CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WANNA *3 1924 030 121 572 RAILWAY TRAFFIC MAPS WILLIAM A. SHELTON : : ae’ a = b arg la Cari e PRTPN SION | INTWERSTTY Th AN VLE Be Fore 8 (cae hae erat & i ee | Sil oh pee pepe bens) wears shpat ace phates Beis & © ees ee GP s: |S beta dic em deo toes! Aa | SZ 7 Pe ee | te hy ee Oe a Nee > rr : (NON-RESIDENT INSTRUCTION) ) & 2 2 ve et Sy eolk 5 LLOA:GO INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND RAILWAY TRAFFIC COURSE Prepared under Editorial Supervision of Samuel MacClintock, Ph. D. The treatises listed below constitute the basic material of a course in Interstate Commerce and Railway Traffic. This course is especially designed to meet the constantly growing demand for efficiently trained men in railroad and industrial traffic work; to assist students to pass the examinations for government service under the Interstate Commerce Commission; and to meet the demand for men competent to direct the work of commercial organizations and traffic bureaus. With the exception of this Atlas of Railway Traffic Maps, the subjects listed below are covered in an average of approximately 200 pages each. Atlas of Railway Traffic Maps . Freight Classification prone rer 1 Freight Rates: Official Territory and Eastern Canada ‘ Freight Rates: Southern Territory Freight Rates: Western Territory . Pane e%a bss cto is °e ees 00 08d y 5 Publication and Filing of Tariffs Shipping Railway Organization, Statistics, and Accounting 5 | | Express and Parcel Post Cornell University Library Water Traffic and Rates Ithaca, Nem York Government Control of Common Carriers Rulings of the Interstate Commerce Commission and Procedure before that body Business Law, I prsh-G.a.We un. Q Business Law, II FROM The Law of Carriers of Goods Pe i a a he Neel GY Mrs Ss 6a Practical Traffic Problems LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY. 58 { 2 e £88 SS ae gine | > . 2 : a gesy (YY ag : Sse University Library ivi | © en _ ATLAS OF RAILWAY TRAFFIC MAPS This Atlas of Railway Traffic Maps is one of a series of texts on Interstate Commerce and Railway Traffic. The grouping of traffic territories for rate adjustments shown in this atlas is explained in the treatises devoted to freight classification and rates and forming a part of the course in Interstate Commerce and Railway Traffic. BY WILLIAM ARTHUR SHELTON, A. B., A. M. INSTRUCTOR IN INTERSTATE COMMERCE SOMETIME OF THE TARIFF BUREAU OF THE C. & N. W. RAILWAY AUTHOR OF ‘THE LAKES-TO-THE-GULF DEEP WATERWAY” JAS ALLE [XTENSION NIVERSITY (HOME STUDY UN DER EXPERT GUIDANCE) CHICAGO INDEX Map No. Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolinas Territory 5 Agcnon, - opeke .@ Sante We> ais. 60. 228 celeste 21 AARIS: SOUL OPIGOLY 2b - cocoa sekeew uh aes ee ae eee 5 Baltimore OMG Syste acoso. cos eth eee ethane 18 Bases for Rates in Canadian Territory, 9; in Central Freight Association Territory, 3, 4, 13, 14 CalitormaEerminals*=-32 5252 2220 eee ee een eee 1 Canadian Classification Permtotyeess a2 5522 325-0 SS clk 1 Canadian Freight Association Territory ..-..2..-......--.< 2 Canadian percentage territory, grouping of ---- ----------- 9 Canadian territory, grouping of eastern points _------------ 10 Caro liane Crritonyee meee = cee a ee en enon serene 5 Carolina. Terman, south ot Walhalla 22222 <2 sss 2-2. 5 Central Freight Association Territory --.------------------ 8 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. System -_.----------- 20 WinBeieniiOw PelrivOriesacs os. 2oNS soso anne ooh eee nee 1 Colorado, Common Points = ea ae ae ee ee 1 Colorado & Southern Railway System___.---..---.----.--- 20 Commons point sees oe oie oe te ee ee ee ees 1 Hone OmUMbOGARKs) “GLOUD=—saese (Sears se cee ees. oe 6 Freight association territories ..-.-..2< ...-..---..- 12 OS Freight Routes in Southern Classification Territory ~2-._-- 11 (Cralnehates eprOUpIN GeO ano eae a tena S awe eel ee es 15 Crecneine sb err lOLyaeen = meee cs So i ee ee 5 Grouping of Canadian percentage territory -......-.-..---.-..----- 9 Central Freight Association Territory, eastbound, 4; for grain rates, 15; to St. Paul, 18; to Texas and Arkansas, 14; westbound, 3 New England Freight Association Territory, eastbound, 10; westbound, 9 Ren tec oS, ee ce op ee aa ee seus 12 Trunk Line Territory, eastbound, 10; westbound, 9 Western Trunk Line Territory to Missouri River and from New York, 12; to Texas, 14 Mexican: Classificationacr Cfftory cos tench ace culecaneswosk 1 Macaismippr River Crossitiggaasaccseses. 4). oss tei loes 1 measeccippl.\V alley Territory: ssacnnesawec seve, aac sacs aoe 5 PPE Ver GLOSAINUS~..c. 2 one ete eee ae ee 12 IMOMtaEe CO OINIMONACOINGA © 520-5 < suse een nee cece 1 Morigomesmeomon 1 clnitory 52.22.22 025~ 2 ge ee ee 5 Map No. New England Freight Association Territory, boundaries of, 2; grouping of, 9, 10 New York-Chicago Percentage Territory ---------------- 3, 4, 9 North Pacific Coast; Dermaingla.. 295 Gee 42 eee eee. i} Northern Pacific. Railway System, - 222.222.2225 eS ee 20 Official Classifieation, Remitory ws. 2242152 5-— Soo ere eee 1 Ohio: River Grossinges< jssee es 2 6 ee ee Peee ees 1 Pacific Freight Tariff Bureau Territory....-.-------.--..-- 1 Parcel, Post. atesvidie sock evened ee Shon ea eon see 16 Pennsylvania tairoag, sysrem ess 552s ee ec ce Ly. Percentage bases and grouping of Central Freight Associ- ation Territory, eastbound, 4; westbound, 3 Percentage termiony in Wanada. 45. tee ee 9 Percentage territory in the United States ---.----------.--3, 4 Protatin® s0imess 50g ata Se Sees oe one seams ] Rio Grane Crossings ~e2 5.2. Sces aac nee ee tee 1 Routes, freight, in Southern Classification Territory ------- 11 Sata -e eyeteiis=Saccs.0 eee ee ere ee 21 Southeastern Freight Association Territory ---------------- 5 Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association Territory —----- 5 Southeastern. “Perriternys~ oa seat ohess ee ae we cette 5 Southern Classification Territory, 1; freight routes in, 11 Southern Pace: System 2 2ee =. Soa ects ee 19 Southwestern Tariff Committee Territory -.--------------- 6 Spokane & Inland Empire Railroad System._-------------- RU Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway System-_------------- 20 Territory of Pacific Freight Tariff Bureau-.-.------------- 1 ‘Vexarkiina Tate groupies soe eee (2. Sasi sees tees 6 Texes Common Pomt DLettiteryo-o-222-_- 2 tsi as 22 see 1 Trans-Continental Rate Groups Sarin Pe Re nee ey ee 7 Trans-Mississippl Perritory- 22.52. cpeece as enc dees ee 1 Trans Missouri cf erritoty 2c ccsnce-2esot oo aeee Sees u seen 1 Trunk Line Association Territory, boundaries of, 2; group- ing of, 9, 10 Union Paeiie Syste 2 x53 25 oes Se ee ee 19 Utah: Commonmroints 35 26 6 3 seen Ee a OOS ie 1 Vireinis Common Pointe. a 14220 -oo eee ease 1 Western Classification’ Territory --2 22 --s2 Sy Milk ss Ss & : ay a Seoiticy (ss YloSS hy, + wa OE aos? = — ies i ok fi, SPREE BS | Advinnd Lewistown A* aaa A S = ‘Weede = Satchwell , = ~ Kamm Ks “Si xg By a poel™ = Ware Lei, SAD Sea PEN SMe we Trad ean Paya hau ae, 5 |}Beverly 2 onne Hi rsyth _O Re Gaxland | Teedee ra Oe : Home S)Picabo Ta ‘Bt. Stephens 3422 iS Jgrdan Viale “ — MyersvilleS 385 z 3 MN\s- «lo tl 5 = = Bs vn e/a Ay" ° § 1) os s Uae ey 5 i Grants Pass 5S \ i 2) Zz \\ Jacksonville” 2 ‘okegart : nig. ee. os meneame foe 3 a Smith River gee. Z 5 ig g 4 Sap Sify Ye: Ey e AG a ie seit Anfbrose o— Crosby Haarstad ton Schafer o Dooley . Flaxthn' ~ Antler syokbass tO ee Que w Oe Gorton Valente X, Luella Newton? — S =| AAT Tre es nee MAD) \WQY \\ \ \ \ ney WSS Ww Si Ce ASRS aaa eg 1 G — Copyright by Rand-MoNally & Co. BK Sy SSS ~ ES The red dots show the most important Western Termini of Trunk Lines, Virginia Gateways, Ohio River Crossings, Rio Grande Crossings, Colorado Common Points, Utah Common Points, Montana Common Points, North Pacific Terminals, and Cali- fornia Terminals. The Virginia Gateways are those shown from Norfolk to Roanoke and Salem. The Western Termini are those from Niagara Falls and Buffalo to Charleston, W. Va., and Ashland, Ky. The Ohio River Crossings are those from Cincinnati, O., to Thebes, Ill., (on the Mississippi River immediately northwest of Cairo). Complete and official lists of the various common points are given in ‘‘Appendix A” of the treatise on “Freight Classification.” The upper Mississippi Crossings from East Dubuque to Quincy, Ill., (excluding the latter) are shown by parallel red lines, and the lower cross- ings from Quincy to E. St. Louis, Ill., inclusive, are shown by a single red line. a mr Carson Sink enn tat Fallon olorado Sp ing ‘ a Mile Creek =, yeplo SS ay May Vall : ° WY; vj P a M. = : f : DAW = : stay! i t Wit Hey x WP) ZS | able es Se SS | BENIN z (Lice ‘SS We ae ) rind Stone (ie \\ \y nha Got A Say i see ina EL = Es i ‘ort Stockton 2 —~~— Ys = Ww 2 : poe c 2 Galveston: SSNS he WA ce Wig SSA @ a 3 glasco/// CA ss e) vi Ly z SS $s si )]7$- SZ if eae ip) q S hy ° b¥—-—____— = & Pi hy < = 2 eae — = a = =e aN ney} _ ~~ N\A _] Versiilies 4 ERSONS an \— ntralia | ie ay SE eee levilled | = = U% . _ Vernon =” Noscccla, = Bonne Tere dS _72 c eV fevada, Tebanon ( De Campo, / Bismar* Paice eenfle Bolivar / Salem = = a) oe gag —«Phetveae format, ' 4 ——— Willow § tt Chadwick ~ Williamsv! i i = : Poplar Bluff, a Hie He ‘of oF ley 4 te Spring; : n the West, .Daisy v = : te} pe, Sees tt rdyce\ A i pton @ , Ela rado : \ i inddn e ite it} hreye’ Sabine \ = hi 1) \Masfield Caf f : d Z | ee \ \ Mon H ; Hi Hitt = kk Rive) ‘aR jJexan HERE ut HMI : f fH Hit t 2, Tet | i I i i RoaY My, HMA Oak ’ itt i i Hh . Wh EN Oa i i ne WS ay) ste a ty Augustine vw) : \\\ aytona, Copyright 1913, by LaSalle Extension University, q [SPV AWRENCE L ——————= OLE Portia | siddeford eos boi Beach P ortsiiou EZ RRLRKKCd( SAC hatha } py ll exe G A: SAGES AS VA 6 Oe ~— TSA oN aoe eee = — O-- GE ta oO me 9 —— es ss) aos == —~— ee —— i i _— os 5. eet — @: —— oO 14 15 90° 16 17 85° 18 Copyright, 1913, by LaSalle EM ion University, Chicago, MAP NO. 1 CLASSIFICATION TERRITORIES, CERTAIN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORIES, AND CERTAIN COMMON POINTS Western Classification Territory is shown as that part of the United States lying west of Lake Michigan, the Illinois-Indiana State Line, and the Mississippi River from Cairo, Ill, to the Gulf. However, the state of Illinois and points on the west bank of the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Mo., to Dubuque, Ia., inclusive, and certain points on the west shore of Lake Michigan are commonly considered a part of Official Classification Territory. The application of classifications is explained in the treatise on “Freight Classification.” In that work a discussion of the boundary line between the Official and the Western classifications is given. The territories of the freight associations that have jurisdiction in Western Classification Territory are shown on this map. Other freight association territories are shown on Maps 2, 5, 6, and 8. The official definitions and descriptions of freight associ- ation territories are given in “Appendix A” of the treatise on “Freight Classification.” Average Seale: Statute Miles, 135—1 Inch. Copyright, 1911, by Rand, McNally & Co. 23 70° 24 25 Map No. 2 CANADIAN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY’ All points in Canada east of but not including Port Arthur, Ontario, and east of and including Sault Ste. Marie, Sarnia, and Windsor, Ontario. NEW ENGLAND FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY’ All stations in the six New England States, viz., Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont; and, in addition thereto, points on the Boston & Albany R. R. and Boston & Maine R. R. in New York east of the Hudson River; also points on New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. in New York east of the Hudson River, except New Rochelle, N. Y., and points on the New York division west thereof. TRUNK LINE ASSOCIATION TERRITORY’ On and west of the eastern boundary line of the state of New York, except stations on the Boston & Albany R. R. and Boston and Maine R. R. east of the Hudson River and stations on the New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. east of New Rochelle, N. Y.; thence south of the northern boundary of New York to western boundary of New York; thence east and south of a line drawn east of Lewiston, Lockport, North Tonawanda, Depew, Lancaster, Kellogg, and Hamburg, N. Y.; thence east of the Erie R. R., Dayton to Salamanea, N. Y.; thence east of the Pennsylvania R. R. (Allegheny Division) to Kiskiminetas Jet., Pa.; thence east of the Pennsylvania R. R. (Conemaugh Div.) to Blairsville Intersection, Pa.; thence north and east of the Pennsylvania R. R. (Pittsburgh Div.) to Conemaugh, Pa., except stations on Indiana branch; thence east of a line from Johnstown, Pa., via the B. & O. R. R. to Watson, Pa., except B. & O. stations Confluence to Unamis, Pa.; thence south of the southern boundary line of Pennsylvania to Point Marion, Pa., except B. & O. stations Watson, Pa., to Kendall, Md.; thence south and east of the B. & O. R. R. Point Marion, Pa., Fremont, Grafton, Clarksburg, Parkers- burg, and Point Pleasant to Kenova, W. Va., (except Kanawha & Michigan Ry. sta- tions and Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. stations on main line and lateral branches west of and and including Kanawha City, W. Va.). Stations on, east, and north of the Norfolk and Western Ry. from but not including Kenova, W. Va., through Roanoke, Va., Lynchburg, Va., to and including Norfolk, Va. Stations on branches of the Norfolk and Western Ry. west of Roanoke, Va. Stations in Pennsylvania on Ligonier Valley R. R. and Pittsburg, Westmoreland & Somerset R. R. 1The official description of territories is given in ‘‘Appendix A” of the treatise on “ Freight Classification.” —— mores 7 z apo me Hy A 4 wats seeps syn Ax’ - ~ o que bd min" Lh AT epomot ys <4 AU _EUeEeee—y | eh © \ 0023S O | o was 5 ROL. Dee ae a ory fas es ApS eansoW, gone s 9 : gnoyooT I mor 110: 08 é +5 Yo, K asnqsyrid? < oD cmaisspaw sy sorstaAe OD gsnqrer > oe 2 “tea ZJ AA} sobeel™ oS, semexoty £' Y 3s tod [par N he Ne gpa SAID Ln Seemed BAS Leainted cay ee a mnrd, SONY i Pye x ' ced § : ES, od Peg Soe : 2 SA) 51 o aharide = and? : ‘> *e — ae ine 7 i 4 e it , gsooeeoett suited wut Pee on! os . i \. one Woe pes & nS gouretty 30189) Ba sy Ce : . i 4 4 , \ Ww (% 2%, 7” 03175 a4: ; Sao kee aoe +> 4 mensy 10 . F oy iY eae} es a iv 1A? NSW —-eitaso ij 5° Pe Z ! on aiid gol 9079" Boh 0108 ‘ 3 ~AS}>] bene {ford r9 809 fe SiO! nyWe™ weet aur o4 Ja Siarg® o . ) ) mS wane 2 . eo Lis jaudg ae 18 Jayson WO A % y . ppysnllt. ae fyoauty a1 ag60 AS, op 2870 & kanastt? i A a BO nunageos9 _ouieaaag | endo Jor0G08¥ ys i Ben: me a Toe a! anys! ; Y u oy > sai ee, a : ee BS 5 eee J gve3ttn sin one ina Be! na” sie = P ail Soong 0089 NoowarT x ao $F c ee moysdaraT 4 310080 Keo DOPE deo » 9 \ Poot Tas sqoet AR Oo DlaQo> ‘Gow. . . le } > Soot So feant™ ey sage, rey oeenen oO a 100 ROC ones Sa: >| £78" Zag 305 be ! wee anceps? oO, eo Pe] i OR ANS ARSON Ue a eent jose Orydaiol -¥c \ a mog 71" os if SH in Lest axe) S| 1 ky rae ES S 3 o\ _j9s900H?f yeasura L yc Hf 8 (of en aes oS LY early A gos ea agama aes So SS" Pyysns. Se ngs oporpuomsas SN ; f y bs SF ; ange"? moras BY PLS ———— Feit aed he ia ae AodstlD, omit TR oy OORT ee op 08 ay q2st20S Jo ancyspemel o mRAMINIOD ; yyeoe2s) 9a! on" as0 \ Ou eit a eee asters | ganqaat9 7 {~ aoe Q e Z Visine » se z i 4 fe Eas Li PileyyeN ace te x wopunnad “Urs cout so00dh myo our? A"? c a ie os? 1 pers A 9 re} ee a May, 4 = ig : E Man tz, ° aS att a io) Sees en psqphee BOS OP ee somtd : ends h eee e ott! . . : ononqeZ : serd \o : gxnqarr's outs ASS, oydine Poms gosto 28% ona] capasyated “égr, OBIS.” tp 40 boy 5048 ©? gysaqy't 399 Me =O wut 10 MOLES ducers e gare ae 00H pars Tes 0 A ses gers00? i at tA 0 0| f= Sapusl <= eure. == oe’ a gopents 4 sath = inyajF@O ou! e/* i PRcohon \o Y i: : 2 qnssaysyy — shor 28}, ‘wordy, 0 Soret Ty Nowsy.10d wsoe=o°9 anu eee T qouse ALS 4 pot PARvo Fo SU ROD oh) 1 | od MANeys ofp BC) ot Aj! + nh V2 ee ‘s : spasist anae a ooh + 4 ca te $5 Exo wv. ‘ = = = Tp wi 4 3ur we = Aget Shrot WV $ S dig as ae a ‘ awh . = 910°? S ono NaS ss £9 F Teron Tag ittoY ) 3 = Shag pyontyy a)? a oss ores , : gs ep TS ag oie, wo) {> R ARNG Ane Ty 5 1 AHOONE Ba fhQh t2do,,3°% s sean epee 10 2 exqy ‘de }, coal TO ag Bl pow 22” ere Ay PawyAit Kaeo jgpary lpoo\. 1)? son Z muarsy ap) ae Ae a aS ee 3 es f ae ‘ W a3 yoy" x wo : Zl naan Nes “89 = a? ofc Bere uvtlt “ho ow gavrre oe OOS ao yass ; z sour mere vu ® Kanth wi1s' 3 By nt save zy Ue OSs Syste : nguon < nog V2 paoips' oat” Vp goo Bt ees oe poe QP OWA we mo ED HM yor aoa | ~ got wy?) ; a 3) s' Aa Oy gnyo0eort sole A aor $37? rf 301 hy Das pow ieee > une Be se % ‘A e 22% maSAt> went ica n ar? & vy pnod ‘ ae rz nents aN yg op 1 Cnn eek es TeypeeD 5 ; oud ames929 yoy"! Vasona F a 4 fret exo mna9a'T E oui? S01" * i eh oe owode wy 3 Le 5 = S AQP aid fess oes «eae RL sosP ign hy eed s F msape Eg 5 Ca \s “s 1 =~ “pO OSs oe es ost = af e pe toss Soph oo : 3 s Satan Ie We: eee of ee OS pS o * sore K Lous i gost Les “nso 3 a. y So if ag = ein, F YZ ay ele 5 Fee Ves eo re Fon, 201839" bes B18 BE as FON aS eat S Hore ruowd > 4 3g wh our” yo LoUTBUD: * a Pr it oP \_ yO we yas Chg rast aw 2 PEs, ty ~~ gaol mm Ke woeTA Od ho S00 disap PS see Ty : 1420" 2 arte Ae, CReor0 A o Zi WY, y f ve “aN ESN Wy piney y20e wporFQ NO ARTCC Jp orsstzeBy P *O\_gu0100 YY), re it yet pe e nos 012ml i" ‘ rset OL sed WG wre 30 ae » aeettte pioreed] , és aewlts yarns e “yd ‘ "id Le URI odeo ovulwinosy FONAYAM VT ‘LS! alpwoes uegzeddiys {Pp Ss Maps 3 and 4 NEW YORK-CHICAGO PERCENT- AGE TERRITORY IN THE UNITED STATES’ Rates between New England and Trunk Line territories on the one hand and Central Freight Association Territory on the other are based on the New York-Chicago rates. These rates are percentages of the New York-Chicago rates. The red lines mark the percentage groups and the red figures show the percentage of the New York-Chicago rates applicable to and from the groups. The eastbound and the westbound rates, being different in some eases, are shown on separate maps. Map No. 3 is to be studied in connection with Map No. 10 and westbound rates from New England and Trunk Line territories to percentage groups shown on Map No. 3. Map No. 4 should be studied in connection with Map No. 10 and rates from groups shown on Map No. 4 to groups shown on Map No. 10. The rate basis is set forth in the treatise on ‘‘Freight Rates in the United States: Official Territory.’’ 1 The official list of the stations and their percentage bases for westbound rates is published by the Trunk Line Association and for eastbound rates by the Central Freight Association. GROUP MAP SHOWING PERCENTAGE BASES FOR WEST BOUND RATES OF INDIVIDUAL LINES IN EFFECT DEC.17, 1910 2 Map No. oHodgens c eee Columbia o ° Spring a Spring Broo) AE TnE Brovk! -Pigergw are Halls wopsrey ‘opdey Com a &% ‘Elorenc = < ; GROUP MAP apo Se | : don ae hj, a = — E 26 a PER SHOWING oe\s ti gee « 9, , CENTAGE BASES te Lanna said Fr ainoee x, ry, Pog » yg F ex = § ke heey", EA a | R —— Watoeday, Ti | fe > ST BOUND RATE z it onatad oe OF INDIVI = i ine - = ait ne DUAL LINES J} Pan lige > of RP FFECT D «\ gfManderbilt . EC. 17, 1910 The {ATIF one Hil Bracebridge gales Seri, 3 Otsego inde’ 2 ‘ima 2°e Bebe FP os RT o [SOLE Toya 2) Zen i a Gravenhursf} a: eng pos terv ie WA G-2.Ry shaw, le Severs} *E€ tom ee ; \ Fa i rand mecae Te - Z\ 4 S —— Gpboconke i a } tlle an ‘ itis aupaca god 9 rhiee Es ool FS i on eae eau Domai o NS We { sh * . a 3 8 ‘ : jarles ‘eced 0) y nt Richm' aes ah’ 2ufoma, \ Lor" Ageahord? Xs a. parta,y Quelag Frie sdship \@ e bp Omri? 0 a8 &. AR iT «Pan er ue tN, ndshi ranit c - “ . 7 ° 5 jLa 1c: Sao? pao, aa Pp oun } ‘\esherton > Ky e a Pt 7, 7) $. oF Rass M re , Ww atelloM ¢ Beeton mo ov vl aeetaaer . aaa lo we aferiy alawings ys ton spe He Th gra fa Reais “Pi Lill erBey 2 Go. h, Wau ink rye Ablome Lae jo aS aie PYo A \Bie Rapigs ~ Cones = = | o y ~ 2 S ‘fe opien i, anes oy vy Be rial 7 x We DG. . reas S, tap) “t SS %, ac Qu i what = premom oud x Midland my ill ig Mofondo& CF , ¥ oxle S Bd om As Mes c Lin Suscoda ‘azo! boi tori, ee e eyaygo. a : soe a iy Fs S elkaders ? poninion oe ADIS we aris ‘Bedays, owes fe Mh a Vassar pz vente oe a 2 prs, /: ithaca w hill Er a hi Mi nt fin Sela yates Rind itaetogdacle aN ES LAE a Oa nee ville ce tontieeli Sone ponte 3. upukeshas NERS xOrearil e t. Je ley pre. atberi he NB Bch, Ys aS = is“Du = SubarDarliizton, ‘Be a BS-Ow hit} ee als ip ~ Beldin roeke ohn, F}ighing ee Cn ENS Bi Bilsburg \o\ uh Zo senes Vy eon soe oP ou one font sep BOR 6 x JH odhea ARI KHOTY, x se ye ) ae 4 ortlan ge) 5 w= Re ‘op’ pee ole ve D rh; eloi: 1D Cc e Mid a aes A G, \ Ox Foes 2. SStoc ~ Ze oo 5- fayla o. tm Lone Ti fielly Cees Bit: SM Fr f oF a a ce (6p (08 ye NO a Rea 2 ‘ 3 eNGe By ee : m / Sole Micon brews Pon rs Hiab! rion Slaquioketal: aes 2 O o stock... Si eres E O well ee ‘e\e Zs an ar], @ Orr RESS ny SPALL 2 Boreal - = Bangor 9 eblevitle a ecr \ x > chs! Te le t AN Oi ito : a 1 am SSeS dente ane amazon hry [eves Buy Fred 0. = i an 0 ou ro - 6 ton 2a) TD Rakhelle Tac. 5 Evanston | StJosep) FATH™ Go PTa we ca Ging -7 A Tpsilpnt ihe y h oo" Sey * Bn . ol = “ee Ck VP = pe OneD, Dawaly, yrcellus cers doc! . 6 1 nt elas” each ee Seni ee Beeler Sonu eay k e . ou Shs i La Be ates T es atleyde. Tey xy, Re NS eC Napaleot wie 4 . n @ A. T. ESS Te. a! = a on s a “9 y _ ‘iones! 1 g - vill y if 8} © mb} . eet org 2 I woe AE) Pontia acl ] St3Ann W inam: 63) i. j Cecil ¥ ar ‘os o | Ss PSs D e Cc, < eR, SAR 45 er L Co: eGo A Liaharpoon s(n 4, api i , at PP, RY. rg oad, ty b syle. a ‘ake ap ERsto noa Jur; a hehe a =ltog Mic hesto i @ : is ion AA lpay | ‘ushivell OT On pe oI Cart Tez & — fees Rte oh he ; oN cs cop toa Monon, a 2) be Fiadl ght : 2 Mn <2) ay ; {lar eae! 3 - z yy 0S Bint Ser She elby Je, % in ro P) us! RI gz Cogusto Mara ¥f br ipererk rdeowler! D a y tee Parmianslow, (- JF e eo oe = sda = our Croatoa Mebpeste oro, Del Myer ian pPanctore | Atevenk ucyy oat : ew Cish ey utler fy ‘cittanni S sRushyille wrtianta ‘ a Oy R, stLalay ettey 0. ree lier a\l As, im - v DRel OE ii < eye” ES 4Y Z we ; Clint 8 antoy i 2 ee e Asn 1 3 Beltyjil forse aoe g Ey ene z n Bedreerey on LS saat . Tt Pay aS + { Rush: aXo-La € Oghat Power 2 el iN / Guinty p< irginia\ dale oaty ene onti g Y Artiva) ee 2 ingfer\_\ © Peo ea AN watt ere Ne : i «usd te s ic Ce ( : £ jade Baty r] SPRTI PIE Pu me: Tole, Sign na Go B ois ipa, ii idgey\ BUS Ke Je C ‘bul * y oe “eespo tid A ete tan) = yPOatur iy Bi efsbunge/ ‘Thorn| And ar loxap OK mi oy, sry tuitey Oey é Cosh: A\Steubel 6 C) \ Ror | pj By re n¥i fs < Bettent® ecoeeSide] wfords vill oc i ai erpensi eS Nog i DES Quieres eh? te SC an Sea am i 5 AAW = ‘i : . " och P ittefi a\Winchester< illo ry arding. mond Shelby wiley N * Mafshal : * Ne On, ent ae ood 4 y y ee > se’ el Hillst oro (a L& My . Rar, re yville sah 9: ples a dna ev. a) onnegrille cs lore Care Troy ill Ae ive Fes & ‘Ss. U3 im Re > Tale = ey BAGG Cao reg a arel, x 3 Was v, s' ‘ er! or wilh fas Krug. ae Zone ‘ cy TS 3 sl tinct a Bei Te ain 9 a Has ise AOS Sian Ye rt oN Marit mga Fe oa ee nton nt a Vt tamon le a “ “Onde, POH i c ile ss . 9 i Ee entzville eae ville eh i age so Bins, DER x NG) 7 ONash till ie ati oe oe Tee! 0 f oville ie ; & \2 ont, & ry} 5 t z o et ae a gee ite Liy loomfi ston? ee atavia. i - ASW, Oo. burg ’ st ET, 30) lady oulsyille So. ? ow 7, lt 2 f th ts of su wot, rae i ld , ese: ersales Wifamsbui ar s ene sine, ere oe Flora Seb * pated f tS Bed fo Bere en 0 srincheser Pika yd dae Cais foe Philipp ¢ tn ae inion ZS Acifie, ——f— eat eS Cy, 01 Is Loogoptee itch: es nt eS =e Ne OAleyBndria 7 o re Mexifle G » Bol fs avis| ~ S iva’, 5 Vent ~ @l Ae ~ a Sr Crothersy, eva; re & t y q ‘ille mgt ye sclle Fess AMO Q. 4% a stele A inac Pehch-Ovot Duplhw © he a. e ay Ss) Mataen i Jak sy fier Os, Dee ele oe roi Lebanok Jed “* fe ter ins SW 7 Br Nee a ‘ P Ys oe 2. pp. yee an y bor Elizal ote Ca! y oe sburg ~, Stee roe my Ne 2s Stanton apion Cr, pte ae e ay eee Spring Cr iS. ‘ey, Pied ee SGirar Losin JOS, Soloon: Aa : \, Danyi SSO Ye y ae on. H - Lew! ive / marth coh Greensile gira oy Li Haetrd Clit, PUsAbethtorn —PHnstield ye ae ‘Z eaveRgle NCR tn pf Beckley Larisburs 7G ae Mg? g Maeree arcou xi “Said fe Bear | Dap\?. den ‘ nt es mm Green Line Territory ; am +Bus! : For. Description of Green Line Territory see 1st Page Map. a our = For Other Description see 4th Page Map. poe Aurora Elresbeth ‘rankli Dy oAlco Smyrna Pontens ° Floralg Boynton. ‘ N ‘Beebrancho oy ‘Bald . z Caps Fear” Chula v ¢ Bothel 5 >Biack But Bprs- Adineo Cy. a grove pat CASPARILLA. exvo costh.! Fort Fort : CAPTIVE eS qavderdale SANIE! ESTERO cy: Bay TEN THOUSAND” net * ysLANos ; Ponse de Lert Bas of CUDJOE Ke : ‘\ Keys ° RB. ea uanqoesrs ey Ao CHANDELEDB 3 ISLANDS iP ifache = yraccassasse? n “Montegat? pov ASSOCIATION TERRITORIES I. SOUTHEASTERN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ASSOCIATION TERRITORY includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) On and south of the Ohio River from Cincinnati to Cairo (but not including rates between points both of which are on the Ohio River). (b) On and east of the east bank of the Mississippi River south of Cairo (but including Helena, Ark., and Vidalia, La., on the west bank), (c) On and west of a line beginning at Middlesboro, Ky.; thence via an imaginary line through Jellico and Harriman to Harriman Junction, Tenn.; thence via the C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. to Chattanooga; thence via the A. G. S. R. R. to Attalla; thence via the Alabama Mineral Division of the L. & N. R. R. to Calera; thence via the L. & N. R. R. through Montgomery to Pensacola, Fla. (See Note 1 in regard to in regard to line between Attalla and Calera.) Il. SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) South of the Potomac River from its mouth to the Virginia-West Virginia state line. (b) On, south, and east of the Virginia-West Virginia state line from point of crossing of Potomac River to Bristol, Tenn. (c) On, south, and east of an Imaginary line from Bristol through Middlesboro, Ky., Jellico, Tenn., Harriman, Tenn., to Harriman Junction, Tenn. : (d) On, south, and east of a line from Harriman Junction, Tenn., via the C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. to Chattanooga; thence via the A. G. S.'R. R. from Chattanooga through Attalla to Birmingham; thence via the L. & N. R. R. from Birmingham through Calera and Montgomery to Pensacola, Fla. (See Note 1 in regard to line between Attalla and Calera.) Il. ASSOCIATED RAILWAYS OF VIRGINIA AND THE CAROLINAS TERRITORY includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) South of a line drawn from Portsmouth, Va., through Pinners Point to Richmond, Va.; thence with the line of the Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. to Lynchburg, Va.; thence with the line of the Norfolk and Western Ry. to Roanoke, Va.; thence via an imaginary line through Paint Rock and Murphy, N. C., vo Atlanta, Ga. (b) North and east of a line from Atlanta via the Georgla R. R. to Augusta; thence via the Charles- ton Division of the Southern Ry. to Charleston. NOTE 1.—The line as described from Middlesboro, Ky., to Pensacola, Fla., dividing the SOUTHEAST- ERN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ASSOCIATION from the SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION is practically neutral territory. Rates between points on this line and points within the boundaries of the SOUTHEASTERN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ASSOCIATION are considered local to that association; so, also rates between points on this line and points within the boundaries of the SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION are considered local to that association. Rates between points in the S. E. M. V. A. and points in the S. E. F. A. are in all cases subject to inter-association consideration. It will be noted that the boundary line of the S. E. M. V. A.:between Attalla and Calera follows the line of the Alabama Mineral Division of the L. & N. R. R., while the line of the S. E. F. A. between these two points follows the A. G. S. R. R. to Birmingham and L. & N. R. R. south of that point. This indicates that the intervening territory is neutral ground and practically in both associations. RATE ADJUSTMENT TERRITORIES I. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TERRITORY includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) On and east of the east bank of the Mississippi River south of Cairo (but including Helena, Ark., and Vidalia, La., on the west bank). (b) South of the Ohio River from Cairo to Paducah (not including Cairo or any point on the Ohio River). \ (c) On and west of the line from Paducah, Ky., (not including Paducah), via the Memphis & Padu- cah Division of the N. C. & St. L. Ry. to Paris, Tenn.; thence via the L. & N. R. R. through McKenzie to Milan, Tenn.; thence via the Illinois Central R. R. to Jackson, Tenn.; thence via the Mobile & Ohio R. R. through Meridan, Miss., to Mobile, Ala., (including Aberdeen and Columbus, Miss.). Il. SOUTHEASTERN TERRITORY Includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) East of the line of the Mobile & Ohio R. R. from Mobile to Corinth (not including Columbus or Aberdeen, Miss.). : (b) On and south of the line of the Memphis Division of the Southern Ry., Corinth to Chattanooga (including Chattanooga, but excluding Corinth). (c) South and west of the “Walhalla Line.’’? (See description under Carolina Territory.) Southeastern Territory is divided Into two sub-territories as follows: (1) MONTGOMERY SUB-TERRITORY includes that part of Southeastern Territory on, west, and south of the line from Decatur, Ala., via the L. & N. R. R. to Birmingham, Ala.; thence via the Central of Georgia Ry. to Columbus, Ga.; thence via the east banks of the Chattahoochee and Appalachicola rivers to the Gulf, (2) ATLANTA SUB-TERRITORY includes that part of the Southeastern Territory lying east and north of Montgomery Sub-Territory. NOTE.—That portion of Atlanta Sub-Territory lying east of Atlanta and Augusta and north of the line of the Georgia R. R. and Charleston Division of the Southern Ry., Augusta to Charleston (not in- cluding Augusta or Charleston, but including that portion of Atlantic Coast line, Denmark to and includ- ing Robbins) is sometimes, for convenience in rate adjustment, designated as Carolina Territory South of the Walhalla Line. This is done not because the Carolina differential adjustment exists from the Ohio River as it does to points in Carolina Territory proper, but because proportional rates to Virginia Cities and Paint Rock are used in constructing rates to local points within this boundary. Ill. CAROLINA TERRITORY includes territory within the following described boundaries (see Note in paragraph 2 under Atlanta Sub-Territory.): (a). On, north, and east of the line from Wilmiington, N. C., (including Wilmington), via W. C. & A. Division of the Atlantic Coast Line to Columbia, S. C.; thence via the Southern Ry. and Blue Ridge R. R. through Alston, Newberry, Greenwood, Abbeville, Belton, Anderson, and Seneca to Walhalla, S. C.; thence via an imaginary line from Wathalla through Murphy, N. C., to Cleveland, Tenn., (including Cleveland); thence via the Southern Ry. from Cleveland to Chattanooga, Tenn. (not including Chattanooga). (b) On, east, and south of a line drawn from Cleveland, Tenn., via the Southern Ry. through Athens and Knoxville to Bristol (including Bristol and including also points on the K. & O. Division of the Southern Ry. between Knoxville and Jellico, not including Jellico); thence via a line drawn Just south of the main line of the Norfolk and Western Ry. from Bristol, Tenn., to a point just south of Nor- folk, Va. DIVIDING LINES. East Line:—On or west of a line drawn from Chattanooga, Tenn., through Athens, Augusta, and Ma- con, Ga., to Live Oak, Fla. West Line:—East of a line drawn from Chattanooga, Tenn., through Birmingham, Setma, and Mont- gomery, Ala., to Pensacola, Fla. Map No. 6 TERRITORY OF THE SOUTHWESTERN TARIFF COMMITTEE’ The rates of this territory are explained in the treatise on ‘‘Rates in the United States: Western Territory.’’ The Texas Common Point rates are largely a product of competition but have been modified by the intrastate rates of Texas. The Texas distance rates and their relation to interstate rates in Southwestern Territory are explained in the treatise referred to above. The jurisdietion of the Southwestern Tariff Committee is stated in brief below the map and in full in the treatise on rates in Western Territory. 1 The official description of territories is given in “Appendix A’’ of the treatise on “Freight Claseification.’’ odlaxey Springfield” Bt 2 eae ea Hugoton © Corizzo Rocks Aurora = BMinerat Clayton ° Beenham ake O10 GAS ** q ey West? LR AORLWEXIC c de PPro Las Tres Campeche {f° Merids ==: = Adian Ssocorro |, Heretord © {SLAND> — = —Dimmit Ty t>SERANA CAYS = PROVIDENCE |, Otten 6 —Hart STAREEN 'G -b Kress CLLWPPERTON ft. (French) « wy . =eeniaid = Slayton Taboka ~~ : = = Post Hindman : Fit rs _ 5 Bis ‘ i feed): nt es s : | i ; f S + AW ' : fee 4 ; - " P i e ‘ P ia op cs ; i , Ke veohif ae a we ya id 3 . 7 : : ee v er Tete a : oe 44 ry ty wi aes A Fo ae a : : ey ot Ae hs hf Re ae. NY | a od LOO i i ds ' nN z a . = . bed ot 7 Re erex ’ a " ie A me (ecst}. sBpra a 7 rs Saigo vente oto MEP fz n seca = ROE N ag: eR i Ss Te 3 - 4 z - fence “| 4 3& af eon Sy aa eek a i. aan F ” a , Z 7 * a : aby . chins ha Bh ee tat i fe. % Listed eae : seyher Nar ty c2e agin oT t: git ‘ ‘ ji vps id a pce c ( v te a0 ys , +o a8 3 a z : . i ares - ' u 7 pert td ° A ? ‘oof s h I p ; Ns 4 i {oa . mish : oe = Gj a , MA: eT . \ 2 lp “ pe items +a un ee Fay eh aneot a2 fave 2+ ‘Ani i dootate ply 4 ne bia g he We ey : Sn ee Lae’ j ‘ a meals : = or. Se adds noni neteg oem ee ee OR eS 9° : ye Soy OE Fo aa NS ane was , ye ; ‘Ss ; 1%: Fe eniooks - ; \ Von ] a > erg ety 5%. iopaid j “a FL own D aro OE Ban ay + * lias any ‘ wonpias ES port estoy. Ne % ; 7 . ' e rs Pr Yam ofr! y eg OBPYS wassizOf: > e Ore 23300" . 2 £ obase Me ox ie = owed Lek | RaW fateuiece Neer e NM teh ONT e = htc a Ath abandoyy. J Dep LPM We Mackay tone we N re EA Sleawort / tie! 5 ; Ser yusie = WA Te A baie et emma car inn We alae am, UG a aes = reit? oo ea isi ‘ Cpe ; mT poy Prealtank) 2 yh 8 Reh = i ee 7 cae , “ tel, (pe mane ~ HE Sad arte a oe % . oe eRe, he ees che a tee Sete 4 7 s ; i - e . ey whe psastyy wrthina Sa fi Nite 4 a | iy PM eh LS KO, rs Ea, ae ea SEDI 8 Els off, 6 Mitton nian RE ey, TaRNARMes Neel 2, oe, bloat oT ela Ar of tra). \ Nes Lean et as Oe ie z sm 28 PA eevodatidW : a pe St ote th alt a : Sia 3) ong! is . . eh eet Bold i ye 2 HORA AB LY BioMiiad . _ . =a eto bs : . Walia? x ne" ET ER iotens:. ¥ aa . aa ea J Re € es eae teens z ee go? oa ; SD V% Te Dulipdak of FSS fag SI" i sa98a2 : ens CR Sf Mey | SN easaONT a toni tbsck te Ny > : P otiad = ¥ Aifse: oe ; es ea “ : oN ote anna er “lf? be ak : = ha , “F Tes We PG ae ie : aidmsioy 5 ie ‘Snes a ? nf F aotne Jae 7 is ; ; } = ‘* Livatet igs sqaron TM Lely po, Sti ; oF 4 ors va fy . fool? 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QD Jee, * . gots iF see het Se ir Ais nate ig oye 4; mE f, Sg x *\, enon. ce oe: she 08 Kor. & ° is" or » iy aon. | pHi et ae < > ; fy ri i sale nr : nal . “ edlewges'lad | Al) ae x eltivans Vy a rye r tua ‘ ae anal 1 ae ; ia ; Ba Nis of "| Sdonacl >i : . tasany © of falsas iy qolbe J inset goto, OF he ape ‘ { Tae 7* , 30 ge, opt ef nee: ftot.cra sD alliveolqa mth og HA! norman ag, ao ~ eo Vebat tel / lorodiniser ae feo . HO Poa” bi, omy Ne! 3 - oo oboe, be KT %e) | ciog a, ect mgd Satticers” fol sf i. SP) Pape “Sry ' eg ge: tag Yn ‘ PO bbe 83 . waa /s wool | \ Seal CO Ss a ; oe ‘s Le pam . fa, Eee ¥ BAY anohinomA fh. sabes ra on an Y: aebic ere . ; eo, Be Biornyantg, 2. adheres LY poorth, of 4qgh poe Uedcabas tes ag / *eiy Pet ae, WOO corliven updiobigh. f -feush eS ; Megy iH SS td tah ered oS 7 ss = ae «. etait EO» a % . ; a ; t € OY sodas: 2 , ; eo. ita idendtod Vash <0 aatesirs Cet S — eBay, ut isi tere Dy 4 “nobwor “qede SS Kartdocs)atl aotqety, ye ahy ety eis piace ec: god a ; Mo i auatted Yeo Fase ag = POON Nexto “* : gos sogile WY’ a Weg ig pe nts 14 ‘ge SNGOM F e avougo- aed 2 gtudesis se a ~ Sikexoshy ‘ fo%, ; area) 2 aut fs 1B 7 Y oy ig ty Snefoen Tepy | a : . A fay i : S PAR. a psi annie? 4 siaigd | weis gptas pe - os foci ec = oe: 20 tnt, i ce ocrac me Bin, “ Sey, aixgh JTS Mong fs ey wee, indi, ye PGo) sani sf SbAab,— ae =o 4S 58 oy aoe esta 7 git” [eX | “ewig Gp, wrod tint iy, ‘By, 4 . , fy Pn IDSs tay mh tr ris SWAN: i . tae tag OY Voothatite fe sy EGO, gst S 2 he > Li ans oe Tt \ sh gl % OG ae thie § atts 2 xy ati i ent z0F ‘ siliv bb, 8 Pear, Pens %: e pest : > 5 : Sox E oe lan ry , s iivavablard Sn : ia” “gael ze i s, fats oie Sos 2 ode Tt Om AT ; “Mp Z , Ed, x ee “ = nS oe Wee y ree Bee ) wo 226 wold Y 7 ; 3 a> 6S fs sehen + = & ‘ a Nts 2 : 3 & 7 32 eet eae a sitshe ae asi ‘ ass = eer eo : ay as 7. ee Se ees enh (AM tin, 1S53 ; «} Map No. 8 Boundary Lines of the C. F. A. Territory On the east by a line drawn from and including Buffalo, N. Y., via the Erie Railroad through Dayton to Salamanca, N. Y., thence via the Western, New York G Pennsylvania Rail- way through Corydon and Warren to Oil City and Franklin, Pa. ; thence via the Allegheny Valley Railway to Parker, Pa.; thence via Pittsburg G Western Railway through Butler to Pittsburg, Pa.; thence via the Baltimore G Ohio Railroad through Washington, Pa. and Wheeling, W. Va., to Bellaire, O- hio; thence via the Ohio River Railroad to and including Ken- ova, W. Va.; thence via the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway to Ashland, Ky., Charleston and Gauley, W. Va., including all points thereon. On the north by the north route of the Grand Trunk Rail- way System from and including Toronto, Ont., to Ft. Gratiot, Mich. ; thence via the north and west shores of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan to Chicago, including all points located thereon. On the west by a line from Chicago through Joliet and Streator to Peoria, Ill. ; thence via the Toledo, Peoria G West- ern Railway to East Burlington, II].; thence via the east bank of the Mississippi River to its junction with the Ohio River, in- cluding all points on the above described line. On the south by and including points on the north bank of the Ohio River from Cairo, Ill. (including Louisville, Ky.) to Coal Grove, Ohio, inclusive. ns, se Yellow—C te en j . tral Freight Ass’n Territory & poe, Red Line shows i sys : é atic, , in addition to C. F. A. Terri %) ENN gare? MP \se FF & yo ae Provating volnis in Wee . A. Territory: 2 ag 2 See ge Soituwa oe < i ippi River; inois and on the Mississ- , ae GAN. 38° Pag, qe ied Iver; SSISS: SP S a on rs o. Mat P doa ae vee SY? Ve wes SOR fe 2 \e eRCs Leo } < oS , a i White Ei ag SVS ~ 0" 9 EO as Points in K ev < Fran . 2 “ ; . ogee OLS ¥ ot? > 20d (5 oN entucky gov “ SS et RAG ee : yo Webbwone! - %, te ae gh 8 \ C ER Ri ESS “oan TM Se. ifieati : erned by Offici roe we Ss Sst fi At ibBroce Mingdon Lm mand. = wy se Ney Be *\. ook ae KOT nok AO eation or exceptions thereto; al Class- pe Ke sO eS a ge ik we Seta 2% Yo009% PAC ae & Colas, «30, pF AS © Sir<. 50) \ anges a" Ol, cane ; os sot MSs poset 2 Points in c hath vee Sari O, Ww, te % LS, c._A : ‘ Lae ; Go! Sere ok. a Be we foserty 8 v aD, "hj, 2a &. : o a | 7 Ppa. : mn EOr he oO | _ Maryland, New York, P : os oA Bina Hele > picrbibo Sj orth Chan far ap tay Peay, yy RT Be ZN oY pW oe aff es mao Gnlleye . S RUGUS'T 2 sie and West V : , Pennsylvan , rout. aan NON Ne ot, he GN \e es 50) 2, Bow” : irginia taking sam 1a Scotts, £08k, £ Ke Take Detoy oe i he rey 3 ae sy Ne o We. a 3 ae : Win imho ER yay termini e rates as wes PO\\ otis nt ae 30 woe Soe FFE OKO Fg ONS Xs GGO% 38% hws of Eastern Trunk Lin : a sngaley ‘iawaty Sy S iS “ Sprucedy, YO - XM onde Keak cn WSS Or poet We SP po Sy sboedial akin teeth int THe es or Arbitraries in : aoe Kinne : oa \ sequin Fanny \ ae Smuths Be e om > ees eer S. A “27 “BO Y, s 2 1 an BD For descriptior ev PP ons Se : Sick SES hewoy ff S waiker Pte Ly Ge rd orton = ~ cio x A z al cc . 2) = back n of territories see front presen Be \ ee ° soa, "i rid sep y roe \O, one eich Lar ss W pages of map. and Bra Ri, ¢, Detour BEAVER)! DellstoDd: ae e ANB raced? ay Ag sinesto 3 fe one a A earth WY BAAS vod Biter". NeFOK ls — Barhor. pes pea he 8 ove\Ise> < ~ wanes ag : Sr Tea of oe es! ; verse, B oskey / 12 enh He ot hae es tow CDF Rarel ngpsone urnver® Nazeas Oy mercix Ee e wetaee “ /, DP oh g erent ett ae eee ir ss atts? &. 4 ' rod sS T dge Hurst en Pee pushers 9 oforem ga ys stg S.ward Po Ga 30% ALS 7 8 KS ZF Sa rgnderbilt NorttaPt \ eosTet ria £8 [ge : Bt x : is 5 NaANITOD 1s “Fitton ai Go (GE A57 ” AU i Be ie loome re a a Yu. “Joes? ae KEYS wi f igke = st m vp BS 5 [BBY Otsego, seine Sov = : ag Byodd| ons™ va Ee ON Ne" He see ; x We Ss Se ed jiga Pood contd Fay, O¢onto Foave at ee % rede’ ‘d of. ack Bre ol ee gr00t LSpie J ~ es A x xen oa nee Ss , cae © ANS Be =a Loomis Xs, Barriers CA. bono? 9 tere PEP" bee: ae BO AM OS INE On et W. Gheonwosgsby My shoo Wine Ne Wh ‘Bay ie BL ne/S Mico eB ‘Aucaple t 0 SR Lake KO gacket i z Ne eo “sds Val ati Claire: ged Sir eas so" is * Pear Shawano & slew een BaD Messe ike NE ween ee da erto} Keser t} SS Asie Z 2° i a stony Peo a a August ie 30 ‘Abrams! 2 3\ 7. v0! : ‘ ae MY ‘Ob, etre , Mon! + Sack ar S A ® Cintonville ied Y gone Ny Bas 80) a e ue antonou! Rose Cx Bee ; ) a Bo : ees 2 BOD’) sroufill EZE Gd ort How Eee: Pun jcriond o Na os Fee eign \ ie ‘Point dit me ey nour mai by 3 eee 3 Son Lake © Ny Ne pions i Mee NS \qrzo —Ase G i eB O oy oe my og é. Ae ene dou We Marhtian yy Ss i 16 5 Oh S ne * o » ON Olgat"\ a i Os x 4 tts Indepenti, wii ite qDext \ 2 8 epee eenvsy XGaai oper — i » ic % itby N weg oe yrs? o weee efehayy BS Biviltex& hers, S ‘Londo in Westhrme z : Ss Ww = boro oO Faj oieer é i) a 3 > Alma anes aun b Manistr © : yusiD A Ks 2 ‘Jeu Ugh ek \Pairharel4 9 y gat as Arcadia [iad ae . BP pate ate Nae: TER fos Reh Y Shiver Os, aT ez i fe ¥ sea st iS 2 asqville oFo Fiope ach, Basho] ame] ay GHONTO Pp ¥ Ass ¥ oo & {Sry Ie} ee pred ss ss NS R. Fong; i ANSoe Bay He NE Fos! Kone Plainfipld 9 Li iS " 7 Bee eri stow st hn oy" 2S se Poe Pay 2, "Re ne 2 cg nes : Gil ra Ko Ay a! inn 0; studing evil : - f s ~pato™- on { ‘ ie e) > ey & oes Sst SS ve patawinsy| mows ost ley J edi oe 2 ee ilton anit c Px Carers, ey Cy: np x Bad Axe won Y Elssine lk ise ss = <0 8 Pe Bil Ny tng eae” fae Sood AEST \gar"s vies < Seen: S/ pies > ds EN a ik ~ mm. Platt ile ‘enticell a sy iN ayia ast We ell ri wy 2 29 “%. u e ase Nd gatic! ey ApS F « Panter sheet x aD ba OPA any\s: P re oe oy “Racine Feet 2 TRC, sore atte ae Ae, SY onthe Eri ey : yyamme eh, nese or J Ce Ne xaos wi Honesdale oN col UF AN Ao oey LY : e fe""Du a shyisbure \o. & a = we AG woe 4s enoshe s sifegas® ae Aree Bay ae c Fige e fC deat “he _s pee Lo - hor’ \5 mopar’ newspld ey anton? 3 7 be ons ee s Oe } chi fenton. ne a C8 89 a Ober gande : p pion Ny eon wel mort ZN; “apne a, iter one anton, a: mae: Porte- “Hop! pS eeren 2 . ekio Belvidere > i < < Fv eB 2. 2 is bu} aie e » i | ‘Milas’ ae e or, Mh Ge, be | > Ee : * PN \PA y gout A eB is Lapo® i. fazer g Cc ee Bh eh G7; ‘ ¢ os de- aes reep Teg << WA ortngtOSAT igbiand ks “Benton BOO se ee YU ete ; wipe Be 3 3 a> BTR, ook A mW ek i Gorras) apport Nap pliioks Ke rear -@\ into -° Fi dpticello, . ! ‘areng = . 6 9: : L "iy citeg, = . 3 wre <4. + f jee 5 : a | nS se ewish E Sart sto aoe) 1 oe aL apes Me Nambe sBatogiay Le “ichh ane ‘ 2 nthelier /\V Uni = S SS ox “A = oF Qcnagti® = acoet ae pols Ge Gilittinourg See Ng Se Se | HEniza0e) \ S. Rh e fs etink a ye uror ei 3 moa! = angels le of Wan! LAS A Peso a x xo oD. C earfielt Glei§ron B A gigs OY ty 9G Aci alle, \ Er Por Aitps oe pkey a te Me fe lees Sore Ke Ah sea WAS nln paleo é ote Li Ae Behe sina re WS VE qastle ie oS - : ; y *& ; an JO i¢ts oo . > G Gyen hs Q x 4 e 5 f aS to: nh Rive . P f ADS fag wy a alot: ua roa cmn A fo ie SS NaGcownpoin Nee - Berna ioe S 2S ledteashler ‘08 . hese orve.) i Os ° i e ‘od . a Aye @ As ‘ey * Sika Line c' F ce Saat Pi olleg go netond | NW, Ore . Y, 7" aw” gee Picksiie-y Cee! w/e McComb 2 > nwicl ; ey fen ete evapo" pall: arGrone sgt s AOU o (Islawat*™ 6: ‘ AEE OF L38' afe/ age no AT B05 @ umber hase Contitshtal Ze \STHRE piprtaat F = : a\ & x Lew SO 8 & , fe ° in) OW Salle ii w Nel o .-[ PENN, ni . © Ply? Ic. \\o) y mi : gs obsa— 7 Washit im, Viola «| acy ae lee a a> - fos gx) = oe aa ee ae S Se intel Fin Tay’ Ao el Whost = ere Fee BNO, ~Wape, , 2 alva cj|Hen! ea er este . e; = a : : \ us a . < ‘airti ty ai Caeld . . ithsbyy eZ ‘loge Fo Io . 7 ae = = . 3 S|: ys oD cheste, ¥F iy e Pi we Delpie wy is ‘\uffpon y “3 “A s Keni f ; vs sail A = os Noe! 2 aA edit \ kk ¥ fe a esbu Z~fENS Foot Sy aellfe Bet! aN “ oo" 88 aes Ro; 3 eto pecaty 8; % OTS/ PAL = Bucy, ihe d Je. Mien Tes ARV Oo PR re x e 2 Sole a B > yt 0) " 5 mii Y Ye arg ie 2.) leasan pre ey , Za oooxrlins he) ei Shor ot Montjnggoro™_ hs Pei Wipasbprui > Tod ore a Mo pottsill 5 > oR. rr on gh LEP BS oye TOROS & sia nGutlia\ Fimwo6d- q fe Phen ur; ores a 2 a v7, PA ure; feBerps.g Sta ak, Kenton i" Gakabic oF jiape? eh ae Wet P\E y SN gtgh> mgaonae Pe 5 - Syl = \Sooainns farion ee ed ier \| Cqin® ya Oe Seta MOH or 4 *S ° ¥ 2 @, adis 6. oF Areifogtonp—— ure oy at Ona) Sa, Fowler 72 anker Tye Mon! tier FV ey oN s/o ern c em ettya arg me SHAR on singtODaore Blow A Laharpe ‘On; 2 Palnaecn fa) Ron sot ospa‘k | tgp ord oe Delphi v4 kom! nve’ Portlands 45 a o 7 Pet y e Ci ficow! sh ener ¥ Ke ako > ey fast » eS ek) ae mss) allps © Cae { c por net Oe a & Sr lore ANS artipr CYGJo, Vers}... \ sidne’ Bel Ni i eh Jonsete esde™ go _ Caspposit Y Ck) S wert™® Te “XGanhase ay. Minier} © thie $2 Cette 4 md Dunkirle Pant ye T= ey (foyer PE ew roel psignto FOB itsbprB 2) PES Nor IDs \\, 2 : Ka boke Hy b ehlan/ 1%. aro} et Yr Bamvlle 5) guy Xa >— HER C1 > hei Os ANOFS ah OF sy, i \ Igrantille re . < oD" = . s BETS Ws. Mule jai 23 oO rs e Zalits Khe AP 2 3 eo avsEe spall ta § 7 iD ttl Oar! a ‘Tiptd. * = pen"! Paris . “Yq > Ss: 4 a / eB” Wee! GaiDeye™ eo AIG Passe: S e sine sen We CF ee foes Saal ea a fa Gap Cee eta Sa Daa icf paceman NZ is ase |e evil Rushville’ ° R { i Weal -Zae J \ dane Ao) = dwel ans pe, 2 Poi Ay b : Di Si te w . ickeT “Ney xi: 7 ay “Late x anton a Point, vABearpown, fers ny) Beware ae Tole sieh Ot fords till jesyple JF iad ot RAN OspprrK gheld/! Fant ET e Cont eine ae 0 Ceo. ta lata, Gee & Oe Wa, nia Ashyand s onsyi¢. Putas! featur Zz ewp ZiOLa BF i OD . Stil a ~ pAlSCnet lone Sgreriin € Mies Lema 8 ela rm ‘ye & apo) 18, cs pe May Newark © ake Quincey m ay _ 1¢\ J Riverto) 5 EG] NeZSidel Moytezam: a a PENN ato S CN Xe Hyland evi lO Sty 4a 2 Mille sane bY A SI Se a yville., HsPRINGELELD i577 mandy ce got 7 Hume ckyille Dan © PENN . 0 om on en a 10 Tie" WN (pocket wer Dota “ Palmyre, “Ba Ba 8] 7a WIAs te loot heer 0 OM, Lime ani 0 a . ert: i ig 4 A i or ul \e z : - ee ; i wee Bay % “eHannioe en a a esonyil Edi ; * Krooks} ', ris koripons Eee WP Greghosod hv ust : Fille = Me hoxs 0 Son EN e toning yes Ju. FUfores® REeors ae * Bhelbi mroel= Bos ‘Winshester eae z OM! Su ‘Kal B' y el zane 5 } Ge Cr , \* \ * Pittsfi ‘le ‘aylorville ‘3 a x nevi Pe 18; ame 5 sentield\ 0, se ur. g® ae iWsRor ‘ob: rly/ New Lon! Eo) PR vahey a re en, y : nas pes aut Pe oy — G P Soe Hare legttal 2M zee r nil XS, g es ‘ 2 \ Td paris OA NLS sonal, & rard . OND et byarion paerSO io A, awe vase ZL WA Fics epi ee ee pike ens cen oe ot YS NOX¢5 G it Nery rbpnda'g 0 nfield rnaville 4 Y thtowD a N 5 . - x . yok NS dio Piank. eck REnoblice 5 ; a Aeicor Oye Deke Dixon \SCAPOUF aetford - f ae a Trodeens V- ti aes Ospurgeod\ & CissP ingmse a Ae ms a ee R ncets ’ ns ; 7 is : iW 2 . Buffalo : ustonny - Bush, conerts Fa aliatt 9 EcL080 jsonia™ : 2 S.Bosl Re P mont Egpwnice a Gira! Gyan polis x od 390 orton! aan cast) orse® ‘Golw mbia © Jameson Lily Knuckles. orn ee Mem si ? ; Chatham », aU y . cea ‘le Teas eoee fi - Gs Cxbodl ; a .\\ Pied jon Gree fe C Fee) ogy: ' SS Les os avillé ever ritle PGiaseow J 5 pamonton lat ma We y / fai ee = 5 Sr FIO Tr, cuss & (Gal e Nest \ De gnonds (Mi e mee CEN. X Cxofidr ‘Bevies en, ete aidbeoreed gi eon! / : aie Pe Soret x + gm il s\Fuxicy a Paduca See Ne iaSWilon 2 G1asE0¥ Oo ardhade ou wee fostieel® ‘ie, © \desChail We . Ansel : Se Wi == ewe Ro e eS * ' Lake 9 Nominingue L * ee, Es T, Vin VE ia o @ See A e 2 eS ° Dare lI27/ @ c ak 2 aE \ vs » : ; eofthe . ri St. y So WS of St : : oe NEI) \ Le 7 Seo se o os © Pylonga 2] SX ee se St. Didiee “LYe\p OM Mra’ Lo 97 Ga »AgablQCs St. Magloire SSB WI eee eT Fy 3s Bouchett; x 3 SN \krembting SS t. Gabriel = /; psf | Prat Beauce)Je. WV = PAG a0 2 2 a 9 e7 } JGyand Lake 5 = Yountain QLake Otar Taal a, Wer 70 &M yster f 4% ; awasa FI Ut = Lake Ni = iia od fyi SYESES sax Tring J 7 Li i —) S mG A , x St. Jv, Zod ee wp Lemieux# 0 ring vC. - s¢vin 2, Cela Og 5 rayne rig Jorge i RS secl ng, Le \ Bread BLEREY. PA cg All Aroostook E j i, — : rE 3 a 1 So os: Zep. - @: ATES oN af’ roughton 9 r Qe roostur Z iouha cf Te 2h = os Waleb)ain flwin 2, fi * J fobs i) Bi tpmllel 2 o a es Rang et Wen SEE ey 2 SG. ~o/-Stanfold :. ye 8 Beaupeviile © Griswold ma SEQ Lae taVieille YS F 2% Ups 2) Lake Simod NS Ny ne y 7 \ NYSt Leonasay Artiigbaska g 0/ St.George ch Bh os Stony\Ldke Whrite Trout SS eS FoyCoy nee \JS is px La Rose Sta, Nog Of | Vlas Ja OSGohicts yII0f, Pierrevillle Je. }} B o7 St.\ictor a ainverlain Lake an Pp / Lake Ros Great 0 Pembroke \)) . o, Low se % ao 9 %s Zee AX Slot, 7 Gyues™ Arlthipackavitie } Black Lafke @yTring e AlNnice Lake 2 ks Falls ‘Teaa Wy W La ke oe Y ras us I Farrelton Glenlive, %e, A a % gS %, OS 5 Coy y KZ Ww. Bt & + Wat pe teas Ss Q 1: 5 o aree P > ay AY BY Wie” IN. % El Z e EES KE % [DA iY At. inf 1% Agile € St. Francis BYE Ahjnie Laie 2 Efmsdale Lae Litile Opeongo & ee y ay a f sie %,. v% %, > e Fale fe % eZ % x Z i Y oe ~ fo: [I St Den nig? Kin sey. regen Lambton i Sy. ~—— Scitia R. Lake\SSmv ec N BC? 2 @ 2% oe = CS, ee% ALE F fv? ay GN ae ie ° fy) Leck: 2 Se-> Bear Lake VO eS seUeD) OL . e % LET Oe ey BP {sve \\ bY gof*® wok Y Rj ° ke : Sg WD Na TR . se” N % co 6 < St. A Seo fem he: be ifchmand Ys xe \ yf Be, : at Ea S92 §} at ee S ? LEG = - Andrews E.%e ff7 , - : . ; why ylmer Ss, BH, = ee \ und Oe yt 5 AIZEN y e a ae oR arNhee Lim ra $>/\\ Ya paler’ 4: i OD Sel he, A Dudswell 2; i ale Rann! bed Ties ° Fa 6 Zz Haliburton Kaminisked : A G.1g, Inding®*angpeon Pog St. 24a, FOES i Worn do Bfonje foal Ter me De TGS MON SFA P — “WA i ak ? . Indian *8nqd, aly. ~ We GHP evs. t o 4 I66. 3 ws SS Pp SF amedec \ TSU GP Lake gy Maynooth ake \Mt. St. Patrick® ny v 7 ° Sane Ks = SSeing PSE GE J Pin ip, ons Cs Cesaire &,\6 ° “roo, ay oY Gould — SIN. ee id) Prelighsbure Stan fend Berend ) 4 PU ete E ScvesLGe Lille SiS ‘oe Hill: dn; Sey, ye : A (a) yy s ° < . as 4 Fae ~ Gooderiaan Gi ° sharbet Lake © Ny liss Yo, ° ; Ds Lo Bouya y Ute ra ese JY, ss as Ete bane Se, [2 ham’ Dove ree 5 : 7S : Ba tetion\ Cipss Luke | : aD ~Y : 4 SVE eg V—TYUD erbfy Line (JO. RR ebassett \ Kingfit\ld 28. Lagrange S$ Qa. ANC. Cofb ANN) f S ( - E mee UES * yp op? ON i angfeley ¢ [Se Dexter[? H %S 2 OMllia gs NE MAE s “ Dy tou ea We ‘ake WP Brocky | bNoryood Ber Toner SANS S 9 SAI &. : Pantie Te SE ens 8 ag Lake GNSS ® | Hafrmonyo ogMains|tream aa : aa ' , * PUSRN\: ; caygeon on © - Wesjtport 2 |e gPotean YORMt. AS NY ans “%~ ,% Island Pondf2,=; A BEG .AD : 2 avollingwear Mfty/aesing | Ks 1 Ga yey Z ed NE ies Brsiye PR Op santd No7e Vera S//>kmitt fu, 2) Bo 97 Brdayog POS Ho Strong, 9/3 Harlan Corinna [ NS . Victory Grove Byron Nei ae Pittsfield®:| -// Brvewer Dark jot as Z - ed Y lc ages aKG fs Rs? ge ys oot ng* 7 tara ip, Pie Gs rot. | Rumford Fall pri’ Beaten ae he urha bc af P Ty pias TOT Me: 4% wy? : és ardwick org ancea\stet mford Falls\, Wirt g 5 ly eae So salar idee om eZ fortes TG I L PLB NARA Fe EQ onington st. Joh un Ro. Bertin | Bee Neg “Gallapa) “yo, save Interport/ Py Bucks Big? i cklw * ¢ : V2Z2GP y. Red wQe AS fey : Stowe ~ Ddnville Seo Gorb: gt : os i ) i ; ¥ : oy } d : pot orbam Gilbertvill Liy Albion\ ec Hsworth Ore yan, or baer IIL DE SIGS Pip} Sy slam piladelgl) yy i o [ TG S c eee OF oad [YE SZ Gilead &\P. ; ‘ils, of} . N.Vfassalboro ‘ Scarsport : Tana ‘ Zevin, f { f apa, 1 (‘S Ely Tar Oe ONTPELI 2 lg - Fie aaah = \Paris/ Win]th ‘ & << Belf ZONK fri oO Non le a a 47 ir’) Tri) fittle / Lyf Tuppee aN Ae North ERS IN‘. % pet letlon Bart \W tashington o (7 & Gi & SAUGYST < ast SG 4 ie Vinghan 1 Cafriedge 1°87 La SeI as Vv fieldf/,- N%, || 5 P7Lisbo at ae t > pr x8 . fi a 7) 7 e 4 Kos Z os 0 ? sei " 5 . Repope : \ = Tisises ej ater wn Clea! W tte hA Zp ZS +SH ny, = “ ristol ‘ Bradford Vv. Lincpin¥. SSS Th Aub u a Gar ‘ner, ° it eee port Vy GB i AA: Cc . 7 J y" *le, ec a 44s x MTS TIN afl). iddlebury, 5 ia = Havers; f i MS shieck inic Falls 7 Lowist n = ( Mie LB: ; 7p V. AN ¢ i © a Croghan’ 7 6a sae Z 8 Necoon a ce. iitomae ye il Foodetock ridgton? \W\ Danville ichmond 9) «wp b CiGROC KANON TL 2S iN aoe Pp. Extra Nd Lowville| KS IQ Ra qieyenes ws cetoga UTX Ron elsea Lo ew = Conway, a “0 ON LSB ) OD (EX i) . MilVénon J pEtmi ay (OR, Laks ke BASHA ester Q Randolph /) $ enthworth ee Lis Louse A £4 \ ~~ bher Monat Ae SC fh Aan HAMS itterops\Brandon ethel e/fF F 84 ‘a ae "gl ASHE] hor S = ! URINE [fora init 7 e\\S fo, ne SUSAN F Fae, Hs Raa GO, P osdhivee \ Wath ter \*\ Stratfor und J €%\% gForestport = Bear ETS Meta, Oe narttded”? [oH Ply\nduth @ Lee Ng YOK Jugeter \ Gal Boonville \\~ = : eorge “yy 108 R anov ED Oy ake Yo W-VOssi Na Ye (Pp L) Mar & Ayr gor? 2 % 4° ak Plé *) nifefan . Rutland B We eau uke WV teen Ne One IP . e' : pone 5 1 =} (VY hyena, i stock ristol \ e esthroo oF, SBD , o* Dr\um oA, 3 oD xx? x * Rens 4 fo oye we OTS ae <7 lultney)t\ waite River see oV wliftetr © We, TSK: me ELT WW, ics mb) me F wit o S & or 5 Ee or] ge (Middl /town(s peiuge Ay, indsor o> ep Ye Ni a Yn, % a : x: 7. 3 ? i Bs is r : 7 [ta % ui 6 overua7y «' S207" &S ts aR — = ny, SSKek NGS $ oy ot Fi\pils ey wahitingfog? Ludlowd O°8, ¢ IY Lacnia %e Fde p, ADE nversoile/ EA Galeton Naa Dan L@ = iy ; jo NS Od. oY g@ 9 1 Riveryi Fort — %) Do: : pot NY cFranklin ‘ a A ie ZNSewi oD Af, pra ose gritte * QTE = v. cXonfy 5 42 45p0 * aRidaLale RO. SBS who S¥ Kdward effet Chesterh f|Se*™ Cage TKO Farmingto\a\\g Z, ford Lene AVS Tillso} wick} 7% (OWA El 22 Ce Wellan w.// {s- : Ft\e 4Nlz Canastota d Wee SR Pe” / 2 1 [Adnafénderry Chartess} Bradfor ao, Wr\ Rohester we = KOM okAG- O}nby Sy J “Tx. Cf fui Cau KW: o- 408 as A Can2stotser’, 2a Globes A + éSarpto\gu anh tow & \ Penafcook Y, SS G. ITT LS << Oh | ge 3 Cli\nton Rohe Syfings , este ellowsy}\° CONCORD a S/G, DOVE? ’ 20.9 SS Noes 3 UBE.) J % RRO Be stha spe/q LES |S. meee all Hillsborog~2. YNcook, fel N\| Ans = ag, Attica Q yon asi ‘) ee SO, ‘burn 7. HA 2 Ripple- a Ny rss: Vr cae pa g S) rafal {2 ols Bennington] %,<}: Hooksett a, Naa = Ke ew me ¥ a nan i Se < i= 3 ‘ I . tonol 7 SF a} Springs _ sy * “f 4G Sa NBra’ 4tiebo oO IK ey, C4 v2 ay a ®> & JM. 25 : 9 a « 4 ~ f\. cl LT : i] P ws A J & s ] nni en 7 = C= De J = PAX m\b 3) “giles 3 < rghis penn ead YX f/f Jvirte fom) ¢ eft y peda, of toa WilYaington’ aie <0 aL W; EL we EE LG, i aS — ee ef aj? Ao eae BY INA SME z's SH g I fo | \tR Valley Schenec pening Benn)i : xet % ny WAN GHES TERY & aS —ALONG= re 5 i eos Be OR N BAN ‘ ah Cobledkill : urg peel ngton| ° per Mi} rata meAbu a i ay! re = 8. & Lass of 2 AS e B S soe rtland New Pris f qs: +8, Re 5 e s ATR ee Tibsda ae, . - oe t e 2» « od c yaar e; 2 prat = BS . ° Ls, Norwich: 2 od c« He Cy " anne 3 o mas Gree, Je. ine UA Ve > Zs e\Fredoftia\ Mitte OA seitest y/o Sma] ae Kiama Winport NEA 7 rere 11% Cincinnatus Bagot + AT BA NY) /Rbestct - eae Tunnel Bier, n Athol Sof soe" HO LL Lan A fe oh tal. (oso ° Rageticn/” Hornell Bath 3) OX, Bi ord o] Be, ntor? “Ni HWY Pitts| fife] 8. Deer; Millers 7~.4< LN) ASN pap : oe o> ge CanisteoX® g- WaXkin haca\’ © ey ol shy, very ° eld Aw) a Falls RZ : = a Arian amy ZY x Allegany a ol A oe Sayre { al gestied $F) = ae Springfi = br dee, ao Milf! erd KX oil \ Es Ms Teen y : x rv }ffeto ue Y, too Xkanaa rial mcaoemens voit i ppockton PRIN AN iheesfite 1 ASL ae Buo\hpnnc.. mt fo ar ee Parksville b* ee oY PRL &) cline fi 7 Aes Sato o\ dy SANS sn ead ee Ne o nitrim < o ty £0 ODE. CF L\54)} Aijanche: 5 y ; »\ IN ke ; see Cine ; x & Ss é eS way oe Costello/e- | _ e/> +: : 3).4. yf Union Dale . w % 4 ay ad Pp 3 ndivehticld ion 4%. rack lantes y Se went Y °Z a gremo Etpavee: q \\\ i\ Mey We iog/esta ie ae se cae |, Monticello Bam) GL S . . on LARTLFORD On a Ss: Falls} o> % i) ALY > les ‘ Ta ° ubrings s Wib: vil Be OCS aa) 008% need onticello Wo ephi _ tf Briistulz P s 2 Ark-o (SAW 0, Y, Buzzards-B. —y Jiieans Bedf £.)) Fe Ne : eg Golinza® ayo ; ar ton < 0, Py.s-—p" a L FE Watefto N\Aw Brita Ky iilimjantie wrigh se aoe Zane SESE ) 2 s ON KA 8 Si; fity oe ay, Pa Pywoporium S Stacia nner CO tee PE pkawaxen TRG 5 “ae {yi % a South w Britains 7G 27 Plalin- ry & SSA Fall RIGE Nay o®)\\ Huds NP os NOH, Sharan ‘Stodepe ub Be: by se ? Wes few Slate R oe —~r), : Aldergs 2% . sot E. Midal\ 34g &S 4 | I a VES ington nom“ ber eons Easth [% Aor enn) ; ao e | * Dagusee! i : * ee Bs. ~ Porc = T Dee wit iv ie . Soy BN eS Fa CR rest darts Neila aa he tn SF ENV EAile Et) Sk (i SS : , -/ ’ } : , : ord. 2 iN AN z ed Alar © MILRSY: am Tdetets \ Sal ib oe ch £1 \ . Branchton Wy Alieeg NM pSIZea ook ee gory i Oe Sy GUC NL a . ANTON, Q Sh attyns PeYge “83, SEL Ranke 2 Wy ele asleltoo SA vatle © Pp : BAC. o" N *. jp i igs 1 : ~S W 2. e Re. At) oo a } MA liDs 7 os = ex } ; ; ie M: re f Ss oo i, ile : teu! bepvil I Es 2 EC C es oy Its in PA. Es blurg Bel wis low Bae intown Isto ong S one énoy, S S fe ; NN = 2 Cages : sx : ixgyille 7 ALTO{O\N PAN Sa ose RCo: 4 eas lainfield ROT 2 Man? SNE \z ey eesport Cresson p~ PA. Ja\hH ant aN ees SY STP A a KE SRA ——$ ‘ ae ting .— y oN ellaburg 6S : urg PA. WZ Hol}; ok Gan Ny See rg’ m GaN Vag

hen ae V> < < pia, UR, sO 5 Daeg, altering TU 0 a A. 7 SPSL (WA nf PU sburd RS ‘NS otetne Fane UMRAO, Be ys brunew fick 1 PER e SR re “ B. "Ne 9 ocPe rth WH LI IN a i; > Mt. Ligoni WSS a sbur: i +, wy IN caD} wveans® Ness Sa ee ln, S % 4 sig KK - < Ss : i Ae Beliajre#)| Tria Samet ap oS \2G S NAD IS SS NSS Morte, Montellopg R.SN8 Oay y\\ Hii 4K %, Con Ke ) ! delphjia| > o = ¥ pisom (2 = Griisle : 2. tal ae hw ey sh So RAT, |) 1% aS Benvf oo im{ Grove & ¢ all WF SS Orne EN AWS RY, Midaye- \ he RORY, Abe A] “NoW ood Yo = s : CogPelisville Se P\ AY Fanner: ANOS eco! es? ea n Eh eZee haliepe S p ay) j NG o steig f © a vs © \F Y = : eet Dallas= iy S | WL % eng” S4fNus]abelmn Oh: UTA Ke N A Caldweil Me iO i Waynesburg , A io\a\town y yi) ee as Ged a ae ee me neast E > we : s D ~ fe, 6 a sil ASAE NARS Speech “on, |e, YOO e \ Ree Zp lm dared ae! es ittleton eae ce co fuence oy e720 yndman. Ny es, Op, +Q W.ERi Xp MtJig lye gk eM) ST Beverly) Sig, ae New F 9 Comma = 2 A erlang a sy ty ¥ 1 Chestre1 : ) ait ns ui iver) if : Yj, Fer; (Martinsvitle PEA r, Zig s/t bn CoA Jue Ri Onn xfokd °.. Haddot o: Hoy Seaside Mariett, Fie, “Ye Maan eg Zen == ue Ridge t me t A, AN ers Geld ied Hi | 4,5 2. <7 Zonacg /a- 3 OV Age eto . = shalig\ton igo] lee Re Bareeaty tl HN) lA ti gif w? genFaleebnt Hr, Gy Ban we 7" ia ee OH Taneytjow> 4 aye Ys fren) RR Con SG, URN | / nae -€. hey he, : ' and Paw . Wig it Dette Ant _we\st™ Ste of fe d, oO: soing i : en ay WP) =i Aan PO oo ad iTO R Ripley NomaneENATIE a SO INR ak eae Z Urey fan SK BO « V* SADOVE SSSI Y Pee i ES AN D CANADIAN PE RCENTAGE DY see v NKNE isto" / WELALAR Yr xks penc\er sy % f° eS Mi oo ee Fgtsiy Hi Tap IMay/ O/H uM E R R ITO RY FO R W EST ‘- = ‘@ We ° wie™ y v SW, me nie. belie (7 a : Rolly Beach FR E i c U N D s } : nac}qstia FAK DETR IGaCoS, o Bpisted “Pelle felt 7/7; " . HT fe C, UE ISS IOS 2 ; BANOS y, “6 Bie Ce Ni le 2/2 x a Easton Fol SZ RATES 4 oR xf is 3 9.2 SARE hol 2 len: a <,Waidvill 2 au a 2 : “AbD Tob ied i . <0 i n ei ‘o be studied in : eno ! rand/y Re : = seorget bwin) connection wi TO 3650 Summent fSY \" wifne lem Wste 2? eget Territory.” Th th Map No. 3 and the volume on “Freight Rates i : P05 er e id Sofaford | . e names of the basing groups are written withi F fee ef oe eT | f @ <7 Lawl Fr EE local rates or arbitraries over basing points, the a“ ee in the borders. For groups taking ure, Beepwater “Ste Z ericksb : — i the name of the 4 ’ wor plus” or the sign Cras . Mt. Coeff rf o ‘aperton 8B A- O=z pone pee : . gt | SP } group. The following abbreviatio is written after Acme(f : ye publi EAS, : B . ’ See ~ anfenor a . J "Ag er o : Bs 3 naa 9 a. Be eye cect. ‘ a = WZ SA on LFS ES Ue Te eee amXQueeny | Urb N. Y.—New York, N. Y BC eee Soe INC ETALS AEA xox Mu Mg PERS = ny Ctimen os S me W. Williamsport, Pa SI SSS RS oy ee -RoankE = ais ynehburgy" ‘ sf - : ; \ ae £\eanoa? | Ss Rronener 7 theaate cor Unig The basis for the rates is set forth in the volume on “Frei oA Pal er 2 ayes a oe nel ree —N However, it may be stated here that the rates fr - reight Rates in Official Territory.” . ee mm \ ua tq ae River < urkevil Cc GES eB centage belts are percentages of the rates from N ae : Mew — group to the Canadian per- : ) E\> wan 59 RUS ate \: Ps = : me ghih . from New York to London, Ont., are 76 per cent A to ae For example, the rates ATT. Wytheville 85 NS ge Pe Acknowledgments are due to Mr. S J Hoole Chief eat a cr ~ eee be Copyright, 1912, by Rand MeNally & © skh & by. Min ors axon SOU. SP less tion, f ing; . 7 aie y e Clerk of the T. i od : t _ SOU. u. : ; or check e Trunk ‘a= - Z 4 Mere Titne Libis er™ Sete 2 i Emporia ss = Kiib : 5 ing and correcting the groups shown on this map. : — Associa itchcock Trego 8-97 Poykt remelin =r ) fi (Copyright, 1914 ac : ee ee ee Extension University, Chicago.) is aso. Wy Pres ee a : ye ap hai P wt ‘ esaicce a e ‘ g Ee = vi meee a a La: wy cag, re descaling - a ee cd J See — wet 2 2: \¥5 = tn . —_ Vit NUUAT AO. pe . = oy me ret 7a)" N-AOPVAOTIAAS A TADISA As. Bei cs ag ies es Z + DOS 0) x — fg iGT .crobyod ori siittiw.aotirw oxs.equery 2 ai + hargie oflt 0.“ auly > biow ay if petetaoen pea maaobgivs eae sho ze - QwOrrAvandaas = 5 ‘ Ps Sp ge eS os S24 InioMO ni zeta Sl ixigiovT” 20 Lake 9° ost Lake d des Fi fonticie cl Je. St. Zenon Beauchene Lake Desert ? ° ori ew? ‘ » 2 3 © ‘~ yy ° ¢ oe > a p SRIVER ION % * mw % nham Ca rle ton) & ° Kemptville ° Junct 9 ite Fish Lake a 2 %, % %, \%, Andrews E. c- oO ne & Ve G.}S. oat a “dre on t. P. - Ys 1 _ Embrun \ | 2g, ary ? , PAO ie Cc: a ?- ~< BS Wilm ° es Harro ee TO ° 2° e City Ridge °, wm cS Wi Sa Queeng U Lanarko Fall? P. G- th “oO rockviligXy a: We Union Dale » z ponds Monticello cet saxeny 4 re wl loe4 a ES Hawley CRANTON E RRE 4 Milford“ TO entown = adgénfiela SY > c¥ster Barnegat : 2° : : St. Th = on Hyaci n St. Stowe Waterbury TP Vag = Bristol Middlebury my a Rochester Re Rutland ver ay White Lyst yster 7 0 tny ens, YG ychman T. e hee a roo, Dudswell Jeg: riswold Lakes: Mattaga Ch Chelsea ” 53 Lake eton ough Byron xy § Rumford F; F Victory ton Cop, e coe Cc. uy ville &, (g &, hy re : Vv. Hay > erh 3 iW ~ = ey st 5 ent S/he LIS Pi o Hanov a uu, indsor ton il Bennjington vi o &, @ s. = Dov ¥ Cook, Hooksett ,@ . Se. M, g AN EsTe 2 At ¢ ville et p, Athol & ee i Ae Millers, Ch f alls < Sh. o LENS Ww & ences ebm bbridge = Putnam Rhy? MAP NO. 10 Strong a < ttsfield® Je. Ay fo o. N.Y assalboro = Nix Belfast SUE, ; r Jamden ell gus Rock e . ° = ewistoyn c GROUPING OF TRUNK LINE AND NEW ENGLAND TERRITORIES FOR EASTBOUND FREIGHT RATES FROM CENTRAL FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY To be studied in connection with Map No. 4 and the volume on “Freight Rates in Official Territory.” belt enclosing New York take the same rates as The red borders show the territorial groups. For example, the points within the New York. The names of the groups are those of the points on which the rates are based. The plus sign placed after the name of the base point indicates that the rates of the base point plus arbitraries or locals apply. ABBREVIATIONS A. —Albany, N. Y. B. —Baltimore or Buffalo B-E.—Belington-Elkins, W. Va. Con.—Connelisville, Pa. G. —Grafton, W. Va. J. —Johnstown, Pa. P. —Pittsburgh, Pa. Ph. —Philadelphia, Pa.. R. —Richmond, Va. St. —Strasburg, Va. Sta.—Stanstead, Que. U. —Utica, N. Y. The basis for the rates is set forth in the volume on “Freight Rates in Official Territory.” The map was drawn fro England territories prepared the grouping of the Virginia various carriers, and the grouping of the Canadian po m the EASTBOUND RATE GROUP MAP of Trunk Line and New by the agent of the Central Freight Association in 1912, except that Cities was made by the aid of the eastbound guide books of the ints was drawn from Canadian Freight Association Basis No. 3 and supplements 13, 18, and 19 thereof. (Copyright, 1918, by LaSalle Extension Uni rsity, Chicago.) Ry Ae 4 Qa, PLT tA) pont & bere Ags eel ae 4 » rani) ‘3 7 3 i> ‘ - Stee As ee > al <= F > “es ee ee ie zz =e 0%) NAOTIART ‘wor == s “y Me wonu— .U = = 8d awotentiol— . yioiin Bs ae ” 50 omuloy od? mi dtzot toa 2i eoisy odt sot ciaed ofT M bus eail umn to TAM ae aTAA SUCRIEAR ei} mont awsib esw gas otlT vine LAA a ati tibcarn Ciehatany os es Geena’ bshaliiul BUFFALOfe rt GRAND RAPIDS DETROIT y CHICAGO ‘e. s. = \ ee’? i south ° i ° 9 FORT WAYNE 1 QO PEORIA S Gy by a 4 ¢ FY : é e 9 au RICHMOND SPRINGFIELD QUINCY LIN DIANAPOLIS 3 DJANVILLE Pome as ams) z A GA io > GOLDSBORO ce s NEWBERN . ey : § J : : Jy WILSON =— —- a f GREENVILLE STEVENSON ony = o- ae NS ohm ‘4 A Lw/ILMINGTON ,o Neo ‘ S S. UNE iz Sa ff ee é REENWOODYyY - nos i qyRes ~jor{t ine Rive : es ood wood V,__ (NY. x ge s Otter UND S% < “Os oe 7 yer Paupor ; “ » Py 97a $ SZ 4 LIEBER. ERT _ OY Great ras ie es x2 Lake mississipPt 2 Wri Clo 42 YL ONS TTOZONG, st BX F NPD x \) Ny 8 ——— * ” : p HE @ a ~ MM ©} Tint agl\e Be exand EN rote Le ME. 7 DATE . ah ; nd er C mA 2 yo! U r g Seer)" genes = ae will Gl L sturgeon Ser is SEF ravers . \N-Brand NY 4 oe NG acs & il Q." i Sh N= : = en7 on ae Nk ° . ilow : : = S$ Bicakton a li? e Wheaton\ 9 Riccdne Og = Osakis ) Long Pr Zz) — Topeka won River = ot oaaly a h oe a of 4 ena mee Lake nits SO Fea Finlaysonp}for a ee “8s py Ine Rg i ® Asoo . Kenisingto Sp Osaki - a? Sw = Yi Little Falls Wak on | o | ordgn v rummond ¢ gO : wel ve ogebic Rockland. an © "i ; S © ; ae zg 3 . t Tk TNO Sa is 4% ery QQ alte tbo: Ss; M =} | Sandst / ~ es 7. Saxon : Dp. Ss Ss P ‘Anse ayste S : % ~ ° eaceville loniy * peak cure > io & e 2 oyalt Hill an Bro Ay one s Cable Mi / Mellen WwW: CG: A iS i & > (0) « € © As : 00 : @ 20 oO = park i ingra oO ‘On, f ° c < 0S Wilmot B ve go" Clinten ce N. ope eV illard 2 a) as e Ri ss $ Mor; pes ae Az / 1 Lake , “Osborn es out Creek < axes ENCE Rote ste nee : QS \ tue ; : . ssip f : € 4. 33 . eas NB we fo a Sarbucks a Ty, SF eae = St fe oe Creek / 7p Sand Rock. rs \ Sandhurst Seana Michi Ss NGS Ortonvi cock a Brooten 1 S wd Rapilg 7 Milaca City fe LA Cire liggtn = an X: Poste ve Turtle Interi ° igammeW S : ; nvill nghei My tC ; @ 0 ; ‘ouré Poe oat ER ‘Busw ery mtat or e outh Mil e rea \Cold Spxi lo Pri R rantsbur , ari re alt lg gO c. 2 6 \ 22: Shor \ pank 3 co. N . god Pa 8 neeton ush /Ci a se Ss Ly D F. » RY = eels’ € Atki . & '° Vadle € G Marsye a . pe> xT S - t. Cloud amb; sgines sS Fre ic Shell ee 6 / a R. raper aig tls j a oe Sas os 2 y —_N Lake S A any ». ao" s oO - @ : lz Harri QW ¢ - ake of : ee a es c e v . er . N 7 at le: : e 8 : WO C f O- FI mi ° a woe < € Ppleton rs 2 : > Eden Lo es ” Lake |. North (/Br aN ee Garonett, a 2 oni & <6 Keely 7 ong au eh 3 -_ 4 sre Seb - . Qo adison eNiilan, a x <6 z _ Elrod £.& 0.5 Wi cen L OU 7 ff : Pek & Ze S12, mberland Py S irch- aw WV. | Mw | an gy nni in\ceton ¥. ac a wa illmay, 7s G: 4 ae ERY % ees w/Croix F : {. \0 wood & alla 1 (a o £ ox * tet L M. 2\ At OG Wy SON err? ; —— RV nd 2), ty urtl pe $s po 2 = Peare Haskitoen yi CaaS ie he aaa or SSH Or tae sa apy “e =, peo ews ete e Z i , Oy Summi e Lake prke at § ips Lhurst &= maha ae ye \ “As ninglet astlle hie Cles ¢; dK * y Br eot® es ee a ew ay sp. MgC ore >Re <\ot® Good o Sineer iteronn 3 Co ar Se Ry en a eoiay 90" bee S,: @ - st. Q 7 qc A) Ny gor no 2 e Shani , 3 Tr ° mS Lak & ‘ oD Of, bs Axcess oe os Or en Se, & Osceola — as f” o re 2 Font oy - 19:5 s D etropolitan mich. 2 enary > e\Erwi/n aw: 4 ou Ganb rabNite Fall $ Smo DP = on Sen Oo “ey MP Vari SS OY Zt - SNA sx bet ys Rhine] - akesg ¥LCo ET Kingsley <. aS ak Smith - 9 O mv Sto,-}; ° Vira ¥: 2 oo eee dues. ae "5 or > t ; rine Cc: Jason es oa <903" es Ne oO Ea) od assian 2d OME By i “Ol Les Rant 8 2\9 Sap, naian * reek . o\ronto tg 4 Taunto 4% ney Falls ee On Q"G : Minnetonc tf \_%; “ Cin Le a - i ey Ly prem adley Sigg NW. Pre on : Mos - 1 es ea? nig ee fees . ein Se Vale moe gies siore: SEK oh\salhrten ss So-ies® Yo” eo neh PERE Kf 7 Safndon NI heidi eee NaN @ Z ~~: 055 P° Lou eee ey . enct rica Kor AIS : 2 Tr t SY : nald Ue Moo! > MelZc\ p= N= - SK zi 2» @ Marsh My Me 3 lencoe og $8 Eines ST Hhdso QC: et a o iy 4 eecrene 2s ; oo apr pun ar Nee - ° Br Barton. & 4 shall Redw Beave: N st Pe ee “oo _ Cary ka | D Pp _ Sy H Hughe a . ake 8 0 = y Oldham roa\ki » L ¢ : wee EL & r Falls New Aubu Ons 7 ver : ke ° N j wA na , YO ‘ RS } . annibal y; Chelse: “Al Rikos a Lona cldarts =e \c raat ms imos ake. ‘ o; Reg ST. _ Winthro rm > EG re Re Ao! A el word Riv L ignonGoitic M, TSG Methor Gsoarieh| : Z : € ae ‘ + ely = ba —2y ee We see. [F oe | {500 ® \ sti Cz acs ? y QU feb aacke Laks ap a jgod Thu Sat ae Do orto ure es Pitta ac. [a\" GENE kort yet : Oripora/ es | Bf Ma WW Mari \ FALL Pa t eG ey a: an e} Amboy iMaple op ca porill “0 N Dee oMieg Severe Sechelt » AL Serse al lj // j S/MAxitous \ on Pp i Nc, ON. > & TAY . ei\ oO = nm Dgige Cenget CN = Cj segs IV af + Ves/per’: olf Fe "2 : NEC} . noe x o ; we = Beers o7 a orthingtos = A La}ke\# e innebago . oe : cE eh (ax oe Ww | A Sa Fa | :S 5 Babeo 2 ae G: 58 BEE ot . - oN =I Ls) Sawher 'Gleh\E CH Hurl ~Le es Sr ef © as he Jacksor 7 fe. oe " 9° DA IN RY alesvill he cock [5 randlere AW 5 st EID UY): y e nn\ox x : : - oe : rf % D a \s € r- i Xo 4 e fe ppard wy, and\ R — se, SA e A fh . a Vy Ips Menn 7 < xfipe Rock — “7Sh Tiemoat\e elavan = son rN rs BS e i ts apids V . IS SIo-7K & ff Wy t Ty Mf o st. PAA R = = /Sher\burn 3 4 . : wee “SC a | SYrem . Math o Ne hy, B So WWaupa so 5 PAL Ce HI (WZ ively * Center canton N” ee Seen fern koe Albert SNe inc SF Safes Chapgeia Hi LIN eee eas ar (3 ee cae RESERVES bel eo eryAil . Sp , ey rit Lak ay ore ‘e e “ ° Pi x Rus s Pre, AWYeN. 3 a. No = ainfiel E Tri ; a, “4 yh K we iy ¢ Lake On . es. Hu 4 6. Z <> ey P. fg tet’ \e — + ‘ ug phord nt sk _& rw lav(Ri d H ae ghtat 4 .G. Be nkfdrtl Or Nap a of & . dson : ton aw oe gxidled . . ricelyn C4; hoe = < 4 eb planes bag, oy. 3a \O a6 : y Ridge Wauto = Lake Po ete as: own iy, D&Pere Ue \A foe] 7 sore ly 3 Kk} Valley? 7s ost. ° se re eta 4. ‘“ S-lyle : Taopi Mp . oA louttang 23 West \&. parta, ried ‘aco Refd G Wik a | & eu, ‘3 ‘¢ 114] r ta a . Bere” “3 2 ey | — M. KX: of Sher RT! C keMi N ° - 1 reston C B i ~§6(A 4 % NC. > AAC oo ee i \rani innec, SS 2 una 4 Ate iy) = Cc om ‘ & oc? > anc! “Getge & ills orma 3 = eine aad \G L m -£ a : 2 te on a 1D Cc, L Arvadic i aie —, . r & On & Diccines: oe 3 \OF ¢ es ron ee ya Sf fj Mona hero o Wpring Greve? svilledf] A Calv ORSE %, gla ps bes Berli Omro }tens € New Bierbore K&B. See yet BN Ais Nes Ae eee Nh, fi Apt prc Ge RET Le | ie sae af Sims ! eee J RR “| WwW aza Ee ersburg rest Ae i ~~ Cc. ence ae ME ry . M i } a . ; ‘ , f t ay i “9 N%s,, << Vom gutben See es Geet i \/ Key Nee oe Bao Hie eG Pai eck oes \ sh? Sr NN secchiiiber ‘y Wi Hart SOE 7» Se ose A YES ons jand ree > on ? Ufo e KX 9 Ae Nar ane oc <; Hillsboro OMY SN re WN coro Youn SiH Ko\SH” Ma 5 al oe . p : ° * . 2 = . : § ; _ . a ) mul 2 : Q. eon Ik Point Merrill ° |S z Algon® = ter P} af, © oo, mingy vi Viroqua p* La] Wonewoe > pee oMahand Ripon Wwe oH / 3 Sst ° News aA : = an” Mars A ae govt paureneng S, & og Lig CONN “al ross oe = ee 724 * Elma {Pepérah Lansing\\, ery @; Farge Labslle Y Kithou 5 eae al. Vio a 9 ss ‘ tlt, e # : = ~< > we aren. sts pen = e\c- mae S Z , Sec - e M — ‘ 28 5 1 Ronse >, Waukon AS . yvilleY ae fs trontos CReedsbu eh. ot? cues = Draw’ a pele oe er AUN eens oncaY% : Ki y ° \ uv : ead ES Ne / 2a. 39 oldi Ble ee rg 908 Fo: Waar esa 0 Ki < AdStY ingsley : 1, J Poe 8 N.Y OW. 2 erne, ofckf 2 ew we a, DSK WV : ¥, iersiG F co aapu. Q * os \ { §.Sio SA Leeds geley Stor a\ honta |. ~ \Né Co; parte Ass 7 a tte Dy cb) 39283 1 rove Baraboo ¢,Fox,La\k n Se d ey 'Shieb B ‘ Wa 4p ur Cyn a A m Lake clz\ | 8 S, \ &} > \f Xa \New H Congas Og» Ps; 8 Richl } 4 sel 09 ol Re \ dy} i tt ken : Zo sopsil® : ? : D, Ge Be S eo Empton Ly Pe “ a and Prairi : Beavoy € e . Stel (UK Wa. Oo. field ° Jackso® = ples oe soistel® a Fonda Hum poldt akota BS ~~ 2 Chas Nasb= 2 ne wW 0 2° ST Sop sy cS, - acoso [ Side ‘ 2 ScBeay ° T De Nee er 2 2 At ac yj y £2 yne re % cS Cc . & /. Pop 2 Cio) Cla Yor ofl, \s ie \2¢g, Union Beulah »y S ~ Lone Rock FR: Dam g~ s\n ouritain ey Sur es os S08 Dh, Bry Bi ce ico Manape * ON ee Eagle 78 c = ONS ray ae BS Krona Me ae ae wen” aes orioNn * bene 5 at co er i o : i ac Ci Ort f @\GTOV y - a ; Sin o\ Elk o?: aD Mazi “f Mend s 4 7\Ben Sh Gof: of N P ° s Ng ith S _ Ww. ally Roch 2 City 2 "ap NS ve .& Dos umont yg << N 4) tal \Yy lkader ez o Fqnnimor Tontn Liightana ft ny. ptoncbets Wat Cl — >> Hare 4 gab soar LS ? i] tt |\Washi ort ender: hl well Gi spo = ee @ > orl. go : e A2ttlor gO aferfvill shin olk ex OG n . ie Ey ell Git carP?s x . she Ww a\ _W-. I oC ae 2 ry l= MA 2 LX owin] ord. s\ = /, / on Wi : © ent M me”, ¢ ee y NN: 1S Bo n Do 5 ce negyi ; D. oo 2% ‘ ster Li pe W, DISO SS Me & ST. ! Sr. eS . =07. b St C isner N ere oi; M Boyer Vo o, . eh vo enver_ OelWeiQh. Me Y ndfengs © c.& NUN y Ove ‘ we ct LhW/ vy a Stanton € 3g wh \ VS fe n ; — f Cc. “N ODeINO ‘h A AK eh By D HrAckle . lar P y " > eg, _ille = ote odgevill Now t o effoy confomow. Si he f MY, Madiso: Y De\catur SS os Chart ¥ ks C OF HY Te nigh 0) . 2901 ONS ee ~S. w Op oi So Cala z Mi °C New Gl oF: Stof/u cht of N- ‘S30n = 00 SSex E i\rlan W 3 ge r < S08 y/ ST. Oake/ : on es He YS Jewel | Fld a : oc ton ww S ville eS min” inéral\ Poi arf \. oy Cambridg ss cTemple roo, \s Hf e e pers? Sen, t A Oakla I oY Arion o Raheny Kor ° pay ne: & aa ent? P Be S- SH indepenge s? 7 p. asi a GrM. @ QD |M iene Edger = 2 ra -. N.® a . > . nt fos s ; < Z 444 - ; . cad i 3 . k= ce vans) my) 1 5 - ee Non, aN Te ksi iy fovsiny SN pee! Ma aro) Ro Pae < —~ Cy oN Veinbeck ae 190 Manclts 2 BIS jay \\n Uilsburg oe" ° vil’ Mitfony Rs Pod A =I { @ mah ioux a> Magni J : @ Tr— G = : Pen) tory el : ; WE Coa Gratj\c ~ a. : : ‘ ° Aon € oux//a: oK//\ ng > Ss cSlidb ; ora S a NE. DI tilot Br Whit ay gfe = {NN y 2} AV O\oper Ks BY Q° i ol 0 go? OFS ad < rogk 7 > Lay) re + ; buq? 2 Cc dhea & ri ee at mjyra a | > fj : 9 Az : Le : 2 : ra A . 3 i pao . e 4a, e» e Oo | ay = Ki kman \e Al net 3g SI : L er Dorte Eat qSn} Sitar c ; WS miata as Manroe M. & ; ranean? _ fater _ Oakwood (\ u. P.g %, \\ Logan, 50% . ; & cis (9S Fate XSt os : 4. c City \Wity , 4, 9 27 SS A 92 \ 2 Blair \¥ we 3 i oN ANdubon Herndpn] Sf, .— eee hs ; cy all ° oa. LY : ef “\\ W alena Varn von ng Lo Eso gooey ) \ 2 Bellwoo xt o& K Mi = arlan x} } ‘ z Pert... Ma/arlid |= ridge > T aah L/S SpYfont o M. ag _™) jpston Len, e = Beloj ‘Oy ag \ 2h Davi IN Lin : i issouri - »QKi ie | * S; ; Ne Ms?) RNS oled) e Roe silo” “het i na X ood! ~ Dejpe OU STR ; avi Cit wo os - Ae . pec prey [a e im) balifo gd ¢ Pe, i. Pal Me DQ Ie Tas} Pea Stn Tink Biss oe Ce Bellevve WG oe eo (loo: T.F AE favan Aen ee = Pe (| i) INE . B ‘ . y % = 5 le 2 - sae 4g cy 2 = . . 7 ae Sf] C. SS 5 a Valle riggs Keola HFE.®: is ‘Avocs: | M Er 7m ii, Vysieria’ - ot be i S yore o% a STN ie: . % are \ Ms ar cee fica ockton © , 3 | Me f Brf/afinat ahoos Pe : aN 5 enfo} Qui — ere a SS oiketie Pisin Woe 6 Si ek) SePeeS eeneonicn| f & NY \ » inard © : pe varry, © ; le Plainey~ “Adar quoke ab/ OW oe oats ~~. i < SS? - Oo = a Mg > R: es se grinned 2 @ ain \ rofapi rig 3 {Lorene 0 sr vardhe, ek \ ey Ul wich OX OWE oe cil BL . 6. Pata * CoCo) Ao ton mmc’ eps 4 Sunioor pid NS u ast s— . 5 ford an yo2 F | By fee y : * ? = o- ‘ . Ww . : ve T “CAM. a A\ Nis ho ¢ a: SSes bi ress y “ F Rea o I Ss dgaberiont— 5 Ss wi oN 3 Wage we \ —\Brookl33 ory ; ,, Rint, ps ae b Zt Forrest? & arr n ue aes stock 2 MWaukeca Eon ~ e V : * 3 oul’ % ‘ heal . ODS ' 4 - re LZ ¢ - It /, . = ac. So & _ fs an ap F i, G I Cc. B- & a: inters Sh. & Cc a Mon#- S ® 40 R, Ae é On cca in y i Polo |= Morri Ce ak | tal OH NEG o\P, js Ponies tig i pales Sof een eae ee ~FTthsat = a Ahk =) ong TeV MaNSY, = ny iS ©. a & “ae oo oe rN yO : ih te S Q. / a = et Cc: > , anola “ { eee ew < Ay; y Ne. \ I o On, & 8) ¥V, Of 2 NY’ ¢ ee Ms Pal S\\ and\P: ae filf oR e: Ss \ B t Lym j £ gy ary Pella Shar = wt DLW Sat Ir Eld:; 3g) Vey EN: Wr . ¢ at WAY ark SY Milford ° JS ine, outh) alver Sy : an . ° ey on ae pars t Be evel o bn Wing © Reshelle)s . ae od\ \\k \A RY INCO cS Weeping Waterl> = i) Jo Red ak Cre o ‘ *\Kn “TNC? . Age |: pv Ayibert eh P EN be yy ce m™ nn 2 MY elle £ rat els y e s\ Ane ‘otk M.. taal ; Mwhifesc é ston f a 43% oxvi ; Ax hat fe bee Riversid Nicht} ul ay oo fff * roc ; —_ : 6.35 Jes Ne \ A EB moe ner NEB va a : ifeloto Q: | z Bm oof STG]? seer verside 3 TO Mf. & < Dix ND s whe laines 4 ‘a Preten ion Ala oe iettCT PASE ) brsvor, oo yi ae ae hf ce ¥ : CW icik Spe iscu4 When LE SYP o/s jon, Paw Ae a os aoe Sew Rank ee, ee 7 Aan eng vo _Mescensnd Viioes NS aT Lucas? Le J Bes Mong as CAS RE Sess He, 72 = PEAS Pik <7 ¢ trangNe ilb ic fay 3 se ; Spenan b ols. 2 Y? Q. No. 1S: ow Sime PS -: ; Wii = "ANE ‘ via AY AB LL erri NETobias o—~% < e Sidn ~aS Wi Rss se] Ceney “\iv Charite MO Kel ee BN. o C; Chk Walaut}e Meey\ ON oe urorayy Lew it \ \ e . a oe [e o'% = & 9% >») an Wert oe NS; a hichton Wap LY or eel Olln sssenie8e0 Skee yy o-Fhano ui ae eX De Wi erli Bis u 2 & ari “7 Wiag — F fi gS S +s apap e & [oP w¢ 8B: 8: ’ pe Aad “1 care ee Q, jTalmasd< 2° amburg/\ Oa oe of Yissnal 2 Ke © A OnoSivia, a oat so gaa A) 'BBii oN Aledo eb ct | | pPrif prea) See EK pe amen ips Kh Rare Mich 8 Ge 2 TRI ‘ecumseh S eet wnville/® Bedf oS ; Hu\mest rae ore ene Faitfield M elds aXe yo fe \Camb Bua I pm 2 o NS “ 8 rt AY 9) Sdqth- a his uf} TOA: iC 2 Ww ‘ord eeae ; ornigens im ate noe O- | el Np? B Outh-Chicag ita Fairbur Se: 9° EX (O° B. & 32 - © Rofckpert P A a on - Uh | Belknap , o Cc, Mf PS ur CS\\ Keitybb' B. & Albha’ ge & San. 5“ 1S oF Joli le + hae th Caisse ree\O: r an CV irginia eats ea : GS gurling oe ean ca, 2 = es 2 Idou : aay PRD a NE urgre’, Bi ps y , Buses Lh VU P. Aye ops 5 tHe casey 4x0 3 Nail ial a= LZ < aiehiohen = ake é ue a . : ¢ vi . 3 : : . x x no > i F aU, , | ei -) S oy Enfaicott ac Wyre. cok ek eh. Mary Is: : rank o - DN ee é Blo oS r > °Q 4 x ely ay Gogol : KS # Thi oS Ki |< JE.d i ob Plortd CSI SE Cc. B. x ° \ 4 Corni ary: 2 ‘ . fs. aN ( a L eee AZ a } S : eae Ef Di IN & as , Mahas Poaeti \cLi & 4p a go XS orning [Yule ; 6) I caines/ a ) ei ana: = gis > oe ie Neen "i en z ee ne - P cA GR eS ] re Neti ; ne Bae als} 3 a g 4 2: Ags 7? = ag Tindajll Hilberto: Mol eee o, DuRas AOR Cs cos sian ore iNet a of /S ¥/Meta A. y Pontiac v4 & z € Shelby \s oN prymoutd Clyde w/ : ie = igh ° sburs > g e Medill Fry Na wi pairie nf |! yymor/s io, 7 aa 6. of ch de 2 A Kor o/Watervi : Seneva * lan Savan/ 7 Jo - ies’ Kia i * ity \P Air Seay” b380°° Ueki, ON | ; -Juld no w erville™: wake 2 lana Nur seca: nah -[ Milan Q. % ce Ati . — 4 Bish ie E : g fa ANE TP = ihn) he ie As ison OnK oss" Bie BY ga sabre alia A tha\ 2) mazofing Bee? abe Be ; S Sey 07 Fypo ssi ia Carth iN ae a) Ws Ee quan) \w. ps j Shan tpOe aR Ss Whinam: oN Ne Ne < T eS) P. & dye on af % nis ain oso Ny: il\t i eG Pe eee a > 1 Fai =P. svn® ¢ : eee mac > Clay Cen’ i Horton\.2 I ro. Z a SE : wd A Xs ‘ &e ofy| Var on a\com ubal? 4 = KE & ni | airlt % VE ORs I lace m= # : ter Q Ww pe Bip? c H/4. Gallati af Plati yy &, ff = 2.1L \ / "Bk ekiine a WV Lexingt y w. Rep [5 a “ Rjoch e- cf/Randolph Bo, etmolge al Re apy, lta wk £ ata Hurdl é oly ol tos itt] me \ ¥ a: AY B cyte 0.& Sy, ic Gs ony, ky ono : Kap oysburg ore : U ph U.°2 Pe. ia Tuseat “y y Lewarts N - Q. Mor ‘AB. 4\\ve ne and NO th) @ e One’ Lefwvist MIN rN : : - °. OT a0 : tland fe g a S = 4 eonard V H al V4 es Jo. © ety . a NY eu! : Pik wy) BA\ug ; OA dysi PAN Ve TO : =. Soe Ph Mono eine Vv. H a Zon) : : inners LNorance f! 2%; usta op Aste] S Me eis formal © Ifo Pye n\Logans S oe. Many Westmorela: pate Nort, bora 7 Apr Ad omilteensidee 5 sorbed M Atlanta nge H\°24/P Bol of a Ve Flapetty oo Delavan Fol Cig ton ee P: a WEE ae gans(XO} ¢ : S eS “R, Lats Wam Sea z tes Navin, e LN a {xs0¥°E King 2 eS Laclede yt Lo 6 se ille gh west ON: ONS oint, sheng : iw eB < v5 | ce oe @ a = Eft. |S) meee llo\ OF . a f° . . ? z 0" a 8 . 7 ‘ J ae) : . 2 z ~ r . ~ Le 4i8 Mancheste A ey, Nore e FFAS * ZT yathrop M ae, et ao. p07 Fd CC 16% 40 elbyville Moody r dayton hates / 2z NOK” OF dy | <7 Atlant\a \ TK fro e/z lye é Dleip oY bi7, os i, ~ “en, nn = : CS s ity O] ¢ VE ‘ i, DY Manictine Gyare™ eo ee re W\QUI NG Staritn / 2 “4 Al ‘A AS Cling, \= Sy oh ton Jar OV Tela \. Pemplet : PHY K., oe a ye ‘ , Ve ; {OR mith)’ C. AO Y ZA] _Pe}ters = Oo : 02, S$ e 7\G ‘ we n f/f) 2 Tr ae} U. P. Juncti Mc 2 skaloos T everly Vv. Sor CG; S E 8 . 4 N | : bir: : n 1 Cc ar, Dodd lf/y & S ef\\O ox st f 2g, H eee arlan 4 SS Lansi &, Liber] er Bogard Sy OAS. ace xcellog< Sbelbi .) , HANN We. & Gr; ON Virlgini pt M ye C15] C3" 3 ! of AS Ler SB Q len e Enterpri City Alma Cc McLoutl img > Rn, , ty Sofie a © SS “\9 om se > elbina 0. B AN ce a, tige . Ee a 3s ula/ski “* G° te ae * oy tC. Le Woy f & Koko me ; a? een Alta Vista® “f ope Sj , U.P. KA 2 Sx y be - ut ot, S, > ae ft on os «we Monroe City . , =~ Sr4 , a 1a “ashy, NAS Maroay~ | onticello ~3y = /h Ae 77 5 ne ae Stie® ‘ : : ‘p z e ; ra : | : had IA: e stu ~~ “3 p,_Pe City oi A be Cage - Ae T.& SFE, AN) » “ \ a acifson Bay 307 Illiopolis “Y (Bement, Yom 2 meson: iv = % W.&ton Ramona MP Council Burli a a Bie” oe GOD Ae E. déper wiggl = dirs 9 ten \ = te ‘ OBE Pas | Ou\sial Pittsfield PSO Whine Sw Re WAS. B Lc. Je TAM 4 efi Bar dip Ceedersb Aas, Be EX Ieost 5 ¢ Grove Cele ; dni, w ‘Olathe &: 2, ender’ sgginsville i] nN sph prere RLY Bowlin s na = % pO bSbster & Ay an = é oody, ; ; So : Sidell as r/alwford Cc. urg, XQ Thornt. Say < a ‘ st Spri e Ci pee is S/} XS CG: & é a Aoist\ é ., Nandali g Gri . Way < oF Wwe He by / apis i © pee Leb om | c eo a & oe M, P ity Oma - < 4, Arg Re ; “GX PAS Cr concorde me = yet fa o\as® A, cos oo andalia een! mt N y ; - La EN » “3, ai ryfey Cig XZ Ata A ila Gr hv NU Says © INS. Maar * - , SX! : ° ; i ; M 4S a aias Ne C. e 7 08 Wee 1M) rg fd f. : : cola 7 ¥ : Cantons. F Senet Po mericus/, 409 oe Sao | s @ id, ITy P, west SP (= Hallsville / 60 ce < \ Greate GArara 3 yRrell Sd. ewnives ANd). ae “ay me cs: Sey oh Nowiesvip Rand, MoNall Z & 7 op Fe RI viwey% - tay Phola - % nt Hill) ivan Ax ae g oh? | M48 Wellsyi) hiteside, & arrggll Bee iby. ge Moria bf | indlay ¥ Arcola eZ’ pete Sg y <= 2 “| Ladogas $7. &, le Nally & Co.'s So: y o : t 4 . nn. A; 3 ‘ vill : 7 ,%, , a f fo" nis Sha i Deca - » pe shine Paige CF ton ; Giadston 4ev8 Ge Wil ie | Soy > , Lolg Vas om a it Boas A+ = olumbia | Afonteo C, . @ & = 7 ’ ; & F we oN > ee Ior.L. . ax BOF AND. Pa ¢ ; - Rockvil eens L ee WL 2, See ee ret e \ es fae ms - Ss G Om Se 7 en , Teng {eenos ‘e e GrovNNY McBai é vied It 1 © Sey yi) % te Mate os - : c. ste ris clinton \o-_& aa : Con seit leaf verly | - Adsaratomie ete Ve “og: ar & Shun OY — * ncn OQ MeBaine Fe Fult it a, g, Th, Mok (> + He) $e FT lo Soy Noy Kons Na elbjyvill IS Arles en [ee c ea - — 3 s < Lat > * y e ‘ ~ Xm Le. ipt o ‘ ' %e e, x . Ah * ey a “\ 7 00: i ¥ Garnett ee o ¥{ ha: Wiles Windsor Sy FF una a WAS o anvil » ME eee 3 font? % iy a a Rayfsey ai ‘ 8 jaro : pat 0'Pehcy Oe eS oufh gan ic % ote Sa Ealb ML FEBSO LQ 2H a” % GilmacNerd ay ls OY LAT Ad Xu Shsvyey oe * pO; é TER ans atle JEP & Cia S08 butler ce oS ON CrLY I$ SN ST.CHA TSN ROSAS, teats sae: Sti as er TE RS x Ay on = Li . Versai sellville, a a oo My, \ % e RLE ene a Zs ee v ND by y tinghar i Sh o aw port ° h& : Ww in R ille ST rey “yf O° Wy AND: Alt ay J el 3 Uy, ? coln ™* 8 . ae a amb e€ , ¥ : ie font! b mS . a, cE rsa . L 2S urg ay i j — Pata li nt’ choy & urn “ $ ae S int hi, SE Ee t ! } wh ae allia e ign & E &, s S{p\encer ‘a, : Ba 1 stor S== Oe Ster G 7 2 fig ° AG) é E Newton TS ulliv/a: 4 “Ae Blo of Vil) gnejll a _ Labadi irkwoodcy Nie. C. \ J > : dgewood RR obinso™ A e : M ing . L leumbia 3% Unio adi ureka “Loui any "eS ny = < \ Ss bi rie — f orthi gton 1° e Saahy , Louis 5 "fw s, Seeauanis Sale. Qn 3) jae sen ey, i leave Stant ‘ O Fallon “rent Ae) sien Na ey|s rine, fu prety c ld (\r i , Ler : . . p S¥ille on 4 : Y fo W or on cs e 7 8 ie : wile. XS ST ow Elnora Harrodsb = nt! . Pi umn : UW 2 mel IWfatet00%% tyr eet, Sr RCentralia Kenialo = ec ne jones Hs (seal \ mon ey oe Sd \- ie te pestiseun a 8. & w edford a, ! € = al ville . ‘ a oO. ; ae | Mae C. LYE ae ¢ ing.) \O ° uu AN spine < s pores P wi lg\: Carn” 1,008 ap oN” Orleans Mitchell a Vidor 2 “Te . vernon Petersbu Pa, 27 (Copyri " French oli” opytight, 1913, = Boks... , by LaSalle E xtension Uni versi rsity, Chicago.) oe The ra tes i City to in the I Omaha) owa grou Veet atta ie th groups in e first-cl which th ass proporti e rates rtional r or arbitrari ates applyi aries a plying fr ppear 7 om th . : The S e Mississi t. Paul issippi Ri » Duluth iver to th The o , and Eau C - Iowa grou ther groups os vaten’ aed een shipments riginat re prepared by cr, a the voltfe om at New r, F. A. Frej y: Barbet, Chief gece Rat eed oe: New York e Tariff estern rate poin Burea Territory.” ts. The u of the ry.” Th rates in t Wabash e Iowa gr he othe Railroad groups were copi r groups ‘ opied from apply bet a map ween the ; prepared b Mississi ‘ y the Rai ippi Rive ilroad Cc r Crossin piiniselcakee (K ssioners ansas of Iow. Be BAAS fsa pes, ree > ae pa ee aA os ah SS mc ~ o ; "fl pees z= . i 1S ae: = wtp atyz oo “re + Pot, ae Pm o%. # 5 nev Ay, r = ay a 3 ’ i - ces ray e 6/3 5s ; Felledta 1052.-g* ie ens he . og a 4S Sey Laer, eects 2S st ON: gh ag AE <° * Je : : ; - * Ps > + ede 2a > JF stout 4 ‘ jess ash _ Ss * orady fits ‘oT ov (ES - seuoabue [xa Px sotWav. hoawerha PS 3 ON e joo? ca + chaumala & Se eatin os se = se. Be : eas See. es ae = Eee ia ie Pa ee a Ss = Sem 2 Sra EL Spree = ‘te % 2 shaw Ss Sap yoif wore; S27 © Og Seg Tao, sn = Mm 0 ee: Cant 5 Sead AE, Hevlgs ; jem ee ot Scal Doc Ales es [A ort ap rou wcretfoae hone gore * esis, A HD. Te a¥s<0 ead raat $653 a eae A eee a She ike Ki da % e al rT mags 2 se a GRO WARE Be, EP la as a te 2 ‘4: eS = ae 2 eer: FOY,_49_96_ = are per cents of St. Louis to 63-52 %—-42-26-21 = St. Paul, first class rate. Z Z st. b SQ) 124% os ~Sy 127% V7 ~ } al MAP No. 13 ESTABLISHED GROUPING OF TERRITORY FOR RATES TO ST. PAUL, MINN. Similar groupings, with slightly different boundary lines, are also established for O St. Paul rates to Winona, Minn. O Minneapolis ZZ Winona O This territory also grouped p= —— - ——- 5 for St. Paul and Winona S | 2 Detroit Chicago? s , "Toledo | t ’ N 60-50-40-25-20 : 124% ! ‘ ; x [ 1866-49-34" pa | This territory also grouped O Pittsburgh —_ . a Gilman 9 Qi! i yes for St. Paul and Winona, N a | O Redkey | cates canis oases y \ O Frankfort : cues [oN E 1 1 -_—_—_ < Danville e 129% A Newcastle a Bement | g yn” 81-69-51-85-29 i Y 1 C) ‘ Springfield . = eet i Indianapolis Hannibal (KK ; 105% ullivan © ae " eee : ST.LOUIS RATES) -~ 710% -- 4 Cincinnati * The percentages shown —" 144% 91-75-56-39-83 % RIVER © Louisville Reproduced from a blue print prepared by Edward E. Gates for his brief as attor- ney for the Indianapolis Freight Bureau. q At Bk siobins yist oO} y 4 WH i ox og b prance gn’ 3 3 IquOY aon ‘ qa b mist 4 x W-ban lund AG ‘ } A ed UR NC Tl i + debe phi pia ean 11 30a tasone mney penance Pah ce “ oO: oy e m f i j A t Di MAP No. 14 GROUPING OF DEFINED TERRITORIES FOR TEXAS AND ARKANSAS. \ eet :. As per South Western Committee Directory No. 1, I.—I.C. C. 454; Minneapolis Qo” eo ee - s And Arkansas Freight Committee Territorial Directory No. 1, E.—I. C. C. 55; ne pews F ono > And same grouping and rate basis preserved in Agent Leland’s Territorial Directory noe Mat ond ZO No. 1—I.C. C. 496. L CAS New sp Gry ZT * FOX RIVER TERRITORY oo \ | Differ ntials over St. Louis ey oe * * Called St. Paul Territory 40-31-24-20-15-16% O ~~ Ss a =O in Arkansas Tariff. 5 O pott ao Si Madison De r i) MILWAUKEE TERR i Sf Differentials 20-16-12-10-7-9 ee Detroit Off_}}} 2; < EE Dre “Ye, 7 Seta ee ra oe . Ae O OO o . eo ce v5 a ¥ ae > x, 70 per e, oO, O*F 4? os a y| Oe 2, } C) Kenton =~ OMAHA-DAVENPORT TERRITORY Miia 5 Ny a gevi > . ; ha eI Differentials 15-12-9-7-4-5 f s eee ae ae Ss O\ Springfield —— oe O , es = ' Indianapolis RiGheeeO seek nw © OQ,” C}Chillicoth\e < | | L Hannibal KY” Cy Cincinnati A Roodhouse Rockford - ie x so Cry Louisiana 3 Le Oo SX Portsmouth f enag) —————— . Ss sh se™ f SS ea Cannelton B ill Bee Lae La Grange Ashland © pan ParisQ i Clinton |f g o* iy | Lexington ~ | o Vig a L = ph’ Louisville RRITORY ” “Mas ou | y 779 &r St. Louis Reproduced from a blue print prepared A 0-5 ~3-4 by Edward E. Gates for his brief as attor- Sp ney for the Indianapolis Freight Bureau. 2 Springfield oO i - : : . gg gee ° Copyright, 1913, by LaSalle Extension University, Chicago. = | B3IROTIAAST. aantaaa 30 anisuona .BABVANAA GMA 2AXaT, OF ee oP : ph Dik Lot qrotosuG ‘sottiomod ike 40.0.0 1—4f.on a AshotivisT ssigiemmoD tdgisvts vated laiosineT etbaslst ia03A ai boviseohg sland ois b Sees ‘Beb49 2D E22 ott % s. tame ~*~ ‘ AS ye tS ee = = ge nmi ee LMER {f= = es +e =34— uscumbia, te te MAP NO Se 2 2 a e 15 S = boos > > of Beda ro — - on " 3 Ne poierse %) ; 2 Pgs we ae < . een. \\ Saco ey goon, an ° 2 iD’ 9 Alf; eC, en es Traver 5 k O 1.00. war % on Ted wy. ‘0% en be FOX eet eral c © poco «as Siond Cte Ob Mts g Le? NiO. 7 “CK pe St Bae At a Ader, oa Jor, 3 bil aes gnnoe x Age bY Jayyi Z D, 4 z aa tangy Org ae iat we \ wy \= vande A iimen opens’. Ss seid LD i feoodey eA 3 Beat) Bee ane : - say p ks Ose ne en fi a be mone Optianta A aK i ot se oasis = Si. a = oot SA aoehe te Fo fe ; e, 0 Qseine GO- ° ‘ “Fegel - oer SS oR ae m meteor Bg eas Bop; fiers g.NAN! ac. DE ji [oto Black B 0 // Rice WMD BRIAN b. we “2 Varo Dey her eo Cae Pees SEs io pe fora a pomooa 8 ph 1 ciety sin ato a pt. Gy Emel , ia a7 pirede Comin Lake ye ? > an A S15 cone on ret ab Lee ree ue aNPAy | pee Ua, mrageree Gt We Guasling Sy y Stond ine ¥ eee i ON Ee Pe am es oe Le v Sesto Loe? ss Weer Se ‘ 7s le Lakes + ee Dak A~ a0. # ae % u : Wane’ Le c% 2 0: . a ‘ano ee a0 if 2 R on oS e nee eat site cst Hees 9 fe Ky sPeh Ge Coen) pee RSet al case * ae } ro att e '. 4 y ES 0} d : as - R a sobaralrehing ; esi ; Point Tole 4) "Beymour wes X frensun 0: Card p a 3 wea feoake CO” wake KO: Bigat"\ parish es * ore hae mi yose0 . H~_G.B.Ayond9P elf s Ap. G.B.e ; pe sco! rR. ome q a 22 y ing \ Ladepena, biten ie Lo Dep] Greenb . is ted & i) AMS Cadi ain Westbeanch ¥ A 3 oe Weston @ on os iS ES: Sor ken Rae os Ba D Atma oO ork bh s aune eet Creeks Mane oe Neo pp rustin( A NMaxjon = sme SA a8 ORE a 3 id NE wz RA PALES E as ° ae ‘Arcadi ne Black Riv. ‘ . pp ae a Br Need Si o'Ri very d oe er, ers Harrisot, > Lior & Aye ie 4 % alle - at Sa gc Acctad i 7 < i see ea i ; bit be * J » \ Elmira ) ol Le — ; 4 Go ld AW, D- o ENS aie rene nko Rot Roping anitowge Luding He Carficl hg imal mn are oe 2 oe ii a ») sEa?o Aas ay a5 ae GA 2 Myst Ree ee oa oa = cod e cone In Q 5 © = 2 . - F e Buttersvill aldwid{Z, ‘0, \_ \Ber- St. th AF 20, SAAS SH oS : © OS of rinona tS awl b NG Tenet piper penta bra Lilley QED = (Big easy ol g iat “a IR «. Bo ne AS aa Ore ~Soe tekloo, Bae a oe oO a = dle et, \ =. ~~ eae ort ae harles ee rittor Lis oe pisces at ri gsantyy widlay pra S\N A aro ‘ x wee Ny ur Benrraford. icl\e™ Keo ies na Pt Rushfor 5 5 : a 616.6, 2bo Hgto © Mproste, 42 f » ch Asnerb™® it for ce y a. =~ . “Mo i ‘du Lat i het al Sesh ea epOuS NG BD SP oexh ? aooot \e . > & Zh ast GTO TNo, Welland) WF 88 Se ce fen wENoxwich)\ 5: Jovem S Neds senell ir nN rt) oe noel © dysoulla Ne engyoe Shela fo ops dmorg._ Alm?) Seliegemmlate Cran haf ao: Pitot Ait BK BEY KL > Gere ack UL Aor Nc 4 a = rr ay Ses ey wt Geledoniee= ONE flay! ge eS iCeaar Grove a Tee Ha cy: Sap se Fi Po ge! oudon/e WY TOS, ASD a8 Sele SK te 1) \ o ox oxtordy-AA pay of affls ie in ag m eb Cy ford, yet ee OOM Pale WEF iN Rt, vest \Bepd Washington. “Mont esr oF Stanto Ith ea st: Cherie? Lon wig Pas P| 5 Se BOONE af? v [;pe Ne ore hese Ay 4 ton yo BF sucnsro ing Bee is y pos Cre: a sate iers, fe fig nine & Prai Patra Sak ver sine (saree, N. wuskes? - Greenvi ae Johns Ong sbi Be ee iG A % A\ Eden e YA fade ie ow Bath \3 © a ‘y et? Bh cen whey 7 i / Fabes Be) ristl oe en Koh’ e i : oD < jedoral aukon <2 fe rj, du Sac ater OD Kan, PS Wie SFG \Spats jai ‘Fowler 6 Peer ‘hal ick tor? Liiacn' ot 8 Ese? 2 ws 9 26 ie r \ Pn RS wre O3si gnie® Cree om {On la, RLS gto |i s on Hi ciel : . Boldin wose a ths 09.2 m a £ ae eH Be} fle ag Q . erst dd ve eet) NAVAN? ae a ~% ; Ke Myskegoy Spring nis 1 ue gerd \g : ER jaf ~ , iO T2877 s cls EN As aA) Meyiden, f C) tary ve an eran a Waiusends se a Sls sy SN. % ie Mi lwaukee Grand Rapid. LLogell = Espingsee S By. OF ie Cy 1 Cf Y ton “Ny Ye, Portland, ive fF redoy'? oe 2 Ls SF ES © che x Elm =a 2 i abs \" - wy i ie Nel Ur) eee We b A” PGopone 2S Setisrson ks TI" We Resta Gah Grange a oc! \a ort SS ore 5 vile RoR ihe Vis 5 @, spley eA tle V epee e a ‘\ Greet”) Je War vr MillorSQe- “3 S/ pine Sas eau toned MeGred ma eonitnors op i} Cee aia we 8 a ‘iiwaskoe % owewe Bosal ee ora as °. te a. Ledeen : ¥S "Po Liog © \ Roem e % pa beat o Y = Maw’ Lue Ny a . mae Tios® 8 sso Ge Ho ati le No el is YY h pasos YN Zhe j\Elkader) * ancastefe g\Mineral Bei ldrusQo3 oe es Holla |\w ayia’ Le ipes PPS Th Big L . sn! Di ce f are 3 a if + 5 bsp TypoOPON 4 ys) oan: 2 Inte 2 Menticelldh 8* ye oy Sg th cn ‘Racine B.Seugat es 6 a Pt gat on at Mas Bo Bra sygees a pele TOP oy ; p Eri Zn fmnest gw Roy os SI one a Je = oro ee ey Te \eg outst Ee e sh lostyeX we ‘S 4 eh nig pA Ve AS oes Necassville zYCuba a any\s: PS, SS Hy Ye: < Seen Vegan oe ‘i Baton oFee. =e Gi pinc hy 7 OOw 7 ie sor Eprsdess ts mm is BS, ae B ion Rk y x * ar} 4 ) ‘s) awl) OE = le ZW 2) Pe PANS as sh s elyretnth oe £ CDu i Shyllsburg \o ered eae head Is Tees se ely . or S ae es ne at iM pak Go FSS stele ype) aot Pose G p 4a) f re Borns Wart Psd > ey (ossP? ayn e. anton a j Ge o, 6 bore 4 © . s - x jet you 3 i i > 4 TLL Manch est er/? uque pi wer 2 nv T ees 1 = }: : tee enh . .; Ralsto’ pu NaS eee wr eh £ Ht . a a C at \ oe ene ay «3 PF KI senor = 9.10 a sta, | SANPIO®, a pire 6 aim Mag. 2 we Wij tiven, gall Par “XS / eg e Ons SEAN 9 Cas cade Believe Freep Oe a Z eo) fen ey dig! entormy bel se etrion C¥f SERN) oe Ee Comme uth & oy, "eh a0 vile N sccwa nshoreZz= 5 Ter ey N s inton Bigs tical ont et (a eqs RSS HM. ; a EVER on| St.Josep: Dowaty G oe Le , ar Tie marae oi 88 sey 1 1.0 Oy r Cal N Ou c Fonesta FY be et ewar. (EC ff Mine Aig A, ~ Jaquoket SO Wor oO is 7 ee c Pe pie: / ct v aN SR ae o on y mT Nos Ay.) S Se TBE Meee 2 Baws: stIeXe ap iy sy AoE’ eae Banc burg EX Sha Sen pokey ye feng Reson BG H FMR LT iT sepaisey Ses * GenSD roe Gf Ea tw 1 Ge Vg tte Hsogeeth, NE ifr Wi Aoorroead. Wnsbu Bask ‘tows ( “é ete ins ig ay i: Mig s 1) g: a secon Py mes Bean | sD Ps eproud/o 2S bier {lees § ‘ W pie SS oe Opin?” AL OUR sites | e008 03 ae eaten {eke e AFIS, ABO en ss gen Gt ni S. ei a Se) C) ~ . “He st 5 Pi aw So le we. Gr; ere hy 5 = Ls At ity tats’ a z 5 \ ‘ =e Be LOWS pet if bar “At aie fog = oF fee Z qi eat PW inaraacg, . Kro.trg oa \ tw ¥ ie eI Br end, Oh Bt YY isto “ ane 3 E aan ie vu ma’ 3 Y BAKED Me eR | en pe e ; Sorn en? ye Roar wee : ) st r , a ~ iu ° i : y ila) 7 einble ay aed oo erage Ace on ea 72 Tree & Re: peselaer “7 n Ro stex Hun! inet Decatum S; Ch Say oon : rasbure bs CRS ryand “34 ee9 Pe FONDS oS it a's v Keel Sos ei Me i NS 7 te gurt ac Medi apy F ogy aleBby a SS Res ‘ontiacg, ne a te, Wik av Ae % ee £08 o Pe ash eS W: Ta = pea gy : BAY Dobie he + AOE S: Sy dios e or 7 sa 2 cM pPleasan & iy ic ge: ae Gish Pi) / Cha (Bitman Son of tereice ee — Ne Bes rf errs St, fap he . Rvs a fd Redd een “\ S ar at hse ZN C ome. Pile Spoor ny: 9 Bx : sah Gettyslurg b: 4 on ay 4 E/E fa-\Ghenoa J, faye . ar: © G ; EAMaright! ore cl tina — ye 2 erm g FEMS AP waebize ° iy Bios ford OF; } - 38 ing ign aioe ng a Ks = etn nape a = soda h, ocies ji! P= Ps Mon ed 4 we Tal 2 “ Le Ga Be due Gage EE eporee ai BY RG aX cual + inact ares Ke Baxove® rat thes ye n(n; ce 7 is ® : in - a Rrinet wD 2 pen D Sinocrs <8 oe B (Canty Ae ieee l py ce} or va mt K- a WS okomdye cos artiprd CYZy) | Sik i Be efor = oi sje QI wee Ma ideo ‘a aseon soe nto i , 008 SOB mpi Ns oa ACERS alls CoS 1 AMS, A |\minien = He SE cone Aeriis- ior ‘El gio oa hoe Teton | eS ae at Ie eo A ie pent scot. oe pe Leelee < ; 5 - z RS Wer . ‘ Z of of. e err Fed i y Carthage’ acomb, A Sy if | é BLS 1 = a ps a ON : ay —HHER eae > e pleen art OSS B rani ~ So mes” [> RS ye PayBeertny od ce SL = FISIL,§ West? e = Rabonia BEER Gate ‘ a Pa einen Ase ee s Zoe. “Co” JRantou v ittica| Oe i nptan, 4. or PSA penville Rar C2 e eas a aneey \ (3 1 ri he Doo. bute esi fg Bitico t Cy: 2 Second Bia Bink P, ( Vero oy Al 13 wie eas a PE noe Dativi wi Cain op ON at es rso ; a howd Mica fo Ke ae SO : ce Wy eV ively wey ws a ime s 0, poems EE, Oe. & © gitt Th ti 5 3 : 2 NC.6.C. = a itor ; c Wee ; ; ah “ ; : & : ; iia Monticel {fend ih, [Rvsneine aA Ss Boperabhing/ Ren fs TbuDe Dv ieageourt ES er cbanon Wages ile hoo AS hy REN Ost oS eH. sii) Lamotte og Kool oes Tae ot g L Sine * Esk uae’) STEP LPS Tent ty e rate on domestic grain from Oy adelley a) e Clarion pgbereons awed = Pol Signe STN Sag wiordevin es, Sine eS XS «0 TR Ze %, ortesteai® *. Wa RY 5 KP patito D5 each group to New York isshown with 4 GBek OQ. ty, A ee ensMiaey 4 AE ve ewp! —, re i . viet Cy . . . i= lata, 0 er oo MW Guincy ae SPR: : e et [pices ot 3 Popes fi eee 9, ee ORE Ae. 3 Bi ry Oj — ES \ garry e ve a 0 a a burg in the group. The basis for export 5. Abe 7 2 ; . ay Palmyra. / < 33 | ter N=] ARIA Mt, ue VEO Ce ad Greencaees Onis on el ‘ pee ae bineNS port 2 L Vase! [py ae 5 rates and for domesti 2. Hannibalgs ie ALS icc Sp eee SERS Ss SS ee SS Ss Hyvinle (trardied op Rea Feinet on oe a8 vill PEM ttarsisnitior meg ¢ rates to eastern ‘h mroe|= ‘Witghestamgce 3 ee a wy pe Si niko a> eo) ee insville ¢ TE Brookville OST XS, Cairo tee nig Belin ‘Bese groups other than New York is ex loberly, Sake, me jo itt, AM anc eae or Wied STS a ETN shut Z ee Pee eye i ‘eaaod =n = 198 Beller steel Bucthamma? plained in the volum a oe. Sal ee fank ford eho i Gre a — que NeogadZ. we : aay SS Laas 4 pays att Pa fi ave OTe, _ Ayville ~G te 3 a Ke Rates i * eZ On Freight lark ree gPiiry ha NE Ks ay fe \ 9 NS “Care 00d belo 4 ede Carey P ley Columb YE Lal OD wai’ tet es Rl ES le ris Mec eS ates in Official Territory.” rere A Lada er Soe Hitch ide Ting hoie a oa aceon srl Sah i ato g FHo0 ae SN a ry port oe pea /fe ea RL So Sutton “pais > *~ Th rali addon: = 6. SOR: yille % ¢ fay m wn Portsm: ? . eon Pal Soe e rates fr Gc WAS, — geo: y Ske bi <8) stones earls “ eS p enh eorgeown Porvsn outhys eo te ae Je om Group P1 are th Montgo LW allseill ersey Willeym aA _ St.B\hooAQ + ¢.,Rpbinsorh ge del < - DG 63 oW.U - Zeurel Gains a Tonto oN SE a e the inf Momtecthery Oy rig Btlex kr aslial Ug? * y Newton The tige T aford F toe oe Rees 2 “eos ee ecsbeaiee Nevis (Culverts? MS oy rt - Bios oN ss, es es ‘f oN ea ee i a percentages of the rates f i {Columbia sist 5 $ KPorhotey EEE | PEt ME pach arinets Sy Looe’ reds ben aE Fed ry pou tie AMONN ¢ J ton fran Sesh “ston sj° om ne is ome! we cago sh To, Ubi in Fulton ‘Danvitte Wa te Oke ~ Gres es BL Yay iecerile, F< Lawgence: as is oh Boog CEOS. gouture a “\Be aS wrayevis goo ae oe rotor ef aan Eee oeatnte AG Bis fect af Seetseateh le 4 Wes r 8 ‘. own on MapNo. 4 for the same ° aan 1. Warre A ue mdi Corny 0 Flora 8: &— Olney J ‘he Ano oF siouvet ag Marchall Snla’ CoH De )QO, awe Po — & z Doswelt Kins BpLans® : points; that is, the rat ° efi EHS FEST LOUIS: eSilew, pAsales— a pass ’ at WT inew he nae Nl verrer So Charh® eg) Ye sti yoeeT APB Eun melee S. ott Bo optletth Seaors ‘qian! S roan nah: St ae , be SG ‘ prisons snd boo at ir De - Seo ciel v SLAY SD RNa: bf the general percentage basis is applied 7 20) TS 2, = Te sunivant anton: Aroelle Featy Psis ee ney eS & a beens) ai gq jorsville 3“ i t BL 0 Hal Nee 4 t, Rosney rere pore of} Bour ee A rier ey, 4 MeLaanst x pri EE roo os ee) | YY ee Ong *s she 3 acto s by oe se ae pater ie? yrtle Ca pate Ue a cunt OC Sa Se OS Sooldacts The authority for the grouping i ¥ “De ao x is Pre a salyersre Stonbure stato ff Se ye : gS ie Prord “Information N ” is ZN On E "Jevulono weit ee Pt -¥ ia a r ~May é AN iN Lette so en oo 0. 2674’? and amend- “gic -O—-— | pykeville? A Ne & zg, ¥™ got yee? sof, \ 7 of WO yy > ments, issued by the agent of the C jashol? VSS Pa ae ee suseg /X eae tral Freight Associati oe} Lunt enbutg fe sf, Col Sy Ges a -_—- lation. i, Guba, ECD c 18. ris Cx 7 i, Haw flea] eee Jey rankyf shane lolberia 2A oe L(uPorcyye- io - : ba i Ly, ee Diiqugi BN. d Potos},_(« e 4 she ofan itieCEW, ko Om sa ewbugerrive j a SUSPENSE PE BidoraddASbawne @ES0 S ns Ory /Xigrdinabo BN ttt a: ; Waynesville Sligo ‘i 7 TO \Mafi ¥ 9 2 fydon es - a Sy 2 DN 7) Big Perryville . ‘Mafion RK Ors ville w - KL Tek ASO We Radoalls peisbure eld |S cathaub | oe ar 2 . s Kee BAe St a\n ene ¢ j “i, ozo? 3 Hartford ‘Leiteneld . ¢ 4 = ° . enon piln ae fs askin’, Ns. RG £01 d Movience ie i; 3 ie Ve ¢ oA 2 ime A nt wy 4 ae dp 44 Waitiche Neh aS 5 ie ee < SO" Ss , 1 ae 2 fe, . z Tondong Bus \ $ Bott 0c ny 5 Z1089 i jam 93 3 b fae ee a5 Vase xe Sas & Estate a NE shale GiSOE Atel S—= ee "ar exeareee FS ; Ne Tee ; 3 “S ae arle Ee L.¢ atland ‘Smith Ms.’ y Lena," Granit Knoblick Yysx6° Badidoc Pant oe le reaericktows, Wn Gy, ee. Oo as jalem readia f “ Oakridge e enna v ring © me OAS Licking S Centervilles wy |= RA keane Jackson Wy on ésbor TET condhf™ Marion digonville Geile aerille Cpamy 1: Blunt Yet ’ ae ks #\o Déngol \~f Dyerss-jfMexied Na Gy. organtown gee CGFCADEDUTE stioncehill 3% E — ‘pgare C ia oy crop © seh ae oan oy y ry ceotume © Jametony ‘ m x oot So = < » Reset Pitoforl Groens le Ost eer iv: je" aS qe o> 2 an wk Brownsville is asgow oBsmonten poe 0d 9» & ie ed < a aon Fee eed oe ee oof Hod oes , cS : 5. NaN Winer! [tit a \ Puxt cote he Be duce : A “i Crofton Bow eee G)R207 _ Oacdhade oxo Ce a eS foun ast Rink BY epee “3 ese Wace palisox, ek i a a ig Tier ome c = KNarlestodac ys Yl folclitt ae Neri 2 NB. a prinsvitlely eg Le jae Nene rkesv 8 eae a “redast ey sy nr soil cea? giaseil, aoe Ory renders, geld a XG 400 gon rill \eSpie> oo _ Grandino » me field ) AF i ean \ Ba alt ans SN See a, 5 Toon Rivas ~ Soorlee der an oth a pose Sp mx ee Ss een = >zquisbos® KS pike oe *ypore OldenVas us Poy) rblufy “Huy {dexter / pode tge on « Fite “Byrastowns 3 so Ae Sot SD Spring: Hope — go" oO ts a yi e A, 9. AN . wetpy xt diese Alton +7 oyasbh r, x er aos mS sae a Colin: a} Fi oat ait abo) mG Aes aile®, a Fe “AS oe "6! Nasi fi pie NESE axteRns mre Thayer “Koéikonong | ie < S.W, ‘ romani Seta mn-Sal Soe Bil vee Gr {SAND — 1 = : e - oF and x ‘Sommorh Spr- = 3) sere , S Ta . LenS oN “3 3 )\ oscecla e403 : kee den Yolumbig) PerteoE Mam peter, Aitamont lg ; hon cS oy rie wo s ose oh $s ; tlement Penters Bi ie ono . “hy < Sper gaat PI 4 sheloysille % f5us 7 eco A ied ha 6 Ge Jotte ae 0 ni lst By : okt , ; io ° . ta 0 5 .E0) 4 ~) Farle agewpoxt(ruiee/ MIB EOC da S00 Decatur ~ Set st AL erate ifracy CFi9, wall 22 a eo scones epee amg) NSM eS at et Onsiow “oape-H e Hienero ea Fisherf yy < (o yanto ae Ce 2 = pelerstinree Soohedo p85 . * Landrum So ~ 6 Blacksburg > OA c Fh : Brad fo SP ce len OR Ce Bry Fe hie es fH ‘deraon’ Jouke gwirrelic as porsipans Bonet oxo : Dp rtanb Serra S. erie 8 Cant ued Lo ve sna! Wart Bay * wrence’ G jasper fe Sea U2) ‘1 “met, ol) A < ; a Savahnah owas burg Pulaski “Faysitoril Syfoant ee a Gr eenvil)ya “Tat SOD» = Ghesterfieldo onehtesille mp . BUEN foto 3 alt la, Easle Ne DS Aas Chester, what ecchow fury G (pits es > ffaiminge® pfedmor's ‘whismire iD cBldcks 4 weateile ‘seed . aS oA : a - Ari gheseille one siNto| Bieber cing eR soa wotre axe) oo. ee?) ternin ee t 2 “e iy 4 4 rth rw Sie" 20 be, ig. Ra ee Se es Diese Ores ] Fa a a re Sag, 5331 | 536, R I 50 Lon, 3] 116° 115° 5 114° 113° 5501/54 Si aa) Wid @ Sou fT j S20 e : ° SiO} Le R 5152 Slo2 oO ° 353] sho - Sig Siog o TF ¢c sis [erate N 5 Lh 225 715.395 G Ss © 715193 N Nb “15057 5208/ 5/84 Gian ! 5209/c = Re® 5iS9 Sos e 1 4 SIéO 5 119 809 705 4 4 2] sey 79/4860] 4810 Si 5061 47190 4660 96 e 486) E Sig Sli e t 481) 476] % 466) 5 49/> 213 | Sig Sil SILVER ¢ 1 16862/ 4ai2 3 47/2 49631 49/3 poet 4863 481 e 3/4 47| e@ e IN? 4663 4613 s 5314 $264 4 $214 5164, 5 lig 4964 4914 4864 S215 wae suf e 5065 7161 4664 | 4.4 ry; S015 Aap ‘Si¢ ° 4514 $815 4 43} 4 67151 4665 96] 4 916 4866 4816 436 4716 ; @ce G 4917 4817 4% OGDEN Ar 7? 4467 4417 4367 7h, 8 14665 461g 4p ae 1 4468 e Vo e 4318 a 1 | 92] 4363] 4319] , PHAAI 4479 4420 4370 AND gy $5211 447417 aay roe 7 22 4672 «cB EAVER e 4522 4472 e e 4 5023 4 43211 > 4973 Fig 4923 4873 482 e = 31477795 46 4372/4322 73 44 73 4373 4323 4576 S26 4 4 476 4426 4376 4326 42 46271 as 7 e 4527 4477 4427 pe 472g | 4. 4 8} 467g 4628 ng c 277 e 4538 4478 779 47> e 729 4679 4629 45 “535 | 44 85 SAR BANd | 4335 4265 laa 4536 Table Showing Rates of Parcel Postage Numbered squares represent units of area. All units of area intersected by the circle forming the outer boundary of any zone shall be considered as being entirely within such zone. 7/435 “401/ 4351] 6391] 4251] 4201 4st]. e 252 @ BENTO A s 4 GAP 4 e@ Situ vi ‘ON 410) VR @ 4.005!/ 400; 4156 | 4106 3951] 390) ape 20} 351 381 3 T 3 e 4152 3651] 36) 5 G 8 Ley ~ 3451] 340} EMBIN 3201} BIS! 3io1 4 RAND RKS : 3153] 3103 4155 D K a 3354 1330413254 [3204 3154 | 3104 VALLEY cl SMAR BiG 3355 - & 25754207] 4157 = 58 RED LgDG 4158 | 4108 “ee 4259 4210! 4160] ano 263 515 ena Me ul a eo $215 | 41651 ais, . 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Re@ MITCHELL Silt | 3061 SIOUXIFA 3651} 3611] 356; | <8 1] 35 N RT 39121 20> e FFALO 336! | 331) 32il <}| 3862 3812 R + 4113 i 3913 AT e 3712 3662 36 i} 2] 3512 YANK go 3412 $362 31 2 356. 3312 32l2 | 3162 3il2 35 a 3213 3e/3 3363 | 33) 3} 3263 : 7 S @ iY 1 a 3964 3 914 Mt mee ELK] Po! 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POST RATE MAP OF UNITED: STATES Published by The LaSalle Extension University Chicago mailed at this rate any fraction of a pound is considered a full pound. i 3383 3289 3239 | 3189 2989 | 2939 8th zone RO Pp rate rate . pic 334) 1 pound...| $0.05 $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12 340 | 3290 ai 2 pounds.. .06 -08 10 12 14 16 a9 21 24 3 pounds. . .07 a 14 bd .20 23 28 31 36 08 14 18 22 26 30 37 Al 48 A7 22 27 32 37 46 Jl .26 a2 | 38 .44 : 61 30 4 5l REONSS [aE et Ge _ z a Rand McNally & Company's Parcel Post Rate Map of the United States. Copyright, 1913, by Rand McNally & Co. . Statute Miles a 6th zone 7th zone rate 5th zone rate 4th zone rate Ist zone BAlane rate Local rate | Zone rate nee ee 2d zone Weight 3291 | 3241 J N T 3382 3292 3192 ' E SINTO M 4 4 pounds.. 5 pounds. . .09 6 pounds.. 10 3243 39g 3143 EDO CE 7 pounds.. ll EK] 8 pounds.. 34 y 50 58 3 81 9 pounds. . 13 38 pole 65 rex 91 10 pounds. . 14 wer a 62 72 1.01 100 200 11 pounds. . 15 : Ab : 68 79 fav (ae E 5 1 4 os 2 z ee KEY W T. 3245 7°18 74°) 1599 147 | 3097 With this scale the zones from any city from which parcels are to be mailed may be determined by placing the line marked 0 on the rule at the center of the unit of area in which that city is located. All cities, towns, or villages falling within a unit area, or quadrangle, crossed by a zone circle take the PaRcEL Post EIGHTH ZONE | Zone RULER 1 Miles THIRD ZONE SEVENTH ZONE FIRST SIXTH ZONE ZONE| SECOND ZONE FIFTH ZONE FOURTH ZONE 12 cts. Firstlby | 12 cts. Each Additional Ib. rate of the lesser zone. 11 cts. First Ib. 10 cts. First Ib. 10 cts. Each Additional lb. 9 cts, First |b. 9 cts. Each Additional lb. 7 cts. First Ib. 7 cts. Each Additional |b. 5 cts. Each Additional Ib. 8 cts. First lb. 6 cts. Each Additional |b. 5 cts. 6 cts. First lb. First Ib. 13 3 cts. 14 cts. Each Additional Each Ib, SME Fo! sa jahine y's 4FEUE lESse JEXSE | CSCS! CSE au iN WALA eS of $f ONE 1 OSSE | OSE LP . Bikers a @ # HTRA { ih at é auth jaeee 120s Tod 8 YIP = fae iF * TRE Laeee pate ese ie atsé Fag . eax't 3 QE f os AW VA Seep es & > pot bo ee th Fey He FAVEL {SSE | TRESS ; AMAR a2 : a a a : ne 4 Si ne | BC Stee 1 St iz = Sese ; Case # SESE SESE | O8SE ae a wees Later | a | A oF r Prete | TS8e Tse or ad SESE T TREE | SESE = 5 pert epee | 8865 BBE pad | | cA < = ok SEE | GREE 7 SEE |. : | & ® By e Qe oO e apivanyeeas RCRA URN HE ae < teertatt Byes > = eevee : ve ARE dgrngant) ae ae = ‘ een ae 3 ¥ : = — 5 S si33B28 me } + Vie acaie. Sat See Pine SRY alte free $i "a8 PRS Pills itisnoitibbA dos¥ SI USNC) = ee —— = eK S \ Wells River, % ’ : = j Yy —\ by ~ \ Gi 2 geeks Montpelier : & * ao PaarhorSprii \ : SS Vi chalnplai n S)\ V/A \ Sound x, aS ER IG yer f Sr ( &)) [Bay View > ONS se ae or S$ poy gion | tho VERMON . [ Sy Mea Te gs é asa) Walloon Lake : e : XC Rutland ¢ "\. 3 LakeGedsef” jf, |° HAMPWHIRE se : . : t oro® fe B a Fort }\ |g ¢ wX =e ay s Walton ti: ¢. Z dward Concord s MINN. \ oN CON I Missaukee Lake Clty ¢ AS % Ae! Rochester cs ae ‘one $. Bellows Falls e in ease i © > %, Je. Cadillac ISA a $ : ae Sep, te © Ballston Spa 3 nc gteeeny Hace micas Oshkosh 5 is) oe & Ee Li v. § Genesee = See, ae Is , BS & v ( ¢ XyPortage 2 5 ph g 6 ot ef Canandaigua ee | = 3 ‘e LS al ee a 4. as : t.Morris Troy mo. : \ : : Bay Cit. % 3 . es M IC HN.G \ N oe wk WW RP K Gay feces are career ET a . ) n>, + a Jy om 2 Po» Undgs & © | B. .. Fitchburg Mt. t , / 1,3 ? Muskegon Howard City t Pon j gone tag, = 5 : y / Wee. : ® ; * irons mage F Silvey gr gf Cenenten “So iB $ Chafham yi | Boston Y a BPadiane . San eri ¥ ay ing, “POP er Bata i R62 MASS\ACHUSETTS | e FP. or n y & mnisd, 8 2 ° ry as + Lansing’ VY ° Ville Rivers; de % aale : : Cat; Kd I, g : 8. 2 Worcester .. *e, z Ao 2 \Derroi Stlamance Te ea? Sri Se | ; oe SN etsinwen 7 Sackson oft si Soe i {eee \ i. $ 6: % Gj 3 : ie : a = e , Battle Creek re \egand Cee = 5 | | SH Kaldmazoo we pons - Kingston : | les =o0® 1 a *| Hartford | 8 a Providence sore, ‘on se o% Vickshurg A gs aS Pou ab ssoie = ; . R RY - me m\s ‘» * : P ; c. “—} o 2 2), Sturgis we *) “gre gs f © Pe a a |CONNE o U 'T vidia \. ———— Cedar Rapids | Pe hee oo ee OY os btfewburzh POPs, 1S/L2 essen ee = aS La Grange [- ‘Toledo ¢ “4 oe Pom 3 Sl ME : Ve 5 : £ g oy Age: , Sore anal PENN ye ee AY ¥ Scranton = a New London \\® = Nip IEE IOWA 5 eo gx S¥ ase ae .. Sof Cogan. Valiay s ie ¢ a | new Haven By g jG pe Dave, jj & &S Vy rc st) ewe BD & > & > R aA & Fs Bs . 5 aa “ x > ’ See AGI << c. oR. pti eee 8 s & s 8 08 No Js _ Snow ay! + g&QWilliamsport § oY WilkeS:Barre ey ~~ | iN Y SD (I-A . . © 5. . < s < : i = is * IY Fae ee Cae PR 3 land p cofumiir 7 2 PEN eat Ss Y V Aas” 1 Pe Naat ¢ ie OD Sig aN Gr ock Islan e ; : or. . 4G - Crosse Key, ~ of North NOYLVANIA or Py gsies? Pie Ss = eh & Rock oreeked - S dingZayY, us Ay) SV) Kankakee a ie’ a Se Backes er es ‘ ; peneto Pee eres tom! yeton. \¢ a eT ij Yj ys ES dso, 3 foe geo0d” eI ; A : : C tg Wi ne Zls, eee Ups por or sir fro, 4g snp er pace ston 2 FZ ‘ fe e e & oS ae s 3 2 ec8O OXY Le, Sh Lew Sh Mew ase. % Galesburg > o* PAD of Mario > Omens OF ene @ TSea 2 grit: Z Mpet BP OP SS | GOS roy ae 10n Rs Selinsgrove Je. <4 yor, il? Phillips} ‘ eee & SS GF ISR SPENNA. LINES ogansport oO H 2 aie Sv oe ~~ spot go “TEN o 2 I) xs 4 S e ee A o/ os ¥ wn RY. tas™ oo” Rs s Geneva \__ . Sf § : * st ee yy “ witler® sks z Blom Bton k o . s (Delaware 2S EMS SS Ss S 3S Pic <> es: ergy os me 6 pE0° OK gomo Ln @ oe & Qos & Dat & ey ° > Ol @ eo SF Boot CG “f > Dery % ‘ Kegku Hamilto Atlanta ‘ | fort fa: ns aS zee ‘Lt Yew, PENNA Pe: Res = * on, Bon Gee ee ‘ : Warsaw % . Tiptonk % SY .o* 6, eee woe ee OK ie Ca “Gy ee. A | R46 SS sfinstare as a I KS ee jo Kenney Ee - Ppa Ve en %, 9 calor HenYMietta ‘Shippensburg %Y Dillkburg eoiumpbia oh Ye, zi Tn as 1 ie y! L L ; I S all ast] 3, A BENNhs New Rhea , Y Richmond Waynesboro Je.” yoy. ville é BES Ory” i Wi sy aroa on FOg,Richm, % iia F 3 ba Red Stone Jo. Bedford Mt.Dalias & Ghambersburg Q s West ou ester 5 ye | i A ; Ae ~ Decatur? eh: Ep: bys, 7nd pringfie rs > Wayrlesture bee iontown i @-Mercersburg Je, vere Xs te PA. Je BR. Re 29) . wgainen, Quincy Springfield : “a, mY ety tty We Xenia | .oW Lancaster , z = °¥ &, e ss Rairchance Hyndman $e Mercersbur ae SQ rtanove a a ReddoV incerta ‘ Bom City . Lovington \? W, Dayton : RS ; « Caldwell LL See F gs G over Je. 7 C Belg 6% ee : : ap, AX Cae Circleville Pes SET oy ° M cm a a a EN ns re 0 Bn eo cee gE coarpesn Oe ewipsow Te. D piinecat City Je ‘S % © Vs hi : ad : xf of Hagerstown Che Octoraro\tfh, SUI % OG pss y) ByeR y Arcola Rushville O, x Was ington C.H, s oe | Cumberland A * © Keymar Psp, £ mes x < %, Mi SB, Sp Yi) : Oakland MiddletowAnq p *\ Chillicothe & ; ilfiamspe fe een «a le Rea YI ASE Bhs Ne | BINS i * ey Morrow & Marietta 6% : 2 Je Shey Ming 2 Gao ae sale $%, 1%, . / & %, Centerfpoin Hamiltod sdalsiawitles @ : Martinsburg ; Ba Hee ta ase s 9 he, Wewl field WAtlantic City B. : Mi c % SS Frederick Z Y Q € numuski Pei) %. on % Shelbyville dn Montgomecs a. a vii % In 0 ry Townsend Bridgeton Sea Isl Ongport %, %, s Saline City fas oPOr* Rote ‘incinnati + Parkersburg << Clegrbrook ay re WEN Nett Jose. gay fee City © %, ‘AY Tinton Fi a innath « Winchester o Ry Pi Claytom A : YW Sle City NAN Switz City 5 {Columbus __— N. f 8. enzo,,° Ltcttown f° a EN 2 LO geer 2 : & Penton ¥ ¢ ~ f0n i S .<) Dov ald ood one Harbor : in Contes = a WEST YIRGINIA-. ° Wie Cai MeVille Delatayy)) ihe < ¥ 3 = 3 © ° 7 i S As Seymour orth Verno: {™w : 2 etAnna ae 2 @Harringt Nee & lexandri. opreenwoo Wee Wes , i : : ¥ ee Vincennes Scottsburg ae: Kenova - 7 Charleston, I yf i” 7 3 fe et ene” . A 1 iSbomn : J 4 in a : Chefsap re CORBA ¢ \Mt.Vernon J 3 et sOn yy e y \.e iS Z hs: cn fo C J d ‘ eee l) | : v Ry. S < ‘ e : 7 fee * i i + oa Oy * a if Po Le } > l 2 pes : . é New Albany ee 4 J SY ie or Deepwater f eck \& Salisbury, Wi) iy City Du Quoin’ Evansville Cpssuree G ‘ if Staunton i A gee, = tie Creek Fo: y A \ ff satel ie AC teil he a pT gf YLVANIA i ‘ A @ Saeed é Murphysboro Ohio z 3 % » ; w* Charlottesville « mie, ¢ le) Re, yy’ City . eres Ken. 2 ‘ a . . ifton For, Ss ; eZ . . Makernies ¢ c w. Z ¢ VY é Rappahannock Re . = é 5 po 5 c: 0. a ape Girardeau : K E N . T Uli. C K Y / ps ae James Richmond. ed a oS Cairo ° e * - ‘ 2 5 ue chburg & 3 cedaiPow 2 * rc Sy Sa <3° Roanoke re . ; = Cy ° w. ° o har . ~ os z 7] ‘ é 7 ‘% KN . Petersburg 77> 8 is S x x by 2 } ; f 7 ay, het ° ~ a, s 2 2 Rae Old Point @@mfort Poplar Bluff ¢ 5 a ee Vv \ a c * port New. = - ° a" pe ec as r~ Ports! © ivinia Raaod The Pennsylvania Railroad as an Agent of Civilization and Progress The Pennsylvania Railroad has always been a pioneer in the introduction of new methods to improve transportation. It was the first to increase the weight of its rails and to build a standard roadbed. The original experiments in operating brakes by com- pressed air were made on the Pennsylvania System and West- inghouse Air Brakes were first introduced and permanently utilized for the prompt stopping of trains either regularly or in emergencies on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Track tanks by which locomotives are supplied abundant water while in motion were first used on the Pennsylvania Railroad. It was the first line to introduce and maintain limited trains for the better and more comfortable accommodation of passengers. It was the first railroad to fortify the safety of its pas- sengers by the use of all-steel coaches, sleeping and parlor cars. It was the leader in employing heavier and more powerful engines both in the passenger and freight service, whereby heavier trains may be hauled and a higher efficiency in trans- portation units be secured. It was the first railroad corporation to establish and maintain an insurance fund for its employes, beneficial pro- tection for them against accident, sickness and death, and a pension allowance against disablement by old age. It was the first railroad to tunnel under a great river and the greatest city of the country in order to fix its passenger station in the heart of the city’s population. The construction work necessary to complete the New York Station and the Long Island and New England connections of the road is ranked second in magnitude to the Panama Canal. The route of the Pennsylvania System is through the greatest states and largest cities in the United States. It serves the communities of largest population and heaviest in- dustrial production. A trip over the System brings the traveler in touch with every elemental source of wealth as well as all the modern methods by which science and skill is transforming them. The farm, the factory, the mine and the forest, with their infinite variety of products, all contribute to the industrial activities of Pennsylvania Railroad territory and enrich a trip over its lines with rare educational interest. The high-grade trains like the Broadway Limited, twenty- hours between New York and Chicago, the Pennsylvania Lim- ited, the Manhattan Limited, the Twenty-four-Hour St. Louis and Twenty-four-Hour New Yorker, and the Congressional Limited (between New York and Washington) are the best equipped passenger trains in the world, and exemplify in the highest degree the acme of progress in transportation. | aemenaeinnrets | a ’ ea — Z i al feet ae. F\e Cae af o yo oe Papier Biot! & ae : 7 : sai ariolenpid ef Hite ipide BeiateW ibn ve atest srwbowr ede ‘“Saéatot oil} bine Said sds" Viosoe? SAF Gor odT ~ vetods tnideubai ‘ot 0) Sudiines Ihe govbote t yisie'y otiaitei sods ght es Heriay’ fits ms, HeowlisA siasviyencoL to ssitivitor 0 Jastetat ietioitsemhe eter dive eda ati 190 sgewbnor onl} SAM eniett oberg-tgid od Ts aera att ‘old ognoltD ites eg wot avowed tsb tt Sue OY idw'l odd shotimid attained odd jbott sfOidEST ba hie ‘ro fe pon ae bas FPS — poiomtitenos oAT > sys blo ydtnomoldreil tecisgs comewolle gorertoq e bites “ovis jsOTg e ‘seherfonnt o3 beotlier dartcedt eawesl = ‘Tog noaeBey ‘aii xi of tobio si yidavoo odd to yiig destsotg oft @ Honelsqeg eydio od} te dageddeods ati noitudas | sd} bra aoltei® aio woh ort otelqaros ok: yiseesoovoliow | ai hao’ ont’ to enoiionstos Dbasigadowet ‘ban obaslel gad = 55 Diegas® sersiteaD odd ofebudingsnt at baosss boldet = auth: dguowdds ei matay@: sineviyenmoe™ sont to otwoy oPrsos 9 tor lgoasdAe basin eitondi esitig dzogssl bas estate daotsetg = -ci dédivesd bare: cditsluqoqotasgrel toresitinyramos aoa q havin odd againd moteye od} ovo gia A Sale See = tetas romrsla: pee yee Fond du ILWAUKEE Highland i, § & 19 WEST FRENCH LLE (} SVILLE Danville Junction Cy. K - \Hopkineville Green Danville BALTIMORE & OHIO SYSTEM Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R.R. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal R.R.Co. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Co. and Connections A A est Point INTERESTING FACTS CONCERNING THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD FIRST RAILROAD IN AMERICA TS cece tive Heck cocci itor dibewtas CST en ath ring icone ELECTRICITY AS A MEANS OF COM- During the War of the Revolution, the territory between New Cheat River region, the Savage River gorge, the Potomac caty exiating rafircad beartag without i 27) and the Se York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore and Washington was River Valley of one hundred and fifty miles, t e Youghiogheny shecdis deran. g ut change its original The first telegraph line in the world, and over which Professor debatable ground between the Continental and British troops. and Casseliman River Valleys, the Shenandoah Valley and Ghetto cedenh dite a. Uh ok Delt 2 8. F. B. Morse sent his first message “‘What hath God wrought,” During the War of 1812, Baltimore and Washington were the the Susquehanna River Valley. patriotic ceremonies and la .* » @ timore, with from Baltimore to Washington in 1844. : ivotal points. At Harper’s Ferry was an arsenal and armory. ti ying of corner stone, which is still ‘ dd i i THE BALTIMORE & OHIO SYSTEM in position ; FIRST TO EMPLOY ELECTRICITY AS A MOT The Star Spangled Banner’’ was given to America by Key ; ; in » = 3 ‘ IVE POWER during the bombardment of Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Embraces 4,448 miles of track connecting the great Cities of ik 2 ie comin sem Dane The building of the Belt Line and tunnels under the City of During the Civil War, the railroad was the bone of contention New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, FREIGHT ERS AND Baltimore and operating same by motors, set the pace for all between the Union and Confederate Armies and the entire line Wheeling, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, similar construction. from the Ohio River to Maryland became one continual battle Columbus, Cleveland, Sandusky and Chicago. The route FIRST TO UTILIZE LOCOMOTIVE POWER MOST HISTORICAL RAILROAD IN AMERICA ground. Harper’s Ferry, at a head * - _ ag Valley, beet tas Line.” and New York is familiarly known as the : : ‘ ; ; into prominence as the scene of the Jo rown insur- 6. ‘ FIRST TO CROSS THE ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS penne Boy. et ——- rection in 1850, and later the center of a four-years’ War. The fod cai atamoet all ieee — ™ a ae Baltimore to the Ohio River was com- During the French and Indian War, the entire territory from MOST SCENIC ROUTE IN EASTERN AMERICA Au) Uccuaie fuias eout and an not vis Washingt pleted to Wheeling in 1853. Frederick — Cumberland to Pittsburgh, then Fort Du- The two routes of the Baltimore & Ohio through the Alle- Liberal stop-overs are granted. uesne, was the route taken by Washington and Braddock in eny Mountains afford the most beautiful scenic views of The fast freight service between all points is one of the most FIRST TO ISSUE A TIME- : . TIME-TABLE their campaigns of 1753, astern America. The most conspicuous of these are the important traffic features of the system. ssmojoT odt .og10g t9vifl ogeved odd .noige: tovifl jeodD vaiodgoidguoY odd 2olion yi bas betbaud exo jo yollaV s9vifl bas yollsV dsobasaeda edt .eyolisV iovifl aamiloeasD bas -VolisY toviei snosdoupaue od MaTeYe OIHO 3 AHOMITIAS FHT to a9itiO tse1g edt gaitoonaoo doatt io aolim 8b) asoaidard AgwudatsiT aotgaidaeW o1omitish zidglebsliddT wA10¥Y wo Awol #4 olliveivel ,iésaaioniO ,giwdetedisd yailoodW ejuot edT .opesidD bas ydaubasG .baslevelO audauio) edd as awonnl ylisilione? ei a10oY woVl bas notgaidesW asowied ‘*“enil oul leyoH™ -iteov biloa bas .agiesb mrebom to ai tasmaiupe 1oga98asq odT -bemen asitio edt to lis Joounoo anie1t bolud Aotgaides W siv aut Jeow bas jase anies dguotds [A -boijnatg 918 ei9vo-qote Ig1edil daom odd to ono ei ataiog lis seewited soivien tdgiot? taat odT -oseye odd to eos} offtert tasdroqmi 4 z : te / Avomatzo tevaq a ¥Y { j om, Q a > Mol / Pp 3 dette . conieene 3: DITtu 4 rT eau. 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I aa-e3 we , Vv : ae ge \ 8 TERS WA NS, Ten, 9/ fort AA emp Fusinw EY YB Meee \ “ ytid Rete Me ~ ob YousdsM.g Has "OE - iss , ¥ \ 2 ne >. # Sinton | 18 leno? &, 24, 7 i ri - : . es snoodLA, aed SN tate eth NOT NEES Bek werent te ee my we a 4 a : "A > ‘ ‘Sy mers LOD) ~1 \ AN ff / nIGMADL So Sfp gh onal Saahae brwrbeHY *eraqod wate slitvystait Oe . ss ‘ ! s G to ost 108 *g Cy wa ee A coy Oh ML hea se otee™ OE SU RN moon & > \ 5 a oS y om XNe t woleniWMOTOMI Ste oN ity tyne Oey OE OM ons WL &! £2 to’ \e | eh setae S ° ORR abet O12, QO KS Ye? DITHAITA ° ij wate "7 2 eM Sete =e ~™* 7 9) y © _ ' ‘“ . O o . OAS o) Ae WWD a f * i vas Agee e 8 Mex <3 be < 2 ‘ 2990) HQ aOR 2, on \ % Le \ Wid TevofIG \: rows > % % oe meg ry > 8 S + N ‘eo Otel 2029 | oxoursinG a Yetloa sad Ar 33 4 ta so", ten see? ~ t. <2 ‘oe QO ‘ Se \ Sem coed - nf . ay oy 7 \ tr . ¥ * Coots i y OS SOBs igo 34 oe! ie \ “Sys Vv ‘denon re gW* ooh % ._o, OAUB OW nA 0 + OY % aq I 4 yt of ve \ eeseanels woot ie vesting “ar was oaiioe® a NS X | y s” }:{ 2 A - e198 ~s Nn, zx{: \ SS hte’ Ms yd s feey 7 Demonte Ne wtb &. UY ase00Ya Taf ayy i = : ,o r a 243 1 \ \g No \ 2 o +e so 2 diltvenobop, 2 fo 37 soH™- “4 \ ‘Sm : a 2.49 . > e a > \ xo i \ . i fat , ¢ & - et , ne 4 nt tS too? XY %Op Hits Rv 0, ney > 2 eine : * BD tla > lo ; co » Sy Mi mae 2 oF Qy WoreyixaJ _—o \ esl 1 oil t2 : Tree 2 . ; * SS or , q ‘a 3 ierudet Nu \ Ss yTaga 3) s “_s 4.» OA I oO mon wY, odonsot Xa ky rl GS ‘ P wv Nder35q . 4 Tosa CO pee SeSEA N Rue % \ Qe ve t wO\dtt09 eae ee ‘Withiuneiensiis vette ne X we od, * 2 Cocore ‘Ss ‘ a a __ fobs 5 sailio < io ‘A x t it sbvou adh sha Ne » : \ { ; 99 % crojaniW ‘ i? o > madwd ve 2 cS [a8 et (LOO N lee tee PS x . ; = 2 x ‘ 4, + aoeliW: dalstta Hi A at oO H T ePy933H, = ne vugdailse w s se » Modeblon) _« = grind * estolredd = = wok oy, 3 \ \ ne . wv : ‘3 jsobaW .e ce x \ ate J >| = allivettoysT soles. = come J ‘ ‘® = ae ? » ~ ee © renee é MaTeyve Sr . ft Op RE > o A x » 2 (= 7‘ A - = No “a> : . “ > e Q AA oidO 8 eromitisa ey i Pw | BH TAD . > iv A.A misteowntuo2 oidO 8 er0mitls8 — 9 Cee © . . . _ \ > 09.ASA lsnimoeT o8s60idd oihO 8 s10omitlss ? 8 A MU - ( . : . . ~ 3 0D ¥A notyed 8 notlimsH itennionid — eonat)_3 > . 2 enoitosnnod bas ‘. 4% a * /eeoe arenas = w atin ~ m CGAORTIAR OFHO 2% SHOMITIAG 3 wo asowdsed yiotit1es edt acitulovefl edi to 18W od? gaiwd aaw colgaides W bas s1omisisd aotgaimnliW .sidqlobalidd 10Y¥ .aqgoort daitina bas istaoaisaoO edt noowied bavorg sidstadeb edd etew colgaidesW bas stomijish 818i to 13W odt goimd -Viooris bas lecoais as asw yTiel e‘tsqisH tA .etaiog [stovig yeal yd acitemA of sovig esw “190088 bolgarg? 1238 od'T™ -stomitish yiuisHoM j10% to taombiadorod edt yniwb noitasiaos to esod odd exw bsotliat odd 1aW liviO odd gniwd enil stitas odd bas asinrtA otg1ebeiaoD bar aciaU edt nsowted eléiad lsuaiiaos sao smisced baslyieM o¢ r9vifl cidO odd exon? ollsV deobasaedé odi to beed odd ts 11041 a1eqisH -bavotg ~wasi aworll adol sdj to efe0a odd as somenimeoig otal smso -Isw ‘etsey-1901 8 to 19¢099 ods total bas 088! ai noitos1 AOISGMA VEITCAR VI AITUOR OIVADeS Tao} -ollA edt dguoidi oidO % s10mitlsA odd io eotuo1 ows ofT 10 eweiv cineca Ivtidused teom odd biofis anistauoM yoodsy ei? ets exedt to avousiqanos jaom odT .sorisonA mitash NEW AND DIR ECT ROUTE TO YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK BELL = ELLINGHAM T Pp SPOKARE HI NG Pa aE se. pom ab Ailey ada Jc. - Somers ~~. Chiwaukum 4 Otte : H ares 4 sO on © eared LE dr; Cit, ry: urke F Cleatum- wen arohiet tian J 0, Set co fALLAC ee a el i ‘3 natchie 3 ta 8 a fee FB 209 = =o ion Collins Ma: El i. . g ig PZ), x, not _——$—— a is 6 Yay fe: deneia 22° ee = ie Leed®| pew “Grand Forks vets ok sto, — = Cadets 2, jifardonds ~M oO” tt p ES N O R +a + aa seat cxgokeigasle so = c : Mosc yore ~S ap c 5 ‘ , ; ; quer F 8 we : Mies Al ee ie eo Drummond e N A P/Glendiye Underwoo! Turtle Taken Carrington mS x 5 Se wa sey / Z EDN i } \ = RTH YAKIMA %, Oo Jnl e cA wiston \ ay f Armi AB cose xo* aX So s ; CUE S Coienet/ R s ° £ ° Philipsb ington 7 ‘\ 5 S| epb® g0™ 8 $ ; wan, River oy, pinmet/ fo GOS SN gf, nna ee Ce eee S Lewiston so ee Dickinson NO so got AL Ney louynton Soututa JZ. NN toi A OY Z- > . Yonex’ a . . s 9 Lz niton! ouehton=~ 4,0, 4,%,%, CL i Spe ye een a ANACONDA EARRIRON Nee D A Gaseeltoe Wag : LEA SP ynetdZ A hte Lshton—~ ae 0% Se % oO 2 Darby - Of UT arloye = ! 22 ERIO (LL [P—— YF NEESESEES SS — | gt Ble Waltsbueg \ — ppxoot Saeed nee =F sx non ey Sue laM Cues 5S MNS I = Zot ho BEG Tul ny = ote: 3OW Livi aw’ ye Big a Moure y Sree \ a UNION PA ZoBrwtver Picea ee ce % iride = Pill ee ° ___ __hint\on\ Wishek ak Wahpeton : \ Brai 1 \ “asnjind{ —nranigyS2Sonqnnin M\nluctie R: ee Hermi MiltntA WALLA \$ Grangeville Melr illings i Oakes ; : ere rainerd Channing ZUNE, wherg MES 7s 3 \ thena xs Nees jot _ Ss- a — - Silesia Toluca Powderville 4 kK - Fairmount’ PANG) | 4 P\ Z navi Yoodburn onan : Wallowa Sloe Sk aN pex'te i i 3 opBiy le o eo bP oGet Men Ahunder : fee Red Lod oA Cadill: ‘ q OREGON SHORT LINE Leif Racal pacts PY Lee peek eel alee deaf qe TD tial] QOS ES oN ir rs 7 ~ ; 3 PA Se 2 ‘ . ee ee : brit oscoe e, 32) jlaca we Thi. S - . ; S i Orgs Ri, , ¢ ot Armstead oo he - Bowl obridg a ‘ gouk 8 ‘ tn Pembina OREGON-WA penser lS, pettus cut seo . i Jon cnattie * OR ati We ! \ ee eeapee : O pore Brown Valle ge Rae Heatford Je. lnde\ - V V SHIN Cr ON epen % epance thy sry allis ® Lima as CT oOment YELLO TONE Sheridan Cee U nl Hi \ > Paines>> (ante! Prentice 2 2 A eslinee adras se : ate Monida Ype mABasin\ | Taadin f> Belle Fourche Gettysbp ure gant’? \ ie ys > Gj RAILROAD SSR iene Bue SORT 2S | comer| omnes i SEM | ooare@B® cae eee Mite sti \\ | MVHS CONS, IN | ly . > . 2 me MD 1 k . creswel! eOnaN Jc. aaimond % 58%, 2 y Dubois. O'7 ston ¥dl oHyattyill “DEADWOOD PieRRE Falls MINNEAPOLIS} a Ur ‘Eland Wy AN D Cottage Grove atxom. ones p orn > & & 0, Camas 9,2, .|nthon ‘ TIONAL wee re BLAC K Piedmont. o Watertow: gy XN aN Marshfield if} NAVIGATION CO Drain wler Bend SSN Os &:; rola Roberts 7 ie “City f 4 : PAR K Enslewodd Wolsey x an My. Merria Ray ue eau Clee C / ‘ Rexbu oa 1 Rapid ron ea an ji 5 . Oakland! dell ° ak Oreo. fo, Leptekes eby ere ae wu Lake Prestbn / Marshall ki, r ferrillan ; SOUTHERN PACIF Se | ee ns Ose N SS',6-% 2 NO f ae cer’ ee | A KAO Fo Aes A | de Goon BaD Lede Nt aN Riddl "| SS = CS, = yee Victor 5 tipestone & Wazele Xeth Wi ' IC ciendaiel hq ae ce en yO as © rag RE is Ree E Way SOr=M. 1 N G | ot Springs Thamberiatah soto Syd Sei, nae ely \ [a Gupte - Bt . . > . ‘ ak O24 SS Ie ; . $ IAS, sH a oy 7 aa “AN as ane hoi ey af ae oF Eee e By ie 2S s ¥ : Se, So, K A v ae ] Fort Be BE O Waterloo, & ubuque Ee ASTA SPRINGS | Uy , el Glen- 2 Ie FT OG, % wor CRS & y a ar be = x DUNSMUIR Co, ; 4 2 _Pamabetland . 2e So Cet OSG 22 LEX 4 oe (Freeport \o i Reddix CU ee ae os TS) pipe Acree rt eta tan I = © os s\y oa - emis Lr—= pec Ararshallgone Marion \\ IN Red Blur ge ogrt ity oo Bl 0 < oh roy e; Set 52 Saratoga BE: % oi so es ko & ow eS WN} CG. SLURFS = _Marion Saal » iiig? Oo eee Cs Fe /e maeeet! Peas OANA iillny ANSE gy tlle * tine se ae SEU, Ren SY S88 oe y oNZ \Ze': 2Cedar Rapids STA ae — <4 i OF HES NOUS VG, — 89 888 @ 2, SES SS - ° e i - mS SES salt “S18 SZ Tene Cie eck €# —Coalmont g = = Lat, ey SS GEO ee ‘Oo = Ten hy 5 it ft ot _ 0" Se ~ , ties G i oF gilitone AS Ws Y glue’ Merele ay Casting, FT. couins IN Ere [22% HCE eS UO Fae ORG Ott, PE Mo SE ialiig y 88 Jo, Mot Sopssiee sss Fai ag k ESTE FOP A Le Se Ge 2 BYOB F Boas ymond 2 Ro —— ; 3. W os esse Sass irfie} A s PARKO . SC > % CCS Ce % of , 0,9 out pay - RO ) , one WSS ESET SSeS ) ; \ xo, 9 54, S et YG > CS SG 9. Ye CP ESO” C \ CG : Bray hin RA Sees See woe IPRs «ery Gnd Ne Hopes,
> ' eS “ O ‘i ® 7 : iii’ {Joplin xs i Blemarek, as ; ) eee Aic ere . ae HENS o rown © Ballarat ey 45 the aon of ree Chin Lee, French | Gea onca, -! ringfield | ; PZ 2 Y i os Saf % Nee” jde | Greenwater 0 G% be ro) on Guymon Snid Monett * Williamsville 7 aducah FOE Ta RB eke fleana Keen ¢ oN nie Feil : ON weVinita aS ke 8 Hopkixévill 3 { * SY " ton oy - ~ a Popl: x igville Bettorayig __ Oli BONS «f % S a me = a oplar Bluff, y Z ., 2d, rand Can: ‘ —_—__- ra 7 s Ws . : ‘pha “8 ne gJohamnesburey gt ee 3 ae i JON Fort Defiance 2 Text? hice qian. 1 yy A Claremore Malae Sy oe ~ entland Odo Es so" ee > 1 art qn 7 ‘ulsa ii 3 Warbo § @ Terrazas [9 x Lompoc Monarch ° Oe 4 4%/ Kramer A. as ‘ S © “ p> ot oo a 4a? got SANTA FES Las Vegas ¢ E Arg ingfisher Ss ae Was ' j artfin Peta ho } QXERMOS paico Moctezuma, 7 Chay. 2° S See 2nz "0 NeettesNWO we = Tucumcari ¥ Sav Cl Pabog Gear Qutht Sema zy fe NASHVILL =| i Santa hata yy, Jog’. rg 29° dg NI elles A \ — > k On ay be ty rie, Muskdézee & Ty \ : Rerdan ' ‘leds 7 3 het. Panis or gga oman £ wee Sa R I 7a | ; [ | 3 an EPReLo é Van Buren a yg Humboldt N Nu Em: Af CHIH 5 1° en 3 2X82 3.9 “ifkto go Cals First Vi Albuquerque Kennedy amaryl M OKLA OA Fort Smith; Russelvi ali KNdb, ayy iu Colunbia palin po WAH UA Spott yew e arto : , oe ae » kanDiNno P. & E. Je, {Jerome Je =e St. Johns 9 i Salta Chickasha | ; Ay. Wi , A R SAN eme te Sas fe a ft . . * - “| * Sa” palmate RChihushua | Eagle Past pUvalde se — YS BN ajands Prescott / oCToWn King eee Pauls Valley Moh ee es eg, ee 2 Corfink = = - 5 - AVGUJOA Wie EZ J arto ste oe 2 < ' M ° wire Ma/os eld aes Perry jrinkley lly tains : Ce A BeevilletA PIA SS ' i Childr ° : : ; : L AMOS ! ; Beeville _ pots ’ are oP fa! Clovis ildress ® ITTLE RoCK/ elena’ Rae es AS te Jim \ re: “™. Z ys igs Ocho, Roe E X I Cc Chillicothe Red Atamore|_& a Hot Springs % // ay ut a9 y a Decatur enes 2 2 9 i / ry Q / o ‘0 A% Ss rg? Re e Durant S \ o\\ kD 4 ‘ je Y Ligitn 40%, 2 Bs & Willard Vernon & S Malve l Tupelo 5 5 © eK a Lampazys Se Taredo aa 4% % ¥, “ee ly “ terranes ‘ Wichita Falls Ny 3 Rater 2 /Hugo ! Gurdon Ninh an Qi fas) ‘ - \ C, . Keen \re Nes PN z dog % n! Amperial P Mas, ; aes Capitan, oswell. : oe oa 5 Paris Camden) G ( Q, Meares LS \\ QuatadchiI a ( El Oro Rete v \Nille SSAN DIEGO EEXIOO. . g Alamogordo : : “Potan. 4 Bey. x Se 7 (Hope aS ae = WestlPoi Nee 2° pe, HN) soe ee x < puis Stamford a hte pS oa Nin 12 = “CULIAGAN SS * cag ‘ s - Lewisvil Eldorad yin Birmi ON aC L \ DURANGO 1 2 ‘atamoros Gugenada de é AE 3 arlsbad, | Sweetwater 3 FORT WORT eeS: m Aes s e es éasant, ewisville dorado / _\\ ae Y ; Birmingham, DOSS > WY \fepehuangs ~ ss a ee Todos Santos 3 iS o Bo 2 a Colorado Cpilene 28° Midlotiian Bape Se 2S s C aes iS wy "fen | Av »s > . if chi chi x \ WS A . 7 a ~ % SHES Ms PO} achita) Hermanas a ee > —}siatand Brownwood ome i fret BSR ; ynev= Dip todd (ce . ' ABANA 4 E VS S 01 (ONG i, 18) FD kK Baw? Monrge BrP Sel : Durfngo wt ooh Bisbee Cy ee 0 ae a Lr oF § ican’ Rh AS ewe oe da ma MAZ NS oh ‘ ie 4 5 o ; Yy s Se? Ba 4 Belgas i CIUDAD JUAREZ 4 “ & ~ rod eo Nea San Angelo} -- ; Zen, ee 0X a oe ah ey Se a Le KS ate CKSo N York = r “-y 11__;7ZACATEOAS ie ott , . uJ OS Pe Ak a, ck \ Foe Or gS ' ONT= X R cay Ss ee a eee FP oe Brad, e v , A A o Jes Oe GOM Bgoninaperr i Se ad SS 08h” el Rio San : oF A B Rin 2 Pp ache AY sk oF Rus AES esgon® 49 | yay ar SC ERA on Zicatecas@ + is WV O0 ie Pedro Jor Cee, ay tinge leey 2 REMOND <0 SO! ee vse "24 say anh A ere rns! ewes S uta ye, Nia ETP. eS 8 ‘on = V oN S oe & ee %, . © sue Nacozari, § Rancheria « S70 < ane SF os 3 & EortsSitockton nee om ae Aa ey et Oo oe ¥ & Ke ( \ : a © cag 5 » gy = } 0 2 io ‘atti ° ps . ey ot esi Ea S Magdalena 3 2 uv " Se < exe Marble eS ego a dupihs ot oe he Rois % s wd ks p iegburg a “ . ls = S " ae WA S08 yy % = Q a a “RATS oS. & é. ves oriyry, eines SSE = i ee fe SSAA o eee 4 xe 5 geal ~~ Oo eo @ = Terrazas, Moctezuma, Sune a o & cs $F o> Kerrville ee Cee, Q ‘ FASO ‘ NDAIN ‘arbo = Soe Si, $ nn pte » Cypress tee PACIF JAW gS e, a : Pesqueira ke 2 = é Soe ag eakag, ILROAD OF Uae wh . SAN # 8 ; MEX warhS urbapan © ¥ oldu aa? te 7? AAAGT JAnorTaw. anorTey Ol. HAY ia sinililast | . * 2% ous ; } er . = io 5 AAT aatéa ~~: * saothrol yay hist & ‘ ‘ “Biatasen, S 5 ' Sicamous Je. head 2 Lath / on, ; C i % ‘s River RE S Can Killaly % ‘oketic Upper Arrow a High River 2 : . inscarth B R I T Gerra H * a Moose Ja Be " ¢. McCreary Je, I . S ae ca, Wolseley = . “aR NIPEG ¥ in \ i. 7 4 Lake = LS Swift Current Pasqua Ms Broadview i: bss ie ; ys ® rytton Nicola Okanogan Nakusp we & . Chaplin & On Rossburn Je. SHOWING 5 g Landing A rE r ‘ arrdy Riv. ® Minnedosa - © Wu Bonnet e e Ne é Ker E TT aC Pap cr 4c, Gladstone eo N rth P fi R | S t RTT RT NS EEN Ae Okanogan A one Lake Johnston . Balser aa Miniota’ Neepawa Oo B A . Cy 0 ern aciTic al way ys em. - re - = Lake Boul milestone e 2. % o// Selkirk ‘ | Dunmore Maple Creek & Ha Raphi City NEPAWA Jc. ‘ e e e Cc ° a mr HS \ ome , ye e olvon icago, Burlington & Yuinc stem —————— U M B PH x A se . ce . Kidkella NNIPE Yen ? o Bhe ; tee A gt hal ee E A pe ghunsen| =a Se at tee ; | PD Ne hi 1 ee TI NSS a fe rides : ? a = \ x re gees Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway - o& ge Tulameen % iF Oe Ol: Frank < M Brando) 9 Gren Se os Hope as Lake co Lake Cranbrook, 80) < Slee . Maryfield mo cRelsie : ae oy Coalme op OL PRINCETON Beaton eke eo Gane ort Walsh se % se Souris / | Treherne a > And its Subsidiary Lines } ae one ‘oe Ser Cuimiwack go og @ O%, 49% by, Pe ss Pte § Hicgitton wf Ra : 5; YR (Owned by Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway Companies Jointly.) Ye. oF ey ny Or Vinm® %, 2. Ymir, USKONOOK . ; HAR Otterburne 2 Wellington ( c 3 Te SIN Ny Kootenty, Elko ; Tory ; c. Marchand e e ¥ ma Bo actear Rect eee tafe, NN od ae yemoan oe Wood tountaing corgi Yate ‘ ints SNARE wot ade okane & Inland Empire Railroad - - ———~— Nanaimo \ Were — oe Ke wae echt 8 6 PX oe) eto J \e/ Fruitvale ne =\ 7 Baynes vk 9 Bator, x 4 Napin 2, Greenway a me nN, omer /o » . > : 5 4 Ee p ve a a A Fann Vso ane Creston "=P YS hh Dorr arate we “8 Cane oe Deloraine __\ Bolssevain /¥ s Roy Ae io qnnt * Ze e AARON, Hk RT . wy sige ee ~ ; uote , oe ba Se ! sei Bar AS glee Nel cos Soo 7 lorado & Southern Rail Syst panes TP Sgt ER Eos at LS era ee WTP Apter 2a 2 Se + + i ee tgs waren MEG, May, gh NS ant Nese Starts a . o> , ff 4 eo} Poe © CAN. = XK GB tee ‘ ee SA gt Cros ws GM Vg MORTAR FORT) K iore , 7 : Avery OP ppenrywoo? mbrose 3 Fartonlog = oe 2 Ce (Controlled by Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company.) #5 Orr oo otto 0 ree A146 3 89/7 Wee al SPP Pr sve Kevin 4, Fe oF pate =o Obyy TORR Me, Ube sNechaR i Se. SAC V sore oF OF HO OD-es0" Barron apa a %° % r\U- 'e, mS § x eae a S OY scobey? —gntelorey eo? r st o® Se Nse 4, - & le hexob Bay, 2 & June 30, 1912. ee \ L 6 ogo oO neice : %, . ‘of Bette, ° Sa *e, Rita) 5 fo, 4 %, 4% % o ; % & % & ©, % g% % & Sy ° . ee Ce we & os? AS pe coe 6. . oe 1TH O Per oe oxo™ o ey erg, at? ood oer 4aRS Lan, S 5 : SS: a Xu Ee) P . $e % Colville % &“ey\ ft a woe od -Vx ny Co, ey "0, % Se ey % % ° Barr Reserve ” O— bo R ° B 9 ae © Hoo: os > Y 40 Non, Rain; fan <= ‘ é ~ eo, Ne Ri 2 ee Me 8 I, a) \ & ¥ o &, %, ye %%, BAR. ree % oe, % ¥ xf ep \? Bis; ‘O39, as %, al as? g Bea b Bt lrnce: La Seine . Ca 1)? NS ICTOR i ais 5, irs ont = ao 3 versid “a, EMhracn 3 4 Dalen, May Om, eo %e Me % Sr eS 4% %, %, % % e Cowan weaicine +e oo te beg ae ore a, . aoe 8 < R Windigo Non, SER EF ox9 3 , %, ° %, % N : 2 20 ee < LC Lake = YSOP one op are Okanogan tae ewelah ? ), | % fA ely, Seay, °e, % Be Naismith *e, ORTHERN Assinniboi ge oe & SS Homestead to Fan j a Ps iy “ KY 8 Sager Ss 4, , ot $ Oa A oat c nau » So, %, Nope, eanlaze Valier 3 Sere s $s > NeCade, Na, l ls 7 oP ot coho xe Brewster “\7 ; o @ " %, Mp Ose, Conrad By "ea, FTP SK SF \ Wy S Gravel Lake, we 2 SSB aT oS ow Pateros Columbi pringdale 4 y = oO & © RS Xe “& % ac & gn & 'o S ae > GREAT Be time \o < HUNTERS A Fai Mavens S| oe Clayton %y /A ; a Oi eg 4 %, e y : "erg OS $ Sh. ASP Stang Pay, X ISLAND ei on - ne’ aot. > ° Deni, 9; i () wo 7 ollins o o a 4 a? ae ST mF y 4, is Lelandg- 22 i worn T wX ‘ TOUT MY, % % % @ & 4 ates i D)) Flat ow ore a z, kl % oy ro TW, en o" head, er e; ; 2 Veymillion ¥ Sted i Mv Meg, ty taj eageR ontke 32° oo? Lake 3 fo, Seg avon x Rton Sip Haley Tee Winton : iB IR Laie “tne 6°? Lat Me &y ei % Vo * a is NOR: DeNNYS HAC, e oe fete e %_ My ~& “Up Ye, , oy, 8 Eldon . nada AL OULEE uo - sucne card’ Alene Sw %, ON ams, ¢ Missouri War ne Z o icici « 4eu, ene "0 Midway Jfrz : a 2, e ss? HOR® By, oy 8 +o Asks er im Tyler Ais 6 Mee se > 2, oP °F GT. GREAT FALLS o8 ° Vian "ap J yiact 4%, ay , * a of FF hey oe sal! : fu Man 30° : . oi > tlt 2 8 op © Kismet 2 nen Je. i a eo, sn 0 aly r "Pes 2 Nae 39 Ss ; ; ° > Hy s % areeleo Top tg OO fos ccd Skaey oy co’? “s Hard: } 307 a Lota, den i iy 5 se oF s ial %% 5 aE See Sart, lopn diteving A Lg forntoy Se “T.o™ @ ee Rae .«M Ocadia S gor ss a A N orcteo A at, re 2 P. 8 ¢ cy 4. nN 8, < a oo” b po . ° “ Ne . ) eo + Copeeten “% SLi ake : ee SHE yor” ash xa Orsi een & Ma DP Zor™ so Lewistown Is Sls sangoMll Vem, v ¢ o|penmov FS McKen Een Pad 6. “eo i x ; Bovill ow of > e ove $f eo % Bey, Yee py s < f os Pric Wilton & » Ss Oa r e ms sis o oe es oe 211 ys : 3 scabs ENINOO J “8% 8 \ Sy i %, Bang, “ey rs ee * INS gat cow Elk River “6 Es or x = apis Mein, Va i? 2 Cy, 38) D A oO & S Se oT. ” oot Sy woe S95 re > 2 : r Akele re ee ape ENTRALIA a % es J . ef Meda, a of) Sos ee ae ro SF Pixs x - pos . a $f, iru > geERN vey Rati Doom eo Sus ehh oh bo % y ° ey a % 3 aC Shy, SF Lee Sie oF oS Park” oF 3 > HEMALIS &, %, > owes % Ane, tut Pre” 3 ots Lo Lod; Sy Rea s 0 * 3 Ss ee Silo a ‘> 49 oF oe aw Wao? 6 os e port O82 Ufa s EGO ° ge es F o a> s e BO A Pa Le $ > we Ve OS Fo VS % é - ° =/ Rapids ~ Ad 2 weenaw Ba: ve Kos? 8 Man 5 . Pox xe" ea eto, ranke City 63 eae 08° ae < f . & e Nea Ran, ae so elstone Kang boats # & Cd e i > * Fe ey os os ee e os 2 $ > c th a 7 Menahga c is a 2. 0 Diz ‘ey buck 20%". Ay: yy ° > , 8, S xe ‘< yr 2 v @ 2 cy tae - > < PAC. penah % % Toten is antita ote te h a a SAN ys os Stev ile prone o s ss Son, ua < xe 3 ue 50, a e : S ~ ee ys 3 ge * > & Pe 9 “ > es we & S N 3 ~ Xo tee? ¢ se RL < io M Mass City b ] Ciggepleatey ORT paBh x0 Vong Pah) "e, ®. Cis9? the" > Bennett # Deer oo* ae <4 ov om ss Df Ming ete | 2 Pe Pe, 8 2" x ery iY x e ‘> 38 2.2 hd ; FS - & ° % i @ yp G iog ov $ s Iton' Racetrack & CO Jo, ge 2 Rio, 3 2 FP PMS Mio ess 9 é es? < - e, m BH PE ae we etn ty Yon ee frixi, % eo wt Si fy 2 < Ne at Sp. “op, 8h ae 3 y YN SS Oe Wishek oF 5 « oS @ < e : 3 @ ley 7 Cc Little Lake SF a “ s a” 0b, ty, ny, % ; ’ of os 8 Key Ce 2 BL & a) & Wo, Hey % = é BE ae ei “ ed " or > eh &/srun °° * . Watersmeet > | Ee Voy gr er ee } fe ee x parey eT itt “oem om) We RE Lae coite AWS os LS ich agate ey thy Pattee Scranton ‘ gr"\ tr He ye Re F a tw so aw Or oh Oh 0 Z oe om ee = é 4 ar x o¥ 9 VP Nee > % Ri to, 3 co et PS LOSE oP ekg? 4 ao BS Pe oe 40, ¢ < + pc : . 3 Sandsto: S} op ; : ! ¢ Channin, OF oF oe! SAD 30 5 SPP LOSS F F ZN, Gr my poe OP oot 4 Oras Fo Ph Ee 0 & vos a a» 2 = ° § e <7 ot * e ne = abs oo Grickker : 9 Manitowish ’ ®, OAs g oo PESO GE SS (S95 FS. KOR EL "eq a sé 9 ot ofS sy Et SER PSS Se Sg ry fs é PAR Siren a temsinn 2 re pase oe 7 $ oe “eer Coge : a ‘i i eer 8 ton. LON aY a Sct 24, s ie OMT LPF un fon GUng. # @ = : = > show Kenhedy Star Lake . Banke. £ i @ “ast - Wye “agen, ot a} ewe * @ hanes = ee oe & 3 x ate SP Powlervitie Mertens us a Greenway & |e < - ” a Pe s® x Say. Cralton"n, Mg SS z ont evn’ 5 ? “aapisstl P Sealed ~ Gladstone s . a ¢ ‘ a} # Ny ham oe ‘ , a > x, AE oe Sa ux oP. ° * » a h bs ngton “Ho ~ 5 ae 5 f % sot ot § : Wisdom 3 $y £ %
nate ao rain srt McLaughlin = = a hg lade - os on" . Nop. ae, N and ox 2 a grederic Spooner ° ° “ ba Hillsbor ——%. or a &* & 2 EN ao ; ° 2 Lai “4, % Pe, Pry, es, siresin fre, e, 5° eon agency Ore Isabeloc. y » Arana iescs a StI me 75 SAT er prove Case Fy Saderay Gagen Laona, Je. . p % REST GROVE ; yo 2 © 0 2 , v > +, Jo % f Wy Sa ‘> PL of & rst - 5 - Ne Ww poo" s co” [5 pre ° Rhineldnde’ st. P z al ‘Powers I ay Bey o SX of La Grande monenh oT yo % "migrant Roped Fear rs Oe j awk Mobrid a Pry Clay ton 3 Ol ge NS * oh eisoten woo gpPPP Sse Aas tee , Prentice a ye y My 2 : <' 89 omar b eee 6 Le. t Ava) oO oe e ot st? od a : e}Monico * fe | ed fees, wea a2 sherarf//s Heppner Apr? Daileys / Foxh £ OMerng oe é Broadus oMacy as Sy ce a 2 405, 3 uitetet es e s cn” > Ai Reckyin, .® an wosset Je. vit es < a | Bt Jone ig, 2 “Ate OD 4 Condon Sphinx RED LopceG ss FS % OBowler ye s Bat: Roe, An, nvill a? ae Nesvin, of 3] ase Oa ee smith ° ra ) " ghoridan Jen Mog, Maupin ¢/* = Dillon, Electric FSS Wade eS oe D y i proven" iver + iF 5 seed ‘S; it ™ ae ” ¥ 3 . oo y eee : . Rib Lake ee : 3 H Sheridan Je. %, 3 ‘ * LOS LS gee) i La Beau ‘Di Adon ¢: < ¥ an e 2 lis Je. ; Ht Sitios Capone ny X\. Perey, Evergreen Lyon GARDINER Cooke Peg? ult pper i Mellette Millbank = * AS ee en Ny TEs ote ona \ ‘S z 1 ae ¥ } BS BO 8. Zz ol s Beeanene R It? Mammbth Hot: FRANNIE Oo Gettysburg él me & ap —oBradley a % “eg %e ef & < ~ 8 st “New Richmond by ‘Antigo 4 Méuom! aie > Fal : oosevelt ¥: < 0% 5 : ieee fe Re ¢ Shaniko a 2 ringstHotel // yp HSE cite Garland Cowley ss U °—~"‘Faulkton’ » H Fee Ve ee %, & % ¢ +e 3% aS ne x DOVe fe Qe eee: — Eland Je. ‘ ; Scio = MADRAS ‘ountain / orbet’ Bousha a2 oo” 2up ‘q by 5 o ¢ % Bie, o> co ape ~_//Eau Claire * > . < S Tall at. ‘ yy ote NATIONAL pence SP get Ss a - by Ye 3 a Kt & soe od! cs . i Corvallis eee af mototius Spi d 9 a scale a“ ; bake ’ CODY % e an 4 PS * > Lb 2 e , \ tay) Canby me OM. a Bt SG % % % Sy so on ite ¢ oO ae a a - i. we = CF opal city ‘Huntingto PARK gL ts % “a 4 s OQ "ot —, Winthrop %%, f%, f % ae 7 airchild eet s Vellqustone sin o y ia é ene aimenre F S », : 3. ty, te 0, o/ |p % oO) Stevens Point w. | = Prineville . Spencer i ‘Lake e le cney IER cH pe im : % %, % + by es < es a) 2 Vegper mM New London Wendling Redmond elser ‘ i anderson s 2 Wendt : Wolsey’ a~© %, Za o a a ‘e ss fy )P 3 ete ‘a sF, on 8b ‘ 2 ¥ | ° - tp endte 5, Sioux’ fey Je. gi ’y 4 W Pane xo ays rillan & 7 rst Jc. Eugen ohawk J £ Durkee J %, mon, oe “Cay, 8, ew Ulm ‘arIbault ; w. Grand Rapids R : springer’, C) ic R § ; Yonnnecwnnn & <9 Midland Foy 2, #\8é,\e Wa , a “ep i mart? eo" K > { Springfield Je\ ~Netron OP oenp G N Vale ‘ A Worland eee ten Te \ Ye , 1 A Zo, 2 eo f mo 3 (| 2 hi 3 C90 neroft z enaal 8: 2 ‘ Sunshine Neiber. Wessington oy a en, ey = ‘ Owatgona |? ™]? HH : $ ° 2 ae Cy wINno f , | ° Cottage Grove a Emmett ‘3 RY o ik *Ponatham yo y A te K Springs Vilas dison &, Se, StJames Lake Crystal Wasecal\ co Eee ester x sess Wisconsth yd\tey 3 a fo | mote £ Scenic eee Whonsocket c. e oy = ri . wr. ° ee ee Necedah * a i Omg Drain ee = Anchor o ey, Sussex o wo Spats Me = = \ 1%, * \'s,, 3p Heron Lake % «Hayfield ee oe PS o& c isis ) NS en , vine Sa THERMOPOLIS eo as BuffalofGap Taterior White 5 ee eryeical i, Zz So, 0, ve a Winhebago Ci wens \/* = psom _, La Crescen ci : yi 4 New Lisbon Ripon rae : 2 2 Idaho Falls i yo OT|SPRINGS iver : pee Lu c. £ Tsinours Cs 2 th Bend © 5 Crescent & S © Holt © Ross Pk CF erat, Stickney SR ) AK \\% eee 7 orthington Sherburn Albert ea’ Austin 08 x > eth Bend "| Matheur Lake * oy hilson 7 lar. Fa, ey F* nl Le Roy aS qo? 91s Barge Portage i s 19 Kendal} pree ©. & : > ° nne ; Harney Lake EZ ' gy Ee ep, Poy, re therville : & : > ' © Myrtlepoint je s s ; Blackfoot ‘ i at Ges © Rosebud o g Spirit Lake o \ perkitis/Sheldon. @ ‘hae ‘¢ we \\ Lone Rock Wiaturtne 4 e et : = , Te: Gooding , 1 o I N G —= < : e Scotland °, Po 61 giow (Mnter *'Spencer)\ ree ‘eaesasits od Nora Springs\ sr, argos, sr. : oe ; oi Minidoka Pocatello - ¢ © : per oD. Oy « 298 a : rit ritaless “XXew Hampton * xo - ort Je : K i Summer Lake * Shoshone ne POWDER RIVER op Riven sr bet Lx 3° Any Ha: ayrice \F McGrego: ed sort < ISON /w. on eS Y Butte Falls S Sree oy crane ge™ a = Valentine PRS Tyndal : it ; - oie ‘Luverne ] ‘ A e PDodgevilie oe a Sea im Jerome O haba RY, ORIN JG 4 oF « -s ne: Merriman or. i ae $ oe Cherokee we Jari eB yeeaip so et oes ° = ae N : nder 4 ordon - Bone ae y 2 bene oF oh c pi Rad a rs ene int f fossil “a> Humboldt Dows a ille Cele Turk ° Janesvil Sy — =| ( ({ ver ie. . Etameth x Buhl ; Big Piney ¢ Glendo Crd N ‘ef Rod Newton Newport _ ~i&BI opnfield \ ., e * Kft oir Storm Lake oa le Grove\«, ay ° oo oe ' = ¢ ~ ee . ag Se ae * se ve ter : ¢ Lon; ; ‘ . \ LAOS, oot Me ° Farl Fa 3 Y Jacksonville Reinet aulic 7 $e caw piv Ih Se) . s $ & E B w Pine: ont as 2 ge Neda ey ore wa Falls i neida * ley + it As z § ville ¥ es ® © i : ; ‘ ° S 3 : ? ‘ ¢ uBUa ro ; "\ al Leo 3 3 % ¥ LF, . § BS UES ms : ; m ey : a Malad City ap RCS 5 2 Bu ae oho a OOo’ SF SS OX SS & Carnarvon e rville Gifford ‘ pe oo? ar Sige On Bt ENS gh 3 $ Se Pee > ANT oS Sr PR eS & Ce z # Monticello °. S ©. % - . he Baas. Prest Uva’ & > $$ * s SS oO gs cs rd Fo se eee a : ra \O . W — os . 3 SEN. ae M. s i enn ’ Ss : 3 ¢ BN Ret : 3 . = AN : . Re ee Mine No.? + od SS wy a Ro) se Ss oe oe A s— Oakdal fo “e $ eo s >, Troll Jefferson ,\Granid Je. Tshalltown Lin: Oxford < < eas be SSS = i Wheatland - 2 oS SS SP FS or gd or QF GF Onawa 4 : Tama, ~ Fe. Sabula, YS Wes fe ety % Pidep oyer’, [Kemmerer ge go SPBonner ¢ Ss os = Ss << o* ss : ° Arion Ma iy YS we f mi st. Ss 3 River 2 a Logan Je. rs , Bordeaux s 3 'HICAGO. BUR os 3 est oo ate es 3 GS; ‘ mning + \ Cambridge 2 - éSE ie & Clin eS j oe Je, ' : < ’ F Ton ian je Asie McGavie . o Ashdown ae 4 3 Rikol Gist hig Tipple paciF ic ae Diamond = 9 Ae ee eo ge nae . ob > ¢ ” * HAsondory j 2 Fi y see oon Aman . i a Re 7 Peo, > EE. Ne Pa © A tg ° > oO ¥ e y oO. 78, nt yp, NS CyB, ‘ NORTHPO < y , 7 Wes Dd, ae ‘4 EN ea ls iene Cumberland Jordan ar Eclipse oe ieee Ibion @ gen ay 3 rinnell $- Liberty .3 Roave Hey ae rt 9 : are rinne Granger Thayer Je. Sv xo Spaittding > £2 oye e 3 x Rr. TShe ‘eh LE BM 5 renee XS Brigham o Laramié Aw Oshkosh 3 Ken * os | Og oe So be oi ot 3 Scat a 599" Sev" 9 ‘alle: 7 Tryon ¢ Y 4 Nd "no" Re. £3 ; * Cobre S. ) wy Albarty Islay ee oo ? r > wh a < x a Py @ = Ot gh orf blot Rot we iy Av4 t ra. 2 ; wat 2” Fort Keystone ove e S Cw sy > \ 2 & < Kon te, Po, Mor! o “thee } = t eifs OGDEN E Russell 3 «ct % Re y¥ o @ 8 A = 2 Mak "by = é 2 oO . Vvanston Encampment Hermose s 4 »€ ce v ¥ she £ 2s oe ot oa, fe. > ar y . oe Pay LP Sq %, 4 } 3 Madeline o> a Ro: eo Bor p, nieeah O’Fallone ie PP ad yo" ” O\ 2 Z 9S fo of 1 Re ~ Cian? < we, {uF gs¥® ore ey (fe — 2 - ~ We %. “w o Oe xt | fy Shafter learfiel i cc ___ Dixon Corlel & 98 ee GP. S he e = : 7 “ te, le, Beetetey Den, SPAS 20+ ABO S30) nH) gh v eee issiidates oy exccoonadinns ‘ : Teas ae ae + Sete! 3 oy, * eld . BS so oF Hes? oot x Oe Ty. My ty, ming) Sos 8, Pe, : Falr Qiks Winnemucca, Elko \ \ B OS crow sot gs” ead naseent se a e &. s - a $ > ree t * Wa Noo 4 & oo Sy 3 Md os” oot Rk af < at ae ote or . a 8uR. a KA "e ry oy ¥ = fy a Ws Be /) s : ". eet # Iron Mountain Palisade % > is ¥ g S . Poe 4 canton | © se 20.0 S eS Fo Se oeKer Hee" BE 290" gn? $8 Ke A ‘ ra jolica, = Sg 5 ) SALT|LAKE CITY een wh Goo Padroni fo. Rt Sa a > 52 v . » SX ofese™ fr sh £2.00 Ms : * ea ee g°8ur }, Se Hot Springs PAGES re Battle Mountain 3 Uy" SQ %: wor™ fh y+ ~e or BURLINGTON ie ge a S ny *e, ae So ORK YY Do, M. ON nt | P, ot , ® vu via, 2%, ee 4 On. ©, & &. EAL 2 - Ve Keswick Park Oity SAS, RB ce @ A ug? SY ‘ 4 Pao DOM i ure hy sal = Moule’, Ove MESTON oy lon Se) qorP 9° , Sy 4s. ase ‘'armdale Cheyvoa s Carlotta Eugle rn oper Dryfork 254, 10 7 go SN 4 yy os =e Ss ‘9, Nn if Fer, VING 2 . 337 Wat sy, TOag FON y eville 6 # ey, F Yrs? 4, w. 7] Gilman | ‘ Dalton Alta Pare: Lay : % & c x < M,N? BUPE Zoitin ee cheat So eo a, % Ei\Paso & & Forrest “| dland ee mn Dinve Humboldt py * 4 Utah Copper Len, 4 _ peace ws oe ow, YY wort vee & cre a ie of Teter BO seh. Nag? Son =—pge ‘ “ = 5 = Fae 1% sp Soe Tos * é lk t; ake ‘umbo! g ; : : 2) jyer RKINS : erino " is < a eg me \ , 7. ~ 12 \ a m , Bie Ge go Ming yeh! » Heber oa Rive’ Atenanioat SRtcann Y a nth on Se, yw, Cy ~on nigsoes? 1A8 fs ee ae oh $} Ae Grant AINSVILL #180 nner vs leg SOF Xm & Lo loomington , ain oy ty > Honey Lake Is ore es: 5 Mercur Roosevelt , } 2 34 roweRld = Pe NION 1 oiet o,, % Gy Se y, HOLDREG si pont ne i . Shey ene, adeeneyl cllock Jeyo%o et % ichled eevee, fx N.S Gibsoff City . az mw TT & hs Ruby Lake i : Tov trons @°) Ar it , Be 'o, 2 ye ot a hee: be rs ce wman 2) @| Je oF rh wy ost hage Iches- 4 se ® oopest Tehama })= is > s abd d eon : irk : = dahon OWER JG: ; \cas& ue. Oo patisade niles) i008 nel ro Banc a “ack? at or Ne wD, x ott Say A i a BANY JG. Qe, Mita " ¥ OP on titel ir eg iN olay iy ; Aes sakes SS i é i 3 3 Uteh/Lak pringville é ‘ Z Seine Lonamon AY om a %, %, Oe aul 5 OxFORD comlye ¥e4 e) 0 Pax pO Fie. Aan o i o Ae clington Treat ayy Nv - nat \, ‘lymouth y v 7 ANA Atlanta e te 2 Daneiite ee erling City cn) Mi S nera Pa RY 5 Rangely . ar 2 ve, ej % % a = e) Suet . Ns 5| K v Nr \o% = " { @ ys Thistl ° Toponas @ BO: S oy 2, o> By Gi SE S. : 2 ft 2 upon ? P, 0. > , tyrater, Ng & o CARSONITY o Fairview Ruth ca une costae ; “o rot SEPICA SYLON en Ve s Me o* Elbert Ne a Rahn eee Goodland Zurich ow 22 ie Manhattan aves 7 ve ‘< % feminghs! Angtony gO Keo € Posgore s liton| Pen teld held f ry oy ; rs Q , 3 a ere SP 5 er Lak e 2, e, : 5 4 j oe e\S aw j Rumsey Colfax Lake E A 3 : ak ¥ ‘ — LEROY ens Mow. Spr. plore, * = ran Tv Oakley Dy Minneapolis (> EA ee Cin RY ; shiatae AZ & % ¥ ee vPX so" ey ie eyh < Altamont Emnghhm. gs Sevier Lake & i omerse| ae” coli e® efcol. “Ge, “oe '%e Hubtéd fi j unction City A. x xs %S ¢* 5 of Z . D A Salina ¥ ° iithragive we wee y S Xe Falcon eo : Wakeeney Russell * BeSEuS TOPEK. SS f. & 04% 9% %, e & ya YIN 4 Al rent 5 ame Vi lia de istoga ‘oseville a Delta: Floresta port Oy Many, MANITOU Jee e Wigwam aD Hoisington CouncilNG@rove k. a oF + 26 > - | Tipton SS eS ra i Flora . ‘Ince: _ Ss. ir P, e : en Elen Blmir Martell ereriatnee Milford porzsvale Monti: a eet eh tN" Overton a A. a cel denies 2 a Ree fae 2 Wa, wyseor Versaiiigs ~~ JEFFERSON CITY 5 bvillO aie j Suisun Galt Tonopah Je, Poheoned i. ae ee oe | caro | bast Sty ; Selkirk Scott City ——~ oi = ——: mii Se a Ns ? af "IG ay. Pa 6.” on 2 Q te hvijié* 1 ; Se AP eiiogton ojo. Lodi Valley Spring Bodie 4 Ritigway $ os? ie oP oo ae: tile Vanes | ess City Great Bend Lyons aBheesow Ne tag 4 Garndtt ! . Clinto > Pp Eldon x, « Belle oy Als a ~ own oe oe.) Veith r a 0. ot F oe t ? 10) e] é j s Y 2 TOCKTON | o tuotamée mene Bale de. ae r. me Ke ¥ : Q Villa Grove Fetal Maraell Fond Au fe eee ve K A “Raa S abody, A Ss Selma Rich Hill ¢ ein Beenely ey ant < we acer ckney- ‘al; tony: * “ Quara; i : f : : pais Port Rien init Sinn 5 NATIONAL PARK ‘ : ‘onopab Pioche & a C yO Lake City 6\ “Orient san OF iiems eae olly STutohines ieee @ ¥ 2) {\s 1 Cuba a Ser McLpa } = Neate San Ramo: thr jamestown Sere ono & Blair f Mort Alban Moffat Satioawood pastane $: Coolidge Newton » Moody’ : aA Ss * Osceola Ste.Gbnevieve ily oS ix Christopher . v TLLE NSS LAND iL Stakaato El Portals € JOSeMITE vaLLEy orton Hite , Pandora, 'Y Animas Forks orton wo nego ‘La Junta As r, pec aoetae ) e mc NaLLY! ALSEN® . Eureka | Yates Center; Fort $ Bismarck ¢< Perryville Je. ‘bontiale «i * . A onio " aN “ Silverton * Ropineg Dodge City Pratt wo Augusta skaloosa 7 pe Mi O} ‘ Mai Joyt Sha‘ “ . ela 2) 3 SGnuieauoens Cannonville iot i Orit pone nLOBe ¥ Kingman Severy Shenae. sae Bolivar ‘Lebanon U i‘ oe fs 16 ron © . olores ¢e* * RAVENWO! Soke So Ne ° ; e wy - S San Jose Merced Polita o é f CS * “PrimaaseliN Springfield o Me ‘: $—"Bucklin & Poe. Frddoni: ni Se 2 Cookville ddetpoiis i yy s of Parker City Dek oven te, j Bluff BEA . “3 Mulyvane F 7 ~~ Bpuldeh Creek . \ noe Bo one on Durango masesrinl! 5. Meade » Parsons Pittsbu Ash\Grove 5 Cope Gienene v Ne ho > . \ ae) mnie Claire i Sul " Pa; oe ul Bower \ <_~ Belvidere Harper ellington’ Moline E Raho 7 ‘ K E N TL ‘ Carnadeno Be an “ fa Pocushhabae ‘Rio 4 < Springs oe sé mi ‘ ‘ A nfield Cher! e Columpys Carthage pringfield Delta Thebes 2 % 2 con : ‘ollasky , ° Antohito —_ Primeroq P' — f. F Will ag % 2 ‘ 5A Pagosa Je. Segundon ; et Englewood Kipwn a Jdwell \/ Arkansas feyville an Rives edt 5 US | yon Wp Crozier yo" ec, CS “~o. Harrison >> far) Paris Stone Canon Lard CN Corcoran a a se SM Perry Rare Tulsa Walnut Riige V ; aren © Tuba zs : ee ”, Sf ! e a \ ene Mestano Zoo Gouclt * Cushin Sel ose, Fayetteville £ : Calico Pr Boxe Paragonld/) McKenzie Hollow Rock San Miguel oS Grand C@pyon soos sree om GUTHRIE 2 | Sapulpa, Wagoner % Pettigrew a sas Dyersbur y ol 4 sT. | Dickson & Famosa, i SPD a es RY fisher € © Marshall ¢ y in Paso Robles Searles oo i “ ene estville S lonesboro oy "he E _| Hot Springs ¢\\ Bakersfela i o Tohatehi Cabezon SANTA FE o a oot os e e Davenport) % Néttleton — y Humvordt 4 ‘ No % ey MUSKOGEE e , erry Ville ° Gosford Kern Ganado o ¢ Bravo Miami G : ‘ Oli Tyanpah ‘blight rm SANT, P Vegas $ eo e Clinton Reno ‘ kml ie Newport + & Wo Jackson 4 Lexington poe : es 4 Johannesburg 5 5 Chloride a er 2 x ; [- eee a Vah Buren_a.c. , Ss 2 nton ¥ ‘ellow 2 9 “ Mi. 2 : Leastalk <: & 2p Ss s ge . PHOENIX Garvlenes y Lubbock UR Betsy o®” Gainésville/ 5), Paris 7 a : Gaaee Ny ee le es diy ag Cordo Fallbrook & es Capitan ~ s* . 3 Cur): > Cebit fie ee ee eS 8 ; ue ed : inona os. : ea on : pe. Glove 7 ; a sayto™ Bs Ores Olney 5 » S & / ‘Texarkall Pain Greenwood Courfabus {> Ty ‘Los Angeles Je, Imperiat'J > z 2 Slaton Nay Or § a es Couaiehes ae Na Montrose Greenville @ Mido Je, , i ook day «> Bridgepoyt i x Celeste " he Me syjlle7” [Stamps Ackerman ins eesti Morenci < ; Roswell pea Ww, Z A gee] fu: ea te Mount Pleasant ‘ Eldorado 3 % ° thol k sit = « Bresford ost Sinerg Gtaham © Jacksboro + apie fe a ae £ do Tuscaloosa, oFoster es Gils Bir 3 Olitt | q = aspe™ Rag, <) a ys ~ Planow Keay reenville S| rings r Cea Sliver Olty bd SCR Ard} ore SKORE Maricopa Winkelman GutyrieY Al ‘i Taho! "e208 eer ken =\ Graford ¢ é oo SE re paerevere Macon . AN DIEGO Fa Hot ° Fierro jamogordo ° Sta 3 y 3) AB Akron Ts Juana Yu Aztec \ Silver City Santa Rita paar } \ Ham? ronn &. rene Terrell giimee Je Rolligig For! ~N 3 = Lake Valley, © s 4 A Anson “& Weatherford 7k Mineola {.ollinsto, = hears z : White Water Rincon Re f "yy 4 ™ & Marshall ® nega’ Philadelphia : x ! a Nutt { 2 Hawley For “i i © $< Kaufman es ; Sibley Gibsland Monroe Gains . 2 ; a k Se Bilyerbelk Bowie }," F Lordsburg Demin; y Carlsbad Roscoe ABitene \ Cisco 3 “¢ C Rohe te ars tyler Longview : * ae QUEEN = * MERIDIAN i ea ; . Sweetwater * PAC 6 © % e| : POR JACKSON 6 . ae : enor /\ F\ \ x ws ate Y : atiuten) VICKSBURG SREScENT’ Newton ; 4 4 ~) Py ° y i Cochise S ac Paes ™ pS ‘ Big Spr! Ce, ’ . i of? we Troupe x 4 |* : Myce w i me Alvarado 1 Oa ac zs ‘ os ¥ : % (Dublin govi™ . of Taly < Statens te Zuber 4 Chestn! 22 Yas re Mel SQ ( ped ae eps d aac a Twin Buttes Benson Fi i : %o ei io om e. o ene eT ns = aH Mendenhal| {> Rrra 4 w. ‘Hermanas } eo Morg®> 1 See A] i, Sa Mansfield Winntield = 1% a ' Hachita EL PASO Midland Ba\linger Si wir PPS g ay ae een = e a . Fairbank Tombsto: ¥ ; a ov us! © Sarato; v = mbstone ; Ciudad Juarez 7 Odessa Sterling City a oe , Cownwood 3 «eh Palestine atehitoches Clayton Je. flarriston ” ie Laurel & f° 8 , es 8 Nacogdoches ‘a Seton ae San Angelo > ; Gatesville 4s, _ WASP soe 8 Cypress dit Vidal ATCHEZ Silver Cre ° x: 2 Naco \—?--7 Dougia: Pecos e,, McGregor "4 5 he £ ate S staan Ge — & vergree! Nogales > iles © e { Lufkin > Tr: Stiles E ° > pos eet Ss Huntingtn cn 4 Hattiesburg, 4 Del Rio z - Sierra Blane® 2, Brady Temple G _s0n8® x e ia umont, ‘ = | ag pasas i a o/ + Bo 3 ct sville oe { Flomaton Cananea : 7 e \s 5 rrigan y : ; ¢ 2 Bi Hear: » bo Trinity” Cheneyville ore Lumberton, NI » rnet ley ne\\ Dis Colmeseil ? ie Bay Minett ) * ‘ ca ° ne Wilkie meron ° ls. ee i i, ( Kentwood Maxie i nf Fort Stockton Menardviile ano cr ilante alge” Ridder Oakdale yx" Slaughter Wie Terrazas e\ f Ozona ; r oF Z = : Nacozari oA S Marble Falli Taylo. & ol |S pe Bs s Kirbyville | a S, 0 elousas BATON ROUGE mort, ( saiey ie S) 0e Frise’ : Port Allen » Pi A McNe ~ 9%, Co e,/Cleveland s, , | De Quincey Kinder = Hammon ; Gulfport\_t- “ 2. Giddi aasota: wm ; 7 ; hs £ : Je » Parizano S AUSTIN see o oT sng Kountze © soy. Lafayette SS spell: EE A 2 Longfellow ; G * ev intrlee SS EZ S ae \ CHIHUAH Reve Bente hoy doy” Towa J. 7 : LN 1 San Marcos i. aa °. New Iberia DY Donaldson hte EWO: A U A Lanktey Bock spaings ‘West Poin' i mt) ; ey, O L VV \ 5 — &, Sealy : na \A\ Yl 2 } Luling rs . 5 ( a SiGe 4) ‘ é ‘ae gle La ~ S Mo City 5814 § = SAN ANTONIO), — *\\W Rigumondy 7% \ A Ll Presidio Del > e rte PAC. © ‘ee 2 Copyright, 1910, by Poole Bros, Chi O pore Sie Sou. ‘Yoakum y fy aca 8-24-"12 a Spotrora mee fe 7 : RO OO es & HERMOSILLO : ¥ Cuero . : ‘ : . e” %p rte Mg ae : GaNgInD SeEK08 9 (a Stooges | be Se “FASS uTA OM, ee "4 we? obi > Haodde0 at tt Ode" SS Ss CaINPRMRSICN ye “9A onoteyed fe geircat ge ff mind @ Vers ; = sft bt}. sate *, Loe - ma ae As } 42” Sr reenter Romi / baaiboov MON gallws Qe : : fr aN = 2 aT, Ne we s - eo J rs pg ¥ VHD ge je ¥, 7 iilogsaa i Cae ; ! toi a0 an moe leod / aus ie E Wess: Se eo * eee pe ee ¥ Rat EIT me . j Ifseent Won < 7 ne { . é, we erie? : ee e Se aalie® ase i a? eniissres a i. fh Ha” tones Elis “\ aid Dea ae at te Dee eee agalrgs ~ gee. et: ; “ arog ipnuad iS ttitoen aff. Sa ‘ f Sago a ssougaanh | 2 aorenton ea oat ro pores Meg ; cbt sta] sablied& a és pe Be prnenneeln a 3 pane? Sa o8. joi) ". YOeesn : VEO Hose ‘atiaio ; a tary! , NET BH! eorek a teeny Woon 2 cag J io Fe. #4 MP ty pe aerate ee See Pak iG US anid, Se Pages og . en a i ie i oe te m. Se Rs O > * 9 \o 2 ee ms y CTY Ae) et Ne La, 34 =\\ Rare q & < cash, Coalinga Sth \Y Olig Shale Sam LAs, \\\\\ anta-be Ce enegas ome Gomez Palacio Tepehuanes Torreon ee Company. in 1896 a new way Company) 0, Ap» G, %. P Me pCRAMENTO Placerville» Re 2 wg me ces) on hfe Bagby, p v s we oo Rlo \» veo” ee . eee Neen aN peTattr Monarch? v 6 Los Olivos NI Ws £0 0 SS ae x Ow Xoo Balss®O Me? meme A.T.& S.F.Ry. System, Through Lines PACIFIC TIME: West of Ogden, El Paso, and Seligman. from the legislature of Kansas in 1859. work was begun on the line from Topeka westward. ON ' pane City Warner L, I D A H O oO eee Ashdown? o Owyhee o Cokeville _ = . \W Qn . Granger, ® ' Cache Jc. RS c 2 wos Rebel Creek 8 Anderson £6 o a Sr vanston oMeadows Ib. % ® | Buffalo ' 2 Amedee 6 % AC + | Z Qvith Sf Lovelocks 4 Mineral urrie < ‘t OCatons p Brown » Steptoe 6K: 6 ‘ > + Austin Coaraks 4 o Fallon ly Vo ESB Belmont ° Hazen ' ct (SY RENO ~ Carson City FE Churchill ° \ Sheridan Land b Mina Q Tonopah Je. Newhouse x Blair Jer? p.TONOPAH . } a . ° Pioche Z') GOLDFIELD 1 O ol Caliente ° rai cn aba : 2 % Bonne Claire 9 be Galt J RHYOLITE , : Keeley 2 © Gold Center BULLFROG y & Olancha ~ " St.George : 2 8 okanab NFORD! XS \ Alealdboro pS eo ° e ‘ Oo 33 7, sz, Q a Con rg) ep, er. “tan SY NaN @ Ort Cay br Pont DelRio © “Clarksdale FOREST Ro JEROME ‘ ° ajllo / Aeshna No [3 t. Johns Ry S4p20 88a" Ses L054 OP d oF Mayer Ay 1 — ny & Y SoM vial = ey f} Middleton ' Fort Apache | o | 2g Crown King, Co: % Mg HOT SPRINGS ' es ay Zo Rossevel ae oo — ,, Clifton 4 te to Py So £ S27" AWW Vice SCo, pa i ta °2dig, ‘ale Vy) te be Q oN NATIONAL CiTion@ © 0 ‘\ . ackard =~ fe Coictiia ag As “Maricopa ia Juana Kerdo. te Twin Buttes ° oO r }\Benson Ensenada ° se Oo Fairbanks}t—° Tombstong © puerto Isabe XR Cobos ae san ees oe G San Felipe a . Zp N\ o5an Quentin Caborea yy A , ta Isabel? \ Sani ads ° San Y ‘ernando c \ IN ID.ANGE SA ve casa) Ni \\ 3 b> Santa Borjao SRIBURON a : ‘oy ~ San \ } x o Minas Prietas 7 OQ . Ss # SN sory Teg : 3° ¥ Oy Ve ok ase “a ei me cS om oe oe ce om Lines Under Construction The Atchison and Topeka Railroad Company received its charter Nearly ten years afterwards In 1863 the name was changed to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Financial reorganization of the property was begun in 1893 and company (the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail- began business with outstanding common stock of $101,955,500, preferred stock of $104,999,530 and bonded debt at four PETRIFIED 4 7 x Q enn 2 Ovi Kelvin ~“Getgaimty SQM MAS Cumuripa a. Zz Bocoyna Anselmo” B © Rongis YOM Rawlins \ Sunrise Hartville Je. ), S| N G P Chugwater Vore/ ee Oo R PACIFIC Ti i Laramie apron 4 . Cheyenne River Encampment | & Hastings Oxford Ingleside 6 c e Mabell o” oO Fort Collings Lyons, Sulphur cL Springs Ge, Se). 0 Q Steamboat Springs C6 % Vance Je. ? + Des Mgines ' = (rr) CEE = a, ie] 18 Y b Fort Acoma, BELEN Wingate La Joya # Alamillo Magdalena 23 SOCORRO San Antonio uo oO HieL net gilt bd Crocker NAS ar” BB Engle Ss 2 eae J alley, H. Balmorhea -Corralitos_, ¥ Ojo Caliente . Valentine P ° ‘errazas Fort Stockton Madera 6 Temosachico Me Yop Kerrville Spofford eS iS oe, oO Garci arcia O . a \s Eagle Pass Pearsall , Diaz AQ Sierra Mojada \ Sy tas co Las Cruces Ny Del Rio ‘Chihuahua, oF Jimenez Margarita ° Minaca & Horcasitas * & Concho : Kenedy Cotulla fS 2 } Jimenez Cuatro Cienegaso 3 Monclova Stietietiee: Double Track per cent of $160,848,285. -On June 30, 1912, the total capitalization of the company was $626,948,245. The property taken over by the new company in 1896 comprised 6,435 miles of track with lands, coal mines, other properties and the stocks and certain bonds of several other railroad companies. At that time the company possessed 962 locomotives, 641 pas- senger cars, 27,719 freight cars and 269 miscellaneous cars. Today the equipment is as follows: locomotives, 2,081; passenger cars, 1,515; freight cars, 63,068; miscellaneous cars, 817; steam vessels, 13. & Greeley Cen K LS Grand Islaird ee Co | L oS Iz Numbers shown along line refer to tables where time of trains are given. MOUNTAIN TIME: Between Ogden, Seligman, Deming, E! Paso, Clovis, and Dodge City. ee © Sioux City = Zz ) a Son gl ee ee ea pf ante Oe fa < oR 7 Ph ty, & | O fe N. Men ee i 4. So “SY 5 Afton 4 4, cecmtage Senor fo, Behe, ep ieg S . Chgriton \ 144 lag Bd, ine Ye Lo ~~ eS IB og 9 te gh SOF Py oS Peoriad 4 y dy , Bushnell (7p, “8%; VA, “hig too, Havang’? eee el A ASU) ackson ville Onn % 4 pete Ooifieads ese *re4%a 20g 9) 1Clinton 0 o Osceola DPS 39 o Bolivar Newburg 4 o Ash Grove 2S sy Lebanon yetteyille No Pettigrew [ais toe mney Grove e Q on ¥ 49, ea Bs A? 1 ef a Qo) lp —~la Sulphur asg8 Cig? Springs We Jame own / Texar a ORE oft a4 s, og 3 0, Marshall * Shreveport ea ger : eR eee Lao “20 gan’) Alexandrit® ; 8¢ . dg ° % “ate Cheneyville ie) i 2%ko b Pre “x2, 0 VG, S FRISCO hae = ~ Oy CF 4G, fake 9 sou. 0 MATS BORONIA 7 = POOLE BROS, CHICAGO. CENTRAL TIME< | East_of Dodge City and Clovis.. The total mileage of the system now exceeds 15,000 miles — 10,732.88 miles of main lines and branches and more than 4,000 miles of yard and side tracks and second, third, and fourth main tracks. During the fiscal year ending June, 1912, the freight carried one mile was 6,970,719,824 tons. numbered 1,274,188,385. In round numbers the freight business earned seventy-one and a The passengers carried one mile half million dollars, and the passenger business twenty-seven and a half million dollars, during the fiscal year of 1911-12. a” Rae J ‘ ater bphibhache kre Shahid ears eee Lone Liat eas Hiden in ti Neha, 5 +b eee be te a . bidesed aR irit’ Pana sen Ore atts ir idbiedodealiy it Feb * - ot Een Per ie ete ae} Pred ef tay ant orrnran Eat Daas [aol wet yt peace TT ar Pak eh} . ith Leo ie alilelaletete hia itt © 8) Sialehacs. a) Lae Se hs ees Sry i 4 Saal aed VEC Seinen ig r - tee ein so 7 ray, Or Bimal a wher Y Sj alee iets @ a5. “ aes yt bide ab msoadueal TL TT ee : t ‘ "ies mim a ear “iensing ao at eat hh ad . bets Late tee) > Ni pt Pasesrrion nheres A Tienensh et teresathy figs ORE Mere tict rr pipes ee er) eFtdbdbaeea kt ed ‘ - : re ee Nea RET IT} " is ietererer eee ities oar) ¥ b r cre peter tts E ; teat he yobsehes uate Ai feck adhe Bel) wrindins er err tre sree ms er Thy 4 rs Melee 4 rae oe remy’ Pe ods ee eae tr ‘. i visheltieiejaistersruigisie. POPP OT eit rtd ne pal fh