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Diary of Joshua Hempstead 1711-1758 IOyINY 94} Jo aovxfdyyug ‘uOpuoT MAN Ul asnoT] JSaPIO PL ‘dVALSAWOH UVALSINGH ALL DIARY Joshua Hempstead OF NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT COVERING A PERIOD OF FORTY-SEVEN YEARS FROM SEPTEMBER, 1711, TO NOVEMBER, 1758 % CONTAINING VALUABLE GENEALOGICAL DATA RELATING TO MANY NEW LONDON FAMILIES, REFERENCES TO THE COLONIAL WARS, TO THE SHIPPING AND OTHER MATTERS OF IN- TEREST PERTAINING TO THE TOWN AND THE TIMES WITH AN ACCOUNT OF A JOURNEY MADE BY THE WRITER FROM NEW LONDON TO MARYLAND % PUBLISHED BY Tue New Lonpon County HistToricaL Society New London, Connecticut PRINTED BY THE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE CO., PROVIDENCE, RHODE IsLAND Igo io Copyright, 1901, by the New Lonpon County HIsToricaL SOCIETY. THE New Lonpbon County HIsTorRICAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED OCTOBER 17, 1871. INCORPORATED JULY 6, 1870. Rooms: NEW LONDON PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING. OPEN WEDNESDAYS, 2.30 TO 4.30 P. M. OFFICERS: President—Ernest E. Rocers, New London. Ist Vice-President—FREDERIC BILL, Groton. 2nd Vice-President—WiLuLiam A. SLATER, Norwich. grad Vice-President—GEorRGE C. Stronc, New London. Secretary—Mary Eppyre Benjamin, New London. Treasurey—CHARLES B. Ware, New London. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Ernest E. Rocers, New London, Ct. RIcHARD A. WHEELER, Stonington, Ct. Hon. GeorGE F. Tinker, New London, Ct. Joun McGinLey, New London, Ct. CHARLES B. Warg, New London, Ct. Louis D. Mason, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. GEorGE W. GopparD, Salem, Mass. H. Wa_gEs LInEs, Meriden, Ct. Hon. Rosgrt Coir, New London, Ct. Amos Lawrgenceg, M. D., Boston, Mass. WILuiaM A. SLATER, Norwich, Ct. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Norwich, Ct. WALTER LEARNED, New London, Ct. Maj. Beta Peck LEARNED, Norwich, Ct. FREDERIC BILL, Groton, Ct. J. Lawrence CHEw, New London, Ct. FREDERIC S. NEwcomB, New London, Ct. SEBASTIAN D. LawRENCE, New London, Ct. The Treasurer of the Society was appointed to take charge of publishing this volume. INTRODUCTION. After nearly two centuries have rolled by, during which the ancient manuscript has been buried in comparative oblivion, it is with no little pride that the New London County Historical Society introduces the Diary of Joshua Hempstead, in printed form, to the public. The Society is entitled justly to indulge itself in this pride, particularly since this, its first separate publication, is so strictly in harmony with, and in fulfillment of the chief object of the Society as set forth in the act of incorporation thirty-one years ago: “they hereby are constitued a body corporate, * * * for the purpose of collecting, preserving, and publishing historical and genealogical matter relating to the early settlement and subsequent history, especially of New London County.” For many decades historical students have regretted the absence of an edition of this Diary which has remained in manuscript for nearly a century and a half after the death of the writer. It is far from being a his- tory, yet it is a production of rare interest, and the information it contains is a valuable contribution to the history of its age. It is a diary in the strictest sense of the word—a systematic account of daily duties, occupations, and events; personal experiences rarely appearing except in the account of a “Journey from New London to Maryland.” Hempstead cannot be called an historian, or even a chronicler in the true sense of the term, but simply a recorder. The Diary is most valuable for a variety of records pertaining to the town and its inhabitants; also for notes of ecclesiastical affairs, genealogical data, and general statistics. It has been consulted by many and freely quoted by Miss Frances M. Caulkins, the talented historian of the county; the late Dr. Charles J. Hoadley, state librarian, had a portion of it in his possession for a while for reference; Rev. S. Leroy Blake, D.- D., cites at length from it in his “Later History of the First Church of Christ, New London.” Now in printed form it will be of inestimable value to genealogists, statisticians, and those historically inclined. But it has another value than the presentation of miscellaneous facts and historical information; it possesses the impress of real daily life and reflects the image of the society in which the writer lived. The reader cannot but find constant occasion to compare the state of things in the time of the VIII Diary of Joshua Hempstead author with that of the present period. Yet the people of that age differed from us chiefly in manner of living. “For we are the same our fathers have been; We see the same sights our fathers have seen,— We drink the same stream, and view the same sun, And run the same course our fathers have run.’’ Some diaries are merely short reports of a single campaign, a journey, or an important service, but this Diary stands forth conspicuously because it is a record of the daily routine of life, written by a citizen of that in- teresting period known as the colonial era, and conscientiously maintained with hardly an interruption for nearly half a century. A brief sketch of the manuscript, of Joshua Hempstead 2d, its re- corder, and of the New London County Historical Society, its publisher, may prove of interest. THE DIARY. The original Diary is in separate volumes comprising about seven hundred and fifty pages of closely written manuscript without lines. The pages are 12 by 7% inches in size (half way between octavo and quarto) now badly faded and worn, some more than others. The first volume dates from September 8, 1711, to November 9, 1732. The fourth volume dates from March 17, 1750, to November 3, 1758. Both of these volumes are in the possession of the Society. The intervening volumes are the property of Mrs. John L. Branch, a lineal descendant of Joshua Hempstead 2d, who resides in the historic Hempstead house (frontispiece) which for nine consecutive generations has been occupied by members of the Hempstead family. The manuscript passed through many vicissitudes from the time it was indited until its lodgment in its present repositories. Tradition asserts that at a distribution of the Hempstead property among the heirs, it was divided into four parts. It would be most interesting to trace the intricate labyrinth of its wanderings, which partake of the air of fiction if unaccompanied by existing proofs. Suffice it to be mentioned in this con- nection that Miss Caulkins writes, “The Hempstead Diary repeatedly quoted in this history, was a private journal kept by him, from the year 1711 to his death in 1758. A portion of the manuscript has been lost, but the larger part is still preserved.’ Nevertheless, subsequent to this time a section was found among the family papers of a Hempstead descendant living in another state; and later the largest section which was absent from the state for several years was finally located, returned to New London and given to the Society, so that the Diary is now published entire. The question may be asked, why did Hempstead write his Diary? It would seem there were two paramount reasons. First, it was due to his natural tendency. The proclivity to jot down memoranda appeared at an Diary cf Joshua Hempstead ie early age, as may be noticed in his school books, some of which are still in existence. Secondly, it may be attributed to his need of a day book for entering the almost daily transactions of his various business employments, and one can readily see the value to him of such records. It is probable that the contents were not written for the public, for there is a certain frankness about them which would have been a matter of some embarrass- ment if published at that time. While the Diary is valuable to the investigator of the colonial period for the prices of wages and merchandise of every description, records of births, marriages, deaths, and an infinite variety of subjects, it is Hempstead’s faculty of coupling such entries with brief notices of current events and town topics, which places such a high value upon the Diary to those searching for missing record entries. Unlike the town records of that period which were meagre and often silent upon events now of import, information is to be obtained from the Diary which can be had from no other source, for Hempstead’s records were full and accurate. This fullness and accuracy is retained in the present publication, the manuscript being printed verbatim and even the orthography strictly followed. The unwearied perseverance of the author in continuing his work has resulted, finally, in the publication of the Diary, which will be an enduring monument to his name and cause him to be the best known of the early members of the Hempstead family. Let us now turn our attention to THE WRITER. There is neither a printed sketch of Joshua Hempstead 2d nor a published genealogy of the Hempstead family in existence. Joshua Hempstead 2d was born in the old Hempstead house, September 1, 1678. He was the son of Joshua Hempstead, born June 16, 1649, and the grand- son of Robert Hempstead, who died in 1654. Robert Hempstead was one of the 36 grantees of original house lots in New London. From facts recently brought to light it is more probable that Robert Hempstead came from Hempstead, Long Island, rather than with Winthrop’s men. So far as known all of the Hempsteads in this country are descended from Robert Hempstead and his brother. Mary, the daughter of Robert Hempstead, was the first child born in New London. From the entry appended to her father’s will it appears she was born March 26, 1647. Miss Caulkins, in writing of the Diary, says: “Its author was a re- markable man—one that might serve to represent, or at least illustrate, the age, country and society in which he lived. The diversity of his oc- cupations marks a custom of the day; he was at once farmer, surveyor, house and ship carpenter, attorney, stonecutter, sailor and trader. He generally held three or four town offices; was justice of the peace, judge of probate, executor of various wills, overseer to widows, guardian to x Diary of Joshua Hempstead orphans, member of all committees, everybody’s helper and adviser, and cousin to half of the community. Of the Winthrop family he was a friend and confidential agent, managing their business concerns whenever the head of the family was absent.” Only when we pause to think that Joshua Hempstead 2d was born but 32 years after the founding of the town, 2 years after the death of Gov. John Winthrop, the younger, and that his whole life was spent in the house of his birth, can we realize the significance of his journal in a time when records were scarce. As the Hempstead descendants are numerous, and this publication should have an especial attraction to them, a genealogy of the immediate families of Robert, Joshua, and Joshua Hempstead 2d is given. Robert Hempstead, married Joanna Willie. CHILDREN. Mary, b. March 26, 1647, m. Robert Douglass. Joshua, b. June 16, 1649, m. Elizabeth Larrabee. Hannah, b. April 11, 1652, m. Abel Moore and after his death Samuel Waller. Joshua Hempstead, married Elizabeth Larrabee. He died 1687. CHILDREN. Elizabeth, died an infant, two months old. Elizabeth, b. September 2, 1672, m. John Plumb, b. 1680, died 1733. Mary, b. January—, 1674, m. Green Plumb, May 30, 1694. Lydia, b. June 7, 1676, m——Salmon (of Southold, probably). Joshua, writer of the Diary, b. September 1, 1678, m. Abigail Bailey. Hannah, b. 1680, married John Edgecomb. Phebe, Patience, Lucy, m. John Hartshorne. : probably died unmarried. Joshua Hempstead, b. 1678, m. Abigail Bailey. He died December 22,1758. Abigail his wife, b. 1676, died August 5, 1716. CHILDREN. Joshua, b. July 20, 1698, died August 10, 1716. Nathaniel, b. January 6, 1700, m. Mary Hallam. Robert, b. November 30, 1702, m. Mary, daughter of Judge Benjamin Youngs in 1725. Stephen, b. December 1, 1705, m. Sarah Holt 1737, died 1774. Thomas, b. April 14, 1708, died July 4, 1729. John, b. 1709, m. Hannah Salmon of Southold. Abigail, b. January 14, 1711-12, m. Clement Miner. Elizabeth, b. April 27, 1714, m. Daniel Starr. Mary, b. July 29, 1716, m. Thomas Pierrepont. Diary of Joshua Hempstead XI Since sketches have been given of the Diary and its writer, it seems fitting to close this introduction with a brief sketch of THE PUBLISHER. The New London County Historical Society was incorporated July 6, 1870, but not organized until October 17, 1871. The inception of the Society was due chiefly to the interest and enthusiasm evinced by its first president, Hon. Lafayette S. Foster of Norwich. During the years which have intervened between that time and the present the Society, in addition to performing its regular duties, has secured many results of public importance, published two volumes of Records and Papers, and accumulated an important library of historical and genealogical value. The library now contains about 1700 volumes and 1000 pamphlets. On September 15, 1891, the Society held its first meeting in its present commodious rooms in the New London Public Library building. The rooms with their collection of historic relics are open to the public, but the library is reserved for the use of members. Prominent among the results of public importance which the Society has achieved are: the bronze Statue of Major John Mason marking the site of the fort of the Pequot Indians at Mystic River; the resolution originating the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of New London; the petition to the Common Council resulting in the copying of the old records of New London; and the publishing of the Hempstead Diary. The printing of the Diary had been contemplated for some time, but the first entry on the records is found under date of the annual meeting of September 2, 1895, “the work of copying the Hempstead Diary has been made possible, and a careful and competent person has been employed for the purpose.” The next entry appears September 1, 1896: “The work of copying the Hempstead Diary has been completed.” The question of publishing remained a perplexing one until the annual meeting of September 7, 1900, when it was decided to proceed, and the advisory committee was instructed to take charge of the work. The committee met October 3, 1900, and ascertained that 181 pledges had been received, which at three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) each aggregated six hundred thirty-three dollars and fifty cents ($633.50). The total expense of publishing this limited edition of 500 volumes was estimated to approximate twelve hundred and fifty dollars ($1,250). Notwithstanding only about half of this amount was subscribed, yet the committee voted to be responsible, if necessary, for the balance, and placed the publishing in the hands of the executive officers with power. The officers have devoted much time and attention to the execution of the work. The proof reading and indexing were placed in hands most competent and thorough. Quite a number of the copies will be used in exchange for publications of other historical societies.. In order to conform strictly to the requirements of modern XII Diary of Joshua Hempstead scholarship, explanatory notes possibly should have been added, but in this, the first edition, it seemed impossible, even if desirable, since so few historical scholars have had access to the manuscript. Not until it is offered to the public will a general opportunity be presented for studying and comparing it with other sources of contemporaneous information for the purpose of annotation. To encourage historical research; aid future historians; supply missing links in family genealogies ; direct the thoughts of many to turn reverently to the past ; perchance, excite the curiosity of the young to ascertain what has been done on this spot by the early settlers, which may lead them to investigate in other sources of information for the results accomplished by men of prominence in succeeding years, thus causing them to admire and emulate the noble achievements of their predecessors in this their native county, is the wish of the Society. ERNEST E. RoGERs. New London, Conn., July 6th, 190T. Diary of Joshua Hempstead 1711 September 8th Saturday fair & Lowering. I workt at ye Ship about ye Stern except 3 hours or less a making 15 foot Rails for ye Stern. Arrived Braddick from Albany scelenx for L. Island. Richd Rogers child buried Infant. Sund 9 fair day Something Lowering. Monday 10. I workt att ye Ship 3 hours or more about ye hanspeices & came home. itt Rained. I went to work about casements & for Jos Truman att his house for him to make a pr Shoes for Joney. Tuesd 11 fair. in ye forenoon I worked att home about Sol Coits Casemts & in ye afternoon att ye freemens meeting & making up acctts wth Tho Joans Collectr & wee paid mr adams £25: 15s: ood. wensd 12 Lowering & then fair. in ye forenoon I worked att home about hay & Casements & in ye afternoon I was att Court to serve on ye Jury. mr white came to see me. manwaring sayled for R. Island. Thursd 13 fair. I workt att ye Ship all day $ day about ye hanspeices ye Rest about Emboing ye cheeks for ye head & ye hanspeices. att night Jno Rogers pd for his boys going to school in 1709 14s 3d & g for fines. iryday 14 fair. I workt att ye Ship all day in ye forenoon about Cheeks for ye head & hanspeices 42 foot att ad & in ye aftern helping Lay ye ways. Saturd: 15 fair. I helped Mr Coit Lay ways: I got in my Rowen ye Curtains & tafferel & Rail within ye Stern is 40 foot att 2d & ye two Rails a Cross ye Stern is 30 foot. Sunday 16 fair. Mund 17 fair. in ye forenoon I helped Mr Coit Lanch ye Ship & in ye after- noon wee ye Townsmen went to Majer Ed. Palmes’s to agree wth him about Recovering some of Liveens mony for ye use of ye ministry: ye sad news of ye English Canada fleet several cast away & men lost arrived never. Tuesd 18 fair lowering. I did but little work only fitting in some casements for Sol. Coit & spent some time wth attwood & Parke att Shopleys about my land att Stonington. Sd parke offered me £210 for my 200: acres. wensd Ig fair. I mowed & Cut Stalks Daniel Whittemore Left of Dietting here. Thursd 20 fair. I mowed & put in Jos: Trumans Window in ye forenoon & in ye after- noon I went to Get Timber for ye Belfrey Sills. I sent my white cow pasture att Ja: Rogers for 6d p week. fryd 21 fair. 1: Split postes in ye forenoon in ye aftern: I finished getting ye Belfrey Sills: ye pide cow went to goodee Atwills paster. Satur 22 lowering. I Raked hay in Smiths Lot & gather’d aples & carryed ym to J: Trumans mill & brought home my bords yt J: T Borrowed. Sunday 23 fair. A windy day. mr adams was sick: & one Russel Preached. Mund 24 fair. In ye forenoon I went to Holmes Lot to gather aples: I had but about 4 bushlls & toward night I made 1 barll Cydar: Idd Majer Palmes 2 Copies I concerning Sundrys dd ms Liveen p sd Palmes as Execut to m J: Liveen ye town must pay 18d & ye other con- cerning Majer Palmes Expense as he was J: Hallams attorney containing 1 whole sheet 18d. I went to Ja: Rogrs. He gave metwo. Tuesd 25. The Supr court was first held in New London at ye meeting house. I was sum- 2 2 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [171i moned to attend as juryman att eight of ye clock in ye morning. I prest out two Barll Cydar att Jos Trumans. Wensd 26 fair. in ye morning I: prest 1 Barll water Cydar & kiled a sheep then went to court Jno Mayhew came home from ye fleet. Thursd 27. I was all day att court. news came that ye Army is coming back home Wends week. fryd 28 lowering. I worked att home all day stacking hay & oats. Little wind. Saturd 29 fair windy. in ye forepart of ye day till 2 or 3 a Clock I went to get ye Sills of ye Belfrey Carted & to fetch 2 Swine from G: Chapells but could not catch ye Bigest & in ye Later part of ye day I made a hog Sty &c. Last night Mary Chapell Died & this afternoon Tho Pember was found Dead who was Drownded Last Sat- urday night. Sund 30 fair. I went out to Pembers to serve on ye jury & to his funeral. between meetings both he & Mary Chapell was buried. no miner. mr adams is sick. mr Christophers Read. Mond Oct. 1st: fair. I was Shoeing my Dray till about 2: a clock & then I went into ye woods & got hewed 4 Sleepers for ye bark Leanto. att night wee husked about a Load & $ corn. Tuesd 2d fair. I picked out Corn & made a Platform to Lay ye husks on & I gathered some corn. A great fire in Boston this night. wensd 3d fair. I went to mill & gathered corn. Thursd 4 fair. I gathered corn in ye Lot att home & finished. Mr white came fro Boston. fryd 5 fair. I gathrd Corn in Smiths Lot & wee husked ye corn tht grew in my Lot att night. a very windy day & Late in ye night itt Rained a Little. Sat 6. in ye morning Squaly Little Rain: I finished gathering corn in Smith’s Lot. Sund 7. mr white Preached in ye forenoon & mr Hunting in ye afternoon. the sad news came of a great fire in Boston burnt from ye School house Lane to Almost ye head of ye Town Dock both sides ye Street about 100 houses burnt & 8 or 9 p sons Lost. Mund: 8 fair. I killed a Lamb in ye morning & then about ten I went to work att ye Ship: I Emboed 1 Long Rail for ye head gt 18 foot. Tuesd 9 fair windy. I worked att ye Ship ye bigest part of ye day Emboing 18 foot Rails for ye head. I came home & picked corn for ye boys to cary up ye garret. wensd 10. In the forepart of ye day I picked or Sorted Corn till about 2: & then I went to work for T: Truman till Dark making a Currying Beam & wee husked Corn att night till to: Clock. Thursd 11 fair lowering. In ye forenoon I worked about ye corn & making a Side peice for Peter Manwarings Bedstid & in ye aftern: Stacking Stalks in Smiths Lot & we finished husking before nine a clock. fryd 12 lowering. I went into town in ye forenoon & about 2 or 3 hours I came home about 11: & finished manwarings Bedstid & then I went to Pick- ing up Corn Stalks in Smiths Lot & finished Stacking them: Iam not well a pain in my bones & head, a fitt of ye ague & something of ye fever att night: I took a Sweat: avery windy day Inclining toa Storm. no Rain. Sat 13 Rainy. wilson came from Boston & Lothrop & 2 Sloops more. I was att home all day. a Storm att East & itt Rained hard from morn till 8: or: nine att night here. arrived to day a Brigg of Road Island fro Barbados forced in wth ye Storm Ran on ye Rock. much Damnified. Capt Tileness. Sund 14 fair. mr white Preached in ye forenoon & mr Hunting in ye aftern. we had a collection for ym. Richd Christoprs Arrived fro Barbados. all well. Mund 15. In ye morn I went into town. I holed Posts att home all day. Samll Curtice & Richd White came to see me. I fetched our Pide Cow fro Atwills yesterday morn & put her in ye lot. She hath been this 3 weeks & 2 days. ‘Tuesd 16 Lowering till eve & then rain. In ye morn I went wth mr white (to Jonat Rogers who went over to Samll Beebe). I Ran ye Bounds (viz Vr & b: S line) between Samll fox & itt falls on a beach tree 2 Rod & 3 South of a great white oak whch formerly Ran to. I came home & holed some Posts. mr Singleton ye ferryman Died. Samll Fosdyck Sayled for f ia 11] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 2 Gardners Island. Nath & Robt went to School again. was att home a month each of them. wensd 17. I worked att home holeing posts. in ye aftern I went to Singletons funeral. ye Soldiers came home yesterday & today. Thursd 18th Rainy & windy. I worked att home all about T: Tru- mans Cheast & mendg fence & Sharping Rails & a Squaly day. Rain in morn & Evening. Samll Curtice went home to hebron: I Turned all ye Corn in Chambr gart &c. fryd 1g fair. I worked att home 4 ye day & att night about T: Trumans Cheast & 4 ye day sharping Rails. a Cold windy day. avery high Tide: Genll Nicholson came through the Town for Albany. ye Guns were fired fortt. Saturd: 20 fair. I worked att home all day Sharping Rails & setting up fence a Cross ye pastr from ye Hollow to ye orchard. ye R: Island Brigg & a Sloop Sailed. Jno Gardner went for ye Island. Sund 21 fair. wee had no minr. Mr. adams continues Sick. mr Christophrs Read: orders for a Publick fast was Published to be ye last of this Instant. Mund 22 fair. I worked att home all day 4 day finishing ye pastr fence, & ye Later part mending fence & Stacking hay in Smiths Lot. Harris for Norwich. Andrew Crocker died att Lyme. Tuesd 23 Lowering. In ye morning I Topt my Stack in Smiths Lot & about noon Rode out to uncle fox’s &c & so concluded ye day. Little wind to day. wensd: 24 fair. I went into town & Recd of mr Winthrop 18 fb ye Interest of Liveen's mony & pd itt (wth £1 8s 6d more that I Recd to day of T: T Collectr) to mr. adams. news come tht Jno Harris Jr is dead & Wm. Horsey. Thursd 25 fair. I went in ye forenoon To Leache’s and to G: Chapells to fetch a hog whch weighed 166 tb alive & in ye aftern I went in to town & worked a Little about Sol: Coits Cases for his windows. Brothr Hartshorn came. fryd: 26 fair. I Stayed att home ye forenoon wth Brothr Hartshorn & in ye aftern I went into Town to Embo ye Rails for ye head but they were not ready so I finished ye 2 cases for Sol Coits windows. yester arrived Capt Tudor & Ray, was put back from Gayhead. bring news a sloop att anchor near Watch point. Lost her bowspritt. Sopposed to be a french privateer: but is Plaisted of Boston from ye wine Island. Sat. 27th fair. in ye morning I put on Sol Coits caps to his windows & those att ye Ship Working 2 Rails for ye head gt 33 foot. yesterd Jos Wells of Givaton was Buried. Sund 28: lowering. mr adams Preached all day. been sick 5 Sabaths. S: Ray for Boston. Mund 29 lowering. I worked in town att ye Ship Emboing 2 Rails for ye head gt: 20: foot & made up acctts wth Capt Andrews. Rainy att night. Tuesd: 30 Stormy. In ye forenoon itt Rained hard and much wind in ye aftern Little Rain Squally. I did little work to day. Wedensd 31 Lowering. a Publick fast. a Raw Cold day. ye Councill Satt to ordr a Genll Court att Hartford next Saturday. after Sunset wind Shifted N. W. November ist Thursd fair. J went to norwich to buy Shingles for ye meeting house. a cold windy day. I Rid my young horse & Lodged att Simon Huntingtons. fryd: 2 fair. I was att norwich. I Bought 2000 Shingles of Tho Leffingwell Junr for 18s od p 1000. helped cartt ym down. I pd him but 15s: Came away Sun about 1 hour & } high got home by daylight. Saturd: 3d fair. In ye morning I went to mill and then down on bord ye Ship working ye peices yt fashion out ye cheeks of ye head about 8: foot. I came home and made 2 caps for Sol Coits windows & Braddick fro york. Sund 4 Lowering. mr adams Preached all day. a Proclamation for a Publick Thanksgiving next wedensday. mund 5 fair. I worked for John Pickett about his wharf. I Bruised my finger & Thumb very much: ye Saylors made a Bonfire in ye evening. Tuesd 6. I worked for Pickett 4 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [r7it about his wharf all day: Lowering Little wind. Recd an order from Capt Prentice to warn a trayning ye last munday Instant. wensd: 7 Stormy. Publick Thanksgiving. a very Rainy day. In ye Latter part of itt Jno Mayhew set out for boston by Land & thence to go for England wth Genll Nicholson. Thursd: 8 fair. I went to put on Sol Coits Caps for his windows & finished ye windows. a Cold windy day. news of a french Priva- teer a Shoar on ye Cape 37 men fro Plasentia. fryd: 9 Rainy & Stormy. a Lowering morning in ye midle and Latter part very Rainy. I did Little work Save mending Shoes. hamlin from Boston & Elton. Thomas Ince came home in Elton. Saturd 10 fair. in ye forenoon I worked for Tho Truman fining his Bench & in ye Latter part Cartting ye Sills for ye Belfrey: with Jere Chap. Jacob Holloway Died Last night. I warned a Trayning day ye Last mund Instant. Sund 11 fair. no minister. Mr adams Sick. mr Christophrs Read 2 sermns. Jacob Holloway was buried betwixt meetings. Jno Larrabee & his wife was heare att dinner to day. Mund 12 fair. I worked att ye meeting house about ye Belfrey Sills Sawing & fitting ym. Joshua helped me all day. att night I was wth Lieut. Lattimore a taking an Inventory of Charles Hills estate till near day for wch I had a gouge & Broad Chisill. about 10 clock to day Samll waller Junrs wife died sud- denly. well in 4 an hour before or less. Tuesd 13 fair. I worked att ye meeting house finishing ye Sills ye forenoon & Jno Daniels finishing ye posts. in ye aftern we did no work. Samll Wallers Wife was Buried about Sunset. Goodee Holloway Died. Wedensday: 14: fair & Lowering. I worked att ye Ship all day, except about 2 hours in the morning Taking care of ye funerall of goodee Holloway who was Buried Just att night. woiet & Jno daniels made coffin (Some Rain att night) they had 20 foot Bord & 4 tb nails 8d. Thursd: 15 fair. in ye forenoon I worked att home till ye midle of ye forenoon & then I worked on Bord ye Ship 2 of day. very cold. fryd 16 fair. I worked on Bord ye Ship all day. Little wind Cold. Saturd 17. I was in town all day a moderate day. Little wind. in ye evening I killed a Sheep. Sund: 18. no minister. mr adams Sick. mr. Christoprs Read. Mund 19 fair. a Pleasant day. I & Jno Daniels worked att ye meeting house. we Raised ye Bell, pulled down ye old Belfrey: & putt in ye new Sills & fram’d one Side. att night a Court of Probates att Capt. Prentts to Setle Holloways Estate: I was apointed administrator, Lattimore & Chapman was Surities: 2s od to Pay mr Denison Leter adm: & Bond: & 5d my Ex- pense &c. I was waiting on itt about 2 hours to warn ye court & till Eleven att night. Tuesd: 20 fair. I was att work att ye meeting house & Jno Daniels all day. wee finised ye Bell att night: a pleasant day till toward night cold. Wedensd: 21. I & Jno Daniels worked att ye meeting house all day framing in ye Beams: att night till past midnight taking an Inventory of Holloways tools. Jere Chapman & Woiett: my expense 10d. Thursd 22d Stormy. I worked att ye meeting house & Jno Daniels puting in ye lath’s. wee had :32: Dock nails of mr Richards. itt Rained hard att night. fryd 23. in ye forenoon I went to buy nails for ye meeting house & put on ye lock on ye door & about Eleven a clock I went about taking an Inventory of Holloways Estate. Lieut. Richds & Jeremi Chapman was taking itt till late att night. our Expense was 3s 4d for victuals & drink & candles. Saturd 24. I worked all day att Holloways wth Lieut. Richds & Jere Chapman Taking Inventory. my Expense was 1s od. This day Bathshua Fox was Buried who died yesterd. Sund 25. no minister. mr Adams Sick. mr Christophrs Read. Mund 26 Snowy. itt Snowed ye Bigest part of ye day. snow 6 inches deep wch Put by ye Trayning. I was almost all day or till about Sun 2 hours high att night with Lieut. Richds & Jere 1711] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 5 Chapman a finishing Holloways Inventory. my Expense for victuals and drink was 4s od. Tuesd: 27 Lowering. I went to Recken wth mr adams on acctt of Holloways house Rent & also to Reckn wth Hannah Edgecumbe. I sold Holloways Sew to Fenice Thomas for 16s 6d. ye Court Satt. Wedensd 28 fair. I killed my white cow wch came yesterday from James Rogers’s. 2 Sloops for Boston. Thursd 29 fair. a Cold day. I looked up my yearlings & Sheep & went to Court att night. Cousen Hide went home to day. fryday 30 fair. I was fetching home & Looking after Sheep & Cutting wood all day: 4 Sloops from Boston. Saturdy: 1: Decemb fair. I was Looking my Cattell all day as far as Edward Stookers att Lyme. a very Cold windy day. Daniel Way & Tho Willey came home fro virginia whither they went when they left their shops. Sund 2d fair. a Cold day. mr adams was out all day: my Steer & heifer came home from whence I know not. Mund 3d fair. I killed my Red Steer in ye forenoon & in ye aftern I went to Lieut Richds to make up acctts with ye Collectors. ye Rest of ye Townsmen were all there. Tuesd 4th fair. I was ye most part of this day (& Joshua wth ye Dray) fetching down Holloways goods. wensd 5 fair. I was all day and Joshua wth ye mare fetching Holloways goods. Thursd 6 fair. I went into Town To Sell Wm Latham a Cheast of Drawers & to fetch home a Pig of Holloways & toward night I went to get Timber for oars. fryd 7th fair & Lowering. I went into the woods to gitt Timber for oars & Nath drawed itt. Little wind. Saturd 8 fair. a warm day: it Thawed a Little. ye first warm day for 13 days past. I: was att home all day hewing oars. Sund 9 fair. mr Whiting Preached all day. mr. Neast Died yesterd. was buried to day. one of Jno Tinkers children died to day Infant. Capt. Morgan of Groaton Died yesterday. Mund: toth: fair in ye morn: & thn Snow. in ye morn: I went into ye woods to Split wood thence to uncle Fox’s to see John he being very sick. mr adams was there also & many of ye Neighbors: (Harris fro: R Ile att night. I watched wth him. I came to town to get Something for him. a great snow fell in ye night. Tuesd 11 fair. I was wth Jno Fox all day he was very Ill: I stayed wth him all night also. a Pleasant day overhead. wedensd 12 fair. I was att uncle Fox’s all day. John Died about 10 Clock morn. I came to town to get my tools to make a Coffin & began itt. I Lay their all night. Thursd 13 fair. I finished Jno Fox’s Coffin: & Stayed to his funeral. a windy Cold day. fryd:14 Snowy. Iwas att home in ye fore part of ye day making up Town accounts & in ye Latter part wee went to hunt wolves in ye Great Swamp but found none. Saturd 15. I was att home most of ye Day making up acctts with T: Truman Collectr & with James Rogers one of ye Townsmen yt Recd T: Truman. Sund 16. mr adams Preached all day. Cold weather. Mund 17. A Town meeting day. good weather for ye season. Tuesd 18. A snowy day. I was att home all day making owers & hanspikes—Little wind to day. wedensd 19 fair. I was att home all day finishing 4 hanspikes for Capt Andrews & hewing owers &c. Thursd: 20. I went into Town in ye forenoon & in ye afternoon att home. itt Snowed hard this Afternoon till about 7-att night. fryd 21 fair. avery great Snow about 9 or 10 Inches deep. I was att home all day about owers. Saturd 22d fair & snowy. In ye morn before Daylight I went to help Lay out Thomas Way Junr who Died at Griffings sick but 6 days. I made his Coffin & found bods & nils. itt Snowed a Little to day. ye Snow is now near 2: foot. Sund 23 fair & Cold. Tho Way was buried between meetings. mr adams Preached all day. mund 24 fair. I was att home all day att work about ye Ships owers & Looking after ve Creatures. ye weather more moderate. Tuesd 25 fair 6 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1743 & stormy a little. I was att home ye forept of ye day & in ye Latter part I went into Town & was bound for Mr Mitchell (wth mr Coit) for his apearance att march Court to answer to wht shall be alleadged against him concerning Sion a moheag Indian who died with a wound (& Cold got in itt) was suposed to be given by sd Mitchell. Wedensd 26 fair. I went from home in ye morn with a design to go & See Aunt Dowglass & aunt waller hereing they were both sick. wn I came to uncle Dowglass’s Aunt was Dead. had been sick about a week. I Stay’d all day. Thursd 27 Snowy. I went in ye morn to fetch ye Black Cloath thence to help Carry out ye Coffin & so to my aunts funeral. snowy day. fryd 28 lowering & little snow. I cut wood all day: I went to mill att night & to mr Gray’s. I bought a firkin butter for 34s od & 2 yds & 4 Scotch Cloath &c. Saturd 29 fair cloudy. I was about home all day. Thomas was taken sick in morn. Sunda 30 fair & mr adams Preached all day. a moderate day. Tho. con- tinues sick. Mund 31 fair & Snowey. I ye forenoon I was att home Securing my hay & in ye afternoon I was cutting wood in ye woods. Jno Lester Died this morn. I made his Coffin att night. a Little Snow. 1743 Janry 1 fair and moderate. in ye forepart of ye day I finished Jno Les- ters Coffin & yn I went to his funeral &c. as for Thomas ye fever is Left him. wedensd 2 Snowy. I was att home all day. Snow & Rain or Sleet all day & att night. Thursd 3 fair lowering. I was att home all day a Little Snow. David Lester Died Last night about midnight. fryd 4 fair. In ye forenoon I was att home. In ye afternoon I went to David Lesters funerall. ye Latter part windy. Jno was taken Sick att night about 11: or twelve a clock. Saturd 5 fair. I was att home att work about Lattimores window. Jno continues Sick. I went to mr Winthrops to Get a portion of Physick. Sund 6 fair. mr adams Preached all day. a Proclamation for a Publick fast was Read after meeting to be next wedensday. a cold day. Lowering. mund 7. .I was att home att work finishing mr Lati- mores window till near night. itt Snowed hard all Last night & to day till about 3 clock. ye Post came to day brings news Isaac Wheeler Is dead yesterday. Tues 8 Cold. 1 was att home till noon & yn went into town to help Setle between Arnold Jeggles & Daniel Shapley &c. Wedensday 9: fair. A Publick fast. A very Cold Day. ye River is now frozen over ever since ye night before Last. Thursd to fair cold. I was att home all day about oars. a Bitter Cold day. the Post Lead his horse over ye ferry on ye Ice. they Slead wood over into town from Groaton. ye River was open Munday evening. my little mare Slinked her foal Last night. fryday 11 fair windy. I was att home all day finishing Capt Andrews oars. Cold. Saturd 12 fair. a windy Cold day. I was att home all day. made a Plain Stock for mr Coit. Sunday 13 Lowering. a fair Cold day. mr adams Preached all day. a Post from hartford bring ye Sad news of ye Death of ye Secretary: I keep ye Post horse. Munday 14 Snowey moderate. a Small Snow. to day my wife is Safe dd of a Daughter about 10 or 11 of ye clock in ye forenoon. Katherine Buttler is come to nurse her. the Sleads are fetching wood fro Groaton on ye Ice. Clement Daniels’s child Died at mr mitchells. it was about three monts old. Tuesday 15 fair. a Pleas- ant thawing day. I spent most of ye day in going to Mill & to ye funeral of Clemt Daniels child. wedensd 16 Lowering & Snowey. in ye forepart of ye day I went to Mill but no purpose & in ye Latter part I went to Cutting wood in Maple Swamp. about 3 in afternoon itt began to Rain but pres- 1744] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 7 ently turned into Snow & itt Snowed fast till about nine clock night ye Snow about 3 inches deep. Thursd: 17 fair. I was in town & att mill all day. I got no meal. a Cold freezing day. fryday 18th fair. itt was very Cold in ye morn, ye Latr pt moderate. I was att work in maple Swamp Cutting wood & Nath Drew itt out of ye Swamp. Josh is gone to Waiet’s Mill & not come att night: till next day near noon. Saturd 19 Snow & Rain. I was att home all day. itt Snowed fro day Break till Sun 2 hours high & then it began a moderate Stiddy Rain all day & till next morning Sun 2 hours high. Sund 20 Lowering & Rain. mr adams Preached all day. itt was a Thaw- ing day & misty: 1 Shower a Little afternoon. Something of Rain in ye night. mund 21 fair Little Snow in morning. I was att home till noon & then went to mill & helped to take up the Mill. I workt there till 10 Clock night. Tuesd 22 fair. I was helping Clemt Daniels Pick up ye ye mill & Lay her down all day. a Moheag Indian buried yt Died att Samll Rogers’s. a moderate day. Thaws a Little. Wednsd 23 Snowey. I was att home all day. itt began to Snow about : 9: clock & till 8 night about 3 inches deep— Tho Lee was att our house all night. Thursd: 24 fair. a windy Cold Day: I went into Town with T: Lee & Benja Fox. I went to Mr Grays & fetched home a firkin Butter & Toward night I Rode to See Eliz. Fox & Tarryed wth her till g or ten clock. fryday 25 fair. A moderate Thawing day. I was att home most of ye day. Saturd 26 fair. I was att home all day. a Low- ering day ye wind Shifting. Sund 27 fair. mr adams Preached all day. Cold & windy. Abigal was Babtized. Benja Lesters wife Died about 11: clock morn. I went out att night to make her Coffin. I workt almost all night att Isaac fox’s & taryed theire. Bitter Cold. Mund 28 fair. I finished Ann Lesters Coffin & tarryed all day to ye funeral. A very cold day. Tuesd 29 fair. A moderate day. I was att work in ye maple Swamp Cutting wood in ye aftern. wedensd 30 fair. a moderate Thawing day. I was cutting wood all day ye Boys draying. Thursd 31 fair. misty in ye morning: & then fair & moderate. itt Rained all last night. itt hath made a Thaw. yesterday Thomas Starr Died & abrata Willey. Febry. 1: fair. a Post fro hartford brings ye Sad news of ye death of Mr Richard Lord. I went to Groaton to ye funeral of Thomas Starr. a moderate day. Saturd 2. I was att work att home all day movening and fenceing hay. moderate. Sund 3. Mr adams Preached all day. Coffin Sayl’d for Guilford. Mund 4 moderate. In ye forenoon I was getting wood out of ye Swamp & in ye afternoon was Daubing my apletrees to prevent ye Calfes fro barking ym. Tuesd 5 fair. I was Takeing an Inventory of Jno foxes Estate. moderate. wedensd 6 fair. I was Takeing an Inventory Still. finished Late att night. a Thawing day. Thursd 7. Rainy Stormy. I went into Town in ye morn & Bought a Sadle of Capt Andrews for 32s od wch is ye Ballance of our acctts. in ye aftern I went to Jno Lesters to help Take an Inventory: I being sent for but they had almost finished. I came home wth James Rogers. concluded Jno foxes Inventory att my house, ye Later part of ye day. verey Rainy & Stormy. I dd Orders (for ye Rectt of money of ye Treaser) to ye value of £8 8s 3d to mr N: Burnham who Left of keeping School ye Last night: Clear about 9 night. fryday 8 fair. a Cold day. I was about home all day. Mr R: Christoprs began to fitt out. Saturd 9 fair. A Pleasant day. I was att home all day. I killed 2 hogs: 1 weighed 213 ye other 169. a Small Snow in ye night about one Inch deep. Sund 10 Lowering. mr adams Preached all day. a Post from Hartford. att night Rain. mr Bolles Dyed this morning. monday 11 fair. I was att home in ye forepart of ye day & in ye Latter went to Mr Bolle’s funerall. Cold & windy. Gove went to hartford wendesday. Tuesday 12 Rainy. I 8 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [a7 was all day in Town attending on ye Court of Probates about John foxes Inventory &c and In considering of a Settlement Parkers Estate. Lieut Lattimore and Ensign Harris present & assisting about itt. wedensd 13 fair. I was all day helping Divide Parkers Estate & psenting holloways Inventory. I pd ye fees to ye Court 10s & Expense. Pretty Cold some Squalls of Snow. Steph Prouts child buried. Died yesterday. Thursd 14 fair. I was att home Cutting & Salting Pork making a Cheast for Chris- topr Darro. a cold Day. fryd 15 fair. I was att home in ye forenoon making C: Darro's Cheast & in ye afternoon I went to Lecture and then to Stacking hay yt I Removed. ‘Saturd 16 fair & cold. I was att work att home all day making Ramers & Spring heads for Capt Andrews. a very windy day. Sunda 17 fair: cold windy. mr adams Preached all day. (Sacrament day) a very cold day. Josh Bradford & Mary Brooks was Published. mund 18 fair. I was att home all day. acold day. wilson fro Ile of wight. Tuesda 19 fair. a Pleasant day. I was at home in ye fore- noon. Work about ye Leanto Door & in ye afternoon att ye Cedar Swamp getting Poles & Rails. Little wind. wedensd 20 fair: Lowering. I was att ye Cedar Swamp att work in ye forenoon & in ye aftern att home. Thursda 21 Lowering. in ye forenoon I went to Eliz Fox's to write out her acctts & Tarry’d till about 9 att night: in ye morn a little Rainey & yn Lowering. fryday 22 fair. I was att home al day making a Door for ye Leanto. a Stormy day. Sund 24 Lowering. Mr. Adams Preached all day. a moderate day. wind NW &SE. Munda 25 fair. I was att home all day Breaking up ground & Clearing itt. Tuesd: 26 fair. I was in Town in ye forenoon on Bord Capt. Andrews who came to Sail & fell down below ye fort, & in ye afternoon I came home to Break up ground. wedensd 27 fair. I was att home att work diging Stones all day. Jno Turrell Died. Thursd 28 Stormy. I was att home att work all day about a Door &c. a Rainy Stormy day att east & fryday 29 windy. I was att home all day diging Stones. a windy day att N W. March Saturd 1. I was in Town all day making up John Foxes accounts with Divers persons. a cold day & very windy & Squally. some Snow. Sunda 2 fair. a very Cold windy freezing day. mr adams Preached all day. Mond: 3 fair. I was in Cedar Swamp most of ye day getting Rails & Poles & ye Rest of ve day getting Timber for ye Entry &c. a cold windy day. Tuesd 4 fair. I was all in Town putting on Locks & drops on 2 Cheast of Drawers &c. the Townsmen meet at my house to con- clude about getting a Schoolmastr. Wedensd 5. I was in Town in ve forenoon finishing & setting a Case of Drawers to Richd Christophers Junr for £3. yesterday Jonat Lester of Groaton died. This day Capt Andrews Satled for fairfield in ve Later pt of ve day. Raw & Cold. Little wind. Thursd: 6 fair. a fair moderate day. I was att home att work all day about ye Entry. wilson from Ile of wight &c. fryday 7 Stormy. I was in ye woods in ye forenoon geting Timber & in ye afternoon att home hew- ing & fitting itt for ye Entry. att night att Capt Prentts about a School- mastr. in ye forenoon Lowering & in ye aftern Rainy & att night Stormy. Goodee Terrell Died about 12 of ye Clock. Saturd 8 fair. in ye forenoon I was kiltering my Saw att Lieut Richards & getting my Broad ax Heeled. in ye aftern I was helping Nath Hoult Lay out his Land by maltimores house. goodee Terrell was Buried. manwaring came home fro Guilford. Sunday 9th. mr. adams Preached all day. a Cold windy day. Monday To fair. I was att home all day about ye Entry &c. manwaring Sailed. a very Cold windy day. Tuesd 11 fair. I was att home in ye forenoon & in ye aftern att ve Court of Probates with Eliz Fox—a cold windy day. 1712 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 9 wedensd 12 fair. I was all day att ye Court of Probates with Elizabeth fox. a cold windy day. I was apointed Guardian to Rose Holloway & Ebe: Hub- bell. Thursd 13. I was all day & all night Assisting Eliz fox about Dividing between ye Robert & ye Brothers & Sisters. fryday 14. I went to work att Glassenbury for Mr Banister for 4s p diem. we go to Midle- town ye first night. Rainy & Snowy. April: 12 Saturday. wee came from Middletown to N London being gone: 26: working days. a fair day. Smll Beebe Senr & Jno Wickwire Senr died Since I went. Sunday: 13: fair. Sunday mr adams Preached all day. an order for a Publick fast was Published, to be next wedensday Sevennight. monday 14 Rainy. itt was Trayning day. both Companys Trayned. Stephen Prentts Chosen Clerk of ye South Company. a Rainy day. Tuesd: 15 fair. I was att home all day Pruning aple trees & making a Coffin for Eliza Latham who died Last night. Wedensd 16 fair. Ms Mitchell Died Last night. I was att home ye forept of ye day Planting apletrees & in ye afternoon at ye burial of Eliz Latham. Thursd: 17 fair. I was att home all day (except goeing to Ms Mitchells funerall. I was Planting & Pruneing apletrees. fryday 18th fair. I was Pruneing Trees pulling of Caterpillers & att home in ye forept of ye day & in ye Latter pt I went wth Severall of the Neighbours to Mr Winthrops to Turn out a great Rock. Majr Wait came fro Boston. Saturd 19 Lowering & Rany. I was att work att holmes Lot with ye Boys Planting apletrees & mending fence & Binding up ye Trees yt were Barked wth the Calves. toward night itt Rained. Sunday 2oth Rainy. itt Rained hard all day till near night. mr adams Preacht. Monda 21 Lowering. 1 was att work att ye Schoolhouse & Nathaniel fitting & Cleaning itt till night: a Lowering & Showery dav. Tuesd 22d fair. I was att home all Day makeing School Rates & min- isters Rate. I am not well a bad Cold. 4 or 5 Coasters came in to Day. Wedensd 23: fair. A Publick fast. mr adams Preached all day. a fair day wind S W. Thursd 24 fair. I was all ye forept of ye day Reckening wth mr Denison in Respect of his keeping school for 3 years past viz 1708: 1709: 1710:: & I Ballanced all acctts wth Capt Wetherell & in doing Some- thing to ye ministers Rate. all night Rainy. fryday 25th fair. I was att work att ye meetting house an hour or: 2: in ye forenoon & yn I went to Shingeling Sister mary’s house. Tho Prentts Sayled for Barbadoes. Saturd 26 fair. I was a finishing ye Shingeling Sister mary’s house & making Minr Rate. Sunday 27 fair. mr adams Preached all day Sacra- ment day: Phenias Thomas Child was buried between meeting. itt died yesterday. S E wind to day. Monday 28 fair. I was all day a helping make a Division of ye Estate of Wm Minerd till about 11 Clock att night. wee arrived at Town: Lieut Richds Jere Chap & Samll Rogers Junr. Tuesday 29 fair. A Freemens meeting. I was in town all day. in ye forepart I was Reckening wth Brother Plumbe Mr Christophers &c & in ye Latter part at ye meeting: a foggy day. I Sent 2 Cows to pastr to James Rogers’s. wedensday 30 fair. I went into ye neck to fetch a cow from Daniel Lesters & pd him all but 6d. I went to see Roland Rogers who is very sick. May: 1 Thursday Squaly. I was att work att ye meeting house Boarding of itt. a Squally day some hail & Some Rain. Benja Lester Cut my Bull & markt my Calfes & turned ym out: Smith & Curtice Saild for Burmudos. Ms Dennis Died. Royce for Madara. fryday 2d fair. I worked att ye meeting house all day but about 2 hours. Ms dennis was Buried. I DD to ye Sergt of ye Guard 8hlbs. powdr p ordr of ye Towns- men. Saturd 3d fair. I was att work att ye meeting house & Tho Daniels 10 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1712 all day: Boarding itt. Sunday 4th fair. mr adams Preached all day. Brothr Plumbs Child was buried to day. I made ye Coffin. itt died Last night after M: night. Mond: sth fair & hot. In ye morning I Gelt my Lambs & Markt ym. Tho Way came to Plowing for me & I went into town to Recken wth ye Govr about Holloways Estate & with Mr adams & so concluded ye day. Tuesd 6: fair. I went into ye Neck & got a bush oats of Jonat fox & agreed wth uncle fox about Exchanging Land &c. I came home & went to harrowing. I went & Reckened wth Mr vryling & Due to me £5: 10: wedensd 7 fair. I was att home all day Save in ye morn I went to Send my Country acctts to hartfd p Brother Plumb: Tho way finished Plowing my old ground in 2} days. I Sowed & har- rowed & Levelled my oats. ye Convoy Came in from boston about 30 hours Passage. hartshorn came to See us. Thursd 8th fair. Tho way & Team, Gabriel woomansee & I Cartted out 15 load dung. ye Connecticut fleet Sayl’d for boston undr Convoy. I sent 1 pr wheels to Capt Ball & a Gun to John p Capt Prentts who Sayl’d for Block Island. fryday: 9 Rainy. I was att home all day making ye School Rates for Mr Burnam & Killing a Swine weit 159 Ibs. a Raw Cold Stormy day att N E. Saturd Io fair. I was att home all day Planting. Gabriel helped me finisht New ground. Sund 11 fair. mr adams Preached all day. Jno Lee & Jno Larabee att our house & Goodwife Pember to look after Robt hand. a bad swelling in itt. Mond 12 fair. I was att home all day. ye Boys & I finished Plant- ing in our lot & began to hole Smiths lot. Cloudy & Raw cold. Nath went to Mill & got 2 bushell. Tuesd 13 fair. I was att home all day holeing & Dunging Smiths Lot. Josh & Nath. wedensd 14 lowery. I was att home all day Planting in Smiths Lott. a Lowering day misty E S E all day. Thursday 15 fair. I finisht Planting in Smith’s Lott about ye midle of ye afternoon & then I went into Town & got Ebe Dartt to Cartt up ye Shingles for ye meeting house for 18d. Jno Christophers brought thm from Norwich yesterday & 2000 of mine. fryday 16th fair. I was in town in ye forenoon to fetch Shingles home & then I went to the funerall of Roland Rogers. my wife hath got ye ague in her Breast Bad. Saturda: 17th fair. I was work att ye Meetinghouse ? day. a foggy day. Sund 18. Mr adams Preached all day: a warning for a veiw of arms both com- panys to be Monday come Sevennight 26: Instant. Mond 19. I went to Saybrook to argue wth Brooker but could not see him. Christopher Chris- tophers went to New haven mr adams & Pickett for Boston. Tuesd 20 Lowerey. I came fro Saybrook got home about 3: Clock. I mended fence. N E. wedensday 21. I was att home all day Diging Stones &c. a Rainy day. Latr part I whet & set uncle fox's hansaw. N E all day. Thursd: 22d. Rainy in ye forenoon: I was att home & a mending my Sheep Shears &c. fryday 23d fair. I was att work att ye Meetinghouse 2 day. Brothr Plumbe pd me £4 12s he Brought from Hartford for mee. I pd Christopr Darro £4 I Borrowed of him to pay Jno Holmes for ye Lott. Sat- urd 24 fair. I workt att ve meeting house Shingeling &c: C: Christoprs Brought home his wife fro N: Haven. Sund 25 fair. no minister. Mr adams is gone to Boston. Mr Christophers Read. news came of a french Brigg 150 men Tarpolian Coave. Posts are gone to ye Gover att Hartford & to ye Deputy Govr att fairfield & watch at ye harbours mouth. Monday 26 fair. A trayning day & veiw of arms. Both Companys. Tuesd 29 fair. I worked att ye meeting house Joynting & Shingeling. Tho Wav Cartted a Load of Railes & Poles for Cedar Samp. wind NE&S. Cod- din of R: Island arrived. Wedensd 28 fair. I worked att ye meeting house & Tho Daniels Shingeling & bording &c. Coddin sayled. Thursd 1712] Diary of Joshua Hempstead II 29. Rainy. I worked att ye meeting house all day Jounting Shingles. a very great Rain. fryday 30 fair. I fetched my cow & heifer & Calf from James Rogers in ye forenoon & in ye afternoon I washed my Sheep & made a yard by Smiths Lott. Saturd 31 fair. A windy day. I workt att ye meeting house all day. ye watch Began Last night. I Drew out ye watches. Sunday: June Ist fair. no minister. Braddick fro Long Island— wind Southerly. Goodwife Morgan Died Suddenly. Monday 2d fair. I Sheered 4 Sheep in ye morn & then went to Jno Morgans to & made a Coffin for his mother. I went to ye funerall & then came home & went into ye Neck to Eliz Fox about 4 or five hours. Tuesd 3d fair. I was att Court all day. ye Court Satt in ye meeting house. foggy. wedensd: 4 fair & hot. I was att Court all day attending on Rowleys Bond & yesterday too. Thursd 5 fair. I was att Court all day attending on Rowleys matter & on Jury. I drew out a List of ye South part of ye minr Rate for Thomas Dowglass Collectr. fryday 6 Rainey. I was all day on ye Jury and waiting on ye matter of Rowley. little wind. Saturd 7 fogy fair. I was all day attending on the Court on Rowleys matter & on the Jury. I was 5 days waiting on ye Court Rowleys mattr wheron I was Bound wth him & Cast this day Cost of Court. Sund: 8 Rainy. a Rainey Day. no minister. Mr Christoprs Read. Samll wallers child about 1 year old was buried this day after meeting. mond: g fair. I was att home all day Plowing among my corn &c. Tuesd: to fair. I was Sheering Sheep in ye forenoon & in ye afternoon att ye Court of Probates about Ebe Hubbell to get a Division. avery hot day. Samll Hide came to our house & Lodged there. wedensd 11 Showerey. In ye forenoon I went to Griffings att Serjt Lesters Request to help Compose ye difference betwixt ye Legatees of David Lester & I think wee effected itt &c. in ye aftern I Sheered some Sheep. Some Showers. Thursd 12 Showerey. I was att home all day work about ye Entry &c. Showry. fryda 13 fair. In ye forenoon I plowed in Smiths Lot & in ye aftern about ye Entry. Brothr Tallmage & Salmon Came to see us. Saturd 14 fair. I was att home all day. went into town in afternoon wth Brothr Tallmage and Salmon. It began to Rain about Sunset. Rained hard. Sow piged all night. a great Storm Easterly Cleared of next morn. Sunda: 15 fair. Mr adams is att Stonington or Groaton & Mr Noyce Preach’t here. Richd Christoprs came in fro Barbados 30 days: all well. Mond: 16 fair. In ye forenoon I went wth Brothr Tallmage & Salmon into Town & yn along ye Rhoad toward Saybrook who went Thither to their Boat & so homeward. yn I went to ye Court Probates about Holloway & Hubbell &c 4 day. Tuesd 17 fair. J was att work att home all day bording & Shingeling Entry &c. Woyats daughter Bijah Brumfield died about Sunset. wedensd 18 a Shower. I was att home made a Coffin for Woyett. Joshua went to mill got 2 Bush. in ye aftern I went to ye funeral & yn to Raising Picketts Barn. Thursd 19 fair. I was att home att work all day about ye Entry & Cradle ffett for Starr. fryday 20 fair. I was att home all day work about ye Passage & 3 Coasters came in Wire, Hamlin & Howell & Gardner fro Ile Wight. Saturd 21. I was att home all day work about ye Passage. Lowering in ye forepart of ye day & in ye Latter Rainy. Peter manwarring Came home with Dotee. Sund: 22 fair. mr adams Preached all day. hot weather Windy. Mond 23 fair. I was att home all day work about ye Passage. I Gett ye Hiefer’s Calf. I Sent ye other 2 to holmeses Lot to be weaned. Tuesd 24. I was att home all day makeing a Door. Some Showers. wedensd 25 fair most of ye day. I was att work att ye meeting house & Jno Daniels. some small showers toward night. my Pide Cow 12 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1712 Calved: 9: months & 9 days Since She took Bull. Hieffer Calched all day. hew came home from England. Thursd 26 fair. I was att An. | itt died making a Cheast for Peter Manwarring & he had my mare to srning I Gelt went into town att night. bought 21ib Tobaco of Jno Hutchin: I went into of Shortt ye Ballance. Danll Way Raised his house. fryd 27 vir adams & forenoon I made up Benches in ye School house & in ye afternoc,got a bush Samll Rogers’s to work about his Stable. att night I bought trond &c. I att Lattimores. Sent itt & ye 2ttb & 74tb bee wax for Madara p sryling & waring. Saturd 28 fair. 1 was att work att Samll Rogers all dayve in ye 29 fair. Mr adams Preached all day. Tho Lee & Daughtr att my?lumb: little wind. Mond 30 fair hot. I went to work att Samll Rogers in nhar- Till 10 or 11 Clock. Broth Salmon came & I left & went home with him. 30 began to Mow in ye Evening. Tho Truman put his calf in my Pasture. Manwaring Sailed. July 1 fair. hot. I was att work att Samll Rogers all day. he went tu R. Island. Harris arrived. I Took Samll Rogers Stable to do for (27s 6d & I agreed with abell Willey to do all my mowing for) i8s od & 1 qrtt Rum: N: went to Mill 1 bush 3. wedensd 2 fair hot. I was att work all day att Samll Rogers’s: T Daniels Maryed. Thursd 3d fair hot. I was at Groaton all day wth Brothr Plumbe Laying out Lots att Nowayank. a very hot day. Little Thomas Avery drownded in a Swiming. fryday 4th fair hot. I was att Groaton all day helping Lay out Lots &c. Somthing Cool morn. Groten men came to mr Smiths & drew Lotts. I drew mine and Paid for itt & 1s od for Benja Star & 1s od for Jno Mayhew. my Lot ye fifth in 5th teer. Saturd 5th fair. I was att work att Samll Rogers’s all day. Nathanael Larabee Lay att my house Last night. his horse Ran away in ye night. Josh is gone with ye mare to carry him home. Tho Avery was buryed yesterday after Lecture. Sunday 6 fair. Mr. adams Preached all day. Sacrament day. S. Harris arrived from R. Island bring news a french Privateer in Tarplian Coave. Mond 7: fair. I workt att Samll Rogers all day. Roger Awger pd me all his debt. Curtice Arrived from Bermudos 10 days passage. Tuesd 8th Rainy. I was att home all ye forenoon & in ye afternoon I was att ye Court of Probates about Ebe Hubbell. a Showry day & windy. wedensd 9 Showry. I was att work att Samll Rogers 3 mow- ing. in ye morn Showry: Abell Willey mowed all day. Thursd to fair. 1 was mowing in ye forenoon with Abell Willey & aftern att work att Samll Rogers. wee bought 5 Bushlls Corn of a Squaw 2s 6d p bush. fryday I1 Lowering. I was att work att Samll Rogers’s all day. abell Willey mowed almost all day. Nath went to mill got 14 bush Indian & 1 bush Ry meal. a Lowering day. Saturd 12 fair. I was att work S: R: in forenoon & in aftern att home making hay. fair windy. S:R: hada daughter born last night. Sund: 13. mr adams Preached all day. S: R Daughtr Babtized Mercy. Clear. Mond 14. a Town meeting day: Capt Prentis Ms Shapley & Ebenz Dennis Chose Innkeepers. Tuesd 15. I was Stacking hay in ye forenoon & Raking & in aftern helping Jno Coit about Lanching Elery’s Great Boat but could not effect itt. a very hot day. Little wind: Samll Averys Child buried. Died yesterday. wedensd 16. a hot day. T was att home all day. I got Stack Poles & Stackt hay. in aftern helped Jno Coit get of his Boat. Thursd 17 Showry. I went into town in ye forenoon to Carry a Letter & Mony 25s to Send for a pr Grave Stones for Jno foxes grave. in ye aftern I finished Stacking in ye orchard. a Showerey aftern & Thundr. news is come yt Capt Carver hath Taken a french Priveteer off Cape Cod. fryday 18 Some Rain. I was att home all dav making my Self a pr Linnen Breeches. Saturd: 19 fair. I was att Samli Rogers’s all ae Diary of Joshua Hempstead 13 Rainy. "& my work. Braddick arrived. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams 29. Rainy, all day. Samll & Hannah Fox Published. Mond 21 Rainy. I very great He all day in ye morn making up hay & yn itt Rained all day ye ey? Reeery hard. I made a Runing bow. Tuesd 22. I was att home all yore dats 2, dray & Spreading hay. Abell Willey mowed all day. ae 23 fair. I was att home all day in ye for pt making a Lid for Tru Box: & in ye Later pt Making & Stacking hay. Abell Willey d most of ye day. I had a fitt of ye ague & fever att night. I Took Sheere¢ .at. Thursd 24: fair. 1 fetched home 2 Stack poles in ye forepart for his day & in ye Later Rakeing & Stacking. abell willey mowed 4 ye day Neck Raked hay &c. fryd 25 Lowering. I was att home all day very sick all th a fever in ye aftern. in ye forenoon cary’d hay to ye Press & helped fill ‘Ve Press. abel Willey mowed most of ye day. Some rain in ye morn. S: Edgcumb came from Seabrook. Saturd 26 Lowering. In ye forenoon I was Stacking hay & mowing in ye aftern Pressing hay. Mingo helpt me. Abell Willey finished mowing. I pd him 20s od. ye Governour came home in ye evening from boston. a gun fired att ye fort. Sund 27 fair. Mr adams Preached all day. News came yt Wm Booth Junr is drownded. Mond 28 fair. I was att home all day making hay & Pressing some. Tuesd 29 fair. I was making hay in ye afternoon. ye foren Lowering. I Prest hay in ye morn. I went into town to get ashoar Jno foxes Grave Stones whch Jno ‘Christophers brought down from Midletown. Cost 24s od. Ebe Hubbell is gone to work att Saybrook wth Mr Brooker p agreemt wth Samll Edgcumbe for 30s p mo. Nath went with him to Lyme to bring back ye horse. was home by 2 Clock. Richd Christophers hath a son born. Wedensd 30 fair. I was att home all day Stacking hay. Jno Hutchins helped me all day. Thursd 31 fair. I was att home morning &c most of ye day. toward night I went wth ye boys & horse into town & gott hands to help us Load Jno fox’s grave Stones. I Sett ym in &c. itt Rained att night. fair all day. fryday: Aug 1st Lowering. I was att work att Sol Coits Laying floor. a Cloudy day. Saturd: 2: Showry. I was att work att Sol: Coit’s most of ye day. I killed a Calf in ye morn. a Showry day not much Rain. 2 bushlls Meal. Nathaniel broke ye Sows Leg: or thigh with a Stone. Sund 3 Rain. Mr adams Preacht all day. Richd Christoprs child Babtized. a Lowering day. toward night Thundr & Rain hard. Mond: 4: fair. I was att work att Sol Coits Wilson & Jno Coit & Mayhew for R. Island. Wm Crocker Capt of ye Scouts came home from N. Hampton. brings news, one of his men killed & two taken. al3 of Hartford. Tuesd sth fair. I was att home in ye morning Pressing and weighing hay. about noon I went into town & brought 2 Cows yt were Sold att an outcry for 50s od p ps wch were taken by Execution fro Jno Rogers Junr. I fetched home an Ew -‘& Lamb from Arnolds whare Jonat Star hath keept her all summer. wedensd: 6: fair. Isold my Red cow I had of Tho. Lee to Peter Manwarings wife for 50s od. I was at home al day Pressing hay & carying itt &c. Thursd: 7: Showry. I was Pressing hay al day & finished 2600 gross. in ye forenoon fair. in ye aftern Rainy. first in ye S. W. Thunder Showers hard & yn a Squall in ye norwest very hard. itt clear’d off before night. fryd 8 fair. in ye forept of ye day I was making Nath Chapells Coffin who died Last night about midnight. was buried about 5 in aftern. a Cool windy day att N W. blow hard. a frost in some parts att night. Saturd 9 fair. I was att home all day mowing oats Save in ye morn carrying hay into Town in Mr Coits boat: I killed a Lamb att night. Sund 10. Mr adams Preached all day. 3 boys Babtized. B: Beebe D Comstocks & Ruffs. Monday 11 fair. I was wind Sout’ 14 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1712 att home all day Making up & Stacking oats. Cousen Samll Hide came to our house. Lodged yr att night. Tuesd 12. a Rainy day. I went into Town with Cuz Hide to ye Court Probates. I waited there for Griffing & wife to do Somthing about Hubbells Estate but they did not come. I Sold a Terse of Rum to Samwel Hide I had of Mr vryling gt 65 gall att 3s 8d p. Recd £6. a Rainy day till toward night. Wedensd 13 fair. I was att home all day mowing & taking up oats Save about 3 or 4 hours fitting a bench & begining about Arnolds waals. Richd Christophers sailed for barbados. Thursd 14 fair. In ye forenoon was at arnolds Sloop working 19 foot waalls. in ye aftern att home Raking & Stacking oats. wilson fro R Island. fryd 15 fair. I was att home all day Toping up my oats & hay & finished al: Saturd 16 fair. I was at home all day Removing ye orchard fence a Cross into Smiths Lot & Seting it up &c. Samll Harris arrived fro: R: Island 2 bush meal. Sund 17 fair windy. Mr adams Preached all day. Mr Noyce went to Prayer once. Daniel Lester Daughter Babtized (Susanna). Lower- ing. Mond 18 Rain. I was at home al day. I Sent 2 Rams to pasture to Jno Pendalls. a Rainy day. Tuesd 19 fair. I was in Town al day. in ye forenoon I was wth Brothr Plumb att Ebe Darts to forewarn ym Enter- taining hopp Halls Daughter & wee warned her to depart ye Town. In ye aftern at Sol Coits. wedensd 20 fair. I was at home al day whitewashing the house. old Guard & his Son Daniel are both comitted to Prison for wounding whitehair of Long Island. it is feared will prove Mortall. I mad 3 barll Cydar at Coits Mill. Thursd 21 fair. JI was at work at ye Governrs al day. very hot al day. fryd 22 fair. A Lecture day. In ye forenoon I workt at ye Govrs. in ye aftern at Lecture & Receiving mony of the Collectr. I gave him a Receit for £22: 11s: od. I Carryed itt Directly to mr adams. it was but £22: 7s: od: 4s mistake in counting. Exceeding hot. Saturd 23d fair hot. I was at work at ye Govr al day. very hot att night. a Thundr Shower & Lightning. wind N. Whitehair Died at Stonington. Sund 24 fair. a Sacrament day. mr adams Preached all day. Jno Bolles was Taken by ye Constable before meeting by david Richards’s in ye highway bringing Poles from Cedar Swamp on horses &c. was kept al night. Mond: 25 Rainy. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. a Smart Thundr Storm about 2 Clock. held 2 or 3 hours. w—:a Bull wth ye Cows 2 days. Tuesd 26 fair. I worked at ye Govrs till 2 Clock & yn I went to Court & helpt ye Constable make up accounts. a Special Court. I Lent Joshua Moor a forty Shilling bill. he hath since pd me. wedensd 27 fair. I was at home yoaking pigs & went to Court in ye aftern I being not well. Thursd 28 fair. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. fryd 29 Lowering. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. 1 Recd 30s of Samll Rogers Junr for work & foar pounds of Samll p J: Truman. Showerey in ye forepart of the night. Saturd 30. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. he pd me 30s. Cold & windy. Sund 31. Mr adams Preached al day. a Warning is up for a Trayning to be Sept ye 8th. Wm Pendall & Mary Haines Published. Cold. Sept 1 Mond fair. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. Tuesd 2 Rainy. I went in to town in ye morn. I carry’d 40s to Hallams in Bills of Creditt. I workt for Couch al day. a Rainy day. Wedensd 3d fair. I was at work at majr Winthrops in ye forenoon & in ye aftern Went to Deacon Dowglas’s & Daniel darts. Joshua was Shot in ye hand accidentaly with Poison Shot uncharging ye gun through ye hand. Thursd 4 fair. I Recd of Tho Dowglas £8 os gd Minstrs Rate. I was at work at mr Arnolds Emboing 4 waals al day save 3 or 4 hours at Noon wth Majr Wait Dressing Joshua’s hand. a Bull wth ye Cows Especialy ye Black Cow. fryd 5th fair. I was at work at Majr Winthrops al day. I Emboed 2 Small Rails for Ebe Denis’s boat 1712] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 15 about 15 foot. Saturd: 6 fair. I was at work at Majr Winthrops al day. Sund 7. Mr adams Preached al day. 2 Children Babtized. Wm Minors John & Wm Douglass’s Sarah. a warm day. Mond 8 fair. a Trayning day. ye North Inhabitants Petition to be a Company. a Sloop from Salltetudas Hutton of Barbados. Tuesd goth fair. a freemans Meeting. James Rogers & Steph Prentts chosen Deputies. ye Selectmen Sent a Notification to Ingrem & Alias Willitt to depart ye Town p Benja Starr Constable. Wedensd 10 fair Lowering. I was at work at majr Winthrops al day. Some Rain. Bryant fro Boston & Wilson fro Rhoad Island. Thursd 11 fair. I was at work at Majr Winthrops al day. Lowering. Wyer fro Boston. 2 Bush Meal. fryd 12 fair. I was at work at Majr Winthrops al day. Satur 13 fair. I was at work at Majr Winthrops al day. I kiled a Lamb. I Emboed 1 Small Rail for Ebe Denis 8 foot & 61 : foot before at Several times in al 69 foot at 1d p foot. Sunday 14 Rain. Mr adams Preached in ye forenoon & Mr Woodbridge of Hartford in ye aftern. 2 Sheep & 1 Lamb Kiled Last night in ye Millpond field & 1 this week in ye Glut of Tim- ber. Rain hard. Mond 15 fair. I workt at Majr Winthrops al day. a Cold windy day. Richd Christophers came home in ye Evening who was taken by a Plasentia man 5 days after he Sailed hence. Sister Lucy hath a son born. Tuesd 16 fair. I workt at Majr Winthrops al day till: 8: at night to finish. Wedensd 17 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. Thomas Left School at Manwarrings. Thursd 18 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. I Sold 4 of Holloways Barlls to Horsey for 2s p ps. fryd 19 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. I finisht Emboing Arnolds waals in ye first of ye morn. 7 Long ones & 1 Short 123. Saturd 20 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. I had a Silk Clouded hankerchief of him att 6s gd. I bought 6ib of chalk of Jonat Starr. Sund 21. no minister. Mr adams Sick. ye Deacons held forth. Jno Bolles is aprehended for working to day. Mond 22. I was at work for ye Govr al day. Tuesd 23 fair Windy. I workt at ye Govrs till ye midle of ye afternoon & then I went to Serve on ye Grand Jury. ye Supe- riour Court Sat at ye meeting house. Moist air in ye night. a violent Storm. Easterly of wind & much Rain. ye wind Shifted before noon. Wedensd 24 windy & fair. I was on ye Grand Jury al day. a windy day. I kileda Sheep. Thursd 25. I was on ye Grand jury al day. we Indicted Daniel Guard for murder & Joseph Elderkin for Counterfiting a 20s Bill yt is altering from a 2s 6d Bill to 20s. he is fined £45 & a 6 mo Imprisonment. we acquited Wentworth & Hambleton for ye same fact & we acquited old Jno Guard who was comited for Murdering Will Whitear with his son Daniel but only his Son Indicted. fryday 26 fair. I Sent 2 Cows to Goodee Atwills to Pasture & Manwarings Cow & my hieffer to Holmes Lot. I was at Court al day. Saturday 27 fair. I was at Court al day. I Sent 1 Cow more to Atwills. I kiled a Sheep at Night. Brothr had $4. 2gtb : 2 bush meal. Mr Shortt died. Sunday 28 fair. A Cold Day. mr adams Preached al day. Jno Picketts Daughtr Babtizd Hannah. Henry Brook’s Elleff. Mond 2g fair. I was at home till one of ye Clock Making Shorts Coffin who died Last Saturday before noon. mr Woiet helped me al day. in ye after- noon I went & Ensign Harris to Samll Beebee’s to make a Division of ye Estate of Samll Beebe decd. Tuesd 30 fair. In ye forenoon I workt at ye Govrs & in ye aftern I was at Shapleys. Mr Pitkin & Mr Christoprs was hearing father Edgcumb & fish. Rainy at night. Wedensd Oct 1. ye Heiffer went to Bull in ye morning. Durgan yes- terday. I was at Mr Christophers most of ye day. Mr Pitkin & himself with father Edgcombe & Capt Fish about composing ye Difference between them but to no purpose. Thursd 2d fair. I was at work at ye Govrs all 16 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1712 day. Ebe Hubbell came home from Saybrook. Brought 8os in Bills. 4 his wages. fryday 3 fair. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. I went out to Goodee Chapelis & Jno Coit was there also. we agreed with ye widow hope yt ye Town Shall Pay £3 p annum toward Suporting her. Saturd 4 fair. IT was at work at ye Govrs all day. Sund 5. Mr adams Preached all day. David Richds child Babtized. a Daughter named Ruth. Mond 6 fair. I was at work at ye Govrs all day. I kiled a Sheep in morn. at night I came out of Town with Stephen Hurlbut & parted with him about : 8. Clock well: he went home & at Super about 9° Clock was taken with a fit of Sneezing & fell down & never had his Senses nor helpt himself more. Lay till 2° or 3° in ye morn and then died. my Cows Left pasturing at Goodee Atwills 4s: 8d. Tuesd 7 Lowering. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. a misty day. Ebe Hub- bell is gone to work wth Jno Christophers. wedensd 8 Rainy. I workt at ye Govrs 4 ye day & in ye Latr pt went to Steph Hurlbuts funeral & finished Solomon Coits floor. Govr went to Hartford. Thursd g fair. I was al day helping Mr arnold Lay ways & Endeavoring to Launch but could not get her above twice her Length. Joseph Truman made me 3 barlls Cydar. Little wind al day. fryday 10 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. I went to Majr Winthrops at night & Received £18 ye Interest of Liveens mony & Carryed it to mr adams wth £5: 15s more yt I had of ye Collectr. Brothr Hartshorn came to see us. Saturd 11. I was at work at ye govrs al day. George Chapell was Buried toward night. I met ym by our house. he died Last night about 9. Post came fro Boston wth Several Pacquits. Sunda 12 fair. A Cold windy day. Mr adams Preached al day. Mond 13 fair. I was a work at ye Govrs al day. a very cold morning. Tuesd 14 fair. I was at work at ye Govrs al day. a Court of Probts. a very windy day. four Coasters Came in for harbour & 2 Last night. Wedensd 15 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. ye Coasters Sailed in ye morn. Thursd 16 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. Abel Willey went Post to Hartford to Cary ye Govr a Letter came p ye Post. Peter Harris Sayl’d for Norwich wth Salt. Carry’d 20 bush for Cuz Hide I bought of Capt Hutton for him. Nathanll Drayed 8 barlls Cydar fro father Edgcumb’s to ye Govrs for him tos. fryd 17 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. I helpt Wm Hoult husk corn at night. Saturd 18 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. Windy & Cold. I had ye ague at night. Ikileda Sheep. Sund 1g fair. Mr adams Preached all day. I was Indisposed in ye forenoon & not out. Daniel Way had a Child Babtized Lydia: Mond 20 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. Cuzn S. Hide came to our house. Lodged their. Lieut Richds Son Guy died about 7 mo old. Tuesd 21 fair. I was with Cuzn Hide in town al day. no work. I Bought Dufflls for a Coat at mr Christophers. Richds Child buried. wedensd 22 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. a Cold day. Thursd 23 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. Cold. Peter Manwaring came in from Madaras. al well. Ia. Killyng master. Sol Coit made me a Duffells coat. fryday 24 Lowering. I workt at ye Govrs al Day Save about 2 hours at Lecture. Johnson from oysterponds & Divers of ye oysterponds people. Saturd 25 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. Sund 26 fair. mr adams Preacht al day. Coddin fro R. Island. Mond 27 fair. I workt at ye Govrs al day. our part of ye Town workt at high ways to day. Curtice fro Boston brought Hallams goods yt came fro England. I fetched home a qutr Cask of wine fro Peter manwarings. Tuesd 28 Lowering. In ye morn I went to ye Govrs & Recd £4 10s ye Ballance of al acctts. Respecting work. I came home & hanged ye Door made a Latch &c. in ye Even I went to mr Richds about Minerds Estate: Ebe workt at highways in my Stead. ye Govr Set out for boston. Wedensd 29 Rainy. I was at home al day till 1712] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 1g Late in ye aftern & yn I went to Sol Coits to work till 9 or 10 Clock. a great Storm. Thursd 30 Stormy. I was in town most of ye day. a Suspension of arms was Proclaimed at ye fort. 2 guns & 3 Chambers fired. fryday 31 fair. I workt at Sol Coits al day. Capt Pirkins fro Barbados Sprung her Mast & Split her Sailes put in for Harbour. Satur Nov: 1: fair. I was at home fencing Stacks most of ye Day. I bought 4 a Cow of Jno Mayhew. I pd him 34s at 2d Round. a fair Pleasant warm day. Little wind al day till night. fresh at N. E. Cloudy. Sund 2d fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a Proclamation for a Thanksgiving to be next wedensday. a warning for a Trayning next Thursday. Monday 3 fair. I was at home al day moving fence & about Entry &c. a Cold windy day. Wilson fro R. Island. al day N. W. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at home al day & not very well. Nath also is Ill. I helped Mr Coit Raise his Sloop in ye afternoon. Wedensd 5 fair. a Publique Thanksgiving. Mr adams Preached. Thursd 6 fair. a Trayn- ing day. I Bought a Barll Cydar for ye Company to be paid out of ye fines. tos. bought of Sister Mary. fryd 7 fair. I was at home al day about ye Entry & orchard fence. a Moderate Smiling day. Saturd 8 Wet. I was at home at work al day. Drisley. NE&E. Abra Corah Sayld for South Carolino to touch att So: hold. Peter Manwaring is gone. Mate have stopt at ye harbours mouth. Sund 9 Rainy. mr adams Preached al day. Corah Sayled for So: hould. Mond to fair. in ye morn I went to Peter Harris’s & bought 275 Shingles for ye meeting house & Carted them up & Ebe Joynted ym 4 day. I went into town &c. I Lent Ebe Dartt 12s od Bills wch is since paid. Tuesd 11 fair. I was at ye Court of Probates al day about Ebe Hubbells matter & Samll Beebee’s but nothing done. I pd Cuz S: Hide £10 in Bills of Creditt wch was Left in my hands to buy Rum. wedensd 12 fair. I was al day at ye Court of Probates about Ebe Hubbells Business. ye Court ordered a Distribution of Hubbells Estate to be made by Mr Latimore Mr Green & Samll Fosdyck. Daniel Guard had his Sen- tench wch was to Set on ye gallows with a halter about his Neck & to be whipt 39 Lashes & to stand committed till he pay ye charge of his prosecu- tion. I bought 2 acres of Land of Wm B. for 55s. I pd 20s Land near Crossmans. Thursd 13 Snowy. Snow at 1 foot deep & I was at home in ye forenoon & yn I went to Ebe Dennis’s. Carryd a Quarter Cask of wine yt I Sold to him Mon for £4: 2s: 8d it being not full. a Stormy day. Rain & Snow. fryd 14 fair. I was att home al day mending Shoes &c. Saturd 15 fair. I was home al day fencing Staks & Nursery. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams Preached all day. avery Cold day. Proclamation for a Publick fast was Read to be Wedensd next. itt began to Snow about 8° Clock night. Mond 17 Snowy. I was at home al day. I Recd £4 1s od of Tho Douglas Collectr of ye ministr Rate. a Snowy night. about 3 Inches. Tuesd 18 Snow. I was at home al day. I killed 2 Swine & Sheep. Snowy most of ye day. moderately moist. Wedensd 19 Lowering. A Publick fast. Mr adams Preached al day. Some Snow. Thursd 20 Lowering. I was at home al day. I killed 2 Cows 1 pide weit 413tb necght & 1 Black weit 380. it Snowed most of ye day a Scatering Smal Snow. fryd 21. In ye forenoon I went to Look my horse & found him at: S. Harris’s. in ye aftern I went to see Daniel Gard Remove his punishmt. he was first to Set on ye gallows 1 hour & yn Was Whipt 39 Lashes with a Single Codline at ye Sign- post. Saturd 22. I went to Jno Emm’s & fetched home my Pide Steer. Sund 23 fair. mr adams Preached al day. Wilson from Long Island. N E al day. Snow at night but it soon turned to Rain & Rained hard most of ye night. Mond 24 Stormy. I was at home al day. a very Stormy day 3 18 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1712 & much Rain Carryed away most of ye Snow. I fetched home :I: barll Beef. came from Ile Wight. Tuesd 25 fair. I was at work at Sol. Coits part of ye day & Ebe made up ye day Joynting Shingles. ye Inferiour Court Sat. Wedensd 26 fair. I workt at Jno Winthrops al day till ro at night. Thursd 27 fair. I was at Court on ye Jury al day. Cold. fryday 28. Snowy & Rain. I was at Court al day. it Snowed all ye forepart of ye day & ye Later part it Rained very hard & a high Wind. Saturd 29 Rain. was at Court al day. a violent Storm of Wind & Rain al day. Sund 30 Rainy. mr adams Preached al day. a Stormy day. Rain & high wind. Mond dec: 1 Lowering. I went into ye Neck with Joseph Truman on discovery of his Sheep—a Lowering day & drisley at times. windy but not so violent as ye 3 days past. ye ferry hath been passed to day (tho wth Dificulty) wch hath not been done since Thursday night. Tuesd 2d fair. I workt at Jno Winthrops al day & at night I went to Ensign Harris’s to arbi- trate betwixt J Truman & J Lester about ye Sheep. I pd Jno Pendal 20s for his mother on acctt of ye Land by Crosmans. Wedensd 3 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & at night at J Harris’s arbitration. Thursd 4 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops in ye forenoon & in ye aftern arbitration at Wm Beebee’s & Jno Daniels Ensign Harris & Tho Crocker wth us. fryd 5 fair. in ye forenoon I was about town to get bords for ye meeting house & in ye afternoon I workt at ye meetinghouse Shingeling &c. Christopher Stubbins his Indian man named ashan was buried who died Last night—Sick less yn a week. Ebe workt at ye meetingh 4 day. Saturd 6 fair. a pleasant day. I workt at ye Meetinghouse al day & Jno Daniells. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a Moderate day. Lowering. Mond 8 fair. in ye fore- noon I was getting Canvas & Nails & making Pitch for ye top of ye meeting house & in ye aftern I workt at ye meeting house & Jno Daniels. a windy day. Tuesd 9 fair. I made up acctts with Benja Starr Collectr of ye minr Rate & due £8: 17s: ood. I workt at ye meeting house al day (Moderate weather) alone. wedensd 10 Rain. It Rain’d Last night ye Latter part & this morn till about 9 Clock In ye forenoon. I Sent 4o of my best Sheep to blackpoint to Tho Ways. John & Nathaniel went to drive thm. I pd mr adams £4: o1s: ood tht I Recd of Tho Douglass Collectr. I workt at Mr. Winthrops in ye afternoon. Thursd 11. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Moderate. Coddin fro N york. I bought ro4 yards Stuff of C: Chris- toprs & :1: yd Duffells of Mr Christop nt pd. fryd 12 fair. workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Moderate & Cloudy. Rain at night hard. Cleared of before morning. wind at N W Moderate. Saturd 13 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. a Pleasant morn. Windy aftern. Sund 14 fair. Mr adarns Preached al day. Jacob Munsell & Sarah Caulking Publisht. Mund 15 fair. In ye forenoon | was moving ye Schoolhouse Table & Benches &c to Jonat Hills house on ye hill. in ye aftern I was mending Sd house. Richd Camp Died & Anthony Ashby of Groaton was buried who died yesterday. Tuesd 16 Rainy. I workt on bord Capt Hutton & Ebe al day. R Camp was buried & Stephen Prenttis’s Daughter aboutt: 9 year old died. Booth fro R Island. wedensd 17 fair. I workt att Mr Winthrops all day. & Ebe on Bord Capt Hutton. Steph Prentties Daughter Buried. Thursd 18 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. I put up ye benches in ye Schoolhouse at night & Clabording it in ye morn. 4 day al 80: 6d nailes. fryd 19 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. it Rained and Snowed att night Little. Saturd 20 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. a Windy Cold day. N W al day. Sund 21. Mr adams Preached al day. a Cold windy day a Warning for a Town meeting. Mond 22 fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton & Ebe al day. N Ealday. Tuesd 23 fair. I workt on Board Capt 1712 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 19 Hutton & Ebe. Moderate. wedensd 24 raw, cold. I workt on Bord Capt Hutton & Ebe. 4fb 6d nailes & tb 10d nailes. Thursd 25 fair cold. I was out to Samll foxes in ye forenoon & bought a Skin. in ye aftern I workt at home about Sol Coits Windows. fryday 26 Rain cold. I was wth Mr Bliss Measuring Land he had of Sam Rogers Near Mr Bolles most of ye day. I pd Mr adams: £18: 10s: o3d & is still due £8: 2s: 2d. Saturd 27 fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton al day. I Recd 7s of Tho Joans Collectr. windy. Sund 28 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a Pleasant day. Wm Robins Son Wm Babtized. Mond 29. Townmeeting day. fair in ye fore- noon. in ye Latter pt of ye day itt Rained. at Night it Thundered & Light- ened very hard about 8 Clock. did much damage in perticular kiled 3 Cows for father Edgecumbe. Struck down as dead a Little Girl of Mr Hallams in his house (alies Bradleys) Tore ye house at both Ends & foreside &c. Coddin & 1 Sloop more & a Ship came in. Tuesd 30 fair. I was at home at work al day. Ebe $ day P Harris’s. Wedensd 31 fair. I was at home at work al day. Cold. 1733 Thursd Jan: 1 fair. I was at home at work al day about S. Coits win- dows. fryd 2. a fair Pleasant day. I was at work at home al day & Ebe about Solomon Coits Windows. Coddin & 1 Sloop & Ship Sayl’d for N. york but Stopt at ye harbours mouth. itt Snowed at night about inch deep. Saturd 3 fair. I was at home at work al day & Ebe about S. C. windows— Moderate. Sund 4 Rain. Mr adams Preached al day. Simon Burtton & mary Smallbent of Norwich & David Thomas of N. york & Mary Lake Published. Much Rain fell especially at night. Mond 5 Rainy. I workt at home al day & Ebe about S. C. Windows. Stormy. Tuesd 6 misty. I workt at home al day & Ebe about S. C. Windows. Moderate & Misty. wedensd 7 fair. I workt at home in ye forept of ye day about S. C. Win-’ dows & in ye Latter pt at S. Coits about putting up ye windows &c. Ebe at Huttons al day. Thursd 8th fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton & Ebe al day. Madam Livingstone Died this morning. a fair Pleasant day. fryd oth misty. I workt at Capt Huttons & Ebe al day. a Lowering day. Some Rain. Satur 10 Lowering. I workt at Capt Huttons al day. a Raw Cold day. Some Scatering Snow. it Snowed at night also a little. Sunday 11 fair & Cold. Mr adams Preached al day. mr Jno Winthrops Child Bab- tized Rebeckah. a Ship Snow is come into ye Harbour Lately come fro England bound for york. Mond 12 Snowy. In ye forenoon I workt at Capt Huttons & Ebe al day & we finished work their. in ye Latter part I was at home about S. C. windows. itt Snowed in ye forpt of ye day. ye Latter part Clear. Tuesd 13 Snowy. I workt at S. C. in ye town & Ebe al day. in ye aftern I was at Court. it Snowed till about 9 or 10 Clock about ancle deep. wedensd 14 fair cold lowering. I was at work att S. C. & Ebe $ day & better. ye Coldest day tht hath been this Winter. I sent 25s in bills p James Lord of Saybrook to buy Rye & to be Sent p ye first opertunity. Thursd 15 Rain. I was at work at S.C. & Ebe al day. Cold & windy. at night it Rained. fryd 16 fair. I workt at S. C. al day & Ebe. a moderate day. Saturd 17 fair. I was at work at S. C. in ye forenoon & in ye aftern at Madam Livingstons funerall who died last Thursday Sevenight 8th Instant. Sund 18 Snow. mr adams Preached al day. 3 Publishmts Jno Price & M Webster, Jonat Potts & Margaret Haughton, Jonat Beckwith & Eliz Waller. very cold. Mond 19 fair. I workt at S.C. about 4 day. I 20 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 was in town ye Rest of ye day. Cloudy—moderate. Tuesd 20 Rain. i went to Groaton With Brothr Plumb to Survey Nowayunk. a Rainy day. Capt Hutton pd me al was due wch_was 45s. Wedensd 21 Snow. I was at Groaton &c. it Hailed. Some Snow & Rain. Thursd 22. I was at Groaton al day—very Cold—fryd 23 fair. I was at Groaton al day & I drew Lots for B. Star & J. Mayhew. I pd 1s od Each. —Moderate. Saturd 24 Rain. I came from Groaton in forenoon. fair aftern at home Rainy. I Lent Joseph Truman 3s 6d in bills. Sund 25 fair. Mr adams preached al day. moderate. ye Snow Sailed. come in again. Mond 26 fair. I workt at Sol Coits al day & Ebe. (Moderate) ye Snow Sailed for N. york. I Sent 7s od p Richd Christoprs to buy an adds, Tuesd 27 Snowy & Rain. 1 went into ye neck to uncle foxes and came home and argreed with mr arnold to Build him an open Sloop 35 foot Reel, 15 foot Beam & 6 foot Hold for £65. one + mony ye other 4 goods at currant prices. Snow all day. Rain at night. Wedensd 28 fair. I workt at S. C. all day & Ebe. moderate. Thursd 29th fair. I workt at S. C. al day & Ebe. Cold & windy. fryday 30 fair. I workt at S. C. 4 & Ebe. & went to Lecture. in ye afternoon wee killed 2 Piggs. 1 weighed 108 & ye other 96. very Sharp & windy. Saturd 31 fair. I workt at S. C. most of ye day 3. Capt Hutton Sayled for Barbados. a windy cold day. very cold. James Rogers’s wife Died this morn. Sunda febry 1 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Sacrament day. James Rogers Junr wife was Buried between Meetings. very Sharp Cold. Mond 2 fair & clear. I was at home in ye forenoon & in ye aftern at mr arnolds & att work at S. C. about + of ye day. Cold. not quite so violent as yesterd. Jno Emms had an Infant Died yesterday & buried to day. Tuesd 3 Rain. I workt at S.C al day. it began to Rain about noon & held al day. Wedensd 4 fair. I was al day with Mr Latimore Green & fosdyck att Griffings to assist about divideing Mr Hubbells Estate. I Recd Sundrys of Ebe’s portion amounting to £38: o1s :ogd as p my Rectt. a Pleas- ant day. Thursd 5 fair. I was at work at S.C. al day. Moderate. fryd 6 fair. I workt at S. C. al day & Ebe—moderate. I had a Barll Molasses of Mr arnold att 2s 6d p Gall. Saturd 7 fair. I workt at Jno Coits Em- boing waals for mr Saxtons Sloop 40 foot. Ebe at S. C. James Rogers Senr his wife died this morn at James House. Sund 8 fair. I was att Ms Rogers’s funeral in ye forenoon & at Meeting in ye aftern. Mr. adams Preached al day. Anna ye wife of John Young was Babtized & Joseph Minor & Grace Turner Published. Mond 9 fair. I was helping Divide G. Chapells Estate Jo: Harris & Jonas Green—Ebe getting trannell Stuff. Tuesd 10 Snowy. I was at home till noon & yn I went to ye Court of Pro- bates about Parkers Estate & Mr Harris & Latimore. I pd Mr haris 1s. I pd Mr Latimore 1s 4d: & Mr Green 1s 4d on Ebe acctt. Ebe about Trannells —al day—Jno & Abigal Taken Sick. Wedensd 11 fair. I was at home al day & Ebe. Jonat Beckwith Married. windy. Thursd 12 fair. In ye forenoon I was helping Capt Tho Avery Divide land & in ye afternoon working at Jno Coits Emboing 15 foot.............. died. Sick but 4 or 5 days. fryd 13 fair. I workt at ye Sloop most of ye day Emboing 15 foot.............. ies Sent Saw SER TSS RES OES Tho Harris sc SC OE a ce ae a ee seen ee eee Sund 15 fair & Cold. Mr adams Preached al day. in ye aftern I make a Coffin for Hannah fox who died Last night. I stayed all igh vere 1714 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 21 Cold. Mond 16. I went to Hannah foxes funerall. a Cold day & fair. Tuesd 17 Snow. I wrote a deed for 2 acres of Land I bought of Woiett & got itt acknowledged. I pd him 45s in Bills. a Stormy day. Wedensd 18. I was in Town with [ | Chapman in ye forenoon. I Sent 6s od by him to buy a maul. in ye aftern I workt at Jno Coits Emboing 15 foot. Thursd 19 fair. I workt at Jno Coits al day Emboing 14 foot walls & 18 foot Stanchion. Wilson for fishers Island. S. B B from Long Island. Snow att night a Little. fryd 20 fair. I workt at Jno Coits al day. I finished Plaining & Rabbiting ye Stern wch I began yesterd. about 1 days work. I plain’d 4 beems for ye qutr Deck :14: foot al 56 foot. Snow at night. Saturd 21. I was att home al day. I made Sister Mary’s Door. Moderate. Gross from R. Island. Sund 22 fair. Mr adams Preached all day. Cold in ye forenoon. wilson from fishers Island. Mond 23. I workt at home most of ye day & yn I went to make goodee Lesters Coffin— itt Raind in ye foren & yn fair. Tuesd 24 fair. I was in ye neck making ye Coffin & att ye funeral till ye midle aftern & yn at Sister Marys hanging ye door &c. itt Snowed att night about 2 or 3 Inches deep. Wedensd 25 Stormy. I workt att S. Coits al day. avery Stormy day. much Rain. N E al day. a very high wind att N E. Jno Emm’s wife died. Thursd 26 Rain & Snow. I workt at S. C al day Save about 1 hour at ye funeral of Emms wife. itt Rained in forn & Snowd in aftern. James Rogers from ye Gardnr Island. fryd 27 Lowering. I workt at S.C. al day. a Lower- ing day—Saturd 28 fair. I workt at S.C. al day & Ebe. Pleasant wether. Sunday March 1 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a Pleasant day. Benja Lesters Son Andrew Died about 11 clock. I went out to make his Coffin. monday 2d fair windy. I was finishing ye Coffin & at ye funeral. Some Rain in ye morn & yn fair att N W hard. Tuesd 3d fair. 1 workt at S.C. al day. very cold. Wedensd 4 fair. I workt at S C al day & Ebe. very cold—Thursd 5 fair. I was waiting in ye forenoon on ye Townsmen to Run W. N. W. Line but disapointed & in ye aftern att home. cold fryday 6 fair. I workt att S C in ye forenoon & Ebe al day. I workt at Mr Winthrops in ye afternoon. Cold. moderate in aftern. Saturd 7 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & Ebe at S.C. 4 day. Wilson fro Saybrook. Capt fish Left an ordr of ye assembly & a Copy of father Edgcumbs attach- ment at my house p ye Constable. I was not at home. Sund 8th fair. mr adams Preached al day. a warning for a Town meeting to be ye :16th: Instant. Wm Camp & widow Willobee, Thomas Leach & Mercy Munsell published. Windy & Something Cold. Mond 9 Snow. I workt at mr Winthrops al day & Ebe. it Snowed in ye forenoon about 3 inches deep yn fair. Tuesd 10 fair. I was at home most of ye day making Moulds. wedensd 11 drisley. I was at home al day about moulds &c. Thursd 12 Rainy. I was at home in ye forenoon about Draught moulds &c. in aftern I went to Robt Allens about Timber & next day to Starks about plank & to Saxtons &c. I came home Saturd night. _fryd 13 Lowering. Saturd 14 fair. it Rained most of ye 3 last days. Bryant from boston. Sund 15 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. James Rogers Junr taken into ye church. Mond 16 fair. Paid James Rogers 13s od & Left in my hands for brothr Plumb £3 15s 5d & I am to Receive wht is due fro T Douglass Col- lectr. I was at Town meeting most of ye day. Tuesd 17 fair & Cloudy. I was at home pt of ye day. I workt at S.C. 4 ye day & Ebe. I Sent a Let- ter & a 3s bill to ye Secrytt p Mr Cooper for a Coppy of an Executio agnst fish—Wyer from R Island. Wedensd 18 fair. I was att home about ye Draught & mould till near night & yn I went wth Ebe & Josh to Robert Allyns to get timber. we was yr till Saturday night we came home. 22 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1713 Thursd & fryd Rain. Saturd 21 fair windy. N W al day. Sund 22 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a Proclamation for a publick fast ye first of april next. Monday 23 fair & windy. I was at home & in ye foren I had Leave of Mr P. Harris to Build my vessel in his Lot I allowing Reasonable. Satisfaction & to make good ye damage he Sustains by itt. In ye aftern I workt on bord ye new Sloop. Ebe & Josh is gone to Allyns. Tuesd 24th fair. In ye forenoon I workt at ye Sloop a while. I bought 2 grindstones. one of ym for Majr Merriot Cost 12s paid. in ye aftern att Court. Wedensd 25 fair & windy. avery Coldday. I workt on bord ye new Sloop 4 ye foren & yn at court. Thursd 26 fair windy. I was at Court al day. Capt fish Recovered of father Edgecombe a £200 Judgmt & Cost. fryd 27 fair. I workt at ye Sloop al day Save 1 hour or 2. Saturd 28 fair. I workt at ye Sloop all day. 8 Sheep come home fro B. Point. Sund 29 fair. mr adams preached al day. N Eal day. Mond 30 fair. In ye foren I was at Samll foxes & at home. in ye aftern I workt at ye Sloop. Vrylings Negro man dyed. Tuesd 31 Lowering. I workt at S C $ day and Ebe al day. I bor- owed of Mothr 43s 1od Silver to buy wheat. paid again. Wedensday aprill ye 1. a Publick fast. mr adams Preached al day. Pleasant with N W al day. Thursd 2d fair. I went to ye oyster Ponds. wth Josh & Nathll & Jno Gardiner. little wind till ye aftern & yn Rain. wind S E. I Lay at Henry Tutthells. fryd 3d. I went to town in ye aftern. in ye foren itt Raind hard—Saturd 4th—s5th—oth & 7th I Stay’d their. Tuesd 8. I went to East hampton. it Rained. wedensd to Sag & back to East. Tho Lester son of Benja Lester died. Thursd 9. I went to amagansek & back to East & down to norwest & thn to oyster ponds where I Stay’d till wedensd & yn came home. come ashore att Goshen. I bought 234 bush wheat at oyster ponds & $ bush Corn. Thursd 16. I was in town al day. a fair day at NE alday. fryd17. In ye morn I fetcht to. bush of wheat on shore from mr Harris’s Sloop & yn I went to Mr Denisons & Ensign Harris to divide ye Estate of Tho Harris decd. Rain at night. Saturd 18 fair. I was at mr denisons &. Wm Hoult hath worked 7 days. & Samll Curtice 6 days. Sund 19. Mr adams Preached al day. Pleasant weathr. Mond 20 fair. I was at work at home & Ebe making a Coffin for Goodee Way who died this morn. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at work at home mending fence & to ye funeral. Jno White Ebe & Sam Curtice is gone into. ye woods a little before noon. Wedensd 22 fair. I was at work at home seting apletrees in Smith lot &c. toward night I went wth Eliz fox to Daniel Lesters to Recken. fryd 23d fair. I work & Woiett on bord ye Sloop. Peter Manwaring is come home & his mother & Cuz hedge fro R. Island. Saturd 25. afair day. I workt on board ye Sloop all day & Ebe Jno White & ye Rest came from Allyns this morn. ye Govr & his Lady came home fro: boston. Sund 26 Stormy Rainy. Mr adams Preached al day. Jos Tru- man had a Son Babtized Henry. Mond 27 Showery. I workt att Sol Coits most of ye day & Ebe att Jno Christoprs. Tuesd 28: fair. a freemans meetting. I was at it al day. Jonat Rogers’s Child died. wedensd 29th Rainy. I was at home till Late in ye aftern I went & Ebe to Robt Allyns. it Rained hard at night. Thursd 30. I was at work at allyn’s & Ebe. a Lowering day. Fryd May: 1: fair. I was at work at Allyns & Ebe al day. Saturd: 2: Rainy. I workt at allyns Ebe & Jno White 4 ye day & yn came home. itt Rained hard. Mary Jackley daughter of Hager Wright (a free Negro) was buried who died last night. Sunday 3d drisley: Mr adams Preached' in aforn & Mr Hunting in ye aftern. a warning for a Town meeting to be ye 11th Instant. Mond 4 fair. I was about home & fetching my Cattell 1713 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 23 from Mr Tinkers. Ebe is gone to Block Island a fishing. Guillam fro L. Island. Tuesd 5 fair. I was about home in Mayhews Lot forenoon & 3 boys holing in aftern at dennis’s about ye Commons. Wedensd: 6th: Rainy. I was Planting at Mayhews lot al day & 4 boys Draying dung & helping plant it. Set in Rainy a little before n[ight] yt we did not finish. Eliz fox is come to Ebe Hubbells house 30s od p annum. Thursd: 7: Squaly. I made a Coffin for Anne Waterous wife of Jacob Waterous who died Last night. I found $tb nailes & 1 barll Lamblack. I Stayed to ye funeral. fryd 8 fair. I was at home al day Planting wth ye boys. Saturd g fair. I was Planting al day with ye boys. Ebe came. hath got about 50 fish. Sund to fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Benja Lester & Eliz Plumley are Published—Mayhew & Star from Connecticut. Mond 11 fair. In ye forenoon I was mending fence in holmes Lot. in ye aftern at ye Town meeting. Ebe for T T. Tuesd 12 fair. I workt on bord ye Sloop 3 day and Ebe for T T. Jno Coit hath hired of mr adams for :7: year ye land between his hollow & ye Schoolhouse for 2s od p annum & I am to have half of itt Eaqual—wee to fence it Equaly between us. Wedensd 13 a Shower. I workt at ye Sloop al day. Thundr Shower in ye Evening. Ebe for T. T. Miriam Brooks Daughter of Henry Brooks. She lived at Joseph Beckwiths Died. Sick but 12 hours. Thursd 14 fair. I workt for T. T. & Ebe. Amos Tinker Junr Plow’d for me. Miriam Brooks was buried. fryd 15 fair. I workt at T. T. al day & Ebe. Steph Prentts’s Child was Buried. was dead Born yesterday. I Sowed some oats in Smiths Lot & att home. Saturd 16 fair. I workt at T Truman’s & Ebe al day. finished his fatt. Sund 17 fair. mr adams Preached al day. a warning is up for a Trayning day to be monday 25 Instant. Mond 18 fair. there is now at home 68 old Sheep vizt 50 white & 18 black Acounting ye Skunk coulered Sheep a Black on & there is one Black Ewe att Ebe Darts & 1 at T Atwills & 2 white Sheep at Mr Lattimores & 2 at Mr keeneys & an old Ewe gone a Stray wch make ye whole number of Sheep to be 75 & 33 Lambs at home. I workt at T. Trumans & Ebe in ye forn & aftern I workt on bord ye Sloop. Ebe a fish- ing. Tuesday 19 some Rain. I was at home al day & Ebe. I made a yard for cabbages & helped plant ym. I mended fence Smith & holts Lot & my own. Eliz fox is come to live in Ebe Hubbels house. Peter manwaring is gone to Maltimores. Wedensd 20 fair. I was at home in ye forenoon kill- ing Caterpillers. in ye aftern at ye Sloop. Ebe & Woiett their al day. Thursd 21 fair. I was at home al day. Ebe is gone up ye River to get tim- ber Cartted. Amos Tinker plowed for me breaking up. fryday 22. I workt on bord 3 & Woyatt all day. Saturd 23: Rainy. In ye foren itt Rain’d hard. in ye aftern fair. I went to Wm Minors to buy a Cow & went to see Jno Moor. I bought a Cow & Calf of Roger Dart for £3 10s od. I pd 45s od. She is turned out to Seek her Calf wch Ran away from us but would not go. her Calf is wanting. Sund 24th fair. Mr adams Preached al day—a Pleasant day. Mond 25 fair. a Trayning day. I was att Trayn- ing al day &c. Ebe ye fever & ague. Mr Samll Gray Died. had been Sick a Long time. Tuesd 26 Rain. I was att work on board ye Sloop al day & Ebe 4 day. toward night itt Rained a Little. Wedensd 27 fair. In ye morning I went to Ebe Dartts & Ebe & fetched a Sheep home tht was wintered their. I workt on bord 3 day & Ebe $. Woyat al—I went to mr Grays funerall toward night. Thursd 28th. I work on bord al day & woyatt. Ebe 4 day. Samll Pike died. fryd 29 fair. I workt on bord al day & Woyatt. Samll Pike was buried. my Red white face 2 year old heifer Calved a bull calf. Saturd 30. I washt my Sheep & workt on board ye Sloop 3 day & Ebe 4 day. a Smart thunder Shower a Little before Sunset. 24 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [£759 Sund 31 fair. a Sacrament day. mr adams Preached al day. Publish- ments Jno Smith & Deliverance Munsell Samll Wms & Bash Camp. ; Mond June 1 fair. I workt on board & Woiett & Ebe. Tuesd 2d Rain. I workt on board & woyatt al day & Jno Holloway 3 day. ye County Court Satt. a Thundr Shower toward night Smart. Wedensd 3d. I workt on board Saxtons Sloop al day. woyatt holloway & Ebe. a Lecture. mr Noyce of Stonington Preached. Cuz. S. hide at our house. Thursd 4th Rain. fair till toward night thundr. some Rain. I workt on board ye new Sloop, Woyatt & Holloway. Eliz Mayhew & Joanna workt at our house making my wife a Suit. Wm Lee at our house. fryday 5th Rain. I workt on board al day & Woyatt. I Recd 40 of Cuz Hide for wool. a Shower almost at night. Ebe making himself a pr Shoes. Saturd 6. Showery. I workt on board ye Sloop 2? day. Braddick from boston. Sund 7th fair till toward night & yn a Thundr Shower Smart. mr adams Preached all day. Tho Couch & Sarah Atkinson Published. Israiel Richds a child Babtizd Rachel. Mond 8th fair. I workt on board ye Sloop al day & Ebe. Tuesd gth fair. in ye morn I Shere’d some Sheep & went & fetched my horse & put him on board Capt Christophers. in ye aftern I went to ye Court of Probates & was bound with Ensign Harris for Hannah Hurlbut. Wednesd toth. In ye forenoon I carryed a box of candles on bord Richd Christophers & went to get a Bill of Lading Signed for itt & ye horse & ordered ye Effectts to be Laid out in Rum. I pd him 4os toward fitting out my horse. paid. Thursd fair 11. fryd 12 fair. In ye afternoon I went over ye ferry to Allyns to gett ye Timber Cartted & I Stayed their till Saturd in ye aftern. I came away & Ebe in a boat with Rayles & Left her at barttlet’s neck. I pd Robt geere .13. Shill mony & one Shill .7s. on acctt of Cartting & work of his men 2 days & bording Ebe 4 days. he hath since Cartted me .100. Rayles & I had 1 Jill Rum. Saturd 13th fair. R. Christophers Sailed. Sund 14 Rain. Mr adams Preached al day. Solomon Coits house Struck with Lightning. 2 children Babtized Samll Comstock’s Caleb & Tho Joanes Jabez. Monday 15. I went & Ebe to fetch ye boat with Rails & Timber att barttlett neck. in ye aftern I Sharpened Railes & Ebe. Jno Daniels workt at ye meeting house. Capt Hutton Arrived from Barbados. Tuesd 16 fair. I went with Benj Star & Samll fosdyck & our wifes & Samll Rogers to Jno Harris in Ebe dennis’s Boat to drink Cydar & Recreate our Selves. wedensd 17 fair. I went with Ebe to Allyns to Carry home ye boat & get timber. I killed a Lamb in ye morning. Thursd 18. It Rained al day. I put 29 Railes on board Havens at Allyns. fryd 19 fair. I went to Stoningtons to mr Saxtons & Recd of him £6 in bills & 52s od in Silk in full for work on board his Sloop. I came home at night. Thomas Prentts arrived from Boston & Samll Harris is come in him very Sick fro Tarplin Coave. Saturd 20 fair. I was about home al day weeding corn ye 2d time at mayhews lot. I pd Ms Straton 15s od in bills & r pt of Rum tod. Sund 21 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Jno vibber had a child Babtized Joanna & Natt Hoult a child Babtized Phebee. James Rogers & freelove Hurlbutt published. Mond 22 fair. I was a fishing to Jno Harris’s with Griffing Jas. Trumn & Danll Way & our wives & Ensign Jas Harris, May- hew & Starr for Saybrook. Tho Harris in a boat for Killingworth. ’ Tues- day 23 Rain. In foren I Trimed T: Trumans Tan fatt. in aftern I went into ye neck to Recken with Divers on Jno foxe’s acctt. a Thundr Shower att night. Wedensd 24 fair till night & thn a Thundr Storm. a hot day. In ye forenoon I was with Wm Beebe at Capt Wetherells to see ye Grant of his Land wch was Ms Lakes addition of 6 acres wch I have bought of him for £6 15s ood vizt 2 acres by Jo Rogers’s & ye other 4 acres to be where ye 1713 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 25 Surveyrs of ye neck see cause to Lay itt but not by sd beebees farm. this Last 4 acres att 20 p acre & ye other 2 at 55s od as p agreemts formerly. I am to be att ye Charge of Laying it out & he to allow me 20s od. I pd Jno Holloway 12s 6d wch is al due to him for work on bord ye Sloop Joseph &a Table. In ye Latter part of ye day helpt weed corn by Chapmans. Thursd 25 fair hot. in ye forenoon I was at home writing & in ye aftern att S. Coits & Ebe about casements. fryd 26 fair & hot. I was with Eliz fox to Recken with Divers persons in ye neck. 27 hot Saturday fair. I was with Eliz Fox most of ye day Reckning with Divers persons & in ye morn I bought 10 bush corn of Mr. vryling att 4s 6d p Bush. I Sold 2 to Josh Moore. Sund 28 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Mond 2g fair. I was about home fixing up Syths to go to mowing & Look for Chapells Heifer in ye woods. Sol. Coit & I Divided a Barll Beef wch wee bought att Mr Coits. Harris from Boston. James Rogers Married. Tuesd 30 fair. I was mowing till ye aftern & yn I went to Alyns & Ebe. Wednesd July 1 Rain & night fair. I was Cartting posts att Allyns & Ebe. I cartted Mr Coits timber. James Rogers Arrived from Barbados. Thursd 2 fair. I came down fro Alyns wth Geers’s boat load of posts &c. Mr Hallams house is Raised. fryd .3. fair. I was in Town with Mr Lati- more & Green Dividing Latimores Estate. Saturd 4 fair. I was at home al day. amisty & Some Rain. Sund 5. Rainy. mr adams Preached all day. S. Coit child Babtizd & Joseph Chapmans moses. Jno Emms & Pala- tial Steebins Published. Mond. 6. Rain. I was att home & in Town. I Sent Wm Stark a 4os Bill p David Culver as p his Rectt. I mowed & Joshua ptofyeday. Tuesd 7 fair. I was at home mowing & raking hay till almost night. I went to ye funerall of Solomon Coits wife who died Suddenly Last night. was brought to bed one week. durgen Is Calved some days att Joans’s. Wedensd 8th fair. I was att home al day hilling & Rakeing. I fetcht Durgen & Calf. Ebe att Capt Prents’s 2 days. Thursdg. I was att helping Jno Christophers Launch & Ebe but could not get her off: fryd 10 fair. I was att home makeing a Tan fatt & &c. I pd Roger Dartt 25s in full. Saturd rr. a Thundr Shower. I workt at home al day about a fatt. Ebe about oars. Sund 12. Thundr with Rain Last night. Richd Manwar- ing had an ox killed near Cheapells. Mr adams Preached all day. Joseph Chapman died. Mond 13 fair. I was at work att ye fortt & Ebe about ye faiggstaff. Joseph ye Son of Samll Chapman was Buried. Goyles Hall Prenttis Star from Connecticut. my heifer Calved. Tuesd 14 fair. old Mr Coit died Last night & Tho Atwills wife. I was att ye fortt most of ye day & Ebe all day. I went to ye funerall of Ms Coit. I bought a Pitchfork of Mr Richds price 3s od. I mad 1 Stack. Wedensd 15 fair. In ye forpt of ye day I was at home. Ebe is gone with Tho Harris to Kellingworth to work with Mr. Brooker. Nathanll went to Saybrook fery to bring home ye mare. In ye aftern I Carryed hay into Town to Piers & finished ye fleagg Staff Mast. myself 2 days & Ebe 2 days. Timber 6d. Thursd 16 fair. I kiled a Lamb in ye morning & yn I went with James & Samll Rogers Junr to Comstocks to Arbitrate. we caused ym to agree. fryd 17 fair. I was att home mowing partt of ye day & about a Tan fatt. Ebe Williams of Ston- ington here. C Guillam Arrived from. Saturd 18th fair. I was att home in ye forenoon Mowing & in ye aftern att Nicolas Darros Caulking his Tan fatt. Philips from Connecticut. Sund 19 Lowering. a Shower in ye for- partt of ye day. Mr adams Preached al day. Edward Hallam & Grace Denison are published. Mond 20 fair. I was att home mowing in ye foren. in aftern att ye fortt. Tuesd 21. I was att home mowing in ye forn. in ye aftern Showery. Wilson from R. Island. Wedensd 22. I was att home 26 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1713 most of ye day making hay & Stacking. I workt at ye fortt 3 or 4 hours. Gross from boston. Thursd 23d Rain. I spent most of ye day about fitting Mr Coits press & Screwing I bundle hay. a Shower in ye midle of ye aftern. fryd 24 fair. I was pressing hay & making hay att home al day. a Lecture day. Clem Stratford one of Huttons Saylers Published to Sarah Haughton. Saturd 25 it Rained at night. Lowering. I prest hay in ye foren & was assisting to get ye damage Prized wch was done (in Picketts Lot) to my oats & itt was ajudged to be 3s od damage, in ye aftern I was Raking & Staking hay. I killed a Lamb att night. Sund 26 Rainy. Sacrament day. Mr adams Preached al day. 3 publishmts Walter Buttler & Mary Harris, William Rogers & Eliz Harris. Samll Strickland & Eliz Wms. Wilson fro R. Island. Mond 27 drisley weathr. I was about home all day. mowed a Little. Tuesd 28 fair. Something misty. I was at home mowing in ye foren. aftern in town. I weighed my hay pressed. £5. 0. 00 to Capt Phil- lips & £5. 2g. £15 to Hall. Wedensd 29 fair. I was at home al day. I mowed a little toward night. I was indisposed al day. I had an Exceeding Ill turn Last night of ye ague & feaver. _Thursd 30 Rain. I was about home in ye foren. Some great Thundr Showers. in aftern I went & my wife with Jno Coit & his wife into ye Neck & Minors’s & Ensign Harris’s a visetting. Cloudy. Edwd Hallam married with Grace Clemt Stratford & Sarah Haughton. Goyles Hall hath fetched on board ye Cow I Sold him for £3 wch I bought of Dartt. fryd 31 fair cloudy. I was at home in ye foren drying hay & in ye aftern I went into Town. I Recd £3 of Capt Hall for my Cow I Sold him. I workt at ye fortt $ day finishing ye Truck & flaggstaff &. Wm King was at our house. Saturd August. 1. fair. I went to Norwich to Buy Plank & home again between 8 & 9. I Rode on Cuz Hurlbutts Colt I have bought conditionally for £3—10s—od. Sund. 2. fair. mr adams Preached al day. Jno Stubbins a child Babtized Christopher. Mond. 3. fair. I was mowing at home in ye morn & yn I was Raising Samll Harris's house till night. Phillips Sayled for barbadoes & Hall for Newfoundland. Tuesd: 4: fair. In ye morn I mowed oats att Picketts Lott. I workt on bord Capt Huttons. Wedensd 5 fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton all day. Tuthill from Long Island. Tuesd: 6: fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton al day. I paid Brother Plumbe 40s od on acct of wt is due to him from ye Town. Tuthill for So hould. Lt Buttler. fryd 7 fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton al day & Mr Mitchell. we finished grailing. Goyles Hall is put back into ye harbours mouth. Saturd 8 a Rainy night. Lowering. I workt att home all day mowing & mending fence. A Ship is come to ye harbours mouth Laden wth Logwood from ye bay of Andoras; Capt Gore of Boston. Sund oth fair Mr adams Preached all day. Richd Bruch & Eliz Harris, Jonat Fox & mary daniels published. Mond roth Showry. I was att homie mowing al day. I kiled ye hiefer’s Calf in ye morn. Wilson for: R: Island Cary'd Ms Row. In ye Evening I went into town wth ye. other of ye School Comitte to Agree with a Schoolmaster but did not. our Expense was 2s 4d wch Mr Richds paid. itt Rained hard. Tuesd 11 Lowering. I was about home mowed most of ye day. was a while wth Lydia Starr to help hold her who was taken yesterday wth violent Distracted fitts & they are on her again this day in a violent maner. Wedensd 12 Lowering. I was att home att cee all day (Some Rain). I made oars for Mr Christophrs & & fixt a Sythe for T. Truman. Thursd 13 fair. In ye foren I workt for Jno Christo i ‘& in ye foren Stacking up my hay yt blew down yesterd, in ye aftern S n wth Salt Arrived. fryday 14 fair. I was att home all d ean Stacking hay. Saturd 15 fair. I was ath i ck ate ia ol ; ome in ye forpart of ye day Stack- 1713 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead a7 ing hay & oats: In ye Lattr Part in ye woods cutting timber for Huttons horse Rooms. I Sent a Letter to Jno Gardiner (by David) to come & keep Scholl. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a Bermudian is come in wth Salt. Mond 17 Showery. I was att home all day making 2 han- spikes & finishing 2 oars for Mr Christophers. Tuesd 18 fair. I was att work for Capt Hutton all day 4 in ye woods & 4 on bord. Wedensd 19. Rainy. I workt on bord Capt Hutton all day. itt Rained a Little in ye day & att night a violent Storm of Rain & wind. Robt Millers wife died Last night. was buried to day. Thursd 20. A Storm or Hurrycane. I was about home & in town all day. A Hurrycane wch blew down Several Build- ing & fruit trees Such as hath not been known. It Blasted or withered ye Leaves & Like a frost, though warm wether. Curtice is put on Shore dry at 4 tide on Winthrops Neck. fryd 21 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was att home in ye foren Stacking up my hay yt blew down yesterd, in ye aftern in town making up with Mr vryling. Saturd 22 fair. in ye forenoon I was Dividing a hhd of Rum I had wth Mr Metcalf of Mr vrylings. in ye aftern helping gett of Curtice. Taffton & Frost in mr vrylings Sloops Sayled for R. Island. Stopt at ve harbours mouth. fired guns almost al night. Cows went to bull durgan C. heifer. Sund 23 Rainy. mr adams Preached al day. Warning is up for both Companys to be in arms next wedensday to proclaim peace. Isaac foot is published to mary Collings of boston. Wilson a Child Babtized mercy. Mond 24 fair. I workt on bord Hutton al day. I helped to Launch off Curtice att night: Jno Mayhew Sayled. 1 Sent a Ram by him & £13: 4s: 03d in Silver. £3: 14s: od is Sister Marys. Tuesd 25 fair. I workt on Bord Capt Hutton all day. ye Burmudian for Saybrook. A Child of Wm Camp’s died, about 3 years old. Wedensd 26 fair. Camps child buried. Itt was a day of Exercise. both Companys in arms. Peace was proclaimed between England & france. Thursd 27 fair. I workt on bord Hutton all day. a Saylor died at Horseys. fryd 28 fair. I workt on bord Hutton al day. Saturd 29 fair. I workt on bord Hutton al day. Ebe came home from Killingworth. Sund 30 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Christopr Christophers son died; an infant about 2 days old. Jno Moore a child Babtized John. Mond 31 fair. I was about home in ye forenoon & in ye afternoon I went to Tho Dowglass’s wth Jno & Sol Coit & our wives to eat watermilions, went to Deacon Dowglasses at night. James & Samll Rogers & my Self finished Arbitration between Daniel & Samll Comstock. Tuesd fair Sept ye 1. I workt on bord Capt Hutton all day. Ebe is gone to Killingworth. Wedensd 2 Rainy. I was at home all day. Thursd 3. I workt on bord Capt Hutton al day. Richd Christophers Arrived from Bar- bados 3 weeks passage. all well. Capt Hutton had 1 Sheep 87tb. fryd 4 fair. I was mowing at home most of ye day. Saturd 5 fair. I was att home most of ye day mowing Stacking & Raking hay. Ebe is come back from Killingworth. Hutton 1 Sheep 39tb died. Sunda 6 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Ebe Dart was openly admonished for Excessive Drinking. Mond 7 fair. A Town meeting day. I mowed in ye forenoon & in ye aftern att ye meeting. ye Town Granted me ye between my house lot & ye highways. Tuesd 8 fair. Mr Hutton had 1 Sheep 33itb & he had ye Inwards as formerly. I workt att home in ye forenoon about hay in ye aftern at ye Court of probates & freemans meeting. Wedensd 9 Lowering. I was att home all day making a Coffin for Ms Stratton who died Last night. Thursd: ro fair. I workt on Board Capt Hutton 4 day & went to ye funeral in ye aftern & after itt was over to Mr Latimores to Eat Watermillions. Josiah Topping came to my house & Signed over an Indian to me as p Inden- ture I to sell him for wt I can & to pay my self. fryd 11 fair. I workt on 28 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1713 Board Capt Hutton all day. finished almost. Saturd 12 fair. In ye foren I went into Town to make up with Capt Hutton & in ye aftern I went to help Take an Inventory of Ms Strattons Estate. Sister Lucy is Come to Town. Sund 13 fair. Mr adams is gone to Boston. Mr fish Preached all day. Mond: 14: fair. Daniel Lesters child buried. I was in Town making up wth Capt Hutton & in ye aftern att home & with Jno Pendall Taking an Inventory att T: Trumans. Tuesd 15 fair but cloudy. I was att home most of ye day Topping up my Stacks & in ye Latter pt of ye day with Jno Pendal! at ye Court of Probates to be his bondsman wth Capt Hough. I pd Mr Arnold 45s od in Bills for so much. he pd Mr Starke (for plank) on my account. Wedensd 16 fair. I was att home all day mowing & making hay wth ye boys. wee finished all but Stacking. I Sold 4fb hay to Capt Hutton and he hath not paid for itt. Thursd 17 fair. I was in Town in ye foren. Capt. Hutton Sayled for Barbados in ye aftern. I was wth ye boys att holmes’s Lot mowing Bryers &c. fryd 18 fair Windy. I was att home all day holeing Posts & Setting up fence att ye upper End of ye Lot next to Chapman. a cool day. Saturd 19 fair. I was att home att work all day as yesterday. Windy. Sund: 2oth: fair windy. No Minister. Mr adams att Boston. ye Deacons held forth & Joshua Appleton & Eliz Hubbel Pub- lished. Mond 21 fair. I was about home al day. toward night I went to ye funerall of Daniel Stubbins’s wife who Died yesterday. Sick a long time. Tuesd 22d fair. ye Supr Court Satt. Iwas att home most of ye day Setting up fence. toward night I went to Court. Wedensd 23 Lowering. I was att Court all day. Lowering & toward night Some Rain. Thursd 24th fair cold. I was att Court all day. Coll Morrice of N. york Sayl’d who came here to fetch his negro woman (& child) att Ebe Dennis's Named Betty. fryd 25 fair cloudy. I was in Town in ye forenoon to See a man Branded on ye forehead for breaking open a house in Lebanon & Stealing Sundrys &c. I sent to Wm Starke by Moses fish 29 shillings in Bills. In ye foren in Town & in ye aftern gathering Corn in Smiths Lot & finished & gott it in. Lydia Starr had fitts. Saturd 26 Rainy. J was att home al day husking &c. Sund 27 misty. Mr adams Absent. ye Govr prayed & Mr Denison did Read & Robt free negro & Hager Malato Published. Mund 28 Rainy. In ye forept of ye day I went to James Rogers’s to drive out ye Brown Cow Pide Steer & white heiffer to pasture. in ye aftern att home. fair at night. Tuesd 29th fair. I was att holmes Lot Mowing Bryers most of ye day. Brothr Hartshorn is come to our house. Wedensd 30th fair. I was att home & Making Cydar & gathering Corn &c. windy. Thursd Octbr .1. fair .1. I was gathering Corn & finished in May- hews Lot. wee husked itt att night. I had a Copie of father Edgcombs Petition (to ye Genll Assembly) & a Copie of ye Citation. fryd .2. fair Cloudy. I was about home all day. I cut my foot a Little. wee gathered some corn att home & husked itt att night. Saturd 3 Rainy. I was a while about home & about water cydar. I have had of George Ricds 4 barlls att 3s od p barll &c. a Justices Court. Richd Mitchell was had before thm for Dancing naked wth Wm Harris at Jno Harris’s Husking & is bound over to court in Nover next. Sund 4 fair. Mr adams Preached all day. I was not- att meeting. wee are in use of means for ye Itch. Mond sth fair. I workt att Sol. Coits in ye aftern. ye heifer went to Stars Pasture: in mayhews lot but 2 days. Tuesday 6 fair Stormy. I was att mill & about home and at S Coits all day. I drew out ye List of ye North Company for Mr Richds to carry to New haven. _ wedensd 7th Rain. I was about home al day. Some Rain in ye forept of day. Thursd 8th fair. I was att home & looking my horse all day. I designed to set out for N. haven but could not find my 1713] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 29 horse. fryda 9th hail Showers. I Sett out for New haven about 2 clock & Lodged Chalkers Saybrook. William Camp died. Saturd toth fair. I arrived att New haven & Stayed their till 17th & yn I sett out homeward. Sund 18 fair. I was att Guilford all day. Mr Ruggles Preached al day. Mond 19 fair. I came home from Guilford. got home ro or 11 Clock night. my Expenses 20s 5d. horse hire 8s od. 9 days time 36s. all £3: 4s: 05d. Tuesd 2oth fair. I was att home all day. wee gathered Corn att uper End ye lot. itt Rained hard att night. _Wedensd 21 Lowering. I workt at Solomon Coit’s al day. Thursd 22d fair. I workt att Sol. Coit’s al day. Jno Lee Lodged here last night. fryd 23d fair. I workt att Sol Coits al day. Saturd 24 fair. I workt att Sol Coits al day. Rain & windy at night. Sund 25 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Wm Harris & Rebecah Rath- bourn Published. Mond 26 fair. In ye forenoon I went to James Rogers’s to See my Cattell & in ye Latter part of ye day I finished Sol Coits Case- ments &c. Tuesd 27th fair. Rain at night. I was att home al day Seting up fence &c. I went to Sol Coits at night. Lydia Star came in their not well & fainted away. when See came too wee went homeward wth her as far as Dennis’s where She was taken wth violent fitts. I tarry’d wth her till about Midnight. I Left her asleep &c. Wedensd 28th fair. I was in town, & mending fence about home &c. Thursd 29 misty. Some Rain. I was a wolf hunting. wee Killed one wolf in a Swamp above ye Millpond field. their was 14 of us. we wounded 2 more. fryday 30 fair. I went to Robt Allyns wth Josh & Robt in mr Richd Christophers Long boat. I Stayed at Allyns al night. Mr Hallam also. he bought tooo Shingles & 150 Claboard from Zachariah Mainers for me. a very windy night. Saturd 31 fair. windy. I came home from Allyns. I brought about a Cord of wood from Bartletts Neck. Sund Nov 1 fair cold. Mr Mayhew minister of ye Indians Preached al day. an order for a Thanksgiving. Mond. 2. fair. I was hunting wolves. wee kiled 2 in ye Great Swamp near uncle Douglass’s. their was 33 of us boys & all. Tuesd 3 fair. I was wth Jonat Hill fetching wood &c. Wedensd 4 fair. I was fetching wood from Bartletts Neck & Left ye boat at foxens about 11 Clock. itt Rained in ye night. Thursd 5. Rain in ye morn. A Publick Thanksgiving. In ye evening I went wth Jonat Hill to foxens to fetch ye boat but She was Sunk. wee left her. fryd 6 fair. I was wth Jonat Hill all day fetching home his wood unloading itt wth Josh & Nathanael. Saturd 7 fair. I was about home & looking Sheep al day. my Rist is Sprained. Sund 8 Lowering. Ja: Rogers died. John May- hew Arrived fro Barbados & 3 Coasters. I was att meeting. Mr adams Preached al day. Misty. James Rogers Senr Died this morn about 9 clock. Mond oth fair. I was in Town in ye foren. I Recd of Jno Mayhew ye Effects of my venture sent by him, vizt 1 hhd Rum 8tb Pepper & 4 yds Cherry dery. I pd him freight 20s. In ye aftern I went to ye funeral. Ebe came home fro Guilford. Tuesd 10 fair. I was at ye Court of Probates most of ye day to get discharged from being Ebe Hubbells Guardian. A man of war Ship of about 24 Guns Came into ye harbour & anchered Near Wm Lathams Land. Wedensd 11 fair & Lowering Rain at night. I was Looking up Sheep & in town Recking wth Sol Coit. he is Indebted to me £3—10s—sd besides ye £19—06—od of S.C. mony. Thursd 12 fair. I was about home all day & mending fence in Mayhews lot. fryd 13 fair. Snow at night. Cloudy. I went to norwich in ye Latter part of ye day. Snow at night. Saturd 14 fair. I came home from Norwich. a Thawing day. Sund 15th. Mr adams Preached al day. a Warning is up for a Traynin to be ye Monday come sevennight. Samll Daniels & S. Buttler Published. 30 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1713 Monday 16 fair. I was about home al day. James Rogers Drew me a writt to sue Peter Crery. I Got itt Signed p Mr Denison. Tuesd 17 Lowering & some snow. I went to Mistick to Look after Plank & to see If Peter Crery was Entered on my land, but to no purpose. the man of war Sayled for New York—Rain at night. wedensd 18th Lowering. I Lay at Isaac Lambs Last night. Lydia Starr had her fitts again yesterday. 1 came home in ye evening. Thursd 19 Lowering. I was about Town in ye forept of ye day & at home in ye Latter pt. I kiled my Pide Steer. my 3 Cattell came home from James Rogers’s. 7 week & 3 days att pasture. fryday 20 fair. I was at home al day. killed Brown Cow & white heifer. Benja fox at our house Informs us yt Jonat hat Shot his hand in ordering his Gun. Shot at Samll Smith’s. Shot off his forefinger quite & ye next almost off—a Cold day. Saturd 21 fair cold. I was at home al day Triming Cask & Salting Beef & very cold. Mr Bodington of Groton & ye Govrs Negro man Andrew died Last night. Sund 22 fair Cold. Mr adams Preached al day. Jno Mayhew a Child Babtized Sarah. Negro Andrew buried. very cold. Mond 23d Lowering. a Trayning day. Mr Bodington was buried. Raw Cold. Some snow. Tuesd 24 fair. the County Court Sat. I was at home al day. I killed my Red pide heifer. I Lent Sol Coit 60. shingles. Wedensd 25 Rain. I was at home al day Triming Cask & Salting meat. I Sold a hhd. little wind. Thursd 26. I was in town at court most of ye day. I drew Huntingtons Rum. fryd 27 fair. I was in Town att Court most of ye day. very cold. Saturd 28 fair. I was at Court al day. very cold. Sund 29 fair. Sacrament day. mr adams Preached al day. James Smith had a daughter died & buried about 3 years old. very cold. Mond 3oth. fair till night & yn itt snowed about 6 or 7 Inches deep. a Trayning day & view of arms. Tuesd. dec 1. fair most of ye day. Some Snow. I was in town at Court &c most of ye day. Jonathan Fox & old Samll Rogers died. wedensd 2d fair. I was at ye funeral of Jonat fox who died at Ms Keeneys. Thursd 3d fair. I Exchanged horses wth Benja Fox & gave him 34s to boot. I Carryed 40 Sheep to wintering at poquoyage. 15d p Sheep. fryd 4th fair. I was in Town helping Patience to Sell her hhd of Rum & drawing Sister marys part out of my hhd &c. a Cold day. Saturd 5 fair. I was at home al day fixing Sampmorter & killing Sheep &c. Sund 6 fair & cold. mr adams Preached al day. Mond 7 fair. I was about home & at Mill Looking after Sheep &c. Tuesd 8 fair. I was about home & at ye Court of pro- bates & in town. Wedensd.g. misty. A Thawing day. I was about home & in Town in ye foren & in aftern making a Scuttle for ye meeting house. I found bords 20 foot & 3 foot. Thursd to. I was in town in ye foren & aftern at ye Meeting house att work. fair & Pleasant wether. a Thaw. Jno Lee Lodged at our house. fryd 11 fair Cold windy. I was about home al day Mending Shoes & I dd 20 Sheep to Jno & Robt Allyn tht I Sold to their father for plank. Saturd 12 Snow & Rain. I was at home al day. I wrote a deed for Woyatt to T. T. &c. Sund 13 drisley. Mr adams Preached al day. Wm Hoult & R. Buttler published. Mond: 14 fair Cloudy & Raw Cold. I was about home in ye forenoon & in ye aftern I went to get oar Stuff & to Look Sheep. Tuesd 15 fair. I was about home. I killed a Swine wei—& went to Mill. Wedensd 16 fair. A very cold day. I was at home al day. a little Snow. Thursd 17 fair very Cold. I was at home al day about Pickitts gaging Rod. fryd 18 fair. a Moderate day. I was att home most of day & at Mill. Saturd 19 snowey. It Snowed al day. I was at home al day. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a race ing for a Townmeeting 28th Instant. Smileing in ye morning but Cold in 1749 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 31 ye afternoon & Cloudy. Mond 21 windy. I was at home at work in ye forenoon & in ye aftern I was in Town finishing ye dividing Loomers Estate. I Recd 6s od of Brothr Plumbe & paid itt to mr Lattimore wch Ballanced al acctts wth him to this day. Tuesd 22 fair. I was in ye woods making a dray al day. a Pleasant day. itt Thawed a little. Goode Tong Buried. Wedensd 23 Snow. I was at home in ye foren. in aftern in ye woods Split- ing oars & at Tho Douglases. toward night it began to Snow small Snow. Thursd 24th fair. I workt on bord Richd Christophers al day. I watched Last night with Lydia Star who had her fits not so bad as formerly. fryd 25 fair. 1 was at work at Christophers Sloop al day. Saturd 26 Rainy. 1 workt on Board Christophers. a Stormy day. Sund 27 fair. Mr. adams Preached al day. a moderate day. wind—N—N E®&E. Mond 28 Misty. A Town meeting. I was at itt al day—little wind. Tuesd 29 fair. I workt on bord Christophers most of ye day. I Sent to Norwich by Green & Wilson 1 hhd Rum to Cuz Hide & 1 bt to deacon Huntington. I Recved & ballanced with Richard Christophers Jun all acctts. Wedensd: 30 Misty Rain. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Eliz Dart & her sister mary is come to work &c. it Rained at night. Thursd 31 Lowering. I workt at Mrs Winthrops al day. Horsey made me a pr Shoes. 1734 Fryday Janry. 1.1714 fair. I workt at mr Winthrops all day. Raw Cold. I Recd of Jno Mayhew from deacon Huntington £6—2s—od in full. Saturd 2d fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. it Snowed & Rained Last night. Sund 3d fair. mr adams Preached at Groton. mr Christophers Read. Jonat fanning & Eliz Way Published. Mond 4 Snow. I workt at mr Winthrops al day. Tuesd 5 fair. I workt at mr Winthrops al day. Moderate. Wedensd 6 Snow & Rain. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Thursd 7 Misty & Rain. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. William Hoult maried. fryday 8 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day—Cloudy. Snow at night. a Ship arrived from Bayconspechee Capt Gore of Boston. Sat- urd 9th Snow. itt Snowed Last night & Some Rain & hail—Thunder & Lightning & Snow & hail today. I workt at Mr Winthrops. a high Tide. Sund roth fair. Mr adams Preached al day. moderate overhead. little wind. Mond 11 fair. I workt at Mr Coits. Richd Christophers Sayled. his horses have been on Board a fortnight this day—Tho Jegglls is put in prison. Tuesd 12. I workt att Mr Winthrops al day & Joshua 3 day. Jeggells Runaway & Clem Daniels. Wedensd 13 Cloudy. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Some Rain. Thursd 14 fair. I workt at mr Win- throps al day. a Moderate day. little wind. fryd 15 fair. I workt at Mr Coits al day. Ensign Harris Lost a daughter Still Born. Saturd 16 Rainy. I Leased unto Benja Graves of Colchester 100 Acres of Land for 3 years at 5s od p annum at Poagwonk. little wind. I workt at home finished Stephen Powells Cheast &c. Ensign Harris child buried & Jno Smiths who died yesterday an Infant Still born. Sund 17 Lowering. Mr adams Preached al day. Samll Harris & Abigal Person Published. haill & Rain & Snow. att night about ancle deep. Mond 18 fair. I workt att Jno Coits al day— Moderate. Tuesday 19 fair. I workt at Jno Coits al day. Moderate little wind in aftern. Wedensd 2oth fair. I workt at Jno Coits al day. Mod- erate till toward night Cold. Thursd 21 fair & Cold. I workt at Jno Coits al day. Capt Gore Sayled for R. Island. fryd 22 fair Cloudy Raw Cold. I workt at Jno Coits al day windy. Saturd 23d fair Pleasant wether. I workt at Jno Coits. Mayhew & Prenttis Sayled for barbados. Sund 24 32 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1743 Misty & drisley. Mr Williams Preached in ye foren & mr adams in ye aftern. a Brigantine come into ye harbour. Mond 25th fair—Cloudy—I was at home at work al day. Mayhew & Prentts Come in. David Dodge died—Recd of T. Douglass 28s 3d for Brothr Plumbe. Tuesd 26 fair. I was at home Clabording &c al day. dodge was buried. Wedensd 27 fair. I was at home al day Thrashing oats. Mayhew & Prentts Sayled. Thursd 28 Snow. I was at home al day Thrashing in forenoon. it Snowed in aftern. fryd 29. Snow al day hard. I was at home al day—a Cold Stormy day. Saturd 30 fair: Cold. I was at home al day. Sund 31 fair. mr adams Preached al day. Jno Caulking & Francis Leach Publisht. Tho Way a Child Babtized Anne & Christopr Darros Samuel. Feb. 1. Monday Drisley. I was att home al day. I wrote Deacon Douglases Will—little wind. Tuesd 2 fair. I was al day helping Mr Coit Lay his ways to launch. Wedensd 3 fair. I was helping Mr Coit Launch al day wch was Effected about 7 Clock night. News yt Colln youngs is dead. Thursd 4. Stormy al day hail Snow & Rain. I was at home al day. fryd 5 fair. I was at Sister marys in ye Latter pt of ye day putting up a Trough &c. I pd Brother Plumbe 35s in Bills that [ ] to him [ ‘ Coddin fro R. Island. at night Jno Latham had like to have been drownded. fell out of his Canno or overset her going a Cross ye River alone. Saturd 6 fair. I was att home at work al day. Pleasant. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Clemt Miner a child Babtized Solomon & Samll fosdyck one Ruth. a warning for a Town meeting 15th Instant. Mond 8th. Snowy Last night & most of this day. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Tuesd oth fair. I workt at mr Winthrops al day. Wedensd 10 fair. I was with Jno Pendall al day at ye Court of Pro- bates & at woyats. they were dividing Ms Stratton’s Estate. little wind. Thursd 11 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. fryday 12 Snow. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. it Snowed al day. Saturd 13 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. it Snowed at night 3 inches. Sundy 14 fair. mr adams Preached al day. Colln Livingston & wife at meeting. Mond 15 fair. Cold In ye morn. I helpt get over mr Coits Screws & in ye aftern at Town meeting I leased to Joseph Bennat of Stonington 40 acres of my farm for six years if I dont Sel itt £3 6s pannum. Tuesd 16 Rainy. fair ye forepart of ye day. toward night a Storm began. It Rained & blew very hard at night. I helpt fit Mr Coits Screws in ye forept of the day & in ye Latter part at home & in Town. Wedensd 17 fair & very Cold & windy. I was at home most of ye day. Thursd 18 fair. I was at home al day Presing hay. windy. fryd 19 fair. I was at home Screwing hay al day. Saturd 20 fair. I was at home Pressing hay al day. Sund 21 fair. mr adams Preached al day. Peter Manwaring a child Babtized mary. old Goodee Comstock died. Snow at night. Mond 22 fair Cold & windy. I was about to buy a horse to Ship & at the funeral of Goodee Comstock. Tuesd 23 fair. © I went to Nyhantic to buy a horse & bought one of Andrew Palmes for £5: 108: od. Wedensd 24 Cold fair. I was in Town to Ship of my horses. I got ye bills of Lading Signed & gave Wm Latham order to Receive the horses & Lay out ye Effects in good Rum. I Sent a Box of Candles on bord p Mr Manwaring with £67 to be Laid out in Rum. Expenses 2s 3d & manwaring to Receive [ ] of hinchman in barbados. Thursd 25 fair. I prest hay. fryd 26 fair. I was at home al day pressing hay. at night went into Town. I agreed with Christophr Darro for ye Sixteenth part of ye Sloop Samll Edge- combe is building. I Sent down ye Last of the hay in al 35 Gross. Satday 27th fair. I was in Cedar Swamp geting Rails al day & Nath. I sent gs od p Mr Manwaring & he to Receive 2s 6d of hinchman. Jno King came fro 1718 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 33 Southold. Giddings Sayled to ye harbours mouth. Sund 28 fair. Mr adams Preached ai day. Tho Strickland & Zipporah Billings published. Giddings Sayled little wind. March. 1. Mond. fair. I was wth ye boys al day in Cedar Swamp get- ting out Rails. Giddings is put back by contrary winds. Math went to Lyme with John King to bring back Jno Daniels horse. Tuesd 2. dris- ley. in town wth Samll Fosdyck Selling his boat &c. little wind. Wednsd 3d. I workt at Samll Fosdycks. Brother Hartshorn came. Thursd 4. misty. I was at home & in Town wth Brother Hartshorn. I agreed wth Brother Hartshorn for 1/16 of a Sloop. fryd 5—Misty. I was at home in foren. aftern at fosdycks. at night at Dennis’s. wee (ye committee for ye school) agreed wth Denison for £40 p annum. Saturd 6. fair. I workt at fosdycks al day. Giddings Sayled for Barbados—Hutton Ar- rived from Bermudas. Sund 7 Rainy. mr adams Preached al day. Cod- din fro R. Island. Mond 8th Squaly. I was at Comfort Chapels Dividing Estate wth Ensign harris. Tuesd goth fair. I was at home pruning Aple Trees. toward night at ye Court of probates about Minerd Estate. Ex- pense 4d. time $. 2. Wedensd 10 fair. I was getting Posts al day & Josh. Thursd 11 fair. I was helping Apprize Land at Bruens Neck for T. Willms. fryday 12 Snow at turns most of ye day. I was at home al day. Saturd 13 fair. I was getting Posts of Joshua & Nath. carting or drawing them. Sund 14 Rainy. Mr adams Preached al day. Gabriel Harris & Abigal Lester Publisht. Mond 15 fair. I was getting Posts al day & Josh, Nath. a Drawing & finished. Tuesd 16 fair. I workt at Mr. Winthrops al day. Wedensd 17 fair. I workt at Mr. Winthrops al day. at night wee made a Rate on ye Schoolers (tht went to Mr Gardiner) & divided to Collect. Thursd 18 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. fryd 19 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Saturd 20 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. a Small Shower forenoon. Sund 21 fair. Mr. adams Preacht al day. a Proclamation for a Fast was Read. Mond 22 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Mr Denison began School. Tho & Jno went to School to Cuz Hurlbuts. Tuesd 23. I workt at Mr Win- throps 4 day & yn at ye Supr Court. Wednsd 24. I was at home writing for Eliz fox & aftern at Court—Cold. Mr Richds & I pd Mr Gardiner £19 for keeping School & Mr Richds hath his Rectt. Steph went to School. Thursd 25 fair. I was at Court al day on the Jury. fryd 26 fair. I workt at Mr. Winthrops al day. he gave me a 20ib Cheese. Saturd 27 Rainy. I was with Mr. Winthrop at his farm in Groton & Mr Latimer. Mr Win- throp gave us 10s as a Reward &c. Sund 28 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Colln Vetch at Meetting. Mond 2g fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. a Shower of hail before night. Tuesd 30 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. a Squal of Rain in ye Even. I paid Christopher Darrow £20 toward ye 1/16 part of the Sloop. Wednsd 31 Raw Cold. Some Snow. a Publick fast. Mr Adams Preached al day. Richd Rogers had a child buried between meeting. Still born—Windy. April ye 1 Thursd. it Snowed Last night & al day. I bought 84 bush Corn of Wilson & paid him 24s od. I was in town al day. Some Snow & Some Rain. Cold. fryd 2d Some Showers. I bought 154tb Salt Pork of Mr Davise & ye Barll for 46s od. I was on bord & Sent by Mr. King 1olb pewter to buy grtt basons. 3 open Sloops fro R. Island. I was at home diging Stones & Seting Trees Most of the day—drizely toward night. Saturd 3 fair. I was at home diging Stones & 4 day geting Cop- pies about Bartlets Land. Sund 4th fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Sacrament day. Mond 5 fair. I was al day with Brothr Plumb Mr Richds 4 34 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1714 Lattimore & Chapman & Justice Prenttis Surveying Barttlets Neck. I put 5 Cattel & 2 Calves to Mr Winthrops to keep. Tuesd 6th fair. I workt at Hutton’s Sloop. Wilson & Davise for Boston. I Lent Ensign Harris my Pockitt Compass to go a Codding. Wedensd 7th fair. I workt on bord Hutton al day. Guillam fro Long Island. Thursd 8th Rainy. I was at home in ye forenoon & in ye afternoon wth Latimer. fryd oth fair. I workt at Huttons al day. Cold for ye Season & windy. Guilam_ for boston. Saturd roth fair & Cold & windy. I was about home in ye fore- noon & in aftern in ye Neck Poquoyog. Sund 11th fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Mond 12 Rain & Snow. I workt at highways. we fetched home our Sheep from Poquoyog. there want 6. Can’t yet be found. Tuesd 13 Some Rain in ye forenoon. In ye aftern I workt at high- ways. Wednesd 14 fair. I workt at huttons al day about ye horse Boat or Scow. Thursd 15 fair. I workt at Huttons al day about the Scow. we finished her. Hutton 5 days. fryd 16 Cloudy. Some Rain Lightning & Thundr at Night. I workt Huttons al day. Saturd 17 fair. I workt at Huttons al day. windy & Shifting. Sund 18 Cloudy & Some Rain. mr. adams Preached al day. a Warning is up for a Town meeting & freemans Meeting ye last monday of this month. Richd Rogers & Hannah Lewis Babtized & a Child of Jno Pendalls Mehitable & Richard Douglass his wife is took in to the Church. Mond 19 fair. I workt at Huttons al day. Tuesd 2oth. I workt at Huttons al day. T.H. & I made an Anchor Stock at night. Wedensd 21 Rainy. I was about home in ye forenoon & in ye aftern I workt at Joseph Truemans. Thursd 22 fair. I workt at Huttons al day. fryd 23 Misty. Some Rain. I workt at Capt Huttons. Saturd 24th fair. I workt on bord Capt Huttton Turning. ye Sloop over- set. no great damage. wee ware trying al the aftern & could not get her up. Sund 25th fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Mr Winthrop a Child Babtized Elizabeth. Jno Mayhew arrived from Barbados. all well. Mond 26 fair. I workt on bord Hutton half ye day. in the aftern I went to Lyme & bought 2000 Plank of Joshua Champion at £3—10s—ood p 1000 for 2 Inch, that wch is thinner proportionably & al to be Ready by ye midle of may. Tuesd 27 fair. a Town Meeting after ye freemans Meeting. my wife was dd of a Daughter about 9 of ye Clock morn. Mond 28 fair. I workt on bord Capt Hutton al day. Mrs Stevens came to Nurse about 8 or g Clock morning. Thursd 29 Rain in ye midle of ye day, I workt at Huttons al day. fryd 30 fair. I workt at Huttons al day. May Saturd 1 fair. in ye foren I was at home & aftern at Huttons. windy. I brought home my tools. I have worked 18 days. Sund 2d fair. mr adams Preached al day. Mr Green had a Child Babtized Lydia & my Daughter Elizabeth. Richd Christophers arrived. all well. 22 days passage. Mond 3d fair. I was about home al day. wee are planting. Tuesd 4th fair. I was in Town most of ye day dividing & Selling Some Rum tht Came home on ye Grace & Hannah’s acctt. 1.27 2/3 gall to me at 3s 6d p. Sold to Mr Christoprs & p him to Wm King Junr. Wedensd 5 fair. I workt on bord Mayhew 4 day & T. H. ye other half helping Richd Christophers gaging & Dividing Rum & Molasses. Thursd 6 Some Rain. I workt on bord May- hew & T. H. in ye foren, & aftern I went to Maj Palmes’s to Carry Ms Man- waring to buy a Cow. Squaly. Brothr Hartshorn Came down. fryd 7 fair. I workt at Mayhews al day & T. H. Saturd 8th fair. I workt at mayhews Sloop al day. he paid me r§s for all my work. I Recd 30d & pd him tos & 5s is due to him. I borrowed 20s pd of fanning to pay for 30tb of flax I bought of James Avery. pd. Sund gth fair. mr adams preacht al da Jno Peek a Child Babtized Samll & Edwd Hallam—lIsaac. Mond 10 ag in ye 1714] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 35 forenoon I was Apprizing Land of Jno Rogers’s by Wilson & in ye aftern at Josh Bakers to See ye choice of ye officers. Tuesd 11 fair. In ye foren I was at Joseph Lesters to help John Pendall about Plowing and in ye aftern at ye Court of Probates about Concluding wth Ebe Hubbell & wee agreed | am to have 12s 6d at Brookers. Wedensd 12 fair. I workt on bord Richd Christophers al day. Thursd 13 fair. in ye morning Early 1 went to An- drew Palmes’s & bought a Cow & Calff for £4 & brought thm home. I workt at Richd Christophers al day. fryd 14 Squaly. I workt at highways in ye forenoon & in ye aftern at Tho. Trumans Triming his Tanfatt. King from Boston. Some Scattering Showers. Saturd 15 fair. I workt on bord Richd Christophers al day. I paid Mr Wilson 10s od for Corn I had off him. I Recd 4 dozn Basons of Mr Davise or King on acctt of old Pewter. Sund 16th fair. mr adams Preached al day. Mond 17th fair. I Set out for Hartford to Court & was gone 12 days. my Expense was 39s Id. horse hire 6s od. fryd 28 fair. I came home from Hartford. very hot. little wind. Saturd 29th. fair & Cool. I washed my Sheep & went into Town. made up acctts wth Capt Hutton & Recd of Wm Latham 1 hhd of Rum & 1 bb Sugar ye Effects of my horses Sent by him & Candles Sent p Manwaring. it Came home in Tho Prentts who Came home Thursday Last. al well. Sund 30th fair & Cool. Mr adams Preached al day. Jno Morgan & Tho Pember Each a Child Babtized Hannah. Peter Manwaring & Company Come fro Rod Island in Gibbs. Mond 31 fair. Trayning both Town Com- panys. J. Chapel Chosen Sergt. I Recd my Corn of Pickitt & Tan wch Come from harttford. Tuesd June 1 fair. I workt on bord Richd Christophers al day. Mathews fro L. Island. Deacon Richards & Lt Tracy Come to bord at our house. Wedensd 2 fair. I workt on bord Richd Christophers al day. Thursd 3 fair. I workt at Richd Christophers $ day & at Court & Sending Some Sugar to East hampton to buy Tallow. Mare & horse together & together yesterday. Wm Lees Stonehorse ye great mare. fryd 4: Rainy. Robt Denison Lost a Child about 2 year old. it Rained very plentifully most of ye day. I was drawing off a hhd of Rum between Sister mary & I—al day. Saturd 5. Rain in ye forenoon. I was at Court & fetching home Rum 2 bb &4$& 6 qrtts gt. in al 79 gall & Sister Mary had 313 gall. in all 1103. I workt at Richard Christophers 4 ye day Large. Sund 6 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Tho Leech Junr & Jno Emms Each lost a Child. Mond 7 fair. I workt at Richd Christophers $4 day. in ye forenoon I was Sowing oats in Smiths Lot. Tuesd 8th fair. I workt on bord Capt Christophers al day. Wedensd gth fair. old James Harris died. I workt on bord Capt Christo- phers al day. bought a Cow & Calf of him for £4. Hutton Sayled for Bar- bados. Hodge fro boston. Mansfield from N. haven. Brother Hartshorn came down. Thursd roth fair. I was in Town al day at Court. I sold Brothr hartshorn 21tb wool. Boss from R. Island. fryday 11. I went to Long Island. So hold. Lodged at father bayleys. a Shower. Saturd 12. I went to Easthampton & was their Sunday. Mr Hunting Preacht. Mond 14 fair. I went to Montoak wth Brothr Tallmage & Several others. Tuesd 15. I went to Sag & ye Harbour. I Sold 1 bb Rum for 3 s 6d p gall gt 314 to Mr. White. Wedends 16 fair. Richd Christophers—John Mayhew—Tho. Prentts Sayled for Barbados. I bought .1. B. B. Tallow of Capt Braddick for 74d p tb. I pd him 14s & ordered ye produce of ye Rum Sold mr White wch is £5—10s.0d. I Sold a bb Rum to Samll Beebe for 3s 4d p gall. I Recd £5. Icame home in ye evening. Thursd 17 fair. In ye foren I was in Town. I Shipped a bb of Tallow on bord Capt Boss. weight 159. in ye aftern I went wth ye Constable to Col Livingstons. fryday 18 fair. I 36 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1714 was in ye neck to look on my Corn & assisting in ye Lattr part of ye day at home weeding &c. I pd Christopr Darrow fifteen Pound toward 1/ 16 of ye Sloop Samll. 24s 5d due. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home al day hilling Corn. Sund 20 fair. Mr Woodbridge of Hartford Preacht al day. Uncle Cornish at our house. Mond 21 fair. Hawkes Calf put in paster. I was in Town al day. I Shipt a bb of Tallow by Wm Latham. I was with uncle Cornish & I Recd 40s od of Wm Hide on Samll acctt. Tuesd 22 fair. I was weeding Corn at Jo. Lesters al day & uncle fox & Benj & Brooks & our boys. Mathews from Easthampton brought me 36tb Tallow. Wedensd 23 fair. Capt Boss Sayled for Barbados. In ye forenoon I was at Wm Lathams. brought home my Cotton Wools 15tb & in ye aftern I was In ye neck to See the Choice of officers in ye neck Company. I Recd 33s of Wm Hide in full on Samll Hides acctt. Thursd 24th fair. I was in Town al day about buy- ing & Dividing Molasses. I Bought 73 gall of Mr Guillam for 2s 34d. fryd 25 fair. a Thundr Shower. I was at home in ye foren. in ye aftern in Town wth ye Townsmen & Peter Mason about Mohegan Land. I pd Mr Guillam for ye Molasses & 33s on Braddicks acctt p his Rectt. Saturd 26. it Rained a while in ye morn. I was at home Most of ye day drawing deeds between Jno Pendell Mr Haris & I drew of a bb of Molasses & brought home. Jno Pendell was in Town & Signed deeds to Harris & J harris to pay me Seven Shillings for my time & Expenses. Sund 27 drisely in ye morn. mr adams Preacht al day. Eliz Dartt died. Mond 28 fair. Eliz Dart buried. I was at home in ye foren & at ye funeral in ye aftern at home fencing yards in Smiths Lot. I went to Capt Wetherells & had ye deeds acknowledged. Tuesd 29th fair. I was finishing weeding Corn at Jo Lesters al day. Wedensd 30 fair. I was about home & in Town. I bought 2 bas- kitts for 2s od of Ingrem. July Thursd. 1. fair. I was about home most of ye day. at night I was in an arbitration wth Griffing between Fosdyck & Samll Harris. fryd. 2. fair. In ye forenoon I was helping Sort plank for Mr Coit. aftern at home. Saturd 3d fair. a Thundr Shower. In ye morning I went to Carry Jno Coits Scow to Nihantick wth Jno Coit & Joshua. Lay their at night. I Sprained my ancle. Benj & Ebe fox mowed. Sund 4 Raina little. I was at home. Lame al day. Jno Rogers Senr Published. I went to Nihantick at Night. Lodged in Prentts’s boat. Mond 5 fair. I went with Capt Prentts to 4 Mile River for Plank. Tuesd 6 fair. I was Loading plank al day. Wedensd 7 Rain. I was Loading al day. a private fast at N. London. Thursd 8 fair. Wee Came home & unloaded. we brought 2000 for Mr Coit & Left 30 of my Plank their on ye Shoar wthout ye flatts. fryd oth fair. In ye morning I made a Stak of hay. I Cleared ye well & hilled Corn al day. Saturd to fair. prat 731. a Shower at night. I was at home al day mowing & Carrying up my Plank tht I had of Joshua Champion in number 56 whereof was Inch & 4 431 & tor were defective & want measure. yt I Esteem ym also an Inch & 4 in al 532 at 5os £1. 6.8 Inch & half & with ye 30 I left 1468. two Inch at 7os £5. 2.8. Sund rt fair. Mr adams Preacht al day. Mond 12 fair. I was mowing al day & Josh Nath. & Stephen gone to norwich to Mill. Come home about io o'clock night. Tuesd 13th fair. I was at home al day mowing &c. Wedensd 14 Cloudy fair. I was at home mowing & Stacking. Josh Cut his knee with a Sythe. Thursd 15 fair. I was at home al day mowing making hay fryd 16 Cloudy. Some Rain. I was at home mowing & Making hay most of ye day. I was in Town & Shipt 82tb Candles—a Ram 6th Shoe thread & 26s mony for Barbados p Comfort Davise for Molasses. Saturd 17 fair. I was mowing making hay & Stacking 1714] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 37 al day. Newton Sayled for Barbados. Sund 18 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Samll Douglas & Sarah Olcot Publisht. Mond 1g fair. I was at home al day hilling Corn. Tuesd 20 fair. I was hilling Corn al day at Jo Lesters & all ye boys. Wedensd 21 fair. I was hilling Corn al day at Jo Lesters & all ye boys. Thursd 22d Cloudy. fair. In ye foren I was at home Stacking hay & in ye afternoon at work at Joseph Truemens. Natt. Hoult Raised his house. fryd 23d Rainy. I workt at Joseph True- mans 3 day. I hired of Woyat ye 6 acre Lot for 25s od & Manwarings Cow to go in fee. Saturd 24th fair. I was mowing 4 a day Six acres & Mingo & ye Boys al day Save Nath $ day at fathr Edgcumbs & Robt & Stephen. I workt $ day at J. Trumans. Sund 25 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. Mond 26 fair. I was mowing in ye foren at 6 acres & Josh & Robt in aftern Raking hay & Nath. wee finished Raking. Tuesd 27th fair. In ye foren I was mowing at home. Josh & Nath in ye aftern Stacking hay at Six acres & Stephen. Robt at fathers Raking. Wednesd 28 fair. I was mowing in ye foren & Cutting up Bogs at ye back side ye lot and the Boys in aftern Raking & Stacking. Thursd 29 Some Rain. In ye forenoon I was at home. I finished Stacking hay & in ye aftern & at night at J. Trumans at work. fryd 30th fair. I put 4 Cows into Six Acres & Mr Coit 5 & Manwaring 1. I workt at Mr Coits al day & ye boys finish- ing at Jo Lesters. Saturd 31 fair. I workt at Jno Coits al day ye Boys fencing at 6 acres. August Sund .1. fair. Mr. adams Preached al day. Solomon Coit & Mrs Short Publisht. Mond 2 fair. I sowed Turnips & went to Joseph Minors to see after ye bounds of the fresh medows. in Town wth Brad- dick & Jno Christophers & T Harris who came from Long Island yesterday. Tuesd 3 fair. I was gathering fines Most of ye day. I Lay at Samll Fox Junr. Wedensd 4 fair. I was gathering fines most of ye day. I went over to Stonington by ye way of Moheag. at Brewsters I Lodged at Eldridges. Thursd 5th. I drew a pair of Leases for 40 acres to Joseph Bennat & also 1 pair for eight acres in Groton to Wm Stark Junr for 8s pr annum to begin ye first of next March. I came over att night. ferry- age not pd. Expended this Journey 3s 4d. fryd 6th fair. Rain at night. I went to Mistick wth 3 boys to get hay. it Rained Exceeding hard at night. Saturd 7 fair. I came home from Mistick. very windy. Cold. Sund 8 fair. Mr adams Preached al day. a warning for al ye Soldiers to be in arms Wedensday next—Cold. Mond 9 fair. I was about Town in ye forenoon. in ye aftern at Grotton to Carry writts to ye Constable to Sumon moses Fish for Trespass before mr Smith Tuesday next one Clock. Tuesd 10 fair. I was at home mowing in Smiths lot &c. Chapells Cow Bulled. Wedensd 11 fair. a Proclamation of Peace between England and Spain. all ye 4 Companys in arms. ye Guns & Chambers at ye fort al fired & 3 Small volleys. I paid Richard Rogers five Pound wch was in my hands on acctt of 3 wolves killed Last fall. Thursd 12 fair. In ye foren I workt at Jno Coits & aftern at home. Brothr Hartshorn come to our house. Wm Hoult a Son buried. born Last night. fryd 13 fair. I was with Brothr Hartshorn veiwing tobakconomak farm. Saturd 14 fair. I was about home & in Town. wee Staked ye hay in Smiths Lot. Sund 15 fair. Jacob Waterhouse Junr Dead. mr adams Preached al day. Ebe Dartt was openly admonished for Excessive Drinking & other Scandelous behavour. it is ye 2d time. Daniel Dart a Child Babtizd Eliz & Wm Miner one Sylvester. Mond 16 fair. I was most of ye day at ye School-house fitting Benches & at ye Meetinghouse fitting ye Scuttle. Jno Gardiner Raised’s house. Samll Comstock a Child Buried. Tuesd 17 fair. I was att Grotton. bought mr 38 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1714 Smiths Boat for £4—2s—63d of her. I pd 6s 6d Cost. ye writt was wrong dated. Wedensd 18th. 1 was at home in ye foren & in aftern I went to fetch 100 Railes from Lothrops farm tht I had of T. Wms. I Lost ye boat at Joanes. Thursd 19. Lowering. I fetched ye Scow load of Railes & Posts. fryd 20 fair. I was at home al day diging Stones in ye orchard medow. Saturd 21 fair. I was at home al day spliting Railes & holing Posts. Sund 22 fair. Mr adams Preacht al day. Tho Atwill & An Mor- gan Publisht. Mond 23 Some Rain. I was at home Most of ye day. in Town at night. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home Seting up fence by Truemans Pare Tree &c. Wedensd 25 fair. In ye foren I was in ye Neck wth Eliz Fox & to buy tow & in ye aftern Triming Joseph Harris’s Boat. Jno Clark Lodged here Last night. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home al day Triming ye Scow & Nath. fryd 27 fair. I was al day Triming ye Scow & Nath. Windy. Saturd 28 fair. In ye foren I was finishing Triming ye Scow & in the Aftern I was at work at Mr Coits Vessel for 5s od p day by agreement with him. Sund 29 fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. a Proclamation for a Publick fast next Wedensd. C. Christophers a Child Babtizd Mary & John Pickitt one Mary & Henery Brooks 1 Samuel. Daniel Way one Thomas. Monday 30. Richard Christophers Arrived from Barbados. Some Rain a Short Shower. In ye forenoon I was at home Clearing our well. in ye aftern at Jno Coits. Mayhew come wth Christophers. Tuesd 31 fair. I workt at Jno Coits vessel al day and Joshua. Wedensd Sept. 1. fair. a Publick fast. Mr. adams Preached al day. Thursd 2d fair. I workt at ye vessel & Joshua al day. fryd 3 fair. In ye forenoon I workt at ye vessel & Joshua. I have done 201 foot waalls. I have workt 3 days & $ and Joshua 2 days & 4. in ye aftern I was mowing among the Corn. Sister Temperance Come from So—hold. Saturd 4 fair. I was wth all ye Boys Cutting Stalks at Jo Lesters. Sund sth fair. mr adams Preacht al day. a Warning up for freemans Meetting Tuesd come seven- night. David Culver a Son Babtized Jonathan. James Brown of Colchester & Anne Wickwire Published. Mond 6 fair. Will Pendal Drownded a fish- ing. I was about home Most of ye day Mending fence & Wm Pendal drownded. fell out of a Small Boat in ye horserace Catching bluefish. None but Sam Fox ye younger with him. Tuesd 7 fair. I was about home Seting up fence &c. Wedensd 8th fair. In ve foren I was getting oars at ye old field. aftern at home about fence. Thursd oth fair. In the foren I was at Tho Douglasses & Goodman Darts. in ye aftern at home gathering up Stalks. Tallmans House Raised. fryd roth fair. In ye foren I workt at John Coits vessel & in ye aftern I was on Bord Prentts Thomas who Arrived Last night & Peter Manwaring to day. Brothr Hartshorn & Sister Lucy came down from Coventry. Saturd 11 Lowering. I was helping unload ye Sloop Samll al day. Sund 12. Driseley most of ye day & Some Showers. mr adams Preacht al day. Mond 13. fair most of ye day. a Shower at Night. I workt at ve vessel al dav & Josh 4. Tuesd 14 fair. 1 was Seting up fence in ve foren next Coits Swamp. in ye afternoon at ye freemans meetting & in Town. Wedensd 15 fair. I went to Hartford wth Samll Fosdick on An Arbittration about his negro & I Returned home Sunday Morn. Travelled all Night. Sund 19 fair. ...... CAIN: 2 vues yesterday. mr adams Preached al day. Daniel Comstock a Child Babtizd Jonat & Richd Christophers Eliz. A Ship Come in to harbour, Philip Wanton from Bar- bados. Mond 20 fair. I workt att ye Sloop Most of ye day & Josh 4. mr Micholas Hallam Buried. Tuesd 21 fair. I workt at ye vessel al ‘day & Josh in ye aftern. Wedensd 22 A Storm. Rain. In ye foren I workt at ye vessell & Josh. in ye aftern at home. itt Rained briskley. Sister Temperance 1714] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 39 gone home wth Eliz Jonson. Thursd 23. it Rained hard. a firce Storm at East of Wind broke up ye new wharffs along Tongs Bank. I was at home alday. aftern fair. fryd 24 fair. 1 was al day with Woiet Making up wth Dennis. Saturd 25 fair. I workt at ye vessel al day & Josh. Sund 26. Mr adams is gone to Boston. No Minister. I watch att night wth Richd Brewster who Lay dieing. Mond 27 fair. Richd Brewster Died. I workt at ye vessell al day & made Richd Brewst Coffin at night wth Richd Attwill. Wee began to gather Corn. Tuesd 28th Rain. ye Supr Court Sat. I was about home most of ye day. at Richd Brewsters funeral a little before night. a Stormy day. Wedensd 2g fair. I workt at ye vessell about 4 ye forenoon & thn at Court. I Sold ahhd of Rum to Andrew Palmes 3s od p gall $ down. Thursd 30 fair. I workt at ye vessel 3 day & yn for Capt Prentts mending boat. Octbr 1 friday Rainy. I was at home in ye forepart of ye day & in Latter pt at Court. Saturd 2 fair. I workt for Capt Prentts all day on his Boat & Cannoo till late in ye evening. ye Courtt broke up & are gone. Sund 3d fair. No Minister. Deacon Douglass Prayed & C. Christophers Read. Mond 4 fair. JI workt at Capt Prentts most of ye day. Josh at vessel. Tuesd 5th fair. I workt at ye vessel al day & Joshua. Wedensd 6 fair. I workt at ye vessel al day ye boys gathering Corn. Thursd 7 fair. I workt at ye vessel al day ye boys gathering Corn. I fetched home my part of Sugr & Christophr Darrows yt Came in ye Samll. fryd 8 fair Cloudy. I workt at ye vessel but 4 ye day. our Colt Kicked Thomas in ye mouth. Struck out his teeth. Saturd 9 Lowering some Rain. I workt at ye vessel al day. ye boys finished gathering Corn at home. Sund to Lowering. mr adams absent. Mr. Mayhew Preacht al day. a Contribution for him. Samll Mighill & Sarah Prentts Jno Gray & Mary Christophers Publisht. a Bur- mudian arrived with Salt. Mond 11 Rainy. I workt at ye vessel in ye fore- noon & Joshua in ye aftern. I was Dividing Molasses between C Darro. J: Hill & I sold Andrew Palmes—1—hhd Rum in it 112 gall at 3s od p before Tho Prentts C Darro & Jonat Hill. Tuesd 12 fair. I workt at ye vessel al day ye boys gathering Corn at Jo Lesters. I have hired Jno Stubbins horse to goto N. haven. Sunda17. Edwd Stubbins & Lymon Holebut Published. Sund 24. Ebe way & Mary Harris Publist. Sund 31. Moses fargo & Eliz ‘Camp Publisht. Nov 1 fair. I came home from Guilfd. got home by Sunset. two ships arrived from barbados belong to Boston. Tuesd 2 fair. I was in Town in ye foren & aftern taking Wm Pendels Inventry. Wedensd 3 fair. I was about home most of ye day, Carting out dung &c. Thursd 4 a shower fair. I was at home at work al day. Mr. Latimer & Brother Hartshorn helpt me Stone up ye Celler & Leantoo underpining. fryd 5 fair. I was at home at work al day. mr Latimer & Hartshorn helpt me. ye Ships Sayled for boston. Saturd 6 fair. I was at home al day. Braddick from Long Island. Sund 7 fair. mr adams Preacht al day. A warning up for 3 Companys to Trayn. Oliver Beckwith & Martha Published. Mond 8 fair. I went to hartford for Coppies & to New haven. a Tuesday & wedensd home. Thursd 11 fair. a Thanksgiving. Richd Atwills wife buried. died last night. fryd 12. I was at Trayning al day. Much Rain. Saturd 13 Snow Squally. I was in town most of ye day. Snow at night. 3 Inches the first Snow. Sund 14. Some Snow & yn Cold. Mr adams preacht al day. Mond 15 fair. I Lent James Rogers my Copie of ye Charter sent by Whetstone his man. I was wolf hunting most of ye day at Cedar Swamps. got nothing. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home al day. I killed a cow & heifer. Wedensd 17 fair. I was getting Timber for a Dray & 40 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1714 looking Cattell &c. Thursd 18 fair. I was helping Jno Mayhew Raise his house al day &c. fryd 19 Rainy. I was about home al day. Saturd 20 fair pleasant. I workt at Capt Jno Prentts’s al day & Joshua. Ms Measurs Amos Tinkers Mother died. little wind. Sund 21 Some Snow at night Cloudy. Mr adams Preached al day. In ye forenoon I was out at Amos Tinkers & Josh. We made ye Coffin for his Mothr. Very aged woman of 85 years to a day. She was buried between Meetings. 2 Publishmts Tho Buttler & Eliz Minor & Jno Woiett & Abigal Polloy. Mond 22 fair & very Cold. I workt at Capt Prentts’s al day & Joshua. Tuesd 23d. it Snowed most of ye day. I workt at Capt Prentts’s al day & Josh. ye Infer Court Sat. Deacon Richds & Mr Solomon Tracy come to bord at our house. Wedensd 24 fair & very Cold. I was at Court most of ye day & in Arbitration wth Capt Robt Denison & Caleb Bushnel between Jont Rogers Jonat Avery. Thursd 25. fair Cold in ye foren aftern Mod- erate. I was at Court toward night. fryd 26 fair & Pleasant. I was in Town in foren. had 25tb Cotton of Wm Latham he brought for me from Barbados. aftern at Court. little wind. Saturd 27 fair Cloudy. I was at Court most of ye day. I Sold bb Suger to C Christophers for 53s p [ ]. he pd for it £4—11s—6d. I sent 4o Sheep & a Cow to Samll Smiths to winter ye Sheep at 15d p Sheep to be well kept till ye 1oth of April next & ye Cow at 10s May day. Josh & Nath Carryed thm. Sund 28 Rainy al day. Mr adams Preacht al day. Samll Fox & Rachel Rogers published. Mond 2g fair. I was at home al day. mr Latimer helped me underpining. Tuesd 30 fair. I workt home al day. I finisht under- pining. Moderate. Wedensd decembr 1 fair. I went to fetch hay fro Mr Winthrops farm for Mr Richds. Thursd 2d. I came home wth 3 Load of hay in ye Scow & Josh & Nath. Nathanael Newbury had a child buried about 3 year old. fryd 3d fair. King George was Proclaimed. ye 4 Companys in arms. I dd $ Barll Powder of ye Townsmen to ye Townsmen. p thei Order gt £58. I have not yet their Rectt. Saturd 4 Rain. I was att home al day. Samll Strickland lost a Child (one gerald) yesterday. Sund 5 fair cold windy. Mr adams Preached al day. Mond 6 fair. Wilson & boy ye Measels. I was at home al day. I Sold a bb Molasses to Samll Beebee for wch I Recd £03 18s 03d. I wrote an agreement between Jos Beckwith & Wm Minor Concerning ye bounds of some land—Jeremiah Wilson & his boy are yesterday Shut up in Crockers house by Reason of ye Small Pox & is now broke out on ye boy. it is only ye Measles. Tuesd 7 fair. 1 workt at Capt Prenteses 2 day & Josh 4. I was at Court about Mr Toppings Indian Joe who is sued by Jonat Rogers. little wind. Wedensd 8. Raw Cold Cloudy Some Rain. I was about home & in Town al day. Thursd goth fair Cold. I workt at Capt Prentts’s al day & Josh. very Cold. fryd to fair & Sharp Cold. I was in Town most of ye day getting a Writt to seize Indian Joe. Saturd 11 fair Cold. I went to Samll Allyns wth goods for Jno Williams. I got their about 8 or 9 Clock night. It froze hard at night. Sund 12 fair. I was at allyns al day & Josh & Nath. very windy Cold. Mond 13 Snow. I went to Jno Wms & Recd freight of him & yn came home by land. Tuesdy 14. JI left my Scow & 4 oars one of ym Ebe Dennis’s & a Shovel at allyns. I have ye ague in my Leg. at home al day. Wedensd 15 fair little wind. I was at home all day. Moderate Snow al last night. Thursd 16. Snow in ye morn & yn fair. ye Comittee of ye Comons Sat. fryd 17 fair. a Lecture. I was in Town & at Lecture. I am not well. I Lent Mr Latimer 20s 7d to pay his Rates. I Recd back 16d. Still Due I9s 3d. 1714] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 41 Last night at Lt Richds’s. Saturd 18 fair Pleasant. I was at home in ye forn & aftern at Mr Richds with the Committee for ye Commons. Sund 19 fair. mradams Pr. ald. Sacremt Roff a Child Babtiz’d John. a Brief was Publisht for Wm Shipman of Hebron to be in this Town, Saybrook windsor Wethersfield & Glassenbury. Mond 20 fair. a Townmeeting day. I was at it. Samll Fosdyck Stood in ye Pillory ye 3d time. I bought a pr Woosted Combs for 30s. I was Chosen Grand juryman & Surveyr of highways. Tuesd 21. 1 was most of ye day making up wth ye Govr Roff & Tallman arbittrate on Holloways acctt. Wedensd 22d. I was at home part of ye day & at mill. Moderate. Thursd 23 fair & Pleasant. I was at home al day & Josh about R. Christoprs 5th Rails. I pd Eliz Mayhew 28s 6d in full of al Dues & demands to this day. fryd 24 fair. I was at home al day & Josh about R. C. 5th Railes & Stanchions. Saturd 25 fair. I was at home al day. I have workt } day for R. Chris. Sund 26 fair. mr adams preacht al day. A large Contribution for Wm Shipman of Hebron. Mond 27 fair. I workt for Jno Coit day & yn at Night Making up acctts wth ye owners of ye Samll. Mr. Prentts took his horses on bord. Tuesd 28 fair. I was al day in Town making up wth ye owners & Signing ye Orders &c. I pd my part & Christopr Darrows £5—14s—od Each. I borrowed of Joseph Trueman 6 Bushll Oats wch I put on bord. Wedensd 29. Lyme Court. Some Snow. I was at home al day. I was at Capt Prentts’s at night. ye Counsell Sat to Consider ye Coplaint of Capt Ely and Sundry others of Lyme agnst ye Townsmen for holding an Ileagal Town meeting (vizt) for admitting Such to voat as were not qualified & although yr were a Majority of Qualified persons in voating yet Since Some not Qualified did presume to voat thr meeting was declared to be void & they are to have a new Choice of Town oficers on Monday come sevennight. Thursd 30. It Snowed al ye Later part of ye day. I was about home al day. fryd 31 fair. I was at home al day till about Sun one hour high & yn I went into Town. ye Comittee for ye Scholl Confered wth ye Govr about ye better Management of ye School. Mr Denison present & hath a week to consider whether he will keep it as he Should do faithfully. Tia Saturd Jan. 1. King Sayled. fair. I was at mill most of ye day at Jordan. King & Prentts Sayled for Barbados. P. Manwaring put in from Saybrook bound to Barbados. Jer. Wilson had Child Buried about one year old. died with ye Measells. Sund 2 Some Rain. mr adams Preacht al day. a Warning for a T. meeting ye roth Instant. Mond 3d Some Rain. I was at Samll Fosdicks geting some work done & at home al day. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at home al day &c. Peter Manwaring Sayled for Barbados. a Pleasant day. Wedensd 5. Cloudy Some Snow. In ye morning I went to Hackleys. in ye aftern in Town about Bartletts Land & Holloways Business. Thursd 6 fair. I was at home al day about a bedstid. fryd 7 fair. I was at home al day. at night wee ye Comittee for ye School Made up acctts wth Mr Denison &c. now due to him £11—10s—od. ye Rent of Bartletts Land for this year is Discounted & wt time he keeps School fr ye future untill we Can furnish our Selves He is to have as formerly £40 p annum. Saturd 8 fair. I workt at Capt Prentts al day & Joshua. Sund g fair. mr adams Preacht al day. Mercy Jeggles a Child Babtizd Mercy. Monday 10. a Town meeting. I was at home in ye foren & in ye aftern at ye meeting. Tuesd 11 fair Pleasant. 42 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [174s I was at home al day. I Carry’d down a Case of Draws of Holloways to Benja Stars for Wm Latham’ wch Ballanceth. Wedensd 12 Cloudy. I was about home & in Town al day. Snow at night. Thursd 13 fair. | was at home al day Lame wth ye ague in my foot burnt. fryd 14 fair. I was at home al day Lame. Gibbs fro Southold. Saturd 15 fair Cloudy. I was at home all day lame. ye Son of Stallyon foot decd being about 6 year old Died. lived wth Jno Wms of Groton. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams Preacht al day. young foot was buried. Cold. I keept house. Mond 17. Snow in ye morn & yn fair. I was at home al day lame. Tuesd 18 fair. 1 was at home al day lame. I begin*to go about house & work a little. Robt Cut his foot. Wedensd 19 fair. I was at home al day. Capt Coddering- ton Sayld for Barbads. Thursd 2oth fair. I was at home al day. fryd ai fair. I was at home in ye forn in afternoon on Bord Richd Chris- tophers Sloop at work. Saturd 22 fair. I workt on bord Capt Christoprs al day & Josh. warm. Wm Beebe had a Daughter died by a wound She Recd about 2 or 3 days ago In falling down wth a knife in her Pocket wch Ran into her Belly yt her Caul came out 5 or 6 Inches wch was cut off & the hole Sewed up but ye wound being deep proved mortal. She was 6 years old. Sund 23 Rainy. mr adams Pr. al day. Andrew Davise had a Child died. Mond 24 fair. I was at home in ye foren & in ye aftern Reckening wth ye Govr on Holloways acctt & yr is due to him £11—17s—8d. Tuesd 25 fair. I was al day making up acctts wth John Holloway & Mr Coit. I ballanced wth Jno Coit both for my Self & Holloway. Jno. Sampsons Child buried. wedensd 26 fair. Sarah Strattford buried. I workt for Capt Christophers # day. I was with Isaac Foot & Ensign Joseph Harris to bare Wittness yt he took Possession of ye Lot Called Stallyons Lot by ye meeting house & ye Land by ye Signpost or old Cellar. Clement Strattfods wife was buried. She died yesterday. Thursd 27 fair. I was in Town 4 day finishing ye 5th Rails for Christophrs & } day about his boat. fryd 28. Rain in ye forpt of ye day a little & yn misty &c. I was at home al day. Saturd 29. Some Rain in ye morn. In ye aftern I workt at Capt Prentts’s. Cold. Goodee Ingrem alies Atwill Died. I watched wth ye Corps at night. Sund 30 fair & very Cold. Mr. adams Pr. al day. windy. Mond 31 fair. I was at home & made Mary Ingrems Coffin & thn at funeral. Tuesd feb—1—Snow. I was at home al day. ye adjourned Court Sat. Wedensd 2. fair till aftern a little Snow. I was Measuring land in neck & Settling ye bounds between John Rogers & in ye Second Teer of lots Isaac Willeys 26 acres. my ptis 16 acres & 3 wide. Thursd 3 Rain. I workt for Capt Christophers & Josh 4 ye day Each & yn I went to Court. I had a Bord of Jno Mahew about 12 foot. fryd 4 Rainy. I was at Court most of ye day. Mr Russell Come to work at our house to make me a Coat & Jacket. I Ballanced all acctts wth Mr Pickitt about Plank too. I bought a horse of Richd Rogers for 30s od down & tos. he is to have more If I keep him 6 months. Saturd 5 fair. I workt for Capt Christophers about ye boat. Mond 7 fair but Rain at night. I workt on bord Capt Christoprs Graving. Sund 6 fair. Mr adams Preacht al day. Coldin ye morn. Tuesd 8th fair. I workt on bord Capt Chris Graving. I Sent ye Sheriff to Look for Indian Joe but he is Runaway. wedensd 9 fair. I was at Lanching of Samll Edgcumbes Brigg. Thursd 10 Some Showers. I workt for Capt Christoprs al day. fryd 11 Misty Some Rain. I was at work all day for R. C. triming ye boat. Saturd 12 Misty Some Rain. I workt on bord R. C. a Large 4 day & yn I came home to make a Coffin for Jonat Hills 2d Son who died last night about 9 year old whose name was William. ye same age of our Stephen. Sund 13 1712] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 43 fair. Mr adams Pr al day. Jonat Hills Son Jonat Died about 11 old. Monday 14. I made a Coffin for Jonat Hills Son Jonathan thn I went to the funeral of both Jonat & William (Hill) who were buried in one Grave. Tuesd 15 fair Cloudy. I workt on bord R. C. all day 3 for Jno Christophers. Jona- than Hills Daughter Ruth about 7 year old Died. Sick about a week wth ye Measels & feaver. Wedensd 16 fair. I was at home most of ye day. I made a Coffin for Jonat Hills Child & went to ye funerall. Ebe Dennis had a Daughter died about 6 or 7 year old. Thursd 17 fair. I workt in Town making a Topp for ye New Brigg. I went to ye funerall Just at night. fryd 18 fair. I was about ye Topp al day Except about 2 hours at Lecture. Mr adams Pr. Jno Rogers his Son & wife, at Lecture. Joseph Hunts wife Died. Saturd 19th fair. I workt in Town al day 4 day finishing ye Topp & $ day on bord Capt Christophers. Joseph Hunts wife was buried & an Infant of Ebe Dennis’s born Last night & his wife died presently after they Came home from ye burial of ye Child (or Infant). Sund 2oth fair. Sacremt day. mr adams Pr. al day. In ye foren I was helping Roff finish ye Coffin for Sarah Dennis. we began it Last night. Mond 21 fair. I workt on bord Capt Chris 4 day & yn I went to Deacon Douglas’s to make a Coffin for his wife who died this morn. Tuesd 22 Rainy. I finisht ye Coffin & was at ye funeral. Wedensd 23d Some Rain. I was at home al day Killing hogs &c. weit 245 & 185. Thursd 24 Misty. I workt on bord Capt R. Chris & Josh al day about horse Rooms. Brothr Hartshorn hath my Horse to Hartford & Coventree. fryd 25th fair. I workt for Capt Chris al day Cutting horse peices & fetching from Scotchcap Josh for Do making Candleboxes 4. Saturd 26 Misty. Some Rain & Snow at night. I workt at Capt Chris al day. Sund 27 fair. Mradams Pr. al day. Mond 28 fair. I workt on bord Capt Chris al day. 3 Coasters come in. Windy. March —1—Tuesd fair. I workt on bord Capt. Chris al day. Wedensd 2d fair. I workt on bord Capt. Chris: half day & at home. Thursd 3 fair. I workt $ day for Capt Chris & 4 day for R. C. Esqr about dead eys. fryd 4th fair. I went to Browns to press hay for Capt Christophers. Saturd 5th fair. I was pressing hay at Groton & brought home in ye Scow 20 & 8 of hundred yt I prest & :44° Ct tht Jonat Hill prest al 6438 Ct. Sund 6 fair. Mr adams Pr al day. Braddick from Southold. Mond 7 fair. a Town meeting. I was at it al day. Raw Cold. Tuesd 28 Cloudy. Some Snow at night. I work on bord Capt Chris 4 day. Wedensd 9 windy Squally. I workt at brother plumbs $ day & Joshua al. Thursd 10 fair. I was all day wth ye Comittee & feofees Laying out Bartletts Land. I Ballanced accts wth Ricd Christoprs. fryd 11 fair. I workt at David Culvers & Josh al day. Braddick for boston. Booth from Boston. Saturd 12 fair. I workt at Culvers al day & Josh. Sund 13 fair. Mr adams Pr. in foren & Mr Noyce of Stonington in ye aftern. Mond 14 fair. I workt for Capt Prentt’s Trim- ing his boat. 2 tides. Tuesd 15 Misty. I workt at Culvers al day & Joshua. Wedensd 16 fair. I went to Norwich. I Caryed 2 Deeds of Sale to be Recorded. I dd ym to Capt Bushnel & pd him for Recording . 1 was of 100 acres bought by my father of Capt Jno Mason & ye other 50 acres bought of Morgan Bowers. I Left ye deeds wth him. he is to Send when Entered tome. I Lodged at Cousen Wm Hides & left my mare at Rynolds’s. Thursd 17 fair & warm. I went to uncle G. Larrabees & to our Land at pochaug & Returned back to Wm Hides & Lodged yr. fryd 18. it Rained in ye forept of ye day & Some Snow. I Came home about 1 hour after Sun Set. very Cold. Saturd 19th fair windy & Cold. I workt at Culvers & Josh. Daniel Dart had his young daughter buried. Died wth ye Measles. Ware & Davise for boston. Sund 2oth fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. windy. Mond 21 a 44 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1715 huricane. fair most of ye day. a Terable Storm of wind about one Clock a Rose at once violently & Some Snow & Rain. I workt on bord Capt May- hew al day. Capt Prentts Died. Sick 6 days. Tuesd 22d. Cloudy. Some Rain at night. 1 workt on bord Capt Mayhew & Josh al day. Majr Edward Palmes died Sudently being well last night & dead in 2} hours. Sup Court Sat. Raw Cold. Wedensd 23. fair most of ye day. I was at ye funeral of Majr Edwd Palmes in ye foren & Capt Prentts in ye aftern. both buried in arms. Rachel hath ye Measles out yesterday. Thursd 24th fair. Snow at night. I was at Court most of ye day. Raw Cold. fryd 25. Some Rain in ye forept of ye day. Solomon Coits wife Died wth ye Measles. I was at Court most of ye day. Saturd 26 fair. I workt at ye brigg making dead eyes most of ye day & yn went to begin a Coffin for Samll Douglass who died in ye morn. Solomon Coits wife Buried. Sund 27. Mr adams Sick. Govr Prd. Christophers Read. Cloudy. Mond 28 Stormy. I finisht Samll Douglas’s Coffin & at ye funeral in ye forept of ye day & in ye Latter pt at Court. much Rain. Tuesd 29. my wife Sick with ye Measles. I was about home in ye foren. aftern in Town work for ye Brigg about 3 hours & yn Mr May- hew & I Appriz’d Prentts’s Boat. Wedensd 30. fair till near night a Squall of wind & Snow. I workt on bord ye Brigg to make up yesterday & Josh 4 day. Thursd 31. fair till toward night & thn a Squall of Snow. I work on bord Mr Mayhew al day. fryday April .1. I was about home most of ye day. Snow Last night & to day. Saturd 2d fair. I was most of ye day at fosdycks helping to make a Branding Iron & Sundrys. Sund 3d. Mr. adams Sick. No minister, I was not at meeting. wee are most of us down with ye Measles. Mond 4. I was Triming ye Scow most of ye day & Nath $ day. Tuesd 5. Rainy. I was about home al day. Wedensd 6 fair. I was at home most of ye day. Brothr Salmon come over wth Gibbs. Thursd 7 fair pleasant. I was about home al day. Nath broke out wth ye measles. Jno King Arrived from Saltitudas. fryd 8th. Stormy wind & Rain. Tho Prentts Arrived fro Barbados in 27 days. I was at home most of ye day. on bord Prentts toward night. Saturd oth. I was at home pt of ye day & in aftern in Town. Jno Cheapells Daughter Christian a young woman Died Last night. buried to day. She had had ye measles & died Sud- denly. Storm. Sund roth fair. no minister. Mr adams is yet Sick. a Genll fast (Clotidy) part: stincksiaveckeaaiua aces Mond 11 fair. I was helping unload ye Samll & dividing. Jno Cheapell...............45 about 8 year old died last night wth ye Measells & buried to day. Tuesd 12 fair. I was in Town most of ye day unloading ye Sloop & dividing. I helpt bring home Starrs goods & ours & put it all into Stars Celler. Wednesd 13 fair. a Genll fast was to be but it was put by because Mr adams was Sick. Thursd 14 fair. I workt abord ye Sloop Samll. brother Salmon gone for Boston. I Lent him my Saddle. I Recd it again by Davise. Had ye horse. Wikham Came on from boston. fryd 15 fair. I workt on bord ye Sloop Samll Graving & Nath. Abigal is very Ill. ye measles Just Returning. Saturd 16 fair. I workt on bord ye Sloop Samll & Nath. P Manwaring Arived Saltetudos. Sund 17. Fair till night yn Rain. Mr Whitting Pr. al day. Mr adams present. Mond 18 fair till night yn Rain. Richd Rogers hath my horse to Hartford. Abigal very Sick. I was about home & in Town al day. I Set out Some Trees on ye Rocky hill next Coits Hollow. I Recd £7 of Sister mary to buy a Horse. I Sent itt & 20s more by Benja Starr to ye westward for yt end. Tuesd 19 fair. I was at home till 9 Clock & yn I went to work for Pickett Graving. fresh. Wedensd 20th Rainy. I was at home al day. Thursd 21 fair. I was at 171s] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 45 home in ye forept of ye day. Mr Mayhew had a fainting fitt or Convulsion in ye latter pt. I went to daniel Comstocks to fetch 4 hhds for ye Samll & to Joans’s for Staves & Left ye Scow yr. fryd 22d fair. In ye foren I was Dividing Molasses wth C. Darro. in ye aftern fetching down ye Scow wth hhd & 2,000 Staves of S. Edgcumbs for ye Samll. Saturd 23 fair. I workt on bord ye Samll al day. Booth fro L. Island. ye Brigg Sayled. (Tompson mr Mr Mayhew at home Sick). She Spent her main Topshaft in ye harbour Turning out. Sund 24th fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. Mond 25 fair. a Trayning day both Companys. CC. Christophers Chosen Capt of ye 2d Company & Lt Latimer Capt of ye first & Clemt Minor Lieut & Jere Chapman Ensign & Chr Darro Sergt. Tuesd 26 fair. A freemans Meet- ing. I was atit. Ja Rogers & Lt Richds Deputies. in ye foren I was abroad Looking after in order to buy hay & oats. I dd to Brothr Hartshorn 1 hhd Rum. 109 gall between Darro & I Equal. he also Recd 1 hhd more of Samll Edgcumbs. he hath pd £6 to S. E. & Iam to Pay £6 more to Samll E & Hartshorn ye Rest wch I have pd. Wedensd 27 fair Lowering. I workt on bord ye Samll Most of ye day. Brothr Hartshorn & Sister Lucy & yr Children went away wth Ebe Johnson for Norwalk—Rain at night very much. Thursd 28. Squaly Some Thundr Showers. I workt on bord ye Samll a large $ day. the Sorrowful News of ye Death of father Bayley. fryd 29 fair. I was at home in ye forept of ye day. in ye Latter pt I workt on bord ye Samll 2 of a day. Saturd 30th fair. I workt on bord ye Samll al day. May. 1. Sund fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. Capt Rogrs Compny warnd to Trayn 9th day. Mond 2 fair. I workt on bord ye Samll al day. my Cows were fetched from black point. Tuesd 3 fair. I was drawing 1 bb Rum & $ bb Molasses for Samll Smith in ye foren. in ye afternoon geting oar Timber. Wedensd 4 fair. a fast day. I was al day making up accounts about the Samll. Thursd 5. fair till almost night yn Showrey. I was al day making up acctts with ye owners. Braddick fro Boston. fryd 6 fair. I was in Town al day Most. Doctr Stephenson Died. Thursd 7th. Squaley hail & Rain. I was at home & made ye Docters Coffin & yn at his funeral & began a Coffin for Nicolas Darro’s Child which died this day about 2 year & 4 old. Prentt’s Sayl’d for barbados. Sund 8th Rainy. a Showery day Raw Cold. Mr adams Pr. al day. Sacremt day. N. Darro’s Child buried after ye afternoon meeting. Mund oth fair. I was fetching my Sheep fro Samll Smiths but 41 & one at home makes 42. yr is one wanting. in ye Aitern at ye Court of Probates about Irene Prentts to be her Guardian. Tuesd 10 fair. was about home al d. Wee finished Dividing our Rum att Starrs. wedensd 11 fair. I was at home al day making ye Tanfatt. Capt Kelling in ye Norwich Sloop Sayled for barbados. Thursdy 12 fair. I went to Lt Wm Minors & bought a Cow without a Calf for £3—6s—od down. I pd Edwd Stubbins his Sallery for drumming 1 year & 1 day (in ye Secd Com- pany) Last past. fryd 13 fair. I was at Jo Lesters Sowing oats & plowing alday. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home al day writeing a deed for Benja fox of Ricd Rogers 4 acres & Sowing oats uper End of ye Lot. Sund 18th fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. Joseph Harris a son Babtized John. Mond 16 fair. I was at home most of ye day about Trumns Tanfatt. I was on bord Capt Ware to buy black Crape & a hatt &c. Tuesd 17th fair. Abigal begins to go alone 34 days Since ye measels broke out on her. I was all day wth all ye boys & benja fox & Peter Latimer breaking up & planting at Jo Lesters. I had Mr Latimers 6 oxen and uncle foxes 2 oxen & Daniel Lesters Plow. wedensd 18 fair. I was al day plowing at Joseph Lesters (as yesterday) & boys & all &c. I finished & brought home ye oxen & plow. I plowed 1 acre ~ 6 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1715 & 70 Rod their. Thursd 19th fair. I was Plowing al day at home. Peter Lattimer & our boys ye oxen as yesterday & my horses to help. _fryd 20 fair. I was al day breaking up (as yesterday) & planting. Saturd 21 fair. I workt at home all day plowing & planting as Yesterday. Sund 22 Rain Toward night. Mr adams Pr. al day. Samll Douglas’s Child babtizd Sarah. Mond 23 fair. I was at home all day Carting dung & finishing planting. Tues- day 24 fair. Cloudy & misty till near night. It Thundrd & Rained plenti- fully. I workt att Capt Latimers & Josh al day. Wedensd 25 fair. I workt at Capt Lattimers & Joshua al day. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home Most of ye day. wee are weedind Corn. fryd 27 fair. I was at home al day. wee made a yard & washed Sheep in Haughtons brook. I have 50 old Sheep at home. Saturd 28 fair. I was at home in ye foren. in ye aftern at holmes’s Lot mending fence with al ye boys. I had a Letter from Brothr Salmon p Mr Pickitt. Sund 29 fair Cloudy. Mr adams Pr. al day. Israiel Richds a Child Babtizd Love. Mond 30 Cloudy & Rain toward night. I went to Stonington & Sumond Peter Crery to Court. I Recd £8 of Gershom Brown on Williams acctt. BOO ame Teka! vos ge cet sah (a saya) cater tah a Sec) Bore RS 8 cece Se eee Na SS eee a ee a Oa Ie BR ee BES sige iI eanerlent's leaha. steelers wa ABIES i cave Dvn cia aman si, Slasire aloe Duna ech Salada AVE aceoese 8 MePTOS: DE schses eG we deed Pa ees S oiayeatasadesansaa airs weal ds Sheering Sheep & making hay. .2.. 04 0cseerec cess: Saal bantyeaeta day toward night I went to Joseph Cheapels.............. Caw een entails eee had a fitt of ye feaver & ague & not well today Lins th GSA. wie ee Seated s was at home all day. Tho Atwills wife died. Lest- ers in ye foren Replanting Corn in ye [ is Ritesh gles eee Mg ne a? Peter Manwaring Came fro Saybrook bound to...... Smith Arrived from South ..--Carilino. Attwills wife buried. ..[5]..Mr adams Pr. al day. .Hannah Hawke was buried. died last night. .................0.. I went to Say- brook to have Measure taken for a pair of boots. ................ I was at ye Court on the Grandjury wch Sat this day. ................ I was at Court al day. I paid unto Peter Mason £3 for acctt (Brother Hartshorn) five pound Bill baring date apeil 1715. s xces uw dees vega bes oc I was at Court al day. ye Grandjury were dismissed. ....£7—-10s—od of Gershom Brown on Williams acctt & dd his bond. ............... Mr Pickitt £3—19s—8d of Mr williams Money p his ordr. I was at Court al day. my action was pleaded agst Creery Capt [whic]h Defended. I gained ye Case.......... I was at Court al day to get my bill of Cost Taxt. .... [12]....Mr adams Pr. al day. Will Douglass a Son Babtizd Peter. Ruth Woodworth a Son natned Isaac. Boss from R: Wand. ............ ye forept of ye day I was at Mr Latimors. my Great Mare [ ] Horse of Mr Lattimers Iron Gray Stallyon. in ye aftern Mending fence in Smiths Lot. Joshua came from Norwich [ ] a Saturd & brought a hoe & 2 bush Corn. ........ I was about home & helping Samll Harris Junr Raise up his house about 6 Inches higher. toward night I went to see Tho Douglass &c [ ] hath been very Ill but now better. Sol Coit went wthme. .............” I was about home in foren. in ye aftern in Town. ye Court Sat. I was with Mr Miller in ye evening. ye Brigg wth Negros Sayld for YOR | iacvcie sid ohn sy [Ra]in. toward night I went to Mr Whiples to buy plank but could not. Scie ten Novia Setcsteneng I came home fro Robt Allyns. I Lay at Mr Whiples Last night. [ ] Christophers Arived from Barbados: [ ]days passage. doe giniania said Ble ace I was getting my horse Shodd in ye foren & yn I went to Joshua [ ] & Stephn Scophills at Lyme to buy plank. io [TOI aie Mr adams Pr. al day. ...............0.. [ ] Jonathan Hill 9 on acct 1715] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 47 of 1 hhd of Rum 122 gall at 3s wch I had of him in ye Spring. I pd him £9: 48: 9d down wch I] Recd (ye Rum ye Remained now). I was at home most of ye day weeding Corn. James Smith a Child buried. ...........-. fair. I was on bord Capt Christophers al Most of ye day Dividing Rum & Molasses &c. I borrowed 3s 6d pd of Capt R. Chris. I bought a Terse of Rum of Deacon Morgan for Mr Willman 75 gallons at 2s 10d p Nathanael Brown pd £6—10s—od & I pd £4—2s—6d. I pd Benja Starr £3 on S. Edgcums acctt. June 22d fair. I was up at Capt Masons wth ye Townsmen to Agree about Mohegan. ............. I workt for Capt Christophers Triming his Sloop al day. a Burmudian arived with Salt fro Turks Island. Drisley & misty. ss¢eesne teu es workt on bord Capt Christophers $ day. I made a Covenant wth Sol Coit to build a Sloop. I am to carry on a quarter shihle Ace aie de PUG leh grees I workt on bord Capt Christophers al day. [26] Rain. Mr adams Pr. al day. Mary Buttler wife of Walter Buttler took into ye Church & her Child Babtized Mary. a warning is up a Townmeeting the next Mond Sevennight about Mohegan. ................ workt on...... vibe eae ey eve Burimadians 2s. Gow peared ce taw she ome aler ew aitoae eee sade Ars Be Ses ae DY VO100'k 35 O Pe cau an ere wee sea gue y see uote adeashiactl'sp ekg agra aNe Some Showers. in ye aftern I went to Coll............. a itawbrlgots slate ttc 29g. Stubbins A Proprietors Meeting their............ paises Veen ean daeeseies 30. Surveyed (wch wee acomplished on ye 29th & 30th. July. Wee Surveied 11 acres of land granted to me at [ J. Saturd ad fair. wee came home. Black Cow & heiffer had a [ ]. Sunda 3d fair. Mr adams Pr all day. Mond 4th. a Townmeeting day about Mohe- gan but no voat passed. Tuesd 5 fair. I workt for Capt R. Christophers. about his boat. I Sent to Theophs Willman a Terse of Rum [ ] gal[lon] by Tim Mulford. I took no Rectt for it. was well.......... Wedensd 6. fair. I workt for Capt Christophers al day. Thursd 7 fair. I workt for Capt Christophers al day. fryd 8th fair. I workt for Capt R. Christophers. al day. a Lecture and a Warning for a Proprietors Meeting Next Thursd Signd p ye Govr. Saturd 9 fair. I workt on bord Capt Christophers al day. hot. Sund to fair. Mradams Pr. al day. Sacremt day. Deacon Douglass published to M— Bushnell Jno Mayhew a Child Babtizd. John & Joshua Baker Junr one Ja[mes]. Mond 11 fair. In ye foren I workt at Mending ye Highways at ye hill beond Stars. in ye aftern I went to Tho Williams to veiw some Staves & Timber he had [ ] Winthrops Land & yr was 9 Trees 31 Cutts. Thomas Left School at.............. to Mr Millers. Durgan went to Woyats to pasture. She is Lame. [ ] Haines had an Infant buried. Still born. Tuesd 12 fair. I workt on bord Capt R. Christophers al day. Wedensd 13 Cloudy & Some Small Rain. I workt on bord Capt R. Christophers al day. Thursd 14 fair. I workt at Capt Christophers Sloop a Large 4 day & thn I went to ye proprietors Meeting. fryday 15 fair. In ye foren I was up in Town fitting & geting Ready [ ] Boat to go to Long Island. I bought 1 hhd Rum of Mr [ ]. 121 gall in it for my Self & Theop Willman. I Recd 2 [ ] & 1 of Molasses of Capt Richd Christo- phers for Sil[ver]._ I workt 4 day on bord Capt R. Christophers. Saturd 16. I was al day Endeavoring to go to Long Island but [ ] back. I pd 2s od for a permission & 1 dozn Biskitt. Sund 17 Some Rain. Mr adams. Pr all day. J. Truman a Son Babtizd. Benja & Tho Leach Junr a Son Thomas. Rain at night. Mond 18th high wind. a brave Rainy day. I was in Town most of ye day. Capt Tho Prentts’ in ye Sloop Samll Arived from Barbados. al well. Capt Saxton Died. Tuesd 19th fair. I was in Town in ye foren, in aftern looking for Corn. I bought 20 bush of Jonat Rogers. I pd him 4os od in part. 3.p. Wedensd 21 fair. I was in Town 48 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1715 most of ye day Dividing the Effects of ye Sloop Samll. Abra Corah Arived fro Barbados. Thursd 22 fair. I was in Town Most of ye day divideing. fryday 23d fair. I went out bound for Long Island wth Jonat Hill & Nath In Jno Bayleys Boat. put back & Lay at Nayhantick. Saturd 24 fair. Crosed ye Sound to Oysterponds & Sunday to Easthampton. ; August ye 6 fryday fair. I Came over ye Sound. wee arived at the Lowerend neck & Landed our horses about 11 Clock night & Lay their. Saturd 7 fair. wee brought home ye boat & discharged her & pd 4os for [ ] Mr Hill pd tos od & I pd 20s od & am to pay Ios Od more........ iB BSR ME Ga: Bay wh Re We er is ala co a, Yeh aa sed acs ead ae ai Os a te sew eb qe Loy lay ie Leet ss RE OE HS AN BRS Se. Se) SR YRS BIR Se EE {VaMney PAR Se weather ye Count Court. .......... ese eee eee eee ceee se eaataniend uatecubauesies Sat at ye Meeting house. I was their. .............. Court all day. Jno King Arived fro Barbados. ............-46. Storm Left his Cables & Anchors behind. Richd Christophers...............00. both Sayled for Barbadoes. Come back & anchored in........... 000.008, Sayled in ye morning. Brother Hartshorn Come to town...........eee0. was at Court in ye forenoon & afternoon at home finnishing........ Gaging Rods GG... iiss dees tures fair. I was mowing in ye morn & yn at Court & yn Stacking hay. Rained Smartly in ye night. Thundr Showers. ....... Windy. a Small Shower. I was mowing al day & ye boys. ....[14].. Cool. Mr. adams Pr all day. Sarah ye Daughter of Clement [Sta] fford was Babtized by desire of an Ingagemt of ye granmother. .............. A Townmeetting. I was mowing in ye forenoon. in ye aftern at ye Meeting. i halt altel tu Rbariteny shld I went to poquonick wth Josh & Nath & fetched 62 Ct Hay [ ] Samll wch Deacon Morgan Prest...0...........0000. fair. [ was at home most of the day Rakeing hay &c. Stacked 1 Stack the other Side ye lot. Jos Harris Daniel Way Mr Griffing & Colver Preast oats. fb arfcaud akG ck weiecalboee aes I was at home Stacking hay & in Town Shiping horses. Darro & I Shipt Each of us a horse & one between us & wee pd [ ] fitting thm out. have pd my pt of Wages last [ ] & Recd my pt of ye Sugr [ ] was in partnership yt was sold to ye Tresurer p Mr Richds. Seal iva rate tiers I was about home al day. I fetched home a hhd Molassees ATOM (Stars v ato eva ue ceveie ae workt on bord ye Sloop Samll. Six gall Rum for ye horses [ ]between my Self & Darro & 3 gall between Hill & Starr. I went to poquonock to fetch Sotb hay for Mr Pickett. Josh [ ] went out. Came in again to ye harbours mouth. [21] Mr adams Pr. al. d. ye Samll Came up. Thund at night & Rain........00.......... fair. Most of ye day windy. I was veiwing Mr Arnolds Timber. I dd about 5 Ct hay to ye Samll Men for yr horses at 2s 6d p..............00004. was pulling flax & ye boys at Jo Lesters. ye Samll Sayled in ye morn........ fair. I was at home mowing most of ye day. I was in ye neck to see after my oats. uncle fox & Benja Reapt them. [25] Mistey. I was at home al day. Capt Jno Hough fell from a Scaff[old] about 15 foot from ye ground of from Mr Richd Christophers house ye S. E. Corner. Mortally wounded himself. Lived but an hour or two & died. I Sat up at night wth ye Corps. it is Suposed he Broke his Bowells. No bones broken. great wound in his left Thigh by a picked pale whch he fell on but tis likely he bleéd to death onside sieuine nue fair. I was at home most of ye day mowing & yn at ye funeral of Capt Hough............00.0... fair. I was at home al day mowing oats & Raking hay. Booth for So-hold [28] fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. a warning for ye Pattentttees Meeting to mor- POW Suen ekaiae Seaaiees Lowering. I was at home in foren. aftern at ye Pnttees Meeting. Some Showers & at night a Storm from ye Westwd Thundr & Lightning & much wind & Rain. held not long. it came aout 1715] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 49 MIdHiChtijcecseeseies geagweaets was with Mr Mitchell & Mr Coit & Arnold veiwing ye Timber and taking [of] it in order to have it aprized. I went to Look for Some yt was gone [ ] toward ye harbours mouth. Jno Pickett Sayled for Barbados................ was at Joseph Lesters Bind- ing oats & Carting ym & ye flax. I went wth ye Scow with ye boys & brought home ye oats & flax..............005. fair. I was at home all day Stack- Ing Oats Wend siauactives sesve Suwa wean a heae tee es fe EaGle wee te aie iipaaie ea eantjacter he pd Mr Arnold £11—11s—ood...............-0005 ect ee eet ecoa a ees fair hot. I was in Town in forn. aftern.............. Sund 4. Rainy before & at night. Mra pr. ald. Jos Tall[man Child Babtized] Samll & Christopher Darros Child Babtiz’d Wil{liam]. Mond 5 fair windy Cold. I went to Lyme & bought 112.............. Wm borden for wch I am to Send him 30 gall Molasses............ barrell. also I pd to Henry & Josh Champion 5.................. plank yt I am to have of ym about 3000. Tuesd 6th fair. I was about to get A man to work in ye forepart of ye day........ Latter pt at home Stacking hay & Rakeing. Wedensd .7. fair. I went for Killingworth wth my wife about her Sore 4 Bae abies to Ms Hull. I had Hannah’s Edgcumb’s Mare for my wife. Lodged at Mr Dotees at Saybrook. Expense 4s 5d. Thursd 8 fair but cloudy. Rain at night. I went to Killenworth & back to Lt Chalkers. Capt Killing Sayled for barbados. Lyon Gardiner from Lo Island. fryd gth fair. We Came to New london fro Lt Chalkers. Expence & ye ferry 2s...... Saturd 10 fair. I went In to ye Woods to get Some Timber. Wm Hoult Gabriel [ ]& Joshua David Conkling Junr & Lucy Lodged at our house Last [night]. Capt Tomson sayled for barbados. Sund 11th. Mr adams Pr. al. d. Jonat Hill a Son Babtizd John Step[hen]...... & Mary Leech published. a warning for freemans meeting. Mond 12 fair. I was most of ye day with the Comittee of ye Comon.......... Tuesd 13 fair. in ye foren I was Looking for a Cartter. in ye aftern at ye freemans meeting & Topping up my Stacks. Wedensd 14 fair. 1 was at home in ye foren. aftern in ye woods. Thursd 15 Rainy. I was at home al day. fryd 16 fair. Chapll Heiffer went to Bull this morning. I was at home most of ye day. 1 fetched ye boat from ye Gutt to go to Long Island. I took on bord from Mr Hill 2 bb Mo[lasses]. Saturd 17 fair. I Sett out for Long Island. Sund 18th. Wm young & Margarett H—........ Thursd Sept 29. Tho Ross & Sister Patience married. Stund 25th Jno Rouse &.............. Wedensd Oct 5th fair. I came home fro L. Island. Cows left off pasture at woietts. Thursd 6th fair. I workt about ye vessell in ye yard ye first day their. fryd. 7. fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Saturd 7 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Sund oth fair. no minister. Mr adams gone to Boston. I went to Groton mee[ting). Mond 1o fair. I was warning ye people to work at highways in ye morn & yn awhile in ye yard & aftern writing for Tho Bennatt & John Bolles. Cleveland Con [ Tuesd 11 fair. I was in ye woods in ye foren. in ye aftern in ye yard. Wedensd 12 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Mr White & wife Came fro Boston. tarryed [here]. Thursd 13 fair. I workt at highways. fryd 14 fair. I was about home & in Town forn. aftern in ye yard. Saturd 15 fair. I workt in ye yard 4 day & yn in ye woods. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams absent. Mr. White Pr. al. day. Mond 17 fair. I helpt Cart in ye foren in ye aftern in ye yard. Tuesd 18 fair till night. I was Carting & work in ye yard. foggy. Wednesd roth. Rain in ye morn & yn fair. I workt in ye yard. Thursd 2oth fair. in ye foren I was in Town Shiping 5 - 50 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1715 a hhd of Rum to Capt Sayre p Wm Warner. in ye aftern in ye yard. fryday 21 Rain in ye aftern. I workt in ye yard in ye foren. aftern wee helpt Joshua Apleton Raise his house. Showry & [ __ ]. Saturd 22. Squally. I workt in ye yard most of ye day. wee Raised ye House of Joshua Apleton. Raised a Little while wee not finished yesterday. Sund 23 Cold. fair most of ye day. a Snow Shower toward night. Mr adams Pr. al day. a warning up for a veiw of arms ye 31st Instant. Mr White went out & Came in again. ye wind blew too hard. he was at meeting aftern. Mond 24 fair. In ye foren I was wth Colln Smith & Mr White agreeing wth James to Carry ym to Oysterponds but Smith did not go. Mr White went to Jno harris’s in order to go wth Stanbury. about noon | went into ye yard to fetch some Tools In order to Draw a Draught & in ye yard. I was Endeavoring to Secure ye Stern Post & Trasom they being but Slightly Shored itt accidentally fell down & wth ye End of ye Transom I had a bad Stroak on ye Left hipp or hind part of ye thigh wch Bruised it much. I narrowly Escaped wth my life. Tuesd 25 Some Rain. I was at home al day Lame. Could not Ly down only on one Side. little wind. Wedensd 26 fair very Cold. I am very Lame at home. ye people gath- ered corn & finished. Thursd 27 fair. I was at home Lame al day. Mr White & wife Came back. fryd 28 fair. I am still unable to work. I Rid down into the yard with difficulty. Mr White & his wife went away wth Lyon Gardiener. I Recd a Letter & a bush wht of Capt [booth] fro Brothr Salmon. Saturd 29 fair. I am yet Lame at home. Jno Mayhew Arived Last night. Capt Richd Christophers came home wth him. Sold his Sloop in Barbados. Sund 30th Some Rain. I am at home lame. Mr adams Pr. al day. Mathew Coy & Sarah Welch published. a warning is up for ye 4th Company to Trayn mond. sevennight. Mond 31 Some Rain Lowering. a Thinn apearance at The veiw of Arms wch is turned into a Trayning day. I was outt in ye aftern. I Rode forth & home. November Tuesd 1 fair. Monday come Sevennight is a Trayning day appointed. ye Samll Arived fro Barbados. all Well 22 days passage. A poor voyage. I was in ye yard pt of ye day & in Town on bord Samll & at home fitting the Moulds &c. Wedensd 2d Lowering. I was at home Making Moulds in ye foren. aftern on bord ye Samll Dividing & making up acctts. Rain. Thursd 3d fair. I workt in ye yard. wee got up our Sternpost again. I helpt Nathanael Hoult Lower his frame 18 Inches. fryd 4 fair. I workt in ye yard & at home about Moulds al day. Brothr Hartshorn came to see us. is gone to Boston. Saturd 5 fair. In ye foren I went to Joseph Cheapells wth Nath & Robt and fetched home my Red Steer. in afternoon I workt in ye yard. I Sent my Horse to Samll Smiths to pasture. A pleasant day. Sund 6 fair. Mr. adams Pr. al d. Jno Woyat a Child Babtized John. Pleasant. Mond 7 fair Moderate. I workt in ye yard Most of ye day. Tuesd :8. fair in ye aftern. in ye foren Rainy. I workt in ye yard Most of ye day. Wedensd .g. fair. I workt in ye yard al day. in ye aftern Cold. Thursd ro fair. I workt in ye yard al day. fryd 11 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Saturd 12 Rainy. I went to 4 mile River wth Nath & Joash in Justice Proutts boat. Sund 13 fair. I came home fro 4 mile River on foot to Meetting & back at night. Mond 14 fair. I was at 4 Mile River Loading & Tuesd Came home at night. Wedensd 16 fair. A Thanksgiving day Throughout ye Collony. Mr ad. Pr. al d. Thursd 17th. I went to 4 mile River wth Joshua & Nathanael & got some plank out of ye boat. fryday 18. wee got of ye Boat wch had been a ground on ye flatts & anchored her off. Saturd 19 a Stormy day. ye Boat dragged her anchor & Came on Shoar and filled and 1715] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 51 damnified her on ye Rocks &c. Sund 20. I was wth ye Boat most of ye day. Easter updike & Ebe ways Son Nathanael Babtized & mary his wife took into the Church. it Rained at night. Mond 21. I got Cuz Thos Lee Jno Lay Josh Champion Jno Stocker James Smith & Jno Hew- son my Self & boys to get off ye Boat wch wee in Some measure Effected though not holely. Tuesd 22. ye County Court Satt at New London. I was at ye Boat Still Endeavoring to get her off. Jno Stocker & James Smith helped al day Each. not yet off. Wedensd 23. In ye foren I was getting up. ye boat. Stocker & Ja. Smith 4 day Each. wee came home & left her. Thursd 24. I was at Court al day on ye grandjury. fryd 25. I was at Court. Moses & Josh fetched ye pine plank from Wilsons. Saturd 26 fair. I went to 4 mile River wth Moses & Josh & Nathanael to Mend ye Boat. wee did our Endeavr to get her off & Mended her in part. Sund 27. it Snowed al day. a bad Storm. ye Boat Stove to peices. I was their al day. Mond 28. I was al day in Riging ye Boat & moses & Joshua & Saving wt Could. Tuesd 29 fair. Came home Last night to get Some body to fetch my plank but Could not. I Returned to 4 mile River. wee Loaded ye Scow &c. Wedensd 30th. wee secured the Rig- ging & Sailes of ye old Boat in James Smiths Shopp Chamber & yn itt was almost night & wee Came home. Rain. Thursd dec. 1. J was at Court part of ye day. Solomon Coit Brought home his wife from Charlstown. Snow at night. fryd 2. Snow in morn & yn fair. J was at Court in aftern. foren at home. Saturd 3. fair till night & yn Rain. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern Killing a Hieffer yt I bought of Nathanael Beckwith for £3—-15s—od. Shee weighed 368. Sund 4. Cattell went to wintering. fair. mr adams Pr. in ye forn & Mr Colton in ye aftern. he Pr. al Last Sab. day. Peter Hackley a Son Babtized ‘Marshall. fryday Last I Sent 5 Cattell to Winter att Samll Smiths 1 black white faced Cow yt I had of Mr Palmes 1 Red white faced 2 & vantage Steer Red pide Heiffer Same age white faced 2 yearling 1 Brown & 1 pide Red white back. Mond 5 Some Rain. I workt in ye yard & at home most of the day. I bought 18tb Leather yt was Sold at an outcry p Jno Morgan Collector. Tuesd 6. Cloudy Snow at night. I workt in ye yard most of ye day. wee Raised our frame Bends. I had my Scow brought home Laden wth plank. Wedensd 7. Cloudy Raw cold. I was about home & in ye yard al day. Thursd 8 Cloudy & misty. I workt in ye yard al day. little wind. fryd 9 fair Lowering.’ I workt in ye yard al day. little wind. Saturd to fair. I workt in ye yard al day—young fro Saybrook. Sund 11. Lowering Some Rain. Mr. ad. pr. al. d. Joshua Raymond Babtizd & William Hoults Child Katherine & Will Rogers’s Son Jordan and his wife took in to ye Church. Mond 12. Rainy most of the day. I was about home & in Town. Mr. Cooper came to work at our house. Goodman Jennings died this morning. Tuesd 13. I workt in ye yard most of ye day & at Jennings funeral. little wind. Wedensd 14 fair & very Cold. I workt in ye yard 4 day & yn in ye aftern I was in Town wth the Committee for ye Comons. Sarah Chappell come here. Thursd 15 Stormy. Snow (Cold) most of ye day. I was at home al day. fryd 16 Rain & Some Snow. I was in Town pt of ye day. I bought of John Lay 780tb pork 34d p tb. Saturd 17 Misty & foggy. I was at home al day Salting pork &c. Joshua & Moses & Nathanll fetched a Scow load of wood from Jno Tongs. Sund18 Rainy. a Warning fora Town Meeting 26 Instant. Mond 19. Rain Snow & Hail al day. I was about home. Tuesd 20 fair. I was about home in ye foren. in ye aftern in ye yard. Moses Cleveland Is gone home. Nathanael gone to Norwich wth 52 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 him. Wedensd 21. I workt & ye yard most of ye day. I killed 1 black pig yt I had of Jno Pendell Last Spring: 10 months old 120 pounds. Thursd 22 Lowering. Capt Killing Arived. I workt in the yard in ye forept of ye day & yn at home. I Sent 2 Cows vizt Durgan & Rachels Cow. ye boys brought my hog from Stockers yt I bought of him a moneth Since. he cost me then 25 Shillings & 8s 4d Since for keeping him. it weigh’s 143tb. fryd 23d Misty & (Some Rain) till near night yn fair. I was at home all day. I have Something in my Eye yt afflicts me much. wee killed ye other black pig. weit 108tb. Saturd 24 fair. I was at home al day. my Eye is bad. Mr Cooper left work this morn. hath worked 11 days. Sund 25. it Snowed much Last night & in the first of ye day & windy & Cold. I was at meeting but in ye aftern Mr ad. pr. ald. Hez Newcome Babtizd. Mond 26 fair. a Town Meeting to Choase T. officers. I was Chosen Townsmen. King & Cornwell Sayled for Barbadoes. Tuesd 27 fair till night & yn Snow. I workt in ye yard al day. little wind. Wedensd 28. Snow last night & in ye forepart of ye day. aftern I workt in ye yard. Thursd 29 fair. In the foren wee yoaked our Steers & Drawed up wood from the water side. In ye aftern I workt in the yard. fryd 30 fair. I was at home al day about Thrashing oats. Mr Starr brought my Boots from Saybrook yesterday. Lost one of ye Soshoon’s. Saturd 31 fair. I was at home all day Thrashing oats. I Sent 6 bushll on bord ye Samll. 1715 Jan. 1. Sund. Mr ad. pr al d. Jonat Dean of Plainfield publisht to Sarah Douglas widow. Mond 2d fair. In ye foren I was on bord ye Samll. in ye aftern I went to black point to veiw a [ ] boat their. I brought HONIG) sastreneacncutees Tuesd 3d fair. I workt on bord ye Samll better yn 3 day. Cold. Wedensd 4th. I was at home al day. I Sent down 3 Ct hay to ye Samll. Thursd 5 fair. I was at home al day. not well. fryd 6 fair. was in Town most of ye day wth ye Owners of ye Samll for Barbados making up acctts. Capt Fowler in Mr Picketts Sloop Sayld. ,Saturd 7th fair. In ye forn I was at home. made a Candlebox Contains 294tb. Sent p Mr prentts for garliks. aftern Making up accts. Manwaring for Barbados. Prentt’s fell down to ye Harbours mouth. I wrote a Letter of attorney for Peter manwaring to my Self & Recd of him £4—ss—46d in bills of Creditt to be pd to Isaac foot. Sund 8th little wind fair. Mr ad. Pr. al. d. & Babtizd his Son Thomas. Capt Prentts Sayled this morning. Mond oth little wind fair. a Townmeeting about ye Commons. Lattimer & Griffing Chosen Tavern- keepers. Tuesd toth fair. I was in Town wth ye Selectmen. pd ye Govr what was yet due to him for Preaching & took a discharge & wee Laid out a highway by Willsons house to ye Coave 4 Rod & 4 foot. Wedensd 11 fair. I workt in ye woods all day getting Timber & ye boys. Thursd 12 fair. I was in ye woods all day getting Timber & ye boys. fryd 13. it Snowed last night & this morn. I was helping Capt Hutton Lay ways. Saturd rq fair. I was helping Capt Hutton Lay ways. Jno Mayhew & Joseph Christophers both bound for Suranam Sayled & Come in again. wee Launched Capt Hut- tons Ship about 11 Clock night. went off well. Sund fair but violent Sharp & bitter Cold. ye Coldest day observable for many years past. Mr adams Pr. al day. Some people frozen going to [ ]. uncle Robert Douglass Died this Morning Suddenly. was taken Sick last night. he was at Town yesterday well. Mond 16 fair & Cold. I made ye Coffin & went to ve funeral of Uncle Douglass. Tuesd 17 Some Snow. I was at home in 7 foren & yn I went into Town to Ms Shapleys where Justice Prentt’s & I had ¢ 1745} Diary of Joshua Hempstead 53 agreed to Meet & debate ye Matter Concerning his boat (yt I lost before Mr Peter Harris & Richd Christophers who were arbitrators between us. they found Nothing for me to pay to him. Wedensd 18th fair. old Goodman Crocker Died. I was in Town all day. I borrowed of Lt Jno Richards £10 & gave him a bill to pay itt & ye Interest in one year. itt was my part of fitting out ye Sloop & all other acctts to this day are ballanced. I Sent for my hieffer home from Samll Smiths. John Lee buried. Died ye Measells. Jno Mayhew & Joseph Christophers Sayled for Suranam. Thursd ig fair. old Goodman Crocker buried. I went to Stonington & Groton. fryday 20 fair. I Came home fro Groton. Some Snow at night. Saturd 21 fair. most of ye day. I was at home al day. Sund 22. fair. Mr adams pr. al. d. Jo Minor Junr took into ye Church. David Minerd Babtizd. Mond 23d fair misty Thawing weather. I workt in ye yard al day. Nathanael gone to live at Solomon Coits. Tuesd 24th fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Wedensd 25 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. I went to Capt. Ja Rogers’s at night. Thursd. 26 Snow. I was at home al day. a bad Storm of Snow & wind. fryd 27 fair Cold. I workt at home al day. Capt Robt Denison’s wife Died. Saturd 28th fair. I was at home al day. Sund 29 fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. Mond 30 fair. I workt in ye yard most of ye day. Cloudy in ye morn. Tuesd 31 fair & Cold. I was in Town with ye Selectmen about Mohegan. Feb. Wedensd .1. fair & Cold. I was at home most of ye day. in the Latter pt I went to Justice Prentts’s with ye Townsmen to prosecute Wm Joyner for not going out of Town whn warned. he was fined Twenty Shill & ye Charge wch is 18s or their about. Thursd 2 Stormy much Rain. it Snowed Last night. I was at home al day. Samuel Curtice is at our house. Came yesterday. fryd 3d fair. Cold in ye morn. I went to Capt Wether- ells to get a writt against Benja Downing for not departing the Town whn Warned. Toward night I went to Justice Prentts’s to prosecute Sd Down- ing & Mr Keeney Died. Saturd 4 fair till night & yn Rain. I was at Mr Keeneys funerall and after yt at Justice prentts’s wth ye Selectmen about Downing. Sund 5 fair. Mr ad. Pr. in forn & Mr Colton in aftern. Mr Tim Green & Lt Walter Buttler Each a Son Babtizd Each named Thomas. Mond 6 fair till near noon & yn Snow. I was at home al day. Tuesd 7 fair most of ye day. a great Snow Last night & this morn. I was at the adjourned County Court wch Sat this day. My action with fish is barred. I have appealled to ye Supr Court. a Cold day. Wedensd 8th fair. I was at Court on ye Town action agst Downing & Cesar. Thursd gth fair. I was at Court all day on ye jury. Wm Hoults Child died. fryd 10 fair. I was at Court all day. ye Jury have done. Wm Hoults Child buried. Saturd 11 Rain Last night & all day. I was at Court about Downing & Cesar & I bought a quire of paper & a Cover & Made a book for the School & put ye School acctt in it & Left it at Mr Richds. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. da. Tho Latham & Anne Fosdyck Publisht. Mond 13 fair. I workt in ye yard all day. Tuesd 14 fair. a Court of probates. I was in Town & an arbitration between Wm Crocker & David Culver. Wedensd 15 Lowering. I was in Town with Cuz Samll & Wm Hide & Reckening wth Mr Christoprs & Pickett Most of the day. Thursd 16 fair. I was at home Writing about Mohegan most of ye day. at night Reckening wth John Hol- loway. fryd 17 fair. I workt in the yard al day. Saturd 18 Rainy. I workt at home al day. Sund 19th fair. day. Mond aoth fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Tuesd 21. Snowy al day. I was at home most of ye day. Wednsd 22 fair. I was at home all day. Thursd 23 fair. I was at home all day Making an Ovall Table. fryd 24 Lowering. I was % 54 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1716 Surveying land for John Rogers Junr. a Lecture. Saturd 25 Misty. I was in Town wth John Rogers Arbitrators &c. Sund 26 Rainy. Sacra- ment day. Mr ad. Pr. ald. a warning up for T Meeting 5th of Mar. Lt Joseph Bradford of Lebanon publisht to Wid Mary Fitch & George Burcham an old England man Pub to Priscilla Downing. Mond 27 fair. I was in ye yard & in Town drying ye New Sailes &c. I Sent out three Steers to Samll Smiths to keep a while by Robt & Stephen have had ye hieffer from thence 40 days. Tuesd 28 fair & very windy & Cold. I workt in ye yard al day. Wedensd 29 fair Cloudy. I was about going for plank but did not go. Thursd March. 1. Rainy. I went to pocatanuck for plank & Timber. little wind. fryd 2 fair. Daniel Hall Lanched. I was getting harppins & Loading plank. Saturd 3 fair. I came home wth a Scow Load of plank & Timber. Hills Negro & Josh. Sund 4 fair. Mr ad. Pr. al. d. a warn- ing up for T meeting. N. Holt Son babtizd Nathaniel. Mond 5 fair. a Town meetting. I was at it al day. Richd Skeriot died. Tuesd 6. I workt in the yard al day. Wedensd 7 fair. I went to Stoneington. I Lodged at Daniel Denisons. Thursd 8 fair. I come from Stoneington & Josh. very Windy. fryd 9. I workt in ye ward all day. wee began to plank. Saturd 10. I workt in the yard all day. Sund ii fair. Mr ad. pr. all day. Thomas Beebe Babtized. Mond 12th fair. I went to Colchester & to hebron & Lodged their. Tuesd 13 fair. I went to hartford East Side to Speake to Samll Pellet & back to hebron. Wedensd 14. I Came to Col- chester & lodged thr at night at Colemans. Thursd 15 fair. I Came home at night. Expense on this Journey 16s 6d. fryday 16 fair. I workt in ye yard all day. wee got our meals Round. Saturd 17 fair. I went to 4 mile River wth Joshua & Robt to fetch plank. wee got their & loaded & came back to black point & lay their till day. wee brought away Io plank from Rocky-neck & al ye great heap on ye west Side Except 7. Sund 18 Showery. I came from black point in ve morn & left ye Scow What wee Came in at ye gutt. Mr ad. pr. ald. I was at meeting in aftern. Daniel Hall & Eliz Mayhew published. Mond Ig fair. I went to Mr. Palmes’s in ye morn their by Sunrise. I came Round wth ye plank and unloaded & Carryed ye Scow up into Town to fetch bords. Tuesd 20 Rainy. I was about home & in Town at ye Govrs al day &c. Wedensd 21 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Squally. Thursd 22 Rainy Stormy. I was al day getting Ready to go to Long Island. fryd 23 fair very Windy. I was al day about home & in Town waiting on ye voyage. Saturd 24 fair very windy. I was in Town in foren about going to Long Island. in ye afternoon I workt in ye yard. Lomgee fro Southold & Wilson from york. Sunday 25 fair very Cold. mr ad. pr. al. d. Jno Gardiner & Sarah Saltonstall published. Apleton a son Babtized Joshua. a young woman buried between meeting yt lived with Mr Palmes. She died yesterday. Mond 26 fair Cold. I went to Long Island to Court. got to Southold before night. Tuesd 27. I went to Shelter Island. I Lodged at Shelter Island att Jno Havens’s. Wedensd 28. I went to Southampton to Court with Simon Rumsey.” Thursd 29th. wee agreed with Simon Rumsey to give him £230 to be pd £100 in april 1717 & ye Rest when wee Receive ye farm wch may be any time within 4 years as he Shal See Cause he giving us 6 months Notice. fryday 30. I went to Easthampton. Rainy at night. Saturd 31. I Stayed at Easthampton. I Recd £5 of Abiall Carl for Jonat Hill. Sund Aprill the .1. I went to Sag to meeting & back at night. Mon- day 2d fair. I went to Southold wth brother Tallmage. Tuesd 3 fair. I went wth Brothr Tallmage & Salmon to Rumseys at Ockabank and wee Took possession of ye house & farm & delivered itt again to Rumsey by a Lease for 1716] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 55 4 year one Shill p annum. Wedensd 4. wee went to Mr Parkers and took possession of a Lot of Land. came back again to So-hold at night. I waited for a wind to Come home till Monday ye 16th of this Instant & then I got over with Capt booth. I brought over 3 bushll wheat wch I bought for 3s od p bushell. Tuesd 17th fair. I was at home most of ye day not very well. Elizabeth Apleton & Mary Larabee Died Since I have been gone and George Buttolph Sayled for Barbados. Wedensd 18. I workt in ye yard al day. Thursd 19 Showery. I workt in ye woods geting Timber at Jones’s. fryd 20 fair. I workt in ye yard Most of the day. Saturd 21 fair. I was at home most of ye day Setting out Apletrees. Sund 22 fair. mr adams Pr. all day. Mr Winthrop a Son babtized John & Oliver Manwaring a Daughtr Hannah. John Rogers & his Crew att meeting foren & aftern. 5 of ym put into prison vizt Jno Boles & his wife Jno Culver & his wife & Jno Rogers Senr his wife but She was discharged next day. Mond 23 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Tuesd 24 fair. Mayhew Arived no Salt. a freemans meeting toward night. I went away for 4 mile River to fetch plank in Mr Coits Scow. Joseph & Joshua with me. wee got to poquoag & Lodged their. Wedensd 25 fair. I went to 4 mile River. Could not Load by Reason ye Surff was high. Thursd 26 fair. I Loaded & Came home. Left ye Scow at ye gutt at Nahantick. fryd 27 fair. wee fetched ye Scow home & wee Loaded her before night. Saturd 28. I workt in ye yard all day. Fowler & Manwaring aived from Saltetuda. Richd Christophers Sayled for Barbados. Sund 2g fair. mr adams Pr. all day. David Richds a Child babtized Martha. Mond 30 fair. I was in ye woods getting Topp Timbers. Prentts arrived from Barbados. May .1. Tuesd fair. I was in Town making up Rooms to put Salt in in Daniel Shapleys warehouse for Hill S. Edgecombe & my Self. Joshua Plowed for Corn wth Mr Winthrops oxen. Nath & Stephen brought home my horse & mare & 4 Cattell fro S. Smiths & 2 fro Jno Lays. the 2 Brig- genteens Tompson & King aived from Saltittuda. Wedensd 2. In ye foren I was down in ye Neck to get Ebe fox to work in ye aftern. I was on bord ye Samll helping unload Salt. Ihad 50 baggs. Thursd 3 fair. I was help- ing unlode Salt. I had 10 baggs more. fryd 4th fair. I was helping unlode. I had 12 bags more & thr is one more yet. all makes 73 bags Each 3 pecks makes out about 54 bushells. In ye aftern I went to fetch Timber from Joanes’s. a Shower at night. Saturd 5 fair. I was fetching Timber from Joanes’s. Sund 6 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Lydia Buttolph’s daughter babtized Lydia. Mond 7th fair. I went to mill in ye foren & in ye aftern in ye yard. Tuesd 8th fair. I was a helping Launch Braddicks Sloop at poquayaug. Benja fox helped the boys finish planting. Wedensd 9 fair. I workt in the yard al day or most ye day. Selectmen Mett in ye aftern to get Coppies & Send ym to Hartford about Mohegan. Thursd 10 Rain. most of ye day I workt in ye yard. fryd 11th. I workt in ye yard al day. I hired Maddm Winthrops Cesar 40s p Mo. Saturd 12 fair. I workt in ye yard all day. wee Shet in under ye Waales. Sund 13th fair. No minister. Mr adams gone to Election. a Warning up for a Trayning ye 2ist of this Instant. 2 Cows put in barttlets Lot. Mond 14. I workt in ye yard all day. wee got our upper Ribbens about & got in Some Topptimbers. Tuesd 15 fair. I wirkt in ye yard al day. N. Hoults Cow put in barttlets Lot in Mr Denisons Right. Wedensd 16 fair. I workt in ye yard all day. Amos Tinkers grandchild died about 3 mo old. Thursd 17 fair. I workt in ye yard Most of ye day. Joans’s Child buried. fryd 18 fair. I workt in ye woods getting Timber. Saturd 19 fair hot till near night ye wind came E & Clouded over. I workt in ye woods al.d. Some Rain in the night. Samll Harris fro Boston. Sund 20 fair & Cloudy. Mr ad. pr.ald. a Warning is 56 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1716 up for ye Neck Company 28th. Mond 21 fair Cloudy. I was at Trayning all day. The Companys to Trayn Next Mond. Tuesd 22 fair. I went to Samll Smiths & four mile River. I brought home 5 Sheep & 2 Lambs. Wedensd 23 fair. I was in ye yard & in Town al day. Thursd 24 I work in ye yard al day. wee brought on ye Clamps one Side. fryd 25 fair. I work in ye yard all day. I had 1 bush Corn of Roff ground & 1 bush Wht. Saturd 26 fair Raw Cold Windy. I workt in ye yard al day. wee got in 4 beams. Sund 27th. Mr Adams Pr. al day. Raw Cold. much Rain at night. Mond 28 Cloudy. a Trayning day. I was at Trayning all most of ye day & at John Rogers’s Measuring Land. Tuesd 29 fair. I workt in ye woods most of ye day geting Timber. Wedensd 30 fair. I was at home al day weeding Corn. Thursd 31 fair. I workt in ye yard Most of ye day. fryd June ye first fair. I workt in ye yard al day or most of itt. Saturd 2 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Hutton’s Ship under Sail for fairfield. Sund 3d Some Rain after meeting. Mr ad. pr. al. d) Wm Minerds wife buried. died yesterd. Joshua Moor a Child babtizd Mary & Jno vibber one Mercy. Mond 4th Some Rain. I workt in ye yard while near noon & then I went to four mile River in Mr Coits Scow brought my plank & Timber & Came back to ye millsone point & left ye boat & Came home. wind Shifting from S Eto S & back to N E fresh. Tuesd 5 Rain. I workt in ye yard al day. the C. Courtt is dropt by Reason the Genll Court have apointed No Judges. a Sloop from Newport brought home 3 hhds & 2 Terses Rum for ye owners of ye Samll. Wedensd 6 fair. I was in Town all day Dividing ye Rum yt Come home. King fell to the har mouth. Thursd 7 fair. I was getting Some Timber & fetching home ye Scow all day & night. fryd 8 fair. I workt in ye yard all day after wee had unloded ye Scow. Saturd oth fair. I was in Town al day Dividing Rum &c. Rain at night. Sund 1o fair. Mr ad. Benja Ingle & Mary Stubbins Publisht. Mond 11 fair. In ye foren I was dividing Rum in ye aftern fetching Timber and in the yard. I had mr Winthrops oxen & Cart 4 day. Tuesd 12 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Hutton arived & King & Pickett came up. Wedensd 13 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. wee got in our Main beams. Thursd 14 fair. I work in ye yard in ye foren & in ye aftern in Town about Shipping my horse on bord ye Samll & making up acctts & Richd Douglass Raised his house. fryd 15 fair. I went to Preston to get a Caulker. Some Rain toward night. Saturd 16. I Came home from Preston. Mayhew King & Pickett Sayled for Barbados. Prentt’s fell down to the Harbour’s mouth & Stayd till Morn- ing. Sund 17 fair. Mr ad. Pr. al. d. a Sacremt day. Jno Moor a son babtiz’d Asa & Ruth Woodworth a son Asa Tho Butlers wife took into ye Church. Tho Prentt’s Sayled this morn. Mond 18 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Goodm Ricks Come to work for four pounds fifteen Shill p month half Goods (vizt) Salt & Rum. Tuesd 19 fair. I workt in ye yard Most of ye day. later part I went to Isaac foxes with the Rest of ye Towns- men to See if wee Could Rectifie a highway. Wedensd 20 fair. I workt in ye yard Most of ye day. I Sent Aunt Salmons Cloathserge & Daniel youngs’s Druggets by Joseph Trueman & N Darro. Thursd 21 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. fryd 22 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. John Christophers Sayled for barbados. Saturd 23 fair. In ve foren I went in to ye woods to Cart boat Timber & a knee wth Mr Harris’s oxen & Lt buttlers Cartt. in ye aftern in ye yard. Sund 24th fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Jonat fanning a Child babtizd Eliz Samll Daniells one grace. Mond 25 fair. I was in ye woods in ye foren & in ye aftern in ye yard. Tuesd 26 fair. I workt in ye yard all day. Peter Manwaring Sayled for Antegua. Wedensd 27 fair. In ye forept of the day I went into town to fetch deck nailes & to get plank for 1716] Diary of Joshua Hempstead Sy Gunwellwaals. in ye aftern I went up to Brewsters farm wth Jno Coit to Look for a Boom & bowspritt & found them. Thursd 28 fair. In ye foren I was in Town drawing off ye Remainder of our Rum in partnership between Christopr Darrow & I & I have had 1 bb 29 gall & 1: 364 gall & 16 gall & 4% gall in all 58 gall & 1 gall to Sister Mary & 1 gall I have [ ] weh [ }. Thursd 28 fair. In ye aftern I workt in ye yard. fryd 29 fair. brother Hartshorn Come here. he pd C. Darrow & I all tht was due to us. I workt in ye yard in ye foren. afternin Town. Saturd 30 fair. a Thundr Shower toward night. I workt in ye yard al day. . July .1. Sunday fair. Mr. adams Pr al d. a Contribution for Elis Bishop. [David] Huntley of Lyme & Mary Munsell published. Mond 2 Rainy most of ye day. I workt in ye yard al day. Tuesd 3d fair. In ye foren I workt in ye yard. in ye aftern I went to Allyns to fetch boat bords. Benja fox Indian Jo & Timoth Lester Mowed. Wedensday 4 fair. I went to Brewsters & Cut a Boom & bowspritt & yn I.Came home & unloaded. I borowed 81 foot plank of Samuel Edgecombe to Make Gunwaal Waales. he had a breast hook of me wch overpd him. Thursd 5 fair. I Sent a half bb 164 gall & a firkin 74 gall of Rum by Wm Elery to Capt Tallmage of Easthampton. Capt James Rogers a Still born Child buried. I workt in ye yard al day. fryd 6 fair. I workt in ye yard in ye foren aftern Stack- ing. Saturd 7 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. wee began to Lay ye deck. Sund 8 Some wet drisley. Mr adams Pr. al. d. Mond 9g fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Tuesd to fair. I workt in ye yard al day—Ricks is gone to Caulk Peltons Sloop & Robt with him in Exchange with Thomas harris 2 & 4 Seems for one day of him & wt he doth more I am to give him day for day. Wedensd-11 fair. Tho Harris, James Bayley, & Jacob Ally Come to work. hot. I workt in ye yard al day. Thurs 12 fair hot. I workt in ye yard al day. I Recd 22s of Jno Daniels for ye use of ye School. I dd him his bill wch was in my hands. fryd 13 fair hot. I workt in the yard al day. I Recd 22s of Tho Crocker for ye use of ye School. Saturd 14 fair hot. I workt in ye yard al day. wee finished planking Starboard Side. Sund 15, fair hot. Mr adams pr. al day. Mond 16 fair till Near Night & & yn Some Rain. I workt in ye yard al day. Tuesd 17 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Wedensd 18 fair. I workt in ye yard al day Except going in ye morning to fetch Duke & Calf from Joseph Cheapells. George Buttolph aived from Barbados 25 days passage. al well. Thursd 19 fair. I workt in ye yard Most of the day. Rain Last night. fryd 20 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Saturd 21 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Sund 22 fair. Mr ad. Pr. al. d. Henery Brooks a Child Babtized Josiah & Thomas Butler one Thomas. Mond 23 fair. I workt in the yard al day. Tuesd 24 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. T. Harris Ja Ally & James Bailey left work. Wedensd 25 fair. I workt in ye yard al day. Norman a Ship fro England. Thursd 26 Some Rain Drisley. I workt in ye yard al day. fryd 27 Some Showers. I workt in ye yard al day. Saturd 28 fair. I workt in ye yard al day al hands a Graving. Sund 29 fair but Misty. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Mond 30 fair. I was all day Getting Waylogs & Launching Timber. my wife delivered of a Daughter about Sunset In good [ ]. Tuesd 31 fair. Wee Launched our Sloop. She went off well. Robert Allyn is Comitted to the prison for Shooting John Pelton in ye Right arm & breast wth Small Shot yesternight. his arm is Cut off near his Shouldr to Save life. August 1. Wedensd fair. I was in Town Most of ye day with ye own- ers. Thursd 2 fair. I went to fishers Island to fetch a mast yt I bought of Mr Ja Lord for £3 & he to allow ye fetching & Salvage out of it. I had with me Daniel Way Tho Dart & Joshua & Nathanael. wee got it off ye South 58 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1716 Side & brought it to ye East harbour. fryd 3 fair. wee brought home ye mast before noon. I went to Lecture. Madm Eliz Winthrop took in to ye Church. Saturd 4 fair. I was in ye yard about Town al day. my wife very Ill. Mr Winthrop come to visit her in ye Evening used means for her Relief & Mr Miller Let her blood in. Sund 5 fair. my Dear Wife Died about half an hour before Sunrise. I was at home al day except in the Even- ing I went to ye burying place. Monday 6 fair most of ye foren. the body of my dear wife was buried about 2 Clock in ye aftern. it Rained Stiddy till Late in ye night a Smart Storm. ye Sloop is put on Shore. I Carryed my babe to Mary Trumans at night to Nurse. Tuesd 7 fair till night & yn Rain. I was down to Capt Rogers’s to get a Nurse for my Infant. it Rained much in ye night. Wedensd 8 Rain most of ye day. I was about home & in Town. Thursd 9 fair. I workt in ye yard in ye foren & in Town in ye aftern. Joshua Is very Ill to day with a Sore Throat & fevar and Rachel hath been Ill 3 days wth a feaver & flux. Joshua was taken Extream bad about Midnight. I called Mr Jer Miller ye Schoolmaster & physition who Readyly gat up Came to See him & tarryed al night using Such Means as he thought most proper. fryd 10 fair. my Dutyfull Son Joshua Died about Noon like a Lamb being 17 years & 20 days old a patren of patience. I was at home al day. Saturd 11 fair. I was at home al day Except going to ye funerall of my dear Child who was Interred by his Mother about 2 or 3 of ye Clock afternoon. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. my daughter Mary babtized. Monday 13th fair. I was in the yard in ye foren & aftern in Town & writing a Lease for Samll Burrows. Tuesd 14th fair. I workt in ye yard & woods al. d. I Sent 2 Cows to Capt Rogers’s to pasture vizt Dur- gan & ye black pide Cow I had of Mr palmes. Wedensd 15 fair Cloudy. I was at home al day Stacking hay. Thursd 16 a Thundr Shower. I was about Town Most of ye d. Capt Hutton fell down to ye Harbours mouth 45 horses. fryd 17 fair. I workt on bord al day. Saturd 18 fair. I workt on bord in ye forenoon aftern at home. Sundigth. Mr ad. pr. al. d. much Rain. wee got of ye Sloop in ye Evening. Mond 20 fair. I workt on bord al day. Danll Dart Mowed. Tuesd 21 fair. a Special Court. I was at it in ye aftern. forn on bord. Wedensd 22 fair. I was on bord in ye foren. aftern at Court. wee Raised the Sheers to Set ye Mast. wee Splitt ye block & left off. Thursd 23 fair. I was at Court & at alewife plain with the Jury. I Sent a Cow & Steer to Capt Rogers’s to pasture. Edgcumbs they Set ye Mast. fryd 24 fair. I was about Town & at Court Most of ye day. I was on bord in ye foren Sometime & Stacking hay at Night in Smiths Lot. Capt Hutton & Buttolph Sayled for Barbados. I dd 2 Let- ters to Samll Gardiner. 1 for brother Tallmage & one for Capt Josiah Top- ping with a bill of £10 in it about Indian Joe. Saturd 25 fair. I was at home al day Stacking &c. little wind forn. aftern fresh. Sund 26 fair but Lowering & Misty. Mr Eliot of Killingworth Pr al day. Mond 27 fair. 1 was al day mowing oats at Joseph Lesters & Nath. Abigal Sich with a fever & bad Cold. Tuesd 28 fair. I was at home al day physicking abigal. Wedensd 29 fair. I was about home mending fence & looking after Abigal who Remained very Il. Sarah Griswold began ye 2d time. Thursd 30 fair. I was att home in ye foren. on bord in ye aftern. I Carted ye Boat bords & Timber fro ye yard. Tho Prentts & Pickett Arived from Barbados. all well. fryd 31 fair I was about home part of the day & part in Town & on bord the Samll who were unloading. Capt King Arived. al well. Saturd Sept. 1. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in town on bord ye Samll. wee made up acctts with the Master & paid him wages for ye voyage. my part was 45s 8d. _ I pd also 2s 8d for some old bread. Sund 2 1716] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 59 Cloudy. Mradprald: MHenery Dillemore & Joanna Edgcumbe publisht Wm Hoult & his wife took into ye Church. Andrew Palmes a Child Babtizd Edward & George Buttolph one Hannah. Mond 3 fair. in ye foren I fetched home a hhd Molasses from ye Samll. in ye aftern I was in town in order to divide but could not agree. a Bull with ye Cows Especially duke & perhaps ye Blue Cow I had of Wm Minor. Tuesd 4th fair. In ye foren I was at home Topping up Stacks. in ye aftern I was with the Rest of ye Townsmen. Made up acctts with the Collectrs & paid Mr adams £90 for Last yeas Sallery. I pd my Countray Rate to Richd Rogers Constable 15s 1d. Wedensd 5 drisley in ye morn. fair Most of ye day. I was al day with the Townsmn Lay out a highway from Colchester bounds to N. L. Thursd 6 Some Rain. I workt on bord part of ye day & pt att home. fryd 7 fair. I workt on bord al day. Tim Mulford Sayled for N. york. Lucy Conkling is with him. gone toa Doctor. She is pined away almost to nothing. She died near N. york with ye doctor Griswold. had 2 fitts at night & one Next day at noon. Saturd 8 fair. I workt on bord most of the day. toward night I went in to Town. the owners of ye Samll Divided 2 hhds Rum. I gt 109$ ye best Mr Richds & Wilson had & are to give 3d on ye gall advance. ye other not good 1054 I Recd 13 gall wch I brought home & 12 gall & 4 I Let ye $ owners in Lieu of 114 Due Last voyage al 25 gall. Jno Mayhew Arived. all well. he Spent his Mast or Cut it away. Sund g fair. Mr ad pr. al. d. Natt Daniels & Bash Beckwith published & pulled down p his father. Jonat Haines an Infant buried between Meetings. a twin a few days old. Mond roth fair. I was at home al day. I made a pr breeches for Thos & Cut Stalks. Tuesd 11 fair. a freemans Meeting. Ja Rogers & Jno Richards Chosen deputies. I was at meeting & in Town. I pd Josh Champion all yt was due for plank. Wedensd 12 fair till night & yn Rain. I was about home & gathering Aples at Holmes’s Lott & Making Cydar at Mr Coits. Rain al night. Brother & Sister Tallmage Come to see me at night. Thursd 13 Cloudy. I was at home al day & about home. Some Rain. fryd 14. Misty. I was at home & Making Cydar at Mr Coits Mill. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home & making Cydar al day. Sund 16 fair. Mr Adams Pr al d. Mond 17 Cloudy &c. I was at home all day. Tuesd 18 fair. Brother Tallmage & Sister is gone home & hath Carryed away my pritty babe Elizabeth & Thomas to keep her Company a while. I went with them to Goshen & Tarryed at Jonat Rogers’s till ye Boat was out of Sight & thn I went to Capt Rogers’s & so home. Stephn with me. Wedensd 19. I workt att mending highways at the Bridge near Smiths lot. Thursd 20 fair. I workt at highways & made Cydar. I have made g barlls for my Self & 24 for Mr Denison. fryd 21 fair. I was at home & in Town to ye Govers to Get a writt Signed. Saturd 22 fair. I was at Groaton to answer Capt fish on acctt of Samll Burrows mowing my Island of Salt Marsh. Sund 23 fair. Mr adams is gone to Boston to Minister. I went to Groton to meeting. a warning up for Townmeeting Ist of Octobr. George Rich- ards & Esther hough, Tho Bartlett & Elizabeth Plumb published. Mond 24. I was at home most of the day. Tuesd 25th fair. the Supr Court Sat. I was at it al day. Wedensd 26 fair. I was at Court all day. 1 finally Cast Creesy for 8 acres of Land & Cost wch is allowed to be £44—6—od. Thursd 27 fair. I was at Court al day. fryday 28 fair till near night & yn Rain. I was at Court Most of ye day. I wthdrew my action agst Capt. Fish for 200 acres by Reason wee Could not hitt upon an Isue. Mr Lamb & his wife at our house. Saturd 29 fair. I was at Court al day. Robt Allyn had his Sentance to pay Pelton £500 & to pay for his Cure & al Charges & £40 fine 60 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1716 wth £1000 bond for his good behaviour till Next Supr Court in march. Sund 30. Mr Willard Pr. in foren & mr Phillips in ye aftern. Octobr. 1. Mond fair. A Town Meeting. I was at it in the aftern. In the foren I was fetching hay from Barttlets Medow. Mr Lamb & wife gone. Tuesd 2d fair. I was about Town to ye weavers & Shoemakers &c. Wedensd 3 fair. In the forept of ye day I was fetching hay from Barttlets Medow in Groton. in ye Latter pt at home. wee began to gather Corn. Cornwall arived from Barbados. Thursd 4 fair. I was all day at Launch- ing ye Groton Sloop at Lathams. fryd 5 fair. In the foren I was mending Barttlets fence agst Mr Coit. he also helped 4 day & his Son Thomas & he found 20 Railes & 6 posts. in the aftern at home. toward night I went into Town & fetched home my Share of ye Cotton wool yt came home in ye Samll about 8 or 9 tb. Nath & Robt is gone to Carry 8 bushlls Salt to Robt Stod- ders for Mr Ricks. Saturd 6 fair. I was at home al day Stacking hay & Carting Corn. Sund 7 fair. Mr adam is not at home but did not preach. Mr Rogers pr al d. Mond 8 fair. I was about home all day. Tuesd 9 fair. I went to Stonington & Lodged at Ebe Williams's. T. Barttlet & Eliz- abeth Plumb Maried. Wedensd 10 fair. I Came from Stonington & Gro- ton. I Lost my time by Reason the Constable was not at home. Expenses 3s 4d. Thursd 11 fair. in ye foren I workt on bord. aftern Wolf hunting. wee kild none. fryd 12 fair. in the forn I workt on bord. in aftern Mak- ing up acctts. Saturd 13 fair. Much Rain at night & Windy. I was out wth Aply going to L Island. it over blew. Tuder wth 2 Sloops bound for barbados put in for harbour. I took out 1 firkin of Sugr out of my bb in ye Samll. gt 74 tb. I brought home about 3 fb. a Storm at Night. Sund 14. Stormy. Mr ad pral day. Mond 15 fair. I was at Trayning al day. I had helpt unload Aplys boat wch was drove a Shore on Manracock. I Lost my 74 tb Suger by the Boats filling. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home and in Town waiting upon going to Long Island. I filled my firkin of Suger again & put it & 1 fir Molass & 2 bags Aples on bord Johnson. their hath been a Wolfhunting & they have killed 5 Wolves & Wounded 1 or 2 more. Capt Clerk of Rhoad Island Laden wth Staves Run on [ ] & Stove her So yt She filled. the have brought up into ye [ ]. about 11 or 12 at night I went on bord Ebe Johnson bound for Easthampton. wee Come to anchor under ye East Side Gardiners Island & Lay their till day. ye wind blew very hard. Wedensd 17. wee went to Easthampton & Landed at a place Called Barns’s hole & we got up to Town a little before night. I Tarryed at Brother Tallmages till Monday morning & then he & I & Sister Mary went to Southold. we Lodged at Brother Salmons Monday & Tuesday night. wedensday came back to Southampton & Lodged at Howells & Thursday wee Came to Sag & Stayed there a while & then to Easthampton. a friday I Stayed at E hampton & Saturday Came home with Mr Apply. my 3 Cows out of Mr Coits Lot. they have been in 19 days. Sund 28th fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Jno Wade 2 Children babtized Thomas & Duran. a warning is up for ye Neck Company to Trayn mond & tuesd Come Sevennight. Mond 29th fair. a Trayning day both Companys in arms Shooting at Marks. it Rained hard at night tht I Lodged at Capt Latimers. Tuesd 30th Snow in ye morn & Some Rain Cloudy & Cold in ye aftern. I was about home most of the day. Wedensd 31 fair. I went to Groton to Mistick and Came back to Deacn Morgans & Lodged their. I Sold my first Division at Nowayank to Justice Smith for 40s & agreed wth Dea Morgan for £4—10—o for my Second Division. Thursd Nov 1 a flattering day wind N& SW&NE.S. W. again at night. I Came back to Groton. I Sold 2 Sheep at Jno Williams’s for 12s. 1716] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 61 George Buttolp Arived Last night from St Cits 15 days passage. he hath been taken by a pirate who took away his Cloaths & Some other things. fryd 2 fair. I was helping Samll Egcumbe Launch his Sloop for P. Man- waring. wee Launched about 8 Clock at night. Saturd 3d fair till near night & thn a Shower of Snow. I went to Majr Merriots to Speak wth Caleb Raymond. a Ship from boston bound to Saybrook Capt Cheevers Com- mandr at harbrs mouth. Sund 4th fair Cloudy Raw Cold. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Jno Peek a Daughtr babtizd Mary. a proclamation for a pub. Thanksgiving 14th Instant. Mr. Coit & Pickett came home wth Tim Mulford from Gard- ners Island & Easthampton. old Mare went to pasture 2d time to Samuel Harris’s. Mond 5 Cloudy. Jno Coits 3 Cows Come to pasture 19 days. I was in Town al day about going to Long Island wth Timothy Mulford. an Infant buried of Jno Morgans. I Recd of Constable Samll fish £3—-1s—6d in full for to answer an Execution agst Peter Creery alies Capt Samll Fish. Tuesd 6th fair. I went wth my Little daughter mary & Mary Truman (on bord Timothy Mulford bound for Long Island) to be landed at Oysterponds but by accident Could not gain ye oysterponds. wee lay under Gardiners point al night. Wedensd 7 fair. wee arived at Easthampton harbour a little before night & went to Town to brother Tallmages & their wee lodged till Tuesday following. windy & bad wether. Tuesd 13 fair. wee went from Easthampton to Shelter Island. brother Tallmage Rode down as far as hog neck. wee Lodged at John Havens’s on Sd Island. Wedensd 14 fair. wee got over to So-hold by Meetingtime it being Thanksgiving day their as well as throughout Connecticut government. Thursd the 15. we Tarryed at brother Salmons. I went to ye oysterponds toward night to Seek for a passage home & Returned to Town again. 16th. Molly to Nurse for 3s 6d p week with her aunt. fryd 16. I left Molly wth Sister Salmon for 3s 6d p week. I Sold a third part of 40 acres of land by david Gardiners to Bar- nabas Wynes for £14. he pd me £13 & 20s in paper to brother Salmon on my acctt. fair. in ye Evening I came down to ye Oysterponds & tarryed their till Monday. Sund 18. Daniel Stubbins publisht to Ms Minerd & Abial Wyer to Abiah Culver. Mond 19 fair. I got home in Mr Beebees boat for 12s. landed at ye lower end Tinkers fen[ce]. Tuesd 20 a Storm at night. fair in ye foren. I went over ye ferry to get a boat to fetch Mr Safford from ye oyster ponds. I agreed with Samll Latham for 20s. in the afternoon I was at home killing Cattell. I killed 2 & Wm hoult 1 he had of me. Wedensd 21 fair. I was at home most of the day. wee killed 2 Cows. mr Dart Carryed the Sloop up to Mr Richards Wharff. black Cow weighed Secrets Round and durgan 376 Round. my Steer about 412 Round or Rather less. Thursd 22d fair. I workt on bord ye Sloop & Nathanael. fryd 23d fair Cold. I was most of ye day getting a Writt Signed & in writing it & Carrying it to the Constable to Cite Jno Rogers Junr Jno Smith on ye Exec- utors of Wm Camp to Avouch ye Sale of Smiths lot wch I am now Sued for by Richd Bowin &c. in aftern I workt on bord. Saturd 24 fair. I work on bord al day and Nath. I Sent 26 Sheep to Winter at John Cham- plins from ye Midle of this Mo to 1st of April. 12d p ps & 3 afer wends. Sund 25 fair & Cold. Mr ad. pr. al day. it Rained Last Night. Mond 26 fair Lowering. Snow at night. Cuzn Richd Lord & Natt Larabe & his Sister Benjamin Lodged here at Night. I workt on bord al day. Tuesd 27 Cloudy. ye Court Sat. I was at Court al day on ye grand jury. Wedensd 28 fair Cold. I was at Court al day on ye grand jury. Thursd 29th fair Cold. I was at Court on ye Grandjury al day. fryd 3oth fair Cold. I was at Court al day. wee finished on ye Grandjury. Dec t Saturd fair Cloudy. I was at Court atending on Bowin Case. 62 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 ye Court is adjourned till Mond Come Sevennight at 12 Clock. Sund 2 Rain in ye aftern. Mr. ad. pr. al day. A Storm at night. Mond 3 fair. I was helping Divide Jno Rogers’s Lot between him & his Sister Crossman, with Capt Latimer & deacon Plumbe. Tuesd 4 fair pleasant. I was help- ing divide poguoyoag between James Rogers (on acctt of his brother Samll) & Bathsua Rogers—little wind. Wedensd 5 fair very Cold. I went to Groton. ye Constable Samll Fish delivered me ye .8. acres of Land yt I Received of Peter Creery at Mistick. Windy. Thursd 6 fair bitter Cold. I was at Groton al day. I Lodged at deacon Seaburys last night. fryd 7th fair Cold. I Lodged at ye ferry last night. could not get over. I Came home in ye morn. went to work on ye Boat & to Lecture. Saturd 8 Snow in ye foren. aftern Small Rain. I workt at home al day on ye boat. Sund g fair. Sacrement day, Mr. ad Pr al day. Mond 1o fair pleasant. I[ workt on bord ye Sloop al d. & Samll Edgcumb & Ebe Hubball. the Court Sat by adjournment. Tuesd 11 fair. I was at Court half ye day & ye other half at work on bord. Moderate. Wedensd 12 fair. I was at Court al day. Ebe workt on bord and S. E & he too. yesterday Ruth Peck come to work. Rachel being Sick. Thursd 13 fair. I was at Court al day. Capt Norman Sayled. Cold. fryd 14 fair. I was at Court al day. Saturd 15 fair. I was at Court al day. Sund 16 Cold Squall of Snow. Mr ad. pr al. Warning for T. Meeting 24 Instant. Mond 17. I workt on bord al d. & N & Woiet about ye Stern & quarter peices & Wm Hoult 4 day Caulking. Moderate Snow & much Rain night. Tuesd 18 I was att Court all day. Moderate. Wedensd 19 fair till night & yn Snow. I was at Court al day. moderate. Thursd 20 fair Cold. I was at Court ald. I gained ye Action Agst Bowin. fryd 21 Snowy al day. I was at home al d about ye boat & at Night making up ye Town accounts wth ye Townsmen. Saturd 22d fair Cold. in ye foren Snow. in ye aftern I was at home about ye boat. Sund 23 Cold Cloudy. Snow last night. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 24 fair Pleas- ant. a Town Meeting day. ye Same Townsmen yt were last year & wee were Chose in ye Same Order. I was at Meeting in afern. in foren about camboose. a Ship from Saybrook. Capt Creevers of boston. Wm Hoult al d. about Camboose. I Sent 3 Sheep to Jno Champlins wth Joseph True- mans Sheep & 26 before. Tuesd 25 fair most of ye d. toward night a Squall of Rain & hail & Snow. In ye foren I was about at ye farms and got Wood for ye School. aftern at work on bord & Wm Hoult al day. Capt Prince put in. Sprung a Leake. Wedensd 26 fair Cold. I went to Groton to get Staves to Allyns & Stodders. Capt Prince went out for R. Island. Thursd 27 Rainy. I was at home al. day at work on ye boat & Wm Hoult. fryd 28th fair. I workt on bord al day & Wm H. § day. Saturd 29th fair pleasant. I workt on bord al day & Nath 4 ye day—little wind. Sund 30 Cloudy Some Rain. a Thawing day. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Richd Christophers a Child Babtized Mary & Wm Hoult one Sarah. Mond 31 foggy & Misty for most of ye d. I workt at home on ye boat & Samll Edgcombe. Wm Coit Came to work. 1734 Jany. 1. Tuesday fair Moderate. I workt at home al d. boat& SE & W Coit. Wedensd 2 Rainy. I workt at home al day on ye boat & S. E. & W C. Woyat on bord. Thursd 3d fair. I workt on ye boat $ day & ye other on bord & Wm H 3 day & S. E.$ day. Manwaring & Woyat all day on bord. Set his Mast. fryd 4 fair. I workt on bord al day 4 about ye Stern & 4 about Jobbs. Wm Hoult al day also. & S E & We about ye boat. Natt 174 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 63 & Steph on bord. Jno Christoprs came in again. he Sayled yesterday. Saturd 5 Some Rain. I workt att home in ye foren about ye boat. in ye aftern on bord about ye Camboose. S E & W.C. on ye boat. Much Rain at night. Sund 6 fair. Mr Adams Pr al d. Benja Star a Son babtized Willm & Wm Rogers one Jeremiah. Mond 7 fair. I was in ye woods in ye foren getting harpins for ye boat & oars. in ye aftern at home about ye boat & W. H & Woyat on bord. Tuesd 8 fair. in ye foren I workt about ye boat & in ye aftern about oars. S E & W. C on ye boat & W. H. on bord & Woyat. Wedensd 9 fair. I workt at home all d. 4 day on ye boat & 4 day on yeoars. SE& W.C.ald.on ye boat & W. Hal d.onbord. Thursd 10 Lowering. I workt at home 4 day. and aftern I & Nathll about beams for ye horse Arning. S E & W Cal d. on ye boat began to bord her under ye Waall. W H on bord } day on bord & ye other $ about oars & Woyat al d. fryd 11 Rainy al day. workt 4 day on ye oars & 4 day on ye boat. SE & WC aald._ Serj Daniel Lester an old Man died Last night about Midnight. Saturd 12 fair. Picers Sayled for madara. Cold in ye foren. I workt at home in ye foren about Timber for ye horse Arning & Nath. in ye aftern at ye funerall of Sergt Lesters who was buried in arms. Jno Christophers Sayled for Barbados. Sund 13 fair. Mr ad pr. al. d. Josh Apleton & Jane Shaply publisht. Mond 14th. it Snowed Last night & Rained Small al day. I went into ye woods & found a galf & fell itt. hewed part. S. E. & W C on boat. Tuesd 15 Rainy & Windy. I workt on bord al day & Nath, S E & W.c. on ye boat. I pd Ralph Stodder 55s for heading for ye plainfield. I took out of my bb Sugr on bord ye Samll wch was 500 36fb & 144. Wedensd 16 fair. I workt on bord al day & N about horse Arning & Wm Hoult Caulk- ing & Stephen Woyat workt thr also. S E & Wc on boat finished bording her in ye forenoon. Thursd 17 fair Cold. Jno Mayhew Sayled. I was about ye horse Rooms Cutting Timber & I finished hewing ye galf. Nathanael Cutt Nathanll Saltonstall accidentally above ye knee wth an Ax. fryd 18 fair. I workt on bord about horserooms & Samll Edgcombe finished ye boat al but Caulking (in ye forenoon). Capt Wms & Whittney & John- son Came down wth their horses. Saturd 19 fair. I workt on bord al d. about horse Rooms & Nath. Wm Hoult Caulking ye boat. Sund 2oth fair. Mr ad. pr al. d. David Crocker babtized & an Infant of Mr Wilsons Tabitha: Mary ye Reputed Daughter of Jonathan Rogers about 11 or 12 year old buried after Meeting. She was drownded in her father inlaws Emms’s pond on fryday last—John Chappell & Eliz Curtice published. Mond ar fair till near night & yn Rain. I workt on bord al d. & Nath. wee finished ye horse Rooms & brought home Tools. Tuesd 22 fair. wee were trying our Sloop al. d. She works Exceeding well. a Child of Jno Nobls’s buried. Wedensd 23 fair. I was in Town making up acctts with ye own- ers of the Sloop Plainfield. She Cost £160 for 1 quarter. Wm hoult Caulk- ing boat. Thursd 24 Snow & Rain most of ye day a bad Storm. wee Launched the boat in ye foren. aftern I was at home till night. fryd 25. I was in Town writing Orders &c. Saturd 26 Snowey. I was at home foren. In Town aftern. Sund 27 fair. Mr ad pr. al. d. itt Rained hard in ye night. Mond 28 Rain in ye Morn. about Noon fair. the plainfield Sayled. I went out with them & Returned. Rain again about Io at night. Tuesd 29 fair. a Stiddy gail al day. I Trimed ye Samlls Boat. Wedensd 30 Snow most of ye day. not much wind. Clear and Cold at night. I was att S. Coits Settling ye Plainfield acctts most of ye day. Thursd 31. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern at S Foxes. feb: 1 fair till near night yn Snow. I was at home friday al day. I 64 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 Killed a hog 172th and mended ye Leantoo where ye boat went out. Saturd 2d. Much Snow last night & Rain. Misty & Cloudy till about 3 aftern yn fair. it was warm in ye forept & Colder toward night. I was at home in forpt. d. aftern at Capt. Wetherells & Lt Richards’s. I Entered Caution against ye Sale of Jno Peeks house & Land. Sund 3 fair moderate till near night yn Cold. Mradprald. S W. Mond 4 fair & Bitter Cold. I was at home in the foren. aftern I went with Lt Jno Richards to Jonas Hamble- tons to be Evidence for him & to see the Constable Seize 2 or 3 thousand Staves &c. Tuesd 5. I was al day Riding out with ye Constable & Ensign Chapman to Seek Cooper Stuff gotten on ye Commons. Wedensd 6 Snow. in ye foren I was at S. Coits to get ye boys Coats Cut. in ye aftern at Capt Wetherells to get Coppies about ye Comons. Thursd 7 Snowy. I was ald. at Capt Rogers’s and ye Townsmen about the Comons. fryd 8th fair. I workt for Thos Harris al day. Apply fro Sag. Cold. Saturd oth fair. I workt for Thos Harris 3 day. 4 getting a Writt for Emms. Sund to fair, Mr ad. pr al day. A Thawing day & yesterday Corah put back. Mond 11 Lowering till toward night it Rained hard. I was Triming and mending Ms Hallams Scow & Nathanael. Tuesd 12 Cloudy & Windy fair Cold. In ye forept of the day I got a Citation for fergo’s about Staves yt wee Seized & after part I went into ye Woods to get oars & Nath. wedensd 13 fair Cold. I was at home al day. Plumb & Corah Sayled for Barbados. Thursd 14 fair Cloudy. I was at home till aftern I went to Colchester. fryd 15 Stormy. Jl was at Chamberlins at Colchester. Saturd 16 Rainy Snow al d. I was at Chamberlins all day. a Stiddy Rain & Snow. Sund 17 fair. I was at Meeting at Colchester. Mr Winthrops Son was buried toward night. died with fitts about [ ] Months old. Mond 18 Snow in ye forept of the day. I came from Colchester home before N. aftern at Court (to Try Emm’s Slaves) before Capt Wetherell. Tuesd 19 fair Cold. the adjourned C. Court Sat. I was at it to give Evidence for Mr Richds & to prosecute Emms. Wedensdy 20 fair till the Evening & yn Snow— Come in wth horses from—bound for Barbados. Samll Latham Lost at Goshen point & Ebe Benat. Thursd 21 A great Storm of Snow. _ itt is said to be 4 foot deep in ye woods on a Level. itt Snowed al last Night. knee deep in ye Morning. itt Continued Snowing al. day tht the drifts were So high thr was no passing to an fro for man or beast. ye wind blew very hard the drifftts in Some places higher yn a mans head. I was att home al day. Ben fox & Jno Pendall broke through from Dennis’s hiether & lodged here. fryd 22 fair very windy. ye Snow is drove in Some places 10 or 12 foot deep. a Cold day. Wm Lathams New Sloop is drove a Shore in his Coave bilged filled & overset. Woostters open Sloop is drove out of ye harbour Bound for Easternpoint. got into ye Coave Recd no Dam- age. I wasathomeal day. Saturd 23 fair more Moderate. I was at home alday. Sund 24. it Snowed Smartly last night & this morn windy & Cold. No Meeting. I kept house al day. many horses & Cattell are dead wth ye Storm. Mond 25 fair. I was at home al day. more Moderate. Tuesd 26 fair. I was in Town Most of the day. Moderate. Wedensd 27 fair Pleas- ant. I was at home al d. I made Abigal 1: p Shoes. I Lent Lt Richds 100 & 178 hay to be pt on bord ye Samll. Thursd 28. Snow last night & most of ye day. a moist Snow. I was at home al day. March fryday ‘1: fair Pleasant. I was at home & up Town most of ye day. Saturd 2 Rainy. I was at home al day. it Snowed last night & ys morn. Sund 3 fair Moderate. Mr Adams pr. al. d. a thin apearanice. Mond .4. fair. I workt at Sol Coits al day & Nathanael. Lt Richds had Men hay. Tuesd 5 fair most of ye d. it drifted in ye morn & Snowed Last 1717] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 65 night. Capt Nailer in a Sloop from Jamaica bound for N. York lost his bowspritt in his passage 24 days. Wedensd 6 fair ye foren. Storm of Snow & Rain aftern. I went with Wilson bound for Easthampton. put back in Nahantic [Lay yr] al night. Nailer for N. york. Thursd 7 Cloudy Cold & Windy. wee Came from Nahantick home before night. Ensign George Way was buried brought by men on Snow Shoes, he hath been dead 10 or 12 days. an Infant of Ja. Smiths buried. fryd 8 fair Most of ye day some Snow Squalls. I went wth Willson to Sag harbour by Sunset. Saturd oth & Sund 1oth. I was at Easthampton Saturd. Cold & windy. Sund pleasant. Mond 11 Cloudy. I went to Sag & fetched my 3 horses to East- hampton. Brother Salmon came from Southold. I bought a horse for Mr Hill & pd £5 Silver & one for Mr Richds £7. 12s. od paper. Tuesd 12 fair. wee brought our horses down 18 of ym & put ym on bord & came to Sail for Shelter Island. wee got on ye point of So-hold hog-neck & Lay till Morn. Wedensd 13 fair. Wee came home from L. Island. Landed all our horses well. Thursd 14 fair. I was in Town & about home & at Samll Harris’s &c. fryd 15 fair. Il was pressing hay in ye foren. aftern at uncle foxes. Saturday 16 fair. I was at home & in Town al. day. Cold. Sund 17th fair. mradams Pralday. Mond 18 fair. I was in Town most of the day. Mod- erate. Tuesd 19 Misty & Rainy. I went to Deacon Morgans to groton to get hay for Mr Hill. £5 yt 1 borrowed for Tho Dart. Wedensd 20 Cloudy. I was at Groton at Mr Smiths. I Sold my first division at Nowayank to him for forty Shillings & my 2d Division to Dea Morgan for £4—10s—little Wind. Thursd 21 Cloudy. I was in Town Making up acctts wth ye Samll &c. fryd 22. I was at home al day pruning Apletrees. Saturd 23. I was in Town al day Making up acctts wth Mr Richards &c. the Samll Thos Prenttis, Richd Christophers & Jno Pickett al Sayled for Barbados. Sund 24. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Jonat Hill a Child Babtized Ruth. Ebenezar Wil- liams & [Hannah] Bacon published. Moderate. Mond 25 Rain. I workt for Samll Harris on bord his Sloop in ye forept of the day. the after part at home. Tuesd 26 fair till Near Night & yn Snow. In the foren I workt on bord Samll Harris. aftern at the Supr Court on ye Jury. Wedensd 27 fair. I was at Court al day on the Jury. Thursd 28 fair. I was at Court al day. Sow piged 7 pigs. fryd 29 fair Most of ye day Scatering Rain. I was at Court al day. Thoms Harris Landed his Sloop in ye Evening. little wind. Saturd 30 fair. I was at Court al day. Sund 31 fair. Mr adams Pral day. Peter Davis & Katheine published. April Mond: 1 fair. Iwas at Court al day. I gained the action against Brown. Tuesd fair. In ye foren I was about home. in the aftern in ye Neck. Wedensd 3d fair. I was at home mending fence al day. Thursd 4 Rain in ye Morn. I was at home al day pruning Apletrees. fryd 5. I went to Collchester Sat. Rainy. Mond to Glasenbry & tuesd to Hartfd & back Wedensd (a fast day) & Thursd at Glassenbry. fryd at Hartfd & Weathers- field Sund. Mond. at hartfd. Tuesd Came to Wethersfd. Wedensd up to H & back again homewd to Collchester. Thursd at Colchestr. fryd to Leabn & to Norwich Saturd. from Norwich home. Sund 21 fair. Mr ad prald. the Sloop Plainfield Arived 22 days passage. al well. Mond 22. I was all day in Town about unloading. Tuesd 23 Rainy. I was al day in Town Divideing. Wedensd 24 fair. I was Setting aple trees in Smiths Lot in foren. aftern Making up acctts wth the Owners of ye Plainfield. George Plumb Arived fro Barbados 18 days. al well. George Phillips Sayled for Barbados. Thursd 25 fair. I was in Town Making up acctts &c. fryd 26 fair. in ye foren I was in Town. Rain toward Night. I Set Some Aple- trees in Smiths Lot. N. workt for S Edgcumbe. R for Woiett $ day each. 6 66 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1717 Saturd 27. I was at home al day Seting Apletrees &c. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Thos Darte & Eliz Turner publisht. Mond 29 fair. I was at home in ye foren Removing Some paremain trees Setting ym behind ye house. aftern triming Ms hallams boat. Tuesd 30th much Rain. a free- mans meeting. C Rogers & Lt Richds deputies. I was at home in foren. afternoon at ye meeting. a Pirate is about. he took knot of Weathersfield yesterday in ye Sound as he was Coming in from Saltertudas. forced away 2 of his Men & Some Cloths &c. Wedensd May ‘1° fair. I was al day & Nath work on Ms Hallams Scow &c. I Lost one 3 year old Steers fell down among ye Rocks near Sol Coits Lot in ye Stony Run & died. Thursd 2 fair. I was with Lt Richds & Ensign Chapman al day dividing Wm Minerds Estate. fryd 3 fair. I was 4 day Measuring Richd Attwells Land & 4 day getting Timbr for Ms Hal- lams boat. Saturd 4 Some Rain & Misty. I was most of ye day with Richd Douglass measuring his Land & writing a deed for him to Wm Hoult. Sund 5 Rainy. Mr ad pral day. Mond 6 fair Most of ye day. Showers. I workt in Town most of ye day & Nathll about Ms Hallams Scow. I Sold my hhd Rum tht Came for ye hoggs to Capt Hodge. 96 gall at 2s od p gall. pt Sistr Marys 36 gall. Tuesd 7th fair. I workt at Ms Hallams Scow al day & Nathanael. Wedensd 8th fair. In ye foren I was at home. wee began to plow. I had a yoak of Oxen of Samuel Harris. in ye aftern I was mend- ing Ms Hallams Scow. Thursd g fair. my Saddle Mare & Stone horse C. Lattimers. I was al day at poquoyag wth Dea Plumbe & Capt Lattimer dividing ye Widow her thirds of ye farm. Serj John Lewis was buried. died yesterday wth a Wound he Recd in his head by a Limb of a Tree in ye falling it for bark as he Sat on horseback. fryd 10 Rainy aftern. foren I workt on Ms Hallams Scow. aftern at home. 2 Sloops of force belong to R Island have been Seeking of pirats Come in for harbour. Saturd 11 fair. in ye foren I was Serching ve Records Concerning ye highway and Bartletts Land by Deacon Coits house. aftern on Hallams Scow. Capt Cranston & Capt Almy went out in Quest of ye pirates. Sund 12 fair. Mr Ad. pr al. d. Tho Willy a Child Babtized Wm. a Brigg fro Boston. G. Buttolph Sayled for Antegua & T. Buckingham for Jamaica. Mond 13 fair. I was at home mowing & harrowing Oats &c. Tuesd 14 fair. I work on Ms Hallams Scow foren. aftern at home Carting dung for Planting. Peter Manwaring Sayled for Antegua. Wedensd 15. I was at home Most of ye day Making Rates. Thursd 16 fair. In ye foren I drew off 2 bb Rum out of my hhd in ye Coopr Sloop. aftern at home Making T & Ministers Rates. fryd 17 drisley Some Showers. I was at home al day helping break up. Mr. Lattimers 6 oxen 2 sons & ye plow Some. not quite 4 Acre. Saturd 18. I was at home Mending fence &c. I Reckened wth Benja Fox and wee have agreed tht I am to have all his share of his brothr Johns Debts (Excepting wt he hath already Recd) weh is £22 & 6s od in Consider- ation of wch I am to Ballance all Acctts Except horse hire. I have put my Steer Skin to Ensign Chapmans to Tann. weight 36Ib Green. Sund 19 fair. Mrad pr. al.d. Warning up for ye Ist. 2d & 4th Companys to Trayn 27 & 28 Instant. Mond 20 fair. I was In Town Most of ye day waiting upon going to L. Island & unreeving ye Rigging of ye Sloop Plainfield. Tuesd 21 Cloudy & drisley. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern at ye Widdow Lewis’s to get ye Toll Books. I pd her 3s od for ye paper. Wedensd 22 fair. I went to Easthampton with Jonat Green in Aplys Boat. | June .1. I bought a whale boat to come home in—a Bull—I gave £3 in Rum at 3s 43d p gall. June 6th fair. I Came from Oysterponds in ye — foren...... little wind. fryd 7 fair. I was in Town al day. Tho. Prentts 1717] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 67 Arived from Barbados 22 days passage. al well. he Left Ricd Christo- phers & Pickett out Side Montaok. they al 3 went out together & Aived together. Came out together & made ye Land together & al well! Saturd 8 fair. I was in Town most of ye day un Lading ye Samll. Richd Chris- tophers arived in ye Evening & Jno Pickett in ye Night. Sund gth fair hot. Mr ad. pr al. Jonat Wickwire & Eliz Haughton publisht. Mond to fair. I was at Court & in Town most of ye [day]. My Stallyon Came from East- hampton with Lyon Gardiner. I pd him 6s 6d for his passage. Tuesd 11 fair. I went to fishers Island wth al my Boys in my Whaleboat & back. brought Wool. I Let my horse to Danll Miller to plymouth for 30s od. Wedensd 12 fair. I was in Town at Court & Most of ye day. Thursd 13 fair. I was Dividing ye goods in ye Samll. iryd 14 fair. I was in Town. dividing and at Court wch is adjourned till ye 4th Tuesday in august next. Duke Calved Tuesd last. Saturd 15 fair. I went to Lyme wth S Coit. wee bought 15 thous plank. I paid Hen Champion 20s Ernest & Thos Wait 4os. I Recd back 10s of S. Coit. Sund 16 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. day. Jno May- hew Sayled yesterday for Jamaica. Mond 17 Cloudy. in ye foren I was Selling Some Wool to Ms Treat. in ye aftern at Mr Winthrops apprizing Jacob Allys Boat at £12. Tuesd 18 fair. In ye forn tolling horses on bord ye Brigg Newlondon. aftern Receiving some Mony for Wages & paying it to Tho Barttlett. Wedensd 19th fair. I was going to L Island put back to Nahantick point home at night. Thursd 20 fair. I went out to my boat before Sunrise. the wind came up S W. I Ran in poquoyag. I got a galf for our Sloop in ye afternoon. home at night. fryd 21 fair. I went to ye boat at Capt Rogers’s & so over to Nahantick. in ye aftern wee Ran over to ye Oysterponds Sett Mr beebee a Shore and yn for Easthampton. got up to Town Just before Sunrise. I Taryed at Easthampton & South & thereabouts Selling my Rum & till friday 28th & yn I went to Southold. I caryed 1 bb Rum with me to Sell. I Sold out About 7 or 8 gallons & Left ye Rest with Brother Salmon to Sell at 4s 6d p gall by, ye 5 gall & he to have 1 quart out of Each 5 gall for his trouble. I Sold at Easthampton to Samll Russell 1 hhd Rum 1114 gall for £16. 16s. 6d. I Recd Some money & am to have the Rest in Sept Entered in my Pockett book. I Sold 1 bb to Theo- philus Pierson for 3s 6d p gall. I Recd all the mony. I Sold 1 hhd 107 gall -to Daniel Sayre Juner for £16—1s—od in Silver money to be paid by the Middle of September Next. I Left his bill with Brother Tallmage & Left one bb Rum wth him to Sell. gt 294 gall in Mr Mulfords Warehouse. fryd 28th fair. I went to Southold as abovesd and Tarryed their till Saturday July. the 5th. Duke gone to Bull. July the 6th & thn I came home. got over about 10 or 11 Clock at night. I Left my whale boat with Thos Mathews to Bring over. Sund July 7. Mr adams Pr al day. Jos Culver of Groton Posted his wife. 8 Mond 8th. I made a Galf for ye Plainfield & a Rake. home Most of ye day. Tuesd oth fair. I was at home Stacking hay & in Town Making up wth Capt Darte. I have Exchanged my part of ye Samll for Dartes part in the plainfield & give £6—10s—od to boot. Wedensd to fair. I workt on bord ye Plainfield graving her. Wm Hoult & Daniel Hall. Thursd 11 fair. I workt on bord ye Sloop & Daniel Hall & Wm Hoult & Jno Coit. fryd 12 Misty Some rain. I workt on bord most of ye day & Thos & Jno Coit. Robt gone to Easthampton with Nicholas Darro. Saturd 13 fair most of ye d. Some Showers Windy. I workt on bord al day & Jno Coit. Sund 14 fair but Cloudy. Mr ad. pr al. d. Rogr Dart & Prudence Beckwith published. Mond 15. Rain last night & till about Noon Sweetly & Mercyfully. I was at home & in Town &c. wee Sowed Turnips. Tuesd 16 fair. I work on 68 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1717 bord ye plainfield (finished graving) & Nathll. Wedensd 17 fair. I went & Nath in the Sloop Plainfield to 4 mile River to Load for N york & wedensd 24th (being Loaded wth 16260 foot Plank I Set Sail for New York & Arived their friday 26th & Aug 10 Clemt Srattford & Nathanael I having Sold our Sloop) Set out for home Arived Wedensd Eve 14. Aug 15. I Sett out for home having Mr Sol Coit in Company in a perriango. Thursd 16 fair & calm. Wee came to Helletts point & Lay thr till Sunset & yn went through Hellgate & arivd at the white Stone in ye Night & Lay till’ 2 or 3 hours by Sun & yn Set Sail for ye East End after we had Eaten our Breakfast & Ballisted. fryday 17 fair morn. wee aived at Oyster ponds. Coit & I took our perriango & Came home. got hear about noon. wind W. Saturd 18 fair Most of ye day & yn Rain. Sund 19 Mr ad. pr. ald. Mond 19 Rainy Most of ye day. I was at home al d— Ebe peirce $ day. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at Capt Rogers’s & in Town Most of ye day to get a Writt agst. Capt Fish & Jno Morgan. Expense Is 6d for ye writts. Ebe. al. d. Wedensd 21. In the morning I went to Groton to Cary a writt to ye Const. Bill I pd him for Serving & Returning 3s od. | workt at home al day Raking & Staking oats & hay. Ebe peirce at work Thursd 22 fair. I was at home al day. Robt helpt Mr Coit & Peirce helpt me. fryd 23. In ye mornI killed a Sheep 42ib. Saturd 24 fair. I was at home most of the day and at Lecture. Ebe Peirce here. Lupton ‘Sayled. I went in her pilot for Oyster Bay but at Night ye Storm came on Easter! & on Sunday morning wee got into Horseneck harbour & there wee La (8 Trimed her) till Saturd ye 14th Sept wee came out at Sunset & ee a eee ies a 7 Dennis’s as ye Second bell Rang for Meeting ath been Exceeding Sick i i is - Somththing eee ing. a8 2 or 3 day, with a violent fever but is ept 15 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. Daniel i [Ezekiel] & Wm Douglass anes titel I was at Mieotn eo a 16 fair. I was at home al day. Tuesd 17 fair. I was at Fore in ye f ce & yn into Town wth Thos Parker &c. I Recd of Mr Leffingwell £ « 6d for my voyage. Robt Sick at night. Wedensd 18 fair fae ies in ye foren mending my Oven. in ye aftern helping Lay out Parkers 6 ee ee oe Coa Plumbe & Thos Parker wth me & aan Marryed in ye Eve. Thursd 19 fair. i oo - ye ore e Divide ye Pace eee Ce ee en for we ecd 2s od. fryd 20 fair. I was ath i Eve at Mr Winthrops. Saturd 21 fair. In ee ee = os ee = to a nite Wetherell. os pred s te is : own to ye harbours mouth. i eeti in ye foren. aftern at home to look after Tate oe eis oth Ber yet. abad fever. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 23 fair. I ied on epic iain cs 3 fair. I was at home Stack- eae oits oxen & Cart + day & he had my mare to cart 1 load pee ee Std oe I a helping divide the fence heturcen ‘Taliman : ir. i & other Jobbs. the Supr Court ss . _ ‘ pee re eee, day. Thursd 26. I eo cue, 2 was ap Contd . went wth Mr Richards at his Request wth arttlets land. Some Rain. Returned almost night ci a mare before I attended Court. fryd 27. It R a a ate Spon! eo Morn. I was at Court al day. a Shipp Sayled es ger Aap ae al day. my Actions were both pleaded to . e oe 28. I was at Court eae setae d. ne nee Cast out of the Ghee. Mont Pa | va ourt al day. eade i , es tht they Shiai go Saipan, oth of my actions over and the Court Ruled 1717 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 69 Tuesd Octobr 1 fair. I was at Court al day. I finally gained my Action wth Brown. Wedensd 2 fair. I was at Court al day. Mr Brown paid me of my bill of Cost agst him 4os od the whole being £3: 15s: 4d Still due 3s 4d paid. I pd Mr Pratt 20s od now & 15 he had of me before at ye former Inferior Court & 5d of Jno Rogers. tht is 40s od in all for fees 3 Courts. Thursd 3 fair. I was at home foren. I made water Cydar. aftern I went wth Mr Samll Beebe & Deacon Plumb to measure between N L & Lyme. wee began on ye N. Side Latimers Salt marsh at black point & thence to Champlins on ye ditch is one mile and forty Rod & to ye Road by Wm Minors 3 mile wanting more. Mr White Returned from boston wth my Stallyon. fryd 4th fair. I made watercydar in ye foren. aftern I gathered aples at Holmes’s lot. I Carryed 4 horse load to Lt Richards’s. a Brigg came in from R Island. Saturd 5 fair. I gathered Aples at holmes lot & Smiths Lot & at home & drayed in Corn. finisht my Aples & Corn. Ebe peirce workt here & yesterday. Sund 6 fair. Mr ad. pt al. d. Alex- andr Baker a Son babtizd Pemberton & Jno Savell a Daughtr Sarah. Hannah Chapman took in the Church. Mond 7th. It Rained Last night & most of ye day. I Sold Gabriel Woodmansee a 3 year old hieffer he to have his choice for 55s. he pd me down. I ballanced all acctts wth him to this day—I made Cydar in ye aftern at Mr Richds. Peirce workt here. Tuesd 8th Misty. I made Cydar. finisht mine made five bb. I Sold :1: to brothr Ross. I made two for Sister Mary & 1 bb water Cydar for myself. I husked Corn. Wedensd oth fair. JI was at home most of the day. I Reckned wth Mr Christophers &c. Ebe Peirce workt here al day & yes- terday. finish 1 gacket 2 pr breeches. Thursday ioth fair. I Set out for Boston on my young mare. I went over ye ferry & yn by Preston to plain- field. I Lodged at Mr Whittneys. fryday 11th. I Proceeded on my Journey to Boston in company wth Mr Whittney & his wife. wee Lay af providence at Mr Haw’s. Expence about 2s 6d. Saturd 12 fair. wee pro- ceeded on our Journey through Attlebury to Dogeds, where Woodcock lived & yn turned to ye Northward ye Cartway through Rentham & Medfield and So to Sherbourn & there we Satayed till Monday morn. Expence 2s 6d. Mond 13th fair. Stone horse & 3 Cattell to Capt Rogers’s to pasture. wee went to boston through Natick an Indian village where they have a meeting house and where Mr Eliot (who preach ye gosspell to ye Indians) used to preach to them, from thence through Newtown and Muddy River & Roxbury to boston. I Lodged at Mr Malems & put my Mare there ‘where She was kept till I Came out of Boston. Expence yr 14s od & at other places about 20s od. I Recd ye Mony for the Sloop Plainfield on Tuesd & paid to mr Whittney his whole Sixth part of £400 & I pd to Ms Coit £177—16s. I Stayed in boston till wedensd 23d & at Charlestown part of ye time. Wedensd 23d fair. I Sett out of boston for home wth Ms Coit. I Lodged at Newells in Roxbury. my Expence there was about 2s od. Thursd 24 fair. wee came through Dedham & Rentham & Medfield & Attle- bury to Providence & Lodged at Lt Ones’s. Expence there about 3s 6d or 4s od. fryd 25 fair. In ye foren I went to Rehoboth to Doctor Bowins & Recd 35s 4d of him yt was due to me on my bill of Cost & So Round by ye Iron works to See after 2 Cros’s or Iron bars yt I paid for 24s 6d as I went down. the mans name I left ye mony wth was Jno Comstock, who is to bring them to Capt Craufords at providence where I left a Letter for Ralph Chapman of Newport & an Order to him to Receive ym & Send ym by Mr Wilson or ye next opportunity. In the aftern Wee Set out & went through Warwick & Lodged at Capt Greens at ye fulling mill where I mist my bockett book tht I Lost at warwick. Expence about 3s od. Saturd morn 26 fair. 70 Diary of Joshua Hempstead L717 I went back to warwick & got my pockett book wch Stephen Arnold had found by Ms Carders yard, where wee Stopt. ye man was Civill took but 2s 6d of me. Expence there 4 or 5s. yn I Set out through Greenwich Kingston got to Hulls at night & Lodged there & Stayd till Mond. Expence [ ]. Mond 28 Cloudy Some Snow. we Dined at Mr Tompsons & got home about [ ]. Expence 4s 8d & ferryage all. Tuesd 29 fair. A Trayning day as also it was yesterday. I was at it al day. I bought a Silk hankerchief price 5s od on ye Companys acctt to Shoot for. It was won by Wm Waterhouse. Wedensd 30 fair. I was at home most of ye day. in the Evening I went to Ms Wilsons & dd her £45 yt I brought from boston from her husband & also dd a Silver porringer & bundle that Majr Winthrop Sent to Mr Winthrop. Thursd 31 fair. I workt mending the highways & Nathll wth me & for me. ’ Nov 1 fryd fair. I was at home all day Not well a violent Cold. I keept house. 2d Saturd fair. I was at home al day. keept house. much oppresst wth Cold. Sund 3d fair Cloudy. Mr ad. Jonat Fanning a Son Babtized Jonathan Last Sund. Jos. Truman one Daniel & Jos Tallman one Joseph. Sund before yt Capt Christophers one Named Christopher. Ebenezar Dennis publisht to Deb Ely. Bartlett from Madara in ye Samll. Mond 4th Cloudy Misty. Some Rain last night. I was at home all day. Not well. Tuesd 5th Rainy. I was at home all day. A violent Cold Still attends me. Wedensd 6th Lowering. A publick Thanksgiving. Mr ad. pr. Thursd 7th it Rained most of ye d. I was at home al day. I am Still very, Ill. a high Tide. fryd 8 Some Rain. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in Town. I bought of mr Christoprs 1: hhd Rum. gages 115 gall wants 3 in it 112 at 28 10d p.__I also Recd of him £19——12s—3d in full & pd Sol Coit £10 of Johnsons money & Mr Jonson £22—oos—ood. Saturd 9g fair. In ye foren I was in Town. aftern at home Mending ye bridge. Sund 10 fair. Mrad [Archibald] Campbell & [Sarah] Campbell & Samll Beebe & Ann Lester publisht. Geo Plumb a Child Babtized Abigal. Mond 11 Rainy in ye forept of ye day. I was at home al day. Capt Birchan in Picketts Sloop & Wilson from Boston. the News is Come of the Death of Majr Genll Wait Winthrop of Boston & Several other Worthy persons it is Sickly there Especially wth ye Aged. Tuesd 12 fair. I was in Town all day geting out goods out of Mr Wilson & bringing home about Io or II bushll Salt from Daniel Shapleys warehouse. 13th fair Wedensd. I was in Town Most of the day, getting Trimming for my gr. Coat & getting it Cutt out. Thursd 14th fair. I workt at Jno Coits Emboing waalls for 1d pr foot & John to help me. I did 48 foot. at night Recd my nailes & Iron of Mr. Wilson & paid him the freight for all my goods & things 15s od. fryd 15 fair Cloudy. I workt at Jno Coits al d. Eboed 64 foot waalls & a. ditto. 68. & .2. quarter deck beems. Peter Manwaring & Will Latham arived. Saturd 16 Rainy. I was at home al day. I dd to Gabriel Woodmansee his Iron that I bought for him & to Mr Coit his Occum Stuff gootb. Brother Hartshorn he is Come to my house going to boston. Sund 17 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 18 fair. I was in Town with brother Hartshorn in ye forpt of ye day. toward night at home. I Sent & fetched home my 3 Cattel & mare fro Capt Rogers’s. Tuesd roth fair. I went to Lyme with Ebenezar Dennis to his Wedding who was married to Deborah Ely by Mr Noyes. I went at night to Richard Lords & lodged there and Mr G Denison also. Wedensday 20 Rainy. wee Set out from Capt Elys 45 min past 12 Clock and got to New london by daylight. Mr Lord of Norwich was this day Ordained. Thursd 21 Rain in the foren & I was at home aftern Reckning wth S. Coit about N york voyage. fryd 22 fair. I was in Town & about 1717 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 71 home al day. Saturd 23 fair. I was Taken very Sick ye Last night or Rather this morn with a violent Ague & pain in my Bowells & Small of ye back before noon ye Ague Left me & I was Seized wth a violent fever wch held me al day. Sund 24 fair. I took Some physick wch work kindly downwards & was a Means of Removing the pain from my bowells & Small of ye back & it gott all over my back & in my breast. Mond 25 fair. the pain Seat much in my breast. I Took an other gentle purge wch carryed it clear from my breast but it Lodged in my Side & ye Side of my breast. Tuesd 26 fair. Ms Pemberton came in ye Evening to look after me I being very weak & Low & Stayed al night. I had a very Ill turn about noon. Wedensd 27 fair. Brother Ross was Taken very Sick Last night & Sent for Ms Pemberton to Look after him who went as Soon as She was up & Eliz Fox came to look to me & Stayed with me till Tuesd night. Thursd 28 & fryd 29 & Saturd 30. I Remain very weak & Low. Richd Christophers from fyall Stopt at boston. many not well on bord but Especially David Chapman, they have got him ashore to Solomon Coits but he died. dec 1 Sund. Woodward hath lost a Son Suddenly I think wth ye Distempr. Mr adams pr. al day. Mond 2. old goodee Boddington & David Chapman died. Tuesd 3 Rain. Old goodee Boddington Alies Mother Haines was buried and also David Chapman. Wedensd 4th a Snowy day. Ms Pemberton Died Last night Sick but 4 or 5 days. Thursd 5 fair. Ms Pemberton was buried. fryd 6 fair. Benj fox & Thos Buttler killed me 3 Cattell hides S. 52ib. C 46tb. H 45tb. Saturd 7th fair. I took physick to Remove ye pain in my breast & side. it gave me Some Ease. Sund 8th fair. Mr ad. pt ald. Sacrament day. Jeremiah Chapman buried his youngest Daughter about 5 or 6 year old died this morn and Richard Chris- toprs Negro man Quash was buried died wth this distemper yt I have. Mond oth fair Cloudy. Iam Somthing better less pain. Robt hath ye Ague & fevar. Tuesd 10 fair. I mend but Sloly & Robt is very Ill. N hath found ye hoggs. Wedensd 11 fair Cold. Robt took physick. hath a Con- stant fever. I am fuller of pain thn yesterday in my back & breast & Side. Thursd 12 fair Cloudy. Robt hath a bad fever & I am nothing better. much pain. fryd 13 fair Warm. I am Somthing better to day & So is Robert. Jos Lester helpt me kill 10 Swine. Willm (alias) Billy Coit Died Last night Sick but 2 days. Saturd 14 Snowy al day. we Cut up our Swine 6. of ym were but Spring pigs & weighed. 61. 62. 46. 61. 57. 57 ye other 4 were 16 monts old and weighed 94. 115. 109. 84. Billy Coit was buried between 2&3clock. Iam Still mending tho Slowly & so is Robert. Sund 15th fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Will Joyner publisht to [Elizabeth] Eads Ms Grays Maid. Mond. 16. fair. I mend but Slowly & Robt. Tuesd 17 Snow & Some Rain. I keep Mending very Slowly. Wedensd 18 Some Rain in ye foren aftern fair & moderate. Robt is able to go abroad. I am Still Mend- ing. Ms Manwaring an old woman died Last Night. Thursd 1g fair. I am Still in a mending way. Ms Manwaring buried. fryd 22 Some Rain. I had ye Ague & fever Smartly Most of ye day. Saturd 23 Cloudy. I Set up again though wth difficulty. Elias Masters was here in ye Evening. I Sent a Lettr to Brother Tallmage. Sund 24 fair but it Rained hard Last night. Mr ad. pr al day. [ ] Bliss of Norwich pub to Lt Harris daughter [ ]. old Nanny Jno Coits negro woman was buried in ye evening. Mond 23 fair. I am Still in a mending ‘way. Tuesd 24 fair. I am Still mending. Mr Chapman & Richards were here about getting wood for ye School. Wedensd 25 fair in ye foren aftern Snow. I am Still Mend- ing. I pd Solomon Coit £3 of Johnsons mony Still due £1 13s 9d. Thursd 26 Rain all day & last night Smartly wind blew hard a Storm. fryd 27th 72 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1734 fair. Iam Still mending. Wm Daniels Son of Jno Daniels & apprentice to Richd Christoprs Junr died & Joshua Baker Senr at night a Little before day. Saturd 28 fair. I am Still growing better. (Baker & daniels died ye Morn. Sund 29th very Cold Snowy. mr ad. pr. al day. Josh Apleton a Daughtr babtizd Mary. Wm Daniels buried between Meetings & Josh Baker after Meeting. Mond 30 fair Moderate. I am Still on ye mending hand but keep house. Tuesd 31 fair Moderate. I am Still mending. 174 Jan 1 Wedensd fair & Moderate. I am Still growing better. I have been in ye Chamber garret, Leantoo & Celler pickling my Meat &c. Thursd 2d fair. Iam Still Mending. ye boys have hurt ye little Mare hung her by ye hind Leg in the Ice. I keep house. Mr Bolls here. fryd 3 fair & Cold. I keep house Still am growing stronger. Saturd 4 fair. I Still keep house. I wrote a Deed for R Attwel to Mr Bolles. Sund 5 fair. it Snowd last night & hailed & a little Rain in ye Morn. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 6 fair. I opened a bb white bread & took out 10 dozn & 4: & Eliz fox had 2 dozn of yt I had 7 dozn out before that is 17 doz in all. Tuesd 7th fair & Cold. Iam Still mending. Brother Ross was to See me. I dd to Rich- ard Attwell a Deed tht I wrote for Mr Bolles. Tho Prentts Sayled. Wednsd 8 fair most of ye day. a little before night it began to Snow & itt Snowd Smartly & was very Cold. Thursd oth fair. Iam Still mending. I Reck- ened with Thos Harris Respecting his work & Jacob Allys James Bayleys wth me about ye Plainfield & Mr Ricks Caulking Peltons Sloop & all accts & due him 53s od pd him. fryd 10 fair. I am about house Still mending. Saturd 11 fair. I Still gain in Strength. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Sampson Haughton died last night. Mond 13 fair. Comfort Davise hath hired my whale boat to goa whaling at fishers Island till ye twentieth of Next Month for 20s & he to Run the Resk of Sd boat & to pay 20s for her hire & if he Stays longer yn 30 if She be lost & they get nothing yn he is to pay me £3 & if they get a fish yn £03—10s—ood if She be not in a good Order as now he to make good. Sampson Haughton buried. Tuesd 14 fair & Mod- erate. I get Strength apace. Wedensd 15 fair: Cloudy. I keep house yet but have almost lost my pain. Thursd 16 fair Moderate. I Still keep house. fryd 17 fair. I keep house. I workt ye qutr pieces for J. Coit. Thos Barttlets Horse came here yesterday morning. Saturd 18 fair Cloudy. I have been out by the door. I had a Letter from Brother Tallmage p Mr Picket. Rain at night. I took out 10 dozn bread. Sund 19 Much Rain al day. Mr adams Pr al day. a Stormy day Wind & Rain. John Keeny & Hannah Waller published. Mond 20 a Cold day. Snow Showers & Cloudy very Cold at night. Tuesd 21 fair. Cold somewhat abated toward night. I have kept house ys Cold Turn. Wedensd 22 fair Cloudy: young for So-hold Jno Darkins & Arnold Guillam wth him. Thursd 23 fair a pleasant day. Wee drayed Six load wood to ye School. fryday 24 Rainy al day. I grow Stronger apace. Saturd 25 fair. I Still keep at home but go out. Mr Winthrop hath Sent me a pr of Mourning Gloves & a Book of two Sermons preached at the funerall of Majr Winthrop. Sund 26th fair. Mr ad. prald. Mr Winthrop a Child Babtized Margaret. Joseph Bailey & Mary Chapman & Thos Westbury & Marcy Baker published. Mond 27 fair. I have been abroad at the Latter part of ye day mending fence Round ye Lot. N & Rob Thrashing oats. Pheebe gone to See her Mother & Thos with her on ye Stallion. I Sent 3s od to buy flax. Tuesd 28th Rain all day. I am at home al day. Wedensd 2oth fair. I was at home al day. I Reckened r7it Diary of Joshua Hempstead is wth Samll Harris Senr & due to me 11s 2d. Pheebe & Thos Come home brought 3fb flax. Thursd zoth fair in ye foren. 2 bushl meal. I was at home. I pd Sister Hannah wt was her due from Holloways Estate being £3 38 gp. aftern I was wth Mr Richards and Chapman Surveying the burial place & at night at Mr Winthrops. 41 Rod will fence ye burying place Round from Codners nw Cornner at ye S. End of ye Stonewall in ye Govrs Lott to ye S E Cornner of Coddnrs Land by ye Ledge is 15 Rod then by ye highway till wee met ye Range of Livins fence 7 Rod then Westerly till wee meet the Line of ye Meeting house lane in Range wth the Govrs fence 10 Rod & then in Range wth ye Govrs fence to the Cornner of itg Rod & warm. fryd 31. fair. I was most of ye day helping ye Govr fitt up his [ : Saturday 1 february. Rainy. I was at home al day. feb 2d Cloudy in ye Morning & yn Clear & Cold windy at N W. Mr ad at Groton. the Govr prayed & Mr R: Christophers Did Read. I was out al day. Mond 3d fair. a Town Meeting. I was at it Most of ye day. Tuesd 4th Rainy & Misty al day. I was at home all day. warm. Wedensd 5 Some Rain & Some Snow moderately. I was at home al day. Thursd 6 fair. I was in Town in ye foren aftern at home Winowing Oats. fryd 7 fair Cold. I workt at Sol. Coits } day & Nath all day. Saturd 8 fair. I workt & S. Coits al day. Wm Latham Sayled for Barbados. Sundg fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mr Jere Millee & Ms Mary Saltonstall published. Willm Robins a Son Babtized David. Mond toth fair. it Snowed & Rained hard last night. I was at home in ye forenoon aftern at work at Solomon Coits. Tuesday 11 Misty. I workt at Solomon Coits al day. Goodee Roach died. Wedensday 12 fair. I workt at Solomon Coits al day. Goodee Roach Buried. Thursd 13 fair. I workt at Solomon Coits & Nathanael al day. fryd 14 fair. in ye foren I was with Joseph Trueman to See ye Laying down to the Town 1 quarter of an acre of Thos Ways Lot next to Cedar Swamp in Exchange for Comon Equivalent where Ebe Ways house Stands but could not agree in doing it. in aftern att Lecture. Saturd 15 fair. I workt at Sol. Coits al day & Nathll 4 day. Sund 16 fair. Mr Adams pr all day. a Sacrament day. Mond 17 fair & very Cold. I was at home al day. Nathll about Stanchion. Tuesd 18 fair. I was about home & at S. Foxes, my Whale Boat Returned. Wedensd 19 Rainy. I was at home al day Making a Slead to draw Stones on. Jno Lay & his wife came here. She Lodged here. Thursd 2oth fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern wth ye Committe of Statting T. Bounds. fryd 21 fair. I was at home In the foren. aftern at mamacock to see my young Mare and to get a Coppie of the Town voat Respecting Statting T. Bounds. Saturd 22 fair. I workt at home al day about a Tan fat at Samll Fox & Sleading Stones wth my Steers. Sund 23 Rainy. Mr Adams Pr al day. Mond 24 fair. I was at home al day about S. Foxes Tanfatt & Nathll. Stephn Prenttis an Infant buried was Still Born. Mr Jonathan Prenttis a Negro Man Murdered himself with a Pistol Shot under ye Chin in to his head. Tuesd 25 fair. Inthe foren I was in Town & put 1 hhd Rum on bord Wil- son (bound for Easthampton) for Mr Willman yt I had of Mr Christoprs. gages 154 wants 3 in 4. I wrote a deed for Wyatt to T. Trueman 1/5 of 6 acres by Culvers & I wrote Letters to Lyme & Norwich Towns acctt James Mosier died last night Barttlets horse gone abord. Wedensd 26 Cloudy Cold Snow & Rain at night. I was at home all day or most of ye day. James Moseyer buried & a Child of James Taylors 3 or 4 year old. 2 Mares Carryed to Mamacock to Lt Buttlers to be kept awhile. Thursd 27 fair. an Exceeding high Tide last night & great Storm. I have been 74 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1718 about home most of ye day. fryd 28 fair. I was al day helping Divide Jno Lesters Estate, Barttlet Sayld in ye Samll for Barbados. March: 1° Saturday fair. I was at home al day about S. Fox’s Tanfat & Emboing the Taffrell for Masons Sloop 12 foot. Sund 2d fair. Mr adams preacht al day. Ebe Way a Child babtized Mary. Mr Miller & Ms Mary Saltonstall Maried at night. Mond 3d Lowering Some Rain. In ye foren I finished S. Foxes Tanffat. afternoon I workt at Mr. Coits & Nath about 5th Railes. Tuesd 4th fair in ye aftern Snow in ye morn & last night. I was at home all day Making gaging Rods & Emboing 33 foot fifth Rails for Capt Mason. Samll Fox fetched his Tanfat & paid for it 57s 4d. Wedensd sth fair & Cold. I was at home al day making gaging Rods. ye Goose Sat. Thursd 6 fair. I was at home in foren about gaging Rods. in aftern helping Mr Coit Lay ways for Capt Masons Sloop. fryd 7th fair. I workt at ye Sloop al day & Nathll about the 5th Railes. Saturd 8th fair. In ye Morn I Emboeded Curtains &c for Capt Masons Sloop 18 foot & then I went to Launching Sd Sloop wch was Effected. Sund- 9: fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Sampson Haughton & Sarah Pemberton publisht. Mond roth fair Cold. Inthe foren I was in Town. aftern to Samll Smiths to buy Corn. Jos Christophers Sayled in the Sloop. Mr Mayhew was to go in for Jamaica he being Sick was left at home. Tuesd 11 fair. the adjourned County Court Sat. I was at it al day. Richd Christophers Sailed for Barbados. Wedensd 12 fair. In the forept of the day I was Triming my whale boat & in the after part at the Court. Isaac Fox’s wife died last night. Thursd 13 fair. I was at Court al day. fryd 14th. I was at home in the foren finishing a Coffin for Isaac Fox’s wife. I Sent my book of Copies of the Court Acts about our town to Hartford by Solomon Coit to be Compared & Attested by the Secretty for the Town use. I was at ye funeral & at Court in ye aftern. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home al day diging Stones. wee drew 30 load. Sund 16 fair. Mr ad pr al day. Joseph Coit took into the Church. Mond 17 fair. I was at home in foren. aftern at Court. Tuesd 18 fair. I was at Court most of ye day. the Court Considered the presentation of ye Grand jury wth Respect to my one Eyed Horse Sold by John Morgan & he was Convicted of fellony & Sentenced to pay to me £6 & 20s od fine to ye County & ye Charge of prosecution wch is allowed to be 20 odd Shill. I paid 5s od to ye Court. he hath Review to June Court. Wedensd 1oth fair. I workt for Capt Mason about his 5th Railes. Mr Lamb Lodged here. Thursd 20th fair. I was al day at John Rogers’s with Brothr Plumb to Survey his farm & Joans’s & to make a platt of it to lay before the Court. Nathanll & Robert went to the oyster- ponds to Set Mr Lamb over for 12s od in ye whale-boat & brought over Holloway & Westbury Stayed there about 3. or 4. hours & home again by Sun $ an hour high. fryd 21 Cloudy & Rain. In ye foren I was at home. after I went to Samll foxes to trim his Tan-fat but the Rain hindered me a Smart Storm atNight. Nathll workt wth Samll Edgcumbe. Robt not well. Saturd 22 Rain & Snow in foren. I was about home all day. I Recd my Coppies yt I Sent to Hartford by Solomon Coit & one added to them. price for al is 10s od. Sund 23 fair windy & Cloudy. mr ad. pr al day. Mond 24 fair. In the forept of the day I was at Capt Rogers’s. afterpt at the Supr Court wch Sat by adjournment. Nathll gone to Hart- ford for a Coppy. Tuesd 25 fair. I was at Court all day. Wedensd 26 fair. I was at Court all day. Jonat Haines Child buried. Thursd 27 fair till night & yn a Storm. I was at Court al day & helping to Apprise the Estate of Jacob Waterus Son of Jno Waterhouse. wee Recd the Coppy Nathll went for, from him who Stopt at Lebanon. the Comittee met at 1718] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 75 night. I Spent 4d on that Ocasion ditto 3d. Gabriel Harris a Child buried. fryd 28 fair. I was at Court all Day. Nathll cam home Last night left the Horse tired at Norwich. Saturd 29 fair Cold. I was at Court al day. Sund 30 fair. mr ad. pr. ald. Richd Attwell a Son babtized John. Mond 31 fair Cold. I was at the Court all day. April 1 Tuesday fair. I was at Court al day. Wedensd 2d fair. I was at Court in ye foren. my Action was Tryed wth Capt Fish & Con- tinued untill ye Supr Court in Sept Next. aunt Fox died 3d day. Thursd 3 fair. I was at Mohegan wth the Committee (vizt Lattimer Richds & Chapman) on ye Town acctt to Make out our Claim to an East line in Mohegan before the Judges of ye Supr Court. aunt Fox buried. Jno Morgans Eldest daughter died. iryd 4 a Storm of Snow al day, I was wth ye Committee about Moheag al day. Saturd 5 Rainy & Cold al day. I was at home all day. wee fetcht 1 bb & Rundlet Cydar from Benja fox’s. Sund 6 fair. mr ad pr all day. Mond 7th. I went to Southold & Nathll to fetch home Molly & arrived before night. Tuesd 8th fair. I went to Easthampton & Nathll & Tarryed there till Wednesd 16th day. Wedensd 16 day fair. I came from Easthampton to Southold & Brothr Tallmage with me. he Tarryed there till Saturday following. he & 1 Divided Rumseys farm. I am to have my part on ye East Side 1 third of the breadth from End to End Excepting three Rod in breadth which 1 allow for ye water tht is in mine & I am to have the East Side of the Salt Medow there & I Sold my part of the house & barn for 17 in hand to Natt Warnner to whom also Brother Tallmage Sold his whole Right in housing & Land there for £200 in y[ork] mony & £103 in New England mony & brother Tallmage is to pay unto I-3 part of wt is due to Rumsey yr being yet due £115. I came from East-hampton to So-hold. I brought over the goods yt Jno Davise brought from New york in July last which hath been ever Since in Mr Mulfords warehouse. I paid the Storage 3s 1od & the freight 20s od in N. york mony. ye goods were 1 bb bread 3 whip saws 3 frying pans & two Cases of bottles one of which I Sold for 22s od New york mony & 20s od in our bills. Mond 21 fair. I came home from South- old Arived about Sun 2 hours high. I brought home my Daughter Mary who hath been over with her aunt Salmon Ever Since ye Midle of Nov last was a twelve month Excepting Some part of the time She hath been with the Widdow Mary Conkling (vizt) 26 weeks & 3 days for which I paid her in bills of Credit £4 19s od tht is 3s 9d p week. I paid her Aunt Salmon also for the time tht She had her 3s 6d p week amounting to £8 6s 3d & 3s od for 2 pr Shoes. I bought her a new coat wch cost about 18s od. She hath gained by weight 114tb. tht is £1 5s 2d p tb. Tuesd 22d fair Except a Thundr Shower or 2. I was at home al d. excepting an hour or 2 I went to See my young Mares at Mamecock. Wedensd 23 fair. Goodee haines came to Card for 3s 6d p week. I began to plow. I was at home al day helping Nathll Holt Make Stone wall between the orchard & ye lot from the Rocks 4 Rod downwards. Thursd 24 fair. I was at home al day Making Stone wall & N Holt. fryd 25 fair. I was about home most of ye day. I went to uncle foxes toward night for 3 bushll of Oats to Sow. Saturd 26 fair. I was at home al day Sowing Oats & pick- ing up Stones. Sund 27 fair. Mr adams pr al d. Stephn Maple & [ ] Fergo pub & Scipio & Hannah. Mond 28 fair Cold. I was at home al day plowing & killtering a whipsaw for Mr Coit that I Sold to him for 40s od. Tuesd 29th fair. I was at home in the forenoon. aftern at the freemens meeting. Capt James Rogers & my Self was Chosen deputies. Wedensd 30th fair. I was about home al day Excepting 3. or 4. hours 76 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1718 Measuring Some Land that Mr Timothy Green bought of Thos Bennat. May 1 Thursday fair. in the Morning I put my Sheep to the flock 13 & 7 Lambs. one Ew & Lamb is wanting yt was wintered at home & there is Ews & one Lamb wth Capt Latimers Sheep. I drove my Cattle in to the woods 4 Steers & one 3 year old Red hieffer al branded on the horn with H. aftern I went to black point with my whale boat & Robt & Stephn to fetch Corn from Capt Latimers house. yr 12 bushlls for my Self & about 12 for him & about 7 or 8 bushlls oats. fryd 2d fair. I came from black point in ye foren. in ye aftern I was looking after Sheep. Saturd 3d fair. I was about home in ye foren. aftern to Samll Harris's & Uncle Fox’s. Sund 4 fair. Mr adams Pr al day. Mond 5 fair. I was at home al day. Tuesd 6th fair. I was at home al day. Nathll Holt made Stonewall finished. Wedensd 7 fair. I went to Hartford to ye Genll Court & got there before night. I Lodged with Capt Rogers at the Treasurers al ye Court wch sat till Thursd 2gth in ye aftern & yn I Recd my Sallery £5 os 6d & pd my Expenses for diett &c 23s & horsekeeping 7s od & came over to Glasenbury & Lodged wth Mr. Smith the Schooler who was a deputie. oth Mare folded mare colt. 15th Sow pigd 15 pigs. fryd 30 fair. I Came home by Colchester. I Leased parole to Benja Graves my Medow at Poagwonk for wintering one Beast in Each year. No time Set. we discoursed of 3 or 4 year. Saturd 31 fair. I went & Caryed home Benja Morgans Mare & paid him 3s 8d & ye Shoing ye Mare I must pay. I went to Nahantick also to black point to Speak wth Cham- lin about my one Evyd horse. Sund 1 June fair. Mrad: pralday. Lt Walter Buttler a Son babtizd Walter. Mond 2d fair. I went to Narrhagansett to get my one Eyd horse tht Jno Morgan Sold. I Lodged at Hills. Expense yr 1s 10d at Denisons 8d & 16d & 8d at Tompsons. Tuesd 3d fair. I came home feryage 16d brought ye Horse home. I Left £4 with John Nigh Security for the Horse till I Return him & am to give him 6s od or 7s od for his hire. the County Court Sat. Wedensd 4 fair. I was helping apprize Hawks house & Land to Capt James Avery in ye forept of ye day & yn at Court. Thursd 5th fair. I was at home in foren. I pd Mr Adams £21 tht I brought from Ms Mihill at Hartford. & £11 to John Richds Junior for Georges Wolves. I was at Court in ye afternoon. fryd 6th fair. I wat at Court al day. dry hot Wether. Saturd 7 fair. I was making up Accotts with Sol Coit & at Court, it is adjourned till Wens 12 Clock. Sund 8th fair. Mr. Ad pr. al d. Priscila Brichan Babtizd, & a Child of Joshua Bakers, Anne & one of John Vibbers William. Mond oth. In ye foren I was at home fencing in ye uper End of Smiths Lot & Dividing the fence between N. H & Tho. Beebe & it. I have ye End Next ye Street 18. Rod wanting about 3. or four foot wch is half & from thence Nathll Hoult Makes to ye Cornner Northwest & from sd Cornner to ye Street near ye Swamp. I hired the upper End of his Lot for 6s od this year, till Winter. In ye aftern att the Raising Mr Millers house. wee Recd of Deacon Plumb £24 3s 1d Interest of School mony. Tuesd roth. I was at home al day Setting & Mending fence. it Rained in the midle of the day an hour or two. I finisht Ben Fox’s deed. Wedensd 11th fair. In the foren I went to Mohegan to Capt Masons about Mr Winthrops Plank. aftern at ye Court. Thursd 12th fair. I was at Court al day. Jno Morgan was again found Guilty of Stealing my one Eyd horse & Sentenced to pay me £6 & Cost.. fryd 13 fair. I was at Court most of ye day Except going to Lecture & finish- ing the Aprizmt of Hawks house & Land to Capt James Avery. in ye Evening I pd Mr Noyes 38s od for two bbs Tan. Left on Dennis’s Wharf. 1718] Diary of Joshua Hempstead oF Saturd 14 Rainy Small Rain Most of ye day. I was at home al day. Sund 15 Cloudy Misty. Sacrament day. Mr ad. pr. ald. Anne Roff took into ye Church. Mond 16 fair Cloudy. I went to the Saw Mills in groaton to get plank for Mr Winthrop Richd Christophers a New End Raised to his house S. E: Cornr. Tuesd 17 fair. I was about home & in Town all day. Wedensd 18th fair. I was mending my whale boat Most of the day. Thursd 19 fair. 1 was in Town Toward night Making up acctts with Solo- mon Coit. in ye forenoon I was at Samll Harris’s with ye Townsmen about Mesuring his Land & Pickets &c. Joseph Christophers arived from Jamaica 6 weeks passage al well. fryd 20 fair. I was in Town Most of ye day Making up Acctts with Sol Coit. I have pd £4 for Clevelands wages 15s for N. Holts Carting 12s tod for goods and 6s od p Mr Johnson & 13s 4d for ye Interest of £24 to about 6 Months. in the afternoon about Trimming my whale boat. Pacing Mare & my Stallyon. Saturd 21 fair. I was al day at home Triming my Whaleboat. Sund 22 fair. Mr. Ad. pr. al day. Mond 23 fair. I workt at highways & Nathll. Robt in my Room aftern. Tuesd 24th fair. I was at home all day fixing Sythes & Mowing in Smiths Lot. Stephen with the Shepard & 3 days before. Wedensd 25th fair. I finished Mowing in Smiths Lot in ye foren. aftern triming ye hay and helping make ye Ministers & Town Rates. boys to Gull Island. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home Most of ye day Making T & Ministers Rates. fryd 27 fair. I was at home al day. wee made up the hay in Smiths Lot. Saturd 28th fair. In the foren I was at home Stacking hay in Smiths Lot, aftern In ye woods & Nathll geting Timber for Mr Win- throp to Make plank for his Troughs. Sund 29 Some Rain. Mr ad. pr al d. Clement Miner a Child babtized Grace & Samll Avery 2 Thoms & Hannah’ Jno Adams one John. Mond 30th fair. In ye foren I workt for Samll Edgcumb. aftern Jos Coit in my Room & I went wth Mr Picket to Set out or divide ye fence between Jno Harris & him & I have yr agree- ment. July. 1. Tuesd 1. Wolf Sayled. I was helping Lay out a highway from Jno Harris’s to Town by the water Side & Laying a highway for Pickett into his Lot by, Lewis’s. Jos Coit workt for me with Samll Edg- cumbe. Wedensd 2d fair till Near Night & yn Rain Moderately. I workt for S Edgcumbe. Thursd 3 Cloudy & Rain Most of ye day. I workt at S: Edgcumbs al. d. at Night wee paid Mr Miller his Sallery all ye Mony that was in my hands & £3 in Deacon Plumbs & £5 . of Mr Richards 2s over. fryd 4 fair. I workt at Samll Edgcombs al day. Saturd sth fair. I workt at Samll Edgcumbs al day. Sund 6 fair. Mrad Pr. all day. Mond 7 fair. I workt at Samll Edgcumbs all day. Nathll Is gone this Evening to Work for Mr Jno Gardiner at his Island for forty Shillings p Month & Stephn hath done wth ye Shepard. Tuesd 8th fair. I workt for Samll Edgcombe all day—Windy. Wedensd oth fair. I workt at Samll Edgcumbs Most of ye day—windy att night. I Carryd a Load of hay to Mr Coits to press. Thursd toth fair. I workt at Samll Edgcumbs Most of ye day. wee finished & Launched his boat. I came home & helped press hay. fryday 11th fair. I was pressing hay al day at Jno Coits yes- terday & too day 21tb. 00 grs-osib. Saturday 12th fair. In ye Morn I helped Cart a Load of hay to Mr. Coits wth his Team & then I went to Jno Rogers & Bruens Neck wth Deacon Plumbe & Capt Latimer to Divide & Set out unto the Widow Sarah Rogers her thirds. Sund 13 fair. Mr ad. Not well. ye Govr & Mr Christophers Carryed on. Mond 14 fair. I was pressing hay & getting withs al day. I Lent my combs pad and pipe in good order to Culver. Tuesd 15 fair. in the foren I was Stacking hay & 78 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1718 Pressing Some. in the aftern Rain very Siddy & Smartly & Most of ye night. Wedensd 16 fair. in the foren I went to See Capt Wetherell who had been very II] but now something better. afterwards at Samll Harris's & thn I Came home went to pressing hay and finished & made out 29 C out of Smiths Lot & 21 C before makes 50 C gross whch I have sold Mr Coit for 3s od pC. Thursd 17 fair. In ye forpt of ye day I went into Town to buy some plank for Mr Winthrop & yn to Samll Harris’s to plow among the Corn. wee finisht hilling there. fryd 18th. I was at home mowing in ye forenoon, afternoon getting Some plank for Mr Winthrop out of a Pascattaa man 312 foot bord measure Cost 20s 4d. Saturd 1g fair. I was at home al d. Mending fence & Making hay fanning Mow’d. Sund 20 fair. Mradprald. Ensign Harris a Son babtizd Daniel. Mond 21 Rain Toward Night. in ye morn I mowed at home afterward I went & Robt into the woods to work on Mr Winthrops Timber. Tuesd 22 fair. In the morn I mowd awhile then I went to Mr Mayhews & bought half his Cannoo. I pdhim 6s od. I,sent by him ros od Silver Jamaica Weit to buy Leather. In the aftern I workt in the Woods & Robert on Mr Winthrops Timber. Wenesd 23 it Rained Moderately al day. I was at home al day. Thursd 24 fair. I was al day in the Woods & Robert finishing Mr Win- throps Timber & Endevoring to Cart it. wee had Mr. Winthrops Team & Thos Mr Coits & Mr adams & Josh Wheelers oxen & himself $ day to assist but broke ye axel tree & left it. fryd 25 fair till near night & yn Rain Smartly. I was al day & Robert Carting Mr Winthrops Timber and puting in axeltree Mr Winthrops Cart. mr ad. oxen. Saturd. 26 Rain in the morn- ing. I was at home al day. I Sowed Tarnnips. Sund 27 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. a Sacremt day. Peter Mason a Son babtized Peter & a Daughter Abigail & Jno Caulking one John. Mond 28th fair. I killed a Lamb wt 26tb wn drest & 57tb after it was killed 61tb alive. I was at home al day making hay & Stacking. Tuesd 2oth fair. I was at home al ye foren. aftern with Thos Leach Junr & in Town to buy 4 white pine bords of Mr Chris- tophers 35s. & a Cow & Calf of David Richards for 12 Sheep in ye fall (viz) 6 Ews & Six Lambs. Wensd goth fair. I was al day fetching down The Timber for Mr Winthrop Robt & Stephn in ye whaleboat. Thursd 31 Rain pt of ye day. I was in Town & bought 516 foot white pine bords of Mr Christophers & pd him 36s od & 270 foot white pine plank for Mr Win- throp Cost 35s 4d & 1 for my Self Cost 3s 2d & I bought a Calf of Mr. Winthrop 16s od, I fetcht home ye bords in ye whale boat. fryd aug I fair. Mayhew Sayled for Jamaica. I was at home al day Seting up bord fence behind Trumans to Pasture yt peice of ground I Recd of Constable Truman £8—3s—od on account of John Morgans Stealing my one Eyd horse. Saturd 2d fair. Nath Came from Ile wight to bring home Jos Coit who Cut his foot yesterday. I was at home al day about hay &c. Sund 3 fair Cloudy. Mr ad pr al. d. Benja Baker & Mary Avery, Thos Williams & Sarah Babcock publisht his wife & her husband both living also Jno Preston & Hannah Chapman publisht. Nathll gone aga[in]. Mond 4 Rainy I was at home all day kiltering my New Whip Saw. Tuesd 5 Misty & Some Rain. I was most of ye day helping Raise Jno Coits house. Wednesday ye 6 Rainy. I was at home al d. Phoebe went to Lyme to fetch Sarah Smith to spin. Thursd 7th fair. I was at home al day drying my hay. Capt Wells is Come with his Ship from Con- necticut. fryd 8th fair. in forn I was at home about hay & in ye aftern I went to Winthrops Land at alewife brook to help Cart 800 Staves. they were got thr by Ingols Jno Emms & Taylor. Saturd 9 fair. I was al day about Timber at Mr Winthrops Land. in ye Eve[ning] I made a hay 1718] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 79 Stack Near ye old ground by Chapmans this Side ye bottom. Sund 1oth fair. Mr ad. Pr. ald. Benja Attwells wife took into ye Church & Jacob Bacons a Child Babtized Anna & Thos Buttler one Grace. Mond 11 fair. I was at home mowing & Stacking & Cutting brush & Briers Round the orchard & upper ye Lot. Sarah Smith began to work. Tuesd 12th fair. in the foren I was drawing up Mr Winthrops plank Log to [ ] aftern Stacking hay &c. the flock are Come & Shepard to fold [ ] Cornner behind Trumans. I give 12s od p week. Wedensd 13 fair. I helpt Samllt Edgcumb make oars al. d. Except 2 or 3 hours making hay. Thursd 14 fair. I helpt Samll Edgcumb in ye foren & after Noon drawing Rum was between Sol Coit & my Self & T. Truman yt came in ye Plainfield. fryd 15 fair. I helpt Samll Edgcumb pt of the day. so much as to make up 2 days & I was drawing of the Rum yt I was about yesterday. Jonat Caulk- ings wife died. Saturd 16 Rainy. I was about home al day. I Enlarged my Sheep fold. Jonathan Caulkings wife Sarah buried. She died yester- day wth a Lingering disease. Sund 17. Mr ad. Pr. al. d. John Hough & Hannah Denison Published. Thos Darte & his wife took into the Church & their Child Babtized Elizabeth. a Bull wth the Heiffer. Mond 18 fair. in the foren I was about geting Mr Winthrops plank Log on ] & lining it &c. aftern Mowing oats Topping Stack &c. Tuesd 19 fair. In the forepart of the day I was at home Making the Sheep fold &c. in the Later part I was helping Saw a G [ ] 1—20 foot with Cezar Robt ].. Wednsd 20 fair Cloudy. I helped Mr Coit work at his new house for Cezar [ ] plank will Lewis [ ] & Robt [ ] helpt GiGi ey Liaise a yea Hae Over backwatds ise wine da iis eee eee oe Thursd 21 fair. [ ] ait Sing- [ jon Buried. I was Sore with my fall yesterday yt I Could not work. I went to Nahantick bought Some Salve of Ms Gray & to Pembers ye Collectr to give him Notice to Come to Morrow to Make up Acctts & to Hackleys to fetch Brother Tallmage Cloth & Joanses. fryd 22. Thos Prentt’s from Barbados. in the foren I was at home. I Sent by Jno Rogers Junr in my whaleboat Brother Tallmage & E Jones Cloath & 3 pannells one for Sister one for Ms White & one for Widow Osburn &Holloways old kittell to Samll Russell for ye freight of all he is to have my boat 1 day & ye Rest of the time 18d p day for 3 days More & yn 12d p day. in ye aftern I was making up acctts with the Collectors. wee pd Mr. Adams £77 9s 4d. Thos prentts Arived fro Barbados all well 20 days passage. I Moved my Seep fold behind ye hill of Rocks Next Coits lot. Saturd 23d Misty. I was in Town & about home al day. Sund 24 fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. Mary ye wife of Capt Peter Mason took into ye Church. Mond 25 fair. I workt for Mr Win- throp all day. Robt & Stephen 4 day Each. I Sent 20 in bills to Jno Whiting p Jos Truman to buy me a bb Tan. Tuesd 26 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at Mr Winthrops. at work at ye Govrs Night. Wednesd 27 fair. I went to Comfort Davise for plank. I left ye Raft ye Mouth of L. Coave. Thursd 28 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. ye boys fetcht ye Raft to foxen. fryd 29 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. ye boys landed 19 plank for Mr Winthrop. Saturd 30 fair. I workt at Mr. Winthrops all day. Sund 31 fair. Mr. Adams pr. al. d. Jonas Hamilton 2 Children Babtized Mary & Eliz & Jno Hobart one Rebeckah & Daniel Way one Daniel. Mond Sept 1 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Tuesd 2d fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops ald. at Night I went to See Jno Edgecumb who fell down of from a Ladder Not very high & like to have broke his Leg. Wedensd 3 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all d. Wm Rogers an Infant 80 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1718 Daughter Buried. died yesterday. Thursd 4 fair. I workt at Mr Win- throps all day. fryd 5 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day. Nathll Come home from Ile weight. Saturd 7 fair. I workt all day at Mr Win- throps. Wm Latham Sayled. Sund 7 fair. Jno Emms a Child babtized Hannah. Mond 8th fair. I was al day helping Lay out ye Road to Nahantick by Ben Morgans. wee Set up Meer Stones in Mor- gans Land & Stidmans. Tuesd gth fair. In ye forepart of ye day I was at Samll Harris’s wth Mr Picket & Capt Rogers & Ensign Jeremiah Chap- man in order to Divide yr fence but they agreed & left all yr differences to us to Arbitrate together with Capt Christophers. aftern at the freemans meeting. Capt Rogers & Lt Richds Chosen Deputies. | Capt Mason Arived from Antegua. N & Robt Mowing in Smiths Lot. Wednesd ioth fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day. N & Robt Mowing Rowin. Thursd 11 fair. I workt at Mr. Winthrops all day, boys Mowing Rowin. fryd 12. fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day & Nathll. I Mesured ye plank I had of Comfort Davise for Mr Winthrop & agreed wth him Sd Davise for ye price viz 28s for 357 foot. Saturd 13 fair. I workt for Mr. Winthrop & Nathll all day in ye forn Sawing a plank into Joyce aftern at the house. Pheebe gone to Lyme & Little mare. Sund 14th fair. Mr adams pr. all day. at might I dd John adams 5s od to buy me Some Tooth powder in Boston. Mond 15 fair drisly. a Short Thunder Shower. I workt at Mr Winthrops & Nath. Tuesd 16 fair. I workt at Mr Win- throps all day & Nathlil. I have the flock this Week for ten Shillings. they ly in ye orchard behind ye house. Wednesd 17 fair. Bull wth ye Cow. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day & Nathll Except one hour. I Sent a hieffer to pasture at Capt Rogers’s a Monday last. Thursd 18 fair Some Rain Last night. I workt at Mr. Winth al day & Nathaniell. fryd 19 fair Cold. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day & Nath. Pheebe come back. Saturd 20 fair, I workt at Mr Winthrops & Nathll in ye foren. afternoon with Ja [ ] Smith & ye Townsmen Laying out a highway by ye fresh Medow. Sund 21 Rainy & Windy......... 0... ccc ccc eee eens TV rv 22 Die. arts ar i satus eae ta cata avacd as cas ea cel atta tree Sheba ere Tuesd 23d fair. in ye foren I was Dividing fence for Jonat Haines & James Rogers. aftern at ye Supr Court. Rain at night. Wednesd 24 fair. I was at ye Supr Court al day. Thursd 25 fair Most of ye day, a Shower. I was at Court al day. my Case pleaded at night. fryd 26 fair. I was at Court al day. I Lost my Case with Capt Fish. he hath gained ye Cost £3—18s—ood. the boys have gathered ye Corn at Samll Harris’s. Saturd 27 fair. I was all day at Mr Palmes Looking over ye acts of ye Stonington Court in 1703. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. ye Judge of ye Supr Court here (viz) Dept Gover. Capt Hamlin. Mond 2oth fair Cloudy. I workt for Thos Harris at John Harris al day. Ab. Buttler came to spin. Tuesd 30 Cloudy = sa Showers. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Danll Ways Wife ied. Oct Wednesday 1 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day Excepting 1 hour or 2 at the funeral of Daniel Ways wife who died yesterday. Thurs- day 2 Misty & Some Rain. in ye forenoon I went up to Mr Winthrops Land at alewife brook to see after Some wood yt was Cut yr. aftern at ye Town Meeting. fryd 3d fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops half day & Nathll al day. aftern I was at Lecture. Mr Jabez Fitch of Ipswich preached. Saturd 4 Rain. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day. Robt gone to Southold. Sundy 5 Cloudy Some Rain. Sacremt day. Mr Ad. pr forn Mr Jabez Fitch afternoon. Oliver Manwaring a Child babtizd Sarah. Jno Adams a Child died. Mond 6 Rainy. I was at home ald. Nathll Sick. T Sent 1718] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 81 3otb Course wool & 4tb by Sarah Smith to Aunt Waller by Stephn to Spin & Weave 2 Coverlids—Jno Adams Child buried & Old Thos Joans Died att night. I bought ye Sheep for this week gs 1d. Tuesd 7th tair. I was at home in ye foren Mending fence. aftern at Joans’s funeral. Wednesd 8th fair. I went to Norwich to Ordination of Mr Wills. got to ye Meeting house before 12° I Dined & Lodged at Jabez Hides. Next day I went to Lebanon to See Hunt & ye Rest of my friends. Thos Hide & Jabez with me. I came back to Norwich Lodged at Wm Hides. Thursd g fryd 10. Stayed thr till Late in ye Morning & yn came home by Mr Copps & Capt Robt Denison got home Sun an hour high & [ ]. Saturd 11 fair. I was at home al day Setting fence in Smiths Lott Next highway. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Benja Morgan & Sarah Giddings pub. a Warning for 1 & 2d Company to Trayn 2oth & 21st Instant. Mond 13 fair. I was at home all d. fencing Smiths lot & Stacking Cornstalks &c. I hired the flock at night for Ios od this week. Tuesd 14 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Wednesd 15 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Thursd 16th fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day. Nathll & Stephn Cutting wood. fryd 17 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all Day. Saturd 18 fair Most of ye day. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day N&S Cutting Wood. Sund roth fair. Mr Adams pr. al d. George Chappell & Hannah Beckwith published. Mond 2oth fair. A Trayning day ye first & 2d Company in arms. Joseph Harris’s Wife died forenoon. Tuesd 21 Rain Last night & Some today. Trayning again. I was at the funeral of Ms Harris after Traynin was over wch was hastned on that ocasion. Wednesd 22d fair. I was al day about Looking after Mr Winthrops Wood & Timber &c. Thursd 23d fair. I work for Mr Winthrop all day & Nathanael. Sarh Smith gone home. fryd 24 fair in ye foren aftern Rainy. I workt at Mr Winthrops & Nath & pitch pt. Saturd 25 Rainy. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & Nathll Most of ye day & pitch pt. Sund 26 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. a proclamation for a pub Thanksgiving Read. Mond 27 fair. I was at home all day diging Staves & boggs in ye fold yt Incompasset the Swamp, Next to Coits Swamp. I Sowed a nusery in Smiths Lot. John king from Long Island. Tuesd 28th fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & Steph 4 day. I Sent my horse to Samll Harris’s to pasture. Capt Mayhew arived fro Jamaica 25 days Lost of [ ] yt Married Jenny Hobart of Gro[to]n. Wednesday 2oth fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & Stephen. Thursd 3oth fair Cold. I workt at Mr Winthrops al d. Nath 4 & Steph 4 day day & pitch pot. fryd 31 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al d. & Stephn & pitch pot. the flock is broke up. I have had ym 5 weeks & 4 days 2 weeks at 12s & 2 at 10s & 1 at os & ye 4 days at ye Ordinary price. Nov 1 Saturd fair. I was at home al day Mending fence Round ye Lot. ye Shepard helpt me. I went to ye funeral of old Ricks who died Last night. Sund 2 Cloudy. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Wm Robins a Child bab- tized Mary. Mond 3 Rainy. I was at home al day Mending Thos Shoes & in the Eve I was at Capt Robert Latimers Concluding with ye Shepard. wee paid him wt was due for ye Dung wch was £14—oos—o7d Excepting my part was £2 19s o4d wch I pd down & due to me 26s 8d for keeping Sheep. Jno Hough & J Coit. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at home al day mend- ing fence & Cleaning ye door & writing a deed for Jno Moor. Wednesd 5th fair. a Genll Thanksgiving. Mr ad. pr. al day. Thursd 6 fair Cold. I was Laying out Land for Woiatts Thos Buttler Most of ye day. fryd 7th fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops & Nathll al day & Pitch Pot. Saturd 8th fair. I workt at ‘Mr Winthrops al day & Nathll & Steph & pitch pot. 7 82 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1718 Sund 9th fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Wm Chapman & Mary Stodder of Gro- ton published. Nathan Howard an Infant buried between Meeting Still born. Mond to fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day & Nathll. Joshua Bill of Groton had his wife dyed by him Last night. She was well yester- day at Meeting buried to day. Tuesd 11 fair. my horse went to pasture again to Samll Harris’s. he hath been away 5 days. I workt at Mr Win- throps al day. Nathll & Stephen & pitch pot. Wednesd 12 Cloudy. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & Stephen Han Andros Come to Spin. Thursd 13 Rainy or Squally. I workt at Mr Winthrops al dav & Stephen. Nathanael is gone to Norwich to Carry Cloath to full. fryd 14 Windy & Squaly. I workt at Mr. Winthrops & Nathanael al day. Saturd 15 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al day & N & Pitch pot. Sund 16 Rainy Stormy. aftern. Mr ad pr all day. it Snowd Smartly. Mond 17 fair. In_the foren I was getting Coppies & getting Ready. afternoon I went wth Dea- con Plumbe to Livingstones to Survey Stantons Land. I was their also Tuesday & wensday. at Night Wee came home to get Coppies. Thursd 20 Rain. I went up again & home at Night about Composing the differ- ences between Picket & Samll Harris. fryd 21 fair. I went up again to Surveying Newmans Land & home at Night. I dd my pacing Mares Colt to Jonat Lattimer in Consideration of a Cow & Calf. Saturd 2ad fair. I was Surveying at Stodders al d. Sund 23 fair. mrad pr all d. Sacremt day. at Night Capt Latimer & I Recd of Mr Winthrop £18 the Interest of Livins Mony. ‘Monday 24 fair. In the Morn I pd Mr Adams £13 of the Towns mony wch overpaid him gs 4d. then I went with Deacon Plumb to Surveying by Robt Stoddars at Night I went to Norwich & fetched 24 yds druggit. I pd for it 6s od. I Returned to Livingstons. Tuesd 25 fair ‘Most of the day. the County Court Sat. I was Surveying at Living- stons. Wendsd 26 fair & Cold. I was Surveying at Foxes. I Came home at Night. Wm Latham Arived. Thursd 27 & fryday 28th & Sat- urd 29th I was Surveying with Brother Plumb at Stodders & Massapeag. a Child Son of Mr Stacy at Livingstons Mill buried toward Night about 4 year old. I Came home at Night. Sund 30th fair Cold. Mr ad pr al d. Esther the wife of George Richds took into the Church. dec 1 Mond fair. I went up to Surveying aftern. fornoon Looking in ye Records & Setling. Tuesd 2d fair. I was in the Woods at Massa- peage. came home at Night. Wednesd 3 fair. I went up to Livingstons & Lodged at Majr Merriotts & Thursd to ye Gr pond. at Night wee was at Capt Denisons. friday wee finished & came home at Night Thursd 6th. My young Mare is gone to Mr Butlers to Winter. I agreed to give him as others have........ Since I have Sent her and her Dam to Sam Smiths & put ye old mare there............ OF thei caxkaunaice aon of Stantons Land. Sund 7 fair. Mr Ad. pr. al day. Mond &th fair. I went to Colchester to Benja Graves’s & Nathll. I drove 3 Steers to winter (vizt) ‘1: pide Black Large 2 & advantage 4 white feet a Star or Spot like a heart in the forehead a Spot between his Shouldrs a Top a Small white Streak on the left Side the Shouldr. Ditto 1 dark brown, white on his belly, & Speck on his Rump, part of his Tayle white also one year & advantage dark Red his Jaws almost black white hairs about his pizell, the top of his Near Ear froze off yt it looks like a Cropp the hole is left good. he had my Mark as also ye other 2 have (vizt) a hole & half penny in ye Near Ear. wee Set out about 11 Clock got there by Sunset & got home about Midnight. Tuesd oth fair. I was at home Most of ye day. wee killed the Sow weit. I paid Nathll Hoult 4os od in part for 4 acre of Land. the price agreed on is £11. Wednesd to Cloudy. I was at home most r7it| Diary of Joshua Hempstead 83 of the day. fryd 19th fair. I was all day Riding about to gather fines for Not Trayning. Saturd 20 fair. I fetched a boat load of Wood yt I bor- rowed of James Taylor Coits boat. Sund 21 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. a warning up for a Town Meeting mond & Tuesday. Mond 22 fair. A Town Meeting-day. I was at it. a Committee appointed to draw up Some proposals for the Setlement of the Town Comons 7. of ym of which Tamone. Tuesd 23d fair. a Town Meeting. Wee were al Chosen Towns- men yt were Last year. Wednesd 24 Cloudy Rainy. about home &c all day. Thursd 25 Cloudy. I was at Samll Harris’s on an Arbitration between him & Pickett. & Capt Rogers & C. Christophers & Ens Chap- man. fryd 26 fair. I was at home & in Town al day. Saturd 27 fair. I was at home ‘Most of ye day Not well. Last Night & ys Morning I took a Sweat. Sund 28 Lowering. Mr adams Pr. al d: George Richds Son Babtized. John Daniel Shopleys Wife Abigal took in to ye Church. Mond 29 fair. I went to See Aunt Waller & to warn people to pay their fines for not Trayning. at Night at Picketts Concluding our Arbitration till past Midnight. hursd 11th fair. I was about home & buying Some Corn &c. fryd 12th fair. I was at home & at Court. Thomas Reeve Came to my house from Sohold bound to R: Island with Jos Bud. Nathll gone to Lebanon & Norwich. Rid my pacing mare. Saturd 13th Stormy Snow al day & windy, Some Rain with it. I was at home in ye forn. after- noon making up accounts with the Collectors. Sund 14 Cloudy & very Windy. Mr ad. pr. all day. Mond 15th Cloudy & Rain foren. aftern fair. I was at home all day Mending Shoes &c. Tuesd 16 fair. 2 Mares Sent to S. Smiths to winter at 8s od. I Recd a Letter from Mr Stanton & wrote an answer to him by Jos Hull Junr the bearer & Sent my account to him of £6. 6s. 7d & an acctt & how the Land held out it wanted 444 acres of land of ye measure besides ye Common & Indian Land, wch is 2 or 300 acres more. Wednesd 17th Rainy. I went to Mohegan with the Comttees Capt Rogers, Lt Richards Capt Lattimer & Mr Chap- man, to Meet the Court appointed to be held their at Bradfords but they did not Come. wee all went to Norwich & lodged there. Thursd 18th fair. wee came back from Norwich to Bradfords where there was many people waiting in Expectation of the Judges or Commissioners Coming but they failing wee came home at Night Expenses 4s od. Tuesd 30th fair. I was about home al day. Thos Prentts, John Mayhew Joseph Christo- phers James Pattey for Saint Cits Sayled for Barbados & a Scooner for Madam Prentts came back. I have Sent 2 hogs by Thos Prentts (& 6. bush oats) Supposed to weigh 120tb a pieec. I Sent 2 Geese & 2 ganders by Jonathan Bayly to St Cits. Wednesd 31 fair. I went to Hackleys to a some Cloath Serge 44 yr to dress. Stephen Hollebut come to make oes. 17% Jan .1. fair Thursd: I was at home all day. I Recd of Nathll Holt a Deed for half an acre of Land ye Upper End Smiths Lot. I pd him Eleven Pounds. fryday 2 fair. I was at home all day. at night it Snowed a Little. Saturd 3 it Snowed almost al day. I was at home al day. Stephn Hurlbut finished. Sund 4th fair. Mr ad pr ald. Archibald Campbell a Child Babtized Elizabeth. Monday 5 fair very Cold. I was at home all day. Tuesd 6th. Cloudy & Cold Snow toward night. I was at home all day. Wednesd 7. fair & Moderate. I was at home all day. Thursd 8th fair. I was at home all day Soling my Boots &c. fryd oth fair & Cold. I 84 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 was up at Wickwires to apprize Land of James Browns for Mr Willoby Jno Hobart with me &c. Saturd 10 fair. I was most of ye day looking for Staves got on Mr Winthrops Land. found none. Sund 11 fair. Mr adams Pr all d. Jno Rogers & Deb Daton published. Mond 12 fair. I was in Town all d. Jno Mofatt, Jno King & Obadi Booth Sayled for Bar- bados. Tuesd 13 fair. I was about home most of ye day. Capt knot from Saybrook bound off. Wednesd 14 Cloudy. I was at home all day. Snow att night. Thursd 15 a Storm & high Tide Some Snow to day much last night Cold toward Night. E— N E—N. I was at home all day. Calf died tht I had of Mr Winthrop. fryd 16 fair Cold. I was at home all day. Saturd 17th fair. I was at home all day. watched wth Mr Peter Harris at Night. Sund 18 fair & Cold. Mr ad. pr. all day. Mond 109 fair Cold. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at Mr Christophers with the Committee for Settling the Commons &c. Tuesd 2oth fair. I was al day giving notice to people of thr fines not Trayning. Wednesd 21 fair. I was at home in ye foren, aftern in my Swamp & getting wood. Thursd 22d fair. I was Cutting wood in ye Swamp & getting Timber for Spokes. fryd 23 fair till night & yn Snow I was at home in ye forpt of ye day. aftern at a funeral of a Son of Mr Adams died Wednsd about 14 year old. Saturd 24 Snow. I was at home & in Town all day. Sund 25 fair Cloudy. Mr adams pral.d. Peter Harris Died with ye dropsie about 3. Clock. Mond 26 fair & very Cold. I was in ye foren Serching the Records about the Comons the Committee for yt End Mett. in the aftern at the funeral of Mr Peter Harris. Tuesd 27 Snow toward night. I was at home all day. Wednesd 28 fair. I was att home all day. my old mare fetched home from S. Harris’s. She hath Run away from Mamacock & been thr 3 weeks & 5 days. Thursd 29 fair. I was all. d. getting Coppys & on ye Comittee about ye Commons. fryd 30th. it Rained Smartly most of ye day. I was at home all day. Saturd 31 fair & Moderate. I was at Mill all day & in Town. febry Sund. 1. fair. Mr adams pr. all day. wee hear that T. Edg- cumbe’s very Sick at Norwich. Mond 2 fair & Cold. a Town Meeting about ye Commons. Nathll gone to Norwich wth his grandmother to See Thomas. Mother hath my mare but could not get over Trading Coave brook & Returned back. Tuesday 3d fair. I was in Town all day. Snow at Night. Wednesd. 4th. Lowering & Some Snow. I went to Mohegan to the Court at Bradfords & to Norwich at night Lodged at Cousen Wm Hides. Expenses 2s 6d & 8d & 4d. Thursd 5th. I came to Mr Bradfords to Court & back to Cuz Hides. Expenses 2s tod. fryd 6th Snowy & Cold. I came back to Court & Lodged at Majr Merriots at night. Saturd 7th a Pleasant day. I was at Court all day which Ended and the Judges (vizt) Capt Wadsworth & Capt Hall came home wth Capt Rogers into Town. Expenses these 2 days 4s 8d all 11s od. Sund 8th fair. mr ad. pr. all d. Samll Hough & Kesiah Wood Published. Wickham Sayld. Mond oth fair. I was most of the day waiting on the Judges at Capt Lattimers who went away about 2 or 3 Clock. Expenses Is 4d. Josh Wheeler a Child buried. Scalded. Tuesd to fair. I was at home till toward night & yn I went into Town & to Mill. I Sent my old mare to Mamacock. She hath been away .40. days. Wednesd 11 Rain & Snow all day. I was at home al day—my mare came back again. Thursd 12 fair & Moderate. I was at home al day Making Rakes. fryd 12 fair. a Lecture. I was not at it. I went to help David Culver Measure the Lots in ye 2d tier & made it night before wee finished. Ms Adams was took into the Church. Saturd 14 fair. My Lot Contains to the Street 13 Acres & 118 Rod. In 1718 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 85 the forept of the I Mesured my fence al Round the Lot & found it in the whole 1934 Rod of which Trumans 4 is 10 R. & Coits 4 30 & ye Ministry Lots 4 is 94 in all 494 so yt my part is 144 Rod. in the aftern I went out to Swamp & Measured it from my, Rock along over Town-hill ye directest way to Long bridge it is 400 Rod to my Swamp near ye West End of my Land the first 4 mile is a Rock with Stones on it & Small Cracks in it W Northerly from it 2 or 3 Rod is a heap of Splitten Rocks Stands up Edge- ways. this $ mile is in a line from thence to the mids of Powder Island ye next $ mile is about a Stones Cast Short of my 8 acre Lot a Rock with Stones on it thence 80 Rod to my Swamp. Sund 15 fair. Mr adams Pr. all day. a Sacramt day. Mond 16 fair. I was at home al day. wee are Sleading Stones to make Wall behind Trumans by the Pear tree. Tuesd 17 Rainy. I was about home all day. Wednesd 18 day fair. I was at home all day. Capt Wolf Sayled for Antegua. Windy &c. NW. Thursd 1g fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in Town with ye Townsmen in order to obtain a brief for Hannah Brooks. fryd 2oth fair till Night & yn Snow. I was at home all d. wee Sleaded Stones in forn & yn broke the tongue. IJ made a New one. Nathll helpt Sol Coit. Saturd 21 Rainy Stormy most of ye d. I was at home all d. Goodee Stallyon the mother of Jno Cheapell Died an old Woman. Sund 22d fair. Mr ad. pr. all day. Mond 23d fair. I was at home in the foren. aftern at the funerall of Goodwife Stallyon & in Town to get Physick for Molly. Tuesd 24 fair. I was helping Divide Dimonds Lot & Jonas Green. Wednesd 25 fair till night & yn Snow. in ye foren I was at home. aftern at T. Williams. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home all day. fryd 27 fair. I was in Town al day on an Arbitration between Thos Joans & Isaac Fox & Adam Rogers to Settle old Joanes’s Estate. Saturd 28th fair. In the foren I was help- ing Richard Attwell Measure his Pasture by, Terrells Sold to the Govr. In the aftern pruning Apletrees in Smiths Lot Capt Cory from Southold & thn to Se [ |: Sund March.1. Mrad pr.ald. Danll Way & S. Smith pub. a Con- tribution for Hannah Brooks to get a [ J]. Mond 2 fair & pleasant & so it was yesterd. I was pruning Apletrees in Smiths lot & dividing my fence between Jos Trumans & from the Pear tree to the out Side Joseph Truman takes yt End next the Street a Cross to ye medow & to ye End of Eight Rod & four foot which is half. also william Holt & I Layed out the 4 Acre I Bought of Nath Holt at ye Uper End of Smiths Lot Eight Rod Seven foot & half on the Street to a Meer Stone & ye Same Breadth up the hill to an other Meer Stone nine Rod & half wide from Smiths Cornner in ye line of Smiths lot that Comes from Haughton lane tht being 25 Rod & 4 long & William holt is to ‘Maintain his half of the fence att this Easterly End twenty two Rod wanting 4 foot & my part is ye upper end & a Cross to the Street or highway by the Swamp to ye first Meerstone. Tuesd 3d Misty. I was at home al day pruning apletrees & diging Stones. Wednsd 4 Misty & Cloudy. I was at home all day pruning Apletrees &c. Lt William Minor had a Son about 14 year old died yesterday. Thursd 5 fair Windy & very Cold. I was at Mill in ye foren. aftern at Holmes Pruning apple trees Nathll & Stephn al day. fryd 6 fair. I finished pruning aple trees. I cut briers & Steph at holmes [ ]. .a New york Sloop fro Bar- bados 6 weeks passage. Mett Corah about [ ] off Lost most of his horses & killed up his Cattell. Saturd 7 Misty & Some Rain. I was at home all day. I Shod ye Stone [ J. Sund 8 fair & windy. Mr ad pr ald. Daniel Shaply a Son Baptized Daniel & Benja Starr a Child buried about 2 year old a Son [ ]. Mond 9 fair. I was at home all day 86 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1719 pruning trees & mending fence. Tuesd 10 fair. I was at home all day mending fence & digging Stones. Wednsd 11. I was at home all day diging Stones along by ye Run next to Jno Coits orchard & Nathil & Stephen. 3 Sloops Sayled for Barbados. Miles of New Haven & Tall- mage & one from the Westward. Thursd 12 fair most of ye d. toward night it Snowed & yn Rained. I was diging Stones all day N & Stephn along by Coits orchard at ye Lower end. fryd 13th Misty. I was at home all day mending fence & the plow &c. Saturd 14 drisly & misty. I was at home all day. I dug up a white grape vine at ye upper End ye Lot & Set it below ye West Cornner of the house by the Medow side by a black Cherry tree. News is Come of the Death of Thos Bartlett. a Child of Jno Caulkings was buried died yesterd. Sund 15 fair. Mr adams Pr al d. Ebe Fox & Jane Stidman published. Mond 16 fair. I was att home all day diging Stones & filling up the holes wth Earth fetched from an other place. wee finished diging & filling agst Mr Coits Orchard below ye Swamp. Tuesd 17th fair. Richd Christophers Sayled for Barbados. I was Most of the day with the Townsmen Laying out a highway between ye 6th & 7th teer of Lots for Lt Clement Minor. the Wind W & N W. Brisk. Wednesd 18 a Storm. it Snowed in ye foren Smartly & Rained in the aftern. I was at home all day about ye Tanfatt for Wm Rogers & Nathll. Thursd 19 fair Windy & Cold. it Came about before day at West & blew violently. it blew down the Ladder of from ye back Side ye house. I was at home till toward night about Tanfatt & yn I Rid out to Samll Wallers for fines. fryd 20th fair Windy & Cold. I was at home al. d. about ye Tanfatt. Goose Sett 11 Eggs. Saturd 21 Cloudy Some Snow & Some Rain. Moses Lewis an Infant buried. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in Town & at Mill &c. Sund 22. Mr ad. pr. al d. Joseph Harris & Lydia Moor Published & Thoms Dodge & Eliz Harris. Cloudy & Snow a Storm at N E. Mond 23 fair Cold foren. aftern Moderate. I was at home al. d. about Tanfatt. Tuesd 24 fair. the Supr Court Satt. I was att home in ye foren Tanfatt. aftern at the Supr Court. Wednsd 25 fair till night & thn Rain. I was at Court all day. Thursday 26 fair. I was at Court all d. on the jury as 2 days before. fryd. 27. fair. I was at Court all day on ye Jury &c. Saturd. 28 fair. I was at Court all d. Sarah Waller was Buried Died wth a cancer on Thursday. She was an old Maid about 60 or 70 years Daughter of Matthew Waller one of ye first Settlers in this Town. Sund 29 fair Windy Cold. Mr ad. pr al d. a Contribution for him. a genll fast Proclaimed Wednesd Sevenight & a Town Meetting Monday Sevenight. Mond 30 fair Cold. I was at Court all day. my Action wth Fish was pleaded but not Resolved. I pd ye fees 17s 6d & 6d over pd to ye Clerk. Tuesd 31 fair. I was at Court all day & till 10 Clock at night & then the Court Raised, but first gave Judgmt for me to Recover my 200 Acres at Stonington & Cost allowed to be £3 18s 10d. I went after yt to See Ensign Harris who is come home with his Bride from Norwich Married yesterd to Lydia Moor. April 1 Wednesd fair. I was at home all day about a Tanfatt. Daniel Shaply a Child buried about a month old, died in bed Suddenly perhaps overlaid. Thursd 2 fair. I was at home in ye foren about ye Tanfatt. aftern helping Divide fence or Rather land for Joseph Lester betwixt him and his Brother Benjamin. fryd 3d fair. I went to Stonington to Receive my Land of Capt fish & Lodged at Ebenezar Williams. I was burning it after dd till night. Saturd 4 fair. I was Most of ye d. burning my land. I came home at Night. I Recd of ye Sheriff Capt Fishes Bill of Cost £4 0s od. my Expenses at Bills 3s 2d at Williams 4s 3d at ye ferry 1s 10d 1719] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 87 all gs 5d beside Ebe Williams’s where I Lodged & Nathll & 2 horses kept each 3 Meals. Sund 5. Mr ad. pr. all Day. Patience Chappell Babtized. Mond 6th fair. In the foren I was at home about ye Tanfat & N. aftern at Town Meeting which was held by adjournment from feb. 3d about the Comons. Tuesd. 7. fair. I was at home in ye foren finishing the Tanfat for Wm Rogers. aftern I was up to Mr Winthrops Land at alewife Brook Looking after Timber. an Infant buried of Capt Rogers’s. a Daughter Still Born or Soon dead. Wednesd 8 fair. Rain last night & Smart Thunder & lightning. an Infant Jonat Hamiltons buried after Meeting. a genll Fast. Mr. ad. pr all day. Thursd 9 Cloudy & Some Rain. Mould from Antegua In ye forept of ye day I was Stoping Leaks in Rogers’s Tanfatt. aftern Seting out apletrees ye Easterly Side upper End ye Orchard & Some Next to Coits lot & Some in Natt Holts lot. fryd 1o Cloudy Rain at Night. I was at home in ye foren graffing Pears ye Nursery, in ye orchard & in Smiths lot, aftern in Town with Brother Patty who came home in Mould. he Sold his Sloop in Antegua. Saturd 11 fair. In ye foren I went to Capt Wetherells to finish his Will. I began it last night. aftern I was in Town wth Brother Patty & to get Seed Corn. Sund 12 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 13 fair. In ye morning I went to Christopher Darrows to make a Tanfatt & Nathll. ye Stuff not Suiting I came back and went to Stonington to Mend fence &c. Expense 5s 4d. Nathll & Stephn went also in my Whaleboat. Tuesd 14 Rain. wee all Lodged at Jno Williams & tarryed there till near noon and yn ye Rain Ceased. wee went to Cutting poles in ye plain, and at night wee all went to Lodge at Ebe Williams. Wednesd 15 fair & Cold. wee workt all day Mending fence & Cutting poles. Thursd 16 fair Windy. I helped Cartt poles in ye Morn & thn Came home to the funeral of Capt Danll Wetherell who died Tuesday in ye 89th year of his age. fryd 17 fair. I was with ye Townsmen to Secure ye Records in Mr Denison’s hands afterpt of ye day in Town about going over to Long Island but did not. Saturd 18 fair. I was at home all day. Capt Mayhew & King Arived from Saltetudas Chased by ye Spainards. brought but about 100 bushels apeice. King hath had ye Small Pox & well again. Jos Coit hath now got it at ye heighth. Sund 19 fair. Mr ad pr. all day. a freemans Meeting Warned Tuesd 28th & Town meeting. Goose Hatched 9 goslings to Eggs Rotten. Mond 20 fair. a Trayning day. ye first & 2d Company Traynd. I was yr al day. Tuesd 21 fair. I was about home fitting my plow & Looking my Steer & getting oxen to break up. Booth from L. Iland & Antegua. brothr Jonat is come. Wednesd 22 fair. I was at home al day Breaking up from near Trumans to the orchard fence as ye Stone wall goes. Mr Winth Oxen & Mr Coits & horse & [ ]. Thursd 23 fair. I was first half day breaking up. I paid the Shepard qos there Left in my hands 35s & if more I must pay it if less yn 40 I am to have it back. fryd 24th fair. I was at home in ye foren finishing breaking up. aftern at T [ ] old Andrew Davise buried. Deacon Morgan & Crew Come home from Whaling at Roan [ J. Saturd 25 fair. I was mending fence at holmes Lot in ye foren & Cutting a Beam for my plow & hewing it. aftern putting itin. ye boys finished planting. Sund 26 Stormy & Rain. Mr adams pr. ald. Wickham arived from Barbados. Mond 27 Cloudy & Misty. I was at home all day Mending my fence &c. Tuesd 28 a freemans Meeting & a Town Meeting. Capt Rogers & Mr Hill Deputies & Mr D[enison] Town Clerk. Wednesd 29 Cloudy. I was about Town to Collect School Mony in ye fornoon. aftern at home. I pd Eliz Christophers on Brother Tallmages acct £8 6s od & took a Rectt of Nine Pounds Seven Shillings. 88 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1719 Buttolph from Saltertudas. Thursd 3oth fair Cloudy. I was at home al day. Daniel Hall Launched Wilsons Sloop. May fryd. 1. Cloudy & Some Rain. I was about home Most of ye day. I fetched home ye young Lame Mare from Sail Harris. S...... Showery. I was about home al day. I mended ye Cannoo $ day. Sund 3 fair. “Mr. ad. pr. al d. Jno Crank & Pheebee Harris publisht. Rings- land Comstock his Sister Mary & Daughter Mary Babtizd & Lydia & Abigal Allin young weomen. Mond 4. fair. I went into Town in ye Morn In order to go to Stonington but Stayed at Mr Christophers (In order to give my Evidence to Capt Wetherells Will) till ye Wind blew so hard I Could not get over ye ferry till night So I Came back again. Cuzn Thos Lee & Wife & Danli Buckinghams Wife Come to see us. Tuesd 5 fair in ye foren & Rain in ye aftern. in ye Morn I went to Stonington. | pd the ferryman, & agreed with him for 12s till ye first of May Next for my Self & family if it Comes to So much, if not yn 10s od. I Lodged at Mr Williams’s. I had Supper & breakfast there & Nath & Steph from Monday at Noon till Thursday Morn 3 days Eve. Curtice from Barbados. Wednesd 6th Windy & Cold Some Snow Hail & Rain. I Came from Stonington by. 3. Clock to a Meetting of ye pattentees at Ms Prentts’s. they have Signed a Petition to ye genll Assembly & have given me a power of Attorney to appear for ym & have put into my hands Some Mony wch is Entered in my pocket-book 50 add Shill. I am to have Deputies Wages of ym. Thursd 7 fair. I was at home in ye foren writing a Coppy of ye Petition. aftern in Town. My old mare had of Pendall mired and died last night in Jos Trumans Swamp by my fence. Nathll & Stephn come home. they Came from Stonington in ye morn 3 days Each. fryd 8th fair. I was about home in ye foren & Stephen in Town wth a Petition. Saturd oth fair. I was about Town Most of ye day. I Recd of Thos Prentts my Share of Rum for 1 hog 14 gall. I pd him freight 3s 3d. Ephraim Avery was buried on Powder Island. he died with the Small Pox on bord of Capt King. Sund toth fair. Mr Adams Pr. al day. Jer Wilson a Daughtr Babtized Judith. Mond 11 fair. I went to Stonington Nath & Steph to break up. I Lodged at fannings at Night. I had his oxen 3 days. I pd him 2s od. Jos Bennetts 3 days at 15d. I paid him 3s 6d & Hen Williams’s 1 day 18d. I left it with Jos Bennett & had Jno Williams’s 2 days for wch he will take nothing. I have been there 3 days. N & Steph 4 days Each. Tuesd 12. I was at Stonington plowing & Stayed yr till fryday morn. I plowed about 2 acres & 3. I Sent my Watch to Boston p Mr Palmes to mend. I dd him 5s odto pay. fryd15 Rainy. I Came from Stonington to get Coppys to go to Hartford about ye Comons in the morn- ing & Nathll & Stepen at Night. Saturd 16 fair. I was at Mr Denisons al day geting Coppies & Serching ye Records. Ms White Come from Boston & is at our house & horse. Sund 17 fair. Mr ad. pr al d. Tho Coit & Sarah Joans took into ye Church & Daniel Comstock a Daughtr Babtized Elizabeth. Josh Raymond publisht to Eliz Christophers. it is pulled down an other put up & also pulled down. Mond 18th fair. I Sett out for Hartford Attorney for ye Patentees wth a Petition to ye genll assembly. I got their before night to ye Widow Whittings. my Expenses on the Road in Company wth Lt Richards was about 2s 6d. Tuesd 19th fair weth. I was at hartford & Stayed at Ms Whitings till fryday in ye afternoon & yn I Set out in Company with Lt Richards for Glassenbury. my Expence for Diett 6s od horse keeping 1s 6d & I pd Mr Pratt 20s for his fees & Left 10s od with young Mr Wier to buy a bag of pea[ J 1719] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 89 for me & Sol Coit. he also left ros od with me for him which I also delivered to him. I also put on bord him 2 bushll Malt wth Cost 8s od. Saturd 23d. I came home a little before Night. a Smart Thunder Shower. my Ex- pence in Coming home was 5s 3d & other Expence at Hartfd 3s. Sund 24 Mr ad. pr. al day. Timothy Green a Son Babtized John. Mond 25th fair. a Trayning day 1 & 2d & 4th Company. I was at Trayning al day. I pd Mr Picket £19 wch I Carryed to Hartford to Exchange due More 5....... ReCd erect wines aos Sera alee! ote ai aedes Tuesd 26. fair. I went wth Mr Winthrop & Ms Winthrop to his farm at Groton. I Came home at night. it began to Rain about 8 or 9 Clock. Wedensd 27 Rainy. it. Rained Smartly most of ye night & morning & yn It abated. I Set out Cabbages in ye afternoon. Thursd 28 fair. I went with Brother Plumb to. Survey Massapeag. fryday 29th Rainy Most of ye day. Wee finished Surveying & Came home. Saturd 30th fair. I went to Groton to Robt Allyns & thence to Stonington & Re[planted] Corn ye Crows had pulled up. & home at night. Richard Christophers arived from Barbados at night. all well. Sund 31 fair. Mr adams pr all day. ‘Mond June 1 fair. in the foren I was looking up & Sheering 3 Sheep yt were winte[red] Lattimers. aftern I went to Mr Winthrops farm & Lodged there & [ ] & Madm Winthrop & Mr adams & his Wife & Next Morn we all went to fishers Island. Tuesd 2d fair. I was at Fishers Island all day (Except ye going over) we Rode a[bout] West End to See. ye Island & Deer &c. they were Sheering their Sheep. Wednesd 3d fair most of ye day a Thunder Shower toward night. wee Rode fr [ ] End where wee Lodged to the East-house & there wee dined & came away [ _] Mumford to Ashbys where wee Left our horses & then wee Mounted & Came home to Mr Winthrops about 10 Clock. Jonat Baily hath been over & brought Some Cotton ye Effects of ye Geese I Sent by him Last winter Still due 2 [ J. Thursd 4 Some Rain. I was at home all day till Evening I went to Court. fryd 5th fair. I Trimed my Whaleboat. Saturd 6th fair. I went to Easthampton in my whaleboat & Stephen. I put up to ye head of the harbour about 9 Clock Night. Sund.7. Mond 8 & Tuesd 9. I Stayed at East & Wednesd toth I went to Bridgehampton & back at night & Stayed at East till Saturday 13th then I went to [Shelter] Island & Stayed yr till Sund night I got over to So-hould. ther I [Stayed] till mond the 22nd & yn I went to Occubaug & back Tuesday: 23. & [Stayed] till fryd 21 & Came over to Shelter Iland & So to East at night & [ ] with me & Stayed till July 3d. I came away ye Wind being too. high I was forced to a harbour at ye Ie of Weight where [ ] all night in which it Rained very hard. I got home well Saturd 4. I brought 11 bushlls Indian. Corn & 34 Wheat & 714tb feathers. July Sund 5 fair. Mr. ad. pr. al. d. T Douglass a Son Babtized Stephen & Timothy Lester published to Abigail Willobee. Mond 6 fair. I was helping fence in the burying place & Nathll. al. day. & Ensign Chap- man & his Son Gidion. Tuesd. 7. fair but a Thundr Shower. I workt at: ye buring place al. d. & Nathll & Chapn & b [ ]. Wednesd. 8. fair. I workt in at ye buring place & Nathanael al day. Stephn workt in my Stead wn I was absent a while With Ebe Williams & wife at my house. Thursd 9 Rainy. I went to Stonington R & Shilling. I bought 2 Terses of Rum [from] Richd Christophrs for Brother Tallmage & my Self at 4s 4d Pp gall. Nath } day at burying place. fryd 10 fair. I workt at ye burying place al d. & Nathll 4 day. Rachel come to Learn Pheebe [ ] & Nathlt Stayed at home in ye afternoon. Saturd 11 fair. I workt at ye buriing place al day & Nath & Thos & horse [ ]. Sund 12 Rained last night 90 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1719 Lowering to day & Rain at night. Mr ad pr. Lucretia Turner took into ye Church. Mond 13 Rain in ye Morn & last night. 1 was at ye Meeting house & Stephen [ ] Chapman & Gid. al day Cuting & Sticking bords for ye floor. Bought a Roan Mare of Moses fergo Junior for Sister hannah. have pd him on her acctt 20s od and 6d Expenses. Tuesd 14 fair. I went to Stonington to finish hilling & to Rite up ye fence. Nathll Stephen & Thos 2 horses. I Lodged at Mr Williams & Super there. Wednesd 15 fair & hot. I finished hilling & came home. wee had 12 Meals diet. | left my Mare in Swallows pasture. Thursd 16 fair & hot [ lf ]. I was at home all day. I mowed ye back Side of Trumans where I first folded ye Sheep last year Mighty grass yn I Could well Turnout. | Stacked Some hay yt grew before ye door. Wickham Sayled for Barbados. fryd 17 fair hot. I mowed most of ye day at home & Nathll. I bought an other Sythe at Pickets & pd 10s for ys & gs od for the other. Saturd 18 fair & hot. I was at home al d. Mowing & Raking. Sund 19 fair hot. Mr ad. a Contribution for Hannah Chapman & Ruth Com[stock] took into ye Church. Mary Comstock come to Spin to morrow. Mond 20. I was at home all day mowing & N & S_ I Sold 18tb hay to Richard Douglass for 45s od. David Culver Carted it. Mayhew Sayled in Pickets Sloop for fiall and came back again. Tuesd 21. Brother Ross died. I dd to John Mayhew £5 os od in Spanish Mony to be laid out in fiall as p Rectt. I was at home Most of ye day. I Mowed in ye Latter part of the day. in ye Midle it Rained 2 or 3 hours in ye foren fair. Wednesd 22 Rain. I went to Saybrook in ye aftern to look after Sister Patience. She was there to look after her husband who died yesterday about Noon Sick 5 days. I mi[ssed] of Sister Patience. She came home by Lyme & Jno Plumb. Thursd 23 Some Rain. I came home from Saybrook Expence about 3s 4d and ferryage Is 4d all 4s 8d. Richd Christophers Sayled for Barbados & Jno Mayhew for fiall. Jonat Bayly here at night. fryd 24 Misty & Cloudy ald. I was at home al day. Mary the wife of Joseph Truman Died between 9 & 10 Clock at night Sick 5 days. I Sat up al night. Saturd 25 Cloudy. I made the Coffin for Mary Truman & went to ye funeral Sam Le[ster]. Sund 26 Cloudy & Some Rain. mr ad. pr al day. Tim Mulford from Boston. Mond 27 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was in Town in ye foren to Speake with Tim Mulford about carying Some Rum to Brother Tallmage but sent none. aftern abot home & toward night to help Settle ye Bounds of Richard Douglas’s Land & Ebenezar Dennisses but did not finish. Tuesd 28 Cloudy but fair. I was at Douglas’s & Denniss’s in the foren. aftern at home drying & making hay. Wednesd 29 fair. In ye foren I was Mowing. aftern drying & Stacking hay. Brothr Patty from Saybrook by land. Thursd 30th. Some Rain. I went to Southold in my whale boat. Brother Patty & Thos got ashore at ye beach on ye North Side hashamomok before 9 Clock were out of ye har- bour before Sunrise, ye Supream Court Sat at Southold. 31 & Aug 1 fry & Saturd. I was at Court and about Town. Sund at Meeting. Mond up at Rumseys & Parkers and back at brother Salmons at night. Tuesd at Town a Visiting friends. Wednsd 5 Squaly. I came away about Noon & Joseph Budd whom I Sat ashore at giants-Neck being bound to Saybrok. I gat a Shore at Poquayoag about Sun Set. I Left my boat there ye wind being Easterly & came home by land. it Rained hard most of ye Night. Thursd 6 Rainy. I was at home all day. fryd7 Rain. I was at home foren. aftern wth ye Townsmen. Saturd 8. I went to Stonington to buy Some Rum. I bought 3 bbs of [ ] Baldwin for 4s tod p gall Including bbs. I pd him £5. I Lodged [ ]sons 1719| Diary of Joshua Hempstead gI & came to Meeting at Groton & home at night. Expence [ ]. Mond 10. I was at home al d. Mowing making hay & Stacking about [ is Tuesd 11 fair a Thunder Shower to ye Northward. I was at home all day Mowing & Stacking. a Priviteer Sloop from New York want M [ fs the Court of Admirality Sat at Ms Prentts’s. Wednesd 12 fair. in ye foren I was at home about hay, aftern a Smart Shower. I was in Town to see ye Court but it did not Sit. Thursd. 13. fair. I was at home mowing in ye forn, aftern at ye Court of Adm. wch Sat at Ms Prentts’s. fryd 14. I was at home Mowing in ye forn, aftern at ye Court & Selling 23600 foot Refuge bords for ye Town to Jno Richds Junr for 27s od p M. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home al day mowing in Smiths lot forn. aftern Ra[king]| & Stacking hay. Daniel Lesters wife died about one aftern. Sund. 16. fair. D. Lesters wife buried & Eliz Manwaring took into church. Mond 17 fair. I was at home al day. wee finished mowing in ye foren. aftern Raking hay in Smiths Lot. Tuesd 18 fair. I was at home all day Stacking hay & weighing 21C yt I Sold to Richds out of Smiths lot. about 9C Left. I was also making Town & Ministers Rates. Wednesd 19 fair. I was not very well, finished ye Town & Ministers Rates & went to Lecture, & to look after brother Tallmage. Thursd 2oth fair. I was at home Most of ye day Triming my Whaleboat. towards night out in her for Fishers Iland but put back by an East wind. fryday 21 fair. I was at home in ye forepart of ye day & in ye after part drawing a hhd of Rum for Brother Tallmage into 3 bbs in ye Chris Warhouse. Rain at Night. the boys went to fishers Island & fetched some Wool for Mr Winthrop. Saturd 22 fair. In ye foren I was getting a Writt for Brother Patty agst [ ]. aftern I was drawing off a hhd Rum I bought of Mr Gardiener 5 p gall. it filled 3 bbs. 31- 304 & 30 gall & about 2 qts left at home. Sund 23 fair. Mr ad pr al. d. a Sacremt. Mary Prentt’s & Patience Chappil took into ye church. Mr Miller had his son Babtized Jeremiah. Mond 24 Rain. I was at home in ye foren Cutting Corn Stalks. afternin Town. Tuesd 25. I was at home most of the day. I went to Stonington & Stephn & Stayd till Saturday night Each 9 meals. Nathanll came to us [ ] Thursd he was there 7 meals in all 25 meals. we mowed about 3 Load. Sund 30 fair a Cold night Last. Mr ad. pr. al d. Joseph Truman and ye wife of John Savel took into ye Church. Robt Ganler & Hannah Andros publisht. Mond 31 fair. I went to Stonington to work & Nath & Stephn. wee Came Saturday. wee Stackt about 3 Load hay & Left about 23 in Cock & 2 in Swath. borded 15 Meals Each at Ebe Williams. fair al ye week Except a Shower Tuesday. Jos Bennat helpt me mow one day yt is al. Sund 6. Mr Willsted pr. al day. Jno Rogers & his crew made a disturbance. they [ ] the midst of prayer time. they came in a Horse Cart Commited to prison at night. Mond 7 fair. I went to Stonington & back next morn. Tuesd 8 fair a Shower last night. I came home in ye morn & was at freemans meeting. Capt Rogers & Lt Richards Chose Deputies. Wednesd g fair. I went to Stonington in ye foren & Stayed till Saturday night [ ] about 8. clock: I borded at E. Wms my Self 12 meals and Ed Fanning 2 & Stephn 16 in all 46. I Carryed over my Rundlet of Rum & 2 bottles before wch I took out of a bb in Mr Gardiners War- house. I Sold 1 gall & drink. Edmund fanning helpt mow 2 days & Jos Bennet 3. I pd ym [ J. Sund 13 fair. Mr. adams pr al day. Rain at night. Mond 14 fair. I went to Stonington & N & S. & came back Tuesd night. wee [were] Mowing & Stacking hay. I have Cut about 16 Load. in. 7 Stacks. wee Borded att Ebe Williams’s Each 4 meals in 92 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1719 al 12. Wednesd 16 fair. I workt at ye Meeting house about ye floors boys gathering aples [ ].. Thursd 17 Thunder Shower toward night. I workt at ye Meeting house & I. C. & boys al d. boys about 2 days. fryd. 18 fair Windy. I workt at ye Meeting house al d. & J. Chapman. 500 nailes Saturd 19 fair. I workt at ye Meeting house al day & Mr Chapman. Sund 20. fair till near night & yn Rain. Mr Ad prald. — Eliz Hough into ye Church. Annee Waterhouse Babtizd & an Infant of Josh Apletons Jane Mond 21 it Rained hard al night & ys Morn. I workt at ye Meeting house & Nathll al day. Tuesd 22 fair. I workt at ye Meeting house al day & Nathll. Supr Court Sits & Stephn gone to Stonington to Mend fence. on my Mare. Wednesd 23d fair. _workt at ye Meeting house & Nathll. Stephn come back .2. Meals at Wms. Thursd .24 fair. I workt at ye meetinghouse & Nathll al. day. fryd 25. fair. I workt & ye Meeting house al day & N. Pheebee gone to Lyme on my old horse. Jame Larabee (Son of Thoms) come to our house. Saturd 26 fair. I workt at ye Meeting- house al day & Nathll. Sund 27 fair. mrad. pr. al. d. Thos Leach Senr a Daughtr Babtized Abigail. an Infant. Mond 28 fair. I workt at ye Meeting house al. d. & I. C. Brothr Tallmage come for his Rum. Tuesd 2oth fair. I workt at ye Meetinghouse al day. N. & Stephn gone to Ston- ington this morn on my mare to Mend fence & gather Corn. they have carryed my Rundlet full of Rum to Ebe Williams out of gardiners Ware- house. Wednesd 30 Rain most of ye day. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in Town Octobr ye .1. Thursd. Rain in ye Morn. I was about home all day. | prest Some water cyder & wrote a deed for John More from Jer Blake. fryd 2d fair. I was about home gathering Winter aples & in Town. I Sent a bb Sugar to Samll Hide 2 cwt. og. 1216. I Sent 2 bbs. Rum. 1 gages 30 gall & the other 31 to Sell at L. Iland by Brothr Tallmage not under 5s od p gall in yt Mony. Brothr Tallmage hath got his Rum out of Mr Christophers Warhouse & .2. bbs. of mine 31 & 38. Richard Christophers Arived from Barbados al well 18 days passage. Saturd 3d Stormy Rain toward night. I was helping Mr Coit Launch Mr Gardiner’s Brig. Nathll & Stephen come home at night 13 meals Each at Williams. Sow piged. Sund 4 Rainy. Mr Foxcraft pr. al. day. Mond 5 fair. I was at home al day mending my Shoe & Sadle & bridle. I made Lt Richards my attorney to appear at the genll Court in New Haven in behalf of ye Pattentees. Tuesd 6 fair. I was about home al day. I mad 4 bbs Cydar at Mr Coits. Nath work at J Coits. Wednesd .7. fair. In ye foren I killed my Ram weid 64fb Caul 4tb. Wool about 2tb. afern making Cydar. Thursd 8th fair. I was al day making Cydar. I finisht 5 bbs & I Sent 5s od more by the Post to mend the watch & 5s od before, that is 10s od in all fryd gth fair. I workt at mending ye Highways & Nathanael between ys & Chap- mans. I husked my Corn at night. Saturd 1o fair. I was about home al d. I made 1. bb water Cyder at J Coits. N. 4 days ths week. Sund 1 Rain in ye aftern & at night. Mr adams pr. al. d. Peter Hackly a Son Babtizd John & Christopher Darro a Daughter Elizabeth. Mond 12 fair. In ye foren I was helping Mr Picket take an accot of Some Plank for Mr Tiley. aftern I Sent a Letter to James Patty by Samll Plumb. I wrote 2 Bonds for sd Plumb. Tuesd 13 fair. I was al day about gathering fines for not Trayning—Nath & Steph gone to Stonington. Wedesd 14 fair. 1 went to Stonington to gather Corn & Mend ye Pertition fence. Thursd 15 Rain. fryd & Saturd I mended fence & gathered Corn. wee husked fryday night & Saturd I come home. wee have borded at Ebe. Wms. 33 meals. Saturd 17. Brother Pattys Come. John Mayhews youngest 1719 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 93 Son died was about 14 year old. Sund 18 fair. Mr ad. pr al. d. Mr Mayhews Child buried. a Proclamation for Thanksgiving was Published to be wednesd come Sevennight. Mond Ig fair. a Trayning day of ye first & 2d Company. I was at Trayning al day. Tuesd 20 fair. a Trayn- ing day again. I was at it all day. Wedensd 21 Rainy a Storm. I was most of ye day Dividing Mr. Picketts Rum for ye owners. John Harris’s Son Thos Drownded in Swiming a Shore by Benja Stars a few Rods dis- tance. Thursd 22 Squally Showery. Brother Patty went to Saybrook. Thos went with him to ye gutt. I was most of ye day making a Shelf & working Ta [ jin ye fore Seat for Mr Christophers. fryd 23d fair. I went to Stonington & Stephen to Cribb the Corn. wee Cutt ye poles, & Carted [ ] Load in ye evening. Saturd 24 fair Cold. wee Carted ye Rest of ye Cribb poles made ye Cribb in part Carted one of Corn & put in, wee came home in ye night by 9 Clock—6 meals Sund 25th fair. Mr adams pr. al day. Mond 26 Rainy. I was at home al d. mending Shoes &c. it Snowed last night & Rained to. Tuesd 27 fair windy & very Cold. in the morn I kiled a Lamb at Capt Latimers towards fencing Stacks & Shoveling Dung. Wednesd 28 fair. a Publick Thanksgiving. Mr ad. pr. al. day. Thursd 29 fair Cloudy. I was at home al day Stacking Stalks & husks & fencing Stacks fryd 30 Rain. I was at home all day. I mended ye foreside of ye Roof of ye house, other Jobbs. Saturd 31 fair. I was in Town part of ye day & part at home. we planted Roten [ ] aplecores all of paremains in ye Cornner of the garden for a Nursery. November Sund .1. Cloudy. mr ad. pr. al day. a Sacramt d. S. Edgcumbe & Elizabeth Prentt’s Thos Boham & Sarah Sales & Jno Camp- bell & Agnis Allin Published. Samll Allin took into ye Church. Jno Adams a Son Babtized Samuel. Mond 2 Cloudy till near night & yn it Rained Smartly. a great Storm & high tides hath been Easterly several days. I was Sawing Trucks (& Steph) & whee [ ]. Tuesd 3 fair and windy. I went to Stonington to work & Stephn to Cribb ye Corn. we made ye [ ]. Wednesd 4 fair & windy. I finished Cribbing ye Corn & came home at night to fetch plow. Thursd 5 fair. I went to Stonington & Thos & carryed ye plow ina dray. fryd 6 fair. wee plowed for to Sow Rye & Saturd it Rained hard & wee come & brot ho [ ]. Sund 8th fair & warm. Mr adams pr. al day. Mond g fair. I went to ye farm & Stephen & came home on Tuesd night. Diett at E. W 4 8 [ ]. Peter Manwaring from Antegua & Ware from Boston of whom I Recd 8s od for 2[ |]. Wednesd 11 Rainy. I was about home & to See Mr Manwar- ing to whom I Sold 67tb feathers for 2s 6d p. Thursd 12 fair. I went to Colchester to fetch 3 Steers & came back to Campbells & Lodged there. fryd 13. I came home wth the Steers & brot 4 bushlls Turnips on my mare. I left 2 more pd for al. Saturd 14 Rainy. I was at home al day. I agreed with Pheebe Lee to find her Shoes & Stockings & 2 Aprons of flanning & to give her Six Pound for this year beginning Sept 2d. Sund 15th fair. Mr ad pr. al day. Wm Rogers a Son Babtized Peter an Infant. Mond 16 fair & Cold. I workt at Solomon Coits about his Troughs at 4d p foot. Tuesd 17. I workt at Sol Coits all day. Wednesd 18 fair. in ye foren I work at Sol Coits finished his gutters. aftern Rain. Thursd 19 Rainy. I was about home al day Making Trucks for Stone Cart. fryd 20. fair. I went to fishers Iland with Nathanael & Stephn to catch blue fish but there being none Wee went to Stonington for 3 bbs. Rum tht I bought of Sil [ ] Baldwin in ye Summer for 4s tod p gall. Saturd ar. wee came home from Stonington after wee had drawn of ye Rum got it up before night yn it began to Rain. Sund 22 Cloudy. Mr ad pr al day. 94 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1719 Jonat Caulkings & Anne Plumb published. Mond 23 Cloudy. I was at home al day making Trucks &c. Tuesd 24 fair. the County Court Sat. I was at it al day to answer unto Capt Rogers. he Sued Capt Latimer & my Self one third part of the £300 in Mr Winthrops [ J. ~ Wednesd 25 fair. I was at Court most of ye day. Jo Lester killed my black Steer weighs [ ]. Thursd & fryd fair. I was at Court all day on ye Grand jury as wel as attending on my orchard. Saturd 28 Cloudy. it Snowed last night, I was at Court al day. Doctr Blogget was Convicted with Hannah Peirce wife of Lt. Peirce of Plainfield. Sund 29 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. a Contribution for him. Uncle John Fox Published to Mary Lester & William Valient to Patience Washburn. Mond 3oth fair. I was at Court al day. our action was pleaded at night. Tuesd 1 Decembr. the Court Raised yt ye Action Should proceed & wee apealed to March Court. Wednesd 2 fair & Cold. I was at ye Court al. day Wm Blogget of Plainfield being Convicted of Adultry with the wife of Lt Timothy Pierce was whipt 25 Stripes & Branded on ye forehead wth A & a halter put on his neck yr to Remain forever. Brothr James Patty & Jonat Bayly are come over in Booth Thursd 3 Misty & Rain at night. I was in the forepart of the day with Joshua Moor to make Accounts with Ensign Harris Respecting Abel moors house & land. at night making up Acctts with the Collectors til it was late at Richd Douglasses. fryd .4. fair. I was at Court. Samll Plumbs Case is Continued till february to the adjourned Court the 4th Tuesday. Saturd .5. fair & Cold. I was at home al day. I finished the Trucks. Sund 6 fair & Cold. mr ad. pr. al day. Charles Campbell a Child Babtized Jane. William Holts acknowledgement was publickly Read for fighting with Lt Walter Buttler. Booth Sayled for Antigua. Mond .7. fair. I was at home al day fitting Sleepers in ye End Leantoo. at night making up accounts with the Collectr G. Richds & other T. business. Tuesd 8. fair. I workt at ye meetinghouse & Mr Chapman al day. Wednesd.g fair. I was at home al day Laying ye Lean- too floor. Mr. Woiat Come to work about S. Coits Window Shutts. Sister Patience Come here Last night. Thursd 10 fair. I was at Mohegan Dividing Mr. Hills farm Lt Latimer & Ens. Joseph Harris. fryd 11 fair. I was at home al day Mending my Bridge Covering it wth Stones. Saturd 12 Cloudy & Cold. I was at home all d. wee finished our Bridge. May- hew Arived from fial & Boston. Woiat workt 4 days. Sund 13 Cloudy & Misty. it Snowed last night about 3 Inches Deep. Mr adams pr in ye aftern in foren No meeting mr adams not well. R, Christophers a Child Baptizd Sarah. Mond 14 Misty & Warm. I went to Samll Foxes in the morning yn at home & at night in Town. I Recd of Capt Shack- maple for Capt Braddick £143 2s od in bills & 190 [ ] Silver. Tuesd 15 drisley. I was at home in ye foren in Town in ye aftern. I pd Capt Shackmaple 8s od for a permit to Carry over 3 bbs Rums & 1 of Cydar to Long Island. Wednesd 16 Showers most of ye day. I was at home al day. wee Trimed ye whale Boat. Thursd 17 fair & Cold. I was about home most of ye day waiting upon going to L. Island. fryd 18 fair & pleasant. I went to Southold in my whaleboat & Jonat Bayly and Edwd Dewolf & a Negro Woman. I arived at Night about nine clock. 1735 Jan 29 fryday. I came from Southold fair & moderate. Jonat Bayly & Mr Waters. John Gray Died Jan 13th & Mr. George Denison Jan 20th. , TE. I, ath. 1748 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 95 Saturd 30th. Rain & Snow. I was about Town. I Sent Jonat Latimer to Wethersfield to buy Some land of Gidion Wickham & am to give him £5 if he gets under £100 & if it be not to be had yn to have his Expenses. Sund 31. Mr ad. pr. all. day. feb -1* Mond fair. a Town Meeting. Edward Hallam Chosen Town Clerk but by Reason of his not being Quallified to Voat he is objected against & So the authority wil not administer the oath to him. Tuesd 2 Cloudy & Rain at night. I went to ye farm and fetched my Mare home. ° Wednsd 3 Rainy. I was at home al day. Jonat Latimer come back & not Succeeded. they will not Sell it as yet. Thursd 4. I was at home most of the day. a Cold night. fryd 5 fair very Cold. I was at home most of ye day and toward night at John Rogers for fines. Saturdy 6 fair & Cold. I was at home al ye day. Some Snow at night. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams prald. Jno Watrus & Esther Colver’s & Mathw Smith & Sarah Rogers published. Mond 8 fair. In ye foren I was at Justice Prentt’s in order to take an oath to Settle ye Bounds between Lt Richds & Mr Pickett at alewife brook. afternoon I fetched a load of wood. Tuesd 9g I Set out for Hartford & Wednsd 17 I came home. Thursd 18th in ye foren I was with Mr Richds to take the oath and afternoon with Mr Pickett Settling the highway by Thos Crockers. iryd 19. I was about home foren. aftern in Town Settling School acctts. Saturd 2oth Rainy. I was at home all day. I Lent Capt Rogers my Book of Coppys of Town Grants. I have Since Recd ym again. Sund 21 Misty & Rain at night. Mr ad pral day. Mond 22 fair. I was at home most of ye day. aftern in Town. Tuesd 23d fair. In ye forept of ye day Iwas making up ye difference Between Mr Win- throp & Benja Switcher.. afternoon at Court wch Sat by adjournment. Mr Pickett is appointed County Clerk in ye Room & Stead of Mr. Denison. Wednesd :24: fair. I was at Court all day. Thursd 25. I was at Court & helping Set out in Severalaty one third partt of the Estate of Mr Samll Fosdyck decd to his Widow for her distinct Improvement During her life. fryd 26 fair. I was all day wth Deacon Plumb & Ensign Harris finishing the Division of Mr Fosdyck Estate ye Return left wth Ensign Harris, Saturd 27. In ye foren I was Endeavoring to drive my Cattle to Stoning- ton but Could not make them Swim over ye River. aftern at home. Sund 28 fair. Mrad.prall day. Mond 29 fair. I went to Stonington & ferryed over my Cattle 14 of ym drove ym to my farm & ye old horse. I lodged at Ebe William’s & Nath & Stephen & Thomas. March ‘1: Tuesd fair. Mr Williams & I measured Ashbys farm in ye forenoon. after noon wee al came home. wee Measured from the River, or brook, where ye path crosses to my farm & it is 1 mile & 40 Rod in ye Road to Mistick Mill from thence to New London ferry 7 Mile & half to the wharff. I lodged at ye ferry & came over in ye morn. Rain in ye night. Wedensd 2 Rain & hail & Snow. I was at home al day. ye Court Sat again by adjournmt. Thursd 3d fair & very Cold. I was in ye woods all day getting oars Nath & Stephen. fryd 4 fair. I went to my farm & John to drive a Steer & left him at Davises. he Tyred. Saturd 5 fair. I lodged at Ebe Williams’s last night came home on foot by the way of Ashbys. I agreed with him for his farm for £180. Pheebe Sick. Sund 6 fair Windy. a Sacrament day. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 7 fair. I was helping make Bounds between Mr Richards & Picket at Alewife Coave, Tuesd 8 fair. I went to Mr Justice Averys in Groton & Mett Mr Ashby & he gave me a deed of his farm in Stonington & I gave him two bonds one for to pay £80 ye Midle of July & ye other to pay one hundred ye Last day of November. I Sent a Notification by the Constable to Peter Crery 96 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1720 & to Daniel Eldridge yt Justice Avery had apointed 3 men to Renew or make Bounds between them & my 8 acres at ‘Mistick. I went to Stoning- ton & Lodged at E. Williams. Wednesd 9 fair. I went & Carryed my Survey of ye 200 acres made by ye Surveyors in 1710 to ye Recorder & had it Entered & left my deed to be Recorded & came home at night after I had been with the 3 men appointed to Relay my land. _ Thursd oth Stormy. I was at home all day making oars &c. fryd 11 Cold & windy. - I Divided my wine with Joshua Raymond & I had for my 2-3 of ye pipe 1 bb .32. gal & .24. gall besides paying for ye porterage & ye 3d of ye pipe which was 1 gall & 3. Saturd 12 Cold & windy. I was at home al d. mending ye oven & making oars. Sund 13 fair. Mr Ad pral day. Mond 14 fair. I went to Groton & had my .8. acre lot Bounded out by Mr Starr, Mr Wm Morgan & Mr Joshua Bill & a highway laid out from it to the Road 2 Rod wide & 6 Rod Long. I lodged at Danll Eldridges. Expences their 3s od ye men Each 5s od to the Constable 4s od to the Justice 3s od £1 5s od besides my Expences. Tuesd 15 fair. J came home after I had been at Stonington. Nath gone to L Iland with Richd Shaw Carryd 1 bb wine for Richd Wood 324 gall £4 for 25 gall. Wednesd 16 fair. the Comissioners Met at Mohegan to Settle the Line between the Indians & ye Town of N. London & Norwich. I went to Meet ym at Lt. Bradfords. I took Stephen & Thomas with me & measured the Road to Trading Coave- brook. ye first mile from ye Mill-Bridge or Damm is at a Long Stone Set down by ye path Side a little above John Boles’s fence a wallnut tree. a little way Eastward of it ye 2d mile 2 Stones Set in by ye fence ye North Side of a great Rock a little above the Brook on this Side of Joshua Wheelers. ye 3d mile is 3 Stones Set in before wee Come to Thomas Williams’s path, ye 4th mile is at a white oak Tree 4 Small Stones Set down a little above Lothrops Land agst Lt John Richards’s Land 4 a mile Short of 24 Rod beyond George Richards’s house. ye 5 mile is on ye brow of the hill Short of Samll Com- stocks & Sawmill brook. ye 6th mile is at a Stump in ye path & .6. Stones agst it a little before we Turn ye Cornner to go to Bakers Alias Samll Averys house. ye 7th mile is at 7 Stones over & beyond the brook & plain before wee Rise ye hill on this Side Bankses. ye 8th mile is at 8 Stones Set in ye falling ground ye Right hand path a little beyond ye Stone fort, ye 9th mile is 40 Rod Short of a little Brook yt Crosses ye path before wee Turn out to go to Daniel Fitches’s from thence half a mile to a heap of Stones in ye flatt Stony bottom 36 Rod Short of the Brook. So tht from the Mill Damm in New London to Trading Coave-brook where wee Ride over at ye End of Norwich plain is 9 mile & half & 36 Rod. I went to Cuz William Hides & Lodged their. Expence 3s 4d. Thursd 17 fair. I came from Norwich to Bradford's where ye Court Sat & was yr til near night. Expences thr 1s 3d. at Banks’s & at Lattimers od. I came home at night. Steph & Thomas last night. Peter Manwaring Sailed & Curtice for Antegua & a Road Iland Sloop. I Sent p Capt ‘Manwaring 4 oars for a Venture about 15 & 16 foot long. fryd 18 fair. I was about to gather fines most of ye day. Saturd 19th Snow in ye foren. afternoon geting withs to press hay. Sund 20 fair. Mrad pr al day. Mond 21 fair. 1 was at home all day Pressing hay for Capt R. Christophers. Tuesd 22d fair. the Supr Court Sat. In ye foren I was pressing hay. aftern at Court. Wednesd 23d fair. I was at Groton al day on ye Jury at Starks & Nowayunk. James Smith hath kiled 1 old Bitch fox & 4. young ones. Thursd 24 fair. I was at Court all day on the Jury. fryd 25 fair. I was at Court al day on ye Jury. Saturd .26. I was at Court ‘al. day our action is Continued till Sept yt is between Capt Rogers & Capt Latimer 1720| Diary of Joshua Hempstead 97 & my Self. ye Court is over. I Sent down to Richd Christophers 21tb 3qt 25tb hay. Sund 27 fair. Jno vibbert took into ye Church. Jno Rogers & Company at meeting. Mond 28 fair. I was at home al day. I finisht pressing hay & Sent down 3 bundles wch made up ye Rest 24—2—23—I Sent home Mr Hills boxes. Tuesd 2g fair. I helpt Thos Harris al day about his Boat. Nath Come fro L Hand With Richd Shaw brot 1ootb feathers & 30lb flax, & 5 bls Pork wch I bought of Mr Jere Halsey at 2d $ p tb. Wednesd 30: fair. I was al day helping Renew Bound of my land in ye Neck & between Mr Christophers & Jos Minor in ye 4th teer. Thursd 31 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in Town. I dd Capt Christoprs £5 in Silver barbados mony to buy Rum. I pd Richd Shaw 15 for bringing my 5 bbs pork & feathers & flax and carry- ing wine &c. fryd April the first. I was at home most of ye day in Town toward night. Saturd 2d fair. I was at home in ye picking up stones & clear ing ye lot. aftern at Sister Marys Seting up a well crotch &c. Sund 3d. Mr Ad pr. al d. Jos Merril & Sarah Hallam published. Mary Truman took into ye Church. a proclamation for a genll fast 13th Instant & a Warning for a Town Meeting 11th Instant. Mond .4. fair. I was at home al day. John Hough a Son buried about 7. mo old. Tuesd .5. fair. I was helping Divide Charles Hills Estate. Wednesd 6th fair. I went with Mr. Winthrop to his farm in Groton to bare Witness yt he Warned his tennants Wallsworth & Brown to go of his farm or to pay £160 p anum Each of ym. Thursd 17 fair. I was at home al day. Jno Coit Junr a Son born. fryd 8th fair. I was at home al day Richd Christophers Sayled for Barbados. Saturd g fair. I went to Stonington. Ebe Williams & I Renewed ye bounds between my 200 Acres & his 250 originaly Peter Blatchfords. I went on foot & Rid home my Mare & brought Some Corn. Sund ro. fair. Mr ad. pr. al.d. Jno Gardiner a Son Babtizd John & Danll Shapley a Daughter Mary. Mond 11 fair. a Town Meeting. Edwd Hallam again Chosen Town Clerk, but the Authority will not administer ye oath to him. I was in Town Most of ye day. Tuesd 12 fair. I was with Mr Winthrop at his farm to put Mr Mumford in Possesion. Wednesd 13 fair. a genll fast. mr adams pr al day. Jno King fro So-hold for Barbados. Thursd 14 fair Cloudy. I was at home most of ye day. I paid Jno King 15s od in York bills for his 20 yt I Recd of him about the boat. Woiat helpt me finish Soll Coits Window Shutts. fryd 15 Rain & Thundr & Lightning last night & this morn. I was at home al day Laying ye Leantoo floor Jno King & Jo Gardiner Sailed for Barbados. Saturd 16 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops farm at Groton to Make an Acctt &c. Sunday 17 fair. Sacremt day. Mrad.prald. I did not go to meeting in ye fore- noon but Stayed with Molly who took Phisick. Thos not well a day or two. Mond 18 fair. I was at Groton to make up acctts with Mr Brown for Mr Winthrop. Tuesd 19 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops (who Set out for Boston). I finished acctts wth Brown. Wednesd 20 fair. I went to Mr Brownes at Groton & made up & Settled Acctts wth him & he dd Mr Mumford Possession of his farm. I went to Stonington & lodged at Ebe Williams & John 2 Supers. Thursd 21 fair. I came home & brot my plow. wee began to plow. fryd 22d. I went to Stonington to assist about Relaying Land for Capt fish & Settling bounds between Ebenezar Williams & him adjoyning to mine. Saturd 23d fair. I came home by Mr Winthrops farm & Stayed a while at Jt to accomadate ye difference between him & Wallsworth Ebenezar Willms & I Renewed the bounds of Fannings S E. Cornner. a white oak Marked E. F & Stones about it. I had a 8 98 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1726 fall from my mare & she kickt me on ye Side & knee & hurt me very much. I got home with dificulty. Sund 24 fair. Mr ad pr. al day—Capt Knot from Barbados al well. Mond 25 fair. In ye fornoon I was at home. aftern at S. Coits to put up his gutter & Nathll. I am much amiss with my fall of ye Mare. Tuesd 26 fair. a freemans meeting. I am much Indisposed & in pain in my Right Side where ye mare struck me against my Short Ribbs. I got out aftern to ye meeting. Capt Rogers & Jonat Hill Deputies. Wednesd 27 fair. I was about home & in Town al d. much Indisposed wth my Side. Thursd 28 fair most of ye day Some Squalls. I was at home al day. Mayhew & Cheesborough Sayled for fiall. fryd 29 fair. I went to Samll Allins to help about Settling ye bounds wth Jonat Rogers. Saturd 3oth fair. I was at home in ye forept of ye day afterpt at Wheelers. May :1: Sund fair. I was much Indisposed in the foren. aftern at Meeting. Mr ad. pr. ald. Richd Douglas a Son Babtizd Richd Jno Vib- bert 1 Nathanael and Jno. Coit Junr one John. Mond 2 fair. 1 went to Mr Winthrops farm to demand my Stock of Wallsworth which I did in presence of Nathanael Brown & Humphrey Avery but he Refused to deliver them. I went to ye farm Latt. Cow Calved. Tuesd 3 fair till night & yn Some Showers. I went to Norwich to give Evidence about Alewife plain. I Lodged att Cuz Hides came home by two Clock Wednesd. Wednesd 4 fair very windy. N. W. Wm Latham Sayled for Barbados. Thursd 5 fair. I was in Town all day with Capt Williams & Mr Whittney who were making up acctts about ye Plainfield. fryd 6 fair Most of yed. & towards night Rain. I was at home al d. making a Tanfat for Jos Truman. Saturd 7 Lowering. I was about home & in Town. aftern at Jos Trumans about his Tanfatt. Sund 8. fair. Mr ad pr. al. d. Molly ye feaver & ague. I Stayed with her in ye aftern. Thos Fosdyck & Esther Updike published. Mond 9g fair. In ye foren I went to Lyme & fetched a Cow & Calf tht I bought of phebce for £4. aftern about J. Trumans Tanfat. Tuesd roth fair. I was at home pt of ve day. I finished Jos Trumans Tanfat. Nath & Thos gone to Stonington with Mr Winthrops oxen to Plow. Ia greed wth Church for 15s for my ferryage & family & Creatures this year. Wednesd 11 fair. I was at home al d. I Trimed my Whale- boat &c. Thursd 12 fair. I was at home al day. I made A Large Cheast to Carry to Stonington. fryd :13: fair till night. In ye foren | was at home. aftern I went to Stonington & Slept in my Whaleboat. I Carryed a bed & househol1 Stuff. Saturd 14 Rain most of ve day Smartly. I came home at night & Nath in ye Rain. Sund 15 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Jonas Hamilton a Son Babtized James Ebenezar Way one William & Jos Miner Junr a Daughtr Elizabeth. John Morgans wife buried after Meeting died vesterd. with Consumption. Mond 16 fair. the Snow Sailed for England. I Set out for Hartford Lodged at Colchester got to Hart- oe ae er I oo. at Ms Whittings till Wednesd the first of une. Expence about 24s od. I came home at night by ye way 7 try & windham & Norwich. pice Se enn June 1 Wednesd. I was Looking up Sheep. I found 4 at Capt Lati- mers. Jo: Lester Steered ym. they had 3 Lambs. I found ‘1: at Man- warings & Sheered it. Thursd 2d. Willm Holts Cow came. Peter Manwaring Arived from Antegua 18 days al well. fryd 3 fair. I helpt Jno Pendal in apprizing Richds Land in ye foren. aftern I went to Mistick for my Whaleboat & yn to fishers Hand to fetch wool. Saturd 4 fair most of ye day Some Rain. I came home with Mr Swallow & boat. Wool 239tb. Sund 5 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. a Sacramt. Capt Rogers a 1720] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 99 Dau Babtizd Hannah & Sam Daniels one Eliz. Mond 6 fair. In ye foren I went to Jno Rogers's. aftern to Stonington & Lodged at my Cave. Tuesd 7th fair. In ye forept of ye day I was looking for my Colt but I found him not. Edmond Fanning See him ye day before yesterday at Massactuck- suck with his Mares. he hath a ball face & I think his hind feet much white & one of the fore ones some white. 1 came home at night. the County Court Sat yesterday. Wednesd 8 Rainy. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at ye Court. Thursd 9 fair. I was at Court all day on ye Jury: Danll Ashcraft was Imprisoned for Striking an Indian on the forehead with a Stone of which wound he is like to dye. Jonathan Baylis come in from Hartford. fryd io fair. I was at Court al day on ye Jury—Braddick Come in & brothr Patty wth him. Saturd 11 fair most of ye day. I was at Court al day on ye Jury. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad pr. al d. Samll Allyn 6 Children Babtized Stephen & John, Mary, Hannah, Eliz & Unice & Robt’ Gauler 2 daughters twins Babtizd Esther & Anne. I was on the Jury ol Inquest upon the Body of ye Indian which died last night of ye wound he Recd of Daniel Ashcraft on Thursday last on his forehead wth a Stone. Sow pigd 9 pigs. Mond 13 fair. Iwas at home al d. I took Physick. it work downwd 6 times. Tuesd 14 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Court on the Jury. we finished 11 Actions. Wednesd 15 fair. I was at Court al d. waiting on Samll Plumbs Case. Thursd 16 fair. I was at home alday. I made mea bridle. N &S gone to the farm to Weed. fryd 17 fair. I Recd of Capt Manwaring 28tb of Cotton the Effects of .4. oars. I was about home most of the day. T. Trumans Calf came. Saturd 18. I was in Town bought a Terse of Rum 87 gall of P. Manwaring put it on bord Mr Arnolds boat whom I have hired to go to Hartford and Carry [ ] Wool from fishers Iland. I am to give him four Pounds for his Run. Sunday 19. Mr Adams gone to Stonington & Mr Hobart pr here in his Room. Mond 2oth fair. I went to Fishers Island & took on bord Mr Arnold 1536! Wool. I Lodged yr al night. next morning Wee Sat out for Hartford & arived on Saturday 25th & Stayed thereabout till Thurs- day July 14th & then I came away in my Whaleboat & got home Sund morning. July Sund 11 fair. Mr ad Pr. al day. a Sacramt day. Sarah Merrill yt was Sarah Hallam was Babtized & David Culver a Child Babtized Grace & Moses Lewis a Son John. I brought home with Me Cuzn Eliz Cornish to keep my house and have promisd her the Same wages yt I give to Pheebe vizt 3s od p week & as much mre as I Shall think She deserves. Mond 18 fair. I was in Town all day. I agreed wth Capt R. C to get him 2 Load hay at 3s 4d. Tuesd 19 Rain. I was at home & about going to ye farm but Rain prevented. Wednesd 20 fair. I went to my farm by land & ye boys in ye Whaleboat to hill Corn. Thursd 21 fair. I was plowing most of ye day. I Came home at night. fryd 22d Rainy after. 9 or 10 Clock. I Sold .1. bb Pork to Edmond Fanning for £4 10s od: 4os in hand & a yearling to be dd in ye fall a good one for thirty Shillings & if a Small one Less: we Remaindr of ye Mony to be pd in Mowing time. I was at home all day. Saturd 23d fair. I was at home al day mending Mr Hills fence & making hay &c. Sund 24 fair. Mr ad. pr. al.d. Ebe Fox a Son Bab. David & Stuart one Samll. Ebe Foxes wife took into the Church. Mond 25 fair. I went into Town & Signed the Town & Ministers Rate in ye foren. aftern I went with Mr Winthrop to Mr Tompsons to Meet Tho. Fosdyck & his wife. wee Lodged their at night. Tuesd 26th fair. I Came home at night & was at Mr Winthrops till Late. Wednesd 29 Rain. in the aftern I Set out for Hartford on my Mare. I Lodged at Col- 100 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1720 chester. Expense 1s td. Thursd 28 fair & hot. I Set out for Hartford, I dined at Ms Treats. I found my Comb & went on bord Mr Arnolds boat to Speak with him. I got to Hartford a little before night. Expence for ferryage & oats tod. fryd 29 fair at Hartford but much Rain at N. London. I Recd of Mr Arnold 111tb of Wool at 16d p tb prime Cost. I put it in Mr Pratts Shop. I Lodged at Mr Pratts 2 nights & Eat thr 5 meals till Saturd noon. Saturd 30 it Rained in ye fornoon & Thundr. I bought a New horese. it cost 20s. Expence at Hartford 1s od._ I Recd of Widow Bidwell £4 15s for Wool Recd. I Set out for home. I got to Colchester at Night. Expence 15d & 3d for oats. I Set out for home in ye night after I had Rested a while. I mist my way & Lay out till morning. got home Soon after ye 2d Bell. Sund 31 Rain in ye Morn. Mr ad. Pr al d. I was at Meeting after Noon. Mond Aug. 1. Rainy. In the forept of the day I was wth Justice Prentis at foxens. aftern about home. I was wth a School Committee & pd Mr Miller £55 tos od. The boys workt at highways. Tuesd 2 fair. I was at home al day drying & Raking hay. Wednsd 3d fair but a Thundr Shower at Noon. JI was about home haying & Pressing hay. Thursd 4 fair al d. I was about home al day haying & Mending fence. fryd 5 fair. I was about home haying &c. Wm Latham Arived from Barbados. Saturd 6 fair. I was at home al day Pressing & weighing hay &c. Carted down 27C 2q otb. Sund 7 fair. Mr ad. Pr. ald. Thos Bohams wife took into ye Church. Mond 8th fair. In the morn I went on bord Capt Whittfield & Recd 8 bushlls Corn & 2 bbs Tar frt 7s od. aftern haying. wee finished Pressing & Carting it down. it weighed 41C 3q 8tb. Tuesd oe I was at home al day mowing &c. I Sold 15C Hay to Dennis. ednesd 10 fair. I was at home al d. Mowing & Raking. Jere Chapman mowed. Thursd 11 a Rainy day. I was at home ald. I finisht ye Leantoo floor & herth. fryd 12 Misty & Cloudy. I went to ye farm to See after ye fence & get ye Ry Reaped. I Lodgd yr. Saturd 13 fair. I came from ye farm in ye morn. I Sent £5 Silver p Richd Christophers to Barbados to buy Rum in barrells. he Sayled this day. I was haying aftern. Sund 14. Mr ad. pr. al. d. George Richards a Son Babtized George. Ms Eliz Picket died Last night Seventy in about 6 hours. Mr Austin died about 9 [ ] this morn at Ebe Dennises. he was an old Eng Gent bound from R. Iland to new york in Coddin & put on Shore Last Sunday Sick with a fever & much pain. My List in N Londn. this year is £82 tos od. Mond 15. I was at home foren. aftern at the funerall of Ms Picket first & yn Mr Austin. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home al day Stacking hay &c. Wednesd 17 fair. I was al day haying at Hills Lot. I made 1 Stack of Medow hay. Thursd 18 fair & hot. I was about home & at the funeral of the Widow Eliz Harris who died yesterday morning. fryd 19 Rain. I was al day at Groton wth Mr Muford at Justice Smiths. I Lodgd yr. Saturd 20 fair. I came from Mumfords to ye ferry by Sun- rise. I came over & made up acctts wth Mr Arnold about 99% bushll Corn & Wht Sent by him fell. I Reed of him £7 os od which T accepted to ballance wth him on yr acct. I went back over to ye farm & Thos. wee Mended some fence & so home. Sund 21 fair. Mr Ad pr. al d [ ] & Jane Plumbly Published & Samll Hough a Child babtizd Jemima & Ben Snitcher one Eliz. Mond 22 Rainy. I was at home al day. Culver made a Combpot. Tuesd 23d fair Cloudy. I was home forn. aftern writing Brother Plumbs will & at night the Townsmen Mett & agreed with George Wright to be Saxton on ye Same Terms as Horsey. I Recd a Packquet of ye Governr for Hartford. Wednsd 24 fair Rain at night. a bull wth 1720 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 101 the Cows Lattr Davis & Cornish. I set out for Hartford on my Mare by the way of Lyme to get Some bords at Elys for Mr Winthrop but there is none yet. I got over the River there and then I went to Haddam & so to Midle Town. I Lodged There. it was dark & Rained before I got thr. I was alone al day. Thursd 25 fair. I went to Hartford dined at Pratts. I Recd of Widow Bidwell £11 9s od for Wool Sold. I went to Mr Pittkins & dd ye Govrs Letter & Recd for Brother Plumb £10 of him. I Set out for Colchestr about Sun an hour & $ high. I got to Plowmans by ye Stone house & Lodged yt I over pd him 11d. fryd 26 fair. I Set out for home by Sunrise got home 3 Clock. Expence 5s 6d. Saturd 27 fair. I was al day Stacking hay & at Hills Lot. wee finished there. Jere Chap- man hath Mowed thr 34 days & Nath & Stephen about 3 days & 2 days Each beside. I went to See Dea. Plumbe & Ensign Harris both Sick. I dd Brother Plumbe his ten Pound I brot fro Hartford as p his Rectt. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad pr. al. d. Thos Buttler a Son Babtized James. Mond 29 fair. Seabury arived from Barbados. In ye foren I weighed ye Hay yt Grew in Smiths Lot 17C 2q otb Sold to Ms Prentts ye Widdow at 2s 6d p C. aftern at home Mowing among ye Corn. Tuesd 30 Rainy. I was at home al day a Stormy day. Wednsd 31. it Rained Smartly. toward night I went to Groton to Justice Smiths about Mr Mumfords Case wch was adjourned till now I Lodged at Mumfords.. Thursd Sept 1 fair. I came over with Mumford & Constable Avery. wee were Sureties for him for his good behaviour. aftern about home & in Town. fryd 2d Rainy. In the foren I went to See Ens Harris aftern in Town. Saturd 3 fair. I was at home most of ye day. I wrote a Deed for Ja Harris to Capt. Ellery. Sund 4 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Isaac Fox & Eliz Beebe published. Samll Comstock a Son babtized Jonathan. Mond 5 fair. I went to Colchester to Survey Capt Ellerys farm bought of Mr. Harris. Sol Coit. I Lodged at Chamberlins’. Nath. Stephn & Thos gone to ye farm to mow. Tuesd 6 fair. after wee had Ran Round ye Land wee came away. Supper at Lt Harris’s & got home about Eleven Clock—Little Cow Calved a heiffer. Wednsd 7 Rainy. I was at home al d. Making a Map of Capt Ellery farm. Thursd ‘8: Dainy. I was at home al d. writing a deed & Making a Map &c. I bought a Calf of Moses Lewis for 13sod. Ipdhim. fryd9g fair. In ye foren I went to Stonington & N. Anne Wilson died. Saturd 10 fair. I came back fro Stonington ‘8° Clock at night. Sund 11 fair. Mr ad. pr. in ye foren. a Sacrament d. Mr Wigglesworth aftern. a Warning for freemans Meeting Tuesd. Nath Otis & his wife took into ye Church. Jno Nobles babtized 3 Children John Mary & Sarah & a Child of Mr Palms Andrew [ ] Daton & Deliver- ance Willobee. Peter Wickwire & Patience Cheapell Published. Ms Wilson buried in ye Evening. Monday 12 fair. I was at home. ye boys gone to ye farm (having) in ye whale boat. Tuesd. 13: fair. a freemans Meeting. Capt Rogers & Mr Hill Chose Deputies: Wednesd 14 fair. I was at home al day. I pd Ms Cogswell by order from Mr Ebenezar White £3 in bills of Cr. I Staked & Raked ye hay tht grew in ye Corn. Thursd 15 fair. I Sent by Samll Harris one bb Rum (yt I had of R. Christophers) to Mr Benja Beldan wch I Sold for 3s 6d p gall in hatts & he to Send ym. I went to ye farm aftern & Stayed yr till Saturday night. fryd & Saturd 16: 17 fair. I Came home about 10 Clock. wee work till till night to finish taking up ye hay tht was down. Sund 18 fair. I was at Meeting at Nahantick heard Mr Griswold. Mr Hobart Preached all day for Mr Adams. Mond 19 Rain. Little Cow & a Bull. I went to Norwich wth ye Townsmen, Lattimer Richds & Chapman to Avouch Jos Miner Con- 102 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1720 stable who was Sued before Justice Backus for disstraing from Capt Rogers 9s gd pt of his Town Rate. wee made pleas of abatement but they were overuled & wee appealed to ye County Court Novr. Next. it was an Exceeding Rainy day. the flood Raised Norwich River to a Prodigious heighth yt Stacks of hay floated down ye River & Carryed away ye Bridge by ye Meetinghouse & much fence. wee Lay at William Hides. Expence as 6d. Tuesd 20 Cloudy & Rainy. I went fro Norwich to Stonington. [ Lay at Ebe Williams. Wednesd 21 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was about Stonington & groton & Came home at night. Thursd 22d Rainy. I was at home al day. Lt Richards Daughter Mary died about 11 year old, frvd 23 fair most of ye day. aftern I went to Groton to Look a Steer. I Lodged at R. Stodders. Saturd 24 fair. I was al day Looking my Red Steer but found him not. home at night. Sund 25 fair. Mr adams pr. al day. Mond 26 fair. I went to ye farm & the boys & Stayed till Tuesday night. wee Stackt up ye hay & I came home to ye ferry & lodged yr. Tuesd 27 fair. ye Supr Court Sat. Gabriel Woodmansee Died last night Sick about 10 days & buried in the Evening. Wednesd 28 fair. I was at Court. our Action was called & pleas of abatemt made. Thursd .29. Rainy. Iwas at Court all day. our Action (vizt) Capt Latemer & my Self with Capt Rogers. he Sd Rogers was barred. Daniel Ashcraft was Tryed for his Life for killing young Wambaneag a Moheag Indian with a Stone Last June. fryd 30 fair. I was at Court al day. Daniel Ashcraft was brot in Not Guilty. October. Saturday ‘1: fair. Iwas at Court al day. Sund 2d fair. Mr adams pr all day. Kingsland Comstock a Daughter babtizd Rachel. Mond 3 fair. I was at Court al day. Pheebe Lee is gone away. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at Court al d. Waiting on Mr Pratt about Mr Winthrops bussiness. Wednsd 5 fair. I was at Court all day. Thursd 6 fair. I went to Robt Stodders after my Red Steer & I pd him 18d & 1s od more due for keeping him. I went to Stonington & Thos. fryd 7 fair. wee mended ye house—& Stacked up al ye hay & Spread ye flax &c. Saturd 8 fair. I came home at night & Stephn. Sundo fair. Mr adams pr all day. Mond ‘Io' fair. in ye foren I was at home. aftern in Town Coppying Mr Win- throps Petition & Serching ye Records for him. Tuesd 11 fair. Lattr Cow & Bull. I Agreed with Thos Truman to pasture his Calves till winter & to Winter them also for 16s od Each. in ve aftern I went into Town to get Mr Winthrops Petition Citation & Coppys Signed. I went to Groton. Lay at Mr Mumfords. Wednsd 12 Rainy. the Sheriff was at James Packers to whom I went before day. he made me his deputy. I Served ye Pet. on Justice Avery & Wallsworth. I came home about noon. Mr White come from boston. I pd him 20s od. Thursd 13 fair. I was in Town in ye forpart of ye day. after part Making up acctts with the Col- lectr. I pd Mr adams £20 odd as p his Rectt. fryd 14 fair. I was about home in ye foren. aftern I was about Town att Mr Winthrops a getting Wallsworth horses Released wch he Impounded. Wallsworth paid 6s od which Mr Winthrop gave me. Saturd 15 fair. was with Capt Ellery veiwing Madam Knights Land at Stodd[ers] farm & Seaburys till 2 Clock & yn at Mr Winthrops warning a power of Attorny. Sund 16 Rain. Mr ad. pr. ald. a warning for 1. & 2d Comp. to Tr. 24 & 25 day. Mond 17. I Set out for Newhaven with Ebe Dart. I Lodged at Branford & got to Newhaven Tuesd Morn 18th. I left my man at Mr Tutthells. I kept at Richd Ha[ll]s till Tuesd 25 I went to Milford in order to go to Stam- ford. itt Rained & Some Snow at night, a violent Storm Wednesd night. I got brother Hartshorns. Sister Lucy hath 5 Sons (vizt) Joshua, 1720] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 103 Jonathan, Benjamin, Samll & William. I Stayd till fryday noon or aftern & Set out alone back for N haven. I Lodged att Ms Couch’s in Fairfield or Greensfarm. I Stayd yr for Mr Stone of Stanford who went with me till 1t of ye Clock & he failed coming. I Set out alone & got to Newhaven Sat- urday night about 8 or 9 Clock. I Stayed at Lt Miles’s at night & about Town till Tuesday night Nov 2d & yn I Set out for Hartford & Lodged at Wallingford att Capt Merrymans. Wednesd 3d it Raind in ye forept of the day. I went to Durham & So to Midletown & to Hartford. I Lodged at Cooks & Stayed in Town till fryday 1 Clock I came over Hartford ferry. I Recd of Wid Biddwell £37 9s & 48 yards of linen Cloth in full for the Wool I Left with her. I pd Mr Pratt 8s od for Storehouse Room &c. I Lodged at Colemans at Colchester. Saturd .5. I came home. Lt John Richards, & his Daughter Love, a maid about 19 years old, Brother Plumbs Daughter Hannah, about 15 year old & Scippio a Malato have all died Since I have been gone. Sund 6 fair Cold. Mr ad pr al d. Wm Young a Child Babtizd. Mond 7 Snow. I was in Town Most of ye day. I Pd Mr Winthrop £43 for Havens & Recd. £18 of him Interest & pd it to Mr adams. Capt Latti- mer with me. Tuesd 8 fair. I was about home & in Town. S. Gardiner & Eliz Coit maryd. Wednesd oth fair. a Publick Thanksgiving. Mr ad. pr. Thursd to fair & Cold. I was at home al day. fryd 11 fair. I went to Mumfords & Ashbys & to the farm. I lay their. Saturd 12 fair. in ye forept of ye day I mended fence &c. I came to Justice Smith. I was Sumoned a wittness for Swallow. home at night. Sund 13. a Sacramt day ‘Mr ad. pr ald. Mary Wilson took into ye Church & Samll Tinker & Eliz Harris published. Mond 14 fair. In the forept of the day I was in Town. Endeavoring to get a Writt for Mr Winthrop agst Wm Wallsworth. aftern I went over to Groton in order to go to Plainfield. I Lodged at Edward Averys & Benja Starr with me. it Rained at night. Tuesd 15 fair. I went to plainfield to Summon William Park to give his Evidence about the bounds of Fannings Land at Stonington. I Lodged att Dea Whittneys. aftern I had been at Parks’s. Wednesd 16 fair. I came from Plainfield to Norwich and got the Coppy of Justice Backus’s Judgmt &c for ye Towns use in Minors Case. I came home by 9 Clock. Thursd 17. I was about home most of ye day. I went to Groton. I Lodged at Mr Mumiords & ye boys at William Wallsworth. fryd 18 fair. went to Wim Wallsworth & hired of him 80 Sheep (vizt) 54 old Ews & 1 Ram & 25 Lambs Most of them Ews & little ones. I am to give him a pound of Wool a Sheep Rent p Annum to have 2 year & if I See Cause after 1 year I may buy them price not agreed on. I drove ym up to ye farm at night & lodged at Ebe Williams. Saturd 19th. I was about Stonington to get Evidence about the bounds of my Land I bought of Ashby & to get Cop- pies of Beebees Land Now Denisons. I Lay at the farm. it Rained very hard in the night. Sund 20 it Rained in the morn. I came to Meeting at Groton & home at night. Mond 21 fair. 1 went in ye morn to Daniel Eldridges to Meet with James Packer [ , ] of Fish & Aaron Starke who were appointed by Justice Avery to Renew the bounds between Wm Deni- son & mee. I paid Wm Park tos od for Coming down from Plainfield & 1s 6d Expence for Coppies to Minors. Tuesd 22d fair. I was at Stoning- ton Mending the house & fetching 3 Calves tht I bought of Holdridge. I came away at night. I dd 2s 6d to Will Parke to pay his wife for taking her oath Concerning the bounds of my land & he is to Send her Evidence Sealed up to me by his brothr. Wensd 23 Rain. I was at home all day. ‘Thursd 24 fair. I was all day at Court. fryd 25 fair. I was at Court all 104 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1720 day. Saturd 26 fair. I was at Court all day. Jnoat Averys house burnt att night 7 or 8 Clock. Sund 27 fair & very Cold. Mr ad. pr. al.d. Ebe Belden & Obedience Copp published. Mond 28 fair & Cloudy. I was at Court all day. Tuesd 29 Rainy. I was at Court al day. Capt Rogers writt agst Constable Jos Miner abated & Minor Recovered 32s 8d Cost & I Recd it & gave him a qt of wine out of it. Wednsd 30 fair. I was at Court al day. Richd Manwaring & Infant buried. ; Thursd Dec .1. I went to Groton & Stonington & lodged their. Rain & Snow at night. fryd 2 fair in the morn. I came away & brot my 3 Steers & Cow & Coits Cow & Came by Robt Stodders & brot down my 3 year old Steer & pd him 5s od for keeping him. I come home at night & left my, Cattel at Swallows. I Recd the Rent of ye ferry £8 1s od & £5 2s od before for .2. year. Saturd fair. I was at home al d. wee killed ye old Cow &c tht I had of Church. She weighed 418 at [ j= g—18—4 Potnd & a 3 year old Steer yt was at Stodders—4o3 neat. Sund 4th fair. Mr ad pr al. Ms Prentts’s Rachel an Indian-woman & her Daughtr Dido Bab- tized. Geo Phillips Sailed for Barbados. Mond 5 fair. JI was at Mr Mumfords to get his Boat to go to L Island but Could not get of the Boat. I demanded of William Wallsworth Mr Winthrops Stock of Cattell & Sheep & if he did not see cause to dd thm I Informed him he must give 20s od p week for ye time he kept them. Edwd Ashby & my Nathanael & Isaac Wheelers Son present at Mumfords. Tuesd 6 fair. I was mending Mr Hills fence most of ye day. I trimd 4 meat bbs. Wednsd 7 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. I Salted Meat & Plaistered ve Cellar. Thursd 8 fair Cloudy. I was at home al day. Jonat Bayley Come from Boston. fryd 9 fair. I was at home al d. I Recd of Brother Bayley £5 10s od & Still due £11. I Sent him £3 to Jere Hallsey york money. 25 brooms 1. for Sister Patty .6. for Sister Salmon & 18 for Robert Hempstead. Saturd 10 fair. Iwas at homein yeforen. aftern at Mr Winthrops. he Sent for me. Sund 11 fair. Mr ad pr ald. Joseph Minor & Jemima Cady Published Mond 12 fair. I was at home al. d. Townsmen Made up acctts with the Constables & Collectr & Recd al. I Lent I.Minor 39s 11d to be pd next Mond. paid. Tuesd 13 Cloudy. I was at home in ve foren. aftern writing a deed of Mortgage for Samll Rogers. he pd me 3s. I Recd of ve Townsmen 38s 3d the full to this day. Wednsd 14 fair. I was at home In ye foren. aftern I went to ye farm & lay their. Thursd 15 fair. I was at Stonington. I went to Speak wth Divers persons about the Bounds of fannings Land. I lodged at Ebenzr Billings. fryd 16 Cloudy Some Snow. I was about town also & got to my hutt at night. Saturd 17 fair Cold. I Run ye West N W line of fannings land & it falls more yn 20 Rod below ye Saxefax Stump. Distance from ye Wallnut Stump to ye Saxefax 140 Rod & from ye Wallnut to ye pond S. W. 66 Rod & 18 Rod & then 52 Rod to the white oak marked EF yn to Chestnut 88 Rod. Sund 18 fair. Mr adams Pr all day. a Warning up for ve T. Meeting 26 day. Mond 109 fair. I went to Stonington. I put up a note at Groton Meeting house to Enquire after 5 Stray Cattell. I hear of one at Jos Heath’s. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at Stonington all day. In ye Morn I went to Edmd fannings who went with me & Measured from David Fishes N. W. Cornner S- W nearest. 100 Rod & yn E'S E from ye 20 Rod 80 Rod to ye path tht goes from Hez Holdridges to Gershoms then Southerly to ye fence by ye Pond by my house 33 Rod 4. the freeholders Met & Mr Hewit & his wife Jno Gallup, Hen. Joans, Ed fanning Jos Bennat & Wid Fanning al wittnesses for me to prove antient Possession & Saxafax bounds. Justice Avery was there also Sware them if Need was but did not. have Concluded nothing but Referred it to farther ’ 1731] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 105 Consideration. I pd some & am to pay ye Rest but Mr Hewitt hath given me his part. Wednsd 21 Rain. I was at Stonington. I measured from my Cheesenut by ye Cellar to Fannings S. E Cornner White oak 68 Rod then W- N- W- 100 Rod to an old Tree Westwd of a Swamp & Swd of fannings old Improvemt. 20 or 30. Rod. aftern I measured Ebe Williams 20 Acres tht was fannings & lodged at Ebe Williams’s. Thursd :22: Snow. I came home at night. fryd 23 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern att Dennis’s on an arbitration between John Hobart & Samll Bill Junr. Saturd 24 fair. I was at home al day. Jno Mayhew Sayled for Barba. in ye N. London. Sund 25 Rainy. Mr adams Pr. al. d. Mecony had an Infant Babtizd Robert. Mond 26. a Town Meeting. Capt Rogers. Lt Prennts. Mr Hill Danll Darte & Richd Douglass Townsmen & Edwd Hallam Clerk Chosen & Sworn. I was at Meeting all day. after wee had Signed the Acctts. Tuesd 27. I was at home al day. I mended Mr Winthorps Cart. Eleazar Bishop lost a Son about 16 year old died with a Sore throte. Wednesd 28 fair. I went to ye farm & Thomas after I had been up to Jos Heaths for a Steer but he was gone in to ye Woods. Thursd 29 fair. I was at Stonington Making a Streight line between Capt Fish & I Ebenezar Williams & Samll Assisted. I Set up Meer Stones in ye line in divers places. in Fishes field & Pasture & ye East End. fryd 30 fair. William Bennat went with me (Ebe Wms & Jos Bennat went also) and Shewed me where about he had formerly Seen the Saxafax Tree yt was ye Bounds between Beebe & Fanning & he Says he Saw old Edmond Fanning & divers persons Renewing of it about 4o years ago & thr is a heap of Stones Eastward of ye Swamp at ye Cheesnut Stubb where Parkes Says Lt Denison agreed Should be ye bounds & yn Mr Wms & I measured my East End in order to make a Streight line from my N E Cornner Rock to ye Cheesnut S. E Cornr & it is 138 Rod & 72 from ye flatt Rock to ye old Wallnut. Saturd 31. fair. Mr Williams & I Set up Meerstones 1 is 164 Rod N. W. from fannings S. E Cornner Tree which I allow to be his Corner of ye 20 Acres & I more on ye edge or brow of ye hill between tht Cornner & ye Cheesnut Supposing & Endevouring to Set it in yt line. after that I came home. brother Patty hath brot my horse from Southold last Wednesd. from Natt Budd. Thomas Prentts’s Wife Mary died this day. 1734 Janry Sund 1 fair. Mr adams Pr in ye foren & Mr Bulkley in ye aftern. Brother Patty, Curtice & Cory Sayled for Barbados. Irene Prentts took into the Church. Mond 2d fair. a great Snow at Night. I was at Sol Coits & Nathll fitting up his Trough till ye Midle of ye aftern I went to ye funeral of Mary Prentt’s & at the Councill in ye Evening. the Govr & Rest were at C. Christophers. afterwards I went to Ensign Har- ris’s. Josh moor was there to make up acctts. Tuesd 3d Snow. I was at home al day. Wensd 4 fair & Cold. I was at home most of ye day. toward night I went to Jno Edgcombs. Thursd 5 fair & Cold. I was about Town all day. fryday 6 fair. I was al day at 5. Coits & Nathll putting up his gutter trough. Saturd 7. fetched 2 Sheep from Ja Averys. I went to Aunt Wallers & fetched .2. Coverlids yt She wove & Spun. old goodee Beebee was buried, ye Widow of Lt Jno Beebe decesd. Sund 8th fair. Mr ad. pr al d. “Phillip Waul & Mary Comstock Publisht. a Warning for a Town meeting 16th. Mond 9th Misty. I was at home in ye foren. after- noon in Town. I was onan arbitration & Capt Latimer att his house between Lydia Moor (alias Harris) & Joshua Moor about the Rent of the farm. it 106 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 1734 Rained at night. I Lodged their. Nath & Stephn fetched a Steer from Heath’s and left him at Ingrems. Tuesd 10 Misty. I was at home in ye foren. aftern about Town Looking up tools yt were lent & not Returnd, Wednsd 11 Some Rain. In the foren I was at home. aftern I went to Gro- ton wth Nathll & Stephn. they carryed over ye oxen took along a two year old & yearling tht was at James Averys & a Two year old yt was at Heaths for wch I pd him 3s 6d & & a yearling at Ingrems for wch I am to pay 5s od & also pay ye Constable for Crying. they are gone to ye farm. Thursd 12 fair. I was at home al day. Brother Jno Edgcumb came to work at our house to make Some Shoes. fryd 13. In ye forept of ye day I was at ye Smiths. afterpt at home. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home al day. Sund 15. Mr ad. being not well Mr Moody Preacht al day for whom there was made a Contribution. avery full Congregation. Mond 16 Rainy. a Town Meeting. I was at it Most of ye day. Tuesd 17 fair Cold Some Snow. | was Seting out Ms Hills thirds of Hill Lot in ye forenoon. aftern at Court at Dennises & making up Acctts with School Committee. Wednsd 18 fair. I went to ye farm. Thursd 19 fair. I was at ye farm all day. I measured from my line begining about 60 Rod E— of Mistick brook to ye Road by Ashcrafts & it is 420 Rod. (I lodged att Ebe Williams) & 162 from Holdridg’s to my S. E. Cornr. fryd 20 fair. J was at ye farm. I went to Capt Rose’s & lodged their. I found my brown heiffer at Wm Morgans. Saturd 21 fair. I Came home at night & Stephen. Sund 22 fair & Moderate & Pleasant wether & So it hath been al last week. Mr ad. is out again. Pr al d. Natt Ray and Ann Willson Published. Mond 23 Rainy. I was in Town most of the day. in ve Evening at Capt Lattimers Making up with the Sheep matters & Sheppard. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home all day. ] pd Wm Morgan 2tb Cotton Wool for keeping my brown hieffer till this time. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at home & in Town al day. Thursd 26th drisly & Rain at night. I went wth Samll Rogers to Capt Denisons to Apprize Land taken from Ben Alford. Mr J. Coit & J. Chapman and the Sheriff with us. I lodged at Mr Otis’s. fryd 27 drisly most of ye day. wee finished appris- ing the land & home at night. Saturd 28 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern in town. Sund 29 fair. Mr Ad. Sick. Mr Christophers Read. Mond 30 fair. I was at Town Meeting at Groton about the Commons. Tuesd 31 fair & Cold. I was at Mr Winthrops all day about Writts for Wallsworth. Wednsd feb .1 fair Cold & Windy. Wilson came home from Road Island with his wife. I went to groton to Carry 2 Writs. after I had drew them for Mr Winthrop Agst Wm Wallsworth I dd them to the Constable & Came back at night. Thursd 2d fair. I was at home al d. Cutting 1 pr gravestones. Jonat Rogers Son of James, a Son drownded yesterday buried today. fryday 3d fair. I was Cutting Wood & Carting. Saturd 4th Rainy. I was at home al day Making 2 vokes for Oxen. Sund 5 fair & Moderate. Mr ad. pr al d._ I went to Nahantick to meeting. Mond 6 fair. I was in Town ( at Mr Winthrops) to Enquire after Stave cutters & to gett a Summons for Witnesses in Mr Winthrops Case. Tuesd 7 Some Snow in the Morn. Jno Hough an Infant buried. I went to Groton to Sumons Wittnesses in Mr Winthrops Case. I Sumond Nathll Brown & his Son Ben. Humphry Avery & Swallow. I came back at night & Mr Winthrop agreed to with- draw his Actions because Mr Pratt is not Come. the County Court Sat by adjournment. Wednesd 8. I was at Court most of ye day. Mr Win- throps Actions Defaulted. Thursd gth fair. I went wth Brothr Plumb & George to ye N. W. Cornner to divide land for Sister mary. Expenses Is 6d. fryd to fair. I was at home & in Town in foren. aftern I went into the Hid ele lt 1734 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 107 Woods to get oars. Nathll was their before & hath cut his knee badly. Saturd 11 fair. I was in ye woods all day getting oars & Claboard Stuff. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr ald. Jonat Prentt’s & Mary Gray Widow pub- lished. Mond 13. fair. I was at Groton at Townmeeting. Tuesd 14 fair. I was at home al day making oars. I Lent my Coppies town grants to Solo- mon Coit. he promised to Return ym Speedily. Wednsd. 15th fair. I was In the Woods to get Claboard Timber. Christopr Stubbins Junr Cartted .1. Small Load. Thursd 16 fair. I was in ye Woods Spliting Claboard Timber & Carting it 1 load C Stubbins Carted 8 Bolts & 10 yesterday. & Stephn Carted 18 bolts. fryd 17 Cloudy. I was in the woods al. d. getting oars & Carting 1 load Claboard Stuff. Saturd 18 fair. I was in ye woods get- ting oars. Sund ig fair. Sacramt Day. Mr ad. pal day. Mond 20 fair. I was in the woods getting oars. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at home al day about oars. Wednesday 22 fair. I was at home al day. Thursd 23 fair till night & yn Some Snow. I went to Mohegan to the Commisioners Court about Settling differences there. I lodged at Norwich. fryd 24 fair. I was at Court day & home at night. Saturd 25 fair. I went to Court & Brother Plumb at Night. Sund 26 fair. mrad pralday. Jos Caulking & Lucretia Turnner Published. Mr ad. a Child Babtizd Lydia. the Quakers at meet- ing made a great disturbance Especially Sarah Boles. Mond 27 Cloudy. I was about Town al day. Tuesd 28 fair Windy. I fetched home my Claboard Timber & Some Wood & wee from Alewife brook Carted it up .5. load & Caryed home Justice Prentt’s Scow at night Wesd March .1. fair. I was about making a loom. Carted a load Tim- ber. Thursd 2 fair. I was at home al day about the Loom Timber. I whet a Saw to Cut Samll Foxes wifes arm. fryd 3 fair Windy & Cold. I was about home al day about the loom. Saturd 4 very windy & Cold. I was at home al d about the Loom. Sund § fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 6 fair & Cold. I was on the Jury to Reapprize Lt Richardses Estate. Tuesd 7 fair & Cold. I was on the Jury all day as yesterday. wee finished at mid- night & Thomas. Wednesd 8 fair. I went to the farm & Thomas. Snow at night. Thursd 9 Rainy. I was at ye farm all day. fryd 10 Cloudy. I came home at night. Saturday 11 fair. I was at home all day. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Peter Mason a Child babtizd Alithea & Wm young one John. Mond 13 fair. I was at home al day. Da. Hough helpt about Claboards. Tuesd 14 fair. I was in Town al d. Da Hough helpt about Claboards. Ralph Prenttes (an Idiot) died aged about 35 years. Wednsd 15. I was at home made a Coffin & went to ye funeral of R Prentt’s. Thursd 16 fair Pleasant. I was at home al day. Da. Hough helpt yesterd & today. fryd 17. fair. I was at home al day pruning Apletrees in Smiths lot. Saturd 18 Stormy Rainy. I was at home al day about ye Loom. Raised it. Sund 19 fair Cloudy Squally. Mradpr.ald. Jonat Lattimer & Bor. Denison. Ja & Mary Beebe Pub. Mond 20 Cold & windy. I was most of the day from home. R. Chris. Sayled. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at home al day about the Loom. Wednesd 22 fair. I was at home most of ye day. toward night I went to ye funeral of Mr Blunkett a Barbadian died yesterday of a long Illness at Widow Prenttes’s. Brothr Thos Edgcumb & wife at our house. Thursd 23d fair. I was at home in the forenoon, afternoon at En- sign Harris’s to draw writings of Arbitration between Wm Rogers & John Dixon & was there most of the night. fryd 24 fair. I was at home al day about Loom. Saturd 25 Rain. I was at home most of ye day about ye Loom. Sund 26 fair. Mr ad. Pr. al day. Wm Holt a Child Babtized James & Daniel Lester one Anne & Will Dixon one Grace. In the Evening I was at Brother Plumbs. Abigail Died (7. or 8 Clock) a poor Idiot. 108 Diary of Joshua \dempstead [1721 Mond 27 fair. I was at home most of ye dey about ye loom. at the funeral toward night. Nathanael Chappell an Idiot died. Tuesd 28th fair. the Supr Court Sat. I was at it onthe Jury. Nathanael the Son of Nathll Chappell a Cripple from his Cradle about 25 or 26 year old was buried. Wednesd 29 fair. I was at Court. afternoon I went with ye Jury to Rob Stodders, Thursd 30th Rainy. Iwas at Courtal day. fryd 31 fair. I was at Court on the Jury al day. April 1 Saturd fair. I was at Court al day on the Jury. Sund 2 fair, Mr ad. pr. al day. a Warning up for T. Meeting 10th Instant. Mond 3 fair. I was at Court al day on the Jury. Tuesd 4 drisley. | was at Court al day on the Jury & finished. Wednesd 5 Rainy. in the foren I was at Court. aftern at Mr Winthrops helping about drawing Writts for Wallsworth. Thursd 6 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops al day about the Writts. Jonat Latimer was married at night. fryd 7 Misty. [| was at Mr Winthrops most of ye day about Writts &c. Saturd 8 fair. I was at home all day. I made an Axeltree & mended the Cart. Sund ‘9° Misty. Mr adams pr. al day. Danll Coit & Lydia Christophers publisht. Mond 10 Rainy. I workt about ye loom forn. aftern at Town meeting. I watched with father Edgcumb at night who is Exceeding Ill. Tuesd 11 fair pleasant. I was al d. at Samll Harris’s Renewing bounds &c. Capt. Lattimer & Capt Rogers wth me. father Edgcumb Died afternoon. Wednsd 12 fair. | went in the Morn to See Mr Palmes. father was Buried aftern. Thursd 13. fair. I was most of ye day at foxens with Haden to find his bounds. fryd 14 fair. I was in Town most of the day. father Edgcumbs will was proved. Saturd 15. I Caryed 2 bars of Iron to Jno Richds Shop .41. & 63tb. Sund 16 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. a Warning up for ye Ist & ad Company to Trayn 24 & 25 freemens meeting. Mond 17. fair. I went to Stonington to Capt Babcocks farm Capt Lattimer Jasper Latham to Renew Bounds &c and wee lodged their. we adjourned till Wednsday 26th. Tuesd 18 fair. I came home at night from my farm. Wednesd 1g fair. a genll fast. Mrad.prallday. Thursd 20 fair. I was at home al d. Making Stonewall uper End ye orchard a Cross Eastward toward the S. E. Cornner of the orchard. fryd 21 Rainey. in ye foren I was at home. aftern in Town with Brother Thomas Edgcumbe Measuring his Land & yr is 6 Rod & 4 foot front Clear of Coits Claim. Saturd 22 Rain. in ye foren | was at home about Loom Tackle. aftern about Stone wall. Sund 23. Mr ad pr. ald. a Sacramt day. Jno Rogers came into ye meeting house & preached between meetings. his Crew with him. Sarah ye daughtr of Jacob Waterhouse a young woman & a Child of Ebe foxes & a Child of Jonat fannings. Ebe & Thomas. Mond 24 fair. a Trayning day. En Harris was chosen Lt & I was Chosen Ensign & Edwd Hallam Clerk. May- hew arived all well. Tuesd 25 fair. Trayning & freemens meeting. Capt Rogers & Hill Deputies Joseph Gardiner & Curtice from Saltetudas all well. Wednsd 26 fair. I went to Stonington again Lattr & Latham. Thursd Misty 27——& Stayed till fryday. at night wee Came home. fryday fair 28— Brothr Patty is Come in Lodged here. Saturday 29 fair. I was in Town in ye foren at the Governrs. ye Council Sat. I left 20s with Ms Lattimer for Ebe Dart to pay him for 8 bushells of Corn yt I am to have. I was at home aftern about ye Loom. Sund 30 fair. Mr ad. Pr. al. d. Jno Rogers & his Crew came to ye meeting-house to preach between meetings. ye govr put old John & Jno Bolles in prison. May 1 Mond fair. Wee Caryed 15 Swine to Stonington in Jos. Tru: mans boat (vizt) five old Sows all with pigs 5 barrows & 5 yearling Shoats. the the boys went in ye Boat & I overland. I came back in ye Boat & Nathll. 1721 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 109 I went to demand Mr Winthrops Stock of Wallsworth. I came back at night.. Tuesd .2. fair. I was at home all day about ye Loom. Wednesd 3d fair. I was at home most of ye day about ye Loom & helping Jno Rich- ards make ye Irons. he workt for me al day. Thursd .4. fair. I was at home all day. forn about ye loom & helping put in a peice. aftern about J. Trumans Tanfatt. N. workt wth Jno Richds 2. days for me. fryd 5 fair. I was at home al day about Tanfatt. Saturd 6. Stormy Rain. I was at home al day about the Tanfat. Sund 7. Mr d. pr ald. Thos Crocker & Joanna Hackley. Jno Davise & Susan Biggs Pub. Mond ye 8th fair. I went to Willm Wallsworth at Groton to Receive Mr Winthrops Stock but he was not at home. I appointed to come again wednesday next. Tuesd oth fair. Iwas at home al day about J. Trumans Tanfatt. I finished it. D. Coit Maried. Wednsd to fair. I went to Wallsworth at Groton again to Receive Mr Winthrops Stock. I demanded of him the whole Stock Accord- ing to ye list of them which I Read to him in the presence of Thos Mumford & Edwd Ashby but he Said he had not So many of Mr Winthrop as 1 demanded but he would dd so many as he Recd when he had them together & So appointed next Monday. I went away to Aaron Starks & lodged their. Thursd 11. I went to my farm & thence to Wm Bennats at Ashaway & thn up to Capt. Rogers to get ym to Come & give Evidence about ye bounds of my land before ye freeholders who are to meet to morrow. Capt Rose is lame & cannot come. fryd 12 a Rainy day. the freeholders did not meet all of ym Starke was wanting & denison did not come & nothing was done. I was at ye farm at Eldridges al day. Saturd 13 fair. I was at ye farm al day came home at night. Steph & Thos. Sund 14 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Jonat Beckwith Babtized. Mond 15 fair. I went to Groton to Wm Wallsworth for Mr Winthrops Stock & back again. I did not Receive ym Tuesd 16 fair. I went to ye farm in ye aftern carryed Mr Winthrops oxen. Wednesd 17 Some Rain. I was most of ye day looking Sheep yt got out. found 2 at Wells. Thursd 18 Rainy most of ye day. I was looking Sheep & Went to Capt Babcocks & lay yr. fryday 19 fair. I Went to Ashawaug & Egonk. lay at the Widow french’s. Saturd 20 fair. I came home from Egonk. Sund 21. Mr Adams pr. al day. I was Indisposed aftern & not out. Mond 22. I went to Capt Babcocks in Westerly. Nathll wth me & lodged their. Tuesd 23 fair. I hired of Capt James Babcock 114 Sheep (their fleece on) & 108 Lambs. I am to have ym 5 year & to give one Shillings p Annum Rent & to to pay anually on ye 1oth of June & to Return ym in ye like good Order as I Recd ym but 5 or 6 yt are very old & 6. or 7: very Course Wooll. ye Rest likely Sheep & well Wooled. Wee brot ym to his Sons farm at Stonington. yt night Wee lodged att Mr John Noyces. Wednsd 24. it Rained very hard in ye forept of ye day. but wee were on the Road wth the Sheep & got to my farm before noon. I came home at night. a Shower of hail & Rain near night. Thursd 25 fair. I was at home till near night & yn I went to ye farm. fryd. 26 fair. wee washed our Sheep at the farm. Saturd 27 fair. wee came home at night. Robert come from So-hold wth Shackmaple. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Robt Water- house & Lydia Reeny published. Mond 29 fair. I went Early in ye morn to Stonington by the way of Capt Averys who went with me to my farm where the freeholders mett to Setle the bounds between Denison & me on ye North Side my farm. they have not yet Considered. Tuesd 30 fair Most of ye day. wee were Sheering at my old house. 3 men. Bennats & Nath Sheerd 111. I marked the Sheep & lambs with Tarr. afterward 55. Wednsd 31. R. Christopr Arived. wee began to Sheer & it Rained put us by. I came home by the way of Robt Stodders & bought 12 qts of hemp-Seed for 3s od. I 110 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1721 pd him 3s od more for a bell-Rope. ye other 5s od I pd him before in going with the Jury to his house &c. June 1 Thursd. fair most of ye day Some Showers. I was about Town & looking Sheep. I Sent to Capt James Babcock a peck of hempseed by the post. fryd 2 Rainy. I was at home & at Lecture ad. d. Mr ad. pr. Saturd 3 Rain in ye foren. I was about home most of the day. Sund 4 fair, Pheebe Cow Calved. Sacramt day. Mr ad. pr. al d. Ebe Dennis & his wife & Eliz Comstock took into ye Church & Dennis 2 Children Babtized George & Deborah. Samll Edgcumbe an Infant buried. died yesterday. Mond 5 fair. Brothr & Sister Salmon. I was at ye Court of Probats with mother. I gave Samll Edgcumb a Rectt for Sundry things household Stuff for Mothers use which he lent her to be Returned on demand. also left in her hands the Beding & Sundrys for her life by ye advice of the Court of Probate. I write Ms. Houghs Will. Ms White is Come from Boston & her Son & Brother & Sister Salmon is Come to See me & lodged all here. Tuesd 6 fair. Ms White gone with Nich Darrow. the County Court Sat. Wednsd 7 fair. I was at Court on Mr Winthroups Accot. I made up with Jonat Roff on accot of Samll Plumb. I pd him £4 & took a discharge. Thursd 8 fair. 1 went in the morn to look my Cow yt I had of David Richds. found her newly Calved. I was at Court all day. fryd oth fair. 1 was at Court al day. Mr Winthrops actions were 4 of ym tryed & 3 of them lost. & 1 as bad as lost. I was witness in 4 Actions. Saturd to. fair. I was at Court al day about Mr Wint. Actions. Wm Latham in Mr Picketts Sloop Arived from Antegua. Sund 11 fair. Mrad. pr. ald. Pheebe Crank took in to the Church. Mond. 12 fair. I was at home al day. wee plowed in Smiths Lot 4 day. Tuesd 13 fair. wee finished plowing in Smiths lot & Carted out the dung. I went to See Mr Palmes & Sat up with him all night. Wednsd 14 fair. I came & was about town & att the funerall of a Child of George Buttolph who died yesterd. wee planted Nantucket Corn in Smiths lot. Thursd 15 fair & hot. I was in the Woods to get Staves & Nathll & Stephn. fryd 16 fair. 1 was at home al day about a Tanfatt & Combpot. Saturd 17 fair. I was out to Stephn Prenttises & Nathll to finish his Tanfat yt I made for him. Sund 18th fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. James Hodsell & Sister Patience Ross and Jno Plumb & Hannah Harris published. Thos Douglass a Child Babtized Nathan. Mond Ig fair. I was about home all d. ye boys gone to the farm to Weed. Mr. Andrew Palmes Died of a Con- sumption. ‘Tuesd 2oth fair. In the foren I was looking my Oxen. aftern at Mr Palmes funeral. I Recd a pr of Gloves. a great many people their 2 or 300. Wednsd 21 fair. I went to ye farm, came home at Midnight. Abigail Sick. Thursd 22 fair. I went to ye farm again. I brot away al my Wool but 30 fleeces about 146 fleeces to4tb to Send to Hartford to Sell by by William Wallsworth. I left it at his house in 2 New blankets & 2 bags. fryd 23d it Rained moderately al ye forepart of ye day. I was at home al day looking after Abigail & Molly. both not well. Saturd 24 fair. May- hew Sayled. I was al day with Capt Latimer, Pickett & Mr Truman Divid- ing and Setting out Mothers dower or thirds of father Edgcumbs Estate. Sund 25 fair. Mr Whitting of Windham pr. al d. C. Christophers a child Babtizd Lucretia. John Plumb was maryed at night to Hannah Harris. Mond 26 fair. I was al day wth ye freeholders Dividing mothers Thirds &c. Tuesd 27 fair & hot. I Set out for Hartford about .9. Clock. I carryed let- ters for ye Govr & I Recd dd back again of Justice Prentts to buy 2 bbs Tarr. I dined at Mr Bulklys & lodged at Capt. Wells’s. Expence 10d. Wednesd 28 fair & hot. In the Morn I went to Mr Pittkins dd ye packquett. wee went to Town. Expence tod ferryage 5d. I lodged at Cooks. Thursd 1721 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 111 29 fair & hot. I went to Midletown to See after Wallsworth & back to Wethersfield. Expence 4d 10 & 12d. I lodged at Beldans. I bot. a bb. Pork & am to give £4. fryd 30th fair & hot. I came to Hartford & Serched ve Records al day. I dined with the Secrytary. Expence 13d. I lodged at Capt Wells’s again. Expence rod. Saturd July 1 fair & hot. got home by Midnight. I Stayed at Colches- ter most of the day because of ye heat. Expence 1s 4d. ye whole 6s 8d. I brot the School money £31 and 4os for T Green all wch I dd. Sund 2 fair hot. Mradpralday. David Minerd & Ruth Chapman published. Monday the 3d fair. I was in Town most of the day. at home toward night. dd Mr Green 4os I brot from ye Secrytt & a pacquit to ye governr. Tuesd .4. fair. I was in Town wth Brother Patty his bondsman at Capt Shack- maples. in ye aftern I went to Lt Prentts’s and Minors. I pd for 3 bush Corn to minor. Wednesd .5. fair. I went to groton to Wallsworth to See after my wool. & left 5s od with Swallow to pay Pots for keeping my Steer last fall. the Committee for the School visited Mr Miller. in the Evening I pd the Country money £31 & £14 that I Recd Interest money of Dea Plumb. Thursd 6 fair but a Shower. In the forenoon I was at home. aftern in Town with ye Selectmen Consulting about ye ferry lot. James Hodsell & Sister Patience Ross marryed at night by Mr Adams at my house. fryday .7. fair. I was al day at work in ye woods above Lakes pond getting oars & Nathll. my mare Run away from me. I borrowed Thos Douglasses to come home. Saturd 8. fair. I was in ye Woods & Nathll. ald. brot home 8 oars at night. Sundg Rain. Mr ad. pr al day. Some Showers in ye forenoon. Mond 10 Rain Some pt of ye day. I workt at home al day about oars. Shoud have workt at highways but Stephn went in my Stead & Nathll for himself. Tuesd .11. fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at Court Probate wth Ms Palmes. Wednsd 12 fair. I was wth Brother Plumb & Capt Lattimer dividing Widow Sarah Rogers her thirds of her husbands Estate & went to Ms Palmes’s toward night. Thursd 13 Rainy. I was at home all day making oars &c. fryd 14 fair. In the foren I was at home about oars. aftern in ye Wood about oars. I Sent Letters to Wethersfield about my Wool. Saturd 15 fair. I was in the Woods most of the day about oars. I Sold to Justice Prentts 14 bars Iron. : 6C—1—23tb 18 bars left. Sund 16 Mr Adams Pr. al d. Jonat Palmer of Ston- ington a Son Babtized Jonathan & uncle Fox a Daughter Mary. Mond 17 fair. I was at home all day about Owers. Robert Gauler a Daughter Buried. dyed last night. Mr adams one dyed about 5 months old. Tuesd 18 fair a Shower in Some part of ye Town. I was in the Woods al day to get oars & Nathll. Mr adams Child buried. I Sold 2$C Iron to a Nor- wich Smith one Adam Cramer.—6 bars one of them being a Short one. Wednsd 19 fair. I was at home al day fitting Sythes & Rakes & Staking ye Meadow hay. Nath. & Steph Mowing. Thos fetched 2 bush. Corn. Lt Minors pd 6s od. Thursd 20. Rainy. I was at home al day about oars & Nathll. fryd. 21 fair. I was at home al day haying & finishing weeding 2d time in Smiths lot. Saturd 22d fair. Jonat Bayley Come. I was at home most of the day haying. James Rogers of Poguoyoag Son of Jos Rogers was buried. died yesterday of a Swelling in his Crotch & lower parts yt Stopt his Water &c. he hath had it but about a Week. Sund 23 Cloudy & Some Rain. Mr Ad. pr. a. d. Archibald Campbell a Child Babtizd Daniel. a Contribution to build a house for ye Rector of Yale College. a very Small one. Mond 24 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home al day about oars. Tuesd 25 Rainy. I was at home all day. I finished 5 Short oars for Capt Manwaring. gt 57 foot & he had before 17 riz Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1721 oars gt 2714 in all 328 foot. I venture half. that is 164 foot for each of us. Iam to pay Customary freight. Wednesd .26. Cloudy. In the forept of ye day I Sowed Some Tarnips where ye Corn is wanting & then I went & helped Jos. Truman Set up New fence a Cross East End of his lot by ye highway—N. & T. went to Stonington. fetched the little [ ]. Thursd 27 fair. I was at home al day haying. Nathll. Stephn & Timothy Lester Mowed for Ms [ |. fryd 28 fair. P. Manwaring Sayled. I was at home al day Stacking hay & Making Stonewall. Stephn & Thos Mowed & Raked for mother. a Lecture. I was not at it by Reason of my hay down. Saturd 2oth fair. I was at home all day haying alone. N. & Jno ald. S.& Tat [ ]. Sund 30th fair. a Sacramt day. Mr ad. pr, al. d. Jno Preston & Oliver Manwaring Each a Son babtizd John & Nathanael otis a Daughtr Dorythy & Josh Apleton one Anne. Mond 31 fair. I was at home haying in the foren. aftern Stacking hay at mothers N. S. wee made one load Stack of the English & upland hay. Jonat Fanning & Tim Lester & Stephn Mowed. UN. is lame. hath cut himself a week agone with a Sythe on his Ribs not well yet. Aug Tuesd :1. Rain. I was at home al day. Wednesd .2d. Misty & Rain. I was at home al day. made a Window frame for Sister Mary. Thursd 3d Rainy & misty most of ye day. I was at home al day. Ebe Wms at our house. I Sowed Some Turnips in Smiths lot where we Corn is wanting & in ye y[ ]. fryd. 4. fair till night & yn a Thundr Shower. I was at home al day haying. Thos not well. Saturd 5th fair. I was at home al day. toward night at the funeral of William Hoults youngest Child died this Morning not many Months old. Sund .6: fair. Mr Ad. pr. al. d. Thos Boham a Child Babtized Thomas. Mond °7° fair. I workt for Samll Edgcumb ? day & Woiat all d. Ed Stubbins Child died. Tuesd 8th Rainy. I was at home al day. Brother Patty Come from Bos- ton. Edward Stubbin a Child buried. died yesterday about 5 Months old. Wednesd ‘oth: Rainy. I workt for Samll Edgcumb all day. Thursd ‘r1o° fair. I was at Sister Mary putting up a Window in ye forepart of ye day & at home. about hay: &c. Woiat workt for S. Edgecumb most of ye day. fryd :11: fair. I was at home al day drying hay. I Sold to Jos. Bud. 2C. p a Note on Barn [ ] for 5s od. Saturd 12 fair. I was at home al day haying. R. Christoprs....Cory. Miles & Bub. Steph. Nathll come from the farm pulling flax. brot home the oxen. Sund 13 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Hen Brooks a Child Babtized Mary. Mond .14. fair. Lattr Cow & a bull. I was at home al day Stacking hay &c. Josh Plumb Raised his house. Tuesd .15. fair Cloudy. Samll Hide in Town. I was at home & in Town. I pd Ms Pygan 40s on ye orchard & Meadow. finished al in the lot at home. I was about going to Hartford but Molly & Eliz Cornish not well that I Stayed. Wedensd 16th Rainy. I was at home al day. made Shovels. Thursd Some Showers. I Set out for Hartford. I got to Colchester about 9 Clock. lodged at Chamberlins. Expenses 1s 5d not pd for want of Change. fryd 18 Cloudy & Showry. I got to Capt Wells’s to dinner. Expenses 9d. & 2s for tooth powder wch I borrowed of Ms Wells for want of Change. I could not get over for the flood. I went to Naoig & Stayed at Ms Treats (because I could not get over till Saturday afternoon. Saturd 19 Some Showers. I got over to Rockey-hill for 2s od & So to Hartford. put out my mare to Barnerds & lodget at Will Cad- wells. Stayed there till monday Sund fair & Came away to Wethersfield & Recd my mony for the Wool £260} about £17 15s od & £4 for Pork & a Mond fair. hatt of Mr Belden. Wallsworths Wool was £14 1 fleece. 1 came down to Middletown & pd £3 to Jer Wait of Hartford a Mast to be [x72 Diary of Joshua Hempstead tt left with Mr Meekins wth whom I left 25s to buy yarn 2. bb. I lodged att Capt Phillips’s. Tuesd 22 fair. I Came away Early. got home late about 10: Clock. Wednsd 23. fair Cloudy. I was about Town & got a writt for James Taylor for Steeling mr Wint. Wood. Thursd 24th fair. a Rainy night. I was al day Waiting on the prosecuting James Taylor for Steeling Mr Winthrops Wood about 3 Cord & half of Wallnut & Convicted him before Mr Christophers & he was Sentanced to pay Mr Winthrop 36s 9d & Cost. fryd 25 fair. I was about home. I Sent 3 bushlls Apples to Broth Tallmage by W. Darrow. Saturd 26 Cloudy. I was in Town in the forenoon to look for markt logs among the Wood yt James Taylor Sold to Widow Prenttis & found one. afternoon Thos Boham went wth me into the Woods at Alewifebrook on Mr Winthrops land & Cut up ye Stub of ye Sd Tree & one more & brot away to Compare with the Wood. Sund 27. fair. Mr adams pr al day. Mond 28 fair. I was almost all day agreeing with Richard Attwell about mr Winthrops hogs (who hath done him dam- age in his Corn) & making nine hogs yoaks &c. Tuesd 29 fair till night & yn a Storm of Rain. In the foren I yoaked Mr Winthrops Hogs. after- noon I went to Ms Palmes’s & bought her Wool about 2o0o0fb. I am to give 18d p tb. I pd £1 5s & £1 4os bill both of Connecticut. Capt Jno Mason & Capt Caleb Bushnel their. Wednsd 30 fair. I went to Groton to look after Some Ram Lambs. I found one at Capt Jno Averys. I lodged at Mr Mumfords. I pd Wallsworth £7 in bills of Cr. for the hire of 80 Sheep 1s 5d Each & the Rest for Some Wool yt was with mine at Wethersfield. Thursd 31. fair. I went to Stonington. I lookt Rams as I went & their also. I Lodged at Mr Williams. Hey Holdridge hath forsaken my old house yesterday. Sept :1: fryd fair. I was al day about Stonington woods looking Rams as far as Saxtons. I lodged at Ebe Williams’s again. I found but one. ye old one are Cut at pawkatuck. Saturd 2d fair. [DJavid Cow & Bull [ jug 30th. In the morn I fetched 1 Ram for Mr Deans. & then I went to Wm Morgans & that way to look 2 3 year old heifers & Calves yt are wanting. I found none. I came home at night & all the boys from haying. Pheebe Lee Come here. Sund ‘3° fair. Mr ad. pr. al.d. Edwd Hallam a Son Babtized Edwd. a Warning up for freemans meeting. Mond .4. fair. In the morn I made Rams fetters to Send with the boys to ye farm. I workt for Samll Harris on bord his Sloop about day. it Rained violently att night. Tuesd 5 fair. I workt for Samll Harris al day. Wednsd 6 fair Cloudy. [Phe]ebe Cow [ J a bull. I was about home in ye foren. I Sent a letter to Robt Grifing p Wm Rogers. aftern I workt for Samll Harris. David Peirson come to See me toward night. I lent him my brass Spurs for Newport. Returned again. Thursd -7- fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops all day about his bridge. the Surveyr & Town help about it. fryd 8 a drisley day. & Lec- ture. Mr Hillhouse an Irish minester pr. I workt at mr Winthrops most of the day about 2 about his bridge. Samll Daniels a Child died. Saturd ‘9° Cloudy. I was most of the day Cutting a pair of Grave Stones for Mr Arnold. G Havens Nathll Cutt his Arm with a Sythe at Stonington. Sund to Rainy. a Sacramt day. Mr adams pr in the foren & Mr Hill- house. Rebeckah Richards daughter of Israel made a publick Confession of her fault & had her Son (Born in fornication) Babtized Thomas. Mond tt Cloudy & drisley. I was at home al day fitting posts to mend fence in Smiths lot. Tuesd 12 Cloudy. a freemans meeting. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at Meeting. Capt Rogers & Capt Christoprs Chosen Deputies. I went into Town & Recd £13 of Justice Plumb School Mony 9 114 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1721 & pd it to Mr Miller. Wednsd 13 Rainy. I was at home al. d. I new Set Some fence in Smith’s lot by the Bridge. Thursday ‘14° Cloudy. I was most of ye day about home. I Set Some fence at Smiths Lot. fryd .15. fair most of the day a Small Shower. I was at home al d. Seting fence. Saturd 16. fair most of the day a Small Shower, about Noon. | workt at Samll Edgcumbs Emboing his Quartr peices. I have paid him all the work I Owed him & $ day over. Sund 17. Mr Hillhouse pr. al day. I went in ye Evening to Mr Tinkers to fetch up my blankets & bags Mr Allin Left their. Wallsworths bag weighed 24fb. he says their was 21ib bag & all. Mond 18: fair. I was in Town & yn at home writing a deed & bond for Sister Mary. Tuesd ig fair. I went to Saybrook to get Jno Hayden & his wife to Sign a Deed to Sister mary of Waterus’s lot. I Lodged at mr Burrows’s after the deed was Executed. Wednesd 2oth fair till near night. I came home as far as Thos Lees & lodged thr. I was att Black-Hall & Saw a pumpkin 5 foot 11 Inches Round. the Seed came out of the Streights. it was at John griswolds. Thursd -21: fair. I Came home in ye foren was about home afl day. fryd 22d fair. I was at home all day. Capt Rogers a Child buried. a frost at night. Saturd 23 fair. I went to the farm & back at night, a great frost again. Sund 24 fair. Mr adams pr. al day. Anne Waterus took into the Church & Eliz Beck- with owned ye Covenant & had 3 Children Bab. Jonat. Eliz. & Hannah. a Stranger died at John Rogers’s. Mond 25 Rain in the forept of the day. I was at home all day till night & then I went to John Wells’s to Speak with him about Mr Winthrops boat in Wallsworths hands. Tuesd 26 fair. the Supr Court Sat. I was getting Coppys for Mr Winthrop & at the Court all day. uncle Jno Fox’s Child was buried. Wednsd 27th fair till night & yn Some Rain. In the morn I went to Jno Houghs to get him to Apprize Some Timber work at Mr Winthrops farm done p Davise & I went to Ashbeys, Wells’s Capt Fishes & Browns to Summons Wittness’s for Mr Winthrop. I pd 2s od to ye 2 Browns for Traveling fees & 1s od to ye ferryman bringing us over in ye night. Thursd 28 fair. I was at Court all day about Mr Winthrops business. fryd 29 fair in ye morn. I dd Jos Balles & Jno Prennts Son of Justice Prentts 3tb Iron on Justice Prentt’s accot. J was at Court al day on Mr Winthrops business. Saturd 30 fair. I was at Court al day on Mr Winthrops business. Oct Sund ‘1° fair. Mr ad. pr. foren Mr Hillhouse aftern. a Conttri- bution for him. Robt Jacklin a free Negro had a Child buried. Mond 2d fair. I was at Court al day on Mr Winthrops business. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at Court al. d. I was Wittness in 4 Actions on Mr Winthrops Accot & he hath lost them all. the Court is over. Wednsd 4 fair. I was about to buy Some Leather & at Mr Winthrops & looking Dept Govr. Thursd 5 fair. I was in the Woods getting oars at Jos Cheapells. fryd .6. fair. I was at home in ye foren, aftern at Mr Winthrops Consulting about Robin. Saturd 7 fair. I was at home all day pt about oars. Sund 8 fair. Mr. ad. pr. ald. Mr Starr a Child Babtized Anne. Mr Gardiner one Jerusha & Christophr Darrow one Jedediah. Edwd Robinson & Mary Wilson published. Mond 9 fair most of ye day. Some Squalls of Snow. I was at home al day Stacking hay. I finisht the ferrymans oars. I pd Jno Rogers 7s od for pr Shoes for Thomas. Tuesd to fair. I was at home all day. old John Rogers hath got the Small Pox. he came from Boston. Wednsd 11 fair. I was at home al day Carting a load Salt hay from Mothers Medow att Lesters. Thursd 12 fair. I was about home ail d. I mended Mr Winthrops Wheel yt Stephen broke ye day before yesterday Carting a load Wood. fryd 13 fair. I was at home all day Setting up Six 1721] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 115 Rail fence on ye East Side ye garden. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home all day fencing ye South Side ye garden & Carting Stack fence. the boys have brought home the hogs from the farm 15. of ym. Sund 15th fair. Mr ad. gone to Winsor. Mr Christophers & ye deacons held forth. Mond 16 fair. I was at home in the foren. aftern at the Townmeetting. Tuesd :17: fair. I was about home all day. wee made Cydar at Mr. Chap- mans & Mothers. old John Rogers died with the Small Pox. Wednsd 18 fair. I was about home all d. wee Carted 2 Jaggs of hay from mothers. Mr Winthrops oxen & Capt Lattemers Cart. old John buried. Thursd 19 Rain & Snow & Cold. I was at the funeral of B. Starrs Child. I made the Coffin. fryd. 20 fair. I was in Town with Ralph Chapman & bot a Side of upr Leathr. Saturd 21. fair. I was at home foren—aftern at Ms Palmes’s to fetch 138ib wool. Sund 22 Cloudy. mr ad. pr. al d. Wm Rogers a Child babtized Elizabeth. Mond 23 fair. I was al day wth Richd Douglass & Dea Plumbe Exchanging land. att night I put up 93tb wool ina hhd. The T. [ Jis 86tb & 42 in a Sack to Send to Wethers- field by Samll Harris. ye hhd to Samll Curtice to Sell for 2s od p tb & ye Sack to be Sold p Sd Harris for 2s od p tb & he pay me at his Return from R. Island. Tuesd 24 a Storm S. E. I was at home al day. Wednsd 25th fair. 1 was at home all day. Mother Signed a deed to me of her 3d part of my Estate & of father Edgcumbs & I Signed a £100 bond to mother tht She Shall have the profitt of them (vizt) to Improve it her Self, or I to give her what it shall be worth for wt I Improve by the Judgment of Indifferent men. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home all day fencing ye orchard from ye lot. fryd 27 fair. I was at home al d. I finished the orchard fence. Mayhew Come. Saturd 28 fair. I was in ye neck to get Corn. I borrowd 14 bushll of Benja Fox & bought I. bushll of Samll Fox. Sund 29th fair. Mr. ad pr al day. an order was Read for a pub. Thanksgiving 8th nov. Mond 30 fair. I was about home & in Town all day. I pd Richd Shaw 4os od for 11 bushll Corn & 1 Wheat. Tuesd 31. fair. I was about home most of ye day. I Ringed al my swine. Nov. Wednesd .1. fair Moderate & pleasant Calm in ye foren an East- erly air aftern a Small breeze NE & N. Samll Edgcumbe Launched his Sloop. I helpt him. She went of well. Thursd 2 fair. In the forn I was about Town. aftern I went toward Lyme to buy Corn. I lodged at Jno Champlins. fryd .3. fair Cloudy. I went to lyme. I bought 12 bushll Corn of Gershom Waterhouse 30 of Edwd Lay & 30 of his Son John & 20 of Rye, 10 of Samll Tinker & 20 of Ms Seer on Condi- tion her husband will allow it. Corn 2s 6d. Rye 3s od. I lodged at John Griswolds. Saturd 4 Rainy. I came home. Stopt at Thos Lees till near night & yn home. Sund 5 Cloudy. Mr. ad pr al day. a warning up for ye .1. & 2d Company to Trayn 13th & 14. Mond 6 fair. I was all day in Town with Joshua Moor Serching the Records &c. young Jno Rogers the 3rd died with the Small Pox, he was near 21 year old. Tuesd 7 Squalls of Snow. I was about home all day. Wednsd 8. fair. a Thanksgiving. mr ad. pr. James Beebe & Jane Plumbley Publisht. Thursd :9. fair. I was at home most of ye day. toward night I went & pin’d down Some plank in Mr Winthrops bridge about 2 or 3 hours. Hen Joans a Child buried Barna. Tuthill Sayled for Jamaica. fryd 10 Rain. I was at home all day. Peter Manwaring Came home 27 days passage. a Storm. Saturd 11 fair. I was at home foren. aftern att Mr Winthrops to get his Cart & in Town. a child of Jonat Roffs was buried above a year old a Son. Sund 12 fair Cold. a Sacramt d. Mr A. p. al d. Jno Moor a Daughtr 116 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1721 babtizd Martha. Mond 13 fair. a Trayning day. ye first & 2d Company in Arms. I treated the Company with about 5 qrtts of Rum &c. Tuesd 14 fair. I was all day getting Cheesnut Railes with Stephn & John. wee got 104. Wednsd 15 fair. I was all day getting Maple Timber for Wheels & Carting it. Thursd 16. Snow & Rain a Storm. I was at home al day, Jere Chapm helpt me about Wheels. fryd 17 Rain in ye foren yn fair, I was at home all day about the Wheels &c. Saturd 18 fair. I was at home al day about the wheels. Cuz. Jos. Cornish came to see us. Aunt Plumb died. Sund 19 fair. mr ad. pr al. d. James & Janet Dickson pub. Jno adams a Child Babtizd John. Mond 20 fair. I went to Nor- wich with Jos Cornish & lay at Thos Edgcumbs. Tuesd 21 Snow & Rain. I went to windham to get Ann Whitings Evidence to mr Adams’s Bond yn went to See uncle Larabee & yn down to Lebanon & wee lodged at. S Hides. Wednsd 22. it Rained hard last night & ys morn. a great flood. I went to Ms. Blackmans & attached for Mr adams Cattle Sheep a mare & household goods £112 vallue & went to See Aunt Birchard & lodged at Cuz. Samll Hides at night. Thursd 23 fair. I came down to Norwich. Stopt at Jabez Hides & Jno Hides & lodged at Brothr Edgcumbs. fryd 24 fair. I came home near night. Stopt at Mr Adams’s to give him accot of my proceedings. Saturd 25 fair. I was at home al day Splicing Railes to fence ye Stacks. Jo Gardiner Sayled for Barbados. Sund 26 fair till aftern & yn Snow about 3 Inches deep. Mr ad pr. al day. Mond 27 fair. I was at home al day fencing Stacks. Tuesd 28 fair & Cold. I was at home al day fencing Stacks. ye C. Court Sat. Wednesd 2g fair. I was at Court all day. Capt Lattimer Capt Rogers & my Self was Sued (by Lt Stephn Prenttis & Jonat Hill as they are agents for the Town) about Liveens Money. Thursd 30 fair & warm. I was at Court al day. R. Christoprs Brigg Came up. Decembr fair fryday .1. I was at Court al day—Snow at night. Saturd 2d fair. I was at Court al day. the writt about Livins money abated. Sund 3d fair Cloudy. mrad. prald. Clement Minor & Abigail Turner published. Mond 4th fair. I was at Court al day attending on Mr Winthrops Action with Taylor. a great Snow 5 or 6 Inches deep. Tuesd 5. I was at Court al d. & Nathll. on Mr Winthrops Action wth Taylor. Wednsd .6. fair. old goodwife Scariot froze to death in the Snow last night near home. I was at Court till aftern &c. mr Winthrops action is adjourned wth the Court till ye 3d Tuesday in feb, next. I pd 8s od to ye Court on John Saffords accot. I Set out for lebanon to Serve an attach- mt for Mr adams. I Lodged at Joseph Fitches. Wm Harris lost his Sloop at Saybrook last night dragged her anchor to gull Island & Rid Safly their 3 or 4 days alone before discovered. Thursd 7 fair. I Served ye attachment on Mr Blackmans Estate & took bond of Jos. Phelps into whose hands I dd it & lodged at Cuz Samll Hides. fryd 8 fair. I came home from Lebanon at night. Saturd oth fair Cloudy. I was about Town all day. I bought a hhd Rum of Thos Prenttis for Samll Hide att 4s 6d p gall. it gages 1134. it wants 3 gall of being full 1104. it comes to £24 17s 3d. I am to have the money by Christmas & am to pay in pork at 3d p tb tht wch is under 120tb & tht wch is heavier 34d. I have Recd of Cuz Hide £10. Sund to fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. a warning up for Towr- meeting monday & Tuesd. sevennight. Mond 31 Cloudy. TI was in Town all day in ye foren on Mr Bradfords & Ms Knights Business in order to Settle the Bounds between them & Fergo. aftern Receiving Cuz Samll Hides hhd of Rum yt I bot of Capt Prenttis. I Sent it to Norwich by Jonas Green Junr. 1: Recd 5 bushll Corn of Richd Shaw. Still due 6. 1733] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 117 I Sent by Thos Way £8 in bills to Edwd Lay for Corn. Tuesd 12 fair. I was al day helping mend ye School house & Seats &c. Wednsd 13 fair. I went to Stonington & Thos to look up Sheep. it Snowed at night 8. or .9 Inches. Thursd 14 Snow in ye foren. I was looking up Sheep till Saturd. night yn come home [ ] 2 days. Normans Ship Come in rsth. Sund 17. fair. a Sacramt day. mr adams pr all day. Brothr Hodsell come home in Shen [ ]. Mond 18 fair. In ye foren I fitted up Samll Richds Slead to be between us. aftrn at Townmeeting. I Recd the ferryman Jo. Church ye ferry Rent £6 15s od & gave a Rectt. Tuesd 109 fair & very Cold. I was about to buy Corn & look for a Stray Steer all day. Hen B[rooks]. Wednsd. 20 fair & Cold. I was at home in ye foren. aftern as yesterd. I bought 10 bush of [ ]. Thursd 21 Snow all day Mod- erately. I was at home all day. fryd 22 a grt Snow. I was at home al day. I made ox bows &c. Saturd 23 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. Sund 24 fair. Mr ad. pr. all day. Wm Haines & Eliz Haines published. Mond 25 fair. I went to Stonington to look Sheep & was their till Satur- day. It Rained Tuesday night & wednsday morn. Saturd 30 Snow most of ye day. I came home at night. Sund 31 fair. mrad. pr.ald. I was not at meeting. Indisposed wth a boil on my Throat. Joshua Ray- mond a Daughter babtized Mercy. 174 Janry Monday 1 fair. I was at home in ye forn. aftern on ye Jury at Ms Richards to Reapprize that Estate. Tuesd 2 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was in Town most of ye day. I pd f10. to Hayden for Sister mary. it Rained hard at night. Wednsd 3 fair. I workt at the meeting house mending Ladder & Sundrys. Thursd 4. fair. I went to ye farm & Stephen. I came home Sunday morning. fryday Some Snow. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams Pr. all day. Danll Way a Child Babtized Daniel. Mond 8 Cloudy. I was at home all day. Tuesd g. fair. I went to Lyme & Jno & brot from Jno Lay Junr 11 bushll Corn & 14 of Rye. Wednsd toth fair & Cold. I went over ye ferry & lodged at Mr Mumfords. Thursd 11 fair & very Cold. I went to Stonington & came back Sunday to Meeting at Groton & home at night. Mond 15 fair Cloudy. I was about Town most of ye day. Tuesd 16 fair Cloudy warm. I was about home. I Reckened with Sol. Coit, & got my brass Spur mended. Wednesday 17 fair warm. I went to the farm. Thursd I made fence & fryday looked Sheep. Saturd 20th misty Some Rain. I came home at night. Ebe Darte died today. Sund 21. fair & Cold. Mr ad pr. ald. Thos Manwar- ing & Esther Christophers published. Mond 22 fair Cold. I went to Mr Congdons to Setle ye bounds between & fergo with Justice Plumbe & Lt Samll Comstock & Jno Richards. Ebe Dart buried. Tuesd 23 Some Snow. wee finished Settling ye bounds & came home at night. Wednsd 24 Lowering & Some Rain. I was about home Shoeing my horse &c. Thursd 25 Lowering. I was about home al day. fryd 26 Snow. I was Riding about most of ye day at Shackleys & Dartes &c. Some Snow. Saturd 27 Lowering. I was about home. wee killed 8 hogs. Sund 28 fair. Mr adams Pr al day. Mond 2oth fair. A Town meetting. I was at ital d. I Recd gs of Thos Safford for 8s od yt I pd for him att ye Court & for my trouble. Tuesd 30. fair afternoon. I was at home all day. I Recd back from Samll Harris 51fb wool with ye blankitt wch is 9tb wool 42tb. I Sold 10}tb for 20s to Hobart of Glassenbury. Wednsd 31 fair 118 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1724 warm Spring like wether. I went to Stonington wth Brothr Plumbe to Run the line between Denison formerly Beebees & mine formerly Fan- nings, but Denison not coming wee deffered it to Next day. ; feb .1. Thursday fair & warm as yesterday, the freeholders viztt J. Packer Moses Fish & Aaron Starke, as also Wm Denison attended & ye Surveyr. Brothr Plumbe Ran ye W N W line from ye Wallnut Tree & itt falls on ye South Side ye point of upland yt is below ye Swamp west of ye old house, ye freeholders Marked a Maple in ye Edge of ye Swamp. northward of ye aforesd point of upland & about 20 Rod Eastward of the Brook or River called Mistick & have Established yt line from the Maple to the Wallnut to be the bounds between Beebees grant & Fannings. it falls about 40 Rod below the fence by the old house. I lodged at Ebe Williams both nights. they Mett at John Wms. my expenses about 5s od. Wm Denison pd ye Surveyor & freeholrs 20s od apeice & Expences. fryday 2d it Rained a little in ye Morning & Continued al day hail toward night & yn Snow al night pritty Cold. I came home from Stonington a foot, in ye Morning by 11 Clock. Saturd 3 fair most of the d. & Cold. I was at home all day. Sund 4 fair. mr Adams pr al d. Danll Hall a Child Babtized Daniel. Mond 5 fair Moderate. I was at home all day. Tuesd 6 Rain ald. I was in Town Most of ye day, with the Committes. Wednsd 7 fair. I went to the farm & Stayed till Sund. it was fair & warm till Saturday & then it Rained all day & Thunder & lightning. Sund 11 fair. I came home in ye morn. att meetting aftern. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 12 fair most of ye day. Some Rain Hail & Snow. I was at home al day. Birch at work. Tuesd 13 fair Cold & Windy. I was at home $ day & yn Mending ye lock of ye Meeting house &c. Wednsd 14 fair. I was all day in Town getting Coppys of Thos Edgcumbs lands & thereabouts. Thos Manwaring maried. Thursd 15 Misty Some Rain. I was most of the day in Town wth the Committee who were about Laying out a highway to ye Spring by Thos Edgcumbs land but did not agree. . . wee killed our last 3 hogs. weighed 5o08tb. fryd 16 Rainy. I was at home all day only at Lecture. Mr ad. pr. Saturd fair & Cold. I was at home all day. Sund 18 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr ad. pr. al d. Davd Minerd & Rebeck Richds Publisht. Mond 19. Cloudy. I was at home all d. making Stone- wall on ye Hill Smiths lot. Tuesd 20 Cloudy a Snow Shower. was at home all day making Stonewall on ye Hill in Smiths lot & Nathll. the County Court Sat by adjournmt. Wednsd 21 fair. I was at Court all day a Wittness in Mr Winthrops Action with Taylor. Thursd 22 Rainy. T was at Court all day Wittness as aforesd & on ye Jury. fryd 23 Rainy al day. I was al day at Court Wittness & on ye Jury. Mr Winthrop lost his Action. Saturd 24 fair. I was al day at Court on ye Jury. Sund 25 fair pleasant. Mr ad. pr. al d. Samll Chapman & Lydia Hatch Jno Beckwith & Hannah Brooks published. Phil. Wants Child Babtizd William. Mond 26 fair. I was all day att Samll Harris’s wth Capt Lattimer Setting ye line between him & John Rogers. a violent Storm att night Wind & Rain. Tuesd 27 fair. I was in Town in ye foren. afternoon att home diging Stones Smiths lott. Wednsd 28 Misty Some Rain. I was att home all day mak- ing wall in Smiths lot hill. March Thursd .1. fair Cloudy. In the foren I was at home making Stonewall in Smiths Lot. wee finisht to ye Cross fence. aftern I went to ye farm. fryd 2 it Rained all day & Snow’d & hail. I was at ye farm. Saturd 3. Sheep died at ye farm ths winter of Babcock 17 lambs & 1 old Ew of Wallsworth 1 old Ram 3 old Ews 12 Lambs. I was at Stonington till near night. I went to Capt Samll Averys to get my Ear mark for my 1922 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 119 Cattle & brand &c Recorded & to Enter a Complaint agst Wm Denison Gershom Holdridge & 5 Indians for pulling down the partition fence between Sd Holdridge & I. they began on ye Easterly Side ye pond by ye house & went Westwd almost to ye Grt Swamp & they Sett Sd fence up from ye S. Side ye grtt Swamp to ye fence about 30 or 4o Rod Southward of where itt Stood before & he Took possession of my old house & keeps Gershom Holdridge in Sd house. Sund 4 fair. Sheep died B 1 old Ewe W i lamb old 1 young. Mr ad. pr. al day. Thos Bennat of Groton formerly of New London Died ths morning Suddenly. he was well & fetched a Log in to ye house & threw itt down & clapt his hand up to his head & cryed out of a pain in his Eye Sd I am a dead man never Spake more & died in a quartr of an hour. Mond § fair. a Townmeet- ing. I was at itt all day. Tuesd 6 fair. I went to Norwich to look for Stray Cattle & came back to Robt Allyns & lodged their. I Recd of Thomas Edgcumbe a Bond on Danll Dishan for £10. Wednsd 7 Cloudy & Some Snow. I went to ye farm & Stayed yr till Saturday att night. Daniel Halls wife died in Child bed buried Thursday. Spring wether Some time. Saturd 10 Rain hail & Snow Some fair. Capt Norman & Jont Prentt’s Sayled fryday. Sund 11 fair. Mr ad. pr al. d. Wm Clem. Minors Son took into ye Church. Ab. Wiotts Son Babtizd Eben. Mond 12 Rain. I was about home & in Town all day. Tuesd 13. fair. I went to ye farm & was their fencing till Saturd. fair wether ths week. Saturd 17 fair. W 3 old Ews 1 lamb. wee came all home att night. thr hath 6 Sheep died ys week past 4 old & two young. Sund 18 fair. Br old Ew 1 lamb. mr adams pr all day. Mond ig Rainy. I was att home & work att Joseph Trumans all day. Tuesd 2oth fair. W 2 old 1 lamb. B 1 lamb Sheep alive not run away W W & H. B 48. I was all day in Town agreeing with Daniel Dishan in behalf of T. Edgcumb about the vallue of the Land taken for ye Rod highway to ye Spring & wee left itt to Capt Prentt’s Mayhew & Thos Fosdyck who judged itt four Pound so I Reck’d for Brothr Thomas Edgcumbe Six Pound of Danll Dishan & gave him up his Bond of Ten Pound. I Spent 3s od on ye Arbi- tration. Wednsd 21 fair. I went to ye farm & Stayed all ye week fencing. fryday Some Rain. Sunday 25 fair. I came from the farm & ye boys. Mr adams pr all day. Peter Chapman & Anne Comstock pub. Jonat Lattimer a Child Babtizd Anne & G. Buttolph one George. Mond 26th fair. J was at home all day. fencing & Transplanting ye Nursery in Smiths lot. Lt William Minors Wife buried. died a Saturday of a Lingering Sickness. Tuesd 27 fair. the Supr Court Sat. I was at it all day on Mr Winthrops Accott. Wednsd 28th fair. I was att Court all day on mr ‘Winthrops accot. he lost his Action against Davise ye Court Ruled yt ye Town Action for £300 agst Capt Lattimer & my Self Should abate & wee have our Cost 31s 6d pd. Thursd 29th fair. I was at Court all day on Mr Winthrops accot. Davise lost his action Against mr Winthrop. fryd 30th. I was att Court all day. Mr Winthrop lost his Rent Action. I Recd of Comfort Davise on Mr Winthrops accot £1 4s 6d more yn is paid his bill of Cost. Saturd 31. Rain. afternoon I was att Court after I had ee in the woods to See if there was any Timber Cutt on Mr Winthrops and. April .1. Sund. fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Jno Smith of Warwick & Hannah ye Daughter of Wm Chapman pub. Jos. Minor a Child Babtized Anna. Molly is Scalded in ye back & neck. a dis of hot milk Spilt on her by Nathanll. Mond 2 Cloudy Some Rain. I was att Court all day on Mr Winthrops accot. his Action about ye Stock was Concluded. Mr Win- 120 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1722 throp to have ye Stock & Wallsworth ye Cost. Katherine Adams a young woman about 17 year old who lived wth Mr Mather of Saybrook was Tryed for her life for burning his barn & not found ot. Guilty Enough, Tuesd 3d fair. I was att Court allmost all day on Mr inthrops account. toward Night I went on Mr Winthrops accot to ye Millpond field to veiw ye fence Israel Richds with me. it is in pretty good Condition. about 1 day work will Right it. Samll Chapman Junr is to have it. he is their now plowing for oats. Wednsd 4. Cloudy. I was at home al day making a plow and looking after molly who is bad with her Scald. ye ague hath bin in itt & She hath ye fever. Thursd.5. fair. I was at home all day looking after molly. Jonat Bayly come. fryd .6. Cloudy & Rain at night. I was at home al d. Brothr Patty & Bayley there. Saturd 7th fair windy. I was at home all d. Brothr Patty & Bayley Sayled Patty for Barbados & Bayley for Boston by whom I Sent an ax to Steel. brot up again. Sund 8th fair. Mr Hillhouse pr. all d. itt is ye 2d day Since he came to pr to ye North Society (Mr ad. pr. for him). Mr Miller a Child Babtized Mary. Mond oth Rainy. I was at home in ye foren, aftern, att Richd Douglasses Selling Lots of Bank beyond Benja Starrs. I bought two one for brother Hodsel 3 Rod & 1 for my Self his 25s & my own No 6. 26s od. Tuesd to fair. I was att home all day. I began to make Stonewall in ye midle between Joseph Truemans & Thomas Truman. Jos Truman is to have yt part of ye fence next ye Street & I to go from his half round ye Cornner to ye pare tree (vizt) to Thomas Land by the Pear tree. an old girl named Clarke yt lived with Ms Knights is buried died yesterday. Wednsd 11 fair. I was att home all. d. diging Stones to make ye Cross St. wall between ye orchard & ye Lot. Cuzn Samll Hide here. Thursd 12 fair. knot for Barbados. in the foren I was cartting Stones & making ye cross Stone-wall below ye uper End of ye orchard, aftern att Mr Winthrops about Taylors bill of Cost. I pd it on Mr Winthrops accott to Pickett to Stopp Execution. fryd 13. fair. I was att home all day making Stonewall a Cross & all the Cornner downward. Saturd 14 fair. I was att home all day making Stonewall by Jos Trumans house. Sund .15. fair. Mr ad. pr all. d. a Warning for Town & freemen to meet 23d & 24th. a fast publisht. Mond 16 fair. I was at home all day mending fence & Running a line between Starr & Mayhew in their lots. Mayhew Sayled for Merti- neco in Samll Harris’s Sloop. Tuesd 17 fair. I was att home all day breaking up from ye Cross Stonewall down to the path. Wednsd 18 fair. I was at home all d. Sowing oats & mending fence. Thursd 19 Cloudy & Rain. I was at home all day Picking of Caterpillers in Smiths lot. fryd 20 fair. I was at home foren. aftern att work att the Schoolhouse. Saturd 21 fair & Cold. In ye foren I was at home plowing in Smiths lot finisht. aftern at work at ye School house. Jo. Gardiner Arived from ye Bay. Sund 22 fair Cold. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 23 fair. in the foren I was laying out lots on ye bank Eastwd of Benja Starr. aftern att the Town Meeting about Mr Winthrops money. adjourned till tomorrow. Tuesd 24th fair. a freemans meetting. Capt Rogers & Lt Prenttis Chosen Deputies. _ ye adjourned Townmeeting Satt. Justice Prenttis Deacon Douglas & Jeremiah Chapman Chosen Agents to Recover ye £300 of Mr Winthrop. Capt Lattimer Rogers & my Self, gave ym power of attorney & £1000 Bond not to Revoak itt. Wednsd 2sth fair. Set out with Thomas in Joseph Trumans Boat for Hartford to look after my Mast that I bought last Summer. I found itt as I came back att Saybrook in the Custody of Abner Parker taken up a drift by his father Ebenezar Parker & demands 10s od for Securing it. it is 65 foot long & 174 Inches over. I 1722] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 121 caryed with me 146lb of wool & 16tb of p [ ] & 1 bb Rum of Jno Coits which I Sold for grain. May Sunday 2oth. Sunday I came from Saybrook in ye night & got home. afternoon I left ye boat at white beach till night. Mond 21 fair. Mr Christophers who is come home taken with ye num Palsie & dumb was yesterday brot home to within 5 mile of Boston. I was about Town & at home. I dd Samll Lattimer & Clemt Minor io bars Iron I brot from Mathew Grant &. gortb. 10 bars to Jno Coit ye produce of 1. bb Rum 294 gall Sold for 4s 8d at Winsor. I DD 7 bars of Deacon Seaburys 3 & 3 of mine att Justice Prenttis’s & 4 of his all Samll Baccus’s in Coits Shop. I brot 1. bb Cydar for my Self Cost 12s at Winsor & 334 bushll Indian Corn & 124 malt. & 27 bushlls of oats & 6 bushlls wheat for Joseph Truman. I Recd of ye Widow Buck 5 yds of Linnen Cloth att 3s 6d. yt is 2tb of wool for Each rotb in all & 6 bushll of Corn. I am to have Sent p Capt Allyn att 3s 3d to be pd inWool. & I Recd of Wid Mary Buttler 1. £3 bill of Credit to buy wool paid. Tuesd 22 fair. I went to Lyme to See a mast taken up their. it is 62 foot long 16} over. my great Mare & little mare both went to Horse with Westcots Stallion. Wednsd 23 fair & hot. I went to ye farm. I caryd wth me about 12 or 13 bushells of oats to Sowe. Steph. Thos & Jno went. Thursd 24 fair & hot. I Sowed about 3 or 4 acres of oats & fryd I was at ye old house I bought of Ashby. Wm Denison knock it down & cut it & broke it in the presence of Jo. Denison Gershom Holdridge & Edmond fanning. fryd 25. Saturd 26. I came home after I had been to Hewitts & Wheelers & about to get oxen to break up—Richd Christophers fro Barbados all well. Sund 27 fair. mr ad. pr all day. Will Waterus & Han Lewis published. Mond 28th fair. a Trayning day. I was att itt all day. I gave ye Company a bb Cydar. Tuesd 29 fair. a Trayning day. I was at itt. Edwd Hallam Clerk Treated ye Company with 1 bb Cydar & 20 3d Cakes. Wednsd 30 fair. [I went to ye farm to look up Sheep & Sheer & Sow oats. I came home Sat- ° urday night. Thursd 31 itt Rained most of ye aftern Stiddyly. fryd June .1. fair. Saturd 2d fair. wee Sheered about 52 Sheep. of Walsworths mark 27 & 3 of their lambs & of Babcocks 22. Sund 3d fair. mr ad. pr. al. d. a Sacramt Wm Hoult a Child Babtizd Willm & Geo, Plumb one Elizabeth. Latt Cow Calved. att night I weighed ye 30 fleeces. of Walsworth & mine. it was 36tb & 3. Babcocks 22 fleeces is 3itb. Mond 4. fair. I went to ye farm & Stephen. I finished breaking up for oats. Tuesd 5 fair. David Cow Calved. In ye foren I finisht Sow- ing oats. about 4 Acres New ground & about 4$ old. I Sheered Some Sheep Markt & gott Lambs & Came home to the Court which Sat at Den- nises. I have Sued Wm Denison for pulling down ye old house I bought of Ashby. Wednsd .6. fair. I was att Court. my Action was pleaded. Capt Rogers was attorney for Denison. I pleaded my own Case. Thursd 7: fair. I was att Court all: d. the boys came home & brot Some Wool (vizt) 9 fleeces of W W otb & of J: B: 19 fleeces 28tb. fryd 8th fair. I was att home in ye foren. aftern att Court. my Action with Wm Denison was Concluded & ye Court gave Judgment for me to Recover 4os damages & Cost. he hath Appealed to Sept Supr Court & So have I for fear he Shod fail to prosecute—Jonat Bayly Is come & Robert, also Hen Conck- ling & Sister Deborah. Saturd 9 fair. I was at home most of the day. the boys finisht Weeding Corn. Mr Chapmans 3 boys helpt 2 days. Ex- changed work. Sund ro fair. Mr A pr. al. d. Capt Rogers a Child Bab. Stephen & Samll Hough one Anne. Mond .11. fair Lowering. I was all day Cutting Letters in Ms Willsons grave Stones. Tuesd 12 fair. Phebe 122 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1722 Cow & bull 16th no Rain ths week hot & dry. In ye foren I was mending Stephn Prentts Tanfatt. I went to ye farm & ye boys. wee washed 29 Sheep. I Stayed till Saturday night. wee finished ye new fence from Ben- nats to Fannings old fence. © wee looked up Sheep. found near 20 of IB Sheered by I know not who & 4 not Sheered. wee have Sheered this week 22 & Mr Dean 6 & [Serl] 1 & 4 of I B 37tb& 4 of W. Walswoth & 3 of mine. it was all 83tb. Thos hath been with mr Arnold to Guilford car- ryed 21tb of wool & Sold it for 7 bushells of Corn & 3s od in money. Sund 17 hot 2 Showers. Mr Whiting formerly of So-hampton pr all day. Mond ‘18: fair. I was att home in ye foren fencing in a yard for Cabbages &c. aftern I went to the farm & was their all ye week looking up Sheep & fencing. I have found about 46 old & young. ye old Sheered all but one by I know not who Except about 5. I came home Sunday morning, Sund 24th a plentifull moderate Rain. Mr ad. pr. al day. Christopr Stub- bins wife took in ye Church. Mond 25 fair & hot. I went to ye farm & Stayed till Saturday night. I fenced a yard for S [ ]. Tuesd 26. it Rained most of ye day moderately & fryday part of ye day in ye forenoon. Saturd 30 fair & hot. I came home. helpt Wm Wallsworth drive home forty 44 of the 80 Sheep yt I hired of him. 35 of thm were old Sheep 9 last year lambs. also he had 2 lambs in part of ye Remainder. I am to have tb of wool a head yt is 44tb for wintering ym & he must allow wt is Reason- able for what is lost winter & Sumer & Since the time I Should have dd ym which was last October. he had ye lambs yt belonged to ye Sheep which was 17 besides ye 2 aforesd 1g in all. July Sund .1. fair. mr ad. pr. al d. Jno Hough a Child Babtized Sarah & Robt Gauler one Anne. Mond 2d fair. I was att home all day hilling Corn. wee finished all both lots. Tuesd 3d Rain most of ye day moderately & att night a Thundr Shower. I was at home & Settling ye School accot wth Jno Richds & Mr Chapman till midnight. Wednsd 4q fair hot. I went to the farm & ye boys. I Stayed till Saturday. it Rained hard Saturday a great Rain. I was looking Sheep brot home 4 Ews & 5 Lambs. Thursd 5 fair. I was looking Sheep &c after wee had drove ye Cattle to Saltwater & getting pasture for my fatt Cattle. Wm Wheeler hath agreed to take 2-4 year old Steers & 2 Cows for 9d p week & I have Sold him 5 if not 6 pr grave Stones for 30 p pr to be dd at Stonington one half in money & ye other half in pasturing & in bords. I lodged at Walter Palmers. fryd 6. Some Rain. I went to Capt J. Babcocks att Westerly & back to Edwd Denisons & lay thr. Saturd 7th Rain in ye foren Some Showers. I found 5 Ews & 5 lambs & brot ym to ye farm Except one Ew yt tired. She is not healthth. TI left her in ye highway beyond the windmill. itt Rained violently most of ye aftern till after Sunsett a ground Rain. Sund 8. I came home in ye foren. Mr ad. pr. all day. Abigail Davise took into the Church & Tim- othy Green & Child babtizd Mary, Eleazer Bishop 6. Peter, John, Samll & Clement, Mary & Sarah. Mond g fair. I went to Stonington to work to mow att ye old house I bought of Ashby. Nathll Stephn & Thos & Jno. wee finished & Staked 3 load on fryday, & fenced ye Stack & plowed for Tarnips & came home Saturd. William Denison hath Sued me & Nathll for Tres- pass before Mr Smith 20th. Sunday 15 fair. Mr Huntting pr. all day. mr ad babtizd a Son for Jno Coit Junr Richard & one for Edwd Robinson John. Mond 16 fair. I went to Groton to Justice Smiths to get a Sumons for Witt- nesses & then to the farm. Tuesd 17 fair. I Sowed Some Taurnips in ye yard by ye Cellar. I went wth Lt John fanning to Mr Wheelers about divid- ing his Son Jno estate. Wednsd 18 fair. wee fenced in the Turnnip by ye plain Thursd 19 in part & I went to look Sheep toward night. I found 1 1722] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 123 Lamb. I lodged at William Denisons. fryd 2oth fair. Jo Gardiner Sayled. went to Court to Justice Smiths to Answer Will Denisons Action of Trespass. but I proved my Self in the possession & So gained the Action tht is Recov- ered Cost of Suit 13s od. 1 lodged att Justice Smiths. Saturd 21 fair. I came home about noon & went to mowing & Stephn Jno. Sund 22 fair. a Sacramt day. mr ad. pr. al day. Capt Mayhew Arived a passenger. he hath Sold Samll Harris’s Sloop. Mond 23 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home al d. Mowing & Settling School Accot. Tuesd 24. it Rained most of ye d. I mowed about 4 ye day between Showers. Stephn is not well afternoon & Continued till Wensday noon. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at home al. d haying & mowing &c. Thursd 26 fair. we mowed in ye foren & Raked in ye aftern—Jno not well aftern. fryd 27 fair. I was all day at home mowing & Raking &c Stephen. Thos & John. wee finisht. 105 Cocks Since Saturday wch is all Except ye out Side ye lot from Trumns Cornner below ye path & beyond ye Iland of Rick to ve Swamp & to ye upper End of ye Rocky bottom. Richd Douglass hath lost a New Negro Woman & Thos Prenttis a negro Child & a Indian Woman yt lived at Mr Winthrops dead & buried. Saturd 28 fair. I was att home al day not well have a very bad flux. Thos not well. I Sold 40. hundr of hay to Richd Douglass for 5 down. wee made 2 Stacks. Sund 29 fair. mrad. pralday. I was not out in ye foren much Indisposed. Mond 30. fair. I was at home al day mowing ye back Side ye Lot. Tuesd 31. fair. I was about Town. I pd Jos Truman 28s 6d on on accot of John Cole & &s od before & I pd Pickett 9s od for a Sythe (John Moors’ Wife died) & Jno Plumb on accot of Capt James Babcock. Wends Aug .1. fair. I was at ye funeral of Jno Moors wife. I pd Ebe Darte 22 in full for 54 bushlls of Rye. Thursd 2 fair. I was at home all day Mowing Raking & Stacking. wee finished mowing in ye lot at home. fryd 3d fair. In ye foren I was with Danll Shapley Mesuring land att Samll Rogers’s. aftern att home. Brother Patty Arived all well. Saturd 4th fair. I was at home all d. haying & Thrashing oats. Sund 5 fair. mr ad. Ann Roff a Child babtizd Jane. a Contribution for ye Support of the Presbyterian Ministers to preach att Providence p order of Govr & Councl. Mond 6 fair Cloudy. I went to ye farm brot home ye oxen & 9 fatt Ews 4 for Thos Harris & 4 for my Self for a venture by Peter Man- waring & 1 to kill. wee came to the ferry in ye night & left ye Sheep their & came over 9’ Clock. Tuesd 7 Cloudy Some Rain. I Sent for ye Sheep over & dd ym on bord & ye oats 13 bushlls & I sent 2 bushlls more for Jno Richds. I dd 64C hay to Jos Coit for Richd Christophers 6s 6d. Some Rain. I bought a white horse of Archabald Campbells Wife dd to me by his brother. price agreed on is £4 5s od to be pd in ye fall in provision att ye Currant price or money. he is branded T C on ye thigh & L on ye Shoul- der about 6 year old. a bob-Tayle. Wednsd 8 fair. I was about Town & att home mending fence at Mr Chapmans Cow yard. I found a pr of hooks & ring in ye highway by Mr Christophers Moors house. I cryed them & they be John Stubbins. Thursd oth fair. I was att home foren. aftern Mow- ing at Mothers. ye boysal. day. fryd so fair. In the foren I was mowing at Mothers. aftern in the woods to get an axeltree. Saturd 11 fair. in ye foren I made an axeltree. aftern Raked hay att Mothers & Carted itt & the Rest home 2 Joggs—Richd Christophers & Peter Manwaring Turned down to ye harbours mouth. they have had their horses in above a week. winds Contrary. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. John Savil a Child Babtizd Bathiah. Brothr Tallmage come. Mond 13 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern I went to the farm & Brother Tallmage with me & Stephen Thos & John to Mowing. wee came back att night. tht is Brother & I. 124 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1722 Tuesd 14 fair. I was about homeald. Brothr Tallmage gone home. I Sent my Sack full of Apples to L. Iland. I Stackt my oats Straw att home. Wednsd 15 fair. I was about home & went to poquawyog & to ye farm att night & Stayed till Sund morn. wee mowed & Stacked 1 Stack in ye NE Corner. no Rain this week. Sund 19 fair. mr ad pr all day. Mond 20 fair. Iwas about home & att ye Town Meetting. Tuesd 21 fair. I went to ye farm & Stayed till Sund morn. we mowed & Stacked ye 5. E Cornner. 1 Stack hay & oats & cleared land (Saturd 3 last days grt Shew of Rain) below ye hovell to ye old fence. Sund 26 fair. mr ad. pr. al. d. Mr. Win- throp a Son Babtized Bayell & Lt Buttler a Daughtr Katherine. no Rain this week. Mond 27 fair. I was & Thos Raking Mothers Salt medow about 3a Load. Tuesd 28 fair. I went to ye farm & Thos. I Stayed till Sund morn haying & Stacking. no Rain this week. wee made 3 Stacks 1 of ym oats. killed 2 lambs. Sund. Sept. 2d Rain in ye foren. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Danll Shapley a Child Babtizd John. Mond 3 Rain in ye foren & last night & this night. A veiw of Arms & Ammunition was attended by both Companys this aftern. wee dined att Capt Lattimers. our Capt was absent. Tuesd 4 Some Rain in ye foren. I was Measuring Samll Rogers’s upper pasture wch he Sold to Danll Shaply & Joshua Apleton for £120 18 Acres next mr Boles’s ye West Side ye Road. Wednsd 5 fair. I went to the farm and Stayed till Sund Morn haying & plowing for wheat. we Sowed ye old ground yard fryday night. Sund goth fair. I came from ye farm in the morning & back again att night. mrad pr. al day. Joseph Caulking a Son Babtized Joseph. Mond 10 fair. I broke up ground for wheat about 4 an Acre. wee had Mr Williams 4 oxen & plow Irons. we finished plowing &c. we mowed our new ground. I have Stacked all ye oats & hay. Tuesd 11. Wm Denison Turned nine horse kind in to ye old house pasture & I turned them out at night wednsday night. Wednsd 12. William Denison turned in 25 horse kind to ye old house pasture & Jno Williams Jo Gallup & Thos Inches helped him throw down his partition fence in divers places. wee (vizt) Stephn & Thomas & I Endevored to drive ym to the Pound but they all opposed us & hindered us & toward night they put them into Gershoms pasture. Thursd 13. Peter Griffind died 12th. fryd 14. Saturd 15 fair & Windy. Stephn & Thos See Wm Denison Turn into my pasture out of his about 21 horse kind & Jno Williams 4 more in all 25. they gathered 1 Tree of aples Enough to make a barrill of Cydar last night & a great many this day. wee See Gershom Holdridge & his wife Carrying away aples nearly gathered yt lay by their fence & Denison Holdridge & his wife & Child & Son prevented mee & Stephn driving away the Horses to ye pound, forced thm from us into his pasture again & we went & gathered all ye Rest of ye Apples & put in ye Stack yard 5 bags. Thos went to norwich fetched 2 bushlls wheat. Sund 16 fair. I came home in ye morn. mr ad. pr. ald. Ebe Way a child Babtizd Anne. Mond 17 fair. I was att home in ye foren Cutting gr. Stones letters for James Rogers. aftern with John Hough veiwing alewife brook to Set a Sawmill. I Recd of Edwd Hallam a Deed of Mothers thirds also 24 yds of wire to make a chain & ye Needle of a Surveying Compass & also a glass or Christiall for the Watch all wch he Brought from Boston for me & Cost Wire 8s needle 6s od glass 3s 6d. Tuesd 18 fair. I was att home foren Cutting gr. Stones letters. aftern in Town att ye Govrs &c. Wednsd 19 fair. in ye foren I went to Poquoyog & drawed up I pr Gravestones. aftern I was Cutting bords for 2 Tanfatts & a floor for Jos Truman. Thurs 2oth fair. I was at home in foren. aftern gather- ing aples at Holmes’s lot .8. bags full. yt is all. fryd 21 fair. I went Early 1722] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 125 before day from home but Stayed for ye ferryman till near Sunrise & yn went to Justice Smiths and got two writts agst Wm Denison for turning horses into my pasture att ye old house & went to the farm & Turned out 4 horse kind & Gershom. Oxen & Cows & thn went to ye Constables with ye Writts & lay at Attwoods all night. Saturd 22 fair. a Smartt Thundr Shower att night in Stonington. none att N. L. in ye morning I went with Mr Atwood to Wm Denisons. he Served 2 Writts on him to Appear before Justice Smith on fryday 2 Clock att Ebe Dennis’s house. I was in ye aftern measuring att Gershoms fence & att ye old fence to ye River. Mr Ebe Williams & Stepen Measured itt & is Sat down in a paper amongst Stonington papers. Sund 23d fair. Mr Whiting of Wind- ham pr. all day. Geo. Smith a Child Babtizd Margerett. Mond 24 fair. I went to ye farm to get ye old house apprized. Mr Jer Chapman & John Hough went & were Sworn by Justice Smith. they Lay att Capt Fishes & att Mr Williams’s. Tuesd 25th fair. ye Supr Court Satt. I came home & was att itt about ye old house yt I bought of Ashby pulled down by Wm Denison. they Apprized itt att .3. & Expect 7s 6d a peice. Wee Recd 50s od of ye ferryman for Rent in part. itt is in Mr Chapmans hands. Wednsd 26th fair. I was att Court all day. ye Boys came home fro ye farm. Thursd 27th fair. I was att the Supr Court all day. fryd 28th fair. I was att home in ye foren. wee gathered & brot in ye Corn in the Lot. aftern I was att Court att Dennisses wth Wm Denison 2 Actions Trespass about Turning in 20 Horses in to my field 1 day & 25 another day. Saturd 29th fair. I was att Court all day. my Action wth Wm Denison about Cutting & pulling down my old house tht I bought of Mr Ashby was Tryed & they gave me my Damages (vizt) £3 & Cost, & Denison Reveiwed Complyed to pay me all ye two Tresspass actions before Justice Smith about the Horses being turned into my pasture & ye Charge & 19s 1d damages according as they were Said in the writts itt amounted to £3 6s 8d which I Recd & paid the Justice 5s & ye Wittnesses 6s 6d p. Sund 30th fair. mr adams Pr. all day. Monday Octobr 1 very hot ye mid summer days. I was att home in the foren cleaning well. afternoon in Town. I Recd of Brother Plumb ye Interest money of Bartletts & Rent. £27 14s 11d & paid to Mr Miller. Mr Chapman was with me. we Ballanced ye last years acctt. Tuesd 2 fair & hot. I was att home most of ye day. I put a New Axletree into ye Wheels. I went over ye ferry & 2 or 3 mile on ye Road to meet Thos & John. I Sent Thos back for ye Horses to Ride up to ye Enstallmt of Mr Hillhouse. Tim- othy Green Junr hath had a bad blow on ye head this Evening. Wednsd 3d hot fair & hot. I went to ye Enstallmt of Mr Hillhouse. aftern att Samll Allyn. we came back to Capt Lattimers & So Concluded. wee Stacked our Corn att night. Thursd 4 Cloudy. I was at home all day fitting Cydar Cask & about J Trumans Tanfatt $ day. fryd 5 fair most of ye day a Small Shower. I was most of the day diging a Well in Smiths lot & Re Setting ye fence in ye Medow below ye orchard Bars. wee are making Cydar. Saturd 6 Cloudy. Some Rain last night. I was about home most of ye day. I warned ye people to work at highway. Sund 7 Cloudy & misty. mr adams pr. all day. Mond 8th fair. In ye foren I was wth Mr Chapman to Aprize Samll Rogers’s house & land which wee vallued at £470. afternoon I went to take my leave of Danll Darte who is moving off with his family to Boulton. Tuesd gth fair. I was att home all day about Tanfatts & Stacking Corn- stalks &c. Wednsd 10 fair. I was att work at highways up toward mr Chapmans & in ye Street Stephn & Team. Thursd 11 fair. we workt at ye Highways toward Mr Chapmans Stephn. Thos & Jno & Team. fryday 12 fair. I was att home all day about Tanfat. Nathanael is very ill 126 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1722 with ye bloody flux. Stephn Cartted ye hay from [ I. Saturd 13 fair & windy. I was att home all day about ye Tanfatt. Sund 14 fair. Mr adams pr al d. Joshua Moor a Child Babtizd Rebeckah, Mond 15 fair & windy N. W. I was in the woods to get Wood & Posts. John Cut his Leg. Tuesd 16 Cloudy Windy. in ye forenoon I went into the woods to Split Railes & load up Posts. afternoon about the Tanfatt. Wednsd 17 fair. In the foren | was making Water Cydar att Lt Harris’s. aftern at home hooping Cask &c. Thursd 18. In the foren I went into ye woods & Splitt a Cut of Posts &c. aftern at home. fryday 19th. I was att home all day about ye Tanfatts. Cloudy. Stephen Ili wth ye Bloody flux. Saturd 20 Cloudy. I was att home all day. I mended Shoes all day. Sund 21 Cloudy & misty. Mr adams is gone to Newhaven. no minister. ye Deacons Exercised. Mond 22 fair. A Trayn- ing day. both ye first & zd Company Trayned. Tuesd 23 fair. 1 was about home Mending fence & Sharping Railes. Wednsd 24 Cloudy & Cold Some Rain foren. I was att home all day. made a Cellar door Case for Sister Mary. Thursd 25 fair. I was att home all day fencing Stacks. fryd 26 fair. I was at home all day fencing Stacks & Topping ym & mending fence. Tho Prenttis had oxen 3. days. I owed him 2 days. Pickett had my Cartt 3 days. Saturd 27th fair. I was att home all day about ye Tanfatts. Betty not well of ye flux. Sunday 28th fair. mr Adams pr. in foren & mr Lamb in ye Aftern. Mond 29 fair. I went to Stonington wth Capt Babcock & lodged att Capt Cheesbroughs. Tuesd 30 fair. I went to Westerly & bot 3 Cart boxes att Isaac Tompsons & came back & lodged att Mr Ebenezar Williams. Wednsd 31 fair. I came home from ye farm & called att Capt Fishes to give him notice to Preambulate & divide fence between our farms Next Wednsday. Nov .1. Thursday fair. I was att home all day about a Tanfatt. the wind N. Easterly in ye morning & came about Southerly a little before noon. Moderate Wind all day. fryday 2 Cloudy. I was att home all day. I finished Caulking 1 Tanfatt & Sowed & fenced in a Nursery on the N. E Side of the garden. the first length of fence att ye lower End came out of my Orchard ye uper End Lt Jos. Harris’s. I watched att night with Tho. Trumans Son John who died about 11 Clock. I Sat up ye Rest of ye night. itt Rained hard all night. Saturd 3 fair. I was att home all day. I made a Coffin for John Truman. he was about 9 year old. died with the flux. buried after Sunset. Sund 4. Snow in ye morn & yn fair. mr adams pr. alday. old goodwife Jennings Died. Mond 5 Cloudy Snow in ye morn. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern about a Tanfatt. Tuesd 6th fair. I was att home all day. I finisht ye Tanfatts for Jos. Truman 2 of ym. Wednsday 7th fair. I went to ye farm & called att Capt Fishes he went with me to ye farm to Divide fence &c, but itt Thursd 8 was near night & wee have deffered it till an other Season. fryd gth. I Stayed att ye farm looking up Sheep & fencing Stacks till Saturday. Saturday Io fair. Peter Manwaring arived 3 weeks passage all well from Mertineco. I came home att night & Thomas got to ye ferry 9 or 10 Clock & wee were coming over in ye ferry boat. I was Rowing in ye Bow of ye Boat & ye oar Slipt over ye Thoal & I pitched heels over head in to the River 20 or 30 Rod from ye East Shoar, but through gods goodness I got well into ye Boat with ye help of Thomas who only was wth me & I Rowed over & got well home. I gota Cold. Sund ri fair. mr ad. pr all day. Mond 12 fair. I was att home all day very Ill with the flux. Tuesd 13 a fierce Storm E- wind all d. & Raina little before night & att night. Wednsd 14 Rainy. a Public Thanksgiving. Mr adams pr. Thursd 15 Cloudy. I went with the Sheriff & Several more (vizt) 6 or 7 from Town & upward of 20 Horse from ye farms about Mohegan to see the Execution of 1722] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 127 Robin a Pequott Indian who was Conveyed from ye Prison here where he had been 7 or 8 months, to Mohegan & yr dd up to ye Mohegan Indians & there Shott Through ye Body by young Ben Uncas. itt was for Scalding old Ben’s Sister in a drunken frollick. fryd 16 it Rained most of ye day Moderately. I was att home all d. I drawed off a bbl molases came home in Manwaring wasted near Io gall of being f[ull]. I Cut 1 pr gravestones for Mr Wm Wheeler. Saturd 17. I was in Town most of ye day. Sund 18 fair. mr adams pr. all day. Mond 19 Rain in ye aftern. In ye foren I went over ye ferry to fetch 4 Cattle home yt were left att Swallows on Saturd night but they were Run back. afternoon I was att home. Mr Starr ye Sheriff made me his Deputy to Serve 5 writts att 4 Stonington. Tuesday .20. fair. In ye foren I was att home. aftern I went to ye farm by ye way of Justice Smiths & Capt Fish’s. Wednsd 21 fair. I went about Stonington as far as Jonathan Richardsons att Pocatuck to look Sheep & Serve writts. I lodged att Walter Palmers. I found 2 Sheep their & 2 att Capt Ichabod Palmers & 3 by ye Pound. Thursd 22d fair Cold att night. I brought ye Stray Sheep yt I found to ye farm. they were Wintered & Sheered abroad & was 3 old ones & 4 young ones. I came from ye farm & lodged att Mr Mumfords. itt Rained att night. fryd 23 fair windy. I came home & was about Town all day. Saturd 24 fair & very Cold. I was about home. I Recd of Capt Peter Manwaring about 9} yds Cloath linnen. ye neat produce of 4Sheep. I had 1 bb Molasses before on ye Same account. toward night I went over ye ferry to help fetch over 3 Cattel brot fro ye farm. Sund 25 5 or 6 Inches Snow in ye forepart of the day. Mr Adams is out of Town. no Minr no Meeting. Mond 26 fair & Moderate. Cezar Sachen of Mohegan died. Iwas about home in ye foren. afternoon I went to Nathanll Lothrops to fetch a yearlin. ye little Cows grand calf &c. Tuesd 27 fair. ye C. Court Satt. I workt att Sister Marys all day putting in a Cellar door Case & mending ye door. Wednsd 28 fair & pleasant. I was att home all day. wee killed ye 2— 4 year old Steers yt were fatted att Stonington & they weighed 810 & ye 4 year old Hieffer Brown alias young David 350. Thursd 29 Some Rain & Cloudy. I was att home all day. wee killed 2 hogs. weit [ ]. fryd 30. Ms Pygans old negro woman Judith died. I DD to Richd Tozar & Jonat Daniels of Colchester 1 year & vantage Hieffer to winter in Consideration of ye use of my farm att Colchester that Benja Graves used to hire. She is black & a white face my Ear mark & Branded H on the left Side ye Rump. In the aftern I went into Town with Joshua Moor in order to Compound with Mr Chapman & Lt Harris on Ly [ ] accot. December 1st Saturd Some Rain. I was att home all day Cutting gr Stones. Sund 2 fair windy Cold. Mr Adams pr. al d. Richd Christophers a Child Babtized Joseph & Edward Stubbins one Mary. Mond 3d ‘fair till near night & yn hail & afterward Rain. I went to Joshua Moores to veiw his farm. itt Snowed Hailed & Rain hard att night. Tuesd 4 fair. I was in Town & bot 5 yds Kersey to make me a great Coat. I went to See if any wood was cut on my land. Wednsd 5 fair. I was about home & in Town all day. ye latter part wth Joshua moor & Mr Harris & Chapman &c. I bot 1 yd more of Kersey to finish my grt Coat. Ebe Peirce is att work on itt. Thursd 6th fair. I was att home most of ye day. I went to the farm att night. fryd.7 fair. I Killed my Hieffer att Mr Williams & Salted her their. weit 378. Saturd 8th. I went to Mr Wheelers to get directions to Cutt gravestones. Sundg Rainy. I Stayed att ye farm all day. Sacra.d. Jno Ward & Eliz Chapm pub. Mond to Rainy in ye morn. I Sowed Rye att ye old house lot & Some in ye Plain. I harrowed itt in about an Acre. Tuesd 11 fair & Cold. I Stayed att the farm all day & came home att night 128 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1732 Wednsd 12 Cloudy morn. I went to Lyme to the ordination of Mr Peirpoint. I Lodged at William Lee’s. itt Rained hard in ye midle of ye day. Thursd 13 fair. I went over to Saybrook and Lodged att Cuz Buckinghams. fryd 14 Cold & windy. Stayed att Saybrook most of ye day. I came back to Lyme & Lodged att Hen Rowlands. Saturd 15 fair. I came home over the Gutt. Sund 16 fair. Mrad. Pr. ald. Ebe Dennis an Infant Babtizd Ben- jamin. Mond 17 fair till night & yn Rain. I was about home all day. Jos Gardiener Brig arived from Jamaica. _Stopt att Rhoad Island. buried David Hough their. Tuesd .18. fair. I was att home all day fitting in & Mending the Casements. Wednsd 19 fair in ye morn & yn Rain much. | went to ye ordination of Mr Ebenr Rossiter Ministr of ye South Parish in Stonington. I lodged att Mr Ebe. Williams’s & Eliz Cornish 2 nights. I Sowed about 1 Acre of Rye & Came home Saturday Evening. I brot. 31 Sheep (vizt 15 old & 16 young) for John Edgcumb to Answer to A Judgmt of Court. Saturd 22d fair. I came home att night & the Boys. Sund 23. Mr. ad pr all d. Mond 24 fair. a Townmeetting the Same Townsmen Except Thos Prenttis a new one & genll ye Same of us. Tuesd 25 fair. In ye morn I went into Town & to Groton & to make up wth Samll & Jno Edgcumb about what was in my hands of father Edgcumbs by a Judgmt of Court, June 1720. Wednsd 26 fair. 1 was at home all day. Betty is Lame Sprained her Ancle is down lame. Stephn John & Thomas came from Lyme att night. went yesterd morn. brot 8 bushlls Corn from Edwd & Jno Lay. Thursd 27 fair. I was about Town most of the day In order to get a Boat to goto Long Island. fryd 28 fair in ye foren. aftern Rain. I was att home in ye Latter part of ye day. in ye former getting a Boat & fitting her. I Borrowd Lt Buttlers Cannoo. Saturd 29 fair. I was att home all d. mend- ing Shoes. Sund 30 fair. Mr ad. pr all day. Capt Richd Christophers & Jos Coit came home. left the Brigg on Shoar. Mond 31 fair. I was att home most of ye day. 173 Tuesd Jan 1. I was all d. about a floor for Jos Truman att home. Wednsd 2 fair. I was all day about a floor for Joseph Truman house laying of itt. Thursd 3d. I was att home al day. fair & very Cold. I mended ye Cart. fryd 4th fair. I was att home in ye foren. aftern att Groton to get oats. I Recd of the ferrvman the Remaining pt of ye Rent of ye ferry being £4 5s od (vizt) £3 9s od in bills of Credit & my ferryage being 15s & 1s od on accot of Ms White. Saturd 5 fair. I was getting oats for Long Island. I borrowd 20 bushlls of Thos Prenttis & bot 20 of Christopher Dar- row 25 of Joseph Buttolph 2 of Swallows man & 6} tht I had of Robt Chap- man. I put them all on bord Wickwires Boat. John Crank buried died last night. an Infant of Wm Waterhouse yesterday. Sund 6 fair. Mr ad pr all day. Thos Hawkins & Mary Morgan Richd Harris & Lucy Smith Pub- lished. Mond 7 fair & Cold. I was in Town all day. I made up with Samll Edgcumbe & John Edgcumbe about wt money was in my hands due to father Edgcumbe & in his hands due to me. I pd the whole on my part being £8 14s 4d & Recd wt was due to me being £4 11s 6d. Tuesd 8 fair & Cold. Iwas at home all day writing a deed of gift from Mother of her Right in Saybrook. I have agreed with Benja Fox & bot his Right for one half of what I can get for itt. I am to be att all the charge he to Sign & Seal & Acknowledge Investments, as ocasion Shall require. Nathll Tim Lester & Eliz. Cornish wittnesses. Wednsid 9 fair. In the morning Early I Set out for Long Island in Jonat Wickwires boat Joseph Tallman & Jonat Buttler, the 1735] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 129 wind back to ye West & Tide of flood Spent. wee Turned back achored about Noon. aftern I went in to Town & got my Deed of gift Acknowledgd by mother before Justice Smith. I finisht J. Trumans floor. Thursd Io fair. wee Set out for Long Island again but the Tide & ye wind failed & wee come back till night. fryd 11 fair. wee Set out for Long Island & arived att Sterling harbour in the Evening. Saturd 12. the boat came a Shore. the wind blew very hard. wee got her off again. Sund 13 & Mond 14th. I Stayed att So-hold 15th. wee went to East-hampton. arived att Brother Tallmages & Stayed thereabout Tuesday till Saturday reth. I have made up accotts wth Mr White Brothr Tallmage & Jeremiah Hallsey & have Ballanced all Accotts with Each of them. also Theophilus Williams from ye beginning to this day. I Sold 58 bushlls oats att 2s od p bushll & came down & over to So-hold & Jacob Ally with us. I Sold 30 bushlls oats att Southold & went down to Sterling with the Boat & left her in the care of Joseph Tallman. Jacob Ally is with him & Jonat Buttler. I Stayed att Southold Excepting I week more going again to Easthampton Nathll & Robert with me & return- ing with Brother & Sister Tallmage. they Stayed above a fortnight. wee have made a New Division of our Estate & have given New Deeds to Each of the former purchesers. Nathll hath Joyned with them after I had Con- veyed all my Right in the whole Estate to him. I have lodged my Deed to him with Capt Benja Young. March Wednsd 27th fair. an Easy winter past little Snow & Rain & not much cold. I came home & Nathll with me in Hosea L hommedieu with whom I brot. 19 bbs of pork & 53 bushils of wheat. I took out 3 barlls of Pork. for my Self 1 & for Brothr Hodsell 2 which I have Sold him & he to give me Boston price (vizt) what I Sell the Rest for. I took out 4 bushlls wheat. I Sent Sd L homedieu £9 13s od to be pd on demand. Wee have Sold to David Cleaves 65 acres of land for £91. Nathll hath Signed the Deed & the money is payable to me & he is to have Land Equivalent on ye South Side of that I bot of Ashby. he hath also Acquitted the two Goldsmiths for £70 to be pd £50 in April & £20 in feb. next. I have left ye Bonds wth Capt Benja youngs & Cleaves’s 2 Bonds 1 of 18 & 1 of £48. I have Sold 2 bbs pork to James Hodsell at the price I Sell the Rest for in Boston. that is £5 p barll. Thursd 28 & fryd 29 fair. the Supr Court is Setting. I have been att itt to get my bill of Cost Taxt against Wm Denison for pulling down my old house att Stonington. itt is Taxt at £5 16s od. Saturd 30 fair. I was at home all day Excepting in the morning I went to Speak with Mr Read about our Long Island affairs. Sund 31 Rainy. a Sacrament day. mr adams pr al dy [Ebenezer] Fox a Child babtizd Zephaniah. Mond April .t. fair till night & yn a Storm of Rain & wind S. I was at home in the foren mending fence &c. aftern in Town with brother Hodsoll Serching the Records Codners house & writing Bounds for him &c. Tuesd 2d fair till night & yn Rain. I was att home in the foren. I wrote 3. Bonds for Brother Hodsoll, I Reckned with Jeremiah Chapman & John Richards & paid them Each, their dues on School & all accotts as p Rectt under each of yrhands. afternoon I was in Town & Reckned with John Coit. I ballanced all accots and also Reckned with John Richards and ballanced all accotts with him. I have Recd of Ms Ab. Coit £25 to be dd mr Wellstead & Moffat & £10 of Ms Hallam to be dd to Jonas Clark & £192 of Mr Winthrop to be dd p order. Wednsd 3. I Reckned with Daniel Coit Respecting £10 I borowed of Jno Coit of Silver money yt belonged to him in Aug. 1713. I pd £r5 bills for £10 Cash & I pd ye Interest unto this day in bills & if any allowance must be made it must be hereafter Considered. I was att home most of the day making a Bridle & mending my Sadle. I pd Thos Strickland £1 8s 64d. 10 130 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1723 26s 8d for drumming 2 last years & 1s 10d toward next. I have Recd of Capt Christophers £31 to be dd to Ms Martin in Boston dd. Thursd 4 fair. I Set out from home on my old Sorrill for Boston. I Idged at ye farm. _ fryd .5, I Set out in ye morn. I Recd of Jno Williams £3 to buy twine. I left att Capt James Babcocks £11 to pay the hire of his Sheep &c. I lodged at Boston Neck. Saturd 6. I got over the ferry. I lodged att Ralph Chap- mans till wednsd 4 nights. horse att Pelhams. Wednsd to fair. I Set out for Boston. Lodged att Seaconk. Thursd 11. I Set out for Boston, Lodged att Dedham att Fishers. fryd 12. I got to Boston about 9 Clock, I put my Horse out att Mailems & Stayed in Boston till ye 23d of April, Disposed of my Pork & Wheat & Recd the Effects or produce all but £4 in Samll Fosdycks hands for which I have an order on John Savell. Tuesd 23. in the aftern I Set for home. I Lodged att Kingsburys. Wednsd 24 fair. | Sett out for Road Island. got over Bristol ferry by Sunset & to Newport by 10 Clock. put out my horse & Lodged att Bulls & Stayed all next day in Town. fryd 26. I got over ye ferry to Connanacut & Stayed a while their. got over to Naragansett & lodged thr att widdow Smiths. Saturd 27. | got horse yt is over ye ferry by .8. Clock att night. my family is all well. Sund 28. Mr ad. pr. all d. Mond 29. a Trayning day both Companys ye Ist & 2d. Iwas at Trayning all day. Thos Douglass Chosen Sergt & Danll Shaply & Jonat Lattimer Corplls. Tuesd 30th. a Trayning day. freemens meetting. a Townmeeting. Capt C Christophers & Thos Prentts Chosen Deputies. ' May Wednsd 1 fair. I was about Town most of the day to Take up Rectts of about £200 money yt I carryed for Divers persons. Thursd 2d fair. I went to Stonington to ye farm & as far as ye meeting house (it was a Trayning day. Thos Noyes Chosen Capt) to Enquire after Sheep & to look them up. I Returnd home att night late. fryd 3d and Saturd 4. I was with Capt Lattimer & John Richds Dividing the Estate of Abel Moor Junr Decd. Sund sth. Mr Ad. pr. all day. itt Rained last night Smartly. Mond 6 fair. I went to Stonington to look up my Sheep & Thomas. wee followed itt dayly. Thursd 9th. at night wee went to Capt Babcocks. | took up my Note for £11 4s od for Sheep hire & pd 33s od toward next note. Fryday 1oth. I came to ye farm by Sunset & Thos. wee brot home 18 Sheep & 13 Lambs but 11 of ym were Sheered by Capt Babcock & had g Lambs. there were 20 old & young at his house yt wee found 5 were undoubtedly all ye last year their & the Lambs of them lost as to me for of these 9 lambs 5 were markt with his mark & 5 of the Sheep had my old mark on them & he kept all the Wooll of ye 11 weh I. Judge might be £20 yt is 30s. I came home at night. I was at home & about Town all day. it Rained. Saturd 11 Rainy. Sund 12 Rain. Mr adams Pr. all day. Mond 13 fair. I Shod ye Gray Horse. in the morn I left £9 15s od for Capt Ja. Babcock wth Ms Hallam & also 5 yds } alemode to be Sold for me att 9s od p yd. I went to the farm & Sowed 6} bushlls oats Some hay Seed att the old house & Hemp- seed also. I came home att night. Tuesd 14 fair. I went to Southhold with Carey Latham. he Set me a Shoar att Starling. I went to Town. I Stayed till Saturday ye 25th of may. I Come away in Hosea L homedieus Sloop with Geo. Buttolph. I brot over Jonat Bayleys Horse. I bot 20 bushlls wheat of Benja Moor for 6s p bush N. Eng. money. it is to Come in Jonat Bayley. I have paid for all the Pork & wheat yt I bot in the winter. T have Recd all my money of Jno Cleaves & £50 of Jno Goldsmith. I brot home the Bond I had of Cleaves £20 due on it to be pd in feb next. Sund 26 fair. I came home from Long Island as ye afternoon meeting was done. Mond 27 fair. I Shod Jonat Bayleys Horse. I went into Town to Speak 1723 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 131 with Capt James Rogers to Engage him to be Attorney for me & Benja fox agst Majr Jno Clark. I Sent Sister Hannah a Coppy of my Fathers Will & the Allowance of itt. I pd Capt Rogers 20s (for a fee to Engage him on our Side (vizt) my Self & Benja Fox) in Sueing for the Right of land att Say- brook yt was our Grandfathers Larabees Sold to Majr Clark or any other person. Benja Fox hath Agreed to be att half the Charge yt I Shall be att for time & all Sorts of Expenses about it Except yt one third part of what I Shall get on Aunt Sarahs Accot Shall amount to the full half Charge & if the Sd Third Shall be more I am to have itt. but if itt wants Ben to make itt up half. I Set out for Saybrook. I lodged att William Lees. Tuesd 28 fair. I went to Saybrook to Serch ye Records and to Treat wth Majr Clark both weh I Efected. Expence 5s od. I Came back to Lt Lords & lodged their. Wednsd 29. I came home by the Gutt. pd Ms Palmes 2s id yt I owed her & bot about 1oofb of wool & am to have itt in June. I Rode on Jonat Bayleys horse. I Served Some writts & got an order from Edwd Lay for 33s 4d ye Ballance of Accotts upon Ebenezar Dennis but he would not answer it. Thursd 30 fair. I was att home all day. ye boys Sheered 1834 wool. fryd 31 Rain in ye forept of ye day. I was at Lecture & at home al day. Saturd June Ist fair. I was at home plowing amongst the Corn for weeding &c. Sund 2 fair. Sacramt d. Mr adams Pr. in ye foren & Mr Huntting aftern. Daniel Lester a daughter Babtized Hannah. Thos Boham a Son John & David Minerd one David. Mond 3d fair & hot. I was at home al day. I fenced of ye upper End of Smiths Lot for a pasture. ye Boys are weeding Corn. Tuesd 4th fair. I was about home & att Court (wch Sat at Dennis’s al day. Wednesd 5 Rain in ye aftern. I was att Court al day attending on the Case of Sister Pheebees & Hannah Edgcumbs pleas of abatemt are made. Thursd 6 Rain. I was att Court most of ye day. our Action agst Jos Avery is Ruled to go on. they have appealed to Sept Supr Court. fryd 7 fair. I was at Court all day. Saturd 8th fair. I was at home most of ye day. toward night I went to Ms Palmes’s to buy 6 bushlls of oats for my 4 Sheep tht I am to Send wth Buttolph. Sund oth fair. Mr Walter pr al day. Mond to. I Set out for Rhoad Island on Jonat Bayleys Stallion. I got to ye ferry & Lodged at Powers. Tuesd I went over to Newport & wednsd to Squire Brintons with Jno Stanton. fryd to Ports- mouth to See Justice Huttson of Easthampton at Doct Tallmans. Saturd night came away in Smith of Glassenbury. Sunday it Raind. wee came with a Small breeze Easterly as far as Capt Babcocks. Monday by to or Eleven Clock got home. came a Shoar at Jno Harriss’s. passage 4s 6d & Expenses about 20s—#1 4s 6d. Mond 17 fair. aftern I went into ye neck to See Thos Ways medow & ye Storm hath Spoild about an Acre by Covering itt with Sand. I went to See Benj fox to get him to come & finish writings about our Seabrook Case. Tuesd 18 fair. I was at home all day writing &c. Wednsd 19 fair. I was at home most of the day. I pd Ed Ashby £10 dd to Ms Hallam. Thursd 20 fair. I was about home & in Town. wee finisht hilling. Mr Burch is att work att our house & boy & girl to make mea Coat. fryd 21 fair. I was at home all day. I finished the writings ca between Benj Fox & I Concerning Saybrook land. & between Nathanael & I about Exchanging land with him att Stonington for his at long Island. all ye _aforesd writings are compleated. Saturd 22. I Recd of William Denison £8 16s 3d in bills of Cr. & 5s od to be pd p Joseph Bennat. & I had 4 bushlls of oats wch is Ios all to Satisfie ye Judgmt of Courts obtained against him “ about the old house & about the hay Action. I was about home most of the “day. Mr Burch finished my Coat. Sund 23d fair. mr adams pr. al day. ra Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1723 Capt C Christophers a Child Babtized Lydia, & Samll Chapman Junr one Joseph. Samll Lattemer & Eliza Hallam publisht. Mond 24 fair. I was at home al day. I diged up a great Stone at ye lower end ye Stonewall near ye house Shoared up an Apletree in the orchard with a long Stone & began to make Stonewall att ye upper end ye orchard. Tuesd 25 fair. I was att home all day making Stonewall at uper end ye orchard N E Side or Cornr, Cuz fox came to work to make Johns Coat & Jackett &c. Wednsd 26 fair, I was att home al day making wall & Nathll & John as also yesterday & ye day before. Thursd .27. fair. I went into Town in ye morn to Justice Prenttis. I pd him for 1 gall Tar yt wee had to Mark Sheep & he pd me for 1 pr Sheep Sheers. I brot Mr Winthrops oxen to Cart Stones. I diged & Carted all day & Nath & John. fryd 28 fair. I was at home all day making wall & & Nathll & John. Saturd 29 fair. I was at home all day making wall &c. Mayhew arived fro fial. Sund 30 Showery. mr ad pr al day. Nathll & Mary Hallam published. » July Mond .1. fair. I was at home most of the day. in ye foren | mended fence at Smiths Lot. I fell off ye Ladder Climbing to get black Cherrys in ye orchard. afternoon I went into Town to Serch ye Records for Gr. father Larabees Will & Inventory but found none. Tuesd 2d fair. I went over to ye farm & back at night 11 Clock. Wednsd 3d fair. I went to ye farm & Stayed till Saturday night. wee Reapt ye yard of wheat. it is blasted. Saturd 6th fair. I came from ye farm. I have been fencing a Cross by ye old House Fannings. I had a fitt of ye feaver & Ague. Samll Lattimers House Raised. Capt C Christophers buried his Infant on Wedns- day last. Sund 7 fair. mr adams pr. all day. Mond .8. fair. I was at home all day Sick with ye Ague & fever. Gallup arived from Barbados & Jonat Prenttis Sayled for St Cits. Tuesd 9 Cloudy. I was about home & in Town all day. Ebe Peirce & Lydia Plumb at work here & yesterday. Wednsd 10 Cloudy. I was at home all day Sick with the Ague & fever. Peirce & his wife & Lyd. Plum. Thursd 11 fair. I was at home all day about window frames. at night I went to Ms Hallams to See Samll Latimer & Eliz Hallam Married. fryd 12 fair. I was at Home al day Sick with ye ague & fever. Saturd 13 fair. I was at home al day about ye Windows & Wiot hath been 3. days too. Sund 14 fair till near night & yn a fine Thundr Shower. Mr ad. pr. in ye foren & Mr Philips in ye aftern. I was not at meetting. it was my fitt day. I had almost nothing of itt. Brother Patty Arived from Antegua 24 days passage all well Sickly their. Mond 15. fair. I was at home most of the day about window frames & Woiat. I divided a bb Pork at Mr Gardiners ware house yt I had of Jonat Havens between Edwd Ashby & I. it weighed [ ] tb it gaged [ ] gall. it had 14 Legs & Shoulders & 6 Cheeks. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home all 4. about Windows and haying. I: E came to work. Wednsd 17 fair. I was at home al day. Cuz fox made my Cherryderry breeches. Thursd 18. 1 was at home in the foren. aftern in Town at Nathanaels Wedding who was Married by Mr Eliphalet Adams to Mary Hallam in the Evening between 7 & 8 Clock in Ms Hallams Hall. many people held the Entertainment till between 12 & 1 Clock. fryd 19 fair. a Lecture. Mr adams pr. I was at it & after yt at Nathlls wedding again till about 12 Clock. the Boys have made one Large Stack of Hay 50 odd Cocks. Saturd 20 fair till night & yn Rain. I was at home all day. I hung my new grindstone & wee pulled up dock most of ye day. Sund 21 Some Rain. Sacramt d. mr ad pr al. 4. Joshua Apleton a Son Babtizd Benja. Mond 22 Misty. I was at home al day Lame. ye Ague in my Leg. at night I went up to Lt Harris to finish ye Division of Abel Moors Estate & Molly fell out of the End window into 1723 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 133 ye Cellar door way hurt her hip & knee. Tuesd 23 Some Rain. I went to Lt Christopher Averys in Groton to an arbitration with him between Zach Mainer & Jabez Attwood. Stayed all night. Wednsd 24 Cloudy. wee finished & I came home by daylight. Thursd 25 fair. I was at home all d. about Stonewall & Carting Stones & N. St. & Jno. fryd 26 Cloudy. I was at home al day Stacking hay & making wall. Saturd 27 Cloudy. I was at home al d. making wall—all ye boys & Nathll. Sund 28. Cloudy Some Scatering Rain. Mr ad. pr. al day. Clemt. Minor Junrs Child B. Lucy. Mond 29 Rain a very great Storm. the Aples are most of them blowed down. I was at home al day. Brother Patty come from Saybrook by land. left his Sloop their. Tuesd 3oth fair & very windy. I was at home all day mend- ing fence & making wall. Wednsd 31 fair & windy. I was at home al day making wall & haying. Thursd Aug .1. I was at home al day. wee finisht mowing ye back Side ye lot. fryd 2d fair. I was at home al day haying. we finisht Raking back Side. Saturd 3 fair. I was at home al day Weighing hay for ye Govr & Stacking 2 Stacks back Side ye lot. I was about 2 hours with Sol. Coit at his lot. Jno Adams an Infant buried this Evening. Sund 4 fair. mr ad. pr. ald. Eleazr Bishop a son Babtized [ ]. Campbell 1 James. Mond 5 fair Cloudy. I was at home all day about hay & Stonewall. Tuesd .6. Cloudy. I was at home all day making wall & Some hay. Wednsd 7 A great Rain. in ye forepart of ye day I was at home. toward night it Left of. I went to the medows with Solomon Coit to See his medows. I have hired itt for 20s if Cut 2 good Loads & to pay in hay at 2s 6d. Thursd 8th Cloudy. I was at home all day making Stone wall. wee finished at the upper End ye orchard at ye N- East Corner of ye wall. Thunder Shower att night. fryd oth fair till near night & then: A Thundr Shower. I was at home All day haying. News is Confirmed from Easthampton of a Sloop Cast a way in ye great Storm (Monday night was Sevennight) at Montauket South Side. She is Concluded to be a Sloop from Merteneco belonged to Rhoad Island. not one Soul Saved to tell news. four men are already found washed on Shoar of which John Christophers ye only Son of Jno Christo- phers decd is one who Sayled hence Last winter with Peter Manwaring for Mertineco where ye vessel was Seized. it is feared yt Manwaring and George Plumbe & young Gorton were Passengers also & drownded all which is Confirmed. Saturd 10 fair. I was at home al day about hay & Mending fence. Sund 11 Rain. Mr ad. pr. al d. Thos Buttler a child Babtizd Kathrene. Mond 12 Cloudy Some Rain unsetled weather. I was at home al day. I mended ye orchard wall & Set up 4 lengths of fence wch Intirely Inclosed ye orchard. Tuesd 13 fair. I was at home al day Raking hay at Mothers & Smiths lot & Stacking at home & finished ye last Stack & at ye funeral of Wm Holts Infant. Wednsd 14 fair. In ye forept of ye day I carryd a Cheast of Draws & Sundrys to ye Govrs yt was Holloways. I bought ym of him. I Sold 12C hay in Mothers Lot to Solomon Coit for his Medow at the gutt. I brought home 1 load of Medow hay & finished Stack- ing. Thursd 15 fair but Cloudy. I went to ye farm & made .1. Stack of oats I load 3. fryd 16 Some Rain. wee Stackt ye other Stack of oats in ye forenoon & mended up the out Side fence by ye old house. Saturd 17 fair. in the foren I was geting Timber to mend Gershoms Wheel. after Noon I came home & Thomas left Stephn & John their. Sund 18 Cloudy. Mr —— an Irishman who preaches at ye North Parish in mr Hillhouse’s Room pr. al d. mr ad. gone to Adminr Sacremt North Parish. Mond 19 fair. Nath 6 days ths week. I was at home in the foren. I lent Woyat a New plain Iron Markt H. afternoon I went to the farm & Nathll & Thos to mow- 134 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1723 ing. I carryed over ye oxen & Lattr Cow ye New grindstone & 3 Sythes Rakes & fork &c. I Stayed all ye week. itt hath been fair weather Except- ing Tuesd Cloudy & Rain at night. wee finished mowing next Bennats field all ye hollow, 3 Stack 5 loads. Sund 25 fair. I came home this morn & Thos. David Colver had a pr of Twins Babtized William & Anne. Mond 26th Cloudy Some Rain at night. I was at home al day & at ye Court of Probates about Holloways business but did nothing. Capt Christophers Ill wth the Gout. Mayhew for fiall. Tuesd 27 fair. I was at home most of ye day. I yoakt Benja Starrs Hogs. they got in Corn Smiths lot. I went to the farm towards night & Thos. I caryed Abigail & Molley & Nathll & his wife went to Amos Hallams. She fell of her Mothers mare going down Starks hill. hath hurt her Self but was not Senseable of it till Thursd morning & yn very full of pain. I lodged at Mr Williams’s & Ab & Nath. Wednsd 28 fair. In the morn Joseph Bennats Daughter Jerusha Died. I made her Coffin at Samll Williams’s. Thursd 29th fair. I finished ye Coffin & made ye bier & wee all went to ve funeral. I went to Hallams to See Nathll wife & came back & came away with Ab. & Molly after Sunset, got to ye ferry by bell ringing. fryday 30th fair. I went again to ye farm Stackt hay & at night went to Amos Hallams to See my daughter in Law. I lay their al night. Saturd .31. fair. I was at ye farm came home at night. wee parted ye Rams from ye Sheep. I put 18 into ye field 4 of ym last year Rams ye Rest Lambs. wee had not all our Sheep together onely those yt keep at home. 50 odd lost. Sund Sept .1. fair. Mr Ad. p foren & Mr Rogers Aftern. Josh Wheelers wife took in ye Church. Jos. Miner a Son Bab. Ezekiel. Thos Coit & Mary Prentts, Thos Scarriot & Joanna Chapmn Pub. a warning up for T: meeting Mond oth & freemans meeting roth Instant. Mond 2 fair al day Rain at night. In ye morn Sergt Ebe Griffin died. I was at ye Court of Probates to get a division of Holloways Estate 5s od fees. In ye Evening at Griffings funeral. Tuesd 3 Rain. Nathll 2 days ths week. in ye forn I was at home wth Mr Chapman & Jno Richds Dividing Halloways Estate. Rose hath Recd her part in full & given me a discharge & thr is Still in my hands of Anns part £4 odd & of John gs od. afternoon I went to gathering Aples at holmes’s lot. wee brot away above 20 bushll. Wednsd 4 fair. I went to ve farm & Stayd till Saturd. N. finisht mowing. Nathll 2 days. Sund 8 Cloudy. mr Ad. pr foren (Sacramt day) Mr Rogers Aftern. Mond g fair. a Town meeting. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at it. Nathll & Stephn have mowed mothers medow in ye Neck. Mary Smith Come here to Spin. Tuesd to fair. a freemens Meeting. Capt Rogers & Thos Prenttis Chose deputies. after ye meeting I cut Some Let- ters in ye grave stones of Capt Rogers’s & Mr Picketts wifes. Wednsd 1! fair. Ab. is sick. I was about home & in Town all day. I Recd of Broth Plumb 48s 1}d & a Reectt of Mr Millers of £25 8s od al of the School money & I gave him a Rectt for ye whole. Thursd .12. Cloudy. In ye foren | workt at highways Nath & Stephn. aftern Rain. I was at home. fryd .13. Rain. I was about home all day. workt at highways in ye forn Rain put us by. I dd Nathll £4 16s od york money. £3 to buy 4otb of feathers att long Island for Phebe Elderkin & 36s od for himself & I Sent a pannel to Brothr Talmage cost 30s of Trumans. at night I went to Mr Miller & took a Rectt of ye School money Mr Chapman with me. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home al day. Stephn drove my Swine al into ye Woods beyond Hackleys .6. of ym old white Sows 1 Red barrow & 3 white Shoats one of ym bigger yn ye other al markt with my mark. Sund rs Cloudy. no minister. Mr Adams gone to the Comencement & to Huntington. Deacon 1723] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 135 Green Read al d. Dea. Plumb prayd in ye foren & ye Govr Afternoon. Mond 16 fair. I was at home al day Triming Cask. I let my white Horse to Thos Osbourn of Easthampton to go to Windham. Tuesd 17 fair. I went to Groton to Robt Allins with Jno Richards to Measure Land for sd Allin. I was their till fryday Night. Thursd it Rained. fryd 20 fair. I came home from Robt Allins. Saturd 21 fair. JI workt at highways & Stephn for himself & John for me in Regard yt I did not work yesterday. Sund .22. fair. no minister. I went to Nahantick & heard Mr Griswold. Mond 23d fair a Storm of wind at N. E. I went out to ye Medows to get of my hay fearing a hightide. I Stackt mothers & got of Coits on to the beach. Tuesd 24 a Storm. in ye foren I went to ye medows & Stackt my hay. aftern ] was at the Supr Court attending on ye Action Agst Capt Ja Avery th: on Han Edgcumb & Phebes Accot. it Rained hard ths aftern & at Night. Wednsd 25th a great Storm of wind & Rain al day. I was at ye Supr Court al day. Thursd 26 fair & windy. I was at Court al day. their hath been a great flood of water ys Storm ye like hath not been a long time. Smith dam is Spoild at Alewife brook. fryd 27 fair. I was at Court al day. the Action was finished in Stodders favor wth Allin. Saturd 28. I was at home Triming Cask &c & looking after Cuz fox who is very Sick at Mr Hills house & much out of her Senses. I went to Hamiltons & got Widow mosier to look after her. Sund 29 fair. Mr ad absent Mr ‘Cragehead pr. al day for whom was a Contribution. Ransford Avery & Eliz ye daughtr of Capt Rogers is publisht. Nathll & wife come home. Mond 30th Rain in ye foren. aftern I went to Court & got Peter Plumb to cut a glass for my compass, the Case about Averys farm is Continued till March Next. Mary Smith absent 2 days. Oct .1. Tuesd fair. I was at home Most of ye day. towards night I went into Town. Wednsd 2 Some Rain. I was at home al d. wee mad Cydar at Mr Chapmans. I had ye ague & fever last night & ys morn. Thursd 3 a Rainy day. ye Hond Govr Gold Died an eminent man for Piety &c. I was about home al. d. G. Buttolph Come home from mertineco. Confirms the news yt Peter manwaring George Plumbe John Christophers, & young Gorton came Passengers in the Rhoad Island Sloop yt was Cast away att montokett, in ye gr Storm in the Latter end of July. all ye men were lost. fryd 4 Some Rain. I was about home. got home ye Cydar & from Mr Chapmans 34 bbs & 1 of water Cydar. I Recd of G. Buttolph 17 yds of Silk Muslin ye Neat produce of 4 Sheep & 1 hhd. 3 Sheep. 1 of ym died. muslin 2} p yd. Saturd 5 fair. most of ye day getting a Nurse for Eliz Fox Widow of Cuz John Fox. She is aged about 42 years & hath been a Widow near 12 years & yet it is feared She is distracted for Love of Jno Richards although he protests he never toucht her lips but once. itt is hardly Credable yet no other Reason prevails. I got Widow Mosier again to look after her. wee made I more bb of Cydar & got it home wch Concluded. Sund. 6 fair. mr ad. pr. al. d. Joshua Plumb & Ammy Skel- enger Pub. Jno Gardiner a Child Bab. Jerusha. Mond 7 fair. I was about home al day. wee gathered Corn. Stephn come from ye farm. he hath Cribbd ye Corn their 45 basketts Each 2 bushlls of Ears. Tuesd 8 fair. I was about home much Indisposed with the flux. Stephn & John finished gathering the Corn in ye lot & Carted itt in. Wednsd oth a Stormy day much Rain. I was at home al day. Thursd to fair. I was at home al. d. wee were fencing Stacks &c. fryd 11 fair. wee gathered ye Corn in Smiths Lot & fenced Stacks. I was at home al day. Saturd rath fair. I was at home al day. I fenced a Stackyard & Stopt Some Leaks in ye Roof. Sund .13. fair. mrad. pr.ald. Phil. Want a Child Babtizd Mary & Wm 136 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1723 Lewis one Willm. a Warning for our Comp to Trayn on Monday & Tuesd 21 & 22 Instant & for ye proprietors to meet 21st Signed p ye Govr. Mond 14 fair. I was at home al. d. Eliz Foxes 2 brothers come to See her & lodged here. Tuesd 15 fair. I was al day with Eliz Fox & Endeavoring to get £6 gs od (wch I Recd of her Exchanged into paper to pay Ms Mosier 2os for 2 weeks nursing & Ms Davise 3s 10d for 2 weeks more & the The Diett & trouble of ye house one month in her Sickness. Wednsd 16 fair. Edward Stubbin died. I was about home & in Town. I got £9 in bills of Credit for Eliz Fox of Richd Christophers Junr & left the £6 gs od in Silver wth him for ye Security of itt. he is to have ye Bills again which he hath Since had Interest. I Sent by Thos who is gone wth Josh Raymond for 18d p day up Connecticut 8}tb of wool to Ms Treat & 5$ib to Mr Johnson of Midle- town wch was due to ym & 184tb to buy 2 pr. gr. Stones & flax. I Recd of Sister Hannah 8tb black wool & She is to have as much white. Thursd 17 fair & windy. I went to ye farm toward night. In the forepart of I could not get over. I dd Capt Shackmaple 41}tb of bayberry Tallow tht Thos brot for Mr Ebe Wms. I caryed him ye money 4s 6d & lodged at his house. Fryd 18 fair. I pd old Steward 32s od for 2 Calves I had of him. I gett 7 young Rams & Spread ye Top of a haystack yt was damnified & Carted fencing Stuff to the Stacks. Saturd 19 fair. Molly left School at Couches. I made up ye hay Stack & fenced one & drawed Stuff to an other & fetched down the calves from ye uper orchard and put ym into the plain. Sund 20 fair. I came home before meetting. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 21. a Trayning day. Capt Christophrs Lame wth ye Gout. ye Lt Execised ye Company. Danll Way had a Daughtr buried died yesterday was about 12 or 13 year old: their was Something of a Proprietors meeting but for want of a Rule in the Law for calling ye first meeting nothing was acted. Tuesd 22 fair. a Trayning day. I was at itt all day. Wednsd 23 fair till near night & yn Rain. In the morn I was at Lt Harris mendig his Cart & yn went to John Smiths & brot home my Crosscut Saw & yn about home al day. Thursd 24 Rainy. I was at home al day helved my new broad ax & adds &c. fryd 25 fair. I Carted a load of Salt hay wth Stephen fro Mothers Medow Lt Har[ris] Team. Saturd 26 fair. I carted .1. load of Salt hay 4 of it from Mothers & ? from S. Coits Medows. Lt Har[ris] Cart & 2 oxen. Sund 27 cloudy. mr ad. pr. al. day. he Read a Proclamation for a Thanksgiving Wednsday come Senet. Mond 28th fair. I went to look my hogs. aftern Jno fetchet a Jagg of hay with my oxen & Wm Holts horse. he went also & helpt & brot a bb of blue fish for him & one for me yt wee bot of Samll Fox for 27s p bb. Wm Minor Junr a Child buried died yesterday. Tuesd .29. fair. wee fetched home ye Rest of ye hay from S: Coits Medow a Small Jagg. wee have had about 2 load & $ their. Wednsd 3oth a very great Storm of Rain & wind & a higher tide yn ordinary. danll Ways Sloop put a Shore one ye Top of ye point by Mr Starrs & S. Smiths on Mr Winthrops Neck. Lathams Sloop oversat as She was on ye Stocks. I was at home al day. Thursday .31. fair. I was at home in ye forenoon. aftern in Town putting Eliz Foxes Household goods on bord mr Hobartt bound for Hartford. fryd Nov .1. fair. I was most of ye day putting up 374tb of Wool in Foxes 2 Cask. I carryed thm down to ye harbours mouth & dd ym to Mr Hobartt. I fetched . 30. Cedar Railes fro Holmes lot. Saturd 2d fair. I was att home in ye foren. aftern helping Danll Way Endeavoring to get of his Sloop. Thos come home. Sunday 3d fair & Cold. mr ad. pr. in ye foren & Mr Russell aftern. John Munsell & mary Lester publisht. Mond 4 fair. I was at home foren. aftern att ye funeral of old mr Manwaring 1723] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 137 who died yesterday in the 89th year of his age. Tuesd 5th it Snowd last night, Some Rain to day. I went up to Jonathan Rogers & Mr Chapman & Danll Comstock as freeholders to Settle his bounds wth Majr Merriot next to Daniel & Jonat Rogers Land tht was Gilberts. I lodged their. Wednsd 6 fair. a Public Thanksgiving. mr adams pr. Thursd 7 fair. I Set out with Joshua Raymond for Long Island. got to Gardiners He. fryd 8 a Stormy day. wee lay at Ile of weight till Saturday noon & yn I went for Easthampton wth Cary Latham who also came to bring Joshua Plumbe (& Company) to be maried to Amy Skelinger. Wee got to Town by daylight & I Stayed till Monday noon & yn Set out for Southold. I lodged att Jonat Havens’s on Shelter Island. & Tuesday 12th I got to Southold & Stayed till Tuesday. Tuesday 19 fair. I came from Southold with Capt Braddick to Saybrook. I left £4 york money with Brother Tallmage to buy fethers. Wednsd 20 fair. I Served a Summons on Majr Clark in Mothers Action & came to lime & lodged at Thos Lees. Thursd 21 fair. J came home & found all well. fryd 22 fair. I went with Mr Chapman to finish our freeholdrs Court att Jonathan Rogers’s & lodged their. Saturd 23 fair. I came home & he pd us 12s Each. Sund 24th fair. mr Ad. pr. al.d. Jonat Chester & Mary Rogers published. Mond 25th fair. In the foren I was at home. aftern I went into the Neck to get Some Cloath wove at Stephn Beebees &c. Tuesd 26 fair. the County Court Sat. I was at it about the Saybrook Action wth Majr Clark &c. I Paid Edwd Ashby £11 os od york money in Stead of £16 10s od Connecticut & took his Rectt for £16 tos od. Pleas of abatement was made in mother’s Action. Wednsd 27 Rainy. I was at the Court &c about ye Saybrook & an Evidence for Jonat Rogers & drawing writings for Abigail Biggs. I pd ye Sheriff 8s & 5s the writings & 4s to Tallman also 17s od of Ben L hommedieus Mony. I Recd of him 30s od due to him 13s od which 13s od I have dd to Mr Tallman to carry to L. Island to L hommedieu. Cuz William Hide Lodged here. Thursd 28 Rain. I was at Court about Jno Edgcumbs Case & an Evidence for Jonat Rogers. fryd 29 fair. I was att Court again an Evidence for Jonat Rogers in ye North Parish. Saturd 30 fair. 1 was at home all day. wee killed 2 Cattel at home & 1 Thursday at ye farm & is Salted up att Mr Williams’s. ye Steer at home came to £5 16s od & ye Red Cow I had of David Richd to £4 os od at 2$d Round. Decembr Sund Ist fair. mr adam pr. al day. Mond ad fair. I was about home all day. Tuesd 3d fair. I was all day getting Post & Stephn. Wednsd 4 fair. I was in ye woods getting posts & Rayles. Thursd 5 fair. I went to groton & carryed 19} yds gray Cloth to be fulled att Chipmans & pd him 4s 6d for Some he did for me last year. I lodged at Mr Mumfords after I had been at Wm Wallsworths about Some Sheep of his on my hands. wee agreed to leave it to Mr Mumford & Dea. Morgan to Judge how many he ought to have ye loss of while I had ym which was 7 or 8 months & they Judge io. fryd 6 fair. I came home & fenced the Stacks anew at night. I pd my Rates & Recd of ye Townmen 8s & of Ned Hallam 13s. Saturd 7 Rain & Mist. I was at home al d. I began to fence at ye S. E Cornner of ye orchard & toward Mr Coits Hollow. Kelling a Son Buried about 2 Mo old. Sund 8 Cloudy & drisley. Mr ad pr. ald. a Warning for a T. meet- ing ye 16. Nehemiah Smith & Eliz Lester Publisht. Mond 9 Some Snow. I was setting up fence Most of ye d. & Jno a Cross from ye Orchard. Tuesd .10. fair & Cold. I was att home al d. ye boys Carted 36 Rails of Nathlls home. Wednsd 11 fair. in ye foren I was in Town. aftern at home finishing Seting up the Cross fence from the S. E Cornner of ye uper Stonewall to Mr Coits Hollow. Mary Graves come to work here. Capt 138 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1734 Phillips’s Brigg Sayled for Barbados. Thursday 12 fair. Cuz Samill Hide was here. I with him in Town Most of ye day. fryd 13 fair. I was Set- ting fence for Richd Douglass in ye Ministry lot partion fence next [ ik Saturd 14 fair. I was about home & Seting up fence for R. Douglass. [ have Set up 9 lengths & found 9 new Posts. Sund 15 fair. Mr ad. Pr. all d. Jno Plumb a daughter Babtized Hannah & Jonat Tinker one Mary. Mond 16 fair. a Town Meeting. ye Town have Chosen .7. Seven Select- men. tht is 2 more yn formerly. Mr Chapman & my Self & Jno Vibbert are new that is added to ym yt were in last year. Robert is come home from So-hold brings news yt Jonathan Bayley is gone for E [ ] from New york in hopes to find Brother Stephen alive. I dd Richd Christophers Junr £6 in bills on Eliz Foxes accot (wch She Sent to me p Mr Roe). it is in part of Nine pounds I borrowd for her & left £6 gs od in Silver for Security at 12 p oz. & is still thr. Tuesd 17 fair. I was at home all day—Mary Smith absent. Wednsd 18 fair Some Rain. I was at home al day. [| mended ye Cart wheel. Thursd 19: fair. In the morn I went into Town & put a hhd of Rum into the Boat for Norwich yt was in Mr Christophers warehouse of Samll Hides & a hhd Molasses & bb Sugar for him from Justice Prentt’s I Sent Stephen wth Wm Davise & Brothr Hodsoll in ye Scow. in the later pt of ye day I was at home mending fence. fryd 20 fair windy. I was at home al day. Saturd 21 fair Cold & windy. I was at home most of ye day. Stephn come home. Sund 22 fair & Cold. mr adams pr. al day. Tallmage in a Brigg for Suranam & Wms in a Sloop. Mond 23 fair. I went over to ye farm & Robt with me Lodged at Samll Wms. Tuesd 24 fair. after wee had looked up Some Cattell tht were a Stray wee came away. got home in ye Evening. I pd Jos Bill 1s 6d for keeping a Steer. Wednsd 25 fair cloudy. I was at home all day drawing out Mr Winthrops Acctt &. Memerandum tht my great Mares hoofs before is 5 Inches, ye Sorill horse & white 44 wide & ye little Horse 42. ye Sorril Large & white Scant. Thursd 26 fair. I went to groton & Thos & Jno to look Sheep. wee found 2 at Wallsworth one of which was Thomas’s. | lodged att Wallsworths. Thos & Jno went to ye farm. fryd 27 Rain in ye morn & last night. a Therough Thaw. I was al day looking Sheep. found none. Wallsworth hath goten .9. beside wt I dd him. their is Still due to him 24 yt is 11 old & 13 young. ye Loss of 80 ye last winter was 12 mo Excepted. Saturd 28 fair & warm. ye boys brot home from ye farm 4 Calves. I was at home all day. I markt a pr of gr. Stones for G: Havens his Child. I Recd a Letter & £3 fro Elis Fox p Wm Norton for Richd Christophers to Redeem her Silver money. Sund 20th fair. Mr Adams pr. ald. Joshua Raymond a Son Babtizd Josh & Lt Buttler one John. Mond 30th fair. I was at home in the foren Coppying out Mr Winthrops accot, aftern in Town with ye Selectmen & I Recd of Richd Christophers Junt Eliz Foxes Silver Money yt I left with him in October. it is £6 os at &s od ye oz. I pd him £3 in full for ye principal Interest is Still due about 1s ro4d. wee killed 4 Swine. 160. 136. 86 & 82 in al 464. Tuesd 31 Rainy al day. was at home al day. Robt at work at Mr Richds Shop & Stephn. 17 Janry. Wednsd .1. drisly & Snowy. I was at home al day about Mr Winth Accots. Thursd 2d fair. I was at home al day. fryd 3d fair. a warning is up for a proprietors to be the [ ] Instant. it is Signed by Justice Prentts. a Lecture. I was at home in ye forn. aftern at lecture. 1733 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 139 Mr Whitting Pr. I went to see Fraziers wife of Norwich. She is Com- mitted to Prison for killing a Squaw in a Melancholy or distracted fitt. her father Paul Wentworth & her Husband are come to See her. Mr Ad. gone to visit Majr Merriot who is Sick. Saturd .4. fair. I was at home all day Cutting gr. Stones. Mary Gr. at work $ day. Sund 5 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr Adams Pr. al day. a Warning is up for a T meeting [Samuel Irwin] & Isabel Maconel Pub. Mond 6 it Snowed last night about 2 Inches. & Rain drisley al day. I was at home al day. Tuesd 7 drisley. I was at home al day Cutting gr. stones. Wednsd 8. fair. I was at home all day Cutting gr. stones. M. Truman come about 10 clock. Thursd .9 fair. I was at home all day Cutting letters. M.Gr. M. Tr. & Lyd Plumb at work about Thomas’s Coat. fryd to fair. I was at home al. d. I made an ox yoak & fitted .2. more. Saturd 11 fair. I was at home all day. Mary Gr. workt. 6 days. M. Trum .3. Lyd Pl.1. day. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 13 fair. a Town Meeting. I was at it aftern. Tuesd 14 fair & calm till near night & yn a little wind S. & Some Rain & itt Rain hard & windy Westerly. Robert & Thomas went for long Island wth Richd Shaw. I was at home till night & yn att a meetting of the Authority & Selectmen Grandjurors & Constables &c for the Choice of Tavernkeepers & victualers. Wednsd 15th fair. I was at home al day Cutting Letters. Thursd 16 fair. I was at home al day. David Collver Died Suddenly having been Sick but about 24 hours before he died & not bad but about 6 or 8. fryd 17 fair. I was at home till aftern & yn I went to ye funeral of D. C. who died Suddenly having been not well ye day before was taken in ye night about 2 of the Clock Speechless & Senseless in a minute. Saturd 18 it Snowed & Some Rain most of ye day. I was at home al day. ye Snow is about 2 Inches deep & froze hard togather by Reason of ye Rain. Sund 19 fair & pleasant. Mr adams pr al day. Rain att night. Mond 20 a great Snow Snow all day a Storm. I was att home all day Cutting letter &c. the Snow is near knee deep between ths & Norwich & Capt Chandler Informs yt att Woodstock itt Snowed hard all day a Saturday last & was yn knee deep their & yt by all likelihood Snow is 3 foot deep in ye Country & yet none at Rhoad Iland & but little att Kingstown, & yet deep at Boston. Tuesd .2t1. fair. Stephn Is gone to ye farm to look after the Creatures yr. I Stayd at home to a Pro- prietors Meetting wch was held att ye meeting house. John Richards is Chosen Clerk & Sworn by the Govr & they have apointed Tuesday next to Meet again. Wednsd 22 fair. I went to ye farm to look up Sheep & Stayd till Sund & yn came home. I have found & gott home 100 & 30 odd to ye farm on friday morning. ye wind having been Southerly & a moist air it began to Thaw & Continued so till night & yn itt Rained hard till 9 or 10 Clock Saturd & yn ye wind having got to ye N. W. itt Cleared off. the great Snow is now gone mostly. I lodged att Mr Williams’s 3 nights & ye last at the Cellar. Sund 26 fair Cold & windy. Mr ad. pr. ald. Wm Whitting of Windham & Ann Raymond publisht. Mond 27 fair & very Cold & windy. Ms Mary Griffing Died ys morning about 9 Clock. I was att home most of ye day till near night. I went to see Hannah Hurlbut who is & hath been in a declining way about 6. or 7 weeks. Tuesd 28 Some Snow & Misty. I was att the Pattentees Meetting & att the funeral of Ms Griffing who died yes- terday & hath been in a declining way above 7 year. Wednsd 29 fair. I went to ye farm & Stayed till Sunday. Smiths wife Att Alewife brook died this morning. I mended up pasture fence & Gershom Holdridges Cart wheel. wee have but 130 Sheep att home. I went to Meetting at Groton. I Lay att Mr Mumfords. itt Snowed att night Smartly. feb. Mond 3 Snow most of ye day. I came home to the Proprietors 140 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1734 Meeting. Jonath Rogers a Child died yesterday a few months old. Tuesd 4 Snow most of ye day & Cold & very windy a grt Storm. I was at home all day. att night I went to Richd Douglasses & Joyned with Capt Thos Prentts & Richd Rogers in Selling ye Bank lots between Mr Starrs & Den- nises. I bot the 3d fro Mr Starrs for 30s od. Expence 9d. Wednsd 5 fair. I was all day att Richd Douglass’s Selling ye Bank lots. I bot ye 3d from Starrs 3 Rod for 30s to Run South in to the water & I am to Secure ye bank as wide as itt is now. Thursd 6 fair. I went to ye farm & Stayed till Sunday. I was att meetting att Groton. wee have got Some more Sheep up now 142 & 1 lamb dead & 1 old Ew before at B[ ]. Mond toth fair. I was at the Proprietors Meeting Monday come Sennet is to be another. Tuesd 11 Snow about 3 Inches. I was at home foren. aftern in Town wth ye Court house Committee who have agreed with Jno Hough, Jere Chapman Junr & Jonat Chester to build ye house 48 foot L. 24 foot B. 20 f. between Joynts for £48. Wednsd 12 fair. I was about home most of the day. I Sold Samll Harris 4 bb fish for Cotton att 2s p tb. Lt Buttlers Child died. Thursd 13th fair. I went to Lyme & lodged att Jno Griswolds. fryd 14 fair & warm. I went into Lyme Town to buy oats but got none. I Recd of Edwd Lay 32s 6d in part. I lodged at Hen Roulands. Saturd 15 a grt Storm Snow 3 in last night & Snow & Rain al day. I hired of Samll Gris- wold £91 in bills of Cr & gave a Bond to Pay itt in I year to Patience Griswold & the Common Interest at 6. p Ct. Joseph Rogers of N. L. a Bachelor of about 50 years died yesterday was buried Sick about .1. week. I lodged att Samll Griswolds. Sund 16 itt Snowed last night & Some ths morn. itt grew warm & Thawed. I came to meetting att Nahantick & home att night. Mond 17th fair. I was up att Mohegan with Brother Plumb Capt Latimer & Jere Chapman to measure Some Common land ajoining to Sampson Haughtons to be Sold to build the Court house. thr is about 20 Acres. Tuesd 18 Snow in ye foren. aftern Windy. I went to Stonington Lodged att Mr Williams’s. Wednsd 19 cold & windy. Thursd 2oth Cold & windy. fryd 21 Snow & Rain all day & att night wch made a great flood. Saturd fair & warm. Sund 23d fair & Cold. Mond 24th fair. I came home from the farm at night brot 2 oars 18 f. Each for Jno Bennat. Friziers wife a Prisoner cut her Throat last Tuesday but not Mortally wounded. I have left 8 Sheep at ye farm. ye 3 Lost Stormy weeks out of ye 142 I had up ve 6th [ ]. Tuesd 25th fair till night & yn Snow & Rain. ye C. Court Sat by Adjournment. I was in the Woods al day getting oars. Brothr Thos come to Town. Wednsd .26. Some Rain & drisley in ye foren. I was at Court al day. Thursd 27 fair. I was att home most of the day. toward night I went to Court. I pd William Wallsworth £8 in full for 20 Sheep & yr Rent & in full for Everything. fryd 28th fair & windy. I was at home in ye forepart of ye day. toward night at Nahan- tick. Saturd 29 fair. I was at home most of the day. I sent 2 oxen 2 Cows & 2. 2 year old Steers. March Sunday .1. Snow most of ye day & at night 3 or 4 Inches. Mr ad. pr. al. d. a Warning up for a view of Arms. Mond 2d fair. I went to Colchester to Treat with a Comittee yr appointed to Measure Stubbins’s Deed of Land thr. I met Mr Hill thr & Lodged at Kellogs. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at Colchester al day. wee Treated with Comtee about our affairs & have concluded Wee must Measure the Land Contained in Stubbins’s Deed & have Appointed Next monday come Sennet. I am to be thr with ye Deed. Wednsd 4th a Smart Storm of Snow most of ve day about 4 Inches. I came homward as far as Capt Gilberts & lodged yr. ye old Snow is about Knee deep. Thursd 5 fair & very cold. I came home. a proprietor meeting. 1724] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 141 Nothing done but a New one appointed ye 2d monday in April next. Cuzn Hannah Hurlbut died. Mr Coit hath brot me 30s in our mony & £4 york Mony fro Brothr Tallmage. fryd 6th fair. I was at home most of the day & at the funerall of Cuz Hannah Hurlbut who died yesterday with a Con- sumption aged about 51 years. Saturd 7 fair. I went to the farm. my Pide Hieffer hath Calved & ye Calf dead & about Io or 12 poor Sheep. most of ym yearlings. I Stayed thr al night. Sund 8th fair. Mr Ad pr. al day. I Came home to aftern meeting. a Warning for T. meeting. Mond .9. fair & pleasent. a veiw of Arms & Ammunition ye 1st & 2d Company wch Lt Harris & my Self Managed in our Comp ye Capt being Absent. Tuesd ioth fair. I was getting Posts & Stephn. at mile Plain. wee got 40 odd. Wednsd 11 fair. I went to ye farm & Stephen. I pd Mr Ashbey £57 8s od & £40. before & took up my £80 Bond. £ioo Still due & £18 for ye Interest 3 year past to ye first of Nov Last. I Sayed at ye farm till Sunday. Thursd 12 it Rained all day & Some last night. fryd 13 Misty. I was pruning Apletrees & Stephn. wee finished ye uper orchard. Saturd 14 Rain al day. Sund 15 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr ad. pr. ald. Brothr Salmon come fro L. Island. Mond 16 fair. a Town meeting about ye Comons but Little Acted. Tuesd 17 Rain the foren fair in ye aitern. I Set out for Colchester & Brothr Salmon for Wethersfield got Kellogs Midnight. Wednsd. Thursd & fryd fair. I was at Colchestr. came home in ye night alone. wee could not finish Measuring Stubbin’s Land. I have Renewed ye Bounds of my Second Division Except ye N. W Cornner white oak wee could not find & ye S. E. Corner is a Wallnut Staddle Westerly from a little Pond thr ye Record Saith a Black oak Staddle wch is a mistake & ye N. E. Cornner a heap of Stones near Browns house & is his Cornner also. Capt Newton & I Renewed our Bounds at Paugwonk. ye Black oak Staddle tht Stands on ye Hill Side Westward of the Witch Medow is dead & and fallen down & wee made ye heap of Stones on a Small Rock by it bigger yn it was. Also wee made a heap of Stones Round ye .3. Elmn Staddls in ye medow about 2 or 3 Rod west of ye Brook. it was my S. E. Cornner before I had the Addition at ye East End, and Mr Newtons Side line. one of ye Saddles are fallend down & one more of ym dead they having been burnt. Saturday 21 fair. I was at home in ye forn mending fence & Clearing ye Lot ye Lower part. aftern I went to uncle Wallers, to Jno Christophr Stubbins to Enquire after the bound of the Land at Colchester Contained in Stubbins’s Deed. Sund 22 fair. Mr Ad. pr. ald. the Judges of the Supr Court are come. Mond 23 fair. I went to Colchester, Set out before day with Jno & Christophr Stubbins. I Stayed till Wednsd. Rained a Tuesd & at night. I have finished Surveying Stubbins’s deed & their is little difference between ys & our former Survey. Wednsd 25 fair. I came home from Colchester & was at ye Supr Court in ye Evening. I have lost my Case with Majr Clark, the writt is abated. Thursd 26th Cloudy & Showery. I was at Court most of ye day. I have Sent Three Pound in N: York money by Brother Harts- horn to buy Bevar furr to be Sent p ye first but none is yet Come. nor nothing for it al is lost & gone he died 6 feb 1746/7. Sarah Frazier was Tryed for her life & found not Guilty of Murder by Reason of Distraction altho She Killed a Squaw wth an Ax, cut her 5 or 6 gashes in & about her head tht her brains came out. fryd 27 Some Rain. I was at Court al day about Hannah Edgcumbs Action. Saturd 28 fair. I was at Court in ye foren. aftern it Adjourned. I went to ye farm. Sund 29 it Rained last night & Snowed ys morn. I came home to meeting aftern. mrad. pr ald. a proclamation for a fast. Mond 30 fair. In ye morn Early I Set out for Colchester wth Chris- topr Stubbins to ye Proprietors meetting. got their about noon. Lodged 142 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1724 att Kelloggs Expence about 2s 9d. Tuesd 31 fair. I Set out for Coventry to Carry Capt Mulfords Letter to Lazus Manly went thence to Hebron & the Crank. I went to See mr Smith at ye Crank & so to Manly & yn to Cuz Samll Hides at Lebanon & to Jabez Hides & Lodged thr at Norwich farm. April Wednsd .1. a very Rainy Stormy day. I Stayed till near night & yn to Norwich to brother Thomas Edgcumbs. I Lodged at Cuz Wm Hides ye River Swiming deep. Thursd 2 fair & windy. I came home about noon mett ye Judges of ye Circuit. ye Court is but now over. fryd 3 fair. I went to ye farm. & Jno come home to Plow. Stephn fetched home ye oxen from Ms Palmes’s yesterday. I Sent her £3 p T. Daniels 50s of it to pay for oats yt I had of her & Sent ym to R. Island & 10s toward keeping my Cattle. Saturd 4: fair. I was al day at work about a pr of Long oars for Hary Willing at ye farm. Sund 5 fair. mrad. pr.ald. Danll Lesters wife took in ye Church. G. Richds a Child babtized Mary. Mond 6 fair. I Sowed oats in Smiths Lot & Leveled itt Pruned yt orchard & Nursery & grafted 9: or 10. Providence Sweetings. I Set Some in ye Nursery on ye East Side of the garden & 2 in Smiths Lot Nursery. wee finish Plowing at home. Tuesd 7 Cloudy. I Sowed oats at home & was in Town most of the day. Wednsd 8th Lowering. I was at home most of ye day Setting out apletrees in Smiths Lot &c. I have Sent a bag p Jos Truman to Hartford for 2 bush Malt. Thursd g Cloudy Easterly weathr Still Some Rain. I was at home most of ye d. Jos. Coit from Saltertudas. I went to Hackleys & Ms Palmes’s. ye Black little Cow is Calved above a week since. Stephen is ys morn gone to work with Danll Hall for 458 p month he Sd Hall to Instruct him in the Trade Stephn to Lodge & Sup at home. fryd 10 Rainy. I was at home all day. a young Irishwoman died att Capt Latimers farm. Saturd 11 fair. I went to ye farm & John & Carryed ye old Oxen. wee daggd ye Sheep & powderd the Lambs. yr is 19 at home. ye Little Mare hath foaled a horse Colt & ye Red Hieffer hath a hieffer calf. yr is but about 100 Sheep att ye farm. Sund 12 Cloudy & Some Rain. I came from ye farm in ye Morn. Mr ad. pr. al d. Jos. Tallman a Child Babtizd John. Mond 13. fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at ye Proprietors meeting. Tuesd 14 Cloudy forn. toward night Rain & at night a very Cold Rainy Storm. I was at home al day drawing out & Coppy- ing Mr Winthrops accots. Wednsd 15 Some Rain. a Publick or Genll fast. Mr Adams pr. in ye foren & Mr Woodbridge of Har. in ye aftern who is come here wth Mr Russell of Branfd to get Mr Adams to go & be President of Yale Colledge. Thursd 16 fair. wee had a Sort of Town meeting to Consider if wee were Willing to part with Mr Adams. I was most of ye day on it & it is Negatived. fryd 17th fair. I went to Mohegan & Thos Prenttis to Run the Line from ye Rock In the River to ye N W Cornner Tree. wee Lodgd att Banks’s. Saturd 18 fair. wee finished the Line Ran W. 7. d N & it is 7 Mile & $ Line Line yt is 43 Rod above the Tree on N & .7 d. E Course. Jos Cheapell helpt both days & Ad. Frechmn ye last. Sund 19 fair. a Sacrt day. Mr Russell pr foren & Mr Woodbridge After- noon. Oliver Manwaring a Child Babtized Ann & James & wife owned ye Covenant & yr Child Babtizd Ann. Mond 20 fair. I was with Capt Latti- mer & Thos Prenttis Laying out ye Common Land above Massapeage. The Court house was Raised ys day. Tuesd 21 Cloudy & Showers. I was most of ye day geting ye Govrs Instruments mended. James Hawke came to work. Wednsd 22 fair. I was most of ye day buying & fetching home 12} bushlls Salt of Capt Philips. I pd Mr Roe 48s 11d & 21 for a looking Glass & to Capt Philips 36s for ye Salt & to Ben Lester 2s 6d for 2 Sheep Skins & to Ms Fox ts od for vinegar for Ms Williams. Thursd 23 fair. I finisht a 1724] Diary of Joshua Hempstead tas pr of oars for Harry Willing & went to ye farm. fryd 24 Cloudy Some Showers. I Sowed Some oats & Harrowed thm in. Jno hath Plowed 3 Acres with Danll Bennet. Saturd 25 fair. I was at ye farm till near night & thn I came home & John my Black mare & Samll Wms Colt &c Red Roan 2yearold. Sund 26 fair. Mr Ad. Pralld. Ebe Way a Child Babtizd Eliz. Mond 27 fair. A Trayning day ye first & 2d Company. Lt Harris hath Laid down his Comission & ye Company have Chosen my Self Lt in his Room by a great Majority but 2 Negatives & Edwd Hallam Ensign & G. Richds Clerk. Lt Minor hath Laid down also & Mr Chapman is in his Room & Jno Hough Ensign. Tuesd 28 a Storm & much Rain. I was att ye free- mans Meeting was Chose Deputy & Sol Coit & at night Selling the Common at Mohegan for 46 p Acre to Sampson Houghton. Wednsd 29 fair. 1 markt & Branded my yearlings 6 of ym. 1 is already gone in to ye woods a Black white faced Steer my Ear mark but no Brand well grown. ye 6 aforesd as follows 1 Hieffer black a white belly & tayle & Legs & Spot in ye forehead Do 5 Steers 1 Black white belly & Tayle & Each flank & Legs 1 Brown Some white on ye back & Rump Specklet tayle 1 pale Red Some Small white on the left ham & Tayle 2 Red pide white faced & back in part 1 white Legs ye other not Branded H on ye left Side the Rump. I drove up the abovesd Cattell & 2 Brown 2 year old Steers 1 a white face ye other Some white about him Tayle & Belley & I went as far as Capt Gilberts (Left my Cattel att Joseph Cheapels) & back again. Thursd 30th a great Rain toward night. I went to ye farm & John carryed 6 bushlls oats. fryd May 1 fair. I Sowed about 2 Acres of oats & mended fence & turned out my Sheep & Cattell. Saturd 2 fair. JI Lodged at Wm Wheelers last night. my grt Mare was with his Stallion ys morn. I was moving fence att the old house. Jos Bent & his Stephn helpt. Sund 3 fair. Mr Ad pr al d. I came from ye farm ths morn too late for forn Meetting. Mond 4 Showry. Aftern I went wth Deacon Plumbe to Lyme to Divide the first Society & Settle ye line betwixt ym & ye North Society. I lodged at Richd Elys 2 nights finisht Wednsd aftern & yn I went to Saybrook & back to Stephn Lees & Lodged their. Thursd 7 fair. I came home foren. I bot 2 bushlls oats of C Stubbin’s & 4 of C Minor pd money for all 2s od p bushll. I bot of Capt C. Christophers a Beaver Hatt for 55s pd. fryd 8th Cloudy & windy. I was at Capt Rogers’s & Mr Winthrops & waiting to go over ye ferry till night &c. Saturd 9. I went to the farm & back Sunday- to Meeting. Mr ad. day. Mond to fair. I went to Justice Smiths to give Evidence about Allyns Land & Bill and yn to the farm & Stayed till Saturday planting & Sowing oats & diging Stones & Cutting up Boggs & picking up Sticks to Clear for mowing. fryday 15. Robt Come from Southold. it Rained Wednsd. Saturd 16 fair. I Came home after I had overhalled & fitted up my Cribb of Corn. Sund 17 fair. Mr ad. Pr al day—a Warning up for Town Meeting Wednsd 20h. Mond 18 fair. I was att Jo Cheapells to gett him to help Robt & Could not but have got Richd Atwell to get Claboards & Shingles. I Reckned with Mr Winthrop & he hath given me an Order to Receive of George Havens £68 12s od the Ballance of all Accotts & also £5 more which I am to Pay him at my Return from Hartford pd in Some Service & 6 new bbs of Cydar. Tuesd 19th fair. I was in Town & getting a Team to break up & att Capt Rogers’s. I pd him 4os 11d yt was due to G. Havens & 2s 6d Charge & Left with him Havens’s Accott. Mr Winthrops Order & Rectt &c the Sd Accott was £134 12s od & is Ballanced. I took up my Rectt & ye writt. Wednsd 2oth fair. I Set out for Hartford by the way of Saybrook. I got Coppys of ye Quakers of Mr Willard & veiwed my mast at Blakes’ & it is defective. I lodged at Pratts Potapoag. 144 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1724 Thursd 21 it Rained in ye Morn. I Set out about 9 Clock got to Hartford at Night. I Lodged at R. Saymors & Borded their till Thursd. Wednsd June 3d. the Genll Court Rise at night. Expence about 30s, Thursd 4h. fair & Hot. I Recd my Salery £3 4s od & the School money £34 3s od. I waited till Aftern for Coppys of the County Court Act & yn Set out for Bolton. I gained Hebron about 9 Clock. Lodged at Capt Horse- fords. Expences 1s 4d. fryd 5th Cloudy in ye foren aftern much Rain. [| Stayed at Willm Douglasses till it abated & yn went to Robt Denisons & Lodged their. Saturd 6 Misty. Some Rain. I came home before night al well. Sund 7 fair. Mrad.pralday. Thos Douglass a Son Babtized John. Mond &th fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went for Colchester, Lodged at Lt Harris’s. Tuesd gth fair. I went to Colchester to a Pro- prietors Meeting who granted all of us that are Proprietors by the agreemt a two hundred pound Right to a 2d Division now & to a 3d Division hereafter when the Rest of the Proprietors of Colchester have a 5th Division. Wednsd 1oth Rain most of the day. I Lodged at Mr Colemans 2 nights—6 meals Diet. Thursd 11th Rainy. I lay by Most of ye day—I Lodged at Jno Chapmans at night. fryday 12. I was Laying out about 6 Acres of Land Joyning to my 2d Division at ye South End Joyning to Ben Fox on ye South & George Brown on ye East & also Joyning my Land on ye West that I Laid out wednesday Last. I have also Laid out 20 Acres to Suit Patience Gris- wold Joyning to Norwich Line. ye S west Cornner of Norwich is ye S.E Cornner of mine. Saturd 13 fair. JI Lodged at Jonath Rogers’s & went to Braddfords & home. Sund 14 fair. aSacramt day. Capt. Rogers a Child Babtizd Moses & Jonat Latimer one Jonathan. Nathll wife was delivered of a Son ys morning about 10 Clock & all like to doe well. Mond 15 fair. I went to the farm & Stephen & John to Weed Corn. Tuesd 16 fair & hot. I came from ye farm & Mett Brother Plumb at ye ferry. I brot home Some Corn & Returned & went to Voluntown. Wednsd 17 fair. I was helping Brother Plumb Lay out Country Land for Mr Dean & Welch & Dorrance Junr. Capt Clark & Jno Woodward of Lebanon mett us at Smiths att night. wee all Lodged their. Thursd 18 fair & hot, Molly went to School to Thankfull Smith. wee went about the Woods to veiw itt in order to find a place to Set their first Meetting house on & So wee did on fryday. Some Rain here none at Preston none at New London. & heard their pleas on both Sides & Saturday Morn wee fixt the place Recd 24s a peice & came home at Night. Sund 21 fair. Mr Ad pr all day. Jonat Daniels a Child babtized Mary. Stephen Hurlbut & Mercy Plumb published. Mond 22 fair. I was al day with ye Townsmen about Leasing out the ferry at Groton &c Expences 1s 7d at Douglasses to Meet again Tuesday. Tuesd 23 fair hot. I was at home al d wth Stephn & Jno Weeding upper End Corn. Robert is Come with his uncle Patty. Wednsd 24 fair. I Set ye fence a New in ye upper End of ye Lot for ye upper Corner. Stephn & John finisht Weeding ye New ground their. Thursd 25. hot a Thunder Shower toward night. I was at home al day. I dd 8tb of wooll to Wm Stancliff for a pr of gr: stones he Sent me last week. an Irishman buried died yesterday in ye neck very Sudenly. fryd 26 fair & hot. 6 vessels today with Horses Sayled for the West Indias Wms, Roe, Patty, Prenttis, Theobalds Budd &c. Saturd 27 fair. I came from ye farm & brot ye Steers. Robt & Stephn Mowed. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. 5 Boys Babtized Ja Rogers Junrs, Lemuel, Jno Lamberts. Thos; William Dixons William. Jo. Caulk- ings Wm. Will Minors Son Joseph one Daniel. Mond 2o fair.’ I was at home al day haying. Nathll helpt Mow & Rake &c. Tuesd 30 fair. I was at home & helping cart Claboards for Robt in ye forenoon. afternoon at R. Douglasses about ye ferry but did nothing. 1724] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 145 July Wednsd .1. fair. I was at home al d. Raking & Stacking &c. Thursd 2 fair. I was at home all day haying. I dd the Govr 1 Load of hay 204C. fryd .3. Cloudy. In the foren I was at home Stacking & mowing. James Larabee helpt. aftern I went to John Edgcumbs to write a Bond. he Borrowd £30 of Mark Williams of Preston. Robt is gone home to Day. Saturd 4th fair Cloudy foren. I was at home al day haying. Sunday 5th. fair. Mr Adams pr. al day. Nathanael Owned the Covenant & had his Son Babtized Joshua. Ste. Hurlbutt & Mercy Plumb Maryed att night by Mr adams. Mond 6 fair. I was att home al day Mowing Raking &c. Tuesd 7. fair Cloudy. I was at home al day Mowing & haying with John. I Sold 9C to Richd Douglass for 22s 6d. Wednsd 8th fair. In ye morn I carryed home Capt Latimers Cart & Wheel yn haying al day. Buttolph arived from Mertineco al well. Thursd 9 fair. I was at home al day hilling & Mending fence & haying. fryd 10 fair. I was at home al day haying, in ye Morn I went to Jordan Mill. Saturd 11 fair. In the morn I Topt up a Stack & Shod my white Horse & yn I went to Colchester Carryd up .4. Oxen & 2. 2 year old Steers. left ym on my Land at poagwonk. I Showd to John the Bounds of My Land yr & yn to Mill. I got 1 bushll Corn ground. got home about midnight. Sund 12 fair & Scorching Hot. Mr. ad. pr. al day. Wid Eliz Strickland took into the Church & Stephen Prenttis Junr a Child Babtized Elizabeth. Mond 13 fair. I was at home al day finishing hilling foren. haying Stacking &c. aftern. Tuesd 14 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home most of the day. Wednsd 15 fair. I was at home in ye foren fencing a Stack. aftern in Town about the ferry. a Thunder Shower & wind toward night. Thursd 16 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern I went to the farm. I Lodged at Mr Wms. fryd 17 fair & Hot. after I had veiwed ye fence & Looked over ye farm (which is in a Languishing Con- dition by Reason of the Scorching Drought which prevails) I Came home and brot 14 bushlls Corn & left 4 bushll att Burrows’s Mill. Joseph Bennat hath borrowd 5 bushll of Corn of my Cribb. Saturd 18 fair but a Small Shower about 3 Clock. I was at home al day. I was mowing & John the oats in the Lot & grass N E Cornr of the Lower Lot & grass in Smiths Lot. Sund 19 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. a Contribution for the Presbyterian Meeting house £10. Joseph Waterus a young man Babtized & Daniel Way an Infant Peter. Mond. 20 fair. I was at home al day haying & mowing at Mothers & oats in Smiths Lot. they are Something Blasted. Tuesd .21. fair. I was at home Stacking oats foren yn to Bmens Neck with Brother Plumb to Set out Sarah Williams her part of yt farm & Went to Set out Bathshua Rogers her Land in the 6th teer of Lots. Wednsd 22 fair. I was at home al day Stacking Hay & oats. finished Lower lot & Smiths Lot & Raked up Mothers. Ms White Come from Stonington. Thursd 23 fair. I went to the farm & Abigail & John. Jos Bent & his Son Stephn Mowed yesterday. the Ground is Exceeding dry. fryd 24 fair. Edmond Fanning & Jos. Bent Junr Mowed. Saturd 25 fair. Edmond mowed alone at the Medow old House. Sund 26 fair a Shower in ye Morn. I came home & Ab. to ye aftern Meetting. Mond 27 fair. I was at home Most of ye day Carting hay from Mothers & Stacking it. Tuesd 28 fair. I was about home most of the day. I went to ye farm at night. Wednsd 29 & Thursd 30 fair. I was at ye farm Stacking & Raking. none but Jno with me. fryd 31 it Rained Smartly ye midle of the foren. Ed. & Jonat Fanning were mowing. put by & went home. I mowed & Jno toward night. August. Saturday .1. fair. I mowed & Raked & mowed ye Stackyard fence &c. Sund 2d fair. I came from ye farm home to late for meeting. Mr ad. pr. al. day. Mond 3d fair & hot in the forept. & Midle of the day. 11 146 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1724 in ye Evening & Night a grt Rain. Thunder & Lightning. My great Pacing Mare which I bot of Capt Tallmage was kiled with it or Else fell down & broke her neck in ye path above ye ferry. I believed ye former. I was at home most of the day. Tuesd .4. fair. I was about home in the Morn & yn to Mill & to Mr Winthrops & to Court with him. a Called Court about his business. went over the ferry in order to go to ye farm & Stayed to help Stephn Skin the grt Mare. I left my Horse tht Side & came home. Wednsd 5 fair & hot. Mary Smith went home yesterday. I went over ye ferry in ye morn, my Horse is Ran to ye farm & ye Colts with him. I went a foot to ye farm & Stayd till Sundown & yn came back to ye ferry & fetched my things yt Was thr. I Lodged at Deacon Seaburys. Thursd .6. fair till near night & yn Rain Smartly. I Stackt hay at old house. fryd 7 fair. wee Mowed & Stacked most of ye oats Mowed Some hay Set in Crotches to stack ye oats on &c. Jos. Bent & Son, Edmd Fanning & Jonat al day. Saturd 8 fair in forept of ye day. Laterpt Rain. Buttolph to Boston, Edmd F. & Ste Bent 3 day each. we finished Stacking ye grt peice of oats before ye Rain & th hoed Turnips. Sund 9 fair. I came home late. was at Meeting. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond to fair in the forept of ye day. I fetched home Some Aples from Holmes Lot & gathered ye Sweetins by the House & went to the farm. Tuesd 11 fair. we mowed & Stackt al day. Wednsd 12a Storm it Rained. Thursd 13 Morn Rain & yn Cloudy. I took up my Rams 5. old 2 ys &c. fryd 14 fair. I mended ye fence at old house &c. Saturd 15 Showrey. Wee were at ye farm al day. Sund 16 fair. I came frome ye farm. Mr. Ad. pr foren Mr Bulkley Aftern. Mond .17. Some Rain & Cloudy. I was about home. I Stayd to Lease out ye ferry which wee Jo. Bent did to Jonat Chester & Daniel Shapley for £24 p Annum to Comence ye 17th of Sept next & they to hold it 10 years. Stephen went to Colchester & fetcht home Spark. Jos. Bennat began to work for 4os p month. Tuesd 18 fair but Cloudy till night & yn itt Rained violent hard. I was in itt going to ye farm alone. Stephn helpt mee over with the Cattel. Wednsd 19 a Storm. I was att ye farm. many of the Apples blown down. Thursd 20 fair & fryday 21 wee mowed foren. aftern Stacking Hay. Sat- urday 22. Wee Mowed & burned brush all day. I came home at night. Sund 23 fair. Mr Adams pr. al day. Mond 24 fair. In the foren I was at Mamecock hiring of Richard Christoprs his Salt Medow & afternoon at poquoyog Dividing to Sarah Williams her part of poquoyog farm being 2 acres. Tuesd 25 fair. I was att home all day. wee mowed ye upper lot yesterday & Raked it this day finished. Wednsd 26 fair. I was at home Stacking hay foren & mending fence. aftern fetching Apples from Holms’ Lot & carryed ym to ye press &c. Thursd 27. fair. after I had fetched a Turn of Apples from Holmes’s Lot to ye press I went to ye farm & John. Jo Bent hath been 1} day absent. fryd 28th Cloudy & Some Rain. wee finished Stacking & burnt Brush. Saturd 29th Cloudy & Some Rain. Sund 30 fair. I came from the farm forenoon tho Late. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond Sept .1._ I went to the farm & workt $ day fencing ye old orchard &c. Tuesd 2d fair. Rain in ye forept of the day. afterpart fencing & Continued fencing Every day till Saturday afternoon wee finished Round al butt Top poles in Some part of it & John & I came home & left Joe Bennat to finish. Sund 6 fair. Mr Mather pr. foren & Mr. ad. aftern.. Wm Holt a Child Babtized Thomas & Joseph Truman & Eliza Bartlet published. Mond .7. fair. I fetched a turn of Aples fro Holmes’s Lot Ab & Moley. Tuesd 8th fair. wee pickt Aples & made Cydar foren. afternoon att the free- mans Meeting. Capt Rogers & Sol Coit Deputies. David Pierson in Town. 1724] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 147 Wednsd .9. fair. I was about home most ye Aftern mending mothers fence. Thursd 10 fair. I pickt up penys till night & yn went to ye farm carryed 2 bbs. lodged att mr Eldridges. fryd 11 fair till aftern & yn Rain at night. Saturd 12 fair. I was picking apples. wee Carted 1 Load to ye mill. Sun- day 13. Mrad. pr. foren. mr Mather aftern. Jno Adams a Child Babtizd Lydia. Mond 14 fair. I was about home Riming a wheel. Jo Bent & Jno Mowed Richard Christophers Salt Mash. Tuesd 15 fair. I was at home all day. I finisht Riming my wheell. Jo Bent & Jno Mowed Rowin & Stackt Stalks. I Let Mr Starr have my white Horse to Winsor he to pay for the Extreordinary time he shall be detained over & above his hire. Wednsd 16 fair. I went to ye farm & Jo. Bennat. wee began to make Cydar at Mr Eldridges. Thursd 17 fair. I came in ye foren from Stonington & mett ye Rest of ye Selectmen att ye ferry & Recd the possession of the ferry- house & dd itt to Jonat Chester & Danll Shaply Chur[ch] promis’s to putt all things in Repair. fryd 18 fair. I was about home. I mended highways for the Cart to go to fetch hay to the medows in the foren. aftern Raking hay at Mamacock 20 Cocks in R. Cs medow. Jo Bent & Jno Carted 1 Load from ye Medows & 1 from Mamacock. I helpt ye Latter my Steers & Horse. Saturd 19 It Raind Later pt of the day. I was at home al day. Mended the fence. Jo Bents Month is out. he & Jno Carted 1 load from Mothers Medow 20 Cocks Now & 12 before. Wid Colvers oxen 1 Load. Sund 20 fair. aSacramt day. Mr Ad. pr.alday. Jno Emms Junr a young man babtized. The Honorable Gurdon Saltonstall Esqr Died Suddently with a fitt of the Appoplex about Twelve of the Clock Noon being as well as Ever ye Morn before. Monday 21 fair. I was most of the day giving notice to ye Soldiers to Attend the Govrs funeral tomorrow. Tuesd 22 fair. the Supr Court Sat & adjourned to attend ye funeral of ye Honourable Govr which was Solemnized about 4.0of ye Clock. ye Troop & Capt Latimers & Capt Christophers (being ye first & Second) Companys in N. London Attended in Arms. ye 2 Lt a brest Led & Captns brought up Coll Whitting att ye Head to order Horse & foot. Marcht all in 4 files. Drums, Coulers Trumpets Hal[berts] & Helts of officers Swords being Covered with Black from ye Govrs Gate to ye Tomb waiting till ye Corps was in ye Ground the mean while 20 Cannon firing at: half a minutes distance who began when the Corps Entered ye Green & when Putt into ye ground ye fort fired two volleys & ye Troop first & yn ye fort all marching in a Single file discharged as he Respectively came against the Tomb So Drew up orderly into a Body as before & dismist ye Mourners being first Marched off. Wednsd 23d fair. I was in Town with Cuzn Samll Hide & att ye Court al day. Thursd 24 fair. I was at Court al day. old Goodman Darte Died Aged 89. fryd 25 & Saturd 26 fair. old Darte buried. I was at Court both days on ye Grand jury about Jno Stevens of Winsor & David Colver of Groton Uttering a false bill of ye Colony ym they Acquited & Jno Williams presented. Sund 27 fair. Mr adams pr. al day. Thos Fosdyck Late of Charlestown buried a Single man died at Groton. an Infant of Sarah Wrights buried. Mond 28 fair but Rain Last night. I was at Court al day. Tuesd 29 fair. I was at Court al day. My Sisters have Cast Jo Avery finaly. Cost £5 1s 8d. Wednsd 30 fair. I was at Court al day about geting Sister Mary Divorced & obtained it. the Supr Court Adjourned without day. Oct .1. Thursd fair. I was about home fencing Stacks &c. fryd 2d fair. Molly left School. In the forept of the day. I was in the woods & got 40 Chestnut Railes. afterpart in Town at the Court of Probate to be Entered Guardian to my Sister Phebe. Cost 3s od. Saturd 3 fair. I was at home all day fencing Stacks. Sund 4 fair. Mr adams pr. forenoon Mr 148 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1724 Dickerson Afternoon. Thos Wms & Sarah Babcock Wm Hall & Phebe Baker published. Mond 5 fair. a Townmeeting day about Selling School land & Justice Brown held a Court to Prosecute Church for Carrying Passen- gers over the ferry. wee ye Selectmen of Newlondon appeared & Cast Church in 4 Actions about £4 Cost. Tuesd 6th fair till near night & yn a Smart Shower. I was in it at Groton going to Robt Allyns. I lodged their at night. Stephn Ab. & Molly is gone to ye farm & Caryed ye Oxen. Wednsd 7 Windy fair. I went to ye farm to husk Corn &c. Thursd 8th fair. I mended Gershoms wheel 2 New Spokes & a fellow. Stephn & Jno Carted ye [ ] to Mr Williams’s & put it into his garrett but one good Load after ye [ ]. fryd oth fair. Robert is Come to ye farm. wee are gathering Aples at the old orchard. Saturd 10 fair. wee Mended fence between us & Bennat & came home at Night. brot home Some wool. wee have now brot home in all 45 fleces & 5 Sold Starr [ ]. Sund rr fair, Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 12 fair. I was about to See if I could get any bords for Robt &c. Tuesd .13. fair. I was at home all day making & Exchange with Nathll giving him £100 worth of Land out of that which I bot of Patience & Lucy Hempsted for his home lot in So-hold & two Acres of Medow at ye Millcreek, to Acomodate Robert & am giving Robert a Deed of it. Wednsd .14. a Storm Snow & Rain. I was at home al day writing &c. Thursd .15. Rainy. in ye aftern I went up to Samll Allyns to get bords for Robert but got [ ]. fryd .16. fair. I was at home most of the Day. Saturd .17. fair. I was at home all day. Wee gathered ye Corn & husked most of itt & Carted itt in With Wm Holts Oxen .1. Load of Corn & 1 of pumkins. Sund 18 fair. Mr adams Pr. al day. Mond 1g fair. I went to Groton to See ye Horse Pacing between ye Horses of Wm Wheeler & James Harris 100 Rod for £5. Harris gained about 3 foot but they Caveled & then yeilded ye Wage but drew Stakes & afterwards went twice for Noth- ing. Harris gained. Tuesd 20 Cloudy & Rain. I was in Town & about home al day. Wednsd 21 Cloudy. I was about home all day, & in Town, I bot of Jno Hartshorn 10. pr. of Gravestones. 1. Small foot Stone is wanting. price for [ |] Pound & I am to pay uncle Hartshorn all the money as fast as I can make mony of them. to get him .1. bb blue fish if I can & Send to [Nor]wich. if I can get 2 bbs he will Take them. I went toward night to look my Brown ox. he was at Lt Prenttis’s ye morn. Thursd 22d Cloudy & Showry towards night. I was al day looking for my ox but hant found him. fryd 23 fair. I work at Highways $ day & Jno all day. that is 4 day more yn my Share. Samll Edgcumbe Lanched his Sloop not quite off. Ab. is come home. Saturd 24 fair. I went to ye farm & caryed 2 bbs & Jno 2. I killed a Lamb. home at night left Jno their. Sund 25 fair. Jno Saval a Child Babtizd Eliz. a Proclamation for a genll thanksgiving ye 5th of Nov Next. & warning up for ye first & 2d Comps to Trayn 2d & 3d. Mond 26 fair. I was al day looking my brown ox. found him near night in Jno Houghs field. I brot him home & 1 year- ling Red pide I had of Campbell. Tuesd 27 fair. I went into ye North Parish to See if I could get Some Bords for Robt but got none & to Speak with Patience Griswold. I Lodged at Jonat Rogers’s. Wednsd 28 fair. I went over ye River at Robt Stodders & to Whiples to see if [ ] Could Make a vice for Robt but he cant. I went from there to ye farm. Thursd .29. fair. Stephn Bent helpt & Danll I fenced all ye Stacks in ye field & Lot [ ] up Some Aples. fryd .30. fair. I was making Cydar at Mr Eldridges & Danll Bent Stephn Bent & Jon carted al ye Aples .2 Jaggs more. Saturd 31 fair. I was making Cydar & John Danll Bent 4 day [ ] .6. bbs: fish [ ie 1724 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 149 Nov .1. Sund. fair. I came from ye farm. Mr Ad. pr al. d. James Hambillton a Child Babtized Lucretia. I was at ye ferry before ye first Bell but could not get over. Mond 2d fair Windy & Cold. N. W wind or more Northerly. A Trayning of ye 2d Company & ye first. Jos Coit fro Barbados. I Exchanged £4 9s od york mony for 16 p oz & £4 Silver for 16s 6d wth Doctr [ ]. Tuesd 3d fair Warm Southerly wether. I was in Town in ye Morn. I went to Mr Winthrops was most of ye day yr. he sent for me to Assist in Aprizing ye Stock yt belonged to Majr Wait. Win- throp to do it. I went to Groton & Lodged at Ebenezar Averys & got him to Assist me [ ] to Justice Smiths Early in ye morning & took the oath Apointed and finisht. Wednsd 4 fair. Thos Manwaring Arived from Mer- tineco. After I had finished ye Apprizmt of Mr Winthrops Cattle & Sheep &c before noon I went to the farm. I pd Ms Eldridge 2s od. 18d of it was due to her. I pd Jo Bent Junr 18d yt was his due. I left wth goodee Bennat 4s 6d to pay my ministers Rate to Natt Gallup. I killed a Sheep that hath had no Lamb ths year nor Last & yet one Side of her bag was full of milk & ye other Side none, & before her bag & behind (So far as yt no passage Seemingly came to her bag) were a Sort of bladders full of Clear Milk a Spoonful or more in Each &c. I brot home 3 qutrs of Mutton $ bushll of Turnnips & half a bushll of Aples. got over about .8. Clock. Thursd .5. Cloudy. a Genll Thanksgiving (also in Boston Govermt). Mr adams pr. fryd 6 Cloudy. I was in Town. I Pd Benja Starr 4s 6d & 15s before on Eleazr Wms Accot & I took his Rect. I pd Thos Prenttis the Ballance of a hhd of Rum (tht I had of him formerly for Cuz Samll Hide) being £3 gs od. in the afternoon I went to Capt Christophers & Carryed an Inventory for Mr Winthrop of the personal Estate of Majr Wait which he did not Accept & I Returned it to Mr Winthrop. Saturd 7 fair. I was at home al day—Jno came home & white horse. Sund 8th fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. a Sacremt d. Jabez Hough & ann Denison publisht. Nathan Howard 2 boys Babtized. David & Nathan Twins about 3 year old. Mond .9. fair. I was about home & in Town most of the day. Rain towards night. Tuesd roth fair Most of ye day. I was at home Marking gr. Stones. Wednsd 11 fair Cold. I was at home all day—Stephn left work wth Danll Hall. Thursd 12. fair. I Set out for Stonington in Jos Coits Longboat with Stephen in order to fetch Cydar. I caryed 10 pr gravestones. 7 for Wm Wheeler .1. for Ebe Wms & 2 pr Not Sold. ye Wind was high about W S W & a great Sea tht I dare not venture Round Long point. I put in for Mumfords. but got on the flatts was forced to put most of the Stones overbord & yt got a Shore. Lay out al night under a Hay Stack. fryday 13 fair. In ye Morn wee went up to Mumfords on Mr Winthrops farm Stayed for the Tide to Rise got ye Stones in about 2 Clock & got up with them about 6. I Lodged at Mr Wms & Stephn at Bennats with John. Saturd 14 fair. I was most of the day Looking up Sheep & picking out Strays. I have but 124 at home Rams & all. 6. Rams. I helpt press out Some Cydar at Eldridges. wee finished in all about :11: bbs. I Lodged at Samll Wms. Sund 15 fair. I came home on foot too late for foren Meeting. Mr Ad. pr. al. day. Justice Smith Junr of Groton Died last night. Mond 16 fair. I went to the farm Carryed Nathanaels Mare a $ bb & 4 bushll Salt. I went to the funeral of Justice Smith & yn I Lodged at Mr Wms. Tuesd 17 Rainy. In ye morn I went to Wm Wheelers & thn I drove my ox Spark to Saxtons & Sold him Samil Cheesbrough for £7 10s od & Sent by him for a vice for Robt & broad Ax for Nathll. I lodged at his house. Wednsd 18th fair. wee Carted down our Cydar from Eldridges & put ye boat off & came away about 9 or 10 Clock & got a ground on ye flatts & forced to ly there al night. got away about 6 150 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1724 Clock & got home before 2. Tide agst us al the way. we killed ye brown ox Speed. he weighed but 626 nett. Thursd .19. fair. Danll Hall was Endeavoring to Launch but ye Tide was not full Enough. fryd .20. fair. In ye foren I was helping Danll Hall Launch. aftern I went up Town & dd Mr Winthrop .6. bbs of Cydar & 3 to Mother. Saturd 21 fair. I was about home al. d. I Salted up ye ox & gathered in ye Cabbages &c. Sund 22 fair Cold & windy. Mr Ad. pr. al d. Thos Strickland a Child died. Mond 23 a great Storm. it began att Evening & Rained hard most of ye night. high wind at S. E. I was about home al day. I fetched over the ferry my Oxen & Cow & Calf. Tuesd 24. fair. C. Court Sat. I went to the farm & John. wee pulld the Turnips & Sowed a Nursery in ye old Cowyard by the Cellar. I Lodged at Mr Wms. _he hath Salted & Cut up my Cow 1 bb & } 38tb of Tallow. brot home ye Hide I Sold to Samll Wms for 10s for wch he hath Tanned my last years Cow Hide. Wednsd 25 fair Cold & Windy. Capt. Ball Sayled. after We had mended the Partition fence next Bennats field wee come home brot the Tallow 38ib & Leather 1 Hide & 9 fleeces of Wool left 12 & 1 bag full. Thursd 26 fair & Cold most of ye day Some Snow. I was at home al day & Stephn Making Cart. I Sent £11 04s 06d to Capt James Babcock by the Post to pay my Letter. I Recd my note & burnt it. fryd 27 fair & pleasant. I workt at home al day about ye Stephn about ye Cart. Saturd 28 fair. I was at home al day about ye Cart & Stephen $ day. Sund 29 fair in foren aftern Some Rain & at night. Mr Ad. pr al day. Jno Lester & Elizabeth Brooks of Haddam published. Mond 30th. I workt at highways & Stephen & Jno & Team for Mr Coit. Decembr Tuesd ye 1. fair. In the foren I was finishing my New Cart. Stephen Carted 1 Load with it for us had Jno Edgcumbs oxen. aftern I Set up fence at ye upper End of ye Lot Next ye Street. ye Lower Cornner yt End is now al new Set & New Posts. Wednsd 2d fair. I was at home al day Mending fence &c. St. Carted 2 load .1. for Mother. Thursd 3d fair. I went in to ye Neck After Some blue fish for Doctr Hartshorn &c. fryd 4th Cloudy & Misty. I went to Lyme & fetcht home 2 2 year old Steers att Mathew Smiths. Saturd 5 Rainy last night & ye foren. aftern Cloudy. I was at home al day. Sund .6. Misty Some Rain. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Ebe Dennis a Child Babtizd Ann & Jno Coit Junr one Elizabeth. Mond 7 fair. I was about home. I Recd. 4 bushlls of wheat from Robert ye Effects of 4 bushlls of Salt p Richd Shaw but he left one of my bags behind. a New one marked H with yarn. I think blue & Supposed it to be Hen Tuthills Sent it up by Jonat Cory. I have wrote to Robert about it p Tallman. St. Carted .1. Load for Mother. Tuesd .8 fair & Exceeding Cold. I went up to John Vibberts & bot 1000 bords for Robert &c. Wednsd 9 fair & Cold. I was all day looking Cattle. I found 3 att Kingsland Comstock he had ys day taken ym up for me. yesterday Stephn Carted 2 Load .1. for Mothr &c. Thursd to Cloudy in the morn & yn Some Snow & before noon itt Rained hard the Wind East Exceeding hard, a fierce Storm. I was all day att Lt Harris’s writing a Lease &c. Danll Halls new Sloop was halled off from the ways & att night drove a Shore by Benja Starrs Barn. 1 brigg in ye mouth of ye Harbour .1. Ship & 1 Brigg without. Lester R [ ] Rid out ye Storm lost 3 Anchors. fryd 11 fair & Cold. I was al d. at Richd Douglass’s wth ye Townsmen making up accotts wth ye Constable. Saturd 12 fair. I was most of ye day Making up ye Town Accotts & I have Recd pay for Coppys of ye Secrytt about Court house &c 11s 6d. I pd 6d for Willm Minerd More thn [ J. Sund 13 Cold & Snowy about 3 Inches (Mr Ad. pr. al day) Some Rain after ye Snow. Mond 14 fair & Cold. their was a Meeting about Selling ye School [land] att Douglasses. ye Comittee 173% Diary of Joshua Hempstead 151 vizt Justice Prenttis Mr Pickett Deacon Green Sett itt up att £600 half ye money to be pd down & ye other half in 12 mo &c. none out bid & So itt Rested. I pd John vibbert 45s od for 1000 bords for Robert & Mr Pickett 2 on ye Towns Accott. Tuesd 15 fair & Cold. I fetched home a year & advantage Steer from Goshen wth Richd Ro[gers] Cattle & now I have got all my Cattle in tht went out in ye Spring. Wednsd 16 fair. I was in Town all day. I have Recd wt was due to me from the Court & wee Recd ye Interest of Livens money in mr Winthrops hands & pd itt to Mr Adams & So much more as to make up his Sallery to the full for ye year past. Thursd 17 fair & moderate. I was at home all day—Wid Colvers Oxen 2 load. fryd 18 fair. I was about home & att Lecture. & I went up to Mamacock to See ye River. Saturd 19 fair. I went & Stephen & Joyned with Jos Coits Company in Jno Coits Scow & fetcht down 1000 Bords for Robt & they brot 20004 heading fro Comstocks. Sund 20 fair. Sacramt day. mr Ad pr. al d [John] Hamilton & [Margaret Buchanan] Publisht. a Storm at night Some Snow but Mostly Rain. Mond 21 fair. I put 1000 of oak boards on Bord of Capt Braddick for Robert. Tuesd 22d fair. I was att home all day Mending Quadrents &c. Wednsd 23 Rainy. I was at home al day made a Tongue-tree for ye Cart. I was at home al day. Thursd 24 fair. I was in Town with ye Rest of the Selectmen Setling T. Accotts. fryd 25 fair. In ye forept of the day I was finishing T. Accots. after pt I was at the ferry & Capt Rogers to See wt the house & fence was [ ] of being in Tennantabe Repair. Capt Starr Aprized it at [ ]. I Lodged at Capt Starrs. Saturd 26. I went to Justice Smiths & Chipmans Carryd my Cloath &c. Sund 27. fair. mr Adams Pr all day. Mond 28th fair. a Town Meetting day for ye Choice of T. officers &c. Tuesd 20th fair Cloudy & misty Cold & Slippery. I was at home most of ye day. toward night I went into Town to Carry the Division of part of Joseph Rogers’s Estate (vizt) what Concerned Bathshua & Sarah Williams. I pd the Judge 3s od dd him ye Writing & I dd Edward Hallam a Beaver Hatt yt I had of Robert to Sell for me for 35s od or what he Could get. Wednsd .30. Cloudy Cold & Slippery. Red Cow Cherry. in ye foren I was at home, before Noon Mr Winthrop Sent for me to Assist about the Suppressing getting Staves on his land. it Rained hard at night. Thursd 31. fair. In ye morn I whet Mr Coits Crosscut Saw. Stephen & Jno went with me to get Staves on Mr Winthrops Land where others had began. a7 es Janry fryd .1. fair. J was all day after Staves on Mr Winthrops land. wee Carted goo} black oak & 2001 white oak. Wheelers 2 boys Carted 1 Load & wee .2. I finisht past 9 Clock. Thos Grant helpt Cart. Saturd 2d fair. In the morning I went up to Wheelers to get his Team to Cart Staves but could not & yn to Town again to See about geting a Writt for those yt got Staves. Sund 3d fair but Cloudy. Mr ad. pr al day. Jonat Beckwith took into ye Church. Mond 4 Cloudy. I was at home al day making Calves yoakes & Writting &c. Tuesd 5 fair. I went up to fetch Staves & wood fro Alewife Coave with Stephen & Jno in Mr Coits Scow. it was night wn wee had Loaded. wind agst us. I came home & Jno a foot left Stephn yr the boat Sunk at Night. Wednsd 6 very Cold & windy fair. I was up att ye Boat Stephn & Jno all d picking up Timber & taking o[ars] ye Loading. Thursd 7th fair & very Cold. in ye foren I was in Town. I Recd of Ebenezr Dennis 30 on Justice Smiths Accot. I borrowed £3 of Sister Mary Plumb. paid again January 31. £3 & £5 of John Munrow & I pd to Lydia Richards 152 Diary of Joshua Hempstead L173t £12. in ye aftern I went up to mr Winthrops Land to See if any Timber was Cut thr & found Thos fergo & his brother Ralph getting Timber for Staves. Stephn & Jno yr al day. fryday 8 Cloudy Misty & Some Rain. I was at home & about Town all d. Stephn & Jno &c Thos Grant about Staves Trees yt were fallen for Wood for Mr Winthrop. Saturd oth Misty Rain at night. aftern I went up to See after ye Scows & ye Ice is not gone yet. Stephen & Jno Bolting out Stave Timber & Carting itt all day. Sund 10 Cloudy & Some Rain. Mr Ad. pr al d. R. Christoprs a Child Babtized Katherine. Capt Buttler one Lydia Edward Robinson one Mary & Ed. Meconnell one Mary. Mond 11 fair Some Snow at night & Some Rain. | went to Saybrook. Lodged at Capt Chapmans. Tuesd 12 fair. I was all day att Capt Chapmans. their was a great Concourse of People Mett together being warned to a Proprietors Meeting according to ye New Regula- tion but Many objected against ye Legallyty of ye Meetting & many debates dismist ye Assembly & did nothing. Wednsd 13 fair. I came home as I went. I measured ye Road by my Watch first Crockers house to ye 2d Little brook agt Joshua Moors .1. hour. 2dly thence to Isaac Tubbs’s house 1 hour ye midle Jno Wades. 3dly from Sd Tubbs’s to ye Mouth of ye Lane tht Comes from Lyme & meets ye Road beyond Mr Mattsons. ye midle or half hour is att ye brook att the East End of Rayners field. 4thly from Mr Mattsons or the mouth of the Lane aforesd to the ferry three quarters of an hour. ye half hour was out att ye highest upright Steep Ledge of Rocks on the East Side of the Road before wee come to the Midle- most Mathers house at ye Lyme ferry. I Suppose I Rid Exactly four mile in an hour which makes itt to be fifteen Mile & if So yn about 1 mile back at first would have made itt Sixteen mile from New London ferry to Say- brook ferry. Thursd .14. fair. I was about home & at a Meetting off Some of ye Proprietors &c—Jessop Sayled for Barbados & had his horses on bord about .3. weeks) in Prenttis’s Sloop. fryd 15 fair. Ship 2 Briggs & Sloop Sayled. I was most of the day helping Measure Keenys Lot which he hath Sold to Thos Prenttis for £200. thr is 29 Acres & 4 besides Colvers .6. Acres. wee veiwed my Land in the Neck in order to Apprize itt. Stephn is Sick all day vomits much. Saturd 16. Some Snow & Cloudy. I was about home most of ye day. Stephen Remains Sick a Pain in his Right Breast. Mr Miller let him Bleed in ye Morn & Bathed his Breast with ointment of Marsh Malloes. G Buttolph Arived fro Mertineco all well. Sund 17 fair. Mr ad. pr. all d. Alexander Baker was buried between meettings. a Warning up for Proprietors meeting. Mond 18 fair. In the foren Samll Lattimer Shod my horse for which I hung his Grindstone. aftern I went to Capt Rogers’s & old foxes. I got Capt Prenttis & Lt Harris to Apprize the Lands yt was my fathers. they were Set at £438 the home Lot & Land on the Neck. Tuesd 19 Cloudy. I was at home most of ye day. towards night I went to See Mr Jno Gardiner who was taken very Ill Saturday night Last & died this Evening. Wednsd 20 fair. In the forept of the day Samll Lattimer Shod my white Horse for hanging his Grindstone. aftern I went to Norwich in Order to get the farm Apprized yt was my fathers. I Lodged att Brother Edgcumbs. Thursd 21 Rainy. itt being foul wether I Stayed att Norwich all day. I Serched ye Records. fryd 22d itt Snowed about ye midle of ye day about 2 or 3 Inches deep. I Set out in the morning for ye farm. I got Capt Jabez Perkins & Lt Bishop to go over with me to veiw the farm & apprize itt. they have Aprized itt at forty Shillings p Acre Considering itt as wild Land without any Regard to the Improvemt on itt. I pd them tos od for their Service & 2s od for our ferryage & Expence & I came down to uncle Greenfield Larebe’s & Lodged their. Mr 1734 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 153 John Gardiner was Intered in ye Govrs Tomb. Saturd 23d fair. I came down to Stonington & Lodged at Mr Williams’s. Sund 24 Snowey. Mr ad pr all day. Danll Apply Junr Babtized. I could not get over ye ferry till it was too late for Meetting. Mond 25 fair. a proprietors meetting. I was made Choice of with Some other to Suppress the Incroachments & getting Timber on the Commons. Jabez Hough died last night about 9 Clock. Tuesd 26 fair & very Windy. I was at home & at Jabez Houghs funeral. Wednsd 27 fair Cold & windy. I could not get over ye ferry. I went to Bruens neck & Recd of Bathshua Rogers 20s Still due 5s from Sarah Williams. Roger Dart had 2 Children died ye Eldest about 7 year old ye youngest 5 or 6. Thursd .28. fair & Windy. In ye forept of ye day I went into Town Recd a vice & broad Ax of Dennis Sent me by Samll Cheesbrough from Boston part of pay for my Ox I Sold him. Aftern I went to Stonington. I Lodged att Wm Wheelers. fryd 29 fair. I Reed of Mr Wheeler £3 in part of wt is due Remains £3 3s 4d. I Recd of Samll Cheesebrough £3 gs in full for Spark. he bot mea vice for Robt Cost £3 & an Ax for Nathll 16s & I abated 5s od of ye price because he Said he got nothing for him more yn he was to give me wch was £7 Ios tod. Saturd 30 fair. I came from Stonington & hear yt on Thursday last Ralph Stodders Son Mark & Roberts Negro man were drownded Crossing ye River agst Robt Stodders in a Small Horse boat wch filled in the way & Each of their Eldest Sons hardly Escaped drowning. Sund 31 fair. Mr Adams pr. all day. Ms Katherine Saltonstall took into ye Church. Jno Adams Child Died. feb 1 Mond fair. I went to Saybrook. Capt Buttler a Child died. Tuesd .2 fair. I was at ye Proprietors Meetting &c. I Lodged att Deacon Chapmans Last night. Wednsd 3d fair. I was all day att oyster River with ye Committee to Consider of Claims. I Lodged att James Posts Last night. Expences 3s gd at Dea Chapmans. I had 4 bushlls wheat for 30s & att Chalkers 7fb of flax 5s 3d. Thursd 4 fair. I caryed ye wheat to Mr Blakes. Expences 12d at Willards for Copps 2s & ferryage 2s od. I came home att Night. fryd 5 fair. I was in Town & att ye funeral of Jno Hanard a Stranger who died Wednesday. Saturd .6. fair. It hath been very warm this week. Little frost now Colder. I was at home all day. Stephen & John Threshing oats in Smiths Lot but 7 bushells. Sund .7. fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. Ebe Fox a Child Babtizd Jane & David Minerds Andrew. Jno Rogers Son of Joseph a Child died. Mond 8 Some Snow last night & this day fair. I was all day with Lt Chapman Thos Prenttis & Jno Richards veiwing Land of Mr Adams’s & Jonathan Lattimers yt he bought yt was Bradleys and Reconciling ym in order to their making an Exchange weh they did & in ye Evening att Sister Hallams wth Brother Plumb & others Endeavoring to Reconcile Edward Hallam to his mother but could not. Tuesd gth fair. I was att ye Court most of ye day which Sat by adjournmt. Towards night I Set out for Say-brook put out my Horse Capt Colts & went to See Cuzn Lord. She was very Sick. I Lodged yr. Wednsd to fair. I went to the Proprietors meetting att Saybrook in Oyster River Quarter. I Lodged att James Posts. Thursd 11 fair. Ben Uncas King of Mohegan died yesterday. I was most of the day getting Coppys. I pd 3s 6d & my Expences at Posts 3s 1od ferryage 2s 3d Exp at Colts .1o. in all ros 5d. I came over ye ferry late. I went to See Cuzn Lord again. She is Exceeding weak & low. I went to Stephn Lees & Hen Rowlands & Jno Griswolds & Lodged thr. fryday 12. fair. I bot. 2 bushll of Corn of Hen Rowland for 9s but Could not Change. I came home about 3 Clock found Molly Sick & 3 per- sons Dead vizt Stephen Hurlbutt he died last night & Gabriel Harris’s & h 154 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1734 Samill. Chapmans wives both died Wednesday Last. also Ben Uncas. Saturd 13 fair. I was at home most of ye day looking after Moolly. I gave her Physick & went to the funeral of Stephen Hurlbut toward night. Wm Leach Died before Noon taken Sick but Last night. Sund 14 & Cold. Mr Whitting pr. all d. Mary Coggswell took into ye Church & Robt Morris Published to Moll Pry Alias Lester. Wm Leach buried at Noon. Mond 15 fair. I was at home all day Mending a Cart Wheel &c. Ja. Taylors wife Died. Tuesd 16 Snow & Rain. I was at home all day. Ja Taylors wife buried. Wednsd 17 fair. I was att home & in Town all day. Thursd 18 fair & Cold. I was about home & in Town all day. fryd. 19 fair. I was at home foren. aftern ] went to See if any Timber or wood was got on Mr Winthrops Land at Alewifebrook. James the Son of Jno Daniels Senr Died (being a youth) & an Indian Man Servt of Samll Harris’s named Titus, Saturd 20 Snow & Some Rain. Snow 3 Inches. I was at home most of the day blocking & Cutting gr. Stones. toward night at the funeral of Ja. Daniels. John Darrow 3 days & Martha Harris 2 days & Abigail 2 Making Jnos Coat. Sund 21 fair. Mr ad. pr al. d. Jane Coggswell & Hannah Hill took into ye Church. Mond 22 fair. I was at home Most of the day. I was in Town wth ye Rest of ye Townsmen aftern. Cuffy Ms Palmes negro man was buried in the Evening. Tuesd 23 fair Most of ye day Some Rain. I was at home all day Cutting gr. Stones &c. Wednsd 24 fair & Cold. I was at home all d. about gr. stones &c. Thursd 25 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. Thos ye Son of Thomas Douglass a youth about 17 year old died. fryd 26 Cold Snow about 6 or 8 Inches fair in the foren. about 2. Clock it began to Snow & Snowed hard till 9 or 10 Clock Next Morn. I was at home foren. aftern at the funeral of Lhomas Douglass Junr. Mr Jonathan Hill Died Sick but 5 days. Saturd 27 Snow in ye foren thn Cloudy &c. I was in Town & at home al day. Clemt Strattfords wife Died. A false Report She is not dead. _ Sund 28 Snow all night 5 or 6 Inches deep. uncertain weather Some Snow Some Rain & Some fair. Mr Adams pr. ald. Israiel Richards Junr publisht to Mary Strickland. Mr Hill was buried between Meetings. Pompey the Govrs negro boy died. I was out to See Thomas Douglass who is Exceeding Sick. with him I Spent most of the day & so was not at meeting. I Came to Town to get Mr Miller to him & so was at ye funeral between meetings. March 1 Monday first fair Cold & windy. I was at home all day. Pompey buried. I Sold 2 young Swine to Jno Coit for 20s in hand. Tuesd .2. Squally Some Snow Showers. I was at home most of ye day. dd Capt Lattimer rotb of ye Towns Powder. he borrows itt of ye Towns- men. Jo Coit & Braddick Junr Sayld. a Child of Christopher Stubbins died about a fortnight old. Wednsd 3 fair. Snow 9 or 10 Inches deep in ye woods. I was at home al day. Jno & Come home from ye farm with Thomas but 23 bushll Corn. wee have had 2 Calves yr .1. is dead. Thomas Douglass & Jonathan Haines both died ye first Sick about 8 or g days ye Latter about 5. Thursd 4 a Snow. it Snowd all last night & ys morn till near noon & wind blew the Snow in great drifts higher thn ye fences in Many Places. a fierce Storm att N N E._ this day was kept as a fast. I went to ye meetting & found it Emptie Returned home. Mr Adams pt. att Justice Prenttis’s. Samll Harris Died and Bithia Taylor daughter of Ja Taylor lived at Soll Coit & [| _]._ fryd 5th fair warm & pleasant wether over head. but the Most Sorrowfull time yt Ever was Seen in N. London. for Mortality their Lyes now this morning. 6 persons dead & 1 negro Woman | of Gortons. Capt Buttlers wife died last night & Gortons negro also. I was | att the funeral of Thomas Douglass. Bythia Taylor. & Willm Nortons | 1725] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 155 Child Jonathan Haines was buried while I went out to Cuzn Douglass’s funeral. Saturd 6 Some Rain. I was att the funeral of old Samll Harris. his Son Peter a young man Died ys morn & a Child a Son of Jno Plumbs named John 33 year old. I was also att ye funeral of Capt Walter Buttlers wife. Sund 7 fair & warm. a Sacramt Day. Joshua Raymond took into the Church. Gershom Rogers & Sarah Wheeler of Groton published. Mr Ad. pr al day. Jno Plumbs Child was buried att Evening. Capt C. Chris- tophers a Child Babtized Margaret. Geo Buttolph a Son Died about noon named George about 34 year old. Mond 8 fair in ye foren. aftern drisly & Rain hard at night. I was at home foren. aftern at the funeral of Peter Harris & Mr Buttolphs Child. Daniel Fox Son of Samll Junr died. Tuesd oth fair. I was at home all day Cutting gr. stones &c. Deacon Douglass & old Goodee Beebe Died. I have Sent 500} hhd Staves p Jno Hobart to R. Island to Sell part black oak & pt white. Wednesd io fair. Thomas Coit Died Last night about 3 Clock. I was att the funeral of old Ms Beebe aged about 86 or 7. her Husband was 1 of ye first Settlers of ye Town. Thursd .11. fair till night & yn Snow. I was out to Deacon Douglass’s funeral & att Thomas Coits, the Deacons Corps Stopt att Capt Lattimers & their the 6 Bearers had their Scarfs & gloves & 12 to Carry & all the watch- ers had Each a pair of gloves. Sam Fox a Negro man died last night. fryd 12 a Storm of Snow & Rain all Last night & ye foren ye day. I was att home all day. Saturd 13 fair & warm. I was at home all day Cutting gr. stones for Roger Dart. Sarah Williams (alias Babcock) Thos Williams 2d wife Died. Sund 14 fair & warm. mr ad pr all day. Thos Willms wife Buried between meettings. Jno Monroe & Lydia Plumbe Jeremiah Richards & Mary Attwell publisht & Edmund Mullins & Abigail Buttler & John Dillnigue & Mary Moor. Mond 15 Rain all day. I was att home all d. puting in Joyce in ye back Leantoo. James Hawke finished making 7 pr Shoes. Jos. Coits Negro man died. Tuesd 16 fair & warm. I went to See Richd Douglass who was taken Sick at ye farm ye night after his father was buried. I carryed a Bed Tick to Wm _ Beebees to Weave. Robert Davise Died at Gortons. Edwd Rogers Marryed. Wednsd 17 fair. I went to Lyme to Speake with Wm Bordan & Henry Roland. I pd him for 2 bushlls Corn Ihad of him. Thos & Jno is gone to ye farm. I came home in ye Eve. Thursd 18 fair. In ye foren I was at home. I helpt Lay out Wait Mayhew about Noon & yn I went to ye farm. Mark Stodder was found drone up near Jno Baylys. he hath been drowned above 6 weeks........ buried here ys day. fryd 19 fair. I was at ye farm all day Excepting I cut Some Letters in Wm Wheelers grave Stones. I lodged at Mr Wms again. Saturd 20 Rain in ye foren. aftern I went to pruning Apletrees. old Orchard. I Came home att night & Thos left Jno. Sund 21 Rainy. Mr Ad. pr-al d. Sarah Waterus took into ye Church. Danll Shaply a Child Babtized Abigail & Thos Boham .1. Sarah. James Taylor Junr Died. Mond 22d fair. I was at home mending fence most of ye day. Ja. Talor Buried. Tuesd 23d fair. I was at the Supr Court & I wrote a bill of Sale for Brothr Hodsolls Sloop to Thos Sanford for £164 4 ths year Next. Wednsd 24 fair. I was att the Supr Court all day. Stephen is gone to work with John Coit Junr for £3 10s od p Month in mony to Lodge at home & diet night & Sabath day. Thursd 25 fair. I was att Court all waiting on Mr Winthrops Actions and Ms Hallams also yesterday & the day before. Jo. Comstock Died. fryd 26 Storm of Rain. I was att Court al day. I Recd of Jno Hobart 24s in full for Staves. Saturd 27 fair. I was at Court al day. Jos Tallmans Child died. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. a proclamation for a fast was Read. Mond 156 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1725 2oth fair. I was at Court al day. Sold G. Smith 1 pr Gr. Stones & Recd 25s in full. Joseph Tallman lost a Child } year old. Tuesd 30th Rainy. I was at Court all day. Sister Hallams Case was Tryed wth Edwd & She gained it. I have waited on it 7 days. the Court are Concluding. Tallmans Child was buried & 1 of Will Leeds. a Horse Racing to day at Champlins. 5 Horses Ran all at once. Each pd down 4os & he tht out Run Recd £20 of Majr Bewer, one Bly of Boston Carryed of the mony. Wednsd 31 Rainy in ye forept of the day. Aftern I went to Stonington. I finished Cutting the gravestones (6 pr) of Mr Wheelers. I have 3 pr their not Cut. 2 Red &1 black. I lodged at Mr Williams’s. April Thursd 1 fair. I was al day felling Trees & poles (on ye East Side the Plain) Stephen Bennat & John. I went to Mr Wheelers & lodged their. fryd 2d fair. I Came home in the morn & went out to Deacon Douglass’s to help Apprize his Estate. Richd Douglass pd me. Saturd 3d fair. I was all day with Capt Latimer & Lt Chapman Apprizing ye Estate of Cuzn Thos Douglass Decd. a Child of Ann Stubbins died a few months old. it was Illegitemate. Jos Bennat Junr Died of Stonington. Sund 4th fair. Mr adams pr. all day. Mond .5. fair in ye Morn. Rain aftern & at night. I was all day wth Mr Chapman & Lt Harris Appraising the Estate of Samll Harris decd. I Lodged thr. a grt Storm. Tuesd 6 fair. wee were all day finishing the Apprasement of ye above sd Estate. Stephen Allin Son of Samll Allin died. a young man near 21 year old. Wednsd 7a great Storm & much Rain. a Genll fast. Mr ad. pr. al day. Thursd 8th fair. I was at home all day about making a Plow. fryd 9g fair. I was at home al day making Stonewall Next to Joseph Truman N E Corner. wee made about 6 Rod Jno Monroe Thos & John. Robt Stoddars Negro was found yesterday att Foxens. yt was Drownded in the Winter. Saturd to Rainy till near night. I was at home al day about a plow &c. Sund 11 fair. Sacramt Day. Mr ad. pr. al d. Eliza ye wife of Samll Edgcumb took into the Church. Joseph Bennat of Stonington died & Thos Attwood yesterday. Mond 12 fair. I was at home all day making Stonewall. wee finished all the Stones. Jno Monroe (& Thos helpt. I pd him 10s) & 4os od more yt I borrowd which is in full. Tuesd 13 Rain ald. In the foren 1 was with Capt Latemer & Lt Chapman Compleating the Inventory of Thos Douglass. afternoon I was writing over & Compleating Samll Harris Inventory &c. Wednsd 14 fair. In the foren I went to the Widow Harris’s & bot 20 Bushlls of oats at 3s od p. in the aftern I was at home about a Plow. Thursd 15 fair. I was all day Inventorying Peter Harris’s Estate & Lt Chapm & Harris. fryd 16 fair. Pompy 4 day 6 before & 1 day now. In the foren I fetched 15 bushlls oats & 31tb of Hay from ye Widow Harris’s & got her Oxen & Mr Coits & put to my Team & began to Break up from the great Rock by ye Cherry trees down to the path tht goes from Trumans. Saturd 17 Rain in the forenoon. aftern fair. I was at home ald. I plowed new ground & Sowed Some oats. Sund .18. fair. Mr Ad. p. al. d. Mr Miller a Child Babtizd Gurdon. a Warning is up for Town & freemens Meeting ye last Tuesd Instant. Wm Waterhouse & Sarah Crocker Gabriel Harris & Bathshua Rogers published. old Wm Horsey Taken with ye Num Palsie Speechless & Lame one side. Monday 19 fair. Pompey. I was at home al day breaking up till near night & yn I went into Town in order to be Bound for Hannah Douglass with Mr Chapman for her faithful admin- istration on her Husbands Estate. Tuesd 20 Rainy. Pompey. I was at home most of the day. the Boys broke up about 4 day. Rain put them by. Wednsd 21 fair. Pompey. I was at Widow Harris’s wth Lt Harris & Chapman Dividing the Estate. Thursd 22 fair. In ye morning I Sowed 1725 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead reg Some white Clover Seed betwixt ye Barberry Bush & Cherry trees. I was at ye Widow Harris’s Dividing their Estate. fryd 23 fair. I was att ye Widow Harris’s all day Dividing her Estate in ye foren & Peters in the aftern & untill past Midnight. Brother Patty is Come. Saturd 24 fair in ye foren. Rain toward night. I was at home & in Town al. d. wee Carted . Sund 25 fair. mr ad pr al d. Ebenezr Beebe & Mary Miller Publisht. Mond 26 fair. Buttolph Sayled & Patty & Patty came back again. Inthe foren I went into ye Neck. I Caryed a Webb of yarn to Wm Beebees to Weave to Make Stephen a Suit. I brot home a Bed-Tick yt he Wove. I broke up Next ye hill of Rocks toward ye hollow. I finished. Late in ye aftern before I began I had Mr Coits & Widow Harris’s Oxen. Jno Coit Junr a Child buried a Daughter about 5. or 6. Mo. old. Tuesd 27 fair. In ye forepart of ye day I went into Town with ye Rest of ye Selectmen to Look after Horsey. wee Agreed with Samll Rogers to give him 30s for Samll one week the Trouble of ye house diet &c & for ye future 12s od p week unless he grows worse yn more in proportion. yn I went to ye free- mens meetting. Capt Rogers & I were Chose Deputies. a Town Meeting afterwards to Make Rates &c. Wednsd 28th fair Most of ye day Rain at night. I was at home al day Thos & Jno. wee Carted Dung & planted al day. Thursd .29. fair. I was at home most of the day planting. wee finished. fryd 30th fair In the morn I Branded 5 yearlings 1 Red Steer white Belly & tip of the Tayle & Inside of the hind Leggs .1. Ditto Red pide white Back & Belly & most of the Tayle .1. Hieffer Black white belly Tayle & on the Rump .1. Ditto Black pide white head Tayle Back belly & Leggs .1. Ditto brownish Red pide white in the forehead hind feet, Belly, Back and part of the Tayle. all my Ear mark. I Wed the Nursery in Smiths Lot & Set out 2 Apletrees. from itt I went to Stonington Aftern & Jno & Carryed the oxen &c. I Lay att Widow Bennatts & Jno. my oats tht Jo & Stephn Bennats Thrashed one day was all Eat up with the hogs. May .1. Saturday. I was at ye farm all day. I Shiffted my Beef & Looked up Sheep & Came home at night. I Recd 30s of Wid Bennat to buy Corn. Sund 2 fair. Mr ad. pr.ald. Caleb ye Son of Thos Momford died att Mr Winthrops aged about 10 years & Trobridge died yesterday, was buried ys day, James Campbell & Mary Taylor published. Mond 3d fair. I went to Groton with ye Rest of ye Selectmen to Settle ye affairs of ye ferry & up to Andrew Davises with Capt Christopher & Rogers & in the Evening to the farm & Lodged at Bennats. Benja Atwell, Samll Attwells wife died Last night. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at the farm got up the Sheep & dagged ym & Marked Most of ye Lambs 100 & odd Sheep & about 50 Lambs. Benja Attwell Junr died & old Roberts died last night (Said to be 99 year old) at Ben Attwells house. Wednsd 5 fair. Nicholas Darro Died. I went about to Look Sheep. I Lodged at Capt Minors. Thursd 6 Rainy. I was at Capt Minors Most of the day. I Lodged at Justice Minors at night. fryd 7 fair. I went to Westerleigh to Look Sheep at Capt Ja Babcocks. I Sold him .2. 4 year old Steers & 1 hieffer & Calf for £12. took up my Note of £11 4s od due 16s od. I Lodged at Hinckleys. Saturd 8 fair. I was about fie the Lower part of Stonington Looking after Sheep till near night & yn _.., came to mr Williams’s & put up 20 peices Beef to Smoak in ye Chimney & 14 at Samuells. I Lodged at Mr Wms. Sund 9 fair. I came home in ye .. Morn. Mr ad. pral day. Thos Prentts & Ms Palmes are Published. Ann ’ Caulkings took into ye Church. Mond to fair. I was al day at Widow Harris’s Dividing ye Estate wth Lt Harris & Chapman. News is Confirmed __., tht Thos Manwaring is Cast away on the South Side of Montauket. the , men al Saved & Horses. Tuesd 11. I was at home al day writing out the 158 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1725 Division of Samll Harris’s Estate &c. Wednsd 12. I Set out for Hartford with Timo Green Junr. I Lodged at Colchester. Thursd 13 fair & very Hot. wee got to Hartford about before the Election an h [............ ] house of Jo Burts & Lodging at Ms Whittings. ; June 3. Robert Hempsted & Mary Youngs was Maried. fryday 4th fair. I came home from Hartford. I Lodged at Colchester Last. I went to Jonat Daniels’s to See my Cow their. She hath Lost her Calf. I got Benja Graves to go with me & Shew me the Northwest Cornner of my farm at Paugwonk. it is a white oak Streight body’d Decaying topt Tree marked & Stones about it Stand on ye East Side of a hollow & about 10 Rod Southward of a Small Swamp that Runs Eastward. all my Expenses for Diett. horse &c & Traveling Expence up down & their—£2 15s 5d £4 6s 6d #1 11s 1d. My Sallery att the genll Court was £8 6s 6d 23 days. Since I have been gone have died Richd Attwells Child & Thos Grants old Mr Mitchell & Mercy Hurlbuts Child. ........ 0... cess eect ee eee eens Pe rr re mC Sree ae ae a ae eee ee ee ee ee Oe ee he ee ee ee ee Ce eee) fay ail $0 sek latino veh ielhd; Yolen id net sessml ce Se/ St eerie: Seb aw PRE Tey Bink Shas) ae eB Sie RS SS RRS Te OTS He Oe OOS saa IS EEL NS Oe ee ee ee a ee a ee ee ee a eee ee eC EC Saturd 5 fair.. .old Horsey is gone to Thomas Williams’s. I was at home in the morning & yn I went to the County Court which Sat Last Tuesday & afterwards Now. Sund 6 fair most of ye day Some Showers. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 7 fair. I was in Town & att John Harris’s. I hired Richds Boat for 18d p day Excluding Sundays & the first day I had her to begin when I go. Tuesd 8 fair. I was about home & in Town. I Sold 1. bb Cydar to Richd Shaw for 20s. I have Recd 14 bushll wheat 12s gd. Wednsd g fair. I went to So-hold Stephn Thos & Abigail. Robert was Maried to Mary youngs the Daughter of Benja Youngs Esqr of So-hold on Thursd Last June the 3d. I Stayed at So-hold till Saturd t2th and then I went to Easthampton & Robert & his wife & Stephn & Abigail. I Stayed their till Saturd. 26. & yn I came to So-hold & left Abigail at Easthampton to Live a while with Ms White. I brot a whaleboat I bot of Mr Lawrence } for 8s in Rum at 4s & 3 for 16s of Capt Gardiner to be pd to Mr Gray wth ye advance as wee Shall agree. I Stayed at So-hold till fryday July 2d 1 came away. I got to ye oyster ponds. I Lodged att Wm Kings Att Night & Stephen. I came home on Saturday ye 3d found all well at home. Richd Rogers had a Daughter died about [ ] year old June 18 & Wm Davise Died ye 19 & Richd Christophers lost a Daughter about 4 year old & Negro Adam had a Son died about 5 year old June 18th. July Sund .4. fair. Wm Camp Sayled. No Minister. Mr. Ad. gone to Boston June 14th. Mond 5 fair. I was at home & in Town All day. Nathll & Stephen hilling. Tuesd .6. fair. I was at home hilling Corn & John. wee finished ye grt peice. I went to the mill & at Winthrops &. Stephen at Jno Coits again. Wednsd 7 fair. I was at home al day hilling. wee finished all. Thursd 8 fair. fryd 9 & Sat .10. fair. I went to the farm & Stayed till Saturd & brot home 2 Cows & ye young bay mare. _ the Creatures have Broke in to the plain & Eat up all before ym. “I Counted the fleeces of wool in Bennats Chamber 124 & Some are double & Some Threble. Sund 11. Mr adams is Come home last night & pr. to day. Susanna Trowbridge took into the Church & had 2 Children Babtized. “She made 4 publick Confession of her fault in having a Child before marriage wch was Son about 12 year old Named Timothy and the daughter 3 or four named Abigail. Mond 12 fair. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern Measuring Peter Harris’s Lot & Apprizing the housing assisted by Mr Coit. Thos hath 1725] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 159 Sold his part to Peter for £118 15s od to be pd in 6 months. Tuesd 13 fair. I was at home all d. wee began to Mow & I markt a pr grstones W M. Wednsd 14 fair. I was at home all d. wee yoaked the hogs Mowed & Raked &c. Mary Smith was delivered of a Daughter about 11 at night Thursd 15 fair most of ye day a Shower aftern. I was at home al d. haying. fryd 16 fair & hot. I was at home mowing foren. aftern I went to Ston- ington. I. killed a Lamb & brot home 2 forks & a Rake &c. Saturd 17 Some Rain in ye Morn in the Laterpt Clear & hot. I was at home haying all day. I pd Jno Hough 20s 6d in Silver in Stead of gos 6d in paper yt I had of his wch I Recd of the Treasurer in May. I Recd but 38s 6d & have pd 2sodtoo much. Sund 18 fair. Lattimer Cow. Mrad.pral.d. Peter Hackley & Rebeckah Minerd took in to ye Church & Daniel Lester a Child Babtized Grace. Mond 19 fair. I was at home all day mowing & Stacking. I Sold a Load of Hay to R. Douglass. Tuesd 20 Rainy. I was at home all day writing deeds from Brother Hodsol of their Right in the Comons &c & I give him a priviledge of feeding of Sumer feeding one Cow his life & Sisters in my Right & to find him firewood this Sumer & winter coming at Mothers & also to be Rent free at mothers & a pr of gr. Stones for Sister If T out live her. Wednsd 21 fair & hot. I was at home al day. wee mowed in Smiths Lot but not finisht. I Sold 3C & 4 hay to Barnabas Tuthill for tos & 3 geese & 2 ganders for 12s 6d to his men. Thursd 22d Some Rain. In ye forpt of the day I went to mill & got my Deed of Confirmation of Sister Patience Right in my fathers Estate Executed & I have Executed my deed of the priviledge of feeding a Cow in the Commons for Life to Brother & Sister Hodsoll. I finished mowing in Smiths Lot & mowed & Raked. aftern at home. fryd 23d fair. I was at home al day Mowing & Raking. Elias Leefavors come back to Rake hay about 11 Clock. Saturd 24 fair. I was at home al day haying. wee made one Stack in Smiths lot 30 Cocks. Elias helped & Stephen & John al day. Sund 25 fair Rain at night. Mr ad pr al day. Thos Manwaring a Child Babtized Thos Samll Tinker 2 Samll & Judith George Smith one George. Samll Hough one Abiah. Mond 26 fair. Stephen & Jno Mowed till near night. I & Jno a Load Wood & got, Some withs. I bot 24 bushlls Corn & 14 Wheat of Richd Shaw. I had 1$ of him in June & I let him have .1. bb Cydar yn & 23s now in full. Tuesd 27 Some Showers. I was Pressing hay most of ye day at Jno Coits &c. Wednsd 28 fair. I was at home all day Mowing & haying &c. Thursd 29 fair. I was at home haying all day. I. dd. 1000 hay to Jno Huttchins for 45s od pd. down al but 6d. fryd 30 fair. I was at home al day mowing in ye upper pasture & Stacking ye back side ye lot 42 Cocks. Saturd 31 fair. I was at home all day Raking hay. Nathll Stephen and John, Mowed Mothers Lot upland & Medow before noon & N & S finished Mowing at home. aftern in ye Rocky hollow in ye upper Lot ye Last. August Sunday .1. fair. Mradams day. Ebe Pierce a Child Bab- tized Jabez. Mond 2d fair. in the foren I was at mill & mending fence. aftern Raking hay. Tuesd 3d fair. Rain at night. In the Morn wee Cockt up ye hay at mothers 14 upland & 15 medow Cocks & yn wee Raked ye upper pasture & Stacked 22 Cocks their & brot 7 away & Sold to Edwd . Hallam together with what grew behind Trumans. wee weighed 20C 3q 8tb I in all Stacked it up near the Pear tree [ ] a Negro man [ ] Jack “was Drownded at midnight. Wednsd 4 Rain in ye Morn & all Last night. _ Iwas at home foren. aftern I went into ye woods with John to get a Load of Wood for Mother. Ms Richards’s Jack drove a Shoar Near John Plumbs & was buried. Thursday 5 Cloudy in ye forept of the day & yn fair till near 160 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1725 night a Shower. I went into ye woods with John to Cut a Load of wood yn Spreading hay & Raking after ye Cocks till ye Shower put us by. Mary Smith is gone to Live with Hannah Preston in Attwells house. fryd 6 fair. I was al day drying hay & fetching 1 load from Mothers Medow. Saturd 7 Some Showers. wee Stackt Some Hay. I was at home most of ye day, Silvanus White from Boston by Water & his father by Land. Sund 8 fair. Sacramt Day. mr ad. pr. foren. Mr Huntting Afternoon. Mond 9. fair. In the foren I was up at Mothers. Sister Patienc Hodsoll died 4 an hour after 11 Clock. She hath had a Consumption Near 2 year from the begining of itt. aftern wee Carted ye upland hay yt grew in mothers lot & Stacked it at Mr Coits to Press and in the Evening I made the Town & Ministers Rates with the Assistance of John Richards. Mr Chapman & Thomas Prentts & I Signed it. Tuesd .10. fair. I was most of the day Assisting about Sisters Coffin. Woiat helpt att my house. I found about 10 foot of bords for the 2 Sides. toward Night I was at her funeral. Wednsd 11 fair. I was at home al day not well Aguish. Jno gone to Stonington. Thursd 12 fair a Shower in ye Evening. I was at home al day. I markt a pr of Gr. Stones for Sister Patience Hodsell yt was began yesterday. a Barbadien Ind he lived with Richd Christophers fell off from Gallups Sloops Mast & was taken up dead on the Deck. fryd13 fair. I was at home & at mill. my Last Indian Corn is ground about 2 bushlls. Mr Robinson hog had been in my Corn Some times before and now again. damage apprized as. R. Christophrs boy Buried this Evening. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home al day Marking gr stones & Mending fence. Jessup Arived from Barbados al well. Sund 15 Rainy al d. Mr ad. pr al d. a Contribution for Moses fergo Junr. an Infant of Thos Coits Decd was Babtized Thomas. Mond 16 fair. I was about home Most of the day. Mr Arnold died last night, Tuesd 17th fair Windy. Mr Arnold was buried toward night. I was Most of the day Riding out to Quagaupoxet marshes & veiwing them. I have bot of William Harris his part of the flatts or gain Medow being 1 for £20 to be pd in Rum at 4s 6d p gallon tht I had of Jno Coit Junr. Wednsd 18 fair. In the morning I went into Town bot. a Cagg at Mr Pickets pd for itt 2s od. out of the hhd I had of Jno Coit. it wanted 4 & } of an Inch & now 5} yt is 9. gall. aftern I went to the farm. Thursd 19. fair. Ed. Fanning & Gershom & John Mowed all I Raked. fryd 20 fair. I was at Stonington till Saturd night yn I came home. I kiled a lamb & brot home 1 quarter & 2 breasts. Saturd 21 fair. wee Stackt hay all day. wee finished haying. Jonathan Prenttis arived from Barbados all well. Sund 22 fair. Mr ad pr. all day. Mond 23 fair. I was about home al day. Capt C. Christophers a Daughtr died $ year old. Tuesd 24 fair. I went to Lebanon with Cuzn Samll Hide & Lodged at his house. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at Lebanon most of ye day. yr was a dispute between Mr Willms & Josias Gates about the first day Sabath. I went to Norwich. I bot a pr of Gravestones of Jno Hartshorn for wch I pd 20s p pr. ve Rest to be pd in wool. I Lodged at Cuz William Hides. John taken Sick at Stonington at Gershom [Hol- dridges]. Thursd 26 fair. I went to Stonington found John [ ] the burning Ague. I Stayd with him till Sunday 29th I came back again g or 10 at night before I got over and got vr 12 or 1. I Stayd their till Sund Sept 5th. Jno Remains Sick. Stephn is Come over & f ] home. Robt & his wife & Experience youngs Came over from Southold on Monday last & are now here. - Sept. 5th Sunday fair Some Rain. Mr ad. pr. al day. Thos Taylors Child Babtized William & Joshua Plums Eliz. they 2 owned the Covent & Eliz Turner took into ye Church. Mond 6 fair. In the foren I was about [1725] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 161 home. aftern I went wth Tho Boham to See if any Timber was Wrongfully gotten on Mr Winthrops Land. Tuesd 7 drisley & Misty. I was about home & in Town al day. Wednsd 8 drisley & Misty. I was at home al d. I made a gaging Rod. Thursd goth fair. In the foren I was in Town. Robert was about to go home. aftern I was Raking Salt hay at ye gain Medows. fryd Io fair. I was most of ye day & Stephen Raking. wee went at night to Stonington. Robert & his wife, & Expe. youngs &c gone this morning. Saturd 11 Sund 12th Mond 13 wee were at the farm. I bot 2 Calves of old Steward for 3s 4d Shillings. I pd 30s. Sister Phebe a Poor Idiot died about .1. Clock Monday. Tuesd 14 fair. I came home about noon. was at Sister Phebes funeral Since. Wednsd 15 fair. I went to Stonington toward Night. Jno Remains low. Thursd 16 fair. I was taken Sick also at Gershom Holdridges and Lay very bad with the burning Ague till fryday 24. Saturd 25 I came home & John Exceeding week. Gershom came to ye ferry. Sund 26 fair. Sacramt day. I kept house. Mr Adams pr. al day. Samuel Chapman & Widow Stedman publisht & Edward Rider and [ |. Mond 27 fair. a Town meetting to Choose Leather Sealers. Lt Chapman & Peter Wickwire Chosen. I kept house al day though I did Somthing to marking a gravestone. Tuesd 28 fair. the Supr Court Sat. I kept house. I finisht marking the Stones. Wednsd 29 Rainy. I was at home al day. I markt a gr stone in part [ ]. Thursd 30 fair. I was at home all day. I Carted a Load of Railes for our Lot to Smiths. October fryday .1. fair. I was at home all day. I fenced in ye Stack in Smiths Lot. Saturd 2 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home al day Marking Gr. stones. a Squaw was Tryed for killing an other and Acquitted. Sund 3d fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. I was out. James Rogers Junr a Child Babtizd & Philip Want one Martha. Mond .4. Some Showers & att Night a Thunder Storm & much Rain. I was at home al day. the news came of the death of Capt Samuel Gardiners Wife on fryday Last. She was Eliz Coit Daughtr of John Coit. Tuesd .5. fair & Windy N W. I was at home ald. Jno took Physick. St. gathered Aples. Wednsd 6 fair. I was at Court al day Sumoned a Wittness for Sampson Haughton Lost his Case. I Sent Natt Porter the key of his Cheast by Mr Fosdyck. Thursd the 7th fair. I was at Court in ye forn, it Rise to day. aftern I was at home Carting. fryday 8 Cloudy & drisley. I & Stephen Carted in 7 Load of Corn wee Husked. wee had go odd bushell in all. about 2 Acres. Saturd 9g fair. I was at home all day. wee gathered. wee got in ye [ ]. Sund ro. Mr Adams gone to Windam. Mr Pierpont pr foren & Dudley Woodbridge Aftern. Clemt Leach & Widow Eliz Colver pub. Mond 11 a N E Storm much Rain. I was at home all day. wee Sorted our Corn & Carryed itt up. itt holds out better yn 100 bushll Sound Corn. Tuesd 12th a fair pleasant morn till about 11 Clock & yn began to Rain & held till Sundown. I & all the family went to See the great Ship at ye ferry Launched. She went off as upright as possible. a great Concourse of People. She is above 700 Tun Built by Jno Jeffery for Capt Sterling. Thos Daniels Senr Died & a Child of James Chipmans. Wednsd 13 fair Windy N W. I was at home foren. aftern I & Stephn fetched a Load W. Wood. Thos Daniels was buried. Thursd 14 Rain in ye morn. & yn fair. St. gone to J Coits again. I was at home forn. aftern I was Summoned to give Evidence about Black Adam. fryd 15 Rainy. I was at home. toward night I went to See Joseph Lester &c. Saturd 16. fair. I was down in the Neck & got 2 Indians ., to fetch the hay yt grew on Mothers Medow upon the upland. I went to '- See Jo Lester & Benja Foxes Wife who both are Seemingly Dying wth ye 12 162 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1725 Consumption. Sund 17 fair. Mr ad. pr.ald. Jos Lester was Buried after Meetting. he dyed Last night. a warning up for first & 2d Company to Trayn 25 & 26 Inst. Mond 18 fair. I was at home foren fitting Mr Coits to Cart hay.. aftern I went into the Woods with my Team for Wheel Timber & wood &c. Tuesd 19 fair. about + past 11 I went to fetch a Load of Salt Hay Mr Coits Cart & Oxen & Isaac came as far as Wid Harris’s & left it fearing it wod fall. Wednsd 20 fair. In the foren I fetcht home the Hay I left. Mr Coits Oxen & Isaac all d. aftern I fetcht home wt I left of mother’s hay & 6 Cocks of mine on the flatts. Benja Foxes wife died about Noon. Thursd 21 Rainy in the midle of ye day. I was at home aftern Cutting gr Stones. I was going to ye funeral of Benja Foxes wife but ye Rain hindered. She was buried in ye neck. fryd 22 Cold & windy N W. In the forept of the day I went into Town. I Reckened with Joshua Ray- mond. I bot a Raper Brass Hilt for 30s. wee Ballanced all Accots to ths day. aftern I was at home. Saturd 23 fair. I was at home al day Making Ox bows & fencing Hay stack &c. Sund 24 Rainy. Mr ad. pralday. Jno Richds & Anne Prenttis pub. Neck Comp. Warnd. 1 & 2d of Nov. Mond 25 fair. a Trayning day 1st & 2d Company. Jonat Latimer Chose Sergt & Jno Worden Corpl. Tuesd 26 fair. a Trayning day ye first & 2d Com- pany. Jno a Stranger was Buried. he got his deaths Wound by a fall from the first Deck of the great Ship into the Hold. Wednsd 27 fair & very warm. I was at home all day Topping Stacks & Carting a Load of Lumber & Cabbages & Mr Coit had the Oxen .2. Load Wood. Thursd 28. I workt at highways & my Team. in the Evening I brot down Mothers Bed & Household Stuff & Mother Came also herself to live wth me. fryd 29 Misty & Cloudy. I workt at Highways & Team. I heard of the Death of Uncle John Larabee about a fortnight Since. Saturd 30th fair. I fetcheda Load of Salt Hay home fro ye flatts. had Ebe Harris’s oxen putt to my Team. butt 15 Cocks. & yet Load Enough. I carrved a pipe & bb for Ben Fox left at Timo Lesters. Sund 31 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Samll Hallett took into ye C. Thos Buttler a Son Bab. Walter & John Waterus Spake aloud att ye Same Instant & Said you Blaspheme the name of Christ or to tht Effect, Jno Rogers & Bolles & his wife Sd Nothing till meetting was over & yn Complained Much of the french Barber Striking over one of their Crew at the prison & brot the Stick wch he Sd he Struck him with. November Monday .1. fair & Warm. I unload the Salt hay & fenced in the Stacks. Steph helpt & Jno. Tuesd 2 fair. I was at home all day. Wednsd 3 fair. I went into the north Parish with [ ] Denisons. I Agreed wth him to Pay Sd Joans £40 & to Let [ ] Land at 40s p Acre Joyning to him as make up [ J] Bond. I came home 11 Clock night. Thursd 4 Cloudy & some Rain. I was about home. I fenced in a hay Stack at Mr Coits. fryd 5 a Storm Rain Hail & Snow a high wind. I was at home About mending a Wheel. Saturd 6. Stormy. I was at home al day Ringing a Wheel. Sund .7. fair. Mr ad. pr.ald. Wm Hoult a Child Babtizd Willm & Jno Adams one Sarah. Mond 8 fair. R. Burch lost his hand. I went to Norwich in my Whaleboat alone. I caryed up goods for Nathll Porter al tht I brot for him from Southold. I dd ym to Willm Whittney & took a Rectt & he gave me an Order to Douglass for 20s the freitt. I Lodged at Thos Edgcumbs. Tuesd oth fair. I came away from Norwich. the wind S—. I lodged at Ra. Stodders. Wednsd 10 fair. I came home before meetting. Mr ad. pr. a Thanksgiving day. Jere Congdon & Anne Cheappell published. Thursd 11 fair. T was at home al day. fryd 12 fair. I went into the Woods and John & Cut 1 Load Wallnt Wood & brot home. In the Evening I went to Samil Edgcumbs & Bargained 1725] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 163 with him that he Should have Mothers End of the house & garden for £4 p year he to keep itt in good Repair on his own Cost only for one year and So from year to year as wee Shall agree & the grass 12s this year. Saturd 13 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was in Town most of the day. Sund 14 fair. a Sacramt day. day. a Contribution for a Canterbury woman tht had 3 Children at a Birth & all Living. Thos Pembroke a Son Babtizd Jonat. Mond 15 Misty. I was at home al day. I fenced off ye Cow yard from the back. Tuesd 16 fair. 1 was at home al day. I killed my Red Cows Calf weighed 160fb Skin 3s 6d. Wednsd 17 Rainy. I was at home al day. I fenced ye hay Stack in ye upper lot & we kiled .1. Sow. 1. was 148 the other Nathanael had. Thursd 18 fair. I was at home al day. I killed the old Sow. fryd 1g fair. I went with Jonathan Woyat to Stoning- ton. I Lodged at Mr Wheelers. Saturd 2oth fair. I Recd of Wm Wheeler £3 which I accept as the Ballance of Accots with me to the ferry & brot a Cow for Eliz Prenttis & I brot 1 & 2 Cows & old Sow. I killed a Nother weit. 51fb & Tallow 7fb. Sund 21 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Daniel Deshon & Mary Coit owned ye Covent & Daniel a Son Babtizd Daniel & Jonat Tinker a Daughtr Love & Archibald Campbell one Sarah. Mond 22 fair. I killed .2. hogs in the morning by nine a Clock & yn workt at highway. Tuesd 23 fair. the County Court Sat. I was at Groton Drawing out Mr. Jeffreys Ac[cots]. Wednsd 24 Cloudy & Misty. I was at Groton about Mr Jefferys Accots. Thursd 25 fair. I was in the woods & Jno. wee Cutt & Carted 1 load Wallnut. in the Evening the Townsmen Mett to Receive money of the Collectr. fryd 26 Cloudy & Snow. I was in the woods & got 1 load Wallnut Wood. Saturd 27 Snow is about 3 Inches. I was wth Mr Jeffery al day at his house Some. Danll Hall & Jonat Williams Launched Buttolphs Sloop at Ralph Stodders. Sund 28 fair. Mr Ad pr alld. Mary Richds wife of Jere Babtized. Jared Pe[ |] & Aliece Woiat Published. Ms Arnold Died. Mond 29 fair. I went to Norwich to buy Gravestones. I Lodged at Willm Hides. Ms Arnold [buried]. Tuesd 30 fair & Cold. I went up. to Lads & agreed with Mr Hartshorn for 10 pr of gr stones 3 pr Large ot about 20s price & ye other tos 12s & 158 & I am to pay him in Wooll to Lett him have tootb & to take itt out in Stones. I came home. Wednsd Dec. 1 fair. JI was al day at Court Summoned an Evidence in Mr Winthrop [ ]. a Child of Thos Crockers Junr Died. he was about 2 year old. Thursd 2d fair. I was at Court most of the day. I Measured t Acre of Woiat [ J. fryd 3 fair. I was at home al day Cutting gr stones. ye Rev Mr Wood [ ] of Groton died Wednsday night with a long Sickness ys day buried. Saturd 4 fair & very Cold. I was most of the day atMr Winthropsy -l Reeds gravestones—not much Rain. Sund 21 fair. Mr ad. pr. al day. Stephn Groton & Widow Sarah Hains published. She is above 20 years older than he. Clemt Leach 2 Sons babtizd Twins Ephm & Manasseh. Mond 22 Rain toward night a little cloudy al day. In the forenoon we Stackt ye hay in ye upper lot & Stephen & John finished mowing their. al is done but ye Salt Medows. I finished cutting gr. stones for old Ms Christophers. St & Jno fetcht a load of wood for Want. Tuesd 23 fair. I helpt Jos Truman Set up fence New Cheesnut Rails & oak posts from the Midle of his lot next 174 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1726 Stars for wch he pd me 6s. Wednsd 24 Cloudy & Rainy. I was about home most of the d. wee mended ye Cart & fitted it for hay & Carted a Jagg to Richd Christophers rooC on acct of the Govr Decd. Benajah Leffingwell was married to Joanna Christophers. Thursd 25 fair. I & Stephn Carted a load of hay from mothers lot home & Stackt it & Stackt up the hay in the upper lot & Carted 11004 hay to Griffings Mill house for Apleton which I sold him for 3s 6d p C. Jno & Tom Hill pulled down C [ ]. fryd 26 fair. Iwas about home. I finisht a pr of gravestones fol old Ms Eliz Chris- tophers at ye charge of her 2 grandsons Capt Christophers & Richard. I Set them up & Set up fence aftern backside ye lot next Mr Coits hollow above the medow. Stephen & John Mowed Mothers Salt Medow. Saturd 27 fair. in the foren I went up to Samll Averys to fetch ye old Sadle & bridle. Stephen & John Cut Cornstalks. I helpt them in the afternoon. Sund 28 fair. Mr Ad. pr al day. Robt Chapman & Bathshua fox publisht & Indian Jeffery & his Squaw. Mond 2g fair. In the morn I went to Nathll to See him his wife & Child & Abigail & take Boat with Capt Braddick for Long Island. they had a Brisk wind at N. W & Soon Crossed the Sound. I went & John to the Medows to Rake Salt hay. a poor Crop. about 16 Cocks on Mothers part of the Medow. Tuesd 30 fair. I went to ye farm Jno & Wee killed a Sheep & he came home. I Stayed to look after things. I lodged at Mr Williams’s. I carryed home Peter Crerys mare. Wednsd 31 fair. I made Some Shakles for my grt Mare & Webbs & put thm on both & I lodged at Mr Wheelers. Thursd Sept .1. fair. I was mending fence Round the orchard all d. I lodged at Ms Hallams. fryd 2 fair.I was most of the day visiting and with Mr Wheeler to put up grave Stones. Saturd 3 fair. I fenced in ve Stacks & yn mended fence Till night & lay at Gershoms. Sund 4 Some Rain. I came home. Mr adams pr. al. dy. Sacramt day. a Warning for a free- mans Meetting 2d Tuesd. Currant. Mond 5 Cloudy & some Rain. I & Jno went to Quagonpaxet Marshes & Raked up our part of the Salt hay on ye flatts or gain Medow ye whole 99 Cocks. Tuesd 6 Cloudy In ye mom aftern Rain a Stormy night. I was at Mr adams’s & lodged their. Thos Latham Launched his Brigg about 100 Tun for Capt Braddick & Mumford her mast Standing & Rigged. James Hawke came to work making Shoes. Wednsd 7 Cloudy & Some wet. Wee gathered a Load of Apples at holmes Lott & brot ym to Mr Coits Mill. a Church meetting at Mr Coits [ — ] & to be at Mr Chapmans Wedensday 15th at 4 Clock aftern. Thursd 8 fair but Cloudy. I was at home all day gathering Aples & Carting ym to Mr Coits. at night I went with Const Truman & Lothrop to Mr Adams’s & pd him Some money & gave a Rect. fryd 9 fair. about 10 Clock I Set out for Saybrook to Look after my watch yt was their to be Rectified. it was not done. I came back & went up to Mr Elys & lodged their. Saturd 10 fair. I came away Early called to See Cuz Jos. Beckwith & Jno [ )& Aunt Waller & got home Sun 2 or 3 hours high & put a fellow in one of the wheels yt Stephn & Jno broke fetching a load of wood. Sund it fair. Mr ad pr. al d. I Stayed at home afternoon to look after Molly. She hath got her 2d fitt of the Ague & fever. Jonat Lattimer a Child babtized Elizabeth. Mond 12 Cloudy & towards night Rain. I was at home al day. I gathered al the pearmains & other good Aples in ye orchard & brot ym in for winter. Stephen & John Carted a Load of Salt hay. Tuesd 13 fair. I gathered Aples in ye foren. afternoon I was at the freemans meeting. Capt Rogers & I were Chosen Deputies. In ye Evening I went over ye ferry in order to go to ye farm. I Lodged at Deacon Morgans. Wednsd 14 fair. In the morn I went to Wm Morgans & to Mr Mumfords & breakfast their & thn 1726] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 175 to Crouches to get him to come to make ye Schoolhouse Chimney & the not at home. I went to Gershoms & to Mr Wheelers & dined their With Capt Fish & his wife & yn to Widow Bennats & killed a Sheep & lodged at Mr Williams’s. Thursday 15 fair. I came away Early & called again at William Morgans & Confirmed my Bargain with him. Sold him my first division or Wood lot in Groton for £30 & have Recd £10 & 84tb honey at 12d p tbh. I got home about Io or 11 Clock Stephn 4. John hath Carted ye Salt hay & wee began about Shingling the house on ye foreside tht is making ye Scaffold & pulling down. fryd 16 fair. I was at home al day Stephn & John. wee finished bording up ye Roof where the dormand was pulled off & Shingled Some, at night I went up to Ms Davise’s to bind Charles (to Mr Saval) but he was not willing. I pd to Joshua Babcock 11s 4d due to his father p by note wch he dd up & is the last & full payment for the hire of Sheep. Saturd 17 fair. I was at home al day Shingling & Stephen & Jno also. Charles Hill is come ys aftern from Mr Savals. Sund 18 fair. Mr adams is gone to Boston. Jenison pr. al day. a Warning is up for a Town meetting 26th Instant about the £300 in Mr Winthrops hands. Mond 19 Rain in the foren aftern Cloudy. I was at home all day. wee fitted the flewbords & put them up & Shingled Some Stephn Jno & C. Hill al day. Tuesd Rainy. I was at home al day. wee finished most of the foreside of the house before it Rained hard. I fitted a window frame aftern. Wednsd 21. fair. I was at home al day. wee finished Shingling the foreside of the house & I fitted a window frame for it. I watched with Mr Mayhew at night. Thursd 22 fair. I was about Town most of the day & helping Stephen mend ye Whale boat. I Recd of Capt Christophers 4os for a pr. gr. Stones & 8s of Jno Huntley & 10s of Danll Dishan in full of all accots. I bot to bbs of Ms Dennis for 3s 6d p & 1 of Sister mary for 3s 6d & 2 of Han Gauler for 4s p. fryd 23 fair. 1 was about home al day fitting a window up & Mending the Whale boat & about Cydar at Mr Coits Mill. Ja Hawke had ye boat at night. Saturd 24 fair. I was most of the day about Cydar. wee made 8 bbs & Carted up 3 to Brothr Plumbs & 1 to Sister Mary & 1 to Han. Gaulers. wee workt at highways yesterday & to day they made a bridge by the upper Cornner of Smiths lot & filled up the gulley & Sunk Some Rocks by our Rocks. I have workt al my Share & 1 day for Phil Want. Sund 25 fair. Mr Jenison pr. al. day. a Contribution for him. Mr ad. is absent. Mr Elnathan White is Come from Sag. here in ye Evening. Mond 26 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at a Town Meetting about the £300 due to ye ministry from Majr Winthrop but they would do nothing about it. Mr Mayhew Died this morning. Tuesd .27. fair. I was at home foren fittting in the glass & putting Some up. aftern at the funeral of John Mayhew. Wednsd 28. I went to Stonington. I lodged at Mr Rossiters. James Ashby Maried yr to Sarah Brooks by him. Thursd 29 fair. In the morn I went to Danll Babcocks to See if he would buy Some Corn. I have 4 Sheep their 2 Ewe & 2 lambs. I Stayed at Mr Rositer till past Noon thn I went to the farm & killed a Sheep & lodged at Gershom Holdridge. fryd 30 fair. I was moving homeward before day. I Recd £3 of Mr Williams to buy 3 [ ]. I come home about 8 or g. aftern went into Town. the Court is over. Octobr Saturday .1. fair. I was at home al d. & Stephen Riming a Wheel. I borowd 3 Spokes of Mr Chapman. Sund 2 fair. 4d. Mr ad. is come home & pr. al d. Wm Hatch & Su Baker publisht. Monday 3 fair. I was at home Most of the day. I finished Riming ye wheel & went into Town. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at home al day fitting Cask & Making bb Cydar at Mr Chapmans . St. Cha Hill & Jno gone to ye farm by water. Wednsd 5 176 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1726 fair. In the foren I finished making Cydar at Mr Chapmans 1 & 4 bb almost. I carted them home and then I was at Ms Dennis’s with Dea Green finishing the addition to the Inventory. She pd me 2s 6d. I pd her for my Expences Lately their. in the Evening a Church meeting at Mr Chapmans. Mr ad. pr. a Sermon g or 10 Men 23 or 4 women.. Thursd 6 Rainy. In the morn { went into Town & bot a Rum hhd of Mr Hallam. pd him Ios. I brot it home & 2 Meat bbs from Arnolds & 4 for Cydar from Ms Dennises. I Burnt them & Scalded & cleaned & Trimed & Washed ym. I was at home al day fitting & planing Cask for Cydar. fryd 7 fair. I went to Stonington. I lodged at Mr Williams. Stephn Press out the Cydar at night. Saturd 8 fair. Bull Gelt. I went down with 6 Cask of Cydar in mr Wms Cart & Sent it home in ye Whale boat 2 for Thos Fosdyck 1 for Ms Knight & 3 for Mr Swittland. I lodged at Mr Williamss. I got my pide [ Js Sund 9 fair. I was at meetting at Stonington. Mr Woodbridge pr. foren & Mr Stanton aftern. Daniel Denison & Ms Coggswell published at Stoning- ton & New london. I Lodged at Ms Hallams. Mond 10 Stormy. I was at Mr Rositers most of the day. I lodged at Ms Hallams. Tuesd 11 fair. I killed a Sheep at Ms Hallams of mine & brot $ home & left $ for the boys at Mr Williams. I came home in the Evening. was at Mr Adams’s. Robt Chapman was Maried to Bash Fox. Wednsd 12 fair. I Set out for Newhaven. Lodged at Cuzn Lees & Thursday got to N. Haven & Lodged at Mixes. fryd I went to the Genll Court & was their till Saturday 29th. I Loged at Ms Gaskells at the Court Excepting 2 nights at Guilford. I went over Saturday 27th & lodged at Griswolds ye Tavern. I was at Samll Rogers’s & Ms Eliots & Returned to Newhaven wth Mr Leet Monday 24 in ye Morn. I came away from Newhaven Saturd 29th & got to Saybrook. Lodged at Mr Burrows’s & Capt C. Christophers also was meeting their & at night Lodged at Mr Lynds & Came home Monday 31 by Sunset. my Expences was £2 3s 7d. my Sallery was £5 5s So I had £3 1s 5d for my Self & Horse. Thursd 27th Danll Denison fetched Ms Coggswell to Ston- ington in order to be maried & fryd 28 Capt Buttler was Maried to Ms Dennis. Nov. .1. Tuesd. fair. I was at home & in Town &c. Wednsd 2d fair but Cloudy. I went as far as Lt. Harris’s in order to go to Benja Graves’s at Colchester to get him to make up the School house Chimney & their I heard he was at David Crockers at N. London. I Returned home in the night. Thursd 3 fair. I was in the Neck to get uncle fox to Sign a Release of Mamacock to the heirs of Thos Douglass & he acknowledged it before Capt Rogers & I went to Speak with Graves about Schoolhouse Chimney. fryd 4rainey. I was about Town & at Mr Adams’s with Capt Rogers Justice Prentts & Deacon Green. I carryed uncle Foxes Quittclaim to Thos Douglas’s heirs to be Recorded. I dd it to Lt Hallam. Saturd 5 fair. I was at work at the School house al day & Jno & Stephn 4 day. Charles al day Team 4 day. wee Caryed 4 bbs Cydar to Madm Winthrops. Sund 6 fair. mrad. pr. al day. Mond 14 & Tuesd 15 are Traynings in the Neck. Mond 7th fair. Capt Latimer & Stephen & I began the Schoolhouse Chim- ney. Peter Hackleys Wife buried. died last night. in ye Evening I went to Speak wth Ms Minor at Ms Shaplys. Tuesd 8 fair. In the foren I workt at the Schoolhouse a while & then I went into Town to Assist the Widow Minor Relict of Ja. Minor Esqur at ye Court of Probates & over ye ferry also. Capt Latimer & Stephen workt at the Schoolhouse al day. Wednsd .9. fair. a Publick Thanksgiving. Mr Adams pr. al day. Thursd 10 it Snowed most of the day. I was in Town & Jno Morgan with Mr Adams at his house Mr Chapman Deacon Green and Solomon Coit to hear 1726 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 177 John Morgans Objections agst my being admitted to ye Church. they Con- sidered his Allegations & my Defence & Judged them groundless & me Inocent by their full determination with one Consent. fryd 11 Snowed most of the day. I was at home al day Mending Cart wheell. Saturd 12 fair. I workt at ye Schoolhouse al d. & Capt Latimer Jno & Charles & Stephn 4 day. Sund 13 Rainy. 4d. Mr Adams pr al day. Michal Hewen of Boston & Lydia Richards was published & I was took into the Church. Mond 14 fair & windy. a Trayning day both Companys. Tuesd 15 16 fair & windy. a Trayning day both Companys yesterday Samll Edgcumbe and Samll Richards Chosen Sergeant & Jno Monroe & Samll Green Corpls. 17 fair. I went to help Renew the bounds of William Starkes land next Joseph Lambs. wee finished Thursday. I Recd tos & 1 bushll wheat. I went with Brother Plumb to Daniel Denisons Wm Cheesbrough & Ms Hallams & lodged at Capt Cheesbroughs. fryd 18th fair. I went to Mr Rossiters & Capt Minors. I pd him 20s brot from ye Tresurer. I went up to the Widow Richasons & Mr Ayers’s & Stayed at nigh. Saturd 19 fair. I went with Ms Minor to Jos Babcock & back to Mr Rossiters & then home at night. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams pr al day. James Rogers & Grace Harris pub- lished. Tompson Philips Sayled for Jamaica. Mond 21 fair. I was about Town & with the Townsmen making up with the ferryman & Collectors— wee Recd of Lothrop £14 Is od & of Shapley £5 18s 4d & of Chester 48s 4d & 40 more. my ferryage 2 last years his part & an order for £4 8s 4d on ye Con [ |] & £9 tos he had pd to Capt Rogers. all was £24 & wee gave up the bonds. Tuesd 22 fair. I was about Town. the County Court Sat. I bot Red Dufells for a Coat. Capt Latimer & Stephn at the School- house. Wednsd 23 fair. Sister Hannah here. In the morning I went into Town & thn at work at the Schoolhouse & Capt Latimer & Stephen all day. in the Evening I was on an Arbitration betwn John Hough & Samll Richards at Douglasses Thos Prentts & Daniel Coit. Thursd 24 fair. I was at work at ye Schoolhouse al d. & St. & Capt Lattr & Charles $ day. fryd 25 Rainy. I workt at the Schoolhouse al d. & Stephen Jno & Charles & Capt Latimer. Willm Rogers from Barbados. Saturd 26 fair. In the foren I killed a 3 & advantage Steer came to above £4 at 2$ Round. Stephen helpt. in the aftern I was in Town in order to go to Stonington but it was Windy. Sund 27 Cloudy & Rain at night. Mr ad. pr. al day. Mond 28 Rainy Stormy. I was at home al day. I & Stephen Rimd a Cart wheel. Stephen Gorton was ordained at ye Babtist Meetinghouse by Isaac Foxes. Tuesd 29 fair. I was at home al day. I Salted my Beef & Pickt my Aples &c. Wednsd 30 Windy fair. I was at home in the foren. aftern I went to Stonington. I was at William Morgans. I Carryed him a Deed of my Wood lot Executed & Recd of him the last payment £20. I pd him for Honey yt I hd yr before 8ttb 8s. dd Wm Smith 15 yds 4 of Woollen Cloth to full & I lodged at Mr Williams’s. : Dec Thursd .1. fair. I got Gershom Holdridge & his Sons to help me make a yard & Catch Io fatt Sheep & put them in the old orchard. I Sold my Red Bull to Robt Burrows for £4 Ios od to be pd ye first of febry. I have Let out my 8 Acres in Groton & Mr Winthrops 20 Rod agst it to Peter Creery for 35s p year for 7 year & he to leave it Sufficiently fenced. I lodged at Mr Williams’s. fryd 2d Some Rain it Snowed last night. In the aftern I went to Mr William Wheelers & he went with me to Joseph Babcocks & Widow Richardsons. I lodged at his house at night. Saturd 3d fair. I looked up Some Sheep. I put 8 more into the Orchard. I came home so far as Mr Mumfords & lodged their. Sund 4 Rainy Stormy. I Stayed yr al day & Monday. Mond 5 also it Rained Smartly almost of the day. No 13 178 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1726 Stiring. Tuesd 6 fair. In the morn I went to Mr Ashbys to Speak with him on Ms Winthrops accot & to See Capt Jno Avery. I bot 114fb old Brass 18d p. I came home a little before night & met Some of ye Selectmen & wee made up with Constable Truman & Recd all & £4 3s 4d for ye School of the Constable ferry Rent. Wednsd 7 fair. I was at home till near night & yn I went to the Schoolhouse and Shingled Round the Chimney. a Church meeting at Mr Prenttis’s. Thursd 8 fair. I went with Charles Hill to Pomechaug to measure Ms Knights Land. Mr Samll Avery Assisted. wee lodged at Mr Pratts. fryd g fair misty Snow at night. wee finished meas- uring ye land about 2 or 3 of the Clock & then I went with Charles Hill to Norwich & bound him to Thomas Edgcumb for 5 years waning 16 days to larn to be a Joyner. I Lodged their. Saturd 10 fair & Cold. I came home by night & brot home Molly. Jessup Sayled for Barbados & Chesbrough for Mertineco. Sund 11 fair & Cold. Mr Ad. pr al. d. Samll Davise & Ms Gardiner & Christopher Darrow & Sarah Haines published. Mond 12. I was at home al day. at night the Townsmen met & made up Accots with Constable Lothrop & pd George Richards. Tuesd 13 Cloudy Some Scater- ing Snow. I was at home most of ye day mending the herth. toward night I went into Town. the Townsmen pd off Mr adams & George Wright &, Wednsd 14 Rain in ye foren. I was at home all day. I finished Laying the herth wch I began yesterday. Thursd 15 fair & very Cold & windy. I was at John Stubbins’s all d. Dividing Christophers Estate & Mr Chapman wth me. wee did not finish but come home in ye night. fryd 16 fair. before & after Lecture I was at Mr Chapmans & Lt Harris finishing the Division of Christopher Stubbins’s Estate. at night Mr Chapman & I pd Mr Miller £20 the full of his last years Sallary. Jno Larobee here. Saturd 17 fair & Warm. _ I went to Lyme to Carry £21 to Capt Marvin on Thos Joans’s Acctt but he Refused itt. I was at the Widow Dartes & Recd her Acctt for keep- ing Wm Root & Some Cloths. about £10 for 5 months & better. Sund 18 Cloudy & Rain at night. a Sacramt day. Mr Adams pr. al day. a warn- ing up for a Townmeeting 26th Instant. Jno Whipple & Ann Darte pub- lished. Mond 19 Rainy. Sarah Waterhouse. I was at home al day pulling down & Lathing the wall. Joshua Apleton put on about 3 or 4 yds. I pd Joshua Moor & John Keeny 2 of the School Comittee for ye West Society £7 5s od & have yr Rectt in School Book. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at home ail day fitting ye house Lathing & mending. Wednsd 21 fair. I was at home part of ye day & in Town buying 2 Swine of Philip Bill for 52s weh I pd down. Thursd 22d fair. I was at home al day fitting ye End Chamber window to put it up. fryd .23. fair. I was at home al day. I put up the Window. Jno Carted Wood for Apleton not pd for Apleton not pd for. Saturd 24 fair & warm. Iwas at home all day. I finished Clabording about ye Window & some other Jobbs. Jno Carted a load for Mr Hobart pd for 7s. Sund 25 fair. Mr ad. pr al. day. Joshua Plumbe & wife took into ye Church. Mond 26 fair. a Town Meetting for ye Choice of Town officers. the farmers Came in Roundly & the Town Mustered as well to match them & a great Strife & hot words & no Legall Choice & wee Adjourned till next day at noon. I was at the meeting all day. Tuesd 27 fair. a Daughter of John Keenys died 4 or 5 year old. The Town & farmers met Thicker then yesterday above 150 voaters & after a few warm words they began very calmly & Moderately & a fair Choice & ye Town party gained the voat by 6 or 7. Capt C. Christophers was Chose ye First Townsman & my Self ye 2d Capt Rogers ye 3d &c Mr Pickett ye 7th. ye ath. sth & 6 ye Same & last year. R. Burch Constable. Wednsd 28 Some Rain & Cold. “[ was at home al day mending ye Chamber Wall &c. Thursd 29 Rainy. I was at home 1734 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 179 al day Lathing & plastering the old broken Wall in the Chamber—Samll Rogers of Guilford here & Horse. fryd 30 fair. I was at home al day. I finished the Chamber wall & Mended the Chimney. Stephn Shipt with Burrows for 50s p month for Mertineco 1 bb priviledge out & home. Sat- urday 31 fair. I was at home al day Mending ye Chimney & pointing itt &c. 1735 January Sund .1. fair & warm. Nathll Hunting Junr pr. foren. Mr Lewis afternoon. Mond 2d fair & Warm. I was at home all day. I put in a Sill in the doorway &c. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at home al day. I finished about ye Door & white washed ye Wall. Wednsday 4 Cloudy. I was at home al day pointing ye underpining of ye house. a Church meeting at our house at night. Thos Edgcumb here at night. Thursd 5 Rainy. I was at home al day. I fitted ye Inner Doors made ym go Easey. fryd 6 fair & very warm. ye Infant of Jonat Chadwicks died. I was at home almost al day. Brother Thos Edgcumb went home & Carryed Molly with him & 19ftb of feathers bag & all which I have Sold him for 3s p tb. at night I went to Judge Christophrs with Justice Prenttis Capt Lattimer & Lt Chap- man to Consult publick affairs of the Town & Society. I paid to Thos Joans £20 18s 8d & he gave me up my note. Still due to him 20s in part of the Interest pd. Saturd 7 Cloudy & Some Showers at night much Rain Thunder & Lightning. I was at home al day pointing & mending ye under- pining. Jno at Tilleys. Sund 8 fair but Misty. mr Ad. pr. al day. Mond 9 Cloudy. I was at home al day mending ye underpining of ye house. at night wee went to Judge Christophers & Signed a Warrant to Warn the first Society to meet to Choose the proper officers. C. C. Justice Prentts & I Signed it. Tuesd 10 Cloudy. I was in Town to get Town officers Sworn &c. I was bound for Cary Clark to Answer William Rogers in feb. next at the Adjourned Court. Wednsd 11 fair but Still Cloudy & Warm Easterly weather & no frost Ice or Snow Since January came in. I was at home al day. wee fetched 4 load of Sand to Lay on this Side the bridge & other Jobbs. Thursd 12 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home in ye foren & aftern at Town. fryd 13 fair & Clear. I went to Pomechaug to Re Measure Ms Knights Land &c. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home al day. I mended about ye back Leantoo Chamber Windows. It froze ye Ground last night. No frost Since January Came in before ys. Sund 15. 2d. Some Snow in ye morn but Soon gone Cloudy & Some Scattering Rain. Mr ad. pr al d. George Richds a Child Babtized Love. Mond 16 fair. toward night it cleared of & came at N. W & grew Cold. Rain foren. I was at home foren. aftern in Town with ye Authority & Selectmen &c. wee Chose Tavern keepers Douglass Buttler. Shaply Banks & Widow Attwell. Tuesd 17 fair & Cold in ye morn aftern warm & yn I went to Stonington & lodged at Wm Wheelers. Mr Stephen Richinsons wife buried. She died Mond Morn about 2 Clock. Wednsd 18 drisley & wet. I went to Lecture in ye upper Society in Stonington. Mr Rosseter pr. the Sermon. I went home with Mr Grant & lodged their. Thursd 19 Rainy. I went to Mr Isaac Wheelers & Mr Rossiters & lodged their. fryd 20 Cloudy. I went to Daniel Babcocks & he tells me that my young twin Ram with a white Tayle yt came of my old Gray Twin Ew has got Capt Palmers Ear mark put on him Since Mid Sumer & tht he & Tift knew ye Lamb before it was marked & yt it Sucked my Old Gray Ewe & Mr Richardson tells me that he Saw 2 black lambs follow my old Ewe ys Spring & both had white tayles. I Recd of Mr Richson 55s on Apletons Accot 45s of Elisha Cheesbrougs on John Coits Accot. I lodged at Capt Nathanael Cheesbroughs. Saturd 180 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1738 ai fair. I killed 2 Sheep & brot home. I left my mare & Sadle at Peter Wms & came home at night Crost ye River with Jno Plumb in his Cannoo, Sund 22 fair & pretty Cold. Mr ad. pr. ald. Jas Tilley & Ruth Fosdyck published. Mond 23 fair. a Society meeting ye first yt wee Ever had in the first Society. Capt C. Christophers Chosen ye first Comitteeman & Modr Justice Prenttis & my Self ye other 2 Jno Richards Clerk. Tuesd 24th fair & Cold. I was at home all day & in Town. Wednsd 25 fair. I went to Stonington Lodged at Mr Wms. I pd him 16 for ye butter & 13s 9d for Cheese & 3d over. Thursd 26 fair. I Recd of James Dean 28s. I bot 264tb Tobacco for Stephn. I lodged at Gershoms. fryd 27. I killed a Sheep in the morn & came home. brot my old Horse & young Mare. Saturd 28th fair. I was at home most of ye day. I went to the funeral of John Ward who died yesterday & a Child of Thomas Stricklands 2 or 3 months old. Sund 29 fair. 6d. Mr Adams pr. all day. att night I went with Lt Douglass to See Capt Rogers who Sent for us to ask forgiveness in any thing that he had Spoken yt might offend us & wee forgave him & he forgave us. he thinks he is very Sick but I think not. Mond 30 fair. I was about Town all day. I was Served with a Citation by ye Sheriff by order of ye Govr & Council to Appear before his Honr & att Hartford on the second Thursday in febry to give an Account of the proceedg of the Town at ye Townmeetting for ye Choice of Town officers upon the Coplaint of Capt Rogers Capt R Denison & 24 others in al 26. JI was also Cited to have Evidences Taken before Justice Backus at Samll Danieles’s & a great Number of the Town to hear Evidences taken before Juctice Backus & also to take Evidences which did to ye Number 11. I pd him 5s 6d & Expences 2s 6d. feb Wednsd .t. fair. I was at home al day. Thursd 2 fair. I went to Stonington & Johns Horse. I Lay at Robt Burrows’s. agreed with him to take Cydar for what he owed me at tos p bb. fryd 3 fair. wee killed & dressd 5 of the best Sheep. I lodged at Gershoms. Saturd 4 Stormy. it Snowed most of ye Jast night & all day & at night. I came away at night & I lodged at Philip Bills. Expences 3s 6d pd. Sund 5 fair but windy. 64. stayed all day at Bills left my Baggs & came home. Mond 6 fair in ye foren aftern Some Snow. I was about Town preparing to go to Hartford. Jno came home & brot 6 Sheep 4. 3 Sold by the [ ]. Tuesd 7 fair. I Set out for Hartford. very Cold. I lodged at Colchester at Kellogs. ye Court Sat by adjournment. Wednsd 8 fair & very Cold. I Set out for Hartford with Solomon Coit & got over at Keeneys ferry by Sundown. I Lodged at Williamsons. Thursd 9 fair till night yn Snow. the Govr & Council Sat & wee were heard in our pleas Respecting ye Disorders Complained of at our Townmeetting on ye 26th & 27th days of December last & Mr Coit got Mr Farnsworth to plead his Case for him but ye Govr & Council gave Judge- ment in my favor & ordered Me Costs wch was allowed to be £3 & Sd Coit paid itt down. fryday roth Snow last night & most of ye day. I was getting Coppyss. I Supt att ye Govrs & Lodged at Ms Lords. very Cold. Saturd 11 fair & very Cold. I was at Hartford all day. I lodged at the Tresurers & was there till Mond. Sund 12 fair & Cold. I went to hear Mr Buckingham al day. Mond 13 fair & more Moderate. I Set out for home. I lodged at Thos Hollisters in Glassenbury. old Mr Gardiener & Cary Latham wth me. Tuesd 14 fair. wee came to Colchester & went to see ye Ironworks. & Lodged at Kellogs. Wednsd 15 itt Rained hard most of ye day & carryed away most of ye Snow. Thursd 16 fair. wee came home a little before night. I pd Mr Picket £3 14s 3d yt I brot from Hartford. Last Sabath Mr Adams Babtized 4 Children Jno Adams’ Joseph Thos Fos- dycks Kathrene, Edwd Robinsons Ann Nathanael Hempsteads Nathanael. 173] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 181 fryd 17th fair till night & yn Thundr & Rain. I Lodged at Mr Winthrops. Saturd 18 fair & pleasant. I was at home & about Town al day. Sund 19 Snow Rain. 4d. Mr A. pr al d. Ja Rogers Junr a Son Babtized Ichabod. Mond 20 fair. I was in Town. I pd. Ms Christophers 4os. Braddicks Sloop Sayled about 9 or 10 Clock. Stephen is gone in her bound for Mertineco. Wind N W. ‘Tuesd 21 Rain. I went with Mr Adams over to Stonington in order to go to ye ordination of Mr Russell. it Rained hard. wee got to Mr Wheelers & Lodged their. the wind blew hard at N. E (al day & night) or more Easterly. Wednsd 22 Stormy Rain al day & Stormy. Mr Ebe Russell was ordained. his father pr. & Mr Adams gave him his Charge. wee Supt at ye Widow Hewits & lodged at Israels. the wind came about S. W about 7 or 8 Clock. it blew very hard & held at night. Thursd 23 fair & windy very high. Westerly or W. N. W. wee Dined at Capt Fishes Lodged at Mr Mumfords. old Ms Chester about 70 years of age was buried at N. L. fryd 24 fair & Windy Westerly & N. W. Mr Adams & I came over a little before night. Saturd 25 fair & Windy S. W. I was at home al day. Sund 26 fair & Wind N—Mr ad pr. al d. a Sacramt d. Jno Eams Junr having been left to Comitt fornication wth his now wife before their marriage made an open & publick confession of his fault &c. Mond 27 fair. I got over 13 young Cattle over the ferry. Nathll & Jno helpt. wee had Mr Picketts Scow almost $ day. I came back in ye ferry boat no horse. Samll Richds brot the Powder he borrowd of ye Town. it was 8tb & now is 73. Tuesd 28 fair. I went over ye ferry & Jno. 2 horses to look up ye Cattle & drive thm to the farm. I went with John to Starkes & came back to assist on an Arbitration between Majr Merriot & Doctr Acourt &c. In the aftern I was at Madm Winthrops writing a Lease for fishers Island. Mar .1. Wednsd fair. N—I was all day at Madm Winthrops writing Leases &c. Thursd 2d fair till night & thn Snow. In the foren I was help- ing John Load up Some Hay to Cart for Ms Christophers. aftern I was with the Committee for ye proprieters yt Sold ye Land to Sampson Haughton (vizt) Lattemer Chapman & Prenttis accommodating the Difference between them & Ms Knight wch wee at Last Effected & wee all advanced 7s 6d a peice toward the Accommodation & Sampson pd 5 more. fryd 3 it Snowed most of the day. I was at home al day. Saturd 4 fair & Cold Windy N. W. I was at home al day. Green Sayled for Barbados. Sund 5 fair Mr adams pr. al day—I was at meeting all day. Mond 6 fair. I went to the farm & Lodged at Mr Wheelers. Tuesd 7 fair. I drove my 7 Cattle & Stagg (wch I Sold Capt Babcock) to his farm & dd them their. Mr William Wheeler helpt me with them. I Lodged at Mr Rossiters. Wednsd 8th Rainy. I was about Stonington al day. I Lodged at Mr Wheelers. Thursd oth fair & Windy. I came home at night. I was at the ferry most of the day So very windy I could not get over. I was on the Arbitration between Majr Merriot & Doctor Acourts Administrators. I Recd 10s & 10s more to come. I brot home al the Wooll from Wid Bennats. fryd t1oth fair. I was in Town all day writing for Mr Hallam &c. Saturd 11 fair till night & yn Rain. I was at home al day. Sund 12 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. Danll Squires of Norwich & Mary Manwaring Publisht. Mond 13 Rainy. I was at home al day marking gravestones. Tuesd 14 fair. I went with Mr adams to See Will Hatch & Moses Fergo Junr. I wrote Ms Pyans will. Wednsd 15 Cold & Windy fair. I was in Town & about home al day. Martha Harris came to work. Thursd 16 fair. I was at home Cutting gr stones & yesterday for Ms Arnold & Wm Davise. fryd 17 fair. I was in Town most of ve day. I Set up 2 pr gravestones for Ms Arnold & 1 for Wm Davise. I 182 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1729 Divided the fence between Mr Adams & Mr Winthrop. Saturd 18 Rainy. I went with Brother Plumb to uncle Wallers & John Moor to write Deeds for them. Sund 1g fair. Mr ad. pr. all day. Mond 2oth. I was at home al day. wee killed our 2 Swine I had of Mr Bill. I weighed one of them alive he weighed 188tb and ye Blood was 5ib & yet he weighed 1871b after he was dead hair and all. and when ye gutts was out 153 the other 120. Tuesd .21. fair. I was at home al day. I Cut up & Salted my Pork. Wednsd 22 fair & windy. I was in Town in order to go over the ferry, but being windy I Returned home & blacked 6 pr gr stones & leveled the Garden & yard. I Let Capt Tinney have my black mare to Saybrook for 5s od & to Return her well. Thursd 23 drisley. I was at home most of the d. fryd 24 fair. I was in Town al day. Geo Philips Sayled for Barbados. The Selectmen met have ordered that al persons fencing in highway or Comons be ordered to Remove their fences by the 15th of april on the penalty of the law. Saturd 25 fair. Sund 26 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. Thos Stubbins & Deborah Grimes Published. Mond 27 a great Storm of Rain & wind al day. I was at home Cutting Letters & drawing of Some Cydar. I Churn’d itt. 4 bbs. a high Tide. Tuesd 28 Cloudy. the Supr Court Sat. I was at it to Serve on ye Jury. no Actions T[ ]. Wednsd 29 fair Raw Cold & cloudy. I was at Court al day. an evidence in R. Christophers Case with Andrew Davise. Thursd 30 fair. a Child of [ ] buried an Infant. I was at the Supr Court al day. I got freeholders appointed to Divide & Set out the part or Share of Land belonging to Patience & Lucy my 2 youngest Sisters accord- ing to the order of the Court of Assistance in May 1707. they are Capt Jabez Perkins Lt Samll Bishop & Mr Thos Prenttis. Wm Watkins an Irishman was Branded in ye forehead & had his Right Ear Cut of or Cropt for Burglary for breaking into Mr Chapmans house on the Sabath or lords day & Stealing a hatt Cloth’s & money to ye vallue of £22 wch he Restored & was also to pay ye Sd Lt Jere Chapman £44 he to be Sold [ J. fryd 31 fair. I went to Stonington & Lodged at Mr Williams. Saturd April .t. fair. I came back as far as Mr Mumfords & lodged their. Sund 2d fair. I was at Meeting at Groton. Mr owen pr. I came home in the Evening. Mary Chapman formerly ye wife of Jonat Fox died. hath been Blinda longtime. Mradpr. Ebe Darro & Abi Rogers published. Mond 3 Cloudy. I was about Town & at the funeral of Mary Chapman & at the Artillery. I Listed. Tuesd 4 a Storm of Rain & wind. I was at home al day. I churn’d 3 bbs Cydar ve [ ]. Wednsd 5 fair. I was at home al day. I kept house. I am much Indisposed last night & to day agueish pain in my bones & head. Thursd 6 fair. I was at home al day. Wee Leveled ye oat ground & dug up Stones on [ |x, teyd: 7%, fait, 1 was at home al day. I Sowed 3 bushlls oats at ye Lowerend Next ye path from T. Trumans to Mr Coits Hollow. we dug Some Stones & drew some off Leveled ye ground & Harrowed it. the Neck Company Trayned Chose Lt Stephen Prentts Capt in Capt [ ] Stead & Sergt Jonat Caulkings Lieutenant. Jessup Arived from Antegua. Saturd 8 fair. in the foren I Sowed 14 bushlls of oats Joyning to what I Sowed yesterd & Jno harrowed it. aftern wee went to and fetched 84 hay from Jno Bolles’s. Sund oth fair. 6d. Mr Ad. pr foren & Mr Pemberton aftern. Jos Prenttis&[ — ] Gilbert published. a warning up for freemans meetting ve 3d Tuesd Instant. Mond to fair. I was with Brother Plumb Dividing the Estate of Jno Lester decd. toward night I went to See Capt Rogers & take leave of him. Tuesd 11 fair. I was at home in the foren. aftern at the Court of Probates wth Mr Richards. Wednsd 12 fair. I was up in the north Parish to See if I could learn where the Bounds of Ms Knight’s Land is. TI bot TS bushlls 1727 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 183 hay Seed of D. Rogers. Thursd 13 fair. I-was at home al day Leveling ye ground & Sowing hay Seed. fryd 14 fair. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern at home. the young hieffer Calved. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home al day. Nathll helpt us make Stone wall about 5 lengths of fence a Cross ye Lower part of ye upper end of the orchard from the South East Cornner westward Joyned the wall that was made before at a flat Stone Set up Edge ways near ye Oak Tree. Sund 16 fair. Mr Adams pr. al day. a Warning is up for freemans meetting. Mond 17 fair. I was at home all day Mend- ing the Stone wall & drawing Stones. Tuesd 18 fair. in the foren I fetcht 200 hay from Mr Chapmans pasture. Nathanael & Jno finished plowing the old ground for planting. aftern I made up a peice of Stonewall at the barbery bush Stopt up the gap where the Bars was. Wednsd Ig fair. a Genll fast through the governmt. Mr ad. pr. al. d. an Infant of S. Richds died. Thursd 2oth fair. in ye morning I mended my plow & thn I left Nathll to help break up along by the Stonewall at ye upper End as low down as the Cross fence. I was Sent for to Ms Winthrops to go to the Island & Recieve ye Stock but ye wind & Tide not Suiting Peter Willms did not go. fryday 21. fair. I went to the Island & we drove it & got up the Sheep. Saturd 22 fair. wee drove the Island again, wee drove out the Sheep & Stock of Cattle & Horse kine & I gave her a Rectt. Sund 23 fair most of the day. Rain at night. aSacramt day. Mr ad. pr. al day. I came home in ye morn with Samll Rogers. P. Plumb & Lt Harris took into ye Church. David Minerd a Daughter Babtizd Sarah. Mond 24 Rain Last night & ys morn, aftern fair. a Trayning day. the first & Second Company. Capt Lattimer Laid Down his Commission & Lt Richd Douglass was Chosen in his Room & Ensn Hough Chose Lt & Clerk Danll Coit Ensign & Son Nathanael Clerk & Corpll Jno Griffing Sergeant in his Room & our Com- pany have Chose Jno Morgan Sergeant & Jos Chapell & Jno Plumb Corplls. Benja Lester Died. Tuesd 25 fair. a freemans meeting. I was Chose ye first Deputy & Mr Picket the second. Benja Lester was buried. Wednsd 26 fair. in ye foren I was about Town. aftern I went to the farm. I Lodged at Mr Williams’s. Thursd 27 Rainy. I was at Stonington all day. I Lodged at Capt Cheesbroughs. fryd 28 Misty in ye foren. aftern fair. I mended up Some fence & came home. I went to Justice Averys to get him to Apoint a freeholders Court for Ms Knight &c. Saturd 29 fair. I went to fishers Island with Peter Williams & Ms Havens to Receive the Swine & 5 yr old Steers &c for Ms Winthrop. Sund 30 fair. Ms Havens moved off Fishers Island & al her Children & Servts. I came over to Mistick with ym in Peter Williams. they went in their own Boat & Ashcraft to Narha- ganset & I came over the ferry to ye after noon Meeting. Mr Owen pr all day. Mr Adams is gone to Groton. Sacramt their. May .1. Mond fair. I was about Town & at ye Artillery. I Recd the Contribution of Mr Green £11 14s 2d & dd it to Mr Adams .5. Sabaths Con- tribution in all ths Quarter of a year £29 7s 2d. Tuesd 2 fair. I was most of the day at the Wid. Douglasses about Mamacock Att Stonington. their is I Red 2 year old hiefer a Star in the forehead white back Rump & Tayle .1. Brindleish or dark Red 2 thr Ditto white Tayle & belly & a Star both bot of Steward .1. 2 yr Steer well grown Black & a white Tayle & belly. 1 Do Brindleish or dark Muddy Red & Small .1. 3 yr Do Red white on ye belly & Inside ye hind Leg & Tip of the Tayle 1 Do pale Red white back & belly & Tayle in all Six .4. 2 yr & 2.3 yr old. Wednsd 3 fair. I was about Town foren. I bot 1 pr Black Worsted Stockings of St. Dart for tos. I went to Stonington & Jno before. I Lodged at Gershoms. Thursd 4 fair. I was at Stonington marking & gelding Lambs &c daging Sheep aftern. Crop of 184 Diary of Joshua Hempstead (1999 Lambs about 40 about 1. to 3 Sheep Many Sheep Wa[__]._fryd 5 & Saturd 6 fair. I was Looking Sheep picking up Stones &c. John Sick these 2 days. Sund 7. I came home at night was at Meetting at Groton al day. Mr ad. N.L. Ann Gough made an open & Publick Confession of her fault in having a Child too Soon & had her 3 Children babtized Ann. Rebeckah. Wm. Jno Plumb one John. Jonat Daniels 2 Thankfull & ————-. Mond 8 fair. Mumford come in fro Barbados. 1 was with Capt Star Capt Latham & Mr Ebe Avery freeholders & Capt Lattimer a Settling the Bounds of Ms Knights Land at Cold Spring hill—wch was formerly Comstock. the N W Cornner is Peter Wickwires S. W & ye S W Cornner is by Sawmill brook a Southerly line an Ash marked on ye North Side of a peice of Intervail & a Small Run of water. Tuesd .9. Some Rain. I was about Town aftern. Wednsd 10 Some Rain. Set out for Hartford on my young mare to go to ye Election about 11 Clock Mr Picket & Starr. wee Lodged at Holisters. Thursd 11. wee got into Hartford timely & attended ye Election. Capt Ozias Pittkin a New Magestrate in ye Room of Capt Wakeman decd. I took up my Lodging at old Ms Whitings & was their till Saturday the 27th. Saturd Rain. Old Mr Woodbridge pr. the Election Sermon. Sund 14. I was at meeting the old meeting house foren. at Mr Buckinghams aftern. fair this week. Saturd 20. I went to Simsbury with Capt Adams & Lt Griswold. I Lodged at Uncle Cornish. Sund .21. I was at meeting at Simsbury. Mr. Woodbridge pr. 6 Children Babtized. Mond 22d fair. I took the oath of Justice of ye peace before ye Govr 26th day. I came to court & attended it Every day till wee Rose which was fryd. night. Thursd. I was most of the day geting Scarves & gloves &c & ordering the funeral of the Worshipful Hezekiah Brainard Esqr the 8th Assistant. he died at the Secretarys Taken Sick on Thursd Evening last & died Wednsd Noon ye same day & time tht he was 46 years of age. Saturd morning I pd Ms Whiting 31s 6d & ye Wech 1s & for keeping my mare to Bunts 2s 6d p week & all my Expence in going Coming & their is £5 8s 6d—£2 7s 11d—£3 os 7d. I Recd School mony £33 13s od Jno Rogers £20 Pickets Sallery 63s 6d & mine 108s 6d. I brot down £7 17s od for Jno Richards from Sheriff Backus weh I have dd him. I had no Company down but Ann Latimer got home near 11 Clock at night. old Mr Boles aged 84 was buried ys day. died yesterday Sick but 3 or 4 days. Sund 28 fair. Mr Adams pr all day. Joseph Caulking a Son Babtized David. Jno Boles Junr & Lydia Star was published. Mond 29 Some Rain. I was in Town Most of ye day. Capt Douglass Trayned. Tuesd 30 fair. Iwas in Town Most of the day on Thos Williams Accot to Interceed with Madm Winthrop to Stay Execution & did it for 1 month—he to pay the Interest. I pd Mr Picket his Salery £3 3s 6d. Wednsd 31 fair. I went to ye farm & John to get up the Sheep. I went to Capt James Babcocks & Lodged their. I pd him £16 5s od on the Bal- lance of all Accots & took up my Bond of £45 about the Sheep. I borrowed £10 of the County Money in my hands. Thursd June .1. fair. I came fro Capt Babcocks & Lodged & Mr Wheelers. fryd 2 Rain moderately & Soaking. TI was Mending Shoes at S. Williamss most of the Day. Black Mare took Horse Mr Wheelers Stallion. Saturd 3d fair. I gott young Crery & 3 Indians to Washing my Sheep. | pd them 5s & ye boys 6d. I came home at night. The Lame mare folded a mare Colt about ye roth of May. Sund 4 fair. a Sacramt day. mr ad. d. Samll Latimer a Son Babtized Samll. an Infant of Samll Tinkers buried. Mond.5. fair. I went to the farm was looking up Sheep. I lodged at Mr William Wheelers. a Smart Thunder Shower at night. Tuesd 6 fair. I was mending fence about ye old Orchard & looking Sheep till night. 1727 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 185 I went to Mr Ashbys & lodged their. Wednsd 7 fair. I came home in ye morn & back to Stonington at night. I lodged at Mr Adam Gallups. Thursd 8a Misty morn. I wrote a power of Attorney for ye 3 Mr Gallups & Acknowledged it Gratis. wee Sheered grt part of our Sheep. Stephen Benet & young Gershom & John Each about 4 day & daniel Bennet. Rain at night. fryd g Some Rain. wee Markt & gelt the Rest of our Lambs in al about 10. I lodged at Mr Wheelers. Saturd 10 fair in ye Morn. I went to Capt Cheesbroughs & gave him his Oath & came back. Jno finished Sheering al at home but one 122 wee put [ ] Weathers & dry Ews to fat in the orchard. I lodged at Mr Wheelers. Sund 11 fair & hot. I was at meeting in ye Uper Society heard Mr Russel. lodged at [ Jj. Mond 12 fair & hot. I came home on Arbitration between Jno Hough & Doctor Acourts Administrators. Jno Richards & Jonat Chester. Tuesd 13 fair. the C Court Sat. I was at it on Cary Clerks accot. Wednsd 14 fair & hot. I was at Court al day on C. Clerks accot as yesterday. Thursd 15 fair. I was at Court al day Thos Latham Nathanael & Thos Smith. fryd 16 fair. I was at Court al day Waiting & 3 Wittnesses as above. Stephen is come home last night. in ye aftern I was at Court &c. Burrows from Mer- tineco came up aftern all well—2 days passage. Saturd 17 fair. I was at Court al day Waiting & 3 Wittnesses. Sund 18 fair. 6d. Mr adams pr. al day. Samll Griffing & Ann Avery Thos Chapman and [ | Darte pub- lished. Mond ig fair. I was at Court al day & 3 wittness’s on Clarks Accot. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at Court all day & 3 wittness’s. Judgmt given for Clark at night for Cost. Wednsd 21 drisley Some Small Showers. I was on an Arbitration between Lt Harris & Lt Bradford in ye foren. aftern at Court. I got Bills of Cost Taxed for Cary Clark agst Wm Rogers £2 17s 8d in Each Action. I Recd my Wages of Harris, & 3s for Joshua Bill. Wm Rogers hath Reviewed. I pd J. Bill. Thursd 22. I was at Court most of ye day. Doctor Roberts was convicted by Jury of being in the Naked bed with Eliza Kelsey wife of Hezekiah Kelsey of Killingworth & both whipt 20 Stripes. ye Court hath pd Capt Lattimer Mr Chapman & Mr Prentts & my Self 14s 6d a peice for wt wee pd and Expended in Acomodating the difference between Ms Knight & Sampson Haughton. I Let my Horse go with ye Post to Saybrook ferry to carry a Criple begger. he prom- ised to bring him back. fryd 23 fair & hot. a Smart Thunder Shower at night. I went to Saybrook ferry to fetch my Horse. the Cripple left him there. he mist his way in going & ye post came away without him &c. Sund 24 fair. I was at home foren. afternoon I was in Town & at the funeral of old Ms Latham died yesterday. I Bought Cherry derry to make me 2 p breeches of Mr Robinson. I pd him 12 & 8 for lining. Stephen is Shipt on bord Jessup for Antegua 75 p. I pd old Ms Christophers what is due & over pd gs & Sund 25 fair. Mr Ad. pr. foren & Mr Treat in ye aftern. Wm Root & Judith Warden pub. Ebe Fox a Child babtized Nathan. Jessup Sayled for Antegua. Mond 26 fair. I went to Stonington to Assist Capt Brewster, Capt Star & Jno Richards freeholders in Settling ye bounds of the Ministry Land. I Lodged at Capt Cheesbroughs. he pd me Ios. Tuesd 27 fair & hot. I was at Capt Cheesbroughs foren. aftern at the funeral of old Ms Lambert. Samuel Latimers Child died a Son about 1 month old. Wednsd 28 fair. I lodged at Capt Minors last night. I was looking for Sheep al d. I lodged at Mr Wheelers carryed my lame Mare there & left her to go to horse with his young Stallion. Thursd 29 Rain. I came home at night in ye Rain. Nathll hath been Mowing. fryd 30 fair. I was at home al day. Eliz Edgcumbe making Ozenbrig Breeches & Cherry derry. Nathanael a Mowing. 186 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1727 Saturd July .1. fair. I was at home al d. mending fence &c. Nathll Raking about 50 Cocks. Eliz Edgcumbe 4 day finisht 2 prs Ozenbriggs Breeches. Sund 2 fair & hot. Mr ad pr al day. Mond 3d fair & hot. I was at home till aftern. I went to ye Artillery & to get the Contribution of Deacon Green & caryed it to Mr Adams of 5 days & it was £10 11s 6d. | Recd of Deacon Plumb School money 13—Tuesd 4 fair & Hot. I was at home al day. wee made 1 Stack. the School Comittee pd Mr Miller his Sallery & wee Recd £42 os od off Mr Picket the Interest of School Land money & yt was part. Wednsd 5 fair. In the foren I was about home. I fetcht home the oxen & cart from Madm Winthrops. aftern I fetched a bb Cydar from Samll Foxes wch I bot for 12s down. I brot home Wood & Stack poles. Thursd6 fair. I was at home al day. I Recd of Samll Knight of Colchester 21s 6d for the Rent of Charles Hills Medow & have Let it out this year to John Chapman Junr for 10s. fryd 7 fair. I was al day helping draw up ye Courthouse Step Stones & Tombstones for Richard Christophers Esqr .2. Lo[ad] & 4 was for vm in all 11. L[oad]. Saturd 8th fair. I was at home al day picking dock in Smiths Lot & St[ |] home. Wait Wright helpt Nath mow Smiths lot in ye foren. Sundog fair. 6d. Mr adams pr al day. Mond ro fair & hot. I was al day with the Selectmen & proprietors perpa[ ] & pulling down fence Set on the Commons by John Rogers Northward of Jonas Hamiltons & Southward of of Land yt was John Samp- sons & Eastward of the Road to norwich. Tuesd 11 fair. I was at home al day. we Stackt ye hay in Smiths Lot. Wednsd 12 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went to Mr Mumfords wth Madm Winthrop. Thursd 13 fair. wee went to see Capt Fish & Mr Ashby & Returned att night. fryd 14 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at Lecture & in Town. I dd to old Mr Hartshorn 624 of wool. I am to send it up to Norwich to Whittneys. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home al day. wee Raked & Stacked ye Oats about 3 Load. Thos Truman & Mentis helpt cary Cocks. I & Nathy Stackt. Sund 16 fair. 6d & 6d. Sacramt day. mr ad. pr. al d a Child of Jer Congdons Junr Died. Mond 17 fair. I was at home al day. wee made a Small Stack at ye upper End Lot. Congdons Child buried. Tuesd 18 Rain in ye foren & Some last night but Moderately. I was home ald. Wednsd 19 fair till Evening & yn a Thundr Shower. I was at home alday. Thursd 20 fair. Iwas about home & in Town al day. fryd ar fair. In the forepart of ye day I was writing for Justice Prentts. aftern I went to Norwich & Lodged at Brother Edgcumbs. Saturd 22d Rain. in ye Midle of the day I went to Lads & Stayed till near night. JI came back to Brother Edgcumbs & Lodged their. Sund 23 Rainy. I was at Meeting. Mr Lord pr al day. Mond 24 Cloudy. I came home in ye Evening from Norwich. Tuesd 25 fair. I was at home & about Town ali day. Wednsd 26 fair. I was at home most of ye day. I went out to Stephn Prenttis Junrs to give him the Listers oath, but deferred it till he comes to Town. Thursd 27. I was at home & in Town all day. fryd 28 fair. I was at home all day. Brothr Hodsoll come. Joshua Plumbs Child died about 12 at noon & Justice Prenttis about 12 at night. Saturd 29 fair till near night a Small Thundr Shower. Thos Taylor come home. IT was at home al day Raking ye Last hay in ye lot & began to Stack. put by with the Shower wch also prevented our going to ye funeral of ye Child. Thos Taylor is come home. Sund 30 fair & very hot. mr ad. pr. al day. Jonat Prenttis Esqr was buried after meetting. C. Christophers Esqr & Mr Adams Justice Plumb my Self Dea: Green & Mr Miller Bearers & had a pr Gloves & Scarff. Wm Latham & Eliza Lester Published. Mond 31 fair & very hot. I was at home al day. 1727 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 187 Tuesd Aug. 1. fair & hot. I was at home al day. Robt & Thos Come from So-hold. Wednsd 2d fair. I was at home al day & at meeting towards night at deacon Plumbs. Thursd 3d fair hot. I was in Town most of ye day at ye Court of Probats with Capt Rogers. I carrved Jo Lesters Will & left it their. Capt Rogers dd up his administra- tion & paid me £14 7s 1d in Bills that was in his hands of yt Estate. at night I went to Stonington & Thomas. wee lodged at Mr Williams’s. fryd 4 fair & hot a Thundr Shower at night. Thos brot 3 horses to ye ferry & met his 2 Brothers & they al went to Norwich on ye East Side ye River. Saturd 5 very hot. I came home in ye morning & my 3 Sons from Norwich. aftern I brot home a Sheep I killed 12tb a quarter. old Goodee Truman aged above 80 died fryday morning & buried in ye Evening. Sund 6 fair & hot. Mr ad pr al. d. a warning up for Town & Society meetting 14th day. an Infant of Samll Daniels’s buried died yesterday. Thos Miner of Lyme & Martha Stebbins [ ] & Sarah [ ] published. Mond 7 fair & hot. I went to Colchester to Lay out Some Land for my Self & Some for Charles Hill. I Rode on my young mare Thos ye Black one & Robt ye old horse. wee all lodged at Chamberlins. Expence thr 6s 3d and at Harris’s 4s 2d. I paid it all. Tuesd 8th fair. Robt & Thos came home & left me. I went with mr Dewey to See Some land he hath norwest from the Town In order to make an Exchange but I did not like. I came back & lodged at Chamber- lins. Expence 2s 3d not pd. I overpd Justice Taintor 6d for Coppys &c. Wednsd g fair. 4 Acres. I was at paugwonk & Lt Skiner ve Surveyor. he Laid me out 8 Acres & $ of Land Joyning to my 36 near Dodges yt he Sold to Samll Fox Isaacs Son. wee moved my bounds at ye S. E Corner 23 Rod Southward & the S W Cornner 11 Rod Southward to a white oak by the hill side about 6 Rod westwd from the brook. also a highway is laid out South Side of it & North side of Charles Hills Land to ye Road & Stones Set up at Hills N E Cornner. I came from Colchester. Robt & Thos is gone home. I have not pd the Surveyor. 5s is due. I Sold my yearling Bull to Tozar for 20 down & a bushll of wheat he is to bring. the Cow hide is mine. Tubbs hath it to Tann at the halfs. Justice Smith an Aged Gent of above 80 yrs died. Thursd 10 Cloudy & Rain at night. I was at home al day. fryd 11 Cloudy. I was at home most of the day. I fetcht a load of Wood & Nathll home from our Swamp. Thos Edgcumbe come & Lodged here. Saturd 12 fair. in ye foren I measured Ebe Ways Land. aftern at home. Sund 13 fair & hot. 6d. Mr ad. pr al d. Duncan Macentosh & Wid Jemima Daniels pub. Wm Hoult a Child babtizd Rebeckah & Mr Gallup one Elizabeth. Mond 14 fair. a Thunder Shower in ye Eve. A Town & Society meetting. Tuesd 15 fair. I was at home mending fence & most of ye day. Wednsd 16 Cloudy. it Rained plentifully last night & ths morning. I was at home & at Capt Lattimers to See him who is Sick &c. Thursd 17 fair. I was at home most of ye day & to carry a Letter to Send to Mr Winthrop. fryd 18 fair. I was at home all day mending & new Setting fence Smiths Lot uper End. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home al day Mending fence Smiths Lot &c. Sund 20 fair & hot. 6d. mr adams pr al day. Samll Hough a Child Babtized Deborah. Thos[ ]& Mary [ ] published. wee have it uncertainly Reported tht Mr Winthrop is dead in London & a Confirmation of the Death of ye Late King G. of happy memory on ye 11 of June Last & ye prince proclaimed King 14 of ye Same. Mond 21. fair & hot in the forept of ye day. I was at the Court of Probates on Accot of Justice Prentts’s Will & yr all day Making Town & Society Rates & the Lists for highways. Tuesd 22d fair & hot. In the foren I was at home. aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged at Mr Wheelers. I. dd Edmunds 188 Diary of Joshua Hempstead Lee daughtr 10s I Recd of James Fanning for his Mothr. Wednsd 23 Cloudy & Rain at night. I was al day mending ye Orchard fence & putting up my Rams. I have 4 white ones & 2 black 4 more put up 2 of Gershoms & 1 of Benajahs & 1 of [ ]. Thursd 24 fair. David fish & Jno Wheeler mowed. I pd ym 4s pman. fryd 25 fair. Peter Creery & his Son mowed aforen. afternoon Raked. I lodged at Mr Wheelers 2 nights & 2 at Ger- shoms. Saturd 26 fair. Peter Crerys Son helpt me finish Raking & Stack- ing. I came home at night got to ye ferry by daylight. 6d. Sund 27 fair & hot. mradams day. Jno Colefax & Ann Lattimer published. Mond 28 fair. I was at home & to See the Salt medows & to get Danll Lester to come to morrow to Court of Probts. Tuesd 29 fair. I was in Town in ye foren in order to prove Jo Lesters Will but Danll failed coming according to promise. I was at home aftern & went to mill. Wednsd 3oth fair. | went to Stonington to get my Cydar made & mend fence. Gallop arived all well. Thursd 31 fair. an Infant of Wm Holts died ths week. fryday & Saturd. I was at ye farm mending fence fencing ye Stacks &c. I Lodged at Mr Williams’s 2 nights & 1 at Gershoms. Peter Crery Carted the Aples to Mr Wms 2 Load. I came home at night. Molly is come from Norwich to night & Ch Hill. Sept Sund3. 6d. Mr Ad.pralday. Sacramt day. a warning up for freemens meeting ye 2d Tuesday Instant. In ye Evening I went to Capt Lattimers & I Maried John Colefax to Ann Lattimer. Mond 4 fair. I was at home most of ye day new Setting Jos Trumans fence a Crose ye Swamp before my door. aftern at ye Artillery. Samll Fox died an old man about 76. Tuesd 5 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at ye funeral of Samll Fox & in Town. Geo Buttolph Arived from Mertineco all well. Wednsd 6 fair. I was about home & at ye Church meeting at Mr Davises. Thursd 7th fair. I was with Lt Butler & Jonas Green apprizing Samll Foxes Estate. fryd 8th fair & hoter yn yesterd. I was al day helping apprize &c. Saturd 9 fair & hot. _I was al day Inventoring & all of us Deacon Green & Samll Fox ye Elder. Nathll hath been these 3 days geting Timber for a house on our Island. Jer Chap- man Junr helping him. Sund ro fair. Mr ad pr al d. I was Indisposed & not to Meeting. an Irishman died at Ms Knights farm Named Erwine. Mond 11 fair. Iwas at Samll Foxes Apprizing & ye Rest £756 os od Bonds &c Silver £33 18s od as paper £67 16s od bills of Credit £57 118 od £125 7s od. (Total) £881 7s od. I was Taken Sick about ye midle of ye aftern. Ague fever flux & vomiting. Erwine buried. Tuesd 12 fair. freemens Meeting. I was Chose Deputy & R. Chris- tophers. I was at home all day much Indisposed. Wednsd 13th fair. I went to Samll Foxes to Apprize & was taken with ye Ague before noon & yn the flux vomiting & fever held me till near night & Ill all night. Thursd 14 fair. I was at home all d. Marking gravestones & pulling hopps. Mr Hobart of Glasenbury Sumoned me to Appear before the Called Genll Court to be holden at Hartford on Monday Next at .9. Clock. fryd 15 fair most of ye d. Some Small Rain. I was Confined al d. with Ague fever flux &c. Nathanael finished geting his Timber. he drew the great Timber of ye Iland yesterd & brot home one peice at night. Saturd 16 a violent Storm of Wind at N E & Rain blew down all 3 of my Perry Trees. Nathll Lopt. of the Top of ye Locust Tree before ye door to Secure ye Stock. I was at home all day Some fever much Indisposed. Sund 17 fair. I was at home al day very Il with ye flux Some fever no Ague. Mr Adams not come home from Comen[cem]ent. no Minr ye Deacons held forth. Mond 18 fair. I was at home al d. Something better. Brother T. Edg come for 1727] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 189 Molly. Tuesd 1g fair. I was al day at Samll Foxes apprizing & Lt Buttler. at night I Sent an Indian man to prison for breaking into Mr Winthrops house ye night before named Walter Weebucks. he belongs to Norwich. Wednsd 20 fair. I was at Samll Foxes Aprizing ye Land. wee finisht wt was Ready. Thursd 21 fair & hot. In ye morning I went into Town & held a Court at ye Prison house. Sentenced Water Weebucks An Indian freeman to pay a fine of ten Shill & Charges 12s. 5s to me & 7s ye keeper & to make Satisfaction in Service. his Crime was breaking into Mr Winthrops house Tuesday night last. Tallman_hath bot him for 15 days & to pay in a week— I was at Samll Foxes. Tibor Adam for i8e I pd down & gave bond for 80 to be pd ths day 12 month & ye Interest. fryd 22d fair. I was at Samil Foxes al d apprizing & Dividing. I had 3ib of honey. Saturd 23d fair. I was at Samll Foxes Dividing & writing &c. Sund 24. mrad pralday. I was at meetting taken with ye ague yn fever afterwds. Mond 25 fair. I was at Samll Foxes al day Dividing & Ms Knight died. I had my fitt their. Tuesd 26 fair. Supr Court Sat. I was at Samll Foxes till past 3 Clock. wee finished Dividing all yt could be come at. I was at ye funeral of Ms Knight & had ye ague fever vomiting at night. Wednsd 27 fair. Hodsol come fro L. Island. Adam is come_ys morn. I was Sumond to attend ye Court to give Evidence in an Action between R. Christophers & Andrew Davise & went but came home Sick before night Ague & fever. Thursd 28 Rain Windy. I took Physick & kept house all d. Ague & fever at night. fryd 29 fair. I kept house al day. Ague & fever at night. Saturd 30th fair. I kept house al day. Ague & fever at night. more moderate. Oct Sund .1. fair. Mr Ad pr al. d. Capt Robt Latimer took into ye Church. Cheesbrough Arived from Antegua 30 days al well & Jesup had Sailed 8 days before. I kept house al day. mist my fitt at night. Mond 2 Storm of Rain & wind. I kept house al d. Markt Gr Stones for Samll Fox Senr ye Junr. he hath pd Mr for ym 4os & £3 12s od for apprizing & ‘Dividing &c & all Ballanced. Tuesd 3d Some Rain foren Cloudy. I was at home al day Cutting grstones for Wm Lathams wife. Ebe Peirce here & Eliz Edgcumbe made me a Loose Red Coat by 2 Clock. he took it up at Wroes—Ad Cleaned ye Corn he Thrashed yesterd about 16 bushels. Wednsd 4 fair. I was at home foren Cutting gr Stones. after wth ye Foxes writing at Capt Buttlers. Ad carted .1. load for us foren & for Jno MonRow aftern. Saturd 5th fair. I was at home all day Cutting gr Stones Ad gathering Corn & Griffings 2 boys workt in Nathanaels Room. they finished was but 2 good Load. fryd 6 fair. I was at home all d. Cutting gr stones, Ad, Carted Corn for Wm Holt. Ebe Pierce finished work here pt of 4 days. we agreed for 15s 6d. he hath made me a Loose Red Duffels Coat & a black Calimuco Jacket & Breeches. Saturd 7 fair. I was at home all d. Cutting gr stones. Ad. wth Nath Mowing Mo. Marsh. Sund 8th fair. 1s 3d. Mrad.prald. I was at Meeting. Abigail Come home last night wth Wiggins from Oyster Ponds & So-hold. She Came from Sag to So-hold Tuesd was Sevennight. Mond 9 fair but Cloudy. a Trayn- ing day 1st & 2d Company. I was out but very weak. wee all dined at Daniel Coits. ye oficers of both Companys ye Ensn Sergt Griffin & Corpll Minor Joyned in ye Treat. Tuesd 10 fair. I went to groton wth Lt Chap- man & Harris to Divide ye Wid. thirds of Jos Lathams Estate. wee Lodged at Carys & went into ye neck—Wednsd. Wednsd 11 fair. I came home at night. Stephn is come home a foot from Boston. Jesup Sold his Sloop their. Thursd 12 fair but Rain at night. in the aftern I went into Town to write for Deacon Green & was taken IIl there. I went to Madm Win- 190 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1727 throps & Lodged there. fryd 13 fair. I was in Town in the foren. aftem at Lecture. Jno Ledger wood died at Cary Lathams at Groton. Saturd 14 fair. I was at home al day. I helpt Nathll put new R[ ] to ye Cart & Trimd Some Cask. Cuz Molly Tallmage come. Ledgerwood buried. Ad. went to Raking Salt hay on ye flats 8 Cocks. Sund 15 fair. 6d. Sacramt Day. Mr Ad. pr. foren Mr Backus aftern. Mond 16 fair. 1 Set out for New haven to ye Genll Assembly in Company with Judge Christophers & ye Sheriff & his man. wee Lodged at Buels at Killingworth. Tuesd 17 fair, wee got to Newhaven before night. I went to Ms Gaskells & wee Sent our horses to pasture. Wednsd 18 fair & Cold windy. Jno Tongues Son George died. I went to ye house of Deputies & Entered & after a while the whole house Waited on his honour ye Govr & ye D. G. & Councill & a great number of the Clergy to Proclaim ye King G. 2d. a grt number of Spectators. the Troop & Eight foot Companys in Arms. 6. of Newhaven & 2 from Millford. Major Eells Disciplined ye Regiment. ye Sheriff on horse back made procla- mation. Spake Every Sentance after ye Secretary. being done ye whole Concourse gave 3 Huzza’s & Each Company gave 3 distinct vollys & thn 3 great guns were discharged. An ox was the mean while Roasted whole by ye Commission officers. wch was Distributed to the Souldiers & a pipe of wine at ye Country Charge & at night ye Court-house Colledge & Several other houses beside ye Rectors was Illuminated. Bonfires & other Signals of Joy most of ye night. Thursd 19 fair. I was at Court but about Eleven clock I went to ye Barbers to Shave & was taken Exceeding Sick. I fainted away & yn After I came too I had ve ague & fever al day till Sunset I went home. fryd 20 fair. I was at Court &c. Saturd 21 fair. one Snow 4 Irish. I was at court foren & taken Sick had like to have fainted again wch Some percieving Raised me up & thn I vomited & grew Somewhat beeter. Mr Coit went home with me. I had a Smart Spell of vomiting & flux & ye Ague & fever after it. Sund 22 fair. I kept house. in ye foren ye Rector preached. aftern Mr Davenport. I was out. Mond 23 it Rained last night & most of the day. I was at Court al day. Tuesd 24 fair. Wednsd 25 fair. Thursd 26 fair. fryd 27 fair. the Court Rise about Eight Clock. at night I Recd my Sallery of ye Tresur £3 15s. Saturd 28 fair. I came homeward as far as Cuz Thos Lees & lodged there. Sund 29 fair. I was at Mr Gris- wolds meeting. he pr al day. I came home at night all well. [ ] Goddard a Baker & Hannah Richds published & a man & woman.......... of fishers Island. about 10 Clock at night an Earthquake Shook the houses Continued about 1 minute & half. ye Earthquake was Terrible in Boston Colony as here. An Irruption at Newbury but a Rumbling noise & trembling of the earth & all things. Mond 30. I was at home foren. aftern in Town. Tuesd 31 Snow 1 Inch $. In the foren I was at home. aftern I went over ye ferry to look for my young Cattle & got Some wheat but found none. came back at night. Ad. carted al day for D. Dishan but 3 Load. Nov. Wednsd .1. It Snowed from ye morn till near night but ye ground being warm it was not deep but about 2 Inches. Thursd 2 fair. ‘a publick Thanksgiving. most of ye Snow Consumed. fryd 3d Cloudy a little Rain. I helpt Ad. Cart 3 Ld for Ms Mayhew & 30 Cord for Capt Douglass. Thos Lee Lay here. Saturd 4 fair. In the foren I was at home mending ye Cart. I went to Madm Winthrops & I Set up grstones for Samll Fox. I went to See Wm Hatch. I brot home 3 bushll Turnips & came home a foot. Stephn Come home fro Norwich. Ad. carted 4 day 6 Ld for Ms Winthrop. Sund 5 Cloudy Some Rain. mr ad. pr. al d. [ ] Sailmaker a Child babtized Eliz. Mond 6 fair. I helpt Adam pt of ye day Cart wood for Mr Roe. Tuesd 7 fair. I was in Town most of ye day. Wednsd 8 foren Cloudy 1727 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 191 aftern Rainy & Stormy. I helpt Peter Plumb about the meeting house Windows &c. Thunder & Lightning at night. Thursd oth Cloudy Cold & Some Snow. I was at Samll Foxes apprizing. fryd 10 fair. I was in Town in ye foren to See Stephen & Molly Tallmage go on Bord Gardiener of Nantucket for East hampton. aftern ] went into ye Neck to Jos & Danll Lesters. I bot a 3 & 4} yr old hieffer of Samll Fox ye youngr for £5 & 1 34 & 1 24 of Samll ye Elder for £6 5s od. the 2 last yt are Rased I had not he fell back. Saturd 11 fair. I was at home & in Town all day. I Recd an order of Sister Hallam to Mr Ashby for £19 5s 4d. Sund 12 fair. 6d. mr Ad. pr. ald. T. Turner & Patience Boles pub. Clement Minor a Child Babtized Eliz. Richd Atwell a man about 47 died Sick 10 days. Mond 13 fair. I went to Samll Foxes & fetcht home ye Hieffer I bot yn I went to ye funeral of Richard Attwell & in the Evening ye Selectmen & I went to Mr Adams & pd him ye Interest of Livins money. Ad. workt at ye highways with ye Team. Tuesd 14 fair. I was at home al d. wee killd ye hieffer. She was 375tb & 1 Swine 108tb Spring pig. Wednsd 15 Rainy. I was at home al. d. wee Cutt up ye meat & borded ye Cart. Thursd 16 fair. I went to fishers Island in their boat. Madm Winthrop mr Wan[ton] molly & Cate Peg Jno & Bazill. Frid 17 fair. wee Rid about ye Island to ye Eastend & found things in good order. Saturd 18 a little Rain & yn fair. wee came all home by daylight. Mr Wanton killed a young Buck in the forenoon wch wee brot over. Sund 19 Rainy aftern. mr ad. pr all day. Mond 20 a Rainy aftern. I was at home & in Town al day. Tuesd a1 fair. I went to Groton to look Cattle but found none. I Lodged at Ashby’s. Wednsd 22 fair. I was at the Ordination of Mr Jno Owen at Groton. Mr ad. pr & gave ye Charge & Mr Bulkly ye Right hand of fellowship & I went to Stonington. Lodged at Mr Williams’s. I Recd of R. Burrows 20s. Thursd 23 Snow aftern 1 Inch. I came home left my Mare at ye ferry. William Hatch died yesterday buried to day. Mother is Sick. fryd 24 fair. I was at home al day. Mother Continues Sick. Mr Miller Buried. Saturd 25 Cloudy foren aftern Rain Smartly. Ad went with ye Team to fetch Nathll Wood wheel broke. I was at home most of ye day. I pd Mr Buttler 2s 8d for Mutton & Mr Wroe 6s 1d for two poringers tb. 6. nailes 4 pepper & Cup. Sund 26 fair. Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr. al day. Sims & [ ] Pitts Lawyer & B[ ] published. Jonat Tinker a Child Babtized Rhoda. an Infant of Thos Chapmans died. Mond 27 fair. I was in ye wood getting Timber to Ring Cart wheels Nathll & Ad. mr Coits Cart. Jno Bennet being Sued for 15s 2d due by Book to R. C. Esqr Judgmt by default Cost to be 6s 2d. Tuesd 28 Rainy & much at night. in ye foren I was at home Repairing Stacks fences. aftern at the C. Court Sat at Judge Chris- tophers. Wednsd 29 fair. I was at Court al day. I pd Mr Pratt 20 & Mr Thos Prentts 20s in Jno Rogers Action for his fee. Ad Carted for Ms Winthrop. Thursd 30th fair Snow. I was at Court al day—ad. Carted for Ms Winthrop. Jno Rogers a Child buried. Dec fryd .1. Misty & Cloudy it Snowd last night .1. Inch deep. I was at Court ald. Wm Rogers agreed wth me on Cary Clarks accot. I took up with gos pd down. I pd Sister Hallam £5 on Mr Ashby’s accot. Saturd 2 Raw Cold Snow at night 2. Inches or more. I was at Court al day. Sund 3 fair. 74d. Mr Lord of Norwich pr al day. Mr Ad. is thr. Ebenez Gray & Widow Mary Coit published. Mond 4 fair. Mother was taken violently with ye same pain in her Breast as She had Thursday night was Sevennight and She died Sudently with it In less yn a quarter of an hour. Born in April 1652 aged 75% almost. I only & Abigail & Eliza Edgcumbe with her about 5 Clock in ye morning. I was at home foren. aftern at 192 Diary of Joshua Hempstead bees, Court. I Sent for Brothr Thos Edgcumbe who came down & Lodged here, Tuesd .5. fair. I was at Court foren. aftern at home. wee buried mother att Sunset. Wednsd 6 fair. 1] counted mothers money. Brother Edgcumbe present. I dd him £4 & am to take ye Rent money for itt of Samll Edgcumbe, I was at Court all day. I went with the Jury to veiw John Rogers farm. Mr T. Prenttis & I pd ym & Jno Rogers 18s Extreordinary for going, Thursd 7 fair. I went in ye morn wth Justice Morgan to Jacob Waterhouses to take his Evidence in Jno Rogers Action. ye Case was pleaded. friday 8 fair. I was at Court al day. wee gain’d ye Case with Jno Rogers & got ye bill of Cost Taxed near £3 & I Lost the Case with the Beebees & a Bill of Cost Taxed for £6 odd & Iam to dd Adam or £90. Jno Rogers has appéaled & I design to Reveiw Mr Prenttis & I pd tos 5 Each to Treat ye Jury. Saturd 9 fair. I was at Court till near night. it adjourned to feb ye first Tuesday. I Recd £3 for 10 days assisting at Court. I went to Samll Foxes toward night to Apprize Some Cattle & Bords & old Mr Green. Sund 10 fair, 74. mradpr.alday. Robt Stoddar & Bathshua Rogers publisht. Mond.11. fair. I helpt about Riming one of our wheels & went wth Ad. & Team to get more Wallnut Timber. Jer C. & Nath, hewed ye fellows. Tuesd 12 fair, { was at home all day helping abt Riming ye wheels Nath. Jere. Chap & Jno Chappel &c. I went to Norwich wth John Waterman Junr & Lodged at Cuz Willm Hides. Ad. Carted 4 Ld wood for Savell. Wednsd 13 Cloudy & Some Rain. I held a Court att Mr Marshalls & Lodged at Brother Edgcumbs at night. Jno Waterman kept my Mare & pd my Expences & I took up with tos for my Journey because he Lost his case. Thursd 14 Cloudy & Some Rain. I Serched ve Records & took Some Coppies out & came home in ye Evening. it Rained all night. fryd.15 fair. the Towns- men mett in ye Evening. I was at home al day till then. Saturd 16 Snow from Noon to 8 at night Smartly. I was at home al d. Cutting gr stones for Lt Hallams Child. Rain at night. Sund 17 Cloudy & Rain. 74. mr ad. pr. al day. a Warning up for T. meeting 25th. Mond 18 fair & very Cold. 1 was at home in ye foren. aftern making up the Town & Society Accots & ye Rest of ye Townsmen. I Recd 30s tht was due last year. Tuesd 19 fair & Cold. I was most of ye day at John Edgcumbs Writing his Will. Wednsd 20 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. Thursd 21 fair & more moderate. I was in Town most of the day at Madm Winthrops &c. toward night it began to Thaw & at night Rain. wind S. W. al night. fryd 22 fair & Thawing. most of ye Snow is gone. I was al day at Dea. Greens with Braddick and Ledgard. he hath been gone 6 weeks. Saturd 23 fair Cloudy. I was at Deacon Greens al day writing for S. Foxes. I pd Ben. Andros 8 for a great Chair frame. Sund 24 fair Warm Wind S E. mr ad. pr. al day. Monday 25 Rainy. Town meetting all the Same Townsmen of us yt were in last year & Capt Lattimer in the vacancy of Capt Rogers. Tuesd 26 fair. I was al d. at Deacon Greens writing. Ad. Cart for Ste [ ]. I was In Town half day. Cold. 4 day at Dea Greens writing. Wednsd 27 fair. | went over ye River to look up my young. [ ]. Thursd 28. I Lodged at Wm Lathams. fryd 29 fair. I came home at Noon brot 4 bushlls wheat fro Capt Lathams. aftern ye Comttee to Treat with Douglas & Richds about the ministry mett & ye Selectmen. I Recd the ferry Rent &c f24. I pd my ferryage 30s. Saturd 30 fair. I was at home all dayApprizing Mothers Cloths & Mr Chapman & Wm Hoult Aprized. Sister Eliz had of mothers Cloths to the vallue of £5 14s & Sister Mary had £5 14s 6d Ld by for Sister Hannah £6 13s od in Cloths & 3s 6d Table—. Sund 31 fair. Mr Ad. pt foren & Mr [ ] aftern. 1734] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 193 17 34 January .1. Mond fair. a Townmeeting & Society meeting. C C. T, Pr & I were Chose a Comttee to Set out the ministry money & also for ye Society. wee met at night to Choose Tavernkeepers. Brother Thos Edgcumbe come. Tuesd 2 fair. In the foren I was at home & dd to Samll Edgcumbe the bed & beding & other household Stuff that Mother had to use for life amounting to about £10 & Samll & Thos Edgcumbe Sold their part of all to me for £2 14s 7d Each for wch I gave them a note of hand to be pd by the 2d of Jannext. if Eliza Edgcumbe doth not procure the money to pay me for the two thirds of Sd goods by yt time yn I am to have them without any demands & wee discharged one an other. I also have adjusted the Estate tht mother left & have pd Brother Thomas his part in full of mothrs Estate. afternoon I was in Town about the 2 Jonat Rogers’s &c. Wednsd 3 fair & Cold. about home & in town al day. Jacob Waterhouse died last night. Thursd 4 fair & very Cold. it Snowed last night 1 Inch & 4. I was at home in ye foren. aftern at the funeral of J. W. & yn in Town. I Recd 35s of Mr Davise in full for plowing &c. I bot of mr Steward 8 yds Shirting att 3s 9d & Some Thread & a mugg & 2 glasses for 30s. Ipdhim. fryd 5 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. A Carted D. Dishan 24 Cord of wood & ms Livingstone one from ye beach. Saturd 6 fair. I was at home al day about gr stones. Ad Carted for Ms Livingstone al day. Sund 7 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. an Negro Man of Justice Prentts’s Wid died. Mond 8 fair. I was at home in ye foren. aftern I was at Capt Douglass. the Civil Authority & Selectmen met with the Comittee of the Several Schools in the Town to Inquire into the State of the Respective Schools & wee have agreed to Let the farm Schools have all ye overplus money after Mr Miller is pd to the first of this Instant & £12 to the North Parish. the Remainder (for ys year) to be proportioned according to the List of Estates; & the Comittee of ye Town School to Receive all the money from the first of ys January Instant & if no School is kept thn Such to Receive no money for such time as they neglect keeping a Suciffient writing School. Tuesd 9 fair till night & yn Rain. I dd Sister Hannah Sundry of Mothers Cloths & I pd Mr Raymond £12 School money. I went to Groton & Abigail. I found my 6. young Cattel & drove them to Jasper Lathams to keep a while. Wednsd ro fair. I was at Wm Beebees mesuring his Land i day. Thursd 11 fair. I was at home al day making a Map & Cutting Letters. fryd 12 fair. I was al day at William Beebees. Saturd 13 a Storm easterly. it Snowed last night & ye forenoon 6 or 8 Inches deep & yn a little Rain & it cleared before night &c. I was at home al day. I Cut Letters & St mended Adams Shoes 4tb Sole Leather cut off the new Side, Sund 14 fair. mr Ad. pr. al d. Cof ] Wilday & Ab Crocker published. Mond 15 fair. I was al day with Ad. Cutting & Carting wood off the Iland. Tuesd 16 fair. I was al day at Daniel Shaplys hearing the two Jonat Rogers’s Storys about an Arbitration. J: Richds & Shaply &c arbitrators. Wednsd 17 fair & very Cold. I was at home al d. Cutting Letters. Thursd 18 fair & Exeeding Cold. I was at home al day hewing & fitting in a post or Supporter under the Mantletree. Saturd 20 fair & more moderate. [ ] C an Infant buried Still born. the River is froze over yt people pass on ye Ice ys 2 or 3 days above Mr Winthrops point. I was at home al day. I finished ye Supporter or pillar under the Mantle tree. Ad cut wood on the Island. Sund 21. 6d. Mr ad. pr al. d. Some Snow an Inch. Samll Leach & Ann Minor of Lyme pub. Samll Griffing Jos. Truman Junr & Will Douglass took in to the Church. Mond 22 fair. I was in Town aftern 14 194 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [173% assisting Samll Fox &c. Capt Ball Sayled for Lisbourne Come too below, Tuesd 23 fair & Cold. I was with Mr J. Green at Samll Foxes & West- coats all day apprizing. Nathanael Stephen & Abigail went to Groton on the Ice. Horses have gone over ys day. Wednsd 24 fair & very cold. I was on the Island wth Nathll & adam cutting wood. Thursd 25 fair. I was on ye Island Cutting & Sleading wood Nath & Ad. fryd 26 Snowy all d. I was at home al d. N & Wife & Children here. Saturd 27 4 inches Snow & Some Rain. I was at home ald. Nathll wife & Childn here till evening. I Lent Ms Winthrop 1 bush Wht meal 41tb. Sund 28 fair. 6d. mr ad pr al day. Mond 29 fair. I was Cutting Wood on my Iland. Nath Sleaded 1 Load to his house & Ad .1. to Capt Buttlers. Tuesd 30 fair. I was on the Island all day & Ad Cutting. wee finisht Cutting all the Tops of Trees yt Nathll fell in getting the Timber for his house. Nathll Sleaded 3 Ld to day 1 for himself or for Merrills 1. to Capt Buttlers & 1 for me. home at night. I Recd the Contribution Money of Dea Green £11 3s 2d & pd itt to Mr Adams. thr is Some broken money yet not accounted for. Mr ad had before of the Contribution ys yr past £95 8s 2d in all £106 11s 4d & £36 Interest money & wch makes his Sallery ys yr beside Rents & £106 11s 4d and £36— total £142 118 4d. Wednsd 31. it Snowed last night & Rain. feb Thursd :1: fair & warm. I was in Town all day. very Sloppy. Adam Sleaded Wood of off the Island all yt was yr & brot home 1 Ld. fryday 2 fair & Cold. a Lecture aftern. an Infant of Daniel Lesters was buried. Saturd 3 fair. I went with Ad & ye Team & drew wood off ye Tland & 1 Slead Ld home. Sund 4 Snowy. a Sacramt Day. Mr Ad. pr al day. Stephn Harris published to Hannah Chalker. Mond 5 Snow by Turns al day. I was at home al. Ad. Sld. 1 Ld for Capt Buttler. Tuesd 6 fair & Cold. C Court Sat by Adjournmt. I was in Town al day. Ad. Sleaded 2 Load 1 for Ms Hallam & 1 for Mr Stuart. Wednsd 7 very Cold. I was at home most of ye day. Nath Sld 2 Ld for DS &J.P. Thursd 8 fair S wind Snow at nt 3 Inches. I went to Groton & got Ensn Wm Morgan to keep my 6 young Cattle till Mayday for tos p head. Ab- went over. I came back left mare With Mr Willm Latham. Ad Sleded 1 Ld to Capt Buttler & Nathll 1 for him. fryday 9 fair most of ye day Some Snow Showers. I was at Court al day. Ad. Sld 9 Load for Capt B & 1 for Couch. Charles Hains presented for fighting wth an Norwich man. Wm Douglass & Wm Holt Junr & Ja Rogers & Beak Wittnesses. Saturd 10 fair & moderate. I was at Court Attending & assisting. I went to Groton & fetched home my mare from Capt Lathams after Court. Ad Sld 2 Ld W to Mullins & 1 for Stuart. Sund ir fair. 6d. mr Ad prall day. Mond 12 fair and moderate. I was at Court al day assisting. Ad Sleaded 2 Ld for N. 1 for Mullins & 1 for Merrills. Charles Hains pd me ros as a fine for Swaring. Tuesd 13 Warm fair Thawing. I was at Court all day. it finished. I Recd 18s for my time. Ad Sleaded 2 Ld 1 for me to Sister Hallam & 1 for Nathll home. Wednsd rq fair & warm the Snow Runs like brooks. I was on the Island wth Ad. wee drew off Logs & wood. Wm Harris’s wife buried died yesterday. Thursd 15 fair till night & yn Snow. I went to Groton. I pd Jasper Latham 30s for keeping 6 Cattle 1 month. I Lodged at Mr Mumfords. fryday 16 Rainy al d. I Stayd all day at mr Mumfords. Saturd 17 Rainy. I came home. Sund 18 fair. Mr ad pr. al d. Wid Mary Coit & Grace Rogers took into the Church & Lt Hallam a Son babtizd Edward. Mond 19. I was at home al day. Ad & Tom Hill Thrasht oats. In the Evening I was with ye Selectmen & others at Mr Pickets to Consider Some way to Improve the Commons. Tuesd 20 fair. T was at home al day. Ad & Tom finisht Thrashing & winnowed the oats 1735 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 195 but about 20 bushels. Wednsd 21 Snow last night & today. I was at home al day. in ye Eve about ye Comons at T. Prenttis’s. Thursd 22 grt Storm fair. in the foren I Set out for Stonington with Abigail on ye grt Mare. it began to Snow about 2 of the Clock & Snowed hard al night. wee got to Mr Rossiters & Lodged thr. tryd 23 it Snowed all day very fast yt it was more yn knee deep. I Stayd by al day. Saturd 24 fair. I went up to Mr Wheelers & then to Gersh Holdridges & lodgd thr. I Stayed at Stonington till Saturday Looking after my Sheep & I came home at Night brot ye black mare. a yearling Steer hath been dropt in ye Well in Smiths Lott dead. Nath & his Wife & Children hath been here all ys week. Stephen gone for Barbados with Ja Rogers Junr Sailed Tuesd ye 27th of Feb. Wednsd 28 Snow Some 2 Inches. Mar 3 Sunday. MrAdprald. Tom Dill & Dorothy Gibbson publisht Wiis hay ear cere eesee G26 Ruth Tilley took into the church. Mond 4. I went to Stonington Lodged at Gershoms. a Thawing day very warm. Tuesd 5. I went for Abigail to Mr Rossiters & lodged yr. Wednsd 6 fair. I came home & Ab brot home ye Lame mare & Colt. a Church meetting at night at Sister Hallams & at Capt Douglass about ye Comons. it hath been Cold fair Wether mostly since ys month Entered. Thursd 7 fair & pleasant. I was at home al d. att night wth the Comittee for the Comons. fryd 8 fair. I went to Stonington & Stayd at Gershoms. Sund gth. I was at Meeting at Stonington. Lodged at Mr Rossiters. Mond 10. was at Capt Cheesbroughs & back to Gershoms. I Stayd yr 4 nights. I have been cleaning ye bogg & Medow Mending fence parting my Sheep turnd out the Strong ones Left 32 Weak ones in ye 2 pastures. I pickt of ye wool off 14 & 3 more dead at home & 2 at Nehemiah Wms brousing place. 8 have died about Bennets wth Shepard & 2 at Mr E Wms 1 at Capt Wms. they pickt 4 at Whites wch Gershom pickt & had ye wool. 7 died in the Ledge near Widgers wch the Hogs Eat & 1 at the House in al 42 of wch 3 is Capt Wms. the Rest are all mine. I have lost 39 & 1 at Mr Wheelers is 40 thr I know of. I have had but 115 up ys yr besides ym 17 yt have died at home & near a dozn of thm are Strays. I came home Saturday 16. it Raind thn I met Robt & John at the ferry. they came over yesterday. Buttolph & Jno Brad- dick Sayled last Tuesd. Sund 17 Rainy al day & last night. Mr ad. pr. al day. Jno Colefax & his wife made an open confession of their fault for having a Child too Soon & had it Babtizd George. Joseph Waterhouse took into the church. Mond 18 fair & Cold. I was at home al day pruning the Nursery &c. Tuesd 19 fair. I was at home & in Town & helping Nathll fetch .1. Ld of Timber. Wednsd 20 fair. I was at home al day. I drew off 2 bbs $ Cydar & Churnd itt. Thursd 21 fair. I Sent by Robt 4 bb Rum gage uncertain 20 Inches & 4 gagewise wants 2 Inches of being full. I got it filled up at Mr Ledgyards 3 qrts & better. I went to Stonington & caryed 2 bushel of oats & yn to Capt Morgans & lodged yr. fryd 22 fair. I went with Justice Morgan to Richard Packer & Samll & yn wrote their Evidence & Swore ym Relating to ye bound of Packers farm & wee came away & Lodged at Mr Ebe Williams’s. I pickt ye 2 Sheep att Nehemiahs. 1 more hath died in ye orchard. Saturd 23 fair. I went with Justice Morgan to John Gallup. Wrote his Evidence & Dea. Manaseh Minors & Swore them & came home by Burrows’s ferry. I brot the wool of 5 or 6 Sheep. Sund 24 fair. mrad. pral day. Micael Hewin a Son Babtized Edward. Mond 2s. I was at the Proprietors meeting & Chosen moderator. wee voted to Settle ye Comons. Tuesd 26. I was at home al day helping Nath get his Timber on & off Sawprt & mending fence covering over where the hogs Rooted. Wednsd 27 Rainy in foren aftern fair. I was at home forenoon. aftern at 196 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1728 Court. Ad4d Wm Holt. Thursd 28 fair. I was att Court all day on R: Allyns Case. Ad. Carted for W. Holt. fryd 29 fair. I was at Court &€ assisting Madm Winthrop making up the Accots of fishers Island wth Havens. Saturd 30 fair. I was at Court al day. Sund 31 fair. 6d. Mr ad. pr. al day. Charles Haines & Lydia Tabor publisht. Mond April .1. fair. I was at home al d. I Set out Some Aple Trees in Smiths Lot [ ] the hil [ ]. Tuesd 2d fair. I was at Cary Lathams Dividing the Real Estate & Mr Chapman. Wednsd 3d fair. I was at Groton wth Mr Chapman & Harris Dividing Lathams Estate. Ad. Plowd for J. Truman. Thursd 4 fair. I was att home al day Breaking up. Ad. & Ben Trumn Drove. I held. I had Mr Coits Steers. I Plowed al between the Island of Rocks at ye S W Cornr of ys land & the Bushes & 10 foot Eastward at ye St E. Corner & home to flags & brook. fryd 5 fair. I was at home al d. helping Nathll about Enlarging the Garden on ye back Side the house by the Wall & Seting out peach Trees their. I went into Town to discours wth Jno Coit about the ferry Wharfe &c. Saturd 6 fair. In the foren I was helping Let out the Town or ferry Wharfe. aftern I Set out Apletrees on the hill in Smiths Lot. Ad. W: Hoult. Sund 7 Some Rain & a Storm at night. mr ad. pr al d. Jno Savel took into ye Church & Jno Monroe a Son Babtizd Joshua. Mond 8 fair. I was at home foren. aftern the Proprietors Comttee met at the Court house to Receive Claims & at night ye Selectmen to Agree about T Wharf. Ad Carted 3 Ld for Hobard & 1 Ld Loom for Steward. Tuesd g fair. I was at Wm Beebees Dividing his land. Ad 3 Ld Loom for Steward & 2 Ld Dung for Sister mary. Wednsd to fair. I was at Jos. Lesters measuring Land Isaac & Jo & Tim. Wm Holt Raised. Thursd 11 fair. I was at home al. d. Making a platt of Jo Lesters Land. Adm Sick al day. Fryd 12. I help ad Plow in ye foren for T. Fosdyck. aftern at Jo. Lesters. Saturd 13 Rainy & Stormy al d. I was at home all day Writing &c. Sund 14 fair Cloudy Cold & Windy. Mr Ad pr. al day. a Child of Allin Mullins buried about 4 yr old. died at Groton. a Warning for freemans meeting 30h. day. Mond 15 fair. I was at home al day writing &c. Ad carted 2 Ld Loom & 1 Ld Timbr. in the Evening the Townsmen agreed with Jno Hough & Coit to build T. Wharf £130. Tuesd 16 fair. J was at home most of the day writing & other things. Ad Carted out Some dung & fetcht Mulch into the yard & Hay for Capt Buttolph. Wednsd 17 fair. a Genll Fast. Mr Adams pr. al. day. Thursd 18 fair. In the foren I was in Town to & Recd of Dea. Green the Contribution of this Spring & Carryed it to Mr Adms. aftern at Wm Beebees. Ad plowd at Mamacock for Wm Holt. fryd roth fair. In the foren I was at home finishing Wm Beebees & Samlls Deeds &c. aftern I was at Jo Lesters measuring &c. Ad at Mamacock. Saturd 20 fair. I was at home foren. aftern with the Townsmen at Hackleys about Mark Stephens. Sund 21 fair. 6d. a Sacramt day mr Ad. pr al day. Mond 22 fair. I was about home al day. aftern assisting in the Dividing the Estate of Mr Truman Decd between Joseph & Thomas. the Land by the waterside Josephs part is 2 Rod from T Coit & Thos part 24 Rod more next to mine Meerstones being put down in all 5 Rod long. Tuesd 23 fair. I was at home al. d. I plowed in ye foren. aftern writing for Samll Fox ye Elder. Wednsd 24 fair. I was at home Plowing & making an Axletree & in Town. Thursd 25 fair. I was with Capt Lattimer Capt Stephn Prenttis & Thomas. Wee mett at Jno Champlins & Joyned with Capt Marvin Capt Colt Messrs Thos Lee & Jno Griswold Selectmen of Lyme to Renew the Town Bounds between us. wee began att the ditch by Champlins & Ran a Ransom Line North Six degrees West in ordr to find a true line 1728] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 197 between the Sd ditch & a line Tree at ye Road by Minors. wee Ran 78 Rod to a pond & Suposed itt to be 52 Rod a Cross & yn up the hill 30 Rod toa Stake yn Same Course 80 Rod to a Stake near a brook where a Tree is blown up & thn 58 Rod to a Cheesnut Tree Standing by the path from Oliver Beckwiths on the East Side the brook. then wee left of & went & Renewed the old Bounds. first wee took notice of the gray oak by the Road & yn wee went to Look for a wallnut by Willys old Chimney but found it not & then wee went to an old Stump in Moors field wch was Somthing uncertain. Next we went to a heap of Stones above Blakes field on the West Side of a very Stony mountain & next to a high Rocky hill above ye wolf pit house & made a heap of Stones on ye Southend of itt & next to the falls 2. Rod on ye west Side a white oak Tree & Stones & yn to a heap of Stones on the hill above Capt Lattimers house & nearer to ye grt brook or bridge & yn to the Cornner Tree by a Run on ye East Side of the hill a good distance from itt. fryd 26 fair. I was at home & in Town foren. aftern in the Neck Renew- ing ye Bounds of Jo Lesters Land in the 7 teer of Lots. Ad at home Carting dung. Saturd 27 fair & Cold. I was at home al day writing &c. Ad Carted dung. Sund 28 fair. Mr ad. pr. al d. Esther Fosdyck took into the Church & Capt Buttler a Son Babtizd Jno. Mond. 29 a Storm of Rain Set in about the Midle of the foren & held all day. I was with the Towns- men at John Rogers’s to Wait on Justice Noyes of Lyme & 3 freeholders to Settle the Bounds of Jno Rogers Land. Tuesd 30th fair. I was at home in the foren finishing writing for Samll Fox. aftern at freemans Meetting. I was Chose Deputy & Solomon Coit. I dd to John Denison a Deed of 314 Acres of Land near the grt pond & took up my Bond wch I gave his wife. May .1. Wednsd fair in the foren Rain in the Aftern. I went to Nor- wich & held a Court at Thos Lothrops to punish Some Delinquents for pulling down Wm Lothrops Sawmill dam. I Lodged there. I Recd 16s 6d for my fees. Thursd 2 Rain the Morning & yn fair. I went to Brother Edgcumbs. & afterwds to Stonington. I Lodged at Mr Wheelers. fryd 3d Squally. I Looked up the Sheep & found but about 100 & no Lambs but 10 of the hogs have Eat a great many: I came home at Night & Met Mr Wheeler wth Cattle & my 4 Steers from Ensn Morgans. the 2 hieffers are dead this winter. Saturd 4 fair. I was about Town foren. aftern in the Neck with Jno Richards to See If I could Sel Jo Lesters Land. Ad Carted in Town. Sund 5 fair. Mr Adams Pr all day. Mond 6 Rainy. I was at Deacon Greens wth Samll Fox about the Inventory. Tuesd 7 Rain. In the foren I went to Widow Crossmans & to mill. afternoon in Town & at Deacon Greens about the Inventory &c. Wednsd 8 Rainy foren. I was at Mr Greens al day writing & Comparring &c. Thursd 9 fair. I Set out for Hartford to the Genll Assembly. I got no farther than Days in Colchester. (it being late wn I Set out). I Lodged there. fryday 10. fair. I Set out Early for Hartford & got up before ye Court Sat & attended the Court. I got Quarters at old Ms Whitings & put out my mare at Bu[ ]. Sund 12. I was at Mr Buckinghams Meetting all day. Sund 19 fair. I was att Meetting at Simsbury. I went up Saturd aftern. I Returned Monday morning & I attended the Court al the Week. Sund 26 fair. I was at Meetting foren at Mr Buckinghams & at aftern at Mr Woodbridges. Tuesd 28. the Genll Assembly Rose at night. Wednsd 29 fair & hot. Recd my Salary £6 & School money £27 14s od. I came to Colchester & Lodged at Chamberlins & Ms Lattimer. Thursd 30 fair. I came home by Paugwonk. very hot. I got home before night. fryd 31 fair. I was in Town & at Madm Winthrops to hear the News from Great Brittain wch is yt the King & Council hath Repealed our Law for Dividing Intestate Estates & Releiving Mr Winthrop in al grevious Judgmt. 198 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1728 Saturd June .1. fair. I Set out for Hartford on my black Mare to Cary [ ] of the King & Council to the Govr &c. I got to Holisters & Lodged their. Sund 2d fair. I was at Meetting at Glassenbury. in ye Evening I went to Hartford & dd ye Packquet to ye Governour. ye D Govr Majr Eells & Mr Standly present to. I Lodged at Messengers. Mond 3 fair. I was about Town. I Recd of Mr Green of Boston £7 old Town bills to be Exchanged wth the Tresurer. I gave him £5 in Gold I had of Stephen & 4os od. Tuesd 4. I bot. 1 bb Pork & 3 bbs Tarr of Jno Edwards Pork £5 15s od Tarr of Pyson & pd him in ye old Bills I had of Green & I pd mr Edwds for his Tarr in the Same money. I found out 2. 2s bills that were Counterfiet & 2s 6d I could not get off it was so bad. I Shipt al wth Benja Smith of Wethersfield. I went to Winsor with Jos. Cornish to See Betty. I Lodged their. Wednsd 5 fair. I came from Winsor Waited on the Govr & Secrytt & got the Packquet & my Wages for Travel & Waiting 32s 10d. I got home by day light. I overtook Capt Christophers at Col- chester. Robert is here from Southold. I. dd ye Packquett to Madam Winthrop. Thursd .6. fair. I was at home al day. Nathll Raised his House. Sister [ jren come from Norwich. it Rained at Night Some [ ]. fryd 7th fair. I was at home al day helping Nathll Leveling & moving his frame &c. Saturd 8. I was in Town to See David Pierson his Wife & Sister & to get my yearling Colt Branded with L & H. it is a Natural Pacing Mare white Slip down her face. She came of my Lame mare. Sund 9 fair. 1s od. Mr Adams pr. al day. Jos Caulkings Lydia Coit. Ruth Dishan & Mary Hempstead Nathanaels wife took into ye Church. Joshua Moor & Ann Richards the Johns wife were took in whilst I was absent. Mond Io fair. I went to Stonington to See after my Sheep. they have been Sheered. Gershom Holedridge took the care of it & washt & Sheered ym but 97 at home 3 or 4 at Jo Denisons .1. at John Wheelers & Some at Ms Hallams 5 or 6 more Lambs. a poor Crop of wool the Sheep being poor. Tuesd 11 fair. the C. Court Sat I brot home .2. bags of wool gt about 30lb. I have agreed with Gershom to give him the Remainder of tht 1 bb of Cydar tht is Tapt & to give him 1 bush Corn & to be Quit for all his Trouble about the Sheep. Ad. Carted for Steward al day. Sister Han. come again. Wednsd 12 fair. I was at Court al day. Samll Beebee Junr & the Rest of ye heirs of Eliza Beebee decd have withdrew their Action demanding Adam Commencd in Novembr Last & have Sued me now as yr are administrators &c. ad. Carted for Steward all day. Thursd 13 fair Cloudy Some Scatering Rain. I was at Court all day a Wittness for Stick Leg. fryd 14 Cloudy & dripping & Rain at night. I was at Court al day. the Case of Ad. was plead & Committed to the Jury. I caryed the Contri- bution Money to Mr Adams from Dea. Green & dd £30 School money to N. Lothrop p a Note fro Mr Miller. £24 was ye Last ferry Rent & £6 out of ye Country money. Saturd 15 fair. I was at Court al day. Judgmt gone agst me for adam or £85 I have Reviewed. Sund 16 fair. Mr Ad. pral day. Mond 17 fair. I was at Court ald. I Recd of S. B B. 24s 8d Cost. have been 4 days attending Court a Wittness in an Action Between Thos Williams & Joans & Jonathan Rogers Wood leg. Tuesd 18 fair. In the morn I was in Town wth the Rest of ye Townsmen about ye Highway to ye Spring by Hallams & then I went to Clemt Minors & wrote a deed & his will. they pd me 6s. there is a Dead man took up to day in the mill Coave near Mr Chris Wharf. his name was George Hill a Glover by Trade about 25 year old an old England man came last from N. York & was on Bord Braddicks Sloop monday was Sennet at night on Tuesd Suposed to be drownded in the night there. a Jury Sat on him & he was buried at night. 1728] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 199 ‘Wednsd 19 in the Morn fair Cloudy aftern Rain & at night. I was at home foren. aftern getting my Tarr & Pork a Shore, in 2 Cannoos. Ad helpt. Court Rise. Thursd 20 fair. I was in Town in the morn I pd I bot 2 bushlls Corn 13s & pd freitt for the Tarr & Pork 4os. Fryd 21. I was down in the Neck at Poquoyog. Isaac Foxes & Jno Harris’s. Saturd 22 fair. I was in Town in the foren to get Joseph Lesters will Recorded. aftern at home. I Recd of Richard Harris 6s 8d a fine for Breach of peace. Sund 23 fair. 6d. Sacramt day. Mr Adams pr al day. Mond 24 fair. I was in Town al day making ye Town & Society Rates. Tuesd 25 fair. I was in Town in ye foren. aftern at Bruens Neck. ‘Wednsd 26 fair. I was about home & in Town. Thursd 27 fair. I was in Town foren. aftern I went to Stonington & Adam carryed over my grt mare & Colt & old Horse & left thm in the orchard. fryd 28. I was at ye farm al day. wee mended fence & pickt up brush. Adam came home with a Sack of Wool. I got up the Sheep & pickt out Twenty fatt weathers & 2 old Rams & put them in the orchard fatting. one Wethr is Mr Mumfords. Saturd 29 fair. JI lookt up my 4 Steers. I put ye 2. 4 yr old in the orchard & came home & brot all my Wool yt was left & 1 pr dark gray Woosted Stockings. I pd Susana H 3s 6d for Rachels knitting thm. She gave me the Spinning & her diett. a Sad Accident happened yesterday at the Crotch in Norwich about 12 Clock. in Raising a Bridge over Shotucket River by Jos Lothrops farm about 100 foot of ye Bridge fell with 40 or more men on itt, was about 20 foot high killed one & Wounded most of ye Rest many Bones Broke. it is feared Some Wounds are mortal. one onely of the wounded hath died Since which is Danll Tracy Senr of Norwich. Sund 30 fair. Jno Hough & his wife took in to the Church. Geo Buttolph a Child Babtizd Mary & Rachel Comstock one Eliza. Mond July .1. fair. Ad began to Mow. I was in Town most of the day with Brothr Hodsoll buying 1-3 of his Sloop for Stephen for £90 to be pd att 3 paymts in 1. yr. the first of Nov. ye first of May & of July next. Tuesd 2 Rainy. a Bull my Hieff. I Set out for Hartford on my Black Mare & Solomon Coit for the Genll Court being called together by Special order of ye Govr to Consider about Sending an agent. wee Lodged at Holisters. Wednsd 3 Rain. the Court Sat. I Lodged at Messengers. Thursd 4th Rainy. I attended the Court all day. a very Rainy time night & day. fryd 5 It Cleared In the morning but afterwards showry till near night. £10 dd £20 dd. wee finished the Business of the Assembly. by 11. Clock. Concluded to Send an Agent. I Recd my Sallery 38s tod. I pd my Expenses at Messengers gs 8d & I left 20s with James Packer to buy 4 Bushlls of Corn. I Recd £10 of Mr Caldwell for Danll Shaply & 20s of the Sergtt to buy Executions of Mr G[ ]. I Set out for Lebanon wth Cuz Samll Hide & others. I Lodged at his house. Saturd 6 fair & hot. I Set out for Norwich with Justice Palmer & Avery. I Stopt at Wm Hides & dined yr & then went to Brother Edgcombe & Concluded to Send Charles Hill down by Brothr Hodsoll. I came home at night all well. Sund 7 fair. Mr Ad. pr. all day. Ms White is come & Ms Reed. Mr Whites Sister [ ] Denison took into the Church & David Crocker a Child Babtized Eliz. Mond 8 fair in the morn & yn Showers. I went to Stonington to Carry Ms White to Ms Rossiters. I found her at her Brother Cheesbroughs. I Lodged with Justice [Pal]mer after he had left Ms Reed. it Rained at Night. Tuesd 9 fair but Cloudy & Misty. Jus. Palmer & I went to See ‘Mr Richardson & his [ ] wife & dined there & I went to Capt Chees- broughs Neck to look for G[osli]ngs for Lt Richns Wife but not there. he went to Greenmans to look for Em & to Mr Rossiters to Lodge there. 200 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1728 Wednsd 10 Cloudy & Some Rain. I came homeward but Stopt att Mr Morgans & pd 4os for keeping my Cattle. got Late to the ferry & Lodged att Mr Ledgyards. Thursd 11. I came over the ferry Left my Bagg for Cary to bring me Some wheat. I pd Danll Shaply £10 wch I brot from Mr Caldwell at Hartford & Deacon Green 20s from ye [ ]. I was al day at home Raking Hay & Adam. a Thundr Shower In the Evening. fryd 12 fair. I was at home al d. foren mending ye house Stoping ye holes. aftern about Hay, wee Stackt in Smiths Lot. Charles Hill come home fro. Norwich. Saturd 13 fair. forn I was at home. aftern I went to Mr Win- throps to See about the Mill. Thundr & Rain most of ye aftern. I Sent 81tb of Wool by Mr Whittney for Mr Hartshorn. Sund 14. 6d 2s 6d. Mr Ad. pr. al day. E. Way a Child Babtized Ebenezr & Wetherall Denison one Grace. Mond 15 fair. I was at home al day Raking drying & Stacking Hay C. Hul[ ]. Ad Carted for Lt Hallam. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home al day haying &c. a Child of Samll Gallups died at [ |. Wednsd 17 fair. a Thundr Shower in ye Evening. I went to Stonington by the Way [ ] Packers & and got 4 bushll of Corn. 1 & 4 of it ground. I Lodged at Gershoms. Thursd 18 fair. I came back from Stonington & went to Assist in pulling down old Mill. wee did not quite finish.. fryd 19 fair. wee made I more Stack in the morn. I went to assist about pulling away the old mill & in ye aftern wee Raised the new mill. I Sent Watch by Mr Green of Boston to Mr Baggnel to be Rectified [ ] put in. I Sent no money. he is to git it done & Send me ye Accots. Saturd 20 fair. I was in Town with Brother Hodsoll & at Mr Winthrops &c most of the day. wee finished the Stack in Smiths Lott. Sund 21 fair. Mr Ad. pr. al day. Samll Chapman Junr a Child Babtizd Mary. Mond 22 fair. In the foren I was at home Stacking Hay. aftern at Mr Winthrops. Tuesd 23 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops al d. & Ad 4 day. I carryd Mr Ad. £13 6s 7d Contri- bution. Wednsd 24 fair. I workt at Mr Winthrops al d. & Ad. the Townsmen borowd £20 of Mr Picket for Jno [ ]. pd Mr Miller his Sallary at night. Thursd 25 Rain towards night Plentifully. I was at Mr Winthrops al day & Adam about the Damms &c. I Lodged yr at night & Mr Cha Dickinson Senr who hath hired fishers Island again as Last yr & given new Bonds. fryd 26 Rain in the Aftern. I was at Mr Winthrop % day & adam al day. Saturd 27 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops al. day. Adm Carted for Lt Hallam. Sund 28 fair. od. Mr Ad. pr. al Day. Hen Joans Wife 3 Children Babtizd Mary. Eliz & Amos. Mond 29 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops al d. & Ad. Carting for Lt Hallam. Tuesd 30. I was at Mr Winthrops al d. I went to Stonington to Mr Rossiters to fetch Ms White. Wednsd 31 fair. I came from Stonington brot Ms White & was about Town al day. Thursd .1. fair. I was at Mr Winthrops al day. Ad at Stuarts Carting 2 days. fryd 2 fair & hot. Lecture day. I was at Mr Winthrops 2-3 of a day. Ad Carted for Mr Miller. Saturd 3 fair. I was att Mr Win- throps al day. Sund 4 fair & hot. od & od. Sacramt day. Mr Ad. pr. ald. ‘Jos Prenttis took into ye Church & his Child Babtized Esther. Richd Beckwith & Han Moor Publisht. Stephn come back & left his uncle Sick. Mond 5 fair & very hot. I was at home al d. mending the grt Ladder. Ad. Carted for R. C. al day. Rain Thundr & Lightning at night. Tuesd 6 Rain & Cloudy al day. I was at home fitting to Raise the Roof of my House on the foreside to make itt flush with Nathanaels. I took down the Bullitts out of the Cockloft & weighed thm. there is but 434th & 4tb of Lead in all 43816 by my Stillyards. there Lacks of the weit as I Recd 12tb or 14ib & ye 750 flints wants about 12. I know not of one yt hath been taken out of 1728] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 201 Either Sort. Wednsd 7 Cloudy. I was at home all day. wee plowed a Turnip yard & got up a Stage foreside ye house &c. Thursd 8 Rainy most of thed. I was at home al day. Sowed Turnips & about ye Roof. a Negro Child of Dorcas Judge Christophers Servt buried died last night. fryd 9 Cloudy Some Rain. in ye foren I was with the Rest of ye Selectmen Dividing Jno Griffings fence next Jennings’s Lot. aftern in Town With Increase Billings. Saturd 10 fair. In the morn I went with Nathll to Borrow Mr Jefirys Hand Screws at the ferry & yn he & I & Stephen Raised the Roof of my House up at the foot even with Nathanaels Roof. Ad. Mowing al day. Sund 11 fair most of the day Some Showers. Mr Ad. pr al day. Jos Beebees wife took into the Church. Benja Star a Child Babtizd Lucy. Mond 12 fair. € went to Groton to look for a Ld of Staves for Stephen. came back at night. Ad. mowing back Side the Lot. Tuesd 13 fairald. Rain at night. I went to Groton & up ye River to Pocatanuck to Look after Staves. came back in the night to Capt Starrs & Lodgd there. Ad. Cartted for Lt Hallam al day Stones. Wednsd 14 Rain in the morn. I came home before noon. aftern I Raked hay & had brot before me Richd Jacobs on Suspicion of Stealing 5 gall Rum fro T. H. Thursd 15 fair. 1 was at home al day Turning hay & Writing & hearing Dick & I Judged him Guilty & Condemned in 3 fold Damages & Cost &c. fryd 16 fair. I was at home al day working about the Roof & making a hog Stack. Saturd 17th Some Rain. I was at home al day about the Roof. Ms Sarah Rogers died. Sund 18 fair. Mr Ad. pr. al day. Samll Richds & wife & Jos Prenttis wife Mercy took into the Church. Chris. Stubbins a Child Babtizd Jabez & S. R one Lucy. Mond 19 Cloudy. I was at home al day about the Roof & Nathll and at the funerall of Mary Crocker an old Maid upward of 56 years died yesterd. Ms Sarah Rogers Relict of Jos Rogers died Saturday & buried Sunday between Meettings aged 76. She hath been a Widow above 30 years. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at home al. d. about the Roof in ye forenoon. & afternoon Stacking hay at the uper end ye Lot wch is the Last at home. ‘Wednsd 21 fair. I was at home al day. Richd Beebee, Jonat Hamilton, Thankful Harris & Mary Hamilton were brot before me on Suspicion of Stealing Watermelions from Jno Boles. but found not Guilty & So dissmist without Cost. Thursd 22d fair. I was att home foren. aftern in Town. fryd 23d fair. I was at home all day about the House. Saturd 24 fair. I was at home all day about the house. I finished Shingling the Roof where it was broke to put in the Coping plate. Capt Ja Avery of Groton & Dea Manasseh Minor of Stonington both buried & upwards of 80 years. Sund 25. 6d. Cloudy & Some Showers. Mr Ad. being gone to Boston Dea. Plumbe Prayd in ye foren & Dea Green aftern & Read 2 Sermons. Mond 26 Cloudy Cold & Windy Inclining to a Storm. I was at home al day Except I went to get 7 old floor bords & 2 old Joyce at Ms Winthrops & Ad brot 4 pine plank & carryed ym back to Jno Coits. they want 14 foot off the first Mark. Ad. Carted 1 Ld of Wood for Ja Beebee. Tuesd 27 Cloudy. I was at home & in Town to get Abigail Cloths in ye foren. aftern I went to See Peter Hackley & to write for him. Wednsd 28 Rain. I was at home al d in the Garret about floor. Thursd 29 Some Rain. I was at home al d. finished mending the floor in the floor Garrett on the foreside. Ad Cartted for Jno Coit Junr. fryd 30 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home & in Town wth Tilley aftern. Saturd 31 fair. I went to See Israel Richds who Lvs Dying & yn to Bruens Neck & So home to work in ye Garret. I pd Lt Harris ye 7s on Cary Lathams Accot in my hands - 3s towards Sept Coming. Israel Richds died aftern nearly 69 year old. 202 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1728 Sept .1. Sund fair. 6d. Mr ad. gone. Mr Owen pr al day. after Meetting I was at the funeral of Israel Richds. Mond 2d Cloudy. I was at home al day. I put in punchion Studds and the New or false Rafter in the South Corner of the Garret & Claboarded under ye foreside at the End. Tuesd 3d Rainy. I was at Groton with Mr Treat at Mr Gardners House at a freeholders Court which dropt. ye He of wight is Taken with the Pirats. Cary Latham & 20 men Armed gone to make Discovery. it was taken Last night about ten of the Clock. Wednsd 4 fair. I was at home al day. Ad Mowed Rowen. Nathll finished Claboarding his house. Tuesd 5 fair. I went to Stonington to Mr Russells in the upper Society to meetting of ministers on Accot of Increase Billings’s being Charged wth Lying. I Lodged at Israels Hewetts. Fryd 6 fair. I came away a Little before night & Lodged at Gershoms. was not well had Something of the Ague. I Recd of Billings 6s for my time & I paid to Samll Frink Late Constable 2 yrs Rates about Ios. Saturd 7 fair. I came home brot home my grt mare & Colt & old horse. Sund 8th fair. Mr Ad. pr ald. Mr Apleton & Samll Latimer Each a Daughter Babtized Eliz & Jno Griffing a Son Ebenezr. Mond 9 fair Cloudy. I was about Town al d. Ad. gone to Stonington to mow. Tuesd 10 Rain last night & Some Showers to day. I was at home foren. atern att ye freemens meetting. mr Sol Coit & Capt Stephn Prentts Chose Deputies. Wednsd 11 fair. Moses Fergo Junr Buried. died last night. I went to Stonington [ ] went Monday & Jont Fanning Stephn Bennat & young Gershm Mowed & Adam & Gershm Tuesd & Wednsd & Thursd in the foren finisht mowing. Wm Backus & Edwd [ ] &I Stackd fryday finished at night about 4 Ld. Saturd 14 Rain. in the foren I went to Wm Billings after Shingles. Ad killed 2 Sheep. I kiled one before. wee mended ye orchd fence put in the Rams &c Some Wethers. yesterday wee came home. Temperance Tallmage is come. Sund 15 fair Windy a Squall. 6d. Mr Kalendar pr. al day. Mond 16 fair Windy Cold. I was in Town at Mill &c. Tuesd 17 fair. I went to Saybrook to Brothr Hodsolls to See wt to do with [ |]. Wednsd 18. fair. I came home at night. Thursd 19 fair. I was at home al day Cutting Gravestones. fryd 20 fair. I was at home al day Cutting gr stones. Adm Carted 1 Ld Salt Hay home. Abigail gone to Stonington & Temperance Tallmage. Saturd 21 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Mr Hobarts to Try an Action for E Robinson agst Wm Bishop 14s 4d Debt 32s Cost. Sund 22d fair. Mr Ad. pr al day. the Supr Judges come. Mond 23d fair. I was at home al day Cutting gr stones. Ad. Carted 1 Ld Hay for Samll Edgcumbe & 1 Ld Apples from Homes Lot. Tuesd 24 fair Rain at night. I was in Town twice to help about the Sloop. Stephn is Triming her. the Supr Court Sat. an Infant of Danll Ways buried. Wednsd 25 fair. 1 was at home al day Cutting Letters &c. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Court Sumoned in 2 Actions. Christophers & Davise & Joans & T. Williams. fryd 27 fair. I was at Court al d. in the morn I measured 20 Acres & 3-8 of Willm Harris’s Land yt he Sold to Jonat Prenttis. Saturd 28 drisley. I was at Court al day. Ad hath Carted 4 Ld Salt Hay for S Edg- ys week. Sund 29 Cloudy Rain at night & last night. Mr ad. pr. alday. Thos Buttler a Child Babtized Elizabeth & Samll Griffing one Samll. aes 30 Rain most of the day. I was at Court Sumoned in Mr Beebees ction. iTuesd Oct .1. fair. I was at Court al day. Ad Carted 2 Ld from ye Medows for Tallman. Wednsd 2 fair. I at Deacon Greens Writing about foxes Estate. Thursd 3 fair. I was at Deacon Greens writing. | Sent my 2 mares & Colts over River. fryd 4 fair. I was at Deacon Greens 1728] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 203 & with Samll Fox to hear Evidences taken Concerning a Joynture made by S. Fox & his wife decd. Nathll Ad & Ismael gathered the Corn & wee husked at night & I put in 2 Coller beams & Laid the Cock loft bords & Cleard ye garret. old Ms Stubbins died aged 80 odd years. Saturd 5 a violent Storm al day at N. E. I was sick & kept my bed al day with the burning ague taken ye last night after midnight. Sund 6 fair. Mr adams pr. al day. Jno Coit a Son Babtized Joseph. Ms Stubbins Buried. I kept house al day. I took Physick. Mond 7. a Trayning day both Companys. In the morning Nathanael & Ad. Carted in the Corn 3 Ld of mine & 2 of Nathanlls. mine about [ |] Bushlls & Nathlls about [ ]. I was at home al day Sick in the aftern. Tuesd 8 fair. I was at Trayning al d. the Company have agreed & voted yt for the future the way of warning Trayning Shall be by appointing them on the Trayning Days before hand & So wee have appointed the 3d mond & Tuesd in march next & have thot of the 3rd monday & Tuesday in October Next for the fall Trayning. Wednsd g fair. In the morn I went over the ferry in ye Sloops Boat & Carryed the Black mare for Ad to Ride to Stonington. he drove the 2 Mares & Colts & killed 2 Sheep & came home. I cut Letters in ye aftern for Capt Conklings Mothers Gr. stones. Thursd to fair. I was at home al d. wee Cut Cornstalks & Stackt ym & the husks. fryd 11 fair. I went to Capt Morgans & met Capt Brewster & wee all went Round the Indians Land then to Inspect into Some Incroachments made upon them by the English. Several Indians with us old & young. I Lodged at Capt Morgans at night. Saturd 12 fair. I was at Capt Morgans & up again to Mashautuxet & down at night to Gershom Holdridges & Lodged there. Sund 13 fair. a Sacramt day. mr Ad. pr. al d. Wm Hatch took into the Church & his Son Babtizd William. Sacramt day at Groton also. I was a meeting their & came home at night. Mond 14 fair. In the foren I was in Town with Ms Crossman & Jno who gave me a Deed of the Lot where the house Stands for £25. I pdit down. in the aftern I was at home to hear a Case between Wm Brookfield & S. Williams. old Ms Codner died about 80 years of age. Snow Storm at night. I lay at Ms Winthrops. Tuesd 15 a great Snow Last night & to day near 4 leg deep & Rain [ ] of the day. I was at home al day Cutting Letters. Wednsd 16 fair. I was at home al day Cutting Letters &c. I went to the funeral of Ms Codner toward night. Stephen gone to Poquanock to Load. Thursd 17 fair. Iwas at home al day. wee fenced the upper Stack & Set up the partition fence &c. a Storm at night. Rain & a high Tide in the morn. fryd 18 Rainy. I was at home al day. wee fenced 1 Stack yard ye grt one. Saturd 19. fair. I was at home al day & to See where Jos Cheapel Cut my Wallnut Wood. Nath. brot home ye Cydar from the mill but 4 bbs & 2 was made before. I filld one hhd. Sund 20 fair. od. mr Ad. pr. al day. Six Children of Jos, Beebees Babtizd Jonat David, Stephen, Japhet, Abigail & Mehittabel, & one of Jame’s Rogers’s (Son of Capt Ja) Mary. Mond a1 fair. I went to Stonington & ad. carryed 2 bb to put Cydar in & killd 2 Sheep & came home. I lodged at Gershoms. Tuesd 22. I went to See the Choice of officers at Ebe Billings & Sent for Capt Brewster to meet me there. I Lodged there with the Majr. Wednsd 23d fair. I was at Mr Billings al day. Capt Brewster came & wee finished our Report to the Genll Assembly Concerning the Pequot Indians. Majr Clark Led the 2d Company to Choice of a Capt. they Chose William Denison. I Lodged there again. Thursd 24 fair. I came home with Majr Clark after they had Chose Lt & Ensn. Abigail is gone with Temp Tallmage to East Hampton. Nathll and his family come Tuesd. 204 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1728 fryd 25 fair. a Child of Lt Hallams died. I went to Sohold wth Wago[n]. we got there by Daylight. I Lodged at Roberts. Saturd 26 Rainy. Sund 27. fair. mr Woolsey pr. I went to Brothr Salmons at night. Mond 28 fair. Tuesd 29 Rain. Wednsd 30 fair. I went & Thos to Easthampton in a Road Hand Sloop. Capt Parker got up before night. Thursd 31 fair & fryd Nov. 1 fair. Saturday 2d fair till night. I came home with Cary Latham. he brot over oxen 6 & 1 Cow. Rain at night. Nov 3 Sund a grt Storm. Rain & high Tide. mr ad pr al day. Elisha Turnner & Aminthami Arnold published. 2 Children of Richd Attwells Babtized Benja & a Daughter 5 or 6 yr old, mary. I was at home al day not well. Mond 4 fair. I was about Town al day. Tuesd 5 fair. I went to Stonington Carryed ye old Horse & killed a Sheep & came home at night. Wednsd 6 fair. a publick or genll Thanksgiving. Mr ad. pr. I was at meeting. Thursd 7 fair. I went to Groton to get Staves for Stephen & to Stonington to See after the fence. I brot home the great Mare Left the black. fryd 8 fair. I came home in the foren & was at home. Saturd 9 fair. | was at home al day fencing Stack & making an Axeltree. Sund Io fair, od. Mr Ad. pr. al day. a child of Jno Daniels Died 7 or 11 yr old & an Infant of Jno Griffings. Mond 11 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Dea Greens writing. Stephn come from poquonuck with the Sloop. Tuesd 12 fair. I was al day at Deacon Greens finishing the Inventory & Copy. | Recd of Dea Green £3 §s od in full & left it with him to pay Samll Fox the Interest in part of my Bond of £80 for Adam. Wednsd 13 fair. I was at home al day. I finished the Axeltree &c. Thursd 14 fair. In the morn I put in the Axletree. aftern in Town. fryd 15 Rainy. I was at home al day. I put in 2 new felloes in 1 wheel. 16 Saturd fair. I was at home al day. 17 Sund fair. god. Mr Ad pr. al day. Stephen come down at night Loade[ ]. Mond 18 fair. I was about town drawing writts &c. Idd Stephn £13 Bill to [ ]. Tuesd 19 fair. Brother Hodsoll come last night & lodged here. in the morn wee went on bord Stephen & helped bring them to sail for Newport. Ad went got to Stonington killd 2 Sheep & Come over this morn & Workt at Night [ ] team. I was in Town & about home al day. Titus Hurlbut Raised his house. Wednsd 20 fair. I was at home al day. Thursd 21 fair. I was at home al day. fryd 22 fair. I went to Capt Denisons in ye North parish to take his Evidence (he being Sick) for Capt Gilbert. he pdme6s. Saturd 23d fair. I went to Stoning- ton & Ad. wee killd 2 Sheep 42tb & 39!b 8tb [Beef] Tallow. I Recda Letter by Mr Grant fro Brothr Tallmage. a Beef is come. Sund 24 fair. 5d. mr Ad. pr al day. a Sacramt Day. Mond 25 fair. I was at home foren. aftern in Town. Pro. Comttee met. I Recd 2. bb with Beef. 1 Hide 66tb & ye Tallow of C. Lathm from Broth Talmage. Tuesd 26. I was at home al day making ox bows &c. ye C. Court Sat. Wednsd 27 fair. I was at home & in Woods to get a Ld Wallnut Timber. Thursd 28 fair. I was at Court al day about Adam. Capt Latimer died last night about nine Clock. I Sat up at night there. fryd 29 Cold. I was at Court & at Capt Lattimers funeral & one of the Bearers. Saturd 30 fair Cold. I was ie home = | & at Court. ec .I. Sund. od. a fierce Storm & much Rain. it Snowed in ye Morn Wind E—S E & in the aftern S W & W—at night N W & dear & Cold. Mrad.prald. Ebe Pierce a Daughtr Babtizd Eliz. Mond 2d fair. I was at Court al day. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at Court al d. I gaind the Case about Adam 5 days. I dd Titus Hurlbut 2 yd Alemode 1 Skain Silk & Some Red Camblet for Abigail. Wednsd 4 fair. I was at home al day. wee killed 3 Swine. weit in all 265. I have Recd a Letter from Stephn 1728] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 205 Cast away at point Judith at a place Called the Stinking beach on the East Side the point at or near the N. E part of Mr Niles’s farm alias Samll Sewalls Esqr. he came out of Newport on Monday 26 of Novembr. came as far as Watch point almost. the wind died away he lay there al night. the 27th the wind forced them back beyond point Judith. he came too on the East Side the point in night following. the wind Rise very hard & About break of day the Cable parted & they lost the Small Anchor. they Could not fetch R. Island. they bore away for Marthas Vineyard & arived Safe at Holmes’ hole & lay there till Sunday Dec first & then the Wind came up S E. they Set Sail for home but being thick they Could not See the land till they were almost ashore & forced to Run on Shore to Save their lives which wr in great Hazard Not only from the volume of the Storm of Wind & Cold Rain but also of the Rocks which were on both Sides them & Ledges of them for many miles an End Except where providence directed them. about 20 or 30 Rod the Rocks were Scatering & Small. the Sloop drove up with the Waves that they Stept out on ye Shore. Thursd Sth fair. I Set out on my black mare for point Judith. took old Sorril at Stonington. I lodged at Capt Thompsons Expense 6s 6d. fryd 6 Some Snow & Cold. I got to Robert Hassards by night &c where was Stephn & Thos Harris. Jno Stidman had left them. I Stayed there & helpt dry the Sails & Stow them away & the Rigging in Sd Hassards garret. Sat 7 Sund 8 Rain & Cold. Mond 9 a very great Storm of Rain & wind SE & S S E much as it was when they came ashore that I Saw the danger they were in. Tuesd 1oth fair very Cold & Exceeding windy wch they Said was much like the day that they lost their Anchor & put away for the vinyard. Wednsd 11 fair & Cold. wee Set out for home. I got the old horse Shodd. Stephn pd Mr Hassard 30s for bording & Carting up ye Rigging &c. wee lodged at Mr Geo. Havens’s. wee drove the horses by Reason of the Cold. Thursd 12 fair. I went to See Capt Ja. Babcock & lodged there & Stephn & Thos Harris at Capt Williams. fryd 13 fair, Cold. I came to Cary Lathams & lodged there. horse at Chesters. Stephn & T. H got home. Saturd 14 fair & not So Cold. I came home before noon. the 7th Stephen Prentts Junr died aged about 30. a hopefull young man 10 & old Ms Leeds daughter of Cary Latham the first. She was aged 81 or 2. Sund 15 a great Storm at S. E. 6d. Mr adams pr. al day. I had a bad Spell of the flux Last night & this foren. I was at meetting afternoon. Mond 16th fair & very Cold & Windy. Iwas at home al day. Tuesd 17 fair & moderate. I went to Majr Merritts & lodged there. Wednsday 18 I went to Norwich & lodged at Brother Edgcumbs. Thursd 19. I Bound Charles Hill to Ebe Huntington Cooper until he be 21 year old. Wee left the Indenture with Capt Jno Leffingwell. I came home at night. Fryd 20 fair. I went to Groton & Adam & drove my Steers to Ebe Averys. Saturd 21 fair. I was at home al day mending Cart wheel. Sund 22 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 23 fair. I was at home al day fitting Wheel Timber & Mending Cart. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home al day about Ringing a Cart Wheel. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at home al day about the Wheels. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home al day about the Wheels. fryd 27 Rainy. I was at home al day. in Town at Night with the Selectmen. Wee Recd the ferry Rent of Chester & Shaply. I pd 30s for the last year ferryage. Ja Smiths Child buried. Saturd 28 fair. I was at home al day about Cart Wheels. Windy. Sund 29 fair Windy & Cold. Mr Ad. pr al d. Benja Fox & Susanna Daniells published. “a Son of the Widow Phebe Prentis Babtized Stephen. Mond 30 fair. a Town meetting for the Choice of officers. ye Same Chosen. Tuesd 31 fair. I went down in the Neck to Apprize Samll Foxes land in ye possession of Stephen Gorton. 206 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1738 17 3 Jan 1. Wednsday fair. I was at home al day. at meeting at night a Justice Prenttis W[ ]. Thursd 2 fair till near night Snow. I was Peter Hackleys Writing for him & Jno Minor. it Thawed a little at night & Snow went away. fryd 3d fair & Cold. I went to Lyme for Madm Winthrop in the affair of Capt Foster & lodged at Stephen Lees. it Snowed at night Ancle Deep. Saturd 4 fair & Cold. I went to the Town Clerks & Capt Forsters. I came back to Richard Lords & lodged there. Sund 5 fair & more moderate. I went to meetting att Lyme. |Mr Hubbart pr al day. 1 Lodged at John Griswolds at night. Mond 6 Rainy drisley wether al day. I came home before night. Tuesd 7 fair. I was in Town al d. with Mr Prat & at Madm Winthrops about the business of forster. Wednsd 8 fair. I was in Town with Mr Pratt drawing a Writt &c for Garrold. Thursd 9 fair. I was at Peter Hackleys al d. writing &c. fryday 10 fair. I was at home al day. Brother T. Edgcumb brot home Molly from Norwich, I Reckened with him & Ballanced Acctts. I pd him 53s for Eliza Edgcumb & took up my Note. Saturd 11 fair. Iwas at home foren. aftern at Peter Hackleys. Sund 12 fair. od. Mr ad. pr al day. Geo. Richds a Son Babtized Nathanael. Mond 13 fair. I was at home al day. Tuesd 14a Storm of Snow. I was at home al day. a grt Snow. Wednsd 15 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. Peter Daniels Son of Jno Daniels Junr Died. voielent cold at night. Thursd 16. fair. I was at home al d. P Daniels buried. fryd 17. Cloudy & Some Scatering Snow. I was at home most of ye day. towards night I went out to Benja Foxes & Maried him to Susana Daniels. Saturd 18 fair moderate. I was at home al day. Sund 19 fair. mr Adams pral day. Jno Hough an Infant Babtized Jabesh. Mond 20 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at meeting propritr Comttee & Selectmen. Tuesd 21 fair. In the forn I was at Madm Winthrops. aftern at home. I dd to Eliza Edgcumbe a Bed & Sundrys wch was left wth mother to use. Wednsd 22 fair. I was in Town al day. I pd the Sheriff 20s for his fees in Mr Winthrops Action agst Edwd Jarrold. Madm withdrew the Action. I Returned to her gos of the £3 I Reed of her. Thursd 23 fair. I was at home al day. wee made Candles 13tb. fryd 24 fair Thawing weather. I was at home foren. aftern at Mill. old Ms Buttler Died ys morn. She was taken wth the numpalsie last Sund was a week & Benja Shaply son of Danll about [ ] years old. towards night I dd Joseph Raymond £7 School Money. Saturd 25 Rain in the aftern. in the foren I was at Mill & in Town. aftern at home. Ms Buttler & Benja Shaply Buried. 6d. Sund 26 fair. Mr Ad. pr al day. Mond 27. I was at home foren. aftern at Capt Douglas’s with the Rest of the Authority Selectmen &c Choosing Tavern keepers. new ones Chosen are D. Dishon Richard Harris. Tuesd 28 fair. I was at home till near night I went to Mr Hacklys. Wednsd 29 Rain. I was at home foren. aftern in Town. Thursd 30 fair & very windy & cold. I went to Capt Robt Denisons & Ms Raymonds to take the Acknowledgemt of 2 Quit claims for Jno Viber & Joshua Baker. I Recd of Sd vibber 4 bushlls beans & ss in mony. I came home in ye night. fryd 31 fair very Cold & Windy. I went to Lyme to Justice Noyes’s to Justice Jno Champlin in the possession of the ferry at Nahantick he having Sued Jno Hedges for Trespass for Transporting passengers there. wee Recovered 20s Tresp & 20s 11d Cost. I came back to Jno Champlins & lodged there. Expence Is Iod. feb Saturd 1 fair & moderate till near night & thn Rain. I came home : with. 2 “pty ial ts a x” Sime, ern: 2 hie pena fewiihe Steen A Pe Fore Soop we Hi weg se MY Bo fare X yeie peey & z en a 5 oe 1h a Re Ne tatty d oA Ge de pit, Ree EE gas Ce SE Sree coe bs . oe Sete co s jt elok aby frei Of Br oss a nee fs . Abate. POF t+Hiswe ; iy i 4 toh Sod ey WU ogg 0d Acre af on : 2 Ca Sins Kites Aas eee Kr Lek €, Bak be fo ae on the coeds ye Z GosAce Kg, bs EEE cen. , SS Sg OP Mead ee NE A Cog INS ae alas Sifolerete bite Kye is je ee gt ee ‘7 gent re Bone goon isan e Nias o ghiran ‘ oage Di. ape “yk Cy ak a on eo Cpe ee We (Gabon re x ae Horgan oats shay oy a see eles Ae oe he oS wei (fea Fee fig Ri FER ee ee = A et gt otis, "ord wise 2 ea wy Coe ; is oe nach a pei OR Aes fecreh mrencg © + och ae / cae ee LONG S ie eee . g Coon eentlone 1 EGOS ED gf oe a i beste pas Boe Aer ge es sap - (ets, GI 0-6 tia Sal oe fue eee is R Ca wy HE ure ep te rks re tre. Bate f He . suey Sri, 2 de Oty ed Led aoe Wi Retharay f fr agrs xX ore re Feud of phe an og re ae es \ af Me Do ie ee edhe er apy renner - Hele Sis ee me ©, Corte ee +s we 4. Gyel My wel ise Chand Gragees a Se sieciad Ah Tg oer PP aT ‘ASS eee Lk ( pee var ben % yf PTAYEE oe * a gfe URIS of fs Gese4 ah Dey figs Gp ed cere cr CoG. eee “patch pte Ree b hee ae ero Bvle pea ad UE be tts SS gti ily : “s Ls pope ae ae wm prret. oraee AE OP. 41a ak “eae Ae on os ea J - (Feisty, nore Tact NLR EE sale at a TASER GaP ™ (Riese ae ee See g pee ae. aldxurg sor ak lad te ve gee at Gr we aie Pegs I a ees oe. ey Pipes nie oe pow Lunes oes. a ary he fi, oy Pb cp pt nek wt OV Dg oder peek tll a Bilis iB a Pe LOO pgp fw at A nome Or ox FOr. te epee ce ot ie Bede wee et agh: Tw ee EOS ave ? = a ae ” R sivas! o.! Ge pores 3 A. p ovirth > Aa meg ob > oF: ete. es deny) AF $74 1909 Pd nein ish fest Alpes! tee ees uel Gem OVS I has BEA fae eV 8 Be: 1 r Pee we fovrt we oe ¥ D> Ses es oa yo. hoe -rense Cupamaata Wniket se fo ee KA heveroled f ogee Soe for 772 q He Dobe: Loe! Ades Hore “fh hmenton be hooey oho “7 + % al eae nae pn eee ig ke oth ger. : oe ey eee ee ET ree blogs CIE Ee TG CTENE yw te ars erie tt Neate ak ter fA} fear 7 6s nae Mie beeen G0 PPh IVE Ogg Ael STF od homey Yueerens Ifocsirfe- df owe Be beeen Von Pires Be strc Op te Cees! & & fies peagae eer ears aoe: Ben igre wm POO EE acullr'’ As Giwgpo A Boe os ad a oy heer @raag aL Geis xi Rat nit Ceaser rs ee SIR enlt 1Y S t aif. gece ae er “asf he ae Se aees: i res raved A * fos a 7 es a Rok hae Sri Ft’. oy ney ae Ds ee ee “hey Ode af Sue at oy. Lg se guey ah feb re CON Lets of $m at FB BS OO sat os Sd Ho Mia LOA: aon Yo, wen ae Sorte eo oe! Ps LAR Seger rages F ~ eye oye fey Pe ek vee FP a Nepad gee aké< pteety ae ye Ma pre ore! neg = Eee: ae & Cas athe ey Mae. Koco een Oo ho, Better (he & en OF riseh i a sicea” pio Si be joe StI YS ve Pia x Mel day, fo Posfhl mie 2 gah wil ra rr eos Z ns fe : 10 a9f.- 1 yep: Bevied we PRE Fase tine 5 éo ere fo aE, i AO. & ver hr fo Ph gg avs. he ays a 4. eet thas Meine Bp Sei ee bie Oy re Pet fp aes WP. flec u Bee Obert gh fe £ isece roe ot frie te ge Wy ae Weare a ce "3 eaey pp reg rim fhe a eas ieee pe « flow wre AL Lede ay anor y bist a OT Io iS ’ ee & Ga Merle a Pe Ces: S ray ee Ce Viton. ee Myce eye ied nD whip alo, a hes eZ es thet or og & N of fs a a ( VT! Ore Bevis ae 4 Om Z, be bss ye Ge VEL oes ae A € © Ping ae Ba Senmes. Sov. tne (or onal ¥ as. aa ee aaa wk. y ir (ips Migs x Pe ~al 2 Your ta oa eg’ oT Bip RS | os fone, ‘ak Popig te ba Ae (Pears eg tye f w Bene seer dl ok foaey Dae fle fa lead. fo Fatt oe. ers. / y ; CH IHS on wa hang A 7 th BA; ie) se prscdeg + Sher rae ts Gene Awe tn wh “a cs Zs 1735] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 207 foren. Sund 2 fair. Sacramt day. Mradpr. Jerusha Morgan Daughter of Benja owned the Covenant & was Babtized a woman grown. Mond 3 fair. Mary wife of Ralph Stodder died with ye measels aged 64 years. in the morn wee killed our Red hog weighed [ ] & thn went into Town & Recd the Society money & Contribution money in full & dd to Mr Adams So much as to pay £92 3s od for ye last year besides Livins money &c and £37 10s 6d in part of the broken time of the Rate money. the broken money is left with Jno Richards praps 5 or £6. I was at the Town Meeting aftern & at the society meeting which is adjourned till ye 3d Monday Instant. I dd to Capt Stephen Prenttis £18 School money. Tuesd 4 C. Christophers Esqr Judge of ye C. Court & Probate Died aged about 45 years. the C. Court Sat by Adjournment. I was at it al day. Wednsd 5 fair. 1 was at the Court al day. Ad Carted Wood home. Thursd 6 fair & warm. I was at Court foren. aftern at the funeral of the Judge. Adam Carted for Madm Winthrop al day. fryd 7 Rain. a fierce Storm at S. E. I was at Court al day. Saturd 8 Cloudy Some hail & Some Snow. I was at Court al day. Sund oth fair. Mr Adams pr ai day. Mond to fair. I was at Court al day. Idd Jos Beebe £7 10s School money. ‘Tuesd 11 fair. I was at Court al day. the Court Rise. I Recd 48s for 8 days. Wednsd 12 fair. I was in Town al day Swaring Witness’s for Jno Tongue & Acknowliding Deeds for Mr Pratt & Tilley. Ad is gone to Stonington to Cut fencing Stuff. Molly is not well & I could not go. Stephn come from Saybrook. Thursd 13 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Madm Winthrops Making up with Mr [ ] & giving him a Lease of the farm. fryd 14 fair. I was at home al day Mending Mr Pickets Wheel. Abigail is come home with Cary Latham. Saturd 15 Rain & Snow. I was at home al day. Ad. come back. much Snow at night. (Sund 16 fair. Is. the Snow is much drifted. Mr Ad. pr al day. James Hawke published to Anna Brown of Long Island. Mond 17 fair & warm & Thawing. a Society meeting. Stephen is gone to Sea in Mr Prenttis’s old Sloop Abs King Mr bound for Madara. Tuesd 18 Rain. I was at home foren. aftern with the Propr Committee. Wednsd 19 fair. I was at home all day. I mended Ad. Shoes. Thursd 20 Some Snow Some Rain. I was at home al day. fryd 21 fair. I was at home al day. Ad Cutting Sleepers. Saturd 22 fair. I was at home al day. Sund 23 fair. Mr adams pr al day. Mond 24. Warner. Cleve 34 Acres & 25 Rod. Warner 53 A & 112 Rod Do Med. 4 A}. In the morn I went in to Town & borowed an Earthen Shugar Jarr of Geo Buttolph &c & then I went with Samuel Beebe Junr to plumb Island & Next day to Southold. fryd 28th to Easthampton & went to Sag Mond in the Storm. Tuesd to Southold by Mr Silvesters Island & So on over to Wiggans’s & up a foot to Town to Roberts. Wednsd 5th. I went to Occubank. Robert with me. wee Lodged at Mr Warners & was there 3 days measuring the Land. I Sold the North Side to Nathll Warner Esqr & ye South Side to Jno Cleves. I came back Saturd night & Lodged at brother Salmons. Sunday at Meeting. Mond toth wee were all day making Writtings &c at Capt Youngs’s. I Recd of Warner £25 of Cleves £25 of Cleve one Bond for £14 18s od to be pd next Christmas. of Warner 2 Bonds £100 Next Christmas & £95 Christ- mas after. all N York Money or Double in N E Money. I left the Bonds with Robt. he is to have £25 out of the first & Thomas fio. all £35 Hie y money. I have given to them & James Landon £25 for £50 here if to e had. ‘ March 11 fair. I was at Southold. I bargained with James Landon to give him £25 N y mony next Christmas or £50 N E mony with ye Interest from the first of April at £8 p C for £50 here to be Recd of Wm Dixson 208 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1729 for Land at Voluntown & I have the deed in my hands for Security. Wednsd 12. I came from Southold with Hen Merow in Kings Sloop to ye Windmill & lodged at vails at Night. Thursd 13 Rainy & Easterly wether. wee Set Sail & Went to the Eastward of plumb Island & to ye Northward & back thro the gut & to ye oysterpond houses & lodged at Hen Tuthills Esqr. fryd 14 fair Windy & Cold. I was at Mr Kings & about there al day. at night I went down to vails. Merow went for R. Island & carryed 12 bushlls Wheat 5 of Nathlls & 7 of mine Which I had of Robert & 3 more on his Accot of Const Booth. 2 more is Still due for the half bb of Rum I Sent him Last year. Saturd 15 fair & Cold & Sund 16th cold & windy. I Stayed at vails. Expence 6s 6d. Mond 17. I came home With Samll Beebe Junr aftern. a Trayning day both Companys. at night ye Commons Com- mittee Mett at Capt Douglasses. Tuesd 18 fair & Raw Cold. I was at Trayning al day. Wednsd igtha Rainy Stormy day. I was in Town aftern. I pd Madm Winthrop £51 4s od on Mr Ashbys Acot. Thursd 20 fair. I was at home foren. I helpt Nathll fix on a New Well Curb. aftern in Town. I pd Mr Thos Prenttis 54s 8d his half of John Rogers’s bill of Cost wch I have had by his Consent al Winter. I Reckened with Ms Buttler & Set of wt was due to me to go on Mr Winthrops Accot it being £4 18s od & due more. Mr Winthrops Accot £5 14s 7d. fryd 21 fair. I was at home & in Town al day. Ad & Team helped Mr Coit at ye Sawmill. Saturd 22 fair. I went to Stonington & Abigail. Lodgd at Mr. Williams’s. Sund 23 fair. Mr Ad pr at Groton. I was at Stonington. I Lodged at Mr Rossiters. Mond 24 fair. I came home & Ab. ye Proprietrs Com- mittee Met &c. Tuesd 25 fair. Supr Cour Sat. I was at it al day. Wednsd 26 fair. I was at Court all day. Ms Avery died aged 78 yr Wid of Capt James. Thursd 27 fair. I was at Court al day. the Case pleaded about Adam. I gave a Bond to pay Ozias Pittkin £81 on accot of Brother Hodsoll & he gave me a Bond to pay me £20 & Hasezellton £5 all on the first of July Next & Hodsoll gave me a Discharge about my 3 Bonds of £90. Last night Capt Jno Masons House at Mohegan was burnt by an Accident. nothing Saved Scarce. fryday 28 fair. In the foren I was at Court & I gained the Case about Adam & 4 days attendance & 9 days in ye other 2 Courts al Taxed not pd. in the aftern I went to blackpoint with Mr Chap- man & Capt Douglass to Divide ve Estate of Justice Prenttis decd between his two Sons and Stayed thr till Saturday night. Saturd 29 fair. Sund 30 fair. Mr Adams pr all day. Eleazr Chappel & Rachel Crocker publisht. Mond 31 fair. I was at Mrs Prenttis Dividing between Jonat & Jno. he pd 15s. April Tuesd 1 fair. I Set out for Colchester before day. I Arived & went to measuring land. Wednsd 2. I finished Mesuring my Land & it holds out 181 Acres wch I have Sold to Joseph Dewey for £173 to be pd by ye first of May or Else void. Thursd 3. fryd 4 Saturd 5 al fair. I was helping Mr Dewey Survey his land & Making a Map. I came away from Kelloggs at night. I pd 15s 9d Expence & Dewey pd ye Rest. I got home past Midnight. Sund 6 fair. Mr ad pr al day. [ ] & Susana Morgn Publisht. Wm Holt a Son Baptized Wm & Samll Tinker a Daughter Eliza. Mond 7 Rainy. I went & hired Samll Harris to go to So-hold on Ledgyards accot. Tuesd 8 fair & Windy. I went to Groton to See Ms Legyard & Wm Latham &c. Wednsd 9 fair & Windy. a publick fast. Mr Adams pr al day. Abr Morgan & Sarah Cook of Groton published. Thursd 10. I was at home & in Town all d. Ad plowd for S. Edgcumbe. fryday the 11th fair. I was helping Measure Mr Harris’s lot in ye foren, aftern I went over the ferry to See Capt Youngs who came from So-hold yesterday. Saturd 12 fair. I was at home Sowing oats & helping Rectifie Ms Sarah 1729] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 209 Christophers fence diging up Stones & out to Clement Minors. Sund 13 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr ad pr al. d. Thos Leachs Child Babtiz Lydia. Mond 14 fair. I was at home foren diging Stones. aftern at the Proprietrs Meetting to hear the Report of the Comttee Respecting Admitting propritrs. Tuesd 15 Stormy Rain. I was at home al day Made 2 Shovels. Wednsd 16 fair. I was at home al day diging Stones & breaking dung in ye lot. Thursd 17 fair. I was at home & in Town. I finished Sowing oats 14 Acre. in the Evening I went to Groton to See Capt Youngs. Lodged thr. fryd 18 Misty & Some Rain. I was at home most of the day. I went to Mill & to See the Lyon in Madm Winthrops Stable who was brot here yester- day in a Wagon drawn by 4 oxen. came from towards Lyme & Saybrook & hath been all winter in the Western Towns & at Long Island, N. York ye Jerseys & Albany & Last fall. Saturd 19 a Rainy day. I went to Mill & Carryed Joshua to See the Lyon. I got 14 bushll wheat ground & 2 bushlls yesterday. Sund 20 fair. Mr Adams pr. al.d. Hezekiah Beebe & Hannah Tinker published. Daniel Denison & Wife Rachel took into ye Church & a Child Babtizd Mary & Jonat Latimer one Mary. E&6S. Mond a1 fair. I was at Groton al day Running the line E & 6 S. & proportioning Mr Winthrops & Dea Seaburys, from the ferry lot to Mr Stars & taking a Lease of a Slip of land of Mr Winthrops of Dea Seabury. Tuesd 22 Rainy. Thos & John Come. I was at Groton al day Running a line between Dea Seabury & Wallsworth & partners in ye lot next the ferry & Dividing it & I appointed 3 freeholders to Renew Bounds between Mr Jno Gardiner & Jno Avery Junr on the first Monday in May. Wednsd 23 Misty. I was at home al day Breaking up & Mending S[tone] Wall &c. Thursd 24 fair. I was at home breaking up in foren. at Groton afternoon. fryd 25 Rain. I was at home al day Cutting Letters &c. Saturd 26 Misty. Deb. Lord came here. I was at home most of ye day. Aunt Waller died about one of the Clock Sick but one day Aged 77 years. She was my Grandfather Hempsteds youngest daughter & Child & Born here near this house in an old one in April 1652. Sund 27 Misty & Rain toward night. Mr ad pr al day. in the aftern I went (with Nathll & John) to ye funeral of my Aunt Waller. Jno Ford & Ann Holoway publisht. Mond 28 Showry. I was at home foren. aftern at a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church dea. Green to Consult of Some method to Recover a Legacy of £25 given to the poor of the Church by Ebener Dennis Decd & also of some offending & declining brethren &c. Tuesd 29 fair. a Long Spell of Easterly wether & wet often ths last fortnight. a freemans Meeting. Richd Christophers & Sol Coit Chose deputies. I was apprizing Ms Knights Estate att Mrs Living- stones all day. Wednsd 30 fair. I went to Stonington about ye Country Road. I Lodgd at Gershoms. I turned out ye lame mare & her 2 Colts & the great Mares yearling. May Thursd .1. fair. I mended the fence in ye foren Round ye old Orchard & aftern came home. Thos & Ab. is gone to Lyme & Deb Lord. fryd 2 fair. I went to Paugwonk to Measure Mr Worthingtons land &c. Saturd 3 fair. I came home & I Recd of Lt Harris 20s. Sund 4 Cloudy. Mr Ad pr al day. Jont Lester & Patience Tinker publisht & Elizabeth Bennet ownd the Covenant & was Babtized. Mond 5 fair. I went to Groton to a freeholders Court at the house of Mr Gardiners to Assist the freeholders in Reviewing the Bounds of 20 Acres of land at poquonnuk plain. I lodged at Lt Ebe Averys Tuesd. _ wee finished afternoon. 6. I went with John Richards (who was one of the freeholders) to Stonington. Wednsd 8th fair. Wee lodged at Capt Daniel Denisons last night & was al day with the Selectmen & Divers others veiwing the Road through the Town by an order 15 210 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1729 of the C. Court in order to See the Nessesety of Altering or Relaying Sd Road. wee Recd 16s Each & came home at night. I also Recd 25s of Mr Gardiner for Time & writting &c. Thursd 8 fair. I was at home all day. I mett with Some hurt with a Cow wch having Newly Calved being Angry Ran at me Struck me in the face Locked my teeth & Cut my lip & hurt my Arm & Leg. She Ript of Mollys Gown & tore her Stays but did her no hurt. fryd 9 & Saturd to fair but Rain last night. I was at home both days not well. Something of the fever & Ague both days. I Sent by Isaac Fox of Col. 5s to Mr Golusha & I Recd of J. Beckwth 17s 4d for S. Fox. Sund 11 fair. I was at home all day Sick. Mr Ad. pral day. Sund June 7th. no Minister. Mr Ad is gone to Guilford. Dea. Green managed ye meetting. I am confined to the house & almost to ye Bed. I begin to Set up about an hour in a day at 3 or 4 times a Quarter atatime. Thos is not well Somthing out of case yesterday. Mond g. Thos is Still not well. Tuesd 10. Thos is very bad. hath taken Physick & it workt Stoutly. Wednsd 11. Molly is taken very Ill & Ad came home Sick from Stonington. Thursd 12. Tho Remains Exceeding Ill & molly & Ad more moderate. Sund 15. Mr Ad pr al day. Justice Ja Morgan of Groton pub. to Ann Roff. Tuesd 17. Thos Still Remains Exceeding Il & molly. Nathanael hath been drooping about a week. now taken house & Laid up. Saturd 21. JI was taken with a pain in my Side. held me all night Increasing. Sund 22. Mr Adams pralday. my pain is So great I can not Ly down in my Bed. Wednsd 25. my pain Still holds me So that I cannot ly down night nor day. Thos Still Exceed bad & molly Something mended. Thursd 26. Ab. is taken Sick. Thos is Still bad & Molly also. Sund 29. Mr Ad. pr. al day. Stephen is taken Sick. T. & Mol are bad Still. July 4 fryday. Thomas my dear & dutyful Son died about 4 in the Morning being Aged Twenty one years (Apr. ye 14.) Two months & Twenty days & buried the 5th day toward night. Tuesday 8 fair. I went out abroad by the house ye first time Since my Sickness. Wednsd 9g fair & hot. I walked to the upper End of the Lot & back. my Eldest Son Nathll who Lived wth me Died about Ten of ye Clock at night. a Dear & Dutyful Son Aged 28 years 6 Months & 3 days: Leaving a Sorrowful Widow 2 Sons & She near her time againe: the 1oth about 8 Clock at night She was dd of a Daughter. Thursd Io fair. I Rode up to the Burial place to Order where to dig my Sons Grave. he was decently Interred about 7. Clock aftern. fryd 11 it Rained last night & most of the day Smartly. a grt Rain. St. Somthing better to day. Ab & Moll nothing worse. I have Lay down on ye Bed an hour & Rose again without any grt pain the first time for near 3 weeks. Sund 12. Mr Adams pr al day. a Sacramt Day. I was at Meet- ing tho. I went Late. Son Nathlls Daughter Babtized Mary. She was Born within two hours after he was Buried (vizt) 9 at night. Thursd 17 fair. Benja Ingols aged near 4o & ye only Daughter of William Leeds of Groton both Buried. fryd 18 fair & hot. Bull. I was Indisposed aftern. I Rid about in ye foren to Seek a Bull for my 2 young Black Cows & over did my Self. Ann Waterhouse went away to Josh Raymonds wife to nurse her. I pd her 30s. Saturd 19 fair. I was Indisposed. aftern Somthing better. they made one hay Stack. Sund 20 fair. 1s & 3s. Mr Ad. prald. Clemt Minor a Child Babtizd Jonathan. a Contribution of ye Church for the Widow Tubbs. Mond ar fair. D, Richds Junr Mowed. Wm Crocker not well & gone home. I went into ye neck. I hired Jo Lester for 4s p day Tuesd 22 Some Rain. I was at home most of the day Cutting Dock. jo Lester a mowing for 4 p day. Wednsd 23 Some Rain. Benja Fox D. Lester Junr & Joseph Do Mowing. I went to Stonington after I had looked 1729 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 211 after My Steers. I put 1 brindle one to pasture att Thos Bills & Cant find ye Black. I Lodged at Mr Williams’s. Thursd 24 it Rained hard in the latter part of the day. I came home brot .6. gall of Cyder. 1 washt out 2. bbs yt wee Drew off one left. wee have had but 18 gall out of this 2d bb. fryd 25 Cloudy. wee Turnd ye hay. I was at home & in Town al day. Saturd 26 Rainy. I was at home al day. Jo. Lester workt 4 day & finisht Mowing. (4 days before) tht makes 44 in all. Sund 27 fair. 2s. Mr Ad. pr al day. a Contribution for Capt Mason. his house burnt. Mond 28 & Tuesd 29 fair. Mond. wee turned ye hay & dryed it. in ye aftern Mr Peirce Jno Plumb & Josh & his boy John Mon Roe & Stephen Harris helpt me Rake hay gratis, who wth my Self & Ad & Dixon & Pompy. Livig & Cha. Merriot Rake up 157 Cocks in the lower lot all but 7. Wednsd 30 fair foren Rain at night. 2 Clock it began to drop & held dripping till near night & thn Rain. wee Rakt & Stakt our Oats & made one Hay Stack back Side. I went to Groton to get Mr Woodbridge to go to Jno at So-hold who is very Sick. heis gone from home. Thursd 31 fair. I went to Sohold with Samll Bill. Set off at 7 & got on Shore at Wiggans’s at 11 of the Clock morning. Aug. I borwd Brothr Hen Concklings Horse. I found Robt in a likely way to get up ye fever having left him on Monday last. but John Exceeding bad. a high fever & much in his nerves Twitching & Trembling in his limbs & his Tongue Swelld or numbed that he could Speake plain Scarcely Speak at all. 4. I followed him with a glister Every day & gave him Cold water to drink often in Small Quantitys a Jell or more at once as often as he Craved it & on Monday August 4th his fever began to abate & he Continud to mend from that time. on Tuesd ye 12th his Tongue Cleared at once wch was Covered over wth a Thick hard Scurff & as black as a Shoe well nigh. he Still hath a fever Every day tho less & Less. on monday the 18th I came home with Uriah Glover who took me in at Thos Veils about Sun one hour high. wee got home about Io Clock. I Recd of Robt £10 2s od N E Money & left in Robts hands. I have Recd of Robt £30 os od—£4o 7s od in may last on Warners accot all in N. york money is £20 3s 6d he to make up his first paymt in decm Next £85 N. y money & Cleaves thn £14 18s od Do Warner to pay in dec 1730 the last paymt £83 7s od N. y mony of wch Robt is to have 30 odd & £10 more wch I gave to Thomas to buy Hides wch £10 is to come out of the first payment. Tuesd 19 fair. I was at home al day. Adm brot a Sheep from Stonington. a Stranger Died on Bord the Ship the Boatswain of Capt Pak[ ]. Wednsd 20 fair. I was at home al day. I bot a Sow & 4 piggs of Ebe Way for 30s. Thursd 21 fair. I was all day in Town at Ms Livingstons with Mr Richds & Hallam Making up Ms Knights Accot with Mr Bradford. I Recd 6s & 27s the Ball of Accots. fryd 22 fair. I was at Madm Winthrops most of the day wth Joseph Wanton of Newport was maried to Ms Molly Win- throp last night & the weding was held al day & at night a Child of Jacob Allys died about half a yr old. Saturd 23 fair. I was at home al day. I mended a Cart Wheel. Ebe Peirce hath been 2 day about turning my black coat. Sund 24 fair. Mr adams pr al day. Mond 25 fair. I was at home foren. aftern with Madm Winthrop to Mr Lothrops, to veiw a fence Set up by Thos Williams & others. Tuesd 26 Cloudy Some Small Showers. I was at home most of ye day. Ebenezer Pierce hath been to work 3} days Turning my black Coat. Wednsd 27 fair. I went to the farm Haying. I Lodged at Mr Wheelers. Thursd 28 fair & fryday Cloudy a Shower & Windy at night. Saturday 30 fair. I had 2 Mowers & 3 Rakers. wee Cockt up bout 50 Cocks. I came home & adam in the night. Natt Larabee & wife here. Come from So-hold. 31 Sund fair. Mr Ad. pral day. 212 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1729 Sept .1. Mond fair. I went Stonington to Stack Hay. Stayed till Wednsd Morn. Wednsd 3 fair. I kill a Sheep & came to the fery by 7 Clock. a Sloop belonging to Branford one Blackston Mr Come in from the West Indias with a Jurymast. She over set in her passage in 37 or 38. deg. Lay near 3 glasses. they Cutt away her mast & lost all her Sails but a Skirt of the Jebb, they got in about 15 days after. Thursd 4 fair. I was at home foren. aftern 1 went to measure the difference that the norwest Cornner of the brush fence made by Thos Williams on Mr Winthrops Land was from the Bridge at the Slow below Lothrops S W Cornner. Nathll Beebee Junr with me, wee found the Cornner about 20 Rod from the Bridge and at forty Rod Southward. wee put Stones on a Rock & at 60 Rod Stands a great white oak dead in the path. wee found where the fence was pulled down that it Stood on the highway (vizt) less yn a Rod from the path. a Child of Robt Waterus’s about 4 yr old died a Daughter. fryd 5th Thundr & lightning Rain towards night. I was in Town at Mill & getting black mare Shod foren. aftern at home. Ab is gone to Norwich. Ishmael a negro man Servt to the Revd Mr Adams aged about 27 years old died last night & buried today. also R. Waterus Child. Saturd 6 fair & Cool Wind N W. the Rest of ye Week very hot. I was at home all day. I made an Axletree & put it in. Sund 7 fair. Mr Ad. pr al day. I was not well & So not out afternoon. Mond 8 fair. a Trayning day. I was at Court before Justice Plumbe. Thos Willms Sued Africa for pulling down his fence & I abated the Writt & he pd the Charge & mended it & proceeded to Tryal & lost the Action. aftern I was at Trayning. Tuesd 9g fair. I was at Trayning & at the freemans meeting. Sol Coit & Capt Stephn Prenttis Chose deputies. Wednsd 10. I went to Norwich & Lebanon to Look after Abigail. Lodged at Cuz Samll Hides. Thursd 11 fair & hot as also was yesterday. I went to Lads Cuzn Samml Hides & Abigail. wee Lodged at Cuz Thos Hides. Ab. Sick in the night. fryd 12 Some Rain. wee came down to Brother Edgecumbs & Lodged yr. Saturd 13. fair. Brother Plumbe (who went up when I did) called us in the foren & wee came down by Mr Copp’s & to Joshua Raymonds & So home by Sundown. Sund 14 fair. Mr ad pr al d. Samll Davise a Son Babtized Saltonstall. Jno Griffng a Daughter Elizabeth. Mond 15 Cloudy. I was in Town most of the day 1-3 at Ms Livingstons making up with Jos. Fitch & 1-3 at Madm Winthrops. Tuesd 16 Rain toward night. I went with Madm Winthrop (Mr Mumford who is gone for Boston on my black mare). I parted with thm at Capt Williams. I Lodged at Mr Williams’s. Wednsd 17 fair. I was at the Widow Holdridgs assisting about taking an Inventory. T. Chapman & Da Fish Apprizers. I Lodged yr. Thursd 18 fair. I made 42 Rod Brush fence from ye Hill of Rocks at the old orchd towards the New. Edmand Fanning Stephn Bennat Gershm & Jno Holdridge helpt al day. I killed a Sheep. She weighd 47tb. I Lodged at the Widow Holdridges. I pd Edwd Fan. & Stephen Ben. fryday toth. I came home & Adm fetched .2. Ld of Aples from Holmes’s Lot to Mr Chapmans Mill, my Daughter in Law Mary Nathanlls Widow & Children came home Tuesd last. old York Mr Adms Negroman Died (Age near 80) wednsd. Saturd 20 fair. I was with Mr Jno Coit & Lt Jos Harris Dividing Peter Harris decd his 26 acre Lot in ye 2d Teer in ye neck between Samll Stephen, & Joseph Sons of the decd. Sund 21 fair. Mr Ad. pr. ald. a Child of Jont Tinkers died & a Child of Jonas Hamiltons Babtized Daniel. Mond 22 fair. in the foren I was at Mill. aftern Writing out ye Lists for ye Surveyors at Mr Prenttis’s. Mary Roach died this morning. Tuesd 23 fair. the Supr Court Satt. I was in Town most of ye—I was much Indisposed toward 1729 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 213 night Aguish & fevar after it. Wednsd 24 fair. I was at home & in Town at the Court of Probates & aftern I went to the Medows. Ad. Carted 1 Ld Salt hay from the flatts. I pd Samll Beebee 1s 5d for Raking more then his Share & 5s Still due for mowing 1 day pd to Ben Lester. Thursd 25 fair. I was at Smiths the Barbers Summoned to give Evidenc in behalf of Mr Coit agst Woyat who Called a freeholders Court. I also bot of Elizabeth Crossman her Lot of Land about g Acres for £80 which Lyes South of Capt Thos Prenttis’s keenys lot & to the River from Quaugonpoxet Road. I went out to it & Recd Possesion of that & the other Lot by Turff & Twig in presence of Lt Joseph Harris and Mr Thos Prenttis’s. Willm the only Son of Joseph Gilbert aged near 20 years was buried (the first) at the Baptist meeting house. he died yesterday with a Bloody flux which Distemper prevails much in the Town. fryd 26 Cloudy Misty. I was at home foren Stackt Some hay. aftern at Court. I Recd £20 School mony of Brothr Plumb & pd it to the neck School Comttee C. Darro & Phil Tabor. Saturd 27 Rainy. I was at home al d. Splitting Shaveing & Setting hoops. Sund 28 fair. Mr Ad. prald. Thos Attwell & Sarah Strickland published. Mond 29 fair. I was down ye Neck & at Court to Settle Jo. Lesters Estate with Capt Rogers (vizt) to Conclude that Jo Shod have all & pay all & he to have £10 more yn Double. Ja Hawkes wife died 9 Clock morn. Tuesd 30. I was waiting ye Court foren. aftern I went with Capt Ja. Wadsworth & Ms Livingston & to the farm & Mohegan to Apprize Ms Knights Land. we Lodged there. James Hawkes wife was buried & old goodee Ricks aged about 76 & a Daughter of Mr Robinsons 4 yr old died at night. Oct. Wednsd 1 fair. I came down from Ms Livingstones great house Mr. Green & wee went to ye Court of Probates & yn home & to the Church meeting at Mr Chapmans. Thursd 2 fair. £7 Recd. N. W. I was at home Most of the day. in the morn I fetched home 7 p of gr. stones brot down from Norwich by Whittney. I pd him 10s. John is come from Southold & brot mee £87 in bills of Credit from Robert. ‘Sept. 23d. I Suppose from Warner. & Confirms the News wee heard of the death of Benja Young Junr Son of B. youngs Esqur. he died Last Saturday in the morn. fryd 3 Some Rain. I was at Mill & at home Triming Cask. my Team workt at highways & adm & Team yesterday. Saturd 4 fair. I was about Town most of the day to get ye Mill mended. Stephn is Come from 8 mile River with Dan Way. Widow Camp formerly Willobee Died. Sund 5 fair. Mr ad. pr al day. Peter Plumb & Hannah Morgan published. Widow Camp aged near 70 was buried afternoon. Mond 6 fair. I was at home al day mending Cart Wheel &c. Tuesd 7 fair. I was at home al day mending ye wheel &c. Richd Pendall is come here from Maryland in the County of Sissell. he lives near Brother & Sister Hartshorn. he Says they were well last march. I have Bargained with Stephen Harris for his Brother Josephs Third of ye 26. acre lot in ye 2nd Teer gt .12. acres for £80. I pd £10 down & gave Bond to pay £30 more ye first of feb. next & he gave £160 Bond to give me a good deed by the Last of July next. Wednsd 8th Rainy. I was at home al day. Jonat the Son of Jno Rogers at Mama- cock aged about 17 years died of Bloody flux and was buried up there. Thursd 9 fair. 1 was at mill foren. aftern fetching a Ld Salt hay. S Edgcumbs Medow 15 Cocks & left 16. I brot 7 of off the flats. fryd Io Cloudy Windy. I helpt fetch a Ld Hay from ye flatts I had of Isaac Lester for 11s & to quit about the Leather. Saturd 11 Rainy. I was at home al day. Cuzn Eliz Lee came fro Boston by water with Ben Bradford. Lodged here & a young woman of Marthas vineyard Named [ ] Norton. She is bound to Lebanon. Sund 12 fair. Mr Ad pr. al day. Jno Emms 214 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1729 Junr a Son Babtized Daniel. Hannah Preston the Eldest Daughtr of Lt Jer. Chapman was buried after meeting. She died yesterday Morning Sick with a fever & Bloody flux aged 3 years. Mond 13 fair. I was at Mill Most of ye day. Ad Carted a Small Jagg of hay from Samll Edgcombs Medow & wee fetched home 6 bbs Cydar at night from Mr Chapmans. 1 of thm 40 gallons. Tuesd 14 Rain toward night. I was at home & Making Water Cydar at Mr Chapmans. Ad went to the farm & killed 2 Sheep. Weit 46 & 46. Wednsd 15 fair. I was at home & at Mr Chapmans. I made 2 bbs Water Cydar & wee brot it home & 4 bbs more of Cydar. Thursd 16 fair. I was in Town to Hold a Court to Examine Capt Pates 3 Run away men & he pd me for it 5s Each. fryd 17 fair. I was at home al day Not Well. ye flux is hard on me. we gathered our Corn & husked at night. Saturd 18 fair. I was at home foren. aftern in Town on Bord Capt Pate to take Several Evidences. Ad. Carted 3 Ld Corn 134 bushlls Each. Sund 19 Rain. Sacramt day. Mr ad pr. al day. Jno Savel a Child Baptized Mehitable. Mond 20 fair. I was at home most of the day. in the Evening at the funeral of Patience Hodsol a Child of Brother Hodsolls about three year & [ ] old by his present wife. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at home & at Mill al day. Jno Lord Elisha Hide & his Sister Ann Lodged here last night. Wednsd 22 fair. I drove 2. 2 yr olds & 3 Calves to my Crossman Lot & yn at home. Jno went to Lebanon with his Cousins on my grt mare. Thursd 23 fair. I was at home al day Writting & Stacking Cornstalks & husks &c. fryd 24 Some Rain. I went wth Adam to Cut a Ld of poles & afterward about mending the wheel yt wee broke. Cold & Windy toward night. Saturd 25 fair & very Windy & Cold. I was at home al d. about ye Wheel &c. Sund 26 fair & Moderate. Mr Adams pr foren Mr Woolsey aftern. Jonathan Whipple Babtized & a Son of his an Infant Jonat. after the Meeting Mr Adm & Some of us went down to Mr Millers & he Babtized an Infant for him tht was wounded in Coming into the World So tht it was dangerous. Mond 27 fair. I waited on Mr Woolsey foren. aftern to viset Capt Douglass who is very Sick & in Town. John is come home from Lebanon. hath hipshot my great mare & left her there. Ad began to Cart 1 Ld for Eliza Prenttis & 1 for Ebe Peirce. Tuesd 28 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went with John & measured the length of the Lot I bot of Stephen Harris on the North Side next to John Plumbs & found it to be 106 Rod to the 3d Teer which makes it to be 13 Acres & 4. Tht is About £6 9d p acre. Ad. Cart 1 Ld home. 1 School both Walnut. Wednsd 29 Cloudy. I was at home al d. Hail & Rain at night. Thursd 30 Storm very high wind E—I was in Town & to see Capt Douglass. fryd 31 Some Rain. I was at home foren Writing a Letter to Brother & Sister Hartshorn by Pendal in the County of Sissil in Mary-Land. aftern at Samll Leaches to write a Deed &c. Saturday Nov .1. fair. wind W— Cloudy. I was at home all day Raising ye old Leanto up higer & Shoaring it up &c. Ad. went to help make a Bridge to go over from ye Millpond field to mile plain. brot home a Jagg of old wood. Sund 2 fair Cloudy & Raw cold. W. Mr Ad is gone to Boston. Mr Owen pr aftern. ye Deacons held forth forenoon. Mond 3d N. Some Scatering Snow. I was at home foren. aftern I went to Stonington & John. wee drove 3 Steers from Ebenezer Averys. Tuesd 4 Cloudy & Rain. it began about the Mid. aftern Edmund fanning helpt me mend fence & fence the Stacks in. Gershom helpt mend fence Half a day. I killed 1 Sheep & came home in ye Rain & John. Wednsd 5 fair. a publick Thanks- giving. No Minister. Dea Green held forth. Thursd .6. fair. I was in Town. got a Shoe put on bl. mare. I helpt John down wth his Cheast yt 1729] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 215 was Thomas’s put on Bord Wiggans. he is gone with Samll Beebee to L. Island. I gave John his Brother Thos best Suit of Cloths & Wigg & Shoes &c, fryd 7 fair. I was home al day meding fence &c Rain at night. Saturd 8 fair Rain in ye morn & yn fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went to See what wood was Cutt on Mr Winthrops Land. Sund 9 fair but ‘Rain at night. Mr Whiting pr al day. Mond io fair. I was about home al day. 1 finished the Stackyd fence. Tuesd .11. fair. I was in Town al day about getting a New Miller &c. I bot 6 bushlls of Turnips of Samll Fox. JI pd him the Interest for Adm £4 16s od. Wednsd 12 fair. I was most of the day in Town Mending Mr Winthrops mill &c. Thursd 13 fair. I went to Groton to Robt Allyns & lodged yr. I dd Ca. Latham a Bottle of Balsom Water to Carry to Ms White had of Madm Winthrop. fryd 14 fair. I was al day in the Woods Running a Line &c. I Lodged at R Alns. Saturd 15 Snow till about to yn Rain till 2 or 3 Clock. I came home & brot over a Steer Hide & Tallow from Thos. Bills was fatted theire 16 weeks & 2 days at 18d p week. Sund 16 fair. Mr Ad. pr. al d. Samll Gallup a Child Babtizd Samll & Danll Shaplys Ruth. Mond 17 fair. I was about home all. d. a freeholders Court about the Bounds of Mr Winthrops Land—the wife of Samll Hough was buried. died last night. Tuesd 18 fair. I was at home al day. I Sent £4 by Stephen to buy a Saddle at Road Island. Wednsd 19 fair. I was at home all day. Thursd .20. fair. I was at home & in Town ald. fryd 21 Some Rain. I was with Mr Chapman, Mr Jos. Harris & S. Coit freeholders at Thos Willms Lothrop’s & on Mr Winthrops land Settling the bounds of 80 Acres Tresspassed upon by Sd Williams wch did belong to Geo. Chappell—Sarah Williams alies Rogers died. Saturd 22 fair. I was at home most of the day. Sarah Wms buried. Sund 23 fair & cold. Mr Ad pralday. Richd Harris a Child Babtized Elizabeth. Mond 24 fair. I was about home Most of the day. Tuesd 25 fair Warm. I was at home foren. in Town aftern at Court &c. an Infant of Mr Jere Millers buried. died last night. Wednsd 26 fair Cloudy. I was at Court al day. I pd Mr Pratt 40s for his fee in the School Action with Jeffers &c 30s in part in the Action with the Town of Norwich & he demands 30s more. I hurt my Leg at night. Thursd 27 Warm. I was at Court al day. Cloudy Lowering. Ab King from Barbados. fryd 28 fair. I was at Court. I went with Nathll Beebee Junr to Chappels Slow & Counted 100 Stadles Cut down by T. Wms p haps 400 more. Saturd 29 fair. I was at Court al d. wee Lost the Case with Jeffers. Ad Carted for Madm Winthrops 3 days ys week, he broth home 2 old knaves with Boxes & bands in order to fitt ym up. I got ye Ague in my leg. Sund 30 fair. Mr Adprald. I was not out al day. very Lame. Mond Dec .1. fair. I was at home ald. aftern not So Lame as before. I began to make an Axletree. Ad broke his today. Jeffers Launched his pink Sterned Ship. Tuesd 2 fair. I finisht the Axletree foren & went to ‘Court aftern. Wednsd 3 fair. I was at Court al day. Jos. B. an Infant died. Thursd 4 fair. I was at Court al day. an Infant of Jos Beebees. fryd 5 fair Cloudy. I was at Court & at Lecture. Mr Winthrops Action agst T. W gained. Saturd 6 Rainy. I was at home al d. a Stranger a ‘Saylor Spanyard or Porteguee Newly arived from ye Wine Islands in a Boston Sloop fell over the Bow of the Long boat in the dark last night & was drownded near Capt Douglass. Sund 7 fair. Sacramt day. Mr ad pr al day. I was att meeting tho Lame. Mond 8 fair. I was in Town. Carryd Ms Miller to Madm Winthrops &c & at home. Tuesd 9 fair till ‘night. Ad gone to Stonington. Haniball Carted & Cut 1 Ld for Mr 216 Diary of Joshua Hempstead L173 Miller. Daniel Lewis of Groton fell over to the Bow of a Scow between ye Beach & point of the Neck and was drownded going from Town in the first of ye night. Wednsd ro fair. I was at home al d. Ad came from Stonington. brot 4 Sheep tht he killed there. weit [ ] Tallow 14Ib. Hanniball Cut & Carted 1 Ld yesterday for Mr Miller & Carted 2 Ld to day. Leach cut al Walnt. Thursd 11 Misty. I was at home al day. I bot of Thos Lee 1 hog. weit 197tb: 6d p tb. pd. they have found Daniel Lewis dragg him on Shoar with a Sayn on the point of the beach by the Town wharf. fryd 12 Rain. I was at home al day. Stephn & Ad fetcht a Ld of Bowe Stuff & Wood & afternoon killed 2 of the 3 piggs tht I bot of Ebe Way in Aug last. Saturd 13 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. wee killd the 3d pig. they Weigh above 6otb Each about 4 mo 4. I finisht Cutting & Salting pork & mutton. Sund 14 fair. Mr Ad pr al d. Ebe Howard & Elizabeth Mayhew Published. Micael Hewin a Child Babtized Mercy. Mond 15 fair. I was 4 day about getting the Mill mended & up to Alewife Brk to See after Some Wood Cut by Wm & James Camp on Mr Winthrops Land. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home most of the day blacking gravestones. toward night in Town to Mill &c. Rain at night. Wednsd 17. I was at home al day Cutting Letters &c. fair. Thursd 18 fair. I was at home all d. Cutting Letters & the Ague in my Leg. fryd 19 fair. I was at home al day Cutting letters &c. Lame. Saturd 20 fair. I was at home al day Cutting Letters &c. Sund 21 Rainy. Mr Ad prald. I was Lame at home not out. Mond 22 Misty foggy & warm. I was at home al day Lame & at night with the Selectmen making up accots with the Constable & Receiving the ferry Rent &c. Tuesd 23 fair most of the day. I was at home al day. Wednsd 24 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went to Robert Allyns to write his will. I Lodged there & Stayed al day the 25 which was ye ordination of Mr Pemberton in that Society. Cloudy. I writt ye Will & finished & 3 deeds & 12 notes & Stayed fryday & Saturd. it Snowd last night 1 Inch deep. I came home a Sund aftern. Mr Allyn died this morning about 9 Clock. I have been lame & am Still. 28 fair Sund. Mr Adams pr al day. Nathll Beebee published to Lydia Griffin. 29 Mond fair & Cold. a Town meeting. I was at it al day. the Same Townsmen as last year ye Town & Society meeting is adjourned till the first monday in february. Tuesd 30 fair. I helpt Adam Cart 2 Ld of Wood of from my Crossman Lot which were Cut by Jno Rogers’s people. aftern I went to Madm Winthrops & held a Court there by adjournmt from yesterday. Wednsd 31 Rainy. I was at home al day. 17% Jan Thursd 1. fair. I was at home al day writing Deed Bonds &c. T. Stidman to Mary Darte. Elizabeth the Daughtr of Nath Holt dead. She was a young woman Near 23 years of age. fryd 2 Cloudy. I went with adam & Haniball & fetched 2 Load of Wood from Jno Rogers’s men cut 1 Ld & wee one & wee drew of 5 Logs for Rail Cuts. I went to the funeral afterwards. Stephen is come from So-hold & Abigail Stays. Saturd 3d fair. I was at home most of the day. Sund 4 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. I was at meeting tho Lame. Danll Dishaw a Child Babtized Henry. a Child that lived with Jos Merrills died 6 or 7 yr old a girl Illegitimate. Mond 5 fair & Cold 4 days. I went over the ferry afternoon. I Lodged at Capt Starrs. Tuesd I went to Ensign Deans and agreed with him about his getting 1000 Railes Cedar. he pd me 20s & Capt Morgan & Samil Newton Judgd as Arbitrators the vallue of the Timber as it Stood & Lay 1733 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 217 to be 15s which he promiseth to pay. I Lodged at Capt Morgans 3 nights & Ms Allyns one. I have been with Mr Wm Morgan Mr Bill & Lester the Comttee of Groton Running the line between Mr Winthrops Lanthorn Hill Farm & the Comons &c. It Rained fryday a little. at night a great Storm. Saturd 10 Squally windy. I came home on Saturday at night. left my mare at the ferry. Expences 19s 5d & keeping the mare 1 night at the ferry more Is all 20s 2d. Sund 11 fair. Mr Adams pr all day. I was at meeting aftern Tho Lame. Mond 12 fair. I was at home al day. Stephen is gone on Bord Capt Ja: Dunlap of Stratford his mate bound for Antegua. Tuesd 13 Cloudy. I was in Town most of the day. Wednsd 14 Cloudy Easterly weather. a Propritrs Meeting to Choose a Comttee to Consider Some more Effectual way to preserve the Timber & Improve the Comons &c. in ye Eve wee Chose Tavern keepers. Thursd 15 Misty. I was at home most of the day. I went to John Richards & got an Iron to put a Thwart the Oven mouth & I mended it after I had took it down & put in ye Iron. it Rained at night & Some Snow & then Cold. W. at N W. fryd 16 N. W. I was at home al day Cold & Windy. Cuzn Thos Lee came here & Tarryed al night. I wrote his Will. Saturd 17 N. W fair. I was at home al day. more moderate & Cloudy. Dunlap Sayld. an old Negro Woman Bess Capt Buttlers buried. Sund 18 N E Cloudy & very Cold again aftern & at night Snow. Mr Ad pr al day. I Stayd at home al day being Lame. high fierce wind & Snow. William Bayly of Groton & Widow Acourt publisht. Mond 19 Some Snow & very windy high drifts of Snow. toward night the wind abated Something. I was at home all day Lame. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at home al day. Ebe Pierce come to Turn my Coat. Wednsd 21 fair. I was at home most of ye day. I went into Town. Thursd 22 fair in ye foren afternoon Dripping at night Rain. I was at home most of ye day. I Recd £30 School mony of Mr Picket. I borrowd £20 of Mr Miller School mony. I pd Stephn Harris’s Wife £30 & Recd of her 26s for Phebe Prenttis & Recd my Bond of £30 for the last paymt of Jos Harris’s Land yt I bot of Stephn Last October. E Pierce finisht. fryd 23 Snow & Rain all day. I was at home al day. I let Joseph Harris have 20s & to get it again of Stephen Harris or Phoebe Prenttis. Ad killed ye Sow I bot of Ebe Way. She Weighed togib. Saturd 24 fair & moderate. I was at home al day. Jessup Arived from Antegua yesterday had a bad Storm Sund & Monday last. Gabriel Hamilton of [ ] aged about 60 years died. Sund 25 fair. I was at Meeting. Mr Ad day. _3 Infants Babtized Jno Richds Elizabeth Wetherel Denisons .1. George Elisha Turner t Arnold. Gab Hamilton buried after meeting. Mond 26 fair. I was at home al day. Ad Cleand up 20 bushll of oats & hath been 3 day a Thrash- ing of them. a poor Crop. Tuesd 27 fair. I was in Town most of the day. proprietors Comittee Meet with Mr Pratt to Advise about the Settle- ment of our Comons &c. Wednsd 28 fair. I was again in Town to hear Mr Pratts opinion Respecting ye Comons & he Says they do undoubtedly belong to the Proprietors notwithstanding any [a]prehended Sequesteration & yt the Town have no Right in them. wee gave him 22s 6d T. Prenttis 5s J. Pickett 5s J Richards 5s J. Chapmn 2s 6d & J. Hempsted 5s. Thursd 29 fair & very Cold. I was at home foren. aftern in Town. fryd 30 fair & Cold till night yn Snow 3 Inches deep. I was at home foren. aftern in Town. Ad Came home from Stonington. hath got up about 80 Sheep. the Snow is very deep near knee Deep in the woods. Saturd 31 fair & moderate. I was at home al day. february Sund 1 fair. Mr Ad pr al day. I was at Meeting. a Brigg belonging to Boston of about 180 Tons from Mertinecco Capt Bulkleys a“ 218 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1733 Comandr Ran upon Lattimers Rocks & their like to Stave & be lost. Mond 2d fair Hazy in the morn thn Warm Wind S E. a Society Meeting & Town meeting held by adjournment. the Town hath given their Right of the use of Jordan Stream to Set a grist mill thereon & ye Society hath voted Mr Adam £130 ys year besides Livings mony. Tuesd 3 Cloudy forn. aftern much Rain. I was at home al day about a Slead. Wednsd 4 fair & Warm & Thawing. I was at home foren. aftern in Town wth the Committee about the Comons—Expences 2s 6d. a Child of John Proctors about a year old Died yesterday was buried. Thursd 5 Rainy. I was at home al Day. fryday 6 fair & pleasant. I was at home foren. aftern in Town to Serch the Records for Capt Ja Rogers. Saturday 7 fair. I was al day in Town Measuring the Lots above Mr Pickets to Ms Prenttis’s & Serching ye Records for Capt James Rogers &c. Sund 8 fair. Mr Adams pr. ald. the Contribution is Ended last Sunday. Mond g fair. a Proprietors Meetting. I was at it al day, adjourned to 16 day. Tuesd to fair. I went wth Mr Adams & Jno Richards to Mr Rossiters to a Counsel of Ministers & Stayed till Saturday. fair all this week. Ad drove my young Bay mare to Stonington Wensday from Lt Eber Averys. Sund 15 fair. Mr Adams pr alday. inthe Evening I Recd pr Brothr Hodsoll 2 Letters from Robt & £26 in N E Bills the Ballance of Warners Bond of £85 & Cleaves’s of £29 & Robt has taken out of wt he Recd for me for his own use £24 5s od & to pay for the Hides tht Thos Bot Last Spring £22 2s od all £46 7s tod due next december from Warner £166 14s od of which Robt 30 odd £. Mond 16 fair. a Proprietors meeting. I was at it &c. Tuesd 17 fair. I was at home al day Settling the Accotts of Jos Lester with Jno Richards & writing about that matter. Wednsd 18 fair. I went into the neck to Joseph Lesters to Assist in the making a Division & to See uncle Fox. Thursd 1g fair. I was at Court al day about affricans business. his Action with T. Williams was dismist with Cost. fryd 20 fair. I was at Court & at Lecture all day. Saturd 21 Rainy. I was at Court in the foren to get an Execution out for Affrican agst T. Williams for Costs £3 8s 6d which I did & dd to the Sheriff, I pd 2s to the Clerk. aftern I was with the Proprietors Committee at Capt Douglasses. Sund 22 fair. mr ad pr al day. a Sacramt day. Mond 23 fair. I was at homeal day. Tuesd 24 & Wednsday 25 fair. I was at home Each day Writing &c. Thursd 26 fair. I went to the farm to get men to help gett fencing Stuff. fryd 27 fair. I had 7 men to help fell Trees. I workt with them aftern. Saturd 28 it Snowed Something an Inch or two deep. In the morning I helpt mend the fence between me & Gershom. aftern I came home. it left of Snowing an hour or 2 before night. I had 4 hands felling trees in the foren. “——.. March Sund .t. fair Cold. Mr Adams pral day. Mond 2 fair. Pro- prietors Meeting. I was at & it is adjourned to monday the 9th. Tuesd 3 fair. I went to Stonington & Carryed Molly to Ms Willms & left her there. I came home Saturday & adam. Beef trib Pork [ ] 1 Safe [ iF Wednsd 4 fair. Stephn Bent helpt me & Adam. I had 6 hands Thursd 5 felling Timber besides my Self & Adam (vizt) Ed Fanning Will Crouch Gershm Holdridge St. Bent Jno & Wm Cook. fryd 6 fair. Stephn Bennat & William Cook helpt. Saturd 7 Some Rain. wee Come home from the farm. Sund 8 fair. Mr ad. pr. al. d. a Child of Danll Way Babtizd Lydia. Mond 9 fair. a Proprietors meeting. I was at it. they have Chosen my Self Thos Prenttis Jno Richards Jer Chapman Philip Tabor Jno Hough & Capt Richd Douglass a Comittee to Divide the Commons & my Self Mr Picket & Thos Prenttis Agents or Attorneys for the Proprietors & the Meeting is adjourned to the first monday in Sept next. Tuesd 10. I 1730] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 219 went to Stonington & Adam. I Lodged at Mr Williams’s. . old uncle John Fox died. Wednsd 11 a Cold Rainy day a Storm. I Made an Ax helve for Gersh &c. Thursd 12 fair. I finished making the brush Pike fence at the upper End. I had Jno Cook & Wm all day & Robt Holdridge 4. I pd Jno Cook 40s more due 5s. fryd 13 fair. I mended up the Lowerend of the old orchard fence & moved the Rails to Joyn from the Spring to the new fence & Enclosed al ye upper Pasture. I had Wm Crouch & Gershom al day & Robt $day. I pd Crouch tos duets. Saturd 14 fair. I parted my Sheep from the Ews & Lambs & those with Lambs. I Left the Latter in the field to go to ye hay Stack & there is 9 Lambs alive & 2 have died 1 at home & I at Bennets 2 Slinkt & ye Ew died 5 have been Carryed away foxes or some other vermine 3 in I night & 2 in an other. I came home. Jno Larkins workt Cutting of fenccing Stuff & brushing fence. Sund 15 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. Mond 16 fair. I was at home al day. Tuesd 17 fair. I went to Stonington & Lodged at Gershoms. Wednsd 18. wee made a fence of Brush & poles & Thorn Trees to Stop the Riding place next Packer farm. itt Raind afternoon. Thursd 19 & fryday 20. 1 was at Stonington & Saturd 21 I finisht Triming the upper Orchard. in the morn Some Rain & yesterday. I was much Indisposed & came home before night. Sund 22 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. Wm ye Son of Jos Cheapel a man grown & Samll Latimer a Son an Infant Babtized Nathan. William Luther & Mary Beckwith publisht. Mond 23 fair. I went with Mr Chapman Mr Thos Prenttis & Jno Richards to Poguoyog farm to Lay a highway through Tabors farm wch wee Laid from his house to the North East Corner of Sd farm 3 Rod Wide. Tuesd 24 fair. Supr Court Sat. I was at it & pd 20s to ye Clark & 3 for Coppys. I Recd a Lettr from Robt & £78 15s 6d by Wiggans. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at Court foren. aftern at home. a Court Brook- field & Jno Darte 2 Actions. Thursd 26 Some Rain. In the morn I went to Woyats to See Jared Pell before the Docters Cut of his Leg which they did about noon & he died at night. I attended the Court all day. Miles fro Antegua. fryd 27 Cloudy. I was at Court al day. the Norwich Action was pleaded. Saturd 28 Misty. I was at Court al day. I gaind the Case wth the Norwich Men & wee Lost the ferry Action. I have pd the Court & Jury 35s 6d. Pell was buried in ye Evening. Sund 29 fair & Wind. last night it Rained. Mr Ad pr al d. Richd Beebe & Thankful Harris of Colchester published. Mond 30 fair. I attended Court ald. Mr Winthrops Action with T. Wms was heard. Tuesd 31 fair. I was at Court untill it Rise about Noon. they gave Judgmt in Mr Winthrops Case agst T. Williams £50 & Cost. a Reveiw is granted. Capt Jno Shackmaple Colector of his Majesties Costoms died last Night 3 Clock. Wednsd .1. fair. I was about home. wee Cleared the lot beat ye dung & drag of Some Small Stones, &c. I pd Ebe Avery £5 5s 3d Jeffreys Bill of Cost .1. I was at home most of the day Leveling the ground & Caring of Stones & Soing oats. I had Mr Smiths oxen. I was at the funeral of Capt Shackmaple. Tuesd 2 fair. I was at home all day Mending Cart wheel 2 fellows. fryd 3 fair. I was a Mr Greens farm to Apprize it with Dea Plum & Sa[ ]. Saturd 4 fair. I was al day at Jonas Greens with Brothr Plumb &c. Joseph Beebees Wife Died yesterday or the night before. was buried ys day. Sund 5th Some Rain a great Storm last night much Rain & high wind. Mr Adams pr all day. Jno Griffings wife took into the Church. Mond 6 fair & very Cold & Exceeding high wind att N W. I was with Brother Plumb & a Jury holding a Court of Isquisition at Bruins Neck to Try Samll Rogers of Brandford formerly of Newlondon Son of Joseph Rogers for a forcable Entry & detainer Comitted ye 29 & 30 days of 220 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1730 March agst Jos Huntly. the Court Sat at Jonat Calkings & Jury found him Guilty of forcable Detainer only. Tuesd 7 Some Rain. I was at Mr Hobarts where the Court Sat according to Adjournmt & wee made up the Judgmt & granted Execution & wee Recd 15s Each. I bought William Douglass’s Right in the Commons wch came by his father Robert Douglass as he is heir & I gave £22 pd it down to his Son John & took a Bond of him to procure a good deed thr of by the first of May next. I pd Eliza Crossman £40 in bills & gave a note to pay £10 more to Ed. Lay on her accot by Next Christmas & Endorsed £50 on my Bond of £80 due last feb. Wednsd 8 fair. a Publick fast. mr Adams pr. al day. Thursd goth fair. News of Braddicks Sloop. I was at home foren fencing a Cross from the West End of ye Stonewall by T. Trumans to the nursery. aftern at Brother Plumbs & Mr Greens finishing that Division. they pd 20s apeice. fryd Io fair. 1 was helping divide the Land of David Calking Junr decd to his wife & Children. Capt Stephn Prentts also. Saturd 11 fair. I was at home all d. in the foren I was Coppying out Writing for Mr Worthington. he pd me 2s. aftern I helpt Adam prune & dig up & Set out New fence & Enlarge the Nursery. Jolin Come from So-hold & Ab & Hannah Salmon came over to lyme & left the girls at T Lees. Sund 12 Some Rain. mr ad pr al d. Thos fosdyck a Child babtizd Sarah. Palmer Carew & Hannah Hill pub- lished. Mond 13 fair. a Trayning day both Companys. I was out. Tuesd 14 fair. a Trayning day again. I was not at it. I went out to Joseph Caulkings in the morning to finish the Division of Davids Estate but Could not get it done. it Raind toward night. I Lay there all night. Wednsd 15 fair. wee finished the division & I wrote 2 Leases afterwd & came home by night. Adam brot home the Oxen yesterday & Plowed for Samll Edgcumb to day & broke the beam I Recd of Joseph Caulking. 30s to Charge. | Thursd 16 fair. I was at home all d making a N Plow beam &c. Ad drawd Stone } day for S. Edgcumbe. aftern he & John Diged up & Set out Ap. Trees at the upper End Smiths lot Some 1 Row out Side the fence. fryd 17 Cloudy. I was at home foren. aftern with the Rest of the Townsmen to See the Widow Strickland &c. Willm Kelly died of a Con- sumption & a Child of young Congdons buried. Ad. plowed for Samll Edgcumbe. Saturd 18 Some Rain. I was at home fitting Stuff & Ringing one of the Wheels & at the funeral of Kelly. Sund 19 fair. Mr ad pr all Day. Roger [ ] of Brandford & Martha Harris pub. Mond 20 fair. I was at home most of the day about my wheel & to the funeral of Timothy Lester Son of Benja Lester who died yesterd with ye Long fevar the 18th day. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at home foren finishing & plugging my wheel. aftern I was with Madm Winthrop & kate Rideing over their Land to See if any wood is Cut. Wednsd 22 fair. I went with Lt Chapman. Mess Thos Prenttis & Jno Richards Selectmn to Setle the Bounds Between us & Lyme also Capt Stephen Prenttis with us & Cuzn Thos & John Lee. wee mett at Jno Champlins & Lodged at Capt Jos. Beckwiths. Expences 4s at Champlins & Clemt Minors ts 6d. Thursd 23 Some Rain in the morn. Wee Ran up to the Northwest Cornner & Lodged at Capt Gilberts. Expences 4s 2d Each. fryd 24 fair. wee dined at Capt Beckwiths. Wee came Downward & made a Streight Line from ye northwest Cornner to ye Bound mark Tree 2 Rod West of the falls & from thence to the grayoak Tree at the Road by Clemt Minors & from thence to the ditch where wee began. in Champlins field wee made a heap of Stones & Stake or a ditch & Stake at the End of every 80 Rods & came honie by about to Clock at night. our Expences hath been about 12s Each. Saturd 25 fair. I was about home foren. aftern I went over the ferry t) Run a Line from Willm 1730] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 221 Leeds. he pd me 3s. /Sund 26 it Rained Last night & al day. Mr Adams pr. al day. Mond 2y fair. Cow Calved. News is Come that Daniel Dunlapp is well at Nevis & Company. I was about home al day. Ebe Pierce at work here.’ the young black Cow Calved. She went Io days more yn nine months.! Tuesd 28 fair. a freemans Meeting. Richd Chris- tophers & Jno Richards Deputies. Wednsd 29 fair. 20 Sides Sole leather besides my 3 & uper leather 14 Sides. I Set out for pine Judith on my black mare & John on the Horse. wee Lodged at the Widow Holdridges. I markt & Gelt my Lambs. Thursd 30 fair. wee got to Robert Hassards by night & wee Raised up the Sloop in 4 days. Wednsd May .1. I went to Newport & John to the Election. I Lodged at Colln Wm Wantons & came back in Mr Mumfords boat with whome wee went & John Set out for home & I to the Sloop again & Stayed by her to Assist in mending her & geting her off untill fryday the 22d day in the forenoon aiter we had been 2 days & all night in Launching the Sloop. 1 came away & lodged at Mr Tompsons & thro Stonington on Saturday and got home to my house in the Evening. my Expences in going was 8s 9d & in Coming 3s tod. I pd for Some Spikes 5s & for Nailes & Tallow 6s 6d & to Bessee 6s in part of his work & to Mr Niles’s Servt 5s od & for Rum Stephn Hazard 7s & to Robert Hazard for bording me 3 weeks 30s & Pas- turing 6s all is £3 18s od & Hodsoll pd to R. H for 4 Weeks Bording 4s & Carting Timber &c 77s 5d—17s od & to Bessee for work 44s od. in my absence Mr Amas Tinker Aged about [ ] years & Ms Eliza Raymond wife of Joshua Raymond aged about 3 years have died & Henry Harris & the Widow of old uncle John Fox was Maried. She hath been a Widow about 2 months. Stephn is Come from Sea the 4th of May. Saturd 23 fair. I came home in the Evening. Stephn is Come home & gone in the Sloop to Stratford. Sund 24 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. I Stayd at home aftern because Joshua wds taken Sick. Mond 25 Some Rain. I was at home most of the day. wee Set out Cabbages. Tuesd 26 fair. I was in Town al day Making up accots with Mr Robinson & Roe geting Coppies for Capt Rogers & writing a Lease for T. Leeds for Lanthornhill farm. Wednsd 27 a Thundr Shower toward night. I was down to Daniel Denisons & bot $ his part of the flatts or gain Medow for £12 & Jonath Latimer bot the other half. wee had the Deed made to us both. wee dd it to the Recorder. Thursd 28 fair. In the foren Jno & Adam finished weeding & wee all went to Stonington. wee carryed the wild Cow & young heffer & their calves. I lodged at Mr Wheelers. fryd 29 fair. wee Washed our Sheep but 70 odd & mended ye fence. Saturd 30 Rainy most of ye aftern. I Carryd the Lame mare to Mr Wheeler & left her. I came home & John. Sund 31. Sacramt Day. Mr ad pr al day. Joseph Southmayd of Midle Town & Abiah Douglass John Brooks & Sarah Lester publisht. Samll Leech & wife ownd ye Covnt & had their Child Babtizd Abigail. June .1. monday. I was at home at Mill. a Church Meeting at our house. Ebe Pierce workt here made a Coat for Joshua. Tuesd 2 fair. I was at home drawing writts foren. aftern I went to ye farm & I carryed Joshua with me. Jno & Ab went before. Wednsd 3 fair. wee Sheered our Sheep but 71 at home & 5 Strays. I was at Stonington & Jno & adam Cutting fencing Stuff till Saturday aftern wee all came home. Saturd 6 Rain. Lame Mare. & brot 15 fleeces of wool 30tb. my little lame mare took Horse ys day at Mr Wheelers. it Rained 2 or 3 hours in ye morn. I lodged at Mr Wheelers. _a Sloop is Come in from Boston. Rynolds of Wethersfield hath got ye Small Pox on bord & News is Come | } 222 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1730 that James Hawke is drownded at Suranam & Jno Waterman Junr of Nor- wich. their boat Sunk. Sund 7 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. 3 Babtized an Infant of Mr Hadens Joseph & two Daughters of John Conklings one Mary about 10 yr old & ye other Sarah about 4 yrs. the Later lives wth Capt Douglas & his wife & the former with Lt Jonat Caulkings & they Each of them Stand Ingaged for their Christian Education. a |Sloop is in the Har- bour come from Boston wth the Small Pox on Bord & Ezekiel Buttler is come home in her & is Confined & 1 man more. Mord 8 fair. I was at home & in Town al day. Tuesd 9 fair. I was at home & in Town to get Coppies in Jno Rogers Action. the County Court Sat. ‘Wednsd Io fair. I was at Court all day. Thursd 11 fair. I was at Court &in Town al day. | withdrew my Action with Jno Rogers because the Coppy of the writt by which it was Served was no True Coppy. I got my grzat Mare to a dark Sorrill Sally on of Joseph fitches. I pd him 5s. fryd 12 fair. I was at Court & in Town all day Sumond for Jno Rogers & Davise., Saturd 13 fair most of the d. a Thundr Shower toward night. I was at'Court all d. on Jno Rogers Accot. Sund 14 fair. Mr Ad pr al d. Jos Prentis a Child Babtizd Ann. Mond 15 Rain. Rain most of the day. I was at Court aiter | had been & taken Livery & Seisen of the Land I bot of Joseph Harris by Crossmans Lot & had it Endorsed on the Deed in the presence of his Brother Stephen Harris & my John. I Recd of John Rogers 4s for 2 days attendance in Court as a Witness also 4s for his man not working at high- way wch } I have pd to Samll Richards Surveyr. Tuesd 16 I was at C& in Town all day. put in a bill of Cost for Mr Winthrop & Wanton agst Tom Williams & had it Taxed 39s. it Raind hard aitern. Wednsd 17 fair. I was in Town all day helping Turn up Hodsols Sloop & Setting out the Surveyors their Limits to work at highway. Thursd 18 fair. In the foren Thelpt pry & Screw up the Sloop. aftern I was with the Townsmen Laying out a highway for Mr Thos Prenttis between the first & Second Teer through the orchard tht was Samll Harris’s & for me by Crossmans house to my land bot of Woyat &c. fryd 19 fair. I was at home in the foren. aftern Dividing & apprizing ye fence between Ms Sarah Christophers & ye Widow Hill ye West End to the widow Hill & the East End to Widow Christo- phers 1 Rod Each piece £5. Saturd 20 fair. I was in Town all d. getting fencing stuff together & assisting in fencing up the highways by Buttlers for fear the Small Pox is there. wee had 50 Railes of Mr Picket & 20 Posts of Jos Truman & 1 of N Holt 2 Gates of Mr Prenttis. Jno brot home 26tb of Wool from the farm 14 fleeces. Sund 21 fair. B: Mare. Mr owen pr. all day. Mr Adams at Groton for him. in the Evening Adam Rode out ye Black mare to Mr Tabers to his Stallyon. Mond 22 fair. I was in Town all day. at Court with & for Madm Winthrop in the foren. at Justice Plumbs aftern about moving G. Buttolphs Brigg down to powder Island. a man is broke out with the Small Pox on Bord. also at Danll Shaplys to Appoint free holders for Justice Morgan. Tuesd 23 fair & hot. I was in the North parish to veiw the Nessessity of Laying out a highway by Widow Com- stocks &c Mr Chapn Prenttis & Christoprs & to meet the North parish Surveyrs in order to Run their New Line on the South Side Mr Congdons land on East & West line. they did not come. Wednsday 24 Thundr Shower fair. I was again up & Mr Prentis. wee began at a white oak Tree the South East Cornner of Congdons Land a little Northerly of the Widow Comstocks house & Ran East to the River came out at Sheephallow in Daniel Comstocks land next below the mouth of the Coave 263 Rod. & from Sd Tree West to Colchester Road by Samll Chapmans near the Brook is 240 in all is 1 Mile & $ & 23 Rod. Thursd 25 fair & hot. a, Thunder 1730] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 223 Shower toward night. wee Stayed it out at the Widow Douglasses. wee lodged at Mr Raymonds last night. wee Continued to Run the West line in Company with Mr Josiah Conant Surveyor of Windham County & Chain- men under oath Mr Raymond & Some others. wee Ran over the great hill Northward of Bishops Land a great way & so through a great medow northwd of Laks pond & crossed Colchester path by a little Round Swamp near Mr Adams’s line three mile then up about 50 Rod Southward of Mr Adams hous to lime line a little below where the line Crosses the great brook 1 mile & 4 & 19 Rod in all from the River by Comstocks to lime line is 6 Miles & 42 Rod. ths west line crosseth Colchester Road about 43 Rod East from Congdon S. W Corner then South 4 East 133 Rod to the line aforesd. fryd 26 Cloudy. I was at home al day. I pulled up yellow Blossomd Weeds in Smiths lot. Saturd 27 fair. 10 ft. foren I was in Town holding a Court with Broth Plumb about the Small Pox Concerns. aftern at home picking up yellow blossoms in the lot & adam. John went to the farm & fetcht a Sythe & 10 fleeces of Wooll 18tb. a Molatto Child of Bilhas at Ms Prenttis burd. Sund 28 fair a Thundr Shower & Rain at night. Mr ad pr al day. an Infant of Samll Richards Babtized Lydia & one of James Rogers Grace. Mond. 29 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at A free- holders Court in Groton at the ferry. Mr Coit Hallam & Chapman fr holders to Settle the bounds of four Rod Square of Land for Justice Morgan at Leeds’s Coave below the ferry lot 2 Rod & 11 foot. Ad went to the farm & carryed the grt Mare & brot home 143 Wool 8 fleeces. Ebe Pierce at work. Tuesd 30 fair. wee began to Mow in Smiths Lot. aftern in Town. I bot 5 yds Stript Holland of Wm Camp for 27s 6d. Jabez & Danll Hide came Home with me & lodged here. Wednsd July .1. fair. I was with Cuzn Hides Capt Leffingwell & others in Danll Ways Sloop Turnd down to Jno Harris’s in order to go to fishers Island. I came home at night & left them. Thursd 2 fair. I was at home ald. bot a new Sythe & fitted it. Cuzn Jabez & Danll Hide Lodged here & their Daughters. fryd 3d fair. I was in Town in the foren. aftern at home. wee Raked up the hay in Smiths Lot. Saturd 4 fair. I was at home al d. madea Stak in Smiths lot. Jno & Adam mowed above the path. Jno Coit Launcht & Stopt P. Lattimers Scooner. Sund 5 fair. Mr Ad. pr ald. Samill Jackson & Sarah Harris publisht. Mond 6 fair Except a Short Shower. I was at home & in Town al day. Tuesday 7 fair & hot in the foren. aftern Cloudy & Rain very hard At night. I was at Stonington at the Society Meeting. nothing done there. I went with Justice Palmer to See after a Wounded Squaw which was Reported to be dangerous but proved not So. I lodged there. Wednsd 8 fair. I came away & mended Some fence at my old orchard & fetched my 3 Steers from Mr Wheelers & put them into my own Pasture which is Extreordinary good. I lodged at Mr Ebe Williams’s. Thursd 9 fair. I came home after I had mended Some fence. I helpt to make a Stack of hay on ye hill 34 Ld in it. I went into Town to Madm Winthrops. Mr Dickinsons was thr Renewing Leases & Bond. fryd 10 fair. I was at home most of the day about hay. Saturd 11 fair. J helpt Cart a Ld of hay for Hobart from Hurlbuts lot in the foren. aftern at home Stacking & Raking hay. Jno not well. Sund 12 fair. Mr adams pr al day. Benja Shaply & Ester Rogers publisht. Mond 13 fair. In the morning I made a Stake & then went with Brothr Plumb to Sunka- pausuck to hold a Court of Inquisition & a Jury of 18 men to Enquire after a forcable Detainer made by Willm Bordan on Jno Rogers. we opned & Adjourned to Capt Beckwiths & found [ ]. we adjourned to Hobarts 10 Clock to morrow. Tuesd 14 Rain fair till near night a Shower 224 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1730 & much Rain. I was at the Court at Hobarts in the foren. aftern at Dea. Plumbs Court about Jo: Bolles Cutting trees on Mr Winthrops land. Wednsd 15 fair. I was at home al day turning & Raking up hay in the upper lot. Thursd 16 Rain aftern. foren Jno & adam finished mowing at home on the back Side the Lot & Raked up Some. Peirce at work here. I was at home al day. fryd 17 Rainy. I was at home making bowstacks for Stephn & at Lecture. Saturd 18 fair. I was at home all dy. wee dryed our hay & Raked all up. old Daniel Stubbins Died last night aged about 85 or 6. Sund 1g fair. Sacramt day. mr Adams Pr. al. d. John Monroe had 2 Infants Babtized Twins Jonathan & Lydia. old Mr Stubbins was buried between Meetings. he was the last male living in the Town of the 2d generation that first settled it. he came with his father & mother when he was about one year & a half old att the first planting of the Town which was by the oldest Record in Jan 1646. march being accounted the first month. Mond 20 fair. I was at home most of the day drying & Raking hay. wee Carted 1 Ld to Mr Stuart & Loaded up another. Tuesd 21 fair. I was about home al day. wee Carted the Ld of hay to Stewarts & Carted 2 Ld in the lot & Stackt it & mowed the oats only my Self & Adam. Jno helpt mr Chapman yesterday & to day. Wednsd 22 fair. I was at home al day Mending fence Rakeing oats &. Adam Carted a Ld of bark for T Truman & Jno. mr Chapm 4. Thursd 23 fair. I was at home al day. John is gone home to So-hold. fryd 24 fair. I was in the wood & Adm getting Wallnut to Ring a Wheel & Cutting a Ld of wood for Pierce—had Mr Coits Cart. Saturd 25 fair. I was about home al d. Ad Carted for Dishaw 2 Ld hay. Sund 26 fair & very hot a Shower at night. mr Adams prald. Ebe fox a Son Babtized. Mond 27 fair but Cloudy. I was about home al day. Ad. Carted 1 Ld hay for Ms Christophrs. Tuesd 28 fair & Cloudy. I went with Mr Rossiter toward Lyme (he lay there last night) & to See Peter Hackley &c. aftern at home about Wheel Timber. Wednsd 29 fair. I went to Stonington & Adam to mowing & Joshua with me. Adm helpt Gershom 4 day & I mended fence. Thursd 30 fair. Adm mowed al day & Gershom $d & Ia little. I came home & Josh. fryd 31 fair. I went to the farm. wee Raked up the hay & Carryed it together in order to Stack. I Lodged at the Widows. Saturd August .1. fair. I helpt make a Stak & came home & went to See Benja fox who hath been Languishing under very great pain by an Ague Sore in his arm proceeing from a boil on the upper joynt of his Right Thumb Ever Since monday night last & is now Corrupted & grown hollow at his Elbow & downward to his wrist & very bad & dangerous. Sund 2d fair. in the foren I went to See Ben Fox again. aftern at Meeting. Mr Ad. pr al day. Samll Chapman Son Babtized Samuel. Mond 3 fair. I Set Adm over ye ferry to go to ye farm & was at home foren. aftern I went with Brother Plumb to See Ben Fox. in the Evening I Recd of Brother Plumb £12 tos od School mony & Mr Chapman & I pd Mr Miller his Last paymt £30 in full of Sallary for keeping School last year ended July 3d. Tuesd 4. I was about home & in Town all day. Wednsd 5 fair. I went to Stonington. wee Raked up most of the hay. Thursd 6. fryd. 7& Saturd 8 fair & hot. I was at the farm finishing haying. I pd Crouch 2 more yn his work Came to. wee fenced off the orchard at the upper End. I went to Jno Deans afternoon & came home at night. Brother Salmon is here. Gershom has helpt me 1$ day & Robt .1. day. Sund oth fair, Mr adam pr al day. Mond to fair & hot Rain. I was about Town with Brother Salmon & at a Court at Brother Plumbs wch is adjourned untill monday next. Rain at night. Tuesd 11 fair. I was in Town with Brother Salmon 1730] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 225 who went home foren & on bord Brother Hodsoll who is Loaded wth 1000 plank & 2000 Staves for boston. ye plank 2 & 24 & 3 Inch. Wednsd 12 fair. I was at home al day. Thursd 13 fair. I was at court with Mr Lynd & Brothr Plumb to grant Lycenses foren. afternoon at home about Riming a Wheel. Joshua is Scorcht with powder. pop Gun Split. fryd 14 fair. I was at home al day about ye Wheel. Dorothy Safford lay here last night. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home al d about ye Wheel. al this week hot. Sund 16 fair. Mr Parsons from Lyme pr al day. Mr adams their. Mond 17 hot fair & hot. I was in Town at a Court foren at Brother Plumbs to Try Jno Rogers & Wetherel Denison for being at the Tavern on Saturday night was Sennet who were Dismist with paying Cost 5s 5d Each. aftern at home finishing my wheel & at Madm Winthrops about Jos Bolles Cutting 20 Staddles to Mend ye Bridge &c. Tuesd 18 fair hot. I was at home al day. I Tarred the Clabbords on the back Side of the Leantoo & mended it. Benja Shaply & Esther Rogers is Maried. I pd Mr Taber £3 10s od School mony. Wednsd ig fair hot. I was about home al day. I Tarred Some of the Clabords on the back Side my End of the Leantoo. they have been Layed on above 20 years & are good. Thursd 20 fair. I was at home al day. I Tard ye E. End of House as high as ye Windows I. gall tar & Split a Rock wth Powder next Mr Coits Hollow. fryd 21 Rain last night & ys Morning plentyfull for ye time but Short. I was at home al day Mending Ad. Shoes &c. Saturd 22 fair Cool. I went to Stonington & adam put up our 3 Rams & 18 falling Sheep & kiled one weid 46tb. Came home in Eve. Sund 23d fair Cool. Mr Ad pr al. d. Peter Plumb a Son Babtized Peter. Mond 24 fair hot. I went to Colchester to See about Selling my land to Jos: Dewey who hath Sold it to Stephen Gardner of Narragansett. lodged at kellogs. Expence 3s 4d. Tuesd 25 fair & Cool. In the morning I got a Citation Served on Justice Taintor And ye Proprietors of Colchester to vindicate the Title of my Land Sued for by Norwich men. I went to my Land & Dewey &c. he gave the possession to Gardner & I came home by William Douglasses—I am to Receive $ my money in about a month which is about £200 & ye Rest next march. Wednsd 26 fair. I was at home al day. I Split a Rock with Powder & turnd it into mr Coits Stone wall. Ad. Carted a Ld of Stones afterwards & 10 before to the fort for Stephn Harris to the half from Crockers house. Thursd 27 fair. I was at home & in the Woods to get Timber for a Cart. Adm brot it home. fryd 28 Rain aftern & at night. I was at home foren. aftern at Lecture. Adm gathered a Ld of Apples at holmes Lot & brot to Mr Chapmns. Saturd 29 fair. I was at home. ad fetcht a Lot of Apples from Homs Lot. Sund 30 fair & hot. a Sacramt d. Mr Ad pr. Robt Emms a young man ownd ye Covnt & was Babtized and an Infant of Edwd Robinsons Eliza & one of Samll Danieles Lois. Stephn is come from Strattford. Rain. Rain at night. Joshua ye fevar & ague & his mother. Mond 31 fair. In the morning I was Blooded by Mr Miller & was about home most of the day. Sept Tuesd .1. fair. I was at home & in Town at the Proclamation of Peace with Spain done at the fort. the grt guns was discharged thrice. Adm caime from the farm. brot home 2 black Rams which are put on bord Capt Dunlap Sent by Stephen wth Hay & oats on my Accot. Wednsd 2 fair. I was about home most of the day & at Meeting at J. Plums. Cuz Eliz. Fox is come from Canterbury & Hartford. lodged here. Thursd 3 fair. I was at home al day. fryd 4 fair Cloudy & Rain at night. I was at home al day Cutting letters &c. Saturd 5 fair. St. Sayldin Dunlap. in the Morning Stephen werit on Bord And come to Sail. they are all Bound to Ategua Buttolph Cornwall & Dunlap. ye 2 first are Briggs & ye Latter a 16 226 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1730 Sloop. I lent Dunlap my Sheep Sheers. Sund 6 fair most of ye day a Shower. Mr Ad prald. Wm Hough an Inf Bab. Susanna my Daughter in Law ye Widow hath got the fevar & Ague Every other day & Joshua Every day al the week past. they are up at her mothers. She is weaning her Child. Mond 7 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at ye Proprietr Meeting which is adjourned to the 4 monday of ys Instant. Tuesd 8 fair. freemans Meeting. I was Chose Dept & Jno Richds. foren I Mended my Cart. Wednsd 9 Rain. I was at home al. day. finished Mending my Cart. Thursd 10 Squally Some Rain. I was at home al day. Capt Lef- fingwell & the Norwich Troop are in Town. have been to Groton. foul weather hath Spoiled their Exercise. fryd 11 fair. I was at home foren. Abigail gone to Norwich with Cuzn Eliz Fox. aftern in Town to visit my Daughter & Granson who have the fevar & Ague at Sister Hallams. I Cut Some Letters in a Tomb Stone for C. C. Saturd 12 fair. I went to Stonington killed a Sheep & brot home wt 42ib. Ad Raked Salt hay at ye flatts & Jack & Moseyer & Wm Rogers boy. Sund 13 fair. Mr Ad is not Returnd from ye Commencmt. Mr Serrin of Newport preacht. a Contribu- tion for him. Mond 14 fair. I was about Town & at Sister Hallams. Ad Mowed at ye flatts & Jack & mossyer. Tuesd 15 fair. I went with Adam & fetchd a Ld of Salt Hay. Nath went with me. wee went to See Benja fox & So home. Jonat Lattr had a Ld also. Wednsd 16 fair. I was about home writing for Hodsoll & Stepn Harris. Ad made 4 bbs Cydar at Mr Chapmans &c. Thursd 17 Cloudy. I was about home al day. Adm Carted 1 Ld Stones to ye fort. wee made 1. bb. Water Cydar & fetcht home ye Cydar &c. Carryd .1. bb to Madm Winthrop. fryd 18 fair. I was about home & in Town. Ad gone to Stonington. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home al day. I keep house. have been Daubing wth Brimstone for ye Itch & Nath. Mr Peter Pratt 2 Daughters young women drownded Cross- ing the little ferry at Lyme. Boat over Set. Sund 20 fair. mr ad pr ald. I was at home & Nath in Brimstone for the Itch. Mond 21 fair. a Trayn- ing both Companys. I was at it & at a Court to Try Jonat Morgan at Geo Richds & it is adjourned to mor 12 Clock Same place. Tuesd 22 fair but Rain at night. It was Trayning day & is to be again the first mond & Tuesd- day after in April next. the Supr Court Sat. I was in Town held a Court for Jonat Rogers. Wednsd 23 fair. I was at Court al day. Mr Buckley & I have Proposed to Tracy & Hide &c Norwich proprietors a Composition. Mr Winthrops Cases with Tom Williams is not come on. Thursd 24 fair. I was at Court al day about Mr Winthrops 2 Actions with T. W. they are not heard. the Court is over. ye Judges Cant Stay. fryd 25 fair. I was about home. workt at highways &c. Saturd 26 fair. I was at work at the Highways all day Gratis. Adm & Team for him 2 days. Sund 27 fair hot. mrad. pralday. Samll Hallet was Publisht to Marshall. Mond 28 fair. I was at the Society meeting & Proprietors wch is adjournd to the first monday in November Next. Tuesd 29 Rainy. I was at home al day. Gershom Holdridge is come ys morning.—he & Ad Carted for Stewart $ day & 2 Ld from the Bridge & the Rest from the fort to Ld. Wednsd 30 Misty Some Rain at noon. I was Cutting Letters in C. C Tomb Stone. Ad & Gershom Carted Dirt for Stewt 6 Ld fro Bridge & 7 fro fort. October Thursd .1. fair Cloudy. I was all day at Mr Gilberts. Mrss Chapman Prenttis & Richards measuring & making Exchange of t[ wo] Acres of Land for So Acres laid down out of ye N. W part of the lot late. fryd 2d fair. I was wth Jno Richds at Brother Plumbs making a Map of the Town. aftern Cutting letters C.C. Tomb. Saturd 3d Cloudy. I was at home foren. aftern in Town about a Petition for the Society—Ad & 1730] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 227 Indian John finisht gathering & Cartg Corn. Sund 4 Cloudy. Mr adams pr al day. Amos Caulking & Mary Caulking & fford a Daughter Babtized mary. Brother Thos Edgcumb was here yesterday & left his Daughter Betty. Mond 5 fair. I was at home al day. a Court Minor & Tilley. wee husked our Corn at night. Tuesd 6 fair. I was about home al day & at Groton. Wednsd 7. Cloudy Some Rain. I was about home al day. Ad gone farm & 4 bbs. Thursd 8 fair. I was about home & Cutting Some letters &c. Ad Come home about Sun one hour high. brot a Sheep Wet [ ]. fryd 9 fair & Windy & cold. as yesterday I was about home in Town Cutting Letters on C. Crs Tomb Stone. Saturd 1o fair. I went to Stonington & adam Carryd 2 hhds & 4 bbs on 2 horses. ye 2 hhds on a Horse Litter. I Lodged at Mr Williams. Sund 11 Rain in the aftern & al night. I came along to go to Meeting at groton but was disappointed. No Minister No Meeting & I could not get over. lodged at Mr Ledgyards. Mond 12 fair. I Set out for N Haven 10 Clock Mr Hobartt & Robt Geer. we Lodged at Monroes at Branford. Tuesd 13 fair. we got over to New- haven by Court time. I went to Mr Conners & Stayed their till fryday 23d, the Court Rise last night. I pd my Diet 20s & horse keeping 4s 6d to Mr Edwards for Execution &c 3s & the Secrytr 3 for ye Memoir &c & other Expence on ye Road &c 24s. I Recd of the Treasur my Sallery £4 16s od & for the fort Comttee £100 &c for Mr Jonas Green £23. I got over to Cuzn Richd Lords & Cuz Jabez Hide & Lodged their. Capt Avery & Justice Palmer & Cook at C. Colts. Saturd 24 fair & cold. I got home by night. Sund 25 fair. No Minister. Mr Adams gone to Boston. Jno Richds Read in the foren & I afternoon, Deacon Plumbe Prayed &c. Mond 26 fair. I went to Colchester. Set out before day to Meet Stephn Gardner & Jos Dewey about giving a Deed for my Land & Receiving my money at ys paymt. it was ta be £200 & ye other 200 & odd next march, but Dewey is from home & wee Waisted all Day. I Lodged at Kellogs. Expence 4s gd. I Borrowd of Gardner £200 & gave him a Bond to pay it ye first of Novembr next. I pd Samll Fox £85 of it & gave him 20s for waiting. Tuesd 27. I went to Lebanon & Lodged at Cuzn Samll Hides. Wednsd 28 fair. I Returned ta Colchester & Dewey was not Returnd home. I could do nothing, & for fear_of Some Clandistine managemt I Executed a Deed of the Same Land to my-Son Stephen for life & yn to my 3 Daughters Equally & DD it ta Justice Taintor who Endorsed Recd for Record &c. I came away wth Gard- ner & his Son & Shewed them the Bounds of ye Land & yn homewards, Rode from Holmes after Sunset. got home late 11 Clock. Thursd 29 fair, I was in Town all day. I was called by Jonat Rogers to Arbitrate but it failed. Robert came from Southold and Brother Pain. I pd £100 fort mony to R. C. & £23 to Jonas Green Country mony &c. fryd 30 fair. I was with the Townsmen Laying a highyway over the hill from Joseph Harris’s to mile Brook & yn measured 10 Acres of Land for Gibson Harris he Sold to Jont Lester for £85. Saturd 31 Rain toward night. I was about home & in Town al da. Nov. Sund 1 Rain all d. Mr Danll Hobart Pr. mr adms at Boston. Mond 2 fair. I was in Town al day. a Proprietrs Meeting. a Rate made 3s to a Share & is adjourned to the first monday in feb. Robert is gone home & Abigail with them. Tuesd 3. I was at home foren. aftern in the Woods. Cut & Split 21 Posts. Wednsd 4 fair. I was about home & in Town al day. Thursd 5 fair. a Publick Thanksgiving. Mr ad Pr. after Exercise I Married Samll Hallet to Eliza Marshall. fryd 6 fair. I was most of the day buying & fetching a yoak of oxen of Joseph Beckwith Son of Nathanael. I pd down £18. I went to Philip Tabers to get Dixon to work. Saturd 7, 228 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1730 fair. I was at home al day. Cha. Guillam made a pr Shoes for adam. 1 pd him 3s. Sund 8 fair Cloudy. Mr ad pr al day. Mond 9g Rainy. I was about home al day. wee killd my Sow yt I bot of Madm Winthrop for 30s, She weighed £140 is 58s 4d. Tuesd 10 fair. 1 went into the north parish & Lodged at Widow Attwells & was all day Wednsd Surveying Capt Daniel Denisons land. I came home at night. he pd me Ios. a Child of Robt Morice about 2 year old fell into a well & Drownded. toth Association Lecture. Thursd 12 fair. I went to Stonington & Josh & fetched home my 3 fatt Steers. I left one at Jno Smiths Sold for 4d p tb. Recd ye other 2 I left att Tho Bills. I pd Jno Wheeler & Jonat 16 for Pasture about 4 weeks 18d p week. fryd 13 Rain. aftern I went to Groton to Kill my Steers but Rain hindered. Saturd 14 Rainy & Stormy. I was at home al d Mending 2 Whells. 2 felloes Each & 1—2 Spokes. Sund 15 Rain a grt Storm & Snow about 2 In. Mr ad. pr al day. Mond 16 fair & Cold. 1 went to Groton & Thos Buttler & adam & killed ye 2 Steers. my 6 yr old Red Steer weit 675 & ye Hide 87. ye other Sold for £11 10s od E. Prenttis, Tuesd 17 fair. I was in Town all day Intended for Stonington but found my Self not well by Reason of a bad cold I got yesterday. I Settled Nathanaels accots with Ed Robinson & gave him a Note to pay him in may next £44 15s od which with ye £7 10s od I Paid Wm Minor & other Small debts must be deducted out of my bond I gave Nathll of £100 to be pd him at my decease or to pass over to him a deed of Land as in Sd Bond. Wednsd 18. Thursd .19. fryday 20 & Saturday 21. I keep at home much Indisposed. am afflicted with a Stoppage in my water & am in the use of means for it. warm weather. Sund 22 a grt Storm S E & S W. a Boston Sloop a Shore last night by D. Halls. I keep house. Mr Ad pr al day. Jno Hallam & Mary Johnson Publt. Mond 23 fair & Cold. I am Still Indis- posed & keep at home. Ad fetched a Cart from Datons wch I borrowd & have fitted it to my whells I bot of Sam Richards. its now Ready to Cart up Madm Winthrops Wood. Janeoa Water is good for a Stoppage in the Water & to Expel Wind &c to be had at Surannam from Holland. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home al day. the C. Court Sat. Wm Gardiner of Narrhaganset is come & lodged here & Landlady Hildridge. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at home al day. the Sad & Melancholly News of the death of Mr Peter Pratt of ys Town Attorney at Law is Confirmed who Died at Hartford on Saturday last. the finest Orator in the Colony of his Proffes- sion. Ez Chapmn Maried last night. Thursd 26 fair. I was at home & in Town to Execute a Deed wch I have given to Stephen Gardner of my Land at Colchester wch Jos Dewey was to have had if he pd me for it but he failing I Sold ye Sd Land to Gardner for £416 to be al pd by Christmas. I have had $100 of him in part & am to have £100 more in 10 days & I have his Bond for it. fryd 27 Misty & Rain at night. I was at home al day— Ad Cart 1 Ld Scholl. Saturd 28 Rainy Stormy. I was at home al day. Sund 29 Rainy Stormy. I am Still Indisposed & kept house al day. Mond 30 fair. I was at home al day Indisposed tho Somthing beter. Ledyard & Wife & Child & Merrow come from So-hold to day Lodged here. Tuesd Dec .1. fair. I was at home al day Indisposed. Wednsd 2 fair. I was about the Lot Mending up ye fence &c. I was at the Church Meeting at Mr fosdycks & Stayed So long in yt I was in grt pain & worse after it tho I came out as Soon as Sermon was over. Sistr Han & Jesse here. Thursd 3 fair. I was at home al day. fryd 4 fair Wind S—I was at home foren Indisposed_yt I could not go to Lecture. toward night I went to Holmes’s Lot to Direct about cutting Wood. Ad brot .1. Ld home. Samp- son Cutt it. Saturd 5 fair Warm Wind S W—yesterd & ito day. I am 1730] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 229 Still Indisposed & at home. Ad. Cutt & Carted 1 Ld home & a Tongue Tree init. Sund 6 fair & Warm. a Sacramt Day. Mr Ad prald. I was at Meeting. Daniel Denison a Child Babtized Danll & S. Griffing one Thos & T Taylors 1 Mary. Mond 7 fair. I was with Mr Chapman. Prenttis & Richards about finding the bounds of Caulkings Land &c next the Commons. Ad Carted 1 Ld for J.C. Mr Stewart a Negro man died last night with the plurisee. buried at Night. Tuesd 8 Cloudy. I was at home Indisposed. J.C. T P& J R went. Ad Carted home from Holms lot Sampson Cutt. Molly is come home fro Mr Williams’s at Stonington. hath been there 9 Mo. Wednsd 9 Rain last night & fair to day. 1 was with the Comttee. J.C. T P & J. R Settling the Bounds of Caulkings & Lords farm ye gret Swamp E to gray oak Tree & Stones thn W to a heap of Stones by Pembers fence near his house thn N 3 deg West to Keeny Cornr. Ad Carted 1 Ld from holmes’s lot. Thursd to fair. I was with ye Committee. wee measured Hacklys land 294 Acres & Christopher Stubbins 4 Acres & Leachs overplus 2 &c. fryd 11 fair. I was at home foren helping fetch home ye Cart & Whels Adm broke last night by Mr Chapmans ye Axele tree & tongue he cut the wood. in the aftern I was with the Comittee at Capt Houghs & widow Parkes. Saturd 12 fair. I was with ye Committee all d. about Capt Houghs. Ad killed 3 piggs which weighed 220. Sund 13 fair. mr Ad pr & I was out all day. Mond 14 fair. I was at home al day. The Select men & Constables was there making up accots with us &c. I Recd £18 of J. R. Interest. Ad went to Stonington & killd a Sheep 44tb & came home. Tuesd 15 fair. I was with the Committee at G. Richds Darts farm & found 3 Acres Commons & at Roger Darts 2 A. & at Jno Morgans Seeing his Bond. at night I pd Ms Crossman £3. Wednsd 16 fair & very Cold. I was with the Comitte & Richd Morgans found 3 Acres & 3 Comons & Willm Do 14 & T. Daniels 120 Rod. molly gone to Stonington. Thursd 17 fair. I was at home all day. a Court Sarah Lester agst Jno Norris. they have agreed. I cut up 3 pigs wt 120. they are about [ ] months old. Ad Carted 1 Ld for Hodsoll Wallnt D Minor Cut. fryd 18 fair. I was al day at Ms Pratts Inventoring. Ad Carted 1 Ld home. Saturd 19 fair Cloudy Easterly Raw weather. I was at Ms Pratts ald. Ad. Cartd 2 Ld. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Iwas out. Sistr Han & Jessee here last night & to night. Mond 21 a Storm E. Rain. I was at home al day making an Axeltree &c. Molly come from Stonington & Molly Tallmage. She came from N Port by land. Tuesd 22 Cloudy Rain. I was at home al d. made a Tonguetree in part. Wednsd 23 Cloudy. I was at home al day. I fixed the Axeletree & Tongue &c. I was in Town in ye Evening & pd Adams £18 Mr Richds Interest. Molly Tallmage is gone & my Daughtr in law & Child is Retuned home. Thursd 24 Cloudy Some Rain. I was with ye Committee. J. C. T. P. & J. R. at Stricklands fixed his Bounds & Mess Roaches Lot. Ad Carted for George Denso 8 Co[ . fryd 25 Cloudy & Windy. I was at home foren. aftern I wasin Town. I Recd of Capt Douglass £18 Inter- est &c. the Selectmen made up accotts with the Constable & Capt Douglass. he gave us a Supper. a Great Concourse of people at the Church to hear Mr Seabury preach a Christmas Sermon & to See fashions. it being New many went. he hath preacht but 2 Sabath days (Since he Recd orders) here. Saturd 26 Some Scattering Snow Rain & hail. Mr Chapman & I were Serching the Records to get Coppys for ye Commons &c. I Recd of Stephen Gardner £316 in full for the Land I Sold him at Colchester. he Lodged here. Sund 27 fair. Mr ad pr al day. Jno Bishop & Rebeck Whipple publisht. Mond 28 fair. a Town Meeting. Capt Stephen Prenttis Capt Stephn Prenttis Chose first Townsman. J. H. the 2d & all ye Rest five new (viz) Ft 230 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1734 Sol Coit Danll Coit Jno Hough Jos. Truman & James Harris. I paid_unto Mr Adams 18 Interest of Capt Douglass Bond. I Paid to Deacon Green £72 4s 6d it being 61 principal & ye Rest Interest on a Bond of £81 Which | gave Ozias Pittkin on Hodsolls account £20 I paid last march to Sd Green. I declared Sd Bond is [ ]. Tuesd 29 fair. I Lent John Bolles £20 & Thos . Turnner £30 & Jno Boles is bound with his Son Turnner they to pay 2s on “ye tb &c. I was in the woods with the Committee at Darts old farm. A Cut & cart 1 Ld for Couch. Wednsd 30 fair. I was in the woods with the Comittee Settling T. Stricklands 3 Acres over Alewife brook & the N. W Side of Mr Winthrops & it is 1 mile from burch Tree at alewife brook to ye Road & Something more. a Large white oak is marked at ye miles End by a Ledge & Side of the plain on the Westerly Side the path about 4o or 50 Rod above the Long bridge or Cassey. Thursd 31 fair in the foren & till near night & yn Rain. I was with ye Comttee at fergoes. wee measured ye Commons within fence on ye west Side the Road & found it 96 Rod Long & 32 Wide above 19 Acres but the Road being laid out through their Land about 100 Rod wch being Reckned at 4 Rod wide makes 2 Acres & half & they Say the Townsmen tht laid it out agreed to give 4 Acres for one yt is 10 whch leaves about 9 & + & that being possessed by them above 20 year they are not Willing to part with it but will tho up al yt is taken in lately. Ad Carted 1 Ld for Couch. Adms mother Joan died with the dropsey. 1734 fryd Jan .1. N. W. I was with the Committee Settling the bounds of Benja & Joseph Beebee. Joseph Beebee & Joshua Moor 50 Acres & the farm of Mr Palmes’s heirs Called Tabaconomuck. I pd Benja Beebee £3 for the use of the School in the West Society. Saturd 2 fair N W. I was with the Comittee Surveighing Tikes Swamp. Ad Carted 1 Ld to Couch. Sund 3 fair. Mr Adam prald. Mr Davise a Daughter Babtized Margaret & Jonathan Tinker a Son Babtized John & afterwards declared to be Jonathan. ‘Mond 4 fair. I was with Capt Dos & J. R Surveighing Wolf Swamp. Ad Cart 1 Ld for Capt Davise. Jo Water Cart. Tuesd 5 Rain al day a Storm. I was in Town aftern at the Court Probates about Mr Pratts Inventory &c. I Lodged at Madm Winthrops it being very Wet. Wednsd 6 fair. John & Ab. in the foren I waited to Apprize Mr Prats Estate & they did not proceed. I was at home al day. at Night a Church Meeting at Ms Pratts. after it ] Reckned with Mr Switland and ballanced accot & I pd him £5 3s 4d on Nathanlls Accot. John & Abigail come home from Southold with Merrow. I Recd by John from Robert £14 os 6d & am to have of Ledyard 40 More to answer 40s york mony at £3 for 28 & am to have 4 pistoles. Thursd 7 fair Some Rain. I was with the Comttee at pine Neck. fryd 8 fair. I was at Ms Pratts al day & Jno Richards Reapprizing ye Estate by order of the Probate Mrss Bradford & Stuart. Saturd oth fair. I was at Ms Pratts Apprizing &c. I bot a bedstid & 16 Raisour 8s 6d. Sund to fair. Mr Ad pr al day. Wm Camp & Widow Lester publisht & Silas Whiple to Susanna Moor but her father pulled it down &c tore it. Mond 11 fair. I was with the committee at pine Neck & Joshua Moors &c. Tuesd 12 fair. I was with the Comttee at uncle Wallers & Samlls & Roaches Palmes’s. Wednsd 13 fair & Cold. I was with the Comittee at Congdons & Samlls Comstocks &c. Thursd 14 fair. I was Indisposed with a bad Cold & kept at home al day. both ye boys not well but Natte is worse. Brother T. Edgcomb is here & Stayd al night. Jno Monroes Daughtr a Twin died in ye night. fryd 15 fair. I was at home all d. in the Evening I went to 1734] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 231 Mr Gilberts & pd him for a wheel John bot of him. Adam hath been to Stonington & killd a Sheep weit 47 & brot 3 Caggs of Cydar. Saturd 16 Rain last night & most of the day. I was at home al day mending my Chain &c. John Monroes Child buried towards night. a Court at my house. Richd Beebee fornication. Sund 17 fair & moderate. Mr adams Pr al day. Mond 18 fair. I was with the Selectmen at Groton to veiw the place for building a ferry wharff & in the Evening at Geo Richards Choosing Tavern keepers. Tuesd 19 Snow & Rain ald. I was at home mended ye Windows. Wednsd 20 fair. I was about home foren. Aftern Cutting Letters in a Tomb-Stone for R.C Esqr. in the Eve I went to See Capt Davise & Reckned wth Mr Roe. Thursd 21 fair. I was in town & Reckned & ballanced with Mr Pickett & drew Some writts & Madm Winthrops. fryd 22 fair. I was helping Divide Lakes Pond farm &c. Saturd 23 fair. I was veiwing ye bounds of Butolphs farm and Samll Greens & Jonat Latti- mers & Laying him out 20 Acres at the north End for what Lyme line took off. Sund 24 fair. Mr Ad pr al d. an Infant of Benj Shaws Babtizd Sarah. Mond 25 fair & part Snow about 3 Inches. a Town Meeting. I was at it. Tuesd 26 fair & cold. I was in Town most of the day. Wednsd 27 fair & Cold. I was at home drawing writts &c. aftern in Town & Reckned wth Ms Sarah Christophers & pd her 48s in full. Thursd 28 fair & very Cold. I was at Mr Harris & Gilberts al day. ye Comttee did nothing it was so Cold. fryday 29 fair & cold but not So violent. the Comttee Measured 15 acres of Cranbury medow (viz). 6 Acres to Coit 3 to Parke 3 to mudge & Supposed 3 to Nicols. wee veiwed Griffings Iand but could not find ye bounds. Saturd 30 fair & Cold. I was with the Committee on the Commons Running a Streight line from Jno Rogers’s Cornner to the Norward of the Mil! pond farm. it came out at a white oak Tree a little East of the Road & Northward of the bridge above Sd field & from thence Streight to John Dartes & made monuments in ye line. Sund 31 fair & Cold. Mr ad. pr. al day. James Chapmn & Mary Woyat publisht. feb. Mond .1. fair & Cold. a Proprietors meeting. I was at it & it is adjournd to the first monday in April at ye court-house. Tuesd 2d fair & violent Cold. the C. Court Sat by adjournmt. I was at it. Wednsd 3d fair & Cold but Something abated. I was at court al day. I Recd of Capt Avery tos for the Charge of his Writt. Thursday 4th fair. I was at court al day. I Lent Mr Mumford £15 to be pd in a fortnight. pd again in a year or better. fryd 5 fair. I was in Town writting Deed Bonds &c for John Minor to James Sweet of Hacklys place. Saturd 6 Misty. I was at Court all day. a Thawing day. aftern Rain & at night. Sund 7 Rain Warm. Mr Ad pral day. Wm Holt a Child Babtizd Eliz. Daniel Collins & Alies Pell Jont Tollet & Anna Tongue publisht & Sarah Bennet made a publick confession haveing been guilty of fornication. Mond 8 fair. I was in Town & at Court al day. ye Court is adjourned. Tuesd 9 fair. I was at home al day about Running a Wheel & putting in 3 Spokes. Mr Edwards of Strattford was here. Wednsd Io fair. I was clearing Swamp yt I bot of Jos Harris. Adamalso. it Snowed at night. Thursd 11 Snow hail & Rain. I was at home al day. fryd 12 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Lec- ture &c. Saturd 13 fair. {[ was at home al day about the wheel. Brother ' Hodsoll fitted out & tryed to go to So-hold. Sund 14 fair. Mr Adams pr al day. a Sacramt day. Thos Truman Junr a young man Babtized. Wm Douglass & Sarah Denison published. Mond 15 fair & warm. I was at home all day. I finished Riming a Wheel &c. Tuesd 16 Cloudy Some Rain. I was at homeal day. I bot 25 yds Tow Cloth for 3s p yd. Wednsd 17 fair. I. for Jos Bolles next Jont Smiths farm for John Rogers .5 acres & 130 Rod for £100 p acre. Thursd 27. I was out to Nihantick to Run a Line between Jont & Joseph & Amos Caulkings, the third to Each. News yes- ternight of the Death of Benja Truman who died in Barbados. fryd 28 fair but cloudy. I was at home most of the day. toward night I Rid out to Crossman Lot & Nattee with me & put up ye Top of ye Corn Stalk Stack that had fallen of. Saturd 29 a great Storm much Rain till near night and then I went into Town to Nathll Saltonstalls to hold a Court for them. Sund 30 fair & warm. Mr adams pr all day. Chris Christophers had 2 Sons Baptized Christopher & Joseph. he hath been Seperated from our Church Some years past & ye Last Sabath made Confession & was Restored. Mond .31. fair. I was at home all day. very windy & Something Cold. I made 2 pr of ox Bows. Ben Want & Thomas Pierpoint Come from Ston- ington. they went on Saturday last to look up my young Cattel. they found 4 & put into ye plain (vizt) Johns 3 yr old & Joshuas 2 yr old & my Speckled one yt I had of Daniel way & my white & Red Speckled one yt came of ye Speckled Cow yt John Milks one Red 2 yr old yt came of old Brown Cow is Still wanting. Nov 1 Tuesday Cloudy windy & prety cold. I was at home all day. Wednsd 2 fair. I was at home foren & aftern I went out to Capt Jonathan Rogers and Maried Thos Potter of Westerly & Judith Rogers Daughter of Sd Rogers a Staid maid about 35 & he a widower of 53. I came home late about 9 & Mr Church with me. Gibson Came with the Post fro R. Island to ye ferry. Thursd 3d fair & windy. I was about home most of ye Day. toward night I went into Town to hear what News Capt Gibson brot from Mr John still Winthrop from London. Ms Turner Died with a Cancer. aged 60 odd. fryd 4. I went with the Committee to Lay out a Lot for Thos Chapman & 20 acres for Stutely Scranton by his house. it Rained Soon after noon but wee finished them 2 & began for Jno Eams but did not finish. night came on & much Rain very Steady tho not very Smart. Saturd 5 fair. I was about home all day. Sund 6 fair. Mr Willm Adams pr all Day. Mond 7 Rain in the morning (& a little Snow first yt did not Ly) Cloudy & Some Scattering Rain att turns most of ye day. I was at home all day. Tuesd 8 fair. I was at home most of ye Day. toward night I went into Town. Wednsd 9 fair & high wind. I was at home foren. in the aftern I went to Stonington & Tomey Pierpoint & Lodged at Son Minors. Thursd to fair & warm. a public Thanksgiving. Mr Rosseter pr. fryd 11 fair till near Night & then Rain. I Rid out with my Daughter Miner to Mr Rossiters & Capt Whiting & there Catcht in the Rain. I went home with Mr Rosser & Daughter Miner. Lodged at Justice Whitings. much Rain in the night. Saturd 12 a very Rainy day. I went to Justice Whitings. Spent most of the Day there & to Son miners at night & left Daughter Minor there. Sund 13 fair. I heard young Mr Rossiter & back to Son minors & Lodged there. Mond 14 fair & windy & cold. Bay mare Slinkt last week a horse colt. I came home by the farm. Stopt a while at Ms Denisons & also at Mr owens & got over in the Evening & home. 1748] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 509 the wife of Lt James Harris aged 70 Died: & also Humphry Crery of Groton As I came by. he was a young maried man & left no Child. Tuesd 15 fair & moderate. I was at Madm Winthrops most of the Day. News is come that her Son John is come to Rhoad Island by nantucket. Ben Want fetcht home a 3 yr old Brock Steer from William Bennets. Wednsd 16. Cloudy. I was at home most of ye Day. Thursd 17. I Sent 4 bushll of Corn to R Island by Peter Harris & Lent 2 bushll to Mr french. John Killed my Bull for ye offl. he weighd 402 ye Quarters Hide 69 Tallow 154 all 486!b 4. fryday 18. fair. In the morning Thomas Stubbins killed my old Cow for me. her Hide weighed sith. Brother Holt had it to Tann & ye Bulls & I am to have half & ye Cows Side to be Curryed. her Tallow 31 & Quarters, 345. all 425. at 15d p fb is £26 11s 3d. I was att home all day. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home all day. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home all day Cutting & Salting Beef. 1 bb Choice put up in the Garret. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Danll Truman a Son Baptized Henry. Mond 21 fair. I was att home all Day. Tuesd 22d fair & warm. I was att home all day. I finisht Cutting & Salting my Beef. Wednsd 23 a Cloudy Misty morning. fair in the aftern & Clouded up again in the Evening. I was at home all day Trying up Tallow &c. Thursd 24 fair. I was at home foren & at Noon went Down to Wm Harris (who was then arived. from Boston) to Enquire after his voyage &c. nattee Miner my Grandson went with him & came home by Land. I came home by the Cornfield & mended up Some fence there. fryd 25 Cloudy. I was att home all day. I mended one of Madm Winthrops wheels & in the Evening went up to Madm Win- throps & Met Mr John Still Winthrop at Colln Saltonstalls who this night arived with Ms Hide from London by the way of Nantucket first & Rhoad Island Next, & fishers Island Last. a great Joy to his mother & friends. he hath been gone Seven year Next feb. Saturd 26 fair. I was most of the Day att Madm Winthrops after Dinner & Sitting a while. wee walked about the Neck &c. the .2 Winthrops Messs Alford & Miller. Sund 27 fair. Mr William Adams pr all day. Peter Way & [ ] Smith publisht. Mond 28 fair most of ye Day. a little before night I finisht Madm Winthrops last whell & went into Town. Tuesd 29 fair. I went to Stonington & Carryed my old Pierpoint mare & yearling Colt & left them at Stephen Bennets & went to Son Miners & Lodged there. Wednsd 30 fair & mod- erate. I went from Son Miners to Paucatuck to Speak with Wm Harris who was at ye wharff & Warehouse in westerly att Thompsons where George Denison formerly lived & I Came back & went to visit my old friend Daniel Palmer Esqr & Lodged there it being night by that time I Reached his house. Thursd Dec 1 fair till near night & yn Rain. In the morning I went to Mr Elihu Chesebroughs & breakfasted there & then to visit Justice Whiting Mr Banister Silvanus Miner Mr Rossiter & Mr Page & got to Son Minors before it Rained fast. fryd Dec. .2. Rainy most of ye Day. I was at Son Minors & mended his Windows. put in 3 new Sash Lights & put on a Lock to his Door &c. Saturd 3 fair. I came away & molly Hempsted with me on their Mare & Wm Roe to my Plain. I took out my old mare & brot her to Natt Wms where Molly was & Shifted ye Woman Tackling Sent Billy Roe home & Stood for N. London ferry & got there before Sun Set but the Wind over blowing wee took passage in a Canoe & left the Mares at Mr Ledyards. wee got home Soon after daylight. Sund 4 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Samll Talman a Child Babtized Joseph Amos Cheapel & [ ] Daniels also published [ }&f ] Richards Daught of Jeremiah. Mond 5 fair & very cold & windy. I was at home in the foren and aftern I went up to Madm Winthrops & Dined there. I put on a Lock to the par- 510 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 lour Door &c. Tuesd 6. fair & cold. I was at home foren. in the aftern I went out to Crossman Lot & foddered & mended up Some fence Next Mr Lee. adam Came home from Stonington. he went yesterday & Caryed ye old mare back to my farm to Stephen Bennets. Wednsd 7 fair & cold. I was most of the Day att Mr Winthrops. the wife of John Tinker Died. aged near 60. Thursd 8 fair & warm. I was at home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to ye Swamp & helpt adam Load Some Timber for Sleepers & fora Tongue Tree &c. John Tinkers wife buried. Joshua had a fourth Son Born this morning about 8 of ye clock. a Lusty child. weighs 12ib 4. fryd 9 fair warm in the morning & a grt white frost but windy & very cold in the aftern & at night. I was at home most of the day. in ye Eve I went to Sister plumbs & carryed 4ib 3 of Drugget filling. Saturd 10 fair & not very cold. I was at home all day. I have a very great Cold. Sund 11 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr all day. Jno Courserer a frenchman & Lucretia Richards Daughter of Jer. Richards publisht. Manaseh Leach & wife own’d the Covenant & had their Child Baptized Clement & my Gr son Joshuas Son Baptized Samuel. a Son of Mr Whitemores about 2 yr old buried after meeting. Mond 12 Rainy tho but moderately. I was at home all day about a Bedstid for Daughter Miner. Tuesd 13 Wet Drisley & foggy. I was at home all day aguish. a bad cold & bones ake. old Ms Minor 2d wife of Joseph Miner Died aged [ J]. She was Daughter of Mr John Keeny by his first Wife who was a Douglass. Sister to my uncle Robert Douglass & She was first the wife of Ezekiel Turnner from Scituate. She had a great number of children by him I Supose near a Dozn & only one Son & afterwards maried to Miner above 30 years ago. Wednsd 14. Rainy & a great Storm att night. I was very much Indisposed & kept my Bed all day & took a Swet at night & it workt kindly. Thursd 15 a Sually morn- ing very windy. blew down the Locust Tree before ye Door & Rained & then Snowed a Spell & yn Rain again & cleared of att noon. I was about house & workt a Little but not abroad. the violent wind in ye morn blew down the Locust Tree before the Door which hath been an Excellent Shade for me to work under in ye Sumers above 30 years. Ms Miner buried. fryd 16 fair & cold windy. I was at home all day. Adam Carted 4 Ld of dung to Jno Plumb Lot. Peter Quarter Loaded itt. Joshua & I helpt to break up & Shovel it out from under the hovel. 1 Ld into a Cart & the Rest in a heap a distance of. wee had Capt Jos Coits Cart to friend. while adam went with one Cart Peter filled ye other. Saturd 17 fair & Moderate. I Rid out with Mr Jno Winthrop to his alewife brook farm & over Jno Comstocks ferry to Colln Chris averys to Carry his Deed for Record. but the Colln was gone to Preston to See his Brother Humphry who is in a very Destressing Condition. his House burnt down to ye Ground last Tuesday night & Every. thing Consumed. they Saved nothing not So much as their cloaths to their back & Some of ye Children much Scorched. a Large family &c. Sund 18 cloudy. Mr adams pr all day. wind Easterly & warm. 2 or 3 vessels arived from ye west Indias bring news yt one Lyon of antegua, who Sayled hence for Antegua. She overset in a Huricane & John the Youngest Son of John Smith & 1 other person more drowned & the Rest Saved by her Righting again. Mond 19 Quite a Thaw Misty. it Raind prety much last night & Some Small Rain to day. in the foren I was att home helping Danll Truman about a bedstid for Daughter Miner. in the aftern I was att the Town Meeting for Choice of officers. Tuesd 20 fair cold & windy. I was at home all day. Adm Carted 1 Ld of Dung to Jno Plumb Lot & brot home 1 Ld of Seaweed & put it in to the Cellar Door-way. Wednsd 21 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Adm Carted 2 Ld of Dung & brot 1745] Diary of Joshua Hempstead Big home 2 Ld of Seaweed. Thursd 22d fair & moderate. I was at home all day Making a New Tongtree for the Trucks. wee killed 4 young Swine. wee 2 & Stephen 2. he & adam dressed ym. fryd 23 fair but not clear wind N E. I was in Town foren. I bot 3 yds of Duck of Capt Frost for a Bed bottom 14s p yd 52s 6d. I pd it. in the aftern I was at home fitting a Tongtree. Saturd 24 fair & moderate. I was into Town in the foren & to measure a Small piece of Land for James Harris yt his father Starr gives him for a Gardn. in the aftern at home writing a Deed & Cutting up & Salting 1 bb. Pork. Sund 25 fair. mr adams pr all Day. mr Benja Starr & Patience Latham the Widow of Sd Starrs wives Brother Joseph Latham Decd were published. Mond 26 fair & warm. I was att home foren. I put the new Tongue tree into the Cart axletree, & Tongue that was in the Cart I put into the Trucks, axletree & afternoon I went to the Town meeting & in the Evening to visit my Neice Sister Plumbs Daughter Mary Gardner newly come from Boston where She hath been 5 or 6 months to Settle her Late Husband Gardners Estate. Tuesd 27 fair. I was at home foren. in Town in the aftern. Wednsd 28 fair & Windy. I was at home foren & in the aftern I & adam went to Stonington. he Carryed a New bedstid for my Daughter Miner. got over late. 8 a Clock & more before I got to Miners. Thursd 29 fair in the morn & beforenoon it began to Rain & at night was a very great Rain. adm went home & I to work about the bedstid. fryd 30 it was a mighty great Rain last night & ys morning & toward night it cleared of & grew cold. Saturd 31. fair. I was att Son miners all day. i 1745 Jan 1 Sund. I went to hear Mr Rosseter who pr one Sermon only. very Cold. Mond .2 fair & very cold. my Sorrill Mare Slinkt foal. a horse Colt. She doubtless got hurt by fighting being 3 all Loose in ye Stable. I was at Miners all day. Tuesd 3d it Snowed most of the day & very cold. I was att Miners all day. Wednsd 4 fair & Some Small matter of Snow. I was at Son Miners all day. Thursd 5. fair & very cold & windy. I came away in the foren. went to ye School house to Speak with Mr Stoyel & then to Silvanus Miners & to Mr Rossiters & Dined there & to Ebe Williams’s & Stephen Bennets & Lodged there. very cold. fryd 6 cloudy & a little Snow. I went to Wm Bennets in ye morn & br fasted there & then came away. called att Natt Williams’s & then at Ms Denisons to warm my Self being very Cold & got to the ferry before night & got over by Sundown. Mr Starr was maried att Deacon Seaburys in Groton last night to ye Widow Patience Latham by Justice Ledyard. Saturd .7. fair & cold. I was Indis- posed. a pain in my Right breast wch I,ve had Several days. I was at home all day. Jos Rogers brot Mary gardners Brown mare & gave a note to pay £16 old Tenor on the 7th day of November next. Sund 8 fair & cold. Mr adams pr. all day. I was out in the aftern only. Nicholas Bishop & Hannah Douglass Daughtr of Robt publisht. Mond 9 fair cold. I was att home all day. Joshua is gone to Stonington & drove ye great pide 4 yr old Steer & the brockled face 3 yr old Steer & ye yellow white faced 4 yr old young Cow & a Red pide 2 yr old hieffer Which I bot of T. Truman. I maried Jacob Waterhouse & abia Man. Tuesd ro fair. I was at home all day. in the Evening at Brother Starrs who had Many of his Neighbors & friends to gather to Rejoyce with him upon bringing home his wife 23 years & 15 days younger than he. he 7o. Next april & She 47 in May Next. Wednsd 11 fair & Moderate. I was about home foren. in the aftern I was at Mr 512 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 Winthrops. Thursd 12 fair & moderate. I was at home foren. I went to Mill in the aftern. fryd .13. Cloudy in the foren & Snowy in the aftern. I was with the Committee att Thomas Manwarings Looking over his Land to See if wee had made a Mistake & Laid out his Comons on his own Land, & but did not finish. Saturd 14 fair but Snow last night & a little while in the morn. I was at home all day. in the aftern the Comittee Justice Rich- ards, Coit & Mr Chapman were here with Capt Thos Manwaring to Con- sider of his affair. a Child buried 6 or 7 yr old. a female. died last night. Daughter of one Slater & Granddater of W Denison. Sund 15 fair & warm. Mr adams pr all day. Mond .16. fair & prety Cold. I was with Justice Richards att Thomas Manwaring to Run Some Lines to find out how much of the Land that wee Laid out to him for Commons was Laid out on the Land that was formerly granted to William Comstock & wee found the Comon Land Southward of Moor at ye west End or Side 65 Rod S 5° E. & at the East Side 864 N 5° west. S. End 53. R. 25 acres 14: R W. 4o Rod yn W 47 deg north for the N Side of Comstock. Tuesd .17. fair most of ye day. Snow a while in the foren. I was at home all day. I helpt Josh make a Tongue & Roler for ye oxen to draw in the Horse Slead. Wednsd 18. fair & Colder. I was at home most of ye day. I went wth Mr Haines to Crossman Lot to See my Stags &c. an Infant Still born of Capt Daniel Coits buried. a Male. Jos Rogrs & Roland Thrashing Barley. Thursd 1g fair. I was at home most of the day. toward night I went into Town. old Ms Tinker Relict of Mr Amos Tinkre Decd Died aged 80 odd. fryd .20 fair & moderate. I was at home foren. after Dinner I Set out to go to ye funeral of Ms Tinker & Met Some persons by John Plumb Lot Coming out of the neck who Informed me that the Corps were now burying by the Baptist Meetinghouse So I Stopt & went to fencing up the Barley Straw & fetched the Cattel & 42 Sheep from Crossman Lot to Eat Straw in Jno Plumbs. in the Evening I Rid up to John Rogers’s wth Wm Manwaring to write a Deed of 7. Rights after Division Grass Coms. Rogers pd me 7s 6d. Saturd 21 fair & warm Thawing weather. I went with Wm Manwaring and Justice Richards also to measure the land Left formerly for a high way, & now not wanted. wee have Laid it out to Sd Manwaring for 36 Shares in the after Divisions of ye Grass Comons accounting 23 Rods to one Share. he pd me 29s, 21s for my day & 8s for Deed to me. I wrote 1 Deed more &c. the Comitte met at my house to finish. Sund 22d fair warm like Spring. Mr adams pr all Day. Stephen Hemp a Son Baptized William & John Douglass one John. Mond 23 fair & warm. I was at home all day. in the Evening I was with the Justices Selectmen Constable Grandjury &c Att Lt Samll Beebees to Reconsider the Nomination of Tavernkeepers & Chose Sd Beebee & mr Cardell. Tuesd 24 Snow before noon & in the Evening. I was out to John Morgans wth Justice Richards & Coit & Jer. Chapman Junr Capt adams & Hurlbut Selectmen to advise Sd morgan who through Inadvertency hath made Deeds of his farm & Stock to his Sons John & Peter & gave nothing to his other 2 Sons Richd & Samll nor to his 9 Daughters & John having put his Deed on Record & Peter Not wee advised him & he did give a Deed to Samll of the S- E part of his farm According as he before had given by will. the old man Remains very uneasy with respect to Johns Deed being Recorded because he Says John promised him not to do it. Wednsd 25 fair & very cold. I was at home most of the Day. in the aftern I went into Town to Deacon fosdicks wth Jos Cheapel & Thos Chapman to Sign their Surveys & the pd us all. me 21s for Surveying Scrantons Land & Chapmans on November also. Jer Miller Sayled. Thursd 26 fair & cold. I was at home all d. in Town in ye Evening. fryd 27 fair & cold. I was 1748] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 513 at home all day. Saturday 28 fair & warm. I went to Stonington & by the way of my farm & found John hieffer had Lost her calf. it Came wrong and was drawn from her by Lt Gallups & Stephen Bennet & when I Came to Son Miners I found my Daughter Sitting up well. had Lain in a fort- night last Tuesday night wth a Daughter wch is her gth Child. Sund 29 fair & moderate. I was att mr Rossiters meeting. one Sermon only, ‘Mond 30 fair & warm. I was at Son minors all day. foren I went to Capt Whitnys Mr Rossiters And Mr Pages &c Tuesd even. Tuesd 31. a very great Storm of Rain & wind last night & this morning. afternoon it cleared of moderate. I went to Wm Thomsons to get a Screw made for the Brass fire place in the Hall. feb Wednsd .1. fair. I came home. called at Justice Denisons Mr Creerys & Mr ownes. got to ye ferry by daylight. Ann the Daughter of John Morgan an old maid Died after many years Indisposition. Peter Plumbe my Eldest Sisters youngest Son aged about 48 was taken yesterday with Convulsion fitts & Soon deprived of his Reason & Spech & Lyes Sense- less. I called to See him, he Expired about 2 clock morn. Thursd 2d Cloudy all day. I was out to Wm Manwarings & Manatuck to measure 334 acres of Land at Crooked brook for Mr Robinson who Sells it for £15 p acre. [I wrote a Deed &c. Daniel Denison Died. aged about 454. fryd 3d fair. in the foren I was at home most of it & went with Wm Manwaring to mr Edwd Robinsons & wrote 2 Deeds of ye 324 acres at Crooked brook. one to Samll Daniels 9 acres N. End & 1 to Jno Tinker Junr of 24} at ye S. End & toward night Cuz. Joshua Moor lodged with me & last night also. Saturd .4. fair till near night & then Snow. I was at home foren & aftern I went to the funeral of mr Daniel Denison who was buried in his own Land near the highway by the Baptist meeting house. a great number of People. he is much Lmented being a good Comon wealths man a Sober orderly Liver and very good government in his family. left 10 Children. aged 45}. he was one of the Selectmen of ye Town & a member of ye Church & Constant Attender when well. he was taken with what was Called the Rhumatism near about 3 Weeks ago & had lost the use of his Limbs at ye first but Seemed to be growing better dayly until about a Quarter of an hour before his Death. Sund 5 fair & more moderate. mr adams pr all day. Mond 6 fair in the foren & Snow in the aftern 2 or 3 Inches. I was at Mr Winthrops all day preparing to Send for Mr Brown to Advise with &c. Joshua is going. Tuesd 7 fair & moderate for ye Season. I was at Mr Winthrops al day preparing the addition to ye Inventory & accots of administration. Wednsd 16 13 6 8 Showry. I was at home foren. aftern I went to Mr I 13 3 Winthrops to Look over her accots &c. in the morning Mr - —— Cardal Cut me out a Great Coat of Devonshire Kersey wch 8 69 I bot of Capt Frost for 58s p yd 5 yds & 3. I pd for itt. & gave Mr Cardall gos to buy Triming &c. last night the widow of Richard Darte Decd Died very Suddently. She was found Dead ys morn at ye Spring where they fetcht water. She was about 70. the Daughter of Peter Strickland Decd. the abovesd Widow Lived with her only Son Peter. they had no person Else in their family. he come to town in the forepart of the day & being a foot & belated he Lodged at his Brother Perkins’s at Justice Richards’s house about a mile out of Town & when he went home in the morning he Missed his mother & Soon found her dead at ye Spring as aforesd. Elisha Merrow & Ruth Shaply at work on my great coat. hail Smartly & Some Rain at night. I pd Ruth 7s. Thursd 9 fair. I was at home most of the day Save that I went over to Capt Coits to take ye acknowledgemt of a deed. they Sold 75 acres at farmington to one Barnes 34 514 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [174 for £750. Merrow finished at noon. fryd 10 a warm Storm fair in the foren. I went out to Wm B Bs to Execute 2 Deeds. it Snowed before I got there & till after night & yn Rain. Widow Darte buried. I come home toward night a Smart Storm of Sno in my face. Saturd 11 fair & Thawing. In the foren I went to See my neighbour old mr Chapman who is Sick & then to Samll Chapmans for him to Execute a Deed to Jos fox and then aftern to mr Winthrops. Sund 12 fair & Cold. Mr adams pr all day. Nicholas Hallam & his wife ownd the Covent & had their Child Baptized Grace. Mond 13 Snowy Some part of the day. I went to the post office & Recd a Letter for Son Miner & pd 5s 4d. I Sent Sd Letter to Son Miner by a young man belonging to Boston that Lives wth Mr Storer. in the aftern I was at a Town meeting that was about a Gramer School & in the Eve with Mr Stidman att Madm Winthrops to Consult her 2 Actions. Madm gave him £5 in Each for his fee. Tuesd 14 fair. the County Court Sat by adjournmt. I was att home al. da writing for Jno Eams a Deed Bond Note Recd &c. he pd me rss. Wednsd 15 fair & cold. I was at Mr Winthrops all day. In the morning I Recd a Letter from Son Peirpont p mr Roberts of Middletown. Thursd 16 a Cold Storm. very cold in the foren & in the aftern a firce Storm of Snow. I was at home all day. Snow Exceeding much drifted ancle deep. fryd 17. fair & very cold & windy. I was at Court all day waiting on Madm Winthrops 2 actions about Black Lead. Sparrow & Hunt. my Chimney & Stephens both on fire in the Evening. Saturd 18 fair. I was at Court all day waiting on the Black Lead actions (I Dined att Madm Winthrops & yesterday). I pd Mr Shaw £19 & Jonathan Truman £16 & Cardall p Elish Merroo 20s 6d in full. a woman in the Neck Sistr to Mr Turner Died ys day & also Ms Blake the Widow of Jeremiah Blake Decd. She was above 60 years of age & very gross & used to wander about from Town to Town but of Late hath been maintained by the Town of New London. She Died att Nihantick & I Supose at Miles Moors Junrs. She was the Daughter of one Mr Willet a Gentleman of a very good family. Sund 19 fair & moderate for the Season the face of the Earth being all Covered with Ice & Snow on it. a very close time. Mr adams pr all Day. Deacon Timothy Green & Abigail Hill. he near 70 & She above 4o. a maid were published. also Thos Marshall of Norwich & Ann Manwaring of New London. Mond 20 fair & moderate. I was with Joshua & Adam Cutting & drawing wood of from the Island. Elisha Merrow helpt Josh Cutt. Adam went with the Team. brot home 2 Load & drew § of from ye Island. Tuesd 21 Cloudy & Thawing. the Snow Run. in the aftern Josha Sleaded home 2 Ld with his 2 oxen & horse & my little mare. Stephn Cut & I & adam & wee drew out of the Swamp 3 Ld & of off the Island 6 or 8 & John got home 2 Jaggs with Holts oxen. Wednsd 22 Rainy a great Rain last night & ys foren. I was at home all day. Thursd 23 fair Thawing weather. the Snow & Ice is very much gone in & about ye Town (Tho in ye North parish Tam told the ground is all Covered.) I was at home all day. in the Even- ing att Mr Winthrops. he made mea present of a pr of Specticles that was his fathers, a Joynt in the Bow; Turtle Shell frame fish Skin Case. fryd 24 fair & moderate. I was about home all day. I have been mending my old Sadle & Making a New Creeper &c. in the Evening I went to the Chh meeting at Deacon fosdycks & Afterwards to Mr adams’s & pd him £13 & #5 I pd him before. all £18 the Interest of £300 Douglass mony for ye year 1747 wch Ended in June 1748. Saturd 25 fair. I was with Capt D. Coit Capt Jont Lattimer out to John Stubbins’s to Divide his farm between his 2 Sons. Sund 26 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Willm Moor & Grace Leach publisht. Mond 27 fair. I was about home & at Capt Coits & he at my 1743] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 515 house & Capt Latimer & Clemt & Thos Stubbins aftern. Tuesd 28 a very Rainy Day. I was att madm Winthrops overlooking her accots & preparing an addition to the Inventory. Wednsd March .1. I was at Madm Winthrops about her Accots &c. fair & pleasant till toward night & then cloudy & Some Rain. Thursd 2 a cold Storm. cloudy in the morning & Soon Rain & held it all day. I was out to John Stubbins’s & Capt Coit & Jont Latimer & Thos Stubbins. he made 2 Deeds to his Sons of all his farm half & half. fryd .3d fair. I was at home all Day. I workt about the Stable. old Indian Mary who was a Captive in the Narraganset war in 1675 Died Last night & was buried this night or Evening. Saturd 4 fair. I was at home all day making a Short Ladder, of part of an old Cedar Ladder that was broke in falling of the house. Jonathan Conkling son of my wives Sister Temperance Decd is come yesterday &c. all well there. Sund 5 fair but Cloudy & Raw cold wind at East & Snow before Sunset & yn Rain a little. Mond 6 fair prety Cold & windy. I was at home all day. I bot 2otb of flax of Jont Conkling for 4s 6d p tb. I Sent 1olb by [ ] Mumford to Colln Saltonstall to pay the Interest of £100 School mony &c. Tuesd 7 fair & prety cold & windy. I Rid out with Mr Miller up to his alewife brook farm to view a place for a Schoolhouse for the Neighbors & they did not agree and they bot 9 Sqare | Rod of Jonath Smith. they pd me 20s. Wednsd 8 fair & Something - warmer. I was at home all. I helpt adm Dig up ye Sprouts of the Rootts of ye Cherry Trees yt Run among the Grass & I mended Stone wall &c. old Mr Roe my Son miners Benefactor Died att Canterbury. Thursd 9 fair. I was att Mr Winthrops most of ye Day in order to prepare for a voyage to Long Island to prosecute Amos Burrows for Deer Stealing. I Recd £2 7s 6d N y mony for Expences & £14 4s 6d for Taxes. fryd 10 Cloudy but no Rain. In the foren I was in Town in order to go to Long Island with Jer. Youngs. the wind not Suiting I came home & went to Lecture. Saturd 11 cloudy & foggy. wind S W. I went on bord Jeremiah youngs’s boat in order to go to oysterponds & Turnd it out ye Lower end of Tinkers farm & then it being very foggy & little wind wee Returned back before 2 Clock &c. Sund 12 a Sacramt Day & a very Rainy Day. Mr adams pr all day. Samll Attwell of N. Parish & Susana Leach Daughter of Samuel Leach publisht. Mond 13 fair & Windy. I went on bord Jer. Youngs of Oysterponds again and we had ye wind at W N W very heavy. wee Turned it to ye West- ward of Nihantick Island & then Stood a Cross for Plumb Island. 2 Reefs in ye Mainsaill & about 2-3 over the wind met us about W S W. & wee Fetched the Easterly part of Plumb Ilend & Turnd thro ye Gutt on the flood & up to oysterponds Round Long point & got a Shore Sun an hour high & to Deacon Tuthills & got a horse & Ready by Sunset. I pd my passage 2s 6d & 1s for ye horse. got up by 8 clock & found them well but found Brother Salmons Negro man Lymass Dead ys day. a good old Servt & Christian. I lodged att Son Hempsteds & there Next Day 14 & Wednsd 15h I went to Easthampton Set over to hogneck & footed it all the way & I found Brother well & Sister Lame & very poorly. their only Son Thomas maried not Long Since. I was there 16h all Day. only went to Cuz Stratons. fryd 17th. I went with Brother to Amagensek & Stayed all night. it Rained & I had a grievious cold. Saturd 18 very Cold & windy. T went to visit Cuz. Conkling & Elias Mulford & Cuz Nathan Miller &c. Cuz Jonathan Baker where I Stayed went with me, & in ye Evening I got Back to Brother Talmages & Lodged there. Sund 19 fair. I was att meet- ing & heard Mr Buel all day. Mond 20 fair. I came from East Brother with me to Sagharbour & I got on to Shelter Island & Lodged at Capt Daniel 516 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [174 Browns. Rain at night. Tuesd 21 a very Smart Storm of Hail Some Rain & very cold. I went to Mr Silvesters & br fasted & Dined & got over with Sheriff Cory in a Long boat to Sterling & up to Town & out to Brother Salmons. I had a horse at Brother Conklings. Wednsd. Wind N E & Snow. Brother Salmon & I went to visit Justice Wickham at his house who is in a very poor State of health p haps Consumption. I Came to Town & Lodged at Son Hempsteds. Thursd 23d fair & pleasant. I came from my Son Hempsteds & he with me to Sterling. I called att Thos Moors & Henerys & at Brother Conklings and then on Bord Capt Ja Rogers in the old Sloop that belongs to Colefax & Wiggans & wee had very good time over. wee Crosed ye Sound from ye Rock by Gull Island into the Harbour by Powder Island in 3 Glasses } hour Each. got a Shore 4. Clock. the widow of Benja Attwell Died. I married Samuel Attwell & Susanna Leach in ye Evening at her fathers house ye Bellman. fryd. 24 fair. I was in Town att mr Winthrops most of the Day writing a Bond from Amos Burrows to Mr Winthrop £65 for killing 2 Dear on fishers Island in Sept last for which I had him arrested & bound over to Court att Southold. Saturd 25 fair. I went to Stonington and Lodged at Son Miner &c. Sund 26 fair. I went to Meeting att Mr Elles Center. Mond 27th warm Rain at night. I came away to ye farm & then home by daylight yt is to Say over ye ferry & up to Mr Winthrops to know if I must go to Nor- wich to morrow to Tend Court. my Daughter Pierpoint is Come down from Midletown by water & Jonathn & Infants. Tuesd 28. fair & windy prety cold N W. I was at home all day Indisposed bad cold & flux. Wednsd 29 fair. Ex 3s od. I went to Norwich being Sumoned a Witness for Samuel fox & he met me att Mr Leffingwells & pd me 20s & Mr Winthrop was there & pd for my Diner. I Lodged at my kinsmans Jonathan Buttolph who buried his wife yesterday. She was my Niece the Eldest Daughter of my Late Brother Thomas Edgcumbe Decd. She had only one Child a Daughter about 14 year old. aged about 27. Thursd 30 fair. I was at Court all day. I gave Evidence between James Rogers 3d (ver) Jus Richds. I went to visit Cuz Jabez Hide & Lodged there. I Dined at Leffingwells. Expence 16s. fryd 31 Cloudy in the foren & Rain aftern. I came to Town & Cuz Hide. I put out my Mare att Cuz Buttolphs & Lodged att Cuz William Hides. Saturday April 1st fair & windy & cold. I was at court all day. I Dined at Tracys. Ex. 8s 3d & to ye Boy for ye Mare 4s. I came home by daylight. Stopt at mr Winthrops to give him accot of his Business. Sund 2 fair. mr adams pr. all day. I was out foren & kept house aftern. was very poor flux. Mond 3d Cloudy fair. in the morning I went to Lieut Samll Beebees & maried John Whitlesey & Rachel Rose & to my Daughter Starrs & She & Daughter Peirpoint went to Stonington to visit friends there. aftern J went into Town to Madm Winthrops & Mr adams’s &c. Rain in the night. Tuesd 4. Some Showres but not Smart. Cloudy & Some Rain. I went to norwich at Madm Winthrops Request to assist Mr Winthrop (who went up yesterday with Madm Hyde in mr Coits Chair & for want of Care in driving overset & turnd twice over a few Rods above Joshua Wheelers, but Neither of them much hurt Nor the Horse altho he fell on his Back &c). when I came there the Lawyers had Dismist Ms Hyde & Colln Saltonstall & Madm came away from Benajah Leffingwells in the Chair before Eleven of the clock & I came with them about Six mile & then Returnd & put out at Lef- fingwell & went to Court & to Cuz Hides & Lodged there. Wednsd 5 Rain in the morning & then fair. I was att Court all day &Lodged att mr Leffing- wells where was alpheus Wickwire on Examination before Colln Huntington 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 517 on Suspicion of uttering Counterfeit Bills of Credit. Thursd 6 fair & pleas- ant. I came home with mr Winthrop & Walker & G Richards & Dean of Plainfied yt lives over Musup River. wee got down before night & Joshua came from Long Island to day in Danll Brown. I Lent mr Winthrop 1. £8 Bill & madam paid me again. mr Winthrop pd my Expences. fryd 7 fair. I was home all day. Saturd 8 fair. I was at home foren and aftern I went out to Ben foxes & Ms Denisons to look for oats but found none. I mended up Some fence att Crossman Lot. my Daughter Starr & Pierpoint come from Stonington. Sund g fair & moderate. mr adams pr. all day. Samll Richards a Child Baptized Jedediah & Nathan Douglass one Ann. Jno Hawkins & his wife made yr Confession. Mond to fair. I Set out Early ‘on my Sorril mare for Son Minors in order to go with him to Plainfield &c. I Lodged at Son Miners. Tuesd 11 fair. wee went to Plainfield. got to Mr Bumps ye Tavern by. 2 aftern. wee put up there & went to Court of Probates at Mr Pierces’s & Lodged att Bumps. Wednsd 12 a publick fast. wee heard Mr Rowland their minister. Thursd 13 fair. wee went to Canterbury to ye Widow Adams’s where mr Roe Died & left Paul Harris in ye house. Son miner got 2 Carts & Carted away 2 Ld in ye aftern to Mr ‘Wm Bradfords where wee took up our Quarters & Lodged. Capt [ ]. fryd 14 Some Rain. mr Brown of Canterbury & Mr Raynsford assisted in ye appraising the Goods yt belonged to mr roe which was left there. Sat- urd 15 fair. the aprizers finished all but ye Books & wee Set out for Ston- ington Sun about 2 hours high & got to Mr Butts & bot me Some hayseed, & oated & then Set out for Preston. one Lenord wth us & wee Stopt att Herricks & oated & then for Sterrys & got there above .10. clock & oated & ‘& got to miners 2 Clock. &c Lightning & Thundr but very little Rain. Sund 16 fair. I was att the Center Meeting. mr Eells pr all Day. Mond 17. fair. I came home by the way of the Widow Wheelers & the farm & went to Edmund fannings & Robt Holdredges to Larn of them if they knew the Saxafrax Stump which is a Midle bounds of my north Side & a S W bounds of Beebees 60 acres & a S E bound of his 40 acres & they both know itt. Tuesd 18 Wind N E fair. I was most of the day waiting on my Daughter Peirpoint who was preparing to go home by water & She went away in the afternoon & her 2 Children Jonath & Elizabeth the Infant. Wednsd 19 fair wind E.& SE. in ye aftern a fresh Smart gale. I was at home all day. Amon Taber made me a Plow. in the Evening I went into Town. Ben want brot from Stephen Benets Jno Hempsteds Hieffer & from W. Benets 1 ox & 1 Steer. Thursd 20 fair. in the morning I went out to the Comon pasture. I drove my 3 Cows & 7 yearling Calves & found these at holmes Lot my 2 Stages & 4 2 yr olds & came home Cross ye lots & in the aftern I went with adam to the Cornfield to prove my new plow & began to plow with Joshuas oxen & horse next to Hurlbuts Lot to Sow with oats. fryd 21 fair. I was out to the Cornfield Sowing oats & plowing &c till aftern I came away & went up town with ye Committee for Comorns to Consider if any thing can be done to help Thomas Manwaring about his Commons by Reason they are Laid out So as to Lapp on Comstocks grant & wee Concluded to Lay out So much as was wrong in an other place. Saturd 22 fair. I went to Justice James averys to buy Some oats &c in the morning. I went out to the Cornfield & Sowed about a bushel of oats wch was all & yn borrowd a bushll & 4 of Samll Gardner & then adam Sowed them & then I went from Justice Averys to my farm at Stonington & fetched back a Cow for John weh I wintered at Stephen Bennets &c. ben Want brot her to ye ferry on wensday last & left her & She Run back, & I found my 2 Steers in ye woods between Storys & Wm Morgans which Ben brot from Wm Bennets. I got 518 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 over & home by daylight. I pd ye ferryage 5s. Sund 23 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Jno Hawkins & his wife ownd ye Covenant & had their Child Baptized Sarah. a Brigg belonging to Midletown Capt Conby Loaden with Salt Suposed 4000 bushels from Saltertudas Cast away on Saybrook Barr lost 100 & odd Tunn first voyage. Mond 24 fair. I was about home all Day. Nattee come from So-hold. Tuesd 25 cloudy a little Rain. In the foren I was out to the cornfield. Sowed Some oats & mended Some fence. in the aftern I went & Joshua to Justice James Averys & bot .7. bushels of oats £3 1 qr 7tb of hay. I pd 15s p bushll for oats & 18s p tb for hay £8 6s 6d, Wednsd 26 fair. I was out to the Cornfield all day Sowing oats & mend- ing fence in the Swamp or Medow Next Hurlbuts Lot. Thursd 27 fair. I was out to the Cornfield all Day. I Sowed 2 bushll & } of Barley on 1 acre or thereabouts next ye Highway by Jno Plumbs Barrs. I mended ye Cross fence J. P Lott. fryd 28 fair. I was all Day at the Cornfield Mending fence & Sowing hay Seed 7fb $ on ye Barley Ground. adm finished plowing it & harrowed it. I helpt Joshua Cutt & mark ye Lambs. 20 in all his & mine. 11 Ews & 9 Rams. Saturd 29 Cloudy & Rainy moderately most of ye day. I was about home till near night I went into Town & bot 2ib of hay Seed of Mr Robinson for 20s 6d. Sund 30 fair Excepting a Short Thundr Showre. Mr Willm Adams pr all Day. Capt Pygan adams had an Infant Baptized Ann & Samuel Morgan & his wife mary own’d ye Covenant & had a Child Baptized Samuel. an Infant Child of Elisha [ ] in ye widow Jos Tru- mans house Died about noon Sick but one day. about 6. months old. May Mond.1. fair. In the foren I was out to ye Cornfield. aftern with Justice Joshua Raymond Mr Richards & Mr Chapman in order to Lay out Comons Near Thos Manwarings but did not. Tuesd 2d fair. in the foren I was out to the Cornfield & Sowed Some hay Seed & a little oats & then I went with the Comttee to Lay out nine acres of Comons for Robt Douglass by David minerds 69 Rod W from Sd minerds S E Cornner of his fence 24 paces South of my N W Cornner of my Grass Coms mine being 30 Rod South of Sd Minerds N E. Cornner a heap of Stones by Minerds fence which is Mr Winthrops S W Cornner. Wednsd 3d fair. I was out to the plant- ing-field in the foren after I had altered the new plow, & after Dinner I went out to Robt Douglass’s to Measure to him nine acres of my Land to give him in Exchange for ye Acres he had Laid out yesterday Joyning to my Grass Common Lot, & Stayed al night. Thursd 4 fair. a good Rain in the night. I finished Laying out ye nine acres & Laid it in 2 parks all the West End of Mine up to Robt Eams’s fence from Jordan Eastward 66 Rods to his N E Corner a wallnut Tree yn N— Westerly to a heap of Stones & Stake 12—Rod & 10 Links & for Jonathan whipple the E—End from Douglass’s N E Cornr East 574 Rod to a black oak & S 15° E 10} Rod. I came home before night & Renewed the N E Cornner of my Grass Com- mon Lot & Mr Winthrops S E Cornner blow the Damm a black oak Tree in the Line near ye Road & Near the N W Cornr of Israiel Richards’s farm above ye orchard. fryd 5 Cloudy. most of the day I was at home. att Madm Winthrops in ye aftern. Saturd 6 a Rainy day tho Moderate & much Rain Last night. I was at home most of the Day. I went into Town toward night. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 8 fair. I was. att Mr Winthrops all Day, madm was Settling accots with mr Thos Mum- ford & he gave Bond for ye arrears & for ye Stock, £800 & odd, & he took a New Lease for 700 p anm besides Hay 6. Ld 5 Horses kept &c. a Town meeting to Banish Sheep. Tuesd oth fair. I went with Mr Winthrop to. Colln Christopr Averys att Groton. he Carryd his Deed from his father to Compare with the Record. wee went up by Comstocks & over the ferry 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 519 there & back ye Same way & Came home through his alewife brook farm & down to the Millpond farm & I Shewd them all the bounds of Sd farm. Wednsd 10 fair. In the foren I was att home writing Deeds &c between Capt Stephn Lee & Samll Tinker 100 acres at Pygan Hill for f1000. aftern I was out to the Cornfield & Set up Some fence next the highway N—of John Plumbs Bars 6 Lengths. Thursd 51 fair. I was out to ye Cornfield all day. finisht Setting fence in that place & mended Some. I maried Amos Joans New London & Lydia Tubbs of Lyme. fryd 12 fair. in the foren I Newset Some fence next ye highway. 3 posts broke off 4 Lengths. Saturd 13 fair. I was att Crossmans Lot in the foren & finished Setting up 4 or § Lengths of Rayl fence a Cross ye Swamp & mended ye Rest. I began it yesterday in ye aftern. Sund 14 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Stephens 2d Son Exceeding Ill. Seems Dangerous. Mond 15 fair. I was most of the day mending the fence att ye Comon pasture. Little Stephen is Something better. adm Came from Stonington. brot home the old mare & 2 yr old Colt. Iam Lame. yeagueinmy Leg. Tuesd 16 fair. In the foren Late I went out to the Cornfield to put Some more plates on the Chip of the plow. Josha & adam are breaking up a bitt in Jno plumb Lot on the North Side near the Spring. I Rid out to S. fox- Davises to fetch away ye little mare that gets in his field. I caryed her out to Manatuck field & Left her by Mr Stubbins’s. my Leg is Sore painfull. I hurt it last Thursday. a broad Rayle Canted with the Sharp Edge against my leg 1-3 below my knee & bruised it very much & Raked it 4 or 5 Inches down. broke the Skin in 2 places most in the upper part. Wednsd 17 fair. In the foren I was out to ye Cornfield. aftern at home. Thursd 18 fair. I went out to Nihantick to Jonat Caulkings’s & Josephs & there I found a yearling Sheep of Joshuas. I went to old mr minors & wrote 2 Deeds for him to Execute. one to Noah Daniels for 2 Rights in ye Skirts & 2 in ye after Divisions of the grass Coms & 1 to Jesse 2 Rights in Cedar Swamp. Stephen is breaking up in Crossman Lot. Josh & Ben want washed ye Sheep 41 att Jord Mill. fryd 1g. fair. I was at home all day writing posting my day Book. & B L. drowned. Saturd 20 fair. I was about Town in the foren. I Exchanged £56 Bills of Credit old Tenor with Mr Hull. gave him Rhoad Lsland for Connecticut. it was Nattees mony. yesterday Benja Lester was Drowned near the white Rock. his Cannoo Loaded with Sand filld & overset & ys day the Jury Set on the Corps. J have their verdictt. fair. in the aftern I had Tydings of an ox found Dead in the mire Near David Minerds. I went with Joshua & adam to Serch & found it to be one of my Staggs that I bot of Willm Bennet. wee Skind him after wee got him out on ye upland which wee Effected with the help of Amos Cheapel & 4 oxen. I carryed the Hide to Joseph Trumans to Tann, att ye halves for me. Sund 21 fair. mr adams pr all day. a Son of Jer. Millers Baptized Jeremiah. Mond 22 fair. I was att home most of the Day. Joshua & adam began to break up an Acre in the Lot. the East Side of it is 20 Rod Long in the Line between the Corner of my Lot where Trumans line Joyns to Coits by the peartree & thence Right up to Mr Chapmans att the S E Cornner of the orchard. that Line for nattee’s Rope Walk is 45 Rod, yt is 123 fathom & 4 foot, 41 Rod to ye pear tree path. Tuesd 23d fair. I was at home all day. Isaac Lester Sheered my Sheep 30. & Josha Sheered his. I pd Isaac 15s. Wednsd 24 fair. I was at home znost of ye Day. Capt Stephn Lee was taking Evi- dences here &c. Thursd 25 fair & hot. I went to kennadays att Pocka- tanuck to Carry Brother Salmons Cloth then to Deacon Prenttis’s by Jon Hills ye Tavern & got Cots & Drum, & then to Son Minors. Reached there about 9 & Lodged there. fryd 26 fair. I was at Capt Nathan Chesebroughs 520 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 Mr Rossiters & to Stephen Bennets & Lodged there. Saturd 27 fair most of ye Day. a Showre in the aftern. I was att Jonat Denisons in the morn- ing, in order to Settle ye Line between us & he Inclines to Run Streight from ye walnut to ye Sarsafax & ye Same Streight line to ve River. I came away beforenoon. came home by Mr Winthps farm. I Dined att mr Mumfords & Called to visit Colln Ebe Avery who is very much declined. I got over before night a little. Sund 28 fair. mr adams pr all day. Mond 2g fair. I was att Mr Winthrops most of ye Day, Looking over Papers & taking a Deed of a grant to Majr Winthrop in Stonington. Tuesd 30 fair. I went to Stonington & Stephen & Joshua to Run a Streight Line between me & Jonathn Denison. wee began att ye old N E Cor. where was a wallnut Tree & Run to ye fence & went to Son Miners & Lodged there. Wednsd 31 fair & hot. in the foren wee went down to Capt Nathan Cheseberghs. aftern finisht what wee began yesterday. June Thursd 1. fair. I was att Mr Winthrops all day writing for Strong & Brewster. fryd 2d fair. In the foren I was out to the Cornfield Cross- man Lot &c. in the aftern att Lecture. Mr adams pr &c. Saturd 3d Cloudy & Some Sweet Refreshing Showres. I was at home most of the Day. after Dinner I went to Mr Newports & to visit Sister Plumb who is Sick. Sund 4 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 5 fair, J was att home posting my Books till 3 oe Clock & then went out to the Cornfield & Mended up Some fence. Joshua & Adam & 4 hands more have wed all the old ground Corn 2 acres & more in Jno Plumb Lot Wm Beck- with Ez Chapman Jos Rogers & Ceaser Capt Hurlbuts man. Tuesd 6 fair. I was att home writing in the foren. in the aftern I went to the Millpond Damn & Measured Southerly on ye west Side of ye way 64 Rod & it was 1 Rod S of Mr Winthrops Cornner a heap of Stones on a Rock. E of a black oak Tree. South a Cross my Land is 79 Rod & al most .1. More. Wednsd 7 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern in Town Reckning with Sister Plumb &c. Thursd 8 fair. I was at home all day, Elisha merrow finisht my Jacket 2 days. Joshua taken very Ill with the Chollick & flux & fever. fryd 9 fair. I was att Mr Winthrops all day Settling accots with Madm & She paid me £3 Ios od in full to this day. Saturd toth fair. I was most of the Day at Madam Winthrops Drawing over her accots for Court of Probate. Late at night before I finisht. 2 fine Showres in the foren. Sund 11. fair. Mradams prall day. John Harris’s wife Died this morning about Day break. She was taken last Monday night with ye Cholick & the Canker followed &c. Mond 12 fair. I was out to ye Island in the foren to See where Joshua is fencing in & find the hedge is almost done and great part of the Stonewall in the Right Line. aftern I went to the funeral of John Harris’s wife &c. Joshua Hempsted Jorny to Mary land &c. his Jornal. Mond June 12h. I am preparing for my Intended Journey for Mr Winthrop to Gov Belcher att Burlington. & if plese God I gett well there then for Maryland to Seek my youngest Sister Lucy. I have Recd of Capt Joseph Coit a Letter & a purse of Gold Contents unknown to me & a bundle of Paper Mony Sd to be £30. I also put into my Baggs a Leather purse with 1 pound & 7 ounces of Silver by my Still yards, & took with me in my pocket for Expences in the Colony Bills old Tenr £5 9s 6d. & brot home 28s. Ex. £4 1s 6d. Tuesd .13 fair. I Set out with Ms Chapman wife of Lt Jer Chapman &c. I Lodged at Mr Graves’s at E. Guilford. in the morn Crossed ye way 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 521 to visit Ms French at mr meggs’s & then to Guilford to br fast at Johnsons. ye woman was Daughter of Lt. John Morgan Late of Groton Decd. [I left Ms Chapman wth her Son Stephen & I Stood away to Branford & Stopt & Dined at mr Jeroms & yn to N. Haven. Stopt to visit Mr Curtiss & Mr Pierpoint. also at Rectors Mr Clapp & Stood away to Mr. Shermans 34 Mile from ye Courthouse or College there & Lodgd. Thursd 15 fair & hot. I Rid to Milford to brfast &c att Mallits, waited on the Governeur Law & Majr Eells & Stood along to Strattford & thro Stratfield & Dined at fairfield & got to Norwalk in ye Eve & put up at ye Wid Streets & went to Speak with Mr Brown &c. fryday 16 fair. in ye morn | went to visit Capt Comstock & Spent ye foren wth Mr Brown & Dined at Mrs Streets & Mr Brown Rid with me to his Daughter Browns Rebeckah & yn Set out alone to Stanford & got to Horse Neck before Night & Lodged att Justice Lockwoods &c. he is Blind. Saturd 17 fair. in the morn I Set out for Capt Lyons at Byram River who is very Il] with a Consumption. I had the York Post in Company. he overtook me here & wee Rid togather to Rye & tho Rye & New Rochel a dreadfull Rocky Country. wee oated att Buds at Marineck & Dined at the Kings Bridge 14 or 15 mile from New York, & oated att the halfway house & got to N. Y. about 6. a Clock & put up at the horse & Cart, the Widow Waghorns &c. Sund 18 fair & Exceeding hot. I went to Mr Pembertons Meeting in the foren but ye House being very large (& I Somthing harder of hearing by Reason I washt my head in cold water in the morning.) I could hear but very Little & being dull & heavy I Stayed at my quarters in the aftern. Mond. 19 fair & hot. I went into Town to mr Souths the Lawyer & he was from home. however I Left 4 dollers with his Son to Retain him for Mr Winthrop, or to be Returned in case he dont Accept them. I also Spake wth Mr Murry but he would not accept of a Retayning fee. I wrote a Letter to mr winthrop to give him accot of my bad Success &c & in the aftern I Set out for Elizabeth Town & got to ye ferry boat by the fort & by the Sallutation where was the Philadelphia Post. Daniel Ballard of Tren Town & mr Lawrence of N. York & others & wee waited for ye Tide untill .10. at night & then Set of for Statten Island & but little wind. wee got over to Coombs about 2 or 3 Clock. no oats to be had & Moon light. wee Stood along on Statten Island 6 or 7 mile & Caled up the ferryman att Mr Ant-e Waters att Elizth Town point & ferryd over a narrow 6d ferry before Sunrise & I rid 2 mile further to the Tavern at Eliza Town & oated &c. Tuesd 20 fair & hot. before my horse had Eat his oats the post & Company came along & Rid by Slowly & I soon overtook them & wee Jogd on to Woodbridge (Through Rawaway) and break fasted at ye man & horse. a wealthy man & Trader & Traveled thro Wood- bridge to Brunswick on Rarriton River. a fine Compact Town, the head of Navigation. May Ride over at low Tide thence westward Midlesex County on the East & Sumerset County on ye west. the Road Divides the County to Kingstown. wee Dined at Wm Woods (in Sd Kingstown formerly of Hempsted an aged man between 60 or 70, & then Traveled through Prince Town, & Maidenhead. a fine Inland Country Large fields of wheat & good Soil. wee got to Trent Town by night & Rid 58 mile by ye post accot. wee lodged at William yards, a fine Town & near to Dela- ware River. fine Stone buildings & a fine River & Intervals medow &c. here Lived & Dyed ye famous Govr Morice in a large house a fine large brick House belonging to Govr Thomas, 1 mile from ye Town &c. 522 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 Wednsd 21 fair & not Quite So hot as before. wee Set out in ye morn- ing (vizt) ye Post & Daniel Lawrence & Soon Crossed the River Delawar which parts the Jersey Government from Penselvania. the ferry here is the upper End of Navigation it being Rocky (& called the falls.) within Sight of the Road & wee Soon came into a Thick Wood called the Seven mile wood, & belongs to 1 of the family of Penn’s. this wood abounds with black oak Trees very Tall but not very Large & much Hickery that which wee call Wallnut, & here is on this Side ye River Much old England Wall- nut in divers places near the River Especially & near ye River the Soil is good & further along Shallow. wee passed by many fine farms. the People are Reaping their wheat & Cradling of Rye in a Genll way. wee came to Bristow 12 Mile to Breakfast at the Widow Jacksons & here the post & I parted. he & Mr Lawrence took the Road to Philadelphia & I crossed the River again to Burlington. a negro man ferryman. I put up at Jonathan Thomas’s a friend near the Courthouse, about 10 or 11 Clock and after Dinner I waited on Govr Belcher & DD my Letters &c. Was Civily & Courteously Entertained, & he told me 3 men were waiting on business & to morrow morning at 9 oe clock he would attend on my affair &c. Thursd .22. Some Rain in the morning & Evening about an hour. I waited on Govr Belcher at 9 & & he told me ye Secrytary lived 12 mile of & Since I was going further West I might leave my business wth Mr Scater- good & he would get it all finisht against my Return & accordingly I did. fryd 23 fair. about 8 or g I Set of for Philadelphia & my Landlord mr Jonathan Thomas Rid with me on the Jersey Side a few miles to Set me in the Right path. I Traveled about 5 miles to a River called ancocas a few hours & thick wood & Shallow land. I Crossed the River called [ ] & Rid thro another Wood very thick 3 or 4 mile now & then a house & Some fields of wheat & Rye & corn &c Midling but poor oats. not 4 ofa Crop. plenty of fine Cherrys by the Road Side. I called & oated & had very good Beer 6d a pot at Aurthur Bonadels, he Says he has a Brothr yt is a Lt. in Milford. this place or village is Called moors Town, but Rightly Rod- mans Town. Clark Rodman of Newport had 600 & odd acres here on which the old Doctor his father built a house, but it was burnt down by firing the woods. Sd Clark Sold it for about 20s p acre & now in Less yn 20 years is worth £4 p acre & yt which Joyns to the Road that Runs tho it is worth £10 p acre. I Traveled a few Miles through Waterfield Bounds a Town not very Big Called Huttonfield but very good Brick houses here. I Stopt & Refresht my Self & horse & then Traveled to ye ferry over Delawar to Philadelphia & put up at Wm Biddles the Son of the Indian King. I carved my watch to Benja Bagnels & had a New Mainspring & cleaned. 2 dollers & 6d. I dd my Letters &c. Saturd 24 fair. in the foren I dd my mony that I brot from Capt Jos Coit & D Gardner a purse of Gold & £30 N york mony. I went to Timothy Scarffs in the morning & Delivered him Son Starrs Letter to Receive 15s but got none. he Says he paid it to Rise. In the aftern I Set out for Chester. I crossed a ferry & went thro Derby & got there before dark & put up at the Sign of ye plow & harrow, an old woman 74 & a man about 40 J Supose an Irish man & a Dutch woman. She was rich & he young. J beleive he is a Roman. Sund 25 no Presbyterian meeting here & ye Chh minister is gone to pr at another place. a fine Town Courthouse Church & fine Stone buildings & also Brick & lyes on Delawar River. in the Evening I Rid 6 or 7 mile that I might not have too long a Journy next day. Mond 26 fair till late in ve aftern a Smart Thunder Showre p haps an hour or 2. I Set out Early in the morning & Traveled through Chester 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 523 County uneven Land & Rocky about 10 or 12 mile to wilmington to break- fast having Crossed Brandywine Bridge over a Small River that Runs above 100 mile into the Country about a mile from Willmington & as much from Christeen ferry. here is a fine Town a Market-house & Several Topsail vessels at ye wharffs fine Br houses & above all abounds with Intervall medow on both Sides of the River Christians they Say 2 or 3000 Acres & on the South Side over against ye Town they keep the water out of it by Damms & Raise Indian corn oats hemp flax & Barly as well as Grass Exceeding Rich. here I met with J Chandlee a clock maker a man belong- ing to Notingham & was going home (after a little Stay.) he lives within about 5 mile of Hartshorns. I gladly Joyned his Company & wee Trav- eled togather & aftern got to Ogle Town & Rid through a Scatering Town called Newport & Sometimes left ye P[ ] at Ogle Town. I went to the house of ye old Widow Lucas where Lives the Young Widow Daughter of Solomon Coit for whom I Carryed a Letter & dd it &c & whilst I was there came along Peter Douglass Son of Cuzn Wm Douglass Decd but he would not know me altho I told him who I was & the Relation yt was between us & also that I maried him to Lydia ye Daughter of Cuz. Ben fox Decd. he acknowledged that he was Son of William Douglass & yt he lived at Col- chester near ye grt Pond & had a Brother John & Joshua, but having a wife & children here would not own he had one & children at New London & So wee parted & I Rid along with my companion a Clockmaker & late in the aftern came up a Smart Tunder Showre & wee put in to a Irish cribb house & pulld of our Saddles & Staid the Showre over. much Rain. the Rain drove the men & weomen (10 or dozn of them) out of ye field where they were Reaping into the house & being wet within Side as well as without their Tonges Run like mill clocks. & haveing an Irish brogue on their Tongue I could understand but little they Said & after the Rain was over wee Stood along to ye clockmakers house in Notingham in the Evening by daylight & no body being at home he told me he would go with me but bid me Stand along a plain Road. & Soon a young man whome he Sent overtook me & went with me to my kinsman where I arived about 8 a Clock & found my Sister & her 2 Sons Jonathan & Thomas & her Daughtr Lucy all well to my great Comfort in Every Respect both of a Temporate & Spiritual Nature (Excepting that my Sister hath lost her memory is Something disordered in her Reason but is Quiet & orderly & takes a little Care of Some perticular things but her Daughter orders the family and very prudently. Tuesd 27 fair. I Taryed at my kinsmans a week & was one Day of it Invited to a Reaping & both my kinsmen with me at Mr James Denorritees an Irish [man] that formerly was at my house & brot Letters & Carryed one to whom I Sold a Horse &c. very well Entertained after the Country manner in Cribb houses a Dozen or more all Irish but wee. one Day this week Cuzn Jonathan Rid with mee to the ferry over Susquahannah River about 6 mile S W nearest. about 2 mile from the mouth of ye River is the ferry & the River Seems to be about as wide as N. L. River is at the harbours mouth by Harris’s & it Runs a long way into the County but is not navigable but about a mile further by Reason of Rocky Caled falls. afterward wee went to See the Iron works where they Runn Piggs for To make barr Iron off. A great old building. it goes by a River that Runs into the Bay. a Coave come up here about 2 or 3 mile N E of the mouth of the River. there is 30 piggs now Cast yt Ly hot in the Sand as they are Run out of a hole in the bottom or Lower End of the furnace in this form |—|—|—|—|—|—]. the Large Bellows 2 pr go by water & the fire goes not out after it is once blown up untill the Season of ye year comes about. the furnace I Supose 524 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 is 20 foot high or more & is fed with oar & Coal &c at the Top as if it were the Top of a Chimney all put in there. there they bring in Horse Carts the oar the Coal & oyster Shels & there Stayd two men Day & night. the Top of ye furnace is about breast high from the floor where they Stand to Tend it & ye flame Jets out Continually 15 Extinguisher by the oar Coal & Shels as they feed it. Each Couple Tend 24 hours in which time they Run or Cast twice. they have Small Baskets that hold about a peck & half & they put in a Cart in number of Baskets full of oar & a Certain Number of Bas- kets of Coal and a Certain Number of Baskets of oyster Shels. all in Exact Proportion and as the materials Consume below in the furnace they filled up at the Top & out of the Bottom beside the Iron yt is drawn off near a Day there is vast Quantities of Glass that Runs out Every now & then & is Tough & hangs togather like an ox Hide & they dray it away with sucha hook as the Tanner pull up hides with & when it is Cool is as Brittle as any other Glass & they Cart it away & bestow it in waste places to mend the Cartways & Dams Even as Small Stones. (there is one man besides the 4 that Tend by Course that is Constantly breaking the Rock oar Small with a Large hamer or Sledge) which Lyes like a little hill near the Coave where it is Landed out of the Large Boats Something biger than our ferry Boat. the Storehouse is Strong & good. the Cole house large & poor & old, as also the Barn & Stable & most of the buildings Especially over the furnace. from hence wee went to Charles Town which Lyes on ye Bay Northwest about a mile S W from the head of Sd Bay at which there is a village that wee did not go to at the head of Northeast but Stayed a good while at Charles Town. here is a New Town & Lyes well on ye Bay for Trade but the water is Shallow not more than two fatham at highwater. quite a Cross a mile or 2 over & up to ye head here is one Long wharff well builded & a good Storehouse for goods & Weights & Scales for Tobacco & Presss for it also, & Some few Pretty good buildings of Brick but most of wood & mean. I went to the house of Mr Bellamie & dd a Letter to his wife which I brought from Horse Neck in Connecticut from her father Justice Lockwood. it is about 6 or 7 mile from hence to Cuzn Hartshorns Triangular More S— ward & Eastward. very poor Soil most of what I have Seen today. the Bay Called here at Charlestown Northeast is an arm of the Sea. July 2d Sunday I went to meeting with my 2 Nephews Jonat & Thomas to Notingham old Presbyterian meeting house where Brother Hartshorn & his Sons were buryed. about 5 mile. the ministers name is John Steel a Irishman & So are the greater part of the people. a Large old house. no workmanship no gallarrys. the New Light party have an other house they go to where mr Samuel finly preacheth & is less yn a mile further they Say, but he is gone to preach to day to a village 4 or 5 mile further that he preaches to every 3d Sabath. the minister & people here are very modist in their apparel & in their houses mostly Log houses Cribb fashion. the Soil is mostly good & good fields of wheat. the Timber Large & good. Mond 3d Rain in the afternoon. a Smart Showre. I was fitting up for my Journey home. I went with Cuzn Thomas to view his plantation a little above a mile of too & odd acres. but late bot it & dont Improve it yet. ye old Tennant is Still there where I was last week at Charlestown in the Northerly Side of Maryland. the head of the Bay called Northeast Comes by it. this Bay is an arm of the Salt Sea that comes in by virginia 300 Mile S W from hence Several Leagues over in most places, it Lyes NE&S W nearest & leaves a great arm or Neck of Land on the S E Side Near the Sea & Many large Towns. the whole breadth of Maryland Crosseth this bay by an East and west line & virginia also att the Southerly End of this 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 575 Neck. the great Rivers of Susuahannah near the head of it Emptys it Self on to this Bay, as also Potomek James’s River & Charles River & all on the N W Side of Sd Bay & there is the post Road to anopolis & virginia & North Carolina &c. Tuesd 4 fair. I Set out for home between g & 10 having taken my Last farewell of my Sister Lucy. her 2 Sons & Daughters all Came with me to a Tavern about 5 mile. a fine Brick house Mr Mitchels hard by Nottingham Quaker meeting house, which hath been lately burnt down & now Enlarged. the Bottom of Stone is Laid. I left Lucy here & took leave of her at Ms Mitchels. my 2 Nephews Rid further Intending to Stop at Ms Mitchels fathers Justice Galchel a New England man from Marvelhead a friend but he was from home & I did not Stop, & took leave of my 2 Nephews also & So Journeyed alone to Ogletown and got there about 4 in the aftern & Dined there with Ms Lucas & her Daughter the widow of Ivory Lucas Decd. they Entertained me very Bountifully. I oated my horse at ye Tavern close by. I Stayed here till after 6 & Recd a Letter &c for Mr Sol Coit. here are mostly wooden houses Cribb fashion & old, those that are newly built the logs are hewed & framed handsomely & now & yn a Brick house. here is good many houses & as thick as hog neck or there- abouts. after 6 in the afternoon I Set out from Ogletown for New Castle & having Rid about 2 mile in a very fine Level Road, I came to a Clump of very fine brick houses a Dozn or more & Several Taverns & is a place I Supose of much Business at times. it is ye head of Christeen Creek ye End of Water Carryage from Delawar River. here are 2 Sloops Lying dry at lowwater. a River Runs in a Bridge over it. a plain Road many fields first & then a Wood & the land thin & I got into New Castle by 8 & put up by the ferry at Ezekiel Bags. Wednsd 5 fair. from ogletown to Christeen ferry a thin Soil. In the morning Early I got up & walkt a long ye water Side Southwd as far as is any Town & back Round & found the Post Rider from the S E Shore the merchants Post Mr Milton & I pd my Expences 1s 6d. New Castle is a fine Compact Town & handsomely Scituate on Delawar River. here is an old wooden fort Six Small Great Guns much Less than our Smallest 1 Ship & 1 Snow but no wharf but what is dry at lowwater Round it. here is a fine Courthouse & Church & many very good buildings but Some yt were Large are much decayed & Tumbling down. Little Trade here. Phila- delphia tho of Shorter Standing Getts away all the Trade in a manner. I Traveled 9 mile to Br fast at John Grubbs having Crossed Christeen ferry at 5 mile & Brandywine Bridge at 6. ferryage 34 Br. 2} Br fast &c 11d. I got the clock here. Joyned Mr Rule & Johnstone both from Maryland to Philadelphia. the Sd Johnston is a Sterch Merchant & Says he made 1600 bushels of wheat into Sterch ye last year. wee Traveled togather to Chester very nigh the River only one Teer of farms in most places. a very pleasant Road & Country. wee Stopt & oated & Drunk & Sangara at Andrew Bevins’s. Expences 10s & Set a Shoe 4d. 7 mile to Denly & Dined at Mr Woods. Ex .1. a blackberry pie after meat for Diner & yn 4 mile to ye ferry 2d & 3 mile to Town & put up at the Indian King which is a Tavern of great Resort on the S. Side C house and more westerly. Tuesd 6 Misty. it Rained Smartly last night & Some this morn. I walkt out into the City & post office & Read the N. England News of Damage Done by. the Indians at Number 4. I mounted about 12. Ex 3s od att Willm Bidders Ind. King. I Rid down Southward as far as the Romish Chappel & much farther Even as far as it is Compacted & at S E part of ye City I got of put on my great Coat & Stood to the Norward & Crossed 526 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 the City in the front Street (vizt) yt on ye Bank one Street being under ye bank & called Water Street. I Counted ye Streets yt Run East & west & found 5 to the Southward of the Market Street. the East End Runs to the River. the Carts go down to the wharffs &c & there is 4 to the northward of the Market Street Ten 10 in all. they are about 4 Rod wide Except ye market Street which is at least 8 Rod wide all by my Guess &c. the market house Stands Exactly in ye midle of the Street & the Court house Joyning to the west End of it. the market house is Said to be thirty Rod long. the Courthouse is at the west End of it about one Rod wide on Each Side. the Streets is paved with Brick & a Range of Posts at ye out Side to keep of the Wagons which go with 5 Horses generally Some 3. No ox Carts in these parts & very few Horse Carts. the Gutters are near the Posts one Gutter on Each Side & in the Midle of ye Streets. the Earth is Cast up Rounding & Dirt on ye pavemt to make it Easy for horses feet. there are Seven Streets that Run North & South as the River Runs. the first next the River is now called water Street. it is not uite so Long as the other built under the bank. the Next Stands on the Bank & is called front Street & is about a mile in length before the houses are thin & next is 2d Street, 3d Street 4th Street 5th Street, 6h Street the State. Thursday 6. the State house Stands without the Sixth Street & to the So ward of the Market Street a good way, fair toa Large Common. I Trav- eled about 10 mile & came to a famous Stone Bridge over a Little wild River a Rocky uneven bottom. Sd Bridge Stands on Two Pillars of Stone & arched over makes 3 Arches. the Midlemost is Something Largest & is about 20 foot wide. the River was Low it having been a very dry time. I Rid through under the Bridge up Streem to view the under Side. I Counted the Stones that go Round the mouth of one Arch & there is Sixty. one arch hath 80 Stones Round the mouth of it. they Seem all of a Size & Seem to be about 18 Inches Long & 2 Broad & Six Inches thick. the Lower End of Each Stone is much Less than the upper-end & Laid in Lyme (as all the. Bridge is) & it looks in the Shape of an ovens mouth. the Bridge is about 20 Rod tn Length and Gradually Rounding the Stones Covered over on the Top with Earth & wide Enough for 2 or 3 Carts to pass a breast on Each Side is a Stone wall built up about 3 foot & an half a flatt hewn Stone on ye Top about 4 foot in Length & 12 or 14 Inches wide & about 4 Inches thick & an Iron Staple Let in to Each Joynt, one part of Sd Staple in one Stone & the other part of Sd Staple in ye other Stone, & 80 Stones Covers the wall on one Side which I counted & the other I Supose the Same. the Bridge is much wider at Each End than the Midle & was built at the Cost of the publick for ye benifitt of Travelers. I Stood along about 7 mile further to a ferry called Shaming ferry where much wood is Carted down for Trans- portation 3 mile more & I got to Bristow & put up at the Widow Jacksons, & then after 5 I Cros the ferry to Burlington. I waited on Govr Belcher & Recd a Letter &c & had an hours Conversation very free & familiar about ye affairs & officers of our Governmt for near 40 years past & his thots of time to come & other private affairs. his Excellency Treated me wth much Respect & Invited me to Stay all night & Dine with him on the morrow, & Excused himself for not asking me to Dine with him when I was in Town before, &c but I told his Excellency I Should Loose my Company if I Stayed & must be Excused &c. I went to the Tavern & found Mr Hulls friend Ellis & Mrow & Drank wth them & Recd a packet for mr Hull & a Letter and there was Mr Scattergood who fetcht me ms Hydes Deeds with the Govrs affidavit & Seal of the Governmt affixed in order. I pd him 22s. 3 Dollers & 6d. my ferryage over 4d & I gave the ferryman Something Extre- he He An im 1749 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 527 ordinary for waiting Setting me over in the night. I Lodged att ye Widow Jacksons &c. the Post was there also. fryd 7th cloudy misty. I Set out about 5 with the N Y Post Daniel Ballard of Trent Town & Rid 12 mile to br fast att William yards in Sd Town. I pased over Delawar River near the falls &c. I Rid about 1 mile through Govr Thomas’s Plantation in part. his Stately House of Brick in which the famous Govr Morrice Lived & Dyed in the northwest Cornner of a 500 acre plantation & a good Stone house at the ferry and the Best Watermill that Ever I Saw. I got down & went in & viewed it. 3 pr of Stones & all go at once Sometimes. one pair is Extreordinary, being made here of Small Stones framed and Cemented togather here but brot over Sea & ye Cement & put togather here. they Cost near £100 this mony & the flower that they grind Sells better a Shilling or 2 in all 100 [ ‘le fryd 7 Misty. the Mill here never wants water when all around is Dry, drove by a River that parts the Countys of [ ] and the 3 pr of Stones hath Each a bolting mill over Each pr of Stones & a post goes up from Each pair with Clock work on the head that turns the bolting mill & the water doth all. Even Conveys the meal from ye Lower Room where it comes out into the Garret where the Bolting Mills are. I did not See the Engine that draws up the meal but am Informed by a good hand that it is So. the ferry is a mile from the mill & belongs to the Same Estate. here in this Town are Several Wagons that keep Constantly going & coming with flower & other Comodities from this Town to Brunswick. 5 Stout Horses in a Wagon. the Bells on ye Horses make a fine Jengiling. Mr Clayton of ye Town a Hatter Joyned us; after wee got through the Town (wch hath many handsome Stone buildings, & wee Rid Thro Maiden head to Prince Town & oated & had Some milk punch &c 12 mile & 11 Clock, & then Rid Through Kingstown, the County of Middlesex being on the East, & Summerset County on ye west & so they hold 8 or 10 mile. after wee got out of & Through Kingstown wee Rid by many great farms, old fashion houses a Chimney at Each End very Large & Large Barns. the Large houses Stand far within the fence from the Road. the Land is Some very good & Some of it shallow. both hands farm & but little Woods. wee got to Brunswick 5 of ye clock & it Rained Smartly. wee put up at Paul Millers Esqr & Dined there & Lodged also. very handsome Entertainment. they killed a Porpoise in ye River here yesterday with Guns Canoos & boats. 500 Guns they Say fired at him before they killed him. I Saw him Stretcht out on ye floor in a warehouse 8 foot & 4 long. the Body was opened & the Ribbs & pluck &c Look Exactly like a Hogs. the River here is Shallow. may Ride over at Low water & is Called Rariton. the Town on the west Side here is 3 Sloops dry at the wharffs at Low water. the River comes in from amboy wch Lyes on a Sort of point against Neversinks. Expences in ye morn 3s tod. ferg 5d. Saturd 8 Cloudy much Rain last night. wee Crossed the ferry in ye morning & had a Dram at the first house 4d & about a mile oats Bread & Butter & milk. od. wee Traveled all togather till wee came to a Right hand path that goes to amboy & then wee left the N Y Post. I Sent a Letter by him & Mr Clayton & I went to Amboy & Staid a Little while. Amboy is very pleasantly Scituate on a Cornner of Land open to the Sound which is between this & Long Island on ye E & Shresbury on ye S E & there is a Sandy hook also S E & by E p haps & the going out or Channel way from N York Middletown & neversinks is over on ye Southern Shore & Staten Island is northward of it. a Small River but Navigable parts amboy from St Iland & the Same River comes by Eliza Town & the Bargain Shore which 528 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 Lyes over against Sd St Island which is 16 mile in Length from Amboy Northward to Coombs’s ferry at the n End & 7 or 8 mile wide in a County Richmond. Amboy is a very Regular Town ye Streets Square a Cross Each other N&S&E&W. here is a Brick Church & a Minester in orders. a wooden Presbyterian Meetinghouse but no Minister a fine Stable House of Brick & a Prison yard about 10 foot high of Stone & a Market house but little use for it. place Seems to be much Decayed few vessels & Small Trade. Some Brick houses & Some Large ones but Mostly Wooden houses Covered with Long Ceder Shingle Roof & Sides which is the fashion very much in these parts of the Country. the Soil here is very thin & poor. I Set out for Woodbridge & left Mr Clayton here a while and after Riding a mile or 2 came to good Soil very good farms. I got to Mr Peirsons by 11 & by 12 mr Clayton called me. Mr Peirson Let my horse feed in good grass while I Stayd there & he wrote a Letter by me to his Sister Shapley. here &. wee Traveled to for Eliza Town about 10 or 12 mile & there I left Mr Clay- ton & took a Cross Road towards whipany & in about 6 or 7 mile got to Natt Salmons. Saturd 8th fair. I got to my kinsmans Nathanael Salmons about 4 & put up. he lives at a place called Springfield & keeps Tavern & one Eliakim Conkling keeps Tavern close by on the otherside ye Road & Joshua Horton late of Southold Joyns to him & Mr Sims ye minister a little further Norward. all these on the East Side the way as I came along. I passed by a Meetinghouse where Mr Davenport lately & last preached at the Society there is called Connecticut farms & is about 2 mile nigher the Town, the Land from Eliza Town to it being Even & a good Soil, very good farms by the way both Sides, but at & above Sd meeting house the Land is hilly uneven & a poorer Soil Short hills &c. Sund 9 fair. In the foren I kept house. in the aftern I went to hear Mr Simms about ? of a Mile. he has no Meetinghouse Covered. they Genlly meet in an old house hard by it & the Season being fair & hot Mr Sims met under a Tree hard by & here was Justice Miller of Easthampton who belong to the assembly at New York come over here to keep Sabath & to visit his old neighbors & Relations. after meeting was over I walkt home with Mr Simms & mr Miller also & Dined there & then to Cuzn Natts & lodged there again. it Rained most of ve night plentifully. Mond 10, fair. about 10 or Ir in the morning I Set out homeward bound first for Elizabeth Town in whose bounds I am & at about 6 or 7 mile Distance now in Company with maj John Merry formerly of Easthampton on Long Island and now of this Society called Springfield. also Eleazer Millr Esqr of Said Easthampton Town & came about 2 mile & Stopt a little at Mr Elys Son of Capt Richd Ely of Lyme a Scholer & Trader who Lives close by the meeting house in another Society Called Connecticut farms where Mr Simon Horton of So-hold preacht Some few years Since & is Removed to Newtown on Long Island & Since him the famous Mr Daven- port Late Minister at Southold hath been ReEnstalld here, their Pastor but lately Dismist from the Chh here & Removed to hopewell where Mr Timothy Allyn preacheth & his father in law Peter Pain late of So-hold & liveth now about 40 mile back Joyning West of Trent Town & now this meetinghouse is vacant. about 12 wee Stood along to Doctor Elys who was one of the 12 Refined Scholars at the Shepards Tent So Called in N London about 6 years ago & now Settled here a Doctor & hath full Imploy. he Maried Majr Merrys Daughter & lives in mr Davenports House wch he lived in & owns about a mile from ye Meetinghouse. here wee Dined & here mr Syms & Mr Joans which Joans is Minister of Whipany (a Town 1749 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 529 next N W.) overtook us & wee all went to town to the Lecture that was begun at ye Presbyterian meetinghouse in Sd Elizabeth Town (a great Congregation) by mr Bostwick minister of Jamaica (who was Born at New milford in Conecticut & Maried a Daughter of Capt Hinmans—after Lec- ture wee all that Traveled Togather & 3 or 4 more ministers if not 5 or 6 went to mr Woodsworths a great Trader in this Town who keeps open house for ministers. I did not Stay long with ye Clergy but went & got my horse oated & Shoes before moved & New Set & at night Lodged at Mr Nathaniel Reskne’s (Son of Mr Ami Reskne of Sag, an old acquaintance of mine). he maried a Niece of Mr Millers who Lodged here with me & wee were very handsomely Entertained & our horses kept gratis &c. Tuesd 11. after Breakfast &c wee Set out for ye ferry at Anti Waters in Company with Mr Bostwich & one Dod of ys Town who was going with 2 horses to fetch home his wife from Sag or Mecocks. my Expence in Town is 6d fer 7d. over ye ferry wee Rid a Cross a Salt Marsh on a Casway & over a high bridge about 100 Rod I Supose to upland on Staten Island a great Medow begin to Mow—Tuesd 11 fair. after wee got on to Statten Island wee Rid about 7 mile on Sd Island. on the N W Side of it att ye west part of Sd Island is a wide bay yt goes up to Newark and then the passage is Narrow Several miles as N London River between this Island & the Jersey Called the Bargain Shore. at ye ferry wee met Mr Ely before mentioned late of Lyme who took passage with us & were all Landed att ye ferry on Long Island Side. ferryage 2s. I put out my horse to pastr with Mr Millers & wee all Crossed ye ferry to new york & I went to a Tavern & Dined & then to Mr Smiths after 3 & told him yt I had been there before & Left 4 dollrs with his Son to Retayn him on Mr Winthrops Side against floyd or any other that Should hold against him in his Long Island Estate or as Genll Retayning fee & he Said that he accepted it as a Retayning fee & then I went to mr Murrys & Spake with him again about Mr Winthrops affairs & he Still declined to accept of a Retayning fee, altho I gave him all the light I could in the matter & withall told him Mr Smith was Retained. I went to the post office & found a letter from mr Winthrop wherein he directed me to offer Mr Murry a Larger Sum yn 4 Dollers Even double or wht I pleased, & I Returned to Mr Murry again & offered him Double or wt he See cause but to no purpose altho heSaid he was not Retained by floyd &c. Expences Dinner & 1s 1d passage 1s 3d. I went to See Daniel Lawrence & Jarvis the Hatter where Joseph Truman Junr Died &c. I got over the ferry Soon after 9. & lodged att the Tavern for 6d. Lodging qd. Wednsd .12 fair but cloudy. I got my horse up & oated & got away by 8. horse 1s gd. I Led along to the Hatters on ye left hand named Christopher Codwise & bot a hatt for 36s. he Invited me in to his House to Breakfast Tea &c. I mounted at this place Called Brookline wch is a Body of houses both Sides the way & in less than 2 Mile came to a Stone meetinghouse (I Supose for ye Dutch) at a Small village & no fine houses & Soon came to very Rocky Land & hills & Dales & yn about 2 mile came plain ground & large fields & a Clump of houses called Bedford. these houses are mostly of Stone & neat & Some very Large old fashion, a Chimney at Each End, & in a mile or 2 came to more Rocky land & uneven & Stone- wall fence Stones Enough I came to the half way Tavern & here I oated, about 10. here are fine fields to the South of ye highway which is 4 Rod wide & hilly Land on ye North Side & here the South Sea is nigh. I Rid along a little way & to Satisfie my Curiosity I hung my horses to ye fence under a Shady Tree and went Northward into a field to the top of a high hill where I had a fair Prospect of ye South Sea & of ye highland of Never- 35 530 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 sinks between which & Long Island Ships pass in to New York. it Seems but 2 or 3 mile to ye S. Side a wood & Pond or bay being between them. a fine large place of plain land & good Soyl & Large fields for Several miles togather. the houses generally are near the wood a mile or more from the Road & ye fields come up to the Road. Some few houses Joyns up to the Road but mostly at a Distance from the Road Southward of it. I soon came to Jamaica & oated att ye Tavern & went to See mr Bostwick min- ister & there found my old friend Capt Hinimon formerly of Woodbury & latly of the Jerseys, who I Saw Last night at the ferry at New York. I Dined at ye Tavern next ye meetinghouse & had Capt Hinimans Company an hour or more &c. here is first westward a Dutch 8 Squar meetinghouse or Church & then a Chh of England & then a Stone meetinghouse for the Presbyterians & Courthouse all near togather, a well Compact Town. Ms Bostwick the ministers wife is Capt Hinimans Daughter & Sd Hinni- mon & wife are both here on their Return from the Jerseys to N E again. I had his Company till $ an hour after 2 & then I Set out for Hempsted a plain Road or Highway plain Land on the South & Hilly the North Side untill I came to Hempsted plain & then 2 or 3 mile to a Town a Smaller Town than Jamaica one wooden Church & a Smaller meetinghouse for the presbeteerians & no Setled minister here only Mr Seabury in the Church. I oated at the Tavern & went to visit Mr Seabury at 5s & he not at home Ms Seabury ordered my horse to a pasture & he came home in the Eve, & Entertained me very Generously &c. Thursd 13 fair. I Set out at 9. Mr Seabury Rid with me Crossing ye Plain Crossing the Plain Northward. Sd Plain Mr Seabury Says is about 12 or 16 Mile in Length N W. & S E. nearest & about 4 mile in breadth & in Some places more, & in Seasonable years they mow 3 or 4 Thousand Stout ox Load of Hay on it, & almost any day in the Sumer a mile or 2 further Eastward about 10 a Clock ye morn when cattle come to the Water to drink you may See at once a 1000, Horn cattle. before wee passed ye midle of ye plain one overtook us who was Traveling by my kinsmans that I designed to visit & Mr Seabury askt his favour to direct me & took Leave of me & I of him & Wee Soon arived to Robert ‘Marvins, who was the only Son of John Marvin, & Sd John was the only Son of Robert Marvin who about ninty years ago Maried Mary Browne only child of my mothers uncle Browne who Died here. he was Brother to my Grandmother whose maiden name was Phebe Browne. this Robert the first had only one Son John & John had only one Sister & She Maried at Hempsted to one William Lee & had 4 Sons Thomas, John Joseph & Robert & they are most of them Dead & left a Small offspring. I Stayed a while & Dined here from 11. to 4. Clock. this Robert has only one Son who is at the Latin School att mr Seaburys who Schools 5 or 6 youth to fit ym for the colledge. 4. Daughters grown up & I young one. the Eldest is Still Single & 3 next are maried. I Set out at 4 for mr Woolsey & got there by daylight having passed by a famous Mill wth 2 pr of Stones at the head of Musketo Coave. there I Saw a Sc[ ] with I Supose ro Cart loat of flower in baggs going of to a Sloop. I got to Mr Woolseys by Daylight. he lives by the coave Side at a place Called Tinicock. Cow Neck lyes Southward of him. there Lives a number of the Sandys’s who formerly lived at Block Island. & one James Sandys lives on the East Side of Mr Woolseys farm. Mr Woolsey farm Contains about 700 acres & about 100 of it plowed. he hath 2 Sons both maried & the Eldest lives near 4 a mile Eastwd in a large New house. the farm is mostly Champion Land (tho Something Uneven) mightily Timbered. I 1749 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead SRE a Seen the like, for good Soil & Timber. I Lodged here & tayd. fryd 14 fair. S. Plumbs Childrens name & age Samll 22 Timothy 20 Justus 18 Ann 17 Mary 14 Stephn 9 Jemima 64. I Set out for oyster- bay. about 11 being 7. mile. Mr Woolsey Rid with me half the way or more till I came to a Mill at the head of a coave & then took Leave & Stood for oysterbay where I called at a Tavern for oats & found unexpect- edly my old friend & neighbour Samll fosdyck. he Treated me hansomely + with Dinner &c but had no oats & wee went to the Next Tavern & oated &c. the Widow of Barak Cole Son in law to old John Rogers. I got to Huntington to Saml] Plumbs before night (having first Called att Mr Primes Mr Lord & Madam there.) inthe Evening I went wth S. P. to visit William Johnson an old acquaintance. Samuel Plumb. his wives name was Anna Roe 7 Children 4 Sons 3 Daughtrs. Saturd 15 fair. about 9. I went to Mr Primes & he went with me to Brother Josiah Smiths who maried my late Wives Sister Christian ye Widow of James Patty of So-hold Decd. I lodged there. his Son Jona- _ than Smith maried Eliza Conckling 2d Daughter of Sister Temperance — Decd. they have one Son Named Benjamin between 3 & 4 yr old. Brother Smith is a good liver full handed & works hard himself his 2 Sons & one Da[ughter]. Saturd 15 fair. Brother Smith has only one Daughter & is a maried away. hath 7 Children & lives at a place Called the cold Spring where is a Mill & a coave that parts oysterbay from Huntington. I lodged here. Sund 16 fair after about .g. it Rained Smartly last night & this morn- ing. wee went to Meeting about 3 mile. Brother & Sister Rid in their Chair. a very handsome one it is. wee met Mr Prime. he put me in the Pew & took me home to Dinner & put out my horse. I lodged with him &c. Mond .17. fair. In the morning I went Early to Samuel Plumbs & br fasted with him & Stayed till near 9. & took leave of them. he hath 4 Sons & 3 Daughters. The 2 Eldest Sons are abroad & the 3d Called Justus goes in a Small Sloop, or a large boat I know not which. he has .2. before I got to Mr primes which is about a mile I met Brother & Sister Smith in their Chair come to look me up, & they Turmed & wee Stopt a while at Mr Primes & then Rid out to Brother Smith & after Dinner I had thots of Setting out but by their Importunity & my Self growing Drowsie I Consented to Stay & take the morning. I Lodged at Brother Smiths again. Tuesd 18 fair. I breakfasted with Cuzn Jonathan Smith & his wife Elizabeth wch is the 2d Daughter of Sister Temperance Conkling Decd. I Set out about 9. for John Brewsters. Brother Smith came with me a mile or 2. to Set me in the way. I got to Capt Carles about 11 & there I met mr Strong a going to N Y & also James Smith of Meriches & wee had a Large Conferrance about Mr Winthrops Necks &c. Ex. 5d. in Riding 10 Mile I came to a large River a Corn Mill & Sawmill. there lives one Mr Philips Son of ye Revd Mr Geo Philips late Minister at Brook- haven. I Rid about 1 mile & oated 3d & then 10 mile to Coram. I oated & Dram at Joshua Smiths 5d & yn Sunset I Set out a Cross to the So-ward 11. mile for Brewsters & got there 10 Clock moon light & put up. Wednsd 19 fair. in the foren Mr Jno Brewster Rid with me over the Several Necks in Mr Winthrops Land, & about 2 it began to Rain & Thundr & Lightning very Sharp. wee were at Mr Winthrops old house at the West Neck Called blue point. it cleared of about 5. here is very 532 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 good land tho. much worn out & but a Small Neck & Joyns Mr Nichols on the West, wee Returned back by, the bay Side untill wee come to pine neck & then Rid up thro it much Wet with Bushes & I lodged at Mr Brewsters, Thursd 20 Rain plentifully from Day break to about 8. clock & then wee went to See the Ponds & Haw Trees at 2 places claimed for Mr Win- throp; & also the other Pond Claimed by floyd & I think the Eastermost pond agrees best with Mr Winthrops Deed, & the Evidences of Smith & Jennings &c & after Dinner I Set out. mr Brewster acompanied me, wee Called to See Joseph Sweezy & Rebeckah his wife formerly of Ocubank in So-hold. She was a Newlondon Woman. her maiden name was Saterly. born in an old house yt belonged to her mother in old Mr Coits lot that Joyns to mine. wee Called to See John Havens & Stopt a little at Prosser Kings at Sd Havens’s mill & got to meriches about Sunset & put up at the Tavern Mathw Smith Son of James Smith who I met at Capt Carles, he lives on ye Estate that was Ezekiel Howels late of So-hampton. fryd 21 fair. I Set out Eastward & passed thro this village of 4 or 5 houses then thro a barren pine Country, 6 or 7. mile I came to a mill where was one Eph Halsey a grinding, who after a Small Salutation took a horse & Rid with to kitchaboneck a few houses about a mile. here lives one Bowers. his wives name was Grant of Winsor. her mother was a minor. kitchabonuck is a Small village. here lives one Bowers whose wife was a Grant of Winsor a very Intelligable woman. her mother was Daughter of Mr John Miner of Woodbury. I Rid about 3 or 4 mile further Eastward & Came to Quag a village Several houses & plain Cham- pion Land. the South Side is near & the Bay Contracted very narrow in this place. I Supose they Ride a Cross to the Beach. here is no Tavern & I Enquired after oats & was Directed to Mr Cook’s formerly of mecocks who being acquainted with my Son at So hold for his Sake bid me Wel- come & gave my horse a Sheaf of oats & got me Some Dinner & then Set me in the way to the River head about to mile. I called at the Widow orvisons & att fannings & oated & Stood along through occubank, called at the Door of my Kinsman Thos Conkling & got to Capt Hubbards at Matatuck & oated there by Sundown, & Capt John Salmon coming along I Rid with him to Brother Salmons about 10 a Clock. Saturd 22 fair. about 1 or 2 aftern I Set out from Brother Salmons where I lodged last night & Soon got to my Son Robert Hempsted’s & found them all well to my great Comfort. also heard of my familys welfare a few days ago with Joy &c. Sund 23 fair. I was at meet- ing all day. heard Mr Throop. Mond 24 fair & hot. I was at Sons in the foren & after Dinner I walkt out with Brother Salmon to the waterside to visit Mr Throp &c. a great Court att my Sons Concerning a fray between mapes & Biggs & a Jury of Six to Judge the Damage who found Biggs guilty & awarded him to pay 1s damage only for 5 or 6 blows. mapes was very provoking in his language & came of accordingly. Tuesd 25 it Rained Early in the morning Smartly & Steady till 10 or 11. Clock it broke away & the Sunshined out & after Dinner I went with Brother Salmon to Conklings point in order for me to go Easthampton & waited there hallowing for ye ferry boat 2 hours or more & then gave over & Returned to Jos Conklings & Stayed an hour & then it began to Rain & Brother Salmon went home & I to Brother Henerys & lodged there. it Rained much. Wednsd 26 fair. I went to Mr Booths & to Justice Youngs’s & Dined there & yn to David youngs’s & to Jer. youngs’s at oysterponds & agreed with him to bring me over for 8s & back to Son Hempsteds & lodged there (having first called at mr Da. Corys & brother 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 533 Bayleys &c. Thursd 27 fair. in the morning I Set from Son Hempsteds by 6. & he with me & by the way at Rocky point heard that my Son Stephens 2d Son Died on Sunday last. wee went to Jer Youngs’s & he Set Sail before 8 & wee Stood along to meet him at plumbgut point. wee Stopt at Samll Kings (Ami Hawke that was) & br fasted again & Stayed * near an hour. wee called att Mr Barbers &c, wee got down before ye Boat wch Soon came & took me in & Hewitson Bradley & wee had a Smart ~wind. got over in 2 hours to Mr Stewarts Wharf & a little over. I found ‘my family well & Joshuas & Johns & Son Starrs, but Stephens not well. the fevar & ague amongst them. Sarah hath it also. he is well himself but hath been visited with Death in his family. his 2d Son Stephen Seven years old last June the 12 Died last Sunday morn about 6 oe Clock after a few days Sickness. he had been Sick 6 or 7 weeks past & was grown better & about house & abroad agen but taken again with the yellow Jaundice &c. fryd 28 fair. I was at home haying most of the day. I went into Town a while to pay my passage & to visit Some friends. I made one Stack. Stephen Pitcht to me & Joshua & adam poled Some & carted 1 Ld. a Lecture but I could not go to it. Saturd 29 fair. I helpt carry the medow hay to the Stack by mr Chapmans W Side ye hollow & then I went in to Town to mr adams’s & Mr Winthrops & DD madm what mony I had left £6 12s od N. york mony. a Smart Thundr Showre before night. Sund .30. fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr al d. Joshua Moor had a ‘Child of Geo. Chapls that lives with them 10 yr old perhaps Baptized [ ] Samll Gardner one | ] & Thos Minor one Susanna. Mond 31 fair. I was about home. Topt up my Stack by Mr Chapmans &c. August .1. Tuesd fair. Stephen & Joshua Mowed the back Side of ‘the lot from ye Rocky bottom of vines to the pear tree. Wednsd 2 fair. in the morning I went to holmes lot to See my fatting Cattle that came from Stonington. Wild Steer pide Cow & T. T. hieffer, & the orchard. I ‘Carrved Ned before & Joshua behind & yn to haying. Natt & his boy helpt 1 hour & 4 & I & adm finished 42 Cocks Large. Tuesd 3d fair. I was att home all day Stacking the last of ye hay in ye Lot. made 2 Stacks 1. ‘behind ye lot & 1 behind the peartree. Ben Want helpt Carry Cocks 2 or 3 hours. fryd .4. Cloudy. the wind E—a little Scattering Rain. I went into Town before. Dined at Deacon Greens & yn home to write for Jno Bolles. Saturd 5 fair. I was in Town in the foren & at home writing for Jno Bolles & in the aftern went to Stonington. got there before 9. Sund 6 fair. Mr Eells pr. all day. I was att meeting. mond 7 fair & hot. I was most of the Day Riding out wth Son Miner to the Harbour &c. Tuesd 8. fair. I was at Son Miners all day. Several visitors &c Wednsd 9. Cloudy in the foren. I went with Daughter Miner to Mr Rossiters & dined there & there was Mr Rowland Minister of Plainfield, I came home to the ferry, by that time it was night. it Rained Smartly from Dea Wood- bridges to the ferry & Some afterwd. Thursd 10 Cloudy. I was out to the Cornfield &c. fryd 11 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I went out to ye Swamp to help Load Timber on ye wheels. adm with the Team. Josh & Beckt helpt. I mended up Some fence Jno Plumb lot &c. ‘Saturd 12. fair. I was in Town In the foren att Mr Winthrops & Mr adams’s. I pd Mr adams the Interest of Douglass’ money .18. afternoon att home. Sund 13 fair & warm. Mr adams pr. all day. Mond 14 Cloudy & toward night Rain. Tuesd 15 fair. I was most of the Day att the Meeting house to advise about ye pews. Wednsd .16. fair. I Rid out into the Neck to visit old Mr Crocker & Mr Jos: Miner & my Leg & knees very weak. Thursd .17. fair. I was in Town to look out for help 534 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 for my Indisposition & to visit Ms Miller who is Speechless & Suposed to be dying. fryd 18 fair. I was att home much Swelled in my hands & Stiff in my Joynts & not able to Walk upright. a pain in my Shoulders & knees & much Indisposed. Ms Mary Miller Consort of Jer. Miller Esqr & 2d Daughter of the Late Govr Saltonstall and a very vertuouss Woman was buryed. She Died yesterday in the afternoon taken Sudenly. She was So well the day before as to come down Stairs to breakfast & Drank a Little Chochalate &c. Saturd 19. fair. I kept house all day much Indis- posed but had the use of my Legs better than yesterd. I walkt out of one Room into the other Divers times. I Sent for Doctor Goddard & he came & considered my Case & Says tis the Same Distemper that hath of late prevailed among Children & Directs to a drink or Strong Tea made of the bark of Sassafrax Roots boiled with Lignum vitia Saw dust. Nattee from Southold. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. I kept house at home much Indisposed. in great pain if I Ly down & was forced to Sit up great part of Last night. Mond 21 fair. I was about home able to Walk about, but Lame in my Legs arms Still. I workt a Little, Tuesd 22 fair. I had a poor night last night but little Sleep. when I Ly down my pain comes in my Shoulders & knees So that I am forced to Rise up & walk about to get Ease. 3 times up & down last night. I was at home all day Except that I went to Mr Shaws to get 100. 6d nailes. I am mend- ing the back Side of the house Roof & Sides. Wednsd 23d Cloudy. I had a poor night Last. but not So poor as Monday night because I Lay on the herth my back & Shoulders heating at a good fire till midnight & past & then to bed & up before day. I took a Potion of Sena &c of Doctr Palmes about .7. & it workt kindly in a few hours & held on untill night. I kept house all day & adam Tended me. at night I made me up a bed with Baggs & a blanket under me & my head on the Sill & my body Strecht on the floor & took a very Sound nap untill past midnight an hour or 2, & then waked up & drest my Self: about 2 I drest my Self & after a little Sitting up grew Drowsie. I lay down on my own bed & had a Comfort- able nap after daylight but my pain in my Shoulders & legs Returned untill I got up & then fine & Easie. Thursd 24 Showry & cloudy, & Some fair. I helpt Nattee a little to hew a piece of Timber to put under the Sill of the Stable. I was at home all day. I went to bed at night in good order & Rested well till midnight & then up. fryd 25 Cloudy in the morn & yn fair & hot. I was at home foren & in the aftern in Town at Mr Win- throps. Colln Sergeant & Spouse Come from Salem. Saturd 26 fair. about Sunrise my Daughter Starr was Delivered of a Dead child after 3 days Illness & She in great Danger. I was at home all day Claboarding the backside Leantoo. in the Evening at ye funeral of ye Infant. Daughter Miner is come; Ben Want went on purpose to day. Sund .27. fair. Mr adams pr all day. Mr Wanton & Spouse from Newport & Colla Sergeant & Spouse from Salem at meeting. Lt James Harris & Sarah the wife of Samll Jackson (who hath been gone to N Caralina Several years) were published. Mond 28 cloudy. I was out to the cornfield & about home all day. Tuesd 29 fair. I was about home all day. Wednsd 30 fair. in the foren I was out to the cornfield & in the afternoon att Mr Winthrops to Dinner. a great Entertainment. Mr Wanton Colln Ser- geant, Coll Saltonstall, Mr adams & mr Lechmere & their wives, Mr Graves, Mr Stewart & my Self, all the afternoon. Thursd 31 Cloudy Some, in the foren I was in Town Endeavouring to get my Dattr miner over the ferry. wind too high. aftern at home haying Rowin. 1749 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 535 Sept ye 1 Turn over the Leaff to ye 20 day of Sept It being miss Entred. Sep 10 fair. Mr Wm adams pr forenoon. Mr adams aftern. a Sacrament day. Jont Latimer Jur a Son Baptized George & George Rich- ard Junr a Child Esther. Monday 11 fair. In the morning Early I went to Look for Mowers. I got Jam Harris & Danll 1 day to':mow Rowin att Gilberts lot & I got Walter harris to mow to morrow. I went to See how the Salt grass is Grown. I went to Ben foxes & the Widow Denesons & & to See Jerh Miller Just come home from Antegua. Tuesday 12 fair. I was most of the Day Down to the Marshes &c. Josh & Walter Harris mowd for me & young Denison & David Lester for ym. Wednsd 13 fair. I went away Early for Stonington before Sun Rise. Called up the ferry man & got of beyond the Rocks & Cornll Sergeant Come Down Street In his Chair & Called to the boat & I persuaded the ferryman to turn back in hopes to to have the Cornll Company but his Spouse was not with & I took leave of him & Stod along. lost one horse Shoo & got an old one Set on by Helmes Lad 3s 6d. I Called to See Justice Denesons Spouse & got to Minors before 11 & he had the tooth ach & Could not go to Canterbury & toward night I went to Justice Whitings Amos Chees- brough & Sylvanus Minors & back. he huskt his Corn. I Lodged there. Thursd 14 Cloudy. fourn we Set out & went beyond Danll Stantons & met the Rain & we Returnd back & it Raind Smartly in ye night. fryd 15 Raind in ye after Noon forenoon Cloudy. wee Set out & Reached Capt Thoms Wheelers & Stayd there over & then Returned. 16h Saturday fair. we Set out between 9 & 10 in the morn for Canterburry & got there before Sun Set. Sund 17 fair. I went to here Mr Cogswell both parts of the Day. Mond 18. I was at Mr Bradford, where wee Lodgd. assisted ye appraisers Deacon Deliverance Brown & Mr Ransford & we finished ye the Books & Compleated the Inventory & I Lodged there. Tuesd 19 fair. I Came home Called at Norwich to See Cuz Hide, Mr Lord &c and got home by night. Wendsd 20 I Rid out to the Medow 68 Cocks over the Gut. Josha & Adam Raked the flatts. I Spread my Rowen in Gilberts Lot & mended fence in pasture. fryday Sept .1. fair Easterly weather Wind high & Cloudy Some. I was up into town to See after geting my Daugher Minor Moley & Children over the ferry. the ferryman Carryed over & Danll Starr got a Long boat & 4 oars & Set ym over. I was at home aftern & in town ye Even- ing. Saturday 2d fair. I was most of the Day at home. towards Night I Rid out to the Swamp & where Joshua I making wall at his S: E Corner. Will Beckwith at work & Starting Daniels with him. Sund 3 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 4 fair but Cloudy Some part of the day. I was about home all day. I Spread the & Dryd it & Raked up again &c. Ms adams taken with an apopletick fitt at Samll Edgecombe about 3 Oclock being out on a visit & as well or better in helth than She hath bin of Late. She had Just finisht drinking 3 or 4 dishes of Tea & taken on her Left Side first & Complained of great pain in her head. Tuesd 5 fair. in the morning Early about Sun Rise I went to visit Ms adams & found her Lying Speachless & Senceless. her Left Side dead Seamingly & blows out the breath with Somthing of a Rattle in her throat. I Came home and helpt Nath fitt on a pr truck to an axletree &c. Stackt up the Rest of ye Rowin in ye lot about to or 12 Cocks by Noon & then I went to Crossman lot found 3 oxen & 2 horses in it & 2 Calves in the Corn. I went down to Walter Harris’s to get him to Mow for me & Returnd & went up town to visit Ms adams who is Near her End & She Expired about 2 Oclock Morning & f° 530s Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 John Plumbe wife who is In a very weak & low Condition. Weden 6 fair. I was home most of the Day. in the after Noon I went out to Cross- man lot & mended Some of ye pertition fence N side & over to See Joshuas Stonwall a Making. 5 or 6 Rod more will do. Thursd 7th fair. I was at home till aftern helping Nathll Draw away the Stable that was my old Lintoe & Stood in the Corner 2 or 3 Rod East from East Corner of Joshuas house up into the S E Corner of my uper Orchard for a work house. at 4 Oclock I Set out to go to Ms Adams funeral. both bells Tolling & Continued untill the funeral was over. I was one of the Barers. a Great number of people. a Child Infant less then 3 three Months Old of Jerh Millers Died. fryday fair. I was up to Robt Fargos with Capt Stephen Lee to look over land that was Christopr Stubbins at the old Mill to take accnt of the Damages in Cutting trees. Saturd oh. fair. I was about home foren. after in town & to visit John Plumbs wife & Stacking hay Gilbert Lot &c. Thursd Sept 21 fair. I was at home all day. I began to work about a Cart & Stackt the 2d crop of Gilberts Lot. fryd 22 fair most of the Day. I was at home most of the day about the cart & Joshua. I went to Cross- man Lot to Carry James Harris Diner. he is mowing there. misty. toward night I went into Town. Saturd 23d Cloudy toward night fair. I went to Crossman Lot adm & Josha & Richd Chapman & Raked up what little hay Ja Harris mowd 6 cocks besides weeds. I was most of the day at home & Joshua about the cart. put it togather &c. Sund 24 Cloudy. Mr William Adams pr all day. Mond 25 fair a while & I Set out for Hart- ford. it Rained in the aftern. I Stopt & Dined at Abel Willys in East haddam 2 clock. it Soon Rained before I got to ye houses & held till night. I got over Chapmans fence & to the upper End of Haddam by Dark & put up at Brainards. Tuesd 26 fair & clear & windy & cold. I got up before day & helpt Catcht my, mare & Set out by daylight & got to Midle- town by Sun an hour high & found my Daughter Pierpoint & family all well & he being a broad Soon came home, & after a little Stay I Set out & my Daughter & child & Dined at Josha Plumbs & I went to Hartford to the Secrytarys & Stayed with him till Sunset & then down to Joshua Plumbs at ye upper houses & lodged there. Wednsd 27 fair & warm. after a while wee came away & went to visit old mr Sage & Ms Stow & Capt Johnson & got back to Parepoint 2 clock & then Son Peirpt Rid out wth me to Mr Lawrences & Ms Smiths & Widw Kings, &c. I Lodged at Pierpts. Thursd 28. fair. I Set out late in the morn over ve Town ferry & along by the East Side meetinghouse through the woods to Colchester. a Dolefull Road above 20 Mile. Sundry Taverns. I dined by ye way. Sundown 3 mile before I got into Town. I Lodged att Wells’s. went to visit Colln Bulkley in ye Evening. fryd 29 fair & moderate. I Set out for home before Sunrise $ an hour. Stopt a while at Jno Dodges & then at Stephen Gardners & breakfast Dram & oats Gratis. I called to See old Mr Hamiltons then along with John Dodge in company. got to Town after noon a little & found all well at home. the Corn that grew out to John Plumb lot husked & carryed up 100 & [ ] baskets full but ye one half of it Carryed up into my Garret. aftern I was at ye Supr Court Summoned for Ezekiel Fox against Jonathan Pratt of Hartford. Saturd 30 fair. IT was att Court all day. october Sund .1. Cloudy in the morning & Rainy all meetingtime & cleared of toward night. Capt Titus Hurlbut a Child Baptized Jeremiah. Peter Rogers Son of James Rogrs Saylor & Grace Datr of James Rogers Cooper published. Mond 2 fair. I was at Court all day. I Recd of Ez. 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 537 Fox. 40s in part for 3 days attending as an Evidence. a Child of James Douglass’s buried. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at home all day. I helpt Nattee to make a Chamber in his workhouse & took my pine bords out of the Cockloft & back Leantoo & 2 oak ones out of the New garret to make a floor. Wednsd 4 fair. I was Most of the day with adam fetching a Load of hay over the Gatt home. the Supr Court is over. I was in Town in ye Evening at Sister Plumbes &c. Sister Edgcumb Sick there. Thursd 5 fair. I helpt Adam fetch home a Ld hay from ye Gut medow. fryd 6 fair. In the morn I went with adam for a Ld of wood & then in the aftern I was at home fitting up the hovel. put on a Ld of Sea weed & a Ld of Salt hay. Saturd 7 a very windy cold day N E. I went with adam to the medows & borowd Jno Tinkers Cart & with that finished the botoms of the cocks from the Gut medows & with my Cart all the hay that was left on the flatts & Brot home both carts by night. Sund .8. Rainy a great Easterly Storm, high wind & much Rain. Mr Adams pr. all day. Joshuas old Cow fell down & broke her Leg. Mond 9 fair clears up moderate in the morning.. I went to holmes’s Lot drove the oxen & found the apples much blown down &c. in the aftern it clouded over Soon & Rained mod- erately till night. Nattee & adam & Richd Chapman & Ben Want went out to the Cornfield & killed Joshuas old Cow & Skined her & I went & fetched up ye oxen the mean while & wee brot home ye 4 Qur & Hide. night first. Tuesd to fair. in the foren I went with adam & fetched a Ld of wood & afterwd I went out to Jno plumb Lot & adam & Carted Some Railes to fence Stacks &c. the widow of my Cuzn Jno Larabee Decd is come to Seek after her Son Timothy aged about 19 years who absconded on Mond night & got here to N L. on Tuesd. morn & went Right over to L. Island this morn wth Powers. Wednsday 11. Cloudy & windy in yé morn & all day. Josh Came fro So-hold. I went to visit Justice Joshua youngs at Talmans & helpt adam fetch a Ld of wood &c. Thursd 12 fair. In the foren I was out to holms’s Lot to help Adm pick Apples. wee brot home 4 baggs full & in the aftern toward night I went up to Madm Winthrops with Mr Strong & Bunster who came from Long Island Brook haven. fryd 13 fair. in the foren I was about home. in the aftern I went into Town to visit Justice youngs, & Mr Strong & Brewster & waited on them to Colln Saltonstalls & to Mr Winthrops & he came home in the night from Newport from Stonington after Sunset. Saturd .14. fair. I was at Mr Winthrops all Day. I wrote a Deed from Mr Winthrop to Strong & Brewster for 2 necks &c for £1200 N Y Mony pd down. Sund 15 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Nathanael Beebe a Child Baptized Peter & Zach wheeler one frederick & Samll Beebees wife one Elizabeth. Chris- topher Eldredge of Stonington & Mary Hempsted my Grandaughter & Samll Douglass & Mary Denison both of N. L. published. Stephen Chap- pell in Colln Saltonstalls Brigg. Returned back being bound for Ber- mudas, having Lost 12 horses & 50 odd Sheep in ye Storm Sunday last. Some Rain last night. Mond 16 fair. in the foren I was in Town. aftern at home Mending up Stone wall (att the S W Corner of Deacon fosdycks Lot on ye hill) the Schcol boys having Roled the Stones Down the Sidehill for Sport & I was obliged to draw them up again with oxen, & cary Some up by hand. Tuesd 17 fair & Raw cold W. Easterly. I was at home foren. in ye aftern at the Cornfield fencing Stacks. St. Josh & adm Diging potatoes. Wednsd 18 Rainy. I was at home &c. in the foren I killed a 3 yr old hieffer I bot wn a Calf of T. Truman for Sos. hide 42. 1 Quart 60 .1. 62, 54 .58 Tallow 11. Total 281 at rsd p £15 16s 11d. Thursd 10 fair. a moderate morn but Soon Windy N W & cold. in the foren I was out to 538 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 the cornfield & Josha & adm fencing Stacks. aftern at Mr Winthrops writing Covenants wth Derby, Brickmaker. fair &c fryd 20. I was at home foren and at the cornfield aftern fencing Barley Stacks. Saturd 21. fair. I was at home most of the day. I fitted out for Stonington toward night & got over about Sunset & to Son miners about 8 & Lodged there. Sund 22 it Rained moderately Most of the day. In the aftern I was att Meeting at Mistick. Mr Roseter pr all day. I heard of itt & went in the aftern. Mond 23d avery Rainy day. I was at Son Minors al day. Tuesd 24 Rainy in the foren. in the aftern held up Some. I went to Mr Roseters & Capt Whitings &. Wednsd 25 fair. I came home by the widow wheelers & farm & Natt Williams’s & Dined att Ebenezars, & Dark before I got over. Thursd 26 fair & moderate. I was about Town at Mr Adams's &c. fryd 27 fair. I was at home al Day Not well. in the aftern Aguish &c. Saturd 28 cloudy & cold. a Small matter of Snow last night & a little Rain. I was at home all day. I hewed out 2 fellows toward a wheel. Sund 29 fair & cloudy & cold. Mr adams pr all day. Wm King & Lucre- tia Caulkings publisht & Samll Bill Junr a Child Baptized Elizabeth. Mond 30 fair & moderate. in the foren I was at Daniel Starrs Splitting a hard white oak Log & hewing out 2 felloes. I dined there & afterwards at home. Tuesd 31 fair & moderate. I was at home. I mended one wheel. took of 3 Strikes of the Tire that was broke & put in one New Spoke & 1 new felloe, night first & I took the wheel into the house to finish by candle- light & did not quite finish it. November Wednsd .1. fair. I was at home all day. I finisht the wood work of the wheel. adam & Mingo Swetld Stackt the cornstalks. Thursd 2d fair & moderate. I was about Town Looking for Iron to mend my wheel. I got 1 Strike of Jos Harris 14fb. I pd him 28s &c. fryd 3d fair & moderate. I was at home all day. I got 2 Strikes of old Iron of Mr Colefax 12tb } at 18d p. I helpt put em on. Saturd 4 Cloudy & moderate. I was at home all day. I mended ye other wheel .1. New felloe & 2 New Spokes. Sund 5 fair & moderate. Mr Wm adams pr all day. Mond 6 fair but a Small Showre or 2. I was at home all day. I finisht of ye wheel &c. Tuesd 7. fair & moderate. I was at home all day fencing Stacks &c. Wednsd 8 fair. I went to Mill & fenced in ye hay Stack by ye house for the Stable. I took a Cow to winter for Madm Winthrop & She is to winter one for me at Ms Wallsworths, & I am to give them one Quart of Milk in a week, if She gives So much. Thursd 9 fair. a publick thanksgiving. ‘Mr adams pr ye Sermon. I Dined att Mr Winthrops & Divers others. a great feast. frvd 1o fair. I was at home all day mend- ing a wheel. I put in one new felloe. Saturd 11 fair but cloudy & Raw Easterly weather. In the morning I went out to William Douglass’s to get Some Tire for a Cart wheel & got 3 Strikes one 5 th & 1. 64 & 1 8}. I brot it from S Richards’s & put it on. John put on one Strike & a gripe. Sund 12 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr forn & his Son aftern. Mond 13, fair. I was at home all day. I mended one of my old wooden wheels. put in 2 old felloes that Lay by. Tuesd 14 fair. I was out to the cornfield & mended up (yt is to Say) stackt & top poled Stackyard fence. Aftern at home. Wednsd 15 Cold fair & very Cold. I was out to William Hatches with Mr Richards & Deacon fosdyck Regulating the Comons wee formerly Laid out to him wch In trenched on Dartes Land. wee also Laid out for John Eams about to acre West of Warden place & Joyning to it. he pdus £4. I had 26s 6d. Thursd 16 a cold day. It Snowed from daybreak to Noon about 3 Inches. I went up to Mr Winthrops for Mr Jerom of Branford who came to buy Some land. I dined there & towards 1749] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 539 night I went out to the widow Datons & maried Elihu Crocker Son of Anna Morgan by William Crocker) unto Margaret Daton Daughter of Ephraim Daton Decd. a great Crowd of People. fryd .17. fair & cold. I was at home Cutting up my Beef. Thos Stubbins killed on wednsd .1. Cow Wt hide 12. Tallow 26. 1. 2. 93. 95. 83. 88 all 437 at 14d p £25 gs 10d. also 1 Steer hide 54 Tallow 26. Qrs 94—I09. 95. 94. all 472. att 14d p— £27 tos 8d. Saturd 18. Cloudy & cold. I was at home all Day. I Salted my Beef 1. bb Choice in the Garret & ye Rest in the Cellar. Snow in the night about 2$ Inches. Sund .19. fair. Mr Wm Adams pr. foren & Mr adams aftern. a Contribution for him. Mond .20. Snow in the foren & yn a little Rain & yn Snow till night & yn clear & cold. I was at mr Win- throps most of the Day & untill it cleared of. Tuesd 21. fair & Something warmer. it Thawed Some. I was at home al day. my little mare was brot home from hebron by Powers of Hebron. Wednsd 22 Cloudy in the morn & N E & very cold & windy. Sharp cold al day & night. Thursd 23 fair till night & yn Rain. foren I was at home. aftern at mill. Ms Collins of Guilford workt at our house on Tuesday. made adam a Jacket (of mine). fryday 24 Cloudy in the foren & Some Snow & Some Rain & then fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern helping get over 11 Cattell in Capt Hurlbuts Scow. Stephn & Joshua helpt put them into the Scow & Josh & Ben want & adam & Richard Chapman went over with me & it blew a meer fret of Wind. come up at N W a little before wee Set of & very cold. however wee fetcht Peter Williams’s wharf & Landed the Cattle & our 2 horses & I & Richd Chapman went after them & drove along by James Averys & the Collenels after Sunset & to the widow wals- worths & Lodged there & left my Little cow there to winter on Madm Winthrops accot. I winter one for her (for it). Ms Walsworth Enter- tained us very kindly. Saturd 25 fair & Stinging cold. I Stayed a while in the morning & yn Set out with my Io Cattle & got to Stephen Bennets & delivered the 4. 2 year olds to William Bennet to winter. one is a Red one of Joshuas & one a Red pide one & a brown Brindle & 1 Small black one. all hieffers. my mark. I left the Six yearling with Stephen Bennet in the plain. 3 bulls 1. Brown a longesh white Speck in the Right flank one white & Red head & Some Red Spots & 1. black brockle faced & is Joshuas. 1. black hiefer of Joshuas & 1. white backt & belly & Tayle of Daughter Starrs. & 1. browne of mine Something brindle. it came of my Brown Cow. wee went to Son minors & Lodged there. Sund 26. Cloudy Some Rain & Some Snow, & I have a great cold & Stayed at home all day. Son minor & Abigail & unice all have Sore Throats. Mond 27 fair & moderate. I Set out for home about 10 & came to the farm & brot away 2 fatt hieffers 3 yr old past & Stepen came with us to Samll Williams’s. wee got over the ferry by daylight, & I went into Town in the Evening. Tuesd 28. fair & warm Thawing. I was in Town to look a Market for Beef in the foren & aftern at home fitting up the hovel for a Stable. Wednsd .29. fair & Cold. I was att home all day. toward night Christophr Eldrige & a Company came (vizt) Jos Page Junr Shepard Wheeler amariah Stanton & Hempsted Minor, Wealthy Whiting & a young woman Daughter of Capt Joseph Hewit & Wee Sent for mr adams & my grandaughter Molly was Maried to Christop Eldrege. Thursday 30 fair. I was at home all day. After 12 at noon the Company went of my Sons Stephen & John went over the ferry wth them. I took Leave of molly & in the Evening I went into Town to Mr Adams’s &c and Stayed Late and Nattee my Grandson with his wife & Son Starr & Josh came home from Southold. they Set out about 3 in the afternoon & got home about 9 at 540 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1749 night. they were maried on Wednsday the 22d day of ys Instant. I killed my 2 hieffers. the Little white one hide 49 Tallow 14. 1. Quartr 80. 76. 71. 70. Danll Way hieffer hide but 47 & Tallow 12. Dec .1. fryday it Rained Steadly all day. I was at home foren and aftern att Daniel Starrs. he Dined there & Stephn & John & his wife & Natt & his wife. Saturd 2 fair & moderate Thawing weather. I was at home foren & Dined att John Hempsteds & Danll Starr & Natt & his wife. toward night I went to mill. Dec. 3d fair & moderate. Mr adams pr. all day. John Coit a Child Baptizd Desire. Mond 4. Cloudy & moderate. I was about home all day. it Rained in the night. Tuesd 5 fair warm thawing Dirty. I was about home all Day. Wednsd 6 fair cold & windy in the foren. in the aftern more moderate. I was at home al day. I keep house prety much. Thursd 7 fair. I was at home all Day. a bad cold 2 or 3 days past. fryd 8. Cloudy & not Exceeding cold. I was at home all day. Josh & Molly gone to Stonington. Saturd g fair & moderate. I was at home all day. I finisht Salting up the Beef 1. bb of choice & filled up 2 more also 10 or Dozn pieces of offal & 4 hams. Sund 10 fair & mod- erate. Mr adams pr all day. Jonathan Pember & Mary keeny, published & Jedediah Smith of Lyme and Lucretia. also Daniel Caulking & Hannah Leach. Mond 11 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. (at Madm Winthrops in Eveg. Tuesd .12 Cloudy in the morn & yn clear. I was at home all day. I finisht a pr of Grave Stones for Capt Jonathan Starr of Groton, his grave. adm gone to Norwich on Joshuas old horse. Wednsd 13 fair I was at home all day. I Recd £100 from Son Miner by Chris. Eldredge to pay for the Negro woman DD Danll Starr. Thursd 14 fair. I was at home all day. in the Evening I went to Capt Daniel Coits & Carryed Josiah Smiths Bond to Isaac Youngs of So-hold for £90 old Tenor & ye Interest for 14 months & Recd £96 6s od & then I went to Justice Richards’s & got of his for Mr Winthrop a Plann of Alewife Brook Land &c. Mr Winthrops Plan. Sampson Haughtons wife Died, aged near 50. 49 & 2 mo. fryday 15 Cloudy & Raw cold. I was at home all day. Mingo Swetland helpt Adam kill mv 2 Swine. 1 Weit 121 & 1 135. in the Evening I carved Mr Winthrop the Plan I had of Mr Richards. it Snowed from Sunset to near 9 & then Rain Soon Snow 14 Inches deep. Saturd 16 fair & clear N W weather not very cold. JI was at home all Day. I DD Nattee the Mony I Recd of Capt Coit for Isaac Youngs. Sund 17 fair & cold N W. Smart. Mr adams pr. all day & I attended. Mond .18. fair & cold. a Town meeting. I was at home all day. I pd Justice Perkins 23 old Tenor in part of a £30 Note I gave, for Nattee pavabl last June. £7 more due on Sd Note. Tuesd 19 fair & more moderate. I was at home foren & at the Town Meeting in the aftern & in Town. Wednsd 20 fair & cold. I was about home all Day. Thursd 21. fair & very cold. I was at home all Day. fryd 22 fair & not So cold. Comfortable weather for winter. the great Coave will bear to Mamacock. I was at home all day Engraving. Saturd 23 fair & Moderate. I was at home all day. a great Rain at night. Sund 2.4 fair & moderate Thawing we. Mr Adams pr al day. S.G. Mond 25 fair & moderate. in the foren I was at home. I Salted up a Brrel of Choice pork in the Garret. I paid Wm Dixon of New Salem a Ministers Rate. £2 6s 8d and then went to Church & heard a Sermon & to Dinner at Mr Winthrops. there was the Colln & Mr Miller & yr Wives & Samuel Green Printer who had a Child Baptized Marge on Sunday last by Mradams. Tuesd .26 fair. I was at home all Dav (Engraving) Except one hour T went up to the Town meeting which was Soon over, & nothing done. Wednsd .27. fair & cold. I was at home all day. I finisht Engrav- 1748] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 541 ing a headstone for Samll Bills wife. adm Thrasht oats &c. Thursd 28. fair & very cold. I was at home al day. Adm Thrasht oats at ye Cornfield. Mingo Swetland helpt 2 days now. they finisht the barley Stack. fryday 29 fair & moderate. I was at home foren & aftern I went out to the Corn- field & Crossmans Lot &c. adam winowed up the oats about 8 bushels & brot them home &c. Saturd 30 fair & moderate. I was about home all day. Joshua Carted home 2 Ld of wood from the Swamp & Stephen one. adm helpt Mingo. Sund 31. fair & moderate. Mr adams pr all Day. Wm Holt Junr a Child Baptized Sarah. 1788 Monday January .1. fair & pleasant. I was at home in the foren & then went into Town it being New Years. I went to Mr Winthrops & Dined there & toward night went to Jonathan Copps & Met the Rest of the Justices &c & after Consultation of the Laws Supressing vice &c wee proceeded to Choose Tavern keepers & Jurymen for ye year Ensuing & had a good Super &c. & broke up before 8 oe Clock. Tuesd 2 fair till it began to be dark & then Rain. I was wth ye Comttee Laying out 30 acres of Land for Eleazar Bishop Joyning to the north End of his farm in Consideration of 30 acres he gives the Proprietors that he had of Chris- topher Stubbins by ye old Mill. Bishop pd us 20s a peice & 10s for my other mare yt Deacon fosdick Rid. wee Recd £4. the Deacon 20s Mr Rich- ards 25s 6d & I had 34s 6d. that is 24s 6d besides the 1os for my other mare. is Short of what ‘Mr Richard had & it ought to be Is more for my Compass & adam. Wednsd 3d fair & moderate. I was at home all day. adm winowed & brot home the barley that grew on an acre at the E End of Jno Plumb Lot. but a little more then four bushels. I Sowed as much & that I Sowed was very good & this poor. hurt by the Drought. Thursd 4h it Rained a while in the foren & then cleared up fair & moderate all day afterwards. fryd 5 fair till night & very Cold. I was at home most of ye Day. toward night I went out to the cornfield & found the Stalks & Straw all Eat up. I went from thence a Cross to the Island & Round N— by Joshuas new fence & home with Josha who was in the Swamp. In ye Even- ing I went to visit Mr Winthrop who is Indisposed. a Sore Throat. it began to Snow about Io at night. Snow 3 Inches. Saturd .6 Cloudy & cold & Some Snow in the foren. aftern fair. I was at home all day. a very cold night. Sund 7th fair & very cold. Mr adams pr al day. David Daniels & Anna Darte & Thomas Skarriot & Hannah Goddard published. a Child of C. Christoprs Baptized Elizabeth. Mond 8 fair & very cold, Snow at night. I was at home all day a cold Storm. Tuesd 9 A Stormy day much Snow last night & Some al day at turns. a little Rain which Crusted the Snow Some. I was at home all Day. Wednsd to fair. I was at home foren & went to Mill aftern. Thursd .11. Cloudy a moist air. I went out to the Cornfield in the foren & adam & made the oat Stackyard biger in order to Thrash. in ye aftern I was at home. Stephen Sleaded 2 Ld fro the Swamp. fryd 12 fair & moderate. a moist air till near night, it began to Rain all the afternoon. I went out to the Cornfield to See after Thrashing oats & out to Swamp to help Josh Load a great Log into the 2d Ld & out to Samll forss [ ] to Speak with Lydia Douglass &c. Saturd 13. a Rainy day. I was at home all day. it Thawed much of the Snow away but yet a close time. very, little of ye ground to be Seen. it cleared up at night. I hear from Stonington that young Mr Ebenezar Rossiter was buried on Thursday last ye 11th Instant. Died of a Long fevar. Sick 542 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [r7$e about a fortnight. he had been Sick in ye fall & was got up again & began to keep Scool as before. He was a very Ingenius young Gentleman, a very very good penman & had a great memory & other accomplishments but of a weakly Constitution & had Laid by preaching in a great measure tho much approved of & Invited to Settle in the Ministry, by Divers Soci- etys Especially Newhaven as a Colegue with Mr Noyes & old Haddam where he pr. a Considerable time to Genll Content. Sund 14 fair & prety cold. froze hard last night but ye Snow & Ice wont bear. Sloppy in Some places. bad Traveling. Mr adams pr. all day. Isaac felows an Infant Male Baptized Byington. Mond 15 fair. I was at home most of ye Day. toward night I went to Mill &. adm & mingo Swetland Thrasht oats. finist one Stak. Tuesd 16 Snow fair most of the Day. a little flight of Snow. in the morning I went with adm to the Cornfield & Stackt up the oatstraw & Stayd there mending fence &c till near night I came home. Samll Wms of Stonington Came to my house in the Eve & Lodged wth me. Snowd in the night 2 or 3 Inches. Wednsd 17. fair & moderate. I was at home all day about Jobbs. Thursd 18. fair & clear & prety cold. I was at home all Day. Adam Winowed & fetcht home 12 bushlls of oats. fryd 19 fair till about 2 or 3 Clock & then it Snowed briskly till 8 at night & yn Rain. I was at home all day. Adm & Mingo Thrasht oats. Joshua out to the Swamp & brot a Ld for his mother. Saturd 20 foggy in the morn Thawing & Icy Slippery. aftern Rain. I was at home all day. Sund 21 fair & very Slippery. most of ye Snow Melted wth the Rain & froze hard last night that the Cattle Cannot go from their places & poor Traveling on foot. ‘Mr adams pr all Day. a Child of Jno Christophers Baptized Lucretia. Mond 22 fair & clear. I was at home all day— very Slippery Icy. Tuesd 23d fair. I was at home all day. Lydia Douglass Come to work here. Wednsd 24 fair & moderate. I was at home all day till Eve I went into Town & heard the Mancholy News of the Death of Ms Mary Bulkley Consort of Colln Jno Bulkley Esqr of Col- chester. She was the only Daughter of the Revd Mr Eliphalet Adams of this Town & was first Maried to Mr Jonathan Gardiner of ys Town from Gardners Island by whom She had one Son only. her first husband was lost at Sea, & She hath had 5 Children by Colln Bulkley & Died with the Dropsie this day about one of the Clock. aged I Supose about 34 or 5. Thursd 25 fair. the foren Calm & warm, aftern Cloudy & Raw cold. I was at home all day only toward night I drove the Sheep (53 in all) to Crossman Lot & brot home the Cattel & horse kind from the cornfield. adam Carted a Load of wood for Jno Hempsted for mending my wheel 2 mo Since. a Negro Woman of Capt Joseph Coit buryed. died in child bed. her Infant buryed yesterday. fryd 26 fair. I was about home all day. Lydia Douglass finisht my Jacket. Saturd 27 Rain last night & ys morn. fair in the afternoon & I went into Town to Sister Plumbs Widow Trumans to take her acknowledgmt of a Deed to Mr Colefax her Right in the houselot (Exclusive of the Hallam House &c.) Sund 28 fair & Thawing weather. Mr adams being not Returnd from Colchester Deacon Green carryed on for us. Mond 29 fair. In the foren I was at home. at noon I went to See the Body of Wetherell Denison Dying Dead under the So Side of Joseph Harris’s Stonewall in a Snow Bank near long bridge Right a Cross from my, Northeast Corner. Wethrel Denison went from home on Saturday last in the foren & went down in the Neck to Benja Foxes & had a Bottle with Rum in it which he left there. near a pint in it & had a Rundlet of Cyder of Sd Fox wch he brought along with him about a Quarter of a mile & was found to day in the Widow of Samil fox’s 1743] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 543 pasture & not much of it gone. he took a Nap at Ben foxes before he Set out & was Seen to go Northward toward home in the Widows pasture in the dusk of the Evening and did not Stop at Davises in Samll foxes upper- house but came Cross the Great Swamp that being all froze hard. his Hatt was found near the Ledge of Rocks in my old planting field. No Sign of Blood untill he got within about 30 Rod of the Road & then but little but along the Road very much on many Rocks & ye ground also; Seemingly a pint in a place until near where he Lay & then butt little & where he Lay none at all. he lay on his back as if a bed or hollow Place in the Snow Bank & Jamed up to the wall & Some blood Sprinkled over the North Side ye wall as if he Stood Leaning against ye wall & with his hands wiped his face or head (which were all gore) & with his hands Scat- ered ye Blood over the fence. he had a deep wound in the back Side of his head near his Crown from whence the Blood Issued untill all was gone is Concluded. He was about 45 year & } or near $. was an Infirm man. has had the Rhumatism very much & much Impared by hard Drinking &c. Tuesd 3 fair. I was at home all day Save only going up to the burying of the Corps of W. Denison in the afternoon. adm Winowed & fetcht home the last of the oats 12 bushel. Wednsd .31. fair. I was about home & to Churches to get my. Shoes Cut out &c. in the Evening in Town. Elisha Merrow finisht my Coat 3 days. february Thursd .1. fair most of the day a little Rain in the morning; I was at home in the foren & in the aftern at Madm Winthrops drawing out her accotts of administration &c. fryd. 2d Cloudy. In the foren I was at home. aftern I went with Stephen & Tomy his Son to measure the Distance between My Door & Sam fox fox’s gate one mile & 2 & 7 Rod. wee Run a N line from my So west Cornner to the Island in the Swamp & found it 26 Rod to Joshuas fence, & found it also Still North 61 Rod to my old N W Corner Near Hurlbuts S E Cornr. formerly twas Standing. a few years Since James Smith Cut it down to make fence now a Stump & Stones 87 Rod N from the S W Cornr a white oak Thrifty Tree in foxes fence N S. H S- Side S F from the North & South line att the S Side the Island as the fence Runs East about 12° N 44 Rod & 3 to Joshuas S E Cornner Stonewall thence E to Rogers’s orchard below Crossmans old house. Hannah the wife of [ ] Hutchins once wife of [ ] Goddard the Baker & was a Daughter of Israiel Richards Died. aged I Supose near 50. Saturd 3 fair & moderate Thawy Dirty weather. toward Night Raw cold & Cloudy. I was about home all day. Sund 4 fair & warm Sloppy weather. the frost is almost out break in the Low Land bad Riding. Mr adams prech all day. Aaron Gun of Wethersfield & Jane Lee publisht. a Child of David Gardners Baptized Elizabeth. Mond 5 Snow last night ancle Deep & ys morn till 9 a clock & wind came about to N W Cold & high wind. I was about home all d. made Candles &c. Tuesd 6 fair & Cold. toward night it grew warmer. I was about home all Day. Wednsd 7 cloudy most of the day & moderate. I was at home all day. old Bed new. Ti[cken]. Wednsd 7 fair & moderate but cloudy most of the day. I Lent my Son John my old featherbed with a bran New Ticken home made & one Tow Sheet, one Ring Striked Blanket & also white Rugg & Bed. Thursd. 8. Cloudy misty. a little Snow last night & Some Rain in ye Evening. I was at home all day. fryd 9 Cloudy. I was all Day out to Mr Stewarts farm measuring Round John Keenys farm. mr Jno Richards & Wm Man- waring caryed the Chain. & wee are appointed to apprize it. Saturd 10 No Clouds to day. fair & clear & cold. I was at home all the forenoon 544 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1732 planing Cuz Keenys farm. aftern out to Mr Keenys farm viewing it & measuring the Length 255 Rod besides 16 on one Side & the breadth in the Midle 141. Mr Richards was with me assisting in ye foren & yn wee went to Mr Stewarts & Dined & he Rid out with us & wee Rid up to his house after Sunset & home in the Evening & william Manwaring was with us & wee agreed on £24 p acre & no allowance for buildings & fence &c. Sund .11. fair. Mr adams pr all day. Jabez Huntingtons Ship Lying of below the bank took fire last night near day & they alaramed the Town & by good providence with the assistance of ye people Sunk her & So Saved her. Mond 12 fair & moderate. In the foren I was at home & mr Rich- ards assisted and wee Computed the Complement of Acres & found it 110 and 122 Rod. wee went to mr Stewarts & Dined & Reported our Judgmt of the vallue &c & Tarryed there all the Day Till Evening. they are pump- ing out the Ship & in the night with 6 pumps & buckets freed her. Tuesd 13 fair & clear & cold wind N W. I was at home most of the day &c. Wednsd 15 cloudy most of the day & a Small flight of Snow made the Gr. white. I was at home all day Computing Some of T. Bills Land & writing a Quit claim from’s Brother Ben. I Recd my little mare from Wethers- feld p Mr Sage & a Letter from Mr Griswold & She has Lost 3 Shoes off. Thursd 15 fair & very cold & windy. I was att home all day. I wrote 2 Deeds & Bonds & notes: & T Bill & Ebe Emith & Samll Holmes waited & pd me 4os &c. fryd 16 fair & very cold & windy. I was at home most of the Day. towd night I went into Town to get Some things for molly Eldrege. She is not well. Saturd 17 fair & cold & high wind. I was at home foren & after Diner I went into Town & after waiting a while got over the ferry Sun about an hour & 4 high, Set out for Stonington. got to Stonington to mr Rossiters by daylight. Stopt a while there & then to Son miners & put up. Sund 18 fair. I went with Son Miner to hear Mr Rossiter. Mond 19 a Storm of Snow 4 or § Inches. I was at Son minors all day. Tuesd 20 fair. I went with Son miner to his farm. Wednsd 21 fair & Thawing. I was at Son Miners till near night I went to the farm & lodged at Stephen Benets. Thursd 22 fair. I was most of the day with Jonathan Denison Endevouring to Streighten the line between us. I got back to minors & lodged there. I called to See molly as I did when I went along on wednsday & She is not So poorly as in time past. fryd 23d fair. the Snow is wasted &c. I went to the farm. Mr Page and Son Minor & Christopher Eldridge. Saturd 24 fair. I was at Son minors mending up Mr Roes bedstid. Sund 25 it Rained Smartly all the fore- noon. I kept house al day. Mond 26 fair. I was at Son Minors mending bedstids &c. Samuel Avery of Mohegan aged near 70 Died last night as I am Informed. Tuesd 27 fair & cold. I went a visiting Mr Elihu’s old Justice Palmers Ms Masons Capt Whiting & Silvanus Minors. Wednsd 28. fair. I Set out for home. I lodged att Nathll Williams’s. March Thursd .1. fair. I Endevoured to Settle with Wm Bennit but to no purpose. I Set out for home. called at Ms Denisons. got to the ferry & over to the Neck before 9 & found all well att home, besides Samll Avery. Joseph Attwell of the North Parish Died last week aged above 40. & a Negro child of the widow Trumans. fryd 2 fair. I was at home foren and aftern, at Lecture & in Town. Saturd 3d fair & windy. I went with Mr Stewart & Justice Richards and William Manwaring to Remeasure Some part of Mr Keenys farm that he hath lately Sold to Mr Stewart. Sund 4 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr al d. a Child of Thos Buttlers Baptized Sarah: Mond .5. fair in the forepart of the day. I Rid out with Capt Titus Hurlbut & measured the fence that Runs North & 175] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 545 South on the E Side of his Rocky pasture & on the west Side of my land I bought of Mr Gilberts from his Barrs Southerly to my John Plumb Lot & found it 57 Rod & 20 Links. yt is 28 Rod & $ & 10 Links for Each. in the midle wee Set in a meer Stone on the west Side the wall & he is to have the North End. & I the South, & there is nine & half Rods yt he hath made more than my wall wth I bot of mr Gilberts. wee also measured his Stone wall between the 3d & 4h Teers Next Joshua & midled it & Joshua to have the North End. in the Eve I met Mr Richards at Mr Stewarts & wee Stayed & Supt there having first Reported what Keenys farm measured which were Computed in the morning. Tuesd 6 fair. I was at home in the foren & in the aftern at Mr Winthrops. Wednsd 7 fair Raw cold. a S— wind & very cold air. I was about home all day. Snow at night before 8. Thursd 8th Snow in the morning, 2 or 3 Inches. aftern fair. a Town meeting about Sheep & Swine. Sheep are Restrained & Swine a Liberty. I was at home foren. aftern at Town Meeting & in Town. fryd .9. Snow in the morn. aftern fair. I was at home al Day. Saturd 10 fair. I was at home most of the day. toward night I went into Town &c. I pd Edwd Palmes (DD his wife) 1. £8 Bill in part of £10 19s 6d Recd of Daughter Miner. Sund 11 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. John Beebee & Lucretia B B. publisht. Mond 12. fair. I was about home all d. I Recd 4 pr Gr stones p Capt Es[ ] from Midletown Sent p Pierpoint Tuesd 13 fair. I was at home all day Engraving &c. T Buttler is come to Comb me Some Woorsted. began in the aftern. Wednsd 14. fair. I was at home most of the Day. finisht ye Gr stones & DD them & Recd of Sd Darrow £6. I went up to Sister Plumbs & assisted adm in Carying away old Mary Wrights household Stuff & I pd Mr Edwd Palmes for Daughter Miners Bibles £2 19s 6d in full, Thursd 15 a great Storm. it Snowed 2 or 3 hours in the morn & then a Cold Rain. I was at home all day. fryd 16 fair. I was about home all day untill Evening & went into Town & Spake with Mr Stidman at Capt Richds about Mr Winthrops affairs. Cuz Ebe Hartshorn Lodged with me. Thos Buttler finisht Coming my woorsted. was here 3 days. Mrs Barbit [ |. Saturd 17 fair. I kept house all da. Indisposed. a very great [ J. son Pier- point came last night & is in Town to day. I wrote & Recd 17s 6d for 2 £75 a Deed & 2 Notes Sam Holmes—to Ebe Smith. the malencholy news of the Death of Benjamin Hempsted the Eldest Son of my Son Robert Hempsted of Southold who Sayled f[ |] Barbados last winter & was Lost overbord the night before they arived in January last. aged about. Ms Barbit that died yesterd. was an old woman that sojourned here [ Ji Sund 18. a Stedy Rainy day. Mr adams pr all d. I am much Indisposed. Mond 19 Rain the foren Snow in the aftern. I am Exceed bad Con[dition]. Tuesd 20 it Snowed most of the day. I am Still Confined & very poor. Wednsd 21 fair. I am Still Confined & very poor Still but a little Easier to Raise & Sit up longer. Joshua lost a Cow in Jno Plumb lot. dyed in Calving or was Cast on monday last. Son Miner lodged here. Thursd 22 fair. I Still keep house mend a little but very poorly yet. my old Neighbour (in Jos. Trumans house) Thankfull Smith Died this Evening befr daylight after a Tedious fitt of Sickness. She has been Suported by the Town the Winter past at about £16 p Week. most of the time (as they Say). fryd 23d fair pleasant Springlike weather. I am grown consider- able better. up all day & walking abroad about the Lot. Red cow calved fast night. I walked over to Trumans when they Carryed away the Corps of the widow Smith about 5 clock. S Prpoint come back from Stoning- ton & lodged here. Saturd 24 Cloudy & Raw cold. I keep house all day. 36 546 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1748 Son Prpoint Set out for home in the Morn Early & Joshua got home from Long Island with Peter Harris ys morn; and most of the night. little wind. Sund 25 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. I am Still Indisposed but ventured to meeting in the aftern. 3 Children Baptized Colln Saltonstal a Daughter Henrietta Jonathan Colver one Jeremiah & Jno Tinker Junrs Elizabth. Mond 26 fair. I kept house all day. very Cold. is Increased. adm began to Plow. St helpt Strike out Some lands. Capt Daniel Coit an Infant buryed. Rain in ye night. Tuesd 27 Rain in the morning & then cloudy. I keep house all day Indisposed. the Cold Sticks [ : Joshua came from Stonington & his aunt Miner & Stephen Bennit lodged with me & J have agreed to let him have the farm 1 year [ ] for [ ] be pd Next Christmas, and all former accots for keeping Cattle Bal[ ]. Wednsd 28 fair cloudy att N W. very high. I kept house all day. a Coasting Sloop [ |fishers Island Sound loaded with provision from N. Haven for Boston. Thursd 29 fair windy. I was att home all day much Indisposed. Dat miner went home. fryd 30 fair. I kept house all day. I mended my old Sadle pad & New Stuft it. Saturd 31 fair & mod- erate. I was at home all day. Little Mare gone to Midletown. one Warner had her last night. Samuel Plumbe Junr of Huntington lodged with me. he was alone in a Small Sloop in the Sound last Wednsday going from Setauk to Huntington when the wind blew so violent he could cary no Sail & was Lying too all night in the Soun & on Thursday Run in to fishers Island & on fryday came over here & to day about Town. I am a little mended but poor yet. Madm Winthrop was so kind as to visit me & Stayed till Sunset & after. April Sund .1. fair but Raw cold Easterly wind that I dare not venture out. Mr adam pr. all day. Samll Plumb Junr Set out for home Early in the morning alone. a fine time of it. Mond 2d fair till near night a Small Showre. I was at home in the foren. aftern I Rid out to the Cornfield to see how adm Managed Sowing the Oats. Stayed till night & mended up Some fence &c. I Swett much & was poor all night. adam Sowed 9 bushel of oats had of Peter Harris 16s p & $ bushel of my own. Tuesd 3 fair. I was at home most of the day. I wrote a Deed for Mr Hobart to Mr Boisseau Bushshe Rightly Boisseau & at night to Sd Hobarts to get the Sd Deed Executed. Wednsd 4 fair. I keep at home all day poorer than yesterday. cold Increased & adam got a great cold & Lyes by: one John Situan a Lusty young man was missed the Last day of Decembe Last & now found Dead in the River near the Streights & bot to Town; Thursd 5 fair. I am at home in the foren & Lame in my Left heel Spring [ ] top of my Shoe. Jno Sittuan buried in the Evening. I Rid up to Sister Plumbs & Stayed there till bedtime &c. fryd 6 Misty. I was at home all day writing Leases &c. in the Evening Mur[ ] an other Irishman a Stranger, brot David alverson a Cripple & accused him with Stealing 2 kankerchiefs which they Say the found in his hands at Smiths ye Tavern & he pled he was drunk & did not know what he did. however he pd them 36s & they have got their kankerchiefs, & I fined him for being drunk & he lodged here by the fire &c. Saturd 7. It Rained last night & Most of the day till 2 or 3. Clock Alverson rampt of. Sund 8 fair. Mr adams pr all day & I was att meeting Something better. Mond 9 fair. I was att the freemens Meeting. very full above 200 voters. Capt St Lee & William Manwaring Chosen deputies. very clear. Sund .1. fair Raw cold Easterly wind. I dare not venture out. Mr adams pr all day. Samll Plumb Set Sail Early for home. a fine time. Mond 2 fair till near night & then a Smal Showre. P—L oats 16 p bushll. I was home in the foren & in the 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 547 aftern I Rid out to the Cornfield to See how adm managed the Sowing oats. I Tarryed till night to mend fence & Swet Much & was but poor att night. adm Sowed 9 bushels of oats that I had of peter Harris & 4 bushll of mine on a little more than 2 acres. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at home most of the day. I wrote a Deed for Mr Hobart to Mr Bushee of Southold & in the Evening Rid up to his house to have him Execute it. Wednsd 4 fair. I keep att home all day poorer than yesterday & adam hath got a great cold, & Lyes by. one Benjamin Sittuen a Lusty young man was found dead in the River near the Streights. he was Mised the last day of December past & not heard of till now. Thursd 5 fair. I am at home lame in my left heelstring. in ye Eve I Rid up to Sister plumbs & Stayed till bedtime. Benjamin Sittum buryed. fryd 6 Misty. I was att home all day writing. in the Evening Murffy & an other Irishman, brot one David Alverson (a man with but one leg) & accused him with Stealing 2 hankerchiefs from ye other Irishman at the Sd Murfeys house this day & they Say he had them in his pocket att Smiths the Tavern & offered to Sell them & he denys it but Confesed he was drunk & dont know what he did. however he agreed to pay ym 36s & they have the hankerchiefs & I fined him for being Drunk & he lodged here by the fire &c. Saturd 7. it Rained last night & most of the day till 2 or 3 clock. I was at home all day. alverson gone. Sund .8. fair. mr adams pr all day & I was att meetting. Something better. Mond 9. fair. I was att the freemens meetting wch was very full. above 200 fremen. Capt Stephen Lee & William Manwaring chose Deputies. very clear. Tuesd .1o. fair. I was most of the day att Mr Winthrops writing Leases for the Brickmaking &c. Wednsd 11. a Genll fast. mr adams pr all day. I was out. Thursd 12 fair. I was most of the day with Justice Richards & Mr Jer. Chapman & the Selectmen who were Laying out a highway by Edgcumbs brook near Samuel Chapmans. fryd .13. fair. In the morn late I waited on Colln Bulkley att mr adams’s & then att madm Winthrops all day writing for her. nattee & wife come home from Southold. Saturd 14 fair till near night & then Rain. I was at home most of the day. Sund 15. fair. a Sacramt day. Mr adms pr foren & his Son Wm in the aftern. Mond 16. fair cold & windy. I was about home al day assisting Natt in fencing. Tuesd 17 fair & warm. I was out to the Cornfield mending the Cross fence &c. Wednsd 18. Rainy. I was att Madm Winthrops all day writing for her. Thursd 19 fair. I was up in the N: parish & Jus Richards assisting the Selectmen in Laying out a highway from Colchester bounds to Samuel foxes. I dined at S. C[ ] land that was Thomas fergoes [ ] is his Son [ ]. fryd .20. Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home all day mending the Window Casement frame & fitting itt &c. it was broke by accident. young Marshall of Norwich tyed his horse to a Ladder that Stood against the house on the 13th & he pulled it down & broke. the Cost 15s. the mending & the wood I did my Self. Saturd a1. fair. I was mending fence att John Plumbe lot & adam all day. Sund 22 fair. Mr Wm adams pr. all day. Mond 23d fair. I was mending fence S. Side Jno plumbe Lot & adm all day. Tuesd 24. a Rainy Stormy day. I was at home all day, Sharp Lightning & Thunder in the Latter part of the day & again about 9 or 10 at night.. Wednsd 25 fair & windy. I was most of the day at Mr Winthrops & with him up to his alewife brook farm to meet the Slectmen who are Laying out the Road from Colchester thro his Land to alewife coave 6 Rod N wd of the Schoolhouse & Joyning to Clements brook, 4 Rod wide through out. Thursd 26 fair. In the foren I Rid out to Joshua’s field & drove the Sheep downward & in the aftern 548 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 I went into Town in Quest of Mr Seabury of Hempsted &c. I did not See him. he was not Returned from norwich. fryd 27 fair & warm. I was most of the day out to John Plumbe Lot & att the Chh meeting att Jno Plumbs house in the Evening. wee mended the Rail fence att the W. End. adam with mee. Mary Hobbs come to live with me a while to do my house work for her houseroom & fire. Saturd .28 fair & warm. I was att home in the foren helping Ms Hobbs Cord up her bed in the new chamber & fitting things there. in the aftern Windy. after Diner I Rid out to Look after my Sheep & to help plow in John Plumb Lot old ground. Sund. 29 fair. mr William Adams pr. al day. a Child of Charles Shorts Baptized Joanna. Mond .30. fair. in the foren I was up to Mr adams’s & to Mr Winthrops. I dined with Mr adams & his Son Wm. In the afternoon it Rained a little. was Showry. I was at home writing for Jno Grifing Junr & Samll. Sam Sels for £106 2-3 of 2-3 of the House & 3 Rod front & 54 Rear. May Tuesd .1 fair. I was about home foren & in the aftern I went to Stonigton & got to my farm before Sundown. Chris Eldredge is got on ye upper most in the house william Bennet & Danll Built. Wm is Still there. I went to my Son Miners & Lodged there. Son minr is gone to Boston. Wednsd 2d fair. I came away near noon. Dined at Eldreges & Stayed a while yn I took a bushll of Rye at Stephen Bennets for Son John & came to the Widow Walsworths & lodged there. yesterday 3 Briggs from ye West Indies arived all in harbour in Sight as I crosed the ferry. Nat Coit Jer. Miller & [ ] Gross out of the Latter. a man Named Spencer belong to Haddam went for his health & came in alive & Died on bord. Thursd 3d fair. I came home brot 2 Cows & calves from the widow Walsworths. one of Madm Winthrops & one of mine. the little Spotted Cow. I wintered one for Madm att my house in Stead of it, but I carryed her home about a fortnight Since & last Sunday She was drowned in a Salt pond East Side the Neck. I Stopt a while att Madm Winthrops & Dined there &c. a Child of Capt Galloways an only Son buryed. fryd .4. a Scotch mist Cloudy. I went to mill in the morning & a young man of Huntington named Conkling a Saylor put a Shore Sick att Natt Greens at ye harbours Mouth with the bloody flux Some weeks Since & ys Day died. I was at home most of ye Day. Saturd 5, fair. I was about home most of the day. my Son Robert is Come fro So-hold in Quest of his Daughter Abigail who is Come away privetly with John Led- yard of Groton (her mothers Sisters Son) because her parents Refused to give her to him to wife & he Stayed all day & lodged with me at night. Sund 6 fair. Mr adams pr al day. My Son Robert was at meeting & in the Eve went to See if his Daughter was come. Mond 7 fair. I was in Town with my Son Robert till afternoon att Mr Winthrops & Else- where. in the aftern he went to Trayning wth John & I went to holmes’s Lot & mended the fence & in the Evening att Mr Winthrops to take the Evidence of the Revd Mr Samll Seabury & Chh minister at Hempsted. Anna the wife of Samll Beebee in the Neck Died of a Consumption. aged about 42. Tuesd 8 fair. I was at Mr Winthrops writting &c till near Noone and then I went to [holing] the ground at home. Adm Harowed. Mrs B. B. buried. Wednsd 0. fair & I was at home all day holing the ground & helping about the Dung. Son Robert went away for home Early in the morn & met Danll youngs Brown with Jno Ledgyard Junr and_ his Daughter Abigail in the Boat a Coming home. Maryed last Sunday night att Seatauket. got a Lycence of Doctor Mawason who had Blanks (to. Dispose of) from the Govr. Thursd to fair. I was at home most of the 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 549 Day. I finished holeing ye ground for planting beter than an acre on the Hither Side the Ropewa[ ] taking in the yellow appletree & up to the place whar the Barberry bush grew & over to ye Iland by the Cherr &c. towart night I went to the fort to keep the Election. 6 Guns Small Can- non &c, fryd .11. fair but cloudy. I was up to Mr Johnstones & Mr Richards Running Lines &c. Saturd 12 Cloudy but no Rain. adm finisht Planting at home. in the foren I was at Capt Danll Coits with Justice Richards & Mr Burch, Looking over 8 years Lists & giving abatements for Many that were over Charged fourfolded &c & after Diner I went again & Lookt over the Records to find the bounds of Mr adams’s land Next Mr Winthrop on the East Side the Millpond & find it hath none. was the South Side of Jacob Waterhouses 6 acre lot & he Sold of to John Cowdale 3 acres & Joyns it to Mr Winthrops land East & South & highway west & his own land North. in the latter part of the day I mended fence in the Swamp (orchard). Sund 13 Misty & Drisley wet. Mr adams pr al d. young mare yt I had of Pierpt folded below John Plumb lot, & the cold almost Dead. could Scarcely Stand. I went out toward night & Joshua with me & he brot it home on his horse & I drove ye mare & wee gave it warm milk & Dryed it by the fire & it Revived & Lived till morning & Suckt its Damm & in an hour or 2 Lay down & Dyed. Mond 14. fair. in the foren I went to the Comon pasture & mended up my inside fence by holmes’s orchard & afternoon J went to Justice Richards & Capt Danll Coit & made up accots with the Heirs of Daniel Lester & I Recd Six pound for my Service in that afair. Tuesd 15 fair but foggy & toward night misty. JI was most of the day att Mr Winthrops Writing & taking an affidavit of Thos Collard Respecting Mrs Hyde & her mother Ms Wood- ward & other writings & Coppying them. I was hear a day before on the gh & 8th. Wednsd 16 fair & high wind. N W. Mr Winthrop gone to R. Istand by water. I was all day about Crossman Lot Mending fence &c. adam mowed up briers att the Lower end. In the Evening I went up into Town. I pd Ebe Bolles tgs for 4 bushel of white Beanes I had in the beginning of ys week. I borowed of Madm Winthrop £20 old Tenor R. Hand to be pd on Demand. Thursd 17 fair & N Winds. I was Digging Stones to make a Wall of 4 foot high a Cross the Lott at the Lower End near the River. N. Holt helpt &c. fryd 18 fair. I was att Crossmans Lot agen Diging Stones &c. Natt Holt helpt Load up & helpt all day for 25s p day. Joshua helpt also for 20s. Saturd 19 Natt Holt helpt me again and I was there and Joshua and adm. I paid them off. Holt £3 15s od & Josh gos. Lightning & Thunder att night toward day. Sund 20 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. Samll Talman a Son Baptized John. Mond a1 fair. a Trayning Day. I was up in the field & to Mr adams & Dined there & then went into Town & over to Groton to Ledgyards & Seaburys & toward night it Rained a little. Tuesd 22 fair. I was in Town to get Some Lime of D. Gardner to mend ye Inside wall in Several places & out to Crossman Lot &c. adm Carting fencing Stuff from ye Cornfield &c. Wednsd 23 fair. I was about home most of ye Day plastering the broken places in the wall &c. Thursd 24 fair. I was about home foren Mending the old wall & in the aftern I went to Scotch cap to Capt Greens to write his will but he was grown well & declined it. fryd 25. fair. I was at home all Day. Robinson Sheered my Sheep 35. 61tb 14 oz of Wool. I pd him 17s. a Chh Meeting att my house. Benja Hutchinson of So-hold here. Saturday 26 Cloudy & Showry towards nicht. I was at home all day. Sund 27 fair. Mr Dorr of Hartford pr. all Day. an Infant of Caleb Douglass Baptized. Mond 28 fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern 550 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 att Crossman lot Diging Stones. in the Eve I went to Madm Winthrops & filled 2 Rundlets of Cyder out of the Barrill I am to have of Mr Win- throp. Tuesd 29 fair but Raw cold E— wind. I was att Crossman Lot Making up about 4 Rod of Stonewall Joyning to the E— End of Capt Lees Wall in the partition fence between us. Joshua helpt me. I pd him 20s. only adm besides & wee mended ye brush fence also & done in good time. Josha killd above 20 Pidgeons. they are very plenty in Rogers’s orchard Eating the Canker worms who have Eat the Trees bare. Wednsd 30 Rainy last night & the forept of the day. I was at home foren & in the aftern I was at Madm Winthrops drawing out her accots &c. I have a grt Cold. Thursd 31 fair. I was up into the Town & about home Indis- posed wth a Cold. June fryday .1. fair. I was at home foren. aftern to Joshua Wheelers to get Lyme to whitewash. I got a bush & 5 qrts Strike Measure & he Sd there was 14 bush & I pd him 15s wanting 1s 8d & I measured it after I got home &c. Saturd 2d fair. I am much Indisposed, but keep about. white wash a Little. Sund 3d fair in the foren, Wet drisley in the aftern. Mr adams pral Day. Mond 4. foggy. Inthe foren I went to visit Mr Miller who is not well & finding George Havens of Long Island I went to Madm Win- throps with him & Dined there & assisted Madm in Selling her Large Copper to Thos Danforth of Norwich for 14s 6d np th to be pd 3 months & then I Had news of my old mare wch I had of Pierpoint was folded by Rogers’s medow. find her foal very weak. I went out to See her & milkt the mare in the Horn wee drink with att John Plumb Spring & fed ye Colt. I also went to Samll Daniels’s Pound to See after my Sheep. 52 of them put in (with others) by Willm Darrow. I called to visit old Mr Minor. aged 84 in Aug next. Tuesd .5. fair but a foggy morn. I went before br. fast & Joshua to look after the Colt & found it poorly. wee Carryed it in our arms by turns to Jno plumbe lot & left it. I came home through Cross- man lot. mended a gapp in ye fence & as I came home called & Wm Holt Junrs in Buttlers house to See Margaret Smith who all att once yesterday was Enabled to walk alone about house & continued to walk & praise God. it is about 6 year Since She lost her Strength & Lay Bed Riden Suported by Charity chiefly until of late when her mother was taken Sick the Town took them into thair care. I went with Joshua & fetcht home ye Sheep. Josh. hadg. I pdall. I borowd it of I. F [ J. in the aftern I was at home whitewashing &c. Son & Daughter Starr come home from Long Island. Brother Conklings Son John & my Grandchil- dren Thos & Elizabeth are also come & gone to Groton. In the Eve I was up to Madm Winthrops & Capt Richards’s. Wednsd 6 Rainy. in the foren Daughter miner came over wet. I went to Son Starrs to her & Dined there & then over to Groton & Stayed there till near night & then back to Comon pastr meeting att G Rds. Thursd 7. I was in Town in the foren tho much Indispoosed & aftern Something better. I was at home whitewashing the Room a 3d time. fryd. 8. fair. I was up to Mr Stewarts & back agen & then up to Dinner & then out to old Mr Stub- bins’s & mr Richards. wee went to apprize. T. Stubbins farm by the acre & wee Judged Itt worth £25 p acre. he pd me 20s. Saturd 9. fair. In the forept of the day I was up to Madam Winthrops to assist in carting the Copper to Capt Coits warehouse &c. aftern I mended up my out side fence att the Common pasture. Sund ro fair cloudy. mr adams pr all day. Jer. Miller a Child Baptized Margaret. Mond .t1. Thundr in the morning & Much Rain followed. the brook Run over the Bridge. aftern fair. I was at home. pulled down the Bedstid & put it up agen & toward 1750 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 551 night I went to Jno Bolles’s to Execute a Deed. Tuesd 12 fair. I was up to John Bolles most of the day altering his will. I dd Majr fowler one £8 Bill old Tenr for Son miner wch he Sent & 2 Coppys of writts. Wednsd 13 fair. I went to Court in the foren & up to John Bolles’s to write a little & back to mr adams’s & court agen &c. Stephn Salmon Come over to day & [ ] week from Eliza Town. all well there but old Shrieff Horton is Dead [ ] fall. Thursd 14. fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to Simon Smiths and up into Town toward night. Son Minor Come to Court. I fetcht home 2 Runlets of Cyder from Madm Winthrop. Son minr Lodged here & Molly Eldredge. fryd 15 fair & very hot. I was at Court &c all day. Son Minor gone home & Molly. Saturd 16 fair & pretty hot. I was at home mending Madm Winthrops Chayse. Sund 17 fair & hot. a Suall of wind & Rain about 4 in the aftern. mr adams pr all day. Geo. Colefax & wife ownd the Covenant & had their Child Baptized Sarah. Mond 18. fair. I was about home foren. in the aftern at Madm Winthrops to make up accots with Ms Walsworth & then to Court a while & down to mr Millers with the Judges. Tuesd 19 fair & hot. I was at home foren mending Madm Winthrops Chaise wheel. aftern at Court & out to Manatuck to drive up Sheep into Stubbins’s yard &c. Cuzn Jos Larabee here at night. Wednsd 20 fair. In the morn I went out to Mr C. Stubbins’s House to pick out 31 Sheep. Thursd 21 very hot fair till near night & then a Thundr Showre. I was att home in the foren. aftern att Court for Mr Hall. yesterday Joshua drove the 31 Sheep up by John Dartes into the Road & left them up by David Minerds & I went back to Ezekiel Daniels’s & found (as I was Informed of) one of my 2 yr old Wethers Dead in the gapp of a yard by the House. had no wound & I Supose had been dead but one day & Sd Daniels & his family could give no account how he came there. but Informed me of a Lamb of mine that had been poisoned & dead near the gate. there is 2 Lost & 31 drove out & 50 was put in. 17. Should be there yet. fryd 22 fair. I was at Court in the foren & Dined att madm Winthrops & then to Lecture & back to Madms to Look for a Cow in ye Neck calved. Saturd 23d fair & not Exceeding hot. I was at home all day. I finisht the Wooden work of one of the Chaise wheels. Sund 24 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr adams pr. all day. Mond 25. fair & very hot. In the morning I Rid out to the widow foxes & Ben & in the aftern Josha Mowed below ye well Stout Grass. I Rid up to Mr Winthrops New Medow. Jno Cheapel a mowing & Raking there & his Son. Tuesd 26 fair. I was at home all day Spreading the hay & Turning it & Raking it up and Cocking it agen. Wednsd 27 Rainy from about 8 in the morn, till night. wee doubled the hay Cock & I went to work on madm Winthrops Chaise wheel & finished ye wooden part. Thursd 28. in the morning I went to mill &c. & then at home drying & making up ye hay, & putting on the Irons to 1 wheel. frvd 29 fair, I was at home all day mostly fitting ye Irons on to the Chaise wheel. toward night at a Chh meeting at Broth Holts. Saturd .30. fair. I was about home. I finisht madm Winthrops Chaise and Stackt ye hay &c. Stephen Stackt his hay. 24 Stout cocks. July Sund 1 fair & hot. Mr Adams pr all day. Mond 2d fair & hot. I was at home about Small Jobbs. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at home all day. Mentis Tr helpt adam hill corn. not finished quite. 9 Rows left. Thomas Calking Son of Jonatha aged about 40 I Supose was buried. died of a Con- sumption yesterday & his wives father Samuel Rogers late of New London alias Poguoyog & old Mr Elihu Chesebrough of Stonington both buried last Saturday. Wednsd ath fair Except a Thundr Shower a little before night. I was at home all Day. I finisht Engraving a gravestone for Jno 552 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 Avery Junrs wife. Thursd 5 fair. I was at Madm Winthrops most of the. put up Ms Hydes Tester &c. fryd 6 fair & very hot. I was at home foren then up to Madm Winthrops to Look my mare & colt & not finding them went to ye Comon pasture & then to See Capt Rogers’s Darros & Crockers &c. Saturd 7 fair & hot. I was at home foren. aftern I went to Stonington. Stopt a while at Ledgyards & abigail & a Cross the woods by the Sawmill to miners & found my Daughter miner Sick & 2 or 3 more of the family. fever & ague. Sund 8 fair. I was at meeting att the Center, Mr Eclls pr al Day. Mond 9 fair & hot. I was at Miners foren. in the aftern I went with abigail Ledyard to Mr Rosseters & Dined there & then he & wee went to Colln Williams’s & Stopt a while & then I went with abigail to Christoper Eldredges & left abigail Ledgd & went back to Son miners, Clemt & abigail with me. got there late. my Daughtr Miner very Ill. a hard fitt to day. Tuesd 10 fair & hot. I Stayed at Miners till 3 Clock Seting ye tile Round the fire place in ye west Room then Set out for home. Stopt a while at Ms Denisons where I met abigail & yn to the ferry by daylight. I Recd £9 of Capt Rufus Miner. Wednsd 11 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I was in Town assisting adam Trucking up 3 hhds. of Rum from David Gardiners warehouse to Nicholas Hallams & also 3 bbs of Suger. toward night I went with adam to Rake up Some hay at Gilbert Lot. Joshua mowed. it began late & left of Early before wee had done Trucking ye Rum &c. an Infant female about 3 months old Dau. Jos Rogers buryed. Thursd 12 fair. I was at home foren and aftern to the Cornfield Raking hay. fry- day 13 fair. I was at home all day much Indisposed. a bad flux. I was over halling my Beef in the Celler &c. Joshua Mowed Gilbert lot ye plain. Saturd 14 fair & hot. I was att home foren. aftern att Gilbert Lot Stack- ing hay. about 30s Cocks. Sund 15 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Jonathan Caulking aged 72 or 3. Died Sudenly. Mond 16. fair. I was in Town in the foren & out to the funeral of Jonat Caulking in the aftern. Stephen mowed in the Lot & adam Raked ye Drv Grass. Tuesd 17 fair. I was well a while in the morning till Joshua & Chris Eldredge Come from Ston- ington & then was taken with a fitt of the Ague. Shook me Smartly & vomiting & a high fever till near night. Stephen & Chris Eldredge & Ben Want mowed in the Lot. Wednsd 18 fair. I was at home in the foren. St & Chris & Ben after br fast went to mowing Grass & oats at the Cornfield. I went to fetch Cyder at Madm Win & Dined there & then Rid out to the Mowers to cary them drink & I Stayed & Raked hay &c. Lydia fox came yesterday to make adam a pr of Linnen Breeches & made me a pr to day. Thursd 19 fair. I was att home all day. I had a Smart fitt of ye ague & vomiting & then a high fever after itt. Stephen Citt Eldredge & Ben Want & Natt & his Man Call workt in the foren att the Cornfield Mowing and Raking & Stacking the oats. after night before they finisht & I was Sick att home with the Ague & vomiting & after it fever & was well before night & went to Mr Chapmans & borrowed a Rake mine being with the workmen & I Raked & Cockt up hay till 8 Clock or later. fryd 20 fair. Some Rain Wet. In the forn the mowers St Cit & Josh went to the Cornfield & ye Rakers Natt. Ben & Richard also. I went & fetcht Cyder at Madm Wir throps & Rid out to them. they Dined & came home & made up a Stack & Cit went honw. T went to Nvhantick to Samll Tabers to write his fathers will & Stayed all night. a Child of Jno Colefax a boy about 2 yr old dyed & an Indian woman at Capt Geo. Richards’s died in a few minuts time well & Dead. Saturd 21. fair. Thad my ague & fever at Tabers & after they were of I finisht writing & Came home by davlight. Sunday 22 fair & hot Mr adams pr all day. Nicholas Darrow a Child Baptizd Nicholas. Daniel 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 553 Stow of Middletton & Hannah Plumbe publisht. Wid Hobbs come home att night. Mond 23d fair. I was about home all day waiting for the ague & fever but it did not come. Stephen Mowed alone. finisht att the Cornfield & came home & fitted a new Sythe Sneath. Jonathan Copp our Gramar School Master is Removed. Tuesd 24 fair. Stephen Mowed alone the foren & Joshua with him in the aftern & 2 hours more. I was at home all day writing. Wednsday 25 fair. I Rid out with Capt Coit &c. I was with the [men app]ointed in ordr to Make a Plann of the Estate of Wm Rogers Decd in the Neck yt was Jos Lesters &c Stephen Gardner & Ebe Darrow, Thursd 26 fair. I was at home foren making a plann. Capt Coit wth me and then Rid out & was measuring &c Stephen Gardner & Ebe Darrow assisting. fryday 27. fair. I was out to Rogers’s farm Dividing &c all of us as yesterday. Saturd 28 fair. I was out to Rogers’s farm again finishing Dividing it all but writing it. I came home wth Capt Coit Mr Gardiner & Jno Dodge a little before night & helpt about making a Small Stack of Hay. Joshua Natt & his boy & adam have finished 2 Stacks to Day one att ye upper Cornr next mr Chapmans Barn, one ye back Side ye Lot over ye Run & this 3 & last wee Raked up & Stackt in ye middle of ye Lot above The path yt goes from Trumans Thro Coits Hollow. Joshua Wheeler Died about 3 Clock having been in a week condition & poor State of health Several years. aged near 70. Sund 29 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. I was at the funeral of Joshua Wheeler after the afternoon Service was over. Mond 30 it Rained Moderately the greatest part of the day. I was att home all day. I mended one of the Cart Wheels. put in one New Maple felloe &c. Tuesd 31. fair. I was most of the day Looking up the Brown Cow; wch by Some means was got out of the Comon pasture. I found her by Joshuas pasture. Hannah Hempsted & Han & John is gone to Long Island & abigail Ledyard. August Wednsd .1. fair. J was at home all day Engraving gr Stones for S. Haughton. Hannah Plumb att work here Turning my old broad Cloth Coat. Thursd .2 fair. I was out to Wm Rogers’s farm with Capt Coit Gardner & Darrow & Constable Burch Delivering to Each of the Heirs their part. I Recd for my Wages £7 10s od. fryd 3d fair. I was att home foren. JI Recd of mr Taber gos for making his will &c. aftern I was att Madm Winthrops making up her accots & with the Judge of Probate who was there & clerk. Saturd 4 fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went up to Mr alfords Iron works & to Jonathan Rogers’s to look over Some old Iron for Cart wheels. I Rid Joshuas Horse. Sund 5 fair but Rain at night Smart. mr adams pr all Day. Wm Douglass a Child Baptized Richard & David Richards Junr one Roada. Mond. 6. fair. I was about home forenoon. in the aftern I] went to Mr Miller’s & to the Society meeting & to See Cuzn amy Plumb. found her att Deacon Greens &c. Tuesd 7. fair. Iwas about home. I Topt up 2 Stacks. Carted a Jagg from the upper End ye Lot to the Lower End. adm helpt. Wm Angels wife Died. Wednsd .8. fair. W Angels wife buryed at home. I was at home foren. wee carted a Small Stack of hay & put it on another in the midie of the Lot. aftern I went up to Mr Christophers wharff to Rectifie a pr of Gr stone for Wm Cashkadden. J Cut out one Line because his name was Spelt wrong. & I blackt it over &c. Thursd fair. J was at home most, of the day. towd night I went up to ye wharff & began to Engrave gr Stones for Wm Cashkadden. an Infant of Jasper Daniels buried. fryd to fair. In the foren I went out in the Neck to Ben foxes & Capt Rogers’s & home by the waterside. Saturd 11 fair & very hot. I was about home & in Town to mill &c. aftern Late I Set out for Stonington. Joshua Starr 554 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 with me. wee got to Son miners before dark. Sund 12 fair & Exceeding hot. I was att Mr Rosseters meetting & he pr 2 Sermons. Mond 13 fair & hot. I Stayed at Son miner till after 2. & then very hot. I was moving homeward by the farm & Stayed a while att Larkins & Molly & Stopt at Ms Denisons till Sunset & got over to the Neck about 9 &c. ‘Tuesd 14 fair & very hot Thunder Shower. I Stayed at home in the foren & aftern to Crossmn Lot with Josh adam & Dick Raking hay. Ben fox Jos Water- house & Jessee fox mowed yesterday. thin hay poor picking about a Ld. Wednsd 15 fair & Cool Easterly wind. I was at home all day. adam finisht Raking at Crossmn Lot. Thursd 16 fair & cool E wind. I was at Cross- man Lot helping adam Cart & Stack ye hay in the forepart & Midle of the Day & then at home. this day buryed a young woman Servt to Mr Coffin a New Comer. She died yesterday with the Canker. fryd 17 Cloudy. Son Pierpoint Come in the morn. he Lodged at Beckwiths Last night. I was about home foren. aftern att Lecture. Mr Throop of So-hold preacht an Excellent Sermon Suitable for ye ocasion. Saturd 18 fair. In the forepart & Midle of the Day I was with Joshua att his field Sowing 3 Bushels of wheat on 2 acres & he harrowed it. afterpt of the Day at home. Sund .19. Cloudy Easterly weather Some Small Rain not much, a Sacramt Day. mr adams pr. all day. David Goodfaith & Mary Curtice publisht. Mond 20 Some Rain last night & very much in the morning & foren Wind high about N E, & backt to N. I was at home al day. a female Child of Wm Beckwiths about 5 yr old buried. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at home all day. I mended orchd fence &c. yesterday was buryed at Lyme East Society the Body of my Kinsman Miles Moor. he was the eldest Son of my fathers youngest Sister Hannah. he was about 71 or 78 years of age. he left no Son only Daughters, had but a Small Estate & was near Even with the world. his wife Died above 20 years ago. Wednsd 22 Rain last night & this morning plentyfully. in the midle of the Day fair & before night it Rained again. Son John his wife & Children come over from Southold. came away yesterday & put back from ye Gut to Ramhead & from thence this morning. wind S W—Squally. I was at home foren. in the aftern att Madm Winthrops. Thursd 23d Cloudy & Some fair unsetled weather. I went in to Town & Ballanced Accots wth mr Shaw & aftern at home. fryd 24 Cloudy & Some fair. I was about home all Day. in the Evening Capt Joseph Prentis & Silas Whipple Came to my house with Wm Manwaring and gave a Bond for £300 old Tenor payable to me & Mr Miller on ve 27h of July next Ministry money. Sat- urday 25 fair. In the morning I went out to Wm Manwarings & then back with Joshua Moor & Joshua Moor Junr in order to Exchange their Bonds with Justice Richards & take Capt Jos Prenttis & Silas Whipples & to do & Execute other writings between Sd Moor & his Son, Deeds & Leases &c. Samll Westcoat Died at Norwich of a Consumption. aged near 30 I Supose. taken in february last. Sund 26 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Amos Hallam & Sarah Denison of Lyme publisht. Mond 27 fair. I went up to Sampson Haughtons to Measure 25 acres of Land for Samll Holmes on the West Side of Poles, & down to Sawmill Brook. Lodged att S. Haughtons. Tuesd .28. a Small Sprinkling of Rain in the morn & then fair. I writing Deeds & bonds &c till near Noon. I Stayed till after Dinner & then home. Samuel Westcoats Corps was brot down from Nor- wich on Horses & buryd. Wednsd .29. fair. In the morning I Rid out in the neck to get mowers & to agree wn the medow Should be mowed. I was all the afternoon at Madm Winthrops writing a Jovnture &c. Thursd. 30 fair. I was at home foren. aftern T went to Carry Joshua & Jos. Lester 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 555 their Dinner over the Gutt. Isaac Lester & Buttolph mowed with them & finished Ways medow. David Lester also mowed for me on the flatts with Samll Tinker Junr Jo. Derrick & fryd 31. Cloudy & Rain att night. in the foren I was about home & up to ye ferry assisting my Granson Clemt ‘Miner in Carrying Some goods on horseback. aftern I was att Madm Winthrops writing &c. Charles Thompsons wife died. Sept Saturd. 1 Cloudy morn fair aftern. I was about home foren and aftern att Madm Winthrops Writing for her &c. Charles Thompsons wife was buryed, She was Daughter to my Cuzn Ben fox Decd by his first wife Naomi Rogers. Sund 2d fair. Mr adams pr all day. Nicholas Hallam a Son Baptizd Edward and Edwd Tinker one John. mond 3d it Rained Last night & most of ye day att Turns. I was about home most of the day. Tuesd 4th fair & I was at home foren & was Sumoned to Hartford to Give Evidence before the Supr Court, Jont Pratt (versus) Jno Bradford &c Pomechaug Land. I Set out late in the aftern alone on my Little Bay mare & got to Stephen gardners in the Evening & Lodged there. Wednsd 5th fair & very hot. I Set out before Sunrise & breakfasted at the Widow Chamberlins. br. fast 3s. I called att Capt John Bulkleys & he Set out with me to Hartford thro Hebron & Bolton. wee Dined att Alcotts late, & got to Mr Pratts 4 or 5 clock & put up & Lodged yr. Thursd 6. fair. I went over to Hartford before the Court Sat & Waited on his Honr the Dept Govr &c. Mr Pratts Son pd me off. the action is handed along to March Term. my wages £6 Ios od. I dined with Mr Ledyard, & went to visit Divers persons & Set out for home. & called at Wethersfield & Joshua Plumbs & got to Pierpoints about 8 Clock & Lodged there & Stayed till Tuesday & then Set out for home. Mr Edwards of Northampton pr. foren Sunday & Mr Russel aftern & Mr Punderson of Groton to the Church People in the Town house. Tuesday 11 fair. I Set out for home alone. I got to Branards upperend of Had- & 2 Durham men Brothers whose names were Pickett, & wee Crossed the River to East haddam att the uper ferry att the warehouses. Expences att Brainards 2s for oats & ye ferryage 2s od. I went to visit Deacon Greens Daughter Ms Hosmer & then Mr Thos Adams & an old acquaint- ance, Jonathan Beebee formerly of Newlondon aged almost 74 yes all on the Road to Paugwonk. I got to John Dodges by Dark & Lodged there. Wednsd 12 fair & warm. I got away in the morning and stood along alone al the way home. got to Madm Winthrops about 2 clock & Dined there & Stood along home & found all well & Nathanaels wife a bed Safe Deliv- ered of a Lusty Girl Last Thursday the 6th Instant about 8 clock in ye morn. She weighs 8 tb 4. a week old. Thursd 13 fair. I was about home most of the Day writing for Dayton Smith &c. Daniel Starr Raised a Leantoo the Length of both Rooms. Josh & Lydia both gone to Ston- ington. Geo. Richards Junr a Child buryed. fryd 14 fair. I was at home most of the day writing &c. Saturd 15 fair. I was about home foren & after I went up to X plain wth Adam Phill want & Josh Starr. wee gathred all the apples that were Left about half the Body of the Cart full & 2 Baggs. wee left the apples att Manwarings mill. Joshua & Lydia come home from Stonington. all well there. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Mr Miller & Madm Winthrop, old Joseph Minor aged 84 & the Widow Mary Bushnel 60 published. She late from Boston. Mond 17 fair. Trayning Day. In the foren I went up to John Rogers’s in order to write for him but agreed to Defer it. I came down before night. went to visit old Ms Lattimer & David Richards who hath a Cancer in his undr Lip &c. Tuesd .18. Fair. a Trayning Day. I was at home all 556 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 Day Mending a wheel &c. Samll Williams of Stonington Died with an Imposthume in his Side att the midle of his Ribbs. Confined about [ Days. aged 50 odd. Wednsd 19 Cold at night, Cloudy & Some Showres, prety Smart about the midle of the day. I was at home most of the Day, toward night I Rid out to Joseph Miners to assist in accomodating affairs between the old Man & his granson Jessee & wee have acomplisht the affair, & the Writings are done by Mr Richards who was there before me & Wm Manwaring also. Thursd 20 fair & prety cold. I was att home all day about the wheel. got it all fast but not finished. fryd 21 Cloudy & Some little Rain. I was at home all day. I finished mending the wheel & put it on 3 new felloes & 2 Spokes. I had 4 old Strikes of Iron Tire weit 30tb 10 oz & 1 left 7Ib put by with mine. Returnd to Lt Chapmn, Saturd 22 fair. in the foren I was att home putting on 2 Strikes of Tire &c. in the aftern I went to Mill & got Mr Winthrops oxen & Cut & fetcht a barril of my Cydar from Asa Manwarings Mill & I Stowed it away in Mr Winthrops Celler in the Room & Stead of a bb of Cyder he Lent me last Spring. Josh & adam fetched a Ld of Wd. Sund 23 fair. mr adams pr. all Day. John Turner & [ ] Whipple publisht. Mond 24 fair. I was att home foren. aftern att Madm Winthrops writing Joynta[ |: Tuesd 25 Rainy. the Supr Court Sat. I was att home all Day. Wednsd 26 fair high wind N. I was all day at John Rogers’s writing his Will &c. past nine before I finisht. mr page & Son Miner Lodged here & last night also. Thursd 27 fair & warm. I went with adam to fetch a Ld of Salt hay & ye Tide was So high wee could not go over the Gut. wee brot a Small Jagg from this Side (about half a Load) home. fryd 28 fair a frost. I was att the Court house towards night & then to visit Capt Geo. Rich- ards who is very Low indeed. I was about home in the forenoon. a Child of Natt Beebees Died about 2 years old. amale. Sick a long time. Saturd 29 fair & cold. I was at home all day. a Stranger a Sailor belongs to Capt Beman of Midletown lately arived from the west Indies Died ys morning att Mr Roberts’s. Named Hungerford of Easthaddam. carryd home. Hungerford was carried home to East haddam on Horses. Sund 30 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. an Infant of Capt Joseph Coits Bap- tized Joseph. Wm Colver & Mary Burden Published. october monday 1. fair & warm. I went with adam & fetched a Ld of Salt hay from over ye Gut & I Rid down by the Shore side over the Gut a School of Boany fish along in the Surff & Some left dry. as the Surff Run back I flung up with my hands & Some I took dry & got about 4 dozn & Stringed them to my midle pillion Straps & hung them to my Saddle & overtook adam by Haughtons brook. wee put the Ld of hay on a Stack backside the Lot. Tuesd 2d fair. I was at Court in the foren & to See madm Winthrop (that was). She was maried on Sunday morning by the Dept Govr Woolcot to Mr Miller. att noon I came home & found Joshua had broke down one of the Wheels by Talmans Lot having a heavy Load of pumpkins & Cornstalks. wee Carryed an old Spare wheel & brot home the Load & I borrowed an old wheel of Capt Lee & brot it home from Danll Ways on the Trucks. toward night I went to Court again, & in the Evening I Maried Joseph Miner Senr (aged near 85) and the Widow Bushnel near 61 att Silas Churches. a Child of Josiah Brooks died. Wednsd 3d fair & windy. Tn the foren I mended Capt Lees Wheel. took out the great box which was Loose & nut in one of mine which was Large & put on an Tron plate on one of the Joynts & a Large hook on the Hubb &c. an Infant of Wm Newports Dyed & one of [ ] Pierpoints Caled [ ] Dyed about 6 weeks old. a femals Dyed 4th Instant. Thursd 4 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 557 fair. I was att the Court most of the day. I [ ] over. fryday 5. fair. I hept adam Cart a Ld of Salt Hay from the Gut. I Recd a Letter from Peirpoint. gives an accot of ther Infts Death. Saturd 6 fair. In the morning I went to Jno Plumbs to carry a Letter & hankerchief to Send to Peirpoint and then | went & Stackt the Salt hay in Crossman Lot & then went with adm & Team to the Lowerend of Tinkers farm to Cart Salt hay & the tide being very high to day filled the flatts all over. the hay under water 52 Cocks 4 under. wee came back Empty. Sund 7 fair & pleasant. Mr adams pr all day. Jos. Harris a Child Baptizd Nathanael & Wm Hatch one Joshua. Mr Jno Still Winthrop and Bride at Meeting foren & Ms Wanton & Daughter came yesterday from R. Island by water. the wife of Jonathan Rogers Junr Died wth Long fevar. She had the Repute of a Pious woman a Strict observer of the 7th Day Sabath. aged 30 odd I Supose. Mond 8 fair. I helpt adam Cart a Ld of Salt hay from ye flatts. left it in Gilbert Lot & came home with the Team & Caried a Ld of Corn Tops to Stack. Tuesd .g. fair. In the morn I made one New Side for ye hind Ladder adm broke yesterd & then fetcht the last of the Salt hay from the flatts & helpt at Gilbt Lot. I Recd of Jonat Rogers Juner £27 5s od for my ox I Sold John Davise &c. an Infant of John Wards buried. Wednsd 10. Rainy moderately. I was at home all Day. a Child of Docter Guy Palmes’s dyed 1 yr & 4 old and last week he Lost a Daughter 6 or 7 yr old. Died prety Sudden. Thursd 11 Cloudy & windy Some Small Showres. Cary Latham overset. I was most of the day att the Cornfield. Moved a Small Stack of Clover Stood on the plain. Carted it down hill in the bottom by the wall & I was mending fence in Crossman Lot. my Daughter Starr Safe Delivered of a Daughter aftern about 3 a Clock. 12 hours In Travel. fryd 12 fair. I was most of the Day fencing the Stack att Crossman Lot and mending the fence. wee brot home a Load of Corn that John planted & in the Evening I went to visit Mr Winthrop & his Spouse &c. my Daughter Starr is very poorly this aftern. She is numb below her hipps & grt pain. Saturd 13 fair. In the foren I was at home & mending the highway near to Mr Chapmans Bridge & this was also. Stephen Sunk a Large Rock in the fork of way that comes down from Manwarings. toward night I Rid out to the Corn- field & turned the Salt hay that was Spread at 2 Stacks. adm workt at highways with the oxen & Cart a large } day & Carted home a Ld of Corn in the foren. Sund 14 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr adams pr all day. Jno Holt a Child Baptizd Sarah. Mond 15 Cloudy. In the morn I dd Hannah Hempsted Junr gtb } of wool to Spin for me. they had 8? Some time ago for themselves. I was out to ye Cornfield. helpt adam Load corn that Jno Planted at the halves & att night wee husked it out & ye other Ld that wee brot on Saturday aftern. Josh & adam got a Ld wd & I Cockt up the Salt hay in the Cornfield & John Stackt his Cornstalks out there in 2 Stacks . wee huskt att night 25 bushel Baskets of Corn & Johns was 26. Tuesd 16 fair & moderate. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went out to the Salt Medows & adam & wee fetcht home the last of the Salt hay mostly bottoms of Cocks wet as Muck. wee got home late. left the Hay in Gilbert Lot. Wednsd 17 fair. I was most of the Day att the Cornfield un Loading & Spreading the Hay & fencing the oat Stacks. Capt Jonath Rogers is ys day come from Rhoad Island & Saw there Joseph Latham of Groton who the Last Thursday was fishing in Jonath Chesters New Boat & over Set between Gardners Island point & Gull Island or plumb Island. Gedion Yeomans was with him & they were 23 Hours on the Bottom of ye Boat & taken off by a Sloop from N. york 558 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 about a mile & 4 fro fishers [land East End & Carryed to Rhoad Island & the Boat drove ashore att Block Iland. ye Boat Lay on one Side & the held by ye Shroud. Divers times washt off & Swam on again. Thursd 18 Rainy last night & the foren & then misty & cloudy. I was at home all Day. I put in 2 New Spokes & one of my old felloes into Capt Lees wheel. fryd 19. fair. in the foren I was at home & then went out to Crossman Lot and mended Some fence &c, this morning about one or two a Clock Capt George Richards Died. hath been Sick a Long time wth the Gout or Dropsie or both. aged almost 55. Saturd 20. fair. I was about home & in Town. toward night att ye funeral of Capt Geo Rich- ards. Daughter Starr is poorly. one of her Legs Swells very. Sund .21. Rainy last night & all the Day till near night & yn cloudy. mr ad pr al day. Mond .22 Cold & very windy 2 or 3 Showres of Snow & Hail in the forepart of the Day. I was out to Wm Douglasses with Mr Richards & Deacon fosdyck, viewing the Land he hath fenced in Joyning to Abraham Morgans in order to Exchange &c. wee huskt att night the Corn that grew in the lot. Tuesd 23 fair & Windy Cold. I was att home all day Looking after Adam who got Staggering Drunk Early & by the Midle of the Day was got almost Sober & made a Second Tripp & So Ended the day. Wednsd 24 fair & windy. I was all day fencing the oat Stacks &c. Son Pierpoint come. Thursd 25 fair. in the foren I went among the hills by Bolles’s & got Wintergreen for Daughter Starr who Swells much in her Legs. aftern I fenced a Stack at ye Cornfield and Went to Poquoyog & Hired a £100 for Pierpoint & gave a Bond & a Note for the Interest fg besides 6 p Ct Connecticut mony all. I dd it to Pierpt & he gave a Bond & note to me for ye Same. fryd .26. fair. In the foren I was att mr Chap- mans &c. Peirpt went home. in ye aftern I Rid out to ye Cornfield & fenced one Stack. Saturd .27. fair. I was Most of the Day mending fence at Crossman Lot & Topoling & Staking the Stackyards in Gilbert Lot. Cold & Windy. Sund 28 fair & warm. mr adams pr. all ‘day. William Moore & wife owned the Covent & had their child Baptized William & Josha Moor Junr one Joshua. Mond 29 fair cold & windy. I was out to the cornfield &c. Tuesd 30 fair & warm. I went to Stoning- ton. Called att mr owens & Ms Denisons. got to Son minors before night & Lodged there. he is at Boston. Wednsd 31 Cloudy. I came away about 11. Called att the farm. I brot 4 bushel of Rye from Stephen Bennets for John. a Child of Joshua moor Junrs that was Baptized Last Sunday Buried. Nov .1. Thursd Rainy but in the aftern Smartly. I was about home al Day. fryd 2d Cloudy & Raw. I was at home foren & then went to Mill & Dined att Mr Winthrops & then in Town. a Child of Samll Tallmans Died Sudenly. Saturd 3d fair Cold & windy. I was at home most of the Day. I Rid up to Capt Adams’s & got my Gold Buttons. he mended the Chain of one Link that was almost wore of & the other was Something bent by the Hogs Champing itt. I Swallowed it in the begining of the Sumer as I was Shirting my Self. put both Links in to my mouth & Swallowed down one & itt went through me on the flatt Rock in the orchard & I overlooked it then & found it by chance on Thursday last att or near the place where I left it tho I knew it not then. S. Talmans Child buryed. Sund 4 Some Snow in ye night. Rain most of the Day. mr Adams pr. all Day. Son Daniel Starrs Child Baptized Abigail. Daughter Miner came over this morn to See her Sister Starr. got to the ferry before they were up Soon after Sunrise. Billy Roe with her came away 4 oe Clock. it Snowed before Day. Mond 5 fair & moderate. in the 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 559 foren I was att Capt Adams’s writing out the Division of Son Miner’s fathers Estate. aftern I went over to Groton to Set over Daughter Miner in a Canoo &c. Tuesd 6 fair & Raw cold. I was about home all Day fencing Stacks back Side ye Lot. Joshua Carted 2 Ld of poles yesterday yt adam Cut. Wednsd 7 fair and pleasant. in the foren I was at home. fenced one Stack yard. aftern Raw cold. I went with Joshua to the Comon pasture to look Sheep. Caught one Weather brot home & killed 36tb & I fenced one Stack more with a Load of poles adm Carted to day Cut before. Thursd 8 fair & moderate. a publick Thanksgiving. Mr adams pr all day. Nattee his Wife Aunt & Brother Ms Hobbs & her Son John was all were here. a Small family today. fryd. 9 fair & warm. I was about home all day Toppoling & Staking Stackyards &c. in the Evening att apt Coits on an arbitration between John Rogers Senr & Isaac fellows about his boys work about a month for Sd Rogers &c. a Son of Capt Titus Hurlbuts died above a year old. Saturd 10 Rainy Last night & most of the Day tho Moderately. I was at home. Joshua & adam killed 4 Swine. Each of us 2. Nattee helpt. I was al day mending Capt Lees wheel. 1 New Spoke & 1. felloe on & I more must be. Sund 11 fair. Cuz Hurlbuts Child buried. I was at ye funeral Eve. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr foren & Mr Doget a youngman that preaches at Smithtown on Long Island in ye aftern. the malncholy Tidings of the Death of our Governor Law after a very few days Illness. he attended the Genll assembly att N. Haven the whole of itt wch Ended ye fryday was 7 nights. Mond 12 fair. I was at home all day. made a New felloe & put in to Capt Lees wheel. Tuesd .13. fair & Raw cold E—TIn the foren I finished of the wheel put on 3 Strikes of the Tire & mended mine a Little. put on one good Strike &c. aftern I was fitting Meat B Bs & cuting up. 2 Swine 145 & 92. Wednsd 14 Rainy in the foren a while & then fair. I was at home al day. Thomas Buttler is here to finish Coming 1tb of blue Woorsted wch he Comb over once in the Spring. Thursd 15. fair. In the foren I went with Joshua & Adam & Team to the Ledge of Rocks in my old planting field & drawed home on the wheels a Large white oak Log for Hubbs & Spokes &c. aftern att home & in Town. fryd 16 fair. J was att Mr Winthrops & in Town most of the Day. my Large pide Cow wont Eat. She is not well. Suposed to be Hurt last night by another Cow in the yard. She groaned much in the night &c. Saturd 17 fair & windy N W & very cold in the aftern. I was at home al Day. I put on a New folloe into my old wheel & nailed on ye Tire &c. Sund. 18. fair Windy N W and Cold. mr William Adams pr all Day. Bryam Palmes & the Widow Sarah Way published. Mond 1oth fair & cold. I was att home foren. aftern out to Crooked Brook to Run Lines for John Tinker &c. he pd me 20s. Tuesd .20. Cloudy & a Small matter of Rain a Small matter of Snow last night here. Something Considerable att Colchester & the North parish. I was att home. Topt up 2 Stacks with Salt hay back Side & uper Cornr & cleared the back Leantoo of 6 Empty hhds & 2 Terses. Stowed ym in the Celler. Wednsd .21. fair. I was out in the neck to measure 13 acres & 96 Rod of Land for James Rogers 3d which he buys of Robt Westcote for £20 Ios od p acre. Joynes to the Sd Rogers’s farm yt was Daniel Lesters. Westcote pd me 40s for Deed & all. Thursd 22 Snow all the foren moderately & Some last night. aftern Cloudy. I was at home all day. Adm kiled 2 fatt weathers 42ib Each &c. fryd 23d fair & cold. I was at home all day. adm killed the other 2 wethers &c. Saturd .24. fair & very cold. I was at home all day. Sund .25. fair & cold Cloudy. Mr ad. pr. al day. Jno Hawkins a Child Baptizd Benja. Mond. 560 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1750 26 fair & moderate. I was at home al Day. Tuesd .27. wet & warm. in the foren a Scotch Mist. aftern Cloudy & Raw cold. I was att home all Day. Ms Hobbs gone in ye Eve to Wescote. Wednsd 28 Rainy most of the Day & last night. Ms Sarah Mayhew the Widow of John Mayhew aged about 74 or 5. Died last night. She was the only Daughter of Thomas Latham the first, Grandaughter of Cary Latham the first. he was Conteporary with my Grandfather who were both the first Setlers of this Town in ye year 1646. this Widow mayhew had 2 Sons. both Died Single & her Husband had one Brother that Died Single that the male Issue are all gone before her. She hath been a very Sober Quiet & usefull woman. ye chief midwife in the Town for many years last past. I was at home all Day. Thursd 29 fair & windy N W. I was at home all day. I pulled down the Stackyard fence (Next the House) & Set it a new & I mended the Jamm by the Celler Door. Ms Mayhew was buryed. & I was not at it, could not get Ready till it was too late. fryd. 30. fair & windy. I was at home all day. in the Evening I Rid out to Crossman Lot & found my partition fence broke down over the Ditch & 6 or 7 Rayles gone, & t Draw barr next the highway &c. Saturd Dec .1. fair & moderate. in the aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged att Son miners. a female Child of the Widow of Caleb Douglass’s Late Decd Died this Evening. Sund 2 fair. I went to hear mr Rositer. Mond 3d fair & warm. I was at Son miners foren. aftern I went to Mistick to Gershom Holdredges, Ms Denisons & to Christopher Eldredges & Lodged there. Tuesd 4 fair & warm. I went back to Son miners & Rid out toward night & went to Mr Pages & Son & Daughter miner came there & tarryed till Late in ye Eve. Wednsd 5 fair & warm. I went to visit old Justice Palmer & found him much Impared. not able to walk from the bed to ye fire without help. I Stopt att Mr Elihu Chese- broughs & Dined there as I went & then in the Eve to visit Mr Rossiter & Sup there. Lodged att miners again. Thursd 6 Rain moderately. I Set out for home Stopt at Larkins & Kit Eldredges & Ebe Williams Stephn Benned & Ms Denisons & got then dark to the ferry & lodged att Mr Ledgyards wth him. fryd 7 fair. I came over the ferry Early. there is above 20 Sail of vessels in the Harbour Mostly bound to the West Indias & Several of them Sayled this day. fair wind N—I was at home al Day. Joshua & I pulled up the Bridge & put it down agen &c. John Edgcumbe the Son of Jesse Edgcumbe a little boy of about [ ] years of age died att Norwich this week as I am Informd. Saturd 8 fair. I was att home & in Town all Day. adm killed 2 Swine. Ben Want helpt. 1. Weit trolb & 1. 84tb. Sund .g. Rainy tho Moderately all day. Mr adams pr al day. a thin meeting. Mond. 10 Rain Smartly last night. a Storm at N E. & came about to ye S W & blew hard foren. Rainy aftern Cloudy & windy Not Cold. I went on to Crossman Lot to mend fence & the par- tition fence is Stole away 2 posts & 9 Rayles & 6 Rayles & Stakes from the Top of the Stonewall at the South End & 2 more at ye draw barrs. Tuesd 11 fair & windy. I was at home all day. adm Carted 4 Ld of Dung to the Cornfield. Mingo Switland Loaded them & wee had Mr Swetlands Cart wth mine. Mingo Loaded one while adm went wth the other. Wednsd 12 fair & clear not cold wind N W. I was about home all Day. adm Carted 1 Ld of Dung & brot home a Ld of Seaweed to put in ye Cellar doorcase & fetched a Ld of gravel fro Ja. Harris’s well to put agst the underpining at the S W window. Thursd 13 fair but not clear Easterly wind Inclining to a Storm. I was at home all day. adm fetched a Ld of Seaweed & put on the hovel. the Comittee was here & william Dowglass 1750] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 561 about his business. a Storm at night & Rain. fryd .14 Rainy last night & most of the day. I was at home all Day. Saturd 15 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day Mending up the underpinning at the S W Cornner of the Celler. adm Carted a home another Ld of gravel to put agst the underpining. Sund 16 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr. all day. Jno Douglass a Child baptizd Esther. Mond 17 fair. a very cold night last N. & ye foren. aftern moderate. I was att home all Day. I finisht mending the underpining & banking up gravel against itt. adam fetched 3 Load to day. a Town Meeting. I was not att itt. I did not Care to leave the work I was about fearing a frost &c. Tuesd .18, fair & moderate. I was with Justice Richards & Dea fosdyck Measuring Midle Commons on Manatuck &c. Wednsd .19. fair. I was at home foren. aftern | Rid very poor yet tho he is Something better to Day. I went to Capt Crock- ers & Carryed Worsted to knit me a pr of Stockings & agreed wth ye woman for 30s. two Children buryed less than a year old. one the only Son of Caleb Douglass Decd, & the other a Child of Thos Caulkings Decd. Thursd. 20 Cloudy & Raw cold. I was all day Mending Capt Lees wheel adam broke yesterday fetching a Ld of Wood for Nattee. 1 Spoke & 2 felloes. fryd 21 Cloudy & an Exceeding high wind. I was att home all day about the wheel & not finisht. Saturd .22 Stormy Snow Last night & very high wind E—Some Snow in ye forn & all did but only make the ground white. In the aftern Cloudy. I was att home all day & finisht ye wheel in the house. Sund 23 Cloudy & very cold & windy N E Some Scattering Snow. Mr adams pr all Day. a thin Congregation. Mond 24 fair & clear & moderate. I was att home all day mending windows &c. Tuesd 25 fair & moderate. JI was att home most of the Day & toward night Set out for Stonington to See Daughter Miner who hath been Lately Delivered of a Still born Son. Tuesd 25. I crossed the ferry after Sunset & Traveled to my Son miners by .9 at night. Stopt a while to warm my Self att Ms Denisons & again att Mr Pages. I found my Daughter in a hopefull way, after an Exceeding hard Travel She being att the point of Death. all hands had given her over but through Gods good- ness She was Spared after 3 days hard Labour. Wednsd 26 Rayny Stormy. I kept house all day att Son Miners. Thursd 27. fair & cold & windy. in the foren I went to Capt Rufus Miners & I Recd of him £15 18s od due for oxen Sold 2 yr ago & then I mended my Son miners windows. put in New Sash Lights in Several windows &c. fryd. 28. fair & cold. I Set out for my farm. went down to the Road & visited Mr Rossiter &c. Called att Christopher Eldredges & then down to Ms Denisons & back & Lodged att Christophers &c. Saturd 29 fair & very cold. Ensn Wm Morgan of Gro- ton Died ys Week. aged 80 odd. I Stayed att Citts till afternoon & Set out for home, called att Peter Creerys who tells me he will let me have a bb of Cyder. I Stopt a little to warm my Self att 2 houses by the way & got to the ferry A few mints after Sunset & in less yn $ an hour came a boat from Long Island & my Son Robert & his youngest Son Joshua & I came over in ye boat with ye Boatman who Lodged with me, & my mare I Left for my Son to Ride to meeting. Sunday 3o fair & cold. William Beebee Died last night aged 80 odd & Mr Philip Tabor 68 & the widow Polly near 60 died. both last week. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 31 fair. I was at home foren &c. my Son & Grandson come from Southold to See me &c. 37 562 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [x78 i Jan Tuesd 1 fair. I was with Capt Hurlbut & Wm Manwaring & Wm & Samll Douglass measuring Land to be Divided by J. Cheapels 56 Acres 4 to Calebs heirs & } to Ri& } to Sam. Wednsd 2 fair & pretty cold. I was at home most of ye Day. I went to Mr Winthrops & Recd £100 of Ms Ann to Let out for 2 yr upon Interest 10 p Cent & he pd £10 down for Int & I made it up £30. & he pd down £3 for Int of ye £30. he gave a Bond for £130 & £13 Interest to be pd Next Jan 4. Son Robert Lodged with me 2 nights & went away for home wth Sam Griffing. a Smart Gale at N & b W. Thursd 3d fair & cold. I was at home all Day Making a [ ] & of Douglass’s Land & Dividing itt &c. fryday 4. fair & more moderate but cold Enough. I Rid out with Capt Titus Hurlbut to Set of the Seperal parts of ye Land wee are Dividing between the Heirs of Caleb Douglass Decd & Richd & Samuel by Cheapels the West End. 31 acres to Caleb in E. End, 25 acres E End to Sam, & west End to Richard. X plain Lot S. Side Caleb 15 Rod wide Midle Richard, & S Side Sam, Each 7} Rod. att night wee Supt att Widow Dowglass’s Junr. Saturd 5 fair. I was att home all day. Sund 6 fair Moderate. Mr adams pr all day. Jno Rogers Cooper a Child Baptized Elizabeth. cloudy towards night & Snow before nine. Mond .7. Stormy last night & most of the day. I was at home all day Removing the Bords Clapbords & Shingles out of the back Leantoo & att night att Capt Bradicks wth the Civil authority Select- men &c Choosing Taverners & Jurymen. Tuesd 8th fair & cold. I was at home foren & toward night I went with Parden Taber to ye Court of Probts to prove his fathers will & yn to visit Mr adams &c. Wednsd 9. fair. I was at home all day. I made a flail. adm & Ben Want Thrasht oats aftern. Thursd to fair. I was at home foren. aftern I walkt out to John Plumbe Lot to See adm & Ben &c & into the Swamp where Stephen was Cutting wood & on to ye Island. very hard froze & Snow Sticks fast to the Ice. fryd 11 fair. I was with Wm Manwaring & Simon Smith prizing Mr Tabers Household goods &c. Saturd 12 Misty Cloudy &c. I was all Day apprizing att Jer. Tabers, Manwaring & Smith also. wee finished all there &c. Sunday 13 it Rained Smartly Last night & ye fore- part of the Day. I was not out to meeting. a Thin meeting & none in the aftern. I kept house all day. Mond 14 Misty & drisley & Miry. I was out to Mr Tabers Land in the 4th Teer in the Neck & at Parden Tabers apprizing &c. Hempsted Miner come & lodged here &c. Tuesd 15 Misty & drisley. in the foren I was with my Granson Hempsted miner att Sheriff Starrs & Recd £57 15s od & DD it to Hemp & yn to Doctr Goddards & pd him 40s wch was due from Mr Roe. in the aftern I was att Capt Danll Coits to hear the Examination of Mr Nicholas Letchmere & his wife upon accot of the Sudden Death of their Servt Zeno a female about 6 or 7 year old who Died a Sund night about 2 in ye morning & upon Some Complaint made to Capt Coit he Sent a Jury & they Returned that She was wounded in her Head & Body &c & they Judge them wounds to be the Cause of her Death. they had Doctor Palmes & Coit to view the Corps & then buried her in the Evening. Mire & Dirtt. Wednsd 16 Cloudy Dirty weather. I was at home most of the Day. towards night I went to Jno Plumb Lot. adm is cleaning oats.. Thursd 17 Misty in the foren & in the aftern Cloudy. I was about home foren. the aftern I was assisting Wm Holt 2d & adam Trucking Stones & mending the Bank that was broken down by Bulfinches. in the Evening att mr Winthrops. fryd .18. fair & moderate. in the foren 17$2] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 563 I went with Mr Chapman Capt Hurlbut & Adams Selectmen to John Rogers’s to take the Examination of a Nancy an Irishwoman great with Child by fornication &c. in the aftern I went with the Sd Hurlbut & Wm Manwaring to Correct the Division of the Late Capt Douglas’s X plain Lot & by measure found the bounds att the west End full 36 Rods & 4 or 5 foot over & wee Set of the N Side to Calebs Heirs & 15 Rod & ye 2d to Richd 73, & the South Side to Samll. heaps of Stones, Jer. Richards fence. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Set out for Stonington & my Grandaughter Abigail Ledyd on my Sorril mare. got to Son miners before 8. Stopt a while att Mr Rossiters &c. Sund 20 fair & moderate. I was att mr Rossiters meeting. he pr 1 Sermon. Mond 21. fair & moderate. I went to my farm & Recd £40 of Stephen Bents Wife being half the Last years Rent & yn to Ms Denisons & back by Mr pages &c. it clouded up a little before night & began to Rain by 11. Tuesd 22 a violent Storm of Rain all the forenoon & very fierce wind & a very high Tide did much dam- age att N Londo & Groton. the Wharfs are carryed away & the Bridge by Daniel Starrs. Wee Came home to the ferry in the Evening & I Lodged att Ledgyards. Wednsd 23 fair Cold & high wind. I was thereabout foren & got over in the aftern in a Longboat from Starrs Coave, N London ferry- man. Thursd .24. fair till 8 att night & then Snow. In the foren I was att home & went into Town to fetch home the Mares. my Grandson Joshua Robts Son brot them over &c. I was in Town till night. Joshua helpt adam Thrash. fryd 25 fair. I was at home most of the foren & then went to Capt Daniel Coits & thence farther to the Courthouse to hear the Examina- tion of Sundry Wittnesses Concerning ye Cruel Whiping of Zeno a Slave to Mr Nicholas Letchmer. a very great Concourse of People &c. the Court Chamber wod not hold all. Saturd 26 fair. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I went into Town. Jos Rogers helpt adam Thrash oats at Jno Plum Lot. Sund 27 Rain fair & moderate. Mr adams pr. all Day. my Grandaughter Ledgyard & her Brother Joshua Hempsted here at noon & She Stayed all night. Mond 28 fair most of the Day. a great Storm of Rain Last night & ys morn. I was at home all Day. Tuesd 2g fair. I Set out for Nihantick called at Simon Smiths & Wm Manwarings. Parden Taber Joyned us & wee went to Samll Tabers to apprize the Land &c, wee Ran a South line in the midle 200 Rod & went to the River & Ran a West Line 120. night came on & wee went to Deacon Miners & yn to Samll Tabers & lodged there. Wednsd 30 fair. wee went to measuring again & viewing ye land all day & back att night. Wm Manwaring & Smith went home & I Stayed att Samll Tabers. Simon Smith Sprained his ankle & was very Lame. it Rained in the night. Thursd 31 it Rained in the foren. I made a Rough Plann of ye Land in order to know the Quantity, & in the aftern I went wth Samll Taber & measured of 24 acres of Land South of the Mill pond for Nathll Beckwith Joyning ye west Side of his Land att £17 p acre. I wrote a Deed & Bond and they paid me & I Lodged att S. Tabers. feb .1. friday fair. in the foren wee went up the hill & found the old white Tree on ye hill 60 Rod E & b. S from the great Brook Next Deacon fosdycks land & I finished there & found Sams part 516. acres & then wee went to Elijah Lees to measure 23 Acres for Josiah Tabers near Black point & came to the widow Champlins. in the Evening Stopt a while & got over the Gut & Stopt an hour wth Capt Stephn Prentiss & yn the moon Rise & I got home after 9 & found Joshua & Natt gone to Stonington & Carryed 10 Sheep for me to Christopher Eldridge to make up his Score that hireth of me. Saturd. 2d fair. in the foren I was with the Comittee Att Mr Jer Chapmans to Considr about Laying out after Divisions &c. aftern in Town 564 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1788 &c. Sund 3d fair. mradams prall Day. in the Evening I went to visit Mr Swetland who Lyes in a very Low Condition. No Reason nor Strength to help himself. Mond 4th fair. in the foren I went out to the Cornfield & Crossmans Lot. toward night went to Mr Winthrops to Measure the dis- tance between the parlour & well &c at his Desire. tydings is Come of the Death of the Honble Paul Dudley Esqr Judge of Supr Court in the Prov- ince of the Massachusets bay at his Seat in Roxbury in his 76 year.. Tuesd 5 fair & Cold. I was at home all day. Wednsd .6. fair & moderate in the morn & aftern Cloudy & very cold & Some Squalls of Snow. towards night I Rid out wth Clemt Beebee to his Brother Benjamins & maried Charles Thompson & Sarah Beebee & in the Evening Cuzn Joshua Moor Rid wth me up to Robert Dowglasses & Tarryed there till late. came home alone 9 or 10 Clk. Thursd 7th. fair. I was at home while—Toward night I Rid out With Noah Daniels to his Granfathers & wrote a Deed &c. fryd 8 fair. I was with Cuzn Joshua Moor at his Daughters the Widow of Caleb Douglass Inventorying ye Estate. I called to visit mr Swetland as I came home after gat night. he Lay a Dying & died about 3 or 4 in the morning about 3 Clock. Saturd 9 fair. I was about home most of the day. toward night I Rid out to Crossman Lot & to my old field. adam hath Cut down 2 white oaks & Cut of a Post. cut of Each. not one more Left in them parts. my Grand- son Josha Hempsted of So-hold is gone home wth Powers. a fine Time. Wind at NE& NNE. Sund to fair & moderate. aftern Cloudy. wind S E Inclining to a Storm. Mr adams pr. all Day; from the meetinghouse I went to the funeral of Mr Swetland & was one of ye Paul bearers wth Mr Miller, Justice Richards & Dea Green Deacn fosdyck & Capt Jos Coit. Powers is come back from ye Island. the Landed att the fireplace E hampton. Mond 11. it Rained all day moderately in ye morning & midle; but toward night wind & Rain Increased to a Smart Storm. I was at home all day. Tuesd 12 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. the adjournd County Court Sat. in the aftern I was helping make up Some Stonewall at the S E Cornner of my upper orchard by Natts workhouse, Joshua helpt & adam. Wednsd 13 fair & moderate in the forept & Midle of the Day. afternoon Windy & cold at Night. in the Midle part of the day I was wth Joshua finishing the Stonewall by Natts workhouse & toward Night I was at Capt Coits with Jessee fox to Serch the Records &c 4 hours. Thursd 14 fair. I was with Jus Richards & Deacon fosdyck Laying out Commons for Austin. Deacon F. Rid my mare. fryd 15 Cloudy in the morn. Snow by to Clock Inch deep & turned to Rain by 2 Clock. wind E— & S E & got about to SW. Iwas at home all day. made a new helve for an Ax. J. Colver new Laid. Mr Pitkin Sheriff of Hartford Court was here & Sumoned me to ye Supr Court att Hartford first Tuesd of mar. next. to give Evidence for Jonat Pratt about pomechaug farm or the Land adjoyning to ye S. Side of it. Saturd 16 Rain in the morn. fair in the aftern. I was at home al day. a Child of Jno adwells buried, about 7 or 8 weeks old. the Malancholy Aug 27—1683 News is Come (from Southold by Samuel Griffing) of 1750 the Death of my Dear Sister Salmon my wives youngest Sister of the Same mother. aged 67 last august ye 27th. 0007 Sund 17 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr all day. Benja Chappel & Unice Lester published. Mond 18 fair & moderate in the foren & till Late in ye aftern & yn it began to Snow & held on till night & then Rain. J was at home all day. Tuesd 19 fair. Iwas att home foren. in the aftern att Court. Wednsd 20 fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward night at Court. Thursd 21. Cloudy in the morning & afternoon Rainy but very moderate. I was att home all. fryd 22 fair. I was about home in 1734] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 565 the foren & aftern at Court to pay the Court fees in miners action & to give Bond for appeal. Saturd 23d fair. I was about home foren & to Deacon fosdycks to get my mare Shod. after Dinner I Set out for Stonington. got over the fery about 4 a clock & in geting the mare out att the ferry wharf as She Sprung forward to Jump out, the bolt Rope at the foot of the Sail Catcht hold of the Saddle & twicht her back, that one of her hind Leggs fell Short & She fell on her knees Soon Striving to get up, & the Cauks of her right Shoe being very Sharp, Cut the Inside of her Right Leg near her breast very much & I did not perceive it till I got to Stephen Bennets. & after Stop- ping a while She grew very Lame & I Stopt at Christopher Eldredges al night. Sund 24. in the morning I discovered the wound my mare had got & left her behind and walked over on foot with Christopher to my Son miners & there TY got a horse & Rid to meeting wth my Daughter in Company & heard mr Rosseter & back & Lodged at Son miners. Mond 25 fair. in the foren I went to mr pages & Mr Rosseters & Dined there & then Down to Thomas Miners to Speak with Silvanus & Stayed there till Dark & Supt there & then came wth Silvanus & his wife to their home & up to Son Miners & Lodged there late. Tuesd .26. fair. first I came over to my farm & Son Miner with me & Dined at Christophers & then to Stephen Bennets in Expectation of heareing a Sermon preacht by Joseph Lee of Lyme who was Expected but failed of Coming. I Rid down to Ms Denisons & back to Christophers -& Lodged there. Some Rain at night. Wednsd 27. fair. in the morning william Bennet came (after I had been to Larkins’s & Jonat Denisons) and I agreed with will Bennet to pay him for 3 Lights of the Glass windows weh he had puld down & were att Stephens (or Natts) & I fetched them back & fastened them up & came away, & as I came to my S. E. Corner mistick I found a Large black oak that was blown down lately Cutt off and drawed away & I Trackt the Cart to the Sawmill & found that there were 2 Logs & marked H wch Mr Willbow Said were drew there yesterday by Capt Ben—adam Gallups Team & it is Suposed that his Son Henery Gallup claims the Logs by Reason these 2 & 1 more were marked H & ye other that were carted lately were marked A. I pd mr Wilbow 30s for Sawing 213 feet of Chesnut bords (Sawed of a Log of mine that Gershom drew & came along with my Lame mare most of the way on foot. got to the ferry by Daylight & left the mare & got over ina Cannoo. Thursd 28 fair. I went with mr Richards to Jos Waterhouses & wee measured Leaches Lot 18 acres, the North Side 21 Rod wide 10 and for Jos Waterhouse & the S Sid 15 Rod wide 8 acres for Tessee fox. fryday March rst fair. I was in Town & about home & at Lecture. mr adams pr & in the Evening att Mr Stewarts with the School Committee who are Leasing out to mr Stewart one Right in the Commons, wch is allowed to the Grammer School for the term of 999 years in Consideration of £400 old Tenor never to be paid. but £50 p annum Interest for the use of the School. Mar 2 Saturd fair. I was at home most of the Day. Sund 3d fair but Raw cold. a Sacramt Day. mr adams pr. all Day. Mond 4 Snow. it began about 8 in ye morning & held most of the day & all night & grew colder & froze in the house & blew hard. Tuesd 5. a fierce Storm at N E. itt Snowed great part of the Day & the wind high. the Snow flew like a fogg most of the day but toward night the wind abated. I was at home al day. Wednsd 6 fair. Cold in the foren & cloudy. aftern clear & moderate. I was at home all day. the Snow is half Legg deep they Say in the woods. it hath been a Smart Storm, none So hard this winter. Thursd fair & moderate. bad Traveling miry tho Snow. J Set out for Hartford on my Sorril Mare in Company with Samuel Edgcumbe to be a Wittness for Jonathan Pratt 566 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1759 (versus) Joseph Bradford &c & before wee got to Colchester Mr Tilley overtook us. wee oated att Wells’s att Colchester & Stood along to Hebron, Tilley Stopt there att Buels & I too. Expences ros. fryday 8 fair. I Set out Early & by that I had got almost hali way. Met Mesess Pratt coming to meet me with a Spare Horse. I got to Mr Pratts & Dined there & over to Court & back att night. Satturd 9. fair. I went over to Court Mr - Edgcumbe also & Peregrine Gardiner & Ebe Haughton of Hebron formerly of N. London & back att night. Sund 10 very Rainy all day. wee all went to meeting & heard Mr Williams a young man but minister of the Society. Mond 11 fair. wee all went over to Court & dined at the Tavern & back att night. Tuesd 12 fair. the Case was Called & in the foren the Evidences were given & in the aftern pleaded & given to the Jury &c. wee Dined att ye Tavern. Mr Pratts Sons paid for us. wee Returned back att night. the River being higher we had another ferry to Cross by the medow gate ye Medow being flowed. Wednsd 13 fair. wee were all paid of & Dismised In ye morn £8 18s 8d a piece. I went to Court & heard the verdict in ye favour of mr Pratt &c. I bought 2 bbs Tarr of Deacon Edwards. I pd his wife £12 & aftern I Set out for midletown & bot 2 qrts of Clover Seed for 40s of one Curtiss near the South Side of Wethersfield. I Stopt a while att Joshua Plumbs about Sunset & then to Son Pierpoints by daylight down. Thursd 14 fair. I was about home foren & in the aftern I Rid out with my Daughter Pierpoint to Ms Smiths & Ryleys &c. fryday 15 Rainy. I kept house all day Indisposed. Griped much & oppressed att my Stomach & after taking Something to Expel the wind mv flesh Itched very Much & after a while broke out in blotches or Nubbs but most of itt went off by morn. Saturd 16 fair. I kept house all day being fearfull of taking Cold. Sund 17 fair. Mr Russell pr all day. I was att meeting &c. Mond 18 fair & windy. lIassisted Son Pierpoint in moving his household Stuff &c & Lodged in his New house at night. Tuesd 19 fair. in forenoon I mended the Glass windows of the South End of the house & in the Latter part of the day I went a visiting &c after ] had been to the upper houses. Wednsd 20 fair & moderate. I Set out for home. Crossed ye River by Pierpoints & Rid down to Midle Haddam & out to Nathll Freemans about 2 mile & then to Moodus & called att Doctr adams’s & the Tavern &c. oated there & then to New Salem & Lodged at my friend Stephen Gardiner’s. Thursd 21 fair & moderate. Came Slowly along made Severall visits. Dined att Robert Douglasses & got home timely for the funerall of the Widow Phebe Holt who died the 19th. aged 17 years. fryd 22. fair. I was att home most of the day mending up the plow & plowing Some. toward night I Rid out to the Cornfield to See the Creetures &c. Saturd 23d fair. in the foren I was at home. in the aftern went for Stonington. got to Son miners by 9 oe Clock & Lodged there. Sund .24. fair. I went to meeting att ye Center- house & heard Mr Elles. Mond 25 fair. In the foren I came over to my farm & dined att Mollys. aftern att Stephen Bennets & came home to ye ferry & over by daylight. Tuesd .26 fair. in the foren I Sowed the oats att home. 6 Bushlls & in the aftern I followed the Harrow & Sowed 2 Quarts of hay seed that I bot of Mr Curtice of Weathersfield Near Midletown uper houses. Wednsd .27. fair. in the foren I went out to the Cornfield & Sowed 23 bushel of oats on the Side hill next Capt Hurlbuts pasture. adam plowed it in. I helpt him Strik out the Lands & yn the oxen would go without a driver. toward night itt Rained & in the night I put on old felloe into one of my old wheels to fitt up a pr for Joshua wth the old Cart &c. Thursd .28. fair aftern. in the morning Rain. I went out to ye Cornfield & held plow to Strike out the Lands by Jno Plumb Spring & I began to mend 175 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 567 fence in Crossman Lot &c. fryd 29 fair. I was most of the day att the Cornfield & Crossman Lot mending fence &c. Capt Lees Wheel Iron 5 Strike 10}. Saturd 30 fair in the morn & toward night & Rain in the midle of the Day. I was att home all Day. Ichabod Wickwire & Jonat Hamilton came from Paugwonk to buy my upper farm & offered £700. £100 Down 300 att Christmass & 300 in the Next fall after. Sund 31 fair & cold. Mr adams pr. all day. Geo. Butolph & Mary Collins published. april mond .1. fair Windy & cold. In the foren I Sowed about an Acre of oats in Jnc Plumb Lot. in the aftern I went to Stonington to Receive my farm of Stephen Bennet but he is gone to Mansfield to help Remove his Brother Natt & family. I Lodged att Chris Eldredges. Tuesd 2. Cloudy & cold. I went over in the foren to Son Miners & Molly with me & after Dinner wee Rid down to Mr Rossiters & Daughter Miner, & after a Little Stay I Left them & went to John Deans & Carryed a piece of Cloth for Ms Hobbs & brought one away for Long Island. I went to Natt Williams’s & borrowed a Saw & Cutt off one of my Cheesnut Bords & Carryed itt up to Christophers to make window Shutts &c. I Laid there again & Next morn- ing fitted the Window Shutts & made me a Jack. Wednsd 3d Rain. in the foren I came away. Stopt a while att Mr Creerys & Ms Denisons & Got to the ferry & over before night. Thursd .4th. Cloudy Snow a Little. I was att home all day Indisposed. fryd 5. fair. In the morning I went over to Groton with Joshua Nattee Ben Want & adam Natts boy in Capt Hurlbutts Scow. Josh Carryd his oxen & Cart & Plow & Sundrys in order to Live att my farm in the House Stephen Bennet built. I Sent over my Soril & young Bay mare & Colefaxes mare & colt. I came back with Natt & his boy & Left ye Scow att Mr Winthrops Point. about 9 or Io. clock. Saturday 6. a Smart Storm of Snow in the foren & Rain in the aftern. Sund 7 fair in the foren & Rain a little aftern. Mr Stovel Junr a Tutor att Yale Colledge pr all day. Mond .8. fair. I was in Town foren & fetcht 6 bushll of Corn out of White from N. Haven. aftern att the freemens meeting. Capt Lee & W. M Dep[utys]. Tuesday 9 fair. I was Looking up Sheep & mending fence att Crossman Lot & [ |]. Wednsd .1o. a publick fast. Mr adams pr. all Day. fair but Cloudy in the foren, & aftern Rain & Thunder. Thursd .11. fair & cold. avery high wind N W. In the foren I went out to the Corn- field. in the aftern I Rid out with the Selectmen to Robert Douglass’s & to Jabez Chappels to Enquire into his Circumstances being Sick & poor. fryd 12 fair & windy S W. I was all day assisting Joshua with adam & Natts Boy getting a Cross the ferry in a Large Cannoo 34 Sheep & 15 Lambs. mine & Joshuas. adam is gone to Drive them & Joshua to work there. I was oblidged to Stay on that Side ye wind was So high till near night &c. Saturd 13 Rain in the morn & Raw cold & then Cloudy & warmer. I was in Town most of the Day. I bot a BB of Cydar of Capt Hurlbut bb & all for £4 10s od. not yet Recd. Sund 14 fair. Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr. all Day. Mond .15. Rainy. I was att home & up in Town all day. Tuesd 16 Cloudy & Some Rain unsetled wether. I was at home al D. I made a New Cross peice for ye forend ye Stone Cart (or Trucks). Wednsd 17 fair & windy. I went to Stonington in the foren. I met mr Winthrop & Spouse on Stark’s Hill coming from Boston with 2 Chairs. only mr Thomas Mum- ford & Gurdon Saltonstall to accompany them besides himself & Spouse & Man & Maid. I Stopt a while att the farm & yn went to Son miners & Lodged there. Thursd 18 fair. I was about Town to Look flax Seed &c. I Lodged att Citts. fryd 19 fair. I came home. called att Thos Wells’s to Seek flax Seed, got over by daylight. Jno Ledyard is ys day arived from Barbados & Several more vessels. 6 or 7 from Some part of ye West Indias. 568 Diary of Joshua Hempstead fryer Saturd 20 Rain in the morn & then fair, & Rain again toward night. I was about home al day. Sund 21. fair. mr adams pr. all day. Samll Morgan a Child Baptized Lucretia. Mond 22 Cloudy in the morn & it Rained before- noon & till Night. I was att home all day. Tuesd 23 fair. I was att home in the foren. in the aftern I was at Crossman Lot plowing & Sowing 4 bushel of Sumer wheat I borrowed of Chris Eldredge. weighed 27ib & 10 0z. moderate in the foren & in the aftern Windy & Cold & Squally. a or 3 Showres. Wednsd 24 Cold & windy. a Squall of Rain Evening. In the foren I was at home (a Court aftern). I was mending fence at Cross- man Lot a Set up 2 Lengths at the N E. Corner. one was draw barrs 4 Cedar Railes &c Cheesnut .2 New White oak posts. Thursd 25 fair & windy & cold. I was Setting up fence at Crossman Lot Next Jno Rogers in the Swamp & Eastward of it & adam. fryd 26 fair. I was out to Cross- man Lot & ye Cornfield. the Speckled Cow Calved in Crossman Lot. I fetched her & her yearling this morn from Joshuas. Saturd 27 fair & Some- thing warmer. I was out to Jno Plumb Lot mending fence after I had Sent adm over the ferry wth the Sorril mare & her Colt to ye farm, & with the flax Seed to Sow. Sund 28 fair but Raw cold E— wind. Mr adams pr. al day. a Child of Wm Hatches Baptized Phebe & a full Contribution for ye Releif of Jabez Chappel, under Indisposition of Body & poor. Mond 29 fair & moderate. I was all day out to the Lotts & mending fence in the West End of Jno Plumb Lot. Joshua & Natt & his wife are Come home from So-hold in the Evening. brot 2 Cows & Calves & 1 black mare. Tuesd 30 fair & Warm in the morn, in the aftern Cold & very Windy N W & N. May 1. Wednsd fair but Cold & windy. I was all day & adm mending fence J. P. Lot. fair but windy & cold. I was most of the day with Adm Mending fence. Thursd 2d fair & warm. I was all day Mending fence & finished out Side of John Plumb Lot. fryday 3d fair. I was with Jer. Chapman Junr all day Measuring Round the Comon Pasture & proportion- ing the fence. Saturd 4th fair. in the foren I was att the Comon pasture assisting. wee finished & Sett out 9 Rod & 2 foot to a Share in the out Side fence & 7$ Rod to a Share in the Inside. aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged at Christopher Eldredges. Sund 5 fair. I went to Meeting att ye Center. Mr Eells pr all Day. Mond 6 fair & windy. In the morning I came over to the farm & after Dinner with Molly Set out for home. got over by daylight. Tuesd 7 fair. I was att home foren. adm fetcht home 4 pr Gravestones. Came from Mr Brewer of Midletown wch Cost £13. Joshua paid the Mony for me. toward night I Rid out to the Cornfield & down ye Neck to Parden Tabers & to visit old Mr Miner Near 85 &c. Wednsd 8h fair. I was assisting adm & Richd in plowing & measured out 2 Acres of Stubble to plow. Thursd 9 fair. JT was up to Mr Johnstones wth Mr Richards Measuring Land for after Divisions South of Ways Land 18, & at Robts House 16 RN of ve old Morgan Cornr & & 80 Rod .8. acres & also 9 acres att the S E Cornr of his pasture within fence the N E Cornr an old Large White oak yn South 16 Rod to No bounds. a Child died Sudenly of Samll Lattimers. fryd to fair & warm. I was with Mr Richards & Dea fosdyck a Lying out Land for Ebe Symons Joyning to Thos Chapmans. 3 after Divisions 40 Rod East & West. a Child of Samuel Lattimers about 6 yr old a female buried in the Evening. I Rid out to the Cornfield after I came home. Saturd rr fair & warm. In the foren I was out to the Cornfield helping plant. adm & Ephm Brown plowing. aftern I mended the orchd fence. Josh is come home from Stonington, was yesterday att So-kingston to See Thos Carter hanged, for Murdering Thos Jackson last winter. I have an Exceeding great Cold Scarce able to walk about. Sund 12 fair & 1751] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 569 warm. I was not out by Reason of a great cold. Mr adams pr all day. a Son of Joseph Hurlbuts about 5 yr old fell of his Wharf & was Drownded in the afternoon Service. Mond 13 fair & hot. I[ was att the Cornfield. I held plow & Phil want drove. Ephm Brown Adm & Mingo Swetland Carted dung &c. I had Mr Winthrops oxen 3 days in all. Tuesd 14 Small fine Rain. in the foren I was at home. aftern Cloudy. I was out to the Cornfield dropping Corn &c. Wednsd 15. fair & warm. I was most of the day at the Cornfield helping plant & helping fetch a Ld of Wood fro Joshs pasture. my Longleged pide Cow Calved a Red Bull Calf. Thursd 16 fair & warm. I was with Justice Richards & Deacon fosdyck Settling the Line between John Moors farm & the Common that was Laid out to Deacon fosdyck for after Divisions near Abel Moors house. fryd 17 fair & warm. I was with Justice Richards & Dea fosdyck att Wm Morgans Measuring a peice of Comon Land by Comfort Brooks’s. 11 acres & $ for him in Exchange for Lesters Wood lot on Manatuck wch he Lays down. Stephen hath been Making Stonewall to Day to Run Westerly near where Crossmans old House Stood & is on ye land | bought of Joseph the Son of Peter Harris Decd. Saturd 18 fair till near night & yn a Thundr Showre. I was about home all day. Sund 19 fair & hot. Mr adams pr. all day & after Service was over he came down to James Harris’s & Baptized a Son of his at his house about 6 yr old & he Died Soon after. also Ephm Joans’s Ephraim Joans’s wife Died of a Long fever. She was Daughter to Mr Amos Tinker Decd & aged about 60. Mond 20 Cloudy no Rain. I was att home all day Engraving. I have a very great cold. a New. Tuesd 21 Cloudy Easterly Wind Still. I was att home all day Engraving &c. Wednsd 22 Cloudy Easterly weather. a Little Small Rain att times aftern. I was about home all day, Engraving—Thursd 23 fair. I was in Town all day a visiting neigh- bors. I Dined att Mr Millers. found my old neighbor Samll Fosdyck of oysterbay formerly of ys Town & Spent the day with him visiting &c. fryd 24 fair. I was most of the day att the Cornfield Mending fence & assisting Stephen. he & adm are making a Stonewall that Runs Westerly from Rogers’s orchard to fence in all the plowland there in order to break up & plant. Joshua is Come back from Stonington & brings tydings that Stephen bennett is moved out yesterday. Saturd 25 Rain Last night & ys morn Moderately. Cloudy & wet most of the. I was att home all day. wee blooded the 2 mares & 2 oxen. Sund 26 fair. mr adams pr. all day. Jonathn Tru- man & abigail Pierce of Providence published. Mond 27 fair Excepting a Smart Showre in the aftern. I Run into Capt Olivers. IT was twice out to help Stephen about his Stone wall. he hath finished about 18 Rod barrs & all. I measured the Stonewall & Raylfence between my Land & the orchard that was John Rogers’s. from the S E Cornner of mine Northward 40 Rod is Stonewall (15 of which is mine newly made by Jos Rogers, but not quite finished). there is 9 Rod of Raylfence. all makes 49 Rod & the half of Sd 49 Rod being 244 from the highway Westward to the Cornner & then Southward by the wall, Reaches within Less than a Rod (about a foot) of where the N E Cornner of Crossmans old House Stood, half a Rod S of my new wall that Jos Rogers made which Stands north & South. Tuesd 28. fair. J was all dav & adam, & Ephm Brown helping Stephn Remove my fence on the South Side of John Plumb Lot near 20 Rod further Southward So as to take in 2 or 3 acres of plow Land for planting Land for Stephen. wee had a Smart days work of it & finished Barrs & all by Sunset. Wednsd 29. fair & hot. in the foren Joshua & family Removed to Stonington. Ebe How- ard Carrved them Round by water & I went over in the aftern by Land & got Christopher to go down with a Cart & Carry up Some Beds & other 570 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [rsa things & wee Lodged att Christophers &c. Thursd 30 fair & hot. Josh & Citt Cartted up the household Stuff & I was assisting & Stayed till near night & Rid over to Son miner & Lodged there & was att miners & the farm till. Thursd June the 6th. in the aftern after I had put my Sorril mare to Capt Rufus miners Stallyon I came to the farm & So along home to the ferry in Company with Lem Rogers who was ocasionally there. att Citts. I got over by daylight & left my mare att the ferry. a Thunder Showre Last night. fryd 7. fair. I was in Town in the foren & fetcht my mare &c then att home & towards night I Rid out to Josh field & to my Cornfield. Saturd &. fair in the foren I went to Bolles Mill & got meal & thence to Eleazr Bishops. my Bay mair went to Nicholas’s Stallyon 20s if She hath a Colt. I called att Samuel Chapmans as I came back & pd him 31s 6d. Sund 9 fair most of the Day, a Scattering Showre. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 10 a fine brave Rain last night & Some to day. I was about home All day. I Lent my Nelsons Lex Testamentarian to Coll Saltonstall. I also pd him an £8 Bill Interest of School mony in part. Tuesd 11 fair. I was out to the Cornfield & Crossman Lot &c in the foren. aftern att Court &c. Wednsd 12 fair. I was out to the Cornfield. 4 hands are weeding &c. Thursday 13 fair. I was att Court most of the Day. toward night a visiting. fryd 14 Cloudy & Some Small Rain. I was att C Court all Day. Saturd 15 fair. I was att Court in the foren. had Judgmt agst Peter Lattimer for Costs, on a Demurrer. aftern att home Much Indisposed. the fiux is hard upon me. Sund 16 fair. Mr William adams pr all day. Im almost well. Mond 17 fair & hot. I was at home foren. aftern att Court & in Town. I pd mr Stidman 4os. his fees ver. P. Lattimer. I got Cost £4 18s od & agst Colefax £7 12s od. Tuesd 18 foggy mornings of Late; yesterday Died Ms Ann Morgan of Groton Relict of Deacon James morgan Decd. aged about 68 I Supose. She was Daughter of Benjamin Shaply ye first of this Town. her first husband was Thomas Avery of ys Town & her Second Jonathan Roff. I Set outt for Stonington by ye way of Poquonuck in order to attend the funeral of Ms Morgan wch by the desire of her Children was deferred untill to morrow at one of the Clock P. M. I went to my farm & Lodged att Christophers. Wednsd 19 fair. In the morning I went to Capt Rufas Miners & Carryed my Sorril mair to his Stallyon again & I Left the Colefax mair there & Dined att Son Minors & Carryed my young Peirpoint mair to Charles Eldredges & lodged att Christophers again. Thursd 20. in the forept of the day I was mending at Joshuas & after Diner Set out for home. I pd Cha Eldredge 30 for the use of his Stalyon & pd Stephen Benet 5s od £7 for 2 Calves & got to the ferry by daylight & over in a Long boat &. fryd .21. fair. I was about home & in Town &c. Saturd 22 fair. In the foren I was att home. aftern Rid out to Look up the oxen & mend fence att Crossman Lot & to get Mowers &c. Thos went to Bolles’s Mill for me. Sund 23d fair. Mradams pr all dav. Stephen Prenttis & his wife ownd the Covent. had their Child Baptizd Lucy. Mond 24 fair. I was att home & out to the Cornfield. Daniel Way & Rouland Rogers Mowed in Gilbert old Lot foren & att home in the aftern. I Raked hay & adam at Gilbert Lot yt wch was mowed to Day. In the Evening I DD to Deacon Green & his wife a Silver Spoon & a hair Ring yt was Cuzn foxes. Tuesd 25 fair. I was att home all day having. Way & Rogers mowed below att ye Corn- field in the foren & att home aftern. I pd D Way. Josh fro Stonington & Lodged here. Rain att night Smartly. Wednsd 26 Some Showres in the morn Soon fair but cloudy. T was att home most of the day Setting up fence behind the house for a Cabbage yard &c. Thursd .27 fair. I was out to the Cornfield haying & adam. fryd 28 fair. In the morning I Rid out to look 1751] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 571 up the Little mair & to help Nattee Mend up Joshuas Drawbarrs. I found a New post & 1 Rayl. aftern I was haying. Cartted 2 Jaggs att Gilbert old Lot but 20 Cocks. Saturd 29 fair but cloudy In the foren. In the foren I was out to ye Cornfield & finisht my hay Stack. aftern att home. made 2 Small Stacks. Sund 30 fair. Mr William adams pr all Day. Mr Whitte- mors wife Died Near night. Mond July .1. fair. I was att home foren & out to the planting field. wee are hilling. toward night I Rid out with Cuz Joseph Truman to Run a Line Near John Morgans. Whittemores wife buried. Tuesd 2d fair. I was att home foren & aftern I was out to the Cornfield &. Raked ye Clover ye most of itt. Natt Way Mowed itt ys day. Wednsd 3d Cloudy & a little Scattering Rain. I was about home foren & in the aftern I went to the Comon pasture. left my Sorrill mare there & Mended my Inside fence Next holmes’s Lot &c. Thursd 4 Rain att Divers times from Morn to Eve (but Little fair). I was att home all Day Engraving gr Stones. fryd 5 Rainy much last night & prety much all day at times. I was home all. the Tydings came Last night of the Death of Mr David Gardiner of the Ile of Weight who died yesterday att 4 in the afternoon. he hath been Sick 10 or 11 weeks. in his Sixty first year. Saturd 6 fair. In the foren I was at home. aftern I went to Stonington. got to Joshuas before night. I Lodged att Christo- phers. Sund 7 Cloudy in the morn. I Set out for meeting & Josha but it Soon Rained very fast. Mr fish pr in Mr Rossiters Pulpit 2 Sermons. a Thin meeting. I Lodged att Son Miners. Mond 8 fair. I came to ye farm in the foren & afternoon to the ferry & Lodged att Mr Ledgyards &c. a Grandchild (2 yr old) of Ms Starrs buried. died yesterday. ‘Tuesd 9 fair. Nathll & Richd & Ephm Brown Mentis & adm hilled Corn & finisht. I was out to the Cornfield & down in ye Neck &c. Wednsd to fair & hot. I was out to the Cornfield Spreading & drying the hay yt was in Cock & twice to Joshuas wheat field (he came over yesterday (& his 2 Eldest boys Josh & Ned) & is Reaping his wheat. 4 Reapers & 6 or 7 binders. I Spread & dryed my hay att home, yt is to Say the Top of the Stacks much wet. Thursd .11. fair till near night & then a Thunder Showre. In the foren I Stackt my Clover att Jno Plumbe Lot. Natt & Richard Carryd the Cocks & helpt. aftern I was att home. Ab. Way workt for me. made New Cuffs to my Camblet Coat &c. Joshua Carted his wheat att 2 Ld. 45 Shock. put itt in to Thos Coits Barn. fryday 12 fair. I was about home most of the Day. Lydia fox alias Douglass workt for me. made up a pr Linnen breeches almost &c. Saturd 13 fair. In the morn I drove 2 Calves to Jno Plum pasture to Wean & then Set Natt Way to mow in Gilbert Lot & aftern at home. I helpt. Ad Raked & Cock all up. Ab. Way Turned my broad Cloath Jacket & Natt Way Mowed. I pd him gos. Sund 14 fair & hot. Mr Adams pr. all dav. Capt Titus Hurlbut a Child Baptized Hannah & Zackeus Wheeler one Bridget. Consider Tifeny of Lyme & Mary Daviss of N L. published. Joshua came from Stonington. brings Tydings that Molly is Delivered of a Son &c yesterday. Mond 15. I was att home all day, in the aftern Ben Want helpt mow my oats att home. I mowed Some & Nattee a Little. Tuesd 16 fair. I was att home all day. in the aftern Natt & Dick helpt & adam. wee Raked. Cockt up & Stackt ye oats. 36 Stout Cocks. Lydia Douglass finisht my 2d pair of Zenbreg breeches. I pd her 11s 6d in full &c. Wednsd 17 fair. I was about home all day Except in the aftern. toward night I went to the funeral of old Ms Phebe Stubbin the wife of John Stubbin who Died Suddenly last night. She hath lived with her Husband about Sixty years. she was Daughter of Dea Clemt Minor. ES 84. Thursd 18 fair. In the foren I was mending fence att 572 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1751 Crossman Lot & Seting up a Cross fence between the Grain & the Grass, toward night I was att Deacon fosdycks; to hear & Judge a Matter between him & the Heirs of Christopher Christophers Esqr Respecting Natt Chappels Comons. fryd 19 fair. I was att home most of the day. Natt Holt & Jno Ashcraft mowed all the Lower end of the Lot & I & adam Spread it as the Cutt itt in the foren & in the aftern wee Raked up wt was Cutt beforen. toward night I pd them for mowing 50s & I went again to Deacn fosdyck & Met Majr Hamlin &c & Concluded their affair. Saturd 20 fair. I was att home in the foren Making a New Rake handle & Spreading the hay that was mowed in the aftern yesterday &c. I Rakt. Ephm Mowed oats yesterday & the forn to day att the Cornfield. in the aftern I went out & Natt & dick & adm & Raked them up & back again & Cockt up ye hay; all 43 Cocks. Sund 21 fair. a Small Showre in the Evening. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 22 fair. inthe foren I was att home. made one Stack behind Trumans. aftern I made a Stack of oats Gilberts New Lott, adm Pit[ ] Natt Hempsted & Ephraim Brot Carryed Cocks Hay 48 oats 52. Tuesd 23d fair. In the morning Early I went to Seek a man to Mow & got Jonathan Cheapel. he began att the upper end the Lot. in the aftern Stephn helpt Mow & Natt & Richard. I helpt about the oats. in the aftern I Rid into Town to Capt Lees to See the Shows. the Queen of Hungary &c. a Child of Benjamin Greens Died to year old a female wth the Canker. Wednsd 24 fair. in the morn I went wth adm to Jno Plum Lot & made an oat Stack. Jont Chapel & Daniel Way Mowed & Natt Way 4 a day. Danll mowd in the foren att Gilbert Lot among the Locust Trees. Natt & Richard helpt Rake in the aftern all the upperend of the Lot. about 40 Cocks. the Grass att the N E Cornner is as good (I think better) than Ever I knew itt. Thursd 25 fair. T was at home all day haying. Jonat Cheapel mowed & finished att home, & Stephen hath been Mowing below the hill Medow & all att the Cornfield. he hath taken it att halves. Natt Richd & Ephraim; helpt me Rake & Carry Cocks. I made a Large Stack of Choice hay all ye upperend ye Lot B guare as Low ye Ropehouse & Coits Hollow. about 50 Cocks Large in one Stack E Side the Rocky bottom Stackt Round a white oak Staddle I Trimd up to day. another Child of Capt Greens dyed to day with ye Canker. a Son. fryd 26 fair. I was about home all day haying Save that I & adam went out to the Cornfield & Topt up an oak Stack. Natt & Richard helpt. wee made one Stack of hay this Side the Swamp in the Midle of the Lot. about 40 Cocks. the Last in the Lot. Saturd 27 fair. In the foren I was about home & out to the Lotts & to Joshuas Pasture & on the Island. Natt is mending fence there. aftern I was att home. I helpt Top up a Stack. adam hath been opening & Drying ve Hay & Ms Hobbs Spinning for me. Sund 28 fair. mradams prall Dav. Mond 29 Drisley att times in the foren & in the aftern Stormy Rain. I Rid out to the Cornfield. in the aftern att home. a great Storm of Rain. Joshua Came from Stonington &c & went back. Tuesd 30 fair but much Rain last night. I was at home all day Enging. Wednsd a1 fair but Rain Last night & ys morn. In the foren I was out to the Cornfield & Crossman Lot Setting fence a Cross. August 1 Thursd fair. I was most of the Day in Town. I Recd £100 Connecticut Bills of Deacon Green for Sister Plumb & gave my Bond to her for the Same. Iam to give top C [ ]. fryd 2d fair. In the morn- ing I Sent adam to Stonington to help Joshua. he Thrasht wheat for him yesterday to Cary with him. I went to visit the old widow Douglass att the young Widows & to Mr Hulls & Recd of him 32s for being a Wittness for him 2 days &c. I Dined att Mr Millers & went home & to Lecture & afterwards to a Society Meeting & then Walkt out to Crossman Lot &c. 1751} Diary of Joshua Hempstead 573 pd Sister Mary Plumb the mony I Recd of Deacon Green for Interest yesterd. Saturd 3d fair till near night & then 2 Smart Showres & Thunder. in the foren I went out to John Plumbe Lot & Topt up one Hay Stack & one oat Stack. put on about a Load. aftern att home. Sund 4 fair till night & then a Showre. Mr adams pr all day. a Sacramt Day. Thomas Daniels & Abigail Daughter of Samll Leach published. Mond 5. fair. I was att home all day. Mended New Set Some of the out Side fence West of the House. Adam Not well &c. in the Evening I went to visit Ms Burnham (once Sage) at Son Starrs. Tuesd 6 fair. in the foren I was about home. aftern I Rid down in the neck to view the Saltuned ores. the Mare mired & | fell in all over about knee Deep. a 3d Child of Capt Greens att Scotchcap Died. Wednsd 7 fair. in the foren 1 was about home. aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged att Son Miners. Thursd 8 fair. I Stayed att Son miners till Noon & then I came to the farm & helpt Joshua make one Stack & yn Att Sun Setting I Set out for home. Stopt att Ms Denisons all night. fryd 9 fair. I came away before Sunrise. got home about 9 &c. the aftern I Staked up the Cross fence in Crossman Lot. Saturd 10 fair. I was att home all day about Jobbs. Sund 11 fair. Mr Adams pr all day. Mond 12 fair. in the morning I Rid out to the widow foxes &c. I was att home all the Remainder of the day. Tuesd 13 fair in the morning. one Cormick Short of Maryland Came to Town Last night by water & brot me 2 Letters from my Two Nephews Jonathan & Thos Hartshorn there. I Rid out to ye €ornfield &c. abigail Way made me a pr of Calimino breeches. Black. I was att home all day. Son Stephen & Natt both taken Sick. Wednsd 14 fair & hot. I was about home all day. Nattee Sick, fever & ague. Thursd 15 Cloudy & hot. in the foren I went into Town. aftern at home. toward night I Rid out to William Morgans & Maried Wm Clemens of East- haddam & Grace Morgan Daughter of Jonath Morgan Decd. fryd 16 a violent Storm of wind last night & much Rain & held most of the foren & yn fair. I was at home all Day mending a wheel. yesterday a Child of Peter Sticklands buryed. Saturd 17 fair. I was att home all day mending Capt Lees wheel. I put in 2 new felloes & 2 Spokes yesterday & to Day & put on the Tire &c. Sund 18 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. John Dishon & Sarah Starr publisht. Mond 19 fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I went to John Bishops, to Natt Greens & wrote a morgage Deed. Tuesd 20 fair. I was about home most of the Day. I went to Capt Hurlbut and Changed £50 Connecticut for £54 Road Iland. Wednsd 21 fair. In the morning I went out to Crossman lot & mended the fence & made barrs to let in Cows &c through Capt Lees pasture. Joshua from Stonington to Thrash wheat &c. a Child of John Rogers’s Cooper a female about Io year old Died with the Canker & a female Iegitimate of an Irish Woman Called Ruth died. about 4 yr old. Thursd 22 fair & very hot. I was att home in the foren & about home. I Set up 3 meer Stones in the Line between my waterside lot by Bullfinch & Wm Holts & Nathan Douglass Set up one 3 Rod Eastward in the line between my Lot & Denniss’s Heirs. in the aftern I Rid out to pine neck & maried Ebenezar Miner & Betty Rowley. fryd 23 fair till near night. I went Down ye Neck to Eb. Darrows & to visit old Thos Crocker & yn to mr Place’s to get Timber to mend the Cydar Mill & to visit old John Stubbins. it began to Rain moderately about 2 or 3 Clock & before night violently & held till after bedtime. an Infant of John Waterhouses Died & a young Negro woman of old Madm Shack- maples buried. Saturd 24. I was in Town in the foren to visit Sister Plumb &c. aftern I went wth adm & Team to T. Miners Sawmill & fetcht 2 Thick plank & 32 foot bords & I mended up my out Side fence 574 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1751 in the Comon pasture as I went &c. Plank 24. Sund 25 fair in the foren, aftern Misty. Mr adams pr al day. Mond 26 fair Most of the day. a few Small Showres. I was at home most of the day. toward night I went up to Mr Bishops to See if I could get any Body to make me a Cydermill or mend the old one but could not. Late home. a Daughter of Mathw Cooly of Lyme Died att her Grandfathers John Rogers in this Town. 6 or 7 yr old. Tuesd 27 fair. I was about home most of the fitting my Cask for Cydar &c. this Day Else last died a Son of Jonathan Smiths 6 or 7 year old, also a Child of Samuel Rogers’s also a Daughter ot Huchens 8 or 10 yr old also a Son of John Rogers Cooper 3 yr old. Wednsd 28 fair & Cooi. I was up in Town at Mill & at Mr Winthrops & att Sister Plumbs who is very Ill. keeps her bed all day. Jno Rogers & Jonath Smiths Children buryed. Thursd 29 fair & cold most of ye Day. toward night a Showre of Hail & Rain. I was about home most of the Day. Jonathan Cheapel mowed Rowin for me. I pd him 20s. adm made Cyder. 3. bbs almost. fryd 30th fair. I Rid out to ye pasture & fields in the forept of the day & yn att home. Saturd 31 fair. I went to the Northparish to get a man to make a Cyder Mill & Engaged Wm Minerd Junr. I came home a little before night & Stackt up my Rowin. September Sund .1. fair. No minister. Deacon Green Carryed on ye Service. Daniel Whittemore & Margaret Grant published. Mond .2.a Showre Last night & groweth warmer. I Rid out in the foren & Lookt up my yearling Bull & put him into the Common pasture. aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged at Christophr Eldredges. Molly is very poorly. She hath the burning ague & hath been Sick Ever Since Thursday. Tuesd 3d fair. in the foren I Sowed a acre of wheat for Joshua. aftern I went along the Road to Son Miners. Calld at mr Rossiters Copps’s & Pages &c. Wednsd 4 fair. I came to the farm before noon & Lookt over ye Pastures &c. aftern I came home. brot a Sheep &c. I Sold $ to Morrice att Storys. ilb % 26s & 7ib 4. Thursd 5 Rain moderately about 9 in the morning al day & all night. I was att home all day. yesterday in the foren I Left Molly on the bed in a high fever. Suposed to be the burning Ague. She was taken last Thursd. yesterday She was better (as She is Every other day). She is in a poor way. fryd 6 Rainy in the morn & Soon fair. I was in Town & att home. a young Maried man Named James Clapp belonging to the North parish was buryed in the Evening. he dyed Sud- denly on Bord Peter Harris's Sloop yesterday in her passage from Southold. Near 40 people on Bord had been to the ordination of John Pain of Canter- bury att occubank over a New light party. Natts wives mother Come. Saturd 7 fair. I was out to old Mr Bishops & mr Richards measuring Com- mon Land & Running Lines & writing Deeds &c. Nicholas paid me 308. 5 more due. pdto Mr Richards. Sund 8 fair. Mr Jewit of the North parish preacht for us, the meeting house was much Crowded. after Meeting wee all went to the funeral of a Son of John Rogers’s Cooper aged 12 years. his Eldest Son Named George & ye 3d Child of his that hath Died with this Distemper. ye Canker. Mond 9 fair. In the foren I was up to old John Rogers’s to See if he had an odd ox for Joshua wanted to buy one. Josh went with me. got none. I came back. went out to Jno Plumb Lot & Crossman Lot. mended up Some fence & toward night Set out for Ston- ington with Josh & a yoak of oxen he bot of Mr Chapman for £95. wee got to the farm tho Dark first. I Lodged att Joshuas. Tuesd .1o. fair. In the foren after I had been to See Christopher & Molly I went to Son miners & to Mr Pages. Dined there. back to the farm & homeward. got to the ferry about 7 Clock & got over ina Cannoo. a male Child 2 or 3 yr of Jno 1751] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 575 Monroe Junrs & a female Child about 12} of Patrick Robertsons buryed ys Evening. Canker both. Wednsd 11. Rain much last night & ys morn then Leit of. I was att home all day. I made a New Grindstone Troagh in the House. a Child of [ ] B Bs in the neck died ye. Thursd 12 fair. Capt Adams an Infant buryed. In the morn Early before Sunrise I went to John Cheapels & yn to Jonathan Cheapels & got them both to Mow the Salt Marsh that is over the Gutt. I Rid out in ye afternoon & carryed them their Dinners & then to Tinker & Danll Denisons. they finished Mowing over ye Gutt. Ipdym both. fryd 13 fair. N H 7 mo old Smiths 2 yr old & 4 yr old. I was att home foren. aftern I went up to the North parish & got a bran new promise of Wm Minerd Junr to come on monday next to make me a Cyder mill. I pd him £4 Bill. I went a Cross by Peter Chapmans to Bishops & borrowed his moulds & plains & home. a Child of Natt Holts & one of Jethro Smiths dyed Last night. & a 2d of Jethro Smiths to day. Saturd 14 fair. I was att home all day. Natt Holts Child buryed. Son miner over here & Stayed to dinner. I writt John Waterhouses Will. Sund 15 fair. No Minister. Deacon Green Carryed on ye meeting. I was at it. in the aftern I went to the church & heard Mr Graves. Mond .16. fair. I was at home foren. aftern Raking hay over the Gutt. Adam & Richard all day. Natts wife & her mother gone to Long Island with Powers. Tuesd 17 fair. in the foren 1 was at home. in the aftern it Lookt like a Storm approaching. I Rid out to ye medows over the Gut to help Secure the Salt hay Adm & Richard were Raking. I caused ym to Carry the Cocks yt was on the Low medow of on to the Edge of ye upland. it Rained moderately till near night & yn Increased in the Evening. Wm Minerd Junr Came to make me a Cyder mill & came along to the Highway from Mr Chapmans & turned about to the left at the upper End of the Wall above the Bridge & Came through the mire & very Dirty & all Wet without & within his ax & adds & Tools on his back were all Secure, tho he mired Waste high. Wednsd. 18 it Rained much last night & all the forepart of the day. wee got the Timber into the house and workt on it. about one of the Clock I went to Mr Millers who Sent an Invitation in writing to Dine with him Mr Boland Mr Winthrop Colln Saltonstall, Mr Stewart & Jer Miller & their wives, & a fine Entertainment wee had. I went to visit Sister Plumbe & Hannah Hempsted who are both very Sick. Zach. Whiples wife Died aged above 40 and an Ilegitate Child of. Wednsday 18 Rain. a Child the mother is Daughter of Wm Cheapel also a of one Smith that Maried Samuel Leaches Daughter was buryed. Thursd 19 fair. I was att home all day helping Minerd about the Mill. fryd 20 fair. I was at home all day helping minerd about the Mill. in the afternoon Minerd had a fitt of the ague & fever after itt. Saturd 21 fair & cold for the Season. I was att home all day about the Mill. Minerd went home in the afternoon. Sund 22 fair. Mr Cleverly of Eliza Town pr all day. Mond 23 fair. I was at home al day about ye Nutts &c. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home all &c. Amon Taber Making Nutts for ye Mill Excepting yt I went up to the Supr Court wch is Sitting. a female of Nathanael Holts Died aged [ |. Wednsd 25 fair. in the foren I went first to Court & then to my X plain farm with Natt & adam to Cut a Sweep for my Cydar mill. wee brot it home. in the aftern I was at Court & had the Case pleaded between Peter Lattemer & me about Cole- faxes mair & Colt &c. a Child of Natt Holts wch Died yesterday was buryed & 4 more Children are dead in the North parish. I am Informed one of Wm Cheapels one of Jedediah Cheapels one of Daniel Lesters & one of Peter Symonds. Taber workt all day. Thursday 26 fair. Hannah Hemp- sted Death & age. in the morning before Sunrise I went to visit my 576 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1751 Grandaughter Hannah Eldest Daughter of my Son John who Lay a Dying, She gave me her hand in Token yt She knew me tho Speechless. She Con- tinued till about nine & then Died. aged 16 years & 11 months & 7 days. Taber workt all day. aftern [ went to Court. the Jury have given me the Case. that is found me not Guilty & given me Cost. I went over the ferry after Sun down & to Stonington & Lodged att Joshua’s. fryd 27. fair. In the morning | went to Christopher Eldredges & Son Miners & break- fasted there & Stayed not long. back to the farm. Joshua & his wife Set out for New London. I brot home a Sheep &c. got over about 3 in the aftern. I went to the funeral of my Grandchild. Taber workt al day. Saturd 28 fair. I was at home most of the day Excepting going up to the Courthouse. I pd Mr Stidman his fee £6 & Mr Griswold £5 old Tenor Each. Mr Taber finished ye mill & mended the press. I pd him £5 14s od. his demand was £5 15s od. he workt all day & I helpt him most of it. Sund 29 fair. no minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. Natt Richards & Mary Leffingwell of Norwich (Daughter of Joanna Christophers of N Londo before marriage with Benajah Leffingwell) were published. Mond .30. fair warm. I was about home most of the Day Triming Cask &c. I was up to the Courthouse & to See Sister Plumbe who is Exceeding Low. Abner Parker from the west Indas in his passage Southward of Bermudos Come a Cross a wreck. one man alive on her after 12 days being overset & 8 men Lost, he Being left alone was brot in. his name was Gallup from Boston. he was Master of her. october .t. Tuesday warm fair. In the morning I went to See Sister Plumbe & to get a pound of ocum to Caulk my Cyder press which I did in the afternoon. Son miner Lay here Last night. Wednsd 2 fair. I was in Town in the foren. aftern at home. wee began to Grind Cyder. the mill did but poorly. a Child of Samuel Tinkrs Died. Thursd 3d fair. I was at home all day mending the Cyder mill &c. fryd .4 fair. I was at home fitting the mill & visiting Sister Plumbe who is Dying in the foren & in the aftern fetcht a Jagg of hay, 17 Cocks. left 3 in Ways Medow. had Mr Winthrops oxen & mine & Richard Chapman drove them. Saturd § fair. I had of Holmes Lot Cyder 1 hhd [ ] & 20 Inches in ye 2d & Natt had 1 pipe & 1 Terse. In the morning I went to visit my Sister Plumb who Remains Speechless & Senseless Ever Since yesterday in the midle of the afternoon. they unloaded the hav on the hovel &c & att 11 I Set out with Richd again for the 2d Load att Ways medow. got 19 Cocks (left 15) & Coming home one of the wheel broke one felloe & 1. Spoke. got near the mouth of the neck Road by Talmans Lot. I went home with my oxen & left Richd. Natt & adam came with me & brot a wheel on a Crotch & . took off the old one & put on another & got home well by night and then went to visit Sister plumb & Stayed while 10. She Seems to be No ways altered. In Indian Boy Servt to Mr Talman Dyed this morn. a Cart Wheel that had a heavy Load on it Run over his Body about 10 Days Since. Sund 6 fair. mr adams Came home from Boston Last night with his new wife. pr. all day. Capt Shaw a Child Baptized Mary & Stephen Hempsted one Lucy which was born last night. I have been to See Sister Plumbe twice to day & about Six of ye Clock in the Evening She Died aged aged 76 & 8 months & 6 davs having Lain above 2 Days & nights wth out any Reason or Strength to Move hand or foot. a Child of Capt Galloways died. Mond 7 Cloudy. I was about Town to Look after the funeral of Sister Plumb & att the funeral. Tuesd 8 fair. I was most of the day putting in one Newfelloe into Brother Holts wheel wch I borrowed & broke last Saturd &c. about 4 I went to [ Jiseb[ ] Morgans & Carryed my 1751] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 577 Stort Webb & back in the night. & bot Jno Cheapels oxen for £80. not yet DD nor any mony paid. Wednsd 9 fair. in the morn I went to look for Mowers. Jonat Cheapel mowed on the flatts for me & Nehemiah Lester & Swith for Tinker. In the Evening I went to visit mr adams. Thursd .10 a great Storm of Rain. I was at home all day trimming Cask. fryd 11 fair. I was at home all day about Cyder & Cask &c. Saturd 12 fair most part of the Some Showers Squally. I was att home all day. wee finisht gathering apples in the orchard behind the House. Sund 13. fair. mr William adams day. Christopher Stickland & Priscila Stubbins published & an Infant of Oliver Manwarings Baptized Lucretia. a female Child of Nicholas Darrows buryed. Died yesterday aged about 24. Mond 14 fair. I was att home all day assisting about making Cyder for Stephen. Mingo Swetland helpt. I Recd Jno Cheapels oxen p Ben Want. my Lot Cyder filled up ye hhd of Holmes’s Lot wch had 20 Inches in it & part of another wanted 10} Inches of being full. Tuesd 15 fair. I was about home all day assisting about the Cyder. Stephen mde 44 bas & I had 2 of them. Wm beckwith & Ephm Brown & Mentis gathred Corn for me & Natt & Richd went out wth the Team for me & helpt gather & they brot home a good Ld of huskt Corn in the foren. they brot a Smal Load of Joshuas Corn 10} of my New Basket full. Wednsd 16 fair. a Child of Capt Joseph Coits female aged about 3 yr & a Child of Jeremiah Richards also a female Negro Child of Peter Harris’s all died Last night or this morning. Natt & Ephm Brown finisht picking Corn. 1 Stout Ld in the Husks. Wm Beckwth helpt make Cyder for Capt Joseph Coit. I pd him gos. Thursd 17 fair. I was at home most of the day about Cyder & other Jobbs. toward night I went over the ferry. Ephm helpt about Cyder all Day. Doctor Woolcot had an Infant eleven months old died. fryd 18 fair. I was at home all day about Cyder. Wm Booth of So-hold was here and Lodged with me. Samuel Plumbe Junr came to See me. Saturd 19 fair. I was about home all day. Ephm Brown helpt make Cyder. Adam helpt grind apples in ye foren & then gave out. I fenced ina Stackyard between My House and Jonathan Trumans. a Child of Jeddiah Cheapels buryed. the 3d Child that he hath Lost with this destemper out of Six. Sund 20 fair in the morning but Thunder & Lightning & Rain in ye midle of the day. Mr adams pr all day. John Bishops wife buryed after meeting. aged near 50. She hath been Sick near 8 years. bed Ridden many years. a Child of Thos Hardens died. Capt Daniel Coit a Child Baptized Daniel. Mond 21 fair. I was att home all day. Ephm helpt us make Cyder. Ben Want had my Team. 1 Load Cole wood. Tuesd 22 fair. I was att home most of the day. toward night I Rid down to Quononopocset Marshes. Ephm all day about Cyder. a negro Child of Peter Harris’s died. Wednsd 23 fair & moderate. I was att home all day. Jno Davise helpt about Cyder. finisht Edwd Palmes’s near 5 bbs & began on Mr Dishons. P H negro Child buryed in the Evening. I pd into Mr adams fro in part of Interest for Douglass mony. Thursd. 24 fair & moderate. I was att home all day. I mended my Stone cart. 1 New Side & a Cross peice behind. Ephm helpt a Large 4 day. began att 11 clock. fryd 25 fair & moderate att noon. after I had finished off the Stone Cart I helpt about Cyder. Ephraim helpt in the forenoon only & had my Cart & oxen to fetch a Ld of wood. I was att home all day. a male Child of Peter Quarters buryd about 10 year old. Saturd 26 fair. In the forepart of the Day I went out to the Cornfield & turned out Some Sheep & fetcht home the Soril mare & yn assisted Ephraim who is Making Cyder. he went in the morning to Daniel Dishans two turns of Cyder 2 hhds 1 Terse & 1. bb. aftern I went out again to the Cornfield & mended up 38 578 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [175r Stephens wall & Hurl-buts outside fence & then I went to the Comon pasture & fetcht home my 3 Calves & Stephens 2. Sund 27 Rainy & windy. Mr adams pr all day. amos Hallam & his wife own’d the Covent & had their Child Baptized Sarah.. Mond 28 fair. I was at home in the foren. in the aftern I went wth Ephraim & Team to the Cornfield & Carted 2 Load of fencing stuff from Crossman Lot to fence in the oat Stacks. I Left the oxen & Cart there. Tuesday 29 fair. I was at home all day helping Ephm about Cyder &c. he put up the Last of Deshons in the press. I Sent home Mr Winthrops 7 bbs one being 4 full & a Small Cask of mine with Water Cyder to make up what 2 of the Cask want being Smaller than Barrills. Wednsd 30 fair Cold & windy. I was out to Cornfield most of the day. I fenced one oat Stack. Ephm & Richard Carted 2 Load of Dung & 1 Ld of fencing- stuff from Crossman Lot to Jno Plumb Lot & helpt dig up patatoes. Thursd 31 fair & not quite So Cold. I was att home Most of the day. toward night I went out to the Cornfield & fenced in the Hay Stack by the Highway in Jno Plumb Lot. Wm Roe is come from Stonington. all well there. Nov 1 fryd fair till near night & then Rain Smartly. wee Carted the Corn topps & Stackt them & fetcht a Jagg of hay from Crossman Lot. put on the Stack & fenced them in & finisht all off by night and got home wet. Joseph Harris a Son buryed. about a year old. Joshua from Stonington. Saturd 2d fair & cold & windy. Joshua went home in ye morning. I was at home all day. I mended Brother Holts wheel. I put in 1 new Spoke & 1 new felloe. adam Carted a Load of Dung to Jno plumb Lot & 2 Ld of Gravel from ashcrafts. a Child of Mr Lechmers buryed. Sund 3d fair. Mr Wm Adams pr all day. Samll Bill Junr a Child Baptized David. Nathan Douglass one Hannah & Manaseh Leach one Manaseh. Mond 4 fair till night & yn Rain. I was att home foren finishing the wheel and then in to Town & out to Crossman Lot to mend the fence &c. adm Carted a Ld of wood. Tuesd 5 fair. I went to Stonington & Richard. got to the farm before night & went to Son miners. called at mr Rosseters &c. Wednsd .6. fair. I came to the farm. Joshua with his oxen & my Red pide 4 yr old Hieffer & Richd with 2 piggs Set out before me & I overtook them att ye ferry & went over in ye ferry Boat to hasten itt back & while Joshua did Some business in Town I went in the Boat & helpt with the oxen & Cow & came over wth them & DD them & then back to Son miners. Exceeding Dark first & they have mustered ye women for my Daughter Miner who is Ill. Thursd .7. Rainy. a publick Thanksgiving. Mr Rossi- ter preacht & after meeting my Daughter Miner was Safe Delivered of a Daughter before night. I Lodged there. fryd.8. fair. I was visiting Some Neighbours & Lodged att Joshuas. Saturd 9 Rainy all day that I did not Set out for home but Stayed there. Joshua killed 2 Cattle &c. Sund 10 Rain att times. I went to Mr Rossiters Meeting. he pr one Sermon. I Lodged att Son Miners. Mond tr fair. Tomey Pierpoint is come fro Midletown. I Set out for home att 9 & Stopt a while at ye farm. I bot 2 Calves of Herrick for £8. I pd him & may give 20s more if I please. | got over by daylight. a female of Nicholas Hallams Died. about 3 year old. Tuesd 12 fair & pleasant. I was in Town & over the ferry & to Jonat Chesters to get him to cary 20 bbs to Mistick for Son Miner wch I bot for him of John Rogers for £25 he Sent by me. Mr Hallams Child buryed. Wednsd .13. fair. I was about Town in the foren to get writts &c. in the aftern after Constable Burch & Drawing Coppies &c ministry mony. Sent Tomey Pierpt to Stonington to See how they Do &c. Thursd 14 Cloudy. I was at home most of the Day & in Town. in the Evening I went | to visit Mr Wanton & Spouse att Mr Winthrops. yesterday arived Capt Ja. | 1751] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 579 Rogers from the west Indias, bring the Sorrow—Tidings of the Loss of Colln Saltonstals Brigg. overset in a Huricane before She Arived. all the hands Lost but Leeds the Capt & 1 more. Gurdon Miller & John Hallam & 4 more Lost. fryd 15 fair. I was att home all day. putt in 2 New felloes into Brother Holts wheel. Saturd 16. fair. I was with the Com- mittee Laying out Commons for William Crocker. 1 Share & ye after Divi- sion 254 acres & 4 & for Nehemiah Daniels 9 acres 3 after Divisions. I Recd 32s. Sund 17 fair & pleasant. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 18 fair. In the foren I went into Town. aftern I went wth adam to fetch a Jagg of Salt hay that was left att the Gutt. Tuesd 19 fair & pleasant. In the morn- ing I went to old John Rogers’s & then to Stonington & Daniel Starrs wife. She Rid on my Bay mare. wee got to Son Miners by Daylight & Lodged there. Wednsd 20 fair but Cloudy. I came fro Son miners about nine Oo Clock morn, to ye farm & left my Daughter Starr with her Sister who is very poor Indeed. I got to the ferry by daylight & soon over. Thursd 21 Cloudy foggy. a Still born Child of Jasper Daniels buryed. In the foren I helved a New Axlee Tree & went into Town to get a vessel to Carry bbs to Stonington for Son miner & agreed with Brooks for 3s p bb. 36. BBs. I Dined att Mr Millers, Mr Wanton & Mr Miller Junr & Mr Winthrop & their Wives &c. in the Evening att the funeral of my Son Johns Still born Infant a female born yesterday but Dead above a fortnight. fryd 22 fair. I was with Justice Richards & Stephn viewing Mr Winthrops Alewife Brook farm in order to measure of £5000 worth for his 5 Sisters. mr Win- throp & Basil Mr Wanton, Colln Saltonstall & Jer Miller Rid with us. Saturd 23d fair. I was with Mr Winthrop &c att alewife brook farm as yesterday. I pd John Hempsted £12 10s for 10 B Bs he had of David Howard for Son miner. Ios of it was my mony & £12 was Miners. Brooks took them to Carry to Stonington for 3s p BB yesterday. Sund 24 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. in the Evening I went to Mr Winthrops to visit Mr Thos Strong & Jno Brewster of Brook haven. Mond 25 fair. Brady & adm killed my 4 yr old hieffer. I was with Mr Richards & Son Stephen finishing the measuring of 250 acres of Land for Mr Winthrops Sisters att the N W Cornner of his Land & downward to the brow of the hill by ve Swamp att the turning out of the priveteer path. Tuesd 26 fair & warm. in the morning I went up to Mr Winthrops. he Colln Saltonstall, Mr Wan- ton Mr Richards Son Stephen Basil went over the River to Measure & Divide Mr Winthrops Land in 2 parts. I went over in the ferryboat to Shew them the Bounds & left them & went to fetch home my Daughter Starr from Stonington & met her 6 mile of. however I went forward to my farm to See a Horse Racing there & they could not agree in the manner of Setting them off & So I Returned back in the Evening. Wednsd 27 fair. in the morning I went to Mr Winthrops & Returned home having a great pain between my Shoulders mostly on the left Side ocasioned by falling down in getting up my mare on Monday morn last. I Continued in great pain. my Son Robert is Come over from Southold & Lodged with me. I cannot help myself. Thursd 28 fair & cold. beforenoon I walked up to Mr Winthrops to take the acknowledgmts of Divers 8 as p the Agreemet. I came back in the Evening with Dificulty. Supt att Mr Millers. fryd 29 fair. I was at home most of the day Indisposed. however I walked up to the prison in order to get Thos Stubbins out & have bargained wth Samll Powers that if Said Stubbins will make me (40 Rod of) Stonewall yt I will pay him the Sd Powers 20s for Each Rod he makes (before the first of April next) & find him a Team to draw all ye Stones. I also agreed with Mr Appleton to do so by him. Saturd 30 Cloudy & Rain att night. I was at home most of 580 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1751 ye Day. toward Night I went up to the prison & administd the Bankrupts oath to Thos Stubbins. Sund Decembr 1st. Mr adams pr al day. I kept house att home Indis- posed. Jonat Whiple buryed a female Child 5 or 6 yr old. died wth the Canker. a Still born Child of C. Christophers & a negro Child of Capt Titus Hurlbuts buryed in ye Later end of ye week. Mond 2d fair. I was at home all day. admi.Ldhome. Something better of my hurt. Tuesd 3 fair. [ was at home all day Indisposed. mend but Slowly. adam Carted home .1. Ld of wood. Son Robert is Come from Stonington. Says Natt Miner Come home from London on Sunday night fro Boston fryday. Wednsd 4. Snow Last night & Most of ye Day. I was att home all Day. about 3 Inches Deep. Son Robert Lodged with me at night. Thursd 5 Cloudy & cold in the foren & Snow aftern & at night. 4 Inches. I was att home all day. adm & Natt killed my great Hog weit & 1 Small one for Natt. Son Robt gone to Groton wth Griffing. fryd 6. Misty & Rainy. I was att home all day. clear & cold in the night & froze hard. Dido a molato woman Died. 4 Indian 4 negro. Saturd .7. fair & clear N W. Son Robt went home. Thomas Pierpoint Set out for home in the morning a foot & man & boy going to Midletown in Company on foot also. Dido a free Molat woman buryed. A about 40. Sund .8. fair & cold. Dido was born of Rachel a Captive & Lived wth Capt Jno Prenties Decd. Mr adams pr all day, but I was not out for fear of taking Cold. I Still have a great pain att turns in the Trunk of my Body where I Recd hurt by my fall 14 days Since. 2 pair are publisht. [ ] Chapman & [ ] Jont Butts and Rebeckah Beebee Daughter of Benj B b. Senr. Mond. 9. fair pretty cold. I was att home all day. Tuesd to Cloudy; & warm in the aftern. I was att home all day. I Stopt up the mouth of the great oven wth Stone & morter made of Ashes & other Jobbs about house. Wednsd 11. Rainy in the morning & most of the Day moderately. I at home. Thursd 12 fair & warm Thawing weather. in the foren I was at home & after helping adam drawing 2 Logs under ye axeltree for wheel timber &c from my Land in the 3d Teer of lots. fryd 13. I was about home all day fitting wheel Timber. Toward night I went to the Meetinghouse to help adam Load Timber I Borrowed. Saturd 14 fair. IJ was att home all day. I put up 1 New Spoke & put 2 New felloes to Brother Holts wheel. all new now Since I had itt. Joshua come from Stonington. all well there. Sund 15 & prety cold. Mr adams pr. all Day. I was out in the afternoon. an Extreem Cold night. Mond 16. fair & Extreem Cold. I was at home all Day. Adam is gone with Joshua to the farm. I DD Samll Powers on accot of James Rogers £53 Conniticut Bills of Credit p ordr. Tuesd .17. it Snowed a Little all day. I was att home al day. Wednsd 18 fair & cold. I was att home all day. adam came home & brot 2 Little calves that I bot of Stephen Bennit. an Infant New- born of Lem. Rogers Buryed. Thursd 19 fair & Moderate. I was att home all day. a Stranger was buryed. Died last night att Lt Samll Beebees. 2 Irishman named [ ]. aged between 30 & 40. Sick 10 weeks. fryday 20 Rain moderately most of the day & warm towards night. cold in ye morn. I was att home all day. a Court here. they agreed. Saturd 21 Rany in the foren a great Storm of Wind & much Rain Last night. aftern fair. I was att home all day. Sund 22 fair till near night & then began to Snow & held al night & the foren of ye 23d. Mr adams pr. all day but in the aftern Sermon was Ended. Dismist the people without prayer. it is the first time he forgat himself in the Like form. Jos Coit & [ ] Miner Daughter of John miner published & a Child of An Prestons aged 4 year buryed after meeting. Died wth ye Canker. Mond 23 a Snowy day and 1733 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 581 att night very windy & much Snow. I was att home all day. Tuesd 24 Snowey in the foren & cold & windy. aftern fair. I was att home all day. a Child of Ichabod Rogers Died. Wednsd 25 fair. I was at home untill about 11. Clock & then I Rid out to ye 3d Teer of Lots; to break thro the Snow Drifts before the oxen & Slead. Stephen went with ye Team & brot home a Ld of wood for himself & me. Thursd 26 it Snowed all Last night & most of the foren & aftern fair. it was Cold, & ye wind drifted ye Snow & filled up ye Slead path in many places. however John went with my oxen & fetcht home a Ld of wood that his boys Cut & afterwards adm went with the Team & Natt & Richd & I Rid out and wee brot in a Ld by night. good Sleading. ye Snow is a foot deep I Supose on a Level but drifted almost as high as the fences in many places. fryd 27 fair & not quite So cold. I was att home all day. Adam Sleaded home 2 Ld 1 for me Timber, & 1 for Stephen Wood. Saturd 28 Snow Moderately all day. about 2 Inches. I was at home all day. Adm Sleaded a Ld of Cole for John, put my Cart on my Slead &c. Sund .29. Misty & very Sloppy. the Snow is Melted with a warm Rain Last night; the ground being froze hard before ye Snow. the water cant Soak into the ground & is ancle Deep in Some places under the Snow. Mr adms pr all Day &c. Richd Harris att ye Harbours mouth Died & a Child of Samuel Tinker aged [ ] years & Harris aged [ ]. Mond .30 a violent Stormy day. Snow all day Smartly & Cold. I was att home foren. aftern att the Town meeting. R. Harris buryed. Tuesd 31 fair & Cold. I was att home all day. a violent cold night. 1733 Wednsd. Jan. 1 Cloudy a little Snow. I was at home all day. a Child of John Harris’s buryed. a male 2 or 3 yr old. had the Canker. Josha is Come. Thursd 2d fair & not quite So Sharp, tho Cold Enough. I was most of the day about home. I went with Stephen & Natt & adm & Richd with my Team. adm drove home 2 Ld. fryd 3d Cloudy windy & violent cold. I was at home all dav. Saturd 4th fair. I was att home all Day. I Shelled out a Baskit of Corn in which John’s Corn was caryed up ye Garrit after husking & the Baket holds Exactly 1 bushll 2 quarts & 1 pint. 1 had 31 baskitts full. Natt caryed them up in the new Garrett. that is 33 Bushells & 13 quarts of Natts Corn that he planted & Wm Beckwiths (half that he planted was 104 of my new Basket which holds. the Widow Sarah Rogers of Poquoyog Died of a Long Illness, aged about 73. She was a widow 30 yr & more. Sund 5 fair & very cold. I was not out in the foren. Mr adams pr al day. Wm Angel & Christian Church publisht. a Contri- bution for Widow Ellif Brooks who is Reduced to want by age & Weak- ness &c. Mond .6. fair & cold. att Noon I Set out for Benja Beebe’s & after Dinner there I went to measuring Land but had not time to finish & Came home by daylight & went up to the widow Esther Richards’s where was the Civil authority Selectmen Constables Granjurymen &c assembled for the Choice of Tavernkeepers &c. wee Supt there &c. adm Sleaded 2 Ld for John. Tuesd .7. fair & more moderate. I was at home foren. aftern I went on to the Iland in Joshuas Swamp & Cut a Small white oak for a Tonguetree & broke down the Ice & Snow that It might freeze hard to Slead off wood. Adm fetcht of 1 Ld & Natt helpt, & & adm Sleaded 1 Ld for Stephen he Cut. Molly Scarriot came to Spinn about noon. Wednsd 8 fair & not Extreem Cold now although the harbour is all froze over. they Cross the River with horses from Mr Winthrops neck. I was at home all day. adm & Natt fetcht 2 Ld of Wood from the Island home with the 582 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1784 Tongtree. Thursd 9 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. in the foren I put on a Shoe to one Side of the Slead, aftern I Made a New Tonguetree. adm fetch 1. Ld for Widow Truman. Natt cut it. Mr Crandall of Ston- ington Come over the River on the Ice wth Horse to do Some business & Son Miner Sent him to me & I kept his Horse & he Lodged with me &c. I Signed 6 Dozn of Blanks. fryd 1oh fair. I was att home all day. adm Sleaded 1 Ld for John & one home. A Brigg arived from the Bay. belongs up the River. Toucht att Rd Island. Most of the Men Died in the passage being 11 weeks & Scant of provison when Set out. the men famisht. Isaiah Grant of ys Town died 2 or 3 davs before the arived & 2 died afterwards. Capt George Mumfords wife Died on Sunday night & the Corps brot over to day. Saturd 11 it Snowed Last night & most of the day att times mod- erately. I was att home foren. aftern I went into Town in order to go to the funeral of Ms Mumford wch was over before I got there. Sund 12 fair & cold & windy. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 13 fair & Exceeding Cold. I was at home foren. aftern up to the Prison with Justices Miller & Coit & administered the Bankrupts oath to old Mr Jno Hobart in Prison. one of the 3 Idiots (Sons of Samll fox ye 2d) Samll aged near 30 died. Tuesd 14 fair & more moderate. I Rid over to Groton on the Ice to assist in driving over 4 Cattle. one black 3 yr old hieffer Some white No Ear mark Coming 3. 1 white hieffer Some black & 1 Bull Brown & White my mark being Coming 2 & 1 Red & white heffr, my Son Johns. he & Ben Want went over also to assist. I came back & Ben W went with the Cattle & Josh is come over. old Ms Wallsworth of Groton Died in N L att her Son in Law John Starks. aged I Supose above 84. her Husband was William Wallsworth & She lived with him as Tennant on fishers Island above 50 years ago & then came off & he was the first that Ever Set up Butchering in Newlondon. 53 years Since he Settled in Groton & died there. Wednsd 15 fair & moderate for the Season. I was att home foren & then Rid out to the Cornfield to Cary Diner to Ephm & Ming Thrashng oats. much Blasted. I Rid up in Town in order to go to ye funerll but that is deferred untill ye morrow. I Rid out to D. Minerd in ye Eve to Get him to cut Some wood at the halves. Thursd 16. fair. I was at home foren. aftern att the Cornfield. adam is there all day assisting Ephm & Mingo Swetland Thrash- ing oats. but 10 or 12 bushels in the first Stack. much blasted. fryd 17 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I Rid out to the Cornfield. Ben & Ephm Threshing oats. 2d Stack. Saturd .18 fair & moderate. I was about home & to Capt Joseph Coits & Recd of him £6 6s od in full for making Cyder. 17 bbs 4. Ephm that made them Says there was 21. 21 yt is 34 more. toward night I Rid out to the Cornfield & helpt adm Stack up the oats Straw. Sund 19 fair & cold. Mr adams pr all day. J was att meting only in the aftern. Samll Talman a Child Baptized John & Lamphere one Peter. an Infant Twin Male of David [ ] died. Mond. 20 fair & Southerly weather. Thaws Something. I was at home foren. aftern I went into Town to Look for Steel at the Shops for Pierpoint. Joshua from Stonington & Herrick brot a Calfskin took of one of the Calves I bot of Sd Herrick. he Came with a Horse & Slead Crossing the River att Starrs Landing & came on to Mr Winthrops Neck & Crossed the Coave near the Townwharff. Tuesd 21 fair. In the foren T was att home. Joshua & his wife & Child went home & I soon followed them alone on my Sorril Roan mare. called at Ms Denisons. Left yarn with her to knit me a pr of Stockings. I went to Son miners & Lodged there. Wednsd 22 fair. In the foren I kept in & in the aftern I went a visiting to Mr Pages Mr Rossiters & Silvanus Miners & att night my Mare was put out in the Cowyard where they Said was a Slead 1734 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 583 Load of Hay but unhappily the Slead was Set Near the Stonewall & the Hay pitch over the Wall & the mare Clambering after the Sd hay unluckely Ran one of the Side Stakes of the Slead in to her flank & Body & had got her Self of from Sd Stake & was found Standing in the morning but Mortally wounded & dyed before it was dark after Sunset. Thursd 23d fair. in the foren I went to call Daniel Hobart a Horse Doctor to See if it were possable to do anything to help Save the life of my mare & he used means but in vain. She died in the Evening & 1 helpt take of her Skin by Candle light. She was 8 years old and the last mare of my Talmadge Breed of Horses. left one yearling Colt a Horse which was in her Body when I Rid her to Mary- land 2 years ago in July last. fryday 24 it Snowed last & this day most of it & Windy. a great Storm at NE. Saturd 25 Rainy part of ye day. I kept house all day. Sund .26. fair. I went to Mistick Meeting. Mr Rossiter pri Serm. after meeting I Rid my Daughters mare to my farm & Lodged att Joshuas. Mond 27 fair & warm Thaw. I Set out for home with Josha & Christopher Eldredge to drive Cattle. I brot back the black Hieffer Coming 3 & ye white one Coming 2 & my Daughter Starrs Hieffer & 1 Calf I bot of Herrick & my yearling colt & young Mare. got over before night &c. Tuesd 28 fair Thawing. I was at home all day. Stephn Sleaded home 1 Ld Wd. Wednsd 2g fair till near night & then began to Snow & held it. 3 o0r4Inches. Thursd 30 fair but not clear of Clouds & very Cold. I was about home all day. In the Evening Cuffey Mr Tilleys Negro man & Cate Tanosha a free Indian woman were Joyned in Marriage with the allow- ance of Mr Tilley Certifyed by Ebe Griffing & — Roger his apprentices. fryd 31. fair. I was at home all day—it began to Snow about 8 clock att night. 3 feb .1. I was at home while near Noon & then went to Clement Beebees to measure land. I began at Ms N E Cor & Run N. N. 16 R & E 563 to the highway by Moses fergoes & yn S 41. toa W oak & yn went to the old Cor & Ran N 36° E154 R & yn E -9- Rod to ye Highway yn S 564 to W Oak Wi ] old Cornr. Natt Miner come over & Lodged here. old Ben Turner died in ye Neck. Sund 2 fair & clear and warm in the foren. aftern the wind came up S & S E & Cloudy Raw cold Inclining toa Storm. Aaron Gun Died last night about Midnight. aged About 60. Mr adam pr. all day. a great Storm & much Rain in the night. Mond 3d Rain in the morning a while & cleared up with a high W wind & cold. I was att home till near night I went up to the burying place. Mr Gun was buryed. a Small Com- pany. very Icy & Slippery & wet in Some places. JT went to Mr Winthrops &c. Tuesd 4 fair Windy & cold. I was att home all Day. I Sent 2 Geese & two Ganders, by Ben Want a venture to ye halves. 4 bushll Corn & 4 oats. Wednsd 5 fair & warm Thawing. I was att home all day. the Widow Eliff Brooks aged about 74. I Supose Died. ye Widow of Henery Brooks Decd & the Eldest Child of George Chappel Decd. Thursd 6 foggy in the morn & Warm. it Thawed much. I was at home foren & to the funeral of the Widow Brooks aftern. toward night I Rid into Town. went to Mr adams’s. pd him £7 Interest Mony & £10 before in October Last. fryd .7. fair clear N W. 5. vessels Sayled for ye West Indias. the Colln Salton- stalls Ship a Brigg & 3 Sloops. I was att home all day. a Little Snow at night. an Infant female of Joseph Lothrops Died. aged to days. Saturd 8 fair & Lowering moderate. a S E wind almost calm. I was at home in the foren. aftern in Town att ye prison in Benja Chappels affair att the prison &c. Sund 9 fair warm Cloudy E— weather. Mr adams pr all Day. Ruth Darte & Bathshua Daniels publisht. an Infant of Geo: Colefax’s Baptizd George. Mond ro. fair. I went to Stonington. Rid Ms Swet- 584 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [r7§4 lands Mair. got to Miners before dark. Tuesd 11 fair. I came from Son miners. brot my blue Cloth Serge to Rathbons fulling-mill & then to my farm; Lodged att Christopher Eldredges &c. Wednsd 12 fair. I was att the farm all day. I Lodged att Joshuas &c. Thursd 13 fair. I was att the farm &c. I helpt burn brush &c. fryd 14 fair. Joshua had Six hands beside himself & I clearing Swamp before his door. I Sent for 2 quarts of Rum to Encourage itt. Saturd 15 fair. toward night I went to Son miners & Lodged there. Sund 16 fair & moderate. I went to the Center Meeting. Mr Eells pr one Sermon. Cloudy toward night & in ye night much Rain. Mond 17 Rainy in the foren. aftern I came to Joshuas & lodged there. Tuesd 18 Wet weather. a Little Rain all day. I Stayed att Joshuas &c. Wednsd 19 fair & warm Springlike, Dirty Travelling. I came home before night. all well att home, but a very Malencolly accident ys day happened (vizt) old Benja Beebee near 80 I Supose haveing of Late been under malecholly Circumstances hanged himself Dead about 2 of the clock in the afternoon. he told his Daughter in law Son Clements wife he wanted to walk abroad to take the air and proposed to go to his Daughter Joannas (as he Exprest it, which was to moses fergoes) about a Quarter of a mile and She proposed that one of the Children Should go with him but he Refused the offer & Said he could go alone & So Set out along the path, but unhappyly Stopt by the way and came a little back again & turned out of the path about four 5 or 6 Rod by the Side of a Ledge of Rocks that kept him from the Sight of the path with a Cod line that he used to tye twice Round him, to tye on his Coat which he fastned to his Staff and put in the crotch of a bush and a Noose first put about his neck Sitting on a Rock (as if he Sat in a Chair) and Slipping of Straightned the line & So Stopt his breath. Thursd 20 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Adm is begun to prune appletrees. I helpt a Little. fryday 21 fair & windy not freezing cold. I was att home all day. the Body of the unhappy Self murderer was brot to Town & buryed. Saturd 22d Cloudy a while in the Morn & then Rain moderately all day. JI was att home all day. Sund 23d fair & mod- erate. Mr adams pr all Day. a Child of Follits (Recomended from Bos- ton) Baptized Andrew. Josha from Stonington. Mond 24 fair. I was att home all day. Tuesd 25 till near about 4 Clock & yn Rain & cold. I was up to Samll Bishops wth Justs Richards & Deacon fosdyck Laying out ro} acres after Divisions & Six Acres in Exchange for part of Chris Stub- bins’s Laid down bot by John Shaw. Wednsd .26. fair. I was att home all day making a New Chain for Surveying. Thursd 27 Rainy morn & Eve & most of the day. I was att home all day about the measuring Chain. Stephen helpt make Rings & I did the Rest. fryd 28 Rain in the morn a little & then Soon Set in Snow & held most of the day Smartly. ancle deep before night. I was att home all day. finisht the measuring Chain 3 or 4 Links more than two Rod Span New (John Boy Ephm made the Wire) the old Chain had 1 Rod & 2 or 3 Links over of Big Wire which I added to the New & New Cutt & Turnd the Eves of Some of the Next best of the old Chain & Compleated itt 4 Rod &c. Saturd .29. fair. I was att home all day. I Tapt Adams Shoes &c. March Sunday 1. Rain last night & ys morn while ro. clock then fair. Mradams pr all day. T dined att Mr Millers. George Hendry of N. york & Ann Buttolph, Tedediah Darrow & [ ] Bavley of Groton publisht. Ms Burch mother of Joshua’s wife Lydia Died about 2 oe Clock having been Sick a ereat while. aged Sixty odd. also about 8 at night Died Ms Hall (alias Pierce) ve Celehrated School-mistress who Taught Reading writing & Arithmetick & the Needle to ye female. She belongd to the Church 1733] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 585 of England. aged 60 odd. Mond 2 fair. adam Carye from of my Hovel att home to John Plumbe Lot foe Fae “et went after it & mended up Some fence there &c. I came home before 2 Clock & went to the funeral of Ms Burch & to a School-meeting at the Courthouse & pd Colin Saltonstall £10 old Tenr for Interest of £100 I took of from Jno Plumb when I bot his Lot &c. Tuesd 3d itt Rained a Little at times most of the day. I was assisting in taking an Inventory of Sister Mary Plumbs Estate. Jno Hempsted wth me. Wednsd 4. Cloudy in the morning & Rainy in the Midle & last of ye Day. I was In Town most of the day. Josha & his wife & Child Set out for home. Thursd .5. fair. I was about home. adm gone to Stonington. frvd. 6 Cloudy in the forepart & midle of the day. I was out to Jno Plumbe Lot mending fence &c. adm gone to Stonington. the Latter part of the Day Stormy Cold Rain. Sat- urd .7. fair & windy. I was most of the Day att the Cornfield Mending fence. New Set 4 dozn Lengths Next the Highway. Sund 8 fair & windy. Mr adams pr all Day. Colln Saltonstall a Child Baptized Gilbert & Mr French one Samuel. Mond 9 fair. in the foren I went into Town & bor- rowd Mr Hulls Surveying Compass, aftern att Crossmans Lot mending fence. Tuesd Io fair. in the foren I markt the Rising of the Sun. I Ranged ye S. Cornner of Natts Rope House &c. in the aftern I went to the Court of Probate to help prove Sisters Will &c. it Snowed fast from about 11 till late in the night. more than half Leg Deep in the North parish. Stephen tells me he was in itt. Wednsd 11 fair. I was about.home all day. Brother Salmon Came to See me after 9 att night & Lodged with me. Thursd 12 fair & cold in the foren. aftern warmer & Thawing. I was at home all day long. fryd 13. fair & moderate. I went to Stonington & Brother Salmon. Called at Ms Denison’s & Mr Rossiters & Lodged at Son Miners. Saturd 14 fair & Cold. Snow al night. I went to my farm & to David fishes & Ms Wheelers & back to miners & Lodged there & Brothr att Mr Rossiters. Snow att night. Sund .15. fair. I went to Mistick Meet- ing. Mr. Rossiter pr. 1 Sermon & Sacramt. Mond 16 fair. I came away about 9 Called att the farm & brot my y[ jg mare home. Brothr Salmon with me. got home before night. Mr Matthew Stewarts Eldest Daughter abigail Died of a Canker abt 3 oe Clock in ye morn. very hopefull young woman. aged about [ ] years. Tuesd 17 a very Windy night & much Rain in the morn & foren. Wednsd 18 it Snowed moderately in the morn- ing. I Set out for Windham Court on Son miners accot. the Snow Increased & wind Rise wch made itt bad Traveling Especially in the aftern. I oated att Hau[ Jtons & Dined & oated again att Cuzn Wm Hides Elisha & then Rid up the Town. the Wind was violent & Snowed Smartly. I Stopt a While with Cuzn Lydia Raymond & then att Rudds & then 2 mile further att Haskins but he had no hay & I Stood along a little farther to Deacon Jos Kingsburys & Lodged there. Thursd 19 fair & cold. I got up to Windham before Court Sat. Expences att Kingsburys 10s Do 1s 4d. I put up with Son miner att Waldens & attended Court all day. the Case was begun before night. fryd 20 fair. the case was pleading in the morning & by noon they concluded to Continue the Action. Son Minor & Natt went home & I went to visit my Kinswoman the widow of Jno Larabee Decd & Lodged att Waldens again. Saturd 21. Some Snow most of the day. I came away in ve morn & got home before night. Sund 22. Mr ads pr all day. fair & windy. Isaac fellows Child Bap Thomas. a Contribution for Josiah Taber &c. Mond 23d fair. I have a very great cold. I am Indis- posed. however toward night I went to visit David Richards who is very bad with a Cancer. his under lip Chin & part of his mouth & face Eat off. 586 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1733 I went to Mr Graves & Recd of him £4 10s od for my mare a Journey to hartford last year. Tuesd 24 fair. I -was about home foren. I pd Cuzn Truman £8 I borowed of him man 2d &c. Wednsd 25 fair. I Rid out with Mr Miller to visit old Mr Joseph Miner who hath been Sick Some time & now is much Swelled in his Legs (& upward Some) & then to Bryann Palmes’s to Enquire into the truth of a Report there is of a young Woman Sarah Bram- ble having been Delivered of a Bastard Child & not to be found. but find it not Evident but a Suspicion that She hath miscarried being but 2 or 3 mo. gone. I dined there & went the Rounds to view my fences &c. Thursd .26. Rain last night & Cloudy in the forenoon & wet in the afternoon. was about home all day. I took my Cydermill too pieces & put the Nutts in the Cellar. cold Rain in the night. fryd 27 Some Rain ys morn. a male Child 3d Son of Mr Stewart died last night or ys morn wth the Canker aged 1 yr att Mr Winthrops. Saturd 28 fair. I was att Mr Winthrops most of the Day, toward night I went wth Joshua to my farm att Stonington & Lodged there, got there late in the might being hindred att Mr Winthrops most of this day & yesterday about a great affair. the Sd Mr Winthrop hath Sold his Long Island Land to Mr Humphrey Avery Esqr of Preston for 2000-500 & £99 10s New york Mony & all paid by Discount without trouble to Mr Winthrop giving Security to Mr Ledgyards & Griswold attorneys to Sparrow & Hunt &c. Sund 29 fair. I was att Mr Rossiters Meeting & yn to Son Miners & Lodged there. Mond 30. fair. I came to the farm & Dined there & then home by night. an Infant buryed belonged to one Southward late of Lyme now att the white beach. Tuesd 31. S. Brabel. Some Rain att turns. I was most of the Day att Bryam Palms to Assist in the Inquisition after the Death of an Infant female child found Dead in a Secret place in Sd house being born Saturd 21st & much burnt in a fire all over & Judged by the Inquest to be murthered. tis Suposed She was 9 months gone with child. twas buryed after viewing in the burying place in Town (it was Concealed under the Bed from Saturday until Tuesd 24h & then the people being gone from home She put it into the fire &c) but on their Returning hid it in a box. April Wednsd 1. Some Rain in the foren. I was at home, aftern fair. I Rid out to ye Cornfield in order to go to plowing but Spent my time in diging Stones in Crossmans Lot & adam Trucking Stones there &c. Thursd 2d it Rained moderately all day. I was about home & in Town with Brother Salmon &c. fryd 3d fair. a young Woman between 30 & 40 Named Lydia Warren belonging to Boston Died att Capt Jos Coits. I was out on the Com- mons all Day & Justice Richds. I Lodged at Jason Allyns & Mr Richards att foxes. Saturday 4h fair. TI was in the Woods Laying out Comons JR. I came home by daylight. I Reed £3 4s od for 2 days. Sund 5 fair. Mr adams pr all day. my Granson Thomas Son of my Son Robert Lodged with me last night. came from Long Island on fryday & his Sister Ab. Ledyard. Mond 6 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Jno Plumb lot Diging Stones on the Land. adm is plowing for oats. old Joseph Miner Dyed with a dropsie. aged 86 I Supose. Tuesd 7 fair. I was out to Ebe Wavs Laying out after Divisions for him and moses fergo Justice Richards & I only. they paid us off. Wednsd 8 fair & cold. a publick fast. Mr adams pr all dav. old mr Miner was burved between meetings. a great Many people. Thursd 9 fair. IT was att home most of the Day writing for Josiah Taber Credentials to Enable him to Request the Charity of well Disposed people toward him to help make up ye Loss he sustained in feb last by fire Consuming his fulling mill house &c. fryd to fair. In the morning I Rid out to Nihantick to buv oats to Sow. I Stopt a while to visit old John Daniels in his 86th year or 87h. bed Riden att present. not able 1752] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 58, to go alone when at the best. then I went a little farther not 4a mile & Called to visit Capt Stephen Prenttis, aged 85 Last Novembr. he hath his health & Reason well but Blind. can Scarcely Desern the Day from the night. then to Capt Durfeys. got 3 Bushels of oats for 15 p Bushll. I pd him & he Acceped of 44s. I came back & Stopt att ye Widow miners & Dined there (tho Late) & was there till 8 oe Clock att night on arbitration with Wm Manwaring & Bryan Palmes) between ye Sd Widow Miner & her Granson Jesse Miner &c. Saturd 11. fair. I Sowed oats att Jno Plumbe Lot. finisht 2 Acres. I Dug Stones &c. Adm Harrowed &c. Sund 12 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 13 fair & very windy & cold. a free- mens Meeting in the foren. I was mending fence in Crossman Lot. aftern att ye meeting. Capt Lee & Jer Chapman Junr Chose Deputys. old Ms Lattimer Died this morning. aged about 83. Tuesd 14 fair. a Lecture Sermon pr by ye Revd Mr Jewit on ye ocasion of Sarah Brambles Suposed Murder of her Bastard Child; She being present in the Broad ally & after- wards Comitted to Prison. toward night I was att the funeral of old Ms Lattimer & was one of the Pall Bearers, & afterwards to visit old David Richards who is near Expiring with a Cancer. Wednsd 15 fair. I went to Stonington with Thos Hempsted my Son Roberts Son. wee got to Joshuas to Dinner & to Son Miners before night & Lodged there. Thursd 16 fair & very windy. I Stopt att Son miners till 10 & got to My farm Soon & Stayed there untill 3 & got to ye ferry before Sun Set. ye wind was very high & I Lodged att abigail Ledyards. fryd .17. fair. I got over Late in the morning & went to assist in ye measuring the Neck that was Mr Winthrops. Capt Harrison from Newport is making a plann &c. old David Richards died last night. Saturd. 18 fair. I was most of the Day att Jno Plumbe Lot Sowing of hay Seed 14tb on about 1 acre & 3. toward night I Rid out to Nathan Howards & bot 4 Bushll of oats for £3. Ms Mar- garet Douglass widow of Capt Richard Douglass Decd Died near 67 years. Sergt David Richards buryed. aged 80. Colln Saltonstalls Negro Man Cush died ye 16, aged 90. was a Servt to his Granfather Mr Roswell of Branford who died near 50 years ago & then to Govr Saltonstal! who Died 274 years Since & left him a faithful Slave in his family. Sund 19 fair. Mr adams pr all day. a Small april Showre. Rain att night. Mond 20 fair. In the foren I Sowed 4 Bushll of oats att Crossman Lot & Diged a good percel of Stones up in the oat ground. in the aftern I went to the funeral of Ms Douglass & met ye Corps this Side Jno Cheapels & afterward I went to ye Common Pasture & mended up my outside fence. Adm Carted Stuff fto home. Tuesd 21. fair. in the foren I went to Mr Winthrops & Colln Saltonstalls & was at home. in the aftern I mended the fence at John Plumb Lot & Crossman Lot & poled & Stakt Stephens Wall. Wednsd 22 fair & very hot. I Set out for Stonington (by appointment) to Run the Line between the North Side of my farm & the South Side of Jno Denisons that was Nathan Beebees, but Justice Simen Miner who was the person appointed was gone from home on Business & Could not attend until fryday 3 oe Clock & had not time to finish. Saturd 25 fair & very hot. I Lodged att Joshuas Last night & 2 nights before att Son Miners. I came home in the heat of ye Day & toward night Rid out to ye Cornfield &c. Sund 26 fair & Not So violent hot. Mr adams pr all day. JI was much Indisposed a pain in my & bones. kept att home all day. a great Cold again. Mond 27 fair. I keep house all day much Indisposed. Tuesd 28 fair. I was out to ye Corn- field mending fence &c. Thos Stubbin helpt adam farrow the ground I acre by Jno Plumb Spring & Carted dung in order to plant. Wednsd 29 fair. in the foren I Rid out to Samll Tinkers. carryed a Large 4 bushel 588 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1752 of Corn & had in Exchange 4 bushel of Seed Corn which I Sheled out, aftern I was at the Cornfield Diging up 7 Large Stones in the Low Land near the Line Jno Plumb & Gilberts Lot N. Side the Stonewall yt Runs Westerly. adm Dunging for corn. Thursd 30 Cloudy. I was att the Cornfield drop corn for adm & Diging more Stones. fryd May 1 Rainy & cold all day. I was at home. Saturd 2 fair. [ was mending fence out Side Cornfield. adm finisht planting by Jno Plumb Spring 1 acre & more. Sund 3d fair. Mr adams pr all day. Mond g fair, a Trayning & view of arms. I was out to ye Cornfield in the foren & Midle of ye day & then in Town &c. Tuesd 5 fair. I went with Samll Lattimer to Run a line between the half way plain Land & Colln Browns & wee began att a Rock Stones on it on the FE Side Nihantick Brook & Run W 4° S 836 Rod yn S 4° W 2 Rod to a white oak & Stones on ye E Side a Ledge of Rocks, then S 5” East 23 Rod to a Round Rock on a Ledge & St on it. I Lodged att night att Jont Lattimers &c. Wednsd 6 fair. I Run a Line W 6° S & Ran 456 Rod over to D. Gilberts fence yn N6° E7R&4L. toa heap. Thursd 7. I was att Nehemiah Daniels Laying out 3 Shares on the after Divisions for him S W. of his house. wee also Laid out for Thos & Jonat Truman their fathers out Side Comons & ye after Division of ye Sd Right & also ye after Division of William Pendall & Joseph Truman. ye Last Lyes on ye west Side 84 Rod Long & 6 Rod wide & came home before night. fryd 8. fair. I was with Mr Richards Laying out Comons for Ephm Chapman. Saturd 9 fair. In the foren & att Noon I was out to Joshuas field to Set adm a plowing. aftern mending fence att Jno Plumb Lot & att Crossman Lot. Sund Jo fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr. al day. James Comstock a Child Baptized James. Mond 11 fair. I was out to Thos Manwarings farm with Capt Lee & Mr Dorr & others to Shew them the Bounds of ye Comon Land Laid out to Sd Manwaring. he pd me 24s. this morning about 2 oe Clock Samuel Green Printer Died aged above 40. he was Sick about a week burning Ague. buryed in the Evening. Left a Widow & 10 Children. he was Chosen Lieut of the 2d Company the day he was taken Sick. Phill Want plow for adam. Tuesd 12. fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to Joshuas field Where adm & Phil are Sowing & then to Mending fence Crossmn Lot & J. P. Wednsd 13. Cloudy a little Scatering Rain. I was att home foren & aftern in Town. Phil Want helpt Adm drive plow. Thursd 14 fair. I was up to Mr Hulls. drew & Executed a Deed of Exchange my flatts for Coits medow in Lesters field & £45 in Con. Bills wch I Recd to boot. aftern att ye Court house with Justice Miller & Coit to hold a Spcial County Court &c. I Recd 4os. fryd 15 fair. In the morning I Exchanged £7 Connecticut for £7 Rd Island old Tenor with Cuzn Truman to be Exchanged back in a Short time. I Left £17 old Tenr with Daniel Collins to pay Mr Stewart John Cheapells Debt & then went to John Bishops & Laid out 3 out Side Rights & the after Divisions belonging to ym & 4 after Divisions for Richard Cheapel. I Recd 50s. Saturd 16 fair but cloudy till near Sunset & yn Some Showres moderately. In the morning I Rose Early. Rid out to Capt Lees Farm & Shut up his Poultry in the Barn & yn fetccht up my Sorril 2 yr old Colt & toward night I Set out for Stonington & carrved my Colt & left it with Joshua. in Cross- ing the ferry T had ve Malencholy Tydings of the Death of Capt Joseph Gardner who Dyed of an appoplex yesterday or ye day before. also Ms Bathshua Thompson Wife to Mr James Thompson & youngest Daughter of Ms Abigail Denison by her first Husband Capt Danll Eldredge . A. near 25. both of Groton. Sund 17 Cloudy. I went to Mistick meeting. heard Mr Rossiter 2 Sermons & then to Son Miners & Lodged there. Mond 18 Cloudy. 1752] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 589 I came to my farm to Diner & was there & a visiting & lodged there att night. it Rained in ye night. Tuesd 19 Cloudy. I came home & Joshua with me, by 1 or 2 Clock. Wednsd 20 Cloudy Drisley wet but a Little Rain. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I went to the funeral of Ms Sarah Mighill alias Prentiss 3d Daughter of Capt John Prenttiss Decd & was wife to Mr Samll Mighill late of Hartford now of Northampton who Removed from Hartford Some years ago & She got a Divorce. Thursd 21 fair. In the morning I went to Receive Six pair of Gr stones wch came from Daniel Brewer of Midletown. price £19 & freight £6. I also bot 2 pr of Capt Kelley for #8. I pd him £30. Still due £3. I had £28 of Jer. Miller ae old Tenr Rhd Island & left with him £28 Connecticut new Tenr (vizt) 8 £3 10s od Bills to be Exchanged again when I See cause. aftern I went with adam & Set up a partition fence a Cross ye midle of Crossmans Lot. fryd 22 Cloudy Raw cold as also yesterday was. I was at home al day. I put in a new felloe & 2 Spokes into Capt Lees Wheel. it began Rain before Sunset. Saturd 23. Cloudy Most of the day. a plentyfull Rain last night. I was att home all day. finisht the wheel & markt pt of a gr ston. Sund 24 fair. Mr adams pr. all Day. in the Evening 2 of my Nephews came to See me vizt Jonat Edgcumbe from Norwich & Thomas Hartshorn from maryland by Water from N. york. came from home May ye 3d & from york the 16th. Mond 25 fair. I was att home all Day Engrav- ing Maples Gr stones. Tuesd 26 fair. I was at home foren. aftern a visiting with Thos Hartshorn. Wednsd 27 fair. I was att home foren, aftern att Lecture at ye Meeting house. Mr Jewit preacht. a Large Con- gregation. Thursd 28 fair in the foren & then Some Rain & fair again before night. I was att home all day. I finisht Engraving a pair of gr. stones for Mr Willoughby. fryd 29 fair. I was att home foren. aftern I went into the N Parish to Stephn Maples & back late in ye night. I found a yearling Sheep of mine & a Lamb att Capt John Comstocks. I markt the Lamb &c. adm came home from Stonington & brot home 1g fleeces of Wool from Joshuas. 28tb. one Scofel a Sayler came in Sick from Sea, Died att Mr Roberts’s. Saturday 30 fair. I went to Stonington & Cuz. Thos Hartshorn with me. Called att Joshuas & Lodged att Son Miners. Sund 31 Rainy tho moderately. wee all hands Stayed att home. June Mond .1. fair. J Rid out to Mr Elihu Chesebrough’s & Dined there wth Daughter Miner & Cuzn Hartshorn & thence wth Ms Chesebrough. wee went to Capt Fannings &c & Lodged att miners again. Tuesd 2d fair. after Dinner we Set out for home. Joshua Came to us & wee went to the farm & Stayed a while & got over by daylight & found Samll Plumbe Junr of Huntington att my Grandaughter Ledyards who Informs me that his father Sam Plumb my Sister Marys only Son Died ye 6th day of May last of a Consumption, aged about 54 or 5. Wednsd 3 fair. I was at home foren. I Rid out in the aftern with Cuzn Thos Hartshorn down in the neck to Capt Rogers’s & up by Tabers & home by Miners &c. a Small Showre in ye Eveng. Thursd 4 fair. I was in Town foren. aftern at home Engraving. fryd 5 fair. I was att home till aftern I went with Mr Colefax to Peter Lattimers to take the acknowledgemt of a morgage of Sd Colefaxes House & Land to Joshua youngs Esqr of So-hold who paid down £100 N york 250 Dollers & 30 odd £ due before to be Redeemed in 4 year att 6. p Ct Interest. Saturd 6 fair. I was att home foren. In the aftern with Mr Stuart & Stephen Hempsted. he was Laying out Land by Samil Beebees wch he Buyeth of Jont Truman; Pendall Right being part of the Sd Pendal Right in the Grass Comons yt was Laid out by Stephen Hempsted as County Survey. there is 13 acres & 29 R wch is more than 3 acres too much 10 590 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1752 acres being the Extent of what they ought to have had. (if any) by Reson this Same Right was formerly Laid out to Mr Taber by mistake. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams pr al day. Wm Moor a Child Baptized Mary & John Tinker Junr one Joseph. Mond 8 fair till night & then Smart Thunder & a Showre. I was att home Most of the day. toward night I went into Town. Lydia fox (alias) Douglass is come to work to make a Jacket & breeches. Tuesd 9 fair. I was att home all day. my Daughter Starr & Grandaughter molly Eldredge are here & their young children &c. Wednsd 1oth fair in the foren & then a Smart Thunder Showre. I had been out to the Cornfield & Crossman Lot & the Showre took me before I got home and another fine Showre in the Evening. I was att home foren. aftern att Court to assist in one action about a Hiway in Norwich a Cross the Lotts from Leffingwells to Watermans &c. Thursd 11 fair. I was att home all day Engraving &c. fryd 12 fair. I was att home foren & then after Dinner I Rid out to Cornfield & most night I came home. Thos Hartshorn come. Saturd 13th fair. In the foren I went to Mill & Stayed att Mr Winthrops to Dinner. Jno Brewster of Brookhaven South is there & hath bot ye Last part of Mr Winthrops Land there. afternoon & toward Night I Rid out wth Cuzn Hartshorn to plain &c. Sund 14 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Nicho Darrow a Child Baptized Elizabeth and Samll Beebe’s Nathanaels Son Wife one Rhoda. Mond 15 fair Except a Little Scattering Rain in ye aftern. in the morning I Rid up into Town to assist adam in fetching a hhd of molasses for Cuzn Truman from Pickets Wharff. adm Truckt up one for Guy Richards. In the aftern I Rid out to ye Cornfield & mended up Some fence in Crossmans Lot. Thos Hartshorn 2 oxen gone back to Norwich 16th. old oxen put into ye Comon pasture. Tuesd 16 a Stedy Rainy Day moderately. I was att home al day. Wednsd 17 fair. I was at home most of ye day. Rid out toward night. yesterday my old oxen put into the Comon pasture. Thursd 18 fair. I was out to Joseph Caulkings’s to Measure Land. 17 Acres for David & 33 for Joseph. I wrote a Deed &c after it was night & made it near Midnight home. my Little mare hath been to Mr Caulkings Stalyon. fryd 19 fair. I was at home foren but up to ye Courthouse. I pd of Lydia Douglass 39s for 64 days work making my blue Jacket & Breeches Cloth Serge & 1. pr Leather Breeches. Saturd 20 fair. J was at home foren. aftern plowing among the Corn. Adm Sawing. Mingo Swet hoing. Sund .21. fair. Mr adams pr. all day. Mond 22 fair. I was att home foren. aftern in Town & att ye Cornfield & Crossman Lot pulling up Caddlock & picking up Stones. Tuesd 23 fair. I was out to Robt Douglasses & Willm Hatches measuring my Land between Emms & Douglass’s & Jont Whipples &c for Hatch Six acres & 20 Rod & Lions is 3 acres & 19 Rod. Wednsd 24 Cloudy in the foren and Rain mod- erately all the aftern. I was about home all day. I put in 2 New Spokes & mended a wooden wheel. &c. I Sent my old mare to ye Comon pasture. Thursd .25. Rainy moderately most of the Day. none last night. I was att home all day. fryd. 26 Rainy in the foren. I was att home. fair in the aftern. I was att Lecture & in Town. I Recd of Anthony Whipple £5 Interest. Saturd 27 fair till near night & then Showry. I went out to the Cornfield to mend the fence. aftern [ ]. Sund 28 fair till after Meeting & then Thunder & Rain. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 29 fair. in the foren I went with adm & Team to Capt Coits Wharff & bot of Thos Miner 4 Bushll of Corn for Capt Daniel Coit & pd him £6 tos od 2s over, & 12 Bushll for my Self £19 4s od. I pd him. but £12 due £7 4 and then (vizt) afternoon I went to Stonington & Lodged att Son Miners. Tuesd 30 fair. I was all day with the Sheriff & Jury appointed 19752] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 591 to Lay an open Highway from Stonington Harbour to Preston & wee Dined at Capt Nathan Chesebroughs Gratis. a great Company 3 or 4 Score p haps. I Lodged at Son Miners again. Wednsd. July .1. fair. in the foren I went to Westerly to Colln Pendle- tons & Capt Silas Greenmans wth 13 Tikets of Pendletons Lottery &c. ye 13 Tickets are 9 of ym Blanks & 4 Prizes. 1. is Lott N for which I got a Deed Executed & Recorded to Richd Conkling of [Ston]ington. the other 3 are .2. £12 & 1: £8 all £32. deduction is £3 4s od & I [ Jing the Deed tos. all £3 14s od. due £28 6s od. I dined at Colln Pendletons & came back to Capt Denisons & after a while the Sheriff & Jury Come along & were all Treated by Capt Denison Liberaly & then they w[ ] on the view of ye Highway So far up as Samll frinks & Returning Stopt att Son Miners & Drank 2 or 3 gall of Wine & as much of [ ] & then went down to Capt Amos Chesebroughs & So might come on [ ] Returned with Son Miner to his House where the Sheriff Starr is ] ]. I Lodged there. a Child of John Christophers buryed. Thursd 2d fair & violent Hot. I came away at 9. Stopt a while at [ ] farm. got 15ib of Wool att Christopher Eldredges. Came to Ms De[ J. Stopt a while & Dined there. in ye Latter part of the Day came [ ] the ferry & over before Dark. Naomi Fox Daughter of my Co[usin] Fox a young woman of about 20 year old was buryed att ye [Baptist] meeting-house in the Neck. She Died att ye House of Samll Taber at Nih[antick] River head. a negro Child of Capt Braddicks buryed. fryd. 3 Hot fair. I was about home foren plowing among ye Corn for H[ ] at Jno Plumb Lot. in the aftern Joshua Starr Rid ye mare &c. the Wife of the above sd Samll Taber was buryed att ye Baptists meeting-house as above. Saturd 4th fair. In the foren I finisht plowing ye Corn &c. Grover helpt. Sund 5 fair. Mr adams prall Day. Mond 6 fair. In the foren I went to Bolles’s Mill & got a Grist gro[und]. after noon att home. Josha is Come over with his Cuzn Thomas [Conk]ling of Sohold who come over Saturday last from So-hold. Tuesd 7 fair. I was at home foren. aftern att ye Cornfield helping adam by Jno [ ] & plowing in the Corn Side hill by Tit Hurlbuts Stonewall &c. a Thu[ ]. Wednsd 8 Rainy most of the foren Smartly. I was att home all day. Thursd 9 fair. I was att home & in Town with my Daughter [ ] & then out to the Cornfield & mended up the fence at Crossman Lot out Side who came over ys morning & back again before night. fryd. 10 fair & very hot. I went to Mr Millers in ye Morning & yn [ ] all day. I put a New felloe into Madms Chaise Wheel &c. Saturd 11 fair & very hot. I was about home till near night I Rid [ ] into the Cornfield. one of Natt Coits Twins died. a male Infant. Sund 12 fair & Hot. Mr adams pr all day. a Contribution in this Colony to help Suport ye Gospel among the Indians in to what Comes from Scotland. the Indians are back of the Jers[ ]. Mond .13. fair & Cool. a N— Wind. Josha Came from Stonington in a [ ] & went home again. Carryed Some Corn & Sun- drys. I was ab[out] home & out to ye Cornfield twice. Jont Cheapel Mowed [ ] the Ropehouse all between the Rope walk & the Stonewall Even with the Hovel below ye old yellow apple tree. 1 Swa[ — ]. An old Indian about 70 killed his Squaw with an ax yesterd att Stonington & Ran a little way & Hanged himself. Tuesd 14 fair. I was about home all day haying. Jont Cheapel Mowed. Wednsd 15 fair towards night Cloudy. I was at home all day haying. toward night I Stackt my Clover 34 Cocks & 12 more Spier grass. Nal ] caryed all on poles. Jont Cheapel left mowing & helpt Stack & a[ ]. Thursd 16 fair. I was at home all Day Haying. mary Robinson Daughter Edwd Robinson aged 592 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1752 about 26 years I Supose was buryed. fryd 17. I was at home all day Hay- ing. Natt Coits wife Died. 4. Child Of: winecwascarauess tea estore aie Saturd 18 a Thunder Showre in the Morning & Cloudy till noon yn fair. 1 was at home all day. Ben Want & Rold Rogers helpt Cary Cocks & wee made one Stack near Trumans Cornner, &c. N Coits Wife buryed. Sund 19 fair (Excepting 2 or 3 Thundr Showres in the Midle of ye day. Mr Adams pr all day. Capt Jos Coit a Child Baptized Thomas. Mond 20. fair, In the Morn I Rid out to Jno Plumb Lot & mended up ye Wall. &c then att home haying & adam. Tuesd 21 fair. I was att home all day haying Stacking. Ephm helpt in the foren & mowed oats aftern Jno Plumb lot. Wednsd 22 So ward fair, but Thunder all day at a Distance most East- ward & I was at home all day haying. wee Made the 3d Stack & finisht in the Lower End ye Lot Square over to Mr Coits Swamp Lot a white Thorn by the wall to the Island of Rocks by the Rope house, & began to Mow from ye Rope house by the Wall to the Street by Mr Chapmans & a Cross to Dea fosdycks fence All ye hollow Square down to ye white Grape vine & up to ye N— End of my Low wall Next Dea. fosdycks Land. James Harris Mowed & Ephm helpt in the aftern. Thursd 23 fair. I was at home in the foren (Cloudy in ye morn) & wn ye Sun broke out wee Turned & Spread the hay wch was very thick at the upper End ye Lot. in the aftern Ben Want & Ephm helpt Rake & Cock all ye upper End of Thick Grass & also the Side hill wch James Harris mowed to day. he also mowed beyond ye Medo. he workt all day. In the aftern I went with Josh Star & drove their Heiffers Calf with my 3 & ye old Cow Jno Plumb Lot pasture. fryd 24. fair. I was at home all Day haying. Ja. Harris finisht mowing the Lot. he hath workt 3 Days. Jont Cheapel 5. & Ronland Rogers 1 & Ephm Brown $ Day. allg Days &4. Saturd 25 fair. I was about home a while & went Into Town to Dishons to Speak with Thos Mitchel of Newbury who came to See me ys morning. he is the Eldest Son of Jno Mitchel of Sd Newbury Decd weh John was 2d Son to my old Master Mitchel of ys Town who fell to Decay in his old age & was maintained by the Town & Died in the year 1725. I came home Topt up a Stack & then went to Stonington with my Daughter Starr & got there by daylight & Lodged to Son miners. She Rid my old mair & her Son Billy 5 year old behind her. Sund 26 fair. I went to Meeting house att ye Center house & heard Mr Eells all day &c. Mond 27 fair & hot. I Left my Daughter Starr wth her Sister miner at 11 & came to my farm & Dined there & Stayed a while. came away toward night. got to ye ferry by daylight over Soon. this day was buryed the Eldest Son of Ez Chapman. it Died yesterday with the Canker. aged 6 years. Tuesd 28 fair. In the forepart of the day I was out to ye Comon pasture to See my oxen & Cow yt are fatting & mending my out side fence. in the aftern out to Crossman Lot & ye Cornfield. Ephm Brown mowed oats & adm Raked ym. Wednsd 29. Cloudy. in the foren I was out to: Crossman Lot Stacking oats. Ben Want helpt adam Carry ye Cocks &c for 6 Quarts of milk. in the aftern I was att home; & att the funeral of the 2d Son of Ezekiel Chapmn. it died yesterd. aged 3 years. Thursd 30 fair. In the foren I Rid out to Look up my Daughter Starrrs Hieffer & calf &c & in aftern after I had turned Some Thif ] Clover in Jno Plumb Lot yt-Stephen Mowed to Day I went again & found her &c. Ben Want & Stephen Beebee Thrasht oats for Mr Chew. adm gone to Help Joshua at Stonington. fryd 31 fair but Cloudy in the morn & a Small Showre. very [ ]. Iwas at home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to Carry D[inner] to the Thrashers &c. a Child of Jont Cheapels buryed. 1752] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 593 August Saturd .1. fair. I was about home in the foren. toward night I went to [StonJington & Met my Daughter Starr Coming home with her Husb[and] by Cunninghams. he met her by Haines’s. I found Joshua Sick. ta[ken] very bad ys Day with the ague & vomiting & followed with a high fevar. I Lodged att Christopher Eldredges. Sunday 2d fair. I went to Meeting att ye Center-house & heard Mr Eells of midletown all day. Mond 3d fair. In the foren I went to Mr Pages & Mr Rosseters & got to [ ] farm Soon afternoon & Stayed there & Lodged att Citts. Tuesd 4 Wednsd. 5h & Thursday fair 6h. a Showre in the morning. I was att ye farm & miners. Jenny Grav[ ] there & Nab is come home from Road Island with her by ye way of N. London &c. fryd. 7 fair. I was up to Mr Udals in ye upper part of Stonington to get Some medicines for Daughter Starr & Came to my farm & [ ] att Citts. Saturd 8 Rain in ye morning Several fine Showres. I came home & also adam who hath helpt Josh 7d Days besides going & Com[ing]. I got home before night. yesterday morning Died my kinsman D[ | Thos Lee Esqr of Lyme East Society in a good old age. about [ | yesterday my Nephew Thos Harts- horn came from Norwich. 2 of his Cousens with him & they Returned). he is bound [ ]. Sunday 9. fair. mr adams pr all Day. Mond 1g fair. in the foren I went into Town. aftern at home Engraving & helping adam Dig up 2 Large Stones in the upper End of plain medow next Mr Coits Hollow. about 3 or 4 Rod from partition fence. Tuesd 11 fair but a Thunder Showre or two about Noon. Sharp Lighining & [ ] Struck a Sloop of mr Eliots of killingworth bound to Halifax in the Harbour below & Shivered the Mast. killed 29 Sheep & 2 more died afterwards & by good Providence killed nor hurt no man nor [ ] Sloop in any other part. In the foren I was att home helping Dig Stones in the Lower End ye Rocky gutter next Mr Coits. Son miner here. I went with him to Capt Coits to hear Evid[ence] taken about Mr Roes affair & up to widow Ester Richards. Mr Gorton Plaintiff &c. Wednsd 12 fair. I was at home all day Engrav- ing & helping Dig up a Ld Stone in the Rocky gutter which is now as dry as ye upland. Pierpoint & Mr Dalabee from Midletown Lodged here last night [ ] Day went to Stonington. Much Lightning & Thundr & Some Showres. Thursd 13 fair. in the foren I went up to Mr Stewarts wharft to take Leave of my [Ne]phew Thos Hartshorn who is going home to Mary- land by the way of Long Island with Robt Griffing. the wind faced & the boat came back. the aftern I Rid out to Crossman Lot Adm & Ephm Top- ping up the oa[ ] & brot home about 9 Cocks. my half was 21 Cocks &c. fryd 14 Rainy all the foren. the aftern Cloudy & driping Some. Cuzn Hartshorn Lodged with me last night. was Called up before Day. took his last farewell of me Never Expecting to See one another [ ]. I was att home all day Excepting a little before night I went to my Son Starrs to See their work. they have began to Stone up the Well about 4 foot. a flatt Rock all over the Bottom about 2 foot. Saturd 15 a plentyfull Rain last night & Some ys morn yn fair. I was at home all day Engraving. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Jer Miller a Child Baptizd A[ ]. Mond 17 fair. I was att home foren Engraving. aftern att Lecture att ye meet- ing house. Mr Jewit preacht. a great assembly. Tuesd 18 fair. in the foren I went with my Daughter Starrs 2 Son Joseph & Daniel to the Comon pasture to Drive their Calf & went to look up my old oxen I had of Jno Cheapel gt more took out of the Comon pasture on Sunday night & Strayed away. I found ym & aftern I put them into Crossman Lot & fenced ye oat Stack there. the County Court Sat by adjournment. Wednsd 109 fair. I was about home foren, & aftern in Town att Mr Winthrops Mr Millers &c. 39 594 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1952 Thursd 20 fair. I went up to Mr Colefaxes the foren to take ye Exami- nation of Elizabeth his Daughter who is with Child by fornication & Lays it on Ebenezar Sage. aftern att home writing. fryd .21. fair. I was att home foren. aftern up in Town to Mr Winthrops & Colln Saltonstalls to Seek my kinswoman Jenny Grant of Newport. Saturd 22 fair. I was att home in the foren & aftern I went to Stonington with my kinswoman Jane Grant of Newport and got to my Son miners before nine a Clock & Lodged there. Sund 23d fair. I went to meeting att Mistick-house & heard Mr Rossiter all Day & in the Evening I went to my farm & I & Joshua went to visit Charles Eldrig who is very Sick. I Lodged att Christopher Eldredges, Mond 24 Cloudy & Some Rain. I Set out Late in ye morn. Stopt by ye way Some Hours Rather than Ride in ye Rain. I got home & went to the funeral of Peggy Smith a Single woman who hath been Sick many years & att Last Suported by the Town. She Died yesterday aged I Supose above 30 years. Tuesd 25 Wet drisley weather. I was about home all Day. Wednsd 26 Cloudy & Some Small matter of Rain. I was at home foren mending. the Stonewall by Mr Chapmans Brook. the foundation Stones were Canted down Hill & I pryed them up &c. aftern I went to Mr Win- throps to Dinner &c. Thursd 27 fair. I went with Mr Winthrop to fishers Island & Jer. Miller in Powers Boat. I Stayed there 3 nights. wee meas- ured the Length of the Island almost. wee began att the west point & Measured Six mile towards the East End & made heaps of _Stones att the End of Each Mile & also measured the Distance from ye house to ye West point & also to ye East End. Sund 30 fair. Wee came home in Mr Mum- fords Boat timely to go to meeting in ye aftern. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 31 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to Crossman Lot to water my oxen & Cow, yt are fatting & then Down in the Neck to See after mowing the Salt meadow att ve Gutt. my Team workt att Mending the Highways in adams Room & Stead. he is Cutting Corn Stalks. a Child of Mr Thomas Greens of Boston (who is here wth his wife att her Brother Joseph Coits) Died. more than a year old. the week past Jonathan Williams Junr of Groton his wife hanged her Self Dead. She was the Daughter of Ebenezar Williams of ye North Parish & mother of 3 or 4 Children. Septembr Tuesd. 1. fair. I was out to Josiah Tabers of Lyme to be an Evidence between Justice Raymond & Thomas Manwaring. Colln Hez: Huntington Colln Chris Avery & Justice Luke Perkins arbitrators &c. I Dined att Sd Manwarings & home att night. Wednsd 2 fair. In the morning I Rid out to get 2 men to mow Salt Marsh & then to Thos Man- warings & Tabers to give Evidence before the arbitrators & got home Late after 9. Thursd 14 fair & Such a Day as wee never had before (by act of Parlament to bring old Stile into New Stile. 11 Days is taken out of this month in this pla[ ] & then the time to go on as heretofore. I was att home foren & in the aftern I went to Stonington. Stopt a while att Ms Denisons & Joshua’s & Lodged att Son miners. fryd 15 Cloudy. in the morning I came to my farm. brot away my old mare &c. I Dined at Ms Denisons & Stopt a while there & called att mr owens & Mr Newel School Master att Stonington & My Granson Wm Roe & Mr Rossiters 2 Sons Twins all going to New haven to Commencemt overtook me & wee came over togather in two Boats & I took their horses to my Crossman Lot & they Lodged att Son Starrs. Saturd 16 Rainy Moderately all day att times. I was at home al Day. Saturd 16 Rain. Sund .17. it Rained much Last night. ye Brook is very f[ ] the morning & Rained fast all the foren that I did not go to meeting until‘the aftern & then a thin Congregation. Mr 1752] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 595 McCartee of Worster pr a [ ]._ Mond 18 Cloudy & Misty. I was att home most of the Day. I mended Brothr [ ] old Wheel. put in 2 New Spokes & other Jobbs. Mr Newel Wm Miner & Mr Rossiters 2 Sons Elnathan & John Set out in ye Morning for Guilford. Tuesd. 19 fair. afternoon I Set out for Windham Supr Court being Sumf[oned] to give Evidence in a case between Mr Gorton & Son Miner. I [ ] a while att Norwich to Refresh & went up to my kinsmans Thos Hide’s & Lodged there. Wednsd 20 fair. I got to Windham before the Court Sat & put up with Son Miner & his Son Natt. att Mr Waldens’ & yn to Court al day. Thursd 21. fair, I was att Court Most of the Day & to visit Colln Jabez Huntington who Lyes very dangerouse. one Leg & foot Dead. fryd 22 fair. I was att Court most of the Day. the action of Son [ ] was pleaded to. Colln Hunting had on Leg Cut of to Save life. a woman Dyed in New London. wife of young Darro, Ebe’s Son. Saturd 23d fair & hot. Set out for home about 10 Clock. went [ ] Cuz. Daniel Birchards last night & again this morning & Rid over to Lebanon Crank Society to get Jenny Grant Pocket Book found in Groton Near ye old Meetting house by ] Coats of Lebanon ye 18 of August Last. he was gone from [ ]. I got the Book & he made use of the Mony, they Say but [ ] Connecticut bills. I Dined att Mr Swift’s yt Maried Joshua Wh[ ] Daughter Eliza. I Stopt a while & oated att Daniel Hides, by ] Meetinghouse & agen att Samll Hides, also at Cuzn Jabez. It [ Jafter Sunset. I Set out for home Moon Light. I Rid thro [ fs oated att Jno Leffingwells, got home by midnight &c. Sund 24 Rainy but moderately. Mr adams pr all Day. a Sacrament Day; Jno Coit a Son Baptized John & Jont Colver one Christopher. Mond 25 Drisley most of the Day & Smart Rain in the Evening. I was at home all day. Tuesd 26 fair. in the foren I was in Town to wait on the Judges of ye Supr Court wch Sets to day, and to get Arbitration Bonds Executed between Peter Lattimer & my Self &c and then att home. Rain Smartly before night. Wednsd 27 fair & clear. I was at home all Day. Thursd 28 fair. I was att home foren fencing Stacks. aftern att ye Supr Court wch Sat in the meetinghouse for the Tryal of Sarah Bramble for Mur[dering] her Bastard Child born Last March at Bryan Palmes Where Lt Clement [Miner] Lived above a Mile out of Town. a very great Concourse of People. Dark the Case was delivered to the Jury. fryd. 29 fair. I was at home most of the Day fencing Stacks. toward night I went to Stonington and Lodged at Son Miners (late th[ ]. Saturd 30. it began to Rain by 8 or g in the foren & thence after very [ ] Rain & held most of the night. october New Stile Sunday 1 a very Rainy Day untill about 4 in ye aftern. I went over to farm & Joshuas wife was Newly dd of a Daughter & in a hope[full] way to do well. I Lodged att Christophers. Mond 2d fair & clear. in the forepart of the Day I got the Colefax mair [ ]. Late in the aftern I Set out for home with Molly Eldredge &................... Tuesd 3d fair. I was at home in the foren & most of the Day mending fence & out to ye Cornfield. Wednsd 4th fair. in the foren Margaret fox wife of Samll fox in ye North parish died near 70. I went up in Town & in the aftern helping adam mend fence att Crossman Lot & also Cary out near 30 Cocks of Salt hay yt was on ye Low marsh in order to Dry it &c. Thursd 5 fair. I was about home foren. aftern att Mile plain Measuring Land wth Wm Manwaring & Colefax & itt Rained a while in the morning. fryd .6. fair. I was all day with Wm Manwaring & his Brother Samll Gager & Colefax Measuring Land att Mile plain &c. Saturd 7 fair. I was att 596 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1752 home all Day Computing & writing Deed & Bonds Etc. I Recd £3 165 [ ] of Mr Gager & 6s of Mr Hardin. Sund .8. it Rained much in ye night & foren. Mr adam pr all day. I was out in ye aftern only. Mond gh Cloudy In the morning. I got Mr Taber to mend the Cyder Mill beam Screw &c & I went to Mr Gardners wharff with Nattees Child & her mother going to So-hold in Capt fannings Sloop. Nathan Moor Junr & youngs Ledyard in her. Tuesd 10 Cloudy. I was att home Most of the day fitting up ye Cydr Mill &c. Sarah the wife of Lt James Harris (Lately Sarah Jackson the Daughter of Lt Joseph Harris Decd) was buryed in the North parish. Died yesterday aged about 48. toward night I went into Town to Look Iron. Wednsd i1 Cloudy & Some wet. I was att home all day— adm Making Cyder. Thursd 12 fair. I was at home foren helping adm about making Cyder. in the aftern I Rid down to the Gutt & Turned Some of ye Salt hay yt was Wet. iryd 13 fair. I was att home all day. I mend up ve Stonewall at ye N W Cornr of Mr Coits Hollow & help adam about Cyder &c. yesterday Died Elizabeth the wife of Jonathan Rogers Samuels Son. She was ye Eldest Daughter of Mr Joseph Pemberton Decd & ye Last of three Daughters yt were all maried in ye Northparish. aged about 68 I Supose. Saturd 14 Rainy moderately in ye foren & Smart in the afternon. Sund 15 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr all Day. 4 Children Baptized Wm Douglass one Lydia, Nicholas Hallam one John, John Wheeler one Elizabeth & Thomas Manwaring Junr one Lucy. Mond 16 fair. a Trayning Day first & 2d Company. Zacheus Wheeler Chosen Lt of the 2d Company in the Room of Lt Samll Green Decd. I was at home all Day helping adm about Samll Gardners Cyder & Triming Cask—&c. Tuesd 17. fair. I was att home all Day Triming Cask &c. adm finisht S Gardners Cyder. 6 bbs &c. Wednsd 18 fair. I was att home Till noon. I fitted up ye Cart & Sent adam to fetch a Ld of of Hay from Coits medow (in Lesters field) that I had of Mr Hull .1. good Ld for my part. Natt Rogers mowed it to the halves. I Rid after adam & Loaded the Cart & home by Evening &c. Thursd. 19 fair. I went with adm & Team to fetch a Ld of Salt hay over ye Gut. wee had a yoak of Hen Harris’s oxen to help as far as Tinkers. in the Evening I was on an arbitration between Charles follitt & Geo Witherlake Shipwrights att the Widow Richards. Jno Coit & Nicholas Hallam. frvd 20 fair. I helpt adm fetch a Ld of Salt hay this Side the Gut. in the Evening I went with Mrss Coit & Hallam to the Widow Richards’ & finished the arbitration &c. Rain att night. in the forepart of it Smartly. Saturd 21 fair. I was about home. toward night I went to Stonington Sundown before I left the ferry. I got to Son miners by .9. at night & Lodged there. Sund 22 fair. I went to the Centerhouse to Meeting. Mr Eells pr all Day. Mond 23d fair. In the foren I went to Colln Pendletons after Lottery Mony but yet none. aftern back & over to my farm & Lodged at Citts. Tuesd 24 fair. In the after- noon I came home. got over by daylight. Wednsd 25 fair. [ jill attwells wife buryed. I was about home till .2. Clock & Christopher Eldrege came & brot the tydings of the Death of Joshuas Infant Called Lucretia. Dyed last night about midnight. aged 3 weeks & 3 Days. I fitted away as Soon as I could & got over & Natt & his Sister Mary & got to Mistick by Daylight & Down & Lodged att Citts Whittemors. Thursd 26 Rainy most of the day. I was at my farm all day. Joshuas Infant was buryed on the farm. the first that Ever died in..... 2... 2. eee eee fryd 27 fair & pleasant. I went from my farm to Son Miners by 11 & then to Capt Greenmans att Westerly to See after the Lottery Mony but in 1752] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 597 vain (he being from home) & back to Son miners by 3 & then to visit Mr Rossiter & back to the farm & Lodged att Christophers again. Natt & his Sister gone home & Josh with them. Saturd 28 fair. I Set out for home by Sunrise & got over by 9 & went for Mr Robinson to measure 33 acres & 1-3 of his Land by Nicholas Bishops for Sd Bishop. night that time wee finisht & home before 8. Wm Manwaring assisted me &c. a Cold night. Sund 29 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Thos Buttler Junr a Child Baptized Walter. Mond 30 fair. In the foren I went out to Joshuas field with Natt & Sowed 4 Bushels of Rye for him & adm & 4 oxen harrowed itt in. wee Carryed out Some apple Chaff & plowd it in the S. W. Cornner of his field & after 2 Clock I came home & wrote a Deed for Nichll Bishop from Edwd Robinson—old Ms Mary Miner Widow of old Mr Joseph Miner who (Decd in april last) Died last night. She is Said to have had a Consumption. She was Maryed to Mr Miner 2 year ago this month & aged then about 61. & hath been a widow about 6. months &c. Tuesd 31 fair. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I [ ] to the funeral of old Ms miner & after it in Town. November Wednsd 1. fair. I was at home all day Mending Capt Lees wheel &c. adam began to gather the Corn & Richd helpt 4 day large. Thursd 2 fair. I was att home all day mending the wheel. put in 2 new Spokes yesterd & one felloe & fitted 2 new fellowes more to day & put them togather, Stephen morticed one by Candlelight &c. adam _gathred Corn afternoon & Richd from 9 or 10 Clock &c. fryd 3 fair. 1 was at home foren. finisht mending Capt Lees wheel &c. Stephen helpt. and adam Carted home 2 Stout Load of Corn. Mr Starrs Manuel helpt him. in the aftern I Rid out with Mr Richards & measured a Small peice of Land for Mr Stewart Commons Near & Joyning to Samll Beebee in part of the Gramer School Right grass Commons. Jasper Latham buryed. Saturd 4 fair. I was with the Selectmen att the Harbours mouth taking Care of Capt Thomas Eames & Crew in a Brigg from New york. Divers of his men & himself Sick with the Small pox. toward night I was att home. adm had mingo Swetland to help about gathring & Carting & finishn the Corn. Jasper Latham of Groton aged 72 Died on Thursday in a fitt of the appoplex. Sund 5 fair. Mr Pierson minister of Woodbridge in the West Jerseys Preacht all day. JI was att meeting, only in the aftern. Jno Rogers Cooper had an Infant Baptized Lydia. Mond 6 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Stephen helpt me mend my Wooden wheel: 1 Spoke & 1 felloe. Tuesd 7. Cloudy misty & Some Rain. I Rid out to the Salt marshes & they are all under water. the Tide very high. I came back & helpt Adam att Jno Plumbe Lot about fencing Stack. Rain put us by. Wednsd 8 fair. I was about home until near night T went to Stonington. got over the ferry by dark & got to the farm before bed time. Thursd 9 fair & warm. a pub- lick Thanksgiving. I went to Son miners & with him to the Center meet- ing. heard Mr Fells & back. fryd 10 fair. I Stayed att Son miners most of ve Day to Wait for Capt Greenman who Came & paid me £28 6s od New Rhd Island mony for Huntington men. Lottery mony. IT came to ve farm. Lodged att Citts & Saturd morning itt Rained. I went to Joshuas & toward night I went for the ferry. got late there & Lodged att John Ledgyard &c. Sunday 12 Cloudy & warm. Jno Griffing hath got the Small pox & is ys day Removed to Jno Rogers’s House att Greens Harbour & his family Con- fined att home. he was Pilot of Capt Ames. I went with my Granson Jno Ledyard Junr & wife to hear Mr owen & hack over in the Evening. the Church bell is going for the funeral of one Wards Wife who Died in Child bed. her Child died last Tuesday & one Bell Toles for the Death of poor 598 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1752 Ben Want who Died this afternoon with the Small Pox att the white-beach in Peter Lattimers House there where Capt Eams Died with the Same Destemper. was buryed yesterday by one of the Sand Banks. this Ben Want lived with me many years. I took him when he was about 5 or 6 yr old I think & kept him to School &c. after he was old Enough his mother put him Apprentice to Son John & he was free last Sumer & went to Sea & Suposed he had ye small pox in Barbados before this but was mistaken. he went with Sd Ames to N. York from hence about a month Since. he was to me like one of my Children (almost). his poor mother lost 2 Sons before as soon as Ever they came of age went to Sea & died abroad. Mond 13 Rainy most of the Deay Steadyly. I was att home all day. Tuesd 14 fair. I was most of the Day about Town Waiting on an Arbitration yt was to have been Between Peter Latti- mer & I wch is putt by untill ye 15th of December next. Wednsd 15 Rainy moderately all day. I was at home all day. News is Come that Andrew Palmes is Dead in one of the french Islands in ye west Indias. Thursd 16 fair & towards night Cold. I was att home foren & out to the Cornfield aftern fencing Stacks &c. it froze hard at night. fryday 17 fair & Something cold. I was out to Joseph Cheapels & Mr Richards to Measure 33 acres of Rocky Land being al yt is So-ward of his farm & Norward of Eams’s. he pd us off. Wm Moor aged about 26 died last night & also a Negro woman of Jonat Prentis’s buryd to night. I gave 36s in Exchange & Recd £4 os od. Mr Rich Re 60s. Saturd 18 foren Rainy. I was att home. aftern Cloudy. I went to Meet the funeral of Wm Moor So far as Mr Richds farm-house. Sund 19 fair & warm foren. Cloudy aftern. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 20 a Misty wet Day. not much but Some Rain. In the foren I went up to Samuel Rogers’ to take his wives Evidence & in the afitern at home. Tuesd 21 Cloudy & very windy S Westerly. I went out with Wm Manwaring to his House to write a Deed & also to Ezekiel Beebes to take ye acknowledgemt of a Quit claim from him & his Sister Lydia Morrice to Elipht Lester of Jont Rogers’s Comons. I Recd 24s. John Griffing was Buryed a white Beach. Died ys morn with the Small pox. ye 3d of that Company. 3 more have it yet. one man more buryed to day. Died out of a vessel. Holister ye Mate of Glassenbury, aged above 30 years. Jno Colefax is his uncle. Wednsd 22. very cold & windy. I went with adam to the Cornfield to Stack the Corn topps &c but very cold. I gave out & came home & went with Jno Lay ve 2d of Lyme to the House of the Late Widow Smith & took the acknowledgement of a Deed to Jont Smith Executed by Peter Way & his wife Patience. I Recd 20s &c. Thursd 23d Cloudy & toward night Rain. after Stephen Carted home a Load of hay from Gilberts Lot I went out & adam & Stackt the Cornstalks. & then Stephen came & helpt adam Cart & Stack 2 Load of hay & yn it Rained. in the Evening went to Capt Coits & met the Committee & wee Signed the Surveys for Jonat Cheapel amariah Lvon &c. Cold Rain. fryd 24 fair & cold. I was att home most of the Day. my Granson Joshua Hempsted Robts Son came to See me yesterday from Southold. toward night I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot & Set up 5 Lengths of posts & Rayl fence & Inclosed my Stacks. Saturd 25 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern up in Town. Sund 26 Cloudy & a Little Rain in the morn & yn fair. Mr adams pr all Day. A Spanish Snow 150 Tun 40 men Sprung a Leak att Sea & put in here. Ran on Bartletts Reef & Lost her Rudder &c. Capt Durfey hired a Snow & Company belong to Cape Cod to go to Releive them & brot away 37 Cheaste of Dollers & 3 Do of Gold & Stowed them away in Colln Saltonstalls warehouse &c this Day &c. I was there in Evening 152 Diary of Joshua Hempstead 599 till 10 or 11 at night taking Evidences & acknowledgmts. Mond 27 fair. I was most of the Day att Colln Saltonstalls taking Evidences & acknowledg- ments &c till near night I went to Mr Chews & Recd £19 Connecticut mony for 32 bushll of oats he had in ye Summer &c. I pd to Capt Coit £28 in Connecticut Bills Interest of the County mony. Tuesd 28 fair. I was in Town most of the day. Jos Chew assaulted Capt Richd Durfey in the high- way & wounded him with a Bone on his head & bruised his head & tore his Shirt &c. Wednsd 2g fair till near night & then Rain. I was at home foren Tappolling the Haystack yards. aftern att Colln Saltonstalls to advise in ye Spanish affair. the Spanish Snow about 200 Tun is brot into the Harbour & a Watch is ordered to be Set to Guard the Town. 4 men a Constables watch over & above the Six men that was first appointed to a the Mony. Thursd 30 Misty Cloudy a Little Rain. I was at home all Day. Dec fryd .1. Rain & foggy misty in ye foren. fair in the aftern. I was att home all Day. Saturd 2d fair. I was att home all day mending Gr stone S Maple. Sund 3d fair. Mr Wm Adams pr all day. Samll Ames & [ |] Chapp! Daughter of Jno Chappell Publisht. Nath Holt a Child Baptized Peter. Mond 4 fair. I was about home all Day Raw Cold. Tuesd 5 a great Snow knee Deep in the parish Last night & ys morning half Leg Deep & more. it cleared up a little before noon cold & very windy. ye Snow blew like a fogg. I was at home all day. wee began to fodder. Wednsd 6 fair & not Extreem cold. I was at home all day. Jacob Ally aged above 60 buryed in ye Eve. Died Monday Night. Stephen & adam Cut down a white oak Tree which grew Close by the Stonewall by deacon fosdycks Lot at.the upper End in my Lot & drew it home to make one side of a Slead. Thursd the 7th Cloudy. in the foren I was at home. wee killed my old Cow I bot of Capt Stephen Prenttis. Weighed 508 Tallow 37, H 62, B 409, total 508. in the aftern very Rainy. 1 went into Town with Thos fanning of Norwich to take Capt Braddicks Evidence & Stephen helpt about the Cow. fryd 8 Rain much Last night & moderately most of the Day. I was att home all day Trying Tallow & making Candles &c. Saturd 9 fair & Raw cold. I was most of the Day with Mrss Chapman Adam & Hurlbut Select men Removing Hannah Preston into Jas Harris’s House. She is taken with the Small pox. Widow Hobbs is prest to Nurse her & wee Carted Harris’s Household Stuff to Doctor Coits house. I Salted up my beef &c. the Govr Dept Govr Colln Bulkley & Colln Hunting & Collin Saltonstall the Counsel are Sitting att Braddicks on the Spanish affair. Sund ro fair. mr William adams pr all day. in the foren I Stayed at home to assist in the small pox affair. they have fenced the Highway up from Trumans Corner to Holts & a Cross the hill from Holts Corner to Hills Lot. Mond 11 fair. I was att home all Day. in the aftern up Town Mr Millers. he is Sick. Tuesd 12th fair. I was att home all day. in the Evening I went with Mr Lechmere & Chew to Mr Hulls to administer the oath to ym & Mr alford to Make an Inventory of the Effects & Cargo belonging to ye Spanish Snow. Mr Chew gave me 12s 3 & $ bills. Wednsd 13 fair. In the foren I went into Town. aftern att home. adam went to Stonington Last night & fetcht home my Sow & pigs. Josha & Lydia came over. Thursd 14 fair & very windy. I was with Parden Taber att Nihantick Wm Manwaring & Simon Smith viewing the Mountains beyond Nihantick River in order to Divide them. fryd 15 fair. I was at home foren. aftern in Town att Collins’s Waiting on an arbitration wch was to be about Colefax’s mare. Peter Lattimer failed coming So all dropt through. Saturd 16. fair & Cold. I was att home all day. Sund 17. fair. Mr 600 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1752 adams pr all Day. Hannah the wife of Jno Preston Died with the Small pox beforen. & was buryed in Mr Starrs Pasture before night close by the N W Cornner of James Harris's Garden. Nathanael Coit & the widow Hobbs buryed her. they drew the Coffin with long Ropes on the ground &c. Mond 18 fair. I was with Mr Richards Laying out Comons for Eleazer Bishop Junr & John Bishop Round his House & Mill. 3 Acres 24 Rod E& W. 20N &S._ in the Evening the Court of Admirality Sat att ye Courthouse about the Spanish Snow. wee Stopt att itt a while. Tuesd 19 fair & warm. Joshua come. fetcht his wife home. in the foren I Rid down to Quogonopoxet. mended up the fence in Gilberts Lot as I went. adam is there with the Team to fetch up Stuff to put on the hoved. I Rid by ye Sea Shore thro Goshen. Called at Capt Rogers’s & Dined there. Called at Mr Darrows & Tabers & went to Lt Crockers & wrote 2 Deeds for Daniel Ames after Division Comons. Wednsd 20 fair. I was att home all day. I fitted up the hovel for the Hoggs (the North Cornner), Natt Miner come over. Thursd 21 fair. I was Laying out Coms wth Mr Richds for William Crocker 1 Share & ye other Division Jont Rogers's Right. fryd 22 fair & very Cold & windy. I was with Parden Taber Wm Manwaring & Simon Smith viewing Mr Trumans Land in the 3d Teer & apprizing Some things att the old House. I Lodged there all night. Saturd 23 fair. More Moderate. wee all went out to Nihantick & Measured out 11 acres of Land for Parden to make up his £100 given him &c. Sund 24 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr. all day. Capt Adams an Infant Baptized Elizabeth. Daniel Whittemore & Lydia Denison Junr Publisht. the Malancholy Tydings of the Death of Brindly Sylvester Esqr who Dyed this morning 4 Clock aged about 59 at Shelter Island. a Right Worthy Gentleman much given to Hospitality &c. he hath not left his Equal in many Respects. the Last male of that family. Mond 25 fair. I was about home all Day till Evening. Tuesd 26 fair. an annual Town Meeting. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I went into Town &c. Wednsd 27 fair. I was wth Mr Richds Laying out Coms for Abel Moor. he pd us. Thursd 28 fair. I was at home foren. in the afternoon I was Waiting on Mr Hull att his House & he Required my assistance to go [with] him to Colln Saltonstalls to Demand admittance into his Cell[ar] & Ware- house to apprize the Spanyards Mony & Effects p suant to an order of the Judge of the Admirality now att Dishans & the Colln (having Reed the Govr orders to keep the Goods &c untill further orders) Refused admittance to Mr hull & his assistance which were very many & Some armed with Clubbs and with a Cutlass Naked. So that there was Danger of Blood Shed. the Colln with a Guard armed & 2 Constables kept his Gate & after Constable Miner Read the proclamation to the Company to Despel as Rioters they waited a while & went off much Royld Some of them, I Stayed a while att ye Collns in the Eve & then home. fryd 29 it Snowed an Inch or two in the Night in the Morning & held it moderately all day. I was at home all Day. Child of [ ] Starkes; Granchild of Mr appleton Died. Saturd 30 fair. I was att home all Day. wee killed a Hog. Weighd 13 S [ ] Sund 31 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Starkes Child buryed in ye Eve. 17 25 January Mond. 1st fair & warm. I was att home most of ye Day. I went to Stonington toward night & Lodged att Citts. Tuesd 2d fair & windy clear and Cold. I went to Son miners. Wednsd 3d fair. a mod- erate day. J was att Son miners writing a Deed & Bond for mr Rossiter 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 601 &c & Stayed all night. Thursd 4th a very Rainy day & Some Snow toward night. fryd Sh fair. I came from Son Miners where I lodged 3 nights & came to the farm where I Stayed all night. a Squal of Snow toward night & Some Rain. not much. Saturd 6 fair. I came from Joshuas about noon & Stopt a while att Ms Denisons & Dined there & got over by daylight & I paid the ferryman ail that was due to him to ys day—z2os old Tenor. Sund 7 fair foren. Raw cold & Snow aftern & Mr adams pr all day. Mond 8 Cold Cloudy a little Snow about 2 Inches yesterd & last night & at [ J began to Snow Smartly. I was at home all day. a Small Snow. Tuesd 9 fair & prety cold. I was att home all day. Wednsd 10 Some Snow Last night & Some to day & cloudy. I was about home all Day. Hempsted Miner there & Thos Williams. Thursd 11. fair & moderate. In the foren I went to Mill &c. afternoon att home. Hemp Sold his Race Horse for 2 [ [ to Mr Sloan. 3 months pay. fryd 12 fair & warm Thawing. melted most of the Snow. I was about home most of the Day. afternoon writing for Cuzn Joshua Moor his Will. Capt John Braddock Died wth the galluping Consumption Some Call itt. Sick but a few weeks [ Vs aged 50 odd. Saturd 12 Cloudy & warm & Rainy. I was about home & in Town. Cuzn Joshua Moor at my House. I wrote his will &c. I pd Jno Cheapel Junr [ { Bills of Credit £43 in full for a yoak of oxen I bot of him last fall was 12 months. I pd ye Rest being £37 before. all £80. I Sold ym when [ ] all Sumer for £100 to Lyon & not pd all by £20 yet. Sunday 14 fair Cold. Mr adams not well & not att Meeting nor Iniether. I was att home all day Except toward night I went to the funeral of John Braddick. the Revd Mr owen pastor of the first Soc[iety] in Gro- ton Died last night of the Bellius Collick. a very [ } Gentleman & Suited his parish Exceeding well. Mond 15 fair but Cloudy wind S E Inclining to a Storm. I was in Town with the Revd Mr Punderson Taking the Evidence of Colln Saltonstall & [ ] Miller Esqur Réspecting Doctor Wordens old Deeds for Land in En[ ] which were left in the late Govr Saltonstalis’ Care not founds: ox setadebeoetawrtae paleo sweet twe i ie last past. Tuesd 16 fair & cold. Mr. owen Buryed. I was with Mr Richards Laying out Commons for the widow Ann Chapman one Seventh part of 2 Rights in the outside Comons in the Right of her father Kingsland Comstock Deed & the after Division of it. also the after Division of 1 out Side Right in the Right of Samll Chapman wch was her Husband Peter Chapmans. no pay. Wednsd 17 fair & cloudy. Rain in the night. I was wth Mr Richards Laying out 7 after Divisions for Jont Minerd 3d wch he bot of George Richards’s heirs near the N W Cornner Joyning to the South End of Land Laid out to ve heirs of Richd Christophers Senr Decd a Slip of Comons left for the Govr Salts heirs 34 Rod wide & 160 Long. wee were paid of &. Joshua Lay here last night & went home to Day. Thursd 18 fair. I was at home all day. in the aftern I helpt Adam draw Stones out of the Rocky Run near the upper End of Mr Coits Hollow yt Lay in ye water & wet Land in order to make Wall at ye upper End Sd Hollow. ye frost is mostly out of the ground. fryd 19 fair & Cold. I was with Mr Richds Laying out after Divisions, 6 for Jesse Fox 2 for James Buttler & 14 for Wm Waterhouse. they pd us at night. Saturd 20 it Snowed last night & Some Small matter to day. all not above 2 or 3 Inches. I was at home all day. Sund 21 fair. I was at home all Dav Something Indisposed. Mr adams not well did not go out. preacht 1 Sermon to a few at his own House. Mond 22 fair & warm. I was at home all Day. Tuesd 23 fair & warm. I was at home foren & at noon Set out for Abraham Morgans & maried his Sister Anna Morgan unto James Tool an old Countryman, alias 602 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 Irish. a New Comer into Town about 3 months. Wednsd 24 warm Cloudy Misty Thawing Dirty weather. I was att home all day. finisht a pr Grave- stones for Jasper Lathm. Thursd 25 it Rained (much last night &) most of the day not very cold freezes none. I was at home Engraving most of the Day. fryd 26 fair & warm but cloudy. I was att home all Day. I finisht a pr Gravestones for Jont Calkin’s grave. Saturd 27 windy Squally Snow Showres. I was at home all Day. Sund 28 fair & moderate, I was att meeting. Mr adams pr al day. in the Evening I went up to John Rogers’s & Maried John [ ] and Ann Smith togather. Mond 2g fair & moderate. I was with Mr Richards Laying out Coms outside after Divisions for Daniel Eams East of alwife brook & for Jont Cheapel 3 Shares Do below Scrantons by the highway. wee Ran a Line for Lyon also & were pd of at night. Joshua is Come over. all are well there &c. Tuesd. 30 fair & warm Thawing weather. I was with Mr Richards Laying out after Divisions for Samll Ames & Amariah Lyon Joyning to Sam Ames’s Lyon ye North & Ames on ye west. [ ] me at 6s. Wednsd 31 fair & windy N W. Iwas att home most of the Day. I Sent 4 of Colln Pendletons Benefit Lottery Tickets 3 £32 1. Set 80. to Capt Silas Greenman by Mr Stilman. Capt Jonathn Rogers’s Son in Law an Infant of [ ] Champlins buryed. february Thursday 1. I was att home all day. a Son of John Tinker Junrs 6 or 7 yr old Died. fryd 2d fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I went to John Bolles’s. Saturd 3d Cloudy & Drisley wet. I was att home all day. Natt Miner here. Sund 4. fair & moderate. Mr adams pr all Day. Benja Comstock & widow Perkins publisht. Mond 5 Some Rain last night and foren then fair. I was at home al day. Tuesd 6 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern at the adjourned County Court & to visit Mr adams &c. Wednsd 7 fair. this morning about Six a Clock Nathanaels Wife was Safe Delivered of a Son; a Lusty proper Child. I was at home foren. in the aftern with Mr Froud and Church & ye Select- men who are Endeavouring to Divide Rogers’s farm (Joseph & Rowlands) part that was. Thursd 8 Rainy last night & Misty & Cloudy & warm to day. I was about home all Day. fryd 9g fair. I was at home all Day. I Sent 3 pr of Gravestones up to the burying place by adam in the Cart. 1 pr was for the grave of Lt Jonath Calkin, 1 pr for Widow Walwort & one pr for the Grave of Samll Bills wife. these Last were his Stones & I Engraved them 2 or 3 yrs ago. & now this Day he Died. aged I Supose near 60. Saturd ro fair. I was att home all day about Gr. stones. Ja Larabe uncle Greenfields Great granson came here. he is ye Eldest Son of James Larabe Decd which James was the Eldest Son of Thomas Larabe which Thomas was the Eldest Son of my mothers Eldest Brother Greenfield Larabe late of Norwich Long Society. his farm Joyned to the East Side of Quinibaug River. Sund 11 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr all Day. toward night I was att the funeral of Samuel Bill. Mond 12 fair & Windy N W. prety cold. I was att home all Day. Ja Larabe went home. aftern Thrasht oats & Natt Way. he unlopt my St[ ] of Clover at home. (only 12 bushels of oats now & 36 before in ye Sumer. all 4 [ ]. Tuesd 13 fair & clear. I was at home all day. Labbens Haughton 2d Son Sampson Haughton Died of a Consumption. I] pd Thos B[ ] £20 old Tenor & 10 (for his wives Right of Mortimer Comons 1-3 of $ Share. Wednsd 14 fair warm. I was at home all day Engraving &c. Labs Haughton buried. Thursd 15 Cloudy & Raw cold foren. Some Snow Rain in the aftern. was at home all day. a violent Storm of Wind & Rain & a very high Tide. fryd. 16 Squally. a pleasant morning but Soon Clouded over & Snow. al ] and Rain a Little. I was at home all Day. Saturd 17 fair & mod- 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 603 erate. I was at home all Day. Sund 18 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr. all day. Geo. Hendry & wife o[wned] the Covenant. Mond 19 fair & Cold. I Rid out wth Mr Richards to Lay out Land for Samll Latimer & Ez. Cheapel at Round hill prop [ ]for Jont Austin Joyning to his South- west Corner 80 Rod N & S 35 E & West 3 acres in Right of Jno Peek & 14 Samll Lattimer. Tuesd 20 fair till near night & yn Snow. I was at home all day. Jno Gr[ ] Esqr & Samll Lattimer here in the Evening to have my Judgmt between them & I have agreed to go to the place & fix Bounds between them (when good weather comes). Snow all night 6 Inches. Snow a while in ye morn & then fair. Wednsd 21 Snow a little while in the morn & then fair. I was at home all day. a female Child of Jessee Miners Died aged 8 or 9 yr wth Canker. Thursd 22 fair. I was att home foren. my Daughter miner & her Son Cle[ment] & Joshua Hem are come from Stonington. aftern I was at Court [to] get Son miners Bills of Cost Taxt &c. I was also att Mr Rif ] Settling Surveys of Land &c. I also maried Benja Comstock & the widow Mary Perkins. Jesse Miners Child Buryed. fryd 23 Rainy Stormy not cold. wind S—. I was att home all day with 2 Daughters miner & Starr & Jos Pages wife here all the aftern. a great Storm. Saturd 24 fair Cold and a high wind N W. I was with the Selectmen & at [ ] measuring out a three square peice of Comon land between the 3 R[ ] ways westward of Griffings Lot & ye Brook below Haughtons Bridge. 28 [ ]. Sund 25 fair & moderate. mr adams pr all day. I have a great cold & Stayed at home in the foren. my Daughter miner & Clem & Ms Page went home this morning. Set out by moonlight. got over the Ferry by Sunrise. Stephen Set ym over in ye ferry boat, no wind. Johnny Robertson the Son of Patrick Robertson buryed. Died yesterday aged I Supose about Ten years. Mond 26 fair & cold & windy N W. I was about home all day Indisposed. a bad Cold. Eleazer Bishop is come to make one Wheel. the Hubb being Ready made & Spokes hewed. he Morticed all ve wheel & fitted in all the Spokes. Drove none. a Child of [ ] Sheffields Died. Tuesd 27 Snow furiously in the morning & Some last night & Soon left of & Coudy & moist air. I was at home all day. Bishop put on all the felloes & wedged ye Spokes &c. Wednsd 28 fair & very Cold & windy. I was att home all day untill near night I went up to the Prison to wait on Mr Potter who is Confined there &c. his wife came for me & pd me. Stephen hath been all dav at work in the house finishing off the wheel. he hewed all ye felloes & bored Some of the holes and Bishop did the Rest. I paid him for 2 days work 50s part was pd before hand. Solomon Coit aged 73 was this day taken (Lame Right hand & foot useless & his Speech [ ] broken. March Thursd 1. fair & verv Cold & windy. Cuzn Joshua Moor Lodged here last night & Stayed till after Dinner. Stephen finished puting in the Boxes in the New wheel & I helpt John put on the Tire. I was att home all day. I bot 4tb hayseed of Mr Stilman of Westerly who Maried Capt Jont Rogers’s Daughter. fryd 2d fair & windy. not very Cold. I was at home al day. Ab. Ledgd here. Saturd 2d fair & not very Cold. I was at home all day. Sund 4 fair very wind & Cold N W. Mr adams pr all Day. Amos Hallam a Child Baptized Amos. In ye Evening I went to visit Solomon Coit who is very Jame. a Sort of Num palsie. he hath not the feeling in his arm & Leg. but the use of vm Intirely. Mond sth fair. I was all dav att Groton with Mr Winthrop Settling the Line on the South Side his River Lot & Setting of the South Side the Road to Deacon Avery & to Thos Mumford & an Infant of James Douglasses buryed. Tuesd 6 fair 604 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 & windy. I was att home all day. Cuzn Joshua Moor Lodged here. Wednsd 7 fair Raw cold Inclining to Rain. I was att home all day. Thursd 8 fair cold. itt Rained Smartly last night. I was att home foren. I Set up 2 New Chesnut Posts Six holes Draw barrs in the Cornr of the orchard by Mr Chapmans. aftern I new Sett Some of the fence by the Highway Gilbert upper Lot. Samll Griffing Lodged here last night & Anna Moor went away wth him for So-hold. fryd 9 it Rained last night & all day. An Easterly Storm. I was at home all day. I morticed out a Double holed Post for Drawbarrs att Gilberts upper Lot. Cuzn Joshua Moor & his wife Dined here late in the aftern. they have been 3 nights in Town. Saturd 10, Rain & Snow moderately most of the Day. JI kept house al Day. Sund ir fair & cold. I was not well. kept att home. Mr adm pr al day. Mond 12 fair & prety cold. J was about home all Day. Tuesd 13 fair & windy. not very cold. in the foren I was at home helping adam mend up the Stonewall Near the Brook by Mr Chapmans. aftern Setting fence a New Next ye Highway Gilberts upper Lot. Hempsted Miner Come & Stays all night. Wednsd 14 a violent Storm of wind & Rain from ye Westward al the foren & yn cleared up. in the aftern I went wth adam to the Cornfield to Sett up fence. Jos Harris & William Holt ye 2d & others have Raised a Schoolhouse by Haughtens Bridge (So Called.) Thursd 15 fair & moderate. I was wth Mr Richards Surveying Land for Mr Winthrop by Wm Cheapels 1oo acres for Joseph Rogers. Mr Miller Junr & also Mr Winthrop were with us. fryd 16 Rain & Snow. in the foren I was att home. aftern Cloudy. I went [ ] adam to Set up fence in Gilbert’s Lower Lot. a Child of Joseph Leaches buryed. died yesterday with the hooping Cough first then Can[ker]. Saturd 17 fair. I was in Town most of the Day. in the aftern att Mr Hallams with Capt Thos Buttler writing a Quitt claim for [ ] Gilbert Lot Six acres & } which his father Capt Walter Bu[tler] now of the Mohawke Country Sold to Nathll Newbury) the [ ] being in his Children. he gave a Bond yt his heirs Should [ ] firm the Sale wceh is now done & Compleated. Sund 18 fair but Cloudy & Mr adams pr all Dav. I was at meeting [in] the aftern only. John Preston & the Widow Wager publisht. Mond 19 Some Rain at turns Misty & windy. I was up to Mr Winthrops with Jo. Rogers to finish Mr Winthrops Deed &c. in the Evefning] with the Colln & Capt Coit & ve Selectmen Settling the accots of [ |] Several persons Imployed in the Small Pox affair &c. Tuesd 20 fair & pleasant Spring weather. I was att home al [ qe Wednsd 21 fair. I was about home in the foren. in the aftern I was [ ] in Town. I Carryed Natt Miners views to Mr Millers for Ma[ ] to See &c. Thursd 22 a Stormy Day Some Snow & Hail in the morning & very Rainy all dav. afterwards I was up to Mr Mifllers] all Davy to assist in prosecuting a Spanyard for Stabbing an Englishman one Samll Merry- man from New vork in an as[sault| ye night before last near 9 clock in the Townstreet on ve hank by Ms Swlet]lands Bank house. he Run a Sharp knife or Spader through his arm & into his breast & another Stabb in his Back [be]low his kidneys &c. he made his Eskape but was taken last night att Hewitsons in the Neck & put to prison &c. frvd 23d fair. I was all day at Dishans att a Court wth Justice Miller & Coit to Try the Case of Jno Dixon alias Hewitson who was presented by the Grandjury men for keeping a Bawd house & found not guilty. Eliza Moger Singlewoman for frequent- ing [ ] House as Such & both Dismist for paying Cost. Dixon £9 Moger f ]. the Courts fees was 30s & wee gave itt all to ye House for Exp[ ]. Saturd 24 fair. TI was about Town in the foren & in the aftern I went to Stonington & got to the farm before dark & Lodged att 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 605, Christophers. Sund 25 fair. I went with Son miner to the Center House & heard old Mr Treat Mr Eells being gone out of town. Mond 26 Rain ir the foren & Misty in the aftern. I came home to ye ferry. brot my old bay mare that Joshua had. I Lodged att John Ledyards [ ] Newly: arived from the west Indias. all well. Peter Mason (the Son of Ca[ | Peter Mason Decd Died Extrem Sudenly last week Sunday Eve ye 18th. Tuesd 27 fair & moderate. I was about home all day. Wednsd 28 fair & warm. white Hieffer Calved ys week. I Set out Early in the day for Norwich Supr Court in Company with Cuzn Truman & put up at Capt Ebe., Lothrups [ ] was my Son miner & his son Natt. & Chris Eldredge and wife waiting to get Evidence for miner Concerning Mr Roe’s affair & I Stayed till Saturday & yn came home. Warm thick weather & a little Rain & little [ ] shine this part of the week. after I came home I Rid down: to the Harbours mouth to Speak with William Harris on miner accot on the’ Evening. April Sund 1 Cloudy & Some Rain. Mr adams pr. all day. I was. Indisposed in the foren. att meeting in the aftern. Mond 2d fair. I Sett out for Norwich & Lodged att Capt Ebe Lothrups 2 nights & Wednsday night att Cuzn William Hides wth him & Thursd went to Stonington with Son miner who bore my Expences & att Capt Lothrups. he hath Lost his Case with the Agents for Gortons Church. I Lodged att Miners & on fryday 6h came to the farm & Joshua Catched my Sorill Stone-colt & I brot him: away home. got over by Daylight. Saturd .7. fair. in the foren I went into Town to Mr Millers & to ye Prison to assess the Weekly Support of Stephen Potter. in the aftern at home. I Recd tos of Ms Potter & wrote 2 Citations. Sund 8 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. a Child of Chris Christophers Baptized John Allin. Nathan Lattimer & Jane Lee published. Mond oth fair. a freemens meeting. I was att it. Capt Adams & Capt Lee Chose Deputys. In foren I was out to ye Cornfield to mend fence. Tuesd Io. fair. [ ] wing Geese [ ] & Eggs [ ] in all. I was about home foren & in Town. in ye aftern I went with Adam & Carted up a Ld of Stackyard poles & Stakes to ye Comon pasture & mended up my fence out Side. I Righted up the Inside also. Wednsd 11 fair & windy. a publick fast in this Colony. Mr adams pr al day. Thursd 12 Cloudy & cold in the morning & Soon Snow Smartly till afternoon & yn left of & clear before night. I was att home all day. I fitted up the plow & Sent it down to Jno Plumb Lot. fryday 13 fair & prety cold. I went with Samll Lattimer to his farm to Divide itt from Justice Griswolds. att half way plain & finished by Saturday night & came home. Mr Gris- wold was with us & pd me gos. Saturd 14. a child of William Holts Junr buryed an Infant & on Wednsd last was buryed a Molato woman Adams. Sister Hannah Jackson taken on Tuesd. with the Num palsie & Died in the Evening. Sund 15 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr adams pr al Day. Samll Fox Senr aged about 72 was published to Zipporah Bolles a maiden about 42. a Child of John Douglas’s Baptized Grace. Mond 16 fair. in the foren I was up to Mr Winthrops on his desire to Sett of Bassils half acre 5 Rod wide att the Lower end the neck & through [ ] into the Water S— 1 degree East. about 16 Rod long from ye Salt water. Tuesd 17 Rainy in the forepart & midle of the Day. Daniel Shaply Died ys morning. he had the Dropsie a great while. aged about [ ] odd. I was about home & att Daughter Starrs fitting her Cupboard Doors &c. Wednsd 18 fair. in the foren I was in Town a while. aftern att home & att the funeral of Mr Shaply & to Mr adams & pd him 2. £5 Bills £10 old Tenor Interest of minstry mony. Thursd 19 fair & windy. in the forepart of the day I was about 606 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 home and to Seek Capt Lee to get a bb of Beef for Joshua. I found him at Natt Greens. I went to Samuel Tinkers & to Thos Miners. adm went out to Miners with the Cart & fetcht ye Beef. in the aftern I was at home & wrote a Bond & Joynture for Samuel fox. friday 20 fair. I was all day att the Cornfield Sowing oats by Jno Plumb Spring and by Capt Hurlbuts Stonewall. about 9 bushels. adam Harrowed. Saturd 21. foren Drisley, aftern Rain. I was att home all Day. Sund 22 fair. Mr adams pr al day. David Gardiner a Child Baptized Joseph & John Hawkins one Deborah. In ithe Evening I Rid up to John Bolles and maried Samuel Fox and Zipporah Bolles—4os. Mond 23 fair. I was att home foren. aftern at Jno Plumb Lot &c mending fence in the Partition. adm plowed for Stephen. Tuesd 24 fair. In the foren I Rid out to Look up my young Stalyon & Chased him thro Natt Greens farm & brot him along to Jno Plumb Lot &c. aftern I was Leveling the oat Ground by Jno Plumb Spring after I had finished the Partition fence. adm plowed for Stephen. Wednsd 25. a Little Snow in the morn. it cleared up about 10 clock. I was att home foren. aftern att the Cornfield mending fence & Sowing oats for Stephen. Thursd 26 fair. J was all day at the Cornfield Diging Stones in ye oat ground N-ward of Jno Plumb Spring Leveling the ground & sowing hayseed 14th. fryd 27 Hot fair & very warm. I was all day & adam mending up ye out fence of Crossman Lot & Set up new Draw barr posts 6 holes. Saturd .28. fait & Hot. I was all day mending fence Jno Plumb pasture & finisht. adm helpt. Stephen had the Team to Cart Dung & Plow yesterday & to Day. my Nephew Thos Edgecomb is come down from Norwich by water. he is in a very poor State of health, had news from his Brother Jonathan Dated ye 3d day of february in Campeach taken by 8 priveeteers ye 3d of august last & going to old Spain in a few days. Stund 29 Cloudy & Raw cold. the wind came Easterly last night & Some Rain & a little to day. Mr adams pr all. Mond 30 fair. I was att home foren. in ve aftern mending fence att Crossman Lot next John Rogers. I was att home. Tuesd May I. fair. in the forept of the Day I was att home but Raw cold & Rain before night. in the aftern I Rid out to the Cornfield & mended up Some of Stephens fence &c. Wednsd 2 foggy misty & Some Showres. I was about home all day waiting for fair wether to go to Stonington. Thursd 3 fair & Hot. I went to Stonington with Mr Winthrop & Jer Miller. I caryed my young 3 yr old Sorril Stalyon & left him att ye farm & came back to Doctor Woddbridges & went to measuring Mr Winthrops 20 Rod next to Eldredges for the Doctor & Lodged att Christopher Eldredges. fryd 4. I was measuring more of the 20 Rod for the Doctor & 212 Rod in Length for Capt Jos Gallup & 76 Rod for Benadam Gallup. I Lodged att Citts. Saturd 5 fair. I was most of the Day measuring of that part of the 20 Rod within Side Wm Noyes's fence 6 acres & 152 Rod and writing & Casting &c till 10 at night & Lodged att the Doctors &c. Sund 6 fair. I went to meeting at ye Center in ye aftern & Lodged att Son minors. Mond 7 fair. I come to ye ferry. Stopt a while att the farm & Lodged att Led- yards &c. my Grandaughter Molly of So-hold is there with her Sister Abigail Ledyard. Tuesd 8. I came over the ferry in the morning & home. I pd the ferryman Williams tos in full. in the forepart of the day I went to Crossman Lot to Mend fence & dig Stones on the Stubble where adam & Thomas are plowing. about 2 or 3 oe Clock it Set in for Rain & Rained Smartly till near night. Wednsd 9 fair & pleasant. I was helping look up the oxen till near noon & yn diging Stones at Crossman Lot. adm & Tomey plowing. a Showre about Sun 4 an hour high. Cuz Thomas Talmage Come. Thursd to fair. In the foren I was out to Crossman Lot 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 607 helping adam draw of Stones &c. aftern att Mr Winthrops to make a Streight Line next John Plumbs Swamp lot. fryd 11 Cloudy in the morning. I Rid out to Robt Johnstons wth Mr Richard & Laid out 15 acres after Division &. Some Showres & toward night it Rained Smartly. wee Stopt at old Mr Johnstons & Scrantons & put our Horses in the Barn & Set out again about Sundown & was Soon Catched in the Rain & got home wet about 8 or 9. Cuzn T. Talmage had my mare to Stonington wth Natt Miner &c. came back to ye ferry att night. Saturd 12 fair. I was most of the day att Mr Winthrops Setting the line with John Plumb & measuring from the River to Mr adams’s S E Cornner where the Stonewall men are making wall 71 Rod wanting 10 links. Sund 13 fair & pleasant. Mr adams pr all day; Joshua here & att meeting. Mond 14 fair. in the forept of the day IT was at home. aftern Diging up Stones in the plowed ground in Crossman Lot & Setting a new Some of the outside fence in Gilbert old Lot. one Brumigham Master of a Sloop from the west Indias blonging to Connecticut River was buryed. came home Sick with the yellow fever. a young man but married, left 2 children. Tuesd 15 fair. Last night Robert Water- house Died very Suddenly. Sick notime. aged about 55 or 6 I Supose. he was a Son of Jacob & Ann Waterhouse. his mother was a Daughter of my own Aunt Mary ye wife of Robert Douglass. She was my fathers Eldest Sister & Born in New London Jan. 1646. the first Child of English Parents yt was Born in this Town. I was about home forenoon. att the funeral in the afternoon & out to the planting field. Natt finisht planting in Crossman lot & adm plowed for him in Joshuas field. Wednsd 16. fair. I was about home & out to ye field &c. Thursd .17. fair. In the morning I fetcht Capt Hurlbuts plow from the Widow Rogers’s much broke. I was all day mend- ing it &c. Cuzn Thos Conkling fro So-hold Lodged here. fryd 18. fair. I was all day att the Cornfield helping adam about planting Some old ground by Capt Hurlbuts pasture Barrs & drawing off the old Stonewall a Cross between Gilbert Lot & John plumb Lot in order to break up the ground & to make wall next the Street Southward. Saturd 19 fair. I was breaking up in Gilbert Lower Lot plain Joyning the Highway. Daniel Way Junr held plow. adm drove & Tomey turned ye furrows & I was attending & Mending up fence Next Capt Hurlbuts pasture & in Crossman Lot. wee had Capt Hurlbuts oxen. Sund 20 fair. mr adams pr. all day. Geo. Hendry a Child Baptized. Thos oglebee. Wm Douglass & Mary Lucas publisht & Wm young & Rebeckah Clark. Mond 21 fair & hot. I was all day att the Cornfield. Danll Way adm & Tomy are breaking up as on Saturday. the Broke the Beam of Capt Hurlbuts plow & got Capt Lees, a poor one & made a poor days work. have plowed but one acre 24 & 24 Rod in 2 days. Tuesd 22d fair. In the morning I went out to Crossman Lot to Direct James WHarris where to make Stonewall at the So-East Corner of Sd Lot 5 Rod for £7 and toward night I Rid out with Mr Stewart to Set the line near Samll Beebees in the path to Willm Douglass’s. Wednsd 23 fair. I was out to ye Cornfield all day. peter Way helpt adam hole the New Ground. Thursd 24 fair hot. I was out to Nihan- tick wth Wm Manwaring and Simon Smith Dividing Mr Taber’s Land & Lodged at Josiah Tabers & was all next day measuring & Dividing & came home. fryd 25 Hot att night. he Sd Taber pd me for 5 days—£8 & £7 Ios ye others Each. a Showre in the night. Saturd 26 fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I Rid out to Crossman Lot & mend up Some fence. adam finisht planting. Mingo Swetland help him. Sund 27 fair & Cool. Mr adams pr all Day. Mr Timo Green of Boston is here with his new wife. old Mr Wells the Butcher was Buryed in the Evening. died yesterday morn. 608 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 Sick a long time. age 80 odd. Mond 28 fair. a Trayning Day. I was in Town to Wait on Mr Green & Spouse & at Trayning & at Mr Winthrops &c. Tuesd 29 fair but Cloudy. 1 was at home all day. I made one Side of the Cart New; (vizt) Rave & Rounds & Posts &c. Wednsd 30 fair. I was at home in the foren. at Crossman Lot in the aftern about a Cross fence. Daughter miner is Come over. Thursd 31. fair. I went to Stonington with my Daughter miner in ye aftern. got to her House by daylight & Lodged there. June 1 fryd. fair. I went a visiting to Mr Elihu Chesebroughs & Capt Amos & Silvanus Miners & toward night at Mr Rosseters & Daughter Miner &c. Saturd 2d fair. I went with Son miner & Hempsted to his farm att Puckhungomuck to measure off 100 Acres for Jos. York to Subdue and found but 62 Acres within fence by the House & back by night & Lodged att Son miners again. Sund 3d fair. I went to ye Center Meeting. Mr Fells pr all day yt is 2 Serms. after meeting I went over to the farm wth’ Christopr & Molly. She Rid on Colefax old mare who hath got a fine Horse Colt. Mond 4th fair but foggy. I was att Joshuas all day. Stephen Bennet Sheered all our Sheep. 26 for me which is all I have there, & 12 26 Lambs & 2 more att Christophers & 3 Lambs (over & above the 12 Score there; toward night I went to Doctor Woodbridges & — Recd of him £7 10s od & 30. I pd him for Rum Sheering & 38 Sheep Washing. I also pd Stephen Bennet 20s for Sheering. I Weighed 24 of the fleeces 39th $. I brot home 6 of ym & 2 not weighed. I left 18 in the new Chamber & lodged att Joshuas. 33tb wooll. Tuesd 5 fair. I came home in the foren & Nabee miner to ve ferry. I got ovr & home Soon aftern & toward night I Rid up to John Cheapel Junrs & Maried his 2d Daughter Hannah unto Timothy Daniels. Wednsd 6. fair. I was at home foren. att Crossman Lot in the aftern Setting up Cross fence. Thursd 7 fair. I was most of the day at Crossman Lot. Rid the horse to plough the Cornground for weeding & fencing a Cross. Staked & Toppoled ye fen[ce]. a Stranger Died at Samll Beebees wth a Consumption named—Barnard or Barnee. Born att Rehoboth tis said. in the night my Grandson Thos Hempsted from So-hold came & lodged here. fryd 8. fair. I was at home foren. aftern I Rid out to See my young mare who hath folded a mare Colt Since yesterday. I Set up 3 lengths of Rails & posts fence next Jno Rogers near ye midle &c. Natt miner Lodged here. Saturd g fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to ye Swamp & put my mare into’ the pasture. toward night Samll Darbe found me. I came away up to Mr Millers & he Settled with Ann Winthrop and Jos Rogers gave a note for him for £24 Interest of 130 & Darbe pd me 4os for Charge. Sund to fair. Mr adams pr al day. I out only aftern. Sarah the Daughter of Robt Waterhouse took into the Church. John Gunn & Jane Lee Will Baker and mary Truman Junr published. Mond 11 fair till near night & then a Blessed Thunder Showre & held till in Night. I was att work at Crossman Lot. finisht Setting posts and Rails fence Joyning to Jno Rogers’s Stonewall South Side. Tuesd 12 fair. I was about home in the foren & adam Setting out Cabbage plants. in the aftern I was at Crossman Lot Setting up Cross fence &c, adm is planting over ye New ground Corn where did not come up. my old Sow last night had 16 piggs. the County Court Sat. Wednsd 13 fair. I was all day att the Cornfield with Danll Way Junr making Stonewall beyond Jno Plumb Barrs 3 or 4 Rod on the Highway. Mr Stewarts Brigg wch Capt Thos Eldredge Sayld in arived from Anguilla wth Salt & he Dyed in “his passage home aged near about 60 I Supose. an old Comander. Thursd 14 fair till near night & then a Large Thunder Showre. I was out 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 609 to young Beebees. the Son of Wm Beebee Surveying for James Rogers ye 3d. Thos Edgcumbe come again & Lodged here. fryd 15 fair. In the foren I was in Town with my Granson Thos Hempstd of So-hold & his Sister molly who are going home with S. Griffing of So-hold. aftern I was att Crossman Lot. finished Setting up a Cross fence. a young man about 26 belonging to East Haddam an Irishman Servant to William Dixon was drownded. fell over the Bow of a Scow as he was Rowing near the Har- bours mouth. wee know not his name as yet (the 14h Instant). Saturd 16 fair. I went into Town in the foren & in the aftern I was att home Cutting up Dock all over the Lot. Sund 17 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Samll Leach & Sarah Tubbs publisht. Mond 18 fair. I Rid out in the morning & Lookt up ye oxen & put ym in to ye Swamp pasture & then I pickt Chadlock out of the oats in Gilbert Lot & in the aftern I mended up my fence in Crossman Lot Next Capt Lee. one of his oxen broke in to day. Tuesd 19 Cloudy. I was att Mr Winthrops & Jno Plumbs & Mill foren. John Rogers Senr aged near 80. Died last night; taken with an appoplectick fitt last Saturday morning & never Spake afterwards, also a young woman. a Stranger named Jont Lawrence Died this foren. tis Said he belonged to providence. in the aftern I went to Stonington. it began to Rain about Daylight in, & Rained most of the night. I Lodged att Son miners. Wednsd 20 fair. I came homeward in the forepart of the day. Dined at Joshua’s & brot my Daughter Miner Saddle on my old mare & I Rid Joshs Swetland mare. I Rid out to Crossman Lot & mended up Some fence &c. Thursd 21. fair. Iwas about home all day. I Sett up a pr of Barrs .6. holes Chesnut posts above the Rope house &c. Ms Hutton of Stanford Daughter of Capt Prince of So-hold came to See me in the Evening. She is bound to Boston. fryd 22 fair. about 9 in the morning I Set out for Middletown to See my Daughtr Pierpont my Daughtr Starr with me. She Rid my Bay mare & I Rid on Joshua’s Swetland mair. wee got to midletown to my Son Pierpoints before Sun Set & found all well & Lodged there. Saturd 23 fair. I being weary with my Journey I kept about town all Day. Sund 24 fair. I went with the family to hear Mr Russell 2 Sermons &c. Mond 25. Rainy most of the Day. I helpt Pierpt about the Gutters ye back Side. Tuesd 26 Rainy most of ye day. I helpt Pierpt. finisht ye Gutters &c. Wednsd 27 fair Excpt a Showre or 2. went wth Pierpont a Cross ye River to ye Quary & bot 1 pr Large gr stones of one Edwards for £4 I pd him. 4 or 5 pr at 50s p pr wch Pierpt is to pay for for me. in the aftern I was into Town visiting. Thursd 28 the foren Cloudy. I Set out for Hartford wth my 2 Daughters Starr and Pierpont and Stopt att Joshua Plumbs in the foren & Looking likely to Rain wee put out our Horses & it Soon Set a Raining & Rained all day Smartly and all night. wee Lodged there. fryd 29 fair. wee Set out for Hartford. Stopt att Wethersfield & oated at Killbourns. I went to Doctor Porters to See my Granson Joshua Hempsted my Son Roberts youngest Son who is an apprentice to the Doctor in his 20th year. he went with us to Hartford. wee Dined att Mr flaggs. I left my Daughters & Set out for Winsor in order to get my Watch mended by Seth youngs but he was from home. I Set out for the East Side the River. Crossed ye upper ferry & Lodged at Capt Days. Saturd 30 fair. in the morning I waited on Govr Woolcott. breakfasted with him & Stayed a while & then Returned back over the Lower ferry. Called att Doctor Woolcots ye Govrs Son who Maried Capt George Richards’s Daughter & then to visit old Colln Mathew Alling, aged about 93 or 4. an assistant & one of the oupr Judges many years until his age Increased &c. I went to Seth youngs’s who had mended my Watch & then I took Directions for Simsbury & got to my Cuzn James Cornishes 40 610 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 by one Clock & after Diner Rid out with him into his medow where he is Sowing Buckwheat then back & Lodged there. July Sund 1 fair. I Rid to meeting about 2 mile & $ or 3 mile. heard Mr Mills. he asked us to Dinner with him. heard him again aftern then back again to Capt Cornishes again & Lodged there after wee had been in ye Evening to visit his Son Daniel & Daughter Humphrys. She hath 4 Chil- dren & Daniel 2. one Newly born. a Son. Mond 2 fair. In the morning I went to visit Elisha Cuz James Eldest Son who hath 6. Children. I Set out for Turkey hills to visit Cuz Joseph Cornish my uncles 2d Son. he is in a poor State of health afflicted wth the asthma. Cuzn James with me till within 2 or 3 mile & then Returned back by the way as wee Come. wee Stopt to visit Cuzn George Buttolph the Husband of Eliza Cornish. She hath been Dead about 2 year & left 4 Children. the Eldest is a Maried woman. 1 Child. wee Spake with her vesterday. wee also passed by a New Building (Set up ina village called Scotland) for a Church of England, a minister there named Gibbs from Boston. I arived at Cuzn Josephs a little before noon & Stayed with him till after Dinner. he hath a Son 2 or 3 & 20 vears of age not yet maried who Lives with him and Carys on his Hus- bandry work. he hath a very prety Settlemt about. 1 mile in Length E & W & 60 Rod wide. Choice good Land in this place in genll both for Grass & Grain. ye Highway is about the midle of the Lots & Runs N & S Nearest a Meeting house on the Street. the ministers name is Mills Brother to the minister I heard yesterday att the old Society Called Weattaug. I Set out for Winsor about 8 mile & then for Hartford. Called at Several houses & it began to Rain. toward night I Rid to Midle Town upper houses & Stopt att Joshua Plumbs all night, it Rained Smartly. Tuesd 3d Rain in the morning. it held up & I went to Pierpoints & Stayed there about all day. my Son Starr being come up for his wife was there. Wednsd 4 fair. wee Set out for home at Six Clock & got home by Six in the aftern. my Expences £7 7s 8d & for mending my watch for 5s od—£8 12s 8d. Thursd 5 fair. I Rid out to ve Cornfield & pastures & mended up Some fence &c. fryd 6 fair. I was up at John Rogers’s helping Apprize the Estate &c. Saturd 7 fair Most of the Day. Some Showres toward night. I was up att John Rogers’s again aprizing with Joseph & Joshua Bolles. Andrew Davise & Jno Rogers Son of ye Decd Executors &c. Sund 8 fair most of the day Some Scattering Rain in ye foren. Mr ads pr. all day—a Thin meeting. I Sent home Joshuas mare by Son Starrs boy Brooks fryday & Daughter Minors Side Saddle & he Rid home my old Lyon mare from Joshuas & brot home my bag & 9 fleces of wool &c. Mond g Rain. in the morn Rain. in the aftern I was up at John Rogers’s. Tuesd 10 fair Most of the Day. I was up to John Rogers’s apprizing. Wednsd 11 fair. Stephen Mowed below ve Well & Medow & I was up to Jno Rogers’s Late, near noon &c. the Widow Bole Died. Thursd 12 fair. I was at home most of the Day haying. in the morning I went with adm & Team to Capt Coits wharf & brought home Six pr of Gravestones Stephen Harris brot & pd him £3 12s od for freight. old Hope Bole an old woman was buryed. She was the Daughter of Richd Rose Morgan of this Town & had Several Children by her first Husband Natthll Chappel Late of this Town Decd & hath been Maintaned by the Town many years. aged near 90. fryd 13 fair & hot. Robt frouds Negro Woman buryed. a fine hay day. I was at home all day. Stephen & Jeminy Harris mowed the upper End on the W— Side the Rope walk & all the East Side Square with the Cherry Trees & over to the Island of Rocks & down to ye Paretree path. Ephm helpt most of the day & Mentis half a Day & adm all day. I Rakt a Little & 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 611 turned & dryed ye hay a good while &c. a Negro woman of Mr Robt froud’s buryed &c. Saturd 14 fair. In the morning I Rid out to the pasture & fetcht home the oxen &c & then in the house most of the Day writing the Inventory of Jno Rogers. James Harris mowed in the foren & about hay in the aftern. Ephm Brown & Mentis helpt all day. wee made one Stack & Cockt up ye Remainder. about 70 Cocks, Sund 15 fair. Mr adms not well. Deacon Green Carryed on. I was at meeting both parts of the Day. Mond. 16. fair. in the morning I bot of Stephen Harris 1 pr Gr stones & 2 Baggs for 9tb 4 of Wool. I went to Colln Saltonstalls to help prove John Rogers’s Will & then back & helpt adam about hay. mentis helpt Carry Cocks &c half a day. wee finisht ye Briggest Stack. Tuesd 17 fair in the foren. Showry in the aftern. I was at home all Day. I made a Small Stack in the Hollow upper End the Lot & wee pulld up the yellow Blossoms (alias Johnsworth) in the upper End & back Side the Lot. Wednsd 18 fair. I was about home Indisposed. a pain in my head & bones. Thursd 1g fair. I am Still not well. I have a grt Cold. I Rid out to ye Cornfield. adm Ephm & mentis are hilling my Late planted Corn.. fryd 20 fair. I am Still poorly. I was about home & att my Daughter Starrs Lying on ye bed most of the day. I Rid out to ye Lot to Carry Dinner to adm & mingo who are finishing hilling 3480 hills beside beans & pumkins. Saturd 21 Cloudy in ye morn & then clear. I was at home all day. Iam Something better. the pain in my head is abated—the Malecholy Tydings of ye Sudden Death of Colln John Bulkly of Colchester a Worthy Gentleman. had a Liberal Education & hath been an assistant & one of the Judges of the Supr Court many years. died this morning. was Riding abroad yes. Saturd 21. wee hear Colln Bulkly was not very well but after Riding abroad fryday was taken with a fitt—& Expired this morning. he was a Gentleman of great Natural abilitys & much Improved in publick. a Judge of the Probate of Wills, a Town Clerk & Every thing the Town could Confer upon him. his Loss is great to ye Colony but much more the Town & his family. his first Wife was ve only Daughter of the Revd Mr adams of this Town. by her he left 4 Children & 1 by a 2d venter, he was not quite 49 year old. the manner of his Death by Exact accot was thus. he was perfectly in health the day before & went to bed well & Lay all night and after it was light fetcht one groan & Expired without any Complaint or word Spoke. Sund 22 fair. I am Still Indisposed. have not been out to Day. No minister. Mr adams not well. In the Evening I married Jno Clark a North Brittain & Sarah Perryman. Tomey Pierpont came to Town by water bound to Halifax to Danll Butler. Mond 23d fair. I was about home all the foren & went to Stonington. aftern I Called att the farm & went to Son miners & Lodged yr. Tuesd 24 fair. I came to Joshuas in the foren & killed a Sheep & Dined there & came home before night. Wm Roe come. Wednsd 25 fair. I was out to John Plumb Lott. Natt Way & Ephraim mowing my Clover. I Spread it & helpt Rake it. 43 Cocks. Wm Roe Miner came here Sick fever & ague fro Guilford. Thursd 26 fair. I was out to the Cornfield aftern. wee made 2 oat Stacks. finisht them. Natt Way & Ephm Mowed in the foren & Stackt oats aftern. wee Cockt up all the Clover in the foren. Thomas Tallmage Junr is taken wth the Pluresia. he lay off (I did not See him). he is gone home in a Scooner Capt Joans in wch he came. She is newly Come in from the West Indias— a Smart Thundr Showre in ye Eve. fryd 27 fair. I was at home foren. aftern at Jno Plumb Lot drying Hay &c. a Thundr Showre at Night. Naps Child died 8 yrs. Saturd 28 Cloudy & Hot. I was att home all day. I fitted up my Cart for Hay. made a New hind Ladder &c. a male Child 612 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 Son of Robt Ames Decd about 13 or 14 yr old Died. Sund 2oth fair. William Roe Miner gone home. Jno Hempsted with him. Mr adms Still Remains weak. was not out. Mr Stoyel Minisr of [ ] prall day. Jos Lee & Sarah Potter publisht. Mond 30 foggy & Driping. not much Rain. I was out to the field in the aftern. I made a Long fork Stale first 11 foot Long with the Hart of a Wallnut which I got in ye Woods att Samll Latti- mers farm in the Spring. Tuesd 31 fair. In the foren I Rid out with Comfort Brooks to Mr Stewarts Keeny farm to take the Examination of Lydia Bristow who Confesseth She is with Child by fornication & Charges James Brown wth begeting Sd Child in apr. last. in the aftern I got mentis to help adm Cary Cocks in Jno Plumb Lot. I Stackt it. above 50 Cocks of Red Clover given on 1 acre & half. August Wednsd .1. fair. 1 was most of the day helping Cart 2 Jaggs of Ry Straw from Mr Harris’s Barn to put on ye Hovel. Natt had 20 Bushlls of Ry: Sowed 4 Bush. Natt Miner Lodged here. Thursd. 2d fair. I was about home in the foren. in ye aftern I Rid out to Crossman Lot with Mr Miller who is in a poor State of health & then I came back & went to Cocking up Some Hay wch was mowed to day. Stephn & Natt Way mowed about 15 Cocks West Side the Rope walk & then on the East Side Joyning to Mr Coits fence to the upperend the Smooth medow by Coits Swamp. the Malencholy News of the Death of Thomas Tallmage of East hampton only Son of my Wives Sister Mary. She had 3 Daughtrs first & then left bear- ing Children for many years & then had this only Son who was a hopefull young man. had a Wife & Two Daughters. his Wife was a Daughter of that Worthy Gentleman Eleazer Miller Esqr now left a Sorrowful Widow. my kinsman was taken Sick of a plurisie here att New London on Wednsday ye 25th of July. he came over in a Scooner which he owned part of newly come from ye West Indias. was here 2 or 3 days & went a way on ye 26h & Died Soon after he got home (as is Reported but Since Contradicted. fryd 3 fair. I was about home all day haying. Ephm helpt Rake about 1-3 of the day & Richd helpt Cock up about 38 Cocks & I made up 17 ye day before. Saturd 4th fair. I was att home all dav. Ephm helpt Stack. wee finisht all below the upper End the Smooth medow by Mr Coits Hollow. wee Carted 2 Ld & Carryed 25 Cocks.on poles &c. Sund 5 fair. no meet- ing in the foren. Mr adams Remains weak. Deacn Green Carryed on in the aftern. a Child of John Preston about a yr old buryed after meeting. Mond .6. fair but Lowering. I did not like to mow. in ye foren I went with adm to John Plumb Lot & Topt up the Stacks of Clover & 2 oat Stacks. in the aftern I Topt up a HayStack at home &c. Tuesd 7 fair. a smart Thunder Showre in the night. I was att home all day. James Harris mowed the upper End of the Lot Stout Grass att the North Cornner Especially. I was att home all day Spreading Drying & Raking what was mowed beforenoon. old Mr John Hobart died last night, aged 71. the youngest Son of ye Revd Mr Joshua Hobart minister of the first Church in Southold and he was a very great many in his day but Dead above 20 years ago. Wednsd 8 fair. I was at home foren Turning & Drying the hay. aftern att a meeting att Cuzn Munroe’s. Mr Jewit preacht a Sermon & Mr adams made the last prayer. poor Joshua is in a Sorrowful Condition, bereaved of his Reason. wod not be Silent. toward night I went to the funeral of Mr Hobart. James Harris & Ephraim Brown mowed in the Rocky Hollow Side Hill &c. adm Raked & Ephm helpt Rake Some. Thursd 9 fair. I was at home all day haying. Eph Brown finisht mowing in the foren & helpt Rake &c in the aftern. there is 80 Cocks yt Ja Harris & Ephm have mowed in 3 days. a Child of Bryan Palmes’s Dyed. a Son 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 613 near 2 yr old. fryd 10 fair & windy. I was at home all day. made 2 hay Stacks. 70 Cocks. one in the midle of the Rocky hollow in the upper End the Lot. above 4o Cocks. Tomy help adm Carry all the Cocks } of a day & Ephm helpt me Stack. I pitcht $ Day. Saturd 11. Rain night & this morn. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went with adm & Cart carry out posts & I Set up 3 Lengths & mended Some & mended up Stephns fence Mr Churches ox broke down & let in my 2 young oxen. they were in Last night also & my Lyon mare. Deacon Fosdycks wife Dyed last night aged near 60. Sund 12 fair. Deacon Green Carryed on in the foren & also Read a Sermn in the aftern. Mr adams was out. Sat in the Dacons Seat. went to prayers & Baptized a Child of Wm Hatches Joseph after meeting. I attended on the funeral of Ms Fosdyck. was one of the Paul bearers. Colin Saltonstal, Mr graves Mr Miller & I Deacon Green & Mr Jno Richards. Mond 13 fair. I was at home all day. I helpt adm Cart 2 Small Jaggs of Hay from ye upper End ye Lot to ye Lowest Stack. Starkes Son, Apple- tons Granson buryed. about [ ] year old. Tuesd 14 fair. I was with Isaiah Bolles measuring about an acre & } of Land he bot of Roger Darte Joyning to Hatch & Jos Davise. he pd me 50s. 2 more due. I pd old Samll Chapmn 30s I owed him &c. Wednsd 15 fair & hot. a child of Ja. Mumford of fishers Island died, 2 yr old. I was with Mr Richards Lay- ing out 24 after Divisions out Side Comons for Robert Waterhouses heirs Eastward of their House. 2 young weomen Died. 1 belonging to Colches- ter Named Sarah Church and ye other to Wallingford Daughter of the Revd Mr Hall & Grandaughter of Capt James Avery of Groton. also wee hear of the Death of Brother Henry Conckling of So-hold. his first wife was my wives Sister Temperance Bayley Decd. Thursd 16 fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern I was visiting ye Sick. 3. funerals this day of those yt died yesterday & a very Sickly time in this Town. the Bloody flux prevails. fryd 17 Cloudy & Some Showres. I was at home foren & aftern in Town visiting Sick &c. Saturd .18. fair. I was in Town Most of the Day in the affair of Daniel Chapman a poor prisoner &c. Sund 1g fair. Mr Beckwith of Lyme, North Society pr al Day. Mr Adams present (but very feeble). Zacheus Wheeler a Child Baptized Guy (an Infant). a very Sickly time. Mond 20 fair but much Thundr Lightning & Rain in the night. I was about home all day. I mended up the Stone wall between the orchard barrs & the Ledge of Rocks New Laid the foundation &c. Tuesd 2t fair. I was out to Ex-plain with Adam & Team to get Some Timber to mend my Stone cart. I was not well at night. Wednsd 22d fair. I was about home al day. I had a violent purging last night & to day. I went in the Evening to visit Brother Starr who it is Suposed hath been all day a Dying. Thursd 23d fair. I have ye flux Still. in the morning Early I went to See brother Starr who is Still living but almost gone, then I Rid out to John Plumb Lot & helpt mend up the Cross fence between ye field & pasture. toward night I Sett in 2 new posts in the out Side fence next Capt Lees Barrs. Drummer Joans’s wife Died this Day. also in the Evening Brother Starr ‘Died after Sunset. 74. he was Sheriff of ye County. fryd 24. I am Still Indisposed. a pain in my head &c. I was at home all day, a Child of Isaac Fellows died. 1 year & $ old. Joans wife buryed. Saturd 25 fair. Josha was over. his Son Sam is sick. I was at home till near night and then to the funeral of Brother Starr County Sheriff. Sund 26 fair. I was Indisposed. kept at home all Day. Mr adams is got toler- able well again (Excepting old age). he pr all day. two Children of James Lamphier’s buryed. died yesterday (vizt) a female of 8 years & a Male t & 4 old. Mr Solomon Coit Died ys morn. I went to visit him last 614 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 night. was with him about nine. he had his Reason perfectly but almost wore out. one Side useless Ever Since March & now the Bloody flux car- ryed him of in his 74h year. Mond 27 fair. 1 was about home in the morn & then Into Town to the Prison house to administer the poor mans oath to Jonathan Beckwith ye 3d of Lyme & Sent a Notification to Barnabas Tuthill & toward night I went to the funeral of Mr Coit &c. Tuesd 28 fair. I was at home all day Engraving &c. Iam brave & well agen. Wednsd 29 fair. I was at home all Day. finisht Engraving T. Trumans Stones. I helpt adm Dig Stones in the Rocky valley west Side by ye wild Cherry tree. wee Sunk one that was too heavy for us. Son Pierpoint is come by Water in a fishing Boat. Natt miner here. Giles mumford of Groton 3d Granson of Mr Thos Mumford (who hath Lived a Tennant on Mr Winthrops Great farm at Poquonuck about 30 years) was buryed in the Church. Died yes- terday, fell from a Tree Lopping itt the Day before. a youth about 20. Thursd 30 fair. 3 Children Died last night & to day. one of Patrick Robertson & one of Joshua Bolles’s & one of Isaiah Bolles’s. I was at home all day. I borowed mr Chapmans Cyder Beam & Log or half the Bottom part & Stephn helpt Cart ym home. the Widow Sarah Merrills Died. aged about 60 I Supose. She was the only Daughter of Mr Nicholas Hallam Decd by his first wife Sarah (Pygan before mariage). fryd 31 fair. I was most of the Day with adam & Team att Ex-plain getting two Logs .1. for the Cyder press Bottom & 1. for a New Screw. a female Child of Samuel Richds 4 or 5 or 6 yr old & a female negro child of Isaiah Bolls’s Died. September Saturday .1. fair. I was about home most of ye day. toward Night I Rid out to X plain farm to Divide between John Cheapel & T Attwel but had not time Sufficient. Sund 2 fair. Mr adams pr all day & I was at meeting. 2 Children buryed after meeting. 1 male of Jos Waterhouses 3 or 4 yr old & 1 of Capt Daniel Coits not quite 2 yr old. I was att ye funeral. Mond 3d it Rained Smartly in the morning (filled the Brook which was Quite Dry from Trumans Brook up thro my Lot to Mr Chapmans.) afterward fair. I was at home all Day. workt on the Cydar mill Screw &c. a Child of Joshua Bolles Died. Tuesd 4. fair. I was at home all day. about the Middle a Child Died that belonged to Killingworth. Granchild of ye Widow Merrills Decd. her Daughter came to see her. Lost her Child & Sick her Self. Wednsd 5 fair. I was at home all day about the Mill &c. a molato Child of Colln Saltonstalls Dyed 1. year old. Joshua is over & al well at Stonington but Some Sick at Groton. Capt Packer Buryed his Sister. Thursd 6 fair. I was at home all day about the Screw &c. I got Jno Smith a little while to Instruct me. he is in a poor State of health. not able to work at all. fryd 7 fair most of the Day, a little Rain in the morn. I was at home all Day. a Child of Capt Coffins Buryed. Saturd 8 fair. I was at home all day about the Cyder Mill &c. we had ve the malencholy Tydings of the Death of Thos Adams Esqr of East Haddam the youngest Son of the Revd Mr Eliphalet Adams our Minister. he was lately Maried to a Second wife. between 30 & 40. Sund 9 fair. Mr Johnson minister of Lyme first Society pr al day. Mr adams present. a Child of William Morgans Baptizd. Bridget the Widow of Hugh Miner Died last night about 8 Clock Att her Brother in Laws Thos miner. Aged I Supose about 40. Mond to fair till near night & yn a Thunder Showre. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I went along to the burying place with the Company & Corps of the widow Damaris Miner. She was the Daughter of John Champlin Decd of Nihantick over the Gut ferry. Tuesd 11. fair & Cold for the Season. a freemens Meeting, Capt Adams & Capt adonijah Fitch of ye North parish Chose Deputys. I 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 615 was at home all Day Drying my Rowin & pulling my hopps &c & Something at ye Cyder mill. Wednsd 12 fair. I was at home all day. Joshua was over & helpt me to Raise up the Beam of the Cydermill. Nat also & adm & No Body Else. 1 wedged it up &c. I also Staked my Rowin. Carted it to the Back side the Lot. Thursd 13 Cloudy in the morn & before noon it began to Rain and Rained moderately all ye day. I finisht Laying ye plat- form of the Cyder mill before it Rained. I was at home al Day. a Child of Mr Newports Dyed last night. fryd 14. Cloudy in the foren. aftern fair. I was at home al day. I was at home all Day. Saturd 15 fair. I was att home all Day. Sund 16. Mr adams is not well & not att meeting. his Son William adams pr all day. a Showre in the foren. Willm Ayres & katurah Daton Datr Ephm published. a female Child of David Richds Died. aged above 3 year named Rhoda died. Mond 17 fair. a Trayn- ing day first & 2d Company. I was at home al Day. finisht Caulking the Cyder press. Amos Beebe Son of Stephen Bebe Died. a Maried man. I Supose 5 or 6 & 20. Mr Patrick Grant of Newport Came to see me. 2 Horses. Tuesd 18 fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went Down to the Salt Medows & to Ben foxes & Widow Denisons &c to get a man to help mow the Gutt medow. Amos Beebe was Buryd by the Baptist meeting- house. Wednsd 19 fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern out to ye Gut medows. Natt Way & Mingo Swetland mowed for me and Daniel Denison & his little Brother & Wm Buttolph for them. they did not finish. left Some Sedge. Adm helpt Ephm Brown Rake in Coits medow & he helpt adm Carry out the Cocks 37. Thursd 20 fair. Kathrine Lester an Idiot aged 40 Died at night. JI was at home most of the day. I Rid up to Mr Winthrop & to visit Mr adams who is Sick a Bed with the Comon Dis- temper which Still prevails (the Bloody flux) of which old Ms Lydia Harris the Widow of Lt Joseph Harris Decd Died before noon in her 80h year, & a female Child of Isaac Lesters in the night. aged [ J. in the Eve I maried Jos. Lee & Sarah Potter at my Son Starrs. fryd 21 fair. I was most of the Day Raking hay att the Gutt medows and adam & Mingo Swet- land for me. & Daniel Denison & his Brother. wee finisht all the Sedge & Carryed off the Cocks & I came home but too late to attend the funeral of Ms Harris as I proposed to do. ye Widow Lydia Bristow (as She Suposed her Self to be. her Husband has been gone more than 12 years) Dyed. I Supose between 30 & 40 yrs. Saturd 22 fair. Rain at night. I was at home foren & aftern I Rid out to ye Gutt medows & helpt adam Carry of the Hay to ye Edge of the upland. my Share is 55 Cocks. Child of David Lesters Died. Sund 23 fair most of the Day. a Small Showre after meeting & more att night. Mr adams Remains Sick & Mr William adams also wth the Intermitting fever. Deacon Green Caryed on ve meeting al day. a Child of Thos Lesters Died in the Same House where David Lester Lives but in the other Room. I was at meeting all Day. Mond 24 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern att the Town meeting & to visit Mr adams & his Son & to wait on the Sheriff Mr Christopher Christophers on accot of my Granson Nathll miner who Comes Recomended by the Selectmen & Captains as well as Justices to be a Deputy Sheriff. Whipple a Lad Nephew & apprentice to James Rogers Cooper Died with ye Bloody flux. Ars. Tuesd 25 fair; ye Supr Court Sat. I was all day. I helpt Adm & Mingo Swetld pick Apples in the orchard. did not quite finish. Cuz John Keeny aged 54 or odd Died. Wednsd 26 fair. I was at home most of the day picking. in the Laterpart went to the funeral of John keenv. I met the Corps by Jno Cheapels. a female Child of Willm Morgans Died. Aged 12 years. Thursd. 27. fair. I was at Court all Day. Josha was over. 616 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 Morgs Child buryd. fryd .28. fair. a Showre near night. I was at home foren. at the Supr Court in the afternoon. at the meeting house to hear the Tryal of Sarah Bramble for murdr of her Bastard Child in March 1752. Court Sat by Candle light. my Cuzn Dorythy Stoyl, alias Safford, alias Larobe, Daughter of uncle Greenfield come to See me. Saturd 2g fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went to John Congdons & wrote a Deed for him to Natt Comstock. 4 acres £120. he pd. me 30s. Sund 30 fair. Mr Fairweather of Boston pr al day; he is on his Journey from New york homeward. Mr adams is Still Sick & very Low Indeed. John Shaply & Eliza Harris Daughter of Mr Joseph Harris, Benja Appleton & Eliza Savel, Daniel Leet of Gilford Mehitable Savel Publisht. october Mond .1. fair in the foren & Rain in the aftern. in the foren I went out to John Plumb Lot & helpt adam Stack a Jagg of Salt hay that he brot from Coits medow on Saturday & wee went to ye Gut & fetcht a Small Jagg yt was on this Side. the Tide was high. Medows was under water & it Rained before we Loaded. David Lesters wife Died Last night, aged about 30 & a Child of Pain Turners. the Jury brot in their verdict & found Sarah Bramble Guilty of Murdering her Bastard Child a female in march 1752. Tuesd 2d fair. I was at home in the foren Setting up & fitting my Cyder Mill. in the aftern att Court. Sumoned a Wittness in ye action between the Heirs of Geo: Richards & Noah Hamond but did not Come on. Wednsd 3d. J was at Court foren & aftern. the Action is Con- tinued; the Jury was Dismissed. Sarah Bramble Received Sentance of Death ys Day. a Child of William Morgans buryed. Thursd 4th foren fair, Cloudy aftern & Rain. I was att home all day. in the morning about [ ] Clock the Revd Mr Eliphalet Adams Expired in a good old age. 76 last March. he was ordained pastor of the first & only Church in this Town feb. 1708 & Continued to preach to us untill the Latterend of ys Sumer. he was visited with ye fever & Ague & Last with the Bloody flux which Carryed him of. Daniel Comstock Son of Kingsland aged 50 odd Died last night. fryd 5 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was at home most of the Day puting up Cyder & Triming Cask & toward night at the funeral of the Revd Mr adams. his Sister Niles hapned to be here on her yearly visit (from ) when he died. Mr Griswold & Mr Johnson of Lyme were here & they both, Colln Sal- tonstall Mr Graves Deacon Green & my Self were Pall Bearers. Mr adams pr but 2 Days Since ye 8h of July being then taken with the fever & ague & Continued unable to pr untill the 26h of august he preacht all day & on ye 2d of September was his last Days preaching being Soon taken with the Comon Distemper ye Bloody flux. he was Carryed of very gradually and Died Easeyly Slowly & willingly. had his Reason but his Speech failed a Day or two at last. he was a Gentleman of a Quiet & peaceable Disposition & well Read in History as well as Divinity. Saturd 6 fair. I was att home all day. adam finisht making the Cyder that grew att home. about 9 Bar- rills. I filled up 2 hhds & 2 bbs. a Child of Nathanael Coits buryed about 2 yr old. a male. Sund 7 fair. Mr Griswold of Lyme E Society pr. al Day. Mr Niles of Brantry ( who Maried Mr Adams’s Sister Whiting Widow of ye Revd Mr Samll Whiting of Windham decd. he was present and made the first Prayer & I was Lame in the foren & not out but in the aftern. the wife of Samll Strickland Buryd Died yesterd. aged I Supose about 60—60 odd. Mond 8h fair. I was att home foren Triming Cask. in ye afternoon I Rid out Coits Medow & Loaded a Jagg of Salt Hay. adm brot it home. a Child of Silvester Miners Died. Tuesd 9 fair till night & then Rain. I was att home foren & aftern I Rid to the Gutt Medows & Loaded a Ld of Salt hay & brot in to the Gu[tt] & 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 614 Could not draw it out the hither Side being So Steep 1 Rid up to Samll Tinkers & got one of his Sons to go down to assist in drawing out my Load &c but by Misfortune overset ye Cart in the Edge of the Gut & night being Come on & Rain also wee Leit the Cart & got home with the oxen near 9 Clock. a Child of Timothy Brooks Decd Dyed. a male aged 8 year. Wednsd to. Some Rain all day at turns. J was at home al Day. Mr Follitt the Shipwright Dyed last night. he hath built Several vessels in this Town & out to Nihantick River where he Died at T. Manwarings. he came from Boston a few years Since. aged I Supose between 30 & 40; left 6 Children. Thursd 11 fair. J was att home foren. aftern I Rid out to ye Gutt & helpt Adam un Load the Hay. yt was overset & turned up the Cart & Loaded up 14 Cocks over ye Gut & took Some More this Side & got home in good Season. an Infant of Joseph Lothrops died. fryd 12 fair. I was at home in the foren & in the aftern I Rid out to the Gut medows & helpt adam to fetch a Load of Salt hay. in the Evening I maried Wm: Walden a Saylor & Eliza Chapman Daughter of Ezekiel Chapman at Jonathan Trumans—the wife of Isaac Lester Died last night in Josiah Smiths house. aged 42. Saturd 13 fair. but Cloudy. 1 went with Adam & fetcht home the Last part of the Salt hay att the Gutt. the 4h Jagg. Wee Stackt it in Crossman Lot & brot home a Load of Wood Richd C: Cut. Sund 14 fair. No minister at the meetinghouse nor Church. Dea Green Carried on. a Child of Sil- vester Miners Died. Mond 15 fair. I was at home all day. I hewed an axletree. Tuesd 16 fair. I was at home Most of the day. toward night I Rid out to Crossman Lot & mended up Some fence. Ephm Tomy & Mentis gathred Corn in Crossman Lot. they brot home one Load & Caryed out the Cart again. adm made Cyder for Mr Truman for mentis his work &c. Wednsd 17 fair. I was at Crossman Lot all Day. in the foren I mended the fence & Raked up Some Salthay yt was there Drying & in the aftern IT helpt Adm & Tomy finish gathring the Corn they brot home. 1 Load at Dinner time & ye Body of ye Cart full in the Evening &c. Thursd 18 fair. I was all day at Crossman Lot with adam Stacking the Cornstalks & Salt hay on ye Top & mending ye fence. I came home to Dinner & found my Son Robert Hempsted come from So-hold, & Mr Barber & Sheriff Cory. my Son Lodged with me &c. a female of Benja B Bs Died. aged 12 years. fryd .19, I was att home all day &c. Mr Talman Made 3 hhd & 6: bbs of Cyder to the halves for Natt Coit. Saturd 20 fair. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I went over the ferry with my Son Robert in order to go to Stonington but Stopt att John Ledgyards & Lodged there. he Sd Ledyard was Just now come home from Sea having met with a violent Storm which Carryed away their Boom & Mainsail & gaff & 2 Cables & 17 Horses & 40 Sheep & many other things. No life Lost of any humane Crea- ture Sund 21 Rain in the morning Smartly. I first Set out for Stonington with my Son but Stopt at Mr Ledyards Barn untill the Rain abated & then my Son was Discouraged & Returned back & I Stood along & got to the farnt to Br-fast tho Late & then to Meeting & heard Mr Rossiter in the aftern & Son Miner & Daughter there & had their youngest child Baptized Betty. a Child of William Morgans Buryed. Mond 22 fair. I came to the farm & Dined at Christophers. Joshua is poorly. he hurt himself last wednsday by falling off a Stage or Scaffold att the North End of his Corn house &c. I came over by daylight. Joshuas wife came over before me Several hours & had a bad fall from her horse as she was Riding down Street by White- mores, and got to her Brother Cardals without any help &c. William Keeny Second Son of my Cuzn Hannah Keeny was Buryed ys day. aged about 30 I Supose. & a nother Child of Wm Morgans Died about 6 or 7 yr old & both 618 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1753 Corps was brot along togather one after another. Tuesd 23 fair. I was at home al day mending an old wheel &c. in the Evening I maried James Chapman Junr & Sarah Burch at her fathers house. a very great Company of People &c. Wednsd 24 a Showre in the morning & then fair. I was at home most of the day. I put a new felloe into an old Wheel & went to Lecture to hear Mr Jewit who pr to Sarah Bramble &c. Thursd 25 fair. I went to Colchester & my Sons Robert & John to Shew them the Bounds of my Land there. got back by nine at night. fryd 26 fair till near night & yn Rain. I was at home foren & in the aftern out to Crossman Lot with adam Mending ye partition fence & fencing ye Stack there. my Son Robert went home this morning before it was Light with Deacon Tuthill. Saturd 27 a very great Storm of Wind & much Rain all Day. I was in Town most of the Day att Dishons holding a Court on accot of an affray yt was the night after ye 25 Instant on ye Street by Mr Collins’s. the parties agreed. I Dined att Mr Millers. Joshua is over here. a Male Child of John Crocker Decd by Jerusha his wife Died yesterday aged I Supose 16 or 17 years. Sund 28. Mr Gardner of Ston in ye province &c a Relation of Ms Swet- lands pr in the forenoon & Mr Jewit in ye aftern. he Baptized 3 Children. 1 for Geo. Colefax Ebenezar one for Joseph Waterhouse Sarah, one for Nathan Douglass Deborah. Mond 29 fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern att Gilbert Lot fitting up the Cart for Corn. Adm & mingo Swetland Gathring. brot home the body of the Cart full wch is all they have gathred today. Mingo went 4 aiter 10. & I at 2 of the clock. Tuesd 30 Cloudy in the morn & Soon Set in for a storm high wind & much Rain in the aftern & Eve. I was at home all day. I workt on the new Axletree &. Wednsd .31. fair & windy & prety cold. I was at home al day. November Thursd 1st fair. I was at home foren & aftern helping adm att Crossman Lot &c. a Daughter of Nathll Newburys Junr died, aged 16 or 17. fryd 2d fair. I was at home foren and aftern mending fence at the Cornfield & also at Crossman Lot & helping adm Load up pumkins. Natts wife & Children come home from So-hold wth Griffng. Saturd 3d a great Storm high wind & Rain untill about noon the wind abated but the Rain held untill near night. I was at home al Day. Sund 4 fair & windy. No Minister. Deacon Green Carryed on all Day. Thos Talmage Junr Came here last night & is gone with John to the North parish Meeting & So then to Norwich. Mond 5 fair till near Sunset & then a Little Rain. I went with adm & Tomy & help gather a Jagg of Corn. Tuesd 6. fair. I was out to Crossman Lot. Richd Cut a Ld of Wood there & at the Corn- field. Mingo al day & Tomy 2 or 3 times & also my Self helping adm finish picking Corn & brot home a Stout Load. Wednsd 7 fair & pleasant. I was at home foren. & in the aftern att Lecture. Mr Jewit preacht. the Sermon Composed to be pr to Sarah Bramble, but She declined Coming to hear itt, a Large Congregation. Thursd. 8 fair & pleasant. In the foren I went into the neck to Mr Denison & to Mr Gortons to Carry him Some mony from Son miner. aftern att the Cornfield Removing, 2 Small Stacks of Hay. fryd .9 Cloudy. I was all day out to John Plumb Lot. finisht my English hav Stack. 3. Small Ld Stacks into one. I mended up the pasture fence & began to fence the oat Stack. adm & Tomy Carted fencing Stuff out of Crossman Lot. Saturd 10 Cloudy. I was out to Jno Plumbe Lot & finisht 2 Stack yds & toward night it began to Rain. a Storm of wind al day. Sund tr Rain in the morn & yn fair. I went to Church in the foren to hear Mr Graves Suposing wee had no minister at the Meetinghouse but Mr Lord of Norwich pr all day. I heard him aftern. [ ] of Preston & Ann Strickland & 2 more published. Mond 12 fair. In the foren I took 1753] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 619 down my Cydermill & Carryed ye Nutts in to the Celler. in the aftern 1 Rid out to Joshuas Pasture & helpt Natt about geting a Ld of Wood & then I fenced one oat Stack in Gilbert Lot. adm helpt & Natt drove home ye oxen. Tuesd 13 fair. I was at home all Day drawing Writts &c. Wednsd 14a Storm of Wind E & towd night Rain Smartly. In ye midle of the Day J Rid out to the Cornfield & Crossman lot & mended up Some fence & then att home & wrote a Deed for Cuzn More. Thursd 15 fair. in the morning I Set out for Stonington between 8 & 9. I got over the ferry & Stood along ye Road. before 11 it began to Snow. I got Mistick Meeting house an hour before meeting, Mr Rossiter pr. a publick Thanksgiving. it Rained about 2 Clock & Carryd off the Snow. after Service I went to my Daughter Miners. my Son gone to Boston & Nathll by Land & Hempsted by water. 1 Lodged there. fryd. 16 fair. I went to Capt Rufas Miners visiting in the foren & in ye aftern I went to my farm & Lodged at Joshuas. My Gr Dater Molly Eldrege was Safely Delivered of a Son about :10: a Clock in the Evening, it was full Dark before they began to Send out. Saturd 17 fair. Joshua Came to New London with flax Seed. Daniel Benet drove his Cart & Carryd home Salt. Cit killed me a Sheep which I brot home. got over by Daylight. Sund 18 fair. I was att Meeting foren. No Min- ister, Deacon Green Carryed on. in the aftern I went to hear Mr Graves. Hugh Miner Place published. Mond 19 fair. I was up in the north Parish with Mr Richards Laying out after Division Land for Lt Samll Com- stock or his Grandson Gideon 5} Rights one Lt Comstock 1 Jno Terril & 1 John Waterhouse & 4 Jacob Waterhouse, 1 John Keeny & 1 Jno Stidmans. I gave my Day to Lt Comstock in Consideration yt ye Sd Comstock did Quitt his Claim to and demand of any Comons from me or mine on accot of any former Bargain or Deed whatsoever. Tuesd 20 fair. I was att home all Day Engraving. Wednsd 21. Misty & Rain moderately. S: Bramble. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid up to the Cross Highway above Jno Bolles to See Sarah Bramble Executed for the Murdering her Bastard Child in march last was a year Since. She was hanged at 3 Clock. a Crowd of Spectators of all Sexes & nations yt are among us from the neigh- bouring Towns as well as this. Judged to be Ten Thousand. it Rained moderately most of the day. Joshua & his wife & Child over & Clemee & Ben & Nabee Miners & Stayed all night. I Recd of Richd Smith for Son miner £100 13s od old Tenr & Sent it over by Clemy. Thursd 22 fair. I was at home all day. I put in 4 new Spokes in an old broken wheel. Joshua & wife &c gone home. fryd 23 fair. I was at home all day mending the old wheel. Saturd 24 fair. I was at home most of the Day; about ye Midle I went to Mr Hulls to Joyn Mr Miller & Capt D. Coit to advise about the Spanish Cargo. I was gone 2 or 3 hours. I finisht the wheel &c after I came home. Sund 25 Cloudy in the foren & Rainy in the aftern & night, Mr Worthington of Saybrook West Society pr all Day & I was at Meeting. Mond 26. fair. I was about home all day making up wth Mr Gorton on Son miners accot & putting Tire on ye wheel I mended &c. a Son of Comfort Brooks above 13 yr old buryed & the wife of Mr Edwd Robinson died. aged about 52. Tuesd 27 fair. I was at home al day Except going to ye funeral of Ms Robinson & was one of the paul Barrers. Wednsd 28. fair. I was at home all day Engraving. Thursd 29. fair & pretty cold. I was att home all day. adm Carted 2 Ld of Dung to Gilbert Lot wch was the Last. finisht ye Cowyard. fryd 30 fair. I was att home all Day Engrav- ing. Last night ye 29th of November In the Eve I went to Capt Jos Coits to visit his mother old Ms Coit & I Lost my old Silver Spoon markt I. A H. it Lay with one more not markt on the Cupboard. while I was absent Natts 620 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [tres boys Grover & Will & Josh Starr kindled a fire up & Roasted Potatoes & played a while in my Room. I Suposed they all Combined to hide the Spoon or Else worse. Dec 1. Saturd. I was at home foren & after Diner 1. Clock I Rid out my X plain Woods to help adam Cut & Load up Stuff to fence a hay Stack. he went from home att 11 & was Loaded up att 3. I came away & Lookt over the Comon pasture for my young Cattle & found them in Joshuas planting field. adm got home before me a Little. Sund 2 Cloudy. Deacon Green Carryed on in the foren & Mr Wm adams Preacht &c in the aftern, Jno Bradick & Pegee Douglass published & Skinner & S Merrils publisht, Much Rain in ye night. Mond 3 Rain in the morn. I went up to John Cheapel Junrs in the foren. to take the Confession of Timothy Daniels & his wife Hannah for Incontinancy before mariage. aftern at home. I fenced one Stack &c. 1. Ld of Dung for Natt. Tuesd 4th fair. I was at home all Day. fenced .1. Stack more. Wednsd .5 fair. I was at home all Day Engraving. Thursd 6 fair. In the foren I went into Town to take Leave of Ms Adams who is going off to Boston. I Dined att Mr Winthrops & came home & fenced in one Stack Clover next the Rope house. a Child of Capt Titus Hurlbuts buryed. fryd .7. Rainy. I was att home all day Engraving &c. Saturd 8 fair. I was att home all day. I fenced the upper- most Stack in the Rocky Bottom Near ye Street. Josh [ J. Sund 9 fair. Deacon Green in the foren & Mr Wm adam in aftern. I was much Indisposed. a very great Cold. I kept house all day. Cloudy and a Little Rain in the foren & fair in the aftern. I was att home all day. Mond 10. I fitted in the New axletree & adm Carted 2 Ld [ ]. Tuesd 11. fair. In the foren I was att home. in the aftern I Rid out to my X plain farm & helpt adam Cut a Load of poles to fence in the last Stack E Side ye Lot. Snow at night about 2 Inches. Joshua is over with my Stallyon. Wednsd 12 Cloudy & Raw cold. I was at home al day. Thursd 13 fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward Night I went up to Thos Sticklands & Maried his Daughter Anna unto Wait Wells Son of Thos Wells of Groton. Late home. Mr Appleton was buryed. Died yesterday morning. aged above 60. fryd 14 fair. I was most of the Day & Late in the Eve at Mr Delamores house Writing for George Hendry late of Burlington now of this Town. Maried to Ann the Daughter of Geo. Buttolph Decd. Saturd 15 fair. I am Greviously afflicted with a grt Cold yt I have had to Days. I keep at home. a very Cold night. Sund 16 fair & Cold. I was in Town in the foren to advise about the Spanyards. Indigo Stolen Last night out of Mr Sloans Warehouse. broke open & Several Sharoons of Indigo gone. I Dined at Colln Stltonstalls & at Meeting in the aftern. Mr Fish of N. Ston- ington pr all day. Jno Buttler & Abigail Minerd publisht. Mond 17 fair. I was at home foren & in town in the aftern. Mr Fish of N. Stonington pr all day. Jno Buttler & Abigail Minerd publisht. Mond 17 fair. IT was at home foren & in town in the aftern. Tuesd 18 fair & cold. I was at home all Day. in the Evening I went up to Ms Merrils house that was & Maried. Wm Skinner of Seconk & Sarah Merrils of N. London. Wednsd 19 fair & cold. I was out to Cuzn Keenys with Wm Manwaring apprizing Wm keenys’s Chattells &c. Mingo Swetland helpt Adm kill hogs. 195. 145 138 To. 478. Thursd 20 fair & cold. I was at home all Day. frvd 21 fair & cold. I was out to Cuzn Keenys & Mr Manwaring. finisht prizing. Saturd 22 fair & cold. I was at home all day—adm not well. Sund 23d fair. Mr Eells of Stonington pr all day. 3. publishmts Wilson & Joanna Bill. [ | Clav & Patence Bolles; Tos Bolles Tunr & Deborah Rogers, Daughter of Samll Johns Son. Mond 24 fair Warm. a Town 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 621 Meeting. I was at home all day. I Salted up my Pork 2 B Bs—& a Small part of another. Tuesd 25 a Smart Storm last night Rain & Exceeding windy & this morning the wind blew of one of the Arms of Mr Gardiners Windmill & toward night Cold. I was at home all day. Wednsd 26 fair & Cold. I was at home al day. Thursd 27 fair & Cold. I was at home foren. in the aftern I went up Town in order to go to Stonington & could not get over untill night. our Side boat was froze in. I got over in the Grotn boat by Daylight & Stood along having Nathan Gallup in Company. Called att Mr owens house and warmed our Selves & again at Jno Denisons it being Exceeding Cold then 9 oe Clock & Stood along to Joshua’s. they were a bed & then to Citts & Lodged there. Snow 3 or 4 Inches. fryd 28 Snowy most of the Day. I was at Joshua’s. mended his windows &c. it Rained before night & all night. I Lodged at Citts. Saturd 29 Rain in the foren. avery great Rain. toward night fair. I went over to Son Miners. I Rid the young Colefax Mare because She was well Shod & my horse was smooth. Much Ice. Sund 30 fair. I went to the Center meeting. heard Mr Eeles 1. Sermon. Mond .31. fair. I was at Son Miners all day & Lodged there agen. 1754 Jan 1. Tuesday. I Stayed till aftern it being very Icey & Slippery. I Set out & Stood along the Road to Helmes’s to get Some Horse Shoes made &c & then to Thompsons to get my grt Coat md & there Joshua came to me & I went to Ebe Williams’s & up to Joshuas & Citts again & Lodged there. Wednsd 2d fair & moderate. I Set out for home about 9. Stopt at the Smiths & got my Horse Shod behind & four frost nailes before & Called at Mr Thompsons, was measured &c. I Stood along the Road. got to Mr Story’s a Little after 3. & he helpt me Catch my calf that Adm Left. I Tayled him to my horse & got him along to the Swamp & then I mist my Watch which I had Lost out of my pocket. I had it 2 mile from the ferry. I tyed my Calf to the fence & Rid back to the place where I Remember I had it but found it not. Capt Olmsted of East Haddam & 2 more men came along the Road Soon after J did & they are gone home & I can hear nothing of it. I Loosed my calf & drove him back to Storys & I came to the ferry & put my Horse out & got over in a Cannoo & home Soon after 9. Thursd 3d Rainy. it Snowed last night wch hindered me going back this morning & Rain all day prety Steddy, & I kept house. toward night I was Sent for by David Mynard to Marry his Daughter Abigail unto John Butttler. I came by 8 Clock. the Rain abated but the Ice Remained. fryd 4th fair & moderate. the Ice is generally gone. I Sent Adam to fetch home my Calf att Storys & to Look My Watch. Josh Starr & Danll. fair. I was in Town. Sent Adam Josha Starr & Danll Natts 2 Boys, Wm Moger & Grover to Groton &c. Mr Storys Sons hath found my Watch. they brot home the Calf &c. I was att home most of the Day. Saturd 5th cloudy & moderate. I was at home all day. the Widow Howard of Nihantick Died. aged 70 odd. her first husband was David Calking Junr who would have been near or quite 80 if Lived. her 2d & last was Nathan Howard of Enfield who came & lived on her Dowry. a poor man. Sund. 6. Rainy. I kept house in ye foren. Comfort Chappel Died last night. aged near 60. Mr Russel ae of Midletown pr al day. Widow Howard buryed. in the Evening maried Stephen Clay & Patience Bolles at the house of old Mr Starr Decd. Mond 7 fair. I went out to Nihantick with Mr Parden Taber & Wm Man- waring & Simon Smith to finish the Division of Mr Tabers Woodland by 622 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 the River. I Lodged at Josiah Tabers & they came home. Comfort Chappel was buryed. aged near 70. ‘Tuesd 8 fair. I was all day on the Rocky woodland Running lines & Dividing the Same till after Sunset & then Supt att Josiah Tabers & came home in the night Late & cold. Wednsd 9. Rainy. 1 was at home all day. Thursd 10 fair. 1 was about home & at a Court at Capt Coits about Stealing Indigo & Dollars out of the Ship in the Coave which hath the Spanish Cargo on bord in part. fryd 11 fair & moderate. [ was at home in the foren. 1 DD to Capt Lee ye Boxes & Bands that was on the old Wheel 1 had of him & after 1 had put on Sd Wheel other Bands [ went out to Crossman Lot mended up the Stack yd fence & ‘Turned out Stephens grt Steers & hiefer & then mended up fence in Gilbert old Lot & Son Robert is come over wth S: Griffing. Saturd 12 misty Rainy & Cloudy all Day. I was in Town & att home all Day. I Sent 1lb of blue & itb of white wool to Widow Datons to Spinn for me & adam Stocking yarn. Smart Rain at night but warm. Sund 13 fair & warm. Mr Russel pr all Day. Son Robert att metting & John, & here att noon & back again to Groton at night. Mond 14 Rainy in the foren & fair in the aftern. 1 was about home al day. Son Robert here & Lodged with me at night. Tuesd 15 fair. I was at home al Day. Son Robt gone home and Josha. also & adm went to Mr Storys & fetcht my watch &. wedns 16 kainy moderately. I went with Jabez Chappel to Look over ye Records his fathers Lands and then to old Samuel Chapmans to Enquire of his wife Concerning Jabez’s Circumstances. She took him to nurse & bring up from Less than a year old to 21 & his father agreed wth her hus- band Thos Dowglas who was uncle to Jabez to give him Ten Pound for it. & paid it before he Died wch was about 41. year ago. Thursd .17. fair Cold. I went with Jno Bishop &c to Amos Calkings & to visit old Capt Stephen Prenttis who is blind & hath been 3 year aged 87 & then I went to Benja Beebees & Maried his Daughter Mercy to Wm Fergo. I came home alone Late in the night. I Supt at Joshua Moor Junrs. fryday 18 fair. I was on an arbitration with Capt David Crocker & Jessee Miner between Jabez Chappel & his Brother Comforts Heirs at Stephen Chappels. he pd me 30s. I came home late alone. Saturday the 19h fair. I went to mill in the foren. out to ye Widow Rogers’s toward night. &c. in the Evening I blundered over a Log near the well & fell down & hurt my Self much & like to have broke my Ribbs. Sund 20 fair. Mr Russel pr all day. in the Evening I Maried Christopher Godin and Hannah Daton at Josiah Smiths. also Wm Stewart a Stranger & the widow of Robert Eams at Colefax’s house by the mill dam upper Dam or Bridge. a Male Child of Ezekiel Chapmans Died. about 2 yr old. Mond 21 fair but Cloudy & warm till night & then Blustering & cold. I was at home all day, I pd Young Story for finding my Watch 4os according as I promised & because he was not well Satisfied I gave him 25s more. he Says he & his Brothr was half a Day Each in look- ing for it &c. Zs Child Buryed. no frost in the ground. Some have been plowing a fortnight ago & Ever Since. Thawing weather. Tuesd 22 bitter cold & windy last night & to day. I kept house all day. Wednsd 23d fair little wind. cold in the foren & then more moderate. I was at home all day. I pd Mr Gorton £36 old Tenor on Son miners accot. I took up Miners note. I had his money &c. Thursd 24 Snow last night & ys morn about 3 Inches. I was at home all day. not very cold. fryd 25 fair & moderate. I was at home all d. Ephm Thrasht oats & adam & Eph 2 day yesterday. Saturd 26 fair & moderate. I was at home in the foren & in ye aftern I Rid out to Joshuas pasture & on ye Island. ye Ice in ye path will bear the Horse. I Rid back to Jno Plumb Lot where Ephm & adam have Just now finisht 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 623 Thrashing the first Stack of oats. I helpt Stack up the Straw & then Came home wth James Rogers the 3d & paid him £65 18s od in Connecticut mony & I paid to Powers before on his acct 53—£118 18s od & also I pd him £9 before in a pr of Gravestones. all £127 18s od & I took up my Bond & note which I gave in october 1750 for £100 Connecticut I borrowed for my Son Pierpoint &c. Sund 27 fair. Mr Russel pr. al Day. I was out aftern only. Mond 28 Some moderate Rain about the midle of the day. the morn & Eve fair. I was at home all day fitting the Hoveli Tuesd 29 fair & Thawing. I was with Stephen & John Rogers all Day measuring in the 2d & 3d Teer in order to Settle ye West End of John Rogers’s Lot in the 2d Teer. wee found the 2d & 3d Teer both togather E & W Square a Cross the S. Side of Mr Frouds 194 Rod. which wee Divided Equally & from the midle (viz) 91 Rod wee Run North 1 degree 4 W through the Swamp & hitt the great Rock in Capt Hurlbuts fence P H near the N W Cornner of Capt Hurlbuts pasture & then Square a Cross W— to Capt Hurlbuts other pasture in the 4th Teer 92 Rod & from the Sd grt Rock E— to the fence 93 Rod the Line on ye W Side ve 3d Teer N & S on ye E Side ye 2d Teer is S. 34 deg E. Daniel Way Junr Stephns Tomy was with us. adam Winowed & brot home ye oats. 8 Bagg fulls. Wednsd 30 fair & warm. I was at home foren. aftern up in Town to Mr Miller &c visiting &c. Thursd 31 fair. I Rid out wth Justice Richards to Capt Jos. Prenttis’s & Laid out for Sd Prenttis 2} Shares in the after Division outside Commons Joyning Thos Buttlers & the Highway & also Six acres for Daniel Driscoll he bot of Jno Shaw Joyning to Wm Crocker. he pd me 38s. due to me Ios...... Natt Miner here. feb fryd 1. a very wet day. I was about home & over to Son Starrs to Diner & Natt Miner. Daniel Lester Cut out Leather to make me a pr of Boots Calf Skin & Carryed it home. Saturd 2d fair & warm cloudy. I was at home all day. Sund 3 Rainy & warm Thawing. No minister. I was at meeting in the aftern only. Deacon Green Carryed on al day. Mond 4 fair. in the forept of the Day I Rid out in the Neck to hear the Clerk of the Scool Society. afterpart at the Society meeting in Town. Tuesd 5 fair & warm. I was at home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to Mr Pardon Tabers to measure his farm. I Lodged there. Wednsd 6 fair. IT went-out to Mr Tabers all Day measuring & Computing his farm &c. in the aftern I wrote 3 Deeds for Exc. Thursd 7. in the foren I went into Town to administer the poor mans oath to Stephen Potter. I Rid up to John Shaws & Maried Andrew Chapman & Martha Wood. Natt Miner here. fryd 8 fair till night & then a Storm of Rain. I was at home al day. adm fetcht home a Ld of wood fro X plain Danll Left cut. Saturd 9 a Little Rain in the foren. fair in the aftern. I was at Colln Saltonstalls most of the Day at a Court. one key of Killingly aprehend for putting of 3 Counterfeit bills in Imitation of New York 20s Bills & Exchanged with Capt Richard Durfey for old Tenor. he had 23 of a Sort. Thunder &c at night. Sund to fair & clear Windy N Weather & prety Cold. a Sacramt Day. Mr Fish of Stonington admin- istered the Same & pr. all Day, Jos Miller & Martha Collins published. Mond 11 fair most of the day. Some Scatering Snow. I was about home till 2 Clock I went to Colln Saltonstalls again on keys affair &c. Tuesd 12 Clear & cold Smart. I was at home all day. Samll Fox Senr in the north parish Died. aged 70 odd. Wednsd 13 fair & cold but not So violent as yesterday. I was about home foren & in Town aftern. the County Court weh Sat by adjournment at Norwich is adjourned down hether in order to try Several that are Suspected to have a hand in Stealing the Spanyards mony & Endigo &c or Concealing it. Thursd 14 fair not quite So cold. In 624 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 the foren I went to See after & help Stack ye oat Straw & bring home ye oats. Much Blasted. about a Dozn Bushels on Side hill by Hurlbuts wall. about an acre. in the aftern I went into Town &c. fryd 15 fair & mod- erate. I was at home foren & toward night I Rid out with Joshua & Nathil & measured 3 acres & Quarter of Land for Nathll which I give him. he to fence it in wth good Stone wall 5 foot high & 3 Sides of it being 20 Rod Deep on ye East Side & 20 Wide E— & W— throughout & 24 Rod from ye N E Cornner of Joshuas Stonewall at the highway yn Southerly Joyning Joshuas Wall & 24 Rod on ye Highway & then Scant 19 Rod on the highway Easterly will Reach the West End of 30 Rod Nathll Holt is to make &c. note yt natt is to maintain the whole of ye fence next me E Side & S. End for ever &c. Saturd .16. Rain a little in the foren & Cloudy till near night. I was at hom al Day. Joshua came over yesterday & went home to day. Sund 17 fair. No Minister. I have got a very great Cold. kept house all Day. Mond 18 Snow in the foren & Soon turnd to Rain & Misty & Cloudy. I was at home all day. my cold is Something abated. Tuesd 19 Cloudy most of the foren & Rain in the aftern. In the foren I was at Court wch Sat at the meeting house to Examine the Evidences Respecting a Large Box or Cheast of Gold Stolen out of Colln Saltonstalls Cellar & most Likely by the watch which guarded it night & day. the Court Sat &c &c. Thomas Stub- bins Ebenezar Howard Junr Stephen Beebee & Parker Smith were the Guard or Watch and Judah Coleman for being active & considerate with them but Parker Smith is turned about & become Evidence for the King and discovers the whole Transaction as follows. they were allowed to go into the Collns first Celler to get beer to drink as they had need & the dug a hole under the Sill of the next Cellar Joyning & where the Boxes of Silver & gold were (the Spanish Treasure) & took out the Box in which were about 1000 Dollrs in Silver & about the like Quantity for bulk in Gold of Several Sorts of Coin Chiefly double Loons So Termed which are Equal in weight to Dollars. the Gold was Equal in vallue to 5100 Dollars. they Divided the Treasure among themselves after they had Carryed it to Cedar Swamp & filled the Box with Small Stones & gravel &c & Returned it So filled up into ye Cellar from whence they took it. I left the Court & was not out in aftern by Reason of the Rain. Jno Christophers wife Died 18th. Wednsd 20 fair. I went to Stonington in the aftern & Nathanael & got to Son miner by daylight. Stephen & Daniel Starr were before & got to Capt Jno Denisons before Nathanael Miner & Ann Denison were maried which was about 3 oe Clock. wee all Lodged at Son miners & also abigail Ledyard & Joshua & Christopher Eldredge & their wives. Thursd 21 fair. in the morning wee went down to Capt Jno Denisons to the Wedding where Com- pany were gathring togather & Soon grew numerous & after a few hours Conversation wee all Rid up to Son Miners & were there all day Entertained Librally with Plumb Cake & Cheese & Wine & other Strong Drink. the 3 ministers & Civil authority & other of the Principal Inhabitants to the amount of More than 100 Horses beside Near Neighbours that come on foot &c. fryd 22d fair a little Rain. after breakfast I went over to Joshua’s & had the Misfortune to See the young horse that came of the old Colfax mare. dead last night. he broke his Leg Jumping out of Ebe Williams’s field near a week Since. I came alone home alone. Nathll Stopt with Citt. I called at Ms Denisons & got to the ferry by 3 oe Clock & over in a Canoo. old french Mary (as wee used to call her) alias vincent, alias Taber, was buryed. & yesterday Ms Jerusha Christophers was buryed. died of a Con- sumption. aged above 30. She was the youngest of the Daughters of Mr Jno Gardner Decd. her mother was the 3d Daughter of the Late Honble 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 625 Govr Saltonstall by his first Wife &c. Saturd 23 Cloudy. I was at home all day. Sund 24 fair. Mr Cleaveland pr all day. Jno Harris & Deb. Rogers publisht. a Contribution Set up p order of the Society for ye min- istry. l10s. Mond 25 fair. I was about home most of the. toward night I went to Jer. Millers & wrote a Deed fro Mr Winthrop to Jos Bolles 4 acre by the Bridge att alewife Brook for £50. Sd Bolles pd me 15s. Tuesd 26 Cloudy Raw cold a little Snow toward night. I was at home al day. Wednsd 27 Some Rain Some fair. I was at home all day. I mended up Some wall next Deacon fosdycks S W Cornr. adm Drew Stones. Thursd 28 fair. I was at home all day mending wall in ye orchard & adm. March fryd .1. fair. I was at home all day. Josiah Brooks Died of a plurisie. aged near 40 30 odd. Saturd 3d fair in the foren. Rain in the aftern. I was at home all day. Sund 3d fair. 41. Mr Cleveland pr al day. in the Evening I Rid up to Lt Zack Wheelers & maried Wm youngs & Sarah Powers. Brooks buryed. Mond 4 Cloudy. I was at home al day making Stonewall at ye N W Cornr of Mr Coits hollow. adm draged Stones. Tuesd 5 fair. I was at home all day Except about Stonewall. I had Capt Jos Coits oxen to help draw up great Stones. I Rid out to the Cornfield & Swamp &c. Wednsd 6 Cloudy. I was at home all day making wall with only adam. Josha & Citt come to Hunt foxes. Snow at night. Thursd 7 Snow in the foren moderately. I was at home. In the aftern I Rid out to Jesse Foxes wth Ephm Chapman & Maried Wm Tillitson & Susana Chapman Datr of Peter Chapman Decd & Returned home by day Light in. Josh & Citt killed an old fox wth 6 youngs one. fryd 8 it Snowed moderately all day. I Rid out to Thos Hawkins & Measured 12 Acres & 127 Rod of Thos Miners Land for Hawkins. Saturd 9 Cloudy & Cold. JI was at home all day. Rain in ye night. Sund 10 a Smart Storm of much Rain Last night & ye foren & Some Rain in the aftern & Cloudy. Mr Cle—land pr. all day. I was out in ye aftern. Mond 11 fair & windy N W Cold. I was most of the Day with Capt Pygan Adams Capt Titus Hurlbut & Ensn Joseph Harris Select men Parden Taber in the neck in order to view the Necessety of Laying a pent Highway a Cross the neck from the Highway that goes down between ye 3d & 4th Teers near the foxes unto the Highway that goes down to Ebenezar Darrows between the 5th & 6th Teers. wee Dined at Mr Tabers & left of before Sundown &c. Ms Collins Died this morning & Jonathan Colver blacksmith in the aftern. both with the plurisie in about a week after they were taken. he was aged about 38 & She about 44. Tuesd 12 fair & moderate. I was at home foren. I almost finisht ye wall att the upper End Coits Hollow. toward night I went to the funeral of Ms Collins first & Stayed a while at the burying place & Colver was buryed &c. Wednsd 13 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. I finisht the wall att the N W Corner of Mr Coits Hollow the night before last about 11 or 12 of the Clock. the Prisoners broke open the Door with Iron Crows & took Brooks’s Boat & Rowed out of the Harbour & made their Escape. 8 of them. Thos Stubbins Judah Coleman & Ebe Howard Junr for Steeling Gold & Silver from Coll Saltonstalls Cellar & Mills & Taylor for Steeling Endigo out of the Ship & 1 more for Endigo & Stephn Potter was in for Debt. Thursd 14 fair. I was at home all day. pruning apple- trees. adam Carted a Ld of wood home. Tomy Cutt. fryd 15 fair. I was at home al day mending up Wall Next to ye Peartree & Rope walk & next to Mr Coits Swamp. Saturd. 16 fair in the foren. Rain moderately in ye aftern. I was at home all day. Sund 17 fair & moderate. Mr Cleland pr all day. & Baptized a Child Wm Holt (Junr or ye 2d) Samuel. John Waterhouse of Groton & John Bolles & his Sons & a Copany of the Rogerens 41 626 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 Came to meeting late in the foren Service & Taryed & held their meeting after our meeting was over & left of without any disorder before our after- noon meeting began. Mond 18 fair in the foren. a Little Rain in ye aftern, I went into Town in the foren, & toward night pruned Some apple trees & adam. ‘luesd 19 fair. I was about home all day. Wednsd 2oth fair. I was at home foren. & in the aftern wth adam att Crossman Lot mending the fence &c underpinning &c. Thursd 21. a Smart Storm. Cloudy in the foren & aftern a Smart Snow Storm till 9 att night & then Rain. I Went out in the Morning with Thos Miner to David Colvers to Run Some Lines & before 2 ye Snow put us by & toward night wee came back & I went to Thomas Skariots (at Capt Daniel Coits house in the Neck) & Maried his Daughter Hannah to James Whaley of the north parish. Daughter miner is Come over & Ben. fryd 22d. I was in Town in the foren & paid Ms Swet- land £76 18s 6d old Tenor for Joshua & took up his Note of £72 & Interest above a year which he gave for a mare. I had £57 of it of Nathll & £20 of Cardal &c. I was about home afternoon, & to visit old Ms Prenttiss, who was taken with the numpalsie on Tuesd last. She cannot go. one Side is Lame. Saturd 23 fair. about home & in Town al d. Daughter Miner went home. Sund 24 Misty wet. 51. Mr Cleveland pr all Day. the old Baymare folded in ye night. Mond 25 fair. in the foren I Rid out to Fargos. aftern out to Nathll Rogers house & Marryed francis Marteness a Spanyard & Eliza Goddard Daughter of Giles Goddard Decd. I Recd 2 Cobbs. £6 10s od. Tuesd 26 fair. I was most of the day with Thos Miner at Nihantick measuring of 12 acres & 4 of Land for Brooks & Colver. Wednsd 27 fair. I was most of the Day Riding about to borrow Cro Barrs for Mr Swan who hath agreed with me to make Stonewall for 20s a Rod I to Draw the Stones. about 25 Rod Next the Highway Eastwd of Joshuas N E Cornner. Thursd 28. fair. Swan & 3 men. Swan began ye wall at ye East End. adam Drew Stos. one of Swans 3 men helpt him in the aitern. I was assisted in getting the things togather wth adm. in ye foren Henry Braddick a Lad about 12 or 13 yr old died with the plurisie & old Leivt Thomas Crocker about 86 died in ye night without any previous Illness. old age chiefly. fryd 29 fair. Swan &3 men. I was all day assisting about Carting Stones &c. James Harris helpt adam &c. James Rogers Cooper (Son of John of Mamacock Decd) Died ys aftern with the plurisie & long fever & Eliza Walden Daughter of Ez. Chapman Died ys day. aged about 20 & Ja Rogers 50 odd. Saturd 30 fair. I was at home most of ye day writing for Divers. Lt Crocker buryed & Eliza Walden & James Rogers. I went to Stonington at night—James Harris & adm dragged Stones. Hen Braddick buryed Sunday Eve. Sund 31. fair. In the morning I went from Chris Eldredges to Son miners & thence to Meeting at the Center. Mr Eells pr 1. Sermon: three of my daughter Miners Children are Sick with ye Cancar, Molly Phebe & Betty & ye last very Ill. indeed I fear Dangerous. April 1. Mond fair. I came from Miners before 10. Called att Mr Pages, Mr Rossiters &c. I Stayed att my farm till after 2. Set out for home. got to the ferry by Sundown & over to the neck daylight in &c. Tuesd 2d fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to the Corn- field Cornner of Mr Churches orchard by my fence. a Male Child of Samll Richards Died. 6 or 7 yr old I Supose. Natt Way help adm Draw Stones for Natt yesterday & to day. Wednsd 3d fair. Walter Harris. I Rid out in the foren to fodder the Cattle & to see after ye wall makers. aftern I Rid down to Quogonpoxet to measure 2 acres of Medow for Walter Harris yt was Samll foxes Daughter Naomi. Thursd 4 fair in the foren. aftern Rain. I went out again to finish Measuring but the Rain put us by. 1754) Diary of Joshua Hempstead 627 I wrote a Deed to the widow Starke from Naomi Beebee & home wet. my kinsman Henry moor of So-hold lodged here. adm & Richd 4 day and all day yesterday drawing Stones. fryd 5th. the foren Lookt like Rain. I went into Town. helpt adam Load up 4 pr of gravestones at Picketts wharf & then I measured of 4 Rod wide for Mr Stewart which he bot of Mr Raymond a Cross Sd Rayms Lot for £1150 old Tenr. aftern I Rid out to Gilbert upper Lot & measured a Cross it next to Hurlbuts in the Lane 33 R & 7 Links & Square a Cross it is but 31 Rod & 8 links: adm Drew Stons 4 day. Saturd 6 fair. a Long Spell of E— winds. In the foren I Rid out with Capt Titus Hurlbut & Stephen & I agreed with Capt Hurlbut to give him about } of an acre of Land to make my half of the Stonewall in the E & west Line between my upper Gilberts Lot & his acre I to have all the Trees upon it & to have the East half after it is made being 15 Rod & 4 the fence between us to Run parrelel with Daniel Ways fence 10 Rod & half Distance from it, in the aftern I mended the fence Jno Plumb pasture. Sund 7 fair. Mr Cleveland pr all day. I was Indisposed in the foren. a Cold. was out aftern. Ms abigail Coit Widow of Solomon Coit Aged 70 odd Died of a plurisie. She was his 3d wife & lived with him about 4o years (had no child). Deacon Carys Daughter of Charlestown. Mond 8 fair. In the forepart of the Day I was out to the Cornfield. adam & Tomy are plowing for oats, ye Side hill in Gilberts old Lot. toward night I went into Town &c at freemens meeting. Capt Lee & Capt Adams Chose Deputies. the wife of Joseph Chester in the north parish. the only Daughter of the Late . Revd Mr James Hillhouse Decd Died. a negro woman of Jno Coits Died. Tuesd oth fair. I was all day out to the Cornfield & adm & Tomy. wee Sowed Side hill & harrowed it & Dug up Stones in it. old Ms Coit & Mer- tilio a negro woman buryed. Widow of Solomon. Wednsd 10 Cloudy in the foren & Rain in the aftern. a publick fast. Mr Cl-land pr. all Day. Rain at night Smartly. Thursd .11. Little mare & my Horse. Lower- ing in the foren. fair in the aftern. Raw cold Easterly winds which have held generally So about 3 weeks. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to the Cornfield to help adam dig up 2 Locust Trees for Abigail Ledgvard. brot up in the Cart &c. fryd 12. Raw cold Some Scattering Snow in the forept & midle of the day. I was at home foren. in the afternoon I Rid out to Crossm lot & diged Stones among the Cornstalk ground. adm & Tomy plowd. Saturd 13 fair & clear wind N W. the first N W wind in about 3 weeks. wee have had a Long Spell of Easterly Winds. adm & Tomy finisht plowing at Crossman Lot. in the foren I borrowed 2 bushel of oats of Capt Tit Hurlbut & Sowed them & 34 more of mine. adm harrowed them &c. Sund 14 fair. Mr Throop of Bozrah Pr al Day. Mond 15 fair. In the morning I Turned out all my Cattle & horse kind from my Lot at home & foddered them at Jno Plumb Lot & then Turned them outside Except 4 oxen & 3 Cows. I was all the afternoon Diging Stones & Leveling the Land in Crossman Lot where the oats Sowed in order for Red Clover. Tuesd 16 fair. I was most of the Day at the Cornfield and at Crossmn Lot Diging Stones in the plowd ground next the Highway & Leveling ye ground to Lay down for Clover. Adm & Tomy plowing aftern ye Side hill by: Capt Hurlbuts Wall &c. Wednsd 17 fair. in the foren I Sowed 6fb of Hayseed on less yn an acre in Crossman Lot. in the aftern at Lecture. Mr fish of Stonington preacht & in the Evening I had his assistance in marying Mr James Thompson of Groton & the Widow of Samll Douglass at her house in N Londo. Thursd 18 fair & windy. I was at home in the foren & in the aftern at Crossman Lot with adam. I Sowed 2tb more of Hay seed on the oat ground there 1. acre & 4 part of an acre 7 bushels of oats almost & 8tb 628 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 of Seed. fryd 19 fair & veryWindy & cold. I was about home in the foren & in ye aftern I went with adam & Team to the Common pasture and Mended fence all that belongs to me both parts &c. a Child of Samuel Powers Dyed. Saturd 20 fair. I was all at Crossman Lot mending fence. Set up Some post & Rayles next Capt Lee by the Swamp. Sund 21 fair. Mr Ellis Minister of Norwich west farms pr. all Day. Stephen Prenttis Junr a Child Baptized Hannah. Levy Luther & Beckwith publisht. Mond 22 fair. I was with Mr Richards & Deacon fosdyck measuring a peice of ye middle Commons backside abraham Morgans by James Bebes. Tuesd 23 fair. I was with Mr Richards measuring Commons Antony Whipples & below David Minerds & mine next Mr Raymonds. Wednsd 24 fair. I was with Mr Richards measuring Commons by Jabez Chappels & by the great Hill & by Samll Chapmans &c. I was with Mr Richards Measuring Commons &c. old John Morgan Died also the wife of Samuel Powers in child bed. Thursd 25 fair most of the day. a Little Rain in the morn. I was at home foren. in the aftern I was Setting up Pole fence next the highway over Long bridge. adam Carted out 2 Ld Stack poles. fryd 26 fair. I was out to the Cornfield. helpt Adm plant Potatoes. hole ye Side hill for corn. Saturd 27 fair. In the foren I went out to the Cornfield & Returnd Soon to ye old Hive & wrote 2 Deeds & for Ben foxes Daughters & then went to Mr Winthrops Colln Saltonstalls & Mr Millers Junrs to take acknowledgments &c. Sund 28 fair. Mr Cleveland pr. all day. Samll Morgan a Child Baptized Margaret. Mond 29 fair. I was at home foren & out to the Cornfield aftern. Natt Way holing & Carting Dung all day. Tomy & adam $ day. Tuesd 30 fair. I was at home foren. aftern out to the Cornfield. Natt Way & adam finisht planting ye Side hill in Gilbert upper Lot. May 1. Wednsd fair in the foren, aftern Rain moderately. I was al day at James Harris & Nath & Peter Way diging Stones by Longbridge. Thursday 2 fair & Windy & Cold. I was about home foren & helping about the wall aftern. James Harris Laid up about 4 Rod beside helping dig Some. adam & Peter Way drew Stones. fryd. 3 fair. I was out with the Stonewall men the forepart of the day Ja Harris Peter Way Danll Do & adam all day. in ye afterpart of the Day at home holding a Court about David Lester upon the Complaint of the Selectmen who have Judgmt against him to take him his family & Estate into their Custody—&c. —Saturd 4 fair. I was most of the Day holding 2 Six hole post for barrs Seting ym up & fixing the Railes in the New pasture not quite fenced in. wants 5 Rod. Ja Harris Peter Way & adm all day. 13 Quarts of Cyder to Day & more yesterday. Sund 5 fair. Mr Cleveland pr. all Day. I Dined att Mr Millers. 5s. Mond 6 fair. In the foren 8 oe Clock Stephen wife was DD of a Son. I was to Mr Millers & had of Madm £10 10s od old Tenr Rd Island & Left £100 Connecticut wth her to be Exchanged back when I See Cause. Tuesd 7 fair. In the forepart of the day I Rid out to Crossman Lot & mare & Colts & turned them down into the Swamp and adam Carted Some Railes from Jno Plumb Lot to make Draw barrs for Natt. & I fixed them & mine. a Thunder Showre toward night. Mr John Savel Died ys morning. Sick but 6 Days. in his 63d year. Wednsd 8 fair. I was out to the Cornfield most of the Day. Stephen is breaking up ye plain in Gilbert new Lot, & John is breaking up 1 acre in Gilbert old Lot. I Carted of Some Stones & adam is planting my acre next the Street Northward of John Plumb Bar. toward night I came away & went to the funeral of Mr Savel. Thursd 9 fair. 5 Rod. I was most of the day with my Stonewall men James Harris & Natt way & (adm drawing Stones). wee finisht it 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 629 off & I Set up a pr of Short Barrs the hither Side. fryd .10 Some Scatter- ing Rain at turns all day & toward night it was too Smart to work in. it beat us of about 6. in the aftern. James Harris & Natt Way Dug Stones in Crossman Lot. I filled the holes & mended fence &c. adam was noth- ing to day—Ms Savel the widow of the late Mr Savel Died this Evening. Lent to Geo. Richds Landlords Law. Saturd 11 Cloudy & a little Rain. I was out to New Pasture to look up the Catttle. 3 are wanting. Nathll Greens Wife Died; aged about 4o. She was the 2 & youngest Dauter of Mr John Picket Decd. her first Husband was Richd Christophers 3d by whom She had 2 Daughters; Ms Savel buryed in the Evening. I DD Cuzn Truman £7. Connecticut & Recd £6 10s Rhd Island old Tenor & 10s after. Sund 12 it Rained very moderately Most of the Day. Mr Lord of Norwich pr all day. Stephen Hempsted a Child Baptizd Stephen & Isaac Fellows one Joseph. Mond 13 fair. I was att home in the forept of the Day poling Hopps & breaking Dung & in the after part att the funeral of Ms Green; who was brot up (from her House a white beach) to Mr Bulfinches by Water & thence was Carryed through the Townstreet in order wth Pall bearers &c & buryed in the manner of the Church of England. Mr Graves performed the Service. my Daughter miner & her Son Wm Roe are Come over. Tuesd 14 Sometimes fair & Sometimes Rain Showry. I was at home all day & Daughter Miner here al day. Wednsd 15 Rain. in the foren I went up Town to the ferry & to visit Mr Newport who is very Weak & Low. I Conclude in a Consumption. Dater Miner gone home. fair. in the afternoon I was at home breaking dung with adam. the only Child of the Late Thomas adams Died. about 8 year old. hath been in Town but about 2 months. Thursd 16 Rain much last night. Some to Day. IJ was at home most of the Day. toward night I Rid up to Thomas Attwells & Maried Thos Attwell Junr & Rhoda Chandler. fryd 17 Some Rain in the Morning then fair. I was att home most of the day. toward night I Rid up to the funeral of Samll adams a Child of 8 yr old, Son of Thos adams of Easthaddam who was the youngest Son of our Late minister Mr adams Decd. Sd Thomas was brot up att our Colledge & Lived a while with his Brother in Law ye Late Colln Bulkley of Col- chester & Learned of him to be a Doctor of Physick & maried at East- haddam to a Daughter of the Revd Mr Hosmer the minister there by whom he had 4 Children. 3 died young. at length She Died & left only this Samuel and the Sd Thomas after Some time maried again but Died Soon after & this his only child was brot hither to be brot up with his 2 uncles. but now Thomas is gone & all his offspring. Saturd 18 Rain in ye morning. about ye midle of the foren it abated & I Rid out to Crossman Lot the Corn- field & new pasture & met Nathanael & measured him of five acres in the N W Cornner of the New pasture 25 Rod on the highway Eastwd of Joshuas Cornner & 47 Rod So-ward by Joshuas Stonewall. 19 Rod a Cross att ye S End & 33 N & S on ye E Side. in the aftern I was Setting up pole fence a Cross in Crossman Lot. Sund 19 fair & clear. Mr Cleveland pr al Day. Mond 20 Rain last night & Thundr & this morn a little while. I went up to Deacon Greens at ye Request of my kinswoman Mary Gardner & wrote—old Ms Powers abigail! wife of Mr Joseph Powers Died. aged 71. in the aftern I Rid out to ye Cornfield &c. finished Setting up ye Cross fence in Crossman Lot. Tuesd 21 fair & clear & warm. in the foren I Rid out to the New pasture & altered the Bounds of Nathll 5 acres. Made the South End Narrower for the Conveniency of the Cartway. a Black oak Tree for the S. E Cornner. aftern I was mending my Stonewall next Capt Hurlbuts pasture in the Swamp. Ms Powers buryed. Wednsd 22 fair. in 630 Diary of Joshua Hempstead {1754 the foren I was in Town; afternoon I Set out for Colchester & got to Mr Stephen Gardners & Lodged there & on the next day Mr Gardner went wth me & wee Sought for the old N: W Cornr of my first 100 acres & found one yt is Something like it but the Tree is Dead and Down yt I cannot own or deny it. it is John Dodges Cornr & by his deed is Said to be but 119 Rod, but my Survey is Sixty Rod. it is 8 Rod Short of 160. wee also measured my land on the N Side John Dodges & made it 50 acres & 131 Rod wch John Dodge Junr would buy & will give £20 an Acre. pay 4 next Christ- mas & the other 4.1 year hence. fryd 24. I Lodged again at Mr Gardners and Called att Daniel Lomis’s & ye widow morgans & her 2d Son Benja went with me & measured the Swamp att ye Dark hollow 7 acres & 3}. he offers me £200. I came to John Gilberts & Dined there. home by day- light. Saturd 25 fair. In the foren I Rid out to pasture &c. in the aftern I went to Stonington. got there by daylight. Lodged at Joshua’s &. Sund 26 fair. I went to the Center meeting house. heard Mr Eells 2 Sermons & Lodged att Son Miners. Mond 27 Cloudy drisley & wet. I came Away from Son Miners Near about Non. Dined at Joshuas. Called at Ms Denisons & pd Ms Thompson £5 for making my Grt Coat. Caled at the fulling Mill for Some Cloath for Natts Long Island friend & to the ferry by daylight. overtook Mr Samll Hunting of So-hampton. had his Company to the ferry 7 Mile. Tuesday 28 Cloudy in the foren & toward night Rain. I was abt home al da. Joshua Come from Stonington & Stayed all night. Wednsd. 29 fair. I was at home all day helping Stephen mend ye Wheel he broke last week. I put in 4 New Spokes & Stephen hewed out 2 felloes &c. Joshua is gone home & Carryed my Stalyon. Thursd 30. fair Most of the day. 1th 10 oz feathers a Geese. about 11. I went out to the Cornfield on foot to See how the Corn & grass is grown. aftern at home. Some Rain toward night. John Dodge came Down from Colchester & agreed with me for my Dark hollow & to give me £200. £100 down & £100 next may & Come down Next monday come fortnight (with a good Bondsman) to make writings &c. Thomas my granson fro So-hold & Hartford. fryd .31. fair till near night & yn a Thunder Showre. I Rid out to X plain farm to help adam about a Load of Wood for Cuz Gardner Widow. after wee came home wee Dragged Some Large Stones into ye Garden behind the back Leantoo in ordr to Replace them whn opportunity p sents. June Saturd 1 fair till near night a Showre. I was at home all day. I Replaced those that I got into the garden yesterday without any other help but adam & got in another broad Stone a Cross the Thick wall & mended up the Wall fully. Thos Hempsted of So-hold hath been up to Midletown & lodged with me last night & is gone to Groton to See his Sister &c. Sund 2 fair in the foren. 4. No minister provided. Mr Cleveland gone to Halifax. Capt Coit Capt Crocker & I went to Mr Wm adams at his House & prevailed with him to preach for us in the afternoon & in Sermon time it Rained Smartly & held untill after meting was over. No meeting in the forenoon. Thos Stubbin broke Jail to day & 2 or 3 more. about 4 Clock Some person in Disguise came into the House & forced open the Lock, the people being gone to Meting &c. Mond 3d fair. in the forepart of the Day I Rid out to Crossman Lot & brusht ye fence; & mended up the fence in Jno Plumbe pasture &c. toward night I Rid up to John Plumbs &c to Mr Winthrops; Thos Hempsted here & gone to groton again. Tuesd ath Rain in the morn & most of the day at turns. I was at home al day. Wednsd 5 fair. I was at home most of the Day Mending the Casement of the Chamber. toward night I Rid up to Jno Plumbs & to Peter Lattimers 1754 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 631 to get my yearling colt Branded. Thursd 6 fair. I was out to the Cornfield to Look after the plowing the Cornground for weeding. adm plowed ye Sidehill. Danll Starr Rid ye mare. fryd .7. Cloudy & Some Rain. I Rid up to Jno Cheapels to Carry my Leather for Timo Daniels to make me a pr of Shoes & thence to the Common paster & helpt make a Stonewall & Set up a Gate & Barrs a Cross ye highway yt Runs North from Miners at Cross Near the upper Side of Capt Jos. Coits pasture. all ye proprietors assisted. Adm Mentis Trumn & Mingo Swetland wed out the Corn & T fetcht home the Speckled Cow & calf new Calved. Saturd 8 fair Cloudy & Rain last night. Deborah Stork ye wife of Jno Stork Died. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went to Stonington & Lodgd at Joshuas. Sund 9 fair. In the morn I went to Son miners & he was not Come home from Boston, I went to Mistick Meeting & heard Mr Rossiter of S g H. b. Son Miner come home before night. Mond to Cloudy & windy. I Rid down to Stonington Harbour west Side wth Son Miner & Natt to Justice Joseph Denisons & back again & Lodged at Son miners—it Rained a little. Mr Grant of Newport is their &c. Tuesd 11. 23 Sheep. it Rained Smartly in the morning but abated by 10 clock & I Set out for home in Company with Mr Patrick Grant & another Gentleman of his acquaintances & his negro man. I went to Ebenr Williams’s & Nathanaels & Joshuas’ & packt 174 up 12 fleeces 181 of Wool & left but 11. & about 3 Set out 154 for home but it Rained by that time I got over the River. I Stopt a while at Ms Denisons & it held up a little & I Set out 33 W 2? again but it Soon Rained & was a very Rainy time till night. I got to the ferry & over by daylight & home. Wednsd 12 fair. I was at home foren. aftern in Town & out to ye Cornfield. Thursd 13. fair. I was at home all day. I put up the old Chamber windows 4 pains in the Sliding Casements & mended 2 of the upper pains & I mended my Sliding Casement &c. Joseph Otis Esqr of the North parish was buryed. Died yesterday. he was the oldest man in the Town Bounds. aged about go years & left the wife of his youth his Widow about 6 year younger. he came up with his family from Scituate about 40 years ago & fixed in the Parish where he obtained a Considerable Estate. John Richards Son of Capt George Richard Decd Died, aged about 40. fryday 14 fair. I was at home most of the day much Indisposed. a great cold. I Rid out to the Cornfield in the midle of the day. adm & mentys weeding Corn in the plain. Saturd 15. fair. Mr Newport Died of a Consumption. was taken Sick in the Latterend of November Last & Ended in the Destemper which carryed him off. I was at home foren. aftern at Court & in Town to the Prison &c. Sund 16 fair. no Minister. Deacon Green Caryed on. I was at Meeting only in the aftern & toward night att the funeral of Newport who was buryed in pomp. not only Pall bearers but 6 men followed the Corps with white Leather aprons (free masons.) Mr Graves the Church min- ister Led & performed Service. Mond 17 fair. I was at home most of the Day waiting upon Jno Dodge who came down from Colchester without mony or Bondsman & So nothing is finished; he is to come again on Thurs- day or fryday morning. aftern I Rid out to the new pasture where Natt is making wall. Tuesd 18 fair. In the foren I was p(ulling) up Chadlock in ye oats at Crossman Lot, aftern I was [helping] Nathanael Dig up Stones in his New Lot. Wednsd 19 fair. Brother Salmon Come. I was att Court in the forepart of the Day for Capt Lee & Dined with him & in the aftern about home wth Brother Salmon, who came from his House this morning. a Child of Abraham Morgan about 6 or 7 year old burved. yesterday a peice of Timber from ye Roof of the House fell on ye Childs head yt itt 632 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 dyed in Less than an hour. Thursday 20 fair. In the foren I Rid out to ye Cornfield & pasture wth Brothr Salmon & then into Town to Assist Clemey Miner about Books at Mr Stewarts, aftern at Court. fryd 21 fair. in the morn I Rid down to John Tinkers, & then to Court all day. Richard Darte, the Son of Roger Darte Buryed. he Died yesterday. left a Widow & 1 Child aged 20 odd. Saturd 22 fair. I was at Court foren. at home in the aftern Writing Deeds &c for John Dodge. I Recd £100 Bonds for £500 & the Deed Deposited for £600 (in Capt Coits hands) untill [ am Secured. Sund 23d Rainy Showry all day & much Rain at night. Mr Eells of Midletown pr all day. Jedediah Brown & Sarah Stubbins publisht & also Jno Brown & [ ] Johnson of Norwich. Mond 24 fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went to Stonington & Brothr Salmon. I Lay att Son Minors att night & Brothr Salmon also—Tuesd 25 fair. In the foren I Rid out with Brothr Salmon to visit Mr Rosseter &c. Wee Dined there & tarryed till near night I went to Joshuas & he back to miners. Wednsd 26 fair. Wool 15tb 4 at Joshuas. in the morning I went up to Christopher Eldredges & Joshua wth & went into the pasture to See if the old Colefax mare had folded & found her Lying down & Striving to fold but Could not. I went & got Jno Denison to assist & Endeavored to draw it but could not the fore Leggs being out & the head turned back, we gave out & Joshua Rid over to Benadum Gallups & got him being Skilled in Such cases, he Came & Mr Denison again 2 other men & drew out the Colt by main Strength. a Horse Colt Dead for Some time before. So wee left her Lying down but She Soon Recovered her Strength got up & traveled Towd the House & there She died &c. after that I went to old Mr Wheelers to pay a visit & then to Son Minors & lodged there, but Brother Salmon Lodged att Mr Rosseters. Thursd 27 it Rained Smartly most of the day. I was at Son Minors all day. fryd 28 fair. wee Set away in the morning. wee Came to my farm. Stayed a while att Mollys, & then to Joshuas & Dined there about 2. Set out at 3. Called to visit Samuel Edgcumbe my nephew & then to the ferry and over & home by daylight. Saturd 29 fair. Benja and Stephn Bayly here from Sea & Company. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I went over to Capt Daniel Coits & paid him a £10 10s od Bill Connecticut mony & also £40 Rhd Island old Tenor in part of what I owed ye County on Bond. a young woman Daughter of Samuel Leach aged about I9 was Buryed. died of a Consumption on ye 27th Instant & ys day Died Rebeckah the wife of Jont Butts. She was Daughter of Benjamin Beebee Decd. Sund 30 Rainy aftern. Mr Wm adms pr al day. Ms Butts buryed at Noon. July mond .1. fair. In the foren I went up to Mr Winthrops wth Mr Jno Brewster of Long Island &c & in the Evening again. Tuesd ad fair most of the day. Jonat Starr of Guilford is come to work a new coat &c. In the morning I went to Mr Winthrops again to finish Some writings for Mr Brewster & came back Io clock & ten at home. Stephen mowed below the well & the medow below the Bridge. vesterday Mr Starr came to work to make me a Coat & Jacket. Cloth of Mr Robinson. Brother Sal- mon gone home with Benja Bayley, Josha came over & back. Wednsd 3. Cloudy & a little Rain. JT was at home foren & in the aftern T Rid out to Crossman Lot & out to Mr Gortons & back to ye New pasture & mended up the fence of Jno Plumb pasture & thro the Cornfield, &c. Thursd .4. Cloudy in the morn & then clear. I Rid out with Mr Robinson Capt Lee & Mr Jer Chapman to Divide Ways [ ] Lot [ ] to all his Children—nine Shars. Daniel 6 Rod wide west Side 124. frvd 5 fair & clear. a good Hay Day. I was at home most of the Day. Saturday .6. fair. I was at 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 633 home most of the Day. made a Small Hay Stack. toward night Set out for Stonington but Could not get over & So came back. Sund 7 fair. Mr William adams pr all day. Mond 8 fair. in the forenoon I went to Ston- ington. Dined at Son Miners & then went with him to the Harbour to Natt miners & but could not Do any thing So back in the night. Tuesd 9 fair. after Diner we went again to the Harbour & Late at night Mr Denison & wife Executed a Deed &c. wee got back att 11. Wednsday Io fair. I went with my Daughter miner & Sister a visiting to Capt Amos Chese- broughs, Dined there & then to Abijah Palmers to See a Sick Child &c. it Rained at night. Thursd 11 Rain. in the morn I Set out for home. got to my farm by noon. Dined with Molly. Joshua was from home. I Stopt at Ms Densions & came cross by the mill to Speak with Justice Perkins’s & to the ferry & over by Sundown. on Monday last Died & was buryed Tuesday Henry Harris in the midle of his Days. he was youngest Son of the Late Jno Harris at the harbours mouth. J brot home Colefax Mair Hide and Sent it to brother Holts to tann. fryd 12 fair & hot. I was at home all day. I pulled down bedstid. Saturd 13 fair but Rain last night & a little in the morn. I was at home al Day. Sund .14. fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 15 fair. In the morning I Rid out to foxes old house & Jno Smith to mow Clover in Jno Plumb Lot; aftern att a Society meeting when the Chose July 15 monday a Town meeting, & in the aftern a Seciety meeting. a New Clerk (vizt) Capt Jos. Coit in ‘the Room of Jno Richards Esqr who hath been Clerk about 30 vears and also they Chose a new Com- mittee (vizt ) Colln [ ]-Saltonstall Mr Miller & Capt Jos Coit &c In the Room & Stead of Mr Jno Richards Capt Daniel Coit & Mr Jeremiah Chapman Junr who have all been a Committee for many years last past. Tuesd 16 Rain in the foren & att noon the Sun broke out & then Shut in cloudy. I was at home & out to the pasture &c. Wednsd 17 fair. I was out to Jno Plumb Lot haying & adam. Ephm mowed Clover. Thursd 18. Cloudy in the morn & then clear all Day. Ephm & adam Cockt up the Clover 52 Cocks in the foren & wee Stackt it in ye aftern. I was assisting all day. fryd 19 fair. I was at home in the foren. Ephraim Brown finisht mowing the Clover in Jno Plumbe Lot in the forn & Mowed att home aftern & I was out with adam Raking hay att Jno Plumb Lot &c. Saturd 20 Cloudy Dull wether. I was at home foren. aftern Topt up 2 Stacks Clover. I R[ ]. Sund .21 fair. No minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. I was not out. kept house all day much Indisposed, was taken last night with a violent purging & Something of fever. it abated by noon & I grew better by Evening. Mond 22 fair. I DD Mr Gorton £28 old Tenor wch I brot from Son Me[ ] for Interest. I was about home all day. Ephm mowed from the Ropehouse down to the Cyder press most of it. only 4 days mow- ing fryday last. att night I maried Mr Roger Gibson an old Countryman & Love Manwaring Daughter of Richard manwaring att his House [ gave an £8 bill & a pr of white Gloves. the wife of Christopher Stubbins Died. Tuesd 23 fair in the forepart of the day. between 2 & 3 aftern a Thunder Showre came up & then a 2d. both held 2 or 3 hours. Natt Way & Ephraim mowed & Raked Some ? of a day Each. finished this Side the Ropewalk & down to Trumans Stone wall. about 11. I went down to Natt Greens to hold a Court for Stephn Potter. Wednsd 24 fair but not clear. the foren Cloudy mostly. aftern Sunshine. IT was at home all day. In the forept Turning & drying hay. in the Latter pt Raking & Cocking &c. Thursd 25 fair. Wm Hatch died. I was att home all day haying. Made [ ] Stack 55 Cocks 25 left this Side the Ropewalk. a line from my house to the meeting house. M[ ] helpt adam Carry all ye 634 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 Cocks—Richard Chapman [ ] pitcht to me after I had Laid ye bottom, Wm Hatch Died of a Consumption. aged [ |. fryday 26 fair. I was att home all day haying. Wm Colver & Ephm Mowed the Lower End of the Lot E—Side the Ropewalk Square a Cross the upper End [and of Rocks. wee Laid the bottom of another Stack 25 Cocks Choice hay. Saturd 27. fair. a very good hay day. wee Cockt up 56 Cocks yt was mowed yesterday. wee turned the hay in the morning as Soon as the dew was of [ ean the aftern Raked it. Ephm helpt all day & adam & after [ ] Tomy & Mentis helpt Rake & toward night wee finisht the Stack 70 Cocks Choice hay. I Stackt & Ephm Pitcht. Natt help an hour Rake up. the Wife of Geo Buttolph Died. She was the Daughter of Daniel Collins. an Infant Still born of the Body of the Widow Eliza Shackmaple alias (as is hoped) the wife of Thomas allin a Bankrupt & gone of to the west Indias; was buryed in the Eve. Sund 28 fair most of the Day. no minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. after the Last meeting it Rained a Little. Geo. But- tolphs wife buryed. Mond 29 fair. Wm Colver Natt Way & Eph Brown Mowed the Midle of the Lot the Rocky Land and all the upper End Square with Deacon fosdicks fence & I pd them off at night. Tuesd 30 fair. I was att home all day haying. Natt Way & Ephm Mowed oats in the foren at Crossman Lot. aftern Raked hay at home [ J]. Wednsd 31 a very Severe Storm of Rain & wind. it Run over the Bridge Ancle Deep a Con- siderable time. it Rained before day but the Brook was Raised but littie at Sunrise & then came on thick & fast & held ye foren & part of the aftern untill 3 Clock. ye aftern moderately. I was at home all day. Aug .1 Thursd fair. I was about home foren. att the Cornfield & down in the neck in the aftern to get help & to visit old Ms Starke at the Widow foxes, who fell from her Horse Last week & much hurt. is grow- ing better. fryd 2d fair. I was at home foren drying Some hay. aftern at Crossman Lot. Stackt the oats there but 30 Large Cocks. Ephm helpt 4 day. adm all Day. my Granson Joshua from Wethersfield; his time is up wth Doctor Porter. designs over to his father to Long Island. Saturd 3 fair. IT was at the Cornfield in the foren Stacking oats Gilberts old Lot Side hill. Ephm helpt adam Carry Cocks but 25 made a stack. att ye upper End the Lot West Side the hollow wee made a hav Stack. in ve aftern Richard Chapman helpt Ephm Carry Cocks & adam Pitcht & I Stackt 35 or 6 Cocks. Sund 4 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr Johnsn of Lyme pr all day. Colln Saltonstall a Child Bantized Sarah. Joshua Hemd & his Sister Ledyard att meeting. Mond 5 a Misty Cloudy morn. I Rid out to Cross- man Lot & nut Some more Hay on the oat Stack; & after dinner I put about a Dozn Cocks on the Tower hay stack, & then went to the Society Meeting, & afterward to Mr Winthrops to visit his nephew & Niece Wm Bruce & abigail. he about 17 & She Elder. Tuesd 6 fair. I was at home foren Mowed a Load of hav yt was first Cut & put it on another Stack & in the aftern I went up to Mr Winthrons wth Mr Miller to see Mr Winthrops great house Raised & Staved till night. there was a great many People & many Spectators beside Labourers. they finished the Body of the house all but the Roof. Wednsd the 7th fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward night T Rid down to Tno Plumb Lot & helpt adam Truck up Some Stones—&c Joshna of Long Island Lodged here. Thursd 8 fair. I: was at home all day [xcept went up to the Prison to Administer the poor mans oath to James Alger of Lyme. Natt Way & Ephm finisht mowing for me at home ve hack Side the Lot, Side hill & valley. Smooth medow & Rocky. T pd of Natt. fryd o fair but thick dull glimering. poor hav weather. I was at home all day haying. Ephm 2 hours & 3. Saturd to Rainy moder- 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 635 ately in the morn and foren & Smartly in ye midle &c. toward night the Rain abated. I was at home most of the day. I went up to Mr Millers in the Rain in the midle of ye aftern on Algers accot. to assess his weekly Suport &c. Sund 11 fair. Mr Wm Adams pr all day. the Widow of Mr Wm Latham Late of Groton Decd was buryed after meeting. aged about 77. She was the Eldest Child of the Second John Lewis of this Town & was the widow of Benja Lester that Died about 30 year ago. She was ye widow of John Plumley wn Lester maried her. She had one Child by her first Husband (& none after) who is the wife of Benja Beebee. Mond 12 fair most of the Day Cloudy in the morn. I was at home all day Turn- ing & drying my hay & adam. wee dryed & Cockt it all 45 Cocks Stout. Nathanael & Richd helpt a while. it Thundered & Lookt like Rain but went over. a Small Scattering about 4 Clock & yn fair agen. Tuesd 13 fair. I was att home most of the Day Stacking my hay. mentis helpt adam Carry Cocks. wee made one Stack back Side ye Lot this Side ye Swamp or medow by the upperend smooth medow finish all by ye midle of ye aftern. Mentis a large $ day. a Child of Moses fergo’s died yesterday. Wednsd 14 fair. I was at home all day. Thursd 15 fair. Elizabeth Richards; An old maiden about 58 Daughter of David Decd was found dead in her bed this morn. I was at home all day. fryd 16 fair. I was at home all day. I finished mending up the out Side fence of the orchard from the upper Cornner downward. Elizabeth Richards was buryed. Saturd 17 it Rained Smartly all ye foren. aftern fair. I went to Stonington &............... Sund 18 fair. I went to Son Miner in the morning & then to ye Center Meeting. Mr Eells pr all day. I Lodged at Son Miners &c. Mond 19 fair. I came over to my farm in the foren & in the aftern I helpt Joshua about Stacking & Raking hay & Lodged att Christophers. Tuesd 20 fair. in foren I went with Little Joshua to Ebe Williams & got 2 Bushels of Corn for Josh & then back to Dinner & fitted out for home. Stopt a while at the halfway house. got home by daylight &c. my Son John ys day drawing Stones from ye Ledge by his Shop Came a Cross the Scull of a man or woman & also the neck & back bones arms & Legs &c where doubtless an Indian hath been buryed before the English first Settled here wch was 108 year Since. the Carcase was in the pasture of Setting in the path Square with Stephens S E Cornner. Wednsd 21 fair. I was at home all day Excepting a few hours att John’s who is pulling down his Chimnev to the foundation. Thursday 22 fair. In the morning I Rid out to the New pas- ture & mended up the out Side fence of Jno Plumb pasture & came home thro Crossman Lot & brot home my oxen for Peter Rogers & then I Rid out to the Comon pasture to See my fatting Cattle &c. toward night my Daughter Pierpoint & young Child & Molly arived by water with Stephen Harris who brot me a pr of gravestone for Deacon Lee Decd. Natt’s wife & Children are come home from Southold. fryd 23 fair & very hot. In the morn I fetched a pr of Gr. stones fro Capt Coits wharf. Stephn & Ephm helpt me & then I went wth Mr Robinson to Jonat Cheapel Samll Bishops &c to See after his land they have got in. Saturd 24 fair & very hot. in the foren I was helping to Shove up my Son John’s Dwelling house which was much wrackt Endways the Chimney pressing hard agst it near 20 years. aftern [ Jing on Mr Richinson at Mr Richards’s and afterward I Rid down to the harbours mouth to Carry a Letter to the widow Harris &c. Sund 25 fair most of the Day. a Showre in ye Midle. Mr Wm adams pr all day. toward night I walkt along Street as far as Colln Saltonstalls to Supress Disorderly people fro Walking ve Street. Constable Roberson & Leech Granjuryman wth me. Mond 26 Rainy Thundr & Rain in the morn- 636 Diary of Joshua ‘Hempstead [1754 ing & Showry at turns all day. I was about home all day. Tuesd 27 fair. I was at home all day Engraving. I weighd my New bed. but 39 [ ] hair halter & all. halter 2tb Tickin 4fb. Wednsd 28 fair. I was att home all day Engraving. Thursd 29 fair most of the Day. a Small matter of Rain. I was at home all day. I finisht Engraving Ms Robinsons Grstones. fryd 30 fair & Exceeding hot. I was at home most of the Day fitting to go to Stonington with my Daughter Pierpont & Children. I Crossed the ferry a little before night & Stayed at Jno Ledyards till Sunset & got to Joshuas before bedtime & I Lodged att Christopher Eldrdges & my Dater & Chil- dren att Joshua’s whose wife is Lately DD of a 5th Son wch they Call Benja. Saturd 31 fair. I was at Joshua’s helping him Rake hay foren & toward night I went with my Daughter Pierpont & Children to Son miners &c. Sept Sund 1 fair. wee went to the Center Meeting & heard Mr Eells in the forenoon & to Mistick Meeting & heard Mr Rossiter in the afternoon &c. Mond .2. fair. I Stayed att Son miners till near noon & then went wth my 2 Daughters to Mr Rossiters & Dined there & Stayed there till........ Tuesd 3d fair. In the foren I came to Joshuas &c. I Dined att Nathan Williams’s & up to Citt Eldreges & weighd out 164 of Wool for the Rent of 22 Sheep & put it in a bag Except 1 fleece Left. I came to ye ferry by daylight & got over quick &c. Wednsd 4 fair. in the foren I was at home taking Evidences for Cheney of Pomfret. aftern with Capt Hurlbut & Wm Manwaring viewing and Dividing Widow Rogers’ thirds in the Swamp did not finish. Thursd 5 fair Excepting a Showre or 2 aftern. wee was all as yesterd with Capt froud Church & John Rogers, made a Division &c & made Deed & was pd off. fryd 6 fair. I was at home most of the day &c. Saturd .7. fair. I was at home in the foren, and in the aftern I was with Capt Titus Hurlbut & Mr William Manwaring Runing a South Line between the 2d & 3d Teer of Lots (Stephen & Tomy was with us) in order to make a Settlemt between Capt Froud & Jno Rogers their Land in the 2d Teer & my Land that Lyeth in third Teer. We agreed on this method though I am the Looser. Sund 8 fair. Mr Wm adams pr all Day. Mond 9g fair. a Trayning Day 1st & 2d Company. Capt Daniel Starr Laid Down & Ensign Joseph Harris Chose in his Room. I was at Trayn- ing all Day. Tuesd 10 fair. a freemens meeting. Colln Gurdon Salton- stall & Capt Pygan adams Chose Deputys. toward night I went to the Comon pasture & fetched home my fatting oxen &c. Wednsd .11. fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern with John Coit & Wm Manwaring measuring Sd Coits Land att Douglass Medow. night home. Thursd 12 fair. In the foren I was in Town & also went out to the Salt Medows & Carryed Dinner & a Dram. Jos Lester is mowing for me. Daniel Den- ison and 2 brothers mowing & after | came home to Dinner I went out to Crosman Lot and fenced in the oat Stack &c. fryd 13 Cloudy lookt much like Rain In the morn & Cleared up about noon. I was at home most of the day planning & Computing Mr Coits Land & finding it Needfull I Rid out & measured over again Some which was taken of from an old plann weh was Erronious & Corrected itt. John Coit pd me. night home & Raked Salt hay aftern at the Gut. Saturd 14 fair. I was about home all Day Much Indisposed. a verv great Cold. Son Pierpont is Come from Midle- town. Sund .15. fair. Mr adams pr all day. I kept house all day [ ] Indisposed. a great Cold & Some fevar. Mond 16 fair. JI am better of my Cold. I Rid into ] ] far as Mr Millers to give Evidence Concern- ing [ lof ] of the Winthrops. Mr Richards alf }. I went 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 637 to visit Ms Swetland who hath been troubled with fitts & otherwise III but yesterd much better. $ a dozn weomen about her. Ephm mowed my Rowin in the afternoon 4 day. Tuesd 17. fair but Cloudy in the foren. I was at home all day. Wednsd 18 fair. I was at home all day fitting up the Cart [ } Hay & Raking Some Rowin. wee have 13 Sto[ , Cocks most part Medow. Eliza the Daughter of Oliver Manwaring Died. aged about 26 years. Thursd 19 fair. I was at home foren. Daughter Pierpont was here. [ ] Child is Considerably better. in the aftern I was out to the Cornfield & adm [ ]Stackt the Corn [ ] 2 Load & better Eliza Man[waring |ixs0¢3 ones ren ae sata a ceee as ee ee eeoies cadens fryd. 20. Hot. Ms Manwaring wife of oliver Manwaring Died. aged 60 odd nearest to 70 and Capt James Avery of Groton about 80. & a Child of Otis in the Town buryed. I went to visit old John Stubbins to day. a very aged man. near 89. Saturd 21. fair & hot. In the morning an hour & 4 after Sunrise Son & Daughter Pierpoint Set out for Midletown with their young Child. Daughter Rid on my little mare, a little before noon I Rid out to Jno Plumb Lot & adam brot home the oxen & Cart & aftern wee Stackt the Rowin & I Rid out to the funeral of Ms Manwaring. I met ye Corps by Solomon Coits Lot &c. Sund 22 fair. No Minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. I was at meeting foren but not in the aftern. I am Indisposed. have a great cold. Pain Kinyon & Hannah Chapman publisht and [ ] Stickland & [ ]. Colln Lynde of Saybrook Died this Last week at home. was taken Sick on ye Circuit att [ ] & Died ye tgh. aged 60 odd. a very Just man in his administrations. he was many years Chief Justice of the County Court here & 2 year past advanced to be one of the Judges of the Supr Court. had only one Son & one Daughter both Maried & Dead. his only Son was named Willoughby, after his mothers maiden name, he had but one Child which is Living named Samuel. Mond 23 fair. In the forepart of the Day I Set out with adm & my oxen to fetch a Ld of Salt Hay over the Gut. I had Mr Ways oxen & wee Loaded by one of the Clock. wee brot 17 Cocks & Left 33. I had but 50 ys yr by Reason Mr Hull mowed the Island this Side the Gutt. wee got home & unloaded before Sunset. put ye Hay on the Top of ye great Stack. Tuesd 24. the Supr Court Sat & but only 2 of the 5 Judges appointed are Come (vizt) the Dept Govr. Pittkin & Majr Fowler. Coll Lynds is Dead. Mr Sileman & Capt Woolcott gone home Sick & Colln Trumble & Colln Thos Wells are here to fill up the Court. I went wth adam to fetch another Load of Salt hay over the Gut & put most of it on the Stack at the uper End the Lot. I had Mr Talmans oxen. Wednsd 25 fair. I went with adam & fetcht home the Last Jagg of Salt hay over the Gut & put it on the Hovel. I had Mr Talmans oxen agen. I kept them al night. a Negro Child of Natt Coits wives—buryed. it was Capt Braddicks. Thursd 26 fair. in the morning I watered my oxen & calves in Crossman Lot & Staked & Toppoled the Stack of oats there & followed adam to Coits Medow & Loaded up 17 Cocks of Salt hay & came home & un Loaded it on the hovel. fryd 27 fair. in the aftern I Rid out to the medows to Survey for Watt Harris. Ephm had my Team to Cart Salt had 19 Cocks & gott Mired in the Creek & got a yoak of oxen of Mr Tinker &c. Saturd 28 fair. I was about home most of the Day. I Rid out to the Cornfield & mended up Some Rayll fence Some Stonewall. I helpt adam pick up Some apples. Sund 29 fair. Mr William adams pr. all Day. the Judges of the Supr Court att Meeting. Mond 30 fair. I was about home & helping adam Cart 1 Ld of Apples to Mr Churches Mill &c. 638 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 Tuesd october 1. fair. I was at home all Day & att Crossman Lot. Wednsd 2 fair. In the foren I Rid out to Crossman Lot to Water the oxen & Calves &c. aftern at home helping adm. he Carted a Ld of apples, Thursd 3d fair. I was att home in the foren & in the aftern I went out to Nihantick; att the Request of the widow Perryman to Measure her Land Next to the farm that was Jont Calkings’s & M. fryd 4 fair most of the Day. afew Showres. I was about home al Day. Wm Roe Miner Lodged. here at night bound to N. Haven by water. Saturd 5 fair. I was about home all day fitting up Cask for Cyder. I Rid out to Crossman Lot to water the Cattle. Thundr & Lightning in the night & a Storm of wind &' Rain. Sund 6th a Rainy Day. Mr Wm adams pr all day. Mond 7. fair. & Cold. I was with adam gathring the apples att X plain. a Small Ld. wee came home in the night. Tuesd 8 fair. In the foren I Rid out to Look a Bull for the 2 yr old white hiefr. Wednsd 9 fair. In the foren I fetcht my fatting oxen & Cow from Crossman Lot & put them into the orchard. aftern I fenced the Stack at the [ ] the lot & bacted? the fatting Cattle. Ad GCatteds coiisudinet won rok aos Gus SES Be PS de Oc ea ele D soa ene nee eualy fair & warm. old Oliver Manwaring Died. aged 77 or more. Thursd 10 fair. I was about home all day. Save only yt I went toward night to meet the Company & Corps of Oliver Manwaring & to the burying place &c & after- wards I helpt adam fence in the haystack backside ye Lot. he Carted one Load to Day &c. fryd.11. fair. J was about home most of the day work at’ Mending the highway a while in adams Room while he went to Mill, I’ Lent Capt Zack. Wheeler a Coppie of our agreemt wth ye Committee for Settling Colchester in the yr 1701. Saturd 12 fair. I was at home Most of the Day. about the Midle I Rid out to the Cornfield Thro the grt Pasture’ & thro Crossman Lot & watered the Calves & after Dinner I fenced in one Stack. adm Carted the Rayles to day. Sund 13 fair. Mr Wm adams pr all day. I was out in the aftern only. Mond 14 fair. I was at home all: day. Preston & Goddard. Tuesd 15 fair all day but a Showre in the Even- ing. I was at home most of the day fitting on one new felloe on my old wheel. adam began to make Cyder att Mr Churches Mill. Wednsd 16 fair but not clear Cloudy. a Showre at night. I was at home most of the Day: I finisht mending my wheel. put on the Tire & went into Town to Doctor’ Goddards &c. J also Rid down to see how adam Carryed on Making Cyder. Thursd 17 Rain in the aftern Smart. Some Showres in the foren. I was up to Doctr Goddards in the Midle of the Day. fryd 18 Cloudy & a Showre: in the midle of the day. I was helping adam finish making Cyder, 9 BBs.. wee Carted home 4 & I filld a New Rum hhd that I had of Guy Richards to’ Day. Saturd 19 fair. I helpt adam about Carting home my Cyder &: Stowing it away &c. Sund 20 fair. Mr Wm Adams pr all Day. Mond! 21 fair & warm & hath been a grt while. I was att home & in Town in the: foren. aftern att the Cornfield. adm Mentis & mingo are gathring Corn. T began to fence in an oat Stack. Cuzn T. Talmage is Come from East- hampton to day &c. Tuesd 22d fair. I was at home foren. aftern att the Cornfield. adm & mentis & mingo gathring & husking. brot home 1 Ld that grew on the Side hill in Gilbert upper Lot. I finisht fencing in the’ oat Stack &c. Natt miner here at night. Wednsd 23d fair. a Long Spl of Easterly Wether is now over. J was att home foren, & in Town in ye aftern’ att Doctor Goddards to Settle the Differance between him & Capt Durfev & Compleated it with the assistance of Justice Perkins & I Recd of Ms Goddard’ 40s. adam mentis & mingo gathring Corn but not quite finisht. brot home’ 1 Ld & left the cart there. Thursd 24 fair. I was wth Mr Richards Sur- veying Comons for Sueton Scranton. I Recd 40s. due more 27s. they’ 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 639 finisht gathring Corn. a Stormy night. fryd 25 fair. I was at the Corn- field wth adam & fenced in 2 Stacks Except Toppoles &c. Saturd 26 fair. I was in Town foren. aftern at the Cornfield a while & then fitting for Stonington. towd night got over the ferry after Sunset & to Ms Denisons before 8. & to Joshuas by g & lodged att Christophers &c. Sund 27 fair. in the morning I went to Son miners & to Meeting. heard Mr Rossiter 2 Sermons & back & Lodged att miners. Mond 28 Cloudy & windy. I went with Dater Miner to Mr Rossiters & ve Harbour & Stayed till after Dinner & Called to visit old Elnathan Miner & up to my farm by daylight & Lodged att Christophers & a Squall of Rain in ye Evening. Tuesd 29 fair & pretty cold. In the morning I Set out from Citts for home [ ] & Stopt at ye fery & other places. got home at noon. Kathrine [ ] in ye neck buryed yesterd. aged about [ ]. Wednsd 30. fair Cloudy cold & windy. I got up before Daylight & went with my kinsman Thos Talmage Junr with my Stalyon on Bord his Scooner Lying at D. Gardners wharf & bound for Sagharbour. hoisted in my Horse & Come to Sail by Sunrise with but little wind. Stood down the Harbour & along our Course but the wind Rising Exceeding hard & Squally before wee got half way over put back & got to the wharf again & home. Thursd 31 fair. I went on Bord again by day- break. got out ye Harbour Sunrise and to Sag Harbour att 11 clock. a pleasant passage & up to Easthampton & Saw my Brother & Dear Sister before night & Stayed there & att Sag (where I met Brother Salmon at Mr Whites) & Returned back with him to East. h. & Stayed untill monday & then both took leave & Set out for So-hold. Brother Round by S hampton & 1a Cross Shelter Island. I Lodged att hogneck. it Rained at night. Tuesd November 5. a Rainy day. I got to So-hold before night & Lodged at Son Hempsteds & Hen Hudson. my fellow Traveller with me. Wednsd 6 fair. I Stayed at Son Hempsteds. Thursd 7. fair N W. weather. I Set out for Seatauket & Son Hempstd with me to Corwins 18 mile & I to the old mans bv night and was Courteously Entertained at Lt Thomas Robinsons all night. next morn at Mr Richard Millers. fryd 8 Cold windy. I got to Brookhaven about 2 Clock & went Directly to the house of the Revd Mr Tallmage but he was gone to Smith Town & I waited for his Coming home till night. I Lodged there but he did not come home. Saturd 9g fair. I made a Short Stay in the morn & Set out alone for So-hold but Soon met with Timo Hudson formerly of E. Hampton now of the Wading River bound home. wee Journeyed togather. Stopt a while att the old Mans. visited my old friend Mr Richd Miller (& was Courteously Entertained) also mr Robinson & then through the wading River Society & to Corwins where I gave my horse provender & then 11 mile to Mattatuck; Sun being down I called to visit Lt Thos Reve & yn had Company near to the Town. I got to my Sons about 8 clock & Lodged there. Sund 10 fair. I heard Mr Troop both parts of the day & at night went home wth Brothr Salmon & Stayed there on monday, only wee went over to Daniel Tuthills & Dined there. Tuesd 12 fair & warm. I came to town with Brother Salmon & went East- ward to Capt Thos Moors & Henry Moor’s & Dined att Jont Conklings & back to Br. Salmons again & lodged there again in order to go to ocquabauk next morn. Wednsd 13 fair but cloudy. wee went to Ocquabauk to visit three of the Sons of our Sister Temperance Conkling (vizt) Benja John & Thomas. wee Dined att Thomas’s & Stopt a while att Capt Hubbards & Lt Reves & got back about 8 clock. Thursd 14 fair & high wind S— I took Leave of the family in the morn & Brothr came to town with me & went a visiting our friends & Returned home & I Stayed at my Sons. Much Rain in ye night & morning. fryd 15 fair after a Little Rain. I Rid out 640 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1754 with my Son into the old field & Pygans neck & over his North side Lotts & to Brother Bayleys, but he was frohome. I Lodged att my Sons. Saturd 16 fair. about noon I went on Bord Mr Griffings Boat & Brother Salmon & my Son; took in my Horse &c. they went on Shore & wee Set Sail for N. Londondon. a Moderate gail N W or more W— wee met the flood. but Soon had the Ebb. wee Run thro Close by the E. End of plumb Island & fetcht in with the Long beach E of pine Island & turned up to the white beach about 8. Swimed my horse a Shore & paid gs N. Y. mony for my passage & brot Mr Griffing behind me on my horse. got home about 9 & found my family all well. Mr Griffing Lodged with me while Daylight & then I Lent him my Horse to Ride down & to Carry the young Widow Hollioak who was waiting at Nathanaels for a passage. & the Widow King & her boy Rid him up. they came over with us. Sund 17 fair. Mr adams pr. all day. I went to meeting afternoon. Rain at nite. mond 18 Rainy. a violent Storm of Wind & Rain all day. I kept at home al Day. Tuesd 19 fair & clear at NW. Iwas at home all day. I weighed ofb + of Wool for Thos Buttler to Comb & totb Left. Wednsd 20 Rain at turns all day. Thunder & lightning last night Sharp. I was at home all day. the dwell- ing house belonging to Heirs of Daniel Comstock Decd Son of Kingsland. Decd was Burnt up by accident & William Preston burnt in it. the Wife of John Cheapel died aged 70 & the 3d & last Daughter of Widow Deborah Rogers. Thursd 21 fair. I Rid out to Crossman East Lot & mended up a Large gap in the Stonewall Next the Harbour near the Southeast Cornner. adm Carted a Ld of Seaweed & then I went to the funeral of Lucy Rogers a young woman. Mr Graves the Church of England minister attended the funeral & Said over prayers at the grave. in the Eve I went to Mr Win- throps to visit Mr Wanton & after nine I maried Anthony Fraisyer & Eliza Bayley ye Daughter of Ja. Smith Barber. at the house of Ichabod Powers. fryd 22 fair but Raw cold. I was at home al day. James Chapman helpt me Kill my Cow & Nathll my Longleged ox &c—the ox Weighed 6994 necght & my Cow Weighed 542tb nt. Snow in ye night. Saturd 23 fair & cold. the Snow yt fell last night is about 3 Inches p haps 4. I was at home all day. wee Cut up ye Cow & I Salted up 1. B B Choice in the garret. Sund 24 fair & Cold. Mr Jewit pr all day. Capt Joseph Coit a Son Baptizd Daniel Lothrup & Samll Tallman a Child Elizabeth. Mond 25 Snow last night a little 1 Inch or more & Some Snow to day about the midle & Turned to Rain & Raw cold. I went to Thos manwaring Junrs with Mr Jno Richards & my Son Stephen to Shew the Bounds of the Common Lotts that wee Laid out &c. Tuesd 26 fair. I was about home & to visit Lydia at her father Burch’s & in the Evening to Ms Potters to Swear an Evidence &c. Wednsd 27 fair & cold. H 74 42 465. I was at home all day. Sting- ing cold. wee had Thos Buttler to kill the Little Brown ox &c. I pd him 12s. I wrote 3 Deeds for Levi Luther & Ja Rogers & Geo Smith. they pd me 45s. yesterday a Stranger a Palative was buryed. Thursd 28 fair & Raw cold S W._ I was in Town most of the Day at Mr Millers & Elsewhere. fryd .29. fair the morning & then Snow a Small flight. I was at home foren. Mingo Swetland helpt Adam Kill my 2 Swine & I went into Town to take the Evidences of Several &c. Swine weight 235—224—total 450. Saturd 30 fair. I was at home all day. Jonathan Edgcumbe one of my Brother Thos Edgcumb Decd his Son a young man came to See me and Tarryed all night, & I Lent him my young Colefax mare to Ride up to Nor- wich on. he came Lately from England. Run from a man of War in plymouth when he had been on bord but about 12 months. he Sayled out of this port about 2 year & $ ago with Capt Giles Hall of Midletown to ye 1754] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 641 Bay for Logwood & was taken with the Hall by the Spanyards & one Capt Thos Crowell of New York. Sd Halls men all Set at Liberty to Shift for themselves. they 3 Carryed prisoners to Campeachee & thence to another port on the Spanish Main & after a Long Imprisonmt all 3 togather they all put on Bord A fleet bound for old Spain. Each in a Separate Ship & all arived but not in the Same Port. Capt Hall made his Escape by Swiming. Crowell & Edgeumb both put in one Goal togather where they lay a long time & at length had an opportunity (when the people were generally gone 6 or 7 mile to the Launching of a Man of War) to make their Escape by picking the Lock which they had proved Some time before & got out in the dark undiscovered in the first of the night before ye Citty Gates were Shut & hid themselves & traveled in by paths Some Hundred of miles to a french port where they found an English vessel in which yy got passage to Eng- land & was Soon prest on bord a 50 Gun Ship bound for the East Indies. Crowell was Released because he had been Commander. the fleet met with a violent Storm & carryed away all their mast & put back to Resist whereby Jonathan had opportunity to Escape & traveled 100 miles before he could find a vessel to come home in and about 3 weeks ago arived in Newport. up here by water. Sund December 1 Rainy all day. Mr Wm adams pr all day. I was at meeting. Mond 2 fair warm. in the foren & Rid out to old John Stub- bins’s. aged near 89. he is very feble. 1 maried Christopher Stubbin (the old man Cousin German or first Cousin) & Lydia the old mans Daughter a maiden about 44 or 45. afterwards I Rid down to my pasture & Corn- field & thro Crossmans Lot. att the Water Side I Joyned Justice Richds & Mr Wm adams & wee went to the Harbours mouth to visit Nathll Green & the widow Harris &c. Tuesd 3 fair & warm. I was out to the Cornfield & to Crossman Lot wth adam. wee Cut down Some Trees for fencing Stuff & Cut a Ld Wood for the widow Truman; and Salted up my pork &c. Wednsd 4. Cloudy & Misty. I was att home all day. Thursd 5 fair & clear, I was up in the Northparish wth Mr Richards Laying out after Divisions out Side Coms for Jere Comstock Son of Gedion & Lancaster Comstock. wee Dined att John Bishops. they paid us. fryd6.a Rainy day. I was att home all Day Engraving &c. Saturd 7. Cloudy. I was at home most of the Day. in the Evening I went to Stonington & Lodged att Joshuas &c. Sund 8. fair. I went to the Center Meeting & heard Mr Eells 1 Sermon & in the Eve went wth Son & Daughter Miner to visit att Mr Rossiters. Mond 9g fair. I was Son Miners most of the day, in the Eve I went to visit Capt Rufus miner who is very weak & Low. 2 monts Sickness. Tuesd 10 fair & moderate. I came homeward in the Morning. Dined att Christo- phers. Stopt att Joshuas & Ms Denisons & got to ye ferry by daylight. Wednsd 11 fair. I was at home all day. Thursd 12 fair. I was at home all day. fryday 13 Rain in the Later part of the Day. I was at home al day. I fitted up the Hovel for a Stable. Colln Salltingstalls Ship arived. Saturd 14 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Sund 15 fair. Mr Wm adams pr all day. Jno Rogers & [ ] Green publisht. Mond 16 fair. I was at home all day. finisht Engraving for Dea. Lee. Tuesd 17 fair, I was at home foren. aftern | Rid out to the Cornfield &c & mended up the fence in Crossman Lot & helpt adam load up Some wood yr. Wednsd .18 a calm morning, but proved a Rainy windy day & cleared of about 8 a clock at night. I was at home al day. I put 4 Spokes into an old wheel. Thursd 19 fair. I was at home most of the day. I Dined att Capt Lees. Hail att night. fryd 20 fair & clear & Stinging cold. I was att home all day. I finished mending Capt Harris’s wheel 1 new felloe & 1 old one & 4 Spokes 42 642 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 & I Lent John Hempsted my oldest Bed for Abigail to Ly on. Bed 4otb. Saturd 21 fair & more moderate. I was att home all day. I Recd of Robt Fergo Junr £30 4s od old Tenor on accot of Commons. Sund 22 fair. Mr Wm adams pr all Day. I was out in the afternoon. Mond 23 Rainy mod- erately all Day. I was at home all d. a Townmetting to Choose Town officers. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home all day Engraving. Wednsd 25 Rainy in the foren. fair in the aftern. I was at home all day. in the Eve I Rid up to Capt Wheelers & Maried Wm Swan & Unice Ally. Thursd 26 fair & windy & cold. I was wth Mr Richards Laying out 3 after Divi- sions for Robert fergo Junr. I Sold them to him for £90. my own 3 Rights. he pd me £30 & I took John Congdons Note for £60 & Interest. fryd 27 fair & moderate. I was att home all day Engraving. Saturd 28 fair. | was at home all day Engraving. Jain att night. Sund 29 fair cold & Windy. mr adams pr. all day. Doctor Goddards Barn burnt in ye Eve, Monday 30 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Tuesd 31 Rainy. I was at home all day. ATS January wednsd 1. fair and Cold. I was att home all day. Thursd 2d fair but Lowring. I was at home all Day. Daniel Way Thrasht oats and adam in Gilbert old Lot Side hill. a Child of Jno Rogers in ye neck died aged 4 or 5 a female. Sick Several weeks. fryd 3d a fair warm pleas- ant morning, but long before noon it began to Rain and Increasing Gradu- ally proved a great Storm. I Rid out to Gilbert Lot. Daniel Way finisht ye oats. I pd him gos. Peter Way helpt him. wee got home 16 bushels & left 2inabag. Saturd 4h fair. I was out to Nihantick to Calkins’s farm with Capt Pygan Adams & Capt Titus Hurlbut & Wm Manwaring viewing & apprizing the Land belonging to the Widow Perryman the South Side of that which was David Calkin Junrs from Square with the House 1 Rod East- ward in the Dividing line 162 Rod to the Bank at a meerstone & Square a Cross ye west End is 24$ Rod & ye north part 263 a Cross to Josephs S W Cornner. £5 10s od pacre Pro mony. Sund § fair & clear. Mr adams pr all day. I was out in the aftern only. Russel Hubbard & Mary Gray. & John Harris & Ann Way publisht. Mond 6 fair. Benja Bayley here in the morn. I was att home foren & aftern I went to John Braddicks where the Civil authority Selectmen Grand jurymen & Constables &c were met to attend the work of the day &c & after Super Capt adonijah fitch Came home wth me &c. Widow Paltiell Rogers Died. Tuesd 7 fair. I Rid out to Nihan- tick with Wm Manwaring & got Nathan Howard & Jos Calkin to assist & measured the widow Perrymans Land 37 Acres & $. IT had my Dinner after it was Dark & got home Soon after Bell Ringing. Cuz Ben Bayley lodged with me. Joshua is Come from Stonington. Wednsd 8 fair. I was att home all day. the widow Paltiel Rogers, buryed yesterday. She was the widow of Samuel Rogers Baker Son of Samuel ye first. She had been the wife & widow of John Ames Decd. & the Daughter of old Daniel Stubbin. Aged about 77 I Supose or 78. Thursd 9 fair & moderate. I was at home most of the Day. towds night I Rid up to old Samll Chapmans go year old next month & back thro ye Town. Supt att Mr Millers. the Gover- ments Commissioners. Colln Trumble & Majr Roger Woolcot are gone of to Day. have Seen all the Spanish Eeffects belonging to the St Joseph wch are Left. (after much waste & Expences) put on Bord the Ship pror vided and accounts Settled &c. the Spanish merchant & Some more Span- yards are gone on Bord the man 0 war Traton a 4o. Gun Ship Capt Whit- 1755 ] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 643 ford who hath been here above 2 months waiting & now Ready for the first good wind & wether &c. fryd ro fair & Moderate Inclining to foul weather. I was at home al Day. Saturd 11 a great Storm & much Rain. I was at home all Day. Sund 12 fair & Cold & windy. I was home all Day. No Minister nor Meeting. mond 13 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Son Miner here. ‘Tuesd 14 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Wednsd 15 Rain a little in the foren. aftern fair & moderate. I was att home all day. Thursd 16 fair & warm. I was about home & in Town all day. I helpt Carry over the ferry 6 young Cattle in order to go to the farm to morrow (viz) 2. 2 & advantage Steers one most of it white & the other pale black & a white face & one brown yearling hieffer. ye other my Daughter Starrs 2 yr old Hiefr & Son Johns 2 yearling Steers. Ephm & adm went (over the ferry boat with them & put ym in Mr Ledyards pasture after Sunset & back after Dark &c. fryd 17 fair in the foren & windy. I Set out for Stonington & adam & got the Cattle & drove them to the farm before night. I pd the ferryman church gos for ferryage &c. itt Rained Smartly in the aftern & wee Stood it out. Saturd 18 fair & moderate. I Lodged att Joshuas last night & went to Son miners. Dined att Ebe Williams’s & paid him 25s for 1 bushll of Corn I had last Summer for Joshua. the man of Warr Sayled ys morning. little wind. Sund 19 fair & moderate. the man of Warr Capt Whitman & the Ship with the Spanish Efects put back & got up ye Harbour before night. Mond 20 fair & moderate. I Set out from Son miners about 9 & got to the farm before 10 & made but little Stay & Stood along for home. made 2 or 3 visits & got over at Sunset. I pd 16s for ferryages & Cleared all of &c. Tuesd 21. fair. in the morning I DD Mr Gorton £100 old Tenor wch I brot from Son miner for him, & before noon Jno Dodge brot me £240, and I Sent it away by adam to Son miner, I was att home all day. Cloudy & thick toward night. Wednsd 22 fair mostly Some Scatering Rain. I Rid out to ye Cornfield to fodder the Cattle & Mended up Some fence there & in Crossmanlot &c. in the Eve I Rid out to the widow Susanna Foxes & maried Michael Powers, (an old Countryman) & Hannah fox Datr of Benja Fox Decd. Thursd 23 fair. I was about home foren and went to Crossman Lot & fell a Tree for a Sill in the Porch &c. fryd 24 fair & pleasant. I was wth Mr Richards Laying out Middle Comons for Jer Quinley Joyning to him on the North Side. he paid us. Saturd 25 fair & pritty cold clear N W weather. the Man of Warr & Ship with the Spanish Effects Sayled again with a fine Gale. no Guns fired now. She fired Smartly last Saturday when She went out and also att the fort. 19. in all. I was at my farm in Stonington & heard them in the house. I helpt Capt Coit to Measure Round his Woodmansee’s Lot & Capt Lees Jennings’s Lot in order to make a Plann. Stephen was doing it in the foren & att home in the aftern. Sund 26 Cloudy windy S E & S fresh gale. toward night abated & clear. I was at meeting in the aftern only. no minister but Dea. Green. Mond 27 fair & warm. I was at home foren & in the aftern I went out to Crossman Lot to Secure the oats Natt Way & adam are Thrashing. Tuesd 28 fair & warm. I was at home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to Capt David Crockers & Maried his Daughter Hannah unto Walter Buttler. Natt Way & adm finisht thrashing the oats; in Crossman Lot. Natt Miner Lodged here. Wednsd 29 warm giving weather. a little Rain. Christopher Eldredge his wife & 2 Sons are Come over on a visit. John Dodge Junr pd me £18 last night & took up his first Bond & gave a Second for £600 payable the 22d of May next & Jonathan Hamilton is Bound with him Joyntly & Several. Mr Thos Lothrup of Nor- wich aged 73 gave me a visit in ye Eve. Thursd .30. Rainy but warm. I 644 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 was at home all day. Molly & Children &c came here in the Eve. I have had a Crick in the Small of my back yesterday & to day. I can Scarcely get up out of my Chair when down. fryd 31. fair & moderate. I was at home all day. farewell January. I never knew one So moderate. No frost in the ground So that many are plowing, & Diging Stones & making wall like Spring. 7 a Saturd .1. fair & moderate. I was at home foren, & in the aftern I Rid out to Crossman Lot; adm is there Winowing. I came back for a Riddle & out again. adm put up the oats in baggs to bring home in ye Cart about 20 Bushels. wee mended up our fence & made it night home. Sund 2d Cloudy & Rain at night. I was not out to ye meeting. No Minister & I am poorly able to travel, tho I am Somthing better. Mond 3 fair. I was Laying out Coms for Ephraim Chapman & Mr Richards. Tuesd 4. fair. I was att Robert fergoes with Mr Richards about Commons &c. Son miner is over &c. Wednsd 5 fair. I was at Court in the foren. at home aftern. Joshua Hempsted of So-hold & his Sister Abigail are here. Thursd .6. fair most of ye Day & windy. a violent Storm last night of wind & Rain, & & Rain & hail & Thundr & Lightning in ye night late. I was at home foren. at Court & in Town aftern. Josha Hempstd lodged here. fryd 7 fair & windy. I was att home all day. adm gone to Norwich. Saturd 8 fair. I was at home all day. Joshu is over here. Lodgd with me last night & gone back to Stonington to day. & my other Granson Joshua is Set out for Long Island with Griffin but put back & Lodged with me untill 2 oe Clock in the morning. Sund g fair & moderate. no minister. I was att meeting in ye aftern only. Deacon Green Carryed on all Day. adm came home night. Mond to fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Tuesd .11. fair & prety Cold. I was with Mr Richards Laying out Comon on Royces moun- tain 2d Divisions of the Midle Comons for Joseph Bolles. he paid us &c. Capt Natt Coit Sailed in the Collenels [ ] Ship. a fresh Gale N— Wednsd 12 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Thursd 13 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. fryd 14 fair. I was at home all day. I hewed out a New felloe & put it in to my New whell &c. Rain at night. I got up 4 Clock. Saturd 15 fair. Iwas at home all day. finisht the wheel & put on ye Tire &c. I had an III turn last night & ys morn. flux very Smart. Sund 16 fair & moderate. Mr Beckwith of Lyme North Society pr all Day. Nicholas Hallam an Infant Baptized Grace & Amos Hallam one Anna & Jno Rogers Cooper one George. Mond 17 Cloudy in the morning & yn fair & before noon Squally & Snowd Smartly an hour or 2 & then fair but cold. 1 was at home foren & in the aftern att Court & to the Prison to Give George Davise the poor mans oath &c. he is in on Seven persons accot—Executions & attachments &c. Tuesd 18 fair & windy. I was at Court all Day. I Dined att Mr Winthrops—Ben Bayley here from Southold. Wednsd rg fair. I was Court all day to Look after Son miners Actions & mine. I got his bills of Cost Taxt. 12 days attendance &c. my own is Continued unless Peter Rogers come home before ye Court [ ]. Thursd 20 fair. 2A&4}. inthe foren I was up to Samll Foxes to Lay out Comons & Mr Richards. he pd us. it Rained in the aftern & at night. fryd 21a little Snow in the morn, & yn fair. I was att home all day. Saturd 22 fair & windy. I went to Stonington in ye aftern. got to Joshuas by Dark & Lodged att Citts &c. Sund 23d fair. went in the morning to Nathan Creerys & with him to meeting in ye upper Society. heard Mr Fish 1. Ser- mon & yn Dined with him & down to Son Miners & Lodged there. Mond 24 a violent Storm all day. Snow & hail & Rain which melted all the Snow. a very high wind Easterly & at night Shifted Westerly. ye most Severe 1755] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 645 Storm yt has been this winter. I kept in all Day. Tuesd 25. fair & very cold & windy. I kept house all day. Wednsd 26 fair & pretty cold. I Set out for home. Dined att Mollys & Stopt att Joshuas a while & Ms Denisons & got to Ms Wallsworts in ye Evening & Lodged there & in the morn- ing, Thursd 27 fair I went to visit my old kinswoman the Widow Mercy Latham at her Son Johns hard by & then to Mr Thomas Mumfords & Stayed with him till near night & got over by daylight &c. 28 fryd. fair. I was att home all day. March Saturd 1. fair. I was al day with Mr Winthrop & Jer Miller Measuring Land 54 acres for Thos Bolles 1o1 Rod Long & 53 wide & an Angle att E End. Sund 2d fair. no Minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. I was out in the aftern only. Mond 3d fair. I was att home foren. I Lent Joshua £3 14s 6d paid to Lydia Smith due to her in part for Nursing his wife. pd in live feathers at 18s p tb 4ib & 2 0z. I also put Iotb into my Bed I Ly on. now 48tb Ticken & all beside Bolster & pillows. I Rid out to the Cornfield to See ye Cattel. adm Carted out a Jagg of Salt hay. I went out to Capt Stephen Prenttis’s on the Widow Perrymans accot about the Division of her fathers Estate. he is Blind & hath been So 4 years. aged 88 & more. I called to visit old Jno Daniels above 89 &c. Snow at night. Tuesd 4 an Exceeding great Storm of Snow with a fierce wind N Easterly. it began to Snow last night above 8 Clock & held violent Smart all day & in the Eve till after 9 & then moderated. I was att home all day. a Cold night. froze in the Cornner. Wednsd 5 fair & cold. I was at home all Day. Thursd 6. fair & moderate. I was att home all Day. fryd 7. fair but cold in the foren. & in the aftern Snow about 3 Inches deep. John Keeny was found Dead in a Snow Bank ys morning. a Jury was Impaneled. he was in Town on monday & went homewards in the Eve much in drink & a Rundlet wth Rum in it with him. he Rid out behind Moses Fergo in the Country Road as far as the Hiway yt turns out this Side Sam Williams’s to go to Sam Bebees & morgans & Wm Doglass. he got as far as the Draw barrs aginst the House of Joshua Moor Junr and Lay down close by the Side of the fence on ye West side of the Barrs & Close by the Cartway that goes into the house within two foot or less where the Cartwheel goes. the Hogs Rooted away the Snow that his feet were uncovered, & his Bag & Rundlet of Rum was found by the East Side of the aforesd Barrs &c. I was at home al day. Saturd 8 Thawing fair. I was at home foren & at the funeral of a Keeny afternoon. I met the Corps by Mr John Richards’s farm house. und 9 fair & Thawing. Mr Johnson of Lyme pr. all day. a Child of Capt Joseph Harris’s Baptized Lydia. the Mallencholy News of the Death of Jason Miller Capt of a Brigg belonging to Mckinsee bound to ye West Indies, as the news is, was killed with the falling of the mast in a Storm. Mond ro fair & Cold. I was att home all day. Tuesd 11 Misty & a little Rain. I was at home foren & in the aftern at a Court of Probate about the Widow Perrymans affair & to visit Mr Miller. Wednsd 12 fair but Lower- ing & Thawing. I was at home most of ye day. I Rid into Town & Soon back. before night. Thursd 13 Rain most of the Day; after the morning, Some Rain last night. fryd 14 fair & clear. In the foren I; went to Mr Winthrops &c. aftern was in Town & att home &c. Saturd 15 fair & clear & Cold. I was att home all Day. abigail Way has been here 4 Days mend- ing my Cloths & now 1 day almost about Adams Jacket. Sund 16 fair & clear & cold. Dea. Green Caryed on att meeting. I was out aftern only. Mond 17 fair. I was about home foren. aftern I went to Stonington with my grandaughter Molly Eldredge who came over to day & brot me Tydings that my old mare was Sick &c. I Lodged att Mollys. Tuesd 18th fair. I was 646 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 att Joshuas most of the day using means with the old mare & toward night I went to Daniel Hobbarts to advise about yt mare & up to Mr Pages & Lodged at Son miners. Wednsd ig fair. I went back to the farm & found ye mare better &c. Billy Roe miner is come home, & my Son in Law Pierpoint wth him. I Lodged att Mollys again. Thursd 20 fair & pretty cold. I went up to Capt Daniel Browns to get Iron for one wheel &c. I Lodged att Capt Browns. I Stayed for working of the Iron. fryd 21 fair but cloudy. I got my Iron by nine a clock & got down to Joshuas & left the Iron & went to Son miners & Lodged there. Saturd 22 fair. I came along the Road called & Mr Copp & Masons & got to the farm & went with Joshua to the Sawmill with a great Logg & then back & Dined there & took up my Iron & Set out for home & got over by daylight. I got a very great Cold & am poorely, Sund 23d fair. I was much Indisposed & kept house all day. No minister. Mond 24th. I was at home all day. I have a great cold Still. a fair day. Tuesd 25 a Rainy aftern. I was att home all day. Wednsd 26 fair. 1 Goose Sat. I went to X plain to get a peice to make a hubb & adam & Tomy brot out the Cart & Carryed it home. I went a Cross to Ezekiel Daniels to. get him to make me a Wheel &c. Thursd 27 fair. Ez- al day. I was at home most of the Day assisting Ez Daniels & my Son Stephen. the Peice I got yesterday proved Defective & they went with adam & Team & Cut a new one in my great Pasture 3d Teer. Josha is Come & adm is gone to Stonington to fetch a pr of hoops. a Child of John Butlers buryed yester- day. 8 mo old. I went to Cemt Leaches in ye Evening & maried Abel Moor & Elizabeth Brooks Widow of Timothy Brooks decd. fryd .28. Rainy most of the Day. I was at home all day. Josh gone home. Saturd 29 Rain moderately most of the. adam Returned wth 4 bushels of oats & a pr of Cart wheel Bands &c. Ez Daniels workt about I hour or 2. 28th morn. Sund 30 fair & clear. No minister. Dea. Green carryed on. 1 was out foren & aftern. Mond .31. fair & clear & cold. I was at home all Day. Ez. D. workt. I Let Ms Otis’s wife have 2ib 3 of wool to Spinn for 12s p. She to wash it after it is Spun & then weigh it. april Tuesd .1. fair. I was all day with Mr Winthrop Measuring Land for Tho Bolles. Govr Shirley arived by Land from Boston & Some Gentle- men with him bound toward Vinginia to meet with Genll Braddock, &c. 5 Guns fired att the fort & ye flagg out all day &c. Wednsd 2d a Rainy Stormy Day. I was at home all Day. Ez, Daniels & Stephen workt in the House & put on all the felloes & finisht the wheel al but the Champers &c. I pd him off £4 10s od. Thursd 3 Cloudy & a little Rain Raw cold. I was att home foren & in the aftern I went with Capt Hurlbut to William Man- warings & then he with us & Rode out to Nihantick & to measure the length of the widow Perrymans Land more Exactly & to Divide it &c. fryday 4 fair. I was at home all day writing ye Division & for Cuz Moor. Saturd 5 fair. Pide Hieffer Calved. In the foren I Rid up to mr Powers’s to Run a Line between their farm & John Bolles. in the afternoon I was at Braddicks assisting the widow Perryman in Selling her Land all her Interest at Nihan- tick to 3 persons for £2000 old Tenor or £200 Lawfull mony. Sund 6 Cloudy till night & then Rain & Tunder & Lightning. I was at home all day. no minister. Mond 7. fair. in the foren I Rid out to the New pas- ture Mended up the Stonewall in Several Small places & fitted the draw barrs by Natts wheat. in the aftern I new Set 10 Lengths of fence Next to Jno Plumb Barrs att the Highway. Adam & Tomy are plowing there for oats. a freemans meeting Capt Stephen Lee & Wm Manwaring are Chose Deputys. Tuesd 8 fair. I was at home foren. aftern Sowing oats, in Gilbert Lot by Jno Plumb barrs. 6 Bushels on an acre & 4. Tomy helpt harrow it. 1755 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 647 Wednsd 9 fair Cloudy Raw cold Easterly weather. a publick fast. Dea Green carryed on. Thursd 10 fair & windy Cloudy Raw cold. I was at home foren. & in ye aftern I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot Dug Some Stones near the Highway. I Sowed hay Seed. 8th. on ye Lower End. ‘old Seed which I bot of Enoch Bolles for 8s p tb. & 3fb New Hay seed bot of William Manwaring for tos p tb. Sowed it at the Northward End. ye 8ib I Sowed at the Lower End came up above ye old Cornner where is a heap of Stones at the fence. fryd 11 fair & moderate. I was at home foren—in ye aftern I Sowed ye oats on ye Side hill ye N W Cornner of Gilbert upper Lot 5 bushels. Tomy helpt adam plow & harrow Some. Saturd 12 fair. I went to Stonington & Lodged at Son miners. Sund 13 fair & warm. I was att ye Center meeting. Mr Rossiter pr 2 Sermons. Mond 14 fair. I came home to N. Londo & fetched for Joshua 2 gallons of Rum & 1 of Molasses had of Natt & 4tb of Suger & 19fb of bee wax of me & 6tb & 6 oz of hay Seed & Returned back & Lodged at Josh. Tuesd 15 fair. I went to Son miners & left £6 12s od wth him for Samll Brown & £10 before to pay for the Iron I had for a wheel &c. I came back & went to visit Ben Adam Gallup who is Sick & then to Joshuas & helpt him Raise his Barn about 4 Clock & after Dinner came to the ferry by 8 clock & Lodged at my Gran- daughter Ledgyards. Wednsd 16 I came over in the morn & went with Mr Richards & Capt Miller & Laid out Coms for Sd Miller & for Robt Johnston. itt Rained toward night but wee got home by Sunsett. No pay. Thursd 17 fair. I was all Day att Dishans with Justice Miller & Raymond holding a Court to Discharge 3 of Capt Lamsons Souldiers from the Goal (who were put in for Debt) Less than £10 Lawfull mony & So Sett at Lib- erty. I Recd £5 4s od Tenor &c. wee have adjourned to next Wednsday. fryd 18 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern mending my fence Corn pasture. Saturd 19 Rain in the morn. I was att home foren. in the aftern at ye Cornfield mending fence & Tomy by Jno Plumb Spring &c. Adm & Ephm Truckt Some Stones & brot home a Ld of Wd for John &c. Sund 20 fair. No minister. Deacon Green Read. I att meeting all Day. Mond ai fair. I was most of the Day att Mr Millers holding a Court with him, to Release from the Prison 2 Souldiers Enlisted under Capt. Henry Babcock of Westerly in ye Colony of Rhoad Island &c. late in the aftern I Rid out to John Plumb lot & helpt dig Some Stones. adam & Tomy are Trucking all day. Tuesd 22 fair & very Windy. I was out to the Cornfield helping Dig & Truck Stones from ye Mids of Jno Plumb Lot to the Highway in ye front. Tommy & adam &c. & began to plow for Corn ye Side hill in Gilbert Lower Lot. Wednsd 23d fair. I was out to the Cornfield in the foren & att Mr Millers. in the aftern Entering up Judgments &c. Thursd 24 Cloudy & toward night Rain. Lion mare. I went with Mr Richards to Lyme to Justice Benja Lees who hath appointed 3 freeholders to fix the Bounds of pine Neck & Willy farm att the Request of Justice Raymonds Children & Mr Thomas Manwaring—a wet time of it home. fryd 25 fair & very cold & windy. I was att home Most of ye Day. Andrew Chapman Son of Peter Decd Dyed. aged 20 odd 4 or 5. Saturd 26 fair & more moderate. in the foren I Rode out to ye pasture & Drove out my Cows & mended up ye Stonewall Next ye Widow Rogrs orchard att my S E Cornner. My Lyon mare hath folded a fine Sorril Horse colt the produce of my Stallyon. aftern I Rid up to Mr Winthrops & Mr adams’s. Andr Chap- man buryed. Sund 27 fair. Mr Wm Adams pr all Day. Rain att night &c. Mond 28 Rain in the morn then fair. Little bay mare folded a horse colt. I was att home foren & in the aftern I Rid up to Thos Bolles’s with Capt Miller & fixed the Bounds of about 45 Acres & 4 of Land yt Mr Win- 648 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 throps Sells to Sd Bolles for £39 p acre 50 Rod wide N & S. 47. Square a Cross the S E Cornr a heap of Stones by the brook at a Notch in a maple Tree Lying down the S W Cornr a Stake & Stones 50 Rod S of Sd Bolles old S W Cornner a white oak Tree. Tuesd 29 fair. I was most of the Day mending fence att Crossmans Lot & helping about Diging Stones in Cross- man Lot South side James Harris & adam Joshua & little Joshua come to plow. brot 1. yoak of oxen & Cart. Wednsd 30 fair. I was at home foren writing. in the aftern I Rid up to Mr Winthrops to carry his Deed & take the acknowledgmt &c & then out to Crossman Lot to help about the wall Harris finisht above 4 Rod. ; May Thursd .t. fair till 3 oe Clock & yn Rain. I was at home foren. Ja Harris laid up Some wall Next the Highway Jno Plumb lot & helpt Dig Some more Stones. I was there helping. Josha went to Stonington last night & back to day. Rid my Stallyon to look after my old bay mare near folding & very poor haveing been lately in the mire. fryd 2 Rain in the morning. I was at home foren. aftern helping to Dig Stones by the High- way in Jno Plumb Lot. adm & Emanuel Starr Truckt Stones & Tomy helpt me Dig &c. Saturd, 3 fair. I was out to the Cornfield &c all day helping Ja Harris Dig Stones & Lay up Wall next the Street Jno Plumb Lot 6. Rod. Sund 4 fair. I was at meeting all day. Mr ads. pr. Colln Sergeant & Spouse. fro Salem. Mond 5 fair. I was in Town att ye Genll Muster veiw- ing Arms &c. Tuesd 6. fair. I was at home while near noon & then Rid out to Crossman Lot & mended Some fence, & Set fire to the Leaves & briers &c. Wednsd 7 fair. I was about home foren. aftern at Jno Plumb Lot Diging Stones & helping adam Dragg Some of to ye partition fence next Church. Thursd 8. fair. I went with Mr Richards to Thomas man- waring Junrs to the freeholders Court there, but they went back to Lyme without Doing anything, the matter intended not being in their Direction. fryd g. fair. I was all the foren with adam fetching hay from Pikes Lot. aftern att the Cornfield. Mr Daniel Fitch aged near 70 & lives at new Brunswick came to See me. he hath been gone from thes parts 45 year, he is an Illegitimate Son of Capt Daniel Fitch late of the north Parish Decd. a Son of Edwd Robinson who was afflicted with fitts & Lost his Reason ina great measure Died yesterday aged near 21. Died yesterday of a Short Illness, and also Pain Kinyon aged about 22 or 23 Died last Tuesday att Stoning Tuesd last. Natt Robinson buryed. Joshua gone home Cart & oxen. Saturd to fair. I was all day att John Plumb Lot filling up ye holes where the Stones were Dug out with Seaweed; & Sitting up a fence Cross in Crossman Lot. adam helpt. I Sett up a pair of Six hole Posts Draw Barrs in the South East Cornner of Jno Plumb Lot. Sund 11 fair. Mr Adams pr all Day. I was at Meeting both parts. Mond 12 Rain last night & in the foren fair. in the aftern I was at home all Day. Deacon Daniel Fitch of the N. Parish Died. Tuesd 13 fair. I was at home foren. adam & Cart & oxen helpt Jno Hempsted Cart 1 Ld of Dung to Joshua’s field & brot home Some wood for John. in the aftern I was out to ye Comon breaking up. had Capt Lees oxen &c. Wednsd 14 fair. in the foren I mended up the partition fence in Crossman Lot on the Ditch. aftern in Town att Mr Millers &c. Thursd 15 fair. in the morning I Rid into Town & DD Son John £3. to buy 2 bushels of Corn & then Rid down to the Cornfield & filled up holes where Large Stones are got out. also I Dug one more Large one. Ephm helpt an hour. I got hay of Jonathan Prenttiss in his lower Lot &c. Peter Chapman a young man aged 20 odd was buryed. & I this day had tydings of the Death of my nephew Thomas Edgcumbe of Norwich. fryd 16 fair & hot. I was att home foren & down to ye Cornfield aftern mend- 1755] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 649 ing up Stonewall Next Capt Hurlbuts planting field. Saturd 17 fair & hot. I was about home foren & went to Stonington aftern. got to Joshuas by daylight & Lodged att Christophers. Sund 18 fair & hot. I was att mistick meeting. heard Mr Rosseter 2 Sermons. Mond 1g fair & hot. I came home before night 6. Clock. Ja Harris workd diging Stones in Jno Plumbe Lott next Capt Hurlbuts S. E. Cornner. Tuesd 20 fair till near night. I was helping Ja. Harris making a Crosswall in John Plumb Lot between the Pasture & field. Red Hieffer Calved. John [ ]. Wednsd 21 fair to day (but much Rain last night & Thunder & Lightning.) I was out to the Cornfield the latter part of the Day. Ephm helpt Ja Harris Dig Stones in the foren; & held plow to break up in ye aftern. had Mr Winthrops oxen & Capt Lees. I helpt Harris about wall next to Churches N W Cornner. I put a very large Stone in ye Cornner &c. John Chappel Buryed. Thursd 22 fair. I was most of the Day att Jno Plumb Lot assisting about making a Crosswall in Jno Plumb Lot. Richd & Will helpt Harris Cart Stones &c. Brother Salmon Come fro So-hold wth Griffing. fryd 23d fair. I was most of the Day att Jno Plumb Lot. Harris & Wm Daton & Richd Chapman & adm Drew all the Stones yt were Dug & Dug more & put up Considerable of Crosswall & Set up Barrs &c. Saturd. 24 fair. [ was att home foren & in the aftern [ walked down to John Plumb Lot & mended up the old wall & fitted up Some of the holes where the Stones were Dug. &c. Josha was over. Sund 25 fair. Mr adams pr foren & Mr Terry an aged man in the afternoon. Natts wife & Children gone to So-hold. Mond 26 fair. I was at home all day. I poled ye hopps. Tuesd 27 fair. I was at Jno Plumb Lot all day helping Dig Stones. Ja. Harris & Peter Way helpt adam break up in the N W Cornn of Jno Plumb planting field. wee dug up & Drew of Some Large. Wednsd 28 fair. I was most of the day att the Cornfield Diging Stones filling the holes. James Harris & P. Way & Natts 2 Boys helpt plow & plantt.. Thursday 29 fair. I was at the Cornfield almost all Day. Ja Harris & Peter Way plowed about 4 an Acre & holed it & Dug Stones in Crossman Lot. frvd 30 fair. I was most of the Day at Crossman lot filling holes &c. at Jno Plumb Lot mending fence Stonewall &c. Saturd 31 fair. I was at home foren mending my Sadle &c. in the aitern I went to Stonington & Lodged at Son miners. June 1 Sund. I went to ye Center Meeting. heard Mr Fish 2 Ser- mons. Mond 2d fair. I came from Son Miners to ye farm & came away before noon. got home by 2 Clock & was about home till night. Tuesd 3d fair. in the foren I Rid out down ve Neck foxes field & to Look ye old Spekled Cow near Calving & found her in Prenttiss’s Medow, & 1 Steer & hieffer also. aftern at home. Wednsd 4 fair & hot. I was at home all Day. Tomy Pierpoint Come. Thursd 5 fair hot. I was at home. finished a New handle for Capt Joseph Coit Dutch plow. our people broke it in breaking up last week. adm is Come from Stonington. brot home my wood from Joshuas. but 13 fleeces & 2 Sheep is a Stray. one Black Wetter att Amos Denisons & one Ew & Lamb at Capt Jos. Gallups. 21tb 3. fryd 6 fair till near night & yn an Extreordinary Smart Thunder Showre wch held while 8 clock with but little Intermission. I was at home & at ye cornfield foren & in the aftern with Wm Douglass to measure and att Cheapels hill the Rain beat us off. Saturd .7. cloudy. I was up to Cheapels Hill again & finisht for Wm D. 8 acres of Richards Land. aftern at home. a little Rain toward night. Sund 8th Cloudv. Mr Jewit of the north Parish pr. all day. Mr adams for him. Capt Zack Wheeler a Child Baptized Sarah & James Thompson one Eliza. Robert Lattimer & Eliza Hallam. Jont Monroe & Eliza Lee maried in ye Eve att Capt Lee’s p Mr Jewit. Mond 9 650 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 fair Except a Little wet in ye morn & a Small Showre in the aftern. I was at home all day. Joshua was over & Nedee. Tuesd toh fair. the County Court Satt, I was at it in the aftern. in the foren I was out to the Corn- field &c. Wednsd .11. fair. I was out to Crossman Lot foren mending fence & picking up Stones. in the aftern plowing among the Corn. adm & Will Daton weeding & toward night I Rid down to Prentiss’s medow & foxes field & fetcht home my pide Steer & hieffer 2 year olds. Natt & wife & Children come home. Thursd 12 fair. I Sent my Little mare & Colt & 2 yr old Steers to ye Comon pasture in the mornng. | I was at home foren, my Kinsman Jabez Hide Esqr of Norwich came to visit me & Dined with me & Rid out with me to Jno Plumb Lot. he gives me an accot of the Death of his Brother Thomas Hide last april & my nephew Thos Edgcumb about the Same time. this Cuz Jebez was 78 years of age last may; his Brothr Thomas Decd was above 80 & his Brother William Still living is above 84. in the aftern I went to Court. my kinsman also but he Set out for home about 4 or 5 Clock &c. fryd 13 fair & very hot. in the foren I was out to Jno Plumb Lot helping adam plant over again the new ground by the Swamp weh the Birds pulled up. 9 roth parts of it I Supose. Saturd 14 fair. Iwas att home foren. I DD to Ms Hawkins 2 fleeces & Some Broken Wool 8tb 3 all to Spinn to ye halves for Blankets or I to have all & pay her for Spinning. also 4 tb blue wool for filling for Druggets. in the afternoon I was att mr Robinsons writing our Return of ye Division of Ways Lot by Anthony Whipples. old ms Shackmaple Died. an aged Gentle- woman about:80 years of age. Sick Some time. Sund 15 fair till near night & yn Rain. Mr adams pr. all Day. the wife of Joseph Latham of Groton aged near 40, was buryed, & the wife of Timothy Lester a young woman Died. (aged 20 odd I Supose) wth her 2d Child. Mond 16 Cloudy & a little wet Misty. in the foren I was at home. I Sent 3 yearlings to the Comon Pasture. in the aftern I was Down to Crossman Lot with James Harris & adam making Stonewall near to Capt Lees S E Cornr. Ms Shack- maple & Tim Lesters wife buryed. ye Latter in ye neck. Tuesd 17 Cloudy Easterly weather Some days past, & toward night about 4 Clock it began to Rain & wee left work. I was all day att Crossman Lot assisting in Mak- ing Wall next Capt Lee toward his S E Cornr James Harris & adam. I filled up the holes with Seaweed &c & Leveled the Ground Dugg up the pallipod hassocks & put them into ve holes wch were Deep & Seaweed &c. Wednsd 18. cloudy Easterly weather. I was out to Crossman Lot. Ja Harris & adam made wall finisht to ve Slow within 2 Lengths of Jno Harris's Cross fence. I Sett up the 2 Lengths Cross the Slow & fitted up Some holes Levelled the Ground Some of itt. Thursd 19 Rainy & wet Some part of the foren & yn held up. Twas at home in the foren, & in the aftern att Crossman Lot. Ja Harris & Hix Diging Stones & I was there. Jno Harris & I meas- ured the fence yt is between us 56 Rod ye west End. 28 Rod is brush & poles &e. my fence the East End is old wall in the Bottom &c John Harris’s fence. fryd 20 fair & clear. I was all day att Crossman Lot &c. I Cut down a white oak Crotched Tree & fitted it to draw Stones on and I fitted up a pair of Barrs between my Lot & Capt Lees pasture for Extreordinary occasions & I helpt adam pick out the Cadlock from the oats. James Harris & Hix Dug Stones in Crossman Lot about the midle of It. Saturd 2t fair. I was att Crossman Lot in the neck in the foren James Harris Mr Hix adam. wee mad East Side the E Road into ye more than four Rod in the midle between me & John Harris. Sund 22 fair untill night & vn Rain. I was att ve Center mecting & Lodgd att Son miners. Mond 23 fair. I came away from Son miners in the midle of the foren to Joshuas & found him =~ 1755 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 651 very Sick with the Plurisee. I went to Doctor Woodbridges & got him to Ride up & Let Joshua Blood & Leave his Directions. I Rid my Stalyon to the ferry & Led my old Bay mare & Colt & Sent Nathanael over to his Brother to be with him a while. I Rid down to Crossman Lot. Ja Harris & Hix are making wall there, & adam. Tuesd 24 fair. 1 was att Crossman Lot most of the Day. Ja Harris & Ez Chapman & adm are making wall there. Wednsd 25 Cloudy & a Small Showre. In the foren I was att Crossman Lot filling up holes where the Stones were dug. Ja. Harris & Ez. Chapman & adm are making wall next Jno Harris. in the aftern I went to Stonington to See Joshua who is Exceeding Ill. Natt is come home & Little Josh with him. I got there about 9 & found him in Extremity. no man in the house. I Rid up to Christophers who was a bed. he got up & took my Horse & another & went to Doctor Woodbridge and got him come up & Let him blood a 3d time & after that he had a little Ease. Christopher Stayed with him all night. Thursday 26 fair. Joshuas Pain in his head abated & his fever Something Lower. 1 was about there all day Rectifying the Gate & Barrs & fences &c. my Daughter Miner & 2 Sons Natt & Hemp- sted came there & I Lodged there at night. fryd. 27 fair. I came home. got over a little aftern. Rid down to ye Lotts adm is hilling. I Rid out to the Comon Pasture & took out my Little Mare & Colt. mended up the fence a Cross the Highway that Leads to Thos Miners & Led my mare and Colt to Prenttis’s Medow-&c. old Bay mare in Crossman Lott. Saturd 28 fair. I was att home foren. & I went ta Stonington aftern & found Joshua Much better (tho very bad last night.) I Lodged there. Sund 29 fair. ] was att Meeting in the aftern at ye Center house. mr Fells pr. Mond 30 fair. inthe morn I mend Joshuas fence & In the Midle & afterpt of the day I came home & Josh & Nedee came with me & wee got over about 2. Clock & I went into Town & got Some Salt to Send to Josha & then to the Corn- field. adm has done hilling the old ground the Side hill in Gilbert old Lot between the Locust Trees & ye medow. July 1 Tuesd. I was att home all day. I fitted out Joshuas 2 little boys. went up to ye ferry & Sent adm over with them. I dry Salted almost a bb of Pork. Wednsd 2d fair. I was at home most of the Day. towd Night I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot & pulled up Dock & Dazeys & Ja Harris & Adm weeding new ground Late planted Corn. Thursd 3d fair. I was about home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to Jno Cheapels & to get mowers &e. frvd 4h. I was att home most of the Day. towd night I Rid out to John Plumb Lot & thereabouts. Saturd 5. fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went to Stonington. I Stopt a while att my kinsmans John Water- house & from thence a Cross to my farm & found Joshua So well as to be able to Ride out. I Lodged there. Sund. 6. a very Rainy Day; untill near night & yn moderated. I Set out for my Son miners & Lodged there, had a Smart Showre by the way. I Rid Colefax mare & Left mv Stalyon att Joshuas. Mond 7 fair. I got to Joshuas by noon & found Daniel Starrs boys there. come for their Hieffer & Calf. I helpt to drive them (& my black Cow that was att Christophers) out of the pasture & they drove them home & got over the ferry before me. I got home before night. Tuesd. 8 fair in the foren & Showry in the aftern. I Rid out to John Plumb Lot. John Cheapel helpt adam hill corn a little & mowed a little. I was att home most of the day. I brot home 13tb # of wool in part of 16tb 4 for the Rent of 22 Sheep, Christopher Eldredge hath upon hire. Wednsd 9 fair. a Genll fast. Mr adams pr all day. Thursd ro fair in the foren. aftern Showry. Jont Cheapel Mowed att Jno Plumb Lot foren & below the well. aftern I was out to ye Lot f[ ]. fry. 11. fair. In the morning I went with 652 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 Hempsted Miner to Peter Rogers’s to See a yoak of oxen he had to Sell. then to Wm manwarings pasture beyond Jordan Coave. then back & I went down the neck & measured 14 acres of Land for Parden Taber to Sell to Ebe Rogers Joyning to foxes Land on the South Side of it, then down to Ebe Rogers’s Land yt was Ben Lesters for Parden Taber &c. Saturd 12 fair & clear. I was at home all day writing & haying. Sund 13 fair & clear. Mr Adams pr all Day. Mond. 14 fair & clear. I was about home & out to Jno Plumb Lot Stacking ye Clover. Stephen is Mowing More there. Christopher Eldredge is here. Come from Saybrook. been to help allong Souldiers for N York. Tuesd 15 fair & clear. I was out to Jno Plumb Lot turning the Clover mowed yesterd. Jont Cheapel & Ephm mowed ye Rest in the foren & aftern mowed the medow below the Bridge & thereabouts. I went to Stonington toward night with Joshuas 2 Boys Josh & Ned, & got there about 9 & Lodged at Joshuas. Wednsd 16 fair & clear. I helpt Joshua a Little while in the morning puting the North Side of the Top of his Barn to Rights Making it true. the heads of the Rafters were uneven. the N Side is almost Covered. I got home about one oe Clock. Jont Cheapel & Ephm have ys foren Mowed my Clover in Crossman Lot & in the aftern at home the Lowerend this Side the Rope walk, & I & adm Raked up ye Clover in John Plumb Lot into Windrow. Thursd .17. fair & clear. a fine hay Day & many people have the bennifit of it. I was haying in the aftern out to Crossman Lot Raking ye Clover. a Small Cropp but 16 Cocks on an Acre. Jont Cheapel & Ephm Mowed the thin grass between the Rope walk & te Eastermost Iland of Rocks. I pulled up ye yellow blossoms in the foren & Raked in the aftern. all hands & Natt & Wili also Raked hay about 4o Cocks at home. fryd 18 fair & clear. I was about home foren. in the aftern att Jno Plumb lot Stacking the Clover in Crossman Lot. also Jont Cheapel & Ephm all day & Will Daton $ day. Saturd 19 fair. Ephm & Will. I was at home all day. I made a New fork Stale & then Stacking hay one Stack about 2 Ld near ye Cornr of Trumans Garden. Jonathan Prentiss was buryed. Died yesterday a few days Illness. he hath had 2 or 3 Ill Turns Lately & got over them, but gone att last. about 60 years of Age. he never had a Child. in his 60th year. Sund 20 Rainy in the morning & midle of the day. cleared up before ye Last meeting was over. Mr Adams pr all Day. Jacob Munsel here. Mond .21 fair. I was all day mending fence at ye Cornfield. the Horses broke down 6 or 7 Lengths. I Sett them all a New and put in new old Posts &c. Stephn helpt a while in the morn- ing. Ephm Mowed this Side ye Rope House & Rope walk. Adm Hilled late planted Corn. Tuesd 22 Cloudy & Some Rain in the Midle of the Day. I was at home al Day. the Mallecholy News of the overthrow of our English forces beyond virginia under the Comand of Genll Braddock & he Slain & all the artillery fallen into the hands of our Enemy by a Special Post gone Eastward last night to Carry the heavy Tydings. Wednsd 23 fair. avery good hay Day & wee Improved it in drying & Raking up about 50 Cocks below the Rope house & West of the R walk. Ephm helpt & mowe 4 ye day. an old Countryman a Gardener by profession was buryed to day. dyed yesterday at Colln Saltonstalls. hath been to work for him Some Considerable time. he is called an old man. his name Chamberlin. Thursd 24 fair. I was at home foren. aftern out to Natts wheat field. 5 men Reaping & good grain. no Blasts. the Country Posts is Returned from Saybrook & brings us an Accot that the Late news wee had on Monday last by ye Special Post is not So grevious as Represented. Genll Braddock RS oan & but a Small part of the Army that were foremost yt had the isfortune to be overcome & Lose their artillery &c but one fifth part of 1755] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 653 the army that were Engaged & one Colln Dunbarr Slain. no accot how many men. uncertain News all. fryd 25 Cloudy in the foren. wee finisht a Large Stack about 3 Ld Choice hay below the Ropehouse & near the path. also a Small Stack at ye Lower End the Lot. all well Secured before Dinner. I Stackt. Phil Want helpt adam Carry Cocks & pitcht Some afternoon. a Steady Rain. I was at home all day. Saturd 26 fair. 1 was att home foren & in the aftern went to Stonington & got to the farm by Sunset & found Joshuas wheat all Cut & Carted into his Barn. 4 Stout Load. I Lodged at Christophers. John & Nab. my Son Johns 2 Children are here on a visit. come Thursd. Sund 27 fair. In the foren I went to Son miners & John & Nab & Little Josha. I went to the Center meeting & heard Mr Fells 2 Sermons. Mond 28. fair. I came to Joshuas in the morning. Stayed there while 3 Clock & got home with John & Nab on my Stalyon & I Rid my little mare & brot a Lamb, yt I killed, &c over by daylight. I have a grt Cold. Tuesd 29 Cloudy & a Small Showre before noon & yn fair. I Rid down to ye Pasture’s & watered the ox & Cow in Crossman Lot &c. Wednsd 30 Cloudy & misty in foren. fair in the aftern. I Rid out to the Comon pasture & to Richd Leaches, & then down in the neck to See how the grass was grown in Coits medow & yn to Mr Turners to get him to Execute a Deed to his Son Pain of about 2 Acres of Salt meddow. Thursd 31 fair & clear. J was at home most of the Day. Eph Brown mowed by upper End of the orchard & in the Hollow. wee Raked up the thin grass Next beyond the Rope house &c. fryd. August 1. fair. In the foren I went to Crossman Lott & ye Corn- field. Ephm Brown is mowing the oats in Gilbert Lower Lot by the High- way & in the aftern wee are haying att home. Carted 1 Ld & put on ye first Stack &c. Saturd. 2d Cloudy in the morning. Ephm & adam Topt up the Stack by the Cornner of Trumans Garden; & then they went down to Gilbert Lot & Raked up the oats 45 Cocks. I watered the Cattle & Cut 4 Stackpoles & wee Stackt up the oats in good order. Will helpt aftern. Sund 3d fair. no minister. Deacon Green Carryed on &c. Mond 4th a Cloudy morn & Some Rain. Ephm and adm Doubled the Cocks in the Hollow & S W Side of it above 30. & yn Ephm mowed Rest of the upper Cornner & Side hill. misty & toward night Scotch mist. I was att home all day. Joshua is come to get Hinges for his great Barn Doors &c. John made ym. 8fb. Tuesd 5th Cloudy in the morn. aftern fair & clear. Ephm mowed ye meddow at the upperend Next the Hollow below mr Chapmans & toward night he helpt Rake hay the Side hill & upper Cornnr. I Rid down to Crossman Lot & ye Cornfield twice and at h[ ] haying. John Dewey came in from Sea & Cam to me. has been gone to Sea in foreign parts .1. ye[ar]. Wednsd 6 fair & clear. In the morning I went down to Crossman Lot & watered the Cattle & brot home 2 Stack-poles on ye Lyon mare & then to Stacking hay att ye upperend ye Lot E Side the hall [ ] about 3 Ld. Ephm pitcht I Stackt Ez. Chapmn & adm carryed Cocks. Thursd 7 fair & clear. I was att home foren. Ja. Harris & Ephn Brown finisht mowing in the Lot in the foren & in the aftern wee Stackt up the oats in Gilbert upper Lot Side hill. fryd 8th fair. I was at home foren. Ja Harris & Ephm mowed a little in Crossman Lot & then Turned & Raked the hay back Side the Lot above 40 Cocks. I helpt. Saturd 9 Rainy but moderately Some last night. I was at home all day. Josha & little Josha came over today & brot my 4. yr old Steers & a Cow for Daughter Starr for milk & had their old Cow in Exchange for Beef, & Carryed away my Red 3. year old Hieffer to Milk. Sund 10 fair. No minister. Dea. Green Carryed on. I was at Meeting & Joseph Dishan & [ ] Lattimer pub- 654 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 lisht. Mond 11 fair. In the morning before 9 Clock Ephm & adam Carryed the hay togather & then Ephm was Dismist & I Topt_up the Stack at the upper End ye Lot & made a Stack backside about 40 Cocks & afterwards I went down with adm & Raked up two Cocks in Gilbert Lot & Carry’d them to the oat Stack & then Raked up 5 Cocks in Crossman Lot & I Stopt ye holes under the Cross fence to keep hogs out &c. Ab. Way 4a Day. Tuesd 12 fair. Ab. Way all day. I was att home foren. in the aftern att the vendue Selling the House & Land that was taken by Execution from Judah Coleman for Stealing the Spanyards Gold. Sd House was built by Samll Harris Decd Son of Peter Harris Decd about the year 1713 & had many owners. Ja. Tilley bot it. Wednsd 13 fair. in the foren I went out to Crossman Lot & adm. I mended up the 5 Rayle fence Next Jno Rogers & put 5 Cocks of English hay on the Clover in that Lot & Topt up my oat Stack in Gilberts upper Lot Side hill. aftern I] Topt up ye Little Stack in the Lower End of the Lot & now I have done Haying at home Except Salt hay. Ab Way all Day. Thursd 14 fair. I went to Stonington in the aftern & adm in the morning to help Joshua about his hay. wee Lodged there. he hath Secured about half. fryd 15 fair. I put on to the Barn about 200 Shingles all that he had & then left about 1 Quarter of the South Side un Shingled. I Covered it with Bord up an End. it Rained in the night. Saturd 16 Rainy part of the day. adam went to New London to fetch Rum for Joshua & Stayed till mond. Sund 17 fair. I went to meeting to hear Mr Rossiter 2 Sermons & Lodged at Son miners. Mond 18 fair. I came over to the farm. Called att Mr Rossiters. Josha had 8 men a mow- ing in the plain. did not finish all. I Lodged there. Tuesd 19 fair. I helpt Rake hay. Joshua Carted 1. Ld into the Barn. wee Cockt up all 212 Cocks. Wednsd 20. I Stayed at Joshuas & helpt about Carting hay & in the aftern I went over to Son miners. he Sent for me to assist Mr Patrick Grant in Settling accots with Capt John Denison &c. Thursd 21 I came away to Joshuas & Lodged there &c. fryd 22 fair. I went a Second time to Son Miners & Lodged there &c. Saturd 23d fair. I Stayed att Son miners while 2 Clock to See the End of the Settlemt between Mr Grant & Denison. Justice Simeon Miner made the writings &c. I came away to the far & So home with adam. got over in the Evening & all well. Sund 24 fair. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 25 fair. I was about home & in Town & out to the Pastures &c. Tuesd 26 fair. I was out to Crossman Lot in the foren & in the aftern with Capt Adams & Mr Richards to find his Bounds by the grt Ledge. Wednsd 27 fair. I was most of the day at Crossman Lot. Leveling the Ground & Diging Stones. adam is drawing for wall next J: Ro[ |. Thursd 28 fair. I was att home foren & att Crossman Lot aftern Leviling the ground &c. old Stephen Maples buryed yesterday. fryday 29 fair. in the foren I was at home & adam fencing in the Lower haystack. aftern att the Cornfield & Crossman Lot & adam drawing Stones. Saturd 3oth fair. I was att home all Day mending the Cart & fenceing the Lower Haystack. Adam Carted a Ld of Poles from the Stonewall by Churches orchard. fryd 31 fair. no minister. Mr adams not well. Dea- con Green Caryed on. September monday 1. fair. a Trayning Day to Enlist voulenteers. I was at home most of the Day. wee fenced in the great Stack of hay near ye Ropehouse & in the Eve I went to visit Mr Miller who is in a very poor State of health. last night in the Evening he was taken with Convulsion fitts & had 15 by .3. Clock & Ceased & was Still Something Disordered in his Reason but Sitting up & Smoaking &c. Tuesd 2. fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern up in Town & over the ferry &c. Mr Miller had more «e OF 1755 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 655 fitts last night & to day—3 or 4. Wednsd 3d fair. In the morning I Rid out to the Pastures & Let in ye Cow & then out to the Common pasture & Little Joshua wth me & fetcht home my old mare & Colt & Little Josh Rid her home. I went with him to See him over the ferry & then to visit Mr Miller &c. Thursd 4th fair. I was att home all day. I fenced my upper Stack near Mr Chapmans Barn & pulled my Hopps &c. old Eleazer Bishop was buryed. Died yesterday aged 70 odd. fryday 5th fair. I was at home most of the Day mending my Cart. Saturd. 6 a little Rain in the morning & Some Showres afterwards & at night. this morning before or about the Rising of the Sun my good old Neighbour & friend Lt Jeremiah Chapman Died Sudenly. his wife arose from him Suposd he was a Sleep but soon after went to the bedside & Spoke but no answer & She discovered him to be Dead. aged 88. I was att home all day. Cuz Joseph Larobee come. in ye Eve wet. Sund 7 fair. Mr adams pr foren & Mr Gardner of Ston aftern. Lt Chapman was buryed after meeting. Larobees Horse got ol ] & gone this foren, & was found 4 or 5 mile of & taken. Mond 8 fair. I was at home foren mending the Cart & aftern I went to the windmill & got a Bushel of wheat ground & I bolted itt & went to visit Mr Miller who is Sitting up & Something better. in the Evening I Sent my watch by S[olo]mon Smith to Stephen Chappel to Carry to N. Haven to [Billy] Roe Miner to get it cleaned. Tuesd g fair. Iwas att home most of the Day. in the aftern I went to the freemens Meeting, Capt Lee & Wm Manwaring Chose Depty. Wednsd ro fair. I was all day att Crossman Lot. James Harris Laid up about 6 Rod of Wall on ye Edge of the Ditch between me & Jno Rogers a Little Eastward of the aple-Trees. the Stones were all drawed & in order before hand. [ ] Williams helpt to pull away the old fence & Leveld the Ditch & he & adam Diged Some Stones &c. in the Eve I Recd £120 old Tenor of Parden Taber for Son Miner on Ebe Rogers’s accot or Rather Peter Rogers. “Thursd 11 fair. I was at Crossmn Lot most of the Day. I measured a Cross ve Lot in ye morn & about 4 way between ye midle & ye Hiway & found it Scant 16 Rod in Each place. Ja Harris & Ez. Chapman & Williams Digging Stones in the Rocky Gully Next Capt Lees Cornner. fryd 12 fair & hot. I was out to Crossman Lot twice & assisted in getting a Large Stone up & into the foundation of the wall in the Cornner of Capt Lees Lot Swamp, Ja Harris & Williams & adam only to day finisht agst Capt Lee & began against John Harris. Saturd 13 fair & hot. I was at home & out to Crossman Lot. Ja Harris & adm a Diging Stones in ye Stony Gutter. in the aftern I went to Stonington. got to my farm in the Evening & Lodged at Joshuas. Sund 14 fair & hot. a thunder Showre in the Evening. In the morn I went to Son miners & to the Center Meeting 2 Sermons. Eells pr all day. I Lodged att Son Miners. 1 DD him £100 old Tenor wch I had of Parden Taber on accot of Peter Rogers alias Ebe. Mond 15 fair. I came to the farm in the foren. I did: Some work. made a Latch & ketch for new Room Door & Lodged there. Tuesd 16 fair. in the foren I mended ye Clabords of the old Room & put Some flatt Stones by the foreside the house & killed a Lamb &c. aftern I came home. got over in the Evening. Called att Colln Saltonstalls to be Informed of the News from the Camp att ye Lake Sacrament. Genll Johnson & Majr Lyman are there with about 3000 men & have had a Smart Engagemt with about 15 or 16 100. french & Indians & have killed their Lt Genll & Taken ye Genll & killed about 70 of their army with the Loss of 100. or 150 of wch Colln Tittcomb of Newburg & Colln Williams of ye upper Town are Slain. Mond 8th. Wednsd. 17 Cloudy a violent Squal of wind in ye Eve. in the forept of the day I was att home & aftern I went to Capt John Millers 656 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 & Maried his Mother to Mr John Biggelow of Colchester & he Carryed her away about 3 clock & then I came home & Morticed a Post for the Drawbars by the bridge. Thursd 18 fair. a publick fast. Mr adams pr all day, in ye Eve I Maried Jno James & Lucy Daton att Otiss’s house by ye fort. fryd 19 fair. in the morning Early I went with one Norton of Preston to old John Cheapels to take his Evidence about Daniel Comstock the first &c. he paid me 18s. I went to visit old Samll Chapman & then home & out to Crossman Lot. James Harris & Daniel Way & adam Diging Stones & making wall. I came back & fetcht their Dinner & borrowed 2 Rundlets of Cydar 1 of Church & 1 of Capt Harris &c. Saturd 20 fair. I went into Town in the morning & att home in ye the Ist part of the Day. aftern att Crossman Lot helping get up a great Stone & put in the foundation Near Jno Harris’s S W Corner, Ja Harris & Daniel Way & adm & wee had Stephens oxen to put to my 4 & Drew 2 Large Stones out of the Stony gutter & Some Smaller &. Sund 21. Cloudy. No minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. Mond 22 fair. I was att Crossman Lot most of the Day. Ja Harris & adm foren & Daniel Way aftern Making wall. Mr Miller sent the Dept Govrs Horse to keep before night. Tuesd 23 Cloudy. the Supr Court Sat. I was at Crossman Lot most of ye Day assisting. Ja Harris, Daniel Way & Ez Chapman & adam Dig Stones & making wall. wee had Stephens oxen in ye aftern and also yesterd. a little while. Wednsd 24 fair. T was most of the Day att Crossman Lot about wall James Harris Daniel Way & adam. Thursd 25 Some Rain in the morn. I was at home in the foren. in the aftern att Crossman Lot. Ja Harris came after 2 Clock & Topt up Some wall &c. I Recd my watch p Billy Roe. my Nathll pd him 15s & I Repaid Nathanael. fryd 26 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern att Crossman Lot. Ja. Harris Danll Way & Mingo in Stead of adam. wee finisht of the partition fence next John Harris’s & began to make wall in the N E Cornner near the harbour. I pd off Daniel Way att £5 10s od. Natt Miner here in ye Evening. the Widow Mary Comstock aged about 83 Died. Widow of Kingsland Comstock who Died with the fall from a horse above 50 years ago. an Indian freewoman wife to Mr Tilleys Negro Cuff Died. also an Indian Woman yt Lived att Capt Lees died 2 or 3 days ago. Saturd 27 fair. I was all day att Crossman Lot James Harris & Im- manual & adm. wee finisht the Stonewall att the Highway by the harbour & brot home a Load of poles to fence the back side Stack. wee had Emmanuel to blow 3 Large Stones in the Stony Gutter in Crossman Lot. the Widow Comstock buryed. She Died very Sundenly yesterd morning. went to bed as well as Comon & in the morning they found her a dying & before they could get any neighbours in She Expired. 28 Sund. No Min- ister. Dea Green Carryed on &c. 29 Mond fair. In the foren I Ranged the Comon pasture & brot home my fatting Cow & put her in the Lot att home. in the aftern fenced in the Haystack backside the Lot. Israiel Richards Dyed aged 50 odd—sg in his 60th year. Tuesd 30 fair. In the foren I was out to Crossman Lot & about home. aftern att the funeral of Israiel Richards & Down in the Neck att the Salt medows & Mrs Denisons. William Waterhouse Died of a Consumption. aged about 60. _ Wednsd october 1. fair. I was about home most of the Day Save only going to the funeral of William Waterhouse. his mother was Ami Douglass. the Daughter of my aunt Mary Douglass who was my fathers Eldest Sister. the first Child Born in this Town. She was Born in January 1646. T: Denison Mowed our Gut medows. Thursd 2d fair. I was all Day with Mr Richards apprizing ye Estate of Lt Chapman. fryd 3d fair. I was att Mr Chapmans & Mr Richards & finisht the Inventory by the midle of the aftert 1755] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 657 & he pd me £3 10s od also 15s which was due before. I Rid down to the Cornfield & helpt to Shock up Some Corn Topps yt was cut yesterday. late planted Corn. Saturd 4 fair. I Lent David Richds an old wheel 2 Boxes & 3 Bands four felloes & The Tire all very good & good Spokes 2 felloes & 4 Spokes wanting & 2 Strikes of Iron. I was about home foren. finisht fencing ye hay Stack on the backside the Lot. aftern I Rid out to ye Corn- field & put up Some Shocks yt were overset & toward night I Rid up to Deacon Greens & paid him what I owed him. a Child of Jos Hurlbuts aged about 6 years Died. Bloody flux & Canker. Adam Will & Mingo Staking Salt hay att the Gutt & 3 of Denisons. 88 Cocks & 20 before. Sund sth fair. a Sacrament Day. Mr Throop of Norwich Bozrah pr in ye foren & administered ye ordinances & Mr Dagget pr in ye aftern. 5 Children Baptized Geo. Richards 1. George. Jno Coit 1. Mehitabel Geo. Colefax 1 Lucy Thos Buttlers wife one Daniel & Natt Coit one Kathrene—In the Evening Jos Hurlbuts Child was buryed & an Infant baptized at his House. I married Thomas [ ] & Mary Goddard at G Richds house in ye Eve about 3 clock. Mond. 6. fair. I helpt adam fetch a Ld of Salt hay from my Coits medow in Lesters field 24 Cocks 4. Ephraim mowed & ye other half T. Denison mowed on the Sunken Medow or flatts Joyning to Mr Hulls & was Carryed a Cross on poles. all on the Gut medow this year is 108 Cocks. & Lester field Medo 26 Cocks. ‘Tuesd 7 fair. In the morning wee unloaded the Salt hay & then I went out to Joshuas field & Divided the Corn with Imanuel. adam Carted at home & then fetcht Joshuas half & I went & measured over 9 acres of Land for Wm Douglass to Sell to Capt G: Mumford & I wrote a Deed. Josha is Come over. Wednsd 8th Cloudy Misty not much Rain in the foren & fair in the aftern. I was at home all Day. old Mary Wright aged about 80 & a young woman the Daughter of Joshua Moor Junr Died. I was at home all day. Some Rain in the night. Thursd g fair. In the foren I Rid into Town & in the aftern I Rid out to X plain to Carry Adm & Will their Dinner who are there gathering apples. I cut a few poles to bring home & then came away to the funeral of Rebeckah Moor, aged near 20. Some Rain & hail toward night. fryd 1o fair. I was at home foren. aftern att Holmes’s Lot. adam Wm & Josh Starr pickt a good Ld of apples & Carryed them to Cheapels. Nathanael Coits Wife Died last night & buryed in ye Eve. She was lately DD of a child & had the fever & Canker. She was his 2d Wife & he her 3d Husband. She was Daughter of Richard Christophers Decd the 2d. Saturd 11 fair & cold. I was at home foren. in the aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged at Joshua’s. an Exceeding Cold night. froze hard. Sund .12. fair &c. I went to Son miners in the morning & to the Center meeting & Lodged att Miners att night. Mond 13 Some Rain in the morning & Cloudy unstled weather. toward night I went over to the farm & Lodged att Joshuas. itt Rained very Smartly in the Evening & most of the night. Thunder & Light- ning very Sharp toward day. Tuesd 14 Rainy in the foren. it abated in ye midle of ye day & about 2 Clock I Set out for home having first killed a Sheep, wch I brot & 1 bushll wheat & got over by daylight. Wednsd 15 fair windy. I was about home foren. in the aftern I Rid down to the Salt Medows & home by ye water White beach. Thursday 16. fair. I was out to ye Medows & adam & fetcht a Jage of hay over the Gutt. had Tinkers oxen to help up the Sandy pitch. J left it at Jno Plumb Lot. fryd 17 Rainy most of the Middle & latter part of the day. the morning was fair a while. I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot & put Some Salt Hay on one the Stacks of Clover & then home &c. Saturd 18 fair. I was att home all day mending the Hovel &c. I put in 2 Crotches & a Beam on them to Suport the New Rafters 43 658 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 which I now put in. I Lent my Cross cut Saw to Edwd Robinson. Sund 19 fair. no Minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. I was out in aftern. Mond 20 Rainy this morning & most of the Day moderately. was at home all day. Tuesd 21 fair. I was at home mending the Hovel &c. toward Night I Rid down to the Cornfield & to the Comon pastr. Jno M[ : Wednsd 22 fair. I was all day & adam Carting home a Ld of Salt hay from the Gut Medows 22 Cocks. I borrowed .1. yoak of oxen at Mr Champlins, Mr Halls farm. Thursd 23d fair. In the foren I helpt Stack ye Salt hay on the Hovel. aftern [ ] helpt Stack the Cornstalks in the Cornfield &c. fryd. 24 fair. I was at home most of the Day. I Rid down to the Cornfield. Ez. Chapman & adam Carted a Ld of Dung & pickt & brot home a Ld of Corn. I Recd of Parden Taber £60 old Tenor for Son miner. a great Fray in ye Street by Bullfinches. Saturd 25 Rainy moderately most of the day. I was at home all day. Ez huskt 3. adm fetcht home my 1 Calf from ye Comon pasture: last night about nine a Clock Jos Chew & John Miller & Lechmere & others made a very great Rout & Tumult firing guns & Swearing & Cursing & Threatning to kill &c Stephen Potter & others. was like to have murdered Potter. (Chew & Miller had each a Gun & Lechmere a drawn Sword a froud mastered. wee hear of the Death of Capt Thos Wheeler of Stonington. he Died in a fitt of the Appoplex one day ys week. the Richest man in Stonington. aged 50 odd I Supose. Sund 26 fair & moderate. No Minister. Deacon Green Carryed on. I was out aftern only. S. Griffing of So-hold Lodged wth me last night & went away before Day a little. Mond 27. fair. I was at home most of the day, aftern I was out to the Cornfield. Ez & Richd Smith helpt pick Corn of & Ez. wee brot home one Stout Ld 4 oxen. Tuesd 28 fair in the foren & till 2 Clock. Ez Chapman & Richd Smith finisht gathring the Corn & Diging the Pataters & brot all home in the Cart. adam helpt. I was att home foren & Rid out & Cockt up Some Salt hay that was Spread in Jno Plumb lot & yn back. it Set in Raining moderately till night. Wednsd. 29 Rainy all day Moderately. Steady Rain while toward night & then the wind Rise high & Rain Smart. a grt Storm. I was at home all day. Ez.C& adm huskt corn. did not finish. Thursd 30 Snow all day from Sunrise till near Sunset. a very Severe St[ ] high wind. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I Rid up to J{ ] Boles’s & Maried his Daughter Thankful to John Bolles Junr. old David Whipple Died aged 80 odd. fryd 31 fair & cold froze Exceeding hard last night. I was at home a { ii old Whipple buryed. November Saturd .1. fair Raw cold. I was at home foren. in the aftern [ ] down to Crossman Lot & Cut a little wood. adm Carted a L[ ] out & Carted it home. I Rid down to Harris’s orchard & [ ] Medow & foxes field to look up the little mare &. Sund 2d fair. Mr adams pr all Day. I was out in ye aftern only. Ez. 12. Mond 3d Cloudy. Ez 1:2. I was at home in the forept & Midle of the Day. towd night I Rid out to Crossman Lot & Joshua with me (he is [ ] Come over.) wee drove my Little mare & Colt & 2 yr old & Lyon mare & Colt all to ye Comon pasture by the way of Thos miners & home by James Chapmans. adm & Teame workt att Highways &c. Tuesd 4 fair but cloudy. I was most of the day in Town & up to Quinleys &c. I Dined att Mr Winthrops. Wednsd 5 fair. In the foren I was up to Colln Saltonstalls & to Samll Richards’s again to get mony for Joshua. £120 for the oxen he Sold him last and was to be pd the first day of Sept & now I am forced to go to Quinley again to get the mony of him & back without & home to Diner & aftern up a gain to Qunley & got a Note on Colln for £116 old Tenor & got itt att night of ye 1755 | Diary of Joshua Hempstead 659 Colin. Thursd 6 fair. I was about home in the foren & in the aftern I went to Stonington with Joshua & Lodged att Son Miners. fryd .7. fair. in the morning I went to David Frink the Dept Sheriff.................. him! fOf saci acest axe aesa oo ta mee Meee ees & See ye Ex Ende cc ci ccenees I was att Stonington. went to get Some wool of Mr Mix for my Daughter Pierpoint att her Request. I went down to Lon[ ] point att the Harbour to Edwd Hancox’s & to Jer Chesebrooks & to Mix & he not at home I went to Elihu Chesebroughs & found mix & Dined there but no Wool. I went to Mr Rossiters & to Son miners & Lodged yr. Saturd 8th fair. in the morning I came to Colln Williams’s to meet mr mix wth wool but he did not come. then I went to Joshua & Molly’s & came back to ye plain where Josh & his boys were pulling Turnips. I took a Bushll & brot home. I got over by daylight. Nathanaels wife was this Day Safely DD of a Lusty Son about 11 clock. She began to Send out after Daylight & is as well as can be Expected. Sund oth fair. Mr Wm adams pr all day. I was out aftern only. Mond roth Rainy but moderately all day. high wind. I was att home al Day. a very great Storm. much Rain in the night. Tuesd 11 a little Rain in the foren, & fair in the aftern. I was at home all day. Wednsd 12h fair. I was at home in the foren. in the aftern I Rid out to the Corn- field fenced one oat Stack & began another. Thursd 13 fair. a publick Thanksgiving. Mr adams pr. I Dined at Son Starrs. fryd 14 fair. In the morning I went into the Lot & Catcht my Stalyon & hung him to the Stack yd fence while I mend up Doctr Coits Rail fence in the medow where his Horse broke it down & having finished took hold of my Horse to Lead him away & he trod on my Right foot & hurt my great toe So that the blood started out at the Root of the nail & I am in Exceeding great pain with itt. I was att home all day. Saturd 15 fair. I was at home foren & at ye Corn- field aftern fencing Stacks. adm Cut & Carted 1 Ld of Wd fro Crossmn Lot home. Sund 16 fair. Mr adams pr al day. I did not go out. Lame grt toe. Monday 17 fair. Iwas at home foren. inthe aftern Stack fencing att the Cornfield. adm Carted 1 Ld of Dung & helpt me awhile & fetcht a Ld of wood for Natt. Tuesd 18 fair. an Earthquake before Day about 3 or 4 oe Clock this morning, Shook the House Considerably but I think not So violent as 28 yr ago on the 29th of october 1727 10: :11/ Clock att night yt lasted about 1 minute & 4. ys I Supose not above 1 minute after I was awake but perhaps I was a Sleep at the first of it So I cant be Certain of its Continuance. I was att home all day. I killed my black long leged Cow yt I brot from Stonington. Molly Eldrerdge hath milkt her 2 year. Hadlock killed the Cow. adm helpt Dress her. Hide 57 Tallow 30}. Wednsd 19 fair. Dropsie. I was att home all Day Engraving. adm mak- ing Cyder at Cheapels. Peter Way buried. dyed last night of a dropsie aged. Thursd 20 fair. I was att home all Day. in the Eve I Rid up to John Cheapels Cydar Mill. adam is there making Cy[der]. fryd 21 Cloudy. I was att home all day. Cutt up my Cow. Daughter Miner is come in ye Eve to her Sister Starrs. Saturd 22 Misty & a little Rain but much Rain att night. I was att home all Day & at D Stars & Son John with Daughter miner, a Small Shock of E. quake 8 or 9 [Clock at nite]. Sund 23d fair Most of the Day & windy. I was att the Church foren to hear Mr Graves’s Brother a famous man. in the aftern att ye meetinghouse to hear Mr Mills. Richd Smith & Lydia Moor Publisht & also Jedediah Harris & Eliza Plumb. Mond .24. fair. I was up to Ebe Simons’s with the County Surveyor &c to measure Round Christopher Stubbins’s farm in order to make a M[ ] of it & & found he claims more than Double measure. I came home late very Dark. Daughter miner went home to day. Tuesd 660 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1755 25 fair. I DD a Bond £600 (due from Jno Dodge Junr to Ebe Bebe....... to Norwichs occ. ecrssrwori esse ties to Geo Richards for me. Wednsd 26 fair. Inthe foren I walkt Down to the Cornfield & drove the Cows. wee have not fed there Since Harvest. in the aftern I was att home. wee filled 1 hhd of Choice Cyder the last yt was made Holmes’s Lot & X plain appls. Thursd .27 fair. J was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to the Corn- field & drove my old mare & colt & put into the my young Cattle & Stephens yt were in the great Pastr. I did Some Small Jobbs & Came home after Sunset. Raw cold. fryd 28 fair. I was att home most of the foren & then Down to Crossman Lot Setting up fence on the Bank of ye Ditch next the Highway. adam Carted 2 Ld of Railes fro the old fence S. Side of John Plumb Lot. Saturd 29 fair & moderate. I was att home foren. in the aftern att Crossman Lot meding up fence a little while. mending Jno Harris’s part the old wall to Stop out Hoggs and also my Post & Rayl fence next John Rogers in the wet ground. I put in about a Dozn of Rayles to fill up where Some body hath Stole them this fall. bad Neighbours. Isaac Lester Junrs Wife Died. She was daughter of Robert fergo. Long fever. Sund 30 fair. Mr Mills pr all Day. Jas Lesters wife buryed after Me[eting]. Dec mond .1. fair clear. In the morning I went into Town & then att home most of the Day. Tuesd 2d fair. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I Rid out to Jordan plain & Married James Rogers Smith of Lyme & Hannah the Daughter of Nathanael Newbury Junr & then Rid up to Thos Hawkins & married his Daughter Mary & Ez. Daniels & got home about 10 Clock. a cold night. Wednsd 3d fair. I was at home all Day putting new Rafters into the outside hovel. Thursd 4 fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern att Gilberts upper Lot menidng fence Stonewall Cross Setting up fence next Capt Hurlbuts Cornfield &c. fryd 5 fair but Lowering untill near night & then a flight of Snow & yn held up. I was att home foren then out to Crossman Lot Setting up post & Rayl fence on the Bank of the Ditch between John Rogers & I near ye highway. adm brot home a Load of wood from Crossn Lot. Joseph Miner Died. Son of Lt Clemt Miner Decd. aged above 40. I Supose 50. there was 7 Brothers. 3 only were maried, the 2d Son Wm went to Sea & died Single. this Joseph Thomas & Solomon old Batchelors. the youngest Solomon who is above 40. he Sd Jos was a Still Quiet honest orderly man & was one of our church many years ago. Saturd 6 fair & clear & Cold wind N W._ I was att home all day. Joseph Miner buryed. he was above 50. Sund 7 fair & moderate. Mr Mills pr all day. I was at meeting. Mond 8 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I was with adm Carting Tann from Nathan Douglass’s to Mend the Highway by Bullfinches & then I Rid out to ye Cornfield & mended up the oat stack fence & went to visit Dea Green in the Evening. Tuesd oth fair. I was out to the Cornfield mending ye oat stack fence & new Sitting Some next to Church. Wednsd 10 Cloudy & moderate. I was at home foren. in the aftern Setting up fence on the ditch in Crossman Lot. in the Evening I Rid out to Comfort Brooks’s & maried his Daughter Lucretia to Peter Dole an old Countryman. Thursd 11 fair &c. I was att home foren. wee putt a Ld of Seaweed on to the hovel in ye midle of it & in the aftern writing Deeds for John Deshon Six acre Lot & in the Evening att ye widow Prenttiss’s Executing them & also att John Plumbs & Maried his Daughter Elizabeth to Jedediah Harris of Say brook Son of Stephen Harris Late of NL. fryd 12 Misty Raw cold. a little Rain last night & to day. I was att home all day. in the Evening I Rid up to the Widow of Jonathan Prenttiss’s to finish the writings Bonds. Rain at night. the wife of Robert Fargo Died last night and old Roger Darte ys 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 661 Day aged 80 odd I Supose 6. or 7. Saturd 13 fair & clear. I wass att home foren. in the aftern I Rid Down to the cornfield. put in my Red Steer & then went to Crossman Lot & Set up fence on the Bank of the ditch. I finisht & adm brot home a Ld of Wood & old fence. Roger Darte buryed & Robert Fargo’s wife also. Sund 14 fair. Mr Mills pr. all Day. I was out al Day. Mond 15 fair. Rain in the night. I was about home while late in the aftern & then I Rid down to Crossman Lot & did Something to the Stackyd fence & Rid over ye Cornfield. Turned out a young mare a Stranger. Tuesd 16 Cloudy misty. I was at home most of the day. toward night [ Rid down to Crossman Lot & Split a Small Tree in to Quarters & helpt adam Load itt, to make a fence in the Brook below the House att the End of the Stonewall. the Wife of Samuel Green Died aged near 60. She never had a Child. was a Sober Quiet orderly Woman. the qth Daughter of Capt Jno Prenttiss Decd. Wednsd 17 fair & Cold. I was att home all Day. Except toward night I went to the funeral of Samll Greens wife & afterwards to visit Deacon Green & Mr Winthrop. Thursd 18 fair. I was about home most of the Day. fryd 19 fair. In the foren I Rid down to the Cornfield to fodder & Shored up Some fence yt the late highwind blew down & toward night I Set out for Stonington. got over Sunset. Stopt a while att Mr Rossiters & got Son Miners 8 a Clock & lodged there. Saturd 20 fair & cold. I went to the farm & made an Ax helve for Josh. he was gone to the ferry with his cart & oxen & came home late & very cold. I Lodged there. Sund 21 fair & not quite So cold. I went to Son miners & to Meet- ing. heard Mr Eells & back & Lodged att miners. Mond 22 fair & mod- -erate. I went down to the Harbour. dined att Natt Miners & to visit Elnathan Miner aged 85 & up to Joshuas & lodged there. a cold night. Tuesd 23 & Wednsd 24. I Stayed att the farm. very windy & Stinging Cold. I dare not venture home. I mended Joshuas Windows &c. Thursd 25. the N W wind is abated & backt to the North &c. I Set out for home late in the aftern & Rid Smart a mile in all the way from ye 7 mile mark. got to the ferry by 5 & Stayed Some time N L. boat but She did not come. I paid williams all was due for bringing over ye old mare & colt & all to this time. he Let me over near 8. I got home well but very dark. fryd 26 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Saturd 27. a Snowy day. I went into Town to See the Boston News Paper, which gives an account of the Terra- -ble Effects of a Great Earthquake in Spain & Portugail. the famous City of Lisbourn Destroyed. ye Houses all Shaked down but 3. & Thousands of Pple killed. the fire on the hearths burnt all ye houses & Rubbish. & Some places Swallowed up &c. November the 1st 1755. Thos Fargoes Eldest Son aged (Died). Sund 28 fair & pleasant over head. the Snow is much wasted wch was 3 or 4 Inches deep. Mr adams pr all Day. old Mr Powers & the Widow Want publisht. Mond 29 fair & warm. I was out to the Cornfield & Crossmn Lot & on to Joshuas Island. adm brot home wd & Rails. Tuesd 30 fair & very cold. I was att home foren. in the aftern out to Joseph miners house with Mr Richds apprizing. Wednsd 31 fair & mod- erate. I was at home all day. I Recd of John Tinker, from John Dodge £281 5s 4d old Tenor & Endorsed it on the Execution &c. 17°50 Jany Thursd .1. fair & cold. I was att home all day. fryd 2d fair & cold but not So Sharp as yesterd. I was at home al D. Saturd 3d Snow last night & ys morn about 2 or 3 Inches deep & prety cold. I was about home & ‘over to Capt Starrs &c all day—fair after 9 in the foren. Sund 4 fair. 662 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 Mr adams pr. al Day. I was out aftern only. Joshua Hinchey & Rachel Smith published. Mond 5 Rainy last night & ys morning & Continued Raining all Day & in the Evening. a Society Meeting. I was att itt & in the Evening Choosing Tavern keepers &c att George Richards’s. Late home & very dark & Slippery. the Snow all Melted & Ice on the ground. Tuesd 6 Cloudy & misty. I was att home all Day. I Recd of Samll Rich- ards £4 yesterday & gave him Joshuas Note wch he gave him in June to be pd in Sept. 1. for oxen £120. he pd £116. in November. & 4. now (but no Interest) altho it Cost Joshua £4 beside one or 2 Journeys over for not pay- ing on the Day & I Spent 2 days & more after ye £116 Ere I got itt. Wednsd 7 fair & moderate. I was att home all day. Ja Harris & Will Thrasht oats in Gilbert upper Lot Side hill. Thursd .8. fair & moderate Thawing. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid down to Gilbert upper Lot &c. James Harris & Daniel Way Thrashing oats & adam Winowing & Carting them home. about 29 Bush. fryd 9 Rainy last night Cloudy foren. clear in the aftern. I was about home most of the Day. I Rid out towards night. Saturd 10. Rainy in the foren Steadly. abated in the aftern. very miry bad Traveling. I was about home all day. Sund 11 fair. Mr Adams pr. all day. I was out & in ye Eve to visit Deacon Green who by Indisposition is Confined to his house, hant been out in 6 weeks. Bentleys wife a Daughter of Robert Fergo was buryed after meeting. Mond 12 fair & moderate. I was out with Mr Richards to the House of Joseph Miner Decd to finish the Inventory. Wm Roe Miner & Deacon Chese- broughs Son here for N. Haven. Tuesd 13 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Wednsd 14 fair in the morn & by 11. Clock it began to Rain & Rained Steadyly all day. I Rid down to ye Cornfield & fetcht up the dry Cattle & horse kind 17 to Shelter ym in the Lot & hovel. I Caryed a Small Web of Wollen yarn to make 10 yds for blankets & 1fb 4 of wool to Spin. Thursd 15 fair & moderate. I was att home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to Nihantick to Joseph Calking to Marry Mr Hamond the Preached & Lucre- tia the Widow of Wm Keeny Decd. I Called att the Widow of Chris- Chappel Decd to See the Corps of John Daniels Decd who Died last night about 9 or Io. aged 90 years in Nov. & after ye wedding I visited Capt Stephen Prenttis aged 90 & 2 mo &c. fryd 16 fair & moderate. I was att home all day. I Lent my Horse to Son John to Hartford. he Set out between 9 & 10 Clock & Carrys my Grandaughter Molly Pierpoint behind him. old Jno Daniels was buryed. I was not out. I waited att home all day in Expectation of Jno Dodge coming to Settle affairs. Saturd 17 fair in the foren & Rainy in the aftern. I was about home all day. I pd Mr Cleland £16 tos od old Tenor for Serving the writt on Dodge & Hamilton & ye Blank. Sund 18 fair & moderate. mr adams pr all Day. Mond 19 Rainy Thawing weather. no frost in the ground. I was att home most of the day. toward night I Rid into Town to Doctor Goddards & mr Millers &c. he was then well. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at home al day. John Dodge & Mr Gorton here; in the Evening I went to visit Mr Miller who was taken with the Numb Palsie this morning Early. his left Side is useless. hand & foot & one Side of his head & face Numb. he was up & Returning from the Door to the Bed fell down on the floor, & Remains helpless, his Speech is broken but Reason not. Wednsd 21 Cloudy in the foren, & aftern Rain Smartly & Steadyly. I was at home all day. a Ship arived with 300 french Nuterals from Nova scotia. both Sexes &c. Son John came home from Midletown, had my Horse to Carry home Molly Pierpoint the 16th, got through by nine clock. Thursd 22 fair & clear. “I was at home foren. in the aftern I carryed the thrashers their Dinner & came back to borow Baggs 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 663 to bring home about 20 bushels of oats. I help adam to Carry a Load of oat Straw into Crossman Lot for the Dry Cattle & Horse kine who are all there. fryd 23d fair. Daniel Way & Ez Chapman thrasht oats & adam winowed &c. I was about home & att the Cornfield &c. Saturd 24 fair. in the fore- noon I was out to Crossman lot & helpt Secure the Stack bottom & wee Carryed 1 Ld more of oatstraw & in the aftern I Set out for Stonington & got there Soon after Dark. I Lodg’d with Joshua. Sund 25 fair Cold & windy. I went to meeting. Mr Eells pr. I Returned back to miners & Lodged there. I DD Son miner £250 old Tenor bills of Credit wch I had of Jno Dodge. Mond 26 fair & cold. I came to my farm & Lodged att Joshuas. itt Rained att night. Tuesd 27 a Rainy Day. I was at Joshuas & Mollys all day & was taken with a violent purging. Wednsd 28 Misty. I was att Joshuas most of the. was taken very Sick & vomited much while night came & then itt abated after a very Smart Spell. Thursd 29 fair. in the aftern I was got better & Rid over to Peter Creery Junrs to foxes mill & got Some Cloth & caled att Natt Williams’s & lodged att Joshuas. fryd 30 fair most of the day. I Set out for home & Molly with me about 10 or 11 clock. Stopt & Dined att Ledgyards & got over before night. called to visit Mr 240 Miller & found all well att home. William Cheapels wife Died 100 Since I went from home. aged about 50 I Supose. also Jonathan 080 Comstock the youngest Son of Lt Samll Comstock a maried man; & 250 Richard Cheapel lost a Child Saturday last before I went from home. —— Saturd 31. Rain last night & the foren. the aftern fair & clear & 670 warm. I was at home most of the day. toward night I Rid out to Joshuas field & mended up Some Stonewall outside & then I Rid a Cross ye pasture & field to Crossman Lot & mended up the Clover Stack ye fence & brot home ye old mare & colt. Molly Eldredge was over today & gone back again. feby Sund 1. fair. no minister att the meetinghouse; I was at home all day. in the Evening I went over to Isaac fellows’s & Maried old Mr Powers & the Widow want. Some Rain. Mond 2 Rainy last night & all day. I was about home all Day. Tuesd 3d Rain a little in the morning yn fair. Iwasatt homeall day. [ ] Crocker a young woman Died. Wednsd 4. fair. I was att home all day. Thursd 5. fair. in the foren I was out to Crossman Lot to fodder. in the aftern about home. In the Eve I maried Hinchey at home. fryd 6 fair. in the foren I was out to Crossman Lot. untopt my Clover there. aftern about home & in Town. Ab Way a making a Ringstraked Jackitt for me. Saturd 7. fair. I was about home & in Town visiting Mr Gibson & mr Delamore &c. Sund 8 fair & Moderate. Mr adams prallday. I wasatM. Mondo. fair. I was wth Mr Richds Laying out Coms for Jno Shaw. the widow of Israel Richds Junr Died last night taken to day wth a fitt appoplex. Tuesd 10 fair & clear N W weather but not violent cold. I was in Town att the Prison & to visit Mr Miller &c in the Midle of ye day. afterwards at home—a Court here. the widow Richds 50 odd. Wednsd 11 fair & clear & windy most of the day & pretty cold. I was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to X plain and helpt adam Cutt a Ld of Wallnut wood. the widow Richards buryed. She was dressing her Self in order to go to Town as well as Common & taken att once Speechless & Senseless & Died in a few hours. Peter Ellis here. Joshuas wife DD of a Daughter Monday night. Thursd 12 fair & very cold. I was att home all day about a Truck wheel. William Allen of Bran- ford is a poor deseased man taken with the Dropsie at Providence & Sent along from Constable to Constable in order to be Conveyed to Branford. Son John hath the care of him. fryd 13 fair & cold. I was att home all day. 664 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 I have grt Cold. Saturd 14 fair & more moderate. I was att home all day; I putt a pr of Box’s into my new Truck whell. Sund 15 fair & moderate. Mr adams pr. all D. I was out afternoon. mond 16 fair & warm. I was att home foren. I was fitting the Second Truck wheel. Daniel Starrs young men Sawed it off ys morn. I put in one Box & went in the aftern to Crossman Lot to Direct adam about Cutting an Axletree, & I mended up Some Stonewall &c. Tuesd .17. Lowering a very little Rain. I was att home all day. I fitted in the 4th Box & wedged of All four & hewed the Axletree. Wednsd 18 fair. a Society fast on acott of our unhappy Circum- stances. our want of a Settled minister, Mr Jewit made the first Prayer in the foren & the Last in ye aftern. Mr Throop of Norwich pr in the foren & Mr Fish of Stonington in the aftern. I was out all day. Joshua Salmon here. I bot 13tb of Cloverseed 9s p £5 07. hayseed of Elisha Still- man of Westerly. Thursd 19. fair & very windy & Something cold. I was att home all Day. fryd 20 fair & very cold. I was att home all day. _ fitted an axletree to the Trucks &c. Snow in the night about 3 Inches. Saturd 21 Rainy in the forept of the Day. I was at home all day. Joshua Salmon had my horse yesterd to Stonington to Joshuas & came home to day. John went with him. Sund 22 fair. aSacramt Day. Mr Johnson of Lyme pr & Baptizd 4 Children oliver manwaring .1. oliver Samll Bill 1. Daniel John Hawkins .1. Mary, Samll Beebees’ wife one Bethiah. Mond 23 fair. In the foren I was att home & out to Crossman Lot to help adam about a Tongtree for the Trucks. in the aftern att the Society meeting about Settling a min- ister. Mr adams was Negatived 45 against him & 42 for him & Mr Fish was Chosen 45 for him & 15 in the negative. in the Evening I went to visit Deacon Green & also Mr Winthrop. Tuesd 24 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I went into Town to administer the poor mans oath to Jont adams of Groton in the prison & then to Mr Stewarts. Wednsd 25 fair & very cold. I was att home all day. I made a New Tongtree for my Trucks &c. Thursd 26 fair & clear & windy N W very cold. I was at home all day. Sampson Haughton Died aged 60 I Supose in his 64th year. fryd 27 fair & moderate. I was in Town att Mr Millers & att the Prison about the affair of Jont adams of Groton &c. Samp Son Haughton was buryed. I was so Ingaged in business yt I could not attend the funeral as I Intended. Saturd 28 fair & moderate. I was att home; in the aftern up to Geo. Richards’s to take Evidences &c. I was pd 30s. Sund 29 fair. No Minister. I was att the Church foren. Mr Graves pr. March Mond .1. fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern att ye Society meeting ; they Chose a Comttee to wait on a Councel of 5 ministers to advise about Mr Fish. in the Evening I was att G. R with the Rest of the Civil authority & Selectmen to Consider how to Dispose of the french Neutrals & about nine of the clock it began to Snow & by morning more than a foot Deep that wee have not any like it this winter. Tuesd 2d fair & windy but not cold. I was at home all day. I finisht my Truck Cart. put in 1 New Side peice & Bottom. the wife of Gedion Comstock Died. She was Thos Turnners Datr a young woman. Wednsd 3d fair & moderate. 1 was at home all day making a New Axletree for my Cart. Thursd 4 fair & moderate. I was at home most of the Day. in the aftern I Rid down to Crossman Lot & Cutt a Tongtree & adm Carted it home &c. Cuz Joshua Moor att my house al night. fryd 5th Cloudy & a few Small Showres. I was att home all Day. Cuz J. Moor was here most of the Day. Saturd 6 fair & moderate. I was at home day Making a Tongtree &c. Sund 7 Cloudy & Some Rain. Mr Kirtland of Groton pr al day. Mond 8 fair & windy. I was at home all Day. I fitted my New Tongtree & Axletree 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 66s togather. Ms Swetland was taken wth the numbpalsie last night & Speech- less. Colln Washington is Returned from Boston & gone to Long Island Powers’s Sloop & 2 Boats to carry 6 horses & his Rtenue all bound to vir- genia. he hath been to advise or be Directed by Governer Shirley who is chief General of the american forces—an Infant of Amos Chesebroughs buryed. Tuesd .9. fair. I was att home foren. aftern I went to Stonington & Lodged att Joshuas.—Rain at night. Wednsd 10 Rain. in the foren I was at the farm. towd night I went to Son Miners & Lodged there. fair & windy. Thursd .11. fair & very cold & windy. I came homewards before noon. Called att mr Rossiters & ye farm & the fullingmill & got my Cloth for 2 Blankets, & pd the fuller him Due 28s & got over by Daylight. all well at home. fryd 12 Cloudy & very cold & Snow towd night. I was at home all day. Saturd 13 a Stormy day. it Snowed & blowed all last night & the forepart of ys day & turned to Rain before noon & wasted we Snow Else it would have been very Deep. I was att home all day. Capt James Packer came here in the Evening lost his Hatt with a flaw of wind on Town hill. Zeb. Comstock Died aged. Sund .14. fair & moderate. the Snow wasted much. Mr Johnson of Groton preacht all day. a Child of Jno Douglass’s Baptized Caleb. Mr Miller was taken this aftern about 2 Clock with Con- vulsion fitts. I went to visit him in the Evening, he had 1o or 12 they Say after Sunset & vomited but then Soon Lay Still in a Doze & So I left him as in a Slumber his family & friends around him. Mond 15 fair & clear & colder. I was at home all day. Mr Miller Died A: 67. Tuesd 16 fair. I was about home most of the Day. towd night I went up into Town & up to the burying place to Seek a place to bury Mr Miller. Wednsd 17 fair. 1 was about home most of the day. Ms Swetland Died before noon. toward night I Rid out to the great pasture & Cornfield & Crossman Lot & mended up the Stonewall in Divers places. Thursd 18 fair & moderate. I was about home foren & att the funeral of Mr Miller in the aftern. was one of the 6. Pall bearers Mr Hull Mr Richds & Mr Stewart Mr Willm Adams & Capt Jos. Coit. fryd 19 Some Rain & Cloudy. I was about home most of the Day. toward night att the funeral of Ms Sweetland, & to visit Dea. Green. ‘Saturd 20 fair most of the day 2 or 3 Showres. I was at home all day. Sund 21 fair most of the Day. mr Griswold of Lyme East pr all Day. Mond 22 fair & clear & Colder. I was att home all day writing for Cuzn Joshua Moor & his Son &c. Tuesd 23d fair & moderate. I was at home foren. inthe aftern out to the pasture & Crossman Lot mending up the wall that is fell down in 2 or 3 places, & New Setting the Post of the Drawbarrs Next John Harris’s pasture &c. Wednsd 24. Rainy moderately all day. Joshua is Come over. J was att home foren & att Mr Winthrop aftern. he Leasing out Fishers Island to Benja Brown of Rhoad Island for £500 p annu. Josha Stayed all night. Thursd 25 fair & clear & windy. I was att home all Day. fryday 26 fair & moderate. In the foren I was in Town. Dined att Madm Millers. in the aftern att home. I DD Joshua X £76 in old Tenor Bills. I Lent it him for a few Days. Thomas Talmage Junr is come over from Easthampton &c. the £76 Lent was Returned agen by Joshua. Saturd. 27 fair & clear & cold & windy Right N W. weather. Thos fergoes youngest Son about 10 or 12 yr old was buryed. In the foren Joshua went home having Borrowed of Justice Richards £132 old Tenor & gave his Bond for £11. Lawfull mony & Interest 1 year. I was about home foren & in the aftern I Rid up to my Land near Thos Attwells where Jno (Cheapel is making’ 20 Rod of Stonewall, for my Son John a wheatfield & then went to visit old Samll Chapman 91. yr old last month. he is almost worn out with age. then I went down to foxes field to See what Condition ae 666 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 the fences were in, in the Swamp between us. Sund 28 fair. no minister Nor meeting att the meeting house. I went to Church in the foren & not out in the aftern. Mr Graves pr. Mond 29 Cloudy morning & Soon Set in to Rain & Raw cold. I was at home all day. it held up before night but cloudy. this Day was buryed Gedion Comstock (the Eldest Son of Gedion —who was Drowned Some years ago) his wife died this winter & left 2 Children. Tuesd 30 fair & very windy & cold. I was att home most of the Day. toward night I Rid out to Anthony Whipples & married a Coupple of his apprentices, att his desire. Zack Wheeler & Lucy Thompson, Gran- daughter of Cuz Benja Fox Decd. Son Pierpoint come in the Evening fro Midletown. Wednsd 31 fair. I was att home foren. Joshua Sent Peter Ellis for 3 Bushll of his oats. Pierpont gone to Stonington. in the aftern I Rid down to John Plumb & Set up 5 Lengths of outside fence Near the Southeast Corner. April Thursd 1 Rain in the morning & until ye middle of the aftern. I was att home all day Engraving. gr Stone. fryd 2 fair & clear & cold & windy. I was about home most of the Day Excepting going up with adam to ye Burying place wth a Jagg of Gravestones. I Set up one at the Widow Foxes grave. Saturd 3d fair & windy. Nathan Rogers’s wife died. in the morning Son Pierpoint Came over the ferry & went home & [ ] Ros- siter wth him by whom I sent my watch to Newhaven to Billy Roe to get itt Rectified. In the foren I was att home. in the aftern I went up into the Parish with Thos Turner to Execute 3 Deeds (by Samll Comstock & ye Widow of Zebadiah Comstock Decd) to the Son of Gideon Decd & I made itt very late home by Reason the Widow was from home untill night. old Lt Comstock is very poorly by Reason of a Stoppage in his water about 3 weeks. Sund 4 fair. Mr Wm adams pr all day. I was out aftern. a female Child of Samuel Bills about 5 or 6 yr old was buryed after meeting. & an Infant of Robert Lattimers yesterday. Mond 5 fair & windy. I went to Stonington & Lodged at Son Miners. Tuesd 6. fair &c. I was att Joshuas. he is helping about the Block house for Ja. Smith, the weaver to live in. Daniel Bennet is making the Chimney. Josha went with me & Larkins Round his fence & found itt in good order. he Delivered all up to me. I Returned back to miner & lodged there. I DD him £63 in old Tenr bills & 3 new Equal to £37. old all £100 old Tenor & Lodged there. pd Son Miner £100. Wednsd 7 fair & cold & windy. a genll fast. Mr Eells pr 2Sermons. I went to Joshuas. Snow att night. Thursd 8 fair. I Joyned with Josha & bot a Stak of Hay of Eb. Wms for £30 & Carted it into the Barn. 2 good Ld. Iam to pay $ & £15. fryd 9 fair & windy. I Stayed att Joshuas & helpt him mend his Cart all new Rounds 1 Slatt &c. Saturd 1o fair. I came away called to See Samll Edgcumbe & Dined there. got to the ferry before night. I paid to Thos Mumford Junr £17 10s od old Tenr for Joshua & took his Rectt. Josh. Sent the mony by me. got home before night. Sund 11 fair. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 12 fair & mod- erate. a freemens meeting. I was not att itt because I was disapointed of a plowboy & was obliged to hold plow. I was att the Cornfield all day. Bryan Palmes Dyed with the Dropsie. he was a Cripple from his Childhood & left 3 Children. aged about 4o I Supose. Tuesd 13 fair & pleasant. I was att the Cornfield all day. Mr Joseph Tallman Died with 2 or 3 days Illness aged 65 I Supose. Wednsd 14 fair & moderate. I Was out to the Corn field all day. towd Night I was att the funeral of Mr Tallman &c. I Sowed 6 Busll of oats & 11th of Hayseed in Gilbert Lower Lot in the Rocky ground Next to the Locust Trees. Thursd 15 fair & warm. I was all day att the planting field. I Sunk a Large Rock (in the Side hill West of the Rocky 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 667 Ground in Gilbert Lower Lot) 6 or 7 foot Long & 5 or 6 broad which Stood in ye way of plowing the Smaller End yt was downward is now upward & is near a foot above ground. I have been part of 3 days about it. fryd 16 Rainy most of the day & att night a N E Storm. I was about home al day. Saturd 17 Stormy cold Rain in the foren & high wind Cloudy in the aftern. Stephens old Cow Calved Two Bull Calves. I was about home all day. Mary Morgan the Dater of Anna Morgan Died of a Long fevar & Canker aged about 20 years. Sd Anna is Sister to abraham & is now ye wife of— Tool an old Country man. Sund 18. the Storm Continues. a Cold Rain wind N E. Mr adms pr al day. 19. Mond. Rainy & cloudy. I was about home foren, & att the Society meeting in the aftern & afterwards with Mr Winthrop & the Selectmen & Listers att Georges to take of his fourfold assessmt. Tuesd 20 fair. I was Down the neck att Goshen Measuring Land for R. Westcoat & Isaack Turnner &c. Wednsd 21 fair. I was most of the Day down the Neck & Stephen too. wee finisht measuring the Land for Both & Robt Westcote paid mee £4 os od & Turner is to pay Stephen &c. Thursd 22d in the morning Showry Squally. beforen it cleared of. I was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out in ye neck to Christopher Darrows to take the acknowledgmt of a Quit claim deed to Samll Bills from Sd Dar- row & wife to her fathers farm in Groton near my farm. tis in Posess of Gallups Heirs. Thos Tallmage is come over in Joans. News is Come of the Death of Capt Barbitt & Mr Frouds man Penny—a Child of Roger Dartes buryed in the Evening. adm plow’d 4 day in Joshuas Cornfield. fryd 23d fair. I was about home foren & aftern went to Stonington & Lodged att Joshuas. Saturd 24 Cloudy & Some Rain. I Rid up to Israiel Hewits to Look on Some appletrees in a Nursery & down to Son Miners & Lodged there & Stay there till Monday. Sund 25 fair & windy & cold. I went to the Center meeting & heard mr Eells 2 Sermons, in the Eve to visit Mr Rossiter &c. Mond 26 fair. I came to the farm in the foren & in the aftern Joshuas Boys plowed & he Sowed 2 Bushll of oats & 3 of Hayseed by Larkins house. I went to old Edmund Fannings & bot a bushll of Patatoes & Lodged at Joshuas. Tuesd .27. fair. I came away before noon & got home before night. Wednsd 28 fair. I was att home all Day. Thursd 29 fair. in the foren I was in Town att a Special Court held att Braddicks by Justice Richd Lord of Lyme & Jus Simeon Miner of Stonington to Dis- charge John Shaw of N London from the Goal he being a Listed Soldier & put in for Debt. in the aftern I Rid out to Poquoyog with the Selectmen to view & consider the necessety of Laying out a highway for Jame Rogers. wee came home late in the past nine clock. fryd 30 fair. in the forept of the day I went out to Joshuas field & Sowed 6tb of Cloverseed for Natt & 23 for my Self. wee are to have the first Cropp of Grass or hay for the Seed. my oats. adm Sowed them & plowed & harrowed about 8 Bushels. in the ye aftern itt Rained moderately. I Stayed at home. May Saturd .1. Cloudy & wet a little. I was at home all day. I finisht making 1 Rod of New Chain of Mr Shaws wire 1 tb & 6 oz. 2s 3d p tb L: mony. Sund 2 Rain last & this morn much & high wind S E. Mr adams pr al d. Mondy 3d fair. I was at home most of the Day. in the Latter part I went up to the Trayning field a Muster of both Companys & after Traynin both Compa- nys came down to our house. Nathll Treated all with Cakes & Cyder & Punch &c. my little mare Colt folded in the Storm & found dead in Jno Plumb Lot. amare Colt Dead. Tuesd 4th fair. I the foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot & mended up Some Stonewall & went over into the grt pasture & fetcht home ye young oxen. in the aftern Rid out to X plain & helpt adm Cutt a Load of poles & Stakes to mend the Comon pasture fence & I mended it. 668 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 Wednsd 5 fair & cold. in the foren I finisht mending ye outside fence of the Comon pasture. in the aftern att Mr Winthrops & Mr adams’s & Deacon Greens’ &c. Thursd 6 fair & cold. I was about home foren & in the aftern holeing ground & adam Dunging in Jno Plumb Lot. fryd 7 fair & cold, I went with Mr Winthrop to Fishers Island with Capt George Mumford in his Boat & Justice Perkins & capt Mathw Griswold Mr Winthrop. Recd of Mapt Mumford 42 Cows with 33 Calves 14 2 yr old & 12 yearlings & Saturd 8th 8 breeding mares. 1 3 yr old Bull. 1 Do Steer. 1 Do hieffer 4 Large oxen 25 yr old Steers & 4 4 yr old Steers & 12 Swine part of 20 being all ye Island Stock & DD them all to Benja Brown ye New Tennant who is there with his family & had Recieved the Stock of Sheep before being 1350 all in good order 6 Swine to be procured by mumford & Ded to Brown. Sund oth fair. I got home betweens & I went in ye aftern to meeting. Mr adams pr all day. Lydia Harris an old maid ye Samuel Harris Died. She was weak in her understanding almost an Idiot. aged about 4o I Supose. Mond to Cloudy. In the foren I was att Colln Lees to take Leave of Some of my neighbours who were going out in the Expedition agst Crown point. only about 30 marched of. they wait for arms yt are coming fro Boston. in the Latterpart of the day I was out to ye Cornfield. Daniel Way & adam are plowing by the Midle Crosswall in Jno Plumb Lot. Tuesd 11 fair. I was out to Cornfield & New Setting the Cross fence in Crossman Lot &c. Josha is Come over & Stayed al night. Wednsd 12 fair. I was out to the Corn- field all day. wee began to plant. Ez Cheapels wife Buryed. She was Samll Attwels Dater. Thursd 13 Rainy from g. to 3. I was home Most of the Day. toward night I went into Town &c. in the Eve I maried Peter Darte & Prudence Darte at my house. fryd 14 fair. I was out to the Corn- field. Daniel way & adm are Planting &c. I was Round to foxes to look up my old Brown Cow & up to ye Comon pasture & mended up Some Stone- wall yt Crosseth the Highway to Miners &c. amos Joanes ferryman att the Gut was Drowned att Plumb Island. the Cannoo oversat &c. Saturd 15 fair. I was out to the Cornfield & new Sett Some outside fence about 5 Lengths by Gilberts old Cornner. Amos Joans buryed. Sund .16. fair. Mr Burr Rector of the College in ye East Jerseys pr all day. Samll Tall- man a Son Baptized Jabez. Shadrach Place is here by water. 2 Sloops Transporting Boston Souldiers to Albany. Mond 17 Rain. in the foren I was at home. fair. in the aftern I was out to Crossman Lot picking up Stones &c. Tuesd 18 fair. I was most of the day att the Cornfield assist- ing &c. Joshua & Molly Pierpoint are Come from Midletown by Land. a Son of Robt Fargo’s Died wth Consumption aged about 16 or 17. Wendsd 19 fair. I was out to the Cornfield twice &c. Joshua is Come over & little Josh & Peter Ellis & Cart & Plow & 4 oxen &c. Thursd 20 fair. I was out to Nathlls wheat field where Joshua is plowing & also helping adam in Gilbert Lot &c plant. fryd 21. fair. I was out to the Cornfield & Nattts field Dividing it. Saturd 22d fair. Joshua is gone home. his Team & Boys here. In the foren I Rid down to Nathanael’s wheat field & also I carryed little Nattee behind me. Joshua hath broken down his near wheel Every Spoke & 4 or 5 felloes. I was helping adam & I have New Sett 5 or 6 Lengths of 5 Rayl fence N & S a Cross below Jno Plumb Spring fron my new wall to Joyn Stephens between the field & Pasture. a Man of War [ ] Guns arrived & Convoyed a Snow from Antena wth [ ] french Neutrals that were Blown off the Coast last fall. they have the Small Pox now & many have dyed. Sund 23d fair. a Small Thunder Showre after Meeting. Mr adm pr al day. Mond 24 fair. I was att home foren & aftern Rid out to Natts field & to Gilberts Lower Lot & mended up Some 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 669 fence out Side & Son miner is Come over & Loded att Daughter Starrs. Way Hoggs Rooted up my Corn &c. Tuesd 25 fair. I was att home all day writing &c. Wednsd 26 fair. I was about home all day &c. Josha is Come over agen. Thursd 27 fair. I was att home all day assisting about mending Joshua’s Wheel. Japheth Mason got out all the old Spokes & put in new ones & floored of the wheel &c. I found 8 Spokes & borowed 4 of Stephens. I found 5 good feloes & Jos borrowed one of Mr Chapman James, fryd 28 in the morning Lowering Wet a little & yn fair. I was about home all day. I new Set 4 Length of fence out Side ye orchd upper End ye Smooth medow. Mason finished off Joshua’s wheel & put on the Tire. Joshua helpt him all day. Cost £3. Saturd 29. fair. In the Midle & fore- part of the day I was out to Crossman Lot & fetcht home the Stallyon for Jno Rogers of Mamacock & then at home & at Mr _ Gibsons. Sund 30 fair. Mr adm pr all Day. John Waterhouse & a Company Came to our meeting. Joshua is gone home. Christopher Eldredge came over for a Nurse. his wife was DD yesterday of a 3d Son. Abrah Her- culas Samll Lattimers negro man died this morning aged 20 odd. Mond 31. fair. I was att home all Day. Joshua Came from Stonington & brot over. 6 Horse kine 3 of his & 3 of mine (vizt) old Lion mare & Colt & a 3 yr old Mare bay, & wee Branded ym wth H & also 2 more yt were at home. yearling Horse Colts came of my 2 Bay mares &c. June Tuesd 1. fair. In the morning Joshua & Little Josha & Peter Sett out for home with Cart & oxen & my 2 old Cows, Brown & Speckled. they Towed a Cart at the Stern of the ferry boat. I Rid down to See them over. Josha came back & wee went out to X plain with 8 horse kine. 6 of mine (vizt) old Lion mare & yrling colt. my old Bay mare & her 2 yr old & yearling & 1 bay yearling yt came of the little bay mare 3 yearlings are horses & ye 2 yr old a mare all Bay & Joshas Swetland mare & a bay horse Colt. Wednsd 2d a Lowering Morn. I was al foren. in the afternoon I was looking up yearlings &c down the neck. adm is planting Corn over agen. Son Pierpoint is come. Thursd 3d Cloudy & drying little Rain. ] was att home all day. a Child of Jont Cheapels died. fryd 4 fair. I was with Mr Richards Running a South Line between the 2d & 3d Teer in the Neck & Mr Froud John Rogers & Stephen were present & assisting. Saturd 5 fair. I plowed the Corn for weeding with the oxen by Jno Plumb Barrs. Adm Drove and went to Stonington. I went to Stonington & Lodged att Christophers. Sund 6th fair. I went to Son miners in the Morning & then to the Center M[eeting] & I heard Mr Kirtland all day 2 Sermons & & Lodged att Miners. Tuesd 8 fair. I came home in the foren & in the aftern I attended the Court & with drew action with Jno Congdon. he pd the Cost & gave a New Note for £6 Lawfull & I was assisting att the Court &c. Son Robt come over in the Eve fro So[hold]. Wednsd oth fair. I was att Court all day. Son Robt gone to Groton. Thursd 1oth fair. I was att Court all day. for Simons. fryd 11 fair. I was att Court all day for Waldorn. Son Robt came fro Groton. Saturd 12 fair. I was out to Gilbert foreseths field & measured off 15 A[cres] for Jos Davis for £555 old Tenr. I wrote the Deed. they pd me 50s. Robert & John gone to Stonington &c. Sund 13 fair. Mr adms pr all Day. Mond 14 fair. I was att home foren & att the Court in the aftern. Son Robt & John [ ] Minor & Ben Come over before night. Tuesd 15 fair. in the foren I was in Town att Deacon Greens &c. in the aftern I went to Groton with my Son R H. & Daughter Miner. Wednsd 16 fair. I was att Court & in Town all Day. Thursd 17 fair. I was out to the Cornfield Crossman Lot &c in the foren & att Court in the aftern an Evidence for Parden Taber. fryd 18 fair. in the foren I Rid 670 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 down to the fields & in the afternoon at home writing for my Son Robert who is come over from Groton. Saturd 19 fair. in the foren I was out to Crossman Lott to Water the Stalyon & oxen & mended up Some fence. itt began to Rain moderately at Noon. I was att home. itt Rained Steadyly while night. the wife of John Hewitson was buryed Sick a long time. Sund 20 fair till near night & then Rain moderately. Mr adams pr all day. a Son of Samll Bills Buryed 8 or 9 yr old. Long fever & Canker. Mond ar. fair. I was with Brother Wm Holt & Samll Richards att Nicholas Hallams Dividing over a New the Estate of Mr Nicholas’s which was done once above 20 years ago & not Recorded &c. [ ] myBlack Bull to Stonington by Peter Ellis to Joshua. ‘Tuesd 22 Rainy moderately at turns in the foren, & Thunder & & much Rain. in the aftern the Brook near Ran [over] the Bridge & Smart Thunder & Lightning. Wednsd 23d fair. In the foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot & fetcht up the Horse. aftern I Rid out to X plain & helpt adam Cutt a Ld of poles & Carted it to holmes’s Lot & new- set grtep part of the partition. Capt George Mumford Died Last night. a Short Illness An [ |. Thursd 24 fair. in the forepart of the Day I went with adam to the Common pf[asture] & finisht mending my Partition fence. in the aftern I attended the [funeral] of Capt Mumford. was one of the Pall bearers in the Evening. it Rained most of the night. Jonathan Edg- cumb my Nephew Come to See me. fryd 25 Rainy moderately Steadly most of the day. I was att home all day. Saturd 26 fair. I was about home foren & in the aftern I went to Ston[ington] & Lodged att Joshuas. I Rid my Stallyon. Sund 27. fair. I went to the Center Meeting & heard Mr Eells 2 Serms. a Sacramt. Mond 28 fair. I was at Son miners in the foren. I left my Stalyon at the [ ] & Rid over my old Bay mare & She got out of the pasture & could [not] be found, & I Rid back to the farm & Ben to cary back the Horse att Christophers. Tuesd 29 fair. In the foren I went back with my Stalyon to look up the [ ] & heard of her & in the aftern I Rid down to Elihu Chesebroughs [ ] Daughter Minor & thence down to the Point & Ms Chesebroughs [ ] at Edwd Denisons till near night & came away & called att Deacon [ ]. Wednsd 30 fair. in the morn I Set out for home & Ben Miner with me. wee [ ] to Deacon Chesebroughs & got a Blanket of Wool for Son Pierpoint & carryed it to Joshuas & I called at Mr Rossiters & Copps’s & Ebe Williams. I came home from Stonington & brot 2 Baggs of Wool. my .9. fleeces & 12tb & 7. fleeces of Christophers, 13tb 3. I also brot 2 pieces of cloth from Foxes belong to Easthampton I Baker £4 11s od D: Conkling £3 os od old Tenr. July 1. Thursd. I was att home al day. a Court. Steph Mod Smiths Lot. fryd 2d Rain in the morn. I was at home. aftern fair. I Rid out to Joshas field & helpt Load .1. Ld for Natt & Rid out to the Cornfield to See how the grain & grass was grown &c. Saturd 3d fair. I was att home all day. toward night I helpt Stepen Rake. he made one Stack. Joshuas Boys was over & brot my Stalyon. Sund 4 Rainy in the forepart & midle of the Day. Mr adams pr. all Day. Mond 5 fair. In the foren I Rid into Town to visit Deacon Green who is Sick with the feaver & ague. in the aftern I was plowing in Corn for hilling in Jno Plumb Lot. Tuesd 6 fair. In the foren I putt my 2 old mares yearling colts into the Comon pasture and went up to See 4 Teams breaking up for Son John by Jeremiah Rich- ards’s Joyning Thos Attwells west side of the Road. afternoon att home & towd night Rid out to Comon pasture & fetcht home my fatting Cattle. Wednsd 7 fair. a Genll fast thro ys Colony. mr adams pr all day. Thursd 8 fair. I was in Town & over the ferry to Speak with Justice Perkins on Mr Tabers accot &c. a Court was att my house aftern. fryd 9 fair & very 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 671 hot. I was about home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to great Pasture & Cut an ash Small Tree to make Plow Beam & then drove home the old oxen & fetcht out the Cart & brot itt home & Some wood &c. Saturd io fair & hot. I was att home all day. toward night I Rid out to Crossman Lot & the planting field to See after hilling corn. Natt come home from Newport, went away Thursday aftern on my old bay mare to buy Tarr. Sund 11 fair. mr adams pr all day. an Infant of Peter Dartes was buryed yesterday about a fortnight old. he was maried May. 13th last. Mond 12 fair. in the morning adam fetcht home from ye great pasture the white Cow with a black head &c. She Calved yesterday a black Bull calf. I was att home all day. I hewed a plowbeam & morticed it &c. Tuesd 13 fair while Toward night & then Rain 2 or 3 hours. I was at home all day. Joshua was over & Stayed all night because of ye Rain. Wednsd 14 fair. In the morning I Rid out to old Samill Harris’s old orchard & Josha with me & fetcht up my young 3 yr old mare & put her & Joshua Swetland mare & yearling into my great pasture & then I workt on and made a new Chip &c. Thursd 15 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern I went out to the great pasture with Chris Eldredge & fetcht my young 3 yr old mare for Christopher to Ride this Sumer & break &c and my 3 yr old white hieffer with a black head &c to milk & I help him down to ferry & Neddy was over & Carryed Joshuas Swetland mare & yearling & 14 Bushll of Indian meal I Lent him & then a Court at my house Ja Rogers & Pardon Taber. Ephm mowd Clover in Gilbert Lower Lot next the Highway by Jno Plumb Barrs. fryd 16 fair. in the foren Rid down to ye field & helpt Turn the Hay, & at noon came up to fetch the Dinner for 3 men yt are hilling, & had the Sad news of the untimely Death of Jonathan Trumans 2d Son Nathan about 2 yr old. fell in to their Water pool & was drowned. they mist him but a few minutes. aftern I Raked up Clover. 2 yr3mo&5 days. Saturd 17 Ephraim & adam Carted home the Clover 2 Jaggs about 36 Cocks. I Raked after & help what Could. Iam much Indisposed. was taken yesterday with a purging & now with a griping in my bowels. also Jonathan Trumans child buryed & Ms Godard of Groton Died. She was Daughter of Thos Stanton att Pocatuck in Stonington. Sund 18 fair. Mr adams pr all day. I was att home not well &c purging. Mond ig fair. in the foren I was not much worse but in the aftern Exceeding bad with vomiting in addition. Doctor Coit was with me & gave me a Potion of Phisick. Tuesd 20 fair in the morning & then Rain a Little. I kept [house] all day. I am very week &c. Ephm mowed in John Plumb Lot Medow below Bridge yesterday. Wednsd 21. fair. I was about weak & poorly. Ephm mowed in John Plumb Lot & Crossman Lot aftern. I was about home all day Something better. my purging is Stopt. Ephraim mowed in Jno Plumb Lot & finisht Clover in Crossman Lot &. Thursd 22 fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to the Lot. Stayed by Ephm & adam & made a Stack in Crossman lot. fryd 23d fair. In the foren J Topt up my Stack of Clover att home. adm helpt & Ephm mowed in Jno plumb Lot in the foren & in ye aftern S[ ] there & Rid out & pulled up all the yellow blossoms I could find. Saturd 24 fair. I was att home foren & went to Stonington afternoon. Sund 25 fair. in the morn I went to Son miners & to the Center. Mr Eells pr 2 Sermons & I Lodged att son miners. Mr Joans of N: Carrolina is there. mond 26 Cloudy. I went over to the farm. Set up a pr of drawbarrs at Larkins place Lower End & mended up fence there. the 3 Cows that have been fatting there are carryed down to Joshuas wheat field &c. Lodged at Son Miners. Tuesd 27 fair. I came to Joshuas in the morning, he killed a Lamb for me. I came away in the foren. got home by 2 or 3 clock—all 672 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 well. Wednsd 28 fair. I was att home foren; in the aftern I went up to Thos Turnner to buy Some Cyder, & bot 1 bb att John Bolles’s for 5s Law- full. Thursd 29 fair. I was att home foren. little Joshua here last night & now & had [ ] Bushll of Corn. In the aftern. I Rid down to ye field. Ephm is mowing the oats in the plain Gilberts Lower Lot. to[ ward] night I Rid out to Capt Durfeys to fetch in T. Bolles’s bry[ _] &c. I called to visit Capt Stephen Prenttis. he is Blind 89. fryd 30 itt Rayned Smartly in the forn. aftern Cloudy. I was a[ ] all day. I Sent 2 peices of cloth to Easthampton [ ] Beriah Daton & he Says he will pay for Dressing IB £4 [ | 1. Ditto D C £3 os od—I made me New Rake. Saturd 31 Rain all ye foren Sweetly. I was att home. in the aftern I Rid out to the pasture & fetcht home the old oxen & yoaked & drove the out to Holmes’s lot. adam is Cutting old apple [ ]. 1 mended up Capt Jos Coits Stone- wall & Samll Edgcumbs & my outside f[ence]. August Sund 1. fair. Mr adams pr all Day. I was out aftern only. Mond ad fair. In the morning I Rid out to Crossman Lot & men[ded] Some fence & helpt Turn ye oats in the plain. Ephm Mo[wed] the oats on the Sidehill in gilbert Lower Lott in the M[ J. mowed Some grass att home & aftern Raked oats. I Rid [out] to Lakes Pond to get Sand & to Look out for a mower &c. I called [att] old Samuel Chapman g1 year old last february. Amariah Lyon a female child died. 7 or 8 yr old. Tuesd 3d fair. I was at home & out to the Cornfield haying &c. C[ ] & Ephm mowed att home in the foren & mowed oats aftern att [ ] planting field, about 2 acres. Wednsd 4 fair. In the foren I was out to Gilbert Lot. Ephm & Chapp[el] Co[ckt] & Stacking oats. in the aftern I was in Town & Ephm. att [ ] Declaration of warr with the french King &c. Chappel Co[ckt] hay att home. Thursd 5 fair. Ephm & Chappel Cockt & Stackt the oats on the [ ] in Gilbert Lower lot & Raked up into winrow the oats on [ ] Joshuas field & Topt up the oat Stack in the plain Gilbert I .] I was assisting all day & adam also; 30 Cannon were [ ] to the northward or N W. 8 3 times yn 5. yn 1 a little [ ] Sundown. 30 in all. fryd .6. fair. I was att home assistting ad & Phill Want Making [ ] in the foren. Ephm & Walter Chappel Mowed all day at Jno [ ] Lot the westerly part & also the thin grass in Crossman Lot.............0000005 Saturd 7 fair till 3. oe clock & then Rain till night—Ephm & Chappel Stackt the oats in Joshuas field in the foren. Phil Want & adam helpt & in the afternoon they Raked hay in Jno Plumb Lot } of a day. I was about home most of the Day. Rid out once. Molly Griffing at work here. Sund 8 Cloudy & a Small Rain in the morning. Mr adams pr al day. I was out. Mond 9 fair. Infant [I]chobod [Pow]ers. in the foren I Rid out to the S E Cornner of My Swamp by foxes N E Cornner & Measured a Ditch that Ryon & Powers have made there for me 10 Rod & } 40 p Rod old Tenor. I came home & pulled up Johns wort or yellow blossoms in the Lot wher Ephm & Chappel are mowing in the Rocky land S E of Natts Ropehouse. Tuesd 10 fair. I was at home most of the Day. I killed a Calf. Weit 6otb. Ephm & Chappel mowed a Little & Staked the Hay Jno Plumb Lot Cockt &c. Wednsd 11 fair. a good Day for hay, my Son Stephen & Ephm & Chappel mowd the upper end of the Lot a cross from ye orchard to Deacon Fosdyck lot. I was at home all day Indisposed. I Wworkt a Little towd night Raking hay & Ephm & Chapel Topt up a Stack in Jno Plumb lot &c. Thursd 12 fair. I was about home all day Indisposed. ‘a purging Still holds me. Stephn Ephm & Chappel mowed in the foren & Raked hay in ye aftern. fryd 13 Cloudy & Showry. in the morning wee began a Stack. 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 673 the Rain beat us off yn fair. wee mowed a little yn Rain again. Stephn & Ephm 1-3 of the day Each & Chappel 4 day. he went down to Crossman Lot toward night with me & adam & Carryed Some Cocks to Top up 3 Stacks. Saturd 14 Cloudy & Showry. no hay weather. Chappel helpt adm plow 4 day for Natt. I am Something better to Day but not well. I Rid out Natts wheatfield toward night & Sowed Some Dedham Turnip Seed in his S. W. Cornner. toward night fair. Sund 15 fair. Mradams pr all day. I was Indisposed & not out. Mond 16 fair. [Ste]phens [ ] Sick. I was att home all day. my flux is abated & I am assisting a Little about hay- ing Raking a little &c. Ephm & Chappel Carryed Cocks & made a Stack in the N W Cornner of the Lot near Mr Chapmans & also with adams help Raked up all ye Rocky vally & backside to ye midle of the Smooth Medow next Mr Coits Hollow. Josha is come over & Stays al night. he hath finisht mowing before me. Tuesd 17 fair & clear. I was at home all day haying. Joshua borrowed his uncle Stephens Sythe & Mowed in the foren & Ephm & Chapll also mowed next Capt Jos Coits fence began at the uppermost apple tree & finished att the Pear tree. Now I have done Moweing ye Lot. aftern wee Raked & Stackt 1 Stack on ye westside the Rocky hollow & finisht one in the middle of the Lot & Topt up one my Clover by the garden &c. Wednsd 18 fair. I was all day with Capt Joseph Harris & Wm Manwaring Dividing the Estate of Ms Eliza Smith alias Harris &c. Chappel and adam Topt up 2 Stacks below & Rakt up att home. Thursd 19 fair. I was all day as yesterday. Chappel & adam plowed for Natt. fryd 20 fair. In the foren I Rid out & Joshua to John Stubbins’s & Wm Manwarings & there had Doctor Wm Hough to Try to help me in hearing. he Seringed my Ears & drew out a Large gob of Ear wax out of my Right Ear & then I could heard my Watch click which I could not before. Chappel & adam finisht Stacking the last hay att the Lowerend of the Lot. Saturd 21 fair. I was at home all day. Adm went To foxes mill. Sund 22d fair. Mr adams pr all day. I was out. Sarah is very Sick. Mond 23 fair. I was about home all day. Tuesd 24 fair. I was att home Mostly. toward night I Rid out to the Comon Pasture & up to See Johns wheat land & to visit old Samll Chapman & to Capt adams’s & paid him for my Gold Buttons 24s Lawfull mony & 2 old Buttons & link. Wednsd 25 fair. I went up to Lt Samuel Comstocks & to Foxes mill & brot home 2 Bushel of meal in the Evening by daylight. I Dined att Millers & Set out att Two Clock. Thursd 26 Cloudy most of the day. with adm Plowing for Natt. I Rid to Samll Daniels: sxe ciaweeieee. eanns tin. Guncsonvsihnw cuats gedwet da eownamentiains wise fryd 27 fair. I was att home all day. Stephens wife Something better. Saturd 28 fair. I was att home in the foren; aftern I went to Stonington. Sund 29 fair. I went from the farm to Son Miners & to meeting at the Center. Mr Parke of westerly pr 2 Sermons. I Lodged att Miners. Mond 30 fair. In the morning Hempsted Miner Set out for Albany & ye Camp in order to get his Brotther Clement home if possable who is Sick there. I came over to the farm & was there all day while near night I went to John Wheelers to get pasture for 3 Cows & itt Thundered & Lightned & Rained allnight. I Lodgedthere. Tuesd 31 Rainy while toward night. I went to Son miners & Capt Rufus’s & bot a Cheese for Natt 18fb 2 & towd night over to the farm & Lodged att Joshuas. itt Cleared upp. September Wednsd .1. fair. I came home in the morn & Nedy with me. wee Each of us brot a bush & 4 of wheat for Nathll. I was out to Crossman Lot towd night & helpt adm fence one Stack & went to Ms Deni- sons &c, Thursd 2d fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern I was out 44 674 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 to Natt wheatfield where adam is plowing. I drove my Hieffer out of the great Pasture into Crossman Lott &c. fryd 3d fair. I was at home till 11 & went to the Prisonhouse to take an Evidence for Capt Boardman of Midle- town & then home &c. Saturd 4 fair. I out to Natts field & the Cornfield & Crossman Lot picking wild Cherys &c. Sund 5 fair. I kept house all day Indisposed. Mr adams pr. Sarah Continues mending. Mond 6 fair. I was at home most of the day. I lent ye seven wonders of the world to Eliza Chapman Gedions Datr. towd Night I Rid out to the Comon pastr & fetcht my old Bay mare & left her 2 yr old & ye young mares yearling—I sent the old mare to Mr Robinson. I came home in the Evening not well & Con- tinued So all night. Tuesd 7 fair & hot. I was much Indisposed. kept bed most of the day. Wednsd 8 fair. I was at home all day Something better. Thursd 9 Cloudy. I was about home all day tolerable well. fryd 10. I was about home all day—poorly. Saturd 11 fair. I was att home all day. Josha Come over. Thos Buttler Senrs wife buryed aged 60 odd; also a male child of Samuel Coits aged about. Sund 12 fair. no minister att ye meeting house. J went to ye Church in the foren & heard Mr Graves & Dined att Madam Millers. Mond 13 fair & windy N W. I was att home foren & in the aftern I Rid out with Justice Richards & Laid out g acres of Commons for William Waldren Joyning the Soutth Side of Ebenezar Symons. acold night. Tuesday 14 fair. a freemens meeting day. I was att itt. William Manwaring & Willm Hillhouse Chose Deputy &c. Wednsd 15 fair. Joshua & Little Josha are come. I was att home all day. Son Miner is over & brings the Joyfull Tydings that his Son Cement is come home from the Camp att fort Edward where he hath been Sick. His Brothr Hempsted went for him & got home on Saturday last. Less yn a fortnight. tis Sickly att the Camp fort Edward & hath been Sometime. Thursd 16 fair. I was att home most of the day mending the Cart. toward night I went with Joshua & Nathanael to Joshuas field & they fetcht home a mighty great Log for Nathanael &c. old John Stubbin aged 90 years Died. fryd 17 fair. I was at home foren. Rid down to the Gut to Carry Dinner for Joshua little Josh & adm who are Raking Salt hay. 2 Denisons & a boy in the funeral of old mr Stubbin. Saturd 18 fair. I was down to the medows. Joshua & adm & little Josha went with the Team my 6 Cattle & fetcht a heavy Load of hay 24 Cocks. Joshua went home & little Josha Stayd. Sund 19 fair. Mr adm pr all day. I was out in the aftern only. Mond 20 fair & hot. a Trayning day Ist 2d Compnys. I was att home all day. I Topt up 3 Stacks wth Salt hay, & made 1 new Standerd, & 1 butterfly for ye Cart. Tuesd 21 fair. I was att home foren & Looking up the oxen in ye Swamp. in the aftern I Rid out & Josha to X plain to Cut 3 or 4 poles & adam brot them to the Common pasture fence on a Ld of wood & I mended the fence. made it dark home. Wednsd 22 fair. I went with adam to the Salt med- ows & fetcht a Ld of hay home. little Josh with me. Thursd 23 fair. much Rain at night. I was at home most of the Day. We unloaded the Cart on the hovel & about noon I Rid out with Josha to look up the young oxen & found ym in ye great Pasture. I came home & left adam in Gilberts Lot pulling Beans &c. Clement Miners wife Died aged 50 odd. fryd 24 fair. Tn the morning I walked down to John Plumb lot & Josha & then took my Horse of adm & he went to the Salt medows & Jos Lester with him for a Ld of Salt hay. I Rid into the grt pasture & Josha & Catcht mv little mare & left my Horse in Crossman lot & came home & was about home till near night. C Miners Wife was buryed & a young woman Daughter of Jont Whipple Died. Saturd 25 fair Mostly a little Scattering Rain. I was out to John Plumbe lot & little Josha & adm & unloaded the Salt hay 17 cocks fro 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 675 ye Gutt & 12 from Coits medow in Lesters field. wee Stackt the corn tops &c. Sund 26 fair. no minister att the meeting house Nor Church. I was at home all day. a Child of [ ] Lesters Died. Mond 27 fair. in the foren I fitted my Cart with Bords for apples. in the aftern I went to Ston- ington & Little Josha. I Lodged att Christophers. Tuesd 28 fair. I went to Son miners & back to Ebe Wms & Natts & lodged att Joshuas. Wednsd 29 fair. I came home & brot over my 2 old Cows & Neddy & Robert. Thursd 30 fair & hot. I was att home all day fencing Stacks. october .1. fryday. In the foren I was att home fencing Stacks. in the aftern I was out to the Great pasture &c assisting adm in Carting a Ld of Rayles from Jno Plumb Lot to Joshuas field to fence in my oat Stack there. Saturd 2 fair. In the foren I Sent Adam & Cart & oxen to gather apples att Holmes’s Lot, & | Soon followed him but to my great Surprise he had got but about 2 Bushels. all was gone (Some foul play) So wee went up to my X plain apple Trees. Robert Rid in the Cart & Neddy behind me. wee gathered all the Lower End & left of home by Sun down. Sund 3d fair. no minister here. I went to the Church in forn. Mr Leeman of Newport pr there, & in the aftern 1 went to the meetinghouse. Deacon Green Car- ryed on all Day. Mond 4 fair. I was att home foren & att the Supr Court. aftern att the meetinghouse. Tuesd 5 fair. I was at the Court att the Meetinghouse in ye foren to hear the Tryal of Bristow a Negro man (belong- ing to the Revd Beckwith of Lyme) for Committing a Rape on the Body of Hannah Beebee Junr a young woman Daughter of he was found Guilty & Received Sentance of Death next day. I Dined att Ms Barbuts & aftern I Rid out to X plain & helpt adam Load up some wood & I cut Some hoopoles. Wednsd. 6 fair. I Set out before noon to Look up 4 yearlings. I was down in the Neck & att the Salt medow. Some Salt hay gone about 5 or 6 Cocks that grew on the west Side ye Creek the point. adam & Neddy & Robert gathred the Rest of the apples at at X plain. Thursd 7. fair. a publick or Genll fast in this Colony. Mr Jewitt pr all day. Capt Jos Coit a Child Baptized Jerushaa. fryd 8 Rainy last night & Most of ys Day Sweetly. I was att home all Day. Hannah Derrick Hanged her Self Dead last night. Saturd 9 it Rained last night & Most of the Day Steadyly. I was att home all Day Triming Cask &c. a Jury was Imanneld on the untimely death of Han Derrick wife of Jo Derrick yesterday. She was an Indian Woman brot up among the English &c. She tied a Silk Hankerchief to the Latch or Cleat of the bed Room Door att the Widow Lucy Harris’s att the Harbours mouth. old Thomas Attwell Died aged about 88. Sund 10 fair. no minister att Meetinghouse nor meeting. I went to the Church in the aftern. Mr Mathew Graves Read Prayers & John Graves preacht a sermon. Ebenezar Darrow Died att night aged about 50 I Supose. Mond 11 fair. JI was att home foren Triming Cask &c. towd night I went to the funeral of Thomas Attwell. Neddy & Robt gone home. Tuesd 12 fair. the forept of the day I was at home Triming Cask &c. in the afterpart I Rid out to old Mr Turners in the neck att the Request of Pain Turner to write a Mortgage Deed of his part of Goshen for £94 L. M) to his Sister the Widow Westcote. he pd me 44s old Tenr. I found my 4 yearlings by Moonshine in Harris’s orchard after 10 clock att night & put ym in Cross- man Lot. Ebe Darro was buryed att the Baptist Meetinghouse. Wednsd 13 fair. I was att home all day Triming Cask &c. wee had the malencholy Tydings from So-hold yesterday of the Death of my grandaughter the wife of Joshua Hempsted. She left a Son 4 days old. She was Buryed ye 3 day of oct Inst. Thursd 14 fair. I was att home all day. I finisht Trim- ing Cask & Stephn finisht making Cydar 13} barrels & 53 before. 19 all. 676 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 fryd 15 fair. I was at home in the forepart & Midle of the day then att the Society meeting wch is adjourned to ye 1st of November. old Mr Elnathan Miner of Stonington (Son of Deacon Manaseh miner formerly of New London) Died last monday aged 80 odd near 90. Saturd 16 fair. I was att home most of the Day. about 3 I Set out for Stonington. got over a little before Sunset, & got to Joshuas about 8 & Lodged there. Sund 17 fair. I went to Meeting att the North Society. heard Mr Fish 2 Sermons & Dined wth him & Lodged att Son miners. mond 18 fair. In the morning I came over to Nathll Williams & he & I Counted out 510 foot of oak bords 500 of wch I pd asa fish for £12 old Tenr. Joshua went & Loaded them up in his Cart & then I came away & got to the ferry half an hour by Sun but no Boat near daylight down. Tuesd 19 fair. I was att home all day Engrav- ing. a Solder buryed in the Eve belonging to Lyme named Wednsd 20 fair. I was att home all day Engraving Capt Barbats Stone. Thursd ai fair cold. I was att home all day Ex. 2 or 3 hours going to Remeasure: S harrisses orchard. Joshua with me. he came yesterd & brot my 510 foot of Bords to the ferry. fryd 22 fair. I was att home all day. I finisht Engraving &c. Saturd 23 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was al day at home. Joseph Coit ye 2d Son of John Coit Died wth ye Long fever. Sick a great while near 30. 2 Children & a 3d on ye Stocks. Sund 24 Cloudy & Some Rain. I have a great cold. Kept house al day. wee have no meeting. Joseph Coit buryed after Sunset. Mond 25 fair. a Trayning Ist & 2d Company. I was about home & down to ye Cornfield. Adm Making Cyder att Capt Harris’s &c. Tuesd 26 fair & cold. I was att home foren & then went over the ferry to look after Peter Ellis who went in a large Cannoo to fetch my Bords & then to Capt Harris’s to See after my Cyder adm is mak- ing there. Peter Ellis come. Wednsd 27 Rainy most of the day. 1 was att home all day fitting oak Bords in the Back Leantoo floor. I took away the Pine bords to Lay a Double floor in the old Chamber. Thursd 28 Rain Smartly toward night & last night & Some in ye morn. in the midle of the Day Peter fetcht a Jagg of Poles from Jno Plumbe Lot & a Jagg of Pum- kins & I did more to fitting Bords in the N W Leantoo Chamber floor. Mr Robinson had the old mare. fryd 29 fair. aftern 1 was at home. I finist Laying the floor. mended the End. Peter & adm Carted the Pumkins 3 Ld. Son Stephen killed my 3 yr old Hiefer. weit 417. Saturd 30 fair. In the foren I Rid down to the Cornfied & turned out 5 of Capt Harris’s Swine & Cut up Some Beef &c. Sund 31 fair. no minister. Deacon Green car- tryed on. I was out in the foren only. in the Evening I Rid Down to the Harbours Mouth & maried Lucretia (the widow Lucy Harris’s youngest Daughter of 5) unto Abner Beckwith Son of Thomas Beckwith of Lyme & came home after g & att my house Married Jonas Vallintine & Eliza Moger? November Mond .1. fair. In the foren I was out to Crossmn lot & the Cornfield & in the aftern att Trayning. 1st & 2d Company are Mustering to Enlist 10 men 5 out of Each Company. & have Enlisted & wee have made a large Contribution & Subscription amounted to [ ] to be Equally Divided between them. Emmanuel helpt adm & Peter & they gathered & carted in 2 Sout Load weh is all. John Maynard in N. parish died Aged near 60 I Supose. Tuesd 2d fair & warm. I was all day & adm fencing in Stacks in Jno Plumb Lot. Wednsd 3d Rain last night & most of the Day. Some Snow aftern. I was att home all day. Thursd 4 fair & very cold. I was at home all day. in the Evening I Rid out with Comfort Brooks &c to Clement Beebes & James Brooks Comfts Son & Annie Beebe Clemts Daughter were Married & after weding was over I went with Cuzn Joshua Moor to his house & Lodged there. fryd 5 fair & more moderate. I Stayed 1756] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 677 with Cuzn Moor till near noon & then I came to Wm Douglass’ & So home. Rain att night. Saturd 6 fair. I was all day att the Cornfield fencing oat Stacks. I put in my 2 old Cows yt are fatting, adm & Team helpt. Peter Ellis cart home Nathanaels Corn. Sund 7 fair. no minister. Deacon Green carryed on all day. a Child of Benjamin appletons died & Pardon Tabers Son aged 6 or 7 yrs. Mond & cloudy & warm. I was at home foren & aftern att a Society meeting. Lancaster Gorton Died. came home Sick from ye Camp by water from Albany on Saturday last. Tuesd 9 Rainy foren. aftern fair. I was at home all d. Peter went home. Neddy came over yesterd. wednsd 10 fair. I was about home most of the Day. Mr Fish of S. here. Thursd 11 a fierce Storm last night & ys morn it cleared off before noon & I Rid down to Wm Harris's & up to ye ferry & yn come home & put on Shingles patch work on the back Side the Leantoo &c. fryd 12 fair. I was about home all day. I put on a few Shingles &c & att night I went over to Jno Hempsteds & had Leave to marry their Daughter Abigail (She being pregnant) to James Smith Son of James Smith the Barber.) I maried them att John Griffings in the night after 9 oe Clock &c. I DD to Ephraim Brown my Small vice to go a privateering. if he Returns it Safe to me No price but if it be not Returned then to pay me three Dollars. Saturd 13 fair & prety cold. I was at home all day. Sund 14 fair. No minister. Deacon Green carryed on. I was out aftern. Mond 15 fair. I went with the Sheriff C. Christophers & Some Jurymen to Lay out an open Highway thro Jos Mathers Land from Capt Higgins’s Land &c. wee met at Capt Barnabas Tuthills & I Lodged there with Deacon Joshua Bushnell of Saybrook 2 nights (viz) monday & Tuesd 16 fair &+ wee finished on wednsday morning & I came home the upper Road with Robert Dowglass only & wee called to See John Lewis formerly of New London who is in a poor Condition Crazy and Looks Rufully, & thence wee came to Cuzn John Moors to visit him who hath had the numbpalsie 16 months & Can Scarcely walk about the floor with 2 Staves. wee Dined there & I came home by Robert Dowglasses. got home by daylight. Mr William Worthington of Pochaug in Saybrook Died yesterday aged about 60 I Supose. Josha is come over. Tuesd 16 fair. Wednsd 17 fair. Thursd 18 fair. a publick Thanksgiving in this Colony. I Set out in the morning with Joshua in order to go to Stonington purpusing to meet- ing att Groton but the ferry boat was gone over & Stayed there a great while and a Small wind & Right against us that wee were Late & the ferry- mans Cellar being broke open ye last night & Sundrys Stole out I Stopt to write a Warrant of Serch & by that means was too late for the meeting & wee went the Lower way to Stonington & Dined att Joshuas between 3 & 4. oe Clock & went to Son miners & Lodged there. fryd 1g fair. I was att Son miners in the foren & at Capt Rufas miners in the aftern. A Genll Muster or view of Arms & Ammunition thro this Colony by order of the assembly. Saturd 20 fair. I came to the ferry before 5 clock but late home and all well. Sund 21 fair. Mr Wm adams pr al day. I was out aftern only. Mond 22 fair Most of the Day. toward night Cloudy & Some Rain. I was about home most of the day. a Smart Storm at night Thundr &c. Tuesd 23 fair. James Harris & adam killed & drest 2 Cows Speckled & Brown & Stephen & Tomy went to X plain & cut a Load of Timber & brot itt home for the Porch. Jonathn Turner Junr Died aged about 30 years. a Batcheldor. Wednsd 24 fair. 14. 60 F. I was at home all day. Stephen is hewing Timber for the Porch. My Brown Cow weighed 501 Neat & Speckled Cow 475. Thursd 25 a great Storm. itt began to Snow moderately in the morn before Sunrise moderately but Soon came on fierce with a violent wind & 678 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1756 by noon Turned to Rain. I was at home all Day Salting Beef &c. fryd 26 fair & cold & windy. I Rid down to Crossman Lot to help adam about a Load of Wood for the Widow Truman. Jonathan Pierpoint is come from Midletown & lately from Halifax. has been fro home above Seven years. his Brother Joshua & Sister abigail are come with him. he is bound Right away back to Boston. 18 year old october last. Saturd 27 fair & moderate. in the morn I Rid down to Wm Harris’s to Enquire after Son miners afair & then took Leave of Jonathan Pierpoint. I gave him 10 New England Shillings & a few Coppers & Lent him my old bay mare Saddle & Bridle to go to Stoning- ton & further if he can Send her back to Stonington. he is Bound to Boston. I went with adam & Topt up the Stack that blew of yesterday & yn home & fetcht out the Téam to Cart a Ld of Wood for Natt from Joshuas Pasture. I mended up the fence Round the oat Stack in Joshuas field &c. Stephen has been hewing Timber for the Porch. Sund 28 fair. Mr Wm adams pr all Day. mond 29 fair. Joshua Pierpoint Set out for Midletown in the morning & Led the Horse his Sister abigail Rid down on. I furnished him wth Coppers in part to bear his Expences. in the foren I was at home. in the aftern I was out to Joshuas field & adam. wee mended up the Stone wall on the west Side. was down in 2 or 3 places & wee mended up my oat Stack. the Top was blown of & wee put Johns Small Stack on mine & made the fence up about the Stack. Stephen & Tomy fetcht a Ld of Timber & Crotches. Tuesd 30 it Snowed a Little last night & Rained Some & a little Rain att Turns all day. I was up att the Prison most of the day taking Con- fessions &c. Decemb Wednsd 1 fair. I was att home all day. Stephen finished hewing the Sill & wee got in the great flat Stone by the Celar window & put & put up Some Crotches to make a Scaffold on for ye porch. Josha is Come & Says they have much Snow att Stonington. none here. Thursd 2d fair. I was at home all Day. Stephen hewd. J workt & in the Evening went to my Son Starrs to See my kinsman Jonathan Baker & his Daughter who came this day from Easthampton. all well there. fryd 3d fair & clear & very cold. I was att home all day. a Child of Samuel Morgans was buryed. Saturd 4 fair & not so cold as yesterd. Snow at night. I was att home all day. Josh is gone home. old Joseph Beebee Dyed aged 70 odd. Snow. Sund 5 fair. mr adams pr all day. I was out in the aftern. B B Buryd between meetings. Snow last night Shoe deep. Mond 6 fair & violent cold. I was at home all day. have almost froze my fingers helping Natt pull at a Rope to keep a Tree from falling into Mr Coits Lot yt he is Cutting down for fire wood. Stood in the wall by ye briars above ye pathway. Tuesd 7 fair & cold & very windy att W in the aftern. I was at home all day. Wednsd 8 fair & moderate. I was out to Joshuas field wth adam & Team & out to the Cornfield mending the Stack & fence &c. Thursd 9 fair & mod- erate. I was at home al day. Stephn workt on the porch. fryd 10 fair foggy misty warm thawing weather. I was out to the Cornfield. adm brot home Some oat Straw from Joshuas field & Some old Rails &e from Gilbert Lower Lot. S H gone. Peter Ellis brot home old Bay mare Sick She Scowers & Lyes down & will eat no hay nor oats. Saturd 11 fair & mod- erate Thawing misty foggy. In the foren I was at Daughter Starrs puting in Some Clabords in ye Leantoo Chamber. aftern at home. the old Mare Sick yet. Lyes down all day. adm Carted a Ld of Sea weed & wee Stopt up the Celar doorway. Sund 12 Cloudy & warm. Mr adams pr all dav. I was out in the afternoon. Mond 13 fair & clear & warm tho the wind be N W. I was att home all Day placing the foundation of the new porch & moving the Large flatt Step stone further out & Eastward. Stephn workt & helpt 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 679 me Some—two old women Died Each above 80 viz the widow Rebeckah Richards Widow of Israel R Senr. her Maiden name was Chapman. the other was the wife of Lt Samll Comstock in the North parish. She hath had the numb palsie many years. Tuesd 14 fair. I was well in the morn- ing till after breakfast Sometime & then was taken with an ague fitt & after itt a high fevar which held till night & then had a violent pain in my back left Side of my back bone & So forward which held me all night but the pain abated Something but very Sore. daughter Starr was with me till dark. Wednsd 15 fair Most of the day. a Squall or two Snow. I kept at home. my pain holds yet but Something abated. Thursd 16 fair & cold. I was at home day Except walkt over to Joshuas. fryday 17th a violent Stormy day. it Snowed Some last night & held on ail day windy. wind about North east. I was att home all day. Not much abated. Saturd 18 fair & clear wind N W not violent cold. I was att home all Day. adm killed me 2 Swine. Weit 119. Tomy & Wm Daton helpt him about 3 hours. Sund 19 fair. mr adams pr all day. I was at home all Day. in the Evening I maried Moses Pierce a Transient person (a Sailmaker) & Mary Starr the Daughter of Jasper Starr; att the Schoolhouse by Haughtons Brook. Mr Hammond present & made first Prayer. Mond 20 a firce cold Storm of Rain held most of the day, it Snowed last night & a while in the Morn & Soon turned to cold Rain. I was at home all day. a Town Meet- ing. clear at night. Tuesd 21 fair & not violent cold. it froze last night & made a Crust on the Snow very hard. I was at home all day. Wednsd 22 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Snow att Night. Thursd 23 Snow Last night & Rain foren. I was at home al day. Natt Miner here from Lyme. a Town Meeting & Society also by adjournment. toward night fair. fryd 24 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Molly Eldredge come over & 2 Children ye oldest & youngest. Jos Truman came wth them. Saturd 25 fair & moderate. I was att home all day. Molly gone home. Saturd 26 Cloudy in the morning & after 9 it began to Rain & held Raining moderately most of the Day. I was not to Metting. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 27 fair & warm Thawing Something. I was at home most of ye Day. toward night I Rid out to Joshuas pasture & to the Cornfield to See how the Creatures fare &c. a very close time. Snow a Top & Ice on the ground in most places. no ground to be Seen. Tuesd 28 fair & warm. I was att home most of the dav. toward night I Rid out to Daniel Ways. he & adm Thrasht oats to day. Joshua Rogers a Baptist Teacher an ordained minister & a very Sober orderly man above 4o years of age Hanged himself in his own Hovel at blackpoint a little before night. Joshua Rogers, had a Second wife. She was a Daughter of Joseph miner att Nihantick Decd & the Sd Rogers was Left to beget her Sister with Child a Single woman & itt was lately found out & made publick &c. Wednsd 29 fair & moderate. I was att home all Day & adam with Daniel Way finisht Thrashing 1 oat Stack. Thursd 30 fair foggy moderate weather. I was at home all day. Stopt work on the porch yesterday & to day also. fryd 31. Cloudy & Raw cold. I was att home all Day. 1757 January 1. Saturd. Cloudy Misty & towd night Rain. I was at home al Day. Sund 2d fair & clear & warm. Mr adams pr all day. I was not out. Mond 3d fair & warm. I was att home all day. in the forenart of it about 9 or 10 Clock a Suden alteration of the skv Lookt wild & Cloudy & the wind Rise att N W violent hard & held all night & it grew very cold. 680 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [i957 Joshua came over inthe foren & is here. Tuesd 4 fair but very Cold & a high wind. I was at home all day. Wednsd 5 fair & Not So cold. I was att home all Day. Thursd 6 fair & moderate. it Thawed a Little. I was at home al Day. Josh went home & abigail Pierpoint wth them. fryd 7 fair & moderate. I was about home all day. Saturd 8 Cloudy & warm. I was at home al day. Sundga Rainy Day. I was at home all day. Mond to fair & moderate. I was at home al D. Stephn Workt. Tuesd 11 fair but cloudy. I was at home all day. Stephn workt on porch. Wednsd 12th Snow last night & in the foren, & fair & warm in the aftern. I was at home all day. in the Eve I maried George Slater & Lydia Worthylake at home. Thursd 13. Cloudy moderate weather. I was at home al D. Stephn workt. fryd 14 fair & clear & very cold. I was at home all day. James Harris & Daniel Way Thrasht oats in ye Plain Cornfield. Saturd 15 fair Raw cold. I was at home all day. Stephen workt (Snow at night 3 or 4 Inces.) Ja Har, Dan Way & Will Daton Thrasht all & adam winowed & they brot all home in the Cart at night. Sund 16 fair. mr adams pr all day. I was out in the afternoon. it Thawed Some. very cold at night. Mond 17 fair & clear & very Cold. I was at home all day. No work to day. Tuesd 18 fair & clear & Extreem cold. I was at home all day. No work. Wednsd 19 fair & more moderate. I was at home all day. Ja. Harris & Will Daton thrasht oats in Joshuas field. Thursd 20 fair & Moderate. Will & adm finisht Thrashing in Joshs field. I was at home most of the Day. towd night I Rid out to Joshs field & put up the fence & barrs wch were all left down. fryd 21 a very Rainy Stormy day. I was at home all day. Saturd 22 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. in the afternoon late wee Raised the Porch & I Blundered & fell down & Cut my Shin agst the Edge of Square Timber & lamed me much. it cut through my Stocking &c. I hobled about. Sund 23 fair but cloudy. I kept house all day. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 24 it Snowed a little most of the day. I keep house Lame. Tuesd 25 Rainy last night & most of the D. moderately. very slip- pery. Rain froze on the ground. I was home all day. Wednsd 26 fair & moderate. JI was at home al day. Thursd 27 fair & warm. I was at home all day. adm Carted 1 Ld of wood home yt Will cut in Josha Lot. fryd 28 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Josha Come. Saturd 29 fair, it froze hard last night but a pleasant Morning Something cold. aftern cloudy & at night it began to Snow. I was at home all day. Josha went home toward night. adm carted 2 Ld of wood 1. for Cordal & 1 home, Will Daton cut yesterday in Joshuas pasture near Hurlbuts fence. Sund 30th fair in the foren & warm. Rain the aftern a little. Mr adams pr all day. I kept house al day. Lame Still. Mond 31 Rainy moderately most of the day. I was att home all day. Thunder & Lightning & Smart Rain at night. february Tuesd 1 fair & clear & cold. I was at home all day. Josha is come. Doctor Giles Goddard Died yesterday morning aged between 50 & 60. he hath been decriped with the Gout &c Several years & of late Confined to his house & Bed. Wednsd 2d a cold Storm at N E. it hailed in the fore- part & most of the last night. Some Snow with it & itt Rained in the forept & Midle of the day. the Rain abated in the aftern but held cloudy & windy. I was at home all day. Frederick Lee Son of Colln Stephen Lee Died aged between 20 & 30 I Supose. Thursd 3 fair & clear & prety cold. I was at home all Day. Joshua went home in the aftern. Fred Lee & Doctor God- dard both buryed. Lee first. he died att his wives fathers Isaiah Bolles. it is very Slippery. all Ice. Son miner over & lodged here. Stephen Slipt down & hurt his Leg. fryd 4 fair & very cold. I was at home all day. a 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 681 Child of David Colvers buryed. Saturd 5 a Snowy day wind N E. I was at home al day. Lame Still. Sund 6 Misty wet weather. not very cold nor much Rain. I keep House Still Lame. Mr adams pr all day. Mond 7 Misty & wet. warm in the foren. toward night it cleared up. I was at home all day. Tuesd 8 fair & moderate. I was at home all Day. Wednsd g fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Thursd 10 Rain last night & foren & yn cloudy Thawing wether. I was at home all day. fryd 11 fair & clear & not over cold. I was at home all day. Saturd 12 fair & clear high Wind & very cold. I was at home al day. Lt James Harris was buryed the toth aged 80 odd. he formerly Lived in the North parish & Laterly with a Son Lebbens att Poagwonk where he Died. Sund 13 fair & clear & cold. Mr adams pr all Day. I keep house still. Mond 14 fair & more moderate. I was about home most of the day. I Rid as far & Tallmans Cornner to See that ashes was put on the Ice in the cartway that the oxen might go safe out & home. Tuesd 15 Cloudy. I was at home all day. Nathll not well. took a potion of Mr Winthrops Physick & it did not work & he is in great pain & no Rest all day & all night after; Snow at night. Wednsd 16. a little Snow & misty Thawing weather. very dirty. I was in Town at Braddicks with the Civil authority &c most of the day to Advise about Bad Husbands &c. Nathll very Ill all day. Doctor Coit wth him. Thursd 17 a very Rainy day. Nathanael very Ill. in grt Pain in his Bowels all day. I was at home all day. fryd 18, Misty Thawing dirty weather. Josha Came over & back. Ab- Pierpoint come fro Stonington. I was at home all day. William Holt 2d & adam carted 1 Ld Stone & 2. Sand in the Gutter by Bullfinch’s to Stop the Breach in the Bank between my 3 Rod & his 3 Rod. Saturd 19 misty in the foren. Some Rain in the aftern a little. warmy Thawing Dirty weather. I was at home all D. Nathll had a hard time of it last night & ys morn. Something Easier now. Sund 20 fair & clear N W & moderate. Mr adams pr all day. I was out aftern. James Murfey & kate Davis Jams Pittman & abigail Green publisht. Mond 21 fair & moderate. in the foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot & mended up Some Stonewall. after 2 came home. Adm carted a Ld of Hay for John fro David Minerds. Tuesd 22 fair & moderate. I Rid into Town in the midle of ye day & then at home. Wednsd 23d cloudy in the aftern. in the morning I was at home & Soon went to Willm Colvers & got my Broad ax upset & made wider & ground it up & in the afternoon I Rid into Town to Braddicks where Justice Coit & adams & all the Selectmen were assembled to advertise & admonish a Dozn of our Inhabitants Complained of for Idleness & bad Husbandry &c. old Thomas Buttler Died very Suddenly att Lattimers farms in black point yesterday aged about 67. Thursd 24 Cloudy & Some Rain. I was in Town & Rid out to meet ye Corps of Thos Buttler who was carryd home yesterd but I met Jno & Ebe Holt & Tommy who left me know that the funeral was put by till to morrow. Philip Want died Suddenly in a fitt tis Supposed. he was Subject to have Convulsion fitts & was found dead in the Privy house. no Body could give any account in What manner he Died. fryd 25 fair. I went out to black point the Lower End of it to get Some Cattle kept & agreed with Capt Thos Manwaring to keep 6. I called to visit Ms Champlin & att Sunset & afterward to visit Capt Stephen Prenttis an old friend. he hath been Blind about 6 years & is above go years of age. Saturd 26 fair but I was out to Edwd Tinkers to measure apeace of Land he Sells to mr Hull & also a peice of Land about 11 acres & } Sd Tinker buys of John Pickett att the upper End of the white beach. in the Eve itt began to Snow. Phil Want buryed now & Buttler yesterday. Sund 27 fair & moderate. Mr 682 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 adams pr all day. I was ther in ye aftern. Mond 28 fair & clear & cold. I was about home all day. Tuesd March 1. fair & prety cold. I Sent Six Cattel (viz) 2. 4 yr old Steers come Spring & 4, 2 yr olds coming to Capt Thos Manwarings to keep by adam & Wm Daton went wth him & drove Natts Cow & Hieffer & Thos went also to buy Some Rye. towd night I went wth Peter Lattimer to his House & was there writing a Deed & Bond &c till late at night. I was at home most of the Day. Wednsd 2d fair. I was at home all day. I Settled with Anthony whipple & took his note for 4os Interest money belonging to the ministry. adm carted 1 Ld slitt work from the sawmill for the hos- pitable. Thursd 3 fair & moderate. I was most of the Day with Son John Capt Harris & Church measuring & apprizing Samll Harris’s Land 1 acre & 4 for Capt Hubbard of Tolland &c. fryd 4, it Rained last night in the morn- ing a while & in the aftern fair. I was about home all day. Saturd 5 fair. I was about home in the foren & in the aftern I Rid down to John Plumb Lot and Joshua with me & fetcht up 3 young Jades (vizt) 1. Bay mare 3 yr old coming & 2 young Bay Horses 2 yr old coming & wee drove them over the River & to Stonington. I Lodged att Joshuas. it Rained in ye night. Sund 6 Rainy last night & in the foren &c. I Stayed att the farm in the forn & towd night I Rid over to Son Miners & Stayd yr. Mond 7th fair & very cold. I was at Capt Rufus Miners also. Tuesd 8 a very Rainy day yesterday. it was very cold last night and this morning. I was at Son miners awhile. I went to ye farm & lodged att Joshuas again. Wednsd oth misty in the morning a while. I was at Jno Denisons & Stockwells &c. I came away aftern & little Josha with me. brot home old Bay mare. got over by Sun down all well at home &c. Thursd 10 Raw cold & Snow most of the day’ I was about home most of the day & in the Evening Rid up to Mr Burches & married Ja Murfey & Katee Davis. She was Grandaughter of ye late Governor Saltonstall. fryd 11 fair & moderate. I was at home foren. went wth little Joshua to the ferry, & aftern I Rid out with Capt Titus Hurlbut to Thos Miners to finish a Deed for a Small peice of Land att Mile Brook fro Sd Hurlbut to Christopher Miner & thence to Simon Smiths & So home again. Saturd 12 fair & windy. I was out with Mr Richards & Charles Jeffery to Lay out Land att Tobuckonomuck. adm carted a Ld of Wd home from X plain. Mr Jonathan Turnner in ve grt Neck Died aged above 78 years. Sund 13 fair. in the forer’ I went to Church, aftern Rain. Stayed at home. No meeting att the meetinghouse. Mond 1+ Cloudy in the forepart of the day. I Rid out to X plain & Cutt Some Timber for girts for the porch & adam Carted them. I was att home aftern. a Child of ferryman Church’s Died. in the Evening late I married Thomas Brenton a Saylor & Mary Fennel alias Goddard att Geo Richards’s. Tuesd 15. Cloudy. I was about home all day. Wednsd 16 fair pretty cold. Ist Goose. inthe foren] Rid out to Joshua field. Adam is begun to plow there for Rye. one James Chapmans Boys helpt him. I Stopt up the fence &c. in the aftern att home. fitted the Goosehouse to Set in. Thursd 17 fair & Cold. 2d Goose. I was at home all day. Son Robert is come from Southold & Toshua from Stonington. I Delivered unto Samll Richards Capt Jonathan Lattimer Junr & John Bradford Selectmen 1 Cheast & pail of Bullitts & in it 750 flints. all Town Stock which I have had in keeping 30 or 40 years & now it is put into the Courthouse. in the Evening we were much Sur- prized. itt was Suspected that William Starrs arm (a had Swelling on it) was in Danger of Gangreen. Joshua Set out for Norwich after 12 o’e Clock for a Doctor. Doctor marsh came down beforenoon. Josh Rid my Stallyon & his uncle Robert on my old Bay mare met Josh & took my 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 683 Stallyon to Norwich again & home agen before Sunset. Will Starr is better. fryd. 18 fair. I was at & about home till near night. I Rid down to the Cornfield where adam is plowing, & Ned Chapman with him. John Roberts of this Town coming alone in a Small Cannoo from Groton was Drowned. the Cannoo filled &c. he was aged I Supose about 60, very near the shore out Side Mr Winthrops long point of the neck. Saturd 19 fair. I was at home all day. Joshua fetcht home my 2 Steers from blackpoint, & went home. Sund 20 fair. Mradams prall day. a Contribution thro the Colony for ye Govermt. Son Robt gone home. Richd Chapman & Esther Richards publisht. Mond 21 Cloudy. in the foren I Rid down to the grt pasture & fetcht up my 2. 3 yr old Steers & white Bull & Joshua & 2 boys came & fetcht ym to Stonington. Tuesd 22 Misty raw cold. I was about home most of the Day. Wednsd 23 Hail. a cold Storm & Some Rain last night & the foren. old John Cheapel Died aged 85 or 6 I Supose. I was about home all day. Thursd 24 fair & clear & not very cold; in the morn 7 o’e Clock I fitted out abigail Pierpoint for home with my old Bay mare & Saddle bags & Some Coppers to bear her Expences in Company with James Mur- phey & wife Bound to Midletown. I Rid up to X plain to help adam about a Ld of Wood & to See Corps of John Cheapel & then to Lecture. Wm adams pr & after Lecture to the funerall of Sd Cheapll & then to visit Deacon Green & Stayed wth him the Evening. fryd .25. Snowy from 8 in the morn, to 12 & yn misty & cloudy. I was at home all day. Saturd 26 Rainy all the aftern Cloudy & Misty in the foren. I was att home all day. Sund 27 Cloudy & Some Rain. No Minister nor Meeting. I went to Church in the foren, & no more. Doctor Guy Palmes Died before noon aged near 50 I Supose with ye Dropsie. Mond 28 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Sowed my Sumer Rye 14 bushll in Joshuas field by the Stonewall Next to the Southwest Cornner of Natts field; Stephen hath been drooping 2 or 3 days & now is Exceed III of the dry belly ach or Bilieras Chollick as they call itt. Tuesd 29 Cloudy & Raw cold. I was out to Samll Champlins Mr Hulls farm to take the acknowledgmt of a pr of Indentures & then out to Joshuas pasture & Split out a Cut of Posts & New Set a Post of the draw barrs great pasture. Doctr Palmes Buryed. Wednsd 30 Rainy last night & all day. I was about home all day. Mr Thos Lothrop of Norwich came to visit me. Thursd 31 fair but Raw cold. in the aftern I went with adam to Josha pasture & wee Cut a Ld of Wood for Cuzn Widow Gardner. fryday april .1. Rainy last night & the foren. it cleared of before night. I was at home all day untill near Sunset I went to Jno Coits & Cuzn Joseph Larobee come to visit me & went to Abrah morgans, & Lodged there. Saturd 2d fair & moderate. I was about home in the foren. in the aftern I went out to Crossman Lot & mended up Some Stonewall & went a Cross to Joshuas pasture & home. Sund 3 a Stormy Day highwind Rain & Hail & Snow Covers ye ground. Mr Easterbrooks of Millington pr all Day & administered the Sacramt & Baptized 6 Children (vizt) Deacon Fosdycks Clement, Nicholas Hallams Jonathan Major Bulkleys Robert Amos Hallam Wm & Lydia, Isaac Fellows Eliza. Mond 4 Snow in the foren, & fair in the aftern. I was att home all day. 5 fair. I was with Justice Richards attending a freeholders Court att Christopher Stubbins’s to fix his S W Cornner Capt Jno Bradford, Deacon Otis & Wm Hillhouse who have fixed itt atta heap of Stones 166 Rod Sif ]° E from his N W Cornner whereas by his Deed tis but 84. 6. Misty in the foren & Rainy in the aftern. a fast Day in this Colony. no Minister att ye Meeting house. I went to Church in the foren & not out in ye aftern. 7 Cloudy. I was about home beating dung & covering over where the Hogs have Rooted etc. 8 fair. I was 684 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 Laying out Commons for Mr Stewart Mr Richds also by James Beebes. Saturd 9 Rain a little foren. I was att home only Rid down to Natt Green wth Capt Miller. aftern Cloudy. I was up to Mr Stewarts to Dinner &c. Sund ro fair. ye 5th Goose Set. Mr Mather Boiles from Boston pr all day. a great assembly 3 or 4 times So Big as it hath been of Late. I was out all Day & in the Eve att Colln Stephen Lees to visit Ms Riggs widow of Capt Riggs late of Derby. She is my Kinswoman & own sister to Colln Lee. her first Husband was Capt Joseph Beckwith & her 2d Deacon Sterlin of Lyme. She was the 3d Daughter of my uncle Lee who Lived & died in Lyme & was first of ys name there & came over a Child with my Grand- mother in the first Settlement of this Country. he had 2 Sisters. one was mother of the family of Hides in Norwich & Lebanon &c. Mond 11 fair. I was all day holding plow in Jno Plumb Lott next the Street. adm drove. a freemens Meeting. Colln Lee & Colln Saltonstall Chose Deputies. Tuesd 12 Misty. in the foren I went out to the Cornfield & Sowed about 51b of hay Seed on about an acre of oats the Side hill Joyn Capt Hurlbuts field. in the aftern Rainy. I was att home. Wednsd 13 fair. In the forepart of the day I Sowed 4 bushll of Summer wheat & 3 of oats in Jno Plumb Lot. aftern at home. a Court here. Thursd 14 fair. I was up att the Court- house assisting in Mr Sloans Lottry. I Dined with the Rest att Edwd Palmes’s, Capt Daniel Coit also. fryd 15 it Rained most of the last night & all day tho not very fast. avery cold Storm. I was att the Lottery again all day. Natt miner is here in the morning. Saturd 16 fair & windy. in the foren I Rid down to Crossman lot & mended up a gap in the wall & drove the Cows & mare Colt into the great pasture & brot home the calves. in the aftern I went to Stonington & lodged att Joshuas. his hay is gone & Ive got 2 young calves & Joshua 2. I gave him 22s Lawfull mony to buy hay. Sund 17 fair. in the morn I went to visit Lt Daniel Stanton who is very Til & Son Miners & to meeting att ye Centerhouse & heard Mr Eells 2 Sermons & Lodged att Son miners. Mond 18 fair. I arose Early in order to be att home to ye Lottery but my Horse was So Lame he could not go. I Supose he Strained itt. yesterday he hung by one of his hind Legs & like to have flung me. I borrowd Son Miners Horse & Benny to come to Joshuas. I Rid home ye Colefax mare in less yn 2 hours. came away at 7 & got to ye ferry before 9g. & over Soon & went up to the Courthouse and attended the Lottery all day. adm plowing for Nathanael. Tuesd 19 fair.. I was att the Lottery all day. wee finished Compleat. Capt Daniel Coit & I assisted as Justice of The peace by ordr of the general assembly. Wednsd 20 fair. I was about home in the foren. I mended [ | Trumans outside fence to Secure my Lot. in the aftern I Rid out to Jno Plumb Lot & Sowed Some Clover & Herd grass in the N W Cornner of the planting Land & also Clover & Head Grass Next the Highway & only clover on the oats on the westside &c. Thursd 21 fair but Raw cold. I was about home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to the great pasture & mended up the Stone wall ye outside. fryd 22 Rain last night & all ye foren. fair in the aftern. I was at home most of the day. toward night Setting of the Bank lots East of old Mr Starrs old house but did not finish. Saturd 23 Rain in the foren. fair in the aftern. I was at home all day. Sund 24 Cloudy & Some Rain. Mr Byles pr all day & I was att meeting. Mond 25 fair. I was about home foren. in the aftern I went to Stonington to look after my Horse who is much wounded by a Sharp dry Stick Running into him between his hind Legs which I did not perceive when it was done on Sunday ye 18th. he was much Sweld & Joshua fetcht him from his uncle miners Satturd last & Sent his boy Nedde. Cuzn David Baker went with me. wee Lodged att Joshas. Tuesd 26 Some april 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 685 Showres. wee was att Joshuas foren & yn went to Son Miners & to Mr Pages & Mr Rossiters & Lodged at Son miners. Wednsd 27 fair most of the day. Some Showres. we came over to Joshuas to Dinner & then home by daylight &c. I Rid my old Bay & Baker my Colefax mare yt I Rid over last week. Thursd 28 cloudy & Raw cold. I was at home foren & in the aftern I Rid down to william Harris’s & to Crossman Lot & mend up Wall &c. fryday 29th fair & clear. I was with Mr Richards Laying out after Divisions 14 for Thomas Turner. he had it of me for £3 12s od & 5§ for John Turnner. they paid us 4s 6d a piece & T T pd me for his 1 Right £3 ‘12s 0d. in the Eve I went to visit Deacon Green who is Exeeding weak & Confined to his bed. I maried Guy Brooks & Elizabeth Moore Daughter of Jno Moore an old Countryman. Saturd 30 cloudy & Raw cold. In the foren I went up into Town & bot 10 bbs of Tarr of Mr Chew for Natt att tos p bb. I dined att Mr Stewarts. May Sund 1. Rain & Hail last night. a Cold Storm & Rainy to day. Mr Boiles pr all day. I was att meeting &c. Mond 2 fair & clear & cold 57 highwind N W. a Genll Muster or view of arms & ammunition. I 50 was att home most of the day. I Delivered unto Capt Daniel Coit 37 Several Bonds & notes for the ministry mony which were the Effects of £300 Connecticut Bills of Credit Some years in the hands 50 of Capt Richd Dowglass Decd & paid to Mr Miller & my Self by his — Executors & Let out to Divers persons in our names for ye use of 254 the Society who have voted to take other Security (vizt) for Law- full mony James Tilleys Bond £57 Wm Douglass’s £50 Ebenezar Darrows £37. Jno Congdons Note £60 or £10 Lawfull mony. Anthony whipples Note £50 odd—the Interest of the abovesd Bonds & Notes have been duly paid before last year past. Tuesd 3 fair & Something cold. I was out with Mr Richd to—&c. Wednsd. 4 fair & moderate. I was wth Mr Richards Lay- ing out Comons after Divisions, 3 Rights for Jesse Fox 2 for John Buttler & 2 for Charles Thompson. Deacon Timothy Green Died this morning with the Diabatis. it hath bin Gradually Increasing on his 18 months. Aged 78 last march. Thursd 5 fair & moderate. I att home in the foren. Joshua came over & brot home my Stallyon. he Rid out with me to the great pas- ture &c in the afternoon & then I attended the funeral of Deacon Green & in the Evening went to Mr Shaws to visit Mr Byles. fryd .6. fair a cold morning. I was with adam att Jno Plumb Lot Trucking Stones & breaking up a Small peice by ye Barrs for Potatoes. in the Evening (till late) att Palmes with the Selectmen abating Divers persons. Saturd 7 fair. I was att home foren & aftern I Rid out to Christopher Darrows to get a Deed Executed to Eliph Lester. my old friend Lt Samuel Comstock Died aged 80 .1: or 2or 3. Sund 8 fair. Mr Byles pr al day; a Large Congregation. Mond 9 fair. I was att home all dav. adm Truckt Stones & 2 days before for Jona Truman. Tuesd Io fair & pleasant. I was all day mending the Comon pasture fence. adam Carted up Some poles & Stakes for the out Side & I Cut some for partition fence in the Swamp Holmes’s orchard. Wednsd 11 fair. I was att home al day Making Cellar Window. Thursd 12 fair most of the day. a Smart Showre before noon. I was out to Cross- man Lot & Cornfield & Mending Joshuas fence betwen the pasture & field. fryd 13 fair. Lyon mare folded a Horse Colt. Ja Harris & Danll Way Loaded ye Cart with Dung. adm drove it out to the Cornfield. they planted ye Side hill about an acre. I carryed Seed corn & dropt Some. ye Lyon mare folded a horse colt in the great pastture. wee got them over thro the field into Crossman Lot. Harris & way are Diging Stones there. Saturd 14 fair. I was out to Crossman Lot twice. Harris & Way & Jer Whipple 686 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 finisht diging Stones & drawing & Laid up about Six Rod of wall on the Ditch by the appletrees. Capt Leet Came in 6 mo Cruse. no Prize. al wel. White Hieffer Calved a Bull calf. Sund 15 fair. Mr Byles Pr. al day. I was out aftern only. Mond 16 fair & pleasant. I was out to Joshas field to Mend up his fence & then to my great pasture & Cornfield. Danil Way & adam began to break up in Jno Plumb lot Lot below the Spring by the wall. Tuesd 17 fair. Daniel Way & adam finisht breaking up in Jno Plumb Lot in the foren & in the aftern they began to break up in Cross- man Lot. I was out with them most of ye day. Ab. Way is att our house mending my cloths &c. I pd her 14d 4. Wednsd 18 fair. I was with Mr Richards Laying out after Divisions of Comon for Willm Cheapel Junr & also measuring 17 acres of land for him he bot of Jos Rogers for 21s od p acre Rocky land. Thursd 19. fair. I was twice down to Crossman Lot. Daniel Way & adam finisht breaking. Joshacame up yesterday. yested Jno Dowglass helpt John. fryd 20 fair. I was about home & out to Crossman Lot to Carry Dinner for Daniel Way a planting yer & finisht. Saturd az. fair. I was about home all day. I put in a Window frame into the Celler & adin pickt up pieces of Stones & flung into the holes where they were taken out. Sund 22d fair & moderate. Mr Byles pr all day. Mond 23 fair. I was at home all day. I put 1 Felve in the wheel. Tuesd 24 fair & warm. I was at home all day. I finisht the wheel & mended the Cart &c. adam pickt up Stones & put into the holes where the Rocks were Blown up & Carryed away to Jonathan Truemans Celler. I gave him all the Rocks & the Carting, for his blowing them to pieces &c. Wednsd 25 fair & hot. I was at home most of veday. I Rid out to the Pastures & Cornfields Cross- man Lot &c. Thursd 26 fair & hot. I was about home most of the Day. was up in Town to Look for Iron to mend my wheel & got none. fryd 27 a Small Showre Last night & a Small matter in ye Morn about 10 or 11 Clock. I Rid out & Stephen to Manatuck & Run an East Line between my wood ‘Lot & abner Brown & made heap of Stones Everv 20 Rod 19 Rod & 4 Wide 112 Long Each Lot from ye Highway at the West End to Camps fence. Saturd 28 fair. I was all day out with Mr Richards Laying out after Divi- sions for Capt Jos Harris Willm Holt & William Holt Junr on the East Side of their Land & on the West Side of Eames’s farm. No pay. Sund 29 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Mond 30 fair. I was with Capt Titus Hurlbut all day oe over his two out Side Rights in the Comons by John Crockers ut 314 , Wednsd June 1. fair. In the morning I Rid out to Crossman Lot & Jno Plumb Lot &c to Look over the Corn &c & then over to Joshuas field & found Horse kind in the Clover. Johns unruly Horse flung down the wall in the pastture & Jno Rogers’s Do mare in the Highway. I Turned them out & mended ye Wall & came home & Stayed by the Staff all day. Thursd 2d fair. in the foren I was about home. in the aftern I Sett out for norwich to visit old Mr Hide aged 87. I Lodged there. my Horse att the Tavern. fryday 3d fair. in the morning I went to Cuzn Jona Edgcumbs to breakfast & then to Cuzn Jabez Hides & Daniel Hides & to Lebanon Town & Lodged with Cuzn Jabez. Saturd 4 fair. In the foren I came to Town and dined with my Nephew Jona Edgcumbe. Took Leave of old Cuz Wm administered the oath to Justice Isaac Huntington & Justice Ebe Backus & went to the Landing & visited my old friends Capt Benajah Bushnel & Capt Jos. Tracy & others & Rid down to Stonington before Sunset & Lodged att Joshuas &c. Sund_5th itt Rained att Stonington Most of the day Moder- ately. I went to Son miners & Stayed there all day. No meeting at ye Center. Mond. 6 fair. I came home in the afternoon, all well. Moily 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 687 Pierpoint & betty Starr with me. Tuesd 7 fair. I Rid out to the Cornfield, & Crossman Lot & to Prentisses medow to Look after my Cretures &c & at home. Wednsd. 8 fair. I was out to the Cornfield in the foren & in ye Town att Mr Stewarts &c in the aftern. ‘Thursd 9 fair. In the foren I Rid down to the Cornfield, Joshuas Lot &c. in the aftern att home. I sent adam over to Stonington to Carry a Rundlet of Tarrwater for Joshua &c. fryd 10 fair. I was about home. in the foren adm came Home & brot Robert with him. Left my Stalyon with Joshua. in the aftern I Rid out to the Co. field & to Jess Miners &c. Experience the youngest Daughter of my Son Robert att Southold is here. Saturd 11 fair. In the foren I was up in Town & in the aftern I went over to Groton with my Grandaughter Experience to her Sister Ledyards & Staved there till night Expecting my Daughter Miner to come. Samuel Talmans wife buryed. died yesterday with a Cancer in her Breast of wch She Languisht a Long time. She was one of the Daughters of Oliver Manwaring Deed & aged between 30 & 4o. Sund 12 fair. Mr Byles prall Day. Capt David Mumford the New London priveteer Sloop fell Down to the Harbours Mouth. Clemt Miner is Come & gone. Mond 12 fair Except 2 Showres inthe morn. I was at home foren. In the aftern I Rid out to Crossman Lot & Cornfield & pasture. fettered my young mare & Carryed her Damm to the great pasture to the Common pas- ture. my Granson Clemt Miner is gone a priveteering with Capt David Mumfor. Tuesd 14 fair. C. Court Set. I was att home till 2. I Rid out to alewife brook & Lookt up my 4. 2 yr olds &c. Wednsd 15 fair. I was att home most of the day. toward night I Rid to ye great pasture & found all well. Thursd .16. fair. I was about home foren. aftern in Town. fryd. 17 fair. I was Laying out Comons for Elipht Lester Near Widow Cross- mans. he pd Mr Richds & me also & for the Deed &c. Saturd 18. Cloudy & a little Scatering Rain. I was at home all day. Sund 19 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. My Daughter Miner is here. came over Last night & my Grandaughter Ledyard & her Sister Experience are over to meeting & Ms Wales of Windham who hath been here 2 or 3 nights waiting for a passage to Sohold. Mond 20 fair & windy. I was att home till about 6. oe clock & then I Rid out to the com-on pasture & took out my old Bay mare & put her into my grt pasture. Tuesd 21. fair. In the foren I was-out to Crossman Lott ye Cornfield & great pasture & fetcht home the oxen &c. in the aftern was out to Ebe Rogers’s Endevouring to Run a line between us. he owns 28 Rod & 4 the E End of it. Wednsd 22 fair. I was at home in the foren, aftern Running a line E & by South from my S W Cornner in the 3d Teer of Lots a White oak Tree 90 Rod to ye 2d Teer. Doctor Thos Coit an Infant buryed. died yesterday. Daughter Miner gone home. Thursd 23 fair till near night & yn Smart Thund Lightning & Rain. I was about home all day. fryd 24 fair. I was att Court & in Town all day. I agreed with Timo Rogers & Timothy Lester to make me 30 Rod of Ditch in ye 3d Teer of Lots from my S W Cornner E & 6 S. it being one 4 of ye Line yt is between me & David Lesters Heirs for 15 Rod. Saturd 25 fair. I was all day & Will Daton Cutting Brush &c that Stood in the Line of the Ditch the 2 Timothys are Ditching there. Sund 26 it Rained moderately most of the Day. Mr Byles pr al day. Mond 27 fair. I was att home foren. Joshua & little Josha came over & brot my 4 yr old Steers & wee Rid down to foxes field & Crossman Lot &c & in the aftern they went home & Robert also. I went up into Town to the ferry &c. adm Carted Timber for John for a Barn. Abigail Smith DD of a Daughter. Tuesd 28 fair. I was at home all day. the C. Court Rise broke up. Wednsd 29 fair. I was about home most of the day. toward night in Town. Thursd 30 fair. I was about 688 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 home foren. in the aftern out to foxes field Ebe Rogers now. I also at the Cornfield & went to Simon Smiths & got a pair of Shoes Sett on ye old Mare. fryd July 1. fair. I was att home most of the day. in the aftern att John Hempsteds who is Raising his Barn. Saturd 2 fair. I was at home all day. much Indisposed wth a great Cold. Sund 3d cloudy Misty. I was att meeting foren Tho not well, but not in the aftern. Mr Byles pr all day. Mond 4 foggy & cloudy most of the day. in the foren I Rid out to Foxes field with Stephen & he Run the E & 6 S Line from my S W. Cornner white oak Tree, & it is further Southward than the Ditch Bank & all. I Lookt up my young horse kine in ye 4 Teer of Lot and brot them home. Tuesd 5 Rainy Smart Sometimes held all day. a Genll muster or view of Arms thro the Colony. I was at home all day. Wednsd 6 fair & hot. I was about home most of the. towd Night I Rid down to Crossman Lot &c & Serching the Records for a highway to Quagonpoxet. follits Child drowned. Thursd 7 fair & hot. I Rid out to X plain & Son John & helpt adam Load a piece of Timber for a false plate for my porch &c & measured 5 acres of new ground for wheat & 2 Corn. yesterday a little boy about 6 year old Son of the Wido Follit fell in ye Coave att Sloans Wharff & was drowned, No body seeing him. fryd 8 fair. I was about home foren. in the aftern I went to Stoningtn & Lodged att Joshuas. Saturd g fair. I was att the farm in the foren & in the aftern I went over to Son miners & lodged there. Sund 10 fair. I was att ye Center meeting. Mr Eells pr all Day. Mond 11 fair. I came from Son miners about 9. Called att Mr Pages & Stopt a while & then att Mr Rossiters & got to Joshuas about noon & after Dinner to Citts & then Sett out for home & got over by daylight & found all well att home. Natts wife & 3 Children come home fro Southold with Griffing. I paid ye ferryman Williams 5s 54d in full for ferryages to this day, all Since last october. Tuesd 12 fair. in the foren I Rid out to Capt Simon Smiths & got my Stallyon Shod & in the aftern a great Storm of Thundr & much Rain. I was att home. Wednsd 13 Cloudy thick weather in the foren. in the aftern fair & hot. I was at home all day. I hewed an upper plate for ye Porch. Thursd 14 fair. I was about home all day. Citt Eldredge & Elihu Palmer Came from Stonington & mowed for me below the well & over to Trumans Square with the N Cornnr & up att the hollow below Mr Chap- mans &c, fryd 15 Cloudy in the foren & Rain Smartly in ye midle of ye day. I was at home all day. they mowed Clover in the morn. Saturd 16 cloudy thick weather. in the midle of the Day itt cleared up a Little while. toward night itt thackned up & wet a Litle. I was about home most of the day. Christopr Eldredge & Elihu Palmer mowed Clover yesterd & hilld ye Corn in Plumb Lot this forenon. wee turned the Hay in the aftern, but it did not dry. itt clouded over & Raind a little. Citt & Elihu went home before night. Sund 17 Rainy in the foren. I was at meeting in ye aftern. Mr Byles pr al day. Mond 18 fair. I was about home most of the day drying hay. I Rid out aftern Round down in the neck by Coits wheat field & fox field & Baptist meeting house & home by Geo. Harriss’s. the Small Pox is att Edwd Tinkers. Citt Eldredge & Elihu Palmer came over att noon & turned & Raked hay. Tuesd 19 fair. I was all day backward & for- ward to Natts wheat field. 5 Reapers cut d[ ] all 3 and adm Carted 21d. Citt & Elihu mowd clover in the foren & Raked & Made 1 Stack clover aftern. Wednsd 20 fair. I was at home foren & att the Society meet- ing in the aftern. itt is adjourned to Thursd comesenet. toward night I Rid out to the Cornfield. they have Raked up the Clover & brot home 1 Load. adm Carted 1. Ld of wheat for Natt. Thursd 21. fair. in the morning they mowed ye Clover in Joshuas field & then Raked the blasted Sumer wheat, & 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 689 carted home a Jagg of Clover & then mowed a little at home, & went away home before night. fryd 22 Cloudy & Some Rain in the midle of the day. abrah Plumbe here & his wife. a Lecture day. Mr Byles pr. I was att it. the Widow of Christopher Chappel Decd Died ys morning with a gan- grene by Running a nail in her foot about a week ago, Aged about 50 I Supose. Saturd 23 Cloudy & Some Rain in the foren & in the aftern fair. I was att home most of the day. toward night I Rid down to Joshuas field. adam Carted home the Clover yt I had there 8 Cocks. I made up the Barrs &c—the widow Chappel buryed. Sund 24 fair. a Sacramt day. Mr Lord of Norwich administered & Baptized 5 Children Capt Pygan adam 1 Lydia Capt Jno Darte 1 Sarah Wm Holt 2d 1 David Cha Thompson 1 John Lt Jno Rogers 1. Elizabeth. Mond 25 foggy morn. fair aftern. I was att home all day. a Court here. a Child of Isaac Fellows Died att night about 1 year old. not above 24 hours Illness purging & vomiting. a female. Tuesd 26 fair. I was about home & to visit Isaac Fellows &c in the foren & in the aftern Rid out to the Comon pasture mend up Some outside fence viewed my fatting oxen & Rid down to my pasture &c. Wednsd 27 fair. I was att home all day. wee dryed ye Hay & also Stackt itt &c. Thursd 28 fair & clear. I was att home foren & att the Society meeting in the aftern. Wee have unanimously voted to give £100 a year to Mr Byles if hel accept & 240 Settlemt in 4 year. James Harris mowed oats to day. fryd 29 fair & clear. James Harris mowed my Sumer Rye in Joshas field. 1 acre in the foren. I Rid out there & mended up the fence & yn home all hands to Dinner. Harris mowed Grass in Jno Plumbe Lot in the aftern by ye oak Tree & I Raked ye oats there & adm Raked & Cockt ye oats on the Side Hill in Gilberts upper Lot by Capt Hurlbuts. Saturd 30 fair & clear. I was att home foren & in the aftern at John Plumb Lot. Ja Harris mowed there in the foren & in the aftern Raked hay & made one Stack (of blasted wheat & oats) there. Sund 31 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. & I heard of Natt Miners having ye Small pox att albany. taken ye 17th ult. August Mond 1. fair. in the foren I was with adm Raking up the Sumr Rie in Joshuas field. a Small Cropp but 8 Cocks on an acre. in the aftern wee Stackt the oats on the Side hill Gilberts uppr Lot. Tuesd 2 fair. I was all day & adm Toping up an oat Stack with a Jagg of English hay & another on a Small Stak of Clover & Carted home the Ry from Joshuas field, &c. a male Child of Moses Starks buryed, aged 5 or 6 years I Supose. Wednsd 3. fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern Sett out for Stoning- ton & went to Deacon Averys & to visit Mr Mumford who is poorly, & very Lame. I lodged att Joshuas. Thursd 4 fair. in the foren I went over to Son miners to Enquire after Natt &c & after Dinner Returned & came home over by daylight down & Rid up to Ms Appletons & Maried John Mitchel & Eliza Cambell. North Brittons both. fryday 5 fair. I was about home foren. Stephen mowed Jno Plumb Lot. aftern I went to the funeral of Samll Williams’s wife aged about 64 or 5. afterwards in. Saturd 6 fair & hot. I was twice down to the Lot about hay &c. Sund 7. fair. Mr Byles is gone to Boston. Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 8th. I was att home all day. Stephen & Ja Harris mowed in Jno Plumb Lot. the morning before Sunrise a Post came from the Govr & Informs that fort Wm Henery is Invaded with 1100 french & Indians &c. on Wednsd last 30 Cannon & Some morters 4500 Canadians & as many Indians & 2000 Regulars. Tuesd 9 fair & hot. Stephen & Ja. Harris mowed in Crossman lot & finisht Raking in Jno Plumb. I was at home foren. in ye aftern I Rid out Ebe Rogers’s & measured E & 6S from ye white oak my S W Cornner, & ye line took the thick Swamp & So wee left of &. Wednsd to fair. I was att home most 45 690 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 of the day. towd night went out to John Plumb Lot & helpt make a hay Stack. Thos & adm carryed ye Cocks 50. Stephen mowed in tthe aftern att home & Ja Harris all day. Thursd 11. fair. Citt & Elihu Palmer & Robt came from Stonington ys morn 4 mowers to day. Stephen & Ja Harris Citt & Elihu & Thos Raked & all Raked in the latter part of ye day Cockt up all. Cloudy toward night. I was about home all day, not well. troubled with a purging. the Souldiers (vizt) 1 Quarter of ye Militia are Marched for albany to defend the Country. Jona Lattimer Junr Capt & Jno Rogers Lt. fryd 12 fair Except a Thunder Showre a little before Sunset. I was att home all day. New Sett Some orchd fence &c. Stephn Ja Harris Citt & Elihu & Tomy Mowed. Saturd 13. fair & clear. all hands a haying. Stephn & Tomy Citt & Elihu, adm & mentis Caryed Cocks in the aftern & Stephen & I made one Stack above 40 Cocks. Son Starrs boys helpt Rake. Sund 14 a little Rain in ye Midle & latter part of ye day. Mr adams pr all day. the Malencholy News Confirmed of the Loss of our upper fort William Henery att ye Lake George (or Sacrament.) Mond 15 Rain a little att times foren, fair in the aftern. I was at home all day. fixed 2 Stack poles. Tuesd 16 fair & windy. I was at home all day hay. Mentis & adm Carryed 41 Cocks toogather & wee Stackt them back Side the lot upp end ye Smooth bottom over the Rocky Run, & Son Starrs boys carry 43 Cocks & adm & mentis Stackt them between the Rocky bottom & Dea fosdick Stonewall. I assisted Stephn, & Tomy mowed in Crossman lot. Wednsd 17 fair & windy. In the foren I was att home. in the aftern I Rid down to Wm Harris & Stopt at Crossmn Lot. Stephen finisht mowing there in the foren & in ye aftern Raked hay & helpt Stack ye hay there. adm & mentis Raked & Car- ryed near 40 Cocks. wee finisht all of there. a Prize Scooner taken by David Mumford from the french in $ Latitude 33 Lamphere master arived. Thursd 18 Rainy most of the foren (moderately) aftern fair. I was att home all day. fryd 1g fair. I was at home all day. adm Cartéd a Lod Hay for Daniel Starr from old Sam Harris place. Little Nattee Sick. Saturd 20 fair. In the foren I Rid down to John Plumb lot & Topt up a hay Stack. in the aftern wee fenced in the hay Stack in Crossman Lot near the S E Cornner of Colln Lees. Sund 21 fair. Mr adams pr in the foren & Mr Stoyel of Northhaven in the aftern. adam is gone to Stonington to cary Some Cordial for Lydia Joshuas wife who is very Sick. Neddy was over on fryday & Robert went home with him. Mond 22 Rainy moderately most of the day. adam came home wet. Lydia is very Ill. I was att home all day. Nattee is better. a genll Muster or view of arms. Tuesd 23d fair. I was at home all day. Neddy & Robbt over & gone back. the mother is yet very Ill. Wednsd 24 Cloudy & Some Rain Some fair. I was home al day. Thursd 25 Cloudy. I was at home foren. in the aftern was new Setting (Removing Eastward a little 4 or 5 Rod) the Cross fence in Crossman Lot and adm a yoke of oxen & Crotch to draw big Stones to putt under ye Joynts of the virginia fence. fryd 26 Rainy moderately most of the Day. I was att home all Day Excepting I went up to Braddicks Lot to agree upon the Damage Done by my oxen this aftern in his Corn .1. Bushell—&e. Saturd 27 Cloudy. I went with adam to Johns wheatfield & wee took my Cart & oxen & went to X plain & Cutt a Load of Stakes Chesenut Limbs where John had fallen Trees for his Barn floor, & Some wood & came home unloaded & I Sharped about 40 Stakes & Caryed them down to Crossman Lot & then I went with Nathanael to Joshuas Lot & wee took up a good Lot of Splitt wood; adm met us & drove home. Sund 28 Cloudy & a Small Showre. Mr adam pr all day. I was out. John Son of Nathanael Beebe Died last night aged 15 or 16. Mond 2g fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 691 I Rid down to Joshuas field & mended up 3 places of Wall yt was down next the Highway & then to visit Daniel way & to makeing a Cross fence in Crossman Lot. adm helpt. Robert is come over with Neddy who is come for wine for his mother who is now Something better. Son miner over. the wife of Thomas Grant Died. aged near or quite 70 years. Jno B B. buryed. Tuesd 30 fair. In the foren I Rid out to Crossman Lot. adm there. wee finisht the Cross fence. In the aftern att home. adm fetcht the old oxen & calves from the Common pasture & put them intto Crossman Lot. Wednsd 31 fair. a Genll fast in this Colony. Mr adams pr al Day. the Honble Governor Belcher Died att Elizabeth Town in the Jerseys in a good old age. Thursd September 1. fair. I was out to Ebe. Rogers’s & fetcht away my young Horses & put them (viz 3) into ye Comon pasture &c. fryd 2d fair. I went with John Coit into the North parish to Mr Raymonds. wee Called & Dined att the widow Comstocks & late home. Saturd 3d fair & hot. I was about home foren & in the aftern up to Jo Bolles’s & towd night I went to Stonington & Robt wth me &c from ye ferry Sunset. Lodged att Joshuas. Sick yet. Sund 4 fair & hot in the foren. late in the aftern itt clouded up & Rained not Exceeding Smart. a Stormy night. I Lodged att Son miners. Mond sth windy & very cold. I came over to my farm & Stayed there awhile. Lydia very poor. I came away & Robt over by day- light al well. Tuesd 6 fair. I was about home foren. in the aftern about Town to get Sundrys for Lydia. Little Josh is over & gone back. Lydia is better. Wednsd 7 fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern I Rid out Quagonpoxet Lesters field Benj foxes Denisons, Gordons &c. late home near 9. Thursd 8 Cloudy a Little Rain. I was at home al day. I began fence my Hay Stack backside the Lot. adm Carted Stuff. fryd 9th Rainy most of the day—I was at home home all day. Saturd 10 Cloudy a wet morn. I was at home all day fencing Stacks &c. old bay mare come home fro Boston. Mr Eliot had her. Capt Richard Durfey Died, aged about 65 I Supose & also Capt Josiah Rogers Died with the Small Pox. he was ina Small Sloop Priveteer fitted out in the west Indias this Summer & took a french Ship & brot her in to Rhoad Island where she was Condemned &c. he went up to Newyork & took the Small pox. was Sick one week. aged 20 odd. Sund 11 fair. Mr Biles pr al d. Sam Calkings &—avery pub- lished. a male Child of William & Mary Bakers died aged 16 months. Mond 12 fair. a Trayning day. I was at home most of the Day. towd night I Rid out to ye great pasture & mended up the Barrs &c foxes Swamp. Tuesd 13 fair. I was at home foren & in the aftern Rid out to X plain. helpt adm cut & Ld up wood & then to the freemens-meeting. Colln Lee & Josha Raymond Junr Chose depts & then I met the Corps of Capt Durfey & Company by Cuz—Trumans & they Stopt at Capt Jos Coits & thence to the burying place. J with them & home by Sunset. Wednsd 14 fair. I was att home foren & went down to the Salt medows attt the Gut. Stephen is mowing for me there with Thos Denison & 1 man more; I came home & went up to the Courthouse. a Society meeting to day—I Rid into Town &c. Thursd 15 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern I Rid out to Deacon Miners Lyme East Society. I Recd of C. Miner 1. 30s Bill L M. octo Dat & 1 Ios Bill march. fryd 16 Cloudy. I was att home foren & in ye aftern Raking Sedge att the Salt Medows Gutt & adam. Saturd 17. fair. In the foren I Rid out to the Comon pasture to See after my young Horses & to Capt Simon Smiths &c. in ye afternoon up to Mr Winthrops & Dined there & then in Town & out to Crossman Lot to water the oxen &c. Sund 18 fair but cloudy. Mr Johnson of Lyme pr all day. Mr Byles 692 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 pr. at Lyme. Benja Brown of Groton & Lydia Haines & David Seymour of Hartford & Mary Harris publisht. Mond 19 cloudy Easterly weather. I was over the great pasture & down in Lesters field &c & got a man to mow my Coits medow &c. adm is helping T Denison to Cary the Cows of off the Low Salt medow att the Gutt &c. toward Sun down I Rid into Town. Tuesd 20 Cloudy. In the foren I Rid up to Samll Lattimer Shop & got one New Strike put on to my Wheel & one Shoe on my Stalyon. in the aftern at home. wee poled & Staked my fence on the hill Next Deacon fosdycks Lot. Wednsd 21. fair. I was out to X plain. Cut an axletree & Tong. Tuesday 22. fair. I was at home all Day about an axlet[ree]. fryday 23 fair. I was out to Mr Stewarts farm with Mr John Richards to Renew the Bounds of Benja B Bs Commons. Saturd 24 fair. I was att home most of the day. I Dined at Mr Stewarts & was over to Capt Leets who Sold his House to Jonathan Havens of Shelter Island. Sund 25 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. In the Evening I went up to Stephn Potters by the fort & maried Ephraim Goff of Weathersfield & Lucy Potter. Mond 26 fair. I was at home foren. I fitted in the Tongue into the axle Tree yt I have Made. finisht it to day. in the aftern I went with John Bolles Junr to his Brother Thos Bolles’s to take his Evidence he being Sick. I called at Mr Powers’s & Capt Wheelers. Several Sick there. Late home near 9. Tuesd 27 fair. I was att home all day patching ye house &c. Wednsd 28 fair. in the foren I was att home. in the aftern I Rid out to Daniel Ways & Natt & adm & helpt Thos Pember Gelding my 3 2 year old Colts and wee put them into Crossman Lot & I mended up Some Stonewall in Crossman Lot Jno Haris. Thursd 29 fair. I was about home. in the Evening I went to John Turners & Maryed Benja Brown & Lydia Haines Widow of Charles Haines & Dater of Mr Philip Taber Decd. fryd 30 fair. I was at home foren. aftern I. went with adam to get a Ld of Poles for Stack fence. octobr Saturd .1. fair. I was att Court for Mr Winthrop. Dined at his House. Sund 2 Showry like April. Mr Byles pr all Day. Mond 3 fair. in the foren I was att Court & att noon I Rid out to the great pasture & mended up Joshuas Stonewall out Side & inside & looked over the pasture for the Cretures &c. afterwards att Court again. Tuesd 4 fair. I was at home in the aftern. at Court in ye foren &c. Wednsd 5 fair. in the forepart & midle of the Day I was att Court to give Evidence in Mr Winthrops actions wth Mathw Smith & 2 of his Sons Concerning their killing Deer att Fishers Island &c. toards night I Rid out to Joshuas Pasture to help adm Ld Wood &c. Hannah Plumb wife of my Nephew John Plumb Died so odd. Thursd 6 fair. in the foren I Rid down to the Salt medows over ye Gutt & in Lesters field & to Denisons &c. in the aftern att Court. Jno Plumbs wife buryed. I could not leave the Court till after Sunset & in ye Evening I Rid up to David Richds & maried Esther to R. Chapman. fryd 7. fair. I was att home all day, Will Dayton adam Robt & Willm Stephn. Saturd 8 fair. I was at home all day. made an ox yoke & adam & boys gathred the apples in Holmes’s Lot. Sund 9g fair. Mr Byles pr. all day. I was out aftern only. Mond roth fair. Joshua is over. I was home foren, att the Society meeting in the. Mr Byles gave his answer to the Society in writing in Complyance with our votes Respecting his Setlement. Tuesd 11 fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern att Crossman Lot. adm Pickt the Corn there. Rain att night. Wednsd 12 fair. I was abot home all day—finisht ye new ox yoke put in Iron. Thursday 13 fair & warm. I was att home all day. Split & Shaved hhd Hoops. fryd 14. I was at home all day Triming Cask. Saturd 15 fair. In the foren I Rid out to the Comon Pasture & fetcht home my young oxen. aftern at home (Except towd night 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 693 I Rid out to Joshuas Pasture & helpt adam get a Ld of wood &c. Sund 16. fair. Mr Byles pr. all day. Rain & violent Wind at night. Mond 17 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern att a Church meeting Respect- ing Mr Byles. the Church have put a Negative on Saybrook plattform of Chh. Goverment of 1708. Tuesd 18 fair. I was at home all Day. adam & Ez Chapman finished husking Corn & brot home ye last Jagg. a very Small Crop ys year. but 3 Small Jaggs of huskt Corn. Wednsd 19 fair. I was out to Gilbert upper Lot & fenced in an oat Stack on the Side hill &c. afterwds att home. Thursd 20. fair (Except a Thundr Storm about 4 in ye aftern. I went with adam & fetcht a Ld of Salt hay over ye Gutt 12 Cocks & 11. this Side. I Stopt att Champlins till the Showre was over & in the Evening Married David Seymer & Mary Daughter of Peter Harris att her Fathers. fryday 21. fair & cold & windy. in the morning I helpt to Topp up a Stack wth a Load of Salt Hay back Side ye Lot & afterwards Rid out over the Gutt & Loaded a Jagg of Salt hay & in the Evening I married Capt Roger Gale of Norwich & Eliza Andross att my House. Saturd 22 fair cold & windy. I was at home foren. putt a Ld of Salt hay on the Hovel. in the aftern Rid out to X plain farm & helpt adam Cutt a Ld of poles for ye oat Stack fence in John Plum Lot. Sund 23 fair & moderate. Mr Byles pr all day—3—publishmts Timo Brooks & Jemima Lester of Groton, Peter Lee a Transient person a Sailor & Eliza Truman, Wm Scranton &—Fore- seeth of Colchester. Mond 24 in the foren it began to Rain moderately & in the Lattr part of the day Increased toa Smart Storm. Little Danll Starr is very Thick broke out all over & Sd to be the Small Pox. Divers yt have had itt & have Seen him do all agree in the affirmative. Tuesd 25 fair. I was at home in the foren & in the aftern I went with adam & fetcht a Ld of Salt hay, over ye Gutt. Wednsd 26 fair. in the morn I went into Town to Mr Tilleys & & Bought his House that was Samll Harris’s (Called the Shep- hards Tent) & gave 5 Bonds for the paymt 1. to the County Treasurer £60 in 3. years wth Interest & & 2 Bonds £40 Each to be pd in 3 yrs & I. in 4 ta Robert Cromelian of New York, & 2 Bonds more to ye Executors of Paul Richards Esqr late of N. York Decd. £40 Each to be paid .1. in 3 yr without Interest & ye last in 4 vear with Lawfull Interest all amounting to £220 Lawfull mony. I Recd the Possession of the House & premises in the pres- ence of Daniel Coit Esqr & John Hempsted. I Dined att Tilleys & after- ward Carryed the Deeds to Record & Rid down to John Plumb Lot & fenced in an Oat Stack Except Staking it. my Kinswoman Dorothy Stoyell here from Voluntown. Thursd 27 fair. I was att home foren & towd night I Rid out with Isaac Avery to his House & Married his Daughter Elizabeth to Samll Caulking the Adopted Son of Samuel Williams & afterwards Rid down to Mr Champlins att Hills farm & Married Isaac Brooks & Eliza Champlin Daughter of Mr Samlil Champlin. Made itt Late home near mid- night. fryd 28 fair. in the foren I was up in Town to be Informed of the Small Pox in Groton. old Mr Leeds & wife his Son & Sons wife & 3 of their Children are Removed yesterday. Daniel Starr is Removed to Day from his fathers house to (the light-house So Called below the Harbours mouth. in aftern I Rid out to Crossman Lot to help adam Stack the Corn Topps. Saturd 29 Cloudy in the morn & then Rain Moderately all Day. I went with adm to Crossman Lot & finisht the Corn topp Stack & began to fence a Hay Stack in John Plumb Lot. Sund 30 Cloudy. Mr adams pr. all day. Mond 31 fair & cold & windy. I was att home most of the Day. towd night I Rid out to Samll Beebes & David Minerds &c. Nov Tuesd 1 fair & not So cold as yesterday. in the foren I Rid down to the cornfield & Loaded up a Stout Ld of Clover. adm brot itt home & 694 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [rs putt itt in to my New Barn I bot of Tilley near the Shephards Tent. towd night I Rid down again & finisht fencing a haystack in Jno Plumb Lot. a Child of Jos Waterhouses Buryed. died Sunday night. Wednsd 2 fair & cold & windy. in the morn I went up into Town to get the Widow Green to Nurse Nabby Starr who is broke out with the Small Pox & carryed away to ye Lighthouse. in the aftern I Rid out to Lesters field & helpt adm Load a Jagg of Salt hay in Coits medow. wee brot away 21 Cocks & left 15 & 7 on the point. Thursd 3d fair. in the foren I was att home. in the aftern I went wth Natt & adm. they unloded my Cart in Crossman Lot & I went to foxes field & measured the Ditch 28 Rod & came back & married Peter Lee & Elizabeth Truman at her mothers. fryday 4 Rainy in the morn yn fair cloudy in the forept of the day. I was with the authority & Selectmen taking Care of my Daughter Starrs family Removing William to the light house. wee Carryd him in a large Cheast & all in my Cart & wee brot up a Small Jagg of hay that grew in Crossman Lot next the Highway. Saturd 5 fair & moderate. In the foren I was viewing the Remove of my Daughter Starr & her Daughter Belle & a little Boy Chester an app[ ]. in the aftern I Rid down to the Lighthouse & found my Daughter & all well Landed & all as well as can be Expected. I went to adam & Loaded the Last Jagg of Salt hay in Lesters field & then I went & looked up my Cow that was drove down to the lighthouse to give them milk but would not Stay there. I found her & with grt difficulty drove her home. Sund 6 fair & Raw cold. No min- ister. no meeting. in the foren I Rid down to the lighthouse to Carry Something for the Sick family and found them Comfortable. in ye aftern I was att home. in the Evening I went to Colln Lees Recd my watch & pd him 2s 6d. Mond 7 fair & cold. in the foren I went to the light house. in the aftern I went with adm to X plain for a Load of wood—fair Cold & windy. Last night Died in Groton with the Small Pox old Mr William Leeds aged 70 odd & his wife wth to day aged 60 odd I Supose. a wrong Information. a wrong Information. Tuesd 8 fair & not So cold. I was att home most of the day. about noon I Rid down to the Lighthouse to cary Some Milk & meal &c to hear how they all fare & they are ina hopefull way Seemingly at present. Wednsd 9 fair & warm. I was att home most of the day. about noon 1 Rid down to the Lighthouse to Carry Nessassarys & to hear how they do. I bot 4 bbs of Cydar of John Jerom & pd him att Jona Trumans 16s od—Thursd to Rain att night. Rain in the morn &c. I was about home & up to Jno Cheapels & toward night I Rid down to the Small Pox house to hear how they are & Joshua wth me. he came over to day. fryd 11 Cloudy most of the day. about noon I Rid down to the Small Pox house &c & then at home. Saturd 12. fair. in the midle of the day I Rid down to the Lighthouse & found mv Daughter Starr & her Children all mending. wee have had the Certain accot of the Death of Mary Seymer att Hartford this week with the Small Pox. She took the Destemper here. She Daughter of Peter Harris of N L was married to David Seymer of Hartford the 20th of last month. toward night I went to Stonington with Joshua & Lodged att his house. Sund 13 fair & moderate. in the morning I went to See Molly & then to Son miners & went with my Daughter to the Harbour to visit Natt miner who hath been Exceeding Sick & weak but now Something better. I Stayed till Sun an hour high & Set out for Joshuas & Lodged there. Mond 15 fair. I came home in the foren & after Dinner I Rid down to the Lighthouse & found my Daughter Starr bravely mended &c & all the children. Dills wife of Groton Died last night with the Smallpox the 3d person in Groton, & a Child of the Widow Roberts buryed 7 or 8 yr old. died with the Canker in a 1757] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 695 little time. Tuesd 15 fair & warm. I was about home all day, Except Riding down to the lighthouse &c. Benjamin Bill of Groton aged about 50 Died with the Small pox. Wednsd 16. fair & warm foggy. a publick Thanksgiving day in this Colony, & Mr Byles of Boston (our Mr Byles’s father) carryd on the publick Exercise and in the Evening I went to Mr Shaws to visit him, after I had maried Jno Soper & Sarah Clark. Thursd. 17 fair. in the foren I Rid Down to the Lighthouse. I came home & workt on the Cartt wheel & toward night I Rid up to the ferry wharf & married Timothy Brooks [ ]. fryd 18 Misty foggy much Rain last night. in the foren I Rid down to the lighthouse. in the aftern I was att the ordaination of Mr Byles. his father pr the Sermon & Mr Lord of Norwich Made the Introduction. Mr fish gave him the charge & Mr Throop gave him the Right hand of fellowship. Joshua & wife are over & Neddy. Saturd 19 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern I Rid out with Mr Stewart to his farm & Mr Richards. got home in the Eve. Sund 20 Rainy. in the aftern Much. a Sacramt Day. old Mr Byles pr & young Mr Byles administered ye Sacramt & also Baptized 4 Children David Gardners Thomas, Geo. Rich- ards’s John, James Douglass Phebe, Thoms Buttlers wifes Child Amos. Mond 21. fair. In the morning I was at home. Ez. Daniels come to mend my whell. in the midle of the day I Rid down to the lighthouse &c & yn at home. Tuesd 22 fair. J was att home all Day—Ez. Daniels is here. Wednsd 23. fair. I was att home all day Except Riding down to ye light- house to carry 2 Quarts of milk &c. Ez. Daniels finisht my wheel & I pd him of 7s. Thursd 24 cloudy misty & Some Rain towd night. I was at home most of the day. put on New Tire on one of my Cart whels. In the Eve I Rid up to Mr adams’s to take an acknowleg of a Deed from Irene Graves to Capt Adams of one 5th part of 40 acres East of Mr. Winthrops Millpond farm. fryd 25 Rainy Stedyly while Evening & then I Rid down to ye Har- bours mouth & carryed Some milk & meat to the Smal-pox House & about 8. clock I married Arthur Lamb a Stranger & a priveteer & Martha want. She made oath that She was with child by him. old ox 12 yr old hide 94. Tallo 33, Total 700. Saturd 26 fair & cold. young ox, Hide 84, Talow 39, 7494, 1394, 134, 144-——total 686. I was att home all day. Salted up my young ox about 7 yr old Wt 690. Round filled 2bbs & Some over beside the Hams. towd night I Rid down to the Smallpox House. Jason Chester hath got the Small Pox. broke out to Day. Josha his wife & Neddy & Robt gone home. aftern I Sent ox Hide to Mr Trumans to Tann for me. he to have 4 & to alow me the price of Currying a Side of Leather. Sund 27 fair but cloudy & Stinging cold. No minister. no meeting at the meetinghouse. Mr Byles is gone to Boston with his Father. I was att home all day. Mond 28 fair & moderate. I was att home all day Except Riding down to the Small pox house in the Evening. Tuesd 29 fair. I was at home all day. Wednsd 30 fair & warm. I was att home all day. Wm Roe Miner here. came home from the Camp & Company about 60 by Water from albany to New York & from thence here this morning with Wm Hancox. after Diner I lent him my Horse to Ride home. Dec Thursd 1. fair & warm. I was at home all day. fryd 2d fair & warm. I was at home foren & aftern I went to the prison to See Samuel Miner & give him ye poor mans oath. Saturd 3 fair & warm till night & yn Rain Some. I was att home Most of the Day. towd night I Rid in to Town to take 3 acknowled[ ] amos Hallam Robt Lattimers 3 & his wife Eliza (ver) Thos Miner. Sund 4 fair clear Windy N W. Mr Byles pr all day. I was out aftern only. Nathan Dowglass a young child Baptizd Nathan. Mond 5 fair & moderate. I Rid to Pardon Tabors to write Deeds &c. I 696 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1757 Stayed al night. Lodged att Jeres: my Daughter Starr & Children Clensed & come home Except Daniel who Stays to help Tend Chester. Tuesd 6 fair & pretty cold. I Lookt up 4. 2 yr olds found ym in the Comon pasture & put them into the Cornfield. Wednsd 7 fair & moderate. I was home all day much Indisposed. Patrick Robertsons wife & child have the Smallpox. broke out & carryed down to the lighthouse (so called). Thursd 8. Rainy all day. I was at home all day. Geo. Harris’s Wife Died aged 20 odd, & John Beckwith aged 92 Died last monday. he lived on ye west Side Nihan- tick River near Lyme line. hath been blind many years. fryd g cloudy. I was att home all day Indisposed. Rain at night. Saturd roth fair. I was att home most of the day. toward night I was over to the Shepards Tent mending fence. I am grown better of my Indisposition. a great cold yet. Sund 11 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. I was out aftern only. Colln Gurden Salting Stall & his wife took into the church. 1 publishmt. John Green Printer to the Govrs Company Died this aftern of a Consumption. aged near 40 I Supose. Mond 12 fair & clear & prety cold. I was att home all day. Tuesd 13 fair & cold. I was att home all day. wee killed my 2 Hoggs I weit 182 & 204. Jno Green buryed. Rain at night. Wednsd 14 fair. I was at home all most of the day. towd night I went to Mr Rich- ards’s & Met the Committee & Rectified Some old Surveys for Mr Robinson & Thos Miner & Talman at Crooked brook. I went to visit Ms Talman & Daughter Starr, &c. Sneering cold in the night. Thursd 15 fair & cold in the foren, aftern moderate. I was about home all day. fryd 16 fair but cloudy. I was att home all day. Salted Pork. Son Starrs Son Daniel & Prentis Jason Chester came home fro the Pesthouse or Lighthouse Harbours mouth. Saturd 17. fair in the foren, Snow in ye aftern & Rain. a cold Storm I was att home all day. Sund 18 a Storm of Snow until ye Midle of the aftern it cleard up att N W cold. Mr Byles pr all day. I was at home al d. Mond 19 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. the annual Town Meeting for the Choice of T. officers &c. Tuesd 20 fair. I was at home all day. Wednsd 21. fair & moderate. I was about home al day. Thursd 22 fair but cloudy. I was at home all Day. Joshua is Come over & Little Josh brot Colefax Horse. Rain att night. fryd 23 fair clear & cold. I was att home all day. Saturd 24 fair. I was att home all day. I pulled of the old oak Clapbords on the foreside the House & betwixt the windows & put on 2 Long pine Bords & 1 oak one & patcht up the other part. Stephen helpt about it. Josha gone: home afternoon. Sund 25 Cloudy in the foren. a little Rain in the aftern. Not Cold. Mr Byles preacht all day. Mond 26 fair & clear & not very cold. I was at home all day. Isaac Fellows workt for me Laying a new floor in the Chamber on the old one. in the Evening I went up to Thos Ways house & Married Andrew Green & Lydia Bump. Tuesd 27. fair a little in the foren & then Rain Stedyly alll day after & in the night or Evening. Wednsd 28. Cloudy & warm. I was about home all day. Isaac Felows finisht laying my Chamber floor $ day now & I day before. Thursd 29 Cloudy & a little Rain. I was att home all Day. fryd 30 fair & warm. I was at home foren. at Lecture aftern. I went Down to John Coits to administer the Town Clerks oath unto Daniel Coit Esqr. the Selectmen present. they Recd the Town Books & adam Carted them away from Jno Coits to Daniels. Saturd 31 Cloudy Misty foggy warm. I was at home all day Mending the windows in ye New Chamber. 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 697 P7506 Jan. Sund. 1 fair moderate Warm foggy weather. a Sacramt Day. Mr Boyles preacht all day. Jos Waterhouse Junr & wife made a Confessio for Incontinancy before marriage. Mond 2d Cloudy warm & Showry. I was at home foren & in the aftern & Evening at Geo. Richards’s Chusing Tavern keepers & Jurymen &c the Justices Grandjurymen Selectmen & Constables. Tuesd 3d itt Rained Stedyly most of the da. I was at home all day. John Plumb here mending ye Chamber Windows. toward night the Rain abated & the wind Rise & Increased to a great Storm Westerly. almost a Huricane. blew down ye fences & hay Stacks & put the vessels a Shore & other damage. Wednsd 4th fair & clear & not very cold. I was att home all day, Neddy & Robert went home. Carryed my young bay mare & Colt. they came over last fryday & weather bound Ever Since. Thursd sth fair & clear & moderate. I was at home all Day. in the Even- ing I married Daniel Babcock late of Westerleigh now of Groton & Rebeckah Latham the Daughter of Joseph Cary Latham of Groton; at my house late in the Evening after 9. fryd 6 fair & warm foggy &c. I was att home most of the day. toward night I Rid into Town to the Prison to administer ye poor mans oath to Natt. Williams. Chris Eldredge & his wife & 2 youngest children are come over. Saturd 7. Rainy in the foren. fair in the aftern. Citt & wife &c gone home. I was at home all day. Sund 8 fair. Mr Byles pr, all day. I was out aftern only. Mond 9 fair & very cold. I was at home all day. the only Son of Ezekiel Chapman about 4 or § yr old buryed. he Died yesterday with the Rattles or Quinzey. a Short Illness. Tuesd 1a Cloudy & cold & a Small flight of Snow. I was about home all day, Engrav- ing gr stones for Pages. Wednsd 11 Rainy all day. I was att home all day. Stephs Wife DD at night. Thursd 12 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. I Recd of Jno Dodge Junr £5 5s od L. M & a Note for £20. next Christmas. fryday 13 fair Raw cold S—wind. Rain at night. I was out with John Coit to his wheat field in the Neck to Measure Some land of his Son Josephs now Sold to James Rogers f £4 p acre 16 acres & 36 Rod. got home late .9. clock. Saturd 14 fair raw cold. I was at home all day. Brother Bayley Son Gamalael here from Newport, & Jamaica been taken wth Peter Bradley. Sund 15 fair & cold. Mr Byles Pr all Day. Stephen Hempsted a Child Baptized Abigail. Born last wednesday night. Mond 16 a very great Storm. it Snowed Last night and ys morning & Soon turnd to Rain & Rained Stedyly all day & a high wind. I was at home all day. Tuesd 17 fair. I was about home all day. Wednsd 18 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Japheth Mason & his Son helpt me and Covered the Porch with Bords & Shingles & put in Some Shingles in Roof of the East- house Both Sides &c. Thursd 1g fair. in the foren 1 mended up the Bord fence of ye Tent house lot & in the aftern I went to Stonington. Rid my Stal- yon & lodged at Cit Eldredges. warm & very miry, bad Riding. fryd. 20 fair & moderate. in the foren I Rid over to Son Miners & Joshua & his wife & Molly Eldredge with me. I Lodged there. Saturd 21 a cold day. at night Snow near 6 Inches deep in the woods, I kept House all day. very cold. Sund. 22 Snow in the foren & cloudy all day & very cold. I kept house all day. Mond 23 fair & cold. avery cold night. I came over to Joshuas in the morning & by noon got Ready. he came with me & brot over the young Colefax Mare for Sale. got to the ferry by 3 clock & Soon over & home. toward night Rid up in Town. Tuesd 24 fair a cold morning afterwards more moderate & cloudy. Mr Burch Sold my young Horse yt come of the old Mare yt was 698 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 taken from John Colefax Some years ago on my account, and also the young mare his Sister both for Six Pound att the Sign Post ys aftern; to Joshua Hempsted. Wednsd 25 fair & moderate. Rain in the night Smart. I was at home foren, in the aftern I Rid out to Joshuas Pasture & helpt adam cut a Ld of wood, Josha Went home and Carryed my young oxen & Colefax mare. Thursd 26 fair & warm in the morn. I was at home all day. Raw and at night very cold & Extream cold in the night. fryd 27 fair & warm in the morn but Soon grew cold & froze ye Miry ground before night & a violent cold night. aman belonging to Boston a Silversmith a Journeyman Died of a Consumption. his name was Richardson. I was at home all Day. Saturd 28 fair and very cold. I was at home most of ye Day. Richardson buryed, a wife & 1 child at Boston. it Snowed very Smartly in the forepart of the night & in the morning a warm Rain which Caryed off most of Snow. Sund 29 fair & warm for the Season. the Snow Run like brooks in ye Street. Mr Byles pr al day. I Rid to Meeting. aftern Daniel Hendry & Mary Potter publisht. Mond 30 fair & clear & not very cold. I was at home al day. James Harris & Wm Daton Thrasht oats in Jno Plumb Lot. Tuesd 31 fair & clear & cold. I was att home all day. Grover came over with Griffing from So-hold. all well there. Wednsd feby 1. fair & cold. I was at home all day. they finisht thrash- ing oats. Thursd 2 fair. I was at home all day. fryd 3d a great Snow 4 Leg deep & little wind. toward night Small Rain which Settled the Snow. I was at home all day. Saturd 4 fair & clear. good Sleading. Stephn fetcht home 2 Ld ye Swamp. I was at home all day. Sund § fair clear & cold. Mr Byles prall day. I kept house. too cold. Mond 6 fair & clear & cold. I was at home all day. Tuesd 7 fair & cold. I was at home all day. Natt Miner here. Wednsd 8 fair. I was att home most of the day. towd night I went down to the Swamp to assist adm &c gitting Wood cut & bringing home a Slead Ld Timber for Daniel Starr & in the Eve Rid up to the prison to give ye poor mans oath to Natt Brown of Stonington &c. I Recd 2s 6d & Thursd. 9. a very Rainy day & last night the wife of old Christophr Darrow Died aged 70 odd & also the Widow of Thos Attwell Decd aged 70 odd. & an Infant of Wm Douglass Junr. I was att home all day. fryd. 10 fair & warm for the Season. I was at home foren & aftern att Lecture & funerall of the Widow Attwell. Saturd 11 fair. I was att home all day. a Special post come along from Ld London with Express to the several Governours. I Isued a warrant to Impress a horse. he came fro N. York Thursd night & from Guilford to day by one a Clock. Sund 12 fair & moderate. a Sacramt Day. Mr Byles pr al day. Jos Waterhouse a Child Baptized Daniel. mond 13 fair & moderate. I was at home foren & in the aftern about Town &c. Tuesd 14 Cloudy till near night & then Rain. I was at home all dav. Wednsd 15 fair & warm dirty miry. I was at home all day. Rain att night. a great Storm & high Wind N E. Thursd 16. itt began to Snow by Sunrise & held on all day. a very Severe Storm. a fierse wind. I was home all day. the wife of Christopher Miner (by mile Brook) Died yesterday. a young woman about 20 I Supose. She was a Daughter of Henry Harris Decd (att the Harbours mouth.) fryd 17. Cloudy & Raw cold. I was at home alll day. Saturd 18 Cloudy in the foren & moderate in ve aftern. I was att home all day. Sund 19. fair & warm. Mr Byles pr. all day. Peter & Negro man Servt to Capt Joseph Coit Died, aged 50 or more I Supose. he was a very faithfull Laborious Servt. Mond 20 Cloudy & a little Rain in the foren. I was at home. in the aftern fair. I was with the Rest of the authoritv and Selectmen visiting the Grammer School kept by Hurlbut & afterwd in the Town. a Child of 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 699 the Widow Bakers buryed & also old Peter. Tuesd 21 fair & clear. I was about home al day. Wednsd 22 fair & cold. I was about home al day Thursd 23 fair & cold. I was at about home all day. fryday 24 Cloudy & Colder. I was at home all day. Saturd 25 fair & very cold. I was att home all day. Sund 26 fair & moderate. Mr Byles pr all d. Capt Miller a Child Baptized Eliza Singleton Church one also Hannah. both Infants. Samuel Simmons & his wife Sarah & her 2 Sisters Jane & Katherine Chap- man (Daughters of Ezekiel all 4 owned the Covenant & the 3 females were Baptized. Mond 27 fair & moderate. I was at home foren & at Noon I Rid out X plain att my apple trees & helped adam a Load of Wood &c. I Rid over the Land to See if any Trespass had been ys winter &c & to visit old Samuel Chapman (93 yr old ys month) & his wife 72, Tuesd 28 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Wednsd March 1. fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Thursd 2 fair & moderate Hazy. I was up to the Prison to administer the poor mans oath to John Chappell &c. my Granson Joshua Hempsted of Southold is come over & here. aftern att home. News is Come that John Daton of this Town is Drowned in his passage near Jamaica. went a hand wth Gurdon Saltonstall. Some Snow in the Evening. fryd 3d fair & clear & cold & windy. Iwas at home all day. Capt Stephen Prenttiss Died vesterd aged gI years & 2 months. Saturd 4 fair & more moderate. I was at home foren. my Granson Joshua Hempsted of So-hold Set out for Hartford on my Stalyon. in the aftern I Rid out the funeral of Capt Stephen Prenttis &c. he was not sick nor in pain. had Something of a purging a day or two & his Reason but not aprehensive of being So near his End. Sund 5. fair & moderate. Mr Byles pr. all day. Russel Hubbard a Child Baptized Thomas. old Ms Leach Died last night, aged 80 odd 83 yer. Last of the family of the Tubbs’s. her first Husband was John Crocker & her 2d & last was Thos Leach the first. Mond .6. fair & moderate. I was att home foren & in the aftern att the Society meeting & in the Evening to visit Mr Dela- more who Lyes very dangerously Sick. Tuesd 7th fair. I was about home all day. Wednsd 8. it Rained a little last night & most of the Day. I was about home all day. Joshua Come over. Thursd 9, cloudy thick weather. in the foren I was about home. in the aftern I Rid out with Joshua & Nathanael to Manatuck where Joseph Mason & 2 more are felling Trees for House Timber for Nathanael. Stephen is very Sick. has had the Chollick & been poorly above a fortnight. fryd 10 fair. I was att home all day. Saturd 11. Cloudy Squally. I was att home all day. Josha went home ald. Sund 12 fair & cold. Mr Byles pr all day. Eliza Richards and the Widow Chandlee took into the Chh & Simmons a Child Baptized Sarah. Josha Hempsted of So-hold came from midletown last night & here to day. Mond 13 fair & moderate. in the foren I Rid out to Joshuas Pasture to assist adam Spliting Posts. aftern at home. Tuesd 14 Misty & Some Showres. I was at home all day. Wednsd 15 fair & clear & Sneering cold & windy. in the foren I Rid out to Isaac Turners to write his will. was there most of the day. Thursd 16. I was about home all day. fryd 17 fair & windy. I went with Mr Winthrop to his farm at Groton and Lodged there att Mr Mumfords. Saturd 18 fair & windy. I was most of the day att Mr Mumfords. toward night I went to Stonington. Lodged at Joshuas. Sund 19 Some Rain last night & ys morning. I went over to Son miners too late for meeting. Mond 20 fair. I was with my Daughter Miner visiting down to the Harbour & to Mr Rossiters &c. Tuesd 21 fair. I came from Miners to the farm & Lodged att Christophers &c. called att Mr Copps. Wednsd 22 fair & very cold & windy. I came home by 4 aftern. Isaac 700 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 Turner Died yesterday, noon. aged 36near. Thursd 23 fair. In the morn- ing I Sent 2 old mares & 6 young Jades over the ferry to Mr Mumfords to keep. Thos went with adam &c. in the foren I went up to Mr Winthrops to give an Evidence about fisher Island Deer in Conjunction with Thomas Williams. aftern I Rid down the neck Isaac Turners funeral &c. fryd 24 fair & clear & cold & windy. I was about home all Day. Justus Plumb of Stratford here. Samll Plumb of Huntingtons Son Sister Marys Granson. Saturd 25 fair. I was out with Mr Richards to Thos Stricklands Laying out after Divisions of the Midle Commons on Royces Mountain 19 Shares half an acre to a Share. wee were paid 4s p. Sund 26 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr Byles pr all day. Deacon Fosdyck a Child Baptized Samuel & Geo. Colefax one Jonathan. Walter Butler & his wife hannah took into the Church. Mond 27 fair. Rain att night. In the morning I went into Town to Edwd Palmes’s and took his Evidence, to Send over to Southold Court. afterwards att home. the Widow of John Chappel Decd Died. aged 70 odd. Tuesd 28 Cloudy & very cold. I was at home all day. Mr Henry Delamore Died last night after a Long Sickness, and numbpalsie about three year. aged 80 odd 3 or 4. Natt is very Sick again. Wednsd 29 fair & very cold & windy. I was at home foren & in the afternoon at the funeral of Mr Delamore. my Granson Thomas Hempsted and kinsman Benja Bayley from Southold wth 2 veils bring Tdings of the Death of the Revd Jonathan Edwards President of the Colledge in the New Jerseys. also a Child died here 2 yr old Widow olivers. Thursd 30 fair & cold. but not So Sharp as yesterd. I was about home all Day. Natt violent bad all last night. in violent pain wth the Chollick & Still holds him. a little moderated. & Stephen Continues Exceeding weak. fryd 31 fair. I was in Town most of the day taking Evidence for Majr Charles Bulkley in Swet- lands Case. April Saturd 1. fair. I was about home all day. Sund 2 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Joshua is over to See Nathll & at meeting aftern, also Thos Hempsted fro So-hold. Mond 3d fair & cold & windy. I was att home foren. in the aftern in Town. a Society meeting & Trayning day both Companys. Tuesd 4 fair & windy cold. J was at home foren & in the afternoon up to the Prison &c. Wednsd 5 fair & cold. I was in Town all day, the first & 2d Company in arms in order to Inlist volunteers for the Intended Expidition agst Canada. I was at the prison in order to get Samll Darbe Released who was put in on Jo Rogers’s accot &c. Thursd 6 fair & cold. Joshua gone home this morning. I was about home all day. I mended a Casement in the Garret of the great Room in the Tent. I have Let out to Ms Moor wife of Jno Moor the Chamber & garret of the Sd great Room for 50s p annum or as John Griffing hath. to be pd Quarterly. fryd 7 fair. I was at home foren. aftern in Town with the Rest of the Justices & Select to Consider the Complaint of about 30 persons of being over Rated for Townties. Saturd 8 fair but cloudy. I was about home all day. Sund 9 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Clement Miner & Han Miner pub- lisht. Nehemiah Rogers & wife took into the church & a Son Baptized Nehemiah. Mond ro fair & warm in ye morn. Aftern Raw cold S E Cloudy. I was att home all day. adm began to plow. Tuesd 11 fair. I was most of the day out to the Lots mending up Sonewall in Crossman Lot &c. adm plowing ye Side hill in Gilbert Lower Lot. Wednsd 12 fair. a Genll fast in ys Colony. Mr Byles pr all day. 2 of my Gransons here. Thos Hem- sted from So-hold & Clemt Miner from Stonington. Thursd 13 fair & Cold & very windy N W. I was at home al day. I new Sett Some of the orchd fence in the Rocky Swamp Six new posts. fryd 14 fair & moderate. 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 701 I was all day att ye Cornfield Sowing oats & hay Seed &c. Saturd 15 fair & very warm. Josh Hemsted fro So-hold. I was all day out to Mr Stew- ard farm assisting Colln Lee Mr Richds & David Gardner arbitrators in Settling the Bounds between Sd Stewart & Thos Miner the South End of Keeny farm & ye North End of Miners yt was Lords farm &c. Mr Stewart pd me. Sund 16 fair & moderate. Mr Byles pr all day. Jessee Miner a Child Baptized Rufas. Rain at night & Thun- der. Mond 17. Cloudy morning. toward night cold & windy. I was home foren & in the aftern att the Society Meeting. Tuesd 18 fair. Deni- son Run on Turners Reef. I was home foren. in the aftern. out to ye grt pasture. I Sett up a pr of Barrs in Joshuas field & Mend up Some of his Wall out Side. Wednsd. 19 fair. Sparrow hawke taken off Denisons Boat. I was at home foren. in the aftern in Town att the muster of 4 Companys 1—2d—3d & 6 in order to inlist volunteers 7enty one In[ ]. Thursd 8 fair. Denison drowned on Tuesday. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid out to Solomon Miners farm on Nihantick River and Married Clement Miner & Hannah Miner. a Child of Hadlocks buryed & Capt Edward Denison Drowned in fishes Island Sound & Lt Samll Stantons Son. ye Boat overset. Run on the Rocks. fryd. 21 fair. in the morning I Rid up to the Prison & then Rid out to the Medow Crossmans with Deacon fosdick & Laid out 10. 3 acre allotments for Stocker. Saturd 22 fair & moderate. I was at home all day. Joshua of So-hold Returned from Hartford. Sund 23d fair & moderate. Mr Byles pr all day. Danll Whitemore 2 Sons Bap- tized 1 Daniel & 1 Samuel & his wife took into the Church. Daughter Miner here from Groton. ‘Mond 24 Misty in the morn & Rainy most ot ye Day. I went to Stonington with my Daughter Miner. got there Soon after 8 clock. Tuesd 25 fair. I was att Son Miners down to the Harbours mo. I Came away & Lodged att Joshas. Wednsd 26 fair. I was most of ye forenoon Coming home from Stonington. in the aftern att the Society meeting. Thursd 27 fair & moderate. I was att home foren & in the morn & Midle of ye day Mending up ye fence of the Tent Lot & in the aftern att ye meeting house with the Comittee for [ ]. fryd 28 fair. I was all day with the Selectmen Laying out a Highway in the Northparish for Joseph Chester through Thompsons Land to the Road 89 Rod in Length. Saturd 29 a great Storm. a cold Rain most of the day. was about home all day. Sund 30 fair & windy. Mr Byles pr. foren & Mr adams in the aftern. the Daughter of Jeremiah Richards who was maried to a frenchman that was Lost at Sea, was taken into the Chh, & a Son Baptized John. 7 or 8 y1 old I Supose. May Mond .1. fair & windy. I was att home all day. a Genll muster or view of arms & Amunition. Tuesd 2d fair & cold & windy N W. [ was about home in ye forenoon. it Raind. in the aftern I Rid out to the Common pasture & mended up my fence in 2 places. Wednsd 3d fair & windy in the forn. I was with James Mumford att John Coits aprizing about 2 acres of his Land & 3 of his Son Samuels Joyning to Capt Jeremiah Millers Mold Lot att £11 10s od p acre. Thursd 4 fair. I went to Mr Mumfords att Groton & Capt Millers [ ] to help Settle an old accot &c. came home by daylight. fryd 5 fair. I was att home foren & in the aftern att Lecture & then wee the Church Cose Capt Pygan Adams a Deacon. 25 votes for him & Daniel Coit 1. 28 voters. Saturd 6 fair. in foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot. there is Daniel Way & adam breaking up Next ye Street. in the aftern I was in Town &c. Sund 7 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. a Sacramt Day. 2 Women took into the Chh, the wife of Maseh Leach & Eliza Douglass the Daughter of Wm Douglass. Mond 702 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 & fair. in the foren 1 Rid out to the great pasture & mended up Some wall, & over into Crossman Lot. adam & Johnnee Hempstd are breaking up for Corn. in the aftern in Town att Edwd palmes’s for T: Miner. Tuesd 9 fair. Mr Barber is here. in the morning I Rid out to Colln Lee to S. Turners in order to finish Deeds between the Widow Westcote & Thos miner & James Rogers, they broke off. wee went to James Rogers’s & Dined there &c. home before night. adam planted Potatoes in Crossman Lot. Wednsd 10 fair Easterly wind & fresh. Daniel way Will Daton & Grover & adam after Carting out a Ld of Dung finisht Plowing in Crossman Lot & planted 1-3 of an acre in Jno Plumb lot & holed near 2 acres in Crossman Lot & Dunged Some. I was at home foren. att the fields aftern. Joshua is over & Stayed all night. Tuesd 11 fair. I was att home foren & aftern I Rid out with Joshua & he mended up his inside wall & then I went with Capt Wait of Lyme to Cranbury Medow to acknowledge a Deed before Capt Coit & over all his medow to take a view of it with him & then to Crossman Lot. Daniel Way will Daton & Grover & adm finisht planting Crossman Lot about 2 acres. I Recd of Capt Wait 2 notes for Wm Stocker for £45. Josh is gone home. I had 20s of him aug. daite. fryday 12 fair & moderate. I was about home most of the Day. toward night I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot & pickt up Stone &c. Thursd 13 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern down to Churches orchard helping adam who is drawing Stones to make my Cross fence between Churches orchard & mine. I placed the foun- dation Stones &c. fryd 14 fair. Mr Lord of Norwich pr all day. M1 Byles for him. Jno Dowglass a Child Baptized David. Mond 15 fair. I was at home foren. aftern out to the great pasture mending up the wall &c. adm plowed for Natt & 1 Ld dung. Tuesd 16 itt Rained moderately most of the Day. 1 was about home most of the day. I mended the garret Window of the Tent N W. Wednsd 17. fair. In the foren I was helping adm draw Stones out of Mr Churches orchard. in the aftern I went to Groton & took my old Bay mare & 4 more young Horses out of the Pound att Samll Lesters. pd 5s Silver) & drove them to my farm at Stonington & Lodged at Joshuas &c. Thursd 18 fair. I came away & Robt and brot my Little mare & Caled at Ms Walworths & Mr Mumfords & brot over my Lion mare & her 2 colt who were in the highway about a week. fryday 19 Morn itt Rained aftern cloudy. I was with Tomy & adam Making wall laying foundation Stones a Cross Churches orchard. they draggd Stones. it Thundered & Rained in the night & morning Smart. Saturd 20 fair most of the day. a Showre in the aftern. in the morn I went to the ferry with Robert to See him well over & then home & in the aftern att the cornfield placing foundation Stones Tomy & adam are drawing out of Churches orchard. Mr Church digs them & gives them. Sund 21 fair. no minister No meeting No Church Nor Groton all gone out of Town. Mond 22 Rainy most of the day. in the aftern I helpt adam 2 Ld of gravel to help fill up the breach in the bank. I agreed with the widow Ann Ward to Live in the Little Chamber over the kitchen for a Quarter She to Spinn 1. fb of wool for Each week & the Liberty of making a fire in the kitchen & the previledge of the well & a Small garden. Tuesd 23d fair. I was att home foren. in the aftern down to the Stonewall makers Ja Harris Thomas & adam. Harris Laid up most of the Crosswall & about 3 Rod outside fence near the Cornner. Wednsd 24 fair. I was al day att the Cornfield assisting James Harris. he hath finished 12 Rod. Tomy & adm drew Stones Thursd 25 fair most of the day. att night it Rained Smartly. I was [ ] to Mr Johnstons & ‘Measured of 9 acres & 142 Rod of his S Side he Sold to Sam Bishop for 30s p acre. I came away 20 min past [ ] & got home | 1M AN wi K i Re W ¢ MM i TR i 4 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 703 in 2 hours very wet. fryd 26 fair. I was about home most of ye day. Saturd 27 fair. I was about home most of the day. toward Night I helpt Jno Hempsted Junr Drive my young Cattle out to X plain & towd night 1 Rid up to Mr Palmes's & Joynd the Rest of the Civil authority & Military office to advise about Listing Souldiers & tarryed late. Sund 28 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Samll Wms & Wid Deborah Rogers publisht. Mond 29 fair. I was with mr Winthrop att his farm in Groton to Settle accots with Mr Mumford. Lydia & Robert come over. Tuesd 30 fair. in the foren 1 Rid out with my Granson Josha Hempsted of Southold to look for his Horse which was put into Crossman Lot pasture & got out thro Jno Rogers’s field his fence being down. Wednsd 31 Rainy most of the Day. I was at home ali day. Const [ ] Havens, Wm Booth, & Josh Hempsted of So-hold & youngs Prime Huntington went over from here wth Griffing for So-hold Thursd June 1 Cloudy. I was about home most of the day. toward night I Rid out to the Comon pasture—Rain at night. fryd 2d fair. Much Rain last night. I was about home foren. in the aftern measuring Mr Howard [ ] Mr James He Blakny Sloop arived here last night & brot home James Haney the Lieut who Shot Patrick ward in Jamaica & is now apprehended & Comitted to prison. Eliff Lamphere Died. She was first Delivered of a Bastard child privately. her Husband was gone from het many years, a Daughter of Comfort Brooks. Saturd 3d cloudy. in the foren I Rid up to John Bolles’s and & wrote a Deed for Joseph of 1. 11th part of Samuels Estate from their Sister Mary & in the afternoon I Rid out to Josha field Turnd out Hurlbuts Horse & mended up the wall in Many [ ] & then up to the mill dam & maried Namen Moger & Thankfull [ ]. Sund 4 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Spooner & wife Rebh & the wife of Wm Morgan took into the Church. Mond § fair. In the foren I was out to the Comon pasture & mended the outside fence & partition fence & in the aftern at the Courthouse Capt Coit &’Capt Adains taking the Examination of James Hainey Indited or presented by ye Grandjury for killing Patrick Ward of this Town in Jamaca as he & 3 or 4 more were in the longboat Runing away from the Sloop fired after him 2 or 3 Rod of. Shot him in the head & he died Instantly. 8 or 10 Wittness’s in March last. Son Pierpoint come from Midletown to day. Tuesd 6 fair & warm. In the foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot on Pierpoints Horse & left itt there & Rid up Joshuas Horse. my yellow Spoted Cow calved. JI am much Indis- posed with the Griping in my bowels. I ly down mostly. Wednsd 7th fair. In the morning I went with Ebe Howard & John & Stephen to measure his Lot. almost 51 acres. aftern att home Indisposed. in the Evening I had a fitt of the ague. Thursd 8th fair most of the. towd night a Smart Showre. I was att home all day. fryd 9 fair. I Rid out to Crossman Lot & the great pasture & mend up the between Joshuas pasture & field and & also Capt Hurlbuts Wall in many places to ye Swamp. Saturd roth fair. I was about home most of the day. in the aftern I went up to old Mr Man- waring & Maried Samll Williams & the widow Deborah Rogers. Sund 11 fair. Byles Mr Preacht all day. I was at Meeting in the foren. taken there with the ague & came away before Sermon was quite over. my Daughtr Starr with me & Stayed by me till 9 at night wn my fitt was over. Mr Spooner had Seven Children Baptized I hear. Mond 12 fair. I am very comfortable & about home most of the Day. I Marryed Timo Beck- with & Eliza Tinker Daughter of Jona Tinker att my house & a little before night I Rid up to ye Mill Dam house & Maried John Drole Mary Leg Transient persons. Capt Jonathan Lattimer Junr & Company Entered on Bord a Sloop a Gardners wharf. Tuesd 13 fair. I was about home all day 704 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 waiting on the Ague & fever, but had but little of it. ye C. Court Sat. Son Miner over. this morning my kinsman John Moor of Lyme Died with the num palsie taken 3 year ago ye 16th of July next. could walk a little about house after a poor manner till Lately, & then became helpless Speechless & Senseless &c. this aftern Benja Harris youngest Son of Peter Harris Died of a Consumption. taken last fall or begining of winter. Wednsd 14 fair. I gave Son Pierpoint my white Cow wth a black head & calf & Rid witth him & his Daughter Molly as far as Capt Marvins & he had with him— Stocking of Midletown newly come in from Sea in a french Privateer prize Schooner 75 Tun Io guns & 75 men taken by 2 Priveteers of Providence Angell & I left peirpoint about noon & went to visit Widow miner & then to John Moors house & Stayed till the people of the neighbourhood gathered togather & Carryd the Corps away. I Companyd them to the Road & yn home in ye Eve. Thursd 15 fair. I was at home all day waiting for the ague & fever but it failed me. Benja Harris Buryed. fryd 16 fair. I was at home al day not very well Nor Sick. a Lecture. Saturd 17 fair & clear. I was at home till near night I Rid down to Crossman lot. Danll Way Jonny & adam are weeding ye new ground. Sund 18 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr byles pr all day. Ruben Miner Son of [ ] ownd the Covent & was Baptized, a Lad about 14 or 15 yrs of age I Supose. Jno Bolles Junr & Wido Delamore pub. Mond 19 fair but a little Scatering Rain. I was at home foren. in the aftern I Rid down to Crossman Lot. James Harris Danll Way & adam are weeding. I mended up the Stonewall & Pole fence &c. Tuesd 20 fair. I was att home foren. att Court in the aftern and Looking over the Tombs of the aged. Majr Edwd Palmes Died in March 1714 in his 78th year his Son Andrew in June 1721 in his 39th,year. Madm Eliza Winthrop in april 1731 79th year. Ms Sarah Knight in Sept 1727 in her 62 year. Wednsd 21 fair all day. a Smart Thunder Showre in the Eve till 10 Clock. I was at home foren, at Court in the aftern. Thursd 22 hot. fair in the foren. I Rid out to the grt pasture & Nattee with me & fetcht the oxen & adm brot home ye plow & in the aftern I help to plow a little in the Tent Lot. fryd 23 fair & hot. In the foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot. drove the oxen. Little Nattee with me. aftern at home. Saturd 24 fair. I was about home foren, & toward: night I went to Stonington. Rob- ert came over to day & went home wth me. I Lodged at Joshuas. Sund 25 fair. I went to Son miners & to meeting to ye Center. Mr Eells pr al day. Mond 26 Cloudy & a little Rain. in the aftern I came over to my farm & Lodged att mollys. Tuesd 27 fair. I was att the farm most of the day. I Rid down to the head of mistick with Joshua twice to See him Draw down Timber under his dragg. I came away home. brot 7 fleeces of wooll 8tb + from Joshuas all I had. got over by daylight. Wednsd 28 fair. I was about home all Day. Thursd 29 fair. I was about home foren & in the aftern I was up to Capt adams’s to prove Isaac Turners Will. Jona- than Wicks Died aged 20 odd 23 or 4. fryd 30 fair. Wicks burryed. I was at home foren. in the midle of ye Day I Rid out to Crossman Lot & the pasture. in the Eve Bargained with James Harris to mow all my Lot for 4s od p acre & find himself all. July Saturd 1. fair. In the foren I Rid down to Crossman Lot & left the little mare (Natte with me) brot away the Stallyon & pulled up the Chadlock in Gilbert Lot & Johns [ ] & Dock &c the grass & oats, & in the aftern I Rid up to Johns Wheatfield. adm & Johnny are plowing there. I went to visit old Samll Chapman. aged 93 last feby. Sund 2d fair. Mr Byles is gone to Boston, Mr adams pr all Day. Mond 3d fair & very hot. in the foren & midle of the day I was att Mr Winthrops making up accots 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 795 with Mr Brown, his Tennant att fishers Island, & afterwards in Town. Tuesd 4 fair & hot. I was about home &c foren & in the aftern I Rid out with Stephen to foxes field & wee Continued the E & 6 S line from my white oak S W Cornner 3 Rod N of the Southend of my Ditch & Divided between Ebe Rogers & I. 2 Rod west of his barrs is 26 Rod to my Ditch 13 Rod Each I to have the East End & he the west. Tuesd the 4th. I measured a Cross ye west End of Capt frouds Land that lyes in the 2d Teer of Lots & Joyns to mine in the 3d Teer & found it 35 Rod that is 17 Rod & 4 for Each & I have made att 10 Rod & 4 of Ditch. 3 Rod of it falls out to be against Ebenezr Rogers’s Land So there Remains 7 Rod & 4 of Ditch to me & I must make 10 Rod att the north Side of Frouds Southward all 174 Rod. my half in two parts. Wednsd 5 fair & hot. I was about home most of the Day. I made a windliss or Roler for the well att the Shepards Tent & fixt it. toward night I Rid down to Crossman lot and mended up Some wall in Jno Plumb Lot & Natte wth me. Thursd 6 fair only a Showre or 2. a publick fast in this Colony. Mr adams pr all day. Datr miner come. fryd 7 fair. I Set out for midletown at 7 oe Clock Morn with my 2 Daughters Miner & Starr. wee Stopt & oated &c att Capt Marvins & Dined att John Lords Lyme north Society. oated again att Chapmans ferry & got to midletown by Sun down & to Pierpoints Soon after & Lodged there. Saturd 8 fair. I Stayed att Pierponts & thereabouts all day. Sund 9 fair. Mr Russell pr all day & wee all was at Meeting. Mond io fair. in the aftern I walkt out to visit Majr Hamlin Capt Burnhams & Doctor Lee & Mr Sage & Deacon Rockwell. att night a Smart Thunder Showre. Tuesd 11 fair. I Set out for Winsor to get my watch mended. I Stopt at Joshua Plumbs my Daughters all with & Dined there. I Stood along to Hartford & oated there & then along the Road to Seth youngs’s & Lodged there. Wednsd 12 fair. I Stayed for my Watch mending till after one a clock. 6s 4d for mending & cleaning. I Set out for midle Town. Stopt & oated att Hart- ford & to visit Mr Ledyard & Stayed there while a very Smart Thunder Storm was over & then for midletown to the upper houses by daylight & then to Pierponts & Lodged there. Thursd 13 fair. wee Set out for home by the way of Hartford. my Son & Daughter Pierpoint with us in a Chair. wee Stopt & Dined att Wethersfield, & oated & thence to Hartford ferry & then parted. wee Crossed the ferry & Stood along to alcots about 6 or 7 mile & Lodged there. fryd 14 fair. wee Stood along the Road to Bolton & So to Lebanon. wee Called & Mr Swifts. She was a Daughter of Joshua Wheeler & Dined there & then to Mr Buels & there I left my Daughter & I Stood along to Cuzn Samll Hides & Lodged there. Saturd. 15 fair. in the morning I went to visit Capt Daniel Hide & waited a good while till my Daughters came & then Stood along to Cuzn Jabez Hides & Dined there. my Daughter Stood along to Mr Griswolds. I followed after & called att the Widow Marshalls & James Hides & then att Elishas & there I Saw my old Cuzn William Hide in his 89th year. his Sons also there. I parted with my Daughter miner. She Stood along for Stonington a Woman in Company & my daughter Starr & I got home by daylight all well. Sund 61 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. I was out aftern only. [ ] took into the Church. Ephm Brown & Mary Griffing publisht. Mond 17 fair. I was att home all day. I mended Cart Ladder & Rake &c. Tuesd 18 Cloudy in the morn & Rain a little in the aftern. Son John had Io men Reaping. adm killed a Calf in ye morn & then Carted a Ld of Wheat for Son John & Ephraim Bron 2 Load. the Rain beat them off about 2 Clock. it Rained Slow & moderately. I Rid out to the Cornfield & Down to Mr Champlins &c. Wednsd 19 fair. in the foren I was about home &c. in the aftern I 46 706 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 Rid up to Thos Attwells & administered the apprizers oath to Justice Rich- ards & Ja: Mumford who were Chozen to aprize 84 acres of Thos Attwells Land at ye South End next Jno Cheapel att £7 p acre to answer an Execu- tion James Cleland had in favour of Ja Thomson a North Britton. News is come of taking Ticonderoga & that wee first Lost 2000 men & were Repulsed. Thursd 20 fair. I was about home all dav. Joshua & his Boys & Christopher Eldredge over & brot my Colfax Horse & I Send him to Peter Lee for £6 tos 20d. 7os pd down & a note for £3. & in 4 months. fryd 21 fair. I was at home all day. Saturd 22 fair. I was about home foren & in the aftern I went to Stonington. I Rid my Daughter miners mare that we left att midletown lame. She was Sent down here. I lodged att Son Miners. Sund 23d fair. Rain at night. [ went to Mistick Meeting & heard Mr Rossiter all Day. I went towd night to Christopher Eldredges & Lodged there. Elnathan Miner was buryed ys morn. Died last night with the Small Pox (uncertain how he took itt) and old Bachelor about 60 I Conclude. Mond 24 Cloudy in the morn. I came home in the morning. Christopher Eldredge & Elihu Palmer came with me to mow for me in the foren & in the aftern att Jno Plumb Lot. Tuesd. 25. Natt a 3rd Son. no good hay weather. Cloudy & Some fair, a Showre about 4. I was at home pulling up yellow blossoms. aftern I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot to turn the Clover &c. Citt & Elihu mowd the plain in Gilbert Lower Lot. Ja Harris mowd at home. thin grs. Wednsd 26 fair. Nathanaels wife DD about 10 in ye morn in about an hour from the first mustering. a Stout Boy. 1otb $ blanket & all. Iwas at home foren. in the aftern [ Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot & Raked a little in the orchd. Johnny Hempsted helpt Rake. Citt & Elihu Raked in the midle of the Day & mowed Clover in the aftern Side hill Gilberts upper Lot Stout Clover. towd night Elihu went home. wee finisht Cocking there. Wm Holt Junr & Wm Daton Raked up what was mowed at home. Thursd 27 Cloudy. James Harris & Wm Daton & adam Carted home a Ld & put it into the Barn; & they made two Small Stacks at home in the Lot & one in Gilbert Lot. I Cutt out a window in the End of the Barn & mended it up this End. fryd 28 fair. I was all day haying. James Harris & Citt all Day. finisht mowing in Jno Plumb Lot & Raking the Clover on the Side hill. Will Daton Raked afternoon. Saturd 29 fair & clear. Citt Carted a Ld of Clover to the Barn in the forn & James Harris one aftern 4 day. Will Daton & Mentis all day. wee finisht in Jno plumb. Cockt all up. Ja Harris 4 day. Citt gone of 4 after 11—5 days & 4. Sund 30 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr Byles pr all day. Mond 31 Cloudy in the morning. 2 Steers out of ye Com past. I Rid down to Jno Plumb Lot & made 1 Stack 30 odd Cocks James Harris & wm Daton and adam. wee back a little before 10 clock. aftern I was att home. adam Truckt 3 hhds of molasses 1 for Cuz Truman & 2 for Peter Harris Junr. August Tuesd 1 fair. I was about home & helping Daniel Starr & he helpt me & his Boys Rake ye Medow fore the Door &c. Wednsd 2d fair. Bugg horn Cow &c. I Rid down to the grt pasture to Look for Johns oxen & over into foxes field & pasture but not found ym. I got Colln Lees to Cart 1 Ld of oats &c. Thursd 3d fair. In the morning I Rid about the Comon pasture &c to Look for the Cows & out to Joshs pasture to water ye Steers. Josha is over to get Sythes &c. James Smith the Barber buryed Died yesterday. he was a Decriped man. he had the numpalsie I Supose 20 year ago & Never had the use of his Limbs Since. a poor man in the care of the Town Eptr B. fryd 4 fair Except a little Showre in the morning. I was abot home haying. made 1 Stack Lower End the Lot. Stephen helpt 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 707 a few hours & Tomy $ day & Wm daton & Mentis 4 of the Day Each. Saturd 5 fair. I was about home most of the Day haying. Tomy & will Day { of a day. Ja Harris al Day mowing oats & Stephen helpt } of the Day. wee made near 45 Cocks. Sund 6 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Ms Barbat took into ye Chh. the wife of Daniel Stickland 2 Children Baptized Samuel & [ ]. Mond 7 fair. I was att home all day haying. Will & Tomy & adm all day & mentis 4 day made 2. Stacks .1. behind ye Lot & 1. below the path yt goes by the peartree &c. Cuz James Larabe (Granson of my Cuzn Thomas Decd which Thos was the Eldest Son of uncle Greenfield Larabe came from norwich Landing & Lodged here. Tuesd 8th fair. I was at home foren haying. aftern Rid out with Nathll to the old house of widow Smith to Show Nathll the bounds of Ms Burches heirs Land, & to water my Steers in Joshuas field. James Harris finisht mowing my Lot & Stephen measured the whole of it 9 acres & 2 & I pd him 4s p acre (39s) as pagremt. Wednsd 9, fair. I was at home all day haying & finisht. Wm Daton helpt adam. wee made a Stack att the uper End the Lot below ye N Cornner 55 Cocks. Thursd to fair. I was about home foren. in the aftern I Rid down to Denisons by the Baptist meeting house to buy a bb of Cydar &c. of Cydar &c. fryd 11. fair. I was att home foren & after Dinner Rid down to ye great pasture & to water my Steers & to look up the oxen. I had Colln Lees oxen to fetch a Jagg of hay for Capt Starr from the old farm that was widow Smiths & Samll Harris & a Ld of Wood for Natt. Saturd 12 Cloudy Misty wet a Small Mater of Rain. towd night I Set out for Stonington wth Wm Roe Miner about 4 oe clock. too wet & late & came back from the ferry & Stopt att Danll Starrs. Sund 13 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Wm Roe Miner Set a little afternoon on my little mare (& Mr Lomis of Lebanon yt came along with him from the Camp to Tend him) Rid Capt Starrs Horse. Mond 14 fair. I Set out for Stonington before- noon on my Stalyon alone & Soon Joynd Mr Wm Adams & Set out for a visit and wee went to Mr Barbers who is Lately come from ye oyster-ponds with his family (to be the minister of the first Society in Groton). I Dined there & tarryed till late in the aftern & then Rid up to Mr Thos Mumfords near the upper meeting house & Lodged there. Tuesd 15 a very Rainy day & att night. Stayd att Mumfords all day & att night. Wednsd 16 cloudy all day. I Stayed att Mr Mumfords till afternoon & Sett out for Stonington. I called at Starks & Spoke with Ms Larkin & then to visit old Mr Ashbey & also Cuzn John Waterhouse & got to Joshuas by night & Lodged there. Thursd 17 fair. In the morning I Rid over to Son miners & Stayd till two & then Set out for home. Will Starr Rid my little mare. I got my young oxen & brot them home. got to the ferry before Sundwn & over & all well at home. fryd 18 fair. I was about home in the foren & in the aftern I Rid about to Look up my Geese. no Luck. this is a Day of great Rejoycing. the News of the Surrender of Cape Britton to the English. above 200 Guns fired att the fort & on Bord the Several vessels in Harbour. began firing before Sunset & kept itt going at times until 9 oe clock att night above 200. Saturd 19 fair. I was out to Mr Daniel Coits wheat field with Justice Adams & Mr Chapman in order to make Partition as p order of the Genll assembly &c. this day in the afternoon James Gardner Lately Capt of the Privateer Sloop Blakeny of this Town being att the Harbours mouth Battery a Loading a Cannon the Second time, She unhapply went off blew of one of his Legs & wounded his Body that he Died in 2 or 3 hours. Sund 20 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. David Colver 2 Children Baptized Esther & abigail p haps about 10 yr old & Samll morgan an Infant Samuel. Morid 21 Rain in the foren & in the aftern fair. I was at home all day. I 708 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 Sold 30 Shars in the Beach for £40 to Colln Saltonstall £10 down & £30 at Christmas. Tuesd 22 fair & hot most of the day. toward night it Rained Smartly & in the forepart of the night. I was all day with the Committee Laying out Beach for Colln Saltonstall at his Still-house 154 front Including 3 Rod for the Society Warehouse Lot. wee Stayed in the Stillhouse by Candlelight to finish the Survey & came home in the Rain & dark. I Recd a Dollar &c. Wednsd 23d fair. I was most of the Day Laying out Beach for Thomas allin & Jno Shackmaples Heirs wee the Com- mittee all of us as were yesterday (vizt) Justice Richds Justice Coit & Deacon Fosdyck &c to the Later part of ye day. Thursd 24 fair. I was most of the day Riding about Town to Look geese &c. Fryday 25. fair. I was about home & down to ye grt Pasture. old Nell a faithfull Servt of old Ms Coits ye Widow of old mr Jno Coit Died with a Cancer in her Breast. Saturd 26 fair & hot. I was about home in the foren & Down to the pastures in the afternoon. Sund 27 fair but cloudy. Mr Byles pr all day. adam came over this morning. came to ye ferry last night. Joshua finisht Haying yesterday. Mond 28 fair. I was about home in the foren & in the afternoon I Rid out to Christopher Darrows to get him to Execute a Deed to Colln Saltonstall of Quitt Claim to the Beach. Tuesd 29 fair most of the Day. towd night a Little Rain. I was att home all dav. I Sent the meetinghouse Timber up to the meetinghouse (where I had itt Some years ago.) by Tomy & adam 5 peices. 2 are left yt are defective. a Stranger belonging to Glouster—a Town on the Cape a Soldier buryed Died yesterday att the white Beach at Chesebroughs. Wednsd 30. I was about home till after Diner I wentt up To the Town wharf & Beach to Measure 40 fa[ ] at the head of the Beach next to the Town wharf [ ] Nicholas Hallam. Natt Coit is come home Sick and 2 of his men Dead 1 Jos Hurlbuts son a young man of 20, the other Thomas Butlers Son late of N London. Thursd 31. Cloudy a little Rain toward night. I was at home al Day. fryd September 1 Rainy moderately most of the day. I was at home all day. Saturd 2 fair. I was at home foren. Josh came over & in the aftern I went with him to Stonington & Lodged at Joshuas. Sund 3 fair. I went to Miners in the morn & then to the Center meeting. heard Mr Eels al Day & Lodged at Miners at night. Mond 4 fair. I was at Son miners in the foren & att Capt Rufas’s & went over to Joshuas & Christophers at my farm & Lodged there. Tuesd 5 Rain Smartly in the foren & in the aftern fair. I came home. got over by daylight all well. Wednsd 6 fair. I was about home & down to the Cornfield. James Harris helpt me. mowed in the morn down at Crosm lot & then began about Wall in the Highway over the brook Next Stephens Lot. Tomy helpt draw Stones in the aftern a while. Thursd 7. fair. I was at home foren, in the aftern up to Mr Deshons to Measure a Small peice of Land he is buying of Mr Raymond. Ja Harris & adam Drawing stones. to Day Mathew Stewart Junr is buryed on Powder Island. he Died with the Small pox 17 or 18 years I Supose. fryd 8 fair. T was at home foren in Town & at Lecture in the aftern: Ja Harris & Tomy & adm Dug & drew Stones. Josha come over to prepare for Riding Post to Lake George. Saturd 9 fair. I was att home all Day. Ja Harris Tomy & adam making wall diging & drawing Stones 3 of a Day Harris. I was about home all day. Sund to fair in the foren. Rain towd night. a Sacramt D. Mr Byles pr all day. a Woman Rogers took into the Church. Grandaughter of old Israel & Beck Richards. Majr Bulk Child Dead. Mond 11 fair in the morning. Majr Bulkleys child Buryed att night. Joshua is Setting out Post to Cary Letters &c to the army att Lake George. I DD him 2 Dollars & a half & 5 NE Shillings to by Deers Leather if he is 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 709 not Sick & wants itt. 20s L M. I was att home all Day. Ja Harris & adm Dug Stones & Dragg them & Land up the wall to the Corner where the Brook Runs into the Lot. I paid him of at night & overpd him 3s 5d. Robt is come over & brot Eliz Ellis. Wall 54 Rod. Tuesd 12 fair & clear. I was att home all Day mending the out Side fence of the orchard. Wednsd 13 fair. I was at home foren. in the aftern I went down to the medows to carry Dinner for Tomy & add & 1 more Rakers of the Salt Hay att the Gutt & then came to Ebe Rogers & waited for the Selectmen to come to Divide fence but did not come. Thursd 14 fair. I was with Mr Robinson all day Removing his Bounds between Douglass’s medow & Antony Whip- ples. as wee came near the Town wee heard above 20 Cannon fired att the Battery & on Bord the vessels on the Joyfull news being Confirmd of the taking of fort Frontenac on the Lake ontario which Emptys it Self into the great River St Lawrence. Colln Broadstreet with 3000 men fro the army took it in 3 days. a very old fort & very Rich. the plunder vallued att 70 Thousand £ Sterling 60 peice of Cannon 7 or 8 vessels 150 prisoners & desroyed 2000 Barrels of Provision &c. fryd 15 fair. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I found my Stray geese in Mr Gardners orchd & near Mamacock. 13 Letters are come from the Camp which Confirm the News of Ezekiel Chapmans Death Sickness &c. Saturd 16 fair. I was most of the day in the neck with the Selectmen Colln Lee Hurlbut & Guy Richards Dividing the fence between my Land & David Lesters Heirs (that was foxes) in the 3d Teer of Lots about 68 Rod. I am to make the West End from my S W Cornner E & 6 S 2 Rod more than half that is 4 Rod more than they. I also Divided with Ebe Rogers the East End a Ditch. the Length from Davids Heirs to Froud in the 2d Teer is 24 Rod & 18 Links. Iam to have the East half 12 Rod & 9 Links. Eliza Ellis gone to S-hold wth Griffng. Sund 17 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. I was out aftern only. a male Infant of Doctor Thos Coits Died, aged 7 weeks. Mond 18 fair. I was about home & Looking up my geese to pluck. Tuesd 19 fair. I Set out for Stonington before noon. I went up to Mr Perkins’s to Speak with him & he was up at Longcoave. I Rid up to him & from thence a Cross by obadiah Baylys & Joseph Starrs & came into the Road by the meetinghouse. I went to Sam Clarks & up to Joshuas & Lodged there. Wednsd 20, fair. I Stayd att the farm underpining wheat field fence till aftern & then along the Road to Daniel Hobarts & fro thence to Mr. Pages & Son Miners & back again to Joshuas. Thursd 21 fair. I came away in the morn & down to Nowayunk & hence along by Widow Wallworths & Ballous & home before dark. all well. my watch am come by Ms Sage [ ] tos. fryd 22 fair. I was att home all day. a Court here. Saturd 23 Thunder & Lightning & Rain in the morning Early & then fair. I Rid out to Poquoyog with Ebe Howard to take acknowledgment &c. he pd me—zs od. Sund 24 fair. Mr Byles pr all day. Benja Smith & Deborah Williams publisht. my Daughter Starr took into ye Chh. Joshua is come back from Lake George wth Letters. Stayd there Sunday night & Monday night. Sett out on Tuesday & came from Colchester to day & was here to ye aftern Meting. was here att meeting this day fortnight. Set out on Monday. 25. a Daughter of John attwells died, aged Six yr 4. Mond 25 fair most of the day. a Smart Showre. towd night Joshua & Molly his Sister gone home. the Rain catcht them I Supose. I was at home all day. Tuesd 26 fair & windy cold. Sup. Court Sat. I was down in Lesters field with adam & 6. oxen & brot home a Ld of Hay about half. there is 45 Cocks. Wednsd 27 fair. wee unloaded the cart about half on ye Top of a Stack nearest the House & half on the Hovel & in the aftern I Rid down after adam to Lestrs 710 Diary of Joshua Hempstead [1758 field & brot away all the Salt hay Except 4 Cocks. Nathll bot for me as many cedar Shingles as comes to £3 6s 8d p M. Thursd 28 fair. In the morning wee unloaded the cart on the Stack next Mr Chapmans & then | Rid Down to the gut & Loaded up the Cart 21. Cocks & left 30. fryd 29 fair. I was at home foren. at Court in ye aftern. Saturd 30 Cloudy Misty. I was at Court in the foren & att home in the aftern Bundling up Shingles. adam & Natt fetcht home my Shingles 3336 most of ym in Bundles. Sund october .1. fair. Mr Byles pr al Day. Nathll Hempsted & Wife ownd the Covenant & had their 4 Children Baptized Anna, Nathll, Samll Booth & Daniel & Jno Holt one Richard. Mond 2d fair. I was att home all day. fenced the Stacks &c. in the Eve I Rid up to Mr Winthrops & Went home. it Rained Smartly in the night much Rain. Tuesd 3d fair. I was out to Ebe Rogers’s the grt pasture & fetcht home the oxen &c. Wednsd 4th fair. I was about home Most of the Day. wee are gathring all the apples. Thos in the orchard & adam in the Lot yesterday Shaking down & to Day picking up. wee had Colln Lees Cart. I mended it 3 new Rounds. adam carryed a Jagg of apples to Cheapels. Joshua was over, all well there. Thursd 5 fair. I was at home all day. adam picking apples in the woods X plain. fryd 6 fair. I was about home most of the Day. toward night I Rid up to the Courthouse. a Society meeting. Saturd 7 fair. I was at home all day Triming Cask &c. Sund 8 fair. Mr Byles pr al day. Capt Joseph Coit a Son Baptized Joshua. Mr Simmons one Chapman & amos Hallam Daughter Eliza. Capt Green of Boston & wife here att meeting. Mond 9 a little Rain & misty in the foren. aftern cloudy. I was att home all day. Tuesd to misty in the foren. cloudy aftern. Rain last night. I was at home all day. I Borded the Cart Boton. Wednsd 11 fair. I was about home & Down to Crossman Lot &c. Thursd 12 fair. I was att home all Day. fryd 13 fair. I was up to Deacon Greens with Mr Richards & Deacon Fosdyck about Dividing the Real Estate. Saturd 14 Misty drisley wet. Thund & lightning & Rain at night. I was at Timo Greens Dividing & a Male Child of Mr Roger Gibsons Died yesterday. fell in to a kittle of Hot Worth & Scalded on Thursday to that degree that he Died. was 4 yr old. Sund 15 fair. Mr Byles pr all Day. Samll Gardner a Child Bap- tizd Samuel. an Infant. Mr Gibsons Child buryed in the Evening. Mond 16 fair. I was at home foren & in Town in the aftern. a Town meeting warned & few came & wee did nothing. Tuesd 17 fair most of the Day. I was up to Mr Timo Greens finishing the Divisions of the Deacons Estate. adm & Sarony & mentis picking & husking 2 Jaggs of Corn. Wednsd 18 fair. I was att home foren & out to Crossman Lot in the aftern. adm Mentis & Peter frenchman gathring Corn & Tomy in the aftern husking 1 Ld Crossman Lot. Thursd 19 fair. I was at home all day. fryd 20 fair. I was at home all day. I Emptyed 5 Barrils of Cydar & filled one Hogshead. I Bot of Capt Shaw 4 barrils & about 3 gallons in it & the Rest in another H Hd. adam carted home 2 Load of Pumkin fro Chapmans. Saturd 21 fair & cold. I was at home most of the Day. toward night I Rid out to Jno Plumbe Lot. adam Carted 4 Ld of Dung there. Peter french boy filled all ye carts. Thomas made Cyder at Capt Harris’s. 7 bbs. I have had 2 &c. Sund 22 fair. a Sacramt Day. Mr Byles pr all Day in a New Pulpit & Capt Pygan Adams officiated as Deacon the first time. mond 23 fair. I was att home foren. my Granson Horton of Southold Married my Son Roberts 3d Daughter Mary was here to See us. is gone to union to preach there on probation. afternoon I was at the Cornfield fencing the oat Stack. Peter frenchman & Darrow Diging Potatoes. adm Carting fence 1758] Diary of Joshua Hempstead 7u1 Stuff. Tuesd 24 Cloudy in the foren. Scattering Rain in the aftern. foren I was out to Jno Plumb L. Topt up the English Hay Stack &c. Nathll Had my Team to cart his Po[tatoes]._ Wednsd 25 Rainy last night & Most of the day. I at home all Day. Thursd 26 Rain & Snow Smartly till aftern. I was at home all Day. fryd 27 Cloudy. I was out to the cornfield all Day. I finisht fencing 3 Stackyards all there. Raw cold. Saturd 28 fair. I was most of the Day Stacking Corn Topps in Cross- man Lot. adam carted them & I handled Every Shef & Stowed them away & afterwd wee Loaded the Cart wth a Small Stack of Clover & brot home to ye Barn. night before wee had done. wee did not unload. Sund 29 Cloudy. Mr Byles pr all day & I kept house at home all day much Indis- posed. a pain in my Bowels been hanging about me 2 or 3 days. Mond 30 fair. Iam Still poorly. keep about home all Day. adm & Tomy went to the Salt medow & fetcht away the Salt hay that was left the about 30 Cocks—Josh & Neddy come over & brot my 2 Bay young Horses. Tuesd 31 fair. I Rid down to Crossman & unloaded the Bigger part of the Salt hay. Night came & wee left all to the wether. Wednsd Novemb 1. Tomy helpt unload. I Keep house. Thursd 2 fair. I was about home. Daughter Starr Set up al night & with me all d Nursing me & Satt up all night again. fryd 3d fair. I keep house Still. Exceeding Sore in my Bowels where the pain was last week. there is my dificulty. Daughter Starr Stands by me up al night again. old Samuel Chapman Died the last night about 8 clock aged 93 last february & old Ms Mehitable Coit the widow of Mr Jno Coit decd Died ys morning. Entries by John Hempstead, son of Joshua Hempstead. 1769 Sept. there was a Great Blazeing Starr appeared in the South East which prognosticates Some Remarkable event. Some Short time after our Governer Died here in Connecticut. a very Calamitous Sickness in the westward part of the Goverment & in many other places. 1774. civil war broke out [be]tween [grt] britan & [ ] colonys. 1775. Brother Stephen Hempsted Died about Six Oclock in morning after about 9 weaks Sickness with Dropsy or Something Like it. Decembr 22 1758. my Father Joshua Hempsted Departed this Life. 1765 8h. My Dear Wife Hannah Hempsted Departed this Life. [ jigh 1775. I was Visited with Death in my family by the Death of my Daughters youngest Child Katharine. Sept 6th 1776. Our Revernd Pasture Mr Ephraim Woodbridge De- parted this Life. : Novbr 23—1776. Sister Elizabeth Starr Departed this Life about one O clock afternoon with the Burning age. March [ ]5 1779. Brother Robert Hempsted Departed this Life at Southold on Long Island. John Hempsted Esqr Dyed June 2d 1779 with the Small Pox. 712 Diary of Joshua Hempstead INDEX, A Abel, Joshua, 410, 415. ‘Abigail, dau. of Joshua Hempstead, _ sen.. (“Daughter Minor,”’) 7, 20, 44, 45, 110, 134, 145, 148, 154, 158, 171-4, 189, 191} 194, 195, 202-4, 207, 208, 210, 212, 216, 220, 221, 226, 227, 930, 337, 338, marries Clem- ent Minor, 339; “mentioned, 242, 248, 245, 246, 249, 255, 267, 258, 260, 2638, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285, 290, 291, 293, 304, 306, 313, 317, 318, 323, 329, . 346, 349, 362, 364- 8, 371, 376, 377, 379, 394, 399, 402, 409, 410, 413, 423- 4, 427, 442, 443, 451, 452, 455, 462, 479, 495, 504, 507, 508, 510, 511, 633, 539, 545, 546, 550, 552, 658-61, 567, 578, 589, 592, 603, 608, 610, 617, 619, 626, 629, 633, 639, 641, 651, 659, 669, 670, 687, 699, 701, 705, 706. Acourt, 181, 185, Acourt, Charles gan 344, ‘Adams, 78, 111, 116, 184, 186, 258, 260, 266, 76, 283, 289, 323, z - 514, 533, 535, ee 547-9, 566, 583, 607, 673, 681, 695, Adams, Capt. 450, 458, 470, 512, 558, 559, 00, 605, 614, 627, 654, 695, 703, 704. ao Ann, bap 518. dams, Rev. Eliphalet, 1-478, 480-87, 489-520, 533 5, 587-74, m. 576; mentioned, 77-615; d. 616. Adams, Mrs. Eliphalet, 482, 483, d. 535; men- tione 6. Adams, Mrs. Eliphalet, 2d, 576, 620. Adams, Elizabeth, 600. Adams, John, 77, 80, 81, 93, 116, 133, 153, 166. Adams, John, jr. bap. 7. Adams, John, 3d bap. 116. Adams, Jonathan, 664. ‘Adams, Joseph, bap. 180. Adams, Katherine, 120. Adams, Lydia, dau. of Eliphalet, bap. 107. Adams, Lydia, dau. of John, bap. 147. Adams, Lydia, dau. of Pygan, bap. 689. ‘Adams, Mary, 2665. Adams, Lt. Pygan, 290, 310, 311, 327, 332, 334. 347, 350, 361-38, 404, 423, 425, 451, 518, 625, 636, 642, 689, 701, 710. Adams, Samuel, son of John, bap. 93. Adams, Samuel, son ae Thomas, d. 629. Adams, Sarah, bap. Adams, Thomas, B5, O66, d. 614; 629 Adams, William, son of Eliphalet, ae 296, 310, 313, 319, 326, 332, 337, 339, 348, 355-7. 365, 366, 375 398, 409, 4 445. 446, 452, 466, 480, 483, 508, 509, 518, 535, 536, 538, 559, 570, 671, a eae 632, 633, 635. 636-8, 42, 647-52, 658, 659, 661-74, 677- 33, 689- a 693, 701, as 704, ee 707. ams, iam, son of P n, bap. 451. Adwell, 4. sa ¥ Alcott, 555. Alewife brook, 540. Alford, 509, 553, 599. Alford, Benjamin, 106. Alger, James, 634, 635. Alger, John, 414. Allen, see Ally n. Alley, Blizabeth, d. 306. Alling, Mathew, 609. Ally, Ann, d. 307. Ally, Eunice, 642. Ally, Jacob, 57, 67, 72. 129. 307. 411, d. 599. Allyn, 22, 24, 25. 57, 273, 279, 379, 417. Allyn, Abigail, 88. Allyn, Agnes, 93. mentioned, Allyn, Ann, 279, 331. Allyn, Elizabeth, bap. 99. Allyn, Eunice, bap. 99. Allyn, Hannah, bap. 99. Allyn, Jason, 400, £09, 419, 430, 445, 455, 486, Allyn, John, 30. Allyn, John, son of Samuel, bap. 99. Allyn, Lydia, 88. Allyn, Mary, bap. 99. Allyn, Patience, d. 253. Rigen Robert, 21, 22, 29, 30, 46, 57, 59, an eae 135, 196, 216, da. 216; land surveyed, 2 Allyn, Capt. Robert, 441. aim Pe Samuel, 40, 93, 98, 99, 125, 339, 391, Allyn, Stephen: bap. 99; 4d. a Allyn, Thomas, 235, 433, 634, 708. Allyn, Timothy, 395, 402, 405, 407, 414, 528. Allyn, William, 400, 663. Allys, Jacob, il. Almsbury, Phebe, 420. Almsbury, Ruth, 396. Almy, Capt. 66. Alvernon, David, 545, 547. Amboy, cece, 527, 528. Ames, Capt. 597. Ames, Daniel, 600. Ames, John, 642. Ames, Robert, 612. Ames, Samuel, 599, 602. Andrews, 3, 5-8, 348. Andros, At tet ol 192. ‘Andros, Eliza, 693. Andros, {ones 82, 91. Angell, Angell, anes. 396. Angell, William, 398, 459, 553, 581. Appleby, 303. APPS Ons 298, 862, 466, 470, 506, 579, 600, 613, Appleton, Mrs. 463, 465, 689. Appleton, Anne, bap. 112; pub. 190. Appleton, Benjamin, 132, 616, 677. Appleton, Elizabeth, 55. Appleton, Elizabeth, dau. ait Joshua, bap. 202, Appleton, Jane. bap. 92; pub. 340. Appleton, Joshua, 28, 50, 54, 63, 72, 92, 112, 124, 178. Appleton, Joshua, jr., 54. Appleton, Mary, 72, 362. Appleton, Ruth, bap. 269. Apply, 59, 66. Apply, Daniel, jr. bap. 153. Army, 2; see also Soldiers Arnold, 28. 48, 49, 99, 100, “113, 122, 160, 168. Arnold, Amenthami, 204. ‘Arnold, John, 14, 16, 17, 20. Arnold, Lucretia, 256. Arnold, Stephen, 70. Ashan, 18. Ashby, 95, 103, 114, 141, 178, 191, 208, 234, 236, 240, 244, 248, 264, 707. Ashby, Anthony, 18. Ashby, Edward, 104, 109, 131, 132, 137, 257. Ashby, James, 175. Ashcraft, 183, 316, 578. Ashcraft, Daniel, 99, 102. Ashcraft, Jedediah, 268. Ashcraft, John, 481, 572. Ashcraft, Uriah, 270. Atkinson, Sarah, 24. Attwell, 179, 262. 403. 596. Attwell, Benjamin, 79, a Attwell, Benjamin, jr. 157. Attwell, Benjamin, son oa Richard, bap. 204. Attwell, Beriah, bap. 349. Attwell. Elizabeth, 169. Attwell, Attwell, Attwell, Jerusha, 270. Joanna, 262. Joanna, 2d, 349, 369. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Attwell, John, 75, 709. Attwell, Joseph, 271, gee 438, 444. Attwell, Mary, pub. 155 Attwell, Mary, dau. of Richard, pap: 204. Attwell, Mary, dau. of Samuel, 331. Attwell, Richard, 39, 66, 72, 76, a5 113, 143, 158, d. 191. Attwell, Samuel, 157, 515, 516, 668. Attwell, Thomas, 213, 358, 404, 410, a 629, 665, 670, d. 675; mentioned, 698, 706. Attwell, Thomas, jr. bap. 410, m. 629. Attwell, William, 420, 440, 486. ‘Attwell, ae a bap. 486. Attwood, 1, 452 Attwood, Tasee 133. Attwood, Thomas, d. 156. Atwill, Goodee, 1, 2, 15, 16, 42. Atwill, T. 23, fae ‘Austin, 100, 309, 564. Austin, Jonathan, 286, 303, 330, 433, 455, 603. aa. ae 109, 231,249, 341) 462, 477, 603, Avery, Abel, 469. Avery, Abraham, 329, 429. Avery, Ann, 185. Avery, Ann, widow of Ransford, pub. 504. Avery, Benjamin, 295. Avery, Christopher, 95, 96, 102, 103, 133, 183, ae ap 293, 352, 415, 428, 432, 489, 510; Avery, Daniel, 316. Avery, Ebenezer, 149, 184, 219, 253, 270, 297. $19, 521, 3381, 336, 356, "405, 460, 481, 520. Avery, Ebenezer, jr. 318. Avery, Edward, 103. Avery, Elisha, d. 172. Avery, Elizabeth, m. 693. Avery, Ephraim, d. 88. Avery, Hannah, 77. Avery, Humphrey, 98, 510, 586. Avery, Isaac, 499, 693. Avery, James, 34, 76, 105, 106, 135, d. 201; wife d. 208. Avery, James, ‘jr. Avery, James, 3d, 68, 270, 272, 291, 297, 336, 539, 613, 637. Avery, John, 178, 265, 309, 316. Avery, Mrs. John, jr. 552. Avery, Jonathan, 40, 104, 251. Avery, Jonathan, jr. 232, 256. aE Joseph, 131, 147, 234, 294, 300, 310, 332. Mary, 78. Nathaniel, 316. Ransford, 135, 255, 429. Avery, Samuel, i2, 77, 96, 118, 178, d. 544. Avery, Thomas, bs Avery, Thomas, son of Samuel, bap. 77; men- tioned, 570. Avery, William, 235. Aweer, Roger, 12. Ayres, 177. Ayres, Nathaniel, 241, 246. ‘Ayres, William, pub. 615. B Babcock, 108, 126, 130, 244, 332, 437, 442, 443. Babcock, Amos, . Babcock, Daniel, 179, 697. Babcock, Henry, 647. Haven, James, 109, 110, 122, 130, 170, 205 Babcock, Joseph, 177. Babcock, Joshua. 175. Babcock, Sarah, 78, 148. Babcock, William. 471. ee Backus, 190, 286, 399, d. Backus, Ebenezer, 102, in, 286, 686. Backus, Joseph, 392. Backus, Samuel, 121. d. 370. Backus, William, 202, 238. Bacon, Anna, 79. Bacon, Hannah, 65. Bacon, Jacob, 78. Bacon, Jacob, jr. 409. Bag, Ezekiel, 525. Bagnel, eae §22. Bailey, Joseph, 72. Baker, 248, 308, 441, 699. Avery, Avery, Avery, 713 Alexander, 69, d. 152; dau. d. 336. Anne, 76. Benjamin, 78. Baker, David, 684, 685. Baker, Hannah, d. 405. Baker, I. 67 Baker, Baker, Baker, Baker, Baker, Baker, Baker, Baker, 47, Jonathan, we aie Joshua, 36, Joshua, jr. ii, 76, 206, d. 365. Baker, Mercy, 72. Baker, Pemberton, 69, 455. Baker, Phebe, yi Susan, 175. ’ William, 608, 691. Balch, John, d. 338. Baldwin, 93, 361. Baldwin, John, 270. Ball, Capt. 10, 150, 194. Ballard, Daniel, 521, 526. Balles, ‘Joseph, "114. Ballou, fue Banks, pantets "01, 213, 385, 412, 416, 421. Barbat, Mrs. 707. Barber, 269, 272, 345, 533, 617, 702. Barber, Rey. Jonathan, 504, 7107. Barbit, 545, 667, 676. Barbut, 675. Barker, 296. Barley, Pres. 468. Barnard, Barnes, "494, “518. Barnes, Mathew, 480 Bartlett, 33, 34, 41, 43, 55, 60, 66, 68, 70, 74, Bartlett, Eliza, 146. Bartlett, Thomas, 2 60, 67, 72, 86. Bartlett’s Neck, Bassel, 450. Baxter, 397, 398. Bayley, 35, 45, 283, 339, 533, 584, 640, 697. Bay Benjamin, 282, 406, 407, 632, 642, Bliza, 640. Gamaliel, 697. James, 57, John, 48, 272. Jonathan, 83, 89, 90, 94, Orediat, 385, 709. Stephen, 138, 632. Bayley, Temperance, 613. Bayley, William, 217. Baylis, Jonathan, 99. Beans, prices, 549. Beare, Mary, d. 2563. Beckt, 533. Beckwith, 316, 385, 488, 554, 613, Beckwith, Abner, 676. Bash, 59. Beckwith, Daniel, 475. Beckwith, Beckwith, Eliza, wife of Jonathan, 302, 389. Elizabeth, bap. 114; pub. 311; m. Been, Elizabeth, jr. bap. 114; pub. 470. 313. Beckwith, Beckwith, Hannah, pub. 8t. 125. 644, Bayley, Bayley, Bayley, Bayley, Bayley, 104, 111, 120, 121, Bayley, Bayley, 628, 644, 675. Beek Hannah, dau. of Elizabeth, bap. Beckwith, Jedidiah, bap. 345. Beckwith, Jesse, 367. Beckwith, John, 118, 306, 369, Beckwith, Jonathan, 19, 20, ist: u3 $52, S73, 374, 384, 389, 614. Beckwith, Jonathan, jr. bap. 109. Beckwith, Jonathan, son of Eliza, bap. 114. Beckwith, Joseph, 23, 40, 220, 227, 435, 684. Beckwith, Mary, pub. 219. Beckwith, Mary, dau. of William, bap. 437. Beckwith, Nathaniel, 51, 563. Beckwith, Oliver, 39. Beckwith, Prudence, 67. Beckwith, Richard, 200. Beckwith, Sarah, 395. Beckwith, Stephen, 484, 488. Beckwith, Thomas, ; ecco Timothy, Beckwith William. oan "321, 330, 345, 437, 506, 520, 536, 554, 577, 581. Beckwith: William, ‘jr., 506. 714 Beebe, Abigail, 203. Beebe, Amos, 615. Beebe, Ann, 391. Beebe, Anna, 252, 548. Beebe, Annie, 676. Beebe, Benjamin, 13, 230, 285, 464, 564, 580. 681, 584, 617, 622, 6 Beebe, Benjamin, JE; 284, 346, 359, 635, 692. Beebe, Bethia, 664 Beebe, Boanerges, 347 Beebe, Clement, 415, 564, 583, 670. Beebe, Mrs. Clement, Beebe, David, 203. Beebe, Ebenezer, 157, 660, Beebe, Eliza, 369. Beebe, Elizabeth, 101. Beebe, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel, 537. Beebe, Mrs. Blizabeth, d. 279. Beebe, Elnathan, 415. Beebe, Esther, 313. Beebe, Ezekiel, 476, 598. Beebe, Ged, 280. Beebe, George, 426. Beebe, Hannah, 432, 675. Beebe, Hezekiah, 209, 2 Beebe, 684. Beebe, Jane, 359. Beebe, Japhet, 203. Beebe, Jasper, 492. Beebe, Joanna, 584; Moses. Beebe, John, 105, 546. Beebe, John, son of Nathaniel, 390, d. 690. Beebe, Jonathan, 208, 285, 555. Beebe, Joseph, 207, 215, 230, 233, 430, 438, 439, 454, 464, d. 678. Beebe, 8. Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, Beebe, see also, Fargo, Joseph, Jr 37 Mrs. Joseph, 201, 219. Mrs. Joseph, 2d, 368. Joshua, 238, 502. Keturah, 497. Lucretia, 545. Lydia, 238, 414. Lydia, dau. of Nathaniel, 263. Mary, 107. Mary, dau. of Joseph, 369. Mehetabel, 203. Mercy, 622. Beebe, Naomi, 627. Beebe, Nathaniel, 216, 327, 390, 411, 426, 470 537, 556, 587, 690. Beebe, Nathaniel, jr. 212, 215, 327. Beebe, Nathaniel, 3d, bap. 327. Beebe, Nathaniel, son of William, d. 476. Beebe, Patience, 369, 407 Beebe, Peter, Beebe, Rebecca, 382, 462, 580. Beebe, Rhoda, bap. 590. Beebe, Richard, 201, 219, 231. Beebe, Samuel, 2, 15,17, 35, 40, 69, 70, 267 270, 281, 299, 307, 364, 391, 432, 440, 455, 501, 512, 516, 548, 580, 589, 590, 597, 607, 608, 645. Beebe, Samuel, jr. 198, 207, 208, 213, 215, 439. Beebe, Samuel, 3d, bap. 476. Beebe, Samuel, son of Nathaniel, Beebe, Mrs. Samuel, 476, 5387, Beebe, Sarah, 378, 453, 64. Beebe, Mrs. Sarah, 299, 313, d. 348. Beebe, Stephen, 137, 281, 323, 340, 5929, 615, 624 Beebe, Stephen, son of Joseph, bap. 203. Beebe, Thaddeus, bap. 369. Beebe, Thomas, 54, 76, 387. Beebe, Thomas, jr. 387, 388. Beebe, William, 18, 24, 25, 42, 193. 271, 280. 281, 391, 437, 454, 476, 514, d. Beebe, William, jr. 437, 457, 476, 504, 609 Beebe, Zaccheus, 13. Beef, prices, Live cattle, 228; 327, 369, 537, 539. Belcher, Gov. Jonathan, 520, Belden, Benjamin, 101. Belden, Ebenezer, 104. Bellame, 407, 524. Belton, 604. Beman, 556. 561. dressed, 264 522, 526, d. 691. 84. James, 107, 115, 166, 201, 407, 411, 628, Mrs. 285, 410, 428. or 299, 664. 196, 244. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Bee 61, 67, 105, 118, 155, 192, 359, 450, 559. 57 Benjamin, son of Robert Hempstead, ae ie 383, 391, 393, 395, 396, 403, 410, 414, 427, 486, 438, 439, 441, 464, 465, 482, 503, 506, Bennat, Bennatt, Bentt, see Bennett. Bennett, 453, Bennett, odnes: 149, 291, * Bennett, Daniel, 43, 148, 185, "364, 380, 403, 406, 408, 413, 425, 434, 448, 619, 666. Bennett, Ebenezer, 64. Bennett, Eliza, 346. Bennett, Elizabeth, 209. Bennett, Jerusha, d. see Bennett, John, 191, Bennett, Joseph, BD 37, 88, 91, 104, 105, 143, 145-7, 157. Bennett, Joseph, jr. 145, 146, 149, d. 156. Bennett, Nathaniel, BBt. Bennett, Sarah, 231, Bennett, Stephen, 143° Sas, 148, 156, 167, 185, B02, 212, 218, 223, 238, 245, 277, 291, 210, 318, 320, 345, 346, 349, 362, 368, 374-6, 379, 384, 390, 392, 398, 401, 403, 404, 407, 413, 420, 421, 423, 425, 426, 451, 452, 455, 462, 470, 475, 476, 479, 483, 497-9, 504, 509, 510, 511, 517, 520, 539, 544, 546, 548, 558, 560, 563, 565-7, 569, 570, 580, 608. Bennett, Thomas, 49, 76, d. 119. Bennett, William, 105, 109, 260, 403, 425-7, 443, 451, 453, 455, 462, 469, 476, 479, 481 499, 506, 509, 511, 517, 539, 544, 548, 565. Benor, "258. Bentley, 662. Bentley, Joseph, 451. Betts, Thaddeus, 464. Betty, dau. of Joshua Hempstead, _sen., (‘Daughter Starr,’’) 126, 128, 198, 238, 257. 277, 282, 290, 291, pub. 291; m. Daniel Starr, 296; mentioned, 304, 312, 815, 316, 819, 322, 329, 331, 333, 339, 340, 342, 343, 368, 369, 386, 399, 414, 430, 443, 456, 460, 469, 502, 516, 517, 534, 539, 550, 557-9, 583, 590, 592, 593, 603, 605, 609-11, 648, 653, 659, 669, 678, 679, 687, 696, 703, 705, 709, d. 711, Bevin, Andrew, 525. Bidder, William, 525. Biddle, William, 522. Bidwell, Mrs. 100, 101, 103. Bigelow, 334, 335, 500. Bigelow, John, 656. Biggs, 532. Biggs, Abigail, 137. Biggs, Susan, 109. Bill, 217, 441. , Benjamin, 345, 645, d. 695. Daniel, , David, 578. Elizabeth, 538. , Joanna, 620. Joshua, 82, 188, 185, d. 276. . Mary. 397. Mercy, 368, , Philip, 178. tee d. 353. 1, Samuel, 211, 304, 369, 386, 407, 418, 471, 541, d. 602. Bill, Samuel, jr. 105, 318, 319, 350, 397, 538, 577, 664, 666, 667, 670. Samuel, 3d, bap. 349. , Mrs. Samuel, 351, 364, 602. , Sarah, 320. Bill, T. 544. Billings, Benjamin, 282, 342. Billings, Ebenezer, 104, 203, 287. Billings, Increase, 201, 202. Billings, Lucretia, bap. 366. Billings, William, 326, 335. Billings, Ziporah, 33. Birch, 249. Birchan, 70. Birchard, 116. Birchard, Daniel, 595. Rirchard, James, 422, 443. 272, 286, 347, 392, 898, 450, 451, Bishop, 152, 457, 674, 575. Bishop. Clement, 122, 485. Bishop. Eleazer, 105, 133, 541, 570, 603, d. 655. Bishop, Eleazer. jr., 171, 600. Bishop, Eleazer, son of Samuel, bap. 348. Bishop, Ellis, 57. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Bishop, John, 122, pub. 229; mentioned, 573, 577, 588, 600, 622, 641. Bishop, Mary, Bishop, Nicholas, “B11, 597. Bishop, Peter, Bishop, Samuel, 182. Bishop, Samuel, jr. 321, 702. Bister Samuel, son of Eleazer, 122, 478, 584, Bishop, Sarah, 122. Bishop, Temperance, 323. Bishop, William, 202. Blackman, 116. Blackston, 212. Blake, Jeremiah, 92, 514. Blake, Martha, 435. Blogget, William, 94, Bloomer, ‘ Blunkett, 107. Bly, Culbert, 262. Blyth, Joanna, 359. Boardman, 764. Boards, prices, 78, 356. Bodington, see Buddington. Boham, John, 131. Boham, Sarah, 155. Boham, Thomas, 93, 112, 113, 161. Boham, Thomas, jr., 112. Boham, Mrs. Thomas, 100. Boisseau, pee Bushshe. Boland, Bolles, 7, %, 162, 184, 438, 444, 458, 610, 658. Bolles, Ebenezer, 408, 434, 54 9. Bolles, Mrs. Eleazer, “451, Bolles, Enoch, 336, 340, 341, 408, 424, 647. Bolles, Isaiah, 266, 408, 424, 618, 614, 680. Bolles, John, 14, 49, 55, 96, 108, 230, 248, 255, 257, 261, 279, 282, 294, 297, m. 303; men- tioned, 318, 329, 337, 340, 342, 389, 407, 413, 421, 430, 433, 438, 450, 462, 5388, 551, 602, 606, 619, 625, 646, 672, Bolles, John, jr. 184, 201, 233, 357, 658, 692. Bolles, John, 3d, 704. Bolles, Joseph, 224, 225, 236, 237, 246, 249, 259, 268, 271, 272, 306, 318, 341, 347, 390- 92. 408, 508, 610, 614, 625, 644, 691, 703. Bolles, Joseph, jr. 620. Bolles, Joshua, 359, 418, 610, 614. Bolles, Lydia, e Bolles, Mary, 703. Bolles, Patience, 191, 620, 621. Bolles. Samuel, 260, 389, 390, 703. Bolles, Sarah, 107, 00. Bolles, Thankful, 658. Bolles, Thomas, 272, 319, 645-8, 672, 692. Bolles, Zipporah, 605, 606. Bonadel, Arthur, 522. Bonds, 493. Booth, 45, 48. 50, 55, 87, 94, 532. Booth, Obadiah, 84. Booth. William, 577, 703. Booth, William, jr. 13. Boots, prices, 496. Borden, William, 49, 223. Boss, 35, 36. 46. Bostwick, 529, 530. Boundaries, 2; N. L. and Lyme, 69, 196, 197. 220, 334; town, 73; town and Lyons, 408, 412; Mohegan, 73, 84, 85, 96, 142; Hemp- stead and Denison, 109, Comstock and Fargo, 117; Starr and Mayhew, 120, New- ton and Hempstead, 141, Winthrop and Groton, 217; North parish, 222, 223; Map of N. L. 226; Caulkins and ‘Lord, 229; Strickland and Winthrop, 230; Saybrook and Killingworth, 259, Rhode Island, 262; R. Christophers and Groton common, 272: Commons apportioned, 275; Winthrop’: Jand, 275, 276; Rogers and Powers, 281; Avery and Hempstead, 289; Wheeler, 344: New Salem, 363; Chapman and Hurlbut. 408, 412; Adams and Winthrop, 549; Moore and Fosdick, 569; Hempstead and Rogers. 569; Hempstead and others, 573. See also Surveys; Land. Bowen, Richard, 61, 62, 69. 715 Bowers, 532. Bowers, Morgan, 43. Boyd, William, 263. Boyles, see B yles. Braddick, 24, 3B 7, 39, 43, 45, 65, 94, 187, 154, 174, isi, 192, ‘195, 220, 359, '367, 421, 448, 562, 599, 637, 646, 667, 681. Braddick, Abigail, ib. Braddick, Henry, 626. Braddick, John, 169, 264, 269, 324, 402, 487, 498, 591, d. 601, mentioned, 642. Braddick, John, jr. bap. 247; pub. 620. Braddick, Lucretia, 246, 421, 498. Braddock, Gen. Edward, 646, 652. Bradford, 84, 96, 116, 249, 507, 535. Bradford, Benjamin, 213. Bradford, Hezekiah, 517. Bradford, John, 555, 682, 683. Bradford, Joseph, 54, 185, 253, 566. Bradford, Joshua, 8 Bradley, ‘Hewitson, 533. Bradley, Peter, 697. Brady, 579. Brairard, 536, 555. Brainard, Hezekiah, 184. Braintree, Mass., 485. Bramble, Eliza, 435. Bramble, Mary, 419, 421, 426, 466. Bramble, Sarah, 586, 587, 595, 616, 618, 619. Brattle, ‘Mrs. 292. Breed, 402. Brenton, Thomas, 682. Brewer, 568. Brewer, Daniel, 305, 589. Brewster, 37, 57, 185, 203, 520, 532, 587. Brewster, John, 531, 579, 590, 632. Brewster, Richard, 39. Brichan, Priscilla, 76. Bridge. 342 Brinton, 131. Briscow, Robert, 256. Bristow, Lydia, 615. Broadhurst, 294, 311. Broadstreet, Col., 709. Brockway, 238. Brockway, Ephraim, 357. Brockway, Richard, 364. Breckway, Samuel, 270. Brockway, Woolston, 306. Brooker, 10, 18, 25, 35. Brockfield, 219. Brookfield, William, 203, 238. Brooks, 36, 239, 284, 306, 398, 579, 626. Brooks, Bathshua, 426. Brooks, Mrs. Bathshua, 349. Brooks, Comfort, 399, 422, 489, 482, 569, 612, 19, 660, 676, 703. Brocks, Blizabeth, 150, 646. Brooks. Elleff, dau. of Henry, 15, 258. Brooks. Elleff, dau. of Josiah, 450. Brooks, Mrs. Elleff, 581, d. 583. Brooks, Ezekiel, 352. Brooks, George, 398. Brooks, Guy, 685. Brooks, Hannah, 85, 118. Brooks, Henry, 15, 28, 38, 57, 112, 117, d. 69, mentioned, 583. Brooks, Isaac, 693. Brooks, James, 676. Brooks, John, 22 Brooks, Brooks, Brooks Brooks, Brooks, Brooks, Brooks, Brooks, Brooks, 1. Josiah, 57, 342, 398, 395, 397, 425, 450, Josiah, jr. 357. Lucretia, 660. Mary, 8. Mary, dau. of Henry, 112. Miriam, 23. Samuel, 38, 398. Samuel, jr. 352, 390. Mrs. Samuel, 352. Brooks, Sarah, 175. Brooks, Timothy, 252, m. 254, d. 431, men- tioned, 617, 646. Brooks, Timothy, 2d, 693, 695. Brown, 43, 69, 97, 114, 148, 235, 237, 238, 242, 254, 263, 296, 309, 318, 321, 326, 378, 392, 409-11, 415, 499, 513, 517, 521, 548, 588, 705. 716 Brown, Abner, 686. Brown, Anna, 207. Brown, Benjamin, 665, 668, 692. Brown, Daniel, 497, 517, 646. Brown, Deliverance, 535. Brown, Ephraim, 568, 569, 571, 577, 578, 592, 593, 610- 18, 615, 617, 622, 633, 634, 637, 647-9, 652-4, 657, 671-3, 677, 705. Brown, Gershom, 46. Brown, Ichabod, 266. Brown, James, 38, 84, 276, 503. ‘632. Brown. Jedediah, Brown, John, 633, Brown, Mrs. Kate, 355, 356, 358. Brown, Nathaniel, 47, ‘98, 106, 698. Brown, Rebecca, 621, Brown, Richard, 265. Brown, Ruth, 410. Brown, Samuel, 241, 246, 355-8, 647. Brown, Susanna, d. 376. Browne, 530. Browne, Mary, 530. Browne, Phebe, 530. Bruce, Abigail, 634. Bruce, William, 634. Bruch, 372. Bruch, Richard, 26. Brumfield, Bijah, 11. Brumingham, 607. Bryant, 15, 21. Buchanan, Margaret, 151. Buckingham, 128, 180, 197. Buckingham, Daniel, 88. Buckingham, T. 66. Buckingham, nese 253. Budd, 144, 377, Budd, Joseph, Ba. "oi 112. Budd, Roan 1198. Buddington, 30, Buel, 386, 407, 500, "515, 566, 705. Bulfinch, 9. Bulfinch, Bedgood, 389. Bulfinch, John, 383. Bulkley, 105, 146, 173, 191, 217, 226, 261, 356 430, 461, 536, 629, 683, 708. , Bulkley, Mrs. 274, 461, 5 purkleys ee 700. ulkley, Capt. John, 338, 542, ' Se aL Col. 647, 655. Bulkley, Rev. John, 236. Bulkley, Peter, 316. Bulkley, Robert, bap. 683. Bull, 417, 449. Bump, 517. Bump, Lydia, 696. Bunce, Blisha, 466. Bunster, 537. Buors, Major, 252, 326, 341, 352. Buors, Andrew, 18. ure 59, 289, 294, 299, 302, 352, 417. 418, 441, 445, 449, 462, 476, 484, 485, 549, 553, 578, 584, 585, 640, 682, Burch, Edward, 293. eee me Burch, Elizabeth, 299, 415, 474, 486. Burch, Gibson, 457. Burch, Lydia, 415, m. Joshua Hempstead, 3d. Burch, Mary, 481. Burch, BR. 162, 178. Burch, Rebecca, 487. Burch, Sarah, 495, 618, Burcham, George, 54. Burden, Mary, 556. Burdick, Mary Forster, 443. Burdick, Samuel, 443. Burial place, aoe ues 484. urnham, 7, 10, 304, 456, 500, Burnham, John, 334. ee Des Burr, 352, 668. Burr. Col. Andrew, 440. Burrell, 293. Burrell, Theophilus, 344. Burrows, 179, 185, 319, 356. Burrows, Amos, 515, 516. Burrows, Hubbard, ‘428, Diary of Joshua Hempstead : Burrows, Robert, 177, 180, 191. Burrows, Samuel, 58, 59, 296, 303, 328, 365. Bushee 647. Bushnell, Capt., 43, a. 385, 389. Bushnell, Benajah, 4 686. Bushnell, Caleb, 40, ti. Bushnell, Joshua, 677. Bushnell, 47. Bushnell, Atay. 555, 556. Bushshe, aero 546. Butter, prices, 4 Buttler, To, ‘91 S06, 258, 328, 338, 458, 466, Buttler, Capt. 158, 154, 176, 194, 308. Buttler, Abigail, 80, 155. Buttler, Amos, 696. Buttler, Daniel, 611. Buttler, Daniel, son of Thomas, 657. Buttler, Deborah, 3 Buttler, Elizabeth, 202. Buttler, Ezekiel, 222, 261, 275. Buttler, Grace, 79 Buttler, Hannah, 700. Buttler, James, 101, 427, 601. Buttler, John, 197, 620, 646, 685. Buttler, John, son of Thomas, 237, Buttler, John, son of Walter, 138. Buttler, Jonathan, 128, 129, 318. Bvuttler, Joseph, 276. Buttler, Katherine, 6. Buttler, Katherine, dau. of Walter, 124. Buttler, Kathrene, 133. Buttler, Lydia, dau. of Thomas, jr., 382. Buttler, Lydia, dau. of Walter, 62 Buttler, Mary, 47, 121, 447. Buttler, Mary, jr., 47, 447. Buttler, R. 30. Buttler, S. 29. Buttler, Sarah, 644. Buttler, Stephen, 417. Buttler, Thomas, 40, 56, 57, 71, 79, 81, 101, rt 327, 357, 384, 401, 417, 447, 451, 462, 470, 472, 492, 544, 545, 559, 640, 657, 674, d. 681, mentioned, 708. Buttler, Thomas, jr., 57, 447, 597, 695. Buttler, Thomas, son of Walter, 53, 447, 604. Buttler, Walter, 26, 47, 53, 56, 73, 76, 94, 140, 155, 166, 188, 189, 401, 604. Walter, IPi;. 06, 440. , Walter, son of moms, 162, 643, 700, Buttler, Walter, son of Thomas, jr., 597. Buttolph, 383, 498, 656. Buttolph, Blizabeth, 469, 470. Buttolph, George, 55, 57- 9, 61, 66, 88, 110, 119, 130, 135, 145, 146, 152, 157, 168, 188, 195, 199, 207, 222, 225, 283, 567, 610, 620, 634. George, jr., 119, d. 155. Hannah, 59. Jonathan, 516. Joseph, 128, 350, 405. Lydia, 55, 303, 394. Lydia, jr., 55. Buttolph, Mary, ig9. Buttolph, William, 615. Button, 250, 261. Button, Peter, 279. Butts, 517. Butts, Jonathan, 580, 632. Butts, Rebecca, d. ee Byles, Rev. Mather, 6 Byles, Rev. Mather, bs 706-10. c Buttolph, Bvttolph, Buttolph, Buttolph, Buttolph, Buttolph, "684-9, 691-3, 695-704, Cady, Jemima, 104. Caesar, (Mohegan sachem), 127. Calder. Enos, 447. Calder, John, 426, 447. Calendar, changed, 594. Caley. 369. Calking, Caulking, Caulkings, see Caulkins, Calves, prices, 577 Camp, 213, 471. Camp. Ann, 247. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Camp, Anne, dau. of James, 349. Camp, Bash, 24. Camp, Bathshua, 349. Camp, Elizabeth, 39. Camp, James, 216, 349, 408, 467, 479. Camp. Lettice, 408. Camp, Lydia, 349. Camp, Mary, 349. Camp, Richard, a6 Camp, Sarah, 349 Camp, William, 21, Bh, 29, 1, 167, 216, 223, 230, 237, 258, 483. Archibald, 70, 83, 111, 123. Charles, 94 Daniel, 111. Elizabeth, 83, 689. James, 157. James, son of Archibald, 133. Jane, 94. John, 93. Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Sarah, 70. Campbell, Sarah, dau. of Archibald, bap. 163 Canada, expedition to, 462. Canhada, 494. Cape Breton, expedition to, 440, 444, 445, 450, 451, 707 Capron, 404. Cardall, 490, 612-14, 617, 626. Cardall, William, 486. Cardwell, 496. Cardwell, William, 386, 419, 433. Carew, Palmer, 220. Carl, Abiel, 54. Carle, 631, 532. €arskadan, Robert, 501. Carter, Thomas, 568. Carver, 12. Cary, 504, 627. Case, Ichabod, 246. Cashkadden, William, 553. Caulkins, 302, 429, 642. Caulkins, Amos, 227, 245, 250, 314, 375, 376 508, 622. Caulkins, Ann, 157. Caulkins, Ann, dau. of Amos, 257. Caulkins, Daniel, 540. Caulkins, Daniel, son of Joseph, 305. Caulkins, David, 184, 590. Caulkins, David, jr., estate of, 220, 621, 642. Caulkins, Eliza, 233. Caulkins, Ezekiel, 279. Caulkins, Grace, 241. Caulkins, John, 32, 78, 86. Caulking. John, jr., 78. Caulkins, Jonathan, 79, 94, 182, 220, 222, 259 283, 339, 519, 551, 552, 602, 638. Caulkins, Jonathan, son of Thomas, 327. Caulking, Joseph, 107, 198, 220, 259, 270, 407 440, 476, 508, 519, 590, 642, 662. Caulkins, Joseph, jr., 124, 393 Caulkins, Lucretia, 253, 538. Caulkins, Mary, 227, 336. Caulkins, Noah, 350. Caulkins, Pember, 395. Caulkins, Rufus, 393. Caulkins, Samuel, pap. 348, pub. 691, m. 693 Cavlkins, Sarah, 18, Caulkins, Sarah, ain. Ef Thomas, bap. 327 Caulkins, Thomas, 283, 285, 395, 472, 361, 561 Caulkins, William, 144, pub. 459. Cedar swamp, 624. Chadwick, Jonathan, 179. Chainey, Hannah, 330. Chalker, 29, 49, 429. Chalker, Hannah, 194. Che mberlin, 64, 101, 461, 491, 550, 652. Champion, Henry, 49 ; 67. Champion, Joshua, 34, 36, 49, 51, 59. Champlin, 69, 76, 602, 658, 692, 693, 706. Champlin, Mrs. 484, 563, 681. Champlin, Damairs, 241. Champlin, Eliza, 693. Champlin, Jerusha, 331 Champlin, John, 61, 62. “115, 196, 206, 220, 272 407, 614. Champlin, Rhoda, 393. Champlin, Samuel, 683, 693. 717 Chandlee, 699. Chandlee, J. 623. Chandler, Anna, 400. Chandler, James, 400. Chandler, John, 413. Chandler, Rhoda, 629. Chapel, Chapell, see Chappell. Chapman, 21, 25, 34, 64, 66, 71, 73, 75, 90, 94, 101, 122, 126, 127, ‘134, 137, 138, 143, 153, 56, 161, 166, 170, 173, 176, 178, 179, 181, 185, 189/ 196, 208, 215, 219° 224° 229; 231, 236, 258, 261, 265, 272, 275, 289-47 286, 288, 297, 303, 304, 313, 316, 319, 325, 347, 350, 354, 357, 361, 388, 391, 393, 396, 397, 399, 404, 429, 430, 432, 435, 436, 442, ee pe are 512, 614, 518, 521, ; ‘ 575, 580, 655, 707, 710. ou, Chapman, Andrew, m. 623, d. 647. Chapman, Ann, 601. Chapman, Benjamin, 305. Chapman, Bethia, 306. Chapman, Comfort, 303. Chapman, Daniel, 613. Chapman, David, d. 71. Chapman, Edward, 683. Chapman, Eliza, bap. 249, m. 617. Chapman, Eliza, dau. of ‘Gideon, 674, Chapman, Elizabeth, 127. Shep man, Ephraim, 267, 305, 483, 588, 625, Chapman, Ezekiel, 228, 271, 319, 394, 428, 520, 592, 617, 622. 626, 651, 653, 655, 656, 658, 663, 693, 697, 699, 70 Chapman, Gideon, 89, 90, 250, 274, 289, 307, 385, 342, d. 356. Chapman, Gideon, 2d, 394. Chapman, Hannah, 69, 78, 90, 119. Chapman, Hannah, dau. of James, 262, 637. Chapman, Hezekiah, 171. Chapman, J. 106, 217, Chapman, James, 231, 244, 322, 355, 356, 389, 400, 424, 425, 447, 478, ee 658, 669, 682. Chapman, James, jr., 268, 618. Chapman, Jane, 699. Chapman, Jeremiah, 4, 9, 45, 71, 80, 83, 89, 92, 100, 101, 116, 120, 125, 129, 169, 182, 199! 218, 220, 274, 298, 309, 311, 356, 858, 446, 520, 547, 556, 632, 655, 656. Chapman, Jeremiah, jr., 140, 188, 275, 308, 341, 344, 355, 369, 363, 365, 394, 395, 408-11, 418, 419, 424, 444, 435, 440, 441, 448, 455, 467, 494, 496, 499, 500, 506, 512, 563, 568, 587, 633. Chapman, Joanna, 134. Chapman, Joanna, dau. of Samuel, jr., 333. Chapman, John, 500. Chapman, John, jr., 186, 398, 461. Chapman, John, son of James, 333. Chapman, Joseph, 25. Chapman, Joseph, son of James, 478. + Chapman, Joseph, son of Samuel, 132. Chapman, Katherine, 699. Chapman, Mary, 72, 182. Chapman, Mary, dau. of James, 478. Chapman, Mary, dau. of Samuel, jr., 200. Chapman, Mercy, 489 Chapman, Mercy, dau of James, 366, Chapman, Moses, 25. hep ee Peter, 119, 272, 345, 676, 601, 647, Chapman, Ralph, 69, 115, 130. Chapman, Rebecca, "447, Chapman, Richard, 298, 536, 537, 539, 576, 688, 634, 649, 683, 692. Chapman, Robert, 174, 176. Chapman, Ruth, 111. Chapman, Samuel, 25, 118, 154, 161, 248, 248, 855, 264, 272, 310, 411, 423, 438, 440, 449, 452, 461, 481, 501; 514, 547, 570, 601, 613, en eae 642, 656, 665, 672, 673, 699, 704; Chapman, Samuel], jr., 120, 240, 273. Chapman, Samuel, 3d, 224. Chapman, Sarah, ‘911. Chapman, Susanna, 625. Chapman, Thomas, 185, 191, 212, 608, 512, 568. 718 Chapman, Thomas, son of Ephraim, 357. Chapman, William, 82. Chapman, Mrs. William, 292. Chappell, 16, 25, 37, 258, 297, 333, 599, 659. Chappell, ‘Amos, 509, 519. Chappell, Ann, 338 Chappell, Anne, 162. Chappell, Benjamin, 564, 583. Chappell, Bethia, 282, 359. Chappell, Christopher, 244, 298, 461, 662. Chappell, Mrs. Christopher, 689. Chappell, Comfort, 33, 246, aL, 304, 439, 461, 621, 622. Chappell, Edward, 425. Chappell, Hleazer, 208. Chappell, Eliza, 337. Chappell, Elliff, 381. Chappell, Ezekiel, 403, 603, 668. Chappell, George, 2, 3, 16, 20, 81, 331, 399, 683. 496, Chappell, George, jr., 389, 496, 533. Chappell, Gideon, 267 Chappell, Hannah, 281. Chappell, Mrs. Hannah, 258, 325. Hannah, dau. of George, 351. Chappell, Chappell, Hannah, dau. of John, jr., Isaac, 414. Chappell, Chappell, J. 35, 44, 85, 562. Chappell, Jabez, 266, 288, 667, 568, 622, 628. Chappell, James, Jane, 310. Chappell, Chappell, Jedediah, 575, 577. Chappell, John, 638, 192, 244, 248, 253, 267, 298, 300, 304, 366, 369, 391, 404, 490, 551, 675, 577, 688, 593, 614, 615, ‘631, a. 640. Chappell, Sonn. ir, 241, 307, 339, 349, 361, 353, 413, 608, 620, 649, 700. Chappell, ae 3d, 241, 601, 651, 656, S59, 665, Chappell, John, 4th, 699, 706. Chappell, Jonathan, 378, 390, 412, 572, 675, 577, 591, 592, 598, 602, 635, 652, 694. Chappell, Jonathan, son of John, jr., 241. Chappell, Joseph, 46, 50, 57, 142, 183, 302, 347, 416, 478, 512, 598. Joseph, son of John, jr., 370. Joshua, 271. Lucy, 330. Martha, 416. Mary, 2, 280, 305. Mary, dau. of Joseph, 282. Mary, dau. of Stephen, 393. Mathew, 403. Nathaniel, 13, 107, 317, 572, 610. 308, 608. 285. 574, 669, 329. Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Chappell, Nathaniel, jr., Chappell, Patience, 87, ‘91, 101. Chappell, Patience, dau. of George, 342. Chappell, Peter, son of Jonathan, 412. Chappell, Richard, 379, 385, 416, 663. Chappell, Samuel, 276. Chappell, Sarah, 51. Chappell, Sarah. dau. of John, jr., 241, 385. Chappell, Stephen, 357, 393, 425, 687, 622, 655. Chappell, Walter, 672, 673. Chappell, William, 169, 575, 604, 663. Chappell, William, jr., 686. Chappell, William, son of Joseph, 219, 246, 311, 604, Chattfield, 324. Chauncey, 459. Cheapel, see Chappell. Cheevers, 61. Cheney, 636. ehen prouer 98, 126, 178, 185, 189, 199, 662, Chesebrough, Amos, 472, 585, 591, 633, 665. Chesebrough, Elihu, 417, 448, 509, 551, 589. Chesebrough, Elihu, 2d, 660, 589, ‘608, 659, 670. Chesebrough, Jeremiah, 659. PHRS UE, Nathan, 422, 468, 472, 519, 520, Chesebrough, Samuel, 149, 153, 322. Chesebrough, William, 177, 332 Chester, 177, 181, 205, 285, 458, “694. Chester, Abraham, 477, Chester, Jason, 695, 696. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Chester, John, 251, 351. Chester, Jonathan, 137, 140, 146, 147, 169, 185, 287, 557, 578. Chester, Joseph, 627, 701. Chester, Mary, 169. Chew, 592, 599, 685. Chew, Joseph, 599, 658. Chipman, 390. Chipman, James, 161. Chiterington, Nathaniel, 360. Christmas, 229. Christophers, 2-4, 9, 10, 15, 26, 27, 31, 34, 44, 53, 69, 70, 73, 77, 78, 80, 88, 92, 93, 97, 106, 113, 115, 121, 175, 179, 185, 190, ‘191, 198, 202, 237, 249, 253- 5, 258, 259, 266, 276, 278, 279, 286, 289, 290, 298, 389, 617 Christophers, Madam, 352, 387, 339, 418, 423, 437, 441. Christophers, C., 132, 134, 148, 160, 178, 180, , 580. Christophers, Christopher, 10, 18, 27, 38-40, 44, 83, 84, 105, 110, 130, 186, 286, 572. Christophers, Christopher, 2d, 70, 352, 378, 85, 407, 608, 541, 605, 615, 677. Christophers, Christopher, 3d, 508. Christophers, Elizabeth, dau. of C., 541. Christophers, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard, 37, 7%, Christophers, Mrs. Elizabeth, 307, 308. Christophers, Esther, 117. Christophers, Grace, 274. Christophers, Joanna, 174, 576. Christophers, John, 10, 13, 16, 22, 25, 37, 48, 56, 68, 133, 135. Christophers, John, 2d, 365, 378, 385, 451, 459, 494, 542, 591. Christophers, Jerusha, 624. Christophers, John Allin, 605. Christophers, Joseph, 52, 53, 74, 77, 83. Christophers, Joseph, son of Christopher, 508 Christophers, Joseph, son of Richard, 127. Christophers, Katherine, 152. Christophers, Katherine, dau. of Richard, 165. Christophers, Lucretia, 110, 169. Christophers, Lucretia, dau. of John, 542. Christophers, Lucy, 236, 238. Christophers, Lydia, 108. Christophers, Lydia, dau. of Capt. C., 132. Christophers, Margaret, 155. Christophers, Mary, 38, 39. Christophers, Mary, jr., 62. Christophers, Mary, dau. of John, 459. Christophers, Peter, 494. Christophers, Richard, 2, 7, 18-15, 20, 24, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38, 41-43, 46-48, 50, 53, 55, 62, 65, 6F, 10, U1, 73.74, FG 86, 89, 90, 92, 94. 96, 97, 99, 100, 107, 109, 112, 113, 116, 121, 128, 128, 130, 136, 147, 149, 158, 160, 169, 170, 498, 601. Christophers Richard, Gr, 8 38, 21, 72 126, 138. 182, 188, 189, 209, 221, 234, 266, 267, 272, 291, 299, 309, 364, 657. Christophers, Richard, son of John, jr., 451, Christophers, Sarah, 94, oe Christophers, Mrs. Sara. SME 98, 104, 147, Tag io; 508, 613, 636-8, 6 Church, Christian, 581. Church, Fairbanks, 455. Church, Hannah, 699. Church, Joseph, 117. Church, Sarah, 501, 613. Church, Silas, 421, 488, 556. Church, Singleton, 699. Church, William, 328. Cider, prices, 348, 430, 466. Citt, see Eldredge, Christopher. Clapp, 178, 521, 574. Ber 120, '137, 141, 144, 280, 335, 366, 420, 430. Clark, Cary, 179, 185, 191. Clark, Daniel, Clark, Elizabeth, 483. Clark, Isaac, Clark, John, 38. a1, 412, 449, 611. Clark, Jonas, 129, tin {uur A AULU 2 Ail NS lll “ern Diary of Joshua Hempstead Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Nicholas, 449, Rebecca, 607. Samuel, 243, 318, 709. Sarah, 308. Sarah, jr., 308, 695. Clark, Sarah Martin, 466. Clark, William, 354. Clay, Stephen, 620, 621. Clayton, 527, 528. Cleaves, David, 129. Cleaves, John, 130, 207. Cleland, see Cleveland. Clemens, William, 573. Cleveland, 662. Cleveland, Aaron, 77, 397, ee 626, 628-30. Cleveland, Mrs. Aaron, Cleveland, James, 706. Cleveland, Moses, 51. Cleveland, Thomas, 384. Cleverly, 264, 575. Coddin, 16, 18, 32, 33, 100. Coddington, 42. Codner, 73, 129, 203, 410, 415. Codwise, Christopher, 529. Coffin, 7, 554, 614. Cogswell, 101, 176, 535. Cogswell, Jane, 154. Cogswell, Mary, 154. Coit, 5, 6, 13, 17, 25, 26, 31, 32, 36-38, 42, 49, 55, 56, 59-61, 66, 68-70, 74, 75, 78, 79, 92, 129, 141, 196, 213, 231, 269, 276, 277, 285, 302, 320, 321, 336, 352, 355, 362, 389-95, 398, 407, 405, 414, 423, 425, 432, 434, 457, 464, 466, 467, 500, 516, 532, 559, 582. 5 599, 619, 627, , 671, 681, 708. Coit, Daniel, 108, 109, , 177, 188, 189, O41, O51, B61, 272, 275, 278, 292, 800, . 329, 333, 348, 347, 349, 353, 355, 363, 366, 369, 372, 376, 378, 387, 388, 396, 402, 425, 426, 431, 434, 435, 452- 4, 468, 469, 486, 488, 491, 496, 499, 506, 512-15, ray S 00 oo Cou ne. 540. 546, 549, 550, 553, 562, 563, 577, 590, 598, 598, 599, 604, 610, 614, 619, 622, 630, 632, 633, 635, 643, 684, 685, 693, 696, 701, 702, 703, 07. Coit, Daniel, jr., 577. Coit, Desire, 540. Coit, Eliza, 408. Coit, Blizabeth, 103. Coit, Elizabeth, dau. of John, jr., 150. Coit, J. 106, 249. Coit, James Taylor, 83. Coit, Jerusha, 675. Coit, John, 1, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 31, 36, 37, 38, 41, "42, 57, 61, 67, 70-72, 77, 78, 81, 121, 129, 154, 196, 201, 212, 223, 250, 318, 381, 396, 420, 422, 435, 433, 676, 708. Coit, John, jr., 97, 98, 155, 157, 166, 241, 294, 366. 394, 431, 434, 439, 449, 452, 465, 540, 596, 627, 636, 657. Coit, John, ’3a, 98, 469, 595, 683, 691, 696, 697, 701. Coit, John, 4th, 595. Coit, Mrs. John, 451. Coit, Joseph, 74, 77, 78, 87, 128, 128, 142, 149, 154, 168, 173, 249, 258, '270, 408, 419, 463, 468, 469, 490, Coit, Capt. Joseph, 426, 449, 464, 498, 501, 510, 520, 522, 553, 556. 564, 577, 582, 586, 592, 619, 633, 640, oe 665, 675, 698, 710. Rev. Joseph, 6. Joseph, son of John, 203, 580, 676, 697. Joseph, son of ere Joseph, 556. Mrs. Joseph, d. , Joshua, 710. Kathrene, 657. Lucy, 463. , Lydia, 198. Lydia, dau. of Joseph, 378. Margaret, 406. Martha, 238. Martha, dau. of Richard, 433. Mary, 163, 191, 194. Mehitabel, 687) 711. Mrs ehi e t. Nathaniel, 296, 406, 421, 438, 457, 466, 470, 505, 548, 591, 592, 600, 616, 617, 637, 644, 657, 708. 719 Coit, Nathaniel, jr., 343, 486. Coit, Peter, 235. Coit, Richard, 122, 415, 431, 433, 449. Coit, S. 482. Coit, Samuel, 608, 674, 701. Coit, Sarah, ‘dau. of Daniel, 168. Coit, Sarah, dau. of Capt. Daniel, 426. Coit, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel, 306. Coit, Solomon, 1, 3, 18, 16-18, 20-22, 24, 25, 27-30, 37, 44, 46, 47, 51, 53, 638, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 78, 74, 77, 79, 85, 89, 98, 94, 97, 101, 105, 107, 117, 188, 143, 146, 168, 176, 180, 497, 199, 202, 209, 212, 215, 230, 289, 237, 240, 242, 251, 254, 255, 261, 262, 290, a0. 431, 441, 450, 452, 466, 523, 525, 603, Coit, Solomon, son of Nathaniel, 438, 614. Coit, Coit, Coit, Coit, Coit, Stephen, 471, 474. Thomas, 88, He 155. Thomas, jr, 1 60. Thomas, 3d, 464, 687. i Thomas, son of Capt. Joseph, 592. Coit, Dr. Thomas, 709. Coit, William, 62, 63, 71. Coit, William, son of Capt. Daniel, 402. Colchester, settlement of, 638. Cole, 278. Cole, Mrs. Barak, 531. Cole, John, 123. Colefax, 282, 286, 339, 409, 441, 486, 487, 490, 16, 538, 542, 575, 589, 594, 595, 608, 621, 622. Colefax, Ebenezer, 618. Colefax, Eliza, 259, 594. George, 195, 473, 551, 583, 618, 657, Colefax, 700. Colefax, George, jr., 583. Colefax, John, 188, 195, 259, 289, 300, 308, 344, 350, 413, 450, 501, ‘552, 698. Colefax, John, jr., 351. Colefax, Jonathan, 302. Jonathan, son of George, 700. Lucy, 657 Mary, 450. Colefax, Sarah, 551. Colefax, William, 501. Coleman, 103. Coleman, Ebenezer, 388. Coleman, Judah, 624, 625, 654. Collard, Thomas, 549. Collier, 488. Collins. 239, 252, 297, 368, 397, 415, 427, 436, 466, 467, 469, 475, 502, 539, 599, 618, 626. Collins, Daniel, 231, 247, 327, 339, 346, 350, 86, 403, 415, 446, 588, 634. Collins, Daniel, Ir.; 330. Collins, Henry, 415. Collins, Lucretia, 466. Collins, Lucretia, dau. of Daniel, 271, 567. Collins, Mary, Collins, Mary, aay. of Daniel, 271, 567. Collins, Peter, 359. Collins, Pitman, 493. Collins, William, 386. Colt, 196. Colton, 51, 53. Colver, see Culver. Commons, see Land; Boundaries. Comstock, 25, 32, 249, 272, 284, 298, 400, 416, 421, 440, 455, 517, 518, 521, 666, 691. Comstock, Anne, 119. Comstock, Benjamin, 602, 603. Comstock, Caleb, 24. Comstock, Christian, 501. Comstock, Daniel, 13, 27, 38, 44, 88, 137, 256, 284, 303, 317, 358, 458, 656. ? Colefax, Colefax, Colefax, Comstock, Daniel, son of ‘Daniel, Jr. 319; Comstock, Daniel, son of Kingsland, 501, 616, Comstock, Hlsha, 349. Comstock, Eliza, 199, 390. Comstock, Elizabeth, 88, 110, 506. Comstock, Gideon, 477, 641, 664. Comstock, Gideon, jr., 619, 641, 664, 666. Comeiock, James, 13, 273, 296, 331, 354, 425, | Comstock, James, jr., 588. Comstock, Jason, 354, 720 Comstock, Jemima, 385. Comstock, Jeremiah, 641. Comstock, John, 69, 273, 3809, 317, 356, 384, 411, 488, 510, 589. Comstock, John, jr., Comstock, Jonathan, 3B Comstock, Jonathan, 2d, 101, 663. Comstock, Joseph, 155. Comstock, Kingsland, 102, 150, 284, 501, 601, 616, 640, 656. Comstock, Lancaster, 641. Comstock, Lydia, 367. Comstock, Mary, 88, 90, 105, 319, 656. Comstock, Mary, od, 88, 319. Comstock, Mary, dau. of Peter, 361. Comstock, Nathaniel, 616. Comstock, Peter, 286, 290, 300. Comstock, Rachel, 102. Comstock, Ransford, 319. Comstock, Ringsland, 88. Comstock, Ruth, 90. Comstock, 332, 461, 619, 663, 666, 673, 679, 685. Comstock, Sarah, 425. Comstock, Thomas, 316, 340. Comstock, William, 349, 512. Comstock, Zebediah, 666. Comstock, Zebulon, 433, 438, 498, 665. Conant, Josiah, 223. Conby, 518. Conformists, 269. Congdon, 117, 220, 230, 272, 278, 356, 409. Congdon, Jeremiah, 162, 423. Congdon, Jeremiah, jr., 186. Congdon, John, 616, 642, aes 685. Conkling, 377, 516, 548, Conkling, Benjamin, 531, 588 Conkling, D. 670. Conkling, David, jr., 49. Conkling, Deborah, 121. Conkling, Eliakim, 528. Conkling, Eliza, 531. Conkling, Henry, 121, 342, 398, 613. Conkling, John, 426, 450, 639. Conkling, Jonathan, 515, 639. Conkling, Joseph, 532. Conkling, Lucy, 59 Conkling, Mary, 75. Conkling, Mary, dau. of John, 222. Conkling, Richard, 591. Conkling, Samuel, 232. Conkling, Samuel, jr., 386. Conkling, Sarah, 222. Conkling, Temperance, 394, 531, 639. Conkling, Thomas, 532, 591, 607, 639. Cook, 108, 532. Cook, John, 218, 219. Cook, Sarah, 208. Cook, William, 218, 219. Cooley, Mathew, 277, 574. Coombs, 621. Cooper, 21, 61, Copp, 81, 394, $56, 488, 574, 646, 670, 699. Copp, Annie, 317. Copp, Jonathan, 453, 480, 541, 553. Copp, Obedience, 104. Corah, 64, 86. Corah, Abra, 17, 48. Corn, ‘prices, 237, iit 302, 333, 339, 442. Cornish, 36, 101, 273. Cornish, Daniel, 610. Cornish, Elisha, 610. Cornish, Elizabeth, 99, 112, 128, 610. Cornish, James, 334, 609, 610. Cornish. Joseph, 116, 198, 610. Cornwell, 52, 60, 226. Corwin, 639. Cory, 85, 105, 112, 286, 359, 499, 516, 617. Cory, David, 364, 532. Cory, Jasper, 499. Cosly, Stephen, 249. Cotton, 251. Cotton, prices, 140. Couch, 14, 103, 136, 334, 346. Couch, Thomas, 24, 278. Counterfeiting, 15, ‘147, 289, 617. Courserer, John, 510. Samuel, 24, 27, 37, 96, 101, 117, 230, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Courtland, Col. 335. Cowdale, John, 649. Cows, aad 51, 69, 191, 235, 410, 434, 462, 60, ‘5 Coy, Mathew, 50. Cragehead, 135. Crandall, 582. Crandall, Peter, 255. Crane, 448. Cranford, 69. Crank, John, 88, 128. Crank, Phebe, 110. Cranston, 66. Creery, Crery, 46, 429, 813, 567. Creery, Humphrey, 509. Creery, John, 313. Creery, Nathan, 504, 644. Creery, Peter, 30, 46, 61, 62, 95, 177, 188, 828, a 420, 423, 424, 136, 428, 434, 448, 470, Creery, Peter, jr., 663. Creesy, 59. Creevers, 62. Crettington, Irene, 495, 496. Crocker, 53, ee 561, 600, 630, 663. Crocker, Abigail, 193. Crocker, Andrew, 3. Crocker, Anna, 400. Crocker, Constant, 353. Croce David, 63, 238, 265, 437, 476, 493, 622, David, jr., 275. Elihu, 539. Elizabeth, 238. Elizabeth, dau. of David, 199. Grace, 248. Hannah, 643, 700. Mrs. Hannah, 233. James, 309. Crocker, Jerusha, 618. Crocker. John, 268, 283, 301, ae 329, 334, 392, 393, 418, 452, 461, 411, 487, 618, 699. Crocker, John, jr. -» 471, Crocker, Jonathan, an of David, 319. Crocker, Jonathan, son of William, 433. Crocker, Joseph, 302. Crocker, Mary, 201. Crocker, Mary, dau. of John, 333, 497. Crocker, Mary, dau. of John, 365. Crocker, Phebe, 392. Crocker, Rachel, 208. Crocker, Samuel, 410, 481, Crocker, Sarah, 156. Crocker, Silas, 418. wpaei ets Thomas, 18, 57, 95, 109, 258, 299, d. Lt. Thomas, d. 626. Thomas, jr., 302, 341, 437, 476, Crocker, Timothy, 505. Crocker, William, 18, 53, 210, 400, 433, 579, 600. Cromelian, Robert, 693. Crooked Brook, 513. Crossman, 62, 197, 203, 229, 260, 264, 274, ae 299, 316, 320, 321, 391, 393, 398, Crossman, Eliza, 213, oe 261, 325, 327. Crossman, Eliza, 50.5 B20 Crossman, John, 327, 337, 359. Crosswell, 270, 386. Crosswell, Mary, 418, Crouch, 345, 353. Crouch, Christopher, 320, 404, 406, 410, 492 Crouch. William, 218, 219, 224. Crowell. Thomas, ds Crown Point, expedition to, 668. Satine on. Thomas, 172. Culver, 48, 77, 100, 479. Culver, abe 61. Culver, ‘Abigail, 107. Culver, Anne, 134. Culver, Christopher, 595. Culver, Daniel, 399. Culver, David, 25, 38, 48, 53, 84, 90, 99, cone David, 2a, 147, 258, 399, 425," 433, Crocker, Crocker, Crocker, Crocker, Crocker. Crocker, Crocker, Crocker, Crocker, Crocker, 573, 539, 286, 410, 420, 139, 626, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Culver, Culver, Culver, Culver, Culver, Culver, Culver, Culver, Edward, 378. Elizabeth, 161, 248, 262, 254. Elizabeth, dau. of David, 425. Esther, 95. Esther, dau. of David, 707. Grace, 99, 234. Jeremiah, 546. John, 55. Culver, John, jr., 292. Culver, Jonathan, 38, 331, 386, Be 407, 435, 445, 485, 502, 546, 564, 595, d. 625. Culver, Jonathan, jr., 386, da. 407. Culver, Jonathan, 3d, 435. Culver, Joseph, 67. Culver, Martha, 333. Culver, Samuel, 485. Culver, William, 134, we 634, 681. Cumberland, duke of, Curtice, 9, 12, 16, 27, 8° "56, 105, 108, 237, 262, 301, 385, 499, 566. Eliza, 297, Elizabeth, 63. John, 268. Mary, 376, 554. Samuel, 2, 3, 22, 68, 115. Thomas, 273, 4. 277, 279, 302, 352, 358, 367, 373, 389, 407, 521. Barzeliel, 329. Charles, 354, 370. Richard, 441. Samuel, 409. D Daggett. Napthali, 559, 657. Daies, John, 404, 495. Dalabee. 593. Danforth, 457. Danforth, Thomas, 550. Daniels, 244, 380, 509, 535. Daniels, Bathshua, 583. Daniels. Clement, 6, 7, 31. Daniels, Daniel, 281. Daniels, David, 541. Daniels, Ebenezer, 409. Daniels, Eliza, 369. Daniels, Eliza, dau. of Ezekiel, 357. Daniels, Elizabeth, 99. Daniels, Esther, 286. Daniels, Ezekiel, 238, 277, 295, 326, 41, 551, 646, i Daniels, Ezekiel, jr., 326. Daniels, Ezra, 660. Daniels, Grace, 56, 283, 285. Daniels, Hannah, 447. Daniels, Mrs. Hannah, 414, 425. Daniels, James, 154. Daniels, Jasper, 269, 422, 427, 434, 447, 579. Daniels. Mrs. Jasper, 427. Daniels, Jedediah, 383. Daniels, Jemima, 187. Daniels, Jeremiah, 458. Daniels, Jesse, 519. John, 4, rege? 24, 38, 57, 72, 204, 6 Curtice, Curtice, Curtice, Curtice, Curtice, Curtice, Curtiss, 378, Curtiss, Curtiss, Curtiss, Curwin, 376. 361, 409, 553, Daniels, 405, 437, 586, 645, Daniels, John, jr., 237. Daniels, Mrs. John, 501. Daniels, Jonathan, 127, 277. Daniels, Jonathan, jr., 264, 395. Daniels, Lois, 225. Daniels, Lucretia, 272. Daniels. Lucy, 250. Daniels, Lydia, 356. Daniels, Mary, 26. Daniels, Mary, dau. of Jonathan, 144. Daniels, Mrs. Mary, 272. Daniels, Nathaniel, 59. Daniels, Nehemiah, 579, 588. Daniels, Noah, 451, 506, 519, 564. Daniels, Noah, 2d, ‘072. Daniels, Peter, 293. ee Peter, son of John, jr., 206. aniels, Rache Daniels, Samuel, 29, 56, 99, 113, 180, 187, 239, 265, 271, 283, 299, 364, 359, 437, 496, 513, 550, 673. 47 721 Daniels, Buen: 206, 206. Daniels, 229, Daniels, Thankful, 184. Daniels, Thomas, ‘9, 10, 12, 142, 161. Daniels, Thomas, son of John, 287. Daniels, Thomas, 3d, 573. Daniels, Timothy, 608, 620, 631. Daniels, Mrs. Timothy, 620. Daniels, William, 72. Dantree, Joe, 403. Darbe, Samuel, 608, 700. Darkins, John, 72. Darrow, 45, 48, 545, 551, 595, 600, 710. Darrow, 92. Darrow, Christopher, 8, 10, 32, 33, 36, 39, 41, 44, 45, 49, 57, 87, 92, 128, 178, 213, 324, 369, 496, 501, 667, 685, 698, Darrow, Christopher, IP; Darrow, Ebenezer, 182, is6° 58, 573, 595, 625, 675, 685. Darrow, Elizabeth, 92, 355. Darrow, Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas, 480, 590. Darrow, Ichabod, 369. Darrow, James, 388. Darrow, Jedediah, 114, 584, Darrow. John, 154. Darrow, Jonathan, 378. Darrow, Lydia, 172. Darrow, Mary, dau. of Milison, 377. Darrow, Mary, dau. of Nicholas, 338. Darrow, Milison, 377. Darrow, Millicent, 426. Darrow, Moll, 277. Darrow, Nicholas, 25, 45, 56, 67, 110, 157, 388. Darrow, Nicholas, 2d, 232, 240, 242, 255, 426, 473, 480, 522, 577, is Darrow, Nicholas, 3d, 552. Darrow, Peter, 302. Darrow, Rebecca, 362. Darrow, Samuel, 32. Darrow, Sarah, 274, Darrow. William, 49, 113, 550. , 38, 61, 67, 117, 147, 178, 185, 240. 6. , Daniel, "14, 37, 43, 58, 105, 125, 273. ” Ebenezer, 10, 14, 17, 28, 27, 37, 68, 102, 108, 117. Dart, Ebenezer, 2d, 123. 31, 36. Dart, Eliza, 492. Dart, Elizabeth, Dart, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel, 37. Dart, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas, 79. Dart, Mrs. Elizabeth, 170. Dart, John, 219, 231, 280, 288, 289, 314, 327, 329, 418, 483, 492, 495, 497, 551, 689. Dart, John, jr., 418. Dart, Mrs. John, 436. Dart, Joshua, 349. Dart, Lucy, 376, 396 Dart, Mary, 31, 216, 248, 276, 348. Dart, Mary, dau. of John, 378. Dart, Mrs. Mary, 395, 396. Dart, Peter, 357, 454, 668, 671. Dart, Prudence, 668. Dart, Richard, 329, 373, 513. Dart, Richard, son of Roger, 632. Dart, Mrs. Richard, 513, le Dart, Roger, 23, 25, 67, 153, 229, 274, 287, 379, 390, 396, 403, 475, "497, 618, 632, 660, 667, Dart Ruth, 583. Dart, Sarah, 689. Dart, Stephen, 183. Dart, Thomas, 57, 65, 66, 79. Daton, or Dayton, 101, 371, ‘622. Daton, Beriah, 672. Daton, Deborah, 84. Daton, Ephraim, 463, 500, 539, 615. Daton, Hannah, 622. Daton, John, 458, 699. Daton, Katurah, 615. Daton, Lucy, 656. Daton, Margaret, 539. Daton, Mary, 384, 468, 539. William, 649, 650, 652, 653, 657, 662, 679, 680, 682, 687, 693, 698, 702, 706, 707. Davenport, 342, 360, 377, 380, 406, 407, 628. 422 Davil, Mary, 4 19. Davis, 33-36, 43, 101, 114, 119, 136, 188, 193, 202, 222, 231, oohs 326, 442, 464. avis, "Abi ‘ail, i2 Bate. Saree 42, 87, 182, ee 444, 492, 610. Davis, Comfort, 72, 79, 80, Davis, Ebenezer, 326. Davis, oo Davis, Job, 3 Davis, John, 75, 109, 324, 326, 390, 557, 577. Davis, John, jr., 504. Davis, Joseph, 613, 669. Davis, Kate, 681, 682. Davis, Margaret, 230, 309. Davis, Mary, 254, 480, 571. Davis, Peter, 65. Davis, Robert, 155. Davis, Saltonstall, 212. Davis, Samuel, 178, 269, 334. Davis, Sarah, 345. Davis, Mrs. Sarah, 321, 334. Davis, Thomas, 317, 334. Davis, eres ae 158. Davison, John Dean, 122, 216, 265, 316, 404, 444, 475, 517. Dean, Ephraim, 440. Dean, James, ie 430. Dean, John, 224 , BBT. Dean, John, jr., "494, Dean, Jonathan, 52. Dehortee, James, 320. Delamore, 384, 620, 663, 704. Delamore, Henry, 485, 699, 700. pee eee A 15. Delevan, Jemima, Denison, 9, 22, 28, 30, 38, 41, 55, 59, 76, 87, 95, 105, 106, 109, 118, 199, 499, 505, 511, 513, 535, 575, 618, 630, 633, 657, 674, 691, 707. Denison, Capt., 'g2, 204, 357, 475, 479, 591. Denison, Mrs. ‘427, 508, 517, 535, 544, 552, 554, 558, 560, 661, 563, 565, 567, 577, 582, 585, 594, 600, 615, 624, 631, 633, 639. Denison, Abigail, 588. Denison, Amos, 649. Denison, Ann, 149, 624. Denison, Anne, 417. Denison, Bor, 107. Denison, Daniel, 54, 176, 177, 209, 221, 228. 236, 258, 266, 287, 316, 344, 363, 365, 417, 456, 481, 487, 490, 505, 513. Denison, Daniel, Tig 299, 615, 636. Denison, Edward, 122, 670, 701. Denison, Elijah, 234. Denison, G., 70, 94, 255. Denison, George, 237, 400, 509. Denison, George, son of Wetherel, 217. Denison, Grace, 25, 26. Denison, Grace, dau. of Wetherel, 200. Denison, Hannah, 79. Denison, Hannah, dau. of Daniel, 350. 197, 238, 257, 259, 260, 272, 457, 587, 621, 624, 632. 654, Denison, Jonathan, 475, 520, 544, 565. Denison, Joseph, 121, 631. Denison, Lucy, 351. Denison, Lydia, 238. Denison, Lydia, jr., 600. Denison, Mary, 209, 537. Denison, Phebe, 380. Denison, Rachel, 209. Denison, Rachel, dau. of Daniel, 284. Denison, Robert, 35, 40, 53, 81, 171, 180, 206, 237, 252, 258, 294. Denison, Robert, jr. 267, 324, 399. Denison, Samuel, 3819. Denison, Sarah, 231. Denison, Sarah, dau. of George, 264, 554. Denison, Sarah, dau. of Wetherel, 413. Denison, Thomas, 257, 656. 657, 691. Denison, W. 512 Denison, Wetherel, 225, 275, 286, 360, 413, 427, Denison, William, 118, 119, 121-25, 181, 203, 403, 475. Dennis, 29, 33, 39, 64, 100, 105, 573. Denpis, Mrs. 9, 176. Dennis, Ann, 150, 451. Dennis, Benjamin, 128, 403, 448. Denison, John, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Dennis, Deborah, 110, 384. Dennis, Ebenezer, 12, 14, 15, 17, 24, 28, 40, 43, 70, 90, 100, 110, 125, 131, 161, 166. 167, 209. 5 Dennis, George, 110, 462. Dennis, Moll, 455. Dennis, Sarah, 43. Dennis, Sarah, 2d, 238. Denorritees, James, 523. Deputy Governor, see Law, Jonathan; Wol- cott, Roger. Derby, 538. Derrick, Hannah, 675. Derrick, John, 555. Derrick, Joseph, 487, 675. Deshon, Dishan, Dishaw, 256, 314, 328, 357, 363, 370, 379, 402, 404, 411, 447, 463, 495, 577, 600, 618, 647, 708 Deshon. Daniel, 119, 163, "175, 190, 153, 206, 443, 577, 578, 592. Deshon, Daniel, jr., 163. Deshon, Henry, 216. Deshon, John, 573, 660. Deshon, Joseph, 243, 653. Deshon, Moses, 3. Deshon, Ruth, 198. Desosway, 360. Dewey, 291. Dewey, John, 427, 653. Dewey, Joseph, 208, 225, 227, 228. Dewolf, 327. Dewolf, Edward, 94. Dickerson, 148, 233. Dickinson, 223, 233. Dickinson, Charles, 200, 242. Dickson, James, 116. Dickson, Janet, 116. Dickson, John, 166. Dier, Daniel, 292. Dill, 694. Dill, Thomas, 195. Dillemore, Henry, 59. Dillnigue, John, 155. Dimond, 85. Dixon, 264, 317, 365, 366, 442, 444. Dixon, Grace, 107. Dixon, John, 107, 282, 239, 488, 604. Dixon, William, 107, 207, 540, 609. Dixon, William, jr., 144. Dixvwell, Elizabeth, 349. Doda, Dodge, 380, 823. Dodge, David, 32. Dodge, Hannah, 400. Dodge, Israel, 256, 273, 444. Dodge, John, 488, 492, 536, 553, 555, 680, 631, 32, 643, 661-3. Dodge, John, jr., 630, 648, 660, 697. Dodge, Nathaniel, 431. Dodge, Samuel, 443. Dodge, Thomas, 86. Dolbeare, 445. Dole, Peter, 660. Don Carolis, (ship) 266. Dones, Ephraim, 391. Dorr, 588. Dorr, Edward, 488, 549. Dotee, 11, 49. Douglass, 29, 32, 39, 43, 47, 120, 155, 179, 180, 188, 184, 190, 192, 195, 206, 208, 214, 218, 222, 229, 281, 237, 238, 248, 254, 255, 258, 265, 268, 269, 275, 279, 283, 381, 338, 416, 418. 425, 427) 437, 469; 508, 514, 577. Douglass, Abiah, 221. Douglass, Abiah, dau. of William, 390. Douglass, Amy, 656. Douglass, Ann, 517. Douglass, eles 833, 418, 453, 477, 484, 485, 492, 549, 560-63. Douglass, Caleb, son of John, 665. Douglass, Mrs. Caleb, 560-62, 564, 572. Douglass, David, 702. Douglass, Deborah, 618. Douglass, Elijah, 495. Douglass, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard, 167. ponstee Blizabeth, dau. of William, 268, Douglass, Esther, 561. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Douglass, George, 354. Douglass, Grace, 605. Douglass, Hannah, 156, 157, 171, 236, 243. Douglass, Hannah, dau. of Nathan, 578. Douglass, Hannah, dau. of Robert, 259, Douglass, James, 237, 312, 329, 434, 452, 507, 537, 603, 695. Douglass, John, 144, 458, 476, 480, 498, 623, 661, 605, 665, 686, 703. Douglass, John, jr., 512. Douglass, Jonathan, 68, 236, 238, 253. Douglass, Jonathan, son of William, 823. Douglass, Joshua, 523. Douglass, Lucy, 254. Douglass, Lucy, jr., 255, 357. Douglass, Lydia, 523, 541, 552, 571, 590. also Fox, Lydia. Douglass, Lydia, dau. of William, 596. Douglass, Margaret, 587. Douglass, Margaret, dau. of Caleb, 429. Douglass, Margaret, dau. of William, 620. Mary, dau. of Robert, 405. Mary, dau. of Stephen, 437, 453. Douglass, Mary Hempstead, 5, 6, 656. Douglass, Nathan, 110, 434, 451, 460, 461, 492, 497, 517, 578, 618, 660, 695. 511. 480, 612, See 296. Douglass, Douglass, Douglass, Nathan, jr., 695 Douglass, Peter, 46, 298, 523. Douglass, Phebe, 507. Douglass, Phebe, 2d, 695. Douglass, Rebecca, dau. of William, (Caleb,) 75. Douglass, Rebecca, dau. of William, 346. Douglass, Richard, 34, 56, 90, 94, 98, 105, 115, 120, 123, 140, 145, 156, 167, 169, 183, 218. eiabe. hate. “., 98, 155. Douglass, chard, jr., Donelass: Richard, son of Caleb, 418, 562, 63. Douglass, Richard, son of Stephen, 465. Douglass, Richard, son of William, 553. Douglass, Robert, 52, 510. Douglass, Robert, 2d, 238, 259, 274, 294, 312, 319, 326, 329, 344, 393, 405, 424, 461, 470, 511, 518, 533, 564, 566, 567, 590, 607, 677. Douglass, Samuel, 37, 44. Douglass, Samuel, 2a, 46, 537, 562, 563. Douglass, Mrs, Samuel, 627. Douglass, eee 15, B2. Douglass, Sarah, jr., 46. Baus ast Sarah, dau. of Robert, 311, 312. Douglass, Sarah, dau. of Robert, 338. Douglass, Sarah, dau. of William, 457. Douglass, Sarah, wife of Thomas, 294. Douglass, Sarah, wife of William, 259. Douglass, Stephen, 89, 379, 412, 436, 465, 495. Douglass, Stephen, jr.,412. Douglass, Susanna, dau. of James, 480. Douglass, Susanna, dau. of John, 480. Douglass, Thomas, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 27, 31. 32, 38, 46, 89, 110, 130, 154, 156, 176,’ 496, 22. Dou lass, Thomas, jr., 154. Douchcn, Thomas, son of Robert, 278. Douglass, Mrs. Thomas, 482. Douglass, Walter, 359. Douglass, William, 15, 46, 68, 231, 269, 310, 365, 390, 445, 446, 484, 523, 538, 553, 558, 560, 562, 645, 649, 657, 677, 685, 701. Douglass, William, jr., 246, pie 701. Douglass, Mrs. William, 259, 446. Dow, Doniaeg see Douglass. Downing, Benjamin, 53. Downing, Priscilla, 54. Driscoll, Daniel, 623. Drole, John, 703. Dudley, Paul, 564. Duffels, prices, 384. Dunbar, Col. 653. Dunlap, Daniel, ae 225. Dunlap, James, Darter 303, 319. 354, 358, 361, 388, 392, 402, 408, 414, 419, 424, 436, 452, 487, 587, 598. 193, 194, 220, 457, 483. 596, 607, Durfey, Abigail, 505. 723 Durfey, Richard, 599, 623, 638, 672, 691. E Eads, Elizabeth, 71. Eams, 328, 393, 598. Eams, Benajah, 415. Fams, Daniel, 602. Hams, Joan, 268, 288, ams, John, jr., 181, 25 Ine Bae ord, ae 3, 270, 325, 415, 433, Eams, ‘John, 8d, 324. Eams, Nathan, 306. Eams, Rebecca, 357. Eams, Rebecca, dau. of ee JP Eams, Robert, 858, 424, 461, Eams, Robert, it... 336. Eams, Mrs. Robert, 331, 364, 622. Eams, Samuel, 426. Eams, Thomas, 597. Eaton, Merchant, 450. Earthquakes, 190, 828, 659, 661. Easterbrook, Hobart, 683. Ebe, see Hubbell, Ebenezer. Edgecombe, 32, 58, 116, 212, 257, 271, 272, 281, 284, 286, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 312, 316, 4165. 321; 325, 328 831, 832, 335, 343, 348, 361, 362, 370, 384, 410, 474, 547, aoe Eee Betty, 237, 428. gecombe izabeth, 156, 185, 186, 1 206, 324, 377, 429, 459, 453, 460 en oe Hitegy nue. Hlizabeth, dau. of hdtv: 294, Edgecombe, Esther, 459, 460, Edgecombe, (‘‘Father,’”’) 16, 16, 18, 21, 22, 28, 37, 79, 105, 106, d. 108, Estate of” Heirs ‘ot, 341, mentioned, 427, 474, 105, Edgecombe, Grace, 267, 269. Edgecombe, Hannah, 5. 192, 193, 198, 228, 229, 317, 326, 351, 418, 456, Edgecombe, as 253. pee rane Jesse, 269, 387, 391, 424, 432, 433, 49, 73, 90, 131, 136, ‘254, 257, 809, 310, 457. Bue ons doesn, 59. gecombe, John, 128, 192, d. 245, E 248, Heirs of, 268, 282. ene Gh Edgecombe, John, son of Jesse, 560. gecombe, Jonathan, 321, 417, 458, 7 640, 641, 670, 686. eet On Edgecombe, Kate, 294, 377, 460, 481. Edgecombe, Kathrine, d. 390. Edgecombe, Nathaniel, 460. Edgecombe, Samuel, 13, 42, 44, 45, 47, 55, 57, 61-8, 65, 74, 77, 79, 93, 110, 112, I 14, 128, 177, 192, 193, 258, 259, 334, 335, 339: 350, 356, 361, 389, 396, 417, 441, 469, 501, 507, 535, 565, 632, 666. Edgecombe, Sarah, 238. Edgecomhe, Thomas, n HB ols 107, 188, 321, , 418, ; 429, 435, 443, d. 448, mentioned, 179, 640. ; Edgecombe, Thomas, jr., 361, 460, 486, 606, 609, 648, 650. Edgcumbe, see Edgecombe. Edgem, Eliza, Cs Edgerton, Hezekiah, 272. Edgerton, John, 234. Wdwards, 231, 301, 309, 348, or Ean 566, 609. Edwards, Jonathan, 407, d. Eells, Major, 190, 198, 340, st Eells, Rev. Edward, 32. Hells, Rev. Nathaniel, 338, 339, 359, 375-7, 380, 390, 413, 420, 422, 434, 442, ‘i ; 479, 501, 516, 517, 533, 552, 566, 568, 684° 592. 593, 596, 597, 605, 608, 620, 621, 626, 630, 635, 636, 641, 651, 653, 655, 661, 663, 666, 667, 670, 671, 684, 688, 704, 708. Egonk, 429. Elderkin, Joseph, 15. Elderkin, Phebe, 134. Eldredge, 37, 149, 289, 319, 424 Hldredge, Charles, 570, 594. " 724 Eldredge, Christopher, ‘‘Citt,’’ 537, m. Molly Tens jatead, 639, mentioned, 540, 544, 548, 552, 560, 661, 563, 565, 567, 568, 570, 571, 574, 576, 683, 584, 691, 593- 7 600, 605, 608, 621, 624-6, 632, 636, 639, 641, 643, 644, 649, 661-3, 669-71, 675, 688, 690, 697, 699, 706, miareage, Daniel, 96, 103, 316, 588 Eldredge, Molly, oe Eldredge, Roe, 339 Eldredge, Thomas, 309, 608. Elery, Willlam, Elihu, 4. Eliot, 58, 362, 384, 885, 408, 436, 593, 691. Eliot, John, 69. Ellard, $22, 326. Ellery, 101, 102. Elizabeth, 709. , John, 268, 628. , Peter, 260, 663, 666, 668-70, 676-8. Ellis, Richard, 258. Ely, 41, 70, 101, 528, 529. Ely, Daniel, 311, 347. Ely, Deborah, 70. Ely, Richard. 628. Emms, 64, 274, 690. Emmeg, Abigail, 250. Emms, Daniel, 214. Emms. Hannah, 80. Emms, John, 17, 20, 21, 25, 36, 78, 80, 301. Emms, John, jr., 147, 213. Emms, Robert, 225, 392. Engles, Mary, 246. Enlistments, 701. , Ephraim; see Brown, Ephraim. Episcopal church, 610. Erwine, 188. Etherage, Nathaniel, 331. Evans, Hannah, 348. Ewen, Michael, 362. Ewen, Michael, jr., 303. Ewin, Mercy, 496. Ewin, Lydia, 331, 505. F Fairbanks, 171. Fairbanks, Deborah, 301. Fairbanks, Samuel, 266. Fairweather, 616. Fales Ann, 272. Fales, Samuel, 272. Fanning, 78, 88, 104, 105, 118, 532, fanning, Edm nd, ‘91, 99, 104, tos, 12, 145, 146, 160, 187, 212, 214, 218, 617, Fanning, Elizabeth, 56. Fanning, James, 188. Fanning, John, 122. Fanning, Jonathan, 146, 172, 202, 382, Fanning, Jonathan, Fanning, Sarah, 427. Fanning, Thomas, 108, Fargo, 64, 75, 116, 117, B49, 251, 851, 626. Fargo, Ann, ‘3783 Fargo, Bathshua, 342. Fargo, Elizabeth, 233, 340. Fargo, Moses, 39, 181, as Fargo Moses, jr., 90, 160, Fargo, Moses. 3d, 472, 583. B84, 635, 645. Fargo, Mrs. Moses, 429, 584. Fargo, Ralph, 152, 276. Fargo, Robert, %72, 327, 355, 274, 393, 394, 441, 445, 448, 455, 536, 644, 660-62, 668. eee: Robert, ir.. 642. rgo, omas, 152, 276, 317, 34 547, 661, 665. Se SOs SERS Hee oe 622. mst en 22, 33, 36, 38, 44, 65, 86, 97, 10%, 142, 156, 168, 183, 196, 208, 220, 234, 246, 268, 273, 301, 312, “Good Friday," 318; General ‘fast, 333, 348, 362, 375, 291, 424, 429, 441, 458, 517, 547, 647, 661, 656, 664. 666, 670, 675, 700, 705. Fatherlle, 379. 31, 56, 70, 108, 112, 145. 439. jr., 70. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Feathers, prices, 179, 645. Fees, 566, 606, 626, 633. Fellows, Byington, 542. Fellows, Eliza, 683. Fellows, Ephraim, 167. Fellows, Isaac, 423, 449, 470, 490, 542, 659, 585, 613, 629, 663, 683, 689, 696. Fellows, Isaac, jr., 449. Fellows, John, 429. Fellows, Joseph, 629. Fellows Mary, 431. Fellows, Mary Want, 431. Fellows, Thomas, 585. Fellows, William, 490. Fennel, Mary, 682. Fergo: see Fargo. Ferry, rents, 104, 117, 125, 128, 146, 178, 192; wharf at Groton, 232; petition regarding, 262; leased, 278; provecred in North parish, 302; ‘mentioned, 3865. Fines, 53, 69, 74, 83, 84, 113, 189, 194, 199, 226, 239, 427, 448, Finley. Samuel, 524 Fires, 2, 104, 208, 245, 294, 296, 479, 510, 544, 640, Fish. 53, 97, 105, 114, 125-7, 186, 274, 375, 402, 403, 451, 468, 472, 475, 504, 677, 695. Fish, Asa, 676. Fish, David, 188, £12, 585. Fish, Elisha, 28, 620, 623. Fish, Rev. Joseph, 501, 671, 627, 644, 649, 664, 676. Fish, Moses, 28, 37, Fish, Samuel, 15, 31, 05, 59, 61, 62, 68, 75, 80, 86, 2657. Figher’s Island, 181, 183, 191, 200, 233, 271, 281, 300, 342, 356, 434, 594, 665, 668, 692. Fitch, 249, 257, 264, 309, 310, 321, 326, 348, 402. Fitch. Adonijah, 462, 614, 642. Fitch, Daniel, 648. Fitch, Capt. Daniel, 648. Fitch, Jabez, 80. Fitch, Joseph, 116, 212. Fitch, Mrs. Josephs 410. Fitch, Mary Fitch, Thomas, 362, 411. Flagg, 488, 609 Flax, prices, 318, 515. Fling Ann, 404. Floria, 400. Follitt 684, 617, 688. Follitt, Anna, 254. Follitt, Andrew, 584. Follitt, Bartlet, 298. Follitt. Charles, 696. Follitt, George, 254. Foot, 500. Foot, Isaac, 27, 42, 52. Foot, Peg, 297. Foot, Stallyon, 42. Ford, 253, 254. Ford, Ann, 303, 418. Ford, John, 209. Ford, John, jr., 254. Ford. John, 3d, 358. Ford, Mary, 227. Ford, Sarah, 271 Forster, Mary, 443. Forster, Thomas, 262. Forsythe, 693. Forsythe, Gilbert, 669. Forsythe, Timothy, 423, 452. Fort, 26, 227. Fosdick, Fosdyck, 36, 44, 95, 228, 260. Fosdick, Deacon, 270, 296, '311, (316, 317, 322, 327, 329, 346, 353, 358, 359, 389, 401, 41! 0. 414, 438, 444, 454, 455, 464, 466, 491, 506, 512. 514, 538, 541, 558, 561, 563-5, 568, 569, 572, 584, 613, 628, 683, 700, 701, 708, 710. Fosdick, Anne, 53. Fosdick, Clement, 683. Fosdick, Esther, 197, 306. Fosdick, Kathrene, 180, 492. Fosdick, Ruth, 180, Fosdick: Samuel, 2, iT, 20, 24, 32, 33, 38, 41, 95, 531, 569. Fosdick, *aeuee 24, 700. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Fosdick, Sarah, 220. Fosdick, Thomas, 98, 99, 119, 147. Foster, 206. Fowler, 52, 55, 249, 260, 272, 274, 209, 310, 321. 341, 406, 457, 468, 551, 637. Fowler, Joseph, 262. Fox, 75. 308, 670, 709. Fox. Mrs. 451, 452, 467, 478, 489, 504, 551, 573, 634, 666. Fox, Bathshua, 4, 174, 176. Fox, Benjamin, 1, 30, 36, 45, 48, 55, 57, 64, 66, 71, 75. 76, 82, 115, 128, 131, 162, 305, m. 206; mentioned, 210, 224, 226, 238, 251, 266, 288, 294, 298, 303, 308, 315, 323, 847, 434, 444. 447, d. 454; mentioned. 556, 557, 583, 504, 517, 535, 542, 543, 553, 555, 615, 628. 666. Fox, Benjamin, ‘jr., 239, 264, 280, 457, 473, 480. Daniel, 155 David, 99. Ebenezer, 36, 55, 86, 99, 108. Ebenezer, jr., 08. Elizabeth, 7, 8, 10, 22, 23. 25. 33, 38, 71, 72, 132. 185. 136, 138, 225, 226, 254, 307, 308. 321, 323, 325, 364, 398, a. 399: will of, 404: estate of. 412, 419, 481. 482, 570. Fox, Elkanah, 224. Fox, Ezekiel, 536. Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, Hannah, 138, 20, 21, 312, 643. Fox, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer, 251. Fox, Isaac, 7, 56, 74, 85, 101, 199, 210, 281, 287. Fox, Mrs. Isaac, 290. Fox, Jane, 153. Fox, Jesse, 472, 554, 564, 565, 601, 625, 685. , John, (‘Uncle Fox,’’) 8, 5, 10. 17, 20, 24. 36, 45, 48, 65, 75, 76, 94, 111, 114, 167, 176, 218, a. 219; mentioned, 504. Fox, John, jr., 5, 7, 8, 66, 307, 478, 484, 493. Fox, Mrs. John, ‘991. Fox, Jonathan. 10, 26, 30, 182. Fox, Joseph, 514. Fox, Lucy, 297, 298. Fox, Lydia, 298. Fox, Margaret, 595. Fox, Mary, 111. Fox, Naomi. 591, 626. Fox, Nathan, 185. Fox, Rachel, 283. Fox, 107, 115, 186-9, 191, 192, 196, 202, 483, 507, 606, 626. Fox, Samuel, IPH 215, 227, 245, 949, 272,273, 285-7, 294, 295. 303, 314, 315, 338, 351, 352, 359, 370, 388, 400. 412, 421, 438, 450, 516, 543, 547, 582, 595, 605, 606, d. 623; mentioned, 644. Fox, Samuel, 3d. 446. Fox, Mrs. Samuel, 332. Fox, Susanna, 643. Fox, Zephaniah, 129. Frazier, Anthony, 640. Frazier. Sarah, 139-41. Freeman, Joanna, 243. Freeman, Nathaniel, 566. Freemasons, 631. Freemen’s meetings, 9, 15, Fox 27, 34, 38, 44, 49, 55, 59, 66. 87, 108, 120, 130, 134, 143, 157, 251, 259. 849, 282, 506, 546, 666, 674, Pro- 168, 197, 202, 272, 278, 293, 375, 407, 424, 209, 212, 234, 240, 302, 308, 319, 324, 440, 448, 458, 487, B87, 604, 614, 627. 636. 646. 655. 684; see also Patentees’ meetings; prietors’ meetings; Town meetings. Freights. 393. French, 504, 509, 521, 586. French. Samuel 585. Frink. David, 659. Frink, Samuel. 202. Frost. 27. 511. 512. Froud, 602, 623. 636. 667, 669, 705, 709. Froud, Robert, 610, 611. G Gager. Samuel. 595, 596. Gale. Roger, 693. Galchel. 525. Samuel, 2, 13, 22, 37, 40. 63, 73, 74, 94, 203, 205, 38, 191, 194, 197, 203, 204. 725 Galloway, 475, 548, 576. cone ae 164, 185, 188, 240, 423, 424, 476, Gallup, Benadum, 632, 647. Gallup, Benjamin, 565. Gallup, Islizabeth, 187. Gallup, Henry, ie Gallup, John, 104, 195. Gallup, Joseph, 124, 236, 606, 649. Gallup, Nathan, 621. Gallup, Samuel, 200. Gallup, Samuel, jr., 215. Gallup, William, 235. Ganet. Eliza, 409, Gardiner, 33, 91, 92, 888, 499, 5538, 621. Gardiner, Daniel, 457. Gardiner, David, 61, 336, 352, 353, 374, 386, ae 416, 460, 465, 469, 479, 482, 498, Gardiner, David, jr., 498, 552, 606. Gardiner, Bliza, 374. Gardiner, Eliza, dau. of David, 416. Gardiner, James, 418. Gardiner, Jerusha, 114. Gardiner, Jerusha, 2d, 135, 385. Gardiner, John, 27, 37, 54, 77, 97, 152, 326, 409, 410. Gardiner, John, jr., 97. Gardiner, John, son of Jonathan, 280. Gardiner, Jonathan, 253, 303, 333, 542. Gardiner, Joseph, 108, 116, 120, 123, 128, 479. Gardiner, Joseph, son of David, jr., 606 Gardiner, Lyon, 49, 50, 67. Gardiner, Mary, 460. Gardiner, Mrs. Mary, 338, 542 Gardiner, Peregreen, 289, 294, 309, 310, 334, 421, 452, 455, 457, 467, 507, 566. Gardiner, Samuel, 58, 103. 161, 505. Gardiner, Samuel, son of David, 388. Gardiner, Stephen, 250, 340, 362, 410, 418, 421, 455, 461, 466. Gardiner, William, 228, 477. Gardner, 11, 294, 305, 332, 444, 462, 463, 511, 619 630, oS 709. 178, 190, 289, 336, 340, 153, Gardner, Dey fi Gardner, Daniel, 443, 468, 473, 522. Gardner, David, 543, 695, 701. Gardner, Elizabeth, 442. Gardner, Elizabeth, dau. of David, 543. Gardner, Hannah, 258. Gardner, James, 707. Gardner, John, 3, 22, 334, 624. Gardner, John, son of Joseph, 252. Gardner, Jonathan, 265, 275, 276, 476. Gardner, Joseph, 397, 588. Gardner, Mary, 511, 629. Gardner, Samuel, B17, 533, 596, 710. Gardner, Samuel, jr., 710. Gardner, Sarah, 250. Gardner, Stephen, ae 227-9, 427, 448, 507, 536, 553, 555, Gardner. Thomas, 895. Gates, Stephen, 234. Gauler, Anne, 99. Gauler, Anne, dau. of Robert, 122. Gauler, Esther, 99. Gauler, Hannah, 175. Gauler, Robert, 91, 99, 111. Gauler, Samuel, 167. Geer, 25. Geer, Daniel, 234. Geer, Joseph, 254. Geer. Robert, 24, 227, 234. General Assembly. 76, 176, 188, 190, 197, 199, 239. 2 256, 257; committee on Groton land, +291; locates new meeting-house, 352 General Court, see General Assembly. George I., 40, sles George II., 190, 197, 198. Gershom, 392, 492, 565. Gibbs 35, 42,44, 341, 345, 610. Gibson, 440, 508, 663, 669. Gibson, Dorothy. 195. Gibson, Roger. 633, 710. Giddings, 33, 243. 726 Giddings, Sarah, 81. Giddings, Thomas, 347, 488, 491. Gidley, 172. Gifford, 488. Gilbert, 182, 204, 231, 241, 262, 334, 361, 365, 422, 423, 439, 449, "461, 465, 545. Gilbert; Abigail eee Gilbert, Ann, 4 Gilbert, Daniel. O58, abs, 588. Gilbert, John, 455, 630 Gilbert, Joseph, 447, 483. Gilbert, Samuel, 262, 387. Gilbert, William, 213. Glover, Uriah, 211. Goddard, 190, 287, 314, 399, 460, 461, 534, 543, 562, 638, 642, 662, 671. Goddard, Eliza, 626. Goddard, Giles, 626, 680. Goddard, Hannah, 334, 541. Goddard, Mary, 657, 682. Godfrey, Benjamin, 455. Godin, Christopher, 622. Goff, Ephraim, 692. Goff, William, 273. Golasiah, 242, Gold, 398. Gold, Nathan, 80, 135. Goldsmith, 129. Goldsmith, John, 130. Goo@dfaith, David, 554. Gordon, 691. Gore, 26, 31. Gore, John, 284. Gore, Robert, 265. Gorton, 133, 135, 284, 288, 303, 436, 439, 451, 593. 595, 605, 618, 619, 622, 632, 633, 643, 662. Gorton, Lancaster, 677. Gorton, Sarah, 334. Gorton, Stephen, 177, 205. Gough, Ann, jr., < Gough, Rebecca, 184. Gough, William, 184. Gould, William, 427. Governor, ye, see Saltonstall Gurdon; cott, Joseph; Fitch, Thomas. Grant, 296, 369, 532, 63.1. Grant, Elizabeth, 290. Grant, Hipzobe, 168. Grant, Isaiah, 582. Grant, James, 336. Grant, Jenny, 594, 595. Grant, Margaret, 574. Grant, Patrick, 615, 631, 654. Grant, Sueton, 354, 432. Grant, Temperance, 248, 382. Grane Thomas, 151, 1532, 158, 285, 299, 378, Graves, 333, a 534, 575, 586, 618, 616. Graves, Mrs., 489. Graves. Benjamin, 31, 76, 82, 176, 394. Graves, Rev. Benjamin, 618, 619, G59, 664, 666, 674. Elizabeth, 343. Trene, 274, 695. John, 675. Marshall, 169. Mary, 137, 139. Graves, Mathew, 675. Graves. Miriam, 485, Gray, 7, 71, 79. Gray, Ebenezer, 191. Gray, John, 39, 94. Gray, Mary, 107, 642. Gray, Samuel, 23. Green, 17). 20,25, 31. Tal- 629, 631, Graves, Graves, Graves, Graves, Graves, 24,69. 136, 151, 16S, 181, 183, 186. 192, 194, 196-8, 200-202 209, 210, 214, 230, 256, 266, 276, 323, 336, 338. 343, 346, 348, 359, ae 462, 469, 480, 549, 572, 573, 641, 21 Ty OSL, Benjamin, 416, 419, 572. hae a 4. John, 89, 353, 696. Jonas, 20, 85, oe ous 227, 233, Jonas, IP:; 116, 3 694, Green, Abigail, Green, Green, Green, Green, Green, Green, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Green, Green, Green. Green, Green, Green, Green, Jonathan, 66. Joseph, 506. Lucy, 3638. Lydia, 34. Lydia, dau. of Samuel, 389. Marge, 540. Mary, 122, 449. Green, Mary, dau. of Samuel, 464. Green, Nathaniel, 313, 372, 411, 438, 444, 485, 504, 548, 573, 606, 629, 641, 684. Green, Samuel, 177, 254, 256, 269, 283, 293, 296, 323, 327, 350, 389, 418, 464, 481, 502, 506, 540, 588, 596, 661. Green, Samuel, jr., 264. Green, Samuel, 3d, 418. Green, Thomas, 53, 430, 594. Green, Timothy, 53, 76, 88, 111, 397, 405, 420, 431, 433, 462, 469, 470, 485, 495, 498, 500, , 514, 533, 542, 553, 555, 564, 570, * 608) 611-13, 615- 30, 623, 629, 631, 638, 637, 643-7, 653, 654, 656-8, 660, 661, , 665, 668- 70, 675-7, 683, 685, 710. Green, Timothy, jr., 5. Green, Timothy, son of Samuel, jr., 318. Green's Harbour, 435. Greenfield, (‘Unele,’’) see Larrabee, Green- field. Greenfield, James, 342 Greenman, Silas, ‘471, ‘472, 591, 596, 597, 602. Griffin, 189. Griffin, Ebenezer, 134. Griffin, Lydia, 216. Griffin, Peter, 124. Griffin, William, 311. Griffing, 24, 36, 48, 52, 360, 580, 618, 640, 649. 688, 698, 703, 709. Griffing, ‘Ann, 324, 332. Griffing, Ebenezer, 11, 14, 20, 583. Griffing, Ebenezer, son of John, 202, 204. Griffing, Ebenezer, 3d, 246, 454, 462. Griffing, Elizabeth, 212, 306. Griffing, Jasper, 363. Griffing, John, 183, 201, 204, 219, 306, 402, 597, 598. 677, 700. Griffing, John, jr., 548. Griffing, Mary, 139, 238, 242, 672, 705. Griffing. Mary, dau. of John, 288. Griffing, Peter, 333. Griffing, pou 118, 593. 65 Griffing. S. . Griffing, Samuel, 185, 193, 548, 562, 564, 609. Griffing, Samuel, jr., 202. Griffing, Thomas, 229. Grimes, Deborah, 182. Grist, 404. Griswold, 59, 135, 184, 190, 259, 312, 328, 329, 831, 336, 337, 347, 361, 367, 381, 385, 389, 435. 500, 544, 576, 586, 605, 616, 665, 705. Griswold, Francis G. 348. Griswold, John, 115, 196, 352. Griswold, Mathew, 668. Griswold, Patience, 140, 173. Griswold, Samuel, ‘ Griswold, Sarah, 58, 473. Gross. 21, 26, 304, 548. Groton, Stephen, 173. Grubb, John, 525, Guard, Daniel. 14, 15, 17. Guard, John, 14, 15. Guffey. Guillam, 23, 25, 34, 36. Guillam, Arnold, 72. Guillam, Charles, 228: Gull Island, 516. Gunn, Aaron, 608. Guns. prices, 420. Gurley, John, 461. 644, 417, H 41, 79, 83, 196. Joanna, 109. John, 92. Hackley, Hackley, Hackley, Hackley, Marshall, 51. Hackley, Peter, 51, 92, 159, 201, 206, 224, 251, 278, 301. Hadlock, 659, 701. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Haines, 47, 71, 75, 612. Haines, Charles, 194, 196, 692. Haines, Elizabeth, 1 Haines, Jonathan, 59, 74, 80, 164. Haines. Lydia, 692. Haines, Mary, 14. Haines, Sarah, 173, 178. Haines, William, 117. Hall, vee 25, 26, 84, 277, 497, 500, 506, 551, 584, Daniel, 54, oi ne 108, 142, 150, 163, 269. Daniel, IE; , Mrs. Daniel, Ti. Eliza, 269. Elizabeth, 358 « Giles; 25, 26; 318, 640, 641. John, 332. ‘ Nathaniel, 499. , Ogden, 613. Richard, 102, 469. , William, 148. Hallam, 14, 16, 25, 29, 66, 129, 181, 155, 156, 167, 177, 191, 195, 200, 201, 204, 226, 232. 239, ek 259, 271, 272, 276, 284, 286, 301, Hallam, ane: 134, 164 Hallam, Amos, 2d, 167, “554, 578, 603, 644, 683, 695, 710. Hallam, Amos, 3d, 603. Hallam, Mrs. Amos, 578. Hallam, Anna, 644. Hallam, Edward, 25, 26, 34, 95, 97, 105, 108, 21, 124, 187, 148, 151, 183, 156, 310. Hallam, Edward, ir.,. 118, Hallam, Edward, son of Sones 397. Hallam, Edward, son of Nicholas, 555. Hallam, Edward, son of Lt. Hallam, 194. Hallam, Eliza, 132, 649. Hallam, Elizabeth, 132. Hallam, Elizabeth, dau. of Lt. Hallam, 247. Hallam, Grace, 514. Hallam, Grace, 2d, 644. Hallam, Isaac, 34. Hallam, John, 1, 228, 310, 397. Hallam, John, 9a, 444, Hallam, John, 3d, 579. Hallam’ John, son of Nicholas, 596. Hallam, Jonathan, 683. Lydia, 683. Mary, 132. Micholas, 38. Nicholas, 431, 459, 494, 514, 552, 555, 590, 614, 644, 670, 683, 708. Mrs. Nicholas, 514, 614. Sarah, 97, 99. Sarah, dau. of Amos, 578. Hallam, William, 683. Hallett, 352, 481, 493. Hallett, Samuel, 162, 226, 227. Halliock, 424. Halsey. Ephraim, 532 Halsey. Jeremiah, 97, 104, 129. Hambleton, 15. Hambleton, Jonas, 64. Hambleton, Lucretia, 149. Hamblin, Mrs. Jabez, 302. Hamilton, 271, 362, 505, 536, 662. Hamilton, 3. Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamilton, Haniilton, Hamilton, 343, 384, Hallam, Hallam, Hallam, Hallam, 578, Hallam. Hallam, Hallam, Bathsheba. 258. Daniel, 212. Elizabeth, 79, 392. Gabriel, 217. James, 98, 362. John, 151. John, son of Jonathan, 353. Jonas. 79, 98, 267, 340. Jonathan, 87, 201, 247, 284, 393, 567, 643. Ha milton, Mary, 79, 201, 289. Hamilton, Mary, dau. of Jonathan, 321. Hamilton. Solomon, 289. Hamlin, 11, 80, 572, 705. Hamlin, Charity, 414. Hammon, Jason, 432. Hammond, 662, 679. Hammond, Noah. 616. Hanard. John, 153. 305, 727 Anne, 396. Edward, 659. Sarah, 386. Susanna, 368. Hancock, William, 345, 386, 388, 396, 413, 695. Haucock, William, jr., 413. Handkerchiefs, prices, 70, 500. Haney, James, 703. Hannah, “Sister”: Harden, 312, 596. Harden, Abraham, 278. Harden, Stephen, 325, 352. Harden, Thomas, 439, 577. Harding, 268, 278. Harris, 22, 25, 36, 56, 132, 178, 196, 332, 340, 393, 493, 612, 635, 641, 682, 685. Harris, Ensign, 31, 33, 34, 78, 86, 94, 95, 101, 105, 107, 108, 143, 152, 185, 641, 656, 676. Harris, Ann, 437. Harris, Bathshua, 452. Harris, Benjamin, 285, 704. Harris, Daniel, 78, 535. Harris, Daniel, son of ene = Harris, Daniel, son of John Harris, Ebenezer, 427, 429, dao Tas, 482. Harris, Eliphalet, 443. Harris, Eliza, 378. Harris, Eliza, dau. ae Joseph, jr., 281, 616. 2d, 26, 86, 100. Harris, Elizabeth, Harris, Elizabeth, Harris, Elizabeth, 3d, 103. Harris, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard, 215. Harris, Esther, 451. Harris, Eunice, 327. Harris, Gabriel, 33, 75, 153, 156, 370, 452. Harris, George, 505, 506, 696. Harris, Gibson, 297, 443. Harris, Grace, ‘77. Harris, Grace, dau. of John, 378. Harris, Hannah, 110. Harris, Hannah, dau. of William, 383. Harris, Henry, 321, 258, 318, 315, 359, 408, 443, 596, 633, 698. Harris, Henry, jr., 408. Harris, James, 35. Harris, James, 2d, 230, 273, 434, 502, 511, 535, 536, 560, 569, 592, 599,600. 607, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, 648- 51, 653, 655, 656, 662, 667, 680. 685, 689. 690, 698, 702, 704, 706-9. Harris, Lt. James, 34, 26, 101, 334, 340, 507, 509, 534, 596, d. 681. Harris, Jedediah, 659, 660. Harris, Jemima, 610. Harris. Jeremiah, 408. Harris, Joanna, 378. Harris, John, 24, 28, 50, 77, 80, 98, 199, 241, 247, 258, 286, a: 325, 335, 338, 360, 633. Harris, John, jr., Harris, John, 3d, 10, 437, 445, 477, 481, 625, 650, 651, 655, 656. 660, 692. Harris, John, 4th, 410. Harris. John, son of Henry, 260, 642. Harris. John. son of Joseph, 45. Harris, Mrs. John. 520. Harris, Jonathan, 263. Harris Lt. Joseph, 8, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 38, 42, 45, 48. 71, 81, 101, 126, ‘J27, 126, 141, "183° 219, 218, 215, 217, 265, 270, 280, 283, 290: 323. Harris, Joseph. jr., 281, 352, 369, 370, 403, 411. 414, 439, 453, 460, 495, 538, 557, 569, 578, 604. 616, 636, 645, 673. Harris, Joseph, 3d. 359. Harris, Mrs. Joseph, 81. Harris, Lebens, 334, 681. Harris Lucretia, 349. Harris, Lucretia. dau. of Richard, 309, 676. Harris, Lucy, 349, 675, 676. Harris. Lydia, dau. of Henry, 354, 615. Harris. Lydia, dau. of Joseph, 645. Harris. Lydia, dau. of Samuel, 668. Harris, Martha, 154, 18), 220. Harris, Mary, 26, 39, 338, 692. Harris, Mary, dau. of Henry, 280. Harris, Mary, dau. of Peter, 251. 693. Harris, Mary, dau. of Richard, 239. Harris, Nathaniel, 557. Harris, Paul, 517. Hancock, Hancock, Hancock, Hancock, see Edgecombe, Hannah, 728 Harris, Peter, 16, 17, 22, 53, 84, 654, 693, 694. Harris, Peter, od, 170, 304, 314, 823, 378, 385, 389, 413, 420,438,471, 509, 546, 547, 577, 706. Harris, Peter, son of Samuel, 155-7, 212. Harris, Phebe, 88. Harris, Phebe, dau. of Joseph, 306. Harris, Richard, 128, 199, 206, 406, 408, 430, 681. Harris, Samuel, 12, is 17, 24, 26, 31, 36, 55, 61, 65, 66, 73, 76-8, 80- 84 101, 108, 113, 115, 117, 118, 140, "154, 156- -8, 282, 288, 387, 668, 693, 707. Harris, Samuel, jr., 46, 172, 212, 245, 391, 401, Harris, Samuel, son of Peter, 273, 654. Harris, Sarah, 323. Harris, Sarah, 2d, 307, 310. Harris, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Harris, 211- 13, oat, 225, 610, Stephen, 194, 611, 635, 7 Harris, Temperance, 495. Harris, Thankful, 201, 219. Harris, Thomas, 20, 32, 24, 25, 37, 57, 64, 65, 72, 80, 93, 97, 128, 205, 293. Harris, Thomas, 2d, 470. Harris, Walter, 393, 505, 535, 626. Harris, Watt, 637. Harris, William, 28, 29, 116, 194, 202, 467-9. 475, 490, 502, 509, 605, 677, 678, 685, 690. Harrison, 597. Hart, Rev. 389. Hart, Margaret, 296, 399. Hartshorn, 10, 16, 28, 33-5, 37-9, 43, 45, 46. 48, 50, 57, 70, 102, 141, 148, 173, 186, 213. eh 320, 388, 396, 411, 415-17, 424, 425, 524. Hartshorn, Hartshorn, Hartshorn, Hartshorn, Hartshorn, 524. Benjamin, 103. David, 411. Ebenezer, 545. John, 148, 173. Jonathan, 103, 320, 412, 424, Jonathan, ar 523, 524, 573. Joshua, Lucy, 320. oo Samuel, 103. Hartshorn, Thomas, 483, 523, 524, 573, 590. 593. Hartshorn, William, 103. Haskins, 585. Hassard, Robert, 205, 221. Hatch, 274. 358, 393, 613. Hatch, Daniel, 377. Hatch, Elijah, 244. Hatch, Joseph, 613. Hatch, Joshua, son of William, 413. Hatch, Joshua, 2d, son of William, 557. Hatch, Lydia, 118. Hatch, Mary, 272. Hatch, Phebe, 568. Hatch, Samuel, 342. Hatch, Susanna, 287. Hatch, William, 175, 181, 190, 191. Hatch, William, 2d, 208, 357, 418, 426, 472, 538, 557, 568. 590, 613, 633, . Hatch, William, 3d, 203, 472. Hats, prices, 529. Haughton, 603. Haughton, Ebenezer, 566. Haughton, Elizabeth, 67. Haughton, Labbens, 602. Haughton, Margaret, 19. Haughton, Mary, 497. Haughton, Samson, 72. Haughton, Samson, va, 74, 161, SHR. 2015-29. B82, 8625. 391, 602, 644. Haughton. Sarah, 26. Havens, 24. 188, 238. 302, 324, Havens, Wdward, 360. Havens, icorge, 206, Havens, George, 2d, Havens, John. 54, 61, Havens. Jonathan, 187, 324, 692. Haw, 69. Hawke, Ami, 533. 483, Hartshorn, Hartshorn, Hartshorn, Har tehorn, 589, 429, 165, 166, 425, 553, 181, 554, 37%; 406, 103, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Hawke, Hannah, 46. Hawke, James, 142, 155, 166, 175, 207, 218, 222. Hawkes, 36, 76. Hawkins, 422, 650. Hawkins, Benjamin, om Hawkins, Deborah, 606 Hawkins, John, 506, 517, 518, 559, 606, 664. Hawkins, Mary, 660. Hawkins, Mary, dau. of John, 664. Hawkins, Sarah, 518. Hawkins, Thomas, 128, 303, 625, 660. Hay, prices, 78, 90, 101, 145, 159, 347. Hayden, 108, 117. Hayden, John, 114. Hayden, Joseph, 222. Hazard, Stephen, 221. Hazen, John, 170. Heath, Joseph, 104, 105. Hedge, 22, 342. Hedges, John, 206. Heirs, 289 Helme, 535. Hempstead, Abigail; see Abigail, Joshua Hempstead. dau. of serps ea Abigail, dau. of John, bap. 309, Hempstead, Abigail, 2d, dau. of John, 342, Hempstead, Abigail, dau. of Robert, 303, 304, 483, 548, 552, 606, 624, 627, 644, 687. Hlompeteaa, ‘Abigail, dau. of Stephen, bap. Hempstead, Anna, 710. Hempstead, Benjamin, son of Joshua, 3d, 636, 669, 684. Hempstead, Benjamin; see Benjamin, son of Robert Hempstead. Hempstead, Daniel, 710. Hempstead, Edward, 445, 501, 504-6, 533, 571, 650-52, 671, 673, 675, 677, 684, 690, 691, 695, 7, Til. Hempstead, Eliza, 502, 550. Hempstead, Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua, 34, 59, 236, 254, marries Daniel Starr, 296; oe ge Betty, dau. of Joshua Hemp- stead. Tae Stee Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen, bap. Hempstead, Experience, 687. Hempstead, Grover, 620, 621, 698, 702. Hempstead, Hannah, dau. of John, 280, 406, 558. 557, 575, d. 576. Hempstead, Hannah, wife of John, 260, 262, 280. 288, 304, 309, 325, 335, 352, 366, 378, 553. d. 711. Hempstead, John; see John, son of Joshua Hempstead. Hempstead, John, jr., bap. 263, d. 263. Hempstead, John, 3d, 383, 653, 693, 702-4. Hempstead. Joseph, 477. Hempstead. Joshua, chosen townsman, 52, 62, 178. 229; wife died, 58; lawsuits, 53, 62, 65. 68-70, 74-6, 97, 116, 123, 125, 129, 180, 192, 198, 252, 257, 294, 299, 300, 309, 321, 325, 570, 575, 576; chosen deputy, 75, 143, 157. 174, 183, 188, 197, 226; justice, 184; ensign, 108; lieut. 143; capt. 167; joins church, 177; judge of probate, 253; justice of peace, 461; goes to Maryland, 520; dies, 711. Hempstead, Joshua, jr.; see Joshua, Joshua Hempstead. Hempstead. Joshua, 3d; see Joshua, son of Nathaniel Hempstead. Hempstead, Joshua, 4th; see Joshua, son of Joshua, 3d. Hempstead, Joshua, 5th; see Joshua, son of Robert Hempstead. Hempstead, Mrs. Joshua, d. 58. Hempstead, Katharine, d. 711. Hempstead, Lucretia, d. 596. Hempstead, Lucy. 576. Hempstead, Lydia, wife of Joshua Hemp- stead, 3d, 426, 443, 445, 476, 555, 584, 599, 617, 624, 6410, 663, 690. 691, 703. Hempstead, Mary, dau. of John, d. 489. Hempstead, Mary, dau. of Joshua, 58, 61, 73; son of Diary of Joshua Hempstead see also Molly, uau. of Joshua Hempstead. Hempstead, Mary; dau. of Nathaniel, 210, 267, 596, 597. Hempstead, Mary, wife of Nathaniel, 198. 212, 226, 229, 255, 257; marries Joseph Truman, 258. Hempstead, Mary, dau. of Robert, m. 710 Hempstead, Mary, wife of Robert, 303, 304, 878, 379, 477. Hempstead, ‘‘Nabby,’’ 653. Hempstead, Nathaniel; see Nathaniel, son of Joshua Hempstead. Hempstead, Nathaniel, jr.; see Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Hempstead. Hempstead, Nathaniel, 3d, bap. 710. Hempstead, Mrs. Nathaniel, jr., 540, 655, 568, 602, 659, 706, 710. Hempstead, Patience, bap. 426. Hempstead, Robert; see Robert, son of Jos- hua Hempstead. Hempstead, Robert, son of Te bap. 477. Hempstead, Robert, jr., d. 466. Hempstead, Robert, 3d; see Robert, Joshua Hempstead, 3d. Hempstead, Samuel, 510, 613. Hempstead, Samuel Booth, 710. Hempstead, Sarah, wife of Stephen, 335, 336, 533, 673, 674. Hempstead, Stephen; see Stephen, Joshua Hempstead. son of son of Hempstead, Stephen, jr.; see Stephen, son of Stephen Hempstead. Hempstead, Stephen, 3d, bap. 629. Hempstead, Mrs. Stephen, 467. Hempstead, Thomas, son of Stephen, bap. 336; d. 351. Hempstead, Thomas, 2d, son of Stephen, 361, 515, 548, 623, 625. Hempstead, William, 620, 621. Hempstead, William, son et sere ee 512. Henderson, 271, 391, 450, Henderson, John, 392. Hendry, Daniel, 698. Hendry, George, 584, 603, 607, 620. Henry, 532. Herd, 430. Herrick, 517, 578, 582, 583. Hewin, Edward, 5. Mercy, 216. Michael, 177. 104, 105, 475, 497, 498, 504. Hewit, Israel, 667. Hewit, Joseph, 472, 539. Hewitson, 604. Hewitson, John, 670. Hewson, John, 51. Hicks, John, 340, 341. Hide, see Hyde. Higgins, 677. Highways. 52, 56, 59, 66, 77, 222, 227, 274, 283, 295. 320, 336, 344, 358, 408, 488, 477, 485. 547, 591, 625, 677. Hill, 48, 49, 55, 65. 76, 87, 94, 101, 104-6, 108. 140, 249, 314, 401, 407, 420, 431, 461: Hill, Aaron, 416. Hill, Abigail, 514. Hill, we 4, 97, 172, 175, 178, 187, 188, 199, Hill, son of Nathaniel, jr.. Hewin, Hewin, Hewit, George, 198. Hill, George, 2d, 310, 328, 329, 370, 374, 391. Hill, Hannah, 154, 220. Hill, John, 49. Hill * Jonathan, 18, 29, 39, 42, 43, 48, 49, 54, 65. 98, 116, 154, 388, 429. Hill, Jonathan, jr., 48, 46, 519. Hill, Mary, 257. Hill, Michael, 412, 416. 421. Hill, Ruth, 65, 391, 392. Hiil, Thomas, 173, 174, 194. Hill, William. 42. Hillhouse, 113, 114, 120, 125, 246, 258, 285, 395. Hillhouse, James, 370. Hillhouse, Rev. James, 627. Hillhouse, William, 674, 683. Hinchey, 663. Hinchey, Joshua, 662. 729 Hinckley, 244, 265. Hinman, 529, 530. Hix, 262, 650, 651. Hobart, 136, 188, 202, 220, 228, 224, 227, 236, 246, 353, 364, 546, Hobart, Daniel, 227, "381, 683, 646, 709. Hobart, Eliza, ‘957. Hobart, Jenny, 81. Hobart, John, 79, 84, 105, 257, 582, 612. Hobart, Rev. Joshua, 613 Hobart, Rebecca, 79. Hobart, Samuel, 238. Hobart, Sarah, 274. Hobart, Sarah, 2d, 361, 394. Hobbs, 559, 560, 567, 572, 599, 600. Hobbs, Mary, 315, 357, 358, 548. Hodge, 35, 66. Hodgskin, Mary, 490. Hodsell, 117, 120, 129, 138, 159, 172, 200, 202, 204, 208, 218, 225, 231, 298, 299. Hodsell, Elizabeth, 263. Hodsell, James, 110, 11 129. Hodsell, Patience, 160, 214, Hogneck, 414. Holdridge, 106, 212, 221, 2357 247. ole Gershom, 119, 121, 124, 160, 177, 195, 198, 203, 222, 218, 219, 226, 394, 443, 454, 461, 500, i Holdridge, Hezekiah, 104, 118. Holdridge, John, 213, 368, 454, 461, 492. Holdridge, Robert, 219, 382, 403, 517. Holdridge, Sarah, 425, 428. Holdridge, Susan, 302. Holebut, see Hurlbut. Helister, are 598. Holloway, 4, 11, 41, 78, 74, 79. Holloway, Ann, 134, 209. Holloway, Jacob, 4, 5, 10. Holloway, John, 24, 25, 42, 53, 184. Holloway, Rose, 9, 11, 13 Holmes, 23, 28, 69, 266, 357, 391, 397, 400. Holmes, John, 10. Holmes Samuel, 544, 545, 554. Holt, 23, 366, 417, 480, 490, 496, 509, 514, 551, 576, 578-80, 633. Benjamin, 427. Daniel, 334. David, 689. Ebenezer, 262, 480, 681. Elizabeth, 216. , Elizabeth, dau. of William, jr., 385. James, 107. John, 388, 437, 456, 472, 505, 557, 710. John, jr., 472. ; Joseph, 354. Katherine, 51. _ Mary, 464. Nathaniel, 8, 24, 37, 50, 54, 55, 75-7, 82. 83, 85, 166, 261, 290, 301, 333, 344. Holt. Nathaniel, jr., 54, 486, 549, 572, 575, 599, 624. 8d, 304, 305, 549. Nathaniel, 4th, 328, 464. , Peter, 599. Phebe, 24, 265, 566. Rebecca, 187. Richard, 710. Samuel, 625. Sarah, 62, 321, m. Stephen Hempstead, Holt, Sis, dau. of John, 557. Holt, Sarah, dau. of William, jr., 541. Holt, Stephen, 483. Holt, Thomas, 146. Holt, William, 22, 7, 49, 51, 538, 59, 61-3, 67, 85, 94, 407, she, rch 133, 165, 188, 189, 192, 196, 244, 247, 261, 269, 2838, 287, 311, 388, 401, 413, 433, 459, 467, 492, 604, 670, 686, Holt, William, jr., 121, 194, 385, 409, 427, 468, 486, 706. Holt. William, 8d, 162, 562, 605, 625, 681, 686, 689. Holt, William, 4th, te 451, 483, 541, 550. Holt, William, 5th, 315. Holyoke, 640. 186, 232, 299; 235, 161, 368, Nathaniel, 739 Honey, prices, 175, 177. Hooker, 500. Hooker, Abel, 387. Hooker, See 387. Hope, 16, 265, Hopton, Wesson 33, 342. Horse-races, Horses, prices, 32, 65, 123, 406, 473. Horsey, 16, 27, 31, 157, 58. Horsey. William, 3, 15, 166, 273. Horton, 356, 551, 710. Horton, Elijah, 290. Horton, Joshua, 409, 528. Horton, Simon, Hosmer, 274, 555. Hosmer, Stephen, 629. Hosmer, Thomas, 449. Hossmondon, J. 335 Hough, 270, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, atone 275, 276. Abiah, 159. Anne, 121, 166. David, 107, 128. Deborah, 187. Elizabeth, 92. Esther, 59. George, 260. Hannah, 168. Jabesh, 206. Jabez, 149, 153. Jemima, 100. John, 28, 48. John, 2d, 79, 81, 97, 106, 114, 124, Hough, Hough, Hough, Hough, John, 3d, 232. Samuel, 34, 100, 215. Sarah, 122. Susanna, 226. Hough, William, 238, 455, 678. Hough, William, jr., 246. Houghton, Sampson, 143. Hoult, see Holt. Houses, 140, ee 355, oo 634. Howard, 352, 417, 7 Howard, plea 308. Howard, David, 149, 579. oe Ebenezer, 216, 272, 389, 394, 569, 703, 709. Howard, 624, 625. Howard, Howard, Howard, Howard, Howara, Howard, Bhenezer, jr., Eliza, 330. Eliza, 2d, 507. Elizabeth, 249. John, 394. Nathan, 82, 440, 587, 621, 642. Nathan, jr., 149. Howard, Mrs. Nathan, 621. Howard, Sarah, 350. Howell, 11, 60, 296. Howell, Ezekiel, 532. Hubb, 433. Hubbard, 206, eae 809, 355, 394, 403, 421. 6 682 434, 532, Hubbard, Daniel, 238, 241, 264, 291, 333, 375. Daniel, jr., 304. Hubbard, Hubbard, Blizabeth, 334. Hubbard, Hugh, 250, John. 394. Hubbard, Hubkard, Lucretia, 275. Hubbard, Martha, 243. Hubthard, Russell, 249, 642, Hubbard, Thomas, 699. Hubbell, 481. 699. Hubbell, Ebenezer. 9, 11-14, 16-25, 27, 29, 35. 62, 454. Hubbell, Elizabeth, 28. Huchens, 574. Hudson, Henry, 639. Hudson, Timothy, 639. Hull. 49, 323, 398, 442, 572, 585, 588, 596, 681 Hull, Joseph, jr., 838 Humphreys, 335, 610. Humphreys, Renjamin, 106. Humphreys, Daniel, 335. Hungerford. 556. Hunt, 81, 514, 686. Hunt, Joseph, 43. 450, 483, 487, 519, 599, 600, 619, 637, 183, 229, 236, 248, 250, 251, 256, 259, 125. 40, 143, 177, 185, 196, 199, 218, 230, 269. 526. 665. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Hunting, 22, 35, 258, 279, 321, Pri 343, Hunting, Rey. Jonathan, 3b0, 424, Hunting, Nathaniel, jr., Hunting, Samuel, 630. Huntington, 30, 31, 291, 370, 415, 432, Huntington, Daniel 312. Huntington, Ebenezer, 205, Huntington, Hezekiah, oa 594, 599. Huntington, Isaac, 428, 686. Huntington, Jabez, 544, 595. Huntington, Joshua, 297, 477. Huntington, Prime, 703. Huntington, Simon, 3. Huntley, 236, 359. Huntley, David, 57. Huntley, John, 175. Huntley, Joseph, 220, 266, 400, 414. Huntley, Samuel, 00. Huntting, 122, 131. 160. Hurlbut, 26, 33, 459, 476, 490, 501, 512, 539, 559, 562, 563, 566, 567, 577, 599, 607, 636, 646, 649, Hurlbut, Daniel, 355. Hurlbut, Elizabeth, 353. Hurlbut, Freelove, 24. Hurlbut, George, 460. Hurlbut, George Buttolph, 330. Hurlbut, Hannah, 24, 139, 141. Hurlbut, Hannah, dau. of Titus, 571. Hurlout, Jeremiah, 536. Hurlbut, Joseph, 376, 394, 441, 423, 424, 431, 460, 469, 657, 708. Hurlbut, Joseph, jr., 423, 708. 516. Hurlbut, Lucretia, 448. Hurlbut, Lucretia, 2d, 485. Hurlbut, Lydia, 386 Hurlbut, Mrs. Lydia, 329. Hurlbut, Lyman, 39. Hurlbut, Mercy, 158, 168, 169. Hurlbut, Samuel, 353, 573. Hurlbut, Sarah, 365. Hurlbut, Stephen, 16, 83, 144, 145, 153. Hurlbut, Titus, 204, 241, 242, 249, 261, 275, 283, 304, 313, 317, 319, 325, 346, 352, 353, 386, 391, 392, 394-6, 402, 408, 448, 457, 467, 485, 506, 5U7, 536, 544, 559, 562, 571, 580, 620, 625, 627, 636, 642, 682, 686. Huston, 376, 379. Hutchins, 309, 383, 543. Hutchins, John, 12, 13. Hutchins, Thomas, 265. Hutchinson, 435, 502. Hutchinson, Benjamin, 549. Hutchinson, Samuel, 242, 330. Hutton, 609. Hutton, John, 16-20, 24, 26-8, 33-5, 52, 56, 58. Huttson, or Hyde, 26, Bao, 272, 612, 857,410, 415, 429, 498, 509, at 526, 549, 552, 686. Hyde, Ann, 214. Hyde, Daniel, 223, 410, 595, 686, 705. Hyde, Elijah, 291, 412. Hyde, Elisha, 214, 385, 481, 498, 585, 705. Hyde, Jabez, $1, 116, 223, 227, 270, 348, 361, 870, 410, 422, 427, 448, 448, 481, 516, 595, 650, 6bS6, 705, Hyde, James, 705. Hyde, Jedediah, 388. Hyde, John, 116. 313. Hyde, Richard, 293, 410, 479. Hyde, Samuel, 5, 14, 16, 17, 24, 31, 36, 53, 98. 112, 116, 120, 158, 147, 199, 212, 227, 252, 299, 410, 595. 705. Hyde, Thomas, 81, 212, 415, 422, 481, 495, 650. Hyde, William, 36, 43, 53, 81, 84, 96, 102, 137, 192, 199, 248, 286, 312, 348, 410, 415, 422, fae 448, 458, 481, 516, 585, 605, 650, 686, 705. Hyde, William, jr., 318, 335. E Immanuel, 656, 657, 676. Ince, Thomas, 4, 124. Indians, 413, 465, 502, 591. Ingles, 78. Ingles, Benjamin, 56, 210. Ingrem, 15, 36. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Ingrem, Mary, 42. Interest, rates, 449, 558, 565, 571, 589. Iron, manufacture, 523, , 538. Irwin, Samuel, 139. Isle of Wight, 571. J. Mary, 22. 262, 522, 526, 527. Hannah, 606. Lois, 376. John, 238, 276. Peter, 277, 317, 439. Samuel, 233, 534. Samuel, son of Sarah, Sarah, Jackley, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Sarah, wife of Samuel, Jackson, Thomas, 568. Jacobs, Richard, 201. James, John, 656. Jarrett, Kathrene, 330, 332, 334. Jarrold, Edward, 206. Jarvis, 529. Jarvis, John, 331. Jeffers, 215, 341. Jeffrey, 258, 266, 338, 386, 422. Jeffrey, Charles, 682. Jeffrey, doen 161, 173, 263, 279, 312. Jeggles, Jeggles, Arnold, 6. Jeggles, Mercy, 41. Jeggles, Mercy, jr., 41. Jellit, 451. Jencks, Jeremiah, 282, Jenison, 175. Jennings, 51, 126, 201, 532. Jerome, 521, 538. Jerome, John, 322, 694. Jesse, 328, 229. Jessup, 152, 160, 165, 178, 182, 185, 189, 217. Jeth, 417. Jewitt, 354, 388, 389, 574, 587, 589, 593 Jewitt, Rev. David, ‘612, 618, 640, 649, 664, 675. Joanna, 24. Joans; see Jones. John, son of Joshua Hempstead, 1, 20, 33, 95 97, 116, 117, 121, 123, 125, 426, 128, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 142-57, 159-61, 164-70. 172-81, 183-5, 191, 195, 309, 211, 213-15, 220-24) 230, (232, 234-6, 938-40, marries Hannah Salmon, 242; mentioned, 243-5. 248, 253, 254, 256, 257, 262, 263, 267-9, 278-80, 285, 286, 288, 290-92, 296, 298, 303, 305, 306, 325, 326, 335, 337, 339, 345, 347, 352, 364, 366, 367, 371, 373, 378, 385, 386, 388, 396, 398, 401-3, 412-17, 419, 420, 423, 425, 427, "433, 437, 441-3, "445 - 7, 450-53, 455, 459-63, 471- 5, 477. 262. 534, 596. 482, 489-91, 597-9, 502-4, 508, 509, 514, 516. 517, 533, 538-40, 542, 543, 548, 553, 554, 557. 559, 576, 579, 581, 582. 585, 598, 603, 612. G18, 622. 628, 635, 642, 643, 648, 653, 659 662 5, 669, 670, 677, 681, 682, 686, 688, 703, 705, 706, d. 711. Johnson. 16, 60, 63, 70, 491. Th, Th 2i2y 208; 521, 536, 616, 664, 665. Johnson, Ebenezer, 43, 60. Johnson, Elizabeth, 39. Johnson, James, 286. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, Jolin, 220. Jonathan; see Pierpoint, Jonathan Jones, ve 44, 55, 74, 79, 202, 491, 528, 611, 613, Amos, 200, 519, 668. Elizabeth, 200. Ephraim, 278, 569. Henry, 104, 115. Samuel, 478, 620. Rev. Stephen, 614, 634, 645, 691. William, 531. Gen. William, 655. 409, 500, 525, 549, 702. Alexander, 412, 568. Robert, 607, 647. Susanna, 355. Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, 731 Jones, Jabez, 24. Jones, Mary, 200. Jones, Sarah, 88. Jones, Thomas, a 24, 81, 85, 171, 173, 179. Jordan stream, mill privilege granted by town, 218. Joshua, son of Joshua Hempstead, 4, 12, 14, , 25, 29, 31, 38, 36-44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 67, d. 58. Joshua, son of Nathaniel Hempstead, 145, , 221, 224-7, 235, 237-9, 241, 242, 247, 248, 252, 257, 258, 260, 261, 264, 274, 276, 277-9, 281, 282, 284, 285, 389, 392-4; 296, 297, 302-7, 310, 811, 313-16, 318, 321, 322, 325, 327-9, 381, 333, 336-47, 349- 52, 364-62, 364-76, 379-84, 386-401, 403-6, 408-10, 412, 414-21, 425-47, 449-54, 458-60, 462-71, 473-7, 479-85, 487, 489-98, 495-500, 502-8, 510-14, 517-20, 533, 534, 536-9, 541, 543, 545-7, 549-56, 559, 560, 563, 564, 666-74, 576-9, 581-9, 591-7, 599-603, 606-15, 617-22, 624-6, 630-33, 635, 636, 639, 641-52, 654, 655, 657-9, 661-3, 665-71, 673-702, 704, 706-11. Joshua, son of Joshua Hempstead, 3d, ‘Little Joshua,” 501, 504-6, 533, 571, 635, 648, 651-3, 655, 668, 669, 672, 674, 675, 682, 687, 691, 696. Joshua, son of Robert Hempstead, 561, 563, 564, 598, 609, 634, 644, 699, 701, 703. Joyner, William, 63,. Ls K Kalendar, 202. Keeney, 23, 30, 53, 152, 265, 391-7, 399, 400, 442. Keeney, Elizabeth, 369. Keeney, Hannah, 617, 620. Keeney, J., 327. Keeney, John, 72, 178, 234, 337, 361, 389, 400, 451, 510, 548, 544, 615. Keeney, John, jr, 361, 619, 645. Keeney, cere ‘ Keeney, Mary, Keeney, Willa, “a7, 620, 662. Keith, 319, 3 Kelling, 45, 49. 52. 137. Kellogg, 334, 370, 388. Kelly,_458, 589. Kelly, Benjamin, 495. Kelly, William, 220. Kelsey, Eliza, 185. Kennedy, 497, 501. Kenney, 495. Kersey, prices, 513. Kertland, 381. Key. 623. Kiah, 454. Killbourn, 609. Killyng, Ia, 16. King, 33, 35, 41, 52, 55, 56, 58, 398, 536, 640. King, ‘Absalom, 207, 215, 253, 265. King, Henry, 265, 466. King, Jo 32, 33, 44. 48, 81, 84, 87, 97, 168, 322 Jonathan, 342, 382. Prosser, 532. Samuel, 533. King, William, 26, 249, 379, 398, 538. King, William, jr., 34. Kingsbury, Joseph, 270, 585. Kingsland, 298, 400. Kinyon, Pain, 637, 648. Kirtland, Daniel, 424, 664, 669. Knight, ‘‘Madam,” 102, 116, 165-8, 178, 181, 183, 184, d. 189; estate of, 209, 213; men- tioned, 507, 704, Knight, Samuel. 186. Knot, John, 66, 84, 97, 120, 305. L King, King, King, Ladd, 281. Lake, 24. Lamb, 59, 60, 74, 126, 246. Lamb, Arthur, 695 Lamb, Ebenezer, 499. Lamb, Isaac, 30. Lamb, John, 277, 373. 732 Lambert, 185. Lambert, Daniel, HN Lambert, Thomas, Lamphere, 280, 410, “64, 582, 690. Lamphere, Elf, 703. Lamphere, Experience, 256. Lamphere, James, 613. Lamphere, Mary, 410, 454. Lamphere, Peter, 582. Lampson, 303, 647. sea T,. 28; 20, 21, 23-5, 27, 31-3, 35, 37, 42, 45, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68, 75, 76, 10), 115, 124) 129, 140, 1438, 152, 166, 173. 175, 177, 203, 207, 217, 223, 235-31, 233, 244, 249, 255, 269, 270-75, 282, 287, 293. 296, 297, 299, 302, 310, 313, 314, 318, 319, 325, 327, 329, 339, 347, 348, 352, 355, 362, 369, 371, 379, 386, 388, 390, 400, 401, 403, 404, 406, 419, 421, 422, 424, 437, 43 8, 440, 443, 445, 454, 471, 476, 7, 482, 483, 498, 499, 502, 504, 506-8, 612, 513, 517-20. 538, 541, 550, 559, 562, 563, 565, 567, 568, 588-90, 597, 598, 601, 602, 604, 605, 607, 613, 616, 619, 622, 625, 627, 630, 632, 636, 642, 646, 648, 652, 669, 674, 681, 636, 693, 695. 697, 702, ; Landon, James, 207. Larabe; see Larrabee. Larkins, 554, 560, 565, 566. Larkins, John, 219, 403, 453, 462, 469, 475, 493, 499. Larrabee, 1738, 377. Larrabee, Andrew, 427. Larrabee, Greenfield, cart 116, 234, 309, d. 346; mentioned, 602, 707. Larrabee, James, 92, Toys. 167, 372, 480, 602. Larrabee, James, jr., 602. Larrabee, Jerusha, 268. Lal abee: John, 4, 10, 161, 166, 178, 298, 321. Larrabee, Mrs. John, 537, 585. Larrabee, John Crocker, 427. Larrabee, Joseph, 173, 355, 551, 655, 683. Larrabee, Mary, 55. Larrabee, Nathaniel. 12, 61, 211, 377, 381. Larrabee, Thomas, 602, 7. Larrabee, Timothy. 537. Latham, 60, 184, 185, 322, 497. Latham, Cary, 349, 60. Latham, Cary, of Groton, 190, 196, 202, 247, 273, 387. Latham, Cary, jr., 130, 137, 180, 204, 207, 234, 249, 257, 307, 557. Latham, Cary, 3d, 290. Latham, Cary, son of Cary, jr., 307. Latham, Cary, son of Joseph, 331. Latham, Elizabeth, 9. Latham, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel, 328. Latham, James, 318. Latham, Jasper, 108, 193, 194, 238, 264, 285, 320, 331, 597, 602. Latham, John, 32, 266. Latham, John, jr., 645. Latham, Joseph, 319, 328, 341, 557, 650. Latham, Joseph Cary, 367, 697. Latham, Mercy, 645. Latham, Patience, 511. Latham, Rebecca, 697. Latham, Samuel, 61, 64. Latham, Sarah, 269. Latham, Susanna, 238. Latham, Thomas, 53, 164. 174, Latham, William, 6, 29, 32, 35, 70, 73, 80, 82, 98, 100, 110, 255, 635. Latham, William, jr., 253. Lathrop, 38, 171, 174, 177, 178, 2 312, 430, 437, 452, 456, 457, 4 Lathrop. Danivcl, 640, Lathrop, Ebenezer, 605. Lathrop, Flizaheth, 359. Lathrop, John, 410. a 410, 467, 583, 271, 373, 467, 468. 560. 2, 64 194. nw =I 2 to n So Lathrop, Joseph, 348, Joseph, jr., Mary, 437. Nathaniel, ae 167, 198, 285, 385, 435. Simon, 367, 616, Lathrop, Lathrop, Lathrop, Lathrop, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Lathrop, Thomas, 197, 643, 683. Lathrop, William, 197. Latimer, 66, 69, 75, 101, 181, 251, 681. Latimer, Capt. 46, 52, 60, 62, 66, 76, 77, 82-4, 43, 94, 96, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 116, 118-20, 124, 125, 130, 140, 142, ‘147, 154- 6, 166, 176, 177, 179, 183, 185, 187, 188, Lo 196, d. 204; mentioned, 235, 237, 258, 263, 270, 287, 432, 461, 653 Latimer, Mrs. 108, 469, 493, 555, d. 587. Latimer, Amos, 315. Latimer, Ann, 184, 188. Latimer, Ann, dau. of Samuel, 355. Latimer, Anne, 119. Latimer, Daniel, 356. Latimer, Eliza, 695. Latimer, Elizabeth, 174, 494. Latimer, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel, 202. Latimer, George, 535. Latimer, Hannah, 361. Latimer, Hannah, dau. of Jonathan, jr., 495. Latimer, Hannah, dau. of Peter, 338. Latimer, Henry, 319. Latimer, John, 387. Latimer, Jonathan, 82, 95, 107, 108, 119, 167, 221, 226, 232, 256, 264, 276, 285, 130, 310, eae 328, 829, 338, 347, 431, 432, 514, 515, o . ee Jonathan, jr., 144, 495, 535, 682, 690, iVo. Latimer, Mrs. Jonathan, 495. Latimer, Lucretia, 349. Latimer, Lucy, 438. Latimer, Mary, 209. Latimer, Mary, dau. of Samuel, 401. Latimer, Nathan, 219, Latimer, Peter, 45, 46, 223, 234, 274, 297, 308, 335, 338, 377, 387, 389, 393, 395, 404, 442, 470, 473, 485, 570, 575, 589, 595, 598, 599, 605, 612, 669. Latimer, Peter, jr., 338. Latimer, Mrs. Peter, 338. Latimer, Picket, 442. Latimer, Robert, 245, 649, 666. Latimer, Capt. Robert, 4, 8, 44, 81, 94, 189, 236, 408, 472, 695. Latimer, Samuel, 121, 132, 152, 185, 232, 247, 270, 274, 285, 328, 329, 347, 348, 350, 367, 395, 397, 401, 408, 411, 438, 568, 588, 603, 605, 612, 669. Latimer, Samuel, jr., 184. Lattimore; see Latimer. Law, Jonathan, 198, 363, 407, 408, 521, 559. Lawrence, 468, 36. Lawrence, Daniel, 521, 522, 529. Lawrence, Jonathan, 609. Lay, 327, 341. Lay, Edward, 115, 117, 128, 131, 140, 327. Lay, John, 51, 55, 73, ‘115, 927: Lay, John, jr., 117, 598. Lay, John, 3d, 347. Lay, Joseph, 327. Lay, R, 259. Leach, 254, 282, 635, 699. Leach, Abigail, 92. Leach, Abigail, dau. of Samuel, 221, 573. Leach, ‘Ann, 323. Leach, Clement, 161, 245, 254, 323, 346, 468, 469, 477, 646. Leach. Clement, 2d, 510. Leach, Elizabeth, 377. Leach, Grace, 246, 514. Leach, Ephraim, 173. Leach, Esther, 4438, 458. Leach, Eunice, 276. Leach, Frances, 32. Leach, Hannah, 279. 540, Leach. Joseph. 347. 604. Leach, Lucretia, 412. Leach, Lucy, 480. Leach, Lucy, wife of Richard, 276, 397. Leach, I.vdia, 209, 293. Leach, Manasseh, 178, 492, 510, 578, 701. Leach, Manasseh, jr., 578. Leach, Mary, 49. Leach, Mercy. 297, 316. Leach, Mrs. Mercy, 294, 309. Leach, Rhoda, 365. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Leach, Richard, 250, 301, 397, 653. Leach, Richard, son of William, 382. Leach, Samuel, 198, 214, 221, 250, 339, 391. 308, 398, 412, 443, 480, 515, 573, 575, 6Uy, Leach, Samuel, jr., 323. Leach, Sarah, 259. Leach, Stephen, 170, 454, 474. Leach, Susanna, 281, 515, 516. Leach, Mrs. Susanna, 336. Leach, Thomas, - 21, 92, aa Raia Leach, Thomas, 35, 47, Leach, Thomas, aa, 47. Leach, William, 154. Leather, prices, 164, 495. Lechmere, 499, 534, 578, ’599, 658. Ledgerwood, John, 190. Ledyard, 192, 199, 227, 228, 285, 237, 244, 256, 257, 263, 283, 303, 304, 316, 323, 343, 365, 385, 390, 397, 402, 417, 441, 458. 462, 472, 477, 478, 509, 511, 549, 555, 560, 563, 571, 5 663, Ledyard, Abigail; see Abigail, dau. of Jos- hua Hempstead, sen. Ledyard, Abigail, dau. of Robert Hempstead, 563, 563, 586, 587, 589, 603, 634, 647. Ledyard, Benjamin, 294. Ledyard, Mrs. Deborah, 477. 251, 337, ~ BS: MeO aias Isaac, 294, 307, 308, 326, 354, 358. ae 277, 841, 351, 358, 548, 605, 6 ¢ Ledyard, John, jr., 548, 552, 567, 597. Ledyard, Youngs, 596. Lee, a we 341, 428, 433, 502, 510, 567, 634, ‘64 Lee, Capt., 378, 444, 445, 474, 485, 500, 505, 550, 556, 558, 559, 567, 572, 573, 587-9, 597, 605-7, 622, 627, 628, 631, 632, 649, 655, 656. 668, 691, 694, 701, 702, 706, 707, 709, 710. Lee, Benjamin, 647. Lee, Elijah, 563. Lee, Elisha, 479. Lee, Eliza, 213, 649. , Eliza, dau. of Samuel, 300. Frederick, 680. James, 334. Jane, 271, 543, 605, 608. John, 10, 29, 30, 53. Capt. John, 418, 447, , John, 3d, 220, 310, 406. John, son of Stephen, , John, son of William, ohn Brown, 468. Joseph, 530, 612, 615. , Rev. Joseph, 565. Peter, 693, 694, 706. Phebe, 72, 73, 78, 80, Py Ade. Lee, Robert. 530. Lee, Samuel, 260, 264, 270, 312, 402, 409. Lee, Samuel, jr., 409. Lee, Stephen, 318, 341, 347, 404, 417, 423, 425, 430, 434, 435, 438, 450, 468, 479, 519, 536, 546, 547, 646, 680, 684. Lee, Thomas, %, 12, ‘13, 51, 88, 115, 190, 196, 016, 217, 220, 241, 259, 265, 278, 318, 334, 402, 484, 493. Lee, Thomas, jr., 265. Lee, Thomas, son of Samuel, 329. Lee, Thomas, son of William, 530. Lee, William, 24, 35, 128, 131, 281, 530. Leech, see Leach. Leeds, 204, 238, 242, 579, 693. Leeds, John, 319, 39. Leeds, Thomas, 221, 489, 440, 451, 452. Leeds, William, 156, 170, 210, 221, 502, 694. Leefavor, Elias, 159 Leeman, 675. Leet, 686, 692. Leet, Daniel, 616. 417, 530. 89, 92, 93, 95, 99, Il, 68, 223, 226, 452, 498, 516, 590. efinewell Benajah, 174, 385, 429, 452, 516, 576. Leffingwell, John, 205, 361, 595. Leffingwell, Mary, 576. Leffingwell, Samuel, 404. Leffingwell, Sarah, 411. 733 Leffingwell, Thomas, jr., 3. Leg, Mary, 703. Lenord, 517. Eee 11, 21, 46, 150, 230, 317, 467, 482, 6 Lester, Abigail, 33. Lester, annem, 21s Lester, Ann, 7 Lester, Ann, 2d, 70, 166. Lester, ‘Anne, 107. Lester, Penjamin, 7, 9, 21-8, 86, oe a Lester, Benjamin, 24, 487, 519, 635, Lester, Daniel, 9, 14, 22, 28, ‘45, ia O79, 549, 559, 575. Lester, Daniel, jr., 68, 107, 188, 191, 194, 675, 481, 280, aol, Lester, Daniel, son of ea 307, 348, 355, 418, 451, 453, 454, 466, Lester, Mrs. Daniel, 91, 142, 303. Lester, David, 6, 11, 273, 274, 283, 308, 839, ae 487, 505, 535, 555, 615, 616, Lester, Eliphalet, 481, 487, 598, 685. Lester, Elizabeth, 137, 186. Lester, Esther, 248 Lester, Funice, 564. Lester, Ezekiel, 68, 304. Lester, Grace, 159. Lester, Hannah. 131, ee Isaac, 265, 287, 303, 500, 519, 555, tf Lester, Isaac, jr.. 660. Lester, James, 660. Lester, Jemima, 693. Lester, John, 6, 18, 74, 150, 294, 295. Lester, John, 24, 364, 396. Lester, Jonathan, 8, 209, 239, 281, 397, 483. Lester, Joseph, 35- 9, 45, 48, 49, 58, 71, 86, 94, 161, 162. 187, 196, 197, 213; 218, 233, 502; 503, 553, 554. Lester, Joseph, 2d, 210, 211, 213, 347, 851, 483-5, 487, 636, 674. Lester, Kathrine, 615. Lester, Mary, 94, 136, 154. Lester, Nehemiah, 577. Lester, Noah, 479. Lester, Samuel, 90, 371, 702. Lester, Sarah, 221, 229, 390. Lester, Susanna, 14. Lester, Thomas, 22, 333, 615. Lester, Thomas, jr., 278. Lester, Mrs. Thomas, 246. Lester, Timothy, 57, 89, 112, 128, 220, 650. Lester, Timothy, 2a, 687. 442, 456, 474, 484, 486, Letchmer, Nicholas, 562, 563. Lewis, 66, 179, 285, 290, 296, 450, 451. Lewis. Daniel, 216. Lewis, Edmund, 239. Lewis, Hannah, 34, 121. Lewis, Jeremiah, 414, 451. Lewis, John, 66. Lewis, John, 2d, 99, sen 677. Lewis, Mrs. John. Lewis, Martha. aT Lewis, Mary, 273. Lewis, Moses, 86, 99, 101. Lewis, Sarah, 320. Lewis, William, 79. Lewis, William, jr, 36. L’hommedieu, 165. L’hommedieu, Benjamin, 187. L’hommedieu, Hosea, 129. L’hommedieu, Peter, 361. Lilly, George, 442. Lilly, Gilbert, 442. Lime, prices, 550. Linen, prices, 121, 550. Little, Ephraim, 251, 388, 432, 468. Liveen, John, 1, 3, 73, 82, 116, 191, 367. Livingston, Col. 32, 85, 82. Livingston, Mrs. 193, 213, 258, 263, 552. Livingston, Mrs. John, 301. Livingston, Mary Winthrop, 19. Livins, 73. Lockwood, 521, 524. Loomer, 21. Loomis, 707. Loomis, Daniel, 630. 315, 628, 616, 734 Lomgee, 54. ord: 153, 268, 259, 436, 489, 531, 535, 701. Lord, Rev. Benjamin, 70, 186, 191, 235, 272, 236, 297, 312, 324, 327, 385, 406, 407, 411, 422, 618, 629, 689, 695, 701, Lord, Deborah, 309. Lord, James, 19, 57. Lord, John, 214, 489, 705. Lord, Richard, 2, 61, 70, 227, 667. Lothrop; ee Lathrop. Lott, J. Lotteries, 12, 591, 596, 597, 602, 684. Louisburgh, capture of, 445, Lovett, Rev. Joseph, 405. Lucas, Mrs. 523, 626. Lucas, Abigail, 303. Lucas, ee 360. Lucas, Grace Lucas, Ivory, 272, 289, we 294, 388. Lucas, Mrs. Ivory, 623, Lucas, mee ae Lucas, Mar Lucy, (‘ “Sisver,””) 15, 28, 38, 44, 102, 182, 356, 483, 520, 623, 526. Lumber, prices, 151. Lupton, Luther, Levy, 628, 640. Luther, William, 219. ee Phi 655. Lyman, ineas, ne 325, 253, 259, ae 800, 312, 318, 331, 336, 343, 352, 361, 385, 389, 406, 435. Lynd, Samuel, 339. "502. 637. Lynd, Willoughby, 637. Lyon, 521, 601, 602. Lyon, Amariah, 598, 602, 672. Lyon, Joshua, 347. M Macare, 320. McCarthy, 595. McConnell, Mary, 152. Macentosh, Duncan, 187. MacEwen, Joseph, 264. Mackeen, 320. Maconel, Isabel, 139. Mc-ure, 456, 462. Mainer, Zachariah, 29, 133. Malbourne, 312. Malem, 69. Malilit, Os enh Malzar, John, Mamacock, 173, 176, 183, 213, 446, 450-53, 482, 495. Manatuck, 519, 550. Mann, Abiah, 511. Maaace iain, 440. Manutuc i Manwaring, 32, 34, 35, 37, 52, 56, 62, 71, 136, 240, 448, 498, 555, 703. Ann, 142, 514. Asa, 392, 488, 489, 556. David, 374. Elizabeth, 91, 637. Hannah, dau. of Oliver, 55, 376, Hannah, dau. of Oliver, jr., 466. Hannah, dau. of Richard, 299, 322 Henry, 283, 366, 394. John, 112. Love, 260, 633. Lucretia, 577. Lucy, dau. of Thomas, jr., Lucy, dau. of William, 342. Mary, 32, 181, 276, 469. Mary, dau. of Samuel, 433. Oliver, 55, 80, 113, 347, 637, 638, Oliver, jr., 417, 453, 466, 577, 664. Manwaring, Oliver, 3d, 664. Manwaring, Peter, 1, 2, 11-18, 16, 17, 22, 23. 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 46, 52, 56, 61, 66, 70, 93. 96, 98, 99. 112, 115, 123, 126, 137, 133, 135. Manwaring, Rs 241, 276. Manwaring, Rebecea, 470. ae ae Richard, 25, 104, 289, 822, 423, 160, 633 Manwaring, Samuel, 821, 433, 440. Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, 24, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, Manwaring, 596. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Manwaring, Sarah, 80. 325. Manwaring, Sarah) dau. of William, 417. Man WEN. Thomas, 117, 118, 149, 157, 284, 421, 426, 477, 489, 498, 507, 612, 517, 588, 594, 617, le 1, 682. Manwaring, Thomas, jr., , 596, 640, 648. Manwaring, Valentine, 383. Manwaring, William, 281, 282, 800, 325, 329, 361, 417, 421, 440, 470, 471, 476, 483" 484, 492, 496, 507, 512, 813, 543, 544, 546, 547, 554, 556, 562, iS: 587, 595, 597- 600, 607, 620, 621, 636, 642, 646, 647, 655, 673, 674. Manwaring, Mrs. William, 800. Mapes, 632. Maples, 8S. 599. Maples, Stephen, 75, 589, 654, Marine disasters, 2-4, 62, 64, 136, 212, 216, 218, 227, 241, 287, 342) 455, 475, 510, 518, 598; see also Shipwrecks. Marks, 172. Marsh, 682. Marshall, 192, 226, 547, 706. Marshall, Eliza, 237, Marshall, Thomas, 514, Marteness, Francis, 626. Martin, 130. Marvin, 178, 196, 259, 347, 392, 704, 705. Marvin, Elizabeth, 391, 393. Marvin, John, 530. Marvin, Jonathan, 393. Marvin, Robert, 530. Marvin, Rynold, 232. Mary, (“‘Sister,’’) 9, 17, 21, 27, 30, 32, 35, 44, 57, 60, 66, 97, 106, 112, 114, 117, 126, 147, 175, 192, 233, 321, 356, 371. Maryland, journey to, 520-33 Mason, 47, 74, 78, 80, 291; 371, 544, 646. Mason, Abigail, 78. Mason, Alethea, 107. Mason, Daniel 281. Mason, Japheth, 297, 357, 417, 669, 697. Mason, Capt. John, 43, 119: 208, 210, 316. Mason, Joseph, 699. Mason, Mary, 79. Mason, Peter, 36, 46, i gee 107, 605. Mason, Peter, jr., 78; Masters, Elias, 71. Mather, 120, 146, aa Mather, Joseph, Mathews, 33, 35, 36. Mathews, Robert, 246. Mathews, Thomas, 67. Mawason, 548. ee Jonathan, 422. May, May, eves 386. Mayhew. 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 44, 45, 55, 56, 78, ‘90, 98, 108, 110, 115, 119, 120; 123, 132, 134, 173, 175, ‘190. Mayhew, Elizabeth, "24, 41, 54, 216. Mayhew, John, 2, 4, 12, 13, i7, 20, 27, 29-81, 34, 35, 40, 42, 50, 52, 53, 59, 63, 67, 81, 83, 87, 90, 92, 105, 176, 5. Mayhew, John, 2d, 324, 560. Mayhew, Sarah, 30, 324, 560. Mayhew, Wait, 155, 275. Maynard, David, 255. Maynard, John, 676. Mazeene, Jacob, 234, Measurs, Mrs. 40. Mecham, 407. Mecony, Robert, 105. Meeting houses, 456, 457, 463, 476. Meggs, 521. Melvill, 237. Merrill, 303. Merrill, Hannah, 263. Merrill, Joseph, 97, 240. Merrill, Sarah, 99, 614, 620. Merriman, 103. 84, 187, i 181, 2385. 824. Merriot, 22. 61, 82, Merriot, Charles, ‘211, 235, Merritt, John, 245, Merritt, Mrs. John, 414. Merrow, 228, 230, 480. Merrow, Flisha, 513, 514, 520, 543. Merrow, Henry, 208. Merrow, Nathan, 242, 360, 461. Merry, John, B28, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Merryman, Samuel, 604. Metcalf, 27. Middletown, 401. Mighill, 343. ae Samuel, 39, 589. Mihill, 76. Mihill, Sarah, 301, 589. Miles, 10%, 112, 219. Mill, pulled down, and new one raised, 200; privilege of Jordan stream, 218; on Jor- dan cove, 239-41; Mrs. Livingston's, 268; dam repaired, 321-4; new, 391, 392; rented by Madam Winthrop, 492. Miller, 46, 47, 76, 77, 91, 100, 111, 125, 134, 152, 154, 170, 178, 186, 191, 200, 214, 215, 224, 225, 235, 247, 266, 276, 289, 297, 308, 304, 306, 307, 309, 811, 319-71, 825, 332, 333, 336, 341, 352, 364, 391, 395, 398, 405, 407, 408, 413, 415, 417, 418. f 424, 458, 509, 1, 55 569, 572, 575, 579, 584, 586, 591, 593. 601, 604-6, ‘608, 612, 618, 618, 619, 628, 633-6, 640, 642, 645, 647, 648, 654-6, 662-5, 673, 684, 685, 699. Miller, Justice, 528, 582, 588, 647. Miller, Madam, 628, 656, 665, 674. Miller, Daniel, 67. Miller, Fleazer, 352, 442, 528, 612. Miller, Bliza, 699. Miller, Gurdon, 156, 579. Miller, Jacob, 244, ee Miller, Jason, 237, 645 Miller, Jeremiah, ‘BS, 73, 74, 215, 480, 534, 593, 594, 625. Miller, Jeremiah, jr., 519, 589. Miller, Jeremiah, 3d, 91, 425, 438, 440, 463, 464, 478, 491, 512, 519, 535, 536, 548, 550, 575, 579, 645, 701. Miller, John. 655, 658. Miller, John Still, 464. Miller, Joseph, 286, 628. Miller, Margaret, 550. Miller, Mary, 120, 489. Miller, Mary, 2d, 157. Miller, Mary, dau. of Jeremiah, jr., 491. Miller, Nathan, 515. Miller, Noah, 259. Miller, Paul, 527. Miller, Richard, 639. Miller, Robert, neg Miller, Rowla nd, Mills, 377, 387, 10. *559- 61. Mills, James, "316. Milton, 525. Milvill, 274. Miner, see Minor. Minerd, 33, 61. Minerd, ‘Abigail, 620, 621. Minerd, Andrew, 153. Minerd, D. 582. Minerd, David, 538, 111, 118, 237, 391, 427, 621, 628, 681, 693. Minerd, David, je, 18s: Minerd, Jabesh, 353. Minerd, Jonathan, 601. Minerd, Lydia, 328. Minerd, Rebecca, 159. Minerd, Sarah, 183. Minerd, Stephen, 391. Minerd, William, 9, 16, ig at Minerd, William, jr., 574 Minor, 26, 111, 143, 177, ig, 07, 249, 253, 320, 322, 326, 330, 332, 258, 376, 390, 393, 447, 456, 493, 504, 519 532, 550, 563, 568, 580, 587, 600, 691, 704 Minor, “Daughter,” ’ see Abigail, dau. of Jos- hua Hempstead. Minor. ‘“Son;’’ see Minor, Clement, of Ston- ington. Minor, Abigail, dau. of Clement, 444, 504. Minor, Abigail, dau. of David, 265. Minor, Amos, 608. Minor, Ann, 193. Minor, Anna, 119. Minor, Benjamin, 365. Minor, Benjamin, 2d. 619, 626, 670. Minor, Betty, 617, 626. 551 277 339, 130 Minor, Christopher, 304, 682, 698. Minor, Clement, (of New London,) 32, 44, 77, 86, 116, 120, 1438, 198, 220, 267, 270, 330, 356, 362, 671. Minor, Clement, (of Norwich,) 318, 321. Minor, Clement, (of Stonington,) 238, mar- ries Abigail Hempstead, 239; mentioned, 244-50, 252, 255, 256, 258, 260, 261, 264, 265, 268, 277, 2 284, 291, 293, 303, 322, 326, 332, 336, , 348, 350, 353, 359, 362, ) 378-82, 384-7, 390, "407, 410, 412, 417, 425, 426, 432, 434) 436, 437, 440, 442-4, 446, 448, 451-8, 460-62, 465- 7. 469-72, 475- 7, 479, 480, 482, 483, 489, 490, 493, 497- 501, 504, 507- 9, 511, 513-17, 519, 520, 533, 535, 538- 40, 544, 545, 548, 551, 552, 554, 556, 558-61, 563, 565-7, 570, 571, 573- 6, 578, 579, 582, 584-97, 600, 601, 603, 605, 606, 608, 609, 611, 617- 19; 621, 622, 624, 626, 630, 631- 3, 635, 636, 639, 641-4, 646, 647, 649, 650, 653- 5, 657- 9, 661, 663, 665-7, 669- 71, 673-8, 680, 682, 684-6, 688, 691, 694, 697, 699, 704, 706-9. ee Clement, jr., (ot New London,) 271, Minor, Clement, jr., (of Stonington,) 555, 619, 632, 673, 674, 687, 700, 701. Lt. Clement, 471, 595, 660. Damaris, 614. Daniel, 144, David, 285, 469. Ebenezer, 573. Eliza, 367. Minor, Elizabeth, 40. Minor, Elizabeth, dau. London, 191. Minor, Minor, Minor, Minor, Minor, Minor, of Clement of New Minor, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph, jr., Minor, Elnathan, 493, 504, 639, 661, 676. S06. Minor, Ephraim, 335, 345, 362. Minor, Mrs. Ephraim, 504. Eunice. 539. Minor, Ezekiel, 134. Minor, Grace, dau. of Clement of New Lon- don, 77. Minor, Grace, dau. Minor, Grace, dau. Minor, of Joseph, 251. of Thomas, 487. Minor, Mrs. Grace, 479. Minor, Hannah, 700, 701. Minor, Hempstead, 268, 339, 374, 423, 482, 486, 539, 562, 601, 604, 619, 651, 652, 673, 674. MT Hugh, 241, 353, 359, 374, 375, 440, 471, Minor, Hugh, 2d, 619. Minor, James, 170. Minor, James, son of Clement, jr., of New London, 325. Minor, Jane, 393. Minor, Jerusha, dau: of Thomas, 247. Minor, Jerusha, 2d, dau. of Thomas, 340. Minor, Jesse, 322, 393, 403, 424, 472, 556, 587, 603, 622, 687, 701. Minor, can 15, 206, 231, 251, 265, 268-71, 276, 281-4, 288-300, 308, 309, 315, 332, 339; 359; 361, 532, 580. Minor, John, (of Lyme,) 377. Minor, Jonathan, 210. Minor, Joseph, 20, 37, 97, 101, 246, 339. 245, 246, 363, 364, 381, 389, 471, 483, 504, 510, 533, 555, 556, Minor, Joseph, jr., 53, 98, 362. Minor, Joseph, 3d, 104, 267, 270, 447, Minor, Mrs. Joseph, 504, 510, 597. Minor, Joshua, 379. Minor, Lucretia, 424. Minor, Lucy, 133. Minor, Lydia, 492. Minor, Manasseh, 195, 201, 676. Minor, Martha. 264, 411, 413. Minor, Martha, dau. of Clement Iondon, 261. Minor, Mary, 274. Minor, Nabby, 619. Minor, Nathaniel, son of Clement London, 292, 421, 580, 583, 600, 605, 607, 608, 614, 615, 619, 623, 643, 661, 679, 684, 694, 698. 251, 325, 403, 447, 586, 597. 660-62. of New of New 602, 604, 624, 633, 736 Minor, Nathaniel, son of Clement of Stoning- ton, 430, 595, 638, 656, 689. Minor, Phebe, 626. Minor, Rebecca, 367. Minor, Reuben, 704. Minor, Rufus, 422, 506, 652, 673, 677, 682, 708. Minor, Rufus, son of Jesse, 701. Minor, Samuel, 401, 695. Minor, Silvanus, 324, 396, 455, 460, 469, 479, 481, 482, 498, 504, 511, 535, 544, 565, 608. Minor, Simeon, 410, 654, 667. Minor, Simon, 587. Minor, Solomon, 32, 403, 420, 437, 447, 483. 490, 492, 493, 495, 460, 701. Minor, Stephen, 364. Minor, Susanna, 533. Minor, Sylvester, 37, 495, 496, 616, 617. Minor, Thomas, 187, 288, 289, 201, 353, 359, 362, 364, 376, 379, 405, 437, 454, 465, 472, 473, 481, 487, 573, 590, 606, 614, 625, 626, 682, 695. 696, 701, 702° 561, 570, 619, 641, 651, 658, 660, Minor, Thomas, (of Stonington,) 348. Minor, Thomas, jr., 443. Minor, Capt. Thomas, 472, Minor, William, 15, 23, 31, ma 45, 69, 85, 119, 272, 300, 319, 330, 359, Minor, William, jr., 136, 506, Minor, William Roe, 339, 489, 495, 509, 577, 594, 595, 611, 612, 629, 638, 646, 655, 656, 662, 666, 695, 707. Mitchell, 6,9, 26, 49, 158, 286, 525, 592. Mitchell, John, 592, 689. Mitchell, Richard, 28. Mitchell, Thomas, 592. Mix, 341, 659. Moffat, 129, 250. Moffat, John, 84. Moger, Bliza, 604, 676. Moger, Hugh, 280. Moger, Namen, 703. Mohegan, 47, 53, 55, 75, 83, 96, 107, 142, 143, 259. Molasses, prices, 20, 36, 476. Molly, dau. of Joshua Hempstead, 75, 85, 97, 95, 110. 112, 119, 120, 132, 134, 136, 144, 147, 148, 153, 154, 174, 179, 188, 191, 206, 207, 210, 218, 229, 244, 260, 272, 277, 303, m. Thomas Pierpoint, 304; mentioned, 305, 306, 310, 312, 825-7, 340, 341, 352, 353, 362, 364, 365, 367-9, 376, 377, 379, 388, 390, 392, 393, 395, 396, 399, 401, 407, 412-15, 417. 420, 427, 434-7, 489, 444, 446, 452, 453, 458, 465, 467, 471, 472, 475, 477, 483, 487, 489-91, 500, 504, 516, 517, 535, 536, 540, 545, 554-7, 566, 567, 571, 582, 609, 610, 635-7, 644, 645. 659, 663, 687, 694; see also, Hempstead. Mary, dau. of Joshua. Molly, dau. of Nathaniel Hempstead, 394, 413, 430, 434, 444, 471, 479, 482, 486, 488, 489, 502, 503, 504. 509, 587, m. Christopher Eldredge, 539; mentioned, 544, 551, 574. 590, 595, 606, 608, 619, 624, 632, 633, 635, 643, 645, 646, 659, 663, 679, 697, 704, 709. Molly, dau. ‘of Clement Minor, 475, 626. Molly, dau. of Robert Hempstead, 609. Money, 352, 361, 488, 442, 573, 598. Monroe, 431, 612. Monroe, Elizabeth, 278. Monroe, John, 155, 156, 177, 189, 211, 281,' 320, 350, 351, Monroe, John, ir., 575 Monroe, Jonathan, 994, 507, 649. Monroe, Joshua, 196. Monroe, Tuydia, 224, 449. Monroe, Robert, 239. Moody, 106, 248. Moore, 508, 646. Moore, Abel, 94, 317, 342, 389, 569, 600, 646. Moore, Abel, AE; 130. Moore, Mrs. Abel, 342, 380, 389, 497. Moore, Anna, 604. Moore, Asa, 56. Moore, Benjamin, 180. Moore, Caleb, 239, 286, 416. Moore, Christopher, 123, 387. Moore, Elizabeth, 351, 685. Moore, Hannah, 200, 554. 230, 267, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Moore, Hannah, 2d, 336, 341. Moore, Henry, 516, 527, 639. Moore, John, 23, 27, 56, 81, 92, 115, 182, 393, 434, 446, 569, 677, 704, Moore, John, JD-; 27. Moore, John, 3d, 366. Moore, John, son of Caleb, 328. Moore, Mrs. John, 123, 700. Moore, Jonathan, 416, 686. Moore, Joseph, 298. Moore, Joshua, 14, 25, 56, 94, 106, 115, 127, 174, 198, 230, 271, 279, 280, 290, 314, 341, 357. 361, 383, 391, 415, 436, 439, 453, 477, 512, 533, 554, 564, 601, 603, 604, 619, 664" 665, 676, 677. Moore, Joshua, jr., eu 426, 554, 558, 622, 645. Moore, Joshua, 3d. 558. Moore, Mrs. Joshua, 351. Moore, Lemuel, 359. Moore, Lydia, 86, ze 659. Moore, Martha, Moore, Mary, 56, 155, 333. Moore, Mary, dau. of Joshua, jr., Moore, Mary, dau. of William, 590. Moore, Miles, 234, 375, 554. Moore, Miles, jr., 514. Moore, Nathan, 254, 256, 280, 324, 360, 435, 448, 454. Moore, Nathan, jr., 596. 126, 391, 657. 230. 700, 389. 351. Moore, Rebecca, Moore, Susanna, Moore, Susanna, Moore, Susanna, Moore, Thomas, Moore, William, Moore, William, Morgan, 11, 47, 48, 60, 65, 137, 192, 195, 200, 203, 216, 260, 269, 288, 576, 630, 645. Abiah, 57. Abraham, 208, 297, 311, 318, 326, 486, 601, 628, 631, 667, 683. Ann, 38, 233, 513. Mrs. Ann, 570. Anna, 539, 601, 667, Benjamin, 76, '80, 81, 680. Caleb, 327, 448. Deborah, 247, 506. Eliza, : Mrs. Eliza, 297. Elizabeth, 267, 394, 497. Mrs. Elizabeth, 381, George, 442. Grace, 291. Grace, dau, of Jonathan, 573. Hannah, 35. James, 5, 247, 424. James, (of Groton,) 210. Jerusha, 207, 381. John, 11, 35, 51, 61, 68, 74-6, 78, 177, 183, 229, 239, 291, '336, 354, 392" dau. of Joshua, jr., 426. wife of Joshua, 415. 516, 639. 287, 514, oe 590. jr., 558, 598 Morgan, Morgan, 558, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, 176, 441, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan. Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, 512. 518, 571, John, jr., 442, 490, 512. Capt: John, 477, 521. Jonathan, 226, 248, ane 273. Jonathan, 2d, 389, Joseph, 441, Lucretia, 568. Margaret, 628. Martha, 490. Mary, 128. Mary, dau. of John, jr., 490. Mary, dau. of Jonathan, 358, 667. Peter, 512: Richard, 229, 231. Richard, son of John, 512. Richard EOE 610. au s., bed Samuel, 497, ae 518, 568, 628, 678. Samuel, jr., 518. Mrs. Samuel, 518. Sarah, 254. Morgan, Susanna, 208. Morgan, William, 106, 113, 175, 177, 194, 217, 267, 317, 382, 394, ne 453, 454, 482, 484, 517, 561, 569, 573, 614 Morgan, William. jr. 267, 617, 703. Morgan, Mrs. William, 703. Morison, 460. Diary of Morrice, 28, 262, 574. Morris, Gov. Lewis, 521, 527. Morris, Lydia, 598. Morris, Robert, 154, 228. Mortimer, 602 Moseyer, Samuel, 338. Mosier, 135, 136. Mosier, Hugh, 306. Mosier, qamnes) 73. Mosset, 314. Mould, Hugh, 251, 270. Mrow, 526. Mucho, John, 247. Mudge, 231. Multord, 67, 75. Mulford, Elias, 515. Mulford, Timothy, 47, 59, 61, 90. Mullins, 279, 289, 290, 422, 451. Mullins, Alexander, 245. Mullins, Allan, 196, 330. Mullins, Anna, 355. Mullins, Edmund, 155. Mumford, 97, 100-104, 117, 127, 137, 174, 184, 186, 231, 233-5, 244, 255, 295, 307, 316, 319, 337, 342, 424, 441, 458, 480, 493, 494, 504, 515, 520, 594. 689, 699, 700, 702, 703. Mumford, Caleb, 157. Mumford, David, 687, 690. Mumford, _ George, 300, 319, 356, 459, 582, 668, Mumford, Giles, 614. Mumford, James, 457, 613, 701, 706. Mumford, John, 340. Mumford, Thomas, 109, 367, 518, 567, 603, 614, 645, 666, 707. Munrow, John, 151. Munsell, Deliverance, 24, Munsell, Jacob, 18, 652. Munsell, John, 136. Munsell, Lydia, 267. Munsell, Mary, 57. Munsell, Mercy, 21. Murder, 15, 99. Murphy, 547. Murphy. James, 681-3. Murry, 521, 529. Musters; see Trainings. Mynard, Daniel, 471. Mynard, Priscilla, 494. 657, N Nailer, 65. Nap, 611. Nathaniel, son of Joshua Hempstead, 3, 12. 13, 16-18, 22, 25, 29, 32, 33, 36-8, 40, 44, 48) 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60-66, 68, 71, 73-5; 77, 78, 80-93, 95-8, 101, 104-7, 110-12, 116, 118, 119, 122) 125, 129, 131, marries Mary Hailam, 132; mentioned, 133, 134, 144, 145, 148, 159, 165, 167, 169, 172, 174, 181, 183, 185-92, 194-6, 198, 200-203, 208, d. 210, mentioned, 228, 451. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Hempstead, ,” 180, 226, 257, 261, 276, 277, 289. 292, 293, 304, ae 308, 310, 328, 331, 332, 335, 337-9, 342-5, 348-50, 353, 354, 358, 359, 362, 364-6, 368, 372, 373, 381, 383, 386, 391, ae 394, 405, 406, 430, 442, 444, 453, 463, 479, 486-9, 496, 501-3, 507-9, 518, 533-5, 537, 539, 540, 547, 552, 553, 559, 563, 567. 568, 571-7, 580-82, 585, 596, 597, 612, 618, 619, 621, 624, 626, 629-31," 634, 640, 647, 649-52, 656, 659, 667, 668, 670, 673-5, 678, 681, 684, 688, 690, 692, 699, 700, 702, 704-7, 711 Neast, Joseph 5 Negroes, 28, 30. Neutrals, French, 662, 664, 668. New Lights, 402, 405-7, 524, 574, New year, 541 Newbury, 242. Newbury, Hannah, 660. Newbury, Jane, 237. Newbury, Jane, jr., 237. Newbury, Mary, 232. Newbury, Nathaniel, 40, 604. Newbury, Nathaniel, jr., 375, 618, 660. ower. sae Be. Newell, Newport, 417, 520, 615, 629, 631. 48 3 BS wc Joshua Hempstead 73% Newport William, 320, 375, 390, 407, 436, 444, Newton, aT 141. Newton, Israel, 171, 444, Newton, Samuel, 216. Nichols, 231, 339, 532. Nichelson, Gen. Francis, 3, 4. Nigh, John, 76. Niles, 250, 291, 324, 334, 359, 450, 485, 504, 616. Noble, John, 63, 101. Noble, John, jr., 101. Noble, Mary, 101. Noble, Sarah, 101. Norman, 62, 117, 119. Norman, James, 411. Norris, John, 229, 502, 506. Northern light, 300, $27. Norton, 656. Norton! William, 138, 154. Noyes, 11, 14, 24, 76, 197, 206, 285, 295, 375, 426, 542. Noyes, James, 48. Noyes, Moses, 70. Noyes, Thomas, 130. Noyes, William, 4238, 424, 606. Oo Oats, prices, 131, 143, 333, 587, 599. Oglebee, Thomas, 2. Olcott, Sarah, 37. Oliver, 440, 502, 569, 700. Olmstead, 457, 621, One, 69. Orvison, 532. Osbourn, 79, 397. Osbourn, Margaret, 311. Osbourn, Thomas, 135 Otis, 106, 171, 322, “as. 637, 646, 656, 683. Otis, Dorothy, 113. Otis, Joseph, 631. Otis, Joseph, jr., 405. Otis, Nathaniel, 101, 112. Otis, Mrs. Nathaniel, 101. Otis, Robert, 384. Owen, 508, 513, 558. 594, 621. Owen, John, 182, 183, 191, 202, 214, 222, 235, 274, zoo, 290, 323, 336, 348, 439, 470, 472, 497, Oxen, ao. 149, 346, 499, 506, 557, 601. P Packer, 614. Packer, James, 102, 108, 118, 235, 264, 291, 665. Packer, Richard, 195. Packer, Samuel, 480. Page, 277, 291, 304, 330, 345, 390, 404, 436, 451, 470, 499, 504, 518, 556, 560, 561, 563, 574, 582, 593, 626, 646, 685, 688, 709. Page, Joseph, jr., Page, Mrs. Joseph, 603. Pain, 242, 365. Pain, Alsop, 397. Pain, John, 574. Pain, Peter, 409, 528. Palmer, 261, 341) 544, 560. Palmer, Abijah, 633. Palmer, Daniel, 375, 509. Palmer, Elihu, 688, 690, 706. Palmer, Ichabod, 127, 479. Palmer, Jonathan, 111. Palmer, Jonathan, jr., 111. Palmer, Joseph, 375. Palmer, Mercy, 347. Palmer, Rebecca, 414. Palmer, Walter, 122, 127. Palmerly, 266. Palmes. 51, 54, 80, 88, 101, ae 111, 118, 131, 142. 157, 348, 425, 685, 703 Palmes, Andrew, 32, 35, 39, 59, 110, 266, 704, Palmes, Andrew, od, 101, 424, "427, 477, 498. Palmes, sD 80 323, 449, 471, 490, 559, 586, 587, 5o5, Palmes, Edward, 1, 34, 44, 484, 59, 422, 138 501, 545, Palmes, Guy, 347, 399, 421, 459, 460, 495, 534, 557, 562, 683. Parish, Benjamin, 257. Parke, 1, 105, 229, 231, 241, 255, 296, 480, 488, 673. Parke, Richard, 246. 738 Parke, Parke, Parke, Parke, Parke, Parker, Parker, Parker, Robert, 424. Robert, jr., 504. Samuel, 241, 246. Thomas, 427. William, 103. 8, 20, 55, 90, 204, Abner, 120, 576. Ebenezer, 120. Parker, Ralph, 445. Parker, Thomas, 68, 297. Parshall, Israel, 433. Parsons, 22 240, 376, 378, 389, 390. Parsons, Jonathan, 232. Parsons, Samuel, 360. Patentees’ meetings, 48. Pate, 214. Patience, (sister of Joshua Hempstead,) 30, m. Thomas Ross, 49; mentioned, 90, 94, 110, m. James Hodsell, 1115 od. 160; men- tioned, 182, 356. Pattey, James, 83, 87, 90-94 Patty. James, 105, 168, 111; te, 120, 123, 182, 133, 144, 157. Patty, Mrs. James, 104, 531. Paugwonk, 409, 443, 461, 491, 500. Peace, proclaimed, Os 37, 25. Pearson, Abigail, 31. Peck, 426. Peck, Phebe, 422 Peck, Ruth, 62. Peckham, Thomas, 421. Peek, John, 34, 61, 64, 603. Peek, Mary, 61 Peek, Samuel, 34. Peirpoint; see Pierpoint. Pelham, 130 Pell, Alice, 231. Pell, Jared, 163, 165, 219. Pellet, 500. Pellet, Samuel, 54. Pelton, 57, 59, 72, 500. Pelton, Henry, 494. Pelton, John, 57. Pember, 79, 257, 262, 265. Pember, Agnes, 10. Pember, Elizabeth, 273. Pember, Hannah, 35, 247. Pember, Jonathan, 540. Pember, Lemuel, 350. Pember, Thomas, 2, 35, 252, 268, 354, 692. Pemberton, 71, 216, 521. Pemberton, Joseph, 596. Pemberton, Sarah, 74. Pembrooke, Jonathan, 163. Pendall, John, 14, 18, 28, 32, 34-6, 64, 98. Pendall, Mehitabel, 34. Pendall, Richard, 213, Pendall, William, 14, 38. 59, 587, 589. Pendleton, 591, 596, ‘602. Pequot Indians, 208. Peraman, John, 233. Perkins, 17, 292, 333, 480, 602, Perkins, J. 497. Perkins, Jabez, 152, 182. Perkins, Luke, 239, 293, 385, 386, 388, 397, 409, 410, 424, 430, 469, 471, ‘472, 479, 489, 501, 540, 633, 638, 668, 670. Perkins, Mary, 603. Perooks, Josiah, 417. Perryman, 422, 638, 642, 645, 646, Perryman, Elizabeth, 442, 470. Perryman, Mrs. Elizabeth, 289. Perryman, John, 282, 435. Perryman, Sarah, 289, 611. Pettibone, 335. Phebe, ‘‘Sister,’”’ 131, 147, 334. Phelps, 461, 500. Phelps, Joseph, 116, 500. Philadelphia, description, 5265, Ene 25, 26, 60, 132, 142, 68 S71, 420, 429, Philips, George, 65, 104, 182, 382, 390. Philips, Rev. George, 531. Picers, , 44, 46, 48, 62, 53, 56, 58, 709. 63. Pickett, 26, 30, 35, 42 61, 68, 72, 77, 80, 82, 83,/89, 90, 82, 93; 110, 123,126; 151, 168, 470, 178, 189, 183, 184, 186, 217, 218, 281, 232, 237, 244, 249. 257-9, 261, 284, 286, 300, 301, 311, 332, 396, 501, 565, 627. 95, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Pickett, Eliza, 358. Pickett, Elizabeth, 100. Pickett, Hannah, Pickett, J. 217. Pickett, John. 359, 629. Pickett, John, 2d, 681. Pickett, Capt. John, 3, 10, 15, 38, 49, 65, 67, 70, 343. Pickett, Mary, 38, 266 Pickett, Mrs. Mary, 364, 390, 404. Pierce, Abigail, 569. Pierce, Ebenezer, 68, 69, 127, 132, 217, 221, 223. Pierce, Elizabeth, 204. Pierce, Hannah, 94. Pierce, Jabez, 159. Pierce, Moses, 679. Pierce, Timothy, 291, 429. Pierpoint, 128, 161, 521. Pierpoint, ‘‘Daughter;”’ Joshua Hempstead. Pierpoint, ‘‘Son;’’ see Pierpoint, 'Thomas. fuel pein eles dau. of Thomas, 678, 680, Pierpoint, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas, 517. Pierpoint, John, 352. Pierpoint, Jonathan, son of Thomas, 344, 449, 450, 452, 458, 456, 457, 459, 465, 466, 467, 470-72, 479, 483-8, 517, 678. Pierpoint, Joshua, son of Thomas, 678. Pierpoint, Mary; see Molly, dau. of Joshua Hempstead. Pierpoint, Thomas, 294, 303, m. Mary Hemp- stead, 304; mentioned, 308, 310, 3 327, 337, 340, 343, 347-50, 364-6, 368, 369, 371, 373-8, 402-6, 408, 412, 420-23, 425, 442, 444, 450, 455, 469, 470, 473, 475, 476, 504, 508, , 536, 545, 558, 566, 580, 593, 609, 666, 669, 670, 703-5. Pierpoint, Thomas, jr., 365, 368, 438, 503, 578, 606, 607, 611, 613, 617, 628, 630, 634, 636, 646-9, 677-9, 681, 700, 702, 707-10. Pierson, 254, 275, 469, 528, 597. Pierson, David, 113, 146, 198, 397. Pierson, Molly, 0. Pierson, Theophilus, 67. Pike, John, jr., 260. Pike, Samuel, 23. Pirates, 66, 202. Pitkin, 15, 101, 564. Pitkin, Ozias, 184, 208, 230. Pitman, James, 681. Pitkin, William, dept. gov. 637, gov. d. 711. Place, 573. 189, 211, see Molly, dau. of cory ae oe in a nD 890, | Place, Nathan, 303, 464. Place, Shadrach, 668. Plainfield, 429. Plank, prices, 36, 78, 91. Plowman, 101. Plum Island, 505, 640. Plumb, ‘‘Aunt,”’ 116. Plumb, “Brother,” S. 40, 12, 74, 27, 20. 21, 26, 31-3, 48, 62, 66, 68, 69, 74, 16, 77, 81, 89, 95, 100, 101, 106, 107, 111, 117, 125, 134, 140° 144, 145, 153) 2G, A977, F82, 212; 213, 248, 223-6, 238, 244, 248, 249, 253, 254. Plumb, Capt. 64, 65. eee Tene 101, 115, 134, 143, 186, 201, Plumb, Justice, 113, 117, 186, 212. Plumb, “Sister,” 348, 356, 418, 461, 472, 473, , 496, 510, 511, 520, 542, 545-7, 572-6. Abigail, 70. , Abraham, 241, 689. . Amy, 264, 553. » Ann, 531. . Anne, 94. , Eliza, 263, Elizabeth, ‘ Blizabeth, 59, 60. i dau. of George, 121, 659. Elizabeth, dau. of John, 165, 660. ; Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua, 160. George, 70, 121, 133, 185 Green, 287. Hannah, 103. Hannah, dau. of John, 412. Plumb, Plumb, Plumb, Plumb, Diary of Joshua Hempstead ag Bee, dau. of John, jr., 138, 405, Plumb, J., 225. Plumb, Jemima, 531. Plumb, John, 90, 110, 180, 183, 211, 253. Plumb, John, jr., 5. Plumb, John, 3d) 184, 428, 490. Plumb, John, 4th, 281, 293, 376, 378, 381, 383, 891, 392, 397, 399, 404, 405, 412, 413, 434, 452, 454, 456, 476, 485, 494, 497, 548, 557, 609, 630, 660, 692, 697. Plumb, Mrs. John, 339, 497, 536. Plumb, Joshua, 112, 135, 137, 178, 186, 232, 233, 239, 240, 2565, 256, 323, 488, 500, 536, 555, 566, 609, 610, Plumb, Justus, 5a. 700. Plumb, Lucretia, 367. Plumb, Lydia, 132, 139, 155. Plumb, Mary, 151, 393, 422, 435, 450, 479, 500, 573, 585, 589. Plumb, Mary, dau. of John, 378. Plumb, Mercy 144, 145. Plumb, Nathaniel 238. Plumb, Patience, 253, 484. Plumb, Peter, 135, 183, 191, 259, 317, 351, 391, 418, 438, 470, 484, 513. Plumb, Peter, jr, 225, Plumb, Mrs. Peter, 239. Plumb, Rachel, 348. Plumb, Samuel, ae 94, 99, 110, 169, 261, 277, 356, 531, 589, Plumb, Samuel, oe 531, 546, 577, 589. Plumb, Stephen, 531. Plumb, Timothy, 531. Plumbly, Jane, 100, 115. Plumley, Eliza, 23 Plumley, John, 635. Poley, Jerusha, 264. Polloy, Abigail, 40. Polly, 332, 561. Polly, Daniel, 302, 375, 382. Polly, Zurveah, 2. Pomechaug, 507, 555, 564. Pomeroy, 386, 407, 495. Poquoyog, 451, 454, 550. Pork, prices, 111, 116, 129, Porter, 460, 609, 4, Post, Nathaniel, 320. Host, ene 370, 402, 417, 418, 421, 422, 457, oateee: 514 Potter, 308, 465, 503, 504, 603, 605, 640. Potter, Lucy, ‘i Potter, John, 348. Potter, Mary, 698. Potter, Sarah, 612, 615. Potter, Stephen, 339, 419, 605, 623, 625, 658. Potter, Thomas, 508. Potter, William, 505. Poveddo, Frank, 454, 485. 290. Powell, Stephen, 31. Powers, 281, 345, 418, 454, 455, 537, 539, 564, 575, 623, 628, 646, 661, 663, 692. Powers, Abigail, 629. Powers, Ichabod, 640, 672. Powers, Joseph, 278, 279, 293, 629. Powers, Michael, 643. Powers, Samuel, 579, 580, 628. Pratt, 69, 88, 100, 102, 103, 106, 191, 215, 217, 229. Pratt, Jonathan, 507, 536, 555, 564-6. Pratt, Peter, 226, 228, 230. Preachers, itinerant, 395. Prentis, 4, 34, 119 52, 53, 55, 56, 104, 105, 111, ‘ 229, 269, '272, 273,’ 278, 286, 288, 296, 297, 303, 307, 313, 321, 322, 325, 326, 332, 336, 343, 344, 346, 347, 350, 3h2, 354, 356, 358, 859, 365, 390, 400, 413, 696. Prentis, Justice, 95, 100, 110, 120, 121, 138, 179, 180, 181, 186, 206, 208. Prentis, Madam, 83, 88, 91, 101, 390, 391, 401, 413, 417, 616. "660. pe sate ‘Ann, dau. of John, 408. Prentis, Ann, dau. of Joseph, 222. Prentis, Anne, 162. Prentis, Benjamin, 236. Prentis, Eliza, dau. of John, 357. Prentis, Eliza, wife of Thomas, 266. 739 Prentis, Elizabeth, 93. Prentis, Elizabeth, 2d, 255. Prentis, Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen, jr., 145. Prentis, Esther, dau. of John, 425. Prentis, Esther, dau. of Joseph, 200, 475. Prentis, Hannah, 628. Prentis, Irene, 54, 105, 169, 235. Prentis, James, 350. Prentis, John, ‘114, 425. Prentis, John 2a. aon aE, 259, 269, 298, 315, 8, 407, 408, Prentis, John, Bd. "gio. Prentis, Capt. John, 4, a aoe 25, 36, 39-44, 274, 65, 472, 480, 489, Prentis, John, son of Gane. John, 472. Prentis, John, son of Joseph, 311. Prentis, Mrs. John, 258. Prentis, Jonathan, 73, 107, 119, 182, 160, 186, Jonathan, jr., 208, 232, 269, 310, 330, 598, 648, 652. Joseph, 182, 200, 246, 282, 326, 361, 554, 622. Joseph, jr., 271. Lucy, 570. Mary, 91, 105, 134, 172. Mary, dau. of John, 332, 459. Mercy, dau. of Joseph, 375. Mercy, dau. of Stephen, 280. Mrs. Mercy, 201. Phebe, 217, 234. Ralph, 107. Samuel, 504, 519. Sarah ? Sarah, dau. of John, 386. Mrs. Sarah, 331. 9, 15, 18, 28, 78, 110, 116, 196, 202, 207, 212, '220, 229, 234, 233° 262, 279, 305, 314, 408, 421, 563) 570, 662, 672, 681, Stephen, ir., 205. Stephen, 3d, 205, 628. Capt. Stephen, "400, 410, 645. Mrs. Stephen, 334. , Thomas, 9, 12, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35, 38, ea 45, 47, 58, 65, 66, 68, 72, 79, 83, 38, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, Prentis, 182, 240; 587, Pren tis, Prentis. Prentis, Prentis, 105, 116, 123; 126, 128, 130, 134 0, 1 144, 149, 152, 153, 157, 165, 168, 171, 177, 182, 191, 192, 208, 213, 217-20, 222, 235, 237, 238, 248, 245, 248, 256, 258, 263, 267, 275, 300, 311, a 348, 352, 359, 361, 372, 373, 396, 430, A. Prentis, Thomas, son of Joseph, 246. Prentts; see Prentis. Preston, 638. Preston, Hannah, 160, 214. Preston, Hannah, 2d, 599, 600. Preston, John, 78, 112, 451, 492, 600, 604, 612. Preston, John, ir. . Preston, William, "edo. Price, John, 19. Prime, 531. Prince, 387, 390. Prince, Capt., 62, Privateers, 12, 91, 78, 481, 606, 687, 691, 704. Proctor, John, 218. Proprietors’ meetings, 47, 136, 139, 140, 152, 153, 195, 209, 217, 218, 226, 227, 233, 235, 251, 252, 256, 263, 271, 362, 388, 415; see also Patentees’ meetings. Proud, John, 296. Prout, 50, 470. Prout, Stephen, 8. Pry, Moll, 4. Puckhungonuck, 434, 455. Punderson, 390, 401, 413, 494, 555. Punderson, Ebenezer, 269, 601. Punishments, 17, 127, 182, 282, 255, 278, "384 AY, 568, 616, 619, 675. Pygan, "979, "487, Pygan, Mrs. aty® sb? 181, 276. Pygan, Alexander, 487. Q Quakers, 107, 143. Quarter, Peter, 462, 510, ae Quinley, Jeremiah, 461, Quogonpoxet, 431, 448, 4s. ‘sire "626. : 740 R Rachel, 44, 58, 62, 68, 89, 386, 465. Rackitt, John, 377. Randall, 371. Randall, Hannah, 364. Randall, John, jr., 235. Ransford, 517, 525. Rathbun, 583. Rathbourn, Rebecca, 29. Ray, Sey 106. Ray, Samue Raymond, 206, 242, 250, 254, 257, 264, 281, 319, 300, 443, 455, 500, 507, 627, 628, 691, 708. Raymond, Ann, 139. Raymond, Caleb, 61. Raymond, Eliza, wife of Joshua, 210. Raymond, John, 264. ee SUL a 165. Raymon osep Favor d, Joshua, 51, 88, 96, 117, 136-8, 155, 255, 266, 272, i 333, 399, 430, 421, 450. 457, 518, 594, Raymond, Saenbas jr., 138, 691. Raymond, Lydia, Raymond, Mercy, 1 Raymond, Samuel, 264, 601. Read, 129. ee uta 664. Reed, 199. Reeney, Lydia, 109. Reeve, Thomas, 83, 424, 639. Rents, 403. Reskne, Ami, 529. Reskne, Nathaniel, 529. Revivals, 377, 389, 447. Rice, 302. Rice, Ann, 142, 400, 505. Rice, James, 142, 249, 301. Rice, Jem, 408. Rice, Mary, 326. Rice, William, 269. Richards, 25, 26, 28, 33, AB, ay, 41, 48, ee aaa 61, , , 68, , i, 73, » 17, «104, 117, 167, 182, 192, 229, 242, 249, 265, 269, 275, 0, 297, 302, 307, 309, 312, 313, 319. 320, 325. 326, $32, 336, 343, 344, 346, 352, 354, 356, 358, 359, 361, 362, 367, 370, 389, 391, 395, 399, 405, 407, 410-12, 415, 416, 418, 426, 433, 439, 445, 451, 456, 464, 518, 538, 544, 545, 549, 556, 558, 565, 568, 574, 597, 598, 600-604, 613, 614, 619, 628, 635, 636, 638, 641-4, 647, 648, 656, 661-3, 665, 669, 682, 684-7, 695, 696, 700, 701, 710. Richards, Capt., "453, 468, 473, 494, 499, 545, 550, 600. Richards, Mrs. 444, 461, 596. Richards, Andrew, 168. Richards, Ann, 198, 244, 279, 281. Richards, Ann, dau. of Jeremiah, 483. Richards, Anna, 425. Richards, D., jr., 210. Richards, Daniel, 323. Richards, Daniel Still, 452. Richards, David, 14, 16, 56, 78, ee 278, 288, 433, 487, 438, 461, 555, 585, 587, 635. Richards, David, jr., 254, 262, 389, 553, 616, 657, 692. Richards, David, 3d, 365. Richards, Elizabeth, wife of David, 437. Richards, Edward, 389. Richards, Elijah, 374. Richards, Eliza, 267. Richards, Eliza, dau, of Jenn 279. Richards, Elizabeth, “217, 699 Richards, Elizabeth, dau. of ‘David, 269, 635. Richards, Psther, 683, 692 Richards, Esther, dan. of. George, jr., 535. Richards, Esther, wife of George, 82, 581, 5 Richards, George, 28, 59, 76, 82, 83, 94, 1 143, 178, 226, 229, 231, 255, 259, 264, 267. etl, 2725 273, 277-80, 282, 285, 288, 298, 305, 310, 316, 319, 348, 350, 454, 517, 652. ao 558, 601, 609, 616, 629, 631, 657, 660 Richards, George, jr., 100, 492, 535, 555, 657, 662, 682, 695, 697. Richards, George, 3d, 657. Richards, Grace, 327. Richards, Guy, 590, 709. Richards, Hannah, 190. Diary of Joshua Hempstead See: Israel, 24, 46, 120, 201, 439, 543, 679, Richards, Israel, jr., 154, 258, 274, 327, 404, 518, 656, 663. Richards, Richards, Richards, Richards, Richards, Richards, Israel, son of Jeremiah, 294. J., 217 283 Jabez, 354. James, 333. Jedediah, 517. Jemima, 234. Richards, Jeremiah, 155, 167. Richards, Jeremiah, 2d, 241, 258, en 404, 410, 443, 483, 509, 510, 663, 577, 670, Richards, Jeremiah, son of Israel, On8. Richards, eruShe 300, Richards, John, 4, 5, 9, 16, 41, 45, 53, 59, 64, 66, 69, 80, 83, 88, 91, 92, 96, 102, 103; 107. Richards, John, jr., 76, 91, 109, 117, 122, 123, 129, 130, 134, 135, 139, 153, 160, 162, 164, 170, 171, 180, 184, 185, 197, 217-21, 226, 227, 230, 234, 238, 252, 254, 257, 266, 274, 276, 278-80, 289, 295, 297, 300, 308, 311, 314, 375, 424, 427, 454, 467, 469, 481, 485, 500, 512, 513, 516, 540, 547, 549, 654, 561, 564, 569, 579, 584, 586, 588, : , 623, 633, 641, 665, 674, 683, 705, 708. Richards, John, 3d, 83, 348, 453, 640, ‘645, 692. Richards, John, 4th, 314. Richards, John, son of George, 631. Richards, John, son of George, jr., 695. Richards, Love, dau. of George, 179. Richards, Love, dau of Israel, 46, 340. Richards, Love, dau. of John, 338. Richards, Love, dau. of Lt. John, 103. Richards, Love, dau. of Samuel, 376. Richards, Love, wife of Lt. John, 419. Richards, Lucretia, 510. Richards, Lucy, 201. Richards, Lydia, 151, 177. Richards, Lydia, dau. of Jeremiah, 246. Richards, Lydia, dau. of Samuel, 223. Richards, Martha, 55. Richards, Mary, 101. Richards, Mary, dau, of George, 142, 437. Richards, Mary, dau. of Israel, 275, 439. Richards, Mary, dau. of Jeremiah, 443. Richards, Mary, wife of Jeremiah, 163. Richards, Nathaniel, 206, 411, 576. Richards, Nehemiah, 333. Richards, Paul, 693. Richards, Rachel, 24) Richards, Rebecca. au 118, 350, 382, 679. Richards, Rhoda, 553, 615. Richards, Ruth, 16, 332, 461. Richards, 538. Richards, Samuel, 166, 167, 177, 181, 183, 222, 255, 271, 278, 310, 327, 351, 355, 411, 412, 415, 419, 421, 452, 457, 470, _ 496, 506, 516, 626, 658, 662, 670, 682. Richards, Samuel, jr., 247. Richards, Sarah, 250. Richards, Stephen, 410. Richards, William, 415. Richardson, 165, 177, 199, 375, 698. Richardson, Jonathan, 137, Richinson, 635. Richinson, Stephen, 179. Richmond, 233. Ricks, 56. 57, 60, 72, 81, 213. Riddle, Joseph, 330, 331, 333, Rider, Edward, 161. Riggs, 4, Riley. Sarah, 336. Rion, Barbary, 385. Riots, 319, 426, 658. Roach, 73. Roach, Mary, 212. Road, Obadiah, 326, 328. Robbins, David, 7 Robbins, Mary, 81. Robbins, Sarah, 323. Robbins, William, 73, 81, 245. Robert, son of Joshua Hempstead, 3, 29, 37, 42, 50, 54, 57. 60, 65, 67, 68. 71, 74, 76-80, 89. 104, 109,129, 138, 139, 143- 5, 148, marries Mary Youn gs, 158; mentioned, 160, 161, 187, 195, 198, 207, 211, 213, 218, 219, 227, 230, 242, 244, 245) 250) 268° 233" 283; 283) 290, 303, 304, 324, 360, 374, 377-9, 386, 397, 398, 406, 435, 462, 478, 487, 501, 502, 515, © * ~~ mo rs oo a | 201, moo 00 90 s Diary of Joshua Hempstead 532, 533, 545, 548, 561, 562, 579, 580, 58 587, 598, 617, 618, 622, 639, 669, 670, ae Rowe 683, 690,, 709, Sd, ; son 0 oshua poe stea 690-92, 695, 697, 702 fer ae Robert, son of Robert Hie aieteaas d. 466. Roberts, 157, 185, 432, 449, 450, 463, 514, 556 589, 694. A Roberts, John, 463, 483, a Roberts, Patrick, 389, 614 Robertson, 406, 635. Robertson, John, 603. Robertson. Patrick, 426, 575, 608, 696. Robins, 342. Robinson, 213, 287, 318, 321, 345, 362, 372, 395. 444, 451, 463, 513, 518, 549, 597, 632, 63 650, 674, 676, 696, 709. , Robinson, Ann, 180. Robinson, Edward, 114, 202, 227, 281, 513, 597, 619, 648, 658. Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Bod, Edward, jr., 254. Mrs. Edward, 619, 636. Eliza, 225. George, 280. John, 122, 505. Mary, 152, 591. Nathaniel, 326, 648. Patrick, 330, 487. Thomas, 639. Rockwell, 281, 282, 705. Rockwell, Hannah, 262. Rodman, Clark, 5 Roe, 142, 144, 190, 191, 231, 340, 423, 432-4, 451, 455, 456, 469, 515, 517, 544, 558, 593, 605. Roe, ‘Anna, 531. Roe, Billy; see Minor, William Roe. Roff; see Ruff. Rogerenes, 55, 91, 97, 108, 162, 625. Rogers, 45, 60, 134, 281, 293, 352, 354, 411, 415, 422, 435, 443, 485, 488,’ 493, 581, 583, 589, 607, 622, 636, 647, 708. Rogers, Aaron, 170. Rogers, Abigail, 182. Rogers, Abigail, dau. of Adam, 253, 254. Rogers, Adam, 85, 254, 322, 410. Rogers, Mrs. Adam, 427. Rogers, Ann, 250. Rogers, pei ienees 62, 145, 153, 156, 192. Rogers, Rogers, Davia, 183, 237, 257. Rogers, Deborah, 625, 640. Rogers, Deborah, dau. of Samuel, 620. Rogers, Mrs. Deborah, 703. Rogers, Eveneser 652, 655, 687-9, 691, Rogers, Edmund, 291. Rogers, Edward, 155, 280. Rogers, Elizabeth, 115. Rogers, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Mogers, Rogers, Elizabeth, dau. of John, 562. Rogers, Elizabeth, dau. of Lt. John, 689. Rogers, Esther, 223, 225. Rogers, Esther, dau. of ebm 424, Rogers, Freelove, 270, 325 Rogers, George, son of John, 349, d. Rogers, George, 2d. son of John, 644. Rogers, Gershom, 155. Rogers, Grace, 194, 367, 370, 431. Rogers, Grace, dau. of James, 223, B88: Rogers, Grace, dau. of Samuel, Rogers, Hannah, 99. Rogers, Ichahod, 181, 419, 471, 487, 581. Rogers, James, 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25. 27-9 Rogers, James, jr.. 20, 21, 30, 39, 44, 53, 57-9. . 67-70, 74-6, 80, 83. 84. 87, $1, 94. 96. 98. 101. 102, 104, 105, 108, 109, 113, 114. 434. 562. 412. 502. at 705, 135. 574. 116, 120, 121, 421. 134. 143.'146.' 151, 161. 168, 171, 174, 176-8, 180. 182, 187, 194, 195, 913, 218, 261, 481, 536, 579, 640. Rogers, James. 3d, 345, 346, 287, 414, 416, 436. 451, 453, 454, 496, 498, 507, 516, 536, 559 579, 609, 623, 626. Rogers, James, 4th. 667, 671, 697. Hee Rogers, James, of Poquoyoag, Rogers, Jemima. 266, 2 Rogers, Jeremiah, 63. Rogers, Jeremiah, son of James, 414. 741 Rogers, John, 48, 55, 91, 97, 108, d. 115 Rogers, John, 2a, 1, 35, 36, 42, 56, 62, 69, 74, 77, 95, 118, 162, 191,’ 192, 197, 208, 222,'223, 226, 281, 235-7, 242, 245, 252, 254, 257, 259-61, 274, 276, 285, 03, 306, , 366, 374, ; 399, ; 442. 508, 512, 531, 562, 563, 568, 569, 574, 578, 579, 597, 602, d. 609; mentioned, 610, 11. Rogers, John, 3d, a. 115. Rogers, John, 4th, 13, 54, 61, 79, 84, 487, 636, 641, 642, 660, 669, 686. John, 5th, 573, 574, 597, 644. bok oS wos by iva) ml bo 2 a i) oo © wor > ics w in tg oy wo PS a eo co ORO oo 623, Rogers, Rogers, John, son of Joseph, 153, d. 353. Rogers, a John, 98, 108, 114, 187, 444, Lt. Rogers, Jonathan, 2, 22, 40, 47, 59, 63, 68, 98, 106, 137, 140, 171, 193, 198, 226, 227, 237, 243° 254) 258, 260; 261; 264, 268, 283, 310, 325, 352, 365, 382, 391, 411, 418, 427, 552, 598, 600, : Rogers, Jonathan, son of James, 244. Rogers, Jonathan, son of John, d. 213. Rogers, Jonathan, son of Samuel, 244, 448. Rogers, ae Jonathan, 439, 457, 496, 508, 552, Rogers, Mrs. Jonathan, jr., 557. Rogers, Jordan, 51. Rogers, Joseph, 24, 111, 140, 317, 389. Rogers, Joseph, 2d, 416, 455, 506, 507, 511, 512, 520, 552, 563, 569, 602, 604, 608, 686, 700. Rogers, Joshua, 256, 416, 679. Rogers, Josiah, 691. Rogers, Judith, 508. Rogers, Katherine, 262. 326. OBES, Lemuel, 144, 371, 395, 401, 464, 470, Rogers, Lucy, 640. Rogers, Lydia, dau. of John, 375. Rogers, Lydia, 2d, dau. of John, 597. Rogers, Lydia, dau. of Jonathan, 448. Rogers, Martha. 348. Rogers, Mary, 63. Rogers, Mary, 2d, 137 Rogers, Mary, 3d. 285 Rogers, Mary, 4th, 434 : Rogers, Mary, dau. of James, jr., 203. aCe Mary, dau. of James, of Poquoyog, Rogers, Mercy, 12. Rogers, Moses, 144. Rogers, Moses, son of James, 260. Rogers, Naomi, 555. Rogers, Nathaniel, 596, 626, 666. Rogers, Nehemiah, 495, 700. Rogers, Nehemiah, jr., 700. Rogers, Paltiell. 642. Rogers, Peter, 98. 536, 635, 644, 652, 055. Rogers, Rachel, Rogers, Richard, 1, 33, 37, 42, 44, 45, 59, 14%, 158. Roger: > “stand, 10. Rogers, ee 2a, 512, 570, 592, 602. Rogers, Ruth, ae Rogers, Samuel. 27, 20, #2, 104, 106, 123-5. 183. 339, "58 322, 828, 367, 405, 412. 457, 551, 642. Roger Samuel, jr., 9, 14, 25, 269, 574, 598, Rogers, Samuel, of Guilford, 179. Rogers, Samuel. son of Joseph, 219, 240. Rogers, Mrs. Samuel, 432. Rogers, Sarah, 77, 95, 111, 201. Rogers, Stephen. ‘431. Rogers, Timothv. 294, 687. Rogers, Uriah, 327. Rogers, William, 26. 51, 63, 68, 79. 86. 87, 93, 10%, 113). 115, 1775, 179, 185. 191, 239, 252, 264, 265, 281, 314, 358, 420, 553. Roland, Asahel, 343. Roland, ears 273, 297. Rood, Michael, 173. Root, William, ae 185, 346. Rose, 106, 109, Rose, Rachel, Bie” Rose, Caan 328. Ross, 71, 72, Ross, pivlehes, 110, 111. as ut, 742 Ross, Thomas, 49, 90. Rossiter, Mrs. 44 3, Rossiter, Rev. Ebenezer, 128, 172, 175, 177, 179, 195, 199, 200, 208, 218, 224, 244, 246, 256, 258, 260, 261, 277, 291, 304, 316, 317. 322, 326, 332, 345, 348, 353, 365, 366, 368. 869, 371, 372, 376, 379, 382, 384, 390, 394-6, 401, 402, 404, 407, 410, 417, 423, fe 427, 434, 436, 437, 448, 451-3, 455, 456, 458, 469. 467, 469, 475, 479, 483, 489, 493, 498, 499, 504, 508, 511, 513, 520, 538, 538, 544, 552. 554, 560, 561, 563, 565, 567, 571, 574, 578. 582, 583, 585, 586, 588, 593-5, 597, 600, 608, 617, 619, 626, 631, 632, 636, 639, 641, 647, 649, 654, 659, 661, 665, 667, 670, 685, 688, 699, 706. Rossiter, Ebenezer, Die d. 541. Rossiter, Elnathan, i Rossiter, John, sug Roswell, 587. Rouse, John, 49. Row, 26. Rowland, Rev. David S., 517, 533. Rowland, Henry, 128, 153, 451. Rowley, ‘UW. Rowley, Betty, 573. Royce, 9. Ruff, 41, 43, 65. Ruff, Anne, 77, 210. Ruff, Daniel, 13. Ruff, Jane, 123. Ruff, John, 41. Ruff, Jonathan, 13, 110, 115, 570. Ruggles, Thomas, ’29. Rule, 625. Rum, prices, 39, 47, 66, 67, 70, 89, 90, 93, 101, 116, 158,'160. Rumsey, 75, 90. Rumsey, Simon, 54. Russell, 1, 42, 136, 142, a 202, 235, 341, 343, 360, 377, 397, 500, 555 Russell, Ebenezer, 181, Russell, Samuel, 67, Russell, Rev. Willian. "566, 609, 621-3, 705. Rye, prices, 237. Ryley, 566. Ryley, as 250. Ryon, 672 Safford, 61. Safford, Dorothy, 225. Safford, John, 116. Safford, John, jr., 165. Safford, Thomas, 117. Sag Elarbor, 639 Sage, 488. 491, 536, 544, 705, 709. Sage, Ebenezer, 594. Salaries, 59, 76, 158, a 178, 184, 190, 194, 197. 199, 218, 227, 274, 279, 304, 306, 316, 391 328, 336, 346, 353, 366, 378, 389 7 L400. 410. 418, 422, 435, 438) 6sy.° Sales, Sarah, 93. Salmon, 11, 12,44, 46, 50, 56. 60, 61, 65, 67 75, 90, 104, 110. 141, 171, 204, 207, 224,' 249. 244, 245, 361, 278, ‘280, 81, 285, 293) 308 , 342, 357, 360, 377, 397, 398. 448, 516, 519, 532, 585, 586. 640. 649: Salmon, Hannah, 220, marries John Hemp- stead, 242; mentioned, 398, 448, 564, 639: see also ‘Hempstead, Hannah, wife of John. Salmon, John, 284, 532. Salmon, Joshua, 664. Salmon, Nab, 366. Salmon, Nathaniel, 330, 528. Salmon, Stephen, 551, Salmon, William! 284, fe 824. _ Salmon, William, jr.,’ 413. Salter, 379. Saltonstall, 238. 276, 332, 337, 387, 497. Saltonstall, Dudley, 339. Saltonstall, Eliza, 404. Saltonstall, Gilbert, 585. Saltonstall, Gov. Gurdon, 13, 16, 22, 28, 41, 42, 44, 52, 54. 59. 73, 77, 79, 100, 101, 105, 135. aos nee mentioned, 334, 399, 634, 587, 601, 631, 632, 639, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Saltonstall, Gurdon, jr., 257, 267, 268, 319, 322, 38, 356, 363, 364, 367, 384, 389, 404, 408, 428, 429-31, 438-40, 448, 452, 454, 458, 575, 579, 583, 585, oa 594, 598-601, 611, 613, 614, 616, 620, 623-5 nee 633-6, 641, 652, 655, 658, 684, 696, 699, 708. Saltonstall, Gurdon, 3d, 267, Saltonstall, Henrietta, 546. Saltonstall, Katherine, 300. Saltonstall, Mrs. Katherine, 153. Saltonstall, Mary, 423. Saltonstall, Mrs. Mary, 73, 74. Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 63, 256, 274, 276, 355, 362, 470, 508. Saltonstall, Rebecca, 265. Saltonstall, Rebecca, dau. of Gurdon. jr., 283. Saltonstall, Mrs. Rebecca (Winthrop), 356. Saltonstall, Richard, 473. Saltonstall, Roswell, 322, d. 340. Saltonstall, Sarah, 54. : Saltonstall, Sarah, dau. of Gurdon, jr., 634. Saltonstall, Winthrop, 320. Sampson, John, 42 Sandford, 418. Sandys, 530. Sandys, James, 530. Sarony, 395, 398, 470, 476. Saterly, 532. Saterly, William, 172, 477. Savell, Bethia, 133. Savell, Elizabeth, 148, 616. Savell, Hannah, Savell, John, 130, 196, 308, 628. Savell, John, jr., 254. Savell, Mrs. John, 91, 629. Savel, Mehitabel, 214. 616. Savell, Sarah, 69, 328. Saxton, 21, 24, 47, Saybrook platform, 693. Sayre, 50. Sayre, Abraham, 242. Sayre, Daniel. jr., 67. Scarff, Timothy, 522. Scarriot, 116. Scarriot, Molly, 581. Scarriot, Thomas, 134, 418. Scatergood, 522, 526. Schools, 8-10. 15, 26, 27, 33, 37, 41, 53. Bia TL,. 72, 76, 150, 151. 171.193 197, 278, 279, 311. 514, 515, 553, 565, 584, 604. Scofel, 589. Scofield, Stephen, 46. Scotch Cap, 549, 573. Scotland, Conn. 610. Scranton, 341. 395. 499, 512, 602, 607. Scranton, Sarah Scranton, Stutely, 375, aa 508. Scranton, Stutely, jr.. 350 Scranton, Sueton, 638. Scranton, William. 693. Seranton, William, jr., Seabury, 62, 101, ‘ 239, 243, 256, 272, 460, 481, 511, 530, 548, Seabury. Esther, 481. Seabury, John, 296, 409, 436. Seabury. Samuel, 548. Seer, 115. Selectmen, 138. Separatists, 384, Sergeant. 264, 534, 535. Serrin, 126. Sewart, 341. Seymour, David. 692-4. Seymour, Mary, 694. Shackley, 117. 277, 304, 708. 208, 220. 294, 236. 339, 340, 359, 369, Bao. Shackmaple, 312, 319, 369, 370, 436, 468, 573, 650. Shackmaple, Eliza, 634, Shackmaple, John, 403. Shackmaple, Capt. sone, 94, 111, 136, 219. Shackmaple. Sarah, Snape: dy TE. 177. 119. "205, 256, 260, 288, 300, 314.391, 324, 330, 334, ‘343, 357, 406, 407, Shapley. Mrs. 12, 52. 88, 284. Shapley, Abigail, 155. Shapley, Adam, 335. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Shapley, Benjamin, 206, 481, 570. Shapley, Benjamin, 2d, aia "295, 253. Shapley, Benjamin, 3d, 253. Shapley, Benjamin, son of "Daniel, 244, 245, Shapley, Benj ae 2d, son of Daniel, 294. Shapley, Danie 55, 70, 88, 85, S6, 97, 123, 124, 130, 146, Sar 193, 200, 228, 245, 264; 267, 284, 299) 356, 419. 473, Shapley, Daniel, SE; 85, 86. Shapley, Daniel, 3d, 384. Shapley, Jane, 63. Shapley, John, 124, 616. Shapley, Joseph, 257 Shapley, Mary, 97, 354. Shapley, Ruth, 216, 483, 497, 501, 505, 513. Shaw, 443, 454, 456, 471, 473, 500, 514, 534, 576, 667, 685, 695. Shaw, Daniel, 334. Shaw, Daniel, son of Nathaniel, 395. Shaw, John, 433, 478, 584, 623, 663, 667. Shaw, Joseph, 325. Shaw, Mary, 576. Shaw, Nathaniel, 253, 339, 383, 395, 489. Shaw, Rebecca, 432, Shaw, Richard, 96, 97, 115, 116, 139, 242. Shaw, Sarah, Shaw, Temperance, 381. Shaw, William, 489. Sheffield, 603. Sheffield, George, 443. Sheldon, 271, 294. Shelter Island, 515, 600. Sherman, 521. Shingles, 326, 710. Shipbuilding, 20, 161, Shipman, Abigail, 264. Shipman, William, 4 Shipwrecks, 1, 133, 157, 205, 248, 284, 579; also Marine disasters. Shirley, Gov. William, 502, 646, 665. Shoes, prices, 281. Shopley; see Shapley. Short, 37. Short, Charles, 388, 409, 487, 488, 548. Short, Charles, jr., 409. Short, Cormick, 573. Short, Elizabeth, 437. Short, Joanna, 387. Short, Joanna, dau. of Charles, 548. Short, Thomas, Shows, 571. Sill, Joseph, 488. Silliman, Ebenezer, 318, 457, 637. Silvester, aie 407, 516. Simmons, Simmons, Chapman, 710. Simmons, Ebenezer, 659. Simmons, Samuel, 699. Simmons, Sarah, 699. Simons, 669. Sims, 191, 397. 528. Singleton, Richard, 2, 3. Sitnan, John, 546 Skarriot, Hannah, 626. Skarriot, Thomas, 541, 626. Skelenger, Amy, 135, 137. Skeriot, Richard, 54. Skidmore, 276. Skinner, 187, 620. Skinner, John, 388. Slater, George, 680. ater, George, Slaves, 27, 64, 189, 235, 267, 278, 290, 563, 587. Sloan, 468. 601, 620, 684. Small, ith, 23, 36-8. 46, 50, 60, 65, 69, 76, ee 125, 127, 149, 187, 213, 259, 402, 413, 416, 417, 423, 432, 437, 496, 498, 509, 529, 532, 536, 566, 576, 621, 707. Abigail. 687. Ann, 602. Bartholomew, 480. Benjamin, 198, 709. . Daton, 458, 555. ’ Deliverance, 336. | Ebenezer, 544, 545. ’ Blijah, 378. ’ Bliza, 414, 241, 266. see 844, 540, 100, 101. £69, 395, 440, 441. 546, 547, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Elizabeth, 310, 673. George, 302, 336. ' George, jr., 159, 495, 640. 4 Huldah, ‘405. car Smith) Isaac, $37, 338, 495. ue Smith, James, 30, 47,'51, 65, 80, 96, 205, 271, 284, 333, 334, 441, 531, 532, 543, 640, 666, 677, 706. Smith, James, jr., 677. Smith; James Rogers, 660. Smith, Jedediah, 540. Smith, Jethro, 575. Smith; John, 24, 31, 61, 119, 228, 312, 339, 344, 370, 374, '429, 510. Smith, John, jr., 510. Smith, Jonathan, 250, 345, 356, 459, 531, Smith, Joseph, 166, Smith, Joseph, 2d, 346. "418, 4165. Smith, Joshua, 531. Smith, Josiah, 531, 540, 617, 622. Smith, Lucy, ‘128. Smith, Lydia, 378, 645. Smith, Margaret, 125, 376, 550. Smith, Mary, 134. 135. 138. 146, Smith, Mathew, 95, 505, 532 Smith; Merit, 457, 468, al, "74. Smith, Nehemiah, 137, 416. , Parker, 624. Peg, 328, 594. , Rachel, 662. , Richard, 234, 619, 658, 659. Samuel, 30, 40, 45, 50, 51, 83, 277, 378, 466, 692. Sarah, 78, 79, 81, 85. , Sarah, dau. of Joseph 359. Simon, 391. 451, 494, Bai 562, 600, 607, 621, 682, 688. Smith, Solomon. 655. Smith, Thankful, 144, 545. Smith, Thomas, 185. Smith, William, 177. Snitcher, Benjamin, 100. Snitcher, Elizabeth, 100. Solefax; see Colefax. Solely, 432. Soper, John, 695. South, 521. Southmayd, Mrs. Abiah, 378. ‘ Southmayd. Joseph, 221. \ Southold, 516. : Southward,. 586. Spalding, Pleazer, 265. Spanish vessel. puts in at New London, 598; lands treasure and cargo, 599: court held. 600; thefts from, 620, 622-4, 654; thieves escape, 625. 630; accounts settled, 642; cargo reshinnved, 643. Sparrow, 514, 586. Spencer, 548. Spencer, Jahez. 481. Sninning, 425, 426, 502. Spooner, 703. Spooner, Rebecca, 703. Sprague, 406. Springer, 242, 252. Springer. Hudson. 246. Spruk, Nicholas, 426. Squires. Daniel, 181. Stacy, 82. Stacy, Beniamin. 259. Stacy, William. 258. Stafford, Clement. 48. Stafford, Sarah, 48. Stallvon, 85. Stanbury. 50. Stancliff, William, 144. Stanton, 82. 83. oe * 375, 412. » 236, 614, 508, eal, 633. 515, 153, 160, 417. 53-6, 74, 563, 599, Stanton, aa ae Stanton, Daniel. 684 Stanton, John, 131. 205, 499. Stanton, Richard, 307. Stanton. Samuel, 791. Stanton, Thomas, 671. sia! ae 28, 48, 184, 185, 201, 398, 600, Star. Sean, 12. 15, 18, 20, 24, 42, 44, 47, 63. 103. 252, 387. Star. Yorsinea, 13, 15. Star, Lucy, 201. 744 Star, Lydia, 184. Star, William, 63. Stark, 21, 28, 600, 613, 627, 634, 707. Stark, Aaron, 103, 109, 118, 164. Stark, Abrah, : Stark, Deborah, 631. Stark, John, 251, 457, Stark, Moses, 689. Stark, Stephen, 479. Stark, William, 25, 28. Stark, William, jr., 37. Stark’s Hill, 567. 490, 492, 582, 631. Starr, 24, 46, 52, 127, 140, 147, 151, 271, 299, 3 O01, 425, 452, 460, 467, 468, 485, 511, 562, 571, 591, 597, 661, 684, 707. Starr, “Daughter; ” see Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua Hempstead. Starr, Anne, 114. Starr, Belle, 694. Starr, Benjamin, Starr, Benjamin, Starr, 115, 481, 511. son of Daniel, 331, 333. son of Jasper, d. 541, Starr, Benjamin, 2d, son of Jasper, 351. Starr, Daniel, 291; marries Elizabeth een stead, 296; mentioned, 305, 5, 316, 323, dy 328, 337, 339, 354, 364, 369, 377, 392, 395, 398, 430, 442, 4497 468, 475, 478, 481, 482, 488) 497, 622, , 535, 538-40, 550, 555, 558, 579, 594, 610, 615, 621, 623, 624, 636, , 659, 664, 678, 690, 696, 698, 707 , Daniel, jr., 385, 593, 693, 696, Elizabeth, ‘dau. of Daniel, 430. , Emanuel, 648. Jason, 421. , Jasper, 236, 260, 304, 354, 679. Jasper, jr., 241. Joanna, 166, 434. ; Jonathan, 416, 486, 540, 632. Joseph, 593, 709 e Joshua, 349, 395, 558, 555, 591, 592, Us , Lydia, 26, ee 481. Benj amin, 694. Nathaniel, 505. Robert, 29. , Sarah, athe 573. Thomas, William, tis, 592, 682, 683, 694, 707. Stebbins, Martha, 187. Stedman, 161, 427, 443, 514, 545, 579, 576. Stedman, Jane, 86. Stedman, John, 205, 439, 619. Stedman, T. 216. Steebins, Palatial, 25. Steel, Rev. John, 524. Stephen, son of Joshua Hempstead, 38, 36, 87, 54, 55, 59, 63, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 85-93, 95, 96. 101, 106, 107, 110- 125 ‘116, 117, 121. 123-6, 128, 133-9, 141, 142, 144, 146, 148-53, 155. 158-61, 165-7, 169, 173-7, 179-81, 185, 187, 190, 191, 304, 195, 199-205. 207, 210, 918, 215-17, 291, 225, 227, 248, 248, 250. 264-6, 268, 269, 273-6, 279-87, 289-91, 294. 299, 301, 302, 304-6, 308. 312. 318, 315. 317. 221. mar- ries Sarah Holt, 325; mentioned, 326, 328, 330, 835-7, 239. 841, 344-6, 348, 353, Bs 358, 361, 364, 367, 376, 377, 394, 398) 416. ae 423, coe 30, 482. 433, 487, 488, 441. 442. 445, 446, 449, 451-3, 455. 458. 460. 463-5, 467, 469-71, 473-5, 478-80, 482-7, 491. 492, "494- 9% ae 5, 507, 510, 512. 514- 16. 519-21, 533, 537. 5389-41, 543, 546. 551-8. 557, 562, 569, Br 573, 576-9, 581, 583, 584, 587, 589. 592, 597-9, 603, 606, 610, 612-14. 622-4, 627-30, 632, 635, 686. 640. 643. oa6 652, 658, 660, 667. 669, 670. 672, 673, 675- BB oP 688-92, 696-700, 703, 705, 707, 708. Stephen, son of Stephen Hempstead, 519, 533. Stephens, 362, 383. Stephen, John, 348, 397. Stephens, Mark, 196, 334. Stephenson, 45. Sterling, 684. Sterling, James, 161, 173, 266, 288. Sterns, 243. Stevens, 34. Stevens, John, 147. Diary of Joshua Hempstead , 286, 295, 316, , 367, 373, 382, 3 , 390, 399, “i ae ee 426, 439, 444, 440, 490, 498, 500, 506, ‘538, ern 5433 , BU, 586, 588, 589, 597, 607, 608, 632, 664, 665, 684, 685, 637, 692, 6 Stewart, Abigail, 585. Stewart, Mathew, 585. Stewart, Mathew, jr., Stewart, William, 623. Stickland, 637. Stillman, 378, 602, 603. Stillman, Elisha, 664. Stocker, John, 51, 52. Stocker, William, 701, 702. Stockwell, 682. Stodder, 104, 135, 435. Stodder, James, 494. Stodder, Mark, 153, 155. Stodder, Mary, 82, 207. Stodder, R. 102. Stodder, Ralph, 63, 234, 279, 444, 499. Stodder, Ralph, jr., 2. Ree eee 60, 82, 102, 104, 107, 192, Stodder, Robert, jr., 263. Stodder, Solomon, 260. Stone, 103. Stone, Mary, 469. Stone, Robert, 469. Stooker, Edward, 5. Storer, 514. Stork; see Stark. Storms, 27, ae 102, Story, 574, 621 Stow,’ 392, 536. Stow, Daniel, 553. Stoyel, 511, 567, 612, 690. Stoyel, Dorothy, 448, 480, 693. Stratford, Clement, 06, 42, 68, 154. Stratford, Sarah, 42. Stratton, 24, 27, 28, 32. see Eliphalet, 281, 360, 426, 515. Stratton, aa 409. Street, 263, Street, Nicholas, 261. Strickland Strickland, Ann, 618, 620. Strickland, Christopher, 577. Strickland, Daniel, 707. Strickland, Eliza, 276, 305. Strickland, Elizabeth, 145, 236, 237, 273. Strickland, Gerald, 40. Strickland, Grace, $73, 374, 384. Strickland, Margaret, 416. Strickland, Mary, 154, 290. Strickland, Mary, dau. of Thomas, Strickland, Perkins, 513 Peter, 513. Strickland, Strickland, Peter, jr., 513, 573. Strickland, Priscilla, 362. Strickland, Samuel, 26, 40, 362, 385, 432, 505, 616. Strickland, Samuel, son of Daniel, 707. Strickland, Sarah, 213, 276, 381. Strickland, Thomas, 33. 129, 150, 180, 313, 329, 394, 460, 489. 620, 700. Strickland, Thomas, jr., 489. Strong, 520, 5387. Strong, Thomas, 579. Stewart, ve 256, 257, 333, 845, 352, 354, 3 708. 2795 135, 136, 244, 290, 563. 431, 441, 276. 464, Stuart, 99. Stuart, Samuel, 99. Stubbins, 47, 203, 448, 453, 550, 551. Stubbins, Ann, 156. Stubhins, Ann, dau. of Christopher. 391. Stubbins, Ann. dau. of Clement, 252. Stubbins, Ann, 2d, dau. of Clement, 412. Stubhins, Bethia, 302. Stubbins, C. 393, 451, 499. 5517 Stubbins, Christopher, 18, 141, 148, 154, 160, 178, 535. 541, 633. Stubbins, Christopher, jr., 107, 299, 302, 391, 450, 455. 498, 584. Stubbins, Christopher, 3d, 357. ae enone son of Clement, 333, 341, Stubbins *haetonneks son of John, 26, 304. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Stubbins, Mrs. Christopher, 122, 167, 273, 633. Stubbins, Clement, 310, 349, oa #12, 441, Stubbins, Daniel, 28, 61, 224, Stubbins, Daniel, 2d, 493. Stubbins, Deborah, 368. Stubbins, Edward, 39, 45, 112, 136. Stubbins, Edward, son of Clement, 261, Stubbins, Jabez, Stubbins, John, 26, 39, 123, 141, 178, , 284, 291, 328, 361; 364, 388, 493, 514, ats 971, 573, 637, 641, 673, 674. Stubbins, Joseph, 369. Stubbins, Lucy, 278. Stubbins, Lydia, 455, 641. Stubbins, Mary, 56. Stubbins, Mary, dau. of Edward, 127. Stubbins, Phebe, dau. of Thomas, 307. Stubbins, Phebe, wife of John, 571. Stubbins, Priscilla, 577. Stubbins, Sarah, dau. of Clement, 280, 633. Stubbins, Mrs. Sarah, 312. Stubbins, Thomas, 182, 274, 360, 370, 384, 338, 420, 426, 427, 509, 515, 539, 550, 579, 580, 587, 624, 625, 630. Sugar, prices, 40. as ca 20, 25, 47, 64, 56, 66, 68, 73, 74, 76, , 82, 95, 96, 104-6, 108, 118, 120, 441,144 18; 167, 169, 184, 187, 208, 209, 245, 247-9. 251, 252, 257, 259, 278, 283, 288, 292, 313" 327, 543-5, 583, 588, 594, 603, 605, 606, 50x, 624, 627, 629, 642, 645, 655. 683. 684, 689. 705, "709; see ‘also, Boundaries; Land. Susanna, “Cuz,” Swallow, 98, 103, 111. Swan, 626. Swan, William, 642. Sweet, 251, 257, 437. Sweet, James, 231. Sweesy, 407. Sweesy, Joseph, 532. Sweesy, Rebecca, a Swetland, 560, 564, 70 Swetland, Mrs. 584, B18, 626, 637, 665. Swift, 595, 705 Switcher, Benjamin, 95, Swith, 577. Switland, 290, 302, 328, 337. Sylvester Brindly, 600. Symons. Ebenezer, 568, 674. Syran, 351. oO ne be nr bob 2s - Tabor, 225, 236, 248, 254, 256, 258, 265, 271, 272, 275, 286, 289, 341, 342, 352, 357, 404, 415-17, 421, 425, 433, 439, 443, 483, 499, 500, 552, 553, 589, 590, 596, 600, 607, 670. Tabor, Amon, 517, 575, Tabor, Jeremiah, 562. Tabor, Job, 284. Tabor, Josiah, 563, eae 586, 594, 607, 622. Tabor, Lydia, 196, 449. Tabor, Mary: see Vincent, Mar Tabor, Pardon, 481, 501, 507, 565, "563, 568, 599, 621, 6238, 625, 652, 655, 658, 669, 671, 677, 695. Tabor, Mrs. Pardon Tabor, Philip, 213, sas: 507, 390), 400, 449, 561, 692. Tabor, ‘Philip, jr., 476. Tabor, Samuel, 563, 591. Taffton, 27. Taintor, 187, 225, 227. Talcott, 500. Joseph, 180, 190, 198, 309, 383. Talcott, Gov. Tallmage, 374, 39. ‘Brother.’ 11, 35, 54, 58-61, 67, 71, Tallmage, ‘ 72, 75, 79, 87, 89-92, 123, 129, 137, 251-3, 324, 342, 343,” 352, 360, 377, 397, 515. Tallmage, Capt. 57. 86, 188. Tallmage, Molly, 190, 191, 229. Tallmage, Temperance, 202, 203. Tallmage, Thomas, 252, 253, 606, 607, 638, 667. Tallmage, Thomas, jr., 611, 612, 618, 639, 665. Tallman, 38, 41, 68, 131, 137, 189, 326, 377, 393, 424, 441, 451, 492, 496, 501, 537, 576, 617, 637, 696. Tallman, Elizabeth, 640. Tallman, Jabez, Tallman, Jane, 482. 745 Tallmian, John, 142. Tallman, John, son of Samuel, 549. Tallman, John, 2d, son of Samuel, 582. Tallman, Joseph, 49, 69, 128, 129, 155, 249, 251, 448, Tallman, Joseph, jr., 70, 666. Tallman, Joseph, son of Samuel, 504. Tallman, Joseph, 2d, son of Samuel, 509. Tallman, Samuel, 49, 324, 424, 442, 482, 509, 549, 558, 582, 640, 668, 687, Tallman, Samuel, jr., 442, 504. Tar, prices, 566. Tarbox, 234. Tarbox, Benjamin, 342. Tarbox, Jemima, 261. Tarbox, Samuel, 261, 364. Taylor, 78, 116, 118, 383, 393, 459. Taylor, Bethia, S ‘Taylor, James, ‘és 118. James, jr., 155. Mrs. James, 154. Mary, 157, 270. Mary, dau. of Thomas, 229. Thomas, 186, 241, 247. William, 160. William, 2d, 3 “Sister,”’ Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Temperance, Tennant, 440. Tennant, Gilbert, 375. Terrell, John, 619. Terrell, Lewis, 267. Terrell, Sarah, 8. Terry, 898, 649. Thanksgivings, 3, 4, 17, 29, 39, 50, 61, 70, 81, 93, 103, 116, 126, 187, 149, 162, 176, 190, 204, 227, 242, 253, 266, 281, 296, 311, 327, 342, 358, 369, 383, 401, 417, 434, 446, 508, 538, 559, 597, 659, 677, 695. Theobald, 144. Thatcher, 395. Thomas, ‘“Brother,’’ 140, 394, 453, 483. Thomas, son of Joshua Hempstead, 39, 67, 72, 73, 81, 89, 90, 98, 95-8, 101, 102, 105, 107, 112, 120-26, 128, ae 133, 136, 189, 154-8, 187, 204, 209, d. Thomas, son ee Robert goes 550, 586, 587, 608, 609, 700, 15, 38,47, 59, Th. Fenice, 5. Gov. George, 521, 527. John, 168, 169. Jonathan, 522. Mercy, 450. Thomas, Phenias, 9. Thomas, Rebecca, 434. Thompson, 49, 55, 76, 99, 177, 509, 621, 630, 701. Thompson, Bathshua, 588. TRomTson, Charles, 297, 298, 483, 555, 564, 685, 689, Mrs. Charles, 483, 555. Eliza, 649. Isaac, 126, 338, 419. Isaac, 2d, 430, 438. James, 588, 627, 649, 706. John, 689. 95. 38, 515. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, 244, 261, 297, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Lucy, 666. Thompson, William, 239, 390, 439, 513. Thornton, 243. Throop, Rev. Benjamin, 461, 475, 478, 482, 505, 532, 554. 627, 657, 664, 695. Tiffany, Consider, 571. Tileness, 2. Tilly. 92. 201, 227, 353, 259, 366, 398, 434, 484, 490, 501, 503, 566, 583, 656, 693, Tilly. James. 180, 393, 394, 408, 409, 434, 685 Tilly, James. jr., 434. Tilly, Ruth, 195, 379. Tillotson, 351. Tillotson, David, 491. ete teon William, 625. 477, 654, Tinker, 23, 61, 327, 657, tn 576, 637. Tinker, ee 55, 271, 569. Tinker, Amos, jr., 23, Tinker, Amy, 23 Tinker, Edward, 409, 443, 555, 681, 688. Tinker, Edward, jr., 409." Tinker, Baward. 83d, 443. Tinker, Eliza, 357. Tinker, Eliza, dau. of John, 703. Tinker, Eliza, dau, of Samuel, 208. Tinker, Blizabeth, "546. Tinker, Grace, 5. Tinker, Hannah, 209. Tinker, Hannah, dau. of Samuel, 301. Tinker, John, 5, 245, 333, 510, 537, 559, 632, 661. Tinker, John, jr., 381, 390, 425, 448, 462, 513, 46, 590, 602. Tinker, John, 3d, 390. Tinker, John, 4th, 655. Tinker, Jonathan, 212, 258, 260, 261, 265, 276, 287, 308, 314, 317, 324, 334, 338, 347, 703. Tinker, Jonathan, jr., 230. Tinker, Joseph, 590. Tinker, Judith, 159. Tinker, Love, 163. Tinker, Lucy, 268 333. Tinker, Mary, Tinker, Mary, dau. of Jonathan, 138, d. Tinker, Mary, 2d, dau. of Jonathan, 212, Tinker, Patience, 209. Tinker, Peter, 292. Tinker, Rhoda, 191. Tinker, Samuel, 103, 115, 184, 324, 330, 339, 47, 355, 384, 413, 467, 487, 602, 505, 519, 576, 581, 587, 606, : Tinker, Samuel, jr., 159, 555. Tinker, Samuel, son of John, jr., 462. Tinker, Mrs. Samuel, 330. Tinker, Sarah, dau. of John, 323, 332. Tinker, Sarah, dau. of John, jr., 381. Tinker, William, 329, Tinker, William, son of Samuel, 263. Tinney, 182, Titcomb, 655. Titus, 154. Tobuconomuck, 682. Tollet, Jonathan, 231. Tomey; see Pierpoint, Thomas, jr. Tomson; see Thompson. Tongue, 31. Tongue, Anna, 231. Tongue, Eliza, 254. Tongue, George, 190. Tongue, John, 51, 207. Tongue, Joshua, 252. Tongue, Lydia, 252. Tongue, Tabitha, 252. Tool, James, 601, 667. Topping, 40. Topping, Josiah, 27, maven meetings, 5,. A “g1- 3, 27, 30-32, 34, 41, 47, 48, 51, 52, B59, 80" 62,78 80, 88, 84, ge 87, 104-6, 108, 115, 117, 119, 120, 124, 128. 134, 138, 139, 141, 42, 148, ‘151, 157, 161 4, 165, 168, 175, 178, 180, 187, 192, 218, 229° 231; 240, 243, 255, 256, A ro 295, 302, 310, 314, 329, 420, 436, 473, 511, 518, 540, 645, 633, 642, 679, 695, 710; see also, Freemen’s meetings; Proprietors’ meetings; Paten- tees’ meetings Townsmen, ae eo, 105, 192, 229, 344, 419. Tozar, 187, Tozar, Richard, 127. Tozar, Samuel, 483. Tracy, 35, 226, 312, 328, a a 415. Tracy, Mrs. 394, 398, 399, Tracy, Daniel, 199. Tracy, Isaac, 410. Tracy, Isaiah, 361. Tracy, Jeremiah, 333. Tracy, Joseph, 686. Tracy, Perez, 496. Tracy, Simon, 286. Tracy, Solomon, 40. Trainings, 4, 10, 23, 29, 30, a 37, ae 44, 45, a 55, 56, 60, jee 70, 81 121, 126, 212. 136, 143, Tus : : 203, 208) 212° 27 i 398, oe aes. 480, 676, Treat, or. *F a0. 209, 307. Treat, Rev. Salmon, 185, 426, 605. Tree, 13. Troop, 689. 169. 234, 320, 430, 596, Diary of Joshua Hempstead Troops, 373, 440, 466, 467. Trowbridge, 157. | Trowbridge, Abigail, 158. Trowbridge, Susanna, ee Trowbridge, Timothy, 158. Truman, 45, 78, a att, 178, 187, 327, 389, 503, 529, 617, 631, Truman, “Cuz, 3 468, 467, 485, 495, 586, 588, 605, 629, 691, 706. Truman, Mrs. 458, 465, a7, 473, 474, 478, 492, 518, 542, 544, 582, 641 878. ‘Ann, 316, 322, 345 Benjamin, 47, 196, 368, 400, 445, 487, Daniel, 70, 384, 428, 455, 470, 509, 510. David, 486. Deborah, 400. Eliza, 693, 694. Elizabeth, 298. Esther, 423. Henry, 22, 324, 448. Henry, son of Daniel, 509. James, 24. Jane, 560. Truman, John, 126, 351. Truman, John, 2d, 289, 332, 577, eee Truman, Jo! hn, son of ‘Joseph, jr., 450. Truman, Jonathan, 298, 514, 569, 588, 589, 617, 671. 685, 694. ae Joseph, 1, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 34, 37, 47, 56, 70, 73, 79, 85, 90, 91, 98, 112, 120, 18 258," 332, : 413, 416, 430, 433, 434, 446, 456, 497, 519, 545, 571, 588. ers. 278, 327, 358, 383, ae Truman, Truman, 508. Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman, Joseph, are, 434, 440, 450 529, Truman, Joseph, 3d, Truman, Mary, 58, et ane 97, 139, 170. Truman, Mary, dau. of Joseph, jr., 269, 608, 691. Truman, Mrs. Mary, 450, 480. Truman, Nathan, 671. Truman, Sarah, 361. Truman, Susanna, 300. Truman, Mrs. Susanna, 298. Truman, Thomas, 2-5, 12. 23, 24, 28, 35, 78, 79, 102, 120, 166, 168, 169, 186, 196, 224, (244) 281, 307, 316, 392, 402, 410, 464, 474, 484, 489, 494, 511, 514. Truman, Thomas, je., 231, 323, oat 588. Trumbull, Col. Jonathan, 637, 642 Tubbs, 187, 210, Tubbs, Lydia, son 934, 519. Tubbs, Sarah, 609. Tubbs, William, 345. Tudor, 3, 60. Turkey Hills. 610. Turner, 293, 319, 348, 348, 364, 436, 508, 675. Abigail, 116. Amy, 311. Arnold, 217. Benjamin, 583. Elisha, 204, 284. Flizabeth, 66, 160. Elizabeth, dau. of Ruamah, 285. Ezekiel, 510. Grace, 20. Hannah, 322. Isaac, 667, 699, 700, 704. John, 556, 685, 692. Jonathan, 682. Jonathan, jr., 677. Turner, Lucretia, 90, 107. Turner, Pain, 616, 653, 675. Turner, S. 702. Turner, Thomas, 191, 230, 259, 271, 272, 25, 664, 666, 672, 685. Turrell, John, 8. Tuthill, 26, 115, 289, 398. 407, 515, 618. Tuthill, Barnabas, 115, 159, 614, 677. Tuthill, Daniel, 639. Henry, 22, 102, 208, 398. 514, , Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, 390, Tuthill. Tyke, 498. ay Udall, 593. Uncas, Ben, 127, 158, 412. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Uncas, Be , in, Updike, 290° 7 127 400, 409, 457, 470. Updike, Esther, 51, 98. Utley, Samuel, 386. Vv Valentine, Jonas, 676. Valient, William, 94, Veber, ‘374. Veber, John, 237, 268, 271. Veber, John, jr., ite Veber, Mary, Vetch, 33. Vibber, 278. Vibber, Joanna, 24, Vibber, John, 24, Be. “e, 11, 279, Vibber, Mercy, 56, Vibber, William, 76. Vibbert, John, 97, 98, 188, 206, 445. Vibbert, Nathaniel, 98. Vincent, Mary, 624. Vryling, 10, rey 22, 25, 27, Ww Wade, 390. Wade, Duran, 60. Wade, Elizabeth, 271. John, 60. Wade, Thomas, 60, 267. Wadsworth, 84; 340. Wadsworth, James, 218, 262. Wager, 395, 604. Waees, 29, 38, 55, 56, 61, 77, 79, 938, 99, 136, 142, 146, 155, 169, 179, 210, 335, 365, 368, me 505, 549, 590, 607; see also Salaries, Waghorn, 521. Wait, 702. Wait, Major; see Winthrop, Wait Still. Wait, Ernest, 67. Wait, Jeremiah, 112, Wait, Thomas, 67. Wake, John, 441, Walden, 585, 595. Walden, Eliza, 626. Walden, William, 617. Waldorn, 669. Waldren, William, 674. Wales, 687. Walker, 294, 300, 316, 517. Walker, Robert, 310, 311. Walker, Sarah, 235. Walker, William, 309. Waller, 438, 39. Waller, “Uncle.” 182, 230, 346, 375. Waller, Edy, 352. Waller, Elizabeth, 19. Waller, Hannah, 6, 72, 83, 105, 209. Waller, Jesse, 414. Waller, John, 414. Waller, Mary, 259. Waller, Mary, dau. of Susan, 352. Waller, Mathew, 86. Waller, Samuel, 264, 373, 389, 434, 436. Waller, Samuel, ir., 4, 86, 343. Waller, Mrs. Samuel, 389. Waller, Sarah, 86. Waller, Susanna, 352. Waller, William, 249. Walsworth, 236, 246, 248, 337 Walsworth, Mrs. 494, 538, 539, 548, 551, 582, 602, 645, 709. Walsworth, John, 235- e oi 244, 246, 261, 274, 316, , 356, 365, 458. Waleworth’ William, a7. ‘98, 102-4, 106, 108- 10, 120, 122, 137, 140, 264, 272, 316, 366, 582. Walter, 131, 259. Walworth, 702. Wambaneag, 102. Wangs, Samuel, 385. Want, Mrs. 421, 661, 663. Want, Ann, 264. Want, Benjamin, 238, 380, 381, 396, 406, 408, 409, 416-19, 422-5, 430-35, 442, 443, 459, se3- ‘4, 467, 472, 484, 485, 498, 502, 503, 505, 507-9, 517, 519, 533, 534, 637, 539, 551, 552, 560, 562, 567, 571, 577, 682, 583, 592. 598. 747 Want, Joseph, 348. Want, Martha, 161, 695. Want, Mary, 1385. Waut, Mathew, 313. Want, Philip, 306, 653, 672, 681. Want, Philip, jr., 806, 555, 569, 588. Wanton, 191, 234, 296, 495, 334, 657, 578, 579, Wanton, Joseph, 211, 356, 428. Wanton, Philip, Wanton, William, 221, Wants, Philip, 118. Wants. William, 118. War, declared, 672; news of, 426. War with Spain, proclaimed, 363; for Cuba, 366, Ward. 238, 288, Bor Ward, ‘Ann, 702. Ward, Eliza, 316. Ward, John, 127, 180. Ward, John, 2d, 495, 496, 557. volunteers. Ward, Patrick, 703. Warden, 538. Warden, vou 185, 346. Ware, 43, 45, Warner, ‘442, ii, 498, 503, 546. Warner, Mary, 353. Warner, Nathaniel, 75, 207. Warner, William, 50. Warner, Lydia, 586. Washburn, Patience, 94. Weshington, Col. George, 665. Waterhouse, 322, 444. Waterhouse, Ann, 210, 258, 259, 607. Waterhouse, Ann, dau. of William, 369. Waterhouse, Anne, 92, Waterhouse, Anne, wife os Jacob, 23. Waterhouse, Daniel, 698. Waterhouse, Elijah, 366. Waterhouse, Gershom, 115. Waterhouse, Jacob, 23, 74, 108, Jacob, jr., 37, 511, Waterhcuse, Jeremiah, 439. Waterhouse, John, 74, 95, 162, 257, 342, 575, 619, 625, 651, 669, 707. Waterhouse, Joseph, 145, 195, 282, 322, , 439, 461, 554, 565, 614, 618, 694, Waterhouse, Joseph, jr., 297, 697. Waterhouse, Keturah, 376. Waterhouse, Keturah, 2d, 404. Waterhouse, Lucretia, 369. Waterhouse, Lydia, 376. Waterhouse, Nathaniel, 254. Waterhouse, Richard, 369. Waterhouse, Robert, 109, 212, 266, 284, 357, 379, 396, 488, 607, 608, 613. Waterhouse, Sarah, 108, 155, 257, 396. Waterhouse, Sarah, dau. of Joseph, 328. Waterhouse, Sarah, 2d, dau. of Joseph, 618. Waterhouse, Sarah, dau. of Robert, 608. Waterhouse, Thomas, 369. Waterhouse, William, 70, 121, 128, 156, 282, 284, 334, 357-9, 369, 383, 601, : Waterhouse, Mrs. William, 369. Waterman, 590. Waterman, Bbenezer, 506. Waterman, fens ir., 192, 222. Waterman, 415. Waterman, hones: 415. Waterous, Waterus; see Waterhouse. Waters, 94. Waters, Anne, 310, 311. Waters, Ante, 521, 529. Watkins, William, 182. Waul, Philip, 105. Way. 22, 449. 632. 637, 650. 685 Way. Abigail. 571, 573, 645, 654, 663, 686. Way, Anne, 32. Way. Anne. dau. of Ebenezer, 124, 642. Way, Daniel, 5, 12, 16, 24, 38. 48, 57. 79, 80, 85, 117, 136, 202, 213, 282, 413, 428, 445, 508, 540, 556. 570. 572, 611. 632, 642, 656, 662, 663. 668-80. 685. 686, 691, 692, 701, 702, 704. Way. Daniel, jr., 79, 492, 496, 607, 608, 623. Way, Daniel, 3d, 117. Way. Ebenezer, 39, 51, 73, 74, 98, 211, 282, 286, 289, 319, 326, 330, 339, 344, 383, 386, 387, 393, 400, 423, 460, 461, 586. 192, 198, 619. 549,. 607. Waterhouse, 573,. 400, 698. 290,. Ebenezer, jr., 200. , Elizabeth, 31. Elizabeth, 2d, 143. George, 65. Hannah, 354. John, son of Ebenezer, 259. 7, John, son of Thomas, 369. Lydia, 16, 165. Lydia, dau. of Daniel, 218. Mary, 74, 368. Mary, dau. of Daniel, 289. Mary, wife of Ebenezer, 51. Nathaniel, son of Daniel, 257; 571, 572; 602, 612, 615, 626, 628, 629, 633, 634, 643. Way, Nathaniel, son of Ebenezer, 61. Way, Patience, 598. “Way, Peter, 145, 442, 509, 598, 607, 628, 642, 64%, 659. Way, Sarah, dau. of Thomas, 340. Way, Sarah, 2d, dau. o a 397. Way, Mrs. Sarah, 340, Way, Thomas, 10, 18, sn “73, 117, 328, 346, 393, 397, 464, 465, 494, 696 Way, Thomas, ‘jr., 5. Way, Thomas, 3d, 465. Way, Thomas, son of Daniel, 38. Way, William, 98. Weattaug Society, 610. Webster, 19. ‘Weebucks, Walter, 189. ‘Weeks, Jonathan, 250. ‘Welch, 50. Wells, 78, 318, 443, 536, 566, 607. Wells, Edward, z Wells. John, 114. Wells, Joseph, 3. Wells, Thomas, 567, 620, 637. Wells, Wait, 620. Wellstead, 129. Welman, 294. ‘Welock, 283. Wentworth, 15. Wentworth, Paul, 139. Wescote, 307, 436, 495. Wescotc, Samuel, 261. West. 291, 318, 459. West Indies, 485, 486. ‘Westbury, 74. Westbury, Thomas, 72. Westcoat, 398, 450, 481, 675, 702. Westcoat, Goshen, 6. ‘Westcoat, Robert, 298. Westcoat, Robert, 2d, 451, 465, 559, 667. Westcoat, Samuel, 298, 451, 554. Wetherell, Daniel, 9, 24, 36, 58, 64, 68, Whaley, James, 626. Wheat, prices, 130, 158, 237, 327. Whaples, 435. Wheeler, 174, 187, 195, 235, 286, 241, 244, 277. 304, 336, 345, 368, ple 382, 429, 489, 452, 78, 462, 476, 493, 499, 632. Wheeler, Mrs. 498, 499, 517, 538, 585. Wheeler, Bridget, 571. ‘Wheeler, Edward, son of Zacheus, 433. Wheeler, Edward, 2d, son of Zacheus, 465. Wheelcr, Eliza, 280. Wheeler, Elizabeth, dau. of Ephraim, 408. Wheeler, Elizabeth, dau. of John, 596. Wheeler. Bphraim. 327. 401, 408, 428. Wheeler, Frederick, 537. Wheeler. Guy, 613. Wheeler, Isaac, 6. 104, 244, 260, 321. Wheeler, John, 122. Wheeler. John. 2d, 188, 258, 817. 367, 399, 446. 504, 596, 673. Wheeler, Jonathan, 390. Wheeler, Joshua, 78, 84, 96. 98, 271, 295, 411 27, 484. 516. 550, 563, 705. Wheeler, Mrs. Joshua, 134, 484. Wheeler, Juydia, 504 Wheeler, Martha, 818. Wheeler, Sarah, 155. Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of John, 446. Wheeler, Sarah, dau. of Zacheus, 649. Wheeler, Sarah, wife of Zacheus, 396. Wheeler, Shepherd, 539. Wheeler, Thomas, 326, 535, 642, 658, 692. Wheeler, William, 122, 127, 153, 177, 181, 258. 289, 345, 346, 364, 393, 408, 460, 486, 504. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Wheeler, Zacheus, 307, 310, 322, 379, 396, 438, 485, 465, 537, 571, 596, 613, 625, Wheeler, Zacheus, jr., 409, 649, 666. Whetstone, 39. Whipple, 46, 234, 556, 615. Whipple, Anthony, 310, 344, 445, 446, 482, 590, 628, 650, 666, 682, 685, 709. Whipple, . Whipple, Whipple, Whipple, Whipple, Whipple, 409, 638, 483, Anthony, gn; 382 David, 658. David, jr., 262. Mrs. David, 382. Eunice, 304. Jeremiah, 685. Whipple, John, 178. Whipple, Jonathan, 214, 291, 175, 518, 580, 590, 674. Whipple, Jonathan, jr., 214. Whipple, Lucy, 342. Whipple, Mary, 290. Whipple, Rebecca, 229. Whipple, Silas, 230, 272, 297, 310, 318, 330, Whipple, Silas, jr., 336. Whipple, Mrs. Silas, 297. Whipple, Susanna, 272. Whipple, Titus, 384. Whipple, Zacharias, 575. White, 35, 49, 50, 69, 79, 102, aa 172, 324, 360, 377, 397, 440, 448, White, Mrs. 88, 110, 145, 158, ore, 199, 215, 397. White, Ebenezer, 101. White, Elnathan, 175, 434. White, John, 22, 452. White, Richard, 2. White, Silas, 397. White, Silvanus, 160. Whitefield, George, 368, 446, 447. Whitefield. Mrs. George, 447. Whitehair, William, 14, 15. Whitford, 642, 643. Whiting, 44, 122, 189, 147, 154, 215, 332 378, 401, 417, 444, 470. Whiting, Mrs. 88, 98, 173. Whiting, Ann, 116. Whiting, Charles, 331. Whiting, John, 79. Whiting, Capt. John, 471, 472, 504, 508, 35, 53 Whiting, Rev. Samuel, 5, 110, 139, 616. Whiting, Wealthy, 539. Whiting, yee. “ae 293. Whitman, Capt. Whitney, 63. 69, 38 “108, 186, 250, 513. Whitney, John, 376. Whittemore, 510, 571, 596, 617. Whittemore, Daniel, 1. 340, 431, 600, 701. Whittemore, Daniel, jr., 574. Whittemore. Daniel, 3a. 701. Whittemore, Mary, 355. Whittemore, Samuel, 701. Whittfield, 100. Whittlesey, 259, 341. Whittlesey, oe 516. Wick, John, 249. Wick, Jonathan, 335. Wickham, 44, 84, gt 90, 303, 398, 516. Wickham, Gideon, 95. Wickham, Joseph, oat. Wicks. Jonathan. 317. 320, 325, 704. Wickwire, Alpheus, 516. Wickwire, Anne, 38. Ww ickwire, Ichabod, 301, 567. Wickwire, John, 9 Wieckwire, Jonathan, 67. Ww TEES AEE: Peter, 101, 161, 184, 258, 282, Wickwire, Zurviah, 289. Wier, &8. 268, 310, 478, 516. 372, 404, 463, 554, 260, 200, , 340, 509, 391, Wigeins, 189, 258, Wisgins, John, 290 Wilday, 193. Wilkinson, Dennis, 270. Willard, 60, 143, 274, 320. Willard, Samuel, jr., 364. Willbow, 565. Willet, 514. Willey, Abel. 12, 13, 16, 264. Willey. Abratra, 7. Willey, Isaac, 42. Willey, Thomas, 5, 66. Diary of Joshua Hempstead Willey, William, 66. Wes 82, 46, 63, 88, 90, 188, > 2382; 234, 239; 244, 293, 299, 322, 346. 851, 359, 368, 371, 379, 384, 387, 392, 403. 404, 420, 434, 455, 460, 497, 566, 606, 655, 661, 688. Williams, eae 138, 144, 335, 552, 655. 208, 218, 227, be wo wo Williams, Williams, Benajah, 260. Williems, Benjamin, 271, 272. Williams, Deborah, 709. Williams, Ebenezer, 26, 60, 65, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95- 97, 102, 103, 105, 106, 112, 118,'125' 126, 128, 195, 223, 233, 262, 278, 318, 345, fg 382, 391, 395, 396, 410, 472, 475, 594, Williams, Ebenezer, 2d, 511, 538, 560, 621, 635, 643, 666, 670, 675. Williams, Elizabeth, 26. Williams, Henry, 88. Williams, John, 40, 42, 60, 87, 88, 118, 124, 180. 147, 272, 346, 352, 385, 387, 504, Mrs. John, 323. Mrs. John, of Groton 349. Jonathan, 163, 169. Jonathan, jr., 594. Mark, 232. Mercy, 431. Williams, Nathan, 476, 636. Williams, Nathaniel, 340, 368, 374, 390, 405, 406, 424, 509, 511, 538, 662, 676, 697. Willams, Nehemiah, 469. eee: Peter, 166, 183, 254, 287, Wiliams, S. 203. Williams, Samuel, 24, 105, 150, 234, 319, 368, 410, 498, 501, 539, 542, 689, 693, fs Williams, Sarah, 144, 146, 155. Williams, Sarah Rogers, 215. Williams, Solomon, 382. Williams, T. 202, 218, 219, 233. Williams, Theophilus, 129. Williams, Thomas, 38, 47, 78, 85, 96, 148, 155, 171, 184, 198, 212, 215, 226, 283, 273, 279. 280, 288) 384, 432, 601, 700. Willis, Abel, 536. Willitt, 15. Willman, 377. Wiliman, Theophilus, 47, 73, 432. Willmut, 390, 432. Willobee, 84, 370, 589. Willobee, Abigail, 89. Willobee, Deliverance, 101. Wills, Rev. Henry, 81. Willsted, 91... Wilson, 14, "15, 17, 21, 25, 26, 31, 33-5, 40, 52, , 59, 63, 65, 69, 70, 88, 106, 121, 620. Wilson, Ann, 3 Wilson, Anne, 101. Wilson, Jeremiah, 40, 41, 88. Wilson, Judith, 88. Wilson, Mary, 101, 114. Wilson, Mercy, 27. Wilson, Tabitha, 63. Winthrop, 21, 31-4, 40, 55, 56, 58, 64, 67-9, 72. 18, 76-82, 89, 91, 95, 97-9, 101-6, 108-10. 116, 118, 119, 129, 146, 149, 172, 175, 187, 200, 215, T9226 233-94 —-FATs 246, 248, 954, 257, 271, 273, 274, 302, 316, 364, , 428-30, 457, 482, 493, 494, 510, 512-18. 521, 529, 531-4, 537-41, 645, 547-51. Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, 384, 386. 544, 567, 336, 346, 236, 252, 556, 645, 556, 557, 559, 562. 564, 567, 574-6, 578, 579. 581-3, 586, 587, 590, 593, 594, 603-5, 608, 609, 614, 615, 620, 625, 628, 630, 632, 634, 636. 640, 644-8, 658, 661, 664, 665, 667, 668, 691, 692, 699, 700, 703, 704, 710. Winthrop. Madam, 55, 89, 181, 183, 184, 186. 0-92, 196-8, 201. eo eo 8, At ge, Ae 230, 233, ae ; aie 8 279, 282,” oe oroase 362, 363, 365, 378, ie oe a. 397, 399, 401. 9, 413, 415, 418-29, 431, 434, 487-40, 443, 448 50, 452, 454, 458-60, 465- 7, 476, 479-81. 485. 488, 490- 99, 501, 504, 506, 507, 509. 514-16, 518, 520, 533, 537-40, 543, 546-8, 50-56, 606, 60 Winner Ann, 330, 337, 356, 562, 608. 749 Win oe, eee ae 191, 337, 383, 393, 449, 504, 579, Wirtigon Elizabeth, 34. Winthrop, Madam Elizabeth, 58, 234, 704. Winthrop, Gov. Fitz John 234. Winthrop, John, 18, 240, 337, 356, 390. Winthrop, John, jr., 55, 510. Winthrop, John Still, 508, 509, 557. Winthrop, Kate, 246; see also Brown, Mrs. Kate ‘Winthrop. Winthrop, Margaret, 72, 337, 358, 425. Winthrop, Molly, 211. Winthrop, Rebecca, 257; see also Saltonstall, Mrs. ores ane ae a Still, 3, 9, 14-16, 69, 70, Wire, Ann, 364. Wire, John, 279, 281, 399, 415. Wire, John, jr., 323. Wire, Sarah, 415. Witherlake, ‘George, 596. Witter, Elijah, 279 Woiett; see Wyat. Wolcoti, Dr. 577, 609. Welcott, Maj. 340 Wolcott, eee 437. Wolcott, Roger, 262, 432, 440, 446, 450, 555, 556, 609. Weolcott, Roger, jr., 444, 637, 642. Wolf, 77, 84. Wood, 163, 525. Wood, Elizabeth, 303. Wood, John, 303, 381, 499. Wood. Jonathan, 238. Wood, Keziah, 84. Wood, Martha, 623. Wood, Richard, 96. Wood, Thomas. 268. Woodbridge, 176, 184, 211, 273, 332, 335, 437, 488, 533. Woodbridge, Dr. 427, 428, 434, 497, 606, 608, Dudley, 161. Woodbridge, Rev. Ephraim, Woodbridge, 711 Weeodbridge, Rev. Timothy, 15, 36, 142, 197. Woodmansee, 271, 353. Weodmansee, Gabriel, 10, 69, 70, 102. Woods, Ann, 326. Woods, William, 521. Woodward, 71, 549. Weodward, John, 144. Woodworth, 529. Wocéworth, Asa, 56. Woodworth, Isaac, 46. Woodworth, Ruth, 46, 56. Wool, prices, 113, 115. Weolsey, 204, 214, 242, 530, 531. Wooster, 64. Worden. 361, 460, 601. Worthington, 220, 619. Worthington, William, 171, 677. Worthylake, aes 680. Wevyat; Fi Wright, a, oes “109, 442, 444, 461. Wright, mlisha, 416. Wright, George, 100, 178, 288. Wright, Hager, 22. Wright, any. "441, 545, 557. Wright, Samuel, 248. Wright, Sarah, 147, 279. Wright, Sha, 448. Wright, Wait, 186, 459, 467, 478, 474. Wright. William, 441. Wyat, 4. 11, 15, 21-4, 30, 32, 37, 39, 47, 49, 62, 63, 65, 73, 81, 94, 97, 112) 132, 160, 213,219; 243, 263, 308. 445, 446. Wyat, ‘Abigail. 280, 387. ‘Alice, 163, 165. , Ebenezer, 119. Hannah Parker, 445. , John, 40, 50, 359, 390, 433. John, jr., 50. Jonathan, 163. Mary, 231. Ener 63. Wyer, 21. Wyer, Abiel, 61. Wynes, Barnabas, 61. Wyat. 750 Diary of Joshua Hempstead Y Young, John, 20, 399. Young, John, 2d, 107. Yale College, 111, 142. Young, Seth, 705. Yard, William, 527. Young, William, 103, 107, 607. Yarington, Ezekiel, 236. Youngs, 237, 483, 532, 537. Yeomans, Gideon, 557. Youngs, David, 532. York, 465. Youngs, Experience, 160. York, Joseph, 506, 608. Youngs, Grover, 360. Young, 32, 51, 72, 208, 209. Youngs, Isaac, 248, 276, 540. Young, Anna, 20. Youngs, Jeremiah, 515, 532, 533. Young, Benjamin, 129, 396. Youngs, Joshua, 324, 398, 459, 489. Young, Benjamin, jr., 213. Youngs, Mary, 158 Young, Daniel, 56. Youngs, William, 625. tS oa me Sect poe soapy a rates eB) pee Sone % Sl ee nee eae se See A te oy ete aN. ea Te petit te fea tt pri} aes lattes ete ra are setar Sta et if ee pee ae oo age rane aU gt eee tats oe bent ue it tig? es eine poate ata Ai c ein ht ci iia aaa eh lay 3 ny Pirie Pavitt anit ad maha Hae (7 eta ete TEN ine Grain hhcpre} Pelt cy! meets a) ee paaet “ Saas oe ei cen teen cat ae pier a eects “e att a ht ci - hee caste i tet . 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