Bubwith* - - - - Township 80} 114) -| 1 17 | 35 62 276 264 540 Foggathorpe - - + - Township 19 wg} -{ - 15 4 - 65 72 137 Gribthorpe and Willitoft - Township 21 a4 {| -| - 24 - - 46 69 145 Harlthorpe - - - Township 14 ig} 1] 2 16 3 - 49 44 93 Spaldington - - - + Township 50 yo} -—| - 62 8 - 199 162 361 Ellerton-Priory - - - = - Parish 66 69} ~| - 62 4 - 173 145 318 Everingham - - - - - Parish 42 42} —f - 36 4 2 146 125 271 Goodmanham* - - - - Parish 32 42] 1 39 3 = 130 110 240 Harswell:- - - - - + «© Parish 11 a} —] 2 11 - - 45 33 78 Hayton Parish: (™) Bielby - - - - = Township 38 451 -{ 2 40 5 - 116 123 239 Hayton - - - - - Township 33 35} -t - 30 3 2 93 84 177 Holme-upon-Spalding-Moor® - Parishf 180] 196} 34 2 162 | 31 3 4702 616 1,318 _Londesborough - - - = (") Parish 297 51] -| - 22 4 25 120 124 244 Seaton-Ross - - - = - (°) Parish 80 95} 1] - 79 | 16 - 254. 223 477 Thornton (part of) Parish: (?) ; Melbourn - - - + - Township 73 go} 1] 2 64 } 21 5 213 224 437 Storwood - - - - = Township 19 24) = 23 1 - 66 50 116 Nun-Burnholme (part of) Parish : (4) , Thorpe-in-the-Street - - Townshipf° 5 5) -| - 4}- 1 19 18 © 37 Weighton-Market Parish: (*) Shipton* - - = = = Chapelry 60 6] 1{ 6 58} 12 6 184 185 369 Weighton Market & d Rae (r) a - Township[— 317 | 328} -—| 11 119 } 151 58 838 886 1,724 Wressel Parish: (*) Newsham and Brind - - Townships 23 34] -| 1 33 1 - 101 46 177 Wressel and Loftsome - Township 37 41} —|>- 36 - 97 86 183 HUNSLEY-BEACON Division. 1,379 | 1,613 | 8 | 31 [1,090 | 327 196 4,415 4,154 8,569 Brantingham (part of) Parish: (*) ‘ Thorpe-Brantingham - Township 37 40] =| 2 3a 3 5 80 94 174 Burton, Bishop - = - Parish? 118] 122} =] - 86 | 13 23 264 270 534 Burton, Cherry - = - = Parish 65 8] -| 5 § G60]; 10 8 226 191 417 Cave, North Parish: (") Cave, North - + - - Townshipf 178] 187] 11 5 uy} 41 69 381 402 783 Cliff, South - += - - Township 20; 91} ~f -—fF a1] -- - 64 67 131 Drewton and Everthorp - Township] 25 e8] —-} 1 28 - - 85 92 177 ' Cave, South (part of) Parish: (”) : ‘ ‘ Bromfleett* - + - - Township 24 31} -| - 27 4 - 67 15 142 Cave, South* - - - - Township} 168 | 180} -] 9 116] 44 20 451 434 885 ___(*) The entire Parish of Aughton contains 702 Inhabitants : (1) The entire Parish of Bubwith confains 1,455 Inhabitants.——(") The -entire Parish of Hayton contains 416 Inhabitants. ——(") East-Thorpe -is included in the Return of Londesborough.——(°) At Seaton-Ross, the increase of arable land has caused an increase of population. —-(°) The entire Parish of Thornton, which is partly in Wilton-Beacon Division, ‘contains 751 Inbabitants———(2) Nun-Burnholme Parish is mostly in ,Wilton-Beacon Division of Harthill Wapentake,———(") The entire Parish * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. of Market-Weighton contains 2,093 Inhabitants. One female in Market- Weighton Township, upwards of 100 years of age. (8) The entire Parish of Wressel contains 360 Inhabitants ——_(*) Brantingham Parish is mostly in Howdenshire Wapentake. (4) The entire Parish of North-Cave contains 1,091 Inhabitants——(”) South-Cave Parish is entered partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish contains 1,190 Inhabitants. 380 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration. en... ener nee nen ee en ee en ne COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fame {ary By ; ues | MES | Oruer on _ | how S | chiety | C#y lramilies yj | ‘TOTAL 3 many eb a em- : oy not com- a 4H EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 [Families] 2) 2 | ployed ys. [priedin) 3 oF Oc |} 5 14 in ’| the Two Z ” 2 cupied. | 5 Acnri- - rae preced- & PERSONS. HARTHILL WAPENTAKE—continued. cuL- |orHandi- a TURE. | craft, lasses, HUNSLEY-BEACON Division—continwed, a re Cottingham - - - (*) Parish} 505] 524] 1] 41 308 | 120 96 | 1,171 1,308 | 2,479 - Dalton, South - - - - Parish 42 55} -| 2 43 9 3 147 130 277 Elloughton, with Brough * - = Parish 82 8} -} 2 74 9 2 211 _ 172 383 Etton - - - - - = = = Parish 60 71] -| 1 39 14 18 208 172 380 Hotham - - - - = = = Parish 62 65]/ -| 3 37 10 18 131 162 £93 Leckonfield - - - - = Parish 56 60} -} - 50 10 - 169 133 302 New- Village - - Extra-P. 30 go}, —-! - 9 11 10 79 70 149 Rowley Parish : (7) Rowley - + - = - Township 18 80} -{ 1 "3 5 2 227 198 425 Wauldby - - - - - Township 8 8} -} 1 8 ~ - 22 22 44 Sancton and Houghton Parish: (*) Cliff, North = - - Township 10 13) -j 1 13 - - 49 40 89 ‘Sancton and Houghton - Township 60 68} -|} ¢ 60 4 1 173 161 334 Sculcoates - - - - (#) Parish {1,953 | 2,557 | 23 [171 10 |1,993 | 554 | 4,502 | 5,947 | 10,449 Skidby - - - - - = - Parish 72 m4) -| - 51 13 10 161 152 313 Walkington (part of) Parish: (>) vs ProvostseFee - - - - Township 49 49} -{ - 44 5 - 109 100 209 3702 | 4,426 | 25 |247 }| 1,266 | 2,321 | 839 | 8,977 | 10,392 | 19,369 WILTON-BEACON Division. Allerthorpe Parish: (*) Allerthorpe* - - - Township 29 eg} -}| - 24 2 3 “6 | 56 132 Waplington - - - Township 3 3) -] = 3 e = 10 9 19 Bishop-Wilton Parish: (#) Bishop-Wilton-with- : edome ae } *- Township} 124} 124] -| 3 113 9 2 297 273 570 Bolton* - - + - - Township 22 ag, -jf - 17 3 3 61 51 112 er eee ae * Township} 18] i8{ -| -] a8} -| - 61 bo | it Burnby - - - - - - Parish 18 20f -t = 16 2 2 51 44 95 Catton, Low (part of) Parish: (°) Catton, High - - - - Township? 34] 37] -| - 30 4 - 99 99 198 Catton, Low - - - - Township 29 31 - oe 25 6 es 87 | go 177 Stamford-Bridge, East * Township 52 59} -| 1 28 21 10 147 151 298 Fangfoss-with-Spittle - - Parish 25 28} -| - 22 2 4 80 44 154 Full-Sutton - - - - - Parish 22 a2y -f — 8 4 10 65 60 125 Gwendale, Great, Parish : (*) Gwendale, Great* - - Township 8 yt -—f - 4 1 3 31 29 60 Grimthorpe* - - - ~- Township 3 4), -| - 3 1 - 14 15 29 Huggate - - - + - © Parish 63 95{ -] -- 69 6 ~ 225 188 413 Kilnwick-Percy - - - - - Parish 7 al omf - 6 - 1 22 21 43 Millington* - - - - ~- - Parish 39 57) -{ - 48 8 1 147 135 282 Nun-Burnholme (part of) Parish; () Nun-Burnholme - - - Township 25 37} af - 29 3 5 115 88 203 Pocklington Parish: (") me Meltonby - - - - Township 11 wt] -] - 11 _ - 42 36 78 Owsthorpe - - - ~ Township 2 2{ -{ - 2 - - 5 4 9 Pocklington - - - - ‘Townshipf 431 | 439} 41] 31 130 | 245 64 971 gg1 1,962 Yapham - - - ~ - — Chapelry 20 gol -—| 3 18 2 - 61 53 114 Sutton-upon-Derwent - Parishf 62 63] -] - 45 10 8 215 185 400 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, .C’) Cottingham Parish contains part of Willerby Township. (Town of | of Bishop-Wilton contains 793 Inhabitants———(e\ Catton Parish is Kingston-upon-Hull.)——(”) The entire Parish of Rowley contains 469 | partly in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake. The entire Parish contains Inbabitants.\——() The entire Parish of Saucton and Houghton contains | 973 Inhabitants.—(‘) The entire Parish of Gwendale contains 89 In- 423 Inhabitants, (#) Sculcoates is adjacent to Hull.——-(°) Walking- | habitants———{®) Nun-Burnholme Parish is partly in Holme-Beacon Di- ton Parish is mostly in Howdenshire Wapentake.—(©) The entire | vision. The entire Parish contains 240 Inhabitants,——¢h) The.entire Parish of Allerthorpe contains 151 Inhabitants——{*) The entire Parish | Parish of Pocklington contains 2,163 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO..IV.. C.. 94. 381 ‘ee COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fare | EST | ace -B LIES i oO oR ; es z chiefly any s Pale wi TOTAL 2 many | ep | ‘3 em- |. _ i {not com- na 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |Families)] ¢ | <. | ployed | ~~ | prized in 4 < oF 4 Oc | 2 | 4 “a Trane, | P. st PERSONS 4 : 3 a: i Manv- | the Two Ss i) ER 5 j 4 cupied. | Q | Dp Acri- | factures, | preced- a a HARTHILL WAPENTAKE—continued. cut- lorHandi-| 08 tuRE. | craft, | Classes. WILTON-BEACON Division—continued. Seer aoe Thornton (part of) - - (i) Parish} 34{ 40] 2] - 33 6 1 109 89 198 Wilberfoss Parish: (*) Newton-upon-Derwent - Township 44 AAO Se oS 39 5 - 108 97 205 Wilberfoss - - - - Township 77 84] -| 4 55 24 5 196 189 385 1,202 | 1,288 | 6 42 | 799 367 | 122 3295 3,077 6,372 HOLDERNESS WAPENTAKE: Middle Division: Aldbrough Parish: (+) Aldbrough - - - = Township] 135 | 165] -—| 10] 105 37 23 418 384 802 Newton, East - - = Township 5 6} -| - 5 és 1 22 16 38 Newton, West - - Township] 28 32} -| - 28 4 7 82 76 158 Burton-Pidsea* - - - - - Parish} 75} 78{ -!| ~ 51 16} 11 201 177 378 Drypool Parish : (™) Drypool - - - - ~- Township{ 311] 328} 3 | 24 12 | 204} 112 655 754 | 1,409 Southcoates - - - = Township] 162] 175 | 1 | 14 38] 47] go 366 432 798 Garton Parish : (") Garton - - - - - - Township 27 27 = - 23 4 - 84 46 160 Owstwick (part of) - Township 24 24 - - 23 1 = 69 70 139 Heypon or Hepon ee eas 179 | 186] —| 3 28} 83} 75 427 475 -| go Hilston - - - - = - Parish 7 7} -| - 7 - - 20 19 39 Humbleton Parish: (°) ; Danthorpe - - - - Township 8 gf -| - 8 1 - 25 27 52 Elstronwick - = - = Township 24 go} -—| — 24 3 - 77 77 154 Fitling - - - - - Township 25 a5} -} = 23 1 1 67 52 119 Flinton - - = - - Township| 22 22} -| - 21 1 - 68 57 125 Humbleton - - - - Township 21 a1{ 1{] - 16 3 2 4 62 136 Marfleett - - - - - - Parish 24 25} -| 1 23 1 1 66 61 127 Owthorne (part of) Parish: (P) . Waxholme - - - - Township} 10 wf -| - 14 - - 39 33 72 Preston Parish: (4) Lelley - - - - - - Township 19 26, -) 1 23 3 - 63 56 119 Preston* - - - - - Township} 142] 1771 11] 3 105 42 30 415 413 828 Rooss - - - - - - (") Parish 87 89} 1 1 51 26 12 229 213 442 Sproatley - - - - - - =~ Parish} 58 72} —{ 1 43 22 7 -181 | 176 357 Sutton and Stoneferry - - - Parish} 746} 821 | 5 | 62 291 | 335] 195 | 1,732 1,926 | 3,658 Swine (part of) Parish: (7) Benningholme and Grange Township 13 1/ —-f| - 15 = 1 54 43 97 Bilton - - - = = ~- Chapelry 18 18} -j] - 16 1 1 53 38 gu Coniston - - - - - Township} 26 26] -}| 1 11 10 5 72 65 137 Ellerby - - - - - Township 33 38] -] - 12 3 23 128 105 233 Ganstead - - - - - Township 9 9} -{ - 8 1 - 32 29 61 Marton - - - - - Township] 19 og} -] = 19 2 3 65 64 129 South-Skirlaugh - - - Chapelry 51 51} -f 1 30 10 11 108 103 211 Swine - - - - - = Township 39 44] -]| - 35 5 4 121 108 229 Thirtleby - - - - - Township} 10] 10{ -{ — 10 - - 30 31 61 Wyton- - - = - = Township 15 15{ -| 2 13 2 - 45 50 95 Tunstall* - - - - - + Parish} 27] 29) -] 1 a1 4 4 g1 72 163 Waghen, or Wawn Parish: (*) Meux - - - - = = Township 11 11 - 11 - = 42 32 74 : Waghen, or Wawn* - Township 37 37} -{f 14 32 5 = 132 119 251 2,448 |2,687 | 12 191. 1,198 | 877 | 612 6,353 6,491 |12,844 ‘ * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. - (‘) Thornton Parish is partly in Holme-Beacon Division. | The entire | but the Population, as not being distinguished, is wholly entered as if in Parish contains 751 Inhabitants ——(*).The entire Parish of Wilberfoss | Garton Parish. (°) The entire Parish of Humbleton contains 586 In- contains 590 Inhabitants ——(!) The entire Parish of Aldbrough contains | habitants. (?) Owthorne Parish is mostly in South-Holderness Wa- 98 Inhabitants ; it extends into Cowdons Township, Mappleton Parish, pentake.——(2) The entire Parish of Preston contains 947 Inhabitants. orth-Holderness Wapentake. (™) The entire Parish of Drypool con- | ——(") Swine Parish is partly in North-Holderness Wapentake. The tains 2,207 Inhabitants. (") The entire Parish of Garton contains | entire Parish contains 1,604 Iuhabitants———(°) The entire Parish of 299 Inhabitants, including that part of Owstwick which is in Rooss Parish ; § Waghen contains 325 Inhabitants. 5 E 382 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘[Enumeration, ee nee LL COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | as | ayy ; oR By 3 ne chiefly Orner : _ | how 2 | chiefly | employ. | Families v3 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. gS | many |] | 3 em- | edin [not com-| 4 i [Families! 5 | | Ployed |raang,|prized inf = a - 4 ee al 2/3 dean (tome | Sere 3 § |PERSONS. ji “| GRI- | factures,| preced- By HOLDERNESS WAPENTAKE—continued. aii deca ol ini (North Division.) (*) TURE. | craft. | Classes. Atwick Parish : Atwick, Arram and a 2 = Shirlineton. = t Township}? 62] 62 3 13 13 36 171 155 326 Barmstuon - - - = = (f) Parish 34 38} 2] - 32 5 1 114 88 205 Beeford Parish: (*) Beeford - - - = = Township] 134 135 | - 1 97 33 5 325 295 620 Dunnington - - + - Township 11 w}-| - 12 - - 46 | 30 76 Lissett - - - = = Township 17 17 ae os 4 3 10 56 39 95 Brandsburton Parish: (*) Brandsburton - - - Township? 110] 118] -| 1 92 25 1 291 271 562 Moor-Town - - - - Township 4 4} -] - 4 - - 18 11 29 Catwick - - - - - - (¥) Parish 36 371 -| 1 27 4 3 go 100 190 St. John Beverley (part of) Parish: (2) Eske - - = - - = Township 2 2} -|[ - 2 - - 12 6 18 Frodingham, North - - - Parishf 115} 135] —| 6 95 32 8 285 290. 575 Goxhill - - ~ - - = = Parish 8 wfjo-{| - 12 > - 37 33 70 Hornsea with Burton - - (#) Parish} 174} 174] 3] 11 69 56 49 385 405 790 Leven Parish: (>) Hempholme - - - - Township 11 yw} -j - 9 - 2 57 36 93 Leven - += - - - - Townshipf? 128] 136] -| - 98 30 8 343 315 658 Mappleton Parish: (*) Cowdons - - - - (©) Township 25 2g} -} 1 29 - - 19 67 146 Hatfield, Great - - (°) Township 23 a4] —-| - 20 2 2 62 65 127 Mappleton and Rowlston * Township 32 35} -] - 31 3 1 99 88 187 Nunkeeling with Bewholme - Parish 39 43] -| - 32 11 - 127 116 243 Rise - - - - = - = = Parish 29 29} -| - 8 19 2 111 110 221 Riston, Long - - - - (f) Parish 72 72} —-| 2 60 12 -_ 182 179 361 Routh - - - - - - = = Parish 20 20} -| 1 18 1 1 79 45 124 Sigglesthorne Parish: (¢) Catfoss = - + - Township 7 8] -| - 8 - - 28 21 49 Hatfield, Little - - - Township 4 4} -] - 4 - - 15 10 25 Seaton - - - - = = Township 44 61} -| - 47 9 5 156 145 301 Sigglesthorne = - - Township 25 32]; 1] — 19 6 7 83 80 163 Skipsea Parish: (°) Bonwick - - = - Township 3 34 -| = 3 - - 19 11 30, Dringhoe, Upton and Brough Township 31 31] 2] 1 26 4 1 gl 73 164 Skipsea + - - - Township 63 68} -| = 41 16 11 178 151 329 Ulrome - - - = = Chapelry 31 31f -| - 11 2 18 79 gl 170 Swine (part of) Parish: (f) irlaugh, North, and : ee eae cae - Township] 42 42} -}| - 7 31 10 - 135 125 260 Withernwick* - - - - - Parish] 62 88] -| -] 50 28 10 185 185 . 370 1,398 |1,513 | 8 | 27 | 1,004 | 327 | 182 | 3,941 | 3,636 | 7,577 () Hartburn and Hyde, formerly Villages in North-Holderness Wa- pentake, are said to have been washed away by the sea.——(") The entire Parish of Beeford contains 791 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Bransburton contains 591 Inhabitants. (7) The employ- ment of married servants in agriculture has increased the Population —— (*) The Parish of St. John is mostly in the Borough of Beverley. The two farms at Eske have been converted into one since 1911.—— @) Hornsea is resorted to as a bathing-place ; hence an increase of Inhabitants——(°) The entire Parish of Leven contains 751 Inhabi- tants. () The entire Parish of Mappleton contains 460 Inhabitants, including the whole of Cowdons Township, which is partly in Aldborough * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. Parish (Middle Division of Holderness Wapentake;) and of Great |. Hatfield, which is partly in Sigglesthorne Parish._——(¢) The entire Pa- Tish of Sigglesthorne contains 538 Inhabitants, besides those in Great Hatfield Township, attributed wholly to Mappleton Parish. (*) The entire Parish of Skipsea contains 693 Inhabitants, including the whole of Ulrome, which is partly in Barmston Parish. (‘) Swine Parish is mostly in Middle-Holderness Wapentake. The Return of North- Skirlaugh and Rowton Township, includes part of Arnold Township ; the other part of which is in Riston Parish, and the Population included accordingly. M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. 383 COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding) —continued. ee HOUSES; OCCUPATIONS : "PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - Fami- : F A B . AMI- LIES 5 LL ine ine | ehieny | ot lpamiles | « | Toran ‘° = {| fam: 'S EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g |mry|o] 3 ge | Ure ieie cael’ 2g : | + | Families 3 rg | Ployed | Trane, {prized in 3 i —_—_—_ 4 ce | a in | Manu. | the Two ea PERSONS. HOLDERNESS WAPENTAKE—continued. See es eaten eae ; 7 : Y , orHandi-} _ 0g (South Division.) TURE. | craft. | Classes. Burstwick Parish: (2) Burstwick - - - + - Township? 81] 85] -] 1 44 | 9 2 223 213 436 Ryhill and-‘Camerton - Townships 55 56] -| - 42 14 - 155 160 315 Easington Parish ; () , : Easington - - - - = Township} 88] 96] 1] -]| 53 | 24 | 19 248 240 488 Out-Newton - - = - Township 9} 10] —] - 10 = 33 36 69 Halsham - - - - «© - = Parish 37) 551i -~-{- 42 7 | 2 167 148 315 Hollym Parish: (‘) Hollym - °- (-+) - Township 46| 46] =] - 40 6] - 127 133 260 Withernsea - - - - Township 20 | 25} -—|] 1 19 6, - 55 53 108 Holmpton - - - - - - Parish} 37] ag] -{ 1 38 | #7 4 133 123 256 Keyingham - - - - = = Parish} 132] 141} —]| — | 102 30 9 327 312 639 Kilnsea (with Spurm) - - = Parish 37 39} -{ - 24 - 15 92 104 196 Ottringham - - - - - - Parish} 139] 141] -—| — | 1212 | 20 - 335 302 637 Owthorne (part of) Parish : («) ; Frodingham, South - - Township 7 9} -]|] - 9 - ~ 37 34 71 Owthorne - - - = Township 22 a7) -| - 18 8 1 71 | 72 143 Rimswell - - - = - Township 20 a4] 2) 1 22 2 - 65 64 129 Patrington - - - - -(!) Parish] 253] 266] -]| 7 97 gl 48 623 621 1,244 Paul Parish: (™) Paul - - - - = = Township 87 g2 | —] 26 63 12 17 241 245 486 Thorn-Gumbald - + - Township 46 51] -] 2 32 14 5 136 123 | 259 Sheffing - - - - + - Parish 37 39] -] 2 35 3 1 102 99 201 Sunk-Island - - - - (") Extra-P. 21 21 -] - 23 2 - 118 98 216 Welwick - - - - - ~ ~ Parish 66 yz] -—] 2 51 21 - 214 196 410 Winestead - - - - - = Parish 19 ig} -]| - 15 - 4 66 63 129 HOWDENSHIRE WAPENTAKE, |?229 1,363 | 3 | 43 930 | 276 | 157 | 3598 | 3,439 | 7007 © Blacktoft Parish : (°) Blacktoft - - - - - Township] 42] 53] -| 2] 44 9} - 144 134 | 248 - Sealby - - - - + - Township? 30] 37] -| 3] 34 B41 89 go 179 Brantingham (part of) Parish: (P) | Ellerker - - - - - Township 51 52} —-| - 35 | .to | 7 128 121 249 Cheapsides - - - - (°) Extra-P. - —-{ -] - - - - - - Eastrington Parish: (7) Bellasize - - - - - Township 37 4o/ a] - 33 64 1 96 101 197 Eastrington - - - - Township} 71 83] -]| 2 62 19 | 2 177 198 395. Gilberdike - - - - Township} 1og{! 1394] -—| 14 92 42 - 339 | 301 640 Newport-Wallingfen - - Township 81 81} -]} 2 1 19 45 169 170 339 . Portingten and Cavil - - Township} 18 3} -| - 1 - 7 45 53 98 Howden Parish: (*) Asselby - - - - - Township 55 56] -| - 51 5 - 129 125 254 Balkholme - - - - Township} 23 a3], <{ 1 23 - - 63 42 105 ' Barmby-on-the-Marsh - Chapelry 88 | 127] -]| = 96 27 4 261 264 525 | Belby - - - - = + Township 7 1o{ -/ 4 10 - - 27 22 49 | Cotness ~ - = ~ = Township 6 6] -/] 1 6 - - 15 14 29 ' Howden - - - - Township} 395] 432] 4{ 8 | 114 | 212 | 106 994 | 1,086 | 2,080 Kilpin - - - + - © Township 56 61; -| - 23 13 25 159 | 159 | 318 Knedlington - - = ~ Township} 28 28} —| 2 26 - 2 60 58 118 | Laxton - - - + = Chepery? 39} 55| -] -] 37 | 14 | 4 136 132 268 Metham - - - - - Township 6 6); =<] - 6 = - 27 18 45 (®) The entire Parish of Burstwick contains 751 Inhabitants-—-. | Blacktoft contains 457 Inhabitants. The Population of Cheapsides (*), The entire Parish of Easington, contains 557 Inhabitants——(') The | (deemed Extra-parochial in 1811,) is included in the Return of Scalby, entire Parish of ie contdins 368 Inhabitants—-(#) Owthorne | in this Parish——(") Brantingham Parish is partly in the Hunsley- _Parish is partly in the Middle Division of Holderness Wapentake. The’ | Beacon Division of Harthill Wapentake. The entire Parish contains ‘entire Parish contains 415 Inhabitants——(1) One male in Patrington | 423 Inhabitants——(9) The entire Parish of Eastrington contains \ Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-(™) The entire Parish of Paul | 1;649 Inhabitants-——(") The entire Parish of Howden contains 4,449 ° : contains 74g Inhabitants. The number is diminished, in consequence of | Inhabitants. The increase is attributed to the establishment of a sacking’ |* discontinuance of ship-building.—-(") Sunk-Island was récovered | factory, and the demolition of cottages in adjoining villages, | from the sea previous to the year 1811.——(°) The entire Parish of { Enumeration, 384 ABSTRACT. OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr. | Fam-[ go) oR By 3 ee te Oruer : ‘ how 2 | chiefly employ-| Families R TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ss | ion) gy |e | OF din itarcom- | of 4 ee | Families! § | 2 | Ployed |peane prized in 3 & ee ale a Manu- | the Two 3 a PERSONS. ed. 5 - < HOWDENSHIRE WAPENTAKE— [ a once leet ae a continued, TURE. | craft, | Classes. Howden Parish—continued. Saltmarsh - - - Township 35 38 | -] 1 33 3 2 96 83 179 Skelion - - - - = Township 31 46} -| - 43 3 - 109 112 221 Thorpe - - ois Township 10 10°} =o 10 - ~ 31 22 53 Yorkfleet - - - Township 36 36); 3] 1 33 3 - 99 100 199 Welton Parish: (*) Melton - - - - - Chapelry | 23 23] -| - 20 2 1 52 55 - 107 Welton - - - - ~ Townshipf 116 | 128] 1] 2 44 37 47 251 325 576 Walkington (part of) - - (*) Parish 66 66} -]| - 60 6 - 167 157 324 1,459 |1,649 | 9] 27 | 970 | 433 | 246 3,863 | 3,942 | 7,805 OUZE and DERWENT WAPENTAKE, Acaster-Malbis (part of) Parish: (“) Naburn - - - ~ Township 74 6) -| 4 61 12 3 177 189 366 Catton (partof) Parish: (*) Kexby - - - + = Township 23 24; -| - 24 7 - 90 59 149 Stamford-Bridge, West ‘ with Scoreby - - Township 24 8 he 14 12 a 72 79 151 Dunnington (part of) Parish: (*) Grimston - - - + Township 12 2) et 4 12 ~ - 39 33 72 Elvington - - - = - - = Parish 63 yo} -|] 3 45 19 6 189 216 405 Escrick Parish: (7) Deighton - - - - Township 30 30 - 1 28 2 85 83 168 Escrick - - - - - Township 98 103} -]| - 78 14 11 279 269 548 Fulford-Ambo Parish: (#) Fulford-Gate - - - - Township} 131 137} 1] 2 68 25 44 360 452 812 Fulford-Water* - + - Township 5 5} -]| - 4 - 1 16 19 35 Hemingbrough Parish: (#) Barlby - - - - - = Chapelry 78 "8 1} —- 45 29 4 171 178 - 349 Brackenholme with Woodall Township 13 y4]}o-j] - 14 - - 47 43 go Cliff with Lund - - = Township go} 110] -]| 3 go 14 6 249 252 501 Duffield, South - - - Township 28 37 | - 1 35 2 - 89 92 181 Hemingbrough - - - Township 94{ 112} -{ 1 83 15 14 248 252 500 Menthorp with Bowthorp - Township 8 9{/ -]| 1 9 = - 29 20 49 Osgodby - = = + Township 34 36] -]| = 33 - 3 86 99 185 xeslington, St. ; : as a sed | (*) Parish} 51] 63} -| -| 57 | 3) 3 149 | 143 | 292 Riceall* - - - + - - - Parish} 142] 146] 1] 4 97 36 13 299 300 599 Skipwith Parish: (°) Duffield, North - - + Township# 64 84; ~| -—} 64 14 6 228 205 433 Skipwith - - - - ~- Township 55 60} -]| 3 45 6 9 172 143 315 Stillingfleet (part of) Parish : (#) Kelfield - - - - Township 47 57 | -| - 48 8 1 144 142 286 Stillingfleet with Moreby * Township 74 83; -| 1 60 9 14 201 203 404 Thorganby with Cottingwith - Parish 57 40] 1 1 27 9 34 207 174 381 Wheldrake - - - + Parish 99 | 121] —]| — | 106 13 2 331 307 638 1,394 | 1,563 | 4 | 26 |1,147 | 242 | 174 3,957 3,952 7,909 -(*) The entire Parish of Welton contains 683 Inhabitants. () Walkington Parish is partly in Hunsley-Beacon Division (Harthill Wapenteke.) The entire Parish contains 533 Inhabitants. (*) Acaster-Malbis Parish is partly in the Ainstey of the City of York. he entire Parish contains 657 Inhabitants. (“) Catton Parish is mostly in Wilton-Beacon Division (Harthill Wapentake). (*) Dun- pington Parish is mostly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (7) Phe entire Parish of Escrick contains 716 Inhabitants. (*) The * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. entire Parish of Fulford-Ambo contains 847 Inhabitants.——() The entire Parish of Hemingbrough contains 1,855 Inhabitants. (>) Heslington, St. Lawrence Parish, is partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of Yurk, and entered accordingly. The entire Parish contains §13 Inhabitants. —(°) The entire Parish of Skipwith contains 748 Inha- bitants. (*) Stillingfleet Parish is partly in the Ainstey of the City of York, and entered accordingly. The entire Parish contains 878 Inhabitants. : M.DCCC.XX1.] “THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. |° 385 —_—_—_—_—_—___—=_—K_——_ COUNTY ‘OF YORK: (East Riding)—continued. ‘(°) Brafferton Parish is partly in the’,.North Riding of Yorkshire, oe and .Hallikeld Wapentakes.) The entire Parish contains 832 ahabitants———(*) Brotherton Parish, is mostly in Barkstone-Ash Wapentake, West Riding of York,—-(*) Dunnington Parish is partly in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 623 Inhabitants ——-(") Heslington Parish is mostly in Quze and Derwent Wapentake. Heslington Township extends into St. Lawrence Parish, City of York——(1) The entire Parish uf Husthwaite contains 493 Inhabitants. ——~‘*) Kirkby-Wharfe Parish is partly iu Barkstone-Ash Wapentake (West Riding of Yorkshire.) The entire Parish contains §74 Inhabitants. 1) Kirkdale Parish is mostly in Ryedale Wapen- take, North Riding of Yorkshire——(™) Beach-Hill is included in the Return‘ df the' rest of Knaresborough Parish,’ Claro Wapentake, West HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : ie Fami- . ss AMI“i] ys ops ALL __ PARISH, TOWNSHIP, « By “a ures || Chiefy | OTHER oe ; 2 gE how . : 3 chiefly : eagley: Families mn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. | O- | 3] a ha seek act 2. lpersons, : , peuple. | | oT Ager factures,} preced- a Fu we : : cut- forHandi-| _ ing: ; : _ tors. | craft, | Classes. LIBERTY of ST. PETER of YORK. ss = ‘ Barrhby-upon-the-Moor: : - (6) Parish 77:| 100 |} --—| -3 4} 31 8 61°] )209 - 231 440 Braffertoh (part of) Parish: (*) ‘ ct é ‘Helperby' = - - + (¢) Township} 77] “134 |-1|-- J f06 |: 25 3 283. 328 611 Brotherton (part of) Parish: (f) : ae: . ... Brotherton -_- - (4) Township} 309] 314] 1] 6 | 26 | 244 | 44 752 739 | 1,491 Dunnington (part of) - (£) (c) Parish] 119} 136] 11 | 6 | 95 30 11 269, 282 - 551 Gate-Helmsley, - - = (€) Parish} 35 . 42 1 1] 24 13 5 111 98 209 Haxby - - - = - - (¢) Parish} go} 99] -| 2] 49 | 20 | 30 218 199 | . 417 Heslington (part of) Parish: (*) : Heslington - + + - (¢) Township 36. 41{ -] - 38 oe 3 116: 105. 221 Husthwaite Parish: (!) ‘tos 2 Carlton - - = ~ ~- (d) Township 30 38}; -| 1 20 15 | 3 go- 49. | 169 ‘Husthwaite - - - - Township 61 44 | - 57.4 16 1: 163 |- 16 324 Kirkby-Wharfe (part of ) Parish: (*) F : Ullleskelf - eee (2) Township 66 93 om 3 70 : 18 5 212. }- 214 426 Kirkdale (part of ) Parish: (1), a . Norton with Wombleton (f) Township 48 50| -| - 27 18 5 109 i09 218, Knaresborough Parish: (™) - = fe _Beach-Hill - - fe ® Manor -_ = - - ae bn os) be = es Mary, St. Bishopshill, Sen’ ake i (att.of) Ba a ne 7) 2 Dringhouses - - ~ (g) Township— 33} 38] -| 1] 33 3 af “ys 85 156 Michael, St. Le-Belfrey, (part of) and as '” St. Olaves, Parishes: (°) 3 Clifton (part of) - - (e) Township 46 48] 4] - 27 5 16 90 110 ‘|: 200 Minster-Yard with Beddern(/) Extra-P.J 129 | 229 | -]} -6 — | 146 83 407 |- §17 924. Newbald ‘Parish : (?) Ogee et Newbald, North - - (a) Township} 112] 122] — | 45 3 25 24 “JP -~ 288. f- 255° 543 Newbald, South - - (a) Township 37 39 | -]} 2 27 2 10 fF - -84- [- -95 179 Osbaldwick Parish : -(4) ‘ : Pe . Murton - - - = = (¢) Township 28 32 | -] 2 26 4 ]..2 70} 64 134 Osbaldwick - - - - (€) Township 34] 35] -I 2 2 | 4 6 82 04 176 Overton (part of) Parish: (*) - t ; ge te . Skelton - - ~ - -(¢) Township? 14] 20] =] -f 144] 6 | - 45. 41_{.. 86 Salton Parish :.(*) ; ' Brawby - - - - (f) Township} 30] 35] -| 1 30. 5 - 95 93 188 Salton - -:- - (f) Township} 27 a7}, -71 147 24 2 1 16 | 72 148 South-Cave (part of )-Parish: (*) ; + Faxfleet - - - - - (a) Township 33 33}, -| - 30 3 a 886 "5 163 Stillington - + - - - (¢) Parishf 116] 147} - gr | 52 4 360 338 698 Strensall - - - - - (€) Parish} 66] 89] -| 3] 58 22 9 194. 184. 348 Riding of Yorkshire ——(") The Parish of St. Mary Bishgpshill, sen* is mostly in the City of York, and partly in the Ainstey of the City. Dringhouses extends into the Parish of Holy-Trinity-Micklegate, in the City of York. (°) The Parish of St. Michael-le-Belfrey is mostly in | the City of York. . Clifton Township is partly in the Parish of St Mary ‘ Olave, Bulmer Wapentake, North Riding. (°) The entire Parish of Newbald contains 722 Inhabitants ——(4) The entire Parish of Osbald- | wick contains 310 .Inhabitants.—(*) Overton Parish is mostly in Bulmer Wapentake, (North Riding) where ‘part of Skelton Township ‘ is also entered.——() The entire Parish of Salton contains 336 Inhab- bitants.———-(¢) South-Cave Parish is mostly in Huasley-Beacon Division of Harthill Wupentake. ne) ae 5 F Ne ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enumeration, 386 : | COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fis | 1 Ave ee By 3 LIES chiefly OrHER “4 how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families . TOTAL E i man ‘ 2 em- di not com- . _EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Penile 2 | ploye Traps, |Prizedinf f oF ‘s ee taj te in | Manu- | the Two 4 si PERSONS. Gf |cupied. | & | S | Acrr- | factures,| preced- s fl Liberty of St. PETER of YORK, cut- orHandi-| _ ing a continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Warthill (part of) Parish : (") , Warthill + - - (€) Township 23] 24 -j- 18 4 2 61 54 115 Wheldrake Parish : . : Langwith - - - (c) Township 5 6 -| - 6 - - 22 17 39 1,681 | 2,045 | 18 | 65 | 1,025 | 690 | 330 | 4,565 | 4,639 | 9,204 The Ainsty of the CITY of YORK. Acaster-Malbis (part of) - (*) Parish 51} 56 -{/ 1 45 11 - ‘155 136 291 Acomb Parish: (*) : Acomb - - + © + - Township} 151 | 161 -— | 10 30 | 109 20 324 409 733 Knapton + * + - Township 22 | 25 -] - 12 1 12 69 } .« 68 137 Askham-Bryan - - - - - Parish 67 | 67 -/ 1 45 15 4 186 191 377 Askham Richard - - - ~ Parish 45} 48 -{ 1 24 18 6 131 118 249 Bilbrough - - - + + = = Parish 40 | 49 -} 1 40 6 3 129 131 260 Bilton Parish: (¥) Bickerton - - - - - Township 27 | 24 -| - 22 5 - 79 70 149 Bilton - - - - - = Township 38 | 40 -} 1 33 5 2 119 104 223 Tockwith - - - + - Township 68 | 98 -~| - 68 1g] 11 220 216 436 Bishopthorpe - - - = - - Parish 53 | 70 —~| 3 54 13 3 141 160 301 Bolton-Percy Parish: (7) Appleton-Roebuck - ~- Township| 118 | 120 1 1 96 18 6 274 311 585 Bolton-Percy - - - + Township 41] 45 Ss 37 5 3 116 122 238 Colton - - - - = = Township 27 | 28 -{ 3 24 3 1 46 | 148 Steeton - - - - = - Township 15} 15 -j - 14 1 - 48 35 83 Healaugh - - - - - ~- - Parish 38 | 39 -| 1 37 2 - 93 98 191 Kirkhammerton (part of) Parish: (*) Wilstrop - - © - = Township 14] 16 -{ - 16 - ~ 51 44 95 Long-Marston Parish : (>) Angram - - ~- - - Township 13] 13 -| - 13 - - -25 41 66 Hutton - - - - - - Townshipf— 214 21 ~} - 17 1 3 54 71 125 Long-Marston- - - ~- Township 82 | 84 -| 1 66 13 5 181 | 207 388 Mary, St. Bishopshill, Sent ; (omt-of) ae — Middlethorpe - - - - Township 6 6 -|1 6 - - 24 20 44 (°) Warthill Parish is partly in Bulmer Wapentake (North Riding.) The entire Parish contains 153 Inhabitants. THE Places here entered under the title of the Liberty of St. Peter of York, are locally situate as follows: - In the East Riding : is in Wilton-Beacon Division. In the North Riding :——(d) Carleton and Husthwaite, in Birdforth Wapentake.——(e) Clifton, Haxby, Gate-Helmsley, Helperby, Murton, Osbaldwick, Skelton, Stillington, Strensall and Warthill, in Bulmer Wapentake——(f) Brawby, Salton, and Nawton, with Wombleton, in Ryedale Wapentake. : In the West Riding: (g) Dringhouses, in the Ainsty of the City of York._—(h) Brotherton, in Barkston-Ash Wapentake, Lower Division.——(i) Ulleskelf, in Barkstone-Ash Wapentake, Upper Division——(k) Knaresborough, in Claro Wapentake, Lower Division. a) Faxfleet, North-Newbald and South-Newbald, are in Hunsley-Beacon Division.——(b) Barmby-upon-the-Moor y: y-Up (c) Dunnington, Heslington and Langwith, in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake. In the City of York:——(1) The Minster-Yard and Beddern; part of the Minster-Yard or Close of the Cathedral Church is in the Parish of ° | St. Michael-le-Belfrey, part Extra-parochial ; the Beddern is entirely Extra-paroehial. Besides the twenty-seven Places, and parts of Places, above entered, as being entirely within the Liberty of St. Peter of York,—detached parcels of the Liberty are found in most of the Wapentakes of Yorkshire, the Population being included with that of the Township in which such parcels are situate ; viz.—In the East Riding: Eight parcels in Buckrose Wapentake Five in Dickering Wap: Nineteen in Harthill Wap: Six in Holderness Wap: Four in Ouze and Derwent Wap: In the North Riding: Three parcels in Birdforth Wap: Thirteen in Bulmer Wap: One in Gilling-East Wap : Six in Hang. East Wap: One in Hang-West Wap: Que in Langbaurgh Wap : Two in Ryedale Wap : Inthe West Riding : Four parcels in the Ainsty, Ten in Barkstone-Ash Wapentake, Three in Claro Wap: One in Skyrack Wap: Light in Strafforth and Tickhill Wap : and Two in the Liberty of Cawood and Wistow: In all Ninety-seven detached parcels, which are distinguished throughout York- shire by an asterisk (*) prefixed to the names of the respective Townships of which they constitute a part, (“) Acaster-Malbis Parish is partly in Ouze and Derwent Wapen- | mostly in Claro Wapentake (West Riding.) ——(>) The entire Parish take. The entire Parish contains 657 Inhabitants.——(*) The entire } of Long-Marston contains 579 Inhabitants————(¢) The Parish of St. Parish of Acomb contains 870 Inhabitants. (’) The entire Parish of | Mary Bishopshill Sen‘ is mostly in York City, partly in the Liberty of, Bilton contains 808 Inhabitants. (‘) The entire Parish of Bolton- | St. Peter of York. Percy contains 1,054 Inhabitants, (#) Kirkbammerton Parish is eo M.DCCC.XXI. ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1,GEO.1V. C.Q4.° 387 COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES 3 OCeNPATIONS: PERSONS : Fami-| \ipg | ALL oR a 3 UES | chiefly Orner : ‘EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. a iV sang) sh ad ge eee Pk a. face , | ‘3 | Families 4 a ployed | Trane, |Prizedin 4 < oF a Oc- | Z in Mann- | the Two a PERSONS. “The Ainsty of the CITY of YORK, S cupied.} | 5 Acri- |facrures, | preced- Sc fay. Mr Asie, continued. cuL- lorHandi- ee en es Mary, St, Bishopshill Jun") pay ee » oy (part of) are : ‘Copmanthorpe - - - - Chapelry 53 | 58] -| 3 44 12 2 141 140 281 Holgate -'- - = = = Township 13 16} -| - 3° 2 11 38 45 83 Poppleton, Upper - - - Township 65 67] -| 3 47 10 10 184 162 346 Moor-Monkton Parish: (°) ; ; Hessey - - - -.- + Township 28 go; -| - a1 is 4 83, "8 161 ...Moor-Monkton + - = Township[ 31 31/ -| -| 27 4 - 146 123 269 Poppleton, Nether - - = = Parish 46 49} -|{ 1 35 8 6 135 119 254 Rufforth - - - - + = = Parish 52 Gi} -—| 1 45 6 10 155 140 295 Stillingfleet (part of) Parish: (*) Acaster-Selby - - - - Township 32 34}, -{ 1 33 | 1 - 85 103 188 Tadcaster (part of) Parish: (*) ; Catterton - - = = - Township 10 12{ -j| 2 12 - - 29 34 63 ‘Oxton® - = - - + = Township} 12 v2} —-|{ - 8 1 3 27 3 - 66 Tadcaster - - = = = Township] 176 178 | —{ 16 } 103 53 22 361 414: 975 Thorp-Arch - - - - - = Parish] 62] 66) -| 3] 45 | 18 | 3 164 | 179 | 343 Walton- - = - = - - = Parish 44 44/ -| - 40 4 - 124 123- 247 Wighill - - - = - - = Parish 44 48} -{ - 44 2 2 123 127 250 1,605} 1,734| 1 | 56 | 1,206 | 971 | 157 | 4,290 | 4,450 8,740 YORK CITY, All-Saints, North-street - = Parish{ 147] 218] 4] 6 - | 180 38 446 464 g10 All-Saints, Pavement - + = Parish 61] 108) -| 4 - | 108 - 286 268 554 Andrew, St. - - - - = = Parish 36 41j -| - 1 13 27 73 112 185 Crux, St. - - - - - = = Parish} 130] 159] -] 1 5 | 145 9 419 408 :{ 827 All-Saints, Peaseholm 33 52 {| -] 2 iW 38 3 109 114-4 223 Cuthbert, St. (part of) (4) 6United Parishes) 33] 41] —| — 11 | 25 5 102 107 4 209 Helen, St. on-the-Walls 59} loz]; -—]{ ~ 12 43 47 178 - 220 398 Dennis, St. - - - - - = Parish| 189] 268] -] 3 1 | 188 79 505 588 1,093 Giles, St. i burb Le - (*) = Parish} 155] 177] 2] 4] 4 | 76 | 97 | 387 | 404 | 881 Helen, St. Stonegate- - - «+ Parish}? 106] 156} —| 6 - 88 68 — 291 387 678 | Holy-Trinity, Goodramgate- - Parish} 70 97| -] 3 - 91 6 238 289 527 Holy-Trinity, King’s-Court ae , SShcoriss/ Christ Churett. y PRA Op |) de | | = 3) aae ss 353 | 384 737 Holy-Trinity, Micklegate (4) - Parish} 104] .156] —| 2 36 94 26 341 504 845 |. Dringhouses - - - (4) Township]! — mes Se) vs = 2 a = os = John, St. Bente - - - - Parish} 49 8st -]} - - 82 1 182 185 367 | John, St. Micklegate, otherwi ro : T Geshe doe Rad 7 ape Parish} 130] 214] 1] 5 - | 205 9 432 506 938 Lawrence, St. & Nicholas, St. (*) Parish} 136 | 158{ —| 2 26 ji 21 367 432 799 Margaret, St. Walmgate - - Parish]{ 146 | 220] 10] — 95 | 116 9 386 422 808 Martin’s St. Coney-street - - Parish 85 | 102] 2] 2 - gl 11 228 382 610 Martin’s, St. with Gregory - - Parish} -107 | 123} —|° 7 - 93 30 245 317 ' 562 eS Behopenill a (1) Parish? 1397] 164) -| 4] 17 | 42 | 76 340 427 467 . Bi ill, Sent : — 2 pe (") Parish} 132 | 147] -| 49 - | 147 - 297 384 681 .@ Mary, St. Castlegate- - - - Parish} 169 | 203] -| 5 3 | 159 41 468 521 989 | Maurice, St. in the Suburbs - Parish 88 | 160; 1]°2 12 133 15 343 — 455 798 4 Michael, St.le-Belfrey (part of )(") Parish f 190 | 281 | — [14 g | 223 49 626 © 917 1,343 4 Michael, St. Spurrier-Gate - - Parish? 107 { 124] 3] 6 - | 119 5 288 305 593 '] Peter, St, the Little - - - - Parihf 99 | 133] -—|>- 4 | 129 - 313 347 660 TT. ro) The Parish of St. Mary Bishopshill Jun. is mostly in the City of York.——(¢) The entire Parish of Moor-Monkton contains 430 Inha- bitants—( ) Stillingfleet Parish is mostly in Ouze and Derwent -Wapentake.———(®) Tadcaster Parish is mostly in Barkstone Ash Wa- -pentake, West Riding of Yorkshire.——(h) The Parishes of St. Cuthbert and ,St. Giles are partly in Bulmer Wapentake, ‘North Riding of York- shire ——(i) Dringhonses. Township is. partly in the Parish of. Holy- . Trinity. Micklegate, and partly in the Parish of St. Mary Bisbopshill Sen’. See the liberty of St. Peter of: York, where the population of Dringhouses is entered——(*) The Parish of St. Lawrence contains _ entire Parish contains 881 Inhabitants. part of Heslington Township, Liberty of St. Peter of York.——(1) The Parish of St. Mary-Bishopshill Jun" is partly in the Ainsty of the City | of York. The entire Parish contains 1,477 Inhabitants——(™). The ‘ Parish of St. Mary Bishopshill Sen’ is partly in the Aimsty, and partly _ in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, and it contains part of Dringhouses , Township, which is entered in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The ° (") The Parish of St Michael-- le-Belfrey is partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, The entire Parish contains 1,543 Inhabitauts. : 388 ee SDT SRP SS SS ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | FAME (yyy f By 3 ee chiefly Oruzr oR f how g chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL v man . em- : 7 A EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. £ Punihes 2 5 ployed | 4 ce a i 3 Oc | S14 in ~ | the Two & |PE = cupied. a 5 Acri- Pena treoee S E , FENN: 2 cUL- lorHandi-| _ ing : YORK CITY—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Peter, St. le-Willows - - ~- Parish 15 g8} -]} 1 21 68 9 205 |. 213 418 Sampson, 'St. - - © - ~ Parish} 123 210} 2] - iy 210 - 496 ~ 545 | 1,041 Saviours, St. - - + = - Parish} 139 204 | -| 7 20 105 49 455 7 532" 987 Wilfred, St. Parish: (°) | , : Mint-Yard - - - = Liberty 23 26} -| - - 9| 17 ‘58 "4 132 Wilfred - - - - - ~ Township 39| 39] 2] 2 co 25 |, 14 go ~ 137° 227 o Ade ok 3,206 | 4,412 | 27 | 93 | 288 (3,333 | 791 9,547 ~] 11,240 | 20,787 | Borough of BEVERLEY, and Liberties. : : 7 John, St. Parish: (?) Aike (part of); - (--) - Township} - 7 8} -| - 4 1 - 22. 17 39 Molscroft - - - - = Township 23 23}, -] 2 15 2 6 56 55 111 Stockhill and Sandholme - Township 10 of -] - 9 1 - 31 17 48 Thearne - - - - - = Township 15 WS -| - 14 - 1 48 | 42 go Tickton and Hull-Bridge - Township 22 a2} —-| 2 13 4 2 58 52. 110 Weel - - + - - = = Township 20 20] =| 3 20 - - 50 51 101 Ss Napa 169 rownship 52 631 -!| 3 Al 11 1 145 131° 276 ‘Martin, St.in Beverley - - - Parish} 668 | 758] 1] 30 96 266 | 396 1,334 | “1,603° | 2,937 Mary, St.in Beverley - - - Parish} 646] 684} - J] 40 52 418 | 214 1,484 1,730 3,214 Nicholas, St. in Beverley - - Parish} 124] 125{ ‘1 ] 3 28 47 | 50 266 311 577 1,587 |1.718 | 21] 83 | 295 | 753 670 | 3,494 "| 4,009 | 7,503 KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, —— —— - Town and County of the Town, 4 : : : : . Town Part: ‘Mary, St - + - (9), Parish} 478] 911] -]| 8 2} 793} 116 | 1,412 | 1,884° | 3,296 ‘Trinity, Holy Parish$ (4) a , . First Part - - - - - = Ward] 224] 420} 9 | 17 - | 242 | 178 691 791 | 1,482 Second Part - - - - ~ Ward{ 136] 220) -| 7 ae IBF L338 418 587 985 | jAustin’- --- i- = = - Ward 449] 597] ~| 16 - | 562 | 35 | 1,448 | 1,520 | 2,968 : Humber (part of) - - - - Ward 581} 813) 2 | 29 — | 787] 26 | 1,577 | 1,854 | 3,431 | Myton $ ! 1: - North-Division - - © Precinct} 919 ]1,252) 15] 48 | 40 | 454] 758 | 2,153 | 2,731 | 4,884 South-Division - - Precinct#{ 1,322 {1,510 | 27 | 75 20 480 [1,010 | 2,700 3,322 6,022 North (part of) - - + Ward{ 588'| 829} -| 28 J - | 391] 438 | 1,585 | 1,445 | 3,030 White-Fryers (part of) - - Ward} 356:| 453] -|28 | - | 434] 19 1,200 | 1,393 | 2,493 [5,052 |7,005 | 53 [246] 62 '}.4,930 |2,613 | 13,084 | 15,507 | 28,591 County Part: : Ella, Kirk, Parish: (7) Anlaby (part of) - - - ~ Township 58 65) ~| 21 39 18 8. 138 169 307 Ella, Kirk - - - = - Township 47 49| -—| 2 16 5] 28 . 107 139 246 Ella, West - - - = ~- Township 21 21 -| - 12 8 doy: 58 64 122 Willerby (part of) - - ~- Township 40 42} —~}| =] 30 2] 10 ‘103 97 200 Ferriby, North, Parish: (°) Ferriby, North - - - - Township? 51 | 65) -—} ~ | 31. 9| 25 169 178 347 Swanland - + - - - Township 79 82 -! 3:1 55° 23 4 “213 205. 418 Hessle- - - - - - (') Parish} 203] 215] -|10 | 101 | 58] 56 | 474 | 547 | 1,002 Garrison-Side - - + - Entra-P. 26 29) -| -) - 22 4. 84 89. 173 525 568 ~|17 | 284 | 145 | 139 -] -1,946. | 1,488 2,834. (°) The entire Parish of St. Wilfred contains 359 Inhabitants. — (°) St. Johu’s Parish extends into the North Division of Holderness ‘4 Wapentake. The entire Parish cantains 793 Inhabitants. —--(4) Humber- :f Ward, North-Ward, and White-Friers, are partly in the Parish of St. iW Mary, partly in that of the Holy-Trinity, but the whole are included in “Bthe Return of the Holy-Trinity Parish. One male in St. Mary’s Parish tpwards of 100 years of age. The entire Parish of the Holy-Trinity ‘Pontains 25,295 (Inhabitants. The Parish of Sculcoates, entered in the " Hunsley-Beacon Division of Harthill Wapentake, may be deemed a! Suburb of Hull. It contained 8,645 Inhabitants in 1811, at pfesent' 10,449.——~(") The entire Parish of Kirk-Ella contains 873 Inhabitants, including the whole of Anlaby, which is partly in Hessle Parish. Willerby Township is partly in the Parish of Cottingham Hunsley-Beacou, Hart- hill Wapentake. The increase of Population in Hessle Parish .is -attri- buted to the establishment of a shipbuilding yard, ——$) The entire, Parish of North-Ferriby contains 765 Inhabitants, OD COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94. 389 ger esr th et Pn TO TE - trn RSERSEAE SOTERA COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—-continued. “SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding). HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: , Famr- Famt- | pips Bie z B . . THER WAPENTAK E 5, ae 3 chiefly oe Families n° TOTAL 3 many ai em- |° a = not com- wn a &e. 3 Bambee & 3 ployed | pp nape, | Prized in I 3 oF 3 c- = | A in ~ | theT ¢ cupied. a 5 Ronis po preced- 3 a PERSONS. CUL- \orHandi-} 98 Wapentake of TURE. | craft, | Classes. BUCKROSE - - - - - -]1,988|2,080| 6] 49} 1,425 | 360| 295 | 5,839] 5,347 | 11,186 DICKERING - - - - - ~13,134/3,372 | 3} 72 | 2,598 | 1,093 |. 681 | 8,255 | 8,206 | 16,461 HARTHILL, Bainton-Beacon Division - - [11,371 | 1,463 5} 22] 893] 392] 178 3,972 3,719 | 7,691 Holme-Beacon Division - - - [1,379 | 1,613 8| 31} 1,090 | 327 196 4,415 4,154 |. 8,569 Hunsley-Beacon Division + - 13,702 | 4,426 | 25] 247 | 1,266 |2,321 | 839 8,977 | 10,392 | 19,369 Wilton-Beacon Division = - ~- [1,202 | 1,288 6} 42 799 | 367 122 35295 3,077 6,372 HOLDERNESS, Middle Division - - - - ~ [2,448 | 2,687] 12/131] 1,198 | 877 {| 612 6,353 6,491 | 12,844 North Division - - - - - 11,398 [1,513 | 8] 27] 1,004 | 327] 182 3,941 | 3,636} 7,577 South Division - - = - = $1,259 | 1,363 3] 43] 930] 276) 157 3,568 | 3,439 7,007, HOWDENSHIRE - - - -1|1,459 11,649! 9| 27] 970| 433] 246 3,863 | 3,942 | 7,805 OUZE AND DERWENT - - 41,394 |1,563| 4} 26] 1,147] 242] 174 3,957 | 3,952 | 7,909 Liberty of | | “ST. PETER of YORK - - 41,681 | 2,045 | 18] 65] 1,025 | 690] 330 4,565 | 4,639 | 9,204 _ Ainsty of the CITY OF YORK - - = = 41,605 | 1,734 1} 564 1,206] 371 157 4,290 4,450 8,740 YORK CITY - - - - ~- 3,206 |4,412 | 27/ 93] 288 |3,333 | 791 9,547 | 11,240 | 20,787 Borough and Liberties of 5 BEVERLEY - - - ~ - $1,587 /1,718| 2] 83] 295] 753] 670 3,494 | 4,009 | 4,503 Town and County of the Town of | KINGSTON-UPON-HULL - - 15,577 |7,573 | 53/263] 346 | 4,475 |2,752 | 14,430 | 16,995 | 31,425 Torats - - - 134,390|40,499 | 190 | 1,277] 15,480 |16,637 |8,382 | 92,761 | 97,688 | 190,449 1 5G 390 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—contiaued. Ages of Persons. MALES. f oN 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | go | 1 Under & 4 ‘Wapentake é to to to to to to to | to | to | to} to}. S 5 P 3 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 } 70 | 80 | 90/100 ywards] © of BUCKROSE - - - -]| 887] 730 | 639} 684] 958] 654] 540] 335 | 227] 141] 44! 3] - | 5,842 DICKERING - - =| 1,236 }1,145 | 969} 837 /1,195 | 863 {| 834 | 484 | 378] 2351 76] 3] -| 8,055 HARTHILL, Bainton-Beacon Division- | 584 | 526} 415] 425| 667 427 | 394} 250} 189] g3] 21] 2 1 | 3,994 Holme-Beacon Division - | 674 | 600] 508 | 450] 631 473 | 416 | 292 | 224) 112) 37] =| — 7 4,417 Hunsley-Beacon Division - | 1,388 | 1,262 1,113 | 803 }1,138 | 943 | 956 | 665 | 406| 236| 54] 4] — | 8,968 » Wilton-Beacon Division -| 508] 459 | 367| 346| 467 | 3651 330 198 | 144] 97| 20] 2] — | 3,303 HOLDERNESS, Middle Division - - | 972] 912] 4766] 559| 8721 733] 6241 459 | 291| 136] ge] 1] - 6,357 North Division - - - | 536] 475 | 494| 448] 601 | 434] 370] 270 | 162] 116] 28] 4] — 3,937 South Division - - -] 596] 5221 420} 333] 474] 353] 321] 221} 1390] 57/12] ~| 1 3,440 HOWDENSHIRE - -]| 587] 548 | 492] 393| 494] 407 | 360] 286] 203] 68; 43] 3] ~— 3,884. OUZE & DERWENT -] 573! 531 | 417] 412] 597| 446] 353] 302] 190| 106 27| 3] -] 3,954 Liberty of ST. PETER of YORK | 699] 617 | 525/ 370] 637] 542| 453] 316] 299] 151] 41 1{ — | 4,58 Ainsty of the CITY OF YORK 616 | 596) 511} 421 600] 450] 421 330 | 239] 88] 32 2} — 1] 4,306 YORK CITY- - - = [1,271 |1,230 11,135 | 947 | 1,396 | 1,243 | 1,110] 715 | 413) 1701 35 | 2| —| 9,667 BEVERLEY, BORO’ se LIBERTIES - -ff| 5°2| 438] 400] 343] 447] 359] 400] 285] 173] 99) 24| 2] —| 3,472 KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, Town and County of the Town - = = = 2,276 | 1,838 | 1,663 1,238 | 1,861 | 1,710 | 1,704 11,179 | 597] 246 95 | 4) 1 114,422 Total of MALES - 13,905} 12,429] 10,834 9,009 | 13,035] 10,402) 9,586 | 6,587 14,194]/2,181/ 601] 36 | 3 fy2,802 THE Total Number of Persons in the East Riding of the County of York (ineluding therewith the City of York, the Ainsty of the City of York, and the Liberty of St. Peter of York) was .... 190,449 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 190,346, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been returned in compliance with the question to that effect. a4 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢c. 94.- COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. 391 Ages of Persons. THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the East Riding of the County of York (including therewith the City of York, ff the Ainsty of the City of York, and the Liberty of St. Peter of York, was .... 450; two only of which (and those inconsiderable in amount) ° did not contain any answer to the question cohcerting Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect:in the respective numbers of Males and Females. FEMALES. 3 ft = hy 100 Under | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80/90) | |; Wapentake 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to | wy, & 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 d of BUCKROSE - - - ~]| 874] 725] 614] 539] 8957 585 | 465 | 288 | 216] 112] 32 | 2 — | 5,347, DICKERING - - - [1,175 1,144 903 } 811 /1,308 | 963] 738 | 496} 394] 230] 58 | 5 | — | 8,225 HARTHILL, Bainton-Beacon Division- | 536] 483 | 452} 385] 566] 427] 339] 268] 177] 85) 25! 2 =| 3,745 Holme-Beacon Division - | 632 | 540 | 4901 403 | 666] 42 364 | 259 | 197] 99] 30 1 1 | 4,154 Hunsley-Beacon Division - [1,360 | 1,212 | 1,083 | 1,039 | 1,899 | 1,225 |1,084 | 709 | 481] 2211 74] 4 - 710,391 Wilton-Beacon Division -] 430} 393] 335] 312 | 530/ 360] 254} 198 | 148] 86] 22] 1 | —] 3,069 HOLDERNESS, Middle Division - -]| 9321 855] 723 | 644]1,060| 965] 602} 482 | 264] 121] 36] 2 — | 6,486 North Division - - -] 5121 484] 396] 351 | 625 | 386] 351 | 249 160] 85] 36} 1 — | 3,636 South Division ~ - -]| 516] 448 | 402] 322] 526] 380| 297); 206) 134] 53] 22} -— | ~ 43,306 HOWDENSHIRE - -{| 534| 5271 4451 409{ 637| 465| 367| 2771] 1951 98|25| 6 | —| 31985 OUZE& DERWENT -] 561] 494] 462! 400} 666] 433{ 344] 2747 | 185] 100] 30] -—]| —- | 35952 Liberty of ST. PETER of YORK {| 618 581 509} 433} 743 | 519] 457 | 327 | 253] 141] 471 3 — | 4,631 | Ainsty of the | CITY OF YORK -] 612] 585] 522 433 | 689] 518] 3031 317 | 212| 126] 40 | 3 | —] 4450 YORK CITY - - ~ [1,226 / 1,189 | 1,207 |1,248 }1,954 [1,416 11,296} 779 561] 261] 89 | 9 | — f11,165 BEVERLEY, BORO’ and ]}- TIRCHVIRS < a 506 | 427] 437 | 389] 697] 457] 421} 298 | 183! 141] 40] 3} - | 3,999 ’ KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, re pid | 2,356 | 1,954 | 1,682 | 1,695 | 2,872 | 2,191 | 1,804 | 1,236 | 748] 376] 86 | 4 | — |27,003 Total of FEMALES - [13,380 |12,041 | 10,662) 9,813 | 16,332] 11,562] 9,506 | 6,666 |4,508|2,335|692| 46 1 (97,5448 (Enumeration, 392 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER aes County of York (North Riding.) HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faure | P47] are By a LIES chiefly OrneR OR . how 2 chiefly employ- Families an TOTAL eee de Sa Ee tan, POORER) a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Families} (¢ 4 ployed | Trapp, | prizedin fl = oF ‘3 Or |3 14 in Manu. |the Two a = 4 cupied.} & | 5 AGRI- | factures, | Preced- a fe y PESONE: CUL- |orHandi- Clue ALLERTONSHIRE WAPENTAKE. ; TURE. | craft, | Classes. Birxsy Parish: (*) Birkby ~ (+) - - Township} 17 17 -| - 16 - 1 47 43 go Hutton-Bonville - - Township | 26 26 -| - 21 5 - 57 50 107 Smeaton, Little - - - Township] 12 12 lh | oe 8 4 = 33 31 64 Hutton-Conyers - - + - Extra-P.] 28 29 ~| 2 28 1 - 69 58 127 Leak (part of) Parish: (>) Borrowby - - = = = Township| 75 "5 -| 6 61 12 2 123 144 267 Crosby - - - - - Township 5 5 -| - 5 - = 14 25 39 Kyayton, with Brawith - Township} 85 85 -~| 1 64 18 3 191 186 377 Landmoth, with Catto - Township} 10 10 -!- 10 - ~ 31 28 59 Leak - - - = + - Township 1 1 -| - 1 - - 4 4 11 Northallerton Parish: (°) ‘ Brompton - - - 2 = Chapelry] 246 | 247 -j 1 93 | 149 5 631 592 1,223 Deighton - 2 - = Chapelry] 27 27 - - 24 3 - 67 67 134 Boro’ and NoRTHALLERTON (-+) abi, 557 | 562 5| 5 § 301 | 215 | 46 1,303 | 1,323 | 2,626 Romanby - - - + - Township] 60 63 -| 3 44 13 6 156 138 294 Worsall, High = + - Chapelry} 25 25 -~)- 16 7 2 15 79 154 Osmotherley Parish: (4) Ellerbeck - 2 - += = Township} 14 14 -|- 10 4 - 40 41 81 Harsley, West = - - Township 8 8 -| - 8 - 27 24 51 Osmotherley - - - - Township} 155 | 162 4] - 97 63 2 390 365 "55 Thimbleby - - - - - Township] 35 37 -| - 27 9 1 95 105 200 Otterington, North (part of) Parish: (®) : Otterington, North - - Township 9 10 -{ 1 ” 1 2 19 25 44 Thornton-le-Beans - - Township] 51 52 - 42 8 2 123 124 247 Pickhill (part of) Parish: (f) Holm, with Howgrave - Township{| 18 18 -| - 15 2 1 51 51 102 Rouncton, West - - = + Parish} 47 48 -| 4 33 12 3 100 117 217 Sessay Parish: (8) Hutton-Sessay - - - Township} 21 a1 -| 1 19 2 - 67 62 129 Sessay = - - - - - Township} 63 65 ~{ 1 55 9 1 185 179 364 Sigston, Kirby Parish: (4) Sigston, Kirby - - - Township} 22 22 -| 2 21 - 1 63 68 131 Sowerby-under-Cotliffe - Township 9 9 -| 2 9 - - 24 29 . 53. Winton - - - - = Township] 26 26 - 24 2 - 68 70 138 Smeeton, Great (part of) Parish: (‘) Hornby - - © - - Township} 51 5l -| 2 36 14 1 105 133 238 Sockburn (part of) Parish: (*) , Dinsdale-Over - - ~- Township{ 10 13 -| - 12 - 1 29 37 66 Girsby - - - - - = Townshipf 18 18 -{ - 15 3 - 42 43 85 Thornton-le-Street Parish: (!) Kilvington, North - - Township[ 12 12 -| - il - 1 32 36 68 Thornton-le-Street - - Township} 25 25 ~j} 2 17 6 2 68 63 131 Wath (part of) Parish: (™) “Norton-Conyers - - - Chapelryf 15 16 -{/ 1 15 1 - 38 49 87 1,783 [1,811 | 9 | 34 [1,165 | 563] 83 4,370- | 4,389. | 8,759 () The entire Parish of Birkby contains 261 Inhabitants—— | entire Parish of Sessay contains 493 Inhabitants———(") The entire (°) Leak Parish is partly in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish | Parish of Sigston-Kirby comjains 322 Inhabitants.—(') Great-Smeeton contains 1,083 Inhabitants—(‘) The entire Parish of Northallerton | Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake-——(*) Sockburn Parigh is contains 4,431 Inhabitants~——(*) The entire Parish of Osmotherley | partly in Stockton Hundred ‘Durbam.) The enitire Parish contains contains 1,087 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is attributable to | 194 Inhabitants——(') The entire Parish of Thornton-le-Street con- two new mills for spinning line ——(*) North-Otterington Parish ismostly | tains 199 Inhabitants——-(™) Wath Parish is mostly in Hallikeld “in Birdforth Wapentake, The entire Parish contains 585 Inhabitants. | Wapentake. — (©) Pickhill Parish is mostly in Hallikeld Wapentake,—_=(®) The + (*) Ampleforth Parish is mostly in Ryedale Wapentake.-——(°) Bos- sall Parish is mostly in Bulmer Wapentake. (S Kepwick is said to be partly in Cowsby Parish, ard partly in Leak Parish. (%) Theen- tire ‘Parish of Coxwold contains 1,447 Inhabitants, including Oldstead and Wass (Kilburn Parish,) which are here included in:the Return of Byland-cum-Membris. : Newborough includes Morton, Extra-Parachial. —— (‘) Felix-Kirk Parish is partly in Ripon Liberty (West Riding.) The entire Parish contains 1,008 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Hawnby contains 620 Inhabitants——(') Hood and Osgoodby-Grange 4 “_ameanninmens * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.° 393 — oeeesaree nr aT. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Paar [FAM | Ary t By ll oeg LIES 3 OruER on _ | how | | 8 | chieay | SUSY tramities gq | SOnRE : 3 many uw] a em- | Ly oy not com- oa | or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, & |Fanilies) 2 | -2 | ployed |e |prizedin) ; 2 [oe | S| 5 | MRS [Teme ree] a | | (PERsons. 4 eupied.| | 5 Acni- factures, preted a n cu=- |orHandi-| Clase BIRDFORTH WAPENTAKE, ayyss | erat. | Ampleforth (part of) * - (") Parish] 32 42 =|] 2] 44 17 1 101 g1 192 Bossall (part of) Parish: (°) Sand-Hutton - - = - Chapelry} 60 60 -| 2 48 12 = 144 129 273 Byland, Old - - + - = = Parish 24 24 3 1 24 = oy 74 59 133 Cowsby - - - - = (?) Parish 15 15 es (tee 14 1 ~ 47 44 gl Coxwold Parish: (4) ; Angram-Grange - - - Township 4 4 ays 1 is 1 15 29 Birdforth: - - a ost Chapelry a 7 es J - = - 21 42 Byland, cum Membris - (4) Township 42 83 = 1 69 10 4 175 197 372 Coxwold + = - - = Township | 66 66 3 = 39 24 3 173° 175 348 Newborough - (3) Township 17 17 = ae 14 oe 3 89 - 73 ' 162 Oulston - - = = = Township 43 43 ely 32 8 3 115 110 225 Thornton, with Baxly - Township] 11 11 Ss) 11 - _ 39 31 70 Wildon-Grange - - ~- Township 3 3 eet) a= 3 - es 16 13 - 29 Yearsley - = 2 + = Township 32 33 3 = 30 3 = 98 72 170 Cundall Parish: . .Fawdinton - - ~ - = Township 7 4 sacl | es 4 = = 21 18 = 39 Felix-Kirk (part of) Parish: (*) , : Boltby - + - - - = Township 1 8 = 2 146 0 Sutton-under-Whitestone-| 74. d i ar eu)! SS ae a Clife =< = ¢-=2 of *PMP) ge | 78 | ete) oa | 26 ipo} te 325 Thirlby - - * © = = Township 29 33 as — 24 9 oy 99 . 68 167 Harsley, East - - = = = Parish 80 82 3 22, 60 19 3 eta = 208 420 } Hawnby Parish: (*) -Arden, with Ardenside - Township] 9 2 24 a. [5 ee - 6 1 Bilsdale-Westside - - + Township an mi vast, wes | 1 7 br 6 a Dale-Town- - - = - Township 11 13 aes pe 13 = 22 - 34 7 34 68 Hawnby - - = - = Township 6 ete as! 1 . 1 286 KlhanGeie 2 5 Bete Se Ae) ah ee ee Are Kilvington, South Parish: (“) : Kilvington, South - - Township 8 8 a = 18 11 141 260 Thornbrough - 2 = = Township a " af ee . 7 : * : 27 ARAL A eto ee, Township | 20 20 of 18 2 - - 71 47 - 118 Kirby, Cold - - - + + ~ Parish} o9 | 29 | -| 2 | 27 2 = 100 85 185 Kirby-Knowle Parish: (* ; Bagby - - - - = - Chapelry] 53 53 1{ -—| 39 14 - -116 “| + 196 242 Bale. Soe SSS Township | 23 23 -| 6 15 8 2 62 - 63 125 Kirby-Knowle - - - Township} o4 24 -~{| =| 20 2 2 64 74 138 Kirby-Wisk (part of) Parish: (*) Newsham, with Brecken- Tawansk ; brough- - - - - Py 32 ; 32 | -}| = | 30 2 - 101 72 173 Leak (part of) Parish: (7) Gueldable - + - - - Township] 31 31 -/ - 6 25 - 62 66. 128 Silton, Nether - - «= Township] 37 41 -/] 1 33 8 - 111. gl 202 Otterington, North (part of) Parish: (7) Thornton-le-Moor - - Township} 65 65 -| 1 35 26 4 151 143 294 Otterington, South - +, - ~- Parish} -41 41 |---| 2 26 14 1 . 102 99 201 Silton, Over Parish: (4) Kepwick - - - - - Township} 35 36 -|o- 31 4 1 95 75 170 Silton, Over - + - = Township} 19 20 -| - 18 2 = a 52 42 94 Thitkleby - - - - - - - Parishf 52 54 4] - | 46 6 2 147 146 293 Township is inchided with that part of Kilburn Parish which is in the Liberty of Ripon (West Riding.) ——(") The entire Parish of South- Kilvington contains 405 Inhabitants —_(“) The entire Parish of Kirby- Knowle contains 505 Inhabitants ——(*) Kirby-Wisk Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake-——(’) Leak Parish is mostly in Allerton- shire Wapentake.. (2) North-Otterington Parish is. partly. in Aller- tonshire Wapentake. The entire Parish, contains 585 Johabitants.—— (@) The entire Parish of Over-Silton contains 264 Inhabitants. 5 H 394 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enameration. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. aan HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Famr- | Fami- | Aur ‘ 4 PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By . LrEs. pe Orns oO . chie! on how | | E | chiety employ- Families 4 | poe gs fry | | 8 ed in jnotcom | uf | EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, & [Families) € | 2 | Ployed | rane, |prizedin or 4 Oc- q 1} Manu. | the ‘'wo a a s{ cupied-| Q | 5 | Acrre |factures,| preced- ia PERSONS. = CUL- jorHandi- ine BIRDFORTH WAPENTAKE—continued, peas OL a ati Thirsk Parish: (>) Carlton-Islebeck or Miniot * Township 39 43/ -(|] 7 35 8 = 119 102 221 Sowerby - + - - = Township} 140] 178] 2] 4 123 30 | 25 332 416 448 | THIRSK - - Borough & Township} 564] 577 | — | 27 182 | 322] 473 1,223 > |-1,310 | 2,533 | Topcliffe (part of) Parish : () Catton - - + - - = Township 22 23) -| 3 17 3 3 47 52 99 Dalton - - - - = + Township] 53 541 -| 3 44 8 2 128 107 235 | Elmer wirh Crakehall - Township 14 wa}o—-} - 13 1 ~ 38 40 78 Skipton - - - = = Township 26 2a6{ -}] - 23 2 1 54 56 110 Topcliffe* - - = = + Township} 121 123] -| 3 73 39 | 11 334 325 659 | q Welbury - - - - ~ - =~ Parish} 51 52}, -] - 42 9 1 130° 127 257 | 2,310 | 2,430 | 13 | 63 ] 1,549 | 726/155 | 5,916 | 5,784 111,400 BULMER WAPENTAKE. Alne Parish: (*) {| ) Croft - - - + - - Township 62 62] -] - 19 13 30 179 189 367 Dalton-upon-Tees* - - Township 35 35} -]|o- 32 3 - "9 88 167 Stapleton - - - (°) Township 22 22] 1] 1 20 2 - 54 59 113 Danby-Wisk Parish: (°) Danby-Wisk - - - ~ Township 64 64} 2] 2 14 13 37 181 147 328 Yafforth - - = = - — Chapelry 27 28 - 8 3 17 72 "7 149 Easby (part of) Parish: (¢) Brumpton-on-Swale - - Township} 100{ 100] 1] 6 73 18 9 199 189 388 Gilling (part of) Parish: (*) Cowton, North - - + Township 69 72} —| 10 13 19 40 131 139 270 Cowton, South - - = Chapelry 28 2b; -] - 26 1 1 a1 7 148 Eryholme ~ - = = - Chapery}| 33{ 33] -| - | 33 - S 94 83 179 Kirby-Wisk (part of) Parish: () Kirby-Wisk - - + += Township 42 47} -| 1 20 11 16 107 go 197 Maunby - - - + = Township 50 50} -| 4 34 5 11 105 101 206 Newby-Wisk - - - = Township 59 59 | -| 1 29 17 13 132 133 265 Langton, Great Parish: (8) Langton, Great - - ~- Township 25 25} -|{ 1 15 7 3 55 61 116 Langton, Little - - Township 18 go} -|{ - 15 2 3 40 46 86 Manfield (part of) - - () Parish} 75 go| 1] 2 12 22 56 219 221 440 Middleton-Tyas Parish: (+) Middleton-Tyas & Kneeton Township} 111 138 | 2] 2 72 36 30 288 281 569 Moulton - - - = - Township 47}+ 48] -] - 17 8 23 108 128 236 Smeaton, Great (part of) (*) Parish 51 54], -| - 26 13 15 133 117 250 1,453 [1,558 | 9 | 38 | 779 | 341 | 438 3,536 | 3,644 | 7,180 _ GILLING-WEST, WAPENTAKE. Arkengarth-Dale - - - Parish} 284] 285 | -] — 27 | 214 44 768 744 1,512 Barningham Parish: (1) Barningham - - - - Township 65 72) -| 4 37 24 11 195 189 384 Hope - -.- <= = = Township 9 1o| -| 1 10 - - 27 17 44 Scargill - - - + = Township 16 19} -| 2 14 2 3 "4 62 136 Bowes Parish: (™) Boldron - - = = = Township 35 39 | -| 1 17 5 17 78 go 168 Bowes - - + - - = Township} 129] 143] —| 6 80 32 31 445 850 1,095 Gillmonby - - -.- Township 15 yp] -| - 14 - 1 115 60 175 Brignall - - - - - = = Parish 32 39} -| -] 28 9 2 107 109 216 (*) Catterick Parish is mostly in East-Hang, and partly in West-Hang Wapentakes..—-(>) The entire Parish of Croft contains 648 Inhabi- tants. Stapleton extends into the Parish of St. John Sianwick ——(°) The entire Parish of Danby-Wisk contains 477 Inhabitants. (*) Easby Parish is partly in West-Gilling Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 785 Inhabitants ——() Gilling Parish is mostly in West Gilling Wa- pentake, partly in Ryedale Wapentake.——(*) Kirby-Wisk Parish is partly in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 841 Inha- bitants——{*) The entire Parish of Great-Langton contains 202 Inha- * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. bitants.——(4) Manfield Parish is partly in West-Gilling Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 493 Inhabitants——(") The entire Parish of Middleton-Tyas contains 805 Inhabitants. ——(*) Great-Smeaton Parish is partly in Allertonshire Wapentake. ‘The entire Parish. contains 488 Inhabitants. 1) The entire Parish of Barningham contains 564 In- iene The entire Parish of Bowes contains 1,438 Inhabi- tants. The increase of Population arises from three large and increasing Schools, M.DOCC-XXI.J THE- POPULATION: ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 307- COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. - HOUSES : : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fame | aay | By . as LrES chiefly OrnER . OR ; , | how | , | 2 | chiefly | mploy- | Families a TOTAL 3 many ob e eine ed in |Hotcom- | va. 3 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, = | Families £ a ployed Trane, (prized in a =. or "3 Oc | 2 | 4 in | ‘Manu. | the Two a 2 |PERSONS. SG |cupied. | @.) 5 AcRr- |factures, | preced- a fa cUL- |orHandi- Clase x GILLING-WEST, WAPENTAKE-continued. | ea ee Easby (part of) Parish : (") ‘ : Aske - - + - = Township 16 16] -| - 15 - 1 52 57. 109 Easby - -. - - -. = Township] 15 16] -| 2 12] 2 2 50 55 105 so Skeeby. - - - - - Township] 34] 39] - $4) 5] = 83 | 80 163 Forcett Parish: (°) Barforth .- - - = - Township 23 a4} -| - 23 1 - 40 mY 141 Carkin- - - -~ - - Township 6 6 -| 4 6 - - 12 |- 12 24 Forcett “- - - (°) Township 16; .17| -| 8 14 3 - 40 46 86 Ovington ;- - - Township} 34 35; 1] - .13 4} 8 74 | 92 166 Gilling (part of) Parish : (?) : ‘ € : Eppleby -- - - - + Township} | 41 43 | 1] 1 30 13 - 82 go 4. ABT” Gilling - - - - - Township] 195] 198] -!| 2 112 | .53 | 33 432 _ 489 921 | Grinton (part of) Parish: (4) : Melbecks - - - (4) Township} 330] 351] ~| 3 25 39 | 287 868 858 1,726 Muker- -~ - - ~ = Chapelkyg 277] 285] 1/| 2 63 | 198 | 24 708 717 1,425 Reeth - - - - + = Township] 264] 321] -—| 8 35 | 270} 16 700 760 1,460 Hutton-Magnum Parish: (") : ge eg iad } - Township} 51 | 5t| -| —]| 45 6; - ‘yaa | 197 | 248 Layton, West - - Township] 14 16{ -] = 16 -| - 34 35 69 Kirkby-Ravensworth Parish : (*) Be Dalton -.- - (*) Township? 45] .57| -| 4 43 9] 5 137 128 265 ° Gayles - - - — ~ Township 48 48) -—]| 2 26 12} 10 109 109 218 Kirby-on-the-Hill - Township 12 | -| 1 5 6 4 112 49 161 New-Forest - - += - Township 15 we} -]j - 13 1 1 38 35 43 ‘Newsham - - - = ~ Township 98; i099} -—] 1 89 20 - 246 265 511, Ravensworth - - - - Township 67 m1) -| - 32 12 | 247 162 155 317 Whashton - - - Township 24 28; —~| - | 23 4 T 68 ~ 92 140 Manfield (part of) Parish; (*) Cliffe .- (+) - - Township 11 a] -] - 6 4}; 1 29 247 . 53 Marrick -'- - - = - Parish 99} 119]-2] = 17 5 | 97 ~ 323 - 298. 621 Marsk -'- - - - - - Parish 39 49}--{| - 32 12 5 152 - 138 290 Melsonby - - - -:- - - Parish 94{ 104] 3] 3 44 26 | 45 220 220 |. 440 Rokeby, - - - - - + } Parish 20 a4} -| - 12 5 7 65 "5 140 ewith Eggleston-Abbey . - ia 15 ig) =| = 8 7, = 40 42 82 Romald-Kirk Parish: (") : Cotherston - - - Township? 129 | 132] -— 44 40 | 48 396 310 - 706 Holwick - - - - Township 27 gz; -| - 22 1 9 101 100 201 ‘Hunderthwaite - ¢- Township 46 53/1] - 36 4 10 181 132 313 -- Lartington - - - - Township 40 44/ -] 5 — 14 10 | 20 108 135 243 Lune-Dale - - - - Township 51 52 1 3 37. 6 9 128 137 265 ‘Mickleton - - - - ~- Township 15 771] 1} 2 46 9| 22 184 172 356 Romald-Kirk - - - - Township, 67 y4{ it — 31} 29] 14 1977 _| 200 | 377 Stanwick, St, John (part of) Parish: (*) | -Aldbrough - - - Township} 115} 119] —| = 98} 21 - 260 _ 284 544 ‘Caldwell - - - - ~- Township 35 36 -~f 41 27 9 = 93 95 188 Layton, East - - - - Township 31 31] -} = 26 Bb Pe 68 69 137 : Stanwick, St.John “- - Township 9t eo got oad =—- ger 6f cH 3 29 ~ 30 |. 59 Startforth- - - - - - Parish} 65] 109] 1} 3 |. 40) 63] 6 243 217 | 460 Wycliffe -'- - - ~ (*) Parish} 26 26} =} 3 20, 4|° 2 72 80 “152 ie? easy 3,203 | 3,499 | 14] 79 | 1,467 | 1,215 | 817 9,176 | 8,666 | 17,842 (") Easby Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake. (°) The , 1811—(‘) The entire Parish of Hutton-Magnum contains 317 Inha- | entire Parish of Forcett contains 417 Inhabitants. One male in Forcett | bitants———(*) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Ravensworth contains 1,998 E Township upwards of 100’years of, ee Gilling Parish is ‘partly }: Inhabitants, Dalton Township is partly in Croft Parish, Gilling-East } | in East-Gilling Wapentake, partly in Ryedale Wapentake. The entire [| Wapentake. (*) Manfield Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake, | Parish ‘contains 2,002’ Inhabitants... Forcett ‘and’ Hutton-Magnam are (") The entire Parish ‘of Romald-Kirk contains 2,461 Inhabitants, | "Said to‘be, or to have been, in Gilling Parish;——-(2)' Grinton Parish ‘is (*) The entire Parish of ‘St. Jobn-Stanwick, contains 928 Inhabi. | ‘ partly in West-Hang Wapentake, ’ “The entiré’ Parish contains §,g00 In- | tants. Stapleton, part. of this Parish, is entered in’Croft Parish, East- . habitants. The number of miners at Melbecks is greatly increased since Gilling ‘Wapentake.——(*) ‘Wycliffe, including Thorpe.‘ nae 308 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- ate Au [- B oS LIES A Orner 7 OR S hee . x chiefly See _| Families iB TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 | many | P] Sf em | edin | Notcom- a fe oF 4 {Families} 3 & | ployed [Tpapg.| prizedin 4 S . 2 Oc- 3 a in Manu- | the Two 3 Bi PERSONS. cupied. | © | PF acer factures,| preceed- ; HALLIKELD WAPENTAKE. : cut- forHandi-| _ ing Bedale (part of) Parish: (7) ae oie | Langthorne - - + Township 27 30 - 2 27 | 3 - 68 67 135 Brafferton * (part of) Parish: (#) Thornton-Bridge - - = Township 9 9} -| - 9 - - 24 19 43 Burneston Parish: (#) Burneston - = - Township} 63 65} -| 1 271 19 19 138 150 288 Carthorp - - - - + Township 73 73) 2) 4 35 | 22 | 16 147 154 301 Exelby, Leeming & Newton Township | 130 | 130] —] 8 106 | 16 8 267 295 562 Gatenby - - - - ~ Township 15 wey, rt - 14 1 - 46 42 88 Theakstone - - = - Township 16 16} -| 2 11 2 3 39 48 84 Cundall & Leckby Parish: (>) Cundall and Leckby - - Township 38 40} -| = 22 4 14 92 78 170 Norton-le-Clay - + - Township 29 29} -{ - 8 6 15 "3 69 142 Kirby-on-the-Moor Parish: (°) Humberton, with Milby - Township 26 eos ft —-] - 28 > = 63 57 120 Kirby-on-the-Moor - - Township 34 34] —-—] 1 32 | 2 97 93 190 Langthorp - - - + ~ Township 26 26; —| 2 23} 2 1 66 m7 143 Kirklington Parish: (¢) 5 Kirklington, with Upsland — Township 63 69} =| 1 52 | 15 2 168 169 337 Sutton, with Howgrave - Township 16 23} -| 3 21 1 1 61 61 122 Tanfield, East - - - = Township 3 Ord) Se 3 = = 19 13 32 Pickhill (part of) Parish : (*) Ainderby-Quernhow - - Township 19 21 -{| = 19 2 - 44 55 99 Howe - - - _7 * = Township 7 7 - bos 7 - - 15 17 32 Pickhill, with Roxby - - Township 72 83 ret 3 56 26 1 172 162 334 Sinderby - - + Township 19 ig} =-| = 15 4 - 43 43 86 Swainby, with Allarthorp - Township 5 6 = <= 6 =. aa 13 20 33 Tanfield, West - - - - Parish} 147] 147] =| 6 117 | 28 2 373 336 799 Topcliffe (part of) Parish: () Asenby - - - - = Township 50 52) - 1 26 15 11 114 116 230 Baldersby - - - - ~- Township 48 5lyo=] - 43 4 1 118 123 241 Dishforth - - - = Township 62 13) —-] - 47 | 23 3 162 178 340 Marton-le-Moor - - Township 41 42 2 - 39 3 -~ go 111 201 Rainton, with Newby = -_— Township 76 go} —| 3 "31 16 1 171 176: 347 Wath (part of) Parish: (®) Melmerby - = = = Chapelry 39 57, -| - 34] 15 8 122 136 258 Middleton-Quernhow Chapelry 19 OE Se Seoribe oss 21 1 i 47 55 102 Wath * - + - = Township} 46 47} -} = 26 | 12 9 93 93 186 : 7 1,218 [1,307 | 4 | 37 947 245 115 2,945 3,013 5,958 HANG-EAST, WAPENTAKE. — - —|—__— Bedale (part of) Parish; (*) Aiskew - - - - Township} 124] 131] -| = 43 | 50 38 285 3385 620 Bedale - - - - - Township{| 214] 244] ~| 3 39 | 133 92 546 591 1,137 Burrel and Cowling - Township 23 244 -| = 7 2 15 53 60 113 Crakehall - - (*) Township} 123] 119] 1] 4 14 | 21 84 ‘259 291 550 Firby - - - - Township 13 13, -]| - 10 - 3 40 | 36 46 Brompton, Patrick (part of) Parish: (4) Arrowthorne - - - Township 13 133] -} 1 13 - - 33 31 64 Brompton, Patrick ~- - Township 35 391 -]| 3 20 7 12 83 "5 158 . Newton-le-Willows - - Township 48 48} 1] - 37 8 3 117 133 250 (’) Bedale Parish is mostly in East-Hang Wapentake.——(#) Braf- ferton Parish is mostly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, partly in Bulmer Wapentake. (?) The entire Parish of Burneston contains 1,326 Inhabitants. (>) The entire Parish of Cundall and Leckby contains 312 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Hill (or Kirkby-on-the-Moor) contains 453 Inhabitants. Humberton with Milby 1 partly in Aldborough Parish, Claro Wapentake, West Riding —— i*) Vhe entire Parish of Kirklingtou contains 491 Inhabitants. (¢) Pickhill Parish is partly in Allertonshire Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 686 Inhabitants. (*) Topcliffe Parish is partly in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 2,540 Inhabitants. (®) Wath Parish is partly in Allertonshire Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 633 Inhabitants——(») Bedale Parish is partly in Hal-. he entire Parish éontaits 2,631 Inhabitants. Return of Rands-Grange is included in that of Crakehall Towiiship. ——(‘) The Parish of Brompton, Patrick is mostly in Hang-West Wapentake. Arrowthorne and Hunton Townships are partly in Bi likeld Wapentake. the former. Brompton Parish, partly in Hornby Parish, but are herein ascribed to, * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The attick- MiDCCC.XXI.} THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 399 mit csiaaaiini COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. . HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faur- nes Aut By H LIES er Orure oR = | bom z chiefly ne Families oA TOTAL a : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 \ramilies| & | ZB | tPoq | edin [uotcom- | of 4 or S | Oc | S| a | PGS | Teane,/pracdint = = |pERsons a ied. | 2 a Manu- | the Two Ay . | cupie FA | © | Acrr- | fuctures,| preced- = rH : Z J CUL- |oyHandi-| . ing HANG-EAST, WAPENTAKE—continued. | tuRE. | craft, | Classes. Catterick (part of) Parish : (*) Appleton ‘- - - - Township 14 igs =| 2 14 2 1 46 41 87 Brough - - - - - - ‘Township 14 at -]f -) 9 2 3 47 43 90 Catterick “- - - + - Township| 137] 142] 41-4. 4 62 16 265 296 561 Colbourne .- - - = = Township 31 31; -| -. 25 6 = 64 69 133 Hipswell + - - = Township} 56 61} 1] 147 43 18 - 135 138 243 and St. Martin’s = = Township 4 4}, -] - 1 3: - 12 11 23 Killerby - - - + - Township 9 9; -| - 9 - ~ 23 25 48 Scotton - .- - - - - Township 30 go, -j] - 28 2 - "5 53 128 Tunstall - - - - - Township 59 60} -]{ 4 54 6 - 126 127 253 Hornby Parish: (!) Ainderby-Myers, with Holtby Township 15 wt -j - 5 - 10 35 44 “9 | Hackforth* - - - Township 30 | 31] -] - 3 9 19} 63 71 134 Hornby * '- - ~ - - Township 18 18} -] 1 5 3 10 47 55 102 Kirkby-Fleetham- - - - ~ Parish} 122} 129} = Masham Parish : (™) : Burton-upon-Yore - - Township 28 eg] - 4 49 28 22 255 311 | 566 a 14 13 2 88 82 | 170 Ellingstring * - - Township 53 53{/ -q - 33 ll 9 97 107 204 Ellingtons* - - - ~- Township 28 ag} -| - 26 3 - 95 77 152 Féarby - - - = = - Township 49 49} -| - 31 12 6 102 112 214 Healy, with Sutton - - Township 46 82} -] - 55 12 15 204 209 413 Ilton, with Pott. - - - Township 50 5o0/ -]}] 1 47 3 - 128 138 266 Masham* - - - - - Toanship} 246] 262] -| 3 63 122 a4 582 589 | 1,171 Swinton, with Warthermask* Township 26 37) -] - 14 12 11 85 92 197 Seruton - += - = = - = Parish 80 82 1 2 45 31 6 204 207 All Thornton -Watlass Parish: (") Clifton-upon-Ure - - - Township 4 6] -] - 3 ~_ 3 25 25 50 Rookwith - - - - - Township} 10 10) 8 2 6 33 43 76 Thirn - - - - = ~ Township 28 28f —-] + 25 2 1 ' 55 a1 126 Thornton-Watlass - + Township] 28 39} ~|y 7 19 9 li 93 87 180 Well Parish: (°) Snape - - = - - - Township}? 144] 144[ 2] 1 45 69 30 351 338 689 Well - + - + Township} 80 g6} 1] - 16 17 63 187 183 370 2,063 | 2,192 | 11 | 4o 906 | 678} 608 | 4,918 5,196 } 10,114 HANG-WEST, WAPENTAKE. Aysgarth Parish: (?) Abbot-side, High =e Township 116 125 a {=- 60 = 65 323 318 641 Abbot-side, Low - - - Township 49 49} -} - 26 3 20 94. 87 84 Askrigg - - - - ~ Township} 194] 194} -] 7 32 | 54] 108 369 396 "65 Aysgarth - - - - = Township 67 67, -4y = 23 16 28 154 139 293 Bainbridge = - - - - Township} 171 | 190] 1] 3 101 32 54 438 434 842 Bishop-Daleé - - - - Township 15 iz7fo-—-{ 1 i6 - 1 44 51 95 Burton, with Walden - - Township} 106 | 109} —]| 2 49 24 36 228 250 478 Carperby - - - = - Township 62 63{ -j - 24 9 247 136 147 283 Hawes - + - - - - Chapelry} 270] 322] 1 19 115 931 134 691 "17 1,408 Newbiggin - - - - - Township 26} a7} —f - 20 4 “ 61 64 138 Thoralby - - - - - Township] 67 43] ~| 2 32 37 Z 174 168 342 ‘Thornton-Rust - - - Township 33 33] -|] 2 24 2 4 54 81 135 Brompton, Patrick (part of) Par: (4) Hunton * - - 2 (7) Township 104 114 1 6 62 47 5 248 248 496 4 = 4 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (*) Catterick Parish is partly in East-Gilling Wapentake, and partly Tnhabitants——(?) The entire Parish of Aysgarth contains 5,621 In- in West-Hang Wapentake. The entire Parish. contains 2,788 Inha- habitants, The Return of High-Abbot-side Township includes Cotter- bitants———(!) The Parish of Hornby contains 315 Inhabitants, not [ dale, Hardrow, Litherskew, Lund, Sedbusk, Show, and Simonstone, including any part of Arrowthorne Township or Hunton Township, which all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns, ——(9) Brompton, 4 extend into this Parish——(™) The entire Parish of Masham contains | Patrick Patish is partly in Hang-East Wapentake. The entire Parish 4 2,767 Inhabitants.——(") The entire Parish of Thornton-Watlass con- {| contains 968 Inhabitants. , tains 432 Inhabitants, ——~(°) The entire Parish of Well contains 1,059 , @ 40Q ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeratio;- COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding) — continued. Thornton-Steward - + Parish 50 50 - Wensley Parish: (7) Bolton, Castle - - + Township 52 59 Leybourn - Township} 147 151 1 Preston-under-Scar Township 79 78] - Redmire — -. - - Township 66 86 1 Wensley - - - - - Township 61 63 - Witton, East, Within (+)) ,, ‘ 75 89] - ——__—— Without : CP Pea { 49 50] — Witton, West - - - - (>) Parish g8} 118] — HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : a PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pagers Fami- At By : LIES TEES Pips aice me : how 2 chiefly ce Families 8 TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2B taunategl 3 ployed | 3 ale a én ca 3 7 RADE, ‘ 's Oc- = a in | Mann- | the ‘I'wo = a PERSONS. | epee a Y Acrr- | factures,| preced- a ms HANG-WEST, WAPENTAKE—continued. ae a a a se Catterick (part of) Parish: (7) , ° Hudswell | - - Chapelry 65. 65 i 3 52 9 4 160 145 305 Coverham Parish: (*) Agelthorpe - Township 17 23 = 1 8 5 10 68 63 131 Caldbridge Township| 19 ei} -| - 14 1 6 55 48 103 Carlton - - - Township 46 62 1 2 41 14 4 137 143 280 Carlton-Highdale - - Township 65 9} -| - 47 8 24 212 186 398 Melmerby aS Township 27 27 = = 16 3 8 : 49 -63 112 Scrafton, West - Township 30 go} -} - 14, 6 10 76 70 146 Downholme Parish: (*) Downholme - = Township 24 24 = 2 17 7 > 59 54 113 Fllerton-Abbey - ~ + Township 9 7) = 4 = 9 - - 24 23 47 Stainton - - - - - Township 8 8 = = 6 2 - 25 29 54 Walburn - - - - Township 4 4 = 1 4 - _ 21 16 37 Finghall Parish: (") : Akebar - - = = = Township 5 5 ve _ 5 - ioe 23 20 43 Burton-Constable =- - Township 39 41} 1] — 13 4 24 109 95 204 “Finghall - = = = + Township 26 29 ies = 24 4 1 60 66 126 Wutton, Hang ° - ~- Township 3 3 op anes 3 = = 13 12 25 Grinton (part of) - - -(“) Parish} 129] 129] -—| — 37 6 86 338 351 689 Haukswell Parish: (*) ' Barton : ‘= + Township 18 1] -{ 1 13 6 - 59 47 106 -Garriston - - - ‘Township 1g 12 i - 12 - - 27 25 52 Haukswell, East and West Townships 30 34 ( -] - 33 - 1 a7 99 176 Middleham . - Parish | 187] 191 | -—]| 3 29 82 80- 436 444° 880 Spennithorn Parish: (¥) 2 Bellerby - = © Township 69 96} -] - 22 21 53 197 210 407 Harmby - - Township 43 43 =p Od “1 13 9 94.° 100 194. Spennithorn - ~ = Township 28 46} - Ll 39 3 4 y14° 135 249 15 4 28 126 139 265 _ - 17 2 40 134 |. 144 278 2 47 92 12 398 412 810 = 15 9 54 184 194 378 1 25 24 37 195 204 399 - 21 18 24 157 160 317 - 17 26 46 222 222 444 30 5 15 158 145 303 5 51 33 34 250 269 519 LANGBAURGH Liberty: (°) 2,858 [3,127 | 7 67 | 1,304 | 714 ]1,109 | 7,271 | 7.436 | 14,707 (East Division.) Brotton Parish: (“) Brotton - - - - Township 76 76 - Kilton - - - - = Township 19 19] .- _Skinningrove - - - - Township 13 i3} 1 Danby - - - - 7 + Parish} 287 4 296] 8 Easington - - - - = Parish 96 g8 | - Egton -.+ (4+) - - Parish} 1764 176] — Glaisdale - - - - - - Parish} 171} 193] — 43| 16{ 17] 183. | 149 | 332 4 = 19 > Teles BA 49 | 100 - 1 1 11 32 28 60 7 118 | 122 56 690 683 1,373 1 38 44 16 | 266 241 507 > 2} m6! 25] 35 500 537 | 1,037 2 | 93 53 47 500 543 1,043 (*) Catterick Parish is mostly in Hang-East Wapentake ; partly in East-Gilling Wapentake. (°) The entire Parish of Coverham contains 1,170 Inhabitants. Coverham is included in the Return of Agelthorpe. ——(‘) The entire Parish of Downholme contains 251 Inhabitants.- (°) The entire Parish of Finghall contains 398 Inhabitants") Grinton Parish is partly in West-Gilling Wapentake. - The entire Parish contains 5,300 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of: Haukswell contains 334 Inhabitants. (’) The entire Parish of Spennithorn contains 850 In- habitants——(“) The entire Parish of Wensley contains 2,182 Inhabi- tants.—~(#) The entire Parish of East-Witton contains 747 Inhabitanits. —(°) Imprudence in making parishioners, is said to have caused the P 8g : increase of Population in West-Witton Parish. (©) The Population of Langbaurgh Liberty (East,) is under-cast in the Abstract of 181! ; the total should have been 15,479. (*) The entire Parish of Brotton contains 492 Inhabitants. ae a M.DCCC.XXE.] Ee THE POPULATION ACT,:1 GEO. IV. C..94.... COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. 401. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, LANGBAURGH Liberty. (East Division)—continued, Guilsbrough Parish: (*) Whitby (part of) Parish : (") ‘ Aislaby otherwise Ayslaby - Township LANGBAURGH Liberty. (West Division.) Common, Dale - = - Township Guilsbrough - (+) - Township Hutton-Locras - - + Township Pinchingthorpe - - - Township Tocketts - - = = = Township} Hinderwell Parish: (f) Hinderwell - - = - Township Roxby - - = - = = Township Kirk-Leatham Parish: (®) Kirk-Leatham - = = Township [.. Wilton - = = = = Township Liverton - ~ = = = = = Parish Lofthouse - = = = = (5) Parish Lythe Parish: (4) Barnby - - + = © Township Borrowby - - = = = Township Ellerby - - - = = Township Hutton-Mulgrave - + Township Lythe = -. 2% * = = Township Nickleby - - + - (i) Township Newton-Mulgrave - - Township Ugthorpe - - - - = Township Marsk Parish: (*) Matsk - - - - = «= Township Redcar - - - - = (*) Township | Ormsby (part of) Parish: (1) Eston - - - = © = Township Morton = - - « « Township Normanby - - - = Township Upsall - - - - + - Township Skelton Parish: (™) f Moorsham, Great - + Township Skelton - = - - = Township Stranghow - - - = Township Upleatham - - - - = - Parish Westerdale - - += - = = Parish Acklamn - = - = - = = Parish ~Appleton-upon-Wisk - = + Parish _Arncliffe, Ingleby Parish: Arncliffe, Ingleby - - Township Ayton Parish: (°) Ayton, Great - - - - Township ~ Ayton, Little - - - (°) Township Nunthorpe - - - - Township Carleton - - - - - =~ = Parish Crathone - - - «= 2 « Parish, Hilton - - - = ~ ~ ~ Parish’ HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: 3 Fami- = ALL By ; LIES “ OTHER . ; how 3 chiefly ae. Families g TOTAL 3 many | w& | ‘a em- | odin |notcom-— wi | 4 F = Families 3 a ployed | pp apy, {prized in | = S Oc is io in | Manu. |theTwo] ~~ | & |PERSONS. S joupied | a |S | Acar. factares,| Preced- " cuL- |orHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. 14 yin] - 12 2 ~ 43 43 86 435 | 466} -—| 18 124} 180] 162 925 987 1,912 10] a0] =] = 10 = - 33 23 56 15 5]-| - 14 - 1 36 44 80 6 6] -| 2 4 2 - 26 20 46 316 | 327] 1] 4 16 45 | 266 682 801 1,483 42 43/,-|]- 20 4 19 123 113 236 18} iziaf 1} 7 55 | ~32 84 315 371 686 81 82 1 1 49 18 15 205 200 405 54 56) -j| - 36 9 11 133 118 251 264} 273] 4] 10 25] 63] 185 585 593 | 1,178 55 65] t] - 14 41 = 145 125 270 13 w3] 1] - 13 - - 33 31 64. 16 16; -| - 16 ~ ~ 37 43 80 13 4] -] - 11 1 2 40 50 go 248 | 249] -]| - 271 186] 36 541 593 | 1,134 35| 35} -| - 26 6 3 re 74 147 25 25 -\ - 25 - - 82 52- 134 53 53] —~| 4 35 11 7 132 143 275 129 | 130] 3] 4 67 35 28 282 294 576 147 | 155] 2] 19 13} 47{ 95 279 394 673 70 yo} -| 4 32 14 24 126 | 146 272 3 3) -| - 3 - - 14 _ 12 26 21 az}; —-| - 6 5 10 62 60 122 4 4}, —-{| - 4 - - 10 6. 16 72 82} -] - 72 9 ry 6177-4) 146 353 182) 184] =| 3 g2] 47] 45 363 428 791 20 20} 1a} - 19 1 - 44 47 91 60 62} -| —- 24 14 24 117, 122 | 239 58 60} 1] 1 247 10 23 134 | 147 281 49 AO eh 19 25 5 122 131 253 13,506 | 3,634 | 25 93 1,338 | 1,068 [1,228 | 8,141 | 8,617 _ [16,758 19 1g} -]| - 16 2 1 47 58 105 108} 109] -—| 2 38 71 - 251 241 492 92 72| —|] 1 30 30 12 166 165 331 232) 238) 3/207 74] 99] 65] 468 555 | 1,023 12 wzj]—-| - 11 1 ~ 32 36 68 20 217 1] 2 16 5 - 60 50 110 68 70} -—| 2 13 21 36 125 135 260 66) 75} -| - 25| 43 a 157 173 330 25 25] -| - 22 3 - 69 66 135 - - (*) The entire Parish of (°) The entire Parish of Kirk-Leatham contains entire Parish of Marsk ry 1 ae The entire Parish of Hinderwell contains 1 (*) Guilsbrough contains 2,180 Inbabitants. 7719 Inhabitants.—— Ob 1,091 Inhabitants —— (*) Wapley Hamlet is included in the ‘Return of Lofthouse Parish. ——(i) The entire Parish of Lythe contains 2,194 Inhabitants. male in Nickleby Township upwards of 100 years of age. contains 1,249 Inhabitants, One The One female in ; 59 0 Redcar Township upwards of 100 years of age-——~(!) The entire Parish of Ormsby, which is partly in West-Langbaurgh Liberty, contains 785, Inhabitants ——-(™) The entire Parish of Skelton contains 1,235 Inha- islaby is partly in Whitby Parish, partly in Middleton. Parish (Pickering-Lythe Wapentake.}W——(°) The entire Parish- of Ayton contains 1,201 Inhabitants. One female in Little-Ayton Township upwards of 100 years of age. bitants. (") o K 462 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. [Eoumeratiow. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. LANGBAURGH Liberty (West Division. }- continued. Ingleby-Greenhow Parish: (?) ~ Battersby ~- - - - = Township Greenhow - - - - - Township Ingleby-Greenhow ~- - Township Kildale - - - - = - © Parish Kirkby-in-Cleveland Parish: (4) Broughton, Great and Little Township Kirkby, otherwise Kirby-in- ; Cleveland - - = } as Kirk-Leavington Parish: (') Castle-Leavington- + - Township Kirk-Leavington - ~- - Township Pickton - = = - + Township Worsall, Low - - - - Township Marton - - = = = © = Parish Middlesborough Parish: (*) Linthorp - - - + + Township Middlesborourgh® + = Township Newton - = - - = = = Parish Ormsby (part of) - - + (*) - Parish Rudby-in Cleveland Parish: (#) Hutton = 2 - = = Township Middleton-upon-Leven - Township Rouncton, East - - - Township Rudby-iu-Cleveland - ~- Township Skutterskelfé - - - = Township Sexhow- > + - - = Township Seamer - - = = © = © Parish Stainton Parish: (*) Hemlington - - +» = Township Ingleby-Barwick - - + Towiship Maltby - - - - - + Township Staintoh - - - - Township Thornaby - - - - Township Stokesley Parish: (*) Busby, Great and Little - Township Rasby - - - - - + Township Newby - - - + - = Township Stokesléy - - - - (*) Township Whorlton Parish: (7) Faceby - - - - + + Township Potto © - = = + = Township Whorltoh - - - - - Township Yarm - - = = © = © ©& Parish PICKERING LYTHE. Allerston - - - - © = * Parish Brompton Parish: (7) Brompton - - - = - Township Sawdon - - - © - = Township Snainton - (7%) - - Township Troutsdale - - - + - Township HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS. PERSONS: Fami- sae ALL By = LIES chiefly Orner . how = | chiefly | employ:| Families vw TOTAL | 3 many | = | ‘s em- | ed in | not com- A a 3 Families & a pleyed | Trapx, | prizedin is Ss ce s Oe ie | es in | Manu- |theTwof < fi PERSONS. a cupied.| 5 P Acri- | tactures,| preced- & i ‘ cut- jorHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. 20 ar} 8} - 18 3 ~ 40 47 847 15 pw] -| - 15 - - 50 $2 102 30 36} -| - 20 9 4 80 78 158 33 35) -| - 15 6 14 101 108 209 95] 15] 11 4 78} 37 - 254 263 517 35] 381 -] 4 15 7| 16 78 |. 90 168 6 6; -] 1 6 - - 22 22 no) Bat at = 48 6 =| 128 154 282 19 19] -| 2 10 1 8 54 40 94 53 63, -] 7 12 14 27 105 di 217 81 81 1 1 19 19 43 206 191 397 41 41} -| - 31 6 4 | 82 114 196 4 5/ -| - 5 = - 21 19 40 28 28} =-1 5 22 6 . 63 56 119 69) Fe) =a > 46] 20 9 175 174 349 209} 212] -|{ 1 64] 114 34 450 469 919 20 20} -] Ff 17 1 2 62 49 1.1 26 29/ -{ 1 21 6 2 67 68 136 15 1] =|] - 8 6 1 42 34 76 6 6), -] - 4 1 1 18 | 14 32 6 6] -]} - 6 cs - 21 17 38 52 54] -<-| - 32 15 4 114 112 226 15 wy -] = 15. 1 - 39 33 72 32 g2| -| 1 20 4 5 49 96 195 42 42} -} - 23 4 12 "4 94 168 78 78) -| 1 42 21 15 159 197 356 oe) Be el 34 4 - g2 105 197 20 20} -| - 19 - 1 61 | 56 117 27 27a ae 17 6 4 65 59 124 33 33} -] 7 30 2 1 72 80 152 416 | 437 1] 17 99] 276 62 845 1,022 1,897 31 37} -}| 1 22 10 5 86 92 178 47 49} -| 2 30 14 5 104 103 207 118 | 120) -—| 3 56 50 14 279 304 583 373 | 379] 44 17 82] 195] 102 682 822 1,504 5,803 | 2,913 | 19 | 89 } 1,246 }1,145 | 522 | 6,275 | 6,825 | 13,100 68} 734 -j) - 52 16 5 211 190 401 106} 114] -] - 64 a3] 27 260 256 516 22 26 | -| 2 22 4 - 93 - 66 139 116] 120] -]| 2 97 19 4 302 301 603 8 8] -] - q 1 - 27 18 45 ") (*) The entire Parish of Ingleby-Greenhow contains 347 Inhabitants. (4) The entire Parish of Kirkby contains 685 Inhabitants. e entire Parish of Kirk-Leavington contains 637 Inhabitunts.—— *) The entire Parish of Middlesborough contains 236 Inhabitants, \¢) Ormsby Parish is partly in East-Langborough Liberty. The entire Parish contains 785 Enhabitants——(*) Thé entire Parish of Rudby- in-Cleveland contaiis 1,311 Inhabitants.——=(") The entire Parish of * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. into Ebberston Parish, wards of 100 years of age. . Stainton contains 968 Inhabitants ——«(*} The entire Parish of Stokesley : contains 2,290 Lohabitants. One female in Stokesley Township, up- | ward: (’) The entire Parish of Whorlton contains { 968 Inhabitants ——(*) The entire Parish of Brompton contains 1,303 t Inhabitants, including the whole of Snainton Township, which extends M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. 403 SoS mene sence nae enna ns Sn SS su eee COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—contigued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, fae | aa By 3 mes | biogy | OTHER i _ | bow Z| chicty | crploy-| Families f TOTAL vu many ‘ em- ‘ t EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z Families 2 & ployed Rig Sleeta 8 3 oF 3 Oc | = | a in | Manu. | the Two < Fas PERSONS. ; a cupied.| p> Aenr- | factures,| preced- a fH PICKERING LYTHE—continued. : cut- ‘orHandi- ale : Cayton Parish: (#) ; ae | raft. oe | ee ee Township} 91] 101] -| 2 81| 19 1 221 226 447 Osgodby - - - = - Township] g| g| -| - 9/ -| - 35 37 | 72 Ebberston - - = + = (#) Parish 96 96; 1] 2 65 31 - 266 239 55 Ellerburn Parish: (°) Witton - - + = = = Township 32 327 1] 17 10 4 18 106 97 203 ee) (part of) Parish: (*) 4 Gtisthorpe - = - - = Township 35 3954 -]|] 3) 31 3 1 114 98 212 Libberston - - + - = Township] - 26 264, -| -) 24 1 1 62 81 143 Hutton-Bushell Parish: (#) “Ayton, West - - | = Township 42 4uy af - 36 3 2 117 112 229 ‘Hutton-Bushell - + - Township 81 847 -| - 69 10 54 241 178 | 419 Kirkby-Misperton Parish: (¢) _Barugh-Ambe - - + - Township] 48 48] -}| 1 34 10 4 119. |- 122 241 abton, Great- - =» - Township]! 23] 231 -| 4 | 6 5 12 71 65 136 Habton, Little- - + - Township 8 8y ~]--) 4 1 8 23- 27 60 Kirkby-Misperton= - - Township| 31 371 -| 1 23 -| 14 95 | 15 170 Ryton - - - = © = Township! 35 354 -| 2 35 - - 121 91 212 Levisham - > - - = - + Pash] 28] 287 -] 4 15 5 8 oe. a8 152 Middleton Parish: (') Aislaby (part of) (f) (+) Township} 30] go} -| a 9 1} 20 74 73 147 Cowthorn - + - = - Township! 3 37], -!'- 3 - - 14 - 8. 22 Cropton- - - = = = Township] 57 63] 1] 1 25 18 20 148 173 321 Hartoft - + - - = - Township 24 24) —-] = 22 2 - 68 . 66 134 Lockton- - += - = = Township? 65] 65] -| - 59 6. = 169 15 324 Middleton - - - + = Township 55 58] -| 3 14} 13} 31 agi fs 116 247 Rosedale, East side (-+) Township]? 53 | 62] -—| 4 38 4} 20] 163 176 339 Wretton - - = = - Township 371 47) -| 3 31 8 | 8 98 | 95. 193 Pickering Patish: (&) —- Soe eee Township? 72] 71 -| — 57) 1] 3] 167 168 335 Kingthorp - - - - + Township 6 6) =] = 3 = 3 29 23 52 Marrishes - - - = - Township 34 34) -fo- 17 5 12 116 . 94 | 210 Newton- - - - - = Township] 37 43| -| 2 23 4) 16] 112 100 | 212 Pickering (+) = + = Township] 551 | 612] -| 13 192 | 230} 190 J 1,338 | 1,408 | 2,746 Scalby Parish: (5) 1 Burniston - - = = «© Township "5 9) -| - 20 12 43 177 ayo 4 347 Cloughton - - - = = Township "3 "5/| -{| = 54 |] 144 9 198 188 366 Newby - - = = = = Township} 7 wi -| - 6 | $y oe 22 | 18 40 Sealby - - = = + + Township 86 06 | -]| 5 "5 14 | vie 219 227 446 Stainton-Dale - - - - Township[ 56 56]; -| — 29 | -| oF] 153 141 , "04 Throxenby - ~ = + Township 8 8}; -| - 8: as - 32 34] 66 Seamer Parish: (1) . i q q Ayton, East - - + + Township 68 68} =| 41 43 24, 1) 165 168 | 9383 Irton - = - + © = Township 20 20 ~{- 20 -{ =; 53 62 4 105 Seamer - - - - - -, Township} 107} 107] 4] = 93]; 137 a 299 297 | 596 Sinnington (part of) Parish: (*) i Marton ~-' + (+) - Township} 52] 52] -| - 33 | 17) 2 130 125 255 Sinnington - - - - - Township yo} yo; =| 4 47 15° 8: 181 162 343 Thornton-Dale Parish: (1) | , Farmanby - (+) ~ (!) Township? 86] 86] —| 2 50 24 12 ] 200 203 403 Thornton-Dale- - - - Township} 177] 478] 1] 4 82 50 46 | 430 449 879 | Wykeham - - - - - - & Patishf 93] 100] 2/ — 59 18 23 4 286 296 | 58a 2,406 | 3,060 | 11 | 57 | 1,796 | 659} 605 | 7,690 | 7,542. | 15,292 | + (4) The entire Parish of Cayton‘coittains 519 Inhabitants —~«(°) El- } lerburn Parish contains part ‘of Farmanby Township (Thorhtou-Dale | Parish.)}~——(©) Filey Parish is trostly in ‘the East-Riding (Dickering | Wapentake).——(¢) The entire ‘Parish of Hutton-Bushell contains 648 | Inhabitants.——(°) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Misperton contains 869 Inhabitants——(}) ‘The entire Parish of Middleton contains 1,727 | Inhabitants, Aislaby ‘is ‘partly in Whitby ‘Parish, East-Langbaurgh Liberty.——(*) The entire ‘Parish of Pickering contains 3,555 Inhabi- tants.-——-() The entire Parish of Scalby contains 1 1559 Inhabitants, ——/(i) The entire Parish of Seamer contnins -1,034 Inbabitants—— () Sieatagten Parish is partly in Ryedale Wapentake. The entire arish contains 614 Inhabitants———(‘) The entire Parish of Thornton- Dale contains 1;282 Inhabitants, including the whole of Farmanby Township, which extends into Ellerburn Parish, ; 404 ABSTRACT OF.ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | Rami}... Fami- | hips AL . woe FL ST chiens | SY (re dj ‘ = 'Y | employ- | Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. SB i may | | em- | edin |notcom- w 4 5 | Families & 2 ployed | Trang, | prizedin ‘| 3 OF & Rae d 3 3 in Manu- the Two 3 a PERSONS. RYEDALE WAPENTAKE. e eae Ampleforth (part of) Parish: (™) mms eran | Clases Ampleforth - - ~ + Township] 47 50 -{ ~ 35 14 1 109 105 214 Oswald-Kirk-Quarter = Township} 24 | 30 | -| -— | 18 7 5 122 54 176 Appleton-le-Street Parish: (7 Amotherby- - ~ - - Township? 50 | 51 | -]| - | 36 | 11 4 129 120 249 Appleton-le-Street - + Township] 35 34 -| - 29 4 1 84 89 173 Broughton - - - = - Township} 20 | 20 | ~| 2] 16 1 3 48 46 94 Hildenley - - - - ~ Township 2 2 -j - 1 - 1 12 11 23. Swinton - = - - ~ Township] 47 74 -| 5 62 12 - 160 174 334 Bartou-le Street (part of ) Parish: (°) Barton-le-Street - - - Township] 34 36 -| - 30 4 2 86 90 176 Butterwick - - - - + Township} 12 13 -{ 1 12 1 - 26 24 50 Edston, Great - - + - + Parish} 26 26 -| - 18 3 5 83 73 156 Gilling (part of) Parish: (P Cawton- = - - = = Township} 19 19 -}| - 17 1 1 57 48 105 Gilling - - - - = = Township] 34 34 -{ 1 26 6 2 92 76 168 Grimston - - - + = Township 9 9 -| - 9 - _ 31 25 56 Helmsley Parish: (9) : Bilsdale-Midcable - 1%) Township} 134 | 144 | -| - | 121 | 23 - 391 389 780 Haram - - - - ~ = Township} go 93 -| - 56 24 13 233 228 461 Helmsley - - - = = Township] 280 | 311 1] 2 27 | 146 | 138 955 465 1,520 Laskill-Pasture (+) - Township 14 14 -| - 14 - - 47 44 gt Pockley- - - + - = Township] 42 45 -jfi2 29 12 4 107 120 227 Rivalx - - - - + + Township} 42 42 -{ - 13 7 22 116 96 212 Sproxton - - = - = Township] 33 33 2], - 12 1 20 81 86 167 Hovingham (part of) Parish: (*) Aryholme and Hawthorpe Township 4 4 -| - 4 - - 20 13 33 Cotton - - = + + = Township 14 19 - - 18 1 - 60 52 112 Fryton - - + - - - Township} 9 13 i 11 - 2 36 26 62 Hovingham - + = - Township] 136 | 136 -| - 27 30 79 323 326 649- South-Holme - - - - Township] 10 11 - 11 - - 37 29 66 Wath - - + - - = Township 2 2 -{| - 1 1 - 12 10 — 22 Kirkby-Moorside Parish: (*) Bransdale, East-Side (+) Township] 72 81 -| 2 46 13 22 222 233 455 Fadmore - - - - - Township} 26 33 -{ - 13 1 19 84. 78 162 Farndale, Low-Quarter - Township] 30 35 -{ 2 14 12 9 112 101 213 Gillimoor - - - - - Township} 32 38 -| - 18 10 10 100 95 195 Kirkby-Moorside (+-) (*) Township] 364 | 405 | 12] 4 | 152 | 186 | 67 938 940 | 1,878 Kirkdale* (part of) Parish: (*) . Beadlam - - - - = Township] 27 28 - 1 22 4 2 75; 68 143 Bransdale, West-Side (-+) Township} 41 43 -}| 1 31 5 4 136 150 286 Muscoates - - - + = Township} 10 10 - 10 - - 32 33 65 Nawton- - - - - - Township} 67 73 -| - 44 24 5 162 171 333 North-Holme - - - = Township 2 2 -}| - 2 - - 16 8 24 Skiplam - - - - - Township] 22 22 -| - 22 - - gl 19 170 Welburn - += - - = Township} 17 17 - 1 14 3 - 62 50 112 Wombleton*® - - - + Township} 58 58 -{| - 49 8 1 116 149 265 Lastingham Parish: (") Appleton-le-Moors - += Township} 55 66 -| 1 44 16 6 130 146 26 Farndale, East-Side - + Township] 72 81 - 2 46 13 22 222 233 455 Farndale, High-Quarter - Township] 41 |~ 43 -} 1 31 5 7 136 150 286 Hutton-le-Hole - - + Township| 64 69 1! 4 56 13 - 159 145 304 Lastingham - - - - Township} 57 57 -| 4 39 15 3 107 118 225 Rosedale, West-Side - - Township] 29 35 -{ 41 16 4 15 92 847 179 Spaunton - - - - - Township| 18 18 -| - 18 - - 53 56 10g * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (™) Ampleforth Parish is partly in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 582 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Apple- ton-le-Street contains 873 Inhabitants. (°) Barton-le-Street Parish . is partly in Bulmer Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 386 Inha- bitants——(?) Gilling Parish is mostly in Gilling Wapentake. (3) The entire Parish of Helmsley contains 3,458 Inhabitants. The Return of Bilsdale-Midcable includes Bilsdale-Kirkam Chapelry. The yherease of Population arises from the marriage of farm servants, who formerly used to reside with their masters family. (*) Hovingham Parish is partly in Bulmer Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,115' Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Moorside contains 2,903 Inhabitants. The Return of Kirkby-Moorside Township includes Keldholme and Kirkby-Mills (") Kirkdale Parish is partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York (E. Riding.) The entire Parish contains 1,616 Inhabitants——(") The entire Parish of Lastingham contains 1,834 Inhabitants. tl M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 40% COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. ne as HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Fam | arr By ; LIES hdl Oruer on ; how z chiefly erie Families i TOTAL so many = em- . not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. QZ [Families] 2 | 2 | ployea Tine. [petandlin Z| 3 oF gs {| Oc | 2) te | ™ | Manu. [theTwof = & |PERSONS. 4 | cupied.| & | S | Acrr- | factures, preced- a laa) cuL~ forHandi-| mg Pee nae RYEDALE WAPENTAKE—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Ma toy, NEw, Borough: (*) St. Leonards - - - - - - Parishh[ 473 | 502] -| ~ 27 | 198 277 1,149 1,190 2,339 St.Michael - - = ~- - = Parish} 291 | 304] 2/ 8 47 | 202 55 4788 878 1,666 Malton, Old - - - - - - Parish} 211 | 212) 2] -—J| 23 61 128 518 546 | 1,064 Normanby Parish: (*) Normanby - - = * Township 37 37) -| 2 35 2 ~- 96 95 191 Thornton-Risebrough - Township 3 3/ -| - 3 - _ 20 12 32 Nunnington - - - - - = Parish} 80 80} -| 1 52 18 10 210 208 418 Oswald-Kirk - = - - - - Parish} 36 | 36) -| - 7 5 24 103 109 212 Scawton - - - - - = - Parish 30 31} -| 1 18 2 11 44 | 80 154 Sinnington (part of) Parish: (Y) Edstone, Little - (+) - Township 2 2) —-1| = 2 - - 8 8 16 Slingsby - - - - = = - Parish} 119] 125] -]| 1 84 18 8 274 274 548 Stonegrave Parish: (7) Ness, East - - - © Township 15 wp] -| - 13 2 a 26 33 59 Ness, West - - - - Township 15 165) -| - 14 J - 35 30 65 Newton, East, & Laysthorpe Township 16 16]; -| - 16 - = 41 31 72 Stonegrave - - - - - Township 32 35; -| - 29 5 1 93 84 1977 3,633 | 3,892 | 10 50 11,720 {3,170 | 1,012 | 9,737 | 9,787 | 19,524 WHITBY-STRAND Liberty. Fylingdales - (-+) - Par: Chapelry} 401} 433] — Hackness Parish: (#) Broxa - - = = = Township 10 10] — Hackness (+) - - Township 25 25) - Harwood- Dale, : 39 39! - with Silpho Ree soe ee 4 wy] Suffield, with Everley (+) Township 14 16] —- Whitby Parish: (>) Eskdaleside - - - - Township 85 8] - Hawsker(-+), with Stainsiker Township | 107 | 109] — Newholm, with Dunsley - Township 55 55 | - Ruswarp - - (+) - Township? 364] 416] - Ugglebarnby - - - Township 87 g2 {| - Sneaton ~ - - = - = - Parish 41 42 | -| 39 | 142 | 221 70 758 944 1,702 - 8 2 - 34 27 6r 2 14 10 1 23 7° 143 ~ 37 2 - 120 115 235 -| 14 7 = 41 55 96 = 13 3 = 50 47 97 4 16 19 7 124 127 252 1 | 30 | 20 35 196 199 395 - 7 84 24 1 293 341 634 -] 22 = 33 126 133 259 9 22 82 312 826 1,092 1,918 2 40 15 37 203 225 428 29 | 24 | 676 | 1,431 | 4,092 | 4,605 | 8,697 84 | 466 | 1,074 | 1,927 | 6,936 | 7,980 | 14,916 Whitby - - - (+) Township 41,429 |2,131 | 5 2,671 | 3,467 | 5 Borough of RicHMonp- - - (+) - = Parish} 738) 760] -. 10 | 24 | 615 | 121 | 1,575 | 1,971 | 3,546 Borough of SCARBOROUGH. Scarborough - (+) - (°) Parish} 1,744 | 1,923] 3 Falsgrave - - - = = Township 86 99 ~~ 41 43 | 711 /1,169 | 3,717 | 4,471 | 8,188 8 | 44 23 32 160 185 |. 345 1,830 {2,022 ] 4 49 87 | 734 |1,201 | 3,877 | 4,656 | 8,533 ”) The Borough of New-Matron contains 4,005 Inhabitants. ——- (*) The entire Parish of Normanby contains 223 Inhabitants. — (7) Sinnington Parish is mostly in Pickering Lythe. (”) The entire Parish of Stonegrave contains 373 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Hackness contains 632 Inhabitants. ———(>) The entire Parish of Whitby contains 12,331 Inhabitants——(¢) The entire Parish of Scar- borough contains 8,533 Inhabitants, 5 L 406, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS -AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration, COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding.) es ~) HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Fami- i = Famt-'| “yips a 3 ees iy er _ LIES hiefl THER - WEE EES) | how 2 | chiedy | employ-| Families vi | TOTAL ; Re z many wo] 3 em- | ed in |notcom- wo 4 ; ‘ 4g |Families) 2 | = | ployed | Traps, |prizedin} ~ 3 7 ‘3 Oc- 3 a - in Manv- | the Two < A PERSONS. ‘3 cupied.} @ |. 5 Acrt- | factures,| preced- a fy : cuL- jurHandi-| ing - i : TURE. | craft. | Classes. . - Wapentake of ALLERTONSHIRE - - -{| 1,783] 1,811] 9 | 34 | 1,165 | 563 83 4,370 | 4,389 | 8,759 BIRDFORTH - - - + - | 2,310] 2,430) 13 | 63 ]1,549] 726] 155 | 5,916 | 5,784 | 11,700 BULMER- - - - = - =] 2,790) 3,059] 7] 45 11,953 | 623] 483 7;799 7,722 | 15,512 GILLING, East - - - - | 1,453] 1,558] 9| 38 | 779] 34. | 438 | 3536] 3,644 | 7,180 GILLING, West - - - -] 3,203] 3,499] 14] 79 | 1,467 [1,215 | 817 | 9,176] 8,666 | 17,842 HALLIKELD - - - - -| 1,218/ 1,307) 4].37 | 947] 245 | 115 | 2,945] 3,013] 5,958 HANG, East - - - - -| 2,063] 2,192] 11 |: 40 906 | 678 | 608. 4,918 | 5,196 | 10,114 HANG, West - - - = - =| 2,858] 3,127] 7 |'67 | 1,304] 714 | 1,109 7271 | 7,436 | 14,707 Liberty of - LANGBAURGH, East - - | 3,506 | 3,634] 25 |'93 | 1,338 | 1,068 | 1,228 8,141 | 8,617 | 16,758 LANGBAURGH, West - - - | 2,803] 2,913] 19 | 89 | 1,246 [1,145 | 522 | 6,275 | 6,825 | 13,100 Wapentake of. PICKERING-LYTHE - - | 2,906] 3,060] 11 |.57 [1,798 | 659 | 605 | 7,690| 7,542 | 15,232 RYEDALE - - - - | 3,633] 3,892] 10 | 50 | 1,710 | 1,170 | 1,012 9,737 | 9,787 | 19,524 Borough of RICHMOND - - - - - -]} 738] 760; -| 10 24| 615 | 121 | 1,575] 1,971 |- 3,546 Borough of SCARBOROUGH - - - - | 1,830| 2,022/ 4 | 49 87 | 734 |1,201 | 3,877] 4,656} 8,533 Liberty of WHITBY-STRAND - - - -/ 2,671 |'3,467) 5 | 84 466 | 1,074 } 1,927 6,936 7,980 | 14,916 Torats - - - [35,765 a0 148 | 835 [16,737 [11,570| 10,424] 90,153 | 93,228 | 183,381 M.DCCC.XXL] : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO..IV..C. 94. 407 ——— COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. ) Deswbury - - - - Township [1,264 | 1,358 | 14 | 88 38 | 949] 372 3,106 3,274 | 6,380 Ossett - - Township | 933 | 1,089 8 | 54 145 | 936 8 2,323 2,452 4,775 Soothill - - - Township | 618 631 2 {12 32 597 2 1,531 1,568 3,099 . Emley- - - - - (¢) Parish} 270] 296) 2] 3 104] 184 5 675 676 | 1,351 Featherstone (part of ) Parish: (4) Ackton ~ - - - += - Township 14 4] -| - 11 1 2 37 35 72 Whitwood - - Township 53 53] -| 2 18 35 es 148 144 292 Methley - + - - Parish} 296} 297] —| 8 89 | 198 10 759 740 1,499 Mirfield - - Parish J 968 | 1,036 | 5 | 52 209 | 732 95 2,562 2,479 5,041 Newland - - - - Extra-P. 9 J) -]o- 6 = 1 23 23 46 Normanton Parish: (°) Altofts - - - - - - Township} 85 86) -| 5 63 17 6 212 192 404 Normanton - + - Township 52 57 - 2 29 15 13 131 119 250 Snydale - - - - ~- Township 27 27) -—| 2 22 3 2 62 57 119 Rothwell Parish : (*) Carlton, - - - - = Township eo with Lofthouse - - Township \ 257 2oF 7 a ag 3 690 ms 1,396 Middleton - - - - Township | 191 | 216] —| 2 21 18 | 177 539 557 | 1,096 Outton, - - - - = Township J] 182 197] - 1 65 129 3 458 478 936 with Woodlesford - - Township JJ 123 133 1 5 11 121 1 312 278 590 Rothwell- - - - ~(f) Township] 454 | 458] -| 6 48 111 299 1,059 1,096 2,155 Thorp ec ke ee Township 14 14 = im 12 2 = 44 36 80 Sandall, Great (part of) Parish: (®) Britton, West (part of) - (©) Towuship 31 ol) ef = 20 8 3 81 73 154 Crigglestone - - - - Township] 266] 271 | —- | 10 77 | 115 79 603 662 | 1,265 Sandall, Great - - Township | 189 192 — | 18 74 80 38 421 467 888 Walton - - + - = = Township| 78] 81] -] 1 49 | 25 a 179 206 385 Thornhill Parish: (*) Flockton - - - - = Chapelry} 190} 196] -—]| - 67 | 104) 25 493 495 988 Shitlington - - - - Township | 311 | 346) 3] 8 126] 109} 111 800 835 1,635 Thornhill - - - - Township | 370 | 616 | 2 | 38 152 | 444 20 964 968 1,932 Whitley, Lower - - - Township} 162] 174} 1] 4 69 | 105 - 471 432 903 Wakefield Parish : (4) Alverthorpe, with Thornes Township | 917 | 941 | 12 | 32 60 | 445 | 436 2,227 2,221 4,448 Horbury - - = Chapelry} 511 | 546 | — | 28 39 | 501 6 | 1,220 | 1,255 | 2,475 Stanley, with Wrenthorp - Township 907 913 3 | 41 170 355 388 2,303 2,317 4,620 Waketield - - - - Township | 2,223 | 2,251 | 25 |100 1 |2,069 181 5,089 5,675 | 10,764 Warmfield Parish: (*) : Sharlston - - = = Township} 65 | 66) -j| 1 Bo] ie} 18 161 169 330 Warmfield, with Heath Township} 159 | 163] -—| 6 g 42 94 428 313 41 14,081 ]15,008| 93 | 635 | 2,268 |10,088 | 2,652 | 34,879 | 35,784 | 70,663 (#) Batley Parish is mostly in Morley Wapentake-——(b) Dewsbury Parish is partly in Morley Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 16,261 Inhabitants. (*) Emley Parish contains a part of Skelman- thorpe Townshin, which is included in the Return of Cumberworth- Halt, Kirkburton Parish—(‘) Featherstone Parish is mostly in Upper- Ospoldcross Wapentake. (£) The entire Parish of Normanton con- tains 773 Inhabitants.——(!) The entire Parish of Rothwell contains 6,253 Inbabitants. The Return of Rothwell Township includes Rodes- Green and Rotbwell-Haigh, which in the year 1811 made distinct Returns. ®) The entire Parish of Great-Sandall contains 2,692 Inhabitants, West-Bretton is partly in Silkstone Parish, Staincross Wapentake, and entered accordingly. (>) The entire Parish of Thornhill contains 5,458 Inbabitants, (}) The entire Parish of Wakefield contains 22,307 Inhabitants. A Lunatic Asylum for paupers has been established in Stanley and Wrenthorpe Township. ——(*) The: entire Parish of Warmfield, with Heath, contains 1,071 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XX1.] : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. O40 4 409 -COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. oo ae HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Famt-| au i if B > ft LIEs PLES OrHER ae _ | how B |. chietty | iad | Families | TOTAL 0 man * a em- . m- : . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, : ae 2 S| piped ce 2 : fi a ae @ | Of | Bia in | Mana. | the Two > &% —_|PERSONS. - : 5 cupied.) | 5 Acrt- | factures,! preced- a me : AGBRIGG WAPENTAKE-—continued. __f. cui- lorHandi-} _ ing , turz. | craft. | Classes. | ; Upper Division. > Almondbury (part of) Parish; (1) 7 ; Township 87 87 = 3 75 9 3 199 210 409 Ryther, with Ozendike - + (”) Parish 52 6o} -| - 54 4 2 168 167 335 Selby * - - - - - - - Parish} 840} 874] 1 1 208 | 420} 246 1,974 2,123 4,097 Snaith (part of) Parish: (*) Carleton - - - = - Chapelry} 150] 162] —] — 130 27 5 366 409 "45 Wistow* - - - - + - - Parish} 140] 143 | 11] 6 118 22 3 304 329 633 BARKSTONE ASH WAPENTAKE. [9,950 | 2,392 | 6 | 31 11,384 | 682 | 326 | 5,612 | 5,839 | 11,451 ; Upper Division. Bramham Parish: (7) Bramham* - - - ~- Township}? 195 | 197] —| 5 gl 67 39 458 512 970 Clifford - - - - - Townsnipf| 195 | 197, 1 {| 12 79 a4 41 447 570 1,017 Kirkby-Wharf (part of) Parish: (7) Grimston - - = - = Township 15 15] 1] 2 11 2{ 2 32 30 62 Kirkby-Wharf, with Milford* Township 15 15] -| 2 13 1 1 47 39 86 Kirk-Fenton Parish : (*) Biggin*® - - - = Township 25 28 -| - 26 2 - 8 86 164 Fenton, Little* - - Township 20 aa} —-] 1 24 - - 59 54 113 Kirk-Fenton - = - = Township 64 84} -]| 2 69 12 3 204 212 416 Ledsham Parish: (>) : Fairburn - - - - - Township 83 go} -] - 61 18 11 213 213 426 Ledsham - - - = ~ Township 44 44} 2] - 33 - 11 106 106 212 Ledstone - - - - - Township 41 41} -| - 34 2 5 131 112 243 Micklewaite-Grange - - Extra-P. 14 19] -]|] - 18 1 - 49 34 83 Newton-Kyme and Toulston - Parish 31 31 1 1 24 3 4 88 96 184 Ryther (part of) Parish: (°) Lead-Hall - - - - Township q at -j - 7 - - 28 22 50. Saxton Parish: (4) Saxton, with Scarthingwell Township 68 y4) -| 1 60 13 1 194. 184 378 Towton - - - - + Township 20 20} -| 3 19 1 - 47 47 94 Sherburn (part of) Parish: (°) Barkston - - - - - Township 58 58) -| 2 52 6 - 133 118 251 Huddleston and Lumby - —_ Township 22 a7] if] — 24 3 - 95 8&9 184 Lotherton, with part of Aberford (*) T. 84 86} -| 2 33 28 25 209 218 427 Micklefield - - = - Township 36 39] -| - 36 3 - 112 84 196 Milford, South * + - Township} 132 134} 1] 6 112 22 - 330 301 631 Newthorp* - - = - Township 14 wa]—-| - 12 2 - 38 45 83 Sherburn* - - - ~- Township} 226] 233] -1| 8 164 65 4 583 561 1,144 Tadcaster (part of) Parish : (f) Stutton, with Hazlewood- — Township 52 54], 2] 4 38 8 8 196 120 256 Tadcaster* + - - + Township{ 390} 391 | 1 | 29 137 | 187 67 789 862 1,651 1,851 |1,922 } 9 | 80 [1,177 | 523 | 222 4,606 4,715 | 9,321 (*) Brotherton Parish is partly iu the Liberty of St Peter of York. The entire Parish contains 1,626 Inhabitants——(‘) The entire Parish of Drax contains 1,083 Inbabitants.——(") The entire Parish of Monk- Fryston contains 860 Inhabitants —(” ) Ryther Parish extends into the Upper Division of Barkstone-Ash Wapentake. The entire Parish con- tains 385, ere OU Snaith Parish is mostly in Lower Osgold- cross Wapentake. (7) The entire Parish of Bramham contains 1,987 Inhabitants. (*) Kirkby-Whart Parish is mostly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish contains 574 Inhabitants. (3) The * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. entire Parish of Kirk-Fenton contains 693 Inhabitants.——(>) The en- tire Parish of Ledsham contains 881 Inhabitants.———(*) Ryther Parish is mostly in the Lower Division of Barkstone-Ash Wapentake.-—— (*) The entire Parish of Saxton with Scarthingwell contains 472 Inha- Ditants.———(©) Tre entire Parish of Sherburn contains 2,916 Inhabitants. The remainder of Aberford is entered as a Parish in Skyrack Wapentake. ——(‘) Tadcaster Parish is partly in the City of York. The entire Parish contains 2,811 Inbabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV, C. 94. 4ll COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | Fam | ary : LIES B % LIES 6, OTHER on hee B | chiesy fase Families | TOTAL 5 many . 1 a em- 2 fi . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Families Ey f ploye d ay > ist in wn 3 OF i Oc- = rH in Manu. the Two PERSONS. 3 cupied, es 5 | Acrt- | factures,} preced- t i CLARO WAPENTAKE. CUL- lorHandi-| ing Lower Division. TURE. | craft. | Classes. . Aldborough (part of) Parish: (©) . . ALDBOROUGH - Borough & Township} 108} 110] —} 1 65 26 19 236 248 484 BOROUGHBRIDGE Borough& Township | 157 | 184] -| 1 35 | 104 45 421 439 860 Humberton & Milby (£) — Township 3 3] -| 1 3 ~ = 10 13 23 Minskep - - = = ~ Township A5 56] 1] 6 30 14 12 115 128 243 Rocliff- - - <= = = Township 37 Bil -| — 39 12 - 136 112 248 Burton-Leonard* - ~- - = Parish 105 105 | -| 5 52 50 3 225 293 518 Copgrove ~ - ~ = ~ = Parish 19 a2} a} - 16 4 2 45 42 87 Farnham Parish: (*) Farnham - - = - - Township 25 31] -]| 2 24 9 1 43 68 14t Ferensby - - + - = Township 25 28; -—| 1 17 4 4 63 47 110 Scotton = = = = = Township 63 66] 2 24 39 3 187 110 207 Fewston Parish: (4) Blubberhouses - = - Township 20 20, —~] — 11 2 4 61 65 126 Clifton, with Norwood - , Township 82 go| -—| 2 66 6 18 204 216 420 Fewston - - = ~ (4) Township 96 g6 | -1| 10 46 50 - 299 . 311 610 Thurcross - + - - Township} i109 | 116| —| 10 49 32 35 304 296 600 Timble, Great - - - Township 37 47; -| - 22 4 21 120 113 233 Hampsthwaite Parish: (*) si Birstwith - - - - - Townshipf 116] 139] —| 12 69 66 4 205 326 621 Felliscliffe - + ~ -~ Township 80 83) -] 3 46 29 8 196 186 382 Hampsthwaite - - - Township g1} 105}; -—j 1 18 85 2 253 237 490 Menwith, with Darley - Township] 133 | 133 | —| 5 49 83 1 328 320 648 Thornthwaite & Padside (*) Chapelry 47 55} -{| 1 39 2 14 168 141 309 -Haverah-Park - - - - Estra-P, 10 wo} -|{ —- 10 -~ - 52 35 87 Kirkby-Malzeard Parish: (!) Cozenley -- - Township} 124] 124] -—| 2 43 38 43 299 280 579 Fountains Earth, - - Township with Middlesmoor - - — Chapelry } 95 95; ~} 1 40 18 37 2h0 226 444 Gravelthorpe- - - + Townshipf 118} 191] 1] 9 | 102 20 = 259 268 527 Hartwith, with Winsley - Chapelry} 114 | 117] 4) 6 52 52 13 358 317 675 Kirkby-Malzeard - - Township? 135} 137] 1| 3 56 32 49 330 352 682 Laverton - - - ~ ~ Township 88 89} -| - 35 10 44 262 168 439 Stonebeck Down (+) - Township} 118] 118] -| 3 68 17 33 276 292 568 Stonebeck, Upper - - Township "3 “4|/ 1] 6 46 17 11 183 178 361 Knaresborough (part of) Parish: (™) _ Arkendale - - - - ~ Chapelry 51 58]; -} = 49 9 a 140 145 285 Bilton & Harrogate - - Township] 364 | 389] 4 | 12 70 | 252 67 867 1,067 1,934 Brearton - = - - Township} 45 46) -| -—| 28 |] 18 7 120 106 226 KNARESBOROUGH * (-+) Bor. and T. [1,084 |1,126] 3] 9 34 1318 {774 2,582 2,701 5,283 Scriven, with Tentergate Township| 247 | 288} 8 | 10 35 | 181 42, 905 668 1,373 Lindrick = - - =~ + - - ExtraP. 8 By -]} - a ~ 6 33 29 62 Otley (part of) Parish: (*) Denton - - ~- + + Chapelryf 28 34] 2] - 32 2 - 102 go 192 Ouseburn, Great - - - + Parish 97 | 101 2 54 29 18 231 206 437 Ouseburn, Little (part of) Parish: (°) Kirkby-Hall - - - + Township 3 4} -| - 2 - 2 25 30 55 Thorp-Underwoods - ~ Township 28 eb} -| - 27 - 1 go 89 179 Pannall - - - - = -(?) Parish} 194 | 194] 21] 15 | 123 31 40 696 618 1,314 Ripley (part of) Parish: (4) Clint - - - - = - Township]? 84] 87] -| —] 46 | 21 20 207 205 412 Killinghall - - - - Township} 108] 108] 1] 5 | 48 | 43 17 272 247 519 (*) Aldborongh Parish is partly in the Upper Division of Claro Wa- pentake, The entire Parish contains 735 Inhabitants. Humberton and Milby Township is partly in Kirkby-bill Parish, Hallikeld Wapentake, North Riding, and entered accordingly.——(h) The entire Parish of Farnham contains 548 Inhabitants,—(i) ‘The entire Parish of Fewston contains 1,989 Inhabitants, The failure of a flax manufactory has di- minished the Popolation in the Township of Fewston——~(*) The entire Parish of Hampsthwaite contains 2,750 Irhabitants: One male in "Thornthwaite Township, upwards of 100 years of age. (') The entire * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. Parish of Kirkby-Malzeard contains 4,263 Inhabitants——(™y Knares- borough Parish extends into the Liberty of St. Peter of York (E. Riding.) (8) Otley Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake, but mostly in Upper-Skyrack Wapentake. (°) Little-Ouseburn Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,872 Inhabi- tants ——-(?) Pannall Parish contains part of Swindon, the other part of which is in Kirkby-Overblows, Upper-Claro Wapentake, and entered aceordingly.——(4) Ripley Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,182 Inhabitants. 4.12. ABSTRACT. OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: <== = ————_—_—_—— COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding) --continued. ; HOUSES: S: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ee a os A Famr- | sigs ALL OR y ae LIES chiefly Orner EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ml esata | al. | ee Bruce Sa x 4 . = |Families) ¢ 5 ployed | Trang, | prized in Q 3 : sa Oc- = ie in Manu- | the’Two a 5 PERSONS. CLARO WAPENTAKE—continued. S| cupied-| & | S | Acnr- |ractures, | preced- = EE = ic MW), : Lower Division—continued. Hee ea Ges ——_— ra ee Ripon (part of) Parish: (*) ans, Aldfield- - - - - = Township} 23 23 -{| - 22 1 = 66 67 133 Bewerley - - +~ = - Township | 261 206 4| 4 22 31 243 "47 661 1,408 Dacre - -.- - = - Township| 151 | 151 -| 5 76 48 27 410 367 977 Shelding - - - - Township | 10 10 -}| - 9 1 - 35 21 56 Studley-Roger - - - - Township| 34 34 -|- 34 - - 69 95 144 Studley-Royal - (+) -(") Township 5 5 sho - - 5 Jo | 9 19 Winksley - - - - - Chapelry} 33 34 2} 2 30 4 - [ 8&3 93 176 Stainley, South, with Clayton - Parish] 41 41 - 17 7 17 |- 114 118 232 Staveley - - - - - - = Parish] 64 93 - 40 25 8 163 168 331 . Whixley (part of) Parish: (*) Thornville - - - - ~- Township 2 3 -|- 3 i - 5 8 13 CLARO WAPENTAKE. 5,238 | 5,566 | 37 |154 | 1,971 | 1,849 |1,746 | 13,745 | 13,615 | 27,360 Upper Division. on ae Addingham (part of) Parish: (*) Beamsley (part of) - - - Township} 15 15 -~{ 1 10 3 2 45 35 80 Aldborough (part of) Parish: (#) . Dunsforth-Law - -. - Township{ 24 24 -|{ 1 19 5 = 67 48 115, Dunsforth, Upper, with : ; ease a Township 34. 34 - 2 27 4 3 87 69 156 Allerton-Mauleverer Parish: (*) een } Township} 41 41 -| - 35 6 - 147 129 276 Clareton - - - - = Township 2 2 S[o3 2 = 4 7 14 Cowthorp- - - - - - Parish} 26 26 -{[ - 25 1 i 62 58 120 Goldsborough Parish: (*) Coneythorp - - - - Township] 18 23 -|- 20 3 - 55 57 112 Flaxby - - - - - + Township} 18 19 -| - 15 3 1 37 41 48 Goldsborough - - - - Towuship] 34 38 -| - 30 4 4 101 94 195 Harewood (part of) Parish: (7) Dunkeswith - - - - Township} 41 46 3) - 29 8 9 117 140 257 Weeton - - - - - - Township | 64 65 -| 6] 46 9 10 142 168 310 Hunsingore Parish: (7) ; z Cattal - - - - + = Township[ 37 40 1] - 36 4 - 109 98 207 Hunsingore - - - Township | 44 46 1] - 37 9 - 129 108 237 Ribston, Great, with ~ ee . “Hatton” asus _} Township 26 26. - = 23 2 1 - 82 73 155 Ilkley (part of) Parish: (*) Middleton and Stockhill - Township} 39 39 -}| - 33 1 5 103 102 205 Nesfield, with Langbar - Township} 42 43 ~| 4 23 17 3 105 105 210 Kirk-Deighton Parish': (>) : Kirk-Deighton - -.- Township} 79 83. -{| 6 32 24 27 198 173 371 North-Deighton - - - Township} 22 23 =| 2 18 1 4 78 63 141 Kirkby-Overblows Parish: (°) Kirkby, with Netherby - Township} 44 45 -| 4 38 ” - 104 122 226 Kirkby-Overblows - - Township | 60 60 -| 2 32 24 4 168 150 318 Rigton - - - = - - Township} 86 86 -| 4 "8 8 - 231 198 429 Sicklinghall - - - - Township] 50 53 Sed i 44 5 4 124 133 257 Stainburn - - - - - Chapelry} 57 60 -| 1 45 4 11 195 169 364 Swindon - - -° (°) Township 8 8 - 1 8 - - bt 21 52 Kirk-Hammerton (part of) (4) Parish} 62 | 83 | -] 2] 62 18 3 205 204 409 . (*) Ripon Parish is mostly in Ripon Liberty. The family usually re~ sident at Studley-Royal were absent from home. (®) Whixley Parish is mostly in Upper-Claro Wapentake.——(°) Addingham Parish is mostly in East-Staincliff Wapentake. Beamsley is partly in Skipton Parish. (4) Aldborough Parish is mostly in Lower-Claro Wapentake. (”) The entire Parish of Allerton-Mauleverer contains 290 Inhabi- tants.——(*) The entire Parish of Goldsborough contains 385 Inhabi- tants.——(’) Harewood Parish is partly in the Lower, but mustly in the Upper Division of Skyrack Wapentake——(”) The entire Parish of Jv Hunsingore confains 599 Inhabitants. (*) Ilkley Parish is mostly in’ Upper-Skyrack Wapentake. (>) The entire Parish of Kirk-Deighton } contains 412 Inhabitants_(°) The entire Parish of Rirkby- Over: blows contains 1,646 Iubabitants. Swindon is partly in Pannall Parish, Lower-Claro Wapentake. (°) Kirk Hammerton Parish is partly in the Ainsty of the City of York (East Riding.) The entire Parish’ con tains 504 Inhabitauts. M.DCCC. XXL] - THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. -C. 4. 413 . ‘COUNTY. OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. ; : OCCUPATIONS PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ee iT Fami- | jigs Au : OR By 3 LIES | chiefly Oruer : . how = | chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many | ., | 2 em- | ed in | not com- ia A : Se nee =|Families) & | | ployed | Tanz, [prized in | q OF ‘g Oc | a | in | Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS. CLARO WAPENTAKE—continued. x) cupied.| @ | 5 Acnri- | factures,| preced- S =>) ees cuUL- i- in Upper Division. TURE. pore Gliives Leathley Parish: (*) ' Castley - - + + - = Township}. 23 23] -| 2 5 3] 15 | 41 69 110 Leathley - - - (©) Township 61 61]; -| - 42 14 5 161 151 312 ' Marton, with Grafton * - + - Parish} 2 95| -| 4 56 261 13 237 227 464. Nun-Monkton | - - - = = Parish 66 81} -| @- 60 16 5 171 173 344. Otley (part of) Parish: (f) | Farnley - + - - = - Township 34 34|/ -] - 20 7 4 95 84 179 Lindley - - - + = = Township 27 a7] —-| 2 25 2 - 98 80 178 Newhall, with Clifton - - Township 40 40} -| 3 28 | 6 6 112 96 208 Timble, Little - - - »* Township 11 wa{-}| = 10 1 - 34 28 62 Ouseburn, Little (part of) Parish: (®) : Ouseburn, Little - + - Township 55 58} -|] 1 48 7) 3 140 153 293 Widdington - + - = Township 4 4} -] - 4 - ~ 18 13 31 Ripley (part of) - - - (*) Parish} 53 53; -] 1 26 ‘16 { 11 130 121 251 Skipton (part of) Parish: (4) : ’ Beamsley (part of) - - - Township 48 49| -| 5 29 3) 17 111 121, 232 Hazlewood and Storiths - Township 37 37} -] 1 26 11 - 109 100 209 Spofforth Parish: (*) : Follifoot - + - - = Township 64 64] 1 1 33 28 3 154 139° 293 Linton - - = = = = Township] 35 35) -| - |] 2 6 2 "7 go 167 Plompton = = © = = Township 31 31] -| - 29 2 - 108 100 208 Ribston, Little - + - + Township 46 46) -| 3 24 19 3 93 102 195 Spofforth - - - - = Township} 179] 189] -—| 7 | 128 51] 10 476 419 895 Stockeld + = - - = Township 10 10; -|] = 7 2 1 32 37 69 Wetherby - - - + - Township}? 256] 268] -—| 7 J 103 135 | 30 606- 611 1,217 Walkingham-Hill, with Occaney, Extra-P. 3 3] -| - 3 - - 14 10 24 Weston Parish : (") Askwith - - - += = Township "5 151 -1| 3 48 —~| 27 198 1869 367 Weston - - = = = © Township 23 23]; -| - 22 -~ 1 53 55 108 Whixley (part of) Parish: () Green-Hammerton - ~- Township 48 69} 1] 3 4 20 | 42 166 163 © 329 Whixley - - = + * Township 70 "5| -| 2 64. 1o} 1 245 222 467 MORLEY WAPENTAKE. 2,365| 2,489 7 | 81 91,641 | 555 | 293 6,408 6,098 12,506 Batley (part of) Parish: (") -s Churwell - - + - = Township]? 155 | 158] - | 13 13 122] 23 419 395 | 814 Gildersome - - - = Chapelry} 306] 306] — | 19 34. 190 | 82 799 793 1,592 Birstall Parish: (°) . Clackheaton - - -(°) Chapelry} 430 / 436] -—| 9 48 382 6 1,227 1,209 2,436 Drighlington - - - - Chapelry} 358 | 365] -| 9 3 296 | 66 832 887 1,719 Comet” Creatend 4) townstip| 1,120 |1,151| 7] 30 | 80 |1,019| 52 | 2,906 | 3,046 | 5,952 Heckmondwike - (+) Township} 494 | 528] 2 | 37 4 486 | 38 1,278. | 1,301 | 2,579 Hunsworth - - + - - Township} 154 | 154] -—| = 25 wg} - 446 424 870 Liversedge - - + (°) Chapelry} 815 | 815] 21 40 34 522 | 259 2,224. 2,035 4,259 Tong - - «= - + = Chapelry} 373 | 3771 -—| 15 82 289 6 982 gil 1,893 Wike - (+) - + (°) Township]? 284 | 292/ -| 6 31 245 | 16 778 731 1,509 Bradford Parish : (P) d Allerton - - = + = Township] 274] 2976{ 4] 4 3 243 2 746 742 1,488 . * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, (¢) The entire Parish of Leathley contains 423 Inhabitants. The g (°) The entire Parish of Birstall contains 91,217 Inhabitants. Clack- school, hospital, and almshouses are . included ‘in the Retura—— | heaton Township includes Scholes and Gakenshaw ; at Liversedge, the ) Otley Parish is partly in Lower-Claro Wapentake, but mostly in § incrense- of manufacture is noticed ; at Wike, an Iaclosure has taken Upper-Skyrack Wapentake.——(®) Little-Ouseburn Parish is mostly in | place—=(?) The entire Parish of Bradford contains 52,954 Inhabi- Lower-Clato Wapentake,——(h) Ripley Parish is partly in Lower- } tants, It contained no more than 36,358 in 1811. The increase of iron Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,182 Inhabitants. works is noticed in the Return from North-Bierly ; of the worsted ma-_ () Skipton Parish is mostly in Staincliff and Eweross Wapentake, | nufactory, in that from Bowling, In Bradford ‘Township, the Population Beamsley is. partly, in an Parish. (*) The entire Parish | is nearly doubled (having been 7,767 in 1811) from the unequalled in- of Spofforth contains 3,044 Inhabitants,——-(1) The entire Parish of | crease of manufacture. Scribbling mills and worsted mills are noticed “Weston contains’ 475 eae is partly in | in the Return from Eccleshill; and the increase of cotton weaving, as Lower-Claro Wapentake. The entire'Parish contains 809 Inhabitants. | well as of the woollen manufacture, at Horton. : ——(") Batley Parish is mostly in Lower-Agbrigg Wapentake.—— ye Seats 5N 414 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. a a Se Sere a ES — SS ————_— COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ae ae eae OP age By : Lirs : Orner oR ; how 3 chiefly ee _| Families wn TOTAL 3 many . 5 em- {not com- . i EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. % |Famities| & | S | ployed ee prized in a 4 or a Os eS in ’ | the Two 4 = 7 3 & Manu- < S| PERSONS iS cupied. | 5 5 Acrt- | factures, preced- si aI . MORLEY WAPENTAKE—continued. : cut forHandi-l _ 2g A Classes. Bradford Parish—continued. TURE. | craft. Bierley, North (+) - (?) Township} 1,139 |1,181 6] 11 110 | 1,054 14 3,053 | 3,017°| 6,070 Bowling = - - + (?) Township} 6261 707 | 16! 15 44 | 629 34 1,799 1,780 3,579 Bradford - - (?) Township | 2,459 | 2,519 | 99 | 68 17 | 2,452 50 | 6,428 | 6,636 | 13,064 Clayton- - - - - - Townshipf 695 | 697 | 24 / 31 81] 612 4] 1,794 1,815 3,609 Eceleshill - - ~ - (?) Township} 443] 467] 6 | 34 34 | 406 27 1,065 1,111 2,176 Hawarth - - - + - Chapelry} g26 }1,036 | 1 | 35 35 | 964] 37 | 2312 | 2,356 | 4,668 Heaton - - - - Township[ 229 | 2311 5] 4 36 | 193 2 619 598 1,217 Horton = - - - - (?) Chapelry $1,986 {1,454 | 21 | 30 50 11,059 | 345 | 3,559 3,633 7,192 Manningham - - - - ‘Yownship} 482 | 568] 8 | 15 38 | 518 12 1,233 1,241 2,474 Shipley - - - - - Township} 316] 319} 4] 17 33 | 224 62 851 755 1,606 Thornton - (+) - Chapelry} 788 | 796] 17 | 24 45 | 646] 105 | 2,051 2,049 4,100 Wilsden - - - Township} 324 | 324 | 12 | 14 34 | 290 - 842 869 1,711 Calverley Parish: (2) | : ee ~ 2 = + © = Township} 121] 121] 2] 7 17 86 18 326 | 308 634 a ae : pe - ose feme } 493 493, 2) 4 25| 441] 27 | 1,333 | 1,272 | 2,605 Idle - - - - - - ~ Chapelryf 934} 934] 7 | 47 37 | 890 7 2,286 2,380 4,666 Pudsey - - - - -- Chapelry [1,219 | 1,229 | 3 | 78 66 | 958 | 205 | 3,107 3,822 6,229 Dewsbury (part of) Parish : (") Clifton, - - - - = = T hi Feet heat Shas eae } 393 403 | 3] 11 76 | 254! 93 992 | 1,015 | 2,007 Township Halifax Parish: (*) Barkisland - - - - Township? 399 | 412 1 | 22 1 391 20 1,124 1,100 2,224 Elland, with Greetland - Chapelry| 997 |1,006] 5 | 53 35 | 961 10 2,519 2,569 5,088 Erringden - - - - (*) Township] 254] 254] -| 5 71 | 183 = 719 752 | 1,471 Fixby - - - - - Township] 74 751 -| 3 33 31 11 159 186 345 Halifax - - - - - - Township] 2,734 | 2,851 | 68 4110 8 |2,258 | 585 | 5,920 6,708 | 12,628 Heptonstall - nae - Chapelry} 833] 833 1 7 | 15 —} 826 7 2,179 2,364 45543 ee Township] 722] 754 | 13 | 42 86 | 596} 72 | 1,972 | 1,964 | 3,936 Langfield - - - + - Township] 345 | 3721 2)| & 28 | 338 6 1,000 1,069 2,069 Midgley - - - - Township] 398 | 406 | 2 | 18 8 | 398 - 1,130 1,077 2,207 Norland - - (+) - Townshipf 301] 301} -—| 4 50 | 239 12 . 823 842 1,665 Ovenden - ~- (-*) - Township} 1,268 11,287 | 33 | 51 152 | 1,115 20 3,206 3,154 6,360 Ouram, North - (++) - Township [1,378 | 1,432 | 51 | 61 93 | 1,259 80 3,433 3,408 6,841 Ouram, South - (+) - Township} 826] 866 | 6 | 34 119 | 741 6 | 2,098 2,158 4,256 Rastrick - - - Chapelry] 550] 561 | — | 20 38 | 487 36 1,344 1,452 2,796 Rishwerth - - - - Township} 252] 259] —| 8 —| 259 - 851 937 1,588 Shelf - - - - - = Township} 392] 412] 1] 6 30 | 380 2 1,012 986 1,998 Skircoat - - - ~- - Township} 667] 672 | 12 | 14 24 | 602 46 1,636 1,687 3,323 Sowerby - (*) Chapelry 1,245 | 1,297 | 8 | 4o 77: 11,214 6 | 3,519 | 3,371 | 6,890 Soyland - - - Township} 608] 608 | g | 12 —| 608 - 1,612 1,630 3,242 Stainland - - - - - Township} 488] 505 | 6 | 12 5 | 500 -— | 1,384 1,430 | 2,814 Stansfield - - = + Township [1,274 | 1,392 | 5 | 30 | 197 | 1,193 2 | 3,580 | 3,695 | 7,275 Wadsworth - - Township} 831 | 831 | 20 | 15 —| 823 8 2,246 2,263 4,509 Warley ~ - - - Township| 937] 983] 5 | 37 19 | 833 | 131 | 2,478 | 2,504 | 4,982 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. [35:509|36,706 | 504 [1,244 | 2,237 [31,834 | 2,635 | 92,231 [93,537 | 185,768 (Lower Division.) Sas! ; Adlingfleet Parish: (*) Adlingfleet- - - - Township 47 49} -]| - 44 3 2 116 140 | 256 Fockerby - - - - - Townsbip 23 23} -{ ~ | 20 2 1 50 56 106 Haldenby and Eastoft- - Township} 13 131 -| -]| 13 = - 39 30 | 69 Kellington Parish: (*) Beaghall - - - Township} 112 / 114] ~—] 3 79 32 3 282 264 546 Egbrough - - - - Township 42 44] +] 2 36 7 1 106 109 215 Kellington - - - + - Township 42 60} —-} - 48 9 3 132 151 | 283 Whitley - - - + Township 38 56) -] 1 43 8 5 143° | 141 284 (°) See preceding Note——(‘) The entire Parish of Calverley con- | tion of cotton works, A place called Ramble, included with Erringden tains 14,134 Inhabitants——(‘) Dewsbury Parish is mostly in Lower- | in 1811, is now returned with Sowerby. (°) The entire Parish of Agbrigg Wapentake. (°) The entire Parish of Halifax contains 92,850 | Adlingfleet contains 431 Inhabitants——-(") The entire Parish of Kel- ih bitants. Tt contained no more than 73,415, in 1811 ; the increase lington contains 1,328 Inhabitants, 1s attributable to that of the woollen manufactory, and to the introduc- { M.DCCC.XXF.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. ee = NN COUNTY OF YORK. (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ; Famr- | FaM- | ayy B : tres | LIES | OrnER in hoe t = chiefly oe Families nn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 | many| y | 4 ee ee [not com- a 4 sabe = | Families: & ; 3 ployed Tape, | Prized in a 3 2 Oc- i g m Manu- the Two x i] PERSONS. OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE, | cupled.) @ | 5 ae factures |, Preced } a ef Lower Division—continued, era os aoa. oo Giese Snaith (part of) Parish: (”) i \ ; | Armin - - - = - Chapery} 93{| 107] -—| - gl] 14 2 279 2g1 570 | Balne - - - - + Township 72 Tah he 70 2 i 152 177 ; 329 Cowick - - - - - - Township]! 173] 191 | -—| 6 | 104] 48] 39 453 452 | 905 Goole - = - - = - Township 71 83S, = 70 ql 2 232 218 | 450 Gowdall - - - - ~- Township 48 50 -{|o1 50 = - 118 125 | 243 | Hick - = - = © Township 49 49} -j 1 46 3 = 107 121°} 228 Hensall- - - - - = Tommhip| 44| 514 —| - 46 5 = 122 111 233 Hooke - - - - - = Chapelry 79 84h -|] 4 72 12 - 182 181 363 Pollington - - - - - Township} 101] 103] -~| ~ | 78] 95 - 253. 230 483 Raweliff + - - - - Chapelry| 314] 323 -| 4] 190} 91] 42 726 779 |. 1,496 Snaith - - - + - - Township] 176 186 | 2| 6 47 | 109 30 420 414 834 ff | Whitgift Parish: (*) fl Ousefleet - - - - = Township] 45 46} -| 5 EF 43 3 7 117 136 | 253 Reedness = - - = = Township{ 123{ 151 | =| 1 117] 32 2 328 355 | 683 § Swineflect - - - - - Township} 151 | 214] -| 1] 157] 46| 11 462 494 955 FF | Whitgift - - - + - Township] 60} 71] -| 2 59 | 12 = 147 163 310 . Womersley Parish: (} : f Cridling-Stubbs - - - Township 17: IG} = 1 10, 1 8 51 45 96 Smeaton, Little + - = Township} 36] 39/ -—]} 2 33 6 = 101 75 176 Walden-Stubbs - - + Township] 27 a8{ -| - 24 1 - 81 77 158 Womersley - = - - Township} 60 oot =) Ss 62 5 1 172 144 316 2,056 | 2,294 | 2) 44 1,655] 487 | 152 | 5,371 | 5,470 | 10,841 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. — 5 ; : — (Upper Division.) , Ackworth - - - : - - Parishy 259] 260} 1] 8 | 107 86 67 779 796 1,575 Badsworth Parish: (#) ; Badsworth - - = - Township 35 35| -| =f 30] 2 | 3 105 95 200 Thorp-Audling - - - Township 57 59} -| 1 51 | 6 2 181 x63 344 Upton --+-- - - Township 37 37) -| -f 33 4{/ = 96 88 | 184 Bramwith, Kirk —- - + Parish 43} 48] =| =f 42 4 | 2, 120 132 || 2§2 . Burgh-Wallis - - - (*) = Parish 37 38/ -| 27 31 4 | 3 f 123 114. 237 Campsall Parish: (>), Askerne - - - ~ - Township 25 28} ~| —~f, arf yk - 82 "9 159 Campsall - - - + Township 65 74/ -| -f[ 59 10} 5 | -206 183 389; Fenwick - - ~-. = - Township 50 50} -}| -f 45{ 5f - 144 15% 295. Moss ~ - - - ~ Township? 49); 54/ -| ~ || 49 i 5h = 116 126 242 Norton - - - - - = Township 87} 139] 1] 4], 111 | o6F 2 338 330 668 Sutton - - - - - Township | 26 281i -~}| —~f e2of vn 1 74 m1 6145 Castleford Parish: (*) ‘ : : Castleford - - - - - Township} 228 f 240] -]} 5 fi 24 50; 166 ‘526 496 1,022 Houghton, Glass - - - Township] 85 g2| -| 2 29 25 38 212 200 412 Darrington Parish: () Darrington- - - - ~- Township! 95; 95) -| - 87 8 - 253 257 §10 Stapleton - - - - - ‘ownshipf 20} 20] —] = 16 | 4 | - 51 58 109 Featherstone (part of) Parish: (*) Featherstone - - - - Township 68 90! 3] 2 63 6 | 1 174 163 337 Peerston-Jaglin - - - Township 55} 55} -1 34) 44 5| 6 113 131 244 _Ferry-Frystone - - - - Parish? 161} 168} -—| 5 | 12 11 145 391 386 777 ‘Kirkby, South Parish: (£) Elmsall, North - - Township} 46 46] =| —- 38 4 4 55 58 113 ' Elmsall, South - - - ‘ownship| 102 | 104 | -| 4 {| 66} 24 14, 232 222 453 Kirkby, South - - - + Township} 126] 140| ~| 1. 95 30} 15 315 318 633. I Shelbrogke - - - - - ownship} 18] 18 | -| —~ [| 16 rf 4 61 54 115 ff ‘Kirk-Smeeton- - - - - ~- Parish 54 oe er 56 10 | - 163 158 321 ' (*) Snaith Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Barkstone-Ash | of Campsall contains 1,918 Inhabitants—(°) The entire. Parish of J Wapentake. ‘The entire Parish contains 5,909 Inhabitants——(*) The | Castleford contains 1,434 Inhabitants. —~(*) The entire Parish of Dar-. { entire Parish of Whitgift contains.2,202 Inhabitants——(”) The entire | rington contains 619 Inhabitants. (€) Featherstone Parish is partly in Parish of Womersley.contains 746 Inhabitants ———(’) The entire Parish {| Lower-Agbrigg Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants. of Badsworth contains 728 Inhabitants,——(*) The Return of Burgh- () The eutire Parish of South-Kirkby contains 1,314 Inhabitants. : Wallis Parish includes Haywood and. Sutton.——(%) The entire Parish , ; F 416 ABSTRACT OF- ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. a SSS er COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : ee PERSONS: Famr- tits ALL oF ee 3 ne chiefly | OTHER 2 a - Ow 2 chiefly -| Famili n ‘OTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. z juny J 2 sak ue . ee “ 8 e Families) & | = | ployed | Trans, | prized in 3 4 OG: a} 3 im in Manu- | the Two | PERSONS. OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE=continued} | S%PICC- | & | © | Acnr- | factures,| preced- a he : cut- jorHandi-/ ing Upper Division—-continued. u ture. | craft. | Classes. Owston Parish: () / Owston += - - - = Township] 62 66]; -| - 42 10 14 168 138 306 Skellow = = + = + Township 32 32]; -| 2 24 4 4 74 72 146 Pontefract Parish: (*) Carleton - - - = = Township} 30 go] 1] - 16 5 9 64 68 132 Hardwick, East - - + Township 16 w7yo-| - 13 4 = 46 50 96 Knottingly - - - - Chapery] 797 | 859 | 2] 70 19} 199} 641 | 1,907 | 1,846 | 3,753 Monkhill - - - - += Township 11 yu] -]} 1 1 1 9 12 28 40 PonTEFRACT = Boro’ and Township | 927 937 2] 31 200 600 137 2,095 2,352 4,447 Tanshelf - - + = = Township}? 951 95) 1] 2 25] 40} 30 161 195 356 Pontefract-Park - - Extra-P. ” y}o—-fo4 7 - - 23 24 47 Wragby (part of) Parish: (!) Hardwick, West ~ - - Township 17 18} ~] 3 14 1 3 47 46 93 Hasle - - - - - = Township 30 go]; -] - 29 1 - 72 67 139 Hill-top - - - = Townsbip 19 wg} -} - 10 5 4 44 53 97 Hurstwick and Nostal (+) Township 4 4} -] - 2 1 1 23 26 49 3,875 | 4,089 | 11 |144 | 1,547 1,215 |1,327 | 9,645. | 9,792 | 19,437 SKYRACK WAPENTAKE. Lower Division, \ Aberford Parish : (*) Aberford* - - - (*) Township? 126] 131} -{ 1 79 28 24 274 305 579 Parlington - -~ +- = Township 45 46} -| - 22 6 18 109 120 229 Sturton-Grange - = - Township 16 wy} -] - 11 5 - 44 48 92 Bardsey Parish: (!) Bardsey, with Rigton - Township 67 67 | ~ 54 10 3 198 158 356 Wothersome, - - - - Township 2 2} -| - 1 - 1 8 8 16 Barwick-in-Elmett Parish : (*) Barnbow - (+) - - Township} 51] 64] -]| - 30} 28 6 149 124 273 Barwick ~- - - = Township} 125 131 1 6 83 26 22 3i4 279 593 Kiddal and Potterton - (-+) Township 22 Ob ey 13 7 3 64 60 124 Morwick and Scholes (-+) Township] 106] 112 | -| 6 65 | 34 13 242 249 491 Roundhay -, - - - = Township 38 38 | 2] 4 23 5 10 go 96 186 Collingham - = - - - + Parish} 58] 62] -| 2 50} 11 1 148 138 286 Garforth, West - - - - - Parish} 150] 166] cf 4 35] 32] 99 389 342 731 Harewood (part of) Parish: (") Keswick, East - - - Township 61 62 4] 2 35 21 6 150 146 | 296 Kippax Parish : (°) Allerton~Bywater - - Township 61 64} -]| 2 16 48 - 175 154 329 Kippax - - - - « Township? 181 | 198] 2] 6 67 | 105 26 466 492 958 Preston, Great & Little - Township 39 82 -| 4 a 70 5 258 220 478 Swillington - - - - - - Parish} 98! g8{ -] 1 71] 23 4 249 261 510 Thorner Parish: (?) z ; Searcroft - - - (°) Township} 19 20} -]| 1 18 2 - 57 48 105 Shadwell - (+) - + Township 39 39) -| 7 34 5 - 97 100 197 Thorner - - - = = Township{ 148 150 i 3 107 40 3 371 337 708 Whitkirk Parish: (4) Austhorpe- - - - - Township} 30] 31] -| 1 14] 14 3 80 70 150 Seacroft - - = - - Township] 188] 195| -| 3] 109] 59] 27 446 440 886 Temple-Newsom (+) - Township} 253 | 260} 2) 4 103 | 107 50 557 Bog | 1,166 Thorp-Stapleton - + - Township 3 ee a a = 3 = 15 10 25 1,926 | 2,060 | 13 | 59 | 1,047 | 689 | 324 } 4,950 | 4,814 | 9,764 (®) The entire Parish of Owston contains 452 Inhabitauts——(h) The entire Parish of Pontefract contains 8,824 Inhabitants.——(') Wragby Parish is partly in Staincross Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 660 Inhabitants, exclusive of part of Feuldby, inc‘uded in the Return of Sharlston, Lower-Agbrigg Wapentake (*) The entire Parish of Aber- burn Parish (Barkstone-Ash Wapentake.)——(!) The entire Parish of Bardsey contains 372 Inhabitants, Wike Township is partly in Bardsey ford contains goo Inhabitants. Aberford Township extends into Sher- - * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. Parish, partly in Harewond Parish, where the whole is entered.——= ‘(®) The entire Parish of Barwick-in-Elmett contains 1,267 Inhabitarits, —(") Harewood Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake, but mostly in Upper-Skyrack Wapentake. (°) The entire Parish of Kippax contains 1,765 Inhabitants.——(°) The eutire Parish of Thorner contains 1,010 Inhabitants. An Inclosure has taken place at Scarcroft.—— (9) The entire Parish of Whitkirk contains 2,227 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. ——— oO ——————eeeeeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeEeEeEeeEeEeEeEeE=eeeEeEeEeEeEeEEEeeEeESE=E=E=~>=E~™~=~=~_=—=~=—EE——__——_— SS COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. 417 ship. from Horsforth Township, . of Population in the Parish at large. ; contains 2,348 Inhabitants——(”) Iki ‘in Upper-Claro and Lower-Skyrack Wapentakes. and Cookridge are included in the Return of Addle, cum Eccup Town- (*) The entire Parish of Bingley contains 7,375 Inhabitants. —-~(') The: entire Parish of Guisley contains 8,409 Inhabitants. An emigration of above 100 persons to America, is noticed on the Return 1 1 hip, but the increase of the cloth manufactory and . bleaching-mills (especially at Yeaden) outweigh that cause of diminution ") Harewood Parish is partly The entire Parish ley Parish is partly in Upper- x bitants. but since declined. sion of Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. Barnoldwick contains 2,350 Inhabitants, Burnsall contains 1,423 Inhabitants. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fan | FAM | a.) B : Lies | MES | Oruer or » Wien é | cee canied, | Ranulies i oun EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ZB ipmay | | Ss | pared | edi [notcom-| og is 2 a e/a 1a ae (ehotwe 4 Z PERSONS. : a cupied. | gg | 3 Acrt- | factures, | preced- s fy SKYRACK WAPENTAKE—continued. CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing esa d TURE. | craft, | Classes. (Upper Division.) _oraft, | Llasses. Addle Parish: (7) Addle, cum Eccup - - += Township] 120] 120] -—]| 5 104 16 - 383 316 699 Arthington + - = ~* Township 57 571-1 3 45 12 ~ 171 158 329 Bingley Parish: (*) : » Bingley and Micklethwaite Township | 1,187 | 1,193 | 29 | 50 138 | 1,035 | 20 3,113 3,063 6,176, Morton, East and West - Township} 223 | 236] —| 13 6o | 143 3 572 627 1,199 Guisley Parish: (*) Carlton - - - = © -= Township 23 23] -] 1 22 1 - 80 48 158 Guisley - - - - - Townshipf 236{| 249] 5] 8 39 | 1701 40 606 607 1,213 Horsforth - - (*) Chapelry} 573 | 584] 6 | 41 80} 343 | 161 1,396 | 1,428 | 2,824 Rawden - - - = - Chapely} 335) 337] ~-| 5 40 | 277 | 20 899 860 | 1,759.. Yeaden- - - = (*) Township} 418] 471 | - | 28 40 | 386} 45 1,274 1,181 2,455 Harewood (part of) Parish: (* Alwoodley - - - - = Township 25 26] -| 1 25 1 - 92 70 142 __ Harewood - = - - - Township} 149 | 168] -} 1 37 47 | 84 427 422 849 Weardley - - - + = Township 33 33 | -| - 9 6 | 18 95 96 191 Wigton - - - - = = Township 31 31] -| - 29 2 - 92 92 164 Wike - - - - = = Township 29 29) -| - 29 = - "5 64 139 Tikley (part of) Parish: (*) Ilkley - - - - = = Township 94 9 | 2] 3 50 35 | 10 254 242 496 Otley (part of) Parish : (*) Baildon - - - = - = Chapelry} 5931 550} ~ 115 24| 522 4 1,331 1,348 2,679 Bramhope - - - - ~- Township 67 68) ~{ 3 41 19 8 188 178 366 Burley - - - - = = Chapelry{ 187] 187) 7] 5 72 go | 25 504 696 1,200 — Esholt - - - - - = Township 60 60; -] 2 16 40 4 163 192 355 Hawksworth - - - - Township 58 60); -{ —- 42 17 1 179 144 323 Menstone - - - = = Township 45 45 1 3 24 21 - 146 111 257 Otley - - + = Township} 633 | 649] 6 | 57 72 | 546] 31 1,509 | 1,556 | 3,065 — Poole - (+) + = - Township 60 65) -| 4 19 39 4 150 144 294 5174 | 5,336 | 58 | 248 | 1,057 | 3,798 | 481 | 13,679 | 13,653 | 27,332 STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE, | (East Division.) Addingham (part of) Parish: (¥) Addingham - - - Township | 319 | 319 | 12 | 64 49 | 253 17 467 803° | 1,570 Arncliffe (part of) Parish : (7) Buckden ot 72 + + Township 70 151 ~| 6 58 9 8 207 175 382 Barnoldwick Parish: () Barnoldwick - - ~ ~- Township} 259 | 259| -| 7 30 | 222 4 643 691 1,334 -Brogden - - = ~- = Township 40 42} ~]| 2 22 19 1 116 117 — 233 Coates - - - + = - Township 17 19 <= 2 9 10 = 47 50 97 Satterforth - - - + = Township 119 1ig| 2] 5 15 99 5 361 325 686 Bracewell - - - - + ~ = Parish 30 38 is 3 23 12 3 95 101 176 Broughton-in-Aredale Parish: Broughton, with Elslack - Township "3 "} —-} = 22 53 3 225 202 427 Burnsall Parish: (>) .Appletreewick - - - - Township 62 62] 1] 4 22 37 3 169 143 312 Burnsall, with Thorp-sub- ; “ Monten - - ~ ~ f Township? 70} Jo} -| 5 19 | 22] 29 163 166 329 Coniston, with Kilnsay - Chapelry 31 31] -| 4 17 14 = 77 60 137 Craco - - ~~ > Township 38 38}; -| - 11 12 | 45 87 92 179 (*) The entire Parish of Addle contains 1,028 Inhabitants. Brearey | Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 911 Inhabitants.—— ) Otley Parish is partly in the Lower Division, partly in the Upper ivision of Claro Wapentake. ‘The entire Parish contains 9,358 Inha- (*) Addingham Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake. ‘The entire Parish contains 1,650 Inhabitants. A considerable fluctuation in the Population has occurred since 1811, manufacture having flourished, (*) Arncliffe Parish is mostly in the West Divi- (#) The entire Parish of (>) The entire Parish of 50 418 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SS SSS, ——————E—eeeeeeeees_=SQ_=_____S ee COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. { Enumeration. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, SS Pani Famt- ee ox By Si LIES liety Ornen ; ; how 2s chiefly | employ- | Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. BS ji mayy | om] 3 em- | ed in jnotcom- w 4 5 Families & 3 ployed | Traps, {prized in | 3 ie Sore ape ‘gs Oc- = z in Manu- | the Two < fy PERSONS. STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE] = | 4] & | 5 | Aont- | factures,| preced- a a (East Division)—continued. cut- jorHandi- ae — ture. | craft. | Classes. Burnsall Parish—continued. ye on Harlington - - - = Township 24 a4} -] - 13 11 = "6 65 141 Hetton, with Bordley - - Township 41 41{ -]| 1 14 15] 12 92 88 180 Rilsdon “= = = + Chapelry 27 33-[ — | 4 24 4 5 64 81 145 Carleton - - - - - - = Parish} 222 | 235] -| 4 89 136 | 10 606 612 1,218 Gargrave Parish: (¢) Bank-Newton - - = + Township 22 23) -{| - 11 10 2 69 40 139 Coniston, Cold - - ~- Township 58 58} -] 21 24 33 1 170 175 345 FEshton - - - - = « Township 11 11 | -—}| -— 4 F 10 - 1 33 36 69 Flasby, with Winterburn - ‘Township 23 og] -| — fo 24 - ~ "5 59 134 Gargrave -~ - - = - Township] 193| 193] -| 3) 43 113 | 37 464 508 972 oy - 2 - + + = Parish {1,823 [1,850] 17) 54 | 170 |1,643 | 37 43550 4,673 9,223 ettlewell, ’ 102 10 1/11} 2 2 55 with cay © a eee 39 - = | ae) : : 21 } 315 348 663 Kildwick Parish : (4) Bradley’s-Both - - = Township go go} —-| 1] 22 67 2 262 244 506 Cowling - - - - Township] 329] 352] 5| 8] 72 262 | 18 933 937 | 1,870 Farnhill, with Cononley - Township} 254 255 1 = 43 211 1 691 659 1,350 Glusburn - = - = Township} 139 144 - = 33 108 3 401 386 787 Kildwick - - + - - ‘Township 32 32] -] 1 17 13 2 94 81 175 Silsden - - = - - - Chapelry} 365 | 374 | 1] 11 | 140 215 | 19 939 974 1,904 Steeton, with Easburn- - Township| 137] 137 | 2] 6 13 121 3 367 386 753 Stirton, with Thorlby - ~- Township 29 ag} 1} 4 27 1 1 a7, gl 168 Sutton - - - - - = Township 196 196) - 3 45 144 7 537 555 1,092 Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale Pike pe y att ot) i Parish: (°) Calton - - = = Township 16 18} -} 1 6 2] 10 37 39 76 Linton Parish: (f) Grassington - - - + Township{ 224] 924] 11 3 18 154 | 52 485 498 983 Hebden - - - - - = Township a1 31 ~!| 44 32 39 7 195 182 377 Linton - - - = © + Township| 62 62} -]| 8 38 24 - 135 178 313 Threshfield - - - - = Township 50 50}, 2] — 24 9| 17 130 107 237 Martin - - = = = = = Parish 65 68}, -| - 36 8 | 24 180 202 382 Skipton (part of) Parish: (8) Barden - .- = - = = Township 38 38) -] 1 38 - - 123 96 219 Bolton-Abbey - - - ~- Chapelry' 24 32 -| - 15 4 13 63 64 124 Draughton - - - += ~ Township 29 43) -{ - 21 14 8 135 144 279 Embsay, with Eastby - - Township} 169 | 169 { 3] 8 24 137 8 400 461 861 Halton, East, with Bolton Township 28 28 1 2 17 6] 5 69 72 141 Skipton - - - - (8) Township] 667 | 6841 7 | 25 | 118 462 | 104 1,584 1,827 3,411 Thornton - - - - = - = Parish} 310] 330] 9] 4 | 108 217 5 899 930 1,829 STAINCLIEF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE| 72937 |7>217 65 | 274] 1,663 | 4,973 | 581 18,178 |18,753 || 36,931 (West Division.) - Arncliffe (part of) Parish : (®) Arncliffle - - - - ~- Township 32 42} -| - 10 19 13 87 102 189 Haltongill - - - - - Chapelry 21 a1} -]| 2 21 - - 68 46 114 Halton, West - - - - Township 35 35] -]|] 2 30 4 1 95 95 190 Hawkswith - - + = Township 16 16, a] - 16 ~ = 42 44 86 Litton - - - = - = Township 23 23 1} 3 1 3 9 49 53 102 Bentham Parish: (!) Bentham - - - (i!) Township] 392] 414] 4] 2 | 109 264) 41 1,094, 1,008 2,102 Ingleton - - > - - Chapelry} 255] 255] 1 | 18 gl 53 | 112 653 649 1,302 Langcliffe - - - - - Township a4 gl - 1 11 a7 3 199 221 420 Bolton, by Bowland - - = Parish} 216 | 226} -—| 2 88 121 | 17 600 605 1,205 (©) The entire Parish of Gargrave contains 1,659 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Kildwick contains 9,595 Inhabitants. The increase of trade is mentioned on the schedule from Cowling Township. At Silsden, nail-making and weaving of cotton and of worsted, have much increased. ——() Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale Parish is mostly in the West Division of Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. (f) The entire Parish of Linton contains 1,910 Inhabitants.——(®) Skipton Parish is partly in Upper- Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 5,479 Inhabitants. One female in Skipton Township upwards of 100 years of age. (°) Ameliffe Parish is partly in the East Division of Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,063 Inhabitants.——(') The entire Parish of Bentham contains 3,824 Inhabitants. A flax mill has been established at Bentham. M.DCCC.XXI.] “THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 419 COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. - HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Famt- | Ane B 5 LIES LIES | OTHER oR ; tine 3 chiefly pei | Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Bl yaniies| Z ployed | che inatone: f 4 or . = * ’ : er x rte 2 | Oc | 3 | 4d i eta a & _|PERSONS. STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE (3 | cupied. | & | 35 | AcRr | factnnes, | preced- a re (West Division)—continued. : CUL- or ae ing ‘Clapham, Parish: (*) a ae) ast ee . Austwick - = = = Township 130 131 | 1 6 . 54 53 24 283 273 556 Clapham, with Newby - - Township] 901 205 | —| 11 89 81 35 495 487 982 Lawkland - - - = Township 69 69 | - 24 63 4 2 176 175 351 Giggleswick, Parish: (!) Giggleswick - - ~ Township} 141 148 | - 2 58 46 44 366 380 746 Rathmill - - - - - Township] 65 65| -| -]7 6 4 - 153 175 328 Settle - - - = + Township} 281 291 —| 12 34 123 134. 431 777 1,508 Stainforth - - - - - Township 47 47 -| -j- 20 14 13 124 111 235 Gisburn, Parish: () | me Gisburn - - = + = = Township} 126 1206] =-7 14 33 47 16 329 361 690 Gisburn-Forest - - Township 81 81} -}| 1 59 19 3 249 208 457 Horton - - Township 39 39] - 1 12 26 1 88 99 187 Middop - - = + = Township 12 14. = a 12 2 = 52 48 100 Nappa - - - - = = Township 8 9} - 1 3 5 1 25 19 44 Newsholme - - - - Township} 13 wiy~-d - 7 10 - 34 41 75 Paythorne - - ~ - Township} 44 454 -] - 32 13 = 134 108 242 Rimmin gton - - - Township} 197 1274 1 ae 51 75 1 334 364 698 Swinden - - - Township 4" 8] -] - 8 ~ - 20 17 37 Horton-in-Ribblesdale - - ~- Parish} 4 3] 124] -{] 4 87 19 18 286 272 558 Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale, Parish: (®) | Airton - - ~ Township | 34 3844 - 1 13 17 | 4 go 97 187 Hanlith - - = = Township| 10 io} -]j] 1 10 ~|o- 26 20 46 Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale = Township] 45 45| -1} 4 15 27 | 3 97 107 204 Malham - - - Township} 58 58 { -] 2 42 16 4 = 133 129 262 Malham-Moor - - - Township] 17 yj -} - 17 -~ { - 52 36 88 Otterburn - - ‘Township 9 9/ -I - 9 - - 16 24 40 Scosthorpe - - - Township 15 | 20 - 1 9 8 3 49 53 102 nee Preston, Parish: (°) ellifield ~ - - Township} 56 56 - 25 15 | 16 144 135 279 Long-Preston - - - Township} 161] 163] —| 2 28 | 12 | 23 2470 463 733 Wigglesworth - - - Township 85 86 - 2 44 40 | 2 254 225 479 Mitton, (part of) Parish: (P) | Bashall-Eaves - - - - Yownship 58 60} =| 1 35 25 | = 182 167 348 Bradford, West - - - Township] 107] 108] =| 2 17 91 - 292 272 564 Grindleton - - - - Chapelryf 185 | 186] -]| 6 53 93 40 579 546 1,125 Mitton - - + + Township 50 2} -] - 14 37 1 165 159 324 Waddington - - + Chapelry} 131] 1393] -] 12 22 17 94 336 351 687 Sawley, with Tosside - - Extra-P. 98 99} -| 1 33 61 5 297 264 561 Sedbergh Parish: (1) Dent - - ~ - - + Township} 3721 gog | -|1a | 168 | 63 | 272 879 903 | 1,782 Garsdale - - - = = Chapelry} 126 143} -| 3 105 37 1 334 345 679 Sedbergh - - - - Township] 328] 411} ~ | 8 | 186 | 203 22 1,004 1,018 2,022 Slaidburn Parish: (') _ Bowland-Forest, High - Township 35 37 | -| 3 33 3 1 135 102 237 Bowland-Forest, Low - Township 52 52) -| — 52 - - 181 179 360 Easington - - Township 80 80| -| 2 53 27 - 257 244 501 Newton- - - - - Township} 112/ 112] =| 2 52 54 6 290 291 581 Slaidbum - - - - - Township] 156 | 156] 1 1 55 93 8 432 472 904. Thornton-in-Lonsdale Parish : (*) Burton, [Black - - - - Township} 144] 147] 1] 341 36 | 85 | 26 383 363 746 Thornton - - - - = Township? 109] 110] -| 2 56 26 28 247 288 535 5,21 1 55456 13 130 2,252 | 2,262 | 942 13,889 {13,991 {27,880 (*) The entire Parish of Clapham, with Newby, contains 1,889 Inha- ‘bitants——(')_ The entire Parish of Giggleswick contains 2,817 In- “habitants. (™) The entire Parish of Gisburn contains 2,530 Inha- bitants. —(") Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale Parish extends into the East “Division of Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. The entire Parish con- tain 1,005 Inhabitants——(°) The entire Parish of Long Preston contains 1,491 Inhabitants.——-(") Mitton Parish is partly in Lancashire (Black- ‘burn Hundred.) The entire Parish contains 5,025 Inhabitants. An increase of manufacture is noticed——(*) The entire Parish of Sedbergh contains 4,483 Inhabitants. Two cotton mills and two woollen factories, have been established since 1811. (*) The entire Parish of Slaidburn contains 2,583 Inhabitants. Bowland-Forest is deemed to entend. into Whalley Parish (Blackburn Hundred, Lancashire.)——-(*) The entire Parish of Thornton-in-Lonsdale Parish contains 1,281 Inhabitants. A cotton factory causes an influx of Inhabitants from other places. The Inhabitants of Ireby (Lancashire,) resort to the Parish church of Thornton-in-Lonsdale. 420 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enumeration. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faw | Fa | Aut LIE OR By 3 nIEe chiefly Orner s . how z chiefly employ- | Families wm TOTAL i 7 many . 2 em- in | not com- i) EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & Panel 4 ployed a: a0 ne = i 3 oF ‘§ | Oc | 2] fF -™ | Manu- | the Two < = (PERSONS. & jeupieds | | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a >) cUL~ forHandi-| _ 0g a a or STAINCROSS WAPENTAKE. TuRE. | craft. | Classes. Cawthorne - - - = (*) Parish] 293 | 293] ~]| = gi] 164] 38 766 752 1,518 Darefield (part of) Parish: (*) Ardsley - - - - + Township| 164] 170] -| - 41] uz] 4 527 465 992 Worsbrough - - - - Chapery| 237 | 237} 31 9 192 45 - 740 652 1,392 Darton Parish: (") Barugh- - - - = = Township} 80] 82] -| 2 39/ 431 - 194 202 396 Darton- - - - - - Township} 241 251 3 3 44 136 a1 701 639 1,340 Kexborough - - - - Township 66 69] - 1 23 17 29 214 226 440 Felkirk Parish: (*) oe - = = 5 = = Township 88 101 - 2 79 22 - 225 227 452 avercroft, with Cold- ‘ Hiendley - -f~ Towmship[ 33] 35] -| 2 29 Gal) ae 97 92 189 Hiendley, South - - - Township} 30! 331 -| 3 17 7| 9 85 81 166 Shafton - - - - - Township 43 43} -| 1 31 10 2 120 115 235 Hemsworth - - - - - - Parish} 204] 221] 2] 1 125 72 | 24 469 494 963 Hoyland, High, Parish: (*) Clayton, West - - - Township] 169] 173] 41] 5 35 | 136 2 437 417 854 Hoyland, High - - - Township 49 58] -| - 23 17 | 18 134 134 268 Skelmanthorpe - (*) Township - eel. stacey aa - “ = = “ = Penistone Parish: (7) Denby - - - - = = Chapelry} 262] 262] 1 | 15 S| 196 | 93 750 662 | 1,412 Gunthwaite - - ~ - Township 13 13}/ -| - 13 = - 43 43 86 Hunshelf - - - - - Township 84 84} -—| 4 65 19 - 218 218 436 Ingbirchworth- - - - Township 66 66] 1 1 27 39 a 198 169 367 Langsett - - - - + Township} 60 6o} 1] 1 56 4 - 173 152 325 Oxspring - - - - = Township 52 52] -—|] 3 36 9 7 121 126 247 Penistone - - - - = Township} 134} 135] -| 6 36 88 11 320 325 645. Thurlestone - - - = Township} 289} 301 | — | 10 124} 153] 24 797 727 | 1,524 Royston Parish: (7) Bretton, Monk - = - Township| 178| 183 | 7 | 1 64} 106} 13 487 429 916 Carlton - = - = - Township 64 64; -) 3 46 9 9 161 165 326 Chevett - - (+) - Township 5 5{| ~-{ 2 4 - 1 14 13 27 Cudworth - - - - - Township 95 113 - 2 "9 32 2 253 234 487 Notton - - - - + Township| 60/ 60] -] - 47 | aa cS 175 164 339 Roystone - - - - - Township} 103] 110] -—| — 49 51 10 283 266 549 Woovlley and Emley - - Chapelry 94 g6} 1] 1 63 17} 16 242 240 482 Silkstone Parish: (*) . Barnesley - - - (*) Township [1,441 |1,599 | 32 | 8 30 | 1,297 | 272 4,285 33999 8,284 Bretton, West (part of) Chapelry "6 6} -| - 44 30 2 189 175 364 Cumberworth - - (#) Chapelry}] 215] 225] -| 5 10 | 215 - 670 625 1,295 Dodworth - - - (4) Township} 217; 217] —] 1 43 | 151 | 23 633 594 | 1,227 Hoyland-Swaine - - - Township} 136] 140] -| — 39 81; 20 382 356 738 Silkstone - - - (*) Township} 130] 154] 2] 5 39 | 103] 12 437 370 807 Stainbrough - - - ~- Township 39 4o/ -| 3 27 ut 2 88 106 194 Thurgoland - ~- = - Township} 170} 185] 7] 1 37 | 126; 22 426 393 819 Tankersley Parish: (>) Tankersley - - © Township} 103 | 106] =—] -— 44 61 1 316 3099 625 Wortley - - - - - Chapelry} 173] 178] 1] 1 75 98 5 448 456 904 Wragby (part of) Parish: (°) Ryhill - + - + = Township 29 29 - 2 23 6 - 76 71 147 Winterset - - - - - Township 27 a7} -] 1 ll 2] 14 66 69 135 6,012 |6,346 | 65 | 103 | 1.953 | 3,644 | 749 16,960 | 15,952 | 32,912 . (*) A new canal and colliery have caused an increase of the Population | ants. The Township of Barnesley flourishes greatly, containing all kinds at Cawthorne.——(") Darefield Parish is mostly in Strafforth and Thick- } of linen manufacture, besides iron foundries and wire-drawing. Its Popu- hill Wapentake. (‘) The entire Parish of Darton contains 2,176 | lation in 1811 was no more than 5,014, now 8,284. Dodworth partakes Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Felkirk contains 1,042 Inha- } in the liven manufactare, and the collieries have increased at Silkstone. bitants. (*) The entire Parish of High-Hoyland contains 1,122 | West-Bretton is partly in Great-Sandall Parish (Agbrigg Wapentake) ; Inhabitants, exclusive of Skelmanthorpe, part of which is in Emley Pa- |} Cumberworth includes that part of Skelmanthorpe which is in the Parish : rish, but its Population is included iu Cumberworth-Half (Kirk Burton | of High-Hoyland. Cumberworth is partly in Kirk-Burton Parish, Agbrigg Parish, Avbrigg Wapentake.) The Population of the High-Hoyland part | Wapentake (Upper Division, ) and contains together 2,415 Inhabitants. . of Skelmantborpe is included in Camberworth-Half (Silkstone Parish) in (°) The entire Parish of Tankersley contains 1,529 Tnhabitants.—— this Wapentake, () The entire Parish of Penistone contains 5,042 | (©) Wragby Parish is mostly in Upper Osgoldcross Wapentake, and is. Inhabitants (*) The entire Parish of Royston contains 3,126 Inha- } partly included in Sharlston (Agbrigg Wapentake.) bitants. (#) The entire Parish of Silkstone contains 13,728 Inhabit- M.-DCCC.XXL.J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 421 a a —S—— COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued, PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- ania ‘Aut oe By 3 LIES chiefly OrurR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. | ow | | & | chiefly | employ- | Families wa | TOTAL 2 many | ew | 3 em- | edin {notcom-f . x} 5 oe ae 3 ste 3 a ployed | Traps, | prized in 4 3 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL | 3 | cupiea.| 2] 3 | qcu, {Mam [mee] |S By eens WAPENTAKE. cur- lorHandi- ing ; (North Division.) turz. | craft, | Classes. | Adwick-le-Street Parish: (4) Adwick-le-Street.- - - Township 68 68} -| 2 49 10 9 161 } 185 346 Hamphall, with Stubbs - Township 27 27; —-| - 24 3 - 72 68 140 Adwick-upon-Dearne - - - Parish} 34] 34] - 31 a 83 85 168 Barnbrough - - - - - = Parish}. 89 97} -| 1 §1 26 | 20 234 232 466 Bentley, with Arksey - - - Parish} 232} 240{ 1] 9g 175 56 9 620 551 | 1,171 Blyth (part of) Parish : (° Austerfield - - - - Chapelry 47 4g|/ -] 1 36 4 131 111 242 Bolton-upon-Dearne - - - Parish} 124} 1392/ -| 1 "1 36 | 25 297 326 623 - Brodsworth Parish: Brodsworth, with Pickburn, Township _ and Scansby - - : Township } a a + 66 5 = oor 216 “ANT Clayton, with Frickley - - - Parish 69 69} -| - 43 15} 11 179 181 360 ; Darfield (part of) Parish: (f) Billingley - - - = - Township 40 45) -| - 37 9 1 116 98 214 Darfield - - - - - Township} 110] 112] —| 2 100 4 8 239 273 512 Houghton, Great - - - Township 54 56) 1] 1 30 11] 15 138 149 287 Houghton, Little - - - Township 23 27} -| 2 25 2 - 49 63 112 Wombwell - - - - Township} 154] 154] 2] —- 110 42 2 400 411 811 Doncaster (part of) Parish: (8) Langthwaite, with Tilts - Township 3 Zh ee 3 - - 11 10 a1 | Ecclesfield Parish: (# Aldward - = - ~- = Township 2 2] -{| 1 ~ - 2 13 22 35 Bradfield - - - - - Chapelry} 943 | 987] 5| 39 | 3471 331 | 309 2,814 | 2,484 | 5,298 Ecclesfield - - - - Township|1,356 /1,450 | 31] 53 402 | 774 | 274 3,696 3,467 7,163 } Hickleton Parish : Hickleton - - - - - Township 27 28] -| - 24 3 1 68 85 153 Hooton-Pagnell (part of) Parish: (#) Bilham- - - - + Township 14 wy Ss 9 4 1 39 35 74 Hooton-Pagnell - ~- ~- Township 67 OS) a1 2 39 14{ 15 159 167. 326 Marr - - ~ - += = = = Parish 32 34; -| 2 31 3 a 83 79 162 Melton, High - - - - - Parish 27 a7{ -{ 3 20 5 2 70 67 137 Rawmarsh - - = - - - Parishf 255 | 262} 3] 2 68 | 160] 34 642 617 1,259 Rotherham (part of) Parish: (*) Greasbrough - - - - Chapelry| 270 | 284] 4] 1 47 48 | 189 625 627 1,252 Kimberworth - - - - Township]| 770 | 847] — | 26 62} 640 | 245 1,883 1,914 3,797 Sheffield (part of) Parish: (1) Brightside-Bierlow ~- + Township 1,344 | 1,594 | 18 | 91 89 }1,498 | 77 3,308 3,307 6,615 Sprotbrough Parish: (™) Cateby- - - - =~ Township 33 33 - 25 6 a 96 73 169 Sprotbrough - - - - Township 57 59 | -]|] 1 30 16 | 13 154 164 318 Thurnscoe - - - - - - Parish 46 474o—<-] - 36 6 5 g8 | 107 205 Wath-upon-Dearn Parish: (") Brompton-Bierlow - (") Township] 235 | 258] 2] 8 115 91] 52 630 633 1,263 Hoyland, Nether - - - Chapelry} 218] 250] -—| 5 751 168 9 608 621 1,229 Swinton - - - (") Chapelry} 193] 199{ -| 6 53 | 128] 18 534 516 1,050 Wath-upon-Dearn - - Township] 196] 203] 3] 5 65 | 113 | 25 480 521 | 1,001 Wentworth - - - - Chapelry| 234) 246]. 2] 2 95 | 127] 24 627 642 1,269 7,464 | 8,076 | 44 [272 | 2,483 | 4,189 | 1,404 | 19,558 | 19,107 | 38,665 (*) The entire Parish of Adwick-le-Street contains 486 Inhabitants. | Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 409 Inhabitants. (*) The | ——(*) Blyth Parish is mostly in the Hatfield Division of Bassetlaw, | entire Parish of Rotherham, which is partly in the South Division of and partly in Southwell and Scrooby Liberty (Notts.) It is also partly | Strafforth and*Tickhill Wapentake, contains 9,633 Inhabitants. | in the South Division of Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentake. The entire | (!) Sheffield Parish is mostly in the South Division of Strafforth and ‘Parish contains 3,456 Inhabitants—_(f) Darfield Parish. is partly in | Tickhill Wapentake. (™) The entire Parish of Sprotbrough contains Staincross Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 3,820 Inhabitants, | 487 Inhabitants. ) The entire Parish of Wath-upon-Dearn con- so Doncaster.Parish is mostly in Doncaster Soke. (") The en- | tains 4,812 Inhabitants. The increase of potteries, furnaces and col- tire Parish of Ecclesfield contains 12,496 Inhabitants. (‘).Hooton- | lieries is noticed in the Return from Brampton-Bierlow, and the earthen-. Pagnell Parish is partly in the South Division of Strafforth and Tickhill | ware manufacture in that from Swinton. : 5 P 422 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. eee... COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : OCCUPATY ONS: PERSONS : Fami- -Famt- | pips ALL OF By zn LIES | chiefly OrHER . how = | chief loy- | Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many | » | 3 ain me ety not com- an 3 2 valle g 3 ployed | Trang, [prized in S| 3 oF ; & c= = : in . | the Two <_ PER: 5 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL | cupied.| @ | 5S | Acai ae preced- a Ss poe WAPENTAK E—continued. cut- lorHandi.| _ ing (South Division.) TURE. | craft, | Classes. Anston, North and South, Parish: Anston, North and South - Township? 152 | 163] -| 3 77 | 66 20 376 400 976 Armthorpe - - - - - = Parish 90 yo; at. 58} 11 3 179 180 359 Aston, with Aughton - - (°) Parish} 126] 126/ -| 3 511 57 18 286 270 556 Barnby-upon-Don Parish: (?) Barnby-upon-Don - - Township 94] 109} -]| 2 86 | 23 - 224 268 495 Thorpe-in-Balne - - - Township 16 a1} =| = 17 4 - 61 61 122 Blyth (part of) Parish: (4) Bawtry - - - = = Chapelry— 203 | 203] -| 3 54 | 126 23 484 543 1,027 Braithwell Parish: (‘) Braithwell - - - ~- Township gu g2| -| - 59 | 23 10 217 221 438 Bramley - - - = Township 58 62 1 2 57 5 i 131 170 301 Cantley - - - - - - - Parshf 114] 116) 1 1 100 | 11 5 296 281 577 Conisbrough - - - - + Parish} 233 | 257] 1] 6 149 | 61 Aq 546 596 1,142 Dinnington - - - + - - Parish 36 39} -} - 28 5 6 101 88 189 Edlingtou - - = = = = Parish 25 25; -| 1 23 - 2 81 60 141 Firbeck* = 9- ~ - - - = Parish 39 43] -i - 24] 15 4 112 114 226 Fishlake Parish : (*) Fishlake - - + - = Township? 159] 163] 2/ 14 123 | 28 12 358 365 723 Skyehouse - - - (*) Township} 118] 120] -| 3 108 | 12 ms 270 281 551 Handsworth* - + - - Parish] 424 | 450] —| 15 151 | 263 36 1,104 1,069 2,173 Harthill, with Woodall - - - Parish} 114 { 114] -| 2 87 | 27 - 324 326 650 Hatfield Parish: (*) Hatfield - - © ~ - Townshipf 40g] 414] 3 | 15 262 | 62 go 959 989 | 1,948 Stainforth - - - - - Townsbip} igi] 141] 3) 4] 55] 55 | 31 347 347 694 Hooton-Pagnell (part of) Pansh: (*) Stotford - - - - - Township 1 1j}-| - 1 = - 5 4 9 |. Hooton-Roberts - - - - = Parish 35 39} -| - 10 8 21 96 94 igo f Laughton-en-le-Morthen Parish: (”) i Gilden-Wells* (-+) - Township} 15 16; -/| 2f) 14 - 2 41 42 83 ec ae Township} 135 | 148] -| 2] 90) 30 | 28 gio | 342 | 652 Letwell* - - - - - Chapelry 25 27} -| - 19 2 6 40 65 135 |; Throapham - - - - Township 4 at -{ 21 7 - - 24 26 50 |. Woodsetts* - - - + Township 32 3g2/ -| 1 25 4. — 67 68 135 Kirk-Sandall - - - - - Parish 23 eg} -}| - 25 4 - 98 94 192 Maltby Parish: (*) Hooton-Levett - - - Township 17 iw} -/] 2 14 2 2 53 42 95- Maltby - - - - + Townshipf 132 {| 142/ -—| — 108 | 32 2 328 351 679 Mexborough Parish: (¥) Dannaby - - - - - Township 30 go} -] - 30 - - m1 40 141 Mexborough* - - - Township? 170] 180] —| 2] 74] 86 20 438 427 865. Ravenfield - - - - - - Parish 35 35) -| 1 28 6 1 85 102 187, Rotherham (part of) Parish: (7) Brinsworth - - - - Township 41 41] -] 1 41 - - 117 108 225 Catcliffe - - + - - Township 43 43) -| - 36 7 - 105° 97 202 Datton - - - - »- Township 34 34} -| - 34 - - 101 124. 225 , Orgreave - - - - = Township 8 8{/ -|] - 8 - - 26 21 47. 4, Rotherham - - - - - Town} 417] 417] 1/116 150 | 230 37 1,681 1,867 | 3,54 A Tinsley - - - - (*) Township] 66 66) -| - 33] 25 8 162 165 397, |. * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, : (°) The Return from Aston-with-Aughton included part of Ulley, in | Inhabitants. South-Bramwith Township is now included in the Return 18113; the whole of which is now attributed to Treeton Parish. of Stainforth. An inclosure has.taken place in Hatfield since 1811.— { (°) The entire Parish of Barnby-upon-Don contains 617 Inhabitants. | (*) Hooton-Pagnell Parish is mostly in the North Division of Strafforth- | ! ——(9) Blyth Parish is partly in the North Division of Strafforth and | and Tickhill Wapentake——(”) The entire Parish of Laughton-en-le« | | Tickbill Wapentake ; partly in Southwell and Scrooby Liberty, (Notts. ;) | Morthen contains 1,055 Inhabitants. *) The entire Parish of Maltby | | but mostly in Bassetlaw, Hatfield Division, (Notts.) The entire Parish | contains 774 Inhabitants.—-(”) The entire Parish of Mexborough con- contains 3,456 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Braithwell con- | tains 1,006, Inhabitants. *) Rotherham Parish is mostly in the | : tains 739 Inhabitants. *) The entire Parish of Fishlake contains | North Division. of. Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentake. A new colliery | | 1,274 Inhabitants. One female in Skyehouse Township upwards of | bas been opened at Tinsley, | 100 years of age.——(*) The entire Parish of Hatfield contains 2,642 : \ M.DCCC.XXI] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 423 REET COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : ocr : PERSONS : Famt-- a ALL on By 3 LIES | chiefly Orner TOTAL how 2 chief loy-| Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. og | may} .| 3 ma | ones leven) og a 3 erage & é ployed | Trang, | prized in a s OF g Ic~ im 2 in u- | the Two STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL < ied | 2B] S sec ved- & PERSONS. WAPENEARE: ee ee (South Division)}—continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. | ‘ Sheffield (part of) Parish: (#) . Attercliffe, with Darnall - Township} 680} 699{ 1 | 69 98} 237) 384 | 1,615 | 1,557 | 3,172 _Ecclesall-Bierlow - (#) Township | 1,814 °1,912 | 22 1135 112 | 1,541 259 | 4,526 4,587 9,113 Hallam, Nether - - - Township] 628! 651 | 9 | 49 70 | 520 61 1,659 1,541 3,200 Hallam, Upper - - Township} 189] 195] 1 | 10 89 79 27 523 495 1,018 Sheffield - - - - + - Town}]8,726 9,049 | 29 [1,310 509 | 7,663 | 877 J 20,815 |21,342 | 42,157 Stainton, with Hellaby - - - Parish] 38 ar] -! 3 38 1 2 119 99 218 Thorne - - = = + = (%) Parish} oq} 77/41 | 18 215 | 344} 218 | 1,670 | 1,493 | 3,463 Thorpe-Salvin - - - - ~ Parish 40 44| -] 3 16 4 Q1 97 102 199 Thribergh - - - - = = Parish 6o 69| -] 2 40 17 12 158 | 157 315 Tickhill Parish: (>) Stancill, with Welling] : 5 nad Wileick See a Township} 10] ao] -| — 8 i 1 32 22 54 Tickhill - - + - Township}! 379] 415] 11 7 289 93 33 882 948 | 1,830 Todwick - - - - - = + Parish 39 42 | -} 1 40 2 - 105 105 210 Treeton Parish; (*) Brampton-en-le-Morthen - Township 27 a7 | -]} 1 22 3 2 77° 59 136 Treeton - - = = = Township} 75 95 | -| 1 54 19 2 195 189 364 Ulley - - - - ~ (°) Township 42 42} -{ - 30 9 3 105 g8 § 203 Wadworth - - - ~- - + Parish} 124] 131 a{ 2 111 °16 4 300 314.- 614 Wales* - - - - = - «= Parish 59 63] -| 2 53 10 - 131 146 277 Warmsworth - - - = < Parish 65 72) ~| 4 fF 32} 28 12 166 169 335 Whiston - - - - - - -~ Parish} 188] tg90}] 2| 8 146 41 3 439 420 859 Wickersley - - - + - (4) Parish} -98 98 | 2] 3 35+ 41! 22 220 212 | 432 17,893 |18,6. 1 |1,729 11,965 | 2 151 | 89,24 | RIPON Liberty. 7,893 9945 | 9 f 41303 1995 | 2,377 44,15 45,093 9,244 Feliskirk (part of ) Parish: (*) ‘Feliskirk - - + - - Township| 20 2o{ =} —- 18 - a 58 55 113 Kilburn (part of) Parish: (f) ' Hood-Grange - - - = Township 4 4} -j| - 4 - - 16 14 30 ‘Kilburn _7 7 2 7 7 Township}. 103 | 1og| -—| —- 63 38 8 253 247 500 Nidd, with Killinghall - - - Parish! 18 18] -| 2 16 2 - 50 36 86 | Ripon (part of) Parish: (2) ‘Aismunderby, with Bondgate Township} 114] 121] 8] 4 9 28 86 248 273 551 Bishop-Monckton - - Chapelry}’ 105 | 106] —| 16 47 37 22 251 228 479 Bishop-side, High and Low Township] 403 , 493] 213 63 | 177] 163 1,081 991 2,072 ‘Bishop-Thornton - + = Chapelry} 118] 118.) 3} 10 43 19 56 325 322 647 Bishopton - - - - = Township, 16 7) -}| 3) 2 2 13 89 47° 136 Clotherholme - - - - Township, 2. a} -| - 2 - - 8. 8 16 Eavestone - - - - + Township, 13° wZWwin~-} - 9 1 3 39° 34 93 “Givendale - - - _7 7 Township, 4 4}; -}| - 4 - - 16° 15 31 Grantley, with Skeldin - Township]. 44 52{ ~~} 1 29 13 10 116 117 233 Hewick-Bridge - - - Township 13 13) -] 1 12 1 - 44° 33 17 Hewick-Copt - - - - Township] 30 go} -| 1 28 2 - 64 67. 131 Ingerthorpe - - - - Township 8 gi -] - 6 - 3 22 22 44 ‘Markington, with Waller- a ; 8 ; thwaite - - - - ownship| = 95 97} - 30 24 43 245 212 457 - Marston, with Moseby - Township 26 26 )--]; — 25 1 - 87 97 164 ‘Newby, with Mulwith, - Township 4 8) -] - 3 - 5 32 20 52 unwick, with Howgrave - Township 4: 4|<-|] - 4 - ~ 15 13 28 Rrron = - - Borough & Township] 953 [1,009] 1| 21 | 161] 606! 242 | 2,114 | 2,449 4,563 Sawley - - - - - Chapely| 92 95 {| -| 2 89 4 2 252 238 490 Sharrow - - - - - Township 26 26 - 2 18 5 3 42 61 103 2 / * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (*) Sheffield Parish is partly in the North Division of Strafforth and |} Ulley, which is part! an th e Parish of Astou-with-Aughton,——(d | Tickhill Wapentake. The entire Parish ciiaine Gha08 Tokabitante: spel wie of id: Sab eeea vibe Wickentey. ) Felikink Beco At Eccleshall-Bierlow, the lowness of the poor’s rate is said to cause an | is mostly in the North Riding (Birdforth Wapentake.)—_(*) Kilburn. influx of Inhabitants 3 and an inclosure has taken place at Thorne. Parish extends into Birdforth Wapentake, North Riding ——(*) Ripon (°) The entire Parish of Tickhill contains 1,884 Inhabitants. (°) The | Parish is partly in Lower Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains entire Parish of Treeton contains 703 Inhabitants, including the whole of | 13,096 Inhabitants, cen zg CERI Dees Bee ingem enone Geeta 1 424 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. 2 COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Far | PO" | aus By $ LIES : OTHER 3 chiefly z oR 4 how 2 chiefly employ- Families Fe TOTAL man . % * t fe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & Families 2 2 | ployed A eed prsedia| «= 4 or B | Oc | 3] | in | Manu. |theTwo] = |PERsoNs. S jcupied.) @ | 5 | Acnr- | factures,| preced- a Bs RIPON Liberty—continued. Pte ae ec Ripon Puri constenath Skelton - - - “4 Chapelry 43 Ay -for M1 17 46 162 152 314 Stainley, North, ah ; ‘ Bewt dow ee wf Township | 63 68] -—]| 2 61 2 5 180 205 385 Sutton-Grange - - - Township 20 20} —]| - 19 1 = 47 39 86 Warsill - - - + - = Township 14 17} -| - 17 - = 40 46 86 Westwick - - - - + Townshipf 3 3) -] - 3 - a 14 13 27 Whitcliff, with Thorpe = - Townships 31 31 - 4 31 = - 68 89 157 2,422 | 2,517 | 13 | go 825 | 980} 712 6,008 6,123 | 12,131 Borough of Dowcasrer - = = - - (*) -]1,789 [1,798 | 21 | 64 | 307 ]1,284| 307 | 3,857 | 4,687 | 8,544 DONCASTER Soke. Doncaster (part of) Parish: () Balby, with Hexthorp - - Township 79 80} 1] 4 38 36 6 186 206 392 Sandal, Long, with Wheatley Township 30 31) -] 3 23 8 - 72 88 160 Finningley (part of) Parish: Ee 9 Blaxton- - - Township 29 z0} —~] - 22 4 4 61 56 117 Loversall - - - - Parish 27 28 - - 26 2 - 67 64 - 131 Rossington - - - - Parish 58 60} -| 1 51 5 4 197 186 383 223]; 229) 1] 8 160 55 14 583 - 600 1,183 LEEDS, Town and Liberty of. Peters, St. Parish: (*) Armley (+) - - = Chapelry} 855) 889 | 2 | 70 71 877 5 | 2,134 | 2,139 | 4,273 Beeston - - - - ~- (*) Chapeby} 357] 366] - | 25 594 2478 29 829 841 1,670 Bramley (+) - - - ~- Chapeky| g5e 983 } 4} 65 12 956 15 2,459 2,462 4,921 Chapel-Allerton - - - Chapelry|. 337] 347] -—| 12 134] 147] 66 819 859 1,678 East-Division as - - Township [1,768 | 1,823 | 12 [243 31 | 1,768 24 | 3,662 4,039 75701 Farnley - - - Chapelry} 265 | 271 | -| 5 26] 233 12 667 — 665 1,332 Headingley, with Burley - Chapelryf 390] 390] 4 | 16 42} 292 56 | 1,024 1,130 2,154 Holbeck - - - ° Chapelry ]1,477 | 1,498 | 13 | 46 18 | 1,476 4] 3,533 | 3,618 | 7,151 Hunslet or Huntlect - Chapelry | 1,709 | 1,721 | 17 | 21 33 | 1,688 - | 4,033 4,138 8,171 Middle and Kirkgate] _ ake 8 6 Division (+) - wasp | 972 | 1,035 | 3 | 73 5 | 1,022 25339 2,430 | 4,709 Milhill Division (+) - Township} 554} 554] 4 | 18 6} 419] 129 1,275 1,756 3,031 - Township | 2,102 | 2,169 213 89 1,963 | 117 | 4,473 | 4,721. | 9,194 _ eo North-East, Lower Division (+) North-East, Upper 3 Vigeion ta) st - Township 1,410 | 1,410 | 12 | 91 8| 441] 961 | 3,045 | 3,473 | 6,518 eG | - Township} 771 | 789] 8 | 63 16 | 637 | 136 | 1,801 | 2,003 | 3,804 “Divison (= J Township | 1,003 | 1,033 | 11 [100 27} 765 | 241 2,316 | 2,561 4,877 Potter-Newton - - Township{ 132] 134] -| 3 59 37 38 308 356 664 South Division (+) - - Township }1,104 }1,135 | 6 | 35 21 9491 184 2,710 2,791 5,501 Upper Division (+) - - Township} 654; 661 | -—| 17 2{ 395 | 264 1,508 1,700 3,208 Wortley +) - - - - Chapelry} 607] 628] 5 | 49 34] 547 | 47 | 1,597 | 1,582 | 3,179 17,419 [17,836 | 114 [1,165] 610 {14,890 | 2,336 | 40,532 | 43,264 | 83,796 () Doncaster Parish (which includes the Borough of Doncaster) } Shaw, Cottingley-Hall, New-Hall, Parkside, Royds and Snickells, are is partly in the North Division of Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentake. | now included in the Return of Beeston Township. An increase of the The entire Parish contains 9,117 Inhabitants.\——(‘) Finningley Parish ] blauket manufactory is noticed at Armley, new mills at Holbeck, and is mostly in the Hatfield Division of Bassetlaw (Notts.) The entire the flax trade in other Towuships, as causing au increase of Population. Parish contains 782 Inhabitants.——(©) The Townships of Beeston- ® M.DCCC.XXI.] | ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLU. IY. ¢. 94. 425 COUNTY OF YORK, (West Riding)—continued, SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding.) HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : 1 Fami- ae Aut By | 5 ae hiefy | OTHER WAPENTAKES, 3 ff | ot z chiefly employ. Families | g | TOTAL o : on a edi not com-, 5 eq c : a wo /P! 5 t cupied. 3 5 Acri- fectaiss; ! preced- fy AON : CUL- jorHandi-' _ ing ee rons. | craft, | Classes. f Wapentake of pao aaa ea AGBRIGG - - - + = = [28,600/30,492} 203 |4,310} 3,341 |23,067 | 4,084 | 77,579 | 76,712 154,291 BARKSTONE-ASH - - - ~ | 4,101} 4,314} 15 111 2,561 | 1,205} 548] 10,218 10,554 | 20,772 CLARO - - - - -] 7,603] 8,055) 44/235] 3,612) 2,404, 2,039 | 20,153 | 19,713 | 39,866 MORLEY - - - - = - - [35,509 36,706 | 504 1,244] 2,237 (31,834 2,635 | 92,231 | 93,537 185,768 OSGOLDCROSS - - - - | 5,931 | 6,383} 13/188] 3,202] 1,702 4,479] 15,016 | 15,262 | 30,978 — SKYRACK - - - = - += 14°7,100! 7,396; 691307] 2,104] 4,487} 805] 18,629 , 18,467 | 97,096 STAINCLIFF and EWCROSS - |12,248|12,673|} 78/404] 3,915| 7,235] 1,523 | 32,067 | 32,744 | 64,811 STAINCROSS - - - - - | 6,012] 6,346] 65/103 | 1,953] 3,644} 749] 16,960 | 15,952 | 32,912 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL ~- [25,357 |26,721 ) 135 |2,001 | 6,786 16,154 | 3,781 | 63,709 }| 64,200 | 127,909 Liberty of RIPON - - = ~ + - -| 2,422] 2,517} 13] go 825) 980} 712 6,008 6,123 | 12,131 Borough of . DONCASTER - - - - -{| 1,789] 1,798} 21] 64 307] 1,184] 307 3,857 4,687. 8,544 Soke of DONCASTER - ~ ~ - -} 223] 929) 1] 8] 10} 65] 14 583 | 600) 1,283 Town and Liberty of LEEDS - - - - - ~ ~ {17,419 {17,836 | 114 1,165 610 |14,890 2,336 49,582 | 43,264 | 83,796 ToTaLs - = ~ [154,314 /161,466 |1,275 7,230 131,623 {108,841 |21,012 | 397,542 | 401,815 |799,957 5Q 426 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. | f a) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70} 80 | 90 | 100 , Under a Wapcntake : to to to to to to to | to | to | to | to | & 5 * | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 {100} 1 & of oo wards, AGBRIGG - ~ = = {13,352 /11,078! 9,672 | 7,862 |11,080/ 8,740 | 6,581 | 4,739 | 2,924 |1,282} 270] 20] — | 77,600 BARKSTONE-ASH - - | 1,530} 1,458! 1,295 | 1,009 | 1,337] 1,097 g12 707 | 508] 272} 78! 41] — |10,207 CLARO - - - - | 2,571] 2,329: 1,934 |1,839 | 2,441] 1,907 |1,529 | 1,204 | 918] 484) 142] 12 | 1 $17,312 MORLEY - 12,840 |10,483 | 8,902 {6,903 |10,301 | 7,741 | 5,574 | 3,902 | 2,536 |1,105} 236; 14 | - | 70,537 OSGOLDCROSS - - | 2,207] 2,114] 2,037 |1,476 | 2,116] 1,609 | 1,376 | 1,042 | 681 | 314, 91] 5 | — 415,068 SKYRACK - - - | 2,929] 2,572] 2,200 | 2,031 | 2,525|1,856 | 1,356 | 1,122 | 701] 427) 93} 8 | — 417,820 VCLIFF and eee se a - | 5,324] 4,314) 3,831 | 3,286 | 4,54313,403 | 2,608 | 1,930 |1,339] 698} 158] 19 | — }31,453 STAINCROSS - - 2,831} 2,361 | 1,931 {1,897 | 2,644] 1,887 [1,435 ] 988 | 680} 248] So} 3] — j 16,985 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL = ~ [10,153 | 8,384 | 7,178 | 6,902 | 9,296 | 7,731 | 5,883 | 3,943 |2,661 /1,271/ 289) 27 | — 163,718 RIPON, LIBERTY - - 896} 793] 731 | 607 835| 671 | 545 | 432 | 299] 167} Gol 5} - { 6,041 DONCASTER, BORO’ - 566] 522) 455 | 394 520] 493 | 417] 258] 150] 68 13] 1] - | 3,857 DONCASTER, SOKE - 82 84| 66 62 81 70 55| 33] 34] 13} 3) -| - 583 T REEDS) TOWN “TT - | 2,007] 1,540] 1,328 [1,120 | 1,670/ 1,268 {1,013 | 657 | 395] 181] 32] 2 | — f11,213 Total of MALES - [57,288 |48,032 ans6e0 35,388 [49,389 |38,473 |29,284 |20,957 13,826] 6,530) 1,545| 120] 1 | 342,393 | FEMALES. s ey 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 5 Under < Wapentake ‘ to to to to to to to | to | to} to | to | & = ’ 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 =| 80 | 90 |100| UP- m of wards AGBRIGG - - - + [12,657 |10,78119,107 | 7,982 {12,205} 8,735 |6,353 | 4,328 | 2,991 | 1,381) 323] 22 | —- [76,865 BARKSTONE-ASH - - [| 1,526} 1,385} 1,234 | 1,120 | 1,516] 1,131 |31,021 | 747 | 514] 274) 98} 6| — [10,572 CLARO - - = | 2,991} 2,230] 1,911 | 1,665 | 2,569] 1,893 | 1,480 ]1,168 | 862] 429] 119] 10 | — [16,724 MORLEY - - ~ ]12,476 |10,000 | 8,419 | 7,573 |11,450 | 8,214 | 5,622 | 3,947 | 2,696 |1,044 259; 13 | — [71,713 OSGOLDCROSS”~ - 2,128) 1,980 {2,000 | 1,744 | 2,319] 1,705 } 1,273 915 | 618) 2891 91} 7 | — $15,069 SKYRACK - | 2,804} 2,401} 2,163 | 1,892 | 2,744] 1,851 11,516 |1,060 | 711 | 362) 77] 10 | — |17,591 pe ae ease) \ 5,102] 4,483 | 3,676 | 3.369 | 4,999 | 3,629 | 2,701 | 1,990 |1,397 | 713] 201] 12 | 1 432,243 STAINCROSS - - - | 2,668] 2,293] 1,803 | 1,804 | 2,462] 1,773 |1,259 | 877 | 593| 279) 78} 5] — [15,894 AFFORTH and : Sa se - [10,036 | 8,454 | 6,922 |6,553 |10,408 | 7,696 | 5,752 | 3,903 | 2,822 |1,204) 318] 34 | 1 164,103 RIPON, LIBERTY = - 836] 788) 626{ 610 979} 713 | 572] 439 | 330] 172} 57/12] — | 6,195 DONCASTER, BORO’ - 599} 534] 501 519 912] 553 | 477 297 | 178} g4| 21] 2 — | 4,687 DONCASTER, SOKE 83 85 54 "6 98 "5 50 35 yg] 12] 2] -] = 589 N and ae ae ~ | 1,977] 1,516] 1,331 |1,198 | 1,893) 1,345 }1,041 | 662 | 416] 182] 44] 2] — ]11,604 Total of FEMALES [55,283 |46,930 139,747 136,105 |54,545 [39,313 |29,117 {20,368 |14,147/ 6,435] 1,688/135| 2 | 343,815 THE Total Number of Persons in the West Riding of the County of York was . . . 799,357, . . . und the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .. . 686,208, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of more than one-seventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the West Riding of the County of York was 668; thirty-four of which (including those of the Town of Leeds) did not coutain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.) “ ” 40 50 60 70 | 80 #0 ioe 4 0 0 0 : 0 to to to to to 0 = U. . iia 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 7 | 80 | 90 | 100/™P-} & BEDFORD - - - - 6,410 5434 4,551 4,560 72538 | 4,923 } 33917 2,808 2,005 924} 2392 13 | 1] 43,316 BERKS - - - - -| 8472] 8,014 | 6,807| 5,836 | 9800} 7,916] 5,983 | 4.352] 3.192] 1,712] 552 41 | 2] 62,019 BUCKS - + 2 +f 9538] 8,763 | 7,153] 6,710 | 11,206 | 17,889 | 6,579} 4.717 | 3.247 | 1,825 | 478 32 | — | 68,137 CAMBRIDGE - -] 8,668| 7,338 | 5,787| 5,769} 9,401 | 6,147| 5,177 | 3603) 2474] 1,016] 289] 12] -] 55,88 CHESTER - - - -] 21,260 | 18,332 | 15,297 | 14,306 | 23,068 | 15,995 12,007 7,801 5,428 2,859 | 846 79 | 1 $137,200 CORNWALL - - -]} 18,216} 15,780 | 13,270 | 12,661 | 20,574 | 14,264 | 11,260 8,838 | 6,412 3,368 | 1,031 80 | 3 ]125,757 CUMBERLAND - -J] 10,349 10,024 8,508 7,851 | 13,322 9,560 7,281 5,501 4,214 2,159 | 707 85 | 6] 79,567 DERBY - - - - -f 15,418 | 13,926 } 12,242 | 10,918 | 16,704 | 11,924 8,936 6,423 4500 2,260 | 620 50 | — 103,921 DEVON - - + +f 30,767 | 27,361 | 22,398 | 21,648 | 36,977 | 27,509 | 20,708 | 15,971 } 12,062 6,191 | 1,870 | 171 | 2 [223,635 DORSET - - - - - 9,712 8,759 7,563 6,921 | 11,800 8,513 6,957 5,100 3,829 1,897 | 554 71 | — | 71,676 DURHAM - - = -] 11,397} 10,204] 8,619} 8,202 | 13,024] 9,252| 7,972 | 5.576] 4,134] 2,239] 802] 103] 9 | 80,933 ESSEX - - - = +} 20,373 | 18,384 | 14,756 | 13,014 | 22,337 | 15,738 | 12,531 8,781 6,351 2,911 | 821 61 | 1 $136,059 GLOUCESTER - - -] 16,921 | 15,120 12,921 | 12,114 | 19,802 | 14,144 | 11,650 8,257 6,014 3,300 | 961 79) 3 ]121,286 i HEREFORD - - -} 6823] 6,368 5,522 1 5,002 | 8,029] 5,921] 4959] 3744+ 2047} 1,514| 563] 60] =] 51,454 HERTFORD ~~ - +] 9,032 | 8,103 | 7,071 | 6,928 | 10,284 | 7,378] 5,775 | 3,895 | 2779] 1,395 | 420 20} 2] 62,482 HUNTINGDON - -] 3,482] 3,134 | 2,586 [{ 2,264] 3,642] 2,560] 2,010] 1,523] 1,156 514] 143 11 { —| 23,025 KENT - - - - - =] 27,056} 24,197 | 19,680 | 17,098 | 29,814 | 21,619 | 16,320 | 11,226] 7,539 | 3,727] 997 79 | 5 [179,357 LANCASTER - - -] 71,941 | 60,663 ! 52,597 | 48,795 | 76,326 | 55,362 | 309,495 | 23,965 15,961 | 7,622 |1,851 | 169 | 8 | 454,755 LEICESTER - - - -| 12,671 | 11,332 | 9,258] 8,836 | 14,748 | 10,442 | 8,098] 5,673] 4,217! 2,064] 531 40 | 2] 87,912 LINCOLN - - - -| 19,689 | 17,872 | 14,363 | 14,026 | 22,614 | 15,524} 12,706 | 9.1271 6,431 | 3,241 | 972] 84] 5 }136,654 MIDDLESEX - - -| 63,987} 48,919 | 40,538 | 46,230 | 99,877 | 74,655 | 51,800 | 33,161 | 19,088 | 7,836 |1,831 | 195 | 16] 488,133 MONMOUTH - - - | 4,832 4:384 | 3,607} 3.425 | 5424 | 4,112 3,251 2,231 1,873 926 | 314 85 | 3] 34.417 NORFOLK - - - -| 24,483 | 21,754 | 17,177 | 16,292 | 28,146 | 19,646 | 16,529 | 12,036 | 8,696] 4,839 11.456] 143] 4 1171,195 {| NORTHAMPTON ~— - | 10,810] 9,607 | 7,822 | 7,295 | 12,290] 8,780] 7,291] 5466] 4,120] 1,948] 477/ 30] 11] 75,937 | NORTHUMBERLAND J} 8,577 | 8,004 | 6,931 | 6,855 | 10,808] 7,328) 5,804] 4.343 | 3,295} 1,833 | 601 go} 6] 64,475 NOTTINGHAM =f 11,124 9,921 8,491 7,959 | 13,301 9,062 7,110 5,004 9,508 1,778 | 475 34] - | 77,767 OXFORD - - - -| 8820/ 8,027} 6,691 | 6,190 | 9,767} 7,208 | 6,072 | 4,443 f 3157] 1,557] 478] 38] 1] 62,449 RUTLAND - - - 1,249 1,142 938 922 1,454 976 g10 713 561 299 7% 9) - 91244 SALOP - + - - -f 12,631 | 12,3171] 10,554 9,300 | 14,181 | 10,528 8,399 6,261 4,865 2,441 | 877 7271 34 92,429 SOMERSET - - - -] 22,908! 19,906 | 16,536 | 16,317 | 27,845 | 20,221 | 15,959 | 11.476 | 8,503 | 4,247 |1,.245 | 103 | 1 ]165,957 SOUTHAMPTON - -] 20,638 | 18,822 | 15,072 | 13,740 | 23,536 | 17,506] 12,970] 9,494] 6278] 9,183} 8541 74] 2 [142,169 STAFFORD - - - -f 19,984] 18,548 | 14,718 | 12,951 | 21,813 | 14,997 | 13,732 | 7,902] 5.597 | 2,808 | 784 80 | 5 [131,919 SUFFOLK - - - -f 19,640 | 17,545 | 14,252 | 12,888 | 21,660 | 15,121 | 12,287] 8,987] 6,695] 3,577 | 1,128 92 | 2 1133,874 SURREY - - - - -¢ 19,495 | 17,391 | 14,293 | 13,616] 25,349 | 19,544 | 14,797] 9,828 | 6,160} 2,842 | 699 91} 4 |144,049 SUSSEX - - - - -] 16,372} 14,761 | 11,893] 9,759 | 16,041 | 11,360 | 8,616] 6,174] 4,409] 2,292 | 561 42] — [102,280 WARWICK - - - -f| 12,263} 10,613 | 8,711 | 8,425] 14,629 | 10,093 | 8,280] 5907] 4,283] 2,247] 572 43 | 1] 86,007 WESTMORLAND - -[ 3,617] 3,262 | 2,790] 2,401] 4,024] 2,955 |: 2,393] 2911] 1,414 800 | 261 19} 1] 25,848 WILIS - - - - -f| 15,443 | 13.457 | 11,414 | 10,689 | 17,987 | 12,903 | 10,819| 7,999] 5,791] 2,872] 758] 58] - 110,190 WORCESTER - - -f| 11,537 | 10,759] 8,926] 8,929 | 14,266] 9,893 | 8,016] 5,676 | 4,034] 92,211 | 668 49} 27 84,366 YORK (East Riding) -} 13,980 | 12,041 | 10,662 | 9,813 | 16,932 | 11,562 | 9,506| 6,666] 4,508] 2,335 | 692] 461 11 97,544 — (North Riding) -]| 9,934} 9,386] 7.574] 7,278 | 11,184] 8,254] 6,963 | 5150] 4,105) 2,328 | 834] 79| 4} 73,073 — (West Riding) -] 55,283 | 46,930 | 39,747 | 36,105 | 54,545 | 39,313 | 29,117 | 20,368 | 14,147 | 6,435 | 1,688 | 135 | 2 [343,815 Total of FEMALES - | 725,202 | 636,604 | 530,226 | 499,638 | 845,469 | 607,867 | 468,336 | 328,077 | 230,009 | 114,572 [32,564 | 2,888 | 111 }5,021,563 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from ENGLAND, was 14,532; three hundred and ninety-four of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked ( +) throughout the Abstract. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration.: Ach, Uch, Uwch, Uchaf, Is, Ys, Isaf, Cwm Dwr, Dr, Eglwys, Lian, Mawr, Tre, Tref, Vo Gales. Ym, Yn, Yng - Yr, - = - Upper, Above, Higher. - - Highest. - Lower. - - - Lowest. - - - a Valley. - - - Water. - - . a Church. - - - a Church, an Inclosed place. - - - Great, Large. - - = a House, Home, or Village. - - - of, On. - - - an, at. = - - the. Sy M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 431 County of Anglesey. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fane | Pam | ary B : LIES : oO on = | aoe 2-1 cpeny [SY mache r TOTAL « 3 many | 3 em- as a not com- oS a oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Families! 2 |e | ployed lat lwo | < B | Oe | 2S in | SMP Et : 2 — |PERSONS. Oe ae a a Acri- | fuctures,| preced- Fa cUL- lorHandi- ee LLYFON Hundred. seers | crate, | Castes Bovzprry - - - (*) Parish} 229 | 238] 1] 3 178 | 58 2 549 568 1,117 Bodwrog - - - - = (4) Parish 61 68}; -| 1 50 vi 11 160 172 332 Ceirchiog- - - - = (°) Parish 35 37| -| 1 31 6 _ 93 08 191 Holyhead - - - - (4) Parish - -{ -| = - _ - a - - Llanbeulan - - ~ - (>) Parish 63 63) -| - 61 1 1 225 | 203 428 Llandrygarn,- - - (4) Parish an ee ae A ) ae } go} go] -| 4 59} 9 | 22 241 244 485 Llanfaelog - - - (P) Parish} 111 | 114] 2] 5 96} 18 - 265 273 538 Llantrisaint (partof) - (©) Parish} 100] 101] 1] 2 gi} 10 - 281 308 589 Llanllibio - - - - (*) Chapelry 13 4} -| 1 13 1 - 48 41 89 Llanynghenedle - - - (4), Parish 62 62 3 55 4 - 164 203 367 Llechcynfarwydd - - - Parish 89 89 | 2] 2 46 | 20 23 202 210 412 Llechylched - = (°) Parish 49 5l 2 35 2 14 150 117 267 ‘ Rhoscolyn (part of) Parish: (*) Llanfair-yn-eubwll - - — Chapelry 54 55 | 2] = 50 4 1 148 162 310 Llanfihangel-yn-howyn - — Chapelry 37 37. | sei ee 33 4 - 85 120 205 Trewalchmai (part of) - (f) Parish] 53 59} -{ 4 7 | 52 - i131 133 264 1,046 | 1,078 | 8 | 22 805 | 199 74 2,742 | 2,852 | 5,594 MALLTRAETH Hundred. se Aberffraw - - - (h) Parish} 239 | 243] —| ~ 154 | 88 1 583 621 1,204 Cerrigceinwen - - - - Parish 67 80] 4a] - 71 4 5 186 189 375 Heneglwys - - - - - - Parish 92 92 1 1 68 | 12 12 211 174 385 Llanbeulan - - - - (%) Parish Zs mei fe Ga ee = Ss es o é3 = Llangadwaladr. : piers Eglw ysael- - - Parish 80 86; 1] - 52 8 26 188 216 404 Llangristriolus - - - - - Parish? 342] 151] —| — 1447 4 = 421 415 835 Llangwyfan - - - (8) Parish 30 33] -\) - 33 - | - 113 97 210 Trefdracth - - - (8) Parish} 147] 151] 2] 4 132 | 18 1 278 323 601 Tregayan (part of) - - (i ) Parish - - £ = = = i Ss = ay Trewalchmai (part of) = - - Parish 82 84) -j 1 21 63 - 200 206 406 879 | 920] 8] 6 678 | 197 45 2,180 2,241 4,421 MENAI Hundred. Aberffraw - - - - (*) Parish 7 |) ae = = a = = = Llanddaniel-Fab - - (1) Parish 87 88) -| 5 “6/ 12 - 181 203 384 Llanedwen - - - () — Parish 59 59] -| — 55 2 123 166 289 Llanffinnan - - = = (J) Parish 28 29] -| 2 27 1 1 48 76 154 Llanfihangel-Esceifiog - (J) Parish 81 87 | -|] « 67 | 20 - 258 259 517 _(@) The Parishes or Parochial Chapelries. of Bodedern, Bodwrog, and Llandrygarn (with Gwndy) are deemed to be, or formerly to have been, within the Parish of Holyhead, which is partly in Llyfon, partly in Tal-y-bolion Hundred, but is entered at the end of the County. (>) Ceirchiog, Llanfaelog, and Llechylched, in Llanbeulan Parish.—(®) Llanllibio, Llechgwenfarwydd, and Rhodogeidio (Menai Hundred) in Llantrisaint Parish, (“) Llanynghenedle and Lianfigel (Tal-y-bolion Hundred) in Llanfachraeth Parish. ( Lianfair-yn-eubwil and Trefinee Poo in Rhoscolyn Parish (see Menai Hundred.)\——(‘) Trewalchmai, in Heneglwys Parish———(®) Llangwyfan in The subjoined Notes of a different kind, are severally referred to by the same marks of reference as above. _@) Lianbeulan Parish is. partly in Malltraeth Hundred, but the whole g of population is ascribed to the cessation of war. (°) Lianbeulan is entered in Llyfon Hundred——(°) Llantrisaint Parish is partly in } Parish is partly in Llyfon Hundred, and there wholly entered. ®) The Menai Hundred, The entire Parish contains 979 Inhabitants. increase of Population in Trefdraeth Parish is attributed to the erecting () Rhoscolyn Parish is partly in Menai Hundred. The entire Parish | of new buildings on the inclosure of the Malltraeth Marsh.—(!) Tre- contains 1,024 Inhabitants. —(? )-Most part of Trewalchmai is in | gayan Parish is partly in Menai Hundred, and there wholly entered: Malltraeth Hundred ; the Church is in Llyfon Hundred. The increase ——(f) Trewalchmai Parish is partly in Llyfon Hundred——(h) Aber: of population is attributed to the building of many cottages since 1811. || ffraw Parish is wholly entered in Malltraeth Hundred.——(j) The in. | The entire Parish eontains 670 Inhabitants. (4) Aberffraw Parish is | crease of 145 persons in the Parish of Llanfihangel-Esceifiog is attributed partly in Menai Hundred, but the whole is here entered. The increase § to the establishment of a colliery, and improvement in agriculture. 5 Q3 432 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF ANGLESEY —continued. HOUSES: __OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fam | Fast | arr By 3 LIES aaa OTHER : ee sj | how | | & | chiedy | cooioy-| Families 5 a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 fmany | P| 2] em | ein [notcomy = o =f 2 Families | 3 A | ployed | Trang, }Prizedin 4 3S 2 Oc- | 5 s in Mann- | the Two 3 sy PERSONS, cupied.| © | P 7 Acar. factures,} preced- me MENAI Hundred—continued. see: gee ieee Llangaffo- - - - - (*) Parish] 23 23} -| 1 21 1 1 79 75 154 Llangefni - - - (!) Pash} 324] 391] 1] 7 | 184] 230 | 77 832 905 |} 1,737 ee a (*) Pain qa} 14g] 1! gf 103] 17 | 23 333 | 355 | 688 Llangwillog - + - © Parish J 41 44] -| 1 38 3 3 149 128 277 Llanidan,- - - - - (i) Parish {] , with Llanfair-yn-y-Cwmmwd Chapelry } 220 ae; 2) oy Se ee bas fF Ge | ast Llantrisaint (part of ) Parish : (*) - Rhod-y-geidio - - Chapelry 36 38}; -]| 2 20 18 = 153 148 301 acne’ op SEO SE | Bet ee ae ae ae at | ate Rhoscolyn - - = = (¢) Parish} 112 lz}; -| 3 102 7 2 197 312 509 Tregayan (patt of) - - (!) Parish 27 ay{ -| - 25 1 1 97 81 148 1,374 |1,484 | 4 | 46 } 1,076 | 254 | 154 3359 3,706 7,065 TAL-Y-BOLION Hundred. Holyhead - - - - () Parish = ch San. ces - - - - - ~ Llanbabo - - - - - = (®) Parish 27 27} =~] - 24 3 - g1 | 70 161 - Llanbadrig Parish: (7) : Cemmaes - - - - Township} 149} 149] 4] 3 103 | 26 20 332 382 914 Clygyrog - - ~ > Township? 85}; 399| -| -~| 395| 47 ~ 187 212 399 Llanddeusaint - - - (7) Parish 81 81] -| 2 70 9} 2 176 | 199 375 Llanfairynghornwy - (™) — Chapelry 50 61{ -]| - 51 9} 1 157 167 324 Llanfachreth - - - - - - Parish 50 56] ~|] 2 50 6 { - 121 125 246 Llanfaethly - - - - (") Parish 71 m1 1 - 33 8 | 30 204 208 412 Llanfechell - - - - - ~- Parish} 174] 174] 2 2 115 14 | 45 426 609 1,035 Llanfigael = - - - - = Parish 22 28{ -; - 4 aod 37 66 "5 141 Llanffewyn - - - = (°) Parish 20 34} -]| - 28 5 io. 62 60 122 Llanfwrog - - © = (*) Parish 38 39) -] - 24 1 14 137 148 285 Llanrhwydrus - - - (°) Parish 30 30} -] - 21 1 | 8 84 87 171 Llanrhyddlad - - (°) Parish} 134] 1344 -|{ - 43 | 22 69 302 320 622. 931 {1,283 | 6} 9g 964 112 207 2,345 2,662 5,007 TWRCELYN Hundred. =-—+|——_~ Amlweh - - - ~- = (%) Parish} 1,096 | 1,122 | 10 | 13 199 | 253 | 670 2,588 2,704 5,292 Bodewryd - - - (?) Parish 8 8] -{ = 8 - - 22 21 43 Coedana - - - = - (?) Parish 59 61} -] - 50 a 4 A 155 150 395 Llandyfrydog - - - (*) Parish} 114] 117] -| 3 24 7 1 86 362 333 695 Llanelian - - - - (?) Parishhf 234 { 241] 6) — 93 | 25 | 123 593 591 tat Rhés-Peirio - - - Chapelry 7 7{ -) 1 9 - - 28 22 50 Llaneugrad © - - - (9) Parish 63} 325} -]| - 321 4 - 173 152 325 -Llanallgo - - - (2) Chapelry 70 72 1 1 56 | 15 1 205 187 392 Llanfihangel-trer-Beirdd .(") Parish 54 54] 1 1 5 6 33 151 145 296 Llanwenllwyfo - - - (*) Parish gl g2} ~-] 1 43 5 44 245 249 494 Penrhos-Lligwy = - - - Parish} 102 yo2} -| — 97 5 - 261 264 525 1,898 | 2,201 | 18 | 20 913 | 327 | 961 4,783 | 4,818 | ‘9,601 (©) Most part of Llantrisaint Parish is in Llyfon Hundred. is partly in Malltraeth Hundred, but wholly entered in Menai Hundred. (}) Tregayan Parish (containing Yrddreiniog in Tyndeathwy Hundred) | The Town of Llangefni has greatly increased since 1811. ‘(*) The Parishes or Parochial Chapelries of Llanddaniel-Fab, Llanedwen, and Llanfair-yn-y-cwmmwd, are deemed to be, cr formerly to have been in Llanidan Parish.——ij) Llanffinnan, in Llanfihangel-Esceifiog Parish._——(*) Llangaffo, in Llangeinwen Parish.—_—() And Tregayan, in Llangetni Parish——™) Llanbabo and Llanfairyngbornwy, in the Parish of Llanddeusant.——(") Llanfwrog, in Llarifaethly Parish. (°) Elanffewyn and Llanrhwydrus, in Llanrhyddlad Parish") Bodewryd and Coedana, in Llanelian Parish—_— (4) Tlaaallgo, in Llaneugrad Parish ——(") Llanfihangel-trer-Beirdd, in Llandyfrydog Parish(*) Llanwenllwyfo, in Atilwch Parish——(*) Beaumaris, Llanbedrguch, Llanfair-Mathafarn.Eithaf, and Pentraeth, in Llanddyfnan Parish.—@(") Llandysilio, in Llanfair-pwll-gwyngyll Parish——(w) Llanfihangel- tyn-sylwy and Llangoed, in Llaniestyn Parish. The subjoined Notes of a different kind, are referred to by the same marks of reference as above. (*) Holyhead is entered at the end of the County.——(’) The entire | thereto.—(’) The increase of population at Linnelian is-attfibuted to Parish of Llanbadrig contains 1,113 Inhabitants——(*) The entire } a greater number of persons being employed, at this-time, m the Amiwch Parish of Llanddeusaint contains 699 Inhabitants.——(5) About the year | mines, than in the year 1811. The entire Parish of Llanelian contains 1811, there was a considerable emigration of men (with their families) | 1,234 Inbabitants——-(1) The entire Parish of Llaneugrad contains 717 engaged in the coppcr mines from Amiwch to Liverpool, and other:places, | Inbabitants.——(°) The 44 families in the gd column of occupations, in Owing. to the want of employment; but the mines having materially im- | Llanwellwyto Parish, are miners. Proved of late years, the increase of population at Amiwch is ascribed M.DCCC:XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. C. Q4:_ 433 COUNTY OF ANGLESEY—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- —_oOo Famt- | sigs Aut PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By wd LIES | chiefly OTHER : how = | chiefy | employ-| Families a TOTAL oR 3 anes tio ‘g on ed in |not com- w 3 ay EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. a 1c |S )e |e) eee 3 2 persons. a cupied. a > Acrr- |factures, preced- a Fy i cuL- forHandi-) 10g TYNDAETHWY Hundred. ; ture.'| craft. | Classes. Beaumaris - - - - (*) Parish = =) eS = = = = ie oS Llanbedr-Géch - - - Parish | 79 79} ~| 2] 47 15 17 192 199 391 Llanddona - + - - Parish 81 gi} -| 2 77 7 7 179 203 382 Llanddyfnan- - - - () Parish | 199 } 201 2} g | 186 13 2 389 421 810 Llandegfan - (+) - (?) Parish} 147] 149} -]| 1 | 149 = = 342 364 706 ‘Llandysilio - - - - &) Parish} 99 f 105] 21 5 9 12 84 266 227 493 Lianfaes - - - - Parish 34 45] -{| - 33 1 il 98 115 213 Llanfair-Mathafarn- Eithaf (te) Parish} 157 | 158) -]| — | 114 24 20 333 379 712 Llanfair-pwll-gwyngyll (") Parish | 111 14} -| 3 12 27 95 228 251 479 Lisenby ey (") Parish 11 tz} -{ - 11 - - 41 37 78 Llangoed - - - - (") Parish | 195 105} -] = 95 10 - 300 252 552 Llaniestyn - - - - (*) Parish 49 49! -] 2 36 12 1 150 133 283 Llansadwrn = - = - = - Parish 57 57} -| 1 53 2 2 172 161 333 Penmon - = - - - + - Parish 48 54} 1h — 52 2 - 165, 126 291 ‘Penmynydd - (+) - - = Parish} 103] 110) -—} — | 105 5 i 254 283 537 Pentracth - -.- = (*) Parish} 185] 186) ~ 165 19 2 402 437 839 1,465 {1,514 | 5131 [1,144 | 149 | 221 3,511 | 3,588 | 7,099 Borough of ° BEAUMARIS ~ + Borough and Parish} 385 | 464} 1] 7 64 | 228 | 172 988 1,217 2,205 Town of Holyhead - - - =~ (*) Parish} 759 | 881 | 23 | 33 | 543 | 236 |} 102 1,876 | 2,195 4,071 (‘) Beaumaris Borough and Parish is entered at the end of the County; ‘) The increase of Population in Llanddyfnan. Parish, is attributed to the inclosing of a large common, on which several houses have been built. (*) The works carrying on at the new road, and the bridge over the Menai, near to Llandegfan, are the reasons assigned for the increase of Population in’ that Parish. (4) The increase of Population in the Parish of Liandysilio, is attributed to its particularly ‘healthy situation, to the continuance of peace, and to a number of persons employed at the Menai bridge——(‘) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf, is attributed to the very extensive inclosures of common land which have taken place of late years, aud upon which, and in other parts of the Parish, 45 houses have been erected. (”) The increase of Population in Liangoed and Penmon Parishes, is ascribed to the building of the Menai bridge. (*) The increase of Population in Pentraeth Parish is attributed to the inclosing of a large common within the Parish, and to the building of several houses.~—(*) Holyhead Parish is partly in the Hundred of Llyfon, partly in the Hundred of Tal-y-bolion, but wholly entered here. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. io ~ Hundred of LLYFON - - - + = ~ -[1,046 }1,078 | 8] 22 J 805] 199] 74 | 2,742 | 2,852 | 5,594 MALLTRAETH - - - - -] 8791 geo] 8] 6 678 197 45 2,180 2,241 4,421 MENAI - - - = - - -41,374|1,484/ 4] 46 11,076 | 254] 154 | 3,359 | 3,706 | 7,065 TAL-Y-BOLION - - - = =} 931 11,283] 6] 9 964 | 112 | 207 2,345 2,662 5,007 TWRCELYN - - - - = +4 1,898 {2,201 | 18 ] 20 913 | 327] 961 4,783 4,818 9,601 TYNDAETHWY - - - - - [1,465 {1,514} 5131 11,244] 149] 221 3,511 3,588 4,099 * Borough of BEAUMARIS - - ~ = -| 385] 464} 1] 7 64 | 228] 172 988 1,217 2,205 - ‘Town of HOLYHEAD - - - - - - — 759 ¢ 881 | 23 133 543 | 236} 102 1,876 2,195 4,071 Tota - - - 8,737 19,825 | 73 [174 | 6,187 | 1,702 |1,936 | 21,784 | 23,279 | 45,063 434 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. ET | eee SS a COUNTY OF ANGLESEY—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. - oe = 5 {| 10 | 15 | 20 | so | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70! 80} 90 ma SEE aioe. ape ages ae Ue Bae tee We A ie Paes Uae wi < Hundred * | a0 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | oo | 70 | 80] 90/100 fwerds 9 of LLYFON ~ =~ - -f 442] 457] 357{ 308] 411 | 274] 241} 136] 108 59} 13] -{| ~ | 2,806 MALLTRAETH - - - | 298] 323] 284] 188] 306] 219] 187] 152] g1f 4g{ ig] -| - 2,111 _MENAT - = - = =f 508] 483 379 | 331 491 364 | 322 209 | 168] 81 } 31 1 — 1 3,368 TAL-Y-BOLION - -f 315 | 297] 281} 275 | 324} 275] 211 | 138] 107] 89 | 14} 4] —- | 2,390 TWRCELYN - - -| 802] Joo} 5531 490] 708] 493] 394]| 277 | 226/106 34] -| — | 4,783 TYNDAETHWY = -f 501) 432] 339 | 276} 391 | 312] 259] 160) 139) 69] 35} 1] ~ | 2,914 BEAUMARIS, BORO’ -f 133] 142] 146 85 95 | 119 97 75} 69; 19| 7] afd - 988 HOLYHEAD, TOWN - 333 337 279 123 203 191 171 102 73} 20 | 14 2 — 7 1,848 Total of MALES - [3,332 | 3,171 | 2,618 | 2,076 | 2,929 | 2,247 |1,882 / 1,249 | 982] 492/162! g| - 21,148 FEMALES. fo ==y 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 6 | 701{ 80 | 90 | 199 & pee | | @ | ep we | te | te fo] ele el = Hundred. "| to | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 6o | 70 | 80] 90 |100\waras| © of LLYFON - -f 432) 408) 310) 299] 499°! 319 | 274} 171 | 124] 751311 1] — | 2,043 MALLTRAETIH - - -f 2751 290] 225] 214] 364] 262] 226 149 | 107] 51/315} 1] — | 2,179 MENAT - - - - =] 530} 453) 389 | 363 | 564] 400] goo] 263 | 1gg}110 | 30] 4] — | 3,705 | TAL-¥-BOLION = - - | 359 | 328! 263 | 267] 419| 299] 252] 164] 1311 75/30] 2[ — | 2,589 /TWRCELYN - - -f 712{ 6131 489] 470] 7551} 5541} 440 346 | 270/121 | 44] 1} — | 4,815 TYNDAETHWY - =] 4241 390 | 308 | 288 | 432 | 356} 273] 179] 174] 74] 26] —| — | 2,924 BEAUMARIS, BORO’ -{ 111 165} 138} 111 193 | 150] 132 88 | 78] 37] 12] 2] — J 1,017 HOLYHEAD, TOWN -]| 360] 279] 240] 207] 359] 256] 232} 104] oa] 46)a7} a] — 25195 Total of FEMALES - | 3,203 | 2,926 | 2,362 | 2,219 | 3,585 | 2,596 | 2,229 | 1,464 |1,177/589 }205| 12 | — 22,567 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Anglesey was . . . 45,063, . . . and the’ Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 43,715, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one thirty-third part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Anglesey was 76; two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (--): and a small proportion of the Returns of A ges were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective uumbers of Males and Females ; but the appearance of inaccuracy chiefly arises from Parishes extending into more than one Hundred, but not so distinguished in the Return of Ages. M.DCCC.XXL.}.. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 435 County of Brecon. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : ie Ae B Se ete | Gases 'y H LIES hi 5 oat j how | z chiefly Sue Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. S [pay | | B | em, | edin jnotcom] =A 3 | Families 5 | ployed Trane, | prizedin Ss Oc- | 3 | 2 | im | Manu- |the Two PERSONS. § a cupied.| @ | © Acri- |factures, | preced- BUILTH Hundred. omen bok \eleen cs Aurmuaur - = - + = © Parish 6 6] -]| - 6h =< f.. = 14 14 38 Llan-afan-fawr Parish: (*) ; First Division - - - - + - = 44] 46] =| 2 42 4 es 132 114 246 Second Division - - - © = © 33 33 | -] 1 27 6 = 106 110 416 Third Division - © - - - - 39 40], -—Jo- 35 4 5] 110 120 230 Llys-dinan- - - - + - Hamlet} 38 44}, -~}] 2 24 1 19 105 106 ait Llan-afan-fech ' Uitte ops 7 Feit] 06 aot [rf as] af of 9 | ze | ase Llan-ddewi-Aber-gwessyn - + Parish} 20 a3} -| = 18 a 3 49 64 113 Llan-ddewi'r-Cwm - - - = Parish 38 381 -| 5 35 - 3 105 97 202 Ll New Church ‘ Tyrabhete ce) “y~ Pain| ag] a8 | 6} sf -~[ 6 | 74 | ug Llan-fair, otherwise Builth + Parish} 197 | 264 | — | 20 25 | 230 9 444 502 946 Lianfihangel-Aber-gwessyn - Parish} 62 yo | =| 2 56 4 10 195 178 373 Llanfihangel-bryn-Pabjoan Parish: (©) ‘Lianfihangel - -°- - - Hamlet? 47{ 54] -| 1 a7 7 20 153 147 280 ‘Rhosferig - - - - © - Hamlet] 17 aij —-| - 5 1 15 42 44 86 Llan-gammarch Parish: (4) ; Pen-buallt - - - + + ~- Hamlet 84 86] 2|{ 2 50 10 26 252 256 | 508 Treflis - - += - - = + Hamlet} 69 69 | -| - 59 10 “ 24% 243 484 Llan-ganton - - - - - = Parish} 29 33 | -| 1 22 4 4. 89 83 172 Llan-gynog - - + = - = Parish 11 yw} -j - 10 1 - 37 22 59 Llan-lleon-well - - - - (°) Parish 22 aaj —-|{ — 19 3 “- 69 83 152 Gwaravog (part of) - ~- - Hamlet 8 9| -| 4 8 - 1 33 24 57 Llan-wrthwl Parish: (*) Lower Division - - - - - - 52 57} -| - 38 2 17 144 138 282 Upper Division - - - - - = 50 55 ~-] - 31 3 a1 119 116 235 Llan-wrtyd Parish: (f) Claudd-madog - - - - Hamlet 47 47},-—-| - 23 24 - 147 157 304 Llechweddol - - + - = Hamlet 61 yo] -| 5 29 41 = 183 | 173 356 , Lian-ynys - - - = - - Parish 33 39} -] 2 18 5 16 "7 84 161 { Maes-Mynis - - - - = = Parish 44 544 -| 4 34 9 11 142 158 300 31,101] 1,247] 2 {52 | 682] 377 | 188 | 3,133 | 3,181 | 6,314 CRICKHOWELL Hundred. . Crickhowell - - - - - (8) Parish} 195 | 203 | 1] 2 40' 104] 59 475 533 | 1,008 Llan-beder - - = - = (*) Parish} 73 77) -]| 9 47 12 18 166 165 331 Llanelly Parish: (!) Aberbaidan - - © - = Parcel} 324) 324] 3) 7 28} 284 12 1,000 781 1,781 Maesgwartha - - - + - Parcelf 228 | 228] 2] 7 29} 187 12 653 528 | 1,182 Llanfihangel-Cwmdfi Parish: (J) Blayney - - - - - = Parcel] go] 40] 2| 4 30 4 6 85 93 178 Kenol - - - - - - + Parcel 54 54; -| 5 37 10 a 107 113 220 Kilwych - - - = - = Parcel 66 66) -—| 5 51 9 6 159 153 312 Tretower - - - - = - Parelf 61 61] -| 4 40 13 8 151 149 300 Llangattock Parish: (*) Penallt Prisk and:Killey - - Parcels} 303] 3721 4 | 38 44| 302 26 1,139 808 1,947 Llan-gent yous tee + © Parish 96 96] 21} 4 59 30 q 177 204 381 4 Lian-gynider Parish: (') | Blaineiand Dyffryn - - + Parcel! 100] 133 | 2] 10 17| 104] 12 452 376 828 Vro-'- - -;- - - - Parcel} 124] 295 $1] 7 46 33 16 253 264 517 J Partrishow - = 52 + = = Parish 15 1] 1] 3 10 - 5 45 47 92 1,679] 1,794] 21 |105 | 508 | 1,092] 194 | 4,862 | 4,214 | 9,076 () The entire Parish of Lian-afan-fawr contains 903 Inhabitants. i) Grersrog Hamlet is partly in Llau-afan-fechan Parish, partly in -leon-well Parish, where the whole is entered. (©) Lianfihangel and Rhosferig Hamlets form the Parish of Llanfihangel-bryn-Pabjoan. The entire Parish contains 366 Inhabitants. —(*) Pen-buallt and Treflis Hamlets form the Parish of Llan-gammarch. The entire Parish contains gg2 Inhabitants. (¢) The entire Parish of Llan-wrthw!l contains 517 Inhabitants——() Claudd-madog and Llechweddol Hamlets form the Parish of Llan-wrtyd. The entire Parish contains 660 Inhabitants. (®) One male upwards of 100 years of age, in Crickhowell Parish. ——~ h) Lian-beder Parish includes Bysych and Graigwen Parcels—— (i) Aber-baidan and Maesgwartha Parcels form the Parish of Llanelly, The entire Parish contains 2,962Inhabitants——(j) Blayney, Kenol, . Kilwych and Tretower Parcels form the Parish of Llaufiiangel-Cwmda, , The entire Parish contains 1,010 Inhabitants———-(*) Penallt, Prisk, and Killey Parcels, form the Parish of Llangattock.--—(!) Blaine, with Dyffryn, and Vro (Parcels,) form the Parish of Llan-gynider. The entire Parish contains 1,345 Inhabitants. 436 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, ee — ——————————____— ee COUNTY OF BRECON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Paar ee | Ae By “a LIES chiefly OrnER oR . how = chiefly | employ-| Families . TOTAL many | i em- din |notcom- : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. # rae = 4 ployed Tate prises in 3 a 3 ce = : in Manu- | the Two —_—_——_— Z feupied | | 5 | acnr- | cicrures, preced- | 3 a] fees cuL- forHandi-, ing DEVYNNOCK (7) Hundred. turE. | craft, | Classes. David, St. or Llan-faes, (part of) ; elit: oa = Upper Division = oe (™) Parish 32 32 1 21 92 66 158 Devynnock Parish: (*) = lve: mer Sa Gin } Chapel]? 19 | 19} -| - 17 2 - 51 51 | 102 Cray - - - - - - Hamlet gl gl seit 49 26 16 256 258 514 Glynn - © = = = + - Hamlet 57 57 - 1 51 5 1 gl 103 194 Maescar - (+) - - - Hamlet} 147 150} 3] 7 114 33 3 325 351 676 Senny - - - - = - - Hamlet 64 65|/ -j] 2 31 8 26 156 184 340 Llan-spythid - - - - - (°) Parish 48 50} -| 3 43 4 ~ 85 113 198 Modrydd - - - - - Hamlet 32 33 1 2 31 2 - 73 80 153 Pen-Pont - - - - - - Hamlet 23 23; -| = 18 5 = 85 75 160 Llywell Parish : (?) Trayan-Glase- - - + - Hamlet} 1604 160] 3 | 17 70 40 50 358 384 442 Trayan-Mawr- - - - - Hamlet] 137 140 | =| 14 63 41 36 264 338 602 Ysclydach - - - - - - Hamlet 19 80} -| 1 30 14 36 203 196 399 Penderyn, Lower Division (%) Paid { 183 | 183] 1] 14 38 | 145 - 570 454 1,024 ——— Upper Division 37 37} -{| 1 30 6 1 141 140 281 Ystradgynlais, Lower Division (‘) Parish 218} 218) —| 4 53 50} 115 575 559 1,134 Upper Division - Oy) Oa) oe be 23 Ti BB 173 175 348 Ystradvelltey, Lower Division(")],,_ . 95 95} 1] 1 74 21 - 221 228 449 Upper Division -fP?1) Go 61} -| 3 54 7 - 162 149 311 1,545 [1,557 | 9 | 78 800 | 419} 338 | 3,881 |} 3,904 | 7,785 MERTHYR Hundred. 67 74 141 Aberyskir- - - - - - + Parish 28 28]; 2] 1 25 3 - Battle - - - - - - - = Parish 38 39} -| = 29 2 8 84 99 183 Garth-Brengy - - - > - Parish 41 41] —-| 2 38 3 - 99 84 183 | John, St. the Evangelist (part of) Parish: (*) Venny Vach, or Little Aber- can ee at Hamlet} 24] 24] -| 3 24 - - 67 61 128 Llan-de-failog-fach - - - (“) Parish 35 41 | =—[ 2 26 13 2 110 104 214 Llanfibangel-fechan - - — Chapelry 39 43} -]} 2 36 4 - 88 98 186 Llandeilo-Vane, Lower and] _ Pari 6 Upper Divisions - - - arish f 103 | 105 | —| 1 go 15 - 275 297 572 Llanfihangel-nant-brane, (*) Lower Division - - ->- Parishfy 62 63] 2] 2 49 14 - 155 153 308 Upper Division - - - 43 43! =] 3 39 4 - 120 121 241 Llanthew (part of) (t) - - - Parish] 42 42) -1 4 37 5 - 88 80 168 Merthyr-Cynog Parish: (7) Dyfiryn Honddu, Lower Di- a - ta 2 Hamlet 38 40; -] - 33 7 - 117 88 205 vision - - oe a Hamlet 40 44) -f[ - 42 2 - 101 115 216 Yskir-Vawr - - - - - Hamlet 40 41| -| 5 39 2 - 98 123 221 Yskir-Vechan - - - = Hamlet 39 41 -{} 2 39 2 - 123 130 253 Trallong - - - - = (#) Parish 62 63 | -] - 43 14 6 177 159 336 674 | 698} 4] 42 | 589] 93] 16 | 1,769 | 1,786 | 3,555 (™) Most part of St. David’s Parish is in the Borough of Brecon, which is entered at the end of the County. (®) Callwen or the Parish of Devynnock. The entire Parish contains 1,826 Inhabitants, sacs °) The entire Parish of Llan-spythid contains 511 Inhabitavts. \?) Trayan-Glase, Trayan-Mawr, and Ysclydach Hamlets form the pice of Liywell. The entire Parish contains 1,743 Inhabitants. ¢ ) ae entire Parish of Penderyn contains 1,305 Inhabitants.—— 8 ae entire Parish of Ystradgynlais contains 1,482 Inhabitants, (*) The entire Parish of Ystradvelltey coutains 760 Inhabitants, Cravin-Glyn-tawy, Cray, Glynn, Maescar and Senny Hamlets, form | bitants 549 Inhabitants. The entire Parish contains 309 Inhabitants. () Most part of St. John the Evangelist is in the Borough of Brecon. (") The entire Parish of Llan-de-failog-fach contains 400 Inha- (“) The entire Parish of Llanfihangel-nant brane contains (*) Lianthew Parish is partly in l'enkelly Hundred. (’) Dyfiryn Honddu, Lower and Upper, Yskir Vawr and Yskir-Vechan, Hamlets, form the Parish of Merthyr-Cynog. The entire Parish contains 895 Inhabitants. (7) Trallong Parish is partly in Devynnock Hunnock, but the whole is entered in Merthyr Hundred. M.DCCC.XXT.} THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 437 = = = COUNTY OF BRECON—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Famr- [Aur By “ LIES hich OrneR or : how £ | chiefly |v iton-| Families w TOTAL 3 many | so | 3 em Oy not com- a a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |Families| 3 | | ployed Bi in silat ta a ie oF @ | Oc | Bt Pin Pe lheTwo] 6 3‘ |PERSONS. 5 cupied.| | © | Aonr- factures,| Preced- & fa CUL- forHandi- ae PENKELLY Hundred. FeBes | cenit, | See Cantreff, Lower Division + (*) Parish 25 25 | -| 2 23 2 = 70_ 81 151 Nantddu - - - - - Chapelry 18 18; -] - 15 3 _ 56 66 122 Llandefailog-Treyr-Graig - (*) Parish - -| -| - - = = - - - Llanywern - - - = Township 14 14} o-| = 12 2 - 62 50 112 Llangastey Talyllyn - - - Parish} 28 30} -| 2 24 3 3 81 84 165 Llanhamlach, Lower Division Parish} 25 <6) -| 2 20 4 2 76 63 139 Llecfaen - - - - = (*) Hamiet] 34 34; -| 1 23 11 - 69 69 138 Llansaintfraed - ~- - - - Parish} 37 40} -| = 29 q 4 107 108 215 Llanthetty Parish: (4) _. Dyffrin - - - + - = Hamlet 39 39} -| 3 25 2 12 112 121 233 Vro- - - - - = - = Parcel 42 52} -| = 47 5 - 140 141 281 Llanthew (partof) - - = (*) Parish 28 28} 3) 1 26 2 - 70 71 141 Lianvigan Parish: (f) Glynn-Collwn or Upper DivisionHamlet} 58 62{ -| 4 45 11 6 145 144 289 . Penkelly, or Lower Division Hamlet 68 73) -| 3 47 15 11 175 169 344 Llanvilo - - - - - - = Parish} 77 79| -! 9 65 12 2 136 161 297 Llanvrynach - - - - - = Parish} 63 66| 2] 3 41 16 9 165 175 340 Llanywern - - - = = = Parish 33 34) -| 4 30 4 - 70 80 150 Talachddd - - - - - - Parish 35 36} -| 2 26 8 2 100 99 199 Vainor Parish: (£) 5 Coed-y-Cumar - - - - Hamlet? 304 { 439| 2] 2 -} 439 = 871 450 1,621 Dyffryn - - - - - + Hamlet 33 33] -]} 2 24 8 82 go 172 Gelli - - - - = + = Hamlet 45 45|/ -| 1 20 23 109 108 - 217 1,006 11,173 | 7] 40 | 542] 5771 54 2,696 | 2,630 | 5,326 TALGARTH Hundred. | Broyn-llis - - - © - Parish 68 68} 2] 3 20 48 - 152 154 306 Cathedine - - - = = = Parish 37 371 -] 5 33 3 1 85 102 187 Crickadarn, North - ()P ssh St 49 52] -| 3 38 13 1 124 144 268 South - ae 36} a4] 1{ 3 26] 18 7 86 89 175 ' Glasbury (part of) - - - (!) Parish 84 04] 11 7 71 23 - 227 216 443 Aber-llunvey - - - - - Hamlet] 18 zo} -| 3 14. 5 1 53 47 100 Pipton - - - - = - = Hamlet 29 35| -—| 2 28 2 5 79 73 152° Gwen-ddwr, North (*) Parish 44 48} -—| 1 26 11 11 124 135 259 - South eens 58; 61] -| -]| 25 4} 32 144 146 2go Hay - - - - = = = (!) Parish 66 mi]—-| - 23 44 4 142 188 330° ‘Hay - - - - = - - Townf 270] 294] 1] 4 “32 } 231 31 590 729 1,319 Llandevalley, North ]. (™) Parish 63 65| -| - 60 5 = 173 166 . 339 ———— South -f ~ ) Fans { 52] 55] -| 3 44 5 6 164 179 343 Llan-elieu - - - ~ = - Parish 23 23}; -] - 23 - - 61 66 127 { Lianfihangel-Tal-y-llynn - - Parish 31 31] -] 3 20 6 5 110 "5 185 Llangorse, Lower and Upper (*) Parish 83 gol] a] 4 52 22 17 183 183 366 Llan-Igon - *- - - + (°) Parish} 110} 110] ~| 414 35 66 9 296 224 520 Glyn-vach - - - + - - Hamlet} 19 19} —| 8 19 - - 35 41 46 | Llyswen - - - ~ - - - Parish 33 36 | -—| 2 17 11 8 72 68 140 .Talgarth - - - - = (?) Borough} 153] 159] 2 | 28 10 35} 114 327 371 698 Forest - - - - - - = Hamlet 35 35; -| 2 35 = - 85 93 178 Groyne-vawr - - - - - Hamlet 8 8; - 2 8 - - 24 | 23 47 Groyne-vechan - - - + Hamlet] 21 ai} —-| 4 21 - - 46 54 100 --Pwll-y-wrach - - --~- + Hamlet] 33 34] -| 6 28 6 - 75 go 165 Treveccea - - - - - - Hamlet] 47 54| -| 7 36 13 54) 116 135 251 1,490 11,565 | 8 4117] 744] 571 | 250 | 3,573 | 3,791 | 7,364 }._ ©) Nantddu is the Upper Division of Cantreff Parish. The entire | Gelli Hamlets, form the Parish of Vainor. The entire Parish contains . Parish contains 273 Inhabitants. (°) Llandefailog-Treyr-Graig, sepa- | 2,010 Inhabitants——(4) The entire Parish of Crickadarn contains _ rately returned in 1811, is included in Llanywern Township, which also | 443 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age.——(1) The ‘includes Trevinon, part of Llangorse Parish in the Hundred of Talgarth. | most part of Glasbury Parish is in the Hundred of Pains-Castle, County Llandevailog-Treyr-Graig and Trevinon are united for all parochial pur- | of Radnor, The entire Parish contains 1,423 Inhabitants ——(*) The poses, and the Township of Llanywern is quite distinct from the Parish | entire Parish of Gwen-ddwr contains 549 Inhabitants. (!) The entire of that heptane, ©, Liecfaen is the Upper Division of Llanhamlach | Parish of Hay contains 1,649 Inhabitants. One female upwards uf 100 Parish. The entire Parish contains 277 Inhabitants. —(“) Dyffrin and {| years of age in the Town of Hay.——(™) The entire Parish of Llan- | Vro forsh the Parish Llanthetty. The entire Parish contains §14 Inha- devalley contains 682 Inhabitants——(") Trevinon, partly included in | bitants.—¢) Most part of Llanthew Parish is in Merthyr Hundred, J the Return of Llanywern Township, is partly in Llangorse Parish. and there entered.——(f) Glynn-Collwu, or Upper Division, and Pen- | (°) The entire Parish of Llan-Igon contains 596 Inhabitants.._(?) The kelly, or Lower Division, form the Parish of Llanvigan. The entire | entire Parish of Talgarth contains 1,439 Inhabitants. _Parish contains 633 Inhabitants-——(®) Coed-y-Cumar, Dyffrin, and a. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. COUNTY OF BRECON—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, oR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Borough of BRECON. Castle Inn (+) - - - (4) Extra-P, Christ’s College - - - (*) Extra-P. David, St. or Llan-faes : Lower Division } (*) Parish John, St.-the-Evangelist . Upper Division - a (*) Parish Lower Division - Chapelry (*) Castle-Inn, Extraparochial, not separately returned in 1811.—— (") Christ’s-College although surrounded by the Borough of Brecon, is in the County of Brecon, and not subject to the jurisdiction of the magistrates of the Borough. This Extra-parochial place was not sepa= rately returned in 1811.——(*) The Upper Division of St. David's HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: 7 Famr- a Aut By oS sa chiefly OTHER ‘ ; how & | chiefly | employ-| Families yi TOTAL z many elt wee em- ed in | not com- “a 4 % |Families) € | 2 | ployed [py py | prized in 5 < 0 a Oc- oes in " : 3 iz a Mann- | thel'wo 3 eB PERSONS. & jeupied.) | 5S | Acnr- | factures,! preced- a : cuL- lorHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. 1 1} -| ~ - 1] - 9 Ww 20 et ged et a). ce 14] 9 54 63 | 107 238 | 261] 7] 18 48 134 | 79 430 520 950° 360 | 3781 5] 8 46 237 | 95 716 800 1,516 308 | 323} -]| 7 78 188 | 57 4730 870 1,600 930 | 988) 12] 34 | 174 | 574 | 240 1,939 | 2,254 | 4,193 Parish is in Devynnock Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,008 Inhabitants.——(*) St. John the Evangelist’s Parish is partly in the Hundred of Merthyr. The entire Parish contains 3,244 Inhabitants. The Chapel of St. Mary is in the Lower Division of this Parish. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BRECON. F ~~ Hundred of BUILTH - - - - - +f 1,101] 1,247] 2} 52 682 377 188 3,133 3,181 6,314 CRICKHOWELL- - - - - 4] 1,679] 1,794] 21 |105:-} 508 | 1,092 194 4,862 4,214 9,076 DEVYNNOCK - - = - -4 11,5451] 1,557] 9 | 78 800 | 419 |. 338 3,881 3,904 9,785 MERTHYR - - - - - -f 674} 698} 4) 42} 589] 93} 16] 1,769 | 1,786 | 3,555 PENKELLY - - - - -]| 1,006/ 1,173} 7 | 407 542] 5771 54] 2,696 | 2,630 | 5,326 TALGARTH - - - - - -{ 3,490] 1,565} 8/117, 744] 571 | 250 | 3,573 | 3,791 7,364 Borough of BRECON - - = - -f 930] 988] 12] 34] 174] 574} 240 1,939 | 2,254 4,193 ToTats - - 8,425] 9,022] 63 | 468 | 4,039]3,703 }1,280 } 21,853 | 21,760 | 43,613 M.DCCC.XXI.} THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94+ 439 COUNTY OF BRECON—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. — Sy 100; 5 10 15 | 20 30 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80/90) | fa to to to to to to to | to } to | to} to | yy). 5 ors “1 40 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80} 90 | 100|wards} © of BUILTH - - - - - | 448 472 414 | 297} 419 | 328} 268 | 211} 159} 80] 30] BY - 3,134 CRICKHOWELL - -]| 630{ 575| 509| 438} 866 | 608{ 492 | 275 | 235] 90|37! 4{ 1 | 4,760 DEVYNNOCK - - +] 523] 442] 425} 376] 572 {| 408] 313 | 224] 183] 99/301 2] - 4} 3,597) MERTHYR - - = -§ 225 220 208 221 247 205 119 142 g1] 62] 25} 43 -— | 1,769 PENKELLY - - - -} 349] 314} 282 / 3131] 4461 307] 240] 180] 156]/.74] 29 | -—| — | 2,690 TALGARTH - - = -]} 4281; 485] 399, 392| 486] 396] 339] 286; 196/130 | 44] 2 i 3,582 BRECON, BORO’ - -]| 277 | 257 | 217} 170] 267 244 189; 147] 96} 53/17] 51 — | 1,939 Total of MALES - | 2,880 | 2,765 2,454 2,207 | 3,303 | 2,496 | 1,960 | 1,465 | 1,116 588 212] 25 1 [21,472 FEMALES. fac —\ 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 |- 70] 80 | 90 on r Under! to | to | to [7 to | to | to | to | to | to! to | to i : ° Hundred > 1 a0 | 15 | 20 | 80-| 40.} 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 |100|waras! © of an! BUILTH - - - -| 413] 386] 344] 3121 493} 379 | 284] 250 | 188] 98] 41} 4] - 3,191 CRICKHOWELL - -] 619 | 528; 424] 384] 701} 549} 398 259 | 205/103 } 38 | 21 —% 4,210 DEVYNNOCK = - - 503 466 363 381 591 415 305 228 | 186]111 | 247 4} — 3,580 MERTHYR - - - -{ 221 { 214] 197] 189] 285} 208} 149} 134 | 105} 63] 21} 2] — j 1,788 PENKELLY - - + -]| 376 | 317 284] 251 | 416} 303] 221 181 } 143]212 | 18 | 3] — 4 2,605, TALGARTH - - -f 468} 484 | 430; 394 | 535] 446} 367 [ 250) 221/141) 43 | 3) 2 4 3,784 BRECON, BORO’ - =] 274] 215 | 231 | 229] 384} 292] 240) 155 | 124] 74) 33] 3) — | 2,254 Total of FEMALES 42,874 | 2,610 | 2,273 | 2,139 |3,405 | 2,592 | 1,964 | 1,457 |1,172|702 |201] 21 2 121,432 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Brecon was . . . 43,613, . . - and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 42,904, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Brecon was 1203; two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (-+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 440 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEI [{ Enumeration. ——————— County of Cardigan. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fase | Fame (age By 3 LiEs shied Ornen or ; how 2S | chiefly ance _ | Families a TOTAL 3 many | wl a em- ot a not com- os 4 or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, 5 Families} .& = Ployed | Trap, | prized in a Ss | 9 | Ste Tin | aang {the Two = |PERSONS. Gj cupieds) Qo} | Acar factures,| Preced- = a cu-- {orHandi- Gia GENEUR-GLYNN Hundred. TURE. | craft, | ~388°S Liuaxsaparn-Fawr (partof) Parish :(*) Aberystwith - - (*) Chapelry| 539} 750] 9 | 23 8] 1851 557 | 2,058 | 1,498 | 3,556 Broncastellan - - - + Township 31 31 -jJo- 16 9 6 73 65 138 Clarach - - - = = Township] 53 55 | -| 2 41 14 - 158 149 307 Cwmrheidol - - - - Township} 102] 109 | -] 3 32 12 65 284 321 605 Flerch - - - - - - Township 21 23 1 2 23 - = 70 65 135 Melin-dwr = - - - ~- Township 92 93/ -]} 4 28 65) - 138 149 287 Pareel-Canol - - - = Township 86 86] 1 1 31 10 45 234 230 464 Trefeirig - - - - = Township 82 82] -| 1 38 = 44 222 233 455 Uchayn-y-dré - - = Township? 68/ 69] 1] 1 so} 26 - 144 158 302 Vainor-Uchaf - - - Township} 62| 62] -| 7 42 at 26 154 163 317 Vainor-Issa - - - - Township 22 26} -]|.- 16 = 10 61 55 116 Yn-y-dre-Issa- - - - Township 68 68 1 2 5 24 39 141 153 294 -Llancynfelin - - 2 = = = Parish 114 120 i 3 47 54 19 285 341 626 Llanfihangel-Geneur-Glynn Parish: (>) Caelan-y-Maesmor - - Township} 305} 101 | -—| 5 86 12 3 248 260 508° Cyfoeth-y-brenin - = Township} 146 176 2 1 93 20 63 340 444 784 Cynill-Mawr - - += + Township{ 418 124; -| 2 99 23 2 301 389 590 Henllys - - - = = Township 86 86 | -]| 6 65 18 3 212 222 434 Scybor-y-Coed - - = Township} 138] 156] 2] 7 34] 21] 101 342 393 735 Tyr-y-Mynach - +* - Township 34 35|/ -} 1 34 1 4 104 106 210 1,997 |2252 | 17 | 68 | 791} 484] 977 | 5,569 | 5,294 | 10,863 ILAR Hundred. (Lower Division.) Cileenin - - + - - - = Parish} 4131 124 1 a 36 28 60 270 281 551 Henfynyw - - - - - - Parish 86 112 & 3 20 26 66 304 272 576 Kilie-Ayron - - - = = Parish 63 63 | -] 41 63 _ - 167 153 320 Llan-badarn Tref-Eglwys - - Parish} 903] 203 | -—| — 58 46 99 439 481 920 Llan-ddinol - - - - - - Parish Ay 47{ -{| 1 17 6 24 97 122 219 Lilan-ddewi-Aber-arth (*) Parish} 172 | 172 | =—4 5 47 28 97 384 449: 833 Llanrhystyd Parish: (4) Haminiog - - Townshipf 1390] 130] —] - 110 20 - 301 314 615 Mevenidd - - - - Township} 145] 145 | -]| — | 130 6 9 365 395 760 Llan-saint-fraed - - (°) Parishf 227 | 227 | 2] 1 107 33 87 543 629 1,172 Llan-ych-aiarn - - - © = Parish 84) 127} 14 2 34 21 92 301 329 630 Llan-grwyddon - - - = Parish} 130; 132 1 1 107 10 15 279 322 601 Treflan - - - ~ - (ff) Parish 50 50; -{ — 43 ” - 133 145 278 1,448 (1,532 | 5 | 314 | 772 | 231 | 529 | 3583 | 3,802 | 7,475 ILAR Hundred. > (Upper Division.) Gwnnws Parish: (*) Gwnnws, Isaf ~- - - Township "5 m9} 1| 1 22 57 - 209 184 393 Uchaf - - Township 63 82] 1] - 24 44 14 180 204 384 Llan-Afan - - - - + Parish 64 39) -| - 57 9 7 155 175 330 Llanbadarn-Faur (part of) Parish: (#) Beans ee } Hamlet} 168) 174} ~j) 4] 126) 41 74 387 435 822 Uchaf - - Hamlet? 105! 117] =! 1 50 19 48 314 343 657 Llanfihangel-y-Croyddin Parish: (*) Llanfiban eas oe Township| 130} 139] 1) 7 42] 234) 74 438 442 880 Uchaf - - Township} 153} 189] = 96 15 98 402 484 886. (*) Llanbadamn-Fawr Parish is partly in Upper Zlar Hundred. The entire Parish contains 8,455 Inhabitants, The increase of Population in Lianbadarn-Croyddin Isaf, is attributed to the erecting of a number of cottages upon the farms in the Township. The families in the 3d column of Occupations in Aberystwith Township, are mostly labourers and ma- riners. ——(°) The entire Parish of Llanfihangel-Geneur-Glynn contains 3,261 Inhabitants———(*) Llan-ddewi-Aber-arth Parish includes the _the Parish of Llanrhystyd.. The entire Parish contains 1,375 Inhabi- Hamlet of Aber-Aeron.—-(“) Haminiog and Mevinidd Townships form tants. ———(°) Llan-saint-ffraed Parish includes the Hamlet of Llan-non. ——() Tref-ilan Parish includes the Hamlet of Tal-y-sarn.——{°) The entire Parish of Gwunws contains 777 Inhabitants———(h) The entire Parish of Llanfihangel y-Croyddin contains 1,766 Inhabitants, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 44t ils ra ves = ace aan, a — COUNTY OF CARDIGAN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- oa Avi: B : LIES ‘i Oo 7 - show ; i eae Sano Fanilies ‘ x TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g Hamiltes EB | 4 | ployed [gay prized inf : oF 2 Oc | ale in | Manu. | the Two < = |PERSONS. 4 cupied.) | 5 Acri- factures,| preced- a Fa ILAR Hundred (Upper Division) —continued. ‘gitate, ee Chavees. Llan-llar Parish: (4) Llan-Ilar, Lower - - - Township 86 g2} —-] 1 72 9 11 220 221 441 ‘ Upper - - + Township 77 89} 2] 4 f° 30 57 2 223 245 468 Llanfihangel-Llethyr-Froed Parish : (*) Lledrod, Isaf' - - - “- ‘Yownship}! 110] 131] 1] 217 49 | 24 | 58 307 349 656 ——— Uchaf - - - Township? 63 80} 1] 1] 34 8 38 260 225 485 Rhosdie - - - - - - - Parish! 25] oy | 1| —] 23 2 2 7 65 136 Yspytty-Ystwyth - - - ~ Parish} 72 y4} -| 3 43 23 8 169 170 339 Yspytty-Ystrad-Meiric - (1) Par: Chap:}| 22| 23] 1] — | 16 6 1 58 56 114 1,213 [1,369 | 9 | 26 | 664 | 337 | 368 3393 | 3,598 | 6,991 MOYDDYN (™) Hundred. Bettws-Bleddws - - - - + Parish 43 45} -| 1 16 7 22 109 107 216 Bettws-Leiki - - - + Parish 67 67} -| - 61 6 = 183 172 355 Dihewid (part of) = - (") Parish 42 42] 2) 1 22 7 14 112 110 222 Kellan - - - - - ~ + Parish} 99] 114] 2| 1 | 36 | 22 56 221 239 460 Lampeter-pont-Stephen (partof) (°) Parish | 202 | 202) —| — | 152 32 18 404 423 827 Llanarth, North - (P) Pashd] 212] 212] 2) 2 166 18 28 539 571 1,110 South ) Paris 235 | 235| 1/ 5 | 172 20 43 499 510 | 1,009 Llan-disilio-Goge, Lower& Upper, Parish] 279] 283] —| 6 89 46 | 148 630 687 1,317 Llandyssul-Yweh-Kerdin(partof)(1) Par.f 275 | 275 | 31! 2 474 | 198 3 700 965 1,465 Llan-erch-ayron = += = - = Parish 50 50} -| = 50 - = 121 149 270 Llanfair-Clydogau - - - + Parish 74 "4, -| - 60 9 5 212 178 390 Llanfihangel-Ystrad, Lower (*) Parish 82 87] 1] 2 29 12 46 198 207 405 — Upper ) Paris 113 | 128] ~| 2] 45 21 62 299 310 609 ‘Llan-granog - - - - = = Parish} 174 | 175 1] 5 49 27 99 402 427 829 Llan-gyby - - = - = - Parish 56 60] -| - 21 8 31 117 132 249 Llan-ina - 2 = = = = Parish 95} 1oo{ —| — 45 11 14 202 237 439 Llan-Ilwchaiarn - - = (*) Parish} 218] 218] —| 4 36 13. | 169 403 563 966 Llan-wenog, Lower ae ff 130} 130] —]| 8 | 112 18 - 305 340 645 —— Upper ent 4834. ase] at 4g | agi 34 - 391 400 791 Llan-wnen - - - 2 + Parish 54 571 -] - 44 12 1 190° 140 © 277 Silian - - - - - = = = Parish 49 49} 1] @ 40 8 1 117 — 129 | 246° 2,732 | 2,788 | 14 | 45 | 1,499 | 529 | 760 | 6,301 | 6,796 | 13,097 PENARTH Hundted. ‘ : Caron or Tref-Garon, . otherwise [sclawdd Parish: (") Argoed and Ystrad - (") Townships} 103] 115] 1] 3 87 28 - 237 238 475 Blaen-Aéron - = - - Township 45 49] -} - 40 9 - 134 144 278 Blaen-Caron. - - - = ‘Township 17 24, -—{ 1 23 1 - 38 58 96 Croes and Berwyn - Townships} 27 go} -]| - 36 4 - 110 104 214 ; Tre-Cefel - - - = + Township 18 aij —-}] - 21 - 66 78 144 Tref-Lynn - - = = Township 25 32} -| - 26 5 1 78 77 155 s -Clawdd, ee i eh da pO) Cbapery 126} 126} 2 { ~ | 116 10 = 353 356 | 709 Llanbadarn-Odyn - - - + Parish] 87 88] -| 1] 44 10 | 34 226 241 467 ‘Llan-ddewr-brefi Parish: (”) i ; i Blaen-Penal - - - = Chapelry 93 97} -| - 36 26 35 236 237 473 Dothie-Camddwr - - Township 28 28; —] - 25 3 7 62 83 145 | Dothie-Piscottwr - - - Township 20 20} -]| - 20 - - 66 59 125 (‘) The entire Parish of Llan-Ilar contains 909 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Lianfinangel-Llethyr-Frved contains 1,141 In- habitants. of Yspytty-Ystraed-Meiric is attributed partly to the absence of the scholars from the Grammar School, when the population was taken. (™) Gartbely Chapelry is partly in Moyddyn Hundred, partly in Penarth | Hundred, Parish of Llan-ddewi-brefi, where the whole is entered.—— (") Dihewid Parish is mostly in Troedyraur Hundred, and entered | accordingly.——(°) Lampeter-pont-Stephen Parish is partly in Troedy- raur Hundred. The entire Parish contains 937 Inhabitants. (°) The entire Parish of Llanarth contains 2,1ig Inhabitants, (9) Llandyssul- -Ywch-Kerdin is partly in Troedyraur Hundred. The entire Parish con- (!) The decrease of Population in the Parochial Chapelry tains 2,525 Inhabitants.——(") The increase of Population in the Parish of Llanfihangel-Ystrad, is ascribed to the too frequent early marriages which take place in order to enable the parties to have a better claim for Parochial relief. The entire Parish contains 1,014 Inhabitants. (°) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan-llwchaiarn, is attri- buted to the revival of the herring fishery at that place. One female upwards of 100 years of age. (') The entire Parish of Llan-wenog contains 1,436 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Curon contains 2,071 Inhabitants. The Township of Uwch-Clawdd, otherwise Strata Florida, is in lar Hundred partly, but wholly eutered here. One male upwards of 100 years of age, in Argoed Township.——() The entire Parish of Llan-ddewi-brefi contains 2,309 Inhabitants. 5 T 442. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: * COUNTY OF CARDIGAN —continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : E : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fae PEEsgne Famr- i Ai ore OR By ou LIES chiefly Oruer c how 2 chief] _| Famili 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 | many | | 3 se Se. Z g TOTAL 3 Pie £ < ployed TRapk peel in fe 3 or = c- = . 1 Manu- | the Two 2 5 cupied.] 49 5 Acni- fictaten: preced- = E PESO NE PENARTH Hundred—continued. CUL- lorHandi-| ing ; : TURE. | craft, | Classes. Llan-ddewi-brefi Parish : continued. Garth and Ystrad - - Township 11 wy]—-] 4 12 2 = 60 42 102 Garthely - - - - - Township 53 57} -| - 23 7 27 122 155 207 Gogoyan - * = + - Township 16 16 - - 14 2 vot 58 49 107 Gorwydd - - - + + Township} 144] 144] -| 5 gc 33 21 249 273 522 Gwnfl - - - - - - Township} 63 63} -| 3 28 16 19 129 149 278 Llanio - - - © = Township 25 25; -| 1 23 2 = 78 67 145 Prysk and Gacean - + Township 23 25; -] 1 23 2 - 67 68 135 Llan-geitho - - = + - = Parish} 66 yjo-| 2 27 11 33 151 181 332 Nantewnlle - - - - * + Parishf 141] 142] — 44 24 74 319 316 635 1,131 {1,197 {| 2] 18 | 758] 195 | 244 { 2,839 | 2,975 | 5,814 TROEDYRAUR Hundred. Aber-Porth - - - - = (*) Parish} 101 101 -| 2 go 5 6 224 281 505 Bangor - « - = - = - Parish 39 41 -j} - 26 13 2 102 109 Q11 Bettws-Evan- - - - ~- * Parish "9 79 1 1 73 6 = 199 203 402 Blaen-Porth - - - + - - Parish} 133 133 8 4 109 24 a 331 364 695 Brongwyn - - - - - Parish "8 “B] —-} 1 47 13 18 176 184 360 Dihewid (part of) ” - - = Parish 48 AS: | ee es 17 4 24 106 135 241 Henllan - - - - - + Parish 22 a2} —} —- 18 4 - 60 59 119 Lampeter-Pont-Stephen, (part of) Parish : (7) Tref-y-coed - - - «+ Hamlet 23 23} -| - 19 4 - 52 58 110 Llan-dy-friog~ - - - - (*) Parish} 211 211 1| 6 173 35 3 402 434 836 Llan-dy-gwydd - Parish} 190] 190] -| 8 166 18 6 480 526 | 1,006 Llan- dyssul-Y welr-Kerdin,] p Parish o, (ate pus e arishf 233 | 233 1 59 | 172 2 505 565 1,070 Llan-fair-Orllwyn - - Parish 81 81} 1] 1 66 15 - 185 193 378 Llan-fair-tref- rhelygon - - Parish 20 20! -] 1 14 5 1 49 54 103 Llan-goedmore - - - - Parish} 182 | 185 |] QO] 6§ 154 28 3 431 510 941 Llan-gynllo - - - - - = Parishf 125} 125] 2] — 101 19 5 289 310 599 Llech-rhyd + - - - ~- Par: Chap: 76 82) -) = 9 70 3 157 181 338 Mount- - - - - = + = Parish 32 gz} -j; 1 32 - - 88 84. 172 Pen-bryn - - - - = - - Parish} 346} 346] 11] 7 308 38 - 699 838 1,537 Tremain = - = - - - Parish 46 46} -{ 1 35 v1 - 109 131 240 Troed-yr-aur, Lower (*) - } Paci 85 85] -| 2 47 23 15 176 190 366 ———————. Upper - - - 122 | 122] 1] 2 100 17 5 259 298 557 Verwick - - * - + - = Parish 72 yo} 2] 1 66 6 - 164 197 361 2,344 | 2,355 | 26 | 44 | 1,729 | 533 93 | 5,243 5,904 11,147 Borough of CARDIGAN. St. Mary - - + - - - + Parish} 439] 578] 4! 5 99 | 192] 287 979 | 1,427 | 2,307 () The increase of population in Aber-Porth Parish is attributed to | Pont-Stephen Parish is in Moyddyn Hundred. (*) One female in the division of several Farms, and to the flourishing state of the Herring | the Parish of Llan-dy-friog upwards of 100 years of age. (°) Most Fishery.——(’) Dihewid Parish is partly in Moyddyn Hundred. The | part of Lian-dyssul-Ywrch-Kerdin Parish in in Moyddyn Hundred.—— entire Parish contains 462 Inhabitants—-(”) Most part of Lampeter- } (*) The entire Parish of Troed-yr-aur contains 923 Inhabitants, M.DCCC.XXI.] THE. POPULATION, ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. €.94. ; 443 a men Se aera ne a, COUNTY OF CARDIGAN—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CARDIGAN. a —~— ~‘ \ HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fas oe AL HUNDREDS By 3 | “ES | chiegy | OTHER " z how 3 chiefly ee: Families wn TOTAL 7 many “ 4 em- i not com- &e. # Families = 4 ployed re prized in a | ‘3 Oc- ee ea in Manu- | the Two a a PERSONS. iS cupied.] & | 5 AcRI- | factures,| preced- a ry : CUL- JorHandi-| ng TURE. | craft, | Classes. Hundred of GENEUR GLYN- - - - -| 1,997} 2,252] 17} 68 | 791] 484) 977 | 5,569. | 5,294 | 10,863 ILAR, Lower Division - - -] 1,448] 1,532} 5114 | 772} 231 | 529] 3,583 | 3,892 ] 7,475. ILAR, Upper Division - + -| 1,213| 1,369] 9 | 26 | 664] 337] 368 | 3,393.| 3,598 | 6,991 MOYDDYN - - - - - - | 2,732/ 2,788] 14} 45 } 1,499} 529 | 760 [ 6,301 | 6,796 | 13,097 PENARTH - - - = - -] 1,131{ 1,197] 2 | 28 758 | 195 | 244 2,839 | 2,975 } 5,814 TROEDYRAUR - - - + - | 2,344} 2,355) 26 | 44 [1,799 | 533} 93'[ 5,243 | 5,904 | 11,147 Borough of CARDIGAN - - - - = -| 439] 578! 4] 5 99 | 192 | 287 970 | 1,427 | 2,397 Toran - - - [11,304/12,071/ 77 [220 | 6,312 | 2,501 [3,258 | 27,898 | 29,886 | 57,784 A44 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. ene ——— . ear COUNTY OF CARDIGAN —continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. - 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 : Under & 4 < to to to to to to to to | to { to | to ay Hundred 5. up- ° ‘ 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/100\y..4.f © OR | Rees eae La feos Sd oad aes GENEUR GLYN - -]| 807] 753] 644] 610] 745] 733 | 609] 273 | 248] 119] 231 6] - | 5,570f ILAR, Lower Division ~-] 603] 541! 476! 375] 490 | 352] 288] 213] 158] 79) 26] 3] — | 3,604 ILAR, Upper Division 489 | 487] 436] 363] 6521 348 | 266] 219 | 153} 73] 21 1] -— 13,377} MOYDDYN - - - =[1,057} 936) 890] 627] 797} 689] 482} 409 | 294] 169/49; 4] — | 6,313 PENARTH - + = 413 461 368 301 382 300 232 166 | 1301 82] 23] 3 1 2,862) TROEDYRAUR~ - =| 783] 839 | 685] 537] 663 | 532] 454 | 330 | 240] 139! 40} 1] - | 5,243 CARDIGAN BORO’ -f 138] 156] 134 99 | 103} 107 79 6o |] Go} 22) 12] -] - 970 Total of MALES = [4,290 | 4,173 | 3,543 | 2,912 | 3,701 | 3,061 | 2,410 | 1,670 | 1,283] 683/194] 18 | 1 27,939 FEMALES. —_—— c =i 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 : Under : & 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to | to 4 Hundred 5 up- ° of 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards © GENEUR GLYN - -] 710] 763] 632} 578] 856} 607] 436 | 299 | 241] 125/45] 2] - | 5,204 ILAR, Lower Division -| 535] 522] 467 | 385] 591] 449] 317] 286] 168] 100/35] 2| - | 3,857 ILAR, Upper Division -f 469 | 455] 412 372 | 565 | 427] 283 | 248 | 208) 99] 39] 21] - | 3,579 MOYDDYN - - - -] 944} 893] 785 | 648 1,015 | 844] 592} 426 | 375] 173] 62 | 12] 1 | 6,770} PENARTH - - - -f 425 | 377} 347 | 266} 451] 335] 270 | 211 | 169] 82) 42] —]| - | 2,975 TROEDYRAUR - -f 813] 814] 722] 552 | 905 | 655} 545] 385 | 284] 167] 58] 4] 1 | 5,904 CARDIGAN BORO’ -f 160] 150 167 140] 244, 178 147 | 100} 87] 40/12] 2] —- | 1,404 Total of FEMALES | 4,056 | 3,974 | 3,532 | 2,940 | 4,627 | 3,495 [2,590 | 1,955 [1,532] 786/293] 24 | 2 [29,806 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cardigan was ... 57,784, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, Was . .. 57,745, ..-- whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtaiued in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Cardigan was 109; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. increase of Population in the Parish of Breckfa, is attributed to a turn- pike road which has recently been made through the Parish, and which opens a communication between the Counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, and Glamorgan.—*—(“) Most part of Llanegwad Parish isin Elvet Hun- dred.. O The Parish of Llanfihangel-Ar-Arth, or Yeroth, consists of the Hamlets of Cwm-Arlloes, Frd, Gwydd Crag, Gwyddll, and Pencader. M.DCCC.XXI.J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. A45 County of Carmarthen. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, aa | Fane on e ET chieny | chiety Pas = TOTAL r om Joy- | #amulles 5 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, S| mry lo | 's em edi notcom- ws a ee = ae £ 3 ployed: Trave, [prized in 4 3 a c | 3 7 ed in . | the T 4 PERSONS. "3 feupied. | & | 5 | Acar- oer preci Ss & = CUL- a it CARNWALLAN Hundred. rom, [etl Ginases, Liuavepy mos + + + = Parish 167} 169} -—]| 9 93 | 39 37 6 423 469 892 Llanelly Parish: (#) Berwick 7 - + - = + Hamlet? tig} 114] -| 7 561 43 15 256 292 548 Borough - - - = - - Hamlet 516] 559} 1 8 65 | 290 | 204 1,334 1,287 2,621 Glyn - - - - - = -~ Hamlet 165 172 1 3 74) 61 37 393 408 801 _Hengoed - - - + - - Hamlet] 205 | 205] -| 5 75 | 86 44 497 550 1,047 Westoac - - - - - - Hamlet 125 | 125 | -| 4 58} 48 19 311 321 632 Llangennech - - - - = = Parish 96 96} 1] 4 23] 14 59 214 234 448 Llan-non Parish: (>) Bleyne- - - - - - - Hamlet 40 yo| 4] 2 541 15 1 174 188 362 Glyn - - - - + - - Hamlet 82 84} ~~] 1 45 8 1 209 192 401 aes - - - ~ - Hamlet 55 55) -| 4 47 8 - 146 169 315 smorlais - - - - = = Hamlet 65 67 1 2 47 19 1 151 167 318 1,660 }1,716 | 8 | 49 667 | 631 | 418 4,108 4,277 8,385 CATHINOG Hundred. ; Breckfa - - - - - () Parish} oo] os f a] — 1 8 61 110 Llanegwad (part of) - - (4) Parish 174 ie a} - Be 79 2 382 401 783 Llanfihangel-Ar-Arth (*) Parish} go7 | gia] 5] 3 275 | 47 92 976 951 1,927 Llanfihangel-Kilfargan - - - Parish 8 a} -j] - 7 1 3 32 33 65 Llanfynydd - - - = - = Parish 277 | 289] 1] 21 232 | 55 2 697 715 1,412 | Llangathen - - - - - - Parish 199 | 228] 1] 4 741 53 | 101 555 616 1171 ‘Llanlloony 7 7 7 7 > Parish? 148] 148] -]| - 113! 31 4 374 390 764 Llanvihangel-Rhés-y-Corn Parish{ 396] 126] -| 1 48 9 69 293 305 598 Llan-y-byther North - - (f) Parish Jf 146 | 146] 2] - 128 | 16 2 288 327 615 South - - 53 53 | -| 2 47 5 1 156 142 298 Llan-y-Crwys (part of) Parish: (8) Fforest- - - - - - Hamlet 43 46) -] - 25 8 13 99 100 199 Pencarreg - - - = - Parish} 1471 175} -| 6 481 40 57 539 508 1,047 1,774 | 1,838 | 12 | 37 J 1,140 | 352 | 346 4,440 | 4,549 | 8,989 CAYO Hundred. } Lower - - ; 6 - 60 sive ch 127 | 143] 2] 2 11 27 3 357 717. yy ee Upper - Kk ) Parish { 147] 176] -| 8 156 | 20 - 354 388 742 Conwil-Cayo - - - - - Parish} 398] 557] -| - 387 | 44 | 126 931 949 1,880 Llandefeyson - - - - - Parish 49 571 -| = 14 8 35 106 120 226 Llandilo-fawr (part of) Parish: (4) Cwmcawlwyd - - - - Hamlet 29 29] -]| - 26 3 = 70 61 131 Manordilo, Lower - - - Hamlet 63 79| -| 2 43 | 25 11 175 192 367 — » Upper - - ~- Hamlet 53 57 | 2] 4 22} 12 23 158 150 308 Tachloyan and Rhiewlas - Hamlet} 54 54/ 3] 21 34] 16 4 151 155 306 Llandingat (part of ) Parish: (*) Ystrad - - - - = = Hamlet 30 31,/°-] 2 28 2 1 94 103 197 Llan-Sawel - - - - - - Parish} 153] 174] 1] 1 114 | 28 32 427 492 919 Llan-wrda - - - - = - Parish} 102 | 108] — 771 19 12 255 273 528. Llan-y-Crwys (part of ) Parish : (1) Mynachty- - - ~ - - Hamlet] 24 24{ —-{] 1 21 3 ze 59 73 132 : Lower - - ‘ 68 68} -] 6 6 2 2 , Talley - 5 5 7 37 34 471 J {ups -- } Pd Ean og 89} 1] 2 57 | 20 | 12 305 308 613 1,385 | 1,646 | 9 | 30 | 1,151 | 232 | 263 | 3,682 | 3,855 | 7,537 (*) The entire Parish of Llanelly contains 5,649 Inhabitants. —(‘) The entire Parish of Llan-y-byther contains 913 Inhabitants. —— sco y 5,649 ( (°) The entire Parish of Llan-non contains 1,396 Inhabitants. (©) The } (®) Llan-y-Crwys Parish is partly in Cayo Hundred. The entire Parish contains 331 Inhabitants. h) The entire Parish of Cyly-cwm con- tains 1,459 Inhabitants, (1) Llandilo-fawr Parish is partly in Cayo Hundred, partly in Iskennon Hundred, but mostly in Pertedd Hundred. k) Most part of Llandingat Parish is in Perfedd Hundred —— (!) Most part of Llan-y-Crwys is in Cathinog Hundred. (™) The entire Parish of Talley contains 1,084 Inhabitants, 5 U 446 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. ————=—== COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famr- | Pasa [ary By Pain La12{ a7] -]} - | 143 74 - | 523 583 | 1,106 Llandawk —- - + + = Parish 4 4} -] - 1 1 2 16 10 26 Llandilo-Abercowin + - Parish 16 16] rf - 4 5 7 36 41 77 Llandissilio (part of) (*) ~~ Parish [101 yo1r} -—] — 51 13 37 264 297 561 Llandowror - - = - Parish} 71 “6] -| - 19 22 35 184 207 391 | Llangain - - - = ~ + = Parish 49 49} -| 4 39 10 = 207 212 419 Llangan (part of) - - - (*%) Parish} 124] 132] -]| 2 36 13 83 355 334 689 Llanginning - - - - = = Parish 68 68}; -| - 58 9 1 135 184 319 Llangludwen - + 2 = =) Parish 51 Si} -| - 20 VW 20 101 127 228 Llangunnoch - - - - = Parish} 156 171 3{/ 9 | 120 29 22 411 396 807 Llansadurnen - - Parish 36 36} -| 3 34 a - 89 104 193 Llanstephan - - ~ + - = Parish} 242 265 2 8 | 230 20 15 563 622 1,185 Llanvalteg (part of) - (t) Parish 58 58} -}| - 39 19 - 131 158 289 Llanvihangel-Aberecorvin - - Parish 131 138 1 1 1i5 18 5 360 399 759 .. f Eastern - . if 96 96} -| - go 6 - 197 216 413 Llanwinio Wien = hey Parish L 97 oi =| a 77 19 ‘ 242 273 515 Marros. - - - = = Parish} 44 44] -] - 18 3 23 95 100 195 Mydrim - - - = - Parish} 159 | 173] 3] 2 61 20 g2 461 480 941 Pendine - + - oe Boa 28) BS] —-} 2} ae 7 16 79 73 152 2,704 |2,827 | 16 52 |1,715 | 468 | 644 | 7,113 | 7,562 | 14,675 ELVET Hundred. Abergwilly - - - - (*) Parish} 389] 419 | 3418 ]| 269 82 68 1,063 1,120 | 2,183 Abernant- - - - - (*) Parish} 117 | 121] -] — 89 22 10 348 361 709. Convil-in-Elvet - - Chapelryf 244 | 245 1 3 ] 212 25 8 644 641 1,285 Kennarth = - - - (*) Parish} 340! 343] 1/| 4 | 193 | 121 29 995 840 1,635 Kilrhedin (part of) - - (*) Parish} 151 149 2 1 48 28 993, 337 - 353 6go0 Llanegwad (part of) - (%) Parish} 237 245 3 2 179 64 2 646 641 1,287 Llangeler - - - - - (%) Parish} 350] 353] 1] =— | 197 | 148 8 749 824 1,573 Llanllawddog - - - (*) Parish} 139 | 139] -| - 89 18 32 352 387 739 Llan-pumpsaint - - - - Parish { 104 {| 122] -]| 1 68 26 28 251 264 515 Merthyr - - - - - = Parish} 24 24{ -{ -] 16 8 126 121 ‘247 Newchurch - - ~- - - - Parishf 156] 156} 1] - | 133 21 2 362 407 769 Penboyr - - - = = = Parshf 229 | 229} -]| - | 115 55 59 519 604 1,123 Treleach-ar-Bettws - - (”) Parish} 263] 269] 1] 4 97 | 171 1 651 641 1,292 2,743 |2,814 | 13 | 33 | 1,705 | 789 | 320 6,843 -| 7,204 | 14,047 (°) The entire Parish of Henllan-Amgoed contains 460 Inhabitants. —(°) Kil-y-Maenllwyd Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 579 Inhabitants. (°?) The entire Parish of Laughame, or Llacharn, contains 1,953 Inha- bitants.——(4) The entire Parish of Llanboidy contains 1,661 Inhabitants. (*) Llandissilio Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants. ——($) Llangan Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 705 Inhabitants: —-() Llanvalteg Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 344 Inhabitants, (4) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan- winio, is attributed to the return of peace, and to not having experienced any severe fever, or other great illness since 1811. The entire Parish contains 928 Inhabitants———(”) The increase of Population in the Parish of Abergwilly, is attributed to the retum of peace ; and the same observation applies also to Abernant Parish, to Kennarth Parish, to Llan- llawddog Parish, and to Treleach-ar-Bettws Parish. The entire Parish of Abernant contains 1,994 Inhabitants. In the Parish of Kennarth is one female upwards of 100 years of age. (*) Kilrhediu Parish is | partly in Kilgerron Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 941 Inhabitants (”) Llanegwad Parish is partly in Cathinog Hundred. The increase of Population is attributed to an inclosure and cultivation of waste lands. The entire Parish contains 2,070 Inhabitants. : (#) The increase of Population in Llangeler Parish is ascribed to the return of peace, to the diminution of malignant fevers, formerly more com- | mon and more destructive, but especially to the almost total extirpation | of the small-pox. i M.DCCE.XXI. ] THE POPULATION ACT, ree 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. 447. COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faas | AAMT | Aus ‘By oe LIES | chiefly OrneRr : on P how 2 | chiefly | employ-| Families v3 TOTAL 3 many | w | ‘3 em- ed in |not com- ni 4 OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 3 |Familes) & | & | ployed |Tpaps,|prizedinf A | 3 |. 3 Or jas in | Manu- | the Two 3 a PERSONS. iG cupied. | 9 5 Acrr- | factures,! preced- i _ CUL- /orHandi- Gre eee eee ISKENNEN Hawi, TURE. craft. asses. Bettws - - - - - = = Parish} 199] :199]--| 5 130 9 _ 491 535 1,026 Llan-arthney - - - -(*) Parish} 353] 360} 4] 6] 310 40 10 855 876 | 1,731 Llanddarog - - - - - (>) Parish] 177] 211] 1] 6 163 39 9 454 485 939 Llandebie- - - - - - - Parish} 428 | 428] 1] -6 324 1, 93 11 985 1,092 |. 2,077 Llan-deilo-fawr (part of) Parish¢ () fe ee lanes - - + + - Hamlet 37 41] 2] 3 24 12 5 110 94 204 n-y-Beirdd, Trecastle Tea teeth ae *} Hamlets} 191 | 196] 2] 4 165 31 - 468 516 984 Pentre-Cwm -.- - - = Hamlet 38 50.) -| — 30° 9 11 150 137 287 Llanvihangel-Aber-bythych - Parish} 169] 183] 1] 4 | 191 18 34 409 458 867 a 1,532 | 1,608 | 11 | 34 [1,277 | 251 80 | 3,922 |.4,193 | 8,115 KIDWELLY Hundred. ° Ishmael, St. - - - - - (4) Parish} 162] 170] 11 3 40} °374 -93-]- 400 461 | 861 Kidwelly, St. Mary, | ‘ . 298 | 360! 1] g 39 | 110] 211 641 809 | 1,450 - -(°) Parish a3 ee ol RS and Suburbs - f so | Ba 1 38 11 5 143 140 283 Llandeveylog Parish: (f) Cilmargh and Ishgoed - ~ Hamlet 26 2eg| ~j] - 13 6 10 81 88 169 Kitploith and Portseyborfawr Hamlet 34 41} 2] - 18 3 20 129 113 242 Llandeveylog - - - - - Hamlet}? 62/ 78] 1] 1 62 14 2 230 | 238 | 468 Molfre and Iddole - + + Hamlet 48 83) 1! 3 44 28 11 182 175 357 Llangendeiin = - - - = = Parish} 427] 441] —| 172 67 | 202 | 1,048 1,069 2,117 Llangwnnor - - - = ~- (8) Parish} v6} igi] 2} 1 156 20 15 471 479 950 Pembrey - - - = = = = Path 311 | 322] 3] 5 103 10 | 209 845 922 1,767 1,624 [1,769 | 11 | 32 68 06 8 170 . 8,66 PERFEDD Hundred. 024 | 1,709 3 5} 3 77 4517 4,494 3004 Llan-ddoysaint Parish: (*) Bluen-Sawthey - - - - Hamlet 42 42] -|[ - 31 1 - 149 132 281 Llan-ddoysaint - - - - Hamlet 57 57 | -| - 54 3 - 164 182 346 Maes-fynnon - - - - Hamlet 39 39} -| - 37 2 - 114 1 113 227 Llandilo-fawr (part of) Parish: (4) = 41,153 [1,006 | 861 | 754} 943 | 695] 524] 460/275] 134] 35] 3] — | 6,843 ISKENNEN - - - -]| 553} 593] 533] 398] 541] 381 | 360] 235 {198 | 104] 36] 3] — | 3,935 KIDWELLY - - -} 656] 599! 505] 420] 631 | 458| 316] 25814188] 98] 29] 21]{- — | 4,160 PERFEDD - - - -| 844] 726] 634] 544} 7261 567] 437] 369 |262/] 118] 46) 4] — | 5,277 CARMARTHEN, BORO’ | 735] 592| 466} 379] 520] 425] 350| 288 ]153| 73] 26} 1] — | 4,008 Total of MALES [6,982 | 6,410 | 5,479 | 4.441 | 6,047 | 4,523 | 3,517 | 2,889 |1,932] 950|327| 30 | - 143,527 FEMALES. f oS ’ 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 ee Under : & ie Hundred P to to to to to to to | to to to | to & . up- ‘ of 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 j100|,.%.] © CARNWALLON - -f 606} 626) 515] 439] 609] 486{ 408 | 264/177] 115} 26] 8] - | 4,279 CATHINOG - - - -f 696/| 623] 479! 489] 666] 492] 382] 293 | 259] 1281371 5] - | 4,549 CAYO - + = -f| 501] 507] 429} 381 | 608] 466] 369] 268 | 209) 108] 42] 6! - | 3,894 DERLLYS - - - -{[{1,099 | 981 833 | 769 |1,177 | 868] 640] 533 | 407] 188] 72] 5 | ~— | 7,572 ELVET - - - - - 1,027 | 891 792 | 734 /1,155 | 820), 616] 456 | 351] 170] 82} go} 1 | 7,104 ISKENNEN - - - -f 521] 591] 469} 456] 618] 470} 355 | 301 | 222} 119] 584137 1 4,194 KIDWELLY - - - | 638] 525} 467] 480 | 743 | 546] 394] 303 | 223] 120/47] 7]! 1 | 4,494 PERFEDD - - - -| 801 | 681 | 640{ 593} 857] 620] 517] 390 | 323] 158] 44! 5] — | 5,629 CARMARTHEN BORO’ | 692] 588 | 484; 556] 821 | 583| 445] 340] 234] 114] 34} 41 — | 4,895 Total of FEMALES | 6,581 | 6,013| 5,108] 4,897 | 7,254] 5,351| 4,126| 3,148/2,405|1,220| 442| 62} 3 46,610 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Carmarthen was . . . 90,239, - - - and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 90,197, . question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Carmarthen was 124; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, A remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,— ‘or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females . whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained, in compliance with the 5 xX 450 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration: SS porcmmerany SES +s REET SPE SNIPES SC RS, County of Carnarvon. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bis: fe Aes oR By 3 rhe chiefly OrneR 7 . how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families R TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 many | oo | ‘a en ed in jnot com- wa =| 3 i 3 3g ployed | Trans, [prized in i 3 oF c- i : in Mann- | the Two < E 3 cupied.| | 5 AGRI- | factures, preced- = Bi pee CUL- JorHandi-| ng TURE. | craft, | Classes. COMMITMAEN Hundred. Assrparon - - - Parish} 292 | 303] 5] 1 279 | 24 - 623 611 1,234 Bardsey-Isle - (4) Extra-P. 15 we] -f| - 15 - a 48 38 86 Bod-ferin ao - + Parish 11 wy] -] = 11 - = 29 32 61 Bryn-croes - - (*) Parish} 205 | 206) 1] 2 176 | 30 2 450 489 939 Llan-degwning - - - Parish 22 M3) -} - 22 1 = 84 86 170 Llan-éngan (part of) - - (°) Parish} 106] 106] -| 3 59 {| 13 28 238 268 506 Llan-faelrhys - - - Parish 46 46} -| —- 44 2 = 133 129 262 Llan-gwnadle - - - - - Parish} 65 65} -| - 55 4 6 170 158 328 Meylltyrn = - - - (#) Parish 48 48; -| - 42 6 = 142 141 283 Pen-llech = - - - Parish 39 45 - 43 2 ie 140 139 279 Rhiw - ~ - - = - = Parish &4 8} 2] - 46 7 2 162 218 380 933 | 947} 8| 6 | 822) 89 | 36 2,219 | 2,309 | 4,528 CREUDDYN Hundred. Eglwys-Rhos - - - (¢) Parish 44 44) ~] 1 65 9 - 165 164 329 Llandrillo-yn-Rhés (part of) Parish: (4) Eirias - - - - Township 34 42 - 3 32 4 6 106 97 203 Llan-dudno - - - Parish} 103} 103} 3] — 16; 87 - 257 252 509 Llan-gwstennin - - + (&) Parish 96 129} -—]| 2 36 9 84 300 304 604 Llys-faen - - - + Parish} 106}; 106] 1] — 76} 19 11 254 248 502 413 | 454] 44 6 225 | 128 101 1,082 1,065 2,147 DINLAEN Hundred. Aber-erch - - - - - Parish} 276} 2781 gf 2 230 | 46 2 633 775 1,408 Bodvean or Bodcon-in-Lleyn - Parish 69 yo; -| 1 59] 10 1 196 215 411 Ceidio - - Parish 19 wi -] - 19 - - 73 58 131 Edeyrmn - - Parish} 106] 119] —| 2 86} 33 = 240 285 525 Llandudwen - - - - Parish 9 | eh 6 1 - 57 347 94 Llan-iestyn - - (f) Parish} 229 | 239] 3] 7 148 | go 1 519 514 1,033 Llannor - - - (f) Parish] 240} 248 | 1] 6 101 | 30 | 114 579 590° | 1,169 Nevin - - - Parish} 340} 378 | — 1 120 | 258 - 802 812 1,614 Pistill - - Parish} 112} 118) —j 2 116 2 - 265 284 549 Tydweiliog - - - - (8) Parish 79 87 - 80 4 - 208 218 426 1,477 | 1,563 | 14| 21 | 965) 477 | 121 3,572 | 3,788 | 7,360 EVIONYDD Hundred. Beddgelert or Bethgelard (part of)(") Parish} 120] 117] -—| 3 105} 11 1 310 305 615 Crickeith - - - - Parish} 120} 121 | —| — 55 | 38 28 254 276 530 Dol-ben-maen () Parish 60 62) -j; — 42 19 1 135 180 315 Llan-armon - - Parish | 108 113} 5) - 96 | 13 4 315 313 628 Llanfihangel-y-Pen-nant Parshf 109 | 115) ~| 2 109 6 _ 309 323 632 Llan-gybi Parish | 132 1341 5] 3 110 19 5 362 357 719 Llan-ystin-dwy - Parish } 222 253} -—} 10 180 | 68 5 600 600 1,200 Pen-morfa - - Parish} 192 | 217 11 210 6 1 498 457 955 Tref-llys - - Parish 16 17 - 1 16 1 - 47 53 100 Ynys-cynhaiarn - Parish} 166} 183) — | 3 98 | 74 11 407 478 885 1,245 | 1,33% | 10 | 33 | 1,021 | 255 |° 56 35237 | 3,342 | 6,579 | : (*) The Parishes of Bryn-croes and Meylltyrn are partly in the Hun- } Parishes are partly in Gaflogian Hundred, but wholly entered in Dinlaen dred of Gafflogian, but wholly entered in Commitmaen Hundred. Hundred. The increase of Population in Llan-iestyn, is attributed to an (°) Llan-engan Parish is partly in Gafflogian Hundred. The entire Pa- ] inclosure of the common, and to the building of several new houses in rish contains 969 Inhabitants. (*) The families in the second column | the Parish, since 1811. (®) The increase of Population in the Parish of Occupations, in the Parish of Eglwys-Rbos, are miners, employed | of Tydweiliog is ascribed to vaccination, only one person having died of in Llan-dudno copper mines. (4) Most part of Llandrillo-yn-Rhés | the small-pox within the Parish in the last twenty years.——(") Bedd- Parish is in Isdulas Hundred, County of Denbigh. The entire Parish | gelert Parish extends into the Hundred of Uwch-Gorfai, and is partly contains 963 Inhabitants. (*) The great increase of Population (216) § in Ardudwy Hundred, County of Merioneth. The entire Parish con- in the Parish of Llan-gwstennin, is ascribed to the return of paupers to } tains 867 Inbabitants. (‘) Dol-ben-maen is annexed to the Parish of the Parish, and to several others coming to reside therein, in consequence | Pen-morva. of many cottages having been built. (*) Llan-iestyn and Llannor M.DCCC.XXI.| THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. O4s nc 451 COUNTY OF CARNARVON —continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pim | a ‘Avs By : LIES zi Ornen ae how 3B | chiesy seid Families of TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. g [my ol! 3 a eo ee en) ee 4 or 5 Families} .& a ployed Trang, {prized in ac 3 ; ‘3 Oc- a a in Manu- | the Two ) - Ener-Glynn - - - - - Hamlet] 192] 196} -—| 5 49 106 | 41 427 472 899 Glyn-taff - - - - - - Hamlet 99 | 104] ~-f - 40 45 | 19 278 239 517 Hendredenny - - - - + Hamlet 84 84) -| 4 47 24] 13 187 184 371 Park - = so ee ames 24 24] -|} 4 22 -|{ 2 "3 53 |: 126 Rhyd-y-Boithan - - - - Hamlet} 138 | 138] -—] 1 70 13] 55 303 287 .| 590 Gelli-gaer Parish: (¢) / Brithdir - - - - + - Hamlet] 54 54) -] - 33 io} 11 213 | 198 391 Cefn - - - + ~- = = Hamlet 54 54] - 25 8} 21 175 188 363 Garth-gynyd - + - - + Hamlet 21 aij -{| - 14 3 4 63 58 121 Hengoed - - - - - = Hamlet 54 Sah Sap oe 19 5} 30 136 131 267 Ysgwyddgwn - - - + - Hamlet 18 18} -] @ 13 5 - 50 55 105 Llan-vabon Parish: (4) Garth - - - - - - - Hamlet 86 93{/ -| - 21 27} 45 213 214 497 Glyn-rumney - - = - Hamlet 47 47}, -] - 27 7 13 126 128 254 Machen (part of) Parish: (*) Rhydgwern - - - - - Hamlet] 40 40; -} - 8 22] 10 90 83 173 Merthyr-Tidvil - - - (f) Parish } 3,052 | 3,110 | 51 | 25 | 66 |3,017| 27 | 9,552 | 7,852 | 17,404 Michaelston-Fedw (part of) Parish: (®) Llanvedow - - - - - Hamlet 65 80] 1 52 23 5 178 137 315 Rudry - 2 2 = = © = Parish 65 yo] 1 5 36 10 | 24° 158 137 295 Whitchurch - - = = - + Parish} 231 231 2 150 77\ 4 473 499 972 45335 | 4,429 | 55 | 52 | 702 | 3,402 | 325 112,733 | 10,937 | 23,670 COWBRIDGE Hundred. (*) i. 7 Athan, St. - - - - - - Parish 45 571 -| - 41 13 3 142 146 288 Cowbridge - (+) - - - Parishf 185] 216] 1] 3 24 64 | 128 541 566 1,107 Eglwys-brewis - - - = = Parish 3 4, -] - 4 - - 10 10 20 Flemin gstone - - - - - Parish 15 17} -| - 16 - 1 47 43 go Gilestone - - - - + - Parish 9 wt -}] = 3 4 5 40 37: 77 Hilary, St. - - - = - = Parish 27 a7toa] 1 14 4 9 84. 84 168 Llan-blethian - - - - - -Parishf 146 158 2 | 12 71 29] 58 318 385 403° Llan-dough - - - - - = Parish 21 a2} —-] - 10 3 9 63 61 124 Llan-haran - - - - - - Parish 55 571 -} 4 17 10 | 30 154 134 288 Llan-hary - - - - = Parish 40 51 1] - 12 5 | 34 119 124 243 Llan-illid - - 2 - - - = Parish 28 35{ -| - 19 6] 10 89 gl 180 Llan-maes - - = - (1!) Parish 40 41]; —-f 1 36 3 2 97 101 198 Llan-mihangle - - - - = Parish 8 wo} =| - 10 - - 17 27 44 _Llan-sannor - 2 + + + = Parish 30 37 1 1 31 6 - 88 100 188 Lantwit-Major - - 2 + = Parish} 201 224} -—| 2 | 148 46 | 30 478 515 993 Lisworney - - - - - = Parish 33 39|/ -| 11] 33 6 - 83 79 162 Mary-Church, St. - - - = Parish 25 28); -] 1 14 7 a 75 73 148 Nash = (+) - - - - — Extra-P, 1 fe = = 1 2 6 8 Pen-doylon - - - + - «© Parish 92 72.) -—| 1 69 |. 3 - 186 179 365 Welsh, St.Donatts - - - - Parish} 48 53] -| - 18 4| 31 143 136 279 Ystrad-owen - - = + = Parish 35 38} 1] - 29 7 2 104 117 221 1,067 11,199 | 7127 | 619 220 | 360 2,880 3,014 5894. (*) Most part of Bedwas Parish is in Wenttloog Hundred (Monmouth- shire.) The entire Parish contains 650 Inhabitants. —(°) Ener-Glynn, Glynn-taff, Hendredenny, Park and Rhyd-y-Boithan Hamlets, and the Town of Caerphilly, form the Parish of Eglws-ilan. The Town of Caer- philly is situate in the Hamlet of Ener-Glynn, and included in that Re- turn. The entire Parish contains 2,503 Inhabitants ——(*) Brithdir, Cefn, Garth-Gynyd, Hingoed, and Ysgwyddgwn Hamlets, form the Parish of Gelli-gaer. The entire Parish contains 1,247 Inhabitants. ©) Garth and Glyn-rumney Hamlets form the Parish of Llan-vabon. The entire Parish contains 681 Inhabitants. (*) Most part of Machen Parish is in Lower Wenttloog Hundred, County of Monmouth, The entire Parish contains 1,205 Inhabitants. —(*) The Return of Merthyr- _ Tidvil Parish includes the Hamlets of Forest, Garth, Gellideg, Heolwer- mood, Taff and Cynon, all which in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. The large increase of Population (6,300) in the Parish of Merthyr-Tidvil is attributed to the increase of the iron mamufactures. -——(&) Michaelston-Fedw Parish is partly in Upper Wenttloog Hun- dred (Monmouthshire.) The entire Parish contains 512 Inhabitants. ——(") Rythyn Hamlet, locally situate in the Hundred of Cowbridge, is included in the Return of St. Mary, Hill, in the Hundred of Ogmore. —“(') The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan-maes, is ascribed to the building of some cottages, and to. the encouragement given by the Poor Laws, M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘THE POPULATION ‘ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C..94. 463 a aeons mere omc a COUNTY . OF GLAMORGAN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, = Fase | FOO! Aap By a, LIES LIES | Ornen . OR : how {8 chiefly oe Families ¥ TOTAL 3 many |} 4 | 3 em- poy t com- ° 4 ; EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |Families!| & | 4 loved beet. lnaeces 4 a or 2 jo |B is 7 Pae es meres a = —_|IPERSONS BS sia "3 a . . 5 feupied. | |S | Acar demas. preced- a i DINAS POWIS Hundred. Pee ont Ginsee: | Andrew, St. - - - - - - Parish] 76] 110] -| 1] 101]. 17 2 | 263 273 536 Barry- - - - = + - + Parish 12 wz} -] - 11 - 1 33 34 67 Bonvilston - - - - ~- - Parish 56° 59 | =| 2 44} 11 4 140 133 273 Brides, St. super Ely - - - Parish} 23 4) -—-| - 17 4 -- 58 56 114 Cadoxton, juxta Barry - - - Parish 51 51{ -—| 2 34 9 8 106 127 233 Cogon = - - = - - = Parishf 5 y7[ -| 1 7 - - 16 20 36 Fagan, St. - - - - + + Parish] 78.) g2] -| 1 83° 8 1 269 241 510 George, St. - - - - + - Parish 38 43} 1] 2 37 6 - 118 117 235 Highlight - - - - Extra-P. 3 3) -| - 3 - = 13 11 24 Lavernock - = - - = - Parish} 11 1afo—-{] 1 11 - - 43 41 84 } Leckwith- - - - + - - Parish} 17 wyo-—-} - 16 2 = 50 44 94 Llandough, juxta Barry - - - Parish] 19 rg} =| 2 18 1 - 40 38 78 Llancarvan, East | _ (*) Parish 82 82) -| -. 68 | 14 - 206 199 405 , West am 69 69] -) - 62 9 - 179 162 341 Llan-illtern - - + = Par: Chap: 29 29} -| 1 26 2 1 57 75 132 Llan-trithyd - - - = = Parish 43] .45} -] 1 35 | 10 - 101 119 220 Lythan, St. - - - = = - Parish 13 23) -] - 19 4 - 56 52 108 Merthyr-Dovan- - - - + Parish 32 32} 1] - 30 1 1 78 go 168 Michaelstone-le-Pit - - - Parish 16 16} -] - 16 - - 39 43 8a Michaelston, super Ely - - += Parish 9 9} -] - ” 2 - 24 29 53 Nicholas, St. - - = = - Parish 61 yo, -| - 52 16 2 154 175 329 Pen-arth - - 2 - + = Parish 16 wzi{-| - 14 1 2 40 37° "7 Pen-mark - - - + = = Parish 81 105 | —-| 4 65 | 22 18 243 234 477° Peterstone, super Ely - - = Parish 44 51} -j 3 49 2 - 120 112 232 Perth-Kerry - - - - - - Parish 17 21] —-} 2 20 1 a 44 54 98 Sully - - - - - = (!) Parish 36 54]; 2] 1 44 8 2 113 91 204. Wenooe - - - - = = = Parish 63 8 {| -| - 93} 11 1 242 204 446 : 1,000 {1,157 | 4/23 | 962 | 152 | 43 2,845 | 2,811 | 5,656 i KIBBOR Hundred. Caire, otherwise Cairau - - - Parish} | 13 5] -| 1 13 2 - 33 ‘36 69 Llandaff - - - - = (™) Parish} 250] 255| -| -— | ‘226 | ‘29 = 513 625 1,138 Llan-edern - - - - © = Parish 53 60} -| 1 59 1 - 172 176 348 Llan-ishen - - = + = ~- Parish 651 7t.-]| = 64 | 13 2 180 180: 360° Lisvane - - - - - + © Parish 50 56/ 1] — 49 9 - 116 114 230 Roath - - = - © + = Parish 50 54) = | 30 & 19 125 144 269 ne 481} 519] 1] 29 441] 57 21 1,139 | 1,275 | 2,414 LLANGEVELACH Hundred. Llangevelach Parish: (")_ ; Clase, Higher - -' - + Hamlet] 101 102} -—]| 4 25 | 24 53 254 279 533 » Lower - - - = Hamlet} 539} 558 | 21 10 28 | 440 go 1,350 | 1,461 | 2,811 Mawr, Higher - - - - Hamlet 86 85} 2) 8 36} 16 33 212 208 420 —, Lower: - 7°. + Hamlet 61 61; -| 2 46 8 7 158 160 318 Penderry, Higher - - - Hamet| 55] 57| -| 3 451 9 3 197 186 383 , Lower - = = Hamlet 88 g2} -| 2 30] 46 16 222 225 447 Rhyndroy-Clydach, Higher Hamlet] 43 44] -4 5 28} - 16 149 137 286 | ————-, Lower Hamlet] 133 1331-1 5 47 | 32 54 338 324 662 Llanguick + - - - (°) Parish} 229 | 229] 1] 2 | 208] 19 2 709 719 | 1,428 Llansamlet, Higher (*) Parish p168} 172} -| 4 58 | 100 14 451 439 890 > and Lower am 369 | 375 | -| 7 38 | 205 42 840 909 1,749 wigs 1,872 11,908 | 5 | 55 | 589 | 989 | 330 4,880 | 5,047 | 9,927: - — (*) The entire Parish of Llancarvan contains 746 Inhabitants.—— () The-increase of Population in the Parish of Sully, is attributed to the whole Parish being in the occupation of one person (which in 1811 was divided into 14 or 15 small farms) and to the improved state of agri- culture.——(™) The Return of Llandaff Parish includes the Hamlets of Canton, Ely, Fairwater, Gabalva, and Llandaff, each of which in the year 1811, made a distinct Return—(") The entire Parish of Llan- gevelach contains 5,860 Inhabitants. One female in Lower-Clase Hamiet, upwards of 100 years of age-——(°) The Return of Llanguick Parish includes the Hamlets of Alltygreeg with Mawr, and Blaenegall with Racgurwen, which Hamlets form the Parish of Llanguick, and in the year 1811 were separately returned.—(") The entire Parish of Llan- samlet contains 2,639 Inhabitants. 464 ABSTRACT OF ANSWEKS AND. RETURNS UNDER _ [Enumeration. eee ee SSS COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN—continued. HOUSES : QCCUPATIONS. PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, panes —_— Fanu- j Fami- TiEs ALL oR By = LIES | chiefly Oruer : é how = | chiefly | employ-} Families KR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ss | many} .| 3 em- | ed in |not com- : 8 = Families} .€ a pleyed | Trans, | prizedin is = oF 3 Or | 2 | in | Manu. |theTwo] = = PERSONS, I cupied.} & | © | Acrr- | factures,| preced- a i | - . - JorHandi-| 1 MISKIN Hundred, “=| cumss| coe Canes Aberdare Parish: (*) Cefnpennar - - - - Hamlet 37 37, -| 1 34 3 a 101 111 212 Cwmdare- - - - + - Hamlet} 194] 194] —| 23 21{ 173 - 460 429 889 Forehaman - - ~ + Hamlet 39 39} -]} - 31 8 - 106 106 212 Llwydeod- - + ~ - = Hamlet 145] 145 | — | 36 18} 127 7 394 355 749 Llantrissaint - - - - Parish} 489 | 549} 2 | 31 231 75 | 243 1,295 1,290 | 2,585 Llantwitvairdre, Higher and|_ Beh 6 8 Lower - ansh ft 124 7 133] —] 4 4 19 50 325 285 610 Llanwonno Parish: (7 ) Glyn-connon - - + = = Hamlet 55 60 1 ps 25 3 32 176 192 368 Havoddryinog - - - - Hamlet g8 | 100} 1] 2 42 4 54 328 348 676 Pentyrch - - - = = Parish 153 155 = = 70 71 6 411 336 747 Rhayadar, or Radyr_ = - Parish 38 38 | -} - 36 2 = 60 68 128 Ystrad-devodwg Parish: (° ) Cludach - - - - Hamlet 42 43} -1 4 25 9 9 96 gl 187 Rhigos - - - - Hamlet 59 59 1 | 36 18 41 a 166 172 338 Ystrad-devodwg, Homa - Hamlet 31 ga} -| - 17 9 6 28 83 161 , Middle - Hamlet A4 sid -—] a 35 7 9 135 164 299 1,548 11,635 | 5 1138 676 | 551 | 408 4,131 4,030 8,161 NEATH Hundred. Aberavon - = = = = (*) Parish 83 83} -{ - 5 20 58 176 189 365 Baglan Parish: (") Higher - - - - © = Hamlet 9 9 -| 3 9 es = 37 23 60 Lower- - - = - = = Hamlet 51 5l = 6 17 1 33 107 133 240 Cadoxton Parish: (“) Blaen-honddan - - - - Hamlet} 195} 199] 1 | 15 65 82 52 458 489 947 Coed-frank - - «+ (*) Hamlet} 123 123 Sa es 28 4 88 293 273 566 Dyffryn-Clydach - - - Hamlet} 150{ 150] -—| 5 16 30 | 104 362 368 720 Dylale, Lower - - - - Hamlet} 55 551 -| 4 47 8 - 146 143 289 , Upper - - - Hamlet 72 y2 {| —| 2 67 5 = 180 182 362 Neath, Genol, or Middle - Hamlet 54 54} —-] - 25 20 9 152 147 299 - ; Lower - + + - Hamlet 37 37] -| 2 12 10 15 104 101 205 ——, ” Upper - - + - Hamlet 66 66 | -—] 14 33 33 = 183 158 341 Ynis-y-mond = - - - Hamlet} 25 30{ -]| - 18 12 _ 65 85 150 Briton-ferry - - - - +* = Parish 47 "9! -} 5 13 18 48 188 208 396 Glynn-corwg Parish: (*) Glynn-corwg - - - ~ Hamlet 19 20} -]} 1 20 - ~ 63 61 124 Blaengwrack - - Hamlet} 36 42} 2] 3 16 26 - 122 105 227 Kil-y-bebill, Lower + ~ (7) pick 36 371 -| 4 17 14 6 86 109 - 195 ,Upper - - - 23 | cee as 21 2 ~ 65 67 132 Lantwit, Lower, juxta Neath Parish : (7) Clyne - - oe e Hamlet } = 21 21} ~| 2 20 - 1. 68 60 128 Lantwit - - - = + Hamlet{ 119] 119 | 1] 9 42 46 31 288 312 609 | Resolvend - - - - Hamlet 52 52 - 8 30 2 20 134 139 273 Michaelstone, super Avon Parish: (7) Michaelstone, ne sie: Hamlet S 5 aie Be Tower a = amle 39 39 1 10 27 97 7 ee = ; = a Avon, } Hamlet 37 37 2 1 11 4 22 gl 97 188 Neath - - - - + Townand Parish 640] 640} 3] 4 10} 102] 528 1,366 1,457 2,823 2,019 12,038 | 9 | 89 J 552} 444 |1,042 | 4,834 | 5,003 | 9,837 (9) The entire Parish of Aberdare contains 2,062 Inhubitants. Upper, Neath Middle, Neath Lower, Neath Upper, and Ynis-y-mond (?) Glyn-connon and Havoddryinog Harulets form the Parish of Llanwonno. | Hamlets, form the Parish of Cadoxton. The increase of population in The entire Parish contains 1,044 Inhabitants. (*) Cludach, Rhigos, | the Hamlet of Coed-frank is ascribed to the copper-works, The entire Ystrad-devodwg-Home and Ystrad-devodwg Middle, Hamlets, form the | Parish of Cadoxton contains 3,879 Iahabitants. One female in Coed- Parish of Ystrad-devodwg ; The entire Parish contains 985 Inhabitants. | frank Hamlet upwards of 100 years of age.—--(*) The entire Parish of (*) The increase of population in the Parish of Aberavon is attri- | Glynn-corwg contains 351 Inhabitants———-(’) The entire Parish of buted to the erection of an iron furnace in the adjoining Parish. Kil-y-bebill coutains 327 Inhabitants. ee ) The entire Parish of (“) The eatire Parish of Baglan contains 304 Inhabitants. Lower-Lantwit contains 1,001 Inhabitants——(#) The entire Parish | (“) Blaen-Honddan, Coed-frank, Dyffryn-Clydach, Dylais Lower and # of Michaelstone-super-Avon contains 995 Inhabitaats. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. A AR EET SSS COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN—continued. 465 i ca i a HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: | PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fao | PAM | Ary By oop TTS | chiefly | OTHER oR a how 3 chiefly employ- | Families 3 TOTAL 3 many | ww | ‘a em- | ed in |not com- wb 8 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ‘| Families} 2 ‘a. ployed |p, ‘apg, | Prized in fe = or ‘3 Oc- 3 = m Manu- | the Two < B PERSONS. | cupied.|} & | D |. Acnz- | factures,| preced- a a cut- lorHandi-| _ ing NEWCASTLE Hundred. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Bettws - - - - = - = Parish} 50 60/ -] 5 48 12 ~ 176 168 344 Brides, St. Minor - - - (°) Parish} 66 66] 1] 2 38 27 1 178 | 221 399 Coychurch Parish: (°) Coychurch, Higher - - - Hamlet 59 59 | 2] - 50 5 4 157 171 328 <=, Lower = = © Boulet} 52) 431 14 # 46 4 3 125 147 272 Pencoyd - - - - ~-(°) Hamlet] 83 8 | 1] - 74 6 5 188 177 365 ‘Peterstone-on-the-Hill - - Chapelry 29 29} -| - 247 2 - 81 81 162 Coyty Parish: (4) . ——-, Higher - - - - - Hamlet} 103] 103] -—]| 4 60 24 19 228 236 464 , Lower - - - = = Hamlet} 189 | 192 1 a 76 | 106 10 430 523 953 Kenfigg, Lower- - - - (°) Parish 49 49| -| 7 25 17 4 110 112 222 Laleston Parish: (f) , Higher - - + + Hamlet 30 31} -] - 30 1 - 96 ag 169 , Lower - - + - - Hamlet 64 65} 1] 2 14 M1 40 128 150 278 Llangonoyd Parish: (®) , Higher - - - Hamlet 30 32) ~| 1 247 5 = 86 98 184 , Middle - - + Hamlet 68 68} -| 1 56 12 2 154 148 302 Lower or Boyden - - (8) Hamlet] 26 28; -| - 27 1 - 81 84. 165 Cwmdu - - += - = = Hamlet 47 54 oa > 47 q aa 152 155 307 Margam - - - - - =~ (*) Parish? 380} 380) 1] 4 76 | 131] 173 997 1,050 | 2,047 Neweastle Parish: (4) . : , Higher - - - Hamlet 47 51 -| - 15 8 28 121 124 245 —, Lower - - - = Hamlet} 117 120 | 1 2 32 54 34 244 264 508 | Newton-Nottage - - - (*) Parish? 102} 104] 2] 4 80 20 4 239 266 505 J Pyle - - - - © - = (¢) Parish 94 94/ -} 1 50 21 23 222 222 444 -Tythgeston Parish: (!) --, Higher - - - + Hamlet 44 44); -/ 1 40 4 - 101 99 200 —, Lower - - - - Hamlet 24 245 - 19 4 1 75 59 134 1,756 |1,791 | 11 | 39 | 957 | 482] 352 | 4,369 | 4,628 | 8,997. OGMORE Hundred.’ — | Andrews, St. Minor - - = Parish 2 2} —~| - 1 a 1 5 6 11 Bride, St. Parish: (™ 3 dia aed Bride, St.- - - += - = Hamlet 947 85 | -] 2 74 10 1 168 179 347 Lampha - - - - - = Hamlet 31 31) -] - 31 - _ 86 81 167 ‘Southerndown - + - - Hamlet 55 59} -| 6 41 14 4 152 151 303 Ynysawdre - (+) - - Hamlet 19 gj -]| - 6 13 - 50 46 96 Colwinstone - - - = - Parish al 64} -} 1 54 10 _ 146 164 310 Donatts, St.- - += - - = Parish 30° a9} =| = 24) 5 4 "5 88 163 Ewenny - «© - - = = (") Parish} 53 53} 1] 2 33 19 1 142 127° 269 ° Llandow - - + = = = © Parish 21 23] -| - 21 1 1 58 61 119 Lladdevodog - - - ~- - Parish 44 44} 1) 2 22 9 13 143 153 296 Llan-ganna - - - = - - Parish} 45 46} -| 1 38 7 1 105 126 231 Llan-geinor-on-the-Hills - - Parish 61 66] 1; 1 92 6 28 169 166 335. Marcross - - - - = - Parish 14 4yf-/ 1 12 2 = 48 31 79 Mary, St. Hill - - - - (°) Parish 49 53{ -| 1 47: 6 - 117 125 242 Merthyr-mawr - - - = - Parish 33 33! -| 4 30 3 - 57 71 128 |} Monk-nash - - - - = ~ Parish 18 19, =f — 16 3 - 63 54 117 Penlline, near Cowbridge - - Parish 65 68} -| 1 54 11 3 159 182 341 Wick - - - - = = - = Parish 79 “6 -| 3 47 24 5 168 182 350 740 | 788] 3 | 24 583 | 143 62 | 1,911 1,993 | 3,904 (°) One female in St. Bride’s Minor Parish upwards of 100 years of age.——(*) The entire Parish of Coychurch contains 1,127 Inhabitants. The increase of population in the Hamlet of Pencoyd is attributed to | very early marriages.——(4) The entire Parish of Coyty contains 1,417 P Inhabitants. —(*) Kenfigg Lower, otherwise Kenfigg and Pyle, United Parishes.——(*) The entire Parish of Laleston contains 447 fubatitants: ——(®) The entire Parish of Llangonoyd contains 958 Inhabitants. One | male in Lower or Boyden Hamlet upwards of 100 years of age, | (4) The increase of population in the Parish of Margam is attributed to the return of peace, and to early marriages. This Parish includes the Hamlets of Havod-y-Porth, Higher Kenfigg, Margain and Brombil, and Trissent ; all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns —(‘) The entire Parish of Newcastle contains 753 Inhabitants. (*) The Return of Newton- Nottage Parish includes the Hamlets of Newton and Nottage. ——=(!) The entire Parish of Tythgeston contains 334 Inhabitants. (™) The entire Parish of St. Bride contains 817 Inhabitants. (") Seven of the fami- lies in the third column of occupations in the Parish of Ewenny are gene- rally employed upon repairs of the highways, and paid as paupers from the poor rates. (°)The return of St. Mary Hill Parish includes the Hamlet of Rythyn, locally situate in the Hundred of Cowbridge. 6B 466 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. oa cn erent: a Se) COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fame | Famt- | avy By 3 LIES UES | OruEr How KH ; chiefly ae és oR 3 & | chiefly | employ- | Families a TOTAL 3 many. wo | ‘s em- edin {not com- n a : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = Bequlues & |e | ployed | pp ans, |prizedin iz 3 oF g Cot ae in _’ |the T < S 5 cupied.| | 5 Acnrr- oe pened a fa PERSONS. CUL- lorHandi- Ginn SWANSEA Hundred. Se ete | Bishopstone - - - - - Parish 98} 108} -]} 1 27 10 a1 208 227 435 Cheriton - - - - - - Parish 47 52 - 1 17 4 28 118 122 240 Ilston s+ & < Parish 53 61) =p 2 50. 8 3 141 138 249 John, St. near Swansea - - (P) Parish} 112 117 1 2 S| aia 3 305 301 606 Knelston - = = = = = Parish 19 20} -} 1 14 6 - 48 51 99 Llandewy- - - - - - = Parish} 25 28 | —} 3 13 1 14 84 74 158 Llangennith - - - - Parish 92 76) a] 5 30 17 29 186 188 374 Llan-deilo-tal-y-bont (part of) (9) Parish 119 { 121 21 9 48 22 51 242 267 509 Tyr-yr-Brenkin & Briskedwin Hamlet 64 66} -] 5 55 6 5 195 202 397 Llanmadock - - - - + Parish} 46 52 | =| 6 10 2 40 99 128 227 Llanridian, Higher | _ (*) Parish ie 202 | —}| 10 | 178 8 16 438 513 951 ————-, Lower - : a 95 99} 1] 6 56 27 16 204 259 486 Loughor < - (*) Borough 95 gh} 24 15 17 28 51 203 224 427 Loughor - - - - - Parish 51 53 | = 6 25 5 23 138 120 258 Nicholaston ~ - - = -_ - Parish 25 27} -| 1 27 - -f[- 52 67 119 Oxwick - - - - - Parish} 47 Ay ys 18 25 4 128 139 267 Oystermouth - - - - Parishf 218} 231} 8] — 157 25 49 473 535 1,008 Pen-maen - - += - - - Parish 28 29 Ns 22 3 4 69 71 140 Pen-nard - = - - - Parish} 64] 66} -| 3 58 6 2 148 163 311 Pen-rice - - - - - - Parish? O68] 75] -| 2 1) go} et 149 196 345 Port-eynon - - - - - Parish 61 75) - 2 11 5 59 162 193 355 Reynoldston - - - - - Parish {| 49 B86) —1 7 43 10 3 100 160 260 Ros-cily - - - - - = (*) Parishf 465 53] a] 4 20 26 7 132 137 269 Swansea (part of) Parish: (“) Higher + - = = Division f 122} 117] -] 5 42 74 1 252 315 5647 Lower - - - = - = Division 77 77 he 22 50 5 187 227 414 1,890 {2,004 | 16 | 95 | 981 | 528 | 495 | 4,484 | 5,017 | 9,501 Town of CARDIFF. John, St. and St. Mary (+) (”) Parish} 639 | 722 | 15 | 17 34 | 629 59 | 1,680 1,841 3,521 Town of Swansea ~ + - (") Town and Franchise } 1,994 | 2,059 | 26 | 84 20 | 721 |1,318 | 4,426 | 5,581 {10,007 Thomas, St. - - - - - Hamlet 55 65} 4] - 10 18 37 115 133 248 2,049 | 2,124 | 30 | 84 30 | 739 |1,355 | 4,541 | 5,714 | 10,255 (°) The large increase of Population (330) in the Parish of St. John, is attributed to “the accession of new Copper Works.” (1) The Return of Llan-deilo-tal-y-bont Parish includes the Hamlets of Glyn- loughor, Gwenlais and Ynisloughor. The entire Parish contains 906 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Llanridian contains 1,437 Inhabitants. The sixteen families in the third Column of Occupations, (in the Higher Division of the Parish) are copper smelters and miners. ——(‘) The decrease of Population in the Borough of Loughor, is attributed to the abandoning of the collieries within the Borough since 1811. (‘) The increase of Population at Rhos-cily is attributed to lime-stone trade with Devonshire——(") Swansea Parish is partly entered in Swansea Hundred, partly at the end of the County. The entire Parish contains 11,236 Inhabitants. The Hamlet of St. Thomas is partly in the Parish of St.John (Swansea Hundred.) The increase of Population (2,002) in the Town and Franchise of Swansea, is attri- buted to.the improved state of trade and commerce in the Town and Port of Swansea, and the public spirit of the Inhabitants, and its vicinity. (“) The increase of Population in the Town of Cardiff, is attributed to the increase of the iron, tin, and coal trades. ~ M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. a ee COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN—continued. 467 SUMMARY 2 OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. HUNDREDS, &e, Hundred of CAERPHILLY - - COWBRIDGE - - DINAS-POWIS - - KIBBOR - - = = LLANGEVELACH - MISKIN - - - - NEATH - = - - NEWCASTLE - - OGMORE ' ! ‘ SWANSEA Town of CARDIFF Town of SWANSEA Torats HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: pe 3 Famr- Biss a : ow 2 LIE top THER n 3 many | 4, | 3 ehieny ete Families wn g sa 3 Families & 4 em- ee "Rae Geli 4 3 OF 3 Oc- fee a loyed ized in} ) a lcupied | 2 | PPR Trane, pedal si fi |PERSONS. Acrr- | factures,| Preced- f___| CUL- JorHandi-| _ ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. > ~ [4/335 | 4.429 | 55] 52] 702 |3,402 | 325 | 12,733 | 10,937 | 23,670 = - 11,067 | 1,199 7} 279 619} 220] 360 2,880 3,014 5,894. - 1,000 |1,157] 4) 23] 962] 152 43 2,845 2,811 5,656 - -f 481} 519 1to28 441 57 21 1,139 1,275 2,414 - -|1,872 }1,908] 51) 55] 589} 989] 330] 4,880] 5,047] 9,924 - = 71,548 | 1,635 5] 138 676 | 551! 408 4,131 4,030 8,161 - |2,019 [2,038 | 9] 89] 552] 444 | 1,042 4,834 | 5,003 | 9,837 - - $1,756 11,791 | 11) 397 957] 482} 352 4,369 | 4,628 | 8,997 - -| 740) 788] 3) 24% 583] 143] 62 1,911 | 1,993 | 3,904 - -|1,890 | 2,004 | 16] 95] 981] 5284 495 | 4,484] 5,017] 9,501 - -| 639] 722 15 a7 34 | 629 59 1,680 1,841 3,521 > = $2,049 | 2,124 | 30] 84 39 739 11,355 4,541 5:714 | 10,255 ~~ 19,396 /20,314 | 161 | 645 | 7,126 | 8,336 | 4,852 | 50,427 | 51,310 | 101,734 468 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. ee — COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN —continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. A : i Pay unser} 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80) 90 i ‘ Hundred 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to] to ee & Je Lo 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 jwards, eB CAERPHILLY - - - [1,724 |1,468 | 1,472 | 1,290 | 2,587 |1,659 ]1,199 | 705 | 403} 163] 36} 9] — fro,y15 COWBRIDGE - - -}f 336 | 288] 256] 247] 362] 254] 199] 165 | 124) 84) 24] 4] —] 2,343 DINAS-POWIs - - -| 392] 368] 323] 301 | 440 | 338| 208] 187 | 154] 105] 27] 11 -] 2,844 KIBBOR- - - - -} 1427 173[ 144] 124] 174 | 119 | 108 71} 49) 25] 18] 1] —Y] 1,148 LLANGEVELACH - -]| 7941 721 | 623] 567] 675 | 475 | 405} 298 | 237] 94; 16] 5] - |} 4,910 MISKIN - - - - -]| 594} 558] 497] 421] 617 | 463] 397] 255/199) 99) 30) 1] — | 4,131 RAPE ve! a = 6y1 | 688 | 599} 532] 681 | 548] 400 326 237| 108{ 22 | 4] — |} 4,836 NEWCASTLE - - -{ 644| 600] 545] 430] 600] 453] 371 | 313 | 245] 134) 39, 41] 1] 4,379 OGMORE - - - - 292 248 195 188 263 211 149 128 | 102 67| 22 1 — | 1,866 SWANSEA - - - -| 645] 650! 591 | 464] 563] 475; 406} 311 | 204] 137] 35] 5} —| 4,486 CARDIFF, TOWN - - - = - - bs - ei gece | 2.2 SI call hes aa 7 SWANSEA, TOWN - -] 782 | 615 | 546] 411 | 585 | 575 | 442] 303 | 183} 63/32] 4] -]| 4,541 Total of MALES - }7,03 | 6,377 | 5,791 |4:975 |'7:547 | 5:570 | 4,284 | 3,062 |2,137/1,079| 301/ 39 | 1 [48,199 FEMALES. r— aN veer | © | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go | 70 | 80 | 90 i r Hundred 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to} BI 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 |100jwardsf © of CAERPHILLY - - - |1,669 | 1,486 |1,278 | 1,070 | 1,772 1,399 | 1,009 | 592 | 391] 187| 77 | 7 | — [10,937 COWBRIDGE ete 307 262 243 249 | 414 | 285 | 226 163 | 170] 74146 | 6] — | 2,445 ‘DINAS-POWIS— - 376 | 360 | 284} 252] 426 | 334] 258] 173 | 189] 106] 40 | 3} — | 2,801 KIBBOR - - - - - -| 190] 159] 161] 138] 210] 120 98 94] 57{ 29) 15] 1] — 7 1,272 LLANGEVELACH we 453 | 732 | 6Go8}1 483] 751] 548 | 426] 320] 255] 125] 43] 2 1 | 5,947 MISKIN- - ao) Bre 558.| 4171 4041 6454 453 | 385 |) 223 | 176] 113] 41 | 4] — | 4,029 NEATH - - - - 705 | 643; 596} 530] 732] 532} 432] 341 | 267) 139) 51] 3] 1 | 4,972 | NEWCASTLE - - - -| 577} 602 484 488 | 729] 497) 409 | 323 | 2711 139] 60} 8] 1 | 4,588 OGMORE - - - - = 248 | 255 203 187 |} 309] 231 182 118 } 118] 64/25} 2 {| —] 1,941 SWANSEA - - - -| 654| 647] 598] 513! 796] 598| 442] 346 | 247/ 135) 53 | 3} — | 5,032 CARDIFF, TOWN- - - - - - - - - ~ - - -}| -| -]|] - - SWANSEA, TOWN -.-| 727 | 623] 556 | 583 /1,114 | 758 | 531] 376 | 272 118] 46} 10 | — 45,714 Total of FEMALES - | 6,816 | 6,327 | 5,428 | 4,897 | 7,898 | 5,755 | 4,398 |3,069 2,41311,229 497| 48 | 3 148,778 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Glamorgan was .... 101,737 +--+ and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 96,977, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one twentieth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Glamorgan was ...+ 189; four of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] “THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. Sa a eae County of Merioneth. ee ee ee narvon) and extends into Uwch-Gorfai Hundred, in the same County. The entire Parish coutains 867 Inhabitants ——(") The increase of Po- pulation in the Parish of Festinuiog is attributed to the works carried on at the slate quarries in the Parish. The 128 families in the third colamn of Occupations, are chiefly slate quarry-men. (©) The Return of Llan-aber Parish includes Gwern-y-Hywel Township.——(*) The entire Parish of Llanddwywe contains 392 Inhabitants, ¢) Cefynpost, in Edernion Hundred, is returned with Lianfihangel (Isaled Hundred, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, F Fami- AMI- | Tins ALL oR By 3 LIES | chiefly | OTHER y ; : how # chiefly | employ-| Families [ n TOTAL ‘EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLAGE, 3 qaeny, to | “a em- ed in |not com- a Ss 5 Families 3 <= ployed Trane, |prized in i 3 a 2 OS te es in | Manu- |theTwof & __|PERSONS. SG jecupied. | og | 5 Acrr.- | factures,| preced- a fa ARDUDWY Hundred. : cut- jorHandi-| ing Bethgelard (part of) Parish: (*) ae a Nantmor - - - - - - Hamlet 58 60} -| 2 55 5 - 126 126 252 Festiniog - - - - - (>) Parish} 178] 206] -—| 2 62 16] 128 564 604 1,168 Llan-aber- - - - (©) Parish} 255 | 321 1} 15 121 57 | 143 609 811 1,420 Llan-beder - - - - - = Parish 58 65) -| - 31 11 23 168 183 351 Llan-danwg - - - - - - Parish} 128 | 128] 1] 14 39 35 54 266 331 597 Llanddwywe Parish: (4) Is-Graig - - - - - Hamlet} 63 65} -| 2 61 4 - 137 150 287 . Uweh-Graig - - - - - Hamlet 14 15/ -| 2 14 1 ~ 45 60 105 Llan-decwyn - - ~ - = Parish go 07; -/| 1 71 14 12 202 244 446 Llan-elltyd - (+) - - Parish} 101 | 118] —-] 1 43 26 49 209 262 471 Llan-enddwyn - - - - - Parish} 126] 126] -—| —- 109 17 - 336 368 704. Llan-fair - - - - - - Parish "6 8] -| 5 36 10 32 216 203 419 Llanfihangel-y-Traethan - - Parish} 197] 230] 1] 3 146 58 26 449 562 1,011 Lian-frothen - - = - - - Parish} 125] 131] 2] 1 110 16 5 320 341 661 © Maen-twrog - - - - - - Parish] 155] 1651) -| 1 52 28 85 380 403 983 “Traws-fynydd - - - = Parish} 300 | 307 | —| 10 131 38 138 673 771 1,444 1,924 }2,112 | 5] 59 | 1,081 | 336! 695 4,700 5419 | 10,119 _ EDERNION Hundred. (°) ‘Bettws-Gwerfil-Goch - - = Parish 53 55! -| - 27 5 23 129 144 273: ' Corwen (part of) - - + (f) Parish] 362 | 369] 2] 2 131 59 | 179 864 878 | 1,742 | Gwyddelwern Parish : (8) | Cwm - - - - Hamlet 97 97 | -| - 84 13 ~ 232 258 490 Uwchafon - - - - - + Hamlet] 136] 147] 1] 10 120 27 = 325 365 6go Uwchmynydd - - - Hamlet 40 43} -j] - 39 4 -_ 101 94 195 j Liandrillo - - - - - Parish} 181 | 185} -—| 47 144 33 8 376 407 983 } Liangar - - - -- Parish 39 39} -| - 36 2 1 107 114 221 | Lian-saint-ffraid-glyn-dydwy - Parish 24 as{ —-|{ - 7 8 13 61 61 122 932 | 963/ 3119 | 588] 151] 224 | 2,195 | 2,321 | 4,516 ESTIMANER Hundred. : Llanfihangel-y-pen-nant (*) Parish} 105 | 130] -| ~ 47 23 60 276 251 527° Penalt - - - - Parish} 123 | 1380} -—| 6 40 84. 6 336 350 686 Talyllyn - - - - - Parish} 119 | 130} —|{ 1 "5 25 30 450 316 766 Towyn - - - - = Parish{ 490 | 490] — |] 28 347 92 51 1,173 1,196 2,369 837 | 880) -|35 | 509] 224] 147 | 2,295 | 2,113 | 4,348 PENLLYN Hundred. Llan-dderfel - - - - - - Parish} 203] 207 1| 6 117 20 70 439 477 916 Llan-fawr Parish: (‘) _ Bettws - - - + - Township} 101 102 | 1] 39 58 10 34 233 234 467 ‘Gam - - = + = Township 81 81} --| 5 45 3 33 239 239 478 Penmaern - - - - Township 98} 104] 1] 1 70 6 28 299 238 537 Rhewardog - - - = Township 46 m9} 1} 1 54 12 13 221 175 396 | Llangower - - - (*) Parish} 96 99 12 53 5 41 230 237 |. 467 Llan-uwch-y-Llyn - - ~ = Parish] 243 | -243 2 109 27 | 107 651 734 1,385 Llanykil (part of) - - (1) Parish}: 271 | 241 | 3 | 20 129 28 | 114 619 685 1,304 ‘Bala - - - - = - - Town] 309] 309/ 2] 6 55 78 | 176 509 654 | 1,163 f 1,478 |1,495 | 10 | 56 | 690} 189 | 616 | 3,440 | 3,673 | 7,113 (#) Bethgelard Parish is mostly in the Hundred of Evionydd (Car- } Denbigh.) (Ff) Corwen Parish contains the sea-port Town of Bar-, mouth, and is partly in Isaled Hundred (Denbigh.) The entire Parish’ contains 1,809 Inhabitants. ——(®) The entire Parish of Gwyddelwern! contains 1,375 Inhabitants——(") Llanfihangel-y-pen-nant is partly in’ Tal-y-bont Hundred, but the whole is here entered——(') The entire Parish of Llan-fawr contains 1,878 Inhabitants. (*) The Townships of Dwy-Graig and Uwchafan were separately returned in 181 1.——(') The entire Parish of Llanykil contains 2,467 lohabitants. 6C 470 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF MERIONETH—continued. { Enumeration, IIOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ——, SSS pare | Bante Ags 7 : LIES | oR i z ree chiefl OnaEE , : HOW, = ealeny, employ- Families n TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 25, OL UANY ceo. Sg em- | ed in Not com- ; a = Families & 3 ployed Trane, Prized in 8 4 or Le ee | Manu.’ the Two S = —_ PERSONS, a Mees re) Acnr- | factures,| preced- ey TAL-Y-BONT & MOWDDWY Hundred. (™) CUL- lorHandi- ng TURE. | craft, | Classes. Llanegryn Parish: (*) " Peniarth - = = Township 54 57 1 1 22 4 31 149 137 286 Rhydyrbin) - - - = Township? 103 | 109] -—| —- 37 8 64 242 271 513 Llanfachreth - - (°) Parishf 187/ 200 { 2] 1 84] 23 93 466 499 965 Llangelynin, Higher. _ (P) Parish 7166) 143] =!) 4 35] 11 97 276 347 623 ————. Lower 77 84) -) 1 51 4 29 231 212 443 Llan-y-mowddwy - - Parish f 138 | 146] -| 3 98 5 43 351 351 402 Mallwyd - - - (8) Parish} 249 249 - 4 88 | 161 = 573 593 1,166 974 | 988| 3/14 | 415 | 216 | 357 | 2288 | 2,410 } 4,698 Town and Parish of a Dolgelly (part of) - - (7) Parishf 278 | 296 | - | 13 233 | 21 42 419 796 1,495 Dolgelly - - - - - Town? 502] 545 |] 2 | 34 54 | 297 194 go2 1,191 2,093 780 | 841 2147 287 | 318 | 236 1,621 1,967 3,588 (™) Lianfihangel-y-pennant is partly in Tal-y-bont Hundred, but is (°) The entire Parish of Clinin (otherwise Llangelynin near the sea,) wholly entered in Estimaner Hundred. (®) The entire Parish of | contains 1,066 Inhabitants. (*) Mallwyd Parish is partly in Ma- Llanegryn contains 799 Inhabitants. (°) The Return of Llan-fachreth | clynileth Hundred, Montgomery ; but the whole is here entered.-——— Parish includes the Townships of Nannau Uwchafon, and Nannau Isafon. (*) The entire Parish of Dolgelly contains 3,588 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF MERIONETH. cr ay Huudred of ARDUDWY - - - = = -/1,924 /2,112 | 5] 59 | 1,081 336 } 695 | 4,700 5419 10,119 EDERNION - - - - - -| 932] 963 5: 26 588 151 224 2,195 2,321 4,516 ESTIMANER - - - - - -|. 837 | 880] —} 35 509 | 2244 147 2,235 2,113 4,348 PENLYNN - - - = -/1,478 } 1,495 | 10 | 56 690 | 189] 616 | 3,440 3,673 75113 TAL-Y-BONT and MOWDDWY 974 | 988} 3] 14 415 {| 216] 357 2,288 2,410 4,698 Town of DOLGELLY ee oe 780 | 841 2| 47 287 | 318 | 236 1,621 1,967 3,588 Torars - - - es 23 {230 | 3,570 | 1,434 | 2,275 | 16,479 | 17,903 | 34,382 M. BCCC. XxXb.J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. ly. €. 94. 471 ee ee Tne ae RET ee Set cane ee eS | Sees aor RSE TEED COUNTY, OF MERIONETH—continued. Ages of Persons, MALES. ——— —_—— reer Pees % 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90;100] . Under ; 1 & | < i to to to to to to to to | to {| to.| to a Hundred 5. up- | Oo ee, 10 | 15 20 | 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/100), sa. © ARDUDWY - - - -] 675 634, 554 416 | 641 528 | 360] 294 | 241] 112] 42 | 41] — § 4,501 |} EDERNION - - + -~ 310] 295 235 | 226} 317 241 187 153 | 140| 69 19} 2] — | 2,104 ESTIMANER =| 323) 337 | 243+ 235 | Bet 247 184 | 136/115) 71j).13} .-} — | 2,205 PENLLYN - =] 463 | 484) 354| 417] 400! 375] 327 | 243 | 191/ 126/39] 6] — | 3,425 TAL-Y-BONT and iaceoue 293 | 303 | 289] 219] 283] 276 | 205 | 167] 146) 92) 20! 4] — | 2,288 Town of DOLGELLY + -] 217 | 229] 203 | 197] 189] 194] 169 | 107] joo} 62; 23] 2] — f 1,621 Total of MALES - [2,281 | 2,282 | 1,868 | 1,640 2,131 1,861 1,432 | 1,100 | 933! 532 156} 18 | — 916,234 FEMALES, 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 : Under Pd & a to to to to to to to to to to | to : a Hundred 5. up- 2 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/100), 4.f © of _ : wards ARDUDWY - - - -]| 641} 648| 543] 497} 8371/1 6321} 453] 393 | 334] 153, 74] 8 | — | 5,213 EDERNION - 310 | 283] 237} 208] 348 | 278 | 214} 173] 149; 87) 29] 2] — | 2,318 ESTIMANER - - -]| 301] 252] 234} 206| 280} 258] 218 | 150] 124] 69; 21] 1] — fF 2,114 PENLLYN - - - -]| 448] 410] 363] 449 | 502] 456/ 341 | 276) 193] 135/54} 4] —- | 3,631 | TAL-Y-BONT and ‘ Se - ox MOWDDWY } 307 | 274 | 2561 246] 329] 316, 218] 186) 151] 89] 28 2,400 Town of DOLGELLY - -}] 215 | 197] 225 { 151] 263] 249) 256) 148 | 145} 80/36] 2] — | 1,967 Total of FEMALES | 2,222 | 2,064 | 1,858 | 1,757 | 2,559 | 2,189 |1,700 | 1,326 | 1,096] 613) 242/17 | ~ 117,643 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Merioneth was . . . 34,882, . - - and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 33,877, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one sixty-eighth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained | in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Merioneth was 45; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,— or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. a ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. County of Montgomery. SS HOUSES : ___ OCCUPATIONS: _ PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Puen (2e"? | Age ieee “ L a By sg | ures chiefly OrneR ; ee how = chiefly |employ-| Families g TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 leet 21 2 em- | ediu | not com- wh 4 be 5 nai les} 5 | ployed | Trang, | prized in a s z Ce = a m Manv- | the Two < 8 PERSONS. S jcvpied.| & | 5 | Acar. | factures, preced- a By cuL- jorHandi-| ing CAWRSE Hundred. TURE. | craft. | Classes. Aszerpury Parish: (*) Cruggion - - - - Township 34 39{ -| - 35 4 - 96 100 196 Middleton - - - + Township 17 22 1 = 20 2 = 41 45 86 Uppington - - - - = Township 23 28 [2] = 23 5 5 66 67 133 Castle-Caereineon (part of) Parish: (>) Treheligg - - - - = Township 72 Bab ay 8 61 | 15 a 223 189 412 Churchstoke Parish : (*) Weston-Madoc - - - Township 41 42| —-| 1 33 116 118 234 Forden - - - © - - - Parish} 117] 125 { 3] 3 114 9 2 461 419 880 Welchpool (part of) Parish: (4) Cyfronydd - (+) - Township 13 14} Sy 4 3 7 39 36 "5 Worthen (part of) Parish: (*) Leighton - Townshipf 46] 56] -| - 51 5 = 143 -136 279 Rhosgoch - - - Township 8 i3/ -j| - 4 ~ 9 39 25 64 Trelystan - - - - Chapelry 15 15} -{ 1 13 2 - 42 47 89 Wolston, otherwise Weston- o UBS elle tes a = m - S = ny-end - _¢ Chapelry | 386 | 437 | 6] 8 358 | 51 28 1,266 | 1,182 2,448 DEYTHUR Hundred. Abberbury Parish: (4) Bauseley - - (+) - Township 70 864 - Wi} 1 4 210 208 418 Llandisilio - - - - - Parish} 100 | 117} -—| 6 98 | 19 - 301 272 573 Llandrinio - - - = - = Parish? 140] 146] -]| 5 go | 32 24 383 341 724 Llansantffraid (part of ) Parish: (f) } Colfryn- - - - = Township 36 4o} -] - 36 4 = 119 99 218 Llanarchkeela = =- ~- - Township 18 i9f -} - 15 2 2 50 54 104 Trewillan 7 fo Township 13 i3{/ -] - 12 - 1 41 28 69 Trederwenfaur - - + Township 20 a2} -} - 17 5 - 54 74 128 Myfod (part of) - - (®) Parish - = = - ~ - = = - 397| 4431 -{12 | 339] 73 | 31 1,158 | 1,076 |. 2,934 LLANFYLLIN Hundred. Hirnant - - - - ~- Parish 51 59 -j - 44 14 1 144 136 280 Llanfihangel, Upper and Lower Parish} 173 | 173 | 1] 2 80 | 23 70 496 440 936 Llanfyllin- - - - + - ~ Parish} 346] 382] 7] 9 133 | 137 | 112 809 897 1,706 Llangynog - - = - - - Parish 71 | 1o1f —]f 1 20 | 47 34 199 203 402 Llanwyddyn, with Cowny (*) Parish} 100} 101 | —] 11 37 I 63 272 258 530 Myfod (part of) - - (®) Parish 352 | 375} 1 329 | 41 5 897 864 1,761. Pennant - - - - - - + Parish} 143} 153] -| 5 go| 27 | 36 378 367 745 | 1,236 11,344 | 9 | 30 | 733 | 290 | 321 | 3195 | 3,165 | 6,360 LLANIDLOES Hundred. Carno Parish: (?) Llysyn - - - - - Township 50 SP | =) eS 49 8 = 157 152 309 Tioascord and Dirlwyn Townships} 108 | 124] -—| 2 109 | 15 - 294 313 607 Llandinam - - - - Parish} 267 | 302] -—{ 2 292 | lv - 810 826 | 1,636 Llangirrig - - - = - Parish} 297 | 317 1 6 211 | 105 1 873 ‘gil 1,784 (2) Abberbury, or Alberbury Parish, is partly in Cawrse Hundred, partly in Deythur Hundred, but mostly in Ford Hundred (Saiop.) The entire Parish contains 1,946 Inhabitants. (®) Castle-Cuereineon Parish is partly in Mathrafel Hundred. The entire Parish contains 752 Inhabit- ants, —~(*) Church-Stoke Parish is mostly in Montgomery Hundred, in this Connty, partly in Chirbury Hundred (Salop.) The entire Parish Contains 1,333 Inhabitants. The Return of Weston-Madoc Township in- cludes Bachelden and Lower Hopton, (*) Welchpool Parish is mostly in Pool Hundred. ——(¢) Worthen Parish is mostly in Chirbury Hundred (Salop.) Rhos-goch and Trelystan form the Chapelry of Wolston, other- wise Weston-ny-end. The entire Parish contains 2,116 Inhabitants. ——- (f) Llansautffraid Parish is mostly in Pool Hundred.——(®) Myfod Parish is partly in Deythur Hundred, partly in Llanfyllin Hundred, where the whole is entered. (4) Llanwyddyn Parish is a narrow val- ley, divided by a hill ealled Cetnysputty.——(') The entire Parish of Carno contains 916 Inhabitants. -M.DCCC. XXI.] ames — THE POPULATION ACT, COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY—continued. 1 GEO. IV. sae C. 04. 473 CE TT Ye AF REI REE IDS AE ET HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- é Famt-| Jigs a iy : LIES hi THER oR : how z chiefly cee Families a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. SB fomany | oo | Sf em | edin |notcom-} — vj 8 me 5 | Families) € | -G | ployed | Trang, |prized in 4 = § 3 Oc. | B | Gi in | Manu. | the Two m % |PERSONS. 9 cupied. | 4 5 Asrr- | factures,| preced- & Ei ' 2 cUL- |orHandi-} _ ing : LLANIDLOES Hundred—continued. rune. | craft, | Classes. | Lianidloes Parish: (*) ' Kilmarham - + = - Township} 23 23} -—| 2 10 13 s 51 5a 103 Llanidloes - = = - © Town] 427} 506] -| 8 54| 3731 79 887 1,09 1,984 ‘Lianidloes - - - - Third Division 97} 103] -| 3 64 29) 10 302 ~ 292 594 Manleth, Birthdir, Treflyn] : 7 and Croys-loybin - -f Tommsiige 74 ho) o 55 wy 8 2gt 233 4b Llanwnog, Lower) _ 1) parish }P 222] 227) -] 2 40 86 1 352 328 680 and Upper () Parish 110 154] -| 3 31] 123 - 314 378 692 Penstrowed - - = = - = Parish 21 a1} — 20 1 Sy 50 56 106 Tref-Eglwys Parish : (™) Bod-aioch - - - + = Township 50 62) -} = 36 21 5 166 177 343 Dél-Gwden - - = ~ Township 30 31] -| 2 17 8 6 114 105 219 ‘Eskirieth & Glyn-tref-nant Townships} 130] 153] -| 1 gl 451 17 402 437 839 -Maes-trif-gomer - - - Township 60 95; -| 1 34 32 9 209 - 194 403 1,866 | 2,132 | 2 | 32 [1,113 | 888] 191 5,212 | 5,551 “| 10,763 MACHYNLLETH Hundred. (*) ‘Cemmes Parish: (°) Brynchil and Tafolog - - Township 94} 101) -]}| 5 66 34 1 220 212 432 Gwernybwich - - - - Township 85 89] 1] 2 63 24 2 224 267 491 Darowen Parish: (?) Caerseddfan = - - = ‘Township 56 61} -| - 40 21 - 216 212 428 Noddfa - - - - = = Township 60 6) —-| = 34 41 1 215 214 429 Llanbrynmair, Lower - (9) Parish} 141 141 1} 2 79 41 | 21 470 489 959 , Upper - + - Parish{ 135 181 2 86 92 3 459 475 934 Llawrin Parish: (*) 4 Glyncaerig and Llawrin - Townships 92 94] -| - "8 15 1 233 -225 | 458 Lianfechan and F Binenpleyreh + - Townships 48 59|/ -|] 1 54 4 1 171 174 345 Machynlleth - - + - (*) Parishf 351] 378] -—| 8 8 | 266] 27 761 834 1,595 Isygarreg - - - - + Township 57 76] 1/ 3 48 14] 14 164 174 338 Uchygarreg - - - = Township 72 yo | 2] 6 60 9 1 191 179 370 Penegos Parish: (*) Isycoed - - - = - Township 64 64; -] - 26 3) 35 167 183 350 Uchycoed - - - - Township 78 m9} -1 1 52 26 1 232 231 463 1,333 [1,469 | 8130 | 771] 590] 108 | 3,723 | 3,869 | 7,592 MATHRAFEL Hundred. Castle-Caereineon (part of) Parish: (") Gaer - - - - (") — Township 65 y7 | -| 1 55 9| 13 164 176 340 } Garthbeibio - - - - - - Parish} 60 74) 1] 2 34 11] 29 154 165 319 } Lianerfyl - -~ - - - - - Parish} 180] 204] -| 1 144, 29] 31 499 487 986 Llanfair-caereinion - (+) - Parish} 463 | 7395] -| 5 458 | 202 | 75 1,216 1,298 2,514 Llangadfan - - - - - ~ Parishf 175 | 209] -—| 1 48 28 | 103 487 537 1,024 Llangyniew - - = - - - Parish} 110 [ 124] —/| 1 81 28] 15 301 315 616 1,053 1,423 | 1] 11 | 850] 307) 266 | 2,821 | 2,978 | 5,799 (*) The entire Parish of Llanidloes contains 3,145 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to that of the woollen manufacture —— (}) The entire Parish of Llanwnog contains 1,372 Inhabitants, (™) The entire Parish of Tref-Eglwys contains 1,804 Inhabitants. (*), Machynlleth Hundred contains part of Mallwyd Parish, which is | partly in Tal-y-bont Hundred (Merioneth), where the whole is entered. —(°) The entire Parish of Cemmes contains 923 Inhabitants, } (®) The entire Parish of Darowen contains 857 Inhabitants. —- (2) The entire Parish of Llanbrynmair contains 1,893 Inhabitants—_(") The entire Parish of Llawrin contains 803 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Machynlleth contains 2,303 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Pa- rish of Penegos contains 813 Inhabitants, (#) Castle-Caereineon Parish is mostly in Cawrse Hundred. The Return of Gaer Township includes Moydog, Hydan and Dol (Hundred of Cawrse), and Hydan- Ueha and Nantford (Mathrafel Hundred.) 6 D 474 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND REPURNS UNDER _[Enumerstioa. COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY —continued. HOUSES: ‘OCCUPATIONS : = Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, A Baan | Sy ae By a LIES | chiefly OTHER : oR ‘ how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families TOTAL | 3 awmany ote em- } ed in | not com- wi j 7] 6 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 (| Families} 2 = ployed | Traps, | prized in B r s Oc- = By in Manu- | the Two 3 = PERSONS. G | cupied. | oo | S 7 Acrr- | factures,| preced- a fH cuL- lorHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. ' MONTGOMERY Hundred. Churchstoke - - - - - (®) Parish $ 193 | 1949 -] 2 126 44 24 493 464 957 Hyssington - - - - ~- (®) Parish] 44 447 -] - 29 15 - 11g | a7 } ago Kerry Parish: (7) : j Lower Kerry - - - ~ = Division} 136] 159 1] 2 48 16 95 443 400 843 Upper Kerry - - - - = Division 179} 207] 2] 4 133 59 24 625 57° | 1,195 Lydham Parish: (7) Aston - + - = = - ‘Township 14 wy -] = 13 1 2 63 49 lag Mainstone Parish: (#) Castlewright - - - Township 25 28 i = 23 4 2 83 72 156 Moughtrey with Eskirgilog- - Parishf 100] 129} 1] 5 44 23 62 249 265 514 MontGomMERY - - Borough and Parish 221} 243] -—| 6 135 88 20 524-| 638. { 1,062 Snead- - - - - - - (*)Paitf 9} a} -| -f aw] - 1 34 26 60 921 }1,031 | 5/19 | 561 | 241} 229 | 9,697 | 2,501 | 5,128 NEWTON Hundred. s , : Parish 91 | 114 Aberhafesp - - - - - 1] 2 32 80, 2 273 279 552 Berriew - - = - - - = Parishf 4a1 449 | 2] 11 334 | 104 11 1,166 1,168 2,334 Bettws - - - - - (°) Parish f 150 17o} -—]} 2 103 25 42 432 421 853 Llandyssil - - - - - = Parishf 167] 178] a] 7 106 50 22 433 437 870 Llanllugan - - - = - ~- Parish 49 56] -] - 42 14 - 167 163 330 Llanllwchaiarn - - - - (4) Parishf 189] 195] 6] 2 80 86 29 515 492 1,007 Llanmerewig - - - - Parish 27 31) -| - 15 ~ 16 69 76 145 Llanwyddelan - - - - Parish 95} 114] -] - 45 41 28 274 283 557 Manafon - - ~ - - - Parish} 113 121 - 1 88 25 8 343 336 679 Newtown - - - - - - - Parish} 638] 647! 4] 5 56} $81 10 1,719 1,769 3,48! Tregynon- - - - - = Parish} 117] 129] 4] - 92 27 10 362 352 74 2,057 | 2,204 | 18 | 30 | 993 1,033 | 178 | 5.751 | 5.776 [11,507 POOL Hundred, = F ; a ; — Guildsfield Parish: (°) Garth - - (¢) Fownship 156 157 - 9 80 34 43 379 388 967 Gungrog-fechan - - Township 3 3; -] - 2 1 ” 13 10 23 Llanerchrochwell - (*) Township? 103 | 105 | -| 5 58 20 27 266 -} 284 550 Llan-fechan - - - - Chapelryf 1130/ 116/ 24 14 103 12 1 319 327 646 Tirymynech - - - Township 54 59) -] = 23 16 20 154 145 299 Trelydan - - - Township 14 14} —| 2 11 - 3 41 33 74 Varchael - - - - Township} 138 49} -| - 61 30} 658 385 377 762 Llansaintffraid (part of) -~ - (f) Parish} 197] 128] —| 4 101 21 6 337 335 67a 705 | 731 | 1 | 21 439 | 134} 158 F 1,894 | 1,899 | 3,793 Town of POOL. ; oo c ae ae - ‘ Buttington Parish: (8) } ; Cletterwood - - - Township 45 49} +] = 45 4 7 fb -151 117 § 268 Hope - - Township 35 36]; -]}| - 30 6f - 88 81 16 Trewern - - - - (8) Township 67 82; -]| - 72 of -f 181 } 1997 353 GF Churchstoke Parish is partly in Cawrse Hondred, and partly { Inhabitants. (°) Snead Parish is partly in Chirbury Hundred (Salop), in Chirbury Hundred (Salop). It includes the Townships of Hurdley, | but the whole is here entered. —(‘) The Townships of Garthgillin and Mellington, and Upper Hopton, in Montgomery Hundred. _ The ] and Glanithan, and of Ucheldre and Dolevowin, are included in the entire Parish contains 1,388 Inhabitants.——(*) Hyssington Parish | Return of Bettws Parisb.—--(‘) The Township of Aberbechan and Gwes- is partly in Chirbary Hundred (Salop). The entire Parish contains. 283. | tyd, and of Hendidley and Kilcowen, torm the Parish of Llanllwehaiarn. Tnhabitants.——(*) The Lower Division of Kerry Parish consists of the | The prosperity of the flannel manufacture, and the new canal, which Township of Brynllavarch, Kilthrew, Cloddie, aud Treffan; and the | terminates in this Parish, have caused an increase. of Population (go8. Towuship of Caliber-ucha and Caliber-issa, Celuyberen, Bahaithlon, and persons) since 1811.—(*) The entire Parish of Guildsfield contains Gwemygo. The Upper Division consists of the Township of Goitre, | 3,121 Inhabitants. The Return of Garth Township inclades Eower Penygelly, Manllywd-Drefor and Fen, and Gwenthrew, and the Town- Bronyarth, Hendrehene, and Lian-Trowscoed ; and the Return of’ Llan- ship of Weegdollor, Gwernes-gob, Cefnymynach, Graig, and Garthilin. | erchrochwell Townsbip includes Upper Bronyarth,——(’ ), Llansantffraid- | =) Lydham Parish is mostly in Purslow Hundred (Salop). The Parish is partly in Deythyr Handred. The entire, Parish cagtains.1,196% | ,cntire Parish contains 225 Inhabitants——(4) Mainstone Parish is Inhabitants.——(*) The entire Parish of Buttington contains 795 Ioha- ‘mostly in Purslow Hundred (Salop). The entire Parish contains 451 | bitants. One female in Trewern Township, upwards of 100 years of age. : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €.94.: 47s ‘COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: — OCCUPATIONS: __ PERSONS : : F Fami- | ayy or AMI- | cigs By za LIES chiefly OrueR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ee & | chiefly | employ-| Families | TOTAL z 1 Familtes| > ‘3 , ae ed in [not com-{~ gh 4 ae ne 3 By ployed | Trang, | prized in Beat 3 Oc. | 3 Lin | Many’ [the Two | % — |PERSONS. cupled.) FQ | Acri- |factures,| preced- a 1) oe - forHandi-| ing Tow of POOL. pone, Gait, ‘Classes. | Welchpool (putt of) Parish: (*) i , Upper + = - Divisionf 106] 119) -] = 99 14 - 28o 296 576 —=——, Middle - + - Division} 3948] go#] 14 1 124 | 158] 120 | 1,011 1,068 | 2,079 —, Lower - - ~- Division] 151} 160] —| ~ 67 83! 101 385 420 805 752 | 842) 1) 11 437) 275 | 130 | 2,096 | 2,159 | 4,255 (*) Pool Parish is partly in Cawrse Hundred, ‘The entire Parish contains 3,595 Inhubitants. ii jig dich Oke aL to ek SUMMARY OF HOUSES, PERSONS, AND FAMILIES, IN THE COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY. °c X Hundred of CAWRSE- - - - - = -f 386} 437] 6] 8 358 51 28 | 1,266 | 1,182 2;448 DEYTHUR - - - - - -f 397{ 443] -| 12 F 339 73 31 1,158 | 1,076 | 2,234 LLANFILLIN - - - - - $1,236 1,344} 9 | 30 | 7331 290] 321 | 3,195 | 3,165 6,360 LLANIDLOEFS - - - - - 41,866 }2,1392} 4 | 32 [1,113 | 888 |, 181 | 5,212 | 5,551 | 167763 MACHYNLLETH - - - - |1,333 |1,469| 8} 30] 7711 590] 108 | 3,723 | 3,869 | 7,592 MATHRAFEL - - ~ - - $1,053 [1,493] 111 | 850] 307 | 266 | 9,821 | 2,978 | 5,799 | MONTGOMERY - - - - - 922 oe 519 | 561} 241 | 229 | 2,627 | 2,501 | 5,198 NEWTOWN - - - - - - [2.007 [204 18 30 993 |1,033 | 178 | 5,751 | 5,776 | 11,527 PeoL- - - - - - - ~f 705 f 7am ff wor f 439] 134] 158 | 1,894 | 1,899 | 3,793 Town of a 1 7 : POOL 2 226 == ae Sh 3B 842, uf a] 437+ 275 | 130 F “Pe | 2,159 | 4,255 Forars - ~ fro;706[r2,056}' 50° 194 [ 6,594 [3,882 '£ 880 29,743 130,156 |'59,899 aki siti cht icici meee ee 476 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration. EE SER AEEOD SS ST SET CN Se a er ——- COUNTY OF MONTGOMER Y—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. : : 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70} 80] 90/19) | Under & e 7 to to to to to to to | to | to } to} to) a Hundred "+ 40 | 15 | 90 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go | 70 | 80 | 90110 lwarde] © of — CAWRSE - - - -]| 166/ 183) 159| 120] 178f 126] 106 65 | 69] 43] 12) -—| ~] 1,207 DEYTHUR - - - -f 147] 125] 110 97 | 136 98 88 48 | 48] 32/15] -| - 944. LLANFYLLIN - - -]| 447 | 406} 3771 305 | 518} 345 | 292] 230] 168] 69) 28| 1] —] 3,186 LLANIDLOES - - -f| 806 | 746-} 656] 523 | 642} 605] 480; 328] 249] 131/33] 4] - 5,203 MACHYNLLETH - - 510 463 422 399 522 495 345 254 | 176] 105) 30 2 — 7 3,723 MATHRAFEL - - -]| 220 195 204 159 197 | 203 147 121 95) 45117] 2{ - | 1,605 MONTGOMERY - -] 413] 366 | 321 | 260{/ 384] 260] 226] 165 | 134] 75} 23] 1] — | 2,628 NEWTOWN - - - -| 857 { 726] 664) 572] 924} 727| 513] 362 | 252] 119} 34) 1] - [5,751 POOL - - - = =| 270} 241 220 191 297 179 193 123 | 104] -57} 18 1 — | 1,894 Town of POOL - - - -]| 336} 283} 229] 193] 306] 217} 224] 131] 94} Go| 23] —| —| 2,096 Total of MALES - ]4,172 | 3,734 | 3,362 | 2,819 | 4,104 | 3,255 | 2,614 | 1,827 |1,389) 736/233] 12 | — 28,254 FEMALES. oo oy 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70 | 80 | 90 |] | Under & a é to to to to to to to to | to | to | to]... eB Hundred “| 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards) & of = CAWRSE - - - -| 174] 156| 125| 116] 158} 144 | 106 67 | 53) 33/12] 21 -—4} 1,146 DEYTHUR = - - «f 217] 121 96 85 | 133 97 82 59} 37) 21; 12) —] - 860 LLANFYLLIN - -]| 425| 405 | 341} 301 | 478] 340] 299] 255] 192) 84| 38] 7 | - | 3,165 LLANIDLOES - - -f| 815 | 749 | 629] 514} 767 | 652} 503) 364 | 334| 174) 41| 7] -] 5,549 MACHYNLLETH - -| 464| 429 | 404] 374] 604] 490] 399] 282 | 229] 137] 55 {| 2] - | 3,869 MATHRAFEL - - -]| 215 | 220} 188] 146; 230} 211 | 148} 130] 102) 67} 19 | 4] —] 1,680 MONTGOMERY - -]| 323 | 308| 288) 253] 414] 286] 218] 160 { 137] 80]; 25] 1) —-| 2,493 NEWTOWN - - - -] 775 | 553} 609 | 607 | 964} 697 | 532] 377 { 296) 117) 47! 2 | — J] 5,546 POOL - - = - - 257 262 214 | 169 | 303 179 | 190 135 $110] 59] 19 | 2] - 1] 1,899 Town of POOL - - - -] 313 | 257 230 | 186] 343] 269] 210 | 135 | 116] 68) 28} 3] 1 | 2,159 Total of FEMALES | 3,878 | 3,460 | 3,124 | 2,751 | 4,394 | 3,365 | 2,687 | 1,964 |1,606] 840] 296) 30 | 1 28,396 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Montgomery was . . . 59,899, . - - and the Number. of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .. . 56,653, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one-cighteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Montgomery was 92 ; three of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or tedundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. 1V. C. g4.. 477: = = — = —————————_—_=====— County of Pembroke. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faur- | Fam | ., By S| cuieny | chiefly | O™=® oR . how = chiefly aiglay _| Families - TOTAL Bo imany | » | 3 Lucq | ed in | not com- ; a oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 «\Families} & | 2 ployed Trane, | prized in a ) Cylch-Bychan - - Hamlet 85 85} -| - 76 9 2 170 197 367 Cylch-Gwylod-y- ied - - Hamlet gl 92 - 1 90 2 2 246 237 483 Cylch-Mawr - - - + Hamlet 93 96} -|] - 88 |. 8 es 239 245 484 Cylch-y-dee - - - + - Hamlet] 214] 223] 6] - 160 | 50 13 391 515 906 Dogwells, St. - - - Parish} 75 | 76) 4] - 59 | 15 2 190 203 393 Edrens, St. - - - - = - Parish 19 19} -! 1 17 2 = 56 54 110 Elvis, St. - - - - ~ Parish 7 8; -{ - 8 - ~ 19 23 42 Granston - - = - <+ - «= Parish 36 36 -}| - 36 - - 85 123 208 Hays-Castle - - - - Parish} 55 55 | -| 4 48 5 2 146 145 291 Jordanston - - - - - - Parishf 26 2G) = 24| 2 - 75 15 150 Lawrence, St. - - - - - Parish 40 jo > =p = 34 5 1 104 117 221 Letterston - - - - = = Parish 94. 94! -]} 3 “6] 15 3 212 216 428 Llan-deloy - - - - - - Parish 30 30] -} 3 28 1 1 85 105 190 Llan-howel - - - = ~ = Parish} 37 39} ~] - 9 3 27 93 102 195 Llan-rian - - - - - - = Parish} 135} 137 | 1] 12 112 | 14 11 295 353 648 Llan-rythan - - - - - = Parish 31 sl] —] 4 31 = = 81 63 144 Llan-stinan - = - - Parish 22 22 -} - 22 _ = 67 68 135 Llan-vair-Nant-y-Gof ~ - = Parish 38 399; -} 2 30 8 1 100 421 221 Llan-wnda - - - - «= Parish} 221 222 3], 2 187 | 30 5 443 586 1,029 Manorowen - - = ~- - - Parish 27 a7 {= 1 20 5 2 64 86 150 Mathry - - - - - = = Parish} 164} 169/ 1] 3 124} 26 19 400 441 841 Nicholas, St. - - = - - Parish 53 53} 1] 2 46 5 2 140 122 262 Whitchurch - - - - - = Parish} 207] 233 / 5] 5 29} 43 | 161 377 562 939 1,941 ] 1,994 | 21 | 43 $1,474 | 267 | 253 4,409 5,114 9,523 DUNGLEDDY Hundred. Ambleston - + - - - = Parish{ 101} 103] 2] — 81] 21 1 278 273 551 Bletherston - - - - - - Parish} 58 60} -| - 57 3 - 173 171 344 Boulston - - - - = - - Parish 64 64} -|{ 1 60 4 - 168 162 330 Clarbeston - - - = - - Parish 33 33 a} - 247 6 - 121 98 219 Crinow - - - - = = - Parish 11 143/ -] 1 9 4 = 28 39 67 Kil-y-Maenllwyd Parish : (°) Grondre - - - - - - Hamlet 6 6; 3] 1 6 ~ - 12 14 26 Llandewy-Vilfrey Parish: (4) Henllan - - - - - = Hamlet 6 6; -]| - 5 1 - 19 19 38 Llandissilio (part of) - - ~ (¢) Parish 69 wt 2] —- 39} 20 12 179 205 384 © The entire Parish of Nash, which is partly in Narberth Hundred, } bitants——(4) Llandewy-Vilfrey Parish is mostly in Narberth Hun-f contains 113 Inhabitants. sy The entire Parish of St. David con- | dred. (©) Liandissilio Parish is mostly i in Derllys Hundred, Car- tains 2, Kil-y-Maenllwyd Parish is mostl marthenshire, The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants. Derllys Hundred,’ eae The entire Parish contains 860 rive 6E 478 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK {Enumeration, geass nema COUNTY OF PEMBROKE—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS; PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faur- | FAM Ay By sz | MP | chieay | OTHER 4 oF how 2 chiefly employ-| Families n TOTAL 7 « 2 em- : . : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 lpamites| 2 = ployed Famed St 4 : oF = | O- | 3) 4 in | Manu. | the Two 3 & __ |PERSONS. Ic cupied. | @ | 5 Acrr- |factures,| preced- fy cuL- jorHandi-} _ 'ng DUNGLEDDY Hundred—continued. TuRE. | craft. | Classes. Llangan (part of) - - = (f) Parish 2 2} -|{ - 2 = - 10 6 16 Llanvalteg (part of) - - (8) Parish 12 wf -| - ul 2 - 24 31 55 Llan-y-kevan - - - Parish 87 871 -| 2 80 7 - 224 231 455 Llawhaden - — - - - Parish} 112} 112] -—| 2 65] 44 3 286 308 594 Llys-y-vrane otherwise Llys-y-fran Parish 29 29} -| 2 24 5 = 87 94 181 New-Moat - - - + Parish 59 59} -| 3 55 4 = 151 159 310 Prendregast - - - - - Parish} 243 | 266] 1] 8 16 | 75 | 375 519 607 | 1,126 Rudbaxton - - - - = = Parish} 112] 115] 1] 8 94} 21 - 274 289 563 Slebech - - - - = Parshf 66] 75] -| 2 58 14 3 173 213 386 Spittal : - Parish} yo] yo| -| - 55 11 4 188 189 377 Usmaston—- - - - Parish 99 | 101 | 10] 12 62 23 16 200 224 424 Walton, East - - - + = Parish} 36 36} -| - 33 2 1 111 107 218 Wiston - - - - - = = Parish? 134] 196] -| 3 124 12 - 362 391 753 1,409 | 1,457 | 20 | 45 963 | 279 | 215 | 3,587 | 3,830 | 7,417 KEMESS Hundred. —_—— Bayvil - - - - - - = Parish} 26] 26] +=| 2 26 - = 49 62 1 Castle-Bythe - - - - - Parish 41 41] ~| 2 35 3 3 108 110 218 Dinas - - - = - - = = Parish} 176 179 1 a 134 45 = 331 422 153 Dogmells, St. - - - + Parish} 475 | 504] 6 | 19 324 68 112 1,035 1,072 2,107 Eglwys-Eirw - - = - = Parish 98} 100] 1] 3 $3 17 - 285 293 578 Fishguard, Lower & Upper ~- Parish} 4371 474 | 14 | 26 89 | 131 | 254 712 1,125 1,837 Henry’s Moat - = + = Parish 57 571-1 5 37 13 7 125 150 275 Llan-dilo - - - - = = - Parish 14 4] o-/] 1 14 = 5 34 43 77 Llan-fair-Nant-Gwyn - - Parish 48 48} ~—| 2 32 16 - 108 135 243 Llan-golman - - - - = Parish? 38 38} 1] 2 35 3 - 86 143 929 Llan-llawer - - - - Parish 20 20} -| 1 20 - - 61 62 123 Llan-vernach - - - - (*) Parish} 153] 159] -— | 1 126 33 = 375 420 795 Llan-y-chare - - - - Parish 28 28); -j} 1 9 4 15 78 78 156 Llan-ych-lwydog - += - - Parish 30 30} -|] 3 30 = = 72 84 156 Maenclochog - - - - (i) Parish 14 y4] —| - 60 14 _ 147 177 324 Vorlan - - - - - Hamlet q Bh ee | 6 1 = 18 29 38 Meline - - - + - - Parish} 109 | 109] -| 5 84 24 1 220 262 482 Monachlogddu - - - Parish 85 86] 1 3 67 8 M1 203 244 447 Monington - - - = = Parish 19 1g} -/ 1 17 2 - 43 54 97 Morvil = = = « = Parish 28 28 ~ - 28 i = 95 77 172 Moylgrove - - + + = Parish 74 m4) 1, - 62 12 - 198 208 406. Nevern - - = - - - (3) Parish} 294] 29951 51 3 237 58 = 860 884 1,744 Newcastle, Little - - Parish 13 13) -| 4 17 15 4l 155 181 336 Newport - - = - Parish} 407] 422] 11] 13 ai2 | 217 93 661 1,005 | 1,666 Pont-vane - - - - + Parish il yw] -| = 11 - = 32 39 71 Puncheston - - - - + Parish 47 47 | -| 1 35 4 8 103 124 227 Whitechurch ~~ - - - (©) Parish 70 yo} -—| — 54 14 2 156 184 340 Llanfair Nant-y-Géf - — Chapely} 37 37| -| 2 29 8 ~ 100 121 221 2,976 | 3,070 | 31 J107 |1,813 | 710] 547 | 6,450 | 7,779 | 14,229 KILGERRAN Hundred. Briddell - - - - = Parshf{ 70] yo| -] 5 27 9} 34 157 187 344 Chapel-Colman - - - - = Parish 20 ai} -| — 10 1 10 47 56 103 Clydey - 2. - - Parish} 274] on8] -| 3 61 741 143 601 749 | 1,350 Kilgerran - - = = Parishf 183] 195] 31 3 48 40} 107 | 410 452 862 Kilrhedin (part of) - (7) Parish 54 55 -| - 19 6 30 130 121 261 Llantwood - - - = © Parish 48 48 | 2] 2 25 3 20 126 134 260 Llanvihangel-Penbedw - - Parish} 57 57 | -{ 1 22 8 27 133 176 809 Manordivy - - + - = Parish} 163} 167] 1] 4 36 28 | 103 422 417 839 Penrith - - = = = (™) Parish} 35 35} -t 1 20 3 12 96 94 190 Castellan - - - - - — Chapelry 24 24]; -] - 18 6 = 63 66 129 g28 | g50] 6] 19 286 | 178] 486 2,185 | 2,452 4,637 , (‘) Llangan Parish is mostly in Derllys Hundred, Carmarthenshire. 4 the four quarters of Crigai, Kilgwin, Morva, and Trewero; each of The entire Parisi contains 705 Inhabitants. —<(®) Lianvalteg Parishis } which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return—-~*) The entire mostly in Derllys Hundred, Carmarthenshire. The entire Parish contains | Parish of Whitechurch, contains 661 Inhabitants———(!) Kilrhedin 344 Inhabitants, (B) An inclosure of land has taken place inthe | Parish is mostly in Elvet Hundred, (Carmarthen.) The entire Parish Parish of Lianvernach, (i) The entire Parish of Maenclochog con-’ | contains 941 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Penrith contains tains 362 Inhabitants) The Return of Nevern Parish includes ¥ 319 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 479 en re ce Te COUNTY OF PEMBROKE—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, je Fase | Fame Au 5 LIES A THER oO s how 3 chiefly cuely _ |Families wi TOTAL 3 many él ce em- ed = not com- 7] a or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, = = | Families 5 | ployed |-ppapx, | Prized in S| Oc | S| | it | amu. {theTro : aaa a cupied.) pq | AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- orHandi-| Ghee 7 NARBERTH Hundred. em . Ambroth otherwise Amroth - - Parish} 144 | 144] 21 4 22 27 95 317 367 684 | Begelly - = - - = = (*) Parish 94 941 —-l 38 26 9 59 228 255 483 Williamston - - - - Chapelry 88 g1; 4] 2 9 9 73 192 220 412 Carew - - - - - - = Parish} 186} 188 | —{ 8 72 23 93 480 495 975 Coedcanlass - - - - (°) Parish 28 gi} aif - 22 6 3 69 72 141 Crunwear - ~ --- - - Parish 49 49} 2] 3 4 3 39 106 123 229 Gumfreston - - - = - = Parish 23 a4} —-| — 24 Es - 68 65 133 Issells, St. - - - - = - Parish} 245 | 256] 4! 4 62 28 | 166 536 615 1,151 Jeffreston - - - - - - - Parish} 142) 143] -] 3 31 23 89 338 394 732 Lampeter-Velfrey - - - - Parishf 1721 175| -| 5 | 123] 30| 22 363 482 845 Llan-dewy-Velfrey - - -(?) Parish} 124] 125{ —| 1 102 22 1 324 354 678 Lawrenney - - ~- - - - Parish 87 88} —-] 1 10 "5 3 211° 220 431 Loveston - - - - - - ~ Parish 27 a7} —-{| - 11 4 12 a7 76 153 Ludchurch - - - - + = Parish} 42 Hoi |) es le ae 24 12 3 120 107 227 Mertletwy - - - - - (4) Parish} 141] 154] -| 4 16 35 43 384 389 773 Minwear - - = = = - = Parish 30 32); -| - 30 2 - 68 68 136 Mounton - - ~ - - = = Parish 4 4 set as 2 2 3 19 20 39 Narberth, North ~~ (*) Pain ff 319 | 3231 2] 3 | 217] 100 6 710 879 | 1,589 ——-, South és 147 | 147} Tyo- 102 45 = 330 | 376 706 Nash Parish: (*) Upton - - - - - - - Hamlet 1 1 & 1 1 a a 3 9 12 Newton - - - - + - (*) Parish} 13 | w] = 12 1 - 36 33 69 Redberth - - - - - - Parish 28 28} -}] - 5 2] 21 61 62 123 Reynoldston - - - - - = Parish 25 a25| —-| - 6 1 18 56 54 110 Robeston Wathon - - - Parish 74 74| -| 2 68 6 - 176 207 383 Yerbeston - - - - - Parish 22 a2} —-} - 3 3 16 56 51 107 apaen sae 2,249 |2,303 | 16 | 43 [1,070] 468 | 765 | 5,328 | 5,993 | 11,321 | Brides, St. - - - = - - Parish a1 a1| —-| 2 18 3 - 74 79 153 Burton - - - - - = Parish} 136) 136 | 21] 4 21 5 {| 110 333 308 641 Camrose - - - - - - Parish} 197 | 200] 1] 2 183 14 3 460 471 931 Dale - - - - - - - - Parish 49 79/ 11 3 28 12 39 166 221 387 Freystrop ae -o> Parish? 104 | 108] 1] 8 17 7| 84 230 248 478 Harroldston, St.Issells - ~- Parish 53 653 | -|.- 6 9 38 106 128 234 Harroldston, West = - + ~ Parish 27 28 -{} 3 28 a en 87 83 170 Hasguard - - - - - Parish 17 zy o-j - 16 1 - 47 58 105 Herbrandston - - = - = Parish 39 39 | - 3 32 5 2 96 127 223 Hubberston - - - - - = Parish} 175 181 4]11 13 26] 142 463 447 910 Ishmaels, St. - = = = = Parish 95 95 3 3 "5 18 2 212 246 458 Johnston - - - = - = = Parish 33 35 ~ me 30 = 5 88 98 186 Lambston - - - - = = Parish 48 55| 1] 5 49 4 2 124 129 253 Lilan-gwm - - - - - =~ Parish} 394] 1 35 1 1 24) 111 - 314 330 644 Llan-stadwell - - - - - Parish} 101] 104] 4 | 11 33 11 60 333 391 724 Marloes - - - - - - + Parish 48 78 | -| 4 72 6 - 187 204 391 Nolton - - - - - = = Parish 44 44 = 5 26 4 14 94 96 190 Robeston, West - - - - - Parish 26 oe] =] y 22 4 es 58 54 112 Roch = = # = = = = Patsif pag] aga] 4 | 4 65 13 63 318 346 664 Rose-market - - - - - = Parish 86 87} -| = 59 13 15 183 229 412 Steynton - - 7 - - Parish} 457] 491 | 2 | 35 182 | 170] 139 | 1,068 1,337 2,405 Talbenny - - - - - - + Parish} 39 a31 -—| 3 27 1 5 100 92 192 Thomas, St. (part of) Parish: (") Thomas, St. - - + - - Hamlet 19 19} -]| 2 18 1 - 38 52 go Trefigarn - = - - - = = Parish 17 17] -| 1 9 4 4 37 42 "9 Walton, West - - - - - Parish 85 87 1 3 24 62 1 205 228 433 Walwin’s-Castle - - - - - Parish 61 631 -|] 3 31 4 28 191 195 366 2,304 | 2,372 | 22 [114] 1,108 | 508 | 756 | 5,612 | 6,219 | 11,831 (°) The entire Parish of Begelly contains 895 Inhabitants. One fe- | increase of hat-making. (*) Nash Parish is mostly in Castle-Martin male in Williamston Hamlet, upwards of 100 years of age. (°) One | Hundred——(‘) A diminution of Population at Newton, is attributable female in Coedcanlass Parish upwardsiof 100. years of age. (°) Llan- | to the cessation of iron-works———(") The Parish of St. Thomas is, dewy-Velfrey is partly in Dungleddy Hundred. The entire Parish partly in Roose Hundred, but mostly in the Town of Haverford-West. contains 716 Inhnbitants. (4) One female in, Mertletwy Parish up- | The entire Parish contains 1,108 Inhabitants. One female upwards of " wards of 100 years of age.——(") The entire Parish of Narberth con- | 100 years of age in this Parish. tains 2,295 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to the 480 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER’ [ Enumeration,’ asta eran mee ee COUNTY OF PEMBROKE—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, eee Pe S |S | chiety | OrHzR om 3 | many | ay | | Richy | employ-| Families a TOTAL x ao fe em- edin |notcom- 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 eae = = ployed | Trapg, [prized in a 3 OF a ie 3 é in Manu- | the Two < PE S is cupied.| P Acri- factures,| preced- Ss a a CUL- JurHandi-| ing - Town of HAVERFORD-WEST. SURE | erailis: | Clases: Martin, St. - - - - - (*) Parish} 261} 313] 4 | 14 30 | 255] 28 608 721 | 1,329 Mary, St. - - - - + = Parish] 299] 348] 2] 9 a | any | a5 733 975 | 1,708 Thomas, St.- - - - (") Parshf 208 | 245] 2] 7 54 79 | 112 A34 584 | 1,018 768 | g06 | 8) 30 | 105] 511} 290 | 1,775 | 2,280 | 4,055 Borough of PEMBROKE. Mary, St. - - - (*) Parish { 462} 547 | 20 | 30 30] 373] 144 | 1,464 | 1,473 | 2,937 Michael, St. - - = (*) Parish} 163] 198] 4) 2 47 53 98 442 525 967 Monckton otherwise St. Nicholas Parish| 183) 188] 3] 2 125 39 24 492 529 | 1,021 808 | 933 | 27 | 34 | 202] 465 | 266 | 2,398 | 2,527 | 4,925 Town of TENBY. Mary, St. waa \ > die eek { 263 | 334] 3] 32 13 | 251] 70 556 844 | 1,400 , Without 39 39} 1] 2 30 9 7 72 82 154 302} 373 | 4] 34 43 | 260 70 628 926 | 1,554 (") See Note on preceding page. (“) North Hamlet (Roose | Borough of Pembroke, is attributable to the establishment of a dock- Hundred) is included in the Return of St. Martin’s Parish, Haverford- | yard. (’) The entire Parish of St. Mary (Tenby) contains 1,554 West. (*) One female in St. Mary’s, and one in St. Michael’s Parish ] Inhabitants. upwards of 100 years of age. The great increase of Population in the SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. a N Hundred of CASTLE-MARTIN - - = - 806} 844] 8f 34 587| 133 | 124 2,158 2,359 4,517 DEWISLAND = - - = = 4 1,941] 1,994] 21 | 43 | 1,474] 267 | 253 | 4,409 | 5,114 9,523 DUNGLEDDY - - =< «= -]| 1,409] 1,457] 20 | 45 963} 279 | 215 3,587 3,830 7,417 KEMESS - - - - + = =| 2,976] 3,070] 31 |107 ] 1,813] 7101} 547 6,450 4,779 | 14,229 KILGERRAN - - = = - g28} g50| 6] 19 286| 178 | 486 2,185 2,452 4,637 NARBERTH - - - - - - | 2,249| 2,303] 16] 43] 1,070] 468] 765 | 5,328 | 5,993 | 11,321 ROOSE = - © = © © = | 2,304] 2,372] 22 |114 | 1,108] 508] 756 5,612 6,219 | 11,831 Town of HAVERFORD-WEST - - - 768} go06] 8] 30 105] 511} 290 1,795 2,280 4,055 Borough of PEMBROKE - - - =- - 808; 933] 27] 34 202] 465 | 266 | 2,398 2,527 4,925 Town of TENBY - + - - - 302] 373] 41] 34 43} 260] 70 628 926 | 1,554 Torats + + - [14,491 |15,202] 163/503 | 7,651]3,779 {3,772 | 34,530 |39,479 | 74,009 question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 481 COUNTY OF PEMBROKE—continxed. : Ages of Persons. -MALES. cr A . 6 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 . Hundred Unies ¢g to to to to to to | to| to] to} to} & a 5. : a Oo of 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 aac. es CASTLE-MARTIN - -]}. 35t | 292] 218 | 230] 339] 229] 165] 1399 ]114) 55) 26] -| —] 2,158 DEWISLAND - - -| 702] 665} 536] 437] 591] 430, 343 | 333 |214}113) 32} 4] —] 4,400 DUNGLEDDY - - -]| 583] 542} 449} 357| 462 | 338 | 348 | 207 |165| 81) 31] 7| -| 3,570 KEMESS - a oe Page 1,012 | 808 | 632! Yo0 | 607} 518} 430 }351/193/ 46] 4, —] 6,443 KILGERRAN - - - 368 | 311 288 | 194 316 | 210! 174] 144] 99} 58] 20} 3] —4F 2,185 NARBERTH -/- -] 809{ 862] 650] 547 | 672 | 508| 470] 355 | 282/132] 35 | 3| —J| 5,325 ROOSE - - - - -]| 923 | 806] 689] 545] 733 | 574] 490] 416 |259]124) 45 | 7] ~] 5,611 ‘Town of HAVERFORD-WEST | 260] 232{ 197] 191] 249] 193] 181} 131 | 86] 35/171 3] -—J 1,775 Borough of PEMBROKE - 430 | 291 238 | 911 | 448! 351 164 | 132 | 78) 43} 9}| 3] —Y 2,39¢ Town of TENBY - - - -] 108 4 56 57 104 74 58 47 | 24] 17; 7] 2] = 628 Total of MALES - 5,586 | 5,087 | 4,129 | 3,401 | 4,704 13,514 | 2,911 | 2,334 uate 851, 268} 36 | —- 134,493 FEMALES. pinta Mase. f \ 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 | 100 eB Hundred Mader ty to to to to to to to} to| to] to} & = 5. 4 - ° af 10 15 20 30 40 - 60 70 | 80 | 90 ice ae & CASTLE-MARTIN - - go8 | 272] 224] 240} 468} 274] 186] 142 1134] 66] 35 | 10-1] - 2,359 1 DEWISLAND - - -]| 641 | 646] 500! 479] 921{| 593] 464 | 334 |304/161/ 54] 7] - | 5,104} DUNGLEDDY - - -| 524) 520] 435 | 398] 5861 430] 355} 259 |186| 95| 45 | 6 | -| 3,839 KEMESS - - - - ~-{#1,10011,010} 823) 785 11,158] 861 | 685} 552 }453'239/107| 5] =] 7,778 KILGERRAN, - - +>] 363] 322] 293 | 214] 382} 263] 221] 172 }127| 63) 29) 3) -| 2,452 NARBERTH - - -]| 856 | 817] 670] 549} 8921 631} 515} 430 |362)185| 72} 131 | 3] 5,993 | ROOSE - - - - -| 868] 792] 635 | 691 |1,009| 685] 5661 407 |339/199| 721 9| —| 6,272 Town of -HAVERFORD-WEST | 243 214 | 214] 2521} 441 273 223 172 1144'| 68] 28 4 1 | 2,280 Borough of PEMBROKE - -]| 414 | 319 | 226) 192{ 506] 314] 194] 1511114) 65| 24) 6/ 21] 2,524 Town of of TENBY - - - - 82 86 65 97 | 240 97 99 58} 56] 34) 11}: 1] = 926 Total of FEMALES - [5,399 | 4,998 | 4,085 3,897 | 6,603 | 4,421 | 3,508 2,677 oe 477| 65 | 6 139,530 es { 2 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Pembroke was .... 74,009, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 74,023 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compiiance with the The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Pembroke was 158; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, ) Drewerne - - - Township 38 41 -—| 2 35 4 2 108 107 aly Vainor-Glare - - - + Township 56 66; -|; 2 48 18 152 172 | 324 Llanbadarn-y-Garreg - - - Parish 15 16} -—] 2 14 2 - 43 43 86 Llanelweth - - - + = Parish 30 33} -]} 1 14 9 10 | 88 88 176 Llan-saint-ffraed in Elve - Parish 54 55 | - | 2 50 5 - 165 157 322 Llanvareth - - ~ = = Parish 31 32] -} 3 28 3 1 85 82 167 Rulen - - - - = + = Parish 247 30} -]} 2 27 3 = 61 57 118 451| 486] 1/21 | 385; 74] 27 | 1,267 | 1,180 | 2,447 KEVENLLEECE Hundred. ——s = Blethvaugh - - ~ - - = Parish 36 41 {[ -] 2 30 8 3 100 105 205 foe - - - + () Parish 54 59] - }o4 53 6 ee 183 188 371 anbadarn-fawr = - ~ Parish 68 - 1 2 2 216 16 Llanbister (part of) Parish: (4) a ; we 3 eo : . Cevenpawl - - - - Fownship 20 21 -} - 19 2 - 62 48 110 Llandegley Parish: (*) Swydd and Craig- - - Township 32 36) -]| 1 19 14 3 94 113 207 Trelan - - = + = Township 30 37 rf - 25 4 8 94 81 175 Llandewy-Ystradenny (part of) Par: (f) Meistyrrhose-lowry - - Township 63 66); -| 1 58 5 161 162 323 Llandrindod - - + - Parish 38 38 ee Se 32 1 5 109 99 208 Llanfihangel-Rhydithon - (8%) Parish 51 z a 1 161 Llangynello Parish: (+) i : sa 2 8 id , Lower - - Township 27 29{ -| - 12 - 17 93 81 154 , Upper - - Township} 547 58 | -] 2 22 7 29 145 152 297 Pillith- - - - - - + Paishf sof aof -—| 1 10 - - 38 30 68 | Whitton - 2 2 2 © = Pansh 24 a25|/ -| - 22 3 es 58 f 71 129 510; 553] 1/14 | 425] 58 70 | 1,500 | 1,507 | 3,007 © i KNIGHTON Hundred, Tl — - - . Beguildy, oo = @ = (1) Ban 77 a” -1 3 do 24 23 _ 202 | 48 : ’ Y 1 = Brampton-Bryan Parish: (*) : ; S : = ga a Stanage - - - = = Lordship Q1 gi] - 1 14 as 4 62 66 128 Heyop - = - - = = + Parish 32 32 = a 12 8 12 q7 87 164 Knighton - - - - - (') Pash] 205] 242] -1 10 1] 222 19 460 540 | 1,000 Farrington = - - = Lordship with Cwmgilla - + Township } 28 32 ee D 24 = 8 [ 100 91 191 Llananno - - - - + Parish 49, 50}; -—] 2 23 |) 6 a1 140 | 159 290 Llanbadarn-Fynydd -“ = = Parish 48 81 1 3 49 9 23 243 221 464 Llanbister - - - - ~- (™) Parish} 166] 185 | 1] 4 130 18 37 469 498 967 Gollan- - 7 - »° Township 58: 63) —f 1 50} 12] 1 178 154 332 | Llandewy-Ystradenny (partof)(") Parish] 38 | 39 te ee 26 5 8 116 | 412 228 864 | 932] 2] 26 F 432} 3167 184 7 2,367 | 2,371 | 4,738 (4) The entire Parish of Disserth contains 491 Inhabitants ——-(°) The. entire Parish of Glascowbe contains 539 Inhabitants.——(¢) The Return of Kevenllece Parish includes the Townships of Cwmbreeth, Trevouren, and Trebewgoed. (4) Lianbister Parish is mostly in Knighton Hyn- dred. (©) The eutire Parish of Liandegley contains 382 Inhabitants. Fer (Lora bhava is partly in Knighton Hundred, The entire Parish contains 551 Inhabitants——(*) Llanfihangel, Rhydi Parish, Upper and Lower Divisions in one oe - aaa Parish of Llangynello contains 451 Inhabitants. (() The entire Parish of Beguildy contains 974 Inhabitants. (*) Brampton-Bryan Parish ———— a is mostly in Wigmore Hundred (Hereford). The. entire Parish contains 341 Inhabitants——(!) The entire Parish of Knighton contains, 1,191 Inhabitants ——(™) The Return of Llanbister Parish includes the Town- ships of Broullis, Caroge, Cwmlechwedd, Cwmygaist and Llanbister, which, in the year 1811 were separately returned. The entire Parish (which is partly in Levenfleece Hundred, contains 1,409 Inhabitants. The Population is increased since 1811, partly from the prevalence of bastardy. (") Llandewy-Ystradenny Parish is mostly in Kevenfleece Hundred. The entire Parish contains 551 Inhabitants. M.DCCC:XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94, ‘483 ree ececenc cee nS | COUNTY OF RADNOR—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS 3 PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | PO" | Are 7 By J LIES | chiefly Orner oR ; how = | chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL 3 many | & | ‘a em- ot in |not com- gw a , EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. i {Families} & | & | ployed | Traps, [prized in a 3 8 xy | : | st ‘g Oc- | 2] in | Mann- | the Two 4 & —«[PERSONS. gq | -cupied. | go | © | Acrr- | factures,| preced- = me CUL- {orHandi-| ee PAINS-CASTLE Hundred. eee Boughrood - - - - = « Parish 59} 59} ~] 2 40 10 9 170 150 320 Bryngwyn - - - - ~ Parish 59 63 {| -} 1 59 4 = 174 156 330 Clyro - ~ - - - - + Parish} 111 { 112} -| 1 72 24 15 273 272 545 Clyro-Bettws - - + - - Parish 43 47} ~-f{ 1 28 9 10 86 81 167 Glasbury (part of) - - - (®) Parish} 123 | 158f -| —- 96 | 62 = 356 372 728 Llanbeder - - ~ - - = Parishf 49] 52, —} 1 49 3 = 1§1 156 307 Llanddewi-vach - - - = = Parish 24 27h —f 2p 24 3 = 59 70 129 Llandilo-Graban - - - - Parish] 55} 59} —| 4 49 9 1 149 149 298 Llanstephen - + - - = Parish 50 Sit ~-] 9 45 6 7 136 126 262 Tlowis - - ~ - Parishf 74) 744 -|] 2 55] 18 1 195 193 388 Michael-Church - - - - - Parish 27 31 -| 4 10 7 14 79 78 157 New Church - - = - = Parish 27 30; 1) 2 28 2 pas 87 gl 178 jor | 762} 1] 28 | 555] 157| 50 | 1,915 | 1,894 | 3,809 RADNOR Hundred. 4 | Colva - - - = = - - = Parish 40 43} -| 1 40 3 - 134 102 236 | Gladestry - © = = = Parish 40 6} -7) 3 66 9 1 178 177 355 Norton - - - - + - = Parish 45 58; 11 3 49 i 2 164 148 312 Presteigne (part of) Parish: (P) Dyscoyd - - - - = Chapelry 20 20; -—]| 2 | 3 4} 13 53 46 99 Hereford and Broad-street - Wardsf 141 154 Pat 4 9 52 93 353 371 724 High and St. David’s-street - Wards} 130] 137] 2] 9 10 59 68 293 271 564 446; 488 § 4] 22 } 1771 134 { 177 F 1175 f 1,115 2,290 RHAYADER Hundred. ' Cwm-toyddwr Parish: (4) ' Dyffryn-Ellan - - - Township} 47 48t -| 5 48 - - 126 124 250 | Dyffryn-Gwy - - - Township? 80] 84) 1] 2 72 | 12 “ 212 233 445 | Harmon, St. Parish: (7) ; CrRhurworied f 7” TOM] 75] avo} -| 2 f a7] -] - |} 180 | 190 Kennarth - - - - - Township 46 "6, = 74 2 = 195 - 228 Llanfihangel-Helygen - - - Parish 16 Wwe =f = 17 = = 39 50 Llanyear - - - + ~ - (*) Parish} 129] 2484 2) 7 55| 38] 56 294 320 Nantmel Parish: (*); _ Ceidglassiom - + - - Township} 32] 33) 2] 2 30 2 1 74 89: 163 Gwastedin-fawr + - - Township 65 8h - |]: 8 77 4 4 187 198 385 Maisgwinn, - + - ~ Township 61 654 -| 3 64 1 - 183 180 363 Vainor- - - + - ~= Township 46 46} -]|.- 43 3 - 129 tog f 233 Rhayader- - - + - Par.Chapelryf 111 | 1308 2] 4 8 68 54 317 330 647 738 |,102 | 6 | 29 | 858] -130] 114 | 1,936 | 2,046 | 3,982 Borough. of RADNOR, q Cascob: (part of) ~ - + - (%) Parish 21 arth ~~ | a 20 1 56 | 61 117 Llanfihangel-Nantmellan - (%) Parish 35 38} 4} 1 30 4 4 103 102 205 Trewom - - - - - Townshipf 29 | grf —-f - egy zr = 101 82 183 ,Rapnor, NEw- - Borough and Parish 847 g2} -| 4 56 28 8 221 205 426 Radnor, Old, Parish: (*) Ednol - - - - - - Township 6 6 - - 6 - - 15 19 34 Evenjobb, Newcastle ‘ _ Barland and meee’ = aoe 69 wy = 63 3 2 te ay abe ' Harpton, Upper - - - Township 26 30 -|- 21 8 1 73 41 144 (°) Glasbury Parish is partly in Talgarth Hundred (Brecon). The entire Parish contains 1,423 Inhabitants——(°) Presteigne Parish is partly in Wigmore Hundred (Hereford). The entire Parish contains 1,941 Inhabitants. (4) The entire Parish of Cwm-toyddwr contains 695 Inhabitants.—-(") The entire Parish of St. Harmon contains 793 Inhabitants———(*) The Return of Llanyear Parish includes the Town- ships of Kilgee and Trowscoed, which, in 1811, were separately returned: —— (‘) The entire Parish of Nantmel contains 1,144 Inhabitants. (#) Part of Cascob Parish is returned with Litton Township, in Presteigne ) The entire Parish of Llanfihangel-Nantmellan contains 388 Inhabitants——(*) The entire Parish of Old Radnor contains 1,255 Inhabitants. Parish (Wigmore Hundred, Hereford). ——— SS ey es 484 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, COUNTY OF RADNOR --continued. : é HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, speed eee aa aii IT eco : me || a | iy | ily [ore , EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | mny! .| 3 oe! eapiy: Pens r a TOTAL 3 Families! .§ < ployed Trane, | prized in Gl < oF a a =| "3 2 | Manu. | theTwo = & |PERSONS 5 cupied. | @ | 5 Acrr- | fuctures,| preced- 2 iy : Borough of RADNOR—continued. CUL- eFande! one a eee TURE. att. asses. Radnor, Old, Parish—continued. aa sa Rae a | Townsbip| 39 42} -] 1 37 5 - 11} 105 216 Raduor, Old, : B and Burlinjobb } = Township] 64) 99 ea 8 e 158 sh 318 Walton and Womaston - Township 35 37 = m2 23 5 9 93 88 181 411} 456] 41 7 350 | 72 34 1,106 1,080 2,186 SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF RADNOR. o a Hundred of COLWYN - - - ~- - -Jf 451 486 1} 21 385 74 27 1,267 1,180 2,447 KEVENLLEECE - - - - - 510 553 1] 14 425 58 70 1,500 1,507 3,007 KNIGHTON - - - - - - | 864] 932 2 | 26 432 | 316] 184 2,367 2,371 4,738 PAINS-CASTLE - - = - | 701 762 | 11} 28 555 | 157 50 1,915 1,894. 3,809 RADNOR - - - - ~ -§ 446] 488) 4} 22 | 177) 134] 177 | 1,175 | 1,115 | 2,290 RHAYADER - - - - - - | 738 {1,102 | 6] 29 | 858] 130! 114 | 1,936 | 2,046 | 3,982 Borough of RADNOR ~ ~ - - © ~- -f 411] 456| 4] 77 350] 72] 34 | 1,106 | 1,080 | 2,186 ToTats » - + [4,121 14,779 | 19 }14793,182 | 941 | 656 [11,266 [11,193 | 22,459 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 485 COUNTY OF RADNOR—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. o “N 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80] 90/100} , Under & «a : to to to to to to to to to | to | to eS ‘Hundred 5. up | O é 10 | 15 | 20 | 380 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100|, ars. COLWYN - - - -f 189] 195] 116] 127] 187] 143] 106 86} 65} 40] 11] 1] — | 1,266 KEVENLLEECE - -] 212] 203] 164! 172] 2371 145 | 145 89} 86| 36/13] -j} — | 1,502 KNIGHTON - - - -[ 339] 320| 290] 223] 358] 260] 207 | 136] 191] 65 | 24] 2] = | 2,355 PAINS-CASTLE - -{§ 243] 306] 235] 198] 288} 223) 142] 115] 103} 49/11] 2] - | 1,915 RADNOR - - = -] 220 138 | 150] 103] 112 131 108 79} 55; 62/18] -—] — | 1,176 RHAYADER - - -} 295] 233] 228] 207; 273 | 204] 181 | 141] 120/59]17] 2] —- | 1,960 Borough of RADNOR - - - | 172 143 | 126] 102] 174] 133 87 78 | 69/34] 8] —| — | 1,126 Total of MALES - [1,670 | 1,538 | 1,309 | 1,132 | 1,629 | 1,239 | 976 | 724 | 629/345]102] 7] — [11,300 FEMALES. fr — 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 : Under & 2 to to to to to to to to to | to | to EB Hundred 5. up- ° of 1o | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 7 | 80| 90 /100\,..4,) © COLWYN - - - -f 164] 144] 119] 103] 213] 144] 105 84 | 62/28} 13] 2] — | 1,280 KEVENLLEECE - +=] 209] 193] 195] 179] 199| 154] 140 92 | 85/33] 21] 1] - | 1,501 KNIGHTON - - - -f 301] 314] 270] 252 | 334] 269] 207 167 | 137] 77 | 31), 4] — | 2,363 PAINS-CASTLE - -f 238 | 240] 194| 214| 285] 245] 180] 105] 112] 51 | 16] 4] —- 7 1,884 RADNOR - - - -f 156] 165 117, | 128] #171 142 96 63} 60] 26} 16] 1] = | 1,141 RHAYADER - - -f 299] 245] 209] 222] 288; 213] 178] 158 | 1395] 62134] 1] - | 2,044 Borough of RADNOR - - -| 164] 149 | 108] 102] 161 | 138 83 80 | 50! 41 | 14] -—]| — } 1,090 Total of FEMALES 1,531 | 1,450 | 1,212 | 1,200 |1,651 |1,305 | 989] 749 | 641/318/145] 12 | — [11,203 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Radnor was . . . 22,459, . - - and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .. . 22,503, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to tiat effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Radnor was 75; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, A very small pruportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant (the balance on the side of the latter, being 44) ; and a few Returns were incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 6G 486 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration NS _ Se, SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN| Wales. cf = <= HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: no Famitres | Famrtrzs {Ati Orner ow . ta 'y chiefly chiefly Families one many Un- employed | employed in = wa CUUNTIES. Inhabited. Building. Re comprized ss & ¥ Families Inhabited. in Trave, in the Two a J Acri- | Manufactures,) precedin 4 PERSONS Occupied. oe a a cuLture. |or Handicraft.} Classes. a La ANGLESEY - - 8,737 9,825, 73 174 6,187 1,702 1,936 21,784 23,279 45,069 BRECON 8,425 9,022 63 468 4,039 3,703 1,280 21,853 21,760 43,513 CARDIGAN - - 11,304 12,071 77 220 6,312 2,501 3,258 27,898 29,886. 57,784 CARMARTHEN 16,402 18,392 107 333 9,628 4,823 3,941 43,577 46,662 90,299 CARNARVON - 10,932 11,478 99 215 6,890 2,649 1,939 28,419 | 29,546 57,958 DENBIGH - - 14,771 15,677 317 376 8,625 4,399 2,653 37,785 38,726 96,511 FLINT - -- 9,973 10,611 33 147 4.421 3,531 2,659 26,733 27,051 53,784 GLAMORGAN - 19,396 20,314 161 645 7,126 8,336 4,852 50,427 51,310 101,737 | MERIONETH - 6,925 7,279 33 230 3:570 1,434 2,275 16,479 17,903 34,382 MONTGOMERY 10,706 12,056 50 194 6,594 3,882 1,580 29,743 30,156 59,899 PEMBROKE - - 14,491 15,202 163 503 7,661 3/779 3,772 34,530 39,479 74,009 RADNOR - - 4,121 4,779 19 147 3,182 941 656 11,266 11,193 22,459 TOTAL 136,183 146,706 985 3,652 74,225 41,680 30,801 350,487 366,951 717,498 IN the 27° Hen, VIII, c. 26 (A.D. 1535.) an Act was passed “ for Laws and Justice to be ministered in Wales in like form as it is “in this Realm.” By this Act, the Marches or intermediate Border Lands between England and Wales were divided into new Counties, or annexed to old Counties. The new Counties were, Monmovura, which became an English County; Brecon, Denercu, Monrcomery, and Rapnor, in Wales: The English Counties augmented by annexations were Gloucester, Hereford, and Salop; the Welsh Counties so augmented, were Cardigan, Carmar- then, Glamorgan, Merioneth, and Pembroke. By the same Act, the Chancellor of England is directed to issue a Commission under the Great Seal, to such persons as to him shall be thought convenient, to enquire and view all the said Shires uf Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, Monmouth, Brecon, Radnor, Moutgomery, Glamorgan, and Denbigh ; and thereupon to divide them and every of them into so many Hundreds as they shall think most meet and convenient, and the said Hundreds shall certify into the High Court of Chancery; which Hundreds (after the said Certificate) shall be used and taken as other Hundreds. be in every other Shire within the Realm of England. By a subsequent Act of 28° Hen. VIII. c. 3. Three years are allowed for correction of the Allotment of Places to the several Shires; and by Act of 31° Hen. VIII. c. 11. Three years further are allowed. Under the above Commission, and another Commission for enquiry into the Welsh Laws and Customs, certain Ordinances were framed, which were afterwards confirmed ; as appears at the end of the Acts of 34° & 35° Hen, VIII. where they are entered as an Act of Parliament. « M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 487 SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Wales. MALES, c— N aie 3 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 |} 90 oe COUNTIES. 5. to to to to to to to to to to to ee TOTAL. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 | 100 | was, ANGLESEY - - - -] 3,332 3,171 2,618 2,076 | 2,929 | 2,247 1,883 1,249 981 492 162 9 ~] 21,148 BRECON - - - - -] 2,880 | 2,765 | 2,454 | 2,207 3,303 | 2,496 1,960 1,465 | 1,116 688 a12{ 95 1] 21,472 CARDIGAN - - - -f 4,290 | 4,173 | 3,543 | 2,912 3,701 3,061 2,410 | 1,670 1,283 683 194 | 18 1} 27,939 CARMARTHEN - -] 6,982 | 6,410 | 5479 | 4.441 | 6,047 | 4.523 | 3,517 | 2,889 | 1,932 950 | 327} 30 | -J 43,527 CARNARVON - - -] 4,250 4,226 3,432 2,844 3,057 3,233 2,536 1,775 1,359 679 173] 17 - | 28,481 DENBIGH - - - -] 5.553 | 5,095 | 4.376 | 3,644 | 5.253 | 4215 | 3.235 | 2,440 | 1,772 942 | 269} 35 | - | 36,758 FLINT- - - - - -] 3,785 | 3,335 | 3,043 | 2443 | 3,718 | 2,735 | 2,058 | 1,577 | 1,044 458 | 138] 12 | —J| 24,346 GLAMORGAN - - -] 7,036 | 6377 | 5,791 | 4.975 | 7.547 | 5570 | 4,284 | 3,062 | 2,137 | 1,079 | 301} 39 | 1] 48,199 MERIONETH - - -] 2,282 2,282 1,868 1,640 2,131 1,861 1,432 1,100 933 532 156; 18 - 7 16,234 MONTGOMERY - 45172 3/734 3,362 2,819 | 4,104 | 3,255 2,614 1,827 1,389 736 233 | 12 - | 28,957 PEMBROKE - - -{ 5,586 | 5,087 4,129 3,401 4,704 | 3.514 | 2,912 2,334 1,672 851 268 | 36 - | 34,493 RADNOR - - - - 1,670 1,538 1,309 1,132 1,629 1,239 976 724 629 345 102 ” - | 11,300 Total of MALES - | 51,817 | 48,123 | 41,404 | 34.534 | 49,023 | 37,949 | 29,815 | 22,112 | 16,246 | 8,395 12,535 | 258 | 3 1342,154 FEMALES. f~ ae. Didier 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 ae COUNTIES. 5. to to to to to to to to to to to ee TOTAL. 10 15 20 |: 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 | 100 ns ANGLESEY - - -ff 3,203 2,926 2,362 2,219 3,585 2,596 2,229 1,464 1,179 589 205 | 12 — | 22,567 BRECON - - - = - 2,874 2,610 2,273 2,139 3,405 2,592 1,964 1,457 1,192 702 221 21 29 21,432 CARDIGAN - - - -} 4,056 3:974 | 3,532 2,940 afar 3.495 2,590 1,955 1,532 786 293 | 24 2] 29,806 CARMARTHEN - -{ 6,581 6,013 5,108 4,897 7,254 5351 4,126 3,148 2,405 1,220 442 62 31 46,610 CARNARVON - - -{} 3,884 | 3,712 3278 | 2,998 | 4,529 3.420 | 2,706 1,970 1,542 871 293 | 32 1 29,235 DENBIGH - - - -J] 5,357 5,064 4,142 3,718, 5,944 4,401 3,542 2,672 2,203 | 1,104 413 | 46 - 1 38,305 FLINT - - - - - +=] 3,686 3,256 2,738 2,518 3,720 2,750 2,203 1,632 1,169 629 227 | 23 — 7 24,551 GLAMORGAN - - -] 6,816 6,327 5.428 4,897 7,898 5,755 4,398 3,069 2,413 | 1,229 497 | 48 34 48,778 MERIONETH - - - 2,222 2,064 1,858 1,757 2,559 2,189 1,700 1,926 1,096 613 942] 17 - 7 17,643 MONTGOMERY - -f 3,878 3,460 3,124 2,751 45394 3,365 2,687 1,964 1,606 840 296 | 30 1] 28,396 PEMBROKE - - -]| 5,399 | 4998 | 4085 | 3,897 | 6,603 | 4.421 | 3508 | 2,677 | 2,219 | 1175 | 477] 65 | 6] 39,530 RADNOR - - - - f 1,531 1,450 1,212 1,200 1,651 1,305 989 749 641 318 146 | 12 — | 11,203 Total of FEMALES | 49,487 | 45,853 | 39,140 | 35,931 | 65,869 | 41,640 | 32,641 | 24,083 | 19,175 | 10,076 13,751 | 392 | 18 1358,056 THE Total Number of Persons in Wauzs was .... 717,438 . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was + + 700,210, « . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one in forty-one of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Retums received from Wares was 1,241 ; twenty-two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (++) throughout the Abstract. 488 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘(Enumeration ——— EEE Scotland. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. O4. 489 See —— = Shire of Aberdeen. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Pane Faso: : hee y ; ee : THER sig _ | how B | chiety Bey Families vi TOTAL £EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. SB fmany fo | Sf em [CPT |notcom-f eg 8 5 Families 5 3 ployed Trapg, | Prized in 4 < or g Oc- E=| q in Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS. a cupied.| @ | 5 Acri- factures, | Preced- = iy ABERDEEN District. rae. | arin | Classes Asrrpeew Burgh & Parish: (#) Crooked - - - - = ~- Quarter] 703 [2,023] 3 | 15 17 11,199 | 807 | 3,946 5,012 8,958 Even - - - - - - = Quarter} 586 }2,084] 1 | 10 16 | 1,970 98 3,166 4,041 7,207 Foot-Dee - - - - -- - Quarter] 577 11,314] 6! 20 53 | 649 | 612 § 3,216 | 3,839 7,055 Green - - - - = - = Quarter} 247] 767} 2] 17 7 | 466 | 294 1,322 1,942 3,264 Banchory-Davenick (part of) (>) Parish 99 | 107] 2] 6 46 16 45 299 . 251 550 Belhelvie- - - - - - - Parish} 320] 320] 1] 4 274 36 10 648 43 1,391 Drumoak (part of) - (©) Parishf 131] 131 f 2] - 84 43 4 268 319 587 Dyce - - - - - - - Parish} 110] 110{ —] 6 59 19 32 325 280 605 Fintray - - - - - - Parshf 212 | 220] -| - 150 68 2 500 496 996 Kinellar - - - - = = = Parish 66 67} ~1 16 48 ” 12 182 177 359 Machar, New - - (*) Parish 207 | 307] -—| 4 118 "6 13 403 484 887 i a ane a 45 45} -| - 33 11 1 129 117 246 h Id, otherwi Se Macha. ae (*) Parish] 2,102 [4,517 | 21 | 75 | 587 |3,613 | 317 | 7,945 110,367 | 18,312 Newhills - - - - - (f) Parish} 377] 4574 —| 21 154] 184] 119 | 1,065 1,076 2,141 Peterculter - - - - - - Parish} 233] 234] 31 9 149 80 5 539 557 1,096 Skene - - - - - = = = Parish] 324] 331] 21 2 229 3 68 660 780 1,440 6,339 |12,934] 43 | 208 | 2,024 | 8,471 12,439 | 24,613 | 30,481 | 55,094 ALFORD District. Alford- - - - - - - = Parishf 172] 173] 1] 8 114 28 31 407 419 826 Auchindoir, with Kearn - - Parish} 1941 194] -—| 5 116 68 10 430 459 889 Cabrach (part of) - - (8) Parish 82 83] -| 2 49 8 26 189 186 375 Clatt - - - - - - (*) Parshf 104] 104} 1 | - 87 13 4 283 268 551 Glenbucket - - - - - Parish} 1044 106] —| 6 67 12 27 246 233 479 Keig - - - - = - - + Parish} 123] 123/ -| — 50 31 42 287 275 562 Kildrummy - - - - - = Parish 98] 101] 2] 4 64 28 9 257 239 496 Kinnethmont - - - + + Parish] 204] 206] 2] — 132 69 5 481 . 493 974 Lochell-Cushnie - - (+) Parish}? 165 | 165] 3] 3 117 45 3 375 391 "66 Rhynie and Essie - - - - Parish} 168] 174] -| 4 92 30 52 368 408 776 Strathdon - - - - - - Parish} 328] 328] -| — 306 18 4 876 * 822 1,698 Tullynessle, with Forbes - - Parishf 122] 125] -|] — 62 14 49 317 - 326 643 Tough- - - - - - (*) Parish] 160] i160] 1 2 63 69 28 336 . 362 698 Towie - - - - - + Parish} 114] 115] 7] 6 56 26 3 313 265 578 2,138 }2,157 | 17 | 40 11,375 | 459 | 323 | 5165 | 5,146 | 10,311 DEER, otherwise BUCHAN District. Aberdour- - - - - (!) Parish} 309] 309] 2] 9 138 | 172 - 692 803 1,495 Crimond - - - - - - = Parish} 188] 188] 1] — 119 45 24 416 484 goo Deer, New - - - - - = Parish} 772] 780] 2] 3 460 | 263 57 1,486 1,725 3,211 Deer, Old - - - (©) Parish} 790} 798] 4] 38 510 | 188] 100 1,543 1,816 3,359 Fergus, St. - - - - (*) Parish - -~{ <-]| - - - - - - - Fraserburgh - - - (°) Parish} 452 | 607, -—| 4 159 | 332 116 1,337 1,494. 2,831 Longside - - - - + «= Parishf 562] 574| 5414 271 236 67 1,079 1,278 2,357 Lonmay - - - - = (?) Parish? 332] 332] -]| 3 204 48 80 770 819 1,589 (*) The entire Parish of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, contains 26,484 In- habitants; and adjoining to this Parish, northward, is the Parish of Old Machar (containing the old City of Aberdeen), the population of which Parish being 18,312, produces a total of 44,796 Persons resident in Aberdeen.——(») Banchory Parish is mostly in the Shire of Kincardine, and entered accordingly.——-(°) Drumoak Parish is partly in the Shire of Kincardine. The entire Parish contains 756 Inhabitants.~-—(*) The entire Parish of New-Machar contains 1,133 Inbabitants. . Straloch- Lands are rated in the Cess-books, and pay Land-tax in the County of Banff. The increase of Population in this Parish is ascribed to the sub- division of land.——¢) In the Parish of Old-Machar are contained the principal additions which have of late years been made to the City or Burgh of Aberdeen, It contains likewise several extensive cotton and other manufactories, some of which have been increased since 1811 ; and also to the City of Old Aberdeen, the Population of which is 1,483. The present enumeration contains 22 males and 4 females now in Jail; 34 males and 8 females in the House of Correction; and 37 males and 47 females in two Lunatic Asylums, all situate in this Parish ——(") The increase of Population in the Parish of Newhills arises from the exten- sion of stone-quarries, and of paper and other manufactories connected with those of the City of Aberdeen, (8) Cabrach Parish is mostly iu the Shire of Banff. The church is situate in Aberdeenshire——(b) One male in Clatt Parish upwards of 100 yearsof age.———(') The prosperity of agriculture before the late depression, is mentioned as a cause of the increased Population of the Parish of Lochell-Cushnie-—-(*) The Po- pulation of the Parish of Tough, has been increased by the settlement of families on Crofts or Pendicles of Farms.——(!) One female in Aber- dour Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (™) Old-Deer Parish is partly in the Shire of Banff. The entire Parish contains 4,841 Inha- bitants. (") St. Fergus is locally situate on the coast of Aberdeen, but belongs to the Shire of Banff, and is there entered.——(°) One male in Fraserburgh Parish upwards of 100 years of age.——() The decrease of Population is ascribed to the enlargement of farms. 6H 490 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration SHIRE OF ABERDEEN—caritinued. HOUSES: ___ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | Fast- Fam | Arp — By a 4 UEEES TIES | OTHER _ | how E | chiesy | Sey | eamilies | | Toran os man “ 2 em- emp ioy: op 5! a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 ny | od |B ed i, [not com os! 5 | Families & 2 ployed Tape, | prized in a 3 OF BO ote a ™ | Manu. | the Two 3 | [PERSONS. ? A | cupled.| | AcRr- | factures | Preced- E DEER, otherwise BUCHAN District— cuL- |orHandi-| _ ing ; continued. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Town &}| 706 /1,376 | 1 139 10 /1,029 | 337 | 1,933 | 2,850 | 4,483 Peterhead - (+) o Parish} 292 | 304] - 91 182 104 18 985 ‘745 1,530 Pitsligo - - - - () Parish} 282 | 305] 6, 14 107 | 135 63 632 713 1,345 Rathen - - - - = Parish] 422 | 422 1} 11 |; 250 17 155 959 967 1,926 Strichen - - - (*) Parish] 416} 487] 1) 4 f 225] 198 64. 929 | 1,039 | 1,968 Be ens F cs. 7 258 | 264) 2) 22 | 64 85 | 115 316 466 482 Tyrie (*) Parish : 190} 193} 1] 3 [| 139 22 32 372 430 802 5:971 | 6,939 | 26 | 455 | 2,838 2,873 |1,228 | 13,249 | 15,629 | 28,848 ELLON District. i Cruden - - - - - (*) Parish} 474] 478 | 2{| - ff 230] e242 6 | 1,129 1,129 | 2,268 Ellon - - - - - - (*) Parish} 545} 550] 2] 6 | 489 54 7 1,093 1,057 2,150 Foveran - - = - (”) Parish | 353 358 1 -_ 206 84 68 712 822 1,534 Logie-Buchan - - - - - Parish{ 126 126} 2] 4 89 20 17 310 319 629 Methlick - - - - - Parish} 295 297 3 2 190 100 70 640 680 1,320 Slains - - - - - - - Parish} 264] 270] 8] g 156 26 88 510 642 1,152 Tarves - - = = (*) Parish} 442] 446 | 5 | 8 270 | 149 2 1,001 1,092 2,093 Udny- - - - - (%} Parish] 244 | 247 | - | = 170 37 40 691 637 | 1,328 2,743 | 2,772 | 23 | 32 | 1,800 | 712 260 6,086 6,378 | 12,464 GARIOCH District. Bourtie - - - - - - Parish 86 87, a=] + 73 12 2 245 218 463 Culsamond - - Parish} 175 177} -| 3 93 28 56 400 436 836 Daviot - - (7) Parish} 140 140 | 2) 2 93 43 4 319 332 651 Garioch, otherwise Logie-Durno Chapelry | 344 |} 345 1 3 214 | 123 8 822 794. 1,616 Insch - - - = - (*) Parish 221 223] 2] 9 122 66 35 528 531 1,059 ya HB Burgh} 158 | 203 | —]| 8 18 | 103 82 333 402 "735 INVERURY - ®) 1 Parishf 63} 63] —| 1 48 3 12 222 172 394 Keithall and Kinkell - - Parish} 178 178 | 3} 12 130 44 4 440 398 838 Kemnay - - - - - (°) Parish} 155 155 | -| 6 ie a7 a 301 356 657 a cece a Burgh "6 86} 2] 4 20 40 26 155 157 312 Honrane ") is Parish} 160 | 161] 3] 7 oa] 30) 37 350 395 745 Leslie - - - - - - Parish gl gl i} 4 84 6 1 219 225 444 Meidrum, Old - - (*) Parish] 402 | 464] 2 | 28 106 | 320 38 793 979 1,772 Monymusk - - + - Parish | 186 194} 2 3 113 52 29 432 435 867 Oyne - ee (*) Parish} 131 131] —| 6 81 30 20 329 347 676 Premnay - - - - - - Parish} 119 119 3 2 a4 37 8 287 280 567 Rayne - - - - - Parish} 300} 304! 4) 4 200 gl 13 650 724 1,374 2,985 |3,121 | 25 | 96 | 1,634 | 1,105 382 6,825 7,181 14,006 KINCARDINE-O'NEIL District. Aboyne and Glentaner - (f) Parish} 224] 225] 2] 5 171 49 5 51l 540 1,051 Birse - - - - - = Parish} 300] 304} 3 | 10 101 40 | 163 716 790 1,506 B zs - Parish See obs cae } 468 | 472} 3] - | 200} 48} 224 907 99° | 1,897 Cluny - 5 Parish | 181 181 -| = 109 29 43 407 450 867 Coull - - ae - Parish} 166 169 2 9 105 59 5 331 370 701 Echt - - Parish} 222 228 21/10 131 94 3 513 517 1,030 Glenmuick, Tullich & Glengairn Parish! 463} 470] 8{ 8 323 48 99 1,042 1,181 2,223 — (*) The entire Parish of Peterhead contains 6,313 Inhabitants. The | Parish of Tarves, small crofts of land are now let to labourers and others increase of Population in ten years appears to have been 1,606; but in 1811, 300 men serving in the Militia were not included. ‘This reduces the increase to 1,300, which has been occasioned partly by the harbour improvements and the numerous stone-quarries opened in the neighbour- hood, but chiefly by the additional shipping employed in the Whale Fishery, and otherwise. ) The Parish of Pitsligo adjoins that of Fraserburgh, with a doubtful boundary, by which a few families are per- haps erroneously ascribed to Fraserburgh Parish._—(°) Fraser of Lovat is building a large mansion-house at Strichen, which causes a temporary increase of Population, (‘) The entire Parish of Tyrie contains 1,584 Inhabitants. in the second column of Occupations. ——(") One male in Ellon Parish, and one in Foveran Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. ——(*) In the (%) The families of Fishermen at Cruden are included . for their accommodatiun——{) A new church at Udny, now in pro- gress, causes a temporary increase of Population. (“) One male in Daviot Parish upwards of 100 years of age. ——~(4) The slate-quarries in the Parish of Insch have caused an increase of Population ——/") The entire Parish of Inverury contains 1,129 Inhabitants. The increase is attributable to a cattle market and tu a canal——(¢) Land, heretofore uncultivated, has been improved in the Parish of Kemnay, which has caused an increase of Population, The same remark applies to Old Meldrum.——~(*) The entire Parish of Kintore coutains 1,057 Inhabit- ants. Que female in this Parish upwards of 100 years of age—— (*) One female in Oyne Parish upwards of 100 years of ace. A quarry has Been cpened in this Parish——-(") One male in Aboyne Parish upwards of 100 years of age. M.DCCC.XXE} POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV: ©. Q4 SHIRE OF ABERDEEN—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famer | EAM | 4 | By | | diay | One oe ; | | how 3 chiefly engl Families |. } . TOTAL. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. B iy | so |e | e™ | edin |notcom- LH 4 ; 5 Families FI 2 ployed Trane, | prized in fe 3 or s Oc- fe ff ™ | Manu- | theTwo ) Parish] 447 | 451) -—| 2 369 52 30 1,221 1,263 2,484 Kilmartin - - - - = - Parish} 286] 289} -—| - 96 43 | 120 736 716 | 1,452 Kilmichael-Glasry - - - (°) Parish] 701 | 860] 4/ 5 | 494] 192] 234 | 2,332 | 2,251 | 4,583 Knapdale, South - - ~ - Parishf 360} 3731 —| - | 118 34] 221 985 g28 | 1,913 2,966 | 3,343 | 12 | 31 11,887 | 504 | 952 | 8,548 | 8,802 | 17,450 COWAL District. Dunoon and Kilmun - - - Parish} 338} 367 | 12 | 14 88 50} 229 | 1,054 | 1,123 | 2,177 Inverchaolain - - - - = Parish} 106| 115] —| 1 39 72 4 318 333 651 Kilfinan - - - - - s = Parish} 343 | 351] -| 3 119 58 | 174 958 881 1,839 Kilmodan - - - - - = Parish} 110] 118] 4] - 110 8 - 357 374 731 Kilmorich - - - - - = Parish} 75 | 81] -| 2 19} 10] 52 212 224 436 Lochgoilhead - - - = = Parish} 123] 128] -—|] —- 40 55 33 350 344 694 Strachur - 2 - + + = Parish} 146] 152] —| 2 33 89 30 376 326 702 Strathlachlan =< = = Parish 86 go} 2] = 53 30 7 249 253 502 1,327 11,402 | 18 | 22 | 501 | 372} 529 | 3,874 | 3,858 | 7,732 ISLAY District. Bowmore - - - - - = (4) Pash? 673] 717] 5 | 3 665 44 8 | 1,870 1,907 3,777 Collonsay += - - - - - Island} 148] 148] -—] — 94 24 30 454 450 904 Jura - + = - + + = - Parish? 237] 240] 44 11 129 39 72 623 641 1,264 Kildalton - - - - - - + Parish} 4924 432; 2| - 316 } 106 10 | 1,219 | 1,208 | 2,427 Kilchoman - - - + Parish} 7o2}] 728{ 1] 2] 577] 103] 48 } 1,993 | 1,973 | 3,966 Kilmenny - - - = = - Parish] 282] 4o8] 6 {| 14 144 48} 216 983 1,018 2,001 Knapdale, North - + -(*) Parish? 418] 44g] -—| — 321 83 45 1,334. 1,320 2,654 2,892 |3,122 | 18 | 30 | 2,246} 447 { 429 | 8,476 | 8,517 [16,993 KINTYRE District. Fee : Ss ape Burgh} 409 |1,409| 4] - 1 | 520} 888 | 2,790 | 3,655 | 6,445 CAMPBELTOWN 0 é Parish} 345 | 3781 11 24 269 751 34 | 1,237 | 1,334 | 2,571 Gigha and Cara- - - = - Parish} 106] 108] -]| 3 43 20 45 287 286 573 Kilberry - - - - - + (8) Parish} 2:02] 217] 11] 4 88 22+ 107 539 528 1,067 Kilcalmonell - + = = (8) Parishf 445 | 464} 1] - 141 83] 240 | 1,257 1,254 2,511 Killean and Killchenzie - - Pash] 564 | 570 | — | 22 127 88 | 355 1,639 1,667 3,306 Saddle - - - = = = = Parish} 167] 173] -| - 69 19 85 435 424 859 Skipness - - - - - = = Parish} 213 / 214] -—| - 22 20} 172 693 639 1,332 Southend - - - - = - - Parish] 372] 481 2]147 109 48 | 324 977 1,027 2,004. 2,823 [4,014] 9 | 48 | 869] 895 |2,250 | 9,854 | 10,814 | 20,668 LORN District. —_—_— Appin) - - = = = = = Parish} 494} 494} 2] 6 | 336] 138 20 | 1,194 | 1,271 | 2,465 Ardchattan - - - - + + Parshf 298] 314] 1] 5 178 43 93 823 840 | 1,663 Dalavich - - - - = = = Parish[ 96 96 |- -| - 24 4 68 222 258 480 Glenorchy - - - - - = Parish} 190] 218| 2{/ 5 | 132{ 35] 51 538 584 {| 1,122 Kilbrandon - - - - - = Parish} 314/ 336] 2 | 88 41 | 160] 135 765 727 | 1,492 . (#) Ardnamurchan Parish is partly in the Shire of Inverness. The entire Parish contains 5,422 Inhabitants. (°) Kilmallie Parish is mostly in the Shire of Inverness. The entire Parish contains 5,527 Inhabitants. The apparent decrease of Population results from the removal of persons occupied in making the Caledonian Canal in 1811. —(*) One male in Glasry Parish upwards of 100 years of age, The village of Loch-Gilp head has greatly increased in consequence of the oy the Population of the Parish of Kilberry; as has the improved state of Crinan Canal.—(*) One male and one female in Bowmore Parish, upwards of 100 years of age.——(¢) The Crinan Canal passes through the Parish of North Knapdale-——(f) The entire Parish of Campbeltown contains g,016 Inhabitants——(®) The subdivision of a large farm has increased the herring fishery in the Parish of Kilcalmonell. 6 I 494 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. aren ee Ca SHIRE OF ARGYLL—continued. 7 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bea | 2 | avs By ze LIES | ohieA Orner ; on _ | how Z| chiefly | ploy-[Families } 5 8 | TOTAL z many | y | 3 em- ed in |Rot com- 2} wl EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 Families} .§ 4 ployed | pp pz, | prized in 4 < or ga | Om |S | 2] [Meer |itetwof 6 & _|PERsons, - cupied. | a | Acri- |factures,| preced- taal CUL- JorHandi-| _ 8 TURE. | craft, | Classes. LORN District—continued,. ; Gite se 2 + - Parishf 247| 423] 6] 1 86 | 143 | 194 957 989 | 1,946 Kilehattan - - - - - = Parish] 259] 264] 2] 2 568} 93] 115 605 547 | 4,152 Kilchbrenan - - - © © - Parishf 107] 107] -]| - 32 6 69 284 307 591 Kilmelford - - - - - - Parish} 70 74}, -| 1 a9 20 25 206 195 401 Kilmore =. = - Parish} 148] 151} -| - 75 15 61 408 396 804 Kilninver = - + - Parish} 134} 1412 | 2] 11 56 23 62 340 345 685 Listwora =. = SS eS Parish | 307 310} 1] 3 177 23 110 817 821 1,638 2] - 24 | 129 16 425 406 831 Muckairn = - = + + = = «Parishf 163] 163 2,827 13,091 | 19 {122 J 1,246 | 826 1,019 7,584 4,686 115,270 MULL District. OHIO) ap eo et Bee (") Parish} 230] 234 | — |237] 126 22 86 610 654 | 1,264 Kifinichen & Kilvickeon - - Parish] 680] 680; g | - | 362 61 | 257 | 1,917 | 2,050 | 3,967 Kilnivian & Kilmore - - + Parish} 716] 813 | a1 | 7 694 | 112 7 | 2,101 2,256 | 4,357 Morvern - - --- Parish} 342} 342; -| — | 206[ 50] 86 998 997 | 1,995 -Small-Isles (part of) Parish: (‘) ~ Canna (+) - o- - Isle 73 Toy Sy 73 = - 206 230 436 Muck (+) - © - - - = Isle 57 By Sa 52 5 - 145 176 321 Rum(+) + + - - Ise] 65) 65) -]| - 61 < 1 177 217 304 Tiry, (Eastern District) (")1 y5.44 221 | 222) — j}241] 140 12) 70 606 Gru. | tay Tiry, (Western Disied) (*) ane 500 | 511] — 1535} 309 36 | 166 | 1,454 | 1,510 | 2,964 Terosay - - - Parish} 340 | 340] ~| ~ | 217} 123 — | 1,125 | 1,163 | 2,288 G)~ 3,224 | 3,337 | 20 |1,020} 2,240 | 424 | 673 | 9,339 | 9,864 | 19,203 (®) The entire Parish of Tiry and Coll contains 5,445 Inhabitants. | Parish of Tiry and Coll, including barns, byzes, &c. as uninhabited One female in the western Discrict of Tiry upwards of 100 years of age. houses, and producing a total too large by about 1,000. —(i) The The remarkably large number of Uninhabited Houses attributed to the | Island of Figg, part of the Parish of Small-Isles, is in the Shire of Shire of Argyll, arises from the singular Return received from the | Inverness. The entire Parish contains 1,620 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ARGYLL, c Sar District of ARGYLL - - 2,966 | 3,343; 12 | 314 1,887] 5041 952 8,648 8,802 | 17,450 cCOWAL - - oR - | 1,327] 1,402] 18 | 227 501) 372) 529 | 3,874 | 3,858 | 7,732 ISLAY - - - - - | 2,892] 3,122] 18] 30] 2,246] 447] 429 8,476 8,517 16,993 KINTYRE - + 2,823| 4,014} 9] 48 869} 805 |2,250 | 9,854 | 10,814 | 20,668 LORN - - - - - © - {| 2,827] 3,091] 19 | 122] 1,246] 826 | 1,019 4,584 7,686 -| 15,270 MULL - - - - - =| 3,224} 3,337] 20 |1,020} 2,240] 424 | 673 9,339 9,864 | 19,203 h ToTaLs - - ~ [16,059 1|18,309] 96 eee 8,989 | 3,468 | 5,852 | 47,775 | 49,541 | 97,316 M-DCCC.XXI.j THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94: 405 a a Lame ne SHIRE OF ARGYLL—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. f Ca —~ 5 1o | 15 | 20 30 40 50 | GO | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 p ; ee 4 Under |‘ ; ] q ‘ | | ae a q 4 Distnict : to to to | to | to | to to | to | to} to | to | & 5 1 * 10 16 20 30 7 40 } 50 | 60 70 | 80 | 90 } 100] UP yf & of ; 1 wards. r ve ; | | ARGYLL + ~ - - 11,330 [4,208 |1,053 | 907 11,2561 9391 759] 532 |419]171] 62 | 13} 3 } 8,650 cowaL - - - -4 578| 552| 479} 419] 6454 421 {| 272] 235 |a74} 71} 24] 4] - | 3,874 | q 4d. q ISLAY - - - - - 141,248 11,259 11,099 1,106 | 1,166 9471 491 492 |4561178} 30} 5 1 { 83478 ¢ q y q KINTYRE - - - 11,694 11,571 11,301 | 1,002 | 1,343 | 900 | 77974 563 [430] 210} Go | lS 9,870 LORN - - = - - 41,210 ]1,098 | 991 826 | 935 | 732 | 6341 509 366 198| 52} 24] — | 7.575 MULL = + + - = 415312 | 1,294 11,187 | 978] 1,280} 878 | 659} 546 | 414/133] 34 | 17 | - 1 8,732 Total of MALES - | 7,372 |6,982 | 6,110 | 5,238 | 6,625 {4,817 | 3,594 2,877 | 2,259 9611262} 80} 2 447,179 1- FEMALES. f t ¥ 7 — 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 1001 Under ‘ 4 District to to to | to | to | to to to | to! to | to] & g e 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100| ™P- a of \wards, ARGYLL ~- - = - 41,299 | 1,137 |1,017 | 849 |1,367 11,077 | 782 | 653} 412/146] 55 | 8] - 8,802 cowaL - = - - | 620] 470| 397{ 364} 629 | 470) 338 | 2634197] 80) 23) 7] - 7 3,858 ISLAY. - - - -]1,215 |1,202 | g32} 825.}2,191 | 1,041 | 756 | 653 |4711148] 63 | 7] 1 J 8,505, KINTYRE - - ~ - 44,578 [1,453 [1,937 |1,162 |1,602 |1,248 | 995 | 727 |476|214] 73 | 13 | - [10,808 LORN - - - - -4$1,158 /1,229 | 896) 605 |1,053 |] 833} 678] 615 |421}236] 59 | 15 | — | 7,698 MULL + - - ~- - [1,378 [1,284 11,033 | 973 1,399 |1076 | 789 | 660 | 405/169] 45] 13) 1 | 9,225) Total of FEMALES | 7,248 | 6,675 | 5,612 | 4,778 |'7,241 15,745 | 4,268 | 3,571 | 2,382) 993/318] 63 | 2 | 48,896 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Argyll wus .... 97,316,.. .. aud the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 96,075, .. . whence it appears, that the Ages-of one seventy-ninth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. : The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Argyll was'56; three of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+-): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 496 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: B -ueemctnpsiadendeanstererieeteeee eet teeeereeeneeneagueriioitaigetnineseiedatintnentieertniteedtaes-ineecarmencnteonet Shire of Ayr. a CE, —— HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Exme| S88] ton By : LIES hi A OtneR OR : how z chiefly angio Families un TOTAL BS fomy | wo] SP e™ | edin |notcom-| 5 a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, = Families Z 4 ployed | Traps, | prized in is) a oF 3 Oc | = |G in | Manu- |the Twof % __|PERSONS. A cupied. | Y Acrr- | factures,| preced- a fo as CUL- |orHandi- a CARRICK District. — = Paearoms = = = < Peta, 243} 265] 2] 12 113 50 | 102 626 654 1,280 Barr - - - = >= - = = Parish} 157 | 167] — | 18 go 54 23 411 426 837 Colmonell - 2+ - = (*) Parish? 387] 421} 2 | 10 275 98 48 992 988 1,980 Dailly - - - = = + = Parish]? 388] 448] 4] 19 | 189] 139 | 120 | 1,032 | 1,129 | 2,161 Girvan - - = = (°) Parish? 867 ]1,548 | 9 | 21 207 | 1,318 23 |] 2,227 | 2,263 4,490 Kirkmichael - = - (*) Parish? 335] 405] 4] 4 206 | 195 24 | 1,110 | 1,125 2,235 Kirkoswald - * = Parish} 330] 355| ~| 7] 1859| 97] 99 gil 936 | 1,847 Maybole - - - - = (4) Parish] 735 |1,022 | 1 | 16 329 | 525 | 168 | 2,570 2,634 | 5,204 Straiton - - - - - - = Parish} 226] 257] 3] 3 122 130 5 644 648 1,292 3,608 | 4,888 | 25 | 110 } 1,690 | 2,586 | 612 | 10,523 | 10,803 21,326 CUNNINGHAME District. Ardrossan - = = = (©) Parish 389 | 599 1/18 54 | 522 2 ‘ 3 | 1,442 | 1,663 | 3,105 ee (part of) - - = (f) Parish! 548 | 979 | 2} 6 | 2441 596] 139 | 2,046 | 2359 | 4,405 oy eS oe = = = Hamel -g7e |) 670) =) — | a8) wee] 29 | 4jooy | 3909. | Siaia Dreghorn - - - - - Parish} 142 151 1 1 48 go 13 406 450 856 Dunlop (part of) - - = (5) Pash} 190] 197] -| 2] 138] 49| 10 516. 513 | 1,029 Fenwick > a sos) Bash] 26a | aay) 64 = 192 | 107 48 905 947 1,852 IRVINE - - - Burgh & Parish } 1,025 11,637 | 67 6 166 | 591 | 880 | 3,029 3,978 7,007 Kilbirnie - 2 - = Parish] 202 288 1 5 68 213 7 625 4708 1,333 Kilbride, West - - - (i) Parish} 199] 273 | 1] 6 95 | 151 27 681 690 1,371 Kilmarnock - = = = Town & Parish 1,320 2,696 5 5 120 | 2,506 70 5,972 6,797 12,709 Kilmaurs = - - - Parish} 264) 331 | -| 4 64] 251 16 795 865 1,660 Kilwinning - - - - = = Parish 528 755 2] 18 298 447 10 1,958 1,738 3,696 Largs Parish: (*) Town and Suburbs - - - - - f 2721 395] 1 | 16 87 | 222 86 816 950 1,766 Fairlie,&c. - - - - Village? 119 | 128) -—| a1 89 31 8 353 360 713 Loudoun Parish: (1) Darvel - - 7 + - - Villagef 134] 2ge9f -—| - 15 | 202 12 517 513 1,030 dandeand: Port - - - ~ 190 | 208} -—]| 2 151 46 11 579 589 1,168 New Milns - + - = Town} 156[{ 317} -] — 17 | 280 20 451 792 1,543 Stevenston - - - (*) - Parish] 4g2} 785] 1] — 251 373 | 387 | 1,673 1,885 3,558 Stewarton Parish: (™) ; Country - - - - - - - = 241 252 1 | 12 200 27 25 674 415 1,389 Suburbs - - - ~ 9 - 58 | 101 1 7 21 68 12 209 238 447 Town - - - - - - - 209 | 437 1 | 24 65 | 310 62 875 945 1,820 7419 | 11,775! 30 | 143 | 2,375 | 7,505 |1,895 | 26,426 | 29,404 | 55,830 KYLE District. | Auchinleck - - - - Parish} 227) 2961 1] 3 "6] 106] 114 793 931 1,524 AYR Se ye - Burgh & Parish} 944 11,541 | 10] 8 120 | 551] 870 35344 4,111 7,455 Ccylton - (") Parish} 221 2501 —|} 5 116 83 51 692 705 1,397 Craigie - - - Parish} 127 145 | -| 8 94 17 34 392 41l 803 Cuninock, New - - - Parish} 273 | 3g01] 4] 5 111 62} 128 817 839 1,656 Cumnock, Old - - - - Parish} 395 | 496] ~| 7 100 | 224; 172 1,149 1,194 2,343 Dalmellington - - - Parish} 176 | 916] —| 1 67 99 50 488 488 976 Dalrymple - - - (°) Parish} 150 169} —]| 8 90 64 15 449 484 933 Dundonald (?) Parishy 288 | 470] 3] 21 73} 361 36 | 1,233 1,249 2,482 (?) The increase of Population in the Parish of Colmonell is accounted for by the goodness of the roads, which has produced a great improve- ment in cultivation of the lands (°) A considerable increase of the cotton manufactory has taken place at Girvan. (S) The practice of feuing small parcels of land has increased the Population in Kirkmichael Parish. (*) One female in Maybole Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The increase of trade has been considerable in this Parish.— (*) Saltcoats (Sea- port Town) is partly in the Parish of Ardrossan, partly in Stevenston. () Beith Parish is partly in Renfrewshire. The eutire Parish contains 4,472 Inhabitants, () Dun'op Parish is partly in Renfrewshire. The entire Parish contains 1,097 Inhabitarts.—— (5) There has been an increase of trade, and improvement in agriculture in the Parish of Fenwick.——(i) An influx of strangers settled in the Parish of Kilbride———(*) The entire Parish of Largs contains 2,479 Inhabitants.——(!) The entire Parish of Loudoun contains 3,741 Inha- bitants.——(™) The entire Parish of Stewarton contains 3,656 Inhabi- tants, (") The Collieries in the Parish of Coylton have increased since 1811. (°) A large farm has been subdivided in the Parish of Dalrymple.——(?) The formation of a Harbour at Troon, and Railways, have much increased the Population in the Parish of Dundonald. M.DCCC.XXL.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV, ¢. 94- 497 = a -SHIRE OF AYR—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | Fam) Ary By : LIES : Orner oR f how 2 chiefly oui Families a TOTAL 3 many ‘ 3 em- in {not com- 5 ‘S| EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = |Families| 2 | 4 ployed gee = ihe a a a oF Oe | a] in | Manu. | the Two 2 — {PERSONS. a cupied.| 5 Pp Acrr- | factures,| preced- 3 ray CUL- ‘orHandi-| _ ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. KYLE District—continued. Galston - - - - = = - Parish{ 421 | 641] -—| 3 204 | 391 46 1,716 1,726 3,442 Mauchline - - = = Town& Parish] 308] 425} ~| 3 75 | 168] 182 979 | 1,078 2,059 Monkton - - - - - (4) Parish} 254] 362/ 1] 4 | 108] 234] 20 839 905 1,744 Muirkirk - - - - + (*) Parish 366 | 510} —- | 24 56 | 444 10 1,381 1,306 2,687 Newton-upon-Ayr - - (*) Parish} 493 | 852] —|- 9 4] 566] 282 | 1,958 | 2,069 4,027 Ochiltree - = - - - + - Parish} 275] 319/ 1/ 4 143} 101 "5 742 831 1,573 Quivox, St. - - - - (*) Parish} 546 ]1,088; 7] 6 180 | 633 | 275 2,655 2,737 5,392 Riccarton - - - ~ (") Parish} 291 | 389] 2] 6 82 99 | 208 1,022 1,100 2,122 Sorn - - - - = + - - Parish} 457 | 783] 11 3 146 | 443] 194 1,725 2,140 3,865, Stair - - - - - - + - Parish} 104] 130] -| 7 51 26 53 356 390 746 Symington - - - - - - Parish} 143 | 165] -1} 5 43} 29] 93 345 399 144 Torbolton - - - = = = Parish} 356] 434] 3 | 13 203 | 216 15 1,053 1,122 2,175 6,815 | 9,982 | 32 | 153 | 2,142 | 4,917 | 2,923 | 24,128 | 26,015 | 50,143 (4) The influx and settlement of strangers (Irishmen) is noticed in the | has taken place at Newton-upon-Ayr.——(‘) The Parish of St. Quivox Schedule returned from Monkton, and in many others from the Kyle | has been enlarged, at the expense of the Parish of Newton. (") The District of Ayrshire.——(") Ironworks have been abandoned in the Parish | Parish of Riccarton has been enlarged by a Decree of the Court of of Muirkirk.——(°) Extension of the,collieries and of trade in general, | Session, SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF AYR. gO District of CARRICK - - - = - =| 3,608] 4,888] 25 |110 } 1,690 2,586 612 | 10,523 | 10,803 | 21,326 CUNNINGHAME - - - - | 7,419] 11,775] 30 |143 | 2,375 | 7:505| 1,895 | 26,426 | 29,404 ] 55,830 KYLE- - - - - - - - | 6,815} 9,982] 32 [353 2,142 | 4,917} 2,923 ] 24,128 } 26,015 | 50,143 17,842 | 26,645 |'87 | 406 | 6,207 | 15,008] 5,430} 61,077 66,222 | 127,299 6K [ Enumeration, question to that effect. Males and Females 4098 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Sey: a: See SHIRE OF AY R—continued, Ages of Persons. MALES, c— j ; a 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 ce 80 | 90 | 100 . Under ' 4 & | fl District to to to to to ‘to to to to | to } to Ei . i up- & 10 | 16 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80} 90 |100},R.). = CARRICK + - «$1,561 {1,386 |1,197 | 1,040 | 1,683 | 1,308 | 894] 675 | 446) 248] 66] 11 | — 10,515 CUNNINGHAME - [4,298 13,634 | 3,330 | 2,794 |3,722 |2,801 2,174 11,552 |1,099, 557 | 166/13 | — }26,140 KYLE - - - - - [3,823 |3,510 13,167 |2,446 | 3,563 12,477 {2,105 }1,383 |1,016] 501/136] 16 | - 245143 Total of MALES ] 9,682 {8,530 | 7,694 | 6,280 8,968 | 6,586 5,173 | 3,610 |2,561/ 1,306) 368} 4o | ~— [60,798 FEMALES f 1 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 }] 70 | 80 | 90 |100 Under & 4 District ‘ to to to to to to to to to | to | to | 5 . up- of 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go | 70 | 80] 90 }100;,.F ] & CARRICK + = * + 11,497 |1,402 | 1,186 | 1,094 | 1,667 {1,379 | 1,009 | 679 | 500}/297| 81] 11] 1 10,803 | CUNNINGHAME = - ]4,153 | 3,579 {3,247 [3,208 |5,250 | 3,295 {2,480 |1,904 |1,354/ 653/174] 19 | — [29,316 ; KYLE - - - - ~ 43,633 {3,244 | 2,960 | 3,029 | 4,406 | 2,957 | 2,351 | 1,565 |1,115/554]175] 26 | — {26,015 Total of FEMALES | 9,283 | 8,225 | 7,393 | 7,331 | 11,323 |7,631 | 5,840 {4,148 |2,969/1,504! 430] 56 1 66,134. THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Ayr was . . . 127,299,... and the Number of Persons phase Ages were returned, was . 126,932, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Fersons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Ayr was 51; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficieut, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of M.DCCC.XXI.] Shire of Banff. ‘VHE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 499 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ii Te | Fanur- er ae | : ; D ‘ THER G : on | how, | _ | & | ciety males Families 2 2 a On ' £ | many | 2] 8 em- ed in | not com- B 4 or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families} § | 3B | ployed |Trane,|prizedin) 3 BasOns a : Oc- a 5 ain Mann- | the Two 3 : Ei P. : | cupied. | -Aeri- | factures,| preced- ~ cuL- |orHandi-] ing TuRE. | craft. | Classes. ] Aszrzovr - oc ~ =~ = + Parish} 216) 223] 4] 2 99 81 43 492 567 1,059 Alvah- - - = - = - = Parishf 212 | 223] 4] 4 163 21 39 521 558 1,079 BanFr - - - - - Burgh& Parish} 695 | 945] 41 9 284 | 489] 172 1,694. 2,161 3,855 Bellie (part of) - - - () Parish} 191} 197] 11 9 92 31 "4 “556 | 531 1,087 Boharm (part of)- - - (*) Parish} 136] 134] 31] 4 68 191 47 320 “| 341 661 Botriphnie - - - - - = Parish} 117] 119] 1] 2 65 50 4 274 1 298 572 Boyndie - - - - - = = Parish} 289] 297] 8 | 18 125 69 | 103 “600 } 690 1,290 Cabrach (part of) - - (°} Parish} 119] 122] 2] 6 63 20 38 266 } 296 | 562 Cairney (partof) - - - (4) ‘Parish waiooaa] =] = 4 4 - 39 32 “1 CuLLen - - - (*) Burgh& Parish] 320] 3524118] 3 2} 149} 201 677 1 775 1 1,452 Deer, Old (part of) - - (f) Parish} 118] 119] —| 9 "4 39 6 228 | 254 | 482 Deskford - - - - = - + Parish} 169] 169] —| —- 159 10 - 326 } 367 693 Fergus, St. - - - - (8) Parish 11] 331] 2] 12 197 94 40 6oo } 756 | (1,356 Fordyce - - - - - + Parish 13} 733) 5] 6 315 | 215 | 303 1,480 | 1,765 3,245 Forglen - - - - = ~ + Parish} 157/ 159] -—| 2 82 15 62 339 411 450 Gamrie - = - - - > Parish} 679) 838] 7 | 11 273 | 530) 35 [ 1,723 | 1,993 | 3,716 Gartly (part of - - - (5) Parish] 1 941 2] 5 61 29 | 4 219 226 445 Glass - - - - - (') > Parish - —-{ -| - - =) - = = - | Grange - - - - = (*) Parish} 329 | 329] -—| 8 173 33 | 123 706 746 1,482 Inveraven (part of) (+) (!) Parish} 488 | 500} 2 | 15 260] 175 | 65 | 1,052 } 1,301 "| 2,353 Inverkeithny - - - - - Parish} 112] 112] 1] 7 64 24 24 299 278 | Bay Keith - - - - - = (®) Parish} 854 | 1,037 | 13 | 13 278 | 316] 443 | 1,743 | 2,183 3,926 Kirkmichael - - (++) - + Parish} 320] 337] 7 | 8 182 564 99 733 837 | 1,570 Marnoch - - - - = (") Parish} 499} 512 1 3 220 76} 216 1,028 1,182 2,210 Mortlach - - - - - (") Parish} 432 | 447] 11} 19 go2 49 g6 | 1,014 1,030 2,044 Ordiquhill - - - - - = Parish} 122] 124} 3] 6 67 23 34 228 2978 506 Rathven - - - - - - Parish }1,118 | 1,169 | 20 | 24 401 303 | 465 2,510 2,854 5,364 Rothiemay - - - - - + Parish} 253] 253] 1] 2 174 19 60 526 628 | 1,154 Straloch-Lands - - - (°) — - -?| -{ - - _ - - - = _Torats - - - - 18,971 | 9,885 | 120] 210 | 4,150 | 2,939 | 2,796 | 20,193 | 23,368 | 43,561 (*) Bellie Parish is mostly in the Shire of Elgin. The entire Parish contains 2,235 Inhabitants. (©) Boharm Parish is partly in the Shire of Elgin. The entire Parish contains 1,206 Inhabitants. () Cabrach Parish is im the Shire of Aberdeen (Atford District.) The entire Parish contains 937 Inhabitants. Moss fuel is plentiful in this Parish. ——(*) Cairney Parish is mostly in the District of Strathbogie, Shire of Aberdeen, The entire Parish contains 1,854 Inhabitants.———(¢) The increase of Population at Cullen is greatly attributable to the fishery : Fishermen’s families are placed in the second colamn of Occupations. —— ¢) Old-Deer Parish is mostly in the Shire of Aberdeen (Ajford District.) 9 The entire Parish contains 4,841 Inhabitants. ——(®) St, Fergus is locally situate on the east coast of Aberdeenshire, but the whole is entered in | @) Inveraven Parish extends into the Shire of Elgin. The entire Parish | contains 2,481 Inhabitants——(™) The village of Fife-Keith has been | cherder has greatly increased since 18115 and there is a-new village in the Shire of Banff.——(h) Gartly Parish is mostly in Aberdeenshire (Strathbogie District.) ‘The entire Parish contains 979 Inhabitants. (@) Glass Parish is partly in Aberdeenshire (Strathbogie District,) where the whole is entered——(*) In the Parish of Grange, farms have in- creased in extent, and the Population is somewhat diminished. built since 1811.——(*°) In the Parish of Marnoch, the viliage of Aber- the Parish of Mortlach,——(°) For Straloch-Lands, see New-Machar Parish, Aberdeenshire (District of Aberdeen.) Ages of Persons. ~ 5 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 701 80} 90 {100 Hi Ta me! to | to | to | to | to | to | to |to | tof tolo{*&| = of ® | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Go | 70 | 80 | 90} 100),2%),, © MALES - - --- ~ £2,618} 2,333] 2,280f 1,820] 2,562] 1,903] 1,731] 1,291 {1,086/562/1841 13 | — 18,383 FEMALES - - - - 2,591| 2,344] 1,934] 1,984] 3,523 2,538] 2,151] 1,874 |1,405|658)195/ 18 | — 21,215 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Banff was . . : in compliance with the question to that effect. - incerrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. + 43,561, . - 39,598, .. . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly one-eleventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Banff was 27; two of which did not contain any answer to the - question cancrraing Ages, and are thus marked (-): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient; or redundant,—or . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration: 500 eyes Shire of Berwick. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: | Fami- ent ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By | ues | dibhy | Oruen P how 2 chiefly employ- | Families a TOTAL OR 3 many i | 3 em- ed in |not com- wi -] ‘= | Families} & | & | ployed | Taapz, [prized in a s or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. @ | o- | 3 | 4 in | Manu. [the Two} & IPERSons.} cupied.| @ | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- 3 ie ‘ cvuL- florHandi-| _ ing —— TURE. | craft, | Classes. Aszey, Sr. BarHans - - Parish 28 28 1| 4 22 2 4 42 18 150 | Ayton- - - (©) Parish} 245 | 340] 8} 6 140 | 110 go 672 809 | 1,481 Bunkle and Preston - - Parish} 134 149) - 2 113 32 4 376 4l1l 987 Channelkirk - - - - = Parishf 136 150} 4] 14 93 43 14 370 360 730 Chirnside - - - (#) Parish} 210 | 272} -—] 9 106 80 86 541 648 1,189 Cockburnspath - - - Parish} 178 | 205 | 10] 9 116 43 46 495 471 966 Coldingham - - - - = Parishf 480 | 556] — | 33 279 | 130] 147 1,293 1,382 2,675 Coldstream - - - Parish} 432 | 644] 2] 8 236 | 208 | 200 1,326 1,475 2,801 Cranshaws - ev = - Parish 30 30]; —| 2 22 3 5 69 87 156. Dunse- - - - - (>) Parish 498 864 — 8 217 336 gli 1,800 1,973 3/773 Earlstown - <= () Pim} S12) o0rj —| 6 | M4t] 24p) 47 817 888 | 1,705 Eecles- - - - - - - = Parish? 394] 421/ 2/23 | 284] 70] 67 | 875 | 1,025 | 1,900 Edrom - - = = 5 Parish} 274) 296] 1) 21 | 198] 64] 34 725 791 | 1,516 © Eyemouth - - - - Parish} 1971] 279] —| 2 30 104 | 145 528 637 | 1,165 Fogo - - = = 4 Parish 85 87; -| 4 71 9 4 214 255 469 Foulden - - - - - Parish 78 82 -_ 1 51 15 16 183 213 396 , Gordon - - - - (4) Parish} 165] 174] -—| 8 109 48 17 327 413 440 Greenlaw - - - Parish} 250} 297} 1 | 10 130 | 100 67 637 712 1,349 Hume - - - - - Parish 78 81} -] 4 30 10 41 201 200 401 Hutton - - - - - Parish} 216] 239] 1] 4 100 46 93 542 576 1,118 . Ladykirk - - - - - - Parish 99} 107; 1] 7 60 20 27 258 269 527 Langton - - - - - - - Parish} 84] 98] -—] 6 58 22 18 219 258 | 4474 Lauper - - — - Burgh& Parish} 336 | 393 | 1] 22 [ 119} 109} 165 g26 919 | 1,845 Laverock, or Leveret-Law (*) Parish 8 8} 2] = 9 - 1 21 18 39 Legerwood - - - - (4) Parish 79 85 | 41] 10 69 11 5 226 250 476 Longformacus - - - - Parish 76 81 | 1 | 22 54 15 12 191 211 402 Mertoun - - Parish} 115 117 1 9 60 28 29 302 308 610 Mordington_- - - - - Parish 56 59} -]| 38 22 4 33 134 168 302 Nenthorn- - - - - Parish 69 69 | -]| 2 38 13 18 202 191 393 Oldhamstocks (part of) - (f) Parish 15 14{ -{ 3 13 2 ~ 65 34 99 Polwarth - - Parish 63 66} 4] 2 29 17 20 148 150 298 Stitchell - - - - - (®) Parish ~ -~| -}] - - = - - ~ = Swinton - - + - - - Parish} 188 ] 211 -| 4 98 41 72 464 455 919 Whitsome~ - - - - Parishf 119 126} -| — 100 19 7 315 346 661 Westruther - - - - - ~- Parish} 1571 175] 11 9 119 26 30 442 428 870 5,803 | 7,165 | 42 {276 | 3,334 | 1,923 [1,908 | 15,976 | 17,409 | 33,385: (*) Arable land has been converted into pasture in the Parish of ¢ a diminution of Population at Gordon; also in Legerwood Parish. Chirnside, in the Parish of Cranshaws, and in the Parish of Longforma- ]} (*) Laverock-Law is a pendicle of the Parish of Ayton ; and if so, the cus. (°) One female in Dunse Parish upwards of 100 years of age. | Population of that Parish becomes 1,520 persons. (f) Oldhamstocks Marsh land has been drained, and brought into cultivation, which has | Parish is mostly in the Shire of Haddington. The entire Parish contains tended to increase health and population. (©) Weaving has been in- } 725 Inhabitants. (*) Stitchell Parish is partly in the Shire of Rox- troduced, and flourishes in the village of Earlstown.——(4) The im- | burgh, where the whole is entered ; it is united with the Parish of Hume provement of agriculture having thrown small farms together, has caused } in Berwickshire. Ages of Persons: i “N 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | '70/80|90|100} Total NORE | te to to to to to to | to’ | to | to | to | & = ai 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 6o | 70 | 80| 90 /100\,2%.) & MALES - - = =| 2,351] 2,173] 1,955] 1,747) 2,406] 1,714] 1,374| 920 |789 |418/100} 8] — 115,955 FEMALES - = +7 2,271} 2,144] 1,765} 1,800] 3,065] 2,048] 1,526]1,188 | 989 | 481/121] 11 1 [17,410 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Berwick was . was... 93,365, ... the question to that effect. ied respective Number of Males and Females. whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Berwick was 34; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages: a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or ‘incorrect in the 3,385, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, M.DCCC.XXB.] . THE, POPULATION: ACT, .I GEO. IV. C. 94." 501 Shire of Bute.. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: a Famr- pee Aut PARISH, TOWNSHIP, y : 6 LIES hiefy | OTHER : - how 2 chiefly aanlcy _| Families ny TOTAL or 2 een | s em- edin | notcom- w 4 oP | Families} 2 ¢ ployed | > prized in | : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 's 06 |) 2 in Vee lake Bae a =‘ |PERSONS. & |[cupied.) & |S | Acar- factures,| preced- 3 ry :{ CUL- forHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. Comsraz’ - - - > - = Parish{ 112°] 145] 2] 3 14 "3 58 297 360 657 -Killbride - - - - - - - Parsht 493] 532] 7] 7] 3331 43! 156] 1,261 | 1,453 | 2,714 ‘Kilmory - - - - - - - Parish] 707] 707} -| = 669 38 - 1,887 1,940 3,827 Kingarth - - - - - - = Parish} 156] 171 | -—!/ 8 617} 30 80 444 446 890 Rothesay - - - - - - - Parish} 242 | 299] ~—| 12 153 55 gu 811 791 1,602 Roruusay = # = # = = Bog] 495 |ie01] 8.) - 84} 491 | 426 1,774 | 2,333 4,107 Totars - - - 42,205 :|2,855 | 17 | 30 [1,314] 730 | 811 1 6,474 | 7,323 | 13,797 Ages of Persons. - 7 Under | © 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60] 70 | 80] 90 ]100}] 4 ! ' a pee 4 ‘ : Total to to to to to to to to | to | to} to}| & B i 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70| 80} 90] 100] | & eek sees OF wich essed sas, wards MALES - - - - -| 905} 882} 930] 678| 914 | 611 | 571 | 435 |306/199) 48] 5] — | 6,484 | FEMALES - - - -| 878| 855] 831} 817 ]1,231 | 781 | yar] 544 |423/188] 49] 51] — | 4,323 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Bute was .... 13,797 ..-. and the Ages as returned (being of 13,807 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. : The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Bute was 6; every one of which contained an answer to the question * conceruing the Ages of Persone. 4g , Shire of Caithness. c eN Bower - 2 - + - = = Parish} 278] 9331 2] 3 208 78 45 14 772 1,486 Canisbay - - - - - - - Parsh{| 420] 459] - 2 333 47 |. 79 982 1,146 2,128 ' Dunnet - - - - - = (#) Parish} 339] 3481 3] 1 181 49 | -118 753 883 1,636 Halkirk - - - - - - (#) Parish} 429] 479] 2] —- 419 38 22 | 1,224 1,422 2,646 ‘Latheron - - - - - = (>) Patish! 1,215 |1,260 | 22] 6 386 } 870 4 | 3,106 3,469 6,575 Olrick - - = - + - = Parish} 208 | 209] 3] 4 180 19 10 541 552 1,093 | Reay (part of) - - - + (©) Parishf 500] 508] 2] 4 354 90 64 1,276 1,482 | 2,758 “Trrurso.- ~- + - (#) Town & Parish} 648 | 779] 3] - 268 | 428 83 | 1,786 2,25Y 4,045 | Wattin - - - = - - = Parish} 232 | 292 2110 150 63 19 551 607 1,158 | Wick fo a = (°) Burgh & Parish! 1,050 |1,339-| 19 | 9 573 | 506] 260 3,263 - 3,450 | 6,713. Totats ~- - - 15,319 | 5,944 | 58 | 39 | 3,052 | 2,188 | 704 | 14,196 | 16,042 430,238 . _ (2) The increase of population in the Parishes of Dunnet, Halkirk, » - theron, and in the Burgh of Wick. (*) Reay Parish is partly in the ’ Reay and Thurso, is attributed partly or wholly to an influx of persons Shire of Sutherland. The entire Parish contains 3,815 Inhabitants. ‘from the County of Sutherland. (°) The prosperity of the herring | One female upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. , . fishery has caused « great increase of population in the Parish of La- ood Ages of Persons. ce = = under| & | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70| 80} 90) 100] 4 Total ne ote to to to to to to | to] to} to] to; & | & ps 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70| 80| 90/100} | & of wards, ‘MALES - - - - ~- 41,774 |1,990 |1,842 | 1,666 | 2,150 | 1,395 | 1,204 |1,021 |753]312] 80 | 9] — [14,196 FEMALES - = - ~- 41,737 |1,840 [1,700 | 1,795 | 2,874 | 1,886 | 1,581 {1,294 |936/305| 85 | 7 | 1 [16,041 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Caithness was... 30,238,... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 30,237,... Whence it appears, that the /Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the ‘ question to that effect. : The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Caithness was 10; every one of which contained an answer to the question “ concerning the Ages of Persons, 6 L ABSTEACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER { Enumeration, 502 ee — — ——===— Shire of Clackmannan. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: - F Fami- AMI= ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By ws 4 MES | hicay | OTHER _ how z chiefly eagle Families uw TOTAL oR 3 - a em- . t com- “ = Families| P| 4 ployed ae ane in iq OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 4} = a | tesa ee eee & cupied.} | 5 Acni- | factures,| preced- a is ; q cuUL- j-; ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Autos (+) - - - + = Parish} 885 [1,335] 3 | 24 79} 726] 530 7 2,623 | 2,954 | 5,577 ‘Clackmamnan - - - - (*) Parish] 655] 853] -—| 24 7 216] 503! 134 | 1,921 | 2,135 | 4,056 Dollar - - - = - = (*) Parish} 188} 218] 7] 4 19 51 | 148 654 | 641 1,294 Logie {part of) = - - - (©) Parish} 1674) 191 2] 5 gl 66 34 492 479 971 Stirling (part of) Parish: (*) Abbey District - - - - = - 41] 42] ~] 2 10 24 8 99 102 201 Tillicoultry - - - - (*) Parish] 209 { e242} 2] 3 19 48 | 175 567 596 | 1,163 Totals - - aes 12 | 62 434 11,418 | 1,029 | 6,356 6,907 {13,263 (*) One male and one female in Clackmannan Parish upwards uf 100 years of age.——(>) The great increase of population at Dollar is attri- butable to an academy established there.—-(°) Logie Parish is partly in Perthshire, partly in Stirlingshire. The entire Parish contains 2,015 Inhabitants. The Abbey District was ineluded with Logie Parish, in the Return of 1811,——-(“) Stirling Parish is mostly in-Stirlingshire, The entire Parish contains 7,314 Inhabitants. population in the Parish of Tillicoultry, is attributed to the flourishing state of trade there. . (©) The great increase of Ages of Persons. co a‘ ; \ Und 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 4 Total fess to to to to to to | to| to] to] to| & | & ; 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 }100| | & of i wards, MALES + - ~ - -]} 597 | 572] 543 | 390] 477] 365 | 337] 243 1136] 54 | 18]. —1 113,733 FEMALES - ~ - -] 574] 504] 492] 392] 644] 476] 350| 267 1155/67/19] 1] 143,944 was .... 7,677, .... THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Clackmannan was . +,» 13,263 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages werereturned, _ whenee it appears that the Ages of between one-second and one-third (say two-fifths) part of the Persons therein enumerated, have net beei obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Clackmannan was 6; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ©. 94. 503 Shire of Dumbarton. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS; | Fame | 4 PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . oS amma |e y 9c ‘ chiefly | VTH2® 7 how 2 chiefly | omploy-| Families a TOTAL . OR 3 ou | 3 = ay i not com- ff | a. 3 = ‘amilies ployed | 7 , [prized in < EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. @ |e. 3 aj°t (enone | = persons: a cupied.| | 5 Acnrr- | factures,| preced- a _ CUL- forHandi-| ng TURE. | craft, | Classes. Anroctar - - - - (?) Parish 67 "5 | 2] 6 10 41 24 180 196 375 Bonhill - - - - - - = Parish] 345] 612] 3] — 167 | 405 40 | 1,368 1,635 3,003 Cardross - - - - - - - Parish} 3621 605] 93 | 18 48 | 235 | 292 1,519 1,586 3,105 Cumbernauld (+) - - + - Parish} 332] 4ggo] 2] 2 117 | 248 | 125 1,451 1,413 2,864 DumBaRTon - - (>) Burgh & Parish 347] 781 { 3 | 17 68} 413 | 300 1,595 1,886 3481 Kilmarnock - + - = = - Parishf 167 188 | -]| - 94. 22 472 498 510} 4,008 Kilpatrick, New or East - (°) Parish} 262 | 289] -—| 9 46 60 | 153 450 795 |} 1,545 Kilpatrick, Old or West - (4) Parish] 409] 758! 3] 5 83} 5174 4158 | 1,685 2,007 | 3,692 Kirkintilloch - - + - (¢) Parish{ 663} 837} -—| — }| 301 | 506 30 | 2,253 | 2,927 | 4,580 Luss - - - - - - ~ (f) Parish} 204] a10] 2] —- 52 43 | 415 545 605 } 1,150 Roseneath - - - + - ~ Parish? 129/ 158] -—]j| 6 56 19 83 370 384 | 754 Row - - - + = = = © Parish} 249] 338] 1] 35 66 93 | 179 832 927 1,759 Torats - - ~- 43,536 |5,341 | 18 | 78 | 1,168 | 2,602 [1,571 | 13,046 | 14,071 } 27,917 (3) The families of fishermen and of shepherds are placed in the | Parish. Cotton mills have caused an increase of population. —¢) The second column of Occupations, m the Return from Arrochar.—-(>) A | cotton manufacture, chiefl ly weaving, flourishes at Kirkintilloch, and has dock-yard has been established at the Burgh of Dumbarton—— | caused an increase of Inhabitants—(f) The slate quarries at Luss (5) Lime works and collieries have been discontinued at New Kilpatrick. | are become more extensive since 1811. ——(¢) One female upwards ef 100 years of age in Old Kilpatrick Ages of Persons. WAS ..+ « 24,3935 » compliance with the question to that effect. incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. o oN al “2 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70] 80] 90/100} Total to to. | to to to to to | to] to] to| t|/ & | & 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100] UP- = of 2 wards. | = MALES - + - - ~ | 1,698] 1,533] 1,571] 1,242} 1,863] 1,152] 986] 790 }422/216/ 53 | g | — f11,535 FEMALES = - - +] 1,688) 1,542/ 1,422] 1,525] 2,372] 1,421/1,1392 | 823 1582] 2571 74 | 19 | 1 [12,858 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Dumbarton was ..,.’. 27,317, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, | > . whence it appears that the Ages of one-ninth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained. in The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Dumbarton was 12; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+); a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or Shire of Dumfries. ge aN Anwax - - «© (#) Burgh & Parish} 802 | g10 - 121) 316] 473 | 2,361 2,325 | 4,486 Applegarth - - - - + - Parish} 141 | 146] —]| —- 96 | 34 16 474 469, 943 Canonby - - - - - - = Parish} 603 | 623} -—| 8 | 236] 234] 153 | 1,491 | 1,593 | 3,084 Carlaverock - ~< - = = Parish] 245 | 265 1 4 — .89 go 86 557 649 | 1,206 4 Closeburn - - - - + = Parish] 278 320} -| 7 fF 85 46 189 807 875 1,682 ‘Cwmmertrees - - - - Parish f 268 | 292 | 16 Ff 2 182 53 57 748 813 | 1,561 Dalton - - - - = © © Parish} 190] 134] -—| QO f 67 43 24 369 398 467 Dornock - = - ~ = © = Parish} 159} 262} -} 9 96 40 46 359 384 743 Dryesdale - - - - - = Parish] 386] 439] 4] 2 86 | 201 | 152 | 1,066 | 1,185 | 2,052 { Dumrrizs - + (>) Burgh & Parish] 1,394 |2,481 | 6 | 36 170 | 1,031 11,280 [ §,019 | 6,033 [11,052 -Dunseore- - - - - = (°) Parish? 267 / 291/ 3/ 6 | 167/ 72t 52 732 | 759 | 1,492 Durisdeer - - - - - Parish} 276) 322] -| 5 191 52 49 770 831 1,601 “Eskdalemuir - - - - - - Pasish} 127) ug} -—| +f 79] 26 14 339 31a 6st 4° () Acommonty (common land) has been divided and occupied ‘at Annan, which is a very flourishing market town.—(") One male and |.one female in Dumfries Parish, upwards of 100 years of age——- eB: (S) The increase of population in the Parish of Dunscore, and in the Parishes of Johnstone, Kirkmahoe, Moffat, and Penpont, is attributed to the improvement of agriculture. 504 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF DUMFRIES—continued. [ Enumeration, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: ; Famr- | Famit- | Arr S| PARISH, TOWNSHIP, B : ues | TIES | Orpen : fee z chiefly ee [Families 8 " ee many Ba iS a He not com- wh ed: TOTAL "> EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. a Hees 5 Z played Epsrei pa i 5 S - oP | A |oorics| 2] 3 | acm tiem |prect | S| Hf [rtnsons, a : CUL- JorHandi-| _ ing ae TURE. | craft, | Classes. Ewes -.- - - = - = - Parish 6o 60} —]| 1 15 5 40 153 161 314 Glencairn - - - - Parish} 371] 419] 2] 112 148 | 109| 162 ~ 884 “| ~ gg¥ 1,881 Graitney - - =< - = + Parish} 350] 373] 2 | 16 166 | 169 38 914° | 1,031" | 1,945 Halfmorton - - - - ~- - Parish} 110 112} —| 17 51 30 31° 272 981" | 553 Hoddam - - - - = = (4) Parishf 301 | 309} 2] 11 74 | 121 114 767° 873 1,640 Holywood - .- - - - = Parish} 167 180 | 1] 12 66 35 "9 472 ~ 532 1,094 Hutton & Corrie - -.- - Parish} 137] 148] -—] - 87 55 6 391 413 804 Johnstone - - - - + (°) Parish} 192 | 203] 4] 1 117 46 40 583 596 1,179 Keir - - - - - - + - Parish} 159 | 177] 2] 5 69 41 67 477 510 987 Kirkconnel - - - - + - Parishf 198] 241] —| -8 74 48 | 119 * 506 ~ 569 1,075 Kirkmahoe - - - - = (©) Parish? 305 | 3371 -| 271 1571 93] 87 743 (| 865 | 1,608 Kirkmichael - - - - (f) Parish} 203 | 228] 11] -6 121 49 58 571 | * 631 1,202 Kirkpatrick-Fleming -- - Parish f 310 313 3 5 58 80 175 ~8o1 ~ 875 | 1,696 ° Kirkpatrick-Juxta - - - - Parish? 151 164) 2) 7 104 29 31 436 476 g12 Langholm = - - - - Parish] 428] 521] 2] Q 77 | 292] 152 7 1,125 1,279 2,404 LocHMABEN - - - Burgh & Parish} 586] 618] 5] — 125 | 113 | 380 1,260 | 1,391 2,651 Middlebie- - - - ~- - = Parish? 351] 371] 41] 5 94 | 180 97 881 993 } 1,874 Mott - <- <- = = = () Pahl p53] 423] 4/ 8 64 | 130} 229 | 1,091 | 1,127 | 2,218 Morton - - - - - Parish} 325 | 411 2/11 67 97 | 247 832 974 1,806 Mousewald - - - - - Parish] 160] 166} -—| 5 105 29 32 386 409 "95 Mungo, St. - - - -. - Parish} 126] 128] —] 4 63 59 6 341 368 4709 Penpont - - - = = = (°) Parish} 195] 215 | 3] 6 113 67 35 516 566 1,082 Ruthwell - - - - - + - Parish 233 | 234 “3 | 10 7 189] 38 7 616 669 | 1,285 De dee ae Burgh | 260 354 1 4 7 204 143 608 1 { SANQUHAR (8) tice 146} -181 ] -—| 6 44 61 76 476 fs a Wanlockhead - - - - - Town] 145{ 160] -—| - - 8} 152 328 378 706... Tinwald - - - - “ = - Parish} 228} 224] -—| —- 126 55 43: 598 650 1,248 — Torthorwald - - - - - (*) Parish} 244] 255] 2] 2 122 53 |. 80 574 631 1,205 Tundergarth - - = = + Parish 96} 100] -| 2] ~ 60 33 4 235 283 518 Tynron - - = = - Parish 89 93} 21 9 50 20 23 251 262. 513 Wamphray - - - - - - Parish 96 | 106] 2] 1 16 87 3 261 293 554. Westerkirk - - - - = = Parishf 113 1g0 | 1] 2 66 32 32 ‘31T 361 672 Torans - - ~ $12,248|14,458| 85 | 285 | 4,340 | 4,706 | 5,412 133,572 137,306 | 70,878 (¢) See Note on preceding page. (4) The cotton manufacture | collieries, and to the increase of the cotton manufacture ; but a check has increased at Hoddam, so that the Inhabitants are increased nutwith- has been experienced in building and agricultural improvements, from standing emigration. (f) The cheapness of fuel in the Parish of {| the disputed leases on the Queensbury Estates. The entire Parish con- Kirkmichael encourages settlement and increases the population. tains 3,026 Inhabitants. (°) The increase of population in the Parish (®) The population of the Parish of Sanquhar has greatly increased | of Torthorwald is attributed to granting leases of small portions of land, since 1811, which is ascribed’ to the flourishing state of the mines and | with plenty of moss fuel. Ages of Persons. cr ~ Und 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 = ae nder to to to to |. to to to to} to] to] to} & a put 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80 | 90}100| P| 9 ke : og i, *|wards, of alr i ee 4 : MALES + - - - = 45,102 | 4,897 | 4,387 | 3,620 | 4,606 | 3,537 |2,883 | 2,097 |1,467,743)212| 17 | 1 133,569 J; FEMALES - - - = [4,895 | 4,767 | 4,232 | 3,823 | 6,212 | 4,345 | 3,385 | 2,430 |1,892 917 |-276| 26 | 1 [37,2017 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Dumfries.was . . WAS woe FOPIO, 4400 the question to that effect. question concerning Ages. A small proportion numbers of Males-and Females. : whence it appears that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have beeu obtained in compliance with The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Dumfries was 45; every one of which contained an answer to the of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective - 70,878 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, © 2 M.DCCC.XXI1.J “THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Ode * 505 a : Shire of Edinburgh. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fao | 24™ | ary, B ; LIES UES | Oruzr oor 7 ies . 2 chiefly oe Families wn TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z fmm | el | em [Media [nor com} oj a lates 3 amilies} 2 ] 4 ployed | Ta aps, [prized in A = ‘s Or | Se in | Manu. | the Two < & \PERSONS. 4 cupied.} 6 | 5 | Acnrr- | factures,| preced- a Fa cuL- jorHandi-| ing TURE. craft. Classes. Borrswicx - - 2 + = Parish} 071 | 2847] 2 | 26 186 60 41 643 4702 1,345. Calder; Mid - - - - - = Parish 209 | 303 1 4 44 96 163 722 688 1,410 Calder, West - - - = Parish} 262 207 —| 31 140 94 83 F111 447 1,458 Carrington otherwise Pena Parish} 102] 107; --] 8 49 44 14 275 275 550 'Cockpen -~ - - = - Parish} 9377 | 416] —1 44 128 | 242 46 886 ] 1,039 1,925 Collington .- - - -- # ) Parish} 451 | 451 1 | 20 161 | 153 | 137 994 1,025 2,019 | Corstorphine - Parish{ 266} 266 | 5 | 18 117 55 94 656 665 1,321 Cramond (part of) - ¢) Parish | 266 352 —~{115 141 118 93 857 878 1,735 ranston - - - = - = Parish} 198 | 209 | 4 | 29 88 24 97 474 480 | 954 Crichton - - - - - Parish} 277) 288] 3/411 53 63} 172 585 610 1,195 Currie - = - = (¢) Parish} 347] 3471 3] 7 213} 106 28 837 878 1,715 . Dalkeith --- - - - (¢) Parish} ya5 |1,178} 61 6 155 | 595 | 518 f 2,408 2,761 5,169 Duddingston Parish: (*) County-part - - - - ee "5 98 1] 11 1” 60 21 279 279 558 | Duddingston, Easter - -- - 26 44) -] 2 9 15 20 81 101 182 Duddingston, Wester - 42 47| -| 6 - 28 19 81 128 209 Joppa - - - S 39 48 - - = 32 16 100 127 227 Portobello - - - - - - 246 | 406 | 15 | 43 -| 209] 197 481 1,131 1,912 Fala (part of) = ~ - - (f) Parish 66 69} -| 7 45 13 11 142 135 Ba Glencross - - - = (8) Parish} 116] 116] 1 1 "8 19 19 348 313 661 -Heriot -) = - -!- = Parish} 59 59; -| 2 40 7 12 147 151 298 Iuveresk = - - - - = - Parish $1,653 |1,653 | 4 | 43 105 11,385 | 163 3,578 4,258 |° 7,836 Kirkliston (part of) - - h) Parish 86 99| -| 3 47 8 A4 340 268 _ 608 Kirknewton and East Calder - Parish 240 | 297} 1 | 26 49 65) 183 756 457 1,513 Laswade - - - - = - ~- Parish} 812 | goo] — | 36 312 | 436} 152 2,084 2,102 4,186 Libberton - - - - - = Parish} 897 | 954} 5 | 84 187 | 613] 154 2,077 2,199 4,276 Newbattle - - - - (1) Parish? 333 ][ 9379 | 2 } 28 137 57 | 185 822 897 | ~ 1,719 Newton - - - - - (i) Parish} 429} 429} 1 | 13 65 | 305 59 1,031 1,119 2,150 Pennycuick - - - - - - Parish} 352] 441 | -] 7 179 | 200 62 943 1,015 1,958 Ratho - - - - - (*) Parish} 219 | 249] 2 | 3 162 45 42 805 639--]- 45444-. 9 Stow - - - = C) Parish} 225 | 242 | 1] 2 89 65 88 640 673 1,313 Temple - - - - - (4) Parishf 222 |] 245 | 1 | 13 "5 81 89 577 579.4 1,156. oe! " 9,918 | 11,276] 59 |547 | 3,071 | 5,183 | 3,022 | 25,660 | 27,619 | 53,279 CITY OF EDINBURGH, -- (Antient and Extended Royalty.) og Andrews, St. - -- - - ~~ Parish} 976 | 2,681 | 33°} 46 7 11,042 | 1,632 6,565 9,283 | 15,848 College Church - - - = - Parish} 172 807 | -]| 4 6] 490] 311 1,906 2,079 3,985. George, St. Church - - - Parishf 402 |1,083 | 30 | 22 3] 246] 834 | 2,398 3,672 6,070 Grey-Friars, New - - (") Parish} 236] 849] -]| 2 1{ 306] 542 2,183 2,449 4,632 Grey-Friars, Qld - - Parish} 21611,107 | -j} 4 44 526] 5447 2,264 2,464 |. 4,728 High-Church - - + - = Parish} 123 | 558] -]|] 1 - | 331] 227 1,140 1,423 2,563 Lady-Yesters - - - (") Parish 971 479; 1] 4 1} 214 | 264 1,069 1,264 2,333 “New-North-Church - Parish 79| 475) -| - 3] 217] 255 1,034 1,147 2,181 Old-Church - - - - Parish} 107 | 711 | -—]- 2 —| 322] 38 | 1,362 1,566 2,928 Toll-Booth-Church - - Parish} 129 | 607] -—| — 2} 387 | 308 1,458 1,684° | 33142" “‘Tron-Church ~- - - - - Parishf 117] 754] -| - 4} 3654, 385 1,523 1,835 3,358 (®) The increase of Population in the Parish of Collingtonis attributable to | are in progress, in the Parish of Glencross.——(1) Kirkliston Parish is the flourishing state of the paper manufactory ; to snuff mills and corn mills, | mostly in the Shire of Linlithgow. The entire Parish contains 2,213 In- erected since 1811 ; to the bleach-field at Ingles-Green ; and the freestone | habitants———(') The increase of collieries is mentioned in the Returns | quarries, which have increased, for the purpose of building at Edinburgh. | made from Newbattle, Newton, and Temple Parishes,—(*) One fe- ‘——(°) Cramond Parish is partly in theShire of Linlithgow. The entire | male in Ratho Parish upwards of 100 years of age-——(!) It is’ men- ‘Parish contains 1,804 Inhabitants. —(°) The Union Canal, and the | tioned on the Return from the Parish of Stow, that labouring men, fed flourishing state ot the paper-manufactory have increased the Population | and lodged in the farm-houses, have increased since 1811: in all other of the Parish of Currie. (*) One female in Dalkeith Parish upwards | places, this class of farm-servants, when noticed, is said to have -de- “of 100 years of age. (©) The entire Parish of Duddingston contains | creased, and agricultural Population to have increased, from their becom- 3,088 Inhabitants. Portobello is. become a fashionable resort for sea- | ing married cottagers———(™) The Return of New Grey Friars Parish bathing, and a variety of manufactures flourish there. (f) Fala Parish | includes 189 males and 365 females in a charity workhouse. ——(") The is partly in the Shire of Haddington, The entire Parish contains 405 In- | Return of Lady-Yester’s Parish includes 100 males, and 129 females in habitants———(®) Public works, for the supply of Edinburgh with water 1 the Royal Infirmary. 6M 506 ABSTRACT OF ANSWEKS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, SHIRE OF EDINBURGH—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pane B Famr- ALL iy : LIES |G on how 2 LIES chiefly mE Re ua ad = chiefly eainlans Families i ras) TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |p| 2| z em eee |not com- a q as 3 Ge Ms) 5 | & | ployed | paape, | Prizedin 4 3 3 a i a in Manu- | the Two 3 PERSONS. S& jeupied | | SO 7 Acar Fae preced- a fe CITY OF EDINBURGH—continued. cuL- |oeHandi-| 98 : TURE. craft, | Classes. Suburbs : ¢ oe Canongate - - - - (°) Parish 427] 2,362} 6 3 — | 1,829 533 4,503 5,367 | 9,870 St. Cuthbert’s - - (?) Parish | 3,381 ]10,741 | 50 | 422 | 1,688 | 5,064] 3,989 | 22,453 | 28,144 | 50,5907 | Leith, North - - (9) Parish} 1,417] 1,547] 16 | 89 31 485 | 1,031 3,216 3,809 | 7,025 Leith, South - - - (*) Parish} 1,280] 4,342] 14 | 18 9 | 1,693} 2,640} 9,025 9,950 | 18,975 95159 |29,193 | 150 | 616 | 1,759)13,517 |13,917 | 62,099 | 76,136 | 138,235 (°) The Canongate Parish, being inhabited by poorer classes of society | are placed in the Agricultural column of occupations. (1) The Popu- than heretofore, the Population increases, in proportion as the houses and | lation of North Leith bas increased from the vicinity of the néw Docks. apartments are subdivided. The Return of this Parish includes 30 fe. | ——(") It appears that upwards of 400 sailors, employed in navigating males in the Magdalen Asylum, 21 males and 3 females inthe Canongate | vessels belonging to Leith, are included in the Return of South Leith, Totbooth.——(*) The families of all labourers in St.Cuthbert’s Parish é SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF EDINBURGH. io \ Shire of EDINBURGH - - - =] 9,918) 11,276] 59|547 | 3,071] 5,183] 3,022 | 25,660 | 27,619 | 53,279 City of — EDINBURGH - - - - - | 9,159 29,193) 150 616 | 1,759 /13,517 {13,917 | 62,099 | 76,136 | 138,295 Totars - - - 19,077, 40,469} 2093169 4,830 [18,700 |16,939 | 87,759 103/55 | 191,514 Ages of Persons. MALES. , rf . \ ea 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80] 90 | 100). 4 nder < to to to to to to to to} to] to] to} & Ee 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80 | 90 {100} | 2 Shire of ey tired EDINBURGH - - | 3,879} 3,553| 3,328) 2,496] 4,043] 2,885 | 2,240] 1,538 | 1,079] 533/114] 8 | — [25,696 City of EDINBURGH - - [ 9,273| 8,432| 6,966 | 5,922 |10,313| 8,589 | 6,138! 3,545 |1,876| 68011571 17 | 2 [61,910 Total of MALES 13,152 11,985 |10,294 | 8,418 /14,356 111,474 | 8,378 | 5,083 | 2,955] 1,213] 271 | 25 | 9 | 87,606 FEMALES. Lf ~N Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60} 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 4 to to to to to to to to} to}] to} to! & B 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80} 90 100! YP e i wards, Shire of EDINBURGH ~ - } 3,806 3,377] 2,969] 2,681] 4,935 | 3,275} 2,600} 1,837 |1,360| 612/174] 11 | 2 [27,639 ; q } City of EDINBURGH - - } 8,736} 8,083 | 7,823} 8,431 |16,742 |10,824| 7,262] 4,198) 2,412/1,003!235| 18 | 4 175,971 Total of FEMALES aad 11,460 10,799] 11,112] 21,677|14,099 | 9,862] 6,035 13,772] 1,615] 409 | 29 6 | 103,410 4 i f i THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Edinburgh was .... 191,514 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 191,016,.... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Namber of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Edinburgh was 46; every one of which contained an answer to the aia concerning Ages. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCG.XXI-] SPE ES CEI THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4.. 507 Shire of Elgin, or Moray. SS { ‘HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: aa Fami-- : - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 2 | ee cis | how B | chiety | He! | Ponies A | ‘TOTAL Om 3 Pea he E 3 on Ts not com-| a 4 | fe EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Oe FS |g | PGR | Teape, | prized in q = e ¢ § foupied. | | 5 Acar- ae preced- fe PEERENS me “ 4 CUL- JorHandi-| _ ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. Aszrnetuy (part of)- (*) Parish} 259] 2664 1] 8 99 57 | 110 | 552 677 1,229 Alves - - - - - = = + Parish} 195] 2101 7] 4 114 65 31 456 491 947 Andrews, St. Lanbride - - + Patish} 202 | 202] ~| 2 120 30 52 437 497 934 Bellie (patt of) - - - (*) Parish} 277] 280} 1] 4 44] 152 84 . 500 - 648 1,148 Birnie- - - - - - - + Parish] 82 86} ~| -~] 42 9 35 182 202 384 Boharm (part of) - - (©) Parish] 137] 137 fa] a] 62 28 47 248 297 545 Cromdale (part of) - + (4) Parish} 124] 124] 21-4 7 94 12 18 311 319 630 Dallas- - ~ - - + (®) Parish} 211 | 216] 7 | 18 102 27 87 479 536} 1,015 Drainy - + - - (f) Parish f 231 | 248] 9 | 7 gl 137 20 493 507 1,060 Doffis - - + - - (8) Parish} 406 | 445 | 20 | 22 94 82} 269 943 1,007 | 1,950 Duthel (part of) - - - (*) Parish} 249] 255] 1] — 144 37 "4 530 624 | 1,154 Dyke and Moy - - - - © Parish} 318 | 325] 4] 2 135 | 161 29 647 813 | 1,460 Edinkillie - - - - (4) Parish} 295] 303] 3] 3 217 82 4 577 656- }- 1,233 Eietn - - - (*) Burgh & Parish | 1,085 {1,304 | 13 | 24 294 | 409] 601 2,387 2,921 5,308 Forres - - - (*): Burgh& Parish] 730 | 949 | 28 | 17 171 | 594 | 184 1,555 1,985 3,540 Grantown - - - - (®) —_) - -| -j] - - - - - - ~ Inveraven (part of) (-++) (") “Parish 27 a7} #1 3 1 14 2 69 59 128 Kinloss - - - = = = © Parish} 207] 230] 1] 5 42 32 | 156 503 568 1,071 Knockahdo - - - - © Parish} 327] 927] -] - 298 23 6 618 796 1,414, Rafford - - - - - - + Parish} 198] 202/ 2] 1 94. 38 70 475 495 970 Rothes - - - - = (°) Parish} 353] 403] 6] 17 163 | 118} 132 750 892 1,642 Speymouth - - - - = | Parish? 595] 325] 3] 13 114] 139 92 658 743 1,401 Spynie, New- - - - (?) Parish} 241 242 1 1 37 50 | 155 443 553 996 Urquhart - - - - = - = Parishf 219] 221 2) 6 104 34 83 479 §24: | 1,003 TOTALS - = - 16,668 | 7,327 | 113/162 | 2,676 | 2,330 | 2,321 | 14,292-| 16,870 | 315162. (*) Abernethy Parish is partly in Inverness-shire. The entire Parish contains 1,968 Inhabitants, The increase is attributable to the fir tim- ber, which is eut and sold in greater’quantity than heretofore.—— | (°) Bellie Parish is partly in Banffshire. The entire Parish contains _ 2,235 Inhabitants.——(°) Boharm Parish is mostly in Banffshire. The entiré’ Parish ‘contams 1,206 Inhabitants——(*) Cromdale Parish is mostly in Inverness-shire. The entire Parish contains 2,897 Inhabitants. ——(°) A new village of go families has arisen in the Parish of Dallas. —=‘) Lossiemouth, in the Parish of Drainy, is a fashionable bathing- {{ place ; and the fishery is improved since 1806.—(®) Three new villages have been established in the Parish of Duffus, and Burgh-head has been almost wholly rebuilt———(") Duthel Parish is partly in Inverness-shire. The entire Parish contains 1,739 Inhabitants.——-(') At Edinkillie, 40 old unmarried women are said to subsist éach on one Shilling per week, and out of this to pay a fourth-part for the stance (or ground rent) of their huts ——(*) An increasing academy has been established in the _ Town of Elgin; and road-making and drainage furnish employment in the country part of the Parish.———(') The almost universal influx of in- abitants from the country into towns, is mentioned on the return of Forres, as a cause of the increase of Population at that place.—— (™) Grantown is included in the return of Cromdale Parish (Inverness. ) -(") Inveraven Parish is mostly in Banffshire. The entire Parish contains 2,481 Inhabitants. (°) Of the Population of Rothes, 776 Persons inhabit the village-——(?) One male in Spynie Parish upwards of 100 years of age. Ages of Persoiis. ocmiusuniiisahceiiciainiat +.» 90,784,... f— roo, ~ Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 90 100 q Total 5 to to to to to to to | to ; to | to | to} & a : 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 ora 2 of _ - : MALES - - - - - {| 2,017/ 1,835] 1,778] 1,505] 2,121 1,436] 1,253] 891 | 790| 452]113] 11 | 1 [14,203 FEMALES - - - - 1,924 1,703} 1,540] 1,725] 2,698] 2,028] 1,697/ 1,419 |1,139)547/144].17 | - 16,581 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Elgin was . . . 31,162, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was whence it appears, that the Ages of one eighty-second part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Elgin was 23 ; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a smalt proportion of the Returns’ of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 508 oe ee Shire of Fife. ABSTHACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration,. ES HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, —“ ——_ ——_ Fami- Fami- | Vins ALL Gn By : LIES biefly | OTHER how 3 chiefly oe 2, | Families : 3 ea employ- A TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z many | . | 3 em- | edin |notcom- a a 3 Families} (¢ 4 ployed | praps, | Prizedin i] or ‘s Oc | 3) in | yfanu. |the Two im 3 PERSO s cupied.| 2 | 5 Acrr- | gactures, | Preced- s B NS. cuUL- any wae in ANDREWS, ST. District. mi P| Cees Awsrrutner-Easter Burgh & Parish} 186] 262] 2] 3 11 | 162 89 498 592 1,090, ANSTRUTHER-WESTER Burgh & Parish 60 | 106] 1] 4 24 55 27 187 242 429 | Cameron - - - - + + = Parish} 221 | 231 | ~| 10 86] 108 37 504 564 1,068 Carnbee - - - - - - Parishf 232} 2381 -—] 8 88 26} 124 513 535 1,048 CraIb - - - + = Burgh& Parish} 331 | 460] 3 {| 10 141 gl} 228 856 998 1,854 Denino - 2 2 + + =) Parish 69 yo} —]| 5 42 13 15 151 192 343 Elie - + - - = + - = Parishf 157} 224] 4 | 4 39 56} 129 396 570 966 Ferry-Port-on-Craig + - + Parish} 262 | 357] —| 14 46 | 135 | 176 672 489 1,461 Forgan - - - + © «= Parish} 187 | 205] 2 | 12 66 85 54 423 514 937 Kemback - - - - - - Parish} 128 | 134] 1] 6 70 55 9 289 345 634 . Kilconquhar - - - + (#) Parish} 455 | 561 2)12 116 | 307 138 1,035 1,282 2,317 KILREenny - (>) Burgh & Parish} 242 | 333] 4] 1 60 45 | 228 711 783 1,494 Kingsbarns - - - - - Parish} 183 | 222] -—] 2 114 45 33 468 530 998 Largo - - - - - (°) Parish} 416] 552) 7] 4 106 |} 384 62 1,057 1,244 2,301 Leuchars - - - - - - = Parish} 332 391 3] 9 131 115 145 815 916 1,731 Newburn - - Parish 81 81 -|41 47 18 16 186 212 398 PITTENWEEM - - Burgh & Parish} 209, 333] 31 7 38 | 213 82 531 669 1,200 St. ANDREWS - (¢) Burgh &Parishhf 800 [1,141 | 8 | 20 262 |] 420] 459 2,174 2,725 4,899 St. Leonards - - - - () Parish 73) 103) a2] - 19 48 36 214 299 513 St. Monance - - - - - Parish} 151] 229] 4] 8 36 | 1847 6 399 513 |° giz 4,775 | 6,233 | 44 [140 | 1,542 | 2,598 | 2,093 | 12,079 | 14,514 | 26,593 CUPAR District. Abdie - 2 oe = - - © Parish} 163] 169] —| 7 70 31 68 433 401 834. Abernethy (part of) - - (f) Parish 27 271 -] 3 17 a 3 87 63 150 Arngask (part of) + - (8) Parish 42 47} -| 3 15 26 |- 6 104 118 222 Auchtermuchty - - - - - Parish} 565 | 632 2) 4 118 | 337 | 1977 1,316 1,438 2,754 Balmerino - - - = - Parish} 196 | 206} 3 | 12 19 70 57 432 533 965 Ceres - = 2 + = - = Parish} 503 564 | 4 | 20 87 222 255 1,331 1,509 2,840 Collessie - - - + 2 = Parish} 213 | 213 1] 3 64 98 m1 500 530 1,030 Creich - - = = = Parish 69 80} -| 4 33 41 6 188 206 394 Cults - - - - + - = = Parish? 146/ 184] 2 | 14 34 | 101 49 401 452 853 Cupar - - - + Burgh & Parish] 882 11,346] 2 | 13 99 | 1,110 137 2,707 3,185 5,892 Dairsie - - - = - = Parish} 118 | 133 1/5 54 41 38 262 3247 589 Dunbog - - - - + Parish 35 35} -| 2 27 2 6 84 92 176- Falkland - - - + - - = Parish} 461 | 584] 2] 2 127 | 338] 119 1,162 1,297 2,459 - Flisk - - - 2 - = Parish 58 58} 2| 2 30 17 11 146 155 301 Kettle- - - - - - - = Parishf{ 397] 420} -| 5 89 | 235 96 980 1,066 2,046 Kilmany - - + - - = Parish? 156] 156] 1 5 43 25 88 345 406 451 Logie - - - - - = (*) Parish 94} 100] 1][ 3 36 42 22 209 231 440 Monimail - 2 - - Parish} 205 281 -| 3 147 84 50 618 609 1,227 Moonzie - - - - - = Parish 35 371 -| 2 21 11 5 105 104 209 Newburgh - - = - - Parish} 290] 554] 2] 3 12 | 375 | 167 1,024 1,166 2,190 Strathmiglo - - - - - Parish} 335 | 421 1 { 10 151 189 81 851 991 1,842 5,050 | 6,247 | 24 | 124 | 1,353 | 3,382 |1,512 | 13,285 | 14,879 | 28,164 DUNFERMLINE District. Aberdour- - - + - - - Parishf 235} 350| 24) 7 96 84} 170 707 782 1,489 Beath - - - - (‘) Parish} 135 | 146] 2] 4 37 33 76 353 376 729 Carnock - - - - (*) Parish} 222 | 2451 1411 9a} 123 23 568 568 1,136 Dalgety - - - - + + Paishf 179 | 191] 5 | 6 47} 117 27 414 498 g12 DunFERMLINE (*) Burgh & Parish {2,057 | 2,881 3 | 46 490 | 2,285 | 106 | 6,677 47,004 | 13,681 INVERKEITHING - + Burgh& Parish} 368 591 24114 51 163 377 1,181 1,331 2,512 Saline» - - - - - - Parsh} 230] 238 2} 5 133 51 54 537 586 1,123 Torrybuin = - - - - Parish} 278 | 352} —| 11 65 |} 284 3 639 804 1,443 3704 | 4,094 | 17 {104 | 1,018 | 3,140 | 836 | 11,076 | 11,949 | 23,025 (*) A weekly market has been established at Kilconquhar since 1811. ——(>) The increase of Population in the Burgh of Kilrenny is chiefl attributable to the fishing station established in Nether-Kilrenny, or Cel- lardyke. (‘) A flax spinning-mill has been established, and is in full employment in the Parish of Largo. (4) New schools have been established at St. Andrew’s, and the University is improved and increas- ing ; the manufactory of cotton cloth has been introduced since 1811.—— (¢) A large boarding school for young ladies has been established at St. Leonard’s.——(*) Abernethy Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The en- tire Parish contains 1,701 Inhabitants, () Arngask Parish is partly in Kinross-sbire, partly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains 680 Inhabitants. (4) The apparent increase of Population in the Parisb of Logie arises from an extension of boundary, at the expense of the Parish of Leuchars——(i) The new coal-work at Thistleford has con- duced to increase the Population of the Purish of Beath——(*) The Population of Carnock has increased from the vicinity of Dunfermline. M.DCCC.XXI.]} THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c..94. 509 | SHIRE OF PIFE—continued. 4 4 | meet se HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: | PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 7 | 7 | Fame | Rae) ane By A cae Ses chief Orne on . | bow & | chiefly | cmploy-| Families of TOTAL ee ; ma wd em- in |Rot com~| EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE: 2 trite 2 S| vtoyea eit |prizedin| = 2 or J 2 |.% 13) 2 4 _™ | wan |theTwo] 2 & 4|PERSONS.| a cupied.| Q | Aont- | factures,| Preced- a a CUL- lorHandi-| _ 198 pe atest Set ult | TURE. | craft, | Classes. KIRKALDY District. Abbotshall - - - - - + Parish} 420] 744] 1] 12 55) 478 | 211 7 1,582 | 1,68 | 3,267 Authterderran - - - - (!) Parish} 301 | 330] 1 | 18 140 | 136 54 723 465 | 1,488 Akuchtertbol so 2 8 6 © Potish 105 | 119] =} 3 55 47 17 249 2847 536 Ballingry~ ~ - - ~ - - Parish] 65 | 60} =) 43 5] 12 138 149 287 _BURNTISLAND - - Burgh and Parish | 245 1 497 | — | 1 48 | 157] 292 “957 1,179 | 2,196 DyYsanRr Burgh and Parish: (™) Boreland - - - - - - - ~ $1 54, -f] - - 48 6] 107 120 227 Guunttypatt - - - 4 - + - 52 36] -| = 44 6 3 170 1447 317 ‘Dysart-Town < - = + - =~] 297] 428] =] 8 32} 260] 1364 735 933 | ‘1,658 Gallaton - - - - - «© - - 4 158 219] -| 9 34 | 151 34 443 486 929 Hackléy Moor - - St Biante 45) 59) 2) - 6 44 9 131 138 269 Path-Head- - - = - - - 241} 470} 1] 6 9| 324] 137 896 1,022 1,918 St.-Clair-Town « - - ~ = 1651 269] = 11 | 228 30 588 623 1,212 Kennoway - - - - - = Parish} 366] 389] 1] 13 57 | 150] 182 761 888 1,649 KINGHORN - - (") Burgh and Parish} 357 {| 562] 1| 7 138 | 217 | 207 1,136 1,307 2,443 Kinglassie - -(°) - - = Parish} 189] 203] -| 7 63 | 50] go 493 534 | 1,027 KIRKALDY - - (?) Burgh and Parish} 443 | 892] 4] 4 30] 4471 391 2,064 2,388 4,452 beste - -,- - - - - - Patish] g10/ 484] 2] 8 79} 389 16 1,012 1,188 2,200 Markinch- + - - ~ - (4) Parish} 791 {1,016} 2% | 31 324 | 314] 378 2,188 2,473 4,661 Sconie- - + - - - - (') Parish] 328 g6ol 3] 4° 67 | 344 49 959 1,083 2,042 Wemyss Parish: (*) ! Buckhaven - + - - - = 152} 258) -—} - 13 | 239 6 545 596 1,141 Coultown, East - - - Z 29} 42] -~| 2 9} 23 - | 56 71 127 ‘Coultown, West - - - - - - 54 54, if - 3 50 1 131 142 273 Country patts- + - - = 2 4 Goel ap, af 31 23 o 155 155 310 | Kitkland - = - - - - « - 28 84} -| - 8 46 - 195 280 | 475 | ‘Methil - - 2 2 1 64} ay} -Fo1. 11] 101 5 | 213 278 491 | . Wemyss, East - - - - - 103 | 178} 1] = 19 | 150 9 220 428 648 Wemyss, West - - - - 93 | 181] -]| 2 15 | 147 19 253 339 592 5.415 (8,275 | 20 | 159 | 1,347 | 4,628 | 2,300 | 17,100 | 19,674 | 36,774 ‘@) One male in Auchterderran Parish: upwards of 100 years of age. { for the increase of population. —(") A colliery and fous spinning-mills The iuctease of cual-works, and the improvement of the moral habits of - ;-at Kirkaldy have caused dn increase of population.——(") A. fluctuation the’ colliers, is mentioned ; as also a thriving bank for savings. oof trade is remarked at Markinch, but, on the whole, the increase of (™) The entire Parish of Dysart contains’6,5'49 Inhabitants, About 60 population is considerable.——(*) An iron foundry and a pottery have seamen, serving in registered vessels, are included by -mistake-—— | been ‘established at Sconie since 1811. (*) The entire Parish of () A large spinning-mill has been established in the West Burgh of | Wemyss contains 4,157 Inhabitants. The increase is accounted for. by Kingliorn.——(°) A spititing-mill and lime-quarry at Kinglassie accounts’ {the prosperity of fishing, and of the weaving trade. : : 6N 510 ABSTRACT. OF .ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, SHIRE OF FIFE—continued. SUMMA RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF FIFE. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : By a Fami- ped ge how 2 EYES chiefly THER wa TOTAL DISTRICTS, é many th 6 chiefly employ- Families 3 A ‘ 3 Families} .£ s ens edin {notcom-) 5 < or &e, 3 Oc- = qi ployed Trape, [prized in a st 4 cupied. | & 5 an Manu. | the Two si = PERSONS. 4 AcRri- | factures,| preced- me CUL- JorHandi-| _ 128 TURE. | craft, | Classes. District of ANDREWS, SAINT - - - - | 4,775} 6,233] 44/140] 1,542 | 2,598] 2,093 | 12,079 | 14,514 | 26,593 CUPAR. = eis) Se 5,050 | 6,247) 24] 124 | 1,353 | 3,382] 1,512 | 13,285 | 14,879 | 28,164 DUNFERMLINE - - - 3,704.| 4,994] 17]/104 | 1,018 | 3,140 836 | 11,076 | 11,949 | 23,025 KIRKALDY - - - ~ - | 5,415} 8,275] 20/159 } 1,347 | 4,628] 2,300] 17,100 | 19,674 | 36,774 ToTaLs - - 18,944 25,749 105 | 527 | 5,260 |13,748 | 6,741 | 53,540 | 61,016 [114,556 Ages of Persons. MALES. =a 100 Under | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/7) “i District 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to | to up-| & ° 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 |100|wards} © of ANDREWS, SAINT - | 1,613} 1,613] 1,585] 1,218] 1,599] 1,315] 1,205] 892 | 627] 344] 56] 6 | — | 12,043 CUPAR - - = -] 1,866] 1,729] 1,646} 1,316] 1,970] 1,470] 1,283 917 698} 314] 71| 5] — | 13,285 DUNFERMLINE + + | 1,886] 1,645} 1,346] 1,031] 1,531] 1,150] 984] 642 | 578] 224) 54! 5 | — | 11,046 KIRDALDY - = - | 2,542] 2,316] 2,192] 1,792] 2,426} 1,831] 1,570]1,212 | 838} 425/110) 5 | 1 |17,260 Total of MALES - | 7,907] 7,303] 6,769) 5,357| 7,526 | 5,766 | 5,042 |3,663 |2,741]1,307| 291} 21 | 1 | 53,694 FEMALES. co 7 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 19° Under & d District 5 to to to to to to to | to | to | to} to| a 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 pees & of ANDREWS, SAINT - | 1,679} 1,584] 1,467] 1,385] 2,345] 1,810] 1,569} 1,179] 905| 4521124] 15 | — 114,514 CUPAR - - = - 1} 1,805} 1,750] 1,603] 1,514] 2,545] 1,818] 1,352] 1,102] 827] 361} 95) 5 | - 114,777 DUNFERMLINE - - | 1,841] 1,492] 1,248] 1,124] 2,039] 1,356} 1,047! 817] 640] 267! 75| 3] —|11,949 KIRKALDY - - = | 2.523} 2,295] 2,084] 1,933} 3,436] 2,342] 1,881] 1,475 |1,075| 596) 115) 9 | — 19,674 Total of FEMALES - | 7,848] 7,121] 6,402 | 5,956|10,365| 7,326] 5,849] 4,573 |3.447|1,586] 409 | 32 | — {60,914 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Fife was... 114,556;...and the Ages as returned (being of 114,608 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Fife, was 76; every one of which contained an answer to the question con- cerning the Ages of Persons, M.DCCC.XXI:] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. em RF TSR AA SEES SSS SSS SPSS SRT ISI EA SE SG Shire of Forfar. Sil HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- eae ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By | te | clty | Ormn - = A how | | £ | chiefty | employ-| Families A TOTAL | z jem) 2 [4 | male iem| go | | 3S om oye rized in ¢ EEA ERNE HIAS BLADE: Bo) Ge |e ee Mean ihe Teo & (PERSONS. Si cupied. Q Acri- factures, preced- Ss & CUL- lorHandi-| _ ing TURE craft. | Classes. Aserrirmyo - - - - = Parish} 199 199 - 2 87 37 45 528 512 1,040 Airly - - - - - = = Parish} 188} 192] —| 3 G44 945) 15 488 493 981 Arbirlt - - = 2 + + + Parish? 206} 206] 1] 41 106] 75] 25 | 519 543 | 1,062 BROATH otherwise , NApenanornocn pC) Burgh & Paish] 726 11,494/ 3] 5 | 31 {1255 | 3081 2,502 | 3,915 | 5,817 Alyth (partof) - - - = (%) Parish 38 38} -| 2 25 2 11 87 95 182 Auchterhouse - - - - = Parish} 116] 116} —| 6 +58 ‘40 18 302 330 632 Barrie- - - = - - - - Parish} 278] 291] 3] 9g 63 | 162 66 624 733 1,357, BRecuIn - - - (°) Burgh & Parish} 828 ]1,530 | 4 | 26 1g2 11,068 | 270 | 2,651 3,255 5,906 Careston - - - = - - = Parish} 56 56+ -] 1 34 16 6 110 130 | 240 Carmylie- - - - - = = Parish} 227 | 2071] 2 | 12 80 | 143 4 496 577 1,073 Cortachy and Clova(+) - - Parish] 201] 203 | —| 25 f 191 58 14 472 518 990 Craig - - - = - - (4) Parish} 2451 359] 1] °4 ‘go | 168 f 101 705 840 1,545 Cupar-Angus (part of) - - (®) Parish} 55 80} -| 1 3 38 39 143 149 292 Dun - - - - - - -(f) Parish} 136] 144] 1] 9 96 31 17 280 325 605 Dunpesr (+) - - - Burgh & Parish {2,651 | 7,704 | 17 |105 307 | 4,223 13,174 | 13,568 117,007 | 30,575 Dunnichen - - - - - (%) Parish} 291 | 322] 2] 5 101 | 216 5. 684 749 1,433 Eassie and Nevay - - - - Parish} 145 147 1} 6 45 36 66 323 341 664. Edzell (part of) - - - = (*) Parish} 200] 204] -—| 8 105 87 12 448 502 950 Farnell - - - - » Parish} 111 { 117] 2] 4 95 16 6 283 316 599 Fearn - - - - - = = = Parish 79 80} 1] 5 S1 11 8 197 214 411 Forrar - - - - - Burgh & Parish} 803 {1,538 | 6] 18 80 | 1,295 | 163 2,784 3,113 5,897 Glammis (+) - - - - Parish} 93621 451} ~| 2 1o2 | 264 85 957 1,052 2,009 Glenisla - - - - - - Parish] 2331 233] 3] 6 159 66 8 562 582 1,144 Guthrie - - - - > - Parishf 108 {| 110] 1] 2 41 46 23 277 278 555 Inverarity - - - (1) Parish} 182] 184] —| 2 90 go 4 464. 502 966 Inverkeilor - - - - - Parish} 3641 3891 3] 9 1g0 | 181 18 806 979 1,785 Ketins - - - - - = - Parish} 247 | 263] 2 | 5 74 64 | 125 562 653 1,215 Kingoldram - - - - - - Parish 104] 107] 2{ 2 54 33 20 256 261 517 Kinnell - - = - - - - Parish} 137/ 139} 3] 9 go 26 23 354 378 4732 Kinnettles (+) - - - - - Parshf 108] 112] ~] 8 52 49 11 257 309 566 Kirkden - - - = - ~ - Parish} 1491! 161] -| 4 46 55 60 387 426 813 Raa - Town & Parish} 893 |1,188 } 4} 33 274} 801 f 113 | 2,400 2,656 5,056 Lentrathen - - - - - Parish} 234} 236] 4 | 14 57 39 | 140 452 489 941 Lethnot and Navar - - - (*) Parish 99 99 | 1415 “58 13 28 283 255 538 Liff and Benvie- - + - Parish | 521 574 | 3137 117 | 367 go 1,251 1,334 2,585 Loch-Lee - - - - = = Parish} 108 log] 1] 3 63 10 36 278 204 572 Logie-Pert - - - - - - Pansh} 193} 202] 1] 6 121 68 13 461 551 1,012 Lunan - = - - - - Parish 66 671 3] 4 32 17 18 143 163 | 306 Lundie - - - = = = (!) Parish 49 79} -| 2 AB 34 - 193 208 401 Mains, otherwise Strath-Dighty - Parish} 201 |- 201 | -—|{ 4 93 110 18 514 570 1,084 Marytown - - - - =- = Parish 93 100 | —| 7 64. 13 23 220 256 476 Menmuir- - - - - - - Parish} 189} i192 | -| 5 113 29 50 424 465 889 Monifieth - - - - - (™) Parish} 444] 467] 5 | 36 113 | 325 29 947 1,160 2,107 Monikie - - = - - - Parish? 276) 276] 1] 4 113 | 154 9 620 905 1,325 MontrosE - = - ~- Burgh & Parish {1,137 {2,611 | 3 | 10 224 11,852 | 535 4.576 5,762 | 10,338 Murroes - - - = = - = Parish} 117 7} oe] 4 81 27 9 301 328 629 Newtyle - - - - + = - Parish? 176} 1y8} -~| 4 54 64 60 373 423 706 | Oathlaw - - - - - = = Parish 70 wsel a 3 56 11 11 201 204 405 . _ (@) The increase of the sail-cloth and linen manufactures, accounts { of Letham has greatly increased. (>) Edzell Parish is partly in Kin- | for the increase of population at Arbroath. Including the town part of | cardineshire. The entire Parish contains 1,043 Inhabitants—— the Parish of St. Vigeans, Arbroath contains 8,972 Inhabitants. (‘) More land is now under lease at Inverarity than was so in 1811.—— (>) Alyth Parish is mostly in Perthshire. ‘The entire Parish contains (*) One male in Lethnot and Navar Parish upwards of 100 years of | 2,569 Inhabitants. oO, One female in Brechin Parish upwards of | age. (1) The Parish of Lundie is united to that of Easter-Fowlis in 100 years of age———(*) In the Parish of Craig, the fishery at Ferryden }} the Shire of Perth——(™) In the Parish of Monifieth the village of has much increased.———-(*) Cupar-Angus Parish is mostly in Perthshire. | Broughty Ferry has much increased from feuing, and the prosperous The entire Parish contains 2,622 Inhabitants. (f) In the Parish of § condition of ‘ne spinning trade. Other villages in this Parish are Drum- Dun many cotters houses (cottages) have been demolished, whence a | stardy Muir, and East-Ferry. | decrease of population ——(®) In the Parish of Dunnichen, the village [Ene meration. ti sea Nee Sie SHIRE OF FORFAR—continued. S ee ee eee HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Famr- | Fam [apy ‘PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : LIES LIES | OruEr 3 hief chiefly Families ‘ how 18 enler'y | employ- | * amues wn TOTAL oR z many wo | 3 ie ed in | ot com- aA [Famili i ed ized in| ‘s or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACF. 2 Oc. | = | 3 aed ae i a 4 ee | cupied. | a 5 Acrr- | factures,| Preced- a ‘ CUL- JorHfandi-| 176 j TURE. | craft. — Panbride - - - - = (*). Parish] 293] 296 6 ‘61 | 220 15 573 702 1,245 Rescobie - - » - - - Parish} 178] 184] 10 | 14 69 "5 40 | 425 449 Boy } Ruthven - - - - - (°) Parish 49 49! -| 2 12 19 18 138 195 313 Strathmartin- - - - - - Parish} 115] 121] -—]| 2 49 62 10] 327 368 695 Strickathrow - - © - - - Parish} 118] 123] 1] 8 76 26 21 264 316 580 Tannadice - - - (?) Parish} 265] 280} 7} 16 106 73/ 101 | 635 "737 1,372 Tealing - (") Parish} 149] 148] 14 6 60 40 48 346 379 725 Vigeans, St.- - - - (2) Parish} 976 |1,347 | 7 | 22 271 | 1,033 43 2,650 2,933 | 5,583 ToTaLs - 16,812 26,718 /112 | 576] 5,114 |15,348] 6,256 | 52,071 | 61,359 {113,450 (*) The population of the Parish of Panbride, and in the Parish of | the boundary of the Parish may have been altered, unless there be a Tealing, has decreased from the enlargement of farms———(°) A large | mistake of 1,310 instead of 1,510 Persons in 1811.——(%) The Parish spinning mill has been established at Ruthven.——(?) An increase of | of St. Vigeans is adjacent to the Town of Arbroath, and partakes in the population is alleged and accounted for on the Tannadice Return, so that prosperity of the sail-cloth and linen manufactures. Ages of Persons. i ) Fala Parish is mostly in Edinburghshire. (4) Oldhamstocks Parish is partly in Berwickshire. The entire Parish The entire Parish contains 405 Inhabitants. (*) The Return of More- | contains 725 Inhabitants——(¢) Lime works have been established at ham Parish includes Beech-hill, Mainshill and Crossgatehall, Moreham- Salton. mains, Moreham-bank, Moreham and Loanhead, West-Moreham, Ages of Persons. i =X Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 1007 4 Total to to to to to to to to | to} to{ to} & & 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | SO 1100! UP- S of | I : wards.f MALES - - = =~ =| 2,574] 2,390] 2,149] 1,662] 2,441) 1,740] 1,483] 1,014] 843/359] 93 | 10 | ~ [16,758 FEMALES - - - ~- | 2,390] 2,248] 1,864] 1,889; 3,019] 2,148; 1,681] 1,367/975|496/133| 21 | - $18,992 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Haddington was .... 95,127, --.. and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 34,989, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Haddington was 25; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, } [ Enumeration, 514 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Inverness. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ee ee | oe By S| ce | chiefly | OTHER on [wee |g |B | Tam’ [employ-[Emniles | | TOTAL 2 Families £ = | ployed ee creeds g q oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 sd 13 a ; - Manu- the Two 3 2 ee a Q iP GRI- | factures, | preced S 2 sua lee Wiles AbrrneTuy (part of) - —(@): Parish} 144} 146] ~-] 3 go 13 43 345 394 739 Alvie - - - - = - = - Parish} 230] 231 -| - 99 29 103 443 518 961 Ardeseir - - + = (®) Parish? 286] 327] 1] 9 7o} 62] 195 632 755 1,387 Ardnamurchan - - - (°) Parish} 420] 421] =| 8 375 21 25 1,095 1,238 2,333 Bice Ss & s (4) Parish} 414] 414] -| — | 372 9 34 | 1,084 | 1,219 2,303 Boleskine and Abertarff- (*) Parish} 388 | 423 | 2] 10 g1 69 | 263 1,045 1,051 2,096 Bracadale - - - - (f) Parish} 375] 376] ~| - 346 18 12 1,001 1,102 2,103 Calder (part of) - - (€) Parish} 37] 37| -| 3 19 5| 13 88 79 107 Cromdale (part of) - (") Parish} 494] 525] 3] 5 | 341 88 96 | 1,026 | 1,241 2,264 Croy (part of) = - (1) Parish} 218 | 225.; 2} 6 79} 19 | 127 463 494 957 Daviot and Dunlichity (+) (*) Parishy 390] 396] 2/10 7 166] 47 | 183 823 927 1,750 Dores - - - - - - - Parish} 346] 363] 7 | 20 63} 137 | 163 738 835 1,573 Durinish - - - - - (!) Parishf 669 | yor | -—! 4 634 53 20 1,967 2,180 4,147 Duthel Parish: (™) Rothymurchus- Township} 118 | 122] -—] 1 33 40 49 288 297 585 Glenelg - - - () Parish? 471 | 471 | 2/18 | 3414 22] 108 | 1,374 | 1,433 2,807 Harris - - (4) - - Parish} 800 "57 1 - 603 64 go 1,887 2,022 3,909 Inverness - (+) ~= Burgh & Parish | 2,149 | 2,963 ; 23 | 68 566 | 786 ]1,611 5,263 7,001 12,264 Kilmallie (part of) - - (°) Parish} 4071 714] 5 1 267} 116] 331 1,443 1,600 3,043 Kilmamyaig - - (?) Parish} 498 | 511 1] 373 9} 129 7 1,454 | 1,388 2,842 Kilmorack - (+) - - - Parish] 554! 564] -| 59 | 457] 80] 27] 1,312 | 1,550 2,862 Kilmuir - - - - - - Parish? 624 | 638} -—| -— | 426 40} 172 | 1,594 | 1,793 3,387 Kiltarlity - - - - - (%) Parish? 531 | 477| 3] 45 | 299] 94] 84 | 1,102 | 1,324 2,429 Kincardine - - - - (*) Parish - -~| -] - - = - - = - Kingussie - - (-+) - - Parish} 446] 471 | 11] 12 212 56 | 203 926 1,078 2,004 Kirkhill - - - - - - Parish} 356] 367] 21) 33 7 203 72 92 687 885 1,572 Laggan - - (+) - - Parish} 229] 241 -| 4 120 19 102 595 639 1,234 MY acca (pO tame ei) | ee) ee | Petty - - - + = = Parish | 361 383 | -| 7 82 04 | 207 830 y28 1,758 Portree - - - - (t) Parish] 530} 555 - 80 21 454 1,531 1,643 3,174 Sleat - a - - (") Parish} 459 | 476] 41] 8 420 37 19 1,276 1,332 2,608 (®) Abernethy Parish is mostly in the Shire of Elgin. The entire Pa- rish contains 1,968 Inhabitants——(°) One male in Ardeseir Parish up- wards of 100 years of age. (¢) Ardnamurchan Parish is mostly in Argyllshire. The entire Parish contains 5,422 Inhabitants.——(*) The Population of the Parish of Barra has increased considerably (378,) not- withstanding the emigration of 350 persons to Nova Scotia. (*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Boleskine is partly attributable to the Caledonian Canal. (f) Inthe Parish of Bracadale are no un- inhabited houses, the proprietors destroying their cottages, and disposing of. the timber at quitting them. () Calder Parish is mostly in the Shire of Nairn, The entire Parish contains 1,120 Inhabitants. (4) Cromdale Parish is partly in Elginshire. The entire Parish contains 2,897 Inhabitants. (i) Croy Parish is partly in the Shire of Nairn. The entire Parish contains 1,538 Inhabitants.——(*) Emigration is said to have prevailed in the Parish of Daviot and Dunlichity——(!) The subdivision of farms, and the public works in progress, are assigned as causes of increased Population in the Parish of Durinish. One male and three females upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. (™) Duthel Parish is mostly in Elginshire. The entire Parish contains 1,739 Inha- bitants——=(") Glenelg Parish is composed of the Districts of Glenelg, Knowdart, and Morar, otherwise Morror. One female in this Parish up- wards of 100 years of age. The Population has increased, although 1,389 persons are known to have emigrated. (°) Kilmallie Parish is partly in Argyllshire. The entire Parish contains 5,527 Inhabitants. Fort William and Maryburgh are in Kilmallie Parish () One male in Kilmamvaig Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (1) Two females up- wards of 100 years of age in Kiltarlity Parish. (") Kincardine Parish is mostly in Ross-shire, where the whole is entered—(*) The united Parishes of Moy and Dalrossie are partly in the Shire of Nairn. The entire Parish contains 1,332 Inhabitants. (@) Two males and four fe- males upwards of 100 years of age in Portree Parish, (*) One female in Sleat Parish upwards of 100 years. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IY. C. 94. 515 Ge SHIRE OF INVERNESS—continued. HOUSES : ___ OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, : Fao | PA" | an By g ery chiefly OTHER oR , how = chiefly employ-| Families 4 TOTAL 7 many 2, em- 7 a EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Z |Families? 2 | 2 | ployed layne, loicam) 4 3g ve re 4g Oe 2 Z a Manv- | the Two a a PERSONS. A | Sapied. © | Acrr- | factures,’ preced- a ia aa cuL- jorHandi-| ing = TURE. | craft. | Classes, Small-Isles (part of) Parish: (”) ; Figg - - (4) - - Island 87 si =) - %9 5 3 224 245 469 Snizort - - - - - - - Parish} 525 | 5341 -| 717 439] 32] 63 | 1,304 | 1,485 2,789 Strath - - - . - (*) Parish} 462 | 472] 5 435 21 16 1,259 1,360 2,619 Uist; North - - - - - Parish eu ale! nie \o19 953 | 1| -| 776] 67 {| 110 | 2,401 | 2,570 | 4,971 | Uist, South = « « « (Y) Parish $1,113 }1,113 } -—| - 971 97 65 2,982 3,056 6,038 | Urquhart - - - - - (2) Parish] 430] 4571] 5 | 28 122 63 | 272 995 1,185 2,180 Glenmorristone - - - Townshipf 112 | 117] 1] 3 36 8] 73 265 341 606 | Urray (part of) - = - (4) Parish - Sn) ee = = = i = ae Torars = - ~ [17,055 |18,324| 83 | 413 ]10,215| 2,447 | 5,662 | 42,304 | 47,853 | 90,157 (") The Parish of Small-Isles is mostly in Argyllshire. The entire Parish contains 1,620 Inhabitants. (*) Three females in Strath Pa- rish upwards of 100 years of age. The subdivision of farms into small lots appears to prevail in this Parish, and generally in the Isle of Skye. (7) One male and two females in South-Uist Parish upwards of 100 years of age.——(*) The entire Parish of Urquhart contains 2,786 Inha- bitants. (#) Urray Parish is mostly in Ross-shire, where the whole is entered, Ages of Persons: -| Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | '70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | Total 5 to to to to to to to | to | to | to | to| & S : 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | $0 |100| »uP- 2 of : wards. MALES - - - - =| 4,606] 4,570| 4,032] 3,365) 4,453] 3,348] 2,447] 2,145 |1,476| 620/239] 46 | 6 [31,353 FEMALES - + - ~ | 4,581} 4,341] 3,740| 3,669| 5,468) 4,101] 2,989) 2,662 |1,631| 676/ 298| 61 | 16 [34,233 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Inverness was . . . 90,157, » . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 65,586, .. compliance with the question to that effect. ‘The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Inverness was 37; seven of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, . whence it appears, that the Ages of above one-fourth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in 516 (SST SS Se Sa ae Shire of Kincardine. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration: SE HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: 4 Tan PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | ving | ALL } oe a LIES chiefly OrnER : oa . how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL oS noe sp 3 em- edin | not com- w | i 3 : ‘ =] loyed ; | prized in = < F EXTRA- HIAL PLACE. a ee q | Poyed | Traps, | prize RETAROG S| Oc | 3] et fin | Manu. |the Two c & _ |PERSONS. 4G cupied.} 6 | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- ie CUL- forHandi-| _ ing iyo a eames TURE. | craft, | Classes. Anrsurnnotr- - - - = Parish 177 | 184] 1 | 13 104 34 46 452 476 928 Banchory-Davenick (part of) (7) Parish} 341 3441 2] 13 121 33 190 813 869 1,682 Banchory-Ternan - - - Parish} 379 | 384 1 4 289 44 51 4798 931 1,729 Benholme - - - - (#4) Parish} 347] 389] 1] 4 gi | 269 29 619 987 1,406 BeRvieF, otherwise b ; iiveaneeeer ” (>) Burgh & Parish} 207 { 277] 1] 3 49} 167 61 486 606 1,092 Cyrus, St. - - - - (*) Parish} 368] 392] -—| 8 223 49 | 120 756 885 1,641 Drumoak (part of} - - (4) Parish 40 4o} 1] — 27 13 - 719 go 169 Dunnottar - - - (*) Parishf 303 | 434] 3] 21 142 | 189] 103 844 953 1,797 Durris += = - - - += = Parishf 200] 205 1 5 137 53 15 430 1 515 945 Edzell (part of) - - - (f) Parish 18 wy} -} - 12 6 1 41 52 93 Fettercairn - (+) = + - Parishf 361 | 379 | 5 | 27 191 { 127 61 683 889 1,572 Fetteresso - - - - (8) Parish} 861 ]1,108 | 8 | 39 355 | 620 | 133 2,071 2,412 4,483 Fordoun - - - - (*) Parish} 493} 554} 3 | 10 338 | 124 92 1,113 1,262 2,375 Garvock - - ~ = (¢)) Parish 81 82] a] 5 62 11 9 226 219 443 Glenbervie - - - (4) Parish} 265 | 287] 4 | 10 141 | 120 26 608 669 1,277 Kinneff, with Catterline - - Parish} 188 | 206] g|] 3 120 59 24 504 532 1,036 Laurencekirk - - - (*) Parish} 303] 359] 1] 12 93 | 196 70 684 831 1,515 Maryculter - - - - (/) Parish} 167] 172] -—] 1 132 29 11 425 435 860 Marykirk, otherwise ! ‘ Abedbinckt - (') Parish} 332] 384] 5] 3 211 106 67 §31 1,008 1,839 Nigg - - - - - () Parish} 258 277) -| 8 64 25] 188 605 676 1,281 Strachan - - - - - © - Parish} 205] 209] 3 | 22 123 27 59 472 483 955 Totars - - - [5,894 | 6,685 | 50 | 213 | 3,025 | 2,301 | 1,359 | 13,540 | 15,578 | 29,118 (#) Banchory-Davenick Parish is partly in Aberdeenshire. Theentire ] inblae, in the Parish of Fordoun, contains 404 Inhabitants. () An Parish contains 2,232 Inhabitants. (4#) Containing Johnshaven and {| influx of manufacturers is noticed at Drumlithie, in the Parish of Glen- County part, separately returned in 1811. () The Burgh of Bervie | bervie. (k) The actual village of Laurencekirk contains 921 Inha- contains 706 Inhabitants, the village of Gourden 225 Inhabitants, besides | bitants-——(!) In the Parishes of Maryculter, Marykirk, and Strachan, 161 country Inhabitants. (©) The enlargement of farms is noticed in | the cultivation and improvement of heretofore barren land has increased the Parish of St. Cyrus, and in the Parish of Garvock. (*) Drumoak | the number of Inhabitants now settled on their lots or feus. The Parish Parish is mostly in Aberdeenshire. The entire Parish contains 756 Inha- | of Marykirk includes 400 Inhabitants of Lathermuir- (™) The return bitants, (€) Dunottar Parish includes the old town of Stonehaven, in | of Nigg Parish includes Altens, Balnagask, North and South Kirkbill, which are 847 Inhabitants. (*) Edzell Parish is mostly in the Shire | North and South Loirstown, Middletown, Tulloes, and reserved lands in of Forfar. The entire Parish contains 1,043 Inhabitants. (®) One } the Town of Aberdeen. female in Fetteresso Parish upwards of 100 years of age.---—-(4) Auch- Ages of Persons: 5 f- Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100 4 Total 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to | & et z 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100) UP: ° | | wards, oy of MALES - - - - +] 1,754] 1,627] 1,746] 1,299] 1,803) 1,242] 1,185] 929 |755/401/106]} 9 | — | 12,856 FEMALES - - - - | 1,685} 1,542] 1,493] 1,356] 2,507} 1,805] 1,445] 1,265 |974/4591144| 13 | 1 ]14,689 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Kincardine was . . . 29,118, . . , and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 27,545, .- - compliance with the question to that eifect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Kincardine was 21 ; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked ( +), whence it appears, that the Ages of one-nineteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in M.DCCC.XXI.J ‘THE POPULATION. ACT, .1 GEO. IV..C:.94. - Sie ESA ISSA PEE SS SEs EET Shire’ of Kinross. 4 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS. PERSONS: ‘ . | Famr- pee ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By g LIES | chiefly )OruER ; how - | & | chiefly | employ-| Families wv TOTAL ; OR 3g oat 5 ‘3 em- | edin | notcom- nh 3 ee ‘ 2 = amilies} .& loyed f izedi . j EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3 Ge | | aan lthe'tno: 3 2 |pERSONS. 3 cupied. a P Acri- |factures, preced- a Leal cuL- lorHandi-| _ 1g . TURE. craft, Classes. Arncask (part of) + (#) Parish 47 48) -| - 22 26 - 107 110 217 Cleish > * - = = = = Parish 190] 142] -| 1 53 43 46 265 299 564 _Forgandenny (part of) - (>) Parish 2 2} -| 3 1 1 -| 6 5 11 csaaway, watt Pullichole (©) Parish} 218] 120] 1| 7 34| 25] 61 240 284 524 : (part of) ‘Kinross .- - - - + + = Parish? 403 | 612] 4] 9 69 | 286 | . 256 1,219 1,344 | 2,663 . Orwell - --- - - - = Parish} 435 { 592] -| 3 189 | 232] 171 1,170 1,359 2,529 ~ Portmoak- - - - = = - Parish} 284| 312] 61/11 78 | 122] 112 | 653 | ‘701 1,354 Totats - - - 41,419 1,827 | 11 | 34 4468 | 7351 646 | 3,660 4,102 4,762 (®) Arngask Parish is partly in Fifeshire (Cupar District), partly in | 919 Inhabitants——-(°) Fossoway Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The [ Perthshire. The entire Parish contains 680 Inhabitants.——(°) For- | entire Parish contains 1,344 Inhabitants. gandenny Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains Ages of Persons: ~ ~ Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | '70 | 80 | 90 | 100 o Total 5 to to to to to to to to | to | to} to} & S ' 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100] UP- = of ee wards, MALES - - = - -]| 476] 457] 422 397 | 553 | 380] 332 286 | 206] 123} 26 1} - | 3,659 FEMALES - - - -f 491] 465 | 419] 409] 721 | 460} 412] 333 /245/119/ 26| 2] — | 4,102 THE Total Number of Persuns in the Shire of Kinross was . . . 7,762, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 7,761, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. “The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Kinross was 7; every one of which contained answers to the question con- cerning the Ages of Persons, 6 P 518 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration.. ——_—_—_—— Se Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. HOUSES: ___OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fam | Fami- Ave PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By 3 LIES act Orner _ | bow Z| chiefly | oo ploy-| Families vi | TOTAL S les) 2 Vo | a or 5 amilies} .& e ployed | Tp apg, [prized in EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Oc- 3 a in Mem the Two < a PERSONS. a) cupied. | | Acrr- | factures,| preced- i CUL- jorHandi-| Ng TURE. | crait, | Classes. Axworty = - + - = = Parish 123 | 253} =| 3 37 34 82 425 420 845 Balmaclellan- - - - - - Parish} 180] 1861 a2] 2 139 26 21 | 457 455 g12 Ealmaghie - - - - - = Parish} 205] e242] 2] 2 167 36 39 681 680 1,361 Borgue = - - - + - - Parishf 152] 161 1} 2 108 36 17 463 1 484 947 Buttle - - - - + - = Parish} 179] 195} -]| = 108 83 4 486 537 | 1,023 Carsphairn + - = = = = Parish 86 g2 |] -} 2 18 12 62 238 | 236 474 Colvend and Southwick - - Parish} 269] 2781 —| 13 158} 50 40 611 Al 1,322 Crossmichael + = © - - Parish} 231} 257] 31 23 116 42 99 621 678 | 1,299 Dalry - - - - = = + = Parish| 224] 238] 3] 10 52 53] 133 557 594 | 1,152 Girthon - += - - © = © Parish 237 / 391] 2] 1 115] 189 87 | 948 947 -| 1,895 Kells - - - - = - = - Parsh# 179] 208 1 9 112 39 57 556 | 548 1,104 Kelton - - - + - - - Parish} 433} 522} 3] 4 194] 160; 167 1,151 1,265 | 2,416 Kirkbean - - - - = + © Parish? 145 | 1751 —{| 12 85 | 47 43 361 429 790 ~ 2 2 a § Burgh 334} 608] 9} 5 37 | 238} 313 J 1,139 + 1,456 | 2,595 Kinxcopnient ee 118} 1351 -]| 4 107 | 14 14 "370 "412 "182 Kirkgunzion - - = = = = Parishf 131 137} -{ 8 55 29 53 371 405 446 Kirkmabreek - - = - + Parishf 271 | 3391 -]| 9 126 | 124 89 722 497 1,519 Kirkpatrick, Durham - - - Parish} 269] 287] 2] - 104 63 | 120 725 748 1,473 Kirkpatrick, Iron-Gray - - Parishf 150} 158] -{| 10 99 20 39 425 455 880 Lochrutton - - - - = + Parish} 103] 117 5 74 19 24 259 335 594 Minnigaff - - + - (*) Parshf 332] 361] 71 5 180 82 99 903 1,020 1,923 Newabbey - - - © = - Parishf 199] 220f 2| 4 129 58 33 506 606 1,112 Parton - © + + © - © Parshf 134] 144] -| 4 120 15 9 419 426 845 Rerwick + - = + = - = Parish? 253 | 293] 2 | 12 92 57 | 144 671 407 1,378 Terregles - - - - ~ = - Parish} 114] 116] 2] 1 65 22 29 321 330 651 Tongland - - - - - - = Parish} 155 | 167] 1] 6 g1 44 32 416 474 890 Troqueer = + = = - = © Parish} 586] 947] 3] 9 113 | 449 | 385 1,996 | 2,305 | 4,301 Twynholm - + - © = ~ Parish} 125] 147] 2] 2 46 30 71 357 426 983 Urr + = + © = © = = Parshf 534} 639! 9 | 25 180 | 167 | 292 1,351 1,5}1 2,862 ToTaLs + - - 6,441 7.922 | 57 190 | 3,047 | 2,238 2,627 18,506 | 20,397 438,903 (*) Woodcutters, with their families, resident in huts, form part of the Population of Minnjgaff Parish. The increase of Population in several Parishes of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, is attributed to the influx of Irish settlers. ages of Persons. Citer'| 2 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70} 80/ 90/100} 4 Total to to to to to to to | to} to} to | to] & a 5. 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 60 | 60 | 70] 80/90{100) | & of wee wards, MALES - - - ~- - | 2,895 | 2,716 | 2,480 | 1,785 | 2,559 | 1,978 |1,615 | 1,187 |799/376]113| 20 | — | 18,523 FEMALES - - - - [2,777 | 2,545 | 2,172 |2,120 | 3,677 | 2,398 {1,707 |1,364 |962/ 445/144] 17 | — | 20,328 THE Total Number of Persons in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright was . . . 38,903, . . - and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 38,851, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of uearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in com- pliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright was 28 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages: a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IY. C. 4. 519 A M.DCCC.XXL.] Se, = Shire of Lanark. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fawr | 78 | Aut ; By ned LIES | chiefly OruER : OR how 2 chiefly employ- Fainilies 4 TOTAL 3 many | » | 3 em- | edin | Not com- uw EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. £ |Eamilies} 2 | 3 | ployed |reane,| prizedinf 4 3 or 2 | O- |S) | in | Mam’ {theTwof ‘2 PERSONS. a cupied.} @ | 5 Acrr- | factures, preced- a : fa cuL- lorHandi.} _ 39g MIDDLE Ward. TURE. | craft, | Classes. Avenparze- - - - (*) Parish] 644 |1,020] 2 4} 348} 512] 160 | 2,452 | 2,578 | 5,030 Blantyre - - - - - (°) Parish} 213) 473] -{ 2] 65] 330] 78 | 1,103 | 1,527 | 2,630 Bothwell - - - - - - = Parish} 836] g80]} 3] 10 57 | goo 23 2,390 2,454 4,344 Cambuslang - - - - ((°) Parish? 352 | 457] 2] 10 98 | 276 83 | 1,122 1,179 2,301 Cambusnetham - - - - = Parish} 605] 658] 3] 11% 1024 3392 | 224 1,454 1,632 3,086 Dalzell - - - - - + + Parish? 176) 190] - 7 55 85 50 486 469 955 Dalserff - - - - - - = Parish| 346] 404] 1 9 g1 | 245 68 | 1,013 1,041 2,054 Glasford - - - - - - = Parish} 252 | 288] 3 4 g6} 158 34 750 954 1,504 Hamilton - - - Town and Parish} 955 {1,633} 9] 19f 300] 995 | 338 | 3,658 | 3,955 | 7,613 Kibride - + - ~- ‘Townand Parish} 505 | 681] 1 Of 193] 480 8 1,751 1,734 3,485 Monkland, New - - - (*)Parish} 989 11,5421] 3{ 35} 33311,145 | 64 7 3,553 | 3,809 | 7,362 Monkland, Old - - - = - Parishf1,916 |1,927 | 7 | 114 97 | 1,217 13 2,476 3,507 6,983 Shotts - - - - - - = «© Parish} 608 | 628] 4 6} 206] 376 46 | 1,602 |} 1,695 | 3,297 Stonehouse + - - Townand Parish} 3594 388] 2 8 88 | 250 50 987 1,051 2,038 8,086 |10,669} 40 | 2514 2,129 | 7,301 | 1,239 | 25,797 | 27,385 |53,182 UNDER Ward. Cadder - - - - - - Parishf 504 | 506] 1 | 20 192 | 242 72 1,396 1,402 2,798 Carmunnock - - - - (*) Parish gi} 120} 14} 2 50 58 12 308 329 637 Govan - - - f) a 442 754 4 | 32 128 | 433 193 1,842 1,933 3,775 urgh 5 1 ; 2,032 2,059 4,091 RUTHERGLEN - - - -) 4 a o 5 3 } 163 | 736 29 { 263 286 ro 1,654 | 2,308 | 11 | 55 | 533 |1,469 {| 306 | 5,841 | 6,009 | 11,850 UPPER Ward. Biggar - - - - - = = Parish} 309 | 378) 2 2 39 | 190] 149 840 887 1,729 Carluke - - - - + - - Parish} 549] 5521 7 5} 298} 200 54 } 1,440 1,485 2,925 Carmichael - - - ~- - - Parish] 194] 194] 2 6 84 78 32 475 488 963 Carwoath - - - - (8) Parish] 645] 651] ~| 122] 262} 254] 135 1,395 1,493 2,888 Carstairs - - - - = = = Parish 181 193 | 2 6] 102 64 27 462 475 937 Cathcart (part of)- - - (*) Parish 28 28], - - 26 2 - 86 85 171 Covington - - > - - = Parish} 100] 100] — 2 40 6o - 265 261 526 Crawford - - - - + (*) Parish} 392] 414] 1 2 20 40 | 354 961 953 | 1,914 Crawfordjohn - - - - - Parish} 176] igi} —~ 4 56 28 {| 107 472 499 971 Culter - - - - - - = Parish 89 g2} 2 - 47 16 29 233 234 467 Dolphinton - - - - - = Parish} 45 47} 1| ‘2 16 12 19 111 125 236 Douglas - - ~ = - = = Parish} 371] 473] 3 2 74) 263} 136 1,078 1,117 2,195 Dunsyre - - - - - (!) Parish} 54 57) ~| -f 25 23 9 136 154 290 Lamington - - - - ~- = Parish 78 8] - 2 9 14 55 167 192 359 Lanark - - (*) Burghand Parishf 790 11,358] 4 3] 152 $1,089 | 117 | 3,274 | 3,811 4,085 Lesmahagow - - - - - Parish] 999 41,110] 3 5} 292) 389 | 429 | 2,773 2,819 | 5,592 Liberton - = - - - + Parishf 166] 166] - - 73 28 65 358 427 985 Pettinain - =~ - - ~- = = Parish 96 100] — 6 32 29 39 255 235 490 Symington - - - © = - Parish 96} 100} 1 2 36 60 4 228 244 472 Walston - - - - = = - Parish 85 86} —] 13 31 20 35 183 209 392 Wiston and Roberton - - - Parish} 186] 196] — 6} 111 43 42 436 491 927 5,632 |6,564 | 28 | 190] 1,825 | 2,902 11,837 [15,628 }16,684 | 32,312 (4) The Return of Avendale Parish includes the Town of Strathaven. | habitants are now, 4,325. One female in this Parish upwards of 100 —(°) New cotton works are mentioned at Blantyre, and many other | years of age. ” The Return of Carwoath Parish includes the Town places in this Shire. (©) Emigration from Cambuslang has only made | of Wilsontown. The Population is much decreased, extensive public room for other Inhabitants——(¢) The Town of Airdrie (a Burgh of § works at Wilsontown and Climpey, having been discontinued.——(h) The Barony) in the Parish of New Monkland, contains 4,860 persons, the | miners at Lead-Hills, in the Parish of Crawford, have increased since ff rest of the Parish, 2,502.——(®) Cathcart Parish is mostly in Renfrew- } 1811.——(‘) The Population of the Parish of Dunsyre has decreased shire. The entire Parish contains 2,056 Inhabitants. Part of this Parish } since 1811, many small farms having been thrown together since that was erroneously included in the Return of Carmunnock Parish in 1811. | time. (*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Lanark, arises f) Govan Parish is partly in Renfrewshire. The entire Parish | partly from persons employed on a new bridge at Cartland Craigs, and ff contains 19,170 Inhabitants, if taken according to its ancient boundary; | on new roads; besides which, it is remarked that 400 children belonging but the greatest part of it is now added to Gorbals Parish, forming a | toa public work, were omitted by mistake in 1811, Suburb of Glasgow, Including the Renfrew part of the Parish, the In- + 520 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, sir SHIRE OF LANARK—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, teas | Des aoe By = ies hich OrHeR a _ | how 2 | chiedy | cploy- | Families TOTAL 3 many | em in |otcom- ; EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. £ Families} 2 a ployed ae lakeed - ig A a 2 | (eis | Manu.” the Two 3 3 PERSONS. & jcupied. | gq | Dp Acri- | factures,' preced- rs CUL- JorHandi-) Ng TURE. | craft, | Classes. GLASGOW CITY. (‘) East - - - - - + - Parish} 1,736) 1,753] 10 | 94 - {1,074 | 679 } 3,282 | 3,916 | 7,198 Enoch, St. - - - - (®) Parish} 1,548) 1,567] 12 | 67 — 11,038 | 529 3,156 3,882} 7,038 James, St. - - - + + - Parish # 1,627] 1,644] 12 | 112 — | 1,084 | 560 3,448 3,815 4,263 John, St.- - - - (°) Parish | 1,812| 1,825] 6 { 97 - {1,091 | 734 f 3,752 | 4,213 | 7,965 Middle, or St. Andrews - - - Parish | 1,316] 1,345] 15 |133 - 674 | 671 2,555 3.176 | 5,731 North, or St. Mungoe’s - Parish] 1,833] 1,841] 15 | 85 2 961 878 4,010 4,813 8,823 North-West, or Ramshorn ~~‘ Parish | 1,217] 1,230] 5 | 84 - 708 | 522 2,667 3,346 6,013 South, or Blackfriars - - - Parish} 1,656] 1,671] 5 | 58 - 889 | 782 2,876 | 3,390 | 6,266. South-West, or St. Mary’s - - Parish} 1,597| 1,611 | 10 | 123 - 811 | 800 | 3,095 | 3,770.| 6,865 West, or St.George’s - - + Parish} 1,867} 1,905] 17 |171 4 827 | 1,074 4,250 55353 | 9,603 - Suburbs : Barony - - = - (°) Parish {10,781 10,885] 110/433 | 324 |5,560 | 5,001 | 24,628 |. 27,291 | 51,919 Gorbals - - - + (?) Parish} 4,634] 4,679] 27 | 460 66 | 3,387 | 1,226 ] 10,400 | 11,959 |} 22,359 31,644 131,956 | 244 }1,917] 396 |18,104] 13,456] 68,119 -| 78,924 | 147,043 (1) THE following Certificate was attached to the Abstract of the Enumeration of the City of Glasgow, and its Suburbs. “ I Certify, that the Parochial Officers have made oath, that the above is a faithful Return ofthe number of Inhabitants in their respective Parishes ; (two additional Churches having been built since 1811, the Population is now divided into twelve, instead of ten Parishes.) The . classification and calculations have been made by me, from which I have drawn the following results :—Since 1811, the increase of the Inhabitants has been 46,294 ; this number is to be accounted for, from the great increase of trade and manufactures during the war, and for some time after its termination. Of late years, there has been a falling off of the Population, arising chiefly from emigration and the want of employment. From the year 1812 to 1817, the houses were nearly all occupied ; whereas, at present, there are 1,917 un-occupied houses, (not tenements) calculated to accommodate 8,818 persons. The average number of persons in each family is 4 and seo 3 Children under, ten years of age, are equal tol and +33,, of the whole Population ; persons under twenty years of age, are equal to § and ~ 455, of-the whole Population; persons under thirty years of age, are equal to and 7445, of the whole Population, For every apartment, there are-two persons to occupy it. (Signed) “ James Cleland, “« Superintendent of Public Works for the City.” IT would be unjust not to mention in this place, that Mr. Cleland has transmitted printed documents, containing very numerous and very useful statistical details concerning the City and Suburbs of Glasgow ; and that the example has produced imitation in some other of the principal towns of Scotland, though not to the same extent of minute investigation, by which Mr. Cleland’s labours are distinguished, (™) Two females in St. Enoch Parish, upwards of 100 years of ge. | (?) One male and one female in Gorbals Parish, upwards of 100 years () One female in St. John’s Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. f of age, ——(°) One female in Barony Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. M.DCCC:XXI.] THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. Q4:° 521 —= ae SHIRE OF LANARK—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF LANARK. Seis iia. ra N HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fami- — ALL By § | Ue | chiefly | OTHER WARDS, 7 = z chiefly ciple Families gf TOTAL . - = t ay D &e. #- | Families 2 & ployed ie a beteatl ee S | Oc | 3] 4 | in | sana |the Two PERSONS. 4 cupied.| @ | 5 Acnr- |factures, | preced- a ro cvL- |orEHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. MIDDLE WARD 8,086 |10,669| 40 | 251 | 2,129 | 7,301] 1,239] 25,7907 | 27,385 | 53,182 UNDER WARD - ~ + = - |} 1,654] 2,308] 11] 55 | 533 | 1,469] 306] 5,841 | 6,009 | 11,850 UPPER WARD - - = - 5,632 | 6,564) 28 | 190 } 1,825 | 2,902] 1,837 | 15,628 | 16,684 | 32,312 City of GLASGOW =< - - - = 191,644 131,956 | 244 [1,917] 396 |18,104]13,456 | 68,119 | 78,924 | 147,043 ToTaLts - - = [47,016 151,497 | 323 |2,413 | 4,883 |29,776 |16,838 | 115,385 | 129,002 | 244,387 Ages of Persons. MALES, for oN 5 10 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 } 90 | 100 ; Under & a 5 to to to to to to to to to | to | to es up- ° 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 7 | 80 | 90 }100 ee B MIDDLE WARD - - | 4,278] 3.700] 3,268] 2,604] 4,072| 2,786] 2,179] 1,500] 896 | 406| 94 | 12 | — 125,795 UNDER WARD - -| 964] 754] 745] 622] g29| 610] 514] 365| 206100] 29} 3] - 4 5,841 UPPER WARD~ -. - | 2,382] 2,164] 2,047] 1,696] 2,358! 1,726] 1,298] 900) 623 1337/ go| 8] — 15,629 City and Burgh of | GLASGOW - - [10,905] 8,901] 8,543] 6,762 |10,509] 8,082] 6,925] 4,147 |2,198]912]219/ 15 | 1 =” Total of MALES - 118,529 |15,519 |14,603 |11,684 17,868 113,204 10,916 | 6,912 | 3,923 2.758 4321 38 | 1 | 115,38 | FEMALES. [oO ~™ 5 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 |60|70 | 80] 90/100] . Under & a to to to to. to to to to | to to | to eS 5. up- ° 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90}100).3,., © | wippLE WARD - - | 4,167] 3,567] 3,200] 3,029| 4,702] 3,016! 2,378] 1,578|1,096/ 493 [152] 6) — 27,384 UNDER WARD - -f| 898] 792; 671} 696) 1,031} 678] 528] 349/237] 99| 29) -| 1 | 6,009 UPPER WARD -: - | 2,300} 2,059] 1,911 1,846) 2,948) 1,876) 1,418) 1,099] 762 |349 | 106} g}| - 8.654 City and Burgh of GLASGOW 10,345 | 8,613] 8,184) 9,121 15,403 |10,134| 7,719! 4,945 | 2,898 |1,196| 325) 36 | 5 178,924 Total of FEMALES [17,710 |15,031 |/13,966 |14,692 '24,084 115,704 12,043 | 7,971 | 4,993 | 2,137} 612] 51 6. [129,000 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Lanark was . . . 244,387, .. . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 244,384, .. . whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Lanark was 51; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages: a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 6Q "599 ABSTRACT.OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ‘[Enumeration, Shire of Linlithgow. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Kim | S88] Ave Ss TPs LIES PARISH, TOWNSH By - urs | chiefly Orisi it - how 2 chiefly employ- Families mR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 a les! | a | ployed | Trane, (prized in S 3 F a es 3 in Manu- | the Two < a PERSONS, 3 eupied.} | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- & cuL- jorHandi-| _ ing turs. | craft. | Classes. oe Asrncory - - (*) Parish] 173) 207) -| 4] 53] 28] 126 J 506 | 538 | 1,044 Bathgate - - - - ~ - Parishy 468 | 765] 1] 8 201 | 332} 232 7 1,534 | 1,749 | 3,283 Borowstowness - (°) Parish] 344] 744] -| 3 38 | 290] 416 | 1,345 | 1,673 | 3,018 Carriden - - - - + Parish} 183] 323] -| 5 86} 116] 121 633 796 1,429 ‘Cramond (part of) - (©) Parish 11 5 | 4 1 3 38 31 69 Dalmeny - - oe Parish} 202] 296] 2] 6 112 62] 122 762 733 | 1,495 Ecclesmachen - - - Parish 58 59} 1] 6 22 10 247 157 146 303 Kirkliston (part of ) - - (4) Parish} 243 | 312] 3] 12 172 54 86 846 759 1,605 LINLITHGOW Burgh & Parish: (*) Country-part - - - - - =f 240] 295], 1] 3 176 "7 42 756 824 | 1,580 Town-part - + - 2 + - 312 710 3 9 35 455 220 1,410 1,702 3,112 Livingstone - - - - (f) Parish} 201 | 201 | 1 | 10 100 87 14 422 §22 944 QUEENSFERRY ~ - (®) Burgh & Parish 9} 158] -|] 1 ~ 57] 101 320 380 690 ‘Torphichen - - - Parish} 234 | 255] — | 10 68 "31 114 578 619 1,197 Uphall - - - - - (") Parish} 206] 210} -| 9 60 42 | 108 519 497 | 1,016 Whitburn - - - - - - - Parish} 348 419 3} 10 94 133 192 887 1,013 1,900 TorTa.s - 3,302 | 4,965 | 15 | 96 | 1,224 |1,817 | 1,924 | 10,703 |11,982 | 22,685 (#) In the Parish of Abercorn the increase of population is attributed | gress. (°) The entire Parish of Linlithgow contains 4,692 Inhabi- | to the Union Canal, and to improvements making by the Earl of Hope- }| tants——(*) An increase of marriages is observed at Livingstone, in toun and other heritors ——(°) The trade of Borrowstowness, especially | consequence of the low price of provisions, the rate of wages remaining the whale fishery, is increased since 1811, (¢) Cramond Parish is | stationary. (®) The Burgh and Parish of Queensferry coincide, and mostly in the Shire of Edinburgh. The entire Parish contains 1,804 | although the herring fishery has failed, and the soap manufacture declined, Inhabitants.——(¢) Kirkliston Parish is partly in Edinburghshire. The | and the works at the landing places have been completed, yet an increase entire Parish contains 2,213 Inhabitants. The Parish church stands in } of population is observable in Queensferry. (5) The Union Canal the county of Linlithgow. The increase of population in this and other | and the Houston colliery have caused an increase of population in the adjuining Parishes is partly attributed to the Union Canal, now in pro- { Parish of Uphall. Ages of Persons, co \ Und 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | ‘70 | 80 | 90 |100 id Total nest | to to to to to to to | to| to] to] to| & | & 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | $0 |100| UP- 2 of wards. MALES - - = + =] 1,705] 1,513] 1,429] 1,028] 1,678] 1,187} 986] 580 | 450/255} 44] 6 | — 410,861 FEMALES - = =~ - {| 1,718] 1,475] 1,256] 1,113] 2,110] 1,361]1,069 | 826 |667]293] 85 | 9 | — [11,982 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Linlithgow was ... 22,685, ... and the Ages as returned (being of 22,843 Persons) appear to be rather redundant, but in reality are not so; 158 registered seamen, whose ages are returned, having been purposely omitted in the Enumeration Abstract. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Linlithgow was 15; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. .M.DCCC.XXI.] . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. ‘523 a : “Shire of Nairn. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: | Fam1 tea ave i PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 3 | +8 | chiety | OTHER ; és : how 2 | chiefy | employ-| Families A TOTAL | 3 many | so | "3 em- ed in |not com- gg 4 a | : EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE & | Familes) 2 | & | ployed | Travg, prieedin] = 3 ae . SB | Sep ei in | Manu | the Two < {| ‘|PERSONS. gf cupied. | | 5 Acai: | facturea,| preced- a ual cut- jorHandi-| Ing turz, | craft. | Classes. Arpezacn - - + Parishf 314] 317 1 4 126 39 | 152 | 565 722 1,287 Auldearn - - = - - - - Parish? 312] 325] 3] 9 158 881 49 723 800 1,523 Calder (part of) - - + ~ (4) Parish] 232] 234] 1 | 16 93 50] gi 426 527 953 Croy (part of) - - + (%) Parishf 131] 134] -| 4 59} 19} 56 277 304 581 Moy & Dala- . : i i 2 2 -| - 22 1 - 108 rossie (part of) (+) \ ) United Parishes 3 3 53 55 * I Narrn - - - (4) Burgh & Parish} 679 | 765] 8 | 12 97 | 196] 472 f 1,491 | 1,737 | 3,228 Urquhart (part of) - -(*) Parish} 322 | 333] 2] 9] 244] 36] 53 547 779 | 1,326 Totats - - - 42,012 | 2,131 | 15 | 54 799 | 429 | 903 4,082 4,924 9,006 _(#) Calder Parish is partly in Inverness shite. The entire Parish con- ¢ (4) The fishermen at Nairn are one-third more numerous than in 1811, tas 1,120 Inhabitants.——(>) Croy Parish is mostly in Inverness- ] and the depression of agriculture has driven many persons iftd the ‘shire. The entire Parish contains 1,538 Inhabitants. An improvement | Burgh. (*) Urquhart Parish is mostly in Ross-shire. The éntire of moor land by pensioners and others, is mentioned as a cause of in- | Parish contains 2,822 Inhabitants. The population of the Nairnshire creased population. (©) Moy and Dalarossie are partly in Inverness- | part of the Parish has declined from the distress of the times, which is shire, The entire Parish contains 1,932 Inhabitants. A few small farms | particularly felt here, having been thrown together, the population is therefore diminished. Ages of Persons. ——— ~ use 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60/70 | 80} 90 J100]° 4 aa ml to | te | to | te | te | to | te |] tl te) tol to] me | Ss 0 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100| »P- | & of . | : ~~ Iwards. MALES - - - - -J 551] 512] 514] 413] 547 | 4541] 373} 283 | 248/112] 21 | 1] — | 4,029 FEMALES - - - -} 532} 486] 470] 496] 745] 587] 522) 423 406/172] 25] 5 | — | 4,869 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Nairn was .... 9,006 .... and the number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ..., 8,898, .... whsuce it appears that the Ages of one éighty-third part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not beeh obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Nairn was 7; one of which did not contaifi any answet to the quéstion concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+). 524 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS’ UNDER (Enumeration; a ee Shire of Orkney and Shetland. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Rene ee to ce By 3 aes chiefly Orner : L PLACE 3 ey » | 3 ce Te eek) ae By | tee & < g si 2 In | not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIA 5 Tees Fe a ployed Trave, prized in 3 _ OF = : 1 in = L 3 cupied, a 5 Acri- a oe i PESaNS. : cuL- ‘orHandi-| i re ORKNEY ISLES. Ture. | craft, Glisice Marsuayn: (*) Andrews, St.- - - - (°) Parish} 155{ 155] —{ -—f 1201 26) 19 382 | 475 857° | Birsay - - - - - - - Parish} 364} 364) -} - | 153} 113] 98 687 839 | 1,526 Dearness - - - = - - Parish} 134] 134] —] — go 12 32 313 378 691 Evie - - - «- - - - Parish} 171 / 171] -] - go 36 45 349 462 811 Firth - - - - + = Parish} 127) 127) -| - 89 37 1 233 g12 545 Harray - - - - - - Parish} 158] 161] 1] 3] 102] 53 5 328 391 719 Holm and Paplay - - - Parishes} 145 TAG Sef 110 20 15 341 432 773 KIRKWALL - - - Burgh} 309{ 542) 2] - 7 | 352 183 938 1,274 | 2,212 Ola Saint - - - - - Parish} 154) 232) -] — go 99 43 491 543 1,034 Orphir with Cava Island - Parish] 180} 182) 2] -—] 174 8 - 407 499 906 Rendall - - ~ - = Parish} 96} g6} -] - 79 4| 13 240 278 518 Sandwich - - - - Parish} 133] 191] —] — 132 9 50 433 497 930 Stenness - - - - - - Parishf 125} 125] -J] - 89 18 18 280 316 596 Stromness - - - Burgh of Barony| 385] 556) -| 3 2 160 | 394 940 1,296 2,236 Stromness - - - © - > Parish} 123] 164] -]| - 124 - 40 308 400 708 2,759 13345 | 5| 6 11,4421 947 | 956 | 6,670 | 8,392 | 15,062 Nort Isies : Eday and Pharay - - - - Islands} 125] 156] -| 3 116 16 24 324 349 673 Egilshay (+) - - - Island 40 43] 1] - 30 5 8 110 116 226 Enhallow (+) - - - Island 3 3/ -| - 3 - ~ 4 4 11 Gairsay (+) - - - - - Island 12 wz] o-] - 4 3 2 35 44 49 Ronaldshay, North - - Island 45 | -| - 69 6 - 213 207 420 Rousay (+) - - - - - Islandf 171 wio1j - 108 23 48 390 444 834 Shapinshay - - - - Island} 131 | 167] =] = 102 60 5 362 417 9719. Sanda Island: Burness - - = - = Parish 88 go} -] = "9 4 4 199 216 415 Cross - - - - - = Parshf 116] 118} =] — 94 13 11 269 296 565 Lady - - - - - Parish} 169 | 172] -—| 2 142 16 14 403 477 880 Stronsay Island : Lady-Kirk - - - - + Parish 53 66] -| - 33 15 18 144 171 315 St. Peter’s -- - Parish 6 6 8 6 including Papa-Stronsay Island 44 tal a |e 45 10 14 162 310 St. Nicholas - - - Parish 68 v6) -!| 1 63 8 5 190 198 388 Westray Island : North or Lady-Kirk - - Parish} 145 | 165] -—| — 119 18 28 402 422 824 East - - - - - = Parish 80 931 -| 3 46 12 5 248 287 535 West - - - - + - Parish 50 56) -| - 43 4 9 130 161 291 Papa-Westray - Island] 49 50} -] = 45 3 2 138 159 297 Wier (+) - - - - - > Island 16 if -]| - 12 1 3 36 44 80 1,435 11,598 |} 2] 9 41,186] 216] 196 | 3,745 | 4,177 | 7,922 SoutH Is.zs: | Burray - - - - © © Island 50 50t -]| - 21 13 16 116 129 245 - Copinshay = - - + - Island 1 1} -] - 1 - a 6 4 10 Flotta and South-Faira - - Islands 52 61, -| - 59 2 - 144 153 297 Gremsay - - - - - Island 34 42} -4% — 34 1 7 104 116 220 Hoy - - - - ~- - - Parish} 45 68; -{ 1 45 1 22 127 161 288 Walls Island : 2 North-Walls - - - Parish 61 69} -]}] 4 69 = ~ 158 196 354 South-Walls - - - - Parish 94} 102] -]| 3 99 3 = 277 318 595 Ronaldshay, South, Island : : St. Peter’s or North-Kirk - Parish] 275] 286] 3] 3 123 74 89 654 742 1,396 Lady or South-Kirk - - Parishf 117} 117] 1) 4 69 16 32 246 307 553 Swannay and Pentland-Skerries Islands 8 8; -] - 5 1 2 22 15 37 737 | 804| 4315 | 525 | 111 | 168 | 1,854 | 2,141 | 3,995 (#) What is_called the Mainland, is the largest of the Orkney Isles, | Islands; the present arrangement was furnished by the Sheriff Substitute sometimes called Pomona. The arrangement of the Shire of Orkney in | of Orkney——(>) One female in St. Andrew’s Parish upwards of 100 the Abstract of 1811, was not suitable to a County consisting wholly of | years of age. M.DCCC.XXE.] C—O THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. SHIRE OF ORKNEY AND SHETLAND—continued. 525 eI ES SR HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fame | UAE | Au By By LIES | chiefly Oruzr oR i, how . = chiefly employ- Families wa TOTAL 2 many eo ‘sg em- edin |notcom- wb a ae EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. = | Families 3 | & | ployed | Trans, [prized in a Z at De) ele in | Manu- |theTwof & _[PERSONS. 5 cupied.} | 5 Acart- | factures,| preced- eS fx CUL- lurHandi-| ing SHETLAND-ISLES. Sees pale Cee Aithsting and Sandsting (+) (°) Parish] 308] 317] 2] 4 6 10 | 301 862 1,022 1,884 Bressay, Burra, and Quarff(-++)(°)Parish} 259 | 294] -| — 260 19 15 739 846 1,585 Delting - - + + - = Parish} 317] 321) 2] 6 302 15 4 "97 1,021 1,818 Dunrossness, Sandwick, Cunnisburgh, and Faira-+ (+) Parish} 692 | 769) 31] 13 643 10 | 116 1,695 2,103 3,798 Isle - - - - - - Lerwick - - - = - = = Town] 253] 520] 6] 2 9} 165] 346 984 1,240 | 2,224 and Gulberwick - - - - Parish 57 571 - 48 - 9 172 182 354 Ministry of. Nesting: Lunnasting, Nesting, Skerries,and Whel- } United Parishes] 323 | 341] -| 3 335 2 4 892 1,113 2,005 say (+) - - Northmavine- (+) - - - Parish} 372 | 376) -] - 364 6 6 1,039 1,225 2,264 Ti Ml, Whit d ‘ We dale anes | (*) Parish} 354] 402 | 1] 5 296 11 95 1,043 1,266 2,309 Unst - - = (+) - - - Parsh| 442 453 | 4] 13 360 - 93 1,176 1,422 2,598 itt d : a ad } (+) Pash} 337] 337| -| -] 326] 4] 7] 917 | 1,074 | 1,99 Yell, North, and Fetlar - (-+) Parish} 254 | 269 | -1| 94 237 1 31 717 869 | 1,586 Yell, South and Mid - (+) Parish} 277 280} g] 9 265 7 8 468 961 1,729 4,245 | 4,736 | 27 | 64 | 3,451 | 250 | 1,035 111,801 |14,344 | 26,145 (‘) The mixed occupation of the Inhabitants of Aithsting and Sand- sting, and of Brassay and Barra, has caused almost all the families to be ascribed to agriculture in the latter, to the fishery in the former. In the rest of Shetland, they are generally ascribed to agriculture. In some of the Orkney Islands, the same doubt has evidently had a like effect. (4) The discovery of acod-bank is mentioned in the Tingwall Re- turn. The Returns of the Shetland Isles very generally ascribe part of the increase of Population to persons returned from the navy and army at the peace, and to the subdivision of land; besides which, the fishery is an inducement to early marriages. SUMMARY ae OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ORKNEY AND SHETLAND. Ge \ ORKNEY-ISLES : MAINLAND - - - - -]| 25759] 3,345 5 {| 6 | 1,442] 947| 956 | 6,670 | 8,392 | 15,062 NORTH-ISLES - - - -1 1,435] 1,598] 2 9 | 1,186] 216 196 3,745 4,177 7,922 SOUTH-ISLES - - - - - 737| 804| 4] 15 525| 111 168 1,854 2,141 3,995 wSHETLAND-ISLES - - - -. - | 4,245] 4,736| 27 | 64 | 3,451| 250 11,035 | 11,801 | 14,344 | 26,145 Torars - - - | 9,176|10,483| 38 | 94 | 6,604) 1,524 [2,355 | 24,070 | 29,054 | 53,124 6R 526 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration; eon See SESS ST SHIRE OF ORKNEY AND SHETLAND—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. a 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80| 90/1] | Under & ta ‘ to | to to to to to to | to j to} to} tol yt & i | ° 10 | #15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |wards} & ORKNEY-ISLES : MAINLAND - -]| go6} 876, 767] 654 | 936] 664] 626; 539] 477| 201] 48/ 2] —- | 6,696 NORTH-ISLES -— 406 | 395 386 | 337 509 305 277 228 | 192] 103] 30 1 — | 3,169 SOUTH-ISLES -] 234}; 224) 238 | 226] 267] 186] 140] 157{ 100! Go; 21] 1] —] 1,854 SHETLAND-ISLES - - | 321 | 226) 197] 190] 294] 225] 206| 1371105; 41] 9] 21 -{] 1,953 Total of MALES 1,867 | 1,721 11,588 | 1,407 | 2,006 | 1,380 | 1,249 | 1,061 | 874! 405] 108} 6] — [13,672 FEMALES. eo —~ 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70] 80; 90/2] |. Under & a to to to to to to | to to | to | to | to up- Be ‘ ° 2 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 \wards} & ORKNEY-ISLES : MAINLAND -| 903 | 866! 670] 757 |1,505 }1,054 | 943 | 758 | 630] 266] 68 | 3] 198,424 NORTH-ISLES 413 | 397} 328) 297} 606} 396] 338] 317 | 249, 152) 32] 2] 173,527 SOUTH-ISLES 224 | 221 | 189] 204 | 403] 277} 212 | 165] 157] 72) 25 | 2] —] 2,151 SHETLAND-ISLES - - 316 196 204 | 227 | 446] 323] 294 | 205 | 142] 68] 20] 2] - | 2,443 Total of FEMALES | 1,856 : 1,680 }1,391 | 1,485 | 2,960 | 2,050 | 1,787 | 1,445 |1,178] 558}145| 8] 2 116,545 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Orkney and Shetland was . . . 53,124, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 30,217, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-second and one-third part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Orkney and Shetland was 56; sixteen of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): among which are all (except two) of the Shetland Isles. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 527 ——————_——e Shire of Peebles. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, a : Has: ia ee oR a End ; a chiefly oa ie Halialies : a TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 |Families| | 3 | ployea {get fpricedin) 3 oe @ | Oc f Se ai |TMlheTwol a 2 _|PERSONS. SS feupied) © | 5S | Acre factures,| Preced- a Fy ie ee a lives 4 Broventon - - - - - Parish 47 47 -| - 20 15 12 144 116 260 Drumelzier - - - - - Parish 51 534 -—{ 1 29 12 12 135 158 293 Eddlestone - - + - - - Parish} 149! 149] —| 10 128 17 4 418 392 810 Glenholm - - - - - - Parish 44 44] ~| 5 31 8 5 118 121 239 Innerleithen (part of) - (*) Parish} 118] ig1] —| ~— 67 57 9 319 343 662 Kilbucho - - - - - - = Parish 59 59] -]}] - 42 12 5 147 181 328 Kirkurd - - ~ - - = - Parish 57 58} 11 2 25 11 22 170 182 352 Linton - - - - - = + Parshf 241 | 267] —| 12 100 | 104 63 584 610 1,194 . Lyne and Theggate - - - + Parish 26 26} ~f - 24 1 1 99 a7 176 Manor - - - - - = - Parish 41 48} ~! 3 41 4 3 164 160 324 Newlands - - - - - Parish} 195 | 195] -| 7 117 42 36 505 536 1,041 PEEBLES (part of) - (>) Burgh&Parish} 448 | 595] — 3 115 315, 165 1,330 1,371 2,701 Skirlng - - - - += - - Parish 6o,| 61] - | 2 26 16 19 179 166 345 Stobo - - - - - = + - Parish 62} 75| -| 6 8 10 57 195 218 413 Traquair - - - - - + - Parish} 108 Hae Lol ce 39 21 48 325 318 643 Tweedsmuir - - - - Parish{ 44) 46f{ 1! = 25 6 15 141 124 265 | ToTats - - - [1,750 ]1,962] 2 | 51 ‘837 | 651 | 474 4,973 5,073 10,046, (*) Innerleithen Parish is partly in the Shire of Selkirk. The entire (>) Part of the Parish of Peebles is in the Shire of Selkirk. The entire Parish contains 705 Inhabitants. Parish contains 2,705 Inhabitants. Ages of Persons. was... 10,024,.. the question to that effect. Cc “N Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 |] 70 {| 80] 90/100; 4 Total to to to to to to to to |] to | to | to] & a 5. 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70} 80] 90 |100| »-| & of : wards. MALES - - - + -} 704] 714] 698] 521] 809) 483] 433] 273.)182]122/ 22! 2] —- | 4,963 FEMALES - - - <=] 695 646 | 585 | 568 966 | 520] 432 320 |216] 93/15] 5 ~ | 5,061 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Peebles was . . . 10,046, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, - whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Peebles was 16; every one of which contained an answer to the question : concerning Ages: « small proportion of the Returus of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females, 528 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, Shire of Perth. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fann | PANE | Aut ny 2 | 2 lene (oo or : how 3 | chiefly | cmploy-| Families vi TOTAL yo many es © em- ed in | aot com- wa 4 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 5 | Families} .8 a ployed | Ta aps, | prized in a OF 2 | 0° | 3 | "2 | | Manu- | the Two & PERSONS. jcupied. | | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- 3 ay cut- lorHandi-| _ ing ss tuRE. | craft. | Classes. =o Asrrvatcig - - - - = Patish 88 94} -| - 54 16 24 246 244 490 Aberfoll - - - + - (#) Parish} 145] 148] -]| - 23 14} 111 349 381 730 Abernethy (part of) - - (°) Parish 283 368 1 | 14 69 219 80 751 800 1,552 Abernyte - - - - + Parish} 46 49] 11 7 26 11 12 134 135 269 Alyth (part of) - - - (%) Parish} 450] 573] 4; 12 92} 170] 311 1,116 1,271 2,387 Arngask (part of) - - (4) Parish 44 44| -| 7 22 20 2 111 130 241 Auchterarder = - - (*) Parish} 445 | 670} 21] 3 136 | 444 go 1,421 1,449 2,870 Auchtergaven - - - += = Parish} 440] 527] 4] 11 166 | 217 | 144 | 1,164 | 1,314 | 2,478 Balquhidder - - - - - Parish} 217 | 250] 2! 6 89 59 | 102 584 640 | 1,224 Bendochy - - - - - + Parish} 130] 135] 3/ 10 65} 43{ 27 375 391 766 Blackford - + - + Pansh} 313] 370] 2115 105 109 156 945 947 1,892 Blair, Atholl, & Strowan - - Parish} 535] 543) 2) - 195 "8 | 270 1,249 1,244 2,493 Blairgowrie - - - - (f) Parish] 411 | 526] 4] 6 126 | 233 | 167 1,070 1,183 | 2,253 Callandar - - - + - Parish} 334] 489] —- | 19 82 161 246 927 1,104 2,031 Caputh - - - - - + = Parish} 462 510 3 | 20 152 124 234 1,110 1,238 | 2,348 Cargill - - - - - + + Parish} 304] 352] 41] 7 11g | 228 5 783 834 1,617 Clunie - - - - - (8) Parsh{ 184] 201} -/ 12 59 38 | 104 462 480 942 Collacee - - + - = + - Parish} 138 140 | -—| 3 36 47 57 333 358 691 Comrie - - - - - - - Parish} 457] 573 | 2] 6 232] 166] 175 1,252 1,362 2,614 Crieff - - - - + - Parish} 655 |1,048 | 2] 7 187 | 696 165 1,955 2,261 4,216 CuLross - - (©) Burgh& Parish} 255 | 325 | - | 14 50 98 177 652 782 1,434 Cupar-Angus (part of) - (4) Parish} 379 | 640] 1] 6 42 | 302] 296 | 1,080 | 1,250 | 2,330 Dowally - - - - - - = Parish} 126 129 | =| 7 30 37 62 253 298 551 Dron - - + - - - = = Parish} 102 106 | -—| 6 50 27 29 264 259 523 Dull - - - - - - (*) Parish} 866] g28] 1] 41 364 | 176] 388 2,178 2,330 4,508 Dunbarney - + = + = Parish} 225 | 225] 2] 3 52 165 8 556 608 1,164 Dunblane - + - + (!) Parish} 552} 638 | 2] 6 97} 399 | 142 1,501 1,634 3,135 Dunkeld - + + - Town & Parish] 119 | 219] -j] 2 -~{ 149] 170 637 927 1,364 Dunkeld, Little - - - - - Parish} 601 | 622 | 93 | 14 207 | 168 | 247 1,439 1,538 2,977 Dunning - - - - - - - Parish} 292; 436] 1] 8 145 {| 185 | 106 995 971 1,876 Errol - - - + - - - - Parish} 537] 662] - | 63 165 | 456 41 1,430 1,457 2,887 Findogaskk - - - - - + Parish{ 109} 109] -—]| 2 "6 29 4 251 2471 522 Forgandenny (partof) - (™) Parish} 176 183 | -] 11 86 50 47 435 467 go2 Forterrot - - - - - - = Parish] 140 144 | -| 9 84 45 15 395 402 797 Fortingull - - - (*) Parish} 661 | 669] 3] 9 321 82 | 266 1,516 1,673 3,189 Fossoway (part of) - (°) Parish} 159] 172] 1] 6 53 50 69 402 418 820 Fowlis-Easter - - - - Parish 72 80} -; 9 30 16 34 193 215 408 Fowlis-Wester - - (?) Parish} 346 | 361 ] 4] 19 108 73; 180 905 gli 1,816 Glendovan - - + - + = Parish 23 29/ -| 2 11 9 9 a7 62 139 Inchture - - - - + - = Parish} 200] 216] 1 2 61 55 | 100 474 5ll 985 Invergowrie - - - (9) Parish 9 9} -| - - 2 4 18 18 36 Kenmore - - - - - (*') Parish} 672] 695 | -| 5 279 | 113 | 303 | 1,616 1,731 39347 Killin - - - - - > - Parish} 355! 4071 -| 5 101 80 | 226 990 1,113 2,103 Kilmadock with Donne - - - Parish} 420} 650] 1] 7 141 | 236 | 273 1,404 1,746 | 3,150 Kilspindie —- - = = = Beh) 1g2] a47| =|} 3 80 39 28 323 399 722 Mpeasdins ss dente - + Parish} 470{| 501) 51 7 | 287] 114| 100 | 1,131 | 1,257 | 2,388 (4) In the Parish of Aberfoil, a pyroligneous acid manufactory has been established, and a slate quarry opened. (*) Abernethy Parish is partly in Fifeshire. The entire Parish contains 1,701 Inhabitants. (¢) Alyth Parish is partly in the Shire of Forfar. The entire Parish contains 2,569 Inhabitants. (*) Arngask Parish is partly in the Shire of Fife, partly in Kinross. The entire Parish contains 680 Inhabitants.——(¢) The cotton trade, malting, and distilling, have increased at Auchterarder since 1811, (‘) A spinning mill has been erected at Blairgowrie. (®) Emigration and the enlargement of farms, are mentioned in the Re- turns from Clunie and Weem. (5) The coal works, formerly carried on in the Parish of Culross, have ceased, and the Burgh is in a state of decay. It is locally situate in Fifeshire. (1) Cupar-Angus Parish is partly in the Shire of Forfar. The entire Parish contains 2,622 Inhabitants. —*) The Population of the Parish of Dull would have appeared more numerous by 500, if taken in February before the departure of those who seek summer service in the Lowlands; such persons are noticed in the Kirkmichael Return, and elsewhere——(!) A mineral spring has been discovered at Dunblane. (™) Forgandenny is partly in the Shire of Kinross. The entire Parish contains 913 Inhabitants. 0) The con- version of land to sheep pasture, prevails in the Parish of Fortingull.——~ (°) Fossoway Parish is partly in the Shire of Kinross. The entire Parish contains 1,344 Inhabitants. (°) An enlargement of farms is mentioned as having caused a decrease of Population at Fowlis-Wester, at St. Mar- tin’s, Meigle, Monivaird, and Muthill, and in many other Parishes. —— (4) Invergowrie is partly in the Shire of Forfar, but the whole is ee entered. ‘) One female in Kenmore Parish, upwards of 100 sees age. Part of the Population of this Parish has been removed tu neigh- bouring Parishes. M.DCCC.XXI.] ~ THE; POPULATION “ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. | 529 = : 5 nner SHIRE OF PERTH—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Famr- Faus- Au [77] PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By go] wes | 2 | omen how Z| chiefy | Sonic) | Families a TOTAL om 3 many | y | ‘s em- Pi |notcom- S 2 Families a 2 ployed- oe prized in a x oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. i eae ee : 3 |persons. = jeupied. | a | 5 Acri- | factures,| preced- S i) CUL~ JorHandi-} 1g TURE. | Graft, | Classes. ‘Kinclaven - = - + -(*) Parish} 194] 199] 1] 8 78 99 22 480 506 986 ‘Kinfauns - - - - - - Parish} 142] 145] 1] 2 63 "5 7 381 421 802 | Kinloch - - - - - - Parish 73 79{ 2] 1 32 33 14 209 206 415 Kinnaird - - - = = = Parish 92 96} -| 5 38 37 21 223 242 495 Kinnoul - - - - Parish} 320 ]- 605} 3] 10 57 | 258] 290 1,280 1,394 2,674 Kippen (part of) - - = (*) Parish? 129] 129} 1] 7 40 32 57 324 337 661 Kirkmichael - - - - + (*) Parish{ 328] 335| —| 2 171 66 98 781 770 1,551 | Lecropt (part of) - - - ~ (") Parish 36 45} 1] 1 35 5 5 133 128 261 Lethendy - - - - - - = Parish 78 80} -| 2 26 31 23 201 207 408 . Logie (part of) - + - - () Parish 62 13} -| 3 37 22 14 175 201 376 Logierait - - - - - - -Parish} 657 | 670} - | 11 236 | 283] 151 | 1,478 | 1,617 } 3,095 | Longforgan - - - (#) Town & Parish} 330] 356] 3 | 37 127 69 | 160 722 822 1,544 ' Madderty - - - + - Parish} 138] 138] -| 5 60 73 5 352 362 14 | Madoes, St. = = - - - (Y) Parish 61 61} 3] 4 32 26). 3 171 160 331 | Martins, St. - - = - (?) Parish} 195 | 201] 1] 8 98 | 100 3 487 517 1,004 Meigle - - - - - -(?) Parishf 180] 190] -—| 2 46! 135 9 420 427 847 |) Methven = = = «= = < (#7) Parish} 477 | 636] 31 5 141 | 330] 165 1,415 1,489 2,904 Moneydie - - - - - Parish{ 212 | 224] 1] 5 114 39 71 561 617 1,178 Monivaird - - - = = (P) Parish 95} 102] -| 4 56 29 17 267 272 539 Monzie - - - - + -(#) Parish 271 ] 271 | — | 16 105 56 | 110 477 690 1,167 Moulin - - - - - = = Parish}? 416] 437] 4 | 28 128 | 297 12 876 1,039 1,915 Muckart - - - - - + (#) Parish] 132] 150] 4] 4 40 31 49 354 350 404 Muthill - - - - + -(?) Parish} 481] 677] -| 3 139 | 192 | 346 1,346 1,516 2,862 Port - - - - - = = - Parish} 310] 320] 5 | 15 189 14 57 811 803 1,614 Rattray - - - - = = = Parish] 225 | 269] 5| 6 96 | 141 32 489 568 1,057 Redgorton - -,- - - - Parish} 298] 371 1] 41 108 | 149} 114 746 843 1,589 | Rhind- - - - - - = = Parish 73 3] 1] 4 19 13 41 205 221 426 | Some d Sosa ees (>) Parish} 336] 472] -—] 6 72) 371 29 1,040 | 1,115 2,155 | Strowan - - = = - = = Parish 55 59] -|{ 2 38 15 6 |. 168 169 337 | Tibbermuir - - - + - - Parish} 286 | 327 1] 12 84 | 217 26 793 841 1,634 Trinity-Gask - - 7 = = Parish} i109] 125] -—| 4 57 44 24 341 338 679 Tulliallan- - - = - ~(°) Parish] 599] 7944 -| 12 52} 512] 230 1,545 2,013 | 3,558 Weem- - - - - - (8) Parish} 255 | 265] -—| 5 153 47 65 645 4709 1,354 21,734/25,986 | 102/651 | 7,722 |10,149}8,115 | 57,258 |62,724 |119,982 ~ Burgh of PERTH. Church, East = #25 2 = = = =hayg8 [aes 2 te 51} 8731 814 | 3,237 3,718 6,055 ‘Church, West- - - - - = ~ =[1,039 [1,039 | ~ | 52 -{1 504] 535 1,861 2,065 3,926 Middle-Church - - - (*) - - ~f 1,364 |1,364 | 81] ge -| 675 | 689 2,237 2,719 4,956 . St. Paul’s-Church - - - = - -— 843] 843] 1 | 38 1 | 322] 520 1,440 | 1,791 3,231 : | 4,984 | 4,984 | 11 | 309 52 12,374 | 2,558 | 8,775 {10,293 | 19,068 (*) An enlargement of farms has taken place at Kinclaven. Sacra. The Return of Monzie Parish includes the Lands of Abercairney, (*) Kippen Parish is mostly in Stirlingshire. The entire Parish contains { Auchnafree, Callander, Cultoquhey, Glenalmond, and Monzie; each of ‘2,029 Inhabitants-——(") Lecropt Parish is partly in Stirlingshire. The | which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. (*) New Turnpike entire Parish contains 513 Inhabitants —-(”) Logie Parish is partly in | Roads have caused an increase of Population in the Parish of Muckart. the Shire of Clackmannan, partly in that of Stirling. The entire Parish (°) A bleach-field has been established at Scone, and the Population contains 2,015 Inhabitants.——(*) A Quarry has discontinued working | of the Village has increased——(*) Tulliallan is locally situate in the _at Ringoody, in the Parish of Longforgan. (") One female in St. | Shire of Fife. The Shipping has been prosperous, and employs many of Madoes’ Parish, upwards of 100 years of.age-———(*) The boundary of ] the Inhabitants——(4) Many Tenants ejected from Highland Parishes, ‘Methven Parish, as assumed in 1811, was not the same asin 1821; so {| have fixed their abode at Perth. ‘in Monzie Parish it was taken (1821) quoad Civilia, heretofore quoad 6S 530 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, mere oe tT SS NT SHIRE OF PERTH—centinued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF PERTH. J HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: : —,——_ _ | Famr- Pr rr ra SHIRE By 3 ts chief Oren = > | how £ | chiefly | craploy- {Families 5 TOTAL 3 many | ., | 3 em- | ed in {not com- un : &e. = [Families} & | 2 ployed | py app, | prized in a oF e | & (aie in| Manu- | the Two = & |PERSONS. (3 |jeupied.| & | 5 Acrr- | factures,| preced- = ry CUL- |orHandi-| oe TURE. asses, Shire of emcee PERTH = - = 421,734. /25,986 | 102 | 651 | 7,722 |10,149/8,115 | 57,258 | 62,724 |119,982 Town of PERTH - = = = $4,984] 4,984] 11 | 309 52 | 2,374] 2,558 8,775 | 10,293 | 19,068 ToTats - = = 36,918 '30,970 113 | 960 | 7,774 {12,523 |10,673 | 66,033 | 73,017 | 139,050 Ages of Persons. MALES, Ses — 5 1o | 15 20 | 30 40 | 50 | 60] 70] 80 | 90{100] 3 REED! 45 to to to to to to to | to | to | to| & Ee 5. 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 [| 60 | 70] 80 | 90 |100| up-} © Shire of wards] PERTH - - - {7,287 |7,064 |7,175 | 6,110 | 9,056 | 5,948 | 4,979 | 4,377 |8,202|1,4511435 | 41 | — [57,195 Town of PERTH - = ~ 11,241 11,036 | 986 | 957 | 1,204 }1,041 | 943 | ‘10 |438 | 164] 451 7 | - | 8,775 Total of MALES - | 8,528 | 8,100 | 8,161 | 7,067 |10,260 | 6,989 | 5,922 5,087 |3,640|1,618 480 48 | ~ [5,900 FEMALES. 7 ama Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | '70 | 80 | 90 | 100 4 ee (4 40 to | ‘to to to to to | to | to] to} to; & | = 5 10 | 15 20 | 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100] up- = 2 wards, Shire of PERTH - - - 17,149 |7,073 sors 6,514 |11,233 | 7,437 [6,134 | 5,061 |3,432/1,481|394 | 36 | 2 [62,622 Town of PERTH - - - {1,119 |1,048 | 973 | 1,045 | 1,879] 1,336 {1,128 | 891 [556 lo45 | 68 | 6] — }r0,294 Total of FEMALES | 8,268 | 8,121 | 7,649 | 7,559 |13,112 8,773 | 7,262 | 5,952 oe 462 | 42} 2 }72,916 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Perth was.... 139,050 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 138,816, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to tha effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Perth was 83; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages. Several of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,—or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females, M.DCCC. XXII ———— THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4- A FTE RSET 930 SSA SS 531 Shire of Renfrew. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Faur- | Fawr | ayy ay & | ciety | chiety | OT* TOTAL or how 2 chiefly employ- Families a 3 many | » | 3 em- | ed in | not com- a ie oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. & |Families| 6 | B 7 Ployed |p, 5, |prizedinf < : Oc- P= in % 4 PERSONS. 3 3 : Manu- | the Two a S a jeupied. | gg | S | Acrr- factures, | Preced- s a CUL- lorHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes. Amet se oe = 2 (*) Parish 115459 14,210] 8] 1 356 | 3,688 | 166 9,609 | 10,966 | 20,575 Beith (part of) - - (°) Parshf 10} ar} —] - 9 2 ~ 29 38 67 Cathcatt (partof)- - - (°) Patishf 217 | 365} -| 3 84 | 239 42 930 955 1,885 Dunlop (part of) - (4) Parish} 12 v2} -| - 10 2 - 34 34 68 Eaglesham - - ~- = (©) Parish} 219} 384] -J| — 84 | 294 6 932 995 1,927 Eastwood- - + - - (f) Parish} 527 /1,151 | 1} 4 | 144] 951 56 2,650 | 3,026] 5,676 Erskine - - - - - + Parish} 143 | 167) -| 4 93 48 26 495 478 973 Govan (part of) - - (8) Parish 80] log} -]} - 20 71 18 257 293 550 East- + - + Parish] 796 | 796] 5 | 65 57 | 206 | 533 1,610 1,993 3,603 Greenock ("), Middle - - Parish} 364 11,866 | 2 | 54 41 503 | 1,356 3,011 | 4,249 | 7,260 West - - + Parish} 525 | 2,698] 9 |178 45 |1,273 | 1,350 4,760 | 6,465 | 11,225 Houstoun and Killellan - (i) Parish? 208] 433] -| — 100 | 320 13 1,080 1,237 25317 Inchinfan + - - - = Parish "6| 105} -| 2 59 8 38 288 294 582 Inhetkip - - - - - + Parish} 478] 478] 11] 6 106 | 139 | 233 1,102 1,242 2,344 Kilbarchan - - = = = - Parish} 402 | 827] 4] 4 143 | 636 48 1,986 2,227 4,213 Kilmaleolm - - - - - Parish} 247] 310] 1) 8 206 95 9 778 822 1,600 Lochwinnoch - + - + Parish} 507 | 844] -]| 2 254} 523 67 1,975 2,155 4,130 Mearns - - - - - (*) Parish} 282] go5 | —| 4 201 | 164 37 1,027 1,268 | 2,295 Neilston - - - - - - = Parish} 679 ]1,269 | 5] 30 204 | 1,040 25 2,057 | 3,592 6,549 | Paispgy-- - - - - (!) Burgh ]1,616 [5,730 | 8 | 87 357 14,541 | 832 12,133 | 14,295 | 26,428 Pott-Glasgow - - + - (™) Town] 1,285 | 1,295 | 8 | 89 45 | 676 | 574 2,271 2,991 5,262 RENFREW » ~ ~- Burgh and Parish} 358 | 512 3) 5 111 358 43 1,264 1,382 2,646 ToTALs - ~ ~- | 10,49023,977| 55 | 546 | 2,725 |15,78015,472 | 51,178 | 60,997 | 112,175 (*) The Return of the Abbey Parish includes that part of it which is situate East of the River Cart, and from which a separate Return was received and entered in 1811. Rather more than half the Population of | the Parish may be ascribed to the Town of Paisley, which is surrounded by the Abbey Parish. (°) Beith Parish is mostly in Ayrshire (Cun- ningham District.) The entire Parish contains 4,472 Inbabitants.— (¢) Cathcart Parish is partly in Lanarkshire. The entire Parish contains 2,056 Inhabitants. The increase of Population arises from its contiguity to Glasgow. (*) Dunlop Parish is mostly in Ayrshire. The entire Parish contains 1,097 Inhabitants——-() A cotton mill has been esta- blished at Eaglesham since 1811.——(*) One male in Eastwood Parish upwards of 100 years of age——(®) Govan Parish is mostly in Lanark- shire. The entire Parish contains 4,325 Inhabitants. (5) It appears, that in the Return of the West Parish of Greenock, nearly 500 seamen belonging to registered vessels, were included ; these have been deducted. The three Parishes together appear to coutain 22,088 Inhabitants. (‘) One male in Houstonn and Killellan Parish upwards of 100 years of | age.——() Bleach-fields have been much increased at Mearns, and the Population also from that cause——(!) The Burgh of Paisley consists of Three Parishes ; of which the High Church Parish contains 12,442 Inhabitants, the Middle Parish 8,421 Inhabitants, the Low Parish 5565, Inhabitants ; add to which the Suburb comprized in the Return of Abbey Parish, containing 11,620 Inhabitants, so that the total number of Inha- bitants in Paisley may be estimated at 28,000. One male and one female in the Burgh of Paisley, are upwards of 100 years of age.——-(™) One sett male in Port Glasgow upwards of 100 years of age, s Ages of Persons : ~ - 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 60 | 70 | 80 | 90'| 100 4 Total ae ae to to to to to to | to | to | to} to] & a 5. To 15 20 | 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 a 2 of: | | : MALES.- - - - -{ 9,125] 7,329] 6,501| 5,705} 8,889| 5,634] 4,615 | 3,200 }2,132 "1 234} 26] 4 [54,315 ‘FEMALES - - - - 9,033 | 7,282} 6,654 oe 6,293} 4,896} 35431 | 2,240 a 279| 31 | 1 $58,262 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Renfrew was... rather redundant than deficient. "concerning the Ages of Persons. 412,175 .. . and the Ages as returned (being of 112,577 Persons) are The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Renfrew was 22 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question 532 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shires of Ross and Cromarty. [ Enumeration, = to the herring fishery; so in the Parishes of Fearn, Lochalsh, Lochbroom, Nigg, and Larbat. (>) A new harbour, and other improvements, are remarked at Avoch. (£) One male and two females in Barvas Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. (*) One male in Contin Parish upwards ot 100 years of age. (*) Emigration is prevalent in the Parish of Glenshiel, yet the Population is on the increase—-—(‘) One male in Lochalsh Parish upwards of 100 years of age———(®) Two males and two females upwards of 100 years of age in Lochbroom Parish——(h) Four HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ea | ek tee By is LIES chiefly OrneEeR on . how = | chiefly | employ-| Families nw TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE 2 ltmitel 212 | aegie en| Ce : WEE VE one be fee eNom! a 2 Ieee lcupied.| 2 | 5 | Acne fieiies, preced- = i es CUL- JorHandi-| ing J a TURE. | craft, | Classes. Awwess- = « © = = = Pati} 260! 267] a5 | ta 152 60 | 55 640 630 .| 1,270 Applecross - (+) - (?) Parish} 508 | 525] 2 | 30 341 43 | 141 1,391 1,402 2,793 Avoch - - - (>) Parish} 374] 397/ 4])15 [ 114) 271] 12 824 997 |} 1,821 Barvas - - - = (©) Parish? 529] 529} -| -—] 489 =| 40 1,186 | 1,382 | 2,568 Contin - - - - (4) Parish 405 414| 5 es 169 | 43 | 202 921 | 1,009 | 1,930 Town} 31 504] 4 15 312! 197 355 1,138 1 Cromarty = - -{ and Parish} 161 | 163] -—| 5 146 15 4 278 "378 "B36 DinewaLt - (-+) Burgh and Parish} 349 | 463] 3] 8 198 | 106 | 159 930 | 1,101 | 2,031 Edderton - - - - - Parish} 204 | 211] 3] 7 87 15 | 109 425 490 - g15. Fearn - - - (*) Parish} 356 | 361] 7/15 | 119] 197] 45 797 857 | 1,654 Fodderty - - (+) - - - Parish} 425] 444] 2] 1.] 314] 64/ 66 g16 | 1,036 | 1,952 Geirloch - (4) - - Parish} 527 | 527|{ 1] - | 485 42 - 2,410 | 2,108 | 4,518 Glenshiel- - - - (*) Parishf 231 | 139} ~|10 7 115] 15] 9 372 396 768 Killiernan - Parish} 222 | 224] 3] 2 94 74 | 56 642 729 | 1,371 Kilmuir, Easter Parishf 316 | 326] 3] 8 | 236 73 | 17 624 757 | 1,381 Kiltearn - - - Parishf 298! 327] 3] 7 | 107 87 | 133 648 806 | 1,454 Kincardine : Parish} 444 | 445] 4] 7 | 316] 38] g1 824 987 | 1,811 Kintail - - - - - Parish} 204 210; -]| - 86 122 2 475 552 1,027 Knockbain - - - - = Parish} 450 459 3} 18 163 125 | 171 843 1,130 1,973 Lochalsh - - - - (f) Parish} 450 | 457] -| 1 230} 45 | 182 1,224 | 1,268 | 2,492. » Lochbroom - - - (8) Parish} 877 896 | 14 | 33 722 62 | 112. 2,195 23345 4,540 Locharron - - - - (*) Parish? 345 | 369] 1/12 7 255] 34] 80 956 976 | 1,932 Lochs - - - - - - (!) Parish} 589 | 589] -| - | 589 asi 1,313 | 1,356 | 2,669 Loggie, Easter - - - - Parishf 221 | 221} — 7 12 36 80 | 105 362 451 813 Nigg - - - - = (#) Parish f 331 | 336] 64 —- 81 | 246 9 | 660 776 1,436 Resolis - - - - (*) Parish} 265 278} 6] 13 115 50 | 113 522 6479 1,201 Rosemarkie - (+) (1) Parish} 300 | 359] 7 | 18 144 | 147] 68 731 840 } 1,571 Rosskeen = - - - - + Parish} 572 | 645} 21148 | 126] 172 | 347 1,178 | 1,403 | 2,581 Stornoway - (™) Town and Parish] 788 | 851} 6] 8 400 | 403 | 48 1,814 2,305 4,119 TAIN - = = - - Burghand Parish} 575 663 2 6 221 203 | 239 1,356 1,505 2,861 Tarbat - - - - - (*) Parish} 9364) 381 | 16 | 10 242 70 69 756 869 1,625 Uig - - - = (") Parish} 566; 592} 2] 1] 473 - | 119 1,344 | 1,531 | 2,875 Urquhart (part of) - - (°) Parish} 300! 314] 4] 10 181 68 | 65 671 825 1,496 Urray (part of) - - - (?) Parish} 616! 620] 2 2 386 74 | 160 1,241 1,490 2,731 ToraLs - ~ [13,638 14,506 | 146) 345 | 7,947 3,355 | 3,203 | 32,324 | 36,504 | 68,828 (#) The increase of Population in the Parish of Applecross, is attributed | females upwards of 100 years of age in Locharrou Parish. (‘) Four Ages of Persons : males and three females upwards of 100 years of age in Lochs Parish. (*) Resolis, or strickly speaking, Kirkmichel and Cullicudden, united. (!) The Return of Rosemarkie Parish includes the Burgh of Fort- rose. (™) One male and four females in Stornoway upwards of 100 years of age. (*) One male in Uig Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (°) Urquhart Parish is partly in the Shire of Nairn. The entire Parish contains 2,822 Inhabitants. (°) Urray Parish is partly in the Shire of Inverness, but the whole is here entered. r N oe 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100 rd Total me) Hie to to to to to to | to} to} to} to}; & | 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70} 80] 90 |100| "| & of wards. MALES - - - | 3,884] 3,626] 3,147! 2,647! 3,579] 2,851 | 2,244] 1,818 |1,243) 631/208] 47 | 11 $25,936 FEMALES - - -| 3,686} 3,532] 2,929! 2,883} 5,141} 3,824 | 2,917} 2,427 |1,767}674| 274] 49 “15 30,1189 56,054 not heen obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. returned, was. . mcorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. T: E Total Number of Persons in the Shires of Ross and Cromarty was . . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of between one fifth aad oue-sixth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have Tbe Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shires of Ross and Cromarty was 33; five of which contained no answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,—or . . 68,828 . . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 533 Eee Shire of Roxburgh. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Pasir | EMT) Aas: By ma LIES hich OTHER on _ | how 2 | chiefly | oo) | Families x TOTAL 3 many | ‘s em- a ae "| not com- A nh EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 3g |Familes| 2 | ployed | sane, prizedin 4 3 a * 5 3 Manu- | the Two i} is 3 cupied.} «q | 5 Acni- cries: preced- 3 fa CUL- forHandi-| ing TURE. | craft, | Classes, CASTLETOWN-MELROSE District. Boswexts, St. - - - = Parish} 127] 1385] -] 5 62 32 41 298 338 636 ‘Bowden - - - - - (4) Parish] 195 | 203] 21] 8 113 34 56 453 501 954 Castleton - - - - - - - Parish} 344 | 421 6] 184] 120] 117 955 | 1,083 | 2,038 Lindean, with Galashiels (°) Parish 31 eat mR ae 27 3 4 90 97 184 (part of) = = = = Lilliesleaf- - - + - - (©) Parish} 1397] 174] 11] 16 80} 52) 42 351 428 779 Maxton - - = - ~ - + Parsh| 93] 93] -| 3 68 12 13 209 254 463 Melrose - - - - = - = Parsh{ 593] 728] 4] 15 | 298] 280] 150 | 1,697 | 1,770 | 3,467 1,520 {1,788 | 6153 | 832] 533] 423 | 4,053 | 4,471 | 8,524 HAWICK District. Ashkirk (part of) - - -(4) Parish] 66 mi]oil 5 54 11 6 177 183 360 Cavers - - - = = = = Parish] 244 | 291 | —| 10 157 80 54 741 763 1,504 Hawick - - - - Townand Parish} 489} 917| 2] 3 189 | 536] 192 2,153 2,234 45387 Kirktown - - - - = = + Parish 56 65) -]| 2 43 8 14 150 165, 315 Robertown (part of) - - - (®) Parish 66 69} -]}| 21° 62 6 1 181 203 384 SELKIRK (part of) (f) Burgh and Parish 6 6} -! 1 5 = 1 17 15 32 Wilton - - - - - ~ (8) Parish} 245] 389] 1] 10 144} 149 96 780 881 1,661 1,172 |1,808 | 4| 32 | 654] 790] 364 | 4,199 | 4,444 | 8,643 JEDBURGH District, Ancrum - - - - - - Parish} 258] 2901 —]| 13 180 "5 35 662 724 1,386 Bedrule - - - - - = = Parish 50 51 1} 3 42 6 3 152 192 344 Crailing - - - - © - - Parish} 135 | 136] 3] 6 65 31 40 355 - 393 748 Hobkirk - - - - - - - Parish] 120] 120] —] 14 43 26 51 325 327 652 JEDBURGH - - = Borghand Parish] 794 }1,158 | 4 | 28 283 | 459] 416 2,499 2,952 5,251 Minto- - = - - = = © Parish 83 or; af — 62 16 13 233 239 472 Oxnam = - = - = = = Parish 127 133 | -| 9 a1 a1 41 335 358 693 Southdean - - - - = - Parish} 147] 151 / -| 6 86 16 49 406 431 837 4 a 1,714 {2,130 | 9179 | 832] 650] 648 | 4,967 | 5,416 | 10,383 KELSO District. a Eckford - - - - - - = Parish? 214 | 219] 2] 8 177 32 10 525 608 1,133 Ednam - - - - ~ - © Parish? 120] 120] -!| 8 69 25 26 270 331 601 Hounam - - - - - «= = Parish 54 56) -—] 15 14 14 28 162 165 327 Kelso - - - - - - = (4) Parish} 535 11,127] 41] 3 158 | 503] 466 | 2,273 2,587 4,860 Linton - - - - - + #& Parish 48 "9} =| 4 93 2 4 215 243 458 Makerston = - - = = «+ Parish 58 59 | -| 2 44 6 9 169 176 345 Morebattle - - - - - - Parish] 184] 207] -—| 6 156 44 7 525 545 1,070 Roxburgh ~ - - + - (4) Parshf 199] 202] 2] 12 160 21 21 430 496 926 ft Smaitholm - - = - - + Parishf 111 125| -|] 3 72 26 27 240 280 520 Stitchel - - - - - -(*) Parish? 103 106 | -—| 2 75 i 20 194 257 451 Sprouston- - - - -() Parish] 294] 296] -—]| 8 175 57 64 605 766 1,371 Yetholm - - - = * - - Parish} 231) 317] -]| 7 122 + 108 87 581 699 1,280 2,181 {2,913 | 8] 78 | 1,295 | 849] 769 | 6,189 | 7,153 | 13,342 ro) Pasturage has been converted to tillage in the Parish of Bowden. | The entire Parish contains 2,728 Inhabitants——(®) Several carding- ——() Galashiels Parish is mostly in the Shire of Selkirk. (£)The } mills have been erected in the Parish of Wilton since 1811. (4) One decrease of Population in the Parish of Lillieslief is very recent, and | female in Kelso Parish upwards of 100 years of age.——(i) Female perhaps temporary.——-() Ashkirk Parish is partly in the Shire of | labour in agriculture is still prevalent in the Parish of Roxburgh, though Selkirk. The entire Parish contains 544 Inhabitants. (*) Robertown | not to such a degree as heretofore. The first part of this observation is Parish is partly in the Shire of Selkirk. The entire Parish contains 674 applicable to the Parish of Sprouston. (£) Stitchel is partly in the Tuhabitants——(* ) Selkirk Parish is mostly in the Shire of Selkirk. § Shire of Berwick ; but the whole is here entered. 6 T 534 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, i SE — ae SHIRE OF ROXBURGH —continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ROXBURGH. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: By 5 Fami- hs ALL 3 LIES . OrnerR - hos 2 : hiefl DISTRICTS, 3 a _ | = | chiesy ne: Families ; 8 TOTAL ee 5 z Families| = & cine ed in {not com- fa PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Bane |e ee By | Pa ‘LIES chiefly OTHER oR 7 how 2 4 chiefly | employ-| Families a TOTAL 3 many wo | 3 ém- a in | not com- 5 5 oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, ij [Famihes) & | 2 | ployed | Trane, |prized in a 4 3 Oc } 22 fm anu. |the Two q % _PERSONS.} Kies 5 cupred. | © | Acai- |factures,| preced- a > ipl cuxt- |orHandi-| ng TURE. craft. | Classes. Asukiix (part of) (*) Parish} 37]. 38] -1 3 33 4 1 83 | 101 | 184 Etterick i sy ao ae + Parish} 87 | or} =( 7 7 64 10 17 250 235 485 Galashiels (part of) - (by Parish} 174] 955} ~| 5 251 i351 95 696 662 | 1,358 Innerleithen (part of) - (°) Paitish, 4 7) -] - 6 - 1 23.7 20 43 Peebles (part of) Parish: (#) Glensax - - - - - =~ = - 1 Os cr 1 - - 1. 3. 4 Robertowh (part of) - (°) Parshl 55 {| 55] -| 1 44 9 2 130 160 290 SELKIRK (part of) (f) - Burgh & Parish 432 |! 621] 1] 411 68 | 189 | 364 | 1,255 1,441 2,696 Stow - ‘+ # - + - - © Parish 61 64] -{1 2 33 13 18 155 173 328 Yarrow, = = = = » = = Pansh} 927) 240) =] G6] 14y 49 | 44 612 637 | 1,249 Torais - - $1,081 |i,372{ 1135 | 421] 409] 542 | 3,205 -| 3,432 | 6,637 (*) Ashkirk Parish is mostly in Roxburghshire. The entire Parish | Parish is mostly in the Shire of Peebles. (*)’ Robertown Parish is} contains 544 Inhabitants—-(°) Galashiels forms part of the Parish of | mostly in the Shire of Roxburgh. The entire Parish contains 674 In- Lindean with Galashiels (Roxburghshire.) The entire Parish contains | habitants —~(‘) Selkirk is partly in the Shire of Roxburgh. The entire | 1,545 Inhabitants.—(¢) Innerleithén Parish is mostly in the Shire of | Parish contains 2,728 Inhabitants. Peebles. The entire Parish contains 705 Inhabitarits_—(“) Peebles Ages of Persons. c r N Under | © | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60] 70| 80| 90 j100] 4 : ) Parish} 1634 1473 Buchanan - - © - = + Parishf 144] 155 Campsie - - - - = (°) Parish} 438 | 960 Denny - - - - - Parish} 444] 691 Drymen - (+) - - + - Parish} 286 | 318 t f e , Poke J ww | wo eo Dunipace Parish: (¢) Denovan, Little- - - - District 49 57 | -1 7 25 17 15 130 168 298 Denovan, Meikle - - - District 76} 127] —| 2 £3 "6 28 306 338 644 Dunipace- - - = - = District ” 7{ -] = 5 1 1 26 31 57 Torwood - - + - = - District 26 31; -|{ 1 15 9 7 84 85 169 Falkirk - - - © = (*) Parish }1,408 | 2,823 | 1 19 194 | 1,023 |1,606 | 5,451 6,085 | 11,536 Fintry - - - - - + = Parish} 112] 198 5 20 98 80 512 5go 1,102 Gargunnock - - = - - + Parishf 151 182 4 111 71 - 433 429 862 Killearn - - - = = = © Parishf 181 205 9 55 | 122 28 563 563 1,126 23 59 | 81] 44 496 489 985 42 362 | 454] 144 | 2,103 2,157 4,260 13 60} gi] 162 659 709 | 1,368 8 221 | 303] 137 1,713 1,778 39491 - 14 30 3 129 123 252 57 62 20 311 357 668 18 82 | 105 | 109 go6 9772 1,678 20 | 404 | 1,042 65 } 3,972 | 4,302 | 8,274 a1 42 61 | 339 1,084 1,087 2,171 6 120 47 18 482 499 981 8 15 ]1,138 |} 535 | 3,275 | 3,838 | 7,113 13 45 | 109 6 376 a72 748 Kilpatrick, New or Easter - - Parish] 125 184 Kilsyth - - - = = (f) Parish} 832 | 960 Kippen (part of) - - = (8) Parish} 312} 313 Larbert - - - - Parish | 369 | 661 Lecropt (part of) - - + (4) Parish 35 47 Logie (part of) © - = (¥) Parish] 109 139 Muiravonside (+-) - - (*) Parish} 281 | 296 Ninians, St. (++) - - - - Parish} 1,209 | 1,511 Polmont - (+) - - - © Parish} 422] 442 Slamanan - = - + = = Parish? 164] 185 Strrtinc - - (1!) Burgh & Parish} 4711 | 1,688 Strathblane - - - - + = Parishf 119] 160 i} = Co w~ _ Oo DRHOW ] we mp] mwooMmO I 338 | 2,600 | 6,641 | 4,492 [31,718 133,658 | 65,376 D aD ToTats - - - {18,984 [13,733 (#) The extension of blanket and plaid manufacture is mentioned in | the Shire of Perth. The entire Parish contains 2,029 Inhabitants._— the Return from Alva.——(°) The collieries are increased in the Parish | (”) The apparent decrease of Population in the Parish of Larbert is sup- of Bothkennar. (¢) The linen printfields have continued in a flourish- | posed to arise from a defective Return in 1811, the Carron foundry and ing state at Campsie ; also coal-works and lime-works ; hence the great | iron-works being situate in this Parish, and continuing in a flourishing increase of Population. (*) The entire Parish of Dunipace contains | state. (i) Lecropt Parish is mostly in the Shire of Perth. The entire 1,168 Inhabitants. Milton is included in the Return of Meikle-Denovan, ] Parish contains 513 Inhabitants. (K) Logie Parish is partly in the (©) The works on the Union Canal have caused an increase of Po- | Shire of Clackmannan, partly in Perthshire. ‘he entire Parish contains pulation at Falkirk, in the Parish of Muiravonside, and in some other | 2,015 Inhabitants——(!) Stirling Parish is partly in the Shire of Clack- Parishes. (‘) The coal-works at Banton have caused an increase of f mannan. ‘The entire Parish contains 7,314 Inhabitants, Population in the Parish of Kilsyth.—— (®) Kippen Parish is partly in Ages of Persons. _ ee ~ Under| 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 }100| 3 & Total to to to to to to to to to | to } to g 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100) »P: | & of | MALES - - - = - 13,796 | 3,386 | 3,165 |2,748 13,741 [2,575 | 2,267 | 1,512 |1,152/ 492} 88] 10 | = [24,932 FEMALES - - - = 13,684 |3,351 | 2,677 |2,929 | 4,575 [3,000 | 2,468 | 1,842 fai 488/173| 21 | — [26,589 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Stirling was . . . 65,376, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... §1,521,..- whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly one-fifth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Stirling was 29; four of which did not contain any Answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (++): asmall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, ——or Incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] , THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. 537 Shire of Sutherland. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: F Fami- A PARISH, TOWNSHIP, AMI- | res ee By af LIES | chiefly OTHER oR ; how 2 chiefly | employ-| Families wa TOTAL 3 many oboe em- ed in _ | not com- a & “6 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. % |Families) 2 | -2 | ployed | Trae, |prizedin Ey 3 : ay Bee. es in | Manu-|theTwof = & —|PERSONS. 4 cupied.) Q | 5 Acri- | factures,| preced~ a Fu cux- jorHandi-| |g ture. | craft, | Classes. Assint ~ - - - - - = Parish! 547 547, 2] 2 460 16 | 71 1,315 1,488 2,803 Clyne- - - - = - = = Parsh{ 399! 432j18] = 182 | 200; 50 8478 996 1,874. Creech - - - - - (#) Parish} 389 | 389] 5] 2 289 17] 83 1,120 1,234 2,354 ines Burgh} 132 | 140] 5] - 68 58 | 14 295 335 630 Towaden a} es Parish} 520! 520| 6] - | a44o 26 | 54 1,148 | 1,322 | 2,470 Durness - ~ - - - (°) Parish} 178) 178) -| = 100 4| 74 456 548. 1,004 Edderachillis - - - - - Parish} 239 | 239) ~| - 192 21 45 551 678 | 1,229 Far - - - - = (*) Parish} 374] 376] 4] =| 266] 56] 54 931 | 1,063. | 1,994 Golspie - - - - = (°) Parish} 230] 292 |12] 4 86 69 | 137 481 555 1,036 . Kildonan - - - - - (°) Parsh{ 97] 97/ 2] = "5 6} 16 280 285 565 Lairg - - - - - - (°) Parish] 219| 2271 -]| 3] 156] 45] 26 474 620 | 1,094 (raphe ; Loth - - + += = - (°) Parish} 400] 417] 6} 5 344 44 | 29 937 1,071 2,008 Reay (part of) - - = (4) Parish] 192] 198] 1 1 112 69 | 17 503 554 1,057 Rogart - - - - = (°) Parish} 420{ 420 | =| -= 307 19] 94 927 | 1,059 1,986 Tongue - - - - - + = Parish} 318 | 350] — 285 11 | 54 792 944 1,736 Torats - - - |4,654 | 4,822 | 60 | 21 [3,362 | 642 | 818 11,088 | 12,752 23,840 () The entire Parish of Dornoch contains 3,100 Inhabitants. Many { such transfer of Inhabitants has not prevented an increase of Population families have lately settled on improveable Moors ; the same observation | in the Shire of Sutherland generally. (©) The Parish of Loth in- is applicable to the Parish of Creech. (°) Small tenants are said to | cludes the fishing station of Helmsdale, where the Population is greatly shave been removed, and sheep-farms established in the Parishes of Dur- | increased. ——(“) Reay Parish is mostly in the Shire of Caithness. The ness, Farr, Golspie, Kildonan, Lairg, and (in some degree) Rogart; but } entire Parish contains 3,815 Inhabitants. Ages of Persons. a EN acs 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60/70]{ 80/ 90/100] 4 Total to to to’ to to to to to | to | to] to} & S oe 5. | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80| 90/100; » | o of wards, MATES See 1,518 | 1,476 | 1,402 | 1,328 | 1,638 [1,166 | 928 | 752 |610/216) 49 | 6 | — 411,088 FEMALES - - - + $1,536 | 1,470 {1,372 | 1,380 | 2,151 [1,549 | 1,208 | 1,037 |725/240) 78 | 6 | —- }12,752 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Sutherland was . . . 23,840,... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, wasalsu . . . 23,840,... with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Sutherland was 16 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance 6U 538 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, Shire of Wigtown. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : I Fami- aust ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By | ms | kitty | Orme me ; how ; x chiefly employ- Families ; a TOTAL S tate! Ste Fee (emcee 2 oF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 4 Oe |S hs in | MPP |theTwof = — |PERSoNs, iS capied.| 5 Acri- factures, preced- a me cute JorBtand fs a Guassrnton - - - - Parish}? 182} 189] 3] 13 153 18 18 544 513 | 1,057 Inch - - - - -(@) Parish] 478! 4o4 | 11 | 18 356 97 41 1,133 1,253 2,386 Kirkcolm - - - - - + (>) Parish} 340] 371] 5 | 1 262 99 10 885 936 | 1,821 Kirkcowan - - - - - - Parish] 249] 273 80 32} 161 608 675 | 1,283 Kirkinner - - - - - - Parish} 266] ego] - 196 54 40 738 750 | 1,488 Kirkmaiden - - - - - (*) Parish} 407 | 442] 14] 12 219 95 | 128 J 1,090 | 1,120 | 2,210 Leswalt - - - (*) Parish} 401 | 463] 7 268 go | 105 1,138 1,194 | 2,332 Luce, New - - - - - - Parish{ 110] 117] 2 72 20 25 296 313 60g Luce, Old, or Glenluce - - Parish} 346] 382] 3 | 12 216 81 85 981 976 | 1,957 Mochrum- - - - - ~- = Parish} 333] 369] 1] 4 236 65 68 887 984 | 1,871 Pet NewtonStewart © °- ‘Tomaff 458] 565] 4] 2 | 24x] 2x7] 07 | 2.460 | 2,630 | 3,090 Portpatrick - - - + - (°) Parish} 267] 380] 1 1 132 | 217 31 845 - 973 1,818 Sorby - - - - - - ~ (f) Parish] 206] 261] -] 4 102 | 148 re) 619 700 | 1,319 Stoneykirk - - - - Parish} 629} 640 | 14 | 36 496 | 130 14 | 1,512 1,621 | 3,133 STRANRAER - ~- -~ Burgh & Parish{ 401 | 563 7 91 | 391 81 | 1,098 1,365 | 2,463 WHITHORN - - Burgh& Parish} 408 | 535 i 193 | 147] 195 1,081 1,280 | 2,361 WIGTOWN - - - Burgh & Parish} 338] 440] 5] 4 212} 188 40 g22 1,120 | 2,042 Torars - - ~]5,819 |6,774 | 69 |150 | 3,525 | 2,089 | 1,160 | 15,837 | 17,403 | 33,240 (#) The increase of population at Inch, at Leswalt, and in most of the other Parishes in the Shire of Wigtown, is ascribed to the influx of Irish Settlers. (>) In the Parish of Kirkcolm, feus have been granted, and lands sublet to small tenants. (©) At Port-Nessock in the Parish of Kirkmaiden, the construction of a harbour pier has caused a temporary ] increase of population; but the decay of careful Scottish manners which q checked early marriages, is another cause much more efficient: the influx of Irish Settlers, who require nothing but the cheapest and coarsest food, producing an increase of population without restraint—One male upwards of 100 years of age, in Kirkmaiden Parish——(“) A great increase of population is noticed at Newton-Stewart, in the Parish of Penningham. (©) The improvement of the harbour of Portpatrick, has created employment, and attracted new Settlers——(*) One male upwards of 100 years of age in Sorby Parish. Ages of Persons. 1 ~ Under 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90/100} 4 Total to to to to to to to | to} to] to] to| & | & 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |100| P- | & of a) wards, MALES - - - = «$2,466 | 2,352 | 1,932 | 1,532 |2,244 | 1,630 11,380 | 1,056 | 764 os 115| 16 | 2 415,895 FEMALES - - - + [2,347 | 2,231 | 1,920 11,731 | 2,942 | 1,955 | 1,582 | 1,193 | 958 Le 126] 16 | —- $17,413 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Wigtown was .... 33,240 .... and the Ages. as returned (being of 33,308 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient, concerning the Ages of Persons. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Wigtown was 17; every one of which contained an answer to the question .M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 539. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN Scotland. a a — HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: By hww Famitres Eematres ALL OrnER : eae . ne : ara J ; aa 2 2 cogs Z g SHIRES. | Tuhabited, Families | Building. — ee mae tee: _comprized a ¢ oF Occupied, abitec cnt | Manufactures, eee s al PERSONS, cuLTuRE. |or Handicraft.} Classes. ABERDEEN - - - -] 27,579 | 35,701 186 996 | 13,775 16,029 5,897 72,383 | 83,004 | 155,387 ARGYLL - + -] 16,059 18,309 96 1,273 8,989 3,468 5,852 47,775 | 49,541 97,316 ‘AYR - - - -- - 17,842 26,645 87 406 6,207 15,008 5,430 61,077 66,222 127,299 BANFF - - - + - 8,971 9,885 120 210 4,150 2,939 2,796 20,193 23,368 43,561 BERWICK - - - - 5,803 7,165, 42 276 3,334 1,923 1,908 15,976 17,409 33,385 BUTE ---- 2,205 2,855 17 30 "1,814 730 B11 6,474 7,323 13,797 CAITHNESS - - - 5,319 5,944 58 39 3,052 2,188 704 14,196 16,042 30,238 CLACKMANNAN - - 2,145 2,881 12 62 434 1,418 1,029 6,356 6,907 13,263 DUMBARTON - - - 3,536 5341 18 78 1,168 2,602 1,571 13,046 14,271 27,317 DUMFRIES - - - - 12,248 14,458 85 285 4,340 4,706 5,412 33,572 37,306 70,878 EDINBURGH - - - 19,077 40,469 209 1,163 4,830 18,700 16,939 87,759 103,755 191,514. ELGIN - - - + 6,668 7,327 113 162 2,676 2,330 2,321 14,292 16,870 31,162 FIFE - - --- - 18,944 25,749 105 527 5,260 13,748 6,741 53,540 61,016 114,556 FORFAR - - - - - 16,812 26,718 112 576 5,114 15,348 6,256 52,071 61,359 113,430 HADDINGTON - - - 6,230 7,934 14 379 3,009 2,947 1,978 16,828 18,299 35.127 INVERNESS -- 17,055 18,324 83 413 10,215 2,447 5,662 42,304 47,853 90,157 KINCARDINE - - - 5,894 6,685, 50 213 3,025 2,301 1,359 13,540 15,578 29,118 KINROSS --- 1,419 1,827 1 34 446 735 646 3,660 4,102 7,762 KIRKCUDBRIGHT - 6,441 7,912 57 190 3,047 2,238 2,627 18,506 20,397 38,903 LANARK - - - - 47,016 515497 323 25413 4,883 29,776 16,838 115,385 129,002 | 244,387 LINLITHGOW - - 3,302 4,965 15 96 1,224 1,817 1,924 10,703 11,982 22,685 NAIRN - -- 2,012 2,131 15 54 799 429 903 4,082 4,924. e008 ORES st eae 9,176 10,483 38 94 6,604 1,524 2,355 24,070 29,054. 53,124 PEEBLES - - -{ 1,750 1,962 a 51 837 651 474 4973 | 5,078 10,046 PERTH - - - - 26,718 30,970 113 g6o0 "7,774. 12,523 10,673 66,033 73,017 139,050 RENFREW + -f 10,490 | 23,977 55 546 2795 15,780 5472 51178 | 60,997 | 112,175 ROSS and CROMARTY 13,638 14,506 146 345 7,947 35356 3,203 32,924 36,504 68,828 ROXBURGH - 6,597 8,639 27 242 3,613 2,822 2,204 19,408 21,484 40,892 SELKIRK Be re oe 1,081 1,372 1 35 421 409 542 3,205 3,432 6,637 STIRLING - -- - 8,984 13,733 66 338 2,600 6,641 4,492 31,718 33,658 65,376 SUTHERLAND - - - 4,654 4,822 60 21 3,362 642 818 11,088 12,752 23,840 WIGTOWN - eon 5,819 6,794 69 150 3,525 2,089 1,160 15,837 17,403 33,240 TOTAL - - -f 341,474 447,960 2,405 12,657 | 130,699 190,264 126,997 | 983,552 | 1,109,904 |, 9,093,456 was + es» 1,956,706,.... in compliance with the question to tat effect. 540 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Enumeration, SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Scotland. MALES. C—— 3AM Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 |100} 4 sume, | 5 | to | a3 | a0 | 30 | 40] 0 | a | 70 | oo | 90 [100 [se] Ww. —_—;-—— ABERDEEN) - - 9,744 8,674 8,361 6,875 | 10,117 7,881 6,552 4,826 3,812 1,984 | 604] 56 7 1 69,493 ARGYLL - - - 7,372 6,982 6,110 5,238 6,625 4,817 3.594 | 2,877 2,259 961 | 262] 80 27 47,179 AYR - - - 9,682 8,530 7,694 6,280 8,968 6,586 5173 3,610 2,561 1,306 | 368} 40 ~ | 60,798 BANFF - - - 2,618 2,333 2,280 1,820 2,562 1,903 1,731 1,291 1,086 562 | 184} 13 — | 18,383 BERWICK - - - 2,351 2,173 1,955 1,447 2,406 1,714 1,374 920 789 418 } 100 8 -— | 15,955 BUTE - - - 905 882 930 678 Qi4 611 571 435 306 199 48 5 | -| 6484 CAITHNESS - + 1,974 1,990 1,842 1,666 2,150 1,395 1,204 1,021 753 312 80 9 —} 14,196 CLACKMANNAN ~ - 597 572 543 390 477 365 337 243 136 54] 181 - | 1] 3,799 DUMBARTON - - 1,698 1,533 1,571 1,242 1,863 1,152 986 790 422 216 53 9 — | 11,535, DUMFRIES = - -f 5,102] 4897] 4387] 3,620] 4,606] 3,537] 2,883 | 2097} 1,467 743; 2121 17 | 14 33,569 EDINBURGH - - -] 13,152 | 11,985 | 10,294 8,418 | 14,366 | 11,474 8,378 §,083 2,055 1,213 271 25 2} 87,606 ELGIN - -- 2,017 1,835 1,778 1,505 2,121 1,436 1,253 891 790 452 113 11 1] 14,203 FIFE - -| 7,907] 7303] 6769] 5,357] 7,596 | 5,766 | 5,042 | 3,663 | 2,741) 1,307 | 291] 21 | 1] 53,694 FORFAR - - 4,605 4,366 3,911 3,623 4,695 9,767 3,172 2,631 1,970 943 | 257] 22 1] 33,963 HADDINGTON” - - 2,574 2,390 2,149 1,662 2,441 1,740 1,483 1,014 843 359 93} 10 —] 16,758 INVERNESS - - -]| 4,606 | 4,570] 4,032 | 3,965] 4,453 3,348 2.447 | 2,145 1,476 620 | 239] 46 6] 31,353 KINCARDINE - - 1,754 1,627 1,746 1,299 1,803 1,242 1,185 929 "755 401 106 9 — | 12,856 KINROSS 476 457 422 397 553 380 332 286 206 123 26 1 -1. 3,659 KIRKCUDBRIGHT - 2,895 2,916 2,480 1,785, 2,559 1,978 1,615 1,187 799 376 113 | 20 - eos LANARK - - - | 18,529 | 15,519 | 14,603 | 11,684 | 17,868 | 13,204 | 10,916 6,912 3,923 1,755 | 432] 38 1 115,384 LINLITHGOW - 1,705 1,513 1,429 1,028 1,678 1,187 986 580 450 255 44 6 -| 10,861 NAIRN- - fs 551 512 514 413 547 454 373 283 248 112 21 1 | -] 4.029 ORMETLAND + 1,867 | 1,721 | 1,588 | 1,407 | 2,006 | 1,380 | 1,249 | 1,061 | 874 | gos | 108] 6 | -| 13,672 PEEBLES - : 704 714 698 521 809 483 433 273 182 122 | 22) 2 | —] 4,963 — PERTH cote 8,528 8,100 8,161 7,067 | 10,260 6,989 5,922 5,087 | 3,640 1,618 | 480] 48 - 65,900 RENFREW - - - - 9,125 7,329 6,501 5,705 8,889 5,634 4,615 3,200 2,132 921 234 | 26 4] 54,315 ect ee t 3,884 3,626 3,147 2,647 3,579 2,851 2,244 1,818 1,243 631 | 208 | 47 | 11 | 25,936 ROXBURGH - - - 2,965 2,732 2,425 1,925 2,724 2,109 1,780 1,334 855 440} 120] 12 ~F 19,420 SELKIRK - - - 489 §03 365 347 467 353 290 207 110 55 18 1 3,205 STIRLING - se es 3,796 3,386 3,165 2,748 3,741 2,575 2,267 1,512 1,152 4g2 88 | 10 — | 24,932 SUTHERLAND - - 1,518 1,476 1,401 1,328 1,638 1,166 928 752 610 216 49 6 — | 11,088 WIGTOWN - - - - 2,466 2,352 1,932 1,532 2,244 1,630 1,380 1,056 764 406 | 115} 16 af 15,895 Total of MALES ~ [137,956 | 125,298 | 115,183 | 95,319 | 137,645 | 101,107 | 82,695 | 60,014 | 42,309 | 19,977 15,377 | 620 | 40 4923,540 THE Total Number of Persons in Scortanp was... . 2,093,456,.... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, whence it appears, that the Ages of one fifteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained M.DCCC.XX1.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C..94.°° 541 SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Scotland. FEMALES. 7 aig . Under 3 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 |100 4 SHIRES. 5 to to to to to to to to to to to = 5 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 | 100 oe a ABERDEEN -{ o412} 8550] 7,679] 7,914] 13,958] 9.7491 7.875] 6,487] 4,861 | 2,580] 793] 87 | 3] 79,348 -ARGYLL - - - - 7,248 6,675 | 5,612] 4,778 7,241 5745 | 4,268 3.571 2,382 993 | 318] 63 2 48,896 AYR ------ 9,283 8,225 | 7.3931 7.331] 12,393} 7,631] 5,840} 4,148] 2,969] 1,504] 430] 56 | 1] 66,134 BANFF - - - - | 9,591) 2,344] 1,984] 1,984] 3.523 | 2,538) 2,151 1,874 | 1,405 658 | 195] 18 -F 21,215 BERWICK .- - = 2,271 2,144 1,765 1,800 3,065 2,048 1,526 1,188 989 481 121 11 1 17,410 BUTE - - : - 878 855 831 817 1,331 781 7491 544 423 188 49 5 s 7,323 CAITHNESS - - - - 1,737 1,840 1,700 1,795 | 2,874 1,886 1,581 1,294 936 305 85 7 1 26,041 ‘CLACKMANNAN - 574 604 492 394 644 j 476 350 267 155 67 19 1 1 3944 DUMBARTON - - - 1,688 1,542 1,422 1,525 | 2,372 1,421 1,132 823 582 257 74 | 19 1 12,858 DUMFRIES - -] 4,895] 47671 4,299 | 93,893] 6212] 43945} 3385] 2.430] 1,892 917 | 276) 96 1] 37,201 EDINBURGH - - -]| 12,542 | 11,460] 10,792 | 11,112 | 21,677 |] 14,099 9,862 6,035 3,772 1,615 | 409] 29 | 6] 103,410 ELGIN - - + -] 1,924] 1,703] 1,540] 1,725 | 2,698} 2,028} 1,697] 1,419/ 1,139 547| 144] 17 ] -] 16,581 FIRE) << ese 7,048] 7,121] 6,402] 5,956] 10,965] 7,326] 5,849] 4.573 | 3447] 1.586] 409] 32 | ~ 60,914 ' FORFAR - - - -]| 4501] 4186] 4,224] 4,202} 7,120] 4,891] 4,031] 3.290] 2,334 950 | 232 | 22 | 2] 99,884 HADDINGTON - 2,390 2,248 1,864 1,889 3,019 2,148 1,681 1,367 | 975 496 | 133 | 21 -~ 18,231 INVERNESS Fat - 4,581 4,341 3,740 3,669 5,468 4,101 2,989 2,662 |. 1,632 676 | 298] 61 | 16 34,233 KINCARDINE - -]| 1,685] 1.542] 1,493] 1,956} 2,507| 1,805] 1,445] 1,265 974 459 | 144] 13 | 1) 14,689 KINROSS - - - 491 465 419 409 721 460 412 333 245 119 26 2 2 4)102 KIRKCUDBRIGHT -]| 2,777] 2.545] 2,172 | 2,120| 3,677) 2,998} 1,707] 1,964 962 4451 144] 17 —] 20,328 LANARK = - - - | 17,710 | 15,031 | 13,966 | 14,692 | 94,084 | 15,704 | 12,043 | 7,971 | 4,993 | 2187 612 | 51 | 6] 129,000 LINLITHGOW- - 1,718 | 1,475 | 1,256] 1,113] 2,110] 1,361 | 1,069 826 667 293 85 9 | -] 11,982 NAIRN - - - - 532 486 470 496 145 587 522 423 406 179] 25) 5 | -| 4,869 CO a “. =| 1,856] 1,680] 1,391 1,485 | 2,960] 2,060} 1,787] 1,445} 1,178 558 | 145 8 24 - 16,545 PEEBLES oe - 695 |. 646 585 568 966 520 432 320 215 93 15 5 | - 5,061 PERTH - - - - = 8,268 9,121 7,649 7,559 | 19,112 8,773 7,262 5,052 3,988 1,726 | 462} 42 a 72,916 RENFREW Shi 9,033 7,282 6,654 6,507 | 10,586 6,293 4,896 3.431 2,240 1,039 | 279] 31 1 58,262 Oe RTY ae 3,686 31532 2,929 2,883 5,141 9,824 2,917 2,427 1,767 674 | 274) 49 | 15 30,118 ROXBURGH = - -| 2,845 | 9,794] 2,289 | 2,125 | 3,665 | 2,488 1,996 1,499 1,138 560 | 141] 10 1 21,485, SELKIRK --- 485 477 383 339 581 400 307 218 144 72 20 6 =, 3,432 : STIRLING - -] 3,684 | 3,351 2,677} 2,929 | 4.575 | 3,000 | 2,468 1,842 1,381 488 | 173} 21°] —] > 26,589 SUTHERLAND - - 1,536 1,470 1,372 1,380 ] 9,151 1,549 1,208 1,037 725 240 48 6 = 12,752 “WIGTOWN - - - =] 2,947 | 2,931 1,920} 1,732 | 2,941 1,955 | 1582] 1,193 958 413 | 126] 16 -F 17,413 | Total of FEMALES - } 193,711 | 121,573 | 109,247 | 108,306 | 182,712 | 124,380 96,991 | 73,518 | 51,868 | 23,298 16,734 | 766 | 62 po THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from Scoruanp was 1,046; forty-nine of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked ( -+) throughout the Abstract. 6X 542 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, Se rent em am —————————===== General Summary OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN Great Writain. fo eee Amy Ne, | Beeat Marines, England, | Wales. | Seotlands | tscinenin | wBeitain, Registered Vessels. | : HOUSES, Inhabited - — - - | 1,961,973 136,183 341,474 | - - 2,429,630 By how many Families occupied - 2,346,717 146,706 447,960 - - - 2,941,383 ——— Building - “ 18,289 985 2,405 | - 21,679 ——— Unlniobiied - - 2 66,055 3,652 12, 657 - 82, 364 FAMILIES, chiefly employed in Agriculture - 773,732 74,225 130, 699 - - - 978,656 in Te Manufacture or | 1,118,295 41,680 190,264 : 7 1,350,239 all other Families not comprised ‘i 30.801 126.99 7 5 : in the Two preceding Classes - ee : al 612, 488 PERSONS, Males - = «1 5,488,679 350, 487 983,552 319,300 97,137,018 Females - - - - - 5,777,758 366,951 1, 109,904 - - - 7,254,613 TOTAL OF PERSONS - -| 11,261,487 717,438 | 2,093,456 319,300 14,391,631 REMARKS: 1. IN the Number of Males attributed to the Army (Column 4.) are included certain Militia Battalions, which happened to be embodied on the 28th day of May 1821, in the following Counties, wz.; in Bedford 336 Men; in Bucks 611; in Cambridge 478; in Derby 914; in Dorset 436; in Hertford 509; in Huntingdon 175; in Kent 1,208; in Middlesex (London) 526; in Northampton 614; in Somerset 817; in Southampton (Isle of Wight) 66; in Stafford 1,134; in Suffolk 999; in Surrey 759; in York 789; in Brecon 213; in Carnarvon 141; in Denbigh 372; and in Glamorgan 413 ;—in all, 11,510 Men. These Men not having been included in the Enumeration Abstract of the several Counties, the number of Males, and consequently the Population of those Counties, is (strictly speaking) rather understated as compared to that of the other Counties: Those who serve in the Militia being generally, though not always, taken from among the Inhabitants of the County for which they serve. z. The Abstract of the Returns obtained from the Islands in the British Seas, is not included in the General Summary of Great Britain, but appears in the subsequent Appendix (A.); and in another Appendix (B.) are collected the Parishes and Places which may be deemed to constitute the Metropolis of the British Dominions, (Signed) Jn? Rickman, Appointed by His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, to digest and reduce into Order the Population Returns. M.DCCC.XXI.] . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. General Summarp OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Great Mritain. 543 MALES. f ~ Under 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 |100] ,, 5 to to to to to to to to to to os 6 — up- Years. | 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 | 100 jwaf © ENGLAND - - - - | 739,762] 645,735} 562,209] 475,052 | 706,757 | 555,713| 452,514] 320,092 | 215,263| 106,697 |27,052/ 1,995 | 57 |4,808,898 WALES - - - - -] 51,817! 48,193| 41,404] 34,534! 49,023] 37,949] 29,815] 22,112] 16,246 8,335 | 2,535} 258 3] 342,154 SCOTLAND - - - | 137,956| 125,298] 115,183) 95,319] 137,645] 101,107] 82,695] 60,014) 42,309} 19,977] 5,377] 620 | 40 J 923,540 Total of MALES - | 929,535] 819,156] 718,796| 604,905 | 893,425 | 694,769 | 565,024] 402,218 | 273,818 | 135,009 |34,964 | 2,873 | 100 [6,074,592 FEMALES. c —™ Guder 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 | 90 |100 . 5 to to to to to to to to to to to | * e up- Years. 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 | 100 we, iz ENGLAND - -~ = - | 725,202] 636,604] 530,226! 499,638 | 845,469] 607,867 | 468,336 | 328,077 , 230,009 | 114,572 |32,564 | 2,888 | 111 [5,021,563 WALES - ~ - « ~§ 49,487] 45,853] 39,140) 35,931| 55,869) 41,640] 32,641] 24,083] 19,175} 10,076] 3,751] 39% | 18] 358,056 SCOTLAND - - - | 133,711] 121,573] 109,247 | 108,506] 182,712] 124,380] 96,991) 73,518) 51,868! 23,298) 6,734} 766 | 62]1,033,166 Total of FEMALES - | 908,400! 804,030] 678,613 | 643,875 |1,084,050| 773,887 | 597,968 | 425,678] 301,052] 147,946 |43,049| 4,046 | 194 16,412,785 to that effect. was .... 14,072,331, - THE Total Number of Persons in Great Britatn (not including the Army, Navy, and Seamen in Registered Vessels) ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .. . 12,487,377 . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one ninth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received was 16,819; four hundred and sixty-five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+) throughout the Abstract. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, Pslands in the Writish Seas. M.DCCC:XXI.] -THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. SD SR APPENDIX. u 54s: SS ——————_—_—_— Appendix (A.) Island of Guernsey, and the adjacent Isles. Wiese HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: | Fami- pie ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By a bos | A horas _ | how £ | chiefly | employ-| Families | vj | TOTAL OR 3 a ® ‘3 em- edin | notcom- a a ue : B=] ‘amilies] . = | ployed | Traps, | prizedin| s me EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 2 Oo 3 | 4 Bm | ane [atettea | 4 = lammsons | cupied.) @ | 5 | Acnrr- Hfactures, | preced- = fs CUL- lorHandi-| Ing : TURE. | craft. | Classes. Aworew, St. - - - - - Parish} 137] 159] -]| 1 115 | 25 1g | 383 416 799 Cétel,The - - - + Parish} 262 | 316) 1113 279) 27 10 841 906 1,747 Forest - - - - - - - - Parish} 109] 132] -]| — 105 | 16 11 293 318 611 Martin, St. - - - - Parish} 238 | 290] 2] 8 169 | 97 24 693 736 1,429 Peter-du-Bois, St. - - - Parishf 204 | 252} 1 412 225 9 18 517 576 1,093 Sampson, St. - - - Parish} 151 169} -| 7 147 | 10 12 407 431 838 Saviour,St. - - - - - - Parish} 195} 221) 2) 7 215 1 5 499 523 1,022 ‘Torteval - - - - - - Parish 66 7o| -| 8 65 5 - 194 181 375 Vale, The- - - - - - Parish} 194] 221] -| 1 182 | 29 10 627 588 1,215 - Peter, St. Port - - Town and Parish} 1,460 | 2,363 | 14 | 48 70 | 1,956 | 337 4,788 6,385 | 11,173 SERK - - - - = - - Island 62} 100] 1] 2 99 - 1 255 233 488 HEexm- - - - - - - Island 4 4} -] - 4 - - 18 10 28 JerHou - - - Island 1 rf -} - 1 - - 4 5 9 Torats - - - | 3,083 | 4,298 | 21 | 107 | 1,676 | 2,175 } 447 9,519 |11,308 | 20,827 Ages of Persons. al 7 > 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 4 Under | to to to to to to to to | to | to} to] & a Total 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 | 80 {| 90 | 100} "P- = f wards. of —_—— MALES - - - - 1,384 | 1,304 | 1,095 | 912 | 1,265 |1,157 | 880 | 757 |468 | 224] 71 2+ — 19,519 FEMALES - - - 1,338 | 1,299 | 1,072 | 1,065 | 2,053 | 1,554 {1,013 | go00 |579 | 313 [116 | 6 | ~ 111,308 THE Total Number of Persons in the Island of Guernsey was .... 20,827, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was also . to that effect. +e 20,827, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Island of Guernsey was 14; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. 6 Y 546 ABSERACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER eee] Appendix (A.)—Islands in the British Seas—continued. [Brumerntion, Island of Jersey. he HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: _ | PERSONS: ' Fami- aM ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By | re fomaes | yerae | Orner 13 : chiefly ee . ‘ how eee chiefly | employ- | Families % TOTAL oe = oN eb 3 | ous éa - notcom- 4B =) ie e ‘3 amulles| 45 ployed | T , | prized in EAEREESROCHIALEEACE é Qe ta te ae ioe lieteol : PERSONS, cupied. | 15 | Acar |fsctures,|preced-| ea CUL- loyHandi-| ing J ‘ TURE. | raft, | Classes. | Brezanz, St.- - + - - Parish: 305 | 391} 1] 2 122} 229] 40 981 936 1,717 Clement, $t.- - - - - = Parish 146 | 195) -| - 45 | 108 | 12 404 534 938 Grouville- - - - - + - Parish] 278] aio] 4] 1 206 179 | 25 goz 1,015 1,917 Helier, St. + - - - | - Pazish 1,216 }2,071 | 20 | 21 158 | 1,468 | 445 4.546 | 5,572 |10,118 John, St. - - - - - - = Parish} 238] 319} 1) 3 125 | 165 29 m1 886 | 1,657 Laurens, St. - - - - - - Parish] 276] 409] ~-| 4 233} 123) 53 860 1,012 1,872 Martin, St. - - - - - - Parish] 273] 344] 21] 5 231 89] 24 481 gio | 1,691 Mary, $t.- - - - - - - Parish} 166] 205] -] 1 145 421 18 475 545 | 1,020 Ouen, St. - - - = ~ - = Parish 323 | 408) -| 3 295 | 108 5 966 1,115 2,081 Peter, St.- - - - + - - Parishf 296} 389] » | 2 240 97 | 52 836 1,018 1,854 Saviour, St. - - - - - - Parnsh} 221] 321] -| — 270 21] 30 792 895 1,687 Trinity - - - - - - + Parish} 315] 351] -|] 2 g10 | 127] 14 942 1,106 2,048 Totars - = - {4,053 |5,813 | 28 | 41 | 2,310 | 2,756 | 747 | 13,056 | 15,544 | 28,600 Ages of Persons. ~~ = ) Shinfield is partly in Theale Huadred, partly in Amesbury Hun- dred (Wiltshire.) (*) Swallowfield,is partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wiltshire.) The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of,—Beedon V. Boxford R. Bright Waltham R. BrimptonV. Chieveley (with Oare)V. Frilsham R. GreenhamC. Hampstead Norris V." Leck- hampstead C,(*) Midgham C. Peasemore R. Shaw (with Don- nington) R. Stanford Dingley R. Wasing R. Welford (with Wick- ham) R. Winterbourne C. and of Yattendon R. (©) The Parish of Speen being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Kintbury Eagle, the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. (*) There being no Burial Ground at Leckhampstead, the Inhabit- ants bury at Chieveley. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers, LS COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HUNDRED OF FARRINGDON. (°) HUNDRED OF KINTBURY-EAGLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. IMales| Fe- Total. {Males| F€- | Total, | Years, | Mar- | males. males. riages. Years. Males| Fe- | Total, [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar males males. riages, 1811 | 46 | 53 | 99 | 24125] 49 1811] 32 1812 | 56 | 38 | 94 | 41 | 28] 69 1812} 11 1813 | 41 | 57 | 98 $43 | 32] 75 1813] 20 1814 | 46 | 34 | 80 | 43 | 20] 63 1814] 23 1815 | 76 | 51 | 127 | 32 | 20 |] 52 1815| 25 1816 | 48 | 48 | 96 | 27/19] 46 1816] 23 1817 | 50 | 51 | 101 41 | 28 69 1817] 19 1818 | 55 | 51 | 106 | 44] 39 | 83 1818] 30 1819 | 46 | 42} 88 | 32] 32] 64 1819} 22 1820 | 52 | 48 | 100 | 28 | 31 59 1820] 22 1811 | 150] 143] 293 73} 98] 1471 1811} 83 1812 | 167) 159} 326 83] 89] 172 1812} 68 1813 | 159] 151} 310 93| 89| 182 1813] 68 1814 | 172/156] 328 88} 93] 181 1814} 70 1815 | 179] 172] 351 64) 101] 165 1815] 71 1816 | 154/173] 327 }104)119] 223 1816) 75 1817 | 187/174] 361 87] 99] 186 1817! 76 1818 | 179} 186} 365 99 | 109 | 208 1818} 57 1819 |171;174] 345 [101] 94] 195 1819] 75 1820 | 185] 146] 331 [103/113] 216 1820; 88 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, Great Coxwell V. Farringdon (with Little Coxwell) V. and of Langford (with Little Farringdon) V. (®) The Parish of Great Barrington being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Slaughter (Gloucestershire) the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein ; for the same reason the Parish Register of Shilton is entered in Bampton Hundred (Oxfordshire), and that of Inglisham in Highworth Hundred (Wiltshire. ) The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, —Aving- ton R. Chaddleworth (with Wooley) V. East Challow C. West Challow C. (h) Enborne R. Fawley and Whatcombe V. Hampstead Marshal R. Hungerford V. Inkpen R. Kintbury V. Letcombe Bassett R. Letcombe Regis V. Shalbourn V.(') East Shefford R, West Shefford R. Speen V. and of West Woodhay R. (") There being no Burial ground at West Challow, the Inha- bitants bury at Letcombe Regis. () The Parish of Shalbourn is partly in Kinwardstone Hundred (Wiltshire. ) HUNDRED OF GANFIELD. HUNDRED OF LAMBOURN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. Years. ‘Males Fe- | Total. Males| Fe- | qotal, | Years, | Mar- males, smales. riages, 1811 | 47 | 54 | 101 20 | 36] 56 1811| 23 1812 | 50 | 53 | 103 | 33 | 20] 53 1812] 19 1813 | 50 | 58 | 108 19] 28} 47 1413} 16 1814 | 53 | 45] 98 | 32 | 31 63 1814} 27 1815 | 56 | 56] 112 717] 26] 43 1815} 23 1816 | 45 | 47] 92 29 | 29] 58 1816) 24 1817 | 64 | 56 | 120 | 27] 22] 49 1817| 27 1818 | 61 | 55 | 116 | 28] 21] 59 1818] 18 1819 | 54 | 48 | 102 30 | 32 62 1819] 20 1820 | 67] 56} 123 | 18] 28] 46 1820} 24 1811 | 53 | 30 | 83 4 24] 26] 50 1811] 30 1812 | 41 | 45 | 86 J 2 a7 | 53 1812} 18 1813 | 51 | 31 82 15 | 20 | 365 1813] 17 1814 | 61 | 53 | 114 $19] 15 | 34 | 1814] 24 1815 | 55 | 41 96 15 | 21 36 1815} 17 1816 | 48 | 33 | 81 16) 17] 33 | 1816] 16 1817 | 50 | 53 | 103 25 | 31 56 1817| 12 1818] 41 | 42 | 83 | 38] 27} 65 1818 |. 27 1819 | 44 | 40 | 84 | 20 ! 37 57 1819] 20 1820 | 57 | 46] 103 [| 24] 29] 53 1820} 32 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, Buckland V. Charney C. Hatford R. Hinton Waldrish R. Longworth R. Pusey R. Shellingford R. Stanford (with Goosey) V. The above Azsrnracr is collected from the Registers of, — East Garston V. and of Lambourn (with Eastbury) V. HUNDRED OF HORMER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF MORETON. (j) Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. \ ‘= Years. [Males Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar males. males. riages. 1811 | 31 | 50 | 81 27 | 26] 53 1811} 22 1812 | 48 | 34 | 82 21 | 21 3 1812] 23 1813 | 46 | 54 | 100 | 22! 23] 45 1813} 15 1614 | 45} 43} 88 J e4] 271] 51 1814} 20 1815 | 44 | 44 | 88 | 20] 16] 36 1815] 20 1816 | 59 | 38 | 97 | 23] 26] 49 1816] 17 1817 | 44 | 50 94 1g | 25 44 1817] 10 1818 | 47 | 45 | 92 | 24] 32] 56 1818] 15 1819 | 46 | 36 | 82 }e5 | 26] 51 1819} 19 1820 | 36 | 43 79 | 28} 20] 48 1820] 18 1811 | 76 | 69 | 145 F 44 | Go | 104 1811] 32 1812 | 73 | 78 | 151 25 | 41 | 66 1812] 30 1813 | 67 | 71 1138 § 39 | 40] 79 1813} 31 1814 | 77 | 67 | 144 $38] 45 | 83° 1814] 34 1815 | 90 | 79 | 169 | 41 | 41 82 1815| 23 1816 | 93 | 721 165 #43] 41 | 84 1816] 24 1817 | 70 | 72 | 142 36 | 43 79 1817| 32 1818 | 86 | 68 | 154 § 40 | 28 | 68 1818 | 28 1819 | 69 | 71 | 140 | 44 | 42 86 1819] 25 1820 | 70 | 66 | 136 | 53 | 66 | 119 1820} 27 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, —Hessel- sleigh R. Cumner V. North Hincksey P.C. South Hincksey P. C. Radley V. Sunningwell (with Kennington) R. Wootton C, and of Wytham (with Seacourt) R. The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- © ampstead P.C. Aston Tirrold R. Basilden V. Brightwel R. Dud- cote R. Hagbourne V. Harwell V. North Moreton R. South Moreton R. Movlsford P.C. Satwell P.C. and of Streatley V. (@) Blewbury, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Reading; East Garston, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Lambourn. M,DCCC.XX1.] *" - THE POPULATION ACT, .1 GEO. IV. Ce 94+ 5 COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HUNDRED OF OCK. (*) HUNDRED OF RIPPLESMERE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Bel aa, cig : : Z Fe- Mar- Years. am ee Total. [Males ae Total. | ¥ cate pes Years. |Males a os fo Males oe ies Years. rages 1811 | 89 | 88 | 177 | 49 | 53 | 102 1811| 39 1811 | 77 | 58 | 135 | 43] 43 | 86 1811] 42 1812 | go | g2 | 182 | 43] 53 | 96 1812| 26 1812 | 68 | 73 | 141 | 37] 28 | 65 | 1812] 50 1813 | 92 | 89 | 181 | 41) 51} 92 1813| 38 1813 | 45 | 35 | 80 {54142 | 96 1813] 44 1814 | 88 }107 | 195 | 47 | 55 | 102 1814} 26 1814 | 62 | 6o | 122 | 52 | 48 |} 100 1814] 46 1815 | 89 | 90 | 179 137] 54! 91 1815| 29 1815 | 75 | 52 | 127 | 41 | 49] go 1815} 54 1816 |94 | 90 | 184 | 58 | 44 | 102 1816 | 38 1816 | 69 | 76 | 145 | 80 | 67 | 147 1816) 46 1817 | 97.1 95 | 192 [53] 48] 101 | 1817] 31 1817 | 64 | 64 | 128 | 57 | 38] 95 | 1817) 50 1818 | 84 | 94 | 178 [| 60 | 48 | 108 1818] 38 1818 | 77] 79 | 156 $48) 46] 94 1818) 51 1819 | 74 | 84 | 158 | 48 | 52 | 100 1819] 43 1819 | 77 | 65 | 142 50 | 38 88 1819] 55 1820 | 80 | 81 | 161 | 461 44] go 1820] 31 1820 | 88 | 74 | 162 | 48 | 55 | 103 1820] 54 Theabove Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Clewer R. ‘The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, —— Appleford C. Appleton (with Eaton) R. Drayton P.C. Fyfield P.C. (') Garford C.(™) Kingston Bagpuze R. Marcham V. Milton R. Steventon V. Sutton Courtney V. Little Wittenham RB. and of Long | Wittenham V. «*) The Register of Lyford Chapelry is included in the Return of Hanney (Wantage Hundred.) The Register of Goosey Chapelry is in- cluded in the Return of Stanford (Ganfield Hundred.) (’) The Register of Fyfield includes the Baptisms, Burials and Mar- riages of Tubney, there being no Church in that Parish. (™) Burials and Marriages take place at Marcham, the Mother Church. HUNDRED OF READING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males . riages. 1811 |123/135° 258 | 83 | 79 | 162 1811} 74 1812 | 127/105: 232 | 72 | 64 | 136 1812{ 66 1813 | 121/130] 251 | 64 | 75 | 139 1813} 57 1814 | 139]104} 243 | 85 | 61 | 146 1814] 54 1815 | 154/143) 297 {| 68] 74 | 142 1815} 53 1816 | 113/134] 247 | 61 | 81 | 142 1816} 70 1817 | 139/137] 276 | 60 | 79 | 139 1817] 68 1818; 74 1818 | 124/147} 271 93 | 94 | 187 1819 | 158} 121] 279 [95 | 86 | 181 1819] 73 1820 | 147/134] 281 87 | 85 | 172 1820| 72 The above Azsrnacr is collected from the Registers of, Been- ham V. Blewbury (with Upton and Aston Upthorp) V. Bucklebury (with Marlstone) V. Cholsey V. Pangbourn R. Sulhamstead Abbotts R. Thatcham V. and-of Tylehurst R. Easthampstead R. and of Winkfield V. HUNDRED OF SHRIVENHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| F€- | Total. }hfates Fe- | Total, | Years, | Mar- males: males, riages. 1811 | 65 | 51 | 116 | 45] 35] 80 1811) 29 1812 | 58 | 84 | 142 31 | 42 73 1812} 21 1813 | 76 | 68 | 144 | 26 | 24 | 50 | 1813] 32 1814 | 6o | 63 | 123 $47 | 40 | 87 1814} 31 1815 | 75 | 72 | 147 go | 41/1 71 1815| 47 ‘1816 | 87 {79 | 166 | 25 | 34] 59 1816] 23 1817 | 68 | 71; 1399 $26] 32] 58 1817| 32 1818 | 85 | 73 | 158 39 | 40 | 79 1818] 30 1819 | 761 75 | 149 | 43 | 52 95 1819| 27 1820 | 77 | 83 | 160 [| 28 | 34] 62 1820] 38 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ash- bury R. Burscot R. Coleshill V. Compton Beauchamp R. Eaton Hastings R. Kingston Lisle C. (") Longeott (with Farnham) C. Shrivenham (with Watchfield and Bourton) V. and of Uffington (with Woolston and Baulking) V. (") The Inhabitants of Kingston Lisle bury at Sparsholt (Wantage Hundred.) HUNDRED CGF SONNING. BAPTISMS. : BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. (Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males.) males, riages. 1811 | 94] 95! 189 | 74 | 72 | 146 1811] 40 1812 | 122/100] 222 | 52 | 56 | 108 1812; 39 1813 | 124])118] 242 54 | 54 | 108 1813} 54 1814 | 118/120] 238 | 93 | 76 | 169 1814] 57 1815 |110]120; 230 | 56/1 55 | 111 1815} 54 1816 | 126] 107! 233 | 69 | 89 | 158 1816] 44 1817 | 110/119] 229 | 50] 49] 99 1817] 56 1818 |} 112/111 | 223 | 67 | 80 | 147 1818] 50 1819 |126}116| 242 | 65 | 76 | 141 1819! 62 1820 |125!104] 229 | 67 | 63 | 130 1820) 60 The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Arbor- field R. Hurst P.C. (°) Ruscombe P.C. Sandhurst P.C. Sunning V. and of Wokingham P. C. (?) (°) The Liberties of Newland, Winnersb, and Whistley Hurst, form | the Parochial Chapelry of Hurst. (?) Wokingham is partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wiltshire.) 6 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers. » COUNTY OF BERKS—vcontinued. HUNDRED OF THEALE. @® BOROUGH TOWN OF ABINGDON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. [Males bea Total. Dales lcs Total. | Years. Bs Years. Males ites Total. {Males ae Total. | Years. | ae 1811 | 95| 72 | 167 |39) 37 | 76 |] 1811! 29 1811. 48 53 | 101 | 52 | 63] 115 | 1811] 53 1812 | 75| 82 | 157 | 51 | 40 gi | 1812} 28 1812 66) «67 | 133 | 47 | 44] 1 1812; 48 1813 | 92) 77 | 169 | 37 | 46 | 83 | 1813] 4o 1813 ; 56; 56} 112 | 46] 38] 84 1813 | 37 1814 | 83] 88 | 171 48 | 45 | 93 1814} 32 1814 79 571136 | 62 | 54 | 116 1814! 60 1815 | 95} 91 | 186 | 47 | 44 gl 1815} 44 1815 86 68] 154 | 70 | 50 | 120 1815! 48 1816 |102) 80 | 182 49 | 45 94 1816} 29 1816 56 | 67 | 123 47 | 52 99 1816 | 39 1817 | 72) 79 | 151 | 48 | 30 78 | 1817] 30. 1817 | 66 , 69 | 135 | 51 | 45 | 96 1817} 41 1818 | 81| 80 | 161 51 | 41 92 1818] 29 1818 | 52 | 53 | 105 68 | 45 | 113 1818] 55 1819 | 95] 81 | 176 | 39] 44] 83 | 1819] 28 1819 | 83 | 72 | 155 | 43 | 60 | 103 | 1819) 64 1820 | 88} 86 | 174 | 50! 514 101 1820} 51 1820 | 65 | 64} 1299 | 42143) 85 1820 | 45 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, -Alder- The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of,—— manston V. Bradfield R. Burghfield R. Englefield R. Padworth R. St. Helen V. and of St. Nicholas R. Purley R. Stratfield Mortimer V. Sulham R. Sulhamstead Ban- l nister R. Tidmarsh R. Ufton R. and of Woulhampton R. () Stratfield Saye, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Basing- stoke Division (Hants); Shinfield, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Charlton. HUNDRED OF WANTAGE. BOROUGH TOWN OF READING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Fe- x Mar- | Fe | Fe- Mar- Years. |Males ee Total. {Males males. Total. | Years. “riages. Years. jMales ares Total. [Males se a) Total. | Years. aise 1811 | 117 {| 104) 221 | 61 | 56] 117 | 1811] 45 1811 |159]129] 288 }J112/129] 241 | 1811] 125 1812 |100| 99] 199 | 58] 71} 129 | 1812) 52 1812 |181]130] 311 [133/106] 239 | 1812) 117 1813 }111] 99] 210 | 53 | 56 | 109 1813, 48 1813 |172] 149] 321 $100] 94] 194 1813 | 116 1814 | 122 | 106 | 228 61 | 42 | 103 1814; 41 1814 |139/175| 314 [123/107] 230 1814] 146 1815 | 97/120] 217 | 46 | 58 | 104 | 1815] 41 1815 | 1561179| 335 [131/142] 273. | 1815) 120 1816 | 107| 87/194 | 60 | 52 | 112 | 1816/ 44 1816 |161]149] 310 |131/137| 268 | 1816) 103 1817 | 104] 91/195 | 58} 55 | 113 | 1817] 39 1817 | 196/170] 366 |163)116}| 279 | 1817] 132 1818 | 134/119] 263 | 81 | 63 | 144 fF 1818] 57 1818 }172)170] 342 1128}116] 244 | 1818) 139 1819 | 98| 96; 194 } 47 | 62 | 109 | 1819) 48 1819 |177]179| 356 $149]126| 275 | 1819] 135 1820 | 122/104; 226 4} 60 | 69 | 129 | 1820] 44 1820 [189/195] 384 §113/100| 213 | 1820] 120 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Arding- The above Axsstracr is collected from the Registers of,— tonV. Childry R. DenchworthV. Hanney (with Lyford) V. East St. Giles V. St. Lawrence V. and of St. Mary V. Hendred R. West Hendred V. East Lockinge R. Sparsholt V. and of Wantage (including Grove, Charlton, and West Lockinge), V. HUNDRED OF WARGRAVE. BOROUGH TOWN OF WALLINGFORD. (‘) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total, (Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. Males! Fe- | rota. [Mtales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Ma males. males. | riages. \males, males. riages. 1811} 42] 40] 82 [28/31] 59 | 1811| 15 sii | 27 | 28] 55 118] 15] 33 | 1811| 13 1812 | 43 | 36 19 28 | 27 55 1812) 15 1812 | 22 | 22 44 14 | 20] 34 1812} 14 1813 | 42 | 57 99 15 | 22 37 1813) 17 1813 | 25 | 30 55 21 | 20 41 1813 | 14 1814 | 42 | 41] 83 | 17] 25 | 42 1814; 12 1814 | 21 | 33 | 54 8 | 18} 26 | 1814] 16 1815 | 54 | 53 | 107 27 | 24 { 51 1815) 15 1815 | 29 | 27 | 56 g | 12 21 1815 9 1816 | 41 | 35 76 25 | 24) 49 1816) 15 1816 | 20 | 36 | 56 19 | 21 40 1816; 11 1817 | 45 | 45 | go 30 | 19} 49 1817; 16 1817 | 27 | 24 | 51 18 | 17 35 1817 7 1818 | 39 | 47 | 86 | 25) 26) 51 1818} 14 1818 | 28 | 22] 50 $14] 21] 35 1818} 11 1819 | 36/35] 71 27 | 25 | 52 1819} 19 1819 | 28 | 34 | 62 16 | 10] 26 1819 | 15 1820 | 421 53} 95 | 28 | 25 | 53 1820] 23 1820 | 33 | 27 | 60 J 19 |] 26] 45 1820; 12 The aboye Assrract is collected from the Registers of, Wal- The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——St. Leo- tham St. Lawrence V. Warfield V. and of Wargrave V. nard R. St. Mary R. and of St. Peter R. (") The church at Allhallows is demolished. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 7 COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. BOROUGH TOWN OF WINDSOR. TOWN OF NEWBURY. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males | Fe Total Patates| Be Total. | Years. oe Years. |Males ae Total. Miles! Fen Total. | Years. ba 1811 |122}122| 244 | 62 64 126 1811} 39 1811 | 77 | 66 | 143 | 48 | 45 | 98 1811| 34 1812 | 93} 87) 180 | 78 | 57 | 135 | 1812] 35 1812 | 62 | 63 | 125 | 40 35] 75 1812| 33 1813 |122| 72/ 194 | 44 | 41 | 85 | 1813] 54 1813 | 73 | 51 | 124 | 94 38: 72 | 1813/ 37 1814 |105)101 | 206 } 70 | 54 | 124 1814] 52 1814 | 69 | 76 | 145 | 41} 46) 87 1814 38 1815 113/117} 230 | 53 | 66 | 119 | 1815] 60 1815 | 67 | 68 | 135 | 48 43 | 91 1815 | 46 1816 | 89] 74) 163 | 77 | 77 | 154 1816 | 50 1816 | 7o | 81 | 151 5, 47 | 102 1816 | 36 1817 | 97| 89] 186 | 58 | 42 | 100 1817) 59 1817 | 92 | 74 | 166 455 | 49 | 104 1817) 30 1818 | 87! 83/170 | 68 | 60 | 128 | 1818] 65 1818 | 74 | 88} 162 | 46 | 37| 83 | 1818] 43 1819 | 91} 89] 180 | 64 | 45 | 109 1819| 58 1819 | 74 | 68 | 142 | 52 | 53 | 105 1819} 38 1820 | 83) 97/180 | 57 | 44] 101 1820| 62 1820 | 82 | 71 | 153 3 54 | 50 | 104 1820} 29 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, New The above Assrracr is collected from the Registerof, Windsor V. and of Old Windsor V. Newbury R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF BERKS. BAPTISMS. : BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. ee : oS 1811 1,929 | 1,778 3,707 1811 1,116 1,178 2,294 1811 958 1812. | 1,914 1,780 3,694 || 1812 1,141 1,082 2,223 1812 | 853 1813 1,934 | 1,793 3,727 || 1813 1,046 1,044 2,090 1813 878 1814 | 1,935 | 1,893 | 3,828 |} 1814 | 1,184 | 1,115 | 2,299 1814 | 963 | 1815 2,12G 2,023 4,152 1815 1,623 ° 1,129 | 2,152 1815 944 ss 1816 | 1,973 1,851 | 3,824 1816 1,220 1,237 2,457 1816 854. ¥817 | 2,036 1,959 33995 1817 1,153 1,070 2,223 1817 | 908 41818 | 2,011 1,952 3,963 || 1818 1,274 1,191 | 2,465 1818 | 974 1819 2,020 1,900 3,920 || 1819 1,197 1,231 2,428 1819 967 1820 { 2,088 1,943 | 4,031 1820 1,211 1,216. 2,427 1820 |, 1,002: Torats |, 19,969 | 18,872 38,841 h| 11,565 | 11,493 | 23,058 - - 93301 The Summary of the County of Berks is collected from the Registers of One hundred and forty-seven Parish Churches | and Thirteen Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 61,—Burials, 25. 12 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. === County of Bucks. HUNDRED OF ASHENDON,(?) HUNDRED OF BUCKINGHAM. (°) MARRIAGES. | Mar- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. zi Fe- Males} Fe- |. Total : Mar- Males} Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | 7 Years. | Males ee Total. ales| tes. Total. | Years. ded Years. Peed males. _riages. 1811 | 182]155] 337 |102/112] 214 1811] 75 1812 | 161/179] 340 88] 93] 181 1812| 83 1813 | 185 | 182] 367 97| 92} 189 1813] 97 1814 |173/163} 336 J106] 111] 217 1814] 112 1815 | 189]179] 368 95| 88] 183 1815; 82 1816 | 187] 193] 380 go| 105} 195 1816} 80 1817 | 191/186] 377 {107] 104] 211 1817} 96 1818 | 199/185] 384 87} 99| 186 1818} 77 1819 |} 191/193] 384 83] 112] 195 1819} 81 1820 | 207} 192] 399 93] 105 | 198 1820} 96 1811 | 155] 163] 318 65| 68] 133 1811| 63 1812 | 130] 132] 262 71] 68] 139 1812] 64 1813 | 147}135] 282 "71 70] 147 1813] 72 1814 | 149| 160] 309 78} 79! 157 1814; 60 1815 |147/146] 293 95| 72) 147 1815; 67 1816 |145|160] 305 93| 90] 183 1816, 75 1817 | 180/139] 319 66! 87] 153 1817; 79 1818 |155}159] 314 85] 90] 175 1818; 82 1819 | 147/181] 328 95} 99] 194 1819, 78 1820 | 200/170] 370 119) 120] 239 1820 80 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Ashen- don P.C. Aston Sandford R. Borstal P.C. Brill P.C. Chearsley P.C. Chilton P.C. East Claydon with Bootle Claydon V. Middle Claydon R. Long Crendon P. C. Doreton P.C. Grandborough V. Grendon Underwood R. Ickford R.(°) Ilmer V. Kingsey V. Lud- gershall R. Fleet Marston R. North Marston P.C. Oakley V. Oving R. Pitchcott R. Quainton R. (*) Shabbington V. Towersey V. Waddesdon R. Nether Winchendon P.C. Over Wiuchendon V. Worminghall V. and of Wotton Underwood P. C. (*) There is no Church at Quarrendon. (°) Partly in Ewelme Hundred (Oxfordshire.) (‘) No Church existing in the Parish of Hogshaw, the inhabitants frequent the Church of Quainton. The above Anstracrt is collected from the Registers uf, Adding- ton R. Adstock R. Akeley with Stockholt R. Barton Hartshorn P. C. Beauchampton R. Biddlesden P.C. Caversfield V. Chitwood P.C. Edgecote R. Foscott R. Gawevtt C. Hillesdon P.C. Leckhamp- stead R. Lillingston Dayrell R. Maidsmorton R. Marsh Gibbon R. Padbury V. Preston Bissett R. JRatcliveR. Shalstone R. Steeple Claydon V. Stowecum Membris V. Thornborough V. Thornton R, Tingewicke R. Turweston R, Twyford R. Water Stratford R. and of Westbury V. (®) The Town of Buckingham is entered at the end of the County. HUNDRED OF AYLESBURY.(*) HUNDRED OF BURNHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | qotal. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males males riages. males. males rages. 1811 | 217/230] 447 4110]139] 249 1811} 111 1812 |185)252| 437 $111)143] 254 1812| 120 1813 |228]223] 451 $121/108] 229 1813; 110 1814 | 203/215] 418 {113)143] 256 1814] 110 1815 | 234) 234] 468 f112/145| 257 1815] 116 1816 | 217/240] 457 4152/171| 323 1816; 111 1817 | 233] 249] 482 }$118)145] 263 1817| 107 1818 | 207/206] 413 [120/143] 263 1818 | 112 1819 | 235] 227| 462 4149]167) 316 1819] 127 1820 | 270] 243] 513 ;140/157} 297 1820] 159 1811 | 201/170] 371 4145}140} 285 1811] 130 1812 }198]191] 389 128)146] 274 1812] 111 1813 |193)193| 386 [119/123] 242 1813 | 103 1814 |196/210} 4o6 [128}151]| 279 1814} 112 1815 |210|209} 419 $141]131)| 272 1815] 116 1816 |217/}180} 397 4139]137] 276 1816] 102 1817 |206]208} 414 1127]129] 256 1817} 94 1818 |226]227] 453 [164/147] 311 1818 | 100 1819 }193}196}] 389 41841155] 339 1819 | 124 1820 | 222}205| 427 1155] 159] 314 1820[ 119 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Aston Clinton R.(®) Bierton Broughton V. Bledlow with Bledlow Ridge V. Buckland P. C. Cuddington P. C. Dynton V. Ellesborough R. Had- denham V.(t) Halton R. Great Hampden R. Little Hampden P. C. Hartwell R. HorsendonR. Hulcott R. Great Kimble V. Little Kimble R. Lee P. C. Great Missenden V. Little Missenden V, Monks Risborough R. Prince’s Risborough St. Mary P. C. Stoke Mandeville P.C. Stone V. Wendover V. and of Weston Turville R. (*) The Town of Aylesbury is entered at the end of the County. (¢) Including St. Leonards. (*) Also from a Revister of Anabaptists at Haddenham. Amer- The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, sham R. Beaconsfield R. Burnham with Chippenham and Boveney V. Chalfont St. Giles R. Chalfont St. Peter V. CheniesR. Chesham V. Chesham Bois R. Dorney V. Farnham Royal R. Hitcham R. Latimers C. Penn V. and of Taplow R. M.DCCC.XXI.] - THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. 9 ———— COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. HUNDRED. OF COTTESLOE. (*) HUNDRED OF NEWPORT. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. aes Fe Total. [Males eo Total. | Years. ae Years. ates ae Total. [Males| Fe | Total. | Years. ane 1814 |221);196] 417 9115/2109] 224 1811] 120 _ 1812 | 2144194: 408 $121]105] 226 1812] 103 1813 | 217)224!] 441 [156)111| 267 1813| 95 1814 | 260|222} 482 § 133/143] 276 1814] 130 1815 |298}247] 545 4119]139| 258 | 1815] 152 1816 | 256} 202] 458 §136)152] 288 | 1816] 124 1817 | 260]254) 514 $140]140| 280 1817| 137 1818 | 246] 301] 547 $120/135| 255 1818] 142 1819 | 255}218] 473 4136/1711 307 1819] 128 1820 | 287/245] 532 $127 143 | 270 1820| 129 1811 | 331] 304] 625 |203)186] 389 1811] 179 1812 |2951298| 593 }207]247] 454 |.1812/ 189 1813 1343] 287] 630 [190] 232] 422 1813] 181 1814 | 292] 283] 575 221/273] 494 | 1814} 201 1815 |329|373] 702 §218]271 | 489 1815| 224 1816 || 307] 301] 608 4220] 280] 500 1816] 203 1817 |363)318| 681 [216] 259] 475 1817| 175 1818 |348]342| 690 {233 | 262] 495 1818] 207 1819 |280)309] 589 {206/263} 469 | 1819] 192 1820 |321|340| 661 4207) 245] 452 1820] 184 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Aston Abbots V. Cheddington R. Choulsbury P. C. Cublington R. Drayton-Beauchamp R. Drayton-Parslow R. Dunton R. Edles- . borough V. Grove R. Hardwick R. Hawridge R. Hoggeston R. Great Horwood R. Little Horwood V. Ivinghoe V. Linslade P.C. Marsworth V. Mentmore V. Mursley R. WNettleden C. Pitstone or Pightlesthorne P.C. Slapton R. Soulbury P.C. Stewkeley V. ‘} Swanbourne V. Tattenhoe R. Whaddon-with-Nash V. Whit- church V. Wing V. Wingrave-with-Rowsham V. and of Winslow V. (") The Church of Creslow R. is demolished. Shenley, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Newport. The above Azssrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Ast- wood V. Bletchley R. Bradwell V. Cold-Brayfield P.C. Bow- Brickhill R. Great Brickhill R. Little Brickhill R. Broughton R. Calverton R. Castlethorpe P.C. Chichley V. Clifton-Reynes R. North Crawley R. Emberton (*) R. Gayhurst R. Hanslope V. Hardmead R, Waversham R. Lathbury P.C. Lavenden V. Great Linford R. Little Linford (‘) P.C. Loughton R. Middleton or Milton-Keynes R. Moulsoe R. Newton-Blossomville R. Newnton- Longville R. Newport-Pagnell V. Olney (with Warrington) V. Ravenstone V. Shenley R. Sherrington R. Stantonbury V. Stoke- Goldington R. Stoke-Hammond R. Fenny-StratfordC, St. Giles and St. Mary Magdalen, Stoney-Stratford P.C. Sympson R. Tyrring- ham with Filgrave R. Walton R. Wavendon R. Weston-Under- wood P.C, Willen V. Wolverton V. Great Woolstone R. Little Woolstone R. and of Woughton R. (*) The Church of Okeney with Petsoe being ruinated, the Pa- rishioners resort to the Church of Emberton. () Little Linford pessesses no Burial ground. HUNDRED OF DESBOROUGH. (i) HUNDRED OF STOKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males} Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- | Total, | Years, | Mar- males. males riages. males. males.| riages. 1811 | 280/261] 541 $157/185} 342 1811 | 128 1812 | 308/269] 577 7138]147] 285 1812 | 137 1813 | 258/236] 494 |162]160] 322 1813 | 105 1814 | 267/267] 534 4177) 206} 383 1814} 98 1815 | 263/273] 536 f132]139] 271 1815 | 128 1816 | 276/254] 530 $165} 187] 352 1816 | 113 1817 | 253| 237] 490 4148] 148] 296 1817] 98 1818 |277]275| 552 |155/161| 316 | 1818] 105 1819 | 258] 248] 506 | 206/202] 408 1819 | 107 1820 | 245|}268{ 513 1173/187] 360 |. 1820] 119 99/112 211 1811} 65 109 119} 228 1812} 70 93 103] 196 1813| 67 1814 |167]171 | 338 $114/131] 245 1814] 63 1815 |201/187] 388 }119! 98) 217 1815| 71 1816 |161]159}| 320 107 | 102 209 1816] 64 1817 | 195} 165] 360 112 | g8; 210 1817| 67 1818 |} 168/156) 324 112,113] 225 1818] 69 1819 | 169/179] 348 4126) 126) 252 1819] 53 1820 | 169] 186} 355 §116, 103) 219 1820] 79 1811 [157] 182] 339 1812 | 1741176] 350 1813 |187|160| 347 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, Braden- ham R, Fawley R. Fingest R. Hambledon R. Hedsor R. Hitchen- don or Hughendon V. Ibstune R. (i) Great-Marlow V. _ Little- Marlow V. Medmenham V. Radnage R. Saunderton R. Turville V. Wvoburn V. High-Wycombe V. and of West-Wycombe V. (*) Askbampstead C. locally situate in this Hundred, is in Lewknor Parish and Hundred ( Oxfordshire.) (i) Ibstone is partly in the Hundred of Pirton (Oxfordshire) The above Azarract is collected from the Registers of, Coln- brooke C. Datchet V. Denham R. Eton College. FulmerR. Hed- gerley R. Horton R. Iver V. Langley-Marish P. C. Stoke- Poges V. Upton (with Chalvey) V. Wexham R. and of Wyrardis- bury V. D 10 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER re [Parish-Registers, COUNTY OF BUCKS—continued. ) Mel- dreth V. (>) Shengay V. Steeple Morden V. Tadlow V. Whendy V. and of Whaddon V. (*) Royston, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Odsey Hundred (Hertfordshire), wherein the Church is situate. (°) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Melbourne and Meldreth. 1811 | 55 | 59 | 114 | 26 | 34 | 60 1811| 27 1812 | 76 | 74 | 150 J 27 | 31 58 1812} 32 1813 | 70 | 76 | 146 § 25 | 26] 51 1813} 41 1814 | 56 | 48 | 104 | 24] 23 | 47 1814] 45 1815 | 71 | 96 | 167 | 28] 27 | 55 1815; 37 1816 | 75 | 67 | 142 36 | 58 | 94 1816! 37 1817 | 80 | 67 | 147 | 33. | 25 | 58 1817] 52 1818 | 71 | 78 | 149 | 25 | 41 | 66 1818! 41 1819 | 82 | 80 | 162 30 | 41 71 1819| 32 1820 | 87 | 79 | 166 [35 | 29] 64 1820} 41 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Great Abington V. Little Abington V. Babraham V. Bartlow R. (*) Castle Camps R. Hildersham R. Horseheath R. Linton V. Pampis- ford V. Shudy Camps V. and of West Wickham C. (*) Bartlow extends into Freshwell Hundred (Essex). HUNDRED OF CHESTERTON. (°) HUNDRED OF FLENDISH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males Fe- | Total. [Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar Years. [Males| F*- | Total. [Males] Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. males. males. riages. 1811 | 35 | 35] 70 P19] 17] 36 1811} 21 1812 | 47 | 29] 76 35 | 401 75 1812] 30 1813 | 48 | 36] 84 | 33117} 50° 7 1813] 25 1814 | 34 | 32 | 66 | 25] 22] 47 1814} 33 1815 | 54 {51 | 105 | 21 | 27 | 48 1815| 31 1816 | 38 | 45 83 32 | 22 | 54 1816} 23 1817 | 35 | 36] 71 23] 30} 53 1817| 25 1818 | 58 | 43 | 101 33 | 34] 67 1818] 40 1819 | 52 | 39 | 91 | 32] 29] 61 1819| 37 1820 | 47 | 38) 85 | 22] 28] 50 1820} 30 1811 | 36 | 34] 70 151/14} 29 1811] 17 1812 | 39 | 44 83 25 125 | 50 1812] 13 1813 | 38 | 39 a7 13} 17 30 1813] 20 1814 | 34 | 46 | 80 14 | 18 |] 32 1814] 21 1815 | 44 | 49 93 25 | 25 50 1815; 21 1816 | 40 | 27 67 19 | 28 | 47 1816} 15 1817 | 46 | 39 85 20 | 23 | 43 1817] 14 1818 | 39 | 27 | 66 $26] 14] 4o 1818] 17 1819 | 38 | 42 80 25 | 24 | 49 1819] 24 1820 | 57 | 40 97 18 | 22 40 1820} 28 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Ches- terton V. Cottenham R. Dry Drayton R. and of Histon V. (£) There is no Church at Childerley or at Westwick ; the Register for which last place is returned with Oakington (Northstow Hundred). The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Cherry Hinton V. Fen Ditton R. Fulbourn All Saints V. Fulbourn St. Vigor R. Horningsea P. C. and of Teversham R. HUNDRED OF CHEVELEY. HUNDRED OF LONGSTOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 | 48 | 48 | 96 | 29 | 26] 55 1811; 19 1812 | 40 | 33 "3 19 9 28 1812; 14 1813 | 40 | 41 |. 81 28 | 18} 46 1813| 13 1814 | 44 | 44 | 88 23] 22] 45 1814; 11 1815 | 52 | 34 | 86 | 20] 18] 38 1815| 12 1816 | 37 | 51 88 26 | 22 48 1816) 22 1817 | 34 | 40 | 74 $28] 15] 43 1817} 20 1818 | 47 | 49 | 96 | 22 | 22) 44 1818| 28 1819 | 47 | 56 | 103 | £9 | 23] 52 1819; 29 1820 | 58 | 41 | 99 | 18 | 24] 42 1820] 20 Years. Males! Fe- | Total, {Males! Fe- | Total. j| Years. | Mar- males. jmates. Tiages, 1811 | 69 | 73 | 142 § 30] 27 1 57 1811] 21 1812 | 50] 71 | 121 | 32] 24] 56 1812] 23 1813 | 67 | 84 | 151 738] 41] 79 F813} 34 1814 | 70 | 68 | 138 | 42/35 | 77 1814! 43 1815 | 62 | 58 | 120 | 42 | 32 74 1815} 30 1816 | 66 | 60 | 126 | 44] 36] 80 1816, 34 1817 | 74] 59 | 133 | 30 | 46] 76 1817] 30 1818 | 75 | 69 | 144 | 45 | 35 80 1818] 34 1819 | 63 | 63 | 126 f 4o | 28] 68 1819] 35 1820 | 73 | 58] 131 | 35 | 26] 61 1820} 39 The above Azstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Ash- ley R. Cheveley R. Kirtling V. Newmarket All Saints R. and of Wood Ditton V. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, Bourn V. Caldecot V. Caxton V. Croxton R. Eltisley V. Great Eversden V. Little Eversden R. Gamlingay V. Little Gransden R. Hardwick R. Hatley St. George R. Kingston R. Long Stowe R. and of Toft R. 12 ABSTRACT OF ANSWER6 AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. HUNDRED OF NORTHSTOW. COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. 7 HUNDRED OF RADFIELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe. [ie A Mar- s, (Males| Fe- | ‘Total. Jes|_Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. |Males oe Total. ‘Males snales. Total. | Years. ges: Years Fanless EY Sr alee! lanes, 1811 | 53 | 50 103 14 ee 14 28 1811} 30 1812 | 45 | 61 96 28 | 20! 48 1812] 25 1813 | 41 | 62 | 103 19 | 27 | 46 1813} 24 1814 | 49 | 53 | 102 20 | 28 48 1814] 20 1815 | 59 | 46 | 105 } 28 | 32} 60 1815} 23 1816 | 54] 51 | 105 26) 23} 49 1816) 32 1817 | 44] 52} 96 £321) 18) 50 1817) 33 1818 | 72 | 57 129 32 | 34 66 1818} 24 1819 | 48 | 41 | 8g 28; 23] 51 1819; 25 1820 | 52 26 | 23 49 1820) 29 {| 1814 | 79 | 76] 155 | 29] 27) 56 1814} 33 1811 | 63 | 53 | 116 | 20 | 26) 46 1811] 32 1812 | 64 | 76 | 140 | 38 | 23/ 61 1812] 22 1813 | 62 | 50 | 112 26 | 26 | 52 1813] 26 1815 | 63 | G4 | 127 | 27 | 31 | 58 1815} 24 1816 | 64 | 81 | 145 | 24! 48} 72 1816! 26 1817 | 55 | 55 | 110 27 1 31 58 1817| 23 1818 | 75 | 93 | 168 | 27 | 29 | 56 1818] 39 1819 | 75 | 64 | 139 | 28 | 32 | 60 1819) 36 1820 | 98 | 87 | 185 [31 | 28] 59 1820} 30 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Gir- ton R. Impington V. Landbeach R. Lolworth R. Longstanton All Saints V. Longstanton St. Michael R. Madingley V. Milton R. Oakington with Westwick V. Rampton R. and of Waterbeach V. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,—Bals- ham R. Brinkley R. Burrough Green R. Carleton with Willingham R. Dullingham V. Stechworth V. Westley Waterless R. Weston Col- ville R. and of West-Wratting V. HUNDRED OF PAPWORTH. HUNDRED OF STAINE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males| Fe- | Total. fMales! Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males, males, riages. Years. |Males| Fe | ‘Total. [Males| Fe- Total. | Years, | Mar- males, males. rlages, 1811 | 56 | 54 | 110 $36] 36} 72 1811} 31 1812 | 48 | 49 | 97 955139] 94 | 1812) 35 1813 | 59 | 53 | 112 33 | 37 70 1813] 31 1814 | 72 | 71 | 143 39 | 42 81 1814} 35 1815 | 78 | 87 | 165 26 | 46 | 72 1815| 47 1816 | 60 | 66 | 126 #37 132 | 69 1816] 42 1817 | 70 | 73 | 143 37 | 39 | 76 1817] 48 1818 | 7o | 86 | 156 #45] 43] 88 1818} 38 1819 | 61 | 53 | 114 § 33] 38] 71 1819| 31 1820 | 59 | 60 | 119 $34 | 42 | 76 1820] 34 1811 | 62 | 50} 112 29 | 23] 52 1811} 31 1812 | 52 | 64 | 116 # 30} 32] 62 1812} 17 1813 | 67 | 70 | 137 #30] 29} 59 1813) 32 1814 {77 | 56/133 f 26] 28] 54 1814] 27 1815 | 65 | 60 | 125 jf 22] 41 | 63 1815| 28 1816 | 58 | 74 | 132 35 | 441 79 1816) 31 1817 | 62 | 69 | 191 33 | 38] 71 1817| 34 1818 | 44 | 73 | 117 32 | 40 72, 1818] 29 1819 | 68 | 61 | 129 | 30 | 26] 56 1819] 29 1820 | 69 | 67 | 136 | 39 | 28] 67 1820} 38 The above Aznsrract is collected from the Registers of, Box- worth R. Connington R. Elsworth R. Fen Drayton P. C. Graveley R. Knapwell R. Over R. Papworth St. Agnes R.(*) Papworth St. Everard R. Swavesey V. and of Willingham R. (©) Papworth St. Agnes is partly in Toseland Hundred (Huntingdon- shire). The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of,——Bot- tisham V. Stow with Quy P.C. Swaffham Bulbeck V. Swaffham Prior V. Great Wilbraham V. and of Little Wilbraham R. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 13 COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. HUNDRED OF STAPLOE. HUNDRED OF WHITTLESFORD. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 |143 1130] 273 | 64 | 79/ 143 1811} 61 1812 |127}121} 248 § 79 | 72) 151 1812] 61 1813 |151])119| 270 | 62 | 43] 105 1813) 72 1814 |141|127| 268 | 83 | 94] 177 1814| 61 1815 | 144] 132] 276 | 85 |105] 190 1815| 77 1816 | 143] 134] 277 | 82 | 70] 152 1816; 72 1817 |} 155|141| 296 | 69] 45} 114 1817} 70 1818 | 140]}136| 276 §} 98 | g2/ 190 1818! 71 1819 | 146 | 167) 313 [| 75] 811 156 1819! 69 1820 |158]141| 299 | 47 | 62| 109 1820 70 Years. (Males! Fe- | Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males riages. 1811 | 38 | 47 | 85 [18 | 24] 42 1811 1812 | 29 | 36 | 65 [12] 25] 37 1812 1813 | 29 | 31 | 60 [17 | 24] 41 1813| 17 1814 | 34 | 25 | 59 $17 | 31} 48 1814] 16 1815 | 48 | 35 | 83 | 24 | 23] 47 1815; 18 1816 | 29 | 41 | 7o 137/27] 64 1816; 23 1817 | 39 | 42 81 21 | 22 43 1817) 30 1818 | 21 | 29 | 50 718 | 28] 46 1818} 14 1819 | 44 | 31 45 22 | 31 53 1819; 15 1820 | 33 | 31 64 | 231141] 37 1820, 20 The above Axnstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Bur- well V. Chippenham V. Fordham V. Isleham V. Kennet R. Landwade P. C. Snailwell R. Soham V. and of Wicken P. C. HUNDRED OF THRIPLOW. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Duxford St. John V. Duxford St. Peter R, Hinxton V. Ickleton V. Saws- ton V. and of Whittlesford V. 1814 | 51 | 59 | 110 § 36 | 30] 66 1814] 33 1815 | 42 | 64 | 106 | 38 | 37] 75 1815| 27 1816 | 57 | 60 | 117 29 | 34] 63 1816] 39 1817 | 59 | 76 | 135 26 | 25] 51 1817| 37 1818 | 73 | 60 | 133 40 | 35 45 1818} 39 | 1819 | 57 | 64 | 121 31 | 35 66 1819} 37 1820 | 78 | 77 | 155 $28 | 28) 56 1820] 42 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males eis Total. | Years. a ISLE OF ELY. 1811 | 54 | 46 | 100 31 | 24 55 1811] 23 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1812 | 56 | 34} 90 | 32] 30] 62 1812) 32 Fe F aE ¢ is ' e- are 1813 | 52 | 53 | 105 32 | 26 58 1813} 30 Years. | Males ised Total. Males les. Total. | Years. cage, The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, Foulmire _R.(‘) Foxton V. Harston V. Hauxton V. Newton V. Great Shelford V. Little Shelford R. Stapleford V. Thriplow V. and of Trumpington V. (f) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Foulmire. 1811 | 592 | 651 | 1,243 [472/473] 945 | 1811} 419 1812 | 604.| §89| 1,193 | 420/392] 812 1812} 350 1813 | 740] '710/ 1,450 | 306] 334] 640 1813} 403 1814 | 734) 698/ 1,432 }352/355| 707 | 1814] 369 1815 | 771) 751) 1,522 $430] 414] 844 | 1815] 342 1816 | 665 | 700, 1,365 }366] 315] 681 1816) 372 1817 | 738} 731) 1,469 | 425/380] 805 1817) 376 1818 | 779| 714; 1,493 1496) 401| 897 | 1818] 364 1819 | 779| 747, 1,526 } 466] 452] 918 1819] 375 1820 | 751 814 1,565 $390] 452| 842 1820] 441 HUNDRED CF WETHERLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. males ales. riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total. [Males oe Total. | Years, | Mar- 1811 | 55143] 98 | 24] 21 45 1811) 17 1812 | 60 | 55 | 115 18; 28 | 46 1812| 25 | 18138 | 52137] 89 | 25] 24] 49 1813} 24 1814 | 56 | 66 | 122 32 | 26] 58 1814] 23 1815 | 7o | 54 | 124 | 33 | 29] 62 1815} 30 1816 | 43 | 49 | 92 738] 28] 66 1816; 24 1817 | 61 | 65 | 126 735 |] 28 | 63 1817| 17 1818 | 63 | 67 | 130 | 25 | 31 56 1818) 34 1819 | 64 | 66 | 130 | 36} 40} 76 1819| 32 1820 56 | 65 | 121 31 | 24] 55 1820/ 30 The above AsstRacrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Arring- ton V. Barrington V.. Barton V. Comberton V. Coton R. Grant- chester V. Harlton R. Haslingfield V. Orwell R. Shepreth V. and of Wimpole R. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Benwick C.(®) Chatteris V. Coveney R. Doddington with Wimbling- ton R. Downham R. Elm R. Haddenham C. Leverington R. Littleport V. Manea C. March C. Mepal R. Newton R. Outwell (St. Clement) R.(") Parson-Drove C. Stretham R. Sutton V. Thetford C. Thorney Abbey P. C. Tyd St. Giles R. Upwell R.(") Welney C.(") Wentworth or Winford R. Whittlesea St. An- drew V. Whittlesea St. Mary V. Wilburton P. C. Wisbeach St. Mary P. C. Wisbeach St. Peter V. Witcham V. and of Witch- ford V. (®) The Inhabitants of Benwick bury and marry at Doddington. (*) Outwell, Upwell and Welney, are partly in Clackclose Hundred (Norfolk). ' SoS : 14 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers, LE COUNTY: OF CAMBRIDGE—continued. BOROUGH OF CAMBRIDGE. CIty OF ELY. a BAPTISMS. | BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, ~~ Taejes| BOs! Fes Mar- Fe- Fe- | 7, 1 ae Years. ‘Males Reve Total. |Males ae Total. | Years. cape Years. |Males - al Total. {Males Be Total. bissauans ne 1811 | 140| 164] 304 § 135] 131] 266 1811] 44 1811 | 85/741 159 150] 44] 94 4 1811] 49 1812 | 155} 136} 291 $120] 115] 235 1812] 87 1812 | 107) 75 | 182 | 49] 46] 95 1812] 42 1813 | 172/173] 345 $114{ 99} 213 1813} 94 1813 | 86] 81 | 167 | 49 | 28 99 1813] 38 1814 | 144/139} 283 4.138} 139) 277 1814] 101 1814 | 93] 82 | 195 53 | 50 | 103 4 1814] 44 1815 | 193] 1821 375 {168} 195| 363 1815] 116 1815 | 98] 98 | 196 | 80 | 65 | 145 1815| 55 1816 ; 176] 166; 342 4 122] 144| 266 1816} 98 1816 | 86) 94 | 180 56 | 59 | 115 1816] 41 1817 | 187} 184] 371 4135}107| 242 # 1817) 99 1817 | 122] 91 | 213 | 63 | 60 | 123 1817] 45 1818 | 189] 188] 377 4159] 127| 286 { 1818] 129 1818 | 99} 96 | 195 | 83 | 68! 151 1818] 6e 1819 | 208 2181 426 41531142] 295 1819} 131 1819 | 112] 97 209 61 | 57 | 118 1819} 46 1820 203] 226] 429 $1421 143] 285 1820} 152 1820 | 88] 96 | 184 | 62 | 56 | 118 1820] 49 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, All The above Apsrracr is collected from the Registers of, The Saints V. St. Andrew the Great V. St. Andrew the Less C. St. Bene- Cathedral Church C. Chettisham C. Ely Trinity P.C. St. Mary P.€. dict V. St. Botolph R. St. Clements V. St. Edward R. St. Giles V. and of Stuntney C. St. Mary the Great V. St. Mary the Less P.C. St. Michael V. St. Peter P. C. St. Sepulchre V. and of Holy Trinity V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, | MARRIAGES. “Years. | ~ Males. | Females. Total. | Years. Males. Females. Total. | i Years. | Marriages. 1811 | 1,661 1,693 | 3,354 1811 | 1,042 | 1,040 | 2,082 1811 918 1812 1,681 1,602 3,283 1812 1,058 986 2,044 1812 884. 1813 | 1,866 1,806 3,672 7} 1813 904 853 1,757 1813 973 1814 1,842 1,767 | 3,609 1814 988 1,002 1,990 1814 955 1815 2,011 1,955 | 3,966 1815 1,136 | 1,185 | 2,321 || 1815 f 964 1816 | 1,764 1,847 | 3,611 1816 1,051 1,050 2,101 1816 | 974 1817 1,949 1,928 3,877 1817 1,084 | 973 2,057 1817 999 1818 2,017 1,956 3,973 1818 1,245 1,127 2,372 | 1818 | 1,055 1819 2,028 1,977 4,005 | 1819 1,173 1,159 2,332 || 1819 | 1,038 1820 2,065 2,076 4,141 1820 1,034 1,085 2,119 1820 1,134 ' Toraxs 18,884 | 18,607, | 37,491 ee, 23 10,715 | 10,460 21,175 - + 9,894 The Summary of the County of CamBrince is collected from the Registers of One hundred and sixty-three Parish Churches and Twelve Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 118,—Burials, 35. (> seen ten concrete M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 15 County of Chester. HUNDRED OF BROXTON. HUNDRED OF MACE€LESFIELD.¢*) (!) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. | Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males a Total. J Years a Years. [Males ce Total, [Male ara, ‘Total } Years ee 1811 |221 |180] go1 J1i0} 119] 229 | 1811} 61 1811 |1026] 915] 1,941 | 758) 845] 1,603 } 1811] 706 1812 }203 1204} 407 $115} 111] 226 1812] 80 1812 | 896! gos} 1,801 | 80g] 815] 1,624 | 1812] 695 1813 |238 | 218] 456 95 | 112) 207 1813} 74 1813 | 916} 932] 1,848 | 746] 804] 1,550 4 1813} 680 1814 |221 |196) 417 [117] 133] 250 1814] 72 1814 |1142/1045] 2,187 # gog! 956) 1,865 § 1814] 831 1815 |238 | 200] 438 |132/117] 249 | 1815] 70 1815 |1209]1105] 2,314 | 878] 925] 1,803 } 1815) 985 1816 |225 1210] 435 4123) 111) 234 1816] 70 1816 11721067] 2,239 | 820} 775] 1,595 | 1816] 865 1817 |250 |232| 482 4109] 1281 237 | 1817] 58 1817 [1081/1095] 2,176 | 875} 957] 1,832 | 1817} 721 1818 }243 1/193] 436 4129] 1141 243 1818} 56 1818 [1144/1030] 2.174 | 941/1020] 1,961 | 1818] 817 1819 | 234 | 236] 470 41281126] 254 | 1819] 56 1819 |1179]1095] 2,274 | 914) 932) 1,846 ¥ 1819! 935 1820 |222 | 206] 428 $129]131) 260 | 1820] 56 1820 1220]1197| 2,417 {1028/1043} 2,071 | 1820] 1,008 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ald- ford, R. ‘Bruera or Churchen-Heath C.(*) Burwardsley C. (>) Chris- tleton'R. Coddington R. Dodleston R. Eccleston R. Farndon P. C. Guilden-Sutton. P.@. Handley R. Hargrave C. (*) Harthill P. C. Malpas R. Plempstall V. Pulford R. Shocklack P. C. Tattenhall R. Tilston R. and of Waverton R. (8) Bruera or Churchen-Heath C. is in St, Oswald’s Parish (Chester) ; Burwardsley C. isin Bunbury Parish ; Hargrave C. is in Tarvin Parish. *-¢>) Until the year 1818 the Register of Burwardsley was included in that of Bunbury Parish (Eddisbury Hundred). HUNDRED OF BUCKLOW, " The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Altrin- Great Budworth V.. Daresbury. C. (¢). Grappenhall R. Halton C. (“)(°) Knutsford V.. Latchford St. James C. (°); High Leigh €. (°).(*) Little Leigh C (°) ¢®) Lymm R. Mobberley R. Over Peover C.(°) Ring- way C. ‘5 Rostherne V. Runcorn V. Thelwall C. (°) and of War- | burton P. C. (°) Altrincham C. and Ringway C. are in Bowdon Parish ; Aston herne Parish ; Daresbury C. Halton C. Over Peover C. and Thel- wall C. are in Runcorn Parish. (¢) The Return of Bowdon includes the Register of Carrington C. (°) The Inhabitants of Halton bury and marry at Runcorn. (f) The Chapel at High Leigh was re-built in the year 1815. (®) The Inhabitants of Little Leigh bury and marry at Great Budworth. — HUNDRED OF EDDISBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. “MARRIAGES. Years. {Males eee Tota]. {Males Lee Total. | Years. | Mar- ey ; Tages. | 1811 1521] 493} 1,014 294] 301] 595 J 1811] 237 1812 | 506] 515} 1,021 | 303] 310] 613 | 1812] 224 1813 | 454] 493, 947 1317| 294] 611 1813 | 202 1814 | 489] 441] 930 | 382] 349] 731 1814} 265, 1815 | 534] 486] 1,020 | 335) 341| 676 7 1815 || 284 1816 | 529] 5271 1,056 |327] 298] 625 1816 |, 299, 1817 | 529] 502} 1,031 1362} 331] 693 1817 || 269, 1818 | 492} 543} 1,035 ]385/371] 756 § 1818 | 256 1819 | 544/535] 1,079 [324] 368] 692 f 1819} 329 1820 | 553| 527} 1,080 [363] 360] 723 | 1820] 325 cham C. (*) Aston C. (*) Ashton upon Mersey R. Bowdon V. (*) | C. and: Little Leigh €. are in Great Budworth Parish; Latchford | St. James C. is in Grappenhall Parish; High Leigh C. is in Rost- |, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. | Years. Males) te Total. ({Males| Fe- | Total, |! Years. | Mar i males. males. ee, riages. ~ 18611 ['3891396 | 785. [210/207] 417' | 1811] 119 f 1812 |:3551368 | 723 f160]168.) 328° f, 1812! 109 ° 1813 |'409}]342] 752 169/166} 335: f, 1813] 117 ( 1814 i398 380 | 778 [224/202 426 ff, 1814} 124. ' 1815 13971348 | 745 J 204 revo] 414° | 1815] 192 * 1816 ]'3524384 | 736 1871183)] 370: J) 1816} 105 | 1817 13704370 | 740. #f1198]209]}:407' f 1817] 126: ' 1818 [369/383 | 752° J218f210].428 f: 1818] 115 ' 1819 f'401]385.).786 $197/223].420' | 1819.}.124 ~ 1820 |.4014.385 | 786 9187)203,).390° | 1820] 132 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——Alder- ley R. Bosley C..(™) Capesthorne C. (™) Chadkirk C. (™) Cheadle R. Chelford C.(™) Christchurch €..(™) Disley C.(™) Forest Chapel C.(™) Gawsworth R. Marple C.(™) Marton C. (™) Mottram in Longden- dale V. Northenden R. Pointon and Norbury C. (™) (") Pott-Shrig- leyC.(™) Prestbury V. Rainow C.(™) Siddington C.(™) Stock- port R. Taxall R. Wilmslow R. Wincle C,(™) (°) and of Wood- head C. (™) («) Also from Three Registers of Dissenters at Bredbury, Hyde and Tintwhistle. (1) Stayley Bridge, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hun- , dred of Salford (Lancashire). | _(™) Bosley C. Capesthorne C. Chelford C. Christchurch C. Forest | CHapel C. Marton C. Pott-Shrigley C. Rainow C; Siddington C. and | Wincle C. are in Prestbury Parish; Chadkirk or Romiley C. Disley C. ) and Marple C. are in Stockport Parish; Pointon and Norbury C. extebds into both Parishes; Woodhead C. is in Mottram Parish. (") Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Pointon and Norbury €. (°) The Registers of Wincle, previous to the year 1813, were in- cluded with those of Macclesfield. eee - HUNDRED OF NANTWICH. (°) | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males ¥e- | Total [vtales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- oe _ _ {males. | _{males. | riages. 1811 |,326] 309] 635. $175) 1831 358 | 1811} 134° 1812 | 3411318), 659 $191,189} 380 | 1812] 197 1813 | 330/340] 670 1175/ 197] 372 1813] 139 1814 | 3471352) 699 91901175] 365 1814} 161 , 1815. |.412|367| 779 $182) 180] 362 f 1815] 154 1816 | 360/317] 677 | 209/218] 427 1816] 129. 1817 | 330/326} 656 | 205] 172] 377 1817] 131 1818 |327|337| 664 193: 176] 369 1818] 118 |, 1839 | 339/336] 675 9 168-181]. 349 1819] 117 1820 | 347/355] 702 $195 171| 366 1820 | 152 The above Anstrract is collected from the Registers of, Acton V.. AlsagerC. (9) Audlem V. Baddiley R. . Barthoniley R. ’ Church-Minshull P.C. Coppenhall R. Hastington C. (*) (") Marbury P. C. Nantwich R. Wistaston R, Wrenbury P. C. (6) and of Wybun- bury V. ‘ (®) Whitchurch, partly in this Hundred, is entered'in North Bradford Hundred (Salop). 3 . (9), Alsager C. and Haslington C. are in Barthomley Parish. () The old Chapel of Haslington was pulled down in August 1810, arid. the new orie consecrated in November 1811; previous to which time-no Burials were-allowed there. (*), The Parish Register of: Wrenbury includes’ the Baptisms which take place at Burley Dam Chapel. v The above Assrnact is collected from the Registers of, (") ‘Alvanley’C. is in-Ftodsham Parish. Alvanley C. ("). Barrow R. Little Budworth P. C. Bunbury P. C. Frodsham V. (’) : Ince P.C: Over V.(3)' Tarporley R. Tarvin V. Thornton in the Moors R. Waverham V. and of Whitegate V. (‘) The Quakers keep.a Register at Newton in Frodsham Parish. (Gi) The Parish Register of Over includes: the Baptisms which take place at 'Wettenhall Cc. 16 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Parish- Registers, ——— —_== COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HUNDRED OF NORTHWICH. CITY OF CHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males ae Total. [Males ee Total. | Years. aus Years. {Males ase Total. {Males ee Total. | Years. ee 1811 |491| 493} 984 1338]325] 664 | 1811] 243 1811 }284]2471] 555 $186 | 202 | 388 1811} 286 1812 |574|549]1,123 $307 | 304) 611 1812) 187 1812 |263}242] 505 {204]194} 398 1812] 300 1813 |514| 523] 1,037 1310 ]281] 591 1813 | 206 1813 | 351/328] 679 $208 |201 | 4oy 1813} 324 1814 | 478/473] 951 $368 |354} 722 1814] 235 1814 | 324/335] 659 $181 1219] 400 1814; 295 1815 15451497] 1,042 [318 | 315 | 633 1815] 245 1815 |313]307| 620 239/230] 469 1815! 360 1816 | 506/488] 994 [333 |334| 667 | 1816} 196 1816 | 286]306| 592 $244]266] 510 | 1816] 343 1817 1537 |487 | 1,024 1375 |357| 732 | 1817] 224 1817 | 294 | 302 | 596 $251 |224| 475 | 1817) 392 1818 | 476 461| 937 1320 (297 | 617 1818| 213 1818 | 338 | 287] 625 264 | 237} 501 1818] 385 1819 |594 |496 11,090 1277 (305 | 582 1819] 259 1819 | 322]339] 661 §230}279] 509 1819} 372 1820 | 551 }505| 1,056 F285 |332] 617 1820] 266 1820 | 3631337] 7oo 4274]230] 504 1820} 383 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Astbury I. Brereton with Smethwick R. Church-Hulme C. Congleton C. Davenham R. Goostry C. Lawton R. Middlewich V. Lower Peover C. Sandbach V. Sweetenham R. Warmingham R. and of The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, St Bridget R. Cathedral Church C. Holy Trinity R. St. John the Baptist V. St. MartinR, St.Mary R. St. MichaelC. St. OlaveC. St. Oswald V. and of St. Peter P. C. Wilton C. HUNDRED OF WIRRALL. TOWN OF MACCLESFIELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Fe- Mar- Fe- Bee hm . a Years. |Males a ‘| Total. {Males sa oe Total. | Years. RED, Years. |Males s i Total. ‘ani eid Total. | Years, oe 1811 }184]174] 358 [125/115 | 240 1811} 48 1811 | 219/183] 402 | 64 | 82 | 146 1811) 1812 }181] 152] 333 §126/121 ; 247 1812] 50 1812 | 189; 188! 377. | 70 | 77 | 147 1812] - 1813 | 208 | 168 | 376 97|131 | 228 1813] 50 1813 | 177] 183] 360 | 79 | 69 | 148 1813} - 1814 |182]195| 377. $124|115 | 239 1814] 50 1814 | 219] 241} 460 68 | 61 | 129 1814 7 1815 |210/161 | 371 §1411156] 297 1815/32 1815 | 236] 248] 484 753] 71 | 124 7 1815) - 1816 |198/165} 363 }156}141 |] 297 1816) 43 1816 | 231/241) 472 | 66 | 74 | 140 1816) —- 1817 }191 | 221] 412 #155|135] 290 1817) 38 3817 | 199] 227} 426 | 82 | 93 | 175 1817 - 1818 |200|183] 383 f141]144] 285 1818} 40 1818 | 242] 228) 470 | 61 | 84 | 145 1818 ~ 1819 |191|206] 397 #153 ]134| 287 1819} 41 1819 | 220] 226) 446 | 46) 75 | 121 1819 - 1820 | 213 [213] 426 §124]/113 | 237 1820; 38 1820 | 263/274! 537 194 | 95 | 189 1820; -— The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Back- The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Register of, —-Maccles- ford V. Bebington R. Bidston P.C. Birkenhead C. Brombrow P.C. Burton P.C. Eastham V. Heswall R. Great Neston V. Overchurch P. C. Shotwick P. C. Stoke P.C. Thurstaston R. Wallezey R. Westkirby R. and of Woodchurch Rt. field C. (‘) The Town of Macclesfield being in Prestbury Parish, the Mar- riages are solemnized in the Mother Church, the Register of which (as also of some of the Macclesfield Chapels) is entered in Macclesfield Hundred. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Males. | Females, Total. Years. | Marriages. — — ye ee —S——TV 1811 3,661 3,414 7,075 1811 2,260 2,380 4,640 1811 1,834 1812 | 3,508 | 3,441 | 6,949 1812 | 2,285 | 2,289 | 4,574 1812 | 1,782 1813 |. 3,597 | 3,527 | 75124 1813 | 2,196 | 2,255 | 4,451 1813 | 1,792 1814 | 3,800 | 3,658 | 7,458 1814 | 2,563 | 2,564 | 5,127 || 1814 | 2,033 1815 4,094 3,719 7,813 1815 2,482 2,545 5,027 1815 2,262 1816 | 3,859 | 3,705 | 7,564 1816 | 2,465 | 2,400 | 4,865 1816 | 2,050 1817 3,781 3,762 7,543 1817 2,612 2,606 5,218 1817 1,959 1818 3,831 3,645 7,476 1818 2,652 2,653 51305 1818 2,000 1819 4,024 3,854 7,878 1819 2,437 2,623 5,060 1819 2,233 1820 4,133 3,999 8,132 1820 2,679 2,678 5357 1820 2,360 Torais| 38,288 | 36,724 | 75,012 - - | 24,631 | 24,993 | 49,624 - | 20,305 The Summary of the County of Cuesren is collected from the Registers of Eighty-seven Parish Churches and Forty-one Chapels, and from Three Registers of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount ; viz: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 178,—Burials, 59. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 17 County of Cornwall. HUNDRED OF EAST. HUNDRED OF LESNEWTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males.| males. riages. males. males. riages. 1811 | 462] 468| 930 | 275) 238] 513 1811 | 243 1812 | 510] 439! 949 | 327] 297| 624 1812 | 239 1813 | 504) 479) 983 | 243] 249] 492 1813 | 229 1814 | 522} 474] 996 | 300] 242! 542 1814 | 254 1815 | 559} 5021 1,061 } 252] 241) 493 1815 | 229 1816 | 542] 495! 1,037 | 257] 261! 518 1816 | 205 1817 | 491] 463; 954 | 202] 218) 420 1817 | 200 1818 | 483] 444| 927 | 233/210! 443 1818 | 204 1819 | 500] 445] 945 | 283] 280] 563 1819 | 217 1820 | 507| 481] 988 | 291] 267| 558 1820 | 215 1811 | 100} 91] 191 42 | 521 94 1811} 42 1812 | 98{ 73) 171 | 29 | 57 | 86 1812| 44 1813 | 112] 111} 223 | 50] 49 | 99 1813) 55 1814 |} 109] 83] 192 | 46 | 46] 92 1814| 54 1815 | 102] 101] 203 | 44] 38 | 82 1815 | 50 1816 | 92/101] 193 | 41 | 49 | go 1816| 52 1817 } 111] 84] 195 | 39 | 40 | 79 1817! 43 1818 | 92} 109} 201 59 | 33. | 92 1818} 43 1819 | 112/117] 229 | 501 49} 99 1819 | 62 1820 | 127] 102} 229 | 47 1 43] 9o 1820] 59 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Antony St. Jacob V. Botus Fleming R. Callington P. C. Calstock R. St. Dominick R. Egloskerry P.C. St. German’s P.C. St. Ive R. St. John R. Landrake-St.Earney V. Landulph R. Laneast P. C. Lawhitton R. Lewannick V. Lezant R. Linkinhorne V. Maker V.(*) St. Mellion R. Menheniott V. Northill R. South Pether- win V. Pilaton R. Quethiocke V. RameR. Saltash C. Sheviock R. Southill R. St. Stephen’s-by-Launceston C. St. Stephen’s-by-Saltash V. Stoke-Climsland R. St. Thomas-the-Apostle-near-Launceston P. C. Tremaine C. Tresmore C. and of Trewen C,. (4) Part of the Parish of Maker is in Devon. The above Axnstracr js collected from the Registers of, ——St. Advent P.C. Altarnun V. St. Clether V. Davidstow V. Forra- © bury R. St. Genny’s V. St. Juliot C. Lanteglos with Camelford R. Lesnewth R. Michaelstow R. Minster R. Otterham R. Pound- stock V. Tintagell V. Treneglos V. Trevalga R. and of Warbstow C, HUNDRED OF KERRIER. (>) HUNDRED OF PENWITH. (°) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | otal. {Males| Fe- | Total. # Years. | Mar- males. males riages. 1811 | 568} 578) 1,146 § 286/ 273) 559 1811 | 265 1812 | 575} 564] 1,139 | 288} 310} 598 1812 | 226 ~ 1813 | 551 | 512] 1,063 | 307] 302] 60g 1813 | 268 1814 | 614] 596] 1,210 | 393] 386] 779 1814 | 297 1815 | 637 | 604] 1,241 | 285] 248] 533 1815 | 325 1816 | 606 | 582) 1,188 [| 288] 264] 552 1816 | 264 1817 | 653 | 587] 1,240 | 289] 278] 567 1817 | 263 1818 | 660 | 566) 1,226 1313] 287] 600 1818 | 294 1819 | 608 | 542} 1,150 | 332] 315] 647 1819} 291 1820 | 6771 598) 1,275 | 300] 305] 605 1820 | 286 1811 | 880] 802} 1,682 | 436] 397] 833 1811 | 327 1812 | 830] 825 | 1,655 | 453] 432| 885 1812} 319 1813 | 866 | 841] 1,707 | 466] 480] 946 1813 | 386 1814 | 993 | 875] 1,868 1435} 401| 836 1814 | 416 1815 | 996 |1010| 2,006 | 439] 466] 905 1815 | 490 1816 [1038] 973] 2,011 | 462] 396] 858 1816 | 422 1817 | 969] 952] 1,928 | 413] 426] 839 1817 | 414 1818 | 977 | 944] 1,921 | 381] 421] 802 1818 | 395 1819 | 944 | 909| 1,853 | 473] 522] 995 1819 | 445 1820 |1060,1029] 2,089 4 427] 439] 866 1820 | 438 The above Axzstract is collected from the Registers of,——St. Anthony in Meneage V._ Breage R. (©) Budock P.C.(4) Con- _stantine V. Cury P. C. Germoe R. (*) St. Gluvias (including Penryn) V. (4) St. Grade R. Gunwalloe P. C.(°) Gwennap V. Helston P.C. St. Keverne V. lLandewednack R. Mabe V. (°) Manackan V. St. Martin-in-Meneage R.(‘) Mawgan-in-Meneage R.(f) Mawnan R. St. Mullin V. Mylor V. (°) Perranaworthall V. Ruan-Major R. St. Ruan-Minor R. Sithney V. Stythians V. and of Wendron V. (>) Several of the Returns in this Hundred state the great proportion of Burials to be occasioned by Bodies washed ashore from Shipwrecks. (©) Breage, Germoe and Gunwalloe are united. (4) Budock and St. Gluvias are united. (*) Mabe and Mylor are united. (‘) Mawgan and St. Martin are united. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,———St. Buryan R. Camborne R. CrowanV. St. Erth V. Gulval V. Gwinear V. Gwithian R. St. Hilary V. Ilogan R. St, Ives P.C. St. Just. V. Uny-Lelant V. St. Levan P.C. LudgvanR. Madron V. Marazion P.C. Morvah P.C. PaulV. Penzance P.C.(*) St. Perran- Uthnoe R. Phillack R. Redruth R. Sancreed or St. Creed V. Sennan P. C. Towednack P. C. and of Zennor V. (®) The Burlals which take place at St. Michael’s Mount, are in- cluded in the Return from St. Hilary. The Baptisms take place at Marazion. (») The Register of Penzance is annually transferred to that of Madron, the Mother Church ; but Two Returns were received. 18 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CORNWALL—continued. [ Parish- Registers. Ee RRS CE SET CT SO SEN RES HUNDRED OF POWDER. HUNDRED OF STRATTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years [Males| Fe- | otal. [atates| Fe- ; Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages. 1811 | 552] 562} 1,114 J 321! 318! 639 1811} 270 1612 | §57| 531| 1,088 } 2971335! 632 1812 | 273 1813 | 603] 567] 1,170 | 317] 301) 618 1813 | 332 1814 | 617) 610) 1,227 1381] 324 705 | 1814] 342 1815 | 686] 685} 1,371 } 369] 289) 658 1815 | 357 1816 | 645 | 620] 1,265 1330] 329) 659 1816 | 363 1817 709| 373 1,282 | 326] 327] 653 1817 | 326 1818 | 646) 677) 1,323 § 347} 365| 712 1818 1819 | 680] 648] 1,328 | 324) 342 350 666 4 1819] 383 1820 | 778} 667] 1,445 | 337 | 346 683 1820 | 434 | The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, St. Allen V. St. Antony in Roseland P.C. St. Austell V. St. Blazey P.C. St.Clement’s V. Cornelly C. Creed (including Grampound) R. St. Dennis P.C. St. Erme R. St. Ewe R. St. Feock V. Fowey V. Gerrans R. Gorran V. St. Just-in-Roseland R. Kea V.(!) Ken- wyn V.(‘) Ladock R. Lamorran R. Lanlivery V. Lostwithiel V. Luxulyan V. Merther P. C.(j) Mevagissey V. St. Mewan R. St. Michael Carhayes R.& V. St. Michael Penkevil R. Philleigh R. Probus V.(j) St. Roche R. Ruan-Lanihorn R. St. Sampson P. C. St. Stephen’s in Brannel P.C. Tregony-with-Cuby V. Truro St. Mary R. Tywardreath P. C. and of Veryan V. (4) Kea and Kenwyn are united. (i) Merther and Probus are united. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES, Fe- Fe- Years. |Males|,,a]¢.| Total. }Males 1..| Total. | Years. | Mar- males.| riages. 1811 | 98] 94] 192 — 43 | 49] 92 1811] 35 1812 | 103] 81} 184 f 42] 54] 96 1812} 32 1813 1115] 109] 224 7 51 | 50 | 101 1813} 46 1814 | 109] 105] 214 § 48 | 44 | 92 1814] 47 1815 | 131] 119] 250 31 | 441 75 1815] 45 1816 | 119] 102] 221 | 45] 48] 93 1816} 35 1817 | 131] 106] 2397 | 45 | 32 | 77 1817} 59 1818 | 100} 110} 210 | 52 | 33 | 85 1818] 49 1819 | 113] 128] 241 68 | 57 | 125 1819} 57 1820 | 132] 138] 270 | Go | 52 | 112 1820] 56 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,_—Boy- ton, P.C. Bridgerule in the West V.() Jacobstow R. Kilkhamp- ton R. Launcells V. Marham Church R. Moorewinstow V. Poug- hill V. Stratton V. North Tamerton P.C. Week St. Mary R. and of Whitstone R. (‘) Bridgerule is entered partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Black Torrington (Devon), wherein is the Parish Church. HUNDRED OF TRIGG. (™) BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. |Males ae Total. |Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- males: males. riages. HUNDRED OF PYDAR. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males bee Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- 1811 | 277} 285] 562 | 150] 139] 289 1811! 115 1812 | 300] 293] £93 | 143] 136] 279 1812 | 125 1813 | 307] 288] 595 [132] 151] 283 1813 | 149 1814 | 326} 335) 661 7183] 1941 377 1814; 161 1815 | 347] 333] 680 | 145| 171} 316 1815 | 192 1816 | 336] 349] 685 1157] 121] 278 1816 | 135 1817 | 332] 298| 630 $152] 141] 293 1817 | 133 1818 | 327] 328} 655 |1721 151] 323 1818 | 141 1819 | 339| 304| 643 [149] 151! 300 1819 | 150 1820 | 411 358 767 1147! 163] 310 1820} 131 ales. | males. riages. The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, St. Agnes P.C.(*) St. Breock R. Colan V. St. Columb Major R. St. Columb Minor P. C. St. Crantock P.C. Cubert V. St. Enoder V. St. Ervan R. St. Eval V. St. Issey V. Lanhydrock C. Lanivett R. St. Mawgan-in-Pydar R. St. Merin V. St. Newlyn V. Padstow V. Perranzabbuloe V. Little Petherick or St. Petrock Minor R. St. Wenn V. and of Withiel R. (®) Also from a Register of Methodists and of Calvinists at St. Agnes. 1811 | 156] 142] 298 63) 89 | 152 1811) 65 1812 | 142] 130] 272 79| 82 | 161 1812| 67 1813 | 165] 148] 313 77| 69 | 146 1813| 88 1814 | 173] 164] 337 88] 88 | 176 1814} 76 1815 | 185] 176] 361 68} 96 | 164 1815] 70 1816 | 172] 198] 370 70| 73 | 143 1816] 70 1817 | 1976] 168] 344 78) 62 | 140 1817} 91 1818 | 178} 196) 374 | 75] 74 | 149 | 1818/ 75 1819 | 170| 164] 334 [100] go | 190 1819} 95 1820 | 201] 197) 398 [107] 95 | 202 1820] 78 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Bliss- landR. BodminV. St. Bruard V. Egloshayle V. St. Endellion R. Helland R. St. Knee, otherwise St. Kew, otherwise Tanow V. St. Mabyn R. St. Minver V. St. Teath V. and of St. Tudy R. (™) The Church of the Parish of Temple is in ruins. HUNDRED OF WEST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Fe- Mar- males,| Total. JMales| 1.5] Total. | Years. riages. Years. |Males 1811 | 220) 204| 424 $121] 109} 230 1811) 121 1812 | 246) 216} 462 92| 124} 216 1812} 81 1818 | 230] 234] 464 J100] 89] 189 1818] 91 1814 | 229] 222] 451 101] 112] 213 1814) 99 1815 | 298] 246] 544 $108] 99| 207 1815 | 105 1816 | 254] 251] 505 [111] 102] 213 1816} 95 1817 | 261| 216] 477 $114} 109] 223 1817} 91 1818 | 265| 229] 494 9112] 108] 220 1818] 108 1819 | 269) 247) 516 105} 87] 192 1819] 90 1820 | 284] 252] 536 146) 182] 328 1820] 97 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——Bo- connocR. Broadoak R. Cardynham R. St. CleereV. Daloe V. St. Keynes R. Lanreath R. Lansallos R. Lanteglos by Fowey V. Leskeard V. St. Martyn by LooeR. Morval V. St.Neott V. Pelynt V. St. Pinnock R. Talland V. St. Veep V. Warleggan R. and of St. Winnow V. M.DCCC.X XI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94 19 aac COUNTY OF CORNWALL—continued. BOROUGH TOWN OF LAUNCESTON. TOWN OF FALMOUTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years, | Males Fe- { Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. males males. riages. 1811 | 21] 23 | 44 | 291; 16] 45 1811 8 1811 |} 100] 95} 195 | 79 | 68 | 147 1811| 71 1812 | 28 |} 25 | 53 § 22113] 35 1812} 16 1812 | 117] 99} 216 | 88 | 73 | 161 1812} 50 1813 | 27 | 29 | 56 14} 20} 34 1813| 17 1813 | 88] 92] 180 | 43 | 42 85 1813| 64 1814 | 30 | 32 | 62 13} 10] 23 1814] 20 1814 }105{ 111] 216 | 66 | 63 | 129 1814} 69 1815 | 42 | 32 | 74 917114] 31 1815; 18 1815 | 86)111) 197 [57 | 57 | 114 1815| 57 1816 | 43 | 38 | 81 $15] 21 | 36 | 1916] 41 1816 '117] 120] 237 | 64 | 58 | 122 | 1816] 61 1817 | 20 | 31 |] 51 F124 12] 24 1817) 16 1817 109] 89] 1938 ] 61 | 56] 117 1817} 36 1818 | 32 | 32] 64 §25)16] 41 1818| 12 1818 102] 73] 175 | 80 | 71] 151 1818] 41 1812 | 39 | 28 | 67 |} 28] 30] 58 1819} 13 1819 102] 95} 197 4} 44 |} 61 | 105 1819| 65 1820 | 36 | 34] 70 § 23418] 41 1820| 23 1820 102] 87] 189 | 63 | 57 | 120 1820] 49 The above Azsrract is collected from the Register of,-——St. Mary The above Axnstract is colleeted from the Register of, Fal- Magdalen P. C. mouth R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females, Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. S_e——_—|¥§ ——_—_———_ ——~——- ; oe 1811 | 3,434 | 3,344 | 6,778 4811 | 1,845 } 1,748 | 3,593 1811 | 1,562 1812 3,506 3,276 6,782 1812 1,860 1,913 | 3773 1812 1,472 1813 3,568 3,410 6,978 1813 1,800 1,802 3,602 1818 1,725 1814 | 3,827 | 3,607 | 7,434 1814 | 2,054 | 1,910 | 3,964 1814 | 1,835 1815 | 4,069 3,919 7,988 1815 1,815 1,763 3,578 1815 1,938 1816 | 3,964 | 3,829 | 7,793 1816 | 1,840 1,722 | 3,562 1816 | 1,713 1817 | 3,962 | 3,567 | 7,529 1817 | 1,731 | 1,701 | 3,432 1817 | 1,672 1818 3,862 3,708 7,570 1818 1,849 1,769 3,618 1818 1,712 1819 3,876 3,627 7,503 1819 1,956 1,984 3,940 1819 1,868 1820 45315 3,941 8,256 1820 1,948 1,967 3,915 1820 1,866 Torats| 38,383 | 36,228 | 74,611 - + | 18,698 | 18,279 | 36,977 ) (®) Ponsonby P. C. Setmurthy or Seckmurthy C. (©) Thornthwaite C. (8) Thwaites C. Ulpha C. Waberthwaite R. Wasdale-Head C. (4) Whicham R. Whitbeck P. C. Workington R. (*) and of Wythop C. (f) : (*) Also from a Register of Quakers at Pardshaw-Hall in Dean arish. (>) There being no Burial Ground at Newlands, the Inhabitants bury as well as marry at Cockermouth, the Mother Church. (°) There being no Burial Ground at Setmurthy, the Inhabitants bury at Cockermouth or Isell. (4) Wasdale-Head Chapel has no Burial Ground annexed to it. (*) Workington includes the Registers of Clifton, Stainburn and Winscales. (*) The Inhabitants of Wythop bury at Lorton and Embleton. ALLERDALE WARD szeLtow DARWENT. The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, —-Ack- tonR. Beaumont R. Bowness R. Burgh by Sands V. Dalston V. Grinsdale P.C. Highead C.(") Kirkandrews-upon-Eden R. Kirk- bampton R. Kirkbride R. Orton R. Rowcliffe P.C. Sebergham P. C. Thorsby V. Warwick P.C. Wetheral P.C. — Wigton V. and of Wreay C. (") No Burials take place at Highead. ESKDALE WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years, Males! Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- males. males. riages, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 | 295| 300] 595 4148] 144] 202 1811; 110 1812 | 284] 248} 532 [137] 153] 290 1812| 108 1813 | 328] 263} 591 [167] 163] 330 1813] 107 1814 | 315] 317] 632 § 194] 215] 409 1814) 127 1815 | 304] 299} 603 9.155} 186] 341 1815] 120 1816 | 291| 292] 583 | 201] 213] 414 1816] 115 1817 ; 318] 283] 601 | 205} 170] 375 1817} 106 1818 | 298] 276] 574 $167] 196) 363 1818} 102 1819 | 293; 314] 607 $181] 165] 346 1819] 96 1820 | 345] 286] 631 $171] 184] 355 1820] 127 Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. JMales} Fe | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males, riages. 1811 | 341} 316] 657 [184] 178} 362 1811] 161 1812 | 353/313] 666 J 190] 187! 377 1812] 168 1818 | 343] 341] 684 41161] 166) 327 1813] 158 1814 | 373/379] 752 [172/190] 362 1814] 179 1815 | 3461355} 701 [149/185] 334 1815 | 193 1816 | 390/370] 760 | 197} 212] 409 1816} 178 1817 | 388] 364) 752 |191]186] 377 1817] 148 1818 | 379] 363} 742 [185}178] 363 1818] 164 1819 | 382/346] 728 [1941193] 387 1819} 145 1820 | 364/371] 735 [179] 189] 368 1820] 151 The above Agsrract is collected from the Registers of, Ar- thuret R. Bewcastle R. Brampton V. Castlecarrock R. Crosby- upon-Eden V. Cumrew P. C. Cumwhitton P. C. Nether Denton R. Over Denton P.C, Farlam P.C. Hayton P. CC. Irthington V. Kirkandrews-upou-Esk R. Kirklinton R. Lanercost P. C. Nichol- Forest C.(') Scaleby R. Stanwix V. Stapleton.R. and of Walton P.C. (‘) The Burial Ground at Nichol-Forest Chapelry was not conse- crated till the year 1818. LEATH WARD. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of,——All- hallows P,C, Allonby C. Aspatria V. Bassenthwaite P.C. Bol- ton R. Bridekirk V. Bromfield V. Caldbeck R. Camerton P. C. Crosscanonby P.C. Crosthwaite V. Dearham V. Flimby P. C. Gilcrux V. Holm-Cultram P.C. St. John’s C. Ireby P. C. Isell V. Maryport C. Plumbland R. Torpenhow V. Uldale R. West- ward P. C, and of Wythburn C. (8) (®) The Inhabitants of Thornthwaite, Wythburn, and Newlands bury at Crosthwaite. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 333/315] 648 [203/176] 379 1811} 164 1812 | 346/334] 680 [220/173] 393 1812 | 161 1813 |370] 341] 711 $212}184] 396 1813 | 196 1814 | 362/315] 677 J 209/207] 416 1814 | 144 1815 | 408} 386] 794 | 232/170] 402 1815 | 181 1816 | 368} 366} 734 J212)203] 415 1816 | 170 1817 |341]330] 671 [194]188] 382 1817 | 166 1818 | 374/335] 709 9175 | 182] 357 1818] 149 1819 |390]387| 777 | 202]212] 414 1819 | 181 1820 | 389/378) 767 | 201/215) 416 1820 | 162 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,_——Adding- ham V. Ainstable V. Alston (including Garragill) V. Croglin R. CulgaithC. Dacre V. Edenhall V. Greystoke R. Hesket P.C.(j) Hutton R. Kirkland V. Kirkoswald V. Langwathby C. Lazonby V.(*) _MatterdaleC. Melmerby R. Mungrisdale C. Newton V. Ousby R. Penrith V. Raughton-Head C. Renwick P.C. Great Salkeld R. Skelton R. Castle Sowerby V. Threlkeld C. and of Watermelock C. G) Hesket includes Armathwaite C. (*) Lazonby includes Plumpton C. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. 21 COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND—continued. CITY OF CARLISLE. | TOWN OF WHITEHAVEN. BAPTISMS, . . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ‘ BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| F€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total: {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages. males. males. Tlages. 1811 | 238] 201] 439 9126] 126] 252 1811 | 120 1811 | 154) 180] 334 $136] 159] 295 1811} 143 1812 | 226) 216[ 442 $161] 175] 336 1812 | 100 1812 | 180] 186! 366 | 158} 189] 347 1812} 119 1813 | 247| 216] 463 $185] 184] 369 1813 | 107 1813 | 277) 243] 520 [145] 163] 308 1813 | 100 1814 | 234) 221] 455 [1771198] 375 1814 | 133 1814 | 225| 222} 447° [163] 151] 314 1814] 133 1815 | 245] 256} 501 $166} 158) 324 1815 | 156 1815 | 269] 237] 506. J 210] 259] 469 1815 | 118 1816 | 246] 248) 494 [184] 165] 349 1816 | 131 1816 | 270] 238! 508 4.169] 149] 318 1816 | 138 1817 | 240] 245! 485 |:205] 217) 422 1817 | 143 1817 | 228] 248] 476 $203] 255| 458 1817 | 116 1818 | 217] 248] 465 [188] 211] 399 1818 | 143 1818 | 241| 202] 443 [188] 180] 368 1818} 85 1819 | 251] 262] 513 $209] 188] 307 1819 | 117 | 1819 | 218) 197] 415 4246] 249] 495 1819| 86 1820 | 263] 215] 478 [200] 220] 420 1820 | 131 1820 | 239} 197] 436 {| 200] 190] 390 1820] go The above Aznsrracrt is collected from the Registers of bert’s P. C.(!) and of St. Mary P. C. St. Cuth- (‘) Also from a Register of Quakers, and from a Register of Dis- senters at St. Cuthbert’s. James C. St. The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of,——St, Nicholas C. and of The Holy Trinity C. : SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. SV Srey Wea ==’ 1811 2,086 2,016 4,102 1811 1,158 1,144 2,302 1811 1,039 1812 2,073 1,970 4,043 1812 1,223 1,278-| 2,501 1812 954 1813 2,353 2,136 4,489 1813 1,280 1,248 | 2,528 1813 993 1814 2,327 2,192 4,519 1814 1,324 1,442 | °2,766 1814 1,057 1815 | 2,444 | 2,363 | 4,807 1815 | 1,328 | 1,414 | 2,742 1815 | 1,127 1816 2,373 | 2,323 4,696 1816 1,432 1,417 2,849 1816 1,123 1817 | 2,337 | 2,247 | 4,584 1817 | 1,413 | 1,454 | 2,867 1817 | 1,000 1818 2,290 2,152 4,442 1818 1,334 1,364 2,698 1818 1,005 1819 2,397 2,319 | 4,716 1819 1,501 1,496 2,997 1819 982 1320 2,474 2,213 4,687 1820 “1,437 1,474 2,911 1820 1,019 Totats | 23,154 | 21,931 | 45,085 || - - | 13.430 | 13,731 | 27,161 - = | 10,299 Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 218;—Burials, 38;—Marriages, 7, The Summary of the County of Cumnertanp is collected from the Registers of One hundred and four Parish Churches and Thirty-three Chapels, and from Three Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount ; viz, 22 ABSTBACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers, —_——== === County of Derby. HUNDRED OF APPLETREE. (*) HUNDRED OF MORLESTONE AND LITCHURCH. (') BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ; Fe Fe- Mar- Years. [Males| 7. Total. [Males aes etal Seat ered Years. |Males| Fe males. Total. Moles} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages, 1811 [350] 340] 690 |188]196] 384 1811} 191 1812 | 335 | 327} 662 4183 ]214} 397 1812] 157 1818 | 386 | 364] 750 $163 | 163] 326 1813] 196 1814 | 385 | 337] 722 {210]238] 448 1814] 203 1815 | 431 | 427} 858 195]210]| 405 1815| 203 1816 /378 | 346] 724 |213]/190| 403 1816] 206 1817 |393 | 378| 771 {220|224} 444 1817| 208 1818 | 400 | 347] 747 [220/213] 433 1818] 208 1819 |387 | 358] 745 §235/239| 474 | 1819] 232 1820 |368 | 319] 687 §208)178 | 386 1820] 239- 1811 | 363] 382] 745 229] 212] 441 1811] 182 1812 | 388] 375] 763 |213] 191] 404 | 1812] 173 1813 | 373] 423] 796 [220] 207} 427 1813 | 191 1814 | 388] 380} 768 {270] 293] 563 1814 | 153 1815 | 439| 424} 863 |257| 249] 506 1815 | 215 1816 | 403] 423} 826 |248)} 255} 503 1816 | 200 1817 | 414] 358} 772 [226] 261] 487 1817 | 194 1818 | 399] 369] 768 290] 245] 535 1818 | 191 1819 | 423) 398! 821 {286} 287] 573 1819 | 196 1820 | 458] 394} 852 $262] 228] 490 1820 | 199 ‘The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Atlow C. Barton-Blount R. BelperC. BoylestonR. Bradley R. Brailsford R. Breadsall R. Chaddesden P.C. Church-Broughton V. Cubley R. Dalbury R. Doveridge V. Duffield V.(>) Edlaston R. Etwall V. Kedleston R. Longford R. Marston-Montgomery P.C. Marston- upon-Dove V. Mugginton R. Norbury R. Osmaston P.C. Rad- bourne R. Scropton P. C. Shirley V.(°) Snelston P. C. Somersall- Herbert R. Spondon V. StanleyC. Sudbury R. Sutton-on-the- Hill V. Trusley R. Turnditch C.(4) and of Twyford C. (*) Barrow being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Morlestone, the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. (>) Duffield includes the Register of Holbrook C. () Shirley includes the Register of Yeavely C. (4) The Chapelyard at Turnditch not being consecrated, thé Inha- bitants bury at Duffield. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, —Alles- trey P.C. Alvaston C. Aston-upon-TrentR. Barrow V. Boulton C. Breaston C.(j) Crich V. Dale Abbey C. Darley Chapelry C, () Denby P.C. Little Eaton C. Long Eaton C.(!) — Egginton R, Elvaston V. FindernC.(™) Kirkhallam V. Westhallam R. Heanor V. Horsley V. Ilkeston V. Kirk-Langley R. LittleoverC. Mackworth V. Mickleover V. Morley R. Ockbrook V. Pentridge V. Quam or Quarndon P. C.(") Risley C. Sandiacre P. C. Sawley C. Smalley C. Stanton-by-Dale P.C. Weston-upon-Trent R. Willington V. and of Wilne P. C. (') Barrow is partly in the Hundred of Appletree. (i) There is no Burial Ground at Breaston. () Darley Chapelry was erected in 1819. (’) The Inhabitants of Long-Eaton bury and marry at Sawley. (™) No Register kept at Findern till the year 1813. (*) The Churchyard at Quarndon was not consecrated till the year 1820. HUNDRED OF HIGHPEAK. HUNDRED OF REPTON AND GRESLEY. (°) BURIALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. . Years. (Males) Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males.| males. riages, eenreuen Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males, males. riages,_ 1811 | 689} 624 | 1,313 | 355/361 | 716 1811} 281 1812 | 648/555 | 1,203 | 323/365 | 688 1812] 260 1813 | 624] 606 | 1,230 | 332/309] 641 1813] 246 1814 | 645| 650 | 1,295 | 380/398 | 778 1814} 313 1815 | 732] 773 | 1,505 | 349/323 | 672 | 1815] 304 1816 | 680) 689 | 1,369 | 353/365 | 718 | 1816] 295 1817 | 656] 627 | 1,283 | 385/367 | 752 1817] 235 1818 | 682] 650 | 1,332 | 388/426 | 814 1818] 282 1819 | 664] 650 | 1,314 | 395!/407]| 802 1819] 281 1820 | 717| 694} 1,411 | 411| 416 | 827 1820 | 288 1811 |215 | 226] 441 Figo} 141] 271 1811 | 113 1812 |226] 201} 427 $102]107] 209 } 1812] 103 1813 | 227 | 220) 447 $106) 100} 206 | 1813] 81 1814 | 229 | 219] 448 4123] 147] 270 1814 | 107 1815 |239 | 255] 494 [125] 109] 234 1815 | 93 1816 | 248 | 241] 489 4109] 114] 223 1816] 96 1817 |226 | 249] 475 $121] g2] 213 1817] 94 1818 | 213 | 222] 435 97| 120] 217 1818 | 93 1819 |228 | 213] 441 § 121] 131] 252 1819| 66 1820 |234 | 238] 472 4136) 118] 254 1820] 84 The above Axstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Ash- ford C. Bakewell V. Baslow C. Beeley C. Birchover C. Buxton C. Castleton V. Chapel-en-le-Frith P. C. Chelmorton C. Chinley C. Darwent C. (°) Durley or Darleigh R. Edale C. Edensor V, Eyam R. Fairfield C. Glossop V.(f) Hathersage V. HayfieldC. Hope V. Great Longstone C. Mellor C. MonyashC. Peak-Forest C. Shel- don C.(®) Stanton C. Stoney-Middleton C. Taddington C. Tides- well V. Winster C. Wormhill C. and of Youlgrave V. (*) (‘) The Inhabitants of Darwent bury and marry at Hathersage. (‘) Also from a Register of Roman Catholics at Glossop, and from Registers of Dissenters at Charlesworth, Glossop, Hadfield, and Whit- field (in Glossop Parish.) (®) The Inhabitants of Sheldon bury and marry at Bakewell, the Mother Church. (°) Youlgrave includes the Register of Rowter C. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,—~Brad- by C.(?) Calke P. C. Chellaston V. Chileot C. Church-Gresley P.C. Croxall V. Formaske P.C.(9) Hartshorn R. Lullington V. Mea- sham P.C. Melbourn V. Newton-Solney P.C. Normanton P.C. Os- maston P.C. Ravenstone R.(") Repton P.C. Rosliston P. C. Smithsby P.C. Stanton-by-Bridge R. Stapenhill V. (8) Stretton- en-le-Field R. Swarkston R. Ticknall P. C. Walton-upon-Trent R. and of Willesley R. (°) Appleby being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Sparkenhoe (Leicestershire), the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. For the same reason, Pocklington, partly in this Hundred, partly in that of West Goscote (Leicestershire), is entered in the latter. (?) The Inhabitants of Bradby bury and marry at Repton. (*) Formaske includes the Register of Inglesby. (*) Ravenstone is partly in the Hundred of West Goscote (Leices- tershire). (*) Stapenhill includes the Register of Cauldwell C. M.DCCC.XXI. | THE POPULATION ACT, 1GEQ.IV. C. 94. 23 rrr eer co reece COUNTY OF DERBY—continued. HUNDRED OF SCARSDALE. HUNDRED OF WIRKSWORTH. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Years. Mates! Fe- | Total. [Males Fe. | Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. [Males! Fe- | Total. fMales! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- ee males]. males, riages. : males. / males rlages- 1811 | 699| 652 /1,351 | 458/ 414| 872 | 1811 297 1811 | 330] 331] 661 | 194] 199} 393 | 1811} 151: 1812 | 690; 652 | 1,342 1385! 402! 787 1812 | 245 1812 | 363] 310] 673 | 210] 198] 408 1812} 149 1813 | 775 | 687 | 1,462 [391 | 330] 721 1813 | 249 1813 | 328) 351] 679 | 168] 193] 361 1813.| 153 1814 | 736) 665} 1,401 | 420| 412] 832 | 1814] 299 1814 | 338] 318] 656 [193] 235) 428 | 1814| 167 1815 | 756) 736) 1,492 | 394| 392| 786 } 1815 | 302 1815 | 372| 322] 694 | 1641161] 325 | 1815] 146 1816 | 745) 705} 1,450 | 409| 412| 821 | 1816] 247 1816 | 344) 327| 671 | 196] 188] 384 | 1816] 155 1817 | 754| 729 | 1,483 391; 348] 739 | 1817] 265 1817 | 299] 277] 576 |199|175| 374 | 1817] 156 1818 | 687 | 646 | 1,333 1385: 402| 787 | 1818| 255 1818 | 303) 314] 617 211} 2011 412 } 1818] 152 1819 | 691 | 663] 1,354 | 484| 456] 940 1819 | 273 1819 | 295] 337! 632 [195] 219 414 1819] 145 1820 | 778 | 762) 1,540 | 431] 391| 822 1820 | 332 1820 | 322! 309] 631 [192] 233]'425 4 1820] 156 The above Apsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Alfre- tonV. Ashover R.(‘) Barlborough R. Great Barlow C. Beauchieff C. Beighton V. Blackwell V. Bolsover-V. Brampton P.C. Brimington C. Chesterfield V.(") Clowne R. DoreC.(’) Dronfield V. Eckington R. Elmton V. Hault-Hucknall V. Heath V.. Holmesfield V. -Killa- marsh P.C. Langwith-Bassett R. Morton R.(”) South Norman- ton R. Norton V. Pinxton R.(*) Pleasley R. Scarcliffe V. Shirland R. Staveley R. Satton-with-Duckmanton R. TibshelfV. Whittington R. Whitwell R. Wingerworth.P.C. North Wingfield R. and of South Wingfield V. - (®) Ashover includes the Register of Dethick Chapelry (Wirksworth Hundred). C) Chesterfield includes the Register of Temple-Normanton C, (‘) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Dore. C’) Morton includes the Register of Brackenfield. (*) Pinxton is partly in Broxtow Hundred (Notts). N The above Agsrract is collected from the Registers of, Allsop- le-dale C. Ashbourne V. Fenny-Bentley R. Bonsall R. Bradborne V.(¥) Brassington C. Carsington R: Earl Stemndall C. Elton C. Hartington V. HognastonP.C. Kirkireton R. Kniveton P.C. Ma- pleton R. Matlock R. MiddletonC, Parwich P.C. Thorp R. Tissington P.C. and of Wirksworth-with-Cromford V. (*) () Bradborne includes the Register of Ballidon. (*) Wirksworth is partly in Appletree Hundred, and includes the Return of Alderwasley, at which place there is a private Chapel. BOROUGH OF DERBY. (@) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| F a Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males males. rlages. 1811 | 248] 214] 462 [134] 140] 274 1811] 172 1812 | 243] 235) 478 |171/ 124! 295 1812] 1470. 1813 | 266} 227] 493 [130/118] 248 1813 | 196 1814 | 257| 228] 485 }|149]141] 290 1814} 203 1815 | 288] 267) 555 4144/135| 279 1815 | 271 1816 | 242] 256} 498 | 148] 153] 301 1816 | 244 1817 | 274! 228] 502 | 180] 150! 330 1817 | 234 1818 | 278} 246] 524 192/193} 385 1818 | 260 1819 | 257} 210] 467 1153] 159] 312 1819 | 266 1820 | 243] 245| 488 [157] 158] 315 1820 | 234 St. Alk- St. Michael V. (>). St. Peter V. (6) The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, mund V.(>) All Saints P. C. | and of St. Werburgh V. (#) Also from three Registers of Dissenters in the Town of Derby. (>) Part of St. Alkmund’s, St. Michael’s, and of St. Peter’s, is in Morlestone Hundred. : SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DERBY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. ——// 1811 2,804 2,769 | 5,663 1811 1,688 1,663 3,351 1811 1,387 1812 2,893 2,655 5,548 1812 1,587 1,601 3,188 1812 1,257 1813 2,979 2,878 5,857 1813 1,510 1,420 2,930 1813 1,312 1814 2,978 2,797 50775 1814 1,745 1,864 3,609 1814 1,445 1815 33257 3,204 6,461 1815 1,628 1,579 3,207 1815 1,534 1816 3,040 2,987 6,027 1816 1,676 1,677 3,353 1816 1,473 1817 3,016 2,846 5,862 1817 1,722 1,617 3,339 1817 1,386 1818 2,962 2,794 5,756 | 1818 1,783 1,800 3,583 1818 1,441 1819 2,945 2,829 55774 1819 1,869 1,898 | 3,767 1819 1,459 1820 3,120 2,961 6,081 1820 1,797 1,722 3,519 1820 1,532 ‘Totrats | 30,084 | 28,720 | 58,804, - = | 17,005 | 16,841 | 33,846 - ~ | 14,226 The Summary of the County of Densy is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Thirty-eight Parish Churches and Fifty Chapels, from One Register of Roman Catholics, and from Seven Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. $ Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 293,—Burials, 84,—Marriage, 1. 24 County HUNDRED OF AXMINSTER. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER of Devon. [ Parish- Registers. A RG EO OF HUNDRED OF BRAUNTON, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males ae Total. [Males oo Total. | Years. ce Years. |Males} eal Total. |Males| Fe | Total. | Years. a 1811 |174]152] 326 98 {114} 212 1811] 93 1811 | 213] 200] 413 91]101] 192 1811} 102 1812 |160/ 182] 342 87|110] 197 1812] 88 1812 | 211] 234] 445 |1231/140] 263 1812] 112 1813 {200/173 ] 373 97|101 | 198 1813} 82 1813 | 231] 255] 486 }|108/119] 227 1813} 95 1814 |202] 219] 421 96} 113 | 209 1814] 88 1814 | 271} 254] 525 [132/117] 249 1814] 140 1615 |221|¢21] 442 [105] 85] 190 1815} 105 1815 | 278] 254] 532 |111)101] 212 1815 | 120 1816 |196 | 183 | 379 84]}100 | 184 1816} 91 1816 | 240] 255] 495 |110/144] 254 1816] 118 1817 |195 | 205 | 400 80} 87] 167 1817} 82 1817 | 298] 249] 547 [114] 124] 238 1817 | 105 1818 /165 {198 | 363 [102]119]} 221 1818] 70 1818 | 236] 222] 458 122/116] 238 1818] 125 1819 }231] 211] 442 9$112]/147] 259 1819} 87 1819 | 273}227] 500 $142/152| 294 1819} 123 1820 {214]196] 410 ]102]106] 208 1820} 100 1820 | 281] 292] 573 [139/141] 280 1820 | 146 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Axmin- ster V. Axmouth V. Coombpyne R. Combrawleigh R. Honiton R. Kilmington P.C. Luppitt V. Membury P.C. Musbury R. St. Pancras alias Penny Cross R. (*) Thorncombe V. Uplyme R. Upottery V. and of Yarcombe V. (#) St. Pancras, alias Penny Cross, being a Sinecure, within the Parish of Axmouth, and the Chapel never having been fitted up for Divine Service, the rite of Burial only has been pertormed there in the Family Vault of its Possessors. HUNDRED OF BAMPTON. The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, Ashford V. Barnstaple V. Berry-Narber R. Bittaden R. Bratton-Fleming R. Braunton V. East Buckland R. West-Buckland R. Combmartin R. East Down R. West Down V, Filleigh R. George-ham R. Goodleigh- Prior R. Heaton-Punchardon R. Ilfracombe V. Kentisbury R, Marwood R. Morthoe V. Pilton P. €. and of Trentishoe R. HUNDRED OF BUDLEIGH, EAST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. fMales| Fe-| Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. males. males, riages. 1811 |101]109] 210 35 | 48 83 1811] 29 1811 (253 ]250} 503 #115 |116] 231 1811] 130 1812 | 92/106] 198 | 47] 46] 93 1812] 35 1812 |253]249| 502 $127 ]149] 276 1812} 125 1813 | 92/107} 199 | 39] 53} 92 1613] 45 1813 | 239]234] 473 J122/126] 248 1813 | 133 1814 |106]103}] 209 | 37 | 63 | 100 1814] 37 1814 | 266 | 262] 528 129/138] 267 1814; 134 1815 [116] 109] 225 | 48{ 44] 92 1815] 56 1815 | 295]250] 545 $105 ]139 | 244 1815! 126 1816 | 109; 102] 211 49 | 45 94 1816} 46 1816 | 299]276| 575 4145 ]139] 284 1816 | 138 1817 }115| 85] 200 | 44] 48] 92 1817] 34 1817 | 281 | 267) 548 $134 ]135 | 269 1817! 104 1818 | 89] 79] 168 | 43} 39 82 1818] 35 1818 | 290] 293] 583 $132 /137] 269 1818 | 119 1819 | 89] 93] 182 | 59} 54] 113 1819} 43 1819 | 288297] 585 [166 ]206] 372 1819 | 121 1820 {106|] 96] 202 | 56] 55 | 111 1820} 37 1820 | 296 295] 591 [174/165] 339 1820 | 118 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Bampton (with Petton) V. Burliscombe V. Clayhanger R. Hockworthy V. Holcombe-Rogus V. Morebath V. and of Uffculm V. HUNDRED OF BLACK-TORRINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. SSeS aye oaece tle Years. ‘Males! Fe- | Total, [Males} Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. ; Tiages. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,_—Ayles- bear V. Bicton R. East Budleigh V. Clist St. George R. Clist- Honiton P. C. Clist St. Mary R. Colaton-Rawleigh V. Farringdon R. Gittisham R. Harpford V. Littleham (with Exmouth) V. Lymp- ston R, Otterton V. Rockbear V. Salcomb Regis V. Sidbury V. Sidmouth V. Ven-Ottery V. Wythycomb-Rawleigh C. and of Wood- bury P.C. 1811 {249 | 254 | 503 99} 98] 197 1811] 103 1812 |274/ 217] 491 | 99] 95) 194 | 1812] 94 1813 |2e3 241 | 499 4110}119] 229 1813} 102 1814 | 263] 217] 480 [107 ]109| 216 1814} 114 1815 | 264) 284] 548 97 | 97] 194 1815] 132 1816 | 264}254] 518 {104]102} 206 1816 | 116 1817 | 247|260] 507 $103] g6] 199 1817} 117 1618 | 305 ]}256] 561 }|118]101] 219 1818} 111 1819 | 250] 246] 496 4$151/138} 289 1819} 114 1820 | 281] 284) 565 }107]131] 238 1820] 139 HUNDRED OF BUDLEIGH, WEST. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- Bickington P.C. Ashbury R. Ashwater R. Beaworthy R. Belston R. Black-Torrington R. Bradtord R. Bradworthy V. Bridgerule-in-the- East V.(°) " Broadwood-Kelly R. Clawton P.C. Cookbury P. C. Exbourne R. St, Giles-ou-the-Heath P. C. Halwell R. Hatherleigh-V. Highampton R. Hollacombe R. Holsworthy R. Honey-Church R. Inwardleigh R. Jacobstowe R. Luffincott R. Milton-Damarel R. Monkcakhampton R. Northlew R. Pancrass-Wyke P.C. North Petherwin V. West Putford R. Pyworthy R. Sampford-Courtenay R. Sutcombe R, Tetcott R. Thornbury R. and of Werrington P. C. (°) Bridgerule is partly in Stratton Hundred (Cornwall), and there entered ; the Church is in Devon. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- __imales. males.’ riages. 1811 | 54 | 42 96 13 | 24] 37 1811] 15 1812 | 45 | 40 85 13 | 27} 40 1812| 14 1813 | 41 | 44 85 | 22] 20} 42 1813] 21 1814 | 49 | 34} 83 26} 18 | 44 1814] 22 1815 | 40 | 51 gl 1g ]1i9| 38 1815] 14 1816 | 45 | 35 80 | 20 | 21 41 1816] 21 1817 | 40 | 398 | 78 | a5] 21 46 1817; 13 1818 | 38 | 36 | 74 |14]16] 30 1818} 14 1819 | 40 | 38 78 29 | 20 49 1819| 15 1820 | 33 | 44} 77 $33] 24] 57 | 1820; 12 The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, ——Cheriton- Fitzpaine R, Poughill R Shobroke R. Stockleigh-English R. Stock- leigh-Pomeroy R. Upton-Hellions R. and of Washfield R. ‘M.DCCC.XXI.] . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. » 25 COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HUNDRED OF CLISTON. HUNDRED OF CREDITON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. ‘Males a Total. [Males! F&- | Total. | Years, | Mar- Years, |Males'| Fe- | Total, [Males Fe- | Total, | Years, | Mar- i male males. riages. \males. males riages. 1811 | 43 | 50} 93 135129] 64 1811] 19 1811 | 156| 152] 308 69} 85} 154 1811| 80 1812 | 38 | 48 | 86 ]16]19] 35 | 1812] 22 1812 |173/144| 317 | 75| 73) 148 | 1812) 84 1813 | 44 | 48 | 92 | 20] 23] 43 1813 | 19 1813 |170| 144] 314 80} 92] 172 1813] 77 1814 | 41 | 54] 95 | 23132] 55 1814} 19 1814 |161|186; 347 [116] 103] 219 1814/ 105 1815 | 49 | 42 | 91 15} 23] 38 1815] 26 1815 | 211)181] 392 64} 92] 156 1815| 96 1816 | 60 | 38} 98 | 20] 23] 43 1816} 22 1816 |191|170] 361 64] 81] 145 1816; 68 1817 | 62 | 43 | 105 | 23] 27] 50 | 1817! 22 1817 |155|169] 324 | 87/119] 206 | 1817] 80 1818 | 52 | 61 | 113 | 27 | 33] 60 1818! 25 1818 | 168/175] 343 91] 112] 203 1818| 68 1819 | 47 | 40 | 87 [47 | 30] 77 1819; 20 1819 | 165/195 360 95/117] 212 1819] 80 1820 | 58 | 50 | 108 | 29] 36] 65 1820} 24 1820 }199/156| 355 1127] 123] 250 1820] 79 ay The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, —~Broad- Clist V. Butterleigh R. Clisthydon R. Clyst St. Lawrence R. and of Whimple R. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, —Cole, brooke V. Crediton V. Kennerleigh R. Morchard-Bishop R. New- ton St, Cyres V. and of Sandford P. C. HUNDRED OF COLERIDGE. HUNDRED OF ERMINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total, [Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- ’ males males.! riages. males, males. riages. 1811 | 245] 237} 482 | 143] 133] 276 1811] 128 1811 }159}146] 305 | 52 | 65 | 117 1811] 68 1812 | 2471270} 517 | 189/176) 365 1812] 151 1812 |127]131] 258 | 80 | 60 | 140 1812] 59 1813 | 287/251] 538 $130] 140| 270 1813] 112 1813 {161/149} 310 | 61 | 65 | 126 1813] 59 1814 | 282] 258] 540 | 132] 140; 272 1814] 139 1814 |162]162] 324 | 71 | 64 | 135 1814| 53 1815 | 272] 264] 536 $138] 125|] 263 1815} 149 1815 [159] 154] 313 75 | 63 | 138 1815| 75 1816 | 288] 262] 550 $124) 145| 269 1816] 155 1816 | 170] 160] 330 | 78 | 61 | 139 1816| 67 1817 | 305] 263] 568 4140] 148] 288 1817] 133 1817 [171] 160] 331 67 | 74 | 141 1817} 46 1818 | 317] 281] 598 153/173] 326 1818] 133 1818 |142]159] 301 67 | 78 | 145 1818| 65 1819 | 314] 292] 606 | 135] 135} 270 1819 | 140 1819 | 164] 160} 324 | 80] 69 | 149 1819] 68 1820 | 352] 302] 654 | 160] 169} 329 1820 | 149 1820 [173] 189] 362 | 79 | 96 | 175 1820] 57 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of,—— Ash- The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Aveton- ‘prington R, Blackauton V. Buckland-Toutsaints (annexed to Loddis- well) V. Charlton R. Chivelstone P.C. Cornworthy V. Dittisham R. Dodbrooke R. Halwell P. C. Harberton V. St. Petrox (Dartmouth) P. C. South Poole R. Portlemouth R. St. Saviour’s (Dartmouth) V. Sher- ford P.C. Slapton P.C. Stoke-Fleming R. Stokenham V. Totnes V, and of Townstall V. Giffard R. Bigbury R. Cornwood V. Ermington V. Harford R. Holbeton V. Kingston P.C. Modbury V. Newton-FerrersR. Ringe- more R. and of Ugborough V. HUNDRED OF COLYTON. HUNDRED OF EXMINSTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. ewe males. riages, males. males. Tiages. 1811 | 94] 80} 174 [51] 48] 99 | 1811/ 61 1811 | 207] 215} 422 96] 95} 191 1811 18 1812 | 103 | 124] 227 54145 | 99 1812| 52 1812 | 200] 225} 425 97| 114] 211 1812 94 1813 $113] 85] 198 | 52] 46] 98 1813) 41 1813 | 197| 214] 411 98} 97} 195 1813] 96 1814} 93}115| 208 | 52 | 71 | 123 | 1814) 54 1814 | 222| 228] 450 971 93| 190 | 1814} 106 1815 [124] 127] 251 | 57 | 64 | 121 1815 | 57 1815 | 256/ 228] 484 95| 96) 171 1815 | 116 1816 |109} 96] 205 | 43] 57] 100 | 1816) 38 1816 | 233| 228] 461 97| 119] 216 1816} 117 1817 }120} 106] 226 | 54 | 52 | 106 1817| 43 1817 | 240| 282] 522 84] 101] 185 1817 | 105 1818 |114] 93] 207 52 | 50 | 102 1818] 55 1818 | 269] 235} 504 | 125] 128! 253 1818 83 1819 |106| 89) 195 | 57 | 67 | 124 1819| 49 1819 | 2397} 240] 477 1152] 146} 298 1819 | 104 1820 |126} 106] 232 | 49 | 66 | 115 1820| 47 1820 | 271} 243] 514 [117] 143} 260 1820 97 \ The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, ——Brans- combe V, Colyton V. Cotleigh R. . Farway R. North Leigh R. South Leigh R. Monckton P.C. Offwell R. Seaton and Beer V. Shute P. C. and of Widworthy R. The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, —~Ash- combe R. Ashton R. Bishopsteington V. Chudleigh V. Dawlish V. Doddiscombsleigh R. Dunchideock R. ExminsterV. Ide P. C. KennR. Kenton V. Mamhead R. PowderhamR. Shillingford St. George R. East Teignmouth P.C. West Teignmouth P. C. and of Trusham R., 20 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. ee a eee enema —— = COUNTY OF DEVON—¢ontinwed. HUNDRED OF FREMINGTON. oes etebrneenerormnemreetenmene HUNDRED OF HAYRIDGE. | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. |Maies| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. : ~{males. riages. Years. Males! Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years, Mar- (males. males riages. 1811 [118106] 224 | 46 4 55 | 101 1811| 53 1812 | 94]119] 213 41 | 54 95 1812| 49 1813 |108}114| 222 4 41 | 64 | 105 1813] 44 1814 }131/110}] 241 7 66 | 77 | 143 1814] 49 1815 [118] 99) 217 55 | 43 |} 98 1815| 52 1816 [117/103] 220 4155 | 46 | 101 1816] 39 1817 }129]117] 246 | 50 | 55 | 105 1817] 50 1818 |113/116] 229 | 50 | 60 | 110 1818; 56 1819 |122)125| 247 | 76 | 60 | 136 1819| 3 1820 }142}134] 276 | 66 | 74 | 140 1820] 61 1811 | 159/174] 333 g1{ 86] 177 | 1811] 80 1812 | 152] 132] 284 | 103/116] 219 1812] 75 1813 |137]169] 306 |105}100] 205 | 1813] 73 1814 | 168} 172] 340 82}104}| 186 | 1814; 89 1815 | 177] 232] 409 g96| 89} 185 1815] 114 1816 | 190] 166] 356 96] 97] 193 | 1816] 85 1817 | 167/212] 379 62)110] 172 1817|} 64 1818 | 159/183] 342 |121}113] 234 4 1818] 69 1819 | 187/173] 360 [131/134] 265 1819| 63 1820 1197] 167] 364 | 113] 100] 213 1820] 90 The above Atsrract is collected from the Registers of,——Alver- discott R. Fremington V.(*) St. Giles P.C. Horwood R. Hunt- shaw R. Instow R. Newton-TraceyR. Rvborough R. Tawstock R. Great Torrington V. and of Westleigh V. (£) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Fremington. HUNDRED OF HALBERTON. The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, ——Bick- leigh R. Bradninch V. Broadhembury V. Cadbury V. Cadeleigh R. Cullompton V. Feniton R. Kentisbeare R. Netherex P.C. Pay- hembury V. Plymtree R. Sheldon P.C. Silverton R. Tallaton R, and of Thorverton V. HUNDRED OF HAYTOR. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [ntales| Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- fmales. males.| | riages. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males : : males : riages. 1811 | 34) 32 | 65 [18] 19] 37 1811} 27 1812 | 33 | 39 | 72 15 | 20] 35 1812) 14 1818 | 36 | 35 | 71 26 | 14 | 40 1813] 20 1814 | 64157 | 111 | 31 | 29] 60 1814| 26 1815 | 30] 42] 72 | 21} 20] 41 | 1815] 18 1816 | 29 | 45 44 14 | 28 42 1816} 17 1817 | 41 | 31 72 119/15] 34 1817 6 1818 | 33 | 34] 67 | 22] 33] 55 1818} 16 1819 | 39 | 37] 76 |] 30] 31] 61 1819} 21 1820 4 30 1 40 70 27 | 43 70 1820) 24 — 1811 | 362/337] 699 201/187] 388 1811] 158 1812 | 303 ]318] 621 }196] 185} 381 1812} 180 1813 | 332]321] 653 $156] 160| 316 1813] 134 1814 | 342/287] 629 $178| 208] 386 1814| 156 1815 | 3611345| 706 [139/161] 300 1815] 169 1816 | 339] 296| 635 4161)177] 338 1816) 162 1817 | 340] 327| 667 $164] 160] 324 1817| 150 1818 | 295] 2991 594 9146] 173] 319 1818} 138 1819 | 353/339] 692 $184]178) 362 | 1819} 138 1820 | 321] 305| 626 [145] 187] 332 1820} 153 The above Ansrhact is collected from the Registers of, ——Halber- ton V. Sampford-Peverell R. and of Willand R. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers ofA bbots- kerswell V. Berry-Pomeroy V. Brixham V. + Broadbempston V. Buckland-in-the-Moor P.C. Churston-Ferrers P.C. Cockington P.C. CoffinswellP.C. DenburyR. Little Hempstone R. Ipplepen V. Kingskerwell P.C. Kingsware P.C. Marldon P.C. St. Mary Church V. Paington V. Staverton V. Stoke-Gabriel V. Torbryan R. Tor- moham P.C. Widecombe-in-the-Moor V. Wolborough C. and of Woodland C, HUNDRED OF HARTLAND. . HUNDRED OF HEMYOCK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- males, riages. males. 1811 | 51 | 57 | 108 23. | 20 | 43 1811] 26 1812 | 69 | 65 | 134 20 | 23 43 1812} 25 1818 | 62 | 66 | 128 ; 21) 28 | 49 1813] 24 1814 | 63 | 64 | 127 19 | 28 | 47 1814] 21 1815 | 51 | 66 | 117 | 22115 | 37 1815| 46 1816 | 63 | 89 | 152 20134] 54 1816] 27 1817 | 71 | 45 | 116 731126) 57 1817] 34 1818 | 70 | 78 | 148 | 264,17] 43 1818] 19 1819 | 69 | 561 125 | 44 | 364° 80 1819} 25 1820 | 62 | 72 | 134 117433] 50 1820} 15 Years. |Males Fe- Total. [Males 1811 | 58 | 68 | 126 | 26] 31 | 57 1811} 36 1812 | yo | 62 | 192 J 28 | 31 | 59 1812} 38 1813 | 71 | 74) 145 731/143] 74 1813] 36 1814 | 78 | 71 | 149 [271 45) 72 1814| 53 1815 | 79 | 81 | 160 [41 38] 79 1815, 54 1816 | 66 | 57 | 123 | 23] 31] 54 1816} 46 1817 | 79 | 93 | 172 | 34 | 32 | 66 1817] 465 1818 | 79 | 68 | 147 | 49 | 41 | 90 1818] 35 1819 | 78 | 65 | 143 J 36] 31 | 67 1819} 39 1820 | 6o | 68 | 128 9.57 | 48 | 105 1820] 43 Theabove Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Clovelly R. Hartland P.C. Welcomb P. C. Woolfardisworthy P. C. and of Yarnescomb V. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Awlis- combe V. Buckerell V. Churchstanton R. Clayhidon R. Culmstock V. Dunkeswell P. C. and of Hemyock R. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. a9 COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HUNDRED OF LIFTON. HUNDRED OF PLYMPTON, BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, Males| Fe- | ‘Totus. [imtates! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years, {Mates} Fe- | Total. {iMates| Fe- ¢ Total. | Years. | Mer- | males. / males, 4 riages, id on ate males.) | )fmales. De eagle rlages,_ | a a aaa =e 1811 | 17117136] 307 [102] 77) 179 | 1811) 83; 1811 | 195 119 244 4103) 79 | 179 | 1811] 49 1812 | 187) 146] 333 80) 72] 152 1812] 52 1812 |137]113; 250 | 87} 76 | 163 { 1812/ 52 1813 | 168) 153] 321 | 72] 56] 128 4 1813) 52 1813 | 164] 138| 302 | 72] 65 | 137 | 1818] 64 1814 | 1561150] 306 | 70) 74] 144 | 1814) 61 | 1814 [159/116] 275 | gg] 62 | 161 | 1814] 49 1815 | 1851173) 358 63] 66) 129 {| 1815) 82 | 1815 | 172]148) 320 | 88] 68 | 156 1815] 54 1816 |165]179| 344 | 82] 76} 158 | 1816] 73 | 1816 |147])149| 296 | 68) 72 | ago # 1816] 41 1817 | 183}166] 349 | 80) 72] 152 | 1817] 70 1817 | 139] 159] 298 | 79] 64 | i43 | 1817} 48 1818 | 193/147! 340 | 83; 47] 130 | 1818] 64 1818 |137/131| 268 | 88) 93 | 181 41818] 44 1819 | 1801173] 353 1108] 93) 201 1819] 84 1819 | 126] 107] 233 | 82] 70 | 152 1819] 45 1820 | 1881187] 375 77\ 55| 132 1820] 95 1820 | 153]131| 284 94| 77 | 151 1820] 38 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Brad- stone R. Bratton-Clovelly R. BridestoweR. Broadwoodwiger P.C. CorytonR. DontertonR. Kelly R. LamertonV. Lewtrenchard R. Lifton R. LydfordR. MarystowV. Marytavy R. Okehampton V. Sourton P.C. Stowford R. Sydenham-Damarell R. Thrustleton V. Virginstow R. and of Week St. German’s P. C. The above Anstract is collected from the Registets of,--~-—- ee 1811 6,285 5,842 | 12,127 1811 3,448 3,336} 6,784 1811 3,449 1812 6,985 6,415 | 13,400 1812 3,714 3,808 7,522 1812 3,595 1813 6,486 6,233 | 12,719 - 1813 3,612 3,460 9,072 1813 3.479 1814 6,713 6,375 } 13,088 1814 3,814 3,854 7,668 1814 3,965 1815 7,246 | 6,832 | 14,078 1815 3,383 3,322 6,705 1815 4,090 1816 | 6,912 6,336 | 13,248 1816 3,297 3,395 6,692 1816 3,507 1817 6,659 6,432 | 13,091 1817 3,208 3,219 6,427 1817 3,233 1818 6,674. 6,094 | 12,768 1818 3,807 3,886 7,693 1818 3,236 1819 6,663 6,121 | 12,784 1819 4,025 4,002 8,027 1819 3,269 1820 | 7,032 | 6,423 | 13,455 1820 | 3,660 | 3,887 | 7,547 1820 | 3,441 Toraus | 67,655 | 63,103 [130,758 > > | 35,968 | 36,169 | 72,137 - | 35,264 ‘The Summany of the County of Devon is collected from the Registers of Four hundred and Sixty-five Parish Churches and Seven Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, ' Burials and Marriages, to the following amount ; viz: ... Aunual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 763,—Burials, 117,—Marriage, 1. | 30 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Dorset. [ Parish-Registers. i DIVISION OF BLANDFORD, NORTH. (4) DIVISJON OF BRIDPORT. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. = Years. |Males} Fe- Total. \Male Fe- Total. { Years, | Mar- males. {> |males. riages, Years. Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- Total. | Years, | Mar- i males. males. riages, 1811} 7741 761153) $584 55 7 113 1811} 22 1812 } 64] 65 | 129 | 364 3374 69 1812] 32 1813 101 | 75 }176 951443] 94 1813) 37 1814 | 86 | 81 | 167 $46] 654111 1814} 38 1815 | 76177) 153 149} 364 85 1815] 51 1816 | 92 }108 | 200 374 41 78 1816] 46 1817 | 84} 924176 @€ 39441] 80 1817} 38 1818 |105 | 804185 $314 32] 63 1818] 34 1819 | 84 | 60 | 144 | 30] 48] 78 1819] 42 1820 j101 | 80 | 181 391534 92 1820) 48 1811 | 296/313] 609 [1471137] 284 7 1811] 120 1812 | 294] 281] 575 $158] 133] 291 1812] 107 1813 | 321]303] 624 [149]174] 323 1813} 132 1814 | 331/310] 641 |18411651 349 1814] 138 1815 | 388] 360; 748 [172)152| 324 1815] 184 1816 | 347) 283] 680 |1761173{ 349 | 1816] 148 1817 | 325/388] 713 [160] 160} 320 1817} 156 1818 | 371/388] 759 | 150]170] 320 1818] 137 1819 | 3541354] 708 |166!192) 358 1819; 146 1820 | 359/368] 727 [174] 2211 395 1820] 159 Ander- Durweston R. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, ston R. BloxworthR. Bryanston R. Dewlish V. Stapleton or Stapleton-Preston R. Langton-Long-Blandford R. St. Mary Blandford R. Milbourne-StApdrew V. Pimperne R. Stour- paine V. Tarrant-Hinton R. Tarrant-Keynsten R. Tarrant-Raw- ston R. Thomson R. Winterbourne-Clenstone R. Winterbourne- and of Winterborne-Zelstone R. (*) Tarrant-Launeeston is returned with Tarrant-Monkton (See East- Shaston Division). Fifehead-Neville R. Hammoon R. Hazelbury-Bryan R. Iwerne- | Houghton R. Winterborne-Strickland R. Winterborne-Whitchurch YV. | The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,—Al- lington P.C.(¢) Askerswell R. Beaminster C. _ Betiscombe R. Bincombe R. Bothenhampton P.C. Bradpole V. Broadwindsor V. Burstock V. Burton-Bradstock R. Came-Winterborne R. Chard- stock V. Charmouth R.(¢) CheddingtonR. Chideock P.C. Comp- ton-Vallence R. Corscomb R. Frampton V. Hook R. Loders V. Longbredy R. Mapperton R. Mosterton R. Netherbury V. South- PerrottR. Pilsdon R.(f) North-Poorton R.(®) Powerstock with Milton V. Shepton-Gorge C.(") Stockland V. Stoke-Abbot R. Symondsbury R. Walditch P. C. Wambroke R. Whitchurch- Canonicorum with Marshwood and Stanton-St.-Gabriel V. | Winter- bourne-Abbas R. Wotton-Fitzpaine R. and of Wraxall R. (4) There is no Burial Ground at Allington. (°) The Return of Charmouth includes the Register of Catherstone- Lewsterne. () The Inhabitants of Pilsdon bury at Burstock. (®) The Inhabitants of North-Poorton bury at Powerstock. (*) The Inhabitants of Shepton-Gorge bury at Burton-Bradstock. a = == DIVISION OF BLANDFORD, SOUTH. (°) SUBDIVISION OF CERNE. BAPTISMS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. . [Mates| Fe- | Total. {ntales| Fe- otal. | Years. | Mar- Years. ‘Males Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- Heats: Malet males. Hilal, (ale: males. Total. | Leake. riages. ' males} ~° males, riages. 1811 | 166}142} 308 | 66 | 72 | 138 1811} 62 1812 | 155/139] 294 | 77 | 97 | 174 1812] 59 1813 | 164/156] 320 §— 87 1 87 | 1974 1813} 64 1814 | 150/154} 304 | 73 | 77 | 150 1814] 73 1815 |171]185] 356 | 78 | 82 | 160 1815; 78 1816 | 1671143} 310 | 96 | 95 | 191 1816} 81 1817 {191} 165} 356 | 87 | 94 | 181 1817); 69 1818 |159}134} 293 } 83 | 81 | 164 1818} 86 1819 | 166}156] 322 j} 84 {103 | 187 1819} 102 1820 | 174/178} 352 #72 | 86 | 158 1820] 90 | 1811 98| 78 | 176 § 44] 44] 88 1811} 35 1812 | 84] 84] 168 ff 51 | 50 | 101 1812] 34 1813 | 100; 93 | 193 | 54 | 64 } 118 1813] 40 1814 | 95) 82 | 177 41 | 59 | 100 1814] 34 1815 | 92] 98 | 190 § 53 | 67 | 120 1815} 46 1816 | 94} 86 | 180 } 50 | 62 | 112 1816} 72 1817 |110/ 85 | 195 § 49 | 64] 113 1817] 45 1818 | 108) 82 | 190 } 42 | 57 {| -99 1818] 39 1819 | 102] 93 | 195 | 55 | 73 } 128 1819} 57 1820 |115] 79 | 194 $431] 55] 98 1820] 46 The above Apstraer is collected from the Registers of, ——Affpud- dle V. ArneP.C. Bere-Regis V.(¢) Chaldon-Herring V. Church- Knowle R. Coomb-Keynes V. Corfe-Castle R. Kimeridge P. C. Langton-Matravers R. _East-Lulworth V. West-Lulworth P. C. Moreton R. Owre-Moigne R. Poxwell R. Steeple R,. East-Stoke R. Studland R. Swanage R. Turnerspuddie R. Tyneham R. Warm- wellR. Winfrith-Newburgh R, Winterbourne-Kingston P. C. Wood- ford R, Wool V. and of Worth-Matravers V. (>) There is no Church at East-Holme, which is sometimes called Extra Parochial. (°) Bere-Regis includes Milborne-Styleham. Compton R. Glanvilles-Wootton R. Godmanstone R. Hillfield V. ' Stoke-Wake R, Sydling-St,-Nicholas V. and of Woolland P. C. The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, —Alton- Pancras V. Buckland-Newton V. Cattistock R. Ceme-Abbas P. C. Nether-Cerne P.C. Cheselbourne R. Compton-Abbas or West- Hilton V. Ibberton R. Mappowder R. Melcombe-Horsey R. Milton-Abbas V. Great-Minterne R. Pulham R. Piddletrenthide V. M.DCCC.XXI.]. pare sees nae eas 7 7 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. C. 94. 31 COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. DIVISION OF DORCHESTER. (') DIVISION OF SHASTON, WEST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males 4 Total. [Males ea Total. | Years. cae Years, Males| Pe Total. Males| Fe- Total. { Years, ape 1811 | 2941251) 545 1136} 132| 268 1811] 92 1811 }104}116} 220 | 53 | 73 } 126 1811] 57 1812 | 2541238) qg92 $166] 171 | 337 1812] 103 1812 | 96] 971 193 4 58 { 7o | 128 1812] 52 1813 | 265/256) 521 [13951142] 277 | 1818] 85 1813 }1e5)112] 297 4 58 | 64 | 122 4 1818] 37 1814 {273 ) 2831 556 [130/150] 280 1814] 119 1814 |[123]111{ 234 | 56 | 53 | 109 1814| 57 1815 12941277) 571 1155|159| 314 1815] 130 1815 {114]109} 223 $43} 51 | 94 1816] 52 1816 301] 237] 538 $1561} 142| 298 1816| 96 1817 | 278 252; 530 [111) 137] 248 1817) 111 1818 264/257) 521 |163}128] 291 1818) 133 1819 3041267] 571 $140] 139] 279 1819| 134 1820 311/295] 606 [193/161] 354 1820] 130 1816 |120]114} 234 458 | 63 | 121 1816| 77 1817 }125]185| 250 4 49 | 53 | 102 1817] 50 1818 }109]137| 246 #50 | 67 | 117 1818] 50 1819 }117] 96} 213 655 | 59 | 114 1819| 69 1820 }114]117} 231 | 71 | 63 | 134 1820] 52 > The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Abbots- bury V. Bradford-Peverell R. Little-Bredy with Kingston- Russell P.C, Burleston and Athelhampton R. Broadmayne R. Broadway R. Buck- land-Ripers R. Charminster P.C. East-Chelborough-Lucam R. West- Chelborough R. Chickerill R. Chilcombe R. Chilfrome R. Dalwood C. Eversholt R. Fleet V. Fordington V. Frome-St.-Quintin R. Frome- Vauchurch R. Hawkchurch R, Hermitage V. West-Knighton R. Langton-Herring R. Litton-Cheney R. Maiden-Newton R. Osming- ton with Ringstead V. Piddle-Hinton R. Piddle-Town V. Portis- ham V. Portland R. Preston with Sutton-Pointz V. Puncknoll R. Radipole R. Rampisham R. West-Stafford R. Stinsford V. Stock- wood R. Stratton P. C.,Swyre R. Tincleton R. Toller-Fratrum (with- Winford-Eagle) V. Toller-Porcorum V. Tolpuddle V. Upway R. Whitcombe P. C. Winterborne-St.-Martin V. Winterborne-Monk- ton R. and of Winterborne-Steepleton R. (‘) Melbury-Sampford is returned with Melbury-Osmonde (Sherborne Division). The above Axnsrract is collected from the Registers of,~—-Ash- more R. Belchalwell R. Bourton C. Cann or Shaston-8t..Rumibald R. Compton-Abbas R. Farnham R. Great-Fontmell R. Gillingham V. Iwerne-Minster V. Melbury-AbbasR. Motcombe P.C. East-Or- chard P..C.(") West-Orchard P.C. Shillingstone R. Tarrant-Gun- ville R. and of Tutnworth R. . (') The Inhabitants of East-Orchard bury at Iwerne-Minster. DIVISION OF SHASTON, EAST. DIVISION OF SHERBORNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. fMales| Fe- | Total. | Years.| Mar- males. males. tiages. Fe- Fe- Mar- Years. [Males| "),,| Total. pMales) ).,| Total. | Years, riages. 1811 | 206/185] 391 98] 121] 219 1811 | 114 1812 |198]198} 396 [103] 140] 243 1812} 101 1813 | 227]248] 475 4116] 166] 282 1813 | 102 1814 | 230] 225] 455 118/143! 261 1814} 112 1815 | 238] 239] 477 [122]129}] 251 1815 | 166 1816 | 249] 228] 477 4|126/144} 270 1816 | 110 1817 | 248] 250] 498 4113]135| 248 1817] 113 1818 | 244] 237} 481 |130]127] 257 1818] 140 1819 | 218/205] 423 [125/127] 252 1819 | 130 1820 | 276] 254] 530 |146]170] 316 1820} 166 1811 | 77} 93 | 170 | 40] 42} 82 1811] 37 1812 | 86 | 74 | 160 | 50 | 57 | 107 1812] 34 1813 | 85 | 87 | 172 [ 46] 62 | 108 | 1813] 46 1814 | 94 | 84) 178 | 37 | 55 | 112 1814] 35 1815 | 97 | 94 | 191 139] 52] 91 1815| 46 1816 |100 | go | 190 43 | 56 99 1816] 47 1817 | 80 | 64 | 144 | 42] 48 go 1817 | 44 1818 | 77 |108 | 185 [49] 41 | 90 | 1818] 36 1819 | 96 | 98 | 194 | 541 53 | 107 1819| 45 1820 | 89 | 94 | 183 | 47 | 74 | 121 1820! 50 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Al- mer RB. (J) Great-Canford (with Longfieet and Parkston) V. Chal- bury R. Charlton-Marshall P.C. Chettle R. Corfe-Mullen P. C. Cranborne V. Long-Critchell R. Moor-Critchell R. Edmondsham R. | Gussage-All-Saints V. Gussage-St.-Andrew C. Gussage-St.-Michael R. | Hampreston R. Hamworthy P.C.(*) Handley P.C. Little-Hinton | alias Stanbridge R. | Hinton-Martell R. Horton with Woodlands V. | Kingston (in Great-Canford Parish) C. Lytchet-Matravers R. Lytchet- Minster P.C. Morden V. West-Parley R. Pentridge R. Shapwick V. Spetisbury R. Sturminster-Marshall V. _Tarraut-Crawford P. C. Tarrant-Monkton (including Tarrant-Launceston) V. Tarrant-Rush- tonR. Wimborne-St.-GilesR. Wimborne-Minster, Collegiate ChurehR. and of Witchampton R. (ij) The Return of Almer includes the Parish Register of Char- borough. («) There being no Church at Hamworthy, the Inhabitants baptize and marry at Lytchet-Minster. | combe R. Beer-Hackett R. The ubove Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Bat- Bradford-Abbas (including Clifton- Mabank) V. Long-Burton V. Castleton P.C. Caundle-Bishop R. Caundle-Marsh R. Caundle-Purse R. Up-Cerne R. Chetnole C. Nether-Compton R. Oveér-Compton R. Folke R. Hialstock P. C. Hanford C. Haydon V. HolnestV. Leigh C. Lillington R. Lyd- linch R. | Melbury-Bubb R. Melbury-Osmond (including Melbury- Sampford) R. Oborne V. Ryme-Intrinsica R. ThornfordR. North- Wooton P. C. and of Yetminster V. 32 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers. COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. DIVISION OF STURMINSTER. BOROUGH OF DORCHESTER. horne-Weston R. Child-Okeford R. Fifehead-Magdalen V. Hinton- St.-Mary P. C. Iwerne-Courtney or Shroton R.(™) Great-Kington R. ManstonR. Margaret-Marsh P.C. Marnhull R. Okeford-Fitzpaine R. Silton R. Stalbridge R. Stock-Gayland R. East-Stour P.C. Stour- Provost R. West-Stour P. C. Stourton-Caundle P. C. Sturminster- Newton V. Sutton-Waldron R. and of Todbere R. (°) (™) The Parish-Register of Iwerne-Courtney includes the Return of Farringdon Chapelry. (°") The Inhabitants of Todbere bury at Stour-Provost. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Fe- Mar- Fe- Fe- : Years. |Males alee Total. Males Late Total. J Years. = es Years. |Males beniee Total. {Males ea, Total. | Years, baie 1811 [152] 144] 296 | 82 | 75] 157 1811| 64 1811 | 38] 31 | 69 | 30] 271] 57 1811} 17 1812 | 139] 126] 265 | 69 | 77] 146 1812] 59 1812 | 34 | 36} 7o $17] 21] 38 1812} 17 1813 | 153] 125] 278 | 66 | 75] 141 1813} 64 1818 | 28 | 30} 58 J15/ 18] 33 1813} 23 1814 | 146/139] 285 | 85 | 75] 160 1814| 72 1814 | 22] 28 | 50 § 17] 13 | 30 1814} 22 1815 |177|174] 351 | 75 | 88] 163 1815| 77 1815 | 39 | 22 | 61 ff 20 | 28} 48 1815} 24 1816 | 154}134| 288 | 69 | 80] 149 1816] 54 1816 | 29 | 32] 61 a2 | 18] 4o 1816} 19 1817 | 180} 155] 335 68 | 73] 141 1817; 69 1817 | 21 | 25 | 46 f 21 | 22] 43 1817} 21 1818 | 166/135] 301 66 | 88] 154 1818} 62 1818 | 31 | 21 52 23/25 | 48 1818} 14 1819 | 158}151}] 309 | 95 | 77] 172 1819| 70 1819 | 26] 36] 62 F177} 24) 41 1819] 19 1820 | 173] 156] 329 | 65 /116] 181 1820} 68 1820 | 28 | 27 | 55 $18 | 29] 47 1820} 23 The above Aznstracr is collected from the Hagianes of,——Buck- The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of,——All- Saints R. St. Peter R. and of The Holy Trinity R. (°) (°) Also from a Register of Dissenters in the Parish of The Holy Trinity. TOWN OF BLANDFORD. BOROUGH OF LYME-REGIS. The above Apsrracr is collected from the Register of,—~Brid- port R. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, . MARRIAGES, Years. |Males ae Total. [Mfales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males males, riages. males.’ males. riages, 1811} 29 | 19} 48 J 15] 19] 34 1811] 22 1811 | 46 | 24] 7o #13} 11] 24 1811} 8 1812 | 36} 28 | 64 | 12] 23] 35 1812} 25 1812 | 27 | 26 | 53 $f 21] 16] 37 1812) 20 1813 | 31 | 32 | 63 [17 | 27 | 44 1813] 22 1813 | 34 | 37 | 71 J 20] 191] 39 1813] 10 1814 | 22 | 35 57 27 | 25 52 1814) 26 1814 | 26 | 25 51 16 | 17 33 1814) 17 1815 | 31 | 34 | 65 21 | 26 | 47 1815] 16 1815 | 38 | 32 470 11 | 19} 30 1815| 17 1816 | 39 | 32 71 221] 32) 54 1816| 19 1816 | 32 | 37 69 20 | 18 38 1816) 14 1817 | 36 | 26] 62 17/25 | 42 1817} 21 1817 | 28 | 30 | 58 9] 17 | 26 1817} 18 1818 | 42 | 35 an 25 | 29 54 1818] 23 1818 | 39 | 30 69 21 } 28 49 1818} 18 1819 | 35 | 45 80 13 | 22 35 1819] 19 1819 | 40 | 32 72 20 | 14 34 1819} 31 1820 | 25 | 37 62 21 | 19 40 1820] 16 1820 | 38 | 47 85 11] 21 32 1820} 15 The above Asstract is collected from the Register of,——Bland- The above Ansrracr is collected from the Register of,——Lyme- ford-Forum V. Regis V. and from a Register of Dissenters. BOROUGH OF BRIDPORT. BOROUGH OF SHAFTSBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. esl «Fe- Fe- Mar- : % Mar- Meats, il mas Total. Males Berek Total. | Years. Hocee Years. (Males is Total. {Males es Total. {| Years. aac 1811 | 66 | 52 | 118 J 40] 49] 89 | 1811] 27 1811 | 31} 31 | 62 | 25/34] 59 | 1811} 15 1812 | 60 | 59 | 119 | 46 | 63 | 109 | 1812) 23 1812 | 36 | 32 | 68 | 25} 28] 53 | 1812) 23 1813 | 53 | 63 | 116 | 41 | 6o | 101 1813} 30 1813 | 39 | 39 | 78 | 42 | 25 | 67 1813| 16 1814 | 64 | 57 | 121 | 61 | 63} 124 | 1814) 38 1814 | 42 | 30] 72 J 22] 22] 44 | 1814] 19 1815 | 85 | 76) 161 | 58) 55] 113 | 1815) 44 1815 | 41 | 30 | 71 J 24} 24] 48 | 1815) 24 1816 | 84 | 59 | 143 | 66 | 63 | 129 | 1816} 35 1816 | 32 | 42 | 74 | 36133] 69 | 1816| 18 1817 | 47 | 45 | 92 [35) 57] 92 | 1817] 36 1817 | 40} 39 | 79 | 29 | 28| 57 | 1817] 21 1818 | 59 | 63 | 122 | 39] 39] 78 | 1818] 38 1818 | 36 | 51 | 87 |18)39| 57 | 1818] 22 1819 | 56 | 56 | 112 7 83 | 79 | 162 7 1819] 34 1819 | 48} 33 | 81 | 231/33] 56 | 1819] 22 1820 | 55 | 57 | 112 $51) 43] 94 | 1820! 4o 1820 | 44 | 48] 92 | 26] 35) 61 | 1820; 26 The above Axnstract is collected from the Registers of,—— St. James R. St. Peter R. and of The Holy Trinity R. N.DCCC.XXI.] -fHE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94s en ai COUNTY OF DORSET—continued. TOWN OF SHERBORNE. BOROUGH OF WEYMOUTH AND. MELCOMBE-REGIS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ‘Years. |Males! Fe- Fe- | rot: Mar- Fe- Fe- Mar- Years. Hoates| Fe: | Total. |Males| i | Total. Years. nies Years. Males Cae | Total. Males! Fe | Total. | Years. sapee 1811 | 37 | 40 | 77 #331171 50 1811} 19 1811 }108{| g0/ 198 | 20 | 46] 66 1811] 56 1812 | 34 | 46 80 29. | 37 59 1812; 23 1812 | 96] 95] 191 54 | 41 95 1812} 54 1813 | 38 | 55 | 93 | 26] 26] 52 1813 | 24 1813 | go} 98] 188 139] 50] 89 4 1813] 60 1814 | 42 | 52 | 94 j 26) 38] 64 1814} 30 1814 {107]| 103] 210 | 44 | 38] 82 1814] 73 1815 | 37 | 45 | 82 § 22] 29] 51 1815| 32 1815 | 97} 62/1 159 [57 | 80 | 137 1815] 51 1816 | 44 | 41 85 $18] 28] 46 1816] 21 1816 | 89] 78] 167 | 48 | 48 | 96 1816) 59 1817 | 46 | 33 | 79 § 26 | 22] 48 1817; 18 1817 '}110/} 115] 225 | 63 | 53 | 116 1817] 65 1818 | 29 | 53 | 82 19] 28 | 47 1818] 22 1818 | 86] 91] 177 | 49 | 60 | 109 1818} 41 1819 | 34 | 53 847 19 } 31 50 1819}; 24 1819 | 98] gt] 189 48 | 47 95 1819} 57 1820 | 48 | 39 | 87 § 22] 37] 59 1820} 30 1820 | 126] 105] 231 84 | 721 156 1820| 60 The above Azstracr is collected from the Register of, Sher- The above Austracr is collected from the Registers of,——Mel- borne V. combe-Regis R. and of Wyke-Regis (Weymouth) R. BOROUGH OF WAREHAM. TOWN OF POOLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males ae Total. {Males Ree Total. | Years. cues Years. Males Ce Total. 'Males easel Total. | Years. a 1811 |12] 8] 20 | 14) 16] 30 1811 2 1811 | 63) 51] 114 | 481491] 97 1811| 43 1812 | 11 | 13 | 24 } 10/14} 24 1812 3 1812 | 57| 34} 91 49 | 48 | 97 1812; 44 18138 | 15 |17 | 32 5 | 16) 21 1813 4 1813 | 61} 77| 138 | 441 57 | 101 1813] 50 1814 | 8/10] 18 9] 10] 19 1814 5 1814 | 57} 69] 126 | 46 / 46| 92 1814! 47 1815 | 8] 18 | 26 9| 13] 22 1815 | 11 1815 | 731 59/132 | 44] 38] 82 1815} 77 1816 | 15 | 7 | 22 8] 19] 27 1816 7 1816 | 83] 79} 162 | 44 | 36] 80 1816] 52 1817 | 13 | 12 25 9} 18] 24 1817 4 1817 |}104| 98] 202 } 63 | 58 | 121 1817| 54 ©1818} 16/18 | 34 715} 14] 29 | 1818 6 1818 |106] 95| 201 | 43} 45] 88 {| 1818] 49 1819} 12 }15 | 27 713] 19] 32 1819 4 1819 | 58) 89] 147 | 34] 51 | 85 1819| 38 1820 | 19 | 15 34 15 | 24 | 39 1820} 10 1820 [106] 107] 213 61 | 67 | 128 1820} 55 The above Azstracrt is collected from the Register of, ‘Ware- The above Agstract is collected from the Register of,——St. ham R. (?) James P. C. (?) This Return is from the United Parishes of Lady St. Mary, The Holy Trinity, and St. Martin’s. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DORSET. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ee Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Rcse Marriages. 1811 1,900 1,744 3,644 1811 962 1,019 1,981 1811 812 1812 | 1,761 | 1,671 | 3,432 1812 | 1,024 | 1,119 | 2,143 1812 813 1813 1,930 1,903 3,833 1813 1,011 1,175 2,186 1813 846 1814 | 1,918 | 1,878 | 3,796 1814 | 1,038 | 1,114 | 2,152 1814 955 1815 2,096 1,991 4,087 1815 1,052 1,128 2,180 1815 | 1,126 1816 2,071 1,830 3,901 1816 1,095 1,151 2,246 1816 975 1817 2,066 1,999 4,065 1817 990 1,105 2,095 1817 953 1818 2,047 2,015 4,062 1818 1,016 1,098 2,114 1818 947 1819 2,006 1,930 3,936 1819 1,074 1,191 2,265 1819 | 1,043 1820 | 2,201 | 2,103 | 4,304 1820 | 1,159 | 1:346 | 2,505 1820 | 1,084 Torats | 19,996 | 19,064 | 39,060 - = | 10,421 | 11,446 | 21,867 - = | 95554 and Ni ne Chapels, Several of the Returns mention U The Summary of the County of Dorszr is c collected from the Registers of Two hundred and fifty-eight Parish Churches and from Two Registers of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.— n-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 191,—Burials, 36,—Marriage, 1, K 34. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers, County of Durham. CHESTER WARD. DARLINGTON WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males| Fe Total. [Males| Fe- | Tutal. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. males males. riages.. 1811 /1,128 1,095, 2,223 | 695} 721/1,416 J 1811] 600 1811 | 597] 563 | 1,160 } 310] 322 | 632 1811 | 281 1812 |1,282 1,085) 2,367 | 8121 766/1,578 | 1812] 516 1812 | 607] 568] 1,175 | 313/356] 669 | 1812] 206 1818 |1,197]1,115) 2,312 | 799] 719/1,518 | 1818] 512 1813 | 660] 634] 1,294 13361325] 661 1813 | 268 1814 }1,163)1,122, 2,285 | 781] 768/1,549 | 1814] 571 1814 | 678] 640] 1,318 13431374 | 717 1814] 292 1815 |1,299 1,245) 2,544 781| 782) 1,563 | 1815 | 707 1815 | 726] 621 | 1,347 | 340/369 | 709 1815 | 316 1816 |1,263/1,162' 2,425 j 768] 713/1,481 | 1816 | 659 1816 | 663] 629 | 1,292 | 387/411! 798 1816 | 280 1817 |1,236/1,203 2,439 [793] 750| 1,543 | 1817 565 1817 | 637 | 625 | 1,262 | 322/350; 672 1817.| 307 1818 |1,235/1,159 2,394 780] 798|1,578 | 1818 | 600 1818 | 656] 605 | 1,261 | 365} 324 | 689 1818 | 310 1819 |1,243/1,210 2,453 | 760] 731} 1,491 | 1819 629 1819 | 685] 631 | 1,316 }376/365 | 741 1819 | 317 1820 |1,329 Ayes 2,632 1711] 726/1,437 | 1820] 582 1820 | 731/735 | 1.466 | 406 | 365 | 771 1820} 303 _ The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Bed- The above Aznsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——St. lington V. Boldon R. Chester-le-Street (with Birtley) P.C. Ebches- Andrew-Auckland P..C.(°) St. Helen-Auckland C. Great Aycliffe V. terC. Edmondbyers R. Esh C. Gateshead R. (#7) Heworth C. (>) Barnard-Castle C. | Brancepeth R. Cockfield R. — Conisclitfe V. St. Hildas (in South Shields) C. Hunstonworth C. Jarrow P. C. Darlington P.C. Denton C. Egglestone C. Escomb P.C. Gain- Lamesley C. Lanchester P. C. MedomsleyC. Monkwearmouth P. C. ford V. Hamsterley C. Haughton-le-Skerne R. Heighington V. Muggleswick P.C. Ryton R. Satley C. Tanfield C. (©) Washing- Merrington V. Middleton R. Staindrop V. Stanhope R. Wear- ton R. (4) Whitbum R. Wickham R. and of Witton Gilbert P. C. dale-St.-John C. (f) Whitworth P, C. Whorlton C. Winston R. Witton- (2) Also from a Register of Presbyterians at Gateshead. le-Wear P. C, and of Wolsingham R. ©) In 1812 Ninety-one Persons were killed at Heworth by a Blast of (¢) The Return of St. Andrew-Auckland includes the Baptisms which Fire Damp in Felling Colliery; and in 1813 Twenty-four Persons takes place at St. Anne’s Chapel. perished in the same Mine by a similar cause. (*) The Chapelry of Tanfield, which is in the Parish of Chester-le- Street, comprises the Townships of Beamish and Lintz-Green. (4) REMARKS subjoined to Parish-Register Return of Washington. FIRST QUESTION. Total of Baptisms in the Ten Years, 867. This number exceeds the Baptisms of any Ten Years before. And if the Baptisms are compared with the Burials, the excess of the Baptisms above the Burials is not only greater than it has been before, but greater in a most unusual ratio. The following Table, compiled from the Registers for the last Fifty Years, will show these results. (‘) Weardale-St.-John C. is in the Parish of Stanhope. Periods of ‘Ten Years. Baptisms. Burials, of eae Marriages. From 1771 to 1780, both inclusive - 640 407 233 ; 115 »» 1781 - 1790 ” - 655 478 177 168 » 1791 1800 i 761 586 175 166 x» 1801 - 1810 ca) 48 799 520 279 188 9 BI 1896 gee ® 867 386 481 165 By this Table it will be seen, that the excess of Baptisms above the Burials, in its unusual amount, arises partly from the actual increase of Baptisms, partly from a great diminution of Burials; and as the Marriages have not increased during the last Forty years, the progressive increase of the Population indicates that a greater proportion of the Children of the several familics is reared to maturity ; or that the families are more prolific ; or both ; which I believe to be the case. Of the Baptisms of the last Ten years, viz. 867, I reckon 630, or nearly Three-Fourths, to be Baptisms of Children belonging to persons immediately employed in the Collieries, viz. Pitmen, Waggoners, Engine Wrights, Smiths, Agents, &c. The Pitmen commonly marry at an early age; and in this Parish they have, most of them, numerous families. It is an advantage to them to have families ; because their Boys find work in the Pits when they are very young; beginning to get work and wages from the age of seven or eight. The Eamings of the Pitmen far exceed those of Agricultural Labourers. If they have two working Boys, or even one, their Earnings ou an average are double those of Agricultural Labourers ; whilst their Girls have the same advantage of Field-work as others. But the work of the Pitmen requires a more nourishing diet than is necessary for a Farming Labourer ; and they are liable to casualties, which disable them at times. Their work is hard and laborious, and they are apt to overwork themselves to finish their task the sooner; in other respects, their employment does not seem to be unhealthy. Few of them are very robust, or attain toa great age; and few are positively sickly; and, upon the whole, in respect of health and strength, they are « race holding a middle place between the higher and the lower standard of the Peasantry and the Manofacturing Population. They form a very distinct race, inasmuch as they marry almost exclusively among themselves, and bring up their Sons to their own course of life. They also live very much together, keeping little society with other classes of people. Hence there is a strong sympathy, and little improvement of understanding among them. The facility with which the Boys obtain work and fair wages, when they are young, is of great disadvantage to them as to their manners and right education ; because it tempts the Parents too often to forego a due control over them for the sake of the wages which they bring home; and the Boys, by their hard labour having a right to indulgence, soon become the masters. Their occupation promotes their health in this way, that it induces an absolute necessity of a certain degree of cleanliness ; fur a Pitman must wash himself copiously after coming out of the Pit, and he must do this every day, and from head to foot. This constant bathing I consider to be a chief preservative of the tone and strength of their constitution ; and, combined with the quality of their diet, it serves to support them against the severe exertions of their labour, and prolongs their lives in tolerable health. Total of Burials in Ten Years, 386, being the smallest number of Burials in the same period during the last Fifty years, under a continued increase ' of Population. The probable causes of this Decrease of Burials are, 1st, the suppression of Small Pox: 2d, a superior degree of comfort and ' increased means of subsistence : 3d, improved habits of temperance and sobriety ; the practice of hard drinking especially being much diminished in this neighbourhood. The results which have been stated on acomparison of the Baptisms and Burials in this Parish during the last Ten years, and on a-comparison _ of them with the Baptisms and Burials of former periods of Ten years, must be taken with some qualification before we can infer from them the absolute Increase of Population ; because the families of Pitmen emigrate to and fro; and it is possible that young people, or young thriving families, may have come into the Parish, and old people, or decayed and old families, may have gone out in such proportions as to bave given to our Registers a more fevourable balance than they would have had without such migrations, and to have carried to some other Parishes more Deaths and fewer Births than would have appeared in their books, if such interyghange had not taken place. On this account some correction of the results may be necessary ; to what extent Icannot exactly judge; but there is no known reason for thinking it ought to be any thing considerable. SECOND QUESTION. There is a Decrease in the Marriages of the last year. This I attribute to a considerable change of Inhabitants which took place in one quarter of the Parish, by the laying off of an old Colliery. ‘The younger Pitmen who had belonged to it readily found work elsewhere, and migrated to it ; and the settlers who have come in to occupy the houses which they left, probably have not brought an equal number of persons of a marriggeable age, or their recent arrival may not have given equal scope to them to form connections of Marriage. THIRD QUESTION. I have no knowledge of any Burials or Marriages in this Parish, beside those which are duly registered. I believe that a few Baptisms take place which are not registered, and it is possible that a few Children may be born who are not baptized. The number of Children whom I suppose to be baptized, without being registered, is very small. They are Children baptized among the Methodist Sectaries. (Signed) John Davison, Rector. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, COUNTY OF DURHAM—continyed. 1 GEO. IV. €. Q4- 35 EASINGTON WARD. ISLANDSHIRE. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- Years. }Malest Fe- | Total, |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar males. imales, Tiages. males. males. rages. 1811 |321 1339 | 660 [185 | 207} 392 1811 | 191 1811 | 38 | 29 | 67 | 621 73 | 135 1811] 24 1812 |311 1310 | 621 $220]215] 435 1812 | 204 1812 | 48 | 38 | 86 | 80 | 76 | 156 1812| 28 1818 | 368 (389 | 757 }|204)197| 401 1818 | 190 1813 | 45 |] 32 | 77 | 47 | 54 | 101 1813; 24 , 1814 | 389 |360 | 749 [226 |227) 453 | 1814] 212 1814 | 52] 33} 85 [52] 75 | 127 | 1814] 18 1815 | 395 |439 | 834 [297|250) 547 | 1815) 249 1815 | 361 43 | 79 | 55) 48 | 103 | 1815) 19 1816 | 442 1393 | 835 4233 |223| 456 1816 | 283 1816 | 37 | 43 | 80 | 72 | 77 | 149 | 1816] 38 1817 | 422 |381 | 803 4266 |218) 484 1817 | 204 1817 | 50} 39 | 89 | 66 | 81 | 147 1817} 31 1818 | 440 |376 | 816 4239 ]279] 518 1818 | 320 1818 | 44147 | 91 | 63 | 79 | 142 1818] 23 1819 | 428 |406 | 834 |226)217] 443 | 1819] 230 1819 | 65 | 60 | 125 | 52 | 71 | 123 | 1819] 21 1820 | 435 |429 | 864 f229]217| 446 | 1820| 232 1820 | 49] 44 | 87 | 82 | 71 | 153 1820) 165 The above Agsrracr is collected from the Registers of,.——Castle- Eden P.C. Croxdale C. (®) Dalton-le-Dale V. Easington R. Houghton-le Spring R.(") Kelloe V. Monkhesilden V. Penshaw C. Pittington-Halgarth V. Seaham V. Sherburn-Hospital C. Trim- don P. C. and of Bishop-Wearmouth R. (®) The Inhabitants of Croxdale bury at St. Oswald’s (Durham), the | Mother Church. (>) In 1815 Forty Persons were killed at Houghton-le-Spring by the explosion of Fire Damp. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——An- croft P.C. Holy-Island P.C. Kyloe P. C. and of Tweedmouth P. C. (*) The Parish of Belford, partly in Islandshive, is entered in Bamborough Ward (Northumberland.) STOCKTON WARD, BAPTISMS. 3 TET BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 | 230/211} 441 [152/165 317 1811 115 ) 1812 | 211 | 212) 423 4148]140] 288 1812 | 107 |, 1818 | 243 |225| 468 129/159] 288 1813} 113 | 1814 |256}221/} 477 $162 )167] 329 | 1814] 106 | 1815 |250 }266| 516 f144]141| 285 | 1815] 129 J) 1816 | 258 |236| 494 159/161] 320 | 1816] 114 F 1817 | 252) 261] 513° 7141 | 151] 292 1817 | 111 - 1818 1273 |251| 524 115911741 333 1818 | 114 1819 |239/256] 495 41431175 | 318 1819 | 118 1820 | 121 1820 1311 | 264] 575 §1371146 | 283 Years. IMales Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- Total. “Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. - — nanan NORHAMSHIRE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. \ntates Fe> | total. | Years, | Mar- imales, maales.| riages. 1811 | 13} 9 22 22} 25 | 47 1811 1 1812 | 11 8} 19 | 28] 29] 57 1812 6 1813 | 22 | 18 40 18 | 20 38 1813 8 1814 | 21 | 21 | 42 24 | 22 | 46 1814 7 1815 | 26 | 22 | 48 $26] 33] 59 1815 3 1816 |} 24} 14} 38 | 30] 27 | 54 1816 9 1817 | 22 | 18 40 25/37} 62 1817 6 1818 | 15 | 26} 41 28) 17{ 45 | 1818] 41 1819 | 23 | 15 | 38 [29 | 20} 49 | 1819] 12 1820 | 19 | 16 | 35 | 22/23] 45 | 1820 8 The above Apsrracr is colleeted from the Registers of, —Billing- ham V. BishoptonV. Craike R. Dinsdale R. Eggleseliffe R. | Elton R. Elwick-Hall R. Greatham V. Grendon V. Hart V. Hartlepool P.C. Huiworth-upon-Tees R. Middleham-Bishop V. , Middleton-St.-George R. Long-Newton R. Norton V. Redmar- ; shall (with Carleton and Stillington Chapels) R. f Sedgefield R. Sockburn V. Great Stainton R. Stockton-upon-Tees V. Stranton V. and of Wolviston C. (5) ee i re ae (*) Sadberge C. is in the Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne. Gj) The Inhabitants of Wolviston bury at Billingham. eee ieee tal Tansee ewes Sadberge C. (') | The above Azstrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Corn- hill C. and of Norham V. 36 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers: COUNTY OF DURHAM—continued. CITY OF DURHAM. TOWN OF SUNDERLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. “Fe- ; : ila: i, | Mare Years. {Males a | Total. {Males nad Total. Years. ae Years. |Males ee Total. |Males a Total. | Years. a | 1811 {126 121 | 247 96} 72] 168 1811] 75 1811 |219]211 | 430 ‘}212]203 | 415 1811} 130 1812 |125 118 243 80} 83] 163 1812| 72 1812 |207]205] 412 $195 4180 | 375 1812 103 1813 |154 126 | 280 f113]/113] 226 1813] 53 1813 | 217 2o% | 418 §143}160, 303 1813] 89 1814 |168}138) 306 88} 99] 187 | 1814] 79 1814 |200}224' 424 4188 ]230/) 418 1814 | 118 1815 1157 |134 291 76} 96] 172 1815 | 47 1815 |265}250: 515 §217/199/ 416 1815 | 152 1816 |142 140 | 282 91] 105} 196 1816] 73 1816 [215 | 245 460 §2141]208) 422 1816 | 166 1817 |135 131) 266 96 }109 | 205 1817| 66 1817 |235]240; 475 [195|220! 415 1817 | 166 1818 |160| 132 292 93! 93} 186 1818] 75 1818 {198} 306, 504 246] 287} 533 1818 | 164 1819 {137 | 124_ 261 $109] 98] 207 1819] 65 1819 | 265 300 | 565 $211]240] 451 1819 | 150 1820 [123 123 | 246 g1|106] 197 1820] 86 1820 | 248 264 512 §220/188! 408 1820} 169 The above Axsrnact is collected from the Registers of, The The above Ansrract is collected from the Register of,——Sunder- Cathedral Church C. Bow (North Bailey) R. Nicholas P. C. and of St. Oswald V. St. Giles P. C. St. Margaret C. St. Mary-le- St. Mary-the-Less (South Bailey) R. St. land R, SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. —Se— VEY YY “SS |. 1811 2,672 2,578 5,250 1811 1,734 1,788 3,522 1811 | 1,420 1812 2,802 2,544 5,346 1812 1,876 1,845 3,721 1812 1,332 1813 | 2,906 | 2,740 | 5,646 1813 | 1,789 | 1,747 | 3,536 1813 | 1,257 1814 2,927 2,759 5,686 1814 1,864 1,962 3,826 1814 1,403 1815 3,154 3,020 6,174 1815 1,936 1,918 3,854 1815 | 1,622 1816 | 3,044 | 2,862 | 5,906 1816 | 1,954 | 1,925 | 3,879 1816 | 1,622 1817 2,989 2,898 5,887 1817 1,904 1,916 3,820 1817 1,456 1818 3,021 2,902 51923 1818 1,973 2,051 4,024 1818 1,617 1819 3,085 3,002 6,087 1819 1,906 1,917 3,823 1819 | 1,542 1820 3,239 3,078 6,317 1820 1,898 1,842 3,740 1820 1,516 ToTats | 29,839 | 28,383 | 58,222 - - | 18,834 | 18,911 | 37,745 - 14,787 Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 448,—Burials, 83,—Marriages, 5. The Summary of the County of DuRnAm is collected from the Registers of Seventy-five Parish Churches and Twenty- four Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION’. ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. ~ 37 = : ‘ County of Essex. HUNDRED OF BARSTABLE. HUNDRED OF CHELMSFORD. (¢) MARRIAGES. 1813 | 240) 189! 429 [132/105] 237 1813 100 1614 | 214/183! 397 $145 /124] 269 1814, 91 1815 | 225/212! 437 |118] 82] 200 | 1815 80 1816 | 238] 211 | 449 4122} 96] 218 1816, 84 1817 | 2221185) 407 f111] 9g] 210 1817; 95 1818 | 242; 213' 455 }§148]150; 208 1818} 82 1819 | 2181175! 393 137/120] 257 | 1819] 77 1820 209 ' 207 | 416 1116|124] 240 1820] 48 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. inales ‘_riages. males. {males. é riages. 1811 | 190 174 | 364 [106| 96| 202 1811. 84 1811 | 357 | 331] 688 $ 209/178] 387 1811] 173 1812 | 180) 158; 338 | 116] 80] 196 1812 79 1812 | 369 | 333] 702 | 206/173] 379 1812] 143 1818 | 356 |354] 710 [224/208] 432 1813} 164 1814 | 352 | 319] 671 | 203/182] 385 1814] 150 1815 | 376 | 341| 717 | 202}190] 392 1815] 176 1816 | 330] 343] 673 |193}185] 378 1816) 131 1817 | 354 | 318} 672 1159]172) 331 1817| 140 1818 {355/316} 671 |253]206] 459 1818) 151 1819 |353 | 293] 646 ]201/160} 361 1819| 120 1820 | 341 | 323] 664 159/182] 341 1820] 157 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Basil- don C., North Benfleet R. South Benfleet V. Bowers-Gifford R. Bulvan R. Great Burstead (with Billericay) V. Little Burstead R. Canvey-Island C.(#) Chadwell-St.-Mary R. Corringham R. Dod- dingharst R. Downham R. Dunton-Waylet R. Fobbing R. East Horndon-All-Saints R. Horndon-on-the-Hill V. Hutton R. Ingrave (with West Horndon) R. Laindon R. Lanydon-Hills R. Mucking V. | Nevendon R. Orsett R. Pitsea R. Ramsden-Belhouse R. Ramsden- Crays R. Shenfield R. Stanford-le-hope R. ‘hundersley R. Little Thurrock R. East Tilbury V, West Tilbury R. Vange R. and of Wickford R. (*) Canvey-Island is in Nine several Parishes. The above Azsrnacr is collected from the Registers of, Great Baddow V. Little Baddow V. Blackmore V. Boreham V. Broom- field V. Buttsbury P.C. Chelmsford R. Chignal-St.-James R. Chignal- Smeley R. Danbury R. Fryerning R. East Hanningfield R. South Hanningfield R. West Hanningfield R. Ingatestone R. GreatLeighsR. Little Leighs V. Margaretting V. Mountnessing V. Rottenden R. Roxwell P. C. Runwell R. Sandon R. Springfield R. Stock R. Little Waltham R. Widford R. Woodham-Ferris R. and of Writtle P.C. (4) The Parish-Register Return of Great Waltham could not be obtained, although application was made by letter, and personally, to the Vicar, Dr. George Somers Clark. HUNDRED OF BECONTREE. HUNDRED OF CLAVERING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. ; BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | Total, |Males|_ Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- 4 inales, males Tiages. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- . males. {males. . riages. 362] 729 $290 | 288] 578 1811 | 156 1812 |316 | 354) 670 4303 | 243] 546 1812 | 153 | 1813 |396 1416) 812 [254 |237| 491 1813 | 128 1814 | 405 |417| 822 {291/315} 606 1814 | 141 1815 | 438 |411| 849 317/284] 601 1815 | 178 1816 | 401 | 421] 822 {280 |267| 547 1816} 149 1817 | 425 |444| 869 295 |282] 577 1817} 139 1818 | 396'}417]| 813 [361 |269] 630 | 1818] 153 1819 | 429 |435| 864 $281 |261) 542 1819 | 146 1820 , 435 | 433 868 |322 |341| 663 1820 |} 149 1811 | 367 1811 | 51 | 43 | 94 [17115 |: 32 1811] 18 1812 | 37 | 44 | 81 ]| 23 | 26] 49 1812} 18 1813 | 47 | 54 | 101 28 | 28 56 1813! 23 1814 | 41 | 47 |. 88 21|23 1) 44 1814} 19 1815 | 53 | 46 | 99 | 28] 12|.40 | 1815 13 1816 | 52 | 40 | 92 23 | 28] 51 1816} 16 1817 | 44 | 49 | 93 | 24 4|161]. 40 1817| 20 1818 | 46 | 48 | 94 [14] 24] 38 1818} 27 1819 | 43 | 38 |, 81 | 22 | 28] 50 1819} 17 1820 | 42 | 44 |. 86 | 27 | 33 |- 60 1820} 26 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Bark- ing V. (6) Dagenham V. East Ham V. West Ham V. Little Ilford R. Leyton V. Walthamstow-St.-Mary’s VY. Wanstead R. and of Woodford R. (>) Barking includes the Register of St. Mary’s Chapelry, Great Ilford. i The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ber- don P. C. Clavering V. Farnham R. Langley V. Manewdon V. and of Ugley V. HUNDRED OF CHAFFORD. HUNDRED OF DENGIE. 1812 | 134] 125] 259 | 103] 69] 172 1812! 51 1818 | 128| 136] 264 74) 54| 128 1813; 48 1814 | 148] 138} 286 88} 98} 186 1814; 46 1815 | 147] 153] 300 go} 83] 173 | 1815! 43 1816 | 138) 137) 275 98| 68} 166 1816) 54 1817 | 139] 157| 296 | 88) 82] 170 | 1817) 43 1818 | 119] 133] 252 89} 90} 179 1818; 50 1819 | 139] 130] 269 93| 100] 193 1819! 39 1820 | 135} 135] 270 95| 81] 176 } 1820) 55 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Ave- ley V. Brentwood C. (°) Childerditch V. Cranbam R. North Ockendon R. South Ockendon R. Raynham V. Stifford R. Grays Thurrock V. West Thurrock V. Upminster R. Great Warley R. Tittle Warley R. South Weald V. and of Wennington R. (*) There being no Burial Ground at Brentwood Chapelry, the - Iuhabitants bury as well as marry at South Weald. 1811 | 151] 147| 298 98} 95] 193 1811} 65 — BAPTISMS. : BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. é Fe- Fe- ( ear: Mar- Years. (Males) Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. [| Years. Mar- Years. Males males. oral: eles males. feet eee riages. ears. es males. OS males riages, 1811 |162}156] 318 |107] 92 | 199 [1811] 48 1812 {167/141 | 308 89| 75 | 164 | 1812) 64 1813 ]185 1155 | 340 | 85! 59 | 144 | 1813) 88 1814 |164|172 | 336 78| 69 | 147 1814) 66 1815 |170/178} 348 79/ 83 | 162 | 1815] 73 1816 }174.)142 | 316 82| 74 | 156 1816| 73 1817 |194 | 186] 380 80| 69 | 149 | 1817) 74 1818 |161]140}| 301 93| 99 | 192 1818} 71 1819 |171]154} 325 $109/ 83 | 192 1819| 85 1820 | 1561153 | 309 87| 86 | 173 1820} 71 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,_—Al- thorne V. Asheldam V. Bradwell-by-the-Sea R. Burnham V. Crick- sea R. Dengie R. North Fambridge R. Hazeleigh R. Latchingdon R. St. Lawrence R. Mayland V. Munden V. Cold Norton R. Purleigh R. Southminster V. Steeple (with Stangate) V. Stow-Maries R. Tilling- ham R. Woodham-Mortimer R. and of Woodham-Walter R. ~ 38 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers, a a ———=== COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. HUNDRED OF DUNMOW. LIBERTY OF HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males Seam Total. {Males ce Total. | Years. ae Years. |Males ee Total. Males! Fe~ Total. | Years. eae 1811 }133]128] 261 | 75 | 66 | 141 1811] 81 1811 | 94] 71] 165 | 96 | 46] 142 1811] 45 1812 {133]147] 280 | 79} 96, 175 1812} 54 1812 | 77) 69] 146 | 57] 42} 99 1812] 35 1813 }138/131 | 269 | 70 | 58 | 128 1813| 65 1813 | 81] 98/179 § 56] 55 | 111 1813 | 32 1814 |133]128 | 261 81 | 69 | 150 1814] 79 1814 | 80] 85] 165 | 64 | 62 | 126 1814} 30 1815 |130/151] 281 79 | 68 | 147 1815| 87 1815 | 96]103] 199 | 70 | 68 | 138 1815} 29 1816 1163 |145 | 308 | 77 | 93 | 170 1816] 70 1816 | 83] 93/276 [55 | 47 | 102 1816] 24 1817 |165|149| 314 | 92] 94 |] 186 1817] 85 1817 | 93! 92] 185 | 74 | 66 | 140 1817] 15 1818 11641153) 317 | 73 | 76} 149 1818} 78 1818 |}100} go] 190 | 89 | 78 | 167 1818] 33 1819 |159|151| 310 | 79 | 79 | 158 1819} 87 1819 |116/110] 226 | &4 | 61 | 145 1819; 24 1820 | 167 }138| 305 [102 | 98 | 200 1820] 85 1820 | 99] 84] 183 | 57 | 6% | 120 1820} 29 The above Axstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Barn- The above Azpstracr is collected from the Registers of,——St. ston R. Broxted V. Great Canfield V. Little Canfield R. Chickney R. Edward-Romford P.C. Havering-atte-Bower P.C. and of Horn- Great Dunmow V. Little Dunmow P.C. Good Easter V. High church V. Easter V. Great Easton R, Little Easton R. Lindsell V. Mash- bury R. Pleshey P.C. Roding-Eythorpe R. Berners-Roding P. C. High-Roding R. Leaden-Roding R. Margaret-Roding R. White Roothing R. Shellow-Bowels R. Thaxted V. Tilty P. C. Willingale- Doe R. (*) and of Willingale-Spain R. (°) (©) The Churches of Willingale-Doe and Willingale-Spain are in one Churchyard. HUNDRED OF FRESHWELL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. pcan Years. Males Fe | Total. (Males Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- HUNDRED OF HINCKFORD. (*) males, males riages. : 1811 | 80 | 83 | 163 138] 49] 87 1811} 42 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1812 | 79 | 74 | 153 39 | 50 89 1812; 38 Se Fe- Fe- Mar- 1813 | 80 | 84 | 164 | 36/25] 61 1813} 49 Years. |Males} ° )-,| Total. }Males aie Total. | Years. Hees ee Be | ae | ae 23| 53 | 76 oly | 42 1811 | 410/361] 771 $245 | 278 | 523 1811] 208 1815 | 70 | 93 | 163 [42 | 39] 81 1815| 44 1812 | 340/379] 719 4§246/258] 504 1812} 209 1816 | 82 | 75 | 157 45 | 50 95 1816| 36 1813 | 405] 354] 759 4218]222] 440 1813) 244 1817 | 86 | 74 | 160 ]| 50 | 39] 89 1817] 52 1818 | 78 | 84 | 162 } 49 | 68 | 117 1818 | 37 1814 | 432/397] 829 §247/]265) 512 1814} 258 1819 | 95 | 90 | 185 | 59 | 61 | 120 1819] 45 1815 | 454| 426| 880 4§247)271| 518 | 1815} 297 1820 | 66 | 8011 46 158 | 55 | 113 1820| 56 1816 | 418] 429] 847 4244 ]282| 526 1816] 260 2 1817 | 410|372| 782 207/266] 473 | 1817} 259 1818 | 462/411] 873 $244 |262| 506 1818] 293 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——Ash- 1819 | 443] 466} 909 4266] 268] 534 1819} 339 don R. Great Bardfield V. Little Bardfield R. Bardfield-Saling P. C. 1820 | 475|458| 933 4292 |308| 600 1820] 241 Buistead-Helion V. Hadstock R. Hempsted P. C. Radwinter R. Sampford V. and of Little Sampford R. eco as coe aT The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Alpham- stone R. Ashen R. Ballingdon (with Brundon) P. C. Belchamp- Otton R. Belchamp-St.-Paul’s V. Belchamp-Walter V. Birdbrook R. HUNDRED OF HARLOW. Bocking R. Borley R. Braintree V. Bulmer V. Steeple-Bumpstead V. Felsted V. Finchingfield V. Foxearth R. Gestingthorpe V. Gosfield V. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Halstead V. (") Castle-Hedingham P.C. Sible-Hedingham R. Great Henny R. Lamarsh R. Liston R. Middleton R. Great Mapple- Years. |Males sae Total. [Males a | Total. | Years. | Mar- stead V. Little Mapplestead P.C. Ovington R. Panfield R. Peb- rs > —— mege’ marsh R. Pentlow R. Rayne R. Ridgwell V. Great Saling V. 1811 | 85] 93} 178 [54] 40] 94 1811} 38 Shalford V. Stambourne R. Stebbing V. Stisted R. Sturmer R. 1812 | 89| 98| 187 | 47 | 42} 89 1812] 40 Tilbury-by-Clare R. Topperfield R. Twinsted R. Wethersfield V. 1818 | 80] 93] 173 57 | 58 | 115 1813] 35 Wickham-St.-Paul R. Great Yeldham R. and of Little Yeldham R. 1814 | 105] 78] 183 66 | 63 | 129 1814) 40 (®) The Parishes of Haverhill and Keddington, partly in this Hun- 1815 | 125} 96] 221 46 | 56 | 102 1815) 43 1816 | 98]102] 200 | 52 | 67 | 119 1816) 47 1817 | 103]103 | 206 | 52 | 67 | 119 1817} 38 1818 | 121] 99] 220 [71 | 57 | 128 1818} 47 1819 | 87/107] 194 [57 | 68 | 125 1819| 39 1820 | 115]113; 228 | 73 | 52 | 125 1820| 61 dred, are chiefly in Risbridge Hundred (Suffolk), and there entered. The Parish of Bures, for the same reason, is entered in Babergh Hundred (Suffolk). (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Halstead. The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, —-Great Hallingbury R. Little Hallingbury R. Harlow V. Hattfield-Broad- Oak V.(*) Latton V. Matching V. Netteswell R. Great Parndon R. Little Parndon R. Roydon V. and of Sheering R. (f) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Hatfield-Broad-Oak. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C.:Q4.— 39 IE SI EF ESSE ST TT SES SY PF Tt SP TTT = COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. HUNDRED OF LEXDEN. ‘ HUNDRED OF ROCHFORD. (ciupinc Cotcnester Division ann Wirnam Division.) : BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTI6MS, j ES. fee MS. _— eee sc eso oiatla Years. Males Fe- Total. [Males a Total. | Years. ae Years, |Males aoe Total. {Males Sean Total. | Years. on —— Jo 3 : lh a 1811 | 171| 181] 352 | 163} 128] 291 1811} 93 1811 | 247| 248] 495 41481174] 322 | 1811] 140 1812 | 201] 185] 386 [112] 95] 207 | 1812) 111 1812 | 222] 239] 461 $ 1501150] 300 | 1812] 116 1813 | 249] 207/ 456 ]127| 96) 223 | 1813) 113 1813 |233] 251] 484 $135|142| 277 | 1813] 103 1814 | 224] 209] 433 ]211] 157] 368 | 1814] 102 1814 } 264] 268] 532 $136) 155] 291 1814) 135 1815 | 200] 209} 409 1153] 143] 296 | 1815) 100 1815} 271] 235| 506 7131) 140] 271 1815| 155 1816 | 234] 197) 431 |111} 94] 205 | 1816] 109 1816.| 327] 262] 489 [153/151/ 304 | 1816] 138 1817 | 228} 216) 444 | 96) 92/ 188 | 1817] 119 1817 | 238] 252] 490 [110/134] 244 | 1817] 157 1818 | 214] 213] 427 $157] 126) 283 { 4818] 101 1818 | 275] 266} 541 |134/157| 201 | 1818] 157 1819 | 200] 215] 415 146] 134) 280 | 1819] 115 1819 | 256] 263} 519 [162/176] 338 | 1819] 154 1820 | 226/176) 4o2 [154] 131| 285 | yg00| 98 1820 | 2931256] 549 $177| 154) 331 1820! 177 = The above Ansrracr is-collected from the Registers of, Ald- ham R. West Bergholt R. Great and Little Birch R. Boxted V. Great and Little Coggeshall V. Earls-Colne V. Colne-Engain R. Wakes-. Colne R. White-Colne P.C. Copford R. Dedham V. East Donyland R. Feering V. Fordham R. . Great Horksley R. Little Horksley P. C. Tnworth R. Langham R. Markshall R. Messing V. Mount-Bures R. Pattiswick P.C. Pontisbright or Chapple P.C. Stanway R. Great Tey V. Little Tey R. Marks-Tey R. East Thorp R. Wivenhoe R. and of Wormingford V. : HUNDRED OF ONGAR. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,_——Ashing- don R, Great Barling V. Canewdon V. Eastwood V. South Fam- bridge R. _FoulnessR. Hadleigh R. Hawkswell R. Hockley V. Leigh R. Paglesham R. Prittlewell V. RawrethR. Rayleigh R. Rochford R. North Shoebury V. South Shoebury R. Shopland V. Southchurch R, Great Stambridge R. Little Stambridge R. Sutton R. Great Wakering V. and of Little Wakering V. HUNDRED OF TENDRING, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. (Males| Fe- | Total. [Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- imales. males. eee: riages. 1811 | 321] 322] 643 | 204| 222] 426 1811} 163 1812 | 296] 320] 616 | 199] 212] 411 1812} 144 1813 | 330] 339} 669 4171] 126| 297 1813] 191 1814 | 3531359| 712 | 187] 167] 354 1814] 171 1815 | 324} 305| 629 4152] 155| 307 1815] 149 1816 | 363] 302] 665 4159] 168| 327 1816} 156 1817 | 340| 346| 686 | 133] 139] 272 1817} 168 1818 | 381] 353] 734 | 158] 165] 323 1818] 144 1819 | 355| 344] 699 | 191] 187| 378 | 1819] 159 1820 | 325] 331| 656 [170| 170} 340 1820] 154 BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. }Males Fe- Total. [Males| Fe | Total. | Years. | Mar- males : males. riages. 1811 }174 )178] 352 $102] go} 192 1811} 64 1812 }188 }151} 339 9101] 100] 201 1812} 70 1813 |156 | 179] 335 92] 92} 184 1813; 66 1814 {180 | 166) 346 1135] 110] 245 1814} 68 1815 |168 | 189] 357 | 121/100} 221 1815| 72 1816 |187 |186| 373 | 108] 109] 217 1816) 71 1817 |184 |186] 370 [102] 94] 196 1817, 67 1818 |193 }195| 388 | 128] 132] 260 1818] 73 1819 {191 | 183] 374 [113] 122] 235 1819] 74 1820 | 203 }191| 394 | 109] 101] 210 1820) 87 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Alres- ford R. Ardleigh V. Beaumont (with Mose) R. Great Bentley V. Little Bentley R. Bradfield V. Brightlingsea V. Great Bromley R. Little Bromley R. Great Clacton (with Little Holland) V. Little Clacton V. Elmstead V. FratingR. Frinton R. Great Holland R. Kirby-le-Soken V. Lawford R. Manningtree P.C. Mistley R. Great Oakley R. Little Oakley R. St. Osyth P.C. Ramsey V. Tendring R. Thorpe-le-Soken V. Thorrington R. Walton-le-Soken V. Weeley R. Wix P.C. and of Wrabness R. HUNDRED OF THURSTABLE. The above Aznstracrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Abbots- Roding R. Beauchamp-Roding R. Bobbingworth R. Chigwell V. Fyfield R. Greensted R. Kelvedon-Hatch R. Lambourn R. High _ Laver R. Little LaverR. Magdalen Laver R. Loughton R. More- ton R. Navestock V. WNorton-Mandeville P.C. Chipping Ongar R. High Ongar R. Shelly RK. Stanford-Rivers R. Stapleford-Abbots R. Stapleford-Tawney R. Stondon-Massey R. Theydon-Bois P. C. Theydon-Garnon R. Theydon-Mount R. and of North Weald- Bassett V. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, {Males Be — Total, ai Ey he Total. | Years. a 1811 | 77155 | 132 | 62 | 66] 128 | 1811] 34 1812 | 78 | 87 | 165 9 46 | 42 | 88 1812] 58 1813 | 92 | 79} 171 [37] 41] 78 1813] 46 1814 | 99 | 85 | 184 [32 | 41 73 1814} 30 1815 | 84 | 66 | 150 [54 | 48 | 102 1815| 26 1816 | 76 | 74] 150 1521} 34/ 86 1816] 37 1817 | 82 | 82 | 164 | 41 / 32) 73 1817| 52 1818 | 90 | 83. | 173 | 47] 45 | 92 1818] 46 1819 | 67 | 61 | 128 [55 | 64 | 119 1819} 46 1820 | 80 | 60 ] 140 | 46 | 54 | 100 1820} 39 The above Azsrnract is collected from the Registers of,—Gold- hanger R. Heybridge V. Langford R. Tollesbury V. Tolleshunt- ! Darcy'V. GreatTolleshunt V. Tolleshunt-Knights R. Great Totham V, | Little Totham P. C. and of Wickham-Bishops R. : 40 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. —_———————————ee Sw COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. HUNDRED OF UTTLESFORD. HUNDRED OF WITHAM. («) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, ales! Fe- Fe- | . Mar- Years. |Males ee: Total. {Males| wales.’ Total. } Years. races Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. Seata: Mar- males. males. tiages, 1811 | 143/131] 274 | 8&1 84 | 165 | 1811] 42 1812 | 1451144] 289 89} 95) 184 1812) 61 1813 | 134] 127} 261 70| 72] 142 1813] 79 1814 | 152| 136] 288 83} g1| 174 1814] 84 1815 | 161] 140] 301 73] 68) 141 1815} 100 1816 | 142] 146] 288 fJiog}/110; 214 1816] 65 1817 | 167) 157] 324 75} 83) 158 1817! 69 1818 | 184] 140] 324 77| 86| 163 1818} 99 1819 | 184] 178] 362 go |109; 199 1819] 83 1820 | 172] 159] 331 [102] 87/ 189 }| 1820] 96 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Arkes- den V. Birchanger R. Great Chesterford V. Little Chesterford R. Great Chishall V. Little Chishall R. Chrishall V. Debden R. Elm- donV. ElsenhamV. HeydonR. HenhamV. Littlebury R. Newport V. Quendon R. Rickling V. Stansted-Mountfitchet V. Strecthall R. Takeley V. Wendons-Ambo V. Wendon-Lofts R. Wicken-Bonant R. Widdington R. and of Wimbish (with Thunderley) V. 1811 | 137} 109} 246 4116] 87 | 203 1811] 71 1812 | 133| 108} 241 77| 87 | 164 1812] 65 1813 | 136] 135] 271 471 72 | 149 18138} 75 1814 | 120} 122] 242 81] 80 | 161 1814] 78 1815 | 125) 146} 271 66 | 64 | 130 1815] 71 1816 | 141) 130} 271 741 73 | 147 1816] 64 1817 | 127} 134} 261 69 | 60 | 129 1817 64 1818 | 111/127] 238 §-67] 69 | 136 1818] 65 1819 | 125} 124] 249 78) 78 | 156 1819] 64 1820 142] 132] 274 70) 77 | 147 1820] 59 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of——-Brad- well-by-Coggeshall R. Great Braxted R. Little Braxted R. Cressing V. Fairsted R. Faulkbourn R. Hatfield-Peverel V. Kelvedon, alias Easter- ford V. Black Notley R. White Notley V. Rivenhall R. Terling V. Ulting V. and of Witham Y. (*) Little Coggeshall is entered with Great Coggeshall (Lexden Hundred). HUNDRED OF WALTHAM. (') BOROUGH AND LIBERTIES OF COLCHESTER. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. é 3 _ 5 Fe- | , fe= | qs Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar Years, |Males' i Total. [Males Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- : males. moales riages. males. males. riages. 1611 $116]118] 234 | 75 | 58 | 133 1811] 45 1812 }116]118] 234 4 49 | 59 | 108 1812} 37 18183 }125]110] 235 4 66 | 61 | 127 1813} 37 1814 | g7] 97} 194 9 61 | 58] 119 1814} 51 1815 |110]130] 240 | 65 | 44 | 109 1815} 46 1816 |118] 130] 248 55 | 81 | 136 1816} 69 1817 |127}142) 269 9 76 | 87 | 163 1817} 50 1816 {113}119] 232 | 63 | 69 | 132 1818] 66 1819 $125]109} 234 571741131 1819] 55 1820 } 1321135] 267 | 73 | 65 } 138 1820] 51 1819 |184'180] 364 145/132 | 277 1819] 127 1820 162 145 307 | 105/107 | 212 1820} 118 1811 | 234} 248} 482 [147,174] 321 1811} 171 1812 | 179/175] 354 71511145 | 296 1812) 125 1813 | 219] 254] 473 $154/140 | 204 1813] 163 1814 | 228/193] 421 7$138/155] 293 1814] 149 1815 | 216| 210} 426 [154/120] 274 1815 | 164 1816 | 188! 153} 341 [140/134] 274 1816} 151 1817 | 181} 159] 340 113/103 | 216 1817} 106 1818 | 206,179] 385 |167]127 | 294 1818] 146 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Ching- ford R. Epping V.(j) Nazing V. and of Waltham-Holy-Cross P. C.° (‘) Roydon is chiefly in Harlow Hundred, and thete entered. (i) The Parish-Register of Epping includes Epping-Upland Chapelry. The above Asstnacr is collected from the Registers of,——All- Saints R. Bere-Church P.C. St. Botolph P.C.(1) St. Giles R. St. An- drew’s East-Greenstead R. St. James R. St. Leonard’s R. Lexden R. St. Martin R. St. Mary-at-the-Walls R. St. Mary-Magdalen P. C. St. Michael’s Mile-End R. St. Nicholas R. St. Peter V. St. Runwald R. and of The Holy Trinity R. (') The Church of St. Botolph being in ruins, the Inhabitants bap- tize and marry at All Saints. HUNDRED OF WINSTREE. BOROUGH OF HARWICH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, {Males Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- lmales. males. Tiages. 1811 | 43} 53} 96 [41 | 34] 75 1811| 26 1812 | 42 | 40} 82 | 34] 40] 74 1812; 38 1813 | 57 | 60 | 117 59/39 470 1813) 34 1814 | 54 | 57 | 111 32 | 21 53 1814} 19 1815 | 52 | 61} 113 | 25] 31] 56 1815| 44 1816 | 54 | 49 | 103 25 | 28 53 1816| 35 1817 | 61 | 44 | 105 16 | 27 43 1817, 31 1818 | 68 | 61} 129 | 35] 31 66 1818 1819 | 51 59 | 110 37 | 44] 81 1819; 30 1820 | 48 | 56; 104 | 36 | 27 63 1820! 30 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. [Males Fe- } Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, -Abber- ton R. Fingringhoe V. Langenhve R. Layer-Breton R. Layer-de-la- Haye P.C. Layer-Marney R. East Mersea R. West Mersea V. Peldon R. Salcot V. Virley R. Great Wigborrow R. and of Little Wigborrow R. 1811 | 51 | 39 | go | 80 | 62 | 142 1811! 46 1812 | 55 | 51 | 106 | 63] 33 | 96 1812] 54 1813 | 69 | 48 | 117. | 50 | 42 92 1813} 46 1814 | 44 | 52 96 | 96 | 45] 141 1814] 47 1815 | 64 | 59} 123 $56] 43] 99 1815} 42 1816 | 64 | 65} 129 | 52} 30] 82 1816] 30 1817 | 92 | 91 | 183 [52] 40] 92 1817} 24 1818 | go | 68 | 158 39 | 43 82 1818} 28 1819 | 63 | 76] 139 | 40} 31 71 1819| 38 1820 | 77 | 75 | 152 48 | 52 | 100 1820} 25 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Dover- court V. and of St. Nicholas, P.C. M.DCCC.XXI1.]. . THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 41 COUNTY OF ESSEX—continued. i ' BOROUGH OF MALDON. TOWN OF SAFFRON-WALDEN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, Males|- Fe- | Total. {Males F © | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe } ‘Total. |Males| Fe | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Y riages. males, males, : riages. 1811 | 47 | 32) 79 | 27429] 46 | 1811} 23 1811 | 33 | 56] 89 [19 | 30} 49 | 1811] 27 1812 | 44 | 43 | 87 35 | 26 | 61 1812] 33 1812 | 47 | 27 | 74 137) 27} 64 1812} 37 1813 | 52 | 39 | 91 20'| 18 | 38 1813] 22 1813 | 98 | 93 | 191 | 28 | 27 | 55 1813; 18 1814 | 39 | 53 Q2 33 | 22 55 1814] 31 1814 | 49 | 51 | 100 | 37 | 24} 61 1814; 29 1815 | 35 | 36 | 71 16] 17 | 33 1815} 21 1815 | 47 | 45} 92 | 25 | 21 46 1815] 37 1816 | 44 | 37 81 27 | 23 | 50 1816] 24 1816 | 43 | 42 | 85 438 | 30] 68 1816| 32 1817 | 89 | 42 81 24 | 26 | 50 1817] 24 1817 | 41 | go | 81 26 | 29] 55 1817] 28 1818 | 40 | 36 | 76 | 23 | 20] 43 1818} 19 1818 | G2 | 50 | 112 | 25] 19] 44 1818 | 43 1819 | 46 | 30 | 76 | 23] 26) 49 1819] 29 1819 | 41 | 34 | 75 [43] 51) 94 1819} 36 1820 | 36 | 42 | 78 16/17] 33 1820} 29 1820 | 44 | 51 95 | 36) 48] 84 1820| 35 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——All The above Azstnacr is collected from the Register of, ——Saffron- Saints and St. Peter V. and of St. Mary P.C. Walden V. and from a Register of Dissenters. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Vous » Males. Females. Total. Years. Males, Females. Total. Years. Marriages. —_———~ be ———— ( 1811 3,874 3,719 7,593 1811 2,600 2,471 5,071 1811 1,963 1812 3,667 3,610 9,277 1812 2,451 2,265 4,716 1812 1,836 1813 4,086 3,985 8,071 1813 2,294 2,075 4,369 1813 1,969 1814 4,064 3,906 7,970 1814 2,569 2,449 5,018 1814 1,959 1815 | 4,141 4,041 8,182 1815 2,409 2,230 4,639 1815 2,090 1816 4,058 3,911 7,969 1816 2,369 2,322 4,691 1816 1,925 1817 4,142 4,020 8,162 1817 2,165 2,198 4,363 1817 1,919 1818 4,271 3,994 8,265 1818 2,604 2,468 5,072 1818 2,031 1819 4,141 4,005 8,146 1819 2,568 2,517 5,085 1819 2,028 1820 4,180 3,977 8,157 1820 2,530 2,513 5,043 1820 2,006 Torats| 40,624 | 39,168 | 79,792 - - | 24,559 | 23,508 | 48,067 - + {| 19,726 following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 410 ;—Burials, 162 ;—Marriage, 1. The Summary of the County of Essex is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and Ninety-nine Parish- ‘Churches and Four Chapels, and from Three Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return (except that of ‘Great Waltham). remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, to the 42 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers, County of Gloucester. *,* The Hundred of BARTON-REGIS is entered with the City of BRISTOL, at the end of the County. HUNDRED OF BERKELEY. (*) HUNDRED OF BOTLOE. MARRIAGES. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- {males. males. Tiages. Males.’ ~ |males, tlages. 1811 | 281] 284] 565 $162 /161] 323 1811] 119 1812 | 324] 299] 623 4180/159] 339 1812} 123 1813 | 321] 309| 630 184/167 | 351 1818 | 132 1814 | 320] 321] 641 |[169]193] 362 1814} 147 1815 | 399| 338) 737 $177|172| 349 ] 1815] 199 1816 | 391 | 370] 761 $218 |237| 455 1816 | 208 1817 | 431] 405| 836 }223)231] 454 1817} 162 . 1818 | 417) 375) 792 4174] 2211 395 1818 | 222 1819 | 415 | 398] 813 |210}199] 409 1819 | 220 1820 | 444/408] 852 |192]179] 371 1820 | 167 1811 | 99] 80] 179 | 36] 34] 79 | 1811] 32 1812 | 86] 84] 170 | 66 | 48] 114 | 1812) a7 1813 | 87] 69/ 156 J 49] 42] 91 1813] 26 1814 1119] 78] 197 [50145] 95 1814| 36 1815 }101 | 88] 189 | 39] 46, 85 1815] 35 1816 | 96] 92] 188 [46] 41 | 87 ]| 1816] 34 1817 |111} 88] 199 | 62 | 49 | 121 1817] 31 1818 }111] 91] 202 [47 | 46] 93 1818] 30 1819 | 94] 92] 186 [42] 52] 94 1819] 40 1820 |}107]}101| 208 | 42 | 32 | 74 1820] 47 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Almonds- bury V. Arlingham V. Ashelworth V. Berkeley V. Beverstone R. CamV. Coaley V. Cromhall R. Dursley R. Elberton V. Filton R. Hill or Hull P.C. Horfield P. C. Kingscote P.C. Newington- Bagpath R. North Nibley P.C. Nymphsfield R. Owlpen P. C. Ozleworth R. Slimbridge R. Stinchcombe P. C. Stone C. UleyR. and of Wotton-Underedge V. (?) Rockhampton is entered as part of Langley and Swineshead Hundred. The above Azsrract iscollected from the Registers of, Bromes- berrow R. Dymock V. Kempley V. Newent V. Oxenhall V. Pauntley P.C. Rudford R. (©) Taynton R. and of Upleadon P. C. (©) Rudford is partly in Dudstone and King’s-Barton Hundred. HUNDRED OF BISLEY. HUNDRED OF BRADLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males riages. : Fe- Fe- Mar- Years. |Males clan Total. {Males Salem Total. | Years. Gages. 1811 | 190 |179 | 369 87| 95| 182 § 1811] 78 1812 |206)186 | 392 $113]123] 236 | 1812 | 91 1813 | 183] 179 | 362 93 ]111} 204 } 1813 | 102 1814 | 202 |193 | 395 31107|106] 213 | 1814 | 139 1815 | 227 | 237 | 464 91] 78} 169 | 1815 | 146 1816 | 208 | 216 | 424 88 |122| 210 | 1816 | 143 1817 | 220) 219 | 439 86) 99] 185 | 1817 | 104 1818 |235|217] 452 $126]111] 237 | 1818 | 156 1819 |239]240] 479 4133 ]122) 255 1819 | 139 1820 |252)248] 500 4136]117] 253 | 1820 | 138 1811 | 71 | 65 | 136 | 40 | 31 41 1811] 32 1812 | 71 | 63 | 134 135139] 74 1812] 24 1818 | 56156 | 112 | 45 | 321} 77 1813} 29 1814 | 74 | 67 | 141 53.1441 97 1814] 26 1815 | 59 | 71 | 130 [29] 32] 61 1815} 38 1816 | 80 | 69 | 149 | 35 | 38] 73 1816] 30 1817 | 80 | 47 | 127 | 27 | 371 64 1817| 25 1818 | 72 | 68 | 140 | 26] 38] 64 1818} 36 1819 | 85 | 58 | 143 $35 1/1371 72 1819} 20 1820 | 72 | 81 | 153 739] 42] 81 1820] 27 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,-—Bisley V. Edgworth R. Miserden R. Painswick V. SapertonR. Stroud P.C. and of Winstone R. The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——Aston- Blank V. Coln-Rogers R. Compton-Abdale P.C. Dowdeswell R, Eastington C. Farmington R. Hampnett and Stowell R. Hazle- ton R. Northleach V. Notgrove R. Salperton P. G. Sevenhamp- ton P.C. Shipton-Sollars (and Cliffe) R. Turkdean V. Whit- tington R. Winson C. Withington R. and of Yanworth C. HUNDRED OF BLIDESLOE. HUNDRED OF ST. BRIAVELLS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years, (Males! Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males males. riages. males. males. riages. 1811 | 47 | 62 | 109 $23 | 24] 47 1811] 34 1812 | 47 | 59 | 106 | 28) 16] 44 1812] 21 1813 | 58 | 51 | 109 } 22 | 21 43 1813] 22 1814 | 56 | 52 | 108 22 | 33 55 1814} 16 1815 | 64 | 59 | 123 27 | 26} 53 1815; 18 1816 | 60 | 53 | 113 19 | 22} 41 1816} 12 1817 | 47 | 61 | 108 7 48] 29) 77 1817} 17 1818 | 62 | 66 | 128 7 38 | 29} 67 1818} 13 1819 | 56 | 51 | 107 4.30] 16) 46 1819} 22 1820 | 66 | 69 | 135 | 42] 26} 68 1820} 10 1811 |188)155| 343 88] 83] 171 1811] 121 1812 /184]179| 363 [105} 87] 192 1812) go 1813 }198]150] 348 f119|103] 222 1813] 90 1814 |153}156] 309 111 ]101 | 212 1814| 84 1815 | 200 }202] 402 83] 77 | 160 1815] 115 1816 |189}194] 383 }110] 91] 201 1816] 103 1817 |156 1157] 313 92 |105 | 197 1817} 74 1818 |129 }152] 281 [108 )108 | 216 1818} 81 1819 | 140 |134] 274 83 | go] 173 1819| 81 1820 | 146 | 141] 287 94] go} 184 1820} 101 The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Alving- ton P.C. Awre V.(>) and of Lidney (with Ailburton Chapelry) V. (>) Awre includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at the Chapelry of Blakeney. The above Azsstracr is collected from the Reyisters of, Abing- hall R. English-Bicknor R. Briavel’s P. C. Little Dean P. C. Mitchel Dean R. Flaxley P. C. Hewelsfield P.C. Lea P. C. New- land V.(4) Ruardean P. C. and of Staunton R. (4) Newland includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at the Chapelries of Bream and Colford. M.DOCC.XXL] . THE POPULATION ACT, 1-GEO. IV. C. 94. 43 ane ne ee COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HUNDRED. OF BRIGHTWELLS-BARROW. HUNDRED OF CROWTHORNE AND MINETY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Mates} Fe-} Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. ‘Males Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar males, males. Tiages. | i males. __ {males,| ae | Tiages. 1811 | 85/1054 190 | 44 1 58 } 102 1811} 39 1811 | 73 | 62 | 185 | 30] 40] 70 1811} 28 1812 | 88/101] 189 $53 | 47 | 100 1812| 46 1812 | 66 | 62 | 128 | 34 | 26] 6o 1812] 22 1813 | 84) 931177 | 48 | 56 | 104 1813} 41 1813 | 79 | 59 | 198 | 46] 48] 94 1813; 28 1814 |100}101 | 201 | 63 | 62 | 125 1814} 49 1814 | 60 |} 80 | 140 | 38] 40} 78 | 1814] 37 1815 |1091100} 209 147/138] 85 1815] 34 1815 | 80 | 68 } 148 [39 | 53} 92 1815] 41 1816 | 112/103] 215 } 6o | 50 | 110 1816] 39 1816 | 70 |} 69 | 189 | 39 | 29 | 68 1816} 30 1817 | 914109} 200 | 44 | 69 { 113 1817] 38 1817 | 75 | 65 | 140 | 34] 36| 70 1817] 28 1818 14141034 214 [47 | 77 | 124 1818} 50 1818 | 77 | 76 | 153 50 | 40 | 90 1818] 34 1819 | 96}102] 198 | 66 | 70 | 136 1819} 51 1819 | 73 | 81 | 154 135] 41 | 76 1819] 18 1820 | 98] 861 184 | 51 | 66] 117 |. 1820! 36 | 1820 | 74 | 75 | 149 1 38] 48] 86 1820] 38 The above Ansrnacr is collected from the Registers of,——Alds- worth P.C. Barnsley R. Bibury V. Coln-St.-Aldwin’s V. Fast- leach-Martin R. Eastleach-Tourville P.C. Fairford V. Hatherop R. Kempsford V. Leachlade V. Quenington R. and of Southrop V. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Ampney- Crucis V. Ampney-Down V. Ampney-St.-Mary P. C. Aimpney- St.-Peter P.C. Badgington R. Baunton P.C. South Cerney V. Coates R. Daglingworth R. Driffield V. Duntesbourn-Abbots R. Duntesbourne-Rous R. Harnhill R. Meysey-Hampton R. Minety V. Preston V. Siddington R. and of Stratton R. HUNDRED OF CHELTENHAM. HUNDRED OF DEERHURST.' BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MERETAGES. Years. Males) Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males Tiages. males males, ] Tiages. 1811 }119)142] 261 53} 624 115 1811] 96 1811 | 59 | 57 | 116 | 28 |] 45] 73 1811} 23 1812 [118] 140} 258 79| 61] 140 1812| 97 1812 | 62 | 57 | 119 | 47 | 43] go 1812] 23 1813 | 18411731 357 67; 68] 135 1818; 62 1813 | 61 | 60 | 121 33 | 37 | 70 1813} 24 1814 | 120] 1454 265 65] 72| 137 1814| 87 1814 | 56 | 76 | 192 7 43] 32] 75 1814| 28 1815 | 1831178) 361 40] 78} 148 1815] 91 1815 | 62 | 62 | 124 § 28 | 33] 61 1815} 34 1816 | 176) 188] 364 [102}108] 210 1816] 121 1816 | 60 | 64 | 124 $36} 29 | 65 1816} 10 1817 | 216] 180] 396 g8} 87} 185 1817) 134 1817 | 55 | 64] 119 | 43 | 47 | 90 1817} 12 1818 | 223/195] 418 [109) 102} 211 1818 | 137 1818 | 68 | 56 | 124 J 39 | 28] 67 1818] 30 1819 |208|220| 428 }J102] 85) 187 1819] 159 1819 | 64 | 63 | 127 7 33 | 36] 89 1819} 27 1820 | 268] 213] 481 41231113 | 236 1820] 142 1820 | 67 | 52 | 119 | 39 | 40] 79 1820} 24 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,——King’s- The above Asstracrt is cullected from the Registers of, ——Coln- Charlton P.C. Cheltenham P.C. Leckhampton R. and of Swindon R. St.-Dennis R. Little Compton P. C. Deerburst P. C. Leigh V.(°) Prestbury V. Preston-on-Stour V, Staverton V. Tyrley V. Uck- ington C. Welford R. and of Woolstone R. (®) The Parish of Leigh is partly in Westminster Hundred. HUNDRED OF CLEEVE. HUNDRED OF DUDSTONE AND KING’S BARTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males be toa Total. {Males - as Total. { Years. ae Years. |Males haa Total. [Males pee Total. | Years. ae 1811 | 28] 30] 58 19} 14 | 33 1811] 12 1811 }118]108] 226 | 54 | 58 | 112 1811} 70 1812/13] 8] 21 $13]13] 26 1812] 10 1812 }117} 77] 194 } 62 | 79 | 141 1812] 58 1813 | 21 | 19} 40 10 | 14] 24 1818 5 1813 | 89] 95] 184 | 58 | 56] 114 1813] 71 1814 | 22} 29] 51 24 | 12 36 1814 6 1814 | 91} 98] 189 | 64 | 63 | 127 1814] 84 1815 | 24 | 18] 42 14 | 18 32 1815 8 1815 |}120}101] 221 49 | 63 | 112 1815] 88 1816 | 221151 37 6] 8 14 1816 7 1816 | 97] 96] 193 | 66 | 69 | 135 1816| 72 1817 | 19 | 18 37 15 | 17 32 1817 3 1817 |113] 95] 208 } 70 | 58 | 128 1817} 91 1818 | 23 | 13 36 21 | 10 31 1818 6 1818 |121]119] 240 | 73 | 64 | 137 1818] 101 1819 | 13 | 17 30 18 | 14] 32 1819 & 1819 |104]/118| 222 64 | 82 | 146 1819 | 108 1820 | 21 | 10 31 19 | 26} 45 1820 7 1820 [117/107] 224 | 59 | 59 | 118 1820| 136 is collected f; he Register of, —~Bishop’ The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, -Badg- era - Agsrracr is collected from the Register o ishop’s Lesth i. Eau a. Beeline ae std : aoe e . down P.C, Elmore P. C. Hares-Combe R. Hartpury V. Down- Hatherley V.(f) Hempstead R. Lassington R, Maisemore P. C. Matson V.or R. Norton P.C. Pitchcombe R. Preston V. Sand- hurst V. Shurdington P. C. _Upton-St.-Leonard’s P. C. Whaddon P. C. and of Great Witcombe R. (*) There is no Church at Up-Hatherley. A4 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND. RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HUNDRED OF GRUMBALD’S-ASH. HUNDRED OF KIFTSGATE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males! Fe- | Total. [Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- |males. males. riages. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. (Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 {117/119} 236 | 73 | 70 | 143 1811] 54 1812 }125 109} 234 | 67 | 61 | 128 1812} 38 1813 }124/1351 259 | 84] 69 | 153 1813) 37 1814 }119] gg} 218 65 | 79 | 144 1814; 45 1815 |109 | 129] 238 59 | 61 | 120 1815; 39 1816 }126/ 100] 2296 {| 69 | 77 | 146 1816; 58 1817 137 | 94] 231 | 60} 66 | 126 1817; 48 1818 [129 |} 125] 254 | 63 | 76 | 139 1818; 45 1819 {107 }117| 224 J 51] 78 | 129 | 1819; 48 1820 |129/131] 260 | 72 | 88 | 160 1820 62 1811 | 189]187] 376 $105 ]119 | 224 1811] 96 1812 | 181 ]|182} 363 j111 }112 |} 223 1812} 97 1813 | 181] 200] 381 4104 |108 | 212 1813] 109 1814 | 205/186} 391 [145 | 167 | 312 1814] 112 1815 | 218] 200] 418 [103 }102 | 205 1815] 103 1816 | 246] 194] 440 794118 | 197 1816} 73 1817 | 185]199] 384 |107]109] 216 | 1817] ge 1818 |} 193}208] go1 4$110/124) 234 1818] 70 1819 | 198 203| 401 $117 ]118 | 235 1819| 847 1820 | 223/181] 404 $115 }120} 235 1820] 95 The above Aznstracr is collected from the Registers of, Acton- Turville P.C. Alderley R. Great Badminton V. (8) Boxwell (with Leighterton) R. Charfield R. Didmarton R. Dodington R, Dyrham and Hinton R. Hawkesbury V.(") Horton R. West Littleton P. C. (‘) Oldbury-on-the-Hill R. Chipping-Sodbury V. Little Sodbury R. (i) Old Sodbury V. Tormarton R. Tortworth R. Wapley (with Cod- rington) V. and of Wickwar R. (®) Great Badminton includes the Return of Little Badminton Cha- pelry. (") Hawkesbury includes the Baptisms which take place at Tresham C. (') The Register of West Littleton was included in that of Tormar- ton until the year 1813. bury at Old Sodbury. The above Aznsrract is collected from the Registers of,———Aston- Somerville R. Aston-Subedge R. Batsford R. Buckland (with Laver- ton) R. Chipping-Campden V. Charlton-Abbotts V. Childs-Wick- ham V. Condicote R. Didbrooke (with Pinnock) V. Dorsington R, Dumbleton R. Ebrington V. FarmcoteC. Lower Guiting V. Temple Guiting P. C. Hails P.C. Hawling R. Longborough (with Sezincote) V. Long Marston (or Sicca) R. Mickleton V. Pebworth V. Quinton V. Saintbury R. Snowshill P. C. Stanton R. Sudeley R. (') Upper Swell R. Toddington (with Stanley-Pontlarge) V.(™) Twyning V. Weston-upon-Avon V.(") Weston-Subedge R. Willersey R. Winch- combe (with Gretton) V. and of Wormington R. (‘) The Inhabitants of Sudeley bury at Winchcombe. (™) Toddington includes Prescot. (°) Weston-upon-Avon includes Milcot. G) There being no Burial Ground at Little Sodbury, the Inhabitants - DUCHY OF LANCASTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages. HUNDRED OF HENBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 70] 89] 159 | 46! 50 | 96 1811| 27 1812 | 79) 64] 143 53 | 40 93 1812) 42 1813 | go} 91] 181 44 | 33 "7 1813/31 1814} 72] 79} 151 31 | 47 78 1814} 38 1815 | 90| 87| 177 43 | 47 90 1815! 16 1816 | 82] 79] 161 57 | 47 | 104 1816| 38 “1817 |110} 98] 208 39 | 41 80 1817| 29 1818 | 77] 79] 156 | 42! 41 83 1818] 45 1819 | 72] 91] 163 1 46 | 38 84 1819] 36 1820 | 87]100) 187 2/165 | 117 1820] 36 1811 | 35 | 31} 66 | 20]19] 39 1811] 12 1812 | 24 | 39 63 11 | 16 27 1812 6 1813 | 33 | 23] 56 J 19] 22] 41 1413} 15 1814 | 38 | 31 | 69 [17] 14] 31 1814] 12 1815 | 29 | 31 | 60 [16] 10] 26 1815 a 1816 | 32 | 26] 58 17} 14] 31 1816 Ae. 1817 | 35 | 38 13 21] 21 42 1817] 10 1818 | 32 | 28 | 60 417] 22] 39 1818} 15 1819 | 28 | 36] 64 [18] 25] «43 1819 ” 1820 | 28 | 18 | 46 [21] 7] 28 1820 9 The above Agsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Bully P. C. Long Hope V. Huntley R. Minsterworth V. and of Tibberton R. The above Asstract is cullected from the Registers of, Aust C Compton-Greenfield R. Henbury V. Northwick C. Stoke-Gifford V. Westbury-upon-Trym P. C. (*) and of Yate R. (*) Westbury-upon-Trym includes Redland, Shirehamptan, and Stake-Bishop. HUNDRED OF LANGLEY AND SWINESHEAD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | 7 Years. |Males Fe- | Total. [Males| ¥e- | Total. | Years. | Mar- tales. males, riages, 1811 |157 | 162) 319 72/105] 177 1811) 44 1812 /1831181| 364 | 79] 84] 163 1812] 32 1813 |193 182} 375 4102] 80] 182 1813| 44 1814 |174 182, 356 87| 90} 177 1814| 54 1815 | 206 ' 213) 419 84] 107! 191 1815; 70 1816 |180 1175) 355 $115 97 | 212 1816] 53 1817 |225 185! 410 | 83] 82) 165 | 1817] 42 1818 | 215 206] 421 1106 84 190 1818} 54 1819 |}245 246/ 491 {110{ 80: 190 | 1819] 55 1820 |226 194) 420 [120 93 | 213 1820| 57 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Alves- ton V. Bitton V. Deynton R. Frampton-Cotterell R. Hanham C. (°) Littieton-upon-Severn R. Oldland C.(°) Olveston V. Rockhamp- ton R. and of Winterbourne R, (°) The Registers of Hanham C. and Qldland C. were included in those of Bitton previous to the year 1813. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 45 COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HUNDRED OF LONGTREE. HUNDRED OF SLAUGHTER. (‘) BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. | MARRIAGES. ing RB. (*) Cherrington R. Horsley V. (?) Minchinhampton R. (?) Rodborough C. Rodmarten R. Shipton-Moyne R. Tetbury V. Weston- Birt R. and of Woodchester R. (?) Nailsworth C, is situate in the Parishes of Avening, Horsley and ~Minchinhampton ; in the Returns of which Parishes are included the Baptisms which take place at that Chapelry. HUNDRED OF PUCKLE-CHURCIL. BAPTISMS. “BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Years. |Males| Fe- Total. Males Bark Total. | Years. nine Years. |Males a Total. {Males Le - Total. | Years. | oe 1811 | 155| 170 325 98] 90} 188 1811 95 1811 }108] 100] 208 | 53 | 54 | 107 1811 | 63 1812 |163] 180] 343 | 105| 101| 206 1812 | 100 1812 {120} 105| 225 | 60 | 63 | 123 1812, 57 1813 | 174] 139] 313 80| 100] 180 1813 | 106 1813 [110] 112] 222 [| 61 | 44 | 105 1813, 87 - 1814 | 185| 165] 350 J129] 133] 262 1814) 111 1814 | g4}111] 205 | 62 | 66 | 128 1814; 60 1815 | 201/197) 398 | 103] 83} 186 1815 | 159 1815 |139] 108! 247 | 41 | 49} go | 1815) 51 J. 1816 | 214) 175} 389 9.118] 133] 251 1816) 164 1816 1117} 102| 219 | 46 | 53 | 99 | 1816; 42 1817 | 168] 199] 367 J 103/115] 218 -| 1817' 136 1817 }110] 114] 224 | 49 | 57 | 106 | 1817) 50 1818 | 180] 204] 384 } 108] 128] 236 1818! 145 1818 {108} 121| 229 | 61 | 60 | 121 1818; 46 1819 | 198] 219} 417 $112] 108] 220 1819 155 1819 |114}112| 226 -1 75 | 74) 149 1819| 46 1820 | 204] 189] 393 91| 83] 174 1820 | 175 | 1820 }111} 96) 207 | 66 | 66 | 132 | 1820| 48 The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, ——Aven- The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Adles- ‘trop P.C. Great Barrington V. Little Barrington V. Bledington V. Bourton-on-the-Water (with Clapton) R. Broadwell R. Naunton R. Oddington R. Great Rissington R. Little Rissington R. Wick Ris- sington R. Sherborne V._ Lower Slaughter P.C. Upper Slaughter (including Eyford) R. Stow-ou-the-Wold R. Lower Swell V. West- cott R. Widford R. and of Windrush V. (*) Iccomb, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Oswaldslow Hundred (Worcestershire). HUNDRED OF TEWKESBURY. (‘) Years, |Males' Fe- | Total, |Males| Fe- | Total. { Years, | Mar- ymales, males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 | 77 | 49 | 126°} 39 | 26] 65 1811) 15 1812 | 67 | 82 | 149 | 31} 32 | 63 1812) 21 1813 | 49 | 62 | 111 41 | 43 84 1813] 17 1814 | 70 | 69 | 189 1 47/1 41 | 88 1814} 14 1815 | 77 | 61 | 138 | 29} 32] 61 1815} 21 1816 | 77 | 48 | 125 40 | 43 83 1816} 13 1817 |'57 | 69 | 126 | 41 | 39 | 80 1817} 20 1818 | 59 | 57 | 116 135 | 28} 63 1818 9 1819 | 59 | 64 | 123 | 36] 33] 69 1819] 26 1820 | 78 | 74 | 152 | 39148} 87 1820; 15 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, — Cold- Aston R. Puckle-Church V. Siston (or Silston) R. Westerleigh P.C. and of Wick (with Abston) P.C. Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. }Males| *&- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages. 1811 | 49 | 66 | 115 § 27 1 32] 59 1811] 21 1812 | 60 | 47 | 107 34 | 30] 64 1812} 17 1813 | 60 | 50 | 110 | 30 | 25] 55 1813) 15 1814 | 54 | 56} 110 | 40] 43] 83 1814] 23 1815 | 67 157 | 124 131 134] 65 1815| 22 1816 | 50 | 45 | 95 35 | 41 76 1816{ 22 1817 | 54157 | 111 29 | 36 65 1817} 25 1818 | 45 | 52 97 39 | 24 | 63 1818| 24 1819 | 48 | 55 | 103 23 | 40 | 63 1819} 24 1820 | 55 | 59 | 114 26 | 33 59 1820] 27 The above Agsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Alder- ton R. Ashchurch P. C. Boddington V. Clifford-Chambers R. Forth- ampton P.C. Kemerton R. Lemington P.C. Oxenton R. Shening- ton R. Stanway V. Treddington P.C. Walton-Cardiff P.C. and of Washbourne P.C. (") Ashton-under-Hill is entered in Tibaldstone Hundred ; Bourton- on-the-Hill in Westminster Hundred. HUNDRED OF RAPSGATE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF THORNBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - Years, {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- : males. males. riages. Years, Males] Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males. males.: tiages. -1811 | 50 | 57 | 107 18 | 21 39 1811] 24 1812 | 44} 47} 91 37} 24] 61 1812} 24 1813 | 37155} 92 | 29} 31] 60 1813) 16 1814 145 | 47 | 92 16 | 20 | 36 1814! 16 1815 151145] 96 18 | 23] 41 1815! 20 - 1816 | 44 | 50 | 94 28 | 29 | 57 1816| 17 1817 | 42 | 56} 98 19 | 30 | 49 1817) 26 1818 | 44 | 46] 90 22{28] 50 1818} 21 1819 | 45 | 391 84 $361 32 | 68 1819} 17 1820 | 34 157] 91 | 26/39] 65 1820! 24° The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, —-Brimps- field R. North Cerney R. Chedworth V. Cobberley R. Colesborne R, Cowley R. Cranham R. Elkstone R. Rendcombe R. and of Side R. 1811 | 91] 91] 182 48 |} 45 | 93 1811] 27 1812 | 110] 97] 207 41 } 29 | 70 1812} 28 1813 | 99) 81] 180 | 36} 43] 79 1813 | 24 1814 | 112} 86] 198 | 42] 31] 73 1814; 27 1815 | 124] 108] 232 | 35} 45 | 80 1815| 38 1816 | 98] 84] 182 | 54} 38] 92 1816} 2y 1817 } 119] 93] 212 | 41 | 57 | 98 1817| 22 1818 | 94} 101] 195 156] 50 | 106 1818) 27 1819 | 97} 98| 195 $59} 59 | 118 1819| 37 1820 | 104] 125] 229 745151] 96 1820| 26 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Tron- Acton R. Marshfield V. Rengeworthy C.(*) Thornbury V. (‘) and of Tytherington V. (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Rangeworthy. (*) Thornbury includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Falfield and Oldbury-on-Severn. N Ashton- The above AxstRact is collected from the Registers of, under-Hill P.C. Beckford V. and of Hinton-on-the-Green R. HUNDRED OF WESTBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 96 | 78 | 174 | 48] 39] 87 1811] 38 1812 | 93 | 77 | 170 $36] 40; 76 1812] 30 1813 | 73 | 67 | 140 — 35 | 32 | 67 1818] 32 1814 | 98 | 91 | 189 7 52 | 47 99 1814} 36 1815 | 88] 97 | 185 § 47 | 48 95 1815] 41 1816 | 95 | 97 | 192 [42/33] 75 § 1816] 23 1817 | 95 | 95 | 190 [54] 33] 87 1817| 29 1818 | 80 | 77 | 157 339 | 451 84 1818] 28 1819 | 87 }100 | 187 439 | 41 80 1819] 42 1820 | 95 | 86 | 181 $54 | 39] 93 1820] 36 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Blays- don R. Churcham V. Newnham P.C, Tiddenham V. Westbury-on- Severn V. and of Wollaston R. HUNDRED OF WESTMINSTER. (°) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. ‘Males! Fe- | Total, |aales! Fe- | Total. | Years. {| Mar- males. males. Tiages. ¥811 | 47 | 41 | 88 | 32 | 20 | 52 18iL| 10 1812 | 47 | 56 | 103 34 | 17 5t 1812} 14 1813 | 54 | 42 g6 $26 | 12 38 1813] 12 1814 | 45 | 43 88 #38 | 30 | 68 1814] 21 1815 | 67 | 46} 113 | 27 | 31 58 1815| 32 1816 | 47 | 43 go op); ae 45 1816 | 20 1817 | 43 | 48 gi 23 | 24 47 1817} 15 1818 | 51 | 51 | 102 os. | OF 52 1818| 17 1819 | 40139 | 79 }30!/ 251 55 # 1819] 20 1820 | 54} 39 | 93 428 19 | 47 $ 1820] 18 The above Arstract is collected from the Registers of, ‘Bour- Elmstone-Hardwick V. Hasfield R. Sutton-under-Brails R. and of Todden- : 4 ton-on-the-Hill R. Corse V. Moreton-in-the-Marsh P. C. ham R. (°) The Parish of Leigh is chiefly in Deerburst Hundred, and there entered. 46 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers, ———— < sear aw COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. HUNDRED OF TIBALDSTONE. HUNDRED OF WHITSIONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. | MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Mates| Fe- | Total. | Years. | MMar- Years. [Males] Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- inales, males. | riages. _ males. ‘males. | Yiages. 1811) 11 [11] 22 9} 9} 18 1811) 6 1811 |157]130 | 287 67} 82] 149 1811} 60 1812 | 13415; #8 413} 5] 18 1812} 3 1812 |}149]155| 304 | 81] 78] 159 1812] 70 1813 | 10 | 18 28 6; 7 13 1813) - 1813 1153/175 | 328 73} 731 146 1813} 59 1814 | 10 f 13! 293 g{ 6] 15 1814) 5 1814 | 1611144] 305 g1] go] 181 1814/ 89 1815 | 14 | 10 24 vi | 15} 26 1815} 11 1815 | 202]180] 382 88] 83] 171 1815| 106 1816 | 15415; 30 9} 9] 18 1816 4 1816 | 202 | 188 | 390 98 | 117] 215 1816] 92 1817} gj] is) 21 wz} gg] 21 1817 5 1817 | 184}173 | 357 97} 88] 185 1817! 73 1618 | 11/15); 26 5) 7] 12 1818 6 1818 |200 {184 ] 384 [101] 89] 190 1818} 94 1819 | 7] 411 18 7115 22 1819 4 1819 | 213 ]213] 426 97} 111] 208 1819] 129 1820 | 7/121 19 91 6] 15 1820; 7 1820 |189 | 204] 393 8g | 1034 192 1820] 90 The above Anstracr is collected trom the Registers of, Easting- tonR. Frampton-on-Severn V. Fretherne R. Frocester V. Hard- wick P.C. Haresfield V. Longney V. | Moreton-Vallence P. C, Quedgeley P.C. Randwick P.C. Saul P.C. Standish V. King’s- Stanley R. — Stanley-St.-Leonard’s P. C. Stonehouse V. and of Wheatenhurst P. C. CITY OF BRISTOL, ‘ AND ADJACENT HUNDRED OF BARTON-REGIS. (") BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| F€- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 |1,134 [1,150] 2,281 | 655) 706 |1,361 | 1811] 1,262 1812 [1,207 |1,136] 2,343 | 709 |698 | 1,407 | 1812] 1,152 1813 |1,247 |1,264] 2,511 | 736/791 | 1,527 | 1813] 1,099 1814 |1,178 |1,244] 2,419 | 665 {681 | 1,346 | 1814] 1,265 1815 [1,345 1,311) 2,656 711/755 | 1,466 | 1815 | 1,329 1816 [1,203 |1,165} 2,368 4 757|771 |1,528 | 1816] 1,277 1817 [1,218 /1,125] 2,343 | 746|672 |1,418 | 1817) 1,172 1818 1,274 1,219} 2,490 | 8211758 11,579 | 1818 | 1,284 1819 {1,284 1,232) 2,516 | 640/766 | 1,406 | 1819] 1,359 1820 [1,299 ]1,252) 2,551 | 959/912 | 1,871 | 1820] 1,350 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, All Saints V. St. Augustine V. Cathedral C. Clifton P.C. Christ Church (with St. Ewins) R. St. George V. St.James P.C. St. John-the- Baptist R. Mangotsfield P.C. St. Mary-le-Port R, St Mary-Red- cliffe P.C. St. Michael R. St. Nicholas (with St Leonard’s) V. St. Paul’sP.C. St. PeterR. St. Philip (with Jacob) V. Stapleton P.C. St. Stephen R. Temple V. St. Thomas P. C. and of St. Werbergh R. (‘) The number of Clandestine Marriages in some of the Parishes of Bristol and its Suburbs, was complained of in the year 1811; but the practice does not appear to have ceased, nor even to have diminished since that time, the number of Marriages not being much less than that of Burials in the present Abstract of Burials aud Marriages in the City of Bristol. v CITY OF GLOUCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males} Fe- | Total. }Males| Fe- | Total. {| Years. | Mar- ___ }males. males. riages. 1811 |137]148| 285 #102] 85 | 187 1811] 128 1812 |147]146] 293 $118 /146) 264 1812} 80 1813 [1721154 | 326 94.}112 | 206 1813] 103 1814 (132]125 | 257 $125 /118)| 243 1614] 113 1815 |160| 167] 327 $100]100| 200 1815] 133 1816 (195 }175 | 370 4123 /136) 259 1816] 134 1817 |204]190] 394 $120]131] 251 1847) 144 1818 | 204/226] 430 $133 /118 | 251 1818] 129 1819 |227/208 | 435 #111)101 |] 212 1819} 146 1820 |229|227| 456 $158/133 | 291 1820} 164 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Aldate P.C. St. Catharine P.C. St. John-the-BaptistR. St. Mary- de-Crypt R, St. Mary-de-Lode V. ¢”) St. Margaret and St. Mary- Magdalen Hospital C. St. Michael and St. Mary-de-Grace R. St. Nicholas P.C. and of The Holy Trinity P. C. (*) () St. Mary-de-Lode includes the Return of the Cathedral Church. (*) The Church at The Holy ‘Trinity was built and consecrated in 1817. M.DCCC.XKXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. C. Q4. Ne | 47 ——— COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continued. .BOROUGH OF CIRENCESTER. BOROUGH OF TEWKESBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fo- | Total. Males: Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males: Fe- Total. {Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. | Tiages. males.| males. ; riages. 1811 | 63 | 73} 136 | 40} 32 | 72 | 1st] 22 1811 | 59 | 68 | 127 | a7 | 37] 84 | 1611! 42 1812 | 49 | 48 | 97 454] 57 jut 1812} 32 1812 | 64 | 56 | 120 $f 41 | 43} 84 1812| 46 1813 | 59 | 51) 110 | 50] 42; 92 1813] 35 1813 | 50 | 58 | 108 § 55 | 63 | 118 1818} 38 1814 | 54 | 46] 100 7394145; 84 1814} 28 1814 | 58 | 65 | 123 f 46 | 59 | 105 1814] 39 1815 | 58 | 61 | 119 «7 34 | 36 | 70 1815 | 35 1815 | 65 | 75 | 140 # 48 | 76 | 124 1815! 57 1816 | 66 | 62 | 128 |. 41] 36! 77 1816| 28 1816 | 68 | 46} 114 § 70 | 65 | 135 1816! 56 1817 | 61 | 59] 120 $50} 39] 89 | 1817] 24 1817 | 53 | 60 | 113 € 41 | 45 | 86 9 1817] 50 1818 | 771 57 1 134 4524381 go 1818} 50 1818 | 53 | 66 | 119 # 40.| 60 | 100 1818} 65 1819 | 67 | 68] 135 § 49] 51 | 100 1819| 31 1819 | 72 | 66 | 138 # 63 | 58 j 121 1819] 36 1820 | 57 | 61 | 118 27 | 35 62 1820] 44 1820 | 47 | 59 | 106 § 58 | 44 | 102 1820} 36 The above Azsrnacr is collected from the Register of,——Ciren- The above Azsrracr is collected from the Register of,—Tewks- cester P. C. bury V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {| Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. SS Se" SS 1811 4,157 4,149 | 8,306 1811 | , 2,263 2,346 4,609 1811 2,730 1812 | 4,307 | 45137 | 8,444 1812 | 2,530 | 2.417 | 4,947 1812 | 2,521 1813 4,389 | 4,272 8,661 1813 2,479 2,485 4,964. 1813 | 2,505 1814 4,277 45275 8,552 1814 2,555 2,610 5,165 1814 2,841 1815 | 4,938 | 4,705 | 9,643 1815 | 2,321 | 2,451 | 4,772 1815 | 3,137 1816 4,718 4,398 9,116 1816 2,646 2,723 5,369 1816 2,956 1817 | 4,723 | 4472 | 9,195 1817 | 2,577 | 2.558 | 5.135 1817 | 2,731 1818 4,772 4,053 9,425 1818 | 2,733 2,681 5.414 1818 3,070 1819 4,795 4,791 9,586 1819 2,570 | 2,697 5,267 1819 3,201 1820 | 4,988 | 4,755 | 9,743 1820 | 2,929 | 2,822 | 5,751 1820 | 3,192 ‘Torars | 46,064 | 44,607 | 90,671 - 25,603 | 25,790 | 51,393 - - | 28,884 Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 27'7;—Burials, 209;—Marriage, 1. The Summary of the County of GLoucestsr is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and twenty-seven Parish Churches and Fourteen Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever retains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount ; viz. 48 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers. County of Hereford. HUNDRED OF BROXASH. HUNDRED OF GRIMSWORTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES, Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. 'Males| Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males. males. 1811 | 161 | 152] 313 811 58] 139 1811) 54 1812 | 146} 132] 278 96} 85} 181 1812) 41 1813 |157] 153] 310 | 73104] 177 | 1813) 50 1814 |158 | 132] 290 91 | 108 | 199 1814) 72 1815 | 186 | 170} 356 80] 75] 155 1815] 58 1816 | 162 | 163] 325 67] 82] 149 1816] 51 1817 |156]154/ 310 76) 81] 157 1817} 40 1818 |145 | 142] 287 92] 80} 172 1818] 52 1819 |154}144| 298 $102]126] 228 1819} 85 1820 } 142/168) 310 § 91] 88} 179 1820] 70 riages. Years. {Males Fe- Total. {Males Fe- Total. } Years, Mar- males.| males. _ | Tiages. 1811 | 99] 74) 173 | 65 | 52 | 117 | 1811] 934 1812 | 91] 83] 174 153 | 57 | 110 1812} 36 1813 | 97) 75} 172 158] 55 | 113 1813] 39 1814 | 85] 91/176 | 53 | 67 | 120 1814] 33 1815 |102) 94] 196 | 64 | 54 | 118 | 1815] go 1816 | 92) 77] 169 | 65 | 59 | 124 | 1816] 32 1817 | 99]102} 201 43 | 49] 92 1817] 30 1818 | 86| 84} 170 | 68 | 58 | 126 | 1818] 34 1819 | 94] 93| 187 | 54} 60 | 114 | 1819] 38 1820 | 93} 88] 181 55 | 61 | 116 1820] 51 The above Austract is collected from the Registers of, Amberley Chapelry C. Avenbury V. Bodenham V. Bredenbury R. Brom- yard R.(*) Collington R. Little Cowarne P. C. Much-Cowarne V. Felton V. | Grendon-Bishop P.C. Marden VY. Ocle-Pitchard V. Pencombe R. Preston-Wynne C. Upper Sapey R. — Stanford-Bi- shop P.C. Stoke-Bliss V.(>) Stoke-Lacey R. Sutton-St.-Michael C. Sutton-St -Nicholas R. ‘l'edstone-Delamere R. | Tedstone-Wafer R. Thornbury R. Ullingswick R. Wackton P.C. Whitborne V. With- ington V. and of Wolferlow V. (7) Bromyard includes the Return of Linton-near-Ross. _ (>) Stoke-Bliss includes the Return of Little Kyre (Doddingtree Handred, Worcestershire. ) The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, —Bishop- stone R. Brainton P.C. Bridge-Sollers V. Brinsop V. Brobury R. Burghill V. Byford R. Canon-Pyon V. Credenhill R. Hampton- Bishop R. Holmer V. Huntington C. Kenchester V. Mansell- Gammage V. Mansell-Lacy V. Monington-upon-Wye R. Moreton- upon-Lugg R. Norton-Canon V. Pipe-and-Lyde V. Staunton-upon- Wye R. Stretton-near-Sugwass R. Wellington V. Wormsley P.C. and of Yazor V. HUNDRED OF EWYASLACY. HUNDRED OF HUNTINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| F€- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages. Years. (Males) Fe- | Total. {Males} €- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. Tiages. peso 1811 | 27 | 31 58 25 | 31 56 1811] 17 1812 | 38 | 31 | 69 | 18] 22] go 1812] 15 1813 | 33 | 32 | 65 | 34/251] 59 1813] 17 1814 | 38 | 42 80 23 | 21 44 1814} 16 1815 | 28 | 39 | 67 | 34] 24] 58 1815] 22 1816 | 37 | 38 "5 31 | 30 61 1816} 10 1817 | 46 | 27 ae 30 | 29 | 59 1817} 20 1818 | 43 | 45 88 18 | 27 45 1818| 25 1819 | 45 | 32 a7 20 | 23 43 1819} 15 1820 | 401 45 | 85 | 31 | 21 52 1820] 27 1811 | 76 | 62 | 1388 7 48 | 39 | 87 1811} 41 1812 | 68 | 78 | 146 [| 50 | 48 98 1812} 22 1813 | 78 | 88 | 166 | 48 | 54 | 102 1813| 28 1814 | 73 | 76} 149 757] 421 99 1814| 4o 1815 | 83 | 79 | 162 33 | 40 | 73 1815| 38 1816 | 79 | 75 | 154 $31 | 38] 69 1816] 36 1817 | 78 | 72 | 150 39 | 47 86 1817} 21 1818 | 70 | 70 | 140 53 | 51 | 104 1818} 30 1819 | 91 | 77 | 168 7 51 | 49 | 100 1819] 45 1820 | 86 | 90 | 176 [54 | 46 | 100 1820} 40 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Clo- dock V. (©) Cusop R. Llancillow P.C. St. Margaret P.C. Michael- Church-Eskley P. C. Roulstone P. C. and of Walterstone P. C. (©) Clodock includes the Returns of Lanveynoe C. and Longtown C. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, —Bril- ley P.C. Clifford V. Eardisley V. Huntington P.C. Kington V. Whitney R. Willersley R. and of Winforton R. HUNDRED OF GREYTREE. (4) HUNDRED OF RADLOW. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. [Males) Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- { 1811 |1451174 | 319 86} 73] 159 1811; 54 1812 11514138] 289 ]J102] go} 192 1812); 63 1813 1161 | 168 | 329 83 86) 169 1813; 62 1814 |/166]150 | 316 [118] 99) 217 1814; 67 1815 |186]149 | 335 75| 69] 144 1815; 77 1816 [157 |146 | 303 89] 8g] 178 1816; 76 1817 |173 |169 | 342 98 | 108 | 206 1817| 58 1818 |165 1155 | 320 §118]111) 229 1818) 58 1819 }150 |162 | 312 $107]106] 213 1819} 67 1820 |144 |166 | 310 [100 |108 | 208 1820; 79 1811 |167 | 144} 311 80} 81] 161 1811) 63 1812 |175| 171} 346 [106 }104} 210 1812| 54 1813 |169 | 189] 358 95| 89} 184 1813] 65 1814 |156] 160} 316 J111/112| 223 1814} 71 1815 |172]177| 349 81] 99| 180 1815| 68 1816 |165] 190] 355 115 /]117] 232 1816] 59 1817 |166| 166] 332 $112) 93] 205 1817| 63 1818 | 159) 166] 325 J|110/119} 229 1818] 51 1819 [200] 177] 377 J110/115 | 225 1819} 71 1820 |142|/ 194] 336 102/110] 212 1820} 70 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, .Aston- Ingham R. Bartestree C.(*) Brampton-Abbots R. Brockhampton P.C. Dormington V. Fownhope V. Hope-Mansell R. How-Caple R. Lin- ton V. Mordiford R. Much-Marcle V. Putley R. Ross R. Sollers- hope R. Upton-Bishop V. Walford V. Weston-under-Penyard R. and of Woolbope V. . (4) Foy, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Wormelow. Lea, partly in this Hundred, is entered in St. Briavell's Hundred (Gloucestershire ). : (*) There being no Burial Ground at Bartestree, the Inhabitants bury at the adjoining Parish of Dormington. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Ashper- ton P.C. AyitonR. BosburyV. Coddington R. Colwall R. Crad- ley R. Donnington R. Eastnor R. Evesbatch R. Bishop-Froome V. Canon-Froome V. Castle-Froome R. Ledbury V. Lugwardine V. Little Marcle R. (f) Moreton-Jeffries P.C. Munsley R. Pixley R. (/) Stoke-Edith R. Stretton-Gransome V. Tarrington V. Westhide P. C. Weston-Beggard V. and of Yarkhill V. (f) The Inhabitants of Little Marcle and of Pixley bury at Ledbury. M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 49 sau COUNTY OF HEREFORD —continued. HUNDRED OF STRETFORD. (°) HUNDRED OF WIGMORE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males' Fe- | Total. Fe- : Met males.| | males. riages. ae leg! peas males Atel eats riages. 1811 | 112}111 | 223 | 68} 56! 124. | 1811} 36 1812 | 1251115] 240 | 83 | 64 | 147 1812} 47 1813 |115]119| 234 7 69 | 80 | 149 1813] 39 1814 |124}104| 228 | 74 | 69 | 143 1814] 45 1815 |108]106} 214 | 68 | 85 | 153 1815| 61 1816 |108{117} 225 | 82 | 77 | 159 1816; 46 - 1817 {120/114 | 234 | 60 | 73 | 133 1817| 36 1818 {105 (113 | 218 71] 57 | 128 1818; 40 1819 |122]112]| 234 | 62 | 71 | 133 1819; 46 1820 |107]120| 227 | 73 | 87 | 160 1820} 36 1811 | 61 | 74 | 135 19] 24} 43 1811] 24 1812 | 55 | 49 | 104 | 35] 39 | 74 | 1812] 4o 1813 | 47 | 61 | 108 fF 36 | 384 74 1813} 25 1814 | 51 | 50 | 101 33 | 45 } 78 1814| 26 1815 | 66 | 74 | 140 | 35 | 31 66 1815 | 36 1816 | 59 | 64 | 123 | 31 | 38 [ 6g 1816! 29 1817 | 51 | 71 | 122 7 31 | 374 68 1817| 34 1818 | 65 | 67 | 132 28 | 42 | 70 1818 | 26 1819 | 66 | 62 | 128 ]| 30] 30] 60 1819 | 44 1820 | 70 | 49 | 119 4 46 | 43°] 89 1820| 24 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, -Alme- ley V. Birley V. Dilwyn V. Eardisland V. Kingsland R. King’s- Pyon V. Kinnersley R. Letton R. Lyonshall V. Mounkland V. Pembridge R. Shobden R. Stanton-upon-Arrow V. (") Stretford R. and of Weobley V. _ (®) The Return of Bullingham Chapel is included with Eardisley (Huntington Hundred ). () Stanton-upon-Arrow is partly in Wigmore Hundred. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, —As- tonR. Aymestry V.(‘) Brampton-Bryan R. Burrington V. Byton R. Downton V. Elton P.C. KingshamP.C. KnillR. Leinthall-Starks P.C. Leintwardine V. LingenP.C. Titley P.C. and of Wigmore V. (‘) Aymestry includes the Return of Earl’s-Leinthall C. HUNDRED OF WEBTREE. HUNDRED OF WOLPHY. (£) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARR IAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ; ls Fe- Mar- | Fe = : Fe- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males Total. | Years. | ~ Years. |Males, “© | Total. J 7 Mar- males. males. riages. Simales.| plates males. Antal. | Meats Tiages. 1811 |102] 99{ 201 92 | 69 | 141 1811] 41 1812 }109| 841 193 | 781 77 | 155 1812] 56 1813 |112]109| 221 | 89 | 78 | 167 1813] 55 1814 |116/115| 2312 [| 83 | 90 | 173 1814} 41 1815 }141]116] 257 | 89 | 72 | 161 1815 | 52 1816 {129/116} 245 | 74 | 91 | 165 1816} 49 1817 }138}118} 256 | 73 | 85 | 158 1817} 52 1818 |120}105| 225 | 76 | 97 | 173 1818! 33 1819 |126] 96] 222 | 86 | 84 | 170 1819] 48 1820 }116 {113} 229 | 69 | 86 } 155 1820] 63 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Abbey- Dore R. Allensmore V. Bacton R. Blakemere V. Bredwardine V. Bullingham P.C. Callow P.C. Clehonger V. St. Devereux R. Dorstone V. Dulass P. C. Dynedor R. Eaton-Bishop R. Ewias- harold V. Hom-Lacy R. Kenderchurch R. Kentchurch R. King- ston V. Madley V. Moccas R. Peter-Church V. Preston-upon- Wye V. Thruxton R. Tiberton P.C. Turnastou R. Vow-Church V. and of Wormbridge R. 1811 |169}159/ 328 [118] 97] 215 |. 1811] 109 1812 | 152 |161 | 313 98| 99] 197 1812| 68 1813 |168}148| 316 [106] go] 196 1813] 71 1814 |15§8|141 | 299 96| 82) 178 1814} 69 1815 [171/170] 341 97 | 103 | 200 1815| 72 1816 | 193 |167| 360 ]100/] 105] 205 1816} 63 1817 | 194 |161 | 355 [104] 109] 213 1817} 62 1818 | 166 | 134 | 300 go | 103} 193 1818} 64 1819 |176|164} 340 J110; 84] 194 1819; 78 1820 |191 1177] 368 $110} 96] 206 | 1820] 82 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Brim- field P.C. Croft R. DocklowP.C. Edwin-RalphR. Eye V. Eyton P.C. FarlowC. (i) Ford C. Hatfield P.C. Little Hereford V. Hope-under-Dinmore P.C. Humber R. Kimbolton P.C. Leomin- ster V. Leysters P.C. Lucton P.C. Ludford P.C.(*) Middleton-on- the-Hill P.C. Orleton V. Pudleston R. Rochford R. Sarnesfield R. Stoke-Prior P. C. and of Yarpole V. Gj) The Inhabitants of Farlow bury and marry at Stoddesden, the Mother Church. (®) Ludford is partly in Munslow Hundred (Salop),in which Hundred is entered the Parish of Richard’s-Castle (partly in this Hundred). 50 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF HEREFORD—continued. HUNDRED OF WORMELOW. CITY OF HEREFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, | : BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- } Total. Males Fe- | Total, | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. |} 1811 |132 4133] 265 | 66 | 76 | 142 1811} 52 1812 | 141/132) 273 — 76 | 78 | 154 | 1812) 53 1813 | 133 1123} 256 | 73 | 60 | 133 1813) 62 1814 }1251131) 256 | 73 | 92 | 165 1814} 52 1815 }137/153) 290 | 72 | 57) 129 | 1815] 88 1816 | 1521143] 295 | 66 | 58 | 124 1816| 58 1817 | 151 { 130) 281 84 | 67 | 151 1817 51 1818 | 157 | 132} 289 84 ; 82 | 166 1818} 41 1819 {131 | 140] 271 77 | 67 | 144 1819} 54 1820 }132]127) 259 | 64 | 73 | 137 | 1820] 53 The above Azsraact is collected from the Registers of, —Acorn- bury P.C. Ballingham P.C. Great Birch P.C. Little Birch R. Bolston R. Bridstow V. Great Dewchurch V. Little Dewchurch P. C. Dewsall V. Foy V.(¢) Ganerew R. Garaway P.C. Goodrich V. Harewood P..C. Hentland P.C. Kilpeck P.C. King’s-Caple P.C. | Landinabo R. Langarron V. Lanrothal V. Llanwarne R. Marstow P.C. |, Orcop P.C. Pencoyd P.C. Peterstow R. Sellack V. Tretyre-with- Michael-Church R. Welch-Newton P.C. St. Weonard’s P. C. and of | Whitchurch R. (') Foy is partly in the Hundred of Greytree, “Years. {Males| ¥¢- Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years, Mar- males.|. males. - riages. 1811 | 90/117] 207 [| 63 | 49 | 112 1811} 86 1812 | 118] 115] 233 f 68 | Go | 128 1812] 91 1813 | 126] 124} 250 | 54] 54} 108 | 1813] o8 1814 | 116/191] 237 | 87 | 63 | 150 | 1814} 101 1815 | 131] 130] 261 | 54 {4 79 | 133 1815} 191 1816 | 120] 142] 262 | 61 | 58 } 119 1816] 83 1817 | 124} 107] 231 72} 67 | 139 1817] 79 1818 | 111/127] 228 | 62 | 62] 124 | 1818] 76 1819 | 96} 106} 202 75 | 56 | 131 1819; 82 1820 | 121/111] 232 72 1 55 | 127 1820] 90 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,——All Saints V. St. John-the-Baptist V. St. Martin V. (™) St. Nicholas R. St. Owen R. and of St. Peter V. (®) The Parish of St. Martin possesses no Burial Ground, nor did the other Parishes until after the year 1791, when the Dean and Chapter found it necessary to close the Cathedral Church-yard, where all Burials took place before that time. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. oe — Nace fe eee 1811 1,341 1,330 2,671 1811 791 705 1,496 1811 611 1812 1,369 1,289 2,658 1812 863 823 1,686 1812 586 1813 1,396 1,389 2,785 1813 818 813 1,631 1813 611 1814 1,366 1,313 2,679 1814 899 890 |} 1,789 |} 1814 633 1815 1,511 1,457 2,968 1815 782 788 1,570 1815 735 1816 1,453 1,438 2,891 1816 812 842 1,654 1816 592 1817 1,496 1,391 2,887 1817 822 845 1,667 1817 546 1818 1,392 1,330 2,722 1818 870 | 889 1,759 1818 530 1819 1,451 1,305 2,816 1819 884 | 871 1,755 1819 673 1820 1,384 1,448 2,832 1820 867 | 874 1,741 1820 685 Totats | 14,159 | 13,750 | 27,909 - - | 8,408 8,340 16,748 - - | 6,202 The Summary of the County of Hurzrorp is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Nineteen Parish Churches and Six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 17 ;—Burials, 7 ;—Marriage, 1. M.DCCC.XXI.]. THE POPULATION ACT, 1GEQ0, IV. C. 94. 51 County of Hertford. HUNDRED. OF BRAUGHIN. HUNDRED OF DACORUM. (°) Stortford V. Braughin V. Eastwick R. Gilstone R. Hunsdon R. Sawbridgeworth V. Standon V. Stanstead-Abbots V. Thorley R. Thundridge V. Ware V. Westmill R. and of Wydford R, HUNDRED OF BROADWATER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. }Males + ‘Total. [Males| F- | Total. } Years. | Mar- __ | males F males. riages. 1811 |2371/195} 482 ~112} 101} 213 1811} 97 1812 [215 |}2321 447 [1131119] 232 1812] 8&3 1813 }214]222} 436 }108|114} 222 1813{ go 1814 |219]2214 440 $122] 1177 239 1814} 102 1815 |270]236} 506 [ 108} 121} 229 1815} 106 1816 |2241244| 468 f139}107] 246 | 1816} 75 1817 |224]248{ 472 §f149}{114} 263 1817} 100 1818 {227 |244| 471 1164] 136} 300 1818} 116 1819 |263 }2371 500 $130,114} 244 1819} 95 1820 1258 |206}] 464 | 154) 119} 273 1820] 95 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, AstonR. Ayott-St.-Lawrence R. Ayott-St.-Peter R. Baldock R. Bennington R. Bishops-Hatfield R. Datchworth R. Digswell R. Gravely (with Chesfield) R. Knebworth R. Letchworth R. Great Munden R. Little Munden R. Sacumbe R. Stevenage R. Totteridge P. C. Walk- erne R. Watton R. Welwyn R. Weston V. Willian V. Great Wymondley V. and of Little Wymondley P. C. HUNDRED OF CASHIO, OR LIBERTY OF ST. ALBAN’S. (*) BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. |Males ied! Total. Males! Fe Total. Pens, ae Years. |Males bs ae Total. [Males Ee Total. Years. aoe 1841 | 237]201) 438 f140\1394 1} 274 1811} 99 1811 | 3441335} 679 |170}195] 365 1811] 129 1812 | 218/215} 433 §129\107/} 236 1812| 86 1812 | 351| 293] 644 9 202}185| 387 1812] 148 4813 | 238] 200] 438 §1211138 | 259 1813] 76 1813 | 318/333] 651 | 204]213} 417 | 1818] 119 4814 |218]}206} 424 [191|151} 282 1814] 85 1814 | 329/333] 662 J194/219] 413 1814] 152 1815. | 270/268] 538 £142\139} 281 1815] 82 1815 | 3421347| 689 169] 189| 358 1815} 188 1816 | 218/215] 433 $147|161} 308 1816} 88 1816 | 349] 348] 697 |207/243| 450 1816] 151 1817 |2392]229| 461 §151/123| 274 1817! 95 1817 | 333] 350| 683 [226] 237] 463 1817} 138 1818 |217}229} 446 $148)146]| 294 1818} 92 1818 | 3541336] 690 4$220]203] 423 1818] 139 1819 |2121218] 430 }$140\124| 264 1819] 99 1819 | 377 | 361] 738 $192] 215| 407 1819} 182 1820 | 216]209| 425 $140]116] 256 1820} 106 1820 | 367|356} 723 |196).173] 359 1820} 148 The above Azstnacrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Bishop- The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ald- bury R. Berkhampstead-St.-Peter’s R. Borringdon C. Bushey R. Flamstead R. Flaundon ©. Great Gaddesden V. Little Gaddesden R. Harpenden P.C. Hemel-Hemsted V. (‘). Kensworth V. King’s- Langley V. North-Church or Berkampstead-St.-Mary R. North Mimms V. Puttenham R. Shenley R. Tring P.C. (4) Wheatham- stead R. and of Wigginton P. C. (°) (>) Caddington, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Flitt-Hundred (Bedfordshire), Studham, in Manshead Hundred (Bedfordshire). YD Also from a Register of Quakers, and from a Register of Baptists at Hemel-Hemsted. (4) Tring includes Long Marston. (°), The Inhabitants of Wigginton, previous to the year 1818, married at Tring. HUNDRED. OF EDWINSTREE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ) Years. Males’ rates} Tota Males ae. Tota]. ff Years. a ) 1811 | 1224116 f 238 65) 82 | 147 1811| 46 | 1812 | 130] 123 | 2593 68]. 54 | 122 1812{| 52 , 1813 |116 | 124 | 240 6o} 63 | 123 f 1818} 48 | 4814 |125 [110 } 235 93157 | 130 $ 1814] 44 1815 [151 | 137 |. 288 47|72,|149 | 1815] 38 1816 }112|123] 235 | 62} 67 | 129 | 1816] 62 1817 1/134 1147 281 | 53] 61 | 114 fF 1817) 47 1818 |143 |123 | 266 | 67} 68 | 135 f 1818) 56 1819 |138']118 | 256 v1] 90 | 161 1819| 48 1820 | 146 |127} 273 } 100} 89 | 189 1820| 65 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Al- bury V. Anstey R. Aspeden R. Barkway V. Barley R. Buck- land R. Little Hadham P.C. Much Hadham R. Great Hormead V. Little Hormead R. Layston V. Meesden R. Brent-Pelham V. Furneux-Pelham V. tocking-Pelham R. Throcking R. and of Widdial R. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males Ee Total. {Males a iy Total. | Years. all 1811 | 316| 308] 624 | 175) 166] 341 1811] 118 1812 | 318] 308] 626 | 1711176) 347 1812} 92 1813 | 297} 319] 616 4191] 181] 372 1813) 115 1814 | 361] 324] 685 | 1851187] 372 1814] 145 1815 | 353] 370] 723 [1961176] 372 1815] 138 1816 | 336|.304} 640 4234] 215] 449 1816] 111 1817 | 353] 369| 722 - 230]}175| 405 1817] 119 1818 | 345] 324] 669 | 218211] 429 1818] 102 1819 | 359] 358] 717 | 213 | 214] 427 1819| 156 1820 | 358] 380] 738 } 240} 247) 487 1820] 124 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Abbots- Laugley V. Aldenham V. Chipping-Barnet P, C. East Barnett R. Bramfield R. Codicote V. Elstree R. HextonV. St. John-Red- bourne V. Newnham V. Northaw P. C. Norton V. St. Pauls- Walden V. Rickmansworth V. Ridge V. Sandridge V. Sarrat V. . Sheephall V. St. Stephen V. and of Watford V. (*)'The Parishes of St. Michael and St. Peter, partly in Cashio the County. Hundred, are entered with the Borough of St. Alban’s, at the end of | HUNDRED OF HERTFORD. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. : Years. {Males os Total: |Malest Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- ff | males.| males. ; riages, }} | 1811 }125/136| 261 | 701105] 175 1811} 4o { 1812 |141|137 | 278 96} 104 | 200 1812] 52 1813 |146/145 | 291 |105|102} 207 1813] 39 1814 | 1541151 | 305 [112] 94] 206 1814} 66 1815 |158]168| 326 [109|112| 221 1815| 64 1816 [179] 176} 355 $105]108] 213 1816} 67 | 1817 1153] 160) 313 $103]/112] 215 1817] 58 | 1818 |173]170] 343 | 102/112 | 214 1818] 58 1819 |177]156| 333 [118}105] 223 § 1819} 47 1820 | 164/168] 332 | 109/113] 222 1820| 49 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Great Amwell V. Bayford R. Bengeo V. Little Berkhamstead R. Brox- ‘ bourn (including Hoddesdon) V. (f) Cheshunt VY. Essendon R. oars ee tanstead-St.-Margaret’s P.C. Stapleford R. ~'Tewin R. and of Wormley R. | (*) There is a Chapel at Hoddesdon, partly in. the Parish of Great Amwell, and partly in the Parish of Broxbourg; but it is private Pro- perty, and at present shut up. Ickteford R. St. Ippollits V. Kimpton V. King’s-Walden P. C. Lilley R. Offley V. and of Pirton V. Le ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers. COUNTY OF HERTFORD—continued. HUNDRED OF HITCHIN AND PIRTON, BOROUGH OF HERTFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. an. Wifes Ee | Fe- Mar- ann. Wetec Re | aca. [reel Be 1 op . | Mar- Years. |Males hee Total. eae pice Total. ] Years. ens Years. |Males males! Total. Mates! Fee Total. } Years. ee 181i }111)116) 227 | 64] 55 | 119 1811] 44 1811 | 59} 55] 114 [ 43} 35] 78 1811} 13 1812 4134/1124] 258 | 48 | 55 | 103 1812| 47 1812 | 50 | 53 | 103 [| 42] 46 | 88 1812} 23 18183 [124/103] 227 | 66} 53 | 119 | 1813] 50 1813 | 66.] 55 | 121 § 26] 43! 69 | 1813} 26 1814 }108)114 | 222 71 | 67 | 138 1814! 60 18i4 | 48 | 57 | 105 49 | 53 | 102 1814! 20 1815 }148)101] 249 $58 | 64 | 122 | 1815] 66 1815 | 59 | 72 | 131 7 48] 54] 102 }$ 1815] 28 1816 ;140/127] 267 {70 | 43] 113 | 1816] 49 1816 | 61 | 65 | 126 154] 39] 93 1816/ 31 1817 }107/131] 238 7 62/76] 138 | 1817] 62 1817 | 75 | 59 | 134 | 60} 49 | 109 | 1817) 27 1618 |121]115| 236 {94 | 96] 190 | 1818! 72 1818 | 63 | 56 | 119 | 51} 33; 84 | 1818] 2g 1819 /138]128] 266 163 | 92) 155 | 1819! 83 1819 | 69 | 56 | 125 | 48) 511] 99 | 1819) 19 1820 |148}128| 276 | 77 | 72} 149 | 1820] 61 1820 | 70 | 88 | 158 | 42} 361 78 1820| 26 The above Azstaacr is collected from the Registers of, Hitchin V. The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of,——All Saints and St. John (with Brickendon and Little Amwell) V. and of St. Andrew and St. Nicholas R. HUNDRED OF ODSEY. (°) BOROUGH OF SAINT ALBAN’S. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males\ ha Total. [Males ae Total. | Years. a Years. {Males a Total. {Males _ a Total. | Years. bee | 1811 | 102} 75) 177 4158] 41 99 1811] 44 1811 | 68] 57] 125 35154] 89 1811] 51 1812 | go} 86] 176 | 43} 56] 99 | 1812) 37 1812 | 69] 88] 157 | 61 | 45 | 106 1812] 63 1815 | 74] 89] 163 | 48] 42] go 1813] 44 1813 | 88] 721 160 § 57 | 52 | 109 1813] 40 1814 | 92] 81/173 | 36] 47] 83 1814] 53 1814 | 96] 69] 165 {| 50] 51 | 101 1814| 51 1815 | 114]101] 215 | 42 | 33 75 1815} 53 1815 |113 ]|100] 213 63 | 70 | 133 1815! 44 1816 | 92} 77| 169 | 51 | 54 | 105 1816) 48 1816 | 92] 80] 172 62 | 71 | 133 1816! 39 1817 | 113} 90] 203 50 | 58 | 108 1817] 42 1817 | 93] 89] 182 53 | 54 | 107 1817} 42 1818 | 108} 87] 195 | 57] 58 | 115 1818] 50 1818 | 85] 93} 178 | 45 |] 56] 101 1818} 52 1819 |} 91] 97] 188 | Go| 52 | 112 1819] 44 1819 {117] 93] 210 {97 | 69] 166 1819} 44 1820 | 106/105 | 211 | 54 | 64 | 118 1820! 37 1820 | 87/100} 187 | 66 | 84} 150 1820} 44 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, -Ash- well V. Bigrave R. Caldecot R. Clothall R. Cottered R. Hinx- worth R. Kelshall R. Radwell R. Reed R. Royston V. Rushden V. Sandon V. Therfield R. Wallington R. and of Yardley V. (®) The Church of Broadfield is in ruins. The above Aznsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——St. Alban’s R. St. Michael’s V. and of St. Peter V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF HERTFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males. Females, Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. 1811 1,721 1,594 3,315 1811 932 968 1,900 1811 681 1812 1,716 1,659 3,375 1812 973 947 1,920 1812 683 1813 1,681 1,662 3,343 1813 986 1,001 1,987 1813 647 1814 1,750 1,666 3,416 1814 1,023 1,043 2,066 1814 778 1815 1,978 1,900 3,878 1815 1,012 1,030 2,042 1815 807 1816 | 1,803 | 1,759 | 3,562 1816 | 1,131 | 1,108 | 2,239 1816 | 722 1817 1,817 1,872 3,689 1817 1,137 1,059 2,196 1817 730 1818 1,836 15777 3,613 1818 1,166 1,119 2,285 1818 766 1819 1,941 1,822 3,763 1819 1,132 1,126 2,258 1819 817 1820 1,920 1,867 3,787 1820 1,178 1,113 2,291 1820 755 Torats | 18,163 | 17,578 | 35,741 > 10,670 | 10,514 | 21,184 - -| 7,386 The Summary of the County of Herrrorp is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Thirty Parish Churches and Two Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount ; viz: . .. Aunual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 269 ;—Burials, 180 ;—Marriages, 2. The above number of Marriages in Hertrorpsuire is below the usual proportion ; this is attributed to the custom of being married, or pretending to be married, in London. -M.DCCC.XX1.] ‘ THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. Cc. 94. o53 County of Huntingdon. HUNDRED OF HUKSTINGSTONE. HUNDRED OF NORMANCROSS. (°) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males A Total. [Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- Years, Males! Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- Total | Years. | Mar- males males. riages. tales. males.’ ____| Fiages. 1811 | 166/167) 333 $112]104] 216 | 1811] 129 1811 | 123 |133] 256 84] 98 | 182 1811| 75 1812 | 188)149] 337 } 97] 91] 188 1812 | 102 1812 | 135 |131]} 266 g1| 77 | 168 1812] 63 1813 |198| 209] 407 [112] 88] 200 1813 | 103 18138 |128]153/ 281 [109] 76 | 185 1813| 80 1814 | 180] 163} 343 |124|122] 246 1814 | 112 1814 |133 |119! 252 68 | 86 | 154 1814] 77 1815 | 187/197] 384 [122/127] 249 1815 | 125 1815 | 132 ]125) 257 56 | 62 | 118 1815] 53 1816 | 195} 167) 362 $117] 95] 212 1816 | 138 1816 |140}144) 284 65 | 58 | 123 1816} 72 1817 | 199] 225] 424 92| 97|/ 189 1817} 124 1817 | 126130} 256 56] 55 | 111 1817! 64 1818 | 195/213) 408 121/133] 254 1818 | 110 1818 | 153 |109| 262 58 | 67 | 125 1818} 67 1819 | 198|192| 390 $141] 133] 274 1819] 129 1819 }126}115) 241 79) 54 | 133 1819) 53 1820 | 193/179] 372 $136] 109} 245 1820 | 122 1820 |142{|146} 288 | 76] 76 | 152 1820} 74 The above Agsrracr is collected from the Registers of, -~—Blun- The above Apsrract is collected from the Registers of, Alvwal- 7 tisham (with Earith) R. BroughtonR. Bury P.C. Colne P.C. Hartford V. Holywell (with Needingworth) R. Houghton R. St. Ives V. Oldburst P.C. Pidley (with Fenton) P.C. Ramsey P. C. Little Raveley P.C. Abbot’s-Ripton R. King’s-Ripton R. Somers- ham R, Great Stukeley V. Little Stukeley R. Upwood (with Great Raveley) P.C. WarboysR. Wistow R. Woodhurst P. C. and of Wyton R, ton R. CaldecottR. Chesterton R. Connington R. Denton R. Elton R. FarcetC. Fletton R. Folkesworth R. Glatton R. Had- don R. Holme P. C. Morborne R. Orton-Longville R. Overton- WatervilleR. Sawtry-All-SaintsR, Sawtry-St.-Andrew R. Stan-’ ground V. Stibbington R. Stilton R. Water-Newton R. Woodstone R. Woodwalton R. and of Yaxley V. (>) Washington is united with Lutton or Luddington-on-the-Wold. See Willybrook Hundred (Northampton. HUNDRED OF LEIGHTON-STONE. (*) HUNDRED OF TOSELAND. (‘) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, {Males} "e- | Total. ‘Males! Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. tates Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Imales, i males. riages. males. males. riages, 1811 | 120/132] 252 55 | 65 | 120 1811] 63 1811 | 170] 159] 329 96 | 108] 204 1811} 121 1812 |100/ 99| 199 } 63 | 63 | 126 1812| 67 1812 |174|167) 341 $108)106] 214 1812] 88 1813 | 141137] 278 79 | 59 | 138 1813} 48 1813 | 200|176) 376 89} 87] 176 1813] 96 1814 | 143] 133} 276 65 | 77 | 142 1814] 68 1814 | 182/160) 342 J112]123] 235 1814] 110 . 1815 }158]166) 324 | 64 | 55 | 119 1815| 87 1815 | 208] 214} 422 89] 102] 191 1815| 89 1816 | 130] 133] 263 | 62 | 67 | 129 | 1816) 65 1816 |170|154] 324 $112] 96] 208 1816] 92 1817 |177}169| 346 } 67 | 68 | 135 1817} 63 1817 | 208/182] 390 100] 97] 197 | 1817] 112 1818 |161]}157] 318 | 96 | 89 | 185 | 1818) 77 1818 |211}190] 401 | 128]109] 237 1818] 103 1819 }118|117] 235 | 76 | 92 | 168 1819| 83 1819 }178)194} 372 [101]106] 207 1819] 111 1820 }150]181 | 331 80 | 75 | 155 1820) 70 1820 1196] 189} 385 88] 100] 188 1820] 85 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,——Alcon- bury (with Weston) V. Barham P.C. Brampton V. Brington R. Buckworth R. Bythorn P.C. Great Catworth R. . Copingford R. Covington R. Easton V. Ellington V. Great Gidding V. Little Gid- ding R.’ Steeple-Gidding R. Graffham R. Hamerton R. Keystone R. Kimbolton V. Leighton-Bromeswold V. Molesworth R. Spaldwick V. Long Stow P.C. Swineshead R. Thurning R.’ Upton R. Old Weston P.C. Winwick V. and of Woolley R. (*) The Chapel of Little Catworth (formerly dependent on Long Stow) is in ruins. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, A bbots- ley V. Buckden V. Diddington V. Everton (with Tetworth) V. (4) Eynesbury R. Fenstanton V. Godmanchester V. GreatGransden V. Hale-Weston P.C. Hemingford-Abbots R. Hemingford-Grey V. Hilton P.C. St. Neot’sV. Offord-Cluny R. Offord-Darcy K. Great Paxton V. Little Paxton P.C. Southo V. Great Staughton V. Toseland P.C. Waresley V. and of Yelling R. (*) Papworth-St,-Agnes, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Papworth Hundred (Cambridgeshire). (*) Everton (with Tetworth) is partly in Biggleswade Hundred (Bedfordshire). 54 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish: Registers. ) Sea- salter V. Shepherdswell (otherwise Sibertswould) V. Shoulden P.C. Staple P.C. Stodmarsh P.C. Stour-Mouth R. Sturry V. Sutton-by- Dover P.C. Swalecliffe R. St. John’s-in-Thanet (Margate) V. St. Law- rence-in-Thanet (Ramsgate) V. Minster-in-Thanet V. St. Peter’s-in- Thanet V. Thanington P.C. Tilmanstone V. Waldershare V. Wal- mer P.C. Waltham V. Westbere R. Westgate-Holy-Cross V.(°) Whitfield or Beauxfield P.C. Whitstable P.C. Wickhambreux R. Wingham P. C. Woodnesborough V. Womenswould P. C. Wootton R. and of Worth P.C. (*) The Church of Little Mongeham is ruinated ; and no Church or Chapel now remains at Stonar, or Sarr, in Thanet. (>) Also from a Register of the Workhouse at River. (°) The Parish of Westgate- Holy-Cross is partly in the City of Canterbury. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Apple- dore V. Ashford V. Badlesmere R. Bapchild V. Benenden V. Gethersden R. Biddenden R. Bobbing V. Borden V. Boughton- Aluph V. Boughton-under-Blean V. Bredgar V. Brook R. Chal- lock P.C. Charing V. Great ChartR. Little Chart R. Chartham R. Chilham V. Cranbrook V. Crundale R. Davington P.C. Dod- dington V. East Church R. Eastling R. Eastwell R. Egerton P.C. Faversham V. Frittenden R. Godmersham V. Goodnestone R. Goudhurst V. Graveney V. High Halden R. Lower Halstow V. Hartlip V. Harty P. a. Hawkhurst P. C. Hern-Hill V. Hinx- hill R. Hothfield R. IwadeP.C. Kennardington R. Kennington V. Kingsdown R. KingsnorthR. LevelandR. Leysdown V. Linsted V. Luddenham R. Marden V. Mersham R. Milsted R. Milton V. Minster-Sheppy P.C. Molash P.C. Murston R.(®) Newenden R. Newington V. Newnham V. Norton R. Owre P.C. Ospringe V. Pluckley R. Preston V. Queenborough P.C. Rainham V. Rod- mersham V. Rolvenden V. Sandhurst R. Selling V. Sevington R. Shadoxhurst R. Sheerness Garrison C. Sheldwich V. Sittingbourn V. Smarden R, Stalesfield V. Staplehurst R. Tenterden V. Teyn- ham V. Thrawley V. Tong V. TunstallR. Upchurch V. Warden R. Westwell V. Willesborough V. Woodchurch R. and of Wye P. C. ) The Parish Church at Buckland (Faversham Hundred) is in ruins. (®) The Church at Elmley being dilapidated, the Return is included. in that of Murston. LATHE OF AYLESFORD. (4) LATHE OF SHEPWAY. (4) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. \Males Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. Years. |Malesf Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 |1,111]1,095] 2,206 | 750] 670{1,420 | 1811] 594 1812 |1,141/1,057] 2,198 | 658 | 629/1,287 | 1812] 577 1813 |1,202)/1,158] 2,360 #748] 702}1,450 # 1813] 532 1814 |1,179}1,206; 2,385 | 838| 730]1,568 | 1814] 663 1815 {1,333]1,284| 2,617 1778] 745 11,523 | 1815} 675 1816 {1,254]1,230| 2,484 | 767| 675 11,442 | 1816] 632 1817 |1,184]1,255| 2,439 1675] 645]1,320 | 1817] 606 1818 |1,317|1,158] 2,475 [831| 816/1,647 | 1818} 627 1819 {1,300]1,189] 2,489 [914] 806/1,720 | 1819] 661 1820 {1,296]1,265] 2,561 | 769] 706] 1,475 | 1820] 647 1811 | 449 |407 | 856 | 260] 233] 493 1811} 207 1812 |-512 $464] 976 } 279] 230] 509 1812} 197 1818 | 490 |467 | 957. |. 238]173] 411 1813 | 211 1814 1479 1431] 910 | 287] 217] 504 1814 | 182 1815 | 469 [436] 905 | 269] 218] 487 1815 | 190 1816 | 400 [400] 800 | 230] 237) 467 1816 | 186 1817 | 479 ]433] 912 $ 1891159} 348 1817 | 193 1818 | 444 ]434] 878 [255] 180] 435 1818 | 169 1819 | 423 {404| 827 | 231] 206} 437 1819 | 201 1820 | 444/408] 852 | 215] 188] 403 1820} 171 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, —-Adding- tonR. Allhallows V. AllingtonR. AshurstR. AylesfordV. BarmingR. Bearstead V. Bicknor R. Bidborough R. Birling V. Boughton- Malherbe R. Boughton-Monchelsea V. Boxley V. Bredhurst P. C. Brenchley V. Bromfield P.C. Burham V. Chalke V. Chart-next- Sutton-Vallence V. Cliffe R. Cobham V. Cooling R. Cnxton R. Debtling V. Ditton R. East Farleigh V. West Farleigh V. Frinds- bury V. Frinsted R. Gillingham V. Gravesend R. Hadlow V. Hal- ling V. -Halstow V. or R. Harrietsham R. Headcorne V. Higham V. Hollingborne V. Hoo-St.-Mary R. Hoo-St.-Warburgh V, Hors- monden R. Hucking P,C. Hunton R. St. James (Isle of Grain) V. Ifeld R, Ightham R, Lamberhurst V. Langley R. Leeds P.C. Len- ham V. Leybourne R. Linton V. Loose P.C. Luddesdown R. East Malling V. West Malling V. Meopham V. Mereworth R. Milton- next-Gravesend R. Nettlested R. Northfleet V. Nursted R. Off. ham R. Otham R. Otterden R. East Peckham R. and V. West Peckham V. Pembury V. Plaxtol C. Ryarsh V. ae P.C, Shorne V. Snodland and Paddleworth R. Speldhurst R. (*) Stan- stead P.C. Stockbury V. Stoke V. Strood P.C, East Sutton P.C. Town-Sutton (otherwise Sutton-Vallence) V. Teston V. Thornham V. Trotterscliffe R. Tudley and Capel V. Tunbridge V.(°) Ulcomb R. WateringburyV. WichlingR. Wormshill R. Wouldham R. Wrotham R. and of Yalding V. () The Church of Denton is ruinated. ©) The Baptisms which take place at Tunbridge-WellsC. are included in the Returns ot Tunbridge and Speldhurst. The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of ——Acrise R. Aldington (with Smeeth) R. Alkham V. Bilsington P.C. Bomning- ton R. Brabourne V. Brenzet V. Brookland V. Burmarsh R. Caple-le-Fern P. C. Cheriton R. Dymchurch R. Eastbridge R. Ebony P.C. Elham V, Elmstead V. Fairfield P.C. Folkston P. C. Hastingleigh R. Hawkinge R. Hope-All-Saints R.(?) Hythe-St.- Leonard’s P. C. West Hythe C. Ivey-ChurchR. Lydd V._ Ly- minge R. Lympne V. St. Mary’s R. Monk’s Horton R. New- church V. Newington-next-Hythe V._Orgarswick R. Orlestone R. Paddlesworth P.C. Postling V. New Romney V.(') Old Romney R. Ruckinge R. Saltwood R. Sellinge V. Smeeth P.C. Snargate R. Snave R. Standford P. C. Stelling P.C. Stone-in-Oxney V. Stow- ting R. Swingfield P.C. Warehorn R. and of Wittersham R. (") There is no Church at Bircholt ; and the Church of Orgarswick is dilapidated. Broomhill and Midley Churches (Romney Marsh) are demolished ; and Hurst Church is in ruins. (‘) The Parish Church of Hope-All-Saints being in a ruinous state, the Inhabitants baptize, bury, and marry at New Romney ; but there are separate Registers kept for the two Parishes. | Parish- Registers. next-Dartford R. Beckenham R. Bexley V. Brasted R. Bromley P.C. Charlton R. Chelsfield R. Chevening R. Chidingstone R. Chislehurst R. Cowden R. Crayford R. Foots-Cray R. St. Mary- Cray P. C. North Cray R. Paul’s-Cray R. Cudham V. Darenth V. Dartford V. Down P.C. Earith V. Edinbridge P. C. Eltham V. Eynsford V. Farnborough P. C._ Farningham V. Fawkham R._Hal- sted R. Hartley R. Hayes R. Hever R. Hortou-Kirby V. Kemp- sing V. Keston R. Kingsdown R. Lee R. Leigh V. Lewisham V. Longfield R. Lullingston R. Nockholt P. C. Orpington V. Otford P.C. Penshurst R. Plumstead V. Ridley R. Seal P.C. Seven- oaks V. Shoreham V. Southfleet R. Stone-near-Dartford R. Sun- dridge R. Sutton-at-Hone V. Swanscombe R. Westerham V. East Wickham P. C. West Wickham R. and of Wilmington V. 50 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF KENT—continued. LATHE OF SUTTON-AT-HONE. TOWNS OF DEPTFORD AND GREENWICH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males Fe- Total. [Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- Years. Intales Fe- Total. }Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- males. males. Tiages. males, __ {males- riages. 111 |901 |85711,758 | 538] 464 | 1,002 | 1811] 695 1811 | 566 | 586] 1,152 1466 |}439| 905 |] 1811) 222 1812 | 886 | 866 | 1,752 | 596| 547 | 1,143 | 1812) 633 1812 1555 | 553|1,108 [483/428] 911 | 1812] 234 1813 | 832 1853 41,685 15371489] 1,026 | 1813] 58% 1813 |585 | 590] 1,175 |424/428] 852 | 1813] 197 1814 | 832 | 863 | 1,695 | 583/571] 1,154 | 1814! 641 1814 |614 | 579] 1,193 |479/480| 959 | 1814} 240 1815 | go00 | 947 | 1,847 | 532/617)1,149 | 1815! 6g1 1815 |678 | 638}1,316 [544}497 | 1,041 | 1815] 226 1816 | 888 | 881 11,769 [599/515}1,114 | 1816) 645 1816 |619 | 630/1,249 [550|548 | 1,098 | 1816] 206 1817 | 922 | 884]1,806 | 5271460! 987} 1817) 611 1817 [619 | 587] 1,206 1436]443] 879 | 1817] 166 1818 |930 | 909] 1,839 | 552/590} 1,142 + 1818° 589 1818 | 607 | 579| 1,186 |556]479 | 1,035 | 1818] 162 1819 1887 | 8239]1,726 | 580/608} 1,188 | 1819 554 1819 |629 | 620}1,249 [438/420] 858] 1819) 174 1820 |971 | 9361!1,907 | 550] 544!1,094 } 1820 648 1820 | 581 | 617/1,198 [426]451] 877 | 1820] 196 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,-——-Ash- The above Anstract iscollected from the Registers of, ——St. Nicho- las-Deptford V. St, Paul-Deptford R. and of Greenwich V. CITY OF CANTERBURY. TOWN AND PORT OF DOVER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- ] Total. | Years. Mar- Yeurs. ‘Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | otal. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages. |___|males. males. riages, 18iL | 247 |229] 476 | 193)153 | 346 1811] 136 1811 | 225 |237 | 462 §1627}114] 276 1811 102 1812 | 226 |277] 503 1 167/143] 310 1812] 118 1812 |180]167 |} 347 {126 |103 | 229 1812, 82 1813 | 238 }215| 453 {132/106} 238 1813} 82 1883 | 194/188] 382 [110] 95) 205 1813; 97 1814 | 198 }180| 378 §155/]121 | 276 1814] 120 1814 }174/166| 340 $122] 99| 221 1814] 100 1815 | 229 |256} 485 7 215/207]| 422 1815} 138 1815 |213}199] 412 119/122) 241 1815} 111 1816 | 200 | 231] 431 § 139/131] 270 1816] 130 1816 |219]201| 420 §126)105) 231 1816, 121 1817 | 225]214/ 439 [107)112] 219 1817} 108 1817 | 189! 200] 389 {104/103 207 1817 | 83 1818 | 208 ]215} 423 [124]139/ 263 1818] 128 1818 | 183/175] 358 [136/105 | 241 1818 106 1819 | 202 {211] 413 $155/127] 282 1819] 132 1819 |202]204/) 406 f117]| 96) 213 1819, 88 1820 | 233 |223| 456 1147/133 | 280 1820| 126 1820 | 232/198) 430 4123 | 202 | 225 1820 | 126 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, All The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, St. James Saints R. St. Alphage R. St. Andrew R. Christ-Church Cathedral C. St. George-the-Martyr R. (and St. Mary-Magdalen R. united). St. Margaret R. St. Martin R. St. Mary-Bredin V. St. Mary-Bred- man R. St. Mary-Northgate V. St. Mildred R. St. Paul V. and of St. Peter R. R. St. Mary-the-Virgin P. C. and of the Garrison at Dover-Castle C. TOWN OF CHATHAM WITH CITY OF ROCHESTER. BOROUGH TOWN OF MAIDSTONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. { BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. ists Ee | Total. {Males Bie Total. | Years. ae Years. {Males te - Total. {Males ae Total. | Years. ad 1811 | 469 414 | 883 [330] 234) 564 1811) 261 1811 |208}199] 407 $175 ]153 | 328 1811] 172 1812 | 402 | 447} 849 [323/242 | 565 1812] 319 1812 |191 ]}204] 395 f125]118] 243 1812] 163 1813 | 469 | 464 ' 933 9 260}209] 469 1813] 262 1815 |209|}202] 411 [134] 98] 232 1813] 84 1814 | 438/381! 819 | 364/291 | 655 1814| 321 1814 }211]217] 428 j120/118] 238 1814| 88 1815 [4441447 891 § 506/312] 818 1815] 337 1815 |265]}213] 478 ~110]111] 221 1815} 111 1816 | 496 | 412; 908 | 439/255} 604 1816} 315 1816 |224)229] 453 $135/125 | 260 1816} 91 1817 | 443/440 ° 883 | 492/221! 713 1817} 336 1817 |271]203] 474 }108] 78] 186 1817| 92 1818 | 420 | 417: 837 | 503/313 | 816 1818} 302 1818 |233}213] 446 $130] 93] 223 1818 | 112 1819 | 447 |412' 859 | 484/283} 767 1819} 290 1819 |233]221] 454 $135 ]133 | 268 1819 | 135 1820 (397 1394 791 | 493/293] 786 1820] 257 1820 | 261 |233] 494 $125 ]107] 232 1820 | 102 The above Agstract is collected from the Registers of, Cathedral Church of Rochester C. Chatham P.C. St. Margaret-next-Ro- chester V. and of St. Nicholas V. The above Asstract is collected from the Register of, ——Maid- stone P. C. g Peter-the-Apostle R. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. ae ; COUNTY OF KENT—continued. TOWN AND PORT OF SANDWICH. TOWN OF WOOLWICH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. ‘MARRIAGES. . 1 Fe- | 4 a : Years. | Males a Total. a wal a: Total. | Years. evened Years. |Males mm Total. Males' Fe- Total. | Years. ae 181] | 47] 51] 98 $30) 27) 57 | 1811) 15 1811 |357 | 330] 687 § 407/299] 706 | 1811] 70 1812 | 59] 47| 106 | 27) 31} 58 1812} 20 1812 | 394 | 343! 737 | 440/276 | 716 1812} 83 1818 | 61] 51) 112 § 26).23] 49 1813] 17 1813 [379 | 384) 763 } 430/285] 715 1813] 63 1814 47| 53| 100 f21j 31! 52 1814} 31 1814 |363 | 363) 726 | 462/281] 743 | 1814} 99 1815 | 60} 51] 111 [35 | 29} 64 1815} 29 1815 | 417 | 406} 823 4374] 233 | 607 1815| 100 1816 | 49| 45| 94 } 36) 30] 66 | 1816) 24 1816 | 372 | 394; 766 | 451/321 | 772 | 1816). 79 1817 | 52] 59; 111 $18] 24] 42 1817) 19 1817 | 363 | 339] 702 [248]190] 438 1817} 51 1818 ; 60] 51] 111 {| 29 | 21] 50 1818} 15 1818 |343 | 295] 638 1301] 236 | 537 1818} 53 1819 | 50! 55| 105 # 34/42] 76 1819| 27 1819 |298 | 323] 621 §255|/211] 466 1819; 56 1820 | 51] 49] 100 $23] 25] 48 1820) 21 1820 |325 | 294] 619 } 294]228} 522 1820} 47 The above Assrnract is collected from the Registers of, St. Cle- The above Ansrracr is collected from the Register of,——.Wool- ment (with St. Bartholomew’s Hospital) V. St. Mary V. and of St. wich R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF KENT. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. KH_— nei elo 1811 6,680 6,462 13,142 1811 4,669 3,932 8,601 1811 3,482 1812 | 6,673 | 6,520 | 13,193 1812 | 4,605 | 3,939 | 8,544 1812 | 3,427 1813 6,800 6,630 | 13,430 1813 4,221 | 3,665 7,886 1813 3,087 1814 | 6,629 | 6,454 | 13,083 1814 | 4,751 | 4,177 | 8,928 1814 | 3,453 1815 7,324 7,061 14,382 1815 4,897 4,309 9,206 1815 3,665 1816 6,809 6,705 13,514 || 1816 4,720 4,098 8,818 1816 3,370 1817 | 7,020 | 6,695 | 13,715 1817 | 3,998 | 3.456 | 7,454 1817 | 3,144 1818 | 6,939 | 6,506 | 13,445 1818 | 4,694 | 4,123 | 8,817 1818 | 3,223 1819 | 6,866 | 6,533 | 13,399 1819 | 4,574 | 4,080 | 8,654 1819 | 3,319 1820 | 7,030 | 6,727 | 13,757 1820 | 4,416 | 3,849 | 8,265 1820 | 3,332 Torars| 68,767 | 66,293 | 135,060 - + | 45,545 | 39,628 | 85,173 - - | 33,502 Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 702 ;—Burials, 105. The Summary of the County of Kent is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and Ninety-four Parish | Churches and Eight Chapels, and from One other Register ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. 58 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SS [Parish- Registers, — County of Lancaster. HUNDRED OF AMOUNDERNESS. HUNDRED OF LEYLAND. 1815 |759/ 709] 1,468 §.412/ 401} 813 1815; 393 1816 | 750/ 704| 1,454 1515} 539)1,054 | 1816! 4o1 1817 | 791} 749| 1,540 1420] 416] 836 1 1817) 374 1818 | 922| 844] 1,766 } 496! 501} 997 1818} 416 1819 | 951} 875] 1,826 § 460] 395] 855 | 1819] 393 1820 | 953] 830] 1,783 } 419] 398] 817 1820) 374 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males er, Total. {Males ee Total. | Years. a ai Males i ies Total. Males| Fe- Total. {| Years. ee 1811 | 667 | 652] 1,319 $422] 407} 829 | 1811] 289 1811 | 592 | 560; 1,152 $260 | 263} 523 1811] 225 1812 |654/ 627] 1,281 | 414] 407] 821 1812; 278 1812 (517/ 455} 972 1345 |331 | 676 1812] 260 1813 | 688} 646] 1,334 | 420] 464] 884 | 1813) 342 1813 | 574 | 517}1,091 {400 | 360 | 760 1813] 243 1814 |774| 683] 1,457 1439] 433] 872 | 1814! 410 1814 | 594 | 543) 1,137 $404 |363 | 767 | 1814} 320 1815 | 600 | 568) 1,168 | 307 |314 }| 621 1815 | 317 1816 | 584 | 559' 1,143 $365 /369| 734 | 1816] 292 1817 | 556 | 510; 1,066 394 | 432 826 | 1817] 261 1818 °595 | 544: 1,139 +384 (359 ; 743 | 1818] 320 1819 |617| 579 1,196 $333 333 , 666 1819 | 327 1820 ‘571 547 1,118 § 333 :299 ' 632 | 1820] 293 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Bisp- ham P.C. BroughtonC. Garstang V. Kirkham V. (*) Longridge C. Lytham P. C. St.Michael-upon-Wyre V. (°) Pilling C. Poulton V. Preston V. (©) Stalmine-and-Preesal C. and of Woodplumpton C. (*) Kirkham includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Goosnargh, Hambleton, Lund, Ribby-with-Wrea, Singleton, and Warton. (>) The Return of St. Michael-upon-Wyre includes the Baptisms at Cop Chapelry. (©) Also from a Register of Roman-Catholics at Preston. The above Axsrxact is collected from the Registers of,——Bic- consalC. Brindle R. Chorley R. Coppul C. Croston R. and V. Douglas C.(j) Eccleston R. Euxton C. Heapey C.(*) Hoole BR. Leyland V. Longton C.(') Penwortham P. C. Rufford R. Stan- dish R. and of Tarleton C. G) The Register of Eccleston includes the Burials and Marriages which take place at Douglas Chapelry. (*) The Register of Leyland includes the Burials and Martiages which take place at Heapey Chapelry. (‘) The Church-yard at Longton was consecrated in the Year 1816. HUNDRED OF BLACKBURN (4). HUNDRED OF LONSDALE, NORTH OF THE SANDS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. { MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males| Fe- Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- } males. males- Tiages. males. males riages. 1811 |1,510|1,280] 2,790 f 794] 876}1,670] 1811] 852 1812 |1,346/1,366] 2,712 [1,017 |1,036] 2,053 | 1812; 815 1813 |1,576/1,473] 3,049 | 994] 983] 11,9771 1813] 983 1814 [1,737|1,717| 3,454 [1,031/1,019] 2,050 | 1814] 1,282 1815 1,782 /1,718] 3,500 | 866) 9511 1,817} 1815, 1,183 1816 [1,653 1,584] 3,237 |1,156|1,204| 2,360 | 1816) 1,096 1817 |1,528/1,5221 3,050 ,107|1,092] 2,199 1817] 997 1818 [1,656 1,600] 3,236 (1,162/1,219] 2,381 f 1818) 1,250 1819 1,682/1,580 3,262 1,021 }1,024] 2,045 | 1819} 1,145 | 1820 1,609/1,564 3,173 f 969] 932} 1,901 | 1820] 1,211 1811 | 300/332] 632 | 146/133] 279 1811] 148 1812 | 3451314] 659 | 142/146] 288 1812] 139 1813 | 336/317] 653 §142/139] 281 1813] 139 1814 | 3551325] 680 176/175] 351 1814! 150 1815 | 380/362] 742 §144/153] 297 1815) 122. 1816 | 3791348] 727 $225/216] 441 1816; 146 1817 | 367}317] 684 {192]186| 378 1817) 131 1818 | 366/325 | 691 161/155! 316 - 1818) 128 1819 | 357/355] 712 #164/141 | 305 1819: 136 1820 | 388/339] 727 §177|175| 352 | 1820; 147 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Accring- | tonC. AlthamC. Bacup C.(*) BalderstonC. Blackburn V. (with Blackburn St. John’sC.) Burnley ©. Chipping V. Church-Kirk C.(°) Clitheroe C. Colne C. Over-DarwenC. Downham C. Goodshaw C. | Great Harwood C. Haslingden C. Holme or Cliviger C. (°) Langu or Billington C.(*) Marsden C.(®) Newchurch-in-PendleC.(") New- Church-in-Rossendale C. Padiham C. RibchesterV. Salesbury C. | Samlesbury C. Tockholes C. Walton-le-Dale C. and of Whalley V.(‘) (4) Part of Mitton Parish is in this Hundred, but the Register is entered in Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake (W. R. of York). (*) Bacup C. Church-Kirk C, and Holme or Cliviger C. are in Whalley Parish. (*) Lango or Billington C. is in Blackburn Parish. (©) The Register of Marsden C. previous to the Year 1813, was included in that of Colne. (°) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Borley, in Newchurch-in- Pendle Township. () Whalley includes the Return of Pendleton near Clitheroe. The above Axsstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Al- dingham R. Blawith C. Broughton-in-FurnessC, Cartmel P. C. (™) Colton P. C.(") Conistone C. Dalton V.(°) Dendron C.(?) Fins- thwaite C. Hawkeshead (including Satterthwaite) P.C. Kirkby-Irelyth V. (9) Lowick C. Pennington P. C. Seathwaite C. Torver C. Ulverston P. C.(") and of Urswick V. (™) The Return of Cartmel includes the Registers of the Chapelries of Field-Broughton, Flookborough, Cartmelfell, Lindal, and Staveley. (*) The Return of Colton includes Rusland C. (°) The Register of Dalton includes the Baptisms which take place at Irelith Chapelry. (°?) The Register of Dendron, previous to the Year 1813, was in- cluded in that of Aldingham, in which Parish it is situate. (*) The Register of Kirkby-Irelyth includes the Baptisms which take place at Woodland Chapetry. C) The Return of Ulverston includes Egton with Newland C. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 59 COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HUNDRED OF LONSDALE, SOUTH OF THE SANDS. HUNDRED OF WEST-DERBY. (j) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES* Years. 'Males te Total. [Males ah Total. | Years. id Years. |Males oe Total. pe a a Total. Years. sneh 1811 | 256) 257] 513 1120] 130] 250 1811| 87 1811 |1,922]1,793/3,715 |1,173/1,271]2,444 | 1811] 794 1812 | 268} 231] 499 | 110} 100] 210 1812) 96 1812 |1,795]1,741/3,536 |1,169]1,197 (2,366 | 1812] 617 1813 | 280| 260] 540 [118] 144] 262 1813] 93 1813 |1,723]1,800| 3,52:3 |1,223|1,267|2,490 | 1813] 724. 1814 | 283] 236] 519 [135] 137) 272 1814) 78 1814 |1,920|1,816] 3,736 [1,287 11,495 |2,712 | 1814] 853 1815 | 294] 277] 571 | 122]114] 236 1815 | 80 1815 |2,144]2,029| 4,173 41,431 |1,381} 2,812 | 1815] g20 1816 | 269] 258] 527 |139} 136] 275 1816] 81 1816 |2,012|1,923/3,935 1,289|1,337 | 2,626 4 1816] 843 1817 | 296 233] 529 9121) 114) 235 1817| 73 1817 |1,868!1,839} 3,707 41,398 |1,320] 2,718 | 1817} 724: 1818 | 251] 246) 497 [123] 129] 252 1818] 93 1818 |1,862]1,824/3,686 [1,515 /1,517]3,032 | 1818) 779 1819 | 275} 270] 545 $121] 125} 246 1819] 98 1819 |1,973]1,955] 3,928 [1,397|1,403] 2,800 | 1819) 822 1820 | 304] 292] 596 4179] 160] 339 1820} 91 1820 |2,126]1,927| 4,053 [1,294/1,298} 2,592 | 1820) 885 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ad- The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Altear marsh C. Bolton-le-Sands V.(§) CatonC. Claughton R. Cocker- ham V. Ellel C.(*) Gressingham C. Halton R.(") Heysham R. Hornby C.(”) Over-Kellet C. Leck C. Melling V.(“) Overton C. Poulton C. Shireside C.(*) Silverdale C. Tatham R. Tatham- a - ms Tunstal V. Warton V. Whittington R. and of Over-Wyers- ale C. (®) Bolton-le-Sands includes the Return of Nether-Kellet C. (*) Ellel C. and Shireside C. are in Cockerham Parish. ; (°) Halton includes the Return of Aughton Chapelry. (‘) The Register of Hornby, previous to the Year 1813, was included in that of Melling. (”) Melling includes the Return of Arkholme Chapelry. HUNDRED OF SALFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males Fe- | Total, Years, | Mar- : males. males : riages. 1811 {3,912 |3,979] 7,891 [2,403]2,453| 4,856 | 1811 | 1,854 1842 |3,614|3,665| 7,279 |2,571/2,625| 5,196 | 1812 | 1,687 1813 |3,733|3,574| 7,307 |2,673|2,848| 5,521 9 1813 | 1,776 1814 |4,473|4,240]8,713 [3,221|3,161| 6,382 | 1814 | 2,988 1815 [4,993 14,627 }9,620 [2,839|2,834| 5,673 | 1815] 2,603 1816 |4,774]4,387]9,161 }3,165/3,109] 6,274 | 1816 | 2,285 1817 |4,144)3,934|8,078 [2,985]2,950/ 5,935 | 1817 | 1,971 1818 |4,043]3,907|7,950 |3,329|3,457|6,786 | 1818 | 2,259 | 1819 |4,351]4,320]8,671 [2,995]2,992| 5,987 § 1819 ]2,515 1820 |4,495]4,24618,741 [3,14413,300| 6,444 | 1820 | 2,547 The above Assrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Ard- wick C.(*) Ashton-under-Lyne R. Ashworth C. Birch Chapel C. (*) Blackley C.(x) Blackrod C. Bolton-le-Moors V. Little Bolton- All-Saints C.(¥) Little Bolton St.-George C, Bradshaw C.(”) Bury (including St. John’s) R. Cheetham-St.-Marks C. (*) Chorlton (with | Hardy) C. (*) Cockey C. (#) Dean or Rumworth V. Denton C. (*) | Didsbury C. (*) Eccles V. (#) r mere C. ’ Holcombe C. Hollinwood C.(°) Horwich C. West Houghton C. Lees C.(4) Lever C. Littleborough C.(°) Middleton R. Milnrow | C.(°) Newton C.(*) Oldham P.C. Peel Chapel C.(f) St. Peter’s | Chapel Oldham C. Prestwich R. Radcliffe R. Edenfield C. Fiixton P.C. Frier- Gorton C.(*) Heaton-Norris C.(*) Heywood C. (>) Ringley: C. (°) Rivington C. Rochdale V.(") Royton C. Shaw C. (®) Stayley- Bridge C.(') Stretford.C. (*) Todmorden C. Tottington C. Tur- | ton C. Unsworth C. and of Whitworth C.(*) (*) The Eleven Chapels, thus marked, are in the Parish of Man- | chester; and the Marriages which chiefly take place in the Town of Manchester, at the Mother Church, lessen the number in Salford Hun- dred, as here entered distinct from Manchester Town, which is entered | at the end of the County. (’) The Registers of Little Bolton-All-Saints C. and Bradshaw C. ) previous to the Year 1813, were included in that of Bolton-le-Moors. (*) Cockey C. is in Middleton Parish. (*) Eccles includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Ellenbrook, : Pendleton, and Worley or Swinton-St.-Peter. (>) Heywood C. is in Bury Parish. (©) Hollinwood or Chadderton C. is in Oldham Parish. (4) Lees C. is in Ashton-under-Lyne Parish. (°) Littleborough C. Milnrow C. and Whitworth C. are in Rochdale Parish. (*) Peel C. is in Dean Parish. (®) Ringley C. and Shaw C. are in Prestwich Parish. . (®) Rochdale includes the Return from St. Mary’s or Wardlesworth |. ; Chapel. (') Stayley-Bridge is. partly in Macclesfield Hundred (Cheshire). P.C. Ashton C.(K) Astley C. Atherton C. Aughton R. Bil- linge C. Burtonwood C. Childwall V. Great Crosby C.(!) West Derby C.(™) Edge-Hill-St.-Mary’s C.(") Everton C.(°) Farn- worthC.(?) Formby C. Garston-and-SpekeC. Hale C. Halsal R. St. Helen C. (?) Hindley C. Hbllinfare C.(9) Huyton V. St. James Church (Toxteth Park) C.(*) Kirkby C. Leigh V. tLowton C. Maghull C. (*) Melling (with Curnscough) C. North MeolsR. St. Michael (Toxteth Park) C. (t) New-Church C. (") Newton C. Orms- kirk V. Prescot V. RainfordC. Sankey C. Sephton R.(") Skel- mersdaleC. Upholland C. Walton-on-the-Hill R. Warrington R. Wavertree C. and of Winwick R. G) The Marriages which take place at Liverpool lessen the number in West Derby Hundred, as here entered, distinct from Liverpool Town, which is inserted at the end of the County. (*) Also from One Register of Quakers, and Four Registers of Dis- senters, in Ashton Parish. (?) The Inhabitants of Great Crosby bury and marry at Sephton. ne a Inhabitants of West Derby bury and marry at Walton-on- the- Hill. (") The Church of St. Mary (Edge-Hill) was opened for Divine Service in 1813. (°) The Church of Everton was consecrated in October 1814. (?) Farnworth C. and St. Helen’s C. are in Prescot Parish. (3) Hollinfare C. is in Warrington Parish. (*) St. James’s Church (Toxteth Park) is dependent upon Walton- on-the-Hill. : (8) The Inhabitants of Maghull bury and marry at Halsal. (‘) The-Church of St. Michael (Toxteth Park) was opened for Divine Service in 1818. (°) New-Church C. is in Winwick Parish. (‘) Sephton includes the Return of Seaforth Chapelry. BOROUGH OF LANCASTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males ee Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages, 1811 | 176 }170} 346 [113/133] 246 | 1811] 138 1812 }179 |174] 353 $118] 87] 205 1812] 146 1813 | 196/193] 389 88/113] 201 1813] 150 1814 | 204.}188] 392 1143/1399] 282 1814] 149 1815 }211/197] 408 }171)140] 311- 1815 | 147 1816 |201]199} 400 4194}183] 377 1816] 137 1817 {227/196} 423 |122]128] 250 1817) 148 1818 |212}193} 405 }144]114! 258 1818] 130 1819 | 212161] 373 J113)109] 222 1819} 120 1820 | 193]204] 397 {144/135} 279 1820] 130 The above Anstracr is collected from the Register of, caster V. ‘Lan- 60 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers. a NS FSET BA ET EEE DS a wee one COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. BOROUGH OF LIVERPOOL. (*) TOWN OF MANCHESTER. (x) 7 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Pes lai 4: Mar- =, [ted Bes “Trrsted Fe Mar- Years. {Males ales! Total. {Males Fale Total. 4 Years. ieee Years. {Males steed Total. {Mal Bl tee! Total. | Years. vriages. 1811 |2,027|1,938} 3,965 }1,460]1,362/ 2,822 | 1811] 1,291 1811 {1,631 1,607] 3,238 606} 577) 1,183 | 1811] 1,503 1812 |1,863|1,856| 3,719 [1,202]1,138} 2,340 | 1812 | 1,056 1812 |1,452|1,473 2,925 | 755 738] 1,493 | 1812] 1,329 1813 |1,695|1,685] 3,380 1,128 41,224/2,352 7 1813 | 1,136 1813 {1,497 ]1,404! 2,901 | 767} 802]1,569 | 1813] 1,358 1814 |1,892|1,798] 3,690 {1,231]1,234] 2,465 | 1814) 1,250 1814 {1,408 1,479, 2,887 | 771) 768)1,539 | 1814) 1,954 1815 1,947 |1,944] 3,891 [1,485]1,545/3,030 | 1815] 1,612 | 1815 [1,765|1,677| 3,442 | 711) 720/1,431 | 1815) 2,164 1816 [2,128 ]1,955| 4,083 }1,446}1,366|2,812 } 1816 | 1,560 1816 |1,503|1,517| 3,020 | 787) 903 1,690 ] 1816) 1,972 1817 (2,355|2,344| 4,699 f1,210]1,279] 2,489 | 1817) 1,418 1817 |1,585}1,570' 3,155 | 942 873) 1,815 1817] 1,691 1818 |2,174]2,116] 4,290 91,74311,673/ 3,416 | 1818 | 1,477 1818 {1,585 1,596, 3,181 11,211/1,239 2,450 | 1818) 2,022 1819 |2,502]1,430/3,932 '1,493]1,518]3,011 | 1819 | 1,557 1819 [1,745 |1,632; 3,976 1 928) 950) 1,878 | 1819) 2,220 1820 /2,330]2,210) 4,540 }1,438]1,506] 2,944 | 1820 | 1,523 1820 (1,613 1,792 3,405 $ 793 G22) 1,615 1820 | 2,043 The above Asstracr is collected from the Register of, Liver- The above Anstrract is collected from the Registers of, St. ool R. Ann’s R. from the Register of The Collegiate and Parish Church e of Manchester(”) St. George’s C.(*) St. James C. St. John R. St. Luke C. St. Mary’s R. St. Michael’s C. Salford C. and of St. Stephen’s Salford C. (*) The Parish of Manchester contains 186,942 Persons, and Twenty- one Places of Worship under the Established Church. See Salfurd Hundred. (’) The Collegiate and Parish Church includes the Returns of St. Clement C. and of St. Peter C. . (*) The Church of St. George was consecrated in the Year 1818. (”) Ax ACCOUNT of all the Churches, Chapels and other Buildings in which the Established Liturgy is used, in the Parish of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster. N° Ne i. The Parish Church of St. Peter, consecrated in the year 1704. 8. The Church or Chapel of The Holy Trinity, opened in 1792. 2, The Parochial Chapel of Our Lady and paposcage oe oa 1770 9. - - ditto of St. Stephen - ditto - | - 1792. erected between the years 1200 and 1300, but being & 10. ditto - of St. Matthew ditto - ' ~ - 1795. ruinous, re-built and opened between the years - J 1780. 1. - ditto - - of Christ - - ditto - 1799. 12. ditto ° of St. Mark - -« ditto - a 13. - ditto - of St. Andrew ditto 1815. CHURCHES OR CHAPELS NOT PAROCHIAL. ae 2 Ailes - of St, Philip dito «BE 3. The Church or Chapel of St. George, opened in _ 1739. 15. The small Chapel or Oratory of St. Mary, as the Public f ae ie == ery Thsiaes~ aitte 1748: Cemetery for the Poor, consecrated between 5. - ditto - - of St. Paul ditto 1769. e J : 1810. 6. ditto - of St. Anne- ditto 1773. 16. The Chapel of All Saints, licenced by the Magistrates, ue 1799- 7: - ditto - of St. John ditto ~ 1785. in which the Liturgy is used, opened before the year - In a short time the following Churches will probably be added to the above described List : 1. St. Michael’s Church, the Walls, Roof and Spire of which have lately been finished by the Parishioners, at the expense of nearly £. 35,000, raised by a Rate on the Inhabitants, but now found to be insufficient to complete the work. It will probably contain about 2,000 Persons, and almost the whole of the lower part or Ground Floor is proposed to be free for the Poor. 2. St. Luke’s Church, now commenced and to be soon completed by the Corporation, at their sole expense, which will probably amount to £. 20,000, exclusive of the Ground, which is very valuable ; it is calculated at least to contain 1,300, and it may be hoped that a liberal number of Sittinzs will be free for the Poor. ‘ : 3. A District Free Church, which there is encouragement to believe will be erected by a Grant from the National Fund, as the Commissioners have been pleased to approve of a Plan which has been submitted to them, and Ground for Burials, &c. has been or will be provided. Ten of the existing Churches in Liverpool may be calculated to contain from 800 to 2,009, and the others from 300 to 700 Persons. An ACCOUNT of all Dissenting Chapels, or Buildings of that nature, from the respective Register Books of which were collected and comprised the Returns made to His Majesty’s Government in the Year 1821, from Liverpool. 1. A Chapel for those termed Baptists, in Byrom-street. 15. A Chapel for those termed Westley’s Methodists, Moss-street. 2. - ditto for ditto Lime-street. 16. ditto - for - ditto Welsh - ditto Benn’s-Garden., 3. - ditto - for ditto Comus-street. 17. ditto - for ditto Whitfield’s ditto Pall-Mall. 4. - ditto - for ditto - - - Great-Cross-Hall-street. | 18. ditto - for ditto Dissenters - Murray-street. 5. - ditto - for ditto Unitarians Paradise-street. 19. - ditto - for ditto ees Russell-street. 6. - ditto - for ditto - ~ Renshaw-street. 20. A Scotch Kirk - Oldham-street. 7. ditto - for ditto Dissenters Cockspur-street. 21. ditto Chapel - - -- Gloucester-street. 8. ditto - for ditto Independents Renshaw-street. 22, A Roman Chapel - - Edmund-street. g. ditto - for ditto Duncan-street. 23. ‘ditto “ - Seel-street. 10. ditto - for ditto Great-Cross-Hall-street. | 24. - ditto - + - In Scotland-road. 11. ditto - for ditto - - - - Great George-street. 25. - ditto es Blake-street. 12. ditto - for ditto - Westley’s Methudists, Leeds-street. 26. A Meeting House for Quakers Hunter-street. 13. - ditto - for ditto - - Mount-Pleasant. 27. A Synagogue for Jews - - Seel-street. 14. - ditto - for ditto Pitt-street. Established Churches and Chapels, &c. - 16 Dissenting Chapels and Buildings - 27 Tota Number in Liverpool - 43 IN the Account sent to Government in the Year 1821, the numbers were stated at 38, not as now at 43, which was occasioned through the | Methodists having only one Register Book for the use of several of their Chapels, in which the Baptisms and Burials at them were inserted. With the exception of seven or eight, which are large and commodious, these Buildings are small, and cannot probably contain more than from 300 to 500 Persons. 4 The great number of Dissenting Places of Worship has undoubtedly been principally, if not wholly, owing to the facility of obtaining Licences for them, and the deficiency of Churches for the admittance of the Poor in a due proportion to the rapidly increased Population for at least Fifty years last past. Forin 1770 the Inhabitants were calculated to amount only to 34,000, and in the late Censns were found to be upwards of 118,000, exclusive of a very populous part of the Town, which is not within the limits of the Parish. < Liverpool, 3d January 1822. (Signed) R. H. Roughsedge, Rector. M.DCCC.XXI.] _THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 61 COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. BOROUGH OF WIGAN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males am Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. ; riages. 1811 | 368 |374] 742. 1194/210] 404 | 1811] 188 1812 | 381 }297] 678 }190/157| 347 | 1812| 188 1813 | 356 |315 | 671 | 234]248} 482 1813 | 224 1814 |358 |} 384} 742 | 236]200] 436 1814 | 270 1815 |398 1379] 777. 1215|220] 435 1815 | 259 1816 | 389 1374} 763 | 244/230) 474 | 1816) 281 1817 |365 1359 | 724 | 243/263 | 506 1817 | 225 1818 | 362 |} 368] 730 | 203/211 | 414 1818 | 236 1819 | 405 1379| 784 1174]146| 320 1819 | 267 | 1820 1394| 421] 815 $176/188 | 364 1820 | 273 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——St. George C. and of Wigan R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF LANCASTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. uo ——O - —— 1811 | 13,361 | 12,942 | 26,303 1811 | 7,691 | 7,815 | 15,506 1811 | 7,299 1812 | 12,414 | 12,199 | 24,613 1812 | 8,033 | 7,962 | 15,995 1812 | 6,611 1813 | 12,654 | 12,184 | 24,838 1813 8,187 8,592 | 16,779 1813 | 7,168 1814 | 13,998 | 13,409 | 27,407 1814 | 9,074 | 9,054 | 18,128 1814 | 9,104 1815 | 15,273 | 14,487 | 29,760 1815 | 8,703 | 8,773 | 17,476 1815 | 9,800 1816 | 14,642 | 13,808 | 28,450 1816 | 9,525 | 9,592 | 19,117 1816 | 9,094 1817 | 14,082 | 13,573 | 27,655 1817 | 9,134 | 9,053 | 18,187 1817 | 8,013 1818 | 14,008 | 13,563 | 27,571 1818 | 10,471 | 10,574 | 21,045 1818 | 9,110 1819 | 15,070 | 13,535 | 28,605 1819 | 9,199 | 9,136 | 18,335 1819 | 9,602 1820 | 14,976 | 14,372 | 29,348 1820 9,066 9,213 | 18,279 1820 | 9,517 Torats | 140,478 | 134,072 | 274,550 || ~- 89,083 | 89,764 |178,847 - 85,318) The Summary of the County of Lancaster is collected from the Registers of Sixty-nine Parish Churches and One hundred and Thirty-four Chapels, from One Register of Roman Catholics, and from Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 5,610 ;—Burials, 1,542 ;—Marriage, 1. The Number of Chapels erected in Lancashire since the Marriage Act (1754) is such, that Eighty-seven of the Returns contain no Marriages; and at many other new Chapels in this County no permanent Register is kept, as being incorporated annually with that of the Mother Church. 62 County of Leicester. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. STE HUNDRED OF FRAMLAND. HUNDRED OF EAST GOSCOTE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males! ¥¢- | Total. tMales| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- Years. [Males F€- | Totat. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages, males. males, riages. 1811 |207 | 233] 440 4129/1394 | 263 1811} 99 1811 |263]250) 513 147 |132 | 279 1811) 116 1812 |198 | 222] 420 1103]/101 | 204 1812} 83 1812 |245])265| 510 $155 |157 | 312. | 1812] 110 1813 }230]191} 421 94] 99} 193 1813} 85 1813 | 236] 232] 468 127/119 | 246 1813] 109 1814 |226|223) 449 J120/108] 228 | 1814] 68 1814 1255]258| 513 #1341155 | 289 1814) 97 |. 1815 | 234 | 233 | 467 Q1}121 | 212 1815| go 1815 | 259275} 534 $134 148 | 282 1815} 140 | 1816 |226 | 240] 466 ]128]124] 252 1816} 102 1816 | 287]274] 561 £159 |178 | 337 1816 115 1817 |264] 230] 494 }119)115} 234 1817} 118 1817 | 256| 262} 518 §158]150 | 308 1817 122 1818 }222]213] 435 131/124] 255 1818] 106 1818 | 251 }238 489 $134 ]161 | 295 1818] 131 1819 |252| 225] 477 $117|132] 249 1819| 96 1819 | 283/238} 528 #1381170] 308 1819} 103 1820 |257]229] 486 129/121] 250 1820} 111 1820 | 240] 228} 468 148 |135| 283 1820| 113 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,———Ab- Kettleby and Holwell V. Barkstone V. Bottesford R. Branston R. Nether-Broughton R. Buckminster-with-Sewstern V. Burton-La- zars P. C. Claxton otherwise Long-Clawson V. Coston R. Croxton- Keyrial V. Little Dalby V. Eastwell R. Eaton V. Edmonthorpe R. Freeby C. Garthorpe V. Goadby-Marwood R. Harby R. Hareston R. Hose V. Kirby-Bellars P.C. Knipton R. Melton-Mowbray V. Moston R. Cold-Overton R. Plungar V. Redmile R. Saltby V. Saxby R. Scalford V. Somerby V. Sproxton V. Stapleford V. Stathern R. Stonisby V. Thorpe-Arnold (with Brentingby) V. | Waltham-on-the-Wolds R. Withcott R. Wyfordby R. and of Hoby R. Hoton C. Humberston V. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Asfordoy R. Ashby-Folville V. Baresby C. Barkby V. (*) Barkby- Thorpe C. Barrow-upon-Soar V. Beeby R. Belgrave V. Brooksby R. Cossington R. South Croxton R. Great Dalby V. Wolds P.C. Frisby-on-the-Wreak V. Gaddesby P. C. Grimston P. C. HungertonV. Keyham C. Loddington R. Lowesby V. Cold-Newton C. East Norton P. C. Prestwold V. Queneborough V. Ragdale P.C. Ratcliffe V. Rearsby R. Rotherby R. Saxelby R. Syston V. Thrussington V. Thurmaston-South-End C. Halstead V. Tugby V. Twyford and Thorpe-Satchville V. Walton- Segrave R. Sileby V. Skeffington R. Alexton R. Dalby-on-the- Tilton-with- Wymondham R. on-the-Wolds R. Wartnaby C. Wymeswold V. and of Wycomb and Chadwell C. (*) Barkby includes the Return of'Thurmaston-North-End C. HUNDRED OF GARTREE. HUNDRED OF WEST GOSCOTE. (>) BAPTISMS. ery ATRIA Ge ; BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- Total. Year. Mar- | Years. |Males} Bota). {Malest Fe- : Total, 2 Years. Mar- males. males riages. = ; males - fe males.y riages. 1811 | 183 ] 203] 386 [135/142] 277 | 1811] 96 | 1811 | 461) 432] 898 1:364.1362 | 726: f 1811] 287 1812 |200|171| 371 [148)130| 278 | 1812] go 1812 | 482) 423} 905 1,325}318 | 643 f, 1812] 307 1813 |204 | 179] 383, 161} 107] 268 1813 | 84 1813 | 537) 504) 1,041 [275] 253.) 528. | 1813] 284 1814 178/193] 371 $122)141 | 263 1814) 87 | 1814 558} 504] 1,062 [3111311 | 622 | 1814] 316 1815 |209 | 193] 402 4137/138) 275 1815 | 122 ' 1815 | 646] 630] 1,276 f'306} 318] 6a4 f 1815] 348 1816 |188 | 195] 383 $154/149| 303 | 1816] 104 1816 | 535) 563} 1,098 326} 296.) 622 | 1816] 318 1817 }197}195) 392 $131|132| 263 $ 1817] 91 , 1817 | 584) 542] 1,126 £306)317,) 623; | 1817] 314 1818 |181|195| 376 f121]3125| 246 | 4818] 117 | 1818 | 538) 571] 1,109, 1376] 332] 708 | 1818] 325 1819 }192.}191| 383 §130}116) 246 | 1819] 114 1819 | 541 | 460] 1,001 | 361] 347 | 708. | 1819] 296 1820 |210] 199] 409 {160/122) 282 F 1820] 115, 1820 | 463 | 483] 946 [266] 285 | 551 | 1820] 319 The above Axnsrract is collected from the Registers of, —Billes- |: donV. Blaston-St.-Giles R. Blaston-St.-MichaelC. Great BowdenP.C., | Bringhurst-with-Drayton R, Burrow R. Burton-Oyery R. Carlton- Curlieu R. Cranoe R. Great,Easton C. Evington V. Fleckney P. C, Foxton V. Galby R. Great Glenn V. Glooston R. Goadby C. ‘Gun- | Jey R. Hallaton R. Market-Harborough P.C. Holt-and-Bradley P.-C, Horninghold V. Houghton-on-the-Hill R. Husband’s-Bosworth R. Ilston-on-the-Hill C. Kibworth-Beauchamp R. Knossington R. East, Langton R. Thorpe-Langton C. Tur-Langton C. West Langton C. Laughton R. Lubbenham.V. Medbourn’R. MowsleyC. Norton- by-Galby V. Ouston P.C. Pickwell-with-LeesthorpeR, Rolleston C. Saddington R. Scraptoft V. Shangton R. Slawston V. Stonton- Wyville R. Stockerston R. Stoughton C, Great Stretton C. Little Stretton C. Thedingworth V. Thurnby-with-Bushby V. Welham V. and of Wistow (with Newton-Harcourt) V. ton C. (°) “Thringston and Swannington) V. The above Axnsrracr is collected from the Registers of, —~Ansty C. ; Ashby-de-la-Zouch V: Belton V. Birstall C. Blackfordby C. Bree- don V. Cole-Orton R. Diseworth V. Diskby-with-Thorpe-Acre P. C. Castle-Donington V: HathemR. Isley-WaltonC. (*) Kegworth R. Lockington (with Hemington) V. Loughborough R. Mountsorrel'C. : Newtown-Linford P. C. Osgathorpe R. Packington V: Quarndon G. Rothley V. Seale R, Sheepshead V. Swepsten.R. Swithland R. Thurcaston R. (4) Wanlip R. Long Whatton R. Whitwick (with Woodhouse C. and of Worthing- (>), Staunton-Harrold,is.a Domestic Chapel in. this; Hindeed, (©) Burials are not solemanized at the Chapelry.of Isley; Walton. (4) The Chapel formerly at Cropston is demolished. () Also from a Register of Dissenters at Worthington. M.DCCC.XXI.} THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. I=_—= COUNTY OF LEICESTER—) Highgate is partly in Hornsey Parish, partly in Pancras Parish. (©) During the last Ten Years 10,148 Burials have taken place at Bunhill-fields Burying-ground. No authentic account of Baptisms has a one but they are taken to be nearly double the number of Burials. HUNDRED OF GORE. HUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, DIVISION OF HOLBORN. (4) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. 4 MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. {yfales Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, riages. Years. |Males Fe- | otal. [Males| Fe- Total. ‘| Years, | Mar- males, males. a riages. Y ow, “toe| Fe- ‘ ents. (Bees males. 1811 |126|105 | 231 | 95] 94} 189 | 1811] 34 1812 |109 | 118 | 227 471 69/146 | 1812] 29 1813 |1399 |116 | 255 82|102| 184 1813 | 29 1814 |131 /125 | 256 | 97| 73] 170 | 1814) 26 1815 |119 |123 | 242 107} 86) 193 | 1815|] 33 1816 |146|116 | 262 95| 86) 181 1816) 49 1817 [127/132] 259 }a12| 96] 208 | 1817) 55 1818 |1521138| 290 |132}106/ 238 | 1818] 38 1819 | 127 |122:| 249 97|100 | 197 1819} 50 1811 |2,348) 2,164) 4,512 41,850/1,783] 3,633 | 1811] 1,706 1812 |2,899) 2,396] 4,795 41,864/1,778] 3,642 4 18121 1,660. 1813 |2,437/ 2,450) 4,887 }1,869|2,005] 3,874 § 1813} 1,575 1814 |2,425) 2,331) 4,756 42,24712,226| 4,473 # 1814 1,844 1815 |2,610) 2,670] 5,280 }1,938/1,971] 3,909 | 1815 | 1,807 1816 |2,579) 2,535) 5,114 |2,063/2,099] 4,162 ¢ 1816 | 1,839 1817 |2,756| 2,614) 5,370 1,928/2,010] 3,938 ¢ 1817] 1,918 1818 {2,698} 2,689] 5,387 42,127/2,252] 4,379 4 1818 1,927 1819 {2,763) 2,774! 5,537 [2,296|2,295) 4,591 7 1819 2,044 1820 |2,900/ 2,701] 5,601 ]2,276|2,204) 4,480 1 1820 2,058 4820 } 134/133) 267 | 97/118] 215 | 1820! 39 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Edge- ware P..C, Harrow-on-the/Hil V. Hendon V. Kingsbury P.-C. . Pinner P. C. Great Stanmore R. and of Little Stanmore,P..C. “The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, —-St.George Bloomsbury R. St. George-the-Martyr R. St. Giles-in-the-Fields R. St. John Hampstead P..C. -St. Mary-le-bone P. C. Paddington P, .C, St. Pancras V. and of The Savoy P. €. - (4) Also from a Register kept at the German Lutheran Chapel, ayoy. si we ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX—continued. IIUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, DIVISLON OF KENSINGTON. CITY OF LONDON, WITHIN THE WALLS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males riages. | Total. [Males) Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar: males.| males. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| F- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 |652 |634 |1,286 | 611 618 | 1,229 | 1811] 357 1812 | 668 | 663 | 1,331 | 589 604 | 1,193 | 1812] 391 1813 |597 [611 ; 1,208 | 596) 613 | 1,209 | 1813 | 367 1814 |634 | 644 /1,278 1712} 721 | 1,433 | 1814] 401 1815 | 701 | 666 | 1,367 | 630! 622 | 1,252 | 1815] 403 1816 | 696 | 642 | 1,338 | 683/ 665 , 1,348 | 1816] 410 1817 |'724 |'762 | 1,486 1760) 665 |1,425 | 1817) 427 1818 |745 |'721 | 1,466 1778! 691 | 1,469 | 1818] 432 1819 |748 | 791 | 1,539 | 715) 979 | 1,394 | 1819) 381 1820 |785 |749 | 1,534 | 788] 823 | 1,611 | 1820] 475 1811 | 585 [558 | 1,143 [572] 501] 1,073 | 1811] 1,073 1812 | 639 | 595 | 1,234 |617| 591] 1,208 | 1812} 1,041 1813 | 622 |624 |1,246 | 606] 534]1,140 | 1813] 1,062 1814 | 648 | 575 | 1,223 | 662 | 654/1,316 | 1814] 1,200 1815 | 640 |684 | 1,324 | 639 | 569}1,208 | 1815] 1,235 1816 | 602 | 556 | 1,158 [613 | 558]1,171 | 1816] 1,295 1817 | 669 |619 | 1,288 |} 580] 538]1,118 | 1817] 1,020 1818 | 635 |627 | 1,262 ]632] 563]1,195 | 1818] 1,068 1819 | 630 | 545 |1,175 |6301 570] 1,200 | 1819] 1,058 1820 1597 570 11,167 }614] 585] 1,199 | 1820} 956 The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Acton R. Chelsea R. Chiswick V. Ealing V. Fulham V. Hammersmith C. Kensington V. Twyford-Abbey C. (°) and of Willesden V. (*) The Chapel at Twyford-Abbey is private Property. HUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, TOWER DIVISION. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 |3,144)3,227|6,371 |2,438/2,184| 4,622 | 1811 | 2,128 1812 |3,083)3,095] 6,178 §2,641]2,429| 5,070 | 1812 | 2,063 1813 |3,259|3,217/6,476 [2,480] 2,146] 4,626 | 1813 | 2,080 1814 |3,358/3,250| 6,608 ]2,693/2,473] 5,166 | 1814 | 2,404 1815 | 3,704| 3,670} 7,374 ]2,579]2,360| 4,939 | 1815 | 2,500 1816 |3,376|3,470| 6,846 |2,576|2,497| 5,073 | 1816 2,274 1817 |3,607|3,519| 7,126 |2,484|2,298] 4,712 | 1817 | 2,407 1818 | 3,647}3,702) 7,349 }2,574|2,436| 5,010 | 1818 2,446 1819 |3,612) 3,655] 7,267 }2,464/2,369| 4,833 | 1819 | 2,582 1820 | 8,779) 3,824] 7,603 }2,501}2,452) 4,953 | 1820 : 2,487 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, St. Ann Limehouse R. St. Leonard Bromley P.C. Collegiate Church of St. Katharine-by-the-Tower P. C. Christ-Church R. . St. Dunstan’s Step- ney R. St. George-in-the-Fast R. St. John-at-Hackney V. St. John- at-Wapping R. _ 5t. Leonard Shoreditch V. St. Mary Stratford-le- Bow R.(f) St. Mary Whitechapel R. St. Matthew Bethnal-green R. St. Paul Shadwell R. and of Poplar P. C. (f) Also from a Register of Dissenters at St. Mary Stratford-le-Bow. HUNDBED OF SPELTHORNE, The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of,——St. Alban Wood-street and St. Olave Silver-street R. Allhallows-Bark- ing V. Allhallows Bread-street R. Allhallows the Great and Less R. Allhallows Honey-lane R. Allhallows Lombard-street R. Allhallows London-wall R. Allhallows-Staining R. St. Alphage R. St. Andrew- Undershaft R. St. Andrew-Wardrobe R. St. Ann’s and Agnes Alders- gate R. St. Ann Blackfriars R. St. Antholin (with St. John Baptist) R. St. Augustine R. St. Bartholomew Exchange R. St. Bene’t-Finck P. C. St. Bene’t Gracechurch and St. Leonard Eastcheap R. St. Bene’t Paul’s-wharf R. St. Bennet-Sherehog R. St. Botolph by Billings- gate R. St. Catharine-Coleman R. St. Catharine-Cree V. Christ- Church V. St. Christopher-le-Stock R. St. Clement Eastcheap R. St. Dionis-Backchurch R. St. Dunstan’s East R. St. Edmund-the- King-and-Martyr R. St. Ethelburga R. St. Faith R. St. Gabriel Fenchurch R. St. George Botolph-lane R. St. Gregory by St. Paul’s R. St. Helen V. St. James Duke’s-place P.C. St. James Garlick-hythe R. St. John-the-Evangelist R. St. John-Zacharay R. St. Laurence- Jewry V. St. Laurence-Pountney V. St. Leonard Foster-lane R. St. Magnus by London Bridge R. St. Margaret New-Fish-street R. St. Margaret Lothbury R. St. Margaret-Moses R. St. Margaret- Pattens R. St. Martin Ironmonger-lane R. St. Martin Ludgate R. St. Martin-Orgars R. St. Martin-Outwich R. St. Martin-Vintry R. St. Mary-Abchurch R. St. Mary-Aldermanbury P. C. St. Mary- Aldermary R. St. Mary-le-Bow R. St. Mary-at-Hill and St. Audrew- Hubbard R. St. Mary-Magdalen Old-Fish-street R. St. Mary-Mount- haw R. St. Mary-Somerset R. St. Mary-Woolchurch-Haw R. St. Mary-Woolnoth R. St. Matthew Friday-street R. St. Michael Bassishaw R. St. Michael Cornhill R. St. Michael Crooked-lane R. St. Michael Queenbithe and Holy-Trinity-the-Less R. St. Michael- le-Quern R. St. Michael-Royal R. St. Michael Wood-street (with St. Mary-Staining) R. St. Mildred Bread-street R. St. Mildred Poultry and St. Mary-Cole R. St. Nicholas-Acons R. St. Nicolas Cole-Abbey R. St. Nicholas-Olave R. St. Olave Hart-street R. St. Olave Jewry V. St. Pancras Soper-lane R. St: Paul’s Cathedral C. St. Peter-ad-Vincula within the Tower R. St. Peter Cheap R. St. Peter Cornhill R. St. Peter Paul’s-wharf R. St. Peter-le-Poor R. St. Stephen Coleman-street V. St. Stephen-Walbrook R. St. Swithin (with St. Mary-Bothow) R. St. Thomas-the-Apostle R. and of St. Vedast in Foster-lane R. CITY OF LONDON, WITHOUT THE WALLS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | Total. (Males) Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. Tiages. Years. |Males} Fe- | Total. {IMales| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 150/153 | 303 96} go} 186 1811] 105 1812 | 164/180] 344 g1} 93] 184 1812} 95 1813 [173/181] 354 88] 89] 177 1813] 72 1814 | 160/163} 323 J110)110] 220 1814] 66 1815 | 168])174] 342 f101/] 74] 175 1815] 98 1816 |171}145| 316 861 85} 171 1816] 87 1817 | 174]170} 344 79] 76) 155 1817} 89 1818 |172/170}] 342 79|111] 190 1818 | 89 1819 | 182]184} 366 g1| 93] 184 1819! 94 1820 | 189/180] 369 §107/117| 224 1820 | 100 1811 |1,595/1,614] 3,209 |1,028} 977}2,005 | 1811} 1,183 1812 )1,524}1,461) 2,985 11,152]1,093}2,245 | 1812 | 1,155 1813 /1,614/1,507] 3,121 [1,019] 973}1,992 | 1813] 1,160 1814 |1,549/1,549] 3,098 |1,201}1,113] 2,314 | 1814 | 1,336 1815 /1,705]1,586] 3,291 }1,128}1,101] 2,229 | 1815] 1,435 1816 /|1,686]/1,781)3,467 }1,088} 998]2,086 | 1816 | 1,283 1817 |1,882/1,857| 3,739 |1,063] 988]2,051 | 1817 | 1,255 1818 /1,884|1,670] 3,554 |1,188]1,036}2,224 | 1818 | 1,318 1819 '1,85411,789] 3,643 [1,148/1,161] 2,309 | 1819 | 1,325 1820 |1,719|1,757/3,476 |1,127/1,144] 2,271 | 1820 | 1,306 The above Apsrracrt is collected from the Registers of,—~Ash- ford P.C, East Bedfont V. Feltham V. Hampton V. Hanworth R. Laleham V. Littleton R. Shepperton R. Staines V. Stanwell V. Sunbury V. and of Teddington P. C. : The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, St. Andrew Holborn R. St. Bartholomew-the-Great R. St. Bartholomew- the-Less V. St. Botolph Aldersgate P. C. St. Botolph Aldgate P. C. St. Botolph Bishopsgate R. St. Bride’s V. Bridewell Hospital and Precinct C. St. Dunstan’s-in-the-West V. St. Giles Cripplegate V. Lincoln’s-Inn C. St.Sepulchre V. Temple Church C. and of Trinity- in-the-Minories P. C. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. O4. 73 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — continued. CITY OF WESTMINSTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. \Males! Fe- | Total. [Males| F€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages. Ea ee: 1811 2,330 2,371) 4,701 2,104] 2,052) 4,153 | 1811 | 2,982 1812 |2,360, 2,358] 4,718. }2,361|2,191] 4,552 | 1812] 2,770 1813 3,401| 2,269 4,670 |2,196]2,079| 4,275 | 1813 | 2,533 1814 2,907] 2,216 4,523 [3,037] 2,715] 5,752 | 1814/ 3,003 1815 |2,595, 2,616] 5,211 [2,645)2,512/5,155 | 1815 | 3,010 1816 2,485 2,426| 4,911 [2,707|2,542) 5,249 | 1816 | 2,946 1817 2,592 2,553! 5,145 |2,539) 2,357| 4,892 | 1817 | 2,744 ] 1818 2,607; 2,536] 5,143 }2,538/ 2,482) 5,020 | 1818 | 2,924 1819 2,614 2,556| 5,170 |2,487)2,582| 4,869 | 1819 | 3,033 1820 (23604 4,464 5,068 42,431|2,386| 4,817 | 1820 | 2,885 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,——St. AnnR. St. Clement-Danes R. St. George Hanover-square R. St. JamesR. St. John-the-Evangelist R. St. Margaret R.(®) St. Martin- in-the-Fields V. St. Mary-le-Strand R. St. Paul Covent-garden R. The Collegiate Church of St. Peter Westminster C. and of The Royal Chapel Whitehall C. (®) The Burials which take place at the Broadway Chapel are in- cluded in the Return of St. Margaret. There are no Baptisms nor Marriages at this Chapel. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. ee esa" Nee" if 1811 12,481 | 12,448 | 24,929 1811 | 10,012 | + 9,533 | 19,545 1811 | 10,476 1812 -| 12,547 | 12,470 | 25,017 1812 | 10,676 | 10,056 | 20,732 1812 | 10,178 1813 12,871 | 12,554 | 25,425 1813 10,311 9,819 | 20,130 1813 9,727 1814 12,816 | 12,501 | 25,317 1814 12,043 | 11,510 | 23,553 1814 11,191 1815 14,025 | 13,977 | 28,002 1815 11,053 | 10,595 | 21,648 1815 11,497 1816 | 13,416 | 13,466 | 26,882 1816 | 11,292 | 10,846 | 22,138 1816 | 11,112 1817 14,388 | 14,002 | 28,390 1817 | 10,910 | 10,253 | 21,163 1817 | 10,884 1818 14,280 | 14,028 | 28,308 1818 | 11,538 | 11,084 | 22,622 - 1818 | 11,285 1819 | 14,332 | 14,258 | 28,590 1819 | 11,362 | 11,076 | 22,438 1819 | 11,643 1820 | 14,647 | 14,258 | 28,905 1820 | 11,400 | 11,298 | 22,698 1820 | 11,482 Torazs | 135,803 | 133,962 | 269,765 - = |110,597 | 106,070 216,667 | - = | 109,475 The Summary of the County of MippLEsEx is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Eighty-seven Parish Churches and Fourteen Chapels; from Two Registers of Dissenters, and from One other Register; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. ; Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 3,719;—Burials, 3,175 ;—Marriages, 17. 74 Se ‘ | ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers. County of Monmouth. gavenny (with Hardwicke and Lloynda) V. (*) Aberystwith P. C. (#) | Blean-OfonC. Cwmyoy P.C. Goytre R. Lanarth and Clytha V. ~ Lanellen V. Lanfuist 8. Langattock-Lingoid V. Langattock-nigh- Usk R. Lanhilleth R. Lanover V. Lansanfread R. Lanthewy-Rhy- | therch V. Lanthewy-Skirrid R. Lanthony C. Lantillio-Pertholey V. Lanvapley R. Lanvayer-Kilgeddin R. Lanvetherine R. Lanvihangel- Crucorney V. Lanvihangel-by-Usk R. Lanwenarth R. (*) Mamhi- lad P.C. Old-Castle P. C. and of Trevethin P. C. (?) Also from Registers of Independents, Baptists, Roman-catholics, and Jews, at Abergavenny ; from a Register of Baptists at Aberystwith ; and from a Register of Baptists af Lanwenarth. HUNDRED OF CALDICOTT.(>) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- } Total, Males| Fe- | Total, Years, | Mar- mates. males, Tiages. 1811 | 94]122] 216 881115 | 203 1811] 56 1812 |116)}103] 219 9721 931 145 1812] 46 1813 |136}155 | 291 80} 60} 140 1813|/ 68 1814 | 142 | 137] 279 71) 93| 164 1814] 70 1815 |131)130] 261 89] 78} 167 1815| 43 1816 |169}112] 281 65 | 61} 126 1816} 50 1817 |110]105 | 215 85| 72] 157 1817] 56 1818 |116]109] 225 93 {100 | 193 1818] 55 1819 | 133} 126] 259 88] 88] 176 1819] 48 1820 1153] 119] 272 86] 75} 161 1820] 74 The above Agsstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Ar- vans P.C. St. Brides-Netherwent (including Llandevenéy) R. Caer- went V. CaldicottV. Chepstow V. Christ-Church V. Goldclift V. Itton R. Langstone R. Lanmartin R. Lanvaches R. Lanvaire-Dis- coed P. C. Lanvihangel-by-Rogiett R. Lanwern R. Magor V. Mathern V. Mounton P.C. Nash V. New-Church P. C. Penhowe R, Penterry P.C. St. Pierre R. Portskewett R. (*) Redwick P. C. Rogiett-with-Ifton R. Shire-Newton R. Undy otherwise Nundy V. Whitson V. and of Willerick R. (>) The Church at Bishton was broken into in the commencement of the year 1821, and the Registers stolen ; so that no Return could be obtained from that Parish. (*) Portskewett includes Sudbrooke. : HUNDRED OF ABERGAVENNY. HUNDRED OF RAGLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. : 4 opts . ¥ i > Fe- Taleo Fe- q , Mar- Years. | Males ee Total. {Males ke Total. | Years. ee Years. Males aia! Total. [Males eal Total. | Years. ues. alee kee 8| 371 85 | 1811] 38 1811 | 183/172) 355 [137] 120} 257 1811] 109 181E | 91] 851176 & 4 1812 | 168} 163 sal 152/154} 306 1812] 106 1812 | 98) 105} 203 54} 574 111 1812} 27 1813 | 186] 167] 358 [166] 142] 308 1813] 109 1813 | 109} 85} 194 42] 52] 94 1813] 28 1814 |154]174) 328 |151] 126] 247 1844] 135 1814 | 107] 92] 199 62] 47] 109 1814] 26 1815 | 214/159] 373 $127] 136] 263 1815] 168 1813 | 99] 83] 182 42} 511 93 1815] 56 1816 | 199/171] 370 9125] 138] 263 1816} 104 1816 | 100] 103} 203 471 61] 108 1816] 33 1817 | 168/174] 342 [158] 146] 304 1817} 132 1817 | 101; 83] 184 56] 55] 111 1817 28 # 1818 | 163/171] 334 185/171] 356 | 1848) 1 19 1818 | 95} 93] 188 § 74] 66] 140 1818} 35 1819 | 196/177] 373 [158! 160] 318 | 1819] 149 1819 | go} 86) 176 $ 50} 56] 106 | 1819) 34 1820 | 231]197] 428 [166] 145] 312 1820] 192 1820 | 99] . 87) 186 44] 52} 96 1820] 42 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of ——Aber- The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, —Bettus- Newydd P.C. Bryngwyn R. Chapel-Hill P.C. Cwmcarvan P. C. Dingestow VY. Kilgarrock P.C€. Landago P.C. Landeny V. Lan- fiangel-tor-y-Monydd R. Langoven P. C. Lanishen P.C. Lansoy R. | Micheltroy R. Penalt P.C. Penrose P.C. Penyclawdd P.C. Rag- land V. Tintern-Parva R. Fregare P.C. Trelleck V. Trelleck’s- Grange C. and of Wolvesnewton R, HUNDRED OF SKENFRETH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages, 1811 | 46] 35 | 81 [24] 28 | 52 1811] 18 1812 | 41 | go} 81 26 | 28 54 1812} 27 1813 | 50 | 43 | 93 | 26} 23] 49 1813} 16 1814 | 43 | 47 | 90 | 30] 21 51 1814| 24 1815 | 40 | 52 92 14] 30] 44 1815] 32 1816 | 45 | 37 82 24 | 25 49 1816| 22 1817 | 48 | 43] 91 28 | 36); 64 1817] 25 1818 | 40 | 43 | 83 137] 30] 67 1818/ 25 1819 | 61 | 35 | 96 | 24] 25] 49 1819] 29 1820 | 65 | 60 | 125 J 23 | 26) ag 1820] 33 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Dixton V. Grosmont R. Langattock-Vibonavil V. Langua R. Llantillio-Gros- senny V. Lanviangel-Istern-Llewerne R. St. Maughan’s P. C. Rock- field V. Skenfreth V. Welsh-Bicknor R. and of Wonastow V. HUNDRED OF USK. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males] Fe- | Total. IMales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 | 72 | 72} 144 | 42 | 35 i 1811] 40 1812 | 78 | 65 | 143 | 64 | 43 | 107 1812] 49 1813 | 84] 65 | 149 | 55 | 43 98 1813] 51 1814 | 97 | 86 | 183 #52 | 52 | 104 1814} 53 1815 |106 | 69 | 175 4451381] 83 1815} 49 1816 | 64 | 76 | 140 [| 56} 40 | 96 1816] 45 1817 | 68 | Go | 128 | 55 | 52 | 104 1817| 38 1818 | 59 | 75 | 134 157138] 95 | 1818] 45 1819 | 64 | 59 | 123 | 55 | 51 | 106 1819] 45 1820 | 74 | 83 | 157 [33] 44] 77 | 1820] 63 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Gwernes- ney R. Kemeys-Commander P. C. Kemeys-Inferior R. Lanba- dock P.C. Landegvith R. Langattock-near-Caerleon V. Lange- view P.C. Langibby R. Langwm V, Lanhenog P.C. Lanllowel R. Lanthewyvach P.C. Lantrissent V. Lanvihangel-Lantarnam P. C. Lanvihangel-Pont-y-Moil P. C. Lanvreckva P. C. Monk’s-Wood C. Panteague R. Tredonnog R. Trostrey P. C. and of Usk (with Gonelog and Glascoed) V. _M.D€CC.XXI1.]J THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 75 COUNTY OF MONMOUTH —continued. HUNDRED. OF WENTLLOOGE. BOROUGH OF MONMOUTH. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. | BURIALS. | MARRBIAGES. Sree. ‘Males a Total. Males Rie Total. | Years. | ee Years. |Males het Total. [Males ane Fotal. | Years. ao 1811 | 85| 761161 {| 59] 57 | 116 | 19811! 144 | 1811 | 49 | 45 | 94 $25} 24] 49 | 1811) 24 1812 | +01] 101 | 202 49} 71 | 120 1812 | 116 1812 | 47 | 36] 83 $32] 40}; 72 1812| 29 1813 [108] 771 185 65 | 52 | 117 1813 | 141 1813 | 64} 71 | 1395 $38 )43]} 81 1813} 23 1814 |125| 95] 220 | 71} 62 | 133 1814 104 1814 | 60} 53 | 113 § 44 | 43] 89 1814} 24 1815 | 104 | 102 | 206 70| 56 | 126 1815! 139 1815 | 59 | 46 | 105 $35 | 32 | 67 fF 1815) 19 1816 | 95} 86} 181 {100} 81 | 181 1816 | 110 1816 | 58 | 53 | 111 35 | 41 76 } 1816) 27 | 1817; 86} 80] 166 95 | 89 | 184 1817) 118 1817 | 52 | 41 93 &§ 51 +40] 91 1817} 31 1818 | 114. }118 | 232 84175 | 159 1818 | 145 1818 | 51 | 46 97 43 | 38 81 1818} 34 1819 |136|106| 242 107] 88 | 195 1819 | 163 1819 | 45 | 32 | 77 $37) 38) 75 1819| 29 1820 | 127 |103 | 230 951.77 | 172 1830 | 154 1820 | 50 | 42 92 37 | 35 72 1820; 17 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, ~—BassalegV. | Bedwas R. Bedwelty P.C. Bettus P.C. St. Bride’s-Wentloog V. Coedkernew P.C. HenllisC. Machen R. Malpas P.C. Marsh- field V. St. Mellons V. Michaelstone-vedw or Lanviangel-vedw R. | Monyddysloine P. C. Newpart-St.-Woolos V. Peterstone-Went- llooge P. C. Risca P. C. and of Rumney V. The above Azstracr is collected from the Register of,——-Mon- mouth V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. —sm~ - es . : - - 1811 620 607 1,227 1811 423 416 839 1811 429 1812 649 613 1,262 1812 449 466 915 1812 400 1813 737 663 1,400 18138 472 415 887 1818 436 1814 728 684 1,412 1814 481 444 925 1814 436 1815 753 641 1,394 1815 422 421 843 1815 506 1816 730 638 1,368 1816 452 447 899 1816 391 1817 633 586 1,219 1817 528 490 1,018 1817 428 1818 638 655 1,293 1818 573 518 1,091 1818 458 1819 725 621 1,346 1819 519 506 1,025 1819 527 1820 799 691 1,490 1820 484 454 938 1820 575 Torats | 7,012 | 6,399 | 13.411 - - | 4,803 | 4577 | 9,380 - - | 4,586 Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 203 ;—Burials, 90 ; Marriages, 11, The Summary of the County of Monmourtu is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Twenty-two Parish Churches and Five Chapels, and from Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that One Return only (that of Bishton) - is wanting (the Register having been stolen from the Church).—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. 76 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers. County of Norfolk. HUNDRED OF BLOFIELD. HUNDRED OF CLAVERING. 1816 | 84} 73} 157 | 27! 33 | 60 1816 36 1817 . 66 | 7o | 136 | 38] 31] 69 1817, 23 1818 | 78 | 85} 163 | 29/33] 62 | 1818 31 1819 75174] 149 133] 35] 68 1819 2 1820 | 72 81 | 153 154145 > 99 1820 20 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe | Total. Males) Fe- | Total. | Years. a Veais, Males Fe Total. |Males| Fe~ | Total. | Years. an 1811 | 62 | 82 | 144 | 31 | 33 | 64 1811 37 1811} 93] 771170 145 | 39} 84 1811] 44 1812 | 83} 58 | 141 33.) 45 | 78 1812); 31 1812 | 90} 75] 165 [55 | 47 | 102 1812} 39 1813 | 82 | 68 | 150 | 26} 25] 41 1813} 25 1813 | 94] 76] 170 137 | 35] 72 1813| 46 1814 | 78 | 69 | 147 135 | 44] 79 1814, 31 1814 |100] 84] 184 [58 | 48 | 106 1814} 41 1815 | 77 | 80} 157 | 36; 38 | 74 1815, 27 1815 |105| 89] 194 | 64 | 46 | 110 1815} 42 1816 | 92] 91] 183 | 60 | 65 | 125 1816} 27 1817 | 100} 93] 193 | 62 | 43 | 105 1817} 42 1818 | 941103] 197 [43 | 52 95 1818} 42 1819 | 89} 86/175 [58] 56] 114 | 1819] 41 1820 | 90] 103] 193 43 | 47 go 1820) 41 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Birling- ham-St.-Andrew R. — Birlingham-St.-Edmund R. _ Birlingham-St.- Peter R. Blofield R. Braydeston R. Brundall R. Buckenham- Ferry R. Cantley R. Freethorpe V. HassinghamR. Limpenhoe V. Lingwood P. C. Great Plumstead P. C. Little Plumstead R. Post- wick R. Southwood R. Strumpshaw R. Thorpe-Episcopi R. and of Witton R. HUNDRED OF BROTHERCROSS. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of ——Aldeby P.C. Bergh-Apton R. Brooke V. Ellingham R. Geldestone R, Gillingham R. Hadiscoe R. Hales P.C. Heckingham R. (>) Howe (with West Poringland) R. Kirby-Cane R. Norton-Subcorse P. C, Raveningham P.C. Stockton R. Thorpe-by-Hadiscoe R. Thurlton R. Toft-Monks R. -Wheatacre-All-Saints R. and of Wheatacre-Burgh, or St. Peter R. (>) Also from a Register of the House of Industry at Heckingham. HUNDRED OF DEPWADE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | ‘Total. [Males Fe- | qotal, | Years. Mar- Years. |Males Fe- | Total. [Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males, males, ‘ riages. males. males. riages, 1811 | 66 | 53 | 119 $34 | 24] 58 1811] 22 1812 | 52 | 56] 108 | 33] 33 | 66 -| 1812) 29 1813 | 68 | 72 | 140 [27 | 36] 63 1813] 24 1814 | 70 | 57 | 127 135 | 22) 57 | 1814! 33 1815 | 69 | 58 | 127 | 26 |] 22] 48 1815} 35 1816 | 69 | 75 | 144 F 44 | 36 80 1816) 21 1817 | 75 | 68 | 148 $23 | 24 | 47 1817/31 1818 | 62 | 64 | 126 [20 |] 28] 48 1818! 37. 1819 | 70 | 68 | 138 7 36} 28] 64 1819} 39 1820 | 68 | 68 | 136 $35 |] 32] 67 1820| 22 1811 [127/126] 253 | 65 | 56 | 121 1811} 55 1812 |131]110] 241 | 53 | 73 | 126 1812| 56 1813 |120]}120] 240 | 39 | 58 97 1813] 62 1814 [118/117] 235 | 56 | 68 | 124 1814| 66 1815 [135}112] 247 [56 | 67 | 123 1815] 62 1816 }113}116] 229 | 68 | 78 | 146 1816} 57 1817 | 145] 109} 254 | 55 | 55 | 110 1817| 46 1818 | 97|120] 217 | 6o | 65 | 125 1818] 70 1819 |132]1t16].248 J go | 98 | 188 1819} 57 1820 |122]126] 248 } 50 | 86 | 136 1820] 58 The above Ansrract is collected trom the Registers of, Burn- ham-Deepdale R. Burnham-Norton R. Burnham-Overy V. Burnham- Sutton (with Ulph) R. Burnham-Thorpe R. Burnham-Westgate R. North Creake R. South Creake V. and of WaterdenR, HUNDRED OF CLACKCLOSE. (@) The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,—— Ashwell- thorpe R. Aslacton P.C. Bunwell R. Carlton Rode R. Forncett- St.-Mary R. Forncett-St.-Peter R. Fritton R. Fundenhall P. C. Hapton P. C. Hardwick R. Hempnall V. Moulton-St.-Michael R. Mourningthorpe R. Sbeltou R. Long Stratton-St.-Mary R. Stratton- St.-Michael R. Tacolneston R. Tasburgh R. ‘Tharston V. Tiben- ham V. and of Wacton R. HUNDRED OF DISS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Itates Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- | Total. § Years, | Mar- | males.| jmales, riages. 1811 }196/175] 371 [121 ]411 | 232 1811} 75 1812 | 203); 190} 393 [108! 95! 203 1812| 78 1813 | 201)}199| 400 74,107 | 181 1813} 101 1814 |190]212] 402 [112] 94! 206 1814| 106 1815 | 234/184] 418 $115 113 | 228 1815| 97 1816 227|204] 431 $116 121 | 2277, 1816| 91 1817 | 229|}234] 463 $120] 91 1818 |223/238] 461 4117) 105 1819 ,251 /222 | 473 4122 )110 1820 (226211 | 437 [127]110 211 1817| 89 222 1818] 112 232 1819| 100 237 | 1820} 98 The above Azstnact is collected from the Registers of, Barton- Bendish R. Beachamwell R. Bexwell R. Boughton R. Crimple- sham V. Denvir R. West Dereham P.C. Market-Downham R. Fincham R. Fordham P.C. Hilgay R. Holm (with Runcton, Wal- lington, and Thorpeland) R. Marham V. Ryston (with Roxham) P.C. Shingham V. Shouldham P.C, Shouldham-Thorpe P. C. Southery R. Stokeferry P.C. Stow-Bardolph V. Stradsett V. Tottenhill P. C. Watlington R. Wereham P.C. Wimbotsham R. Wormegay P. C. and of Wretton P. C. (#7) Outwell and Upwell are mostly in Cambridgeshire, and are there entered (Wisbeach Hundred). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- males. inales. riages, 1811 |104]108| 212 | 50 | 46 | 96 1811) 73 1812 [107] 97] 204 | 54 | 61 } 115 1812] 51 1818 [134}112| 246 f 41 | 51 g2 1813) 55 1814 }122] 86] 208 | 64 | 68 | 132 1814| 56 1815 |121 4135 | 256 56 | 57 | 113° 1815} 73 1816 }118}100] 218 59 | 62 | 121 1816) 55 1817 }119]117] 236 | 50 | 44 | 94 1817] 42 1818 |123 }137}) 260 | 40 | 53] 93 1818] 62 1819 |139]130] 269 | 79 | 68 | 147 1819} 53 1820 | 104/115 | 219 50 | 55 | 105 1820| 59 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Bres- singham R. Burston R. Dickleburgh R. Diss R. Fersfield PB. Frenze R. Gissing R. Roydon R. Scole R. Shelfanger R. Shimp- ling R. Thelveton R. Tivetshall-St.-Murgaret R. Tivetshall-St.- Mary R. and of Winfarthing R. M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. W7 reer rere = beeereeteeeeepeeeneneneerens . COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HUNDRED OF EARSHAM. (°) HUNDRED OF ERPINGHAM (SOUTH). (°) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fae Fe- - fay. Fe- A Mar- Fe- | pay | | Fe- Mar- Years. {Males on Total. [Males Foe Total. J] Years. anes: Years. |Males ‘ales: Total. ales ales! Total. # Years. taabes, 1811 |125| 99| 224 | 68 | 66 | 134 | 1811] 55 1812 | 120) 99] 219 | 58 | 50 | 108 1812} 39 1813 [115)117] 232 $~ 50 | 53] 103 .f 1813] 45 1814 | 95)110; 205 | 61 | 63 | 124 1814} 45 1815 | 110/121] 231 | 60 | 60} 120 | 1815] 59 1816 |102/117}] 219 | 50 | 66 | 116 1816) 52 1817 |110}100] 210 | 47 | 68 | 115 1817) 52 1818 | 120] 100} 220 44147 gl 1818{ 43 1819 }135}101] 236 7 55 158] 113 1819} 44 1820 }111| 99] 210 | 54159] 113 | 1820] 43 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Al- burgh R. Brockdish R. Denton R. Earsham R. Needham P. C. Pirleston or Billingford (with Little Thorpe) R. Pulham-St.-Mary- Magdalen P.C. Pulham-St.-Mary-the-Virgin R. Redenhall (with Harleston and Wortwell) R. Ruishall V. Starston R. and of Thorpe- Abbots R. (©) The Parish of Mendham is mostly in Suffolk (Hoxne Hundred) and there entered, 1811 |163 | 162! 325 [102/109] 211 1811) 83 1812 | 157 | 166] 323 gi} g2| 183 1812} 82 1813 | 176/216] 392 87) 77] 164 1813} 89 1814 | 192 | 181 | 373 97/115| 212 1814} 91 1815 | 191 | 20014 391 97/107] 204 1815; 89 1816 | 208 |201] 409 4110] 107] 217 1816; 81 1817 | 203 | 181 | 384 95| 105} 200 1817; 8&9 1818 | 194 | 203 | 397 g2| 108] 200 1818] 83 1819 |212/198/ 410 89] 112] 201 1819} 112 1820 |200)/211 | 411 -$125]121] 246 1820} 90 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Alby R. Aylsham V. Baconsthorpe R. Banningham R. Little Barning- ham R. West Beckham P.C.(f) Belawgh R. Blickling R. Booton R. Brampton R. Burrough-next-Aylsham R. Buxton V. Calthorpe V. Cawston R. Coleby R. Coltishall R. Corpusty V. Erpingham R. Great Hautbois R. Hevingham R. Heydon R. “ Ingworth R. Itter- ingham R. (®) Lammas (with Little Hautbois) R. Marshain R. Oulton V. Oxnead R. Saxthorpe V. Scottow V. Skeyton R. Stratton-StrawlessR. Swanton-Abbott R. Thwaite R. Tuttington V. Wickmere R. and of Wolterton R. (£) The Church of Irmingland isin ruins. (f) ‘Ihe Return of West Beckham includes East Beckham. (8) Itteringham includes Mannington. HUNDRED OF EYNESFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Years. Males} Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- |. Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. HUNDRED OF ERPINGHAM (NORTH). (¢) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- , . Fe- Mar- Years. {Males Ye set Total. [Males . Total. | Years. sane, 1811 [135 |125} 260 | 55 |) 48] 103 | 1811 | 66 1812 }129/117| 246 | 56] 63] 119 | 1812) 48 1813 }118]105| 223 [59] 54}113 | 1813) 67 1814 |141|/115{| 256 {| 69] 60 | 129 | 1814 | 175 1815 132/169] 301 $59 | 71 | 130 7.1815] 61 1816 {125 /138] 263 |53 | 66] 119 [1816 | 64 1817 |134|122] 256 | 66 | 58] 124 | 1817) 60 1818 ]162/140| 302 § 54 | 57 | 113 1818 |} 62 1819 {133 ]}145] 278 | 57 | 63 | 120 [ 1819] 56 1820 |168|136] 304 | 73 | 62 | 135 | 1820] 62 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,—-Albo- rough R. Antingham R. Aylmerton R. Barningham-Norwood R. Town-Barningham R. Bassingham R. Beeston-Regis R. Cromer V. Felbrigg R. Gimingham R. Gresham R. Gunton R. Hanworth V. Knapton R. Matlaske R. MettonR. Mundsley R. Overstrand R. Plumstead R. North Repps R. South Repps R. Roughton V. Run- ton R. Sherringham V. Sidestrand R. Suffield R. Sustead P. C, Thorpe-Market V. Thurgarton R. ‘Tremingham R. and of Trunch R. (4) The Church of East Beckham is in ruins, and the Registry in- cluded in that of West Beckham (South Erpingham Hundred). be 1811 11551159) 314 | 96} 90] 186 | 1811] 474 1812 |149]153| 302 [71 | 81 | 152 | 1812] 52 1813 |1421146] 288 } 69 | 75 | 144 1813] 74 1814 |150|180] 330 | 53 | 89 | 142 1814| 73 1815 |199/147| 286 | 64179 | 143 1815} 64 1816 |171 |/157| 328 | go | 98 | 188 1816] 68 1817 |150|141 | 291 | 90 ]'70 | 160 | 1817] 66 1818 |17411531 327 772 | 85 | 157 1818] 4 1819 | 146 |154| 300 [| 84] 85 | 169 1819} 87 1820 |191 |168] 359 | 86 | 98 | 184 1820] 75 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Alder- ford R. Bawdswell R. Billingford R. Bintry R. Brandeston R. Bylaugh P. C. Elsing R. FoulshamR. Foxley R. Geist V. Guest- wick V._Hackford V. Haveringland V. Hindolveston V. Lyng R. Morton R. Reepham (with Kerdiston) R. Ringland V. Sall R. Sparham R. Swanington R. Themilthorpe R. Thorning R. Twy- ford R. Weston-Longville R. Whitwell V.(") Great Witching- ham R._ Little Witchingham R, Wood-Dalling V. and of Wood- Norton R. ‘ : (") Previous to the Year 1813, the Registers of Whitwell were included with those of Hackford. HUNDRED OF FLEGG (EAST). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males! F®- | Total. {Males} ¥€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males males. riages. 1811 | 36} 39 | 75 [20] 23) 43 1811} 17 1812 | 48 | go} 88 [14] 28] 4e 1812| 18 1813 | 34 | 30 | 64 [13] 22] 35 1813} 18 1814 | 53 | 42 95 $20] 23] 43 1814]. 18 1815 | 48 | 41 89 8} 14] 22 1815] 19 1816 | 43 | 47 | 90 | 12] 24 | 36 1816| 15 1817 | 34 | 53 87 16119] 34 1817] 14 1818 | 50 | 45 95 22 | 21 43 1818] 21 1819 | 53 | 46} 99 [14] 19] 33 1819{ 22 1820 | 45 | 40 | 85 12 | 23] 35 1820] 22 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, (next Yarmouth) R. Filby R. Mautby R. Ormesby-St.-Margaret (with Scratby) V. Ormesby-St.-Michael P.C. RunhamV. Stokesby (with Herringby) R. and of Thrigby R. Caister . X [ Parish-Registers. 78 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SS COUNTY OF NORFOLK—contenued. HUNDRED OF FLEGG (WEST). | HUNDRED OF FREEBRIDGE-MARSHLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | x 2 iE Fe- | To. ‘ears. | Mar- Years. |Males ee Total. [Males a - Total. } Years. om | Years. Males o en ae Males Lee Total. | Years. rae i : 1811 | Go | 50} 110 137 | 27 | 64 1811} 26 | 1811 | 169 }132| 301 [154] 138) 292 1811] 106 1812 | 48} 51 | 99 [ 28] 46] 74 1812} 18 | 1812 |193 ; 184] 377 7108/1124] 222 1812] 88 1813 | 53 | 48 | 101 | 21] 271 48 1813] 1 | 1813 |171 /161 | 332 76/100} 176 1813] 83 1814 | 72 | 54 | 126 156] 35 ]{ 91 1814{ 23 | 1814 | 207 |162} 369 96} 67} 163 1814] 65 1815 | 70 | 57 | 127, | 36 | 27 | 63 1815] 38 | 1815 |198 1175] 373 $101} 96] 197 1815] 88 1816 } 68 | 63 | 131 1351 35} 70 1816} 26 | 1816 |173 197 370 $101] 103} 204 1816} 74 1817 | 60 | 60 | 120 } 22] 30] 52 1817} 29 | 1817 | 170 1187 | 357 78/ 99| 177 1817] 110 1818 | 77 | 51 | 128 § 23 |} 21] 44 1818} 17 | 1818 |180/187] 367 £133/130} 263 1818) 77 1819 | 72 | 52 | 124 $33 | 324 65 1819| 25 1819 | 182 }175| 357 88] 96] 184 ] 1819] 77 1820 | 76 | 69 | 145 [30] 31 | 61 | 1820; 24 | | 1820 } 206/186] 392 [117] 93] 210 | 1820] 69 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Ashby (with Oby and Thime) R. Billockby R. Burgh-St.-Margaret R. Clippesby R. Hemesby V. MarthamV. Repps (with Bastwick) P. C. Rollesby R.(‘) East Somerton C. West Somerton P. C. and of Winterton R. ( Also from a Register of the Workhouse at Rollesby. HUNDRED OF FOREHOE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- - ~~ Imales. imates. Tiages. 1811 | 163 | 167 | 330 40} 86] 156 1811] 67 1812 11544143 | 2907 | 71] 80] 151 1812| 70 1818 {147 |160} 307 76 | 85) 161 1813] 68 1814 | 165 /157 | 322 88{ 88] 176 1814] 70 1815 | 152 }159 | 311 69} 75) 144 1815] 100 1816 | 176 }146 | 392 84} 89] 173 1816]. 91 1817 | 155 |175 | 330 41] 66} 137 1817| 79 1818 |169 1188] 357 | 84| 921/176 | 1818] 134 1819 1179 [178] 357 9105/1144] 219 1819} go 1820 | 185 |203 | 388 82] 89] 171 1820} 99 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,-——Bar- ford R. Barnham-Broom R. Bawburgh V. Little Brandon R. Catletan-Farchoe Bi: Colton R. Cosstesey P. C. Coston P. C. Crownthorpe R. Deopham V. Easton V. Hackford R. Hingham R. Honingham V. Kimbérly V. Marlingford R. Morley-St.-Botolph R. Morley-St.-Peter P. C. Runhall V. “Welbourne R. Wicklewood V. Wrampliugham R. and of Wymondham V. HUNDRED OF FREEBRIDGE-LYNN. (3) The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, ——Clench- warton R. Emneth P.C. Islington V. West Lynn-St.-Peter (in- cluding North Lynn-St.-Edmund) R. Terrington-St.-Clement V. Terrington-St.-John V. Tilney-All-Saints V._ Tilney-St.-Laurence V. Walpole-St.-Andrew V. Walpole-St.-Peter R. Walsoken R. West Walton R. Wiggenball-St.-Germain V. Wiggenhall-St.-Mary-Mag. ' dalen V. Wiggenhall-St.-Mary-the-Virgin V. and of Wiggenhall- | St.-Peter V. HUNDRED OF GALLOW, (4 BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | ‘Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. } Years. | Mar- males. maales. Tiages. 1811 | 55 | 42 97 35 | 32 67 1811| 26 1812 | 54] 59 | 113 F212} 17] 38 1812] 26 1813 | 53 | 49 | 102 16/17] 33 1813} 25 1814 | 64 | 59 | 1238 7 37 | 221 59 1814} 23 1815 | 59 | 63 | 122 | 27131] 58 1815] 52 1816 | 79 | 58 | 137 | 37] 27 | 64 1816] 22 1817 | 64 | 51 | 115 J 26] 15} 41 1817; 33 1818 | 59 | 59 | 118 fF 30/18} 48 1818} 24 1819 | 61 | 67 | 128 | 30 | 32 | 62 1819| 32 1820 | 6o | 68 | 128 | 26 } 27 53, 1820} 33 The above Axsstracr is collected from the Registers of,_—-B thorpe R. East Barsham V. North Barsham R, West Barsham V. Dunton (with Doughton) V. Fakenham R. Fulmodestone (with Croxton) R. Helhoughton V. Houghton (with Harpley) V. Kettle- stone R. South Rainham-St.-Martin V. East and West Rainham R. East Rudham R. West Rudham V. Great Ryburgh R. Little Ryburgh V.(™) Sculthorpe R. Sheringford R. Little Snoring R. Stibbard R. Sydersterne R. Tatterford R.. Tattersett R. and of Toftrees V. (') Barmer and Testerton in this Hundred are Extra-parochial'; aud the Churches of Broomsthorpe, Hempton, Peasthorpe, and Pudding- Norton, are ruinated. (™).The Church at Little Ryburgh being dilapidated, Marriages take ee BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. place at Great Ryburgk. Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Tota | Years. | Mar- HUNDRED OF GREENHOE (NORTH). (°) males}, males. rlages, : 1811 | 139} 144} 283 f106] 94 | 200 1811) 65 BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. F642 [148 127} 275 yo} 64} 134 1812 ; nee : : 1813. 11178 | 151] 329. 79| 62] 141 | 1813} a Years. Males} Fe f Total. [Males et Total Years. ae 1814 [182 }140} 322 F 98} 96] 194 1814} go - ’ Poa : 1815 | 163 | 172) 335 go} gi] 181 1815} 847 1811 |.166 }145 |, 311 [201/134] 235. f 1811) 69, 1816 |181]171} 352 83/110} 193 4816 |. 78 1812 | 142 |133] 275 47| go| 167 Tf 1812] 53 1817 | 164/166] 330 gi} 78] 169, ff 1817! 75 1813 |-138 |133] 271 65] 66.) 131 1813] 63 1818 | 202 1187] 389 [104] 70/174 | 1818] 81 1814 |.152])142| 294 | 73.} 98}.171 1814] 66. 1819 |176}170) 346, [ 97] go] 187 1819} 81 1815 |178 }146| 324 84] 73] 157 1815] 82 1820 | 188 |'204| 392 J 96] 74) 170 1820| 83 1816 }144]146| 290 }101}] 86/ 187 1816] 65 I es 1817 | 159 |147 | 306 94| 88] 182 1817| 76 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registersof,——Ammer R. 1818 {151/173 | 324 89} 80 169 1818] 69 Ashwicken (with Leziate) R. Babingley R. West Bilney P. C. 1819 {143/145} 288 98} 90} 188 1819} 53 Castle-Acre, V. Castle-Rising R. © Congham-St.-Andrew. (with St, 1820 | 162/169] 331 73 [101] 174 1820} 81 Mary) R. Dersingham V. Flitcham P. C arin V. Gayton; thorpe R. Gaywood R,(*) Grimston R. Harpley R. Hillington R. Great Massingham R. Little Massingham R. Middleton ¥V. West- Newton R. Pentney P: C. Roydon R. North Runcton R. Sand- ringbam R East Walton V. Westacre.P.C. East Winch V. West Winch B. Wolferton R. North Woottan V. and of, South Wootton R. % The Churgh of Mintlyn is dilapidated. The Church at Bawsey having. been dilapidated for,many years,. the Inhabitants frequent the Church at Gaywooud. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, ‘Bar- ney V. Binham V. Cockthorpe R. Field-Dawling V. Hindringham V. Holkham V. Houghton (next Walsingham) V. Great Snoring R. Stiffkey R. Thursford R. Little Walsingham P.C. Old Walsing- ham P.C. Warham-All-Saints R. Warham-St.-Mary R. Wells R. and of Wighton V. (°) The Church of Egmere is desecrated. "? M.DCEC.XX1] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 79 seeiabcbaa icin COUNTY OF NORFOLK —continwed. HUNDRED OF GREENHOE (SOUTH). (°) HUNDRED OF HAPPING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males - Total. [Males en Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males|. Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males = males} tiages. males. __ |males. riages. 1811 [136 |109| 245 |72| 72] 144 | 1811] 77 1811 | 84] 78] 162 | 54] 49 | 103 | 1811) 44 1812 |124]132| 256 ] 62) 48] 110 1812| 54 1812 | 81] 79] 160 [ 57 |} 55 | 112 1812] 48 1813 | 138131] 269 | 84] 79] 163 | 1813! 50 1813 | 83] 92| 175 | 30 | 36| 66 | 1818] 36 1814 [1411138] 279 164] 79] 143 1814] 74 1814 | 71] 97] 168 | 53 | 46] 99 1814] 38 1815 |156/147| 303 | 74| 73| 147 | 1815! 66 1815 | 95} 88} 183 | 33 | 36] 69 | 1815] 52 1816 | 151/128] 279 | 86 | 84] 170 | 1816] 58 1816 |100] gg} 199 | 52 | 50 | 102 1816| 937 1817 |156]142| 298 | 71] 45] 116 | 1817) 67 1817 | 86] 96] 182 {39 | 47 | 86 1817} 47 { 1818 | 182] 154] 336 [83 | 65] 148 1818| 73 1818 [106/104] 210 #33} 39] 72 1818] 49 1819 [133/158] 291 | 69 |103| 172 | 1819] 65 1819 | 82/104} 186 | 43 | 52 | 95 | 1819] 40 1820 |166]144| 310 | 63 | 65] 128 | 1820] 62 1820 |102|115| 217 § 57 | 47 | 104 1820] 37 The above Arstract is collected from the Registers of, Bod- ney R. East Bradenham R. West Bradenham V. Cockley-Cley R. Great Cressingham R. Little Cressingham R. Didlington (with Col- | vestone) V. Foulden V. Gooderstone V. Hilborough R. Holm-Hale R. Houghton-on-the-Hill R. Langford R. Narburgh V. Narford V. wpe R. or V. (?} Newton V. Oxborough R. North Pickenbam R. South Pickenham R. Southacre R. Sporle (with Palgrave) V. and of Swaffham V, (°) The Church of Caldecot is desecrated. (°) Also from a Register of Baptists at Neighton. The above Anstracr is collected from: the Registers of, -Brum- stead R. Catfield R. Happisburgh V. Hémpstead (with Eccles) R. Hickling V. Horsey V. Ingham P.C. Lessingham R. Ludham V. Palling V. Potter-Heigham V. East Ruston V. Stalham V. Sutton R. Walcott P. C. and of Waxham R. HUNDRED OF GRIMSHOE. (4) HUNDRED OF HENSTEAD.(*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS: MARRIAGES. Years. Males is. Total. pales ie fondle Years. eae Nears, Males Er Total. ates Ee, | Total. Years a 1811 | 94} 82/176 #40} 48 | 88 | 1811] 32 1811 | 82 | 89 | i71 E61 f sol asa | isti!] 50 1892 | 81} 85] 166 § 54} 41] 95 | 1812! 34 1812 | 81 | 88 | 169 fF 38156] 94 fF 1812] 34 1818 | 98} 64] 162 $61} 53 | 114 | 19813] 44 1813 | 81 | 78] i159 [51 | 41 | ge | ists) 46 1814 | 88/103] 191 }. 36} 45] 81 [| 1814! 43 1814 93 75 | 68 [52] 50 | id2 | 1814) 43 1815 |104| g2| 196 | 52} 47] 99 | 1815/ 31 1815 | 86 | 79 | 165 #46 {46 | ge } i815! 23 1816 | 10G} 95] 195 [| 41 | 45] 86 | 1816) 56 1816 | 71 | 76 | 147 fF 52 | 46 8 1816] 40 | 1887 | 92} 97] 189 $49} 38] 87 | 1817] 37 1817 | 76 | 97 | +73 £39. | 44 | 86 | 1817) 5a isis | 92| 82/174 133143] 76 | dels! 43 1818 | 99 | 85 | 184 | 56 | 60 , 116 | 1818] 43 1819 | 89} 85] 174 £39 | 49] 88 | d819] 38 1819 | 70 | 87 | 157 [54 [62 | i116 [ ig19} 41 1820 | 95] 88] 183 [30135 | 65 | 1820] 57 1820 | 82 | g2 | 174 [52 | 52] 104 | 1820] 4 Phe above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,———Cran- | wich R, Croxton V. Feltwell-St.-Mary (with St.Nicholas)R. Hock- }: wold (with Wilton) R. Ickborough R. Meithwold V. Mundford R. Santon-House R: Stanford V. West Tofts R. and of | | Nerthwold R. R | Weeting-St.-Mary and All-Saints R. (9) There is no Church at Little Buckenham, Colverstone or Lyn- F ford. The Church of Sturston is in ruins. The above Azsrnract is collected from the Registers of, Arming- hall P. C.. BixleyR. BramertonR. Caister-St.-Edmund’s R, Framing- ham-Eark R. Framingham-Pigott R. Kirby-Bedon R. Great Poringland R. Roockland-St.-Mary Ry Saxlingham R. Saxlingham (with Nethergaté and Thorpe)R. Shotesham-AilSaints V. Shotesham- St.-Mary and St.Martin V. Stoke-Holy-Cross V. Surlingham V. Trowse-Newton V. and of Yelverton (with Alpington) R. (*) West Poringlind is included with’ Howe (Clavéring Hundred) ; oo isno Church ; and the Chapel of Witlingham is demo- stied. HUNDRED OF GUELT-CROSS. HUNDRED OF HOLT. det Siete sok gt aes “ sized bias > ! BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRI'AGES. | BAPTISMS. Fr) BUTET AES. | manrraczs. f ‘ Breen * — Yes han] Tost tan] Tt Pn | oe, || Peer Mea Yo ag Tn | ven | 1811 S2| 43) 155: 56 | 58 | 13:7 1811) 4¢ 18V1 |re9s 191 ].949 [831 71156 k 1811] 46 1812 | 85/102] 187 [52 | 38 |) go P 1899] 34° 1842 i¥31 } 129} 260 | 63} go} 53 | 1842! 61 1813 | go} &5|' 175) [28 |' 40 - 68 P 1813), 38 | 1813 |iv1d }198] 240 | 45 | Fo] vrs 1813]; 58 1st4 | 83{ 43] £56) fi51 | 59 | 110 P 1st4] go | | 1824 |'vpe $134] 306 | 72 | 66] 738 | 1814]! 79 1885 |itgz]125| 248 #46 | 45 |! 91 1845}, 51 | | 1815 | ¥65 1138], 300 | 66 | 68) 34 | 1815] 73, 1816 || 78]. gi|' 169) [53 |. 45 || 98 f 1846] ge | | 1826 fr57} 161]. 318 J79 | 85| 164 f 1816] 49: 18177 [1121 |, $7{ 208! #38 | 4a | 79 fF 18EF): 36° | | 18ET /'130'/ 198 | 968 183 |.1dg] 287 & 1817! Ke 188 || g6|.104] 2001 [52 | 4a | 93 | 1818) 4a | | 1848 4801143] 333 fi76 | 76 lirse f 1816) ye 1819 || 95) 84|' 179) 50 39 || 89 | 1829} 47 | | 1800 1n6x f145 |: 306 172 |: 77}, 149! f 1819) 45. Te20 fiozfrio} srr fag] 55 | 99 fF 18267 34 | 1820, r178 | 142 320 | 77 | 93. 170' L 18201 78 The: above: Amsrwact is colested from the: Registers of —-Ban- ham: Ri BlosNorton Ri Garboldistam: Ru. Gasthorpe R. East: Har- ling R: West’ Harting R: Keninghall V. North Lephain Re South Lopham R. Quidenham R. Riddlesworth R. and of Rushford P. C | The above’ AzstHacr is colleoted-from the Registers of —— Bale R; | Blakeney R& Bodham R. Briting}am’ P.C. Brinton R. Briston e | Cley-newt-the-Sta i Kdgefield' Ry; Glandford: P.C. Gunthorp 1. | Hempstead V. Holt-R: Himworth-R: Kelling. R. Langham-Epis- copi V. iene ~ ee R. Morston Ry Sale pense By Sy Jingham.R. Sharrington R; Stodey R. Swanton-NoversR. Thornage R. Waborne B ce and of ue iveton ee 80 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers, SR a ape se oO COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HUNDRED OF HUMBLEYARD. (*) HUNDRED OF MIDFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | votal, |Males| Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males. males. Tlages. 1811 | 60 | 70 | 130 38 | 39 | 77 1811} 31 1812 | 62 | 84} 146 | 36) 36] 72 1812; 32 1813 | 65 | 79 | 144 | 19 | 37 | 56 1813) 393 1814 | 69 | 60 | 129 6 f 41 | 46] 87 1814! 31 1815 | 66 | 55 | 121 50 | 37 | 87 1815| 25 1816 | 69 | 83 | 152 | 34] 37 | 72 1816) 35 1817 | 62 | 68 | 130 $36] 41 | 77 1817| 30 1818 | 71 | 72 { 143 36 | 33 | 69 1818) 31 1819 | 63 | 70 | 133 40 | 48 | 88 1819, 35 1820 | 80 | 84 | 164 | 40 |] 43] 83 1820} 39 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, | Mar- Tiages, a Se Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males Fe- | Total, males. males, 181L |157/166] 323 | 62 | 84 | 146 1811} 63 1812 [137/144] 281 | 64 |] 79 | 143 1812} 66 1813 |156]144} 300 | 69 | 71 | 140 1813] 68 1814 /141/144] 285 | 73 | 81 | 154 1814; 72 1815 |189/176] 365 | 82 | 89 | 171 1815| 67 1816 |142/166] 308 | 81 | 85 | 166 1816] 82 1817 /153/137] 290 | 53 | 62 | 115 1817] 76 1818 |170,;172] 342 71 | 70 | 141 1818} 70 1819 |169/169| 338 | 80 | 86 | 166 1819] 75 1820 |188|172] 360 | 84 | 81 | 165 | 1820] 68 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Bracon- Ash R. .East Carlton R. Colney R. Cringleford P. C. Dunston P.C. Flordon R. Hethel R. Hetherset R. fntwood (with Keswick) R. Ketteringham V. Great Melton R. Little Melton V. Mulbarton R. Newton-Flotman R. Swainsthorp R. Swardeston V. and af Wrening- ham R. (*) The Church of Merkshall is ruinated. The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of,——South Burgh R. Cranworth (with Letton) R. East Dereham V. Garveston R. Hardingbam R. Hockering R. Mattishall V. Mattishall-Bergh R, Reymerston R. Shipdham R. Thuxton R. East Tuddenham V. North Tuddenham R. Westfield R. Whinbergh R. Woodrising R. and of Yaxham R. HUNDRED OF LAUNDITCH. (‘) HUNDRED OF SHROPHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- | otal. [Males| Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- Years. |Males| © | Total. [Males| Fe- Total. | Years, | Mar- |males. males. tiages. males. males, Tages. | 1811 | 1501147 | 297 68] 91] 159 | 1811] 69 1812 | 157|146 | 303 81| 89] 170 1812] 68 1813 | 1561149 | 305 63] 71] 134 1813] 83 1814 | 170}161 | 331 88] 107] 195 1814} 88 1815 | 210}184] 394 106] g2] 198 1815] 89 1816 | 184/173 | 357 g1} 71] 162 1816| 94 1817 | 201/163 | 364 69] 68] 137 1817] 107 1818 .| 203} 198] 401 66} 65} 131 1818] 99 1819 | 223}192] 415 89} 86] 175 1819| 97 1820 | 190] 209 | 399 94} 85] 179 1820; 88 1811 |105] 97] 202 [50 | 68 | 118 | 1811] 55 1812 }113]116} 229 | 50 | 62 | 112 1812] 43 + 1813 |117|117/ 234 | 51 | 57 | 108 1813} 53 1814 |116] 96/ 212 | 68] 59 | 124 1814] 64 1815 {127/128} 255 | 46 | 70 |-116 1815! 59 1816 | 111 }117 | 228 70 | 79 | 149 1816} 59 1817 | 128)108 | 236 | 56 | 49 | 105 1817 52 1818 |129}111] 240 | 52 | 63 | 115 1818| 58 1819 } 122/119] 241 | 70 | 69 | 139 1819] 54 1820 } 125] 90] 215 } 69 | 65 | 134 1820] ‘68 The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Beeston- next-Mileham R. Beetly R. East-Bilney R. Brisley R. Colkirk R. Great Dunham R. Little Dunham R. North-Elmham V. Great Fransham R. Little Fransham R. Gately V. Gressenhall R. Hoe P.C. Horningtoft R. Kempstone V. East Lexham R. West Lexham R. Litcham R. Longbam R. Mileham R. Oxwich R. Rougham V. Scarning R. Stanfield R. Swanton-Morley R. Tittleshall (with Godwick) R. Weasenham-All-Saints V. Weasenham-St.-Peter V. Wendling R. Whissonsett R. Willingham R. and of Worthing R. (*) Dillington is included in East Dereham (Midford Hundred). The above Aznstracr is collected from the Registers of, —Attle- borough R, Besthorpe V. Brettenham R. Bridgham R. New Buckenham P.C. Old Buckenham P.C. Eccles R. Great Elling- ham V. Hargham R. Hockham V. Illington R. Kilverstone R. Larling R. Rockland-All-Saints (with St. Andrew) R. Roudham V. Shropham V. Snitterton R. Wilby R. and of East and West Wreathain R. HUNDRED OF LODDON.(") HUNDRED OF SMITHDON. (’) BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- | Total. Males| Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males} Fe- | Total. Years. | Mar- males. males, riages. males ‘males.| riages. 1811 }112! 76] 188 | 39] 351 74 1811| 37 1812 | 81! 77) 158 48 | 36 84 1812) 41 1813 | 75/105} 180 | 43] 46] 89 1813] 60 1814 }105| 96] 201 36 | 41 77 1814| 46 1815 }103 | 86] 189 | 47 |] 54} 101 1815) 47 1816 | 95/ 90} 185 52 | 43 95 1816) 55 1817 |105 /114] 219 [25 | 38] 63 1817} 43 1818 | 93/104) 197 | 49 | 38| 87 1818] 44 1819 {105101 | 206 | 49] 58! 107 1819| 46 1820 1124/1111] 235 | 33 | 40) 73 1820} 46 1811 | 99] 79] 178 | 62] 59] 121 1811] 48 1812 }111] 96] 207 [59 | 57 | 116 1812] 26 1813 }113]} 105] 218 | 59 | 56] 115 1813| 57 1814 }122] 92] 214 | 68 | 71 | 139 1814} 58 1815 |136] 102] 238 [49 | 49] 98 1815] (46 1816 }110]11y| 229 | 62 | 62 | 124 1816] 49 1817 {1321134} 266 [75 | 73 | 148 1817; 62 1818 }127 1137] 264 65 | 49 } 114 1818] 45 1819 }128] 123] 251 | 63 | 67 | 130 1819] 48 1820 }121} 114] 235 | 61 | 57 | 118 1820} 53 The above Asstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Ashby R. Bedingham V. Brome R. Carlton-St.-Peter R. Chedgrave R. Claxton R. Ditchingham R. Hardley P.C. Hedenham R. Helling- tonP.C. Kirstead R. Langley P.C. Loddon V. Mundham P. C. Seathing P.C, Sisland R. ‘ThartonP.C. Topcroft R. Twaite R. and of Woodton R. (") Alpington is included with Yelverton (Henstead Hundred). The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,—Great Bircham R. Bircham-Newton R. Bircham-Tofts R. Brancaster R. Docking V._ Fring P. C. MHeacham V. Holme-next-the-Sea V.. Hunstanton V. Ingoldisthorpe R. Ringstead R. Sedgeford V. Shernborne V, Snettisham V. Stanhoe R. Thornham V. and of Titchwell R. (") The Church of Barwick is ruinated. M.DCCC.XXI.] THK POPULATION : ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 81 ea a COUNTY OF NORFOLK —continued. HUNDRED OF TAVERHAM. HUNDRED OF WAYLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. ‘MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total, | Years. Mar- ; pas males, males. ‘ riages. males, , males riages. 1811 | 85] 97] 182 } 49 | 481 97 1811} 35 1811 |103] 85] 188 | 47|43] go | 1811) 41 1812 }110] 85/195 | 43149) 92 1812) 25 1812 | 96] 94| 190 | 39] 47} 86 | 1812) 34 1813 {117} 85] 202 $37) 54] 91 1813] 38 1813 | 92] 95| 187 133 | 47] 80 | 18138) 39 1814 }118] 85} 203 | 54157 | 111 1814| 55 1814 |109}105| 214 | 68 | 62 | 130 | 1814! 48 1815 | 102] 94/ 196 | 69 | 61 | 130 1815] 39 1815 [131] 93/| 224 | 51 | 37] 88 1815| 41 1816 }117|) 80] 197 153141] 94 1816| 47 1816 |106| 122] 228 457 | 55 | 112 1816] 51 1817 |} 103] 86! 189 | 35] 40] 75 1817] 36 1817 |124| 83] 207 | 43] 47] go 1817 | 49 1818 | 120} 99] 219 155 | 42 | 97 1818) 41 1818 | 104) 111] 215 | 46 | 34] 80 1818] 49 1819 | 112/104 216 83 | 60 | 143 1819} 53 1819 | 99] 112] 211 47 | 53 | 100 1819 | 57 1820 | 120] 103! 223 | 54 | 59 | 113 1820} 45 1820 | 119 | 102} 221 67 | 60 | 127 1820} 40 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Attle- bridge V. Catton V. Crostwick R. Drayton R. Felthorpe R. Fret- tenbham R. Hainford R. ‘Hellesdon R. Horsford V. Horsham-St.- Faiths (with Newton-St.-Faiths) P.C. Horstead R. Rackheath R. Salenouse V. Spixworth R. Sprowston (with Beeston) P.C. (") Taverham R. and of Wroxham V. (“) There being no Church at Beeston-St.-Andrew, the Inhabitants frequent the Church at Sprowston. HUNDRED OF TUNSTEAD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. 181L }135}111 | 246 | 58 | 61 | 119 1811} 59 1812 }143]110] 253 | 63 | 53 | 116 1812| 57 / 1813 |126]148] 274 | 80 | 64 | 144 1813] 66 . 1814 {151]131 | 282 90 | 75 | 165 1814! 59 | 1815 1136]143] 279 759 | 76 | 135 1815| 87 1816 {151}143| 294 | 83 | 78 | 161 1816| 57 1817 |136]135| 271 § 52 | 76 | 128 1817| 84 1818 |129/160! 289 | 67 | 71 | 138. | 1818] 68 1819 |142}164] 306 | 79 | 97 | 176 1819| 68 | 1820 } 16711501 317 | 81 | 94 | 175 1820] 69 The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, Ashman- ’ haugh P. C. Bacton V. Barton-Turf V. Beeston-St.-Laurence R. ~ Bradfield R. Crostwight R. Dilham V. Edingthorpe R. Felming- ham R. Honing V. Horning V. Hoveton-St.-John V. Hoveton-St.- Peter V. Irstead R. Neatishead V. Paston V. Ridlington R. Sco- Ruston P.C. Sloley R. Smallburgh R.(*) Swafield R. Tunstead V. North Walsham V. Westwick R. Witton V. and of Worstead V. (*) Also from a Register of the Poorhouse at Smallburgh. HUNDRED: OF WALSHAM, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. f Years. Males ae Total. Males ores Total. | Years. a 1811°| 57 | 59 } 116 26 | 26 52 1811{ 23 1812 | 53 | 62 | 115 26 | 29 | 55 1812} 92 1813 | 69 | 49 | 108 fF 29 | 23] 52 1813| 29 1814 | 87 | 51 | 138 24 | 21 45 1814] | 26 1815 |} 59} 54} 113 $27} 16) 43 1815) 26 1816 | 63 | 68 | 131 20 | 241 44 1816] 20 1817 | 60 | 59 | 119 4 26 | 19 | 45 1817| 29 | 1818 | 80 | 46 | 126 $35 | 23| 58 1818{ 21 | 1819 | 69 | 52 | 121 39 | 33. | 72 1819} 26 1820 | 7o | 58 | 128 4 44] 28} 72 1820] 35 The above Assrract is collected from the Registe:s of, —Acle R. _ Beighton R. Halvergate V. Hemblington P.C. Moulton V. Ran- worth-St.-Helen V. Reedham R. Tunstall P.C, Upton-St.-MargaretV. South Walsham-St.-Lawrence R. South Walsham-St.-Mary V. Wick- hampton R. and of Wood-Bastwick V. Peete ges ae The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Ashill R. Brecoles V. Carbrooke V. Caston R. Little-Ellingham R. Griston V. Merton (including Sturstone) R. Ovington R. Rockland-St.-Peter R. Saham-Toney R. Scoulton R. Stow-Bedon V. Threxton R. Tomp- son P.C. Tottington V. (7) and of Walton V; 5 (!) The Church at Sturston being in ruins, the Inhabitants frequent the Church at Tottington. BOROUGH OF KING’S-LYNN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males, riages. 1811 [172/179] 351 [202/195] 397 1811 | 75 1812 |207 | 216| 423 [104 /122; 226 1812 | 109 1813 |188]169| 357 1164 1/157! 321 1813] 89 1814 |175 | 167] 342 [128/132] 260 1814} 95 1815 |208]200| 408 ]128]140] 268 1815} 112 1816 |188|189] 377 [132/150] 282 1816 | 107 1817 | 205 | 205] 410 .f140/110]} 250 1817} 110 1818 | 224/217] 441 $116}119] 235 1818 | 142 1819 er 221] 438 f1641148 |] 312 1819 | 110 1820 !222] 240} 462 }123/154] 297 1820 | 136 The above Azstracrt is collected from the Registers of,——South Lynn-All-Saints V. and of Lynn-St.-Margaret P. C. (#) (7) The Return of Lynn-St.-Margaret includes St. Nicholas. CITY OF NORWICH. (*) BAPTISMS. { BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | Total. !nfales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males |males. Tiages, 1811 | 609 | 556 | 1,165 | 427/488| 915 | 1811 | 385 1812 | 568 ‘602 | 1,170 | 412|426| 838 | 1812° 398 1813 | 603 5221 1,125 | 448/471 | 919 1813 | 369 1814 [625 542 | 1,167 14451514! 959 | 1814! 411 1815 | 652 '646| 1,298 | 461] 498 | 959 | 1815! 546 1816 |679 690} 1,369 | 405] 420] 825 |. 1816 478° 1817 |'729 657] 1,386 |437| 440! 877 1817 | 486 1818 | 748 735 | 1,483 | 538] 511 | 1,049 | 1818 ; 498 1819 | 780 714] 1,494 | 722/793 | 1,515 | 1819 589 1820 | 838 796 | 1,634 [511] 542 / 1,053 | 1820} 600 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, All- J Saints R. St. Andrew P.C. St. Augustine R. St. Benedict P. C. St. Clement R. Earlham V. Eaton-St.-Andrew V. St. Edmund R. St. Etheldred P. C. St. George-Colgate P. C. St. George-at-Tomb- land P.C. St. Giles P.C. St. Gregory R. Court of Guardians C. Heigham R. St. Helen P.C. St. James R. St. John-Maddermarket R. St. John-Sepulchre P.C. St. John-at-Timberhill R. St. Julian R. Lakenham V. St. Lawrence R. St. Margaret R. St. Martin-at-Oak R. St. Martin-at-Palace P.C. St. Mary-Coslany P.C. St. Mary-in-the- Marsh R. (®) St. Michael-at Coslany R. St. Michael-at-the-Pleas R. St. Michael-at-Thorn R. St. Paul R. St. Peter-at-Hungate R. St. Peter’s-Mancroft P.C. St. Peter-by-Mountergate R. St. Peter’s- Southgate R. Pockthorpe C. St. SaviourP.C. St. Simon-and-JudeR. - St. Stephen V. and of St. Swithin R. (*) Also from a Register at Norwich Workhouse. : i (”) The Return of St. Mary-in-the-Marsh includes Norwich Cathe- Tal. ‘ Y ee [ Parish: Registers. $2 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER —— —— COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. BOROUGH OF THETFORD. . BOROUGH OF GREAT YARMOUTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. {Males el Total. [Males a fe Total. | Years. ice Years. [Males te on Total. {Males i Total. | Years. Jae, 1811 | 46} 36) 82 23.}17] 40 1811] 15 1811 | 350} 339) 689 243/208 | 451 1811 | 288 1812 | 31 | 30] 61 24/20 | 44 1812) 17 1812 | 327] 335] 662 §1981175! 373 1812 230 1813 | 41 | 29 | 70 | 22/27 | 49 | 1813] 22 1813 | 361] 311] 672 263] 262 | 525 1813 153, 1814 | 38} 39 | #77 J 21/20! 41 1814! 23 1814 | 334] 305| 639 207/201! 408 1814 | 172 1815 | 39 | 40 | 79 21 | 26} 47 1815; 27 1815 | 329] 299] 628 4#150/139} 289 1815 | 215 1816 | 50 | 40 | 90 24; 24 | 48 1816} 18 1816 | 315/335! 650 § 165/187) 352 1816 | 162 1817 | 38 | 23} 61 20 | 11 31 1817} 15 1817 | 312| 291] 603 § 169/137] 306 1817 | 156 1818 | 32 | 36; 68 | 23) 25; 48 1818} 21 1818 | 332] 303] 635 176/189 | 365 1818 | 155 1819 | 41 | 44 | 85 29 | 27] 56 1819} 24 1819 | 3241316} 640 J 218)194]| 412 1819 | 134 1820 | 50 | 40 | go 22 | 31 53 1820 | 17 1820 | 311] 283] 594 169] 202) 371 1820 | 138 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, —St. Cuth- The above Anstract is collected from the Register of, Great bert P.C. (°) St. Mary P. C. and of St. Peter R. (©) St. Cuthbert is chiefly in Suffolk. The Summary of the County of NorFoxk is collected from the Registers of Six hundred and Ninety-one Parish Churches and Three Chapels, from One Register of Dissenters, and from Four other Registers ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the Yarmouth R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. je eS “os, 1811 | 4,854 | 4,534 | 9,388 1811 | 2,949 | 2,968 | 5,917 1811 | 2,479 1812 4,787 4,670 | 9,457 1812 2,574 2,687 5,261 1812 2,286 1813 | 4,895 | 4,648 | 9,543 1813 | 2,534 | 2,712 | 5,246 1813 | 2,369 1814 5,159 4,661 9,820 1814 2,847 2,932 59779 1814 2,541 1815.| 5,404 | 5,067 | 10,471 1815 2,711 2,766 5477 1815 2,797 1816 5,210 | 5,165 | 10,375 1816 2,822 2,917 55739 1816 2,529 1817 5,286 4,994 10,280 1817 2,598 2,517 5,115 1817 2,584 1818 59532 5,406 10,938 1818 2,784 2,721 53505 1818 2,713 1819 | 5,472 | 5,291 | 10,763 1819 | 3,267 35387 6,654. 1819 2,718 1820 5724 5,500 11,224 1820 2,908 3,041 5,949 1820 2,736 TOTALS | 52,323 | 49,936 {102,259 - 27,994 | 28,648 | 56,642 - 25,752 following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 421 ;—Burials, 49 ;—Marriages, 3. M.DCCC.XXI. ] —— = THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. .C. 94. County of Northampton. 83 HUNDRED OF CHIPPING-WARDEN. HUNDRED OF FAWSLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total, |Males| ¥e- | Total. | Years. Mar- . males. males. riages. © 1811 | 67 | 54 |-121 | at | 21 | 62 1811| 28 "1812 | 68 | 68 | 136 | 45] 31 76 1812] 34 1813 | 67 | 58 | 125 133/29] 62 1813} 30 1814 | 67 | 73 | 140 $39 | 36] 75 1814! 32 . 1815 | 70 | 58 | 128 | 27 | 33 | 6o 1815| 27 1816 | 44 | 62 | 106 | 36) 44 | 80 | 1816] 26 1817 | 72 | 65 | 137 | 24] 31] 55 1817} 31 1818 | 61 | 64 | 125 | 30] 46| 76 1818} 29 1819 | Go | 53 | 113 § 36 | 31 | 67 1819| 30 1820 | 79 | 68 | 147 137156] 93 1820} 32 BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. Years. |atates ee Total. {Males ae Total, | Years. Cae 1811 {181/177} 358 $101 }106] 207 1811} 106 1812 |160/165| 325 $126]114| 240. | 1812} 102 1813 |225/158| 383 [118] 91] 209 1613] 103 1814 [1871/1901 377 1149]/119] 268 1814} 92 °1815 |182/1921 374 1051107] 212 1815] 108 1816 |190} 190] 380 41294123] 252 1816} 79 1817 | 193} 177{ 370 |105|104| 209 1817| 96 1818 | 210} 227] 437 §125]122] 247 1818] 91 1819 | 166) 185] 351 J119}109]| 228 1819} 97 1820 |214]216] 430 [135/118] 253 1820| 97 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Aston- le-Wall R. Bodington R. Byfield R. Chipping-Warden R. Edgecot R. Eydon R. Gretworth R. Sulgrave V. and of Woodford-cum-Mem- bris V. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——Ashby- St.-LedgersV. Badby V. Barby-with-Olney R. Braunston or Bran- deston R. Catesby V. Charwelton R. Daventry P.C. Dodford V. Everdon R. Farthingston R. Fawsley V. Hellidon P.C. Kilsby R. Litchborough R. Newnham V. Norton V. Preston-Capes V. Staver- ton V. Stowe-nine-Churches R. Weedon-Beck V. and of Welton V. HUNDRED OF CLELEY. HUNDRED OF GREENS-NORTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males - Total. {Males He: Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. (Males! Fe | Total. | Years. Mar- males. Imales riages. males. males. Yiages. 1811 | 93] 91] 184 | 40 | 67 | 107 1811] 50 1811 | 65 | 61 | 126 J 25] 30] 55 1811| 28 1812 | 90] 91] 181 58 | 50 | 108 1812] 54 1812 | 67 | 56 | 123 16 | 36] 52 1812] 33 1813 |105 | 86; 191 | 52 | 48 | 100 1813] 39 1813 | 62 | 78 | 140 [38] 37] 75 1813 | 37 1814 | 91] 80] 171 47 | 85 | 132 1814! 47 1814 | 67 | 75 | 142 60 | 50 | 110 1814} 34 1815 | 90} 93] 183 | 45 | 60 | 105 1815| 52 1815 | 72 | 68 | 140 [38] 46| 84 ] 1815] 36 1816 }105| 95] 200 | 60 | 74 | 134 1816] 53 1816 | 85 | 96 | 181 | 46 | 58 | 104 1816} 42 1817 | 108 }113]} 221 42 | 50 g2 1817) 49 1817 | 54 | 69 | 123 35 | 45 80 1817} 34 1818 |} 110]110} 220 | 60 | 66 | 126 1818] 65 1818 | 88 | 67 | 155 135 ]45) 80 1818 | 29 1819 | 100 }112] 212 § 64 | 73 | 137 1819] 37 1819 | 64 | 68 | 132 | 43 | 58 | 101 1819] 42 1820 | 98] 96| 194 | 47 |.58 | 105 1820; 48 1820 | 77 | 83 | 160 | 36 | 71 | 107 1820} 38 The above Anstracrt is collected from the Registers of,——Alder- ton R. Ashton R., Cosgrove R. Easton-Neston R. Furtho R. Grafton- Regis R. Hartwell P.C. Passenham R. Paulers-Pury R. Potters- Pury (including Yardley-Gobion) V. Roade P. C. Shuttlehanger C. Stoke-Bruerne R. and of Wicken R. The. above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers. of, —Ad- ston C. Blackesley and Woodend V. BraddenR. Canons-Ashby P. C. Greens-Norton R. Lewesdon or Loys-Weedon V. Maidford R. More- ton-Pinkney P.C. Plumpton R. Slapton R. and of Whittlebury (with Silverstone C.) P. C. HUNDRED OF CORBY. HUNDRED OF GUILSBOROUGH. (6) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years, [Males a a Total. {Males Be fee: Total. | Years. Ca Years. |Males ae Total. [Males aoe Total. } Years, a 1811 } 107/112] 219 83] 81] 164 1811] 73 1811 }112] 97] 209 | 79 | 75] 154 1811] 60 1812 | 138/123] 261 751 77 | 152 1812} 79 1812 | 120} 83] 203 | 87 |110] 197 1812] 69 1813 | 134 125] 259 67 | 74} 141 1813] 65 1813 | 141/114} 255 | 84] 80} 164 1813] 67 1814 | 131 133 | 264 1 84/104 | 188 1814} 59 1814 | 105 |121{| 226 | 72 | 941} 166 1814) 747 1815 | 140 126 | 266 83] 89] 172 1815) 81 1815 | 104|117} 221 "5 | 57 132 1815 | 62 1816 | 125 132 | 257 88 1118 | 206 1816] 75 1816 |125}108| 233 | 841 81] 165 1816} 50 1817 | 133,144 | 277 93 | 94, 187 1817| 87 1817 | 122] 98] 220 174] 55] 129 1817) 57 1818 |154'125| 279 {107 ]104; 211 1818] 65 1818 |100} 93} 193 { 56] 60] 116 1818] 547 1819 | 159 | 145 | 304 95 {108 | 203 1819} 65 1819 | 79| 83] 162 72) 71) 143 1819| 68 1820 | 130 134 | 264 86} 84] 170 1820| 77 1820 | 97] 99] 196 | 62] 73} 135 1820] 64 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- Jey R. Blatherwycke R. Brampton-by-Dingley R. BrigstockV. Bul- wick R. Carlton R. Corby R. Cottingham-with-MiddletonR. Deene and Deenthorpe R. Dingley R. Geddington V. Gretton V. Harring- worth V. Laxton P.C.. Newton P.C. Great Oakley P.C. Little Oakley R. Rockingham R. Stanion P.C. Stoke-Albany R. Sutton- Bassett V. Wakerley R. (*) Weekley V. WeldonR. Weston-by- Welland V. and of Wilbarston V. (4) Wakerley includes Fineshead. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of; Cold- Ashby V. Long-Buckby V. Clay-Coton R. Cottesbrooke R. Great Creaton R. Crick R. Guilsborough V. West Hadden V. Lilbourne V. Naseby V. Stanford-upon-Avon V. Thornby R. Watford V. Wel- . ford (including Selby) V.(©) Winwick R. and of Yelvertoft R. (®) The Church of Elkington long since demolished. (°) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Welford, ae = - — ——_—————_—_—_—_—_ eS 84 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers, COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. HUNDRED OF HAMFORDSHOE. HUNDRED OF KING’S-SUTTON. (¢) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males Fe- | Total. [Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males, Tiages. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. } Mar- males. males. Tiages, 1811 | 96/103] 199 g1]105 | 196 1811} 59 1812 | 76] 80] 156 84| 62} 146 1812] 68 1813 | 90] 87] 177 49| 52 | 101 1813| 56 1814 | 93} 77] 170 66] 78} 144 1814) 54 1815 | 87] 96} 183 65} 81] 146 1815} 63 1816 {106 | 76} 182 60] 80] 140 | 1816) 64 1817 | 83] 70] 153 66] 82] 148 1817| 61 1818 | 82} 97| 179 | 104/117 | 221 1818 | 76 1819 | 93} 83] 176 80] 70] 150 1819 | 76 1820 |100] 96] 196 65| 80} 145 1820; 58 1811 {151 | 136] 287 741101 | 175 1811] 66 1812 |147 1154] 301 75{114] 189 1812} 72 1813 | 139 | 144] 283 82]104 | 186 1813] 78 1814 1176 | 167] 343 [102/103] 205 1814] 79 1815 | 165 | 178} 343 85] 95] 180 1815/ 90 1816 | 181] 171] 352 §103]107] 210 1816} 82 1817 | 184] 188] 372 go }102] 192 1817] 70 1818 | 206 | 161] 367 103/110] 213 1818] 73 1819 |169 | 168) 337 112/131] 243 1819} 71 1820 174 162 | 336 $109 124 | 223 1820} 98 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Great Doddington V. Earls-BartonV. Ecton R. Holcott R. Mears-Ash- by V. Sywell R. Wellingborough V. and of Wilbye R. HUNDRED OF HIGHAM-FERRERS. The above Axnsrxact is collected from the Registers of,—— Aynho R. Brackley-St.-Peter with St. James V. Chalcombe V. Croughton R. Culworth V. Evenly V. Farthinghoe R. Helmdon R. Hinton-with-Stene R. King’s-Sutton V. Marston-St.-Laurence V. Middleton-Cheney R. Newbottle-with-Charlton V. Radstone P. C. Syresham R. Thenford R. Thorpe-Mandeville R. Wappenham R. Warkworth P. C. and of Whitfield R. (4) The Church of Stuchbury is in ruins. HUNDRED OF NAVISFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- } Total. (Males! Fe- | ‘Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| "€- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. males. males. Tlages, 1811 | 95] 91] 186 | 46] 56 | 102 1811} 51 1812 |} 73] 79] 152 63 | 62 | 125 1812) 62 1813 |103} 87] 190 | 58} 75 | 133 1813] 68 1814 | 82] 76] 158 | 63 | 60 | 123 1814} 56 1815 | 81] 86] 167 | 56 | 63 | 119 1815] 61 1816 | 97} 88] 185 | 61] 75 | 136 1816] 38 1817 | 63] 88] 151 50 | 58 | 108 1817| 69 1818 | 87] 881175 | 49 | 68] 117 1818| 74 1819 | 82}| 58{ 140 § 53] 59 | 112 1819| 67 1820 | 62/119} 181 | 62 | 65 | 127 1820] 66 1811 | 29 |} 30] 59 Y19]15] 34 1811} 16 1812 | 38 | 30] 68 322] 14] 36 1812 13 1813 | 27} 43 | 70 16 | 18 34 1813] 19 1814 | 33 | 31 64 418 | 22 | 4o 1814] 16 1815 | 35 | 26] 61 26} 19 | 45 1815| 21 1816 | 45 | 23 68 24 | 21 45 1816) 12 1817 | 18 | 38 | 56 15 | 20 | 35 1817) 15 1818 | 39 | 35 a4 19 | 18 | 37 1818] 20 1819 | 38 | 35 73 15 | 24 39 1819} 21 1820 | 33 | 30 63 13] 24/ 37 1820; 22 The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, Bozeat V. Chelveston with Caldicot P. C. Easton-Maudit V. Har- grave R. Higham-Ferrers V. Irchester V. Newton-Bromswold R. Raunds V. Ringstead P.C. Rushden R. Stanwick R. Strixton R. and of Wollaston V. The above Arstracr is collected from the Registers of, —-Clap- ton R. Vilton R. Stoke-Doyle R. horpe-Achurch R. Thrap- ston R.(°) Titchmarsh R. and of Wadenhoe R. (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Thrapston. HUNDRED OF HUXLOE. HUNDRED OF NOBOTTLE-GROVE. Addington R. Little Addington V. Aldwinkle-All-Saints R. Ald- winkle-St.-Peter R. Barnwell-All-Saints R. Barton-Seagrave R. Burton-Lattimer R. Cranford-St.-Andrew R. Cranford-St.-John R. Denford V. Finedon or Thingdon V. Grafton-Underwood R._ Irth- lingborough R. Islip R. Kettering R. Lilford-with-Wigsthorp V. or R. Lowick R. Slipton V. Sudborough R. Twywell R. Warkton R. and of Woodford R. “4 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males aad Total. [Males' bast Total. | Years. oe Years. {Males a Total. ;Males =e Total. | Years. 1811 | 120] 104} 224 g2| 80} 172 1811] 116 1811 |102)102} 204 174 | Go | 134 1811. 59 1812 | 83}100] 183 | 85! 77] 162 |- 1812) 97 1812 | 98} 80] 178 | 67 | 68) 135 | 1812' 52 1813 | 147/144] 291 69] 90] 159 1813] 93 1813 | go} 93] 183 153 | 59 | 112 1813, 78 1814 | 109/116} 225 114/120] 234 1814| 99 1814 {103 99] 202 71173 | 144 1814! 54 1815 | 1261129] 255 [102]101] 203 1815; 120 1815 ]113, 98] 211 61 | 94 | 155 1815! 56 1816 | 156/135] 291 103/105) 208 1816] 87 1816 | 96/106 | 202 71 | 71 | 142 1816, 45 1817 | 142}139] 281 86,100] 186 | 1817] 102 1817 | 88/108] 196 | 60 | 62 | 122 1817) 77 1818 | 139]}144] 283 }103)102) 205 1818] 118 1818 }133 |102} 235 | 55 | 66 | 121 1818; 63 1819 | 163] 129] 292 }106| 82] 188 1819} 118 1819 [120 |115] 235 | 59 | 70 | 129 1819; 58 1820 | 149] 160} 309 8g) 85) 174 1820] 85 1820 |122 | 103] 225 457 | 62 | 119 1820, 49 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Great The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Bring- ton R. Brockhall R. Bugbrook R. Church-Brampton R.(*) Dal- lington V. Duston V. Floore V. East Haddon V. Harlestone R. Har- pole R. Heyford R. Holdenby R. Kislingbury R. Ravensthorpe R. Upton P.C. and of Whilton R.. (f) There is no Church or Chapel at Chapel-Brampton. M.DCCC.XXI.] ‘ THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. ‘94. 85 rr a> COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. HUNDRED OF ORLINGBURY. HUNDRED OF SPELHOE. 1811 | 73 | 64 | 137 42 |-58 | 100 1811} 30 1812 | 56 | Go | 116 | 36) 41 | 77 1812| 36 1813 | 74 | 63 | 137 | 47] 42] 89 1813} 32 1814 | 62 | 65 | 127 1431-45 | 88 1814; 33 1815 | 92 | 63 | 155 $45 | 45 | go 1815} 41 1816 | 54 | 65 | 119 | 40 | 47 | 87 1816; 37 1817 | 84 | 74 | 158 | 49 | 52 | 101 1817! 39 1818 | 87 | 73 | 160 | 57 | 48 | 105 1818} 54 1819 | 74 | 75 | 149 49 | 51 | 100 1819| 34 1820 | 83 | 76 | 159 9-56 | 54 | 110 1820| 40 BAPTISMS. BURIALS, “MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | ‘Total. {Males} ¥€-.| Total, | Years. Mar- ; males, males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. : | Fe- | « Fe- Mar- Years. Males mal | Total. {Males ules Total. | Years. mises 64 | 67 | 1381 $43 | 59 | 102 1811] (35 1812 , 66 | 70 | 1386 | 43 | 54 | 97 1812 | ‘26 1813 68 | 73 | 141 733139] 72 1813] 31 1814 | 64| 56 | 120 | 46 | 49| 95 | 1814| 30 1815 | 73 | 68 | 141 J 3! | 42] 73 1815 | 40 1816 | 73 | 66 | 139 [47 | 49] 96 1816 | 35 1817 | 69 | 61 | 130 § 42 | 52 94 1817] 41 1818 | 86 | 91 | 177 | 43 | 42 | 85 1818) 61 1819 | 72 | 67 | 139 [ 43 | 47 go 1819} 39 1820 ! 76 | g1 | 167 7 42] 51 | 93 1820; 39 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Brix- worth V. Broughton R. Cransley V. Faxton P. C. Hannington R. Hardwick R. Great Harrowden V. Little Harrowden V. Isham R, Lamport (with Hanging-Houghton) R. Orlingbury R. Pitchley V. Scaldwell R. Walgrave R. and of Wold or Old R. The above Arsrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Abing- ton R. Great Billing R. Little Billing R. Boughton R. Kings- — thorpe R. Moulton V. Overstove R. Pisford R. Spratton V. and of Weston-Favell R. HUNDRED OF POLEBROOK. HUNDRED OF TOWCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. M ARRIGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males| F€- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 55 | 45 | 100 #43144] 847 1811} 22 1812 | 43 | 49 | 92 737) 44) 81 1812} 44 1813 | 68 | 59 | 127 § 32] 35 | 67 1813] 31 1814 | 45 | 60 | 105 ¥ 44 | 43 87 1814] 38 1815 | 71 | 61 | 132 32 | 55 87 1815| 39 1816 | 62 | 60 } 122 | 32] 40} 72 1816] 31 1817 | 51 | 51 | 102 31 | 27 | 58 1817| 38 1818 | 62 | 64} 126 9 35 | 35] 70 1818] 29 1819 | 53 | 62 | 115 31 | 36 57 1819} 30 1820 | 69 | 59 | 128 [44] 27] 71 1820} 43 1811 | 64 | 61 | 125 38 | 44] 82 1811] 35 1812 | 75 | 52 | 124 55 | 39 94 1812] 32 1813 | 56 | 63 | 119 30 | 42 | 72 1813 | 25 1814 | 64 | Go | 124 | 39 | 60 | 99 1814] 30 1815 | 58 | 61 | 119 § 40] 53 93 1815] 4o 1816 | 69 | 65 | 134 | 48] 71 | 119 1816] 30 1817 | 60 | 67 | 127 [43] 51 | 94 | 1817] 34 1818 | 59 | 51 | 110 32 | 43 75 1818] 30 1819 | 57 | 54 | 111 38 | 29 | 67 91819! 4o 1820 | 73 | 59 | 132 | 49] 46! 95 | 1820] 33 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Barn- well-St.-Andrews R. Benefield’R. Hemington V. Luddington R. Oundle V. Polebrook R. and of Warmington V. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,_——Ab- thorpe V. Gayton R. Cold-Higham R. Pattishall V. Tiffield R. and of Towcester V. HUNDRED OF ROTHWELL. (°) HUNDRED OF WILLYBROOK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | Total, [Males| Fe Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. tiages. Years. Males) Fe- Leet Total. {Males| "e- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males riages. 1811 | 88; 83] 171 56 | 73 | 129 1811} 40 1812 | 69] 53/122 {| 70] 55 | 125 1812} 41 1813 | 64) 79} 143 | 51 | 56 | 107 1813} 51 1814 | 78] 78| 156 | 89] 82,} 171 1814! 67 1815 | 80] 81) 161 } 44 | 66 | 110 | 1815) 76 1816 | 86} 84/170 | 72] 74 | 146 | 1816; 57 1817 | 96] 90] 186 4 62 | 60 | 122 | 1817) 52 1818 | 85] 88] 173 | 54 | 68 | 122 1818; 61 1819 | 92) 87} 179 | 58 | 88 | 146 1819] 44 1820 |} 109/107 | 216 | 62 | 76 | 138 1820| 64 1811 |103| 71 | 174 7 58 | 46 | 104 1811] 38 1812 |100| 79 | 179 § 50 | 47 97 1812) 35 1813 | 89] 67 | 156 | 31 | 41 | 72 1813] 33 1814 | 88/76 | 164 | 47 | 40 | 87 1814; 39 1815 | 77} 89 | 166 {31 | 48 | 479 1815| 37 1816 | 77| 84 | 161 | 421} 42 | 84 1816! 93 1817 | 83} 84] 167 [47 134) 81 1817 | 29 1818 | 80; 93 | 173 $48 | 46! 94 1818: 38 1819 | 98} 91 | 189 157 | 55 | 112 1819 49 1820, 88] 78 | 166 §.39 |] 39 | 78 1820 38 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Arthing- worth R. Little Bowden R. Braybrook R. Clipston R. Desbo- rough V. Draughton R, East Farnden R. Harrington R. Hasle- beech R. Kelmarsh R. Loddington R. Maidwell R. Marston- Trussell R. Great Oxenden R. Rowell (with Orton) V. Rushton- All-Saints (with Rushton-St.-Peter) R. Sibbertoft V. and of Thorpe- Malzor R. (®) Sulby is Extra-Parochial. There is no Parish Register at Glendon. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ape- thorpe P.C. Colly-Weston R. Cotterstock V. Duddington P. C Easton R. Fotheringhay V. Glapthorne P..C. King’s-Cliffe R LuttonR.(h) Nassington V. Southwick V. Tansor R. Wood-Newtou P.C. and of Yarwell P. C. (*) There being no Church at Washingley, the Inhabitants frequen the Church at Lutton. 86 ABSTRACT OF ANSWER8 AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. Fu Sa COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON—continued. HUNDRED OF WYMERSLEY. CITY OF PETERBOROUGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES: Years. (Males! Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males| Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- males males. Tiages. |males. males. : Tiages, 1811 | 89] 79] 168 | 50 | 64 | 114 1811} 51 1811 | 63 | 61 | 124 | 44 | 44 88 1811] 50 1812 | 84] 98] 182 | 59 | 77 | 136 1812| 48 1812 | 61 | 55 | 116 | 48145] 93 1812] 40 1813 | 971108} 205 4 51 | 56 | 107 1813] 57 1813 | 75 | 76 | 151 37 | 29 66 | 1813] 45 1814 |136|107/] 243 {73 | 86 | 159 1814] 53 1814 | 75 | 60} 135 | 46 | 43 89 } 1814) 47 1815 |106 }120} 226 | 75 | gi | 166 1815| 82 1815 | 59 | 69 | 128 | 28] 46] 74 | 1815] 44 1816 }117)103| 220 | 61 | 87 | 148 1816] 55 1816 | 7o | 72 | 142 4 47 | 59 | 106 | 1816] 33 1817 |118/117] 235 | 62 | 60 | 122 1817| 76 1817 | 67 | 69 | 136 | 48 | 48] 96 1817) 55 1818 |128/117] 245 | 64 | 74 | 138 1818) 75 1818 | 75] 75 | 150 { 36 | 34] 70 1818} 58 1819 {118/113 | 231 } 69 | 85 | 164 1819| 67 1819 | 80 | 64 | 144 | 39 | 36] 75 1819} 49 1820 {117 |111 | 228 | 67 | 85 | 152 1820] 92 1820 | 78 | 85 | 163 | 42 145] 87 | 1820) 48 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, Blis- The above Aznstract is.collected from the Registers of, ——St. Juhn- worth R. Brafield-on-the-Green V. Castle-Ashby R. Collingtree R. Baptist V. and of the Precinct of the Cathedral of Peterborough C. Cooknoe R. CourteenhallR. Denton P.C. Grendon V._ Hardin- : stone V. Horton V. Great Houghton R. Little Houghton V. Milton otherwise Middleton-Malzor R. Piddington including Hackleton P. C. Preston-Deanry V. Quinton R. _Rothersthorpe ‘VV. Whiston R. Wootton R. and of Yardley-Hastings R. BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON. LIBERTY OF PETERBOROUGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males cia Total. fMales| Fe- | Total. | Years. oe Years. |Males ES - Total. {Males Ee ae Total. | Years. Es 1811 }114 |] 81] 195 73} 79) 152 1811} 99 1811 [111 J117] 228 | 78 | €3 } 141 1811] 46 1812 |113] 93] 206 | 77] 79/ 156 | 1812] 80 1812 |129]105| 234 7 75 | 63] 138 | 1812] 51 1813 | 107] 108} 215 92| 87| 179 1813] 99 1813 [122 ]101 | 223 | 52 | 6o | 112 1813] 53 1814 |133]118) 251 | 74] go} 164 | 1814) 95 1814 | 99/116] 215 | 79 | 68} 147 | 1814] 57 1815 |152]135| 287 | 93] 98] 191 | 1815] 107 1815 |132]130{ 262 | 64 | 64] 128 | 1815] 53 1816 | 140} 140] 280 | 89/104] 193 | 1816) 89 1816 {113 ]108] 201 | 75157] 132 | 1816] 52 1817 138] 107] 245 [141/115] 256 | 1817] 113 1817 {132| 97] 229 | 631 69 | 132 | 1817| 55 1818 | 108/126} 234 [104]106]} 210 1818} 106 1818 |147]110] 257 69 | 61 | 130 | 1818] 46 1819 | 128] 133] 261 97] 75| 172 1819} 117 1819 }148 {117] 265 | 69 |] 74 | 149 | 1819) 52 1820 |438]111] 249 |104]106; 210 1820] 116 1820 }137 1135} 272 | 84] 71 | 155 | 1820] 55 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, All The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of,——Bain- : ton P.C. Barnack (with Pilsgate, Southorpe aud Walcot) R. Cast Saints V. St. Giles V. St. Peter R. and of St. Sepulchre V. (with Milton, see Allewaa) R. Bittoa R. Eye P. c Glinton j P. C. Helpston V. Marholm R. Maxey (with Deepingate) V. North- | borough R. —Paston (with Werslugtony R. Peakirk R. St. Martin- Stamford-Baron V, SuttonC. Thornhaugh R. Ufford (with Ashton) R. Upton C. Wausford P. C. and of Whittering R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. i BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. H Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. “— =o Se | 1811 2,042 1,887 3,929 1811 1,290 1,371 2,661 1811 1,158 1812 1,954 1,823 an77 1812 1,353 1,359 2,712 1812 1,168 1813 2,150 2,014 4,164 1813 1,175 1,244 2,419 1813 1,190 1814 2,088 2,034 4,122 1814 1,465 1,550 3,015 1814 1,188 1815 2,165 2,144 4,309 1815 1,251 1,453 2,704 1815 1,336 1816 | 2,216 | 2,129 | 4,345 1816 | 1,418 | 1,587 | 3,005 1816 | 1,105 1817 2,158 2,114 4,272 1817 1,328 1,371 2,699 1817 1,280 1818 2,326 2,201 4,527 1818 1,388 1,481 2,869 1818 1,348 1819 2,213 2,097 4,310 1819 1,404 1,462 2,866 1819 1,271 1820 2,303 2,278 4,581 1820 1,387 1,490 2,877 1820 1,302 Totats| 21,615 | 20,721 | 42,336 - = | 13,459 | 14,368 | 27,827 - + | 12,346 The Suamany of the County of Nortaampron is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Ninety-three Parish Churches and Five Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount ; viz: . .. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 327 ;—Burials, 94 ;—Marriage, 1. | eee eee M.DCCC,XXI1.] THE POPULATION ‘ACT, County of Northumberland. 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 87 et IT EE TTP BAMBOROUGH WARD. GLENDALE WARD. BAPTISMS. | BURIALS. MARRIAGES.: BAPTISMS. BURIALS. ‘MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | Total. Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years, |Males| Fe- | ‘Total. {Males| Fe-.] Total. | Years.’ _Mar- é males. |males. | riages. males. 4 ___ {males ; ‘| Tiages. | 1811 1/105 | go| 195 470} 86 | 156 | 1811] 38 1811 | 62.| 53 | 115 | 84) 91] 175 | 1811] 21 1812 ))107 | 85'| 192 484) 93] 177 ‘f} 1812] 47 1812 | 75 | 50 | 125 J122) 97] 219 | 1812) 37 | 1813 '|109 | 971 206 | Bo | 67:| 147 | 1813| 25 1818 | 57 | 58 | 115 J 87) 87) 174 | 1818) 33° 1814.) 85) 96: 181 4 72 J103.) 175 | 1814] 42 1814 | 74 | 74'| 148 } 89] 79] 168 | 1814) 29 | 1815 |}112/105:| 217 | 68) 77 | 145 ‘} 1815] 31 1815 | 71 | 63:4 134 |100}104] 204 4 1816) 27 | 1816 [115 |102:| 217 164165 | 129 J 1816} 35 1816 | 63 | 70 | 133 [107] 79] 186 7 1816) 22 | 1817 |104.} 83} 187 475 | 84) 159 $ 1817] 34 1817 | 79 | 60 | 139 | 107/102] 209 J 1817) 25 | 1818 |108| 99! 207 # g2 | 72:| 164 } 1818} 4o 1818 | 62 | 69} 131 go| 86} 176 1818) 34 | 1819 | 123 |} 102 | 225 4 63) 67:| 130 ¥ 1819] 38 1819 | 75 | 73 | 148 49101] 941 :195 1819| 33 1820 |136]109) 245 $71 | 80] 151 4 1820] 43 1820 | 68 | 45 | 113 79} 96i 175 1820! 30 Fhe above Assrnact:is collected from the Registers of,—Bam- burgh P. C. (*) Beadnell C. Belford P. C. Ellingham V. Embleton V. Howick R. Lesbury V. Longhoughton V. Lucker C. Rennington C. and of Rock C. (?) Also from Two Registers of Dissenters at North Sunderland and at Warenford, in Bamburgh Parish. ‘The above Azsrnacr is collected from the Registers of, Branxton © and Cornhill V. Carham P.C. Chatton V. Chillingham V. Dod- dington P.C.(®) Ford R. ‘Kirknewton V. Lowick P.C. and of Wooler V.(‘) se (*) Doddington‘has been Parochial from 1725. (‘) Also from Three Registers of Dissenters at Wooler. CASTLE WARD. MORPETH WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- *{males; ‘ “{males: 4 ‘| riages. 1811 | 638 |652 | 1,290 | 461/420] 881 | 1811) 349 1812 | 689 | 675 | 1,364 | 4841483] 967 | 1812! 382 1813 | 743 |772 | 155%5 1-433}-476| 909} 1813) 354 1814 | 736 | 662 | 1,398 | 486/468] 954 | 1814| 343 1815 | 733] 742 | 1,475 1595|54611,141 | 1815) 401 1816 |785 | 709 | 1,494 }496|430] 926 | 1816] 440 1817 |724] 693 11,417 1 454|452 | 906 | 1817] 357 1818 || 764! 689 | 1,453 '15151483 | 998 | 1818) 375 1819 |749 764 {1,513 [513] 491 | 1,004 1819! 360 1820 |752 469, | 15515 1491] 490: g81 4 1820) 432 The above Azsrracrt is collected from ‘the Registers of, ——Long- Beuten V. ‘Cramlington'C. Harnsdon:P. C.: Gosforth P. C. Heddon- on-the-WallV. Horton P.C. Meldon V.(°) Newburn V. Pont- eland V. Stannington V. Tynemouth V. Wallsend P..C. Whalton R. and of Whitley C. (°) The Inhabitants of River Green (Extra Parochial) resort to Meldon Church. COQUETDALE WARD. BAPTISMS. 4 BURIALS. 4 MARRIAGES. Years. {Males ne Total. {Males ae Total. ] Years. | Mar- males. males riages. 1811 |163'}164 | 327 4179/153] 332 1811| 83 1812 $175 1175) 359 9159/2174) 333 4812 101 1813 |161 |162] 323 $139/167] 306 | 1813) 111 1814 |191 |221 | 412 $172/176] 348 1814} 89 1815 | 187/180) 367 141/148) 289 1815 | 103 1816 | 181/165] 346 [154/141] 295 1816) 92 1817 |172'4199)] 371 [188/163] 351 -[ 1817). 89 1818 |192/176| 368 [150/174] 324 1818; 87 1819 | 1741169] 343 [144]161] 305 1819 | 106 1820 . 206/174] 380 149/140] 289 1820} 79 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Allen- tou P.C. Alnham V. Alnwick P.C. Edlingham V.(°) Eggling- ham V.: Elsdon R. ® Felton V. Framlington P. C.(°) Hallystone P.C. Ilderton R. Ingram R. Rothbury R. (®) Shilbottle V. and of Whittingham V. (©) Edlingham includes the Return of the Chapelry of Bolton. (4) Elsdon includes Byrness C. (*) Framlington includes the Return of Burials that take place at Brinkburn Abbey, which is now in ruins. . ; (f) Previous to the Year 1813, the Register of Hallystone was included in that of Allenton. (®) Also from a Register of the Scotch Church at Rothbury. ‘| worth V. Widdrington P. C. and of Woodhorn (including New- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males! Fe- | Total. fe Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- 2 eae ‘males: nixdles. riages. 1811 |145 | 132 | 277 87]|109 | 196 1811] 89 1812 [173 |157 | 330 109/120 | 229 1812] 69 1813 |194 |1534 344 91} -93 | 184 1813] 69 1814 |178)175] 353 $138/115 | 253 1814| 83 1815 /146/157| 303 f109] 88] 197 18151 79 1816 |183 | 159} 342 [107/115] 222 1816] 82 1817 /162/136] 298 $113]130] 243 1817) 77 1818 (164/171 | 335 $125/111 | 236 1818} 80 1819 |170/154] 324 88124 | 212 1819] 74 | 1820 [177 163 | 340 88}110]| 198 1820] 65 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Bo- Jam V. Bothal R. Hartburn V. Hebburn P.C. Long-Horsley V. Mitford V. Morpeth R. Netherwitton P.C. UlghamP.C. Wark- ‘| biggin) V. TINDALE WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. J MARRIAGES. (et er : | Years. soot ee Total. {Males ne Total. | Years. ek 1811 436 |408 | 844 | 264] 252! 516 1811} 251 1812 | 433 |460| 893 | 245|299| 544 | 1812] 249 1818 | 4864431] 917 $279] 256 | 535 4813} 231 1814 | 509]470) 979 4302) 319 | 621 1814) 237 1815 | 549 | 493 | 1,042 | 279] 273 | 552 1815] 263 1816 486 | 417 903 | 331/347 | 678 1816) 263 1817 | 4571413 | 870 | 309/310] 619 1817) 202 1818 |4761458| 934 | 260/298 | 558 1818) 224 1819 |.485 |428 | 913 | 296/275 | 571 1819] 227 1820 | 484]451] 935 [277 292 | 569 1820| 240 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of,—Allen- dale P.C. Bellingham R. Birtley P.C. Blanchland C. Bywell-St.- Andrew V. Bywell-St.-Peter V. Chollerton V. Corbridge-with-Hal- ton V. CorsensideV. Falstone R. GreysteadR.(j) Haltwhistle V. Hayden C. Hexham P.C. Humshaugh C. (j) St. John-Lee P.C. Kirk-Harle V. Kirk-Haugh R. Kirkheaton C. Kirkwhelpington V, Knaresdale - Lambley P.C. Ninebanks C. Ovingham V. St. Peters C. (kK) Shotléy P. C. Simonbourn R. Slaley P. C. Stamfordham V. (!) Thockerington P. C. Thorneyburn R. (3) Warden and Newbrough V. Wark R. (j) Whitfield R. and of Whittonstall C. (J) The Charches at Greystead, Humshaugh, Thorneyburn and Wark, were consecrated in the year 1818, previous to which time the Returns were included with those of Simonburn, of which Parish they formed art. (*) St. Peters includes Allonheads. (!) Stamfordham includes the Return of Ryal Chapel. fs 88 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND—continued. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. TOWN OF BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. {Males| Fe- | Total, [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. fMales| Fe | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. males, males. : viages, 1811 |455/474) 929 | 231/216 | 447 1811] 389 1811 | 58] 47] 105 § 87] 91] 148 1811] 43 1812 | 4471457] 904 | 231/254!) 485 1812] 368 1812 | 58] 64] 122 f 74] 74] 148 1812} 36 1813 1525) 459| 984 | 224/236| 460 1813] 3247 1813 | 78] 54] 132 § 92 | 67] 159 1813; 31 1814 1472 |434| 906 1196] 207] 403 1814} 354 1814 | 6o}] 56) 116 § 79 | 93} 172 1814} 41 1815 |544 | 537] 1,081 | 265}215 | 480 1815} 432 1815 | 58] 72] 130 # 88] o4j| 182 1815] 43 1816 | 562 | 474 | 1,036 | 219/218] 437 1816} 428 1816 | 71] 54] 125 | 64] 83] 147 1816} 33 1817 | 581 | 595]1,176 | 210] 228] 438 1817} 420 1817 | 56] 54} 110 $57! 84] 141 1817} 32 1818 |619 | 554] 1,173 $222};238]| 460 1818] 438 1818 | 86] 61] 147 | 86 ]104| 190 1818] 38 1819 | 630 | 620 | 1,250 f 248) 238 | 486 1819} 416 1819 | 61} 51] 112 | 75] 88] 163 1819] 26 1820 |665 1645 | 1,310 | 227|229 | 456 1820] 509 1820 | 73} 80] 153 | 77 | 85 | 162 1820| 42 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, ——All- The above Agsrracr is collected from the Register of,_—— Ber- Saints (including St. Ann’s C,) P.C.(™) St. Andrew P.C. St. John wick-upon-Tweed V. P.C. and of St. Nicholas V. (™) At an unconsecrated Burial Ground in All-Saints Parish, called the Ballast Hills, the Annual Average Number of Burials is 407. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. —— —S——’ SVS 1811 2,062 2,020 4,082 1811 1,463 1,418 2,881 1811 1,263 1812 2,157 2,123 4,280 1812 1,508 1,594 3,102 1812 1,289 1813 2,350 2,186 4,536 1813 1,425 1,449 2,874 1813 1,181 1814 2,305 2,188 4,493 1814 1,534 1,560 3,094 1814 1,218 1815 2,400 2,349 4,749 1815 1,645 1,545 3,190 1815 1,379 1816 2,446 2,150 4,596 1816 1,542 1,478 3,020 1816 1,395 1817 2,335 2,233 4,568 1817 1,513 1,553 3,066 1817 1,236 1818 2,471 2,277 4,748 1818 1,540 1,566 3,106 1818 1,316 1819 2,467 2,361 4,828 1819 1,528 1,538 3,066 1819 1,280 1820 2,561 2,430 4,991 1820 1,459 1,522 2,981 1820 1,440 Totals} 23,554 } 22,317 | 45,871 - - | 15,157 | 15,223 | 30,380 - + | 12,997 The Summary of the County of NorntHUMBERLAND is collected from the Registers of Eighty-seven Parish Churches and Thirteen Chapels, and from Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. % Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 686 ;—Burials, 467 ;—Marriages, 103. The large number of irregular Marriages in this County, is explained by the custom of resorting to the border of Scotland for that purpose. .M.DCCC.XX1.] -THE POPULATION ACT, peeatesn ET — — 1 GO. IV. C. 4. ‘89 ) County of Nottingham. HUNDRED OF : BASSETLAW, HATFIELD DIVISION. (*) HUNDRED OF BINGHAM, NORTH ‘DIVISION. . BAPTISMS.- BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- : Fe- : _Mar- Years. |Males| byes Total. {Males' rwalve Total. | Years. Tapes 1811 |245|246] 491 }123)152|] 275 | 1811] 119 1812 |243/}217} 460 }129)129{| 258 1812 | 102 1813 |'270 |242] 512 $136)118] 254 1813 | 121 1814 |269 |235) 504° [120/154] 274 1814 | 106 1815 {243 |275| 518 4141/1391} 272 1815 | 129 1816 | 253 |255| 508 $131/115| 246 1816 | 105 1817 | 288.}266| 554 4127/134| 261° | 1817] 103 1818 | 266 |} 251] 517 [129/168] 297 1818 | 93 1819 | 275 |242)] 517 413511351 270 1819 | 116 1820 | 274275) 549- 11431150] 293 1820 | 137 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. - MARRIAGES. | Fe- | 7 ales| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. Mines inaled! ‘otal. [M: I lees . criages. 1811 | 69/102} 171 | 46} 45 | 91 1811} 30 1812 | 96) 91] 187 437 | 42 19 1812) 31 1813 | 85} 94] 179 132] 32] 64 1813| 47 1814 | 96} 7o| 166 | 35} 40 | 75 1814! 57 1815 | 97) 97] 194 | 34] 48] 82 1815] 34 1816 | 90} 95| 185 | 41 | 38] 79 § 1816) 45 1817 |107| 83] 190. | 43 | 47 | 90 1817; 49 1818 | 81} 82] 163 | 53 ] 70 | 123 1818| 45 1819 | 92 }109] 201 33 | 50 | 83 1819; 41 1820 | 93| 94] 187 | 47] 46] 93 4 1820) 34 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Bab- -worth R. Blyth V. Bothamsell P.C. Boughton P.C. Carburton C. Carlton-in-Lindrick R. Edwinstowe V. Elksley V. Finningley R. Harworth V. Mattersea V. Misson V. Norton-Cuckney V. OllertonC. ‘OrdsallR. Perlethorpe C. West Retford R. Walesby V. Warsop R. and of Worksop V. (*) The Chapel at Houghton is ruinated. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Bing- ham R. East Bridgeford R. Carcolston V. _Elton-on-the-Hill R. Flintham V.. Granby V. Hawksworth R. Kneeton V. Langar(with Barnstone) R. Orston V..'Scarrington P.C. Screveton R. Thoroton P.C. and of Whatton (with Aslacton) V. HUNDRED OF BASSETLAW, NORTH CLAY DIVISION. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF BINGHAM, SOUTH DIVISION. (°) SS Total. |Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages. Years. |Males Fe- males. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 |166]116| 282 | 62 | 67] 129 1811 | 67 1812 1134)144] 278 [59 | 56] 115 1812] 55 1813 |115|142| 257 85 | 76| 161 1813] 55 1814 {146/135 | 281 711 79) 150 1814| 64 1815 |159 | 138; 297 77 | 68) 145 1815 | 64 1816 |155}147| 302 4 68 | 70} 138 1816] 61 1817 |164}134| 298 | 76! 731] 149 1817] 72 1818 |164}140) 304 § 86 }115] 201 1818] 81 1819 1155/154| 309 | 71 | 63] 134 1819] 79 1820 |168/135| 303 | 781 69] 147 1820| 59 Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 79} 77/156 145139] 84 | 1811) 23 1812 | 50| 56] 106 |} 30] 34] 64 1812; 27 1813 | 81] 90] 171 | 46 | 43 | 89 1813} 41 1814 | 82| 68] 150 147140] 87 1814] 43 1815 | 78| 87| 165 137145] 82 1815| 39 1816 | 89 |103] 192 143 | 35] 78 1816| 36 1817 |100 | 74| 174 | 39 | 40 | 79 1817] 31 1818 |100 | 64] 164 | 51 | 51 | 102 1818| 37 1819 | 93} 81] 174 | 60 | 60 | 120 1819} 37 1820 | 91} 78} 169 | 46137] 83 1820} 32 _The above Anstnacr is collected from the Registers of, Apes- sthorpe P.C (>) Bole V. West Burton P. C. Clareborough V. Clay- . worthR. Cottam C. Gringley V. North Leverton V. South Lever- ton V. Littleborough P. C. Misterton V. East Retford V. Saundby R. -Sturton (with Fenton) V. Walkeringham V. North Wheatley V. and .of,South Wheatley R. (>) The Church at Apesthorpe is in ruins. Marriages are performed at the neighbouring Church of North Leverton. The above Ansrnacrt is collected from the Registers of, Brough- ton-Sulney R. Colston-Basset V. Cotgrave R. Cropwell-Bishop R. Hickling R. Holme-Pierrepont R. Kinolton V, Owthorpe P. C. Radcliffe-upon-Trent V. Shelford P. C. Tithby-with-Cropwell-But- ler P. C. and of Tollerton R. (*) Clipstone is included in Plumtree R. (Rushcliffe, North). HUNDRED OF BASSETLAW, SOUTH CLAY DIVISION (°). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. HUNDRED OF BROXTOW, NORTH DIVISION. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. AL Years, (Males} Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- : | males. males. riages, Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males, riages. " 1811 | 91] 95{ 186 | 52] 55 | 107 | 1811) 35 1812 | 93} 941 187 4 67 |] 61 | 128 | 1812] 28 1813 }108] 871 195 } 49 | 561 105 1813] 45 1814 | 99]101} 200 3 55 | 63 | 118 1814| 63 1815 }103 }108{ 211 | 52 | 62 | 114 | 1815) 54 1816 1104] 97] 201 43 | 53 96 | 1816] 42 1817 1/105] 97{ 202 | 58} 50] 108 | 1817] 4o 1818 | 91114] 205 68 | 59 | 127 1818] 46 1819 |119} 102] 221 } 65 | 66] 131 | 1819} 54 1820 |109}118] 227 759 | 74 | 133 1820} 50 1811 |450] 420] 870 [246/278] 524 1811) 187 1812 |477)| 414] 891 |256/268| 524 1812) 182 1813 |418| 426] 844 J197/216] 413 1813] 155 1814 | 482] 418] 900 [311/305] 616 1814} 2047 1815 | 524] 493] 1,017 [255 ]291| 546 1815] 292 1816 | 495 | 478| (973 }215 | 262] 477 1816] 228 1817 | 495 | 450] 945 [278 )226| 504 | 1817] 243 1818 | 507 | 517| 1,024 1308 | 294] 602 1818] 250 1819 | 481 | 454] 935 1270|307] 577 1819} 202 1820 | 502] 463] 965 1270] 260] 530 1820] 253 --The above Azstnract is collected from the Registers of, Bils- thorpe R. Darlton P.C. East Drayton V. West Drayton P. C. Dunham V. EakringR. Eaton V. Egmanton V. Gamston R. Grove R. Headon-with-Upton V. Kirton R, Lexington V. (4) East Markham V. West Markham V. Ragnall C. Rampton V. Stokeham P.C. Tres- well R. Tuxford V. and of Wellow P.C. (©) The Church of Bevercoates is in ruins. (4) Lexington includes Moorhouse C. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, _—Annes- ley P.C. Arnold V. Basford V. Bulwell R. Hucknall-Torkard V. Kirkby-in-Ashford R. Lyndby R. Mansfield V. Mansfield-Wood- house P. C. Papplewick P.C. Selstone V. Skegby P.C. Sutton- in-Ashfield P, C. and of Teversal R. ‘ go ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND. RETURNS UNDER _—_——— COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM~continued. [Parish- Repisters, HUNDRED OF BROXTOW, SOUTH DIVISION. HUNDRED OF RUSHCLIFFE, NORTH DIVISION, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males| Fe | Total. [Males Pe,| Total. | Years. ae Years. |Males| Fe | Total. }Males ke | Total. | Years a 1811 |250}231] 481 4169/140| 309 1811 | 114 1811 | 65 | 79 | 144 | 42 | 41 83 1811) 32 1812 | 236/236] 472 $119|120| 239 1812] 113 1812 | 80 | 68 | 148 38 | 51 89 1812 | 22 1813 | 238 235 | 473 4146)143 | 289 1813 | 136 1818 }101 | 73 | 174 | 43 | 37 80 1813 |} 27 1814 295/244] 539 4168/1771] 345 1814 100 1814 | 70 | 88 | 158 | 55 | 50} 105 | 1814] 2 1815 |312/290! Bo2 4132]/150| 282 1815 | 190 1815 | 78 | 88 | 166 | 38] 43 | 81 | 1815] 37 1816 291/276) 567 4146 )169| 315 1816} 141 1816 | 91 | 69 | 160 | 40 | 34} 74 | 1816] 35 1817 277,251) 528 $151 | 148] 299 1817 | 182 1817 | 76 | 72; 148 40 | 39 | 79 1817; 26 1818 284|]292) 576 $179}188} 367 1818 | 137 1818 | 79 | 76 | 155 {51 | 44] 95 | 1818] 20 1819 291/219] 510 }$214/189) 403 1819 | 140 1819 | 68 | 62 | 130 | 43] 45 | 88 | 1819] 31 1820 2851258) 543 $167)157 | 324 | 1820; 183 1820 | 70} 79 | 149 | 52] 30] 82 | 1820} 32 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of ——Atten- borough V. Awsworth C.(f) Beestou V. Bilborough R. Bram- cote P. C. Cossall P. C. Eastwood R. Greasley V. Lenton V. Nothall R. Radford V. Stapleford P.C. Strelley R. Trowell R. and of Wollaton R. (*) Awsworth C. is sometimes attributed to Greasley, but it is in Nuthall Parish. The above Anstxact is collected from the Registers of,——Barton- in-fabis R. West Bridgeford R. (4) Bunny-with-Bradmore V. Clifton- with-Glapton R. EdwaltonP.C. Keyworth R. Plumtree R. Rat- cliffe-upon-Soare V. Ruddington V. Stanton-on-the-Wolds R. Thrumpton P. C. and of Wilford R. (») West Bridgeford includes the Return of Gamston. HUNDRED OF NEWARK, NORTH DIVISION. HUNDRED OF RUSHCLIFFE, SOUTH DIVISION. (') BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- Total. {Males Fe- Total. } Years. Mar . males. males. riages. males. males. riages, 1811 | 52 | 55 | 107 18 | 32 50 1811] 17 1811 | 60 | 59} 119 | 34} 33 67 1811 | 38 1812 | 44] 61 | 105 $15 | 31 | 46 1812| 25 1812 | 58] 58] 116 | 26] 36] 62 1812] 27. 1813 | 48 | 38 | 86 | 25 | 26] §1 1813] 24 1813 | 63 | 65 | 128 $21 | 32] 53 1813} 26 1814 | 45 | 47] 92 | 12]29] 41 1814| 22 1814 | 63 | 58 | 121 $38] 22] 60 1814] 29 1815 | 61 | 47 | 108 17: | 25] 42 1815] 20 1815 | 86 | 72 | 158 41 | 33 14 1815 | 29 1816 | 58} 56 | 114 | 24] 29] 53 1816; 16 1816 | 52/45] 97 743123) 66 1816! 30 1817 | 55 | 51 | 106 [29 | 25] 54 1817) 15 1817 | 65 | 74 | 139 | 38] 37 | 75 1817] 35 1818 | 59 | 48 | 107. | 22 | 33] 55 1818} 21 1818 | 64 | 64 | 128 | 30] 36] 66 1818! 41 1819 | 47 | 50 97 35 | 26 61 1819} 25 1819 | 51 | 42 93 33 | 26 59 1819 | 30 1820 | 49 | 59 | 108 | 28] 18] 46 1820} 23 1820 | 59 | 59 | 118 § 31 427] 58 1820) 45 The above Aznstract is collected from the Registers of, Bes- thorpe C. North Clifton (including South Clifton and Harby) V. North Collingham V. South Collingham R. Girton P. C. Lang. ford P.C. South Scarle V. Thorney V. and of Winthorpe R. The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, -Costock ‘or Cortlingstock R. Gotham R. Kingston-upon-Soar P.C. East Leke R. West Leke R. Normanton-upon-Soar R. Rempstone R. Stanford-on-Soar R. Sutton-Bonnington-St.-Anne R. Sutton-Bon- nington-St.-Michael R. Widmerpool R. Willoughby-on-the-Wolds V. and of Wysall V. () No Register kept at Thorpe. HUNDRED OF NEWARK, SOUTH DIVISION. LIBERTY OF SOUTHWELL AND SCROOBY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males ne Total. [afales} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |nfales Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males, riages. | males. males. riages. 1811 | 50] 50 | 100 | 20; 18] 38 1811; 21 1811 | 145/125] 270 | 58 | 73 | 131 1811] 62 1812 | 48 | 39 | 87 | 27] 20] 47 1812} 12 1812 | 145/148} 293 | 81 | 56 | 137 1812} 48 1818 | 43 | 54] 97 [| 23) 22] 45 1813] 28 1813 | 141/130] 271 | 60 | 78 | 138 1813 | 63 1814 | 59 | 45 | 104 | 22/19] 41 1814} 16 1814 | 142/124] 266 | 73 | 69 | 142 1814| 77 1815 | 51 | 56 | 107 [| 24] 29) 53 1815} 10 1815 | 163] 145] 308 | 79 | 92 | 171 1815] 72 1816 | 51 | 49] 100 | 25 | 28] 53 1816| 25 1816 | 145/133] 278 | 87 | 81 | 168 1816; 78 1817 | 48 | 58 | 106 | 23/32] 55 1817| 35 1817 | 156/138] 294 | 77] 70 | 147 1817! 84 1818 | 55 | 67 | 122 £36] 29] 65 1818] 25 1818 | 136] 160] 296 | 72 | go | 162 1818| 66 1819 } 51 | 58 | 109 | 29 | 26! 55 1819} 31 1819 | 149] 137} 286 | 64 | 87 | 151 1819| 64 1820 | 62 | 52 | 114 | 31 | 261 57 1820| 22 1820 | 136) 159] 295 | 64] 84 | 148 1820| 78 The above Azssrract is collected from the Registers of, Balder- ton P.C. Barnby-in-the-Willows V. Coddington P. C, Cottam V. Elston R. Elston C.(®) Farndon V. Flawborough C. Hawton R. Kilvington R. Shelton R. Sibthorpe P.C. Staunton R. SyrestonC. and of Thorpe R. (®) Burials do not take place at Elston, the Chapelyard not being consecrated. The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of,—-Ask- ham P.C. Beckingham V. BleasbyV. BlidworthV. Edingley V. Everton V. Farnsfield V. HalamP.C. HalloughtonP.C, Hayton V. Kirklington V. Laneham V. Morton P.C. Scrooby V. Southwell V. Sutton-upon-Lound V. and of Upton V. T M.DCCC.XKI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 91 — SS SE SE TES REY STR =ae ———7 COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM—continued. HUNDRED OF THURGARTON, NORTH DIVISION. BOROUGH OF NEWARK. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. {Males ney Total. i; aia fed Total. | Years. ee Years. [Males Bea Total. {Males ee Total. | Years. oe 1811 {100} 92] 192 9 48] 38) 86 1811] 43 1811 |133]118| 251 [100] 95 | 195 1811) 41 1812 |1014103] 204 | 52 | 65} 107 451812] 44 1812 |114] 98/212 | 69] 86) 155 | 1812| 46 1813 |110}124| 234 | 46 | 64 | 110 1813] 55 1813 }111 {106 | 217 59} 63 | 122 1813 | 6: 1814 1105) 98) 203 | 48159} 107 4.1814] 63 1814,/ 111/120 | 231 76| 69 | 145 1814] 83 1815 ;122] 92] 214 #57 | 67) 124 $1815) 44 1815 1149132 | 281 -} 73) 85 | 158 1815| 81 1816 108/118] 226 | 57 | 57] 114 |. 1816] 40 1816 | 121/127 | 248 7 66) 48) 114 | 1816] 65 1617 |118} 96] 214 [55 | 60] 115 £1817] 51 1817 {120121 / 241 | 67) 72) 139 | 1817} 80 1818 }119/108| 227 | 70 | 67] 197° | 1818] 54 1818 |144]124 | 268 | 64] 78 | 142 | 1818] 73 1819 |101] 93] 194 | 59°| 60] 119 | 1819] 55 1819 |128}122] 250 | 71| 73 | 144 | 1819) 77 1820 |105/108| 213 | 61 | 51 | 112 | 1820) 77 1820 [128/136 | 264 4 85] 88] 173 | 1820] 70 The above Azstnacr is collected from the Registers of——~Aver- ham R. Carlton-on-Trent C. O Caunton V. Cromwell R. Fled« borough R. Hockerton R. Holme C. Kelham R. Kneesall V. Maplebeck P.C. Marnham V. North Muskham V. South Muskham V. Normanton-upon-Trent V. Norwell V. Ossington P.C. Rolleston V..(*) ‘East Stoke V. Sutton-upon-Trent V. Weston R. and of Winkbourn P. C. G) ‘The Inhabitants of Carlton-on-Trent bury and marry at Norwell. (¥) Rolleston includes Fiskerton C. . HUNDRED OF THURGARTON, SOUTH DIVISION. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Meles| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 |138]146 | 284 93) 81 | 174 1811) 62 1812 |146|140 |} 286 4781 72 | 150 1812] 52 1813 | 148/165] 313 7 55] 91 | 146 1813} 59 1814 |160;143 | 303 }| 73] 80 | 153 1814| 48 1815 {188 | 172 | 360 478 | 62 | 140 1815 | 50 1816 | 166 | 147] 313 831 79 | 162 1816; 72 1817 | 155 | 168 | 323 69) 72 | 141 1817| 59 1818 |175 /158 | 333 82 | 81 | 163 1818} 58 1819 | 160} 151 | 311 76) 88 | 164 I819| 51 1820 | 148 | 161 | 309 85 | 93 | 178 1820} 56 The above Ansrnacrt is collected from the Registers of, -Burton- Joice (with Buleote) V. Calverton V. Colwick R. Epperstone R. Gedling (with Stoke-Bardolph) R. Gonalstone R. Hoveringham P. C. - Lambley R. Lowdham V. Oxton V. Snenton P. C. Thurgarton P. C. and of Woodborough V. The above Apstracr is collected from the Register of, ——Newark V. TOWN AND COUNTY OF THE TOWN OF NOTTINGHAM. (!) 4 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Total. [Males hee Total. | Years. ae 1811 | 595 {538 | 1,133 [368/398 | 766 | 1811] 331 1812 | 554 |534 1,088 317/390] 707 | 1812] 317 1813 | 532 |47311,005 [3921378 | 770 | 1818] 315 1814 | 597 |595 | 1,192 1.484/415 | 899 4 1814| 474 1815 | 695 | 613 | 1,308 | 415/414] 829 | 1815 476 1816 | 622 |610| 1,232 | 408/403 | 811 | 1816} 412 1817 | 623 1551] 1,174 | 419/396 | 815 | 1817] 428 1818 | 649 | 673 | 1,322 | 600] 596 |1,196 | 1818] 485 1819 | 658 | 584] 1,242 | 5421538 |1,080 | 1819 454. 1820 | 639 | 606 | 1,245 | 3991390 | 789 | 1820 372 The above Azstracrt ‘is collected from the Registers of, Mary V. St. Nicholas R. and of St. Peter R. St. (’) Neither Baptisms, Burials, nor Marriages take place at St. James's J Church, Standard-Hill. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM, BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. | Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years, Males. Females. Total. Years, | Marriages. 1811 | 2,688 | 2,549 | 5,237 || 1811 | 1,524 | 1,585 | 3,109 1811 | 1,252 1812 | 2,619 | 2,501 | 5,120 {|} 1812 | 1,400 1,507 | 2,907 || 1812 | 1,158 1813 2,612 2,544 5,156 |) 1813 1,415 1,475 2,890 | 1813 | 1,260 1814 2,821 2,589 5.410 ||| 7814 1,688 1,670 3,358 1814 | 1,499 1815 3,109 | 2,965 6,014 1815 1,550 1,645 3,195 1815 | 1,621 1816 2,891 2,805 5,696 | 1816 1,520 1,524 3,044 | 1816 | 1,431 1817 | 2,952 2,684 | 5,636 1817 1,589 | 1,521 | 3,110 || 1817 | 1,533 1818 2,973 2,938 5,911 1818 1,901 1,999 3,900 1818 | 1,532 1819 2,919 2,660 5579 1819 | °1,800 1,839 3,639 1819 | 1,487 1820 2,918 2,840 5,758 1820 1,646 1,600 3,246 1820 | 1,523 poe 2 oss ———__. Toraxs | 28,502 | 27,015 | 55,517 “os 16,033 | 16,365 | 32,398 || - - 14,296 ox semen es a B The Summany of the County of Norrivcam is collected from the Registers of Two Hundred and Five Parish Churches and Twelve Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of ‘the ‘Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following i amount ; viz: . . . Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 185 ;+-Burials, 68. 2 2 Qg2 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Tee County of Oxford. (Parish-Registers, HUNDRED OF BAMPTON. HUNDRED OF BLOXHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. !males. riages, Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| F€- } Total. | Years, Mar- males. males Tiages, 1811 | 178/179] 357 [106; 92} 198 1811} 81 1812 | 166 |160] 326 65}100] 165 1812| 68 1813 | 205/194} 399 [134/101] 235 1813] 102 1814 {187 ]180] 367 [129]122] 251 1814| 78 1815 |206}193] 399 [117}112| 229 1815] 100 1816 | 203 }189| 392 $114] 81} 195 1816} 87 1817 |200}206| 406 [119] g2] 211 1817} 78 1818 |204}196| 400 [112/110] 222 1818) 85 1819 |185]195] 380 ]|129/143] 272 1819| 75 1820 202)188} 390 [108]105] 213 1820} 83 -1811 {123/106 229 | 75 | 78 } 153 1811} 44 1812 |106}100 | 206 | 57 | 86] 143 | 1812] ge 1813 |109] 102 | 211 [57 | 47 | 104 1813] 44 1814 {110/116} 226 | 79 | 87 | 166 1814] 51 1815 }123/112 | 235 | 44] 48] 92 1815; 46 1816 | 98}110} 208 | 64 | 63 | 127 1816] 53 1817 {150] 112] 262 | 65 | 70 | 135 1817} 59 1818 |122}122) 244 | go | 62 | 152 | 1818) 45 1819 |114] 111 | 225 | 62 | 71 | 133 | 1819} 49 1820 }129} 112} 241 | 70 | 69 | 139 1820; 50 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,_—Al- vescot R. Asthall V. Bampton V. Black-Bourton V. Bradwell (with Filkins, Holwell and Kelmscott) V. Brize-Norton V. Broughton- PoggsR. Burford V. Clanfield V. Ducklington and Cokethorpe-with- Hardwicke R, Kencote R. Shifford C. Shilton V.(*) Standlake R. Westwell R. Witney (with Hailey) R. and V. and of Yelford R. (#) Shilton is partly in Farringdon Hundred (Berkshire), but the Church stands in Oxfordshire, 4 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, —-Adder- bury (with Milton) V. Alkerton R. Barford-St.-John C. (4) Blox- ham V. BodicottC. Broughton (with North Newington) R. Drayton R, Hanwell R. Horley V. Saini C. . Milcomb C.(°) Mbollington C, Tadmarton R. Wigginton R. and of Wroxton (with Balscott) V. (4) The Inhabitants of Barford-St.-John bury and marry at Adderbury, (©) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Milcomb was included with that of Bloxham, at which place the Inhabitants of Milcomb still bury and marry. HUNDRED OF BULLINGTON. (f) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, HUNDRED OF BANBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. Tiages, Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | ar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 143 }137 | 280 76; 971 173 1811] 80 1812 [153 |156 | 309 89] 84] 173 1812] 77 1813 | 169 | 169 | 338 85| 77 | 162 1813] 89 1814 |209]193| 402 [117/113] 230 1814] 76 1815 |171 | 183 | 354 98| 89) 187 1815| 82 1816 | 163/189} 352 77| 86] 163 1816) 79 1817 [1771176 | 353 82] 91} 173 1817| 81 1818 |180/175| 355 [129| 97] 226 1818| 83 1819 |194 195] 389 | 106/114] 220 1819} 81 1820 }195 |158] 353. | 122/102] 224 | 1820] 76 1811 | 1114132} 243 69} 84] 153 1811] 58 1812 | 154] 126} 280 80} go] 170 1812] 68 1813 | 175] 147] 322 65] 72] 197 | 1813] 46 1814 | 163} 156} 319 99| 97} 196 | 1814] 51 1815 | 1564155] 311 83] 83{ 166 1815} 62 1816 | 174} 147} 321 83] 85] 168 1816] 56. 1817 |150] 171] 321 | 100} 100] 200 1817| 62 1818 | 169 | 156] 325 go| 78| 168 | 1818] 55 1819 [161] 148) 309 [117| 107] 224 | 1819] 62 1820 | 175] 188] 363 94! 99] 193 1820] 56 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Reyisters of, Ban- bury V. Charlbury V.(>) Claydon C. Cropredy V. Epwell €. Shut- ford C. Swalcliffe (including Sibford) V. and of Wardington C. (>) Charlbury includes the Returns of Finstock, Fawler and Walcott. The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Albury (with Tiddington) R. Ambrosden V. Arncott C. Marsh-Baldon R. Toot-Baldon V. Beckley (including Horton and Studley) V. (®) Black- thorn C. St. Clement R, Cowley P. C. Cuddesden (including Chip- penhurst and Denton) V. Elsfield V. Foresthill P. C. Garsington R.' Headington V.. Holton R. Horsepath P.C. Iffey V. Marston V.. Merton V. Nuneham-Courtney R. Piddington P. C. Sandford P.C. } Stanton-St.-John R. Waterperry V. Wheatley C. (") and of Wood- eaton R, (f) Shotover Extra P. is in this Hundred. At Studley is a Domestic Chapel. (®) There being no Church at Stowood, the Inhabitants resort to the adjoining Parish Church of Beckley. (4) Previous to the year 1813, the Return of Wheatley was included in that of Cuddesden. HUNDRED OF BINFIELD. HUNDRED OF CHADLINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| Fe- Total. [Males|_ Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- maales, hmales riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 82/105] 187 | 56] 56 | 112 | 1811} 45 1812 |}103} 82) 185 | 63 | 69 | 132 1812 | 45 1813 | 99} 84) 183 | 61 | 50 | 111 1813 | 37 1814 | 83]/109] 192 | 68 | 66 | 134 1814/| 58 1815 }107| 96| 203 | 53 | 61 | 114 1815 | 32 1816 | 95/103] 198 | 55 | 76 | 131 1816 | 36 1817 |105|110 | 215 50 | 74 | 124 1817) 39 1818 }103} 99| 202 | 71 | 64 | 135 1818| 42 1819 |105|106} 211 711 54 | 125 1819} 31 1820 |116} 98} 214 | 67 | 67 | 134 1820 57 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, Bix R. Caversham P. C, Harpsden (with Bolney) R. Henley-on-Thames R. (°) Rotherfield-Grays R. Rotherfield-Peppard R. and of Shiplake V. (S) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Henley-on-Thames. 1811 [191 | 175] 366 85] 99} 184 1811] 87 1812 | 157] 154] 311 92] 91] 183 1812] 77 1813 | 199} 185] 384 78} g2| 170 1813| 78 1814 }175] 160] 335 |103] 124} 227 1814 104 1815 | 174} 167} 341 83] 92] 175 1815 | 109 1816 | 203 | 192} 395 [101] 108] 209 1816] 92 1817 | 196 | 158) 354 84} 78} 162 1817| 86 1818 | 217 | 207] 424 79] 91] 170 1818] 106 1819 | 185 | 149] 334 $115] 104] 219 1819) 94 1820 | 242|188}] 430 [118|101] 219 1820] 115 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of,-——Ascott- under-Wychwood P.C. ChadlingtonC. Chastleton R. Churchill V. Cornwell R. Enstone V. Fifield P.C. Fulbrook P. C. Idbury P.C. Kingham R. Langley C. Leafield C.(') LinchamC. MiltonC. Min- ster-Lovell V. Northmore P.C. Chipping-Norton V. Hook-Norton (aud Southrop) P.C. Ramsden C. Great Rollright R. Little Roll- right R. Salford R. Sarsden R. Shipton-under-W ychwood V. Short- hampton (with Chilson and Podlicott) C. Spelsbury V. Swerford (with Shawell) R. Swimbrook P. C. and of Faynton V. () Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Leafield C. e M.DCCC.XX1.] ne THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO.IV. C. 94... 54 93. COUNTY OF OXFORD—continued. HUNDRED OF DORCHESTER. HUNDRED OF LEWKNOR. (™) _ BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. -[Males| Fe- | Total. -{ Years. | ™ar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. z males, males Tiages. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- AMiales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mer- Years. |Males| Total. - {Males} mules s riages. 1811 | 56 | 44 | 100 | 30] 32 | 62 | 1811] 21 1812 | 41 | 50] gi 28} 271 55 | 1812} 24 1813 | 56 | 45 | 101 | 24} 35 | 59 1813] 12 1814 |] 45 | 38) 83 [| 28 {31 | 59 | 1814! 20 1815 | 49.) 50 | 99 | 21 | 29 | 50 1815) 21 1816 | 48 | 48 | 96 [17] 21 | 38 1816; 18 1817 | 49 | 48 | 97 | 30] 20] 60 1817) 13 1818 | 57 | 46 | 103 731 |] 27 | 58 1818] 14 1819 | 40 | 40 | 80 | 25) 32] 57 1819| 9 1820 | 50 | 57 | 107 | 33] 29 | 62 1820| 23 1811 58 | 66 |] 124 | 26 33 | 59 1811) 35 1812 | 80 | 74} 154 [45 | 31 | 76 | 1812] 35 1813 | 66 } 65 | 131 130 | 39 | “89 | 1813] 26 1814 | 77 | 76 | 153 | 33) 40) 73 | 1814) 43 1815 | 68 | 71 | 139 [36] 38] 7 1815| 39 1816 | 75 | 71 | 146 | 34! 40 | 74 | 1816) 32 1817 | 79 | 82 |.161 | 38] 40] 78 1817| 27 1818 | 70 | 71 | 141 [32 | 37 | 69 | 1818] 30 1819 | 71 | 63 | 134 | 40} 39] 79 9 1819] 24 1820 | 67 | 65 | 132 | 36 | 47] 83 1820| 33 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, Chis- selhampton P. C. Clifton-Hampden P.C. Cuylham V. Dorchester P.C.(j) . Drayton P. C. Stadbampton P. C. and of South Stoke V. (3) There being no Church at Burcot, the Inhabitants resort to Dorchester Church. The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, -Ack- hampstead C.(") AdwellR. Aston-Rowant V. Britwell-Salome R. Chinnor R. Crowell R. Emmington R. Lewknor V. Postcomb C. Stokenchurch P. €. and of Sydenham P. C. (™) Tbstone, partly in this Hundred, is in Desborough Hundred (Bucks). (*) The Inhabitants of Ackhampstead bury and marry at Lewknor. HUNDRED OF EWELME. (‘) HUNDRED OF PIRTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males He Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males : jmales. riages. 1811 | 93) 82 | 175 | 37 | 48 85 1811] 42 1812 | 93} 68 | 161 ff 51 | 48] 99 1812; 23 1813 | 80] 74 | 154 | 49 | 60 | 109 1813] 33 1814 ' g1] go | 181 54 | 55 | 109 1814] 33 1815 | 111] 87 | 198 | 39 | 51 go 1815} 32 1816 | 100/ 73 | 173 | 61 | 50 | 111 1816] 34 1817 | 86} 90 | 176 | 57 | 56 | 113 1817) 40 1818 | 88] 83 | 171 147 | 53 | 100 1818] 28 1819 | 99] 80 | 179 ]} 49 | 65 j 114 1819} 32 1820 | 103] 94 | 197 | 80 | 49 | 129 1820) 31 Years. {Males SS 1811 | 42 | 37] 79 718] 28] 46 | 1811! 10 1812 | 39 | 34} 73 $23] 25] 48 1812} 18 1813 | 47 | 271] 74 [7191171 36 1813 | 24 1814 | 38 | 26} 64 | 28 J.17 |] 45 | 1814] 30 1815 | 46] 34] 80 J 21122] 43 1815 | 20 1816 | 38 | 36] 74 | 31] 30] 61 1816] 10 1817 | 33. | 44 | 77 28 | 32 60 | 1817] 11 1818 | 40 } 31 41 18 | 30 48 1818| 17 1819 | 42 | 30 42 21 | 21 42 1819| 20 1820 | 44 | 41 85 | 20 | 30 50 1820) 14 Total. [Males Fe- | Total, | Years, | Mar- males. riages. The above Aznsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Bald- win-Brightwell R. Bensington P. C, Berrick-Salome P.C. Britwell- Prior C. Chalgrave V. Cuxham R. Easington R. Ewelme R. Haseley R. Nettlebed P.C. Newington R. Nuffield or Tuffield R. Swynecombe R. and of Warborough P. C. ('). (*) There is uo Church at Warpsgrove. () Also from a Register of Dissenters at Warborough. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Pishill P.C. Pyrton V. Shirburn V. Stoke-Talmage R. Watlington V. South Weston R. and of Wheatfield R. HUNDRED OF LANGTREE. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. HUNDRED OF PLOUGHLEY. (°) MARRIAGES. Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. tiages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 | 46 | 42 | 88 J} 29432] 61 1811| 21 1812 | 43 | 39 | 82 | 21 | 29} 50 1812| 20 1813 | Go |.52 | 112 [24] 27] 51 1813} 27 1814 | 48 | 45 | 93 | 24] 31] 55 1814! 32 1815 | 61 | 52 | 113 | 22] 23k 45 1815; 24 1816 | 58 | 53 ] 111 30] 19] 49 1816] 13 1817 | 55 | 55 }110 | 42 [28] 70 1817| 20 1818 | 60 | 56] 116 | 25] 274} 52 1818 | 21 1818 | 66 | 54 |] 120 J 21] 22] 43 1819| 27 1820 | 66 | 58 | 124 [| 24} 39 | 63 | 1820] 21 Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| f¢- | Total. Years, | Mar- males. tales. Tiages. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Chacken- don R. Crowmarsh-Gifford R. Goring B.C. Ipsden-P.C, Maple- durham V. Mongewell R. Newnham-Murren R. North Stoke V. and of Whitchurch R. 1811 |196]185] 381 [136] 122] 258 1811} 78 1812 |194/}195} 389 £100] 108) 208 1812) 65 1813 |198}193] 391 $104] 98! 202 1813] 87 1814 |206/188! 394 $114] 77] 191 1814] 90 1815 | 211 | 200} 411 4100] 104} 204 1815] 70 1816 |243}197] 440 § 114] 103] 217 1816} 82 1817 |215/219| 434 |128}137| 265 1817| 76 1818 |217] 204] 421 98! 98] 196 1818/ 66 1819 |201}174] 375 [117] 89] 206 1819 | ° 76 1820 | 227} 206] 433 721102} 174 1820] 81 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ardley R. Bicester V. Blechingdon R. Bucknell R. Charlton-upon-Otmoor R. Chesterton V. Cotisford R. Finmere R. Fringford R. Fritwell V. Godington R. Hampton-Gay P. C. Hampton-Poyle R. Hardwick R. Hethe R. Lower Heyford R. Upper Heyford R. Islip R. Kirtling- ton V. Launton R. Lillingstone-Lovell R. Middleton-Stoney R. Mix- bury R. Newton-Purcell (with Shellswell) R. Noke R. Oddington R. Somerton R. Souldern R. Stoke-Lyne V. Stratton-Audley P..C. Wendlebury R. and of Weston-on-the-Green V. “e (°) There is no Church at Tusmore. Bb oS ET SE 94 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF OXFORD—continved. HUNDRED OF THAME. CITY OF OXFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males ie - Total. {Males fie es Total. | Years. oo Years. ates! Fe Total. {Mates nae Fotal. | Years. a | 1811 | 50 [ 64 | 114 | 34 | 31 65 1811| 13 | 1811 | 200] 204 | 404 f128]120} 248 1811) 136 1812 | 66 | 57 | 123 $371 41 | 78 1812] 20 1812 | 212/170] 3982 4137 {102} 239 1812] 135 1813 | 62 | 58 | 120 J 49 | 28 | 77 1813] 31 1813 | 229}201 | 430 $151 ]138)| 289 1813| 146 1814 } 47 | G4 f 111 60 | 49 | 109 1814] 36 1814 | 221/215) 436 $150/134] 284 | 1814} 170 fF 1815 | 66 | Go | 126 § 44 | 32 | 76 1815 | 27 1815 | 224]236| 460 153/149 } 302 1815 | 171 1816 | 54 | 81 | 135 Ff 60 | 42 | 102 1816} 43 1816 | 220}219 439 152 137 | 289 1816} 182 1817 | 59 | 561115 | 471] 47 | 94 1817] 33 1817 | 244/252 | 496 1156 167 | 323 1817) 181 1818 | 80 | 52 | 132 144 | 30] 74 1818 | 35 1818 | 239/225) 464 J 206]194 | 400 1818} 191 1819 | 71 {53 | 124 4147134] 81 1819} 32 1819 | 250/220] 470 §160| 163 | 323 1819} 162 1820 | 88 | 76} 164 443} 56] gg ff 1820] 31 1820 | 257}226| 483 131/129] 260 1820} 161 The above Azsrnact is collected from the Registers of,——St. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, —Great AldateR. All-Saints P. C. St. Ebbe R. St. Giles V. Holywell or Milton V.(?) Tetsworth P.C. Thame V. and of Waterstock R. | St. Cross P. C. St. John-Baptist P.C. St. Martin R. St. Mary- (°) Great Milton includes Little Milton and Ascot. | Magdalen V. St. Mary-the-Virgin V. St. Michael P.C. St. Peter-le- Bailey R. St. Peter-in-the-East V. and of St. Thomas P. C. HUNDRED OF WOOTTON. LIBERTY OF THE CITY OF OXFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. |Malest Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- , Years. IMales| Fe- | Total. [Males Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. | males. males. riages, 1811 ]254 [239 | 493 $124] 103) 227 4811 99 |. 1811 | 35 [18] 53 g | 11 | 20 1811} 10 1812, |224 274} 498 4130] 132) 262 1812 | 114 | 1812 | 18 | 26 | 44 § 17 | go 37 1812} 9 1813 |242 |235[ 477 #111] 135) 246 1813; 111 1813 | 26} 95 f 51 14 | 20: 34 1813} 8 1814 }294}211 # 445 | 169] 150] 319 1814; 95 | 1814 | 28} 171} 45 ~ 17] 16 | 33 1814; 2 1815 |289 258} 547 1183] 154] 337 - 1815] 104 | | 1815 | 28 | 28} 56 $20) 14, 34 gf 1815] 5 1816 |241 }247 | 488 | 172] 148) 319 1816 96 ae 19 | 30 49 5 | 22 37 | 1816] 10 1817 |266 240) 506 | 160| 156] 316 1817 | 111 | 1817 | 27 | 25 52 a1 {11 32 1817 6 1818 | 266 }292 | 558 #1481145} 293 1818 | 13 ‘4818 | 24 | 27 | 51 w4 {21 | 35 1818; 2 1819 (247 }211 | 458 § 1541155} 309 1819 | 116 1819 | 27 | 21 48 15 | 23 38 1819 3 1820 | 289 }261 | 550 F170] 149 319 ff 1820] 119 1820 | 25 | 21 46 faq 16 4 30 1820 4 The above Asstracr iscollected from the Registers of,- North Aston V. Steeple-Aston R. Barford-St.-Michael V. Steeple-Barton V. Westcott-Barton R. Begbrooke R. Bladon R. Cassington V. Coggs (with Wilcott) V. Long Combe P.C. Deddington V. Dunstew V. } Ensbam V. Glympton R. Handborough R. Heythorpe R. Kid- | dington R. Kidlington V. North Leigh V. South Leigh P.C. South | The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Binsey | | Newington V. Rousham R. Sandford V. Shiptun-upon-Cherwell R. | P.C. and of Woodstock P. C. Stanton-Harcourt V. Stonesfield R. Tackley R. Great Tew V. Little Tew C. Wilcot R. Wolvercott P. C. Wootton R. Nether-Worton P.C. Over-Worton R. and of Yarnton V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Years. Males, Females. Total. | Years. | Males. | Females, |, Total. _ Years. | Marriages. S_See_ | ———_ — “os _ | ———_____—_—— ———eomer 1811 1,858 | 1,815 3,573 1811 1,038 1,066 2,104 1811 860 1812 1,849 1,755 3,614 1812 1,035 1,083 | 2,118 1812 838 1813 2,022 1,856 3,878 1813 1,055 1,036 2,091 1813: 895 1814 1,962 1,884 3,846 1814 1,272 1,209 2,481 || 1814 969 1815 2,090 1,982 | 4,072 1815 1,117 1,101 2,218 || 1815 944 1816 | 2,032 1,985 4,017 1816 1,179 1,111 2,290 1816 923 1817 2,091 2,044 4,135 1817 1,207 1,209 2,416 1817 923 : 4818 2,136 2,042 4,178 1818 1,234 1,164 2,398 1818 931 1819 2,058 1,850 3,908 1819 1,249 1,236 2,485. || 1819 893 3820 | 2,275 2,037 4,312 1820 1,202 1,189 2,391 || 4820 | 955 Forars | 20,373 | 19,260 | 39,633 - - | 11,588 | 11,404 | 22,992 = = |) og F The Sumaany of the County of Oxrorp is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Twelve Parish Churches and Twenty-four Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz.: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 86 ;—Burials, 3. M.DCCC.XXL}. HUNDRED OF ALSTOE. THE POPULATION ACT, ft GEO. IV. C, 94- 95 i of pentlant __BUNDRED OF MARTINSLEY. (‘) a as nee BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGHS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. (Males! Fe | Totah. } Years. Mar- Years. {Males Fe- Total FMales) Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, mates, riages. _ [Males] LL imales. riages. 1811 | 55 | 69 | 124 | 30 | 28 1811} 36 1811 | 49 f 41 go f— 28] 241] 52 1811] 19 1812 | 56 | 56 | 112 | 35 | 24 : 1812] 34 1812 | 41 | 51 f g@ [27] 42] 69 1812] 24 1813 | 70 | 57 | 127 | 27 | 29 1813| 26: } 1813 | 42 f 40 f 82 | 26] 30] 56 Ff 1813] 23 1814 | 65 | 66 | 131 | 35 | 43 73 1814} 26 | 1814 | 37 $43 } 80 fe9] 36] 65 1814] 30 1815 | 72 | 71 | 143 | 25 | 35 | 60 1815} 26 | 1815 | 47 | 58 f 104 £35] 39] 74 1815} 31 1816 | 66 | 55 | 121 | 32148} 77 1816) 24 F 1816 | 51 f 52 [ 103 f 28 | 23] 51 1816] 23 1817 | 62 | 62 | 124 | 28] 25] 53 1817) 23 } 1817 f ar bag? 84 f 26 | 24] 50 1817| 23 1818 | 57 | 73 | 130 7 41 | 37] 78 1818} 29 1818 |} 37 aot 77 £31132] 63 1818] 22 1819 | 72 | 48 | 120 } 40} 33] 73 fF 1819} 27 1819 | 59 } 37 | Q& f27 131) 58 | 1819] 35 1820 | 58 | 64-| 122 [31 |] 31] 62 1820] 39 1820 | 42 } 30+ 78 [33] 25) 58 1820] 22 The above Azstracr is collected from thé Registers of, ~—Ash- well R. Burley V. Cottesmore-with-Batrow R. Lxtor V. (} Greet- ham V. Market-Overton R. Strettom Rs Teigh R. Thistleton R. Whissendine V. and of Whitwell R. (*) Exton is united with Horn, the Church of which is in ruins. Thé above Ads?rscr is collected from the Registers of,——Ays- tow R. Edith-Westoa RB. Hambledon V. Lyndon R. Manton V. | Norwaniton R, Preston R. Ridlington R. Uppingham R. and of | Wing B. (©) The Church at Martinsthorpe is dilapidated. 1812 | 51 | 48 99 34 | 26 60 |; 1812) 24 1813 | 49147 | 96 | 20) 27] 47 1813] 27 1814/47/49] 96 | 29; 37] 66 1814| 34 1815 | 66 | 45 | 111 28 | 30] 58 1815} 25 1816 | 41 | 60 | 101 22 | 28] 50 1816; 18 1817 | 54 | 50 | 104 | 29 28 | 57 1817| 29 1818 | 54157} 121 | 39 | 29] 68 1818 a 1819 | 54 | 60 | 114 | 24] 32 | 56 1819 1820 | 61 | 47 | 108 | 18] 1g] 37 ff 1820 28 HUNDRED OF EAST. OAKHAM-SOKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. i BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. (Males| ¥€- | Totat. |Males| Fe- | Total. ca, Mar- Years. {Males} Fe- | Total? |Males| Fe | Total ff Years. Mar- males. males. p Tiages. males, 3 males.| : rlages, 1811 | 66 | 47] 113 [29/26] 55 | 1811) 34 | 1811 |, 43, 42 | 86 | 34 | 36] yo fF 1811] 13 | 1842 | 39 | 37 | 76 | 43 | 30 , 1818 | 53 | 53 | 106 | 36] 29 | 65 |, 1814 47 37 84 136] 20] 46 1814) 14 Y 4815 | 52 1 46 | 98 15} 29) 44 1815 30 f 1 1812) 25 i if ' 1816 || 52 49 | 10% | 30 | 2a} go # 1816) 30 t q i. 1813} 19 (1817 |'47 | 52 | 99 | 24] 29 | 33 & 1817) 23 1818 || 69 | 45 | 114 f 27 | 2B] 5 1818} 31 , 1819 | 46 | 56} 102 J 29] 35] 64 1819} 24 ‘1820 |55 | 49 | 104 [301 44] 74 | 1820) 30 - The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of,~— Great Casterton-R. Little Casterton R. Empingham V. Essendine P. C. (>) Ketton V. Pickworth B. Ryhall.V. Tickencote.R, and of Tinwell R, (°); Ehere is no Chureh-yard.at Essendine. The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of,—Bel- ‘ton V. Braunston P.C. Brooke P.C. Clipsham or Kelpisham R, Eagleton P..C. Langham P.C. Oakbam-with-Barleythorpe V. and ' of Wardley R. ge ne ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers, COUNTY OF RUTLAND—continued. HUNDRED OF WRANDIKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Fe- Fe- Mar- Years, Males alas’ Total. [Males castes Total. | Years. riages. 1811 | 46 | 58 | 104 [| 26] 28] 54 1811] 22 1812 | 43 | 39 | 82 133} 30] 63 1812| 27 1813 | 48 | 46°} 94 J} 21/15] 36 | 1813! 26 1814 | 41 | 40] 81 29 | 26] 55 1814; 26 1815 | 55 | 39 | 94 | 28] 31 59 1815] 22 1816 | 53 | 51 | 104 | 28139] 67 1816} 32 1817 | 54 | 49°} 103 ] 29 | 26] 55 1817 | 17 1818 | 57 | 45 | 102 33 | 25} 58 1818} 26 1819 | 55 | 43] 98 | 24] 41 | 65 1819} 23 1820 | 47 | 53 | 100 | 32 | 28) 60 1820] 19 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Bar- rowden R. Bisbrook V. Caldecot P.C. GlastonR. Liddington V. North Luffenham R. South Luffenham R. Morcott R. Pilton R. Seaton R. Stoke-Dry R. and of Tixover P. C. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF RUTLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. CNS eH eee eg 1811 259 257 516 1811 147 142 289 1811 118 1812 230 231 461 1812 172 161 333 1812 134 1813 262 . 243 505 1813 130 | 130 260 1813 121 1814 237 235 472 1814 158 162 | 320 1814 130 1815 292 259 551 1815 131 164 295 1815 134 1816 263 267 530 1816 140 157 297 1816 127 1817 258 256 514 1817 136 132 268 1817 115 1818 274 260 534 1818 171 151 322 1818 134 1819 286 244 530 1819 144 172 316 1819 133 1820 263 249 512 1820 144 147 291 1820 140 Torazs | 2,624 2,501 5125 - = 1,473 1,518 2,991 - 1,286 The Summary of the County of RurLayp is collected from the Registers of Fifty Parish Churches; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 19 ;—Burials, 5. The above Agsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Aston- under-Edgmond C. Atcham V. Bolas-MagnaR. Buildwas P. C. (°) Chetwynd R. Dawley P.C, Eaton-Constantine R. (4) Edgmond R. -Ercall-Magna V. Eyton R.(°) Kinnersley R. Leighton V. Lille- shall. V. | Longdon-upon-Tern P.C. Longford R. Newport: P. C. Preston P. C. Rodington R. Stirchley R. Tibberton C, Uffington .P.C. Uppington P.C. Upton-Magna R. Uptou-Parva or Waters- Upton R. Wellington V. Withington P. C. Wombridge P. C. Wrock- wardine V. and of Wroxeter V. f (>) Woodcote is included in Sheriff-Hales, Cuttleston Hundred, Staf- ford. (©) The number of Marriages in the Parish of Buildwas fluctuate from 12 to 65, and average at 42 per annum, although the entire popu- Jation of the Parish consists of 240 persons only ; the Baptisms average at 7 per annum; but this disproportion is accounted for by the com- plaints of the neighbouring Clergy, of parties resorting to Buildwas to M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. 97 SPT OETA x —— County of Salop. HUNDRED OF BRADFORD, NORTH DIVISION. HUNDRED OF CHIRBURY. BAPTISMS. | BURIALS. _ MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, ff Years. Males| Fe- Total. {Males| Fe- Total. } Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| F€- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mat- ’ } males. riages. males. males. riages. 1811 |337|316] 653 §1874185] 372 1811 | 146 1811} 57 | 42 | 99 131137] 68 1811] 25 1812 |308]312] 620 $215}4185] 400 1812] 171 1812 | 55 | 60 | 115 | 20 | 27] 47 1812] 97. — 1818 | 398 | 390} 788 f231]228! 459 1813 | 150 1813 | 56 | 54 | 110 J 12 | 24] 36 1813] 27 1814 |381|343| 724 [235/232] 467 | 1814] 146 1814} 48 | 49] 97 }31117] 48 | 1814] 44 1815 | 376 | 362) 738 1173]193| 366 }| 1815| 155 1815 | 69 | 55 | 124 | 23]15] 38 {| 1815] 20 1816 | 369 | 380] 749 |263]215]| 478 1816 | 134 1816 | 57 | 37 | 94 | 23 | 23 | 46 1816) 18 1817 | 3741354 | 728 }|218]222| 440 1817| 160 1817 | 53 | 52 | 105 32 1 19 51 1817| 17 1818 | 389 | 364] 753 [200] 225] 425 1818 | 168 1818 | 47147] 94 | 24} 24] 48 1818] 20 1819 |390|370| 760 |226|221 | 447 1819} 157 1819 | 41155 | 96 J 27] 20; 47 1819; 19 1820 | 339 |337| 676 |226]247{ 473 1820 | 169 1820 | 58 | 51 | 109 17 | 22 39 1820! 15 The ab A is collected fi h qu 5 - ley R. ‘Checnaedine We Childs Eveal P.O. Galeedall or Corman Chapel The above Anstxacr is collected from the Registers of, Chir- a Prees Parish) C. Edstastonv C. Hinstuck R. Hodnet R. Tght- bury V. Shelve R. and of Worthen R. eld R. Lee-Brockhurst P. C. Market-Drayton V. Moreton-Corbet R. Moreton-Say P.C. Newtown-Chapelry (Wem Parish) C. Norton- in-Hales R. Prees V. Shawbury V. Stanton-upon-Hineheath V. aun) x Wem R. Weston-under-Redcastle C. Whit- church R. (#) and of Whixall Chapel C. (*) Whitchurch, which is nantly in Nantwich Hundred (Cheshire), ‘HUNDRED OF CONDOVER. includes Tilsteck C. : HUNDRED OF BRADFORD, SOUTH DIVISION. ©) eee fae s Fe- ‘ ales| Fe- Mar- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ee ee eek oe eae Coe pee riages Years. |Males| Fe- Total. fMales| Fe- Total. } Years. Mar- 1811 | 87] 91 | 178 48 | 52 | 100 1811} 34 males. males. riages. 1812 | 78 69 147 43 | 60 | 103 1812} 24 1811 | 498] 460] 958 f262 1235 | 497 1811] 223 1813 }100] 91 | 19t | 66 | 57 | 123 J 1813] 23 1812 |479|444| 923 f289]244| 533 1812! 226 1814 | 68] 76 | 144 | 66 | 63 | 129 1814| 25 1813 | 479/430] 909 [274/267] 541 1813| 172 1815 | 77] 84 | 161 | 54 | 50 | 104 1815] 39 1814 | 417/424] 841 [329/286] 615 | 1814! 215 1816 | 103 | 84 | 187 | 75 | 62 | 137 | 1816) 29 1815 |519|525| 1,044 f260}243| 503 | 1815) 283 1817 | 77| 74 | 151 | 58 | 52 | 110 7 1817) 23 1816 | 446/436] 882 1359/341| 700 } 1816] 200 1818 | go} 73 | 163 | 54 | 54 | 108 F 1818) 26 1817 | 408| 422] 830 [301 {286} 587 | 1817} 292 1819 | 76} 75 | 151 | 55 | 57 | 112 | 1819) 34 1819 | 421|}474| 895 |351/335| 686 1819 | 337 1820 | 460) 461] 921 [304 ]296]| 600 1820, 381 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, —-Acton- Burnell R. (2) Berrington R. Condover V. Cound R. Cressage C. () Frodesley R. HarleyR. Kinley P.C. Leebotwood P. C. Longnor P.C.()) Pitchford R. Cburch-Preen P. C. Pulverbatch R. Smeth- | .cottR. Stapleton R. and of Wovolstaston R. (®) Acton-Burnell includes Acton-Piggott, the Church having been dilapidated for some time. (4) The Inhabitants of Cressage C. bury and marry at Cound. () At Longnor is no Churchyard. HUNDRED OF FORD. be married. (4) The Inhabitants of Eaton-Constantine bury at . Leighton. (*) There is no Burial Ground at Eyton. HUNDRED OF BRIMSTREE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males a Total. {Males} F€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. - 1811 }2960/255] 515 [163 ]122] 285 1811] 113 1812 |273)}270| 543 $103 ]126] 229 1812] 114 1813 | 309/275 | 584 |149]153 | 302 1813] 94 1814 | 234|247} 481 [1631153] 316 1814] 111 1815 | 286] 313] 599 [1314137] 268 1815 | 139 1816 | 247,231] 478 41614150] 311 1816] 114 1817 | 256 |245] 501 }190/177] 367 | 1817] 104 1818 | 280/255] 535 4175/1396} 311 1818] 125 1819 | 264) 284] 548 [166/139] 305 1819] 168 1820 278 276 554 41921151] 343 1820] 190 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Al- brighton V. Bonninghall P.C. Claverley P. C. Donington R. St. George (in Donington-Wovod) C. Halesowen V. Kemberton R. St. Kenelms C. Priors-Lee C. (f) Ryton R. Shiffnal V. Stockton R. Sutton-Maddock V. Tong P.C. and of Worfield V. (") The Inhabitants of Priors-Lee bury and marry at Shiffnal. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES.’ Years. Males! Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- |males. males. Tiages. 1811 | 90] 80] 170 | 55 | 42 97 1811] 41° 1812 | 94] 921186 } 46] 46] 92 1812] 35 1813 |107| 96] 203 } 50 | 52 | 102 1813} 46 1814 |110/}105] 215 | 46} 44] go 1814] 53 1815 |108] 87/ 195 £45147] 92 1815} 47 1816 |107}103] 210 477 | 65} 142 1816| 35 1817 | 97| 86] 183 [42] 55 | 97 1817| 26 1818 | 94]109| 203 | 65 | 57 | 122 1818] 33 1819 }109| 66} 175 | 69 | 65 | 134 1819] 34 1820 |}105|102| 207 4 57 | 62 | 119 1820] 36 The above Asstract is collected from the Register's of,——Alber- bury V (j) Cardiston R.(*) Ford P.C. Habberley R. Pontes- bury R.(') and of Westbury (including Minsterley) R. (j) Alberbury includes Woollaston and Criggion Chapels, which have no Register. (k) The Inhabitants of Cardiston bury at Alberbury. (‘) Pontesbury includes Longdon Chapel. Cc 98 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. [ Parish- Registers, ——— NTs HUNDRED OF MUNSLOW. HUNDRED OF PIMHILL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. tates! Fe- | Total. (Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages, Years. 1811 1171167} 284 89} 964 185 1811} 61 1812 [137 [4 301 80{ 89} 169 1812] 50 1813 | 171 1146] 317 751 97} 172 1813} 73 1814 |155 }133{ 288 781102} 180 1814) 61 1815 1163 }164| 327 | 83] 921175 | 1815| 89 1816 | 152/151} 303 $103 /108] 211 1816] 62 1817 | 164; 162) 326 78} 89] 167 1817} 69 1818 | 159/144} 303 97 | 89] 186 1818} 71 1819 1159} 150} 309 844110} 194 1819] 72 1820 | 149 | 185 | 334 88} 77} 165 1820} 85 | 1818 | 165/174} 339 | 97] 97] 194 } 1818] 75 | 1820 | 188) 156] 344 $100} 99] 199 1820] 60 Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males: Tiages, 1811 | 1601 158] 318 83] 76) 159 | 1811) 67 1812 | 152] 166] 318 [112] 102} 213 1812; 66 1813 } 191] 189} 380 411 741 145 1813} 89 1814 | 198] 152] 350 94} 99} 193 1814} 66 18185 | 168] 159} 327 82| 86] 168 1815} 74 1816 |} 190/174] 364 7118} 104] 222 1816| 70 1817 | 166) 164] 330 | 111} 89! 200 1817| 50 1819 | 158]}177} 335 [104] 118} 222 1819; 42 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Abden R. Acton-Scott R. Ashford-Bowdler P.C. Ashford-Carbonell P. C. Bromfield V. Cardington V. Clee-St.-Margaret P. C. Cold-Weston R. Culmington R. Diddlebury V. (™) Easthope R. Halford C. Hol- gate R. Hope-Bowdler R. Hopton-Cangford P.C. Munslow R. Onibury R. Richard’s-Castle R.(") Rushbury R. Stanton-Lacy V. Long-Stanton V. Stokesay V. Church-Stretton R. Tugford R. and of Winstanstow R. (*) Diddlebury includes Great Sutton. (") Richard’s Castle is partly in Wolphy Hundred (Herefordshire). HUNDRED OF OSWESTRY. | Ellesmere Parish) C. Ellesmere V. Fitz R. Hordley P.C. ponpings The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Albrigh- ton C. Baschurch (with Little Ness) V. Cockshutt C. Dudliston (in tonV. Middle R. Montford V. Great Ness or Nestrange V. Petton Shrawardine R. and of Welch-Hampton P. C. HUNDRED OF PURSLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males! Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- ‘males. males. Tiages. BAPTISMS, | BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- Total. {Males Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- | males. males. riages. \ 1811 |231]210] 441 [116]123) 239 1811 | 132 1812 |228}237} 465 4133]123] 256 1812) 81 1813 |217}235] 452 |120/101 | 221 1813 115 1814 | 240] 243] 483 [117/138] 255 1814 | 124 1815 [261 ]242} 503 J140]161 | 301 1815 | 102 1816 |240|2341 474 41341152 | 286 1816} 104 1817 245 ]226] 471 |1541137) 291 1817} 89 1818 |228)189] 417 |128]157)| 285 1818} 97 1819 | 2341188] 422 41771170] 347 1819 | 113 1820 |228}260] 488 |129/137) 266 1820 | 117 1811 1501136} 286 | 72} 69 | 141 1811] 54 1812 |133}116) 249 [794-75 | 154 1812] 59 1813 | 167/168} 335 } 81 | 86 | 167 1813} 69 1814 |151|179| 330 | 80] 70 | 150 1814] 68 1815 | 147 1166] 313 83 | 67 | 150 1815} 66 1816 | 176 |166} 342 | 90 | 77 | 167 1816} 78 1817 | 166 } 163] 329 | 84 | 94 | 178 1817} 51 1818 | 154/152] 306 | 97 | 88 | 185 1818] 65 1819 |155|174] 329 | 77] 78 | 155 1819] 65 1820 |165]195| 360 | 77 | 88 | 165 1820| 66 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, ‘West Felton R. Halston P.C. KinnerleyV. Knockin R.(°) Llanyblodwell V. Llanymynech R. St. Martin V. Melverley P.C. Oswestry V.(?) Ruy- ton (in the Eleven Towns) V. Selattyn R. and of Whittington R. (°) The Churchyard at Knockin was consecrated in 1817. (?) Oswestry includes the Return of the Chapelry of Aston. HUNDRED OF OVERS. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,__—Bed- stone R. Bettus P.C. Bishops-Castle V. Bucknell V. Clunn V. Clunbury P. C. Clungunford R. Edgton P.C. Hopesay R. Hopton- Castle R. Lianvair-Waterdine P.C. Lydbury-North V. Ledon otherwise Lyddam R. Mainstone R. Mindtown R. More R. Nor- bury P. C. Ratlinghope R. Sibdon P. C. Stow V. and of Wentnor R. HUNDRED OF STOTTESDEN. v BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males} Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males. males. ‘ Tiages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. {Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 31 | 42 73 20 | 38 58 1811] 17 1812 | 37 | 39 | 76 [16] 23] 39 1812| 16 1813 | 39 | 36 | 75 $22}131 35 1813; 12 1814 | 40 | 39 79 21 | 21 42 1814] 17 1815 | 38 | 42 80 261141 4o 1815} 18 1816 | 29 | 24 53 17 | 23 40 1816| 29 1817 | 31 | 41 72 19} 18] 37 1817) 14 1818 | 36 | 36) 72 $29/171 46 1818| 17 1819 | 31 | 25 56 30 | 18 48 1819| 20 1820 | 32 | 21 53 23 | 19 42 1820) 31 1811 | 196 ]218! 414 $105 |124] 209 1811| 64 1812 | 206 }179] 385 111 }124 1} 235 1812] 49 1813 | 234 |203 | 437 4108 ]106} 214 1813] 60 1814 |198]196| 394 [129]131 1} 260 1814} 62 1815 | 246 |233 | 479 97! 98] 195 1815; 80 1816 | 245 1234] 479 $125 1109 234 1816] 52 1817 | 190 } 198} 388 [108 ]109] 217 1817) 35 1818 | 220 |207} 427 4110 ]147 257 1818] 47 1819 | 222/216} 438 $108 |109 | 217 1819| 49 1820 | 225 234] 459 $108] 99] 207 1820; 80 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, Bit- terley R. Burford R.(*) Greet R. Milson P.C. Neen-Solars R. and of Silvington R. (*) Burford includes the Return of Whitton Chapelry. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Acton- Round P.C. Alveley P.C. Astley-Abbotts P. C. Aston-Botte- rell R. (*) Billingsley, R. Barwacton R. Cainham V. Chelmarsh V. Chetton-Glazeley (with Duxhill and Stow) R. Cleobury-Mortimer V. Cleobury-North R. Coreley R. Deusxhill and Glazeley P.C. Dowles R. Highley V. Hope-Baggot R. Hopton-Wafers R. Kinlet V. Lough- ton C.(s) Middleton-Scriven R. Morvill P. C. (*) Neen-Savage V.. Neenton R. Oldbury R. Quatt R. Sheinton R. Sidbury R. Stot- | tesden (with Farlow Chapel) V. Tasley R. Upton-Cressett R. and of Wheathill R. (‘) Bold Chapel, in the Parish of Aston-Botterell, is ruinated. (8) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Loughton C. (*) Morvill includes Aston-Eyre. M.DCCC.XXI1.] ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 99 a a CA COUNTY OF SALOP—continued. BOROUGH OF BRIDGENORTH. | | BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY, AND LIBERTY OF THE SAME. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, | BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Ee io Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. } Years. Lae Years. Males| ee tom Males| ies. Total. bios . ae 1811 | 58 | 66 | 124 [41] 42] 83 | 1811] 35 ‘1811 | 257/297] 494 4185 | 1811] 217 1812 | 76 | 73 | 149 [31] 404 72 1812} 26 1812 | 306 |257| 563 |230 1812] 213 1813 | 53 | 63} 116 | 42/43} 85 | 1813) 18 1813 {338 |283; 621 $216 1818| 196 1814 |} 73 | 657138 150147} 97 1814} 90 | | 1814 |308 |286) 594 1254 |+ 1814, 183 1815 | 76 | 69 | 145 | 45 | 44] 89 | 1815] 25 | | 1815 (329/326) 655 4201 1815] 177 1816 | 47 | 65 | 112 139] 47} 86 1816} 29 | 1816 {303 2841 587 12681: 1816| 169 1817 159 | 54] 113 | 40447 | 87 | 1817] 20 1817 | 309 }273| 582 {253 1817) 163 1818 | 53 | 65} 118 139158] 97 1818] 19- 1818 |295 |278| 573 [220 1818) 221 1819 | 66 | 65} 131 $40] 36} 76 1819{ 38 1819 |290 |261 | 551 4242 1819) 192 1820 | 52 | 54} 106 | 44 | 57 |} 101 1820] 35 1820 306 | 282 588 7193. 1820! 260 The above Ansrracr is collectad from the Registers of, St. Alk- ; mond V. Astley C. Battlefield P,C. Broughton P.C. St. Chad V. Leonards P. C. St. Mary-Magdalen P. C. and of Quatford P. C. Clive C. Grinshill R. Hadnal C. Hanwood R, Holy-Cross and St. Giles V. St. Julian P.C. St. Mary P.C. Meole-Brace (or Brace- Meole) V.(") Preston-Gubbalds C. and of Sutton R. (*) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry, Meole-Brace. | The above Apsrracr is collected from the Registers of,——~St. BOROUGH OF LUDLOW. BOROUGH OF WENLOCK, AND LIBERTY OF THE SAME. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. j Years. |Males Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Sees males. taales. _Tiages. males. : males. riages. 1811 1 531 59 | 1122 154 } 50 | 104 1811; 36 1811 | 245 |272] 517 $164/161] 325 1811] 118 1812 | 61 | 64 | 125 | 36139! 75 1812} 19 1812 }276|219| 495 41411134} 275 1812] 81 1813 | 66 | 57 | 123° 45 | 58 | 103 1813| 30 1813 }255 1231) 486 71381157) 295 1813] 93 1814 } 72} 73 | 145 | 52 | 38 go 1814} 30 1814 |275}241} 516 $180}149] 329 “} 1814] 101 1815 | 72 | 64 | 136° $38} 451 83 1815) 35 1815 | 263 }267| 530 4$1351119] 254 $ 1815] 94 1816 } 67 | 88 | 155 744] 30! 74 1816) 34 1816 [223 )215|} 438 $1531145| 298 1816| 89 1817 | 72 | 59 | 131 47 | 44 | 91 1817 | 26 1817 [191 |218| 4og 415014136) 286 1817} 71 1818 | 78 | 61 | 139 53 | 51 104 1818) 33 1818 |218|}209}| 427 [1551150] 305 1818] 88 1819 | 77 | 63 | 140 | 69 {| 56 | 125 1819} 35 1819 |220]208] 428 [196]184) 380 1819] 99 1820 | 58] 59 | 117 § 29 | 37 | 66 1820| 23 1820 | 229/225} 454 41661138] 304 1820] 112 : cas The above Azsrracr is collected from the Register: fecueB " 5 i mo above Ansrracr is collected from the Register of, Lud- Bavow?. C, Beckbary Fe. Benthall PC coe Ri ae low R. Priors V.. Eaton V. Hughley R. Madeley V. Monkhs ton P. C, Shipton P. C. Stoke-St.-Milborough V. Little Wenlock R. Much Wenlock V. and of Willey R. (”) (") Broseley includes the Return of the Chapelry of Linley. (*) The Inhabitants of Willey bury at Barrow. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females, Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. = Se ——— 1811 | 2,827 2,809 | 5,636 1811 1,675 1,625 3,300 1811 1,383 1812 2,899 2,761 5,660 1812 1,684 1,640 3,324 1812 1,257 1813 3,180 2,047 6,127 1813 1,700 | 1,730 3,430 1813 1,267 1814 2,968 2,851 5,819 1814 1,925 | 1,844 3,769 1814 1,309 1815 3,198 3,158 6,356 1815 1,616 1,602 3,218 1815 1,443 1816 3,001 2,906 53907 1816 2,049 1,910 32959 1816 1,246 1817 | 2,858 2,791 5,649 1817 1,885 | 1,783 3,668 1817 1,150 1818 | 2,942 | 2,758 | 5,700 |} 1818 | 1,850 | 1,809 | 3,659 || 1818 | 1,366 1819 2,913 2,851 5,764 1819 2,021 1,977 3,998 . 1819 1,504, 1820 2,057 2,967 53924 1820 1,811 1,787 3,598 1820 1,688 - - - I a ; Toras | 29,743 | 28,799 | 58,542 - - | 18,216 | 17,707 | 35.923 || - - | 13,613 The Summary of the County of Saxop is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Fourteen Parish Churches and Twenty Chapelries and from One other Register ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains duc.—Several of the Returns ‘mention Un-entered Baptisms aa Burials, to the following Amount; viz: . . . Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 114;—Burials, 37. 100 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK County of Somerset. [ Parish-Registers, a a eee HUNDRED OF ABDICK AND BULLSTONE. (*) HUNDRED OF BEMPSTONE, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. (Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males riages. Years. |Males} Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years, Mar. jnales. males. riages. 1811 $106] 125} 231 [57 | 64] 121 1811] 61 1812 }117/116} 233 J 81 [101] 182 1812} 55 1813 }130]127] 257 | 74 | 86] 160 1813] 58 1814 |122]/110] 232 | 72] 59] 131 1814] 59 1815 |132/141] 273 | 48] 62] 110 1815] 58 1816 |124]116] 240 | 67] 60] 127 1816] 47 1817 |105}104}) 209 [49 |] 53] 102 1817| 58 1818 |133]128] 261 [73 | 64] 137 1818] 63 1819 |138)130] 268 | 61 | 69] 130 1819] 55 1820 } 128/116] 244 } 97 | 78] 175 1820] 66 1811 | 73] 82/155 | 36} 43] 79 1811} 25 1812 | 76/ 79] 155 40 | 31 41 1812} 22. 1813 |126]121] 247 37 | 55 92 1813; 38 1814 | 99/107] 206 735] 57] 92 1814] 40 1815 |108}110} 218 47 | 42 89 1815] 42 1816 | 96] 79] 175 | 54:| 52 | 106 1816) 44 1817 | 120/109] 229 144 | 43 | 87 1817) 51 1818 |118]115} 233 45 | 45 go 1818] 34 1819 } 107] 108] 215 | 40] 40 | 80 1819} 34 1820 }112]122] 234 $55 | 46 | 101 1820} 40 The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, -Ashill V. Berecrocombe R. Bickenhall P.C. Broadway P.C. Buckland-St.- Mary R. Cricket-Malharbie R. Courland P. C. Curry-Mallet R. Curry-Rivell V. Donyat R. West Dowlish R. Drayton P.C. Five- head V. Hatch-Beauchamp R. Ilminster V. Ilton V. Isle-Abbots V. Islebrewers V. PuckingtonR. Staple-Fitz-Paine R. Stocklinch-Mag- dalen R. Stocklinch-Ottersey R. Swell V. and of Whitelackington V. (#) There is no Church at Earnshill. The above Agsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Chapel- Allerton R. Biddisham P.C. Breane R. Burnham V. Mark P. C. Weare V. and of Wedmore V. SS HUNDRED OF ANDERSFIELD. HUNDRED OF BRENT, WITH WRINGTON. RAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| "€- } Total. Males) Fe- | Total. f Years, | Mar- males. males.! Tiages, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 | 36 | 33 | 69 J[ 23] 20] 43 1811} 14 1812 | 32 | 34 { 66 fF 21] 12] 33 1812} 10 1813 | 35 | 38 | 73 21 9} 30 1813] 10 1814 | 45 | 33] 78 17117} 34 1814/ 12 1815 | 38 | 30 | 68 f 24] 19] 43 1815} 15 1816 | 36-| 28 | 64 J} 20] 9] 29 1816] 15 1817 | 40 | 54} 94 10 | 12 22 1817} 17 1818 | 31 | 27 | 58 15/17 | 32 1818] 15 1819 | 49] 41 go 24114] 38 1819} 22 1820 | 43] 41 84 20 | 20 40 1820} 17 1811 | 56 | 55 | 111 27137] 64 1811} 15 1812 | 65 | 60 | 125 § 32] 30] 62 1812] 16 1813 | 73 | 51 | 124 £36] 38] 74 1813] 16 1814 | 61 | 79 | 140 28 | 29} 57 1814] 26 1815 | 70 | 70 | 140 34 1 39 73 1815} 31 1816 | 77 | 87 | 164 28 | 36 | 64 1816} 24 1817 | 64 | 73: | 137 § 34] 27] 61 1817| 26 1818 | 82 | 70 | 152 | 40] 36] 76 1818} 30 1819 © 72 | 71 | 143 | 34 | 33 67 1819| 21. 1820 79] 66; 145 [ 46 | 26] 72 1820] 26 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, ‘Broom- field P.C. Creech-St.-Michael V. Durleigh P.C. Enmore R. Goat- hurst R. and of Lyng V. HUNDRED OF BATH-FORUM. (>) The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, Berrow V. East Brent V. South Brent V. Burrington P. C. Lymphsam R. and of Wrington R. HUNDRED OF BRUTON. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. Years. [Males] Fe- | Total. |Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years, {Males} Fe- } Total, [Males males. males. Tiages. Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males, riages. 1811 J144]113]) 257 [| 143/156} 299 181)] 78 .1812 1108} 143] 251 11731156] 329 1812] 54 1813 |160]117} 277. [196}199] 395 1813] 57 1814 [129] 123] 252 165/155 | 320 1814] 75 1815 |1541)184] 338 | 146/166] 312 1815] 92 1816 |169}163] 332 | 179/157] 336 1816] 80 1817 |164]161] 325 4|189]191] 380 1817} 82 1818 }170/171{ 341 [161/173] 334 1818] 65 1819 |200]186] 386 | 191/165] 356 1819] 79 1820 |198}196] 394 4 191/214] 405 1820] 93 1811 | 52 147 | 99 735] 39} 74 f 1811] 24 1812 | 73 | 571130 | 46 | 44} go 1812] 29 1813 | 48 | 50 |] 98 65 | 52 | 117 1813| 27 1814 | 74 | 71 | 145 33 | 39 72 1814} 27 1815 | 60 | 76 | 136 | 45 | 43; 88 1815| 25 1816 | 60 ] 54 | 114 37 | 32 69 1816] 17 1817 | 58 | 81 | 139 § 32 | 46] 78 1817} 33 1818 | 73 | 55 | 128 33 | 36 | 69 1818] 27 1819 | 66 | 64 | 130 33 | 37 70 1819} 22 1820 | 68 | 54 | 122 42 | 45 87 1820] 41 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Bath- Easton, or Easton and Amoril V. Bath-Ford V. Bathwick R. Catharine, or Easton and Catharine P. C. Freshford R. Kelston R. Langridge R. Lyncomb and Wydcomb C. Monkton-Coomb P.C. North Stoke R. South Stoke V. Swainswick R. Weston V. and of Woolley R. (°) Walcot is entered with the City of Bath, at the end of the County. The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, Brew- ham P.C Bruton P.C.(*) Milton-Clevedon V._ Pitcombe P. C. Upton-Noble R. Wyke-Champflower C. and of Yarlington R. (©) Bruton includes Redlynch. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1.GEO. IV. €. 94. 101 STOLE SEITE COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HUNDRED OF CANNINGTON. HUNDRED OF CHEW AND CHEWTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - Years. (Males ie Total. {Males ie Total. | Years, | Mar- : riages. Years. Males! Fe- | otal. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- jmales,| males. riages. 1811 | 74 | 53 | 127 36 | 36 72 1811] 27 1812 | 63 | 61 | 124 } 35421] 56 1812) 25 - 1813 | 69 | 49} 118 [| 40] 39} 79 1813] 28 1814 | 63 | 77 | 140 [| 46] 31 [ 77 1814} 33 1815 | 68 | 62 | 130 | 40134] 74 1815} 28 1816 | 83 | 86 | 169 | 37 { 24] 61 1816| 26 ‘1817 } 81 | 66 | 147 38 1 35 73 1817) 31 1818 | 91 | 92 | 183 } 30 | 37 | +67 1818) 28. 1819 | 62 | 73 | 135 | 40 | 62 | 102 1819] 35 1820 | 81 | 76} 157 | 36) 40} 76 1820] 36 1811 }198]198} 396 $125]133] 258 1811| 73 1812 | 233/188} 421 }105|118) 223 1812; 58 1813 |215 }192) 407 1158}154| 312 1813; 68 1814 | 228 {187} 415 }|159]147| 306 } 1814] 83 1815 | 266 }227| 493 [1231130] 253 1815} 79 1816 | 275/239] 514 4$141]|138] 279 1816] 99 1817 |243}258] 501 |138)130] 268 1817| 81 1818 | 238 | 222] 460 [110] 94] 204 1818] 62 1819 |234}248) 482 [117/142] 259 1819| 86 1820 |267 [245 | 512 11381125] 263 1820| 72 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Aisholt R. / Cannington V. CharlinchR. Fiddington R. OtterhamptonR. Over- Stowey V. Spaxton R. Stockland-Bristol V. Stogursey V. and of The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Brock-'‘ ley R. Cameley R. Chew-MagnaV. Chew-Stoke R. Chewton-MendipV. Chilcompton P.C. Clutton R. Compton-Martin R. Dundry P. C. Emborrow P. C. Farrington-Gurney P. C. West Harptree V. Hinton- Years. \Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males males, riages. Stringston R. Blewitt R. Kingston-Seymour R. High Littleton V. Midsomer- Norton V. Norton-Malreward R. Paulton P.C. Ston-Kaston V. Stowey V. Timbsbury R. and of Ubley R. HUNDRED OF CARHAMPTON,. HUNDRED OF CREWKERNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. JMales| ¥€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males males riages. 181L }106} 90} 196 | 48} 38] 86 1811} 35 1812 | 91} 99] 190 ]| 56] 57 | 113 1812] 43 1813 |117] 104] 221 49 | 52 | 101 1813} 54 1814 |106}100] 206 | 44 | 68 | 112 1814) 44 1815 |109}] 92] 201 | 561) 55 | 111 1815} 42 1816 [117] 97} 214 158) 43 | 101 1816] 47 1817 |118/ 122] 240 40 | 47 87 1817) 40 1818 }112/108] 220 |} 32 | 62 94 1818| 41 1819 | 95} 112] 207 49 | 71 | 120 1819] 53 1820 {120]123| 243 | 52 | 58 | 110 1820} 46 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Courtney R. (*) Dunster includes Rodhuish. Car- hampton V. Culborne, or Kitnor R. Cutcombe V. Dunster V. (4) Ere otherwise Oare R. Exford R. Luckham or Luccombe R. Lux- borough P. C. Minehead V. Porlock R. Selworthy R. Stock-Perow R. Timberscombe V. Treborough R. Withycombe R. and of Wootton- HUNDRED OF CATSASH. Ze BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 | 76] 67 | 143 39 | 43 82 | 1811] 38 1812 | 70] 65 | 1385 134] 50] 84 1812] 39°: 1813 | 92] 83 | 175 39 | 49 88 1813} 42 1814 | 73] 61 | 134 $43 147] go 1814] 33 1815 | 103] 75 | 178 40 | 51 gl 1815} 34 1816 | 69] 77 1146 | 34147{ 81 1816] 32 1817 | 80] 80 | 160 | 6o } 45 } 105 1817| 46 1818 |101] 75 | 176 | 60 } 51 | 111 1818] 48 1819 | 82] 75 | 157 36 | 74 | 110 1819} 48 1820 | 105] 98 | 203 48} 70] 118 # 1820] 57 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Crew- kerne P.C. Hinton-St.-George R. Merriott V. MistertonV. Sea- borough R. and of Wayford R. HUNDRED OF CURRY, NORTH. Fe- , Fe- + , Mar- Years. {Males alee Total. [Males ae Total. | Years. ges, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, 1811 }100}117] 217 7 48 | 46} 94 1811} 42 1812 |110] 92] 202 56 | 56 | 112 1812] 42 1813 }101}103] 204 | 62 | 77 | 139 1813] 50 1814 | 86]104] 190 ‘| 64 | 52 | 116 1814} 32 1815 | 97/116] 213 53} 49 | 102 | 1815) 41 1816 | 127} 98] 225 40 | 49 89 1816! 60 1817 } 112] 90]{ 202 43 | 47 | 90 1817{| 46 1818 {122} 97] 219 54159 | 113 1818} 47 1819 | 107/105] 212 | 49 | 67 | 116 | 1819; 46 1820 | 99/132] 231 71 1 68 | 139 1820! 45 Years. |Males| F€ | Total. (Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males, riages. The above Asstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Alford R. Ansford R. Babcary R. North Barrow R. South Barrow P.C. | Barton-St.-David V. North Cadbury R. South Cadbury R. Castle- ‘Cary V. Compton-Pauncefoot R. Keinton-Mandefield R. _King- ] weston R. Lovington P. C. West Lydford R. Maperton R. Queen- Camel V. Sparkford R. Sutton-Montis R. and of Weston-Bamp- fylde R. 1811 | 50 | 37 87 23] 22] 45 1811] 17 1812 | 47} 53 | 100 | 30] 18} 48 1812} 25 1813 | 72 | 52 | 124 § 26] 33} 59 1813] 20: 1814 | 44} 48 | 92 32 | 33 | 65 1814; 16 1815 | 55 | 63 | 118 26 | 21 47 1815} 28 1816 | 47 } 52 99 24 | 20 44 1816} 24 1817 | 58 | 52 | 110 | 20] 22] 42 1817} 16 1818 | 66 | 59 | 125 18 | 25} 43 1818| 31 1819 | 73 | 54] 127 | 27] 40 { 67 1819} 34 1820 | 61 | 69 | 130 [| 36] 28] 64 1820} 32 The ebove Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, North Curry V. West Hatch P.C. Stoke-St.-Gregory P. C. Thorn-Faul- con R. and of Thurlbear P. C. Dd 102 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETUKNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers. eat oo iad ‘ioe ee eR, COUNTY OF SOMERSET—centinued, HUNDRED OF FROME. (*) IIUNDRED OF HARICLIFFE AND BEDMINSTER, (°) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS, BURIALS. ‘MARRIAGES, asia. Males lee fal Tote, pilates ce ioe Total. } Years. hee Years. |Males bm Total, Males ates Total. Years, ee 1811 {194)214] 408 [113/127] 240 | 1811] 107 1811 | 83{ 78} 161 83] 93} 176 US1k| 144 1812 {198}199| 397 [117/134] 251 | /1812} 121 1812 | 99/103] 202 89 107} 196 1812 134 1813 |233]209| 442 §183]191 | 374 1813) 141 1813 | 98106} 204 F106) 77 183 1813] 130 1814 |238]230| 468 | 128160] 288 1814| 205 1814 |113]107] 220 82] 68] 150 1814) 157 1815 }263]247| 510 126/157] 283 | 1815) 232 1815 }109]114] 223 } 91} 97| 188 7 1815} 164 1816 }2473}241| 514 Prgol1q1| 281 | 1816 214 1816 |102| 99] 201 g5{ 87| 182 | 1816) 134 | 1817 {275 |275| 550 [175/173 ) 348 | 1817| 172 1817 | 93;108| 201 [| 75} 79| 154 9 1817) 152 | 1818 | 2741}256) 530 {138}129| 267 | 1818] 169 1818 {102; 98| 200 } 83)108] 192 | 1818) 152 1819 |253|304| 557 [123)140] 263 1819; 171 1819 | 87} 96] 183 8&6] 56} 142 1819} 182 1820 | 2681265] 533 [117/136 253 1820 169 1820 |105}107/ 212 4125/132) 257 1820] 176 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, Beck- The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, Long ington a Standerwick) R. Berkeley R. Cloford V. East Cran- Ashton V. Backwell V. Barrow-Gumney P.C. Bedminster V. But- more P. C.(f) Elme R. Frome-Selwood V. Laverton R. Lullington . Pe: Manion: Binet R. Nunney R. Orchardleigh R. Road R. ebiane RR: Cheliey My anion Water’ He | Rodden P.C. Wanstrow R. Whatley R. Witham-Friary P. C. and (®) St. Mary-Redcliffe, which is partly in this Hundred, is entered in | of Wolverton R. the City of Bristol. (°) Longleat is a Domestic Chapel. (f) The Inhabitants of East Cranmore bury at West Cranmore " (Whitestone Hundred). HUNDRED OF GLASTON-TWELVE-HIDES. HUNDRED OF HORETHORNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males Fe- | Total. [Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. {Males Fe- Total. {Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages. males. males, riages. 1811 | 95) 86] 181 33 139 | 72 1811 29 1811 } 95 | 93 | 188 38 | 40 78 1811; 31 1812 |] 85| 78] 163 | 44] 36| 80 | 1812 | 28 1812 | 7o |} 66 | 1386 7 65 | 77 | 142 1812} 32 1813 [102] 96] 198 $47] 51 98 18138 30 1813 | 75 | 79 | 164 | 47 | 62 | 109 1813} 23 1814 [102] 92] 194 3} 41 | 60] 101 | 1814} 42 1814 | 84 | 80 | 164 § 60 | 62 | 122 1814| 47 1815 }112} 86] 198 $38 | 48] 86 | 1815) 47 1815 | 95 | 95 | 190 153143} 96 1815] 44 1816 | 79]108] 187 | 44 | 45 89 1816 | 42 1816 | 75 | 741149 | 49 } 51 | 100 1816) 34 1817 |100| 93] 193 $501 49] 99 | 1817} 35 1817 | 55 | 93 | 148 $53 | 53 | 106 1817| 35 1818 }113 115] 228 J 48] 471 95 | 1818 | 37 1818 | 73 | 83 | 156 | 54151 | 105 1818} 49 1819 | 81!) 92] 173 § 44] 58] 102 | 1819] 25 1819 | 86 | 85 | 171 53 | 63 | 116 1819; 48 1820 {104} 92] 196 360] 59] 119 | 1820] 38 1820 | 96 | 94 | 190 153145); 98 1820} 42 The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, —Baltons- The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——-Abbas- borough P.C. St. Benedict P.C. West Bradley P.C. St. John- Combe R. Charlton-Canfield, alias Horethorne, V. North Cheriton R. the-Baptist P.C. Meare V. West Pennard P. C. and of North Corton-Denham R. Goathill R. Henstridge V. Holwell R. Horsing- Wootton V. ton R. Great Merston V. Milborne-Port V. Pointington R. Sandford- Orcas R. Stowell R. and of Trent R. HUNDRED OF HAMPTON AND CLAVERTON. HUNDRED OF HOUNDSBOROUGH, BARWICK AND COKER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe. Fe- ; Mar. wie te ap | Fe- ; Mar- ies Infales oe Total. [Males taal Total. wenn fiosts. Years. |Males Eales! Total. po he Total. | Years. fisees isi11| 6| 8] 14 | 20] 28] 48 } 1811] 4 181l }117{ 87] 204 | 45] 51} 96 | 1811] 40 1812 | 4] 6{ 10 | 23] 27] 50 1812}; — 1812 | 109] 95] 204 | 66 | 56 | 122 1812] 41 1813 | 9} 3] 12 | 25] 27] 52 1813 1 1813 |116] 94] 210 | 57 | 51 | 108 1813] 39 1814 | 11 y 20 16 | 20 | 36 1814 4 1814 |122}107] 229 | 63] 51 | 114 1814] 46 1815 | 10] 6] 16 [21 ]}19] 40 | 1815] 3 | 1815 |107/116} 223 | 74 | 44] 118 ¢ 1815) 64 1816 |} 10] 9} 19 [23 | 221 45 | 1816] 3 1816 |106|104] 210 148] 42] go | 1816) 73 1817; 6| 8| 14 J} 24]21] 45 | 1817) 3 1817 |135 [133] 268 [57 | 47 | 104 | 1817) 49 1818 | 6]13] 19 }16) 22) 38 1818 3 1818 | 102 }124| 226 § 36 | 61 | 97 1818} 46 igi9 | 8| 6] 14 [18416] 34 | 1819] 4 1819 [132 }121] 253 $70] 79 149 | 1819] 48 1820 | 11 | 4] 15 17 }18 | 35 1820 4 1820 {108 }130] 238 | 76 | 85: 161 1820] 60 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,—Bath- oe eS s oe from the Registers of, Ee . . wick R. ilton-Cantelo R. East Chinnock R. . Middle Chinnock R. Hainpton V. Charlcombe R. and of Claverton R, West Chinnock P. C. Chiselborough R. Closworth R. East Coker V. | West Coker R. Hardington-Mandeville R. Haselbury V. Norton (under Hamdon)R. Odcombe R. Pandomer R. North Perrott R. and of Sutton-Bingham R. pill R. and of Puriton V. M.DCCC.XXI. | THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. 103, a sci COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continwed. HUNDRED OF HUNTSPILL AND PURITON. HUNDRED OF KINGSBURY. BAPTISMS. |‘ BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. MMates| Fe: | Total. [alales ei ‘Total. | Years. ce f | Sears, Males nie Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. Rose ieee 1811 | 28 } 23] 51 haa 12 | 23 f 1811] 14 1811 {151 ]159] 310 [104] 98] 202 J 4811 100, 1812 | 22 | 30} 52 711] 44] 25 f 1812 8: 1812 | 198 | 166 | 364 84} 102] 186 | 1812] 98 1813 | 27 | 22] 49 $18 / 23) 41 1813] 11 1813 |216}205 {| 421 [118111] 229 4813 | 93 1814 | 36} 391 75 $11 | 42 22 1814] 12 1814 [230169] 399 [122}107] 229 fF 1814] 131 1815 | 22 | 27 | 49 | 8) 9 | 17 ¢£ 1815] 22 1815 | 190 | 202 | 392 82} 85| 167 fF 1815] 117 1816 | 25 | 38+ 63 | 14} 16] 30 § 1816 8 1816 |223 ]223{ 446 |101 [111] 212 1816 | 118 1817 | 35-| 28 | 63 }-10} 10] 20 1817| 16 1817 |198 |210] 408 84 {109| 193 .f 1817} 108 1818 | 28 | 22] 50 8/17] 25 % 1818 9 1818 |191 |186 | 377 $107 [134] 241 1818 | 89 1819 | 28 | 20} 48 4} 15 8 23 4 1819} 13 1819 |191 1217 | 408 1125 |119| 244 1819 | 111 1820 | 37 | 23 | 60 J 14] 18 | 32. § 1820] 17 1820 {184 |228| 412 [134 [156] 290 1820 | 124 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Hunts- HUNDRED OF KEYNSHAM. The above Assrnact is collected from the Registers of,———Ash- Priors P.C. Bishops-Lydeard V. West-Buckland V. Chard V. Combe-St.-Nicholas V. Fitzhead P.C. Huish-Episcopi V. Kings- bury-Episcopi V. East-Lambrook R. (‘) Wellington V. Winsham V. and of Wiveliscombe V. - (‘) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at East-Lambrook. ‘ HUNDRED OF MARTOCK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Soretpine ce . wnRe. . A wRTEGRS, Years. | Males ae Total. haan ce hal Total. | Years. ee Years Males a sow: Total. [Males a : Total. T Senne. es 1811 | 98}115/ 213 | 81 | 69 | 150 | 1811] 23 1811 | 36 | 32 | 68 Jig] eg] 48 | 1812 30 1812 | 99]106/ 205 | 51 | 56} 107 1812] 29 1812 | 38 | 30] 68 | 32/21] 53 1812} 14 1813 |}115,{ 118) 233 68 | 83 | 151 1813 | 33 1813 | 41 | 36 77 19 | 27 46 1813] 21 1814 |101] 86] 187 | 70 | 62 | 132 1814] 31 1814 | 42 | 44} 86 | 27] 25] 52 1814| 13 1815 |131 {121} 252 | 78] 56 | 134 | 1815] 38 1815 | go | 31 | 71 $18] 18] 36 | 1815] 18 .1816 |113{ 92] 205 | 56| 65 | 121 | 1916] 23 1816 | 42 | 40 | 82 |19]18] 37 | 1816] 24 1817 |108| 100} 208 | 72 | 67 | 139 | 1817] 23 1817 | 62 | 33 | 95 | 22] 26] 48 1817| 20 1818 |112) 94] 206 | 86 | 62 | 148 1818] 25 1818 | 43 | 32] 75 | 22) 24] 46 1818} 21 1819 |108]111| 219 | 70] 66/136 | 1819] 936 1819 | 35 | 42 | 77 | 30/34] 64 | 1819] a1 1820 |142]118] 260 | 84 | 67 | 151 1820] 31 1820 | 37 | 43] 80 | 23] 24] 47 1820} 28 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of,_——Bris- The above Anstracr is collected from the Register of. ne lington P, C. Burnett R. Chelwood R. Compton-Dando V. Farm- a . pomagh R. Keynsham V. Marksbury R. : Nempnett P. C. St. bale We Gnaluding Leeetode tw) Thomas-in-Pensford P.C. PristonR. Publow P. C. Queen-Charlton P.C. Saltford R. Stanton-Drew V. Stanton-Prior R, and of Whit- church or Felton P. C. HUNDRED OF KILMERSDON. HUNDRED OF MELLS AND LEIGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. _ MARRIAGES. . Fe- jet He | Mar- e | | F cee Years. |Males ie Total. [Males files Total. # Years. fiagee Years. Males) Fe- Total. |Males ere Total. J Years, | ae 1811 | 93] 71] 164 { 50] 52 | 102 1811] 42 1811 | 29} 21 | 50 [15 | 19 34 1811 8 1812 | 74] 80] 154 |. 42 | 48 go 1812} 40 1812 | 23] 24] 47 19 | 21 40 1812 = 1813 | 93} 78/171 | 66 | 55 | 121 1813] 37 1813 | 35 | 20; 55 [18/20] 38 18138 4 1814 | 62} 93] 155 | 40] 48] 88 1814] 40 1814 | 32 | 24 | 56 f21 118] 39 1814] 12 1815 {115} 92] 207 | 37 | 32 | 69 1815] 44 1815 | 33 | 29 | 62 J13] 15] 28 1815| 147 1816 | 931103] 1968 [56] 43] 99 1816} 55 1816 | 36 | 26 | 62 $13 | 22] 35 1816| 18 1817 | 92100] 192 [51 | 50 | 101 1817] 39 1817 | 20 | 25 | 45 | 20 | 26 46 1817) 13 1818 |106} 74] 180 | 51 | 63 | 114 1818] 33 1818 | 34 | 28 | 62 J15 | 21] 36 1818] 10 1819 [118 | 88} 206 4758 | 46 | 104 1819] 42 1819 | 25 28 | 53 Jf 12/13] 25 1819} 9 1820 }121 4107; 228 736] 48) 84 1820) 56 1820 | 28 ' 32 | 60 J 14/18] ge 1820} 15 P.C.(*) Babington R. . The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, Buckland-Denham V. Hemington (with Hardington) R. Holcombe R. Kilmersdon V. R: ton-oii-the-Fosse R. and of Writhlington R. (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Ashwick. Ashwick adstock R. Strat- The above Axsrnact is collected from the Registers of, —Leigh- upon-Mendip P. C. and of Mells R. ’ 104 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers. a ey, COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued, HUNDRED OF MILVERTON. HUNDRED OF PETHERTON, (SOUTH.) BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males ere Total. pistes ee Total. | Years. ines, Years, {Males a Total. {Males is te Total. | Years. Face 1811 | 53] 42; 95 | 24} 26} 50 1811) 17 1811 | 86 | 69 | 155 [35 | 34] 69 | 1811] 34 1812 | 51 | 63 | 114 f13 | 28] 41 1812} 24 1812 | 80 | 69 | 149 | 58 | 61} 119 | 1812] 30 1813 | 57 | 44 | 101 18 | 25} 43 1813| 24 1813 | 78 | 73 | 151 | 44 | 56 | 100 1813] 43 1814 | 49 | 53 | 102 J.15 | 21 | 36 1814] 30 1814 | 82 | 68 | 150 | 46 | 44 | go 1814) 44 1815 | 53 | 56 | 109 | 25] 38] 63 1815] 20 1815 | 91 | 82 | 173 144) 51 | 95 1815| 36 1816 | 59] 51 | 110 [19] 34] 53 1816} 21 1816 | 64 | 88 | 152 [| 42 | 68 | 110 | 1816] 32 1817 | 62 | 65 | 127 | 26/35] 61 1817| 34 1817 | 78 | 95 |] 173 140 | 39 | 79 1817} 39 1818 | 60 | 51 | 111 30 | 31 61 1818] 29 1818 | 71 | 76 | 147. 137 | 39 76 1818} 41 1819 | 61 | 62 | 123 41 | 30 71 1819] 24 1819 | g1 | 56 | 147 55 | 48 | 103 1819] 35 1820 | 72 | 63 | 1395: | 49 | 55 | 104 1820] 33 1820 | 89 | 87 | 176 #47] 51 | 98 1820| 41 Ash- The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, —Barring- The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, nae Gone ci oe Gan . , : : ; oe is ille P. C. ton P.C. haffcombe R. ellington P. C. ricket.St.-Thomas brittle R. Bathealton R. Kittesford R. Langford-Budville P. C R. Cudworth P.C. Dinnington R. (k) Dowlish-Wake R. Knowle- Milverton V. Runnington R. Sampford-Arundell V. Stawleigh R. St. Giles P.C. Lopen P.C. South Petherton V. Seavington-St. and of Thorn-St.-Margaret, P. C. Mary P. C. Seavington-St.-Michael R. Shepton-Beauchamp R. and of Whitstaunton R. (*) Dinnington is sometimes reputed a Chapelry to Seavington- St.-Michael R. HUNDRED OF NORTON-FERRIS. HUNDRED OF PITNEY. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Fe- Fe-~ Mar- Fe- Fe- i Mar- Years. |Males ae | Total. }Males)| Fe | Total. | Years. Hates. SEES: Nee ales CO poe dent Home | ME | regen 1811 | 65 | 61 | 126 955 | 41 {| 96 1811] 31 1811 | 26 |} 22 | 48 | 20] 10] 30 1811| 16 1812 | 73 | 61 | 134 | 39 | 37 76 1812] 21 1812 | 27 | 23} 50 17 | 16 33 1812} 10 1813 | 66 | 62 | 128 7 39 |} 44} 83 1813} 24 1813 | 40 | 35] 75 $11 7 18 1813| 14 1814 | 64 | 40 | 104 4 33 | 44] 77 1814] 30 1814 | 39 | 43] 82 11] 17 28 1814) 10 1815 | 61 | 57 | 118 [40] 37} 77 1815] 33 1815 | 24 | 39 | 63 J11 |] 16] 27 1815| 12 1816 | 64 | 62 | 126 | go | 31 a1 1816] 33 1816 | 39 | 39 | 78 11 9 | 20 1816] 12 1817 | 71 | 771148 1 46] 43 | 89 1817| 39 1817 | 28 | 21 | 49 | 13 | 10 oF 1817) 15 1818 | 71 | 63 | 134 21381 80 1818] 28 1818 | 45 | 38 | 83 [16] 15] 31 1818; 8 1819 | 57 | 64 | 121 $38 | 49] 87 1819] 35 1819 | 40 | 25 | 65 [ 21} 17] 38 1819} 15 1820 | 74 62 | 136 |47] 47] 94 1820| 25 1820 | 26 | 32 | 58 9/17] 26 1820] 13 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, Brat- The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of ——Lang- ton R. Charlton-Musgrove R. Cucklington R. Kilmington R. port P.C. Muchelney V. and of Pitney R. Penselwood R. Shepton-Montague V. Stoke-Trister R. and of Wincanton P. C. HUNDRED OF PETHERTON, (NORTH.) HUNDRED OF PORTBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males} Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. } D#ar- Years. {Males| Fe- | Total, Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- wales, males. riages. males males riages. 1811 | 70 | 65 | 195 | 45 | 35] 80 1811} 39 1811 | 91} 94] 185 82 | 60 | 142 1811] 13 1812 | 71 | G1 | 132 | 48} 43 | 91 | 1812] 39 1812 | 68/105] 173 | 42 | 44 | 86 | 1812] 12 1813 | 71 | 86) 157 | 321/38] 7o | 1813} 32 1813 |104]105} 209 | 54 | 68] 122 { 1813] 10 1814 | 70 | 80 | 150 [49] 44] 93 1814] 38 1814 | 92/106! 198 | 52} 38] go 1814} 20 1815 | go | 87 | 177 44 | 53 97 1815] 25 1815 [117] 96] 213 50 | 50 | 100 1815; 15 1816 | 69 | 65 | 134 | 38 | 48 86 1816] 29 1816 }105 | 91] 196 79 | 65 | 144 1816, 22 1817 | 92 | 72 164 137] 26] 63 1817] . 34 1817 |140/138) 278 | 71 | 69 | 140 1817| 18 1818 | 70 |} 79 | 149 | 31 | 50 81 1818} 31 1818 |136}104] 240 60 | 54] 114 1818; 16 1819 | 87 | 66 | 153 | 40 | 46 86 1819] 23 1819 |120|117 | 237 53 | 47 | 100 1819 20 1820 | 86 | 87: 173 | 34] 30 | 64 1820} 31 1820 |102 |102| 204 {| 73 | 66 | 139 1820 14 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Bawd- The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- Tip R. Chedzoy R. Chilton-Trinity R. Durston P.C. Michael- Leigh P.C. Clapton R. Clevedon V. Easton-in-Gordano, or St. Church P.C. North Newton C. (J) Pawlet V. North Petherton George V. Nailsea and Bourton (united) R. Portbury V._ Portis- V. Thurloxton R. and of Wembdon V. . : aro = ee head R. Tickeuham V. Walton-in-Gordano R, Weston-in-Gordano R. = G) The Population of North Newton isincluded with that of North and of Wraxhall B. . etherton. . M.DCCC.XXI.] a ee THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 105 2 SS SE ESSE ES AED RA SO COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. HUNDRED OF SOMERTON. HUNDRED OF TINTINHULL. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. BAFTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. _ Years. [Males a Total. {Males! ie Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- . ‘males. riages, males males. niages. 1811 | 63 | 59 | 122 |.29 | 41 | 7o 1811} 33 1812 | 54 | 70 | 124 447 |.40 | 87 1812} 23 | 1813 | 59 | 66 | 125 F411 43} 84 1813; 26 1814 | 80 | 61 } 141 | 37 | 43; 80 1814} 23 1815 | 81 | 72} 153 «$36 | 38 | 74 1815} 30 1816 | 72 | 56 | 128 f 40] 36| 76 1816} 34 1817 | 93 | 86 | 179 $38 | 48] 86 1817} 33 1818 | 88 | 85 | 173 [48 | 36 | 84 1818} 34 1819 | 84] 72 | 156 $35 | 36) 71 1819} 43 1820 | 86 | 65 | 151 53 | 52 | 105 1820| 36 1811 52 46 | 98 | 24} 26] 50 1811] 20 1812 | 43 | 39 | 82 | 26] 31] 57 1812] 25 68 1818 | 53} 441 97 47291] 39 1813) 28 1814 | 65 | 44 | 109 | 30] 45] 75 1814] 22 1815 | 66 | 51 | 117 135] 30] 65 1815) 27 1816 | 55 | 44| 99 | 32/35 | 67 7 1816| 23 1817 | 52 | 50 | 102 36 | 36 | 72 1817} 31 1818 | 64 | 63 | 127 | 32 | 47] 79 1818] 37 1819 | 63 | 45 | 108 #271 36] 63 1819] 17 1820 | 47 | 46} 93 | 32 | 421 74 1820} 32 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Aller R. | West Camel R. Charlton-AdamV. Charlton-Mackrell R. Kingsdon R. East Lydford R. Somerton V. Long Sutton (with Knowle) V. and - of Yeovilton R. : The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Ll- chester R. Kingstone R. Montacute V. Northover V. Stoke-under- Haindon P.C. Thorne-Coffin R. and of Tintinhull P. C. HUNDRED OF STONE. HUNDRED OF WELLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| F€- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. toales. Tiages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| ¥€- | Total. #Males| Fe- | Total. -| Years. | Mar- ‘males. : males. riages. 1811.| 68] 75 | 143 29 | 39 | 68 1811] 40 1812 | 73] 79 | 152 48 | 55 | 103 1812} 36 1813 | 80] 71 | 151 53 | 60 | 113 1813) 38 1814 |} 83] 95 | 178 #50 | 58 | 108 1814] 34 1815 | 75| 75 | 150 4 28 | 59] 87 1815} 38 1816 | 85) 88 | 173 39 | 39 | 78 1816] 55 1817 }110} 82 | 192 449 | 44] 93 1817| 49 1818 | 83] 86 | 169 371 51 88 1818; 45 1819 | 106] 85 | 191 31 | 47 | 78 1819] 47 1820 | 105 | 97 | 202 76 | 7o | 146 1820; 58 1811 | 92] 73| 165 | 61 | 48 | 109 1811] 39 1812 | 81] 84/165 758 | 56] 114 1812| 39 1813 | 92] 91/183 | 66 | 74 | 140 1813 | 33 1814 | 92] 96] 188 | 50 | 64 | 114 18141 39 1815 {111.1106 | 217 | 56 | 54 | 110 1815| 58 1816 }107 | 99] 206 | 62 | 547 | 119 1816.) 39 1817 |113 116] 229 | 64 | 51 | 115 1817| 32 1818 | 94/113] 207 | 68 | 51 | 119 1818 | 26 1819 |101 }121] 222 | 63 | 81 | 144 1819 | 46 1820 }104}123] 227 175 1 55 | 130 [| 1820] 41 The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, —~Ashing- ton R. Brimptun R, Chilthorne-Domer V. Limington R. Lufton R, Mudford V. Preston P. C. and of Yeovil V. The above Assrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Camer- ton R. Charterhouse Hinton P. C. Coomb-Hay R. Corston V. Dunkerton R. Englishcombe V. Forscote R. Hungerford-Farley R. Newton-St.-Loe R. Norton-St.-Philip V. Tellisford R. Twerton V. and of Wellow V. HUNDRED OF TAUNTON AND TAUNTON-DEAN. HUNDRED OF WELLS-FORUM. 1811 | 170/134] 304 § 88 | 74 | 162 1811] 68 1812 |133)131|] 264 175 | 73 | 148 1812] 57 1813 |138}150] 288 | 61 | 81 | 142 1813] 70 1814 |148/149] 297 § 76 | 75 | 151 1814) 56 1815 | 141 }133] 274 .} 70 | 63 | 133 1815] 77 1816 |144/156] 300 § 56 | 83 | 139 1816) 58 1817 |163}166]| 329 4 67 | 80 | 147 1817| 87 1818 |141]151} 292 .| 75 | 81 | 156 1818] 82 1819 [140 |152] 292 | 82 | 85 | 167 1819] 73 1820 |160}132] 292 } 90/90! 180 | 1820] 68 The abové Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Anger- sleigh R. West Bagborough R. Bishops-Hull P. C. Bradford V. Cheddon-Fitzpaine R. Combe-Flory R. Corfe P.C. Cotheliston P.C. Heathfield R. HillfarrenceR. Kingston V. Lydeard-St.-Lawrence R. Norton-Fitzwarren R. Nynehead V. Oake R. Orchard-Portman R. Otteriord P. C. PitminsterV. RimptonP.C. Ruishton R. Staple- grove R. Stoke-St.-Mary R, Tolland R. Trull P. C. Wilton P.C. and of Withiel-Flory P. C. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males Fe- | votal. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Total. | Years, | Mar- : males, males. riages, males, les. riages, 1811 | 147 | 146 1812 | 155 | 121 1813 |134 / 135 1814 | 167 | 166 1815 | 187 ; 144 1816 |160 | 155 1817 | 164 | 158 1818 | 168 | 172 1819 | 191 159; 359 1820 (1661169 335 293 85 | 87 | 172 1811} 51 276 91 }106 | 197 1812) 61 269 }108] 96} 204 7 1813] 68 333 69 | 81} 150 1814] 74 331 94 1106} 200 1815} 80 315 98 | 94] 192 1816] 73 322 4102} 83] 185 1817] 64 340 68 | 99| 167 1818] 84 77 | 87 | 164 1819] 85 107 1110 | 217 1820] 81 Years, |Males| F€- | Total. |Males Fe- ; males. | —— The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of ——St. An- drew (the Cathedral Church of Wells) V. Binegar R. West Cranmore P.C. St. Cuthbert V. -Dinder R. Evercreech V.(') Litton R. Priddy P. C. Westbury V. and of Wookey V. (') Evercreech includes the Return of Chesterblade Chapelry. ABSTRACT OF ee ten ANSWERS AND RETURNS ONDER ary san wa = -v70t at gr COUNTY OF SOMERSET=continuéd. HUNDRED OF WHITESTONE. HUNDRED OF WINTERSTOKE. BAPTISMS. [ Parish: Registers, Se BAPTisMS. — _[ BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. eas sates F5 | Poa. fate] Fes | oak | veors | Mr || Yess. [Mtieylicg| Total [Mss aje| Totm | Vest es 1811 | 183 | 140 323 93 {113 | 206 | 1821] 66 1811 | 216 f232] 448 |107} 93] 260 1811} 47 1812 |i42/134| 276 110/105] 215 1812 is 1812 | 234 [237] 471 [106/111 417 1812| 67 1813 |148/156| 304 J 93 {111} 204 | 1813 1818 |¢20 f250] 470 $116] 215 | 231 1813} 67 1814 |156}127| 283 }1o7} 95| 202 | 1814) go 1814 |290 [257] 547 |120/100/ 240 | 1814] 89 1815 | 164184] 348 froo} g5| 195 4 1815) 105 1815 ,264[232| 496 [io1|118| 2i9 | 1815} 81 1816 |i76!151/'327 | go] 97] 187 7 1816 iS 1816 | 273 [254 | 527 $136 |131 | 267 1816] 68 1817 |161|169| 330 ft11 [121 | 2392 1817 5 1817 249 /274| 523 J215/ 101 | 216 1817; 63 1818 | 149/153 | 302 | 78} go| 168 | 1818 57 1818 249 }260 | 509 $130}126| 256 | 1818 Z 1819 |161 [164 325 | 83] 99] 182 | 1819) 68 1819 268} 252] 520 4133 /137 | 270 1819} ‘67 1820 1156 /184 | 340 95} 95} 190 1820; 79 1820 290/282] 572 9130/7155 | 285 1820| §1 The abové Anstract is collected froin the Registers f,——Bat- The above Asstraci is édllected from the Registers of,——Ax- combe R. Croscombé R. Ditcheat R. Doultirig V. Dowrthead P.C. Hornblotton R. Lamyeté‘R. East Pennard V. Pilton V. Pylle R. Shepton Mallet R. and of Stoke-Lane P. C. HUNDRED OF WHITLEY. bridge R. Badgworth R. Banwell V. Blagdon R. Bleadon R, Cheddar V. Christon R. Churchill P. C. Compton-Bishop V. Con- gresbury V. East Harptree V. Hutton R. Ken P.C. Kewstoke V, Locking V. Loxton R. Puxton P. C. Rodney-Stoke R. Rowberrow R. Shipham R. Uphill R. Weston-Super-Mare R. Winscombe V. Worle V. Wyke-St.-Lawrence P. C. and of Yatton V. CITY OF BATH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | BAPTISMS. ‘BURIALS. MARRIAGES. eat. [Males a Tea Total. Tales} ee oe Years. cee ‘Years. Males oe Total. Sales eo Total. | Years. aa 1811 [1524141] 243 { 69] 71]) 140 | 1811] 58 1811 | 432 | 443 875 $255 | 290] 545 1811} 375 1812 |151{132| 283 { 87} 71] 158 | 1812] 78 1812 | 391 |437 | 828 $323) 326| 649 | 1812) 374 1818 |186]173| 389 | 94} 85] 179 | 1813] 68 1813 | 406/390] 796 4321] 328] 649 | 1813} 400 1814 ]173 1144] 317 7 95| 94] 189 | 1614] 69 1814 | 431 |447| 878 |257| 288) 545 | 1814} 426 1815 1195 ]168| 363 7 72] 62] 134 | 1815| 67 1815 |459 |446|.905 4333] 369] 702 | 1815| 465 1816 ]167 1157! 324 | 82] 77/159 | 1816) 63 1816 | 477 | 451} 928 280/325] 605 | 1816] 4o1 1817 [1871185] 372 | 65] 56] 121 | 1817] 61 1817 |507 1474] 981 }352|353| 705 | 1817) 427 1818 ] 180 |183 | 363 871 98} 185 1818 | 67 1818 | 480 | 459} 939 [318/332] 650 1818) 417 1819 167 }192] 359 $104] 91] 195 | 1819) 74 1819 | 493 |468} 961 13151343} 658 4 1819) 419 1820 4187 ]199] 386 85]111 | 196 1820) 96 1820 |508 | 462] 970 4389] 490] 879 1820} 432 The above Anstract is collected from the Rezisters of,- Ashcot The above Axssrract is collected from the Registers of, ——St. P.C. Blackford R. Butleigh V. Cateott C. Chilton-upon-Polden C. Compton-Dundon V. Cossington R. Edington C. _Grenton R. High-Ham Holford R. Holton R,. Middlezoy V. est Monck- ton R. urlinch V. OtheryV. Podimore R. Shapwick V. Stawell C. Street R. Sutton-Mallett C. Walton’P.C. Weston- Zoyland V. Wheathill R. and of Woollavington V. James R. St. Michael R. St. Peter and Paul R. and of Walcot R. HUNDRED OF WILLERTON AND FREEMANNERS. BOROUGH OF BRIDGWATER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. (Males! Fe- | Total. fMales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar males, Tiages. ‘fmales.| © males. : | Thages. 1811 | 185 }196 | 381 86} 84] 170 1811| 67 1811 | 75} 71] 146 738] 36] 74 1811} 44 1812 11851177] 362 103/120] 223 1812| 55 1812 | go] 98] 188 | 42] 42] 84 1812} 66 1813 |189 }202 | 391 [106 1133 | 239 1813; 81 1813 |124'} 97] 221 | 65 | 44 | 109 1813] 54 1814 | 208 |179} 387 761 92| 168 1814, 83 1814 |106 111} 217 | 53 | 50 | 103 1814! 49 1815 }192 }199} 391 9116 }115 | 231 1815; 87 1815 |101 97/198 149 | 48 | 97 | 1815] 46 1816 | 222 1192] 414 80] 85| 165 tong "5 1816 {1171 92| 209 | 46 | 34] 80 1816} 40 1817 |198}191 | 389 841 83] 167 1817) 88 1817 }102} 96] 198 | 42] 34] 76 1817| 45 1818 | 190 |177 | 367 83 {| 77| 160 1818° 80 1818 }102) 94] 196 | 54] 57 | 111 | 1818] 52 1819 | 200 |199| 399 98 } 112] 210 1819 97 1819 | 91/112} 203 | 46 | 60 | 106 1819} 39 1820 |198 }217{ 415 |119]101] 220 1820 107 1820 }114'| 92| 206 | 41 | 58 | 99 1820] 56 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Bicknoller P.C. Brompton-Ralph R. Brompton-Regis V. Brushford R. Chip- | stable R. Clatworthy R. Old Cleeve V.(™) Crowcombe R. St. | Decumans V. DodingtonR. DulvertonV. Elworthy R. Exton R. | Halse V. Hawkridge R. Huish-ChampflowerR. KiltonV. KilveR. | Lilstock P.C. Monksilver R. Nettlecombe R. East Quantox- | head R. West Quantoxhead R. Raddington R. Sampford-Brett R. | SkilgateR. Stogumber V. Nether-Stowey V. Upton P.C. Wil-| liton C. (°) Winsford V. and of Withypoole P. C. (@) Old Cleeve includes Leighland C. (*) The Inhabitants of Williton bury and marry at St. Decumans. The above Azstract is collected from the Register of,—— Bridgwater R. Ree cee M.DCCC.XXI.} THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. ¢. 94. 107 a COUNTY OF SOMERSET—continued. BOROUGH OF TAUNTON. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. sles Fe- Fe- | 7 y. Mar- Years. tas re. Total. pales imales{ Lotal. | Years. iat 1811 | 83} 871170 | 54 | 48] 102 | 1811] 57 1812 | 73} 67| 140 155 | 62 | 114 1812] 64 1818 }110) 71] 181 a 52 | 103 1818} 67 1814] 85} 92] 177 8 | 85 | 173 1814) 63 1815 }104| 69} 173 | $5 | 53 | 108 1815] 60 1816 | 91] 79| 170 5 | 64 | 109 1816; 78 1817 | 88] 92] 180 ‘ 65 } 116 1817]. 82. 1818 | 92; gi] 183 0 | 63 } 123 1818} 69 1819 | 99}112] 211 | $7 | 64} 121 1819| 68 1820 }128 |}120} 248 | 86} 75 | 161 1820] 70 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——St. James P.C. and of St. Mary Magdalen V. | SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. | Males, | Females. | Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. - Years. | Marriages. ~ 1811 } 4,405 { 4,200 8,605 1811 2,531 2,590 | 5,121 }} 1811 2,133 | 1812 4,279 4,218 8,497 1812 2,740 2,820 5,560 1812 2,128 1813 | 4,753 | 4,454 | 9,207 || 1813 | 2,977 | 3,120 | 6,097 1818 | 2,249 1814 | 4,783 4,538 9,321 ° 1814 | 2,733 2,804 | 5,537 1814 | 2,509 1815 5,063 4,805 1 9,868 . 1815 2,680 | 2,789 5469 4 1815 2,687 1816 | 5,003 4 4,703 | 9,706 1816 | 2,692 | 2,742 | 5,434 || 1816 | 2,508 1817 5,080 | 5,063 i 10,143 1817 2,799. 2,785 5,584 || 1817 2,498 ' 1818 5,054 | 4,842 9,896 1818 2,689 2,873 | 5,562 1818 2,409 1819 5,057 | 5,000 | 10,057 1819 2,804 3,027 | 5,831 1819 2,540 1820 53300 | 5,202 | 10,502 1820 3,222 35394 6,616 1820 2,695 Torats} 48,777 | 47,025 | 95,802 || - - | 27,867 | 28,944 | 56,811 - = | 245356 The Summary of the County of Somerset is collected from the Registers of Four hundred and Sixty-nine Parish Churches and Ten Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains ’ due,—Several ‘of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 168 ;—Burials, 53 3—Marriage, 1. 108 ABSTRACT .OF .ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER eee ) East Tytherley P.C. West Tytherley R. Nether Wallop V. Over Wallop R. Wherwell V. East and West Wellow V. and of Weyhill R. (>) Numerous applications for the Parish Register Return of Tufton having been unsuccessful, the Return from that place of 1811 has been entered and included in the Totals of this Hundred, in order to produce an approximation, and for the sake of conformity. 1811 | 303 }305| 608 4§151/158]} 309 1811] 133 1812 | 296 |298] 594 | 163)167) 330 | 1812) 108 1813 | 327/343 | 670 11331154] 287 1813 | 130 1814 | 299 }305| 604 4 163/169] 332 1814] 154 1815 | 420/330} 750 4|153]140}) 203 1815 | 147 1816 | 335 |328| 663 | 169/159! 328 1816 | 109 1817 | 355 |372| 727 $131)164] 295 1817) 147 1818 | 352 |342| 694 | 173/147 | 320 1818 | 153 1819 | 363 |328] 691 [156]129] 285 1819 | 134 1820 |358|346| 704 160,177 | 337 1820 | 143 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of——Old Alresford R. Avington R. North Baddesley R. Bishops-Stoke R. Botley R. Brown-Candover R. Chilton-Candover R. Cheriton R. (°) Chilbolton R. Chileomb'R. Chilworth P. C. Compton R, Crawley R. Easton R. Exton R. Hamble P. C. Henton-Amptner R. Houghton R. Hound V. HuntonC. Hursley V. Itchin-Abbas R. Itchin-Stoke V. Kilmeston P. C. Littleton P. C. Martyrs-Worthy R. Medsted P. C. Michelmersh R. Milbrook-with-Shirley (otherwise Hill) and Sidford R. Morestead R. Nursling R. Otterbonrne P.C. Ovington R. Owslebury P.C. Privet P. C. Sparsholt V. (') Stoke-Charity R. North Stone- ham R. South Stoneham V.() Swarraton R. Tichborne P. C. Twy- ford V. Weeke R. West Meon R. Wield P.C. Winnall R. Wonston R. and of Woodmancot P. C. (") (*) Cheriton includes Beaworth. (f) Sparsholt includes Lainson. (®) South Stoneham includes Swathling, Extra-Parochial. (") The Inhabitants of Woodmancot bury at Brown-Candover. M.DCCC.XXI1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 109 ea COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. DIVISION OF KINGSCLERE. DIVISION OF PORTSDOWN. Sere Epa Le ee eee eee BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. } Years. |Males Ee Total. [Males a Total. | Years. | Mar- ‘Years IMales| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Y¥ Mar- : res males. males, riages. \ 1 otal. ales males. otal, ears. riages. | 1811 | 236) 218} 454 $106]118| 224 | 1811) 108 1811 |673 | 594.| 1,267 14971357 | 854 | 1611| 515 Poe eee eeel eee, pata Soe || ee 1812 | 655 |594 | 1,249 [424/370 | 794 | 1812} 541 1813 He 2571 482 41314131] 262 | 1813] 107 1813 |799| 713 | 1,512 [4121389 | 801 | 1813] 559 1814 248 | 215] 463 |129]127] 256 1814} 114 1814 |746|681 | 1,427 1499 | 439 | 938 1814 | 596 | 1815 | 239 | 272] 511 J109/113) 222 | 1815} 122 1815 | 686 | 734 | 1,420 |406| 403 | 809 | 1815] 575 1816 | 241 | 283] 524 [136]131| 267 1816| 100 | 1816 | 648 [614 {1,262 [370] 306 | 676 1816 | 423 1817 | 274) 239] 513 1126}130| 256 1817] 109 1817 | 642 |599 | 1,241 |289 | 285 | 5474 1817 | 422 | 1818 236|241| 477 41134143] 256 1818] 111 1818 | 646 | 598 | 1,244 1392 1334 | 726 1818 | 408 1819 | 263 | 229) 492 ]|133]150} 283 | 1819) 118 1819 | 601 |570 | 1,171 [312/328] 640 | 1819 | 417 | 1820 248) 246] 494 41321157] 289 1820] 118 1820 | 612 1594 | 1,206 1341 | 294] 635 1820 | 358 The above Azstracrt is collected from the Registers of, -Ashe R. . . , Ashmansworth P.C. Baghurst (with Tuhurst)Re Bradley R. Burgh- Met Cae BW Say oe } clere R. Combe V. Church-Oakley R. Crux-Easton R. Dean R. Bursledon P. C. Corhampton P. C. Droxford R. Durley P. c. ' EcchenswellC. EwhurstR. Faccombe R. Freefolk C. (') |Hanning- Fareham V. Farlington R. Gosport P.C Hambledon V evant R. ton R. Highclere R. Hurtsbourne-Priors V. Hurtsbourne-Tarrant V. North Hayling V. 8 South Hayling V. St. Mary-Extra or Jesus. Kingsclere V. Laverstoke R. Linkenholt R. Litchfield R. Monk- Chapel, C a ‘Meon-Stoke R Beatie Vv." Ron BR. Soberton Sherborne V. St. Mary-Bourne P.C. Newtown P.C. Overton V. P.C. ’ Southwick P. C. _ Titchfield-with-Crofton V. Upham R Sydmonton C. Tadley P.C. Tangley P.-C. Vernham-Dean P.C. | | Warblington R. Warnford R. Wickham R. Widiey R. and of North Waltham R. Whitchurch V.(j) East Woodhay R. Wolverton R. Wymering V. ; yu Woodcutt B.C. Wootton-St.-Lawrence V. and of Worting R. (‘) Previous to the year 1813, the Register of Freefolk was included in those of Whitchurch and Laverstoke. (i) Numerous applications for the Parish Register Return of Whit- 7 church having been unsuccessful, the Return from that Parish of 1811 DIVISION OF ISLE OF WIGHT. (") has been entered and included in the Totals of this Hundred, in order to produce an_approximation, and for the sake of conformity. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. DIVISION OF NEW-FOREST (EAST). (*) Years, [Males}, 0" | Total. [Males] Ut | Total. | Years. ce BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ae _ 455 gu7 oa 236 | 507 a 239 . ? gee, AO 472 | 417 9 | 270 | 229} 505 252 Years. |Males pa Total. [Males te Total. | Years, oe a 457 443 oe ae 234 504 1813 | 242 462 | 42 205/211] 47 1814 | 22 1811 [238/217] 455 $151] 110] 261 1811] 119 1815 | 549 |528} 1,077 | 269/240] 509 1815 240 1812 |256]207] 463 [1654118] 283 1812] 150 1816 | 549 |477| 1,026 | 300] 241} 541 1816 | 196 1813 |245}208] 453 [140]111] 251 1813 | 131 1817 | 482/515} 997 | 200/181 | 381 1817] 216 1814 |243]249]| 492 [140]100] 240 1814] 134 1818 | 524 |502] 1,026 | 256] 200] 456 1818] 210 1815 | 266] 272} 538 [1084116] 224 1815 | 113 1819 | 514 | 492}1,006 | 220] 223] 443 1819] 201 1816 |250}271] 521 [116]120] 236 | 1816; 113 1820 | 495/504] 999 | 280/254) 534 1820] 193 1817 | 258]279| 537 97}101} 198 §°1817) 111 - 1818 [2451218] 463 41441123] 267 1818} 120 a oe es is cles ae ie ae Arre- 1819 1273225] 498 [105] 98] 203 1819] 124 ton'V. Binstead R. Bonchurch R. Brading V. Brixton R. Brooke R. CalbournR. Carisbrooke V. Chale R. West Cowes C. Freshwater R. 1820 | 251) 232] 483 [106/121 | 227 1820 | 106 sig ue = ae 5 e nea R st tare é ‘| rence R. Mottiston R. Newchur ie: tP.C. Niton R. The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Beaulieu Northwood R. (*) Shalfleet V. Shonkli« P.C. ‘howl v. Thorley Vv. P.C. Boldre V. Brockenhurst P. C. Dibden R. Eling V. Exbury Whippingham R. Whitwell P.C. WottonR. Yarmouth R. and of P. C.() Fawley R. Lymington P.C, Lyndhurst P.C. and of Yaverland R. (°) ' Minestead R. (") Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Caris- (*) Bramshaw partly in this Division is entered in Cawden and Cad- brooke, and from a Register kept at the Albany Barracks. worth Hundred (Wiltshire). (°) Newchurch includes the Return of Ryde C. (') Previous to the Year 1813, the Baptisms and Marriages which (°) Northwood includes the Return of St. Nicholas C. ‘ take place at Exbury were included in the Register of Fawley, the (*) The Inhabitants of Yaverland bury at Brading. Inhabitants of Exbury bury at Fawley. DIVISION OF NEW-FOREST (WEST). CITY OF WINCHESTER AND SOKE LIBERTY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. ‘MARRIAGES. Fe- Fe- | Mar- Fe- Fe- Mar- Years, |Males| “©” | Total. Males| los. Total. | Years. aap Years. Males} es. Total. [Males lmvales,| rotal. | Years. ees 1811 }241|230] 471 1139 169 } 308 1811 | 137 1811 | 99] 102 | 201 79| 71 | 150 1811] 64 1812 |218|254| 472 |138/135| 273 1812 | 107 1812 | 92/101} 193 82 | 58 | 140 1812| 65 1813 |255|207| 482 |136/152| 288 1813! 108 1813 | 89|106 | 195 531 72 | 125 1813] 57 1814 | 219/235] 454 1123 | 137 260 1814 | 118 1814 | 127/105 | 232 [104| 73 | 177 1814] 64 1815 | 269 | 263} 532 4132 |120} 252 1815 | 134 1815 |123]101 | 224 | 66} 67 | 133 | 1815] 50 1816 |235 234] 469 [122/166] 288 | 1816) 125 1816 {111/116 | 227 | 74] 60 | 134 | 1816] 53 | 1817 [240 |232] 472 |110|106] 216 | 1817/ 93 1817 | 104} 87] 191 | 61/52 | 113 | 1817) 44 ~yeie |248|219| 467 |137|125| 262 1818! 118 1818 | 102] 93] 195 89 | 83 | 172 1818| 62 1819 | 213 229] 442 4115|113] 228 ‘| 1819} 136 1819 }110| 96] 206 41 | 65 | 136 1819} 47 1820 | 288 |227] 515 [1424135] 277 1820 | 138 1820 | 78) 91) 169 | 85} 72 | 157 1820) 35 Fi . f, Brea- The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,———St ey cupid Peet iedingbridee V. Bartholemew-Hyde V. Cathedral Church C. St. Faith’s or- Hale R. Harebridge P. C. Holdenhurst P. C._ Hordle P.C. _Ibsley at ad & me aan Boe ee z ae i : : i kb P. i . ary-Ualendre ani ot. eter-Colebroo. \° . ichae: ” P.C. Milford V. “Milton P.C. Ringwood V. Rockboume PC. | { spots Cheesehill R.. St. Swithin R. and of St. Thomas R. and of Sopley V. . : (®) Christ-Church includes the Return of Hinton Admiral Chapelry. Et 19 BOROUGH OF PORTSMOUTH, AND PARISH OF PORTSEA. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HAN'TS)—continued. TOWN “AND COUNTY oY SOUTHAM PTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. oe eS. | Years. [Males a i Total. {Males Sa Total. # Years. ae Years. [Mates ei Total. {Males es Total. ens a 1811 | 952] 927/1,879 } 709/610] 1,319 | 1811} 823 } 1811 1163}146 | 309 $103] 97] 200 1811 1812 | 932} g80] 1,912 [718] 634] 1,952 7 1812 | 806 1812 | 155 |138 |} 293 go} 82] 172 1812 1813 | 999 |1,003| 2,002 | 689/616] 1,305 } 1813) 768 1813 | 135 }158 | 293 $f 103/110] 213 1813 1814 [1,052] 931! 1,983 | 809; 713 | 1,522 | 1814; 798 1814 | 139 | 163 | 302 97} 86} 183 1814 1815 :1,058!1,002) 2,060 | 699 | 610} 1,309 | 1815 | 836 1818 | 194 | 156 | 350 761106} 182 1815 1818 | 903] 890! 1,793 $565} 489/ 1,054 | 1816) 555 1816 | 167 | 173 | 340 g8]109 | 207 1816 1817 | 878} 772) 1,650 }489| 404} 893 | 1817] 494 1817 | 172 |161 | 333 $.123]110] 233 1817 1818 | 941| 690/1,631 | 488) 444] 932 | 1818] 489 1818 }176 (156 | 332 §$107/114} 221 1818; 88 1819 | 786) 786/1,572 }499! 464} 963 $ 1819] 511 1819 | 1941173 | 367 $103} 89] 192 1819} 102 1820 | 804} 763] 1,567 1460; 430} 890 | 1820] 439 1820 |176 }204 | 380 &116]114 | 230 1820; 91 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, mouth V, and of Portsea V. Ports- The above Apsrxact is collected from the Registers of,——All Saints R. Holy Rhood V. St. Lawrence with St. John R. St. Mary R. and of St. Michael Y. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years, Tintin —— | YS+—"” re er peace, 1811 45327 4,097 8,424 1811 2710 2,432 55142 1811 2,670 1812 4,289 4,089 8,378 1812 2,705 2,408 5,113 1812 2,579, 1813 | 4,542 4,370 8,912 1813 2,648 2,519 5,167 1813 2,600 1814 4,610 4,266 8,876 1814 2,944 2,643 5,587 1814 2,829 1815 43944 4,799 9,653 1815 2,568 2,451 5,019 1815 2,820 1816 4,522 4,440 8,962 1816 2,566 2,376 4,942 || 1816 2,264 1817 4,500 4,317 8,817 1817 2,184 2,136 4,320 1817 2,177 1818 4,603 4,143 8,746 1818 2,408 2,231 4,639 1818 2,240 1819 4,412 4,238 8,650 1819 2,294 2,191 4,485 1819 2,266 1820 4,448 4,304 8,752 1820 2,394 2,310 4,704 1820 2,116 Torars| 45,197 | 42,973 | 88,170 - 25,421 | 23,697 | 49,118 - 24,561 The Summary of the County of Sournampron (Hans) is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and Three Parish Churches and Eight Chapels; from Two Registers of Dissenters, and from Two other Registers ; and it is believed that no Return (except those of Whitchurch and Tufton) remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 210 ;—Burials, 31 ;—Marriages, Q- ee M.DCCC.XXI- a a ae Aaa “THE -POPULATION ACT, ‘1.GEO. IV.-C, 94. 411 County of Stafford. HUNDRED OF CUTTLESTONE. HUNDRED OF PIRBHILL. -- BAPTISMS. >’ BURIALS. MARRIAGES.| BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ' Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. {Males| F€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- F 3 {males. males tiages. 1811 | 340 }321 | 661 |176}190/'366 f 1811) 123 1812 | 292 }328) 620 | 188/196] 384 | 1812] 100 1813 | 364 |342| 706 | 178/183] 361 1813 | 119 1814 | 339 }322| 661 |172);176) 348 1814 | 119 1815 | 3591347) 706 1173/1778] 351 1815 | 136 1816 | 358 }325 | 683 1187) 200) 387 1816 | 106 1817 | 344.}357! 701 412331227] 460 11817 | 107 1818 | 331 }305 | 636 1193)197 | 390 1818) 122 1819 | 348 }379| 727 $191)/205) 396 4 1819) 125 1820 | 388 1359 | 747 1191]182! 373 1820 | 112 Years. {Males| Fe- Total. {Males Fe- | Total, {| Years. Mar. : males. males : riages. The aboye Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,——-Acton and Bednall C. Baswich or Berkswich P.C. Blymhill R. Bradley R. . Brewood V. Cannock V. Castle-Church P. C. Church-Eaton R. Cop- penhallC.(#) Forton R. Gnosall P.C. Haughton R. Lapley (with Wheaten-Aston) V. Norbury R. Penkridge P.C. (>) Rugeley V. Shareshill P. C. Sheriffhales (with Woodcote) V. (°) Stretton P. C. and of Weston-under-Lizard R. (?) The Inhabitants of Coppenhall bury and marry at Penkridge. “(>) Penkridge includes the Return of Dunston Chapelry, (©) Woodcote is in Salop (Bradford Hundred.) 1811 |1,134}1,136| 2,070 § 716] 695 | 1,412 | 4811) 712 1812 |1,089|1,028/ 2,117 | 618} 603 ]1,221 | 1812} 571 1813 |1,308 |1,252|2,560 | 678} 676 | 1,354 | 1818] 681 1814 |1,364}1,272| 2,636 § 744] 801 1,545 | 1814) 734 1815 |1,447|1,349] 2,796 | 827| 815 13,642 § 1815 | 885 1816 |1,475 1,377/ 2,852 | 961] 873 |1,894 } 1816] 779 1817 {1,414 1,265) 2,676 7 913] 861 11,774 § 1817] 711 1818 |1,308|1,299| 2,607 | gog| 843 | 1,752 f 1818} 806 1819 |1,338]1,218/ 9,556 1817} 754 | 1,571 } 1819] 794 1820 |1,383|1,298| 2,681 | 813] 838 ]1,651 | 1820] 737 HUNDRED OF OFFLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males} ¥€- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. : riages. ABL1 4,549]1,322] 2,871 $8511 805 }1,656 | 1811] 757 1812 |1,397|1,314] 2,711 §819]787 [1,606 | 1812] 674 1813 [1,566 [1,522] 3,088 §'7751755 |1,530 | 1813] 706 1814 }1,577|1,427| 3,004 1883]786 ]1,669 ¢ 1814] 681 1815 |1,730|1,632| 3,362 |902]773 11,675 | 1815| 849 1816 |1,522|1,477| 2,999 | 969 | 859 | 1,828 | 1816] 709 1817 |1,556]1,343| 2,899 $1,004) 847 {1,851 | 1817] 718 -1818 {1,455 ]1,403] 2,858 $987] 941 | 1,928 | 1818) 881 1819 |1,540|1,476| 3,016 ' 923 | 907 [1,830 | 1819] 893 - 1820 11,580/1,560] 3,140 | 850} 816 | 1,666 | 1820] 794 ‘The above Ansrract is collected from. the Registers of, --~—Abbots- Bromley V. Adbaston D.C, Ashley R. Audley (inoluding T alk) V. Bagnalt C. Barlaston P.C. Betley P. €. Biddulph ¥V. Blithfield R. Blurton C. (8) Bucknall R. Burslem P.C. Chebsey V, Chapel- Chorlton C. Colton R. Colwich V. Eccleshall V,(*) Ellenhall P. €, Fradswell C. Fulford (in Stone Parish) C. (') Gayton P.C. Hanley €. Ingestre R. Keel P.C. Lane-End P. C. Madeley V. Maer P. CG. Marston C. Milwich V. Muckleston and Woore R, Norton-on-the- Moors P, C. High Offey V. Ronton V. Sandon V, Seighford V. Standon R. Stoke-upon-Trent R. Sione P. C. Stowe P.C. Swinner- ton R. Thursfield, or Newchapel C. Tixall R. Trentham P.C, Weston- upon-Trent P.C. Whitmore R. and of Wolstanton R. (8) There is no Burial-ground at Blurton, and previous to the year 1813 the Register of Baptisms was included in that of Trentham. (*) The Chapel of Charnes has been destroyed for some years; the Return is included in that of Eccleshall. (‘) Previous to the year 1813 the Rogier of Fulford was included in that of Stone. FT "HUNDRED OF. SEISDON, © =r c = ae a BAPTISMS. BURIALS, “MARRIAGES, Years, {Males Fe- Total. {Males' Fe- Total Years. | Mar- males. males, riages. The above Azstracr is collected from'the Registers of, Al- dridge V. Alrewas V. Armitage P.C. Barr C. Barton-under-Need- wood C. Bloxwich (in Welsall Parish) C. King’s-Bromley P. C. West Bromwich P. C. Burton-upon-Trent P.C. Clifton-Campville R. DarlastonR. Drayton-Bassett R. Edingale P.C. Elford R. Farewell P.C. Hammerwick P. C. Hamstall-Ridware R. Hanbury V. Hands- worth R. Harberne V. Harlaston C, (¢) Hints P.C. Longdon V. Marchington C. Newborough C. Norton-under-Cannock P. C. Pel- sall C. ‘Mavesyn-Ridware R, Pipe-Ridware P.C. Rolleston R. Rushall V. Shenstone V. Smethwick C. Tamworth V. (*) Tatenhill R. Thorpe-Constantine R. Tipton P.C, Tutbury V, Walsall V, Wed- ton P. C. Willenhall C. and of Yoxall R. (©) Tamworth (partly in Warwickshire) includes the Returns of Fazeley, Wilneote and Wigginton Chapelries. (f) The Inhabitants of Whichnor bury at Barton-under-Needwood. 1811 {1,112]1,021| 2,133 1668 {598 | 1,266 { 1811} 710 1812 |1,002/1,030] 2,032 1767 | 594.|1,361 | 1812] 611 1813 |1,306|1,141| 2,447 (631 | 565 {1,196 | 1813] 544 1814. |1,2021,198} 2,400 #733 | 639 | 1,372 | 1814] 674 1815 |1,449|1,372| 2,821 | 880 | 782 |1,662 | 1815) 840 1816 |1,254|1,1941 2,448 1735 {618 | 1,353 | 1816) 613 1817 |1,076|1,120] 2,196 726 |672 | 1,398 § 1817] 493 1818 |1,224]1,197| 2,421 | 899 | 787 | 1,686 | 1818] 723 1819 |1,329|1,293| 2,622 |870 | 809] 1,679 | 1819] 780 nesburyV., Wednesfield C. Weeford P. C. Whichpor C. ) Whitting- | (4) The Inhabitants of Harlaston bury and marry at Clifton-Campville. 1820 |1,379|1,296| 2,675 |'763 |'703 | 1,466 | 1820) 729 The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Upper’ Arley P.C. Bilston. Bobbjngton P.C. Brierly Hill (in King’s-Swin- ford Parish) C. Broom R. Bushbury V. Clent V. Codsall P. C. Enville R. Himley R. Kinfare P.C. Patshull P.C. Pattingham V. Penn V. Rowley-Regis P.c. Sedgley V. King’s-Swinford R. Tetten- hall P.C. Trysull V. Wolverhampton P.C. and of Wombourn R. 112 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Parish- Registers, ae | COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. HUNDRED OF TOTMONSLOW. BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, {Males} Fe- | Total. |Males ae Total. | Years, ae Years. |Males fg Total. [Males| cae Total. | Years, a 1811 | 603} 586 | 1,189 [306 | 331 | 637 1811 | 273 1811 [111 ]110] 221 67] 70 | 137 1811] 13 1812 | 629 | 602 | 1,231 | 363 | 357 | 720 1812 | 266 1812 | 108] 93{ 201 77179 | 156 1812 9 1813 | 63715941! 1,231 1331/3168 | 647 1813] 250 1813 | 125 }121] 246 63/ 51 | 114-4] 1818] 5 1814 | 691 |632 | 1,323 1330/356| 686 | 1814/ 279 1814 }121 | 105} 226 771{ 91 | 168 | 1814) 8 1815 |716|677 | 1,393 [372 |308 | 680 | 1815); 288 1815 | 1621116] 278 }107] 82 | 189 | 1815] 38 1816 | 659 | 699 | 1,358 |397 | 391 | 788 1816 | 268 1816 | 139 | 117] 256 97| 75 | 172 1816| 26 1817 |722 |624 | 1,346 ]340 |345 | 685 1817} 246 1817 | 108} 101} 209 90] 79 | 169 1817} 24 1818 | 650 |670 | 1,320 {317 |376 | 693 1818 | 292 1818 | 126 }102] 228 78| 66 | 144 | 1818/ 29 1819 | 670 | 568 | 1,238 |355|370| 725 | 1819} 267 1819 {122 /126] 248 69] 76! 145 | 1819) 17 1820 | 732 |654 | 1,386 1377 | 369 | 746 1820 | 285 1820 }117]101] 218 74| 88 | 162 1820] 24 seg cae Ameraagy icles) ome Rep ecaroae' C | | The above Anernacr is ellested fom the Regier of New Bromshall R. Butterton P.C. Caldon P.C. CaltonC. Caverswall V. castle-under-Lyne P. C. Cheadle R. Checkley R. Chedleton P. C. Croxden P.C. Dilhorne V. Draycot-in-the-Moors R. Elstone C. Ellastone V. EndonC. Grat- ich R. Grindon R. Horton P.C. lam V. Ipstones P. C. Kingsley R. ingstone P.C. Leek V. Leigh R. LongnorC. Mayfield V. Meer- brook C. Okeover C. OncottC. Quarnford C. RocesterV. Rushton C. Sheen P.C. Uttoxeter V. (*) Warslow C. Waterfall P. C. and of Wetton P.C. ~ G) Alveton includes the Return of the Chapelry at Cotton. BOROUGH OF STAFFORD. (*) Also from Registers of Calvinists, Methodists and Quakers, at Uttoxeter. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, CITY OF LITCHFIELD. “| Years. [Males| F€- | Total. JMales| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- {males. males. riages, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 93] 83 176 67 57 124 1811] 59 Fe- Fe- Mar- 2) 94) 94) 1 59 | 48] 107 | 1812} 35 Years. |Males Ge Total. |Males aa Total. | Years. ae 1813 | 93|107| 200 62 | 58 | 120 1813| 58 zeit | 93 | 88 | 181 | 61 [71 | 132 | 61] 56 | | tats [rdy|s00| 207 | 2 | a | 106 | 1815) fh 1812 | 78 | 83 | 161 54 | 51 | 105 1812} 61 1816 |116} 89| 205 | 72 | 55 | 127 1816 Z 1813 | 91 | 84] 175 [56] 57 | 113 | 1813) 64 1817 | 7o}108] 178 | 68 | 53 | 121 | 1817 2 1814 | 78 | 86 | 164 | 50 | 59 | 109 | 1814) 85 1818 | 93}101| 194 | 62 | 73} 1395 | 1818 re 1815 | 88 | 75 | 163 | 60 | 78 | 138 | 1815] 85 1819 |102| 76/178 477 | 67 | 144 | 1819 - 1816 | 83 | 80 | 163 | 52 | 57 | 109 | 1816; 61 1820 |103| 92] 195 453 | 56] 109 [| 1820 38 1817 | 89 | 89 | 178 | 67 | 83 | 150 1817] 86 3 1818 | 89 | 82} 171 | 51 | 59 | 110 1818] 73 . : 1819 | 84 | 85 169 78 | 60 | 138 1819] 85 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, ——St. Chad 1820 | 96 | 72 | 168 | 60] 44 | 104 | 1820] 847 Pe Cranial St Bary i. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Chad, otherwise Stowe P.C. St. Mary V.(') St. Michael P.C. and of Litch- field Close (or the Cathedral Church) C. (‘) No Burial-ground at St. Mary’s. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females, Total. oes Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. 1811 | 5,035 | 4,667 | 9,702 1811 | 2,912 | 2,817 | 5,729 1811 | 2,703 1812 | 4,689 | 4,572 9,261 1812 | 2,945 2,715 5,660 1812 | 2,327 1813 | 5,490 | 5,163 | 10,653 1813 | 2,774 | 2,661 | 5,435 1813 | 2,427 1814 | 5,442 | 5,127 | 10,569 1814 | 3,059 | 2,982 | 6,041 1814 | 2,628 1815 | 6,058 | 5,668 | 11,726 1815 | 33383 3,060 | 6,443 1815 | 3,192 1816 | 5,606 | 5,358 | 10,964 1816 | 3,470 | 3,128 | 6,598 1816 | 2,619 1817 | 5,376 | 5,007 | 10,383 1817 | 3,441 | 3,167 | 6,608 1817 | 2,422 1818 | 5,276 | 5,159 | 10,435 1818 | 3,496 | 3,342 | 6,838 1818 | 2,975 1819 5,533 5,221 | 10,754 1819 3,380 3,248 6,628 1819 2,996 1820 | 5,778 | 5,432 | 11,210 1820 | 3,181 3,096 6,277 1820 | 2,804 Totats] 54,283 | 51,374 | 105,657 - + | 32,041 | 30,216 | 62,257 - = | 27,093 The Summary of the County of Starrorp is collected from i i i a the Registers of One hundred and Forty-six Parish Churches and Thirty-four Chapels, and from Three Registers of Dissenters; and it i ae g : J J 9 Henius Baral a) Mamlaces te a mi a j ee no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 251 ;—Burials, 38 ;—Marriage, 1. M.DCCC.XXI.}. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 113 County of Suffolk. - HUNDRED OF. BABERGH. HUNDRED OF BLYTHING. ' BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, {Males aa A Total. ales| Fe Total. | Years. ane Years. |Males Eat Total. {Males kote Total. | Years. eee 1811 | 303 | 315} 618 |168}214/ 382 | 1811} 130 1811 }311/296] 607 | 163/174 | 337 | 1811] 160 1812 [301 | 300] 6o1 .]152}183] 335 | 1812) 125 1812 |345|284| 629 |142/172| 314 | 1812| 153 1813 | 298 | 286 | 584 |133}158) 291 | 1813) 127 1813 |291|301| 592 | 145/159] 304 | 1813] 170 1814 |326 | 313| 639 [1541179] 333, | 1814| 156 1814 | 333]313| 646 |178/175| 353 | 1814] 182 1815 |378 | 347 | 725 .|167|180| 347 | 1815| 165 1815 |359|343| 7o2 |167|164/ 331 | 1815| 174 1816 (313 |313 | 626 4163 }198) 361 | 1816) 145 1816 |328|364| 692 |179/190| 369 | 1816| 168, 1817 1315 |334| 649 $1381155] 293 | 1817) 170 1817 |306|340| 646 1183/170| 353 | 1817] 144 1818 |312 |348| 660 |190}179| 369 | 1818] 175 1818 13561371] 727 [180/164] 344 | 1818) 174 1819 | 350 |337| 687 }215}215} 430 | 1819} 186 1819 |344| 324] 668 | 203/234] 437 | 1819] 172 1820 [355 | 308} 663 }194)187} 381 | 1820) 171 1820 13771351] 728 [185/168} 353 | 1820] 146 The above Asstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Acton V. ‘Tis above Awsewa ox is collected ‘froin the Registers of, Aldring- Alpheton R. Assington V. Boxford R.(*) Boxted I. Brent-Eleigh V. Bures-St.-Mary V. Cavendish R. Chilton R. Cockfield R. Great Cornard V. Little Cornard R. Edwardstone V. Glemsford R. Gro- ton R. Hartest R. Lavenham R. Lawshall R. Long Melford R. Milding R. Monks-Eleigh R. Nayland P.C. Newton-by-Sudbury R. Polstead R. Preston-St.-Mary’s R. Shimpling-thorne R. Somerton R. Stanstead R. Stoke-by-Nayland V. Great Waldingfield R. Little Waldingfield V. and of Wissington V. (?) Boxford includes the Registers of Hadleigh Hamlet (Cosford Hundred) for the years 1811 and 1812. ham (with Thorpe) P.C. BenacreR. Blyford P.C. Blythburgh P.C. (4) Bramfield V. Brampton R. Chediston V. Cookley R. South Cove R. Covehythe, or Northales V. Cratfield V. Darsham V. Dunwich P. C. Frostenden R. Halesworth R. Haveningham R. Henstead (with Hul- verstree) R. Holton R. Huntingfield R. Knoddishall R. Leiston P.C. Great Linstead P.C. Little Linstead P.C. Middleton R. Peasenhall P.C. Reydon V. (©) Rumburgh P. C. Sibton V. Sotherton R. South- wold P.C. SpexhallR. StovenP.C. Theberton R. Thorington R. Ubbeston V. Uggeshall R. Walberswick P.C. Walpole P.C. Wang- ford (with Henham) P.C. Wenhaston V. Westhall V. Westleton V. Wissett P.C. Wrentham R. (*) and of Yoxford V. (4) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Blyth- burgh. ~ (*) The Return of Reydon includes the Baptisms which take place at Easton-Bevants. (F) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Wrentham. HUNDRED OF BLACKBOURNE. HUNDRED OF BOSMERE AND CLAYDON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| F€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- inales. males : Tiages. males. males. riages. 1811 |206)177| 383 {108}101]} 209 1811] 90 1811 {128/122] 250 | 88 | 94 | 182 1811| 82 1812 |167/177]| 344 88/101 | 189 1812] 84 1812 | 119] 162] 381. [75 | 87 | 162 1812] 73 1813 |222}190] 412 84! 73) 157 | 1813) 81 1813 |154/174!] 328 | 75 | 72 | 147 1813| 75 1814 |214]198)| 412 84]100| 184 1814 | 118 1814 |147/141| 288 | 87 | 84 | 171 1814} 80 1815 [222/196] 418 92}101 | 193 1815| 89 1815 |154/161} 315. | 79 | 96 | 175 1815| 82 1816 | 215] 194] 409 89} 91] 180 1816| 82 1816 | 142/138} 280 } 77 | 93 | 170 1816) 78 1817 | 199 | 191 | 390 82} 95| 177 1817| 79 1817 |158}151{ 309 } 71 | 79 | 150 1817} 84 | 1818 | 207 | 213 | 420 82} 96] 178 1818} 82 1818 }171) 148} 319 [79 | 73 | 152 1818] 95 # 1819 }219/188] 4o7 | 107/132) 239 1819 | 105 1819 | 153/171) 324 go | 92 | 182 1819} 112 1820 .|223}199| 422 |106}102} 208 | 1820] 102 1820 | 192]161| 353 | 77 | 78 | 155 1820/ 68 _ The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, -Ash- field-Magna P. C. Badwell-Ash P. C. Bardwell R. Barnham R. Barningham R. Coney-Weston R. Culford R. Elmswell R. Euston (with Little Fakenham) R. Fakenham-Magua R. Hepworth R. Hin- derclay R. Honington R. Hopton R. Hunston P.C. Ingham R. Ixworth P.C. Knettishall R. Langham R. Livermere-Parva R. Norton-St.-Andrew R. Rickinghall-Inferior R. Sapiston P. C. Stanton- All-Saints (with St. John-Baptist) R. (°) Stow-Langtoft R. Thel- netham R. Thorpe-by-Ixworth P,C. Troxton R, Walsham-le-Willows P.C. Wattisfield R. (©) Westen-Market R. West-Stow R. and of Wordwell R. (>) The Parishes of Stanton-All-Saints and Stanton-St.-John-the- Baptist are consolidated, the Parish Church of the latter having been dilapidated for the last twenty years. (£) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Wattisfield. The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers’ of, —-Aken- ham R. AshbockingV. Badley P.C. Barham R. Barking (with Needham and Darmsden) R. Battisford V. Baylham R. Great Bla- kenham R. Little Blakenham R. Bramford V. Great Bricett.P. C. Claydon R. Coddenham V. Creeting-All-Saints R. Creeting-St.- Mary R. Creeting-St.-Olaves R. Crowfield P.C. Flowton R. Gos- beck R. HelminghamR. HemingstoneR. Henley V. Mickfield R. Nettlestead R. Offton (with Little Bricet) R. Ringshall R. Somer- sham R. Stonham-Aspall R. Earl-Stonham R. Little Stonham R. Swilland V.- Westerfield R. and of Willisham P. C. 114 COUNTY OF ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SUFFOLK=) Merton P.C. Mortlake P.C. St. Mary- Newington R. Putney P.C. St. Mary-Rotherhithe R. Streatham R. Tooting-Grayeney R. Wandsworth V, and of Wimbledon P. C. (°) Lambeth includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at Stockwell Chapel. The above Axzstnact is collected from the Registers of,——Cob- ham V. Esher R. East Moulsey P.C. West Moulsey P.C. Stoke- D’Alborne or D’Abernon R. Walton-upon-Thames V. and of Wey- bridge R. ‘ HUNDRED OF COPTHORNE. (‘) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF FARNHAM. Years. /Males| Fe- | Total. }Males| F&- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Years, [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males, riages. 1811 | 1114128} 239 81} 77] 158 1811] 39 1812 | 146,137 | 283 691 79] 148 1812} 36 1813 | 105} 130] 235 g2| 74] 166 1813] 33 1814 | 131/143} 274- fF 84] 72] 156 1814) 54 1815 | 153] 166 | 319 82] 84] 166 1815; 58 1816 | 117] 123] 240 92] 87/179 | 1816; 931 | 1817 | 130/138} 268 62] 66; 128 1817} 44 1818 | 125}124} 249 41034101] 204 1818] 49 1819 | 150/139] 289 | 104] 98] 202 1819| 46 1820 | 148/154] 302 84] 98} 182 1820} 47 1818 | 97/107] 204 {41 | 35] 76 | 18138 | 37 °1814 /106} 99] 205 {61 | 634124 | 1814 | 50° 1811 | 89/101] 190 | 72] 51] 123 | 1811 | §1 1812 | 94| 99] 193 155 | 60] 115 | 1812} 42° 1815 {110|119 | 229 44 | 56,| 100 1815 | 45 1816 }115|109| 224 {51 | 62 | 119 | 1816} 4o 1817 |107 {125} 232 {64 | 61 | 125 | 1817] 50 1818 |118]125] 243 4} 52] 60] 112 | 1818] 56 1819 |111|108| 219 [53] 71'| 124 | 1819} 46 1820 |110/131] 241 [53 | 64 | 117 | 1820] 57 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- stead R. Banstead V. Chessington P.C. Epsom V. Ewell V. Fethcham R. Headley R. Letherhead V. Mickleham R. Newdi- gate R. and of Walton-on-the-Hill R. (°) The Church of Cuddington is in ruins. The above Anstnacr is collected from the Registers of, —Elstead P.C. Farnham V. Frensham P.C. and of Seale P. C. M.DCCC.XX1.] * THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 4. 119 a COUNTY OF SURREY—continued. HUNDRED OF GODALMING. HUNDRED OF REIGATE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 5 ; | Fe- | Fe- | + . | Mar- Years. |Males icalea: Total. {Males ates Total. | Years; rages Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males : riages. males, 1811 | 1451153) 298 | 64 | 64 | 128 1811| 46 1812 |130}133] 263 95173 | 148 1812| 49 1813 |}118]118| 236 } 87 | 68 | 155 1813) 43 1814 | 1284145} 273 43| 71 | 144 1814} 46 1815 | 139] 169] 308 73 | 69 | 142 1815} -62 1816 | 146}133]) 279 | 72 | 78 | 150 1816) 51 1817 | 1594150] 309 | 69 | 61 | 130 1817| 68 1818 | 156]131 | 287 | 79 | 59 | 138 1818) 73 1819 | 142 1139]. 281 68 | 78 | 146 1819| 75 1820 |157|150| 307 | 86] 85 | -171 1820] 59 1811 }136)127] 263 § 71 | 65] 136 1811| 42 1812 |130]128] 258 | 84} 67] 151 1812] 60 1813 |182|142| 394 $55} 58] 113 1813| 62 1814 |161|148]| 309 | 87 | 69} 156 1814] 54 1816 |168}152! 320 | 79 | 56] 135 1815} 40 1816 |149 1158] 307. [73 | 86| 159 | 1816] 46 1817 | 1621136] 298 | 67] 68! 135 1817 | 56 1818 |154/151} 305 4871 63] 150 1818 | 40 1819 |1341145] 279 194] 93] 187 1819} 46 1820 {148 }144} 292 § 80 ]104] 184 1820] 54 The ubove Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Chid- . dingfold R. Compton R. Godalming V.(4) Hambledon R. Haslemere P.C. Peper-Harrow R. Puttenham R.(°) Thursley P. C. and of Witley V. ? (4) Also from a Register of Quakers at Godalming. (©) Puttenham includes Wanborough, Extra P., the Chapel of which is ruinated. fo The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, -Betch- worth V. Buckland R, Burstow R. Charlewood R. Chipstead R. Gatton R. Horley V. Leigh R. Merstham R. Nutfield R. and of Reigate V. HUNDRED OF GODLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF TANDRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males| ¥' & | Total. Males’ Fe- | Total. { Years. Mar- males. riages. 1811 | 1631145] 308 | 95| 84/179 | 1811| 46 1812 | 168/181] 349 84} 92] 176 |-1812! 54 1813 |157]190} 347 |102/100]| 202 1813] 55 1814 | 171/144] 315 |104/125] 229 1814] 43 1815 | 200/174 | 374 96} 87} 183 1815; 51 181G |1841177} 361 4110] 98] 208 1816} 46 1817 | 188/191] 379 1112] 98] 210 1817) 41 1818 |190 | 166 | 356 94.) 127} 221 1818] 45 1819 |165]186 | 3951 $126] 97] 223 1819| 57 1820 |199/195 | 394 4|109;108) 217 1820; 55 Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Miales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- tales, Inales.' riages. 1811 |127] 97| 224 | 661} 6a | 128 1811] 52 1812 |117]117] 234 7 64-| 69 | 133 1812] 53 1813 |107]117] 224 | 57 | 80 | 137 1813] 41 1814 /133|103 | 236 | 73 | 55 | 128 1814] 47 1815 }114}133} 247 | 64] 57 | 121 1815} 53 1816 |}140]108 | 248 | 75 | 61 | 136 1816/ 39 1817 |127}121 | 248 | 38 | 65 | 103 1817] 31 1818 }151]}124/ 275 | 85 | 78 | 163 1818] 39 1819 |122]138] 260 |[ 85 | 48 | 133 1819] 45 1820 |120|125| 245 | 62 | 76 | 138 1820] 45 The above Agstract is collected from the Registers of, ——Bis- ley R. Byfleet R. Chertsey V. Chobham V. Egham V. Frimley C. Horsell P.C. Pyrford V. and of Thorpe V. - HUNDRED OF KINGSTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of———Blech- inglyR. Caterham R. Chelsham P.C. Crowhurst P.C. Farley R. Godstone R. Horne R. Limpsfield R. Lingfield P.C. Oxtead R. Tandridge P.C. Tattsfield R. Titsey R, Warlingham V. and of Woldingham P. C. HUNDRED OF WALLINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, ject Fee |. 7: Fe- Mar- Years. Mates alee Total. Males hee Total. aan aes. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| F€- | Total. | Years. | Mar- : __ |males. _|males. eet riages, 1811 |,208]189] 397 |139}158} 297 | 1811] 62 1812 |205|165| 370 |136]122| 258 J} 1812} 59 1818 |.196}178] 374 $153)134| 287 | 1813) 46 1814 |160}167] 327 §146}159] 395 1814} 50 1815 |196]203] 399 $149]135| 284 | 1815] 69 1816 |200]218] 418 41471158] 305 | 1816] 62 1817 |172|209|] 381 [150/133] 283 | 1817) 77 1818 |218|205] 423 [1971159] 356 | 1818) 73 1819 |185/ 166} 351 1724169) 341 1819] 66 1820 |226|202] 428 [166 ]161/ 327 | 1820] 83 “1811 289 | 304| 593 1174] 152 326 1811] 68 1812 |287|281] 568 |178|147] 325 | 1812] 89 1813 | 245/303 | 578 166/196] 362 | 1813] 75 1814 |268 |269| 537 §1721174] 346 1814] 111 1815 (351 | 291 | 642 [187/185] 372 1815] 115 1816 |331 |291| 622 } 208/186] 394 } 1816] 81 1817 |314 |294} 608 [195/170] 365 1817} 77 1818 |.328 |270] 598 |.248/230] 478 1818} 90 1819 | 304 | 269} 573 | 208) 201 | 4og 1819] 100 1820 | 336} 294] 630 | 204]189 | 393 1820) 95 The above Asstnacr is collected from the Registers of,-—Long. DittonR. Thames-Ditton P.C. Kew P.C. Kingston-upon-ThamesV. - Malden Y. Petershami.P.C. and of Richmond P.C. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, —~Adding- ton V. Beddington R. Carshalton V. Chaldon R. Cheam R. Coulsdon R. Croydon V. Mitchain V. Mordon R. Sanderstead R. Sutton R. and of Woodmansterne R, $20 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers, er COUNTY OF SURREY—continued. HUNDRED OF WOKING (‘) | BOROUGH-TOWN OF GUILDFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES, Years. Males| Fe Total. [Males S| Total. | Years. — Years. |Males Cae | Total. [Males ie les Total. | Year a 1811 {141 [135] 276 78 63 | 141 1811| 67 1811 | 54 | 63} 117 | 47] 26] 73 1812} 26° 1812 | 152/136] 288 81} 71) 152 1812} 49 1812 | 49 | 49 | 98 | 52] 30} 82 1812} 26 1813 |133 1148] 281 93| 75] 168 1813/ 62 1813 | 54 | 58] 112 | 23] 25] 48 1813] 16 1814 143 }123| 266 | 92] 98} 190 1814| 60 1814 | 50 | 55 | 105 | 33/23} 56 | 1814] 15 1815 |147 ;161; 308 731 71) 144 1815| 67 1815 | 54 | 61 | 115 | 26] 24] 50 1815} 14 1816 }153/141| 294 | 89] 73/] 162 1816; 75 1816 | 48 | 58 | 106 | 36 | 30 | 66 | 1816] 19 1817 |151 |167| 318 951 57) 132 1817} 76 1817 | 41 | 46] 87 [28] 26] 54 1817] 24 1818 }148 1145} 293 4106/116)| 222 1818; 61 1818 | 61 | 61 | 122 42 | 57 99 | 1818) 24 1819 {167} 191 | 358 89 96 | 185 1819! 75 1819 | 51 | 56 | 107 | 20 | 32 | 52 1819| 27 1820 |182 1150] 332 84 89 | 173 1820| 86 1820 | 44 | 53 | 97 731] 31 |] 62 1820] 22 The above Axssrracrt is collected from the Registers of, wash R. ie tiis Aes ed a ke ae Registers of s East Clandon R. West Clandon R. East Horsley R. West Horsley R. Merrow R. Ockham R. Pirbright P. C. Send (with Ripley) V. Stoke Mary R.(*) St. Nicholas R. and of The Holy Trinity R. (4) (next Guildford) R. Windlesham (with Bagshot) R. Wisley R. (4) «Also from Two Registers of Dissenters in St. Mary’s Parish, and Woking V. and of Worplesdon R. from One Register of Dissenters in the Parish of The Holy Trinity. (f) Wanborough, Extra P., is iacluded in the Register of Putten- ham (Godalming Hundred). HUNDRED OF WOTTON. BOROUGH-TOWN OF SOUTHWARK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. 'Nfales Fe- | Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males' Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males males. riages. males. males. riages. 1811 92} 192 | 53 | 61 | 114 1811} 31 1811 | 895} 1,074 1,969 968| 869 1,837 1811} 653 1812 g2| 187 74139 | 113 1812/ 43 1812 | 983] 1,032]2,015 }1,107; 933] 2,040 | 1812) 573 1813 93| 193 147] 49] 96 1813] 40 1813 | 987] 995] 1,982 1,006, 880 1,886 | 1813] 565 1814 go} 175 | 64 | 52 | 116 1814] 36 1814 | 981] 918] 1,899 ]1,148 1,015) 2,263 | 1814] 668 1815 102 | 223 | 54 | 62 | 116 1815] 34 1815 1,059) 1,054] 2,113 ]1,130) 991) 2,121 | 1815] 744 1816 124] 211 | 44] 37] 81 1816} 32 1816 1,008 1,033} 2,041 [1,178 930/2,108 | 1816) 673 1817 98] 197 | 63 | 46 | 109 1817| 38 1817 1,029 1,076] 2,105 |1,133) 999/2,132 } 1817] 660 1818 115] 215 | 49 | 62 | 111 1818] 19 1818 |1,043 1,054] 2,097 |1,086) 989] 2,075 | 1818] 668 1819 $103 | 211 61 | 53 | 114 1819] 28 1819 |1,059 1,070] 2,129 |1,146 1,077/ 2,223 | 1819) 705 1820 102] 219 [59 | 53 | 112 1820| 25 1820 1,038 1,013 2,051 1,158| 963] 2,421 | 1820| 686 iene aa re PC. Dorking Vo 0 akwood- Chapel © (8) Oakley R The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,—~Christ- and of Wotton R. Church R. St.George R. St. John-Horsleydown R, St. Olave R. (®) The Chapel of Oakwood is in the Parish of Wotton; and is in St. Saviour P.C. and of St. Thomas P. C. use as a Chapel of Ease to the several Parishes of Abinger, Ockley and Wotton. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SURREY. t BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. je —_ “oo — 4 1811 4,545 4,691 9,236 1811 3,416 3,241 6,657 1811 2,603 1812 4,642 4,597 95239 1812 3,656 3,366 7,022 1812 | 2,415 1813 | 4,636 | 4,596 | 9,232 1813 | 3,450 | 3,343 | 6,793 1813 | 2,410 1814 4,795 4,447 9,242 1814 4,016 3,665 7,681 1814 2,723 1815 51207 5,066 | 10,273 1815 3,724 3,400 7,124 1815 2,919 1816 | 4,963 | 4,975 | 9,938 1816 | 3,928 | 3,617 | 7,545 1816 | 2,657 1817 5,123 5,086 | 10,209 1817 3,708 3,599 7,307 1817 2,747 1818 | 5,237 5,136 | 10,373 1818 4,141 3,972 8,113 1818 2,849. 1819 | 5,062 | 5,192 | 10,254 1819 | 4,123 | 3,970 | 8,093 1819 | 3,018 1820 | 5,397 | 5,199 | 10,596 1820 | 4,101 | 3,889 | 7,990 1820 } 3,109 Toraxs | 49,607 | 48,985 | 98,592 - + | 38,263 | 36,062 | 74,325 - = | 27,450 The Summary of the County of Surrey is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Forty-one Parish Churches and Three Chapels, and from Four Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following Amount; viz.: .. . Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 265 ;—Burials, 318. M-DECC.XX1L.] SESSA SERRE :’ THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV..C. 94. : 121 “County of Sussex. -RAPE ‘OF . ARUNDEL. '' RAPE OF CHICHESTER. (¢) Bignor R. Billinghurst V. Binsted R. Burpham V. Burton (with Coates) R. Bury V. North Chapel R. West ChiltingtonR.: Climp- ing V. Duncton R. Eastergate R. Egdean R. Felpham V. FerringV. Fittleworth V. Ford R. Goring V. Greatham R. Little Hampton V. HardhamR. Houghton V.-. Kingston V. Kirdford (with Plaistow) V. Lurgasall R. | Lyminster and Walming-Camp V. Madehurst V. Middleton R. Parham R. Petworth R. Poling V. East Preston V. Pulborough R. Rudgwick V. Rustington V. North Stoke V. South Stoke R. Stopham R. Storrington R. Sutton R. Tillington R. Tortington V. Walberton V. Cold Waltham P. C. Wisborough-Green V. (*) WiggenholtR. Wool-Lavington R. and of Yapton V. (#) Wisborough-Green includes Loxwood. .| West Hampnett V. Harting V. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS, | mannraces. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males} Fe- - Total. {Males Fe- Total | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe-.| Total. {Males} Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- | ___|males, 4 males. = riages. males. males- riages. 1811 | 427 |370| .797 $222 )208] 430° 4: 18t1| 166 1811 | 421] 4391} 852 | 216 185 401 1811) 195 1812 |392|410] 802 1192 }201 | 393: } 1812) 165 1812 | 424] 439] 863 | 200] 188} 388 | 1812) 155 1813 | 424 | 427) 851.4205 | 166 | 371. |: 1813} 147 1813 | 472] 418] 890 _ $219] 172} 391 1813] 181 1814 | 4541411} 865. [2261203] 429 1.1814] 180 1814 | 464} 450} 914 | 236] 227) 463 | 1814] 177 1815 | 472 |455| 928 207/173] 380 | ° 1815] 200 1815 | 493] 459} 952 | 225] 204| 429 1815| 186 | 1816 | 393 |437| 830 §2041197| 401 |. 1816] 196 1816 | 476} 448) 924 [236] 207! 443 1816] 198 1817 | 548 | 457) 1005 1189 }181 | 370 |. 1817] 206 1817 | 454| 434] 888 | 225].197] 422 1817| 168 1818 | 477 |375| 852 4205 }220!] 425 {.1818] 173 . 1818 | 458) 463] 921 | 229) 197] 426 fF 1818) 161 1819 | 462 | 478; 940 f210} 225] 435 |: 1819] 199° 1819 | 485] 413} 898 | 218] 206) 424 1819 | 197 1820 | 501 | 465| y66:}216}206} 422 } 1820] 190 1820 | 507] 452] 959 [222/174] 396 -} 1820] 191 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,——Amber- The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Alding- ley V. Angmering R.. Arundel V. Barlavington R. Barnham V. bourne V. Appledram V. Bepton R. Bersted V.. Birdham R. BoshamV. WestBourne R. Boxgrove V. .Chidham V. Cocking V. . Compton V.. East Dean V. West Dean V. Donnington V. Earnly -(with Almodington) R, Tartham'V. Easebourne V. (¢) - Elstead R. Farnhurst P.C. New Fishbourn R. Funtington P. C. Grafham R. Heyshott’ R. Hunston V. Iping (with Chithurst) R. West ItchenorR. East LavantR. Mid Lavant P.C. Linchmere P, C. Lodsworth C. . Lynch R. East Marden V. North Marden R. Up-Marden V. Merston R. - Midhurst P. C. North Mundham V. Oving V. Pagham V. - Racton R.. Rogate V. Rumboldswyke R. Selham R, Selsey R. and V. Sidlesham V. Singleton R. SlindonR. Stedham R. West Stoke R. Stoughton V. Tangmere R. TerwickR. West ThomeyR. Treyford (with Did- ling) R. — Trotton (with Milland) R. Upwaltham R. East Witter- ing R. West Wittering V. and of Woolbeding R. (4) The Chapel of Binderton Parish is not in use, and is said to be unconsecrated, (*) Also from a Register of Roman Catholics at Easebourne. ‘RAPE OF BRAMBER. Seal V. Botolphs V. Bramber R. Broadwater R.(>) Clapham R. . Coombes R, Cowfold V. Durrington P,C. EdburtonR. Findon V. .. West Grinstead R. Heene P. C. Henfield V. Horsham V. (°) Ifield V. Itchingfield R. Kingston-by-Sea R. Lancing V. Nut- hurst R. Patching R. Rusper R. Shermanbury R. Shipley P. C. New Shoreham V. Old Shoreham V. Slinfold R. and V. Sompting V. ’ Southwick R. Steyning V. Sullingtor R. WestTarring V. Thake- ham R. WarnhamV. Washington V. WistonR. Woodmancote R. ~ and of Worminghurst P. C. (>) Broadwater includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at Worthing Chapel. (©) The Barracks at Horsham are pulled down, consequently there is no distinct Return for them. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males Fe- | Total. Males] Fe-" Total. | Years. Mar-— males. males. riages. 1811 | 405 | 421 | 826 [265}236] 501 1811} 179 1812 {387 ]382] 769 [2041177] 381 1812) 145 ‘1813 |409}364] 773 11481145 | 293 1813 | 163 1814 }4341391 {| 825 42401235] 475 1814} 183 / 1815 14491418} 867 }219/183 | 402 1815 | 194 1816 | 412 | 403] 815 }|191/179]| 370 1816 | 184 1817 |4841417{ go1 |161 4164) 325 1817 | 152 1818 | 416 |382] 798 [173/193] 366 | 1818) 162 1819 |450/399| 849 [214/202] 416 1819 | 137 1820 | 419 |434 | 853 [213 | 209] 422 1820 | 187 “The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, Al- dbourn R. Ashington (with Buncton) R. Ashurst R. . Beeding or RAPE OF HASTINGS. ~~ BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Veurs [Males oe Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. } Years, | Mar- males males.! riages. 1811 | 671 | 6341 1,305 | 282] 242 524 1811) 299 1812 | 662 | 610 |.1,272 1336} 283) 619 1812 | 292 -1813 | 697 |655 11,352 1265] 291] 556 1813 | 316 1814 | 714 | 636 | 1,350 | 372] 352) 724 | 1814] 316 1815 | 691 | 651 | 1,342 [289] 261) 550 | 1815} 382 1816 | 708 | 663 | 1,371 |. 362] 306| 668 1816 | 348 1817 | 718 | 685 |.1,403 [278] 276) 554 1817 | 330 1818 | 752 |'730 | 1,482 |329] 291] 620 1818 | 364 1819 | 748 | 718 | 1,466 1345| 334] 679 | 1819] 359 1820 | 740 | 749] 1,489 | 287 313 | 600 1820 | 334 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, -Ashburn- ham V. Battle V. Beckley R. Bexhill V. BodiamV. Brede R. Brightling R. Burwash V.and R. Catsfield R. Crowhurst R. Dal- lington R. Etchingham R. Ewhurs¢R. Fairlight V. Guestling R. East Guldeford R. Hastings-All-Saints R. (f) | Hastings-St.-Cle- ‘ment R.(f) Heathfield V. Hollington and St. Leonard’s R. Hooe V. . Hurstmonceux R. IckleshamV. Iden R. Mountfield V. Ninfield V. ‘Northiam R. OareR. YPeasmarsh V. Penhurst R. PettR. Play- den R. RyeV. | Salehurst V. Sedlescomb R. Ticehurst V. Udi- more V. Warbleton R. Wartling V. Westfield V. Whatlington R. : and.of Winchelsea R. (f) The Parishes of Hastings, which anciently were Five or Six in number, appear to be now united into one Benefice, at: which two separate Registers are kept. li 122 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers, COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. RAPE OF LEWES (®) CITY OF CHICHESTER. 1812 [312/320] 632 J129]146] 275 1812] 148 1813 | 330/282] 612 4131 1134] 265 1813] 139 1814 1315] 307] 622 41611139] 300 1814] 126 1815 | 348| 344] 692 [164 ]166] 330 4 1815] 142 1816 | 319/329] 648 4185 |164] 349 1816} 151 1817 | 368351] 719 [148 ]149]} 207 1817] 115 1818 | 324)316] 640 [1691177] 346 1818] 144 1819 | 363} 293 | 656 4195 |165]| 360 1819] 154 1820 | 363/341 | 704 $160]174] 334 1820] 127 BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, - | Bes | ried Fe- Mar- Fe- Fe- Mar. Years. |Males| ae Total. |Males ont Total. | Years. fae Years. |Males Ree Total. {Males ales: Total. | Years, ries 1811 1284) 293] 577) 1154.]142 | 296 1811] 123 1811 {113} 103] 216 | 66 | 52 | 118 1811] 52 1812 |113] go] 203 | 67 | 87] 154 | 1812; 62 1813 | 96|112] 208 | 73 | 76] 149 1813] 77. 1814 |128]129] 257 [54] 76] 190 | 1814} 57 1815 |103]105] 208 7— 58] 59] 117 1815] 53 1816 |103]115| 218 $65 | 71 | 136 | 1816/ 61 1817 |114]}111] 225 $54 | 62 | 116 1817} 43 1818 | 97}120] 217 § 64] 71] 135 | 1818] 55 1819 | 95]129] 224 | 64 | 63 | 127 1819| 43 1820 |103} 87) 190 | 86} 61] 147 | 1820) 48 The above Ansrnacr is collected from the Registers of, Ard- ingly R. Balcomb R. Barcombe R. Bolney V. Chailey R. Chilting- tonC.(*) Clayton (with Keymer) R. Crawley R. Cuckfield V. Ditchling V. Falmer V. Hamsey R. HangletonR. Hove V. Hurst- Perpoint R. Ilford V. Kingston V. Meecham (or Newhaven) R. Newick R. New Timber R. Ovingdeane R. PatchamV. Piddinghoe V. Plumpton R. Portslade V. PoyningsR. Presto V. Pycombe R. Radmell R. Rottingdean V. SlaughamR. Southease R. Street R. Telscomb R. Twineham R. Westhoathley V. Westmeston R. Wivels- field P. C. and of Worth R. (®) The Church of West Blatchingdon is in ruins, and the Benefice is annexed to Brighthelmstone. (°) The Inhabitants of Chiitington bury at Westmeston. The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of,—All Saints (otherwise the Pallant) R. St. Andrew R. St. BartholoumewR. (3) St. Martin R. St. Olave R. St? Pancras R. St. Peter-the-Great, or Subdeanry V. (*) and of St. Peter-the-Less R. (J) The Inhabitants of St. Bartholomew marry at St. Peter-the- Great, or Subdeanry. (®) St. Peter-the-Great includes the Return of the Cathedral. RAPE OF PEVENSEY. (‘) BOROUGH OF LEWES. 1815 | 668 | 676 | 1,344 { 294] 263 | 557 1815 | 295 1816 | 645 | 659 | 1,304 | 333/327 | 660 1816] 278 1817 | 626/673 } 1,299 | 256/277) 533 1817| 245 1818 |'702/598 |} 1,300 f 287/279] 566 1818} 279 1819 | 686 | 674 | 1,360 1 325]/334] 659 1819! 276 1820. | 748] 660 | 1,408 1319) 322 | 641 1820, 252 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. (Males| Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- ~ {males, males.| riages. . eras males, {males. riages, 1811 | 642 | 609 | 1,251 4 299/271 | 570 1811] 278 1811 | 97 | 88] 185 | 72 | 65 | 137 181L| 64 1812 | 620] 620] 1,240 | 292/304] 596 1812) 237 1812 | 96 | 71] 167 § 52 | 32 84. 1812) 50 1813 | 638} 644 | 1,282 4 268] 267 | 535 1813} 257 1813 | 81 }103; 184 [58 | 54 | 112 1813) 58 1814 | 634] 576 | 1,210 £276] 254] 530 1814} 251 1814 | go | 85} 175 49 | 40 89 1814) 73 1815 | 65 | 91/156 | 42 | 34 | 476 1815| 63 1816 | 77 | 71} 148 147 | 42 89 1816) 57 1817 | 79 | 75] 154 4 48 | 52 | 100 1817| 65 1818 | 74 | 77] 151 63 | 66 | 129 1818} 82 1819 | 98 | 90] 188 § 36] 58} 94 1819} 84 1820 | 84 | 86] 170 168 | 75 | 143 1820] 75 The above Ansrnacr is collected from the Registers of, Alcis- ton V. Alfriston V. Arlington V. Beddingham V. Berwick R. Bishopstone V. East Blatchington R. East Bourn V. Buxted R. Chalvington R. Chiddingley V. Eust Deane V. West Deane R. Denton R. West Firle V. Fletching V. Folkington R. Framfield V. Frant V. Friston V. Glynd V. East Grinstead V. Hailsham V. Hartfield V. and R. South Heighton R. Hellingley V. East Hothly R. Horsted-Keynes R. Little Horsted R. Isfield R. Jevington R. Laughton V. Lindfield P. C. Litlington R. Lillington V. South Malling P.C. Maresfield R. Mayfield V. Pevensey V. Ringmer V. Ripe R. Rotherfield R. Seaford V. Selmeston V. Stanmer R. Tarring- Neville R. Uckfield P.C. Wadhurst V. Waldron R. Westham V. Willingdon V. Wilmington V. and of Withyam R. (‘) Lamberhurst, partly in this Rape, is entered in the Lathe of Aylesford (Kent). : The above Axssrracr is collected from the Registers of,——All Saints R. St. John (sub Castro) R. St. John-Baptist (Southover) R. St. Michael R. St. Peter and St. Mary-Westout, alias Sf. Ann R. and of St. Thomas (Cliffe) R, M.DCCC.XXI.| THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ¢. 94. 123 a = ae COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. TOWN OF BRIGHTHELMSTONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total, | Years. Mar- ja | ___|males. males, riages. 1811 235 1234) 469 $111] 95] 206 1811) 137 1812 |226 |206| 432 4131112] 243 1812] 142 1818 |225)195] 420 {135 {111} 246 1813] 141 1814 |234|215} 449 |169}131]| 290 1814; 156 1815 |269 |} 270] 529 153/141 | 294 1815| 183 1816 |229 |277| 506 154/155 | 309 1816] 233 1817 {309 |276| 585 1236/179] 415 1817] 221 1818 | 331 (284) 615 [181]192 | 373 1818} 182 1819 1350 |274) 624 $198|190 | 388 1819] 255 1820 | 360 |370| 730 §182]194 | 376 1820) 233 The above Azsraact is collected from the Register of, —Bright- helmstone V. eee eG a he Wee ee SP SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. ° Females: | Total. Year, | Marriages. | 1811 3,295 |. 3,183 6,478 | 1811 1,687 | 1,496 3,183 | 1811 1,493 i 1812 | 3,232 3,148 | 6,380 1812 | 1,603 1,530 | 3,133 1812 | 1,396 1813 3,372 3,200 | 6,572 — 1813 1,502 | 1,416 2,918 1813 1,479 1814 3,467 3,200 6,667 . SL4 1,773 1,657 3,430 1814 1,519 1815 | 3,548 | 3,470 | 7,018 1815 | 1,651 | 1,484 |. 3,135 1815 | 1,698 1816 | 3,362 | 3,402 | 6,764 1816 | 1,777 | 1,648 | 3,425 1816 | 1,706 1817 | 3,700 | 3,479 | 75179 1817 | 1,595 | 1,537 | 3,132 1817 | 1,545 1818 3,631 3,345 6,976 1818 1,700 1,686 3,386 1818 1,602 1819 3,737 3,468 7,205 1819 1,805 15777 3,582 1819 1,704 1820 3,825 3,644 | 7,469 1820 1,753 1,728 3,481 1820 1,637 Torats| 35,169 | 33,539 | 68,708 || - - | 16,846 | 15,959 | 32,805 - - {| 15,779 The Summary of the County of Sussex is collected from the Registers of Three hundred Parish Churches and Two Chapels, and from One Register of Dissentets; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 243 ;—Burials, 36 ;—Marriage, 1. 124 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. County of Warwick. en HUNDRED OF BARLICHWAY. (7) HUNDRED OF KINGION. (‘) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES, ; | Fe- gajosl BE “Mar- pee. Fe- Fee | =: : hee Years. Males) ales Total. {Males tee Total. | Years. fiagde: Years. Mlcles hes Total. {Males iialae: otal. | Years. cama 1811 |327/274| Gor [183/230] 413 | 1811] 144 1811 |}305}310| 615 11771179 | 356 } 1811] 194 1812 | 339} 292] 631 {[206]171] 377 1812] 125. 1812 | 307/321] 6298 47 181)/174) 355 1812 | 133 1813 |294) 294] 588 1511137 | 288 1813 | 150 1814 |319 | 305] 624 $191 ]186] 377 1814] 142 1815 | 331 | 335 | 666 #193 }183 | 376 1815] 152 1816 | 352 | 285 | 637 |222]208] 430 1816] 130 1817 |338|}314 | 652 —214}214] 428 1817] 140. 1818 | 352 | 332] 684 }200]203 | 403 1818 | 136_ 1818 | 3301355 | 685 {182}199] 381 1819 | 120 1820 | 351 |295| 646 [199 |204} 403 1820] 131 1813 | 301|321] 622 $140}139) 279 1813 | 112 1814 | 320|282{ Go2 197}202! 399 1814 | 142 1815 |340}321) 661 £157}171 | 328 1815 | 137 1816 | 321/329] 650 | 2014176; 377 1816} 149 1817 [340/318] 658 [1914161 | 352 1817) 149 1818 | 3421345] 687 4 227/186) 413 1818 | 154 1819 | 325|323] 648 [173]t95) 368 1819 | 133 1820 | 348 1337 | 685 4$188/191 | 379 1820] 161 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Alces- ter R. Great Alne R. Alveston V. Arrow with Oversley R. Aston- Cantlow V. Morton-Bagot R. Preston-Bagot R. Bearley P.C. Beaudesert R. Beausall C. Bidford V. Billesley R. Binton R. Bud- brooke V. Claverdon V. Coughton V. Exhall (with Wixford) R. Hampton-Lucy R. Haselor V. Hasely R. Hatton V. Henley-in- Arden C. (>) Honiley R. Ipsley R. Kinwarton R. Loxley V. Norton-Lindsey P.C. Rowington V. Salford V. Sherbourn (including Fulbrook) P.C. Shrewley C. Snitterfield P. Spernall R. Stratford- upon-Avon (including Luddington) V. Studley P.C. Temple-Grafton P.C. Wetheley P. C. Wolverdingtoun R. Wootton-Wawen V. (°) and of Wroxal P. C. (*) The Church of Fulbrvok is ruinated. (°) The Inhabitants of Henley-in-Arden bury and marry at Wootton- Wawen. (©) Wootton-Wawen includes the Return of Ullenhall C. The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of,——Ather- stone-upon-Stour R. | Barcheston with Willington R. Barford R, Barton-on-the-Heath R. Brailes V. Birmington P.C. Butlers-Mars- ton V. Chadshunt P.C. (®) Charlcote V. Cherington R. Chesterton P.C. Combrooke C, Long Compton V. Compton-Wyniatt R, Avon or Little Dassett R. Great Dassett V. Eatington V. Farnborougb V. Gaydon P.C. (4) Halford R. Priors-Hardwick V. Honington V. Idlicote R. Ilmington R. Kineton V. Lapworth R. Lighthorne R. (') Moreton-Morrell P.C. Newbold-Pacy V. Oxhill R. Packwood P.C. Pillerton-Hersey V. Pillerton-Priors P. C. Priors-Marston P. C. Radway V. Ratley-Upton V. Shotswell V. Shuckburgh-Inferior P. C. Stretton with Ditchford R. Bishops-Tachbrooke V. Tamworth V, Tysoe V. Warmington R. Wasperton V. Wellsbourne with Walton V. Whatcott R. Whichford R. Whitchurch R. Wolford V. and of Wormleighton V. (f) Mollington, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Bloxham Hun- dred (Oxfordshire). (®) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Chadshunt was in- cluded with that of Bishops-Itchington « Kuightlow Hundred), (®) The Inhabitants of Gaydon bury and marry at Chadshunt, () Lighthorne includes the Return of Compton-Verney. HUNDRED OF HEMLINGFORD. (4) HUNDRED OF KNIGHTLOW. (j) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe | Total, {Males} Fe | Total. | Years. | Mar- ' |males. males. Tiages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, 1811 | 555 | 562/1,117 | 305| 298 1812 | 531 | 495 | 1,026 | 359] 296 1813 | 651 | 587 | 1,238 | 297/314 1814 | 600 | 545 11,145 1369] 394| 763 1814| 247 1815 | 649 | 657 |1,306 | 402| 335) 737 1815| 297 1816 | 689 |612)1,301 | 422 399 | 812 1816] 216 1817 | 619 | 626 | 1,245 [381] 405! 786 1817} 261 1818 | 645 | 621 | 1,266 | 350/346! 696 1818} 261 1819 | 644 | 654] 1,298 | 328/352! 680 1819] 289 1820 | 696 | 639 | 1,335 | 367 349 | 716 1820/ 265 603 1811} 217 655 1812] 219 611 1813} 230 Years, |Males| Fe- Total. |Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- ‘Imales. : males. riages. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Ansley V. Austrey V. Baddesley-Clinton R. Baddesley-Ensor P. C.’ Balsall- Temple C. Barston P.C. Baxterley R. Berkswell R. Bickenhill V. Caldecote R. Castle-Bromwich C. (©) Chilvers-Coton V. Coleshill V. Corley V. Curdworth V. Elmdon R. Fillongley V. Grendon R. Hampton-in-Arden V. Kingsbury V. Knowle P.C. Lea-Marston P.C. Mancetter V. Maxstoke V. Merevale P. C. Meriden V. Middleton P.C. Newton-Regis R. Nun-Eaton V. Great Packington V. Little Packington R. Polesworth V. Seckington R. Sheldon R. Shuttington P.C. Shustoke V. Solihull R. Sutton-Coldfield R. Wed- dington R. Whitacre Nether P.C. Whitacre Over P. C. and of Wishaw R. (4) Smethwick, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Offlow, County of Stafford.—The Return of Water-Orton C. is included with Aston (Birmingham Town).—Birmingham, with the Parishes of Aston and Edgbaston, is entered at the end of the County.— Tamworth, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Offow Hundred (Staffordshire). (*) Castle-Bromwich C. is in Aston Parish. 1811 | 573 | 465 | 1,038 [337/351 | 688 | 1811] 262 1812 | 516 | 533 | 1,049 | 304] 293] 597 | 1812) 239 1813 | 565 | 566 | 1,131 | 294/310] 604 1813 | 245 1814 | 561 1517 | 1,078 | 336] 354} 690 “}. 1814] 275 1815 | 635 | 610 | 1,245 | 321/307] 628 .] 1815) 330 1816 | 573 | 528] 1,101 | 348] 368 | 716 1816) 287 1817 | 636 | 594 | 1,230 | 330/338 | 668 1817| 267 1818 | 615 | 580] 1,195 | 357/388] 745 1818] 289 1819 | 589} 591 | 1,180 | 376! 416 | 792 1819] 295 1820 | 683 | 576] 1,259 | 344/381 | 725 |. 1820) 355 The above Anstracrt is collected from the Registers of, -Alles- ley R. Arley R. Ashow Rt. Astley P. C. Baginton R. Bedworth R. Bilton R. Binley P. C. Birbury or Birdingbury R. Bourton-upon- Dunsmoor R. Brinklow R. Brownsover P.C. Bubenhull P. C. Bulk- ington V. Burton-Hastings P. C. Church-Lawford (with Newnham- Regis) R. Church-Over R. Clifton-npon-Dunsmoor V. Cubington V. Dunchurch V. Frankton R. Grandbrongh V. Great Harborough R. Harbury or Harberbury V. Hillmorton V. Huningham P.C. Bishops- Itchington V. Long Itchington V. Kenilworth V. Ladbrooke R. Leamington-Hastings V. J.eamington-Priors V. Leek-Wootton V. Lillington V. Marton V. Milverton P.C. Monks-Kirby V. Napton- on-the-Hill V. Newbold-upon-Avon V. Offchurch V. Radford- Semele V. Rugby R. Ryton-upon-Dunsmoor R. Shilton P.C. Upper Shuckburgh P.C. Southam R. Sowe V. Stockton R. Stoneleigh V. Stretton-upon-Dunsmoor V. Ufton P.C. Wappenbury V. Weston- under-Wetherley V. Whitnash R. Withybrook V. Willey R. Wil- loughby V. Wolfhampcote V. Wolstone V. and of Wolvey V. (J) Webtoft C. is included in the Return of Claybrook (Guth- laxton Hundred, Leicestershire ).—No Church at Rodburn. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iv. C. 94. 125 EL ES SSS SSS SS SSS SSS SSS SS SE EEE SSE COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. TOWN OF BIRMINGHAM. («) COUNTY OF THE CITY OF COVENTRY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years, [Males| Fe- | otal, fMales| Fe- | otal. | Years oe Years. {Males}, Fe | Total. fMales| ¥e- | Total. | Years. ee 1811 |1,288/1,195) 2,483 )1.025| 921)1,946 | 1811] 1,090 1811 | 45] 59| 104 | 42 | 46 88 1811} 41 1812 |1,184|1,168) 2,352 | 977| 949)1,926 f 1812]1,011 1812 | 61) 57) 118 | 51 | 63 | 114 | 1812] 39 1813 |1,678 1,565) 3,243 1,050}1,049| 2,099 § 1813]1,021 | | 1818 | 120/168; 288 | 35 | 43 | 78 7 1813] 51 1814 [1,595 1,473! 3,068 [1,148]1,139| 2,287 | 1814] 1,110 1814 | 75] 64/139 | 47) 44] 91 1814] 62 1815 |1,490 1,515' 3,005 11,395|1,285| 2,680 | 1815] 1,331 1815 | 77| 72] 149 | 51 | 51 | 102 | 1815) 86 1816 1,595!1 157! 2,752 1,359|1,317| 2,676 | 1816] 1,186 1816 | 72] 76) 148 | 39] 49] 88 | 1816] 48 1817 |1,347 1,250 2,597 '1,287 |1,226] 2,513 f 1817] 1,035 1817 | 79] 89] 168 | 64 ! 59 | 123 1817/| 61 1818 |1,350 1,361! 2,711 '1,502|1,376| 2,878 | 1818] 1,150 1818 | 76} 61] 137 153 | 48 | 101 1818) 38 1819 |1,352'1,199 2,551 |1,465|1,477| 2,942 § 1819] 1,194. 1819 | 71] 84] 155 | 61 | 63 | 124 | 1819] 50 1820: 1,356 1,113. 2,469 11,177 1,083] 2,260 § 1820] 1,085 1820 | 80} 74) 154 | 50 | 72 | 122 | 1820) 72 ' The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Aston The above Ansrnact is collected from the Registers of, —-Ansty V. (St. Peter and St. Paul) V. (1) Deritend-with-Bordesley C. Edgbas- ExhallV. Foleshill V, Stivichall P.C. Stoke V. and of Wyken P. C. ton P.C. St. James (in Aston Parish) C. St. Martin R.(™) and of St. Philip R. («) Tn conformity with the Enumeration Abstracts of 1801, 1811, and 1821, the Parishes of Aston and Edgbaston are here considered as Suburbs of Birmingham, though part of the Parish of Aston is con- siderably remote from the Town. (') Aston includes the Return of Water Orton C. () St. Martin includes the Returns of St. Mary C. and St. Paul C. CITY OF COVENTRY. BOROUGH OF WARWICK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. ¥Males| e- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. Males! Fe- | Total, {Males} Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- males, ‘males. riages. males. males riages. 1811 | 302! 295! 597 #233 | 273] 506 1811 | 186 1811 | 69) 87 | 156 781 51 | 129 1811] 66 1812 | 302] 301} 603 4201 | 226] 427 1812] 185 1812 | 89/101} 190 68 | 62} 130 1812] 72 1813 | 237/295] 532 #151]}170} 321 1813] 146 1813 | 112 |126] 238 59} 62{ 121 1813] 75 1814 | 300] 292] 592 221 | 261] 482 1814] 221 1814 }113 105] 218 85} 95] 180 1814) 63 1815 | 396] 350} 746 $192] 174] 366 1815 | 277 1815 |120)100| 220 63] 52] 115 1815] 46 1816 | 3681 357| 725 $256 | 268] 524 1816} 213 1816 | 122/118] 240 81) 72} 153 1816] 69 1817 | 355|349| 704 #263 | 243] 506 1817] 252 1817 |135 112} 247 |106]102] 208 1817} 79 1818 | 364|375| 739 #211 | 223] 434 1818] 223 1818 | 117/103] 220 93| 71] 164 1818} 476 1819 | 356| 353) 709 $234] 277) 511 1819| 238 1819 {115 [126] 241 89] 79) 168 1819] 79 1820 | 410|335| 745 4240 | 246] 486 1820} 234 1820 | 128,118] 246 97} 91] 188 1820] 75 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, St. The above Axzstracrt is collected from the Registers of,-—St. John the Baptist R. St. Michael V. and of The Holy Trinity V. Mary V. and of St. Nicholas V. oe SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF WARWICK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. || MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years. Males, | Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. so [a Nm gree) | Sa ste aise os 1811 3,464 3,247 6,711 1811 2,380 2,349 | 4,729 1811 2,140 1812 3,329 3,268 6,597 1812 2,347 2,234 4,581 1812 2,023 1813 3,958 3,922 4,880 1813 | 2,177 2,224 4,401 1813 2,030 1814 | 3,883 3,583 | 7,466 1814 2,594 | 2,675 | 5,269 1814] 2,262 1815 | 4,038 | 3,960 | 7,998 1815 | 2,774 | 2,558 | 5,332 1815 | 2,686 1816 4,092 3,462 7,554 1816 2,928 | 2,848 | 5,776 1816 | 2,298 1817 3,849 3,652 4,501 1817 2,836 2,748 | 5,584 1817 2,244 1818 3,861 3,778 | 7,639 1818 2,993 2,841 5834 1818 2,327 1819 3,782 3,685 97,4867 1819 2,908 3,058 5,966 1819 2,398 1820 4,052 3,487 7,539 1820 2,662 2,617 5.279 1820 2,378 Torats | 38,308 | 36,044 | 74,352 - - | 26,599 | 26,152 | 52,751 - 22,786 The Summary of the County of Warwick is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and One Parish Churches and Hight Chapels ; | and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due——Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 202 ;—Burials, 62 ;—Marriages, 3. Kk 126 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers. County of Westmorland. 4 cake BE das oe a ge Se eeh i EAST WARD. LONSDALE WARD BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. ‘Males! Fe | Total. {Males Ss i Total. | Years. ae Years. |Males ee Total. {Males Fer ; Total. | Years. face 1811 | 198 {183 | 381 |133/126] 259 | 1811] 80 1811 | 77 | 59] 136 746] 45] 91 | 1811] 36 1812 | 208 192| 400 119]122] 241 1812| 85 1812 | 64 | 81 | 145 | 43 | 46] 89 | 1812] 30 1813 ,|196|166| 362 9112119] 231 1813 | 71 1813 | 71 | 81 | 152 135 | 27 | 62 1813{ 36 1814 |215}194| 409 g5 {117} 212 1814! 82 1814 | 74] 77} 151 | 25] 40} 65 1814] 24 1815 | 204 |187| 391 [120 98} 218 1815 | 106 1815 | 83 | 72 | 155 | 34} 31 65 1815| 37 1816 ; 2071212] 419 $118)133] 251 1816) 87 1816 | 82 | 65 | 147 4} 52 | 49 } 101 1816} 35 1817 }200|}209] 409 $114]144| 258 1817} 98 1817 | 70 | 77 | 147 } 59 | 41 | 100 1817| 41 1818 , 201 215| 416 4108]124]| 232 1818) 97 1818 | 89 | 71 | 160 {40 | 51 gl 1818] 43 1819 | 245 |207| 452 $120]119] 239 1819! 65 1819 | 69 | 79 | 148 } 46] 40} 86 1819| 37 1820 | 242 | 186 428 }124/137| 261 | 1820 96 1820 | 93 | 81} 174 | 40] 52 {| 92 | 1820] 21 The above Asstracr is collected from the Registers of, Ap- The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,—. pleby-St.-Lawrence V. Appleby-St.-Michael (otherwise Bongate) V. BarbonC. (*) Burton V. Firbank C. Hutton-Roof C. Killington C. AsbyR. Brough-under-the-Moor V. Crosby-Garratt R. Dufton R. Kirkby-Lonsdale V. Mansergh C. (°) and of Middleton C. Kirkby-Stephen V. Kirkby-Thore R. Mallerstang C.(*) _—_ Long- Marton R. Milbourne C. Great-Musgrave R. Newbiggin R. Ormside R. OrtonV. Ravenstonedale P. C. Soulby C.(>) Stain- more C. Temple-Sowerby C. and of Warcop V. (°) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at the Chapelries of Barbon or of Mansergh. (*) The Burial Ground at Mallerstang was consecrated in 1813, previous to which time the Inhabitants buried at Kirkby-Stephen. (>) The Inhabitants of Soulby bury and marry at Kirkby-Stephen. KENDAL WARD. WEST WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males mali Total. [Males ee Total. | Years. ae Years. |Males ed Total, [Males ae s,| otal. Years. a 1811 }202}190 | 392 66 | 87] 153 1811 | 66 1811 | 93] 96} 189 {| 48] 59 | 107 1811} 48 1812 {188]190 | 378 | 84] 76| 160 | 1812] 64 1812 |104|123| 227 | 541] 55 | 109 | 1812] 51 1813 $192]211] 403 | 76) 89| 165 | 1813] 62 1813 |123 |107] 230 | 70 | 61 | 131 | 1813] 32 1814 | 201/198; 399 | 100) 103 | 203 | 1814) 67 1814 |106 |118] 224 | 65 | 77 | 142 7] 1814] 51 1815 | 211} 209] 420 80] 101 | 181 1815] 78 1815 |114|120} 234 | 43 | 67 | 110 1815| 49 1816 ]245]219] 464 [115]110] 225 1816 | 74 1816 |117}113] 230 | 47 | 66 | 113 1816; 45 1817 $216 ]198] 414 $112] 94] 206 1817] 75 1817 | 108 }113 | 221 44 | 60 | 104 1817} 38 1818 {177 ]199} 376 J112]/119] 231 1818] 72 1818 |107 |112]| 219 | 67 | 63 | 130 1818} 37 1819 }217]189] 406 $123]112 | 235 1819| 79 1819 |104| 91] 195 153 | 74 | 127 1819} 44 1820 | 243 |232| 475 9127]130] 257 | 1820] 76 1820 |114 |116] 230 | 52 | 51 | 103 1820] 48 The above Anstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Amble- The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Ask- sideC. Beetham V. Burneside C.(4) Crook C.(4) Crosscrake C. (°) hamV. Bampton V. BartonV. Bolton C. Brougham R. Cliburn R. - Crosthwaite and Lyth C. Grasmere R. GrayriggC.(4) Helsing- Clifton R. | Crosby-Ravensworth V. LowtherR. Mardale C.(*) ton C.(4) Heversham V. Hugil or Ings C. (4) |New Hutton C. (4) MartindaleC. Morland V. Patterdale C. Shap V. and of Thrimby C. Old Hutton C. (4) Kentmere C.(4) Longsleddale C. (¢) — Nat- land C. (8) Preston-PatrickC. Selside C. (2) Staveley C. (4) () Mardale is chiefly in Shap Parish, partly in Bampton Parish. Troutbeck C. UnderbarrowC.(¢) Windermere R. Winster C. (4) and of Witherslack C. (©) The Inhabitants of Crosscrake bury and marry at Heversham. (4) The Fourteen Chapels thus marked are all in the Parish of Ken- dal, and their Registers are partly included in that of Kendal, entered at the end of the County. M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 127 ee = KS eee a COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND—continued. TOWN OF KENDAL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, | Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. "Mar. males, “OE jmales. |] riages. 1811 |106}110] 216 §106 | 102} 208 1811} 101 1812 | 1204115] 235 105/118] 223 1812) 105 1813 | 150/151] 301 93 | 159) 252 1818] 101 1814 | 133 ]121] 254 $196] 125] 261 1814] 84 1815 {192 [159] 351 [105] 106] 211 1815} 119 1816 |155 |158] 313 7136] 146) 282 1816] 113 1817 |177 |146] 323 |144] 143] 287 1817] 110 1818 | 1401164] 304 [110]150| 260 1818] 85 1819 |172 155) 327 $135] 147} 282 1819} 105 1820 | 189 {167} 356 4154 | 202] 356 1820} 109 The above Anstnacr is collected from the Register of,—Keh- dal V. (®) 0 (®). The Register uf Kendal includes in a great degree the Registers of several Chapels in this extensive Parish.—They are all entered in Kendal Ward ; and this circumstance will explain the seeming dispro- portion of Baptisms, Burials and Marriages in Kendal Ward and Kendal Town. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. .— | : re 1811 676 638 1,314 1811 399 419 818 1811 331 1812 684. 701 1,385 1812 405 417 822 1812 335 1813 732 716 1,448 1813 386 455 841 1813 302 1814 729 708 1,437 1814 421 462 883 1814 308 1815 804 747 1,551 _ 1815 382 403 9785 1815 | 389 1816 806 787 1,573 1816 468 504 972 1816 354 1817 771 743 1,514 1817 473 482 955 1817 362 1818 714 761 1,475 1818 437 507 944 1818 334 1819 807 721 1,528 1819 477 492 969 1819 330 1820 881 982 1,663 1820 497 572 1,069 1820 340 Torars | 7,604 | 7,284 | 14,888 || - - | 4,345 | 45713 | 9,058 - - | 3,385 The Summary of the County of WestmorLANpD is collected from the Registers of Thirty-two Parish Churches and Thirty-six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 8 ;—Burials, 2. 128 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. County of Wilts. HUNDRED OF ALDERBURY. HUNDRED OF BRANCH AND DOLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. |Males' Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males. males. riages, 1811 | 46 | 44 | 90 137136! 73 1811] 20 1812 | 52 | 47) 99 |} 26125) 51 1812) 15 1813 | 38 | 44} 82 | 32} 35) 67 1813) 13 1814 | 37 | 41 | 78 | 29] 32] 61 1814) 35 1815 {77 | 57 | 134 | 29] 36) 65 1815| 247 1816 | 55 |39| 94 | 42] 35) 77 | 1816) 28 1817 | 47 | 55 | 102 25 | 30 55 1817| 17 1818 | 39 | 46] 85 | 29) 36) 65 1818} 19 1819 | 34 | 47 | 81 J 32 | 37 | 69 1819} 29 1820 | 49 | 44} 93 [36 | 31, 67 4 1820! 34 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Alder- bury (with Pitton and Farley) V. West Dean (with East Grinstead) R. West Grinstead R. Idmiston with Porton V. Laverstock P.C. Plait- ford P.C. Winterbourne-Dantzey P.C. Winterbourne-Farls P.C. Winterbourne-Gunner R. and of Winterslow R. Years. |Males| F€- | Total. Males' Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar. males. males. riages. 1811 | 97] go] 187 | 67 | 56) 123 1811} 68 1812 | 96] 80] 176 | 69) 71] 140 1812] 56 1813 }110]114| 224 } 49) 71] 120 1813] 65 1814 |118]111] 229 | 87 |100/ 187 1814] 48 1815 |131]108] 239 § 60! 54) 114 1815| 71 1816 | 92}114| 206 S| 89} 161 1816] 70 1817 |117/114] 231 $73! 59, 132 1817] 65 1818 }110]101] 211 76 | 55! 131 1818] 69 1819 }114]110] 224 $591 76] 135 1819] 55 1820 }129]119! 248 } 62 | 75\ 137 1820] 81 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of,——Bemer- ton R. Berwick-St.-James V. Fisherton-Anger R. Fugglestone-St.- Peter R. Langford-Parva R: Steeple-Langford X. Maddington P. C. South Newton V. Orcheston-St.-Mary R. Sherrington R. Shrewton V, Stapleford V. Tilshead V. Wilton R. Wily R. Winterborne-Stoke V. and of Great Wishford R. HUNDRED OF AMESBURY. (4) HUNDRED OF CALNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, {Males} Fe- | Total. |Males Fe- | qotal. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- pes Total. {Males Fe- | Total. {| Years. | Mar- nales. m ales.! riages, 1811 | 45 137 | 82 30 | 20] 50 1811} 21 1812 | 58 | 43 | 101 21 | 28 49 1812) 32 1813 | 58 | 46 | 104 30 | 29 59 1813] 22 1814 | 59 | 41 | 100 33 | 33 | 66 1814} 24 1815 | 54 | 57 | 111 24 | 31 55 1815} 28 1816 | 56 |} 54 | 110 37 |25 | 62 1816) 27 1817 | 55 | 53 | 108 21 | 25] 46 1817) 24 1818 | 69 | 41 | 110 21 | 33 54 1818} 20 1819 | 50 | 58 | 108 29 | 39; 68 1819] a1 1820 | 58 | 47 | 105 39 | 38 a7 1820; 34 1811 | 76 | 89/165 [| 41 | 35] 76 1811} 46 1812 | 86 | 72; 158 § 58} 71 | 129 1812| 36 1813 | 93 | 79) 172 £39] 29 | 78 | 1818) 39 1814 | 67 | 78) 145 #46] 531 99 1814| 46 1815 | 75 | 83 | 158 39 | 49 | 88 1815| 4y 1816 | 76 | 80} 156 % 39) 45 | 84 1816} 41 1817 | 96 | 98; 194 | 55 | 69 | 124 1817} 38 1818 | 82 |} 84) 166 4 38 | 46] 84 1818} 34 1819 | 87 | 91} 178 247 | 41 88 1819} 43 1820 | 88 | 103 124 1820] 50 191 | 57 | 67 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Alling- ton R. Amesbury P.C. Boscombe R. Bulford P.C. Cholderton R. Durnford V. Durrington P.C, Figheldean V. Ludgershall R. Mil- stone (with Brigmerstone) R. Newton-Tony R. and of North Tid- worth R. (?) The Tithing of West Wellow is in East Wellow Parish, the Register of which is entered in the Division of Andover, County of Southampton. The Register of Wokingham, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Sonning Hundred, Berks. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,———Bar- wick-Bassett P.C. Compton-Bassett R. Blackland R. Calne V. Calstone-Wellington R. Cherhill P.C. Headington R. and of Yates- bury R. HUNDRED OF BRADFORD. HUNDRED OF CAWDEN AND CADWORTH. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. i MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. [Mates Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- males. tiages. Fe- | Total. (Mates| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mat z \ Years. |Males i | males. nrales. riages. ee | 1811 | 143 154] 297 64| 67} 131 181175 1812 [126/156] 282 43} 100} 143 1812. 76 1813 [158 141} 299 g0;114} 204 1813 g2 1814 | 132 135] 267 89} 94] 183 1814 107 1815 1163 168] 331 98| 97] 195 1815 177 1816 /179 169) 348 96} 73} 169 1816 163 1817 | 198 168] 366 92/106 | 198 1817 139 1818 | 154 124] 278 93/100} 193 1818 141 1819 (175 154] 329 {104)117] 221 1819 141 1820 | 169/148) 317 4101; 80] 181 1820 148 1811 | 66 | 65 |} 131 | 27 |} 43 | 70 1811} 31, 1812 | 47 | 44] 91 $43 |) 42 | 85 1812) 27 1813 | 61 | 64 | 125 931 | 35] 66 1813] 26 1814 | 69 | 62 | 131 9 41 | 29 | 70 1814] 39 1815 | 84 | 63 | 147 18 |} 39 | 57 1815} 34 1816 | 47 | 80 | 127 § 41 | 68 | 109 1816} 31 1817 | 69 | 69 | 138 § 35 | 32 | 67 1817| 27 1818 | 73 | 82 | 155 | 44 | 35 719 1818] 25 1819 | 59 | 66 | 125 | 40 | 41 81 1819} 30 1820 | 74] 77 | 151 $42 1 41 83 1820| 32 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, At worthC, Bradford V. Broughton-Gi‘fourd R. Great Chalfield R. Holt C. Limpley-Stoke C. Monkton-Farley R. Winkfield R. Wins- ley C. and of South Wraxall C. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, ——Barford- St.-Martin R. Baverstock R. Bramshaw V. (>) Britford V. Burcombe P. C. Coombe-Bissett V. Fovant R. West Harnham P.C. Humming- ton P. C. Netherhampton P.C. Odstock R. Stratford-St.Anthony R. Sutton-Mandeville R. and of Whitsbury V. (>) Bramshaw is partly in New Forest Hundred (Hants). M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C..Q4.. 129 apse === COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. HUNDRED OF CHALK. HUNDRED OF DAMERHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. : Sie oon Re ; Mar- Years. |Males Len Total. ’Males Es is Total, Years. oa Years. Males | Fe Total. Males hes Total. | Years. riages. 1811 | 50 | 31 | 81 § 16 | 21} 97 | 1811) 13 1811 | 69 | 67 | 136 :} 43 | 43 | 86 1811] 45 1812 | 52 | 37} 89 118/16] 34 | 1812] 14 1812 | 72 | 671 139 | 30°} 34} 64 | 1812) 42 1813 | 46 | 40} 86 [21] 25] 46 | 1813] 15 1813 | 54 | 65 | 119 [| 51 143 | 94 | 1818] 30 1814 | 46 | 44! go [18114 32 | 1814! 15 1814 | 78 | 761154 | 47145 | g2 4 1814) 38 1815 | 43 | 49 | 92 | 21]25{ 46 | 1815] 15 1815 | 69 | 81 | 150 | 32 | 61 | 93 | 1815} 4o 1816 | 33 | 49 | 82 {23} 24] 47 | 1816] 18 1816 | 82 | 76 | 158 § 39 | 40 | 79 | 1816} 41 1817 | 35 | 36| 71 j17] 26] 43 § 1817) 18 1817 | 83 | 91 | 174 | 26 | 39 | 65 | 1817] 42 1818 | 52 | 51 | 103 } 17 | 26] 43 f 1818) 19 1818 | 78 | 90 | 168 7 45 | 32 | 77 1818{ 44 1819 35 | 38! 73 {25 119] 44 § 1819] 15 1819 | 73 | 71 | 144 (44 | 58 | 102 | 1819} 37 1820 | 45 | 51 96 |} 23} 29] 52 1820 | 30 1820 | 83:| 96 | 179 } 40 | 48] 88 1820} 34 The above Anstnracr is collected from the Registers of, Alve- The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Christian- diston P. C. Barwick-St.-John R. Bower-Chalk V. Broad-Chalk V. Malford R. Compton-Chamberlayne V. South Damerham V. Deverill- Ebbesbourne-Wake R. Fifield-Bavant R. Semley R. (°) and of Longbridge V. Monkton-Deverill P. C. Grittleton R. Kington-St.- Tollard R. Michael V. Martin P.C. and of Nettleton R. (£) Also from a Register of Roman Catholics at Semley. HUNDRED OF DOWNTON. (f) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. (Males) Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 | 88 | 69] 157 | 36 | 51 | 87 — 1811] 35 1812 | 64 | 69] 133 | 45 | 49 | 94 | 1812) 34 1813 | 71 | 85/ 156 | 46 | 57 | 103 1813) 47 1814 | 64 |] 6y/ 133 # 51 | 56 | 107 1814; 48 198 | 47 ny 1818! 58 1815 | 83 | 87) 170 | 44] 40) 84 1815| 40 HUNDRED OF CHIPPENHAM. 1816 | 92) 95) 147 56 | 51 | 107 1816 43 1817 | 76 81/157 | 49 | 61 He 1817) 47 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1818 | = 106 — 1819 | 9 179 135 | 41 1819} 44 Fe- F Mar- Years. |Males oe Total. {Males| teat Total. | Years. jasan 1820 i 90 | 189 39 | 50 1820} 57 1811 | 233 [221] 454 §|147)167] 314 1811} 109 2 1812 a ac eee ys wi i ofa 1813 one stene V. Bishops-Fonthill R. Downton V. Hindon P.C. East 1814 | 240 |241| 481 { 167/181] 348 | 1814] 116 Knoles a, a of anaes BY. 1815 | 286 |}296| 582 1$139/146| 285 1815 | 191 (*) There is no Register kept at Standlinch Chapelry. 1816 | 233/315] 548 1151/165]| 316 1816 | 139 1817 | 285 |266} 551 §$136)143]| 279 1817 | 124 1818 | 300 |293 | 593 | 151/144] 295 1818 | 141 1819 |278 |250|] 528 |131/147) 278 1819 | 139 3 1820 | 315 | 255] 570 1471170] 317 1820) 112 HUNDRED OF DUNWORTH. The above Avsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Bishop- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of,-——Alder- am ton C. Biddestone-St.-Nicholas and St. Peter R. Box V. Brem- Years. |Males' a = | Total. {Males Pe i Total. { Years. Eat hill R. (4) Calloes, or Kelways R. Castle-Combe R. Chippenham V. - - eee | Colerne R. Corsham ¥. DitcheridgeR. Taston-Grey R. Harden- 1811 | 82] 74 | 156 47144] 91 1811] 32 huish R. Kingswood P.C. West Kington R. Lacock V. Langley- 1812 | 72] 82 | 154 44] 49 93 1812| 26 Burrell R. Leigh-Dela-Mere R. Luckington R. Lyttleton-Drew R. 1815 | 82] 92 | 174 | 49 | 40 89 1813] 43 Sherstone-Magna (with Sherstone-Pinckney) V. Slaughterford P. C. 1814 | 80] 81 | 161 40 | 47 87 1814| 34 Sopworth R. Tytherton-Lucas C. (*) North Wraxall R. and of Yatton- 1815 | 83] 91 | 174 | 42 | 39 | 80 1815| 43 Keynell R. ae 105 5 194 53 | 59 | 1 : 2 ae 51 f ; i ; ; 5 | 160 37 | 47 4 7 1 vee from a Register of Dissenters at Tytherton, in Bremhill 1818 e . | 167 36 | 46 82 1818 is (*) Previons to the year 1813 the Registers of Tytherton-Lucas were ee a 2 = 7 ae - tah ss included with those of Chippenbam. ' The above Axsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Ansty P.C. Berwick-St.-Leonard R. Chicklade R. Chilmark R. Donhead- St.-Andrew R. (*) Donhead-St.-Mary (with Capella-de-Charlton) R. Fonthill-Gifford R. Sedge-hill P.C. Swallow-Clift P.C. Teffont- Evias R. and of Tisbury V. (") @) Also from a Register of Roman-catholics at Donhead-St,-Andrew. (") Also from a Register of Roman-catholics and of Dissenters at Tisbury. L1 130 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers. COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. HUNDRED OF ELSTUB AND EVERLEY. —_ HUNDRED OF HIGHWORTH, CRICKLADE AND STAPLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males a Total. {Male = = Total. | Years. ae Years. |Males cereal Total. Bales Total. } Years. oan 1811 | 61 | 79 | 140 | 28] 35} 63 | 1811] 33 1811 | 156 }155} 311 | 83! 79] 162 | 1811) 74 1812 | 77 | 80 | 157 | 31 | 40} 71 1812] 31 1812 |168 |183 | 351 93 | 100 | 193 1812] 68 1813 | 71 | 83 | 154 9 44 | 25 69 1813] 25 1813 |151 }171} 322 81 | 89] 170 1813] 8a 1814 | 68 | 66 | 134 35 | 51 86 1814| 35 1814 }185 149} 334 87} 88] 175 1814! 80 1815 | 83 | 68 | 151 37 | 33 }| 70 1815] 34 1815 (171 188 359 74| 99} 173 1815| 75 1816 | 64 1 73 | 137 734/41] 75 1816] 35 1816 | 211 |} 167 | 378 731 85] 158 1816} 84 1817 | 78 | 77 | 155 738} 43] 81 1817] 29 1817 185 167} 352 4 75| 83] 158 | 1817} 40 1818 | 77177) 154 $39} 44} 83 1818} 29 1818 | 189 169 | 358 "4| 84] 158 1818] 64 1819 | 71 | 59 |} 130 [57 | 53 | 110 | 1819) 43 1819 206/158; 364 4111 | 96) 207 | 1819] 83 1820 | 83] 75 | 158 9441 35 | 79 | 1820) 47 1820 184 1185 | 369 } 89} 85} 174 | 1820/ 48 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, —~Alton- Priors P. C. Collingborne-Ducis R. Enford V. Everley R. Fittleton R. HamR. Little Hinton R. NetheravonV. Patney R. Rolston R. Stockton R. Westwood P.C. and of Wroughton R. The above Ansrracris collected from the Registers of, —Blunsdon- St.-Andrew R. Broad-Blunsdon C. Castle-Eaton R. Cricklade-St.- Mary R. Cricklade-St.-SampsonV. Eisey V. Hannington V. High. worth & Sevenhampton V. Inglesham V. (') Ashton-Keynes Vv. Somerford-Keynes V. Latton V. Leigh C. Liddiard-Millicent R. Marston-Meysey P. C. South-Marston C. Poulton P.C. Purton V. Redbourn-Cheney V. Sharncote, or Shorncutt R. — Stanton-Fitz- warren R. and of Stratton-St.-Margaret V. (‘) Inglesham is partly in Farringdon Hundred (Berks.) HUNDRED OF FRUSTFIELD. HUNDRED OF KINGSBRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| “€- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. {Mates} Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. Years, | Mar- males. males. tiages. males. males. riages, 1811} 15} 24] 39 #11} 10] 21 1811 6 1811 | 134]131]; 265 | 64 | 65 | 129 1811} 62 1812 | 29 | 22 51 11 4 18 1812 6 1812 | 171/136] 307 62 | 58 | 120 1812! 55 1813 | 18 | 21 39 12 7 19 1813 2 1813 |143]108] 251 73.| 70 | 143 1813} 44 1814 | 22 | 24] 46 12 8 20 1814 7 1814 |138/115} 253 81 | 69 | 150 1814| 65 1815 | 24/31 | 55 8; 6] 14 1815; 10 1815 |167/127] 294 {71 | 7o | 141 1815} 61 1816 | 17 | 24) 41 14] 10] 24 1816 6 1816 | 161/141} 302 | 82 | 88 | 170 1816; 82 1817 | 26; 20} 46 4/9 13 1817/10 1817 | 160] 133] 293 751977 | 152 1817} 46 1818 | 21 | 22] 43 6{ 7] 13 1818! 5 1818 |132/125] 257 {71 | 94 | 165 1818| 56. 1819 | 16 | 17 33. 110] 10 20 1819 4 1819 |133] 132] 265 79 | 75 | 154 1819) 47 1820 | 25 | 22 | 47 9/15] 24 1820 5 1820 |162]129] 291 } 64 | 72 | 136 1820; 72 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of, Land- The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of,——Chisle- ford R. and of White-Parish V. don V. Cliffe-Pypard V. Draycott-Foliatt R. Hillmarton V. Line- hain C. Lyddington R. Lydiard-Tregoz R. Swindon V. Tockenham- Week R. Wanborough V. and of Wootton-Basset V. HUNDRED OF HEYTSBURY. HUNDRED OF KINWARD-STONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. {Males ees Total. |Males bs ic Total. | Years. ae Years. |Males oe Total. |Males ie ee Total. | Years. ae 1811 | 57 | 65 | 122 | 38 | 32 | 7o | 1811] 33 1811 }120]126| 246 | 38] 57 | 95 | 1811] 47 1812 | 78 | 68 | 146 | 38 | 34] 72 1812} 32 1812 | 133/131) 264 | 62 | 73 | 135 1812| 39 1813 | 72 69 | 141 ~ 49 | 63 | 112 1813} 32 1813 |134}135| 269 | 57 | 89 | 144 1813} 44 ¢ 1814 | 68 | 56 | 124 | 40 | 57] 97 | 1814! 39 1814 }114]150] 264 } 56 | 81) 137 | 1814] 48 1815 | 92 | 86 | 178 $43 | 31] 74 | 1815] 62 1815 | 158/138] 296 | 79 | go | 169 1815} 53 1816 | 67 | 81 | 148 34 | 48 82 1816] 40 1816 {118/133 ] 251 64 | 89 | 153 1816} §1 1817 | 73) 89 | 162 {| 52:1 391] gi 1817 45 1817 |148]150] 298 453 | 71 | 124 1817; 61 1818 | 83 | 84/167 135153), 88 | 1818! 39 1818 [150/151 | 301 {58 | 86 | 144 | 1818]. 61 1819 | 76 | 84 | 160 |} 29 | 39 | 68 1819; 38 1819 }131}131/ 262 #73] 75 | 148 1819; 66 1820 | 88 | 91 | 179 33 | 36 | 69 1820! 41 1820 |145|177 | 322 74 | 81 | 155 1820} 68 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Boy- tonR. Brixton-Deverill R. Chiltern-All-SaintsV. Chiltern-St.-MaryV. Codford-St.-Mary R. Codford-St.-Peter R. Heytesbury P. C. Hill- Deverill P. C. Horningsham P.C. Imber P. C. Knook P.C. Orches- ton-St.-George R. and of Upton-Loveil R. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Great Bedwin V. Little Bedwin V. Burbage V. Buttermere R. Chilton- Foliat R. Chute V. Collingbourn-Kingsten V. Easton P.C. Frox- field V. Milton-Lilbourn V. Pewsey R. Tidcombe V. and of Wootton- Rivers R. M.DCCC.XXI. | COUNTY OF THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C, 94. WILTS—continued. HUNDRED OF MALMSBURY. | HUNDRED OF POITTERNE AND CANNINGS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Years. |Males| Fe-"| ‘Total. (Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years, |Males| F€- | Total. {Males| F€- | Total. | Years. Mar- ‘ males. males, riages. males. : males. Tiages. | 1811 |132)140) 272 972) 75) 147 1811] 59 | 1811 |137 | 104] 241 56 4101] 157 1811} 75 1812 /141}144| 285 $101] 83} 184 1812; 58 | 1812 }137|103] 240 § 51 | 77] 128 1812) 47 1813 |144) 141] 285 8311004 183 1813| 68 1813 |107|123{) 230 $57 | 72] 129 1813| 45 1814 /134)143 | 277 70{| 89] 159 1814} 92 | 1814 |125|126| 251 § 71 | 69{ 140 1814{ 49 1815 |145/}173 | 318 65{ 76] 141 1815| 80 | 1815 135/119] 254 $63 | 76} 139 § 1815) 84 1816 /167}154| 321 | 76] 65] 141 | 1816] 85 | 1816 }113]/154| 267 467 | 841 151 4 1816] 67 1817 [162/155] 317 | 75| 87) 162 | 1817) 77 | | 1817 [136/141] 277 7734 79] 152 4 1817) 58 1818 | 166) 162] 328 85 |104.| 189 1818; 82 } | 1818 |139/131) 270 | 534 66] 119 4 1818} 50 1819 |157) 145) 302 80] 95} 175 1819| 74 1819 |148|118] 266 75 | 56| 131 1819) 54 1820 | 160/151 4 311 86} go] 176 1820} 79 1820 |151/143| 294 | 78} 881 166 1820 | 59 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- | ley R. Bremilham R. Brinkworth R. Crudwell R. Dantzey R. Draycot-Cerne R. FoxleyR. Garsdown R. WHankerton V. Hul- lavington V.G)) Kemble V. Lea and Claverton P.C. Malms- | bury V. («) Long Newnton R. Norton-Coleparle V. Oaksey R. Poole- KeynesR. Seagry V. Great Somerford R. Little Somerford R. Stanton-St.-Quintin R. Sutton-Benger V. and of West Port (with | Charlton and Brockenborough) V. (') G) Hullavington includes Surrendal. j (®) Malmsbury includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Rodborn | and Corston, also of the Abbey Church at Malmsbury. (') Also from a Register of Dissenters at West Port. | Rowde (near Devizes) V. : The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Bishop’s- Camings V. Bishop’s-Cannings-St.-James C. Bromham R, Sonth Broom C. Highway R. Bishop’s-Lavington V. Potterne V. and of | HUNDRED OF MELKSHAM. HUNDRED OF RAMSBURY. ’ and of Stourton R. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | ‘Years. Males! Fe- Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- |} Total. } Years. Mar- ponies males riages. males. males. Tiages. 1811 | 184 |185 | 369 66| 96] 162 1811} 72 i811 | 50 | 53 { 103 14/19 | 33 1811} 20 1812 |139 |139 | 278 871128 | 215 1812] go 1812 | 35 | 45 | 80 $13 | 16] 29 | 1812} 13 1813 |139 {142 | 274 [148]135| 283 | 1813] 100 1813 | 52 | 26 | 78 | 29/28) 57 | 18138; 18 1814 |178 |166| 344 g2]112] 204 1814] 130 1814 | 40 | 49 | 89 | 21} 26] 47 4 1814] 28 1815 |194|216} 410 [117] 123] 240 1815 | 213 1815 | 53 | 49 | 102 26 | 35 61 1815|} 22 1816 |202 {166 | 368 J111} 93} 204 | 1816) 153- 1816 | 40 | 47 | 87 j 24) 32] 56 1816} 30 1817 |1891175} 364 f112]120] 232 1817] 150 1817 | 66 | 41 | 107 $31 | 26) 57 1817) a9 1818 |.201 |216| 417 [129]135} 264 | 1818] 152 1818 | 47 | 43 | 90 430! 30] 60 1818] 22 1819 |2424187] 429 [104/130] 234 1819 | 162 1819 | 65 | 61 | 126 § 14) 21 35 1819) 23 1820 {227 )204] 431 [152/155] 307 1820] 132 1820 | 54 | 55 | 109 20 | 32 52 1820| 18 The above See is colle ee pee - Z yy / The above Azssrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Baydon Stoke P.C. Hilperton R. (™ elksham V. Poulshot R. SeendC. . Staverton Cc. Tonbridge bane of Whaddon R. Eee EPO Uren hn OME We (™) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Hilperton. HUNDRED OF MERE. HUNDRED OF SELKLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |\Males ie Total. {Males Sas Total. | Years. ae | Years. {Males oe Total. {Males ue ae Total. | Years. ee 4911 | 71 | 62 | 1393 $341 431 77 | 1811} 41 1811 | 86} 81| 167 {43} 44] 87 | asi] 47 1812 | 55 | 66} 121 719 | 30) 49 §| 1812) 13 1812 | 94] 85/179 | 58] 35] 93 | 1812] 28 1813 | 59 | 44] 103 150] 34] 84 1813] 26 1813 | 99] 82] 181 442 | 44} 86 | 1813] 60 1814 | Go | 56] 116 | 28} 30] 58 1814; 14 1814 | 88] 97] 185 ]j 50 | 58 } 108 1814] 46 1815 | 65 | 59 | 124 31 | 30 61 1815| 31 1815 |118] 90] 208 51 | 50] 101 1815} 34 1816 | 54 | 574111 26 | 35 61 1816) 41 1816 | 99] 87] 186 454 | 54 | 108 1816} 52 1817 | 55 | 581113 '33)41] 74 1817| 30 1817 |104}126] 230 # 58 | 63 | 121 1817} 46 1818 | 58 | 71} 129 | 38] 31 69 1818) 34 1818 }113]108 | 221 34 | 51 85 1818] 46 1819 | 54 |] 54} 108 |} 334 34] 67 1819| 33 1819 | 88] 79] 167 | 62 | 49 |] 111 1819] 50 1820 | 59 | 60 | 119 | 43] 45 4 88 1820; 29 1820 }116] 97] 213 4} 461 55 | 101 1820} 57 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, King- | Phe above Agsrract is collected from the Registers of, —Ald- ston-Deverill R. West KnoyleP. C. Maiden-BradleyP.C. Mere V. bourne V. Avebury V. Broad (or Great) Hinton V. Fyfield C. East Kennet P.C. Mildenhall R. Ogbourn-St.-Andrew V. Ogbourn- St.-George V. Overton V. Presbute V.(") Winterbour-Basset R. and of Winterbourne-Monkton P. C. (") Preshute includes the Register of Savernaque Park. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. 132 acimmindinel ere COUNTY OF WILTS—coatinued. - HUNDRED OF SWANBOROUGH. @ HUNDRED OF WESTBURY. eat. “- Sea, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males! iS 4 Total. i, |Mates! Fe- Total. | Years. ane Years. |Males ae a Total. {Males ee Total. ¥ Years. fine 1811 | 113] 120 223 4 54 | 68 | 122 1811} 39 1811 | 64 | 47 | 111 29] 24] 53 1811} 54 1812 {109} 115! 224 | 52 | 73 | 125 1812) 45 1812 | 51 | 50 | 101 36 | 30 | 66 1812] 47 1813 | 112 119 | 291 {60} 82 | 142 1813; 38 1813 | 44] 48 | 92 {44} 38! 82 1813] 42 1814 4113 108 | 214 | 66 | 76 | 142 1814! 49 1814 61 | 42 | 103 $25] 36] 61 1814] 73 1815 }130}125/ 955 1 65 | 73 | 138 1815: 56 1815 | 60 | 68 | 128 f 28] 23] 51 1815| 79 1816 }141/108: 244 167 | g2 | 159 | 1816: 43 1816 | 58 | 43 | 101 434] 42) 76 | 1816] 67 1817 | 130 | 1291) 254 § 59 | 67 | 126 181753 1817 | 54 | 50 | 104 | 26] 26] 52 1817] 60 1818 | 124 }133 | 257 70 | 79 | 149 1818 62 1818 | 65 | 56 | 121 35 | 29 64 1818| 45 1819 {136 | rea! 258 7 88/89] 177 | 1819 66 1819 | 54 37 | 91 } 29/39] 68 | 1819] 79 1820 [169 1123 jaue 481 | 67 1148 ¢ 1820, 78 1820 | 56° 58 1 114 F 22 | 41 63 1820] 42 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, All The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of,——Brat- Cannings R. Alton-Barnes R. — Beching-Stoke R. Charlton V. ton C. Dilton C. and of Westbury V. Little Cheverell R. Chirton V. Erchfont V. EtchelhamptonP.C. Huish R. Manningford-Abbots R. Manning- ford-Bruce R. Marden Y. Market-Lavington V. North Newnton V. Rushall R. Stanton-St.-Bernard V. Stert P.C. Upavon V. Wilcot V. Wilsford V. and of Woodborough R, (°) Imber is entered in Hleytsbury Hundred. Great Cheverell R. HUNDRED OF UNDERDITCH. HUNDRED OF WHORWELSDOWN. Years. ‘Males Fe- Total. [Males| "e- | Total. Years. | Mar- males. males. | rlages. 1811 {121} 92] 213 [74] 79] 153 | 1811 52 1812 }115/100{ 215 [91 | 86/ 177 1812 64 1815 (192112 ] 234 | 69 | 86] 155 1813 62 1814 /102}108} 210 | 69 | 62) 131 1814 g1 1815 | 124/129] 253 72 | 81} 153 1815 74 1816 }125 116} 241 81 | 72] 153 1816 59 1817 13331214 254 7 66 | 84} 150 1817 87 1818 |127)146] 273 | 86} 65) 151 1818 75 1819 !134 1143 277. | 66 }110} 176 1819 72 Tee TASS (ae “74 | 75 | 74; 149 | 1820 73 The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, ‘Bishop- strow R. Corsley R. Dinton (with Teffont) V. Fisherton-de-la-Mere V. Norton-Bavant V. Pertwood R. Sutton-Veny R. Upton-Scuda- more R. and of Warminster V. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. : ly Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males} Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males ‘Tlages. males, males. riages. Ti 1 io). So ae 3 7 | 10 1811 | 4 1811 | 63 | 60 | 123 | 35 | 40 | 75 1811] 38 1812 | 12 | 10 22 9 1 10 1812; 4 1812 | 79 | 69 | 148 35 | 35 470 1812] 33 1813 | 18} 8&8 26 7 1 8 18138, 5 1813 | 65 | 66 | 191 44] 44] 88 1813] 36 1814 | 10 9 19 4 | 4 11 1814 5 1814 | 59 | 54 | 113 42 | 47 89 1814] 48 1815} 61] .9 1s 51 5 10 181511 1815 | 83 | 65 | 148 29 | 30 | 59 1815} 56 1816 | 10 | 11 21 9} 10] 19 18168 1816 | 62 | 68 | 130 | 30} 36] 66 1816} 48 1817 | 19] 10] 29 f10! g| 19 1817, 4 1817 | 67 | 62 | 129 $36 | 32] 68 1817} 32 1618. 8} ah] 3s: 2 Bi) si ag f ieee 8 1818 | 65 fe | 127 24/30] 54 | 1818! 44 1819 | 15] 11 26 Oe ib Ba 1819, 6 1819 | 67 a 132 |} 39/44] 83 1819; 38 1820 | 8] 12] 20 a 3) | 16 | 1820, 2 1820 | 80 163 | 41 | 35 | 76 § 1820) 43 The above Ansruacr is collected from the Registers of, Strat- The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,——North ford P.C. Wilsford and Lake P.C. and of Woodford V. Bradley V. Coulston R. Edington P. C. Keevil V. Semington (with Littleton) C. and of Steeple-Ashton V. HUNDRED OF WARMINSTER. LOROUGH OF DEVIZES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mates! Fe- | Total. [Males el Total. { Years. | Mar- Ss a et riages. | 44 a 96 137 | 20] 57 i 41 1811 | 1812 | 44134; 78 feo] 24] 44 1812| 26 1813 | 45 | 40 | 85 | 26] 34 | 60 1813 | 14 1814 | 39 | 43 | 82 | 37] 42] 79 1814 | 13 1815 | 52 | 39 | 91 36 | 36] 72 1815 | 31 1816 39 | 43 82 BF | Az 84 1816; 30 1817 | 45 | 47 92 33 | 34 | 67 1817 | 28 1818 | 34 | 37 71 22 | 29 51 1818 | 29 1819 | / 38 | 341 72 27 | 36) 63 1819! 27 1820 ' 42 | 43 | 85 $24! 251 49 § 1820; 22 1 The above Azstract is collected from the Registers of,——St. John the Buptist R. and of The Blessed Virgin Mary P. C. M.DCCC.XXL] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. ) Scrayingham R. Settrington R. (©) Sher- barne V. Skirpenbeck R. Sledmere P.C. Thorpbasset R. Weaver- thorp V. Westow V. Wetwang (with Fimber C.) V. Leapeeane hs Wharram-le-Street V. Wintringham (with Knapton) P.C. and of Yed- ingham V. (*) The Inhabitants of Helperthorp bury at Weaverthorp. (>) The Inhabitants of Scampston bury at Rillington. (°) Settrington includes Scagglethorpe. WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING. The above Austract is collected from the Registers of, ——Augh- tonV. Bubwith V. Ellerton P.C. Everingham R. Goodmanham R,. Harswell R. Hayton (with Beilby) V. Holme-upon-Spalding-Moor V, Londesborough R. Seaton-Ross P.C. Shipton C. Weighton (other- wise Market-Weighton) V. and of Wressell V. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, HUNSLEY-BEACON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. | Mar- nales, males. riages, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. [Males! Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. Tiages, 1811 [256 }252| 508 | 146/129] 275 1811] 101 1812 |240}234] 474 [131/127] 258 1812] 127 1813 | 283 |264} 547 $113/116] 229 1813; 106 1814 |253/}254| 507 $135/106] 241 1814} 101 1815 }290/269] 559 | 128}130] 258 1815] 125 1816 |274|263] 537 |105}134| 239 1816] 105 1817 | 302 | 243] 545 9140]132| 272 1817] 109 1818 }273]280] 553 |[156]/125]| 281 1818] 110 1819 | 240/255] 495 | 132/125] 257 1819] 103 1820 | 310]226} 536 130/123] 253 1820} 117 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, —-Bempton P.C. Bessingby P.C. Boynton V. Bridlington P.C.(#) Burton- Agnes V. Burton-Fleming V._ Butterwick C. Carnaby (with Auburn and Fraisethorpe) V. Filey P.C. Flamborough P.C. Folkton V. Foston-on-the-Wolds V. Foxholes R. Galmpton V. Garton-on- the-Wolds V. GrindallC.(*) Harpham P. C. Hunmanby V. KilhamV. Langtoft (with Cottam) V. Lowthorpe P.C. Muston V. Nafferton V. RightonV. Rudston V. Ruston-Parva P.C. ThwingR. Willerby V. and of Wold-Newton V. (* ) (4) Bridlington includes the Return of Speeton and Argam. () The Inhabitants of Grindall bury and marry at Bridlington. (f) No Churchyard at Wold-Newton, 1811 | 301 |307 | 608 [195] 172] 367 1811} 239 1812 | 3231333 | 656 [166/155] 321 1812] 250 1813 | 353/278 | 631 | 167] 181] 348 1813 | 271 1814 | 292 }278| 570 | 183] 161) 344 | 1814} 265 1815 | 312 }271 | 583 | 214/179] 393 1815 | 271 1816 | 297 | 269} 566 | 195/185) 380 1816 | 268 1817 |279]}270| 549 | 219/188] 407 1817 | 266 1818 | 282 |243} 525 [199/192] 391 1818 | 285 1819 | 267 {235 | 502 | 208/187] 395 1819 | 263 1820 | 248 |253| 501 [195/182] 377 1820 | 258 The above Anstracrt is collected from the Registers of,——Brant- ingham V. Bishop-Burton V. Cherry-Burton R. North Cave (with Cliffe) V. South Cave V. Cottingham V. South Dalton R. Ellough- tonV. EttonR. Hotham R. Leckonfield V. Rowley R. Sancton V. Sculcoates V. and of Skidby V. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, WILTON-BEACON. BAPTISMS. EURIALS. MARRIAGES. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, BAINTON-BEACON. + Fe Fe- Mar- Years. |Males ae Total. [Males ales Total. | Years. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Wears. (Wiades! 2- Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males riages. 1811 | 98}102} 200 | 56 | 57 | 113 1811] 50 1812 {115 | 88} 203 | 59 | 76 | 195 1812] 71 1813 |130 }104] 234 135] 51 | 86 1813} 46 1814 /115 | 98] 213 | 61 | 43 | 104 1814] 50 1815 }112|105| 217 | 70| 42 | 112 | 1815 57 1816 |119}104] 223 J 71 | 63 7 134 1816} 70 1817 | 108 |} 103] 211 50 | 70 | 120 1817] 57 1818 | 124/124) 248 [77 1 57 | 134 1818] 64 1819 | 128/117] 245 | 60 | 67 | 127 1819} 47 1820 | 123,111] 234 | 58 | 48 | 106 1820] 46 1811 108] 78) 186 |37 | 60] 97 1811] 49 1812 |115] 95] 210 | 55 | 53 | 108 1812| 53 1813 [110] 98] 208 | 52 | 50 | 102 1813] 57 1814 }116] 97] 213 | 52 | 51 | 103 1815 | 91/115] 206 [41 | 47 | 88 1815} 52 1816 |127] 93] 220 | 69 | 47 | 116 1817 | 121/134] 255 | 53 | 55 | 108 1817| 50 1818 |140}112] 252 | 53 | 63 | 116 1818| 56 1819 |128}124}] 252 | 60 | 52 | 112 1819| 62 1820 |138|108| 246 | 66 | 65 } 131 1820] 57 Tee above Agstracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Bain- ton R. Beswick C. (®) North Dalton P.C. Great Driffield P.C. Little Driffield C. Holme-on-the-Wolds P.C. Hutton-CranswickV. Kilnwick- by-Watton P.C. Kirkburn V. Lockington R. Lund V. Middleton- on-the-Wolds R. Scorbrough R. Skerne P.C. Watton P.C. and of Worter V. (®) The Inhabitants of Beswick bury at Kilnwick. The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of,——Aller- thorpe V.(*) Bishop-Wilton V. Burnby R. Catton R. Fangfoss P. C. Full-Sutton R. Gwendale-Magna V. Huggate R. Kilnwick-Percy V. Millington V. Nunburnholme R. Pocklington V. Sutton-on-Der- went R. Thornton V. Wilberfoss P.C. and of Yapham C. (') : (*) No Churchyard at Allerthorpe nor at Yapham. (‘) The Inhabitants of Yapham bury at Pocklington. M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.” ’ i37 eee a COUNTY OF YORK (EAST RIDING)—continued. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, MIDDLE DIVISION. (i) WAPENTAKE OF HOWDENSHIRE. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males Fe- Total. [Mates Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- | Years. {Males} Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe-| Total. | Years. | Mar- males. Tiages, males, males. riages. 1811 |250}201 | 451 9.155{128] 283 1811|{ 76 1811 }117/105 | 222 | 62] 52/114 § 1811 | 39 1812 {225 |200}] 425 §1139]112] 225 ‘| 1812] 78 1812 |} 120}/110] 230 | 61 | 81 | 142 | 1812] 50 1813 |218} 213] 431 J117] g6} 213 1813} 78 1813 | 132)110|] 242 [52] 44] g6 | 1813} 58 1814 | 263] 224] 487 §126|144] 270 1814) 77 1814 1137112] 249 | 48 | 48 | 96 | 1814] 58 1815 | 215 {207} 422 9143/1146] 289 1815] 78 1815 | 123126] 249 | 54 | 53 | 107 7 1815 | 48 1816 | 205 |181] 386 9 162/125 | 2847 1816} 98 1816 [118)}125]| 243 | 72 | 55 | 127 | 1816 | 52 1817 | 226} 209] 435 $131|/116] 247 1817} 98 1817 |119/139| 258 | 62 | 44 | 106 | 1817] 66 1818 {194 | 202] 396 [122/107 | 229 1818 | 96 1818 [127/116] 243 $48] 50 | 98 | 1818] 50 1819 12431206] 449 4 156/135] 291 1819 | 106 1819 }131)118] 248 | 82) 46} 128 | 1819] 54 1820 [217 |207] 424 41391135} 274 1820] 99 1820 {131 ]114] 245 | 60 | 59 | 119 18201 55 . The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Ald- borough V.. Bilton C. Burton-Pidsey V. Drypool P.C. Garton V. | Hedon V. Hilston R. Humbleton V. Marfleet P.C. Preston V. ' Rooss R. SkirlaughC. Sproatley R. Sutton P.C. Swine V. Tun- stall V. and of Wawne or Waghen V. (i) Also from a Roman-catholic Chapel at Marton, in which Parish there is no Church. The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of, Barmby-« on-the-Marsh C. Blacktoft P.C.(") astrington V. Howden V. |, Laxton C. Melton C. Walkington R. and of Welton V. (°) Blacktoft includes Sealby. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, NORTH DIVISION. WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT. (°) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- }] Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males} Fe-} Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. | males, riages. 1811 | 94]105] 199 53 | 45 98 1811] 48 1811 [112]107 | 219 53 4 41 94 1811! §2 © 1812 }113}114] 227 | 55 | 53 | 108 1812} 57 1812 }116}111 | 227 | 49 | 38 | 87 1812} 52 1818 |112]108] 220 | 36 | 43] 79 1813) 53 1813 |117| 97] 214 97 47 | 58 | 105 1813] 55. 1814 1116118] 234 | 48 | 55 | 103 1814} 38 1814 |116}108| 224 | 60 | 52 | 112 1814| 44 1815 | 132 |106| 238 | 70 | 47 |°117 1815] 42 1815 |145| 99} 244 | 62 | 35) 97 1815} 37 1816 |113]110] 223 | 64 | 65 | 129 1816 | > 45 1816 }113|101] 214 | 70 | 47 | 117 1816{ 50 1817 | 125 }118]} 243 [57 | 70 | 127 1817 | 41 1817 |131 | 122] 253 | 58 | 47 | 105 1817} 49 1818 |116|124| 240 | 60] 71 | 131 1818] 40 1818 |128]119} 247 | 69 | 65 | 134 1818] 49 1819 |121|116)| 237 58 | 55 | 113 1819} 49 1819 [11741124 229 | 66 } 45 | 111 1819} 49 1820 [123 | 120} 243 44 | 56 | 130 1820] 33 1820 1133} 91| 224 | 63 | 55 | 118 1820; 44 The above Azstracrt is collected from the Registers of, AtwickV. Barmston R. Beeford R.(*) Brandesburton R. Catwick R. North Frodingham V. Goxhill R. Hornsea V. Leven R. Mappleton V. Nunkeeling P.C. Rise R. Riston R. Routh R. Skipsea V. Sig- glesthorne R. Ulrome C. (') and of Withernwick V. (*) Beeford includes Lissett. () The Inhabitants of Ulrome C.' bury at Barmston or at Skipsea, in which Parishes that Chapelry is situate. The above Azsrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Barlby C. Elvington R. Escrick R.(?) Fulford P.C. Hemingbrough V. Na- burn C. Riccall V. _ Skipwith V. Stillingfleet V. Thorganby (with Cottingwith) P.C. and of Wheldrake R. (°) St. Paul’s-Heslington is partly in the Parish of St. Lawrence (City of York), partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, where the Register is entered. (°) Escrick includes Deighton. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, SOUTH DIVISION. LIBERTY OF ST. PETER OF YORK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Fe- | Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. {Males aie Total. ales! ales. . el aigcek 1811 | 122/130] 252 57 | 70 | 127 1811] 42 1812 }139| 80] 219 $51] 35} 86 1812) 53 1813 {118 | 103} 221 51 | 50 | 101 1813} 51 1814 }140}112} 252 | 56] 38 | 94 1814] 30 1815 |130|107 |} 237 49 | 55 | 104 1815} 50 1816 }132/}113| 245 | 62 | 60 | 122 1816) 42 1817 }130|128] 258 | 58 | 68 | 126 1817} 39 1818 |142}121| 263 | 47] 49] 96 1818] 31 1819 {129 ]104] 233 f 71 | 52 | 123 1819] 43 1820 |137 {110 |.247 55 | 54 | 109 1820; 42 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males} Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- i males. riages. 1811 {134]120] 254 } 69 } 49 | 118 1811| 33 1812 |108]118] 226 | 60 | 78 | 138 1812| 46 1813 }145 1116] 261 54 | 69 | 123 1813 | 37 1814 }114]114} 228 [57 | 68 | 125 1814} 47 1815 |144]126] 270 | 61 | 71 | 132 1815 | 48 1816 |122}120] 242 | 61 | 65 | 126 | 1816] 49 1817 |132]111] 243 145 | 67 | 112 | 1817} 4o 1818 |130/113] 243 977 | 71.) 148 1818] 33 1819 |123]124] 247 $56] 77 | 133 1819} 41 1820 {125 ]111| 236 [53 | 61 | 114 | 1820] 51 The above Assrract is collected from the Registers of, —Easing- ton V. Halsham R., Hollym (with Withernsea) V. Holmpton R. Keyingham P. C. Kilnsea V. Ottringham P. C. Owthorne V. Pat- rington R. Paull V. Skeckling (with Burstwick) V. (™) Skeffling V. Welwick. V. .and of Winestead R. (™) Skeckling includes the Return of Rybill with Camerton. The above Azsrnacr is collected from the Registers of, -——Barmby- Moor V. Bedern-College (in York Minster) C. Brotherton V. Dun- nington R. Gate-Helmesley V. poe V. St. Paul’s-Heslington P. C, Husthwaite (with Carlton) P. C. orth Newbald V. Osbaldwick (with Merton) V. Salton (with Brawby) V. | Stillington V. and of Strensall V. Na 138 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers, eee ————=== COUNTY OF YORK (EAST RIDING)—continued. AINSTY OF THE CITY OF YORK. BOROUGH OF BEVERLEY. 1 eee oscars BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 5 zak A Fe- : Fe- Years. [Males em Total. [Males Ss 1. | Total. | Years, Ee Years. {Males} _""~ | Total. [Males) “°- | Total. | Years, see 1811 | 72] 95] 167 | 63 | 69] 1392 | 1811] 37 1811 | 129}113/ 242 | 88/100) 188 | i811} 435 1812 |105] 97/| 202 | 75165] 140 | 1812] 42 1812 }127}111) 238 | 67} 69] 136 | 1812! 49 1813 |104 | 98] 202 | 60} 71 | 131 | 1818] 41 1813 |100}100} 200 | 49} 62) 111 } 1813) 64 1814 | 89] 91} 180 | 50 | 52] 102 | 1814] 31 1814 | 127}108| 235 | 78} 61] 139 | 1814} 39. 1815 | 99! 95| 194 158] 52] 110 | 1815] 37 1815 |136]107| 243 | 82} 86] 168 | 1815{ 4% 1816 |103 }100| 203 | 60] 60} 120 | 1816] 32 1816 | 136}110| 246 | 75 | 80] 155 | 1816] 49 1817 | 97] 91/ 188 }55|56{ 112 | 1817] 54 1817 | 117} 121] 238 | 81 | 62] 143 | 1817] 4a 1818 |108 }122| 230 | 71 | 65 | 1396 | 1818] 46 1818 | 127/118] 245 | 67} 75| 142 | Is18] 41 1819 | 93} 90] 183 [58] 55 | 113 1819] 41 1819 }128]113] 241 | 67 | 90] 157 | 1819 BA 1820 [104 90; 194 | 56} 63 | 119 1820] 40 1820 [131/125] 256 $53 | 79} 132 1820] 50 wee Ases Se = ae on yee ae oe Bilbeongh The above Azstnact is collected from the Registers of,-—St. John P. C. Bilton V. Bishopthorpe V. Bolton-Percy R. Copmanthorpe C. or Beverley-Minster (with St. Martin) P.C. and of St. Mary (with Healaugh V. Long Marston R. Moor-Monkton R. Nether Poppleton St. Nicholas) V. ‘ P.C. Rufforth V. Thorp-Arch V. Walton P. C. and of Wighill V. CITY OF YORK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. TOWN OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL Years. [Males] Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- AND COUNTY ‘OF THE SAME. males. males riages. —— 1811 |311 |258| 569 |/198| 201 | 3909 1811! 180 . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1812 |337 |281 |] 618 | 230/213] 443 1812] 185 Years, |Males! Fe- | ‘Total. (Males! Fe | Total. Years, | Mar- 1813 |314]287] 601 | 205|201] 406 1813} 220 males, ; males. riages, 1814 |286|315{ 601 | 204/256] 460 1814} 181 1811 4 1 ; 392 |365 | 757 376/395] 771 | 1811] 31 1815 |346 |296] 642 | 223]194] 417 1815] 195 1812 |384|390| 777 [312/273 ine 1812 ac 1816 |320]305| 625 | 215)225] 440 1816} 203 1818 |378/347| 725 | 282lo57] 539 1813] 278 1817 1316] 309 | 625 | 252|262| 514 1817] 188 1814 |423|377| 800 |306/313| 619 1814| 301 1818 |303 |298| 601 | 258]272] 530 1818] 208 1815 | 4271368| 795 | 459/387 | 846 1815 | 330 1819 | 305 |279| 584 | 222]209] 431 1819] 216 1816 | 3371313} 650 1376/3476} 752 1816) 329 1820 |322]304] 626 } 220/226] 446 1820] 208 1817 |370/323| 693 1367/328] 695 1817) 299 The above Axstract is collected from the Registers of —All 1818 | 392 | 356 | 748 | 322) 341 | 663 1818! 304 Saints ee a = paints | Pavement yath St. geal ian coe 356 (a 385 |330| 715 1819] 346 Little) R. Cathedral C. tor . St. Cuthbert’ ith All Saints, : 1 03) 291 LBs 9 ma and St. Helen-on-the-Walls) R. St. Tee, St. Helen'V. eee ohe | HF | 8o4 ee) ae St. John’s Delpike R. St. John’s Ousebridge-End P. C. St. LaurenceV. H St. Margaret ee on oe R. St. Martin’s Coney-StreetV. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of,——North St, Martin’s (with Gregory) R. St. Mary Bishophill-Junior V. St. Mar Fertiby V. Hessle V. Kirk-EllaV. St. C. Bishophill-Senior R. St. Mary Castlegate R. St. Maurice V. St fee i my Michael-le-Belfry R. St. Michael Spurriergate R. St. Sampson P. C. ee St. Saviour (with St. Andrew) R. Holy-Trinity Goodramgate R. Holy- Trinity King’s-Court V. and of Holy-Trinity Micklegate V. (*) The Minster or Cathedral Church of York, though locally situate in York City, is in the Jurisdiction of St. Peter of York. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (EAST RIDING). BAPTISMS. i BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females, Total. Years. | Marriages. 1811 2,781 2,615 5,396 1811 1,755 1,707 3,462 1811 1,466 1812 2,869 2,619 5,488 1812 1,621 1,562 3,183 1812 1,503 1813 2,920 2,612 59532 1813 1,468 1,480 2,948 1813 1,558 1814 2,906 2,710 5,616 1814 1,617 1,583 3,200 1814 1,439 1815 2,995 | 2,717 | 5,712 1815 1,852 1,664 | 3,516 1815 1,557 1816 | 2,842 | 2,616 | 5,458 1816 | 1,815 | 1,729 | 3,544 1816 | 1,588 1817 | 2,912 | 2,740 | 5,652 1817 | 1,782 1,712 | 3,494 1817 | 1,514 1818 | 2,904 | 2,750 5,654 1818 1,776 | 1,771 3,547 1818 1,546 1819 | 2,867 | 2,632 | 5,499 1819 | 1,810 | 1,653 | 3,463 1819 | 1,588 1820 | 2,974 | 2,625 | 5,599 1820 | 1,666 | 1,621 | 3,287 1820 | 1,554 Toraxs | 28,970 | 26,636 | 55,606 ~ - | 17,162 | 16,482 | 33,644 - | 15,313 eae poaiiine of the East Riding of the County of York is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Twenty-eight’ Parish’ Churclies ’ ere ig) Si Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns on Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 267 ;—Burials, 43 ;—Marriages, 4. J M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT; 1 GEO.IV. C. 94: 139 County of York (North Riding). WAPENTAKE OF ALLERTONSHIRE. (*) WAPENTAKE OF GILLING, EAST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males}: Fe- Total. ales Lg Total. | Years, | Mar- Years. }Males Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- males riages. males males, Tiages. 1811 |2122]/110| 232 | 61] 56] 117 | 1811] 62 1811 | 96} 81} 177 | 48} 57 | 105 | 1811] 43 1812 |117}126| 243 | 66) 64] 130 | 1812] 59 1812 | 91] 89{ 180 } 53447] 100 | 1812) 54 1813 |116 129 | 245 | 66| 60] 126 1813] 65 1813 |1121 87] 199 | 58 | 49 f 107 1813] 39 1814 |123}124} 247 | 89} 7o| 159 | 1814| 58 1814 {104} 86} 190 } 45 | 42 | 87 | 1814] 4o 1815 |146}115 | 261 | 72} 761148 | 1815] 50 1815 | 93/104] 197 | 64} 56 {120 | 1815} 41 1816 |129}124} 253 | 84 | 101} 185 1816] 65 1816 | 103} 98} 201 | 54 | 66} 120 | 1816] 38 1817 |136}131 | 267 | 67] 681 135 | 1817] 61 1817 | 100} 85} 185 [45] 55} 100 | 1817) 53 1818 |131}131| 262 | 70] 70] 140 | 1818] 59 1818 |110] gg} 209 | 46} 42} 88 | 1818} 60 1819 |147}128} 275 | 76] 78| 154 | 1819] 74 1819 | 94} 89} 183 | 37473 | 110 | 1819; 56 1820 '152 4131 | 283 [| 70 | 73] 143 1820| 63 1820 |118);104| 222 § 54 } 54 } 108 1820] 55 The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of,——North Allerton and Romanby V. Birkby R. Brompton C. Deighton C. Hotton-Bonville C. Kirkby-Sigiston V. Leake V.(%) Norton-Con- yers C. Osmotherley V. North Otterington V. West Rounton R. Sessay R. Thornton-le-Street V. and of High Worsall C. (?) For Pickhill (partly in Allertonshire) see Hallikeld Wapentake ; for Great Smeaton, see Gilling, East, Wapentake ; for Sockburn, see Stockton Ward, Durham. ; (°) Leake includes the Return of the Chapelry of Nether Silton. WAPENTAKE OF BIRDFORTH. (°) The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, —-Ainderby- Steeple V. _ Barton-St.-Cuthbert’s P.C. Barton-St.-Mary’s P. C. Bolton-upon-Swale P.C. (©) Cleasby P.C. East Cowton V. South CowtonC. Croft R. Eriholme C. Langton-upon-Swale R. Manfield V. Middleton-Tyas V. SmeatonR. Danby-Wiske R. Kirby-Wiske R. and of Yafforth C. (°) Bolton-upon-Swale includes Whitwell C. WAPENTAKE OF GILLING, WEST. The above Axzsrracrt is collected from the Registers of ——Bagby C. Birdforth C. Old Byland P.C. Cowsby R. Coxwold P.C. East Harlsey P.C. Hawnby R. Kilburn P.C. South Kilvington R. Cold Kirby P.C. Kirby-Knowle R. . South Otterington R. Sandhutton . (with Carlton) C. Over-Silton P. C. Sowerby near Thirsk C. Thirkle- by.V. Thirsk P..C. Topcliffe V. and of Welbury R. (©) Nether Silton is included in the Return of Leake (Allertonshire), BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males cle Total. [Males oe Total. | Years. ee Years. |Males e Total. Males Fe Total. | Years. ao, 1811 | 162 183] 345 | 104[708] 212 1811} 70 1811 | 260 |253] 513 41514158] 309 1811 | 142 1812 |152]152} 304 | 80] 88] 168 | 1812] 56 1812 }225]210] 445 |168}154| 322 | 1812| 138 1813 |1701165| 335 | 88] 88] 176 1813{ 92 1813 | 226 |232| 458 41384153) 291 1813 | 119 1814 {168 }146] 314 J112} 96] 208 | 1814] 67 1814 | 247 | 236) 483 134/142] 276 @ 1814] 104 1815 | 170/170] 340 83] 77] 160 1815 | go 1815 |244]230] 474 1156 132] 288 1815. 120 1816 |189}182| 371 }100]101] 201 1816] 72 1816 |222|217/ 439 |147}160] 307 | 1816] 113 1817 11581133 | 291 96} 99] 195 1817| 72 1817 |207/199| 406 [147/142] 289 | 1817/ 121 1818 |183]176] 359 | 95|100] 195 | 1818] 75 1818 |215|209| 424 1148}139| 287 | 1818] 98 1819 |182}146| 328 }|103] 91] 194 1819] 67 1819 |235 1247! 482 |127]/147| 274 1819 | 104 1820 {181]150] 331 |105] 84] 189 | 1820] 82 1820 |228]227) 455 4146]155; 301 | 1820] 116 The above Ansrracrt is collected from the Registers of,——Arken- garthdale P.C. Barningham R. Bowes P.C. Brignall V. Easby V. Forcett P. C. Gilling V. GrintonV. Great Hutton P.C. Kirby-Ra- vensworth R. Marrick P.C. Marske R. Melsonby R. Muker C. Rokeby V. Romaldkirk R.(f) Stanwick-St.-John V. Startforth V. and of Wycliffe R. (£) Romaldkirk includes Laithkirk C. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER. WAPENTAKE OF HALLIKELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, | Years. |Males ae Total. {Males a fas. Total. | Years. ee 1811 |222]207} 429 [132/130 | 262 1811; 84 1812 |213]203|] 416 [156/155 | 311 1812} 126 1813 | 228 | 232} 460 $154)123 ] 277 1813} 114 -1814 |254)241| 495 [158/159 | 317 1814} 125 1815 |286}244| 530 [140/133] 273 | 1815] 114 | 1816 |219|233| 452 | 116/133] 249 1816] 102 1817 |242|234] 476 $127)142] 269 1817] 111 1818 |254)220] 474 [155/153] 308 1818} 111 1819 |226|244] 470 | 141]150]} 291 1819] 111 1820 | 246] 221] 467 [130/136] 266 1820) 113 t The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, ——~Alne V. Easingwold V. Farlington C. Foston R. Over Helmsley R. Hender- -skelf C.(4) Holtby R. Huntington V. Huttons-Ambo P.C. Sheriff- Hutton V. Marton-with-Moxby P..C. Myton-upon-Swale V. Newton- -upon-Ouze P.C. St. Olave P.C. Overton V. RaskelfC. Skelton R. ‘Stockton-on-the-Forest P;-C. ‘Sutton-in-the-ForestV. Terrington R. ‘Thormanby R.. Warthill V. Whenby V. and of Wigginton R. . (4) The Inhabitants of Henderskelf bury and marry at Bulmer. _Bossall V. Brafferton V. Bransby R. Bulmer R. Crambe V. Dalby R.. | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- : males males. riages. | 1811 | 70 | 73 | 143 $48 451] 99 1811] 23 1812 | 83 | 57 | 140 | 26] 41 | 67 1812) 35 1813 | 74 | 66} 140 [22 | 25! 47 1813} 23 1814 | 63 | 80 | 143 135 | 42] 77 1814] 30 1815 | 72 | 73 | 145 138] 52! go 1815} 21 1816 | 61 | 56 | 117 | 29] 49] 78 1816] 41 1817 | 70 | 79 | 149 739] 35) 74 1817) 21 1818 | 59 | 75 | 134 ~ 53] 39; 92 1818; 27 1819 | 72 | 66 | 138 134] 52] 86 1819) 24 1820 | 80 | 66 | 146 4} 42} 33! 75 1820! 34 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Burnes- ton V. (®) Cundall V. Kirby-on-the-Moor V. Kirklington R. Marton- le-Moor C. (1) MelmerbyC. Middleton-QuemhowC. Pickhill V. West Tangfield R. and of Wath R. (*) Burneston includes Leeming C. (4) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Marton-le-Moor was included in that of Topcliffe. é ' ; ea i cae 140 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ee EEE COUNTY OF YORK (NORTH RIDING)—continued. [Parish-Registers, WAPENTAKE OF HANG, EAST. PICKERING LYTHE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, | Sy Fe- inl Res tas Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total, Years, | Mar- Years. |Males} Total. [Males ales: Total. | Years. riages. males, I Tlages. 1811 }147}130] 277 | 61 | 81] 142 1811] 67 1812 |132}128] 260 $75 | 71) 146 1812} 477 1813 }175}150} 325 81 | 70] 151 1813] 62 1814 |138}145} 283 | 81 | 93] 174 1814| 65 1815 | 152/149] 301 [— 78] 83] 161 1815| 63 1816 } 141/113] 254 | 89 [105] 194 1816} 59 1817 | 180/156] 336 | 85 | 82] 167 1817} 75 1818 | 146/143] 289 7 71 | 85] 156 1818} 74 1819 |127/147] 274 [91 | 96] 187 1819} 73 1820 | 163/134] 297 | 88] 95] 183 1820; 74 1811 |212{220] 432 $1137 89] 202 1811 | 105 1812 | 183 1194] 377 $105]114] 219 1812] 9g. 1813 | 225 }236} 461 [122/116] 238 | 1813} 94 1814 | 214 |225] 439 [120)117 | 237 1814} 85 1815 | 230 1213] 443 | 108) 93] 201 1815 | 100 1816 | 218 }214] 432 $133}114 | 247 1816| 96 1817 | 231 [254] 485 | 143]120] 263 1817] 86 1818 | 243 } 215] 458 [124}111 | 235 1818} 94 1819 |245 }217| 462 1054114] 219 1819] 95 1820 | 229 {246 | 475 884117 | 205 1820; 84 The above Azstracrt is collected from the Registers of, —~Bedale R. Patrick-Brompton R. (i) Catterick V. Hipswell C. Hornby V. Kirkby-Fleetham V. Masham V. Scruton R. Thornton-Watlass R. and of Well V. (‘) Patrick-Brompton includes Hunton C. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, WEST. The above Assrracrt is collected from the Registers of,_——Allerston P. C. Brompton V.(!) Cayton P.C. CroptonC. Ebberstone V. ¢) Ellerburn V. (™) Goatiand C. Hutton-Bushell V. Kirby-Misperton R. Levisham R. Lockton C. Middleton V. Pickering V. Rosedale C. Scalby (with Cloughton) V.(") Seamer V. Sinnington P.C. Thorn- ton R. and of Wykeham P. C. (}) The Register of Snainton C. is included partly in that of Bromp- ton, and partly in that of Ebberstone. (™) Ellerburn includes the Return of Wilton C. (’) Scalby includes Cloughton C. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. [Males] Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 |189/177 | 366 92]107| 199 1811} 80 1812 |178/182] 360 821 94] 176 1812] 94 1813 | 198/191] 389 94/109 | 203 1813) 94 1814 |183 | 193 | 376 go} 92] 182 1814; 89 1815 |209} 197 | 406 99]110 | 209 1815 | 102 1816 |193|169| 362 J111/122] 233 1816| 80 1817 |197|205| 402 $110/146] 256 1817} 91 1818 | 204/189 | 393 96/129 | 225 1818) 87 1819 | 202 | 183} 385 95!) 78] 173 1819} 68 1820 ]211 | 202} 413 98}104] 202 1820}; 81 WAPENTAKE OF RYDALL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. | Fe- Fe- : 1 Mar- Years. |Males} i... Total. Males} ites,| Dotal. | Years. riages. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Ask- rigg C. Aysgarth V. Bolton (with Redmire) C. Coverham (with Horsehouse) C. Dounholme V. Fingall R. Hardrow and Lunds C. Hawes C. Hawxwell R. Hudswell C. Middleham, Deanry; Speni- thorne R. (J) Stalling-Busk C. Thornton-Steward V. Wensley R. East Witton V. and of West Witton P. C. (i) Spenithorne includes Bellerby. 1811 | 313]309] 622 [162/180] 342 1811] 130 1812 | 303 |296|] 599 | 162)180] 342 1812] 105 1813 |313]309| 622 [154/152] 306 1813} 155 1814 | 328/332] 660 }159}158| 317 1814| 141 1815 | 341/330] 671 [159/144] 303 1815) 149 1816 | 336 |285 | 621 [148/132] 280 1816) 121 1817 1311 /285] 596 153/159] 312 1817| 114 1818 |311|304] 615 172/144] 316 1818 | 125 1819 | 296 } 242 | 538 | 148/137] 285 1819} 116 1820 | 337/301 | 638 [161)162] 323 1820] 99 WAPENTAKE OF LANGBAURGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- Total. [Males| Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 |} 391 | 376 | 767 1181]}199 | 380 1811] 178 1812 [384] 351] 735 |199/230} 429 1812] 181 1813 | 400] 398] 798 | 225) 200 | 425 1813 | 198 1814 | 410/385] 795 | 243/269] 512 1814} 207 1815 | 448} 404] 852 | 243] 224 | 467 1815} 210 1816 | 484}413] 897 |278]290 | 568 1816] 251 1817 | 470] 401 | 871 [211] 220 431 1817] 220 1818 | 431 | 429] 860 [270/261] 531 1818 | 207 1819 | 422/451] 873 [211/295 446 1819} 196 1820 | 455|416] 871 | 218]252] 470 1820} 210 The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Ample-. forth V._ Appleton-le-Street V. Barton-le-Street R. _ Bilsdale C. Edston V. Gilling R. Helmsley V. Hovingham P.C. Kirkby-Moor- side V. Kirkdale P. C. Lastingham V. New Malton-St.-Leonard P. C. New Malton-St.-Michael P. C. Old Malton P.C. Normanby R. Nunnington R. Oswaldkirk R. Scawton R. Slingsby R. and of Stonegrave R. LIBERTY OF WHITBY-STRAND, BURIALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males| Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years, | Mar imales. \males. riages. The above Anstracr is collected from the Registers of, Acklam and Middlesborough P.C. Appleton-Wisk P.C. Great Ayton (with Little Ayton and Nunthorpe) P.C. Brotton P.C. Carlton P. C, Crathome R. Danby P.C. Easington R. Egton P.C. Eston C. Faceby C. Glaisdale P.C. Guisbrough P.C. Hilton P. C. Hinder. well R. Ingleby-Arnecliffe P.C. Ingleby-Greenhow P.C. Kildale R. Kirkby (with Broughton) V. Kirkleatham V. Kirklevington P. C. Liverton P.C. Lofthouse R. Lyth V. Marske V. Marton V. Mid- dleton-upon-Leven C. Newton P. C, Ormsby V. Rousby (otherwise Roxby) C. East Rounton C. Hutton-Rudby V. Seamer P.C. Skel- ton P.C. Stainton V.(K) Stokesley R. Upleatham P.C, Westerdale P.C. Whoriton P. C. “Wilton C. and of Yarm P. C. (£) Stainton includes Maltby, Berwick, Hemlington and Thornaby. 1811 {183/186 | 369 $.113/148] 261 1811) 122 1812 {200 ;210] 410 [149/142] 291 1812! 115 1813 1197 }194 | 391 | 138/143] 281 1813 | 117 1814 | 226/174] 400 $130|156] 286 1814 | 121 1815 [243 }226] 469 | 142/155| 297 1815! 144 1816 |233|214} 447 7151/1175] 326 1816 136 1817 {258 |235} 493 [136/143] 279 1817 | 136 1818 }241 |230] 471 | 126/141 | 267 1818 | 126 1819 }271 |202] 473 [119/137] 256 1819, 110 1820 }205 |247] 452 $ 156/136] 292 1820, 142 The above Aznsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——F yling- dales P.C. Hackness P.C. Harwood-Dale C. SneatonR. Eskdale- Side, alias Sleights C. Ugglebarnby C. and of Whitby P. C. (°) (°) Whitby includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at Aislaby. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 103 ;—Burials, 10;—Marriage, 1. The Summary of the North Riding of the County of Yorx is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Eighty-two Parish Churches and Forty-two Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. M.DCCC.XX1.] THE POPULATION. ACT, 1. GEO. lV. C. 94. 141 COUNTY OF “YORK (NORTH RIDING)—continued. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGH, AND SUBURBS. ’ BAPTISMS. BURIALS. - | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ! Years, |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. } Years. | Mar: Years. Mates| Fe- ) Total. {Males| Fe- Total. | Years, | Mar- males. males. riages. | imales. males. | riages. 1811 | 42 | 44-1 86 J19} 28] 44 1811} 19 1811 | 97] 94] 191 -| 63 | 56 | 119 1811} 62 1812 | 36 | 43°] 79 | 22/23] 45--| 1812] 15 1812 | 82] 78; 160 | 52] 75 | 127 | 1812] 69 1813 | 46 | 42 | 88 | 25) 31 | 56 1813] 18 1813 |107| 82) 189 | 59 | 67 | 126 1813} 68 1814 | 52 | 46] 98 21 | 29] 50 1814] -22 1814 | go| 88) 178 | 53] 91 | 144 1814| 57 1815 | 47 | 42 | .89 28 | 39 | 67. | 1815] 28 1815 | 98/121 | 219 154] 55 | 109 1815| 75 1816 | 52 | 49 | 101 17 | 83 50 1816; 23 1816 | 86] go} 176 841 73 | 157 1816! 77 1817 | 50 | 65 | 115 26119] 45 1817] 20 1817 |106|] 97 | 203 69 | 69 | 138 1817} 87 - 1818 | 60 | 53 | 113 | 24 | 22] 46 1818] 25 1818 |121J112) 233 | 76 | 65 | 141 1818} 65 1819 | Go | 54 | 114 | 31 | 49 | 80 1819} 29 1819 |} 112); 98] 210 | 59 | 61 | 120 | 1819] 72 1820 | 47 | 74 | 121 34 | 41 95 1820| 32 1820 |106]117| 223 | 74] 78 | 152 1820| 81 The above Ansrract is collected from the Register of, Rich- The above Anstracr is collected from the Register of, ——Scar- mond R. : borough V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (NORTH RIDING). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years, | Marriages. —SS—’"” es Sa scree ee 1811 2,506 2,443 4,949 1811 1,348 1,448 2,796 1811 1,187 1812 2,389 2,319 4,708 1812 1,395 1,478 2,873 1812 1,223 1813 2,587 2,513 5,100 1813 1,424 1,386 2,810 1813 1,258 1814 2,600 2,501 5,101 1814 1,470 1,556 3,026 1814 1,211 1815 2,779 2,618 59397 1815 1,464 1,429 2,893 1815 1,307 1816 2,666 2,457 5,123 1816 1,541 1,654 3,195 1816 1,274 1817 2,716 2,559 59275 1817 1,454 1,499 2,953 1817 1,268 1818 2,709 2,585 5 294 1818 1,526 1,501 3,027 1818 1,233 1819 2,691 2,514 5205 1819 1,377 1,498 2,875 1819 1,195 1820 2,758 2,636 59394 1820 1,464 1,520 2,984 1820 1,266 Torars | 26,401 | 25,145 | 51,546 - - | 14,463 | 14,969 29,432 - - | 12,492 Oo 142 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registers: County of York (West Riding). WAPENTAKE OF AGBRIGG. (?) WAPENTAKE OF MORLEY. ' BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, ree > \1. Fe- , Mar- , Fe- : “Fe- tee a ¥ Mar- Years. {Males es Total. {Males ee Total. | Years. decee Years. |Males es ae Total. tated, Fee Total. | Years. faces 1811 1,788 1,699) 3,487 1,018 4,101 2,119 | 1811]1,111 1811 |1,988)1,770; 3,758 | 941] 947} 1,888 } 1811 |1,231 1812 |1,771/1,673; 3,444 | 905} 943/1,848 | 1812] 1,059 1812 |1,961|1,829) 3,790 | 956] 973} 1,929 | 1812 1,191 1813 1,802 1,728 3,530 41,036] 989, 2,025 | 1813) 1,008 18138 |1,961|1,902] 3,863 | 885} 949] 1,834 | 1813 | 1,243 1814 v'e7il1771 3,642 1,014, 929 1,943 1814 | 1,156 1814 |2,073'1,985) 4,058 41,050] 1,016, 2,066 7 1814 ]1,488 1815 | 2,161 2,015} 4,176 1,009, 985) 1,994 | 1815] 1,302 1815 |2,439/2,237] 4,676 | 922) 989) 1,911 | 1815 | 1,508 1816 | 2,069 1,937] 4,006 |1,233 1,233 2,466 | 1816| 1,179 1816 |2,322|2,210) 4,532 [1,100] 1,065] 2,165 | 1816] 1,485 1817 | 2,075 1,997] 4,072 1,221 1,129, 2,350 1817] 1,244 1817 |2,319|2,188) 4,507 [1,266 1,123) 2,389 | 1817] 1,341 1818 |1,970 1,962) 3,932 1,251 1,218, 2,469 1818 | 1,309 1818 |2,284/2,100) 4,384 {1,146] 1,072, 2,018 | 1818 | 1,510 1819 |2,145 1,918] 4,063 $1,278 1,234 2,512 | 1819) 1,291 1819 (2,276 2206 4,482 $1,129)1,115) 2,244 4 1819 | 1,495 1820 |2,152 1,951) 4,103 1,159 1,082 2,241 | 1820]/1,261 1820 [2,248 2,154) 4,402 } 1,020 989] 2,009 | 1820 1,599 ; STRACT i gi f, —Aldmon- : es So tao Ankiny P. on West Avising, ec Wendi PC. "Bat. The above Ansrnracr is collected from the Registers of, — St. Amn’s ley V. Crofton R. Dewsbury (with Ossett) V. Dobcross C. Emley R. or Briers C.(') () Birsiall (including Whitechapel) V. Bradford V. FlocktonC. Holmefirth C. Honley C. Horbury C. Huddersfield V. Calverley V. (i) Clackheaton C. Coley C. (*) Crosstone C. (*) Drigh- Kirk-Burton V. Kirkbeaton R. Longwood C. Lydgate in Saddle- YQ) yee) “ 2 : A) E oF (ke) Gi - Halifax. worth C, MarsdenC. MelthamC, Methley R. Mirfield V. Nor- lington C. (") Elland (with Greetland) C. (*) Sree nee EU, manton V. Rothwell V. Saddleworth C. Sandall-Magna V. Scam- Hartshead (with Clifton) C. Haworth C. Heptonstall C. (*) Horton C, monden (otherwise Deanhead) C. (>) Slaithwaite C. — Thornhill R. Idle C.G) Illingworth C. (*) Lightcliffe C. (k) Liversedge C, (!) Wakefield V. Wehehelnes tm 3 C. and of ee a sy Luddenden C. (X) Pudsey C. (i) Rastrick C. (X) Ripponden C. () (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Morley. ) Scam- : k is (ke “(k monden C. is in Rochdale Parish, Salford Hundred (Lancashire). Sowerby C. () Sowerby-Bridge C. (*) Thornton C. (€) Tong C. Trinity-Church C. (™) and of Wibsey C. y ENS OS EST ONE ASE (‘) There was no Burial Ground at St. Ann’s until the year 1819, BAPTISMS BURIALS MARRIAGES. when a new Church having been built, a portion of Ground was set apart for interring the dead. Years. [Males| Fe- | Total. {Males} Fe- | Total. { Years. | Mar- (ij) Previous to the year 1813 there was only one Register for Cal- males. males. riages, verley, Idle and Pudsey. 1811 | 325)/289{ 614 4163 )158 | 321 1811} 153 (*) The Chapelries thus marked are in the Parish of Halifax. The 1812 | 320]304] 624 7148] 146 | 294 1812 | 141 number of Inhabitants in the Wapentake of Morley is 185,768, of whom 1813 | 325}3927] 652 41741/155 | 329 1813 | 155 92,850 reside in the Parish of Halifax. This important Parish, besides 1814 | 355/335 690 | 165 | 168 | 333 1814 | 166 the Mother Church, contains Thirteen Chapels, many of which are found 1815 | 336/304! 640 1181 |164]| 345 1815 | 129 1816 | 361/341 | 702 #190] 198] 388 1816 | 132 1817 | 308/362; 670 1195 |187| 382 1817 | 113 1818 | 292/334! 626 1177 |160| 337 1818 | 120 aon vs ie a . ee as es (™) Burials only take place at Trinity Church. to be insufficient for the respective Congregations. (') The Church at Drighlington was consecrated in 1815, and that at Liversedge in 1816, previous to which time the Registers were included with those of Birstall. The above Azssrraci is collected from the Registers of, Birkin (with Haddlesey) R. Bramham V. Brayton (with Barlow) V. Carl- ton C. Cawood V. Drax V. Fenton V. Kirkby-Wharfe V. Ledsham V. Monk-Frystone P.C. Newton-Kyme R. Ryther R. Saxton P. C. Selby P.C. Sherburn V. Tadcaster V. (*) and of Wistow V. (°) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Tadcaster. WAPENTAKE OF OSGOLDCROSS. WAPENTAKE OF CLARO. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. ————_— Years. {Males . Total. {Males ae Total. | Years. a Years. [ataes aS Total. }Males Lae Total. | Years, | Sar- eres ieeoia pe ; =— ee 1811 |565 1501 | 1,066 |176]166 | 342 1811 | 207 1811 | 554 | 504 | 1,058 4340 }351 | 691 1811 | 258 1812 [545 |483 |1,028 } 194/217] 411 | 1812| 214 1812 | 628 | 542 |1,170 |305 1332 | 637 | 1812] 214 1813 |485 |465| 950 234/219] 453 | 1813| 244 1818 | 599 }571 | 1,170 $295 }249} 544 1813 | 243 1814 14911447} 938 | 275)233 | 508 1814 | 208 | 1814 | 549/537 11,086 $308 1343 | 651 1814 | 204 1815 1518 | 464] 982 | 242/239] 481 1815 | 204 1815 | 600 | 550 | 1,150 3611373] 734 | 1815! 244 1816 1542 |474./1,016 } 265}260| 525 | 1816/| 212 1816 | 595 | 583 | 1,178 1322 |319] 641 | 1816] 230 1817 |516|460 | 976 | 2681299] 507 | 1817] 194 1817 625 |517 | 1,142 1343 }304] 647 § 1817] 259 1818 |488]501] 989 | 271)243 | 514 | 1818] 220 1818 [558 575 |1,133 [3171336] 653 {| 1818] 220 1819 | 519 | 482 | 1,001 |} 250/260] 510 | 1819} 220 1819 © 543 | 502 | 1,045 1351 1356} 707 1819 | 260 1820 | 502 |494| 996 | 260] 265 | 525 1820 | 248 1820 (585 | 541 | 1,126 1366 [351 | 717 1820} 233 The above Agstracr is 5 diene = The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of-—Ack- brovgh (with Low DuMbilendiomame a a cn worth R. Adlingfleet V. Armin C, Badsworth R. Burghwallis R. Studley) C. Allerton-Mauleverer P.C. Arkendale C. Burton-Leonard V. Campsall V. Castleford R. Darrington V. Featherstone V. Ferry- cree Sg i. a Farnham V. Fewstone V. Frystone V. Hook C. Killington V. Kirk-Bramwith R. Kirk-Smea- oldsborou i ampsthwa 3 Ww ‘ ii y} i i Hansugors Sekt Mutcoert Vv. A Ocubua ee ton R. South Kirkby V. Knottingley he Duster Vv. Lecsean . Deighton R. Kirk-Hammerton P.C. KnareshoroughV. Leathley R.(*) Rawcliffe C. Skelbrooke C. Snaith V. Whitgift P.C. (°) ando Marton (with Grafton) V. Middlesmoor C. (f) Nun-Monkton P. C. Womersley V. Great OnseburnV. Little OuseburnV. Pannal V. Pateley-Bridge C. (#) 4 oh Sen 4 Ripley R. Spofforth R. Stainburn C. Stainley P.C. Staveley R. (°) Whitgift includes Swinefleet. Thornthwaite C. Weston V. Wetherby C. (b) Whisley V. and of Winkesley (with Grantley) C. (4) Harrowgate C. is in Knaresborough Parish. (*) Leathley in- eludes Castley. (*) Middlesmoor C, is in Kirkby-Malzeard Parish, (®) Pateley-Bridge C. is in Ripon Parish. (*) The Inhabitants of Wetherby bury and marry at Spofforth. M.DCCC.XX1.] | ford V. Addie R. Baildon C. Bardsey V. Barwick-in-Elmet R. ' Bingley V. Burley C. (°) Collingham V. GarforthR. Guiseley R. (°) Harewood V. Horseforth C. Ilkley V. Kippax V. Otley (including Bramhope and Pool) V. Rawden C. Swillington R. Thorner V. and of Whitkirk V. (°) The Inhabitants of Burley bury and marry at Otley. (°) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Yeadon, in Guiseley Parish. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE AND EWCROSS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, | MARRIAGES. Years. [Males| Fe- Total. (Males Fe- | Total: | Years. |: Mar- males, males. riages. 1811 | 862/851 | 1,713 1523|479|1,002 | 1811} 403 1812 | 8581857 | 1,715 1514] 535 )1,049 | 1812 | 364 1813 | 804|'779 | 1,583 1478| 483] 961 f 1813} 412 1814 | 904] 921 | 1,825 4497|546 1,043 | 1814} 463 1815 | 9481935 | 1,883 | 487|586 }1,073 f 1815] 505 1816 | 986] 938 | 1,924 1 577/589 |1,166 — 1816) 512 1817 | 896] 879 | 1,775 1530]512]1,042 § 1817) 392 1818 | 943|.903 | 1,846 1513] 528 )1,041 | 1818) 435 1819 |1,001] 874 |1,875 § 465/491 | 956) 1819) 439 1820 | 979]957 | 1,936 § 552/542 | 1,094 | 1820] 456. The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Adding- ham R. Arncliffe V. Barnoldswick P.C. Bentham R. Bolton-Abbey C. Bolton-by-Bolland R. Bracewell V. Broughton-with-Elslack V. Burn- gall R. Carlton-in-Craven V. Clapham V. Conistone C. Dent C. ’ Gargrave V. Garsdale C. Giggleswick V. Gisburne V. Grindleton C. Haltongill C.(*) Horton-in-Ribblesdale P.C. Houghton (called Tos- sett) C.(*) Hubberholme C. Ingleton C. Ingleton-Fells C. Kettlewell- in-Craven V. Kighley V. Kildwick V. Kirkby-Malham-Dale V. Lin- ton R. Marton R. MittonV. Long PrestonV. RilstonC. SedberghV.(s) Silsden C. Skipton-in-CravenV. Slaidburn R, Thornton-in-Craven R.(*) Thornton-in-Lonsdale with Burton and Ireby R. Waddington C. and of Whitwell C. (“) , (4) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Haltongill was included in that of Arncliffe. (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Sandy-Syke in Houghton. (8) The Return of Sedbergh includes the Baptisms which take place at Howgill C. (‘) Ireby is said to be Extra Parochial. Church Duties are per- formed at Thornton-in-Craven. (") Whitwell C. is in Whalley Parish, Lancashire. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C, Q4e 143 COUNTY: OF YORK (WEST RIDING)—continued. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK. | WAPENTAKE OF SPAINCROSS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males! Fe- | ‘total. tMales| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. |Males| Fe- | Total. { Years. | Mar Pe males, males,| ‘ riages, males. males. riages. i 1811 | 561 | 533 | 1,094 | 302] 308] 610 1811 | 247 1811 |486| 446! g32 | 216/208] 424 1811 | 234 | 1812 | 518 | 484} 1,002 | 258] 282) 540 1812 | 253 1812 | 438 | 473] 911 | 202/220] 422 1812 | 210 | 1813 |525/474| 999 | 272/277] 549 1813 | 215 1818 |469/414/ 883 | 236/210] 446 1813 | 187 | 1814 1554] 559) 1,113 { 263/313] 576 1814 | 267 1614 | 529 483 | 1,012 268/245 | 513 | 1814} 241 | 1815 | 632 | 567 | 1,199 1 290] 294} 584 1815 | 281 1815 | 556 | 548 | 1,104 | 266] 249 | 515 1815 | 271 | 1816 1577 | 543 | 1,120 | 329/333 | 662 1816 | 260 1816 | 530 | 520 | 1,050 | 255|244 | 499 1816 | 263 | 1817 | 593 590 | 1,153 | 348|.303 | 651 1817 | 215 1817 | 534 Bae one 281/320 | 601 1817 | 247 | 1818 | 589 | 532) 1,121 1312] 352] 664 1818 | 267 1818 | 584 | 529! 1,113 | 273/275 | 548 1818 | 229 } 1819 | 615 | 529] 1,144 13121305] 617 1819 | 256 1819 | 503 496 | 999 '260/305| 565 4.1819] 252 | 1820 | 567 | 569 | 1,136 1 334/384] 718 | 1820] 245 1820 | 606 568 | 1,174 268\244 | 512 1820 | 252 The above Assrracr is collected from the Registers of, Aber- ‘Ue Ghote sbeuntilce is eollerted front:thie Begeters of, pare ley C. West Bretton C. Cawthorne P.C. Cumberworth C. Darton V. Denby C. Q FelkirkV. Hemsworth R. High Hoyland R. PenistoneV. Roystone V, Silkstone V. Tankersley R. Woolley C. Worsbo- rough C, Wortley C. and of Wragby P. C. (‘) Also from a Register of Quakers at Denby. WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH AND TICKHILL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males| Fe | Total. Males} e- | Total. | Years. | Mar- ales. ___|males. riages. 1811 |1,874/1,721] 3,595 |1,263,1,237| 2,500 | 1811] 1,097 1812 |1,890|1,730| 3,620 41,162/1,153] 2,315 | 1812]1,039 1813 /1,793|1,756] 3,549 |1,137|1,065| 2,202 | 1813] 1,085 1814 |1,830|1,792| 3,622 ]1,117/1,072| 2,189 | 1814/ 1,175 1815 |2,099)2,046| 4,145 41,420/1,254/ 2,674 | 1815 | 1,325 1816 [2,076 |2,016| 4,092 |1,263/1,129| 2,992 | 1816] 1,328 1817 2,127|2098 4,165 |1,4461,309] 2.755 | 181'7| 1,007 1818 |2,049]1,920/ 3,969 ]1,301|1,226] 2,597 | 18181 1,252 1819 |2,024)1,934) 3,958 |1,425/1,355| 2,780 3 1819] 1,181 1820 11,974 |1,900 3,871 11,456/1,314) 2,770 | 1820] 1,142 ‘The above Agsrracr is collected from the Registers of, Adwick- le-Street V. Adwick-upon-Dearne P.C. Anston P.C. Arksey V. Armthorpe RB. Aston-with-Aughton R. Austerfield C. Barnborongh R. Barmby-upon-Don V. Bawtry C. Bolton-upon-Dearne V. Bradfield C. Braithwell V. Brodsworth V. Cantley V. Conisbrough V. Darfield V. Dinnington R, Ecclesfield V. Edlington R. Firbeck P. C. Fishlake V. Frickley oe Clayton) C. GreasbroughC. Handsworth R. Hart- hill R. Hatfield P.C. Hickleton P.C. Hooton-Pagnell V. Hooton- Roberts R. Low Hoyland R. St. John’s with Letwell C. Kirk-Sandal with Sandal-Parva) R. Laughton-en-le-Morthen V. Maltby V. Marr .C, Melton-on-the-Hill P.C. Mexbrough P.C. Raventfield P, C. Rawmarsh R. Rotherham V. Sheffield V.(”) Sprotbrough R. Stainton (otherwise Stenton) V. Swinton C.(*) Thorne P.C. Thorpe-Salvin P.C. Thrybergh R. Thurnscoe R. Tickhill V. Tinsley C. Todwick R. Treeton R. Wadworth V. Wales P.C. Warmsworth V. or R, Wath- upon-Dearne V. Wentworth C. Whiston R. and of Wickersley R. (") Sheffield includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Attercliffe, Ecclesall, St. James, and St. Paul. (*) The Register at Swinton C. commences in the year 1815, LIBERTY OF RIPON, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fe- | ‘otal. Males| Fe- Total. { Years, | Mar- males! ‘males, Tiages, — 1811 |141|}121| 262 | 83] 94] 177 | 1811] 76 1812 }140/146! 286 go} 69] 159 1812 | 102 1813 | 139 | 149 | 288 551 771 132 1813] 92 1814 |149 | 128 | 277 76 |104] 180 1814] 95 1815 |185 } 161! 346 f102] 89] 191 1815 | 105 1816 |189 | 141] 330 87} 68} 155 1816} 94 1817 |159 | 148} 307 74) 92| 166 1817| 93 1818 | 172 |142 | 314 89 }100{ 189 1818] 99 1819 [182 | 132] 314 81} 78) 159 1819] 91 1820 ]155 |166| 321 | 85] 95| 180 {| 1820] +6 The above Asstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Bishop- | Monkton C. Bishop-Thornton C. Feliskirk (with Boltby) V. Nidd V. Collegiate Church of Ripon P.C. Sawley C. and of Skelton C. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish-Registets.: 144 or = — —_—_ ES COUNTY OF YORK (WEST RIDING)—continued. BOROUGH OF DONCASTER, AND SOKE OF THE SAME. | | TOWN AND LIBERTY OF LEEDS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - | BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES, Years. [Males| Pe- | Total. Males} Fe | Yotal. | Years. | Mar- | Years. |Males| Fe | Total. [Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males.! males. viages. | males. ; as males. Nehet riages. 1811 }124/117 | 241 71 | 71] 142 1811 | ma 1811 }1,030/1,021) 2,051 | 610, Go7 | 1,217 | 1811] 581 1812 {128 }126] 254 781 | 73] 154 | 1812) 81 1812 | 977) 941] 1,918 | 696/635 {1,331 | 1812] 583 1813 1275114] 241 70 | 85} 155 1813, 75 1813 |1,007/1,026; 2,033 | 699/676 | 1,375 | 1813] 6&3 1814 }125 [121 | 246 81 | 71} 152 1814) 76 1814 |1,076} 985] 2,061 § 724)71811,442 | 1814] 688 t 1815 |142 |138| 280 89 | 771 166 1815; 69 | 1815 |1,217/1,237] 2,454 | 754] 727/1,481 | 1815] 829 1816 {121 /118| 239 jf 91 | Q6] 187 1816) 71 | 1816 |1,197/1,189| 2,386 | 787/773 }1,560 | 1816, 788 1817 |139 |139| 278 7 89 | 95} 184 1817) 75 1817 |1,269)1,198) 2,467 | 905/852 11,757 | 1817] 77g 1818 j 121 ]118| 239 | 99 | 104] 203 1818] 70 1818 [1,253/1,209| 2,462 [1,027/ 985 | 2,012 | 1818] 887 1819 1117 )130) 247 82 }101 |; 183 1819} 77 2,582 | 841/812 /1,653 | 1819] 8o1 1820 | 130 116 | 246 | 87 | 72] 159 1820] 76 2,491 1 770)'74611,516 | 1820] 806 1819 |1,292/1,290 1820 |1,284/1,207 Don- The above Ansrract is collected from the Registers of, Chapel- Allerton C. Armley C. Beeston C. Bramley C. FarnleyC. Head- ingley C. Holbeck C. Hunslet C. St. John’s C. Leeds V.(7) St. Paul C. (*) aud of Wortley C. (#) { | (¥) Marriages take place at the Mother Church only, in Leeds. The above Asstracrt is collected from the Registers of, caster V. Loversall P.C. and of Rossington R. (2) Burials only take place at St. Paul’s C. (7) The Chapel at Wortley was consecrated in the year, 1813. me. a SS SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (WEST RIDING). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. SS = = 1811 | 10,298 | 9,573 | 19,871 1811 | 5,706 | 5,727 | 11,433 1811 | 5,671 1812 | 10,174] 9,588 | 19,762 1812 | 5,511 | 5,578 | 11,089 1812 | 5,381 1813 10,036 9,705 | 19,741 1813 5571 55434 11,005 1813 5,672 1814 | 10,506 | 10,064 | 20,570 1814 5,838 5,758 11,596 1814 6,247 1815 | 11,833 | 11,202 | 23,035 1815 6,123 6,026 | 12,149 1815 6,862 1816 11,565 | 11,010 | 22,575 1816 6,499 6,307 12,806 1816 6,554 1817 | 11,560 | 11,034 | 22,594 1817 6,966 6,465 | 13,431 1817 6,049 1818 11,303 {| 10,825 | 29,128 1818 6,776 6,599 13,375 1818 6,618 1819 | 11,518 | 10,804 | 22,32¢ 1819 6,669 6,606 | 13,275 1819 6,492 1820 | 11,525 | 10,938 | 22,463 1820 6,554 6,268 12,822 1820 6,516 Toraus| 110,318 | 104,743 | 215,061 - + | 62,213 | 60,768 | 122,981 - - | 62,062 The Summary of the West Riding of the County of Yor« is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Ninety-four Parish Churches and One hundred and Four Chapels, and from Five Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz, Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 2,084 ;—Burials, 964 ;—Marriages, 6. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 145 Summary of England. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years, | Marriages. —” ——~ ——’” 1811 147,523 141,907 289,430 1811 | 90,541 | 89,226 179,767 1811 81,930 1812 | 146,171 140,963 | 284,134 1812 | 91,681 90,098 | 181,779 1812 | 77,818 1813 152,348 146,337 | 298,685 1818 | 89,149 } 88,218] 144,367 1813 | 79,205 1814 154,687 147,799 302,486 1814 | 98,662 | 97,798 | 196,460 1814 | 87,933 1815 167,638 160,783 "| 328,421 1815 | 94,812 | 93,374 | 188,186 1815 | 94,786 1816 160,319 153,875 314,194 || 1816 | 98,853 | 97,030 | 195,883 1816 | 87,156 1817 161,441 155,089 316,530 1817 | 95,619 | 93,099 | 188,718 1817 | 83,739 1818 161,773 155,398 317,171 1818 | 101,944 |100,226 {| 202,180 1818 | 88,430 1819 | 163,043 154,037 317,980 1819 {101,006 {100,996 | 202,002 1819 | 90,776 1820 168,205 160,025 328,230 1820 } 99,438 | 99,196 | 198,634 1820 | 91,729 ToTALs | 1,583,148 } 1,517,113 | 3,100,261 - - |961,705 |949,271 | 1,910,976 - - | 863,502 THE SUMMARY OF ENGLAND is collected from Returns extracted from the Registers of Nine thousand Six hundred and Thirty-six Parish Churches, and Eight hundred and Fifty-one Chapels ; and it is believed that no more than Four Returns remain due; viz. from Great Waltham in Essex; from Bishton in Monmouthshire; from Whitchurch and from Tufton in the County of Southampton. Ninety-nine Returns of the Registers of Hospitals, Workhouses, Roman Catholics, Quakers and Dissenters, were received, and are included in the above Summary ; and many Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 20,696 ;—Burials, 8,770 ;—Marriages, 191. 140 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers, THales. MANY of the Parishes in Wales extending beyond the limits of the Hundred wherein the Parish Church is situate, a distinct Parish Register Statement for each Hundred might have produced Error instead of Information ; wherefore, no more than a SumMaRyY of each County in WALEs is given in the following Pages. : = a ne A PEE AR EE SA M.DCCC.XxI.] SRT WE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4 147 earn cr Cales. County of Anglesey. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. County of Brecon. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Bodedern P.C. Bodwrog P. C. Ceirchiog P.C. Llanbeulan R. Llandrygarn P. C. } Llanfaelog P.C. Lianfair-yn-eubwllC. —_Llanfihangel-yn-howyn C. | Llantrisaint R. Tlanynghenedl P. C. } Llechyliched P. C. (in the Hundred of Llyfon). (?) ! Aberffraw R. Cerrigceinwen P.C. Heneglwys R. Llangadwalladr R. | Llangristiolus P.C. Llangwyfan P.C. Trefdraeth R. and of Trewal- : achmai P.C. (in the Hundred of Maltraeth). Llanbedr-Newborough R. Llanddaniel Fab P.C. Llanedwen V. | Llanffinan P.C. Llanfihangel Esceifiog P.C. Llangaffo P.C. Llan- . Geidio C. Rhoscolyn R. and of Tregayan P. C. (in the Hundred of ; Menai). : Llanbabo P.C. Llanbadric V. Llandensaint R. Llanfachraeth R. Llanfaethly R. Llanfairynghornwy C. Llanfechell R. Llanfflewyn P. C, b Llanfwrog P.C. Llanrhuddlad R, and of Llanrhwydrus P.C, (in the | Hundred of Talybolion). (>) b Amlwch P.C, Bodewryd P.C. Coedana P.C. Lilanalgo C. Llan- | dyfrydog R. Llanelian or St. Elian R. Lilaneugrad R. Llanfihangel- b Tre’r-Beridd P.C. Llanwenllwyfo P.C. Penrhoslligwy P. C. and of | Rhosbeirio C. (in the Hundred of Twrcelyn). i Llanbedr-Géch P, C. Llanddona P.C. LlandyfnanR. Llandegfan R. } fair-pwllgwyngyll R. Llanfihangel-Tynsylwy P. C. 4 : Llaniestyn V. Llansadwrn R. Penmon P. C. Penmynydd P. C. and » of Pentraeth P. C. (in the Hundred of Tyndaethwy). ; St Mary P.C. (in the Borough of Beaumaris). Holyhead P. C. (in the Town of Holyhead), (#) The Church at Llanllibio being dilapidated, the Inhabitants resort ‘to the adjoining Churches of Llantrisaint and Bodedern. ‘ (>) The Church at Llanfigel being in a dilapidated state, no Duty Tal SESE Llandisilio P. C. LlanfaesP.C. Lianfair-mathafern-eithaf P.C. Llan- ‘ Llangoed P. C. Llechcynfarwg P.C. and of [ gefni R. Llangeinwen R. Llangwillog P.C. Lianidan V. Rhody- | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- 3 Years. |Males| clog | Total. {Males ae Total. | Years. ee Years. |Males ie Total. {Males ae Total. | Years. ed 1811 | 473} 485] 958 }1981183] 381 | 1811 | 286 1811 | 418) 353] 771 [320/296] 616] 1811 | 269 1812 | 491/475] 966 }197/241] 438 | 1812 305 1812 [418] 364) 782 |300]300] 600 | 1812 | 254 1813 | 543] 451) 994 |230/266} 496 | 1813 | 315 1813 | 452} 364] 816 [330/288] 618] 1813] 263 1814 | 565 | 442| 1,007 | 292/274! 566 | 1814 | 319 1814 | 408] 392] 800 {299]/327| 626] 1814] 316 1815 | 561 | 440} 1,001 | 280} 246] 526 | 1815 | 304. 1815 | 452} 374| 826 J270/ 273) 543] 1815 | 283 1816 | 476] 485| 961 }274/284] 558 | 1816 | 337 1816 | 437/374] 811 318/279} 597 | 1816 | 2473 1817 | 490] 450] 940 |. 263]242] 505 | 1817 | 306 1817 1374) 350] 724 13131331] 644 | 1817 264 1818 | 4511449] 900 [335/318] 653 | 1818 | 325 1818 |347/298} 645 [347/337] 684] 1818] 252 1819 | 5391424} 963 [346] 382] 728 | 1819 | 327 1819 | 387/324] 711 1330/312| 642} 1819 | 302 1820 | 533] 475| 1,008 }277| 284] 561 | 1820 | 341 1820 | 360} 354} 714 | 282/270} 552 11820 | 341 Totals | 5,122] 4,576] 9,698 2,693) 2,720] 5,412 3,165 Totals 4,053 3,547 7,600 | 3,109] 3,013, 6,122 2,820 The above Anstuacr is collected from the Registers of, Allte mawr P.C, Llanafawfawr V. Llanavan-vechan P.C. — Llandewi- Abergwessin P.C. Llanfair in Builth P,C. Llandowyr-CwmR. Llan- fihangel-Abergwessin P.C. Llanfihangelbrynpabiean P.C. Llangam- march V._ Lianganten P.C. Llangynog P. C. Lianllconfel P. C. Lianwrthwl V. Lianwrtyd (with Llandewi) P.C. Llanynis R. Maes- mynis R. New Church or Tyr-Abbot P. C, (in the Hundred of Builth), Crickhowell V. Lanbeder R. Llanelly P.C. Llangattock R. Llan- genney P.C, Llangunider R. St. Michael Cwmda V. and of Par- trishow P.C. (in the Hundred of Crickhowell) (4). Bettws Chapel (in Llanspythid Parish) C, Callwen Chapel C, Devynnock V. St. Iltid (in Devynnock Parish) C. Llanspythid V. Liywell V. Penderin R, Rhydybrew (in Llywell Parish) C. ” Ystrad- gynlais (including Cuolbren) R. and of Ystradvelty P.C. (in the Hundred of Devynnock). AberyscirV. Battle P.C. Gaerthbrengy P.C. Llandefailogfach R. Liandilorfane P. C. Llanfihangel-fechan C. (>) Llanfihangel-nant-Brane P.C. Llanthew P.C. Merthyr-Cynog V. and of Tralldng P. C. (in - ae Hundred of Merthir). antreff R. Llandefailog-tref-graig P.C. Llangasty-Talyllyn R. Llanhamlach R, Llansaintfraed R Lianthetty R. (®) "iain R. Lianvillo R. Llanvrynach R. Llanywern P. C. Nant-ddQC. Tale lachdda R. and of Vaynor R. (in the Hundred of Penkelly), Broynllis V. Cathedine R. Crickadarn V. Gwenddwr P. C, Hay V. Llandevalleg R. Llanelieu R. Llanfihangel-Tal-y-llyn R. Llangorse V. ara Llyswen R. and of Talgarth V. (in the Hundred of'Tal- garth). St. David's V. and of St. John-the-Evangelist (with St. Mary P.C.) V. (in the Borough of Brecon). ‘ (#) St. Michael-Cwmda includes Tretower C. (°) No Register kept at Llanfihangel-fechan previous to the year 181 9. (§) Lianthetty includes Taf-fychan. : (4) Glasbury, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Painscastle Hun- dred, Radnorshire: It is remarkable that although the Population of the County of Brecon has increased, the number of Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, do not appear from the Parish Register Returns to have increased, but on the contrary to have decreased in number, j bas been performed there during the last Ten Years. a The Summary of the County of ANGLEszEY is col- * lected from the Registers of Sixty-six Parish Churches and : Six Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return whatever * remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms, 152 3—Burials, 16. The Summary of the County of Brucow is collected from the Registers of Sixty-six Parish Churches and: Six Chapels; and itis believed that no Return whatever remains due:—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz, Annual-Average-Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 78 ; Burials, 55. 148 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Cardigan. [ Parish-Registers.. © County of Carmarthen. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. {Males Fe- | Total. [Males| Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. [Maley Fe- } Total, [Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. males. males riages. 1811 | 717 | 635 1812 | 606 | 590 1813 | 677! 540 1814 | 718 | 637 1815 | 728 | 681 1816 | 691 | 580 1817 | 710 | 602 1818 | 609 | 493 1819 | 665 | 585 1820 | 690 | 584 1,3524377| 357] 734 | 1811 | 375 1,196] 335] 329] 66471812 | 328 1,217] 344| 349] 693 | 1813 | 373 1,355] 458| 439| 897 | 1814 | 375 1,409 }388] 380] 768] 1815 | 389 1,2711378] 399] 777 | 1816 | 354 1,312 442] 429; 871 | 1817} 420 1,102} 600| 648] 1,248 | 1818 | 358 1,2501480| 462] 942 4|1819 | 366 1,2741349]414| 763 | 1820] 391 Totals | 6,811! 5,987)12,738 }4,154] 4,206] 8,357 J - - 13,729 1811 | 877/742 1,090f 1811 | 655 1812 | 791 | 637 1813 | 875] 759 1,619] 540 | 550 1,428] 447/459} go6} 1812) 584 1,634] 474]}426} goo} 1813 | 614 1814 | 934] 774} 1,708]5181530] 1,048] 1814 | 665 1815 | 875/798} 1,673]496| 496] 992] 1815.) 739 1816 | 854] 730] 1,584]528| 514] 1,042] 1816 | 734 1817 | 826] 741! 1,567] 692 | 643] 1,335] 1817 | 629. 1818 | 711 |629] 1,340]647| 625] 1,272) 1818 | 574 1,546] 601 | 667} 1,268] 1819 | 615 1,511]484]475| 959] 1820) 672 1819 | 834] 712 1820 | 797 | '714 | Totals | 8,374 7,23615,610 [5,427 ere - - | 6,481 The above Anstracrt is collected from the Registers of, ——Aberyst- with C. Egwysfach C. Llanbadarnfawr V. Lilancynfelin P.C. and of Llanfihangel-Genewr-Glynn V. (in the Hundred of Genewr-Glynn) Cilcennin P.C. Eglwys-newyddC. GwnnwsP.C. Henfynyw P.C. Kilian-Ayron R. Llanafan P. C. Llanbadarn-Tref-Eglwys V. Lland- deinol P. C. Landewi-Aberarth P. C. Lanfihangel-y-Croyddyn V. Lianilar V. Llanrhystyd V. Liansainffraed V. Llanychaiarn P. C. Llangrwyddon P.C. Lledrod P.C. RhostieR. TrefilanR. Yspytty- Cenfyn P. C. Yspytty-Ystwith P. C. and of Ystrad Meirig P. C. (in the Hundred of Ilar (*). Bettws-BledrwsR. Bettws-LeikiP.C. Dehewid P. C. Garthely C. Kellan R. Lampeter V.(>) Lianarth V. Liandyssilio Gogo V. Llanerchayrone P.C. Llanfair-Clydoge P. C. Llanfihangel Ystrad V. Llangrannog V. Llangyby P.C. Lilanina P.C. Lianllwchaiarn R. Llanwenog V. Llanwnen V. and of Sylian V. (in the Hundred of Moyddyn). Blaenpenal C. Caron V. Caron-Uwch-Clawdd, otherwise Strata FloridaC. Llanbadarn Odyn P.C. Llanddewibrefi P. C. Llangeitho R. and of Nantewnlle V. (in the Hundred of Penarth). Aberporth R. Bangor R. Bettws Evan P.C. Blaenporth P. C. Brongwyn P. C. Henllan R. Lilandyfriog V(°). Llandygwy P. C, Liandyssul V. Lilanfair-Orllwyn R. Llangoedmawr R. LlangynlloR. Ulechryd P. C. Mount P. C. Penbryn V. Tremain P.C. Troedy- raur R. and of Verwick V. (in the Hundred of Troedyraur (°). St. Mary V. (in the Town of Cardigan). (*) The Church of Rhostie was rebuilt in the year 1816, (®) Numerous applications for the Parish Register Return of Lam- peter having been unsuccessful, the Return for that Parish of 1811 has been entered and included in the totals of this County, in order to produce an approximation, and for the sake of conformity. (©) Llandyfriog includes Llanfairtrelygon, The Summary of the County of Carpiean is col- lected from the Registers of Sixty-four Parish Churches, and Six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return (ex- cept that of Lampeter) remains due——Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 201 ; Burials, 10. The above Asstract is collected from the Registers of, LlanedyR. Llanelly V. Llangennech P. C. and of Llannon P.C. (in the Hun- dred of Carnwallon). Abergorlech C. (7) Brechfa R. Llanegwad V. Llanfihangel-ar- Arth V. Llanfihangel-Cilfargen R. Llanfihangel-Rhés-y-corn P. C. Llanfynydd V. Llangathen V. Lilanllwni V. Llanybyther V. Llanycrwys P. C. and of Pencarreg V. (in the Hundred of Cathinog), Cilyewm V. Cynwil Gayo, alias Caio V. Llandilo-fawr V. Llan- dyfeisant P. C. Llansawel V. Llanwrda V. and of Talley P. C. (in the Hundred of Cayo). St. Clears V. Eglwys-Cymmun R. Eglwysfair-a-Cherrig C. Egre- mont P. C. Henllan Amgoed R. Kiffig P.C. Kilmaenllwyd R. Llangharne V._ Llanboidy V. (®) Llandawke R. Lilandilo-Aber- cowin P. C. Lilandissilio V. Llandowror R. Llangain P.C. Llan- gan V. Lilanginning P.C. Llanglydwen R.. Llangunog P.C. Llan- sadurnen R. Llanstephan V. Lilanvallteg R. Llanvihangel-Aber- cowin P.C. Llanwinio P. C. Marros P. C. Mydrim V. and of Pendine R. (in the Hundred of Derllys). Abergwilly V. Abernant V. Convil in Elvet C. Kenarth V. Kilrhedyn R. Llangeler V. Lianllawddog P.C. Lilanpumsaint P. C. Merthyr R. Newchurch P. C. Penboyr R. and of Treleach-ar- Bettws V. (in the Hundred of Elvet). Bettws P.C. Lilanarthney V. Lianddarog P.C. Llandybie V. and of Llanfihangel-Aberbythych P. C. (in the Hundred of Iskennen). St. Ishmael V. Llandefilog V. Llangendeirn P. C. Llangunnor V. St. Mary, Kidwelly V. and of Penbre or Pembrey V. (in the Hundred of Kidwelly.) Llanddoisaint P. C. Lilandingad V. Lianfairarybryn Vv. Llanga- dock V. Llansadwrn V. Mothvey V. and of Taliaris C. (in the Hun- dred of Perfedd). Llanllwch C. and of St. Peter V. (in the Town of Carmarthen.) (*) Burials only take place at Abergorlech C. (®) Llanboidy includes Eglwysvair Glantave. The Summary of the County of CarMARTHEN is col- lected from the Registers of Seventy-six Parish Churches and Five Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return what: | ever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-~ entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz, Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 504; Burials, 296. —= M.DCCC.XXI.] ee County of Carnarvon. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. Q4. 149 County of Denbi gh. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. [Males Fe- Total. |Males! Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, |Males| Fe | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total, | Years. Mar- males males. riages. 1811 | 793 | 689 1812 | 702 | 682 1813 | 768 | 660 1814 | 760 | 693 1815 |'714 |728 1816 | 787 | 667 1817 |681 1583 1818 | 668 | 596 1819 | 656 | 608 1,4821347|344| 691] 1811] 304 1,384] 367/363! 730] 1812} 353 1,428] 369|369| 738 11813} 408 1,4531419/375| 794 | 1814] 406 1,442] 340/332) 672 | 1815 | 466 1,454}438 | 390} 828 | 1816) 435 1,264] 458/352| 810 $1817] 384 1,264] 497 |447| 944 | 1818 | 353 1,2641573 |532|1,105 ; 1819 | 392 1,2531386|385| 771 | 1820 | 369 1820 | 654 |599 | Totals | 7,183 6,505|13,688 }.4,194 3,889) 8,083 |" | | 3,960 1811 | 951| 879| 1,830]520] 496] 1,016] 1811 | 452 1812 | 982/913) 1,895] 485/532} 1,017] 1812 | 489 1813 | 931/945 | 1,876] 566| 557] 1,123] 1818 | 568 1814 |1,044) 992 | 2,036]555!569| 1,124] 1814 | 524 1815 |1,084' 958 | 2,042] 680] 586] 1,266] 1815 | 562 1816 |1,011]912| 1,923] 742/710] 1,452] 1816 | 478 1817 | 886} 918} 1,804] 651 | 601] 1,252] 1817 | 494 1818 | 906] 917| 1,823] 676| 679) 1,355} 1818 | 476 1819 | 954|913| 1,867] 659 | 660} 1,319] 1819 | 512 1820 |1,048] 949 | 1,997 | 638 | 623 | 1,261] 1820 | 516 5,071 U Totals | 9,797] 9,296 19,093 |6,172 ii ea 85 The above Azstracr is collected from the Registers of,——Aber- daron V. Bryncroes P.C. Llandeguuning P.C. Llanengan R. Llan- faelrhys P.C. Llangunadle P.C. Meyliteyrne R. Penllech P.C, and of Rhiw R. (in the Hundred of Commit-maen). Eglws-Rhés P.C. Llandudno P.C. Llangwstenin P. C. and of Llysfaen R. (in the Hundred of Creuddyn). Abererch V. (#) Bodfean or Bodeon R. Ceidio P.C. Edern R. Llandidwen P. C. Llaniestyn R. Llannor V. NefynP.C. Pistyll P.C. and of Tydweiliog P. C. (in the Hundred of Dinlaen). Beddgelert P. C. Criccieth R. Dolbenmaen C. Lianarmon P. C, Llanfihangel-y-pennant P.C. Llangybi R. Llanystindwy R. Pen- morfa R. Treflys P.C. and of Ynyscynhaiarn P.C. (in the Hundred of Efionydd). Bottwnog P.C. Carngiwch P.C. Denio P. C. Lianbedrog R. Llangian P. C. and of Llanvihangel-Bachelleth P. C. (in the Hundred of Gafflogion). Caerhun V. Conway V. Gyffin P.C. Llanbedr-y-Cennin R. and of Llangelynin R. (in the Hundred of Isaf ). Bettws-Garmon P.C. Llanbeblig V.(>) LlanberisR. Lilandde- niolen R. Llanfaglen P.C. Lianfairisgaer V. and of Llanfihangel-yn- Rag (otherwise Llanrfg) R. in the Hundred of Isgorfai). Bettws-y-Coed P.C. Dolwyddelan P.C. Lianrhychwyn P.C. Penmachno V. and of Trefryw K. (in the Hundred of Nant-Conway). Aber R. Capel-Curig C. Dwygyfylchi V. Llandegai P. C. St. Ann’s Llandegai C. (©) Lianfairfechan R. and of Llanllechyd R. (in the Hundred of Uchaff ). Clynnog V. Llanaelhaiarn R. Llandwrog R. Llanllyfni R. and of Llanwnda V. (in the Hundred of Uwchgorfai). Bangor V. (in the City of Bangor). (*) Abererch includes Penrhos Cynwil. (*) Llanbeblig includes Carnarvon C. () St. Ann’s Chapelry was consecrated in July 1813. The above Ansrracr is collected from the Registers of, Gres- ford V. Holt P. C. Marchwiel R. Ruabon V. and of Wrexham V. (#) (in the Hundred of Bromfield). (>) Chirk V. Llanarmon-dyffrin-Ceiriog R. Llanarmon-Mynyddmawr P. C. Llancadwalader P.C. Llangedwyn P.C. Llangollen V. Llan- thaidr-yn-Mochnant V. __Llansaintfraed-Glynn-Ceiriog P.C. and of Llansillin V. (in the Hundred of Chirk), Cerrigydrnidion R. Gwytherin R. (©) Henllan V, Llanfairtalhaiarn P. C. Llanfihangel-Glyn-y-Myfyr P. C. Llangernieio V. Llangwn V. | Llanrhaiadr V. Llansannan R. Lianufydd V. Nantglyn V. Voylas P.C. (°) and of Yspytter-Evan P. C. (in the Hundred of Isaled). Abergele V. Bettws-yn-Rhés V. Eglwysfach V. St. George R. St. Germans C. Llanddoget R. Llandrillo-yn-Rhés V. Llanddilas R. Llanelian R. Llanrwst V. and of Llansaintffraid-Glan-Conwas R. (in the Hundred of Isdulas). Clocaenog R. DerwenR. Efenechtyd R. Gyffiliog P.C. Llanbedr- dyffryn-Clwydd R. Llandyrnog R. Lianelidan R. Llanfair-Dyffryn- Clwyd V. Llanfwrog R. Llangwyfen R. Llangynhafal R. Llanrhydd P.C. Llanychan R. Llanynys V. and of Ruthin P.C. (in the Hun- dred of Ruthin). Bryn-Eglwys P. C. Llanarmon-in-Yal V. Llandegla R. Llanferres R. and of Llandysilio P. C. (in the Hundred of Yale). Denbigh R. and V. (in the Town of Denbigh). (#) Wrexham includes Minera, C. and Bersham-Drelincourt C. (°) Bangor and Iscoyd, partly in Bromfield Hundred, are entered in Maylor Hundred, Flintshire. (£) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Gwytherin, and at Bethells in Voylas Parish. The Summary of the County of CaRNARVON is col- lected from the Registers of Sixty-six Parish Churches and Three Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return whatever ‘Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 206 ;—Burials, 38. ‘remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered | The Summary of the County of Denreu is collected from the Registers of Fifty-eight Parish Churches and One Chapel, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 1'74 ;—Burials, 33. 150 T County of Flint. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER | [Parish-Registers County of Glamorgan. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES., BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES, Years. {Males a Total. {Males re Total. | Years. s = Years, | Males So Total. {Males ee iss Total. | Years. oo 1811 | 802 | 704] 1,506] 397/391] 788] 1811 | 268 1811 | 1,015) 888] 1,903] 615 | 527| 1,142] 1811] 6ag 1812 | 815| 717] 1,5321/367|372| 739 | 1812] 266 1812 | 908) 822) 1,730]545|525| 1,070] 1812 | 572 1813 | 805] 750} 15551374370] 744 ] 1813] 328 1813 | 1,098] 949} 2,047} 658 | 614) 1,272] 1818 | 588 1814 | 768) 699| 1,467]414) 420] 834 | 1814] 276 1814. | 1,055) 921 | 1,976} 643] 750| 1,393] 1814 | 614 1815 | 836 | 831 | 1,6671459/435| 894] 1815 | 318 1815 | 1,041) 914] 1,9554592 | 625 |.1,217] 1815 | 708 1816 | 830} 752] 1,582] 482/436] 918 | 1816} 239 1816 | 999] 930] 1,929] 676] 615] 1,291] 1816 | 665 1817 {791 | 731} 1,5221447/430] 877 | 1817 | 238 1817 | 998) 863} 1,861)-739] 714] 1,453] 1817] 580 1818 | 753] 707} 1,460}457/ 439] 896] 1818 | 290 1818 | 966/871] 1,837] 697 | 641] 1,338] 1818 | 603 1819 1777 | 767) 1,544]458| 461] g19 | 1819 | 326 1819 | 1,020) 878| 1,898} 825] 790} 1,615] 1819 | 765 1820 | 812] 765} 1,57714701 440] 910 | 1820 | 344 1820 | 1,031] 893 | 1,924] 674] 649] 1,323] 1820] 840 Totals |7,989] 7,423]15,412 ie 8519 | - - | 2,893 Totals |10131/ 8,929]19,060 [6,664] 6,450/13,114] - - | 6,564 The above Asstracrt is collected from the Registers of, Cilcen V. Flint P.C. Halkin R. Northop BR. and V. and of Whitford V. (in the Hundred of Coleshill). Bangor R. Erbistock R. Hanmer V. Hope (otherwise Queen Hope) R. Iscoyd C. Overton P. C. Penley C. and of Worthen- bury R. (in the Hundred of Maylor). Hawarden R. Mold V. Nerquis C. and of Treuddyn C. (in the Hundred of Mold). / Dyserth P.C. Gwaunyscor R. LlanasaV. Meliden P. C. and of Newmarket P. C. (in the Hundred of Prestatyn). St. Asaph V. Bodfary R. Caerwys R. and V. Cwm (otherwise Combe) V. Dymnrchion, or Tremerchion V. Nannerch R. Rhudd- fan V. and of Ysceifiog R. (in the Hundred of Rhuddlan.) Holywell V. (in the Town of Holywell). The Summary of the County of Fiinr is collected from the Registers of Twenty-seven Parish Churches and Four Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following Amount; viz. Annual Average Number uf Un-entered Baptisms, 87 ; Burials, -. The above Azsrracr is collected from the Registers of, ——Eglwy- silan V.(#) Gellygaer R. Llanvabon V. Merthyr-Tydfil R. Rud- dry P. C. and of Whitchurch C. (in the Hundred of Caerphilly). St. Athan R. Cowbridge P.C. Eglwysbrewis R. Flemingston R. GilestonR, St. Hilary V. Llanblethian V. Llandough R. Lian- haran P. C. Llanhary R. Lianilid R. Llanmaes (otherwise Llan- mase) R. Llanmihangel R. Llansannor R. Llantwitt Major P. C, Llisworney V. St. Mary Church R. Pendoylon V. — Welsh St. Donats P. C. and of Ystradowen P. C. (in the Hundred of Cowbridge). St. Andrews R.(°) Barry R. Bonvilstone P.C. St. Brides-upon- Ely R. Cadoxton (near Barry) R. Cogan P.C. St. Fagan R. St. George R. Llandough R. Llancarvan V. Lianilltern P. C. Llan- trithyd R. Llavernock R. Lleckwith R. St. Llythans V. Merthyr- dovan R._ Michaelstone-le-Pit R. Michaelstone-above-Ely R. St. Nicholas R. Penarth V. Penmark V. Peterston-above-Ely R. roe R. Sully R. and of Wenvoe R. (in the Hundred of Dinas Powis). Caire P. C. Llandaff Cathedral Church P. C. Lilanedarn V. Lianishen P.C. Llisvane P. C. and of Roath V. (in the Hundred of Kibbor). Llangevelach V. Llangwick P. C. and of Llansamlet P. C. (in the Tiundred of Llangevelach). Aberdare P. C. Llantrissant V. Llantwitvairdre P C. Llan- wonno P.C. Pentirch V. Radir V. and of Ystradyfodwg P.C. (in the Hundred of Miskin). Aberavon V. Baglan P. C. Britonferry P. C. Cadoxton near Neath V. Glyncorrwg P.C. Kilybebyll R. Llantwit near Neath P. C. Michaelston upon Avon P.C. and of Neath R. (in the Hundred of Neath). Bettws P.C. St. Bride’s-the-less R. Coychurch R. Coyty R. Llaleston P.C. Llangynoyd V. Margam P.C. NewcastleV. New- | ton-Nottage R. Peterstone-on-the-HillC. _ Pyle (with Kenfigg) V. and of Tythegston P. C. (in the Hundred of Newcastle). St. Bride’s-the-Great V. ColwinstoneV. St. Donats V. Ewenny P.C. Llandow R. Llandyfodog V. Llangan R. Llangeinor P.C. Mar- crossR, St. Mary Hill R. Merthyr-Mawr P. C. Monknash P. C. Penlline V. and of Wick P. C. (in the Hundred of Ogmore) (°) Bishopston R. Cheriton R. IlstonR. St.John P.C. LlanddewiV. Liandilotalybout V. Llangenith V. Llanmadock R. Llanrhydian V. Loughor R. Nicholaston R. Oxwich R. Oystermouth P. C. Pen- maen R, Pennard V. Penrice P.C. Porteynon R. Reynoldston R. and of Rhocilly R. (in the Hundred of Swansea) (4). St. John’s and St. Mary’s V. (in the Town of Cardiff) St. Mary V. (in the Town of Swansea), (?) Eglwysilan includes the Return of St. Martin’s Chapel. (>) Also from a Register of Dissenters at St. Andrew’s. (*) The Church at St. Andrew Minor (Ogmore Hundred), is in ruins. (4) The Church at Knelston (Swansea Hundred), is in ruins. The Summary of the County of Guamorean is col- lected from the Registers of One Hundred and Twenty-one Parish Churches and Two Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials the following Amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 485; Burials, 190. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. ©. 94. 15r Soe County of Merioneth. | County of Montgomery. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ars. \Males Fe- |, : taleuti He- ; Mar- Years. ales! ales. Total foo pies: Total. | Years. singes. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total, bese Fe- | Total. | Years. | a" males. males. Tiages. 1811 | 425/342] 767 1214)254] 468 | 1811 214 1812 | 387/348] 735 |244]/239| 483 |] 1812] 213 1813 |3761348| 724 1265|270] 535] 1813} 224 1814 | 390/388} 778 }233]252) 485 | 1814 | 244 1815 | 387/372] 759 |209])235] 444 | 1815 244 1816 | 402|}360| 762 }244]280} 524 ]1816 | 233 1817 | 3511309] 660 [287/315] 602 | 1817) 204 1818 | 302/314] 616 } 298,326}; 624] 1818 | 179 1819 }293|290} 583 1252}287] 539] 1819} 181 1820 |334]295| 629 242/242) 484 } 1820 | 218 Totals |3,647'3,366| 7,013 }2,488|2,700; 5,188 2,154 1811 | 770/683} 1,4531405|445| 850] 1811 | 389 1812 | 773 | 692} 1,465]470|428| 898] 1812 | 369 1813 | 768|688| 1,456] 406/396| 802 }1813 | 368 1814 | 844] 751] 1,595)424|452| 876} 1814 | 412 1815 | 790! 740} 1,530] 406/410; 816] 1815 | 437 1816 | 844} 716} 1,560] 422/495) 917 | 1816 | 379 1817 | 716 1655} 1,371]541|503| 1,044 | J8L7 | 314 1818 | 655/580] 1,235$553 | 566] 1,119 | 1818 | 352 1819 | 779} 711} 1,490] 527 | 564] 1,091 | 1819 | 404 1820 | 732 | 692! 1,424] 444|427| 871 | 1820 | 408 Totals | 7,671;6,908/14,5'79 44,598, 4,686 9,284 3,832 | The above Austrract is collected from the Registers of, Fes- tiniog R. Llanaber R. Llanbeder R. Llandanwg R. Llanddwywa P. C. Llandeckwyn V. Llanelltyd P.C. Llanenddwyn R. (#) Llanfair-near- Harlech R. Llanfihangel-y-Traethan P.C. Llanfrothen R. Maentwrog P.C. and of Trawsfynydd R. (in the Hundred of Ardudwy). Bettws-Gwerfyl-Goch R. Corwen R. and V. (6) Gwyddelwen V. Llandrillo R. ‘Llangar R. and of Llansaintffraid-Glyn-Dyffrdwy R. (in the Hundred of Edernion). Ljanfibangel-y-Pennant P.C. Penalt P,C. Talyllyn P. C. and of Towyn V. (in the Hundred of Estimaner). Llandderfel R. Llanfawr V. Llangower R. Llanuwchllyn R. and of Llanycil R. (in the Hundred of Penllyn). LlanegrynV. Llanfachreth P. C. Liangelynin BR. Llanymowddwy R. and of Mallwyd R. (in the Hundred of Talybont). Dolgelly R. (in the Town of Dolgelly). (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Llanenddwyn. (>) Corwen is partly in Isaled Hundred (Denbigh). The Summary of the County of MzRioNETH is col- lected from the Registers of Thirty-four Parish Churches, and from One Register of Dissenters ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the | Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Uneutered Baptisms, 121 ;—Burials, 5. The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of ——, Castlecaercineon R. Forden P. C. and of Trelystan C. (in the Hundred of Cawrse). (#) Llandisilio P.C. LlandrinioR. Llansaintffraid V. and of Trinity Chapel C. (in the Hundred of Deythur). Hirnant R. Llanfihangel-yn-gwynfa R. Llanfyllin R. Llangynog R. Llanwddyn P.C. Myfod V. and of Pennant V. (in the Hundred } of Llanfyllin). Carno V. Llanddinam V. Liangirrig V. Llanidloes V. Lianwnog V. Penstrowed R. and of Tref-Eglwys V. (in the Hundred of Llanidloes). Cemmes R. Darowen V. Llanbryn-mair R. Llanwrin R. Machyn- lleth R. and of Penegos R. (in the Hundred of Machynlleth). GarthbeibioR. Llanerfy] R. Llanfaircaiereinion V. Llangadfan R. and of Llangyniew R. (in the Hundred of Mathrafel). Churchstoke P.C. Hyssington P.C. Kerry V. Montgomery R. Moughtrey P.C. and of Snead R. (in the Hundred of Montgomery). Aberhavesp R. Berriew V. Bettws-Caedewen V. Liandyssil R. Llanllugan P. C. Llanllwchaiarn V. Llanmerewig R. Llanwyddelan R. Manafon R. Newtown R.(>) and of Tregynon P. C. (in the Hundred of Newton). Guilsfield V. and of Lianfechen C. (in the Hundred of Pool). Buttington P. C. (*) and of Welsh-Pool V. (in the Town of Pool). (*) Abberbury, Wolston and Worthen, are partly in Cawrse Hup- | dred, but are entered in Chirbury Hundred, Salop. () Also from Three Registers of Dissenters at Newtown. (£) Buttington includes the Return of Criggion Cc. The Summary of the County of MonrcomeERy is col- lected from the Registers of Fifty Parish Churches and Three Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Se- veral of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms, 160 ;—Burials, 7, 152 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER eS County of Pembroke. [Parish-Registers. eer pe RNa, County of Radnor. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Fe- Fe- Mar- Years. {Males ee Bed Total. {Males satel Total. | Years. Hases, Fe- | otal. [Males| F&- | Total. Years, | Mar- Years. |Males : males males riages, 1811 |628] 599} 1,227]342/360} 7o2 71811; 381 1812 | 606] 562] 1,168]351]391} 742 | 1812 | 389 1813 | 731/680] 1,411]399]460| 859] 1813} 461 1814 | 781] 723] 1,5041433/529/ 96211814 539 1815 | 761 | 745] 1,506]374]421| 795 | 1815) 539 1816 | 812} 717] 1,529]411/395| 806] 1816} 517 1817 | 780] 654 |} 1,434]400} 410] 810] 1817 | 509 1818 | 728|663 | 1,3911484| 466} 950] 1818 | 461 1819 | 800/710] 3,510]470|491| 961 1 1819 | 470 1820 | 760 | 687 | 1,44714641 438] 902 | 1820 / 502 Totals ee 14,127 [4,128)4,361) 8,489 - | 4,768 1811 | 279) 280} 559 [155}143] 298] 1811] 144 1812 | 299} 240] 539 ]168}168] 336 | 1812] 123 1813 | 313)276] 589 [162/168] 330 | 1818 | . 145 1814 | 328/313] 641 1175/163| 33841814] 181 1815 | 366 | 334] 700 $136]153] 289 | 1815] 169 1816 | 339|300] 639 1188}178] 366 | 1816 | 146 1817 | 293/301] 594 |188]160, 34811817] 153 1818 | 312/288! Goo {189}172; 361 11818] 126 1819 | 360/295] 655 }222}211; 43341819] 135 1820 | 355/317} 672 [1811177] 358 | 1820] 162 | Totals nat ee 6,188 [1,764 i008 3,457 1- - | 1,487 The above Assrracrt is collected from the Registers of, Angle V. Bosherston R. Castlemartin V. Cosheston R. St. Florence V. Hodgeston R. Lamphey V. Manorbier V. Nash (with Upton) R. Penally V. St. Petrox R. Pwllcrochan R. Rosecrowther R. Stack- pool R. St. Twinnels V. and of Warren V. (in the Hundred of Castle Martin). Brawdy V. St. David’s Cathedral P.C. St. Dogwells V. St. Edrens P. C. St. Elvis R. Granston V. Hayscastle V. Jordan- ston R. St. Lawrence R. Letterston R. Llandeloy V. Llanhowel V. Llanreithan V. Llanrian V. Llanstinan P.C. Llanvair-nant-y-Gof P. C. Llanwunda V._ Manerowen P. C. Mathry V._ St. Nicholas V. and of Whitchurch V. (in the Hundred of Dewsland). Ambleston V. Bletherston V. Boulston P.C. Clarbeston P. C. Crinow R. Llanycefn P. C. Llawhaden V._ Liysyfran R. New Moat R. Prendergast R. Rudbaxton R. Slebech P. C. Spittal P.C. Usmaston P.C. East Walton P. C. and of Wiston P.C. (in the Hun- dred of Dungleddy). Bayvil V. Castlebigh R. Dinas R. St. Dogmell’s V. Eglwyse- row V. Fishguard V. Henry’s Moat R. Llanfairnantgwyn P. C. Llangolman P. C. Llanllawern P.C. Llanvernach R. Llanychare R. Lianychllwydog R. Maenclochog (including Vorlan) V. Meline R. Monachlogddu P. C.(#) Monington V. Morvil R. Moylgrove V. Nevern V. Little Newcastle P.C. Newport R. Pontfane R. Pun- cheston R. and of White-Church V. (in the Hundred of Kemess). Bridell R. Chapel Coleman P.C. Clydey V. Kilgerran R. Llant- wood V, Llanvihangel-Penybedw R. Manordwy R. and of Penrith and Castellan R. (in the Hundred of Kilgerran). Amroth V. Begelly R.(b) Carew V. Crunwear R. Gumfres- tonR. St. Issells V. Jeffreston V._ Llampeter-Veifrey R. Llan- dewi-Velfrey R. and V. Llawrenny R. Loveston R. Ludchurch R. Martletwy V. (©) Minwear P.C. Narberth R. North Newton P. C. Redbert P. C. Reynoldston P.C. Robeston-Wathan P. C. and of Yebeston R. (in the Hundred of Narberth). St. Bride R. Burton R. Camrose V. Dale P.C. Freystrop R. Harroldston St. Issells P.C. Harroldston West P.C. Hasgard R. Herbrandston R. Hubberston R. St. Ishmael’s V. Johnston R. Lambston P.C. Langwm R. Lianstadwel V. Marloes V. St. Ka- therine’s Milford C. Nolton R. Robeston-West R. Roch V. Rose- market V. Steynton V. Talbenny R. Treffgame R. Walton- West R. and of Walwyn Castle R. (in the Hundred of Roose). St. Martin P.C. St. Mary V. and of St. Thomas R. (in the Town of West Haverford). St. Mary V. St. Michael V. and of Moncton (otherwise St. Ni- cholas) V. (in the Borough of Pembroke). St. Mary R. (in the Town of Tenby). (*) There is no Church at Llandilo, which is united to Monachlogddu. (°) Begelly includes the Return of Williamston C. (©) Martletwy includes the Return of Coedcanless. The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of,_—Abe- redow R. Bettws-Disserth P.C. Cregrina R. Disserth R. Glas- combe V. Llanbadarnygarog P. C. Llanelweth P. C. Llansaint- fraed V. Llanvareth P. C. and of Rulen P. C. (in the Hundred of Colwyn). Blethvaugh R. Cefnliys R. Llanbadarn-fawr R. Liandegley V. Llandrindod P.C. Llangynllo V. Llanvihangel-Rbydithon P. C. Pilleth St. Mary P. C. and of Whitton R. (in the Hundred of Ke- venlleece). Beguildy V. Heyop R. Knighton P.C. Llanano P. C. Lian- badarnfynydd P. C. Llanbister (with Abbey-Cwmpir) V. and of Liandewi-Ystradenni P. C. (in the Hundred of Knighton). Bonghrood V. Bryngwyn R. Clyraw (with Bettws) V. Glas- bury V. Llambedr-Painscastle P.C. Llandewyfach P.C. Llandilo Graban P.C. Llanstephan P. C. Llowes VV. Michael-Church P. C. and of New-Church R. (in the Hundred of Painscastle). Colva P.C. Dyscoyd C. Gladestry R. Norton V. and of Pres- teigne R. and V. (in the Hundred of Radnor). St. Harmon V. Llanfihangel-Helygen P.C. Llansaintffraed-Cwm- toyddwr V. Llanyre P.C. Nantmel V. and of Rhayader P.C. (in the Hundred of Rhayader). CascobR. NantmellanV. New Radnor R. and of Old Radnor V. in the Borough of Radnor). ( g The Suwmary of the County of PemBroke is col- lected from the Registers of One hundred and Thirty-eight Parish Churches and One Chapel; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 168; Burials, 57. The Summary of the County of Rapwor is collected from the Registers of Fifty-one Parish Churches and One Chapel; and itis believed that no Return whatever re- mains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 34; Burials, 24. M.DCCC.XXI.]- THE POPULATION ACT,. 1/GEO. IV, Cc. 94. if 153 SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. —~— —\_~ = 1811 | 8,148 | 7,279 | 15,427 1811 | 4,430 | 4,346 | 8,776 1811 | 4,459 1812 7,778 7,042 14,820 1812 4,276 4,347 8,623 1812 4,248 1818 | 8,337 | 7,410 | 15,747 1813 | 4,577 | 4,533 | 9,110 1813 | 4,655 1814 8,595 7,925 | 16,320 1814 4,863 5,080 9,943 1814 4,871 1815 8,595 7,915 16,510 1815 4,630 4,592 9,222 1815 5,158 1816 8,482 7,523 16,005 1816 5,101 4,975 | 10,076 1816 4,790 1817 7,896 44157 | 15,053 1817 5421 5,130 | 10,551 1817 | 4,495 18138 7,408 6,805 14,213 1818 5,780 5,664 | 11,444 1818 45349 1819 8,064 4,217 15,281 1819 5,743 5,819 | 11,562 1819 4,795 1820 8,106 7,324 | 15,430 1820 4,891 4,824 9,715 1820 5,104 Torazs| 81,409 | 73,397 | 154,806 - - | 49,712 | 49,310 | 99,022 - = | 46,924 Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 2,370 ;—Burials, 733. Rr | THE SUMMARY OF WALES is collected from Returns extracted from Eight hundred and Seventeen Registers of Parish Churches and Thirty-eight Chapels, and from Four Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever (except that of Lampeter in the County of Cardigan) remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered — 154 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [ Parish- Registers, nas asempeiains aaa e Summary of England and Wales. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. yy © . Ss g ! z < Males. Females. | Total. Males. Females. Total. ma a) | < _ i Ss A811 | 155,671 | 149,186 | 304,857 94,971 03,572 | 188,543 86,389 1812 | 153,949 | 148,005 ; 301,054 95,957 94,445 | 190,402 82,066 1813 | 160,685 | 153,747 | 314,432 93,726 | 92,751 | 186,477 83,860 1814 : 163,282 155,524 318,806 103,525 102,878 206,403 92,804 1815 176,233 | 168,698 | 344,031 99,442 97;966 | 197,408 99,944 1816 168,801 161,398 | 330,199 103,954 | 102,005 | 205,959 91,946 1817 | 160,337 | 162,246 | 331,583 101,040 98,229 | 199,269 88,234 1818 169,181 162,203 | 331,384 107,724 | 105,900 | 213,624 92,779 1820 176,311 | 167,349 | 343,660 104,329 | 104,020 | 208,349 96,833 Toraxs | 1,664,557 | 1,590,510 | 3,255,067 || 1,011,417 | 998,581 | 2,009,998 || 910,496 i I : ! | | 1819 171,107 | 162,154 ca 106,749 | 106,815 | 213,564 95,571 | | THE SUMMARY OF ENGLAND AND WALES is collected from the Registers of Ten thousand Four hundred and Fifty-three Parish Churches, and Eight hundred and Eighty-nine Chapels ; and it is believed that no more than Five Returns remain due ; viz. from Great Waltham, in Essex; from Bishton, in Monmouthshire; from Whitchurch and from Tufton, in the County of Southampton; and from Lampeter, in the County of Cardigan. One hundred and Three Returns of Registers of Roman Catholics, Quakers and Dissenters, and of Registers kept at Hospitals and Workhouses, were received, aid are included in the above Summary; and many of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following Amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 23,066 ;—Burials, 9,505 3—Marriages, 191. Remark.—The Abstract of the Returns obtained from the Islands in the British Seas is not included in the above Summary, but appears in the subsequent Appendix (A); and in another Appendix (B), are collected the Registers of all the Parishes which may be deemed to constitute the Metropolis of the British Dominions. Jn? Rickman, Appointed by His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, to digest and reduce into Order the Parish Register Returns. Appendix. | ‘THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEQ. IV. C. 94. 155 APPENDIX. (A)—ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS- - = ==> = Be 186. (B.) —THE METROPOLIS - a = # a og 42 BS sgn Re Andrew R. The Forest R. St. Martin R. St. Mary de Castro Kt. St. Peter du Bois R. St. Peter Port R. St. Sampson R. St. Saviour R. Serk R. Torteval R. and of the Vale V. j Island of Jersey. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males| Fe- | Total. {Males| Fe- | Total. } Years. | Sane males. males. | Tiages. 1811 | 458/413] 871 J270}284) 554 1811 | 234 1812 | 4611434] 895 [1294]286] 580 1812 | 267 1813 | 465 |473| 938 1331 }285]| 616 1813| 247 1814 14351426] 861 1311/3331! 644 1814| 260 1815 |470|/442{ 912 [2204188 408 1815 | 242 1816 | 451/423] 874 [191] 224] 415 1816} 228 1817 [453/440] 893 [210}225| 435 1817} 176 1818 |464|448} 912 f212)210, 422 1818 | 242 1819 |467| 420] 887 |219]218) 437 1819) 244 1820 |486|440} 926 j260 266 | 526 1820) 247 The above Azsrract is collected from the Registers of, ——St. Bre- Am V. Ballaugh R. Marown V. Kirk Mark R. Sr. Matthew Maughold V. The above Ansrracr is collected trom the Registers of, St. George Douglas C. Jurby V. Kirk Andreas R. Kirk Arbory. Kirk Bride. Kirk Christ Lezayre V. Kirk Christ Kuchen V. Braddan V. Kirk German VY. Michael V. Kirk Patrick V. Kirk Lonan V. 156 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND’ RETURNS UNDER [ Appendix. Appendix (A.) GFslands in the British Seas. i [sland of Guernsey, &c. Isle of Mann. Tr BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males} Fe- | ‘Total. [Males' Fe- | Total, | Years. Mar- i Tics Males! Fe- | Potal. |Males! Fe- | Total. Maeae Mar- males.! males. riages. ‘ Sale males. mou males. riages. 1811 | 393 |358} 751 [239 | 239] 478 | 1811) 190 1811 15541557 |1,111 1304 |269! 573 | 1811} 294 1812 |383 |356 |) 739 |239|179] 418 1812; 206 1812 |549 |558|1,107 | 280 1303] 583 1812] 236 1813 | 363 |335| 698 }205 |166} 371 1813; 250 18128 | 542 |536}1,078 |270 |249| 519 | 1813] 263 1814 | 358/314) 672 $250 203) 453 1814; 218 1814 | £99 1549} 1,148 $278 | 288 | 566 1814| 267 1815 | 350/325! 675 4168 /155 | 323 1815) 203 1815 | 506 | 528 ]1,034 $281 [249] 530 | 1815] 267 1816 |329|300, 629 155 141) 296 | 1816) 175 1816 |569 514 | 1,083 $301 |254] 555 | 1816] 235 1817 | 303 | 321] 624 4134 {120] 254 1817| 143 1817 +551 1511 | 1,062 $355 1335} 690 1817] 226 1818 | 304 | 260] 564 4154120) 274 | 1818) 165 1818 | 580 }568 )1,148 $291 |244} 535 | 1818] 264 1819 |266 }295 | 561 4131/1165 | 296 | 1819) 147 1819 | 551 | 511 lacgbs 930 |283| 613 | 1819] 238 1820 (312/270) 582 F148 | 168} 316 | 1820) 170 1820 | 580 568 | 1,148 [352 |356| 708 | 1820) 247 The above Anstravt is collected from the Registers of, St. St. Kirk Malew V. St. Oncham V. and of Ramey C. lade R. St. Clement R. Grouville KR. St. Helier R. St. John R. St. Laurence R. St. Martin. St. Mary R. St. Quen R. St. Peter R. St. Saviour R. and of Trinity R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES IN THE ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males. Females Total Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. —_—_—oo" SS — = 1811 | 1,403 | 1,328 2,933 1811 813 792 1.605 1812 718 1812 | 1,393 | 1,348 | 2,741 1812 813 768 1,581 1812 709 1813 | 1,370 | 1,344 | 2,714 1813 806 700 | 1,506 1813 760 1814 | 1,354 1,309 2,663 1814 839 824 1,663 1814 745 1815 | 1,360 1,305 2,665 1815 669 5y2 1,261 1815 712 1816 | 1,379 | 4,272 | 2,651 1816 647 6ig | 1,266 1816 638 1817 | 1,262 1,289 2,551 1817 699 680 1,379 1817 545 1818 | 1,337 1,222 2,559 1818 657 574 1,231 1818 671 1819 {| 1,284 | 1,226 | 2,510 1819 680 666 | 1,346 1819 Gag 1820 | 1,378 | 1,278 | 2,656 1820 760 790 } 1,550 1820 664 ! a ToTaLs } 13,522 | 12,921 | 26,443 - 7,383 7,005 $14,388 - | 6,791 THE SUMMARY OF THE ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS is collected from the Registers of Forty-two Parish Churches, and Two Chapels; and it is not known that any Return remains due. Appendix.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO.IV. €. 94. 157 eae Appendix (B). Lhe Metropolis. 1. THE SUMMARY of The City of London within the Walls - - see p. 72, 2. - - D° - - of The City of London without the Walls = - + see p. 72, lebanese Abstract, 3. - - D° - - of The City and Liberties of Westminster - - see p. 73, 4. THE OUT-PARISHES IN MIDDLESEX AND SURREY, INCLUDING THE “BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males, Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Mavriages. e—, —_~ oa 1811 6,735 6,944 | 13,679 1811 5,180 4,916 | 10,006 1811 4,983 1812 6,733 6,856 13,589 1812 5,701 5,374 | 11,075 1812 4,635 1813 9,057 6,920 | 13,977 1813 5,486 5,047 | 10,533 1813 4,623 1814 75172 6,836 14,008 1814 6,175 5,714 | 11,889 1814 5,256 1815 4,775 97,670 | 15,445 1815 5,819 5410 | 11,229 1815 5579 - 1816 7,307 7.449 | 14,756 1816 55947 5,704 | 11,651 1816 5,256 1817 7,652 7,528 | 15,180 1817 5,791 | 5.457 | 11,248 1817 51339 1818 4,861 | 7,849 | 15,710 1818 | 5,909 | 5,760 | 11,669 1818 | 5,511 1819 7,734 7,881 | 15,615 1819 5,985 5,862 11,847 1819 5,837 1820 8,058 7,890 | 15,948 1820 6,055 5,745 | 11,800 1820 5,862 THE SUMMARY OF THE OUT PARISHES is collected from the Registers of, Bermondsey (St. Mary) R. Bethnal Green (St. Matthew) R. The Charter HouseC. Clerkenwell (St. James) C. Clerkenwell (St. John) R. Christ Church (Middlesex) R. Christ Church (Surrey) R. St. George Bloomsbury R. St. George in the East R. St. George the - Martyr R. St. George Southwark R. St. Giles in the Fields R. Hackney (St, John) V. Horselydown R. Islington V. St. Katherine near’ the Tower (Collegiate Church), Lambeth (St. Mary) R. Limehouse (St. Ann) R. St. Luke (Middlesex) R. Newington Butts (St. Mary) R. St. Olave (Southwark)R. Pentonville Chapel C. Rotherhithe (St. Mary) R. St. Saviour’s (Southwark) P.C. The Savoy (St. John the Baptist) P.C. Shadwell (St. Paul) R. Shoreditch (St. Leo- nard) V. Stepney (St. Dunstan’s) R. St. Thomas (Southwark) P.C. Wapping R. and of Whitechapel (St. Mary Matfelon) R. Ss : eo tthow . er ix 2 es be 158 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDER [A ppendis, ee a B PARISHES NOT WITHIN THE LONDON BILLS OF MORTALITY, BUT FORMING PART OF THE METROPOLIS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. : yet. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. Re |) | cH ]f]} -—_ —— 1811 1,837 1,705 3,542 1811 1,723 |. 1,673 3,396 1811 1,328 1812 1,911 1,907 3,818 1812 1,717 1,641 3.358 | 1812 1,372 1813 1,925 1,953 3,878 1813 1,707 1,852 3,559 1813 1,327 1814 1,969 1,907 3,876 1814 2,121 2,091 4,212 1814 1,573 1815 2,090 | 2,156 | 4,246 1815 1,754 1,762 3,516 1815 1,436 1816 2,081 2,087 | 4,168 || 1816 | 1,866 | 15923 | 3,789 | 1816 |. 1,502 1817 2,330 2,194 4,524 | 1817 1,820 1,831 3,651 || 1817 1,618 isis | 2,181 | 2,240 | 4,421 || 1818 | 1,983 | 2,043 | 4,026 | 4818 1,608 1819 | 2,305 | 2,986 | 4,691 || 1819 | 2,109 | 2,089 | 4,198 © 1819 | 1,688 7 1820 2,456 2,307 | 4,763 |] 1820 2,142 | 2,138 | 4,280 | 1820 4 1,748 The above SuMMARY is collected from the Registers of,—-Chelgea R. Kensington V. St. Mary-le-bone P. C, Paddington P.C. and of Pancras V. a \ —— ‘ ' ' ! SS cauntan ae aie onal ‘ ummarp of Che Wetropolis. : | BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ; “Years, *Bties: Females. Toil Years. “Males. Females. Total. “Years. niateoee ee - ; —— ee aa 1811 | 13,082 | 13,192 | 26,274 1811 | -10,604 | 10,119 | 205723 | 1811 ga 1812 | 13,167 | 13,177 | 263344 1812 | 11,548 | 10,890 | 22,438 1812 | 10,973 1818 | 13,619 | 13,273 | 26,892 1813 | 11,014 | 10,485 | 21,499 1813 | -10;705; 1814 | 13,645 | 13,083 | 26,728 1814 | 13,196 | 12,287 | 2553483 1814 | 12,368 1815 | 14,805 | 14,712 | 29,517 1815 | 11,983 | 11,354 | 23,337 1815 | 12,695; \ ’ 1816 | 14,161 | 14,299 | 28,460 1816 | 12,291 | 11,725 | 23,946 1816 -12,212, +f 1817.) 15,125.| 14,751.| 29,876 1817 | 11,789 | 11,171] 22,960; | 1817 11,976. , 1818 | 15,168 | 14,922 | 30,090 1818 | 12,250 | 11,884 | 24,134 1818 | 12,429 1819 _| 15,137 | 15,157 | 30,294 1819 12,359 12,064 24,423 1819 12,941, 94 1820! | 15,494 14,988. | 303422 1820 | 12,969 | 11,998 | 245,367 1820. | 12,757, 1 r —|— — : == ; : a 2] Torats| 143,343 | 141,554 |284,897.1) - + | 119,383. | 113,977 | 233,310 - - , | 120,605, ideo yen heen Shanen wanferrnsegs bay aa 1 te pes 8 vo ly | per aye yg eon, ~ | THE SUMMARY OF THE METROPOLIS is collected from the Register of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the’ Registers} of Eighty-eight Parish Churches, within the Walls of the City of Lotidon ; ‘from Eleven Parish Churches and Three Chapels, without the Walls; from the Register of Westminster Abbey, and of Nine Parish Churches and One Chapel, within the City and Liberties of Westminster ; from Twenty-eight Out-Parish Churches and Three Chapelries ; and from Five other Parish Churches, not included within the Bills of Mortality; in all, from One Hundred and Forty-three Churches and Seven Chapelries : and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.—Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 3,331 ;—Burials, 4,848 ;—Marriages, 38. “ee : crs Fre eR Re pe nr ae OR NR OTOH RR 2 eee =: Appendix.] : THE POPULAPION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. 159 REMARKS ON THE ASSUMED LIMITS AND EXTENT OF THE METROPOLIS. HE METROPOLIS of THE BRITISH EMPIRE, being situated in the two Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, could not be distinctly noticed in any preceding part of The PARISH REGISTER ABSTRACT. In an Appendix to The ENUMERATION ABSTRACT (p. 549) its Population is exhibited in Five Divisions, and amounts to One million Two hundred and Twenty-five thousand Seven hundred (1,225,700) Persons: but, considering that the arrivals of | Coasting Vessels in the Port of London may be taken at 5, 500 in the year 1700; at 6,400 in 1750 ; at 10,400 in 1801 ; at 13,500 in 1811; and at about 17,000 per annum since the year 1817; producing a constant though fluctuating accession to the Population, to a larger amount than elsewhere, a Twenty-fifth part, instead of a Fiftieth part, is added, | in forming.a Comparison with the Parish Register Returns.—With this addition, the Merrorotis, in the year 1801, 7 contained about Nine -hundred thousand.(g00,000) Inhabitants ; in 1811, One million and Fifty thousand (1,050,000) ; in 1821, One million Two hundred and Seventy-four thousand Eight hundyed (1,274,890). ‘The Population of the years 1700 and 1750 is computed in the manner described in the PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS (p. Xxix). PQPULATION. ' 3 i THE METROPOLIS. 1700. 1750. 1801. 1811. 1821. | -1.—City of London within the Walls -} 139,300 | 87,000 78,000 67;700 ‘| 58,400 2.—City of London without the Walls - - 69,000 57,300 56,300 68,000 ‘72,000 7 3.—City and"Liberties of Westminster -| 430;000 152,000 || 165,000 168,600 || 189,400. 4.—Out:Parishes, within the Bills of Mortality 326,900 * 357;600 ‘| 477,700 '| 593,700 » 730,700 t nr a ERY NE NREL VOTE igi te eR = ' 1 Si ins ~ _| 5--—Parishes not within the Bills of Mortality - 9,150 22,350 123,000 162,000 224,300 6.—-Totalef Tut Merrorous - - -| 674,350 | 676,250 | 00,000 | 1,050,000 | 1,274,800 —a SEE or oc : ; ° a ¥ + ct jE ee ag ho FP ae re ak Fh .1.The Walls.of the ancient.City of London included a space, now in the middle of the Metropolis, a about one mile and a half in length from east to west, and rather more than half a mile in breadth. ‘The Population has diminished nearly Three-fifths since the beginning of the last century ; many Streets having been widened, and Public Buildings and Ware- houses erected, whereby the number of Inhabited Houses has been lessened ; independently of which, the Inhabitants have decreased in a much larger proportion, from the less. crowded manner of residence which has gradually taken place. 2.—The ‘City of London without the Walls, is an extension of the same ancient City, and is under the same Jurisdiction. “In computing thé Increase or Diminution of the Population of this District, by means of the- Parish Registers, two diffi- culties occur; first, because several of the Parishes, which form part of it, extend. so-far- beyond its limits, as almost to ‘doublé the amount of’ Population, if these Parishes are included entire: It has, therefore, been necessary to ascertain the In- | crease or Diminution upon 'the entire Parishes, and afterwards to apportion it between the-City without the Walls and the ’ Out=Parishes, the’ Enumeration” Returns of the parts within theCity and without being distinct. The other difficulty arises ‘ from’the disputed Jurisdiction of the City of London as to the Borough of:Southwark, a claim which has not been fully sub- stantiated ; and the-Five Southwark Parishes are accordingly here reckoned among the- Out-Parishes. a 3 semiuiaaleidbahaliiaknaaulig reaps mae ee 3.—The City of Westminster, once an Episcopal See, and now the Seat of Government, adjoins, the. City. of, London, extending westward. i fi a 4.—The appellation of the Out-Parishes, is taken from the London Bills of Mortality, which were first used in the year ‘ 1562; and, from 1603, have been kept in regular serjes. These Bills were intended to afford timely notice of any alarming’ increase of the Plague, from which London was then seldom *free. -But the-crowded part of the City was purified by the memorable Conflagration of 1666; in the preceding-year:68,596. persons had died of the Plague, which has since entirely ' disappeared. 7 160 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER POPULATION ACT. [lianas disappeared. The Bills of Mortality purport to exhibit the Number of Christenings and Burials, but are not to be relied [ upon for the full Number of either. A Compartson of the Results of these Bills, and of the collection of Parish-Registers under the Act of 1821, is here subjoined :— BAPTJSMS AND BURIALS WITHIN THE LONDON BILLS OF MORTALITY. BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. YEARS. According According YEARS. According According to the to the to the to the Parish Registers, |Bills of Mortality. Parish Registers. |Bills of Mortality. 1811 - 22,732 20,645 1811 - 17,327 17,043 1812 - 22,526 20,404 1812. - 19,080 18,295 1813 - 23,014 20,528 1813 - 17,840 17,322 1814 - 22,852 20,170 1814 - 21,271 19,783 1815 - 25,271 23,414 1815 - 19,821 19,560 1816 - 24,292 23,581 1816 - 20,157 20,316 1817 - 255352 24,129 1817 - 19,309 19,968. 1818 - 25,669 24,233 1818 - 20,108 19,705 1819 - 25,603 24,300 1819 - 20,225 19,228 1820 - 25,059 23,158 1820 - 20,087 19,348 The number of Burials within the Bills of Mortality (as distinguished from the Metropolis) has absolutely decreased since the year 1700, according to the Bills of Mortality—and, according to the Parish Registers, cannot be said to have increased (see Parish Register Abstract of 1811, p. 200); while the Population has increased as Three to Two ;—from 665,200 to 1,050,500. 5.—A few Parishes, now forming part of the Metropolis, have not been brought into the Bills of Mortality. The rapid Increase of the Population in the Suburbs since the beginning of the last Century, shows how rapidly the Metropolis increases in extent, although its Population has not increased so fast as that of the Kingdom in general. In 1700, the Metropolis cun- tained almost an Eighth part of the Inhabitants of England and Wales; in 1750 and 1801, about a Tenth part; in 1811 and at present, about a Twelfth part. ; 6.—Objections may undoubtedly be made to the propriety of the Limits of the Metropolis herein assumed ; it may be therefore right to add, that the Total Population of all the Parishes whose Churches are situate within Eight Miles récti- linear around St. Paul’s Cathedral (including the aforesaid addition of One Twenty-fifth part) in 1801 amounted to One million Thirty-one thousand Five hundred (1,031,500); in 1811, to One million Two hundred and Twenty thousand Two hundred (1,220,200); andin 1821, to One million Four hundred and Eighty-one thousand Five hundred (1,481,500): the Parish of Woolwich not included. The Population ascribed to the City of Paris, is included in a District of this size. Tue Number of Unrecistrrep InreRMENTs in the Metropolis, has been a question much agitated, on occasion of . forming computations for Life Annuities, and for other purposes. In the last six months of 1794, it was ascertained by the Collector of the then Tax on Burials, that 3,148 Persons were interred without being registered; and it is not likely that the whole number of Interments, or even of Burial Grounds, were discoverable for the purpose of Taxation. If it be assumed that, on account of the Unregistered Interments, a third part (about 8,000 annually) may be added to the Registered Burials, the Annual Mortality of the Metropolis, in the middle of the last Century, was as One to Twenty of the Inhabitants, at present as One to Forty, showing a vast improvement in Health and Longevity; but it was to be expected, that the extension of Population over a larger space than formerly, added to the causes which have prolonged human life in the Kingdom at large (see PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS, p. xxvi) would produce this salutary effect, which has been most conspicuous as regarding the life of Ch/dren within the London Bills of Mortality. LR : 1822. Lhe End. => ae eee eee o v1 rs cs z = adelotnlednietmte re eres Peers