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Do not deface books by marks andjwriting. East Genesee Conference 764 \ a HISTORY of the East Genesee Annual Conference “ee of the Methodist Episropal Church By RAY ALLEN Secretary of Genesee Conference ROCHESTER, N. Y. Published by the Author 1908 N.268574 Printed by Hart Bros. PRINTING Co., Rochester, N. Y. irefare HE East Genesee Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church was in existence for about a quarter of a century. During that time more than four hundred ministers were members of it, and labored as Methodist ministers do. Then the Conference was blotted out, and left no successor. Its records it is the duty of no one to perpetuate. The records of an ex- isting Conference are too often neglected, but about one which has ceased to be there is something pecu- liarly pathetic. For some years the East Came Conference has strongly appealed to me, although I never had the remotest connection with it, and it passed out of being before I had ever learned its name. Seven years ago I began a careful compilation of its mat- ter for publication, and in a year or two had most of the contemplated work done, but the pressure of many duties retarded the work, and delayed its completion until now. In publishing so much of detail it is usefess to expect there are no errors, but I trust hey are neither many nor great. The Rev. Freeborn G. Hibbard, D. D., wrote a History of East Genesee Conference, which was published by the Methodist Book Concern in 1887, but is now out of print. It consists largely of reminiscences contributed by pastors, and reveals very closely the spirit of the workers of that day. Ray ALLEN. Rochester, N. Y., September 15, 1908. Contents Its ORIGIN. - - - . es s - 9 Its TERRITORY - Z - ~ = = 11 Its Statistics - - - - - - 13 Its SESSIONS - - - - < = 14 Its GRowTH - - - - - - 16 Irs PasToRAL SUPPORT - - - - 17 Its BENEVOLENCES - - - - - 24 Its ScHooLs - - - - - - 26 Irs INSURANCE - - - - - - 31 Its CHurcH PAPER - - - - - 33 Its NOTABLES - - - - - - 36 Its DELEGATES - - - - - 39 Its PRESIDING ELDERS - - - - - 42 Its CHARGES - - - - - - 50 Its MEMBERS - - - - - - 98 Its END - - - - - - - 215 Jia Origin HE East Genesee Conference was created in May, 1848, by action of the General Confer- ence then being held in Pittsburg, Pa. It was formed entirely from territory which had previously belonged to the Genesee Conference. Genesee Conference at its greatest extent, after 1812, was a vast triangle, including such widely separated places as Detroit, Wilkes-Barre and Que- bec. In 1824, all Canada and beyond was taken from it to form the Canada Conference, but the Genesee, developing rapidly, was still too large. In 1829 all its territory east of Cayuga Lake was cut off, to form the Oneida Conference, but growth still con- tinued and in a few years the territory yet remain- ing began to be considered too large for one Con- ference. At its annual session in 1846, a resolution was presented favoring another division, but it was laid on the table for a year, that the ensuing General Conference might be nearer at hand. In 1847 the subject was again taken up, and thoroughly dis- cussed. It was generally agreed that the Conference was too large. Only three Annual Conferences in Methodism were larger, and of these the New York and the Ohio were divided at the General Confer- ence of 1848, and the Baltimore four years later. Accordingly resolutions were passed recommend- ing the General Conference to divide the Conference 10 ITS ORIGIN substantially on the line of the Genesee river, and requesting that the western part be called Genesee and the eastern part East Genesee. Other resolu- tions were passed providing, in case of the division, for an equal division of the Conference funds, an equal division as near as might be of the superan- nuated preachers living outside Conference bounds, an equal representation on the Board of Trustees of Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, and fixing the next meeting of the Genesee Conference at Buffalo and the first meeting of the East Genesee Conference at Rochester, ‘ The memorials from Genesee Conference were presented to the General Conference, and were re- ferred in due course to the Committee on Boun- daries, which gave them favorable consideration. That Committee reported it May 26, its report was adopted, and so East Genesee Conference came into being. Jia Crrritory HE territory of the East Genesee Conference was thus described by the General Confer- ence which created it: “East Genesee Conference shall contain all that part of the state of New York west of the Black River and Oneida Conferences, and east of the Genesee river, including the whole of the city of Rochester, together with so much of the state of Pennsylvania as is embraced in the Seneca Lake and Wellsborough districts, and Ulysses circuit.” This is not an altogether satisfactory delineation of territory, and it is made not much more definite by the description given of the boundaries of the other two Conferences named. But it was bounded on the north by Lake Ontario, on the east by the Black River and the Oneida Conferences, on the south by the Baltimore Conference, and on the west by the Genesee Conference. The east line was prac- tically the east line of Wayne county, Cayuga lake, and the Susquehanna river. Its south line was not far from the southern boundaries of Bradford and Tioga counties in Pennsylvania. Its west line was the Genesee river, but including all of Rochester. So the East Genesee Conference was about 125 miles long, had an average width of about 75 miles, and contained something more than 9,000 square miles. It was an attractive territory, comprising the 12 ITS TERRITORY greater part of the charming lake region of central New York, and the beautiful valleys of the Che- mung, the Cohocton, and the Genesee. At the north was the level and fertile land bordering Lake On- tario, and at the south were the mountains and for- ests of Pennsylvania. At the time East Genesee Conference begins its career pioneering had already ceased, and the first railways were running. The forests were largely cleared away, and the country districts were peopled about as now. The villages, however, were much smaller, and the cities had hardly begun their growth. Its Statistics Year Members On Trial hurch embers oe Proba tioners Churches Sunday Schools Scholars 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 115 120 121 125 137 138 146 153 155 160 164 170 171 174 175 179 184 178 172 178 180 184 183 200 15 17 18 13 27 18 20 23 22 16 18 16 16 20 16 15 15 15 16 17 22 16 15423 15829 15769 15806 16194 16104 16252 16431 16146 16861 17372 18695 19495 19357 19531 20092 20033 20036 20215 20921 21113 22373 22638 23262 1096 2124 1941 2894 2096 2754 2542 2282 2046 2257 4182 3212 2838 2182 1802 2242 2242 1606 3205 3051 3119 2875 3370 2657 194 191 205 206 198 206 225 228 223 223 228 228 228 235 244 DN d& on pe w Do 241 303 319 327 334 336 320 329 363 393 388 362 346 379 394 384 353 383 371 363 368 358 10581 10985 11841 14216 16499 15839 16076 16375 15623 15568 19553 20112 20174 19839 18243 21353 22265 22660 20198 22506 22906 22472 22431 22463 SIAJa{ ‘gq IWwIseyy SIAlof{ ‘gq IWIseyy stow “N P4esV atourTy “N PuesV arowy “N PUesVy aroulTT “N Pqesy atou “N Puesy pug “qd pred 381095) ‘> snjsnsny png ‘d pred UIMpooyd “"H Wei M png “qd pred MOI) Sasoj soul “N P4esv doyeg “' °C" ‘eg ‘epuemoy sow eu] uosdung "77° Sinqsuewni J, JoxVY asnopy WnoD ‘surusoc) ysnem ccc endrepueue) soury eee ee wee. erAWyed ysne wee ee ne eee aqpasueq souet see ewe eee BAaUa) soue f a , eI SLIOJW ****** S[By eAoouop{ souef sccctt tts ue UUag ysneyy sore eee eg auymepy coe eI ysneny s,uyof 3S ‘1o}seys0y BUMISHIG BIE Lele 8c-¢¢ 9T-O1 sI-Tl Te-e1 9¢-0¢ 91-8 ec-91 ec-ZI ve-sl 62-02 8c-T2 L£C-CC ve-91 ‘sny ‘ony ‘sny ‘sny ‘sny ‘sny ‘sny ‘sny “ony ‘any ‘sny ‘sny “sny ‘sny ‘TO8T ‘098T “oss ‘8ST ‘ZS81 ‘Osa “SSSI ‘pS81 ‘ecst ‘CSBI ‘IS81 ‘OSsI ‘6rsI ‘Srsl stAjof ‘gq IIWIsey uosTHeyT “D WenTTM uosqid “T SHO HOsqi 1 SHO SIAJOf *q IUISe yy SIAJof ‘q IUWIsey SIAJaf “q IMWISey] StAlof ‘gq JWIsey stajaf ‘g IUWIsey uosqi) “T SHO StAjof “q IuIsey uosduig °° Ainqsy ‘1aysoysoyy uosduns Beer r ere sees eAgUdL) uosdunsg '*** Surippoy ‘ery souef +++ ee eee *++ sdpayg uosdwioyy, «teste “weg z° souef strstr: STPASTOUIOFT Z ° SOUR ere eee es yremon ¢ . soury cit tt tt Oop $° uosdung s'°*+** 4siny ‘ery ¢ * Woog streets? ueX uMEg yWoog "*"* ysIny ‘Taysayooy o-r 22-91 62-42 1¢-SZ ydas-9Z 3d9S-gz 3d9S-62Z ydas-o¢ ydas-T¢ r1-6 SI-I1 ‘po ‘ony “any ‘any ‘sny ‘ony “ony ‘ony “sny ydas "yas ‘OZ8T ‘TZ81 ‘O81 ‘6981 ‘R981 ‘Z981 ‘998 “SosT ‘pO8T ‘E98 ‘ZO8T Sts Growth A study of its statistics, as given elsewhere in this volume, will show that the East Genesee Conference had a steady growth, almost without interruption. — Between its first report, in 1848, and its last, in 1871, the members of Conference increased from 115 to 200; its church members from 15423 to 23262; its number of Sunday Schools from 242 to 358; and its number of Sunday School scholars from 10581 to 22463. How encouraging this growth was is best appre- ciated by a comparison with its neighbor on the west, the Genesee Conference, from which it was separated at its organization. Neither Conference, during the period under consideration, underwent any change of boundaries. During this period then—1848 to 1871—the East Genesee Conference increased in church members 50.8 per cent., and in Sunday School scholars 112.3 per cent. During the same period the Genesee Con- ference increased its number of Sunday School scholars only 67.7 per cent., and its number of church members actually decreased 10.3 per cent.! Ap- parently East Genesee had lived in comparative peace and quietude, little disturbed by Nazaritism and other troubles which had made life in old Gen- esee so strenuous. Jia Pastoral Support HE first report—that of 1848—which was made by East Genesee Conference on pas- toral support is an interesting study. The several amounts received for “Quarterly Claim,” for “Table Expenses,” for “House Rent,” and for “Traveling Expenses” are reported separately, and then the total claim, the total amount received, and the defi- ciency, if any, are also given. The “Quarterly Claim” is usually the largest amount. The greatest amount allowed any one is $344, and the lowest $100. For “Table Expenses” the highest allowed any pastor is $308.50, although one presiding elder, presumably with a great appe- tite, is allowed $320. The lowest allowed any is $34, which would not seem to recommend his house as a boarding place. The greatest amount allowed for “House Rent” is $186, in the city of Rochester, and the lowest is $10, except that some have no allowance for this purpose. For “Traveling Ex- penses’’ the highest allowance is $50, and the lowest $1, although many have nothing. Evidently some of these preachers must have walked in, carrying their possessions in a red bandana. Of the total amounts paid that year the five pre- siding elders received severally as follows: $575, $530, $479, $443, and $277.74. Of the total amounts paid pastors, only eight charges reached $500 or 18 ITS PASTORAL SUPPORT more, as follows. West Rochester, $703.50; East Rochester, $700; Elmira, $600; Canoga, $585; Ge- neva, $525; Palmyra, $511; Penfield, $500; Water- loo, $500. Of this number the latter was the only one with a parsonage. The lowest paid any mem- ber of the Conference was $133, although one sup- ply received only $75, At this time there were only 34 parsonages in the entire Conference, distributed among the dis- tricts as follows: Ontario, 11; Seneca Lake, 8; Rochester, 7; Wellsborough, 5; Dansville, 3. But this condition improved rapidly, and when the last report was made—that of 1871— the Conference had 131 parsonages, reported from the several dis- tricts as follows: Geneva, 26; Elmira, 24; Penn Yan, 24; Hornellsville, 22; Troy, 19; Rochester, 16. So at the end there were only about fifty pastoral charges without parsonages. In the report of pastoral support in 1871 it is arranged very differently. There is given the amount of salary allowed, the amount of salary paid, the amount paid for house rent in cases where there is no parsonage, and the amount given in dona- tions. This is the time when the donation idea was in its glory, and nearly every pastor reported some- thing in that column. Some of the amounts, of course, were not large, but thirty charges each made donations of $200 or more, and of this number nine donated $300 or more, the largest donations being Lyons $500, and Canandaigua $600. ITS PASTORAL SUPPORT 19 In total amount of salary paid, exclusive of house rent or parsonage, the Conference makes a fine showing. 38 charges paid $1,000 or more, only 51 paid less than $700, and only 16 less than $500. The significance of this is most clearly shown by the deadly parallel. Compare the amounts paid in certain districts in the East Genesee Conference in 1871 with the amounts paid by the same districts in the Genesee and Central New York Conferences as given in their latest reports, 1907. In the table below the first column shows the percentage of charges paying $1,000 or more, the second column the percentage paying less than $700, and the third column the percentage paying less than $500. In every instance it is highly complimentary to the East Genesee Conference, but it can hardly be pleas- ant reading for the churches of to-day. Rochester Dist. 1871 47.8 30.4 8.7 Rochester Dist. 1907 34.3 34.3 14.3 Geneva Dist. 1871 46.2 19.2 3.8 Geneva Dist. 1907 28.6 40.5 14.3 Elmira Dist. 1871 30.4 13.0 4,3 Elmira Dist. 1907 17.4 52.2 10.9 Of the thirty-eight charges which paid $1,000 or more in 1871, one has been united with a neighbor- ing church, and seventeen others paid last year less than they did thirty-six years before . Here follows a list of all the charges in East Gen- esee Conference which in any year paid $1,000 or 20 ITS PASTORAL SUPPORT more for pastoral support, exclusive of house rent or parsonage. It will be observed that this amount was not reached until 1861: 1861—Asbury, Rochester, $1,000—1. 1862—Asbury, Rochester, $1,000—1. 1863—Asbury, Rochester, $1,303—1. 1864—Asbury, Rochester, $1,200; Frank St., Roch- ester, $1,100; First, Elmira, $1,050; Penn Yan, $1,050; Corning, $1,000—5. 1865—First, Rochester, $1,310; First, Elmira, $1,250; Asbury, Rochester, $1,230; Hedding, Elmira, $1,225; Alexander St., Rochester, $1,190; Hornellsville, $1,150; Lima, $1.025; Palmyra, $1,020; Lyons, $1,007; Penn Yan, $1,000; Corning, $1,000; Canandaigua, $1,000—12. 1866—First, Elmira, $1,300; Corning, $1,300; Hed- ding, Elmira, $1,225; Asbury, Rochester, $1,200; First, Rochester, $1,200; Frank St., Rochester, $1,200; Newark, $1,175; Penn Yan, $1,150; Lima, $1,110; Geneva, $1,100; Lyons, $1,065; Waterloo, $1,050; Wellsville, $1,050; Troy, $1,032; Alexander St., Roch- ester, $1,025; Nunda, $1,018; Canandaigua, $1,000; Hector, $1,000—18. 1867—Asbury, Rochester, $1,500; First, Elmira, $1,410; Penn Yan, $1,225; Newark, $1,208; First, Rochester, $1,200; Clifton Springs, $1,200; Bath, $1,155; Corning $1,150; Hed- ITS PASTORAL SUPPORT 21 ding, Elmira, $1,140; Geneva, $1,140; North St., Rochester, $1,100; Seneca Falls, $1,055; Alexander St., Rochester, $1,015; Dansville, $1,010; Wellsville $1,000; Canandaigua, $1,000; Troy, $1,000; Palmyra, $1,000; Phelps, $1,000—19. 1868—Corning, $1,700; Asbury, Rochester, $1,600; First, Elmira, $1,475; Bath $1,250; Canan- daigua, $1,236; Penn Yan, $1,200; Hedding, Elmira, $1,200; First, Rochester, $1,200; Wellsboro, $1,200; Newark, $1,155; Clifton Springs, $1,150; Dansville $1,100; Hornells- ville, $1,100; Geneseo, $1,050; Phelps, $1,040 ; Lima, $1,040 ; Wellsville, $1,030; Mt. Morris, $1,030; Watkins, $1,025; Corn Hill, Rochester, $1,023; Geneva, $1,000; Frank St., Rochester, $1,000; Waterloo, $1,000; Rushville, $1,000; Livonia, $1,000—25. 1869—Asbury, Rochester, $1,700; First, Elmira, $1,407 ; Hedding, Elmira, $1,400; Penn Yan, $1,325; Canandaigua, $1,312; Lima, $1,260; Waterloo, $1,250; Corn Hill, Rochester, $1,232; Hornellsville, $1,225; First, Roches- ter, $1,200; Clifton Springs, $1,200; Clyde, $1,200; Sodus, $1,200; Lyons, $1,175; Pal- myra, $1,120; Newark, $1,110; Corning, $1,100; Wellsboro, $1,100; Mt. “Morris, $1,100; Wellsville, $1,075; Avon, $1,050; Webster, $1,010; Bath, $1,000; Watkins, $1,000; Geneva, $1,000; Frank St., Roches- 22 ITS PASTORAL SUPPORT ter, $1,000; Rushville, $1,000; Addison, $1,000; Naples, $1,000; Bloomfield, $1,000; Baldwin, $1,000 ; Macedon, $1,000—32. 1870—Hedding, Elmira, $1,700; First, Rochester, $1,442; First, Elmira, $1,430; Penn Yan, $1,400; Lyons, $1,371; Seneca Falls, $1,300; Alexander St., Rochester, $1,300; Canandai- gua, $1,291; Clyde, $1,275; Geneva, $1,250; Sodus, $1,200 ; Mt. Morris, $1,200; Rushville, $1,200; Baldwin, $1,184; Phelps, $1,168; As- bury, Rochester, $1,150 ; Hornellsville, $1,150; Clifton Springs, $1,125; Wellsboro, $1,125; Newark, $1,123; Waterloo, $1,100; Corning, $1,100; Avon, $1,100; Naples, $1,092; Troy, $1.078; Mainsburg, $1,070; Lima, $1,064; Corn Hill, Rochester, $1,054; Ovid, $1,053; Wellsville, $1,050; Bloomfield. $1,045 ; Cone- sus and Springwater, $1,025; Watkins, $1,010; Towanda, $1,008; Bath, $1,000; Livonia, $1,000—36. 1871—First, Rochester, $2,000; Canandaigua, $1,800; Hedding, Elmira, $1,700; Asbury, Rochester, $1,500; Lyons, $1,500; Clyde, $1,375; Geneva, $1,350; First, Elmira, $1,325; Wellsboro, $1,306; Penn Yan, $1,300; North St., Rochester, $1,280; Ca- . noga, $1,205; Rushville, $1,200; Palmyra, $1,200; Seneca Falls, $1,185; Ovid, $1,175; Blossburg, $1,160; Sodus, $1,150; Newark, $1,135; Bath, $1,125 ; Corning, $1,100; Avon, ITS PASTORAL SUPPORT 23 $1,100; Towanda, $1,100; Geneseo, $1,100; Clifton Springs, $1,075; Livonia, $1,050; Canton, $1,032; Mt. Morris, $1,025; Alex- ander St., Rochester, $1,020; Townsendville, $1,005; Phelps, $1,000; Waterloo, $1,000; Corn Hill, Rochester, $1,000; Wellsville, $1,000 ; Bloomfield, $1,000 ; Watkins, $1,000; Horseheads, $1,000; Frank St., Rochester, $1,000—38 . Sts Benevolences The first report of the East Genesee Conference shows collections for three benevolences only: Mis- sions $2704.55, Bibles $1408.56, and Sunday School Books $972.47. This may seem modest, but it was a time when dollars were not plentiful. The amounts contributed continued to increase, and the number of causes became greater as the benevolent societies organized by the denomination multiplied. That given for the American Bible Society is especially noticeable. It increases until it reaches its maximum of $2792 in 1870, and at the last report, the next year, it was $2527. Either of these sums is considerably more than twice as much as both the great Genesee and East Genesee Confer- ences combined contributed in 1907. The amount contributed for Missions reaches its maximum in the centennial year of 1866—$12599, although it is not much below it in 1871—$12115. This latter is $.52 per member. It also contributed $1604 for the Church Extension Society that year. So for the two together the average contribution was $.59 per member. In 1907 for the Board of Foreign Missions and for the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension combined, the Genesee Confer- ence contributed an average of $1.02 per member, and the Central New York Conference $1.16. ITS BENEVOLENCES 25 The 1871 report shows the following contribu- tions: Missions, from churches, $9308.80 ; Missions, from Sunday Schools, $2806.24; Church Extension, $1604.38; Tract Society, $492.52; Bible Society, $2527.81; Sunday School Union, $566.34; Freed- men’s Aid Society, $249.41. Among miscellaneous benevolences it ought also to be stated that at the session of the East Genesee Conference held at Elmira in 1870 subscriptions for the new Syracuse University were taken, amounting to $23500, of which sum $13425 was subscribed by the ministers themselves. Sts Schools GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. When the East Genesee Conference was organ- ized there was already a flourishing Conference school within its territory, with about five hundred students—the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, N. Y.—into the support and control of which it at once entered. The school had previously been started by the Genesee Conference, and its doors opened for stu- dents on May 1, 1832. It was from the first a sem- inary of high grade, and this at a time when the modern high-school was almost unknown. Pro- phetic insight was also shown in making it a co-edu- cational institution, at a time when the wisdom of that idea had not yet been established by experience. The East Genesee Conference, as soon after its organization as legislative action could be secured, began to elect half of the trustees of the Seminary, and in every way shoulder responsibility. Three Principals of the Seminary were members of the East Genesee, and while the Conference lived it fur- nished the Seminary Treasurer most of the time. The Principals of the Seminary from the begin- ning to the present time have been as follows: Sam- uel Luckey 1832-33-34-35 ; Lockwood Hoyt, Acting, 1836; Schuyler Seager 1837-38-39-40-41-42-43-44 ; ITS SCHOOLS 27 George Loomis 1845-46-47; James L. Alverson 1848-49-50; Moses Crow 1851-52-53; Schuyler Seager 1854-55; Charles W. Bennett 1866-67-68 ; Charles R. Pomeroy 1859; Zenas Hurd 1860-61; William Wells 1862-63; Charles W. Bennett 1864- 65; Spencer R. Fuller 1866-67; Herbert F. Fisk 1868-69-70-71-72; George H. Bridgman 1873-74- 75-76-77-78-79-80-81-82 ; W. G. Williams 1883-84; James D. Phelps 1885-86-87-88 ; William R. Benham 1889-90-91-92 ; William H. Reese 1893-94; John P. Ashley 1895-96-97; Bennett W. Hutchinson 1898- 99-1900-01-02; Joseph L. Davies, Acting, 1903; LaFayette Congdon 1904-05-06-07. The number of students in attendance at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary in each year have been as fol- lows: 1833341 1846 509 1859 = 622 1834 376 1847, 447 1860 627 1835 = 308 1848 490 1861 635 1836 = 401 1849 444 1862 501 1837315 1850 660 1863 589 1838 341 1851 1029 1864 614 1839 475 1852 1032 1865 638 1840 = 503 1853 1058 1866 649 1841 458 1854 830 1867 602 1842 = 441 1855751 1868 498 1843 487 1856 = 784 1869 451 1844 = 5533 1857, 727 1870 = 427 1845 486 1858 = 617 1871 540 28 ITS SCHOOLS 1872 407 1885 326 1898 220 1873 437 1886 300 1899-239 1874 278 1887 366 1900 222 1875 345 1888 380 1901 236 1876 315 1889 400 1902 212 1877-278 1890 =. 360 1903 219 1878 328 1891 338 1904 224 1879 328 1892 320 1905 242 1880 338 1893335 1906 = 233 1881 320 1894 340 1907-237 1882 308 1895 229 1908 240 1883 332 1896 =. 220 1884 340 1897. 215 GENESEE COLLEGE. There had previously been talk of securing a col- lege charter for the institution at Lima, and after the East Genesee Conference was organized a new im- petus was given to the movement. So in 1849 a charter was obtained for “Genesee College,” and the agents soon had pledges amounting to $100,000 secured. The college opened in September, 1850, with a faculty of five, James L. Alverson apparently being acting President. The first regular President was not elected until the following year. The Genesee College continued as a separate insti- tution for a score of years, doing honorable and val- uable work, but it never attained much magnitude. Later it was thought best to found a larger institu- tion at Syracuse, and merge the college into it. The ITS SCHOOLS 29 faculty and many of the students went to Syracuse at the opening of the university, but the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima fell heir to the college buildings, to its entire equipment, and to its endow- ment of over $50,000. The Presidents of Genesee College were as fol- lows: Benjamin F. Tefft 1851-52-53; Joseph Cum- mings 1854-55-56-57; John M. Reid 1858-59-60-61- 62-63; James L. Alverson, Acting, 1864; John W. Lindsay 1865-66-67; Daniel Steele 1868-69-70. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY The East Genesee Conference entered heartily into the movement to establish a university at Syracuse, and at its session held in Elmira in 1870 made sub- scriptions for its endowment amounting to $23,500, over half of which was subscribed by members of the Conference. A resolution was passed at the same session to undertake to raise $60,000 for that pur- pose, and shortly afterward Andrew C. Lindsay, of Rushville, N. Y.,.gave $25,000 of the amount. The Syracuse University was opened Aug. 31, 1871, and the wildest dreams of its founders have been more than realized in its magnificent success. Its Chancellors from the beginning have been as fol- lows: Daniel Steele, Acting, 1871; John R. French, Acting, 1872; Alexander Winchell 1873; Erastus O. Haven 1874-75-76-77-78-79-80; Charles N. Sims 1881-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90-91-92; John R. French, Acting, 1893; James R. Day 1894-95-96-97- 98-99-1900-01-02-03-04-05-C6-07. 30 ITS SCHOOLS OTHER SCHOOLS. Besides the schools already mentioned the East Genesee Conference gave its countenance and sup- port to at least five other schools. It elected trustees and visitors to the Rogersville Union Seminary from 1855 to 1858 inclusive; it elected visitors to the Mansfield Seminary from 1855 to its transfer to the State of Pennsylvania for a Normal School Dec. 11, 1862; it elected trustees and visitors for the Wal- worth Academy from 1855 to 1868 inclusive; it elected trustees and visitors for Dansville Academy from 1858 to 1868 inclusive; and it elected trustees and visitors for the East Genesee Conference Sem- inary, at Ovio, N. Y., from 1864 until the Confer- ence was dismembered. During this time the following appointments to the Principalship of these schools was made from among the members of the East Genesee Conference: Rogersville Union Seminary, William S. Hall 1855; Isaiah McMahon 1856; Philip Crisfield 1864. Dansville Academy, Schuyler Seager 1858-59-60 ; John J. Brown 1861-62-63. Mansfield Seminary, James Landreth 1859. East Genesee Conference Seminary, John Easter 1867-68-69. In addition to these, several members of the Con- ference were appointed from time to time to other institutions of learning, not in any way under Con- ference control. Its Insurance S early as 1859 the East Genesee Conference undertook to establish an association to in- sure church and parsonage property. A committee framed a constitution, which the Conference adopted. The title of the organization was “The East Genesee Conference Mutual Aid Association.” A Board of Managers, consisting of six ministers and six laymen, was elected. Mr. J. W. Stebbins, of Rochester, was made President; Mr. A. D. Platt, of Geneva, Secretary; and the Rev. J. T: Arnold, of Clyde, Treasurer. It was planned to secure a char- ter from the Legislature if there should prove to be sufficient co-operation to warrant it. The next year the Conference by resolution urged upon the pas- tors to present the matter to their church trustees. The subject is not afterward mentioned, so evi- dently it was not found practicable to go on with the project. But a different fate awaited an organization to insure the ministers themselves. At the annual ses- sion held in Lima in 1860, “The Mutual Aid Society of the East Genesee Conference’ was organized, and it was incorporated by special act of the Legis- lature of the State of New York, passed April 12, 1862. The Society was of the fraternal order, yet did not depend entirely on assessments made on the death of members, but began at once to lay up 32 ITS INSURANCE a permanent fund, the income from which was to be used to meet current expenses and claims. It was arranged so that expenses should be very small, for the offices were to work gratuitously, and there were to be no commissions paid. After the East Genesee Conference was divided between the Gen- esee and the Central New York Conferences in 1872, it was arranged so that members of either of these two Conferences, not more than forty years of age, could join the Society. Its constitution has been changed somewhat from time to time, as changed conditions and experience have indicated. The growth of the Society, of necessity, has been modest. It took about a quarter of a century to reach the hundred mark, and it is now one hundred and fifty. It pays $1,200 on the death of a member, and makes a yearly dividend to the superannuates in its mem- bership. It has paid seventy beneficiary claims dur- ing its history. The permanent fund has now reached the magnificent sum of $13,348, and is steadily piling up. The Mutual Aid Society is the only organization in existence which perpetuates the name of the East Genesee Conference. Its Treasurers have been as follows: D. W. C. Huntington, 1860-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70- 71; Porter McKinstry, 1872-73-74-75-76-77-78-79- 80; J. T. Brownell, 1881-82-83-84; G. H. Dryer, 1885-86-87-88; E. H. Latimer, 1889- 90-91-92; J. H. Rogers, 1893-94; Ray Allen 1895-96-97-98-99- 1900-01-02-03-04-05-06-07. Jia Church Paper During the entire life of the East Genesee Con- ference it was closely related to the Northern Christ- ian Advocate, and for half of that time furnished the editor from its membership. The need of a local church paper for Central and Western New York had been recognized for some years, and the Western Banner, the Auburn Banner, and also the Conference and Family Recorder had been started, but all had been soon discontinued. On March 12, 1841, the Rev. John E. Robie, of the Oneida Conference, a practical printer, began the publication of an independent paper at Auburn, which he called the Northern Advocate. He ar- ranged with the Rev. Freeborn C. Hibbard, of the Genesee Conference, to act as editor while serving as pastor at Penn Yan. After a year and a half Dr. Hibbard resigned, on account of the pressure of other duties, and the Rev. William Hosmer, also of the Genesee Conference, was secured as editor. The paper made encouraging progress, and in 1844 the proprietor sold out to the Methodist Book Concern, and it became an official paper of the church, under the name now of the Northern Christian Advocate. It was removed to Syracuse in 1872, but it has re- tained the name until the present day. Its owner- ship was in the Methodist Book Concern and its 34 ITS CHURCH PAPER editors elected by the General Conference until 1900, since which time it has again been independent. The year the East Genesee Conference was or- ganized the Rev. William Hosmer, then in its mem- bership, was elected editor, and served for two quad- renniums. He was followed by Dr. Hibbard, also of the East Genesee Conference. The influence which the paper exerted throughout the territory no man can estimate, and probably no Conference prof- ited by it more than did the East Genesee. Its editors have been as follows: Freeborn G, Hibbard, Genesee Conference, 1841-42; William Hosmer, Genesee Conference, 1843; Nelson Rounds, Oneida Conference, 1844-45-46-47; William Hos- mer, East Genesee Conference, 1848-49-50-51-52-53- 54-55; Freeborn G. Hibbard, East Genesee Confer- ence, 1856-57-58-59 ; Isaac S. Bingham, Black River Conference, 1860-61-62-63 ; Dallas D. Lore, Genesee Conference first four years, then transferred to the Central New York Conference, 1864-65-66-67-68- 69-70-71-72-73-74; Orris H. Warren, Central New York Conference, 1875-76-77-78-79-80-81-82-83-84- 85-86-87-88-89-90-91 ; James E. C. Sawyer, Troy Conference, 1892-93-94-95-96-97-98-99; Mr. Ben- nett E. Titus, 1900-01-02-03-04-05; Liston H. Pearce, Central New York Conference, 1906-07. Of these Dr. Rounds died Jan. 2, 1874; Dr. Lore June 10, 1875, while editor; Dr. Hosmer June 19, 1889; Dr. Bingham April 20, 1893; Dr. Hibbard Jan. 27, 1895; and Dr. Warren Nov. 23, 1901. ITS CHURCH PAPER 35 Dr. Sawyer is now pastor at Slingerlands, N. Y., in the Troy Conference, Mr. Titus is resident in Syracuse, N. Y., and Dr. Pearce is still editor, send- ing out a paper replete with local news and devoted to all the interests of the church. Sts Notables The only person living who was'a member of the East Genesee Conference at its organization in 1848 is John Knapp, who is an honored superannuate of the Genesee Conference, and is residing at Pratts- burg, N. Y. and is in his ninety-second year. The oldest person who died while a member of the East Genesee Conference was Cyrus Story, who reached the age of ninety-one years, one month and eleven days. Among those who ever belonged to the East Genesee Conference the one to reach the greatest age, as far as known, was James Hemingway, who died when ninety-three years, two months and ten days old. The only East Geneseean who ever became a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church was Isaac W. Wiley. He was received on trial August 23, 1850, and transferred to the Philadelphia Confer- ence five days later. The first member of East Genesee Conference to die was Parker Buell, at Wayland, N. Y., May 30, 1851. The following were members of the East Genesee Conference continuously throughout its existence from 1848 to its dismemberment Sept. 1, 1872, and such as are indicated by a star* were also members at its reorganization and consolidation with the ITS NOTABLES 87 Genesee Conference in 1876: Joseph Ashworth*, A. S. Baker*, N. N. Beers*, Jonathan Benson*, C. L. Bown*, William Bradley*, J. J. Brown*, J. N. Brown*, Veranus Brownell, D. D. Buck*, Joseph Chapman*, D. S. Chase, A. E. Chubbock, Ralph Clapp*, Wesley Cochran, Johrt Copeland*, E. H. Cranmer*, David Crow*, John Dennis, A. D. Edgar, J. L. Edson, Nathan Fellows, A. N. Fillmore, W. H. Goodwin, Carlos Gould, J. L. S. Grandin, J. G. Gulick, James Hall*, R. T. Hancock*, W. M. Has- kell, Ransley Harrington*’ James Hemingway, F. G. Hibbard*, Robert Hogoboom, William Hosmer*, Edward Hotchkiss, T. B. Hudson, Delos Hutchins*, William Jones, I. H. Kellogg*, Ebenezer Latimer*, W. W. Mandeville*, Theodore McElhenny, I. J. B. McKinney*, Porter McKinstry*, J. W. Nevins, Samuel Nichols, Luther Northway, David Nutten*, Asa Orcutt*, John Parker*, Robert Parker, Samuel Parker*, W. E. Pindar*, John Powell*, John Raines*, Benjamin Shipman, John Spinks*, Thomas Stacy, R. L. Stillwell, Andrew Sutherland*, J. K. Tinkham*, Thomas Tousey, Orrin Trowbridge*, Martin Wheeler*, Elijah Wood*, Richard Wright. The following, who once were members of the East Genesee Conference, are still living, at latest advices, and their addresses are given in the list of members in this volume: H.O. Abbott, A. M. Ban- croft, T. E. Bell, J. V. Benham, F. D. Blakeslee, G. H. Bridgman, P. J. Bull, J. T. Canfield, T. W. Chandler, L. D. Chase, S. A. Chubbock, L. F. Cong- 38 ITS NOTABLES don, D. D. Cook, E. J. Cook, T. D. Cooper, A. F. Countryman, J. B. Countryman, M. C. Dean, S. B. Dickinson, J. R. Drake, G. H. Dryer, J. H. DuBois, John Easter, Charles Eddy, A. N. Fisher, I. M. Foster, D. W. Gates, Isaac Gibbard, G. W. Gibson, J. T. Gracey, A. W. Green, T. R. Green, C. P. Hard, Henry Harpst, W. M. Henry, C. E. Hermans, B. F. Hitchcock, J. C. Hitchcock, W. W. Hunt, D. W. C. Huntington, E. D. Huntley, A. B. Hyde, J. O. Jar- man, G. C. Jones, David Keppel, John Knapp, M. S. Kymer, E. H. Latimer, S. A. Lattimore, M. S. Leete, J. W. Lindsay, William Manning, G. G. Markham, Joseph Maxwell, Samuel McGerald, C. E. Mills- paugh, G. W. Moxcey, H. C. Moyer, R. D. Munger, C. N. Patterson, R. D. Phillips, C. R. Pomeroy, G. B. Richardson, O. N. Roberts, W. H. Rogers, J. H. Ross, W. W. Runyan, W. N. Sharp, F. M. Smith, Paul Smith, J. C. Stevens, George Stratton, R. M. Stratton, Ezra Tinker, B. J. Tracy, G. S. Transue, J. J. Turton, George VanAlstyne, Henry VanBen- schoten, John VanKirk, L. D. Watson, J. E. Wil- liams, C. W. Winchester, H. C. Woods, T. H. Youngman. General Conference Delegates Alphatetical Bennett, C. W., Buck, D. D., soos 1856 sie we Skee loeseo aed Coates, C. S., nip ODO >apt-ace:, Saye coated Re ae Congdon, S. L., 2... 2... 2 1864 .... 2... Crow, M., IBS 2 tte ee teri cette ates Dennis, J., 1852 1856 icra sees aed as Dodge, J., Sey 1850s ig Ae aA Ga Fellows, N., Oa 2 as, Bae Ale - Re es Fillmore, A. N., .... 2... TB6O! gat eta s exiece Georee Ac Co wgey Vasisar wees 1804 ries aia Goodwin, W.H., .... .... 1860 1864 .... .... Gulick, J. G., TBS 2 eile haa tae attic, maa Hibbard, F. G., .... 1856 1860 1864 1868 1872 Hogoboom, R., .... cee e eee cee cae 1872 Hosmer, W., 1852) 1856. weg adce Vows Grea Hiardson;- 1? Bie save: ¢see wdee aks 1868 .... Huntington, D. C.,.... 2... 262. eee 1868 1872 Jervis, K. Po, ask eae das 1864 1868 1872 Latimer, J.B. cise wine done eee gens 1872 Lindsay; Jo Wa. 44.5 ses Baie eaex 1868 .... McKinstry, P., .... .... 1860) ete ese baw Reid, J. M., sw ws se 1860 1864 1868 .... Tefft, B. F., 1G52. Rass, eas hese ee TOUSEN: Fy, gw iin, deed ee 1872 Tuttle; Jo Ky. sca esos 1860) pone wai Snes Watts, J. iaew “1BSO =a te eebs? eros! oldie 40 ITS DELEGATES Chronological BOSTON, 1852. Ratio of Representation, 1 in 21. William Hosmer, Moses Crow, Benjamin F. Tefft, John Dennis, John G. Gulick, Nathan Fellows. Reserves: Horatio N. Seaver, Benjamin Shipman. INDIANAPOLIS, 1856. William Hosmer, Calvin S. Coates, Freeborn G. Hibbard, Jonathan Watts, John Dennis, Jonas Dodge, Daniel D. Buck. Reserves: William H. Goodwin, Sevellon W. Alden. BUFFALO, 1860. Ratio of Representation, 1 in 27. John M. Reid, Freeborn G. Hibbard, Asahel N. Fillmore, William H. Goodwin, James K. Tuttle, Porter McKinstry. Reserves: Daniel D. Buck, David Nutten. PHILADELPHIA, 1864. Ratio of Representation, 1 in 30. Kasimir P. Jervis, John M. Reid, Freeborn G. Hibbard, Sylvester L. Congdon, Augustus C. George, William H. Goodwin. Reserves: John Dennis, William Hosmer. CHICAGO, 1868. John W. Lindsay, DeWitt C. Huntington, Thomas B. Hudson, Freeborn G. Hibbard, John M. Reid, Kasimir P. Jervis. Reserves: John N. Brown, Israel H. Kellogg. ITS DELEGATES 41 BROOKLYN, 1872. Ministerial—F reeborn G. Hibbard, Robert Hogo- boom, Charles W. Bennett, James E. Latimer, De- Witt C. Huntington, Thomas Tousey, Kasimir P. Jervis. Reserves: William H. Goodwin, Thomas B. Hudson. Lay—Soloman Hubbard, David Decker. Presiding Elders A complete list of the Presiding Elders of East Genesee Conference during the period of its exist- ence. By Districts. BatTH— David Nutten, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. Calvin S. Coats, 1853, 1854, 1855. 7K CK Kk Ck CK OK Porter McKinstry, 1858. Sylvester S. Congdon, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. CANANDAIGUA— Jonathan Benson, 1858, 1859, 1860. Freeborn G. Hibbard, 1861. John Mandeville, 1862. CorNING— Nathan Fellows, 1849, 1850, 1851. Horatio N. Seaver, 1852, 1853, 1854. Porter McKinstry, 1855, 1856, 1857. DANSVILLE— Jonas Dodge, 1848. Freeborn G. Hibbard, 1849, 1850. ELMIRA— Asahel N. Fillmore, 1849, 1850, 1851. John Parker, 1852, 1853, 1854. James K. Tuttle, 1855, 1856. ITS PRESIDING ELDERS 43 William H. Goodwin, 1857, 1858. Augustus C. George, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. Sylvester L. Congdon, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. John G.'Gulick, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. Thomas Tousey, 1871. GENEVA— John W. Nevins, 1849, 1850. Freeborn G. Hibbard, 1851 ,1852, 1853, 1854. Moses Crow, 1855, 1856. James K. Tuttle, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. Andrew Sutherland, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864. Israel H. Kellogg, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868. Robert Hogoboom, 1869, 1870, 1871. HorNELLSVILLE— William H. Goodwin, 1856. David Nutten, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. Asahel N. Fillmore, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864. John N. Brown, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868. Andrew Sutherland, 1869, 1870, 1871. Lima— John Copeland, 1851. ONTARIO— John W. Nevins, 1848. Penn YAn— John G. Gulick, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. Thomas B. Hudson, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. Andrew F. Morey, 1871. Ah ITS PRESIDING ELDERS ROCHESTER— Samuel Luckey, 1848, 1849. John Dennis, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853. John G. Gulick, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857. Augustus C. George, 1858. William H. Goodwin, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. John Mandeville, 1863. John Dennis, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867. Kasimir P. Jervis, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871. RUSHVILLE— Calvin S. Coats, 1856. Jonathan Benson, 1857. Seneca LAKE— Asahel N. Fillmore, 1848. Troy— Porter McKinstry, 1854. Sevellon W. Alden, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858. Enoch H. Cranmer, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. Thomas B. Hudson, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. Wesley Cochran, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. DeWitt C. Huntington, 1871. WELLSBOROUGH— Nathan Fellows, 1848. West RocHESTER— John Copeland, 1852, 1853, 1854. Augustus C. George, 1855, 1856, 1857. ALPHABETICAL. Alden, Sevellon W., 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858.... 4 Benson, Jonathan, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. ..... 4 ITS PRESIDING ELDERS Brown, John N., 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868. ...... Coats, Calvin S., 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856. ...... Cochran Wesley, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. ...... Congdon, Sylvester L., 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. .............. Copeland, John, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854. ...... Cranmer, Enoch H., 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. .... Crow, Moses, 1855, 1856. ............. 000, Dennis, John, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867. ..... 0.0... eee eee eee Dodge, Jonas, 1848. ................ cc eee Fellows, Nathan, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851. ..... Fillmore, Asahel N., 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864. .............. George, Augustus C., 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. ................ Goodwin, William H., 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860) 1861, 18625 2a dines eae Gulick, John G., 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. Hibbard, Freeborn G., 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853,: 1854, 1861: ona cae pee eens Hogoboom, Robert, 1869, 1870, 1871. ........ Hudson, Thomas B., 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870 ............... Huntington, DeWitt C., 1871 .............0.. Jervis, Kasimir P., 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871. .... Kellogg, Israel H., 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868. .... Luckey, Samuel, 1848, 1849. ............... Mandeville, John, 1862, 1863. ............... 45 4 4 4 46 IT PRESIDING ELDERS McKinstry, Porter, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858. 5 Morey, Andrew F., 1871 .............--- pega sd Nevins, John W., 1848, 1849, 1850. .......... 3 Nutten, David, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. ..........2-- ee eee 8 Parker, John, 1852, 1853, 1854. ....... «2.2... 3 Seaver, Horatio N., 1852, 1853, 1854......... 3 Sutherland, Andrew, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1869, 1870, 1871. ............ dees es’ 7 Tousey, Thomas, 1871. ........-.---2 eee eee 1 Tuttle, James K., 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858. 1859, T8608 + 2 iota eee oe Bae 56. CHRONOLOGICAL. ‘ Original Order. 1848—Ontario, J. W. Nevins; Rochester, Samuel Luckey; Dansville, Jonas Dodge; Wellsbo- rough, Nathan Fellows; Seneca Lake, A. N. Fillmore. 1849—Geneva, J. W. Nevins; Rochester, Samuel Luckey; Dansville, F. G. Hibbard; Bath, David Nutten; Corning, Nathan Fellows; Elmira, A. N. Fillmore. 1850—Geneva, J. W. Nevins; Rochester, John Den- nis; Lima, F. G. Hibbard; Bath, David Nut- ten; Corning, Nathan Fellows; Elmira, A. N. Fillmore. 1851—Geneva, F. G. Hibbard; Rochester, John Den- nis; Lima, John Copeland; Bath, David Nut- ten; Corning, Nathan Fellows; Elmira, A. N. Fillmore. ITS PRESIDING ELDERS Av 1852—-Geneva, F. G. Hibbard ; Rochester, John Den- nis; West Rochester, John Copeland; Bath, David Nutten; Corning, H. N. Seaver; Elmi- ra, John Parker. 1853—Geneva, F. G. Hibbard; Rochester, John Den- nis; West Rochester, John Copeland; Bath, C. S. Coats; Corning, H .N. Seaver; Elmira, John Parker. 1854—Geneva, F. G. Hibbard; Rochester, J. G. Gu- lick ; West Rochester, John Copeland; Bath, C. S. Coats; Corning, H. N. Seaver; Elmira, John Parker ; Troy, Porter McKinstry. 1855—Geneva, Moses Crow; Rochester, J. G. Gu- lick ; West Rochester, A. C. George; Bath, C. S. Coats; Corning, Porter McKinstry; EI- mira, J. K. Tuttle; Troy, S. W. Alden. 1856—Geneva, Moses Crow; Rochester, J. G. Gu- lick; West Rochester, A. C. George; Rush- ville, C. S. Coats; Corning, Porter McKin- stry; Elmira, J. K. Tuttle; Troy, S. W. Al- den; Hornellsville, W. H. Goodwin. 1857—Geneva, J. K. Tuttle ; Rochester, J. G. Gulick ; West Rochester, A. C. George; Rushville, Jonathan Benson; Corning, Porter McKin- stry; Elmira, W. H. Goodwin; Troy, S. W. Alden; Hornellsville, David Nutten. 1858—Geneva, J. K. Tuttle; Rochester, A. C. George; Elmira, W. H. Goodwin; Hornells- ville, David Nutten; Troy, S. W. Alden; 48 ITS PRESIDING ELDERS Canandaigua, Jonathan Benson; Bath, Porter McKinstry. 1859—Geneva, J. K. Tuttle; Rochester, W. H. Goodwin; Canandaigua, Jonathan Benson; Bath, S. L. Congdon; Elmira, A. C. George; Troy, E. H. Cranmer; Hornellsville, David Nutten. 1860—Elmira, A. C. George; Rochester, W. H. Goodwin; Canandaigua, Jonathan Benson; Bath, S. L. Congdon; Geneva, J. K. Tuttle; Troy, E. H. Cranmer; Hornellsville, David Nutten. 1861—Geneva, Andrew Sutherland; Rochester, W. H. Goodwin; Canandaigua, F. G. Hibbard; Bath, S. L. Congdon; Elmira, A. C. George; Troy, E. H. Cranmer; Hornellsville, A. N. Fillmore. 1862—Bath, S. L. Congdon; Rochester, W. H. Goodwin; Geneva, Andrew Sutherland; Hornellsville, A. N. Fillmore; Canandaigua, John Mandeville; Troy, E. H. Cranmer; Elmira, A. C. George. 1863—Rochester, John Mandeville; Geneva, An- drew Sutherland; Penn Yan, J. G. Gulick; Elmira, S. L. Congdon; Hornellsville, A. N. Fillmore; Troy, T. B. Hudson. 1864—Rochester, John Dennis; Geneva, Andrew Sutherland; Penn Yan, J. G. Gulick; Troy, T. B. Hudson; Hornellsville, A. N. Fillmore; Elmira, S. L. Congdon. ITS PRESIDING ELDERS 49 1865—Rochester, John Dennis; Geneva, I. H. Kel- logg; Penn Yan, J. G. Gulick; Elmira, S. L. Congdon; Hornellsville, J. N. Brown; Troy, T. B. Hudson. 1866—Rochester, John Dennis; Geneva, I. H. Kellogg; Penn Yan, J. G. Gulick; Hornells- ville, J. N. Brown; Troy, T. B. Hudson; El- mira, S. L. Congdon. 1867—Rochester, John Dennis; Geneva, I. H. Kel- logg; Penn Yan, T. B. Hudson; Hornells- ville, J. N. Brown; Troy, Wesley Cochran; Elmira, J. G. Gulick. 1868—Rochester, K. P. Jervis; Geneva, I. H. Kel- logg; Penn Yan, T. B. Hudson; Hornells- ville, J. N. Brown; Troy, Wesley Cochran; Elmira, J. C. Gulick. 1869—Rochester, K. P. Jervis; Geneva, Robert Hogoboom; Penn Yan, T. B. Hudson; Hor- nellsville, Andrew Sutherland; Troy, Wesley Cochran; Elmira, J. G. Gulick. 1870—Troy, Wesley Cochran; Rochester, K. P. Jervis; Geneva, Robert Hogoboom; Elmira, J. G. Gulick; Hornellsville, Andrew Suther- land; Penn Yan, T. B. Hudson. 1871—-Geneva, Robert Hogoboom; Rochester, K. P. Jervis; Penn Yan, A. F. Morey; Elmira, Thomas Tousey ; Hornellsville, Andrew Suth- erland; Troy, D. W. C. Huntington. Jis Charges A complete list of all the pastoral charges in the East Genesee Conference during the period of its existence, together with the appointments made each year. Appison—J. Ashworth 1848; J. Ashworth, D. Clark 1849; T. Tousey 1850; P. Tower 1851; J. Land- reth 1852; C. M. Gardner 1853-54; A. G. Laman 1855; R. D. Brooks 1856-57; J. H. Blades 1858- 59; M. Wheeler 1860; H. T. Giles 1861-62; C. S, Fox 1863-64-65; R. McWood 1866; A. Suther- land 1867; R. D. Munger 1868; W. B. Holt 1869- 70; H. Van Benschoten 1871. Appison Hirt—D. T. Grandin 1856; J. N. Miles 1857-58; D. Rittenhouse 1859. ALLEGANY, Pa. (Potter Co.)—Sup. 1859-60; M. D. Jackson 1861; P. Crisfield 1862; Sup. 1863-64-65. (See Ulysses and Allegany.) ALLoway—J. Benson 1848. ALMonp—Sup. 1854; C. Bush 1855; A. Hitchcock 1856; W. M. Haskell 1857-58; W. Post 1859-60- 61 (Called East Almond in 1861, West Almond set off in 1861); Sup. 1862; P. Crisfield 1863; W. W. Colvin 1864; J. S. Lemon 1865; W. W. Colvin 1866; Sup. 1867-68 ; Supplied by G. Sherer 1869; V. Brownell 1870; S. M. Dayton 1871. Atton—J. Robinson 1857. ITS CHARGES 61 ANDOVER (See Wellsville and Andover. See Whites- ville and Andover)—H. Wisner 1854-55; Sup. 1856; S. B. Dickinson 1857; T. Jolly 1858-59; W. E. Pindar 1860-61; H. Harpst 1862-63; W. Post 1864; W. A. Brown 1865-66 A. N. Fillmore 1867-68-69 ; M. H. Davis 1870-71. ANGELICA—C. Gould, V. Brownell 1848; V. Brown- ell 1849; W. A. Barber 1850; W. M. Haskell 1851, 1852; I. J. Meacham, S. P. Gurnsey 1853; S. J. Du Bois 1854-55; R. Harrington 1856; E. D. Rosa 1857; J. Spinks 1858-59; E. P. Huntington 1860-61; J. B. Knott 1862; W. Cochran 1863-64- 65; Sup. 1866; W. B. Taylor 1867-68; W. C. Mattison 1869; A. N. Fillmore 1870-71. Avoca—sS. Judd, I. J. B. McKinney 1848; W. Brad- ley, J. J. Brown 1849; W. Bradley, S. Doolittle 1850; S. Nichols 1851, 1852; W. E. Pindar 1853- 54; W. Potter 1855-56; E. O. Hall 1857-58; J. Chapman 1859-60; S. M. Merritt 1861; J. Robin- son 1862; G. W. Coolbaugh 1863-64; W. Potter 1865-66; N. N. Beers 1867-68; S. Brown 1869- 70-71. Avon—E. Wood 1848; W. Cochran 1849; J. Wil- son 1850; J. Dodge 1851-52; W. A. Barber 1853; D. Thompson 1854; D. Nutten 1855; W. Potter 1856; J. Mandeville 1857-58; T. B. Hud- son 1859-60; C. M. Gardner 1861-62; G. E. Haven 1863-64; N. Fellows 1865; L. Northway 1866-67 ; D. Nutten 1868-69-70; W. Wohlgemuth 1871. 52 ITS CHARGES BaLtpwin—W. Selby 1857; J. B. Armitage 1858; J. Robinson 1859-60; J. J. Turton 1861; Sup. 1862; J. L. S. Grandin 1863-64; W. E. Pindar 1865; M. F. DeWitt 1866-67-68 ; S. A. Chubbock, P. G. Bull 1869; S. A. Chubbock 1870; W. Stat- ham 1871. BarrincTton—S. L. Congdon 1849; D. Clark 1850 (See Tyrone and Barrington) ; J. Durham 1852 (See Starkey and Barrington) ; E. D. Rosa 1854; Sup. 1855 (See Starkey and Barrington) ; U. S. Hall 1857; J. Shaw 1858; W. A. Runner 1859-60; Sup. 1869; Supplied by A. G. Laman 1870-71. Batu—S. W. Alden 1848; J. K. Tuttle 1849; A. C. George 1850; E. G. Townsend 1851; N. Fellows 1852; A. Sutherland 1853-54; C. M. Gardner 1855-56; N. N. Beers 1857-58; G. E. Haven 1859-60; W. C. Mattison 1861-62; W. Manning 1863; W. Manning, W. D. Taylor 1864; A. F. Morey 1865-66-67; J. T. Brownell 1868-69; S. McGerald 1870-71. Batu Circuir—H. C. Woods 1870-71. Beaver Dams—M. H. Davis 1863-64; H. Rowland 1865; W. E. Pindar 1866; J. H. Austin 1867-68 ; H. H. Strickland 1869; A. Durling 1870; E. Hotchkiss 1871. Bettona—A. Plumley 1848-49; J. L. Edson 1850; E. Hotchkiss 1851; A. E. Chubbock 1852 (See Bellona and Dresden); D. Crow 1854-55; R. Clapp 1856-57; J. E. Hyde 1858; A. G. Laman ITS CHARGES 53 1859; E. Latimer 1860-61; N. Fellows 1862-63- 64; J. H. Day 1865; J. Landreth 1866-67; C. L. Bown 1868-69-70; A. F. Countryman 1871. BELLONA AND DrespgN—A. E. Chubbock, J. E. Hyde 1853. BENNETT’s CREEK—W. Statham 1861; Sup. 1862. BeNTON CENTER (Called Benton until 1856)—J. Durham 1848; E. Latimer 1849; R. Clapp 1850; L. Northway 1851; R. Hogoboom 1852; R. Har- rington 1853; E. H. Cranmer 1854-55; J. M. Bull 1856-57 ; O. Trowbridge 1858; D. Hutchins 1859; A. S. Baker 1860-61; D. Leisenring 1862-63; C. Z. Case 1864-65-66; S. McGerald 1867-68-69; P. Cowles 1870-71. BeTHEL—Philo Tower 1848; A. G. Laman 1849; A. Parcel 1853 (See Bethel and Voaks); J. K. B. Clayton 1856 (See Bethel, Voaks and Reed’s Corners) ; (See Bethel and Voaks). BETHEL AND VoAKs—J. H. Blades 1854-55; * * * * * A. S. Laman 1858; E. Colson 1859-60; J. Chapman 1861-62; H. Wisner 1863-64; W. A. Runner 1865. BETHEL, VoAKS AND REED’s CorNERS—A. G. La- man 1857. Bic Fiats (See Fairport and Big Flats)—I. J. Ketcham 1853; G. Wilkinson 1854; F. Kent 1855 ; W. E. Pindar 1856-57; D. Letts 1858; E. H. Brown 1859; J. Hutchins 1860; R. D. Munger 1861; Sup. 1862; W. Statham 1863-64; Sup. 54 ITS CHARGES 1865; G. J. Du Bois 1866-67-68; A. W. Staples 1869; C. W. Winchester 1870; A. Durling 1871. BrrpsaLL—Sup. 1859-60; A. O. Abbott 1861; M. D. Jackson 1862; R. Parker 1863; G. Wilkinson 1864; W. W. Colvin 1865; Sup. 1866-67-68; L. S. Crittenden 1869-70-71. BLOoMFIELD—W. W. Mandeville 1852; J. Benson 1853; J. K. Tinkham 1854-55; J. Copeland 1856; S. Humphrey 1857; J. Watts 1858-59; A. F. Morey 1860-61; M. Wheeler 1862; S. B. Dickin- son 1863-64; J. L. Edson 1865-66; A. H.Shurt- leff 1867-68; R. D. Munger 1869-70-71. Biosspurc, Pa.—M. F. Kymer 1867-68. Supplied by N. Fellows, G. Bly 1869; H. Lamkin 1870-71. Brancuport—E, J. Hermans 1858-59; D. Leisen- ring 1860; R. Parker 1861; J. Knapp 1862; * * * * & C_ Dillenbeck 1867-68; P. Cowles 1869; A. D. Edgar 1870-71. Breesport—D. Letts 1857. BrisToL (Called Bristol Center in 1863)—J. Arnold 1863; E. Latimer 1864; R. T. Hancock 1865-66- 67; R. Videau 1868-69; J. C. Stevens 1870-71. BrooKFIELD, Pa. (See Knoxville and Brookfield )— W. A. Runner 1852; W. Sheffer 1853; W. Arm- strong 1854; W. Armstrong, one sup. 1855; H. C. Brown 1856(See Brookfield, Westfield and Har- rison) ; (See Brookfield and Harrison); W. M. Haskell 1859-60; C. Bush 1861; J. H. Austin 1862-63; C. Dillenbeck 1864-65; A. F. Country- ITS CHARGES 55 man 1866; C. G. Lowell 1867-68; Supplied by J. V. Lowell 1869; Supplied by J. A. Blanchard 1870-71. BROOKFIELD, Pa. AND Harrison, Pa.—J. Duncan. 1858. BROOKFIELD, PA., WESTFIELD, Pa. AND HARRISON, Pa.—T. Jolly, A. Davidson 1857. BurpettE—I. J. Ketchum 1854-55; G. E. Haven 1856; S. H. Aldridge 1857; T. McElhenny 1858- 59 (See Burdette and Reynoldsville) ; C. Davis 1864 (See Burdette and Reynoldsville) ; S. H. Aldridge 1866-67; Sup. 1868; S. Nichols 1869- 70; J. W. Nevins 1871. BuRDETTE AND REYNOLDSVILLE—S. B. Dickinson 1860; D. S. Chase 1861; J. A. Swallow 1862; I. Gibbard 1863; M. Coyle 1865. Buriincton, Pa.—L. L. Rogers 1848; E. Sweet 1849-50; D. Leisenring 1851-52; D. Clark 1853- 54; W. E. Pindar 1855; S. Nichols 1856-57; R. D. Brooks 1858; S. W. Alden 1859; H. Lamkin 1860-61; R. L. Stillwell 1862-63; M. Coyle 1864; G. J. Du Bois 1865; E. Sweet 1866-67; F. M. Smith 1868; Sup. 1869; J. V. Lowell 1870-71. CamEron—C. Gould 1856-57; J. Chapman 1858; H. C. Brown 1859; J. Thompson 1860; E. Sweet 1861; W. Stark 1862-63; C. Bush 1864-65; M. D. Jackson 1866-67-68; D. D. Van Allen 1869; C. G. Lowell 1870-71. é 56 ITS CHARGES” CAMPBELLTOWN—Sup. 1852 (See Savona and Campbelltown) ; * * * * * (See Campbelltown and Merchantville). CAMPBELLTOWN AND MERCHANTVILLE—C, Dillen- beck 1869; C. Bush 1870-71. CaANADICE (See Springwater and Canadice)—J. L. S. Grandin 1852-53; J. Benson 1854; Sup. 1855- 56; W. Cochran 1857 (See Richmond and Cana- dice) ; J. Easter 1863; Sup. 1864; D. Hutchins 1865; O. Trowbridge 1866; Sup. 1867-68; J. E. Tiffany 1869; R. T. Hancock 1870-71. CaNANDAIGUA—J. T. Arnold 1848-49; M. Tooker 1850-51; E. G. Townsend 1852; S. W. Alden 1853-54; J. T. Arnold 1855-56; K. P. Jervis 1857- 58; P. McKinstry 1859; F. G. Hibbard 1860; J. K. Tuttle 1861; D. D. Buck 1862-63; F. G. Hibbard 1864-65-66; J. Alabaster 1867-68-69; C. Z. Case 1870; J. W. Green 1871. CANASERAGA—R. Parker 1857; S. Brown 1858; H Harpst, W. Statham 1859; R. R. Rork, W. Stat- ham 1860; C. J. Bradbury 1861; L. L. Rogers, V. Brownell 1862; S. H. Aldridge 1863-64-65; W. N. Sharp 1866-67-68 ; M. D. Jackson 1869-70-71. CanistEo—Sup. 1851; J. H. Day 1852; R. M. Beach 1853; W. A. Brown 1854; C. Wheeler 1855-56; L. L. Rogers 1857; J. M. Park 1858; J. J. Turton W. A. Bronson 1860-61; S. H. Aldridge, W. A. Bronson 1862; I. Everett 1863-64; N. N. Beers ITS CHARGES 57 1865; W. Cochran 1866; W. W. Colvin 1867; J. H. Blades 1868-69-70; J. Landreth 1871. Canoca (See Canoga and Sheldrake)—J. K. Tink- ham 1849-50; J. Benson 1851-52; T. J. O. Wooden 1853-54; J. H. Day 1855-56; H. T. Giles 1857; A. E. Chubbock 1858-59; J. Arnold 1860; J. Arnold, C. E. Hermans 1861; D. S. Chase, J. Parker 1862; D. S. Chase 1863; E. O. Hall 1864; N. A. De Pew 1865-66-67; P. McKinstry 1868; W.N. Sharp 1869; W. N. Sharp, C. W. McMa- hon 1870; J. R. Pendell, C. W. McMahon 1871. CANOGA AND SHELDRAKE—R. Harrington, J. S. Ed- son 1848. Canton, Pa.—A. D. Edgar, 1848-49; A. Hewitt 1850; A. T. West 1851; H. Lamkin 1852-53; Sup. 1854; J. Powell 1855-56; H. T. Avery 1858- 59; J. H. Ross 1860; J. E. Hyde 1861; M. Coyle 1862-63; J. W. Putnam 1864-65; J. Thompson 1866-67 ; E. Tinker 1868; J. D. Requa 1869; M. C. Dean 1870-71. CasTLETON (See Castleton and Hopewell), (See Castleton and Manchester), (See Castleton and Orleans), (See Castleton and Emory)—G. W. Paddock, 1854; D. Hutchins 1855; R. T. Han- cock 1856; A. Parcel 1857 (See Castleton and Hopewell); * * * * * (See Castleton and Or- leans). CASTLETON -AND EMory—W. Bradley, G. W. Pad- dock 1853. 58 ITS CHARGES CASTLETON AND HopewELvL (Called Hopewell and Castleton in 1861)—T. Stacy, A. Sutherland 1848; * * * * * C. S, Fox 1858-59; J. Powell 1860-61. ~ CASTLETON AND MANCHESTER—One Sup., G. Hop- kins 1849; H. Sanford, one Sup. 1850. CASTLETON AND OrLEANS—J. Caine 1851; G. W. Paddock 1852; * * * * * G. E. Haven 1866; J. Jeroleman 1867-68-69; J. M. Bull 1870-71. CATHERINE—D. S. Chase 1848; J. M. Bull 1849; H. Harris 1850; A. Sutherland 1851-52; N. N. Beers 1853-54; H. Lamkin 1855-56; G. Wilkin- son 1857; W. A. Bronson 1858-59; J. W. Put- nam 1860; D. Clark 1861-62; J. H. Ross 1863; U. S. Hall 1865-65-66 ; Sup. 1867; S. H. Aldridge 1868; M. F. DeWitt 1869-70; M. S. Kymer 1871. Caton—Sup. 1849; A. H. Shurtleff 1850; Sup, 1851; L. Wood 1852-53; J. Jeroleman 1854-55; S. M. Merritt 1856; I. Everitt 1857-58; C. Bush 1859-60; H. Wisner 1861-62; J. Robinson 1863; J. H. Austin 1864-65; H. Rowland 1866; H. Harpst, H. Rowland 1867; H. Harpst 1868; S. H. Aldridge 1869-70-71. CHAPINVILLE (See Chapinville and Hopewell Cen- ter)—D. S. Chase 1853; (See Chapinville and Orleans), (See Chapinville and Reed’s Corners), (See Manchester and Chapinville), L. D. Chase 1861; J. E. Hyde 1862; (See Manchester and Chapinville). ITS CHARGES 59 CHAPINVILLE AND HopeweLL CeNnTER—J. Spinks 1852. CHAPINVILLE AND ORLEANS—D. S. Chase 1854. CHAPINVILLE AND REED’s CorNers—G. W. Pad- dock 1855-56. Cuarveston, Pa.—S. P.Gurnsey 1855; Sup. 1856; J. H. Ross 1857; A. Davison 1858; J. H. Austin 1859; R. L. Stillwell 1860-61; C. L. F. Howe 1862; J. Shaw 1863; C. Weeks 1864-65-66: W. Statham 1867; M. T. Wheeler 1868; G. S. Tran- sue 1870-71. CuatHamM, Pa.—A. T. West, 1850; Sup. 1851; E. Rosa 1852; Sup. 1853-54; J. Duncan 1855-56 (See Knoxville and Chatham); J. Powell 1858- 59; J. H. Austin 1860-61; Supplied by E. Hud- son 1870; W. H. Rumsey 1871. CHEMUNG—E. Sweet 1848; C. Wheeler 1849-50; I. J. B. McKinney, R. M. Beach 1851; I. J. B. McKinney 1852; E. Sweet 1853-54; N. N. Beers 1855-56; H. Lamkin 1857-58; J. Hutchins 1859; J. E. Hyde 1860; G. J. Du Bois 1861-62; E. H. Cranmer 1863-64-65: M. C. Dean 1866-67; H. Lamkin 1868-69; U. S. Hall 1870; R. Stillwell 1871. Cuerry, Pa.—S. P. Gurnsey 1848; N. A. DePew 1849: R. D. Brooks 1850; Sup. 1851-52-53. CLIFTON AND MANCHESTER—S. L. Congdon 1851; C. C. Goss 1852; T. Stacey 1854. CLIFTON AND ORLEANS—T. Stacy 1853. 60 ITS CHARGES CLirTon Sprines (Generally called Clifton previous to 1865),(See Clifton and Manchester),(See Clif- ton and Orleans), (See Clifton and Manchester) —J. Landreth 1855; J. J. Brown 1856; C. M. Gardner 1857-58; D. Ferris 1859; J. M. Bull 1860; D. Leisenring 1861; D. Crow 1862; T. Stacy 1863-64-65; W. H. Goodwin 1866-67-68 ; E. J. Hermans 1869-70-71. CLypE—David Ferris 1848; I. H. Kellogg 1849; D. Hutchins 1850-51; L. Northway 1852-53; E. Wood 1854-55; W. Bradley 1856-57; J. T. Ar- nold 1858-59; J. N. Brown 1860-61; K. P. Jervis 1862; D. Nutten 1863-64; A. S. Baker 1865; P. McKinstry 1866-67; A. W. Green 1868-69-70; G. W. Chandler 1871. Conocton—H. Sanford 1848; J. Spinks 1849; J. Hall 1850; J. J. Brown 1851; W. Potter 1852; R. Parker 1853; J. Knapp 1854-55; H. Wisner 1856; H. Harpst 1857; A. D. Edgar 1858-59; W. W. Mandeville 1860-61; S. Brown 1862-63; J. Duncan 1864-65; N. N. Beers 1866; S. M. Merritt 1867; C. G. Curtis 1868-69; J. B. Coun- tryman 1870-71. CoKESBURY AND CANADICE—J. Chapman 1849. CokEespuRY AND RicHMonp—J. Chapman, J. J. Brown 1848. Cokes CHAPEL AND Bristot (See Cokesbury and Richmond), (See Cokesbury and Canadice)—C. J. Bradbury 1850-51; C. Gould 1852; S. Nichols ITS CHARGES 61 1853-54 ; J. Shaw 1855-56; J. L. S. Grandin 1857 ; C. J. Bradbury 1858; E. O. Hall 1859; A. D. Edgar 1860-61; J. Arnold 1862. CoLtumBia, Pa.—G. Wilkinson 1848; A. C. Hunt- ley 1849, 1850; * * * * * M. T. Wheeler 1867. Conesus (See Springwater and Conesus)—-H. San- ford 1849; V. Brownell 1850-51; Z. J. Buck 1852; Sup 1853 (See Conesus and Lakeville) ; Supplied by J. Dodge 1855; S. McGerald 1856; O. B. Weaver 1857; M. DePuy 1858; I. McMahon 1859; J. Knapp 1860; L. L. Rogers 1861; E. Lat- imer 1862-63; R. T. Hancock 1864; J. Parker 1865-66; D. Hutchins 1867; J. Benson 1868 (See Springwater and Conesus). ConEsus AND LAKEVILLE—Supplied by J. Dodge 1854. Corninc—J. Wiley 1848; H. N. Seaver 1849; J. Watts 1850-51; T. McElhenny 1852; D. Nutten 1853-54; A. Wright 1855; A. S. Baker 1856-57; J. Raines 1858-59; J. T. Arnold 1860-61; T. Tousey 1862; R. Hogoboom 1863-64; J. K. Tut- tle 1865-66; S. L. Congdon 1867; C. P. Hard 1868-69-70; T. Stacy 1871. Covincton, Pa., (See Wellsboro and Covington )— O. Trowbridge 1849; W. C. Mattison 1850; A. H. Shurtleff 1851; * * * * * T. B. Barker 1856. DANSVILLE—D. Nutten 1848; J. Raines 1849; D. Ferris 1850; J. K. Tuttle 1851-52; A. S. Baker 1853; K. P. Jervis 1854-55; J. Mandeville 1856; 62 ITS CHARGES J. J. Brown 1857-58; Supplied 1859; C. S. Fox 1860; I. Gibbard 1861-62; C. M. Gardner 1863; J. D. Bell 1864; E. Wood 1865; R. D. Munger 1866-67 ; H. Van Benschoten 1868-69-70; D. Lei- senring 1871. Detmar, Pa.—W. W. Hunt 1869; Supplied by J. A. Fellows 1870; Supplied by O. P. Livingston 1871. DrespEN (See Milo and Dresden)—E. Colson 1851- 52; (See Bellona and Dresden) ; W. Selby 1854- 55; E. Latimer 1856; J. Chapman 1857; D. Fer- ris 1858; J. Shaw 1859-60; J. Ashworth 1861-62; C. Z. Chase 1863; M. DePuy 1864; W. D. Taylor 1865; Supplied 1866; W. A. Bronson 1867; J. W. Putnam 1868-69; A. F. Countryman 1870; C. H. Wright 1871. DunpDEE—T. Stacy 1849-50; (See Dundee and Starkey); J. N. Brown 1853; T. McElhenny 1854-55; N. A. DePew 1856; (See Dundee and Starkey) ; C. L. Bown 1862; N. N. Beers 1863- 64; W. Wohlgemuth 1865-66-67; J. Landreth 1868-69; C. J. Bradbury 1870-71. DUNDEE AND STARKEY—T. Tousey 1851; J. N. Brown 1852; * * * * * EK. H. Cranmer 1857-58; C. M. Gardner 1859-60; S. B. Dickinson 1861. DusHoreE, Pa.—Supplied 1863-64; M. S. Kymer 1865-66; Supplied 1867; W. H. Rumsey 1868; (See Dushore and Wilmot) ; Supplied by R. Hin- man 1870; O. Compton 1871. ITS CHARGES 63 DusHoreE, PA. anD WiLmot, Pa.—Supplied by R. Bedford, E. McConnel 1869, East Canton, Pa.—J. J. Turton 1869-70; L. D. Watson 1871. East Patmyra (See Port Gibson and East Pal- myra) ;J. M. Bull 1852-53; J. E. Hyde 1854; (See East Palmyra and Marion); Supplied 1856; J, W. Putnam 1857; W. A. Runner 1858; W. Coch- ran 1859-60; J. C. Hitchcock 1861-62; R. Clapp 1863-64-65; W. W. Runyan 1866-67-68; T. R. Green 1869-70-71. East PatMyra AND Marion—W. W. Mandeville 1855. East SMITHFIELD, Pa. (Called Smithfield 1864-65) —R. Drake 1858; H. Lamkin 1859; M. Coyle 1860-61; E. D. Rosa 1862; J. A. Swallow 1863- 64; W. M. Haskell 1865; R. Videau 1866-67; W. Statham 1868-69-70; H. Harper 1871. Evcmira, First (Called Elmira 1848-49-50-51; El- mira, Baldwin St., 1852)—-H. N. Seaver 1848; M. Crow 1849-50; H. Hickok 1851-52; T. Mc- Elhenny 1853; D. D. Buck 1854-55; T. B. Hud- son 1856; J. R. Jaques 1857-58; R. Hogoboom 1859-60; J. E. Latimer 1861-62; A. C. George 1863-64; S. Van Benschoten 1865-66-67; Sup- plied 1868; T. Tousey 1869-70; C. Z. Case 1871. Evtmira, Heppine (Called ElmiraMission 1851, El- mira, Church St. 1852)—J. Mandeville 1851; W. H. Goodwin 1852-53; H. Hickok 1854-55; Sup- 64 ITS CHARGES plied 1856; J. C. Nobles 1857; S. L. Congdon 1858; K. P. Jervis 1859; J. Raines 1860-61; E. J. Hermans 1862-63-64; O. L. Gibson 1865-66; C. Z. Case 1867-68-69; C. W. Bennett 1870; J. Alabaster 1871. Emory CHAPEL AND REEp’s—W. Bradley 1858- 59. EnFieLp—W. E. Pindar 1849-50; Supplied 1851; G. Wilkinson 1852; A. M. Wightman 1853; Sup- plied 1854-55; J. J. Turton 1856; J. B. Armitage 1857; M. Coyle 1858-59; J. L. S. Grandin 1860- 61; O. B. Weaver 1862-63-64; M. F. DeWitt 1865; J. H. Austin 1866; N. M. Wheeler 1867; Supplied 1868-69; R. Videau 1870; C. W. Win- chester 1871. Erin—R. M. Beach 1852; G. Wilkinson 1853; G. E. Havens 1854-55; W. Selby 1856. ERWIN CENTER—Supplied 1866; F. M. Smith 1867 ; P. D. Clark 1868; S. M. Dayton 1869-70; G. Wil- kinson 1871. Farrport (Chemung Co.) (See Fairport and Big Flats) —-E. H. Cranmer 1849; (See Fairport and Big Flats) ; D. Crow 1851; C. S. Coats 1852. FarirPoRT AND Bic Frats—E. H. Cranmer 1848; * Kk kK D. Crow 1850. FairvILLE (See Fairville and Lock Berlin)—Sup- plied 1851; W. Selby 1852; W. W. Mandeville 1853-54; E. Colson 1855-56; J. E. Hyde 1857; D. Hutchins 1858; H. Van Benschoten 1859; R. _ITS CHARGES 65 Harrington 1860-61; W. B. Holt 1862-63; A. E. Chubbock 1864; J. Easter 1865; C. E. Hermans 1866-67 ; J. Spinks 1868-69; T. Jolly 1870-71. FAIRVILLE AND Lock BEerLin—W. W. Mandeville L. Wood 1850. FarMINGTON, Pa.—G. N. Packer 1862; C. L. F. Howe 1863-64; V. Brownell 1865-66; W. M. Haskell 1867-68; W. H. Rumsey 1869-70; T. L. Weaver 1871. ForKSVILLE, Pa.—G. N. Packer 1861; Supplied 1862; W. E. Pindar 1863; Supplied 1864; R. Videau 1865; W. M. Haskell 1866; G. Trausue 1867; Supplied 1868; Supplied by R. Hinman 1869; Supplied by E. G. McConnel 1870-71. FreMont—R. R. Rork 1859; S. P. Gurnsey 1860- 61; R. Parker 1862; M. D. Jackson 1863; J. J. Turton 1864; C. G. Lowell 1865; Supplied 1866- 67;D. D. Van Allen 1868; B. J. Tracy 1869; Sup- plied by J. H. Perry 1870; Supplied 1871. FRENCHTOWN, Pa.—R. L. Stillwell 1851; E. Sweet 1852; G. E. Haven 1853; J. Powell 1854; L. Wood 1855; (See Monroeton and Frenchtown) ; J. H. Austin 1858; J. Thompson 1859; C. J. French 1860. GAINES, Pa., AND MANCHESTER Farms, Pa.—O. Compton 1870; O. B. Weaver 1871. GENESEO (See Geneseo and Groveland)—R. Hogo- boom 1850-51; J. Watts 1852-53; I. H. Kellogg 1854-55; K. P. Jervis 1856; (See Geneseo and 66 ITS CHARGES Groveland); T. B. Hudson 1861-62; J. Watts 1863-64; K. P. Jervis 1865-66-67; W. Bradley 1868-69 ; G. W. Paddock 1870-71. GENESEO AND GROVELAND—A,. Farrall 1848; S, Judd 1849; * * * * * C, L. Bown 1857-58; W. C. Mattison 1859-60. GENEVA—J. Dennis, 1848-49; J. G. Gulick 1850-51; J. Raines 1852-53; W. H. Goodwin 1854-55; I. H. Kellogg 1856-57; D. D. Buck 1858-59; T. Tousey 1860-61; J. W. Wilson 1862; W. H. Goodwin 1863-64-65; J. Raines 1866-67; A. F. Morey 1868-69-70; G. Van Alstyne 1871. GorHAM—A. D. Edgar 1866-67; (See Gorham and Voaks. ) GorHamM AND Voaks—A. D. Edgar 1868; J. H. Day 1869-70-71. GRANGER—W. M. Haskell 1850; C. Wheeler 1851; A. Maker 1852-53; R. Clapp 1854; J. Pearsall 1855; L. L. Rogers 1856; S. Brown 1857; E. P. Huntington 1858-59; J. Duncan 1860-61; C. Bush 1862. Grove—W, Post 1858; M. DePuy 1859-60; J. Spinks 1861; J. J. Turton 1862; Supplied 1863; J. B. Armitage 1864; G. Wilkinson 1865; Sup- plied 1866. GROVELAND (See Geneseo and Groveland)—W. Cochran 1850-51; J. Chapman 1852-53; J. L. S. Grandin 1854; S. Brown 1855-56; (See Geneseo and Groveland); G. Wilkinson 1861; G. Van ITS CHARGES 67 Alstyne 1862-63; W. W. Mandeville 1864-65; Sup. 1866; L. D. Chase 1867; J. S. Lemon 1868; G. J. DuBois 1869-70; F. D. Blakeslee 1871. HammMonpsport—J. J. Brown 1850; W. E. Pindar 1851; A. Parcel 1852; S. Brown 1853-54; J. K. B. Clayton 1855; Sup. 1856; R. Drake 1857; S. B. Dickinson 1858-59; E. H. Brown 1860-61; C. S. Davis, S. M. Merritt 1862; J. Benson 1863; J. Knapp 1864; Sup. 1865; W. D. Taylor 1866; Sup. 1867; H. Vosburgh 1868; J. B. Countryman 1869; N. Sutton 1870; H. S. Dennis 1871. : HarMONYVILLE (See Prattsburgh and Harmony- ville) —* * * * * L. D, Chase 1855; H. Harpst 1856; J. Knapp 1857; W. E. Pindar 1858; (See Harmonyville and Italy Hill) ;O. B. Weaver 1861; A. F. Countryman 1862-63; J. Thompson 1864-65; E. Tinker 1866; R. L. Stillwell 1867. HARMONYVILLE AND ITaty Hitt—W. E. Pindar 1859; O. B. Weaver, W. D. Taylor 1860. Harrison, Pa.—S. P. Gurnsey 1856; (See Brook- field, Westfield and Harrison); (See Brookfield and Harrison.) HartsvitLtE—Supplied by A. T. Allis 1869. Havana—R. Clapp 1848; C. L. Bown 1849-50; J. W. Nevins 1851; D. Clark 1852; A. G. Laman 1853-54; E. Latimer 1855; A. E. Chubbock 1856- 57;J. M. Bull 1858-59; T. McElhenny 1860-61 ; 68 ITS CHARGES R. D. Munger 1862; J. H. Day 1863; J. Alabaster 1864; J. Jerolaman, C. S. Davis 1865; E. H. Cran- mer 1866-67-68; M. Coyle 1869; N. A. DePew 1870-71. Hector (See Hector and Mecklenburg)—T. Mc- Elhenny, R. L. Stillwell 1849; I. J. B. McKenney one sup. 1850; J. Robinson, one sup. 1851; D. Hutchins 1852; D. Hutchins, J. Odell 1853; J. Landreth 1854; G. Wilkinson 1855-56; D. S. Chase 1857-58; J. H. Day 1859-60; W. Arm- strong 1861-62; T. J. O. Wooden 1863-64-65; J. Jerolaman 1866; A. W. Staples 1867; (See North Hector). Hector AND MECKLENBURG—J. Shaw, one sup 1848. HENRIETTA—J. Robinson, 1848; W. A. Baker 1849; (See Rush and Henrietta) ; J. L. S. Grandin 1851; J. K. Tinkham 1852-53; Sup. 1854; J. M. Park 1855; J. Benson 1856; J. Shaw 1857; S. Mc- Gerald 1858-59; J. Parker 1860; W. A. Runner 1861-62; (See Rush and Henrietta) ; D. Hutch- ins 1864; J. C. Hitchcock 1865; J. Spinks 1866; J. T. Arnold 1867; E. Hotchkiss 1868; J. Parker 1869; (See Pittsford and Henrietta); J. Ash- worth 1871. Honeove Fartts—I. McMahon 1848-49; E. Lati- mer 1850-51; J. G. Gulick 1852-53; A. Plumley 1854; Sup. 1855-56; J. Dennis 1857; J. L. Edson 1858; M. Tooker 1859; L. Northway ITS CHARGES 69 1860-61; A. F. Morey 1862-63-64: W. Bradley 1865-66-67; L. D. Chase 1868-69: A. S. Baker 1870; T. J. O. Wooden 1871. HoPEweELL (See Castleton and Hopewell)—J. Dur- ham 1849; C. S. Coats 1850-51; (See Hopewell and Reed’s Corners); * * * * * W. Potter 1854; A. F. Morey 1855; L. D. Chase 1856-57; (See Castleton and Hopewell) ; D. S. Bacon 1862; T. McElhenny 1863-64; Sup. 1865; J. H. Day 1866-67-68 ; P. McKinstry 1869-70-71. HopewELL AND REEpD’s CorNERS—R. Parker 1852. HorNELLsvILLe—J. Knapp, J. Spinks 1848; C. Gould 1849; S. B. Rooney 1850; J. Wilson 1851; A. S. Baker 1852; J. Ashworth 1853; N. A. De Pew 1854-55; H. N. Seaver 1856; D. W. C. Hunt- ington 1857-58; J. R. Jaques 1859; J. Watts 1860- 61; E. P. Huntington 1862-63; C. M. Gardner 1864-65-66; C. P. Hard 1867; T. Stacy 1868-69 ; W. C. Mattison 1870-71. HorseHEaps—N. Fellows 1853-54; J. Parker 1855; T. McElhenny 1856-57; J. H. Day 1858; J. E. Hyde 1859; J. Jerolaman 1860-61; J. H. Blades 1862-63-64; W. C. Mattison 1865; H. T. Giles 1866-67; L. Northway 1868-69; C. M. Gardner 1870-71. Itaty Hitt (See Italy Hill and Prattsburgh) (See Jerusalem and Italy Hill)—W. Post 1857; J. Durham 1858; (See Harmonvville and Italy 70 ITS CHARGES Hill); A. G. Laman 1861; (See Italy Hill and Prattsburgh). Itaty Hitt anp PRraATTsBuRGH (Called Prattsburg and Italy Hill in 1851-52)—M. Wheeler 1851; J. J. Brown 1852 * * * * * A. G. Lamon 1856; * * * * * US. Hall 1862-63. ItaLy Hottow (Called Italy in 1855)—S. P. Gurn- sey 1854; A. D. Edgar 1855; H. M. Boardman 1856; S. M. Merritt 1857; O. B. Weaver 1858- 59; C. Gould 1860; D. S. Bacon 1861; J. Powell 1862; J. Knapp 1863; A. F. Countryman 1864- 65; W. A. Runner 1866; W. E. Pinder 1867 ; Sup- 1868; Supplied by J. W. Brown 1869; J. W. Brown 1870; S. Wetzell 1871. Jackson, Pa.—W. M. Haskell 1848; Sup. 1849; S. W. Wooster 1850; Sup. 1851; R. L. Stillwell 1852-53; J. Odell 1854; E. Sweet 1855-56; J. Hutchins 1857-58; G. W. Coolbaugh 1859-60; E. O.Hall 1861; J. W. Putnam 1862-63; G. Stratton 1864; J. Robinson 1865-66; V. Brownell 1867; Sup. 1868; C. Weeks 1869-70-71. Jackson Mission, Pa.—Sup. 1852. JACKSONVILLE (See Jacksonville and Enfield)—H. Harris 1849; J. Powell 1850; A. E. Chubbock 1851; J. Robinson 1852; E. Colson 1853-54; H. T. Giles 1855; W. C. Mattison 1856-57; G. Wilkin- son 1858; D. S. Chase 1859-60; J. H. Day 1861- 62; C. E. Hermans 1863; S. Nichols 1864-65; M. ITS CHARGES 71 Coyle 1866-67-68 ; E. H. Cranmer 1869-70; N. M. Wheeler 1871. JACKSONVILLE AND ENFIELD—O. F. Comfort 1848. Jasper—I. J. B. McKinney 1849; C. Gould 1850- 1853; C. J. Bradbury 1854; C. J. Bradbury, J. R. Jaques 1855; G. J. DuBois 1856; C. Wheeler, D. Rittenhouse 1857; C. Gould 1858-59; M. Davis 1860; G. W. Coolbaugh 1861-62; J. Powell 1863- 64; J. J. Turton 1865-66; L. T. Hawkins 1867- 68; F. M. Smith 1869-70-71. Jerrerson—L. Northway 1849-50; C. M. Gardner 1851-52. JERUSALEM—James Hall, W. Bradley 1848; C. S. Davis 1849; J. Durham 1850; J. Ashworth 1851- 52; (See Jerusalem and Italy Hill); C. Gould, H. M. Boardman 1854; H. M. Boardman 1855; A. D. Edgar 1856-57; * * * * * M. DePuy 1863; Sup. 1864-65; S. Wetzell 1866. JERUSALEM AND ITtaLty Hitt—W. Potter 1853. Junrus—J. K. Tinkham 1848; M. Wheeler 1849- 50; H. Harris 1851-52; J. Robinson 1853-54; T. J. O. Wooden 1855; J. Chapman 1856; J. K. Tinkham 1857; E. Latimer 1858-59; R. Clapp 1860; D. Ferris 1861; D. Hutchins 1862-63; J. Chapman 1864-65 ; H. Harpst 1866; T. Jolly 1867- 68; A. D. Edgar 1869; P. J. Bull 1870; P. J. Bull, D. E. Blaine 1871. Kanona—H. Boardman 1853; Sup. 1854; S. H. Aldrich 1855; C. S. Fox 1856-57; R. Palmer 72 ITS CHARGES 1858; (See Towlesville and Kanona) ; (See Ka- nona and Wheeler Hill) ; C. T. Gifford 1861-62; J. T. Canfield 1863-64; A. D. Edgar 1865; J. C. Stevens 1866; B. F. Hitchcock 1867; W. E. Pin- dar 1868; C. H. Wright 1869-70; N. Sutton 1871. Kanona AND WHEELER Hitt—J. J. Turton 1860. KENNEDYVILLE—A. Parcel 1851; Sup. 1852. KNOXVILLE, Pa.—W. Potter 1848-49; A. D. Edgar one sup. 1850; (See Knoxville and Brookfield) ; R. D. Brooks 1852-53; J. Duncan 1854; S. Nich- ols 1855; R. L. Stillwell 1856; (See Knoxville and Chatham) ; E. Sweet 1858-59; C. L. F. Howe 1860-61; C. Dillenbeck 1862-63; W. E. Pindar 1864; O. B. Weaver 1865-66-67 ; I. Everett 1868- 69-70; J. H. Blades 1871. KNOXVILLE, Pa., AND BROOKFIELD, Pa.—A. D. Edgar, one sup. 1851. KNOXVILLE, Pa. AND CHATHAM, Pa.—R. L. Still- well, S. P. Gurnsey 1857. KNoxvILte, N. Y. AND Gisson—Sup. 1853; (No re- port) ; (See Painted Post and Knoxville). LaPorte, Pa.—Sup. 1851-52; G. W. Coolbaugh 1853; Sup. 1854; A. R. Jones 1855; * * * * * Sup. 1860; G. Burnett 1861; Sup. 1862-63. LAWRENCEVILLE, Pa.—W. Manning 1855-56; (See Tioga and Lawrenceville) ; S. Nichols 1858; N. N. Beers 1859-60; W. B. Holt 1861; G. Stratton 1862: W. Potter 1863-64; T. S. Abrahams 1865; (See Tioga and Lawrenceville). ITS CHARGES 73 Liperty Corners, Pa.—C. Weeks 1868; Sup. 1869; (See Liberty Corners and Asylum). LrBerty CorNERS, Pa. AND AsyLumM, Pa.—C. L. F. Howe 1870-71. Lima—W. Cochran 1848; J. Copeland 1849; J. Raines 1850-51; [Belonged to Genesee Confer- ence in 1852-53-54-55. William O. Fuller, 1852 (Died Feb. 10, 1853) ; Charles Adams 1853; Philo Woodworth 1854-55] ; J. Dodge 1856-57; J. Den- nis 1858-59; [Belonged to Genesee Confer- ence in 1860-61-62-63. Joseph H. Knowles 1860- 61; King D. Nettleton 1862-63]; I. H. Kellogg 1864; A. Sutherland 1865-66; W. R. Benham 1867-68-69 ; J. T. Brownell 1870; J. Dennis 1871. Lima, CoLLEGE CHurcH. (Sometimes called Col- lege Chapel and sometimes College and Seminary Church)—Sup. 1857-58-59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66- 67-68-69-70. [Belonged to Genesee Conference in 1860-61-62-63. | Livon1a—J. K. Tuttle 1848; J. Dodge 1849-50; R. Clapp 1851-52; W. M. Haskell 1853-54; (Called Hemlock Lake in 1855); J. Copeland 1855; S. Humphrey 1856; A. C. Huntley 1857; R. T. Han- cock 1858-59; S. McGerald 1860-61; G. Wilkin- son 1862-63; (J. T. Arnold appointed to Hemlock Lake in 1863, but the two charges reported as one); J. Arnold 1864-65; W. W. Mandeville 74 ITS CHARGES 1866; T. J. O. Wooden 1867-68; C. E. Hermans 1869; J. C. Hitchcock 1870-71. Locx Brertin—(See Fairville and Lock Berlin) ; (See Lock Berlin and West Junius); * * * * * C. C. Goss 1854. Lock BERLIN AND West Junius—Sup. 1851. Lopi—C. S. Davis 1848; (See Lodi and Townsend- ville) ; J. N. Brown 1850-51; E. Wood 1852-53; O. Trowbridge 1854-55; D. Crow 1856-57; A. N. Fillmore 1858-59; (See Lodi and Farmers- ville) ; A. E. Chubbock 1861; J. G. Gulick 1862; W. C. Mattison 1863-64; D. Nutten 1865-66-67 ; J. L. Edson 1868-69-70; J. W. Wilson 1871. Lopi AND FARMERSVILLE—A. E. Chubbock 1860. Lop! AND TOWNSENDVILLE—J. Powell 1849. Locan—A. W. Staples 1868; Supplied by J. A. Fellows 1869; R. L. Stillwell 1870; S. H. Chub- bock 1871. Loyatsocx, Pa.—J. L. S. Grandin 1848-49; J. H. Day 1850; Sup. 1851; J. Hutchins 1852; W. A. Bronson 1853; G. W. Coolbaugh 1854-55; H. T. Avery 1856-57; C. J. French 1858-59; J. B. Armi- tage 1860. Lyons—W. H. Goodwin 1848-49; D. D. Buck 1850- 51; I. H. Kellogg 1852-53; T. B. Hudson 1854- 55; J. Raines 1856-57; S. Van Benschoten 1858- 59; D. D. Buck 1860; T. Stacy 1861-62; K. P. Jervis. 1863-64;. W.. Manning. 1865-66-67; J. Raines 1868-69-70; T. B. Hudson 1871. ITS CHARGES 75 Macepon (Some years called Macedon Center)— (See Walworth and Macedon); (See Macedon and Perinton) ; L. Northway 1863-64; W. R. Ben- ham 1865-66; E. Tinker 1867; R. O. Wilson 1868 ; (See Macedon and Perinton). Macepon AND PERINTON—H. T. Giles 1859-60; W. Bradley 1861; L. Northway 1862; * * * * * R. O. Wilson 1869; I. H. Kellogg 1870-71. MainssurG, Pa.—Sup. 1854; D. Clark 1855-56; J. Powell 1857; J. H. Ross 1858-59; Sup. 1860; E. Colson 1861-62; R. Mackwood 1863-64-65; C. L. F. Howe 1866-67; Sup. 1868; Supplied by S. G. Rhinevault 1869-70; I. Everett 1871. MANCHESTER—S. Parker 1848 (See Castleton and Manchester) ; (See Clifton and Manchester) ; * * * * * * TE. Hyde 1863; D. S. Chase 1864-65- Chapinville) ; R. Clapp 1861-62; (See Manchester and Chapinville). MANCHESTER AND CHAPINVILLE—E. J. Hermans 1857; A. F. Morey 1858-59; L. D. Chase 1860; * kok Ok JE. Hyde 1863; D. S. Chase 1864-65- 66; J. M. Bull 1867-68-69; J. A. Swallow 1870- 71. MancHeEsTER Farms, Pa.—P. D. Clark, 1869; (See Gaines and Manchester Farms). MANSFIELD, Pa.—W. Manning 1852-53; L. L. Rog- ers 1854-55; J. R. Jaques 1856; (See Mansfield and Covington) ; R. L. Stilwell 1858; R. L. Stil- well, one sup. 1859; R. A. Drake, G. N. Packer 76 ITS CHARGES 1860; W. Cochran, R. A. Drake 1861; W. Coch- ran 1862; W. M. Haskell 1863-64; H. Lamkin 1865-66-67 ; H. F. Giles 1868; W. D. Taylor 1869- 70-71. MANSFIELD AND Covincton—H. N. Seaver 1857. Marion—J. Robinson 1858; (See Walworth and Marion) ; J. S. Lemon 1863-64; W. W. Runyan 1865; J. Easter 1866; J. B. Knott 1867-68; W. W. Runyan 1869; J. Spinks 1870-71. MECKLENBURG (See Hector and Mecklenburg) ;— A. E. Chubbock 1849-50; N. N. Beers 1851-52; A. C. Huntley 1853-54; D. S. Chase 1855-56; J. H. Day 1857; W. Selby 1858-59; T. J. O. Wood- en 1860-61; J. Jerolaman 1862-63-64; M. C. Dean 1865 ; T. J. O. Wooden 1866; J. J. Payne 1867-68 ; H. Harpst 1869; L. Northway 1870-71. MERCHANTVILLE—J. L. S. Grandin 1865; Sup. 1866; D. W. Gates 1867; W. A. Bronson 1868; (See Campbelltown and Merchantville). MippLesury, Pa.—Supplied by J. B. Chase 1870; (No report). MippLEesEx—John Caine 1848; S. Parker 1849; J. Spinks 1850-51; K. P. Jervis 1852; J. Knapp 1853; (See Middlesex and Gorham) ; J. E. Hyde 1855; A. F. Morey 1856-57; W. W. Mandeville 1858; C. J. Bradbury 1859-60; C. Gould 1861-62 ; J. C. Hitchcock 1863; H. Harpst 1864; T. Jolly 1865-66; A. F. Countryman 1867-68-69; J. W. Putnam 1870-71. ITS CHARGES 7 MIDDLESEX AND GoRHAM—D. Hutchins, L. D. Chase 1854. MILLer’s Corners—H. C. Woods 1869; J. E. Tif- fany 1870-71. MiLLtport—A. E. Chubbock 1848; J. Shaw 1849- 50; A. C. Huntley 1851-52; H. Harris 1853; H. Lamkin 1854; D. Leisenring 1855-56; G. E. Hav- en 1857-58; J. B. Armitage 1859; W. J. Selby 1860; C. S. Davis 1861; A. E. Chubbock 1862-63 ; C. J. Bradbury 1864-65-66; N. Fellows 1867-68 ; J. T. Canfield 1869-70-71. Mrro (Called Milo Center after 1868)—E. Hotch- kiss 1848; (See Milo and Dresden) ; J. Hall 1851; A. N. Fillmore 1852-53; A. E. Chubbock 1854- 55; D. E. Clapp 1856; D. Leisenring 1857; R. Clapp 1858-59; D. Crow 1860-61; R. Mackwoo 1862; W. Armstrong 1863; C. E. Hermans 1864- 65; C. S. Coats 1866-67; R. L. Stillwell 1868-69 ; J. J. Payne 1870-71. Mito anp Dresp—EN—E. Hotchkiss, A. Sutherland 1849; A. Sutherland 1850. Monrog Pa.—Sup. 1849; (Report combined with Towanda. ) Mownroeton, Pa. (See Monroeton and Frenchtown) —W. Armstrong 1858; D. Clark 1859-60; J. H. Ross 1861-62; G. Stratton 1863; R. L. Stillwell 1864-65-66 ; C. Weeks 1867; G. S. Transue 1868- 69; W. W. Hunt 1870; S. G. Rhinevault 1871. 78 ITS CHARGES MoNROETON AND FRENCHTOWN—L. Wood 1856; W. A. Bronson 1857. Monterey (See Orange)—A. H. Shurtleff 1863; (See Orange) ; Sup .1865; J. A. Wood 1866; S. Wetzell 1867-68 ; Supplied by Ward Burrow 1869- 70; H. C. Corey 1871. Mount Morris—J. Parker 1848-49; Z. J. Buck 1850-51; E. Latimer 1852; R. Clapp 1853; W. Cochran 1854; J. Benson 1855; J. A. Edson 1856; (See Mt. Morris and Ridge); O. Trowbridge 1860; J. Shaw 1861; J. L. Edson 1862-63-64; A. N. Fillmore 1865-66; C. M. Gardner 1867-68-69 ; (See Mt. Morris and Ridge). Mr. Morris anp Ripce—J. L. Edson 1857; H. T. Giles 1858; R. Harrington 1859; * * * * * W. Bradley 1870-71. NapLes—R. Parker 1848-49; A. S. Baker 1850-51; M. Wheeler 1852-53; J. J. Brown 1854-55; J. H. Blades 1856-57; J. Landreth 1858; I. Gibbard 1859; E. Wood 1860-61; L. D. Chase 1862-63; D. Leisenring 1864-65; D. Clark 1866-67-68; G. E. Haven 1869; J. D. Requa 1870; J. T. Brownell 1871. NewarKk—J. Watts 1848; D. S. Chase 1849-50; C. L. Bown 1851-52; J. K. Tuttle 1853-54; J. Dennis 1855-56; R. Hogoboom 1857-58; A. Sutherland 1859-60; D. Nutten 1861-62; O. L. Gibson 1863- 64; J. Raines 1865; D. D. Buck 1866-67-68; G. Van Alstyne 1869-70; W. Manning 1871. ITS CHARGES 79 NortH Hector (See Hector)—Sup, 1868; W. S. Wentz 1869; M. Coyle 1870-71. Nunpa—A. S. Baker, T. Tousey 1848; A. S. Baker J. S. Edson 1849; A. G. Laman, one sup. 1850; A. Plumley 1851; (See Nunda and Sparta) ; E. Latimer 1853-54; W. Cochran 1855-56; R. Har- rington 1857-58; L. L. Rogers 1859-60; C. S. Fox 1861-62; B. F. Bradford 1863; E. P. Hunting- ton 1864-65; E. Wood 1866; J. L. Edson 1867; J. C. Hitchcock 1868-69 ; L. D. Chase 1870-71. Nunpa AND Sparta—A, Plumley, V. Brownell 1852. Nuwnpa Circuit—E. D. W. Huntley 1867; Sup. 1868; C. G. Lowell 1869; T. W. Chandler 1870- 71. Ontario—P. McKinstry, W. W. Mandeville 1848- 49; * * * * * Sup. 1855. Orance—A. G. Laman 1848; L. L. Rogers, C. P. Davison 1849; N. A. DePew 1850-51; A. D. Ed- gar 1852-53; C. Graham 1854-55; C. J. Bradbury 1856-57; S. G. Rhinevault 1858; W. Potter 1859; Sup. 1860; J. Thompson 1861; J. L. S. Grandin 1862; (See Monterey); Sup. 1864; (See Mon- terey). Orveans (See Castleton and Orleans) ; (See Clif- ton and Orleans) ; (See Chapinville and Orleans) ; E J. Hermans 1855-56; G. J. DuBois 1857; L. D. Chase 1858-59; W. Bradley 1860; C. S. Coats 80 ITS CHARGES 1861-62; C. L. Bown 1863; (See Seneca Castle and Orleans) ; (See Castleton and Orleans). Ovip—Moses Crow 1848; E. G. Townsend 1849-50 ; (See Ovid and Sheldrake) ; J. C. Hitchcock 1864; J. Alabaster 1865-66; M. S. Leete 1867; G. W. Chandler 1868-69-70; M. Wheeler 1871. Ovip AND SHELDRAKE—T. Stacey 1851-52; R. Hog- oboom 1853-54; F. G. Hibbard 1855; H. T. Giles 1856; J. T. Arnold 1857; D. Crow 1858-59; D. Hutchins 1860-61; N. N. Beers 1862; C. S. Coats C. R. Pomeroy 1863. Paintep Post—S. M. Bronson 1848; T. Tousey 1849; C. M. Gardner 1850; A. G. Laman 1851- 52; K. P. Jervis 1853; (See Painted Post and Knoxville) ;J. Jerolamon 1856-57; J. A. Swallow 1858-59; E. J. Hermans 1860-61; B. F. Bradford 1862; C. S. Davis 1863; J. A. Ross 1864; R. D. Munger 1865; S. Nichols 1866; C. J. Bradbury 1867-68-69 ; J. Jerolamon 1870-71. PAINTED Post AND KNoxvILLE, N. Y.—J. W. Wil- son 1854; H. N. Seaver 1855. Patmyra—lI. H. Kellogg 1848; H. Hickok 1849- 50; R. Harrington 1851; P. McKinstry 1852-53; J. N. Brown 1854-55; T. Tousey 1856-57; A. S. Baker 1858-59; K. P. Jervis 1860-61; J. T. Ar- nold 1862; T. Tousey 1863-64-65; C. S. Fox 1866-67 ; R. Hogoboom 1868 ; I. H. Kellogg 1869 ; J. Alabaster 1870; C. R. Pomeroy 1871. ITS CHARGES 81 PENFIELD—T. B. Hudson 1848-49; 5. Luckey 1850; S. W. Alden 1851-52; C. L. Bown 1853-54; R. Hogoboom 1855-56; W. Manning 1857-58; N. A. DePew 1859-60; J. L. Edson 1861; P. McKin- stry 1862-63; G. G. Markham 1864; L. D. Chase 1865-66; W. B. Holt 1867; A. S. Baker 1868-69 ; C. E. Hermans 1870-71. Penn Yan—A. Wright 1848-49; I. H. Kellogg 1850-51; D. D. Buck 1852-53; T. Tousey 1854- 55; N. Fellows 1856-57; J. C. Nobles 1858-59; S. Van Benschoten 1860-61. C. W. Bennett 1862- 63; D. D. Buck 1864-65; T. Tousey 1866-67; T. Tousey, C. W. Bennett 1868; J. E. Latimer 1869; W. R. Benham 1870-71. Puevrs (Called Vienna previous to 1855)—E. Lati- mer 1848; J. Mandeville 1849-50; I. McMahon 1851; M. Tooker 1852-53; A. S. Baker 1854-55; M. Wheeler 1856-57; J. N. Brown 1858-59; D. E. Clapp 1860-61; F. G. Hibbard, D. E. Clapp 1862; M. Wheeler, F. G. Hibbard 1863; M. Wheeler 1864-65; G. VanAlstyne 1866-67-68; I. Gibbard 1869-70-71. PHILLIps CREEK—S. P. Gurnsey 1852; V. Brown- ell 1853. PINE CREEK, Pa.—J. H. Ross 1855; Sup. 1856-57 ; * * oe * * Sup. 1859; G. Burnett 1860; Sup. 1861-62-63 ; J. Robinson 1864; W. Statham 1865- 66; Sup. 1867; T. L. Weaver 1868. 82 ITS CHARGES Pirtsporp—Z,. J. Buck 1848; D. Crow 1849; R. Harrington 1850; J. M. Bull 1851; Sup. 1852-53; M. Tooker 1854-55; Sup. 1856; J. Parker 1857; W.C. Mattison 1858; C. L. Bown 1859-60; W. J. Selby 1861; S. McGerald 1862-63; P. McKinstry 1864-65; J. S. Lemon 1866; L. F. Congdon 1867- 68-69 ; (See Pitsford and Henrietta) ; A. S. Baker 1871. PITTSFORD AND HENRIETTA—J. Ashworth 1870. Port Gisson—D. Crow 1848; J. Watts 1849; J. K. Tuttle 1850; (See Port Gibson and East Pal- myra); D. S. Chase 1852; S. L. Congdon 1853; L. Northway 1854-55; D. Hutchins 1856-57; J. W. Wilson 1858-59; C. S. Coats 1860; J. M. Bull 1861-62; N. A. DePew 1863-64; E. Hotch- kiss 1865-66-67 ; J. A. Swallow 1868-69; W. W. Runyan 1870-71. Port GIBSON AND East PaLMyra—D. S. Chase 1851. PotteER—J. Powell 1848; J. Benson 1849-50; W. Bradley 1851-52; J. L. Edson 1853; J. H. Day 1854; J. Spinks 1855; E. O. Hall 1856; H. Wis- ner 1857; S. M. Merritt 1858; W. W. Mandeville 1859; U. S. Hall 1860-61; T. McElhenny 1862; J. Thompson 1863; M. C. Dean 1864; J. T. Can- field 1865; J. Duncan 1866; E. J. Hermans 1867- 68; J. J. Payne 1869; J. Landreth 1870; B. F. Hitchcock 1871. ITS CHARGES 83 Prattspurc—J. Hall 1849; P. Tower 1850; (See Italy Hill and Prattsburg) ; (See Prattsburg and Harmonyville) ; * * * * * (See Italy Hill and Prattsburg) ; J. Jolly 1864; E. Tinker 1865; J. W. Putnam 1866-67; Sup. 1868; N. N. Beers 1869; C. Dillenbeck 1870-71. PRATTSBURG AND HARMONYVILLE—J. J. Brown 1853. PULTENEY—B. F. Hitchcock 1868-69; N. N. Beers 1870-71. PULTNEYVILLE—E. H. Cranmer 1850-1851; O. Trowbridge 1852-53; W. Bradley 1854-55; L. Northway 1856-57; S. J. DuBois 1858-59; W. Potter 1860-61; E. O. Hall, W. Potter 1862; E. O. Hall 1863; J. Landreth 1864; J. M. Bull 1865- 66; J. A. Swallow 1867; J. R. Pendell 1868; (See Pultneyville and Ontario.) PULTNEYVILLE AND ONTARIO—J. R. Pendell 1869; W. W. Mandeville 1870-71. READING AND STARKEY (Called Starkey and Read- ing in 1866)—J. Ashworth 1865-66; Sup. 1867; P. Cowles 1868; N. Sutton 1869; B. F. Hitch- cock 1870; J. W. Brown 1871. REXVILLE—Sup. 1863-64-65. RicuMonp (See Richmond and Canadice)—G. W. Chandler 1863; J. T. Arnold 1864-65; A. Shurt- leff 1866; J. J. Wilson 1867; H. C. Woods 1868 ; J. S. Lemon 1869-70-71. 8h . ITS CHARGES RICHMOND AND CaNapicE—W. Cochran 1858; J. M. Park 1859; R. T. Hancock 1860; J. Benson 1861; G. W. Chandler 1862. Ripce—A. Plumley 1850; W. A. Barber 1851-52; W. Runner 1853; (See Ridge and Sparta) ; J. L. S. Grandin 1855-56; (See Mt. Morris and Ridge) ; A. G. Laman 1860; J. B. Armitage 1861; D. Ferris 1862-63-64; J. Spinks 1865; Sup. 1866- 67; D. Hutchins 1868; J. Benson 1869; (See Mt. Morris and Ridge). RipGE AND SparTtA—A. Pearsall, A. Hitchcock 1854. Riker Hottow—C. Gould 1853. RocHESTER, ALEXANDER ST.—Sup. 1853; A. Wright 1854; T. Tousey 1855; E. Wood 1856-57; J. G. Gulick 1858-59 ; I. H. Kellogg 1860-61; J. Raines 1862-63-64; E. J. Hermans 1865-66; Sup. 1867; A. Sutherland 1868; D. W. C. Huntington 1869- 70; J. D. Requa 1871. RocHeEstTer, Aspury (Called St. John’s previous to 1860)—D. D. Buck 1848-49; W. H. Goodwin 1850-51; J. Mandeville 1852-53; J. Raines 1854- 55; J. Watts 1856-57; T. Tousey 1858-59; T. Stacey 1860; D. W. C. Huntington 1861-62; J. E. Latimer 1863-64; G. Van Alstyne 1865; D. W. C. Huntington 1866-67; D. W. C. Huntington, J. E. Latimer 1868; F. G. Hibbard 1869-70-71. RocHEsTER, Corn Hitt—Sup. 1852; A. C. George 1853-54; J. W. Wilson 1855; Sup. 1856; S. Sea- ITS CHARGES 85 ger 1857; J. Ashworth 1858; S. Luckey 1859; I. Gibbard 1860; J. Mandeville 1861; A. N. Fisher 1862-63; W. B. Holt 1864-65-66; G. W. Pad- dock 1867-68-69; R. O. Willson 1870-71. RocHESsTER, First—J. G. Gulick 1848-49; J. Cope- land 1850; A. C. George 1851-52; H. Hitchcock 1853; J. Watts 1854-55; D. D. Buck 1856-57; I. H. Kellogg 1858-1859; J. R. Jaques 1860-61; S. Van Benschoten 1862-63-64; J. E. Latimer 1865- 66-67 ; G. G. Lyon 1868-69; W. Lloyd 1870-71. RocHESTER, FranK St.—S. B. Rooney 1853-54; S. Van Benschoten 1855; S. L. Congdon 1856-57 ; T. B. Hudson 1858; W. Manning 1859-60; R. Hogoboom 1861-62; D. W. C. Huntington 1863- 64-65; G. W. Chandler 1866-67 ; J. Dennis 1868- 69-70; C. P. Hard 1871. ROCHESTER, GERMAN Muisston—J. Sauter 1848; (No report). RocueEster, Nortu St.—S. L. Congdon 1850; Sup. 1851; A. Wright 1852-53; J. Mandeville 1854-55 ; J. N. Brown 1856-57; N. Fellows 1858-59; S. Luckey 1860; M. Wheeler 1861; I. H. Kellogg 1862-63; A. H. Shurtleff 1864-65; D. Leisenring 1866-67-68 ; J. N. Brown 1869-70-71. RocHEsTeR, ST. JoHN’s (See Asbury). RocHester, TH1rD—S. Walden 1849-50; S. Luckey 1851; S. L. Congdon 1852; Sup. 1853. 86 ITS CHARGES ROGERSVILLE—Sup. 1848;D. Ferris 1849; J. Chap- man, one sup. 1850; J. Chapman 1851; C. Wheel- er 1852; C. Wheeler, D. Thompson 1853; J. Ash- worth, W. S. Hall 1854; J. Ashworth 1855; J. M. Park 1856-57; J. Knapp 1858-59; E. D. Rosa 1860-61; T. Jolly 1862-63; R. Parker 1864; C. Bush 1866-67; J. Thompson 1868; J. Duncan 1869-70; W. M. Haskell 1871. RusH—F. G. Hibbard 1848; Z. J. Buck 1849; (See Rush and Henrietta) ; D. Ferris 1851; W. Coch- ran 1852-53; J. L. Edson 1854-55; O. B. Weaver 1856; Supplied by I. Gibbard 1857-58; J. Parker 1859; M. Tooker 1860-61; R. T. Hancock 1862; (See Rush and Henrietta) ; J. H. Day 1864; I. Gibbard 1865; J. T. Arnold 1866; W. W. Man- deville 1867-68-69; C. E. Millspaugh 1870-71. Rusu AnD HENRIETTA—J. Parker 1850; * * * * * R. T. Hancock, J. Chapman 1863. RUSHVILLE—E. G. Townsend 1848; M. Tooker 1849; R. Parker 1850-51; J. W. Wilson 1852-53; M. Wheeler 1854-55; J. Landreth 1856-57; E. Wood 1858-59; A. N. Fillmore 1860; N. N. Beers 1861; A. B. Hyde 1862-63; C. S. Coats 1864-65; J. W. Wilson 1866; F. G. Hibbard 1867-68; W. H. Goodwin 1869-70-71. Rutianp, Pa., AND CoLumsBia, Pa.—Supplied by Paul Smith 1870-71. Savona—C. J. Bradbury 1852; (See Savona and Campbelltown) ; Sup. 1855; C. Bush 1856-57; J. ITS CHARGES 87 Arnold 1858; S. M. Merritt 1859-60; (See Savona and Sonora); S. M. Merritt 1859-60; W. W. Mandeville 1862-63; W. Wohlgemuth, W. W. Runyan 1864; J. H. Ross 1865-66; S. Brown 1867-68 ; C. Bush 1869; C. G. Curtis 1870-71. SAVONA AND CAMPBELLTOWN—C, J. Bradbury 1853; A. D. Edgar 1854. SAVONA AND Sonora—J. Knapp, A. F. Country- man 1861. Scio—L. T. Hawkins 1871. SCOTTSBURG AND SPARTA—Sup. 1869; J. Parker 1870; G. H. Dryer 1871. SENECA CASTLE AND OrLEANS—C. L. Bown 1864; G. E. Haven 1865. SENECA FaLtts—A. C. George 1848; R. Harrington 1849; E. Wood 1850-51; D. Crow 1852-53; D. Ferris 1854-55; A. N. Fillmore 1856-57 ; W. Hos- mer 1858; C. S. Coats 1859; J. W. Wilson 1860- 61; A. S. Baker 1862-63-64; J. Watts 1865; M. Wheeler 1866-67-68; E. P. Huntington 1869-70- 71. SHELDRAKE AND CoveRT—Sup. 1849-50. SKELDRAKE AND FARMER—E. D. Huntley -1866; Sup. 1867; N. M. Wheeler 1868-69-70; E. H. Cranmer 1871. Suort Tract—W. M. Haskell 1849; * * * * * C. Bush 1863; W. N. Sharp 1864-65; F. M. Smith 88 ITS CHARGES 1866; Sup, 1867; V. Brownell 1868-69; Supplied by J. Peck 1870; S. D. Pickett 1871. Sopus—M. Wheeler, one sup. 1848; J. Robinson J. Caine, one sup. 1849; J. Caine 1850; S. B. Rooney 1851-52; J. Spinks 1853-54; S. L. Cong- don 1855; J. W. Wilson 1856-57; D. Leisenring 1858-59; G. J. DuBois 1860; G. E. Haven 1861- 62; H. T. Giles 1863-64; J. Landreth 1865; A. S. Baker 1866-67; M. S. Leete 1868-68-70; C. L. Bown 1871. Sopus CenTER—J. K. Tinkham 1859; Sup. 1860- 61-62. Sonora—J. Arnold 1859; H. Wisner 1860; (See Savona and Sonora); Sup. 1862; A. D. Edgar 1863-64. SouTHPport (Called Elmira; Third Ward and Webbtown, 1859, Elmira; South Main St. and Webbtown, 1871)—E. Colson 1848-49; J. M. Bull 1850; L. Wood 1851; W. H. Knapp 1852; D. Leisenring 1853-54; A. C. Huntley 1855-56; D. E. Clapp 1857; T. J. O. Wooden 1858-59; W. Armstrong 1860; J. W. Putnam 1861; C. E. Hermans 1862; J. Alabaster 1863; A. E. Chub- bock 1864-65 ; Sup. 1866; U. S. Hall 1867-68-69 ; A. W. Staples 1870; J. G. Gulick 1871. South Sopus—W. W. Mandeville 1851; T. J. O. Wooden 1852; W. Shelby, J. H. Blades 1853; J. Chapman 1854 (See South Sodus and Lock ITS CHARGES 89 Berlin); J. Hutchins 1856; E. Colson 1857-58 (See South Sodus and Lock Berlin) ; J. Ashworth 1860; O. Trowbridge 1861-62; R. D. Munger 1863-64; J. Powell 1865-66-67; Sup. 1868; T. Jolly 1869; A. H. Shurtleff 1870-71. SoutH Sopus Aanp Lock BeErLtin—J. Chapman 1855; * * * * * J. Ashworth 1859. Sparta (Called West Sparta in 1853), (See Nunda and Sparta)—Supplied by J. Pearsall 1853 (See Ridge and Sparta); R. Parker 1855-56; I. Mc- Mahon 1857-58; S. P. Gurnsey 1859; S. Brown 1860-61; A. D. Edgar 1862; W. A. Runner 1863- 64; W. Post 1865-66; G. Wilkinson 1867-68-69 (See Sparta and Ossian). SPARTA AND OssIAN—Supplied by A. T. West 1870; Sup. 1871. SPRINGFIELD, Pa. (Called Leonard Hollow in 1858- 59)—C. P. Davison 1848; A. Hewett 1849; D. Leisenring 1850; J. H. Day 1851; J. Powell 1852- 53; J. Hutchins 1854-55; G. W. Coolbough 1856- 57; D. Clark 1858; R. Drake 1859; E. O. Hall 1860; C. Dillenbeck 1861; H. Lamkin 1862-63- 64; G. W. Coolbaugh 1865; J. Shaw 1866-67 ; C. L. F. Howe 1868-69; B. J. Tracy 1870-71. SPRINGWATER (See Springwater and Conesus)— J. Wilson 1849 (See Springwater and Canadice) ; ok kt J Ashworth 1856-57; J. L. S. Grandin 1858-59; H. Harpst 1860-61; J. Duncan 1862-63 ; 90 ITS CHARGES S. Brown 1864-65-66; D. D. Van Allen 1867; J. H. Du Bois 1868 (See Springwater and Cone- sus). SPRINGWATER AND CANADICE—J. Robinson 1850; J. K. Tinkham 1851. SPRINGWATER AND Conesus (Called Conesus and Springwater in 1848 and 1869)—W. A. Barber, McElhenny 1848; * * * * * T. J. O. Wooden 1869-70; G. J. Du Bois 1871. STARKEY—C. L. Bown, S. B. Rooney 1848; R. T. Hancock 1849-50 (See Dundee and Starkey) ; (See Starkey and Barrington); Sup. 1854-55 (See Starkey and Barrington) ; (See Dundee and Starkey); * * * * * W. M. Henry 1863. STARKEY AND BARRINGTON (Called Barrington and Starkey in 1856)—J. Landreth 1853; * * * * * C. Graham 1856. STonE CHurcH—Sup. 1857 (No Report). SWEDEN, Pa.—Sup. 1863-64-65-66-67. TayLorviLLE—R. T. Hancock 1861; J. B. Armitage 1862-63; * * * * * QO. Trowbridge 1865; D. Hutchins 1866; J. Parker 1867-68. Tuurston—Sup. 1851; W. E. Pindar 1852; J. H. Day 1853; A. F. Morey 1854; C. Gould 1855; S. G. Rhinevault 1856-57; C. Bush 1858; I. Everett 1859-60; J. Robinson 1861; W. Wohlge- muth 1862-63; J. Easter 1804; S. M. Merritt 1865-66 ; J. C. Stevens 1867-68-69. ITS CHARGES 91 Tioca, Pa.—L. Northway 1848; S. M. Bronson 1849; C. Graham 1850; Sup. 1851-52; W. H. Knapp 1853; J. Shaw 1854; T. B. Barker 1855; S. B. Dickinson 1856 (See Tioga and Lawrence- ville). TioGa, Pa. AND LAWRENCEVILLE, Pa. (Called Law- renceville and Tioga in 1857)—D. Clark 1857; * * * * *N_ Fellows 18606; J. J. Turton 1867-68; M. S. Kymer 1869-70; W. Cochran 1871. Towanpa, Pa.—J. N. Brown 1848-49; T. Mc- Elhenny 1850-51; I. McMahon 1852-53; Sup. 1854; A. Sutherland 1855-56; N. A. DePew 1857-58; S. Nichols 1859; N. Fellows 1860-61; E. Wood 1862-63-64; J. T. Brownell 1865-66-67 ; C. S. Fox 1868; C. W. Bennett 1869; O. L. Gib- son 1870-71. TowLesvitLte—S. P. Rhinevault 1855; S. H. Ald- ridge 1856; J. J. Turton 1857; D. Rittenhouse 1858 (See Towlesville and Kanona); R. Parker 1860; M. DePuy 1861-62; R. R. Rork 1863-64- 65; G. Wilkinson 1866; J. Duncan 1867-68; S. D. Pickett 1869-70; N. B. Congdon 1871. TowLESVILLE AND Kanona—R. Parker, D. S. Bacon 1859. ToWNSENDVILLE—N. N. Beers 1850 (See Town- sendville and Covert); S. A. Aldridge 1854; D. E. Clapp 1855; U. S. Hall 1856; W. Potter 1857- 58; G. Wilkinson 1859-60; S. Nicols 1861-62; 92 ITS CHARGES J. Ashworth 1863-64; M. H. Davis 1865-66-67 ; N. A. DePew 1868-69; H. Harpst 1870; S. Nich- ols 1871. TOWNSENDVILLE AND Covert—J. Powell 1851; J. E. Hyde 1852; C. C. Goss 1853. Trourspurc—A. C. Huntley 1848; * * * * *S. H. Aldridge 1858-59; J. K. Tinkham 1860; R. Mc- Wood 1861; Sup. 1862; C. T. Gifford 1863; Sup. 1864-65 ; C. G. Lowell 1866; Sup. 1867-68; J. H. Du Bois 1869-70; W. H. Rogers 1871. Troy, Pa—E. Sweet 1851; A. H. Shurtleff 1852; One sup., E. Rosa 1853; W. H. Knapp 1854-55; D. Ferris 1856-57; D. E. Clapp 1858-59; W. B. Holt 1860; O. L. Gibson 1861-62; G. J. Du Bois, D, E. Clapp 1863-64; J. H. Blades, D. E. Clapp 1865; J. H. Blades 1866-67; M. C. Dean 1868-69 ; M. S. Wentz 1870-71. TRUMANSBURGH—C. S. Coats 1848; R. Clapp 1849; J. Ashworth 1850; R. T. Hancock 1851; T. Tousey 1852-53; S. L. Congdon 1854; N. Fel- lows 1855; E. H. Cranmer 1856; A. Sutherland 1857-58 ; D. W. C. Huntington 1859-60; W. Man- ning 1861-62; J. W. Wilson 1863-64-65 ; T. Stacy 1866-67 ; W. B. Holt 1868; M. Wheeler 1869-70; J. L. Edson 1871. Tuscarora—W. Sharp 1861; Sup. 1862; W. A. Bronson 1863; F. M. Smith 1864-65; R. R. Rork — 1866-67 ; S. D. Pickett 1868; J. H. Austin 1869; Supplied by G. Sherer 1870; J. H. Du Bois 1871. ITS CHARGES 93 Tyre—Sup. 1857; U. S. Hall 1858-59; D. S. Bacon 1860; J. Parker 1861; E. Hutchins 1862-63-64; A. W. Green 1865-66-67; R. T. Hancock 1868- 69; J. R. Pendall 1870; W. N. Sharpe 1871. Tyrone (See Tyrone and Jefferson)—S. Nichols 1849-50 (See Tyrone and Barrington); C. Gra- ham 1852-53; W. C. Mattison 1854-55; T. J. O. Wooden 1856-57; J. W. Jutnam 1858-59; J. A. Swallow 1860-61; J. Thompson 1862; D. Clark 1863-64-65; J. T. Canfield 1866-67-68; H. Vos- burgh 1869-70-71. TYRONE AND BarriINncTton—J. Shaw, R. D. Brooks 1851. TYRONE AND JEFFERSON—C. Wheeler, S. L. Cong- don 1848. Utsrer, Pa.—J. Hutchins 1853; R. L. Stillwell 1854-55; W. Armstrong 1856-57; A. W. Cool- baugh 1858; C. G..F. Howe 1859; G. C. Hibbard 1860; * * * * * Sup. 1864-65; * * * * * Sup. 1867-68; T, L. Weaver 1869-70; J. J. Turton 1871. Utysses, Pa.—E. Hudson 1848-49; W. A. Runner 1850-51; Sup. 1852-53; W. Shaffer 1854-55; F. Kent 1856; E. P. Huntington 1857; S. P. Gurn- sey 1858; Sup. 1859-60-61; J. Easter 1862; Sup. 1863-64-65 (See Ulysses and Allegany). Utysses, Pa. AND ALLEGANY, Pa.—Sup. 1866-67. Ursana, Pa.—R. L. Stillwell, R. M. Beach 1848; R. M. Beach, A. Jones 1849. 94 ITS CHARGES Victor—J. Raines, R. Hogoboom 1848; E. Wood, R. Hogoboom 1849; O. Trowbridge, E. Hudson 1850; O. Trowbridge one sup. 1851; R. Harring- ton 1852; A Plumley 1853; C. Wheeler 1854; W. M. Haskell 1855-56; M. Tooker 1857 (See Victor and Perrington), J. L. Edson 1859-60; N. A. DePew 1861-62; J. M. Bull 1863-64; C. L. Bown 1865-66-67; W. Wohlgemuth 1868-69-70 ; D. Clark 1871. VICTOR AND PERRINGTON—M. Tooker 1858. VIENNA (See Phelps). WatLwortH—T. B. Hudson 1850-51; E. H. Cran- mer 1852-53 (See Walworth and Macedon) ; (See Walworth and Marion) ; J. Landreth 1863; S. McGerald 1864-65-66; D. S. Chase 1867-68; J. Ashworth 1869; L. F. Congdon 1870-71. WALwoRTH AND Macepon—J. Dennis 1854; C. L. Bown 1855-56; C. S. Coats 1857-58. WaLworTH AND Marion—O. Trowbridge 1859; P. McKinstry 1860-61; J. Landreth 1862. WaterLoo—John Mandeville 1848; A. C. George 1849; I. McMahon 1850; J. Parker 1851; D. Fer- ris 1852-53; A. N. Fillmore 1854-55; A. Trow- bridge 1856-57; M. Wheeler 1858-59; J. G. Gu- lick 1860-61; J. K. Tuttle 1862-63-64; R. Hogo- boom 1865-66-67; W. Manning 1868-69-70; M. S. Leete 1871. Watxins—A. H. Shurtleff 1853; R. Harrington 1854-55; J. J. Ketchum 1856; T. B. Hudson 1857; ITS CHARGES 95 T. Stacy 1858-59; J. H. Blades 1860-61; T. J. O. Wooden 1862; S. Nichols 1863; L. D. Chase 1864; J. A. Swallow 1865-66; G. E. Haven 1867- 68; D. Leisenring 1869-70; U. S. Hall 1871. WayLanp—Sup. 1852; * * * * * Sup. 1854; A. Hitchcock 1855; J. K. Tinkham 1856; M. DePuy 1857; H. Harpst 1858; S. Brown 1859; T. Jolly 1860-61; W. Post 1862-63; J. B. Knott 1864-65- 66; J. C. Hitchcock 1867; C. Bush 1868; L. T. Hawkins 1869-70; J. Duncan 1871. WayneE—C. Dillenbeck 1866; W. Potter 1867-68; S. Wetzell 1869-70; Supplied by D. W. Gates 1871. WessterR—D,. Hutchins 1848-49; P. McKinstry 1850-51; T. B. Hudson 1852-53; T. M. Bull 1854- 55; J. Arnold 1856-57; L. Northway 1858; L. Northway one sup. 1859; S. Nichols 1860; C. L. Bown 1861; W. Bradley, G. G. Markham 1862; G. G. Markham 1863; G. W. Chandler 1864-65; M. S. Leete 1866; J. Spinks 1867; C. E. Hermans 1868; D. S. Chase 1869-70-71. WeELLsgoro, Pa. (See Wellsboro and Covington )— Sup. 1849-50; W. C. Mattison 1851; N. A. De- Pew 1852-53; I. McMahon 1854-55; W. A. Bron- son 1856; T. B. Barker 1857; J. Jerolaman 1858- 59; J. Landreth 1860-61; J. D. Bull 1862-63; J. Shaw 1864-65; A. W. Staples 1866; O. L. Gib- son 1867-68-69; D. D. Buck 1870-71. 96 ITS CHARGES WELLszoro, Pa. AND CovincTon, Pa.—S. Nichols, O. Trowbridge 1848. WELLsporo Circuit, Pa.—W. Manning 1851; Sup. 1852; G. J. Du Bois 1853; L. Wood 1854. WELLSBURG—W. E. Pindar 1848; D. Leisenring 1849; R. M. Beach 1850; D. Clark 1851; Sup. 1852; I. J. B. McKenney 1853; Sup. 1854-55-56; * * # > & NB. Congdon 1870; R. Videau 1871. WELLSVILLE (See Wellsville and Andover)—J. Shaw 1853; W. Manning 1854; C. G. Goss 1855; J. Spinks 1856-57; E. D. Rosa 1858-59; S. H. Aldridge 1860-61; C. J. Bradbury 1862-63; W. Armstrong 1864-65; E. P. Huntington 1866-67- 68; D. Clark 1869-70; D. Nutten 1871. WELLSVILLE AND ANDOVER—J. Shaw 1852. West Appison—W. Potter 1850-51; H. Wisner 1852-53; R. D. Brooks 1854-55. West ALMonpD (See Almond)—R. R. Rork 1861- 62; J. J. Turton 1863; M. D. Jackson 1864-65; C. Rowley 1866; Sup. 1867-68; Supplied by A. T. West 1869; G. Wilkinson 1870. West BLooMFIELD—I. McMahon 1861. West CHATHAM—Sup. 1860-61-62-63-64-65-66-67- 68; Supplied by O. P. Livingstone 1869. WESTFIELD, Pa.—J. H. Ross 1856 (See Brookfield, Westfield and Harrison); J. J. Turton 1858; J. Duncan 1859; E. Sweet 1860; W. M. Haskell 1861; W. Statham 1862; V. Brownell 1863-64; ITS CHARGES 97 C. L. F. Howe 1865; M. H. DePuy 1866; C. Rowley 1867; O. B. Weaver 1868-69-70; W. W. Hunt 1871. WHITESVILLE—C. Graham 1848-49; L. L. Rogers, W. Manning 1850; L. L. Rogers, One Sup. 1851; W. C. Mattison 1852 (See Whitesville and An- dover); Sup. 1854; W. A. Bronson 1855; A. Davidson 1856; J. Duncan 1857; L. L. Rogers 1858; W. H. Rogers 1859; C. T. Gifford 1860; I. Everett 1861-62; J. B. Knatt 1863; E. Sweet 1864-65; I. Everett 1866-67; M. H. Davis 1868- 69; R. R. Rork 1870-71. WHITESVILLE AND ANDOVER—W. C. Mattison, J. Jeroleman 1853. WHITNEY’s VALLEY—Supplied by V. Brownell 1856. WILLIAMSON—J. B. Knott 1869-70; J. B. Knott, G. C. Jones 1871. Witiinc—C. T. Gifford 1859; Sup. 1860; * * * * * Sup. 1867-68; Sup. by I. A. Blanchard 1869; Sup. by A. W. Pingrey 1870; Sup. 1871. Witmot, Pa.—(See Dushore and Wilmot) Sup. by J. Van Kirk 1870; J. Van Kirk 1871. WoopHuLt—Sup. 1854; E. D. Rosa 1855-56; H. C. Brown 1857-58; S. G. Rhinevault 1859-60; M. Davis 1861-62; S. M. Merritt 1863-64; A. O. Abbott 1865-66; M. DePuy 1867; R. R. Rork 1868-69; W. M. Haskell 1870; J. B. Peck 1871. Its Members HE names of all who were ever connected with East Genesee Conference, either as proba- tioners or full members: the year and manner of entering and leaving all Conferences in which mem- bership has been held: the complete list of appoint- ments made in East Genesee Conference: together with, as far as ascertained, the place and date of birth, and the present residence or place and date of death. Genesee Conference was called Western New York from 1872-1876, but the change of name is not recognized in these tables. Abbreviations—T, Received on trial; F, Admitted into full membership. Aspott, Allen O.—T. East Genesee 1861. Dis- continued 1862. T. East Genesee 1865. Discon- tinued 1867. Birdsall 1861; * * * * Woodhull 1865-66. Assott, Horatio O.—Born Webster, N. Y., June 12, 1831. T. Genesee 1864. F. 1866. To East Gene- see at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Herra Dura, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. ABRAHAMS, Thomas S.—T. East Genesee 1865. Discontinued 1866. Lawrenceville 1865. ITS MEMBERS 99 ALABASTER, John—Born Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1836. T. Genesee 1860. Discontinued 1862. T. East Genesee 1863. F. 1865. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Detroit by transfer 1879. To Indiana by transfer 1883. To Rock River by transfer 1885. Died Canan- daigua, N. Y. Sept. 7, 1887. Southport 1863; Havana 1864; Ovid 1865-66; Canandaigua 1867-68-69; Palmyra 1870; Elmira, Hedding 1871. ALDEN, Sevellon W.—T. Genesee 1839. F. 1841. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1862. Bath 1848; Rochester, Third 1849-50; Penfield 1851-52; Canandaigua 1853-54; Troy District 1855-56-57--58 ; Burlington 1859; Superannuated 1860-61. ALDRIDGE, Sylvester H.—Born 1825. T. Baltimore 1852. F. 1854. To East Genesee by transfer 1854. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Trumansburg, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1879. Townsendville 1854; Kanona 1855; Towlesville 1856; Burdette 1857; Troupsburg 1858-59; Wellsville 1860-61; Canisteo 1862; Canaseraga 1863-64-65; Burdette 1866-67; Catherine 1868; Caton 1869-70-71. ArNoLp, Joseph T.—Born in Vermont April 20, 1807. T. Genesee 1834. F. 1836. Located 1837. Readmitted in 1839. To East Genesee at organi- 100 ITS MEMBERS zation 1848, To Troy by transfer 1850. To East Genesee by transfer 1855. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorgan- ization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died St. Peter, Minn., July 24, 1893. Canandaigua 1848-49; * * * * Canandaigua 1855-56; Ovid 1857; Clyde 1858-59; Corning 1860-61; Palmyra 1862; Hemlock Lake 1863; Richmond 1864-65; Rush 1866; Henrietta 1867; Superannuated 1868; Supernumerary 1869-70-71. ARNOLD, Josiah W.—Born Lenox, Mass., Oct. 28, 1813. T. Black River 1840. F. 1843. Located 1852. Re-admitted East Genesee 1856. Located 1870. Died Austin IIl., Nov. 9, 1902. Webster 1856-57; Savona 1858; Sonora 1859; Canoga 1860-61; Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1862; Bristol Center 1863; Livonia 1864-65; Super- annuated 1866-67-68-69. ArmitacE, John B.—T. Wisconsin 1854. To East Genesee by transfer 1856. F. 1857. Located 1865. Canadice 1856; Enfield 1857 ; Baldwin 1858; Mill- port 1859; Loyalsock 1860; Ridge 1861; Taylor- ville 1862-63 ; Grove 1864. ArMstronc, William—Born Blantyre, Scotland, May 31, 1828. T. East Genesee 1854. F. 1856. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Millers Corners, N. Y. June 8, 1889. ITS MEMBERS 101 Brookfield 1854-55; Ulster 1856-57; Monroeton 1858; Conference Missionary 1859; Southport 1860; Hector 1861-62; Milo Center 1863; Wells- ville 1864-65; Superannuated 1866—1871. AsHwortH, Joseph—Born near Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 26, 1817. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1844. To Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee by reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Lansing Mich., Mar. 9, 1902. Addison 1848-49; Trumansburg 1850; Jerusalem 1851-52; Hornellsville 1853; South Dansville 1854-55; Springwater 1856-57; Rochester, Corn Hill 1858; South Sodus and Lock Berlin 1859-60 ; Dresden 1861-62; Townsendville 1863-64; Star- key and Reading 1865-66; West Webster 1867- 68; Walworth 1869; Henrietta and Pittsford 1870; Henrietta 1871. Austin, Joel H.—T. East Genesee 1858. F. 1860. Expelled 1870. Frenchtown 1858; Charleston 1859; Chatham 1860-61; Brookfield 1862-63; Caton 1864-65; En- field 1866; Beaver Dams 1867-68; Tuscarora 1869. Avery, Henry T—T. Wyoming 1852. F. 1855. To East Genesee by transfer 1856. Located 1860. Loyalsock 1856-57; Canton 1858-59. Bascock, Charles W.—T. Genesee 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization 1876. Discontinued 1876. 102 ITS MEMBERS Bacon, Daniel S.—T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1861. Located 1864. Towlesville and Kanona 1859; Tyre 1860; Italy Hollow 1861; Hopewell 1862; Superannuated 1863. Baker, Asa S.—Born Henrietta, N. Y., May 1, 1813. T. Genesee 1847. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. F. 1849. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at re- organization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1896. Nunda 1848-49; Naples 1850-51; Hornellsville 1852; Dansville 1853; Phelps 1854-55; Corning 1856-57; Palmyra 1858-59; Benton Center 1860- 61; Seneca Falls 1862-63-64; Clyde 1865; Sodus 1866-67 ; Penfield 1868-69; Honeoye Falls 1870; Pittsford 1871. Bancrort, Albert M.—Born Avon, N. Y., May 23, 1846. T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at re- organization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. F. 1876. Shingle House, Pa. Barser, William A.—Born near Kingston, Canada, Oct. 8, 1821. T. Genesee 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. F. 1848. Located 1854. Re-admitted 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Livonia, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1902. Springwater 1848; Henrietta 1849; Angelica ITS MEMBERS 103 1850; Ridge 1851-52; Avon 1853; * * * * * Li- vonia 1871. Barker, Thomas B.—T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. Located 1858. Tioga 1855; Covington 1856; Wellsboro 1857. Beacu, Richard M.—T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1856. Urbana 1848-49; Wellsburg Mission 1850; Che- mung 1851; Erin 1852; Canisteo 1853; Super- numerary 1854-55. Beers, Nathan N.—Born Mendon, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1815. T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries and to Central New York by transfer 1872. To East Genesee at reorgani- zation, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Naples, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1896. Superannuated 1848; Townsendville and Lodi 1849; Townsendville 1850; Mecklenburg 1851- 52; Catherine 1853-54; Chemung 1855-56; Bath 1857-58; Lawrenceville 1859-60; Rushville 1861 ; Ovid 1862; Dundee 1863-64; Canisteo 1865; Co- hocton 1866; Avoca 1867-68; Prattsburg 1869; Pulteney 1870-71. BELL, John D.—T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. Located 1865. Wellsboro 1862-63; Dansville 1864. 104 ITS MEMBERS BELL, Thomas E.—Born York, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1842. T. Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Buffalo, N. Y. Benepict, Gershom—Born Winstead, Conn., July 15, 1805. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Genesee at organization, and to Genesee by transfer 1848. Died Perry, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1884. BENHAM, James V.—Born Dryden, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1839. T. Oneida 1863. F. 1865. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Gene- see at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Skaneateles, N. Y. Benuam, William R.—Born Fleming, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1838. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To Central New York by change of boundaries, and transferred to Genesee 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1880. To Genesee by transfer 1885. To Central New York by transfer 1898. Died Clif- ton Springs, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1901. Macedon and Perinton 1865-66; Lima 1867-68- 69; Penn Yan 1870-71. BENNETT, Charles W.—Born Bethany, N. Y., July 18, 1828. T. Genesee 1857. To Troy by transfer 1859. F. 1861. To East Genesee by transfer 1862. To Central New York by change of bound- ITS MEMBERS 105 aries 1872. To Northern New York by transfer 1879. To West Wisconsin by transfer 1889. Died Evanston, II., Apr. 17, 1891. Penn Yan 1862-63; Principal Genesee Wesleyan Seminary 1864-65; Supernumerary 1866-67; Penn Yan 1868; Towanda 1869; Elmira, Hed- ding 1870; Professor Syracuse University 1871. Benson, Jonathan—Born Cherry Valley, N. Y., 1799. T. Genesee 1829. F. 1831. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Victor, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1888. Alloway and Lock Berlin 1848; Potter 1849-50; Canoga 1851-52; Bloomfield 1853 ; Canadice 1854; Mt. Morris 1855; Henrietta 1856; Rushville District 1857; Canandaigua District 1858-59-60 ; Richmond and Canadice 1861; Superannuated 1862; Hammondsport 1863; Superannuated 1864- 1871. BissELL, Thomas J.—Born Hartwick, N. Y., July 23, 1834. T. Oneida 1856. F. 1858. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Gene- see at reorganization and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., June 13, 1904. Biapves, John H.—Born West Burton, England, Apr. 17, 1828. T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. To Central New York by change of boundaries 106 ITS MEMBERS 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Addison, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1891. South Sodus 1853; Bethel and Voakes 1854-55; Naples 1856-57; Addison 1858-59; Watkins 1860-61; Horseheads 1862-63-64; Troy 1865-66- 67; Canisteo 1868-69-70; Knoxville 1871. BLAINE, David E.—Born Varick, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1824. T. East Genesee 1853. To Oregon by transfer 1853. Located 1866. Re-admitted East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reor- ganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Puget Sound by transfer 1884. Died Seattle, Wash., Nov. 26, 1900. Junius 1871. BLAKESLEE, Francis D.— T. East Genesee 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. To Providence by transfer 1877. To Iowa by transfer 1899. To Central New York by transfer 1900. Bingham- ton, N. Y. Groveland 1871. BoarpMAN, Henry M.—T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. Located 1860. Kanona 1853; Jerusalem 1854-55; Supernumer- ary 1856—1859. ITS MEMBERS 107 Bown, Charles L.—Born Williamsport, Pa., Mar. 6, 1820. T. Genesee 1841. F. 1843. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Penfield, N. Y., May, 8, 1882. Starkey 1848; Havana 1849-50; Newark 1851- 52; Penfield 1853-54; Walworth and Macedon 1855; Walworth 1856; Geneseo and Groveland 1857-58; Pittsford 1859-60; Webster 1861; Dun- dee 1862; Orleans 1863; Seneca Castle and Or- leans 1864; Victor 1865-66-67; Bellona 1868-69- 70; Sodus 1871. Brapgury, Charles J.—Born Chiselhampton, Eng- land, Sept. 7, 1822. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1876. Died Scranton, Pa., Dec. 17, 1900. Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1850-51; Savona 1852- 53; Jasper 1854-55; Orange 1856-57; Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1858; Middlesex 1859-60; Canaseraga 1861; Wellsville 1862-63; Millport 1864-65-66; Painted Post 1867-68-69; Dunclee 1870-71. Bsaprorp, Benjamin F.—T. East Genesee 1862. Discontinued 1864. Painted Post 1862; Nunda 1863. BrapLey, William—Born Denton, England, April 22, 1815. T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East 108 ITS MEMBERS Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Portville, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1897. Jerusalem 1848; Avoca 1849-50; Painted Post 1851-52; Castleton and Emory Chapel 1853; Pulteneyville 1854-55; Clyde 1856-57; Emory Chapel 1858-59; Orleans 1860; Macedon and Perinton 1861; Webster 1862-63; Honeoye Falls 1864-65-66; Geneseo 1867-68-69: Mt. Morris 1870-71. BripcMan, George H.—Born Smithville, Ont., Aug. 2, 1841. To East Genesee on credentials from Wesleyan, Canada 1874. To East Genesee at re- organization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Minnesota by transfer 1883. Hamline, Minn. Bronson, Samuel M.—T. East Genesee 1848. Dis- continued 1850. Painted Post 1848; Tioga 1849. Bronson, William A.—Born April 12, 1822. T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. Located 1869. Re- admitted Michigan 1869. Died Irving, Mich., Feb. 22, 1883. Loyalsock 1853; Canisteo 1854; Whitesville 1855; Wellsboro 1856; Monroeton and Frenchtown 1857; Catherine 1858-59; Canisteo 1860-61-62; Tuscarora 1863; Superannuated 1864; Andover 1865-66; Dresden 1867; Merchantville 1868. ITS MEMBERS 109 Brooxs, Ralph D.—Born Springfield, Pa., Apr. 11, 1825. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. Died Burlington, Pa., Jan. 9, 1859. Cherry 1850; Tyrone and Burlington 1851; Knoxville 1852; Knoxville Circuit 1853; West Addison 1854-55; Addison 1856-57; Burlington 1858. Brown, Eli H.—Born Troupsburg, N. Y., 1837. T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1861. Died Ham- mondsport, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1865. Big Flats 1859; Hammondsport 1860-61; Super- annuated 1862-63; Supernumerary 1864. Brown, Henry C.—Born Springfield, Pa., Nov. 3, 1833. T. East Genesee 1856, F. 1858. Died Springfield, Pa., Sept. 22, 1860. Brookfield 1856; Woodhull 1857-58; Cameron 1859; Superannuated 1860. Brown, John J.—Born-Amenia, N. Y. 1820. T. Genesee 1845. Discontinued 1846. T. East Gen- esee 1848. F. 1850. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1875. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1891. Canadice and Richmond 1848; Avoca 1849; Hammondsport 1850; Cohocton 1851; Pratts- burg 1852-53; Naples 1854-55; Clifton Springs 1856; Dansville 1857-58; Principal Dansville Academy 1859-60-61-62-63-64; Principal East 110 ITS MEMBERS Genesee Conference Seminary, Ovid, 1865; Pro- fessor in Falley Seminary 1866-67-68-69; Pro- fessor in Cornell University 1870; Professor in Syracuse University 1871. Brown, John N.—Born Milford, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1818. T. Genesee 1841. F. 1843. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee by trans- fer, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1895. Towanda 1848-49; Lodi 1850-51; Dundee 1852- 53; Palmyra 1854-55; Rochester, North St., 1856- 57; Phelps 1858-59; Clyde 1860-61; Chaplain 111th New York Volunteers 1862-63-64; Hor- nellsville District 1865-66-67-68; Rochester, North St., 1869-70-71. Brown, John W.—Born Wheeler, N. Y., June 12, 1833. T. East Genesee 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Branchport, N. Y., June 11, 1886. Italy Hollow 1870; Reading and Starkey 1871. Brown, Philo E.—Born Windsor, Mass., May 7, 1807. T. Genesee 1830. F. 1832. Located 1832. T. Genesee 1833. F. 1835. Located 1855. Re- admitted Upper Iowa 1855. To Wisconsin by transfer 1869. To Genesee by transfer 1870. To Central New York by transfer 1872. To East ITS MEMBERS 111 Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Rushville, N. Y., June 28, 1883. Brown, Stephen—Born Westmoreland, N. H., Apr. 19, 1818. T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Located 1875. Re-admitted Genesee 1887. Died Wash- ington, D. C., Nov. 12, 1901. Hammondsport 1853-54; East Groveland 1855- 56; Granger 1857; Canaseraga 1858; Wayland 1859; West Sparta 1860-61; North Cohocton 1862-63; Springwater 1864-65-66; Savona 1867- 68; Avoca 1869-70-71. BROWNELL, John T.—Born Castile, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1836. T. Maine 1863. To East Genesee by transfer 1865. F. 1865. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reor- ganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Towanda 1865-66-67 ; Bath 1868-69; Lima 1870; Naples 1871. BROWNELL, Veranus—Born in Vermont, Mar. 16, 1810. T. Genesee 1841. F. 1843. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Canaseraga, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1874. Augelica 1848-49; Conesus 1850-51; Nunda and Sparta 1852; Phillips Creek 1853; Supernumer- 112 ITS MEMBERS ary 1854-55-56; Superannuated 1857—1861 ; Can- aseraga 1862; Westfield 1863-64; Farmington 1865-66; Jackson 1867; Short Tract 1868-69; Almond 1870; Supernumerary 1871. Buck, Daniel D—Born Lebanon, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1814. T. Genesee 1837. F. 1839. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1882. Died Geneva, N. Y., June 7, 1895. Rochester, St. John’s 1848-49; Lyons 1850-51; Penn Yan 1852-53; Elmira, First 1854-55; Roch- ester, First 1856-57; Geneva 1858-59; Lyons 1860; Chaplain 27th New York Volunteers 1861; Canandaigua 1862-63; Penn Yan 1864-65; New- ark 1866-67-68; Supernumerary 1869; Wellsboro 1870-71. Buck, Zina J.—T. Genesee 1829. F. 1831. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died 1854. Pittsford 1848; Rush 1849; Mt. Morris 1850-51; Conesus 1852; Superannuated 1853. BueELL, Parker —Born Newport, N. H., Mar. 4, 1784. T. Genesee 1818. F. 1820. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. Died Wayland, N. Y., May 30, 1851. Superannuated 1848—1850. Butt, John M.—Born Buckingham Co., England, Feb. 9, 1812. T. East Genesee 1849. F. 1851. ITS MEMBERS 113 To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Clif- ton Springs, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1897. Catherine 1849; Southport 1850; Pittsford 1851; East Palmyra 1852-53; Webster 1854-55; Benton Center 1856-57 ; Havana 1858-59; Clifton Springs 1860; Port Gibson 1861-62; Victor 1863-64; Pul- teneyville 1865-66; Manchester and Chapinville 1867-68-69 ; Seneca Castle 1870-71. Butt, Philip J—Born Marion, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1848. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Baldwin 1869; Junius 1870-71. Burcu, Robert—Born in Ireland 1778. T. Balti- more 1804. F. 1806. To Philadelphia by trans- fer 1815. To Baltimore by transfer 1821. To Genesee by transfer 1827. Located 1838. Read- mitted 1839. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died July 1, 1855. Supernumerary 1848—1851. Superannuated 1852- 53-54. Burcuarp, William W.—T. Genesee 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee consolidation 1876. Discontinued 1877. 114 ITS MEMBERS Burnett, George—T. East Genesee 1860. Dis- continued 1862. Pine Creek 1860; Laporte 1861. Busu, Charles—Born Naples, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1819. T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Bath, N. Y., July 22, 1874. Almond 1855; Savona 1856-57; Thurston 1858; Caton 1859-60; Brookfield 1861; Granger 1862; Short Tract 1863; Cameron 1864-65; Rogersville 1866-67; Wayland 1868; Savona 1869; Camp- belltown and Merchantville 1870-71. Butiin, Henry—Born Great Brighton, England, Mar. 24, 1820. T. Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died East Aurora, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1899. CAINE, John—Born 1813. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Mar. 31, 1853. Middlesex 1848; Sodus 1849-50; Castleton and Orleans 1851; Superannuated 1852. CanFiELp, John T.—Born Andes, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1837. T. East Genesee 1863. F. 1865. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. Dundee, N. Y. Kanona 1863-64; Potter 1865; Tyrone 1866-67- 68; Millport 1869-70-71. ITS MEMBERS 115 Carpus, Thomas—Born Shipton, England, Dec. 15, 1844. _T. Wesleyan Methodist 1868. F. 1872. To Genesee on credentials 1873. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Olean, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1908. Case, Charles Z.—Born Sodus, N. Y., July 21, 1837. T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1872. Professor Genesee Wesleyan Seminary 1861-62; Dresden 1863; Benton Center 1864-65-66: Elmira. Hedding 1867-68-69; Canandaigua 1870; Elmira, First 1871. CasTLe, Levi B.—T. Genesee 1825. Discontinued 1826. T. Genesee 1827. F. 1829. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. Located 1855. Re- admitted Erie 1871. Died Cuyahoga Falls, O., Feb. 17, 1876. No appointment 1848; Superannuated 1849— 1852; No Appointment 1853; Agent American Colonization Society 1854. Cuampers, E. Everett—Born Ogden, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1820. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To New- ark by transfer 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1899. 116 ITS MEMBERS CHANDLER, George W.—T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Ore- gon by transfer 1884. To Central New York by transfer 1886. Located own request 1892. Richmond and Canadice 1862-63; Webster 1864- 65; Rochester, Frank St. 1866-67; Ovid 1868-69- 70; Clyde 1871. CHANDLER, Thomas W.—Born Flushing, O., June 28, 1840. T. East Genesee 1870. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Franklinville, N. Y. Dalton 1870-71. CHapMAN, Joseph—Born Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 5, 1801, T. Genesee 1832. F. 1834. Located 1842. Readmitted 1843. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1880. Died Sodus, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1884. Cokesbury and Richmond 1848; Cokesbury and Canadice 1849; Rogersville 1850-51; Groveland 1852-53; South Sodus 1854; South Sodus and Lock Berlin 1855; Junius 1856; Dresden 1857; Cameron 1858; Avoca 1859-60; Bethel and Voakes 1861-62; Rush and Henrietta 1863; Jun- ius 1864-65; Superannuated 1866—1871. ITS MEMBERS 117 Cuase, Abner—Born Stonington, Conn., Dec. 11, 1784. T. New York 1810. To Genesee by trans- fer 1811. F. 1812, To East Genesee at organi- zation 1848. Died Penn Yan, N. Y., April 27, 1854. Superannuated 1848—1853. CuasE, Daniel S—Born 1814. T. Genesee 1839. F. 1841. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries and to Cen- tral New York by transfer 1872. Died Bennetts- burg, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1879. Catherine 1848; Newark 1849-50; Port Gibson and East Palmyra 1851; Port Gibson 1852; Chapinville 1853; Chapinville and Orleans 1854; Mecklenburg 1855-56; Hector 1857-58; Jackson- ville 1859-60; Burdette and Reynoldsville 1861; Canoga 1862-63; Manchester and Chapin- ville 1864-65-66; Walworth 1867-68; Webster 1869-70-71. Cuase, Levi D—Born Jerusalem, N. Y., July 1, 1833. T. East Genesee 1854. F. 1856. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Keuka Park, N. Y. Gorham 1854; Harmonyville 1855; Hopewell 1856-57; Orleans 1858-59; Manchester and Chapinville 1860; Chapinville 1861; Naples 1862- 63; Watkins 1864; Penfield 1865-66; Groveland 1867; Honeoye Falls 1868-69; Nunda 1870-71. 118 ITS MEMBERS Cuussock, Austin E.—Born Ellington, Conn., June 16, 1810. T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Elmira, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1882. Millport 1848; Mecklenburg 1849-50; Jackson- ville 1851; Bellona 1852; Bellona and Dresden 1853; Milo 1854-55; Havana 1856-57; Canoga 1858-59; Lodi and Farmersville 1860; Lodi 1861; Millport 1862-63; Fairville 1864; South- port 1865; Supernumerary 1866—1871. Cuussock, Sherman A.—Born Orwell, Pa., Aug. 9, 1830. T. Minnesota 1859. F. 1860. Located 1868. Re-admitted East Genesee 1869. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Orwell, Pa. Baldwin 1869-70; Logan 1871. CLapp, Dexter E.—T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. To Troy by transfer 1867. Located 1869. Townsendville 1855; Milo 1856; Southport 1857; Troy 1858-59; Phelps 1860-61-62; Troy 1863-64- 65; Supernumerary 1866. Craprp, Ralph—Born Southampton, Mass., Jan. 19, 1796. T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- ITS MEMBERS 119 solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Phelps, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1882. Havana 1848; Trumansburg 1849; Benton 1850; Livonia 1851-52; Mt. Morris 1853; Granger 1854; Superannuated 1855; Bellona 1856-57; Milo 1858-59; Junius 1860; Manchester 1861- 62; East Palmyra 1863-64-65; Superannuated 1866—1871. CLarKk, Daniel—Born Hector, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1828. T. East Genesee 1849. F. 1851. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Pavilion, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1901. Addison 1849; Barrington 1850; Wellsburg 1851; Havana 1852; Burlington 1853-54; Mains- burg 1855-56; Lawrenceville and Tioga 1857; Springfield 1858; Monroeton 1859-60; Catherine 1861-62; Tyrone 1863-64-65 ; Naples 1866-67-68 ; Wellsville 1869-70; Victor 1871. CLark, Peter D—T. New York 1866. To East Genesee by transfer 1868. F. 1868. Located 1870. Erwin Center 1868; Manchester Farms 1869. Cayton, J. K. B.—T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. Located 1857. Hammondsport and Harmonyville 1855. Bethel 1856. Coats, Calvin S—Born Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., May 15, 1809. T. Genesee 1831. F. 120 ITS MEMBERS 1833. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1849. Readmitted 1850. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Lima Springs, Iowa, Feb. 11, 1875. Trumansburg 1848; * * * * Hopewell 1850-51; Fairport 1852; Bath District 1853-54-55; Rush- ville District 1856; Walworth and Macedon 1857- 58; Seneca Falls 1859; Port Gibson 1860; Or- leans 1861-62; Ovid and Sheldrake 1863; Rush- ville 1864-65; Milo 1866-67; Supernumerary 1868—1871. CocHran, Wesley—Born Peru, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1814. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Mansfield, Pa., Jan. 28, 1888. Lima 1848; Avon 1849; Groveland 1850-51; Rush 1852-53; Mt. Morris 1854; Nunda 1855- 56; Canadice 1857 ; Richmond and Canadice 1858; East Palmyra 1859-60; Mansfield 1861-62; An- gelica 1863-64-65; Canisteo 1866; Troy District 1867-68-69-70. Tioga and Lawrenceville 1871. Cor, George W.—Born Pavilion, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1831. T. Genesee 1857. F. 1859. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1906. ITS MEMBERS 121 Cotson, Ebenezer—Born Plainfield, Mass., 1805. T. Oneida 1829. Discontinued 1832. T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organiza- tion 1848. Died Monroeton, Pa., Dec. 16, 1864. Southport 1848-49; Elmira 1850; Dresden 1851- 52; Jacksonville 1853-54; Fairville 1855-56; South Sodus 1857-58; Bethel and Voaks 1859-60; Mainsburg 1861-62; Superannuated 1863-64. CoLvin, William W.—T. East Genesee 1864. Died Canisteo, N. Y., 1868. Almond 1864; Birdsall 1865; Almond 1866; Canisteo 1867. Com Fort, Orrin F.—T. Genesee 1833. F. 1835. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Wis- consin by transfer 1849. Located 1856. Re- admitted Missouri and Arkansas 1866. To Mis- souri at organization 1869. Located 1870. Jacksonville and Enfield 1848. Compton, Orville—T.East Genesee 1870. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. Withdrawn 1878. Gaines and Manchester Farms 1870; Dushore 1871. Concepon, La Fayette—Born Ellington, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1845. T. East Genesee 1867. F. 1869. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change 122 ITS MEMBERS of boundaries 1880. To Genesee by transfer 1891. Lima, N. Y. Pittsford 1867-68-68; Walworth 1870-71. Concpon, Noyes B.—Born Newfield, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1837. T. East Genesee 1870. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1905. Wellsburg 1870. Towlesville 1871. Concpon, Sylvester L.—Born Rhinebeck, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1826. T. Genesee 1847. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. F. 1849. Died at Corning, N. Y., May 27, 1868. Tyrone and Jefferson 1848; Barrington 1849; Rochester, North St. 1850; Clifton and Manches- ter 1851; Rochester, Third 1852; Port Gibson 1853; Trumansburg 1854; Sodus 1855; Roch- ester, Frank St. 1856-57; Elmira, Hedding 1858; Bath District 1859-60-61-62; Elmira District 1863-64-65-66 ; Corning 1867. Cook, Daniel D—Born Leicester, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831. T. Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Spencerport, N. Y. Coox, Edward J.—Born Clarendon, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1842. T. Iowa Conference, Methodist Church 1867. F. 1868. To Genesee on credentials 1871. ITS MEMBERS 123 To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Located own request 1901. Buffalo, N. Y. Cook, Samuel R.—Born 1811. T. Genesee 1833. F. 1835. To East Genesee at organization, and located 1848. Died Lansing, Mich., June 7, 1902. CooLtpaucH, George W.—T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1856. Located 1868. Laporte 1853; Loyalsock 1854-55; Springfield 1856-57; Ulster 1858; Jackson 1859-60; Jasper 1861-62; Avoca 1863-64; Springfield 1865; Supernumerary 1866-67. Cooper, Theron D.—Born Cincinnatus, N. Y., July 3, 1840. T. East Genesee 1864. To Oneida by transfer 1864. F. 1866. To Northern New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Central New York by transfer 1874. Auburn, N. Y. CopELAND, John—Born Vermont 1800. T. Genesce 1822. F. 1824. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Died Lima, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1880. Agent Genesee Wesleyan Seminary 1848; Lima 1849; Rochester, First 1850; Lima District 1851; West Rochester District 1852-53-54; Hemlock Lake 1855; Bloomfield 1856; Supernumerary 1857-58-59; Superannuated 1860—1871. 124 ITS MEMBERS Corey, Horatio C.—Born Cohocton, N. Y., Jan. 1840. T. East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries, and to Genesee by transfer 1872. F. 1873. Died Cohocton, N. Y., May 30, 1876. Monterey 1871. Corson, Charles W.—Born Beesley’s Point N. J., Sept. 19, 1838. T. Genesee 1872, F. 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Prattsburg, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1881. CouNTRYMAN, Abram F.—Born Minden, N. Y..,. Mar. 11, 1832. T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Scottsburg, N.Y. Savona and Sonora 1861; Harmonyville 1862-63 ; Italy Hollow 1864-65; Brookfield 1866; Middle- sex 1867-68-69 ; Dresden 1870; Bellona 1871. CouNTRYMAN, J. Benson—Born Minden, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1840. T. Genesee 1864. F. 1868. To East Genesee by transfer 1869. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Penfield, N. Y. Hammondsport 1869 ; Cohocton 1870-71. Cowes, Philo—T. Oneida 1858. F. 1860. Lo- cated 1863. Re-admitted Oneida 1864. Located ITS MEMBERS 125 1867. Re-admitted East Genesee 1868. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. With- drawn 1894. Reading and Starkey 1868; Branchport 1869; Benton Center 1870-71. CoyLe, Michael—Born Washington, D. C., July 4, 1832. T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died North Hector, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1891. Monterey 1857; Enfield 1858-59 ; Smithfield 1860- 61; Canton 1862-63; Burlington 1864; Burdette and Reynoldsville 1865; Jacksonville 1866-67-68 ; Havana 1869; North Hector 1870-71. CRANMER, Enoch H.—Born 1812. T. Genesee 1840. F. 1842. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Mon- roeton, Pa., Oct. 8, 1880. Fairport and Big Flats 1848; Fairport 1849; Pulteneyville 1850-51; Walworth 1852-53; Ben- ton 1854-55; Trumansburg 1856; Dundee and Starkey 1857-58; Troy District 1859-60-61-62; Chemung 1863-64-65; Havana 1866-67-68 ; Jack- sonville 1869-70; Sheldrake and Farmer 1871. 126 ITS MEMBERS Crippen, Lebbeus R.—T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidated 1876. Located 1877, CrISFIELD, Philip—T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. Located 1865. Allegany 1862; Almond 1863; Principal Rogers- ville Union Seminary 1864. CRITTENDEN, Louis $.—Born Burns, N. Y., July 26, 1828. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Canaseraga, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1905. Birdsall 1869-70-71. Crow, David—Born Emporium, Pa., Oct. 6, 1822. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1844. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boun- daries 1880. Died Falls City, Neb., Aug. 9, 1892. Port Gibson and East Palmyra 1848; Pittsford 1849; Horseheads 1850-51; Seneca Falls 1852- 53; Bellona 1854-55; Lodi 1856-57; Ovid 1858- 59; Milo 1860-61; Clifton Springs 1862; Super- numerary 1863—1871. Crow, Moses—Born Montgomery, Mass., 1816. T. Pittsburgh 1835. To Erie at organization 1836. F. 1837. Located 1837. Readmitted Genesee 1842. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1859. ITS MEMBERS 127 Ovid 1848; Elmira 1849-50; Principal Genesee Wesleyan Seminary 1851; Professor in Genesee College 1852-53-54; Geneva District 1855-56; Superannuated 1857—1859. CumMINGs, Joseph—Born Falmouth, Me., Mar. 3, 1817. T. New England 1846. F. 1848. To East Genesee by transfer 1854. To New England by transfer 1858. To Rock River by transfer 1882. Died Evanston, Ill., May 7, 1890. President Genesee College 1854-55-56-57. Curtis, Claudius G—Born Niagara Co., N. Y., Jan. 16, 1823. To East Genesee on credentials from Evangelical Association 1868. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Hammondsport, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1882. Cohocton 1868-69; Savona 1870-71. Damon, Albert N.—Born Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 25, 1838. T. Black River 1858. F. 1860. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1889. Died Mansfield, Pa., Dec. 4, 1893. Davipson, Curtis P.—T. Genesee 1844. Discontin- ued 1845. T. Genesee 1847. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Discontinued 1850. Springfield 1848; Orange 1849. 128 ITS MEMBERS Davis, Charles S.—Born 1811. T. Genesee 1838. F, 1840. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1850. Re-admitted 1861. Died Savona, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1870. Lodi 1848; Jerusalem 1849; * * * * Millport 1861; Hammondsport 1862; Painted Post 1863; Burdette 1864; Havana 1865; Supernumerary 1866—1870. Davis, Morgan H.—T. East Genesee 1860. F. 1862. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Withdrawn 1875. Jasper 1860; Woodhull 1861-62; Painted Post 1863; Beaver Dam 1864; Townsendville 1865-66- 67; Whitesville 1868-69; Andover 1870-71. Davipson, Alvah—T. East Genesee 1856. Discon- tinued 1859. Whitesville 1856; Brookfield, Westfield and Har- rison 1857; Charleston 1858. Day, John H.—Born Warwick, N. Y., June 22, 1819. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Nelson, Pa., Oct. 4, 1891. Loyalsock 1850; Springfield 1851; Canisteo 1852; Thurston 1853; Potter 1854; Canoga 1855-56; Mecklenburg 1857; Horseheads 1858; Hector 1859-60; Jacksonville 1861-62; Havana 1863; Rush 1864; Bellona 1865; Hopewell 1866-67-68 ; Gorham and Voaks 1869-70-71. ITS MEMBERS 129 Dayton, Stephen M.—Born Mt. Morris, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1844. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Seattle, Wash., Sept. 16, 1898. Erwin Center 1869-70; Almond 1871. Dean, Micajah C——Born Barrington, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1828. T. Vermont 1860. F. 1862. To East Genesee by transfer 1864. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at rorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Dundee, N. Y. Potter Center 1864; Mecklenburg 1865; Che- mung 1866-67; Troy 1868-69; Canton 1870-71. DeLarME, Joseph H.—Born Malone, N. Y., May 2, 1826. T. Black River 1851. F. 1854. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1880. Dennis, Henry S.—T. East Genesee 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Discon- tinued 1872. Hammondsport 1871. Dennis, John—Born Ovid, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1810. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of 130 ITS MEMBERS boundaries 1872. Died Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1888. Geneva 1848-49; Rochester District 1850-51-52- 53; Macedon and Walworth 1854; Newark 1855- 56; Honeoye Falls 1857; Lima 1858-59; Treas- urer Genesee College 1860-61-62-63; Rochester District 1864-65-66-67; Rochester, Frank St., 1868-69-70 ; Lima 1871. DEPeEw, Nelson A.—Born Kent, Conn., Dec. 11, 1813. T. East Genesee 1849. F. 1851. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Logan, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1903. Cherry Mission 1849; Orange 1850-51; Wells- boro 1852-53; Hornellsville 1854-55; Dundee 1856; Towanda 1857-58; Penfield 1859-60; Vic- tor 1861-62; Port Gibson 1863-64; Canoga 1865- 66-67; Townsendville 1868-69; Havana 1870-71. DePuy, Myron H.—T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. Located 1869. Wayland 1857; Conesus 1858; Grove 1859-60; Towlesville 1861-62; Jerusalem 1863; Dresden 1864; Supernumerary 1865; Westfield 1866; Woodhull 1867; Supernumerary 1868. DeWitt, Manning F.—Born Milford, Pa., Aug. 26, 1836. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To Cen- ITS MEMBERS 131 tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1893. Enfield 1865; Baldwin 1866-67-68; Catherine 1869-70; Superannuated 1871. Dickinson, Sanford B.—Born Deposit, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1832. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Missouri and Arkansas by transfer 1865. To St. Louis at organization, and to Genesee by transfer 1868. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Corning, N. Y. Tioga 1856; Andover 1857; Hammondsport 1858-59; Burdette and Reynoldsville 1860; Dun- dee 1861; Chaplain 148th New York State Vol- unteers 1862; East Bloomfield 1863-64. DILLENBECK, Cornelius—Born Starkville, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1837. T. East Genesee 1860. F. 1862. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Avoca, N. Y., May 29, 1902. South Addison 1860; Springfield 1861 ; Knoxville 1862-63; Brookfield 1864-65; Wayne 1866; Branchport 1867-68; Campbell 1869; Prattsburg 1870-71. Dopce, Jonas—T. Genesee 1828. F. 1830. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1858. Died 1859. Dansville District 1848; Livonia 1849-50; Avon 1851-52; Supernumerary 1853-54-55 ; Lima 1856- 57. 132 ITS MEMBERS Dopson, Nathan B.—Born Salem, Pa., July 2, 1788. T. Genesee 1813. F. 1815. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Dix, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1862. Superannuated 1848—1862. DootitTLe, Sheldon—T. Genesee 1828. F. 1830. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died 1859 or 1860. Superannuated 1848; Supernumerary 1849; Avoca 1850; Superannuated 1851; Supernum- erary 1852; Superannuated 1853—1859. Drake, James R.—Born Montour Falls, N. Y., July 11, 1852. T. Central New York 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. F. 1877. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Syracuse, N. Y. Drake, Reuben A.—T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. Expelled 1864. Hammondsport 1857; East Smithfield 1858; Leonard Hollow 1859; Mansfield 1860-61; in U. S. Army 1862; Without appointment 1863. Draper, Gideon—Born Dover, N. Y., 1780. T. Philadelphia 1803. To Baltimore by change of boundaries 1804. F. 1805. To Philadelphia by change of boundaries 1808. To Genesee at or- ganization 1810. Located 1817. Readmitted 1819. Located 1822. Readmitted 1839. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1861. Superannuated 1848—1861. ITS MEMBERS 133 Dryer, George H.—Born Mendon, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1849. T. East Genesee 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1873, Roches- ter, N. Y. Scottsburg and East Sparta 1871. DuBois, James H.—Born Humphrey, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1841. T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1871. To Gen- Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Canisteo, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1881. Wellsboro Circuit 1853; Angelica 1854-55; Jas- per 1856; Orleans 1857; Pultneyville 1858-59; Sodus 1860; Chemung 1861-62; Troy 1863-64; Burlington 1865; Big Flats 1866-67-68; Grove- land 1869-70; Springwater and Conesus 1871. DuBotrs, James H.—Born Humphrey, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1841. T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1871. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Victor, N. Y. Springwater 1868; Troupsburg 1869-70; Tus- carora 1871. Duncan, James—Born Halifax, N. S., Oct. 3, 1820. T. East Genesee 1854. F. 1856. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Withdrawn 1895. Died Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1898. 134 ITS MEMBERS Knoxville 1854; Chatham 1855-56; Whitesville 1857; Brookfield 1858; Westfield 1859; Granger 1860-61; Springwater 1862-63; Cohocton 1864- 65; Potter 1866; Towlesville 1867-68; South Dansville 1869-70; Wayland 1871. Duruam, James—Born Elmira, N. Y., July 31, 1800. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Gen- esee by transfer 1848. Died Benton Center, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1861. Benton 1848; Hopewell 1849; Jerusalem 1850; Superannuated 1851; Barrington 1852; Super- numerary 1853—1857; Italy Hill 1858; Super- annuated 1859-60. Duriinc, Albert S—Born Trumansburg, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1844. T. East Genesee 1870. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. F, 1872. Died Geneva, N. Y., June 18, 1891. Beaver Dam 1870; Big Flats 1871. Easter, John—Born Canandaigua, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1834. T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Clifton Springs, N. Y. Ulysses 1862; Canadice 1863; Thurston 1864; Fairville 1865 ; Marion 1866; Principal East Gen- esee Conference Seminary 1867-68-69; Associate President Bordentown Female College 1870-71. Eppy, Charles—T. Genesee 1860. F. 1862. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Cuyler, N. Y. ITS MEMBERS 135 Epcar, Abram D.—Born Huntington, Pa., Apr. 18, 1817. T. Genesee 1845. F. 1847. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Burdette, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1892. Caton 1848-49; Knoxville 1850-51; Monterey 1852-53; Savona 1854; Italy 1855; Jerusalem 1856-57; Cohocton 1858-59; Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1860-61; Sparta 1862; Savona 1863-64; Kanona 1865; Gorham 1866-67-68; Junius 1869; Branchport 1870-71. Epson, James L.—Born in Nova Scotia, Sept. 25, 1821. T. East Genesee 1848. F. 1850. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Newark, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1894. Canoga and Sheldrake 1848; Nunda and Sparta 1849; Bellona 1850; Bethel and Potter 1851-52; Rush 1853-54; Mt. Morris 1855-56; Honeoye Falls 1857; Victor 1858-59; Penfield 1860-61; Mt. Morris 1862-63-64; East Bloomfield 1865- 66; Nunda 1867; Lodi 1868-69-70; Trumans- burg 1871. Emory, Benjamin B.—Born Huntington, Pa., June 24, 1828. T. East Genesee 1854. To Wyoming by transfer 1854. F. 1857. Located 1863. Died New Orleans, La., Feb. 20, 1872. Ensicn, Albert—Born Pitcher, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1817. T. Oneida 1853. F. 1856. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Gene- 136 ITS MEMBERS see at reorganization and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1877. Died Union Springs, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1888. Everett, Isaac—Born Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1823, T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. Died Westfield, Pa., Sept. 21, 1885. Caton 1857-58; Thurston 1859-60; Whitesville 1861-62 ; Canisteo 1863-64 ; Supernumerary 1865; Whitesville 1866-67; Knoxville 1868-69-70; Mainsburg 1871. FAIRBANK, Ira—Born Massachusetts, Oct. 5, 1786. T. Genesee 1811. F. 1813. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Benton Center, N. Y., May 31, 1857. Superannuated 1848—1856. FarMeEr, John P.—T. West Virginia 1868. F. 1870. To Central New York by transfer 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Withdrawn 1877. FarreE._t, Alexander—T. Genesee 1838. F. 1840. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1850. Geneseo and Groveland 1848; Superannuated 1849, FeLttows, Nathan—Born Vt., 1807. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Genesee at organization ITS MEMBERS 137 1848. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1872. Died Covington, Pa., Mar. 7, 1875. Wellsborough District 1848; Corning District 1849-50-51; Bath 1852; Horsheads 1853-54; Trumansburg 1855; Penn Yan 1856-57; Roch- ester, North St., 1858-59; Towanda 1860-61; Bellona 1862-63-64; Avon 1865; Tioga and Law- renceville 1866; Millport 1867-68; Supernumer- ary 1869; Superannuated 1870-71. Fercuson, William M.—Born 1815. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. Located 1847. Re-admitted Genesee 1848. Located 1851. Re-admitted East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Washington, D. C., Jan. 28, 1895. Supernumerary 1871. Ferris, David—Born Decatur, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1805. T. Genesee 1839. F. 1841. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., May 27, 1865. Clyde 1848; Rogersville 1849; Dansville 1850; Rush 1851; Waterloo 1852-53; Seneca Falls 1854-55; Troy 1856-57; Dresden 1858; Clifton 1859; Emory Chapel and Reed’s 1860; Junius 1861; Ridge 1862-63-64. Fittmore, Asahel N.—Born Paris, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1807. T. Genesee 1830. F. 1832. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Watkins, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1880. 138 ITS MEMBERS ' Seneca Lake District 1848; Elmira District 1849- 50-51; Milo Center 1852-53; Waterloo 1854-55; Seneca Falls 1856-57; Lodi 1858-59; Rushville 1860; Hornellsville District 1861-62-63-64; Mt. Morris 1865-66; Andover 1867-68-69; Angelica 1870-71. FisHer, Albert N.—Born Norwich, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1838. T. East Genesee 1862. To California by transfer 1864. F. 1864. To Nevada by trans- fer 1864. To Genesee by transfer 1876. To Cal- ifornia by transfer 1890. To Oregon by trans- fer 1900. Pasadena, Cal. Rochester, Corn Hill, 1862-63. Forster, Joseph L.—T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Discontinued 1876. Foster, Isaac M.—Born Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 1844. T. Virginia 1870. F. 1872. To Central New York by transfer 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. To New York East by trans- fer 1884. To Philadelphia by transfer 1893. To New York by transfer 1903. Port Ewen, N. Y. Fox, Charles S.—Born Kingsville, O., Dec. 15, 1830. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Mich- igan by transfer 1869. Died Bellevue, Mich., Feb. 4, 1904. Kanona 1856-57; Castleton and Hopewell 1858- ITS MEMBERS 139 59; Dansville 1860; Nunda 1861-62; Addison 1863-64-65 ; Palmyra 1866-67; Towanda 1868. Frencn, Charles J—T. East Genesee 1858, F. 1860. Located 1861. Loyalsock 1858-59; Frenchtown 1860. Futter, Earl B.—T. Genesee 1837. F. 1839. To East Genesee at organization, and located 1848. GaxDNER, Charles M.—Born Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, 1820. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1882. Died Hor- nellsville, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1905. Painted Post 1850; Watkins 1851-52; Addison 1853-54; Bath 1855-56; Clifton Springs 1857-58 ; Dundee 1859-60; Avon 1861-62; Dansville 1863; Hornellsville 1864-65-66 ; Mt. Morris 1867-68-69 ; Horseheads 1870-71. Gates, David W.—Born Silver Creek, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1835. T. East Genesee 1867. Discontinued 1868. T. Genesee 1872. F. 1875. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. Arkport, N. Y. Merchantsville 1867. Georce, Augustus C.—T. Genesee 1847. To East Genesee at organization 1848. F. 1849. To Missouri and Arkansas by transfer 1865. To St. Louis at organization 1869. To Central New York by transfer 1873. To West Virginia by transfer 1877. To Rock River by transfer 1880. Died Englewood, IIL, Aug. 7, 1885. 140 ITS MEMBERS Seneca Falls 1848; Waterloo 1849; Bath 1850; Rochester, First, 1851-52; Rochester, Corn Hill, 1853-54; West Rochester District 1855-56-57; Rochester District 1858; Elmira District 1859- 60-61-62 ; Elmira, First, 1863-64. GipparD, Isaac—Born Buckinghamshire, England, Sept. 11, 1833. T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1861. Located 1866. Re-admitted 1869. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Rochester, N. Y. Naples 1859; Rochester, Corn Hill, 1860; Dans- ville 1861-62; Chaplain 143d New York State Volunteers 1863; Professor in East Genesee Con- ference Seminary 1864; Rush 1865. * * * * Phelps 1869-70-71. Gibson, Gardner W.—Born Moira, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1835. T. Black River 1862. F. 1864. To Cen- tral New York by transfer 1872. To East Gene- see at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. Moira, N. Y. Gisson, Otis L—Born Pomfret, Vt., July 20, 1831. T. East Genesee 1858. F. 1860. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1878. To Michigan by transfer 1881. Died Otsego, Mich., Nov. 14, 1881. Principal Randolph Academy 1858; Principal Penn Yan Academy 1859-60; Troy 1861-62; Newark 1863-64; Elmira, Hedding, 1865-66; Wellsboro 1867-68-69; Towanda 1870-71. ITS MEMBERS 141 Girrorp, Charles T—T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1861. Suspended 1864. Expelled 1865. T. Genesee 1872. F. 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization 1876. Located 1876. Willing 1859; Whitesville 1860; Kanona 1861- 62; Troupsburg 1863. Gites, Henry T.—Born Sauquoit, N. Y., June 27, 1821. T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. To Rock River by transfer and to Central New York by transfer 1869. Died Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1894. Jacksonville 1855; Ovid and Sheldrake 1856; Canoga 1857; Mt. Morris and Ridge 1858; Mace- don and Perinton 1859-60; Addison 1861-62; Sodus 1863-64; West Webster 1865; Horseheads 1866-67 ; Mansfield 1868. Goopwin, William H.—Born Taughanic, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 12, 1812. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Dryden, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1876. Lyons 1848-49; Rochester, St. Johns, 1850-51; Elmira, Church St., 1852; Elmira, Hedding, 1853; Geneva 1854-55; Hornellsville District 1856; Elmira District 1857-58; Rochester Dis- trict 1859-60-61-62; Geneva 1863-64-65; Clifton Springs 1866-67-68 ; Rushville 1869-70-71. Goss, Charles C.—T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. Located 1856. Clifton and Manchester 1852; Townsendville and Covert 1853; Lock Berlin 1854; Wellsville 1855. 142 ITS MEMBERS GouLp, Carlos—Born in New Hampshire, Feb. 15, 1799. T. Genesee 1833. Discontinued 1834. T. Genesee 1836. F. 1838. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Parma, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1875. Angelica 1848; Hornellsville 1849; Jasper 1850- 51; Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1852; Potter 1853; Jerusalem 1854; Thurston 1855; Cameron 1856- 57; Jasper 1858-59; Italy Hollow 1860; Middle- sex 1861-62; Superannuated 1863—1871. Gracey, John T.—Born Haverford, Pa., Sept. 16, 1831. T. Virginia Conference, Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, 1850. Discontinued 1852. T. Philadelphia 1852. F, 1854. To India by trans- fer 1864. To Philadelphia by transfer 1871. To Central New York by transfer 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Rochester, N. Y. GraHaM, Curtis—T. Genesee 1845. F. 1847. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Kansas and Nebraska by transfer 1857. To Kansas at organization 1861. Located 1862. Whitesville 1848-49; Tioga 1850; No appoint- ment 1851; Tyrone 1852-53; Orange 1854-55; Barrington and Starkey 1856. Grauam, Elisha D—T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization 1876. Discontinued 1876. ITS MEMBERS 143 GRANDIN, Daniel T.—T. East Genesee 1856. Dis- continued 1857. Addison Hill 1856. GRANDIN, James L. S.—Born Papakating, N. J., April 17, 1804. T. Genesee 1841. Discontinued 1842. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Elmira, N. Y., April 21, 1891. Loyalsock 1848-49; Bethel 1850; Henrietta 1851 ; Canadice 1852-53; Groveland 1854; Ridge 1855- 56; Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1857; Springwater 1858-59; Enfield 1860-61; Orange 1862; Baldwin 1863-64; Merchantville 1865; Superannuated 1866—1871. Grant, Loring—Born New York State, Feb. 25, 1789. T. Philadelphia 1809. To Genesee at or- ganization 1810. F. 1811. To Michigan by trans- fer 1840. To East Genesee by transfer 1853. Died Pentwater, Mich., Sept. 15, 1870. Superannuated 1853—1870. Green, Augustus W.—Born South Sodus, N. Y., April 10, 1840. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1877. Blossburg, Pa. Tyre 1865-66-67; Clyde 1868-69-70; Canandai- gua 1871. 144 ITS MEMBERS GREEN, Edwin T.—Born Sherman, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1836. T. Genesee 1860. F. 1862. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1883, GREEN, Theron R.—Born South Sodus, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1845. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Baldwinsville, N. Y. East Palmyra 1869-70-71. Gutick, John G.—Born Sunbury, Pa., Mar. 26, 1811. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. To East Gen- esee by transfer 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by trans- fer 1876, Died Penn Yan, N. Y. July 22, 1866. Rochester, First, 1848-49; Geneva 1850-51; Honeoye Falls 1852-53; Rochester District 1854- 55-56-57; Rochester, Alexander St., 1858-59; Waterloo 1860-61; Lodi 1862; Penn Yan Dis- trict 1863-64-65-66; Elmira District 1867-68-69- 70; Elmira, South Main St., and Webbtown 1871. GurNseEy, Samuel P.—T. East Genesee 1848. Dis- continued 1849. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. Located 1862. Cherry 1848; * * * * Phillips Creek Mission 1852; Angelica 1853; Italy Hollow 1854; Char- leston 1855; Harrison 1856; Knoxville and Chatham 1857; Ulysses 1858; Sparta 1859; Fre- mont 1860-61. ITS MEMBERS 145 Hai, Edward O.—Born Bristol, N. Y., 1813. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. Located 1842. Re-ad- mitted East Genesee 1856. Died Rogersville, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1866. Potter 1856; Avoca 1857-58; Cokes Chapel and Bristol 1859; Springfield 1860; Jackson 1861; Pultneyville 1862-63; Canoga 1864; Rogersville 1865. HAL, James—Born Rutland, Vt., Mar. 4, 1790. T. Genesee 1813. F. 1815. To Oneida at organiza- tion 1829. To Genesee by transfer 1832. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Mayville, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1882. Jerusalem 1848; Prattsburg 1849; Cohocton 1850; Milo 1851; Superannuated 1852—1871. Hatt, Uriah S.—Born Medusa, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1831. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, to Genesee at consolidation, and to Central New York by transfer 1876. Died Millerton, Pa., Mar. 18, 1903. Townsendville 1856; Barrington 1857; Tyre 1858-59; Potter 1860-61; Prattsburg 1862-63; Catherine 1864-65-66; Southport 1867-68-69; Chemung 1870; Watkins 1871. 146 ITS MEMBERS Hatt, William S.—T. East Genesee 1854. F. 1857. Located 1857. Rogersville 1854. No appointment recorded 1855-56. Hancock, Robert T.—Born Bristol, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1811. T. Genesee 1836. F. 1838. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reor- ganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Hemlock Lake, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1889, Orleans 1848; Starkey 1849-50; Trumansburg 1851; Superannuated 1852—1855; Supernumer- ary 1856-57; Livonia 1858-59; Richmond and Canadice 1860; Taylorville 1861; Rush 1862-63; Conesus 1864; Bristol 1865-66-67 ; Tyre 1868-69; Canadice 1870-71. Harp, Clark P—Born Ogden, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1846. T. East Genesee 1867. F. 1869. To North Ohio by transfer 1871. To Genesee by transfer 1872. To South India by transfer 1874. To Genesee by transfer 1878. To South India by transfer 1882. To Bengal at organization 1888. To Illinois by transfer 1894. Chicago, III. Hornellsville 1867; Corning 1868-69-70. Harpst, Henry—Born Seneca Falls, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1830. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Burlington, Wash. Harmonyville 1856; Cohocton 1857; Wayland ITS MEMBERS 147 1858; Canaseraga 1859; Springwater 1860-61; Andover 1862-63; Middlesex 1864; Superannu- ated 1865; Junius 1866; Caton 1867-68: Meck- lenburg 1869; Townsendville 1870; East Smith- field 1871. Harrincton, Ransley—Born East Brookfield, Mass., April 11, 1802. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Lyons, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1893. Canoga and Sheldrake 1848; Seneca Falls 1849; Pittsford 1850; Palmyra 1851; Victor 1852; Ben- ton 1853; Watkins 1854-55; Angelica 1856; Nun- da 1857-58; Mt. Morris and Ridge 1859; Fair- ville 1860-61; Superannuated 1862—1871. Harris, Horace—T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1861. Supernumerary 1848; Jacksonville 1849; Cath- erine 1850; Junius 1851-52; Millport 1853; Su- perannuated 1854-55; Supernumerary 1856; Superannuated 1857—1860. Harris, Isaac—Born Gorham, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1823. T. Oneida 1864. F. 1866. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Genesee at reor- ganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Darien, N. Y., July 3, 1894. 148 ITS MEMBERS HaskELL, William M.—T. Mississippi 1844. Dis- continued 1845. T. Genesee 1847. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. F. 1849. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To Holston by transfer 1873. Died Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1890. Jackson 1848; Short Tract 1849; Granger 1850; Angelica 1851-52; Livonia 1853-54; Victor 1855- 56; Almond 1857-58; Brookfield 1859-60; West- field 1861; Chaplain 136th Pennsylvania Volun- teers 1862; Mansfield 1863-64; Smithfield 1865; Forksville 1866; Farmington 1867-68; Charles- ton 1869; Woodhull 1870; Rogersville 1871. HaTMAKER, Stephen C.—Born 1839. T. Central New York 1874. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. F. 1876. To Central New York by change of boun- daries 1880. Died Troy, Pa., May 15, 1886. Haven, George E.—Born Moriah, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1823. T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. Died Eaton Rapids, Mich., May 27, 1870. Frenchtown 1853; Erin 1854-55; Burdette 1856; Millport 1857-58; Bath 1859-60; Sodus 1861-62; Avon 1863-64; Seneca Castle and Orleans 1865; Castleton and Orleans 1866; Watkins 1867-68; Naples 1869. Hawkins, Lewis T.—Born Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 10, 1829. T. East Genesee 1867. F. 1869. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To Cen- ITS MEMBERS 149 tral New York by transfer 1874. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. To Genesee by transfer 1881. Died Arcade, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1906. Jasper 1867-68; Wayland 1869-70; Scio 1871. Hesarp, Elijah—Born Coxsackie, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1788. T. New York 1811. F. 1813. To Genesee by transfer 1834. To East Genesee at organiza- tion 1848. Died Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1858. Superannuated 1848—1857. Hemincway, James—Born Farmingham, Mass., June 17, 1788. T. Genesee 1824. F. 1826. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To Central New York by transfer 1876. Died Hadley, Mich., Aug. 27, 1881. Superannuated 1848-49; Supernumerary 1850; Superannuated 1851—1871. Henry, William M.—Born Montour Falls, N. Y., June 3, 1837. T. East Genesee 1863. F. 1865. To Mississippi Mission by transfer 1866. To Louisiana at organization 1869. To Central New York by transfer 1872. New York, N. Y. Starkey 1863; Agent U. S. Christian Commission 1864; Missionary in New Orleans 1865. Hermans, Charles E.—T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Clifton Springs, N. Y. 150 ITS MEMBERS Canoga 1861; Smithport 1862; Jacksonville 1863; Milo Center 1864-65; Freeville 1866-67 ; Webster 1868 ; Livonia 1869; Penfield 1870-71. HERMANS, Edwin J.—Born Potter, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1832. T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Potter, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1896. Orleans 1855-56; Chapinville and Manchester 1857; Branchport 1858-59; Painted Post 1860- 61; Elmira, Hedding, 1862-63-64; Rochester, Alexander St., 1865-66; Potter 1867-68; Clifton Springs 1869-70-71. Heustis, Jonathan—Born 1787. T. Genesee 1810. F. 1812. Located 1822. Readmitted 1823. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Clarks- field, O., Feb. 8, 1854. Superannuated 1848—1853. Hewett, Alfred—T. East Genesee 1849. Discon- tinued 1851. Springfield 1849; Canton 1850. Hipparp, Freeborn G.—Born New Rochelle, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1811. T. New York 1830. F. 1832. To Troy at organization 1832. Located 1836. Re- admitted Genesee 1837. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. To Genesee by change of boun- daries, and to Central New York by transfer ITS MEMBERS 151 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1895. Rush 1848; West Rochester District 1849; Lima District 1850; Geneva District 1851-52-53-54; Ovid 1855; Editor Northern Christian Advocate 1856-57-58-59; Canandaigua 1860; Canandaigua District 1861; Phelps 1862-63; Canandaigua 1864-65-66; Rushville 1867-68; Rochester, As- bury, 1869-70-71. Hrsparp, Gilbert C.—T. East Genesee 1860. Dis- continued 1861. Ulster 1860. Hickok, Henry A.—T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1856. Missionary to China 1848; Palmyra 1849-50; EI- mira 1851; Elmira, Baldwin St., 1852; Rochester First, 1853; Elmira, Hedding, 1854-55. Hitcucock, Alonzo—T. East Genesee 1854. F. 1856. Located 1857. Ridge and Sparta 1854; Wayland 1855; Almond 1856. Hitcucock, Benjamin F.—Born Sarnia, Ont., May 12, 1837. T. East Genesee 1867. F. 1869. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. To Genesee by transfer 1889. Rochester, N. Y. 152 ITS MEMBERS Kanona 1867; Pultney 1868-69; Reading 1870; Potter 1871. Hitcucock, Julius C.—Born near London, Ont., Jan. 1, 1836. T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Rochester, N. Y. East Palmyra 1861-62; Middlesex 1863; Ovid and Sheldrake 1864; Henrietta 1865; West Web- ster 1866; Wayland 1867; Nunda 1868-69; Livo- nia 1870-71. Hopeson, Francis D.—Born Philadelphia, Pa., June 8, 1832. T. Philadelphia 1857. To Oregon by transfer 1858. F. 1859. To California by trans- fer 1861. To East Genesee by transfer 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died New- ark, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1899. Principal Seneca Falls Union School 1870-71. Hocosoom, Robert—Born Arcadia, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1822. T. Genesee 1846. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. F. 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Nevada by transfer 1883. Died Austin, Nev., Aug. 9, 1884. Victor 1848-49; Geneseo Mission 1850-51; Ben- ton 1852; Ovid and Sheldrake 1853-54; Penfield ITS MEMBERS 153 1855-56; Newark 1857-58; Elmira, First, 1859- 60; Rochester, Frank St., 1861-62; Corning 1863- 64; Waterloo 1865-66-67; Palmyra 1868; Geneva District 1869-70-71. Hott, William B.—T. Wisconsin 1858, To East Genesee by transfer 1859. FF. 1861. Located 1871. Re-admitted Michigan and to Detroit by transfer 1872. To Erie by transfer 1874. Died Plumer, Pa., July 14, 1892. Dansville 1859; Troy 1860; Lawrenceville 1861; Fairville 1862-63; Rochester, Corn Hill, 1864-65- 66; Penfield 1867; Trumansburg 1868; Addison 1869-70. Hopkins, George—T. East Genesee 1849. Died 1850. Castleton and Manchester 1849. Hopxins, George H.—T. Genesee 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Discontinued 1879. Hosmer, William—Born South Blamford, Mass., May 29, 1810. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Auburn, N. Y., June 19, 1889. Editor Northern Christian Advocate 1848-49-50- 51-52-53-54-55 ; Superannuated 1856; Supernum- 154 ITS MEMBERS erary 1857; Seneca Falls 1858; Supernumerary 1859; Superannuated 1860—1871. Hotcuxiss, Edward—Born Smithville, N. Y., April 13, 1806. T. Maine 1830. F. 1832. To Genesee by transfer 1843. To East Genesee at organiza- tion 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 15, 1886. Milo 1848; Milo and Dresden 1849; Superannu- ated 1850; Bellona 1851; Superannuated 1852— 1861; Tyre 1862-63-64; Port Gibson 1865-66-67 ; Henrietta 1868; Superannuated 1869-70; Beaver Dam 1871. Howarp, Orrin R.—T. New England 1840. To New York by transfer 1840. F. 1842. Located 1843. Re-admitted Genesee 1846. To East .Gen- esee at organization, and to Illinois by transfer 1848. Withdrawn 1849. Howe, Charles L. F.—Born 1824. T. East Gene- see 1859. F. 1861. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Cazenovia, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1883. Ulster 1859; Knoxville 1860-61; Charleston 1862; Farmington 1863-64; Westfield 1865; Mainsburg 1866-67; Springfield 1868-69; Liberty Corners and Asylum 1870-71. How.anp, George W.—Born Hamden, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1826. T. Oneida 1859. F. 1861. To Central ITS MEMBERS 155 New York at organization 1869. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. Died Cameron, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1892. Hoxie, Elias—Born Sempronius, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1827. T. Oneida 1856. F. 1858. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Gene- see at reorganization, to Genesee by consolidation, and to Central New York by transfer 1876. Died Weedsport, N. Y., June 28, 1900. Hupson, Elisha—T. East Genesee 1848. F. 1850. Located 1851. Ulysses 1848-49; Victor 1850. Hupson, Thomas B.—Born West Greenwick, R. I, July 23, 1818. T. Genesee 1840. F. 1842. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Lyons, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1873. Penfield 1848-49; Walworth 1850-51; Webster 1852-53; Lyons 1854-55; Elmira, First, 1856; Watkins 1857; Rochester, Frank St., 1858; Avon 1859-60; Geneseo 1861-62; Troy District 1863- 64-65-66; Penn Yan District 1867-68-69-70; Lyons 1871. Humpurey, Stephen—T. East Genesee 1856; F. 1858. Located 1858. Livonia 1856; Bloomfield 1857. Hunt, William W.—Born Albion, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1846. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Cen- 156 ITS MEMBERS tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1880. Syracuse, N. Y. Delmar 1869; Monroeton 1870; Westfield 1871. Huntincton, DeWitt C——Born Townsend, Vt., Aug. 27, 1830. T, Vermont 1851. F. 1853. To East Genesee by transfer 1857. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Nebraska by transfer 1891. Lincoln, Neb. Hornellsville 1857-58; Trumansburg 1859-60; Rochester, Asbury, 1861-62; Rochester, Frank St., 1863-64-65; Rochester, Asbury, 1866-67-68 ; Rochester, Alexander St., 1869-70; Troy District 1871. HunTINGTON, Eleazer P.—Born Townsend, Vt. Feb. 27, 1817. T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. To Central New York by change of boundaries, 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died North Bingham, Pa., June 20, 1887. Ulysses 1857; Granger 1858-59; Angelica 1860- 61; Hornellsville 1862-63; Nunda 1864-65; Wellsville 1866-67-68; Seneca Falls 1869-70-71. Hunt ey, Alexander C.—Born Ontario Co., N. Y., Dec. 27, 1819. T. Genesee 1845. F. 1847. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Wiscon- ITS MEMBERS 157 sin by transfer 1858. Died Fondulac, Wis., Sept. 7, 1885. Troupsburg 1848; Columbia 1849-50; Millport 1851-52; Mecklenburg 1853-54; Southport 1855- 56; Livonia 1857. Hunttey, E. DeWitt—Born Elmira, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1840. T. East Genesee 1866. F. 1868. To Wisconsin by transfer 1868. To West Wiscon- sin by transfer 1875. To Baltimore by transfer 1883. Washington, D. C. Sheldrake and Farmer 1866; Nunda Circuit 1867. Hutcuins, Delos—Born Cherry Valley, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1800. T. Genesee 1834. F. 1837. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Manchester, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1883. Webster 1848-49; Clyde 1850-51; Hector 1852- 53; Middlesex and Gorham 1854; Castleton 1855; Port Gibson 1856-57 ; Fairville 1858 ; Benton Cen- ter 1859; Ovid and Sheldrake 1860-61; Junius 1862-63 ; Henrietta 1864; Canadice 1865; Tavlor- ville 1866; Conesus 1867; Ridge 1868; Superan- nuated 1869—1871. Hutcuins, John—Born Newark, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1813. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. 158 ITS MEMBERS Died Horseheads, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1872. Loyalsock 1852; Ulster 1853; Springfield 1854 55; South Sodus 1856; Jackson 1857-58; Che- mung 1859; Big Flats 1860; Superannuated 1861 —1871. Hype, Ammi B.—Born Oxford, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1825. T. Oneida 1848. F. 1851. To East Gen- esee by transfer 1862. To Erie by transfer 1864. To Colorado by transfer 1885. Denver, Colo. Rushville 1862-63. Hype, John E—Born Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1829. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. Died Canandaigua, N. Y., Oct 5, 1865. Townsendville and Covert 1852; Bellona and Dresden 1853; East Palmyra 1854; Middlesex 1855; Manchester 1856; Fairville 1857; Bellona 1858; Horseheads 1859; Chemung 1860; Canton 1861; Chapinville 1862; Manchester and Chapin- ville 1863. Superannuated 1864-65. Jackson, Morris D.—Born Georgetown, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1831. T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1889. Allegany 1861; Birdsall 1862; Fremont 1863; "West Almond 1864-65; Cameron 1866-67-68; Canaseraga 1869-70-71. Jaques, Jabez R.—Born Strowerton, England, Dec. 8, 1828. T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1857. To Central Illinois by transfer 1866. Located 1875. ITS MEMBERS 159 To Central Illinois on credentials from Methodist Church of Canada 1888. Died Abington, IIL, Mar. 22, 1892. Jasper 1855; Mansfield 1856; Elmira, First, 1857- 58 ; Hornellsville 1859 ; Rochester, First, 1860-61 ; Professor Rochester Collegiate Institute 1862-63- 64; Professor Illinois Wesleyan University 1865. JARMAN, John O.—Born Penegoes, Wales, June 6, 1844. T. Central New York 1875. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. F. 1877. Hilton, N. Y. Jervis, Kasimir P.—Born Utica, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1825. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Nunda, N. Y., May 23, 1891. Middlesex 1852; Painted Post 1853; Dansville 1854-55; Geneseo 1856; Canandaigua 1857-58; Elmira, Hedding, 1859; Palmyra 1860-61; Clyde 1862; Lyons 1863-64; Geneseo 1865-66-67 ; Roch- ester District 1868-69-70-71. Jewett, William D.—Born Ballston, N. Y., 1788. T. Genesee 1830. F. 1832. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Huron, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1855. 3 Superannuated 1848—1855. Jotty, Thompson—Born Yorkshire, England, Aug. 5, 1822. T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. To 160 ITS MEMBERS Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1877. To Central New York by transfer 1886. Died Sodus, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1902. Brookfield, Westfield and Harrison 1857; And- over 1858-59; Wayland 1860-61; South Dans- ville 1862-63; Prattsburg 1864; Middlesex 1865- 66; Junius 1867-68; South Sodus 1869; Fairville 1870-71. Jones, Alvah R.—T. East Genesee 1849. Discon- tinued 1850. T. East Genesee 1855. Discontinu- ed 1856. Urbana 1849; * * * * Laporte 1855. Jones, George C.—Born Belfast, Ireland, Aug. 19, 1845. T. East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. To Pittsburg by transfer 1891. To Genesee by transfer 1901. Hornell, N. Y. Williamson 1871. Jones, William—Born Liberty, Md., July 28, 1788. T. Genesee 1816. F. 1818. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization 1876. Died Canandaigua, N. Y., June, 1876. Superannuated 1848—1871. JorALEMAN, John—Born Sussex Co., N. Y., Apr. 3, 1826. T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. To ITS MEMBERS 161 Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To New Jersey by transfer 1875. Died Troy, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1883. Whitesville and Andover 1853; Caton 1854-55; Painted Post 1856-57; Wellsboro 1858-59; Horseheads 1860-61; Mecklenburg 1862-63-64; Havana 1865; Hector 1866; Castleton and Or- leans 1867-68-69; Painted Post 1870-71. Jupp, Salmon—Born Sandersville, Conn., 1798. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. Died Greenville, Mich., Aug. 14, 1867. Avoca 1848; Geneseo and Groveland 1849; Su- perannuated 1850—1866. KeELtoce, Israel H.—Born Rutland Co., Vt., Aug. 2, 1812. T. Genesee 1833. Discontinued 1835. T. Genesee 1839. F. 1841. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Macedon Center, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1901. Palmyra 1848; Clyde 1849; Penn Yan 1850-51; Lyons 1852-53; Geneseo 1854-55; Geneva 1856- 57; Rochester, First, 1858-59; Rochester, Alex- ander St., 1860-61; Rochester, North Ave., 1862- 63; Lima, 1864; Geneva District 1865-66-67-68 ; Palmyra 1869; Macedon and Perinton 1870-71. Kent, Frederick—T. East Genesee 1855. Discon- tinued 1857. Big Flats 1855; Ulysses 1856, 162 ITS MEMBERS Kepret, David—Born Tullow, County Carlow, Ire- land, May 5, 1846. T. Central New York 1871. F. 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, to Genesee by consolidation, and to Central New York by transfer 1876. Cazenovia, N. Y. Ketcuum, Isaac J.—T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. Expelled 1857. Big Flats 1853; Burdette 1854-55; Watkins 1856. Knapp, John—Born Welles, Vt., April 1, 1817. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1846. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. Located 1850. Re-admitted 1853. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. Prattsburg, N. Y. Hornellsville 1848; Superannuated 1849; * * * * Middlesex 1853; Cohocton 1854-55; Supernum- erary 1856; Harmonyville 1857; Rogersville 1858-59; Conesus 1860; Savona 1861; Branch- port 1862; Italy Hollow 1863; Hammondsport 1864; Superannuated 1865—1871. Knapp, William H.—T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. Located 1856. Southport 1852; Tioga 1853; Troy 1854-55. Knott, John B.—Born 1833. T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. To Indiana by transfer 1872. Located 1878. Died June 16, 1890. Angelica 1862; Whitesville 1863; Wayland 1864- 65-66; Marion 1867-68; Williamson 1869-70-71. Kyme_er, Milton S.—Born Tyrone, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1838. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To Cen- ITS MEMBERS 163 tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Hazlehurst, Pa. Dushore 1865-66; Blossburg 1867-68; Tioga and Lawrenceville 1869-70; Catherine 1871. Laman, Albert G.—T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Withdrawn 1863. Orange 1848; Bethel 1849; Nunda 1850; Painted Post 1851-52; Havana 1853-54; Addison 1855; Italy and Prattsburg 1856; Bethel, Voaks and Reed’s Corners 1857; Bethel and Voaks 1858; Bellona 1859; Ridge 1860; Italy Hill 1861; Superannuated 1862. Lamkin, Harvey—Born New York State 1812. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Covington, Pa., Feb. 24, 1896. Canton 1852-53; Millport 1854; Catherine 1855- 56; Chemung 1857-58; Smithfield 1859; Bur- lington 1860-61; Springfield 1862-63-64; Mans- field 1865-66-67; Chemung 1868-69; Blossburg 1870-71. LANpDRETH, James—Born Mountrath, Ireland, Oct. 23, 1823. T. East Genesee 1851. F. 1853. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Canisteo, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1894. 164 ITS MEMBERS Jerusalem 1851; Addison 1852; Starkey and Bar- rington 1853; Hector 1854; Clifton 1855; Rush- ville 1856-57; Naples 1858; Principal Mansfield Seminary 1859; Wellsboro 1860-61; Walworth 1862-63; Pultneyville 1864; Sodus 1865; Bellona 1866-67 ; Dundee 1868-69; Potter 1870; Canisteo 1871. LaTIMER, Ebenezer—Born Windsor, Conn., April 13, 1806. T. New York 1833. To Genesee by transfer 1833. F. 1835. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Kewanna, Ind., June 10, 1886. Phelps 1848; Benton Center 1849; Honeoye Falls 1850-51; Mt. Morris 1852; Nunda 1853-54; Ha- vana 1855; Dresden 1856; Supernumerary 1857; Junius 1858-59; Bellona 1860-61; Conesus 1862- 63; Bristol 1864; Supernumerary 1865—1868; Superannuated 1869—1871. Latimer, Ebenezer H.—Born Pike, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1842. T. East Genesee 1870. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Principal Haverling Free Academy, Bath, 1870- 71. Latimer, James E.—Born Hartford, Conn., Oct. 7, 1826. T. Oneida 1856. F. 1858. Located 1858. Readmitted East Genesee 1858. To Central New ITS MEMBERS 165 York by change of boundaries, and to Genesee by transfer 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1884. Professor Elmira Female College 1858-59-60; Elmira, First 1861-62; Rochester, Asbury 1863- 64; Rochester, First 1865-66-67; Rochester, As- bury 1868; Penn Yan 1869; Professor Boston University School of Theology 1870-71. Lattimore, Samuel A.—Born Union Co., Ind., May 31, 1828. T. Indiana 1860. To Genesee by trans- fer 1860. F. 1862. To East Genesee by transfer 1867. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Rochester, N. Y. Professor in Genesee College 1860-61-62-63-64- 65-66; Professor in University of Rochester 1867-68-69-70-71. Leax, Thomas J.—Born England, Jan. 31, 1839. T. Kansas 1867. F. 1869. To Arkansas by trans- fer 1875. To Genesee by transfer 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Pittsburg by transfer 1880. To North Ohio by transfer. To Pittsburg by transfer. To Central Pennsylvania by trans- fer. To Rock River by transfer. To Pittsburg by transfer 1895. Died Bellona, Pa., Nov. 11, 1907. Leete, Menzo S.—T. Detroit 1859. F. 1861. Lo- cated 1864. Readmitted East Genesee 1866. To 166 ITS MEMBERS Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Jamesvile, N. Y. Webster 1866; Ovid 1867; Sodus 1868-69-70; Waterloo 1871. LEISENRING, Daniel—Born Varick, N. Y., May 28, 1821. T. East Genesee 1849. F. 1851. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiaztion and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 14, 1896. Wellsburg 1849; Springfield 1850; Burlington 1851-52; Southport 1853-54; Millport 1855-56; Milo Center 1857; Sodus 1858-59; Branchport 1860; Clifton Springs 1861; Benton Center 1862- 63; Naples 1864-65; Rochester, North Ave. 1866- 67-68; Watkins 1869-70; Dansville 1871. Lemon, James S.—T. East Genesee 1863. F. 1865. To Genesee by change of boundaries and to Cen- tral New York by transfer 1872. Withdrawn 1876. Marion 1863-64; Almond 1865; Pittsford 1866; Principal Macedon Academy 1867; Groveland 1868 ; Richmond 1869-70-71. Letts, David—T. East Genesee 1857. Discon- tinued 1859. Breesport 1857; Big Flats 1858. Linpsay, John W.—Born Barre, Vt., Aug. 20, 1820. T. New York 1843. F. 1845. To New York East at organization 1849. To New York by ITS MEMBERS 167 transfer 1850. To East Genesee by transfer 1866. To New England by transfer 1868. West New- ton, Mass. President Genesee College 1866-67. Lioyp, William—Born Redditch, England, 1840. To Troy by “transfer from England” 1870. To East Genesee by transfer 1870. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To New York by transfer 1872. Withdrawn 1877. Died Stone- ham, Mass., Dec. 13, 1905. Rochester, First 1870-71. Loomis, George—Born Attica, N. Y., June 30, 1817. T. and F. not found. To Pittsburg 1861. To Central New York by transfer 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1886. LowELL, Carlos G.—Born Nunda, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1840. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. To Central New York by transfer 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Angelica, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1905. Fremont 1865; Troupsburg 1866; Brookfield 1867-68 ; Dalton 1869; Cameron 1870-71. LowELL, Julian V.—Born Grove, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1837. T. East Genesee 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. 168 ITS MEMBERS To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Died Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1893. Burlington 1870-71. Luckey, Samuel—Born Rensselaerville, N. Y., April 4, 1791. T. New York 1811. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1812. To New York by transfer 1813. F. 1813. To Genesee by transfer 1832. To New York by transfer 1836. To Gen- esee by transfer 1841. To East Genesee at organ- ization 1848. To Genesee by transfer 1855. To East Genesee by transfer 1859. Died Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1869. Rochester District 1848-49; Penfield 1850; Roch- ester, Third Church 1851; Supernumerary 1852- 53; Agent Tract Society 1854; * * * * Rochester, Corn Hill 1859; Rochester, North St., 1860; Chaplain Monroe Co. Penitentiary 1861—1868; Superannuated 1869. Lyon, George G.—T. Rock River 1858. F. 1860. To Genesee by transfer 1863. To East Genesee by transfer 1868. To Detroit by transfer 1870. Located 1870. Rochester, First 1868-69. Maker, Archelaus—T. East Genesee 1852. Dis- continued 1854. Granger 1852-53. MANDEVILLE, John—Born Eastern New York, Sept. 25, 1810. T. Genesee 1838. F. 1840. To East ITS MEMBERS 169 Genesee at organization 1848. Died Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1866. Waterloo 1848; Vienna 1849-50; Elmira Mission 1851; Rochester, St. Johns 1852-53; Rochester, North St., 1854-55; Dansville 1856; Avon 1857- 58; Supernumerary 1859—1863. Superannuated 1864-65. MANDEVILLE, William W.—Born Penfield, N. Y., July 17, 1812. T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries, and to Gen- esee by transfer 1872. To East Genesee at re- organization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Hornellsville, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1894. Ontario 1848-49 ; Fairville and Lock Berlin 1850; South Sodus 1851; Bloomfield 1852; Fairville 1853-54; East Palmyra and Marion 1855; Super- numerary 1856-57; Middlesex 1858; Potter 1859; Cohocton 1860-61; Savona 1862-63; Groveland 1864-65; Livonia 1866; Rush 1867-68-69; Pult- neyville and Ontario 1870-71. Manninc, William—Born Benson, Vt., Oct. 10, 1827. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Withdrawn 1895. New York, N. Y. Wellsboro 1850-51; Mansfield 1852-53; Wells- ville 1854; Lawrenceville 1855-56; Penfield 1857- 58; Rochester, Frank St. 1859-60; Trumansburg 170 ITS MEMBERS 1861-62; Bath 1863-64; Lyons 1865-66-67; Waterloo 1868-69-70; Newark 1871. Marxuam, George G.—Born July 23, 1834. T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. Located 1865. Re- admitted Baltimore 1866. To Philadelphia by transfer, and to Baltimore by transfer 1866. Washington, D. C. Webster 1862-63; Penfield 1864. MatuHer, Daniel D.—Born Milford Center, O., Apr. 21, 1822. T. Ohio 1842. F. 1844. To Central Ohio by transfer 1866. To East Genesee by trans- fer 1868. To Central Ohio by transfer 1869. Died Delaware, O., July 17, 1895. Elmira, First 1868. Mattison, -William C.—Born Scipio, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1822. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To Missouri and Arkansas by transfer 1866. To Missouri at organization and to East Genesee by transferr 1869. To Genesee by change of bound- aries and to Central New York by transfer 1871. To Genesee by transfer 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died New- ark, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1897, Covington Mission 1850; Wellsboro 1851; Whitesville 1852-53; Tyrone and Wayne 1854- 55; Jacksonville 1856-57; Pittsford 1858; Gene- seo and Groveland 1859-60; Bath 1861-62; Lodi 1863-64; Horseheads 1865. * * * * Angelica 1869; Hornellsville 1870-71. ITS MEMBERS 171 MAXWELL, Joseph—Born Portadown, Ireland, Mar. 8, 1833. T. Oneida 1862. F. 1864. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Gene- see at reorganization, to Genesee by consolidation, and to Central New York by transfer 1876. Clif- ton Springs, N. Y. May, Hiram—Born Cherry Valley, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1797. T. Genesee 1824. F. 1826. To East Gen- esee at organization, and to Genesee by transfer 1848. Died Lancaster, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1876. McELuHENnNy, Theodore—Born Dryden, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1809. T. Genesee 1837. F. 1840. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Bur- dett, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1875. Conesus and Springwater 1848; Hector 1849; Towanda 1850-51; Corning 1852; Elmira, First 1853; Dundee 1854-55; Horseheads 1856-57; Burdette 1858-59; Havana 1860-61; Potter 1862; Hopewell 1863-64; Superannuated 1865—1871. McGeratp, Samuel—Born Glenavy, Ireland, June 20, 1833. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Buffalo, N. Y. Conesus 1856; Coke’s Chapel and Bristol 1857; Henrietta 1858-59; Livonia 1860-61; Pittsford 1862-63; Walworth 1864-65-66; Benton Center 1867-68-69 ; Bath 1870-71. McKinney, Inman J. B.—T. Genesee 1829. F. 1832. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To 172 ITS MEMBERS Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Died Ellington, Mich., Oct. 15, 1880. Avoca 1848; Jasper 1849; Hector 1850; Che- mung 1851-52; Wellsburg 1853; Superannuated 1854—1871. McKinstry, Porter—Born Junius, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1812. T. Genesee 1838. F. 1840. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Penfield, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1891. Ontario 1848-49; Webster 1850-51; Palmyra 1852-53; Troy District 1854; Corning District 1855-56-57-58; Canandaigua 1859; Walworth 1860-61; Penfield 1862-63; Pittsford 1864-65; Clyde 1866-67; Canoga 1868; Hopewell and Emory Chapel 1869-70-71. McMauon, Charles W.—T. East Genesee 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. To Georgia by transfer 1873. To Savannah at organization 1876. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., July 1879. Canoga 1870-71. McMauon, Isaiah—Born Aughnacloy, Ireland, July 19, 1808. T. Maine 1839. F. 1841. To ITS MEMBERS 173 Genesee by transfer 1844. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1862. Re-admitted Genesee 1885. Died Lima, N. Y. Jan. 17, 1892. Honeoye Falls 1848-49; Waterloo 1850; Vienna 1851; Towanda 1852-53; Wellsboro 1854-55; Principal Rogersville Union Seminary 1856; Sparta 1857-58; Conesus 1859; West Bloomfield 1860-61. McManon, John T.—Born Columbia, Me., May 5, 1843. T. East Genesee 1870. To India Mis- sion by transfer 1870. To India at organization 1873. F. 1873. To North India at organization 1877. Died Dwarahat, India, July 5, 1896. McWoop, Robert—T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. Located 1867. Troupsburg 1861; Milo 1862; Mainsburg 1863- 64-65; Addison 1866. Meacuam, Isaac J.—T. East Genesee 1853. Dis- continued 1854. Angelica 1853. MERrRING, Joseph—Born Sandyson, N. J., Nov. 25, 1838. T. Central New York 1872. F. 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1906. Merritt, Stephen M.—Born Western New York, May 6, 1826. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. 174 ITS MEMBERS To Michigan by transfer 1871. Died Coldwater, Mich., Nov. 20, 1893. Caton 1856; Italy Hollow 1857; Potter 1858; Savona 1859-60; Avoca 1861; Hammondsport 1862; Woodhull 1863-64; Thurston 1865-66; Co- hocton 1867 ;-Supernumerary 1868; West Web- ster 1869-70. Mites, James N.—T. East Genesee 1857. Discon- tinued 1859. Addison Hill 1857-58. MitispauGcH, Charles E.—Born Gorham, N. Y., June 18, 1848. T. East Genesee 1870. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Medina, N. Y. Rush 1870-71. Morey, Andrew F.—Born Nassau, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1830. T. East Genesee 1854. F. 1856. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Han- cock, Mass., May 16, 1905. Bath Second Charge 1854; Hopewell 1855; Middlesex 1856-57; Manchester and Chapinville 1858 ; East Bloomfield 1859-60-61 ; Honeoye Falls 1862-63-64; Bath 1865-66-67; Geneva 1868-69- 70; Penn Yan District 1871. Moxcey, George W.—Born Phelps, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1846. T. Central New York 1875. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consol- idation 1876. F. 1877. To Central New York by ITS MEMBERS 175 change of boundaries 1880. Peterboro, N. Y. Mover, Henry C.—Born Turbotville, Pa., Oct. 13, 1836. T. Central New York 1873. F. 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Cortland, N. Y. Muncer, Reuben D.—Born Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1837. T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Syracuse N. Y. Big Flats 1861; Havana 1862; South Sodus 1863- 64; Painted Post 1865; Dansville 1866-67; Addi- son 1868; East Bloomfield 1869-70-71. NETTLETON, King D.—Born Northfield, Mass., Feb. 26, 1823. T. Genesee 1847. F. 1849. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., July 27, 1902. Nevins, John W.—Born Hatley, Canada, April 19, 1801. T. Genesee 1830. F. 1833. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Catherine, N. Y., May 19, 1881. Ontario District 1848; Geneva District 1849-50; Havana 1851; Superannuated 1852-53; Super- numerary 1854; Superannuated 1855—1870; Burdette 1871. 176 ITS MEMBERS Newcomes, Charles S.—T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization 1876. Discontinued 1876. Newman, E. Lansing—Born South Onondaga, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1825. T. Oneida 1852. F. 1854. To Genesee by transfer 1856. Located 1861. Re- admitted Genesee 1862. To East Genesee at re- organization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1903. NicHots, Samuel—Born Edmonston, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1813. T. Genesee 1839. F. 1842. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Genesee by transfer 1877. Died Bath, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1894. Wellsboro 1848; Tyrone 1849-50; Avoca 1851- 52; Coke’s Chapel and Bristol 1853-54; Knoxville 1855; Burlington 1856-57; Lawrenceville 1858; Towanda 1859; Webster 1860; Townsendville 1861-62; Watkins 1863; Jacksonville 1864-65; Painted Post 1866; Bible Agent 1867-68; Bur- dette 1869-70; Townsendville 1871. Noses, John C.—T. Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To East Genesee by transfer 1857. Located 1866. Elmira, Hedding 1857; Penn Yan 1858-59; Su- perannuated 1860—1865. Nortuway, Luther—Born Hornby, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1817. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1844. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Seneca Falls, N. Y., June 16, 1893. ITS MEMBERS 177 Tioga and Lawrenceville 1848; Jefferson 1849- 50; Benton Center 1851; Clyde 1852-53; Port Gibson 1854-55; Pultneyville 1856-57; Webster 1858-59 ; Honeoye Falls 1860-61; Macedon Cen- ter 1862-63; Supernumerary 1864; Avon 1865- 66; Horseheads 1867-68; Mecklenburg 1869-70- 71. Nutten, David—Born 1810. T. Genesee 1837. F. 1839. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Newark, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1886. Dansville 1848; Bath District 1849-50-51-52; Corning 1853-54; Avon 1855-56; Hornellsville District 1857-58-59-60; Newark 1861-62; Clyde 1863-64; Lodi 1865-66-67; Avon 1868-69-70; Wellsville 1871. ODELL, Jeremiah—T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. Located 1855. Hector 1853; Jackson 1854. Orcutt, Asa—Born Stamford, Conn., Sept. 18, 1796. T. Genesee 1821. F. 1823. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. To Genesee by charge of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorgan- ization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Sonora, N. Y., June 17, 1878. Superannuated 1848-49; Supernumerary 1850— 1859; Superannuated 1860—1871. 178 ITS MEMBERS Ossanp, Gideon—Born Palmyra, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1801. T. Genesee 1828. F. 1830. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. Died Macedon Cen- ter, N. Y., June 7, 1855. Superannuated 1848—1854. Packer, George N.—T. East Genesee 1860. Dis- continued 1863. Mansfield 1860; Forksville 1861; Farmington 1862. Pappock, George W.—Born Vienna, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1823. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. To Kansas and Nebraska by transfer 1857. To Kan- sas at organization 1861. To East Genesee by transfer 1867. To Genesee by change of bound- aries 1872. Died Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1908. Castleton and Orleans 1852; Castleton 1853-54; Chapinville and Read’s Corners 1855-56. * * * * Rochester, Corn Hill 1867-68-69; Geneseo 1870- 71. ParceL, Ashbal—Re-admitted Genesee 1847. Lo- cated 1848. Re-admitted East Genesee 1851. Located 1859. Kennedyville 1851; Hammondsport 1852; Bethel 1853; Supernumerary 1854-55-56; Castleton 1857; Westfield 1858. Park, Jacob M.—T. and F. and Located not found. Re-admitted East Genesee 1855. Located 1860. Henrietta 1855; Rogersville 1856-57; Canisteo 1858; Richmond and Canadice 1859. ITS MEMBERS 179 ParKeER, John—Born Painted Post, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1800. T. Genesee 1822. To Canada at organiza- tion 1824. F. 1824. To Genesee by transfer 1824. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1878. Mt. Morris 1848-49; Rush and Henrietta 1850; Waterloo 1851; Elmira District 1852-53-54; Horseheads 1855; Superannuated 1856; Pittsford 1857; Chaplain Monroe Co Penitentiary 1858; Rush 1859; Henrietta 1860; Tyre 1861; Canoga 1862; Superannuated 1863-64; Conesus 1865; Scottsburg 1866; Taylorsville 1867-68 ; Henrietta 1869; Scottsburg and East Sparta 1870; West Webster 1871. Parker, Robert—Born Fishing Creek, Pa., Mar. 30, 1792. T. Genesee 1820. F. 1822. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Sparta, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1874. Naples 1848-49; Rushville 1850-51; Hopewell and Reed’s Corners 1852; Cohocton 1853; Super- annuated 1854; Sparta 1855-56; Canaseraga 1857; Kanona 1858; Towlesville 1859-60; Branchport 1861; Fremont 1862; Birdsall 1863; Rogersville 1864; Superannuated 1865—1871. ParkeER, Samuel—Born Briar Creek, Pa., Dec. 16, 1797. T. Genesee 1830. F. 1832. To East Gen- 180 ITS MEMBERS esee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorgan- ization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Hopewell, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1879. Manchester 1848; Middlesex 1849; Supernumer- ary 1850—1859; Superannuated 1860—1871. PartripGe, Berton A.—To Genesee on credentials from Methodist Church 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. Located own request 1888. Patterson, Charles N.—Born Machias, N. Y., May 4, 1847. T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. F. 1876. Withdrawn under complaints 1894, Silver Lake Assembly, N. Y. Payne, J. J—To East Genesee on credentials from Wesleyan Connection 1867. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Located 1885. Mecklenburg 1867-68; Potter 1869; Milo Center 1870-71. PEARSALL, Joseph—T. Genesee 1826. F. 1828. To Wisconsin by transfer 1850. To East Genesee by transfer 1853. Died Dansville, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1865. Supernumerary 1853; Ridge and Sparta 1854; Granger 1855; Superannuated 1856-57-58; Su- pernumerary 1859; Superannuated 1860—1865. ITS MEMBERS 181 Peck, Harris—Born Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 3, 1824. T. Genesee 1869. F. 1872. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consoli- dation 1876. Died Bradford, Pa., Feb. 23. 1896. Peck, James B.—Born Diss, England, Jan. 23, 1825. To East Genesee on credentials from Methodist New Connection of Canada 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Bath, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1899. Woodhull 1871. PENDELL, John R.—T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Located 1875. Pultneyville 1868 ; Pultneyville and Ontario 1869; Tyre 1870; Canoga 1871. PuHILuips, Robert D.—Born Waterville, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1838. T. Black River 1864. F. 1866. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. To Minnesota by transfer 1891. Hastings, Minn. Pickett, Sylvester D.—Born Conesus, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1846. T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1870. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Andover, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1904. 182 ITS MEMBERS South Addison 1868; Towlesville 1869-70; Short Tract 1871. Pierce, E. Burnett—T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Discontinued 1876. Pinpar, William E.—Born Portsmouth, Me., Nov. 3, 1814. T. Maine 1840. Discontinued 1841. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1845. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Lima, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1876. Wellsburg 1848; Enfield 1849-50; Hammonds- port 1851; Thurston 1852; Avoca 1853-54; Bur- lington 1855; Big Flats 1856-57; Harmonyville and Prattsburg 1858-59; Andover 1860-61; Forksville 1862-63; Knoxville 1864; Baldwin 1865; Beaver Dams 1866; Italy Hollow 1867; Kanona 1868; Superannuated 1869—1871. Pium_ey, Albert—Born Bennington, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1818. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1855. Re-admitted Genesee 1855. Died Sweden, N. Y., June 28, 1888. Bellona 1848-49; Ridge 1850; Nunda 1851-52; Victor 1853; Honeoye Falls 1854. Pomeroy, Charles R—Born Waybridge, Vt., 1830. T. East Genesee 1859. Discontinued 1860. T. East Genesee 1863. To New Jersey by transfer ITS MEMBERS 183 1864. To Genesee by transfer 1865. F. 1866. To Des Moines by transfer 1868. To East Gen- esee by transfer 1871. To Upper Iowa by trans- fer 1872. To South Kansas by transfer 1874. To Des Moines by transfer. To Puget Sound by transfer. Chautauqua, Wash. Principal Genesee Weslyan Seminary 1859, * * * * * Ovid and Sheldrake 1863, * * * * Pal- myra 1871. Post, Woodruff—Born Toronto, Ont., Dec. 6, 1820. T. Genesee 1853. Discontinued 1854. T. East Genesee 1857. F. 1859. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorgan- ization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Olean, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1906. Italy Hill 1857; Dalton 1858; Almond 1859-60- 61; Wayland 1862-63; Andover 1864; West Sparta 1865-66; Supernumerary 1867—1871. Potter, William—Born Potter, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1818. T. Genesee 1847. To East Genesee at organiza- tion 1848. F. 1850. To Wilmington by transfer 1869. To Genesee by transfer 1872. Died Penn Yan, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1880. Knoxville 1848-49; West Addison 1850-51; Co- hocton 1852; Jerusalem and Italy Hill 1853; Hopewell 1854; Avoca 1855-56; Townsendville 1857-58; Orange 1859; Pultneyville 1860-61-62 ; Lawrenceville 1863-64; Avoca 1865-66; Wayne 1867-68. 184 ITS MEMBERS PowELL, John—Born Pembroke, Wales, Sept. 18, 1815. T. Genesee 1838. Discontinued 1840. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1844. To East Genesee at or- ganization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Hopewell Center, N. Y., May 27, 1878. Potter 1848 ; Lodi and Townsendville 1849; Jack- sonville 1850; Townsendville and Covert 1851; Springfield 1852-53; Frenchtown 1854; Canton 1855-56; Mainsburg 1857; Chatham 1858-59; Castleton and Hopewell 1860-61; Italy Hollow 1862; Jasper 1863-64; South Sodus 1865-66-67 ; Superannuated 1868—1871. Putnam, Jonathan W.—Born Leyden, N. Y., July 31, 1815. T. Rock River 1846. To Wisconson at organization 1848. F. 1848. To East Genesee by transfer 1857. Died Middlesex, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1871. East Palmyra 1857; Tyrone 1858-59; Catherine 1860; Southport 1861; Jackson 1862-63; Canton 1864-65; Prattsburg 1866-67; Dresden 1868-69; Middlesex 1870-71. Rarnes, John—Born Hull, England, Jan. 14, 1818. T. Genesee 1845. F.-1847. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Canandaigua, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1877. ITS MEMBERS 185 Victor 1848; Dansville 1849; Lima 1850-51; Geneva 1852-53; Rochester, St. Johns 1854-55; Lyons 1856-57; Corning 1858-59; Elmira, Hed- ding 1860-61; Rochester, Alexander St. 1862-63- 64; Newark 1865; Geneva 1866-67; Lyons 1868- 69-70; Superannuated 1871. RANDALL, Nathan B.—T. Genesee 1869. To Min- nesota by transfer 1870. F. 1871. Located 1873. Re-admitted Central New York 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Withdrawn under charges 1880. Rep, John M.—Born New York City, May 30, 1820. T. New York 1844. F. 1846. To New York East at organization 1849. To East Gene- see by transfer 1858.. To Michigan by transfer 1869. Died New York City, May 16, 1896. President Genesee College 1858-59-60-61-62-63 ; Editor Western Christian Advocate 1864-65-66- 67-68. Regua, James D.—Born Tarrytown, N. Y., July 2, 1829. T. Wisconsin 1854. F. 1856. Located 1862. Re-admitted Wisconsin 1866. To East Genesee by transfer 1868. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reor- ganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1905. Canton 1868-69; Naples 1870; Rochester, Alex- ander St. 1871. RHINEVAULT, Seymour C.—Born Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sept 11, 1815. T. East Genesee 1855. F. ? 186 ITS MEMBERS 1857. Located 1861. Re-admitted East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of bound- arises 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Mansfield, Pa., June 17, 1890. Towlesville 1855; Thurston 1856-57; Orange 1858; Woodhull 1859-60. * * * * Monroeton 1871. RicHarpson, George B.—T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. F. 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1881. Honeoye Falls, N. Y. RitrENHOUSE, David—T. East Genesee 1857. Dis- continued 1860. Jasper 1857; Towlesville 1858; Addison Hill 1859. Roserts, Orlo N.—Born East Wilson, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1843. T. Genesee 1870. F. 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Located 1885. Gasport, N. Y. Roserts, Palmer—Born Mar. 15, 1780. T. Genesee 1811. F. 1813. To Oneida at organization, and to Genesee by transfer 1829. Located 1834. Re- admitted 1837. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Seneca Falls, N. Y., April 19, 1858. Superannuated 1848-49; Supernumerary 1850; Superannuated 1851—1857. ITS MEMBERS 187 Rosinson, John—Born in Ireland, Aug. 14, 1802. T. Genesee 1832. F. 1834. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Starkey, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1868. Henrietta 1848; Sodus 1849; Springwater and Canadice 1850; Hector 1851; Jacksonville 1852; Junius 1853-54; Supernumerary 1855-56; Alton 1857; Marion 1858; Baldwin 1859-60; Thurston 1861; Avoca 1862; Caton 1863; Pine Creek 1864; Jackson 1865-66; Superannuated 1867. Rocers, Lewis L.—T. Genesee 1844. F. 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Withdrawn 1863. Burlington 1848; Orange 1849; Whitesville 1850- 51; Jasper 1852-53; Mansfield 1854-55; Granger 1856; Canisteo 1857; Whitesville 1858; Nunda 1859-60; Conesus 1861; Canaseraga 1862. Rocers, William H.—Born Willing, Allegany Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1834. T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1861. To Genesee by transfer 1864. To Oregon by transfer 1870. To East Genesee by transfer 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Located own re- quest 1897. Wellsville, N. Y. Whitesville 1859; Principal Spring Mills Acad- emy 1860; Principal Troupsburg Academy 1861- 62-63. * * * * * Troupsburg 1871. 188 ITS MEMBERS Rooney, Samuel B.—Born Ireland, May 30, 1819. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To East Genesee by transfer 1848. To California by transfer 1855. Withdrawn 1857. T. Newark 1867. F. 1869. Died Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1901. Starkey 1848; Agent Genesee College 1849; Hor- nellsville 1850; Sodus Ridge 1851; Sodus 1852; Rochester, Frank St. 1853-54. Rork, Robert R.—T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1862. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Expelled 1876. Restored by Judicial Conference 1877. Located at own request 1881. Fremont 1859; Canaseraga 1860; West Almond 1261-62; Towlesville 1863-64-65; Tuscarora 1866-67 ; Woodhull 1868-69; Whitesville 1870-71. Rosa, Edward D.—T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. To Upper Iowa by transfer 1863. Located 1868. Chatham 1852: Troy 1853; Barrington 1854; Woodhull 1855-56; Angelica 1857; Wellsville 1858-59; Rogersville 1860-61; East Smithfield 1862. Ross, James H.—Born Burlington, Pa., Sept. 3, 1831. T. East Genesee 1855. F. 1858. To Michigan by transfer 1867. Located 1882. Re- admitted Central New York 1886. Dryden, N. Y. Pine Creek 1855; Whitesville 1856; Charleston 1857 ; Mainsburg 1858-59 ; Canton 1860; Monroe- ITS MEMBERS 189 ton 1861-62; Catherine 1863; Painted Post 1864; Savona 1865-66. Rowtanp, Henry—Born Onondaga Valley, N. Y., June 6, 1832. T. East Genesee 1865. Discon- tinued 1868. Died Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 2, 1882. Beaver Dams 1865; Caton 1866-67. Rowtey, Calvin—T. East Genesee 1866. Discon- tinued 1868. West Almond 1866; Westfield 1867. Rumsey, William H.—Born 1841. T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorgan- ization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Jan. 8, 1877. Dushore 1868; Farmington 1869-70; Chatham, 1871. Runner, William A.—Born Howard, Pa., Sept. 5, 1821. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries, and transferred to Genesee 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. Died Mt. Morris, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1895. Ulysses 1850-51; Brookfield 1852; Ridge 1853. Superannuated 1854—1857; East Palmyra 1858; Barrington 1859-60; Henrietta 1861-62; Sparta 1863-64; Bethel and Voaks 1865; Italy Hollow 1866; Superannuated 1867—1871. Runyan, William W.—Born Stanley, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1828. T. East Genesee 1864. F. 1866. To 190 ITS MEMBERS Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Marion, Kas. Savona 1864; Marion 1865; East Palmyra 1866- 67-68; Marion 1869; Port Gibson 1870-71. SanForp, Hiram—Born Cheshire, Conn., Feb. 27, 1805. T. Genesee 1835. F. 1837. To East Gene- see at organization 1848. Died Phelps, N. Y., May 16, 1865. Cohocton 1848; Conesus 1849; Castleton and Manchester 1850; Supernumerary 1851-1854; Superannuated 1855—1864. Sauter, John—Born Tettnang, Germany, May 18, 1812. T. Genesee 1846. F. 1848. To East Gen- esee by transfer 1848. To New York by transfer 1849. To East German at organization 1866. Died Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 24, 1874. Rochester, German Mission 1848. Seacer, Schuyler—Born Simsbury, Conn., July 26, 1807, T. Genesee 1833. Discontinued 1834. T. Genesee 1836. F. 1838. To East Genesee at or- ganization, and to Genesee by transfer 1848. To East Genesee by transfer 1856. To Genesee by transfer 1861. Died Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1874. Rochester, Corn Hill 1856-57 ; Principal Dansville Seminary 1858-59-60. ITS MEMBERS 191 SEAVER, Horatio N.—T. Genesee 1834. F. 1836. To East Genesee at organization 1848. With- drawn 1862. Elmira 1848; Corning 1849; Agent Genesee Col- lege 1850-51; Corning District 1852-53-54; Painted Post and Knoxville 1855; Hornellsville 1856; Mansfield and Covington 1857; Superan- nuated 1858—1861. SeELBy, William J.—T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. Suspended 1862. Withdrawn 1863. Fairville 1852; South Sodus 1853; Dresden 1854- 55; Erin 1856; Baldwin 1857 ; Mecklenburg 1858- 59; Millport 1860; Pittsford 1861. SHarpP, William N.—Born Romulus, N. Y., May 1, 1828. T. East Genesee 1861. F. 1863. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Locke, N. Y. Tuscarora 1861; Cameron 1862-63; Short Tract 1864-65; Canaseraga 1866-67-68; Canoga 1869- 70; Tyre 1871. SHaw, John—Born Bristol, N. Y., July 11, 1807. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Himrods, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1869. Hector and Mecklenburg 1848; Millport 1849-50; Tyrone and Barrington 1851; Wellsville and An- dover 1852; Wellsville 1853; Tioga 1854; Coke’s Chapel and Bristol 1855-56 ; Henrietta 1857; Bar- rington 1858; Dresden 1859-60; Mt. Morris 1861; 192 ITS MEMBERS Superannuated 1862; Charleston 1863; Wellsboro 1864-65; Springfield 1866-67; Superannuated 1868. SHEFFER, Washington—T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1856. Located 1856. Brookfield 1853; Ulysses 1854-55. SHIPMAN, Benjamin—Born Stillwater, N. Y., April 1, 1799. T. Genesee 1822. Discontinued 1823. T. 1826. F. 1828. To Oneida at organization 1829. To Genesee by transfer 1834. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1873. Agent American Bible Society 1848-49-50-51-52; General Agent and Treasurer Genesee College 1853-54-55 ; Treasurer Genesee College 1856-57- 58; Treasurer and General Agent Genesee Col- lege 1859; Superannuated 1860—1871. SHuRTLEFF, Alonzo H.—Born East Bloomfield, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1826. T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. Located 1854. Re-admitted 1855. Located 1856. Re-admitted 1863. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Livonia, N. Y., May 3, 1904. Caton 1850; Mansfield 1851; Troy 1852; Wat- kins 1853; * * * * Agent American Bible So- ciety 1855; * * * * Orange 1863; Rochester, North St., 1864-65 ; Richmond 1866; East Bloom- field 1867-68; Agent East Genesee Conference Seminary 1869; South Sodus 1870-71. ITS MEMBERS 193 SMITH, Francis M.—Born Lodi, N. Y., May 21, 1835. T. East Genesee 1864, F. 1866. To Gene- see by change of boundaries 1872. To East Gen- esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Reading Center, N. Y. Tuscarora 1864-65; Short Tract 1866; Erwin Center 1867; Burlington 1868; Jasper 1869-70- 71. SmitH, Paul—Born Sinnemahoning, Pa., Feb. 25, 1839. T. Central New York 1872. F. 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Trowbridge, Pa. Snow, William—Born Providence, R. I., July 14, 1783. T. New York 1807. F. 1809. To Gene- see at organization 1810. Located 1818. Re- admitted 1819. Located 1824. Readmitted 1831. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died at Geneva, N. Y., July 5, 1871. Superannuated 1848—1870. Spinks, John—Born in England 1803. T. East Genesee 1848. F. 1850. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. Died Bradford, Pa., June 12, 1886. Hornellsville 1848; Cohocton 1849; Middlesex 1850-51; Chapinville and Hopewell Center 1852; Sodus 1853-54; Potter 1855; Wellsville 1856-57 ; 194 ITS MEMBERS Angelica 1858-59; Superannuated 1860; Grove 1861; Superannuated 1862-63-64; Ridge 1865; Henrietta 1866; Webster 1867; Fairville 1868-69; Marion 1870-71. Stacey, Thomas—Born Brighton, England, Mar. 9, 1822. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1844. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Thousand Island Park, N. Y., July 15, 1893. Castleton and Hopewell 1848; Dundee 1849-50; Ovid and Sheldrake 1851-52; Clifton Springs and Manchester 1853-54; Rochester, Alexander St., 1855; Superannuated 1856-57; Watkins and Reading 1858-59; Rochester, Asbury 1860; Lyons 1861-62; Clifton Springs 1863-64-65; Trumans- burg 1866-67; Horseheads 1868-69 ; ae ated 1870; Corning 1871. Stapies, Arden W.—Born Plymouth, Vt., Nov. 26, 1833. To East Genesee on credentials from Wes- leyan Connection 1866. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died South Byron, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1893. Wellsboro 1866; Hector 1867-68; Big Flats 1869; Southport 1870; Superannuated 1871. StTaTHAM, Walter—Born West Dryden, N. Y., July 6, 1833. T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1862. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Weedsport, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1907. ITS MEMBERS 195 Canaseraga 1859-60; Bennett’s Creek 1861; Westfield 1862; Big Flats 1863-64; Pine Creek 1865-66; Charleston 1867; East Smithfield 1868- 69-70; North Chemung 1871. STEELE, J. Dorman—Born Lima, N. Y., May 14, 1836. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1869. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Located 1873. Died Elmira, N. Y., May 25, 1886. Newark 1865; Principal Elmira Academy 1866- 67-68-69-70-71. StEvENS, John C.—Born Wyalusing, Pa., Dec. 25, 1836. T. East Genesee 1866. F. 1868. To Gene- see by change of boundaries 1872. Whitman, Md. Kanona 1866; Thurston 1867-68-69 ; Bristol 1870- 71. . STILLWELL, Richard L.—Born Hector, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1819. T. Genesee 1842. F. 1845. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Bellona, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1901. Urbana 1848; Hector 1849-50; Liberty Corners 1851; Ulster and East Smithfield 1852-53; Jack- son 1854-55; Knoxville 1856-57; Mansfield 1858- 59; East Charleston 1860-61; Burlington 1862- 63; Liberty Corners 1864-65-66; Harmonyville 1867; Milo Center 1868-69; Chemung 1870-71. Srory, Asa—T. Genesee 1829. F. 1831. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1850. 196 ITS MEMBERS Died Pine Bluff, Ark., Nov. 1852. Superannuated 1848-49. Story, Cyrus—Born Ipswick, Mass., Nov. 4, 1773. T. Genesee 1818. F. 1820. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Thurston, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1864. Superannuated 1848—1864. STRATTON, George—Born Webster, N. Y., May 4, 1837. T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. Located 1865. Re-admitted Genesee 1870. Rochester, N. Y. : Lawrenceville 1862; Monroeton 1863; Jackson 1864. STRATTON, Robert M.—Born Pemberton, N. J., June 20, 1840. T. New Jersey 1862. F. 1864. To New York by transfer 1869. To Genesee by trans- fer 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To New York by transfer 1888. Fishkill, N. Y. SUTHERLAND, Andrew—Born Cambria, N. Y., July 22, 1818. T. Genesee 1846. To East Genesee at organization 1848. F. 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1891. Hopewell 1848; Milo and Dresden 1849; Dres- den 1850; Catherine 1851-52; Bath 1853-54; Towanda 1855-56; Trumansburg 1857-58; New- ark 1859-60; Geneva District 1861-62-63-64; ITS MEMBERS 197 Lima 1865-66; Addison 1867; Rochester, Alex- ander St. 1868; Hornellsville District 1869-70-71. Sutton, Nelson—Born New York State 1842. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries, and to Central New York by transfer 1872. To Minnesota by transfer 1878. Located at own request 1885. Reading and Starkey 1869; Hammondsport 1870; Kanona 1871. SwaLtow, Joseph A.—Born Peterborough, Eng- land, Aug. 26, 1819. T. East Genesee 1858. F. 1860. To Central New York by change of boun- daries 1872. To East Genesee by reorganization 1876. Died Newark, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1876. Painted Post 1858-59; Tyrone 1860-61; Bur- dette and Reynoldsville 1862; East Smithfield 1863; Smithfield 1864; Watkins 1865-66; Pult- neyville 1867; Port Gibson 1868-69; Manchester and Chapinville 1870-71. SwEET, Elisha—Born Gorham, N. Y., 1810. T. East Genesee 1848. F. 1851. Died Knoxville, Pa., Sept. 7, 1869. Chemung 1848; Burlington 1849-50; Troy 1851; Frenchtown 1852; Chemung 1853-54; Jackson 1855-56; Canton 1857; Knoxville 1858-59; West- field 1860; Cameron 1861; Superannuated 1862- 63; Whitesville 1864-65; Burlington 1866-67; Superannuated 1868-69. Taytor, William D.—Born Jerusalem, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1831. T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1862. To 198 ITS MEMBERS Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Located 1875. Re-admitted Genesee 1879. Died Canoe Camp, Pa., Dec. 16, 1892. Principal Prattsburg Academy 1859; Harmony- ville and Italy Hollow 1860; Principal Bloom- field Academy 1861-62; Principal Mansfield State Normal School 1863; Bath 1864; Dresden 1865; Hammondsport 1866; Angelica 1867-68; Mans- field 1869-70-71. TerrtT, Benjamin F.—T. Maine 1836. F. 1839. To Providence by transfer 1841. To New Eng- land by transfer 1843. To Maine by transfer, and to Indiana by transfer, and to North Indiana at organization 1844. To East Genesee by trans- fer 1851. Located 1857. President Genesee College 1851-52-53; Superan- nuated 1854-55; Supernumerary 1856. Terry, George W.—Born Middleport, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1823. T. Genesee 1845. F. 1847. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Lima, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1885. Tuomas, Robert E.—Born Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 17, 1819. T. Rock River 1844. F. 1847. To Wisconsin at organization 1848. To Genesee by transfer 1851. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. To Genesee by transfer 1886. Died Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1904. ITS MEMBERS 199 TuHompson, Dugald—Born 1829. T. East Genesee 1853. To Wyoming by transfer 1855. Discon- tinued 1856. T. Iowa 1857. F. 1859. To Des Moines at organization 1860, Died Des Moines, Ta., May 18, 1896. Rogersville 1853; Avon 1854. THomeson, Joshua—Born Canandaigua, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1825. T. East Genesee 1859. F. 1861. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1900. Frenchtown 1859; Cameron 1860; Monterey 1861; Tyrone 1862; Potter 1863; Pulteney 1864- 65; Canton 1866-67; South Dansville 1868; Su- perannuary 1869—1871. TirFany, James E.—T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Withdrawn 1884. Canadice 1869; Millers Corners 1870-71. TinKer, Ezra—T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To New York by transfer 1869. To New Eng- land Southern by transfer 1880. To Maine by transfer 1884. To New York by transfer 1888. To Wilmington by transfer 1896. To Central New York by transfer 1898. Jordon, N. Y. Prattsburg 1865; Harmonyville 1866; Macedon 1867; Canton 1868. 200 ITS MEMBERS TinKHAM, Joseph K.—Born Sharon Springs, N. Y., June 22, 1811. T. Genesee 1838. F. 1840. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolida- tion 1876. Died Lima, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1884. Tyre and Junius 1848; Canoga 1849-50; Cana- dice 1851; Henrietta 1852-53; Bloomfield 1854- 55; Junius 1856; Wayland 1857; Sodus Center 1858; Troupsburg 1859; Superannuated 1860— 1871. Tooker, Manly—Born Lansing, N. Y., May 28, 1799. T. Genesee 1820. F. 1822. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Chicago, III. Dec. 30, 1871. Agent American Bible Society 1848; Rushville 1849; Canandaigua 1850-51; Phelps 1852-53; Pittsford 1854-55; Superannuated 1856; Victor 1857-58; Honeoye 1859; Rush 1860-61; Super- annuated 1862—1865; Supernumerary 1866-67; Superannuated 1868—1871. Tousey, Thomas—Born Covington, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1823. T. East Genesee 1848. F. 1850. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1891. Nunda 1848; Painted Post 1849; Addison 1850; Dundee and Starkey 1851; Trumansburg 1852- 53; Penn Yan 1854-55; Palmyra 1856-57; Roch- ester, St. Johns 1858-59; Geneva 1860-61; Corn- ITS MEMBERS 201 ing 1862; Palmyra 1863-64-65; Penn Yan 1866- 67-68; Elmira, First 1869-70; Elmira District 1871. Tower, Philo—T. Genesee 1838. F. 1840. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1859. Bethel 1848; Supernumerary 1849; Prattsburg Mission 1850; Supernumerary 1851; Superannu- ated 1852—1858. TownseEnpD, Elbridge G—Born Noridgewalk, Me., Oct. 25, 1811. T. Genesee 1836. F. 1838. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Geneva, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1862. Rushville 1848; Ovid 1849-50; Bath 1851; Can- andaigua 1852; Agent Genesee College 1853-54; Agent American Bible Society 1855-56-57-58- 59-60-61. Tracy, Benjamin J.—Born Townsend, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1840. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Tyrone, N.Y. Fremont 1869; Springfield 1870-71. Transug, George S.—Born Smithfield, Pa., Nov. 4, 1837. T. East Genesee 1867. F. 1869. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Gene- 202 ITS MEMBERS see by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Syracuse, N. Y. Forksville 1867; Monroeton 1868-69; East Char- leston 1870-71. TROWBRIDGE, Orrin—Born Tully, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1809. T. Genesee 1839. F. 1841. To East Gene- see by transfer 1848. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boun- daries 1880. Died Newark, N. Y., April 5, 1891. Covington 1848-49. Victor 1850-51; Pultneyville 1852-53; Lodi 1854-55; Waterloo 1856-57; Ben- ton Center 1858; Walworth 1859; Mt. Morris 1860; South Sodus 1861-62; Superannuated 1863-64; Taylorsville 1865; Canadice 1866; Su- pernumerary 1867-68-69 ; Superannuated 1870-71. TRoxELL, Henry B.—Born Sellersville, Pa., 1848. T. Genesee 1875. To East Genesee at reorgan- ization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. F. 1877. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Tyrone, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1897. Turton, Joseph J—Born Hull, England, Aug. 24, 1831. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. Perry, N. Y. Enfiled 1856; Towlesville 1857; Westfield 1858; ITS MEMBERS 203 Canisteo 1859; Kanona 1860; Baldwin 1861; Grove 1862; West Almond 1863; Fremont 1864; Jasper 1865-66; Lawrenceville 1867-68; East Canton 1869-70; Ulster 1871. TurtLe, Joseph K.—Born Sept. 17, 1816. T. Gene- see 1838. F. 1840. To East Genesee at organiza- tion 1848. To Upper Iowa by transfer 1867. To St. Louis by transfer 1871. Died Sedalia, Mo., Mar. 15, 1893. Livonia 1848; Bath 1849; Port Gibson 1850; Dansville 1851-52; Newark 1853-54; Elmira Dis- trict 1855-56; Geneva District 1857-58-59-60; Canandaigua 1861; Waterloo 1862-63-64; Corn- ing 1865-66. Van ALLEN, Daniel D.—T. East Genesee 1867. Discontinued 1871. Springwater 1867; Fremont 1868; Cameron 1869; Principal Naples Academy 1870. Van ALSTYNE, George—Born Coxsackie, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1836. T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To New York by transfer 1877. To New York East by transfer 1885. Norwalk, Conn. Groveland 1862-63; Tutor Genesee College 1864; Rochester, Asbury 1865; Phelps 1866-67-68 ; Newark 1869-70; Geneva 1871. Van BENSCHOTEN, Henry—Born La Grange, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1824. T. East Genesee 1858. F. 1860. 204 ITS MEMBERS Located 1860. Re-admitted Genesee 1863. To East Genesee by transfer 1867. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Newark N. Y. South Sodus Circuit 1858; Fairville 1859. * * * Rochester, Alexander St. 1867; Dansville 1268- 69-70; Addison 1871. Van BENSCHOTEN, Sandford—Born Dutchess Co., N. Y., May 28, 1832. T. East Genesee 1855. Dis- continued 1856. T. East Genesee 1858. F. 1860. To Newark by transfer 1868. Died Passaic, N. J., Dec. 18, 1896. Rochester, Frank St., 1855. * * * * Lyons 1858- 59; Penn Yan 1860-61; Rochester, First 1862-63- 64; Elmira, First 1865-66-67. Van Kirk, John—Born Milford, Pa., Dec. 19, 1838. T. East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Webbs Mills, N. Y. Wilmot 1871. ViweEau, Richard—Born Lenham, England, March 23, 1825. T. East Genesee 1865. F. 1867. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1882. Died Forksville, Pa., Sept. 10, 1884. ITS MEMBERS 205 Forksville 1865; East Smithfield 1866-67 ; Bristol 1868-69 ; Enfield 1870; Wellsburg 1871. VossurGc, Henry—Born Kinderhook, N. Y., July 25, 1827. T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries, and to Genesee by transfer 1872. Died Oramel, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1900. Hammondsport 1868; Tyrone 1869-70-71. Warner, Francis M.—Born Enfield, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1834. T. Genesee 1856. Discontinued 1858. T. Oneida 1859. F. 1861. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Genesee at reor- ganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by transfer 1877. Died Union Springs, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1902. Watson, George S.—Born Pulaski, N. Y., June 21, 1830. T. Black River 1854. F. 1856. To Central New York at organization 1869. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died San Diego, Cal., Dec. 21, 1905. Watson, Lorenzo D.—Born Allegany Co. Md., Dec. 15, 1838. T. East Baltimore 1860. F. 1862. Located 1863. Re-admitted New York East 1866. Located 1870. Re-admitted East Genesee 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries, and to Genesee by transfer 1872. Brooklyn, N. Y. East Canton 1871. 206 ITS MEMBERS Watts, Jonathan—T. Genesee 1846. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. F. 1848. Located 1866. Newark 1848; Post Gibson 1849; Corning 1850-51; Geneseo 1852-53; Rochester, First 1854-55; Rochester, St. Johns 1856-57; Bloom- field 1858-59; Hornellsville 1860-61; Chaplain 86th New York State Volunteers 1862; Geneseo 1863-64; Seneca Falls 1865. Weaver, Otis B.—Born Van Beuren, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1825. T. East Genesee 1856. F. 1858. To Cen- tral New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Died Westfield, Pa., Aug. 6, 1903. Rush 1856; Conesus 1857; Italy 1858-59; Pulte- ney 1860-61; Enfield 1862-63-64; Knoxville 1865- 66-67 ; Westfield 1868-69-70; Gaines 1871. Weaver, Theodore L.—T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1870. To Central New York by change of bound- aries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Expelled 1876. Pine Creek 1868; Ulster 1869-70; Farmington 1871. WEEKS, Charles—T. East Genesee 1864. F. 1866. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and located 1876. ITS MEMBERS 207 Charleston 1864-65-66; Monroeton 1867; Liberty Corners 1868; Jackson 1869-70-71. WENTz, William S.—Born Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1826. T. Missouri 1858. F. 1860. To East Genesee by transfer 1869. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Wyoming by transfer 1875. Died Owego, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1881. North Hector 1869; Troy 1870-71. West, Anson T.—Born Le Roy N. Y., Apr. 1, 1817. T. East Genesee 1850. Discontinued 1852. T. Genesee 1873. F. 1875. To East Genesee at reorganization and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Livonia, N. Y., July 27, 1892. Chatham Mission 1850; Canton 1851. WETZELL, Solomon—Re-admitted East Genesee 1866. To Central New York by change of bound- aries, and located 1872. Jerusalem 1866; Monterey 1867-68; Wayne 1869- 70; Italy Hollow 1871. WHEELER, Chandler—Born Wardsboro, Vt., Aug. 25, 1807. T. Genesee 1831. F. 1833. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Died Elgin, Il. Jan. 1865. Tyrone and Jefferson 1848; Chemung 1849-50; Granger 1851; Rogersville 1852-53; Victor 1854; Canisteo 1855-56; Jasper 1857; Superannuated 1858—1864. WHEELER, Martin—Born Jay, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1818. T. Genesee 1846. To East Genesee at organization 208 ITS MEMBERS 1848. F. 1849. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reor- ganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876, To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died Phelps, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1892. Sodus 1848; Junius and Tyre 1849-50; Pratts- burg and Italy Hill 1851; Naples 1852-53; Rush- ville 1854-55; Phelps 1856-57 ; Waterloo 1858-59; Addison 1860; Rochester, North St. 1861; East Bloomfield 1862; Phelps 1863-64-65; Seneca Falls 1866-67-68; Trumansburg 1869-70; Ovid 1871. WHEELER, Merritt F—T. East Genesee 1867. Dis- continued 1869, 3 Columbia 1867; Charleston 1868. WHEELER, Nathaniel M.—Born Ballston Springs, N. Y., May 11, 1820. To East Genesee on cre- dentials from Wesleyan Connection 1867. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Red Creek, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1906. Enfield 1867; Sheldrake 1868-69-70; Jackson- ville 1871. WicHTMAN, A. M.—T. East Genesee 1853. Dis- continued 1854. Enfield 1853. Wicsor, Albert D.—Born Alexander, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1821. T. Genesee 1843. F. 1845. To Michi- gan by transfer 1854. To Genesee by transfer 1856. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to ITS MEMBERS 209 Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1903. Witey, Isaac W.—Born Lewiston, Pa., Mar. 29, 1825. T. East Genesee and to Philadelphia by transfer 1850. F. 1853. To Newark by transfer 1855. Elected Bishop 1872. Died Foochow, China, Nov. 22, 1884. Witey, John—T. Genesee 1824. F. 1826. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1850. Corning 1848; Agent Genesee College 1849. WiLkinson, George—Born Tioga, Pa., Nov. 25, 1790. T. Genesee 1829. F. 1831. To East Gen- esee at organization 1848. Located 1849. Re-ad- mitted 1852. To Genesee by change of bound- aries 1872. Died Painted Post, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1877. Columbia 1848; Located 1849—1851; Enfield 1852; Erin 1853; Big Flats 1854; Hector 1855- 56; Catherine 1857; Jacksonville 1858; Town- sendville 1859-60; Groveland 1861; Livonia 1862- 63; Birdsall 1864; Grove 1865; Towlesville 1866; Sparta 1867-68-69; West Almond 1870; Erwin Center 1871. Wittiams, John E.—Born Kemptville, Ont., Oct. 1, 1844. T. Central New York 1872. F. 1874. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gen- esee by consolidation 1876. Hornell, N. Y. WittseA, Jonathan O.—Born New York State 1815. T. Genesee 1862. F. 1864. To East Gen- 210 ITS MEMBERS esee at reorganization, and to Genesee by con- solidation 1876. Died Denver, Col., Mar. 1, 1894. Wittson, John J.—T. East Genesee 1867. Died Macedon, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1868. Richmond 1867; Macedon 1868. Witson, James W.—Born Williamsport, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1822. T. East Genesee 1849. F. 1851. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. Died Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1889. Springwater 1849; Avon 1850; Hornellsville 1851; Rushville 1852-53; Painted Post and Knox- ville 1854; Rochester, Corn Hill 1855; Sodus 1856-57; Post Gibson 1858-59; Seneca Falls 1860-61; Geneva 1862; Trumansburg 1863-64- 65; Rushville 1866; Supernumerary 1867 ; Super- annuated 1868-69-70; Lodi 1871. Witson, Robert O—Born Richmond, Ont., Oct. 19, 1839. To East Genesee on credentials from Wesleyan Connection 1868. Died Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1872. Macedon 1868; Macedon and Perinton 1869; Rochester, Corn Hill 1870-71. WINCHESTER, Charles W.—Born Westminister, Vt., July 2, 1843. T. East Genesee 1870. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. F. 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Buffalo, N. Y. Big Flats 1870; Enfield 1871. Wisner, Henry—Born Camillus, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1807. T. Genesee 1833. F. 1835. To East Gen- ITS MEMBERS 211 esee at organization 1848. Located 1849. Re- admitted 1852. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorgani- zation, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Benton Center, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1878. Supernumerary 1848. * * * * West Addison 1852-53; Andover 1854-55; Cohocton 1856; Pot- ter 1857; Superannuated 1858; Supernumerary 1859; Sonora 1860; Caton 1861-62; Bethel and Voaks 1863-64; Superannuated 1865—1871. WouLcEMUTH, William—Born Mendon, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1829. T. East Genesee 1862. F. 1864. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1876. Thurston 1862-63; Savona 1864; Dundee 1865- 66-67 ; Victor 1868-69-70; Avon 1871. Woop, Elijah—Born Pittsfield, Mass., June 4, 1819. T. Genesee 1845. F. 1847. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Clifton Springs, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1880. Avon 1848; Victor 1849; Seneca Falls 1850-51; Lodi 1852-53; Clyde 1854-55; Rochester, Alex- ander St. 1856-57; Rushville 1858-59; Naples 1860-61; Towanda 1862-63-64; Dansville 1865; Nunda 1866; Superannuated 1867—1871. 212 ITS MEMBERS Woop, John A.—T. East Genesee 1866. Discon- tinued 1867. Monterey 1866. Woop, Levi—T. East Genesee 1850. F. 1852. Lo- cated 1857. Fairville and Lock Berlin 1850; Southport 1851; Caton 1852-53; Wellsboro Circuit 1854; French- town 1855; Monroeton and Frenchtown 1856. Woopen, Thomas J. O.—Born Dutchess Co., N. Y., Nov. 26, 1817. T. East Genesee 1852. F. 1854. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Springwater, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1882. South Sodus 1852; Canoga 1853-54; Junius 1855; Tyrone 1856-57 ; Southport 1858-59; Meck- lenburg 1860-61; Watkins 1862; Chaplain 16lst New York State Volunteers 1863; Hector 1864- 65; Mecklenburg 1866; Livonia 1867-68; Cone- sus and Springwater 1869-70; Honeoye Falls 1871. Woops, Henry C.—Born Rushford, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1844. T. East Genesee 1868. F. 1870. To Gen- esee by change of boundaries 1872. Bath N. Y. Allen’s Hill 1868; Miller’s Corners 1869; Bath Second Charge 1870-71. Wooster, Samuel W.—T. Genesee 1829. F. 1831. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1857. ITS MEMBERS 213 Supernumerary 1848; Superannuated 1849; Jack- son 1850. Wricut, Alpha—T. Genesee 1836. F. 1838. To East Genesee by transfer 1848. Located 1856. PennYan 1848-49; Agent Genesee College 1850- 51; Rochester, North St. 1852-53; Rochester, Alexander St. 1854; Corning 1855. WeicuT, Charles B.—T. Genesee 1841. F. 1843. To East Genesee at organization 1848. Located 1849. Supernumerary 1848. Wricut, Charles H.—Born Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 10, 1846. T. East Genesee 1869. F. 1871. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. To Central New York by change of boundaries 1880. Died New- ark, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1892. Kanona 1869-70; Dresden 1871. Wricut, Richard—Born Otsego Co., N. Y., 1796. T. Genesee 1820. F. 1822. To East Genesee at organization 1848. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. Died Utica, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1882. Superannuated 1848—1871. YouncMAN, Thomas H.—Born Norfolk, England, Jan. 18, 1837. T. Oneida 1865. F. 1867. To Central New York at organization 1869. To 214 ITS MEMBERS Northern New York by change of boundaries 1872. To Central New York by transfer 1873. To East Genesee at reorganization, and to Gene- see by consolidation 1876. To South Dakota by transfer 1891. Canyon City, Colo. Its End ONFERENCE boundaries in central and western New York had come to be in a very unsettled condition. The General Conference of 1868 made extensive readjustments, the Northern New York appearing as the successor of the Black River, and the Central New York as the successor of the Oneida, both with great changes in bound- aries, involving also the Wyoming. No little dis- satisfaction ensued, particularly in the Northern New York. The Conferences undertook to right matters at the General Conference of 1872 at Brooklyn. First a resolution passed giving back to the Northern New York all the territory formerly belonging to the Black River, but this left the Central New York seriously crippled, as part of its Oneida terri- tory had been given to the Wyoming four years be- fore. So the situation was now acute. The follow- ing commission was appointed, with Bishop An- drews as chairman, “to consider the subject of Con- ference boundaries in central New York:’’ Genesee, R. L. Waite, E. E. Chambers; East Genesee, Robert Hogoboom, Thomas Tousey; Central New York, A. J. Phelps, B. I. Ives; Northern New York, I. S. Bingham, L. L. Palmer; Wyoming, Reuben Nel- son, W. G. Queal. The report of this commission, which was adopt- ed in spite of strong opposition by East Geneseeans, 216 ITS END re-arranged the territory of the five Conferences in- to four Conferences, giving to the Genesee the new name of Western New York, and obliterating the East Genesee entirely, its territory being divided be- tween the Central New York and the Western New York. K. P. Jervis got a resolution through pro- viding that the action should not become operative for the destruction of the East Genesee Conference until the First of September. As East Genesee had never desired nor expected such an end the grief and consternation can be imagined. Over seventy of its members signed a call for a convention, which met at Mt. Morris Aug. 13, 1872, Bishop Simpson being present by request, and presiding. The roll call showed one hundred four members, seven probationers, and seven lay delegates present. The convention was nearly help- less, but it passed a series of resolutions, and memo- rialized the next General Conference to restore the East Genesee with its original boundaries, and ap- pointed a commission to take charge of the matter: D. D. Buck, D. W. C. Huntington, O. L. Gibson, John Dennis, William Bradley and A. F. Morey. On March 21, 1876 these commissioners selected two of their number—one from the Western New York and one from the Central New York, to per- sonally attend the General Conference in the inter- ests of the memorial. These two were John Dennis and D. D. Buck. ITS END 217 But, of course, memorials and protests could not affect the action of the General Conference which had already adjourned, and so on September 1, 1872, the East Genesee Conference ceased to be, and left no successor. The General Conference of 1876 met in Balti- more, and the struggle was soon renewed. The out- come was that on May 31 a report of the Committee on Boundaries was adopted reading as follows: “East Genesee Conference shall be bounded on the west by the Genesee river, including the city of Rochester, in the state of New York; on the north by Lake Ontario; on the east by a line beginning at Sodus Bay and running south on the east line of the towns of Sodus and Lyons, in Wayne county, and the east line of Ontario county to Seneca Lake, thence southward up said lake to Watkins, thence south to the New York state line, leaving the charges of Watkins, Havana, Millport and Horse- heads in Central New York Conference. It shall also include the territory in the state of Pennsyl- vania known as the Troy District.” So the East Genesee Conference was again in ex- istence, but not with as much territory as before. A large slice had been taken from the east side, and nobody was satisfied. The first session of the East Genesee Conference after this reconstruction was held in the Asbury Church, Rochester, on Oct. 4, 1876. The Western New York Conference, its friendly relative, met in LeRoy the same day, and 218 ITS END appointed G. W. Paddock, K. D. Nettleton, A. F. Morey, R. C. Brownlee and Sandford Hunt a com- mission to take the boundary question into consider- ation. The East Genesee appointed as a commis- sion for the same purpose K. P. Jervis, F. G. Hib- bard, William Bradley, George VanAlstyne and Ransley Harrington. These ten commissioners met in Rochester Oct. 5, elected F. G. Hibbard as chairman and Sandford Hunt as secretary, and unanimously adopted the following: “Resolved, that the division boundary between the East Genesee and Western New York Conferences be removed and made to coincide with the eastern boundary of the East Genesee Confer- ence, and that the territory thus united shall be called the Genesee Conference.” Both Conferences approved the action of the Com- missioners, and the East Genesee telegraphed the Western New York an invitation to meet with them in Rochester. The invitation was promptly accept- ed, and the Western New Yorkers arrived Friday afternoon, Oct. 6, and were joyfully welcomed. A joint session was held at four o’clock, formal action uniting the two Conferences under the name of Gen- esee was taken, the two presiding Bishops, Simpson and Ames concurred, and the grand old East Gene- see again ceased to exist—this time not in sorrow, but with rejoicing. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS On page 24, near end of second paragraph, in- stead of East Genesee read Central New York. On page 126 for the first name read: Crippen, L. Ross—Born Coldwater, Mich., May, 12, 1842. T. Genesee 1874. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. F. 1877. Located 1877. Elmira, N. Y. On page 133 for the second name read: DuBois, George J.—Born Hudson, N. Y., 1828. T. East Genesee 1853. F. 1855. To Genesee by change of boundaries 1872. To East Genesee at reorganiza- tion, and to Genesee by consolidation 1876. Died Canisteo, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1881. Appointments cor- rect as given. => MAY 26, 1848 SEPT. 1, 1872 MAY 31, 1876 OCT. 6, 1876 Cornell University Libra 1924 029 471