‘ AN S - \ AY \ WS ~ SS \\ SS \ NX _ “Tiina cee eT AY “pas yo eas: GENEALOGIES OF SOME OLD FAMILIES OF CONCORD, MASS. AND THEIR DESCENDANTS IN PART TO THE PRESENT GENERATION. BARRETT, BLOOD, BROOKS, BROWN, BULKELEY, BUTTRICK, CON“N1L, DAVIS, FARRAR, FLINT, HARTWELL, HAYWARD, HOSMER, HUBBARD, JONES, MINOTT, POTTER, PRESCOTT, WHEELER, WILLARD, AND WOOD. EDITED BY CHARLES EDWARD POTTER. VOU, Is BOSTON: ALFRED MUDGE & SN. PRINTERS, 24 FrRaNnLIN STREET. 1887. Rg ae PREFACE. my PiLIE desire to know of the principal incidents in the lives of our progenitors, as well as the places of their births, and their origin, has induced a goodly number to make such researches for personal accounts of those persons and families who migrated to this country and became the first permanent settlers, as the records preserved have afforded; though in many cases these investigations have discovered but a meagre account, yet they have nevertheless encouraged the compilation of many of the family genealogies that have been published. It is the purpose of this work, “Old Families of Concord, Massachusetts, and their Descendants in Part to the Present Generation,” to give genealogies of some of the families who first settled there, and of their descendants; but it is in no wise intended to give an account of Concord, its settlement, history, or growth, excepting as may appear in the personal relations of some herein noted. The genealogical tables begin with items respecting the families of Barrett, Blood, Brooks, Brown, Bulkeley, Buttrick, Conant, Davis, Farrar, Flint, Hartwell, Hayward, Hosmer, Hubbard, Jones, Minott, Potter, Prescott, Wheeler, Willard, and Wood, all of whom were known early in the settlement. *The plantation of Musketaquid (Concord) was settled by Rev. Peter Bulkeley, from Odell, England, associated with Simon Willard, a merchant from Horsmonden, England, who brought with them about twelve families, other families joining the plantation within a few years succeeding. Excepting Bulkeley and Flint, they were plain people, of humble station in their own country, and of small means, who hoped in the New World to better their condition, and to enjoy unmolested the simpler form of religious worship that their tastes and consciences approved.” The original homes of the pioneers had been widely separated: Rev. Peter Bulkeley came from Bedfordshire; Simon Willard, James Hosmer, and probably Luke Potter were from Kent; William Buttrick, from Kingston on Thames; and Thomas Flint and William Wood, probably from Derbyshire. To make a record of the descendants of any one of these families to the present time, extending as it does over a. period of more than two hundred and fifty years, and to make such a record tolerably complete, is a matter attended with much difficulty. As much as could be obtained from imperfect records, and that which has come from various other sources, are recorded. That the early settlers in many cases are not directly connected with English ancestry is readily explained by the experience of Samuel Gardner Drake, as given in his “Founders of New England” :— “Whoever goes to England expecting to find the genealogy of any particular family settled in America at an early date, is pretty sure, in at least nine cases out of ten, to meet with disappointment. The reason of this uncertainty is easily explained. In the first place, persons who emigrate are not often possessors of real estate, and hence deeds and wills seldom furnish indications referable to them; they leave no deeds or wills in the fatherland by which they can be traced. In the next place, very few emigrants from England were landholders, for the reason that for ages little or no land has been for sale in quantities within the reach of persons of moderate estates. As the great body of emigrants to New _ England took no pains to transmit to their descendants any account of their ancestors, or even the places whence they came, it is pretty evident they had nothing to expect from the one, or any special regard for the other.” PREFACE. “Thus genealogy becomes a scvence, and the learned pursued it as a useful and necessary branch of knowledge; and as such it is generally pursued. There are those who jniesne it with a notion that they are heirs to a great estate in England, left by some unknown ancestor. ‘They may thus add something to the science of genealogy, and enlarge their own knowledge, while they will find no necessity to enlarge their pockets.” Many works of this class have proved a disappointment to thos. for whom they were primarily designed, owing to the complicated manner of indicating the succession of funilies. The compiler believes that his simple method of tabulating the records (patent applied for) will nucke it an easy matter to trace out the direct lines of descent, and the collateral branches as well. A psiticular advantage, aside from the readiness with which family connections are traced, is that all the essential venealogical facts of each family are discovered at the first glance, while the blank spaces indicate if any ‘Ji't is wanting. In these blank spaces the names or dates missing may be written, if ever ascertained; or i: the cases of the persons now living, the records of the facts of marriage and death may be inserted a~ ‘hey occur; and there is added also to the volume several pages in blank, particularly intended to be u-cd for the record of future generations of any families that the possessors of the volume may wish. together with any biographical notes desired for preservation. The compiler desires particularly to acknowledge his indebtedness tor the very considerable assistance rendered to him by Mr. Charles Francis Potter, of Boston, to whose indet:t’zable efforts (and at his own expense) many of the complete records of families in the work are due: ::1 to Mr. George Tolman, the accomplished genealogist of Concord, for his valuable aid, not forgetting also ~iittuck’s “History of Concord,” and Walcott’s “Concord in the Colonial Period,” — works to which every one must refer for information respecting Concord and its history. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CHARLES EDWARD POTTER AMOS BARRETT, No. 2812 CHARLES BARRETT, No. 1722 FOREST HALL, New Ipswich, N.H. . GEORGE BARRETT, No. 1718 | GEORGE H. BARRETT, No. 2937 Hon. JOS. BARRETT, No. 1911 Cart. RICHARD BARRETT, No. 2125 Masor SAMUEL BARRETT, No. 2717 WILLIAM BARRETT, No. 2148 Rev. NATHAN BROWN, D.D., No. 3514 Gen. GEORGE 8. GREENE, No. 17438 CHAS. A. JONES, No. 4773 Deacon CHAS. FRANCIS POTTER, No. 5211 HENRY POTTER, No. 5006 Frontispiece. Facing page 108 6 ee oe ee be ee 110 11] 112 113 114 116 117 118 120 123 15 126 127 OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. BARRETT. 8 NaMEs.? Nos. Brrrus.! | Dzatus.5 | MarnriaGEs.6 | To wHom MarRieD.7 Ay VY 5 |Humphrey Barrett, 1 | England, 1592 | Nov. 7, 1762 | | Mary ——; -1663.* . HUMPHREY AND MARY ( ) BARRETT. a? John, 2 | England, 5 | Thomas, 3 ee 1652 Elizabeth ——; -1690. 5 | Humphrey, Jr., 4 Be 1630 |Jan.3,1715-16 | July 17, 1661 | 1. Elizabeth Paine; -1694. 5 5 te Mar. 23, 1674-5| 2. Mary Potter. No. 545.1 THOMAS AND ELIZABETH ( ) BARRETT. 3. Oliver, | 6 | Concord, about 1648 | Sept. 13,1671 | Unmarried. Mary, i gs “* 1650 | July 18,1711 | Dec. 4, 1671 | James Smeadley; 1650-1724; son John and Ann. HUMPHREY AND ELIZABETH (PAINE) BARRETT. 4. | Mary, | 8 | Concord, Nov. 9, 1662 | 1688 | Mar. 4, 1688 | Josiah Blood. No. 51. HUMPHREY AND MARY (POTTER) BARRETT. 5-545. 5 | Joseph, Capt., 9 | Concord, Jan. 31,1679 | Apr. 4, 1763 | Dec. 24,1701 | Rebecca Minott. No. 506. 5 | Benjamin, 10 “he May 7, 1681 | Oct. 25,1728 | Jan. 3,1704-5-| Lydia Minott. No. 507. CAPT. JOSEPH AND REBECCA (MINOTT) BARRETT. 9-506 10 | Mary, 11 | Concord, Apr. 6, 1706 | Sept. 25,177 Dea. George Farrar. No. 301. Joseph, 12 ae Jan. 30, 1707-8 Married. Had/issue, two daughters. Rebecca (o issue), 13 oe July 12,1710 | Feb. 8, 1733 |Jan. 31,1731-2 | Elnathan Jones. 0. 4745. 16 | Oliver, Lieut., 14 ee Jan. 17,1712 | Apr. 4,1788 | Dec. 8, 1737 | Hannah Hunt; 1716-74; dau. John and Mary (Brown). 18 | Humphrey, 15 ‘ Aug. 28,1715 | Mar. 24,1783 | Dec. 9, 1742 | Elizabeth Adams; 1722-91; dau. Daniel and Elizabeth (Minott). 14 | Elizabeth, 16 es Jan. 9,1717 | Apr. 23, 1799 1736 | Col. Charles Prescott. No. 596. [CWheeler). 24 | John, 17 a Feb. 14, 1719-20 | Apr. 19, 1790 | Nov. 15,1744 | Lois Brooks; 1723-1805; dau. Joshua and Lydia Samuel, 18 oe July 6,1725 | Jan. 18, 1727-8 BENJAMIN AND LYDIA (MINOTT) BARRETT. 10-507. 23 | Benjamin, 19 | Concord, Nov. 15,1705 | Oct. 23,1738 | About 1730 | Rebecca Jones. No. 4278. 30 | Thomas, Dea., 20 es Oct. 2,1707 | June 20, 1779 ae 1730 | Mary Jones. No. 4281. 35 | James, Col., 21 te July 31,1710} Apr. 11,1779 | Dec. 21, 1732 | Rebecca Hubbard. No. 462. 10 | Lydia, 22 ee Aug. 2,1712; June, 1802 | Jan. 13,1732 | Dea. Samuel Farrar. No. 303. Rebecca, 23 a Mar. 29,1714 | Prob. young. 48 | Timothy, 24 - Jan. 2,1716 | Jan. 4, 1800 1. Mrs. Dina Witt; -1754. (no issue), 25 Sept. 27,1758 | 2. Anna Vaughn; -1779. (no issue), 26 3. Rebecca Brown. Mary, 27 e Dec. 27, 1717 1737 Aaron Parker; 1713-62. 48 | Stephen, 28 fs Apr. 18, 1720 May 15,1750 | Elizabeth (Hubbard) How. No. 464. Notrrs:— The Genealogical Tables are continued in this uniform manner throughout. 1 The figures to the left of the lines indicate the pages on which the descendants are recorded. 2 The names of the children of each family. 8 Numbers for reference to each name. 4 Places and dates of births. The places are in the State of Massachusetts, unless otherwise noted 5 Dates of deaths. 6 Dates of marriages. 7 To whom married. 8 Year of birth - year of death. - ® The numbers at the end of the lines, indicating heads of families, refer to their direct ancestry family. 10 Numbers following names in this manner indicate where the name may be found recorded in full. 5 BLOOD: 6 | James Blood, 29 | England, | Nov. 17, 1683 | | Ellen —; -1764. JAMES AND ELLEN ( ) BLOOD. 29. : 6 | James, { 30 Nov. 26, 1692 | Oct. 26, 1657 | 1. Hannah Purchiss; -1677; dau. Oliver, of Lynn. ; 31 Nov. 19, 1679 | 2. Isabel (Farmer) Wyman; dau. John Farmer. 6 | Richard, 32 Dec. 7, 1683 Isabel ——. John, 33 Oct. 30, 1692 | Unmarried. 6 | Robert, 34 Oct. 27,1701 | Apr. 8, 1653 | 1. Elizabeth Willard. No. 716. 35 Jan. 8, 1690 | 2. Hannah Parker; -1716. 9 | Mary, 36 | Concord, July 12, 1640 Dec. 12,1660 | Lieut. Simon Davis. No. 258. JAMES AND HANNAH (PURCHISS) BLOOD. 30. Sarah, 37 | Concord, Mar. 5, 1659-60 Capt. Will Wilson, of Concord. James, 38 | ee Aug. 26, 1663 Elenor, 39 He Aug. 1, 1674 Hannah, 40 “ Nov. 25, 1676 - RICHARD AND ISABEL ( ) BLOOD, 32. Mary, 41 Apr. 19, 1662 James, 42 Sept. 13,1692 | Sept. 7, 1669 | 1. Elizabeth Longley; dau. William, of Lynn. 43 Dec. 20, 1686 | 2. Abigail Kemp. Nathaniel, 44 June 13, 1670 | Hannah Parker; 1647-1728; dau. Capt. James. Elizabeth, 45 Dec. 1, 1686 | Thomas Tarbell; 1667-1719. ROBERT AND ELIZABETH (WILLARD) BLOOD. 34-716. Mary, 46 | Concord, Mar. 4, 1655 John Buttrick. No. 198. 8 | Elizabeth, 47 ee June 14,1656 | Mar. 7,1734 | Feb. 1, 1679 | Samuel Buttrick. No. 199. Sarah, 48 es Aug. 1, 1658 Daniel Colburn. 6 | Robert, 49 ae Dec. 20, 1660 * May 12, 1690 | Dorcas Wheeler. Simon, 50 ue July 5, 1662 | Apr. 4, 1692 | Unmarried. Josiah, 51 as Apr. 6, 1664 | July 2,1731 | Mar. 4, 1688 | 1. Mary Barrett. No. 8. 6 52 Feb. 3, 1690 | 2. Mary Torrey; 1657-; dau. James and Ann. John, 53 ue Oct. 29, 1667 | Oct. 24,1689 | Unmarried. Elenor, 54 ie Apr. 14,1669 | June 19, 1690 ss 6 | Samuel, 55 eS Oct. 16, 1672 Apr. 1,1701 | Hannah Davis. No. 270. 6 | James, 56 es Nov. 38,1673 | May 17, 1738 | Dec. 26,1701 | Abigail Wheeler; -1748. Ebenezer, 57 te July +4,1676 | Died young. Jonathan, 58 ee July 1,1679 | Jan. 5,1778 1. Sarah ——; -1715. 59 2. Abigail ; -1729. 60 Apr. 20, 1733 | 3. Rebecca Wood. ROBERT AND DORCAS (WHEELER) BLOOD. 49.. : Dorcas, 61 | Concord, Apr. 10, 1691 Thomas, 62 ae Oct. 11, 1692 | Dec. 28, 1692 Ebenezer, 63 ee Dec. 8, 1693 JOSIAH AND MARY (TORREY) BLOOD. 52. Elizabeth, 64 | Concord, May 2, 1692 | Oct. 10,1708 Mary, 65 ue May 2, 1692 Jan. 19,1714 | James Colburn. Josiah, 66 ee May 30, 1694 | Oct. 21,1711 John, 67 ee Apr. 6, 1696 Sarah ——. Abigail, 68 ee June 15, 1698 Robert, 69 e Apr. 26, 1700 Sarah ——. Ephraim, 70 te June 12, 1702 Stephen, 71 ee Feb. 22, 1703-4 Mary ——. Zachariab, 72 ee June 10, 1707 Feb. 9, 1737-8 | Elizabeth Wheeler. Elizabeth, 73 a July 7, 1709 Anna, 74 ee Mar. 30, 1712 SAMUEL AND HANNAH (DAVIS) BLOOD. 55-270. Hannah, 75 | Concord, Sept. 6, 1700 Elenor, 76 Be Feb. 10, 1701-2 Samuel, 77 es Jan. 19, 1703-4 Sarah, 78 oe Dec. 19,1705 | May 17,1769 |Jan. 23,1740-1 | Francis Wheeler. No. 661. Mary, 79 ee Jan. 18, 1707-8 Elizabeth, 80 * Apr. 20, 1710 Simon, 81 tp Dec. 28, 1712 Feb. 15, 1739 | Abigail Flint. ((Buttrick). Phineas, 82 os June 5, 1717 Oct. 16,1735 | Elizabeth Allen; 1717-; dau. Ebenezer and Eliz. Oliver, 83 es Sept. 20, 1719 Lucy, 84 ae July 26, 1723 JAMES AND ABIGAIL (WHEELER) BLOOD. 56. Abigail, 85 | Concord, July 30, 1703 James, 86 et Oct. 5,1705 | May 4, 1710 Simon, 87 ee Sept. 6, 1707 | Sept. 1711 James, 88 “e Mar. 23, 1710-11 | Jan. 10,1748 | Unmarried. Martha, 89 ce Feb. 9, 1712-13 Esther, 90 He Sept. 4, 1718 BROOKS. 6 |Capt. Thos. Brooks| 91 | a. | May 21, 1667 | | Grace —; -1664. CAPT. THOMAS AND GRACE ( ) BROOKS. 91. (Continued page 7.) Hannah, 92 Dec. 13, 1647 | Thomas Fox; -1664. 7 | Joshua, 93 Oct. 17, 1653 | Hannah Mason; dau. Capt. Hugh. 7 | Caleb, 94. 1632 Apr. 10, 1660 | 1. Susanna Atkinson; 1641-1668; dau. Thomas. 7 . { 95 2. Hannah Atkinson; 1643-; dau. Thomas. 7 | Gershom, 96 Mar. 12, 1666-7| Hannah Eckels; -1710-11; dau. Richard and Mary. Mary, 97 Oct. 4, 1693 | Capt. Timothy Wheeler. No. 629. Thomas, 98 > 6 Hugh, 99 | » : John, _ 100 JOSHUA AND HANNAH (MASON) BROOKS. 93. John, 101 1657 | May 18, 1697 Noah, 102 | Concord, 1666 | Feb. 1, 1739 1685 | Dorothy Potter. No. 543. 13 | Grace, 103 as Mar. 10, 1660-1 1753 1686 | Judah Potter. No. 546. [(Cooper). Daniel, 104 i Nov. 15, 1663 | Oct. 18,1733 | Aug. 9,1692 | Ann Meriam; 1669-1757; dau. John and Mary shoe 105 : May 5, 1666 | Sept. 9, 1671 tae 5 [Mary (Upham). tae he : duly ie mes 1742 | Aug. 17, 1692 | Benjamin Whittemore; 1669-1734; son John and ’ ec. Job, 108 oe July 26, 1675 | May 18, 1697 (Simonds). Hugh, 109 af Jan. 1, 1677 | Jan. 18, 1746 | Apr. 9,1701 | Abigail Barker; 1683-; dau. John and Judith Joseph, 110 ee 1681 | Sept. iy, 1759 | June 26, 1704 Rebecca Blodget. Hannah, 111 oe Benjamin Pierce. CALEB AND SUSANNA (ATKINSON) BROOKS. 94. Suen a Concord, ee a se a a 1686 | Unmarried. ary, ov. ied young Mary, M4) Apr. 3, 1666 | Aug. 22, 1736 Nathaniel Ball; 1663-1725; son Nathaniel and Mary. ebecca ov. ied young. Sarah, ” 116 “ Dec. 16, 1668 ‘ CALEB AND HANNAH (ATKINSON) BROOKS. 95. Ebenezer, 117 | Concord, Feb. 21, 1669-70 Samuel, 118 “ Sept. 1, 1672 : GERSHON AND HANNAH (ECKELS) BROOKS. 96. Mary, 119 | Concord, May 6, 1667 Edward Bridge. Hannah, 120 ss Mar. 24, 1668-9 | Dec. 12, 1696 [Abigail (Meriam). pooh a : ce a a Jan. 31,1703 | Abigail Bateman; 1677-1705; dau. Thomas and abatha, ar. Daniel, 123 es Mar. 14, 1678-9 | Elizabeth, 124 ey Feb. 18, 1680-1 | Apr. 15,1762 | Dec. 6, 1705 | Ebenezer Meriam; son John and Mary (Cooper). BROWN. 7 | Thomas Brown, | 125 | Nov. 3, 1688 | | Bridget —; -1700-1. THOMAS AND BRIDGET ( ) BROWN. 125. 7 | Boaz, 126 | Concord, Feb. 14, 1641-2 | Apr. 7, 1724 | Nov. 8, 1664 | Mary Winship; dau. Edward and Jane. ie ae . 188 Oct. 10, 1716 eee (Ballard) Wheat. abez, ¢ eborah ——. Mary, 129 es Mar. 26, 1646 June 21, 1669 | William Woodward. 7 | Eleazer, 130 ue July 6, 1649 Feb. 9, 1674-5 | Dinah Spalding. 7 | Thomas, 131 ee 1651 | Apr. 4,1718 | Nov. 12, 1677 | Ruth (Vinton) Jones. See No. 475. BOAZ AND MARY (WINSHIP) BROWN. 126. Boaz, 132 | Concord, July 31, 1665 Abigail ——. 7 phomas, i . my ys as May 13, 1739 Rachel Poulter. ary ct. Edward, ta a Mar. 20, 1672-3 |Mar.15, 1710-11 Elizabeth Hapgood erc May 137 “ May 24, 1678 : Jane, 138 | Stow, Sept. 4, 1684 JABEZ AND DEBORAH ( ) BROWN. 128. Thomas, Hi Apr. 3, 1706 . Hayward. abez arah ——. J osiah, 141 | Stow, June 23, 1685 Abigail. Mary 142 Sarah, 148 ELEAZER AND DINAH (SPALDING) BROWN. 130. ae Ve Chelmsford, a 4 pee Apr. 3, 1755 Abigail Chandler; -1768; dau. Roger. ina, € = Thomas, 146 ‘“ May 9, 1680 Benjamin, 147 ee Feb. 27, 1682-3 Bridget, 148 e July "t, 1685 Deliverance, 149 ae Dec. 4, 1689 THOMAS AND RUTH (JONES) BROWN. 131. 75 | Ruth, 150 | Concord, Feb. 8, 1678-9 | Mar. 22,1764 | Nov. 10, 1698 | Samuel Jones. No. 483. .| Mary, 151 ue Nov. 18, 1681 | July 14, 1750 John Hunt; -1765; son Nehemiah and Mary (Tool). Rebecca, 152 ae Mar. 5, 1683-4 Sept. 26, 1704 | Jonathan Hubbard. No. 450. 64 | Thomas, 153 Bs Aug. 28, 1686 |Mar.13, 1717-18) Nov. 22,1709 | Hannah Potter. No. 551. 64 | Ephraim, 154 ¢é Apr. 21,1689 Feb. 6, 1749-50} Aug. 28, 1719 | Hannah Wilson; -1768; dau. William. Elizabeth, 155 | te Mar. 8, 1691-2 | Dec. 28,1717 | Sept. 22,1713 | Jonathan Hartwell. No. 367. THOMAS AND RACHEL (POULTER) BROWN. 133. Rachel, 156 Concord, Feb. 16, 1691-2. | Mar.4, 1691-2 10 | Mary, 157 Mar. 20, 1692-3 Junel5,1717-18; Thomas Flint. No. 330. 54 | John, 158 Ze wet es Mar. 6, 1750 |Feb.23, 1714-15 ee Potter. No. 555. Rachel 159 ae ar. , onathan Harris. Jonathan, 160 te Jae = oF ee aa Sept. 5, 1718 | Sibell Dudley. 6c . 28, aaa ie te Tne 5, 1702 ae — Russell. Abigail, 163 a Mar. 12, 1703-4 Jonathan Davis. . Dinah, 164 6 Feb. 12, 1705-6 Nov. 18, 1735 | Henry Jefts. Thomas, 165 us Dec. 24, 1707 1762 | Feb. 18,1729 | Mary Holyoke. : Mercy, 166 us Apr. 22,1710 | June 10, 1737 David Whitaker. 7 B UbLKE LEY. : About 1613 | 1. Jane Allen; dau. Sir Thomas, of Goldington, Eng. 8 Paneer ee England, Jan. 31, 1582-3 | Mar. 9, 1658-9 8 168 ‘1634 | 2. Grace Chetwoode; dau. Sir Rich’rd ,Chetwoode, ‘ REV. PETER AND JANE (ALLEN) BULKELEY. 167. 8 | Edward, Rev. 169 | England, | Jan. 2, 1696 Thomas, 170 ; Sarah Jones; dau. Rev. John Jones. John, Rev. 171 | 1689 Joseph, 172 William, 173 | Richard, 174 | REV. PETER AND GRACH (CHETWOODE) BULKELEY. 168. 8 | Gershon, M. D. 175 | Concord, 1636 | Dec. 2,1713 | Oct. 26, 1659 | Sarah Channey; 1631-; dau. Dr. Chas. and Catharine Eleazer, 176 a [(Eyre). 8 | Peter, Maj. 177 st Aug. 12,1643 | May 24,1688 | Apr. 16, 1667 | Rebecca Wheeler. No. 687. Dorothy, 178 et Aug. 2, 1640 REV. EDWARD AND ( ) BULKELEY. 169. John, 179 | Concord, , Peter, 180 es Jan. 3, 1640-1 Jane (no issue), 181 as Apr. 28,1706 |Mar. 20, 1683-4) Capt. Ephraim Flint. No. 328. Elizabeth, 182 ge Dec. 7, 1665 | 1. Rev. Joseph Emerson; -1680. 183 2. John Brown, of Reading, Mass. DR. GERSHON AND SARAH (CHANNEY) BULEKELEY. 175. Peter, 184 | Concord, Nov. 7, 1660 Edward, 185 ee July 14,1702 | Dorothy Prescott. No. 586. Charles, 186 oe John, 187 me _ MAJ. PETER AND REBECCA (WHEELER) BULKELEY. 177. Edward, 188 | Concord, Mar. 18, 1667-8 | Died young. Joseph, Capt. 189 ue Sept. 7, 1670 May 12,1691 | 1. Rebecca (Jones) Minott. No. 481. 190 2. Silence Jeffrey. John, 191 ee July 10, 1673 Abigail —_. 14 | Rebecca, 192 a Aug. 24, 1181 July 9,1701 | Jonathan Prescott, Jr. No. 584. BUTTRICK. 8 | Wm. Buttrick, 193 | England, About 1617 | June 30, 1698 1. Mary ——~. a 194 1646 | 2. Sarah Bateman; -1664. 195 Feb. 21, 1667 | 3. Jane Goodnow. WILLIAM AND SARAH (BATEMAN) BUTTRICK. 193. Mary, 196 | Concord, Sept. 19,1648 | Nov. 1, 1648 William, 197 ee Jobn, 198 a Sept. 21, 1653 Mary Blood. No. 46. § | Samuel, 199 et Jan. 12, 1654-5 | Aug. 8, 1726 1677 | Elizabeth Blood. No. 47. Edward, 200 oe Jan. 6, 1656-7 |Jan. 15, 1656-7 Joseph, 201 ef Oct. 29,1657 | Apr. 21, 1726 Sarah, 202 es July 27, 1662 —— Barrett (probably John Barrett, of Chelmsford). . Mary, 203 es June 17, 1664 | Apr. 21, 1665 SAMUEL AND ELIZABETH (BLOOD) BUTTRICK. 199-47. - | Elizabeth, 204 | Concord, Aug. 25, 679 Samuel, 205 ef Jan. 31, 1681-2 [munds). William, 206 es Apr. 15, 1683 | Sept. 16, 1711 Mercy Hett; 1680-; dau. Thomas and Dorothy (Ed- Sarah, 207 a Noy. 7, 1684 ; 10 | Abigail, 208 ee Nov. 21, 1687 | Oct. 7,1746 | May 7,1713 | John Flint. No. 328. 8 | Jonathan, Dea. 209 ee Apr. 4, 1690 | Mar. 23, 1767 | Dec. 19, 1718 | Elizabeth Wooley; -1772. DEA. JONATHAN AND ELIZABETH (WOOLEY) BUTTRICK. 209. Samuel, 210 | Concord, Nov. 16,1718 | Jan. 14, 1814 | Sept. 18,1744 | Lucy Wheeler; 1723-1803. Mary, 211 ee Apr. 18, 1720 Jonathan, Capt. 212 ee Jan. 30, 1721-2 | May 18,1775 ; July 14,1756 | Mary Brown. No. 3624. Joseph, 213 es Jan. 9, 1723-4 | Dec. 29, 1803 | July 23,1751 | Sarah Brown. No. 3625. [ter). No. 556. Nathan, 214 Ke Sept. 27, 1725 | Dec. 25, 1812 | Dec. 12, 1757 | Grace Whecler; 1730-; dau. Joseph and Sarah (Pot- Elizabeth, 215 ee Aug. 21, 1727 Dec. 21, 1753 | Charles Flint. No. 346. f Abigail, 216 ee Aug. 20, 1729 se Jobn, Maj. 217 fe July 20,1731 | May 16,1791 | June 24, 1760 | Abigail Jones. Rachel, 218 ee Nov. 12, 1733 ; Ephraim, 219 of Feb. 15, 1735-6 | Apr. 15, 1785 | Unmarried. Daniel, . 220 a Apr. 3, 1738 | Feb. 24, 1743 ast Lois, 221 gs June 2,1740 | Apr. 27,1783 | Unmarried. Gi Sarah, 222 ts Aug. 10, 1742 | July 12, 1827 Willard, 223 ee Nov. 12, 1746 Nov. 22, 1769 | Esther Blood; 1748-1775; dau. John and Esther. Aly 994 | First generation, Roger Conant, from England. CONAN 225 Second generation, Lot and Elizabeth (Walton) Conant. 226 | Third generation, John and Bethiah (Mansfield) Conant, of Beverly, Mass. 997 | Fourth generation, Lot and Martha (Cleaves) Conant, of Beverly, Mass. 8 998 | Fifth generation, Andrew and Elizabeth ( ) Conant, of Concord, Mass. ANDREW AND ELIZABETH ( ) CONANT. 228 (Continued page 9.) "| Blizab th, 229 | Concord, Feb. 10, 1723-4 nah (Dakiny, 9 ae 230 st Aug. 22, 1725 | Sept. 17, 1805 | Nov. 30, 1748 | 1. Ruth Brooks; 1729-1770; dau. Phone a Han 9 j 931 2. Mary ——; -1818; @. 84. Nathan, 232 fe Feb. 2, 1730-1 | July 30, 1733 Keziah, 233 ts Feb. 1, 1732-3 : Nathan, 234 ae Mar. 18, 1734-5 | Died young. Lydia, 235 a Oct. 27, 1737 9 | Silas, 236 6é Aug. 15,1740 | Apr. 3, 1803 Dec. 30, 1762 | Lois Potter. No. 567. 8 Eli, 237 Concord, Mar. 16, 1741-2 | May 26,1801 | Dec. 23, 1767 | Elizabeth Gardner. Ruth, 238 Mar. 25, 1745 | Mar. ‘14? 1760 | . Abel, 238 ce Apr. 5, 1747 May 77,1771 | Catharine Johnson; -1780. Nathan, 239 ce June 23) 1751 | ee ANDREW AND RUTH (BROOKS) CONANT. 230. | Zebulon, 240 | Concord, Oct. 29, 1749 | | ANDREW AND MARY ( ) CONANT. 231. Nathan, 241 | Concord, Sept. 30, 1777 Andrew, 242 a May 17,1773 | Jan. 31,1813 | June 16, 1803 | Lydia Miles; 1780-1825; dau. Oliver and Martha. Thaddeus, 243 aE Nov. 1,1771 | Jan., = 1808 5 SILAS AND LOIS (POTTER) CONANT. 236-567. Elizabeth, 244 | Acton, Oct. 7, 1764 67 | Samuel Potter, 245 wt Mar. 27, 1767 | Nov. 6, 1815 | Oct. 28,1789 | Rebecca Tuttle; 1766-1835; dau. Simon and Rebecca. Keziah, 246 oi Sept. 29, 1769 Dec. 29, 1791 | Elisha Jones. Charlotte, 247 es Apr. 4 1772 Apr. oe 1791 | Joseph Dole. ‘ [Lucy (Conant). 68 | Lois, 248 i July 5, 1774 | Oct. 31,1841 | Aug. 27,1795 | Capt. Reuben Hayward; 1767-1838; son Josiah and 68 | Silas, 249 a Oct. 25,1776 | May 18, 1840 Aug. 1 1796 | 1. Abigail Lawrence; 1778-1805. [(Conant). 69 250 May 5, 1807 | 2. Mary Hayward, 1775-1855 ; dau. Josiah and Lucy Andrew, 251 ee Mar. 9,1782 | Feb. 8, 1803 69 | James, * 252 ee May 26, 1788 Nov. 4, 1810 | Seba Davis. DAY LS: 9 | Dolor Davis, | 253 | England, about 1600 | June, 1673 1624 | 1. Margery Willard. No. 697. [Hull. (no issue), 254 2. Joanna (Hull) Bursley; 1620-; dau. Rev. James DOLOR AND MARGERY (WILLARD) DAVIS. 253-697. John, 255 England, about 1626 1703 |Mar.15,1648-9 | Hannah Lynnell; dau. Robert. Mary, 256 s © 1631 June 15, 1653 | Thomas Lewis; son George. Elizabeth, 257 a ‘* 1633 | Died young. 9 | Simon, Lieut., 258 | America, “¢ 1636 | June 14, 1713 | Dec. 12,1660 | Mary Blood. No. 36. 9 | Samuel, 259 ee Jan. 11, 1665-6 | 1. Mary Medows; -~1710. 260 Oct. 18,1711 | 2. Ruth Taylor; -1720. Ruth, 261 ne Stephen Hall. LIBUT. SIMON AND MARY (BLOOD) DAVIS. 258-36. 9 | Simon, M. D., 262 | Concord, Oct. 12, 1661 Feb. 14, 1689 | 1. Elizabeth Woodhis; -1711; dau. Henry. ; 263 Oct. 19,1714 | 2. Mary Wood. Mary, 264 " Oct. 3, 1663 May 28, 1691 | Deliverance Wheeler, of Stow. Sarah, 265 ay Mar. 11, 1665-6 Nov. 13, 1695 | Thomas Wheeler, of Concord. James, 266 ie Jan. 19,1668 | Sept., 1727 1701 | Ann Smedley; -1760. Elenor, 267 es Oct. 22, 1672 May 14, 1699 | Samuel Hunt. Ebenezer, 268 ne June 1, 1676 1. Dinah —. 269 2. Mrs. Sarah French; -1751. 6 | Hannah, 270 ue Apr. 1, 1679 Apr. 1,1701 | Samuel Blood. No. 55. eek DR. SIMON AND ELIZABETH (WOODHIS) DAVIS. 262. John, M. D., 271 | Concord, Nov. 19,1689 | Nov. 16,1762 | Dec. 17,1713 | Abigail Dudley. 69 | Simon, 272 ne Sept. 7, 1692 June 1,1719 | Hannah (Potter) Brown. No. 552. Henry, 273 os Feb. 23, 1694-5 Elizabeth, 274 ef Mar. 28, 1698 | Nov. 15, 1706 Mary, 275 a Noy. 8, 1701 Samuel, 276 He Mar. 6, 1703 Eleanor, 277 ae Mar. 4, 1705-6 Peter,’ 278 se Sept. 25, 1707 SAMUEL AND MARY (MEDOWS) DAVIS. 259. a Mercy, 279 | Concord, Sept. 27, 1666 | Dec. 18, 1667 Samuel, 280 a Jan. 21, 1669 Mar. 2, 1697-8 | 1. Abigail Read; -1709. 281 1710 | 2. Mary Law. Daniel, 282 et Mar. 26, 1673 | Feb. 11,1741 | Apr. 27, 1699 | Mary Hubbard. No. 449. Mary, 283 ce Aug. 12, 1677 Apr. 26, 1699 | John Stearns. 70 | Eleazer, 284 te May 26,1680 | Aug. 10,1721 | May 17,1705 | Eunice Potter. No. 549. Simon, Lieut., 285 ti July 9, 1683 | Feb. 16, 1763 1713 | Dorothy ——; -1776. Stephen, 286 a Mar. 30, 1686 Mar. 26,1713 | Elizabeth Fletcher. RPARRAR. John Farrar 287 hem Nov. 3, 1669 9 | Jacob Farrar, | aga \ Propr’s, Lancaster, 1653 | “Aug 14° 1677 | About 1640 | Anu —. ; JACOB AND ANN ( ) FARRAR. 288. 9 | Jacob, 289 | England, about 1642 | Aug. 14, 1677 About 1668 | Hannah Hayward. No. 389. John, 290 June 30, 1667 | Mary ——. Henry, 291 Feb. 10, 1675-6 Mary, 992 Feb, 22,1671-2 | John Houghton, Jr. Joseph, 293 | Lancaster, Aug. 22, 1675 JACOB AND HANNAH (HAYWARD) FARRAR. 289-389. Jacob, 294 Lancaster, Apr. 29, 1669 | Apr. 29, 1722 1692 | Susanna Redit; -1737-8. 9 | George, 295 Aug. 16, 1670 | May 15,1760 | Sept. 9, 1692 | Mary Howe, -1761. John, 296 ee 1672 | Aug. 19,1707 | Dec. 6, 1699 | Elizabeth Meriam. Henry, 297 ae 1674 Joseph, 298 ee GEORGE AND MARY (HOWB) FARRAR. 295. (Continued page 10.) Joseph, 299 Concord, Feb. 28, 1693-4 | About 1731 1715 | Mary —— Daniel, 300 Nov. 30, 1696 1755 Hannah Fletcher. 10 | George, Dea., 301 Liseein Feb. 16, 1705 | May 28, 1777 Mary Barrett. No. 11. 9 Mary, 302 Lincoln, Oct. 12, 1706 | Sept. 29, 1759 Nathan Brown; 1704-; son Eleazer and Abigail 10 | Samuel, Dea., 303 . Sept. 28,1708 | Apr. 17,1783 | Jan. 13,1732 | Lydia Barrett. No. 22. [(Chandler). No. 144. DEA. GEORGE AND MARY (BARRETT) FARRAR. 301-11. Rebecca, 304 | Concord, Jan. 18, 1729 | Feb. 7, 1749 | Timothy Brown. No. 3629. Geo., Rev, (no issue),| 305 a Nov. 23,1730 | Sept. 17, 1756 a ae - a uly a 1732 re oo ae Apr. 8, 1756 | Nathan Parks; -1771. arah, ug. 11, 1733 | July 28, Sarah 308 | Oct. 4.1736 Elizabeth, 309 *e Feb. 2, 1738-9 May 3, 1763 | Stephen Hosmer, Jr. No. 441. Humphrey, 310 ts Feb. 28, 1740-1 Apr. 26,1770 | Lucy Farrar. No. 318. dosep ly Rev., a e6 Jan. 20,1744 ) Apr. 5, a July 28,1779 | Mary Brooks; 1755-1854. ove, : ne June 13, 1749 | Sept. 9, 1756 DEA. SAMUEL “AND LYDIA (BARRETT) FARRAR. 303-22. Lydia, 313 | Lincoln, Sept. 2, 1735 Mar. 6,1755 | William Bond. 73 | Samuel, Dea., 314 ee Feb. 14, 1737 | Sept. 19, 1829 | Oct. 18,1772 | Mercy Hoar; -1829. ’ Pp ? 2 y BieP et Rev., oe ie Sept. 8, 1738 | June 23, oe rie Eunice Brown; -1818. and H m, ames 316 te July 24,1741 | July 11,176 Unmarried. and Hannah. Rebecea, 317 . hoe 13, 1748 sree 1, 1829 | Nov. 29, 1764 | John Preston, M. D.; 1738-1803; son Capt. Samuel Lucy, 318 a Apr. 27,1745 | Jan. 1832 | Apr. 26,1770 | Humphrey Farrar. No. 310. 73 Timothy, 319 et June 28, 1747 | Feb. 21, 1849 | Oct. 14,1779 | Anna Bancroft; -1817. Mary, 320 es July 5,1754 | Sept. 2, 1756 LIND. 10 | Thomas Flint, | 321 | 1603 | Oct. 8, 1658 | | Abigail —, -1689. THOMAS AND ABIGAIL ( ) PLINT. 321. 10 | John, Col., 322 | Concord, Dec. 5, 1686 |] Nov. 12, 1667 | Mary Oakes; -1690; dau. Edward and Jane. Eph’m,Cap. (noissue),| 323 fe Jan. 14,1642 | Aug. 3, 1723 |Mar. 20, 1683-4; Jane Bulkeley. No. 181. COL. JOHN AND MARY (OAKES) FLINT. 322. Mary, 324 | Concord, Oct. 26,1668 | May 31, 1675 ai aoe *6 Dec. 12, 1670 | May 29, 1675 fand Mary (M. ) ohn 26 eS Mar. 31, 1673 | June 6, 1675 an ary (Mason). Abigail, 327 os Jan. 11, 1674-5 Nov. 21,1701 | Capt. Daniel Esterbrook; 1677-1737; son Rev. Jos. 10 | John, 328 ee July 18,1677 | Oct. 25,1746 | May 7,1713 | Abigail Buttrick. No. 208. Mary, 329 ee Aug. 11,1680 | May 24, 1748 Timothy Green. 10 | Thomas, 330 a Jan. 16, 1682-3 | Apr. 1, 1755 Jan.15,1717-18} Mary Brown. No. 157. Edward, 331 st July 6,1685 | Nov. 15, 1754 Love (Minott) Adams. No. 515. JOHN AND ABIGAIL (BUTTRICK) FLINT. 328-208. ee 332 | Concord, Mar. 4, 1718-14 | Dec. 26, 1762 | Mar. 31,1743 | Ruth Wheeler. bigail, 333 ee Feb. 24, 1715-16 ay 334 oe Dec. 17, 1717 | May 20, 1719 [Abigail (Chandler). No. 144 arah , 335 Be May 3, 1720 igai andler). o. 144. John, 336 eo May 12,1722 | Jan. 20,1792 |Jan.12,1744-5 | 1. Hepzibah Brown; 1725-1785; dau. Eleazer and 337 2. Submit (Bateman) Hunt; dau. John and Anna Hannah, 338 & Sept. 23, 1724 [CWheeler) Bateman. Jane, 339 ee Apr. 23, 1727 THOMAS AND MARY (BROWN) FLINT. 330-157. Dorothy, 340 | Concord, Oct. 1, 1718 Thom a | © Apr. 19) 1739 Thomas, pr. Lucy, 343 ‘“ Oct. 3,725 | Aug. 30, 1727 seaee, eateaeal Henr 344 ef Apr. 6, 1724 Feb. 19, 175 ara. eeler. J oaial: 345 ee Mar. 13, 1726-7 | Dec. 9, 1783 | Dec. 8, 1763 | Hannah Meriam; -1789. Charles, 346 . July 27,1729 | Sept. 11,1758 | Dec. 21,1753 | Elizabeth Buttrick. No. 215. [CWheeler). John, 347 cs May 23,1731 Apr. 24,1759 | Mary Bateman; 1739-40-; dau. John and Anna Edward, M. D., 348 #8 Mar. 28,1735 | Nov. 13, 1818 | Jan. 8, 1758 | Mary How; -1817; dau. Daniel. Ruth, 349 ee 1766 | Capt. Bardwell Smith. ——— HARTWELL. 10 | William Hartwell,) 350 | | Mar. 12, 1690 | | Jasan ——; -1695. 7 ; “WILLIAM AND JASAN ( ) HARTWELL. 350. 10 | John, 351 | Concord, Feb. 23, 1640-1 | Jan. 12,1702-3|) June 1, 1662 | 1. Priscilla Wright; —1681. 10 { 352 2. Elizabeth ——; -1704. 10 | Samuel, 353 tie Mar. 26, 1645 Oct. 26,1665 | Ruth Wheeler. No. 633. Jonathan, co Z Nathaniel, 5: Martha, oe - Apr. 25, 1649 season Hilt Mary, onathan Hill. Sarah, 358 ne _ JOHN AND PRISCILLA (WRIGHT) HARTWELL. 351. Ebenezer, 359 | Concord, Feb. 23, 1666-7 Mar. 17, 1690-1] Sarah Smedley. John, Jr., 360 ee Apr. 15, 1669 June 7, 1697 | Sarah Shepard; 1674-; dau. Abraham. Samuel, 361 te Oct. 9, 1673 | Dec. 31, 1694 Sarah, 362 Be Apr. 12, 1677 Apr. 19, 1698 | Ebenezer Lamson. Joseph, 363 Be Jan. 24,1680 | Nov. 38,1748 Ruhamah Cutter. William, 364 oe Feb. 20, 1678-9 JOHN AND ELIZABETH ( ) HARTWELL. 352. i h, 365 | Concord, Dec. 23, 1684 Hawa 366 | May 23, 1689 ; 367 “ Feb. 15, 1691-2 Sent. 22,1713 | 1. Elizabeth Brown. No. 155. OEE ; 368 ‘ ; | , 2. Sarah Wheeler SAMUEL AND RUTH (WHEELER) HARTWELL. 353. (Continued page 11.) | Samuel, | 369 | Concord, Oct. 6, 1666 | Nov. 27, 1744 | Nov. 23, 1692 | Abigail Stearns; -1709. 10 Mary, 370 | Concord, Feb. 16, 1667-8 Ruth, 371 ee Oct. 17, 1669 William, 372 tS Aug. 19, 1671 | Dec. 11, 1742 Ruth —. _ John, 373 es June 18, 1673 11 | Hannah 374 es Oct. 8, 1675 | Jan. 5, 1755 |Feb. 13,1695-6 | Thomas Hosmer. No. 425. Elizabeth, 375 «“ Oct. 23) 1677 Sarah, 376 Me July 10, 1679 Abigail, 377 ee May 1, 1681 Rebecca, j 378 es Feb. 14, 1682-3 | Mar. 29,1776 | Oct. 28,1705 | 1. Simeon Hayward. No. 408. 379 2. —— Temple. Jane, 380 ee Noy. 30, 1684 . Joseph, 881 a Apr. 23, 1691 |Mar. 16, 1693-4 Jonathan, 382 te 11 | Geo. Hayward, | 383 | Mar. 29, 1671 | | Mary ——; -1692-3. GEORGE AND MARY ( ) HAYWARD. 383. Mary, 384 11 | John, 385 | Concord, Dec. 20, 1640 June 2, 1671 | Anna White. 11 | Joseph, { 386 Mar. 26, 1643 | Oct. 13,1714 | Oct. 26,1665 | 1. Hannah Hosmer. No. 418. i 387 ee Mar. 23, 1676 | 2. Elizabeth Treadwell. Sarah, 388 se Mar. 19, 1645 9 | Hannah, 389 ue Feb. 20, 1646-7 Jacob Farrar. No. 289. Simeon, 390 et Jan. 22, 1648-9 Elizabeth ——. George, 391 ee July 2,1654 | Dec. 16,1675 | Unmarried. JOHN AND ANNA (WHITE) HAYWARD. 385. Mary,. 392 | Concord, Dec. 5, 1671 George, 393 ue July 20, 1673 Jan. 17, 1695-6 | Hannah Chadwick; dau. John and Sarah. Mary, 394 tt May 13, 1677 Oct. 31,1698 | John Willard. No. 708. Judith, 395 ti Apr. 25, 1675 Aug. 30, 1699 | Philip Goss. James, 396 se Jan. 27, 1678-9 John, 397 sie June 7, 1680 Feb. 17, 1708-9 | Susanna Dakin; 1689-; dau. John and Sarah. Hannah, 398 sg Aug. 30, 1682 Sarah, 399 ee June 16, 1689 . JOSEPH AND HANNAH (HOSMER) HAYWARD. 386-418. Joseph, 400 | Concord, Aug. 17, 1666 Mary, 401 of Sept. 27, 1667 John, 402 et Feb. 2, 1669 Hannah, 403 ae June 14, 1670 George, 404 ae Mar. 3, 1672 Dorothy, 405 of Jan. 23, 1673-4 JOSEPH AND ELIZABETH (TREADWELL) HAYWARD. 387. Ebenezer, 406 | Concord, June 22, 1679 James, 407 fs May 1, 1681 Simeon, 408 uo June, 1683 | May 18,1719 | Oct. 23,1705 | Rebecca Hartwell. No. 378. Abial, 409 ee Sept. 12, 1691 a4: ELO Ss INE BE... James Hosmer, (| 410 | England, 1607 | Feb. 7, 1685 1. Ann —- -1608. 11 411 2. Mary ——; -1641. 11 412 3. Ellen or Alice ——; -1646. JAMES AND MARY ( ) HOSMER. 411. _ Mary, 413 About 1633 | Died young. Ann, 414 ‘© 1635 11 | James, 415 1637 | April, 1676 | Oct. 18,1658 | Sarah White; dau. John. Mary, 416 | Concord, Jan. 10, 1639-40 | Aug. 18, 1642 JAMES AND ELLEN ( ) HOSMER. 412. 11 |; Stephen, 417 | Concord, Nov. 27, 1642 | Dec. 15,1714 May 24,1667 | Abigail Wood. No. 730. 11 | Hannah, 418 te 1644 | Dec. 15, 1675 | Oct. 26,1665 | Joseph Hayward. No. 386. Mary, 419 se Apr. 14,1646 | Oct. 1, 1719 Thomas Smith; 1640-; son Thos. and Mary (Knapp). JAMES AND SARAH (WHITE) HOSMER. 415. James, 420 | Concord, Oct. 23, 1660 Mary, 421 ee Apr. 26, 1664 | Dec. 24, 1725 Samuel Wright. Dorothy, 422 es June 10, 1667 Jan. 22, 1667-8 Hannah, 423 Oct. 2,1669 | Dec. 9, 1672 Sarah, 424 ae 1771 | Apr. 7,1724 | June 8, 1681 | Capt. Thomas How; 1656-1733; son John and Mary. 11 | Thomas, 425 ne July 6,1672 ; Nov. 2, 1754 |Feb.13,1695-6 | Hannah Hartwell. No. 374. STEPHEN AND ABIGAIL (WOOD) HOSMER. 417-730. Mary, 426 | Concord, May 2, 1668 Jan. 27, 1690 | 1. Samuel Wheeler. No. 648. j 497 Dec. 5,1721 | 2. John Bellows. 15 | Abigail, 428 a Nov. 6,1669 Dec. 27,1717 | Aug. 14, 1695 | George Wheeler. No. 646. ((Bannister).. John, 429 a Aug. 31, 1671 1751 | May 12,1699 | Mary Billings; 1680-1-; dau. Nathaniel and Jane. Ruth, 430 ee Aug. 28, 1675 Dorothy, 431 oe Dec. 10, 1677 . Mar. 8,1711 | John Wheeler. (Bannister). 12 | Stephen, 432 a June 27, 1680 Feb. 26,1707 | Prudence Billings; -1770; dau. Nathaniel and Jane James, 433 ee ) June 27, 1685 | Sept. 28, 1685 Hannah, 434 cs Dec. 9, 1682 . THOMAS AND HANNAH (HARTWELL) HOSMER. 425-374. Hannah, 435 Sarah, 436 73 | Thomas, 437 1710 1731 | Prudence Hosmer. No. 440. Mary, 438 cae : : James, 439 1708 Elizabeth Davis. _ 11 STEPHEN AND PRUDENCE (BILLINGS) HOSMER. 4832. 73 | Prudence, 440 |! Thomas Hosmer. No. 487. Stephen, Capt., 441 | 1. Meliscent Wood. 67 442 1709 2. Elizabeth Farrar. No. 309. Jonathan, 443 Josiah, 444 Jane, 445 Ephraim, 446 | HUBBARD. | First generation, | George and Mary Hubbard, of Glastonbury, Conn. 12 | Second te 447 | John and Mary (Meriam) Hubbard, of Hartford, Conn. JOHN AND MARY (MERIAM) HUBBARD. 447. : 12 | Jonathan, 448 | Jan. 3, 1659 | July 1, 1728 |Mar. 14, 1681-2| Hannah Rice; dau. Samuel and Eliz. (King). JONATHAN AND HANNAH (RICE) HUBBARD. 448. Mary, 449 | Concord, June 38, 1682 Apr. 27, 1699 | Daniel Davis. No. 282. Jonathan, 450 ee Aug. 18, 1683 Rebecca Brown. No. 152. [orah. Hannah, 451 ee Apr. 20,1685 | May 23, 1725 John Temple; 1680-1-1734; son Abraham and Deb- Samuel, 452 se Apr. 27,1687 | Dec. 12,1753 | Dec. 8, 1709 | 1. Sarah Clark; 1681-1720; dau. Samuel and Rachel. 453 ‘ ._— [becca (Minott). 12 | Joseph, Capt., 454 ee Feb. 8, 1688-9 | Apr. 10, 1768 | Nov. 10, 1713 | Rebecca Bulkeley; 1696-1772; dau. Joseph and Re- Elizabeth, 455 se June 16, 1691 | Dec. 25, 1757 |Jan. 12, 1709-10] Samuel Heywood; 1687-1750; son John and Sarah. John, 456 ee Mar. 12, 1692-3 Nov. 14, 1716 | Hannah Blood. [CWooster). Daniel, 457 ie Nov. 20, 1694 Dec. 5,1717 | Dorothy Dakin; 1698; dau. Joseph and Dorothy 12 | Thomas, 458 es Aug. 27, 1696 Mary ——. Abigail, 459 es Jan. 23, 1698 Jan. 18, 1721-2 | Samuel Fletcher. [(Barron). Ebenezer, 460 es Dec. 28, 1700 | May 21, 1755 Mary Billings; 1704-1763; dau. Samuel and Mary CAPT. JOSEPH AND REBECCA (BULKELEY) HUBBARD. 454. Joseph, 461 | Concord, Jan. 11, 1714-15 E Aug. 18, 1743 | Abigail Brown. 35 | Rebecca, 462 ee July 11,1717 | Oct. 18,1806 | Dec. 21,1732 | Col. James Barrett. No. 21. Elizabeth, 463 ee Sept. 25,1720 | May 12, 1802 | Mar. 24,1740 | 1. Israel How. 48 464 May 15,1750 | 2. Stephen Barrett. No. 28. Lucy, 465 et Dec. 14, 1722 Abigail, 466 ne Feb. 20, 1724-5 Mar. 15, 1742 | David Howe. Peter, 467 $e Nov. 14,1727 | Apr. 6,1753 | Dec. 20,1750 | Mary Adams; 1730-; dau. Daniel and Eliz. (Minott). Thomas, Capt., 468 es June 8, 1730 Noy. 1, 1753 | Abigail Brown; 1733-; d. Eph’m & Abigail(Wheeler). Lucy, 469 ee June 8, 1730 | Oct. 12,1810 | Dec. 12,1749 | John Adams; 1723-; son John and Love (Minott). Hannah, 470 s Jan. 18, 1735-6 May 19, 1757 | Benjamin Estabrook. THOMAS AND MARY ( ) HUBBARD. 457. | Nathan, 471 | Concord, Feb. 23, 1723-4 | Apr. 2, 1745 | Mary Patterson. Mary, 472 es June 21, 1725 JONES. 12 | John Jones, 473 | | June 22, 1673 | | Dorcas —; -1709. (She married 24 Wm. Buss.) JOHN AND DORCAS ( ) JONES. 473. 12 | Samuel, 474 | Cambridge, 1648 1717 | Jan. 16, 1672 | Elizabeth Potter. No. 544. [No. 131.) 12 | Ephraim, 475 | Concord, June 6, 1650 1676 | May 7, 1673 | Ruth Vinton. (She married 2d Thomas Brown. Elizabeth, 476 Feb. 12, 1652 Dec. 21, 1671 | Joseph Buss; 1649-1680; son William and Ann. Joseph, 477 me June 8, 1654 [CWheeler). 12 | John, 478 te July 6,1656 | Feb. 14,1725-6| May 5,1681 | Sarah Farwell; 1662-; daughter John and Sarah Dorcas, 479 ee May 19, 1659 June 12, 1697 | Samuel Stone. Rebecca, 480 a Mar. 8, 1662-3 | July 17,1712 | Feb. 9, 1688 | 1. James Minott. 481 2. Capt. Joseph Bulkeley. No. 189. SAMUEL AND ELIZABETH (POTTHR) JONES. 474-544. Susanna, 482 | Concord, 1673 | Died young. 75 | Samuel. 483 et Sept. 5, 1674 | Nov. 5,1755 | Nov. 10, 1698 | Ruth Brown. No. 150. 82 | Nathaniel, 484 ee 1676 | Mar. 22,1745 | Sept. 1, 1696 | Mary Rait, 1675-1740); dau. John and Susanna. 83 | Ephraim, 485 i Apr. 30,1679 | Oct. 7,1710 | Apr. 18,1701 | Hepzabah Chandler. Joseph, 486 es July 25, 1682 1705 | Hannah ——. John, 487 a 1684 Unmarried. EPHRAIM AND RUTH (VINTON) JONES. 475. _ John, 488 | Concord, Mar. 23, 1674 [(Sparhawk). Mary, 489 ee Mar. 2, 1677 ; Sept. 26, 1696 | Joseph Adams; 1673-1718; son Samuel and Hester JOHN AND SARAH (FARWELL) JONES. 478. / Sarah, 490 | Concord, June 4, 1686 Dec. 20, 1705 | Daniel Hoar; -1773; son Daniel and Mary (Stratton). John, 491 ee Jan: 6,1690 | Mar. 12, 1762 | July 25,1716 | Anna Brooks; 1695-1753; dau. Daniel and Ann Timothy, 492 oe Apr. 6, 1694 [Mar. 10, 1697-8 ((Meriam). Bartholemew, 493 ee Feb. 15, 1696-7 | Sept. 16, 1738 | July 4, 1720 | Ruth Stow; 1701-2-; dau. Nath’] and Ruth Ain. MINOTT. 12 | George Minott, | 494 | England, Aug. 4, 1504 | Dec. 24, 1671 | | Martha —; -1657. GEORGE AND MARTHA ( ) MINOTT. 494. 12 | John, Capt., 495 Apr. 2, 1626 | Aug. 12, 1669 | May 19, 1647 | 1. Lydia Butler; -1667; dau. Nicholas and Joice. 496 2. Mary ee -1676; dau. John Dassett. James, 497 Dec. 31, 1628 | Mar. 30,1676 | Dec. 9, 1653 | 1. Hannah Stoughton; 1637-1670; dau. Col. Israel. 498 May 21, 1673 | 2. Hepzabah Corlet; d. Elijah and Barbara (Cutter). Stephen, 499 May 2, 1631 | Feb. 16, 1671 | Nov. 10, 1654 | Truecourse Davenport; 1635-1692; dau. Richard and Samuel, 500 Dec. 18, 1635 | Dec. 18, 1690 | June 23, 1670 | Hannah Howard; dau. Robert and Mary. [Eliz. CAPT. JOHN AND LYDIA (BUTLER) MINOTT. 495. 13 | James, 501 Sept. 14, 1653 | Sept. 20, 1735 Rebecca Wheeler; dau. Capt. Timothy. John, 502 Jan. 22,1647 | Jan. 26, 1690 ; Mar. 11, 1670 | Elizabeth Brick; -1690; dau. Edward. Martha, 503 Sept. 22, 1657 | Nov. 23, 1678 | Unmarried. Stephen, 504 Aug. 10. 1662 ; Dec. 1, 1686 | Mary Clark; dau. Christopher. LS | Samuel, | 505 | July 3, 1665 | | | Hannah Jones. JAMES AND REBECCA (WHEELER) MINOTT. 501. 5 | Rebecca, 506 | Concord, Feb. 9, 1685 | June 23, 1738 | Dec. 24,1701 | Capt. Joseph Barrett. No. 9. 5 | Lydia, ne ee Mar. 12, 1687 Jan. 38,1705 R Benjamin Barrett. No. 10. . Samuel Stow. Mary, 509 eS Noy. 16, 1689 | Sept. 8, 1760 | Dec. 26,1706 | Ebenezer Wheeler. No. 656. ([(Potter). No. 543. Timothy, 510 ee June 18, 1692 | Nov. 30, 1778 1. Mary Brooks; 1699-1760; dau. Noah and Dorothy 510 2. Mrs. Beulah Brown; -1786. 13 | James, Col., 511 “ Oct. 17,1694 | Feb. 6,1759 | Nov. 14,1716 | 1. Martha Lane; 1694-1735; dau. John and Susanna. By] 512 1736 | 2. Eliz. Merrick; -1746; dau. Tilley and Eliz. (Wilder). Elizabeth, 513 ae Jan. 29,1697 | Nov. 12, 1764 | Apr. 23, 1715 | Capt. Dan. Adams; -1780; s. Jos. and Marg’t (Eames). Martha, 514 ue Apr. 38,1699 | Jan. 18,1739 | Apr. 30,1719 | James Lane; 1696-; son John and Susanna. Love, 515 te Apr. 15, 1702 Dec. 13, 1722 | John Adams; -1725; son Joseph and Marg’t (Eames). Mercy, 516 * Apr. 15, 1702 Dec. 18, 1722 | Samuel Dakin; 1700-; son Joseph and Dorothy 1318 z (Wooster). [ful (Wheeler). amuel, | 517 Mar. 25,1706 | Mar. 17, 1766 | Mar. 7, 1731-2} 1. Sarah Prescott; 1712-1737; dau. Jonas and Thank- 13 518 ee 1738 | 2. Dorcas Prescott; 1714-1803; dau. Jonas and Thankful (Wheeler). COL. JAMES AND MARTHA (LANE) MINOTT. 511. John, 519 | Concord, Aug. 31,1717 | July 31, 1802 | Jan. 26,1744 | Sarah Stow; 1717-1796; dau. Samuel and Sarah. Rebecca, 520 “s May 15,1720 | Oct. 8, 1761 | Aug. 12,1741 | Benjamin Prescott; 1717-1788; son Rev. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Higginson). James, j 521 ee Jan. 20,1726 | Aug. 2,1773 1. Rebecca Stow. 522 2. —— Blanchard. COL. JAMES AND ELIZABETH (MERRICK) MINOTT. 512. Martha, 523 | Concord, Feb. 1, 1737-8 Jan. 24,1757 | Rev. Josiah Sherman; 1729-1789; son William and Ephrata, oe i. June 17, 1742 Sept. 25, 1764 | Abigail Prescott. No. 615. [Mehitable. izabeth, SAMUEL AND SARAH (PRESCOTT) MINOTT. 517. Samuel, 526 | Concord, Dec. 23, 1732 Elizabeth Davis. [(Cotton). Jonas, 527 a Apr. 25,1735 | Mar. 20, 1813 Mary Hall; 1738-1792; dau. Rev. Willard and Abigail Thankful Sarah, 528 ee Mar. 4, 1737 June 12, 1755 | Dea. Amos Dakin; 1731-2-; son Sam’l 2d and Mary. SAMUEL AND DORCAS (PRESCOTT) MINOTT. 518 80 | Dorcas P., 529 | Concord, Mar. 24,1739 | Apr. 17, 1767 | Jan. 15,1761 | Thomas Barrett. No. 1556. 84 | George, 530 sé Apr. 23,1741 | Apr. 13,1808 | Jan. 17,1765 | Rebecca Barrett. No. 1896. (no issue), 5381 Dec. 12,1776 | Elizabeth Barrett. No. 849. (no issue), 532 Apr. 11, 1782 ae (Barrett) Mann. No. 1018. 32 | Rebecca, 533 os Jan. 14, 1744 1838 | Oct. 15,1799 | Charles Barrett. No. 1559. Daniel, 534 ee Aug. 29,1748 | Dec. 20, 1753 [nah (Pierce). Mary, 535 se Oct. 5, 1755 Elnathan Jones; 1737-1793; son Elnathan and Han- Po TT EE. 13 | Luke Potter, | 536 | England, 1608 | Oct. 13, 1697 | | 1. Mary ——; -1644. 13 537 Oct. 18, 1644 | 2. Mary Edmunds; -1710; dau. Walter. LUKE AND MARY ( ) POTTER. 536. Eunice, 538 | Concord, Mar. 2, 1640 | Died young. | . Eunice (ao issue), 539 os Apr. 2, 1641 | Nov. 24, 1708 | Oct. 14, 1660 | John Fry; -1696; son Andrew. Rebecca, 540 e¢ Oct. 2,1643 | Oct. 11, 1643 LUKE AND MARY (EDMUNDS) POTTER. 537. Luke, 541 | Concord, May 30, 1646 | Aug. 13, 1661 Samuel, 542 He Apr. 1, 1648 | Mar. 31,1676 | Jan. 8, 1673 | Sarah Wright; dau. John and Priscilla. Dorothy, 543 ee Apr. 9, 1650 1685 | Noah Brooks. No. 102. 12 | Elizabeth, 544 es 1652 |Dec. 14, 1694-5 | Jan. 16, 1672 | Samuel Jones. No. 474. 5 | Mary, 545 ee 1656 | Nov. 17, 1713 (Mar. 23,1674-5 | Humphrey Barrett, Jr. No. 5. 13 | Judah, 546 ee 1657 | June 20,1731 | Dec. 6, 1686 | Grace Brooks. No. 103. oi eee as Ne Nov. 17, 1761 Bethiah, 5 «¢ ov. 4, 1659 JUDAH AND GRACE (BROOKS) POTTER. 546-103. 70 | Eunice, 549 | Concord, Dec. 10,1688 | July 27,1770 | May 7,1705 | 1. Eleazer Davis. No. 284. 550 / 2. Richard Wheeler. No. 668. 64 | Hannah, 551 ee Dec. 20,1690 | Dec. 1, 1782 | Nov. 22,1709 | 1. Thomas Brown. No. 153. 69 ae a _ sities, ta noe-a | anh we ae aun a 2. Simon Davis. No. 272. uke ; — ept. nmazried. 54 a, th 35) tae = i609 | ee Feb. 23,1714-5 | John B No. 158 izabeth, uly 23, eb. 23, ohn Brown. No. 158. Sarah, 556 ae Feb. 16, 1701-2 | June 24, 1748 1723 | Joseph Wheeler; 1695-1732. 13 | Samuel, 557 es Jan. 2, 1704-5 | Feb. 15, 1800 About 1726 | Elizabeth ——; 1708-1790. SAMUEL AND ELIZABETH ( ) POTTER. 557. Elizabeth, 558 | Concord, Oct. 16,1727 |Jan. 1,1729-30 Samuel, 559 ee Dec. 1, 1729 | Dec. 18, 1729 85 | Ephraim, { ot ee Dec. 27,1731 | Mar. 8, 1815 | Sept. 19, 1752 y pe es 1727-1792. tata, . Jane Curtis; -1837. Farrar). 87 | Lydia, 562 ee June 17,1733 | Nov. 7, 1826 | Dec. 5,1764 | James Russell; 1723-1801; son James at ee ee ore ‘s qe 1B, ies Apacs era Jan. 24, 1760 | Noah Brooks; 1733-1809; son Thomas and Hannah amuel, pr. 26, pr. Dakin), 90 | Jonas, 565 He Feb. 6,1740 | Mar. 7 ' 1821 | Dec. 30, 1766 | Persis Barrett. No. 1898. Weare: 90 566 Oct. 24,1782 | Sarah Jones; 1754-1834; dau. John and Abigail 9 | Lois, 567 ue May 2,1744 | Nov. 12,1815 | Dec. 30, 1762 | Silas Conant. No. 236. 94 | Grace, 568 ts ao EM fae Mar. 10, 1827 | Jan. 22,1765 | John Prescott. No. 618. Mary, 569 uly 22, PRESCOTT. 13 | John Prescott, 570 | | 1683 | | Mary Platts. JOHN AND MARY (PLATTS) PRESCOTT. 570. (Continued page 14.) 571 | Bap. Feb. 24, 1630 | | 1648 | Thomas Sawyer. | Mary, 13 ; a o to Sarah, 572 | Bap. 1637 Aug. 2, 1658 | 1. Richard Wheeler, of Lancaster. : 578 2. —— Rice. Lydia, 574 | Watertown, Aug. 15, 1641 May 28, 1658 | 1. Jonas Fairbanks. 575 2. Elias Barron. Martha, . 576 | Bap. Mar. 12, 1632 | Jan. 24, 1656 John Rugg. John, Jr., 577 |“ Apr. 1, 1635 Mar. 11, 1668 | Sarah —. Jonathan, 578 1643 | Dec. 5, 1721 | Aug. 38, 1670 | 1. Dorothy —-. 14 579 Dec. 23, 1675 | 2. Elizabeth Hoar; -1687; dau. John. 580 Dec. 18, 1689 | 3. Rebecca (Wheeler) Bulkeley. No. 688. 581 Aug. 18,1718 | 4. Ruth Brown; -1740. Hannah, 582 May 4, 1660 | John Rugg. Jonas, 583 1648 | Dec. 31, 1723 | Dec. 14, 1672 | Mary Loker; -1735; dau. John and. Mary (Draper). / JONATHAN AND ELIZABETH (HOAR) PRESCOTT 579. 14 | Jona’n, Jr.,.M.D.,| 584 | Concord, Apr. 5, 1677 | Oct. 28,1729 | July 9,1701 | Rebecca Bulkeley. No. 192. Elizabeth, 585 a Sept. 27, 1678 July 1,1696 | John Foule. Dorothy, 586 eh Mar. 31, 1681 1748 | July 14,1702 | Edward Bulkeley. No. 185. John, 587 ee May 13,1683 | Jan. 28, 1706 Benj., Rev., 588 i Sept. 16, 1687 | May 28,1777 | Oct. 20,1715 | 1. Elizabeth Higginson; 1696-1723. 589 2. Mercy Gibbs; -1744; dau. Rev. Henry. _ [perell. 590 ‘| 3. Mary (Pepperell) Coleman; dau. Sir Wm. Pep- Mary, 591 Aug. 14, 1685 Apr. 16, 1702 | John Miles; son John. DR. JONATHAN AND REBECCA (BULKELEY) PRESCOTI. 584-192. Jonathan, 592 | Concord, June ‘3, 1702 Mary —. A .| Rebecca, 593 ee Aug. 14, 1704 John, M.D., 594 eo May 8,1708 | Dec. 30, 1743 Ann Lynde; -1795; dau. Nathaniel. Peter, 595 Apr. 17, 1709 1784 | , 1735 | Elizabeth Call. 14 | Charles, Col., 596 as Aug. 15,1711 | Feb. 2, 1779 1736 | Elizabeth Barrett. No. 16. Elizabeth, 597 ts Dec. 2, 1713 June 24, 1731 | Rev. David Hall. Dorothy, 598 ee May 13,1716 | July 5, 1784 14 | Abel, M. D., 599 eg Apr. 7,1718 | Oct. 24, 1805 1. Abigail Brigham. 600 2. Mrs. Mary Burton. Mary, 601 ee July 3, 1720 Lucia, 602 ey Aug. 25,1723 | Apr. 20,1725 | - Benjamin, 603 ee April, 1724 | May, 1745 COL. CHARLES AND ELIZABETH (BARRETT) PRESCOTT. 596-16. Elizabeth, { 604 | Concord, Aug. 31, 1737 1. Jesse Hosmer. 605 2. Capt. Aaron Jones, of Weston. . Lucy, 606 ae Dec. 21,1738 | Dec. 22,1819 | Unmarried. ' Mary, 607 ee Aug. 9,1742 | May 4, 1797 Charles, 608 Re Sept. 24,1744 | May 10, 1810 Rebecca, 609 ee Sept. 19, 1746 Joseph Hayward. John, 610 ee Oct. 18,1748 | Sept. 12, 1753 Ann, 611 Be June 7, 1750 Amos Baker. Amy, 612 i Jesse Hosmer. DR. ABEL AND ABIGAIL (BRIGHAM) PRESCOTT. 599. 94 | John, 613 | Concord, Apr. 23,1743 | Mar. 12,1821 | Jan. 22,1765 | Grace Potter. No. 568. Benjamin, 614 np Apr. 4,1745 | Aug. 23,1830 | Nov., 1768 | Dorothy Wheeler. Abigail, 615 ne June 12,1747 | Feb. 27, 1825 | Sept. 25, 1764 | Ephraim Minott. No. 524. Dorothy, 616 ee July 27, 1753 Unmarried. Lucy, 617 ee Apr. 24, 1757 Dec. 6,1776 | Hon. Jonathan Fay. Jonathan, 618 ee June 11,1755 | Aug. 22,1810 | Unmarried. Abel, 619 eh Apr. 12,1749 | Sept. 3, 1775 Samuel, M. D., 620 ee Aug. 19, 1751 | Died Halifax. ; WHEELER: 14 | George Wheeler, | 621 England, 1687 Katharine ——; -1684-5. 15 | Lt. Jos. Wheeler, | { 622 : 1610 1. Elizabeth ——; -1643. 15 : 623 ; 2. Sarah ( ) Meriam; -1670-1; widow Joseph. 15 | Obadiah Wheeler,| 624 ee 1608 | Oct. 27, 1671 Susanna ——; -1679. Ephr’m Wheeler, | 625 |(Removed to Fairfield 1644) 1670 (Left 4 sons, 6 daughters.) Thomas Wheeler, | 626 os He “« 1644) 1654 (Left sons Thomas, John, and two daughters.) Capt. Thomas Wheeler,) 627 | England, Dec. 10, 1676 Ruth Wood. No. 724. Capt. Timothy Wheeler,| ( 628 a 1604 | July 10, 1687 1. Jane ——; -1642-3. 629 2. Mary Brooks. No. 97. James Wheeler, 630 | (Removed to Stow.) Jan, 31,1721 Sarah ——. 1 The relationship of these eight families is not known. GEORGE AND KATHARINE ( ) WHEELER. 621. 14 | William, 631 | Prob. England, Dec. 31, 1683 | Oct. 30, 1659 | Hannah or Anna Buss; 1641-2-; d. Wm. and Anna. Thomas, 632 ne oe 1687 | Oct. 10, 1657 | Hannah Harrod (or Harwood). Ruth, 633 a es Dec. 9,1713 | Oct. 26,1665 | Samuel Hartwell. No. 353. Elizabeth, 634 “ et June 14, 1704 | Oct. 1, 1656 | Francis Fletcher; son Robert. Hannah, 635 He ee . —— Fletcher. | Sarah, 636 | Concord, Mar. 30, 1640 | Dec. 12,1713 | Oct. 26, 1665 | Francis Dudley. 15 | John, 637 ee Mar. 19, 1643 | Sept. 27, 1713 | Mar. 25, 1663 | Sarah Larkin; 1647-1727; d. Dea. Edw’dand Joanna. Mary, 638 ts Sept. 6, 1645 | Dec. 24, 1678 | Oct. 26, 1665 | Eliphalet Fox; -1711; son Thomas and Rebecca. WILLIAM AND HANNAH (BUSS) WHEELER. 631. Hannah, 639 | Concord, Oct. 23,1660 | Died young. Rebecca, 640 ee Feb. 25, 1661-2 Nicholas Shevally. Elizabeth, 641 ee Jan. 2, 1663 June 15, 1682 | Samuel Fletcher. 15 | William, 642 ee Feb. 8, 1665 | May 29, 1752 Sarah ——; -1744. Hannah, 643 ee Apr. 15,1669 | Apr. 8, 1673 Richard, 644 gi Sept. 19, 1672 | Mar. 31, 1689 John, 645 ss 15 | George, 646 ce July, 1737 | Aug. 14, 1695 | 1. Abigail Hosmer. No. 428. 647 Dec. 3,1719 | 2. Abigail Smith; -1728; dau. Thomas. 14 JOHN AND SARAH (LARKIN) WHEELER. 637. Samuel, 648 | Concord, July 6, 1664 | Dec. 20,1717 | Jan. 27, 1690 | Mary Hosmer. No. 426. Sarah, 649 i July 22,1691 | John Meriam; 1666-; son John and Mary (Cooper). Edward, 650 ie July 17, 1669 |Feb. 17, 1733-4) Nov. 23, 1697 | Sarah Meriam; 1675-1738; dau. Samuel and Eliz. Joanna, 651 “ Dec. 21,1671 | Died young. [(Townsend). 16 | Mary, 652 ee Sept. 16, 1673 Apr. 15, 1697 | Jacob Wood. No. 728. ‘| Lydia, j 653 es Oct. 27, 1675 ; May 19, 1692 | 1. Timothy Wheeler; 1667-1718; s. Thos. and Sarah. 654 Apr. 21, 1720 | 2. Nathaniel Stow; s. Nathaniel and Ruth (Meriam). Esther, 655 re Dec. 1, 1678 May 5, 1698 | Samuel Prescott. Ebenezer, 656 te June 3, 1682 Dec. 26,1706 | Mary Minott. No. 509. [No. 583. Thankful, 657 i June 38,1682! Nov., 1716 | Oct. 5,1699 | Jonas Prescott; 1678-1750; son Jonas and Mary. WILLIAM AND SARAH ( ) WHEELER. 642. William, 658 | Concord, Jan. 9, 1693-4 | Sept., 1769 Mercy ; 1760. Joseph, 659 se Feb. 2, 1695-6 (Brooks). 15 | Francis, j 660 se Feb. 8, 1697-8 | Nov., 1774 1. Mary Meriam; 1707-1737; dau. Jos. and Dorothy 15 661 Jan. 28,1740 | 2. Sarah Blood. ’ No. 78. Hezekiah, 662 se June 13,1700 | May 65,1759 | Apr. 12, 1732 | Sarah Buss. Nathaniel, . 663 i Sept. 18, 1702 Abigail Conant. Elizabeth, 664 ne Oct. 2, 1704 Sarah, 665 a Mar. 8, 1706-7 | Nov. 26, 1707 | Jeremiah, 666 ee Nov. 22,1709 | Aug. 3, 1783 Esther ——. GEORGE AND ABIGAIL (HOSMER) WHEELER. 646-428. Richard, 667 | Concord, Feb. 21,1720 | 1. Jemmima French. 668 2. Eunice (Potter) Davis. No. 550. 669 3. Mrs. Anne Bateman. James, 670 Peter, 671 FRANCIS AND MARY (MERIAM) WHEELER. 660. Francis, 672 Feb. 22, 1724-5 | Dec. 14, 1727 Mary, 673 Aug. 27,1726 | June 21, 1736 Francis, 674 July 3, 1728 | June 25, 1778 Mary ——; -1831. Rhoda, 675 Aug. 24, 1730 Jan. 22,1750 | Abraham Smith. Nathaniel, 676 Apr. 29, 1732 | July 11, 1736 Meriam, 677 Jan. 3, 1733-4 Solomon, 678 Nov. 5, 1735 | Nov. 30, 1736 FRANCIS AND SARAH (BLOOD) WHEELER. 661. Sarah, 679 June 22, 1742 Samuel, 680 Oct. 5, 1743 | Jan. 23, 1832 | June 24, 1773 | Keziah Wellington; —1830. Phineas, 681 Apr. 30, 1745 | June 18, 1814 Lydia Merriam; 1747-; dau. Josiah and Lydia. Hannah, 682 Jan. 23, 1746-7 | Apr., 1788 Redit Jones; 1741-2-1826; s. Ebenezer and Priscilla. Noah, 683 Jan. 25, 1749-50 | Feb. 23, 1834 | July 30,1776 | Sarah Meriam; 1753-1825; dau. Josiah and Lydia. LIEUT. JOSEPH AND ELIZABETH ( ) WHEELER. 622. Ephraim, 684 | Concord, Apr. 14, 1640 | July 10, 1642 Joseph, 685 e¢ Dec. 1, 1641 | July 18, 1642 | | Mary, 686 ns Sept. 20, 1643 | Sept. 20, 1643 LIEUT. JOSEPH AND SARAH (MERRIAM) WHEELER. 623. 8 | Rebecca, | 687 | Coneord, Sept. 6, 1645 | Apr. 16, 1667 | 1. Peter Bulkeley. No. 177. j 688 2. Jonathan Prescott. No. 580. OBADIAH AND SUSANNA ( ) WHEELER. 624. Joshua, 689 Elizabeth ——. John, 690 | Concord, Jan. 27, 1640-1 Ruth, 691 ee Apr. 23, 1642 A son, 692 eo Nov. 25, 1643 | Nov. 29, 1643 Samuel, 693 ee Feb. 22, 1644-5 Nov. 10, 1673 | Mary Perry. Susanna, 694 ee Mar. 17, 1648-9 ; — Shipley. Obadiah, 695 ee Apr. 21, 1676 | July 17, 1672 | Elizabeth White. Josiah, 696 . Apr. 21, 1676 | Unmarried. WILLARD. .9 | Margery Willard, | 697 | England, Dolor Davis. No. 253. Maj. Simon ‘ 698 ee 1605 | Apr. 24, 1676 1. Mary Sharpe; dau. Henry and Jane. 15 699 2. Elizabeth Dunster. | 700 3. Mary Dunster. MAJ. SIMON AND ( ) WILLARD. 698. (Continued page 16.) Josiah, 701 1674 |Mar. 20, 1656-7} Hannah Hosmer; dau. Thomas Simon, 702 | Concord, Nov. 23, 1649 | June 23, 1731 About 1679 | 1. Martha Jacob. 703 July 25,1722 | 2. Priscilla Buttolph. Samuel, 704 a Jan. 31, 1640 | Sept.12, 1707 | Aug. 4, 1664 | 1. Abigail Sherman; d. John and Mary (Lawrence). 705 1679 | 2. Eunice Tyng; -1720; dau. Edward. Henry, 706 ate June 4,1655 | Aug. 27,1726 | July 18, 1674 | 1. Mary Dakin. 707 ‘ 1689 | 2. Dorcas Cutler. John, 708 ee Feb. 12, 1656-7 Oct. 31,1698 | Mary Hayward. No. 394. Daniel, 709 He Dec. 12, 1658 | Aug. 23,1708 | Dec. 6, 1683 | 1. Hannah Cutler; -1690-1. j 710 Jan. 4, 1692 | 2. Mary Mills; dau Josiah. Joseph, 711.) Lancaster, Jan. 4,1660 ; June, 1721 | Jan. 8, 1690 | Mary Brown. Benjamin, 712 & 1665 1690 | Sarah Larkin; dau. John. Mary, 713 | England, 1649 | Joshua Edwards. Jonathan, 714 | Lancaster, Dec. 14, 1669 1706 ‘ Dorothy 715 Unmarried. |. 6 | Elizabeth, 716 Aug. 29,1690 | Apr. 8, 1653 | Robert Blood. No. 34. Sarah, 717 | Concord, June 27, 1642 |Jan. 22, 1677-8 Nathaniel Howard. Abovehope, 718 ee Oct. 30, 1646 | Dec. 23, 1663 | Unmarried. 15 Mary, 719 | Concord, Sept. 7, 1653 May 23, 1693 | Capt. Thomas Brintnall; son Thomas and Esther. Hannah, 720 | Lancaster, Oct. 6, 1666 Unmarried. Elizabeth, 721 ‘“ «“ WoOonD. 16 | William Wood, | 722 —— i | May 14, 1671 | = WILLIAM AND ( ) WoOoD. 722. 16 | Michael, | 723 May 13, 1764 | | Ruth, 724 a Capt. Thomas Wheeler. No. 627. MICHAEL AND MARY ( ) WOOD. 723. Abraham, 725 Isaac, 726 Elizabeth. Thompson, 727 Martha. 16 | Jacob, 728 Mar. 3, 1691-2 | Oct. 6, 1723 | Apr. 15, 1697 | Mary Wheeler. No. 652. John, 729 Nov. 13, 1677 | Elizabeth Vinton. 11 | Abigail, 730 Apr. 10, 1642 | Jan. 5,1717 | May 24, 1667 | Stephen Hosmer. No. 417. JACOB AND MARY (WHEELER) WOOD. 728-652. Jacob, 73 Nov. 3, 1698 Mary, 732 July 14, 1700 Ephraim, 733 Feb. 4, 1701-2 | Mar. 20, 1789 Mary Buss; 1706-7-; daughter Peter and Rachel. Dorcas, 734 Fel. 10, 1703-4 Hannah, 735 Aug. 29, 1705 LIEUT. OLIVER AND HANNAH (HUNT) BARRETT. 14. Rebecca, 736 | Bolton, Jan. 7, 1738-9 | Mar. 26,1823 | Jan. 3, 1762 | Dea. David Nourse; 1739-1825. Hannah, 737 a Feb. 19,1741 | Feb. 2, 1830 | Jan. 18, 1764 | William Sawyer; -1822. Bathsheba, 738 ee Apr. 2, 1744 June 5, 1769 | Ahobiab Sawyer; 1742-. 16 | Oliver, 739 St July 22,1746 | May 11,1817 | Mar. 6,1775 | Sarah Whitcomb, 1754-1834. Ruth, 740 ee Dec. 24,1749 | Dec. 16, 1841 | Oct. 20,1772 | Jonathan Nourse; 1754-1827. Abigail, 741 oe Aug. 8, 1752 | Nov. 24,1839 | Jan. 7,1772 | Calvin Sawyer; 1750-. OLIVER AND SARAH (WHITCOMB) BARRETT. 739. 16 | Hannah, 742 | Bolton, Dec. 16,1775 | Aug. 22, 1856 | May 28,1793 | Maj. Barnard Nourse; 1771-1851. John, 743 oh July 23,1777 | Sept. 4, 1799 | Unmarried. 17 | Oliver, Major, 744 a Nov. 27,1780 | Jan. 17, 1859 | Jan. 28, 1806 | Lucy Fairbanks, 1786-1874. 17 | Becke, §} 745 we May 3,1783 | Oct. 25,1853 | May, 1804 | 1. Eleazer Houghton; 1776-1814. (| 746 May, 1816 | 2. Phineas Fairbanks; 1774-1843. 18 | Asa, TAT ee Nov. 8,1787 | Jan. 17,1878 | May 8, 1814 | Sally Bennett; 1794-1863. MAJ. BARNARD AND HANNAH (BARRETT) NOURSE. 742. Rufus, 748 | Bolton, Sept. 24, 1793 Unmarried. 16 | Hannah, 749 es Aug. 5,1797 | Nov. 21,1824 | Nov. 8, 1818 | Levi Sawyer, M. D.; 1781-1841. 16 | Caleb, 750 ae June 18,1804 | Mar. 6, 1884 | Sept. 13, 1826 | Orissa Holman; 1805-1859. DR. LEVI AND HANNAH (NOURSE) SAWYER. 749. Zipporah, 751 Aug. 13, 1819 . 16 | Sterling Konisky,| 752 Nov. 20, 1821 Nov. 6, 1846 | Sarah B. Whitcomb. Rufus, 753 Dec. 31, 1823 STERLING K. AND SARAH B. (WHITCOMB) SAWYER. 752. Alice Jane, 754 | Bolton, Feb. 20, 1848 | Aug. 20, 1854 Mary Lincoln, 755 ee Sept. 24, 1861 | July 11, 1863 Geo. Whitcomb, 756 ee Oct. 30, 1852 16 | Charles Howe, 757 i July 11, 1856 Aug. 31, 1880 | Mary E. L. Bowers. CHARLES H. AND MARY E. L. (BOWERS) SAWYER. 757. Zipporah Hattie, | 758 | Bolton, Aug. 24, 1881 George Konisky, | 759 ts Aug: 25, 1885 CALEB AND ORISSA (HOLMAN) NOURSE. 750. 16 | Hannah, 760 | Bolton, Mar. 25, 1828 June 18, 1848 | Rev. George 8. Ball; 1823-. 16 | Rufus C., 761 es May 25,1830 | Nov. 26, 1862 | Apr. 6, 1853 | Abby A. Hall; 1831-1885. Caleb E., 762 es July 1,1831 | Sept., 1867 | Sept., 1861 | Hattie J. Munroe; -1867. 17 | Orissa H., 763 ee Dec. 4, 1832 Apr. 6, 1853 | Andrew J. Barton. Ellen A. (no issue), 764 Ee Oct. 27, 1834 May 7, 1861 | John Whitney. REV. GEORGE S. AND HANNAH (NOURSE) BALL. 760. Clinton D., 765 | Bolton, Oct. 2, 1849 ip 16 | Susan A., 766 | Upton, July 26, 1852 Feb. 3%, 1876 | George A. Wood; 1854-. Lydia W., 767 eG Noy. 6, 1854 George W., 768 | Plymouth, May 25, 1857 Lizzie H., 769 | Upton, Oct. 28, 1863 Walter S., 770 eo Mar. 17, 1867 GEORGE A. AND SUSAN A. (BALL) WOOD. 766. Florence Lincoln,| 771 | Upton, Dec. 12, 1876 Eliza Maria, 772 ne Sept. 20, 1878 Merton Arba, 773 es Apr. 29, 1880 Anna Barnard, 774 ee Apr. 24, 1882 Lois Ilione, 775 oe Mar. 16, 1884 RUFUS C. AND ABBY A. (HALL) NOURSE. 761. Rufus E., 776 | Bolton, Jan. 30, 1854 | Jan. 18, 1874 16 | Charles W., 7717 eG Mar. 19, 1856 May 6,1879 | Lucy F. Sanford; 1860-. Fred T., 778 te July 16, 1860 Rufus C., 779 es Oct. 27, 1862 - CHARLES W. AND LUCY F. (SANFORD) NOURSE. 777. Florence S., | 780 | Milton, Apr. 22, 1880 | | 16 Pos ANDREW J. AND ORISSA (NOURSE) BARTON. 763. Alexander, 781 | Upton, July 26, 1854 Fred., 782 ue Sept. 10, 1856 Abbie 8., 783 ee Feb. 6, 1858 | Dec. 19, 1879 Alice R., 784 ee Jan. 26, 1861 Anna 0., 785 us Dec. 28, 1862 | Nov. 1, 1882 a ——— MAJ. OLIVER AND LUCY (FAIRBANKS) BARRETT. 744. aera - Sarah (no issue), 786 | Bolton, Dec. 5, 1806 Feb. 18, 1830 | Joel Sawyer; 1805-. 17 | Rebecca, 787 ne Mar. 26, 1810 Oct. 17, 1839 | Horatio F. Newton; 1807-. Humphrey (noissue,| 788 ee Mar. 26,1810 | Dee. 3, 1885 | Nov. 27, 1854 | Marion E. Munroe; 1832-. 17 | Oliver, 789 ef Feb. 24, 1813 Oct. 15, 1840 | Abby B. Sawyer; 1819-1881. Lucy, 790 | ' & Feb, 24,1813 | Aug. 14, 1816 John, 791 ee Nov. 23,1816 | Sept. 7, 1818 17 | Jabez, 792 i Nov. 23,1816 | Nov. 27,1873 | Nov. 4, 1841 | Helen Jewett; 1820-. 17 | Roswell, 793 et Dec. 16, 1819 May 2, 1854 | Sarah Josephine Barrett. No. 841. Asa, \ 794 eG Noy. 15, 1822 | Nov. 26, 1829 17 | Achsah, 795 ee May 24, 1827 Oct. 27,1853 | John F. Sawyer; 1825-1882. HORATIO F. AND REBECCA (BARRETT) NEWTON. 787. George B., 796 | Bolton, Dec. 8, 1842 July 6,1880 | 1. Helen Burnes; 1847-1881. 797 July 23, 1882 | 2, Emma Rice; 1856-. Fidelia, 798 es Jan. 23, 1845 17 oe lea oe 7 pia 19, oe Sept. 11, 1876 | Andrew L. Nourse. | enry B., ug. 38, 1849 ANDREW L. AND MARIA A. (NEWTON) NOURSE. 799. Arthur Henry, 801 | Bolton, July 6, 1877 Richard Edgar, 802 ee Nov. 28, 1878 Fidelia Elizabeth,| 803 as Oct. 22, 1880 Grace Maria, 804 Ee Nov. 5, 1882 : OLIVER AND ABBY B. (SAWYER) BARRETT. 789. 17 | Edward G., 805 | Bolton, July 27, 1841 Oct. 24, 1867 | Mary Bulfinch; 1846-. Louisa C., 806 x Apr. 25, 1845 17 | Fred O., 807 es Oct. 16, 1848 Mar. 9, 1876 | Mary B. Wyatt; 1852-. EDWARD G. AND MARY (BULFINCH) BARRETT. 805. = Charles F., 808 Beer 29, 1868 | Nov. 7, 1869 Louis G. 809 ept. 2, 1870 Annie L., 810 June * 2) 1873 Edith M., 811 Aug. 27, 1876 Grace F., 812 Aug, 25, 1878 ae FRED. 0. AND MARY B. (WYATT) BARRETT. 807. Alice G. 813 June 2, 1877 Charles F., 814 May 17, 1880 JABEZ AND HELEN (JEWETT) BARRETT. 792. Helen, 815 | Bolton, Oct. 9, 1842 | May 5, 1859 17 | Frank, 816 ae Sept. 19, 1847 | Oct. 13,1880 | Dec. 2, 1871 | Ellen F. Rogers; 1848-. 17 | John H., 817 ae Sept. 6, ea Dec. 6, 1876 | Ella F. Munson; 1855-. Lucy &., 818 et July 3,186 FRANK AND ELLEN F. (ROGERS) BARRETT. 816. pee S., a | july % gts | Aug. 13, 1873 | abel 8., ay 2 JOHN H. AND ELLA F. (MUNSON) BARRETT. 817. Bertha M., 821 | Hudson, July 2, 1881 | | Frank Herbert, 822 ge Apr. 5, 1884 ROSWELL AND SARAH J. (BARRETT) BARRETT. 793-841. | Ella V., 823 | Dec. 20, 1858 | | | JOHN F. AND ACHSAH (BARRETT) SAWYER. 795. a oe oa ee % a July 3, 1862 Charles J., ct. Lucy H., 26 July 11; 1869 ELEAZER AND BECKE (BARRETT) HOUGHTON. 745. 17 | Partmon, Hon., 827 May 3, 1806 | June 25, 1833 | Orlinda A. Prince. 17 | Cyrene, 828 May 7, 1808 Simon D. Cunningham; 1810-1884. HON. PARTMON AND ORLINDA A. (PRINCE) HOUGHTON. 827. 17 | Sarah P., 829 Mar. 14, 1836 | June 3,1872 | Oct. 3, 1869 | Andrew W. Bibber. | Henry P., 830 June 8, 1842 | July 17, 1842 | ANDREW W. AND SARAH P. (HOUGHTON) BIBBER. 829. Edith P., 831 July 23, 1870 | | | Sarah P. H., 832 Dec. 24, 1871 | Oct. 14, 1876 SIMON D. AND CYRENE (HOUGHTON) CUNNINGHAM. 828. Ellen A. 833 E. A. Emes. George H., 834 | Bolton, Aug. 14, 1832 Nov. 29, 1854 | Mary F. Tirrell. 17 | Harriet Augusta, | 835 | So. Boston, Sept. 22, 1837 | May 3, 1874 | Sept. 22, 1864 | John R. Summer. JOHN R. AND HARRIET A. (CUNNINGHAM) SUMMER. 835. 17 (Continued page 18.) ; Edith Houghton, | 836 Bristol,N.H., Oct. 9, 1866 Clara Davis, 837 |Concord, Aug. 13, 1868 | Walter Dickerson, 838 |E. Weymouth, Aug. 1, 1870, Dec. 11, 1874 ___ Herbert Ross, 839 oe Dec. , 1872 ASA AND SALLY (BENNETT) BARRETT. 747. Charles, é 840 Mar. 6,1815 | Mar. 9, 1815 17 | Sarah Josephine, | 841 Sept. 20, 1818 May 2, 1854 | Roswell Barrett. No. 793. 18 Francis Oliver, { 842 ) Balt.,Md., Apr. 8, 1831 Nov. 12, 1863 | 1. Sarah Louise Post; 1836-1878. [ Mary. 18 843 Oct. 31,1882 | 2. Mary Caroline Gwyn; 1845-; dau. Charles R. and FRANCIS 0. AND SARAH L. (POST) BARRETT. 842. Alberta Louise, 844 | Balt., Md., Aug. 18, 1864 | June 9, 1865 James Post, 845 “e Jan. 17, 1866 Francis Reese, 846 a Oct. 6, 1868 | Nov. 11, 1870 Henry Wellington] 847 “ Oct. 6, 1873 | Aug. 19, 1874 = - FRANCIS 0. AND MARY C. (GWYN) BARRETT. 843. Francis Oliver, Jr.| 848 | Balt.,Md., July 7, 1885 | | HUMPHREY AND ELIZABETH (ADAMS) BARRETT. 15. , Elizabeth qoissue, | 849 | Concord, Apr. 10,1745 | Apr. 10,1789 | Dec. 12,1776 | Dea. George Minott. No. 531. [(Raymond). 18 | Rebecca, 850 ue Feb. 13,1746 | June 28,1796 | Jan. 18,1770 | Reuben Hunt; 1744-1816; son Simon and Mary Mary, 851 8 Nov. 18, 1748 | Dec. 16, 1777 Jonas Lee; 1745-1816; son Dr. Jos. and Ruth (Jones). Sarah, 852 oe Sept. 18,1750 | Aug. 14,1751 [(Prescott). Humphrey «no issue)! 853 ee May 23,1752 | Mar. 13,1827 | July 6,1780 | Rebecca Heywood; 1752-1829; dau. Jonas and Ann 46 | Sarah, 854 ae Feb. 16, 1754 June 22,1775 | Stephen Barrett. No.1899. [Hannah (Simmons). Martha, 855 ve May 21,1756 | Nov. 28,1792 | Feb. 27,1780 | Dea. Joshua Brooks; 1755-1790; son Joshua and 20 | Ruth, 856 ee Dec. 25,1760 | July 26,.1795 | Feb. 23,1786 | Jonas Heywood, Jr.; 1721-1808. 21 | Abel, 857 ee Oct. 28,1764 | Jan. 2,1803 | Dee. 1,1796 | Lucy Minott. No. 4852. REUBEN AND REBECCA (BARRETT) HUNT. 850. 18 | Humphrey, Capt.,) (858 | Concord, Nov. 30, 1770 Jan. 14,1802 | 1. Betsey Heywood. No. 1009. 18 859 Jan. 3, 1812 | 2. Sally Prescott; 1786-; dau. Willoughby and Eliz. Ruth, 860 oe Sept. 18,1772 | June 14, 1811 | Feb. 19,1797 | Daniel Parker. Reuben, 861 ee Nov. 16, 1774 | Feb. 18, 1777 Rebecca, 862 ee Mar. 15, 1776 May 12,1808 | James Wright. {and Eliz. 19 | Mary, 863 ce Apr. 20,1778 | Dec. 9, 1818 | Oct. 29,1809 | John Lynde Prescott; 1775-1826; son Willoughby 20 | Martha, 864 ie Dec. 23,1779 | May 17,1865 | Apr. 38,1806 | William Abrams; 1782-1819. Miriam, 865 ao Sept. 9,1781 | Sept. 20, 1781 20 | Reuben, 866 ef Jan. 11,1783 | May 11, 1866 | Oct. 27,1814 | 1. Eliza Tufts; -1817. 20 867 Mar. 10, 1819 | 2. Sarah Snow. 20 | Simon, 868 a Oct. 11,1784 | June 1,1865 | July 22,1818 | Hannah B. Rogers; 1785-1882. Abel, 869 ee Mar. 8, 1787 Unmarried. Betsey, 870 oe Jan. 23,1789 | June 25,1817 | Feb. 12,1816 | Thomas Dix. CAPT. HUMPHREY AND BETSEY (HEYWOOD) HUNT. 858-1009. 18 | Mary Heywood, 871 | Concord, Nov. 8, 1802 | June 5, 1838 | Jan. 9, 1827 | Stedman Buttrick; 1796-1874; son James and Lucy. 18 | Rebecca, 872 es Aug. 29, 1804 Dec. 7, 1826 | David Buttrick; 1800-. ‘ [and Lydia. 19 | Elizabeth Taylor,| 873 es June 2,1807 | Jan. 15, 1864 | May 31,1831 | David Wheeler Buttrick; 1804-1851; son Col. John Martha Ann, 874 ue July 30,1810 | Sept. 24, 1810 CAPT. HUMPHREY AND SALLY (PRESCOTT) HUNT. 859. 19 | Ann Maria, 875 | Concord, Dec. 6, 1812 Sept. 7, 1841 | Reuben Moore; -1856. 19 | Emeline Prescott,| 876 se May 29,1814 | June 28, 1875 | July 17, 1845 | Barzillai Nickerson Hudson; 1813-1885. 19 | Sarah Augusta, 877 “e 1816 | Nov. 18, 1849 | Feb. 20, 1840 | Capt. John B. Moore; son Abel and Ruth. Marinda, 878 te Dec. 27,1818 | Feb. 5, 1880 | Nov. 25, 1845 | Charles Henry Hurd; 1819; son Isaac, Jr., and Mary. Harriet Parker, 879 oe Aug. 24, 1822 Louisa Jane, 880 oe Jan., 1824 | July 11, 1826 . 19 | Almira Caroline, | 881 se May 7, 1826 | May 11,1877 | Feb. 11,1851 | Capt. John B. Moore; son Abel and Ruth. Chas. Humphrey,| 882 es Nov. 10, 1830 STEDMAN AND MARY H. (HUNT) BUTTRICK. 871. 18 | Lucy Jane, 883 | Concord, July 12, 1827 Feb. 8, 1853 | John Hosmer; son Edmund and Sally (Pierce). Adeline Eliza, 884 ee Oct. 16, 1828 é Harriet, 885 ie Oct. 27, 1829 Susan Barrett, 886 He Oct. 30,1880 | Sept. 3, 1847 Alden, 887 ee Dec. 25, 1831 | June 3, 1863 Annie M. (o issue), | 888 te Dec. 30, 1832 | Oct. 22,1854 | July 5, 1853 | Nathaniel G. Groton. William, 889 a Apr. 22, 1834 Jan. 17, 1861 | Emma Florence King. Caroline M., 890 “ Dec. 15, 1835 | Dec. 18, 1836 George, 891 of Mar. 6, 1837 Charles H., 892 a May 30, 1838 | May 15, 1839 JOHN AND LUCY J. (BUTTRICK) HOSMER. 883. George Stedman, | 893 | May 18, 1855 John Frederick, 894 Dec. 10, 1859 DAVID AND REBECCA (HUNT) BUTTRICK. 872. 18 | Humphrey H., 895 | Concord, May 3, 1827 Sept. 25, 1856 | Lucy A. Tolman. 19 | Charles, 896 ue Aug. 23, 1828 Apr. 9, 1856 | Elizabeth Cowdin. 19 | Martha A., 897 He Jan. 11, 1830 _ | Dec. 16, 1852 | William M. Holden. David H., 898 " Feb. 9, 1833 | Died young. 19 | David H., 899 ue Jan. 11, 1834 Sept. 14, 1862 | Julia A. Thayer. 19 | Maria E., 900 ae May 24, 1835 | June 30, 1870 | Oct. 3, 1860 | Chandler B. Lane. Francis, 901 # Jan. 11,1837 | Aug. 6, 1863 19 | Gorham, 902 a Jan. 11, 1840 Sept. 29, 1863 | Charlotte Hall. 19 | Caroline R., 903 te May 27, 1845 Jan. 24,1866 | George F. Hall. HUMPHREY H. AND LUCY A. (TOLMAN) BUTTRICK. 895. 18 (Continued page 19.) i 4 19 Thomas §., 904 | Concord, Aug. 4, 1857 June 27, 1883 | Anna E. Smith. 19 | Henrietta M., 905 es Mar. 20, 1859 Oct. 15, 1884 | Herbert W. Hosmer. Kate P., 906 ee Dec. 14, 1860 | July 13, 1883 THOMAS S. AND ANNA E. (SMITH) BUTTRICK. 904. Kate §., | 907 | July 17, 1884 | Humphrey &., 908 Feb. 17, 1886 HERBERT W. AND HENRIETTA M. (BUTTRICK) HOSMER. 905. | Herbert B., | 909 July 23, 1885 | | | CHARLES AND ELIZABETH (COWDIN) BUTTRICK. 896. Charles F., 910 | Sept. 24, 1858 | Arthur W., 911 Sept. 7, 1868 | Nov. 8, 1877 WILLIAM M. AND MARTHA A. (BUTTRICK) HOLDEN. 897. Sarah Frances, 912 | Concord, Oct. 10, 1853 David B., 913 ck May 19, 1857 | Sept. 5, 1865 William M., 914 Ee May 2, 1859 | Sept. 18, 1865 George W., 915 te Apr. 15, 1868 —s DAVID H. AND JULIA A. (THAYER) BUTTRICK. 899. 19 | Martha A., 916 Apr. 19, 1863 Jan. 18,1881 | George W. Trowbridge. David H., 917 Aug. 17, 1865 | Apr. 30, 1869 George O., 918 Dec. 29,1867 | May 5, 1869 Julia M., 919 July 10, 1871 Annie M., 920 Dec. 29, 1872 | Aug. 15, 1882 Carrie A., 921 Feb. 25,1875 John A., 922 Mar. 16, 1880 GEORGE W. AND MARTHA A. (BUTTRICK) TROWBRIDGE. 916. | Alice M., | 923 | May 16, 1881 | | CHANDLER B. AND MARIA E. (BUTTRICK) LANE. 900. Chandler W., 924 May 25, 1861 | Lydia R., 925 | Jan. 13, 1863 | | Nov. 26, 1884 | Wilfred B. Jones. Arthur B., 926 Sept. 7, 1867 GORHAM AND CHARLOTTE (HALL) BUTTRICK. 902. Francis L., 927 Nov. 2, 1864 | David, | 928 | Feb. 12, 1868 Clifford, 929 Aug. 1, 1871 GEORGE F. AND CAROLINE R. (BUTTRICK) HALL. 908. Carrie B., 930 Apr. 7, 1867 | | | Gilbert C., 9381 Mar. 26, 1877 DAVID W. AND ELIZABETH T. (HUNT) BUTTRICK. 873. 19 | Edwin Augustus,| 932 | Lowell, Nov. 4, 1832 | Feb. 6, 1855 | Harriet Ann Cooley; 1837-; dau. Lucius and Mary. 19 | Albert Henry, 933 a Dec. 19,1840 | Feb. 1, 1870 | Sept. 25, 1864 | Esmeralda Gordon; dau. Thomas and Lucina. EDWIN A. AND HARRIET A. (COOLEY) BUTTRICK. 9932. Mary Elizabeth, 934 | Chicopee, -Dec. 25, 1859 Harriet Cooley, 935 Be Jan. 11, 1864 John Lucius, 936 ig July 10,1866 | July 16, 1866 Caroline Hunt, 937 Be Nov. 10, 1867 | May 6, 1883 ALBERT H. AND ESMERALDA (GORDON) BUTTRICK. 9833. Flora E., 938 | Medford, Dec. 20, 1864 Ada Eliza, 939 He Jan. 5, 1869 | Nov. 10, 1870 REUBEN AND ANN MARIA (HUNT) MOORE. 875. Ella Maria, 940+ Concord, Oct. 2, 1844 George Henry, 941 |N.Hartl’nd, Vt. ,Jan.20,1848 Dec. 14, 1870 | Emma Smith. Charles Reuben, 942 |Champlain,N.Y.,Feb.10,751 Feb. 8, 1882 | Hattie MacDonald. BARZILLAI N. AND EMELINE P. (HUNT) HUDSON. 876. | Hannah Rebecca, | 943 | Concord, Jan. 13, 1847 | | | CAPT. JOHN B AND SARAH AUGUSTA (HUNT) MOORE. 877. Caroline Augusta,| 944) Concord, Dec. 4, 1840 Aug. 24, 1872 | Charles E. Lovett. 19 | Emma Frances, 945 a Sept. 12, 1843 Sept. 22, 1870 | Col. Charles W. Davis. 19 | Mary H., 946 e Apr. 16, 1847 Nov. 23, 1869 | William Horace Morse. COL. CHARLES W. AND EMMA F. (MOORE) DAVIS. 945. | Bradley Moore, | 947 | Chicago, Nov. 19, 1871 | | | WILLIAM H. AND MARY H. (MOORE) MORSE. 946. —— Wm. Horace, Jr.,| 948 Aug. 10, 1872 Arthur Moore, 949 Nov. 26, 1873 Robert Stearns, 950 Mar. 16, 1878 | Mar. 20, 1878 = Howard Moore, 951 Jan. 16, 1881 Charles Levi, 952 July 3, 1883 John Moore, 953 Dec. 5, 1885 CAPT. JOHN B. AND ALMIRA C. (HUNT) MOORE. 881. | John Henry, | 954 | Concord, Mar. 22, 1854 | | | JOHN LYNDE AND MARY (HUNT) PRESCOTT. 863. (Continued page 20.) | Sumner, | 955 [Norridg’wock,Me.,Dec.3,1808| June, 1814 | | 19 20 | Rebecca, 956 ROURLB EEN OES, Me., Oct. 10, 1816] Feb. 25,1884 | Oct. 38, 1833 | Capt. George Warren; -1881; son Charles E. Mary Ann, 957 Feb. 29,1812 | Oct. 20,1840 | Unmarried. 20 | Eliza, 958 : June ig. 1813 Mar. 17, 1836 | Augustus Brick; -1846. 20 | Franklin, 959 ss Mar. 23) 1816 Mar. 12) 1846 | Jane Ware. Abel, Hon., 960 ee June 30, 1818 Jan. 19, 1847 | Mary Ann Rollins. CAPT. GEORGE AND REBECCA (PRESCOTT) WARREN. 956. : Charles Edwin, 961 |Norridgewock, Me., Oct. 17, 1834 Sept. 10, 1865 | 1. Ellen A. Farmer. é 962 Jan. 22° 1885 | 2. Mary S. Hale. ° Emelyn Goodwin, 963 se Aug. 22, 1836 Apr. 21; 1863 | William W. Bixby. 20 | Mary Caroline, 964 oe Apr. a, 1842 | Apr. 16, 1879 | Oct. 31, 1866 | Henry L. Bixby. HENRY L. AND MARY CAROLINE (WARREN) BIXBY. 964. Elizabeth re 965 Aug. 13, 1867 Abel Prescott 966 Aug. 18, 1870 AUGUSTUS AND ELIZA (PRESCOTT) BRICK. 958. 20 | Frank Augustus, | 967 Oct. 23, 1837 May 25,1862 | Augusta W. Williams. Mary E., 968 May 18, 1839 Ann Maria, 969 Jan., 1841 1842 20 | Charles Henry, 970 Jan. 11, 1844 Jan. 8, 1867 | Mary Emily Starrett. i Albert, 971 Dec. 21, 1845 | Nov. 17, 1846 FRANK A. AND AUGUSTA W. (WILLIAMS) BRICK. 967. Charles Albert, 972 May 27, 1863 Jennie Anthony, | 973 June 19, 1865 | Mabel Prescott, 974 June 11, 1868 | Dec. 28, 1868 Martha Hunt, 975 Dec. 30, 1870 Walter Williams, | 976 Feb. 26, 1873 CHARLES H. AND MARY E. (STARRETT) BRICK. 970. | Alice Prescott, | 977 | Mar. 2, 1885 | | FRANKLIN AND JANE (WARE) PRESCOTT. 959. | Elizabeth Foster, | 978 | May 29, 1848 | | | WILLIAM AND MARTHA (HUNT) ABRAMS. 864. Martha, 979 Dec. 4, 1806 | Jan. 23, 1819 100 | Eliza, 980 Nov. 29) 1809 | Mar. 5. 1867 | Nov. 4, 1827 | 1. Henry Jordan; -1837. 100 981 1844 | 2. Clifton Ashton Garrett; -1849. 20 | William Hunt, 982 May 16,1811 | May 27,1846 | Jan. 22, 1839 | 1. Louisa Dunseth; -1842) 20 983 Nov. 7, 1844 | 2. Sarah A. Brown. WILLIAM H. AND LOUISA (DUNSETH) ABRAMS. 982. | J. Stroader, 984 | Cinn., Ohio, Oct. 20, 1840 | Dec. 4, 1841 | Louisa Dunseth, 985 May 24 1842 | Aug. 14; 1843 WILLIAM H. AND SARAH A. (BROWN) ABRAMS. 983. 20 | Mary E., | 986 | Cinn., Ohio, Oct. 2, 1845 | | June 4, 1868 | Samuel Baird Huey; 1842-. SAMUEL B. AND MARY E. (ABRAMS) HUEY. 986. Arthur Baird, 987 | Phila., June 14, 1870 Williams Abrams,) 988 ee Aug. 18, 1872 Emma Harvey, 989 te Sept. 29, 1874 Sam’l Culbertson,| 990 ef Dec. 11, 1877 Malcolm Sidney, 991 |Spring Lake, N.J., Aug.3,’85 REUBEN AND ELIZA (TUFTS) HUNT. 866. Eliza A., 992 Charlestown, Sept. 20, 1815 1845 1842 | Warren Tapley. Reuben, 998 Dec. 9, 1816 | Mar. 17, 1867 REUBEN AND SARAH (SNOW) HUNT. 867. E | Sarah, 994 | Charlestown, Feb. 8, 1820 | Dec. 10, 1858 Martha Rebecca, | 995 is Nov. 7, 1822 SIMON AND HANNAH B. (ROGERS) HUNT. 868. Thomas H., 996 Camden, Me., Apr. 13, 1820 20 | Simon, Jr., 997 Feb. 2, 1826 Aug. 6, 1854 | Jane C. Arey; 1829-1883. 90 | Hannah R., 998 ee June fi, 1833 Rev. John L. Locke; -1875. 20 | Abel, 999 ee Apr. 19, 1835 Dec. 17, 1866 | Evelina Knight; dau. Elbridge G. and Myra H. SIMON AND JANE C. (AREY) HUNT. 997. Ada l., 1000. Hudson, Wis., Aug.4, 1855 |Diedininfancy. Clara R., 1001 Feb. “4, 1857 | Nov. 18, 1863 Mary P., 1002 pe June 20, 1859 Leonard B., 1008 se Nov. 29 1870 REV. JOHN L. AND HANNAH R. (HUNT) LOCKE. 998. e Herbert Hunt, | 1004 | Aug. 2, 1872 | ; ABEL AND EVELINA (KNIGHT) HUNT. 999. Walter Reid, 1005 Camden, Me., Nov. 15, 1867 Ralph Hudson, 1006 Dee. 9, 1868 Edward Jarvis, 1007 oe Sept. 25, 1872 Eva Sawtelle, 1008 “ May 19, 1874 JONAS AND RUTH (BARRETT) HEYWOOD. 856. t 1009 Dec. 22, 1786 Capt. Humphrey Hunt. No. 858. oe oe Dec. 24) 1788 Nov. 17, 1808 | John Howe. 20 Humphrey, 1011 | Concord, Sept. 18, 1797 | June 2, 1818 | ABEL AND LUCY (MINOTT) BARRETT. 857-4852. | JOHN AND LOIS (BROOKS) BARRETT. 17. 21 | Joseph, Capt., 1012 | Concord, Jan. 5,1745 | Dec. 20, 1831 1. Sarah Brooks; 1752-1794; dau. John and Lucy. 21 1013 ae Nov. 4, 1798 | 2. Sarah (Witherell) Scott; 1759-1845. [(Flagg). 22 | John, 1014 se Aug. 2,1748 | Sept. 22,1815 | Nov. 29,1780 | Experience Ball; -1848; dau. Caleb and Experience Hepzabah, 1015 a Oct. 3, 1750 May 23,1775 | Samuel White; son Mark. Lois, 1016 at Dec. 14,1752 | Nov.17, 1778 | Unmarried. : [young.) Lydia, 1017 " May 25,1755 | Jan. 20, 1832 | Apr. 11, 1782 | 1. Silas Mann; 1745-1788. (Had 2 children who d. (no issue), 1018 Dec. 6, 1792 | 2. Dea. George Minott. No. 532. (no issue), 1019 Dec. 12, 1809 | 3. Capt. Chandler Page. Hannah, 1020 es July 5, 1757 Persis, 1021 es Oct. 20, 1759 June 28, 1786 | Ephraim Chamberlain; 1756-. Anna, 1022 = Noy. 16, 1761 1841 | Dec. 28, 1790 | Nathaniel Boynton. No. 1164. Rebecca Elizab’h,| 1023 es Dec. 5, 1764 | Nov. 17,1793 | Unmarried. 7 CAPT. JOSEPH AND SARAH (BROOKS) BARRETT. 1012. 21 | Joseph, 1024 |Mason, N.H., Jan. 25, 1774 | Oct. 31, 1852 | Oct. 3, 1809 |Mary Appleton; 1775-1853; d. Isaac and Mary(Adams). 21 | John, Capt., 1025 i Aug. 21,1775 | Aug. 22,1856 | Dec. 12, 1822 | Lucy Joslyn; 1786-1866; dau. Daniel. 21 | Elisha, 1026 ae Dec. 7,1776 | July 21, 1857 | Nov. 27, 1803 | Abigail Russell; 1788-1852. Sarah, 1027 ee Oct. 12,1778 | May 21, 1820 | Feb. 24,1779 | Nehemiah Russell. : 22 | Mercy, 1028 a Aug. 5, 1780 | Dec. 21, 1867 | Jan. 30, 1807 | Mark Safford; 1782-1844; son John and Mehitable. Abel, 1029 BE June 3, 1782 22 | Hannah, 1030 ne Sept. 13, 1783 | Nov. 17, 1861 | Sept. 29, 1798 | Amos Davis; -1834. Jonas, 1031 ee Dec. 31,1784 | Jan. 22, 1787 ; 22 | Mary, 1032 a Jan. 8,1787 | Nov. 1, 1869 | May 12,1814 | Nathan Stow; 1793-1841; son Nathan and Abigail. Rebecca (ao issue), 1033 te May 26, 1789 Mar. 6,1817 | William Ward. CAPT. JOSEPH AND SARAH (WITHERELL-SCOTT) BARRETT. 1013. = 22 | Asa Scott, 1034 /Mason, N. H., Apr.5, 1800 | Nov. 24, 1878 | Oct. 17, 1832 | Arvilla C. Wheeler. Louisa, 1035 a Sept. 26, 1803 | Sept. 4,1870 | May 26, 1832 | Stephen Walker; 1803-1874. JOSEPH AND MARY (APPLETON) BARRETT. 1024. Joseph Appleton, | 1036 |Bakersf’d,Vt., July 22,1812) Apr. 20, 1833 Emily Maria, 1037 ee Oct. 23,1814 | June 11, 1833 | Unmarried. [ Hannah. 21 | Mary Narcissa, 1038 fe Aug. 24, 1816 Aug. 3, 1836 | Samuel Watson Bent; 1812-1861; son Samuel B. and 21 | Dora Everett, 1039 ne Jan. 10, 1820 June 23, 1842 |Dr. Edw. Spalding; 1813—;s. Dr. Matthias and Rebecca. SAMUEL W. AND MARY N. (BARRETT) BENT. 1038. Sam’] Arthur,A.M.,| 1040 July 1, 1841 Joseph Appleton, | 1041 Feb. 22, 1843 | Aug. 12, 1869 DR. EDWARD AND DORA E. (BARRETT) SPALDING. 1039. Mary Appleton, | 1042 |Nashua, N. H., Mar. 20, 1848 Edward Atherton,| 1043 ee Oct. 18, 1852 | Nov. 10, 1863 Dora Narcissa, 1044 ef July 25, 1857 CAPT. JOHN AND LUCY (JOSLYN) BARRETT. 1025. 21 | Lucy, 1045 | Grafton, Vt., Oct. 1, 1823 Sept. 8, 1847 |Francis Daniels; 1809-1877; s. Leon’d & Eliz. (Cutler). 21 ; John Humphrey, | 1046 a Sept. 5, 1825 Sept. 12, 1867 |Augusta L. Perry; 1840-; d. Dr. Chas. and Lousia [(Chamberlain). 21 | Susan Hall, 1047 we Nov. 7, 1826 | June 17,1855 | June 4, 1850 J.S. D. Taylor; 1818-1873; s. Dr. Jonathan & Aseneth, 21 | Charles, Hon., 1048 ee Jan. 28, 1830 Dec. 5, 1859 |Caroline Sanford; 1834-; d.Wm. R. & Emily (Bascom), FRANCIS: AND LUCY (BARRETT) DANIELS. 1045. 21 | Francis Barrett, | 1049 | Grafton, Vt., Oct. 31, 1848 June 19, 1878 | Harriet Louise Seymour; 1856-; dau. Rev. Chas. H. 21 | Leonard, 1050 ne Feb. 9, 1852 Mar. 26, 1883 | Annie 8. Greg; 1860-. [and Caroline. John, 1051 ee June 19, 1854 1884 | Minnie Staples. Charles, 1052 ee Aug. 11, 1856 Lucy J., 1053 He Nov. 5, 1858 Susan Elizabeth, | 1054 Ke May 18, 1861 FRANCIS BARRETT AND HARRIET LOUISE (SHYMOUR) DANIELS. 1049. Caroline Seymour,| 1055 |Dubuque, Ia., Apr. 6, 1879 | | Lucy Barrett, 1056 SS June 26, 1880 | Maud Errol, | John Francis, LEONARD AND ANNIE S. (GREG) DANIELS. | 1057 |Kan. City, Mo., Jan. 7, 1884) 1050. JOHN HUMPHREY AND AUGUSTA L. (PERRY) BARRETT. 1046. | | 1058 |Lincoln, Neb.,Nov. 10, 1872| J. Ss. D. AND SUSAN HALL (BARRETT) TAYLOR. 1047. | Dorsey, | 1059 | Dec. 24, 1852 | | | HON. CHARLES AND CAROLINE (SANFORD) BARRETT. 1048. Charles Sanford, | 1060 | Grafton, Vt., Oct. 25, 1860 John, 1061 #6 Nov. 28, 1866 Lucy Emily, 1062 < June 7, 1874 | Mar. 15, 1875 ELISHA AND ABIGAIL (RUSSELL) BARRETT. 1026. 22 | George Minott, | 1063 |Mason, N. H.,May 9, 1805 | Apr. 3, 1883 / June 18, 1835 | 1. Elvira Bancroft; dau. Dea. Daniel and Sukey. 1064 : 1879 | 2. Nellie Townsend; dau. Lafayette and Lucinda. Sophronia, 1065 ee Sept. 10, 1808 | Jan., 1848 | Aug. 18, 1833 ; Amos Scripture. Lucy B., 1066 ee June 22, 1813 | Oct. 31,1843 | Nov., 1835 | Winslow Ames. Abigail, 1067 #6 June 9,1816 } Jan. 11, 1878 | Sept. 12, 1837 | Amos H. Hosmer. {(Jones). 22 | Elisha Brooks, 1068 a Nov. 18, 1818 May 19, 1842 | 1. Lucy S. Cutler; 1819-1856; dau. Daniel and Sally { 1069 Dec. 4, 1859 | 2. Caroline (Cragin) McClure; 1831-. 21 GEORGE MINOTT AND ELVIRA (BANCROFT) BARRETT. 1063. | Everett E., | 1070 | Grafton, Vt., 1839 | Nov. 23,1857 | Unmarried. | ELISHA BROOKS AND LUCY S. (CUTLER) BARRETT. 1068. | Frank Herbert, | 1071 | Mar. 30, 1851 | May 20,1879 | Sept., 1875 | Hattie Farrar. MARK AND MERCY (BARRETT) SAFFORD. 1028. Lucy (o issue), 1072 Washington, N,H., Feb. 19,1808 July 20, 1842 | June 6, 1833 | John Cummings. Ward D. doissue, | 1073 Apr. 24, 1810 May 25, 1884 | June 27, 1850 | Sarah W. Boot. John B., 1074 co Nov. 9, 1811 | Oct. 21, 1833 22 | Mary, 1075 «“ Feb. 3, 1814 | Sept. 20,1885 | Aug. 17, 1837 | Samuel Daniels; 1808-. 22 | Joseph, 1076 “ June 17, 1816 July 24,1841 | Mary Fifield. 22 | Mark, 1077 Oy July 1, 1818 Aug. 10, 1844 | Eliza Lamphrey. Harriet, 1078 te June 2, 1822 George W., 1079 ie Nov. 29, 1823 | Oct. 21, 1853 SAMUEL AND MARY (SAFFORD) DANIELS. 1075. George Barrett, | 1080 May 11,1839 | Mar. 5, 1884 | Mar. 10, 1870 | Carrie M. Abbott. Mary Lucy, 1081 Aug. 15, 1845 Jan. 1, 1865 | James Chandler Fairbank. JOSEPH AND MARY (FIFIELD) SAPFORD. 1076. John L., 1082 Sept. 22, 1844 Sept. 26, 1871 | Sarah Eelatine. Joseph B., 1083 Mar. 11, 1846 Dec. 29, 1880 | Jennie L. Hatch. MARK AND BLIZA (LAMPHREY) SAFFORD. 1077. | George A., | 1084 | July 9, 1848 | | July 9, 1876 | Mary M. Blake. » AMOS AND HANNAH (BARRETT) DAVIS. 1030. | Nathan, | 1085 | Groton, | > | | NATHAN AND MARY (BARRETT) STOW. 1032. 103 | Mary, 1086 | Concord, Feb. 16,1816 | May 4,1868 | June 2, 1843 | Lorenzo Eaton; 1815-; son Silas and Nancy (Stone). Lydia Barrett, 1087 te Dec. 27,1817 | June 2, 1836 Harriet, 1088 ty Feb. 17, 1821 [well). 104 | Nathan Brooks, | 1089 2 Nov. 28, 1822 Nov. 18, 1856 | Elizabeth Brown; 1827-; dau. John and Sally (Cogs- Sarah Abigail, 1090 Oct. 19, 1824 Caroline, 1091 ef Nov. 7, 1827 = ASA SCOTT AND ARVILLA C. (WHEELER) BARRETT. 1034. 22 | Melinda E., 1092 Grafton, Vt., Aug. 4, 1833 May 25, 1856 | George W. Crawford. Merinda, 1093 "Apr. 28) 1835 | Sept. 2, 1836 22 | Charles Henry, | 1094 te Aug. 17,1837 | Apr. 27, 1878 | May 1, 1860 | Elisa J. Holden. 22; Arvilla L., 1095 ee Aug. 15} 1839 Jan. 1, 1861 | Edmund Dinsmore; 1832-. Victoria E., 1096 ee Sept. 28, 1841 W. HH. Fuller. Marcellus M., 1097 te Sept. 18, 1843 | Oct. 25, 1884 John De Zue, | 1098 < Jan. 3, 1846 [Mary. 22 | Lucy E., 1099 ee Apr. 28, 1848 Dec. 17, 1877 | Alexander H. Eustace; 1850-; son Christopher and Franklin W., 1100 ue Dec. 29, 1851 May 20, 1872 | Lucy J. Reed. J. Arthur, 1101 ae Jan. 7, 1854 | Sept. 14, 1879 GEORGE W. AND MELINDA E. (BARRETT) CRAWFORD. 1092. George Willie, 1102 |Alstead, N. H., Apr. 4, 1857 Sept. 18, 1883 | Charlotte E. Ballance. Ernest E., 1103 Bellows Falls, Vt. jae 31, 1858 Feb. 11, 1885 | Cora E. Gilson. Katie T., 1104 Oct. 19, 1860 Oct. 24,1878 | Hiram F. Noyes. Minnie M., 1105 | Rutland, Vt., Feb. 4 1863 CHARLES HENRY AND ELIZA J. (HOLDEN) BARRETT. 1094. Frank M., 1106 Mar. 19, 1861 Fernand H., 1107 Sept. 27, 1867 Willie N., 1108 May 9, 1869 | Oct. 3, 1873 Carlos, 1109 Dec. 28, 1872 | Feb. 1, 1874 Leola, 1110 May 12, 1876 EDMUND AND ARVILLA L. (BARRETT) DINSMORE. 1095. a Elmira E., 1111 Noy. 19, 1861 | Mar. 19, 1864 Myra E., 1112 1863 Nov. 26, 1883 | Ernest Mack. George Calvin, 1118 1866 Gertrude May, 1114 May 23, 1872 | Dec. 14, 1874 ALEXANDER H. AND LUCY E. (BARRETT) EUSTACE. 1099. Mabel A., | 1115 |Hansville, N. H., Feb. 24, 1878 | | JOHN AND EXPERIENCE (BALL) BARRETT. 1014. John, Rev. (no issue),| 1116 | Concord, Sept. 30,1781 | Dec. 3, 1849 | Charlotte Kendall. [Sarah. 23 | Joshua, Rev., 1117 ee Feb. 28, 1783 1868 | Nov., 1826 | Sarah Newhall; 1790-1854; dau. Daniel A. B. and 22 | Daniel, 1118 “ Sept. 28,1784 | Dec. 2, 1857 | Mar. 31, 1818 Elizabeth Flint: 1786-1873 ; "a. Edward and Hepzabah. Lois, 1119 ee May 22, 1786 June 12, 1805 | Rev. Wm. Frothingham; 1819-1852; s. Wm. & Mary. 23 |-Silas, 1120 ee June 16, 1788 | Nov. 17, 1851 | Feb. 22,1819 | 1. Elizabeth Aiken; 1798-1848; dau. Peter and Eliz. 1121 2. Hannah G. Hoyt: -1878. 23 | Joel, 1122 es Oct. 9,1789 | Feb. 2, 1863 | Jan. 10, 1822 Sarah R. Wyman; 1796-1859. Miriam, 1123 ee June 15,1793 | Feb. 27, 1817 Lydia 1124 et Sept. 6,1795 | June 19, 1820 Lucy, 4125 “ Sept. 20, 1797 | Sept. 28, 1815 DANIEL AND ELIZABETH (PLINT) BARRETT. 1118. lizabeth Almira,| 1126 | Concord, Mar. 3, 1820 DEEL 1197 | “ Apr., 1826 | Sept., 1827 | 93 | Ann E., 1128 a Aug. 5, 1829 May 13,1852 | Jeremiah Farmer; 1816-. 22 JEREMIAH AND ANN E. (BARRETT) FARMER. 1128. Hattie A., 1129 June 10, 1853 . Lizzie M., 1130 May 29, 1860 = = REV. JOSHUA AND SARAH (NEWHALL) BARRETT. 1117. Joshua Payson, | 1131 Nov., 1828 1874 Daniel Newhall, | 1132 Jan., 1831 Sarah Mansfield, | 1133 June, 1833 SILAS AND ELIZABETH (AIKEN) BARRETT. 1120. 23 | John Lyman, 1134 |Mt. Taber, Vt., July 29, 1824 May 8, 1855 | Mary Stillman Whitney; 1825-. Eliz’th Goodhue, | 1135 ae Aug. 17,1826) Nov. 29, 1848 . Albert Aiken, 1136 |Windham,Vt., Nov. 27, 1820| July 17, 1847 Lucy Ann, 1137 |Mt. Taber, Vt., July 26, 1830 Henry Martyn, 1138 |Putney, Vt., May 14,1834) May 28, 1860 George Barney, | 1139 June, 1837| May 31, 1839 23 | Harriet Elizabeth,| 1140 JOHN LYMAN AND MARY STILLMAN (WHITNEY) BARRETT. 1134. | Sept. 3, 1883 | Andrew C. Campbell; son Andrew and Margaret. |Farmerville,La., July 9,1863 | Lyman Barrett, | 1141 | ANDREW C. AND HARRIET EH. (BARRETT) CAMPBELL. 1140. June 16, 1884 | JOEL AND SARAH R. (WYMAN) BARRETT. 1122. g Sarah Doubt Wyman,| 1142 | Concord, Nov. 11, 1822 Nov. 29, 1849 | Adams F. Warren. 23 | Elizabeth Brooks,| 1143 “s Dec. 14, 1823 Oct. 16, 1844 | Joseph H. Blake; 1816-1885; s.JJedediah and Sarah. 23 | Ann Everett, 1144 me June 6, 1825 Nov. 30, 1848 | William H. Devens. John, 1145 oy July 6, 1826 May 17, 1860 | Julia Ann Robbins; 1819-; dau. Eli and Hannah. Caroline Augusta,| 1146 #8 Nov. 29, 1827 | Jan. 1, 1862 | Unmarried. JOSEPH H. AND ELIZABETH B. (BARRETT) BLAKE. 1143. Sarah Wyman, 1147 | Concord, Mar. 8, 1846 | Aug. 13, 1846 Rosville, 1148 ee May 12, 1847 Dec. 18, 1870 | Mary E. Smith. | Frank Warren, | 1149 oe Aug. 29, 1853 WILLIAM H. AND ANN E. (BARRETT) DEVENS. 1144. Florence Aldrich,| 1150 | Littleton,. Apr. 6, 1850 Clifford, 1151 ee Oct. 22, 1852 P William, 1152 es June 26, 1855 Wyman, 1153 |Concord, N. H., Nov. 2,1857 Annie Barrett, 1154 ee Feb. 22, 1860 Ellsworth, 1155 oe Mar. 8, 1862 | Aug. 8, 1879 Adams, 1156 | Concord, Feb. 10, 1866 BENJAMIN AND REBECCA (JONES) BARRETT. 19-4278. 23 | Rebecca, 1157 | Concord, Feb. 14, 1730-1 | Mar. 30, 1805 1750 | 1. Nathaniel Boynton; 1724-1798. (no issue), (| 1158 «ih July 10, 1800 | 2. Timothy Prescott; 1728-1808; son Jonas. Lydia, 1159 a Mar. 16, 1732-3 | Mar. 24, 1733 23 | Benjamin, 1160 et Jan. 9, 1734-5 | Sept. 14, 1811 | Nov. 24,1761 | 1. Sarah Meriam; 1735-1781. [(Locke). 1161 2. Hannah Jones; 1742-1831; dau. Wm. and Sarah 26 | Jonas, Lieut., 1162 a Sept. 24, 1737 | Jan. 31,1803 | Nov. 19,1776 | 1. Mary Fletcher; 1739-1877; dau. Timothy. 26 1163 2. Urania Locke; 1758-1838; d. James and Hannah. NATHANIEL AND REBECCA (BARRETT) BOYNTON. 1157. Nathaniel, | 1164 | 1763 | | | Anna Barrett. No. 1022. BENJAMIN AND SARAH (MERIAM) BARRETT. 1160. 23 | Benjamin, 1165 | Ashby, June 21, 1762 | Nov. 6, 1842 1. Bridget Lawrence; -1793. 23 1166 2. Rhoda (Stearns) Wheeler; 1756-. Jonas Prescott, 1167 fs Sept. 2,1764 | Oct. 31, 1781 Mary, 1168 a Mar. 25,1767 | Aug. 22, 1841 | Feb. 18,1790 | Josiah Whitney; -1842. Cynthia, 1169 ee Nov. 7, 1769,| Feb. 20, 1784 John Beaton, 1170 ee Dec. 5,1774) Apr. 5, 1800 Joseph Meriam, | 1171 te Sept. 30,1778 | Jan. 21, 1806 | May, 1803 | Sally Green. BENJAMIN AND BRIDGET (LAWRENCE) BARRETT. 1165. 23 | Jonas Prescott, 1172 | Ashby, Mar. 10,1783 | June, 1822 | Dec. 30, 1803 | Sally Foule; 1782-1817. 24 | Benjamin, 1173 ts June 18,1786 | Aug. 3, 1837 | Feb. 7, 1809 | Nancy Stone; 1786-; dau. Oliver and Nancy. 24 | Charles, Col., 1174 ue Feb. 21,1788 | June 8, 1855 | Sept. 19, 1811 | 1. Sarah Hastings; 1792-1815. 94 1175 Aug. 5,1817 | 2. Betsey Johnson; 1799-1862. 25 | Oliver, 1176 He Jan. 31,1790 1880 | Jan. 14, 1812 | 1. Betsey Stone; 1792-1842. 1177 2. Mrs. Sophia Wheeler. 1178 3. Mrs. —— Jefts. 25 | Ezra, 1179 os May 11,1791 | Jan. 1, 1843 | Nov. 17,1817 | Rhoda Johnson; 1789; dau. Col. Reuben and Rhoda. 25 | Polly, 1180 Aug. 29,1792 | Feb. 8, 1857 | Dec. 3, 1820 | 1. Sam’l Wiggins; 1790-1832; s. Phineas & Mehitable. { 1181 June 24, 1834 | 2. Wm. Richardson; 1791-1872; s. Abel and Tabitha. Thomas, 1182 *e 1793 | Sept. 26, 1793 BENJAMIN AND RHODA (STEARNS) BARRETT. 1166. Sally, 1183 | Ashby, 1795 26 Cynthia, 1184 6 May 26,1797 | Mar. 15,1881 | Dec. 5, 1816 | Isaac Foster; 1795-1838. JONAS PRESCOTT AND SALLY (FOULE) BARRETT. 1172. 24 | Harriet, 1185 | Woburn, Sept., 1804 Nov. 5, 1826 | Samuel Fox. 24 | James Foule, 1186 ee Apr. 16,1806 | Dec. 9, 1851 | Apr. 15, 1829 | Mary G. Raymond; 1813-. Edwin, 1187 6 1808 | Oct. 17, 1808 24 | Jonas Prescott, | 1188 ae Dec., ‘ 1809 Sept. 7, 1831 | Ann Augusta Reed. Mary Foule, 1189 ce Apr. 16, 1812 William Hart. Marshall, 1190 Me 1814 | Apr. 5, 1884 | Unmarried. 23 SAMUEL AND HARRIET (BARRETT) FOX. 1185. Harriet Jones, | 1191 | | Charles C. Woodman. JAMES FOULE AND MARY G. (RAYMOND) BARRETT. 1186. 24 ) Jonas Prescott, | 1192 | Woburn, July 26, 1831 June 1, 1855 | Sarah F. Skinner; 1833-; dau. Stephen and Sarah. Adelia, 1193 “ July 24, 1833 | Sept. 14, 1834 Sarah Adelia, 1194 oe June 30, 1840 | Aug. 26, 1840 24 Albert Polk, 1195 He July 14, 1844 Dec. 25, 1868 | Mary F. Norcross; 1847-; dau. Geo. L. and Lucy H. Cynthia Eliza, 1196 te Mar. 15, 1847 | Aug. 9, 1847 é James Foule, 1197 a Mar. 8, 1851 Aug. 18, 1833 | Elizabeth J. Garrett; 1859-; dau. Hugh and Maria. JONAS P. AND SARAH F. (SKINNER) BARRETT. 1192. 24 | Jonas Francis, 1198 | Woburn, June 26, 1858 Nov. 21, 1876 | Ella A. Sweetzer. Ralph Lewis, 1199 a Oct. 20, 1870 JONAS FRANCIS AND ELLA A. (SWEETZER) BARRETT. 1198. Willis Stephen, 1200 Jan. 24,1877 | Apr. 21, 1880 Frank Everett, 1201 May 1,1878 | July 21, 1878 Elsie Prescott, 1202 July 22, 1879 Cora Sweetzer, 1203 Mar. 7, 1882 Nellie Frances, | 1204 June 30, 1884 [Ef ALBERT POLK AND MARY F. (NORCROSS) BARRETT. 1195. J. Lewis, 1205 Nov. 4, 1869 Lucy J., 1206 Aug. 21, 1871 George A., 1207 Sept. 8, 1874 Henry H., 1208 May 9, 1878 JONAS PRESCOTT AND ANN AUGUSTA (REED) BARRETT. 1188. John Foule, 1209 Oct. 14, 1832 , Mary Jane, 1210 Dec. 30, 1834 | May 26,1861 | Unmarried. Charles Robert, | 1211 Feb. 10,1840 | Dec. 8, 1857 Josephine, 1212 Oct. 9, 1842 | Sept. 12, 1861 Ann Augusta, 1213 Jan. 6, 1846 | Dec. 17, 1846 BENJAMIN AND NANCY (STONE) BARRETT. 1173. Oliver Stone, 1214 |Ashburnham, Dec. 9, 1809 | Nov. 10, 1810 Nancy Stone, 1215 ae Dec. 14, 1811 | Sept. 17, 1828 24 | Joseph, 1216 ae Jan. 13, 1813 Feb. 10, 1840 | Louisa Newton; 1812-. Mary, 1217 e Aug. 24,1815 | Nov. 8, 1816 Mary (ao issue), 1218 e July 26,1817 | Dec. 31, 1839 1839 | 8. Dexter Smith. 24 | Lucy, 1219 ss June 28, 1819 June 14, 1842 | Martin Johnson. Ephraim, 1220 ee Aug. 24, 1821 | Novy. 20, 1821 Benjamin, 1221 ee Oct. 4, 1822 | Apr. 24, 1823 Edward $., 1222 #e Feb. 17, 1824 June 23, 1860 | Nancy Brigham. 24 | Julia M., 1223 ne Mar. 18, 1826 Apr. 11, 1849 | Samuel C. White. 24 | Caroline, 1224 es Feb. 15, 1828 June 25, 1851 | Francis A. White. JOSEPH AND LOUISA (NEWTON) BARRETT. 1216. Mary Caroline, 1225 June 9, 1841 | June 10, 1843 Mary Caroline, 1226 Nov. 9, 1845 Charles Benjamin,| 1227 Nov. 14, 1847 Frank Edward, 1228 July 12, 1850 Jennie Eliz., 1229 Dec. 27, 1852 Helen Louise, 1230 Mar. 28, 1855 MARTIN AND LUCY (BARRETT) JOHNSON. 1219. Ellen Augusta, 1231 |Ashburn’m, Aug. 29, 1843 Aug. 9, 1876 | George V. Barrett. No. 2554. Sarah Louisa, 1232 |Fitchburg, Sept. 22, 1845 Sept. 21, 1872 | John W. Dowden. Lydia Frances, 1233 me Nov. 21, 1847 | Mar. 30, 1848 Abbie Caroline, | 1234 oe Aug. 23, 1851 Fannie Eveline, | 1235 a Sept. 10, 1854 Mary Barrett, 1236 | Lunenburg, June 8, 1861 SAMUEL C. AND JULIA (BARRETT) WHITE. 1223. 24 | Julia Maria, 1237 Mar. 19, 1852 Oct. 6, 1880 | George H. Gale. Louisa, 1238 Dec. 8, 1857 Edward, 1239 Apr. 6, 1862 Harriet Stone, 1240 Oct. 21, 1868 GHORGE H. AND JULIA M. (WHITE) GALE. 1237. Charles White, 1241 |Bergen Point, N. J., Mar. 31, ’83 Helen Avery, 1242 Sept. 12, 1885 FRANCIS A. AND CAROLINE (BARRETT) WHITE. 1224. Charles Frederick,| 1243 | Roxbury, May 27, 1856 William Howard, | 1244 | Brookline, Sept. 21, 1858 Francis Winthrop,| 1245 a Dec. 17, 1860 Sophia Buckland, | 1246 rf Dec. 16, 1862 COL. CHARLES AND SARAH (HASTINGS) BARRETT. 1174. Charles Hastings,| 1247 |Ashburn’m, Jan. 2, 1812 Mar. 17, 1836 | Emma Flint; 1814-. Sarah Jewett, | 1248 « —” Jan. 28,1814 | Oct. 19,.1848 ” 1834 | Myrick Stevenson. COL. CHARLES AND BETSEY (JOHNSON) BARRETT. 1175. is J., Col., | 1249 |Ashburn’m, Aug. 7, 1818 | Oct. 10,1851 | May 7, 1839 | Nancy Bemis; 1817-1864. 26 | Sivabeth F., 1250 « —’ Sept. 21; 1820 | Aug. 27, 1837 y i Almira Child, 1251 ee Feb. 12, 1823 | Aug. 25, 1837 25 | George Henry, 1252 ge Nov. 28, 1833 Nov. 80, 1854 | Mary S. Greenwood; 1833~. 24 Emma Almira, Charles Francis, Eliz. Tollansbee, 1253 1254 1255 COL. FRANCIS JOHNSON AND NANCY (BEMIS) BARRETT. 1249. Ashburnh’m, Sept. 13, 1840 af Apr. 13, 1842 ae Apr. 7, 1844 July 4, 1843 Oct. 10, 1865 J. H. Wilkins. COL. GEORGE HENRY AND MARY S. (GREENWOOD) BARRETT. 1252. | Grace Greenwood,| 1256 |Ashburnham, July 16, 1861 | May 7, 1881 | OLIVER AND BETSEY (STONE) BARRETT. 1176. 25 | Oliver Stone, 1257 Ashburnham, July 13,1812 Sept. 2, 1834 | Lucy Wyman; 1814-1877. [Betsey. John Otis, 1258 Apr. 18, "1815 Apr. 30, 1839 | Harriet 8S. Richardson; 1816-1882; dau. Josiah and Cyn. Eliza (no issue), | 1259 et Mar. 24? 1817 | June 1, 1862 | Sept. 24, 1843 | Joseph Jackson Waters; 1806-1880. Geo. Benj. (no issue), {1981 oe May 10, 1819 1870 | Nov. 24, 1857 | 1. Nancy Haradan; 1820-1861. (no iasue),| | 1261 2, Anna Potter. Clar’saDavis (no iss.),) 1262 as May 22, 1821 Apr. 17, 1850 | Rodolphus Priest, 1828— 25 | Thomas Parker, | 1263 ee July 5, 1823 | Jan. 27, 1872 | Mar. 26, 1848 | Sophia Sawtelle; 1829-. 25 | Eph. Cobleigh, 1264 ee July 26, 1825 1. Martha Tenney; 1825-1827. (noissue), {| 1265 2. Mrs. Howard Nutting. Emily Augusta, | 1266 ss Aug. 8, 1827 | July 30, 1890 Henry A., 1267 es Sept. 7,1830 | June 2, 1831 25 | Emily Ann, 1268 ef Nov. 14, 1831 William H. Potter; -1879. N’cy Stone (noissue,) 1269 xt May 2, 1835 Apr. 17, 1857 | 1. Oliver W. Norris; 1830-1861. (no issue),) 1270 Feb. 10, 1870 | 2. Amasa Whifney; -1884. Owen Tracey, 1271 ee Oct. 5, 1838 | Noy. 5, 1879 Louisa Stone. OLIVER STONE AND LUCY (WYMAN) BARRETT. 1257. Elizabeth Jane, | 1272 Ashburnh’m, June 10,1835 | May 2, 1844 25 | Henry Oliver, 1273 June 28, 1843 July 9, 1863 | Mary Forsyth. Charles Gregg, 1274 ee Dec. 15, 1847 | Mar. 13, 1848 25 | Clara Adelaide, | 1275 of June 16, 1850 Nov. 18, 1875 | John E. Staples. Ella Sophia, 1276 te Aug. i 1854 June 3, 1880 | Earl S. Sloan. a HENRY O. AND MARY (FORSYTH) BARRETT. 1273. Lizzie May, 1277 Sept. 24, 1865 Dec. 25, 1884 | Charles W. Seavey. Henry Wyman, | 1278 Oct. 25, 1867 Nellie Louise, 1279 June 30, 1869 JOHN EB. AND CLARA A. (BARRETT) STAPLES. 1275. Alice Wyman, 1280 Apr. 15, 1878 | Harry Oliver, 1281 Apr. 14, 1880 THOMAS PARKER AND SOPHIA (SAWTELLE) BARRETT. 1263. Elmer Clinton, 1282 May 26, 1852 | Ida Clara, 1283 July 27, 1856 EPHRAIM C. AND MARTHA (TENNEY) BARRETT. 1264. Frank H., 1284 Aug. 9, 1851 Lizzie Brodden. Edgar Clarence, | 1285 Jan. 16, 1853 Eva Marion, 1286 Oct. 22, 1856 | Nov. 11, 1862 Nellie Bacon, 1287 Apr. 14, 1858 | Nov. 17, 1862 WILLIAM H. AND EMILY ANN (BARRETT) POTTER. 1268. | Wm. Herbert, | 1288 | Aug. 2, 1863 | EZRA AND RHODA (JOHNSON) BARRETT. 1179. 25 | Edward Harris, | 1289 Warner, N.H., Sept. 17,718 Oct. 27, 1845 | Charlotte Eastman Ladd; 1824-. 25 | Maria Boardman, | 1290 June es 1820 Feb. 22, 1853 | Dec. 16, 1841 | Samuel Aiken. Caroline Jewett, | 1291 oF May 27, 1823 | Feb. 13, 1844 John Woods, 1292 ee July 25, 1825 | Aug. 18, 1862 | Unmarried. EDWARD HARRIS AND CHARLOTTE EASTMAN (LADD) BARRETT. 1289. 25 | Frank Edward, 1293 |Franklin, N.H., July 24,’47 Feb. 7, 1871 | Libbie M. Mason; 1849-. 25 | Walter Scott, 1294 |Plym‘th, 'N. i., "Aug. 24,749 Aug. 3, 1881 | Eva M. Champlin; 1856-. 25 | Herbert Ezra, 1295 Gpriigdald, Ul. ,Jan. 81, "52 Feb. 2, 1876 | Melrose Abby Shafner; 1857-. Carrie Maria, 1296 |Utica, Minn. Jan. 17, 1855 William Johnson, 1297 ce ept. 14, 1859 George Hamilton, 1298 a Aug. 18, 1861 | Mar. 5, 1862 Rollo Fayette, 1299 ee Mar. 3, 1864 George Ames, 1300 i Feb. 23) 1869 FRANK EDWARD AND LIBBIE M. (MASON) BARRETT. 1293. Roy Frank, 1301 |Minneap., Minn. ,Sept. 18,°76 | Raymond Mason, Nov. 24, 1884 WALTER SCOTT AND EVA M. (CHAMPLIN) BARRETT. 1294. | Floy Madge, _—_| 1803 | Nov. 6, 1882 | Jan. 8, 1884 | HERBERT EB. AND MELROSE A. (SHAFNER) BARRETT. 1295. | Grant Millard, | 1304 | Feb. 25, 1884 | | | SAMUEL AND MARIA BOARDMAN (BARRETT) AIKEN. 1290. —_ Mary Augusta 1305 Oct. 5, 1842 | ‘Mar. 21, 1844 | | Chas. Augustus, | 1306 Sept. 6, 1846 SAMUEL AND POLLY (BARRETT) WIGGINS. 1180. i 1307 | Bath, Me., Oct. 11, 1822 Emily Jewett, 1308 |“ Nov. 19, 1824 | June 5, 1825 Cynthia, 1309 ae Dec. 30, 1825 | Oct. 28, 1833 : 25 ISAAC AND CYNTHIA (BARRETT) FOSTER. 1184. Isaac Barrett, 1310 'Forestville, N. ¥., Nov.10, 1817 May 6, 1843 | Unmarried. Cynthia Maria, 1311 | ee Oct 31, 1819 | Jan. 6,1841 | Philemon R. Fairchild; 1817-1861. Celia Augusta, 1312 | es Nov. 13, 1821 Mar., 1839. | Lewis B. Moore; -1885. j Pamelia, 1313 es June 11, 1824 | Sept. 5, 1827 Mary Helen, 1314 | ne July 8, 1826 | Sept. 25, 1827 LIEUT. JONAS AND MARY (FLETCHER) BARRETT. 1162. aay ae Ashby, July 14, 1767 | Dec. 18,1788 | Thomas Chamberlain. yale 6 oe Oct. 20,1768 | Nov. 20, 1768 26 | Lucy,’ 1317) Sept. 15, 1769 | Oct. 20,1861 | May 25,1790 | William Johnson; 1761-1841. Eee anes ioe ee Feb. 15,1771 | Feb. 22,1793 | Jan. 17,1792 | John Rice; 1768-- izabe 19 ee Aug. 18,1772 | May 25, 1777 se Jonas, Dea. no issue), i se Mar. 7, 1774 | Dec. 30, 1863 ve 28, ee 1. oe eo ae , cee pr. 30,1801 | 2. Susan Taylor; = : 1329 "1844 | 3. Nancy Boynton; 1792-1854. Nathan, 1323 ee Aug. 22,1775 | Apr. 10, 1777 . WILLIAM AND LUCY (BARRETT) JOHNSON. 1317. Lucy, 1324 | Ashby, Apr. 17,1791 | Nov. 7, 1831 Capt. Goodhue. 26 eee a re May 16,1793 | May 18,1869 | May 15,1816 | Eleazer Rice; 1790-1850. ally 1326 et Feb. 29,1796 | Nov. 21, 1796 26 William, 1327 a Mar. 2, 1798 | Feb. 97° 1881 | Dec. 4, 1823 | Betsey Wright; 1800-. 26 | Sarah, 1328 ee Jan. 2, 1802 | Aug. 6, 1885 | Nov. 4, 1824 | 1. Ephraim Hayward. 1329 Mar. 22, 1856 | 2. Paul Hayward. | Mary, 1330 ee July 22,1804 | June, 1807 | Eliza, 1331 Ke Feb. 4, 1807 { Urania, 1332 < July 12,1810 | Jan. 27, 1883 Levi Burr. 26, Harriet Atwood, | 1333 ee Apr. 23,1814 | Dec. 24, 1878 | Aug. 30, 1837 | Stevens Hayward. _ ELEAZER AND REBECCA (JOHNSON) RICH. 1325. | Emily A., | 1834 | Ashby, Feb. 20, 1819 | | Apr. 21, 1841 | Ashel Boyden; -1877. ASHEL AND EMILY A. (RICH) BOYDEN. 1334. Louise 1335 July 3, 1845 Edward C., 1336 May 2, 1850 Herbert E., 1337 Aug. 23, 1856 Noy. 28, 1878 | Lucy Wilmot. WILLIAM AND BETSEY (WRIGHT) JOHNSON. 1327. Edward Kendall, | 1838 | Ashby, Oct. 5, 1827 | July 19, 1866 | Lucy M. Thayer; 1835-1870. 26 | Augustus William,| 1339 es July 30, 1832 | Sept. 7,1855 | Feb. 2, 1854 | Georgiana Swain; -1882. AUGUSTUS W. AND GEORGIANA (SWAIN) JOHNSON. 1339. of | William Augustus,| 1340 | Ashby, Dec. 24, 1854 | | | EPHRAIM AND SARAH (JOHNSON) HAYWARD. 1328. Elizabeth Gates, | 1341 Feb. 20, 1840 Jan. 1,1862 | Martin Webber. No. 1420. 26 | Charles Herbert, | 1342 Dec. 31, 1831 Jan. 1,1855 | Myra Jane Webber. No. 1415. CHARLES H. AND MYRA J. (WEBBER) HAYWARD. 1342-1415. | Jennie Estella, | 1343 | Ashby, May 18, 1863 | | STEVENS AND HARRIET A. (JOHNSON) HAYWARD. 1333. Helen Adelia, 1844 | Boxboro, Dec. 18, 1846 | Lucy Adell, 1345 te Aug. 31, 1852 DEA. JONAS AND SUSAN (TAYLOR) BARRETT. 1321. Sally H.., 1346 | Ashby, June 10, 1802 | Died young. | ((Taylor). Jonas H., j 1347 “8 Mar. 11,1805 | Dec. 28, 1853 | July 19, 1833 ye eet pengs 1807-1838; dau. Elisha and Persis 26 1348 . Laura E. Gates. 26 | Susan, 1349 Sept. 25, 1808 | Mar. 24, 1842 | Nov. 9, 1832 | Isaac Whitney; s. David. Caleb, 1350 # Feb. ah oe Feb. 5, 1815 R 1351 ee Mar. 11, 1816 oa 1352 es Nov. 29, 1817 1842 ; 1. Emma Ward; 1820-1862; dau. Caleb. 1353 2. Marietta Wetherbee; dau. Joseph W. and Nancy. Seth, 1354 eh July 29, 1822 | July 31, 1832 Myra T., 1355 ee Apr. 17, 1828 | May 6, 1833 - JONAS H. AND LAURA E. (GATES) BARRETT. 1348. Charles H., 1356 | Ashby, June 8, 1841 | Aug. 31, 1849 Sarah E., 1357 ee Sept. 7, 1843 | Sept. 19, 1849 Mary &., 1358 es Aug. 30, 1850 | Dec. 30, 1868 ISAAC AND SUSAN (BARRETT) WHITNEY. 1349. 26 | Lucius, 1359 Feb. 24, 1836 Jan. 28, 1865 | Harriet J. Longhead; 1840-; dau. James and Harriet. John Howard, 1360 July 65,1840 | May 14, 1864 LUCIUS AND HARRIET J. (LONGHEAD) WHITNEY. 1359. Susan Hamlin, 1361 July 1, 1866 Gertrude Lawrence,| 1362 Dec., 1567 Clara Louise, 1363 Oct., 1873 j LIEUT. JONAS AND URANIA (LOCKE) BARRETT. 1163. (Continued page 27.) 27 | Betsey, j 1364 | Ashby, Nov. 24, 1781 | Jan. 30,1847 | Mar. 5, 1803 | 1. John Morse; 1769-1806. o7 pan 1 ” ‘cd, to ISAS | oe, BEART Nov. 27, 1808 | 2. John Crosby; 1767-1863; s. J oseph and Hannah. oe | eel, 1367 «“ Mar. 12/1785 | Nov. 7, 1865 1813 | Lucy Wheeler; 1793-1845, 28 | Olive, 1368 ne Oct. 8, 1786 | Jan. 1,1869 | July 3,1808 | 1. Benjamin Damon; -1822; s. Jacob and Anna. 1369 2. Dea. Nathan Wheeler; 1781-1881. 26 29 Nathan, { 1370 | Ashby, Nov. 19,1788 | Apr. 6, 1877 | May 26, 1816 | 1. Lydia L. Sawyer; 1792-1819. 1371 Nov. 19, 1838 | 2. Harriet Ware; 1799-. 29 yaa, pe i Hoe. 16, 1790 | Dec. 18,1875 | Jan. 12; 1815 | Charles Richardson; 1789-1859. ebecca, 373 “ pr. 27,1793 | June 2, 1794 30 | Urania, 1874 ee Jan. 12) 1796 | Feb. 19, 1880 | Apr. 21, 1824 | Lyman Griswold; 1793-- Samuel, M.D., | 1875 ee Mar. 27,1798 | June 1, 1833 JOHN AND BETSEY (BARRETT) MORSE. 1364. Betsey, 13876 | Ashby, May 25, 1804 | Sept. 9, 1817 27 | Olive, 1377 ee Mar. 30,1806 | July, 1876 | Oct. 23, 1828 | Jeremiah Morton; 1778-1854. JEREMIAH AND OLIVE (MORSE) MORTON. 1377. 27 | John Dwight, 1378 | Athol, Oct. 38, 1830 Oct. 7, 1862 | Maria C. Wesson. Austin Jeremiah, | 1379 ee Sept. 8, 1832 | Mar. 8, 1833 JOHN D. AND MARIA HE. (WESSON) MORTON. 1378. Arabel, 1380 | Boston, Dec. 10, 1863 George Carpenter,| 1381 Pe Sept. 23, 1868 Clara, 1382 “Dec. 21, 1870 JOHN AND BETSEY (BARRETT-MORSE) CROSBY. 1365. 27 | John Morse, 1383 | Athol, Aug. 30, 1809 | Oct. 30,1881 | Jan. 7, 1834 | Amelia Cobb; dau. David and Sally. Lucinda Kendall, | 1384 & Oct. 4,1812 | Oct. 22,1839 | Jan. 27, 1835 | Daniel R. Cobb; son David and Sally. 27 | Urania Barrett, | 1385 |Putney,Vt., Oct. 19, 1815 May 9, 1837 | John Henry Humphrey; 1813-1870; s.John & Hannah. 27 |) Theo. Franklin, | 1386 ee Apr. 9, 1821 May 25, 1842 | Stella A. White; dau. Alfred and Tabitha. Francis Locke, 1887 ee Aug. 21, 1822 | Feb. 11, 1825 JOHN MORSE AND AMELIA (COBB) CROSBY. 1383. David Oscar, 1388 |Putney,Vt., June 27,1835 | Dec. 6, 1839 [Almira. 27 | Sarah Elizabeth, | 1389 ee Dec. 13, 1840 Dec. 11, 1876 | Lewis H. Grover; 1848-1878; son. John N. and 27 | John Marshall, 1390 ee Apr. 26, 1842 Jan. 20, 1869 | A. Gertrude Reed; 1851-. 27 | Emogene Amelia,| 1391 ee Jan. 11, 1845 Dec. 21, 1871 | William Geer; 1826-; son Noah B. and Sally. LEWIS H. AND SARAH E. (CROSBY) GROVER. 1389. Frank C., 1392 | Sept. 17,1877 | July 6, 1878 | Grace Amelia, 1393 Nov. 14, 1878 JOHN MARSHALL AND A. GERTRUDE (REED) CROSBY. 1390. Harry Morse, 1394 Dec. 10, 1872 Eva Marion, 1395 July 9, 1882 | | John Marshall, 1396 Jan. 1,1884 | Apr. 1, 1884 _ WILLIAM AND EMOGENE A. (CROSBY) GHER. 1391. Edward Knapp, | 1397 | Nov. 24, 1878 | | | JOHN H. AND URANIA B. (CROSBY) HUMPHREY. 1385. - John, 1398 | Athol, Aug. 29, 1838 | Mar. 8, 1862 Hannah Elizabeth, 1399 ee Dec. 23, 1847 | Sept. 27, 1849 27 | Flora Urania, 1400 S Feb. 2, 1851 Mar. 2, 1869 | James J. Corson. CrawfordNightingale,| 1401 ee July 16,1856 | Aug. 27, 1857 7 JAMES J. AND FLORA URANIA (HUMPHREY) CORSON. 1400. Se eee ee Anna Urania, 1402 | Apr. 15, 1870 Ida Smith, 1403 Dec. 3, 1875 THEODORE F. AND STELLA A. (WHITE) CROSBY. 1386. Chas. Theodore, | 1404 |Putney,Vt., Aug. 5, 1844 | May 14, 1869 Willett Eugene, | 1405 ee Mar. 5, 1846 Stella Annette, 1406 ee Nov. 16, 1852 AMOS AND LUCY (WHEELER) BARRETT. 1367. Nancy, 1407 | Ashby, Aug. 13,1813 | Aug. 6, 1814 27 | Diantha Jane, 1408 ee July 19, 1815 Oct. 3, 1832 | George Webber; 1819-1861. 28 | Elizabeth Morse, | 1409 ee July 13, 1817 June 2, 1847 | Col. John Metcalf Everett; 1803-1884. 28 | Philander G., 1410 “ May 30, 1819 Nov. 25, 1849 | Sarah Wilson; dau. Benjamin and Maria. 28 |; Jonas Adison, 1411 ae Apr. 18, 1821 June 1, 1847 | Zoa Sherwin; 1822-; dau. Levi and Hannah. (tha. 28 | Amos Augustus, aan Mey i ; ee Sept. 12, 1853 | Martha Ann Thurston; 1826; dau. Nahum and Mar- Angeline Luc 1 ug. 26 98 | Emily Maria, ys 1414 te Aug. 5, 1830 Mar. 26, 1857 | Joseph Fox; 1828-; son Dr. Abel and Mary. GEORGE AND DIANTHA JANE (BARRETT) WEBBER. 1408. 26 | Myra Jane, 1415 | Ashby, Jan. 31, 1835 Jan. 1, 1855 Charles Herbert Hayward. No. 1342. Amos Augustus, tae Townsend, Aug. 26, 1836 - ee 2. Alice Millard. k G., 1418 ue Apr. 13, 1838 Aug., 1861 | 1. Clara M. Dougherty. Pee 1419 Mar., 1873 | 2. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Burgen. Martin, 1420 us Dec. 26, 1839 Jan. 1, 1862 | Elizabeth Gates Hayward. No. 1341. 97 | Sarah Elizabeth, | 1421 ee May 31, 1841 July 6, 1859 | Joel Foster Hayward. Lucy Diantha, 1422 ee Jan. 6, 1843 May 3, 1869 | Joseph C. Morin. Fanny Ann, 1423 ee Oct. 8, 1844 Nancy Malvina, ie é ; a ar. eo ae June 26, 1855 hn Stratton, : ec. 298 ae Dolly, 1426 ee Oct. 26, 1850 Sept. 29, 1869 | Silas Wood Davis. 98 | Mary Ellen, 1427 es Aug. 16, 1854 June 15, 1875 | Warren Blanchard. FRANK G. AND CLARA M. (DOUGHERTY) WEBBER. 1418. Herbert Eugene, | 1428 Oct. 16, 1863 Edward D., 1429 June, 1868 JOEL F. AND SARAH E. (WEBBER) HAYWARD. 1421. (Continued page 28.) 27 | Cornelia, | 1430 ; Aug. 8, 1860 Cordelia, 1431 July 26,1861 | Jan. 31, 1876 James P., 1482 July 15, 1863 Stevens, 1433 May 13, 1867 J. Foster, 1434 July 23, 1870 Minnie H., 14385 Mar. 15, 1874 Martha J., 1436 July 29, 1877 | Poland E., 1437 Dec. 31, 1883 SILAS WOOD AND MARTHA DOLLY (WEBBER) DAVIS. 1426. Henry Wood, 1488 |Ashby, Feb. 13, 1871 Grace Myra, 1489 |New London, Wis., Mar. 31, 1875 Irving Herbert, | 1440 es Nov. 25, 1876 WARREN AND MARY ELLEN (WEBBER) BLANCHARD. 1427. Joseph Warren, | 1441 | Fitchburg, July 5, 1879 | June 15, 1880 John Locke, 1442 ve June 8, 1881 Loting Webber, | 1443 i July 23, 1884 COL. JOHN M. AND ELIZABETH M. (BARRETT) EVERETT. 1409. Melatiah, 1444 | Foxboro’, June 20, 1848 | Aug. 23, 1849 Metcalf, 1445 ee June 20, 1848 | Oct. 29,1878 | Apr. 20, 1871 | Elizabeth Schmidt; -1883. John, 1446 ee May 26, 1852 Elizabeth, 1447 es Jan. 20, 1859 Oct. 23,1885 | Albert W. Coleman. PHILANDER G. AND SARAH (WILSON) BARRETT. 1410. 28 : George Milton, 148 | Sept. 15, 1850 Nov. 30, 1871 | Mary Jennie Newcomb; 1853-; d. Geo. D. and Mary. 28 | §. Lizzie, 1449 Dec. 5, 1852 Oct. 17, 1877 | Elmer D. Goddard; 1852-; s. Martin L. and Louisa D. 28 | Frederick L., 1450 Aug. 20, 1854 Apr. 19, 1882 | Lutheria L. Goddard; 1859-; d. Martin L. & Louisa D. Eliza E., 1451 June 24, 1856 May 7, 1885 | Wallace Johnson Hutchins. Arthur L., 1452 Sept. 6, 1857 28 | Ida M., 1453 May 16, 1860 Aug. 1,1883 | Willard L. Harris; 1852-; son Leonard. GEORGE MILTON AND MARY JENNIE (NEWCOMB) BARRETT. 1448. Philip Henry, 1454 | May 26,1872 | Aug. 4, 1872 Herbert Franklin,| 1455 June 4, 1873 ELMER D. AND S. LIZZIE (BARRETT) GODDARD. 1449. | Mary Eliza, | 1456 | Aug. 20, 1883 | | | FREDERICK L. AND LUTHERIA L. (GODDARD) BARRETT. 1450. | Edward Luther, | 1457 | Sept. 11, 1883 | | WILLARD L. AND IDA M. (BARRETT) HARRIS. 1453. | Ida Stella, | 1458 | Nov. 22, 1884 | | JONAS ADISON AND ZOA (SHERWIN) BARRETT. 1411. 28 | Sherwin Hustis, | 1459 | Ashby, Mar. 5, 1850 June 15, 1882 | Anna L. Heywood; 1852-; d. James and Isabella M. Alice Raymond, | 1460 | Great Fall, Me., Sept. 29, 1852 Dec. 10, 1881 | William H. Howe; 1842-; son Oliver and Martha. Clifford Marsden, | 1461 | Lawrence, July 26, 1854 June 15, 1881 | Cora A. Hatch; 1855-. Emily Rosetta, 1462 Dec. 19,1858 | June 5, 1859 SHERWIN HUSTIS AND ANNA L. (HEYWOOD) BARRETT. 1459. | Myrtle Florence, | 1463 | May 20, 1884 | | AMOS AUGUSTUS AND MARTHA ANN (THURSTON) BARRHETT. 1412. Augusta Angenette,} 1464 | Lawrence, Oct. 16,1855 | Apr. 14, 1865 Albion Roscoe, 1465 ee Dec. 14, 1858 | Aug. 15, 1860 Florence Marion, | 1466 es May 18,1861 | Apr. 5, 1865 Isabella Thurston,| 1467 ee Nov. 13, 1864 JOSEPH AND EMILY MARIA (BARRETT) FOX. 1414. Frederick Joseph,| 1468 | Ipswich, N. H., Jan. 8, 1859 | Aug. 7, 1859 Josephine Angeline,| 1469 | Cambridge, Aug. 28, 1860 | Dec. 18, 1860 Mary Estelle, 1470 ee Dec. 10, 1861 | Lizzie Etta, 1471 ee Oct. 11, 1868 | Mar. 11, 1873 Mabel Barrett, 1472 es Dec. 20,1870 | Feb. 3, 1872 BENJAMIN AND OLIVE (BARRETT) DAMON. 1368. 28 | Jonas Barrett, 1473 | Ashby, May 16, 1809 Apr. 15, 1838 | Joanna Randall. 28 | John Edwin, { 1474 1837 | 1. Laura A. Kendall: -1842. 28 (| 1475 e 2. Philomel Wiley; 1827-. 99 | Thirza Maria, 1476 eh Jan. 31,1813 | Oct. 7, 1883 | Dec. 15, 1834 | Charles Eaton; 1809-1858. 99 | Urania Locke, 1477 oe Nov. 12, 1815 June 1, 1836 | 1. Sylvester Wood; 1810-1841; son Isaac and Nabby. 29 1478 * Nov. 22, 1843 | 2. William 8. Humphrey; 1812-1871. Sarah Kendall, 1479 ee July 9, 1817 . Lydia Livermore, | 1480 « | Apr. 23,1819 | Died young. JONAS B. AND JOANNA (RANDALL) DAMON. 1473. Lydia Clementine,| 1481 Ashby, July 3, 1841 Oct. 20,1879 | Paul Gates. Ida Frances, 1482 ye June 20, 1849 Sarah Ann, 1483 es Apr. 30, 1852 May 8, 1878 | Francis M. Butterfield. JOHN EDWIN AND LAURA A. (KENDALL) DAMON. 1474. - Susan M., | 1484 | Ashby, June 1, 1838 Noy. 9, 1858 | Leroy H. Atwood. . | Edwin Waldo, 1485 ee Apr. 19, 1842 JOHN EDWIN AND PHILOMEL (WILEY) DAMON. 1475. a John Franklin, | 1486 Oct. 24, 1853 Oct., 1885 | Jenny Robinson. James Myron, 1487 Feb. 8, 1858 28 CHARLES AND THIRZA M. (DAMON) EATON, 1476. 29 | Olive Adelia, 1488 |Rindge, N.H., Nov. 20, 1835 Noy. 9, 1859 | 1. Charles 8. Graves; -1867. 1489 Dec. 2, 1869 | 2. Ezra D. Cilley. 29 | Charles Irving, 1490 “ Sept. 19, 1837 Dec. 22,1871 | 1. Emma A. Barton; -1874. 29 1491 Nov. 25, 1875 | 2. Ellen 8. Bean. _ Myron Wilbur, {| 1492 | Ashby, Nov. 25, 1865 1. Elizabeth Gilchrist; -1869. 1493 May 16, 1870 | 2. Jennie Gerrish. 29 | Francis Herbert, | 1494 (Rindge, N.H., Feb. 10, 1843 Mar. 31, 1870 | Juliette C. Hall. 29 | Willis Damon, 1495 | Peterboro’, N. H., Dec. 21, 1863 | Myranda Lynch. CHARLES S. AND OLIVE A. (HEATON) GRAVES. 1488. Bertha Adelia, | 1496 |Manch’r., N.H., Dec. 12, 1860| | | CHARLES IRVING AND EMMA A. (BARTON) EATON. 1490. | Anna E., | 1497 | Waltham, — Oct. 8, 1872 | | | CHARLES IRVING AND ELLEN S. (BEAN) BATON. 1491. Allie May, 1498 | Waltham, Oct. 7, 1876 ; Ethel Loraine, 1499 tt Jan. 25, 1879 Cora Myra, 1500 “e June 26, 1881 Charles Albert, | 1501 sf Nov. 16, 1884 3 a age ae ee ks FRANCIS HERBERT AND JENNIE (GERRISH) BATON. 1494. Frank Elmer, 1502 | Waltham, June §&, 1872 Henry Charles, 1503 es Oct. 14, 1876 Arthur Herbert, | 1504 “s Dec. 20, 1879 as WILLIS DAMON AND MYRANDA (LYNCH) EATON. 1495. Lilla Belle, 1505 | Lowell, Mar. 18, 1875 | Carrie Blanche, | 1506 | Waltham, May 10, 1881 SYLVESTER AND URANIA LOCKE (DAMON) WOOD. 1477. | Earl S., | 1507 | Dec. 7, 1838 | Dec. 30, 1869 | Fannie E. French. WILLIAM S. AND URANIA L. (DAMON) (WOOD) HUMPHREY. 1478. George A., 1508 Apr. 9, 1845 | Aug. 12, 1848 M. Ella, 1509 i Sept. 16, 1847 | Aug. 1, 1848 Ella U., 1510 May 27, 1864 NATHAN AND LYDIA L. (SAWYER) BARRETT. 1370. Philander, 1511 | Wrentham, May 12,1817 | Aug. 28, 1817 “ - Oct. 25,1818 | May 21, 1819 Lydia Ellen, 1512 NATHAN AND HARRIET (WARE) BARRETT. 1371. 29 | Ellen Barstow, | 1513 | Boston, Sept. 2, 1839 | | Apr. 16, 1862 | Gardner A. Churchill; 1839-; son Asaph and Mary. GARDNER A. AND ELLEN BARSTOW (BARRETT) CHURCHILL. 1513. Mary Brewer, 1514 | Wrentham, Dec. 31, 1864 Asaph, 1515 ef Aug. 18, 1866 Ellen Barrett, 1516 | Dorchester, May 19, 1877 CHARLES AND LYDIA (BARRETT) RICHARDSON. 1372. 29 | John Barrett, 1517 |New Alstead, N.H., Oct. 24, 1815; Mar. 20, 1885 | Mar. 6, 1842 | Jane Eliza Larnard; 1817-. 30 | Lor’zo Ham’ton {| 1518 a July 29, 1817 Aug. 7, 1843 | 1. Abigail Taylor Bush; 1821-1852. 29 j 1519 Nov. 29, 1855 | 2. Jane E. Curtis; 1825-1869. 29 | Augusta Theresa, 1520 ee Aug. 24,1819 | Aug. 21,1877 | Apr. 25, 1844 | Joel Bullard. 29 | Franklin Locke, | 1521 He Oct. 27,1820 | Apr. 12, 1867 | May 21,1851 | Harriet Robinson; 1827-. 30 | Lydia E. Sawyer, | 1522 ue Dec. 22, 1822 May 22, 1845 | Joel Huntown. Emily O., 1523 «¢ Sept. 3, 1826 Feb. 1,1860 | Rev. John C. Kimball. Urania Barrett, | 1524 se Dec. 15, 1829 | Mar. 2, 1883 Henry M., 1525 e Sept. 14, 1832 Sarah E., 1526 at Mar. 4, 1835 | Feb.. 8, 1856 JOHN BARRETT AND JANE ELIZA (LARNARD) RICHARDSON. 1517. Gertrude Barrett,| 1527 Oct. 7, 1843 Harry, 1528 Oct. 25, 1846 Edward, 1529 Oct. 24, 1849 LORENZO H. AND JANE BE. (CURTIS) RICHARDSON. 1519. Henry Martin, | ia Westfield, Dec. 6, 1856 Charles Curtis, 1531 “e Aug. 24, 1859 " JOEL AND AUGUSTA T. (RICHARDSON) BULLARD. 1520. 4 | Charles William, | 1532 May 2, 1845 Mar. 20, 1868 | Emily A. Watts. 2 Emily Rebecca,’ | 1533 ‘Aug. 25, 1847 1876 ae Edgar Henry, 1534 Aug. 15, 1850 Jan. 22,1883 | Anna C. Benjamin; dau. Charles W. FRANKLIN LOCKE AND HARRIET (ROBINSON) RICHARDSON. 1521. Clinton Locke, 1535 |Alstead, N.H., Mar. 15, 1852 t 1536 cs Aug. 18, 1853 June 65,1877 | Lizzie Frances Means. 29 btn damn 1537] Jan. 8) 1856 Nov. 16, 1888 | Mamie Robb Baxter: dau, John. 29 | Hattie Ann, 1538 ne Mar. 16, 1858 Edwin Grapes; son George. Lizzie Emma, 1539 ee May 3,1861 | Oct. 5, 1885 JOHN EDWARD AND MAMIE ROBB (BAXTER) RICHARDSON. 1537. | Martyn Locke, | 1540 | Feb. 24, 1885 | | | EDWIN AND HATTIE ANN (RICHARDSON) GRAPES. 1538. (Continued page 30.) | Hattie Edna, | 1541 | Mar. 13, 1880 | | 29 | Ida Richardson, 1542 | Feb. 21, 1883 | JOEL AND LYDIA ELLEN SAWYER (RICHARDSON) HUNTOWN. 1522. Londean, 1543 Aug., 1846 Frederick Locke, | 1544 Apr., 1849 LORENZO H. AND ABIGAIL T. (BUSH) RICHARDSON. 1518. | William Henry, | 1545 | Westfield, Jan. 9, 1845 | Apr. 22, 1854 Sarah Frances, 1546 June 2, 1849 May 8, 1872 | G. F. Lane. LYMAN AND URANIA (BARRETT) GRISWOLD. 1374. 30 ees a Greenfield, Feb. 12, 1825 Nov. 25, 1865 | Jennie M. Bartlett; 1830-; dau. Darius and Laura. eophilus Lyman,| 1548 ae Nov. 14,1828 | Mar., 1884 73 | Catharine Urania,| 1549 a Sept. 12) 1831 Oct. 18, 1858 | Oliver Proctor. No. 4130. [and Miranda A. 30 | Mary Ellen, 1550 te Jan. 31, 1835 May 3, 1860 | 1. Bryant Salmon Burrows; 1834-; son Salmon H. . 1551 Oct. 11, 1883 | 2. Lewis Trowbridge Covell; 1823-; s. Lewis & Dolly. Harriet Ware, 1552 es May 4, 1838 June 5, 1872 | Edward Longley Field; 1831; s. Theodore & Deborah. JOHN F. AND JENNIE M. (BARTLETT) GRISWOLD. 1547. | Belle Locke, 1553 | July 17,1865 | July 7, 1872 | | : BRYANT S. AND MARY HE. (GRISWOLD) BURROWS. 1550. Clayton Hunt, 1554 Nov. 3, 1864 | Sept. 5, 1884 Urania G., 1555 Oct. 19, 1868 DEA. THOMAS AND MARY (JONES) BARRETT. 20-4281. 30 | Thomas, Capt., {| 1556 | Concord, Nov. 15, 1737 | Mar. 31,1816 | Jan. 15,1761 | 1. Dorcas P. Minott. No. 529. 30 1557 June 29, 1769 | 2. Hannah Stone; 1746-1807; dau. Dea. Jonas & Eliz. Ruth, 1558 ve Oct. 19, 1734 | Oct. 15,1813 | Mar. 3, 1759 | Capt. Charles Miles; 1728-1790; son Samuel & Sarah. 32 ee Hon., tee . Jan. 13, ‘ee aot au eu 1764 | Rebecca Minott. No. 533. Mary ct. 705 Lucy, 1561 ee Aug. 2, 1746 | Sept. 8, 1825 | Unmarried. 34 | Samuel, Dea., 1562 ee June 14,1749 | Feb. 2, 1804 1773 | Sarah Farrar; —-1825. 34 | Amos, 1563 oe Apr. 23,1752 | Jan. 25, 1829 | Mar. 31,1779 | Mary Hubbard; 1755-1839; d. Ebenezer and Hannah. 35 | Mary, { 1564 es Dec. 24, 1756 1834 | Apr. 15,1778 | 1. David Hubbard; 1754; s. Ebenezer and Hannah. 1565 1800 | 2. Wm. Nutting; 1752-1832; son Wm. and Jane. CAPT. THOMAS AND DORCAS P. (MINOTT) BARRETT. 1556-529. 30 | Thomas, 1566 | Concord, May 24, 1762 Elizabeth Miller. 31 | Timothy, 1567 Be Aug. 12,1764 | June 19, 1804 | Sept. 20, 1801 | Sarah Dudley; 1770-1818. 31 | Daniel, 1568 a Apr. 12,1767 | Dec. 1,1850 | Aug. 4, 1794 | Peggy Grose; -1842. THOMAS AND HANNAH (STONE) BARRETT. 1557. Submit, 1569 | Concord, Sept. 8,1770 | Mar. 7, 1771 Hannah, 1570 i Oct. 16,1771 July 4, 1796 | Seth Brooks, Jr., of Acton. ; Neg tos : ae Aa ie ae 12, a Jan. 14,1802 | James Brown; 1771-1817; son Abishai and Jerusha. unice une 7 pr. 5, 1801 Jonas Stone, 1573 « July 14) 1782 | Mar. 3, 1801 32 | Nancy, 1574 ee May 6,1790 | Nov. 6, 1866 | Mar. 31, 1812 | John Grose, Jr.; 1788-1838; son John. THOMAS AND ELIZABETH (MILLER) BARRETT. 1566. 30 |John Miller, Capt.,| 1575 | Baltimore, Md., Nov., 1788 | Oct. 16,1819 | Jan., 1812 | Mary Leahy. 30 | Thomas, 1576 ee Nov. 30, 1789 | Aug. 15, 1832 | May 14, 1812 | Rachel Phillips. 31 | Mary, 1577 se Nov. 30, 1793 | Sept. 8, 1831 1812 | Prof. Alexander Johnson; 1780-1857. CAPT. JOHN MILLER AND MARY (LEAHY) BARRETT. 1575. 30 | John Leahy, 1578 | Baltimore, Md., Nov. 3, 1812 Sept. 27, 1836 | Eleanor Dorry; 1818-; dau. Dr. H. G. and_Eleanor. 30 | Minott, 1579 se Feb., 1815 | Aug. 18, 1864 | Mar. 18, 1847 | Margaret Morrison Babcock; 1830-; dau. John and William T. (no issue), | 1580 eG Jan. 23,1817 | Dec. 29, 1861 1855 | Mary Champney. [Maria. JOHN LEAHY AND ELEANOR (DORRY) BARRETT. 1578. Wm. H. Harrison:| 1581 | Baltimore, Md., Sept. 5, 1837 | Mar. 7, 1838 Virginia Tyler, 1582 of Aug. 1, 1839 | Jan. 24, 1863 Charles Carroll, | 1583 ey July 19, 1844 | Aug. 18, 1850 Henry Clay, 1584 tS Oct. 17, 1848 | Aug. 6, 1850 Eleanor Dorry, 1585 ee Aug. 25, 1851 Rebecca Morton, | 1586 at July 21,1854 | June 11, 1856 Francis Marion, | 1587 s Nov. 3, 1856 Margaret Connelly. Charles Carroll, | 1588 ee May 4, 1859 MINOTT AND MARGARET M. (BABCOCK) BARRETT. 1579. John Miller, 1589 | Baltimore, Md., May 1, 1848 30 are. Co oe : se as re foe bk dees Nov., 1875 | Mary Isabel Copper;, 1855-; dau. Joshua and Eliz. Mary Noble, ov. ne 24, Mona Carr, 1592 ee May 13, 1854 Janet Duncan, ie - Ape we oe Apr. 17, 1877 | Walter Reese; -1880; son Thomas M. and Martha. Minott : ug. ‘Alice Hope, 1595 «“ Mar. 8, 1861 | Mar. 13, 1861 Harry Lee, 1596 se May 22, 1862 WILLIAM THOMPSON AND MARY ISABEL (COPPER) BARRETT. 1590. William Babcock, | 1597 | Baltimore, Md., July 2, 1880 Edith Minott, 1598 |Chicago,Il., Aug. 5, 1882 ’ Edward, 1599 ee Jan. 11, 1884 Robert Miller, 1600 ts Noy. 38, 1885 THOMAS AND RACHEL (PHILLIPS) BARRETT. 1576. (Continued page 31.) Thomas Poe, 1601 | Baltimore, Md., June 4, 1813 | July 29, 1879 1835 | 1. Catharine Kirk. j 1602 2. Elizabeth Spranburg. 30 + + Mary Jane, 1603 Baltimore, Md., Apr.17,1815| June 15, 1885 Henry M. McKeon. George B., 1604 Jan. 5, 1816 | June 23, 1884 Mary Hadley. waa Rie, | ea My gh ast) en Cecelia Spark v. une celia : Ann Elizabeth, | 1607 “ Aug. 7, 1821 : Tedanh Stallings. gs a hanes re : ay 2B ee Sept. 29, 1824 achel Martha ug. 6 Henry Schafer. John Latrobe, | 1610 ws Nee, 8) 1827 ee Caroline Hickman,| 1611 et Nov. 27, 1829 Alexander Thompson. PROF. ALEXANDER AND MARY (BARRETT) JOHNSON. 1577. William Henry, | 1612 Wiscasset »>Me., Nov.13,1813} Oct. 1, 1815 Alexander do issue), 1613 Dee. 20, 1815 Oct. 20, 1842 | S. Wadsworth Neal; 1816-. Thomas Barrett, | 1614 ee Oct. 8, 1818 | Nov. 25, 1881 1859 | Etta Lee. 81 | Ann Elizabeth, | 1615 a Apr. 12} 1821 | Jan. 22,1854 | Sept. 12, 1843 | Daniel Stone. Mary, 1616 ee Apr. 9, 1824 | Sept. 25, 1825 31 | Susan, 1617 a May 38,1827 | Mar. 14, 1852 | Nov. 19, 1849 | Henry Ingalls. DANIEL AND ANN ELIZABETH (JOHNSON) STONE. 1615. Alex. Johnson, | 1618 |Wiscasset,Me., Sept. 7, 1845 Louisa, 1619 “e June 15, 1851 HENRY AND SUSAN (JOHNSON) INGALLS. 1617. | Mary Johnson, | 1620 |Wiscasset,Me., Aug.25,1850| | | TIMOTHY AND SARAH (DUDLEY) BARRETT. 1567. | Jonas Stone, | 1621 | Concord, Nov. 7, 1801 | Sept. 11, 1864 | 1825 | Mrs. Mary Brown. (Their daughter Sarah died z. 17.) DANIEL AND PEGGY (GROSE) BARRETT. 1568. a ae es Camden, Me. ig loe a daar ae ae ie ie a ioe peu J oar - Robert and Hannah (Keating). orcas ec. ar. ept. Sylvanus Russe Fe Samuel, tae ; Sena se te er 6, 1875 | Feb., "1831 | Lovinia Ross; dau. Joseph and Mary (Jones). ohn an. 0 an. 12, 1859 Adelia H. Smith; -1857; d. Benj. & Adelia (Howe 32 Charles, 1626 ee Sept. 26, 1808 | Apr. 14, 1883 | Nov. 8, 1838 | Abby Witherspoon; 1821-; dau. Sint and Dee s 382 wee es ee . Toe ” tale Apr. 29, 1841 | Martha J. Pendleton; 1814-; dau. John and Susan. argare ar. 32 | Mary J., : 1629 ee July in 1822 Dec. 30, 1849 | Hanson Andrews; -1872; son James and Charity. 32 |; Amos, 1630 no Feb. 15, 1819 Feb. 19, 1851 | Julia Tolman; 1836-; dat. Thomas and Lydia. DANIEL AND BETHIA (JORDAN) BARRETT. 1622. 31 | Bethia, 1631 Camden, Me., Jan. 5, 1823 June 15, 1851 | William H. Frahock. 31 | Daniel T., 1632 July, 1825 1. Louisa Rhodes; 1825-1862. (no issue), < | 1633 Apr. 19, 1863 | 2. Caroline M. Heal. No. 2242. S| ean, (HSE | rou a gy ok a ea ig 3 annah J., eb., ct. : is K. Cram; 54. 31 1636 Oct. 24; 1861 2. William E. Barnes; 1803-. 32 | Hattie, 1637 i Apr. 25, 1833 Mar. 24, 1865 | B. F. Rhodes. 32 | Robert J., 1638 ee June, 1835 | Sept. 8, 1873 | Dec. 19, 1858 | Sarah B. Gay. 31 | Arethusia T., 1639 se Oct. 30, 1837 Aug. 9, 1863 | Richard R. Cram; 1832-. Edward H., 1640 ee Dec. 19, 1839 | Dec. 29,1876 | Unmarried. Nelson M., 1641 se Mar. 10, 1842 WILLIAM H. AND BETHIA (BARRETT) FRAHOCK. 1631. Herbert E., Rev.,| 1642 | Mar. 1, 1857 | Nov. 29, 1877 | Frankie Ames. DANIEL T. AND LOUISA (RHODES) BARRETT. 1632. Odella L., 1643 |Rockland, Me., Mar.24,1856 Walter T., 1644 ee Apr. 25, 1858 June 2, 1883 | Jessie Simpson. Laura K., 1645 ee May 2, 1860 Oct. 30, 1882 | William M. Roberts. DANIEL T. AND MRS. LUCY M. (CUSHMAN) BARRETT. 1634. Harry D., 1646 |Rockland, Me., July 8,1865|) Apr. 4, 1882 Wintred, 1647 ee June 22,1868 | Apr. 21, 1871 | Edward E., 1648 Ke Oct. 12, 1870 ELLIS K. AND HANNAH J. (BARRETT) CRAM. 1635. _ 31 | George N., 1649 |Camden, Me., July 18, 1850 Dec. 7, 1876 | Viva T. Barnes; 1856-. —_ 31 | Fannie E., 1650 May 28, 1853 Nov. 29, 1873 | George B. Ludwig; 1850-. WILLIAM EH. AND HANNAH J. (BARRETT-CRAM) BARNES. 1636. 31 | Alice C. 1651 |Camden, Me., Aug. 12,1862) Aug. 22, 1880 William A. Fuller; 1858-. Effie S.,. 1652 «Dec. 7, 1864. GEORGE N. AND VIVA T. (BARNES) CRAM. 1649. Ellis W., 1653 Nov. 20, 1877 Gertrude, 1654 Sept. 10, 1879 GEORGE B. AND FANNIE E. (CRAM) LUDWIG. 1650. eee. ro 1 aoe a eee Nov. 29, 1874 Mabel A., ct. i Carrie A., 1657 July 29, 1878 WILLIAM A. AND ALICE C. (BARNES) FULLER. 1651. L. Monty, 1658 Sept. 14, 1881 | Mar. 29, 1882 | Grace V., 1659 Mar. 22) 1884 RICHARD N. AND ARETHUSIA T. (BARRETT) CRAM. 1639. Burton 1660 | Grafton, May 19, 1864 Fred Hudson, | 1661 «Mar. 22) 1868 Walter Richard, | 1662 a Feb. 5, 1870 7 _ 31 B. F. AND HATTIE (BARRETT) RHODES. 1637. - Hattie Ellen, | 1663 | July 21, 1867 | | | ROBERT J. AND SARAH B. (GAY) BARRETT. 1638. Sarah Emma, | 1664 /Rockland, Me., July 7, 1859| | Oct. 31, 1882 | E. H. Burnham, M. D. as SYLVANUS AND DORCAS (BARRETT) RUSSELL. 1623. | Amos E., | 1665 | Aug. 8, 1841 | | Feb. 21, 1869 | Mary R. Herrick; 1846-. SAMUEL AND LOVINA (ROSS) BARRETT. 1624. 32 | Samuel, 1666 Rockport, Me.,Mar. 19,1832 Apr., 1861 | Sarah E. Hubbard, 1843-. 32 | Charles A., 1667 Jan. 5, is34 Sept. 5, 1863 | Eliza Adelia Pillsbury ; 1834-. SAMUEL AND SARAH E. (HUBBARD) BARRETT. 1666. | Fortina, 1668 Rockport, Me., Mar. 5, 1878 Ralph, 1669 Dec. 15, 188i Sept. 7, 1882 CHARLES A. AND ELIZA A. (PILLSBURY) BARRETT. 1667. | Jennie Adelia, 1670 Dutch Flat, Cal., Jan. 31, Nina Ross, 1671 Dec. 6, 1866 JOHN AND ADELIA H. (SMITH) BARRETT. 1625. Addie (o issue), 1672 Camden, Me., Oct. 7, 1852 Sept. 14, 1874 | Rev. Charles E. Knowlton; -1878. 32 | Nancy, 1673 Apr. 25, 1854 Oct. 19, 1873 | Charles E. Eells; 1850-. 32 | John F., 1674 ae Apr. 8, 1856 Jan. 1, 1879 | Lizzie Belle Cousins. CHARLES E. AND NANCY (BARRETT) EBLLS. 1673. | Joseph O., | 1675 |Rockport, Me., Aug. 14, ’76| | JOHN F. AND LIZZIE BELLE (COUSINS) BARRETT. 1674. | Paul Barworth, | 1676 | Somerville, Nov. 18, 1885 | | | CHARLES AND ABBY (WETHERSPOON) BARRETT. 1626. George H. M., 1677 Rockport, Me. » Nov. 9, 1839 Adison D., Capt., | 1678 Apr. 7, 1842 Dec. 26, 1867 | Alice Holls; 1850-1868. Carrie A., 1679 ee Dec. %, 1845 Nov. 10, 1870 | Oliver E. Ross, M. D.; 1840-. Edwin N., 1680 ts Mar. 20; 1848 Nov. 9,1881 | Mary A. Brigdon; 1859-. Charles T., 1681 ee July, 1850 | May 23, 1852 Randle N., 1682 ee Aug. 21, 1854 Hattie F., 1683 = Nov. 28, 1858 May 14, 1883 | Ernest O. Patterson; 1858-. WILLIAM S. AND MARTHA J. (PENDLETON) BARRETT. 1627. 32 | Mary, 1684 Camden, Me., Apr. 11, 1842 Apr. 26,1868 | Hanson Beverage, 1847-. Dorcas A., 1685 Jan. 22, 1844 Sept. 17, 1856 32 | Josephine M., 1686 a Sept. 17; 1856 Dec. 21,1869 | Mark W. Calderwood; 1844-. HANSON AND MARY (BARRETT) BEVERAGE. 1684. Amelia Blanche, | 1687 Noy. 24, 1869 William Frederick,| 1688 Oct. 13, 1872 Edith Adelia, 1689 Aug. 2, 1877 Herbert Ernest, | 1690 Oct. 6, 1879 1 MARK W. AND JOSEPHINE M. (BARRETT) CALDERWOOD. 1686. Walter B., 1691 Apr. 16, 1871 Eben F., 1692 May 6, 1872 Markie, 1693 Feb. 18,1881 | Mar. 23, 1883 Lottie, 1694 Oct. 15, 1882 7 ; HANSON AND MARY J. (BARRETT) ANDREWS. 1629. oo Ada, 1695 Rockport, Me., Aug. 26,1852 July, 1873 | Ezra D. Mesnau. Nellie R., 1696 Aug. “21, 1856 July 6, 1874 | Lorinton R. Morton, Us3e-. AMOS AND JULIA (TOLMAN) BARRETT. 1630. or 32 | Thomas T., 1697 Rockport, Me., Jan. 22, 1852 Nov. 29, 1877 | Linda Packard. a William §., 1698 May 1, 1853 Allen A., 1699 ee ee 14; 1855 Aug. 15, 1883 | Grace Hazleton. Julia E., 1700 ee Oct. 26° 1856 | Mar. 22, 1862 Maria M., 1701 te Jan. 10, 1859 a THOMAS T. AND LINDA (PACKARD) BARRETT. 1697. Maurie, 1702 Feb. 13, 1879 | | Marian H., 1703 Feb. 5, 1881 JOHN, JR. AND NANCY (BARRETT) GROSE. 1574. Thomas B., 1704 Feb. 14, 1813 Aug. 27, 1836 | Orinda Darley, 1815-. 32 | Sarah W., 1705 Oct. 13, 1815 Aug. 9, 1834 | John Prince. JOHN AND SARAH W. (GROSE) PRINCE. 1705. | Thomas S., 1706 Dec. 17, 1835 | May 3, 1859 | Hannah N. Green; 1838-. THOMAS S. AND HANNAH N. (GREEN) PRINCE. 1706. Nettie, 1707 Oct. 16, 1859 \ Aug. 16, 1884 | Benjamin H. Paul; 1862-. Moris, 1708 Nov. 9, 1861 Alice, 1709 Feb. 19, 1863 | Nov. 29, 1864 Annie E., 1710 July 24, 1866 | Nov. 5, 1866 Addie R. F., 1711 Sept. 19. 1867 HON. CHARLES AND REBECCA (MINOTT) BARRETT. 1559-533. (Continued page 33.) Charles, | 1712 | New Ipswich, N. H., 1765 | 176 | | 32 Dorcas, 1713 |New Ipswich, N.H., Apr. 20,1767; Jan. 31, 1818 | Unmarried. [(Hall). No. 527. 33 | Charles, Hon., 1714 a Sept. 24,1773 | Sept. 3, 1836 | Oct. 15,1799 | Martha Minott; 1771-1842; dau. Jonas and Mary 33 | Rebecca, ~ 1715 ee Sept. 4,1774 | May 11,1834 | Dec. 5, 1795 | Hon. Samuel Dana; 1767-1835; son Rev. Samuel and George, 1716 i Feb. 27,1777 | Aug. 14,1812 | Unmarried. [Anna (Kendrick). Seth, W717)“ _ May 20,1784 | Jan. 9, 1792° , HON. CHARLES AND MARTHA (MINOTT) BARRETT. 1714. 33 | George, 1718 |New Ipswich, N.H., Dec. 15,1801] Oct. 4, 1862 | Sept. 1, 1831 | Frances Hall Ames; 1809-; dau. Ambrose and Han- 33 | Mary Ann, 1719 a Nov. 12,1802} Aug., 1875 | May 1, 1820 | 1. Silas Bullard. [nah (Allen). 33 ee 1720 Sept. 13, 1838 | 2. Alfred C. Hersey. Juliet Maria, 1721 i Dec. 22,1804 | May 22, 1808 ‘ [(Lambert). 33 | Charles, 1722 | Boston, Jan. 11,1807 | Feb. 9, 1862 | May 31, 1830 | Abby Beals Harrt; -1862; d. Edmund and Mehitable Edw’d Augustus, | 1723 as June 17,1811 | May 2, 1832 GEORGE AND FRANCES HALL (AMES) BARRETT. 1718. 33 | Edward, 1724 | Boston, May 18, 1884 | Mar. 11, 1883 | Sept. 26, 1860 | Georgianna M. Chase; 1840-1883; dau. Wells and : Maria (Bailey). [Eliz. (Crocker). George R., 1725 |New Ipswich, N.H., May 17,1844 Apr. 21,1880 | Elizabeth M. (Lawrence) Barr; 1835; d. Daniel and EDWARD AND GEORGIANNA M. (CHASE) BARRETT. 1724. George Wells, 1726 Aug. 1, 1863 Charles Edward, | 1727 Sept. 14, 1865 Francis Ames, 1728 Nov. 10, 1867 Blanche, 1729 Dec. 26,1872 | May 2, 1874 SILAS AND MARY ANN (BARRETT) BULLARD. 1719. Mary (no issue), 1730 |New Ipswich, N.H., Nov., 1821) Sept., 1860 John S. Dwight. Charles Barrett, | 1731 & Noy., 1823 | July, 1883 | May, 1848 | Isabella Ames Gould. - Martha A. (no issue),| 1732 es Dec., 1825 | Dec., 1857 | Oct., 1853 | Charles Warren Reed. Sarah Jane, 1733 a Sept., 1828 ALFRED C. AND MARY ANN (BARRETT-BULLARD) HERSEY. 1720. | Alfred Henry, | 1734 | | March, 1862 | Mary Henrietta Gibson. CHARLES AND ABBY BEALS (HARRT) BARRETT. 1722. 102 | Julia Maria, 1735 |New Ipswich, N.H., May 11,1832 Dec. 25, 1858 | Charles Marsh; 1829-1886; son Reuben and Mary Mary Darracott, | 1736 ne Jan. 28, 1840 [(Wetherbee). Charles, 1737 “6 July 2, 1844 | Aug. 31, 1845 HON. SAMUEL AND REBECCA (BARRETT) DANA. 1715. Charles, 1738 | Groton, Apr. 7,1799 | July 31, 1819 33 | Anna, 1739 ef Aug. 28,1800 | Feb. 10, 1864 | Oct. 10, 1825 | Col. John Sever; 1792-1855. George, 1740 Aug. 2, 1802 | Apr. 12, 1804 33 | Rebecca, 1741 se Mar. 24,1805 | Sept. 2, 1875 | Oct. 30,1832 | Kilby Page; -1868. Samuel, 1742 te Apr. 1, 1808 | Aug. 22,1848 | Unmarried. [Sarah R. (Greene). 33 | Martha Barrett, | 1743 | Charlestown, Oct.27,1809 | Dec. 15,1883 | Feb. 21, 1837 | Gen. George Sears Greene; 1801-; son Caleb and 34 | James, Hon., 1744 ts Nov. 8, 1811 June, 1837 | 1. Susan Harr’t Moody; -1838; d. Paul & Susan (Mor- 1745 Aug., 1841 | 2. Marg’t Lance Tower; -1843; d. Col. Levi. _ [rill). 34 1746 June 12,1850 | 3. Julia Hurd; dau. William. 34 | Thesta, 1747 | Groton, Dec. 19, 1816 Feb. 22,1849 | Gen. James Jackson Dana; son Dr. Samuel L. COL. JOHN AND ANNA (DANA) SEVER. 1739. John B. 1748 | Kingston, July 26,1826 | March, 1827 Anne Dana, 1749 « Apr. 23, 1828 er Herbert, 1750 ne 1830 1830 Mary (now Sister ae Virginia), tet) * Sept. 5, 1832 [Mary E. 33 | Ellen, 1752 et June 14, 1835 June 3, 1857 | 1. Rev. Theodore Tebbets; 1831-1863; s. Noah and 33 1753 Nov. 25, 1868 | 2. Hon. Geo. Silsbee Hale; 1825-; s. Salma & Sarah. Martha, 1754 Mar. 4, 1839 | Nov. 18, 1864 : Emily, 1755 se Jan. 2, 1834 REV. THEODORE AND ELLEN (SEVER) TEBBETS. 1752. | John Sever, | 1756 | Medford, July 4; 1858 | | | HON. GEORGE S. AND ELLEN (SHVER-TEBBETS) HALE. 1753. Robert Sever, 1757 | Boston, Oct. 3, 1869 | | Richard Walden, | 1758 ee June 30, 1871 KILBY AND REBECCA (DANA) PAGE. 1741. Sarah Ann, 1759 | Boston, May 30,1834 | May 8, 1861 33 | Kilby, 1760 es May 2, 1836 June 18, 1866 | Anna Carhanie Hancock. Samuel Dana, 1761 ee Apr. 30, 1834 | Nov. 13, 1842 Frances, 1762 se Feb. 10, 1844 | June 15, 1844 KILBY AND ANNA CARHAINE (HANCOCK) PAGE. 1760. Catharine Mary, | 1763 | Boston, Apr. 15, 1871 | Annie Dana, . 1764. ee Mar. 28, 1875 | Eliz. Hancock, 1765 te Sept. 18, 1880 GEN. GEORGE SEARS AND MARTHA BARRETT (DANA) GREENE. 1743. 33 | Geo. Sears, Jr., | 1766 |Lex’ton, Ky., Nov. 26, 1837 Apr. 23, 1862 | Susan Moody Dana. No. 1792. [(Richmond. 34 ; Samuel Dana, 1767 |Cumb’l’d, Md., Feb.11,’40 | Dec. 11, 1884 | Oct. 9, 1863 | 1. Mary Willis; 1839-1874; dau. John and Mary G. 1768 Mar. 8, 1876 | 2. Mary Abby Babbett; dau. Jacob. {(Chandler). 34 | Chas. Thruston, {| 1769 |Alleg’ny Co., Md., Mar. 5,’42 May 9, 1867 | 1. Abby Ann Hull; -1878; dau. Chas. and Emily L. 34 1770 Nov. 26, 1880 2. Addie Maud Suppell; 1845-; d. Henry & Clarissa. 34 {Anna Mary, 1771 |Cumb’l’d, Md., Feb. 19,’45 Apr. 19, 1871 | Lieut. Murray Simpson Day, U. S. N.; 1845-1878; son Gen. Hannibal. James John, 1772 |Brunswick, Me.,Sept.4,’47 | Dec. 8, 1847 : ; ; (Gertrude. 34 |F’cis Vinton, Capt.,| 1773 |Prov., R. I., June 27, 1850 Feb. 25, 1879 | Belle Eugenié Chevalli¢é, 1853-; dau. Henry and GEORGE SEARS, JR, AND SUSAN MOODY (DANA) GREENE. 1766-1792. (Continued page 34.) Dana, | 1774 | New York, June 27, 1863 | July 19, 1866 33 Martha, 1775 | New York, Oct. 22,1865 | Apr. 6, 1884 : Carleton, 1776 ee Oct. 24, 1868 Mabel, 1777 te Noy. 7,1872 | Mar. 1, 1877 SAMUEL DANA AND MARY (WILLIS) GREENE. 1767. Samuel Dana, 1778 |Leggett’s Pt., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1864 Mary Richmond, Geo. De Boketon, 1779 1780 Apr. 21, 1867 Annapolis, Md., af Mar. 9, 1871 Charles Wolcott, Anna Hull, Eveline, Emilv Dana, Abby Chandler, 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 Sackett’s Har., N.Y., Oct. 9, 1868 Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1870 Black River, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1873 Newtown, Coun., Oct. 21, 1875 st Aug. 8, 1877 CHARLES THRUSTON AND ABBY ANN (HULL) GREENE. 1769. Clara Sturges, John DeBoketon, Martha Barrett, 1786 1787 1788 Warwick, R.I., Jan. 4, 1882) June 29, 1883) Hollywood, Ga., July 21, 1884 Aug. 22, 1883 CHARLES THRUSTON AND ADDIE MAUD (SUPPELL) GREENE. 1770. Warwick, Donald Cameron, Anna Gertrude, Edith, FRANCIS VINTON AND 1789 1790 1791 Wash’n, D.C. ce ce , Dec. 18, 1879 Dec. 26,1881 Mar. 26, 1884 StatenIsland,N.Y., Aug.12, 1886 BELLE EUGENIE (CHEVALLIE) GREENE. 1773. HON. JAMES AND SUSAN HARRIET (MOODY) DANA. 1744.. 33 | Susan Moody, 1792 | Charlestown, July 7,1838 | June 18, 1881 | Apr. 23, 1862 | George Sears Greene, Jr. No. 1766. HON. JAMES AND JULIA (HURD) DANA. 1746. B James, Jr., 1793 |Charlestown, Nov. 5, 1853 Francis, 1794 es Sept. 2, 1857 a Julia, 1795 we Sept. 27, 1860 June 4, 1884 | Harold Whiting, Ph. D.; son Hon. William. Mary Hurd, 1796 se Nov. 7, 1864 GEN. JAMES JACKSON AND THESTA (DANA) DANA. 1747. Lucy, 1797 June 21,1850 | Apr. 29, 1853 Samuel, 1798 Mar. 1, 1854 | June 18, 1855 Mary, 1799 Apr. 5,1856 | Mar., 1882 | Richard, 1800 Dec. 4, 1860 LIEUT. MURRAY SIMPSON AND ANNA MARY (GREENE) DAY. 1771. Murray Greene, | 1801 | New York, Dec. 18, 1875 Alice Lovinia, 1802 | Florence, Italy, May 27, 1878 DEA. SAMUEL AND SARAH (FARRAR) BARRETT. 1562. Samuel «ao issue), 1803 | Concord, Dec. 24,1773 | Aug. 1, 1825 | Mar. 11, 1804 | 1. Mary Hayward; 1786-1809. 34 1804 Jan. 1,1811 2. Susan Hudson; 1783-1855. 46 | Sally, 1805 ne 1776 | Oct., | 18380 | Nov. 38,1799 | Stephen Barrett. No. 2535. 47 | Betsey, 1806 es Jan. 19,1781 | June 29, 1814 | Oct. 18,1810 | Prescott Barrett. No. 2590. SAMUEL AND SUSAN (HUDSON) BARRETT. 1804. Samuel, 1807 | Concord, Feb. 3,1812 | Sept. 7,1872 | Unmarried. Eliza, 1808 a Apr. 4,1814 | July 25, 1817 / Rufus (no issue), 1809 a July 9, 1817 é Jan. 13,1846 | Emeline Buttrick; 1814-1849. AMOS AND MARY (HUBBARD) BARRETT. 1563. 34 | Amos, 1810 | Concord, Jan. 6,1780 | May 18, 1862 | Feb. 15, 1804 | 1. Susanna Blake; 1784-1834; dau. Nathan and Mary. 1811 Nov. 10, 1836 | 2. Harriet Rice; 1806-; dau. Nathan D. and Deborah. Silas, 1812 se Aug. 11,1782 | Apr. 25, 1803 34 | Mary, 1813 es June 8,1784 | Feb. 18, 1856 | Aug. 2, 1810 | Rev. Henry True; 1770-1857. 35 | Abigail, 1814 | ‘Union, Me., Apr. 2, 1786 | Sept. 30, 1821 1816 | Rufus Gilmore; 1790-1870. Sarah, 1815 ee Nov. 16, 1788 | Sept. 19, 1808 35 | Harriet, 1816 oe Apr. 1371791 1875 | July 29, 1822 | Daniel Fisk Harding; 1784-1858. Eben’r Hubbard, | 1817 os Jan. 19, 1797 1880 | May 3, 1825 | Joanna Vose. AMOS AND SUSANNA (BLAKE) BARRETT. 1810. 34 | Charles, 1818 | Union, Me., Nov. 19, 1806 | Sept. 29, 1876 | June 23, 1835 | 1. Marg’t Jeroleman; 1810-57; d. Alex. and Frances. 1819 2. Mrs. Jessie M. Van Evera; 1828-1876; dau. Wil- Sarah, 1820 8% Oct. 8,1810 | Nov., 1880} Unmarried. [liam Wells. Amos, 1821 ee Aug. 6, 1818 | Nov. 18, 1834 Henry, 1822 ae Dec. 12, 1821 | Sept., 1876 Susan, 1823 et Nov. 8, 1826 | Nov. 13, 1829 CHARLES AND MARGARET (SHROLEMAN) BARRETT. 1818. Elizabeth, 1824 Aug. 23, 1836 | Sept. 24, 1842 Charles, 1825 Feb. 10, 1838 | Mar. 30, 1847 [Natalia. 34 | Elizabeth, 1826 Oct. 11, 1844 Sept. 24, 1867 | Robert H. Weideman; -1883; son Frederick §. and ROBERT H. AND ELIZABETH (BARRETT) WEIDEMAN. 1826. Charles F., -1827 |E. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 25, 1868 Margaret, 1828 er Feb. 27, 1870 Robert M., 1829 ae Sept. 28, 1871 Natalia, 1830 ee Sept. 17, 1873 Alfred W., 1831 ee June 8, 1875 Elizabeth, 1832 ee Jan. 3, 1878 Mary L., 1833 ee June 28, 1879 Harrold F., 1834 ue Dec. 9, 1882 | June 15, 1883 REV. HENRY AND MARY (BARRETT) TRUE. 1813. (Continued page 35.) 34 35 |Henry Ayer, M.D.) 1835 |Union, Me., Aug. 10, Nov. 2,1841 | Elizabeth P. Read; -1881; dau. James. 35 | Mary Barrett, 1836 oh Aug. 28, 1819 Elijah Vose; 1807-1877: i son David and Alice.* Amos Barrett, 1837 ee July 22,1825 | Aug. 6, 1825 | DR. HENRY AYER AND ELIZABETH P. (READ) TRUE. 1835. 35 | Henry, | 1838 | Jan. 26, 1848 | | Sept. 13, 1876 | Flora P. Bowen. HENRY AND FLORA P. (BOWEN) TRUE. 1838. Mary Alice 1839 Sept. 25,1877 | Aug. 12, 1879 | Henry Ayer, 1840 July 26, 1879 ELIJAH AND MARY B. (TRUE) VOSEH. 1836. | Helen Ayer, 1841 |Union, Me., Mar. 5, 1844 Mary True, 1842 os Dec. 17,1849 | Mar. 8, 1853 RUFUS AND ABIGAIL (BARRETT) GILMORE. 1814. Anson B., 1843 Noy. 12, 1817 Feb. 20, 1853 | Caroline 8. Packard. 35 | Amos, 1844 Aug. 6, 1819 | Oct. 26, 1865 1851 | Esther Hagar. ANSON B. AND CAROLINE S. (PACKARD) GILMORE. 1843. | Ella M., | 1845 Nov. 2, 1859 | | Dec. 25, 1885 | Frank L. Whitten. AMOS AND ESTHER (HAGAR) GILMORE. 1844. eels ae Sonunnne, oe J _ tee Nov. 25, 1878 | Ellery V. Townsend. ohn pr. .) Abigail, 1848 ‘“ Novy. 22) 1858 Willis A. Meservey. Emma, 1849 a Feb. 27, 1861 Dec. 25, 1882 | Albion Jackson. Millard, 1850 Aug. 11, 1862 DANIEL F. AND HARRIET (BARRETT) HARDING. 1816. Amos Barrett 1851 |Union, Me., Mar. 13, 1825 85 |Henry Fiske, Rev., 1852 i "Mar. 28, 1827 Sept. 21, 1856 | Mary E. O’Brien. Daniel pr. 35 Harriet, 1854 ee May 24° 1832 Sept. 24, 1856 | Joseph W. Stickney. REV. HENRY FISKE AND MARY E. (O'BRIEN) HARDING. 1852. Elizabeth Pope 1855 Machias, Me., Aug. 29, 1857 John Washburn. Carroll E., Rev., 1856 Aug. 24, 1850 Alice Philbrook. Henry O’Brien, | 1857 ee Mar., 1859 Harriet O’Brien, | 1858 a Nov. 2, 1864 Florence, 1859 pe Nov. 2, 1866 JOSEPH W. AND HARRIET (HARDING) STICKNEY. 1854. Caroline Barrett, | 1860 Feb. 13, 1858 William, 1861 Apr. 29, 1868 Henry Harding, | 1862 May 20, 1870 DAVID AND MARY (BARRETT) HUBBARD. 1564. David 1863 | Concord, May 17, 1779 Unmarried. Ebenezer, 1864 | Hancock, N.H., Sept. 6, 1782 | Oct. 38,1871 | Unmarried. : Charles, 1865 ne Apr. 24, lis : Susan Packard. [Susanna. 35 | Mary Barrett, 1866 ee Apr. 28,1786 | Sept. 6, 1847 | Oct. 5,1809 | William Nutting, Jr.; 1779-1863; son William and Sarah Bond, 1867 ee Apr. 24, 1788 | Sept. 20, 1838 | Unmarried. 98 | Betsey, 1868 a Mar. 4, 1790 | Sept. 20, 1875 1814 | Anthony Van Dorn; -1871. Silas,” 1869 uf Jan. 27,1792 Unmarried. WILLIAM, JR. AND MARY BARRETT (HUBBARD) NUTTING. 1866. Eliza Ann (oissue),| 1870 Randolph, Vt., May 23,1810 |.Aug. 2, 1864 1842 | Rev. S. A. Benton; 1807-1865 Sarah M. qoissue), | 1871 Ten, 9,1813 | Aug. 3, 1841 1837 | Rev. S. A. Benton; oe 35 | William, 1872 Ke Mar. 28) 1815 | Oct. 21,1869 | Aug. 10, 1844 | Mary Ann Bradshaw. Charles, 1873 ue Mar. 6, 1817 } 1846 | Cordelia Gilman. 35 | Rufus, 1874 ee June 14, 1820 | May 18, 1876 1845 | Sarah H. Nutting. 35 | George Barrett, | 1875 ee Mar. 11, 1826 June 16, 1856 | Susan Alice Hodges; dau. Dr. Louis and Susan D. David H., M. D.,| 1876 ae May 17, 1829 1854 | Mary Elizabeth Nichols. Mary Olivia, 1877 ee July 1, 1831 WILLIAM AND MARY ANN (BRADSHAW) NUTTING. 1872. Marcia Amelia, 1878 | Randolph, Vt., Oct. 26, tate Dec. 9, 1872 Daniel A. Guptil. George William, | 1879 a Apr. 14, 1848 Sept. 11, 1872 | Rosetta Jackson Stevens. Lucy, 1880 |Bellows Falls, Vt., Sept. 6, 1853 RUFUS AND SARAH H. (NUTTING) NUTTING. 1874. Sarah, 1881 Mar. 28,1848 | Aug. 20, 1849 ; William Rufus, 1882 Sept. 1, 1851 May, 1875 | Celia Frenyear. John D., Rev., 1883 » Mar. 8, 1854 June 23, 1885 | Nannie K. Miller. Albert, 1884 July 31, 1856 Wallace H., 1885 te 25, oe Oct. 18, 1884 | Mary F. Waite. Ruth Frances, _| 1886 uly Freder’k Wheaton,| 1887 Oct. 18) 1863 GEORGE BARRETT AND SUSAN ALICE (HODGES) NUTTING. 1875. William Whitely, | 1888 |Mesopotamia, Tur., Feb. 11, 1860 Robert Boyd, "| 1889 at Nov. 16, 1864 Henry Hodges, | 1890 |Yaman, Tur., July 27, 1867 Susan Barrett, 1891 | Oronoco, Minn., Oct. 4, 1869 Louis Blackstone,| 1892 | Lansing, Minn., July 26, 1871 COL. JAMES AND REBECCA (HUBBARD) BARRETT. 21-462. -_ (Continued page 36.) 34) | James, 1893 | Concord, Jan. 4, 1733-4 | Oct. 30,1799 | July 4, 1758 | Miliscent Esterbrook; 1738-; dau. Jos. and Miliscent. 40 | Nathan, Col., 1894 ee Dec. 30, 1735 | Feb. 99° 1791 | May 22° 1760 ar Hunt; - wad -1824; dau. Dea. Simon and Mary aymond) 35 Lydia, 1895 | Concord, June 6, 1738 1800 | Mar. 3, 1757 | Josiah Melvin. 84 Rebecca, 1896 ee Nov. 19,1741 | Mar. 38,1775 | Jan. 17,1765 | Dea. George Minott. No. 530. Ephraim, 1897 oe Mar. 38, 1744 | Mar. a, 1771 5 90 | Persis, 1898 ef Sept. 25, 1747 | Sept. 5, 1781 | Dec. 30, 1766 | Jonas Potter. No. 565. 46 | Stephen, 1899 a Jan. 20,1750 | Feb. 4, 1824 | June 22,1775 1. Sarah Barrett. No. 854. [tha (Bowman). 46 1900 Nov. 11, 1789 | 2. Phebe Bridge; 1756-1845; dau. Samuel and Mar- 47 | Peter, 1901 ne Apr. 16,1755 | Apr. 11, 1808 | July 8, 1779 |Mary Prescott; 1760-1846 ; d. Benj. & Rebecca(Minott). Lucy, ? 1902 = July 20,1761 | Dec. 19,1787 | Apr. 8, 1783 | Noah Ripley; 1749-1835; s. Noah and Lydia (Kent). JAMES AND MELISCENT (ESTERBROOK) BARRETT. 1893. 36 | Meliscent, 1903 | Concord, Sept. 17,1759 | Aug. 1, 1838 | Sept. 16, 1783 |Jos. Swain, 1754-1831; s. Rev. John & Eliz.(Chipman). 37 | James , Maj. . 1904. ee Aug. 8, 1761 Sept. 12) 1850 | Sept. 13, 1792 | Dorcas Minott. No. 4851. ; [(Minott). Rebecca, 1905 oe Aug. 30, 1763 | May 4, 1795 | Oct. 28,1783 | James Prescott; 1749-1842; son Benj. and Rebecca William, 1906 oy Dec. 17,1765 | Mar. ty, 1769 ; 38 Hannah, 1907 eG Feb. 5, 1768 | Apr. a7. 1800 | Dec. 22, 1788 | Daniel Wood; 1760-1844; son Hon. Ephraim. 74 | Patty, 1908 ae Dec. 12,1770; Apr. 7, 1838 | Aug. 30, 1792 | Cyrus Hosmer. No. 4200. 75 | Betsey, 1909 ‘e Sept. 28, 1773 | May ‘ll, 1810 | May 25,1797 | Joshua Jones. No. 4297. 39 | Phebe Bowman, 1910 a May 25,1776 | Mar. 12) 1847 | Feb. 26, 1801 | Amos Dakin; ~1844. [(Prescott). No. 617. 39 | Joseph, Hon., 1911 sf Mar. 15,1778 | Jan. 6, 1849 | June, 1814 | Sophia Fay; 1786 1848; d. Hon. Jonathan and Lucy Lydia, 1912 oe Apr. 14,1780 | Aug. 5, 1842 | Unmarried. JOSEPH AND MELISCENT (BARRETT) SWAIN. 1903. 36 | Meliscent, 1913 Halifax, Vt., Mar. 25,1785 | Aug. 6,1851 | Aug., 1817 | Rev. Thomas H. Wood. 98 | Betsey, 1914 "Apr. 13, 1787 | July 29° 1858 | July 6, 1813 | William Lyman; -1875. Joseph, 1915 ee Mar. S 1789 | June, 1835 Jerusha Everts. Rebecca, 1916 te Apr. 10; 1791 | Oct. "i, 1871 | Unmarried. 36 | William Barrett, | 1917 te May 12,1793 | May 5, 1828 1819 | Tamar Brooks. [(Fox). 37 | Chipman, 1918 ee Feb. 9, 1795 Mar 26; 1873 | Jan. 1, 1822 | Dency Gilbert; 1796-1867; dau. Samuel and Hannah Lucy Ripley, 1919 ue Noy. 11, 1796 Unmarried. 37 | James Barrett, 1920 ss Aug. 11,1799 | Dec. 6, 1834 | May 11, 1828 | Eunice Brigham; -1869. [and (Mary). 37 |*James Prescott, 1921 ae Mar. 11, 1803 | Apr. 27, 1875 | Sept. 9, 1830 | 1. Mary Araminta Merceiux; -1839; dau. Thomas R. 37 1922 Feb. 14, 1844 | 2. Catharine E. Prescott; 1825-; d. James E. & Lucy. * Name James taken after 1834. REV. THOMAS H. AND MELISCENT (SWAIN) WOOD. 1913. 36 | Meliscent Barrett,| 1923 pale , Vt., Aug. 23, 1819 Apr. 10, 1843 | Freeman Longley. [Lucy. 36 | William Lyman, | 1924 "Oct. 29° 1826 | Aug. 13, 1884 | Jan. 23, 1856 | Ellen Maria Prescott; 1828-1882; d. James M. and. FREEMAN AND MELISCENT BARRETT (WOOD) LONGLEY. 1923. Prescott Eugene, | 1925 |Albany, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1845 | Lawrence, 1926 |Delton, Wis. , Apr. 28, 1855 | Thomas H., 1927 a "Aug. Ty, 1858 WILLIAM LYMAN AND ELLEN MARIA (PRESCOTT) WOOD. 1924. 36 Ellen Maria, Alice Jennette, 1928 |Bronxville, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1857 1929 Brooklyn, N.Y. aly 27, 1861 Mar. 19, 1872 . 27, 1884 © 8 Frederick Philips Washburn. William Prescott, | 1930 June 17, 1865 | Jan. 8, 1866. William Thomas, | 1931 tt Sept. 11} 1869 FREDERICK P. AND ALICH JENNETTE (WOOD) WASHBURN. 1929. Arthur Prescott, | 1932 | Brooklyn, N. Y., June 22, 1885 | | | WILLIAM BARRETT AND TAMAR (BROOKS) SWAIN. 1917. 86 | Jerusha Rebecca, | 1933 Athens, Pa., Apr. 8, 1820 | Jan. 9, 1846 | June 27, 1837 | Charles Kilby Adams; 1813-1870. 36 | Asa Brooks, 1934 ” Mar. 2, 1822 Oct. 9,1845 | Chathame Crosse. Joseph Chipman, | 1935 ne Feb. 4, 1824 Jan., 1845 | Abigail Rawson. 37 | William Wisner, | 1936 es Dec. 9, 1825 Dec. 23, 1852 | Roxanna C. West. CHARLES K. AND JERUSHA R. (SWAIN) ADAMS. 19933. Charles Edward, | 1937 Apr. 21,1838 | Jan., 1883 1861 | Martha Sinclair. 36 | Ellen Lucebie, 1938 Sept. 1, 1840 July 3, 1856 ie SS pained Rawson. 1939 . William B. Payne. 36 | Olive Julia, 1940 July 23, 1842 Sept. 16, 1860 Elijah Lorenzo Weston. 36 | Howard Brooks, | 1941 Jan. 12° 1845 Nov. 13, 1867 | Ruth Ann Harris. CHARLES ANDREW AND ELLEN LUCEBIE (ADAMS) RAWSON. 1938. _ 6 | Clara Amelia 1942 |p ceton, Wis., Mar. 8, 1858 Dec. 31, 1873 36 Ellen Venette, 1943 ame May 20, 1860 Dec. e 1880 | Eugene Thompson. _ Z = WILLIAM AND CLARA A. (RAWSON) CLARK. 1942. Charles Henry, 1944 |Richmond, Mo., Oct. 2, 1874 Daisie Payne, 1945 |Gordon, Mo., Mar. 7, 1875 Clara A., 1946 Jeff. City, Mo., Apr. 11,1681 ; - EUGENE AND ELLEN V. (RAWSON) THOMPSON. 1943. | Melinda W. 1947 Mar. 5, 1883 Arthur Eugene, | 1948 dan. 9, 1885 | _ ELIJAH L. AND OLIVE J. (ADAMS) WESTON. 1940. Lou Mertella, 1949 Aug. 28, 1861 Mar. 24, 1881 | George Andrew Shadle.- Pearhiette, 1950 May 22, 1864 Howard Cyrenus, | 1951 Nov. 15, 1865 | Feb. 16, 1871 Frank Seward, 1952 July 11,1871 | May 4, 1878 Mira Bonnie, 1953 Oct. 20, 1879 Merta Blanche, | 1954 Apr. 18, 1881 HOWARD B. AND RUTH A. (HARRIS) ADAMS. 1941. 4 Irving 1955 Aug. 17, 1870 Gerke May, ” | 1956 ‘Aus. 12) 1873 | Aug. 31, 1885 ASA B. AND CHATHAME (CROSSE) SWAIN. 1934. (Continued page 37.) + 36 James Daniel, 1957 Sept. 29, 1846 | Aug. 12, 1847 Albert Brooks, 1958 Nov. 22, 1847 | Apr. 28, 1865 ee a a ee Tees ae Dec. 26, 1882 | Harriet Steward; dau. George W. and Cynthia. valine Josephine uly ar. 12, 1879 po Tne , os yo 10, oe Dec. 26, 1877 | Augustus Le Roy Westlake. uella Blanche ar. 5 Florence May, "| 1963 Feb. 12; 1860 Sept. 7, 1885 | George Loudon. Elgin Prescott, 1964 Dec. 15, 1861 | Sept. 10, 1880 WILLIAM W. AND ROXANNA C. (WEST) SWAIN. 1936. Eva, 1965 May 5, 1854 Mar. 25, 1880 | Elmer E. Hanon. Blanche C., 1966 Oct. 1, 1860 May 27,1885 | Allan D. Goodman. William E., 1967 Mar. 27, 1871 CHIPMAN AND DENCY (GILBERT) SWAIN. 1918. Jerusha Everts, | 1968 Noy. 8, 1822 | Nov. 26, 1863 | Unmarried. aate Gilbert, re He an. a) 1829 Feb. 14, 1854 | Mrs. Catharine J. Welbarky. ucy Ann ec. 17, 1830 37 | William c. Capt.,| 1971 Apr. 29° 1832 June 14, 1877 | Olive Edgerton Brayton. ‘| James Prescott, | 1972 Nov. 28, 1833 | Dec. 20, 1864 | Unmarried. 37 | Samuel Glyde, 1973 Aug. 17, 1835 Oct. 12, 1869 | Mary Ellen Warner. CAPT. WILLIAM CHESTER AND OLIVE EDGERTON (BRAYTON) SWAIN. 1971. Katharine E., 1974 | Milwaukee, Wis., July 9, 1878 Mary Brayton, 1975 af Aug. 4, 1880 George Chester, | 1976 ee Jan. 24,1883 | Apr. 29, 1888 SAMUEL GLYDE AND MARY ELLEN (WARNER) SWAIN. 1973. Josephine G., 1977 | Baraboo, Wis., Nov. 20, 1870 Eleanor Dency, | 1978 |Delton,Wis.,Sept. 15, 1872 Frances Lucy, 1979 | Winona, Minn., Sept. 8, 1879 George Warner, | 1980 ss Apr. 3, 1886 JAMES B. AND EUNICE (BRIGHAM) SWAIN. 1920. 87 | Lucy Rebecca, | 1981 Feb. 3, 1829 | July 29, 1882 | Sept. 19, 1854 | Edward Todd. EDWARD AND LUCY REBECCA (SWAIN) TODD. 1981. James Prescott, | 1982 May 28, 1857 1861 Sarah Eliza, 1983 Jan. 10, 1884 JAMES PRESCOTT AND MARY A. (MERCEUIX) SWAIN. 1921. Mary Merceuix, | 1984 June 29,1832 | July 3, 1832 | Mary Araminta, | 1985 July 31, 1833 May 15, 1885 | David E. Smith. JAMES PRESCOTT AND CATHARINE HE. (PRESCOTT) SWAIN. 1922. James Prescott, 1986 | New York, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1847 Catharine Rebecca,) 1987 | Bronxville, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1853 Thos. Merceuix, | 1988 ee Nov. 9, 1856 June 20, 1882 | Mary Elizabeth Leggett; dau. Samuel and Ann Eliza. Annie Prescott, | 1989 hs Dec. 12, 1862 MAJ. JAMES AND DORCAS (MINOTT) BARRETT. 1904-4851. 37 | James, 1990 | Concord, July 1, 1793 | Oct. 18,1875 | Apr. 29, 1819 | Miriam Buttrick; 1796-; dau. Samuel and Sarah. 37 | George Minott, 1991 ae Dec. 23,1794 | July 14, 1873 | Nov. 19, 1821 | Elizabeth Prescott; 1798-1882; d. James and Rebecca 38 | Dorcas, 1992 me Dec. 31,1798 | Mar. 16, 1872 | Aug. 29, 1825 | James 8. Gerrish; 1790-1883. [(Atwater). Rebecca, 1993 ee Oct. 30, 1800 | Sept. 10, 1802 Zi JAMES AND MIRIAM (BUTTRICK) BARRETT. 1990. 37 | Sarah Jane, 1994 ELA Vie ans 7 A ae ab wees June 2, 1844 | Evelyn Pierpont; 1816-. James Henr 1995 ee ct. ug. F Charles, % | 1996 “ May 22) 1824 | Nov. 20, 1829 Rockwood, 1997 ee sees a teen Oct. 23, 1884 | Abby L. Osgood. Ellen Caroline, 1998 rs pr. : George, 1999 «“ Nov. 6) 1830 | Apr. 22, 1832 837 | Charles H., M. D.,} 2000 ee qe a tee noo Bh Anon Nov. 16, 1864 ; Fanny Taylor. Minott, . 2001 He ar. : ug. 3) 37 | Emma Miriam, | 2002 «“ Nov. 26, 1838 ies Sept. 11, 1862 | Judge Walter C. Dunton. EVELYN AND SARAH JANE (BARRETT) PIERPONT. 1994. Kate Frances, 2003 [Rutland,Vt.,May 8, 1843 | Apr. 3, 1853 Alice Jane, 2004 ee Oct. 10, 1845 | Sept. 30,°1877 Charles Evelyn, | 2005 ee Noy. 15,1848 | June 5, 1870 Mary Elizabeth, | 2006 fe Sept. 24,1851 | June 6, 1852 Annie Evelyn, 2007 eS Nov. 8, 1864 ; DR. CHARLES HENRY AND FANNY (TAYLOR) BARRETT. 2000. Miriam, 2008 | Detroit, Mich., Feb. 17, 1866 Laura, 2009 | Waterloo, Ia., Nov. 30, 1868 JUDGE WALTER C. AND EMMA M. (BARRETT) DUNTON. 2002. _ Agnes Ellen, 2010 | Waterloo, Ia., Sept. 3, 1865 | Nov. 22, 1875 Edith Kelly, 2011 es Dec. 28, 1875 Walter Barrett, | 2012 o Jan. 31, 1878 Miriam Barrett, | 2013 ee Dec. 29, 1880 a GEORGE MINOTT AND ELIZABETH (PRESCOTT) BARRETT. 1991. — George Prescott, | 2014 | Concord, Oct. 15,1822 ) Nov. 7, 1827 : a Rebecca Minott, | 2015 ee Sept. 12, 1825 | June 25,1879 | Unmarried. 38 | Mary Prescott, 2016 ee Dec. 21,1827 | June 7, 1878 | Apr. 26, 1849 | Nathan H. Warren; 1827-. Emily Augusta, | 2017 th May 14, 1829 Nov. 16, 1864 | Charles Thompson; 1827-. 38 | James A., Maj., | 2018 ef May 7, 1832 | Dec. 14, 1885 | Dec, 26, 1865 | Jane Farmer. No. 4262. 38 | George Henry, 2019 i Aug. 17, 1836 Dec. 31, 1878 | Mrs. Isabella K. Green; 1840-. 37 NATHAN H. AND MARY P. (BARRETT) WARREN. 2016. Mary Elizabeth, 2020 Concord, Aug. 12, 1850 Oct. 15, 1874 | Horatio Keeler. Ella, 2021 Nov. 7, 1855 George Henry, | 2022 as May 22° 1860 1884 | Maud Price. Alice, 2023 6 Apr. 16, 1865 Charles, 2024 | Chicago, Ii., Oct. i, 1867 MAJ. JAMES ATWATER AND JANE (FARMER) BARRETT. 2018-4262. Carrie Cushman, | 2025 Oct. 12, 1866 | Mar. 15, 1869 George Farmer, | 2026 Mar. 23, 1869 Nellie Prescott, 2027 May 10, 1871 Emma Jane, 2028 Nov. 2 1873 Charles Gerrish, 2029 Sept. 16, 1875 Clara Hosmer, 2030 Mar. Z 1877 GEORGE HENRY AND ISABELLA K. (GREEN) BARRETT. 2019. | Sophronia, 2031 |Georget’n,Col., Nov. 25, °81| | | JAMES S. AND DORCAS (BARRETT) GERRISH. 1992. | James Barrett, 2032 | Concord, June 9, 1826 | Jan. 23, 1857 Joseph Storey’ 2033 eg June 2, 1830 DANIEL AND HANNAH (BARRETT) WOOD. 1907. 38 | Elijah, 2034 | Concord, Sept. 18,1790 | Nov. 26, 1861 | Sept. 7, 1815 [Eliz. Farmer; 1795-1843; d. Edw’d & Rispah(Baldwin). 38 | James, 2035 « Mar. 17,1792 | Sept. 18, 1878 | Dec. 13, 1821 | Rispah Farmer; 1797-1866; d. Edward and Betsey 39 | Mary, 2036 &¢ May 4,1794 | Dec. 15,1866 | Oct. 10,1826 | Ephraim W. Russell. (Brown). Milly, 2037 ee May 4,1794 | Feb. 9, 1796 Ephraim, 2088 es May 24,1796 | May 4, 1801 William (no issue), 2039 6 Aug. 31, 1798 ELIJAH AND ELIZABETH (FARMER) WOOD. 2034. Elijah, 2040 | Concord, June 2,1816 | Apr. 24,1882 | May 21, 1840 | Frances W. Parker; ~1882. John, 2041 Ke Nov. 22, 1819 Charlotte P. Wood. Edward Farmer, | 2042 fe Noy. 26, 1821: Augusta, 2043 gS Sept. 28, 1823 | Oct. 2, 1823 38 | Henry, 2044 se Aug. 17, 1825 Nov. 30, 1848 | Lydia A. Willis; 1825-1885; d. Howard and Lydia. William, 2045 se Aug. 27, 1828 | Dec. 23,1859 | Unmarried. 38 | Charles, 2046 gs Oct. 11, 1830 Apr. 27, 1857 | Cynthia A. Rice. George, 2047 eM Mar. 27, 1837 HENRY AND LYDIA A. (WILLIS) WOOD. 2044. Lizzie F., 2048 | Bedford, Aug. 26, 1849 Dec. 14, 1869 | A. R. Boynton. Charles H., 2049 ee June 20, 1851 July 28, 1870 | Hattie F. March. . CHARLES AND CYNTHIA A. (RICE) WOOD. 2046. William Louis, 2050 Maryville, Cal., Mar. 8, 1858 Sarah Elizabeth, | 2051 Nov. 10, 1859 Charlotte Elmere,| 2052 oe Jan. 10, 1864 Charles James, 2053 ef Nov. 19, 1868 JAMES AND RISPAH (FARMER) WOOD. 2035. 103 | Daniel Heald, 2054 | Concord, Jan. 8, 1823 Jan. 1,1861 | Lydia Hosmer. No. 4215. 38 | James Barrett, 2055 “ Sept. 23, 1824 June 28, 1856 | Ellen 8. Oldham; 1836-. 38 | Sarah Elizabeth, | 2056. a May 24, 1827 May 1, 1852 | J.Q. A. Griffin; 1830-1866. [E. (Edwards). 38 | Albert Edward, | 2057 ee Mar. 13, 1830 Mar. 12, 1862 | Ellen Miles Shattuck: dau. Hon. Daniel and Sarah 38 | Margaret Farmer,| 2058 ie Sept. 24, 1832 Sept. 9,1858 | Isaac Jones Cutter; ; 1830-; s. Dan’] and Sally (Jones). Mary Heald, 2059 ee May 8, 1835 (Sarah E. (Hurd). 39 | John Farmer, 2060 ee Oct. 2, 1838 Feb. 22, 1866 | 1. Ella Louisa Skinner; 1844-1882; d. John F. and { 2061 Noy. 1, 1884 | 2. Alice Cora Sparks; 1858-5 dau. Reuben G. and ae [Sarah (Coulliard). JAMES B. AND ELLEN S. (OLDHAM) WOOD. 2055. Caroline Prescott,| 2062 East Dorset, Vt.,Oct. 2, 1860 ; June 2, 1886 | Sherman Hoar; 1860; son Judge Ebenezer R. and George E. Miller, | 2063 Aug. 17, 1862 | Oct. 20, 1863 [Caroline D. (Brooks). Julia Smith, 2064 oe Sept. 19) 1864 Richard Farmer, | 2065 | Concord, June 6, 1870 | Isabel Rispah, 2066 ae Apr. 1, 1872 | July 9, 1873 | Winthrop Barrett,| 2067 of Nov. 7, 1875 | gree a JOHN Q. A. AND SARAH ELIZABETH (WOOD) GRIFFIN. 2056. 7 Frances Elizabeth: 2068 Charlestown, Mar. 23, 1853] Nov. 18, 1870 Frederick Wood, 2069 Feb. 2, 1855 May 1, 1884 Daisy Lipman. Edith Florence, | 2070 Malden, Apr. 29° 1857 | Apr. 20, 1866 J.Q. A., Jr., 2071 iB Mar. 19, 1859 Helen, 2072 | Medford, Mar. 13, 1861 | May 22, 1861 Helen Louise, 2073 fs Sept. 1, 1862 | Dec. 22, 1862 Arthur Lincoln, | 2074 ue Apr. 16, 1865 - 3 ALBERT EDWARD AND ELLEN MILES (SHATTUCK) WOOD. 2057. —— =< Walter Shattuck, | 2075 | Concord, Jan. 22, 1863 ——— Grace Edwards, | 2076 ~ Feb. 7, 1864 Bessie Farmer, | 2077 te Aug. 10, 1865 Herbert M. Barrett. Herbert Edward, | 2078 9 Mar. 31,1875 | Sept. 1, 1875 Gertrude Barrett, | 2079 oe Nov. 17, 1876 ISAAC JONES AND MARGARET FARMER (WOOD) CUTTER. 2058. Rose Margarette, | Frank Edward, 2080 2081 Concord, “eo May 20, 1860 May 20, 1861 Sept. 8, 1886 38 Henry Dingley Coolidge; 1858-; s. Henry J. and Mary [(Martin). JOHN FARMER AND ELLA LOUISA (SKINNER) WOOD. | Frederick James, | 2082 |London, Eng., Mar. 3, 1867 Le EPHRAIM W. AND MARY (WOOD) RUSSELL. 2036. 2060. Mary H., 2083 |Camden, Me., Nov. 24,1828 | Oct. 10, 1830 39 | Daniel Wood, { 2084 of Sept. 15, 1832 Mar. 7, 1855 | 1. Tirzah L. Baker. 2085 May 8, 1861 | 2. Mary A. Ruggles. DANIEL W. AND TIRZAH L. (BAKER) RUSSELL. 2084. Oo | Daniel Wood, Jr.,| 2086 | Oct. 7, 1857 | | Mar. 15, 1885 | Emma Bourse. AMOS AND PHEBE BOWMAN (BARRETT) DAKIN. 1910. as 39 | Elbridge, 2087 | Concord, Oct. 19, 1802 Dec. 26, 1832 | 1. Mary Ann Bridge; -1835. 39 2088 Nov. 6, 1838 | 2. Nancy Spaulding; -1881. Jas. Barrettino issue), {5080 ee Mar. 21, 1804 | Feb. 25, 1873 1832 | 1. Mary Perkins; 1708-1846. 39 2090 Oct. 2, 1855 | 2. Mary L. Bassett; 1832-1863. Phebe (noissue, 2091 i Nov. 3, 1805 Apr. 24, 1845 | Jacob B. Farmer. 54 | George, 2092 se Jan. 10, 1815 | May 1, 1882 | Aug. 25, 1841 | Charlotte Caldwell Brown; 1819-; d. Jas. and Maria. 39 | Charles Rufus, 2093 a Jan. 99° 1817 | July 21,1882 | Sept. 5, 1839 | Julia Ward; 1822-. ELBRIDGE AND MARY ANN (BRIDGE) DAKIN. 2087. | George B., | 2094 |Geneva, N.Y.,Nov. 11,1833 | Dec. 27, 1859 | | ELBRIDGE AND NANCY (SPAULDING) DAKIN. 2088. 39 | Sarah Phebe, 2095 Geneva,N.Y., Sept. 16,1840 Feb. 21, 1866 | Elisha C, Deane. William Oliver, 2096 Nov. 23, "1842 Oct. 17, 1862 | 1. Hattie Wiggins; -1874. 2097 June 27° 1876 | 2. Evelyn A. Sheppard. Mary Olivia, 2098 a June 4, 1846 ELISHA C. AND SARAH P. (DAKIN) DEANE. 2095. ao Isabella Spalding, | 2099 Buffalo, N.Y., Noy. 16,1869 Elbridge Gerry, Aug. 7, 1879 x JAMES B. AND MARY L. (BASSETT) DAKIN. 2090. 2 Minnie L., 2101 Dexter, N.Y., July 12, 1856 Sept. 22,1875 | Charles G. Gilmore. Kate, 2102 Dec. 5, 1857 Sept. 2, 1881 | H. J. Snook. James Bassett, 2103 eo Aug. 15, 1859 Jan. 2, 1884 | Jennie Camfield. CHARLES RUFUS AND JULIA (WARD) DAKIN. 2093. 39 | Julia Elizabeth, | 2104 /Waukesha, Wis., July 28, 1840 June 19, 1860 | James Pettee. John Elbridge, 2105 He Oct. 29, 1842 | Jan. 29, 1846 Charles Ward, 2106 te May 12,1846 | Aug. 30, 1846 Clara Barrett, 2107 ue Dec. 6, 1847 | Aug. 16, 1848 Harriet Sherrill, 2108 ee Dec. 24, 1848 , Nov. 26, 1867 | John A. MacMurphy. 39 | Helen Frances, | 2109 ee Nov. 8, 1852 Nov. 7, 1870 ; D. 8. Liddle. Mary Ward, 2110 | Pewarkee, Wis., May 12, 1857 | May 13, 1854 Anna Mills, 2111 | Waukesha, Wis., July 5, 1856 Feb. 14, 1882 | William H. Burnison. Robert Ward, 2112 os July 14, 1859 Charles Barrett, | 2113 es July 14, 1859 | Apr. 28, 1863 Mary Phebe, 9114 | Decatur, Neb., May 2, 1863 Talbot Donsman, | 2115 ee Nov. 10, 1865 = JAMES AND JULIA E. (DAKIN) PETTHE. 2104. _ Charles Joseph, | 2116 Arlington, Mar. 17, 1861 Mary Ward, 2117 Mar. ce 1861 John Trowbridge, 2118 te Jan. oF 1863 Frank Benjamin, | 2119 a Nov. L 1869 | Apr. 9, 1878 = D. S. AND HELEN F. (DAKIN) LIDDLE. 2109. Charles Francis, | 2120 July 23, 1873 James Ward, 2121 July 28, 1878 Mary Julia, 2122 Apr. 26, 1885 HON. JOSEPH AND SOPHIA (FAY) BARRETT. 1911. LucyPrescott Fay,| 2123 | Concord, June 77,1815 | July 3, 1838 39 | Jonat’n Fay, Hon.,| 2124 es Jan. 28,1817 | Jan. 23,1885 | Apr. 27,1848 | Lydia Ann Loring; 1827-; dau. David and Susan F, 39 | Richard, Capt., 2125 ee Aug. 30, 1818 23 May 20, 1847 | Lois Jane Wheeler; 1823-1875; d. Capt. Francis and Eliza White, 2126 ee Sept. 29° 1821 | Aug. 15, 1883 | Unmarried. [Susanna (Stearns). 89 | William Emerson,! 2127 ce June 14, 1824 Apr. 25, 1847 | Helen Frances Bacon; 1830-; d. Reuben and Sarah Ann Maria, 2128 se Apr. i 1827 | Aug. 11, 1834 [(Clark). HON. JONATHAN FAY AND LYDIA ANN (LORING) BARRETT. 104 | Lucy Fay, Feb. 25, 1849 July 6, 1876 | John H. Chapman; 1852, s. Timothy P. and Rachel (Hartwell). CAPT. RICHARD AND LOIS JANE (WHEELER). BARRETT. 2125. 39 | Rich’d Fay, Capt.,| 2130 | Concord, Aug. 4, 1848 Dec. 26, 1872 Cora Belle Rice; 1854-; d. Reuben N. and Mary H. Toseph, BOTS aia « Sept. 10, 1850 | Aug. 25, 1867 . : ; [(Hurd). Jeanie Susan, 2132 of Mar. 26, 1853 Frank Wheeler, | 2133 ie Mar. 10, 1855 | Sept. 18, 1878 Annie Maria, =| 2134 ee Apr. 10, 1857 | Aug. 27, 1858 William, 2135 ee July 5, 1859 CAPT. RICHARD FAY AND CORA BELLE (RICE) BARRETT. | Richard Rice, | 2136 | Concord, Aug. 4, 1877 | | WILLIAM EMERSON AND HELEN FRANCES (BACON) BARRETT. ick F 2187 | Prov., R. I., 1848 | Aug. 10, 1848 [Martha C. Aina leek 2138 « Aug. 2, 1850 - Oct. 30,1873 Wilbur Augustus Fiske; 1843-; son Daniel D. and William Fay, 2139 ee ‘Apr. 14; 1866 39 COL. NATHAN AND MIRIAM (HUNT) BARRETT. 1894. 40 | Nathan, 2140 | Concord, May 17,1763 | Feb. 4, 1829 | Dec. 10,1795 | Mary Jones. No. 4291. [(Payson). 40 | Simon, 2141 ie Sept. 24,1764 | Apr. 20,1845 | Aug. 14,1808 | Mary Hawes; 1787-1869; dau. Mathias and Sarah 41 | Reuben, 2142 es Apr. 2,1766 | Apr. 4, 1823 | Feb. 6, 1794 | Sarah Thorndike; 1773-1864. Timothy, 2148 ae Jan. 31,1768 | June 19, 1804 ; David, 2144 2 June 22,1769 | May 31,1794 | Unmarried. 3 [Minott. No. 527. Miriam, 2145 ue Sept. 2,1771 | Aug. 18, 1837 | Nov. 18, 1790 | Jonas Minott; 1765-1809; son Jonas and Mary (Hall) 43 | Ephraim, 2146 cv Aug. 22,1772 | Nov. 4, 1857 | Sept., 1806 | Louisa Wood; 1783-1868; dau. Thomas. [Lincoln. 67 | Susanna, 2147 ws June 7,1774 | May 22,1847 | Nov., 1802 | Nathan Brown; Sept. 26, 1772-Sept. 8, 1865; of 43 | William, 2148 ts June 17,1775 | Nov. 15, 1834 | Feb. 12, 1804 | Mary K. Hall; 1783-1840; dau. Moses and Martha Mary, 2149 Apr. 18,1777 | July 23, 1833 1820 | Farnham Hall. [(Sprague). 44 | Francis, 2150 a Apr. 15,1778 | Jan. 10,1819 | May 5, 1799 | Maria Foster Pallisier; 1780-1868. 45 James, 2151 “e July 5,1779 | Mar. 20, 1826 1802 | Jennie White; dau. Maj. George. 45 | George Minott, | 2152 Sept. 15,1783 | Apr. 17, 1838 | Oct. 28, 1805 | Susanna Richardson; 1787-1839; dau. Ebenezer and Lucy, 21538 ts Nov. 9,1784 | Jan. 26,1826 , Unmarried. [Susanna (Tufts). 45 | Luther, 2154 es Feb. 15,1786 | Dec. 4,1885 | Jan. 4, 1807 | Sarah Perry; 1783-1865; d. Thos. and Mary (Wiswall). NATHAN AND MARY (JONES) BARRETT. 2140-4291. 40 | Nathan, 2155 | Concord, Oct. 1, 1796 | Feb. 29,1868 | Apr. 23, 1829 | 1. MaryS. Fuller; 1805-1853; dau. Lemuel and Mary : 2156 Jan. 24,1855 | 2. Lucy A. Barrett. No. 2514. [(Shepard). Elisha, 2157 te July 12,1798 | May 12, 1804 Mary Ann, 2158 Jan. 1,1806 | June 6,1835 | Unmarried. Emeline Eliz., 2159 es June 9, 1809 NATHAN AND MARY S. (FULLER) BARRETT. 2155. Nathan Henry, 2160 | Concord, Feb. 13, 1830 ; Sept. 2, 1873 | Unmarried. Maria Frances, 2161 ee Nov. 4, 1831 | Dec. 16, 1850 oe [Jas. A. and Ann (Whipple). 40 | Edwin Shepard, § | 2162 “ Oct. 31, 1833 Feb. 24, 1863 | 1. Maria Thomas Gilmore; 1840-1875; dau. Hon. 40 2163 Nov. 2,1877 | 2. Laura Elizabeth Emerson, 1846-; dau. Henry and Arthur Herbert, | 2164 us Mar. 14, 1836 | Jan. 10,1880 | Aug. 13, 1873 | Helen Grimes. [Elizabeth (White). Sidney Jones, 2165 oh Oct. 21, 1841 EDWIN SHEPARD AND MARIA T. (GILMORE) BARRETT. 2162. Edwin Gilmore, | 2166 | New York, N.Y.,Dec.17, 1863| Oct. 22, 1865 | Nelson Macy, 2167 | Fitchburg, July 8, 1865 Harry Edmunds, | 2168 | Concord, Aug. 28, 1868 Annie Whipple, | 2169 | Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1871 | Dec. 29, 1871 EDWIN SHEPARD AND LAURA E. (EMERSON) BARRETT. 2163. Beth Louise, 2170 | Concord, May 25, 1879 Nathan Henry, 2172 t Apr. 18, 1881 Mary Shepard, 2173 re Feb. 6, 1883 Miriam Hunt, 2174 es Oct. 9, 1884 SIMON AND MARY (HAWES) BARRETT. 2141. Simon H., 2175 | Hope, Me., Aug. 24, 1809 | July 23,1865 | June 1, 1849 | 1. Mary Esther Jane Fox; 1825-. 40 2176 é 2. Marcia Eliza Wells; 1821-1862. 40 |Noyes Payson Hawes, § | 2177 “e June 15,1813 | June 3,1878 | Oct. 7, 1836 | 1. Jenette Kingsley Frary; 1817-1850; dau. Orange 40 2178 Aug. 8, 1851 | 2..Anna May Pembroke. [and Miriam (Kingsley). Mary Hunt, 2179 ee June 18,1811 | Oct. 26, 1837 41 | Maria L., 2180 He Mar. 20,1818 | Aug. 20, 1848 | Dec. 12, 1838 | Joseph Muzzy, Jr.; 1807-1868; son Jos. and Sally. Charles, 2181 ch Mar. 25, 1820 | Apr. 28, 1848 Amos, 2182 fe Mar. 25,1820 | Aug. 2, 1855 41 | Fidelia F., 2183 68 Sept. 26, 1822 | Nov. 22, 1859 | May, 1845 | Horace Muzzy; 1813-; son Jos. and Sally. 41 | Matthias, 2184 as Apr. 6, 1825 Dec. 17, 1856 | Amelia P. Hazleton; 1836-. SIMON H. AND MARCIA ELIZA (WELLS) BARRETT. 2176. Simon W., 2185 Aug. 10, 1859 Walter H., 2186 Oct. 4, 1861 NOYES PAYSON HAWES AND JENETTE KINGSLEY (FRARY) BARRETT. 2177. Amos William, 2187 Nov. 29, 1838 | Feb. 15, 1862 Charles Spencer, | 2188 Aug. 1, 1841 | Dec. 26, 1842 [B. (White). 40 | Franklin Noyes, | 2189 /W.New Brighton, N.Y.,Aug. 15,1844 Sept. 3, 1868 | Mary EdithGale; 1850-; dau. Alfred G. S. and Martha Horace Frary, 2190 “e Oct. 18, 1846 May 17, 1870 | 1. Katie May; -1871. 40 2191 June 4, 1872 | 2. Jennie E. Nichols; 1853-. Jeanette, 2192 ee Mar. 10, 1850 | Nov. 29, 1851 NOYES PAYSON HAWES AND ANNA MAY (PEMBROKE) BARRETT. 2178. Charlie, 2193 Apr. 6,1853 | Mar. 4, 1858 William, 2194 Apr. 26,1857 | Apr. 25, 1874 Minnie Addie, 2195 Feb. 28, 1859 | Feb. 20, 1865 Eugene, 2196 Mar. 6, 1868 | June 20, 1868 Minnie Augusta, | 2197 Oct. 31, 1870 \ FRANKLIN NOYES AND MARY EDITH (GALE) BARRETT. 2189. | Henry Root, 2198 |w.New Brighton, N.Y., Oct. 26,1870] Nov. 26, 1874 _ Helen Jeanette, | 2199 ve Apr. 27, 1872 | Franklin Noyes, | 2200 /Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1873) Dec. 12, 1874 ' Horace Frary, 2201 ee Feb. 26, 1876 Noyes Payson Hawes,|} 2202 'Bayone, N. J., Jan. 20, 1879 | Mary Edith, 2203 ee May 15, 1882 | June 19, 1882 Herken, Leroy, 2204 ‘e July 7, 1885 HORACE FRARY AND JENNIE HE. (NICHOLS) BARRETT. 2191. Nellie M., 2205 \Schultzville, Pa., Oct. 8, 1873] Sept. 28, 1879 Frank Nichols, 2206 = Mar. 31, 1876 Abram McKinty, | 2207 a Aug. 12,1878 | Aug. 4, 1879 Harry Hawes, 2208 He Nov. 24, 1879 40 JOSEPH AND MARIA L. (BARRETT) MUZZY. 2180. | Mary Maria, | 2209 | Aug, 22, 1841 | | Feb. 28, 1866 | Harlan P. Smart. HORACE AND FIDELIA F. (BARRETT) MUZZY. 2183. | Fidelia, | 2210 | Apr., 1850 | | | MATTHIAS AND AMELIA P. (HAZLETON) BARRETT. 2184. Amelia Hazleton, | 2211 Oct. 1, 1857] Aug. 4, 1872 — Louisa, 2212 Oct. 2, 1859 Alice, ; 2213 Dec. 17; 1865 | Aug. 11, 1867 Edward Kirk, | 2214 Sept. 6, 1869 | REUBEN AND SARAH (THORNDIKE) BARRETT. 2142. 41 | Nathan, Col., 2215 | Hope, Me., Feb. 2,1795 | Oct., 1865 | Mar. 5, 1822 | Sally Minott; 1798-1822; d. Jonas and Miriam (Bar- | Sarah, 2216 te June ie 1796 | Jan. 23,1876 | Feb., 1817 | Anthon Matthews; 1794-1849; son Joseph. _ [rett). David, 2217 st Feb. oo 1798 | May 9, 1819 41 | Robert T., { 2218 #9 Sept. 30, 1799 May 1, 1825 | 1. Sarah Barrett. . 2219 July 14,1861 | 2. Mrs. Sarah Shattuck. 41 | Eliza, 2220 se Dec. 3, 1801 Feb. 8, 1824 | James Heal; 1797-1876. 42 | Reuben, 2221 ce Aug. 19, 1803 Jan. 20, 1828 | Caroline D. Payson; 1805-. Irene F., 2222 ‘ July 23, 1806 | Mar. 19,1848 | Unmarried. Silas, 2223 oe Mar. 9, 1808 | Aug. 11, 1854 42 | John T., 2224 eh July 2, 1811 Nov. 1, 1838 | Alice Tynan; 1818-. Caroline M., 2225 “ July 11, 1813 COL. NATHAN AND SALLY (MINOTT) BARRETT. 2215. Minott T., 2226 June 19, 1826 | June 14, 1864 James M., 2227 Oct. 27, 1827 41 | Mary M., 2228 June 3, 1830 | May 10, 1855 1851 | Edward C. Mundy, M. D.; -1883. Nathan M., 2229 Feb. 15, 1832 | Mar. 24, 1843. Sarah A., 2230 Dec. 8, 1834 | Dec. 3, 1852 Franklin, 2231 June 7, 1837 | Mar. 18, 1843 js Jonas Minott, 2232 DR. EDWARD C. AND MARY M. (BARRETT) MUNDY. 2228. —? Nathan, 2233 Aug. 20, 1852 Franklin, 2234 Mar. 26, 1853 | Aug. 3, 1873 ROBERT T. AND SARAH (BARRETT) BARRETT. 2218. : 2 —_ Robert Thompson,] 2235 July 30, 1826 | Jan. 26, 1855 Sally, 2236 Oct. oT, 1830 | Oct. 26; 1851 Sophia, 2237 Oct. 12) 1832 | Jan. 3, 1860 41 | William, 2238 Jan. i 1835 Oct. 9, 1864 | Bridget Gafney. WILLIAM AND BRIDGET (GAFNEY) BARRETT. 2238. Sophia Annie, 2239 | Nov. 18, 1865 | | JAMES AND ELIZA (BARRETT) HEAL. 2220. 41 | Nathan M., 2240 Hope, Me. , Nov. 38, 1824 Jan. 10, 1852 | Caroline Augusta Hosmer; 1826-. 41 | Joseph H., 2241 Nov. 3, 1824 May 20,1850 | Mary V. P. Smith. Caroline M.qnoissue),| 2242 eS Feb. 25, 1826 | Jan. 10, 1864 | Apr. 19, 1863 | Daniel T. Barrett. No. 1633. Louisa, 2243 at Apr. 15, 1828 | Nov. 4,1860 | Unmarried. 41 | Edwin B., 2244 ts Mar. 2, 1830 Apr. 17, 1852 | Patience Higgins. James A., 2245 a May 10, 1832 Amos B., 2246 ne Dec. 30, 1833 June 28, 1859 | Mary L. Ward. 41 | George F., 2247 es Dec. 16, 1836 July 1, 1869 | Sarah T. Vail. 41 | Peter P., 2248 ee Mar. 7, 1839 Jan. 28,1861 | Emma Swift. Lizzie E., 2249 ae Apr. 7, 1841 42 | Albert F., 2250 eb June 22, 1843 July 9,1868 | Susie M. Houseman. NATHAN M. AND CAROLINE A. (HOSMER) HEAL. 2240. Mary Augusta, 2251 |Staten Island,N.Y., Jan-18, 1854 Eliza Barrett, 2252 Oct. 17, 1857 Oct. 17,1878 | Benjamin F. Adams. Samuel W., 2253 ef Noy. a 1859 | Aug. 9, 1860 Lydia Norwood, | 2254 ee Aug. 29, 1861 Caroline Hosmer, | 2255 ro Oct. 21, 1866 JOSEPH H. AND MARY V. P. (SMITH) HEAL. 2241. i George H., 2256 |Carlton, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1853 = Frank J., 2257 ae May 15, 1858 Augusta ths 2258 eH Aug. 29, 1862 Joseph H., 2259 se Dec. 29, 1863 | Died young. Annie E., 2260 a Dec. 2, 1864 Ella B., 2261 “ Feb. 138, 1867 EDWIN B. AND PATIENCE (HIGGINS) HEAL. 2244. James L., 2262 Staten Island, N.Y., Dec.20, 1854 Charles E., 2263 June 26, 1858 Harry E., 2264. a May 29° 1864 Clara M., 2265 ni Dec. 17, 1869 Caroline L., 2266 a Nov. 29, 1873 GEORGE F. AND SARAH T. (VAIL) HEAL. 2247. Ella Louisa, 2267 Staten Island,N.Y., Maes 1870 Fred Schuyler, 2268 Jan. 1, 1877 PETER P. AND EMMA (SWIFT) HEAL. 2248. Lillie S., 2269 Staten Island, N.Y., Mar. 6, 1862 Edgar Knox, 2270 ‘Aug. Oe 1863 Peter P’, Jr., 2271 & Oct. 5, 1873 41 ALBERT F. AND SUSIE M. (HOUSEMAN) HEAL. 2250. ES | Hattie M., | 2272 |Staten Island, N. ¥., Apr. 24,°74 | | REUBEN AND CAROLINE D. (PAYSON) BARRETT. 2221. 42 | John Tilston, 2273 | Hope, Me., Sept. 1, 1828 | Mar. 4, 1884 | Mar. 30, 1855 | Elizabeth Bartlett. 42 | Augusta M., 2274 es Sept. 25, 1830 Sept. 25, 1857 | Thomas Nichols; 1820-; son Thomas and Deborah. 42 Amanda M., 2275 ee Sept. 22, 1831 Jan. 9, 1866 | Gideon M. Yates; 1822-; son William. 42 | Mary Cordelia 2276 ss Mar. 4, 1833 Sept. 7, 1856 | Ferdinand Hanson; 1830-. Sarah Thorndyke,| 2277 Re Apr. 6, 1835 42 | Reuben N., 2278 a Apr. 10, 1887 June 23, 1859 | Sophia Burbank; 1837-. 42 William H., 2279 ue Apr. 5, 1840 Apr. 21, 1863 | 1. Fannie Houghrant; 1839-1867; d. Peter N. & Ann. Ea 2280 Feb. 1, 1883 | 2. Mary G. “Agnew; 1851-. 42 | Carrie Miriam, 2281 “ May 6,1841 | Dec. 2, 1883 | Jan. 29, 1871 | Charles F. Curtis; 1840-1883. 42 | Annie Minott, 2282 te Sept. 17, 1842 | Oct. 14, 1881 | June 27, 1869 | James E. Nichols; 1842-; son James and Lois. 42 | Nathan M., 2283 ee Jan. 17, 1844 Feb. 12, 1870 | Sarah Carman; 1851-1885; d. Frederick and Jane. 42 | Robert Franklin, 2284 ee Nov. 17, 1846 Aug. 5, 1874 | Mary E. Fowler; 1851-. Louise Ellen, 2285 * Jan. 1,1848 | May 25,1871 | Unmarried. JOHN TILSTON AND ELIZABETH (BARRETT) BARRETT. 2273. Minnie C., 2286 Hope, Me., June 9, 1856 Edward §., 2287 "May 9, 1860 | May 22, 1864 Sophia, 2288 ue June 6, 1862 | Aug. 18, 1864 | Nathan F., 2289 « Oct. 22; 1865 . THOMAS AND AUGUSTA M. (BARRETT) NICHOLS. 2274. Charles B., 2290 | Hope, Me., June 26, 1858 Wilder F., 2291 | Bristol, Me., Apr. 12, 1861) Sept. 10, 1861 Thomas B., 2202 uf July 24, 1862 | Aug. 7, 1862 Thomas W., 2293 ee July 14, 1864 Frank B., 92094 “ Feb. 2, 1868 ra a GIDEON M. AND AMANDA M. (BARRETT) YATES. 2275. | Augusta, | 2295 | Jan. 13, 1868 | | | FERDINAND AND MARY C. (BARRETT) HANSON. 2276. ee Ralph G., 2296 ‘Rockport, Me., July 3, 1861] July 4, 1861 | Reuben A., 2297 Mar. 27, 1864 Kate W., 2298 ee Dec. 19, 1865 | Oct. 27, 1872 | | Emily A., 2299 ue Apr. 20; 1875 | Oct. 18, 1875 REUBEN N. AND SOPHIA (BURBANK) BARRETT. 2278. William N., 2300 |Staten Island, N. Y., Jan. 13,’62 John B., 2301 ee Nov. 1, 1863 Frank J., 2302 Englew’d, N.J., July 14,766 Reuben E., 2303 ‘Apr. 15, 1870 July 17, 1870 Annie Louise, 2304 te Aug. 19, 1871 Reuben E., 2305 es Sept. 20; 1875 WILLIAM H. AND FANNIE (HOUGHRANT) BARRETT. 2279. William Pierce, | 2306 |Port Richmond, July 21, ’64{ CHARLES F. AND CARRIE MERIAM (BARRETT) CURTIS. 2281. Edith B., | 2307 | Feb. 15, 1874 | May 12, 1874 | | Everett N., 2308 May 24, 1875 - JAMES EH. AND ANNIE M. (BARRETT) NICHOLS. 2282. _ a Carrie Louise, 2309 /Round Pond,Me., Apr. 5,’72 Mary Hinds, 2310 a Nov. 2, 1875 Everett Augusta, | 2311 uf Jan. 11, 1880 NATHAN M. AND SARAH (CARMAN) BARRETT. 2283. ee = Fredelia, 2312 Sept. 9, 1870 Cordelia M., 2313 June 19,1872 | July 28, 1873 Emma A., 2314 July 25,1874 | Oct. 8, 1874 Charles N., 2315 Jan. 8, 1876 Nathan M., 2316 Dec. 23, 1879 Ralph, 2317 Feb. 27, 1881 Wash’t’n Lafay’te,| 2318 Feb. 22" ASRS July 22, 1883 ROBERT F. AND MARY E. (FOWLER) BARRETT. 2284. Louisa R., | 2319 July 15, 1875 Susie G., 2320 Oct. 23, 1876 Robert F., 2321 Jan. 8, 1880 | Mar. 30, 1881 : Ethel C., 9322, | Feb. 18, 1883 JOHN T. AND ALICE (TYNAN) BARRETT. 2224. Clarence Tynan, | 2323 Aug. 19, 1840 Jan. 13,1871 | Anna E. Hutchins; dau. Wm. D. and Elizabeth. Laura Ann, 2324. Apr. 22, 1842 Arabella Caroline,, 2325 May 22, 1844 | Nov. 14,1877 | Nov. 2, 1865 | Orville D. Jewett; 1837-1877; son John. 43 | Nathan Franklin,| 2326 Nov. 19, 1845 June 6, 1870 Lucy Mildred Lampkin; d. America F, and Terrell M. 42 | Sarah Irene, 2327 July 11,1848 Apr. 9, 1819 |John P. Truesdell, 1846- s. Edw’d D. and Henrietta J. 48 | John David, 2328 Aug. 17, 1852 Sept. 4,1878 ; Amelia L. Higgins; 1853-; dau. A. Foster and Sarah Harriet, 2329 Aug, 15, 1854 (H. Charles M., 2330 May 30, 1861 JOHN P. AND SARAH IRENE (BARRETT) TRUESDELL. 2327. Edward Delavan, | 2331 . Feb. 4, 1880 Thorndyke, 2332 Sept. 18,1881 |.June 6, 1883 John Phillips, 2333 July 13, 1883 | Nov. 22, 1884 3 42 JOHN DAVID AND AMELIA L. (HIGGINS) BARRETT. 2328. Sadie Cornell, 2334 Dec. 16, 1879 ; Foster Higgins, | 2335 Feb. 5, 1882 Alice, 2336 July 6, 1884 } NATHAN F. AND LUCY MILDRED (LAMPKIN) BARRETT. 2326. Mildred F., 2337 July 7, 1870 | June 15, 1871 Alice Irene, 2338 Oct. 8, 1871 Nathan, 2339 Mar. 24, 1874 | Sept. 8, 1874 Arabella, 2340 Aug. 6,1875 | Apr. 8, 1876 Hesse Laura, 2341 Dec. 13, 1877 | June 10, 1878 John Terrell, 2342 Feb. 13, 1879 Nathan, 2343 Mar. 20, 1882 | Aug. 21, 1882 Lamar Thorndyke,| 2344 July 26, 1883 | Sept. 30, 1884 EPHRAIM AND LOUISA (WOOD) BARRETT. 2146. Ley se Sar Camden, Me., Mar. 29, 1807 | May 11, 1814 phraim A.., ee Dec. 17,1808 | Feb. 8, 1809 43 | Mary E., 2347 ee Aug. 15, 1810 ; Oct. 4, 1833 | Alex. J. Sweet; 1811-1884. Louisa E., 2348 ee June 26, 1812 Dec. 3, 1846 | Ezra Meriam; 1808-1883. William George, | 2349 ee A 7, 1814 ; , a 5 fs ug. 43 | Caroline M., : 2350 ee Nov. ag) 1816 Dec. 12, 1837 | George W. Kimball; 1805-1879. Harriet B., 2351 vl June 30,1819 | May 8, 1851 | Aug. 2, 1849 | William E. Lawrence; 1811-1882. Charles Henry, 2352 we Feb. 4, 1821 Apr. 6, 1861 | 1. Elizabeth G. Barber; 1827-1863; dau. John W. 43 2353 Sept. 12, 1871 | 2. Ella Josephine McCanon; 1838-. 43 | Theresa, 2354 oe Sept. 20, 1822 July 1, 1846 | Capt. George W. Thorndyke,; 1816-1883. Sarah A. @oissue, | 2355 sf ‘July 29, 1824 | Nov. 22, 1882 | June 28, 1861 | Thomas N. Hosmer; 1823-. 43 | Susan A., 2356 ef July 29, 1824 Sept. 22, 1851 | Austin N. Parkhurst; 1823-; son Ziba and Sophronia. 43 | Francis A., 2357 ue June 16, 1827 Oct. 28,1851 | Agnes Berry; dau. Nicholas and Sally Ann. ? 5 ry 5 J ALEX. J. AND MARY E. (BARRETT) SWEET. 2347. ) Ellen, 2358 Oct. 24, 1834 Joseph B., 2359 June 24, 1836 Ann L., 2360 May 24, 1839 ‘ George A., 2361 Sept. 21,1843 | Sept., 1852 : Susan J., 2362 Aug. 7,1748 | Aug. 17, 1849 Harriet B., 2368 May 14, 1851 GEORGE W. AND CAROLINE M. (BARRETT) KIMBALL. 2350. Adelia Barrett, | 2364 |Camden, Me., Feb. 9, 1839 | ' Sept. 28, 1863 | John Schott. Louisa W., 2365 “ Aug. 6, 1843 | June 17, 1847 Edgar H., 2366 |. Winterproof, Me., May 7, 1845 CAPT. CHARLES HENRY AND ELLA JOSEPHINE (McCANON) BARRETT. 2353. — | Daisy Vivian, | 2367 |Orange,N.J., Jan. 26, 1873 | | CAPT. GEORGE W. AND THERESA (BARRETT) THORNDYKE. 2354. William H., 2368 July 11, 1847 Theresa L., ee oo A ie iy dese Emeline 70 ar. 23, 1852 eb. Ephraim B., 2371 Aug. 19, 1855 June 24, 1885 | Helen G. Kinsley. AUSTIN N. AND SUSAN A. (BARRETT) PARKHURST. 2356. Fred A., 2372 Charl’st’wn, June 26, 1853 Sept. 25, 1884 | Laura B. Noyes. Ellen Louise, 2373 |Winchend’n, Feb. 15, 1855 Dec. 4, 1884 | Henry Ackerman. Henry Francis, 2374 |Charl’st’wn, Jan. 23, 1860 Georgianna A., 2375 ee June 1, 1863 Eunice Theresa, | 2376 “ June 24, 1866 | Aug. 10, 1876 FRANCIS A. AND AGNES (BERRY) BARRETT. 2357. Sarah L., 2377 |Camden, ae Ll, ie Oct. 26, 1859 Mary E. 2376 te pr. 16,1855 | June 9, 1857 Fis ies W., 2377 e May iL, 1859 ; Feb. 18, 1855 | Minnie Thomas; dau. John C. and Catharine B. Mary Frances, 2378 ef Dec. 13, 1863 Susan Agnes, 2379 ce Feb. 9, 1865 WILLIAM AND MARY K. (HALL) BARRETT. 2148. Caroline, 2380 | Malden, Oct. 27, 1804 | Aug. 31, 1805 William, 2381 ee Jan. 20,1806 | Dec. 5, 1838 Henry (no issue), 2382 ue Oct. 19, 1807 Sept., 1835 | 1. Louisa Brown. No. 3803. 43 2383 Feb. 25, 1841 | 2. Hannah R. Hudson; -184H. [A. (St. Agnau). 43 2384 Jan. 19,1848 | 3. Lucy T. G. Stearns; 1824; d. Richard S. and Mary Caroline, 2385 i July 14,1809 | Oct. 28,1836 | Mar. 25, 1833 | Caleb S. Winslow. 44 | Simon Hall, 2386 ee Feb. 11, 1811 Dec. 16, 1836 | Mary Ann Pratt; 1807-; d. Daniel and Mary (Hall). 44 | Augustus Ludlow,| 2387 es Jan. 31, 1813 July 31, 1845 | Helen Maria Whitman; 1827-. 44 | Aaron,: 2388 ss Aug. 13, 181£ | Oct. 2, 1878 | Oct. 28,1841 | Lucinda W. Bean. [and Sally (Hodgon). 44 | Mary Hall, 2389 se Sept. 14,1816 | Dec. 5, 1860 | Nov. 3, 1839 | Rev. John Greenleaf Adams, D. D.; 1810-; son John 44 | Louisa B., 9390 & June 8, 1818 Mar. 25, 1841 | Edwin H. Hall; 1810-; son Capt. John and Sally. Elizabeth qoissue, | 2391 iy May 2,1820 | May 17,1883 | Mar. 30, 1884 | Charles Eastham; 1813-; son Henry L. and Martha. Charles, 9399 “ce May 3, 1822 | Sept. 14, 1822 a : [and Lydia (Hill). 67 | Augusta Maria, | 2393 es Dec. 28, 1823 Dec. 25, 1844 | William Henry Richardson; 1823-1874; son Wm. H. HENRY AND HANNAH R. (HUDSON) BARRETT. 2383. | Henry Hudson, | 2394 | Malden, Nov. 16, 1841 | Dec. 1, 1843 | HENRY AND LUCY T. G. (STEARNS) BARRETT. 2384 (Continued page 44.) 44 | Lucy St. Agnau, | 2395 | Malden, Dec. 21, 1848 Apr. 16, 1874 | Rev. Geo. P. Huntington; s. Bishop F. D. & Hannah. leroy aaaon, 2396 “ Mar. 10, 1851 [(Penniman). 44 | Richard Stearns, | 2397 a May 2, 1854 June 30, 1879 | Ella Martha Devens; dau. George A. and Martha S. 43 Caroline Stearns, | 2398 | Malden, Mar. 14, 1859 | Sept. 14, 1859 Caroline Stearns, | 2399 a July 24, 1860 se tenets REV. GEORGE P. AND LUCY ST. AGNAU (BARRETT) HUNTINGTON. 2395. Henry Barrett, 2400 | Malden, Jan. 17, 1875 Constant Davis, | 2401 ee Sept. 20, 1876 James Lincoln, 2402 oe Mar. 30, 1880 Paul St. Agnau, | 2403 Be Aug. 26, 1882 RICHARD S. AND ELLA M. (DEVENS) BARRETT. 2397. Richard Devens, | 2404 | Malden, Dec. 26, 1880 Th’resaSt.Agnau,) 2405 ee July 29, 1885 SIMON HALL AND MARY ANN (PRATT) BARRETT. 2386. Franklin H., 2406 | Malden, Jan. 24, 1838 | Aug. 19, 1839 May H., 2407 ee Apr. 15, 1839 | Aug. 6, 1867 William H., 2408 ee Nov. 4, 1840 Ellen A., 2409 ee June 27, 1842 Dec. 8, 1867 | D. F. Jackson; 1831-; son Morrison and Hannah E. Elizabeth E., 2410 me Sept. 12, 1843 | Oct. 10, 1844 AUGUSTUS L. AND HELEN M. (WHITMAN) BARRETT. 2387. Caroline Louise, | 2411 | Malden, July 16, 1846 Jan. 20, 1869 | Frank H, Nevens. Emma Maria, . 2412 Be July 10, 1849 ° Helen Augusta, | 2413 ee Aug. 9, 1853 | Jan. 30, 1855 Augustus Ludlow,| 2414 we Aug. 26,1855 | Jan. 27, 1877 Louise Gardner, | 2415 a Jan. 21, 1858 Eliz. Eastham, 2416 ee Sept. 30, 1862 AARON AND LUCINDA W. (BEAN) BARRETT. 2388. 44 | Lucinda Hooper, | 2417 | Malden, Sept. 14, 1842 | Mar. 29, 1866 | July 29, 1863 | Henry E. Turner; 1842-; s. Henry E. and Sophronia . (Burns). [(Burns). 44 | Mary Helen, 2418 $8 Sept. 1, 1844 May 15, 1867 | Joseph F. Turner; 1839-; s. Henry E. and Sophronia 44 | George W., 2419 ee Sept. 11, 1846 June 3, 1869 | Eliz. B. Crocker; 1846-; d. Matthias and Esther R. 44 | Charles A., 2420 eg Aug. 22, 1848 June 1, 1871 | Mary E. Herrick; 1849-. James H., 2421 ee Dec. 4, 1850 Mar. 20, 1881 | Ida L. Davis. 44 | Anna Webster, 2422 “e Oct. 1, 1852 May 30, 1872 | Edward E. Currier; 1847-. Georgianna, 2423 ee May 22,1854 | Jan. 26, 1855 Georgianna, 2424 “e Oct. 28, 1855 July 10,1877 | Edwin C. Clark; son Dudley. Minnie Franklin, | 2425 cs Mar. 12, 1857 Dec. 25, 1879 | John C. Russell; 1860-. Jennie Livingst’n,| 2426 se Oct. 12, 1861 Horace W., 2427 eS July 1, 1863 | Mar. 20, 1864 HENRY E. AND LUCINDA H. (BARRETT) TURNER. 2417. Anabel, 2428 March, 1864 | Henry Hudson, 2429 Mar. 25, 1866 eee JOSEPH F. AND MARY H. (BARRETT) TURNER. 2418. | Bessie Barrett, | 2430 May 11, 1868 | Herbert S., 2431 | Nov. 5, 1869 GEORGE W. AND ELIZABETH B. (CROCKER) BARRETT. 2419. Eliz. Boylston, 2432 Jan. 25,1871 | Jan. 25, 1871 Jessie Gertrude, | 2433 Nov. 22, 1872 Edward Bell, 2434 Dec. 16, 1876 | June 26, 1877 Laura Whitman, | 2435 Sept. 13, 1879 : ee CHARLES A. AND MARY E. (HERRICK) BARRETT. 2420. | Ethel, | 2436 June 30, 1873 | EDWARD BE. AND ANNA W. (BARRETT) CURRIER. 2422. | Agnes, | 2437 Nov. 30, 1874 | REV. JOHN G. AND MARY HALL (BARRETT) ADAMS. 2389. 98 | George Wallace, | 2438 | Malden, June 1, 1841 June 1,1870 | Charlotte Eliza’th Bedlow; 1844-; dau. Cornelius, Jr., Myra Greenleaf, | 2439 as ug. 6, 1847 | Sept. 8, 1847 and Harriette (Pond). [Georgiana (Priest). 98 | John Coleman, Rev.,| 2440 He Oct. 25, 1849 July 18, 1883 | Miriam Priest Hovey; 1864-; dau. Charles A. and Mary Alice, 2441 “ July 4, 1854 EDWIN H. AND LOUISA B. (BARRETT) HALL. 2390. Dexter A. 2442 Jan. 25, 1843 Jan. 18,1877 | Augusta W. Hayes. Edwin Harris, | 2443 Feb. 14) 1846 | July 5, 1852 . FRANCIS AND MARIA F. (PALLISIER) BARRETT. 2150. Maria Foster, ° 2444 | Concord, June 9, 1800 | Aug. 7, 1801 Mati Poste 2445 « Dec. 7, 1801 | Nov. 15, 1803 Francis 2446 ee Aug. 25, 1803 | Sept. 25, 1847 Matilda Smith. Charles Minott, | 2447 « Aug. 8, 1805 | June 29, 1834 44 | Ann Maria, 2448 ee Feb. 1, 1807 Nov. 23, 1831 | Horatio Nelson Hewett; 1809-1856. 45 | Emeline Augusta,| 2449 ee Nov. 19, 1809 Aug. 23, 1829 | Herman Atwell; 1804-1863; s. Ebenezer and Sarah. George Henry 9450 “ Oct. 30,1811 | July 30, 1866 | July 19, 1853 | Harriet F. Shovey. Catharine Pi. : 2451 ie Jan. 1, 1814 June 6, 1844 | Lemuel Fuller; 1812-1864. The’dore A..Capt.,, 2452 i Dec. 28, 1816 Apr. 10, 1864 | Mary D. Davis; 1827-; dau. Daniel and Mary. Benj. Franklin, | 2453 “ May 21,1819 | July 24,1868 | Unmarried. HORATIO N. AND ANN M. (BARRETT) HEWHETT. 2448. ro 2454. Sept. 29, 1836 Nov. 18, 1861 | Eliza Jane Vermilyea. ae a cone 9455 June 15, 1839 Jan. 14) 1866 | Robert Taylor Sherman. 45 | Sophia Estelle, 2456 July 20, 1842 Dec. 14, 1864 | Josiah Otis Ward. ee JAMES POMEROY AND ELIZA JANE (VERMILYEA) HEWETT. 2454. James Dalton 2457 Apr. _7, 1877 George Mitchell, | 2458 May 10, 1880 44 ROBERT TAYLOR AND MARIA AUGUSTA (HEWETT) SHERMAN. 2455. Cora Pallesier, | 2459 Oct. 16, 1866 Ada, : 2460 Apr. 11) 1868 i Eugene King, 2461 Aug. 25, 1871 JOSIAH OTIS AND SOPHIA ESTELLE (HEWETT) WARD. 2456. Josiah Otis, Jr., | 2462 Aug. 24, 1868 Edith, 2463 Oct. 7, 1871 Estelle Adelaide, | 2464 Aug. 3, 1874 Mabel, 2465 Nov. 16, 1877 HERMAN AND AMELIA A. (BARRETT) ATWELL. 2449. Herman, 2466 ses York, N. Y.,Mar. 3, ’43 Mar. 21, 1871 | Emma O. Marriner. 45 |Paul Ralph George,| 2467 ee Nov. 25, 1844 Oct. 14, 1871 | Addie Northrop; d. Jay Lord and Martha Letitia. ; PAUL R. G. AND ADDIE (NORTHROP) ATWELL. 2467. George F., | 2468 | June 4, 1883 | | | JAMES AND JENNIE (WHITE) BARRETT. 2151. Myrick, 2469 Noy., 1802 1829 | Sarah Crosby. 45 | George W., 2470 Camden, Me. Sept. 15, 1804] June 14, 1839 | Oct. 22,1829 | Paulina Osgood; 1808-; dau. Jacob and Susanna. Lucy, 2471 June, 1806 June, 1836 1828 | John Downing. 45 | John, 2472 te July 5, 1808 | Jan. 12, 1871 | Oct. 3, 1841 | Dorcas 8. Osgood; 1821-; dau. Jacob and Susanna. 45 | Ephraim, 2473 |No. Haven,Me., Sept. 27,710} Feb. 21, 1874 | Oct. 16, 1842 | Charlotte Augusta Holt; "1820-1857. Silas, 2474 May, 1813 | Dec., 1815 Louisa, 2475 Aug., 1820 | Nov., 1843 GEORGE W. AND PAULINE (OSGOOD) BARRETT. 2470. 45 | Augusta, 2476 Surry, Me., July 6, 1830 Dec. 22, 1846 | James O. Jarvis. Julia Anr, 2477 Oct! 22° 1832 | Aug., 1866 Henry, 2478 te July 13, 1836 | Aug. 7, 1836 Ellen M., 2479 oe Tek. i 1838 | Nov. 28, 1855 JAMES O. AND AUGUSTA (BARRETT) JARVIS. 2476. 45 | James Edward, 2480 Feb. 13, 1849 May 16, 1874 | L. C. Brown. Lizzie Maria, 2481 Mar. 28, 1854 | Mar. 31, 1867 | Howard Barrett, | 2482 Mar. 20, 1858 May 13, 1886 | E. R. Gale. JAMES E. AND L. C. (BROWN) JARVIS. 2480. oe James Henry, 2483 Brooklyn, N.Y., May 29,’76 Eddie Barrett, 2484 Feb. 8, 1878 Susan M., 2485 He Jan. 4, 1880 JOHN AND DORCAS S. (OSGOOD) BARRETT. 2472. 45 | Emeline T., 2486 Bluehill, Me., June 7, 1844) Sept. 1, 1869 | Dec. 10, 1862 | John H. Jarvis. 45 | Myra E., 2487 Dec. 18, "1846 Nov. 17, 1867 | Seth R. Lord. Albert A., 2488 ge Aug. 26, 1853 | Dec. 19, 1872 JOHN H. AND EMELINE T. (BARRETT) JARVIS. 2486. Ida F., | 2489 | Surry, Me., Sept. 7, 1863 | | Aug. 22, 1885 | Robert Newcomb. SETH R. AND MYRA E. (BARRETT) LORD. 2487. Lizzie J., 2490 | Surry, Me., Jan. 11, 1869 | Lulu F., 2491 ee Aug. 10, 1871 EPHRAIM AND CHARLOTTE A. (HOLT) BARRETT. 2473. Frederick M., 2492 Sept. 1, 1843 | Sept. 28, 1843 Frances Augustus] 2493 Oct., 1845 | Aug. 14, 1858 Charles Ephraim,| 2494 Feb., 1848 | Aug. 31, 1852 Louise Adelia, 2495 June 1, 1852 | Jan. 12, 1854 Emily Augusta, | 2496 Jan. 238, 1857 GEORGE MINOTT AND SUSANNA (RICHMOND) BARRETT. 2152 45 | Susan 2497 | Malden, Se 19, 1806 | Dec. 2, 1842 | Mar. 26, 1829 | John H. Jones; 1805-1843. George 2498 sc Oct. 31,1807 | Dec. 10, 1869 | Unmarried. ° Varnum, 2449 «“ Feb. 7, 1809 | June 22, 1840 « Adaline 2500 ee Apr. 7, 1811 | Feb. 18, 1879 os [and Elizabeth (Constable). 45 | Ellen Miriam, 2501 ne Oct. 25, 1815 Apr. 6, 1834 | George Washington Matsell; 1811-1877; son George Lucretia Richardson,| 2502 ¢e Feb. 10, 1818 Joshua Mersereau. Isabella 2503 re Jan. 26, 1820 Apr. 2, 1846 | Isaac Davis; 1811-1864; son Isaac and Lucretia. Frances Ann, 9504. |Staten Island, N. Y., Dec. 27,31 Luke B. French. JOHN H. AND SUSAN (BARRETT) JONES. 2497. John 2505 Noy. 2, 1833 | Sept. 20, 1834 | | / Susan Barrett, 2506 Sept. 16, 1840 Oct. 25,1882 | Joseph W. Sillsby; 1846-. GEORGE W. AND ELLEN M. (BARRETT) MATSELL. 2501. Geo. Washington,| 2507: Feb. 14, 1835 | Susan Jane, ° "| 9508 Sept. 5, 1837 Augustus Barrett, 2509 Aug. 6, 1841 | Henry Charles, | 2510 | Apr. 8, 1847 LUTHER AND SARAH (PERRY) BARRETT. 2154. 46 | Luther Gustavus, | 2511 Sept. 10, 1808 , Oct. 22,1859 | Mar. 6,1834 | Margaret Ridley; 1811-; dau. Thomas and Caroline. Sarah W., 2512 Aug. 3, 1810 [(Fiske) . 46 | Mary Adaline, 2513 July 18, 1813 Oct. 29, 1833 | Rufus Fiske Brooks; 1808-; s. Benjamin and Esther Lucy A., 9514 Dec. 4, 1816 Jan. 24,1855 | Nathan Barrett. No. 2156. Francis H. (no issue),| 2515 Oct. 207 1818 Sept. 14, 1841 Abby Pierce; 1842-1883. Charles H., 2516 Oct. 12,1823 | June 28, 1837 45 LUTHER G. AND MARGARET (RIDLEY) BARRETT. 2511. 46 | Margaret Ridley, | 2517 |Watertown, Jan. 4, 1835 June &, 1859 |Rich’d Benj. Thayer; 183)-; s. Thos. A. & Eliz.(Wales). 46 |Luth’rGustavus,Rev.,| [2518 “e Dec. 5, 1838 June 9, 1869 |1. MaryAnnette Hawks; 1843-1877; d.Ezra& MaryAnn. 2519 Sept. 15, 1885 |2. Ella Maria Short; 1860-; d. Herbert D. and Mary. 46 | John Perry, Rev.,| 2520 ae Feb. 19, 1841 May 11, 1868 /Lizzie Aiken Wheeler; dau. Wm. H. and Sarah W. Caroline Augusta,| 2521 ee June 7, 1845 RICHARD BENJAMIN AND MARGARET RIDLEY (BARRETT) THAYER. 2517. Frank Oliver, 2522 | Boston, May 8, 1861 | Mar. 8, 1863 Herbert Applet’n,| 2523 ‘s Apr. 10, 1864 Mary Caroline, | 2524 ee Feb. 6, 1868 REV. LUTHER G. AND MARY A. (HAWKS) BARRETT. 2518. Florence Hawks, | 2525 | Worcester, Mar. 26, 1870 George Ridley, 2526 |New York, N. Y.,Feb.,1876| July, 1876 Helen Jeannette, | 2527 oe 1877 | June, 1877 REV. JOHN P. AND LIZZIE A. (WHEELER) BARRETT. 2520. Frank Perry, 2528 | Boston, Apr. 16, 1869 | Aug. 19, 1875 George Edson, 2529 fey Nov. 9, 1871 | Aug. 15, 1875 Mabel Winslow, | 2530 eh Feb. 8, 1874 RUFUS F. AND MARY A. (BARRETT) BROOKS. 2513. | Esther Maria, 2531 |Watertown, Mar. 28, 1837 | Oct. 10, 1839 46 | Sarah Adaline, 2532 | Boston, Dec. 26,1838 | Apr. 12,1866 | Dec. 25,1861 | F. Hiram Rice; son Augustus and Esther. F. HIRAM AND SARAH A. (BROOKS) RICE. 2532. | Jessie Maria, 2533 Oct. 13, 1862 | Lucy Addie, 2534 June 3, 1864 STEPHEN AND SARAH (BARRETT) BARRETT. 1899-854. 46 | Stephen, 25385 | Concord, Apr. 30,1776 | June 9, 1856 | Nov. 3, 1799 | Sally Barrett. No. 1805. 47 | Emerson, 2536 st Apr. 30,1777 | Feb. 12, 1854 | Feb. 10,1810 | 1. Martha Jones; 1785-1824. No. 4297. 2537 May 4, 1837 | 2. Abigail Stow; 1781-1852. Sally co issue), 2538 s July 31,1779 | Sept. 18,1839 | Jan. 38,1805 | 1. Capt. Nathan Wood; 1766-1810. (no issue), 2589 Feb. 13, 1812 | 2. Stephen Wood; 1764-1820. Nancy, 2540 st Apr. 19,1781 | Dec. 7,1810 | Jan. 16,1806 | Capt. James Farrar. No. 4154. Rebecca, 2541 a Aug. 9,1782 | Nov. 26, 1807 Nehemiah Davis; 1768-1808; s. Nehemiah & Dorothy. . STEPHEN AND FHEBE (BRIDGE) BARRETT. 1900. | Cyrus, 2542 | Concord, Sept. 2, 1792 | Aug. 28, 1820 | Unmarried. STEPHEN AND SALLY (BARRETT) BARRETT. 2535-1805. Sally, 2543 | Concord, Apr. 19,1801 | Apr. 30,1868 | Oct. 10, 1822 |Thos. Whitney ;1800-1865; s. Thos.&Henrietta(Parker). 46 | Varnum, 2544 | Shirley, Dec. 10,1801 | Feb. 14,1875 | Nov. 12, 1827 | Susan Willard Longley; 1803-1857; dau. Joseph and Rebecca, 2545 ee Feb. 5, 1837 | Unmarried. [Mary (Pratt). 46 | Stephen, 2546 oe Jan. 14, 1804 Oct. 25, 1835 | Catharine Hodgin; 1808-- Emerson, 2547 ne 1807 | Feb. 7, 1852 | Unmarried. Samuel, 2548 ee June 10,1810 | Oct. 13, 1849 | Apr. 29, 1838 | Susan Treadwell; 1812-. [Mary (Flagg). 46 | Harriet, 2549 a Jan. 20, 1812 May 29, 1837 | John Kendall Gowing; 1810-1866; son John K. and George, 2550 et 1815 | Jan. 31,1852 | Unmarried. [(Hartwell).. 46 | Elizabeth, 2551 es Nov. 28, 1818 May 18, 1845 | Artemas Longley; 1815-1876; s. Artemas and Desire Phebe (no issue), 2552 ee Jan. 10, 1823 | Oct. 27, 1861 E. Dana Bancroft; 1821-. Charles, 2553 at 1826 | Sept. 30, 1851 VARNUM AND SUSAN WILLARD (LONGLEY) BARRETT. 2544. George Varnum, | 2554 | Shirley, July 10, 1837 Aug. 9, 1876 | Ella A. Johnson. No. 1231. 46 | Mary E., 2555 sé Nov. 12, 1840 | Aug. 30, 1869 | Nov. 18, 1858 | Orrin M. Bennett; 1831-. Josephine, 2556 ee July 12,1843 | July 9,1876 | Unmarried. ORRIN M. AND MARY E. (BARRETT) BENNETT. 2555. Minnie Augusta, | 2557 |Ashburnham, June 10, 1861 May 27, 1885 | Frank 8. Keith. Alice Maria, 2558 | Shirley, Sept. 27, 1864 | July 24, 1876 Charles, 2559 eS Sept. 17, 1866 | Apr. 17, 1870 STEPHEN AND CATHARINE (HODGIN) BARRETT. 2546. 46 | Charles Stephen, | 2560 Feb. 5, 1837 Oct. 18, 1866 | Nancy Maria Farmer; 1847-. Samuel, 2561 Aug. 26, 1847 Unmarried. CHARLES S. AND NANCY M. (FARMER) BARRETT. 2560. Nelly Gertrude, | 2562 July 22, 1870 | Nov. 22, 1870 Josephine, 2563 Oct. 24,1871 | Oct. 26, 1871 Ada Louise, 2564 Dec.’ 8, 1872 Hattie Mabel, 2565 Oct. 20, 1874 | Dec. 21, 1875 Charles Albert, | 2566 Oct. 4, 1877 JOHN KENDALL AND HARRIET (BARRETT) GOWING. 2549. 46 | Henry Barrett, 2567 | May 7, 1839 | | Oct. 28, 1867 | Nellie M. Chambers; 1846-. HENRY B. AND NELLIE M. (CHAMBERS) GOWING. 2567: Mabel, 2568 | Boston, Dec. 21, 1868 Gertrude, 2569 | te Jan. 2, 1870 | John Kendall, 2570 ee Oct. 29, 1872 ARTEMAS AND ELIZABETH (BARRETT) LONGLEY. 2551. (Continued page 47.) - Elizabeth, 2571 | Shirley, July 12, 1847 7 Harriet Gowing, | 2572 #e Aug. 19, 1849 Aug. 27, 1885 | George S. Prescott. Emily, 2573 oe Jan. 21,1852 | Oct. 17, 1866 Sarah Frances, 2574 | Groton, Sept. 12, 1854 46 Jennie, 2575 | Groton, Aug. 11, 1857 George Artemas, | 2576 ee Sept. 29, 1860 EMERSON AND MARTHA (JONES) BARRETT. 2536-4297. Nancy Farrar, 2577 | Concord, May 15,1811 | May 17, 1884 William Emerson,| 2578 sf May 30,1814 | Nov. 30, 1815 Elizabeth Jones, | 2579 ee Dec. 6, 1815 Oct. 22, 1835 | Hildreth P. Dutton. 47 | Abel Jones, 2580 a Mar. 17,1817 | Mar. 12, 1883 | Feb. 4, 1841 | Sybil Spaulding. Sarah Wood, 2581 re Nov. 22,1818 | Jan. 11, 1847 | Sept. 23, 1841 | A. C. Wright. Humphrey, 2582 ee Apr. 8, 1821 | Sept. 11, 1822 Humphrey, 2583 ie June 18, 1823 | Sept. 9, 1823 ABEL JONES AND SYBIL (SPAULDING) BARRETT. 2580. James Waldo, 2584 June 3, 1842 | Feb. 5, 1871 | Unmarried. George Edwin, 2585 May 5, 1844 Martha Ellen, 2586 Noy. 23, 1848 Oct. 28, 1875 | John F. Quigley. PETER AND MARY (PRESCOTT) BARRETT. 1901. Mary, 2587 | Concord, Aug. 2, 1781 | Mar. 12,1841 | Mar. 23,1802 | Jonathan Heywood; 1775-1807. 47 | Mercy, 2588 eS Sept. 13,1783 | Feb. 7, 1837 | Sept. 24,1811 | Wm. Gibbs; 1785-; son Henry and Mercy (Prescott). Rebecca, 2589 ee Jan. 8, 1786 | Oct. 30,1846 | Unmarried. 47 | Prescott, 2590 a Feb. 27,1788 | Oct. 15, 1861 | Oct. 18,1810 | 1. Betsey Barrett. No. 1806. 47 2591 Jan. 15,1818 | 2. Olive Hayward; 1790-1873. Henry, 2592 ee July 17,1790 | Feb. 5,1815 | Unmarried. 47 | Sherman, Col., 2593 of Sept. 18, 1793 | Feb. 27, 1863 Mary Hopper Worthington; 1801-1864. 47 | Benjamin, M. D.,| 2594 ee Feb. 2,1796 | June 14,1869 | Aug., 1826 | Mary Wright; 1796-1867; dau. Seth. WILLIAM AND MERCY (BARRETT) GIBBS. 2588. | William Prescott, | 2595 | Salem, Aug. 5, 1812 | 18652 | | PRESCOTT AND BETSEY (BARRETT) BARRETT. 2590-1806. | Henry Prescott, | 2596 | Concord, Apr. 14,1811 | Mar. 22, 1854 | Unmarried. | Jonathan Heywood, 2597 ae Feb. 6, 1813 | Mar. 1, 1816 PRESCOTT AND OLIVE (HAYWARD) BARRETT. 2591) Mary Elizabeth, | 2598 | Concord, Apr. 17, 1819 47 | George Hayward,] 2599 fe Jan. 20, 1821 Apr. 25, 1858 | Mary Whitcomb; -1885; dau. John and Anna. 47 | William Gibbs, 2600 ee June 16, 1823 June 17, 1846 | Sophia Barrett Dodge; 1823-. Martha Sherman, | 2601 se Nov. 11, 1824 Augusta Hayward, | 2602 es Nov. 11, 1824 47 | Charles Mason, 2603 ee Nov. 4, 1827 Dec. 9, 1852 | 1. Sarah P. Conant. No. 3910. 2604 Dec. 3, 1861 | 2. Adaline A. Conant. No. 3920. Hayward, 2605 ss June 13, 1830 | Nov. 26, 1869 | Mar. 30, 1868 | Rebecca M. Tidd; 1841-; d. Chas. and Rebecca M. Frank, 2606 ee Sept. 18, 1837 Nov. 27, 1871 | Laura Stone. GEORGE HAYWARD AND MARY (WHITCOMB) BARRETT. 2599. Maud Blanche, 2607 | Concord, Jan. 10, 1864 1865 Maria Nagle, 2608 ee Mar. 11, 1867 WILLIAM GIBBS AND SOPHIA B. (DODGE) BARRETT. 2600. Henry Herbert, | 2609 | Concord, Apr. 7, 1847 | Jan. 12, 1863 George Prescott, | 2610 eS Aug. 9, 1851 Arvilla Wright. Charles Otis, 2611 ee Mar. 18, 1857 Nov. 5, 1884 | Lilla Park. 47 | Herbert Malcolm,} 2612 ee Jan. 14, 1863 Bessie Wood; 1865; dau. Albert E. and Ellen M. Edwin C., 2613 i Aug. 19, 1868 HERBERT MALCOLM AND BESSIE (WOOD) BARRETT. 2612. | Miliscent Sophia, | 2614 | Jan. 5, 1885 | | | 104 | Mary Conant, | Henry Aug.,M.D., CHARLES MASON AND SARAH P. (CONANT) BARRHETT. 2615 | So. Acton, Sept. 16, 1854 | COL. SHERMAN AND MARY H. (WORTHINGTON) BARRETT. 2616 |Norfolk, Va., May 29, 1818 66 2603-3910. | Dec. 22, 1881 | Thomas H. Eilison. 2593. Sept. 30, 1863 | Eliza Leighton; 1840-; dau. Wm. and Mary (Need- William Gibbs, 2617 Aug. 27, 1820 fham). 47 | Edward Sherman,| 2618 | Concord, Nov. 14, 1824 | Nov. 27, 1876 | Sept. 19, 1850 | Martha Blanchard; 1833-1867. 104 | Mary H., 2619 se Oct. 16, 1827 Nov. 9, 1847 | Henry Livingston Shattuck; 1822-; s. Hon. Daniel & Benj. Franklin, | 2620 es Oct. 19, 1830 : [Sarah E. (Edwards). David Prescott, § | 2621 to Nov. 1, 1833 | June 5, 1876 | Nov. 10, 1860 | 1. Jennie E. Cutter. j 9622 Aug. 23, 1865 | 2. Ellen T. Wilson. EDWARD S. AND MARTHA (BLANCHARD) BARRETT. 2618. ie Ma: 2623 | Concord, Oct. 26, 1850 Jan. 14,1872 | Arthur Mills; 1850-. e aden 2624 «> June 21; 1853 | Oct. 1, 1858 , ' 47 | Jessie F., 2625 ee May 22, 1856 Mar. 31, 1875 | Frederick M. Dennie. Edw’d Benjamin,| 2626 ee May 25, 1862 ARTHUR AND JENNIE MAY (BARRETT) MILLS. 2623. Charles Henr 2627 |Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 25,1872 | Blsie Barrett.” | 2628 | « Dec. 12, 1873 FREDERICK M. AND JESSIE F. (BARRETT) DENNIE. = 2625. Harrold Barrett, | 2629 | Concord, Oct. 4, 1875 Eliz. Colburn, ° | 2630 fo Nov. 27, 1879 Ruth May, 2631 ee Nov. 14, 1882 ! Frank Edward, 2632 ee Mar. 30, 1885 DR. BENJAMIN AND MARY (WRIGHT) BARRETT. 2594. d Benj., M.D.,| 2633 |Northampton, Oct. 1, 1836 | Nov. 24,1865 | Unmarried. ; 48 ey Wright, | o634 |“ Jan. 18, 1838 June 2, 1866 | Henry R. Hinckley; 1838-; s. Sam’land Henrietta E. 47 HENRY R. AND MARY W. (BARRETT) HINCKLEY. 2634. arr as 2635 Northampton, June 6, 1868 onal ose 2636 Sept. 18, ‘1869 Henry Barrett, | 2687,“ Mar. 1) 1871 Rose, 2638 es Feb. 23) 1874 Benjamin Barrett,) 2639 os Aug. 4, 1875 George Lyman, | 2640 . July 6, 1879 , DEA. TIMOTHY AND MRS. DINAH (WITT) BARRETT. 24. | Persis, | 2641 | Feb. 8, 1752 | Feb. 28, 1849 | Feb. 16, 1769 | tt Ithener r Bigelow; 1745-1807; son Samuel. STEPHEN AND ELIZABETH (HUBBARD-HOW) BARRETT. 28. Lydia, 2642 | Paxton, Mar. 28, 1751 July 12, 1768 | Israel Stone; 1749-; son John and Eliz. [mond). Stephen (no issue), {| 2643 ee Feb. 8, 1753 | May 21, 1882 | Apr. 20, 1774 | 1. Ruth Stearns: -1777; dau. Nath’land Grace (Ham- 48 2644 2. Molly Barrett; 1757-1838; d. Oliver & Anna (Fiske). 49 | Israel, 2645 ee Mar. 21, 1756 Lucy Mower; -1838; d. Sam’l and Comfort (Larned). 50 | Benjamin, 2646 oe Sept. 19, 1759 Feb. 8, 1845 1766 Clattade Barnes; -1839. STEPHEN AND MOLLY (BARRETT) BARRETT. 2644. 48 | Mary, 2047 | Winchendon, Nov. 2, 1783} Mar. 31, 1845 | Nov. 17, 1805 | Maj. Jotham Tower; 1776-1845. (Knight). 48 | Betsey, 2648 as May 16,1788 | Jan. 28,1815 | Dec. 20,1809 | Calvin Reed; 1779-1818; son Luther and Sarah 49 | Stephen, 2649 | Paris, N. Y., Mar. 1,1793 | Apr. 22, 1866 | Dec. i1, 1817 | Lois Day; 1791-1870. JOTHAM AND MARY (BARRETT) TOWER. 2647. ce, == 48 | Mary Ann, 2650 Waterville, N.Y.,Nov. 2,’08 Feb. 17, 1830 | William Phelps Cleveland, M. D.; 1800-. 48 | Ursula, 2651 Jan. 4,1811 | Apr. 38,1881 | Jan., 1832 | Bradford C. Montgomery; 1803-1868. Fidelia A., 2652 et July 4) 1813 | Apr. 26, 1828 Sherman B., 2653 ef Aug. 30, 1815 | Oct. 25, 1838 | James M., 2654 ee Aug. 30,1817 | May 17, 1818 Marcus Barrett, | 2655 a Mar. 30,1819 | Apr. 19, 1847 Julius C., 2656 ee Noy. 23, 1821 | June 8, 1882 July 6, 1841 | Harriet N. Willis. 48 | Alonzo B., 2657 i May 6, 1824 | Nov. 24, 1874 | Mar. 15, 1852 | Eliza Winchell. 48 | Harriet Elizabeth,| 2658 te Dec. 14, 1826 July 17, 1844 | Ira L. Reed. George C., 2659 ee Feb. 24,1829 | July 26, 1832 DR. WILLIAM PHELPS AND MARY ANN (BARRETT) CLEVELAND. 2650. 48 | Ellen Cornelia, 2666 Waterville, N.Y., Aug. 2,731 Aug. 8, 1855 | Wallace W. Osborn; 1832-18665. 48 | Albert William, | 2661 May 3, 1834 Oct. 28, 1862 | Catharine Carter; 1&38-. 48 | Mary Jane, 2662 es Jan. 21,1836 | Mar. 29,1884 | June, 1862 | Rev. Willliam H. Moffett. Emery Bissell, 2663 ee Mar. 29, 1839 | June 24, 1848 Emma Celina, 2664 a Dec. 30, 1842 Sept. 6, 1865 | Clark P. Washburn. Herbert Coburn, 2665 ue Jan. 21,1847 | July 17, 1851 ; 48 | Anna Caroline, 2666 es Nov. 1, 1849 June 13, 1877 | George E. Westcott. Hattie Reed, 2667 of Nov. 21, 1851 Dec. 1, 1881 | Fred H. Coggeshall. WALLACE W. AND ELLEN CORNELIA (CLEVELAND) OSBORN. 2660. a Mary Amelia, 2668 | St. Jo., Mo., Nov. 12, 1859 Ada Caroline, 2669 ! ee Dec. 14, 1861 Emma Cleveland, 2670 a Dec. 7, 1863 | Nov. 7, 1870 : a ALBERT WILLIAM AND CATHARINE (CARTER) CLEVELAND. 2661. Mary Cate, 2671 Oct. 19, 1863 William Phelps, | 2672 Jan. 16, 1867 Grace Carter, 2673 Sept. 27,1872 | Apr. 7, 1875 Frances &., 2674 Feb. 27, 1875 REV. WILLIAM H. AND MARY JANE (CLEVELAND) MOFFETT. 2662. 'Clevel’d Langston,| 2675 Apr. 27, 1863 ' Charles William, | 2676 Apr. 27, 1867 Emma Goshee, 2677 Oct. 21, 1869 | Mar. 16, 1870 7 Mabel, 2678 Apr. 21, 1876 ——s = —— GEORGE BAND ANNA CAROLINE (CLEVELAND) WESTCOTT. 2666. _ a | 2679 Mar. 27, 1878 | | George Edwin, 2680 Apr. ie. 1881 is a a BRADFORD C. AND URSULA (TOWER) MONTGOMERY. 2651, = Charles M., 2681 Aug, 12, 1832 | Hawatd Ts 2682 | Apr. 25, 1835 | Sept. 17, 1880 48 Julius H., | 2683 | Nov. 6, 1839 Dec. 16, 1863 Maryette Benedict. | ees __ JULIUS H. AND MARYETTE (BENEDICT) MONTGOMERY. 2683 —t™S "Florence T., 2684 May 1, 1865 | | Feb. 24, 1846 | George H. Greenman, oe ALONZO B. AND ELIZA (WINCHELL) TOWER. 2657 2 —™S ' George W., 2685 | Mar, 19, 1858 | L : = oe IRA L. AND HARRIET E. (TOWER) REED. 2658. a 48 | Mary, | 2686 | Oct. 12, 1845 | Dec. 17, 1868 | Henry W. Emmons. 7 —— a HENRY W. AND MARY (REED) EMMONS. 2686. - — “Tee AE ag i | Harr IRS ars 2 | Renew, | 2689} Dee. 28, 1882 Renan _ = eee al BO CALVIN AND BETSEY (BARRETT) REED. 2648. er tt, 9690 _ Sept. 20, 1809 . John Davi is Pierce; ATRO- 1NB2; s. Gad and§ h. o 4) | Hetsiettigre paar i 3, 1813, 1813 | Dec. | 5, 18 TE |: Tan, BRB Elizab ah S. Hawks; IS16-. ~ 48 REV. JOHN DAVIS AND HARRIET BARRETT (REED) PIERCE. 2690. Augusta M., 2692 | Marshall, Mich., Mar. 7, 1841 | Aug. 17, 1865 ‘ Sarah E., 2693 nt Aug. 5, 1843 | Sept.17, 1878 | June 6, 1872 | John E. Graham. 9 Mary A., 2694 it May 11 1846 Oct. 11,1876 | Edward D. Emerson. - JOHN E. AND SARAH E. (PIERCE) GRAHAM. 2693. — ; Irma Pierce, 2695 Mar. 14, 1873 Zada, 2696 Mar. 14, 1873 Irving Augustus, | 2697 Oct. 21, 1874 Florence P., 2698 a Nov. 22, 1876 2 = eee = EDWARD D. AND MARY A. (PIERCE) EMERSON. 2694. | Joseph Bulkeley, | 2699 | June 25, 1868 | | | WILLIAM B. AND ELIZABETH S. (HAWKS) REED. 2691. - = : aS | Harriet, | 2700 | Feb. | Mar. 21, 1876 | —— Messinger. STEPHEN AND LOIS (DAY) BARRETT. 2649. 49 a en | au Sangeuela: ae a a May 10, 1881 | Sept. 18, 1837 | Denton G. Shuart; 1805-; son Abraham and Betsey. ulie 7 ay 21 Miranda K., 2703 « Sept. 27; 1824 49 | Emily Sophia, | 2704 ue Jan. 7, 1828 | Oct. 15, 1855 | W. C. Hanford. ; DENTON G. AND MARY E. (BARRETT) SHUART. 2701. eee ee | Denton B., 2705 | Honeoye Falls, N.Y., 1842 1866 | Unmarried. 49 | William Herbert, | 2706 ae Sept. 21, 1852 Feb. 7, 1884 | Nella Summer Phillips. Clarence Allison, ) 2707 es 1857 Sept. 27,1888 | Frances A. Park. Irving J., |a708 | July 7, 1860 | | | WILLIAM HERBERT AND NELLA SUMMER (PHILLIPS) SHUART. 2706. 7 | Christine, | 2709 | Dec. 11, 1884 | | WILLIAM C. AND EMILY SOPHIA (BARRETT) HANFORD. 2704. eee Emogene D., 9710 |Emer’ld G’ve, Wis., Oct. 20, 1858 Lincoln Barrett, | 2711 Becky) ‘rd, Ill., June 12, 1860 Anna Lois, 2712 ‘Oct. 21, 1865 ISRAEL AND LUCY (MOWER) BARRETT. 2645. : alien Sie Israel, 2718 Paris, N. Y., Feb. 20,1778 | Apr. 9, 1803 Phila (o issue), { es Feb. 20, 1779 | Nov. 1, 1851 1. Eli Crosley. (no issue), 2. Newman Allen. 49 | Lucy, : 2716 |Winchend’n, Jan. 5, 1786 | Apr. 27,1862 | Sept., 1807 | Isaac Crosby; 1782-1851; son Miller and Rebecca. 49 | Samuel, Maj., 2717 Paris, N. ne ,June 29° 1792 | July 23, 1862 | Feb. 15,1818 | Betsey Hunt, 1794-1879. 50 | Henry, 2718 "Apr. 20; 1798 | Jan. 9, 1836 | Nov. 18, 1823 | Lucy ‘Lawrence; 1805-1876; dau. Artemas and Lucy. ISAAC AND LUCY (BARRETT) CROSBY. 2716. Israel, 2719 | Brattleboro’, Vt., June 3, 1810 | Dec. 19, 1813 49 | Eunice Newton, | 2720 ee June 5, 1812 Sept. 1, 1837 | Septimus Perkins. 49 | Samuel Cobb, 2721 : . Dec. 20, 1814 | May 17, 1881 Dee. 15, 1841 | Mary Ann Foote; 1823-; dau. Judge Eliad. 49 | Lucy Moore, 2722 : Feb. 17, 1817 Sept. 1, 1839 | Obed Hyatt Foote. 49 | Joanna Borden, pe ee ut teat Jan. 22, 1840 | Zalmon G. Keeler; 1810-. William Flas) 3735 «Feb. 12! 1823 eee anne Jonas Mann, 2726 Bo Oct. 13, 1826 Cornelia Cunningham. 49 | Danford Miller, | 2727 ne Jan. 19, 1828 June 14, 1849 | Mary Elizabeth Gray. SEPTIMUS AND EUNICH NEWTON (CROSBY) PERKINS. 2720. ae eer Ella J., | 2728 |Jamestown, N. ¥., Feb. 20, 1850 | Oct. 20, 1868 | George Washington Thomas. — SAMUEL C. AND MARY ANN (FOOTE) CROSBY. 2721. Florence Ellen, | 2729 |Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1842 : Emmett Lawrence,| 2730 om Jan. 26, 1843 Aug. 28, 1873 | Ruth Iowa Pickering; 1842-1881. Samuel Foote, 2731 i Oct. 25, 1845 Jan. 19, 1872 | Ruth Cheeney; 1853. OBED HYATT AND LUCY MOORE (CROSBY) FOOTE. 2722. - 49 | Lucy Elizabeth, | 2732 |Jamestown, N. Y., June 13, 1840 Noy. 25, 1865 | James Martin Barrett; 1832-; s. Geo. and Catharine. Ellen Eunice, 2733 ee Nov. 16, 1848 Oct. 25,1877 | John R. Smith; 1850-; son Thomas and Alice R. Dora Mary, 2734 te May 19, 1860 May 31, 1882 | Joseph Bruff Ware; 1860- JAMES MARTIN AND LUCY ELIZABETH (FOOTE) BARRETT. 2732. James Foote, 9735 |Battle Cr’k, Mich., June 17, 1869 = 5 Bessie Catharine, | 2736 ef Nov. 22, 1874 Lucy, 2737 ee June 30, 1877 Laura Ellen, 2738 ee Aug. 24, 1881 ; ZALMON G. AND JOANNA BORDEN (CROSBY) KEELER. 2723. Isadore Rebecca, | 2739 |Jamestown, N.¥., Aug. 17, 1841 Jan. 20, 1863 | Charles W. Winslow. Consanda, 2740 es Feb. 28, 1846 Zalmon R. 2741 es Nov. 23, 1849 | Sept. 1, 1850 Lucy Adelaide, | 2742 «Sept. 30, 1852 Sept. 9, 1875 | David H. Allen. Kate Barrett, 2743 ee May 24, 1856 Unmarried. DANFORD M. AND MARY ELIZABETH (GRAY) CROSBY. 2727. Cpls Alfred William, | 2744 |Jamestown, N. ¥., Apr. 3, 1850 ~ Hattie Valeria, 2745 ue Jan. 12, 1857 Oct. 10, 1877 | Amos D. Greene. MAJ. SAMUEL AND BETSEY (HUNT) BARRETT. 2717. (Continued page 50.) 2746 |Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1819) Feb. 13, 1844 | May 18, 1853 | Electa M. Horton; 1830-1887. 50 | Henry W., M. D..,| 49 50 | Samuel Hunt, 2747 Jamestown, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1822 Sept. 16, 1844 | 1. Maria Spencer; 1825-1864; dau. Rey. Eliphalet. 50 . : 2748 Noy. 28, 1866 | 2. Lucy Adelia Lake; 1829-. 50 | William Elliott, | 2749 ue Sept. 19, 1824 | Oct., 1884 | May 29, 1845 | Laura A. Wescott. Florinda Maria, | 2750 *S June 23, 1826 June 24, 1846 | Levant W. Brown; -1875; son Samuel A. 50 | Lucy Elizabeth, | 2751 ae Aug. 9, 1829 July 25, 1851 | John H. White; 1821-1877. Evelyn Mary, 2752 se June 17,1831 | May 8, 1880 | Aug. 21, 1862 | Elial F. Hall; 1827-: son James and Polly (Cheeney). 50 | Sarah Philander, | 2753 a Nov. 14, 1833 | Oct. 18, 1871 Willard Harvey; 1829-1872; son Charles, DR. HENRY WARREN AND ELECTA M. (HORTON) BARRETT. 2746. 50 | Corrine, 2754 Apr. 10, 1854 Aug. 19, 1879 | Maj. George Rodney Smith; 1850-; son Hiram. Electa, 2755 | Mar. 12, 1857 | July 21,1880 | Dwight B. Breed; son Joshua. Henry, 2756 Mar. 12, 1857 | Sept. 10, 1881 | Lora Newton. MAJ. GEORGE RODNEY AND CORRINE (BARRETT) SMITH = 2754. | Barrett, Q757 | Sept. 22, 1880 Rodney, | 2758 Nov. 28, 1884 SAMUEL HUNT AND MARIA (SPENCER) BARRETT. 2747. so rs Theo. Spencer, 2759 Jamestown, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1848 Feb. 28, 1870 50 | Eva Electa, 2760 Randolph, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1850 Oct. 11, 1877 | Prof. David Dusenbury. 50 | Samuel Eliphalet,) 2761 Sept. 8, 1853 __ | June 18, 1878 | Lillian Stryker. SAMUEL HUNT AND LUCY ADELIA (LAKE) BARRETT. 2748. —— Jessie Maud, 2762 |Randolph, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1867 Frederick Lake, | 2763 |Cold Spring, N. Y., June 22, 1870 Feb. 18, 1871 PROF. DAVID AND EVA ELECTA (BARRETT) DUSENBURY. 2760. Winona A., 2764 |Hebron, Neb., Nov. 9, 1878 Barrett Hall, 2765 a July 12) 1880 | Sept. 20, 1880 Evelyn A., 2766 vs May 15, 1882 | Oct. 15, L883 Roy, 2767 te Aug. 28° 1883 | Aug. de 1884 Lucile, 2768 |Wahoo, Neb., Nov. 12, 1884 SAMUEL E. AND LILLIAN (STRYKER) BARRETT. 2761. | Samuel Alfred, | 2769| Nov. 12, 1880 | | | WILLIAM ELLIOTT AND LAURA A. (WESCOTT) BARRETT. 2749. 50 | Virginia, 2770 Feb. 19, 1846 Jan. 1, 1870 | Alvin Chadwick; son Francis. 50 | Laura Elizabeth, | 2771 Jan. 27, 1847 May 24, 1865 | John W. Oddie; son Walter M. 50 | E. Pauline A., 2772 Jan. 22, 1853 Noy. 15, 1880 | William Andrew Mansfield; son Andrew. William Lowry, 2773 Sept. 22, 1854 John Keith, 2774 Jan. 23,1861 | Jan. 30, 1861 Lucy White, 2775 Aug. 9, 1864 Edith May, 2776 July 9, 1866 | Jan. 13, 1867 ALVIN AND VIRGINIA (BARRETT) CHADWICK. 2770. Maggie, 2777 Red Bank,N.J., May 11, 1871 Pauline, 2778 Sept. 25, 1872 Edith, 2779 * Jan. 1 1874 Alvin, 2780 ue Dec. a1} 1875 Maud, 2781 ne Aug. 3,1877 | Jan. 13, 1879 : JOHN W. AND LAURA HE. (BARRETT) ODDIE. 2771. — | John Barrett, 2782° Mar. 17, 1866 | Mar. 18, 1866 —— Daisy Rosalie, 2783 May 19, 1867 William Elliott, | 2784 Nov. 27, 1869 John White, 2785 Dec. 18, 1871 Charles Fisher, 2786 May 23, 1873 7 WILLIAM ANDREW AND E. PAULINE A. (BARRETT) MANSFIELD. 2772. qe. Early, 2787 | June 13, 1882 | | JOHN H. AND LUCY ELIZABETH (BARRETT) WHITH. 2751. set - George Barrett, | 2788 New York, Jan. 25, 1853 John Henry, 2789 Jan. i 1857 | Mar. 16, 1858 Eva King, 2790 es Mar. 1, 1860 | Aug. 11, 1860 Isabella Hunt, 2791 [Bergen Point, N. J., Tey: 1861 June 30, 1885 | Charles Gordon Fuller, M. D.; 1856-; son F. A. Lillian King, 2792 | New York, Jan. 6, 1865 Lucy Elizabeth, | 2793 ee Sept. 20, 1870 WILLIAM AND SARAH PILANDER (BARRETT) HARVEY. 2753. Willard Barrett, | 2794 Jan. 15, 1861 | Aug. 27, 1861 Elizabeth, 2795 Mar. 5, 1863 Evelyn, 2796 Oct. 7, 1865 Mary Augusta, 2797 July 13) 1868 | July 15, 1876 Samuel Barrett, | 2798 Nov. 9, 1870 | June 19, 1871 ete se - HENRY AND LUCY (LAWRENCE) BARRETT. 2718. Henry Lawrence,| 2799 Noy. 23,1824 | Aug. 3, 1850 | Unmarried. Ann Elizabeth, 2800 May 20,1826 | Sept., 1876 | Unmarried. Frederick Clay, 2801 Apr. 13, 1829 | Oct. 15, 1867 | Unmarried. Cons. Mower (noise.),| 2802 July 16, 1833 | Aug. 28, 1859 | Apr. 30, 1856 | Alexander Lowry. BENJAMIN AND CLARINDA (BARNES) BARRETT. 2646. (Continued page 51.) 51 | Stephen, Dea., 2803 Paris, WN. Y., Nov. 15,1791 | Oct. 26,1877 | May 14, 1816 | Lucia Smith; 1797-1878. Benjamin, 2804 "Jan. 17, 1793 Dolly Beckwith. 52 | Clarinda, 2805 st Mar., 1795 1816 f Mar. 9, 1815 | Amos Atkins. 52 | Oliver, 2806 ss June’ 22,1798 | Jan. 10, 1873 | Aug. 14, 1823 | 1. Eliza Brown; 1801-1849. { 2807 2. Susan (Osborne) Hubbell. 52 | Charles, 2808 8 Sept. 22,1799 | May 21, 1864 1824 | Sarah Benson; _ 1800- 1864. 50 53 | George, 2809 | Paris, N. Y., Nov. 1,1801 | Mar. 10,1884 | Mar., 1825 | 1. Maria Bennett; -1838; dau. Abraham and Maria. 2810 Mar., 1840 |-2. Mrs. Eliza Clark. 53 2811 Sept. 10, 1853 | 3. Mrs. Phebe Hubbell. 53 re cen ier Dec. 8, 1803 | Mar. 30, 1886 | Mar. 20, 1827 | Annis Maria Brown. Jotham, autauqua, N. Y., 1807 1882 Caroline ——. 54 | Alonzo, { 2814 Jan. at, 1810 | Aug. 21,1876 | Dec. 1, 1834 | 1. Mrs. Elizabeth Root; -1867. 54 2815 Mar. 8, 1870 | 2. Mrs. Louisa K. Atwood. DEA. STEPHEN AND LUCIA (SMITH) BARRETT. 2803. 51 | Lucretia C., 2816 | Chautauqua, N. ¥., June 19,’17| Oct. 22, 1883 | Feb. 28, 1841 | Albert Tuttle; 1816-. 51 | Betsey L., 29817 Kingsville, Ohio, Mar. 29, 1819 Apr. 19, 1841 | Edward F. Lewis; 1885. = /Martlia Eliza, aan . Hee a sea July 1s, Hs ae Vea Wood; -1885. m’da Euphemia, ept. Feb. 28, 184 iram Nas Ee 52 |Cornelia Ch’tianna, 2820 m Toly 24° 1825 | Feb. 5, 1869 | Oct. 16, 1850 | Lemuel 8. Stowe. 2 nase. ae . ae i eee Oct. 7, 1859 | Feb. 19, A ee On -1872. i) arrie 282 . pr. 829 Feb. 19, 1849 orman A. Robbins. 52 | Octavia Lucinda, 2823 i Dec. a9, 1830 Feb. 16, 1858 | Rev. Jackson Van Vorris. . Adaline M., 2824 : Aug. 20, 1833 ; Aug. 20, 1838 ALBERT AND LUCRETIA C. (BARRETT) TUTTLE. 2816. . Leslie 8., 2825 | Clinton, Wis., Jan. 11, 1842 1881 ; Bell Hame. eee me 2826 | Tuttle, Wis. July 26, 1844 1885 | Elizabeth Williams. lice C., 2827 Dec. 19, "1853 EDWARD F. AND BETSEY L. (BARRETT) LEWIS. 2817. Judson Adoniram,) 2828 Tuttlev’ e, Wis., Aug. 25,743) May 22, 1863 Charles LeRoy, | 2829 Sept. 1b, 1846 | Died infancy. , 51 | Stephen Barrett, | 2830 fe July 12) 1848 July, 1878 | Elizabeth Church. c 51 | Franklin Filmore, 2831 Lewiston, Wis. “Sept. 28,50 Nov. 29, 1877 | Victorine Rockwell. Edward Barrett, |. 2832 Dec. 28, 1852 | June 4, 1872 Geo. Washington,| 2833 se Jan. 20, 1856 Died infancy. 51 | William Lincoln, | 2834 [Portage,Wis., Aug. 13, 1857 Oct. 15, 1883 | Priscilla Harrigan. : STEPHEN B. AND ELIZABETH (CHURCH) LEWIS. 2830. | Rollin Church, | 2835 |Portage,Wis., Aug. 29, 1884| | | FRANKLIN F. AND VICTORINE (ROCKWELL) LEWIS. 2831. '| Mabel Barrett, 2836 Portage, Wis., Aug. 24,1879 | Edward Rockwell, 2837 ‘Apr. “19, 1881 'Died infancy. WILLIAM LINCOLN AND PRISCILLA (HARRIGAN) LEWIS. 2834. | Guy Edward, | 2838 |Portage, Wis., Jan. 11, 1885) | | ° HIRAM W. AND MARTHA ELIZA (BARRETT) WOOD. 2818. 51 | Charles Morton, | 2839 Beloit, Wis., July 26, 1842 Aug. 6, 1872 | Alice A. Bartlett. Mary Ella, 2840 May 5, "1847 Dec. 22,1870 | P. R. Turneaure; s. John and Maria (Mabie). 51 | Clara Maria, 2841 = June 11, 1852 | Jan. 23,1881 | Dec. 12, 1872 | Samuel H. Ladd; son John and Sarah (Willmarth). 51 | Herbert Chalmer,| 2842 Clinton, Wis., Nov. 12, 1855 Jan., 1878 | Mary Louisa Putnam; dau. Capt. James S. and Mary Olive, 2843 Nov. ; 1862 Jan., 1864 Ann. CHARLES M. AND ALICE A. (BARTLETT) WOOD. 2839. Bertie, 2844 Sept. 12, 1873 | Aug. 12, 1874 Herbert Hiram, | 2845 1876 . Ernest, 2846 1872 ‘Adella Louisa, 2847 1883 SAMUEL H. AND CLARA M. (WOOD) LADD. 2841. pleat Gace hinsees 5| 2848 I Clinton, Wis., May 26, 1874 | | —_ - Scott Herbert, 2849 Sheldon, Ta. , Dee. 8, 1880 Apr. 21, 1881 HERBERT C. AND MARY L. (PUTNAM) WOOD. 2842. Herbert J., 2850 | July 29,1881 | Aug. 30, 1881 Louise B., 2851 Apr. 9, 1883 | Sept. 18, 1883 HIRAM AND AMANDA E. (BARRETT) NASH. 2819. 51 | Adaline A., 2850 Beloit, Wis., Dec. 22, 1848 Oct. 18, 1863 | Horatio W. Tiel. Adison Barrett, | 2851 Nov. 27, 1845 Aug. 23, 1874 | Mrs. Mary A. Childs. 51 | Stephen Chalmer,| 2852 Ctinton, rm nae oe Pe i 1877 | Anna Butterfield. 51 | Ella R. 2853 ug Mar. 24,1871 | Amariah Worden. 51 | Frank Herbert, 2854 |Lancaster, Wis. Jan, ‘92, 58 May 23, 1881 | Emma M. Ward. Mattie L., 2855 | Grant Co., Wis., "May 6, 1865 Oct. 20,1884 | Frank H. Zander. : Charles Barrett, | 2856 |Lancaster, Wis., Jan. 10,68 HORATIO W. AND ADALINE A. (NASH) TIEL. 2850. Maud Emily, 2857 Pane »Wis., Aug. 14,66 | Louie Leroy, 2858 May 23, 1867 STEPHEN C. AND ANNA (BUTTERFIELD) NASH. 2852. Maud Mary, 2859 Sheldon, Ta., Oct. 14, 1878 | ae Chalmer Stephen,| 2860 Nov. 17, 1880 AMARIAH AND ELLA R. (NASH) WORDEN. 2853. | Alfred, 2861 Mar., 1872 | Sept. 29, 1879 | i Frank, 2862 | Feb., 1878 Mable, 2863 June 6, 1880 | Dec. 26, 1884 Mattie, 2864 Sept. 277 1885 FRANK H. AND EMMA R. (WARD) NASH. 2854. — Jay Edward, | 9865 | Cherokee, Ia., Oct. 23, 83 SS Frank Howard, 2866 Sheldon, Ta. , May 26, 1885 51 Lois Cornelia, Kitty, Edmund, 2867 2868 2869 LEMUEL S. AND CORNELIA C. (BARRETT) STOWE. 2820. Burr Oak, Wis., Dec. 2, 1852 Tafton, Wis., May 30, 1855) Feb. 28, 1857 Brownville, Mo., May %, 1859 eee AND EMELINE M. - (BARRETT) WOLCOTT. Dec. 25, 1882 Mar. 17, 1886 Jchn H. Pelham. Annie Newton. 2821. 52 | Harriet Abigail, | Noy. 25, 1875 | Horace Kenyon Hamblin. 52 | Mary Celestia, 2871, Out 7. 1856 ; Sept. 26, 1880 | Elbert Burton Zimmerman. = - HORACE KENYON AND HARRIET A. (WOLCOTT) HAMBLIN. 2870. | Grace May, 2872 Conway, Ta., Dec. 24, 1877 Maud Lillian, 2873 x ~ July 16, 1883 | Aug. 23, 1885 | 2 _— ELBERT B. AND MARY CELESTIA (WOLCOTT) ZIMMERMAN. 2871. Edna Verlie, 2874 Bedford, Ta., Sept. 12, 1881 Bessie May, 2875 ‘Aug. 20, 1883 Ralph Elbert, 2876 iiyasek teh. Aug. 9, 1885 NORMAN A. AND HARRIET P. (BARRETT) ROBBINS. 2822. fo 52 | Clara Bell, 2877 |Clinton, Wis., Jan. 16, 1852 July 10,1872 | Frank Williams. 52 | Emma Octavia, 2878 July 27, 1855 Nov. 25, 1875 | Abraham G. Huston. 52 | Elmer L., 2879 |Magnolia, Wis., Apr. 28, 1860 Dec. 24,1881 | A. K. Barnes. - FRANK AND CLARA BELL (ROBBINS) WILLIAMS. 2877. - —_ | Jessie E., 2880 | Apr. 23, 1873 | Myrtle B., 2881 Nov. 6, 1877 : ABRAM G. AND EMMA O. (ROBBINS) HUSTON. 2878. | Nellie A., | Apr. 22, 1877 | Raymond B., 2883 June 4, 1884 ELMER L. AND A. K. (BARNES) ROBBINS. 2879. : | Bertha M., 2884 Nov. 19, 1882 Clara B., 2885 Mar. 15, 1884 REV. JACKSON AND OCTAVIA L. (BARRETT) VAN VORRIS. 2823. Lulu A., 2886 Noy. 24, 1858 i Mary Luella, 2887 July 14, 1861 William Arthur, | 2888 Mar. 26, 1867 Emma Belle, 2889 Oct. 7, 1871 Charles J., 2890 June 22, 1873 AMOS AND CLARINDA (BARRETT) ATKINS. 2805. 52 | Horatio Barrett, | 2891 |Gerry, N.Y.,Dec. 15, 1815 | HORATIO B. AND ROSANTHA (MAJORS) ATKINS. 2891. Dudley Horatio, | 2892 |Toledo, Ohio, Apr. 30,1849 | July 30, 1849 Myron Barrett, 2893 ;Wash., ‘¢ June 30,1850 | Aug. 23, 1868 52 | Alice Rosantha, | 2894 /Toledo, ‘‘ Oct. 3, 1855 June 2, 1882 | Clinton Wyatt Hickok; 1853-; s. Wyatt and Fanny. CLINTON WYATT AND ALICE ROSANTHA (ATKINS) HICKOK. 2894. [Myron Wellington,| 2895 |Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 29,1883 | | 2806. OLIVER AND ELIZA (BROWN) BARRETT. 52 | Samantha, 2896 Kingsville, O., May 11,1825) Aug. 6, 1879 | Nov. 27, 1846 | Rev. Isaac Bloomer; 1812-1883. 52 | Mary Eliza, 2897 Sept. 10, 1826 Aug. 30, 1853 | Benjamin Newell; 1819-; son Arnold and Rachel. 52 | Dorliska, 2898 ee Nov. 16, 1829 Mar. 23, 1854 | Orlando Luce; 1830-. 52 | Oliver W., 2899 *e Nov. 20, 1832 Dec. 18, 1861 | 1. Phila Amelia Delaplaine; —186u. 52 2900 2. Frances Marie Osborn; dau. Salmon S. & Mary L. Clinton, 2901 ae Aug. 27, 1835 | Feb. 15, 1836 REV. ISAAC AND SAMANTHA (BARRETT) BLOOMER. 2896. ee eae _ Frank W., 2902 |° Jan. 17, 1849 = Edgar R., 2901 Apr. 17, 1855 a oa fees = Wee BENJAMIN AND MARY ELIZA (BARRETT) NEWELL. 2897. George Arnold, 2902 |Beaver Dam, Wis., Nov. 21, 1858 Mar. 22, 1882 | Mary Elizabeth Mowry. — Mary Amelia, 2903 a Sept. 15, 1860 | Oct. 10, 1863 Alice Rosetta, 2904 ee Jan. 26, 1862 Benjamin Oliver, | 2905 ug Jan. 16, 1866 _ - ORLANDO AND DORLISKA (BARRETT) LUCE. 2898. . Carey Barrett, 2906 June 7, 1860 | July 28, 1864 | | Artemus Barrett, June 27, 1863 oe OLIVER W. AND PHILA A. (DELAPLAINE) BARRETT. 2899. | Phila Delaplaine, | 2908 | Oct. 5, 1862 | Oct. 5, 1883 | Harry Raymond. Oliver Samuel, 2909 Aug. 4, 1866 : OLIVER W. AND FRANCES M. (OSBORN) BARRETT. 2900. | Edith Osborn, | 2910 | May 18, 1876 | Feb. 10, 1880 | | a CHARLES AND SARAH (BENSON) BARRETT. 2808. Syloice, 2911 Feb. 11,1825 | Mar. 4, 1883 | Unmarried. 53 | Orpha M., 2912 June 5, 1826 | Mar. 2, 1879 | July 25,1844 | Ephraim Capron; 1818-1884; son Abijah and Mary. 58 | Mary E., 2913 June 15, 1828 | Apr. 29, 1880 Lucius F. Curtis. Charles 8., 2914 Nov. 3, 1831 j Elsie, 2915 June 23° 1836 | Mar. 14, 1837 Sarah E., 2916 Dec. 6, 1838 | Mar. 4, 1856 53 | Benson S., 2917 May 6, 1840 Dec. 25, 1874 | Louisa 8. Parker. — 52 EPHRAIM AND ORPHA M. (BARRETT) CAPRON. 2912. 53 | Mary M., 2918 |Conneaut, O., Aug. 28, 1846 | Aug. 11,1883 | Thomas H. Johnson. Dudley S., 2919 te Mar. 25, 1848 Apr. 4, 1872 | Malvina Armstrong. 58 | Adoniram, 2920 ae Aug. 21, 1849 Dec. 10, 1872 | Elizabeth Shultz. 53 | Charles B., 2921 ae Apr. 6, 1851 Mar. 6, 1883 | Kate Rogers. Edwin E., 2922 of Oct. 12, 1854 Oct. 8, 1884 | Lottie E. Irwin. Marshall F., 2923 us Sept. 13, 1856 Albert J., 2924 ae June 21, 1858 Aug. 28, 1883 | Eliza Chambers. Clarence E., 2925 “e Apr. 7, 1861 Clara L., 2926 os Apr. 7, 1861 THOMAS H. AND MARY M. (CAPRON) JOHNSON. 2918. — eee | Marshall C., | 2927 | May 30, 1884 | | . | ADONIRAM AND ELIZABETH (SHULTZ) CAPRON. 2920. oo Carlton Irving, 2928 May 15, 1876 Calla May, 2929 Feb. 4, 1878 Jay E., 2930 June 2, 1883 CHARLES B. AND KATE (ROGERS) CAPRON. 2921. | Hazel Baxter, | 2931 | Feb. 11, 1885 | | | LUCIUS F. AND MARY E. (BARRETT) CURTIS. 2913. oe Andrew, 2932 Addie May, 2933 BENSON 8S. AND LOUISA S. (PARKER) BARRETT. 2917. | Fanny Andrews, | 2934 | Dec. 23, 1884 | | | GEORGE AND MARIA (BENNETT) BARRETT. 2809. = Clarinda, 2935 1826 | Died infancy. 53 | Emma Calista, 2936 May 2, 1827 Sept. 11, 1845 | Truman Dixon Palmer. George Hubbell, | 2937 Oct. 10, 1829 Apr. 25, 1859 | Annette P. Southard. Dudley, 2938 1832 1838 GEORGE AND MRS. PHEBE (HUBBELL) BARRETT. 2811. Hulburt, | 2939 | Sept. 10, 1855 | Feb. 18, 1867 | | TRUMAN D. AND EMMA C. (BARRETT) PALMER. 2936. Amelia, 2940 Jan. 4, 1847 May 22, 1864 | John Ware. Eugene C., 2941 Aug. 18, 1849 George E., 2942 Jan. 12,1853 | Died young. Frank Lee, 2943 Dec. 5, 1856 Mary A., 2944 Mar. 3, 1858 Feb. 29, 1880 | Conrad Smith. Clara A.,_ 2945 Sept. 9, 1860 1875 Leland H., 2946 Sept. 27, 1862 Jennie A., 2947 Oct. 27, 1864 Feb. 6, 1884 | William J. Duffy. Albert Carlton, 2948 Apr. 7, 1868 | July 18, 1885 Emma Evelyn, 2949 Dec. 6, 1870 AMOS AND ANIS MARIA (BROWN) BARRETT. 2812. 53 | Myron Erastus, | 2950 | Kingsville, O., Dec. 28, 1827 May 9, 1855 | Angeline Tuttle; 1831-; dau. Timothy. Perry G.,M.D., {| 2951 es July 27, 1830 Aug. 20, 1856 | 1. Nellie O. Fiske; -1860. 538 : 2951 Jan. 20, 1866 | 2. Almeda Hodge; dau. Veloms and Emeline. 53 | Amos J., Rev., 2952 ee Apr. 1, 1832 June 14, 1860 | Emily Julia Barrows; 1830-; Capt. Storrs and Sylvia. 53 | Stephen P., Prof., | 2053 es June 7, 1834 July 16, 1862 | Mary J. Hovey; 1837-; dau. Alfred and Mary. Clarinda, 2954 e¢ July 7,1835 | Aug. 1, 1836 53 | Clinton §., Capt., | 2955 “ Dec. 12, 1836 June 22, 1859 | Mary Melissa Banister; 1837-; dau. Wm. and Eliza. 53 | Emily Lucinda, | 2956 fs July 27, 1839 Dec. 1, 1856 | Rush Warner; 1832-; dau. John and Maria. Susie Eliza, 2957 ae Oct. 8, 1841 Adelaide, 2958 ee Apr. 12, 1847 | Mar. 25, 1851 Albert T., Prof., | 2959 ae Apr. 12, 1847 Oct. 2, 1871 | Kate C. Stanton; 1847-,; dau. Warner and Mary E. MYRON ERASTUS AND ANGELINE (TUTTLE) BARRETT. 2950. Judson 8., 2960 June 18, 1856 | Aug. 19, 1881 Lelia, 2961 Oct. 29, 1858 Bertha, 2062 July 30, 1869 DR. PERRY GORDON AND ALMEDA (HODGE) BARRETT. 2951. | Julia, | 2063 | Erie, Pa., Sept. 10, 1869 | REV. AMOS JUDSON AND EMILY JULIA (BARROWS) BARRETT. 2952. Helen Maria, 2964 July 31, 1861 Anne Louise, 2965 Feb. 27, 1863 Storrs B., 2966 Aug. 12, 1864 PROF. STEPHEN PALHY AND MARY J. (HOVEY) BARRETT. 2953. Harvey Paine, 2967 |Buchanan, Mich., July 12, 1863 Jay Amos, 2068 |Nunda, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1865 Grace Mary, 2969 |Buchanan, Mich., Sept. 15, 1868 Edith Annis, 2970 |Niles, Mich., Aug. 1, 1871 Inez Delyra, 2071 | The Dalles, Ore., July 25, 1876 CAPT. CLINTON SAMUEL AND MARY MELISSA (BANISTER) BARRETT. 2955. Jay Clinton 2972 Feb. 22, 1860 | Feb. 23, 1860 Florence May, | 2973 May 27, 1864 Clinton Webster, | 2974 Feb. 22, 1868 | Aug. 11, 1868 RUSH AND EMILY LUCINDA (BARRETT) WARNER. 2956. | 2975 | Jan. 19, 1864 | | | John Harley, 53 ALONZO AND MRS. ELIZABETH (ROOT) BARRETT. 2814. a4 Clarinda M., 2976 Feb. 11,1835 | Aug. 16, 1849 | James R. Sweet; 1825-; son Willard H. and Susanna. 34 | Anna Maria, 2977 Apr. 13, 140 | Dec, 26,1876 | Apr. 13, 1860 | Thomas A. Freeman. 54 | Alice S., 2978 Sept. 13, 1845 | Oct. 25, 1863 | Bryant H. Fiske; 1836-1883; son Abraham and Sarah. ALONZO AND MRS. LOUISA K. (ATWOOD) BARRETT. 2815. Mary Eliza, 2070) Mar. 10, 1871 | | Myron Alonzo, 2980 Jan. 18,1874 | Feb. 5, 1874 JAMES R. AND CLARINDA M. (BARRETT) SWEET. 2976. William Marion, | 2981 |Linesville, Pa., Dec. 28, 1851 Mary Evaline, 2082 ee Dec. 18, 1856 Jan. 1,1875 Russell M. Knapp; 1853-. James Alfred, 2983 eb Mar. 14, 1857 Julia Anice, 2084 a May 24, 1858 Horatio Alvin, 2985 ‘Union City,Pa., July 26,1860} Sept., 1861 Frank Riley, 2986 |Waterford, Pa., Dec. 1, 1863 Alice Elizabeth, | 2987 as Apr. 27, 1868 Perry Barrett, 2088 as Oct. 23, 1869 Clinton Edward, | 2989 ee May 22, 1874 | Dec. 26, 1874 : \ THOMAS A. AND ANNA MARIA (BARRETT) FREEMAN. 2977. Mary Frances, 2990 June 16,1861 | Mar. 9, 1865 Charles Barrett, | 2991 Jan. 16,1863 | Feb. 13, 1863 William James, | 2992 Jan. 16,1863 | Apr. 1, 1865 Clarinda Julia, 2993 Jan. 29, 1865 Thomas Alonzo, | 2994 June 30, 1868 Peter Edward, 2995 June 27,1870 | Mar. 27, 1873 BRYANT H. AND ALICE S. (BARRETT) FISKE. 2978. Elmar Bryant, 2996 |Linesville, Pa., Sept. 9, 1864 Vincent Barrett, | 2997 |Girard, Pa., Oct. 14, 1868 GEORGE AND CHARLOTTE CALDWELL (BROWN) DAKIN. 2092. Robert Boyda, 2998 Novy. 26, 1883 | Anna M. Boss. Georgi’na Natalie,| 2999 Feb. 10,1870 | Edward L. Lawrence. . James Brown, 3000 July 2, 1847 Anna Maria, 3001 Charlotte Brown, | 3002 Jan. 19, 1853 Emma Durant, 3003 ‘ Hannah Louise, | 3004 Charles Sumner, | 3005 Oct. 6, 1885 | Mary Winslow Ives. George, Jr., 3006 Julia Lizzie, 8007 Oct. 2, 1866 CHARLES WILLIAM AND EMILY A. (WATTS) BULLARD. 1532. Joel E., 8008 Jan. 25, 1868 Auburt $., 3009 Oct. 12, 1870 Wallace E., 8010 Jan., 1872 Dexter H., 3011 June, 1879 Edgar H., 3012 Aug., 1882 Harry W., 3013 Aug., 1882 JOHN AND ELIZABETH (POTTER) BROWN. 158-555. John, 3014 | Concord, Dec. 1,1715 | July 21, 1718 | Elizabeth, 3015 eS Sept. 4, 1718 Grace, 3016 ue Feb. 5, 1720-1 | Sept. 6, 1762 | Nov. 10, 1740 | John Wheat; -1784. 54 | John, 3017 ee July 1, 1724 1803 | Jan. 26,1751 | Elizabeth Bateman; -1804. Hannah, 3018 we Mar. 25, 1727 Josiah, 3019 es Dec. 30, 1729 | Died infancy. Joseph, 3020 ae Feb. ih. 1731-2 Joseph, 3021 a Noy. 12, 1733 Rebecca, 3022 oe Oct. 4, 1736 59 | Josiah, Capt., 3023 Ks Jan. 30,1742 | Mar. 18, 1831 | Oct. 31,1765 | Sarah Wright; 1744-1821. JOHN AND ELIZABETH (BATEMAN) BROWN. 3017. 64 | Elizabeth, 3024 | Concord, Jan. ‘30,1753 | Feb. 24, 1812 Lieut. Samuel Brown. No. 3641. 54 | John, Rev., 3025 ft Dec. 5, 1755 | Nov. 17, 1830 About 1780 | Abigail Wright. Thadeus, 3026 Mar., 1758 Asa 3027 Gs Apr. 10,1759 | Feb. 25, 1834 ‘Anna 3028 me May 8, 1761 | Apr. 28, 1825 | Dec. 6, 1785 | Willard Spaulding; 1761-1822. 56. Rebecca 3029 ae Mar. 17, 1763 | Mar. 13, 1813 Josiah French; -1840. 57 | Joseph Rev.. 3030 ee Feb, 21,1765 | Dec. 16, 1840 | Sept., 1795 | 1. Rebecca Walker; 1770-1811. 57 : j 3031 Nov. 5, 1811 | 2. Lucy Proctor. 61 | Hannah 3032 a Apr. 28,1767 | Feb. 15,1852 , Apr. 16,1795 | Aaron Brown. No. 3327. 57 Reuben. 3033 ee Mar. 15,1769 | July 17,1853 | July 1, 1793 | Sarah Brown. No. 3326. Hepzabah 3034 ne Aug. 27, 1771 1834. 1796 | Stephen Davis; 1775-. Thomas, — 3035 “ June 25, 1774 58 | Polly, 3036 |NewIpswich,N.H., Aug.24,1779| Feb. 24, 1832 About 1798 | Samuel Wyman; ~1855. REV. JOHN AND ABIGAIL (WRIGHT) BROWN. 3025. New Ipswich, N.H., 1781 | June 21,1803 | Apr. 19, 1801 | David Nay; 1781-1803. on 3038 Pe 1783 | About 1803 | Unmarried. - 55 Gyr : 3039 ‘© May 20,1785 | Oct. 30,1846 | Dec., 1810 | Milla Lawrence; -1849; dau. Benj. and Rebecca. 56 | John : 3040 ae Mar. 5, 1787 | Dec. 22, 1852 | Oct. 12,1817 | Mary Skeldon; -1884. waward 3041 6 1789 | May 2, 1863 1818 | Almira Jones; -1868. Sally, ; 3042 a 1791 1818 | George Adams. 54 55 David, Jr., DAVID AND PATTY (BROWN) NAY. 3037. Oliver Wright«no issue), { DAVID AND THETIS C. 3044 |Darien, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1826] Oct. 21, 1875 (NORTH) NAY. Pe ee ae 1. Elizabeth Worthington; 1832-1859. 1852 | 3043 |Petersburg, N. H., Feb. 28, 1802] Sept. 17, 1864 | Oct. 16, 1825 | Thetis C’. North; 1806-1871. 3043. (no issue),| {3045 2. Sabina Gibson. 55 | Helen Mar, 3046 es Apr. 15, 1828 June 19, 1850 | 1. Lewis Bardolf; 1827-1854. 55 3047 Apr. 13, 1857 | 2. Henry T. Lincoln; 1822-. Robert Bruce, 3048 ee June 16, 1834 '55 | Geo. Manning, 3049 eG Aug. 2%, 1831 | Mar. 30, 1862 | Aug. 25, 1858 | Sarah A. Ware. 55 | James Agard, 3050 ee Apr. 9, 1836 Feb. 28, 1867 | Laura A. Tyler; 1836-. 55 | David DeWitt, 3051 ee June 30, 1838 Apr. 30, 1869 | Carrie May Rowley; 1843-. 55 |Olive Hungerford, 8052 ce Mar. 27,1840 | Apr. 30,1869 | Jan. 1, 1867 | Sherman A. Griswold, M. D.; 1839-1884, 55 | Noah North, 3053 se May 30, 1844 Sept. 13, 1873 | Carrie 8. Ames; 1853-. LEWIS AND HELEN MAR (NAY) BARDOLF. 3046.0 | Henry Charles, 3054 |Darien, N. Y., Aug. 10,1852 | __HENRY I. AND HELEN MAR (NAY-BARDOLF) LINCOLN. 3047. Hattie Mar, 3055 Oct. 21, 1858 Abe, 3056 May 26, 1860 James Henry, 3057 Dec. 12, 1862 GEORGE MANNING AND SARAH A. (WARE) NAY. 3049. = | Charles David, | 3058 | Mar. 23, 1860 | 1862 | | JAMES A. AND LAURA A. (TYLER) NAY. 3050. oe | Leonard Agard, | 3059 Nov. 22,1867 | Oct. 3, 1870 | Henry Wilbur, 3060 Apr. 16, 1869 | Feb. 29, 1876 DAVID DeWITT AND CARRIE MAY (ROWLEY) NAY. 3051. - | David Norton, 3061 |Detroit, Mich., May 23, 1873) | DR. SHEMAN A. AND OLIVE H. (NAY) GRISWOLD. 3052. f DeWitt Elliott, | 3062 [Franklin Grove,Tll.,Apr. 30,1869) | NOAH N. AND CARRIE S. (AMES) NAY. 3053. : Edwin North, 3063 Detroit, Mich., Sept. 6, 1874) Sept. 25, 1875 Henry North, 3064 Nov. 5, 1875 Everett Ames, 3065 Chicago, Ill., Sept. 13, 1878 Helen Louisa, 3066 June 12, 1884 CYRUS AND MILLA (LAWRENCE) BROWN. 3039. Joshua L., | 3067 |Sharon,N. H., Aug.12,1812) June 20, 1860 | Nov., 1835 | 1. Eliza A. Colby; -1836. 55 3068 | Dec. 1, 1842 | 2. Dianna Osborne. Abigail W., 8069 si Dec. 8,1815 | Jan. 4, 1836 | Feb., 1885 | Daniel W. Noble. 55 | John W., 3070 “ May 7, 1817 Jan. 1, 1838 | Lorette R. Noble; 1818-. Harriet M., 3071 RERIDPORS: N. ¥., Aug. 2, 1819 | Aug. 4, 1880 | Dec., 1841 | Joseph M. Gowing. Martha W.., 8072 ‘Apr. 8, ‘1922 ! Oct., 1842 | 1. Robert Denham. 3073 Jan. 3, 1865 | 2. Mark Kidder; -1884. Cyrus J., 3074 u Dec. 12, 1824 | Jan. 19, 1849 | Unmarried. 56 | Sarah Theressa, | 3075 Ke Sept. 23,1827 | Jan. 4, 1863 | Nov. 20, 1850 | Nathaniel W. Stowell. Edward Dana, | 3076 ae Oct., 1829 | July 12,1850 | Unmarried. 56 | Levant R., 3077 ve Mar. 38, 1832 Mar. 28, 1854 | 1. Laura A. Warner; -1877. 56 3078 June 2, 1882 | 2. Emma L. Sweeney. JOSHUA L. AND DIANNA (OSBORN) BROWN. 3068. 55 | Allan D., 3079 |Batavia, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1843 Dec. 29, 1863 | 1. Gertrude Tyler. : 3080 ; -| Oct., | 1880 | 2. Adaline Pierce. 55 | Guy A., Capt., 3081 i Dec. 8, 1846 July’ 22,1869 | Mary E. Holmes. 55 | Florence, 3082 ie Mar. 26, 1848 Apr. 9, 1872 | George W. Tyler, U. 8. N. ALLAN D. AND GERTRUDE (TYLER) BROWN. 3079. Helen Tyler, 3083 | Brattleboro’, Vt., Oct. 14, 1864 Ethel Ruth, 3084 | Annapolis,Md., Apr.1,1870 CAPT. GUY A. AND MARY E. (HOLMES) BROWN. 3081. Edward Provest, | 3085 |Lincoln, Neb., May 18, 1870 _ Eugene Wayburn,| 3086 ES Oct. 1, 1872 Allan LaRue, 3087 ns Jan. 19, 1871 Lawrence Ashton,| 3088 ee Oct. 19, 1880 | May 380, 1880 GEORGE W. AND FLORENCE (BROWN) TYLER. 3082. Faith, 3089 |Valejo, Cal., Feb. 5, 1875 — Royall, 3090 eatiehere® Vt, Dec. 3, 1876 | Apr. 3, 1877 JOHN W. AND LORETTE R. (NOBLE) BROWN. 3070. line Julia M. (no issue, | 8091 Pembroke, N.Y., Nov. 7,’38) July 23, 1860 | Nov. 9, 1859 | Charles H. Wells. Daniel W., 3092 Aug. 26, 1840 May 5 1841 56 | Adalaide R., 8093 86 Mar. 6, 1842 Sept. 8, 1868 | John D. Shiller. 56 | Cyrus W., Lieut., 3094 ee July 20; 1844 Dec. 25, 1872 | Ada Robinson. Theresa G., 8095 “6 Mar. 26, 1847 56 | Arthur Hudson, 3096 oe Feb. a 1849 Dec. 24,1874 | Alice M. Brown. No, 3137, 56 | Anthon Herman, | 3097 ee Feb. 7, 1849 Aug. 17, 1870 | Maria Vedder. DeForest, 3098 ee Jan. 20,1851 | June 15, 1851 Estelle L., 3099 se Aug. 4, 1852 Harl’w Jacks’n,M.D.,| 3100 ne Oct. 2, 1854 Sarah Elizabeth, | 3101 “e Nov. 5, 1856 Novy. 17, 1880 | Fred L. Sanons. 55 3093. JOHN D. AND ADALAIDE R. (BROWN) SHILLER. | 3102 | Jackson, Mich., Oct. 5, 78) | | | Guy Burton, LIEUT. CYRUS w. ‘AND ADA (ROBINSON) BROWN. 3094. | Harlan Rexwold, ; 3103 Joliet, Ill., May 8, 1878: Julia Estelle, 3104 Jan. 26, 1880 Cyrus Winfield, | 3105 July 25. 1881 ARTHUR HUDSON AND ALICE M. (BROWN) BROWN. 3096-3137. oo | Bertha Estelle, | 3106 |Pembroke, N.Y., July 1, °76 | | __ANTHON AND MARIA (VEDDER) BROWN. 3097. ; Ina May, | 3107 Aug. 8, 1878 | Bessie Loretta, 3108 Oct. 30, 1881 NATHANIEL W. AND SARAH THERESSA (BROWN) STOWELL. 3075, Milla Abigail, 3109 | Elma, N. Y., Mar. 29,1852 June 3,1885 | Unmarried. Bethia Theressa, | 3110 | it Aug. 17, 1862 Dana, 3111 ne Nov. 4, 1855 ae LEVANT R. AND LAURA A. (WARNER) BROWN. 3077. Frank C., 3112 Feb., 1856 | Died infancy. Guy W., 3113 Mar. 30, 1858 Susan, 3114 aApr., 1877 LEVANT R. AND EMMA L. (SWEENEY) BROWN. 3078. | Levant B., Jr., | 3115 | Nov. 27, 1884 | | | : JOHN AND MARY (SKELDON) BROWN. 3040. 56 | John J., M. D., §| 3116 | Toronto,Can.,Jan. 29, 1819 * Feb. 23, 1845 | 1. Rebecca A. Hadley; 1820-1868. 3117 July 12) 1871 | 2. Harriet J. Gallup. 56 | Mary Ann, 3118 Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1820 May, 1854 | David Flint; -1872. George, 8119 ‘Apr. 8, 1822 | Mar. 22, 1833 Thomas, 3120 et Aug. 1. 1825 | Aug. 17, 1834 56 | Sarah J., 8121 ay Mar. 24) 1827 Dec., 1854 | James Coalsworth. 56 | Edward, 3122 ee Aug. 10,1830 | June 7, 1864 | Sept. 5, 1853 | Sarah Winans. Cyrus, Lieut., 3123 es J uly 8, 18382 | Aug. 18,1863 | July 7, 1855 | Sabrina Hutchinson. 56 | George, 2d, 3124 ef Apr. 10, 1834 Apr. 5, 1860 | Carrie Garlock. 56 | Abigail, 3125 Darien, N. Y., Feb. 28. 1836 Apr. 5, 1860 | Charles Davis. 56 | Millie, 3126 May 24, 1839 Apr. 3, 1861 | Hon. Henry M. Rich. 56 | Daniel C., 3127 s Apr. 15, 1841 Sept. 18, 1878 | Louisa Brown. DR. JOHN J. AND REBECCA A. (HADLEY) BROWN. 3116. Sarah W.., 3128 June 22, 1846 56 | Frank H., 3129 July 10, 1850 Feb. 6, 1878 | Martha Rhodes. John R., 3130 Apr. 4, 1852 Apr. 30, 1882 | Jennie Wilcox. -Mary E., 3131 May 8,1853) | Addah L., 3182 June 29, 1859 ean — FRANK H. AND MARTHA (RHODES) BROWN. 3129. _ =a 7 oe : | Willie Goodhue, | 3133 | Feb. 3, 1882 | | DAVID AND MARY ANN (BROWN) FLINT. 3118. a —* oe _ 7 | Bettie, | 3134 | May, 1857 | | Sept. 19, 1882 | William L. Turner. ” JAMES AND SARAH J. (BROWN) COALSWORTH. 3121. tit Nettie, 3135 | May, 1856 | ——- Eugene, 3136 July, 1857 | EDWARD AND SARAH (WINANS).BROWN. 3122. 56 | Alice M., 3137 May 27, 1854 Dec. 24, 1874 | Arthur Hudson Brown. No. 3096. Adison, 3138 Jan. 26, 1856 Cyrus, 8189 May 21, 1863 | GEORGE AND CARRIE (GARLOCK) BROWN. 3124. 7 Bs Eddie, 3140 | May, 1861 | Mattie, 3141 Aug. 13, 1863 ett Sf CHARLES AND ABIGAIL (BROWN) DAVIS. 3125. =. Amanda 3142 Pembroke,N.Y., July 22,63 | _ Loretta, 3143 Oct. 24, 1868 - ee _ HON. HENRY M. AND MILLIE (BROWN) RICH. 3126, — Oe a ee Libbie D. 3144 | Corfu, N. Y., May 13, 1862 oe | Daniel Hs 3145 | Postville, Ia., Jan. 29, 1873 | DANIEL C. AND LOUISA (BROWN) BROWN. 3127. Se _ dith M. 3146 |No. Collins, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1879 Mabel ic. 3147 BY Feb. 20, 1882 | Nov. 26, 1884 Fred. W., 3148 ee Noy. 26, 1884 JOSIAH AND REBECCA (BROWN) FRENCH. 3029. - sial 3149 Cavendish, Vt. Betsey Adams. 56 Calis 3150 Nov. 24, 1794 | Feb. 13, 1875 | Sept. 19, 1819 | Samuel Adams; 1789-1875. 57 Calvin, 83151 ce Aug. 28° 1799 | May 15, 1879 | Dec. 30, 1830 | Valeria Blood; "1810-. 57 | Rebecca 3152 th May 9, 1871) June 8, 1836 | Hiram Giddings. 57 | Luther, 2 3153 ee Apr. 23,1802 | Apr. 28, 1865 | Mar. 8. 1829 | Lydia Brown; 1808-1846. SAMUEL AND CALISTA (FRENCH) ADAMS. 3150. (Continued page 57.) Samuel L., | 3154 | Cavendish, Vt., June 16, 1820 | July 2, 1848 | Betsey M. Parker. 56 Charles P.., 3155 | Cavendish, Vt., Aug. 22, 1822 | Dec. 21, 1823 Maryett A., 3156 ne June 18, 1824 Jan. 3, 1855 | Friend Weeks. Marcella, 3157 es Aug. 4, 1827 Apr. 14, 1852 | Ira H. Adams. Josiah Q., 3158 May 2, 1830 Mar. 12, 1874 | E. E. Hemenway. Jerusha J., 3159 fe Dec. 19,1882 | Apr. 7, 1872 | Oct. 14, 1863 | Moses Marston. Ellen M., 3160 i Nov. 24, 1835 | June 17, 1862 | Sept. 12, 1859 | Moses Marston. Betsey M., 3161 - Aug. 7, 1838 | Sept. 27, 1865 | Sept. 3, 1863 | John M. Foster. CALVIN AND VALERIA (BLOOD) FRENCH. 3151. George B., 3162 | Cavendish, Vt., Apr. 14, 1836 Sept. 30, 1874 | Belle T. Martin. Mary Kate, 3163 "6 Mar. 5, 1850 Jan. 1,1877 | Henry P. Gammon. John Quincy, 3164 te June 9, 1844} May 5, 1864 Jerusha, 3165 ts Sept. 16, 1842 Jan. 26,1870 | Hezron G. Day. LUTHER AND LYDIA (BROWN) FRENCH. 3153. Martin Luther, 3166 | Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 2, 1830 | July 11, 1851 57 ee Brown, a a July 28, 1832 June 2, 1868 | Emma Pitcher; -1875. ia Ann tie Apr. 9, 1834 | Oct. 19, 1834 57 Walton W.,.D., en — me # Sept. 2, re + ‘| Oct. 6, 1864 | Mary Elizabeth Deyoe. osamanda ilton, N.Y., Aug. 6, 183 an. 11, 1838 Cortland, ” 3171 ae 2, 1839 | Dee. 12; 1846 57 | Antoinette, 3172 a Dec. 22, 1841 Feb. 28, 1882 | Frank C. Osborn. : 57 | Mariette, 3173 ef Oct. 26, 1843 Sept. 12, 1872 | Howard William Aldrich. Charles Byron, 3174 os Nov. 20, 1845 | May 29, 1847 WINDSOR B. AND EMMA (PITCHER) FRENCH. 3167. Georgianna, 3175 | Saratoga, N. Y., July 30, 1870 Emma Winsor, 3176 se July 4,1873 | Apr. 9, 1885 Winsor Pitcher, | 3177 ee Aug. 23, 1875 DR. WALTON W. AND MARY E. (DEYOE) FRENCH. 3169. Lora, 8178 Dec. 18, 1865 Martin Luther, 3179 May 11, 1869 Howard Walton, | 3180 Oct. 27, 1872 Mary Lydia, 3181 Oct. 1, 1878 FRANK C. AND ANTOINETTE (FRENCH) OSBORN. 3172. Emil 3182 Jan. 24, 1883 ma 3183 Apr. 19, 1886 | | HOWARD W. AND MARYETTE (FRENCH) ALDRICH. 3173. William Howard, | 3184 |Chicago, Ill., Dec. 18, 1873 Windsor French, | 3185 ee May, 1876 Marian, 8186 * Jan., 1878 HIRAM AND REBECCA (FRENCH) GIDDINGS. 3152. Calista Maria, 3187 pus es ae + sie as Feb. 25, 1867 | Gilbert Hart. Benjamin Henry, | 3188 ay an. Beat Franklin.’ | 3189 July 5, 1843 . June 2, 1884 | Rose Latham. Aurilla Lucetta, | 3190 Apr. 8, 1846 Jan. 1, 1868 | Henry Wheldon. REV. JOSEPH AND REBECCA (WALKER) BROWN. 3030. 57 | Mary, 3191 | Cavendish, Vt., Oct. 8, 1796 | Mar. 7, 1866 | Dec. 31, 1819 | Israel Moore. 57 | John, M. D., 3192 He July 5,1801 | Feb. 22, 1843 | Nov. 10, 1829 | 1. Clarissa B. Whipple; —1832. ; 3193 2. Harriet Doolittle. REV. JOSEPH AND LUCY (PROCTOR) BROWN. 3031. 57 | Lucy Amelia, 3194 | Cavendish, Vt., Feb. 15, 1813 Apr. 11, 1839 | Anson Spaulding. Geo. Wellington, § | 3195 a Oct. 4, 1814 Dec. 2, 1841 | 1. Sophia Soper; -1843. 57 { 3196 Mar. 7, 1845 | 2. Irene Woodbury. ISRAEL AND MARY (BROWN) MOORE. 3191. Rebecca E., 3197 | Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 30, 1820 John Newton, 3198 tt Nov. 29, 1823 Clara B., 3199 is Dec. 1, 1831 DR. JOHN AND CLARISSA B. (WHIPPLE) BROWN. 3192. John Henry, | 3200 | Aug. 15, 1830 | | | ANSON AND LUCY A. (BROWN) SPAULDING. 3194. lia Brown 3201 Sept. 17, 1841 | Sept. 4, 1868 | Jan. 24,1866 | Harry A. Salmon. Sulia ‘don, | 3902 Sept. 3, 1850 Feb. 18, 1875 | H. G. Kittridge. GEORGE W. AND IRENE (WOODBURY) BROWN. 3196. Edward, | 3203 Aug. 22, 1847 | Mar. 25, 1864 57 eon . 3204 Apr. 5,1850| , Oct. 7, 1875 | Emma M. Adams; 1851-. Frank Henry, 3205 Nov. 26, 1851 June 12, 1878 | Henrietta E. Farnim; 1851-. BYRON L. AND HENRIETTA EH. (FARNIM) BROWN. 3204. Ernest Raymond, | 3206 Sept. 9, 1876 Harrold neon, 8207 Apr. 20, 1879 Leslie Adams, 8208 Feb. 2, 1881 Rachel Emily, 3209 Nov. 8, 1882 REUBEN AND SARAH (BROWN) BROWN. 3083-3326. (Continued page 58.) Charles B., Rev., | 3210 |New ee Ce Novy. 14, 1816 | Sophia Stone. George 3211 ie ug. 24, Reuben, 3212 “ ~ "1798 ; 58 | Olive, 3213 |Whitingham, Vt., May 11, 1801) July 6,1883 | Jan. 21,1819 | Zenas Carey; 1792-. Jesse, 8214 a Oct. 22, 1802 57 Betsey, 3215 Whitingham. Vt., Mar.4,1804 58 | Abner, 3216 July 27, 1805 | Sept. 12, 1877 | Sept. 27, 1829 | Lucy French; 1805-1882. Hannah, 3217 ee July 27, 1805 Sarah, 3218 ne Mar. 13, 1807 58 | John Bateman, 3219 “se Mar. 10, 1811 Sept. 13, 1837 | Lucy Herrick. Lyman Lockwood, 3220 Se Mar. 18, 1815 ZENAS AND OLIVE (BROWN) CASEY. 3213. . 58 | Morris John, 3221 |Pamelia,N.Y., May 31,1826 Sept. 2, 1850 | Editha Warner. Sarah Louisa, 3222 |Richland, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1836 Oct. 31, 1862 | William H. Winch; 1864-. Adalaide Rosalthe, 3223 a Sept. 17, 1841 58 | Caroline Matilda, ; 3224 Pamelia, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1820 Feb. 15, 1859 | David H. Lindsley. Judson Newell, | 3225 ef Oct. 13, 1822 Eveline Melissa, 3226 ee Dec. 29, 1831 58 | Charles Byron, 3227 | Richland, N. Y. Feb. 3, 1859 | Lydia Tarbell. MORRIS J. AND EDITHA (WARNER) CASEY. 3221. Elsie Adelle, 3228 /Felts Mills, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1853 Feb. 15, 1882 | Charles Wesley Nims. Gilbert Allan, 3229 tt Mar. 14, 1858 : DAVID H. AND CAROLINE MATILDA (CASEY) LINDSLEY. 3224. Frances Adella, | 3230 | Alto, Wis., Feb. 25, 1851 George Henry,’ 3231 Lyme, a, Y. , Sept. 6, 1853 | Sept. 16, 1867 Alice M., 3232 Sept. Q7, 1854 Charles Edward, 3233 ee May 16, 1857 | Dec. 4, 1860 Newel Arthur, 8234 ee June 7, 1858 | Dec. 10, 1860 Charles ‘Arthur, 3235 ee Apr. 1, 1860 CHARLES B. AND LYDIA (TARBELL) CASEY. 3227. Olive Harriet, 3236 Lyme, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1861 : Apr. 10, 1883 | Fred A. Miller. Laura M., 3237 Feb. 20, 1864 Jan. 23,1884 | George H. Patchin. Lydia Tarbell, 3238 ee Apr. 13, 1867 Emma Louisa, 3239 es Jan. 18, 1870 Florence Matilda, 3240 |Cape Vincent, N.Y., July 5, 1874 ABNER AND LUCY (FRENCH) BROWN. 3216. Bateman A., 3241 July 15, 1830 June 27, 1874 | Nancy Horten; 1837-. i er J ae ee Mar. 20, 1832 | Feb. 16,1858 | May 1, 1856 | William A. rere -1859. yman M. 243 Ma i 1834 Dec. 1, 1867 | Emma A. Buell; 1845-. Charles A., 3044 ‘Apr. 2171836 | Nov. 22, 1869 ; Mahala L., 3245 Mar. 23) 1838 Susan C., 3246 Dec. 3, 1840 | July 14, 1841 Olive A., 3247 July 30, 1842 | Nov. 14, 1860 Newel C., 3248 Dec. 6, 1844 | Feb. 21, 1873 58 | Hiram E., 3249 July 7 1849 | Aug. 26, 1882 | Nov. 21, 1875 | Minnie Hendrickson; 1857-. LYMAN M. AND EMMA A. (BUELL) BROWN. 3243. Sarah A., 3250 Nov. 8, 1873 Charles M., 3251 Mar. 8, 1877 George A., 3252 Aug. 22, 1878 HIRAM E. AND MINNIE (HENDRICKSON) BROWN. 3249. Lena O., 3253 Sept. 3, 1876 Lillian I., 3254 Jan. 11, 1878 Belle M., 3255 Dec. 12, 1879 Blanche M., 8256 Mar. 20, 1882 JOHN BATEMAN AND LUCY (HERRICK) BROWN. 3219. George M., 3257 June 13, 1838 | Aug. 22, 1846 ‘ Marvin H., Rev., | 3258 Dec. 30, 1844 Oct. 28, 1868 Martha A. Porter. Mary E., 3259 July 10, 1849 June 3, 1869 | Daniel N. Middlekauff. REV. MARVIN H. AND MARTHA A. (PORTER) BROWN. 3258. | George M., 3260 Aug. 13, 1869 | Lucy E., 3261 Sept. 16, 1870 Mary E., 8262 Aug. 8, 1873 SAMUEL AND POLLY (BROWN) WYMAN. 3036. 58 | Frederick, 3263 Cavendish, Vt., Oct.12,1800 | Jan. 17, 1879 | Apr. 13, 1828 | Melinda Hall; 1802-1880. Stedman, 3264 Aug. 24, 1802 | Jan. 16, 1824 | Unmarried. John, 3265 ey Sept 4, 1804 | May 15, 1807 59 | Mary, 3266 é Oat. 26, 1806 | Nov. 15, 1876 | Dec. 6, 1826 | Benjamin Persons; -1879. - 59 | Franklin, { 3267 a Jan. 26, 1808 Aug. 30, bt ; ae Eng Darrow; 1809-1863. [Otis. 59 | Alfred 3969 i Jan. 11,1811 | Dec. 29, 1853 | July 22, 1841 Hacsahee abity (ts) ae Samuel 3270 7 June 15, 1815 Mar., 1854 | Mrs. Elsie Sherman. 59 | Charles. 3271 ne Sept. 15, 1816 | Mar. 21, 1875 | Mar. 14, 1849 | Mrs. Matilda Streter; 1825-. 59 | Philesta, { 3279 “ June 29, 1818 1888 | 1. Cyrus B. Collins, 3278 — 59 | Eliza B 3274 ne July 29,1820 | Apr. 17, 1844 | Feb. 14, 1841 | Franklin Farnsworth; 1845-. Roxane, 3275 “Nov. 17,1835 | Sept. 6, 1848 FREDERICK AND MELINDA (HALL) WYMAN. 3263. 59 | Melinda S., 3276 Granville, N.Y., Feb. 18,1829} Aug. 1,1851 | June 7, 1848 | Adison Willett; -1886. Frederick S., 3277 July 13, 1830 Aug. 22, 1831 Mary Brown, 3278 ee Nov. 26, 1835 | Dec. 17, 1864 Marcella, 8279 se Mar. 26, 1837 July 27, 1884 | J. Hamilton Kincaid. Merel, 3280 te Oct. 22,1839 | Aug, 22, 1841 Martha H. Jay 3281 oe Dec. 21, 1842 | Dec. 23, 1880 58 ADISON AND MELINDA 8S. (WYMAN) WILLETT. 3276. 100 | Harriet Melinda, | 3282 | Aug. 1, 1851 | | Sept. 18, 1872 | Calvin B. Orcutt. BENJAMIN AND MARY (WYMAN) PERSONS. 3266. ; SS Adeline, 3283 |Reading,Vt., May 28, 1830 | May 26, 1835 59 | Eliza W., 3284 Windsor »Vt., May 10, 1832 June 17, 1849 | Horace F. Sherwin. 59 | Maria, 3285 Mar. 10, 1834 Oct. 3, 1853 | Norman A. Smith. 59 | Prudence M., | 3286 Aug. i 1837 | Feb. 10, 1873 | Aug. 9, 1861 | Adin T. Reed. Ellen M., 8287 a Feb. 10, 1847 | Mar. 16, 1858 el ee Toma HORACE F. AND ELIZA W. (PERSONS) SHERWIN. 3284. == Ada Eliza, 3288 Wares iVt.,May 10,1852 . 25, Elmer H., 3289 es Sept. 29, 1856 Feb. 21, 1878 | Irene D. Rockwood. a ‘ NORMAN A. AND MARIA (PERSONS) SMITH. 3285. See | Ella M., Oct. 18, 1858 | | Oct. 18, 1884 | Fred J. Dorand. ADIN T. AND PRUDENCE M. (PERSONS) REED. 3286. | Alice P., | 3291 | Mar. 18, 1864 | | | FRANKLIN AND RUTH R. (BARROWS) WYMAN. 3267. ary Frances, oston, une Nov. 26, 1841 | Atwood Sargeant. 59 | Mary F 3292 | Bost J 9, 1841 , d Sarg’ Benj. Franklin, | 3293 a June 9, 1841 June 23, 1869 | Amanda Woodbury. Samuel. Brown, 3294 | Charlestown, Nov. 6, 1843 Eliza Anne, 3295 Granville WN Y. »Mar. QI ,1846 [(Fillebrown). Rebecca Fidelia, 8296 June 9, 1848 Feb. 22, 1867 | Chas. Miller Charters; 1837-; s. James and Mary B. ATWOOD AND MARY F. (WYMAN) SARGEANT. 3292. Ruth Wyman, 3297 Chester, Vt., Aug. 29, 1872 Alice Agie, 3298 June 15, 1875 | Mary Genevieve, | 3299 Dec. 937 1877 Julia, 3300 a Oct. a1; 1880 ALFRED AND HEPZABAH (GREGORY) WYMAN. 3269. Emily, 8301 Caledonia, Ill, Apr. 22, 1842 Feb. 14, 1857 | Caleb C. Vance. 59 | Marv E., 8302 Jan. 19, 1844 May 30,1877 | Nov. 17, 1863 | J. K. Ormsby. 59 | Eliza B., 3303 ee July 12) 1846 Dec. 21, 1870 | Andrew Lovejoy. 59 | Susie, 8304 £6 July 21) 1850 Dec. 21, 1871 | Leslie Lovejoy. J. K. AND MARY E. (WYMAN) ORMSBY. 3303. James K., | 3305 | Nov. 21, 1866 George N., 3306 Aug. 10, 1876 ANDREW AND ELIZA B. (WYMAN) LOVEJOY. 3301. | Wyman N., | 3307 | Mar. 6, 1871 | | | LESLIE AND SUSIE (WYMAN) LOVEJOY. 3304. Clara, 3308 Feb. 29, 1872 | Sept. 20, 1873 Mark, 3309 July 17,1874 | Aug 3, 1877 Leonard, 3310 Sept. 6, 1876 Grace, 8311 July 31, 1879 CHARLES AND MRS. MATILDA (STREETER) WYMAN. 3271. 59 | Maria M., 3312 Caledonia, Tll., Aug. 9, 1850 Sept. 27, 1870 | W. 'T. Ball; 1847-. Edwin C., 3313 Jan. “21, 1853 Mary E., 3314 oe Apr. 29) 1856 ie Edwin L., 3315 Nov. 27; 1857 Dec. 9, 1882 | Bryant R. Bennett. Justin J., 3316 et Apr. 18, 1866 W. T. AND MARIA M. (WYMAN) BALL. 3312. Charles T., 3317 Oct. 30, 1873 George, 3318 Mar. 38,1876 | Apr. 16, 1879 Mabel M., 3319 Dec. 20, 1879 CYRUS B. AND PHILESTA (WYMAN) COLLINS. 3272. Rollin, 3320 Granville,N.Y. Nov. 21,1841 1863 Emma, 3321 Dec. 7, 1842 1870 | Jacob Wells. FRANKLIN AND ELIZA B. (WYMAN) FARNSWORTH. 3274. | Adelaide M., —_| 3322 | | | | —— Wolcott. CAPT. JOSIAH AND SARAH (WRIGHT) BROWN. 3023. 59 | Josiah, 3323 |New Spsvdeny N.H., Oct. 1, 1766] Jan. 20,1858 | Apr. 19, 1792 | Meliscent Wright; 1767-1849; d. Edw’d & Thankful. 60 | Joseph, 3324 Oct. 10,1767 | Mar. 2, 1827 Sophronia Preston. 60 | Jonas, 3325 ee Mar. 4 1769 | Feb. 23, 1836 | Feb. 20, 1796 | Lois Russell; dau. Samuel and Abigail. 57 | Sarah, 3326 ee Nov. 22) 1770 | Apr. 20,1822 | July 1,1793 | Reuben Brown. No. 3033. 61 | Aaron, 8327 ss Dec. 8, 1772 | Feb. 15, 1828 | Apr. 16,1795 | Hannah Brown. No. 3032. 62 | Amos, 3328 ee Sept. 11, 1774 | May 10, 1863 | Apr. 5, 1803 | Sarah Tarbell; 1782-. 62 | Abner 3329 ue July 27,1776 | Apr. 4, 1824 | Dec. 10, 1805 | 1. Polly Jaquith. 62 ; { 3330 2. Polly Ayer. Rebecca, 8331 ee July 5,1778 | June 9, 1853 Nathan Perry. Levi, 3332 te Aug. 6,1780 | Sept. 10, 1840 | May 15, 1803 | Betsey Temple. 62 | Nathan 3333 | a July 25,1782 | Jan. 21,1862 | June 3, 1806 | Betsey Goldsmith. 63 Heywood, 3334 es July 2,1784 | Mar. 2, 1867 | Feb. 5, 1809 | Sally Wolcott; 1788-1876. Betsey, 3335 st Feb. 7, 1787 | July 11, 1793 Abigail, 3336 e June 22,1790 | Apr. 24, 1864 Asa Farnsworth. JOSIAH AND MILISCENT (WRIGHT) BROWN. 3323. (Continued page 60.) | Josiah, | 3337 |Whitingham, Vt., Sept. 24, 1793] July 19, 1794 | | 59 ‘ 60 | Rufus, 3338 |Whitingham, Vt., Jan. 12, 1797) Aug. 9, 1875 | May 1, 1820 | 1. Polly Smead; 1802-1839. (no issue), 3339 1841 | 2. Ruth (Greenwood) Belknap; 1847. [Betsey. 60 3340 Dec. 13, 1848 | 3. Eliza M. (Winn) Edwards; 1818-; d. Abiatha and Cyrus, 3341 th Apr. 20,1795 | Sept. 21, 1797 Peter, 3342 ee July 28,1798 | July 30,1798 Clement (no issue), 3343 es May 23,1800 | Aug. 7, 1849 1823 | Polly Eames; 1800-1856. ot oe ss hd 3, 1802 | Feb. 24, 1803 ram, ec. 10,1808 | Dec. 19, 1803 5 60 | Edmund, — 3346 July 13, 1805 | Oct. 11} 1866 May 5, 1831 | Elizabeth Prescott. No. 5412. George Witherell, 3347 ef Mar. 18, 1810 Oct. 4, 1832 | Frances E. Bemis. RUFUS AND POLLY (SMEAD) BROWN. 3338. 60 | Rufus Albert, 3348 | Whitingham,Vt., Feb. 2, 1828 Sept. 22, 1885 | Martha Hare; 1825-1881. 60 | Mary Almeda, 3349 oe Dec. 19, 1824 | Mar. 19, 1866 | Oct., 1854 | Horace Pease Dewey; 1818-1871. Miliscent Almira, | 3350 ee Mar. 25, 1827 Francis E. Brigham. Ann Eliza, 3350 ie Jan. 18, 1832 | Nov. 20, 1832 RUFUS AND ELIZA M. (WINN-EDWARDS) BROWN. 3340. 60 | Marcia Sophia, | 8351 Wallinghast, Vt., Oct. 2, 1849 Oct. 2, 1869 | Abner Augustine Butterfield; 1844-; son — T. and Charles Francis, | 3352 Mar. 20, 1860 Sept. 13, 1885 | Alice Luella Abbey; 1862-. [Mary (Leonard). RUFUS ALBERT AND MARTHA (HARE) BROWN. 3348. Lewis Albert, 3353 | July 27, 1859 Edward Rufus, 3354 July 20, 1862 HORACE PEASE AND MARY A. (BROWN) DEWEY. 3349. Jessie May, 8355 Aug. 10, 1855 June 29, 1874 | Prof. Alembert W. Brayton. Jennie Brown, 3356 Apr. 5, 1859 ABNER A. AND MARCIA S. (BROWN) BUTTERFIELD. 3351 Marcius August’e,| 3357 | Whitingham, Vt., July 12, 1870 Ossian Rufus, 3358 te May 8, 1872 Alice Adele, 3359 os Oct. 18, 1874 Mary Blanche, 3360 ee May 27; 1881 % Marcia Amelia, | 3361 oe Jan. a 1883 EDMUND AND ELIZABETH (PRESCOTT) BROWN. 3346-5412. a Edm’d Prescott, ae Whitingham, Vt., June 9, 1832 Apr. 23, 1861 | 1. Lois ee Robinson; 1842-1865. 0 36 July 29, 1868 | 2. Lottie A. Morrison. 60 | Elizabeth Jane, | 3364 a Aug. 1, 1834 | May 22,1879 | Apr. ii, 1867 | Numan Harrington. 60 | Sophronia Almira,| 3365 ee Sept. 4, 1836 Sept. 24, 1861 | Henry Ellis Winslow; 1832-. Amherst Lamb, | 3366 as Nov. 15, 1839 | Oct. 24, 1844 60 | Ruth Ann, 3367 Apr. 380, 1842 | Sept. 13, 1871 | Sept. 24, 1867 | Myron E. Lampman. Martha Eliza, 3368 ee Feb. 12, 1848 EDMUND PRESCOTT AND LOTTIE A. (MORRISON) ‘BROWN. 3363. | Edmund C., | 3369 | May 16, 1871 | | NUMAN AND ELIZABETH JANE (BROWN) HARRINGTON. 3364. Nellie, 3370 Mar. 11, 1868 | Jennie Elizabeth, | 3371 Aug. 24, 1870 Freddie Brown, | 3372 Mar. 28, 1874 Clarence Numan,| 3373 Feb. 8, 1876 HENRY E. AND SOPHRONIA A. (BROWN) WINSLOW. 3365. | 1868 | | MYRON E. AND RUTH A. (BROWN) LAMPMAN. 3367. | Flora Elizabeth, | 3376 | Nov. 7, 1868 | | JOSEPH AND SOPHRONIA (PRESTON) BROWN. 3324 Joseph Wright, | 3376 July 18, 1855 James Preston, 3377 Jemmima, 3378 JONAS AND LOIS (RUSSELL) BROWN. 3325. Jeremiah, 3379 Nov. 29,1796 | Mar. 4, 1849 Clarissa Fowler. Nancy, 3380 Mar. 16, 1798 : James Peebles. a ee ede deen ae Harve 3 ec. eb. sucena Fuller. Aviogt 3383 June 25,1803 | Mar. 3, 1873 1823 | Joseph Peebles; 1799-1879. 60 | Leonard, 3384 Sept. 24, 1806 Feb. 9, 1834 | Lucinda Martin. 60 | Lois, 3385 Aug. 25, 1808 Jan. 29, 1829 | Daniel Fowler. Jonas, 3386 Apr. 8, 1810 | Apr. 20, 1856 . Emeline Aldrich. Russell, 3387 Feb. 21,1812 | May 7, 1835 | Unmarried. Martin,,. 3388 Nov. 7,1813 | July 11, 1861 Mary A. Stacey. Abel W., 3389 Nov. 2, 1817 Lucy Horsley. LEONARD AND LUCINDA (MARTIN) BROWN. 3384. Sarah M., 3390 Dec. 22, 1834 | May 24, 1864 David E. Hutchins. William R., 3391 Nov. 3, 1838 : Cretia Marshall. George H., 3392 Jan. 18, 1841 | May 12, 1864 | Unmarried. ; Anna L., 8393 May 10, 1843 Daniel G. Taylor. Ella E., 3394 Jan. 19, 1850 William G. Marshall. ; DANIEL AND LOIS (BROWN) FOWLER. 3385. Anson C., 3395 | Whitingham,Vt., Aug. 19, 1829) July 4,1879 | Apr. 5, 1855 | Kate Bassett. Caroline M., 8396 ne Apr. 13, 1831 Nov. 28, 1853 | S. E. Peck. Oscar A., 3397 # Sant 19, 1833 | Aug. 4, 1877 | Jan. 22,1859 | Sarah Allen. Lanah J., 3398 A Sept. 19, 1835 Olive F,, 3309 “ Feb. 9, 1840 Mar. 4, 1861 | Frank E. Ward. 60 AARON AND HANNAH (BROWN) BROWN. 3327-3032. oh an New ee 1796} Jan. 26, 1804 aron, Jr., ept. 28, 1797 | May 22, 1798 61 | Adison, Rev., 3402 nt Mar. ‘, 1799 | May i, 1872 | Dec. 13, 1832 | Ann Elizabeth Wetherbee; 1807-; d. Abijah and Eliz. 61 Hermon, Dea., 3403 ee Dec. 28, 1800 | Aug. 23, 1876 | Apr. 13, 1828 | Sophronia Prescott. No. 5410. Mary (ao issue), 3404 ee Feb. 14,1803 | Dec. 1, 1837 1836 | William Billings. 61 | John &., Rev., 8405 Ke Apr. 26, 1806 Aug. 16, 1836 | Mary Ripley; 1806-1878; dau. David and Orra (Bliss). REV. ADISON AND ANN ELIZABETH (WETHERBEE) BROWN. 3402. Frances Allen, 3406 | Brattleboro’, Vt., June 15, 1834 | Aug. 27,1870 | Unmarried. 61 | Ann Elizabeth, | 3407 ee June 26, 1836 | Feb. 9, 1862 | May 30, 1853 | Christian Frederick Schuster. Adison, Jr., Lt.-Col. | 3408 te June 6, 1838 | Mar. 3, 1865 | Feb. 7, 1863 | Florida S. Starr. 61 | Chas. Wetherbee,}| 3409 ee Noy. 7, 1840 Aug. 20, 1867 | Elizabeth Starr, 1846-; dau. Nehemiah and Lucretia. Mary Hannah, 3410 Re July 5, 1842 July 31, 1863 | 1. Capt. Dennis W. Farr; -1864. Y et, p 61 3411 Feb. 7, 1867 | 2. Col. Augustus T. Dunton. CHRISTIAN FREDERICK AND ANN ELIZABETH (BROWN) SCHUSTER. 3407. ‘ eee Louisa, oan Brat O BON bas May 14, 1854 | Jan. 24, 1867 nna Mary, eb. 2,1856 | Jan. 4, 1867 61 | Paul Frederick, | 3414 He Apr. 15, 1858 Apr. 15, 1879 | Lizzie Butterworth. Lizzie Frances, 3415 ce June 6, 1860 PAUL FREDERICK AND LIZZIE (BUTTERWORTH) SCHUSTER. 3414. Paul Butterworth,) 3416 |Rockf’d, Ill., Mar. 18, 1883 Adison Brown, 3417 ee Noy. 29, 1884 CHARLES WETHERBEE AND ELIZABETH (STARR) BROWN. 3409. ei lenelion Starr,, 3418 |Rockf’d, Ill., Sept. 19, 1868 Elizabet 3419 fe Apr. 4, 1870 Frances Agnes, 8420 oe Mar. 10, 1880 Alice, 3421 uh July 16, 1882 COL. AUGUSTUS T. AND MARY H. (FARR-BROWN) DUNTON. 3411. Flora Starr, | 3422 |Rockf’d, Ill, May 10, 1868 | DEA. HERMON AND SOPHRONIA (PRESCOTT) BROWN. 3403-5410. 61 | Adison Prescott, | 3423 |New Ipswich, N.H., Aug. 2, 1827 Dec. 26, 1850 | Frances Louisa Chase; 1829-. Hann’h Elizab’th,| 3424 ee May 21, 1829 | Sept. 14, 1831 61 | Joseph Aaron, 3425 ne May 8, 1831 Feb. 8, 1854 | Lucy A. Davis; 1836-1879; d. Benj. F. and Mary E. John Humphrey, | 3426 ee Mar. 22, 1834 | Feb. 23, 1845 61 | Mary Elizabeth, | 3427 a Mar. 16, 1836 May 21, 1857 | Charles Henry Burroughs; 1832-. 61 | Alfred Hermon, | 3428 ee July 14, 1838 Jan. 20, 1872 | Margaret E. Gale; 1851-. George et San ie a re 1840 | Dec. 11, 1840 . Sophronia Eliza 0 ug. 20, 1842 | Sept. 16, 1842 Hannah Eliza, | 3431 “ Nov. 19, 1843 | Sept. 13; 1845 ADISON PRESCOTT AND FRANCES LOUISA (CHASE) BROWN. 3423. 61 | Carrie Louisa, 3432 |Bellows Falls, Vt., Mar. 11, 1852 Oct. 26, 1874 | Trophimers Kain Page. " 61 ao poe: oe We ae N ae Nov. 19, 1874 | Joel Gilman Willard. omer John, orcester, June §8, TROPHIMERS KAIN AND CARRIE LOUISA (BROWN) PAGE. 3432. Lora May, | 3435 June 18, 1877 Amy Louisa, 3436 May 15, 1881 : JOEL GILMAN AND MARY SOPHRONIA (BROWN) WILLARD. 3433. Edna May, 3437 | Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1877 | Feb. 11, 1885 Walter Clifton, 8438 | New York, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1879 Carrie Goodrich, | 3439 “ July 23, 1882 JOSEPH AARON AND LUCY A. (DAVIS) BROWN. 3425. Frank Hermon, | 3440 | Concord, N. H., Sept. 3, 1855 Mar. 18, 1875 | Ira M. Blaisdell; 1855-. Aura Anna, A ‘i ma Sept. 27,1857 | June 7, 1863 Ella Gertrude 3442 ashua, N. H., July 22, 1860 Joseph Edwin, | 3443 |Canterbury, N. HL, Sept. 20, 1863 J. Alfred, 3444. “ May 10, 1869 Grace Maud, 83445 |Manchester, N. H., Oct. 10, 1875 CHARLES H. AND MARY ELIZABETH (BROWN) BURROUGHS. 3427. Willie H., 3446 |Boxboro’, Apr. 19,1858 | May 27, 1858 Mary Louisa, 3447 "9 Nov. 17, 1861 Lizzie Sophronia, | 3448 ee Oct. 11,1863 | May 21, 1881 George Wayland, | 3449 te Sept. 29, 1865 Charles Hermon, | 3450 ee June 5, 1869 Marion E., 3451 ae June 1, 1873 ALFRED HERMON AND MARGARET E. (GALE) BROWN. 3428. Josie Maud, 3452 |Canterbury, N. H, Jan 1, 1873 Fred Hermon, 3453 os Mar. 19, 1874 Mary Prescott, 3454 i May 2, 1877 REV. JOHN STILLMAN AND MARY (RIPLEY) BROWN. 3405. Sarah Alvord, 3455 | Buffalo, N. Y , Jan. 23, 1838 61 | William Ripley, | 3456 ae July 16, 1840 Oct. 28, 1868 | Lizzie E. Balcom; 1845-1884. 62 | Charles Edward, | 3457 |Greenfield, Sept. 15, 1842 | June 15, 1880 | Aug. 16, 1871 | Harriet Bell; 1839-; dau. William and Sarah. 62 | Mary Whiton, 3458 |Fitzwilliam, N.H., Jan. 15, 1845 Apr. 4, 1867 | Alfred Whitman; 1842-; s. Col. Edw’d B. and Nancy. WILLIAM RIPLEY .AND LIZZIE EB. (BALCOM) BROWN. 3456. (Continued page 62.) | Mare’t Lombard, | 3459 |Cot'nW'd F'ls, Kan., Jan. 24, 70 61 ~ Adison, | 3460 Lawrence, Kan.,Sep.16,1872 Mar. 22, 1876 al William Ernest, 3461 |Hutchinson, Kan., Nov. 21, 1877) _ : = ae CHARLES EDWARD AND HARRIET (BELL) BROWN. 3457. — Hermon, 3462 |Wakarusa,Kan.,Jun.10, 1872 Lola Bell, 3463 oe July 24, 1874 Mary Ripley, 3464 e June 28, 1878 ALFRED AND MARY WHITON (BROWN) WHITMAN. 3458. = 7 Russell Ripley, 3465 |Louisville, Ky., Oct. 31, 1868 John Pratt, 3466 o Mar. 21, 1871 Henry Pirtle, 3467 ee July 6, 1872 | Died infancy. Ruth Heywood, 3468 «Feb. 19, 1874 Alfred Edmund, 3469 “June 8, 1876 | Mar. 27, 1877 Waldo, 3470 ASEENES, Kan., Apr. 9, 1882 Merrill, 3471 Aug. 24, 1884 AMOS AND SARAH (TARBELL) BROWN. 3328. 62 | Elliott, M. D., 3472 Aug. 15, 1804 June 7, 1826 | Polly Kingsbury. Aldis, 3473 Dec. 1, 1805 1. Mary Goodenough. 3474 2. Phila F. Tenney. Amos, 3475 July 9, 1807 | Apr. 2, 1810 Sally, 3476 Aug. 13,1809 | Dec. 4, 1849 T. G. Davis. Clarissa, 3477 Oct. 11,1811 | July 24,1855 | June 6, 1841 | Dr. Allen Carkins. Hannah, 3478 Jan. 5, 1816 | June 13, 1817 Amos A, 3479 Oct. 18,1817 | Jan. 2, 1869 | Nov. 28, 1839 | Mary R. Temple. DR. ELLIOTT AND POLLY (KINGSBURY) BROWN. 3472. . Mary Minerva, 3480 Apr. 5, 1827 * Sarah Sophronia, | 3481 July 19, 1830 Henry Bradley, | 3482 Mar. 27, 1832 | Apr. 23, 1832 > Love Letitia, 3483 July 28, 1833 Elliott Kingsbury,| 3484 Apr. 20, 1835 Hannah Helen, 3485 Sept., 1837 Harriet Herman, | 3486 Oct. 21, 1840 ABNER AND POLLY (JAQUITH) BROWN. 3329. Mary, 3487 |NewIpswich,N.H.,June 23,1807; Nov. 6, 1835 62 | Almira, 3488 ue Apr. 30,1809 | Jan. 23, 1857 | June 9, 1833 | John G. Wilson. 62 | Lebanon, 3489 ee Jan. 23,1811 | July 21, 1846 | Dec. 24, 1835 | Marinda Blanchard. Lurena, 3490 ne Dec. 19,1812 | July 6, 1833 : ABNER AND POLLY (AYER) BROWN. 3330. 62 |AbnerHartwell,M.D.,) 3491 [New Ipswich, N.H., July6, 1816) Apr. 21, 1851 | Apr. 13, 1847 | Susan Augusta Shurtleff. Marshall H., 3492 te Mar. 1,1817 | Apr. 16, 1835 62 | Fidelia O., 3493 ‘¢ Dec. 13, 1820 1840 | David M. Dodge. Sophronia P., 3494 re Nov. 4, 1822 | Oct. 18, 1826 JOHN G. AND ALMIRA (BROWN) WILSON. 3488. : | Anna Maria, 3494 |MasonVillage,N.H.,July31,1834 62 | Horace M., 3495 * Jan. 16, 1866 Harriet A. Putnam. HORACE M. AND HARRIET A. (PUTNAM) WILSON. 3495. | Nettie A., | 3496 Feb. 13, 1860 | | | LEBANON AND MIRANDA (BLANCHARD) BROWN. 3489. 62 |Marsh’lLeb’non,M.D.| 3497 |New Ipswich,N.H., Apr.14, 1837 Nov. 10, 1869 | Helen (Adams) Child. Millen Howard, | 3498 is Noy. 11, 1839, July 16, 1840 62 | Mary Miranda, 3499 Keene, N. H., May an 1841 Feb. 9, 1865 ; William D. Parlin. [line E. (Cowles), 62 | George Abner, 3500 ‘June 8, 1845 June 22, 1867 | Ida Lavine Stewart; _1847-; dau. Reuben and Caro_ DR. MARSHALL L. AND HELEN (ADAMS-CHILD) BROWN. 3497. |MaryFr’cesAdams,| 3501 |Winchendon, Nov. 2, 1871 | | | WILLIAM D. AND MARY M. (BROWN) PARLIN. 3499. Mary Winifred, | 3502 ay We 1875 | | Marion Louise, 3503 GEORGE ABNER AND IDA L. (STEWART) ‘BROWN. 3500. = Robert Forbes, 3504 |Keene, N. H.,Dec. 18, 1868 | Marshall Stewart, | 3505 é Nov. 6, 1870 Lloyd, 3506 |Somerville, Jan. 24 1876 Caroline, 3507 |Keene, N. H, Jan. 28, 1880 Ida May, 3508 oe ‘Apr. 98. 1883 Ray, 3509 ue Jan. 13, 1886 DR. ABNER H. AND SUSAN A. (SHURTLEFF) BROWN. 3491. Abn’r Hartwell, Jr... 3510 Hanover, N.H., Dec., 1848 | Sept. 20, 1849 | Susan Anna, | 8511 Aug. 19. 1850 , May 16, 1885 DAVID M. AND FIDELIA O. (BROWN) DODGE. 3493. | Adelaide E., | 3512 | Lowell, 1845 | June, 1870 | Rev. Sylvester Jones. Lucius H., 8513 a Dec., 1847 NATHAN AND BETSEY (GOLDSMITH) BROWN. 3333. 63 | Nathan, Rev., 3514 |NewIpswich,N.H.,June 22, 1807/ Jan. 1,1886 | May 6, 1830 | 1. Eliza Whitney Ballard; -1871. 63 3515 July 24, 1872 | 2. Mrs. Charlotte A. Marlett. 63 | Sophia Burnham, | 3516 |Whitingham, Vt., Oct. 27, 1809 May 23, 1833 | Jonathan Ballard; 1798-1862. 63 | William G., 3517 Mar. 3, 1812 Oct. 10, 1839 | Eunice Fisher. Josiah W., 3518 oe June 15,1815 | July 5, 1816 Mary E., 8519 ue Sept. 9, 1818 | Sept. 9, 1872 | Unmarried. 62 Dorothy Sophia, William Ballard, Nathan Ballard, Eliz. Whitney, William Pearce, REV. NATHAN AND ELIZA WHITNEY (BALLARD) BROWN. 3520 | Charlemont, May 6, 1832 | Sept. 29, 1838 3521 |Maulmain, Burmah, June 7,185 Aug. 10, 1835 8522 3523 3524 REV. NATHAN AND MRS. CHARLOTTE A. (MARLETT) BROWN. Sadiga, Assam, Sept. 8, 1836 et Sept. 30, 1838 Sibsagor, Assam, Dec. 12, 1842 Feb. 11, 1841 3514. 3515. Nathan Worth, | 3525 [Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 22, 1877 | | JONATHAN AND SOPHIA B. (BROWN) BALLARD. 3516. =f see! 63 | Nathan Brown, § | 3526 |Charlemont, Mar. 29, 1834 Nov. 26, 1857 | 1. Adelia Rice; —1880. 63 3527 June 9, 1882 | 2. Mrs. Ellen N. Sherman. Eliza Brown, 3528 ue Aug. 9, 1839 63 | Dorothy Sophia, | 3529 - Aug. 28, 1843 Nov. 25, 1869 | Alonzo Tower; 1839-. 63 | Mary Adelaide, 3580 ee Apr. 16, 1848 Nov. 25, 1869 | Russell Judson Waters; 1843-. Frances Whitney,| 3531 ee Sept. 13, 1851 NATHAN B. AND ADELIA (RICH) BALLARD. 3526. 7 - 63 | Adelia Emeline, | 3532 |Charlemont, Sept. 30, 1858 Jan. 15, 1879 | Francis Hillman; 1852-1884. 63 | Maria Idaline, 3533 | Rowe, Oct. 1, 1859 Jan. 17, 1883 | Edgar Roberts; 1853-. Ellen Zervia, 3534 |Charlemont, July 9, 1862 Julia Rice, 3535 a Dec. 21, 1868 7 oe NATHAN B. AND ELLEN M. (SHERMAN) BALLARD. 3527. _ | Susan May, | 3536 |Charlemont, June 26, 1885 | | | FRANCIS AND ADELIA EB. (BALLARD) HILLMAN. 3533. an | Mabel Adelia, 3537 |Charlemont, Aug. 12, 1881 | | | EDGAR AND MARIA IDALINE (BALLARD) ROBERTS. 3533. Clarence Ballard, | 3538 | Pittsfield, July 20, 1884 | Edgar, 3539 < Jan. 12, 1886 eae a ALONZO AND DOROTHY S. (BALLARD) TOWER. 3529. | Jobn Ballard, | 3540 | Hoosac Tunnel, July 28, 1873 | | RUSSELL J. AND MARY A. (BALLARD) WATERS. 3530. Arthur J., 3541 | Chicago, Ill., Mar. 4, 1871 Effie Ballard, 3542 ee June 28, 1873 | Feb. 19, 1874 Albert Judson, 3543 “a Mar. 16,1876 | July 7, 1876 Mabel C., 3544 “ Novy. 27, 1877 : WILLIAM G. AND EUNICE (FISHER) BROWN. 3517. 63 | Ann Judson, 3545 |Wolford, Vt., Aug. 8, 1840 Dec. 11, 1869 | 1. Capt. Frank Preston; -1880. 3546 Oct., 1881 | 2. James A. Durfee. 63 | Adison W., 3547 a Nov. 25, 1841 Nov., 1864 | Julia M. Barr. 63 | Francis Fisher, 3548 | Halifax, Vt., Dec. 1, 1843 June 26, 1867 | Susie Seaman Brooks. Mary Elizabeth, | 3549 |Wilmington,Vt., May 10, 49 Oct. 9, 1875 | Moses W. Lyman. 63 | Frederick C., 3550 | Holyoke, Sept. 21, 1854 March, 1878 | Ada TI. Slyter. CAPT. FRANK AND ANNA JUDSON (BROWN) PRESTON. 3545. -. Willie Goldsmith, | 3551 |Farmington, Wis., Apr. 14, | Mary Elizabeth, | 3552 |Kankakee, Wis., May 27, 1875 ADISON W. AND JULIA M. (BARR) BROWN. 3547. — | Alice M., | 3553 | Springfield, May 8, 1867 | | | PRANCIS F. AND SUSIE S. (BROOKS) BROWN. 3548. aa Frank Granger, | 3554 | Chicago, Ill., July 2, 1868 Carrie Eunice, 8555 ee May 5, 1870 Minnie, 3556 oe Apr. 10, 1872 | Aug. 23, 1873 Edna, 3557 ee Aug. 28, 1873 Walter, 3558 |St. Josephs, Mich., Feb. 9, 1876 Herbert, 3559 |Chicago, Ill., Aug. 14, 1878 Goldsmith, 3560 “ Feb. 4, 1880 Susie, 3561 = Mar. 18, 1881 Florence, 3562 oa Feb. 6, 1883 Robert, 3563 i May 5, 1885 FREDERICK C. AND ADA I. (SLYTER) BROWN. 3550. Eunice, | 3564 | Chicago, March, 1881 | | HEYWOOD AND SALLY (WOLCOTT) BROWN. 3334. Jas. Madison, Dea., (| 3565 | Lewis, N. J., Feb. 8, 1810 Aug. 17, 1839 | 1. Laura Keyes; 1802-1848. oa 63 3566 Dec. 26,1848 | 2. Amanda Pingrey; 1826-. 64 |Josiah Wolcott, Rev.,| 3567 | Concord, May 18, 1812 Oct. 23, 1842 | Harriet Newell Parker; 1821-. 64 |Louise Sacharissa, | 3568 | Acton, Apr. 3, 1815 June 1, 1835 | John Wetherbee; 1807-1867. Jane Ann,. 3569 a Apr. 9, 1817 June 17, 1860 | George Baker Oxley; 1807-. 64 | Samuel Heywood,| 3570 6 Aug. 38,1819 | Dec. 14, 1880 | Apr. 30, 1850 | Elethina Burnham; 1822-1863. 64 | Sarah Wright, 3571 a Jan. 8, 1822 Nov. 29, 1849 S$. Augustus Child; 1822-. 64 |August’s Winslow, 3572 te Aug. 29, 1824 Apr. 4, 1848 | Lovey Blodget; 1827-. 64 | Mary Baker, 3573 oe Mar. 4, 1827 Nov. 28, 1848 | Moses F. Greenwood; 1827-. 64 | Harvey Darkman,| 3574 ee Aug. 14, 1831 July 4,1855 | Jerusha C. Little; 1834-. JAMES M. AND AMANDA (PINGREY) BROWN. 3565. (Continued page 64.) James Heywood, | 3575 | Littleton, Jan. 28, 1850 May 38,1882 | Mary Amelia Taylor. Laura Amanda, | 3576 a Feb. 14, 1852 ._ John Pingrey, 3577 By Dec. 15, 1854 Feb. 23, 1882) Clara Emma Richardson; 1861-. 63 _ Adams Franklin, Charles Henry, Mary Eliza, Alice Sophia, Samuel Walker, Jennie Louise, Ulrick Freeman, 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 Feb. 4, 1857 June 18, 1859 Jan. 31, 1861 me Apr. 7, 1868 i July 9, 1865 ef May 24, 1868 Ee Sept. 25, 1870 Littleton, ¢ « ce Nov. 26, 1859 Sept. 23, 1863 REV. JOSIAH WOLCOTT AND HARRIET N. (PARKER) BROWN. 3567. Frencina Harriet, Ella Eliza, Wolcott Josiah, 3585 3586 3587 Concord, May 8, 1845 “ Nov. 5, 1848 Derry, N. H., Dec. 7, 1850 July 21, 1860 Nov. 5, 1860 July 14, 1860 Abby Elwood, 3588 Manchester, Vt., Jan. 24,757) June 20, 1860 Charles Ellsworth,| 3589 He Jan. 4,1860 | July 23, 1860 JOHN AND LOUISA S. (BROWN) WETHERBEE. 3568. Francis Winslow,| 3590 Apr. 4, 1837 | Apr. 18, 1839 “ Augustus Winslow,Hon.,| 3591 Sept. 1, 1839 Jan. 1, 1870 | Hattie Lane; 1844-1884. SAMUEL H. AND ELETHINA (BURNHAM) BROWN. 3570. Sarah Emily, 3592 | Acton, Apr. 3, 1851 May 29, 1872 | William Henry Cooper; 1844-. Willie Chalmers, | 3593 | Littleton, July 13, 1857 June 21, 1883 | Annie E. Horman; 1860-. Clarence Wolcott,} 3594 May 19, 1860 S. AUGUSTUS AND SARAH W. (BROWN) CHILD. 3571. Melvine Aug’tus, | 3595 | West Acton, Oct. 21, 1850 Feb. 1, 1874 | Eveline Cochran. Arabelle Louisa, | 3596 ee Jan. 5, 1852 | Nov. 8, 1864 Alice May, 3597 | Littleton, May 5, 1854 Florence Emma, | 3598 |Manchester,Vt.,Oct. 5, 1855 ’ AUGUSTUS W. AND LAURA (BLODGETT) BROWN. 3572. Francina A., 3599 Jan. 25, 1849 Oct. 21, 1868 | Henry B. Littlefield; 1842-. Josephine Adelia, 3600 May 3, 1851 Dec. 12, 1871 | Albert E. Richardson; 1844-. Marietta Estelle, | 3601 Jan. 13,1853 | Sept. 2, 1877 | Nov. 25, 1873 | Cecil J. Howard; 1850-1881. Louisa Jane, 3602 Sept. 18, 1854 Charles Pollard. Edwin Augustus, | 3603 Mar. 14, 1856 Hattie Lorie, 3604 Oct. 13, 1857 Lydia Emma, 3605 Apr. 25,1859 | Mar. 18, 1862 George Winslow, | 3606 Sept. 1, 1861 | Dec. 13, 1861. Carrie Eliza, 3607 Mar. 18, 1863 Winslow Wolcott,) 3608 Apr. §, 1865 | Feb. 26, 1867 MOSES F. AND MARY B. (BROWN) GREENWOOD. 3573. Emily F., 3609 - Sept. 1,1849 | Jan. 15, 1873 Hattie M. Rogers; 1848-. May Effie, 3610 Sept. 1, 1851 Nov. 16, 1870 | Thomas E. Jackson; 1849-. Agnes W., 3611 May 28, 1854 Lizzie Jane, 3612 Feb. 5,1860 | Feb. 2, 1863 Charles Hiram, 3613 July 11, 1862 Clifton Grant, 3614 Feb. 27, 1868 HARVEY D. AND JHRUSHA C. (LITTLE) BROWN. 3574. William Wolcott, | 3615 Apr. 2, 1856 Mary Ann, 3616 Oct. 23, 1857 Cora Sally, 3617 June 15, 1859 Myrta A., 3618 Dec. 30, 1860 E. Herbert Hayden. Francis Harvey, | 3619 Sept. 20, 1871 EPHRAIM AND HANNAH (WILSON) BROWN. 154. Thomas, 3620 | Concord, Dec. 26, 1720 1784 | May 26,1748 | Mary Flint. William, 3621; ° “ Jan. 9, 1722-3 . ; Hannah, 8622 Feb. 14, 1724-5 |. Jan. 16,1749 | Unmarried. Elias, 3623 eS Mar. 7, 1726-7 | Oct. 31, 1794 a ‘ Mary, 3624 us Jan. 21, 1728-9 July 14,1756 | Capt. Jonathan Buttrick. No. 212. Sarah, 3625 *e Jan. 29,1730-1 | June 6,1815 | July 23,1751 | Joseph Buttrick. No. 213. David, Capt., 3626 i Mar. 12, 1732-3 | May 22, 1802 | Sept. 30,1756 | Abigail Monroe; ~1832. Ruth, 3627 os Oct. 26, 1739 "i THOMAS AND HANNAH (POTTER) BROWN. 153-551. 64 | Ephraim, Dea., | 3628 | Concord, Nov. 7,1710 | Oct. 9, 1788 | June 20,1732 | Abigail Wheeler. Timothy, 3629 ee Aug. 17, 1712 Rebecca Farrar. No. 304. Luke, 3630 Nov. 38,1714 Hannah, 8631 “ Dec. 6, 1716 DEA. EPHRAIM AND ABIGAIL (WHEELER) BROWN. 3628. Abigail, 3632 | Concord, Apr. 9, 1733 Nov. 1, 1753 | Thomas Hubbard. Ephraim, 3633 He Apr. 7, 1785 | Feb. 6,1736-7 Edward, 3634 a Feb. 15, 1736-7 1781 |-Jan. 15, 1761 | 1. Mary Brown; 1740-1778. 3635 1780 | 2. Beulah Hosmer. Thankful, 3636 es Dec. 16, 1740 | Sept. 9,1776 | July 6,1758 | Edward Wright. Ephraim, 3637 ne Dec. 20, 1742 | Jan. 18, 1812 Hannah, 3638 ee Apr. 1,1745 | June 8, 1745 Sarah, 3639 os Sept. 25, 1746 Thomas,. 3640 ee Mar. 25,1749 | Apr. 25,1774 | Unmarried. 64 | Samuel, Lieut., 3641 ee Feb. 18, 1752 | Oct. 29, 1819 Elizabeth Brown. No. 3024. LIEUT. SAMUEL AND ELIZABETH (BROWN) BROWN. 3641-3024. (Continued page 65.) Lucy, 3642 | Concord, July 2,1773 | Feb. 18, 1786 #8 Thomas, 3643 ne Mar. 9,1775 | Feb. 11, 1834 Baker). 65 | Samuel, 3644 te Mar. 17,1777 | May 29, 1843 | June 5, 1800 | Betsey Tuttle; 1783-1843; dau. Sam’l and Elizabeth 94 | Elizabeth, 3645 & Feb. 28,1779 | Apr. 6, 1863 | June 7, 1798 | Samuel Potter Prescott. No. 5403. 64 Hannah, 3646 | Concord, June 2,1781 | Oct. 16, 1845 ‘ Abigail Wheeler, | 3647 ee Mar. 29, 1783 | Mar. 9, 1806 65 | Joshua, 3648 “s June 20,1787 | Dec. 11,1855 | Oct. 11, 1807 | 1. Sally Potter. No. 5175. 65 3649 Jan. 27,1811 | 2. Rebecca Derby; -1816. Edward, 3650 re Mar. 25,1785 | Mar. 11, 1813 Ephraim, 3651 oe Apr. 9,1789 | Oct. 2, 1844 ; 66 | John, { 3652 os Jan. 10,1792 | Feb. 28,1852 | July 2, 1820 | 1. Clarissa Harmon, ~1845. 66 3653 2. Olive S. Green; -1867. 66 | Joel, 3654 | et Feb. 20, 1793 | Sept. 22,1851 | Dec. 28, 1818 | Lucy Whitney; 1800-1863; dau. David and Betsey. SAMUEL AND BETSEY (TUTTLE) BROWN. 3644. 65 | Almira, » 8655 Nov. 23, 1801 | Sept. 14,1877 | Feb. 3, 1820 | 1. Samuel Handley; 1792-1827. 65 3656 Nov. 4, 1832 | 2. Horace Tuttle; -1859. ‘ Horace Tuttle, 3657 Oct. 15, 1803 | Sept. 24, 1805 65 | Caleb Sumner, 3658 July 6, 1806 | July 9, 1877 Isannah Page. Samuel, 3659 June 27, 1808 1. Rebecca Russell. 3660 2. Jane O. Gay. Aaron, 3661 Aug. 12,1810 | July 24, 1819 Abigail Wheeler, | 3662 Aug. 12,1812 | June 2, 1822 Eri Edward, 3663 Nov. 23,1814 | Oct. 38, 1817 65 | Hiram, 3664. Sept. 4, 1817 , Susan Nitham. 65 | Elizabeth, 3665 | Carlisle, Feb. 6, 1820 Mar. 21, 1844 | Samuel Sewell; 1819-; son Rev. Samuel and Martha. Olive S., 3666 me Mar. 7, 1822 Sept. 3, 1843 | Charles Butters; 1819-; son Josiah and Sally. Ephraim, 3667 ee Aug. 23, 1824 | Mar. 26, 1827 SAMUEL AND ALMIRA (BROWN) HANDLEY. 3655. Otis H., 3668 | Carlisle, Mar. 14,1821 | Apr. 25, 1871 Samuel W., 3669 ee Dec. 22, 1822 : 65 | Andrew, 3670 Oct. 5, 1825 Apr. 29, 1852 | Hannah E. Cutler. HORACE AND ALMIRA (BROWN-HANDLEY) TUTTLE. 3656. Almira E., 3671 Oct. 18,1833 | Apr. 1, 1877 65 | Mary Jane, 3672 Feb. 28, 1835 Aug. 21,1860 | E. G. Hastings. Lucy Ann, 3673 Aug. 22,1837 | June 20, 1870 | Jan. 1, 1865 | George L. Herrick. Horace B., 3674 Mar. 1, 1842 Oct. 28, 1870 | Martha J. Shattuck. Henry W., 3675 Apr. 29, 1846 | June 28, 1870 Sarah Travis; -1871. ANDREW AND HANNAH E. (CUTLER) HANDLEY. 3670. Herbert L., 3676 |N. Camb’ge, July 19, 1860 Carrie E., 3677 | Billerica, May 17, 1866 M. Gertrude, 3678 es Oct. 25, 1868 . E. G. AND MARY JANE (TUTTLE) HASTINGS. 3672. Julia Alfreda, 3679 Jan. 7, 1864 Aug. 6,1885 | Leander Emery. Minnie Arabel, 8680 Mar. 38, 1867 CALEB SUMNER AND ISANNAH (PAGE) BROWN. 3658. Isannah, 3681 Aug. 8, 1833 July 31,1853 | Ward B. Frothingham; 1828-. 65 | Harriet, 3682 July 13, 1835 |. May 25,1856 | Cyrus H. Haynes. Emma, 3683 Aug. 22, 1837 Vivian, 3684 Feb. 24, 1840 Charles Adams. Aradine, 3685 Aug. 27, 1841 Eugenia, 3686 Nov. 29, 1843 Mar. 22, 1869 | Charles Fletcher. Otis Sumner, 3687 Feb. 20, 1845 Sept. 13, 1870 | Ella Lawrence. Elizabeth, 3688 Feb. 14, 1847 Apr. 7, 1870 | Hiram Hutchinson. Thomas P., 3689 June 29, 1853 CYRUS H. AND HARRIET (BROWN) HAYNES. 3682. Clifford C., 3690 Aug. 10, 1859 Nathaniel L., 3691 June 7, 1868 Philip L., 3692 Feb. 28, 1872 Caleb S., 3693 Oct. 5, 1875 Otis B., 3694 Oct. 8, 1877 HIRAM AND SUSAN (NITHAM) BROWN. 3664. Lafayette, 3695 Oct. 13, 1844 George H., 3696 Apr. 28, 1846 x Lilly Addie, 3697 Apr. 9, 1853 SAMUEL AND ELIZABETH (BROWN) SEWELL. 3665. Samuel Brown, 3698 | Burlington, Aug. 17, 1846 | July 45, 1883 | June 11, 1872 | Louisa Elizabeth Farrington. Martha Elizabeth,| 3699 ee May 18, 1858 July 38,1879 | T. S. Curtis. JOSHUA AND SALLY (POTTER) BROWN. 3648-5175. 65 | Amasa, 3700 | Concord, Apr. 16, 1808 | Mar. 10, 1883 | Sept. 3, 1833 | Maria Wilkins; 1808-. 66 | James Potter, 3701 ee Mar. 1, 1810 | Apr. 22, 1873 | Nov. 27, 1834 | Susanna Baker; 1808-. JOSHUA AND REBECCA (DERBY) BROWN. 3649. William (no issue), 3701 | Concord, June 7, 1812 | Feb. 3, 1866 | Oct. 22,1835 | Sarah C. Reed; 1815-. John, 8702 bs June 15, 1814 | Oct. 16, 1815 66 | Joseph Derby, 3703 es Oct. 31, 1816 Feb. 13, 1840 | Lucy Reed; 1813-1886. 66 | Joshua Warren, | 3704 es Mar. 30,1819 | Sept. 7, 1869 1846 | Catharine Shaw. AMASA AND MARIA (WILKINS) BROWN 3700. (Continued page 66.) Joshua, 3705 June 29, 1834 ; Aug. 11, 1853 66 | Rebecca D., 3706 Mar. 6, 1836 | Feb. 12,1881 | Nov. 10, 1839 | Lorenzo A. Lane. 66 | James A., 3707 Nov. 7, 1837 May, 1856 | 1. Adaline L. Small; 1838-1863. 66 3708 Mar. 24, 1865 | 2. Adaline A. Davis; 1850-. Sarah P., 3709 May 25, 1840 Susan B., 3710 May 25,1840 | May 26, 1840 65 George W., 3711 Feb. 11, 1842 | May 25, 1863 Hiram W., 8712 July 7, 1844 Charles D., 3713 Dec. 6, 1850 JAMES A. AND ADALINE L. (SMALL) BROWN. 3707. James I., 3714 |Mt.Vernon,N.H., Mar., 1858} Apr., 1858 Clara M., 8715 fe May 18, 1860 | Feb. 25, 1879 Sarah Jane, 3716 fe June, 1863 | Dec. 27, 1863 eZ os sees JAMES A. AND ADALINE A. (DAVIS) BROWN. 3708. =, Susan Emma, 3717 |Mt.Vernon, N.H., July 17, 1866 James William, | 3718 a Dec. 19, 1868 Albert I., 3719 “ June 23, 1870 Joseph D., 3720 ae July 8, 1873 Charles R., 3721 ee Jan. 22, 1876 George A., 8722 ie Nov. 8, 1878 Sarah E., 8723 ‘ Oct. 16, 1881 3724 ee Apr. 16, 1884 LORENZO A. AND REBECCA D. (BROWN) LANE. 3706. | Elmer Clifford, | 3725 | Ashburnham, Oct. 15, 1867 | | JAMES POTTER AND SUSANNA (BAKER) BROWN. 3701. 66 | James Baker, 3726 | Concord, Sept. 30, 1835 | May 28, 1870 | June 29, 1868 | Annie E. Kimball; 1839-. John, 2d, 3727 tt Oct. 21, 1836 66 | William, Rev., 8728 oe Sept. 10, 1838 June 15, 1865 | Salone 8. Williams; 1837-. Susan Amanda, | 3729 es Oct. 3, 1840 Henry Taylor, 3730 a Nov. 18, 1848 | June 2, 1881 [Louisa A. H. 66 | Hersey, 3731 ee Aug. 28, 1846 Oct. 21, 1884 | Bertha Temple Lenox; 1859-; dau. Chas. 8. 8. and JAMES BAKER AND ANNIE EB. (KIMBALL) BROWN. 3726. Alice F., | 3732 Nov. 5, 1868 | | Edith B., 3733 July 28, 1870 REV. WILLIAM AND SALONE S. (WILLIAMS) BROWN. 3728. Corella, 3734 July 15, 1866 William C., | 3735 | May 17, 1868 | Ophelia 8., 8736 Sept. 20, 1870 HERSEY AND BERTHA TEMPLE (LENOX) BROWN. 3731. Richmond Lenox,| 3737 |Brooklyn, N-Y., Aug. 1, 1885 | | JOSEPH DERBY AND LUCY (REED) BROWN. 3703. Lucy Rebecca, 8738 | Concord, Jan. 12, 1841 Dec. 16, 1868 | George Vialle; 1845-; son Samuel. Sarah, 3739 at Sept. 24, 1842 | Oct. 2, 1866 Ellen Augusta, 3740 ee 1844 | Jan. 19, 1869 | Apr. 22,1868 | Caleb H. Wheeler; son Henry. Abby, 3741 Nov. 10, 1845 ° : Elizabeth, 8742 ee Aug. 23, 1848 Nov. 12, 1870 | Hiram Worthley; 1844-. prone), 66 | Joseph D., Jr., 3743 ee Feb. 238, 1850 Oct. 9, 1873 | Martha Walcott; 1851-; dau. Joel W. and Martha P. Daniel, 3744 te Nov. 18, 1851 1851 Mary, 8745 et 1853 JOSEPH D., JR, AND MARTHA (WALCOTT) BROWN. 3743. Clark Osmer, 3746 | Concord, Apr. 16, 1875 Horace Reed, 8747 es July 10, 1879 JOSHUA WARREN AND CATHARINE (SHAW) BROWN. 3704. 66 | Benjamin W., 3748 | Concord, 1847 June 17, 1879 | L. Cora Myrick. Ella C., 3749 ee Oct. 6, 1848 | Aug. 26, 1849 Amelia, 3750 et Dec. 29, 1849 Charlotte A., 3751 sf Apr. 12, 1852 Martha J., 3752 oe Mar. 16, 1854 | Aug. 4, 1855 66 | Wm. Francis, 3753 ue Dec. 5, 1856 Dec. 27, 1883 | Eugenia Bennett Van Derberg. BENJAMIN W. AND L. CORA (MYRICK) BROWN. 3748, | Roger W., 3754 | Concord, Jan. 10, 1883 | 3755 Apr. 5, 1885 WILLIAM FRANCIS AND EUGENIA B. (VAN DERBERG) BROWN. 3753. | Geo. VanDerberg,| 3756 | Nov. 1, 1884 | | | JOHN AND CLARISSA (HARMON) BROWN. 3652. Stark Edward, 83757 |Lancaster, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1822 | Oct. 15, 1832 | Quincy Harmon, | 3758 ee Nov. 24, 1823 1875 | Sept. 4, 1844 | Bethema R. Robinson. JOHN AND ALICE S. (GREEN) BROWN. 3653. Clarissa Ann, 3759 |Lancaster, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1846 Oct. 11, 1869 | 1. Julius A. Carmer. 3760 Apr., 1880 | 2. S. D. Damon. Martha Jane, 3761 ue Dec. 18, 1849 Dec. 24, 1873 | John H. Kline. JOEL AND LUCY (WHITNEY) BROWN. 3654. (Continued page 67.) 67 | David Whitney, | 3762 | Concord, Dec. 29, 1819 “May 30, 1844 | Mary M. Stiles. ‘ Alzirus, 3763 te Oct. 16, 1821 Novy. 16, 1843 | Harriet D. Proctor. Lucy Alzina, 8764 ee Apr. 14, 1824 | Apr. 10, 1831 Sarah Ann Eliza, | 3765 ce Apr. 18, 1826 Nov. 15, 1847 | Asa J. Hersey. Eunice Andrews, | 3766 ee Apr. 25,1828 | May 2, 1831 - \ Ezra Ripley, 3767 a Feb. 5, 1830 | Apr. 29, 1845 66 67 | Mary Celestia, 3768 | Concord, Mar. 13, 1832 | Jan. 12,1851 | 1. Edward H. Parker; 1827-1874. . 3769 July 21,1875 | 2. John F. Landers. Juliette Patterson,| 3770 ee Mar. 23, 1834 1870 | Nov. 15, 1853 | George J. Hobbs. 67 | Lucy Sophia, 3771 ne May 25, 1836 Apr. 7, 1852 | George Philo Slocemb. Betsey Whitney, | 3772 eh Jan. 31, 1839 | Mar. 18, 1842 Eunice Elizabeth,) 3773 Mar. 10, 1842 May 10,1866 | Paul Tibbits. DAVID WHITNEY AND MARY M. (STILES) BROWN. 3762. - John Emerson, | 8774 June 22, 1853 Josiah, 3775 May 28, 1855 Charles Jerome, | 3776 Dec. 16, 1858 Mary Eugenia, 3777 July 9, 1861 EDWARD H. AND MARY C. (BROWN) PARKER. 3768. Arthur A., 3778 Apr. 5, 1855 Clarence E., 3779 Apr. 4, 1860 Eddie H., 8780 Jan. 4, 1867 Theodore, 8781 Sept. 8, 1869 GEORGE P. AND LUCY S. (BROWN) SLOCOMB. 3771. Mary Parker, 3782 Sept. 3, 1853 Apr. 6, 1876 | Amos V. James. Lillie Maria, 3783 Oct. 30, 1861 Alzirus, 3784 Dec. 24, 1866 George Whitney, | 3785 Oct. 24, 1868 Lance Brown, 3786 June 10, 1877 STEPHEN AND MELISCENT (WOOD) HOSMER. 441. Mary, 3787 | Concord, May 23, 1773 —— Wyman. Stephen, 3788 +9 Apr. 19, 1736 Elizabeth ——. Silas, 3789 ee Sept. 13, 1738 | Jan. 30, 1741 [(Davis). No. 439. 104 | Nathan, 3790 ie Mar. 2,1740 | Dec. 25,1777 | Aug. 16,1763 | Buelah Hosmer; 1742-1778; dau. James and Eliz. Meliscent, 3791 - May 16,1744 Daniel Holden. Silas, 3792 & Mar. 26,1747 | May 19, 1753 Oliver, re July 19, 1751 WILLIAM H. AND AUGUSTA M. (BARRETT) RICHARDSON. 2393. William Shelley, | 3793 | Malden, Dec. 13, 1850 | Feb. 2, 1852 | ‘| NATHAN AND SUSANNA (BARRETT) BROWN. 2147. Harriet (no issue), 3800 | Camden, Me., Aug.8,1803 | Jan. 5, 1879 | Oct. 22, 1835 | Joseph C. Stetson. 67 | Mary Ann, 3801 ee Apr. 8, 1805 | Feb. 12, 1847 | Sept. 25, 1823 | Joseph Jones; 1797-1859. Susan, 3802 ee Oct. 8,1807 | June, 1847 | Unmarried. Louisa, (no issue), 3803 ee Nov. 22, 1809 | July, 1838 | Sept., 1835 | Henry Barrett. No. 2382. JOSEPH AND MARY ANN (BROWN) JONES. 3801. a 67 | Eliz. Eldridge, 3804 Dec. 2, 1824 June 2, 1852 | John Phynas; 1822-. Nathan Brown, | 3805 Apr. 23,1827 | April, 1861 | Unmarried. Joseph Henry, 3806 July 4, 1829 67 | Frances Louisa, | 3807 Apr. 30, 1832 July 12,1854 | Charles Bellows Hazletine; 1828-. 67 | Sidney Augustus, | 3808 May, 1835 Ellen Furber. Marianna, , 3809 Noy. 18, 1837 | June 6, 1850 Oscar Rockwood, | 3810 July 31, 1840 67 | Susan Ford, 3811 Feb. 20, 1843 1870 | José R. de Casanova; 1841-. Sophia Morris, 3812 Oct. 26,1845 | Apr. 18,1880 | Unmarried. JOHN AND ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE (JONES) PHYNAS. 3804. Harriet Stetson, | 3813 May 28, 1853 Jessie, 3814 Apr. 2, 1855 Mary Jones, 3815 Feb. 14, 1857 Francis Hazleton,) 3816 Mar. 6,1859 | Feb., 1862 Amelia Tudor, 3817 Sept. 30, 1862 John Simpson, 3818 Jan. 17, 1864 CHARLES B. AND FRANCES L. (JONES) HAZELTINE. 3807. Grace, 3819 |Belfast, Me., Apr. 28, 1855 | Mar. 4, 1861 in Benjamin, 3820 | Boston, Mar. 24, 1857 Mary, 3821 | Belfast, Me., July 9, 1861 Frances, 3822 | Nice, France, Feb. 2,1868 | Feb. 8, 1868 Louisa, 3823 |Belfast, Me., Nov. 21, 1873 SIDNEY A. AND ELLEN (FURBER) JONES. 3808. Marianna, 3824 1864 John Phynas, 8825 1868 Joseph, 3826 1870 James, 3827 1870 JOSE R. AND SUSAN F. (JONES) DE CASANOVA. 3811. Joseph Stetson, | 3828 Sept. 22, 1871 Charles Francis, | 3829 Apr. 21, 1873 Louisa Lorne Lee,| 3830 Nov. 28, 1878 ; SAMUEL POTTER AND REBECCA (TUTTLE) CONANT. 245. 101 | Samuel, 3831 | Acton, Jan. 21, 1790 Aug. 2, 1812 | Mehitable Piper. 99 | Nathan, 8832 ee Oct. 30, 1791 Sept. 26, 1816 | Sukey Davis; 1793-1860. 68 | Paul, 3833 ee Jan. 23,1793 | July 7, 1843 | Apr. 8, 1817 | Matilda Jewett. 101 | Rebecca, 3834 & Jan. 3,1798 May 24, 1821 | Nathan Brooks. Susanna C. (no issue), 3835 fe Jan. 65,1800 | Nov. 26, 1878 | Nov. 7, 1819 | Robert Chaffin; 1797-. 68 | Silas, 3836 ef May 4, 1803 Feb. 22, 1824 | Eliza Wheeler; 1804-1870. Charles (no issue), 3837 ee Simon (no issue), 3838 ee : 99 | Nahum, 3839 s Jan. 21, 1832 | Eliza A. Gibson. 67 PAUL AND MATILDA (JEWETT) CONANT. 3833. Samuel, 3840 Apr. 11,1818 | Apr. 11, 1839 i [(Hayward). Emeline, 3841 June 4, 1820 | Dec. 7, 1884 | Apr. 23, 1839 | William H. Conant; 1815-; son Joel and Hannah eps, ae z an. 27, 1822 | Dec. 30, 1847 | May 5, 1842 | Phinneas Harrington. ohn ct. 11, 1824 | Aug. 16, 1828 Francis (mo issue), { 3844 Sept. 3,1827| May 10, 1849 | 1. Martha Ann Jones. shad re é Apr. 14, 1880 | 2. Mrs. Ella J. Marshall; 1836-. aria ct. 14,1830 | Sept. 6, 1845 Henry S., 3846 May 27,1835 | Oct. 5,1885 | Oct. 26, 1854 | Hannah F. Tolles. - SILAS AND ELIZA (WHEELER) CONANT. 3836. Silas, 3847 Oct. 15, 1825 et pare pre a eo Jan. 31, 1849 | George Lawrence. iza Sept. 29 Susan Chaffin, 3850 July 98) 1832 Maria Dooney. eorge 8851 Apr. 28, 1835 Simon Tuttle, | 3852 Dec. 15, 1837 Elbridge, 3853 Jan. 22,1841 | Feb. 9,1863 | Jan. 2,1864 | Nelson Holman; 1843-. Charlotte Aug’ta, | 3854 Nov. 3, 1843 Oct. 10, 1863 | George M. Kendall; 1841-. Henrietta C., 3855 July 16, 1846 CAPT. REUBEN AND LOIS (CONANT) HAYWARD. 248. William Conant, | 3856 | Concord, Mar. 30,1796 | Jwy 9, 1847 | Unmarried. [CWhitcomb). 68 | Reuben, Jr., 3857 ef Apr. 30,1797 | Feb. 3, 1866 | May 26, 1825 | Lucy W. Houghton; 1805-1881; dau. Jacob and Sar. 68 | James, 3858 ee Aug. 17,1798 | Mar. 8, 1877 | Dec. 15, 1830 | Nancy Hayward; 1808-1874; dau. Cyrus and Sarah Daniel, 3859 es June 6, 1802 | Apr. 18, 1803 : : [(Pierce). 90 | Mary, 3860 et May 19, 1810 Dec. 7, 1828 | Francis Potter. No. 5185. REUBEN, JR, AND LUCY W. (HOUGHTON) HAYWARD. 3857. 2 Mary Jane, j a Concord, Apr. 27, 1826 Dec. 15, 1848 | 1. William G. Priest. May 29, 1867 | 2. Lewis C. Puffer. 68 | Reuben, 2d, 8863 ee June 22, 1828 June 8, 1851 | Mary Jane Fletcher. No. 4501. 68 | Lois Conant, 3864 es Apr. 15, 1836 May 17, 1849 Cae Washington Robbins, Jr., 1827-; son George 68 puey ve ne - oe ae i 26, 1862 ae a 1839-. [W., Jr.,and Rebecca (Robbins). ussell 8. une an. 7, 1869 ary Hunt. 68 | Elizabeth M., | 3867,“ Dec. 30, 1846 Mar. 14? 1867 | Francis Cassidy; 1844-. 68 | Laura, 3 3868 ee Feb. 17, 1849 Dec. 25, 1869 | Stephen W. Page; 1839-. WILLIAM G. AND MARY JANE (HAYWARD) PRIEST. 3861. William H., 3869 | Concord, Oct. 5, 1849 | July 26, 1875 Henri L. 3870 ce Feb. 4, 1851 | Oct. 27, 1867 Mary J.,’ 3871 “ Dec. 5, 1855 ; 68 | Georgie, 8872 sd Jan. 14, 1856 Aug., 1879 | Jonathan P. Blodgett. LEWIS C. AND MARY J. (HAYWARD-PRIEST) PUFFER. 3862. = Lewis H., 3873 July, 1868 | ‘ Eddie E., 3874 Aug. 26, 1871 JONATHAN P. AND GEORGIE (PRIEST) BLODGETT. 3872. = —_ William H., 3875 June 17, 1878 Walter P., | 8876 June 29, 1880 | | Raymond P., 3877 July 21, 1884 REUBEN, 2D, AND MARY JANE (FLETCHER) HAYWARD. 3863-4501. 68 | Emma, | 8878 | Acton, Sept. 29, 1853 | | Dec. 22, 1876 | Sam’l Jones; 1851-; s. Sam. and Martha A. (Handley). SAMUEL AND EMMA (HAYWARD) JONES. 3878. a Jessie H., | 3879 | Acton, Dec. 7, 1877 | | : Howard L., 3880 ey May 19, 1881 GEORGE WASHINGTON, JR. AND LOIS CONANT (HAYWARD) ROBBINS. 3864. Geo. Wash’ton,Jr.,| 3881 | Concord, Aug. 16, 1850 | Clarence Aug’tus,| 3882 |Nashua, N. H., Jan. 30, 756 DAVID AND LUCY W. (HAYWARD) DOW. 3865. | Elvietta, | 3883 | Dec. 26, 1866 | | ‘ | FRANCIS AND ELIZABETH M. (HAYWARD) CASSIDY. 3867. —— Martha A., 3884 | Concord, Apr. 17, 1869 | ——_— Edward F., 3885 ot Aug. 24, 1872 STEPHEN W. AND LAURA (HAYWARD) PAGE. 3868. Abby J., 3886 Dec. 19, 1871 j Willie R., 3887 Jan. 25, 1873 Walter S., 3888 Feb. 9, 1877 Mary E., 3889 Feb. 23, 1884 JAMES AND NANCY (HAYWARD) HAYWARD. 3858. James Edwin 3890 | Concord, Apr. 19, 1832 Nov. 2, 1867 | Mary Ann Hanscom; 1837-; dau. John M. and A liza Arm iuon,| 3801| © ° dume 28) 1838 | Dee. 18, 1863 | Och, 26° 1887 | Horace R. Homer. ‘Tov sour), Harriet Ruthqo iss), | 3892 ue Apr. 20, 1837 | Jan. 15, 1863 | Aug. 29, 1858 | George Conant. William Adolphus, | 3893 ef Feb. 28,1838 | May 28, 1838 Nancy, 3894 i June 10, 1843 | Oct. 12,1861 | Unmarried. Sarah Piece, 3895 #¢ Apr. 15, 1847 | June 16, 1849 SILAS AND ABIGAIL (LAWRENCE) CONANT. 249. (Continued page 69.) Abigail, 3896 | Concord, Bebe 11, ee oo a tee % i 69 | Silas 3897 fe ec, 24,17 ept. 65 pr. 1, 1824 | Sally Hayw’d; d. Cyrus and Sally (Pierce). [(French). 69 | Joshua Lawrence,| 3898 |“ Oct. 3, 1801 } June 19, 1860 | Apr. 29, 1828 |Adaline Aug’ta Merriam; 1808-1865, 4 danas and Bute 69 | Lois Potter, 3899 ef Mar. 5, 1803 | Oct. 15, 1840 | Nov. 27, 1828 | Jos. Haynes; 1799-1870; s. Luke and Lydia Carr). 69 | Sarah Fiske, 3900 Sept. 25, 1805 May 3, 1827 | Nathaniel Farmer; 1803-1880; s. Thomas A Harriet (Blodgett). 68 SILAS AND MARY (HAYWARD) CONANT. 250. Andrew, 3901 | Concord, Feb. 3, 1808 Sept. 8, 1831 | Eliza Sawyer; dau. Leander and Cynthia. Nancy 3902 ee May 3,1810 | Jan. 12, 1812 [ward). 69 | Mary Ann 8903 es Dec. 5, 1811 Sept. 6, 1836 | Orville Giles; 1807-1878; son Luther and Eliz. (Hay- Nancy Hayward, | 3904 ce Jan. 23,1814 | Sept. 28, 1814 [(Pierce). 69 | Lucy Abigail, 3905 Ce Mar. 23, 1816 Nov. 25, 1837 | Sylvester Hayward; 1812-1883; son Cyrus and Sallie Elizabeth, 3906 ee Apr. 29, 1821 | July 19, 1837 SILAS AND SALLY (HAYWARD) CONANT. 3896. 69 | Cyrus Hayward, (| 3907 | Concord, July 30, 1825 Mar. 7,1851 | 1. L. Frances Dunlap; 1833-1855. 3908 May 1, 1857 | 2. Betsey M. Dox. : 3909 Noy. 13; 1861 | 3. Electa W. Russell. 47 | Sarah Pierce, 3910 eo June 17, 1827 | Nov. 26, 1858 | Dec. 9, 1852 | Charles Mason Barrett. No. 2603. [(Woodman). 69 | George Henry, 3911 re July 380, 1829 Nov. 29, 1856 | Emma Frances Hanscom; 1833-; d. John M. and Ann 69 | Ellen Ruth, 8912 fs June 4, 1833 | Jan. 18, 1864 | Oct. 26,1856 | Dwight Leverett Dimock,; 1828-. Mary Ann, 3913 a Oct. 13, 1835 | Feb. 13, 1854 .| Silas, 3914 # Aug. 22, 1839 Sept. 2, 1860 | Angeronia 8. Tarbell. Andrew, 3915 ee June 16, 1841 CYRUS HAYWARD AND L. FRANCES (DUNLAP) CONANT. 3907. | Francis H., | 3916 | Concord, July 6, 1853 | Sept. 21, 1853 | | GEORGE HENRY AND EMMA FRANCES (HANSCOM) CONANT. 3911. | Dwight Henry, 3917 | Concord, May 28, 1857 | Oct. 18, 1866 | Charles H., 3918 ee Nov. 11, 1860 DWIGHT L. AND ELLEN R. (CONANT) DIMOCK. 3912. | Dwight Hersey, | 3919 | Lowell, Oct. 16, 1862 | | | JOSHUA L. AND ADALINE A. (MERRIAM) CONANT. 3898. Adaline Augusta, | 3920 | Lowell, Aug. 4, 1829 Dec. 3, 1861 | Charles Mason Barrett. No. 2604. 69 | William Andrew, | 3921 e July 28,1831 | Jan. 9, 1880 | Apr. 15, 1855 | Euseba Fowle Vinton. 69 | Martha Ann, 3922 He May 11, 1835 Nov. 26, 1857 | Zemira Chase. John Merriam, 3923 te June 7, 1844 Rebecca Vans. WILLIAM ANDREW AND EUSEBA FOWLE (VINTON) CONANT. 3921. | Nellie Euseba, | 3924 | Boston, Mar. 25, 1858 | | | Frank Zindle. ZHMIRA AND MARTHA ANN (CONANT) CHASE. 3922. | Mira Conant, — | 3925 | Dec. 11, 1858 | | Sept. 23, 1883 | John H. Wiley. : JOSEPH AND LOIS POTTER (CONANT) HAYNES. 3899. 69 | Louise Conant, | 3926 | Sudbury, Dec. 7, 1829 | Sept. 30, 1870 | Dec. 12, 1854 | C. N. Davenport; 1830-1882; s. C. N. & Lucy (White). CHARLES NEWTON AND LOUISA C. (HAYNES) DAVENPORT. 3926. Charles Haynes, 69 Herbert Joseph, 3927 | Wilmington, Vt., Mar. 25, 1856 | June 17, 1884 | Anna Potter Laughton; d. Eben O. and Cyrene M. 3928 * Aug. 10,1861 [(Potter). CHARLES HAYNES AND ANNA POTTER (LAUGHTON) DAVENPORT. 3927. | Louise Haynes, | 3929 | Brattleboro’, Vt., Apr. 11, 1885 | | | NATHANIEL AND SARAH FISKE (CONANT) FARMER. 3900. . John, 3930 | Lowell, Sept. 13, 1829 | Oct. 4, 1829 Sarah Jane, 3931 ae Dec. 31,1831 | Dec. 23, 1845 [Ann (Leonard). Sar’h Jane (cacZin),| 8932 es Jan. 18, 1840 June 38,1860 | William Leonard Rugg; 1837-; son Reuben and Sarah ORVILLE AND MARY ANN (CONANT) GILES. 3903. 69 | Eliza Ann, 3933 |Newfi’ld, Me., Dec. 22, 1837 Apr. 15, 1856 | Charles Kinney Ball; 1829-1878; son Ebenezer and Andrew Conant, | 3934 a Dec. 16, 1839 | May 20, 1865 [Sally (Kinney). James Edwin, 8935 ee Oct. 16, 1842 | May 12, 1845 Albert Henry, 8936 et Feb. 14, 1845 | Feb. 22, 1845 Mary Louise, 3937 | Tewksb’ry, Aug. 5, 1846 | Dec. 21, 1865 Frank Leander, | 3938 | Bedford, N. H., June 8, 1849 | Aug. 28, 1849 CHARLES KINNEY AND ELIZA ANN (GILES) BALL. 3933. Bedford, N. H., Aug. 11, 1858 | Apr. 7, 1878 Rena Emogene, oc Sept. 22, 1862 George Eugene, 3939 | 3940 SYLVESTER AND LUCY ABIGAIL (CONANT) HAYWARD. 3905. Elizabeth Conant,| 3941 | Concord, Dec. 5,1838 | Apr. 9, 1854 Ada Jane (noissue), | 3942 es Apr. 5, 1845 | Sept. 6, 1866 Francis Chamberlin; son Joseph. [CWard). 69 | Lillian Lander, | 3943 |Bedford,N.H., Apr. 3, 1850 Nov. 30, 1882 | Jewett Newton Darling; 1851-; s. Elisha and Tamison 69 | Henry Walden, | 3944 | Concord, Dec. 30, 1855 Nov. 4, 1879 | Susan B. Barnes; 1860-; d.W. B. &8. A. (Carpenter). JEWETT N. AND LILLIAN L. (HAYWARD) DARLING. 3943. | Roger Conant, | 3945 | Charlton, Feb. 4, 1884 | | | HENRY W. AND SUSAN B. (BARNES) HAYWARD. 3944. | Ralph Waldo, 3946 | Charlton, Feb. 8, 1881 | | Wm. Bradbury, | 3947 ee Aug. 8, 1884 JAMES AND SEBA (DAVIS) CONANT. 252. Suseba Wright, | 3948 Apr. 14, 1811 Louisa, 8949 Sept. 26, 1812 James Franklin, | 3950 Nov. 23, 1814 Jesse Davis, 3951 Oct. 22, 1818 SIMON AND HANNAH (POTTER-BROWN) DAVIS. 272-552. | 3952 | Concord, Mar. 8, 1719-20 | | (Continued page 70.) | Elizabeth, 69 _ Simon, 3953 | Concord, Apr. 21, 1722 , Hannah, 3954 oY June $}, 1724 Lucy, 3955 #8 June 26, 1726 70 | Nehemiah, 3956 ey Apr. 23,1728 | Mar. 10, 1782 Dorothy ——; 1730-1805. : Mary, 3957 = Dec. %, 1730 | Elenor, 3958 oe Nov. 25, 1733 | Aug. 19, 1739 Moses, 3959 te Jan. 23,1736 | Nov. 8, 1736 NEHEMIAH AND DOROTHY ( ) DAVIS. 3956. Elizabeth Lydia, | 3960 | Concord, Nov. 22, 1757 yala, Sarah, 3961 ee Dec. 10, 1759 Asa, 3962 e Aug. 13, 1770 ELEAZER AND EUNICE (POTTER) DAVIS. 284-549. 70 | Eleazer, 3963 | Concord, Mar.5,1705-6 | Sept. 12,1748 | June 17, 1731 | Rebecca Chandler; 1711-. | Hannah, 3964 ee Oct. 18, 1707 Apr. 12,1765 | Benjamin Wheeler. 72 | Timothy, 3965 ef Dec. 8, 1709 1800 | Feb. 9, 1737 | Hannah Smith; 1716-1787. Sarah, 3966 ne Mar. 23, 1711-12 Sept. 1, 1736 | Isaac Merriam. Eunice, 3967 fe Dec. 18, 1716 Nov. 22, 1748 | William Marshall. | Rebecca, oe ce May 13, ee Feb. 3,1749 | Ezra Wheeler; 1717-1798. | Abigail, ae May 16, 172 May 17,1741 | Ezekiel Davis. ; ELEAZER AND REBECCA (CHANDLER) DAVIS. 3963. 70 | Eleazer, 3970 | Concord, May 30, 1734 Sept. 3, 1756 | 1. Mary Davis. 70 3971 Feb. 23, 1764 | 2. Rebecca Putnam. Rebecca, 3972 te Aug. 2, 1736 Oct. 14,1755 | Zachariah Fitch. Elizabeth, 3973 ee July 2,1739 | Feb. 6, 1750 Abigail, 8974 a Oct. 23, 1741 Aug. 9,1759 | Solomon Hartwell. Sarah, 3975 a Oct. 13, 1748 Oct. 27,1761 | Jonathan Fassett. Samuel, 3976 ts Aug. 2,1747 | Feb. 17, 1750 : ELEAZER AND MARY (DAVIS) DAVIS. 3970. Mary, 3977 | Concord, Aug. 19, 1760 Rebecca, 3978 es June 18, Oct. 16, 1844 | Unmarried. ELEAZER AND REBECCA (PUTNAM) DAVIS. 3971. 70 | Betsey, 8979 | Bedford, Feb. 16, oe Aug. te 1799 | Aug. 14,1793 | Joseph Adams; 1757-1830; son John and Abigail. 101 | Lucy, 3980 ef July 11,1766 | Aug. 16,1852 | Oct. 7,1790 | Timothy Hartwell; 1765-1830; son Joseph. 71 Riesesn, 3981 “ Tae. 1371768 | Aug. 22.1841 | Jan. 1? 1799 Martha Skinner: 1774-1865. : 98 | Joanna, 3982 és Aug. 19,1769 | Oct. 30,1808 | Oct. 13, 1796 | William Hartwell; 1770-1819; son Joseph. 71 | Sarah, 3983 es Aug. 19,1769 | Jan. 31, 1861 | June 21,1796 | Job Webber; 1769-1838. [Lot and Martha. 227. 72 | Abigail, 3984 is Aug. .8,1774 | Apr. 6, 1843 | June 26,1794 | Levi Conant; 1767-1842; s. Wm. and great-grandson of _| Hannah, 3985 ee Aug. 26, 1775 Aug. 7, 1804 | James Webber. JOSEPH AND BETSEY (DAVIS) ADAMS. 3979. Mary, 3986 | Littleton, May 38,1794 | Mar. 12,1872 | Unmarried. 70 | James, ; ao % May 2,1796 | June 1, 1863 | Oct. 17, 1822 | 1. eg te Hoar; 1802-1838. [Mary (McNeil). 70 | 398 2. Jane Thomas Robinson; 1803-; dau. David and St Betsey, 8989 SC aie ae ie Sept. 25, 1817 | David Heard; 1793-1881; s. David & Sibyl (Sherman). Love 3990 ee une 22, 1798 [(Gates). 71 | Berean, 3991 ss Aug. 9,1799 | July 12,1876 | Aug. 7, 1824 | Charlotte Hudson; 1799-; dau. Melzar and Osharie JAMES AND ROXALANA (HOAR) ADAMS. 3987. Daniel Hoar, as Concord, aed 1 top ok 47 Geos Nov. 24, 1842 | Sarah Ann Pratt; 1824-1848; dau. Alvan and Sarah Roxalana ‘ Nov. ov. {Ann (Marble). 70 | Henry William, | 3994) 9“ Nov. 17, 1825 eae : Aug. 31, 1848 | Nancy Jackson Wright; 1828-; dau. Abel and Varn * | William Henr 8995 ee ov. 1 5 | June 25, 1826 {zina (Tower). Mary Jane, | 3996 “ June 8, 1828 | Mar. 13, 1830 ( ) Joseph Nelson, 3997 ss Apr. 2, 1830 | June 28, 1831 Lucy Ann, 3998 Apr. 17, 1832 | Nov. 23, 1832 Simon Rogers, 3999 : Aug. 11, 1833 | Sept. 17, 1833 Georgianna, 4000 te Oct. 17, 1834 | Sept. 1, 1853 [oline R. (Kimball). 70 | James, Jr., 4001 eo Aug. 8, 1836 May 2, 1865 | Sarah Serena Tash; 1837-; dau. Nathan B. and Car- JAMES AND JANE T. (ROBINSON) ADAMS. 3988. 70 | Caroline, | 4002 | Concord, Oct. 3, 1843 Feb. 17, 1861 | Charles Adison Hemingway; 1838-; son Daniel and Jennie May, 4003 fe Sept. 15, 1845 | Aug. 6, 1866 [Tabitha P. (Wiley). HENRY WILLIAM AND NANCY JACKSON (WRIGHT) ADAMS. 3994. 70 | Flora Louise, 4004 |Cooperstown, N. Y., July 6, 1851 Jan. 4, 1871 /Oscar Cutler Hatch; 1848-; s. Geo. & Hannah (Vance). 70 | George Henry, 4005 ‘Wells River, Vt., Mar. 9, 1857 June 12, 1878 | Martha Frances Sherman; 1853-; dau. Ashael and teas ae . ae 7 ie oo *; ta [Elizabeth (Newton). ary Josie, ’ 19s - OSCAR C. AND FLORA L. (ADAMS) HATCH. 4004. Leslie Adams, | 4008 Littleton, N. H., Jan. 17, 1876 Henry Oscar, 4009 iy May 11, 1877 George Arthur, 4010, te May 12, 1882 | Nov. 30, 1883 Margaret Eliz., | 4011 | #6 Dec. 19, 1885 George Harold, Roxalana, | Forest Nathan, Jennie Adams, Charles Freddie, Charles Bertie, | 4014 | Natick, GEORGE HENRY AND MARTHA FRANCES (SHERMAN) ADAMS. 4012 4013 4015 4016 4017 Waltham, Oct. ae Aug. 31, 1879 2, 1883 4005. | JAMES, JR. AND SARAH S. (TASH) ADAMS. 4001. Sept. 27, 1866 | | CHARLES A. AND CAROLINE (ADAMS) HEMINGWAY. 4002. Framingham, Oct., 1861 fe Dec. 24, 1866 Jan. 23, 1882 July 6, 1873 Jan. 26, 1882 70 | Dec. 30, 1885 | Albert Littlefield. BENJAMIN AND CHARLOTTE (HUDSON) ADAMS. 3991. 8t | Chas. Kingman, | 4018 | Concord, Dec. 3, 1825 Oct. 21,1851 | Mary Elizabeth Bayley; 1829-; dau. Edward H. and Charlotte Cath’ine,| 4019 | Bangor, Me., Aug. 2,1828 | Aug. 31, 1828 [Mary (Jones). Henry Hudson, | 4020 ne July 30,1829 | Aug. 5, 1829 Winslow Chase, | 4021 June 2,1831 | Nov. 29, 1831 Ellen Jane, . 4022 eG Apr. 12, 1834 [Betsey (Williams). 84 | Mary Catharine, | 4023 te Apr. 29, 1841 Apr. 30, 1860 | William Henry Kirkpatrick, 1836-; son James and ELEAZER AND MARTHA (SKINNER) DAVIS. 3981. Betsey, 4024 | Bedford, Dec. 26,1799 | Aug. 14,1879 | Unmarried. [(Spofford). 71 | John Skinner, 4025 ef May 6,1801 | Nov. 26,1875 | Oct. 1, 1839 | Lucy Chaplin; 1803-1878; d. Eliphalet and Martha Mary, 4026 ee May 22,1803 | Jan. 9, 1843 | Unmarried. : ae [Anna (Harrington) Winship. 71 | Eleazer Page, 4027 ef Jan. 380, 1805 Mar. 15, 1831 | 1. Emily (Winship) Reed; 1797-1831; d. Thos. and vat 4028 i Apr. 7, 1842 | 2. Susan Maria Sayles; 1816-1876; d. Ezekiel and oe - a . a 1 qe sae a ae Oct. 20, 1846 | Lewis P. Gleason; 1799-1885. (Lydia (Wilbur). artha Joanna, ct. ' eb. 10, Benjamin Josiah, | 4031 a Dec. 20, 1810 Hannah Skinner, | 4032 ee May 25,1813 | July 22,1831 | Unmarried. Samuel 4033 as Aug. 15, 1815 Martha Maria, | 4034; « Sept. 7,1817 | May 24,1884 | Unmarried. George E., 4035 | ef Sept. 7, 1819 | Jan. 20, 1851 JOHN SKINNER AND LUCY (CHAPLIN) DAVIS. 4025. John Chaplin, 4086 | Lexington, Mar. 15, 1841 | Sept.15, 1841 | — Martha Chaplin, | 4037 : June 18, 1845 ELEAZER PAGE AND EMILY (WINSHIP-REED) DAVIS. 4027. | Emily Maria, 4038 | Bedford, June 13, 1831 | | | ELEAZER PAGE AND SUSAN M. (SAYLES) DAVIS. 4028. 71 | Ellen Amelia, 4039 | Bedford, Mar. 10, 1845 Mar. 30, 1865 | Abel P. Fitch; 1838-; son Abel and Nancy (Bacon). 71 nae ce, an ay ae ae - gs July 22,1869 | Chas. H. Clark; 1837-; s. Joseph & Lucinda (Davis). ary Susan an. a 5 George Pace, 4042 | Mar. il iesa| ABEL P. AND ELLEN AMELIA (DAVIS) FITCH. 4039. Winfred Porter, | 4043 Aug. 3, 1870 Alice Maria, 4044 Jan. 5, 1872 Horace Wilbur, | 4045 Apr. 6, 1874 |} Aug. 8, 1874 CHARLES H. AND ABBY C. (DAVIS) CLARK. 4040. Eugene, 4046 Apr. 17, 1870 Herbert Leslie, 4047 Jan. 31, 1880 Myron Henry, 4048 July 25, 1881 JOB AND SARAH (DAVIS) WEBBER. 3983. John, 4049 | Littleton, Apr. 25,1797 | Sept. 24, 1879 Lydia Stevens. 71 | Sally, Fi z une eo ee ae a is Jan. 1, ae Jas. Park; 1795-1882; son Alex. & Martha (Betton), Nancy 05 une ar. Unmarried. 71 ‘Artemus, Dea., | 4052 e May 3, 1800 | Dec. 19; 1846 | May 20, 1827 | Sarah Wyman Richardson; 1804-1874. 85 | Job Page, 4053 a Nov. 23, 1801 | Feb. 19,1875 | Feb. 1, 1823 | Tabitha Abraham Jones; 1803-; dau. Timothy and Eliza Farley, 4054 . June 12,1805 | Jan. 21,1839 | Unmarnied. . [Betsey (Abraham). 84 | Benj. Newton, 4055 ee Aug. 24, 1812 Sept. 12, 1837 | Ann Hill; 1816-1883; d. John & Mary (Cunningham). JAMES AND SALLY (WEBBER) PARK. 4050. Eliza Farley, | 4056 |Windham,Vt., Dec. 21, 1838 | | ARTEMUS AND SARAH WYMAN (RICHARDSON) WEBBER. 4052. 71 | Marcus Bruce, 4057 | Bedford, Mar. 9, 1828 | Feb. 12, 1886 | Nov. 22, 1852 | Eliz. Frances Gleason; d. Lewis P. & Lucy (Butler). 71 | Sarah Abigail, 4058 nt Jan. 28, 1830 | Dec. 23,1876 | Mar. 11, 1852 | Henry Augustus Gleason; 1829-; son Lewis P. and Ruth Adelaide, 4059 ee Feb. 16, 1834 ; [Lucy (Butler). 72 | Maria Cordelia, 4060 ns Dec. 4, 1837 May 1, 1861 | Alvah Cotton; -1882. MARCUS BRUCE AND ELIZABETH FRANCES (GLEASON) WEBBER. 4057. Kate Putnam 4061 | Bedford, Jan. 21,1855 | Aug. 12, 1864 - ‘A. (Smith). 71 | Wallace Gleason, | 4062 | Aug. 18, 1856 | - = gay | Une 22 1881 | Mary Augusta Putnam; 1860-; a. Wm, aa uy Carrie Maria 4063 ug. "| May Arthur Wyman, | 4064 | Sept. 9, 1860 | May 15, 1883 Henry Francis, | 4065 ee Teo ac j en oe Be i Warren Putnam, | 4066 ee ay 6: eb. 28, 1866 Marion Waldo, | 4067| “ Oct. 21) 1865 ; Alfred Augustus, | 4068 et Nov. 28, 1868 Alden Brown, 4069 ne Nov. 28, 1868 Lizzie Frances, 4070 e Jan. 15, 1871 Olive Putnam, 4071 ae Nov. 19, 1872 Lewis Butler, 4072 G June 4, 1875 | Oct. 4, 1875 Marcus Howard, | 4073 He Aug. 10,1876 | Nov. 2, 1876 WALLACE GLEASON AND MARY AUGUSTA (PUTNAM) WEBBER. 4062. Carrie Putnam, | 4074 | Bedford, June 3, 1882 Paul Barron, 4075 ee Apr. 27, 1884 HENRY AUGUSTUS AND SARAH ABIGAIL (WEBBER) GLEASON. 4058. Frank Waldo, 4076 | Bedford, Mar. 25, 1853 June 3,1885 | Mary Isabella Wood. Alfred Webber, | 4077 oe Nov. 30, 1855 72 | Mary Wilder, 4078 eS Jan. 25, 1857 June 1,1881 | Edward Gardner Pierce. Herbert Lewis, | 4079 ee Sept. 15, 1861 Henry Walter, 4080 | Woburn, Jan. 29, 1866 Sept. 25, 1886 | Eda M. Titus. Herman Page, 4081 se Jan. 9, 1871 71 _ Lewis Edward, 4082 _ __BDWARD G. AND MARY W. (GLEASON) PIERCE. ' Woburn, May 16, 1882 4078. ALVAH AND MARIA CORDELIA (WEBBER) COTTON. 4060. | Mabel Louise, Arthur Edgerly, | 4083 | Woburn, July 26, 1864 Marcus Howard, | 4084 ee Feb. 4, 1867 Alvah Chester, 4085 He Jan. 26, 1869 Edwin Clark, 4086 ee June 11, 1872 LEVI AND ABIGAIL (DAVIS) CONANT. 3984. 97 | Benjamin, 4087 | Harvard, July 13,1795 | July 25, 1834 | Feb. 14, 1826 |Cynthia Lewis; 1800-; d. Jesse and Azubah (Hallett), 98 | Rebekah, 4088 i Jan. 23,1797 | Aug. 1, 1870 1820 | Robert Gardner Wilson; 1782-1858. Sewall, 4089 Oct. 18, 1798 1850 | Unmarried. Abigail, 4090 oe Mar. 31, 1800 1826 He Eliza, 4091 ee aug. 6, 1801 1828 Otis Jefferson. 98 | Lucinda, 4092 a Apr. 28,1803 | Mar. 13, 1844 | Oct. 19, 1827 | Samuel Mead; -1856. 97 | Geo. Washington,| 4093 ae Apr. 10,1805 |Dec. 1, 1884 | Apr. 16, 1829 | Anna Stevens; 1809-; d. Wm. and Anna (Mead). 97 | Levi, Jr., 4094 es Feb. 6, 1810 May 4, 1836 |Anna Whitney Mead; 1809-1873;d Abraham and Lucy ¢Kimball). [(Whitaker). 97 | Henry, 4095 eg Sept. 18, 1815 ' Sept. 18, 1838 | Harriet Ann Blood; 1817-; dau. Jonathan and Eliza TIMOTHY AND HANNAH (SMITH) DAVIS. 3966. Timothy, 4096 | Townsend, May 16, 1738 | Died young. Joseph, 4097 ee Feb. 20, 1739-40 Feb. 14, 1769 | Sarah Campbell. Joshua, 4098 ie May 8, 1744 Lucy, 4099 et May 22, 1746 1747 Lucy, 4100 July 10, 1748 Sept. 24,1771 | Thomas Eaton. Eleazer, 4101 May 3,1751 Mar. 4, 1779 | Martha Stevens. Josiah, 4102 May 24, 1753 Mar. 4, 1779 | Sarah Sawtelle. Joel, 4103 July 31, 1755 Chary. Reuben, 4104 1757 1767 | . ‘ 72 | Timothy, 4105 Feb. 2,1760 | Feb. 7,1826 | Oct. 3,1782 | Betty Flagg; 1759-; d. Wm. and Lydia (Child). Mary, 4106 Feb. 2, 1760 : : TIMOTHY AND BETTY (FLAGG) DAVIS. 4105. 72 | Seth, Hon., 4107 | Ashby, Sept. 3, 1787 Oct. 27,1810 |1. Mary Durell, 1789-1867; d. John & Mary(Winch’ter). 4108 July 1, 1868 | 2. Mary J. Glidden; d. John and Eliza (Braun). 72 | Asa, 4109 ee Feb. 14,1793 | May 7, 1847 Alice (Williams) McLay; 1790-1862; d. Wm. and Ab- 72 | Betsey, 4110 ie June 28, 1796 June 25, 1818 | Abner Proctor; 1785-1868. [igail (Harris) Williams. Timothy, 4111 Apr. 26, 1798 Abigail Wellington. William, 4112 & Noy. 17, 1803 1839 Eunice Turner. HON. SETH AND MARY (DURELL) DAVIS. 4107. Mary W.., 4113 Nov. 27, 1813 | Nov. 12, 1842 | May 7, 1835 | Rev. Augustus W. Willard. Harris L., 4114 Feb. 24, 1829 | Mar. 12, 1853 ASA AND ALICE (WILLIAMS-McLAY) DAVIS. 4109. Asa, 4115 | Townsend, Died young. Matilda, 4116 | East Cambridge, es 72 | Watson H.., 4117 e Oct., 1825 1. Julia Gove; -1851. 4118 2. Mrs. Charlotte Daniels. 72 | Granville C., 4119 aE Aug. 238, 1828 July 1,1851 | Ann H. Kendall. Emily, 4120 ae May, 1834 Josiah Bartlett. WATSON H. AND JULIA (GOVE) DAVIS. 4117. Julia, 4121 1847 Alice, 4122 1849 GRANVILLE C. AND ANN H. (KENDALL) DAVIS. 4119. Frank G.,Rev., | 4123 | Shirley, Dec. 8, 1852 Oct. 28, 1880 | Lillian F. Crow. Herbert G., 4124 | Peperell, Dec. 10,1855 | Apr. 20, 1856 Julia E., 4125 | Shirley, Dec. 5, 1856 Apr. 7, 1872 | Lawrence Benningham. Nellie J., 4126 et Dec. 15, 1866 Evelena, 4127 id Sept. 3, 1870 ABNER AND BETSEY (DAVIS) PROCTOR. 4110. 72 | Mary E., 4128 Dec. 14, 1819 Feb., 1843 | Albert Turner. 72 | Abner, Jr., 4129 June 9, 1821 July 17,1845 | Emeline Brown; 1832-; d. John and Hepzabah. 73 | Oliver, 4130 July 2, 1823 Oct. 13,1858 | Catharine U. Griswold. No. 1549. Sarah M., 4131 Apr. 12, 1825 Sept. 10, 1878 | Ralph Ball. 73 | Abigail, 4132 Jan. 6, 1827 Nov. 26, 1853 | Charles Hastings; 1823-. 73 | Malvina, 4133 Oct. 12, 1829 July 21,1863 | John Selden Angus; 1830-. Lydia C., 4134 Feb. 26, 1832 Nov. 1, 1877 | James Phillips Farley; 1816-1884. Emily, 4135 Apr. 1, 1834 | Dec. 16, 1839 Clementine, 4136 Dec. 24,1838 | Oct. 18, 1840 ALBERT AND MARY E. (PROCTOR) TURNER. 4128. Albert Davis, 4137 Dec. 4, 1843 | June 1, 1871 | Abbie Spaulding. 72 | Abbie Clementine,) 4138 Aug. 19, 1847 Oct. 13,1881 | Eugene R. Kilburn. EUGENE R. AND ABBIE C. (TURNER) KILBURN. 4138. Albert Sidney, 4139 Aug. 24, 1882 Farley Eugene, | 4140 Apr. 19, 1884 ABNER, JR. AND EMELINE (BROWN) PROCTOR. 4129. Laura Emma, © | 4141 Sept. 21, 1848 | Aug. 30, 1849 | | 72 | Mary Ada, 4142 Dec. 29, 1850 Sept. 29, 1866 | Wm. Franklin Merritt; 1846-; 5. Wm. and Mary A. WILLIAM F. AND MARY ADA (PROCTOR) MERRITT. 4142. | 4143 | Dec. 17, 1867 | Oct. 1, 1880 | 72 OLIVER AND CATHARINE U. (GRISWOLD) PROCTOR. 4130-1549. Milo Griswold, 4144 Apr. 4, 1861 Edward Oliver, | 4145 Mar. 21, 1869 Galen Abner, 4146 Sept. 19, 1871 CHARLES AND ABIGAIL (PROCTOR) HASTINGS. 4132. George Herbert, | 4147 Aug. 14, 1854 Emily Proctor, 4148 June 29, 1856 Percy Wellington,| 4149 Feb. 8, 1861 Nellie Elizabeth, | 4150 Aug. 4, 1865 | Nov. 13, 1883 Charles Alfred, | 4151 June 7, 1870 JOHN S. AND MALVINA (PROCTOR) ANGUS. 4133. | Marshall Proctor, | 4152 | Sept. 4, 1864 | Sept. 9, 1869 | SAMUEL AND MERCY (HOAR) FARRAR. 314. Samuel, 4153 | Lincoln, Dec. 13,1773 | Jan. 22,1848 | Oct. 30,1814 | Phebe (Edwards) Hooker. James, 4154 % Oct. 12,1776 | Oct. 9, 1867 | Jan. 16, 1806 | 1. Nancy Barrett. No. 2540. 4155 Feb. 20, 1812 | 2. Mary Fiske Hoar; -1813. 73 4156 Jan. 16,1815 | 8. Dorcas Chapin. John, Prof., 4157 a May 1,1779 1. Lucy Maria Buckminster. 4158 2. Eliza Rotch. Rebecca, 4159 es Nov. 21,1782 | July 5, 1784 Rebecca, 4160 ie Dec. 21, 1785 Dec. 5, 1804 | Rev. Jonathan French. JAMES AND DORCAS (CHAPIN) FARRAR. 4156. Samuel, 4161 | Lincoln, 1816 1838 George, 4162 ee 1818 | Jan. 18, 1851 1848 | Julia Carlton. 73 | James, 4163 ee Sept. 22, 1820 Mar. 19, 1845 | Adeline Hyde. 73 | John Williams, 4164 = Jan. 20, 1823 Oct. 25, 1848 | Elizabeth D. French. JAMES AND ADELINE (HYDE) FARRAR. 4163. George, 4165 | Lincoln, Dec. 4, 1849 Samuel, 4166 et Aug. 4, 1851 Mary Bradley, 4167 - Oct. 6, 1853 Abbie Chapin, 4168 te Nov. 30, 1855 | Aug. 31, 1876 James Hyde, 4169 - July 19, 1858 Edward Rogers, | 4170 “ Mar. 17, 1863 JOHN W. AND ELIZABETH D. (FRENCH) FARRAR. 4164. 73 | Julia Carlton, 4171 | Lincoln, Jan. 22, 1851 Oct. 17, 1872 | 1. Amos Prescott Sherman; -1882. 4172 Sept. 2, 1884 | 2. Horace Winslow Warren. 73 | Eliza Rotch, 4173 te Dec. 10, 1853 Oct. 24, 1878 | Charles Stearns Wheeler. 73 | John French, 4174 es ‘Aug. 31, 1856 Oct. 27, 1881 | Susan A. Giles. Herbert Williams,) 4175 st Nov. 28, 1858 Rebecca Dora, 4176 we Oct. 30, 1860 Lizzie French, 4177 ts Oct. 5. 1862 | Mar. 19, 1873 Anna Hazen, 4178 He Aug. 21, 1865 Grace, 4179 of Mar. 6, 1868 AMOS P. AND JULIA C. (FARRAR) SHERMAN. 4171. Annie Prescott, | 4180 Jan. 9, 1874 | | | Carlton Farrar, 4181 Oct. 23, 1877 CHARLES S. AND ELIZABETH R. (FARRAR) WHEELER. 4173. Julia, 4182 1879 1880 Mary Louise, 4183 Nov. 27, 1880 Elizabeth French,) 4184 May 19, 1884 JOHN F. AND SUSAN A. (GILES) FARRAR. 4174. | Herbert G., | 4185 | Jan. 29, 1883 | | | TIMOTHY AND ANNA (BANCROFT) FARRAR. 319. 73 | Timothy, | 4186 | Mar. 17, 1788 | | Sept. 14, 1817 | Sarah Adams; 1789-. TIMOTHY AND SARAH (ADAMS) FARRAR. 4186. : 73 | Anna Bancroft, | 4187 Mar. 20, 1819 Jan. 25, 1842 | Edward Crane; 1816-. Sarah Elizabeth, | 4188 Sept. 5, 1820 May 16, 1848 | William Craige Burke, M. D.; 1812-. ; EDWARD AND ANNA (BANCROFT) CRANE. 4187. Timothy Farrar, | 4189 Feb. 8, 1843 Mary Ospah, 4190 Oct. 27, 1844 Edward Barrows, | 4191 May 8, 1849 THOMAS AND PRUDENCE (HOSMER) HOSMER. 437-440. Lucy, 4192 | Concord, 73 | Joseph, Maj., 4193 ie Dec. 25,1735 | Jan. 31, 1821 Lucy Barnes. Persis, 4194 “ Dinah, 4195 e Lydia, 4196 es Benjamin, 4197 ne MAJ. JOSEPH AND LUCY (BARNES) HOSMER. 4193. Lucy, 4198 | Concord, Died young. Lavinia, 4199 He Abel Davis. 74 | Cyrus, 4200 al Feb. 28,1865 |-May 3,1818 | Aug-30, 1792 | Patty Barrett. No. 1908. Lucinda, 4201 i Timothy Brooks. Rufus, 4202 te 1779 1832 73 CYRUS AND PATTY (BARRETT) HOSMER. 4200-1908. Patty, 4203 | Concord, Sept. 2, 1793 | Feb. 23, 1814 ‘ 74 | Cyrus, 4204 of Sept. 15,1795 | Dec. 19, 1833 | Jan. 23, 1823 | Lydia Parkman Wheeler; 1800-1884; dau. Ephraim. 7A | ae een aoe : ] ov. a te Aue 17, 1882 | Sept. 14, 1818 | Henry Francis Cogswell; 1796-1881. [(Poor) ; Washington, ug. an. 5, 1803 oor). 74 | Geo. Wash., Rev.,| 4207 ot Nov. o7° 1803 | July 5, 1881 | Apr. 25, 1831 | Hannah P. Kendall; 1805-; d. Rev. John and Sarah 74 | Meliscent, 4208 7 Feb. 6, 1806 | May, 1843 | Sept. 16, 1828 | Jacob B. Farmer. _ | Elizabeth, 4209 Nov. 8, 1810 1840 | Jan. 19, 1832 | Joshua Buttrick; -1851. CYRUS AND LYDIA P. (WHEELER) HOSMER. 4204. Sarah Parkman, | 4210 | Concord, June 7, 1824 | Feb. 1, 1885 | Unmarried. Joseph Henry, 4211 oh Sept. 19, 1826 | July 10, 1831 [(Holden). 99 | Martha, 4212 s June 17, 1829 June 15, 1848 | Andrew Jackson Harlow; 1824-; s. Ellis and Miriam 99 | Henry Joseph, 4213 #8 Feb. 2, 1832 Dec. 38,1874 | Laura Anna (Ballou) Whiting; ioe S Frosch 3d, {and Lydia (Hines). 99 | Cyrus, 3d, 4214 ee Noy. 17, 1833 | Apr. 9, 1885 | June 17, 1873 ; Anna Eliza Prescott; 1839-; d. Phineas G. and Sarah 103 | Lydia, 4215 a Nov. 17, 1833 Jan. 1, 1861 | Daniel Heald Wood. No. 2054. [(Salisbury). REV. GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HANNAH P. (KENDALL) HOSMER. 4207. Edward Jarvis, 4216 May 29,1832 | July 29, 1834 74 |Jas. Kendall, Prof., (| 4217 |Northfield, Mass., Jan. 29, 1834 Oct. 15, 1863 | 1. Elizabeth Adelaide Cutler; -1877. 74 iss 4218 Nov. 27, 1878 | 2. Jenny Persis Garland. 74 | William Rufus, | 4219 July 31, 1835 June 20, 1871 | Josephine Louisa Grant. 74 |Geo. Herbert, Rev.,| 4220 May 14, 1839 Dec. 10, 1868 | Julia W. Sheldon. anes H., a a als a 6 Oct. 21, 1862 | Rev. William H. Savary. a, 2 ct. 1 ct. 27, 1842 Edward Jarvis, 4293 July 12° 1843 | Jan. 24? 1863 = PROF. JAMES KENDALL AND ELIZABETH ADELAIDE (CUTLER) HOSMER. 4217. Edward Stebbins, | 4224 | Deerfield, June 2, 1866 Eliot Norton, 4225 |Y’llowSprings,Ohio, Dec.28,1868] June 24, 1869 Ernest Cutler, 4226 a July 1, 1870 Josephine, 4227 | Columbia, Mo., Mar. 31, 1874 PROF. JAMES KENDALL AND JENNIE PERSIS (GARLAND) HOSMER. 4218. Ruth, 4228 |St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 18,1879 Herbert Garland, | 4229 ee Jan. 22,1881 | May 27, 1882 Meliscent, 4230 ee Jan. 16, 1884 WILLIAM RUFUS AND JOSEPHINE LOUISA (GRANT) HOSMER. 4219. | Mary Louise, —_| 4231 | Apr. 22, 1878 | | | REV. GEORGE HERBERT AND JULIA W. (SHELDON) HOSMER. 4220. | Ralph Sheldon, | 4232 | Mar. 4, 1874 | | HENRY FRANCIS AND REBECCA PRESCOTT (HOSMER) COGSWELL. 4205. Martha Rebecca, | 4233 |Peterboro, N.H., May 26, 1820 | June 23, 1836 | 74 | Caroline Hosmer,| 4234 He May 26, 1823 Sept. 1, 1846 | Ethan H. Howard. . [CWilkins). 74 hee ey pe 7 que pee ae La 7 eee Aug. 22,1848 | Catharine Hayes; 1831-; dau. Thomas and Abigail Albert Smith, ov. 2 2) ept. Geo. Washington, | 4237 ee July iE 1830 | Apr. 29) 1854 | Sept. 3, 1851 | Sarah Hall. Eliza, c 4238 et Feb. 17, 1832 | Jan. 3, 1855 74 | Sarah, 4239 os Feb. 10, 1834 June 2, 1852 | J. Mortimer Whitcomb. | Henry Cogswell, | 4240 ETHAN H. AND CAROLINE HOSMER (COGSWELL) HOWARD. | Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1847 | Jan. 4, 1869 4234. | Jennie M. Jewett. WILLIAM HENRY AND CAROLINE (HAYES) COGSWELL. 4235. Albert Smith, 4241 Peterboro, N. H., Novy. 10, 1849 July 8, 1874 Julia Rich Holmes; 1853-. 74 | Abbie Rebecca, | 4242 oe Jan. 11, 1851 May 12, 1875 | Cyrus A. Veatch; 1846-; son Decalin and Matilda A. 74 | Sarah Hayes, 4243 |Springville, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1852 May 12,1875 | Lemuel James Morse; 1844-; son Chas. and Sarah. 74 | Henry Francis, 4244 /Hudson, Mich., Oct. 30, 1854 Sept. 17, 1872 | Lettie E. Garlinghouse; 1848-; d. David & Margaret. 74 | Geo. Washington, | 4245 as Oct. 25, 1856 Dec. 23, 1877 | Debbie Parkhill; 1859-. a CYRUS A. AND ABBIE R.(COGSWELL) VEATCH. 4242. Irene Gertrude, | 4246 |Chicago, Ill., July 10, 1876 Cora Edna, 4247 |Streator, I]]., Oct. 26, 1877 Oscar Howard, 4248 es Apr. 5, 1879 Dana V., 4249 |Forest, Ill., Aug. 24, 1881 Sarah, 4250 |Pontiac,Ill., Nov. 5, 1885 7 ae LEMUEL J. AND SARAH H. (COGSWELL) MORSE. 4243. | Jennie Howard, | 4251 | Apr. 4, 1876 | | HENRY F. AND LETTIE E. (GARLINGHOUSE) COGSWELL. 4244. Carrie Lulu, 4252 | Dec. 22, 1883 | | Jennie Vialettie, | 4253 Sept. 5, 1885 GEORGE W. AND DEBBIE (PARKHILL) COGSWELL. 4245. Carrie Maud, 4254 | Sept. 13, 1878 | | Abbie Rebecca, | 4255 Dec. 23, 1879 J. MORTIMER AND SARAH (COGSWELL) WHITCOMB. 4239. Elizabeth, 4256 |Buffalo, N.Y., June 18, 1856 Harriet Rebecca, | 4257 ss July 30,1858 | Nov. 3, 1879 Mortimer Osgood,| 4258 ee Jan. 4, 1861 | Sept. 26, 1861 Sarah, 4259 ne Aug. 12, 1862 JACOB B. AND MELISCENT (HOSMER) FARMER. 4208. (Continued page 75.) 75 | Elizabeth, | 4260 | Concord, July 1, 1829 | Apr. 18, 1848 | George A. Leete; 1817-1884. 74 an Martha, 4261 | Concord, July 16, 1831 Noy. 25, 1873 | Charles L. Leete; 1823-. eres rete . aie ie ae Dec. 26,1865 | James A. Barrett. No. 2018. ’ ec. ‘i Edwin 4264 Bo Dec. 6, 1842 Henry, 4265 es ; GEORGE A. AND ELIZABETH (FARMER) LEETE. 4260. peoree Pe 4266 | Rochester, N. ¥., Jan. 23, 1849 Apr. 26, 1871 | Mary Harriet Remington; dau. Daniel and Betsey R. a e rea 4267 Pronilenes, R.1., July 31, 1851 Apr. 23, 1874 | Edward W. Foster; son John and Lucretia. v rl iam A iy ee Fie actcinlae Sar aes Nov. 25, 1879 | Sophia E. Rawson; dau. Henry M. and Sophia E. “9 2 5 eas . ’ . Meliscent 4270 ee May 31,1 Edward M., 4271 e Joly 20, i827 Died young. S. Louise, 4972 “ Oct. 24; 1858 Alexander D., 4273 ee Nov. 3, 1861 SAMUEL AND RUTH (BROWN) JONES. 483-150. Elizabeth, 4274 | Concord, Oct. 7, 1700 —— Wright. 7 | ‘Thomas, 4275 ee Nov. 30,1702 | Aug. 3,1774 | July 20,1727 | Mary Miles; 1709-1782. Ruth, 4276 fe Mar. 16, 1704 | June 29, 1734 | Sept. 16, 1733 | Capt. Malachi Foot; 1711-. 76 | Samuel, 4277 ee Oct. 17,1707 | June 7, 1802 | Dec. 21, 1732 | Sarah Hubbard; 1716-1802. 23 | Rebecca, { 4278 ‘g Apr. 15,1810 1730 | 1. Benjamin Barrett. No. 19. [ful a. ieaeck tea ; ‘3 iat ae 23, bee a tones Prescott; 1703-1784; son Jonas and Thank- ) ov. ct. 7, 175 ary Carter. 30 | Mary, 4281 “ Mar. 23/1715 | Jan. 30, 1804 "1730 | Dea. Thomas Barrett. No. 20. Lucy, 4282 ie Jan. 11,1717 | Jan. 10, 1808 1739 | Joseph Lee, M. D.; 1715-1797. THOMAS AND MARY (MILES) JONES. 4275. 2 Thomas, 4283 | Concord, May 28,1728 | Aug. 28,1799 | Feb. 28,1754 | Martha Brooks; 1731-1795. 96 Ce Capt., oe . tae vs te Dec. 18,1811 | Oct. 24,1754 | Phebe Brewer; 1734-; d. Daniel and Phebe (Locke). ary, 7 ar. Nov. 16, 1769 | Daniel Jones; 1728-. : Elizabeth, 4286 «“ June 2,1737 | July 18, 1831 | Feb. 16,1762 | Timothy Brooks; 1732-1803. [(Cutler). Samuel, Capt., 4287 ke May 21,1741 | May 6,1812 | Apr. 25,1771 | Hepzabah Jones; 1753-1839; dau. Ephraim and Alice 75 es Lieut., an 2 al sine Feb. 1,1810 | Feb. 22,1770 | Elizabeth Farrar; 1750-1826. ; ; ay James, 4290 et Apr. 92° 1751 | Feb. 18, 1754 LIEUT. ELISHA AND ELIZABETH (FARRAR) JONES. 4288. a Moll¥s oon Concord, a ae aa yy a re Dec. 10, i - ey a No, 2140. ; ar. 31, ug. 23, : . Betsey Thayer. 75 | 4293 2. Leah Thayer. No. 2150. uf a (no issue), ie : oo oe ae ei 1, ie ve ae Maria F. (Palisier) Barrett; wid. of satiate Barrett. , ‘ ct. nmarried. Betsey, 4296 « Apr. 5, 1782 | Apr. 20, 1849 1801 | John Dakin; 1780-1830. 47 | Patty, 4297 i Nov. 25,1785 | May 31, 1824 | Feb. 10, 1809 | Emerson Parrett. No. 2536. ELISHA AND BETSEY (THAYER) JONES. 4292. 75 | Henry Elisha, 4298 | Boston, Aug. 3,1804 | Dec. 2, 1874 | May 12, 1829 | Lydia Hannah Hunstable; 1809-1884. 76 | James Sullivan, | 4299 et Feb. 7, 1806 May 11, 1835 | Almira Chever. ELISHA AND LEAH (THAYER) JONES. 4293. 76 | George W., 4300 May 7,1808 | Mar. 7, 1879 | May 25, 1833 | Deborah Mann. Henry, 4301 Feb. 13,1810 | Apr. 15, 1815 Elizabeth, 4302 Apr. 15,1812 | Apr. 17, 1831 HENRY ELISHA AND LYDIA HANNAH (HUNSTABLE) JONES. 4298. Ee Henry L., fen Holliston, Mar. 22, 1830 oe 5, 1853 | 1. Ellen Maria Cartwright; 1834-1857. 5 . ay 1, 1880 | 2. May Josephine McMahon; 1850-. 75 eae eed Teh “a et 10; ie eon i Dec. 20; 1859 | Nancy Elizabeth Hollenbuck; 1839-1882, as. Hunstable, e an. 12, 1834 ug. 18, 1842 Wm. Parkman 4307 2 Jan. 25, 1836 | Mar. 26, 1836 Caroline Evarts, | 4308 « Dec. 19, 1836 | Feb. 26, 1837 Sam’l Parkman, | 4309 = Aug. 23, 1838 | * James Augustus, | 4310 es Jan. 7, 1841 Oct. 4, 1870 | Clara Elizabeth Parsons; 1840-. Wilberforce R., | 4311 He Sept. 3, 1843 | Sept. 8, 1844 75 | Robert Morrison, | 4812 ee Jan. 2, 1846 Jan. 27,1881 | Emma Julia Cushing; 1855-. Hannah Amelia, | 4313 sf May 13, 1848 HENRY LIVINGSTON AND ELLEN M. (CARTWRIGHT) JONES. 4303. Henry L., Jr., 4314 | Holliston, July 18,1854 | Aug. 3, 1858 | Daniel William, | 4315 | Chelsea, June 3, 1856 | Oct. 10, 1856 , HENRY L. AND MAY J. (McMAHON) JONES. 4304. Gertrude May F., | 4316 |New York, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1883] June 19, 1884 Florence Henry, | 4317 uf Jan. 5, 1886 | June 25, 1886 STARR S. AND NANCY BE. (HOLLENBUCK) JONES. 4305. Stella Louise, 4318 | Galveston, Tex., Mar. 11, 1861 Lottie Blessings, | 4319 ee Dec. 31, 1863 Frank Henry, 4320 “f Sept. 21, 1866 Charles Fowler, | 43821 ne Dec. 4, 1869 Alice May, 4322 re May 7, 1872 Nettie Starr, 4323 es Dec. 9, 1874 | Mar. 29, 1876 Ethel Pearl, 4324 ae Feb. 4, 1877 Katie Gilbert, 4325 ne Sept. 2, 1879 | Feb. 28, 1880 ROBERT M. AND EMMA J. (CUSHING) JONES. 4312. Alice Amelia, 4326 Dec. 23, 1881 . Robert Cushing, | 4327 Nov. 18, 1883 Marion Emma, 4328 Dec. 7, 1885 TS 7 JAMES SULLIVAN AND ALMIRA (CHEVER) JONES. 4299. Sarah Everett, 4329 | Wrentham, Feb. 19. 1836 | Feb. 13, 1883 Francis Edward, | 4330 ee Noy. 5, 1838 | Nov. 1, 1839 . _. | Martha Elmira, | 4331 - Sept. 30, 1840 | Apr. 2, 1848 16 | Mary Elizabeth, | 4332 Feb. 15, 1845 Jan. 28, 1868 | Owen Bearse, Jr. ___| Alice Emily, 4333 He May 27, 1853 OWEN, JR, AND MARY ELIZABETH (JONES) BEARSE. 4332. Fanny Cheever, | 4334 | Dorchester, Mar. 28, 1869 Lellah Alice, 4335 ee June 16,1872 | June 1, 1873 Mary Palmer, 4336 ae Oct. 11, 1874 Mark Livingston,} 4337 tt Feb. 9,1879 ; July 1, 1884 Alice Howland, 4338 | Wrentham, May 12, 1881 GEORGE W. AND DEBORAH (MANN) JONES. 4300. 76 | Eliza A., | 4339 | Randolph, Dec. 31, 1833 Mar. 6, 1859 | John Bigelow. 76 | Lorianna Metcalf,| 4340 et Feb. 20, 1836 Feb. 1, 1876 | Mary Orcutt. a JOHN AND ELIZA A. (JONES) BIGELOW. 4339. Charles F., 4341 |Brookfield,Vt., Jan. 21, 1861 Aug. 9, 1884 | Amanda E. Bacon. George Elmer, 4342 “ Mar. 21, 1863 Edward P., 4343 «“ May 21, 1866 Arthur, Jr., 4344 ee - Jan. 28, 1869 Ernest C., 4345 sf June 29, 1877 LORIANNA M. AND MARY (ORCUTT) JONES. 4340. George S., 4346 Aug. 29, 1876 Willie P., 4347 Apr. 24, 1878 Herbert, 4348 May 29, 1880 Mary Lizzie, 4349 Mar. 16, 1883 ; SAMUEL AND SARAH (HUBBARD) JONES. 4277. Sarah, 4350 | Concord, Jan. 5, 1734 | Nov. 3, 1793 John Merriam; 1720-1775. 76 | Samuel, Jr., 4351 | Acton, Sept. 30,1775 | Nov. 29, 1796 | July 30, 1782 | Hannah (Brown) Davis; wid. Capt. Isaac Davis. Ruth, 4352 a May 16, 1737 Sept. 5, 1765 | Jonas Allen. Oliver, 4353 = Feb. 5, 1739 | Aug. 11, 1820 | Dec. 29, 1763 | Hannah Woolley; 1741-1822. Amos, 4354 fe July 20, 1741 Oct. 11,1770 | Lydia Woolley. Joseph, 4355 ee Sept. 3,1743 | Feb., 1827 | Mar. 3, 1774 | Sarah French. Silas, 4356 ve Nov. 12,1744 | Oct. 9, 1756 Charles, 4357 Feb. 28,1748 | Nov. 29, 1748 Rebecca, 4358 s Dec. 28,1748 | Aug. 16, 1802 78 | Peter, 4859 ee Mar. 24,1751 | Oct. 12,1826 | Dec. 24, 1782 | Hepzabah Farrar; 1757-1824. 78 | Aaron, 4360 a Dec. 4,1754 | June 11,1836 | Apr. 8, 1779 | Abigail Billings; 1757-1832. Eunice, 4361 e Novy. 13, 1757 | Aug. 26, 1792 SAMUEL AND HANNAH (BROWN-DAVIS) JONES. 4351. 76 | Samuel, 4362 | Acton, Mar. 11,1783 | Oct. 21,1811 | Oct. 20,1806 | Anna Tuttle; -1828; dau. John. 76 | James, 4363 ee July 10,1784 | July 30, 1820 | Oct. 20,1807 | Dorothy Jones. No. 4479. 77 | Betsey, 4364 . May 25,1786 | Oct. 15,1866 | Apr. 1, 1807 | Levi Wait; 1780-1828; s. Phinehas & Eddie (Fassett). SAMUEL AND ANNA (TUTTLE) JONES. 4362. 76 | Anna Tuttle, 4365 | Acton, Jan. 31, 1808 June 2, 1829 | Rev. Artemus Bullard, D.D.; -1855; s. Dr. Artemus. Sarah Susanna, 4366 te Jan. 15,1810 | Dec. 27, 1815 REV. ARTEMUS AND ANNA TUTTLE (JONES) BULLARD. 4365. Artemus Everett,| 43867 | Charlestown, July 19,1830 | Apr. 18, 1836 Anna Maria, 4368 | Boston, July 9, 1832 | Apr. 28, 1833 Thos. Green Fessenden,| 4369 |Walnut Hills, O., Mar. 25, 1834) Nov. 12, 1838 Robert Leighton, | 4370 Ke Mar. 21, 1837 | Jan. 25, 1848 76 |Henry, Rev. & D. D.,| 4371 |St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 23, 1839 Aug. 30, 1871 | Maria Nelson; dau. Rev. Henry A. Nelson, D. D. Ann Elizabeth, 4372 ue Sept. 29, 1842 | Jan. 13, 1848 Edward Payson, | 4373 a Jan. 19,1845 | Jan. 12, 1848 e REV. HENRY, D. D, AND MARIA (NELSON) BULLARD. 4871. Annie Leighton, | 4374 Feb. 19, 1873 | July 16, 1873 Henry Nelson, 4875 Nov. 19, 1874 Alice, 4376 Oct. 4, 1876 Arthur, 4377 Dec. 8, 1879 JAMES AND DOROTHY (JONES) JONES. 4363-4479. ‘ James Madison, | 4378 | Acton, Dec. 9, 1808 | Apr. 25, 1827 [abeth (Hunt). 76 | Henrietta, 4379 tf Aug. 16, 1810 Apr. 38,1828 | Joseph Warren Tuttle; 1805-; son Simon and Eliz- 77 | Samuel, 4380 ee Aug. 24, 1812 Apr. 8, 1838 | Martha Ann Handley; 1817-; dau. John and Lucy Charles Henry, | 4381 ef Sept. 24, 1815 | June 30, 1821 [(Proctor). Hiram A., 4382 ee June 12, 1818 | Dec. 11, 1881 JOSEPH WARREN AND HENRIETTA (JONES) TUTTLE. 4379. 76 | Henrietta, 4383 | Acton, June 2, 1829 Nov. 24, 1846 | Geo.Wash.Todd,; 1822-1880; s. Levi& Nancy (Corey). 77 | George Warren, | 4384 et June 9, 1831 Jan. 1, 1854 | Anna Tuttle; 1834-; d. Dan’1& Emeline E. Canales). Albert Jones, 4385 ge Sept. 7, 1833 | May 8, 1834 [(Tenney). 84 | Jones. 4386 ee Apr. 2, 1835 | Feb. 38,1868 | Nov. 29, 1855 | Nancy Maria Wright; 1836-; dau. George and Mary 77 | Angelia, 4387 « May 30, 1838 Nov. 12, 1857 | Edward Nelson Robbins; 1836-; son Tilley & Joanna ; (Noyes). [(Handley). 77 | Charles Henry, | 4388 |Leominster, Sept. 17, 1841 Dec. 8, 1861 | Loretta Tuttle; 1844-; dau. Daniel and Emeline E. 77 | Aaron, 4389 | Acton, Mar. 11, 1844 Aug. 19, 1862 | Naomi Grover Wheeler; 1841; dau. Joel and Sarah. Herbert Alfonso, | 4390 te June 16, 1851 Sept. 25, 1872 | Ida Isabel Moore; 1853-; d. Chas. H. & Nancy (Turk). GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HENRIETTA (TUTTLE) TODD. 4383. (Continued page 77.) Mary Ann, 4391 | Acton, Sept. 19, 1847 | Dec. 30, 1883 | Unmarried. Emma Augusta, | 4392 as Nov. 28, 1849 76 Jennette Estelle, : 4393 | Acton, Aug. 20,1851 | Feb. 18, 1856 eee 77 | Ella Angelia, 4304 us Nov. 5, 1853 Dec. 1, 1875 | Frank Miller Davis; 1854-; son Wm. L. and Sarah N. 77 | Nellie Luella, 4395 | Concord, Dec. 25, 1856 June 2, 1880 | Christopher Fairbanks Whitney; 1856-; son Reuben Willie, 4396 tt Mar. 5, 1863 | Mar. 10, 1863 LF. and Jane L. (Tubbs). Winnie, 4397 i Mar. 5,1863 | Mar. 5, 1863 George Walter, | 4398 ss Sept. 19, 1864 FRANK M. AND ELLA A. (TODD) DAVIS. 4394. Marion Estelle, | 4399 |Burlington, Vt., Aug. 30, 1878 Frank Leonard, | 4400 ee May 2, 1880 CHRISTOPHER F. AND NELLIE L. (TODD) WHITNEY. 4395. | Helen Mary, | 4401 |Hartford, Conn., Sept. 6, °85| | | GEORGE W. AND ANNA (TUTTLE) TUTTLE. 4384. 77 | Willie Warren, | 4402 | Boston, Oct. 15, 1854 Oct. 4, 1877 | Nellie C. Jourdain. Lizzie Handley, | 4403. te May 20, 1861 George Herman, | 4404 oh Feb. 28, 1866 | George Raymond,| 4405 WILLIE W. AND NELLIE C. (JOURDAIN) TUTTLE. 4402. Chicago, Ill., Sept. 5, 1878 | Fred LeRoy, 4406 | Chelsea, June 8, 1880 EDWARD NELSON AND ANGELIA (TUTTLE) ROBBINS. 4387. 77 | Nettie Flora, 4407 | Acton, Jan. 25, 1859 June 3, 1879 | Walter Edwards Hayward; 1856-; son Cyrus and Mary Clifford Warren, | 4408 - Mar. 25, 1877 [P. (Edwards ) WALTER E. AND NETTIE F. (ROBBINS) HAYWARD. 4407. | Grace Alice, | 4409 | Acton, Aug. 3, 1880 | | a_i i. CHARLES H. AND LORETTA (TUTTLE) TUTTLE. 4388. ; 77 | Flora Belle, 4410 | Concord, Sept. 22, 1862 Oct. 18, 1882 | Charles Howard Campbell; 1860-; son Uriah B. and Albert Henry, 4411 | Boston, June 25, 1871 | | [Evelyn M. (Hall). Freddie Warren, | 4412 ts June 25, 1871 CHARLES H. AND FLORA B. (TUTTLE) CAMPBELL. 4410. | Howard Tuttle, | 4413 | Chelsea, July 25, 1883 | | | AARON AND NAOMI G. (WHEELER) TUTTLE. 4389. Edith Gertrude, | 4414 | Boston, Apr. 15, 1866 | Walter Aaron, 4415 ey June 26, 1876 SAMUEL AND MARTHA A. (HANDLEY) JONES. 4380. 77 | Charles, 4416 | Acton, Jan. 6, 1839 Sept. 16, 1863 | Marilla H. Finney; dau. Dea. Lyman. George, 4417 ee Nov. 30, 1840 Samuel, 4418 et Feb. 9, 1842 | July 31, 1845 Martha, 4419 ee Sept. 27, 1843 103 | Laura Ann, 4420 ee 1845 Dec. 25, 1882 | James Perry Brown. No. 5932. {(Fletcher). Samuel, Jr., 4421 Ke Apr. 24, 1851 Dec. 22,1875 | Emma E. Hayward; 1853-; dau. Reuben and Mary J. Ellen Louisa, 4422 ce Oct. 29, 1854 Jan. 28,1880 | Anson C. Piper; 1854-. Lucie Amelia, 4423 eh June 9, 1858 CHARLES AND MARILLA H. (FINNEY) JONES. 4416. Susan Mabel, 4424 } Burke,Vt., June 16, 1866 Martha Maud, 4425 | Chelsea, Mar. 31, 1868 Helen, 4426 ee Aug. 22, 1870 Walter Finney, 4427 KE Aug. 6, 1875 LEVI AND BETSEY (JONES) WAIT. 4364. 77 | Wm. Boynton, 4428 | Groton, Jan. 10, 1808 Dec. 11, 1838 |1. M’tha Lavinia Reardon; 1809-1863; d. L’mb’t & Ann. 77 44299 May 20, 1867 | 2. Fannie (Easton) Tyler; 1833-; d. Thos. and Lucin- 77 | George, 4430 ne June 10,1809 | Jan. 9, 1881 | July 30, 1835 | 1. Minerva Hinckley; 1860-1840. [da (Gayle). vid 4431 July 28, 1843 | 2. Mary H. Fox; 1819-; dau. Alanson and Maria 99 | Sarah Maria, 4432 6 May 20,1811 | May 28, 1885 | July, 1832 | Anthony M. Strong. [(Cheesborough). Elizabeth, 4433 ae Apr. 14, 1813 99 | Anna, 4434 Jan. 9,1815 | June 1, 1847 | May 7, 1835 | Charles Scovel; -1868. 77 | Mary, 4435 |Albany, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1816 Nov. 7, 1843 | Hezekiah Gould Scovel. Charlotte, 4436 a Apr. 5, 1819 : [and Submit (Dickinson). 78 | Hannah Jones, 4437 a Apr. 6, 1821 June 3, 1846 | Rev. Philander Dickinson Young; 1817-; son Horace WILLIAM B. AND MARTHA L. (REARDON) WAIT. 4428. Lambert Reardon,| 4438 [Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 27, 1839, Oct. 27, 1851 William Boynton,| 4439 o Aug. 30, 1842 | Jan. 3, 1843 George Herbert, | 4440 a Oct. 6,1844 | Aug. 2, 1863 Charles Edward, | 4441 “e Noy. 38, 1849 WILLIAM B. AND FANNIE (HASTON-TYLER) WAIT. 4429. | Robert Easton, | 4442 [Little Rock, Ark., July 24, 1369| | | 4443 | Edward Dunn, | GEORGE AND MINERVA (HINCKLEY) WAIT. 4430. | Albany, N.Y., May 31, 1837 | July 30, 1869 | GEORGE AND MARY H. (FOX) WAIT. 4431. Sheridan Fox, 4444 |Albany, N.Y., May 19, 1844 Maria Fox, 4445 | ne Oct. 16, 1852 Helen Louise, 4446 - Sept. 21, 1854 4447 Mary Louisa, 4448 Anna Wait, HEZEKIAH G. AND MARY (WAIT) SCOVEL. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 7,’46 s July 27, 1849 Sept. 21, 1869 Sept. 21, 1870 V7 4435. Charles W. Calkins. Chauncy Butler. (Continued page 78.) Spencer Gould, Betsey Jones, 4449 4450 Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1851 ce Mar. 14, 1854 Effie Lapsley, 4451 ae Apr. 25, 1857 William Wait, 4452 mt Sept. 4, 1859 REV. PHILANDER D. AND HANNAH J. (WAIT) YOUNG. 4437. Sarah Maria, 4453 |Edwardsville, Ill, Nov. 30,1847 | Apr. 24, 1854 Horace Dickinson,| 4454 nt July 19, 1849 Charlotte Eliz., 4455 ee June 23,1851 | Nov. 9, 1852 Mary Eunice, 4456 rs Apr. 18, 1853 | Aug. 29, 1854 William Wait, 4457 tt July 20, 1855 Francis Leighton,} 4458 ee Nov. 6, 1856 | Dec. 30, 1864 PETER AND HEPZABAH (FARRAR) JONES. 4359. 78 | Peter, 4459 | Acton, Apr. 1, 1784 | Jan. 20, 1845 | Oct. 1, 1855 | Nancy Wilkins; 1794-1879. Hepzabah, 4460 es Nov. 25,1785 | Mar. 1, 1856 | Unmarried. Sybil, 4461 ne Feb. 28,1791 | Sept. 10, 1861 | Unmarried. Rebecca, 4462 ee Aug. 8, 1793 | Mar. 19,1865 | Apr. 14, 1825 | John Le Gross. Edward, 4463 ee July 15,1795 | Mar. 14, 1864 | Unmarried. PETER AND NANCY (WILKINS) JONES. 4459. Nancy, 4464 Feb. 28,1816 | Aug. 1, 1823 Maria, 4465 Mar. 30, 1823 Amos Adams. 78 | Hiram, 4466 Dec. 11, 1825 Sept., 1853 | 1. Mary J. Heald; 1833-1863. 78 4467 Aug., 1865 | 2. Mrs. Emily J. Scott. HIRAM AND MARY J. (HEALD) JONES. 4466. James W., 4468 Aug. 6, 1854 Dec. 14, 1882 | Ellen M. Stuart; 1858-. Alice W., 4469 Feb. 26, 1856 |. Arthur C. H., 4470 Sept. 5, 1859 Nov. 14, 1883 | Martha O. Sargent; 1864-. HIRAM AND EMILY J. (SCOTT) JONES. 4467. George C., | 4471 | May 17, 1866 | AARON AND’ ABIGAIL (BILLINGS) JONES. 4360. Lucinda, 4472 | Acton, June 22,1780 | Aug. 14,1803 | Jan. 5, 1802 | Ebenezer White; 1777-1807. 78 | Aaron, Jr., 4473 ee Dec. 13,1781 | Aug. 1, 1837 | Oct. 11, 1803 | 1. Lydia Jones; 1784-. 78 : ; 4474 June 23, 1818 | 2. Ruth Rand; -1854. [CWright). 79 | Abel, 4475 os Aug. 26, 1783 | Jan..18, 1872 | Jan. 3, 1805 | Lucy Hapgood; 1783-1844; dau. Abraham and Mary Abigail, 4476 es May 26, 1785 Mar. 29, 1803 | Archibald McFarlin. 81 | Silas, 4477 ee Feb. 26,1787 | Apr. 23,1861 | Oct. 12, 1809 | Lucinda Wetherbee; 1787-1871. 81 | Luther Blanch’rd,} 4478 “ Feb. 1,1789 | Dec. 27, 1855 | June 28, 1821 | Charlotte Billings; -1857. 76 | Dorothy, 4479 € June 3,1791 | Aug. 25, 1833 | Oct. 20, 1807 | 1. James Jones. No. 4363. 81 j 4480 June 27, 1825 | 2. Dennis Putnam; 1795-1877. 82 | Elnathan, 4481 ee Apr. 7,1795 | July 5,1873 | Mar. 4, 1821 | Eliza Tuttle; 1797-1876; d. Simon and Eliz. (Hunt). Luke, 4482 ae Oct. 2,1797 | May 25, 1807 [(White). 82 | Clarissa, 4483 i Aug. 16,1799 | Feb. 8, 1875 | Apr. 25, 1822 | Hon. John Fletcher; 1791-1879; s. James and Lydia Eunice, 4484 ae Aug. 26,1793 | June 2,1861 | May 6, 1813 | Abraham Conant; 1783-1861. AARON, JR. AND LYDIA (JONES) JONES. 4473. 78 | Lydia Lucinda, 4485 | Acton, Nov. 8, 1804 Feb. 8, 1883 | Mar. 31,1825 | Aaron Fletcher; 1801-1881; son John Swift and Lucy (Forbush). Hepzabah, 4486 eh May 1, 1808 Sept. 8, 1831 | Jonathan Augustus Piper; 1808-1881; son Silas and , ‘ Mehitable (Barker). 79 | Elizab’th Hannah,| 4487 es Mar. 18, 1810 Apr. 10, 1834 | Reuben Dole; 1808-; s. Lemuel and Ruth (Barker). 102 | Mary Stratton, 4488 os July 30,1816 | Mar., 1849 | Apr. 21, 1830 | John Mead; 1799-1868; son Stephen. AARON, JR. AND RUTH (RAND) JONES. 4474. . Abigail Billings, | 4489 | Acton, Mar. 13, 1819 Dec. 11, 1836 ; Benjamin Marshall Herrick. ‘ [CKneeland). 101 | Nancy Robbins, | 4490 ee Dec. 22, 1820 Noy. 25, 1842 | John Hinckley Sanders; 1817-; son Richard and Sally Aaron Marshall, | 4491 ce Apr. 14, 1823 Augusta Tarbell. [(Gipson). 103 | Charlotte Louisa, | 4492 ue Mar 26, 1825 Jan. 12, 1842 | Francis Brown; 1817-1881; dau. Nath’l and Betsey 101 | Francis, 4493 | Stowe, Jan. 3, 1828 Aug. 31, 1851 | Ann Elizabeth Robbins; 1828-; dau. Tilly and Joan- Ebenezer White, | 4494 st Dec. 29, 1831 —— Sanborn. (na H. (Noyes). Henrietta Jane, | 4495 fs Sept. 27, 1834 | Mar. 11, 1866 | June 5, 1851 | Geo. Henry Harris; 1830-; s. John & Mary (White). 101 | Edwin Augustine,| 4496 ce Sept. 29, 1837 Feb. 29, 1863 | Miranda Butler; 1841-; dau. Charles and Nancy ; L. Farnsworth. AARON AND LYDIA L. (JONES) FLETCHER. 4485. 78 | Hersina Kni’ht, 4497 | Acton, Sept. 10, 1825 Oct. 8, 1846 | 1. Augustus Dole; 1818-1849; s. Lemuel] and Ruth (Barker). 78 j 4498 Nov. 11, 1855 | 2. Wm. Jones Paul; 1810-; s. Stephen & Mary G. (Spinney). Eliza 4499 te Aug. 29, 1827 Feb. 11, 1862 | John Murray Sprague ; 1830-; s. John and Lydia (Sanderson). 78 | Aaron Swift 4500 He Mar. 7, 1830 Jan. 14, 1866 | Sarah Townsend Kidd; 1838-; d. Andrew and Sarah P. (Ring). 68 | Mary Jane : 4501 ee Oct. 18, 1833 June 8, 1851 | Reuben Hayward. No. 3663. [bah (Jones). 78 | Weltha Taylor, 4502 ue Mar. 27, 1835 Apr. 27, 1854 | Jonathan Newell Gates; 1830-1876; son Edward and Hepza- 79 | Martha Farrar, 4503 o Apr. 30, 1838 Jan. 1, 1860 | Wm. Albert Lydston; 1836-; s. Dan’land Almira (Freeman). 79 | Aaron Jones, 4504 “ Apr. 28, 1841 Nov. 18, 1866 | Mary Eliza Burner; 1845-; d. Levi and Rebecca E. (Jones). 79 | Hepsa Augusta, | 4505 ss Mar. 17, 1845 May 29, 1866 | Joseph Wm. Wherren ; 1838-; s.Dan’l & Mary Eliz. (Briggs). 79 | Jonathan Piper, 4506 oe Dec. 12, 1848 Dec. 22, 1875 | Lizzie Roth; 1856-; dau. John and Fanny (Howard). AUGUSTUS AND HERSINA K. (FLETCHER) DOLE. 4497. | Emma, | 4507 | Acton, Sept. 4, 1847 | Sept. 21, 1848 | | Ada Fletcher, | Lizzie Mead, WILLIAM J. AND HERSINA K. (PLETCHER-DOLB) PAUL. 4498. 4508 | Eliot, Me., Dec. 22, 1857 4509 oo Nov. 12, 1860 AARON SWIFT AND SARAH TOWNSEND (KIDD) FLETCHER. 4500. Charles Andrew, Willie Swift, Evie Blanche, 4511 4510 4512 | Acton, 66 ce Aug. 21, 1869 Mar. 10, 1871 Dec. 27, 1874 June 11, 1870 | | | JONATHAN NEWELL AND WELTHA TAYLOR (FLETCHER) GATES. 78 4502. (Continued page 79.) 79 | George Newell, 79 | Addie Jones, Fred Kirk, 4513 | Acton, 4514 | Sudbury, Mar. 1, 1855 June 17, 1857 4515 | Shrewsbury, Feb. 6, 1859 May 25, 1882 Mar. 27, 1879 Lizzie Alma Brown; 1861-; d. David L. & Maria(Bell). William Eli Harrington; 1849-; son Eli and Eunice [G. (Stow). Hattie Eliza, 4516 ce Oct. 25, 1861 Carrie Leora, 4517 “ Apr. 29, 1864 | Lewis Eddy, 4518 “ Sept. 19, 1866 Walter Hartwell, | 4519 7 Jan. 12, 1871 Lottie Peaslee, 4520 et June 13, 1874 GEORGE NEWELL AND LIZZIE ALMA (BROWN) GATES. 4513. | Estella Maria, | 4521 | Shrewsbury, July 4, 1884 | | WILLIAM ELI AND ADDIE JONES (GATES) HARRINGTON. 4514. Carrie Eunice, 4522 | Shrewsbury, Aug. 2, 1880 Frank Newell, 4523 fe Feb. 9, 1885 WILLIAM ALBERT AND MARTHA FARRAR (FLETCHER) LYDSTON. 4503. | Nettie Cora, 4524 | Eliot, Me., Apr. 2, 1861 Nov. 11, 1883 | Linville Scott Remick; 1860-; son John W. and Albert Willie, 4525 - July 28, 1874 [Emily (Hammond). AARON JONES AND MAY ELIZA (PURNER) FLETCHER. 4504. Harry Atwood, 4526 |Buckmertingham, Md., May 29, 1867 Mary Florence, | 4527 | Acton, Oct. 20, 1869 Charles Jones, 4528 “ Oct. 1, 1871 Jennie Purner, 4529 Jan. 19, 1881 JOSEPH WILLIAM AND HEPZABAH AUGUSTA (FLETCHER) WHERREN. 4505. Charles Fletcher, | 4530 | Ellot, Me., Mar. 14, 1869 Frank Milton, 4531 ee Feb. 12, 1874 Lizzie Lucinda, | 4532 “ Sept. 4, 1879 JONATHAN PIPER AND LIZZIE (ROTH) FLETCHER. 4506. | Jennie Evelyn, | 4533 | Acton, Mar. 23, 1882 | | | REUBEN AND ELIZABETH HANNAH (JONES) DOLE. 4487. 79 | Elizabeth, 4534 | Marlboro, Mar. 23, 1835 | Sept. 24, 1857 | Sept. 14, 1851 | John Bennett. [(Jones). Elizaette, 4535 se Sept. 21, 1838 May 3, 1863 | John Hale Howe; 1838-; s. Ephraim, Jr., and Susan 79 | Ellen, 4536 “ Sept. 12, 1845 Dec. 15, 1873 | Lorenzo Augustus Pratt; 1836-;s. Geo. W. and Jane (Kimball). JOHN AND ELIZABETH (DOLE) BENNETT. 4534. Loretta, | 4537 | Marlboro, Sept. 9, 1852 | Nov. 9, 1854 | | LORENZO AUGUSTUS AND ELLEN (DOLE) PRATT. 4536. Reuben Clifford, | 4538 | California, Jan. 28, 1875 ; | / Blanche Emily, | 4539 ee ’ June 18, 1878 ABEL AND LUCY (HAPGOOD) JONES. 4475. Lucinda White, | 4540 | Acton, Aug. 24,1805 | July 6, 1864 | Nov. 23, 1826 | Luther Robbins. 79 | Lucy Jane, 4541 “ Sept. 17,1807 ; Aug. 5, 1845 | Mar. 15, 1827 | Horace Tuttle; 1800-; s. Simon and Eliz. (Hunt). 79 | Abigail Merriam, | 4542 us Apr. 24, 1809 Sept. 10, 1827 | Lewis Wood; 1802-;s. Jonas & Rebecca (Norcross). 80 |Char’te Hapgood, {| 4543 se Nov. 24, 1810 July 19, 1827 |1. Geo. Wash. Tuttle; 1803-1831; s. Simon& Eliz (Hunt). 80 4544 Dec. 31, 1840 |2. Theo. Ames; 1813-1885; s. Dan’] & Mary (Barker). 80 | Abel White, 4545 a Jan. 20,1812 | Feb. 5, 1882 | Aug. 30, 1843 | Ann Maria Johnson; 1823-; dau. John and Eunice Clarissa, 4546 a Sept. 16,1814 | Jan. 1, 1815 ‘ {(Pierce). 80 | Luke, 4547 ee Noy. 16, 1815 | Aug. 28, 1849 | Jan. 23, 1842 | 1. Lucy K. Brigham; 1819-1842. 80 4548 Apr. 10, 1845 | 2. Hannah Geer; 1825-; d. Asa and Esther (Smith). 80 | Clarissa, 4549 e Oct. 26, 1817 July 19, 1836 |Dan. Weth’bee; 1814-1883; s. Edw. & Sus’na (Hapg’d). 80 |Abrah’m Hapgood,| 4550 * Aug. 22, 1819 Jan. 17, 1844 | Harriet Esterbrook Hosmer; 1826-1883; dau. Simon Winth’p Emers’n,) 4551 a Noy. 25, 1821 [and Harriet (Esterbrook). 80 | James Francis, | 4552 fs Jan. 26, 1830 Nov. 23, 1851 |Elizabeth Whitney; 1834-; d. Chris. & Dolly(Brooks). HORACE AND LUCY JANE (JONES) TUTTLE. 4541. Horace, Jr., | 4553 | Acton, Jan. 1, 1828 | Feb. 13, 1828 ; : Luke, 4554 “s Apr. 20, 1829 8. Sophia Harris. George, 4555 te Noy. 2, 1832 | Nov. 6, 1832 Adison, 4556 ee Sept. 17, 1834 | June 14, 1835 Abram, 4557 es Feb. 5, 1841 Martha A. Putnam. Horace, Jr., 4558 ee Nov. 27, 1842 | Mar. 20, 1843 Lucy Jane, 4559 es Sept. 12, 1846 | July 23, 1848 LEWIS AND ABIGAIL MERRIAM (JONES) WOOD. 4542. 79 | Lewis, Jr., 4560 | Acton, Dec. 11, 1827 Aus. 7. 1951 Laura Ann Hanscom; 1832-; d. Jere. & Eliz. (Dunn). 80 | Rebecca Wheeler,| 4561 ee Dec. 7, 1829 | Aug. 23,1854 | AUS. 4, 4 Henry Orville Lothrop; 1823-; son Charles and Mary Georgianna, 4562 eS Feb. 12, 1832 | Aug. 22, 1845 [(Johnson). Geo. Wash’gton, {| 4563 ; ~ ‘“ Feb. 14, 1834 1. Elzina Fenno. 4564 2. Eluzia S. Fenno. Susan Broadwell, | 4565 ee Mar. 21, 1836 John Cram. Winth’p Emers’n,| 4566 ce May 6, 1838 Lydia Bruce. Abel Jones, 4567 ee Sept. 29, 1840 Miriam Bickley. Jonas, 4568 ie Feb. 27, 1843 Ella Rogers. William Henry, | 4569 ee Aug. 6, 1845 Hattie Tuttle; dau. Edward. Ira Fayette, 4570 ee Aug. 28, 1848 Lizzie Crowley. Ida Jeanette, 4571 es Aug. 28,1848 | Aug. 13, 1883 ; ; Walter W., 4572 ee Aug. 10, 1851 Alice Bickley. LEWIS, JR, AND LAURA ANN (HANSCOM) WOOD. 4560. Lewis Elcestine, | 4573 | Boston, May 26, 1852 | ; [(Mercer). 80 | Laura Estelle, 4574 ee June 14, 1857 July 28,1874 Luther Winthrop Puffer; 1855-; s. Alvin D. and Sarah William Norcross,| 4575 | Malden, Apr. 25, 1867 | 79 LUTHER WINTHROP AND LAURA ESTELLE (WOOD) PUFFER. 4574. Luther Winthrop, Jr., Alvin Wood, Leon Hanscom, 4576 4577 4578 Medford, Aug. 12, 1876 Aug. 11, 1878 a July 26, 1880 HENRY ORVILLE AND REBECCA WHEELER (WOOD) LOTHROP. 4561. Orville Henry, 4579 | Acton, Apr. 11, 1848 | Aug. 22, 1848 ee ge ee 80 | William Henry, | 4580 | Milford, Sept. 8, 1851 Nov. 9, 1874 | Lelia Antoinette Sanborn; 1853-; d. Edward R. and 80 | George Jenks, 4581 ee Jan. 26, 1853 Jan. 26, 1882 | Mary Louisa ONeill; 1856-; d. uae (Rogers). 3. Rebecca Wheeler, 4582 a _Aug. 14, 1854 | Oct. 6, 1854 WILLIAM HENRY AND LELIA ANTOINETTE (SANBORN) LOTHROP. 4580. | Clara Velma, —| 4583 | Boston, Mar. 9, 1877 | | GEORGE JENKS AND MARY LOUISA (O’NEIL) LOTHROP. 4581. | Jennie Louisa, | 4584 | Boston, Feb. 3, 1883 | Oct. 14, 1883 | | GEORGE WASHINGTON AND CHARLOTTE HAPGOOD (JONES) TUTTLE. 4543. | Charlotte Ann, | 4585 | Lowell, Jan. 23, 1831 | THEODORE AND CHARLOTTE HAPGOOD (JONES-TUTTLE) AMES. 4544. 80 | Ellen Maria, 4586 | Lowell, “Sept. 7, 1842 | Sept. 24,1875 | Feb. 13, 1862 | Elbridge Jones Robbins; 1834-; son Elbridge and George Theodore, 4587 Aug. 1, 1844 [Charlotte (White). 80 |Frank Waldo Fisher,) 4588 vt Apr. 5, 1847 Oct. 13,1866 | Georgianna Eaton Bryant; 1846-; d. John and Caro- Algernon LaForest, | 4589 re Sept. 22,1850 | July 12, 1852 ‘line G. (Burgess). ELBRIDGE JONES AND ELLEN MARIA (AMES) ROBBINS. 4586. George Laforest, | 4590 | Acton, Jan. 18, 1867 Grace Evelyn, 4591 ne Oct. 28, 1872 | Sept. 24, 1874 Fred Linwood, 4592 te Oct. 24, 1874 : FRANK WALDO FISHER AND GEORGIANNA EATON (BRYANT) AMES. 4588. Stella May, 4593 Charlestown, Sept. 21, 1867 Frank Eugene, 4594 Dec. 19, 1868 Georgia Edith, 4595 ee June 27, 1873 ABEL WHITE AND ANN MARIA (JOHNSON) JONES. 4545. Clara Maria, 4596 | Acton, July 5, 1844 | May 17, 1865 | Unmarried. [Eliza C. (Nichols). 80 | George Abel, 4597 # Aug. 1, 1845 Sept. 1, 1869 | Hannah Amanda Messinger; 1849-; d. Daniel E. and GEORGE ABEL AND HANNAH AMANDA (MESSINGER) JONES. 4597. | George Herman, | 4598 | Hopedale, June 1, 1870 | | Ernest Wellrose, | 4599 Mar. 7, 1873 LUKE AND LUCY K. (BRIGHAM) JONES. 4547. | Charles Brigham, | 4600 | Worcester, Nov., 1842 | Nov., 1842 | | LUKE AND HANNAH (GEER) JONES. 4548. | Charles Luke, | 4601 | Worcester, Oct. 18, 1846 | Oct. 25, 1846 | | DANIEL AND CLARISSA (JONES) WETHERBEE. 4549. Daniel, 4602 | Acton, Mar. 25, 1838 | Aug. 12, 1838 80 | Clara, 4603 ue Sept. 16, 1840 Sept. 11, 1866 | J. R. Bassett. [Phebe (Flagg). 80 | Daniel James, 4604 oe Jan. 28, 1844 Jan. 23, 1867 | Augusta Adelaide Putnev; 1843-; s. Jonas K. and Rosella, 4605 $6 Apr. 8, 1846 | Mar. 17, 1854 [M. (Weston). 80 | Emma, 4606 e July 17, 1848 Apr. 20, 1870 | Isaac Warren Flagg; 1848-; s. Isaac T. and Eunice Charles Carroll, | 4607 ee Jan. 20, 1852 Dec. 13, 1875 | Mary Emma Perkins; 1851-; d. Israel B. and Mary Frank, 4608 a Aug. 14, 1854 | Apr. 14, 1862 [Esther (Davis). Roswell, M. D., | 4609 Be Aug. 30, 1857 June 3, 1885 | Harriet Maud Raymond; 1858-; d. Francis & Susan Susan Adelaide, | 4610 ee May 24, 1860 [L. (Smith). Frank Ellsworth, | 4611 us Nov. 14, 1862 J. R. AND CLARA (WETHERBEE) BASSETT. 4603. Minnie Gertrude, | 4612 | Acton, Aug. 16, 1868 Blanche Madie, | 4613 a May 2, 1871 Eva, 4614 ee Feb. 3,1873 | Jan. 9, 1878 Eva Clarissa, 4615 us Dec. 29, 1877 a DANIEL JAMES AND AUGUSTA ADELAIDE (PUTNEY) WETHERBEER. 4604. 7 _ James Roland, 4616 | Acton, June, 1869 Ernest Elwood, | 4617 ee Sept. 26, 1870 Mabel Frances, | 4618 es July 9, 1880 ISAAC WARREN AND EMMA (WETHERBEE) FLAGG. 4606. Irving Warren, 4619 | Acton, Dec. 17, 1872 | Mar. 19, 1874 Florence Hersom,| 4620 te Mar. 15, 1875 ABRAM HAPGOOD AND HARRIET ESTERBROOK (HOSMER) JONES. 4550. 103 | Oscar Abram, 4621 | Acton, Apr. 20, 1845 May 16, 1870 | Eliz. Freelove Brown; 1848-; d. James & Dorcas E. 303 | Lowell Atwood, | 4622 Hs Sept. 23, 1847 Nov. 21, 1869 | Sarah Ann Parmenter; 1837-; d. Charles and Fanny (Goodnow). [Minerva R. (Danforth). 104 | Charles Luke, 4623 ee Jan. 21, 1850 Nov. 24, 1874 | Estella May Phillips; 1854-1886; dau. George and Clarence Harvey, | 4624 aie Mar. 3, 1851 Emma Corson. Harriet Emma, 4625 ee July 12, 1853 103 | Ada Isabell, 4626 ef May 17, 1856 Sept. 8, 1878 | Frank Marshall. JAMES F. AND ELIZABETH (WHITNEY) JONES. 4552. (Continued page 81.) Lizzie Sophia, 4627 | Stowe, Oct. 2,1854 | July 3, 1855 Florence Kate, 4628 | Acton, Sept. 16,1856 | July 5, 1880 Herbert Whitney,| 4629 June 7, 1860 80 Warren Henry, | 4630 | Acton, July 15, 1865 Bertha May, 4631 | Hudson, May 1, 1871 SILAS AND LUCINDA (WETHERBEE) JONES. 4477. Silas Wetherbee, | 4633 | Acton, June 26,1810 | Mar. 13, 1834 | May 12, 1833 | Ann E. W. Piper. 81 | Lucinda Eleanor, | 4634 ee July 10,1811 | Feb. 8, 1850 | June 19, 1828 | Timothy Hartwell. No. 5860. [well). 81 | Daniel, { 4635 ee Mar. 23, 1813 | June 16, 1879 ; June 14, 1840 | 1. Mary E. Wheeler; dau. Alfred and Mary W. (Hart. 81 4636 Jan. 27,1855 , 2. Maria T. Hildreth. [(Kelley). 101 | Luther, 4638 bs Aug. 21,1817 | Nov. 17, 1862 | Dec. 30,1847 | Susanna Kelley; 1824-1885; dau. Jonathan and Eliz- 81 | Thos. G. Fes’nd’n,| 4639 “ Jan. 12,1822 | Oct. 19,1874 | May 6, 1846 | Louisa O. Tuttle; 1828-’74; d. Jeddediah and Louisa (Osborn). TIMOTHY AND LUCINDA ELEANOR (JONES) HARTWELL. 4634. 81 ) Ellen, ; 4640 | Acton, Apr. 9, 1830 Mar. 22, 1849 | 1. J. B. Hildreth; 1823-’64; s. Jos. & Pamelia (Read). : 4641 Nov. 21, 1877 | 2. M.D. Smith; 1827-; s. Josh’a & Eunice Cougs oa Lucinda, 4642 A Aug. 24, 1832 | Aug. 25, 1832 . _ _[R. (Hale). 81 | Henry, 4643 se Aug. 20, 1835 Apr. 1, 1863 | Augusta H. Penniman; 1846-; dau. Otis H. and Eliz. 81 | Chauncey, 4644 ue Oct. 2, 1841 | June 19, 1885 | Oct. 29, 1866 | Emma F. Spear; 1847-; dau. Jos. and Syrena (Hoyt). JOSEPH BARNARD AND ELLEN (HARTWELL) HILDRETH. 4640. 81 | Mary Eleanor, 4645 | Acton, Dec. 12, 1849 | May 26,1881 | Dec. 18, 1871 | John Henry Farrington; 1851-1883; son. Alvin and ae nie | | aes a ee ae a oa eb. Julia Victor, ” | 4648 “ Nov. 4) 1857 JOHN HENRY AND MARY ELEANOR (HILDRETH) FARRINGTON. 4645. | Frederick Ernest,| 4649 | Waltham, Dec. 15, 1872 | | | HENRY AND AUGUSTA HUTCHINSON (PENNIMAN) HARTWELL. 4643. Herman Otis, 4650 | Acton, May 2, 1864 [(Haynes). hele te a : y une ae i Sept. 27, 1885 | Herbert Nealey; .1866-; son Edward F. and Helen P. mma Augusta ec. . Herbert Henry, | 4653 | Concord, Jan. 9, 1877 | Jan. 15, 1878 Nettie Elizabeth, | 4654 os Jan. 9, 1879 CHAUNCEY AND EMMA FRANCES (SPEAR) HARTWELL. 4644. f Mabel Eleanor, 4655 | Waltham, Aug. 7, 1867 Arthur Spear, 4656 ts Nov. 14, 1869 DANIEL AND MARY E. (WHEELER) JONES. 4635. George V., 4657 | Acton, Oct. 9, 1841 | July 20, 1842 | 81 | Anna Elizabeth, | 4658 ee Mar. 24, 1844 Apr. 21, 1864 | Silas P. Blodgett; 1836-; s. Jonas and Ann E. (Piper). DANIEL AND MARIA T. (HILDRETH) JONES. 4636. Willie Clifton, 4659 | Acton, Dec. 24, 1855. Maria Theressa, | 4660 i Aug. 24,1857 | Aug. 25, 1857 Rosalie Hildreth, | 4661 pe Aug. 8, 1858 Daniel Edward, | 4662 - Mar. 27, 1871 SILAS PIPER AND ANNA ELIZABETH (JONES) BLODGETT. 4658. Perry Hartwell, | 4663 | Hyde Park, Aug. 12, 1873 Helen Louise, 4664 rt July 19,1877 | Apr. 3, 1879 Amy Clifton, 4665 e Oct. 12, 1880 THOMAS GREEN FESSENDEN AND LOUISA OSBORN (TUTTLE) JONES. 4639. Ora Louisa, 4666 Acton, ae i ieee pala oe oe Sept. 5, 1868 | Henry H. Hanscomb; 1847-. Rosenna Tuttle, | 4667 ‘ ct. t une 20, 186 [H. (Wales). 103 | Lizzie Edna, ° | 4668 “ Apr. 21, 1856 , July 5, 1874 | Charles Henry Martin; 1841-; son Geo. H. and N, : Carrie Josephine, | 4669 ne Apr. 5, 1862 ; LUTHER BLANCHARD AND CHARLOTTE (BILLINGS) JONES. 4478. Luther B. 4670 | Acton, 1822 | May 2, 1827 Henry, _ 4671 «“ 1824 | May 20, 1827 Clarinda B., 4672 ne July 7, 1829 | June 12, 1861 | Nov. 30, 1856 | Bradford Pickins, 1831-. Luther H. 4673 1832 | Sept. 6, 1881 Sarah Frances, 4674 tf 1835 | Aug. 24° 1836 DENNIS AND DOROTHY (JONES) PUTNAM. 4480. 81 | Harriet, 4675 | Acton, Oct. 8, 1825 | June 17, 1865 | June 1, 1848 | Capt. A. C. Handley; 1823-; son John aud Lucy (Proctor). 81 | Susan, 4676 He Jan. 24, 1828 Sept. 14, 1849 | 1. Wm. R. Lothrop; 1820-53; s. Chas. and Mary (Johnson). 4677 ce Mar. 6, 1856 | 2. Henry 0. Lothrop; 1823-; son Chas. and Mary (Johnson). 81 | James Henry, 4678 ae May 9, 1833 Oct. 29,1856 | 1. Harriet A. Butler; 1830-71; d. Sam’l and Nancy (Pollard). 4679 “é Apr. 12, 1876 | 2. Jane A. Colburn ; 1832-; d. Dwi’t and Aurilla (Underw’d). CAPT. AARON CHAFFIN AND HARRIET (PUTNAM) HANDLEY. 4675. 81 | Harriet Elizabeth, ei Acton ae at i June 1, 1877 | Augustus Tuttle; 1846-; son Uriel H. (iB Lucy Jane ov. ‘ urpee). Garrie Etta, 4682 “Jan. 9/1861 | June 19, 1865 ee AUGUSTUS AND HARRIET ELIZABETH (HANDLEY) TUTTLE. 4680. | Alice Handley, | 4683 | Sterling, June 26, 1881 | | | WILLIAM REED AND SUSAN (PUTNAM) LOTHROP. 4676. 81 | Clara Jane, | 4684 | Acton, Aug. 22, 1850 | | Nov. 5, 1873 | James E, Walker; 1849-; s, Horace and Elmira A. (Chapin). JAMES BUGENE AND CLARA JANE (LOTHROP) WALKER. 4684. ia A 4685 | Milford, Mar. 14, 1880 | | ee | 4686 “” Dec. 237 1884 Percy Lothrop, JAMES HENRY AND HARRIET AUGUSTA (BUTLER) PUTNAM. 4678. (Continued page 82.) 81 Louis Butler, 4687 s Bu Milford, Sept. 4, 1859 | Carrie Viola, | 4688 | Feb. 18, 1813 | Apr. 9, 1863 ELNATHAN AND ELIZA (TUTTLE) JONES. 4481. 2 eee 4689 | Acton, Apr. 1, 1822 May 12, 1841 |J. Tuttle; 1818-; s.Hon. Francis & Harriet (Wetherbee). valina Tuttle, 4690 “ Apr. 12, 1826 | Apr. 12, 1846 | Henry Shapley; 1823-; s. Henry C. & Abigail (Parker). a3 Geo. Elnathan, 4691 we Sept. 25, 1828 | Dec. 17, 1828 [riet (Wetherbee). oe | 4692 ae Dec. 11,1829 Dec. 30, 1851 | Elizabeth Tuttle; 1829-; dau. Hon. Francis and Har- Martha Ann (oissue| 4693 ef Dec. 15, 1831 | Sept. 17,1878 | May 10, 1849 | Francis Conant; 1827-; s. Paul and Matilda (Jewett). 8 a . Oct. 17,1834 | Apr. 15, 1835 rge 1 ., ‘ Nov. 8, 1836 | Aug. 21, 1839 Augusta, 4696 ee Aug. ie 1838 | Sept. 19) 1838 JAMES AND ELIZA (JONES) TUTTLE. 4689. : Laurietta, 4697 | Acton, Sept. 28, 1841 | Feb. 25, 1842 James Herbert, | 4698 . Apr. 2, 1843 | Apr. 11, 1844 3 a es ie 7 a 30, 1845 | Mar. 8, 1847 enry Waldo, ct. 20, 1847 June 4, 1873 | Lizzie Piper. eS Ella F., 4701 ee Feb. 9, 1850 Jan. 5, 1870 | Lucius Hosmer. 82 | Anna Ardella, 4702 et July 10, 18538 Dec. 11, 1872 | Theron F. Norton. [Lucretia P. 101 ee on et a i oe Auecte see | Dec. 11, 1884 | Chas. Henry Fairbanks; 1851-; son Madison and le J., £8 an. , 185 ug. 14, HENRY WALDO AND LIZZIE (PIPER) TUTTLE. 4700. Howard Knowlton,) 4705 | Acton Aug. 22, 1880 : Florence Piper, | 4706 we? Bent. 21 1883 | | LUCIUS AND ELLA F. (TUTTLE) HOSMER. 4701. | Lucius E., 4707 | Acton, Aug. 14, 1870 | | | THERON F. AND ANNA A. (TUTTLE) NORTON. 4702. | Bertha May, =| 4708 | Acton, = Mar. 16, 1878 | | HENRY AND EVALINE TUTTLE (JONES) SHAPLEY. 4690. a Emma Augusta, | 4709 | Acton, Aug. 20, 1846 | Sept. 19, 1847 George Henry, 4710 ee July 5, 1848 Sept., 1877 | Sadie C. Bromade. 82 | Charles Herbert, | 4711 is Oct. 2, 1850 Lizzie M. Tilton. Frank Conant, 4712 | Concord, Aug. 4, 1853 | May 22, 1863 Eugene Rockwood,| 4713 | Acton, Feb. 2, 1856 David Shapley, 4714 | Wilmington, Del., Nov. 17, 1858 Eva Cora 4715 ae Dec. 15, 1865 Eda Flora, 4716 “ Dee. 15) 1865 Carrie Luella, 4717 ss Jan. 5, 1868 7 CHARLES H. AND LIZZIE M. (TILTON) SHAPLEY. 4711. a Harrie Tilton, | 4718 | July 29, 1878 | ELNATHAN AND ELIZABETH (TUTTLE) JONES. 4692. Frank Herman, | 4719 | So. Acton, Oct. 5, 1853 Jennie Sophia, 4720 s Oct. 15,1856 | May 22, 1857 James Elnathan, | 4721 ee July 16,1858 | Apr. 28, 1860 Carrie Evelyn, 4722 e6 Mar. 3, 1863 ; Ann Sophia, 4723 ee May 20,1865 | Jan. 26, 1868 HON. JOHN AND CLARISSA (JONES) FLETCHER. 4483. 82 | James, Rev., 4724 | Acton, Sept. 5, 1823 Oct. 10,1849 | Lydia Middleton Woodward; 1824-1877; dau. Rev. Clarissa Jones, 4725 i Nov. 1,1825 | Sept. 13, 1826 [Henry and Lydia (Middleton). 82 | John, Hon., 4726 ee Aug. 8, 1827 Apr. 25, 1850 | Martha Taylor; ’28-’82; d. Silas & Sophia (Hapgood). 82 | Edwin, 4727 ee Oct. 14, 1829 Apr. 29,1858 | 1. Mary Jenkins; 1833-1863; d. Thos J. & Mary (McFarlan). 82 fgeted pee Seu ok dean, | epee Jan. 23, 1867 | 2. Susan Smith; 1838-; d. Chas. Susan D. (Hodgkins). arissa Jones ee ov. 24, pr. o maces Billings, oe . ee oe ie : ie 33 a pees M. Smith. 5 uincy Adison, ec. 23, / ov. 9, 188 auretta Kelly. REV. JAMES AND LYDIA M. (WOODWARD) FLETCHER. 4724. Mary Wheelock, | 4732 | Danvers, Feb. 6, ee | James 4733 et Jan. 18,1853 | Dec. 10, 1858 Henry Woodward, 4734 |“ Sept. 22, 1855 | Dec. 31, 1858 a HON. JOHN AND MARTHA (TAYLOR) FLETCHER. 4726. 82 | Silas Taylor, | 4735 | Acton, Feb. 18, 1854 July 21, 1879 | Sarah Frances Robbins; 1854-; dau. Elbridge & Mary Clara Sophia, 4735 oF Sept. 28, 1856 [E. (Hapgood). SILAS TAYLOR AND SARAH FRANCES (ROBBINS) FLETCHER. 4735. John Taylor, | 4736 | Charlestown, Aug.3,1881 | EDWIN AND MARY (JENKINS) FLETCHER. 4727. | Carrie Evelyn, | 4737 | Acton, Jan. 11,1861 | Apr. 27, 1863 | | EDWIN AND SUSAN (SMITH) PLETCHER. 4728. | Evelyn Stanwood, | 4738 | Acton, June 5, 1869 | | HENRY M. AND ABIGAIL BILLINGS (FLETCHER) SMITH. 4730. Hattie Emily, 4739 Jan. 11, 1863 Albert Fletcher, | 4740 Dec. 24, 1864 Martha Fletcher, | 4741 Sept. 13, 1867 Edwin Fletcher, | 4742 Apr. 19, 1872 Charles, 4743 NATHANIEL AND MARY (REDIT) JONES. 484. (Continued page 83.) Elnathan, 4744 Mch. 29, 1697 | July 29,1772 | Sept. 22,1721 | 1. Hannah Pierce; 1701-1730. (no issue), 4745 Jan. 13, 1732 | 2. Rebecca Barrett. No. 13. 4746 Oct. 2,1740 | 3. Hannah Brown, -1779. 82 Annie, 4747 Aug. 23, 1698 Feb. 15, 1726 | Daniel Holden. Josiah, 4748 Jan. 19,1702 | June 4, 1741 Elizabeth : Mary, 4749 Mar. 8, 1700 Oct. 8, 1725 | James Houghton. an Dorcas, 4750 Jan. 17, 1704 dan Ebenezer 4751 Feb. 5, 1706 riscilla ——. Elizabeth) 4752 June 25, 1707 Susanna, 4753 Mar. 5, 1712 Sarah, 4754 Oct. 28, 1715 EBENEZER AND PRISCILLA ( ) JONES. 4751. 7 Hannah, 4755 June 23, 1731 Mary, — 4756 Feb. 22,1733 | May 31,1815 | Feb. 15,1759 | Jacob Brown; 1736-1816. RMpeuis a Feb. 8, 1737 | Died young. athanie 75 Oct. 27, 1739 Redit, 4759 Mar. 12) 1742 | Apr. 10, 1826 | Apr. 15,1768 | 1. Hannah Wheeler; -1788. eee 4760 Jan. 12, 1702 . nee Lee; 1757-1839. riscilla 4761 May 19, 1744 Jan. 7, 1768 mos Jewett. Doreas, 4762 Sept. 20, 1746 Mar. 9, 1769 | Moses Haines. Ebenezer, 4763 Apr. 8, 1749 1792 | Oct. 9, 1767 | 1. Hannah Fay. 83 4764 May 27,1769 | 2. Sarah Fay; 1744-1821. / EBENEZER AND SARAH (FAY) JONES. 4764. 8 Sr eueear 4765 | Wakefield, Sept. 2, 1770 Ay athanie 4766 es Dec. 29,1772 | May ‘6, 1857 Lois ey. Hannah, ° 4767 | "4775 | Oct. 10° 1829 Abijah Smith; 1765-1825. 83 | Simon, 4768 a Jan. 1, 1780 1833 Rebecca Pool; -1865. Sarah, 4769 & Aug. 17, 1784 | Oct. 12,1862 | Unmarried. SIMON AND REBECCA (POOL) JONES. 4768. 99 | Simon, 4770 | Wakefield, May 3, 1811 July 2, 1832 | Betsey Galucia. Sarah Fay, 4771 ne Aug. 16,1813 | Feb. 20, 1849 | Unmarried. : 83 | Thomas, 4772 £ Feb. 7, 1817 Elizabeth Ingalls; 1824-1851. [(Dudley). 83 | Chas. Augustus, a es ae 30, 1820 | Apr. 10, 1884 | June 12, 1849 | Isanna Brigham; 1825-; d. Eliscom and Experience Warren 7 sé ct. 7, 1822 Loring Parker, 4775 ee July 29 1826 Nov. 5, 1852 | Caroline KE. Johnson. 83 | Henry F.. 4776 ef Dec. 29, 1830 | Nov. 18, 1884 1855 | Hannah E. Clark; 1833-1880. THOMAS AND ELIZABETH (INGALLS) JONES. 4772. Charles Lyman, | 4777 | Wakefield, Mar. 12,1847 | June, 1852 Thomas Milton, | 4778 fe Aug. 19, 1849 CHARLES AUGUSTUS AND ISANNA (BRIGHAM) JONES. 4773. Daisy Rebecca, | 4779 | Boston, July 7, 1866 | Nov. 5,1885 | William Warren Davis; 1862-; son William and Adelia M. (Carter). HENRY F. AND HANNAH E. (CLARK) JONES. 4776. 8. E., 4780 | July 9, 1855 | Herman, 4781 July 17, 1860 . EPHRAIM AND HEPZABAH (CHANDLER) JONES. 485. Mary, 4782 June 21, 1704 — Prescott. 83 | Ephraim, 4783 Sept. 20,1706 | Nov. 29, 1756 | Sept. 12, 1728 | Mary Hayward; 1708-1803. ge (A | say sot | epzabah, ay d EPHRAIM AND MARY (HAYWARD) JONES. 4783. Ephraim, 4786 May 1, 1730 | Sept. 21,1787 | Nov. 7, 1752 | Alice Cutler; 1730-1792. Mary, 4787 May 17, 1732 Dec. 29, 1757 | 1. Stephen Willis. & 4788 Mar. 4, 1762 | 2. Capt. Isaac Jones. he Hepzabah, 4789 May 6,1734 | Aug. 10,1790 | May 38,1753 | Benjamin Hall; -1817. Rebecca, j 4790 Mar. 15, fl 1. David Wheeler, Jr. 4791 762 | 2. John Wolcott. Jonas, 4792 ed a. ie July 15, 1817 mee a ce og ee 1744-1809. 83 | Peter 4793 July 26 ay 2, 1765 nna Tufts; 1744-. Lucy, 4794 Oct. 13, are Feb. 10, 1826 | Nov. 9, 1762 | Richard Hall; -1827. Lois, 4795 Dec. 8,1747 | Mar. 25, 1750 Martha, 4796 June 19,1750 | Dec. 29° 1835 | May 12,1770 | Ebenezer Hall; -1835. PETER AND ANNA (TUFTS) JONES. 4793. 83 | Samuel, 4797 | Medford, Apr. 6, 1766 | Dec. 24,1830 | Apr. 2, 1793 | Lydia Estabrooks; 1770-1826. 83 | Lucy, 4798 gs Sept. 16,1768 | Jan. 18,1847 | Sept. 12, 1801 | Joshua Cushman; -1834. 84 | Peter, 4799 ee Dec. 20, 1770 Dec. 15,1816 | June 21, 1796 | Catharine Hay. SAMUEL AND LYDIA (ESTABROOKS) JONES. 4797. Roxanna, 4800 June 6, 1801 Oct. 6, 1829 | Daniel White. Peter, 4801 Sept. 22, 1802 May 7, 1829 | Ann Eliza Locke; 1805-. JOSHUA AND LUCY (JONES) CUSHMAN. 4798. 83 | Charles, | 4802 | Dec. 28, 1802 | | | Jane H. —. CHARLES AND JANE H. ( ) CUSHMAN. 4802. 83 | Joshua 4803 Aug. 16, 1828 Louise. 84 Charles Edward, | 4804 Jan. 6, 1830 Susan L. Henry Hayden, | 4805 Mar. 8, 1832 84 | George Webster, | 4806 Mar. 9, 1838 Lucy J. Howard Sidney, | 4807 July 6,1841 | May 17, 1863 JOSHUA AND LOUISE ( ) CUSHMAN. 4803. Jennie Louise, 4808 | Sept. 1, 1859 | Jan. 6, 1875 Mary Allerton, 4809 Sept. 3, 1866 83 Ee CHARLES EDWARD AND SUSAN L. ( ) CUSHMAN. 4804. Fred Howard, | 4810 | Oct. 20, 1868 | | | as GEORGE WEBSTER AND LUCY J. ( ) CUSHMAN. 4806. Alvin Wayland, | 4811 June 24, 1872 Robert, 4812 Mar. 10, 1881 os PETER AND CATHARINE (HAY) JONES. 4799. Catharine, 4813 Charlestown ,Apr. 12,1797 | May 30, 1817 84 | Anna Tufts, 4814 Feb. 9, 1799 | Dec. 23,1883 | Oct. 10, 1821 | Samuel Draper; 1787-1863. 84 | Lucy, 4815 « July 29, 1802 | Oct. 16,1853 | Oct. 3, 1822 | Wm. Austin; 1778-1841; s. Nath. and Marg’t (Rand). , | Mary Hay, 4816 BS Mar. 12, 1805 | Jan. 8, 1827 [Jane (Mackintosh). 102 | Peter Cushman, | 4817 wo Aug. 10, 1808 | May 23,1885 | Oct. 20,1831 | Jane Mackintosh Baldwin; 1811-1876; d. Josiah and Elizabeth Mary, 4818 re June 7, 1811 1833 | Apr. 10, 1831 | Charles Berkeley Johnson; 1805-. _ SAMUEL AND ANNA TUFTS (JONES) DRAPER. 4814. Catharine Jones, | 4819 Charlestown, Dec. 15, 1874 | Unmarried. Edw’d Lafayette, | 4820 Jan. 238, 1826 June 5, 1861 | Emma Adeline Hunt; 1840-75; d. Arad and Adeline. Sarah Mercy, 4821 ee Lucy Austin, 4822 He Anna Elizabeth, 4823 ee Samuel, Jr., 4824 ee Nov. 22, 1876 George "Bartlett, 4825 es William Austin, | 4826 ve WILLIAM AND LUCY (JONES) AUSTIN. 4815. Edward, 4827 Charlestown , July 29, 1823 84 | Lucy Jones, 4828 Dec: 97} 1825 June 2, 1847 | George A. Whiting. 84 | Francis Boylston, | 4829 es Sept. 6, 1827 Feb. 17, 1857 | Ellen L. Whiting. 84 | James Walker, 4830 i Jan. 8, 1829 July 18, 1857 | Ariana E. Sleeper; dau. John 8. Catharine Jones, | 4831 es Died young. Charles, 4832 ad Died young. GEORGE A. AND LUCY JONES (AUSTIN) WHITING. 4828. Leslie, 4833 Charlestown Dec. 8, 1848 George A., 4834 May 23) 1853 William Austin, | 4835 ee Aug. 5, 1855 Lucy A., 4836 ee Aug. 15, 1858 Ethel, 4837 ee May 4, 1869 FRANCIS B. AND ELLEN L. (WHITING) AUSTIN. 4829. William Russell, | 4838 | Andover, Nov. 3, 1857 Charles, 4839 |Charlestown, Apr., 1860 | Apr., 1860 Lucy, 4840 He Aug. 18, 1861 Oct. 13, 1886 | Herbert L. Harding. Francis Boylston,) 4841 ne July 24, 1864 Jas. Walker, 2d, | 4842 ee July 16, 1866 Ellen Louise, 4843 ae July 4, 1869 Richard, . 4844 ee May _ 6, 1873 JAMES W. AND ARIANA E. (SLEEPER) AUSTIN. 4830. Herbert, 4845 | Honolulu, S.1., May 6, 1859 Charles, 4846 - Aug. 16, 1862 | Nov. 16, 1862 Walter, 4847 se Nov. 11, 1864 William Francis, | 4848 “ May 29, 1867 | July 12, 1886 Edith, 4849 | Boston, Dec. 5, 1873 DEA. GEORGE AND REBECCA (BARRETT) MINOTT. 530-1896. Rebecca, y | 4850 | Concord, Feb. 4, 1768 William Hayward. 37 | Dorcas, 4851 ce Apr. 19,1769 | Apr. 13, 1858 | Sept. 13, 1792 | James Barrett. No. 1904. 21 | Lucy, 4852 oe Apr. 22,1770 | Sept. 25,1798 | Dec. 1,1796 | Abel Barrett. No. 857. JONES AND NANCY MARIA (WRIGHT) TUTTLE. 4386. Eugene Francis, | 4853 | Boston, July 26, 1858 {(Cutler). Mary Lizzie, 4854 os Oct. 3, 1868 Oct. 31, 1882 | Joseph Parker Snelling; 1851-; son Jos. and Jane F. BENJAMIN NEWTON AND ANN (HILL) WEBBER. 4055. Benj. Pillsbury, | 4855 | Lowell, July 5, 1888 | Sept. 1, 1840 Mary Elizabeth, | 4856 a Apr. 5, 1840 | Jan. 2) 1841 Newton, 4857 ue Oct. 12) 1846 | Nov. 12) 1846 Annie Cora, 4858 re Nov. 12, 1856 CHARLES KINGMAN AND MARY ELIZABETH (BAYLEY) ADAMS. 4018. Emma Jane, 4859 Bangor, Me., » Noy. 1, 1852 Lizzie Hudson, | 4860 Aug. 23° 1855 [L. (Weston). 84 | Charles Herbert, | 4861 ee Feb. 6, 1859 Jan. 10, 1884 | Sarah Lois Lord; 1859-; dau. Charles E. and Caroline Frank Augustus, | 4862 ee Dec. 2, 1862 George Kingman, | 4863 ee Mar. 14, 1867 Lester Dwight, | William Adams, Charles Edward, Fred Hudson, Nettie Mabel, WILLIAM HENRY AND MARY CATHARINE (ADAMS) KIRKPATRICK. CHARLES HERBERT AND SARAH LOIS (LORD) ADAMS. 4861. 4864 |Bangor, Me., Nov. 10, 1884 4865 Bangor, Me., Dec. 6, 1860 4866 Feb. 14, 1865 4867 ee Aug. 25, 1868 4868 ee Dec. 10, 1871 May 28, 1867 4023. 100 | Augustus, DAVID AND BETSEY (ADAMS) HEARD. 4869 | Wayland, Feb. 16, 1819 3989. (Continued page 85.) | Feb. 20, 1843 | Maria French. 84 100 | David, 4870 | Wayland, Aug. 9, 1820 | Nov. 4, 1850 | Nov. 24, 1842 | Nancy K. Heminway. 100 | Eliza Ann, 4871 “ Nov. 7, 1823 June 15, 1851 | Abraham Andrews Edwards, M. D.; 1796-1867; son Adison Adams, 4872 eg Nov. 16, 1825 | Oct. 20, 1826 [Abraham and Rebecca (Houghton). eevee Hartwell, ra s oat 3, 1827 | Oct. 20, 1857 in rancis 874 pe ug. 29, 1829 H. Elizabeth Hunt. Mary Adams, | 4875 ‘“ Mar. 6) 1832 Susan, 4876 i Mar. 29, 1834 Oct. 10, 1867 | Robert B. Thomas. 100 | Charles Baldwin, | 4877 “ May 29, 1836 Sept. 4, 1872 | Helen M. Cushing. en re : we 16, 1839 ward, 7 ov. 29, 1840 | Sept. 29, 1841 JOB PAGE AND TABITHA ABRAHAM (JONES) WEBBER. 4053. Timothy Jones, | 4880 )Marblehead, Feb. 16, 1824 | Jan. 15, 1838 85 oederd Ab’h’m,) 4881 | Lincoln, Dec. 12, 1826 May, 1856 | Hannah Lucretia Waters. enry Page 4882 | Lowell Mar. 7, 1831 James Park, 4883 | Fitchburg, Mar. 11,1838 | Mar. 29, 1842 85 | Lizzie Jones, 4884 | Lowell, Sept. 24, 1840 | Mar. 11, 1868 | Nov. 20, 1860 | Josiah Whitney Brown. WOODWARD ABRAHAM AND HANNAH LUCRETIA (WATERS) WEBBER. 4881. Jos. Woodward, | 4885 | Weymouth, Oct. 6, 1856 Walter Page, 4886 | Abington, Jan. 3, 1861 Lizzie Jones, 4887 ne July 2, 1862 Anna Lucretia, | 4888 | New York, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1866 Maria Louisa, 4889 | Fitchburg, Feb. 9, 1867 JOSIAH WHITNEY AND LIZZIE JONES (WEBBER) BROWN. 4884. Mary Chase, 4890 | Worcester, June, 1862 | Apr., 1863 Alice, 4891 | Balt.,Md., Jan. 2,1864 | Oct., 1864 EPHRAIM AND SARAH (TAYLOR) POTTER. 560. 85 Ephraim, 4892 | Concord, Sept. 17,1755 | Jan. 19, 1825 | Mar. 12, 1780 | Elizabeth Eustis; 1754-1829; d. John & Eliz. (Coffin). Sarah, 4893 ie Jan. 17,1757 July 17, 1781 | Samuel Lewis. Stephen, 4894 es June 18, 1758 87 gered: Ge ee Aug. 12,1759 | Apr. 22, 1842 | Nov. 11, 1783 | Lucy Brooks; 1760-1844; dau. Luke. ary, 96 ee Dec. 1, 1762 | Nov. 10, 1822 EPHRAIM AND ELIZABETH (EUSTIS) POTTER. 4892. 85 | Mary, 4897 | Concord, Nov. 28,1780 | Aug. 1,1833 | Jan. 9, 1814 | John Dodge; -1840. 85 | Wm. Eustis, 4898 ee Mar. 15,1782 | Oct. 8, 1843 | Dec., 1806 | Alice Bass; 1786-1871. ee |e Oe ee ee a reaisee, (Ee ee izabe é ug. eb. nmarried. Isaac, 4901 «“ Mar, 9° 1788 ” 1825 David, 4902 et Apr. 6,1789 | June 4, 1829 | Unmarried. : [(Hosmer). 86 | Susan Bradshaw, | 4903 se May 5,1791 | June 19,1876 | Jan. 9, 1814 | Tilly Holden; 1786-1860; son Dan’l and Miliscent Daniel, 4904 te Feb. 20,1793 | May 29, 1810 87 | Asa, 4905 is July 11,1794 | June 18, 1876 | Dec. 29, 1816 | Sarah (Berry) Buswell; —1856. JOHN AND MARY (POTTER) DODGE. 4897. 85 | Charles Henry, 4906 | Concord, Novy. 20, 1814 Mar. 18, 1841 | Caroline Silsby Rumrill; 1817-. Mary Elizabeth, | 4907 st Oct. 14,1815 | Mar. 24, 1839 [Bethia (French). 85 | Solomon Haskell, | 4908 | Cambridge, Mar. 1, 1817 | May 25, 1886 | Apr. 21, 1842 | Nancy French Everett; 1819-1859; d. Manning and CHARLES HENRY AND CAROLINE SILSBY (RUMRILL) DODGE. 4906. Caroline Augusta,| 4909 Feb. pei ae oc rs a Jan. 19,1872 | W. H. Haley. Mary Elizabeth 4910 Mar. 20 3) ct. Emma Frances, 4911 Jan. 7 ' 1847 : 85 | Hayw’d Cushing, | 4912 Dec. 24, 1848 Oct. 17, 1878 | Winifred McIntyre. Solomon Potter, | 4913 - une Gh tee Chas. Franklin, | 4914 ec. 16, HAYWARD CUSHING AND WINIFRED (McINTIRE) DODGE. 4912. | Marion Winifred,| 4915 | Roxbury, Feb. 28, 1885 | July 7, 1886 | | SOLOMON HASKELL AND NANCY FRENCH (BVERETT) DODGE. 4908. Solomon Everett, | 4916 |Cambridgep’t, May 33, 1843) Dec. 21, 1844 John Albert, | 4917 «°" Get. 15, 1844 | Apr. 17, 1863 ; [A. (Lambert). 89 | Edward Everett, | 4918 < Dec. 21, 1845 June 12, 1872 | Mary Elizabeth Hartz; 1847-; dau. John P. and Mary Mary Elizabeth, | 4919 ee Dec. 18, 1847 | Nov. 27, 1852 Ellen Amelia, 4920 ce Dec. 19, 1849 | Sept. 27, 1850 ; [Martha B. (Smith). g5 | Alice French, 4921 “ Oct. 17, 1854. Dec. 2, 1873 | John Kelley Simpson, Jr.; 1847-; son John K. and QUINCY ADISON AND LAURETTA (KELLY) FLETCHER. 4731. Nellie Clarissa, | 4922 | Apr. 1, 1883 | | Mabel Blanche, | 4923 May 23, 1886 JOHN KELLEY, JR. AND ALICE FRENCH (DODGE) SIMPSON. 4921. John Kelley, 3d, | 4924 | Arlington, May 14, 1876 ‘Alice May,” | 4995 | «”” May 18) 1878 Everett Oakes, 4926 i June 16, 1885 WILLIAM EUSTIS AND ALICE (BASS) POTTER. 4898. illiam Eusti 4927 | Quinc Dec. 31,1807 | Dec. 5, 1868 | Feb. 20, 1827 | 1. Lucy Tilden; 1808-1836. Eliz. (Foster). " Walliams: Busts || Fae | Suny , Oct. 30, 1833 | 2. Elizabeth Foster Lewis; 112-1863 dacveea cua 101 | Susan Bird, 4929 | Boston, Feb. 7, 1810 Apr. 30, 1826 ceo ‘Kale 1804-1870; son Samuel and ally (Kelley). 86 | Mary Ann, 4930 ce Feb. 12, 1812 Jan. 1, 1837 Thomas Osborne; 1803-1853; son George. 86 | Emeline Eliza, 4931 ‘c July 26, ee (885 Jan. 10, 1836 | Ignatius Sargent; 1810-; s. John and Hannah (Taft). Alice es 86 Alnie, 4933 6s May 27, 1821 Sept. 1, 1840 | Ira Perham; 1812-1870; son William and Susan. 85 WILLIAM EUSTIS AND LUCY (TILDEN) POTTER. 4927. _ - 7 William Francis, | 4934 | Canton, Sept. 9, 1827 Lucy Ann, 4935 “ July 31, 1829 | Aug. 3, 1829 _| Ann Maria, 4936 «“ Oct. 10, 1830 | Dec. 28) 1830 86 | George Doane, 4937 | Boston, June 19, 1833 July 17, 1853 | Lois Cole; 1827-; d. Willard & Betsey (Pickering): WILLIAM EUSTIS AND ELIZABETH FOSTER (LEWIS) POTTER. 4928. 86 | William Eustis, | 4938 | Quincy, Oct. 16, 1835 Aug. 31, 1865 | Sarah W. Spencer; 1846-,; d. Fou & Mary (Harris). 86 Ae Foster, ra Boston, eee 3, 1837 Aug. 2, 1855 | Benj. Franklin Rollins; 1827-; son Melia (Pie! and onzo Lewis, une 1839 1854 iz. (Pierce 99 | John Thomas, { 4941 *e Sept.” 18, 1847 1866 | 1. Emma Frances Mayo. [and Sarah E. (Iyler 99 4942 Jan. 9, 1873 | 2. Lilly Washington Stevens; 1855; d. Seymour GEORGE DOANE AND LOIS (COLE) POTTER. 4937. 99 pomee Hen a, Fran Boston, a 30, 1855 Feb. 3, 1881 | Mary Jane Campbell; 1855-; d. Robt. J. ee coral win Rockwoo a ug 8, 1857 ampbe. Benj. Francis, 4945 es July 8, 1859 | Apr. 8, 1862 A on Ida Frances, 4946 os May 93) 1863 Oct. 7,1885 | John Edw’d Hislop; 1860-; s. Dan’] C. & Hannah KE. Herb’t Raymond, 4947 it Jan. 6, 1870 WILLIAM EUSTIS AND SARAH WILLIAMS (SPENCER) POTTER. 4938. Samuel Eustis, 4948 | Scituate, May 3, 1867 | Sept. 15, 1869 Edward Foster, 4949 | Boston, July 15, 1869 Willard Thomas, 4950 a Nov. 11, 1873 Charles Delmore, 4951 | Scituate, Apr. 22, 1875 Elizabeth Anna, | 4952 |Topeka, Kan., Dec. 30, 1882 BENJAMIN F. AND ELIZABETH FOSTER (POTTER) ROLLINS. 4939. Annie Elizabeth, | 4953 | Boston, Apr. 13,1859 | Oct. 23, 1870 Bertha Frances, | 4954 | Chelsea, Sept. 23, 1872 THOMAS AND MARY ANN (POTTER) OSBORNE. 4930. Walter Scott, 4955 | Prov., R. I., May 21,1840 | June 5, 1851 108 | Gtoorebyaacption), | 4956 Nashua, N.H.., Mar. 10, 1842 June 1, 1858 | Julia A. Moore; dau. Samuel and Julia A. IGNATIUS AND EMELINE ELIZA (POTTER) SARGENT. 4931. Daniel Raymond, | 4957 Machias, Me., Apr. 13, 1836| June 17, 1837 Mary Alice, 4958 Sep t. 6, 1837 | Nov. 6, 1839 86 A i aa a Calais, Me. Ag a ie 5 ri Oct. 17, 1870 | Fanny Menow Knowles. i ary Alice eb ct. 18 6 [E. (ees). 86 joe Clay, the Machias, sa June oe 4g e a July, 1861 | Alice Bruce Heminway; 1843-1875; d. Wm. & Eliz. ohn 96 xr. 9, 1845 ug. 17, 1846 [M. (Patton). 86 Ignatius Manlius,| 4963 eo Ae. 30, 1847 : Apr. 29, 1872 | Helen Maria Campbell; 1845-; d. Alex. F. and Julia John Dudley, 4964 ee Sept. 6, 1849 | May 19, 1859 : [C(McPhail). 86 | Charles, 4965 ee May 21, 1852 Dec. 20, 1880 | Ada Maria Leeland; 1857-; d. Enoch S. & Margaret Winthrop, 4966 |“ Aug. 8, 1857 | Dec. 14, 1857 DANIEL BARTLETT AND FANNY MENOW (KNOWLES) SARGENT. 4959. | Winthrop, 4967 Gar Neb., Aug. 17, 1872 | Mary Kennedy, | 4968 Sept. 5, 1874 HENRY CLAY AND ALICH BRUCE (HEMINWAY) SARGENT. 4961. John Dudley, 2d, | 4969 |Machias, Me., Dec. 18, 1861 Y, 40, IGNATIUS MANLIUS AND HELEN MARIA (CAMPBELL) SARGENT. 4963. Paul Dudley, 4970 igus a Me., May 8, 1873 | | Grace Emeline, | 4971 Mar. 25, 1875 CHARLES AND ADA M. (LEELAND) SARGENT. 4965. | Daniel, | 4972 |Portland, Me., Aug. 25,1884] | | IRA AND ALMIRA (POTTER) PHERHAM. 4933. | Julia Heath, — | 4973 | Boston, Dec. 6, 1841 | Aug. 2, 1867 \ | EPHRAIM AND MARY ANN (BARRY) POTTER. 4899. Mary Ann, 4974 | Concord, Feb. 12,1817 |Diedininfancy. Mary Jane, 4975 es Feb. 5,1819 | May 22, 1847 | Dec. 22, 1844 | James B. Shipley. 86 | Ephraim Barry, | 4976 Ke Jan. 27, 1821 Dec. 15, 1842 | Rebecca B. Watts; 1822-; 1868. EPHRAIM B. AND REBECCA B. (WATTS) POTTER. 4976. Adaline Rebecca,| 4977 | Concord, Sept. 9, 1844 | May 11,1876 | Unmarried. Abby Ann, 4978 fs Aug. 8, 1847 | July 14,1875 | Unmarried. [Harriet (Tukey). 86 Ghasise Atwood, 4979 re Jan. 30, 1850 May 23, 1869 | Hattie Eliza Purrington; 1845-; dau. Cornelius and CHARLES ATWOOD AND HATTIE HE. (PURRINGTON) POTTER. 4979. Mary Addie 4980 | Lynn July 9, 1870 Came Brooke, | 4081 «> Mar. 29? 1872 Nellie, 4982 Mt Feb. 26, 1874 William Herbert, | 4983 ae Nov. 16, 1875 Eugene, 4984 st Sept. 26, 1877 Georgia, 4985 a June 13, 1880 Arthur, 4986 ee Mar. 18, 1883 TILLY AND SUSAN BRADSHAW (POTTER) HOLDEN. 4903. Susan Eustis, 4987 | Concord, Jan. 21, 1825 John Albert, 4988 ae Jan. 30, 1827 [(Binney). 86 | Marshall Henry, | 4989 ae Mar. 4, 1829 Sept. 5, 1855 | Mary Elizabeth Garfield; 1821-; d. Daniel and Polly Mary Elizabeth, | 4990 # Dec. 29, 1833 MARSHALL HENRY AND MARY E. (GARFIELD) HOLDEN. 4989. 104 | Henry Emerson, | 4991 Concord, Sept. 11, 1859 Oct. 25, 1883 | Annie Hayden Smith; 1859-; dau. Lorenzo G. and Clara Brigham, 4992 ue June 14, 1864 [Olive (Nye) 86 Sarah Ann Robie,| 4993 Elizabeth F. A., 87 | Isabella Gordon, Harrison Otis, Lorenzo, 4994 4995 4996 4997 ASA AND SARAH (BERRY-BUSWELL) POTTER. 4905. ce be cc Concord, N. H., Nov. 1, 1817 Feb. 19, 1819 June 5, 1820 July 1, 1821 Chester, N. H., Mar. 20, 1823 Feb. 14, 1870 Mar. 18, 1819 Jan. 11, 1827 Apr. 3, 1823 Unmarried. July 10, 1850 | William Taylor Andrus; [Clarissa (Taylor). 1825-; son Benjamin and WILLIAM T. AND ISABELLA GORDON (POTTER) ANDRUS. 4995. Charles Potter, 4998 |New York, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1852] Aug. 2, 1853 | JACOB AND LUCY (BROOKS) POTTER. 4895. 87 | Sarah, Pt Concord, Bept ee es Dec. 17, 1880 ea 10, ao Reuben Gates; 1780-1855; son Reuben te tesa Cys ar. 786 | Sept. 7, 1815 nmarried. uller). 87 Lydia Brooks, 5001 : Aug. & 1789 Apr. 21; 1865 | Sept. 2, 1813 Isaae Howe; -1868. ophia (no issue), { an. 15,1791 | Jan. 30, 1879 . Jacob Manning. _ no issue), 50038 June 2, 1840 | 2. William L. Cogswell; 1803-1879. Silas, 5004 ae Feb. 11,1793 | Apr. 10, 1820 | Unmarried. . : Maria, (no issue), 5005 es May 22, 1797 . Jan. 15, 1824 | Isaac Staples; 1790-1866. [Nancy (Williams). 87 | Henry, 5006 ef May 12,1799 | Mar. 30, 1876 | Aug. 15, 1843 | Abigail Livermore Giles; 1811-; d. Capt. Benj. and 87 | Dexter, Rev., 5007 |Leominster, Jan. 9, 1803 | Apr. 2, 1881 1. Ulyetta Sabine. [and Eliz. 87 5008 May 15, 1845 | 2. Sarah Louisa Cogswell; 1813-1860; dau. Northend REUBEN AND SARAH (POTTER) GATES. 4999. | William, | 5009 | Sept. 24, 1808 | | Sept. 7, 1848 | Mary Norton Clay; 1819-; d. John and Sally (Norton). ISAAC AND LYDIA BROOKS (POTTER) HOWE. 5001. | Isaac Gustavus, | 5010 | | 1869 | | HENRY AND ABIGAIL LIVERMORE (GILES) POTTER. 5006. 87 | Henry Staples, 5011 | Somerville, May 31, 1845 Sept. 8, 1869 | Sophia Grace Robbins; 1847-; d. Charles and Martha Wm. L. Cogswell,; 5012 | Boston, July 23, 1848 Jan. 1, 1873 | Nellie Florence Bigelow. [M. (Maxwell). Emily Florence, | 5013 | Cambridge, May 22, 1850 June 23, 1881 | Wm. Wilberforce Sias; 1845-, s. Wm. & Chloe B. (Hall). : HENRY STAPLES AND SOPHIA GRACE (ROBBINS) POTTER. 5011. Henry Staples, Jr.,| 5014 | Boston, Nov. 5, 1870 Alexander Carleton, | 5015 | Cambridge, Aug. 27, 1873 Gracie Florence Cogswell] 5016 | Boston, Aug. 27, 1878 REV. DEXTER AND ULYETTA (SABINE) POTTER. 5007. Ulyetta Sabine, | 5017 | New Haven, Ct., June 9, 1839 | Dec. 15, 1859 | Unmarried. | ; _ REV. DEXTER AND SARAH L. (COGSWHLL) POTTER. 5008. 87 | Sophia E. C., 5018 | Hampstead, L. I., Oct. 5, 1848 | May 38, 1878 | Dec. 21, 1871 | E. Morris Stiger; 1839-. Maria Louisa C., | 5019 ts Apr. 26, 1850 | Apr. 28, 1850 87 | Maria Louisa F., | 5020 ee Aug. 9, 1851 | Apr. 10, 1875 | June 25, 1874 | Charles S. Moore; 1852-. William Henry, | 5021 | New York, N. ¥., Oct. 7, 1854) Nov. 27, 1857 Charles N. C., 5022 oe July 16, 1859 | Oct. 11, 1859 EH. MORRIS AND SOPHIA ELIZABETH COGSWELL (POTTER) STIGER. 5018. Frances Ann, 5023 | Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1872 William Dexter, | 5024 Dec. 20, 1873 Grace Cogswell, | 5025 oh Oct. 22, 1876 CHARLES S. AND MARIA LOUISA FREDERICA (POTTER) MOORE. 5020. | Louisa Maria F., | 5026 | Cambridge, Apr. 10, 1875 | | JAMES AND LYDIA (POTTER) RUSSELL. 562. Lydia, 5027 | Concord, Nov. ° 2, 1765 Nov. 6, 1788 | James Giles; 1767-1839. Mary, 5028 se July 10,1767 | Jan. 15,1799 | Unmarried. 87 | Elizabeth, 5029 ef Jan. 25,1769 | Nov. i ae ae 12, a Daniel Wheat. 87 | Hannah, ; 5030 ae July 20,1770 | Feb. 18, 186 ug. 9,17 1. Jesse Green. (noissue), ? | 5031 2. Stephen Blood; 1770-1836. 87 | Susanna, ~~ | 5032 ts Feb. 27,1773 | Nov. 20, 1831 | Jan. 6, 1795 | Reuben Duren; 1769-1819. 88 | James, 5033 a May 9,1775 | June 5, 1858 | Aug. 27,1797 | Mary Butler; 1779-1863; d. Jos. and Mary (Kidder), 89 | Jacob, 5034 eg Dec. 25,1776 | May 5,1851 | Oct. 5, 1800 | Susanna Giles; 1778-1856. DANIEL AND ELIZABETH (RUSSELL) WHEAT. 5029. anna 5035 y ae 5038 Nov. 9, 1794 Nov. 16, 1820 | Thomas Green. Elizabeth, 5037 JESSE AND HANNAH (RUSSELL) GREEN. 5030. Ephraim, 5038 | Carlisle, June 30, 1800 | Nov. 10, 1824 | Unmarried. ; ; 87 | Charles, 5039 < June 30, 1800 | Feb. 16, 1843 | Sept., : 1828 | Lydia Hastings; -1885. CHARLES AND LYDIA (HASTINGS) GREEN. 5039. Charles E. 5040 | Lowell May 2, 1830 | Aug. 1830 Elizabeth, ” 5041 «? May 5/1832; 96 | Jennie, 5042 “ May 17, 1833 June 6, 1855 | Adison Churchill. REUBEN AND SUSANNA (RUSSELL) DUREN. 5032. 87 | Isaac, 5048 | Carlisle, June 6,1795 | May 27,1835 | July 4, 1816 | Mary Blood; 1796-1873. George, 5044 git Oct., 1803 | May 9, 1804 ISAAC AND MARY (BLOOD) DUREN. 5043. George Frederick,) 5045 | Carlisle, Apr. 13, 1817 July 6, 1843 | Lucy A. F. Pease; 1822-. i Mare Elizabeth, | 5046 «7? Dee. 12) 1818 | Apr. 24, 1843 : Susan Maria, 5047 June 4, 1820 | Sept. 20, 1844 : : 88 | Martha Augusta, | 5048 « 6 -Jan. 14, 1822 Apr. 14, 1844 | Nathaniel Hutchinson. 88 | Nancy Blood, 5049 “s Jan. 8, 1824 | Sept. 13, 1853 | Apr. 21, 1842 | Prescott Nickles; -1884. 87 GEORGE FREDERICK AND LUCY A. F. (PEASE) DUREN. 5045. 88 | Isaac Frederick, | 5050 | Carlisle, Oct. 31, 1844 Jan. 22, 1879 | Mary Lewis; 1850-. ., | Geo. Thompson, | 5051 a May 29,1850 | July 24, 1851 88 | Herman Leslie, | 5052 e Jan. 30, 1852 Apr. 16, 1879 | Lottie Lewis; 1850-. Chas. Marshman, | 5053 ss Apr. 9, 1854 | Sept. 28, 1854 Geo. Rozalvin, 5054 ee May 18, 1858 Mary Francivilla, | 5055 “ Mar. 27, 1865 ISAAC FREDERICK AND MARY (LEWIS) DUREN. 5050. | Arthur Frederick, 5056 | Sept. 7, 1885 | | HERMAN LESLIE AND LOTTIE (LEWIS) DUREN. 5052. | Roy Leslie, | 5057 | | Hiram Nathaniel,| 5058 | Oct. 26, 1881 | NATHANIEL AND MARTHA AUGUSTA (DUREN) HUTCHINSON. Mar. 29, 1846 | | | 5048. | Apr. 7, 1870 | Elizabeth Brown. PRESCOTT AND MARY B. (DUREN) NICKELS. 5049. 88 | George Prescott, | 5059 Apr. 5, 1843 | Oct. 19, 1884 | Nov. 18, 1869 | Sarah Abbie Daniels. Camilla Alesta, | 5060 June 22, 1853 | Aug. 22, 1853 GEORGE PRESCOTT AND SARAH ABBIE (DANIELS) NICKELS. 5059. Charles Albert, 5061 July 17, 1875 Camilla Alesta, | 5062 July 2, 1878 Mary Elizabeth, | 5063 July 15, 1881 JAMES AND MARY (BUTLER) RUSSELL. 5033. 88 |Wm. Lamb’t, M.D.,| 5064 | Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1799 June 2, 1836 |) Mary Ann Warren; 1816-; dau. Calvin and Caroline 88 | Emerson, 5065 es Sept. 13, 1802 | Nov. 13, 1845 | Apr. 12, 1830 | 1. Prudence Chapman; -1838. [(Carter). 5066 1840 | 2. Charlotte E. Wyman. 88 | Mary Ann, 5067 ce Oct. 38,1804 | Feb. 7, 1854 | Apr. 12, 1832 | Capt. David Butler; 1809-1885. (tha G. (Chapin). 88 |Jas. Sullivan, A.M.,| 5068 Ke Mar. 23, 1807 Oct. 4, 1842 | Eliz. Chapin Bartlett; 1813-1866; d. Waitt and Mar- 88 |Geo. Wash’n, Hon., (| 5069 et Aug. 9, 1809 Jan. 1, 1835 | 1. Susan Faulkner; 1811-1847; dau. Nathaniel. 89 5070 May 16, 1849 | 2. Catharine Emily Smith; 1828-1861; dau. Solomon 5071 June 20, 1865 | 3. Lydia (Baker) Waite; 1819-. {and Catharine. DR. WILLIAM LAMBERT AND MARY ANN (WARREN) RUSSELL. 5064. 88 | Caroline Griswold,) 5072 | Barre, Mar. 3, 1838 June 21, 1860 | William Howland; 1822-1880. gail S. (Jenney). Mari Anne, 5073 sé Mar. 21, 1850 June 21, 1880 | John C. Bartholemew; 1848-; son Gardner and Abi- William Calvin, | 5074 vy May 10,1868 | May 21, 1876 WILLIAM AND CAROLINE GRISWOLD (RUSSELL) HOWLAND. 5072. William Russell, | 5075 | Lynn, Feb. 19, 1863 Bertha Morton, | 5076 < June 10, 1867 EMERSON AND PRUDENCE (CHAPMAN) RUSSELL. 5065. 88 | Mary Ann, 5077 | Lowell, Oct. 19, 1830 Feb. 26, 1849 | Edwin Jones; son Edward and Betsey (Hill). Lucy Jane Chapman,] {5078 te Jan. 23, 1832 1. Frank Bailey. 5079 2. Noah Bennett. Geo. Emerson, 5080 ee June 14, 1833 | Aug. 9, 1833 Charles Perley, 5081 yi Oct. 28, 1836 Unmarried. 88 | James Sullivan, | 5082 se Nov. 10, 1837 Sarah Ellen Estes; -1884; d. Wm. and Mary (Bisbee). EDWIN AND MARY ANN (RUSSELL) JONES. 5077. William Edmund,| 5083 |Chester, N.H., June 17, 1850 June 13, 1881 | Amanda Bell; dau. James D. and Eliza (Morse). 88 | Ellen Elizabeth, | 5084 sy Nov. 25, 1856 Feb. 9, 1878 | James T. Watts; son Freeman and Eliz. (Wheeler). Edwin Plummer, | 5085 ts July 8, 1860 Mary Ida, 5086 ey Aug. 4, 1864 JAMES T. AND ELLEN E. (JONES) WATTS. 5084. Alma Jones, 5087 Aug. 19, 1878 | | Leroy Plummer, | 5088 Jan. 21, 1883 JAMES SULLIVAN AND SARAH ELLEN (ESTES) RUSSELL. 5082. Geo. Emerson, 5089 Jan., 1866 Charles Perley, 5090 May., 1869 | Addie, 5091 Aug. 31, 1877 CAPT. DAVID AND MARY ANN (RUSSELL) BUTLER. 5067. Rockwood David, | 5092 Dec. 5, 1834 | Sept. 22, 1865 | Apr. 16, 1862 | Helen Baldwin. | Orlando, 5093 Died young. Annette Eudora, | 5094 | Pelham, N. H., June 17, 1842 Feb. 24, 1869 | Henry W. Burton. 88 | Francis Edward, | 5095 es July 30, 1844 Nov. 2, 1874 | Elizabeth J. Doak; 1848-. Geo. Sullivan, 5096 oe June 26, 1848 FRANCIS EDWARD AND ELIZABETH J. (DOAK) BUTLER. 5095. | Arthur Frank, — | 5097 | Jan. 13, 1881 | JAMES SULLIVAN AND ELIZABETH CHAPIN (BARTLETT) RUSSELL. 5068. ; Elizabeth Bartlett,| 5098 | Lowell, Sept. 11, 1843 | Dec. 6, 1869 Mary Butler, 5099 e Apr. 15, 1846 James Bartlett, | 5100 as June 5, 1850 88 | Martha Louisa, | 5101 es Nov. 9, 1855 Dec. 22, 1879 | Hiram J. Potter; 1852-. HIRAM J. AND MARTHA L. (RUSSELL) POTTER. 5101. James Russell, 5102 | Lowell, Nov. 28, 1880 | Helen Leslie, 5103 ce July 22, 1883 HON. GEORGE WASHINGTON AND SUSAN (FAULKNER) RUSSELL. 5069. (Continued page 89.) 88 George Faulkner, | 5104 Dec. 25, 1835 | Jan. 24, 1837 James William, {| 5105 | Roxbury, June 10, 1837 May 12, 1862 | 1. Anna Thompson, -1864. 5106 Feb., 1869 | 2. Pluma Fowler. Frances Jane, 5107 Noy. 29, 1838 | Mar. 12, 1840 Francis Faulkner,) 5108 Feb. 4, 1841 Susan Maria, 5109 Sept. 22, 1847 | Aug. 26, 1848 HON. GEORGE WASHINGTON AND CATHARINE EH. (SMITH) RUSSELL. 5070. George Albert, 5110 Apr. 12,1851 | Dec. 12, 1856 Henry Martin, 5111 Aug. 15, 1852 | May 29, 1854 John Herbert, 5112 Nov. 17, 1855 Mar. 2, 1885 | Katharine Field. Edward Smith, 5113 Oct. 3, 1861 JACOB AND SUSANNA (GILES) RUSSELL. 5034. 89 | Miranda, 5114 | Carlisle, Jan. 9,1801 | July 2,1880) Feb. 9, 1830 | John Dummer; 1792-1865; s. John & Susanna (Duty). 89 | Susan, 5115 a Dec. 24, 1802 | Feb. 14, 1841 1825 | Thomas Blake. 89 | Milo, 5116 ee Jan. 20, 1805 Noy. 1, 1827 | 1. Elizabeth P. Rice; -1876. 5117 Apr. 26,1878 | 2. Hannah Russell. 89 | Francis, 5118 oe Feb. 1, 1807 Oct. 17,1833 | Mary White; 1805-. Samuel Jacob, 5119 1810 1. Lucy Jewell. ee 5120 2. Mary Hotchkins. 89 | Lydia, 5121 Ke Mar. 8, 1812 Oct. 4, 1836 | Dexter Mussey. JOHN AND MIRANDA (RUSSELL) DUMMER. 5114. John, 5122 | Lowell, Oct. 30,1830 | June 25, 1848 Mary, 5128 ee Mar. 7, 1832 | Apr. 28, 1835 Mehitable, 5124 fe Oct. 18, 1833 | Apr. 24, 1851 [M. (Lee). 89 | Edward, 5125 oe Feb. 20, 1841 Mar. 20, 1879 | Sarah Maria Barrows; d. Prof. Elijah P. and Sarah _ EDWARD AND SARAH M. (BARROWS) DUMMER. 5125. William Barrows,| 5126 | Newbury, June 27, 1880 Edward Lee, 5127 | Waltham, June 18, 1883 EDWARD EVERETT AND MARY ELIZABETH (HARTZ) DODGE. 4918. Alice Everett, 5128 | Madison, Kan., Mar. 7, 1874 William Irving, | 5129 a Nov. 11, 1875 Edward, 5130 “ Dec. 28, 1877 Annie, 5131 es Dec. 16, 1880 Edith, 5132 ee Jan. 24, 1883 THOMAS AND SUSAN (RUSSELL) BLAKE. 5115. 89 | Marinda Russell, | 5133 | Boston, June 30, 1826-| July 5, 1852 | June 38,1847 | Michael Homer Mandell. Thos. Franklin, | 5134 eb Nov. 5, 1828 | Apr. 22, 1842 Susan Maria, 5135 ne Nov. 5, 1828 1. John Baker. 5136 2. Smith Chapin. 89 | Fred’k William, | 5137 Ke Oct. 3, 1831 Mar. 19, 1856 | Caroline L. Adams. MICHAEL H. AND MARINDA R. (BLAKE) MANDELL. 5133. Mary Dummer, | 5138 | Lowell, Feb. 17, 1848 | | Nov. 27, 1873 | Handel Stedman Robbins; 1830-. i FREDERICK WILLIAM AND CAROLINE L. (ADAMS) BLAKE. 5137. 89 | Mary Anna, 5139 Jan. 6, 1857 Feb. 15, 1879 | John M. Jewett. Susan Parker, 5140 Dec. 1, 1858 July 2,1885 | Rev. James H. Childs. Carrie Louisa, 5141 Mar. 10, 1863 JOHN M. AND MARY A. (BLAKE) JEWETT. 5139. Robert Arthur, | 5142 heat Me., Aug. 14, 1881 | Harrold Blake, 5148 ee Aug. 29, 1885 MILO AND ELIZABETH P. (RICH) RUSSELL. 5116. Mary Elizabeth, | 5144 | Groton, Oct. 5, 1845 89 | Sarah Rebecca, 5145 as Apr. 1, 1830 June 29, 1854 | William M. Shattuck. T. Stillman, 5146 oe Oct. 2, 1831 William Melvin, | 5147 ee Mar. 12, 1833 ; John Francis, 5148 ee Jan. 12, 1838 James Lewis, 5149 ef Dec. 10, 1839 Frances L., 5150 es July 28, 1843 | Oct. 13, 1843 Elizabeth Olive, | 5151 c Sept. 7, 1845 — Irving. ~ | Charles, 5152 ee Apr. 5, 1847 Henry Oliver, | 5153 . Apr. _7, 1848 - WILLIAM M. AND SARAH REBECCA (RUSSELL) SHATTUCK. 5145. a Ellen L. T. 5154 | Pepperell, Aug. 22, 1857 Mark W., ” 5155 “Heh. 98, 1861 Ansel M., 5156 | Groton, June 7, 1863 FRANCIS AND MARY (WHITE) RUSSELL. 5118. Mary E., 5157 July 6, 1835 Dec. 6, 1866 | Joseph G. Tenney. =z 89 | Francis Calvin, 5158 Apr. 3, 1837 Aug. 29, 1870 | Mary E. Smith. 89 | Henry H., 5159 Mar. 5, 1842 1863 | Dida Lord. FRANCIS C. AND MARY E. (SMITH) RUSSELL. 5158. a Louisa W., 5160 June 29, 1873 Francis Smith, 5161 June 8, 1876 HENRY H, AND DIDA (LORD) RUSSELL. 5159. | Francis Lord, | 5162 | Apr. 10, 1866 | | DEXTER AND LYDIA (RUSSELL) MUSSEY. 5121. (Continued page 90.) | MaryettaD., | 5163 | Mar. 25, 1840 | | Nov. 5, 1862 | Almagro Palmerlee. 89 Nathan D., { ae Mar. 21, 1838 May 15, 1865 | 1. Mary A. Dewey. Apr. 7, 1871 | 2. Mary Drake. George D., 5165 Dec. 2, 1841 ee. 29, 1862 ‘Aunelia Chan etait Martha I., 5166 Noy. 2, 1845 Nov. 22° 1878 | Frank Hotchkiss. Josephine P., 5167 Sept. 30, 1851 Harvey E., 5168 Mar. 18, 1849 Nov. 25, 1884 | Ella Lyon. JONAS AND PERSIS (BARRETT) POTTER. 565-1898. 90 | Samuel, 5169 Concord, Oct. 14, 1767 | Oct. 29, 1831 | Mar. 11,1788 | Lucy Hosmer. No. 5992. [Lydia (Billings). 91 | Rebecca, { ee ae Feb. 24,1770 | Dec. 15, 1826 | Feb. 12,1792 | 1. Charles Weston; 1769-1811; son Stephen, Jr., and i Nov. 7, 1815 | 2. Josiah Merriam; 1755-1832. Persis, 5171 4 Jan. 10,1772 | June 3, 1792 Feb. 12.1792 | Levi Parks. Elizabeth, 5172 ue July 15,1775 | Oct. 14, 1806 | Unmarried. Lucy, 5173 = Jan. 21,1779 | Mar. 6, 1854 | Unmarried. JONAS AND SARAH (JONES) POTTER. 566. - Hl ao ae Concord, pete a Hee July 3,1868 | May 7, 1812 | Sarah Melvin; 1790-1851; dau. Jacob and Sarah oO | Sally Sept. 88 | May 6, 1810 | Oct. 11,1807 | Joshua Brown. No. 3648. Dexter). 93 | John, 5176 “ Nov. 18.1793 | May. 15,1875 | Oct. 18,1818 | Sybil Gay Flagg; 1801-1865; dau. Dan. fea Phewe James, 5177 ‘9 Mar. 14, 1800 | Jan. 9, 1802 , [(Stevens.) SAMUEL AND LUCY (HOSMER) POTTER. 5169-5998. : Nathan, 5178 | Concord, Aug. 31,1789 | May 13,1813 | Unmarried. ee (no issue), ae : eb. a er Aug. 15, 1840 | Sept. 21, 1820 | Thomas R. Warren; 1798-1861. ewe ay Silas, : 5181 ee July i, 1797 | Died at sea. | Unmarried. a Tilly, i ae ee June 14,1800 | July 7, 1872 1823 | 1. Ellen Van Sickel; 1806-1833. ‘ 1835 | 2. Mrs. Eliza Foulk; 1804-. James, 5184 “Mar. 9,1803| Apr., 1849 90 | Francis, 5185 re July 21,1805 | Oct. 27,1876 | Dec. 7, 1828 | Mary Hayward. No. 3860. [Lucy (Wesson). 90 | Samuel, 5186 6 Sept. 18, 1807 | May 24, 1875 | Feb. 38,1828 | Jane Smith Baird; Nov. 19, 1806-; dau. Lewis and TILLY AND ELLEN (VAN SICKEL) POTTER. 5182. Tilly Augustus, | 5187 | Erie, Pa., Mar. 3, 1824 1857 | Unmarried. 90 | Louisa Jarvis, 5188 ge Feb. 16, 1828 June 19, 1848 | T. T. Morris; 1822-. Dorcas, 5189 ee May 16,1830 | June 21, 1830 TILLY AND BLIZA (FOULK) POTTER. 5183 ' Mary E. (.at%on), | 5190 July 12, 1850 | | T. T. AND LOUISA JARVIS (POTTER) MORRIS. 5188.. 90 | Francis Tilly, 5191 |Pittsb’g, Pa., July 21, 1849 Oct. 28, 1875 | Jennie Eva Bachtell; 1854-. 90 | Rob’t Stevenson, | 5192 ee Nov. 24, 1851 May 1,1877 | Alice Burckholter. 90 | Ella Virginia, | 5193 a Sept. 9, 1853 | Aug. 30,1880 | Oct. 18,1877 | B. O. Hanger. 90 | Laura Louisa, 5194 |Penora, Ia., Dec. 29, 1855 | Aug. 18, 1882 | Sept. 17, 1884 | E. H. Gottwalt. 90 | Harry Monfort, | 5195 |Carrolton,Ia., Apr. 3, 1858 Aug. 17, 1879 | Amy Towne; 1861-. 90 )} William Thomas, | 5196 ee Mar. 11, 1860 July 8, 1880 | Anna Thuregood; 1861-. John Augustus, | 5197 - Feb. 2, 1862 May 20, 1884 | Estella Kirk; 1864-. Carrie, 5198 = Nov. 5, 1863 May 28,1884 Emilé Tousch; 1861-. Mary, 5199 | Des Moines, Ia., May 29, 1866 May 8, 1867 Freddie Herbert, | 5200 se Dec. 13, 1870 FRANCIS T. AND JENNIE E. (BACHTELL) MORRIS. 5191. ae, | Roy Bachtell, | 5201 | June 4, 1879 | | ROBERT STEVENSON AND ALICH (BURCKHOLTER) MORRIS. 5192. Louisa, | 5202 Mar. 1, 1880 | Laura, 5203 Jan. 2, 1884 ; B. 0. AND ELLA V. (MORRIS) HANGER. 5193. 7 | Maud, | 5204. | Oct., 1879 | | EH. H. AND LAURA L. (MORRIS) GOTTWALT. 5194. | George M., | 5205 | Feb. 2, 1875 | HARRY M AND AMY (TOWNE) MORRIS. 5195. ie Maud, | 5206 June 12, 1880 | i Gussie, 5207 Oct. 21, 1881 WILLIAM T. AND ANNA (THUREGOOD) MORRIS. 5196. | Ella, | 5208 | Aug. 21, 1881 | | FRANCIS AND MARY:.(HAYWARD) POTTER. 5185-3860. ) William Francis, | 5209 | Concord, Feb. 26, 1830 | | [wood). Mary Jane, 5210 ts Dec. 22, 1832 Mar. 21, 1866 | Sylvester Lovejoy; 1832-; s. Selah and Miriam (Hey- SAMUEL AND JANE S. (BAIRD) POTTER. 5186. 90 | Charles F., Dea.,; 5211 | Concord, Mar. 29, 1829 Mar. 14, 1860 | Helen A. Spear; Aug. 23, 1836-; dau, Henry T. and 90 | Silas Warren, 5212 “6 Feb. 2, 1831 | July 28, 1878 | Mar. 27, 1853 | Celana A. Parker; -1861. [Hepzibeth P. (Fernald). 91 | Harriet Jane, 5213 “4 June 8, 1833 June 21, 1849 | 1. Stephen Perkins; 1828-1854. [(Adams). 91 5214 Nov. 8, 1857 | 2. Amos Part’ge Oliver; 1823; s. Forbes and Nancy 91 | Samuel Lewis, 5215 | Sudbury, Sept. 24, 1888 Jan. 1, 1860 | Charlotte B. Beakel; 1839-; d. Chester and Martha D. (Ames). 91 | James Henry, 5216 i: Aug. 21, 1840 Jan. 18, 1862 | Abbie Weltha Walker; 1859-; d. Wm. and Miriam H. Lucy Baird, 5217 ee Mar. 25, 1842 | Feb. 28, 1846 [ (Hawkins). 91 | Aline Augusta, 5218 ee Feb. 10, 1846 May 21,1863 | Henry Newcomb; 1841-; s. Jas. and Sarah G. (Rice). DEA. CHARLES FRANCIS AND HELEN AUGUSTA (SPEAR) POTTER. 5211. Mary Goddard, 5219 | Somerville, Mar. 10, 1864 Henry Austin, 5220 | Brighton, July 24, 1869 SILAS WARREN AND CELANA A. (PARKER) POTTER. 5212. (Continued page 91.) 90 91 | George Warren, | 5221 | Stow, Dec. 13, 1853 Mar. 21,1877 | Lizzie Jane McLaughlin; 1857-; dau. John and Eliza J. (Ackerman). . 91 | Ida Frances, 5222 Windham, Me., Oct. 10,1856) July 2, 1883 | Mar. 31, 1874 | John Bargoon Parsell; 1848-; son Richard H.C. and ___ | Laura Louise, 5223 | Cleveland, O., May 7, 1860 | Aug. 31, 1861 [Eliza A. (Ely). GEORGE WARREN AND LIZZIE JANE (McLAUGHLIN) POTTER. 5221. Geo. Warren, Jr.,| 5224 | Acton, May 25, 1878 John Samuel, 5225 ie May 21, 1880 Frank Rich, 5226 7 Aug. 14, 1883 Caos JOHN BARGOON AND IDA FRANCES (POTTER) PARSELL. 5222. — Carrie Louisa, 5227 | Ohio, July 20, 1875 Alice Emma, 5228 a Noy. 6, 1876 | Jan. 10, 1882 Warren Clay, 5229 ef Aug. 3, 1879 STEPHEN AND HARRIET JANE (POTTER) PERKINS. 5213. ; 91 | James Orrin, 5230 | Acton, June 25, 1850 | Oct. 20, 1880 | Ida May Moran; 1858-; d. John and Margaret (Lotta). 91 | Harriet Jane, 5231 | Stow, July 2, 1852 Oct., 1870 | Chas. LeRoy Sawyer; 1850-; s. John B. & Louisa S, (Newton). AMOS PARTRIDGE AND HARRIET JANE (POTTER-PERKINS) OLIVER. 5214. 91 | Lucy Potter, 5232 | Barre, Mar. 14, 1859 Sept. 20, 1876 | Norman Richardson; 1852-; s. Jesse C. and Mary F. ae ae - 5233 | Oakham, Apr. 18, 1861 Aug. 25, 1886 | John Bargoon Parsell. No. 5222. [(Pratt). rank Edward, 5234 He Nov. 4, 1864 JAMES ORRIN AND IDA MAY (MORAN) PERKINS. 5230. Cora Aline, 5235 |Eden Prairie, Minn., Oct.15, 1882 Laura Mary, 5236 |Devil’s Lake, Dak., Apr.23, 1885 CHARLES LEROY AND HARRIET JANE (PERKINS) SAWYER. 5231. | ee peeeys 5237 | Worcester, pan ‘a 4s Nov. 7, 1886 | | arbara Inez 5238 | Dakota uly 1, Blanche Louisa, 5239 ee? Sept. 18, 1882 NORMAN AND LUCY POTTER (OLIVER) RICHARDSON. 5232. | Marion Grace, | 5240 | Concord, Jan. 31, 1880 | | | SAMUEL LEWIS AND CHARLOTTE BUNDY (BEAKEL) POTTER. 5215. | Helen Frances, | 5241 |Cleveland, O., Aug. 24, 1861 | June 2, 1886 |Elmer Huston Libert; ’5&-; s. Geo.&Phebe A.(Huston). JAMES HENRY AND ABBY W. (WALKER) POTTER. 5216. | Jas. Willie (sa%fs.), | 5242 [New Braintree, Mar.22, 1863| | | HENRY AND ALINE AUGUSTA (POTTER) NEWCOMB. 5218. 91 | Minnie Baird, 5243 | Barre, Mar. 1, 1864 Dec. 24, 1883 | Frank Urbauus Rich, M. D.; 1857-; son Raymond 8. and Eleanor J. (Grant). DR. FRANK U. AND MINNIE B. (NEWCOMB) RICH. 5243. | Ethel Belle, | 5244 | Maynard, Apr. 21, 1886 | | | CHARLES AND REBECCA (POTTER) WESTON. 5170. 91 | Charles, 5245 | Lincoln, Apr. 22,1794 | Dec. 31, 1873 | Apr. 14, 1819 | Lois Coburn; 1795-1871. Mary 5246 ee ‘ 91 Persis, 5247 Ke Sept. 10, 1792 | Apr. 13, 1853 Charles Warren; 1788-1870. Sally, 5248 fs Aug. 26, 1801 1829 | Unmarried. 92 | Eri, 5249 oe Sept. 24,1803 | Aug. 19,1875 | Apr. 1, 1827 | Emily Fiske; 1806-; dau. Jonas and Abigail (Pierce). 92 | Rebecca, 5250 | Littleton, Oct. 24,1796 | Dec. 11, 1874 1819 | Geo. W. Garfield; 1797-1880. Hiram, 5251 ne Apr. 20, 1806 1838 | Unmarried. 93 | Jonas, 5252 | Lincoln, Nov. 1, 1808 May, 1839 | Adaline A. Verry; 1808-. CHARLES AND LOIS (COBURN) WESTON. 5245. Ann Maria, 5253 | Weston, Apr. 21,1820 | Mar. 6,1846 | Unmarried. [(Lovejoy). Charles Dexter, oe > eau r ie ania eels Sept. 9, 1856 | Nancy Maria Sanborn; 1827-; d. Ashael and Abigail Sarah Jane 5255 an. ct. : Frederick, ” 5256 “ Jan. 12,1828 | Mar. 9, 1884 CHARLES AND PERSIS (WHSTON) WARREN. 5247. 91 | Persis Barrett, 5257 | Brookline, June 19,1812 | May 31, 1878 pepe ae te He ao a a ‘ 91 BOBS re ar. 5 . William Clark Pope; 1809-1874. 92 | Charles Wright, | 5259 ee Apr. 25,1814 | Jan. 16, 1874 | June 14, 1835 | Hannah B. Haven; 1817-. 92 | Joseph Augustus, | 5260 ee Aug. 14, 1816 | Mar. 4, 1875 ; Apr. 16, 1839 | Alice Boyce Hanson; 1817-. 92 | Caroline Rebekah,| 5261 ce Nov. 1,1817 | Oct. 7,1876 | Sept. 6, 1836 | Josiah Wetherbee; 1811-1883. [Sally (Wyman). 92 | Geo. Washington,| 5262 68 Jan. 18, 1820 Aug. 14, 1862 | Sarah Boynton Warren; 1835-, dau. Nehemiah and 92 | Sarah Elizabeth, | 5263 | Weston, Sept. 15, 1822 Nov. 28, 1844 | Wm. Livermore; 1819-; son Jonathan and Eunice. 92 | Cornelius Weston,| 5264 a Nov. 7, 1825 Jan. 6, 1853 | Martha Ann Washburn; 1835-; dau. Charles & Martha 92 | John Franklin, 5265 ne July 13, 1829 July 10, 1859 | 1. Sarah A. Viles; 1830-1879. ((Murdock). 5266 June 24, 1885 | 2. Georgianna Kendall; 1836-. William Francis, | 5267 ss aa on a ; rai Unmarried. Jonas Potter, 5268 es uly 27, an. 12, WILLIAM AND PERSIS BARRETT (WARREN) LANE. 5257. 91 |Geo.HenryWillard,| 5269 | Fitchburg, June 30, 1833 | Aug. 7, 1858 | April, 1857 | Frances M. Viles. 92 | Emory William, | 5270 ne Oct. 8, 1834 Oct. 2, 1860 | Ellen Eliz. Warren; d. Nehemiah & Sally (Wyman). 91 | Franklin Wilder, | 5271 ee Jan. 25, 1836 July, 1857 | Sarah A. Daniels; 1841-; d. Chas & Han’h (Turner). | | Georgie Frances, | 5273 | Chelsea, Warren Lane, | Frank Elliot, WILLIAM CLARK AND PERSIS BARRETT (WARREN-LANE) POPE. 5272 | Roxbury, Dec. 5, 1842 GEORGE HENRY W. AND FRANCES M. (VILES) LANE. 1858 | April, | Aug. 25, 1864 | 5258. | Mary Harriet Treat; 1846-; dau. Shubael & Mary H. (Parker). 5269. FRANKLIN WILDER AND SARAH A. (DANIELS) LANE. 5271. | 5274 | Charlestown, Dec., 1857 | Died at sea. | | 91 EMORY WILLIAM AND ELLEN ELIZABETH (WARREN) LANE. 5270. Emory Warren, | 5275 | Waltham, Oct. 21, 1861 Tda Persis, 5276 | + Mar. 29° 1863 Alice Boynton, | 5277; Sept. 27, 1870 | CHARLES WRIGHT AND HANNAH B. (HAVEN) WARREN. 5259. 92 _ Hannah Elizabeth, | 5278 | Boston, Nov. 12, 1840' Oct. 23, 1858 | Jonathan Peirce, Jr.; 1836-; son Jonathan. __ | Charles Henry, | 5279 “ Mar. 9, 1847 [(Learoyd). 2 | Persis Louisa, 5280 Me Mar. 22, 1842 Oct. 26,1865 | Ephraim Stearns, Jr.; 1839-; s. Ephraim & Rachel 92 | Frederick W., { 5281 ee Feb. 24, 1849 Dec. 13, 1868 | 1. Julia Etta Lee; -1879. Be 5282 | Dec. 20, 1882 | 2. Jennie Church Thomas. JONATHAN, JR, AND HANNAH E. (WARREN) PIERCE. 5278. 92 Lucy Elizabeth, 5283 | Boston, June 15, 1860 | | Aug., 1880 | George A. Haven. GEORGE A. AND LUCY HE. (PIERCE) HAVEN. 5283. | Charles H., | 5284 | Apr. 5, 1886 | | | EPHRAIM, JR. AND PERSIS L. (WARREN) STEARNS. 5280. | Charles ee ag| 5285 | Waltham, Apr. 27, 1868 : | Rachel Learoyd, | 5286 ee Jan. 23, 1873 FREDERICK W. AND JULIA ETTA (LEB) WARREN. 5281. Hannah Etta, | 5287 | Elgin, Ill., Nov. 20, 1869 | Edward F., 5288 te Sept. 3, 1873 | FREDERICK W. AND JENNIE C. (THOMAS) WARREN. 5282. | Hattie May, | 5289 | Elgin, Ill., Feb. 26, 1884 | | | JOSEPH AUGUSTUS AND ALICE BOYCE (HANSON) WARREN. 5260. | Alice E., | 5290 June 16, 1846 Joseph Edward, | 5291 Sept. 6, 1848 Sept. 3, 1873 | Emma F. Metcalf. JOSIAH AND CAROLINE R. (WARREN) WETHERBEHE. 5261. Josiah Warren, 5292 | Waltham, Feb. 2, 1839 Charles Henry, 5293 ss Mar. 19, 1842 [(Haynes). 104 | Albert, 5294. s Dec. 28, 1845 Oct. 31,1867 | M. Susan Wetherell; 1844; dau. Benj. C. and Anna Eliot Jewett, 5295 ve July 15, 1851 John Franklin, 5296 ee Sept. 21, 1853 GEORGE W. AND SARAH B. (WARREN) WARREN. 5262. | George Frederick,| 5297 | Waltham, June 27, 1866 | | WILLIAM AND SARAH ELIZABETH (WARREN) LIVERMORE. 5263. 92 | William Warren, | 5298 | Brighton, July 6, 1846 | Apr. 20, 1870 | Nellie May Sawyer; 1853-; dau. William H. and Lydia B. (Skilling). WILLIAM WARREN AND NELLIE MAY (SAWYER) LIVERMORE. 5298. Lizzie Maud, 5299 | Brighton, Feb. 15,1871 Bertrand Warren,| 5300 a ' May 14, 1873 Henry Claflin, 5301 ad June 12, 1877 Florence May, 5302 ee Aug. 12, 1879 CORNELIUS WESTON AND MARTHA ANN (WASHBURN) WARREN. 5264. Cornelius Weston,| 5303 | Boston, Dec. 15,1854 | Jan. 4, 1858 Martha Nellie, 5304 et Jan. 26, 1858 Persis Maria, 5305 - Sept. 20, 1859 Chas. Washburn, | 5306 *e Oct. 29, 1862 JOHN FRANKLIN AND SARAH A. (VILES) WARREN. 5265. John F., 5307 | Weston, Aug. 24, 1860 | Sept. 7, 1860 Florence A., 5308 a Aug. 12, 1862 Jan. 1, 1884 | Franklin Holbrook; 1858-. George P., 5309 e Sept. 20, 1864 | Dec. 9, 1868 Edward L., 5310 ee Dec. 29, 1865 | Dec. 10, 1868 Ida F., 5311 He Oct. 3, 1869 ERI AND EMILY (PISKE) WESTON. 5249. Emily Augusta, | 5312 July 8, 1828 | Oct. 30, 1866 Addie L., 5313 July 18, 1834 | May 25, 1863 James E. Keyes. JAMES EH. AND ADDIE L. (WESTON) KEYES. 5313. | Elliot Weston, | 5314 | May 18, 1863 | | GEORGH W. AND REBECCA (WESTON) GARFIELD. 5250. George Chesley, | 5315 | Weston, Jan. 12, 1820 92 | Cynthia G., 5316 af Feb. 27, 1822 Daniel Davis; 1816-1882. Caroline R., 5317 ee Dec. 26, 1824 Emily, | 5818 ee Dec. 12, 1827 June 3, 1877 | Hartwell H. Hale. 92 | Hiram, 5319 ae May = 8, 1829 Oct. 21, 1856 | Lydia Ann Underwood. Abbie C., 5320 of Aug. 1, 1831 Sept. 24, 1868 | Chesley Jenness. Daniel, j 5321; Nov. 27, 1833 93 | Martha Maria, | 5322 | te June 380, 1836 Sept. 12, 1861 | Asa Norman Wheeler; 1836-. Sarah Persis, | 5323 oe Aug. 25, 1838 Dec. 24, 1867 | Jerome T. Beal; 1831-. DANIEL AND CYNTHIA G. (GARFIELD) DAVIS. 5316. Herbert Whitney,| 5324 | Mar. 2, 1848 Apr. 26, 1877 | Viola Estelle Erskine; 1857-. Waldo Emerson, | 5325 Dec. 20, 1849 Frank Orrin, | 53826 June 22, 1852 | Oct. 22, 1852 HIRAM AND LYDIA ANN (UNDERWOOD) GARFIELD. 5319. (Continued page 98.) 92 Alfred Hiram, 5327 | Weston, June 12, 1858 Alice Maria, 5328 ee Jan. 28, 1860 Walter, 5329 et July 19, 1863 ees ASA NORMAN AND MARTHA MARIA (GARFIELD) WHEELER. 5322. Ida Josephine, 5330 July 2, 1864 Eugene Clifton, | 5331 May 26, 1866 Ernest Newman, | 5332 Oct. 25, 1867 | Sept. 1, 1868 Eva Louisa, 5333 Aug. 9, 1869 JONAS AND ADALINE A. (VERRY) WESTON. 5252. Charles J., 5834 July 25,1842 | Sept., 1842 93 | Alice P., 5335 Jan, 22, 1844 Dec. 5, 1865 | Micajah Scarborough; 1843-; son Wm. and May J. Persis A., 5336 Feb. 3, 1846 Hannah A., 5337 Oct. 16, 1850 Sept., 1872 | Walter 8. Sawyer. MICAJAH AND ALICH P. (WESTON) SCARBOROUGH. 5335. | Albert G., | 5338 | Lynn, May 11, 1867 | | JONAS AND SARAH (MELVIN) POTTER. 5174. Mary Batchelder ‘ Willard Thomas Farrar; 1828-; son Sumner and So- 93 act (by Te 5339 | Lowell, Oct. 28, 1826 | Sept. 9, 1849 lf 3 3 fphin (Brace). WILLARD T. AND MARY B. (POTTER) FARRAR. 5339. Willard Sumner, | 5340 | Concord, Aug. 5, 1850 Sept. 25, 1873 | Addie Sophia Hopkins; d. Geo. & Lucy (Kempton). 93 | Sarah Sophia, 5341 a May 11, 1853 | May 11, 1871 | George Harvey Hopkins; 1846-; son Geo. and Lucy Charles Stuart, | 5342 é Oct. 20,1861 | Sept. 20, 1862 [(kempton). GEORGE H. AND SARAH S. (FARRAR) HOPKINS. 5341. George Willard, | 5343 | Concord, Feb. 4, 1872 Isabel Gertrude, | 5344 ts Dec. 29, 1874 JOHN AND SYBIL GAY (FLAGG) POTTER. 5176. 93 | Sarah, 5345 | Concord, Jan. 27, 1820 | Dec. 28,1878 | Apr. 15, 1838 | Frederick Roullard; 1812-. Sophia Morse @oiss),) 5346 ee Mar. 9, 1821 | Jan. 21,1875 | Apr. 9, 1840 | Louis Roullard; 1815-. Phebe Stevens, 5347 ee May 22,1823 | Mar. 6, 1841 : 93 | Rebecca Brown, | 5348 be Mar. 12, 1825 Jan., 1845 | Hugh Cash; 1809-; son John and Nancy(Accles). 94 | Charles Hubbard, | 5349 ee July 29, 1827 | June 21,1860 | July 1, 1851 | Luella Page; 1824-. [rich). 94 | Daniel Flagg, 5350 ae May 7, 1830 Mar. 16, 1853 | Louisa E. Gray; 1830-; dau. Oliverand Mary (Good- John Henry doissue),, 5351 # Aug. 23, 1836 | Feb. 14, 1874 | Apr. 28,1859 | Sarah (Follett) Vialle; 1826-; d. John and Deborah. Lucy, 5352 £¢ Dec. 12, 1840 Mar. 25, 1862 | George Dudley Tufts; 1835-; son Dudley H. and Eliza Pierce, ; 5353 ss Apr. 28, 1844 Apr. 29, 1869 | 1. Melville LeForest Jones. [Mary E. (George). : 5354 Apr. 28, 1881 | 2. Alfred Hammersly; 1840-; s. John & Eliza (Gill). FREDERICK AND SARAH (POTTER) ROULLARD. 5345. 93 | Sarah Ann, 5355 | Acton, Feb. 16, 1839 May 6, 1863 | John White. 93 | George, 5356 ee Jan. 29, 1842 Jan. 29, 1867 | 1. Clara M. Dunnells; 1847-1874. 5357 : Nov. 26, 1874 | 2. Emma R. Dunnells; 1856-. 93 | Mary Etta, 5358 ee Jan. 15, 1844 Apr. 12,1874 | John Byam. Albert, 5359 ne Dec, 21, 1845 Dec. 1, 1871 | Georgia Farmer. 93 | Lyman, 5360 ee Oct. 11, 1848 May 9, 1872 ; Lucy Emma Hanson. Waldo, 5361 ee Apr. 26, 1851 Apr. 23, 1873 | Susie E. Godfrey; 1852-1885. Granville, 5362 && June 6, 1854 : Frederick, 5363 oe Feb. 1, 1857 Elmer, 5364 Jan. 27, 1865 Cora, 5365 ie Jan. 31, 1867 JOHN AND SARAH ANN (ROULLARD) WHITE. 5355. Carrie E., 5366 | No. Acton, Jan. 11, 1864 J. Sidney, 5367 «“ July 31, 1866 GHORGE AND CLARA M. (DUNNELLS) ROULLARD. 5356. George Frederick,] 5368 Oct. 29, 1867 Charles, 5369 Sept. 7, 1869 Gertrude, 5370 Oct. 18, 1871 Clarence, 5871 Apr. 1, 1874 | Feb. 20, 1875 JOHN AND MARY ETTA (ROULLARD) BYAM. 5358. | Estella M., | 5372 | Sept. 20, 1875 | LYMAN AND LUCY E. (HANSON) ROULLARD. 5360. Dana Hanson, 5873 Feb. 25, 1873 | Sept. 28, 1877 Eva Sargent, 5374 Aug. 22, 1874 James Lyman, 5375 June 30, 1876 : Ernest Boardman,] 5376 July 1,1877 | Jan. 2, 1882 Sarah Emma, 5377 Aug. 16,1879 | Apr. 8, 1882 Ethel Lavina, 5378 Feb. 5, 1882 Herman Granville,| 5379 Nov. 27, 1883 HUGH AND REBECCA B. (POTTER) CASH. 5348. Charles Henry, 5380 | Concord, June 4, 1847 1868 | 1. Charlotte E. Davis; -1870. 5381 te 1884 | 2. Angie B. Phillips. Albert, 5382 ee Apr. 10, 1850 93 | Nellie Frances, 5383 ee Apr. 21, 1852 June 5, 1879 | M. B. C. Cummings. Annie Phebe, 5384 ee Nov. 16, 1857 George Herbert, | 5385 “ Oct. 25, 1859 Mary Elizabeth, | 5386 | Acton, July 20, 1863 M. B. C. AND NELLIE F. (CASH) CUMMINGS. 5383. (Continued page 94.) Lucy May, 5387 | Acton, June 20, 1880 5387 ie July 6, 1881 Charles M., 93 Estella A., 5388 | Acton, Sept. 10, 1882 Herbert 8., 5389 es Sept. 11, 1883 CHARLES HUBBARD AND LUELLA (PAGE) POTTER. 5349. John Sargent, { 5390 | Acton, July 23, 1852 Sept. 21, 1873 | 1. Susie R. Harris; 1848-1876. 94 5391 2. Mrs, Adelaide A. Moody; 1856-. 94 | Horace Page, 5392 ae Nov. 8, 1855 Apr. 1,1876 | Charlotte M. Thayer; 1856-. Chas. Hubbard, | 5393 ee Nov. 29, 1857 JOHN SARGENT AND ADELAIDE A. (MOODY) POTTER. 5391. | Philip, | 5394 | Acton, June 21, 1884 | | HORACE PAGE AND CHARLOTTE M (THAYER) POTTER. 5392. Lottie Luella, 5395 | Acton, Mar. 29, 1879 Charles Horace, | 5396 ee Mar. 23, 1881 DANIEL FLAGG AND LAURA E. (GRAY) POTTER. 5350. 94 | John Henry, | 5397 | Littleton, Aug. 19, 1854 Dec. 13, 1879 | Edith May Tuttle; 1859-; dau. Chas. F. and Adelia Clara Augusta, 5398 By July 1, 1857 [(Pike), JOHN HENRY AND EDITH MAY (TUTTLE) POTTER. 5398. Edith Addie, 5399 Dec. 14, 1880 | Dec. 20, 1880 Elsie May, 5400 Aug. 9, 1882 | Feb. 7, 1883 Eunice May, 5401 | Concord, Aug. 26, 1884 | Sept. 18, 1884 JOHN AND GRACE (POTTER) PRESCOTT. 613-568. _ | Jonathan, 5402 | Concord, Apr. 4, 1767 | Apr. 13, 1800 | Aug. 18, —— | Rebecca Meriam. 94 | Samuel Potter, 5403 ee Mar. 19,1769 | Sept. 2,1820 | June 7, 1798 | Elizabeth Brown. No. 3645. oe ; ae Ke Sept. 27, oe Oct., 1792 igai 5405 a Sept. 30, 1771 ‘Abel, ” 5406 ‘“ Feb. 23,1773 | Dec. 19, 1821 1795 | Mary Perry. Grace, 5407 - July 25, 1774 SAMUEL POTTER AND ELIZABETH (BROWN) PRESCOTT. 5403. 94 | Nathan, 5408 | Concord, Nov. 29, 1798 Feb. 15, 1825 | Catharine Kendall; 1801-; dau. Asa. 94 | Lucy Brown, 5409 a Mar. 31,1801 | Sept. 29, 1877 | Mar. 14, 1820 | Joseph Chandler Green; 1799-1844; son Isaiah and 61 | Sophronia, 5410 ss Dec. 11, 1802 Apr. 18, 1826 | Herman Brown. No. 3403. [Hannah (Chandler). 95 | Almira, 5411 on Sept. 26, 1805 June 38,1830 | Stephen Farrar; 1802-. 60 | Elizabeth, 5412 ee Jan. 15,1808 | Oct. 11,1866 | May 5, 1831 | Edmund Brown. No. 3346. 95 | Sarah, 5413 eh Feb. 25,1810 | July 18,1863 | Mar. 13, 1834 | Abner Marion; 1809-1858; son John C. & Martha (Carter). 95 | Humphre 5414 ee Feb. 26, 1814 Nov. 29, 1838 | 1. Martha Marion; 1820-1849; d. John C. & Martha (Carter). 96 p ; 5415 ; Aug. 22,1850 | 2. Mary Taylor; 1817-; d. Abel & Sarah (Hodgman). NATHAN AND CATHARINE (KENDALL) PRESCOTT. 5408. Almira, 5416 | Concord, Dec. 15, 1825 Nov., 1854 | John Milton Merriam. 94 | Nathan Otis, 5417 & Oct. 18, 1827 Jan. 17, 1850 | Lucy Ann Richardson; 1825-; dau. Abraham. 94 | Mary Elizabeth, | 5418 te June 25, 1830 1851 | Wilder Reed. 94 | Geo. Henry, 5419 se June 25, 18380 Mar. 1, 1853 | 1. Emily Taylor; -1864. 5420 1865 | 2. Fanny McClunge. Martha H., 5421 oe June 25, ice ie ie at ea H. au 94 | Ann Maria, 5422 “s June 25, 1833 eb. 27, 1866 | Sept., 54 | James Wilson. NATHAN OTIS AND LUCY ANN (RICHARDSON) PRESCOTT. 5417. ClarenceMarcellus,| 5423 | Fitchburg, Mar. 20, 1851 Flora Marcella, "| 5424 ee Oot, 1) 1853 ora Marcella, Bok, Linneus Clayton, | 5425 ue Aug. 24, 1855 Idella Etola, 5426 te July 14) 1857 Estella Viola, 5427 ee July 14, 1857 Etta Eudora, 5428 ef May 27,1861_| Jan. 20, 1865 Corra Orilla, 5429 |Nashua, N.H., Apr. 20, 1863 WILDER AND MARY ELIZABETH (PRESCOTT) REED. 5418. Lizzie Maria, 5430 |Mason, N. H., Nov. 27,1852 | Aug. 13, 1854 Emily C., 5431 ee June 27, 1854 |. Feb. 2,1875 | Fred A. Drake. Abbie J., 5432 te Aug. 21, 1857 Noy. 25, 1876 | George Edwards. Ida Bell 5433 |Sharon, N. H., Apr. 6, 1861 Mar. 23, 1883 | Clarence W. Osborn. George Prescott, 5434 ne Oct. 28, 1864 Noy. 7, 1884 | Mattie Maria Hill. Willie E., 54344) Hast Jaffrey, N.H., July 18, 1868 GEORGE HENRY AND EMILY (TAYLOR) PRESCOTT. 5419. Linneeus 5435 Charles Henry, 5436 Jan. 19, 1855 Nella Olivia 543 eb. Georgian’a Estelle, 5438 June 20, 1859 Edith, 5439 Aug. 4, 1861 JAMES AND ANN MARIA (PRESCOTT) WILSON. 5422. Mary Lizzie, 5440 Robert Edgar, 5441 Mary Josephine, | 5442 George Eddy, 5443 Martha Maria, 5444 JOSEPH CHANDLER AND LUCY BROWN (PRESCOTT) GREEN. 5409. (Continued page 95.) 95 | Charles, 5445 | Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1820 Oct. 19,1848 | Emma Heller Jasper. : Josiah Chandler, | 5446 | Dudley, June 18, 1822 | Feb. 21, 1845 ; ; Joseph Adams, 5447 | Concord, Dec. 15, 1824 1. Harriet Ricker Mason; -1850. } 5448 2. Anna Whiting Mason; -1862. George, 5449 ss Feb. 4,1827 | Mar. 2, 1827 95 | George Prescott, | 5450 ss July 20, 1828 July 5, 1853 | Lucy Ellen Mason. 95 Alden, 5451 [Berwick, Me., Mar. 12, 1831 Mar. 26, 1856 | Eliza Victoria Metzgar. 94 95 | Lucy Hannah, 5452 |Fayette,Me., Aug. 8, 1836 May 11, 1856 | Ira Lewis Mason. Albert, 5453 ss May 24, 1862 CHARLES AND EMMA HELLER (JASPER) GREEN. 5455. Mary Emma, 5454 | No. Turner, Me., Aug. 2, 1849 Dec. 23, 1866 | Stephen Henry Rose. Charles Edwin, | 5455 ae Mar. 5, 1851 | Apr. 14, 1851 Ida Ella, 5456 y Apr. 25, 1852 June 22, 1878 | John Alcock Tustin. “Charles Edwin, | 5457 Bethel, O., Feb. 21, 1854 | July 14, 1873 Myrtie Elma, 5458 Mar. 19, 1859 Ira Eugene, 5459 ee Noy. 24, 1861 Albert Ethelbert, | 5460 ih Mar. 27, 1866 GEORGE PRESCOTT AND LUCY ELLEN (MASON) GREEN. 5450. Effie M., 5461 | No. Turner, Me., July 29, 1854 Cora M., 5462 | Bethel, O. , Feb. os 1861 Bennie B., 5463 Williamsburg, O., Oct. 3, 1866 Eddie M., 5464 Bethel, O. , Mar. 7, 1868 Fernando &., 5465 “Apr. e 1871 Isaiah F., 5466 Giese O., Mar. 3, 1875 ALDEN AND LUCY ELLEN (MASON) GREEN. 5451. Callie Dimmit, 5467 | Bethel,O., Apr. 5, 1858 William Albert, | 5468 |Felicity,O., Mar. 30, 1862 Arthur Sherman, 5469 Turner, Me., J uly 25, 1868 IRA LEWIS AND LUCY HANNAH (GREEN) MASON. 5452. Albert Leslie, 5470 Bethel, O., Oct. 29, 1857 | Feb. 23, 1859 Flora Ethel, 5471 ” Jan. 16, 1860 Jan. 1, 1884 | Walter B. Jones. Carrie Alberta, | 5472 se July 23, 1862 Feb. 13, 1881 | James M. Dillingham. Henry Irving, 5473 |Turner, Me., Dec. 16, 1865 Ira Luther, 5474 fe Aug. 18, 1870 Walter Evans, 5475 es Apr. 28, 1881 William Evarts, | 5476 ee Apr. 28, 1881 ; STEPHEN AND ALMIRA (PRESCOTT) FARRAR. 5411. Geo. Humphrey, | 5477 Aug. 25, 1831 Nov. 3, 1861 | Carrie M. Colby. Erwin Otis, 5478 Aug. 30, 1833 Dec. 4, 1860 | Mary Ann Colby; 1844-. Lizzie, 5479 Sept. 17, 1835 Alden Prescott, | 5480 Jan. 26, 1838 Apr. 10, 1866 | Mrs. Mary Ann Bachelder. Sarah Boardman, | 5481 Apr. 23, 1840 Walter Judson, | 5482 Aug. 11, 1845 Nathan Edson, 5483 Aug. 30, 1849 ABNER AND SARAH (PRESCOTT) MARION. 5413. 95 | Ann Melina, 5484 Burlington, Jan. 26, 1835 Jan. 13, 1862 | Lever’t Milton Chase; 1832-; s. Sam’1 & Sally (Gilley 95 | Abner Prescott, | 5485 Aug. 12, 1836 Dec. 24, 1863 | Eliza S. Covell; 1840-1867. LJ. (Pays, 95 | Nathan Henry, 5486 ne Sept. 25, 1838 June 19, 1876 | Sarah Augusta Tidd: 1838-; dau. Jonathan and Sarah 95 | Edwin Theodore, | 5487 ee May 14, 1841 Mar. 29, 1864 | Affa Bond; 1848-; dau. Chas. and Lydia W. (Tidd). 95 |Horace Eugene, M.D.| 5488 oe Aug. 3, 1843 Jan. 14, 1880 | Cath’ ne Louise Sparhawk ; 1848-; d. Geo. & Sus’n’a (Jacks’n). 95 |Otis Humphrey, M.D.| 5489 ce Jan. 12, 1847 Dec. 27, 1879 | Car’line Eud’ra Jo’ns’n ; 1855- ; ea Jas.W. & Sus’n A. (Smith), 95 | Sarah Elizabeth, | 5490 ee May 10, 1851 Jan. 21,1874 | Edwin Sewall Davis; 1848-; s. Amos B. & Eleanor P. (Tyler). LEVERETT MILTON AND ANNA M. (MARION) CHASE. 5484. Sarah Marion, 5491 |Burlington, June 30, 1863 Harry Waldemar, | 5492 [W. Newton, Jan. 23, 1866 Mary Evalina, 5493 | Roxbury, Feb. 9, 1868 | Sept. 22, 1868 Charles Samuel, | 5494 i Oct. 16, 1869 Georgianna Melina] 5495 ee Jan. 15, 1875 ABNER PRESCOTT AND ELIZA S. (COVELL) MARION. 5485. Eliza Maria, | 6496 |Burlington, Feb. 16, 1866 | | NATHAN HENRY AND SARAH AUGUSTA (TIDD) MARION. 5486. Henry Seward, 5497 |Burlington, Dec. 22,1877 | Mar. 9, 1880 Horace Humphrey,| 5498 |N. Woburn, ee 22° 1879 | June 15, 1880 Jonathan Tidd, | 5499 97; 1881 | Aug. 10, 1881 Marshall Prescott,| 5500 os ee 27) 1881 | Aug. 10, 1881 EDWIN THEODORE AND AFFA (BOND) MARION. 5487. Alonzo Bond, 5501 /Burlington, Dec. 20, 1864 | Apr. 28, 1876 Charles Quincy, | 5502 | Ayer, Sept. 29, 1866 Otis Daniel, 5503 IN. Woburn, Feb. ce 1877 Nelson Bond, 5504 Aug. 28) 1879 DR. HORACH BUGENE AND CATHARINE LOUISE (SPARHAWK) MARION. 5488. Eva Prescott, 5505 Brighton, Oct. 17, 1880 | Gardner Sparhawk} 5506 Dec. 14; 1884 DR. OTIS HUMPHREY AND CAROLINE EUDORA (JOHNSON) MARION. 5489. |Jas. Willis Johnson| 5507 | Brighton, Dec. 5, 1880 | | | EDWIN SEWALL AND SARAH ELIZABETH (MARION) DAVIS. 5490. Horace Amos, 5508 Brighton, Nov. 14, 1874 Edna Prescott, 5509 Nov. i, 1875 | July 21, 1885 Carrie Louise, 5510 ee June 9, 1885 HUMPHREY AND MARTHA (MARION) PRESCOTT. 5414. Martha Elizabeth,| 5511 Burlington, Mar. 16, 1840 July 13, 1864 | Henry C. Robbins, M. D. 96 | John Humphrey, | 5512 ee Oct. 16, 1841 May 3, 1866 | Lydia Jane Osgood; 1846-, Lucy Brown, 5513 te July 2, 1849 —— Todd. 95 HUMPHREY AND MARY (TAYLOR) PRESCOTT. 5415. Josiah Bartlett, | 5514 | Burlington, Sept. 16, 1851 | William Arthur, | 5515 ee Aug. 1 1857 JOHN HUMPHREY AND LYDIA JANE (OSGOOD) PRESCOTT. 5512. Fred’k Marion, | 5516 | Boston, Jan. 19, 1869 ~ John Osgood, 5517 | Lowell, July 2, 1871 Annie Farnam, 5518 ee June 26, 1873 Samuel Osgood, 5519 “ Dec. oe” 1875 Norah Louisa Araline, 5520 Aug. 21, 1877 Nathaniel Parker,) 5521 us Mar. 16; 1880 Robert Dearborn, 5522 Somerville, Oct. 97° 1881 ADISON AND JENNIE (GREEN) CHURCHILL. 5042. Minnie C., 5523 |Exeter, N.H., May 28, 1856, May 31, 1856 Charles Sidney, A524 Lowell, July 4, 1857 | June 8, 1866 Adison, Jr., 5524 Oct. 4 1860 LaForeste Edgar, | 5525 ne Nov. 9, 1862 CAPT. JOHN AND PHEBE (BREWER) JONES. 4284. Betty, 5526 | Ashby, Feb. 8, 1755 | Mar. 10, 1759 James, Col., 5527 ee May 15,1756 | Jan., 1828 | Oct., 1770 | Huldah Hancock. Mary, 5528 ee June 16, 1758 Apr. 15,1777 | Ralph Hill. Samuel, 5529 es June 27,1761 | Dec. 18, 1762 Samuel, 5530 1811 John, 5081 Mar. 12,1768 | July 11, 1826 | July 19,1791 | 1. Lydia Turner; -1810. 5532 1811 | 2. Martha Bates; -1827. Elisha, 5533 a Apr. 15,1770 | Nov. 21, 1809 | Mar. 27,1793 | Persis Taylor; 1768-; dau. Abraham. 96 Amos, 5534 ee Oct. 7, 1772 1800 | 1. Rachel Young. 96 5535 Aug. 4, 1808 | 2. Sarah Getchell. Daniel, 5536 ee Apr. 4,1775 | Oct. 31, 1808 1800 | Lucy Shepley. Phebe, 5537 “e Mar. 20, 1777 Feb. 23, 1797 | Lemuel Shepley. AMOS AND RACHEL (YOUNG) JONES. 5534. Jonas, 5538 Madison, Me., June 13, 1801 96 | Huldah, 5589 June 13, 1803 June 24, 1821 | Capt. Herbert Savage. 96 | Rachel Young, 5540 ee Feb. 26, 1805 | Apr. 20, 1846 1830 | John Blackden; 1880-; d. Wm. and Mary (Oakes). 97 | Amos Young, 5541 ee Feb. 27, , 1807 1840 Sybil W. Stevens. AMOS AND SARAH (GRETCHELL) JONES. 5535. 97 | Timothy B., 5542 |Madison, Me., June 8, 1809 Feb. 17, 1841 | Sarah P. Messer. Phebe P., 5542 ee Sept. 23,1811 | Oct. 23, 1833 97 | John D., 5543 Kt May 3, 1814 Aug. 7, 1853 | Mary 8. Rand. Adaline B., 5544 ee Oct. 9, 1816 Enoch Messer. CAPT. HERBERT AND HULDAH (JONES) SAVAGE. 5539. Mandana Dusen, | 5545 Anson, Me., Apr. 28, 1822 Christopher Holmes. Louisa Bradford, 5546 ee July 2 1823 Salome H., 5547 ‘Kingfield, Me., May 9, 1824 Oct. 19, 1843 | Charles C. Hapgood. Albin K. P., 5548 Anson, Me. , July 26, 1826 | Mar. 26, 1847 Cyrus, 5549 ” Mar. 22) 1828 | Nov. 22, 1837 ; Mark C., 5550 Jan. 15, 1830 Amos J., 5551 |Emden, Me., Sept. 3, 1832 Stephen Decatur, | 5552 Anson, Me., Mar. 16, 1835 Betsey, 5553 Nov. Li, ” 1837 Aug. 17, 1841 JOHN AND RACHEL Y. (JONES) BLACKDEN. 5540. 96 | John, Jr., 555A Anson, Me., Sept. 8, 1830 Jan. 1, 1852 | Mitty Weston Cookson; 1833-. 96 |CorydonCampbell Young| 5555 May 93° 1832 Sept. 10, 1853 | Charlotte Kendall. Ethan Allen, 5556 & Mar. 20, 1834 Jan. 15, 1861 | 1. Ella L. Getchell; d. Jonah & Sarah O. (Getchell). H55T Dec. 18, 1878 | 2. Maria Josephine Richmond; 1838-1885; d. Gideon 96 | Amelia Theodora,| 5558 Madison, Me., Apr. 10,1836; Apr. 8, 1869 1854 | Austin Mills. [B. and Hannah W. (Pendleton). Owen Oakes, 5559 June 16, 1838 96 | Goff Manter, 5560 ¢ Oct. 7, 1840 1. Annie Elecia McCoslin; 1852-. 5561 2. Ella W. Morrison; 1852. Allison, 5562 & June 14, 1844 Olive Tibbets. JOHN, JR. AND MITTY WESTON (COOKSON) BLACKDEN. 5554. = Dora Sibyl, 5563 (Hamden, Me., Nov. 2, 1854 Sept. 25, 1874 | Oct. 11, 1872 | Daniel Blaisdell Small. Perry Decatur, 5564 Carmel, Me. , Dec. 26, 1859 Lillian May, 5565 May 8, 1867 Amy Florence, 5566 ag Oct. 28, 1877 | Feb. 18, 1878 CORYDON Cc. Y. AND CHARLOTTE (KENDALL) BLACKDEN. 5555. Clara Maria, 5567 |Norridgewock, Me., July 1, 1856 William H. Snead. Annie Bell, - 5568 Skowhegan, Me. July 8, 1859 Levi B. Boynton. Fred Fenno, 5569 Feb. 8, 1865 | Dec. 31, 1884 AUSTIN AND AMELIA T. (BLACKDEN) MILLS. 5558. | Charles Edward, | 5570 | Apr. 10, 1856 | | Dec. 31, 1877 | Delia Sutton; 1856-. CHARLES EDWARD AND DELIA (SUTTON) MILLS. 5570. Gracie, 5571 Aug. 14, 1878 Frank Charles, 5572 Nov. 6, 1879 Clarence Edward,) 5573 Noy. 20, 1882 GOFF MANTER AND ANNIE E. (McCOSLIN) BLACKDEN. 5560. Jennie Florence, | 5574 Etna, Me., May 31, 1872 | | Lydia Ann, | 5575 Oct. 3, 1874 96 AMOS YOUNG AND SYBIL W. (STEVENS) JONES. 5541. David Young, 5576 | Madison, Me. Almira Celestia, | 5577 ot Feb. 14, 1834 Prentis Mellin, 5578 “ Aug. 6, 1838 Amos, 5579 ee 1839 era TIMOTHY B. AND SARAH P. (MESSER) JONES. 5542. — Adelaide L., 5580 Madison, Me., Feb. 6, 1848 Sept. 18, 1869 | Mark Getchell. Amos R., 5581 Dec. 30, 1845 Sarah C., 5582 ne Apr. 20; 1847 | Oct. 21, 1848 Jared Williams 5583 ‘e Sept. L., 1849 : Samuel M., 5584 May 31, 1854 Nov. 3, 1880 | Lillie V. Cummings. ee JOHN D. AND MARY S. (RAND) JONES. 5543. 7 97 | Sarah Rand, 5585 July 15, 1854 Jan. 14,1871 | Edmond Farbush 97 | Augusta L., 5586 Sept. 5, 1855 Oct. 19, 1876 | Samuel 8. Day. Thomas M., 5587 July 7, 1857 | Sept. 14, 1858 Sewall K., 5588 Noy. 1, 1859 John AG, 5589 Aug. 23, 1861 Ulysses G., 5590 Sept. 22, 1865 Mary E., 5591 Mar. 13, 1867 Feb. 5, 1885 | Manning E. Titcom. Charles D., 5592 Jan. 27, 1870 Carrie M., 5593 May 2, 1872 Franklin &., 5594 Apr. 27, 1874 Albert H., 5595 Nov. 16, 1876 Ernest i 5596 Dec. 15, 1879 EDMOND AND SARAH R. (JONES) FARBUSH. 5585. Artemus W., 5597 Aug. 4, 1873 Bertha M., 5598 Aug. 2, 1875 Angelia L., 5599 Aug. 21, 1880 Nellie M., 5600 Mar. 13, 1883 SAMUEL S. AND AUGUSTA L: (JONES) DAY. 5586. Mabel M., 5601 | June 16, 1878 | | Eugene G., 5602 Dec. 22, 1881 BENJAMIN AND CYNTHIA (LEWIS) CONANT. 4087. 97 | Abbie Davis, | 5603 | Boston, Sept. 26, 1830 | | May 25,1864 | Wm. Allen Norris; 1828-; s. Rob’t & Love (Hallett). GEORGE W. AND ANNA (STEVENS) CONANT. 4093. Abigail Ann, 5604 | Boxboro, May 38,1830 | Apr. 5, 1886 | May 25,1871 | George G. Winch; son Daniel. George, 5605 sé July 30,1831 | Jan. 31, 1834 Sarah Sophia, 5606 es Dec. 2, 1833 Mary Isabella, 5607 | Bolton, Dec. 6, 1835 Francis Stevens, | 508 Lunenburg, July 6 1838 | Sept. 19, 1844 Susan Elizabeth, | 5609 Feb. 15, 1841 | Oct. 29, 1865 Harriet Maria, 5610 ae July 2, 1848 LEVI, JR, AND ANNA WHITNEY (MEAD) CONANT. 4094. 97 | Benjamin, 5611 |Dublin, N. H., July 28, 1837 Jan. 7, 1861 | Clara Maria Newhall; 1833-; dau. Reuben and Emily (Rugg). 97 | Sherman, 5612 ee Dec. 21, 1839 Jan. 12, 1866 Frances H. Dewey; d. Frederick F. & Hannah (Pratt). Henry, 5613 He Dec. 18, 1843 | May 17, 1848 [G. (Gibbs). 97 | Ellen Sherwin, 5614 | Littleton, July 19, 1846 Aug. 3, 1870 | Francis Edward Ballard; son Francis G. and Abby 97 | Anna Jane, 5615 ee Nov. 16, 1848 Aug. 30,1871 | Judge John Henry Hardy, 1847-; son John and Hannah (Farley) 97 | Amelia Brick, 5616 ee July 11,1851 |* Sept. 16, 1875 | Thomas Heber Woicefield: 1850-; son Thos. L. and George Arthur, 5617 ee Mar. 31, 1854 | Oct. 26,1883 | Unmarried. [Jane (Perry). ° Levi Leonard, 5618 ee Mar. 3, 1857 July 24,1884 | Laura Mehitable Chamberlain; 1853-; dau. John Elmer Kimball, | 5619 ee June 30, 1862 {and Mehitable B. (Morse). BENJAMIN AND CLARA MARIA (NEWHALL) CONANT. 5611. Flora Carrie, 5620 Cambridge, } Nov. 10, 1863 | Apr. 29, 1871 Daisy Adelle, 5621 May 31, 1872 Emily Kimball, | 5622 ns Oct. 6, 1874 | Dec. 4, 1874 SHERMAN AND FRANCES H. (DEWEY) CONANT. 5612. Anna Whitney, | 5623 |Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 15, 1867] Jan. 13, 1880 John Sherman, 5624 |Tallahassee, Fla., June 10, 1876 FRANCIS EDWARD AND ELLEN SHERWIN (CONANT) BALLARD. 5614. Alice Gibbs, 5625 Lexington, June 2, 1872 John Francis, 5626 July 26, 1873 Edith, 5627 Aug. 16, 1875 William Henry, | 5628 te Jan. a1, 1879 Walter Clark, 5629 te Mar. 18, 1881 JUDGE JOHN HENRY AND ANNA JANE (CONANT) HARDY. 5615. Henry Ballard, 5630 Arlington, Dec. 11, 1872 | Aug. 9, 1873 John Henry, Jr., | 5631 June 10, 1874 Horace Dexter, 5632 « Feb. 98° 1877 THOMAS HEBER AND AMELIA BRICK (CONANT) WAKEFIELD. 5616. | Harrold Hardy, | 5633 | Dedham, Feb. 20, 1881 | | HENRY AND HARRIET A. (BLOOD) CONANT. 4095. | Susie J., A 5634 5635 Apr. 11, 1840 | Oct. 23, 1867 Apr. 11, 1882 1, Alfred Dana Wright; etal s. Milo & Betsey (Ames). 2. Caleb Richardson ; 35. Henry & Charlotte (Batchelder). ; WILLIAM AND JOANNA (DAVIS) HARTWELL. 3982. 99 | William, Jr., 5636 | Bedford, Jan. 12, 1797 Noy. 30, 1826 | Ruhamah Webber; 1802-1879; dau. Asa & Eliot R. (Lane). Pane 99 | Amos, Dea., 5637 fe Aug. 3,1798 | July 25,1870 | June 20, 1822 | Louisa Hodgman; 1802-1878; dau. Thomas & Sarah 104 | Benjamin Farley, 5638 e June 8, 1800 , Dec. 14, 1884 , Nov. 13, 1828 | 1. Lucy Webber; 2. Mary F, Fitch, Jan. 20, 1835;: Joseph, 5639 “ Apr. 7, 1802 | Aug. 16, 1868 (3. ‘Mrs. Nancy Brooks, Nov. 17, 1875. Isaac (no issue), 5640 fe Mar. 1, 1804 | Dec. 6, 1884 | June 19, 1862 | Lucy Frost; 1819-; dau. Benj. & Bulah (Hodgman ; Mary Joa’na (no issue), 5641 ee May 17, 1806 Nov. 3, 1863 | Rob’t Bartley; 1797-1867; s. Rob’t. [(Simpson). 98 | John Batchelder, | 5642 ee June 27, 1808 July 14, 1832 | Julia Ann Harrington; 1810-; d. Samuel and Mary JOHN BATCHELDER AND JULIA ANN (HARRINGTON) HARTWELL. 5642. 98 | John Henry, 5643 | Boston, Jan. 16, 1835 Nov. 21, 1861 | Emeline Augusta Stearns; 1839-1883; dau. Leonard ; ; and Hannah (Wilson). 98 |Chas. Frederick, j 5644 | Arlington, Mar. 29, 1844 Mar. 29, 1866 | 1. Mary Jane Boothby; d. Eli & Mary Jane ae 5645 Mar. 29, 1884 | 2. Annie Augusta (Jordan) Webster; d. George and Emeline (Noyes). JOHN HENRY AND EMELINE AUGUSTA (STEARNS) HARTWELL. 5643. George Henry, 5646 Arlington, Aug. 22, 1864 Addie Augusta, | 5647 Oct. 29) 1866 Charles Tilden, 5648 a Dec. 18, 1868 Julia Almira, 5649 ee Jan. 14 1871 a CHARLES FREDERICK AND MARY JANE (BOOTHBY) HARTWELL. 5644. Fred’k William, | 5650 Anlington, Mar. 20, 1868 Walter Chandler, | 5651 May 2 1870 Herbert Eugene, | 5652 “¢ Mar. 12, 1872 Gertrude Eugene, 5653 | Somerville, Nov. 14; 1874 ANTHONY AND BETSEY (HUBBARD) VAN DORN. 1868. a ee oe en Elizabeth, 5654 |Brattleboro, Vt., June, 1817 Charles Barrett, | 5655 oe 1819 1821 Moses T., 5656 a Jan. 12, 1821 1885 7 Harriet, 5657 ss Jan. 8, 1823 —— Brown. Charles Anthony,| 5658 ee Jan. 8, 1825 = WILLIAM AND BETSEY (SWAIN) LYMAN. 1914. Electa G., 5659 H. Lindsley. Meliscent, 5660 . J. Gillette. Lucy H., 5661 1874 I. Potter. Betsey C., 5662 D. Stanley. William H., 5663 1849 Olive W., 5664 Oct. 28, 1823 Mar. 26, 1874 | Allen Bacon. Martha P., 5665 GEORGE WALLACE AND CHARLOTTE E. (BEDLOW) ADAMS. 2438. | Mary Coleman, | 5666 | Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 28, 1873 | | REV. JOHN COLEMAN AND MIRIAM PRIEST (HOVEY) ADAMS. 2440. | Katharine, | 5667 | Chicago, Ill., Apr. 3, 1866 | | | SAMUEL AND LUCINDA (CONANT) MEAD. 4092. 7 Lucinda, 5668 | Boxboro’, July 22, 1828 Dana C. Howe. Albert, 5669 a Apr. 23, 1830 Alfred, 5670 a Feb. 10, 1832 Abbie Conant, 5671 ae Apr. 2, 1834 ; Anna Rebecca(no issue),| 5672 . ee Jan. 2, 1836 | Apr. 26, 1860 —— Harding. Mary Stevens, 5673 a June 20, 1840 | Dec. 22, 1846 ROBERT GARDNER AND REBECCA (CONANT) WILSON. 4088. 98 | John Overing, 5674 Hopkinton, May 30, 1821 Nov. 23, 1843 | Mary Morse; 1820-; dau. Jesse & Betsey (Coolidge). 98 | Mary Ann Bigelow, | 5675 Aug. 10, 1822 Oct. 24,1849 | Edwin Coolidge Morse; 1819-1886; son Jesse and Robert Gardner, | 5676 te Mar. 4, 1824 Betsey (Coolidge). 98 | Joseph Warren, | 5677 se Jan., 1826 Feb. 9,1859 | Julia V. Phelps; 1837-; d. Erastus R. & Nancy M. (Wilmot). 98 | Rebecca Frances, | 5678 |Bedford, N.H., Nov. 11,1834) Mar. 25, 1866 1855 | Theodore Hill Mansfield. [liam Cobb. 98 | Charles Oscar, 5679 Harvard, Mar. 20, 1838 | Jan. 24, 1822 | Dec. 25, 1861 | Susan M. Reid Cobb; 1840-1885; adopted dau. Wil- JOHN OVERING AND MARY (MORSE) WILSON. 5674. 104 | Edward Horatio, | 5680 | Natick, Oct. 10,1845 | Apr. 17, 1882 | Oct. 10, 1871 | Ella Myra Coolidge. John Howard, 5681 i“ Mar. 9, 1847 May, 1877 | Carrie Ives Dawson. 104 | Mary Lizzie, 5682 ot May 12, 1851 Dec. 26, 1877 | Frederick Herbert Ripley. Nellie Frances, 5683 ee Apr. 24, 1857 : ee) eas EDWIN C. AND MARY A. B. (WILSON) MORSE. 5675. Ed 5684 | Natick Aug. 4, 1850 | Feb. 11, 1851 Eyeen Wilson 5685 to Mar. 997 1855 , Sept. 14, 1881 | Florence LaBelle Stone. Charles Wilson, | 5'86 oe Aug. 14,1860 | July 23, 1861 JOSEPH W. AND JULIA V. (PHELPS) WILSON. 5677. Eugene Phelps 5687 |New Haven, Ct., Nov. 12,59) June 29, 1867 Joseph Warn, 5688 Norwalk, Ct., June 26, 61/ June 29, 1867 Robert Gardner, | 5689 Mar. 18, 1886 | | Henry Hamilton, | 5690 a Feb. 26, 1868 THEODORE H. AND REBECCA F. (WILSON) MANSFIELD. 5678. Walter Gardner, | 5691 | Natick, June 24,1857 | March, 1864 Warren Wilson, | 5692 a July, 1858 Mary Frances, 5693 ee Oct. 24, 1861 CHARLES OSCAR AND SUSAN M. (COBB) WILSON. 5679. (Continued page 99.) Harry Maxwell, | 5694 Apr. 26, 1863 | | Charles Edwin, | 5695 July 14, 1866 98 John Overing, 2d,| 5696 July 12, 1872 Maria Louise, 5697 Sept., 1880 | Sept., 1880 NATHAN AND SUKEY (DAVIS) CONANT. 3832. = Lucius, 5698 | Guilford, Vt., Aug. 19,718 | Sept. 24,1850 | Nov. 7, 1843 | Mary M. Hutchins. Susan, 5699 He Mar. 31, 1821 | Mar. 8, 1848 | Unmarried. Caroline C., 5700 e Aug. 7, 1823 Dec. 25, 1845 | George W. Penniman; 1621-1874. Maria B., 5701 ot Aug. 22,1831 | July 11, 1848 2 oe NAHUM AND ELIZA A. (GIBSON) CONANT. 3839. = 102 | Nahum, 5702 | Cambridge, Aug. 23, 1833 | June 26, 1867 | Aug. 23, 1857 | Elmira W. Dougherty, -1862. 102 | Eliza A., 5708 Dec. 28, 1835 | May 28, 1860 | Nov. 24, 1853 | Edmund Sherman Tuttle; -1860. Amelia C., 5704 Sept. 20, 1838 Oct. 29,1858 | Baron 8. Hager. 102 | Marcus, 5705 Oct. 24, 1842 June 20, 1867 | Ellen J. Leavenworth. William, 5706 Oct. 24, 1842 | Oct. 24, 1842 : 102 | Susanna C., 5707 June 26, 1845 Oct. 30, 1864 | George F. Proctor. 102 | Robert C., 5708 June 26, 1845 Sarah M. Burbank. SIMON AND BETSEY (GALUCIA) JONES. 4770. George W., 5709 : Sarah E., 5710 Abel L. Goodwin. Charles W., 5711 Mary A., 5712 Sarah E., 5718 Willie F., 5714 Simon W., 5715 ANTHONY M. AND SARAH MARIA (WAIT) STRONG. 4432. Charles Henry, | 5716 May 27, 1833 Jan. 15,1857 | Margaret Matilda Teller. Richard M., 5717 1835 1863 Robert, Rev., 5718 Nov. 20, 1836 Jan. 6, 1875 | Villa Marquis. Elizabeth, 5719 1840 1862 | Archibald McClure. James Clarke, 5720 Died infancy. John Schoolcraft, | 5721 e CHARLES AND ANNA (WAIT) SCOVEL. 4434. Minerva Wait, 5722 July 16, 1836 Oct. 4, 1860 | William Lyon. William Nelson, | 5723 Oct. 31, 1842 | Feb. 27, 1844 Anna, 5724 Feb. 15, 1847 | Mar. 5, 1848 ANDREW JACKSON AND MARTHA (HOSMER) HARLOW. 4212. | Fred Hurd, | 5725 Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1851 | June 24, 1870 | | HENRY JOSEPH AND LAURA A. (BALLOU-WHITING) HOSMER. 4213. [Henry Joseph, Jr.,| 5726 | Concord, June 8, 1876 | | | CYRUS AND ANNA E. (PRESCOTT) HOSMER. 4214. Cyrus, 4th, 5727 | Concord, Oct. 13, 1874 Ralph Prescott, | 5728 ee May 25, 1877 | | George Salisbury, | 5729 ee Oct. 25, 1879 JOHN THOMAS AND EMMA F. (MAYO) POTTER. 4941. | Abbie, | 5730 | 1869 | 1874 | JOHN THOMAS AND LILLY’ W. (STEVENS) POTTER. 4942. | Arthur Seymour | 5731 | Lynn, Jan. 11, 1874. | | | GEORGE H. AND MARY J. (CAMPBELL) POTTER. 4943. | George Edwin, | 5732 | Boston, Oct. 18, 1882 | | | WILLIAM, JR. AND RUHAMAH (WEBBER) HARTWELL. 5636. William Webber, | 5733 | Concord, Oct. 2, 1827 B Joanna Elvina, 5734 | es Nov. 1, 1829 Lydia Elizabeth, | 5735 et Mar. 15, 1835 DEA. AMOS AND LOUISA (HODGMAN) HARTWELL. 5637. Sarah Joanna, 5736 | Bedford, Aug. 31, 1823 | Nov. 19, 1823 99 | Mary, 5737 ee Mar. 19, 1825 Nov. 27, 1845 | Josiah Bacon Gleason. ((Gardner). 99 | Sarah, 5738 ef Feb. 24, 1829 Jan. 1, 1851 | Royal Turner Bryant; 1825-; son Nathan and Mary. 100 | Edward Amos, 5739 6 Sept. 23, 1828 Oct. 13, 1860 |Almira Chamberlain ; 1834-; d. Phineas W. & Almira (Hatch). 99 | William Green, 5740 cc Dec. 1, 1834 June 11, 1868 | Clara Augusta Smith ; 1842-1885; d. Sam’l and Eliz. (Locke). Abbie Louise, 5741 rf June 15, 1839 ae ({vinia (Munroe). 100 | Frederick Alonzo,| 5742 es June 13, 1841 Nov. 23, 1865 | Lavinia Augusta Nichols; 1843-; d. Sylvester and La- ; JOSIAH B. AND MARY (HARTWELL) GLEASON. 5737. Henry Josiah, 5743 | Billerica, Mar. 17, 1847 Freder’k Eugene,| 5744 ee Apr. 13, 1848 Nov. 26, 1885 | Louise Upton. ROYAL T. AND SARAH (HARTWELL) BRYANT. 5738. Edward Turner, | 5745 | Bedford, Oct. 21, 1851 / 102 | Sarah Louise, 5746 | Billerica, June 20, 1853 Nov. 20, 1879 | Whitney Foster; 1852-; s. Jos. and Lydia A. (Dutton) Mary Emma, 5T47 ee July 31, 1855 June 20, 1880 | John A. Wight; 1849-; son Eleazar G. & Phebe W. Ida Flora, 5748 ee Mar. 17, 1857 [(Carter). Arthur Walter, | 5749 ne Mar. 14, 1859 Hartwell Irving, | 5750 te Oct. 24, 1862 May 4, 1886 | Margarite Annie Hilton. WILLIAM G. AND CLARA A. (SMITH) HARTWELL. 5740. Edith Smith, 5751 | Bedford, Oct. 5, 1872 Clara Howard, 5752 4 Nov. 25, 1877 Lillie, 5753 Mar. 7, 1880 99 EDWARD A. AND ALMIRA (CHAMBERLAIN) HARTWELL. 57390 2 sis = Walter Chamberl’n! 5754 ‘Quincy, Ill., Dec. 8, 1861 | Aug. 18, 1862 Carrie Louise, 5755 Chicago, IIL, Aug. 4, 1864 | Lydia Cornelia, 5756 Nov. 29, 1867 mira Florence, 5757 og July 28, 1869 | Abbie Gertrude, | 5758 =f Oct. 6, 1871 Mary Belle, 5759 ot May 23, 1875 | Edw. Chamberl’n | 5760 xt Nov. 12, 1876 | July 12, 1877 FREDERICK A. AND LAVINIA A. (NICHOLS) HARTWELL. 5742. ee Fannie Taylor, 5761 Woburn, Aug. 13, 1868 | Henry Gardner, 5762 u Aug. 24, 1871 Herbert Cabot, 5763 is Mar. 18, 1873 William Winn, 5764 ae Sept. 1, 1874 Florence May, 5765 . May 21, 1876 Ernest Nichols, | 5766 re Feb. 25, 1878 Edward Amos, 5767 te Sept. 17, 1879 | AUGUSTUS AND MARIA (FRENCH) HEARD. 4869. _ Martha Ellen, 5768 | Sudbury, Apr. 26, 1846 | Feb. 19, 1845 Maria J osephine, 5769 a Oct. 8, 1851 | Sept. 15, 1880 | Unmarried. Mary Elizabeth, | 5770 ey June 21, 1852 June 3, 1874 | James Fred Dean. Emma Estelle, 5771 et Mar. 5, 1853 Mar. 1, 1877 | Lyman Belcher. Nellie, 5772 ee Jan. 23, 1856 Novy. 28, 1875 | Charles E. Nutting. Eva May, 5773 | Wayland, Mar. 5,1858 | Apr. 22, 1859 Frank Cushing, | 5774 “ May 14, 1862 Eva, 5775 |Francest’wn, N.H., May 11, 1867 | DAVID AND NANCY K. (HEMINWAY) HEARD. 4870. 100 | David Herbert, 5776 Holliston, Jan. 23,1847 | Mar. 13, 1847 | Edward Burnap, | 5777 Mar. a1) 1848 | Aug. 7, 1851 David Herbert, 5778 ee Mar. 21) 1848 June 15, 1870 | Emma C. Brooks. Alberti Harrison, | 5779 ee June 4. 1850 | June 6, 1854 DAVID H. AND EMMA C. (BROOKS) HEARD. 5776. David, 5780 |W. Medway, Sept. 5, 1871 | Nov. 18, 1876 Joel Bertie, 5781 es July 5, 1874 Alvin David, 5782 ee Jan. 30, 1877 | Sept. 2, 1877 Jennie Ethel, 5783 “ Apr. 13, 1879 DR. ABRAHAM A. AND ELIZA A. (HEARD) EDWARDS. 4871. Clarence, 5784 | Concord, Feb. 6, 1852 [Eliz. S. (Mulford). John Houghton, | 5785 i Jan. 26, 1858 Apr. 8, 1886 | Anselia Arelina Robie; 1859-; dau. John W. and CHARLES B. AND HELEN M. (CUSHING) HEARD. 4877. wagiend Cushing, | 5786 | Florida, Jan. 31, 1874 | Feb. 3, 1874 | Betsey, 5787 ee Jan. 30, 1875 HENRY AND ELIZA (ABRAMS) JORDAN. 980. 100 | Caleb Davis, 5788 | Mar. 29, 1831 June 20, 1854 | Jane Elizabeth Price. 100 | William Abrams, | 5789 May 12, 1834 Mar., 1854 | Anna Mary King. CLIFTON ASHTON AND ELIZA (ABRAMS-JORDAN) GARRETT. 981. 100 | Annie Abrams, | 5790 | Nov. 10, 1847 | | Dec. 15, 1868 | Joseph Lynn Elgin. CALEB DAVIS AND JANE ELIZABETH (PRICE) JORDAN. 5788. 100 | Charles Henry, 5791 May 2, 1855 Sept. 12, 1882 | Ida Belle Madison. Martha Abrams, | 5792 Oct. 1, 1857 100 | Capitola Black, | 5793 Nov. 27, 1859 Apr. 5, 1882 | George Foster Wells. 100 | Elizabeth Wooley,| 5794 Sept. 24, 1861 Oct. 10, 1883 | Robert Irwin Paine. Caleb Davis, Jr., | 5795 July 5, 1865 Annie Elgin, 5796 Aug. 31, 1868 Lillian May, 5797 Oct. 2, 1873 Edith Maria, 5798 Apr. 10,1878 | May 21, 1880 CHARLES HENRY AND IDA BELLE (MADISON) JORDAN. 5791. Clifford Robert, | 5799 | Sept. 5, 1883 | | Florence Brent, | 5800 July 15, 1885 GEORGE FOSTER AND CAPITOLA BLACK (JORDAN) WELLS. 5793. Effie May 5801 | Feb, 22, 1883 | | Jennie Elizabeth, 5802 Oct. 2, 1884 ROBERT IRWIN AND HBLIZABETH (JORDAN) PAINE. 5794. | Robert Irwin, Jr.,! 5803 , Mar. 17, 1885 | | | WILLIAM ABRAMS AND ANNA MARY (KING) JORDAN. 5789. James Crehove, | 5804 Jan. 5, 1855 1860 Anna Eliza, 5805 1858 1860 Wm. Abrams, Jr.,| 5806 1859 1885 Mary Crehove, 5807 Mar. 31, 1867 JOSEPH LYNN AND ANNIE ABRAMS (GARRETT) ELGIN. 5790. John Garrett, 5808 Nov. 12, 1869 | William Clifton, | 5809 Feb. 14, 1872 CALVIN B. AND HARRIET M. (WILLETT) ORCUTT. 3282. 2 Mary Willett, E 5810 | June 20, 1875 | | Russell Barber, 5811 Oct. 12, 1883 100 SAMUEL AND MEHITABLE (PIPER) CONANT. 3831. as Nancy, 5812 —— Wetherbee. Rebeccah, 5813 _ —— Newton. 7 NATHAN AND REBECCA (CONANT) BROOKS. 3834. a ==. Nathan, 5814 | Acton, Mar. 27, 1822 | May 19, 1822 Rebecca, 5814 May i 1823 Mar. 15, 1849 | Joseph A. Smith. 102 | George, 5815 “a 1. Catharine Comstock; -1874. 5815 Jan. 38,1877 | 2. Mrs. Isabel M. Jacobs. Henry, 5816 a Dec. 30, 1829 Hannah Homer. JOHN HINCKLEY AND NANCY ROBBINS (JONES) SANDERS. 4490. 101 |Chas. Barton, M.D.,; 5817 | Lowell, Feb. 19, 1844 June 4, 1871 | 1. Clara Augusta Butterfield; -1877. 101 5818 2. Lizzie Sophia Taylor; 1853-; dau. Moses and Mary 101 | Nancy Emma, 5819 Berwick, Me., June 11, *50 John Prushia. LE. (Stearns). Edgar Rand, 5820 Dee. 9, 1865 DR. CHARLES BARTON AND CLARA AUGUSTA (BUTTERFIELD) SANDERS. 5817. | Walter Barton, | 5821 | Acton, Oct. 16, 1875 | Aug. 18, 1877 Clara Butterfield, | 5822 oe Aug. 11,1877 | Sept., 1877 — DR. CHARLES BARTON AND LIZZIE SOPHIA (TAYLOR) SANDERS. 5818. 7 Ralph Barton, 5823 | Acton, Dec. 4, 1883 Richard Stearns, | 5824 ee June 26, 1886 JOHN AND NANCY EMMA (SANDERS) PRUSHIA. 5819. | Florence Emma, | 5825 5826 areas: GEORGE STILLMAN AND SUSAN BIRD (POTTER) SMITH. 4929. Francis Wayland,| 5827 Machias, Me., May 8, 1828 | July 5, 1829 Francis Wayland,| 5828 July 10, 1831 Abby (Goodwin) Bradbury; dau. Geo. N Georgianna, 5829 ue Nov. 15, 1833 | Apr., 1834 \ Harriet Emeline, | 5830 ee June 5, 1835 | May 28, 1842 Horace Potter, 5831 ve July 27,1837 | Sept., 1838 Horace Potter, 5832 “ Apr. 14, 1839 Lydia Murray. Almira, 5833 te Mar. 16,1840 | June 2, 1842 [Olive (Pike). Eliza’th McAlister,| 5834 nf Dec. 14, 1841 Noy. 13, 1865 | Abraham Leonard Clark; 1837-; s. Capt. Tristram and 101 | Alice Maria, 5835 ee June 9, 1844 Jan. 18, 1866 | Charles Freeman Smith; 1841-; s. James and Dorothy Winfield Scott, 5836 ee Oct. 9, 1845 | Jan. 21, 1847 [CElliott). George Stillman, | 5837 | Boston, July 7, 1847 | Dec. 25, 1849 Daniel Webster, | 5838 | Chelsea, May 27, 1849 | Jan. 27, 1850 Susan Bird, 5839 Biddeford, Me., Dec. 10, 750| Jan. 5, 1851 Emeline Sargent, | 5840 ‘Apr. 27, 1852 William H. Johnson; son Samuel H. Eunice Frances, | 5841 a Sept. 29° 1853 | Aug., 1854 CHARLES F. AND ALICE M. (SMITH) SMITH. 5835. Howard Freeman,| 5842 |Biddeford, Me., June 16,’71| July 3, eS | Howard Freeman,| 5843 me July 20, 1873 CHARLES HENRY AND NELLIE LOUISE (TUTTLE) FAIRBANKS. 4703. | Alice Tuttle, | 5844 | Acton, July 5, 1886 | | | EDWIN A. AND MIRANDA (BUTLER) JONES. 4496. Frederick, 5845 | Hudson, Mar. 29, 1864 | Mar. 30, 1864 Walter Augustine, 5846 ef May 9, 1865 | | Alice Emma, 5847 oe June 28, 1869 PRANCIS AND ANN ELIZABETH (ROBBINS) JONES. 4493. 101 | Wilbur Francis, | 5848 | Acton, Nov. 12, 1854 | ; d. Seth W. & Hulda A. (Cutler). WILBUR F. AND ELLA (MERRILL) JONES. 5848. 7 Vernal Merrill, 5849 | Hudson, July 11, 1878 | Vertram Francis, | 5850 ne Dec. 5, 1883 a LUTHER AND SUSANNA (KELLY) JONES. 4638. Florence Kelley, | 5851 | So. Yarmouth, Sept. 27, 1848 | Nov. 27, 1850 Loretta, 5852 # Jan. 6, 1850 | Dec. 17, 1878 Millard Fillmore, | 5853 is Feb. 20, 1851 Elizabeth Kelley, | 5854 # July 19, 1852 Robena, 5855 ye Sept. 6, 1855 TIMOTHY AND LUCY (DAVIS) HARTWELL. 3980. 104 | George, 5856 | Littleton, Mar. 17,1791 | June 6, 1853 1. Sally Whitney; -1829. 5856 Oct. 14, 1830 | 2. Deborah Young; -1853, 101 | Joseph, 5857 ee Oct. 5, 1792 | July 19, 1852 1816 | Nancy Watts; 1793-1853. 102 | Charles, 5858 ee Jan. 16,1796 | Feb. 19, 1852 | Dec. 18, 1821 | 1. Lucy Lawrence: 1798-1846. 102 5859 Oct. 11, 1848 | 2. Louisa A. Marble; 1817-. 81 | Timothy, Jr., 5860 | Ashby, Jan. 2,1798 | Sept. 16, 1854 | June 19, 1828 | Lucinda Eleanor J ones. No. 4634. Lucy, 5861 ce Jan. 26,1800 | Mar. 3, 1815 103 | Mary Ann, 5862 ts Apr. 2, 1802 | Mar. 15, 1825 | May 25, 1821 | Obed Symonds; 1796-1833. Eleaz’r Davis (noiss.),| 5863 “e Noy. 2, 1804 Eunice Woods. John, 5864 ne Nov. 6, 1807 103 | Lydia Ruth Porter| 5865 st Dec. 1, 1810 Jan. 29, 1827 | Obed Symonds; 1796-1833. JOSEPH AND NANCY (WATTS) HARTWELL. 5857. —= Lucy, 5866 | Groton, Jan. 5, 1817 | Oct. 27, 1836 7 George, 5867 | Littleton, Apr. 10,1822 |} Jan. 3,1868 |} Jan. 5, 1848 | Hannah Page; -1867, Nancy Watts, 5868 e Apr. 30, 1826 | Nov. 4, 1833 Mary Jane, 5869 ee Oct. 9, 1828 Feb. 24, 1844 | Byron E. Bartlett. Lydia Ann, 5870 oe Feb. 5, 1831 Oct. 17,1850 | Nahum W. Mower. John Henry, 5871 ue Nov. 18, 1834 July 4, 1856 | Sarah F. George. 101 102 | Mariah i 102. Lucy Ann, 102. Charles Newton, Clara, 103 Huldah, 102. Sarah, Albert Newell, | 102 | Hosea Adams, | Frank Waldo, 102 | Clara Louisa, | Fred Augustus, | CHARLES AND LUCY (LAWRENCE) HARTWELL. 5858. AN72 Sept. 20, 1822 | Mar. 22,1883 | May 4, 1839 | Timothy Hinds. 5873 July 2.1824 Mar. 16,1879 | Jan., 1849 | Moses Wheeler. 5874 Nov. 3, 1825 Sept. 18, 1860 Lucy R. Woods. BTS Dee. 16,1827 | Feb., a54 Aug. 12) 1851 | Clark James Lewis. 5876 | Feb. 20, 1831 June 23, 187 4 May 5, 1848 David Kendall Wallace; 1826-. 6877 |: June 16, 1835 Noy. 8, 1855 _ Joseph W. Stone. eiiaa CHARLES AND LOUISA A. (MARBLE) HARTWELL. 5859. jSTS | Ashby, Feb. 28, 1850 ' June 14, 1874 | Loma Susan Des Rochers. S870 | Mar. 25, 1852 | Sept. 19, 1875 | Alice Streater Wilker. 5880, Dec. 27, 1853 | [(Ralfe). 5SE1 se Sept. 6, 1856 Nov. 25, 1875 ; Elwood Edson Adams; 1851-; son Daniel and Lucy 5882 e _Mar. 15, 1863 .| Aug. 23, 1865 | TIMOTHY AND MARIA L. (HARTWELL) HINDS. 5872. Sophrona, | 5883 | | Charles H. Wise. Dora, 1 5884 Alonzo Hoyt. Emma, | 5885 | e 4 Julius Wheeler. eee ah to ; _MOSES| AND | LUCY ANN (HARTWELL) WHEELER. 5878. a | 5886 | | ~ George L. Marble. = CHARLES N. AND LUCY R. (wooDs) HARTWELL. 5874. Clara, 5887 | tas Emma, 5888 | Minnie, 5889 Flora, 5890 Fannie, 5891 - | ; JOSEPH w. AND SARAH (HARTWELL) STONE. 5877, | Charles O., | 5892 | | Lucie E., 58923 as he 7 Charles Marden. GEORGE “AND CATHARINE (comsTocx) BROOKS. 5815. Stephen George, Nathan H., Francis A., Mary A., Fredson Perley, Herman Elbert, Cora A., 5893 Concord, Nov. 14, 1850 Se = Abbie Mabel, Arthur Lewis, Clarence Wilker, 5894 |“ Dec. 17,1853 | Dec. 2, 1873 | 5895 | o Sept. T 1855 5896 |“ Nov. 21,1857 | Dec. 9, 1863 | : 5897,“ Apr. 10, 1860 5898 | Nov. 29, 1865 58983, « June 12, 1869 | Sept. 22, 1869 | | HOSEA A. AND ALICE S. (WILKER) HARTWELL. 5879 5899 | Ashburnham, Feb. 3, 1878 | 5900 ai May 13, 1882 5901 | Gardner, Oct. 1, 1885 | | ELWOOD BE. AND CLARA L. (HARTWELL) ‘ADAMS. 5881. Ethel Emma, 5902 | Gardner, Mar. 15, 1879 | May 24, 1880 | EDMUND S. AND ELIZA A. (CONANT) FUER 5703. _ Julien Sherman, | 5903 Nov. 20, 1854 1856 | Julius Herbert, 5904 Mar. = 1857 _ Nov. 17, 1881 | denne C. Carroll. Fred’k Adalbert, | 5905 Jan. 14, 1859 a MARCUS AND ELLEN J. (LEAVENWORTH) CONANT. 5705, | So | Ida May, | 5906 May 25, 1869 | | | Lulu Belle, | 5907 Dec. 3, 1874 | Marcus, | 5908 Nov. 243) 1881 a ee NAHUM AND ELMIRA W. (DOUGHERTY) CONANT. 5702. = Laura Louisa, 1 5909 June- 5, 1858 | | : x ee . os 4 =. — Se = a oe aaee 5 Se = _ ROBERT C. AND SARAH M. (BURBANK) CONANT. 5708. J. Edwin, | 5910 June 10, 1870) | : Eva L., 5911 | _ Mar. 2 1874 | —— i 2 — GEORGE F. “AND SUSANNA Cc. (CONANT) PROCTOR. 5707. : - Lizzie A.. 5912 Nov. 22, 1865 iL Herbert F., eos 5913 June 29, 1871 me Nh ete 2 fo —— WHITNEY — AND § SARAH L. (BRYANT) FOSTER. 5746. a z 7 | Joseph Herbert, — sold 4| “Lexington, Sept. 18, 1880 | Dec. 20, 1884 | ; =v a JOHN AND MARY STRATTON (JONES) MEAD. 4488, Jobn Baldwin Thayer, 5015 | | 1861 Stephen Origin, | 5916 | 1868 ‘Mary Abigail Read, 5917 | May 14, 1886 I James Murray, 1 91S ses June, 1872), a 7 __ CHARLES AND JULIA MARIA (BARRETT) MARSH. 1735, eh 102 Edith Barrett, Ag1Y ' Boston, Mar. 24, 1863 Oct. 21, 1884 , bene Hayward Binney; 1861-; s Ss. “Bent sp and Mabel Minott, 5920 bi Mar. 4, 1867 | [Josephine (Hayward). ; Charle = Reuben, ’ __[Geo. Hayw ard, Jn, Heed a Mar, 2.1872 (GEORGE HAYWARD AND EDITH BARRETT (MARSH) BINNEY. 5919. i 5022 Boston. Jan. 20, IS86 1 102 LORENZO AND MARY (STOW) EATON. 1086. Harriet Louisa, | 5923 | Concord, Dec. 30, 1845 Mary Stone, 5924. be Noy. 18, 1849 aa DANIEL HEALD AND LYDIA (HOSMER) WOOD. 2054-4215. 7 i Cyrus Hosmer, 5925 | Concord, Apr. 23, 1862 | Apr. 27, 1862 Fannie, 5926 | Poughkenamon, Pa., Sept. 23, 1863 Fred Harlow, 5927 | Concord, Oct. 2, 1871 Bessie Hosmer, | 5928 |Montclair,N.J.,Aug. 27,1874 Feb. 23, 1875 Speed — FRANCIS AND CHARLOTTE LOUISA (JONES) BROWN. 4492. Charlotte Frances,) 5929 | Stow, Aug. 23, 1844 Lucius C. Tolman; -1885. Betsey Eliza, 5930 ue Oct. 8, 1846 John Henry, 5931 a July 8, 1849 103 | James Perry, 5932 te Apr. 16, 1851 Dec. 25, 1882 | Laura Ann Jones. No. 4420. Frank Pierce, 5933 of Aug. 11, 1853 | Feb. 24, 1884 Usher Jones, 5934 | Acton, Apr. 12,1861 | July 27, 1886 Fred Aaron, 5935 | Stow, Aug. 13, 1863 Nettie Elmira, 5936 ue June 24, 1867 JAMES PERRY AND LAURA ANN (JONES) BROWN. 5932-4420. Lizzie Jones, | 5987 | Acton, Mar. 12, 1885 | | PETER CUSHMAN AND JANE MACKINTOSH (BALDWIN) JONES. 4817. 103 | William Parker, | 5938 | Boston, Aug. 28, 1832 Jan. 1,1856 | Lucy Anna Mudge; 1832-; dau. Alfred and Lucy A. Mary Elizabeth, | 5939 u Feb. 5, 1834 | Nov. 21, 1835 [(Kinsman). Jane Elizabeth, | 5940 ee Nov. 21, 1836 103 |Peter Cushman, Jr.,| 5941 es Dec. 10, 1837 May 12, 1862 | Cornelia Hall; 1842-; dau. Edwin O. and Sarah. Catharine oissue), | 5942 ee Nov. 11, 1839 June 27, 1872 | Henry Kirk Hobart; 1836-; s. Benj. W. and Eliz. A. Lucy Ann, 5943 ee Feb. 22, 1842 ([(Wood). 103 | Sarah Frances, 5944 es Aug. 10, 1844 Jan. 10, 1866 |John Adams Kenrick ; 1839-;s. John A. & Mary 8. (Stedman). 103 | George Bartlett, | 5945 | Newton, Aug. 12, 1848 July 26,1881 | Susan Elizabeth Johnson; 1857-; dau. Erasmus and Edward Draper, | 5946 | Boston, Oct. 25, 1850 [Sarah C. (Murdough). WILLIAM PARKER AND LUCY ANNA (MUDGE) JONES. 5938. 103 | Fred’k Kinsman Mudge,| 5947 | Boston, Nov. 11, 1856 | | Jan. 1, 1883 | Helen May Wilde; 1862-; dan. Jos. D. and Helen M. (Litch). FREDERICK K. M. AND HELEN M. (WILDE) JONES. 5947. | Alfred Wilde, [| 5948 | Melrose, Nov. 3, 1883 | | | PETER CUSHMAN, JR., AND CORNELIA (HALL).JONES. 5941. Edwin Austin, 5949 | Honolulu, 8.I., Mav 16, ’63 Ada, 5950 | es Oct. 26, 1869 | Alice, 5951 e Jan. 15, 1881 JOHN ADAMS AND SARAH FRANCES (JONES) KENRICK. 5944. : Mabel Frances, 5952 | Newton, Oct. 24, 1866 John Adams, Jr.,| 5953 ee Feb. 11,1871 | Oct. 4, 1872 John Adams, Jr.,| 5954 re Apr. 24, 1874 | Sept. 28, 1876 Jennie, 5955 i Jan. 18, 1877 GEORGE BARTLETT AND SUSAN ELIZABETH (JOHNSON) JONES. 5945. Henry Seaver, 5956 | Newton, July 2, 1882 . | | Gertrude Bartlett,| 5957 a Nov. 23, 1883 CHARLES HENRY AND LIZZIE EDNA (JONES) MARTIN. 4668. Hattie Mabel, | 5958 | Cambridge, Feb. 3, 1877 | | | : DAVID KENDALL AND HULDAH (HARTWELL) WALLACE. 5876 Huldah Elvina, 5959 |Rindge, N.H., Aug.6,1848 | Dec. 4, 1858 108 | Clara Ella, 5960 ae July 12, 1852 July 3, 1871 | Clement Philemon Flint; 1849-; son David and Pru- Sarah Anna, 5961 us July 15,1854 | Jan. 17, 1858 [dence (Whitcomb). Emma Maria, 5962 | Winchendon, Aug. 4,1856 | Jan. 14, 1859 CLEMENT PHILEMON AND CLARA ELLA (WALLACE) FLINT. 5960. Charles Monroe, | 5963 | Winchendon, Dec. 12, 1873 | Theron Clement, | 5964 - Apr. 7, 1876 Leon David, 5965 ‘ May 10, 1880 | Emma Hulda, 5966 e Oct. 6, 1884 7 OSCAR A. AND ELIZABETH F. (BROWN) JONES. 4621. | Arthur Drew, | 5967 | Boston, Aug. 13, 1877 | | LOWELL A. AND SARAH A. (PARMENTER) JONES. 4622. | Ada Maria, | 5968 | Acton, Sept. 17, 1872 | | | FRANK AND ADA I. (JONES) MARSHALL. 4626. Irving Franklin, | 5969 May 28, 1879 | Carl Bertrand, 5970 Aug. 11, 1882 OBED AND MARY ANN (HARTWELL) SYMONDS. 5862. 104 | Obed Augustus, | 5971 | Ashby, June 8, 1822 | Dec. 81, 1875 | June 15, 1843 | Mary Wright; 1822-1875. OBED AND LYDIA RUTH PORTER (HARTWELL) SYMONDS. 5865. 104 | Mary Ann, 5972 | Ashby, Aug. 19, 1829 July 18, 1849 | Charles W. Whitcomb; 1830-1882. Lydia Jane, 5973 “ Sept. 28,1831 | Feb. 14, 1853 , Sarah Maria, 5974 ot Feb. 12, 1834 | Mar. 15, 1838 103 CHARLES W. AND MARY ANN (SYMONDS) WHITCOMB. 5972. Mary Ann, 5975 Ashby, Mar. 19, 1850 | Jan. 12,1871 | June 1, 1869 | Elbridge Gipson; 1849-. Perry 3 5976 Jan. 19, 1852 Hattie R., 5977 Nov. 28, 1854 Nov. 6, 1879 | Edward H. Fletcher; 1853-. NATHAN BROOKS AND ELIZABETH (BROWN) STOW. 1089. Mary Caroline, | 5978 | Concord, Oct. 2, 1857 | June 5, 1858 | OBED AUGUSTUS AND MARY (WRIGHT) SYMONDS. 5971. Mary Angeline, | 5979 | Acton, Sept. 29, 1844 Emory Augustus, 5980 ee June 1, 1846 | July 17, 1868 104 | James Adison, 5981 * Mar. 17, 1848 Dec. 20, 1874 | Flora C. Harlow; 1855-. Sophia Emma, 5982 “Nov. 25, 1853 JAMES ADISON AND FLORA C. (HARLOW) SYMONDS. 5981. Elaine C., 5983 | Acton, Oct. 1, 1881 Esteane D., 5984 #6 Aug. 29, 1884 CHARLES L. AND ESTELLE MAY (PHILLIPS) JONES. 4623. | Chester Elwyn, | 5985 Arlington, May 4, 1881 | Leon Roscoe, 5986 Mar. 16, 1886 | Mar. 19, 1886 JOON H. AND LUCY F. (BARRETT) CHAPMAN. 2129. | Grace Chetwoode,| 5987 | Concord, July 10, 1880 | | HENRY LIVINGSTON AND MARY H. (BARRETT) SHATTUCK. 2619. | Kate Elizabeth, | 5988 | Concord, June 6, 1852 | Aug. 6, 1861 | | ALBERT AND M. SUSAN (WETHERELL) WETHERBHE. 5294. | Harry Josiah, | 5989 | Waltham, May 11, 1869 Fred Benjamin, | 5990 June 28° 1871 NATHAN AND BEULAH (HOSMER) HOSMER. 3790. Beulah, 5991 | Concord, Feb. 2, 1764 | May 10, 1785 90 | Lucy, 5992 ce Jan. 38,1766 | Dec. 1, 1857 | Mar. 11,1788 | Samuel Potter. No. 5169. Meliscent, 5993 ie July 25, 1768 Dea. Francis Jarvis. Silas, 5994 8 Sept. 30, 1770 Polly Puffer. Nathan, 5995 a Apr. 20, 1773 ‘Patty Brown. Elizabeth, 5996 ee Sept. 10,1775 | Aug. 8, 1822 Stephen, 5997 ee May, 1778 | July 17, 1778 HENRY A. AND ELIZA (LEIGHTON) BARRETT. 2616. | Mary Leighton, | 5998 | Corcord, Jan. 3, 1867 | Mar. 23, 1868 | | HENRY EMERSON AND ANNIE HAYDEN (SMITH) HOLDEN. 4991. Edna Gray, 5999 | Concord, May 31,1885 | June 4, 1885 | Bertha H., 6000 a Apr. 10, 1886 | Apr. 12, 1886 = BENJAMIN AND MARY FOWLE (FITCH) HARTWELL. 5638. | Lucy Webber, 6001 | Bedford, Jan. 16,1837 | Oct. 2, 1860 | Noy. 25, 1858 | Hanibal S. Pond. Mary Elzina, 6002 ee Feb. 21, 1829 Jan. 1, 1861 | Matthew R. Fletcher. GEORGE AND SALLY (WHITNEY) HARTWELL. 5856. Sarah Ann, 6003 Mason, N. H., Aug. 28,22 | Oct., 1857 | Samuel Warner Shattuck. George Whitney, | 6004 Apr. 4, 1824 Sept. 6, 1857 | Unmarried. 104 | Emily Augusta, | 6005 ena: Oct. 9, 1827 Mar. 2, 1847 | Silas Wetherbee; -1885. SILAS AND EMILY AUGUSTA (HARTWELL) WETHERBEE. 6005. George, 6006 | Townsend, Dec. 12, 1847 Apr. 16, 1872 | 1. Roselthe Melissa Rowley; -1873. 104 6007 May 18,1875 | 2. Margaret Grace Hannah Hayter; 1853-. Frank, 6008 | Ashby, June 4, 1850 May 5, 1875 | Ellen Rosella Wright; 1855-. Kate, 6009 es Sept. 15, 1852 Charles, 6010 ne May 30, 1855 June 15, 1881 | Hattie Augusta Whitney. Emma, 6011 us Oct. 2, 1857 Aug. 15, 1880 | Harrold E. Spaulding. Jennie, 6012 ce July 13, 1860 Abbie, 6013 a July 30, 1863 | Jan. 8, 1882 Fred, 6014 fe Nov. 3, 1865 Mary, 6015 re Jan. 2, 1868 Annie, 6016 es Apr. 8, 1870 | Feb. 22, 1873 Jobn, 6017 ee Jan. 18, 1873 Florence, 6018 i Dec. 21, 1875 | Oct. 14, 1876 GEORGE AND MARGARET G. H. (HAYTER) WETHERBEE. 6007. Mabel Gertrude, | 6019 | Fitchburg, May 5, 1876 | | | HENRY FAXON AND JULIA A. (MOORE) MOORE. 4956. Fred Albert, 6020 Framingham, Aug. 14,59 | Dec. 9, 1861 | Walter Henry, 6021 June 8, 1861 | Dec. 13, 1861 | Frank, 6022 Berlin, July 10, 1862 | June 20, 1865 Morris, 6023 | Hudson, Feb. 9, 1866 | Aug. 12, 1867 Robert Henry, 6024 | Framingham, May 2, 1875 Beula, 6025 |New York, N. Vs Oct. 28, 1885 EDWARD H. AND ELLA M. (COOLIDGE) WILSON. 5680. Helen Howard, | 6026 Jan. 4, 1876 | | John Edward, 6027 July 20, 1879 FREDERICK H. AND MARY M. (WILSON) RIPLEY. 5682. Helen Louise, 6028 Oct. 22,1878 | Mar. 15, 1879 Grace Wilson, 6029 June 24, 1880 | | Freder’k Edward,} 6030 Dec. 25, 1882 | Jan. 29, 1884 a 104 OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. BARRETT. Humpurey Barrett! settled in Concord in 1639 ; admitted a freeman, May 6, 1657. It is supposed that he came from the county of Kent, England. There came with him a wife and three sons, John, Thomas, and Humphrey, Jr. Respecting the son John, it is not definitely known where he settled. Shattuck supposes him to have been of Marl- boro. The records of probate, however, show that John Barrett of Marlboro had a brother William Barrett of Cambridge, and Thomas Barrett of Marlboro, formerly of Cambridge. Thomas Barrett, here mentioned, in his will, Jan. 16, 1672, made a little before his death, names brothers John and William, and a sister Lydia Cheever. As Humphrey, Sr., had a son Thomas, who was drowned in the North River at Concord, in 1652, leaving a son Oliver, who died in 1671, and a daughter Mary, who married James Smedley, both of these children being mentioned in the wills of Humphrey Barrett and his wife Mary Barrett as their grandchildren, it there- fore follows that John Barrett of Marlboro was not a son of Humphrey Barrett of Concord. Humphrey Barrett’s farm was some three hundred acres or more; his house-lot of twelve acres was near the centre of the town. The old house was on what is now known as Monument Street. Humeurey Barrer, Jr.*, born in England, 1630, and He married Elizabeth Paine in 1661; issue by this marriage, a daughter Mary, who married Josiah Blood*!. His wife, Elizabeth Paine, died in 1674, and in 1675 he married Mary Potter’, a daughter of Luke Potter, one of the first settlers in Concord. Thus Humphrey Barrett, Jr., and Mary Potter, his wife, became the common ancestors of the Concord branch of the Barrett family of New England. Their sons, Joseph and Benjamin Barrett, married the sisters Rebecca and Lydia Minott, re- spectively, daughters of James and Rebecca (Wheeler) Minott*! of Concord. Humphrey Barrett, Jr., was a deacon of the church in Concord; admitted a freeman, May 24, 1662; was deputy and representative to the General Court, 1691, and ensign of the foot company. Major Gen. Gookin, in 1685, reported to the General Court that the Concord train band “had but one commissioned officer that officiates in that company, viz., Left. Buss, who is very aged, and not well. able to conduct the affairs of y® great company, therefore, having informed himself as the fittest man to supply the place of ensign for that company, did propose to the court, Humphrey Barrett, came to Concord with his parents. 105 who was a freeman, and of y* church at Concord, a sergeant of that company, that the court would make him ensigne of Concord foot company.” He was appointed and approved of Oct. 14, 1685.— Walcott’s Colonial Period. Capt. Josern Barrer’, the eldest son of Humphrey Barrett, Jr., was one of the original grantees of Grafton, Mass., having granted to him May 7, 1728, 121 1-2 acres of land. He was a farmer, as well as largely engaged in the business enterprises of the day. He was town treasurer, 1634 to 1739 , commissioned captain of foot company, May 7, 1732. He married Rebecca Minott. BenJAMIN Barrett’ was also one of the original grantees of Grafton, receiving 131 1-2 acres of land, April 25, 1728. He was a farmer, and engaged in business enterprises with his brother, Capt. Joseph Barrett. Minott®7, His wife was Lydia Lisut. Oxutver Barretr!? was born in Concord; moved to Bolton, Mass., and settled where the place is now known as the Barrett Homestead. He was a farmer, and served as a lieutenant in the Revolution. He married Hannah, daugh- ter of John and Mary (Brown) Hunt. Joun Barrett!’ was in the fight at North Bridge, Con- cord, April 19, 1775. He married Lois, daughter of Joshua and Lydia (Wheeler) Brooks, and lived in Concord. Dea. THomas Barrerr®® was engaged with his brother, Col. James Barrett, largely in business affairs, accumu- lating thereby a considerable property. He was a man “On the ‘Concord fight,’ the British seized and abused several aged and unarmed men; among these was Dea. Thomas Barrett. Not daunted by the scenes of that morning, he spoke of the mother country’s unkind treatment noted for his piety and mildness of manners. morning of the of the Colonies, and protested against the violence of the sol- diers, who threatened to kill him as a rebel; he calmly re- plied, ‘ You need not take that trouble, for I am old and will soon die of myself.” Touched by this reply, they said, * Well, old daddy, you may go in peace.’” — Harper’s Maga- zine, 1875. The epitaph on his tombstone thus records his virtues : him the Christian graces shone uncommonly bright. “In Un- feigned love and distributive charity ran through his senti- ments and actions. The blessing of the widow, the father- less, the poor, and those ready to perish, came upon him. His talents as a deacon and private Christian were superior, and so exercised as to leave behind him a sweet remembrance OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. of his name; so nearly did he imitate his Saviour, that it may be said with truth he had the spirit of Christ, which the judgment-day, we trust, will better show than any human tes- timony.” His wife was Mary Jones***!. He was born in Concord in 1707, and died in 1779. Cou. James Barrerr®!, of Concord, Mass., “the dis- tinguished commander of the Provincial troops in the ‘ Con- cord fight,’ April 19, 1775, where the first forcible resistance was made to British aggression.” Col. Barrett occupies a very interesting and prominent place in the Revolutionary history. From his lips proceeded the first orders to an American force to march against and engage the soldiers of the king. He was in command at the North Bridge on the 19th of April, 1775, by virtue of his commission, and where . was presented every characteristic necessary to constitute a battle. The historic record says that after the council of officers and citizens on the hill had “resolved to march into the centre of the town to defend their homes, or die in the attempt,” “Col. Barrett immediately gave orders to march by wheeling from the right.” That he comprehended the mag- nificent results that were to follow from those brief author- itative words, that he saw in those few hundreds of militia and minute-men the aroused and advancing ranks of free- dom, and in that threatened bridge their narrow and inevi- table way, would, perhaps, be too much to claim; but we may presume that he who so immediately proceeded to carry into effect the resolution of his fellow-citizens, his imagina- tion kindling with gleams of those visions that drew from Adams, as he heard the guns at Lexington, the exclamation, “Oh, what a glorious morning is this!” felt that the or- der involved far more than its immediate and obvious con- sequences. His affidavit, four days after, on the 23d of April, made when it was still doubtful in what light the trans- action would be received by the government, is simple and bold, reading like a military despatch : “I, James Barrett, of Concord, colonel of a regiment of militia, in the county of Middlesex, do testify and say, that on Wednesday morning last, about daybreak, I was informed of the approach of a number of the regular troops to the town of Concord, where ‘were some magazines belonging to the Province, where there was assembled some of the militia of this and the neighboring towns. J ordered them to march to the North Bridge, so called, which the regulars had passed and were taking up; I ordered said militia to march to said bridge and pass the same, but not to fire on the king’s troops, unless they were first fired upon. We advanced near said bridge, when the said troops fired upon our militia, and killed two men dead on the spot, and wounded several others, which was the first firing of guns in the town of Concord. My detachment then re- turned the fire, which killed and wounded several of the king’s troops.” Col. Barrett was a son of Benjamin and Lydia (Minott) Barrett, and his wife was Rebecca Hubbard*”. The follow- 106 ing in reference to Col. James Barrett is from Shattuck’s History of Concord”: “Having early in life embraced those principles of religion which are calculated to make men re- spected, useful, and happy, and having arrived to mature age in an important period of our history, he received from his townsmen frequent marks of their confidence in civil and military life. In 1768, he was chosen representative to the General Court, and was re-elected each year until 1777. He was also a member of many of the county and State conven- tions held during that important period, and a member of each of the Provincial Congresses. When it was decided to collect and deposit military stores at Concord, Col. Barrett was appointed to superintend them, and aid in their collec- tion and manufacture. He accepted the office of colonel of the regiment of militia organized in March, 1775, and was in command on the 19th of April, though then sixty-four years of age. “Of the various committees chosen by the State, county, or town, for raising men, procuring provisions, etc., he was usually a member.” He died April 11, 1779. Reseccoa Hupparp (Barrerr)*?*!, the wife of Col. James Barrett, was a woman of great energy, moral and intellect- ual worth. The following is from “ Harper’s Magazine,” 1875: proceeded to Col. Barrett’s, one mile and a half to the north- “Capt. Parsons, with the other three companies, west, to destroy the stores there; they reached his home about eight o’clock. and just after Col. Barrett had left on his return to the rendezvous. Capt. Parsons said to Mrs. Barrett, ‘Our orders are to search your house and your brother’s from top to bottom.’ She was requested to pro- . Mrs. Barrett was offered compensation for the refreshments, but she refused vide refreshments for the soldiers. . . to take any, remarking,‘ We are commanded to feed our enemies.’ They threw some money into her lap, which she finally retained, saying, ‘This is the price of blood... . She had concealed some musket balls, cartridges, and flints in casks in the attic, and covered them with feathers; they were not discovered. Mrs. Barrett was a great-granddaugh- ter of Rev. Peter Bulkeley, the first minister of Concord.” BROOKS. Tuomas Brooxs™ was a freeman, 1636, and came to Con- cord about that time, having, as it is believed, come from Lon- don, England. He was representative in Concord seven years. His daughter Mary married Capt. Timothy Wheeler™? of Concord. JosHua Brooks”, of Concord, married Hannah, daugh- ter of Capt. Hugh Mason of Watertown. ner in Lincoln. “ He was a tan- He is the ancestor of nearly all of the name in Concord and Lincoln.” His son, Noah Brooks, married Dorothy Potter’. His daughter, Grace Brooks, married Judah Potter®*®, OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. . BROWN. Tuomas Brown! was in Concord about 1640, but from what part of England he came is not definitely known. His son Thomas!*! was town clerk of Concord. BULKELEY. Rev. Perer Butxetey!™ came from Bedfordshire, Eng- land, 1635. He was associated with Major Simon Willard in the settlement of Concord. They brought with them from England twelve other families. BUTTRICK. Wituiam Burrrick!? came to Concord in 1635. “He served the town for many years honorably as a sergeant, a post then of distinction.” His son Samuel married Elizabeth Blood*’, and they were the grandparents of Major John Buttrick”!’. Masor Jonun Buttrick?!” “was one of the officers in command on the 19th of April, 1775, and his name will be handed down to posterity with distinguished honor for the noble stand he took, and the bravery he manifested in lead- ing a gallant band of militia-men on to meet the invading en- emy at the North Bridge, and for beginning the first forcible resistance to British arms. He then returned the fire by com- manding his own company to fire, saying, ‘ Fire! fellow-sol- diers ; for God’s sake, fire!’ and discharged his own gun the He was buried in 1791, with military honors.’ > same instant. CONANT. Lor Conant’, a great-grandson of the celebrated Roger Conant of Salem, Mass. He came to Concord soon after 1700. His son, Silas Conant, married Lois Potter*®. DAVIS. Dotor Davis”? came, itis probable, from Kent, England. He was in Cambridge, 1634; removed to Goncord from Barn- stable in 1655. His wife was Margery Willard®®’, a sister of Lieut. Simon Willard®®. SamuEeL Davis? settled in the part of Concord which was afterward set off as Bedford. He was a freeman, March 21, 1689-90. Hisson, Eleazer Davis®®, married Eunice Potter*?. Srmmon Davis?” married Hannah (Potter) Brown®”. He was a grandson of Lieut. Simon and Mary (Blood) Davis, 107 FARRAR. Joun Farrar? and Jacop Farrar? were proprietors in Lancaster, 1653. GrorcE Farrar2, son of Jacob Farrar of Lancaster, settled in Concord in 1692. He lived upon land then owned by his father, which land is still owned by his descendants, being now in the town of Lincoln. He married Mary How. Of their sons, George married Mary Barrett'', and Samuel married Lydia Barrett”. Dea. SaMuEL Farrar®®? lived and died upon the home place in Lincoln. Was a selectman of Concord in 1754, and after the town of Lincoln was set off from Concord, he was town clerk and representative for many years of the new town. He was chairman of the first committee of corre- spondence, and of the Middlesex Convention of Aug. 30, 1774; also a member of the first Provincial Congress, which met Oct. 11, 1774. He took part in the “Concord fight,” April 19, 1775, although being then sixty-six years of age. He was the youngest son of George Farrar, who settled in Concord, 1692, and succeeded him as deacon of the church. His wife was Lydia Barrett*®. Jupce Timorny Farrar?! of New Ipswich, N. H., grad- uate of Harvard College, 1767. “He taught school in Con- cord, Lincoln, and Framingham, then settling as a teacher in New Ipswich in 1770, also becoming a freeholder there in 1771. His farm and the school divided his attention till the War of the Revolution brought to him public trusts, 1774 to 1775. He was first selectman, and town clerk, Jan. 24, 1776. He was commissioned Justice to the Court of Common Pleas; the youngest of the twenty-nine ap- pointed at that time. From April, 1778, to May 20, 1782, he was a member of the convention for framing a new constitution ; from 1779 he was one of the thirty-two coun- cillors till the new constitution went into operation in June, 1784. Appointed March, 1791, to the bench of the Supreme Court. Appointed Chief Justice of that court, 1802, resigning in April, 1803, and accepting a reappoint- ment to Court of Common Pleas, continued until 1813. In 1816 he retired from the judiciary, after a continuous. During this time he had been Presidential elector four times, and in 1804 was appointed a trustee of Dartmouth College, holding this office for more than twenty years. He was repeatedly nominated and urged to become a candidate for Congress, and for gov- ernor of New Hampshire. He lived to be one hundred and one years seven months and twelve days of age, outliving all his collegiate contemporaries, and all the ante-Revo- lutionary graduates of Harvard College, the one hundred and fifty-three officers of the civil list in 1776, and the thirty-two councillors of the Revolution.” service of over forty years. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. JONES. Joun Jones*8 came from Cambridge to Concord about 1650. His eldest son, Samuel Jones, married Elizabeth Potter®*4, MINOTT. James Minotr’"!, 9 grandson of George Minott**, mar- ried Rebecca, daughter of Captain Timothy Whecler®®. He lived in Concord, practised medicine, was a captain, justice of peace, representative, and eminently a useful citizen. He hada family of ten children, some of whom by marriage became connected with the Adams, Barrett, Brooks, Brown, Prescott, Wheeler, and others of the old families in Concord. Dra. Grorce Minotr®® of Concord. He married, suc- cessively, Rebecca Barrett!®°, Elizabeth Barrett*’, and Mrs. Lydia (Barrett) Mann?°?. the Revolution at the taking of Burgoyne, and at several He commanded a company in other engagements. He was made a deacon of the church in 1779, and served in that office until his death. POTTER: Luxe Porrer®*’, born in England about 1608, was among the original settlers of Concord, taking up land in the south quarter. His honse-lot consisted of six and one half acres on both sides of Heywood Street (then known as “ Potter’s Lane”). His wife Mary died in 1644; he married a second time the same year, Mary, daughter of Walter Edmunds. He was one of the first deacons of the church, and took an active part in the affairs of the town, during the fifty years succeeding its settlement. It is only by his son Judah, who married Grace Brooks!™, that the name Potter is perpetu- ated in the records of Concord. Of his other children, Mary married Humpbrey Barrett, Jr.*, Dorothy married Noah Brooks!™, Elizabeth married Samuel Jones‘, and son Sam- uel married Mary Wright, and was killed by the Indians in the “ Sudbury fight ”; he died without issue. Luke Potter died in 1697. PRESCOTT. JonaTHAN Prescorr!”® was the ancestor of the Concord branch of this distinguished family. Cou. Cuartes Prescorr®*®, who married Elizabeth Bar- rett!®, was born in 1711, and died in 1779. He was a select- man in Concord six years, and represented the town nine years in the General Court. Also a colonel of militia, serving three years in the War of the Revolution. He was 108 at times a justice of the peace, and always an influential and highly honored citizen, holding many important trusts. RUSSELL. James RussELL*”, a son of James and Susanna (Farrar) Russell of Concord, and great-grandson of Benjamin Rus- sell, who came to Concord in 1860 (he being a son of William Russell, who settled in Cambridge in 1640), built a house in the south part of the town. which is still stand- ing; that location is now in the town of Carlisle. James Russell married Lydia Potter®. WILLARD. | Mason Srmon Wixiarp®*® was one of the distinguished leaders in the first settlement of the town of Concord. He came from Kent, England, and was associated with the Rev. Peter Bulkeley in the first purchase of the land from the natives. BALL. Rev. Greorer §. Bart of Upton, Mass., a Unitarian minister, born in Leominster, Mass., graduated at Meadville Theological School in 1847. society at Ware, remaining until 1849; in 1850, at Upton, Mass.; and next as associate pastor with Dr. Kendall at Plymouth, Mass.. returning in 1856 to Upton. Chosen representative from Upton and Northbridge in 1861, he resigned from this office to serve as chaplain in the 21st After the war he was again a representative, He was a member of the commis- He was ordained over the Regiment. also a State senator. sion to revise the Constitution in 1852. BARRETT. Pror. Aubert Tennison Barrerr?>? of Winchester, Tenn., a graduate of University of Rochester, 1869, receiv- ing the highest award then given at the University, viz., the first prize, “ Davis Gold Medal.” Since 1871, he has been Professor of Mathematics in Mary Sharp College at Win- chester, the eldest college for women in America, requir- ing a long course of Latin, Greek, and higher mathematics to obtain a diploma. He received the degree of LL.D. from the Southwestern Baptist University at Jackson, Tenn. Amos Barrerr®*”, of Kingsville, Ohio, was born in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y. His parents removed the winter after his birth to Pomfret, N. Y., near his paternal grandparents’ residence. At the age of fourteen he was removed with his parents to Kingsville, Ohio, and lived in that place until his death. In 1827 he married Annis M. Brown, of Fredo- nia, N. Y. They raised a family of six sons and four daugh- AY x \\ ANS \\\ \ _ \ 3 \\ \ OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. ters, all of whom are now living, excepting two daughters who died in childhood. His early life was devoted princi- pally to farming; later in life he engaged in manufacturing, trading, and fire insurance. He never lost sight of the fact that a thorough education was the greatest boon that he could bestow upon his children, and to this end he worked with all his ability, with the prayerful and devoted co-opera- tion of his wife. He joined the Baptist Church while young, and always remained a devoted and consistent member, hold- ing the office of deacon for many years. He was strictly a temperate man, never using liquor or tobacco in any form, an honest and an upright citizen, beloved and respected by all his acquaintance. In 1877 he celebrated his golden wedding, at the residence of his son, Rev. A. J. Barrett, D. D., of Rochester, N. Y., at which time he sang in a clear voice to his faithful wife a song composed for the occasion by C. W. Haywood, of Cleveland, Ohio, the music written by his son, Clinton 8. Barrett; a part of this song is ap- pended to this sketch. Amos Barrett died at his residence in Kingsville in 1886. I. Just fifty years ago, wife, You were my blooming bride; I led you to the altar, wife, My heart aglow with pride; I thought you fairer than the dawn, And purer than the snow; But you, somehow, are dearer now Than fifty years ago. II. Since fifty years ago, wife, Within our humble home What changes have we seen, wife! What sunshine and what gloom! But still, through all the varying scenes Of gladness and of woe, Your love shone bright, with calmer light Than fifty years ago. Vy. Just fifty years ago, wife, With faith in God’s good-will, We took each other’s hand, wife, To climb life’s rugged hill; Now we’ll go down the other side, With feeble steps and slow, While faith’s bright star beams brighter far Than fifty years ago. Amos Barrett,'*® of Concord, Mass., was at the “ Con- cord fight,” in the ranks; he was afterwards a captain of militia in Concord. He moved after his marriage to Union, Maine, becoming one of the first settlers of that town. Rev. Amos Jupson Barretr™”, a graduate of the Uni- versity of Rochester, N. Y., and has received the degrees of A.B., A. M., and D. D. He taught school in Nunda and Little Falls, N. Y., Kingsville, Ohio, and then in Roch- 109 ester, N. Y. He is now the pastor of the Lake Avenue Bap- tist Church, Rochester, N. Y. Asa Barrerr™? was born in Bolton, Mass. ; removed to Lancaster, and for many years was associated with Ephraim Fuller in the manufacture of wire. He afterward moved to Baltimore, Md. He held a captain’s commission in the mili- tia of Massachusetts, and was drafted in the War of 1812. An active and useful citizen, who lived to the age of ninety- one. Dr. Bensamin Barretr®*, of Northampton, Mass., a graduate of Harvard College, 1819, of Medical School, 1822. Afterwards he studied medicine with Drs. Jackson, beginning the practice at Northampton in 1823, and continuing until 1846. He was a member of the State Legislature, 1842 to 1844, and after this elected to the State Senate. Warren and Bensamin Barrett?’ served in the Revolutionary War, fought in the battles of Bennington and Cross Plains. Hon. Cartes Barret’ *, of Grafton, Vt., is a grad- uate of Dartmouth, class 1852. He has represented his town in the General Assembly, 1861-62 and 1876-79; sena- tor from Windham County, 1864 to 1869, and again, 1877 to 1882. Cou. Cartes Barretr!!”4, of Ashburnham, Mass. At the age of twenty-one he settled in Ashburnham, after com- pleting his apprenticeship at the blacksmith trade in 1809, when there were but eleven dwelling houses in the village. He built a shop, and a dwelling in which he resided for twenty-nine years. In 1835, he built the house where his son, Col. George Barrett, now resides. He early in life identified himself with all the societies and organizations for the material and moral interests of the town. In 1824 he was elected colonel of the Ninth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. He was for many years a selectman and asxessor, and in 1827 and 1834 was representative to the General Court. He was one of the principal promoters in building the Congregational church in Ashburnham, and was often chosen to fill various parish offices. After he was sev- enty years old he canvassed the town on foot to obtain sub- scriptions to defray parish expenses. He placed himself on the side of total abstinence as early as 1827 or 1828, and proved by his example that a man could perform a hard day’s labor without alcoholic stimulants. He was a man of good morals and strict honesty, and set an example by his pure life worthy of imitation. About 1835 he gave up his busi- ness of blacksmithing, and was engaged as a contractor and builder, acquiring interests in many of the enterprises of the place, and for many years was proprietor of a grain mill. Col. Charles Barrett during his long life was always pleas- ant, courteous, and gentlemanly in his intercourse with his OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. neighbors, possessed of an unselfish nature, a warm heart, and kindly feeling toward his fellow-men. Col. Barrett was a member of the Masonic order for some seventy years. When a young man he had his life insured for $1000, and when ninety-six years old, having outlived the limit of his policy, the company paid him the amount of his insur- ance. Crartes Barretr™®, of New Ipswich, N. H., “from his youth possessed an enterprising spirit, and while a young man, in connection with his brother, built the grist and saw mills in what is now Mason Village, N. H. In 1764 he came to New Ipswich, N. H. At the commencement of the Rev- olution, Mr. Barrett, by energy and industry, had made him- self one of the most prominent men of the town; but, like several of our leading men, he had strong doubts of the measures then adopted by the ardent Whigs. Having always been accustomed to state his opinion boldly and fear- lessly, he often became involved in controversies with many of the patriot party, and a large part of the people branded him as an enemy of his country ; and at one time party feel- ing ran so high that his principles were discussed in town meeting. The people soon found that honest opinions, how- ever strongly expressed, should not be punished ; and as the honesty of Mr. Barrett’s principles had never been questioned, he soon acquiesced in the measures of the new government, and paid his full share towards carrying on the war; he re- gained his popularity and the confidence of his townsmen. He was elected a delegate to the convention to ratify the Constitution of the United States, and was afterwards a mem- ber of the Senate; he served as councillor for one or more terms; was chosen representative, annually, for fourteen years, which, more than anything else, shows the confidence of his townsmen. Soon after the Revolution he obtained the grant of a township of land in Lincoln County, Maine, which was for a long time called Barrett’s town; afterwards incor- porated, and named Hope. Here he spent much of his time, and was the means of inducing many persons to emigrate there from this and the neighboring towns, to whom he freely distributed lands. In 1790 he was engaged with J. Jameson in erecting extensive mills on the falls of Georgis River. He also projected an extensive course of improvements of this river, so as to enable loaded boats to reach this township from tile water. He built upon the river the first series of locks constructed in New England, and probably in this coun- try. Mountain, and was one of the subscribers to the Academy, and made to it a donation of a tract of wild land in Camden, Maine, which was afterwards sold by him as agent of the in- He may he said to be the father of the cotton . He had an interest in the glass-house on the stitution. manufacture in the place, as Mr. Robbins, a practical ma- chinist, came here at his suggestion, and they, in connection with Benjamin Champney, erected the first cotton mill in the State. Though Mr. Barrett had received but a very or- dinary education, he possessed a very strong mind, and had 110 informed himself so as to converse well on almost any sub- ject."—From Kidder’s History of New Ipswich, N. H. Crartes Barrett’, of New Ipswich, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth College, 1794; “began a business life as a co- Mr. Appleton left the busi- In a few years after, he was followed by Mr. Barrett, whose ample means and _ busi- partner with Samuel Appleton. ness for a wider field in Boston. ness habits brought him an esteemed circle of acquaintance and friends. Here he pursued an extensive commercial trade through the trying times which our commerce passed, in that era of non-intercourse, embargo, and war, with varied success, till 1814, when he returned, with his family, to his native town, to enjoy once more the retirement of his beautiful mansion, which he had erected during the time of In 1819, Mr. Barrett was induced to Being asso- his former residence. purchase an interest in the old cotton factory. ciated with several gentlemen, he procured an act of incor- poration, under the title of the “Water Loom Factory Company.” Here they erected a large building. This prom- ising to be a good investment, two other companies were formed, of which Mr. Barrett was the head and principal manager. These establishments were built near the High Bridge and at Mason Village, with which he was connected during his life. Mr. Barrett’s life was an active one; like his father, he disliked to see an idle man. He was the principal in establishing the bank, and it was mainly from his exertions that the Unitarian church was erected, as also He was elected to fill various town offices, and for many years was the town’s rep- resentative in the General Court.” — From Hiddei’s History New Ipswich, N. H. many other public improvements. At the age of five he had a severe illness; the medicine given to Cuarues Barrett!” was born in Boston, Mass. him destroyed his hearing. He was educated at the asylum for deat-mutes at Hartford, Conn. In 1852, when the “ New England Gallaudet Association of Deat-Mutes” was formed, Mv. Barrett was chosen its treasurer; which office he con- He was of a particularly sunny and genial temperament, uni- formly lively and happy ; honest and upright in his dealings, he won the confidence and esteem of all. He was married to Abby Beals Harrt of Boston. She was remarkable for her great fidelity and charming manner of interpreting the conversation of those about them to her husband. Her father, Edmund Harrt, was the builder of the frigate “ Consti- tution”; he also designed and superintended the building of the “Boston” frigate, 1799. Mr. Barrett was for a short time engaged in business in New Ipswich, N. H., whither his parents had removed, occupying a brick house in Bank Village, erected for him by his father at the time of his mar- riage. At the death of his mother, he came into possession of the Barrett homestead at New Ipswich, and occupied that until 1848, when he sold it to his. brother George, and tinued to hold, by repeated election, until his death. wy Hy oy sty Wy Hoek i “LLAUNVE TOYORD JO HONGCISAY ‘TIVH LSayvod OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. - removed to Boston. The following beautiful tribute was paid to his memory, at the time of his death, 1862: “To all who were permitted to know him, his short and comparatively uneventful life suggests many sweet and beautiful mem- -ories, — memories of gracious, kindly intercourse, of serene cheerfulness, of Christian content. Kind and courteous to all, conscientious in the discharge of his duties, it was in the sacred circle of home that the purity and beauty of his ‘character shone with the brightest and clearest light. He was indeed the sunshine of that home, gladdening all who entered it, lavishing warmth and light with an unconscious bounty that was its chiefest charm. Nature had been so bountiful to him in the rich gifts of the heart and soul, that one scarcely remembered his privations. The closed ave- nues shut out much that might have pained his childlike gentleness of heart and tarnished his rare purity of soul; while in the sweet and sacred silence his spirit grew like a white flower in the deep, quiet woods, reaching towards the great source of light and life. he flower has withered and fallen to the earth, but the mortal germ within still lives to bloom and flourish in the new world and the new life.” Carr. Cuarues Barrerr®”, of New York, engaged at the age of fourteen as a sailor, continuing upon the sea for nine years until 1844. He graduated at Yale College, 1852; after this taking a three years’ course at Union Theological Semi- nary. From 1855 to 1876 he was a ship-master in the India, China, and Pacific trades. He was in the fleet at the taking of Fort Fisher, as a delegate of the Christian Commission, the only man serving therein without pay. He is now con- ducting a Christian mission in the city of New York. CLARENCE Tynan Barnrerr?”’ entered the service of the United States on the 2d of August, 1862, as second lieu- tenant of the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York Volun- teers; promoted to adjutant, rank of first lieutenant, Jan. 381, 1863, and to aide-de-camp, rank of captain, May 27, 1864, for gallant and meritorious service during the cam- paign against the city of Mobile and its defence; promoted Nov. 26, 1865, to brevet major. He resigned from the ser- vice, and now resides at West New Brighton, N. Y. Carr. Curmton SamueL Barrerr”’*’, of Chattanooga, Tenn., was educated principally at the Academy, Kingsville, Ohio ; subsequently a student in Nunda, N. Y., Literary In- stitution, in which institution he was promoted to the fac- ulty. Capt. Barrett served in the army, Company H, Fif- teenth Missouri Volunteers, then joining the United States Military Telegraph Corps, remaining until the close of the war. Is now travelling passenger agent for the St. Louis, Missouri and Southern Railroad, and also general land agent for the Fort Smith and Little Rock Railroad. Danten Barrett!®® settled in Camden, Me., about 1792, where he purchased of Wm. Molineaux on Beauchamp Neck, 111 built a house, and afterwards married. He was of a retiring disposition, and seldom allowed himself to be put forward He was noted for his upright char- acter, sound judgment, exactness, energy, and industry. He was a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal church for He was largely interested for any public place. many years, or until his death. in farming, stock raising, and the manufacture of lime, own- ing several lime-kilns and wharves, and also in ship-building, building and owning several vessels, among which was the brig “Eagle.” His greatest undertaking was the building of a turnpike around Mount Beatter, one that will remain a mon- ument to his industry and perseverance, as he has expressed it in one of his deeds, “as long as oaks grow and water runs.” He obtained a charter, June 23, 1802, of the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, which was entitled “An Act authorizing Daniel Barrett to make a Turnpike Road over Megantehook Mountain, in the town-of Camden, in the county of Lincoln.” This roadway he kept in repair and collected the tolls until 1834, when he sold it to the towns of Camden and Lincolnville. Ezr, Barretr™, born in Ashby, Mass., settled after his marriage in Warren, N. H. He was for many years a deacon in the Congregational church. He was greatly es- teemed for his thorough Christian and business integrity, dignified and gentlemanly deportment. He was extensively engaged in the manufacture of various farming implements for the New England market, in use at the time, he having invented the Concord scythe snaith, and also a lathe for turn- ing wood bya pattern. He was much interested in common schools, and in improving the construction of their houses. He published a singing book for Sunday-school use. His wife was Rhoda Johnson, a daughter of Col. Reuben and Rhoda Johnson. He died in 1843. Epwarp Harris Barrett’, of Minneapolis, Minn., set- tled in Springfield, Ill., and lived there until 1854, when he removed with his wife and three sons to Minnesota Territory. He built the first log-cabin on the prairie west from Winona, then a town of three buildings, —a frame hotel, a log-cabin serving as a dwelling, a store and post-office (the mail being often carried in the postmuaster’s hat), and an unenclosed The Indians had heen taken from that part of the prairie the previous year. warehouse. Mr. Barrett’s cabin was, like all others in the new country, nightly filled with Eastern travellers, curious to see the wonders of the far-famed Ter- ritory. During the prevalence of cholera in the spring of 1855, a large colony of Dunkards emigrated from Indiana, and many died on the way and after reaching Minnesota, be- fore they could provide comfortable shelter. Four of a fam- ily, with six children, died at Mr. Barrett’s in four days. The funeral, the first public religious service held in town, was at the cabin, and was succeeded by a weekly Sunday school, organized and conducted by Mr. Barrett, and Sunday services by the pastor of the colony and various preachers of any OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. denomination who came around. The first day school met there, also the earliest town meetings, courts, and elections, Mr. Barrett holding several town, county, State, and United States offices. He left his farm to obtain better school and religious privileges, and moved farther west, to Wasioja, in 1866, thence to Minneapolis, where he and his son Frank had previously established the Asbestine Stone Company, for manufacturing artificial stone. GeEorce Minorr Barrett, of Grafton, Vt., was clerk for many years in Grafton for his uncle, Capt. John Barrett, and succeeded to the business, which he conducted for nearly fifty years successfully, and gained the esteem of all that had relations with him. He died in 1883. > Georce Barretr!”®, born in New Ipswich, N. H., was’ for a time clerk for his cousin, Henry Melville, in. Nelson, N. H., where he lived for several years, then returning to He arter- wards removed to Boston, entering into a copartnership with Silas Bullard (they were agents for the sale of cotton goods which were made at the factories in New Ipswich, Mr. New Ipswich, where he fora time kept a store. Barrett’s futher being a large owner in these factories), con- tinuing until the death of Mr. Bullard, in 1835. He resided in Boston seven years after his marriage, then re- turning to New Ipswich, living at the family mansion until the death of his mother. He succeeded Mr. Ainsworth as cashier of the bank at New Ipswich, and retained that posi- tion until illness obliged him to resign. After his election, he removed to the Bank Village, where the bank was then located ; it was removed to its present location about the year 1845. Soon after this his brother Charles removed to Boston, and as it was George Barrett’s great wish to own Forest Hall, the family homestead in New Ipswich, he pur- chased it, and lived there the remainder of his life. Although devoted to his business, he found great pleasure in beautify- ing his fine country home. All kinds of country pursuits gave him keen enjoyment. His business qualifications were very fine, and his honesty and uprightness were such that persons often said of him, “ His word is as good as his bond.” A man of kindest heart and most generous impulses, and all of the many whom he numbered among his friends enter- tained for him the highest esteem and regard. One of his marked tastes was his great love of Shakespeare. He read and reread Shakespeare’s plays, and could recite whole pages from his works. He died in 1862, after a painful illness of two years, which he bore with great fortitude. His wife still survives him, and lives in the old homestead, Forest Hall. A very pleasing incident in Mr. Barrett’s life was his interview with Samuel Appleton, Esq., of Boston. Mr. Appleton’s letter, and Mr. Barrett’s account of the interview, are as follows :— Boston, May 27, 1850. GEORGE BARRETT, Esq. Dear Sir, —I will thank you to call on me, at my house in Boston, as it is convenient for you so to do (it may be, perhaps, for their inter- 112 ext), respecting the descendants of my early friend, your grandfather, . the late Hon. Charles Barrett. Please write me and say when prob-- ably you will call on me. Very respectfully, Your friend and humble servant, SAMUEL APPLETON. “On receipt of the above, I made arrangements and started for Boston. I called on Mr. Appleton, and he said: ‘ Your grandfather met me in the street, when I was young and very poor, and took a fancy to me (for what reason I do not know, nor can I conceive to this day). He had large quantities of land in Maine, and sent me, with others, to settle the town of Hope. The others were to pay one hun-. dred dollars each, for their farms; mine he gave me, but I did not like it, and returned. He still fancied me, and told me he would put me into trade. He did. He built a store for me, lent me sufficient money, gave me an unlimited letter of credit on Samuel Parkman of Boston, took me with his own family to board, and told me that if I lost the money he was satisfied; if I never paid him for board he was satis-- fied; that I might pay him part of profits, if I pleased, or In fact, left it all to me to do as I pleased. Mr. Barrett was the origin of the wealth of our family, for: not. if it had not been for him, I probably should never have gone to Boston.’ He then inquired how many heirs my father’s sister, Mrs. Dana, had. I told him five. He knew we had but three. He then said: ‘I want to make some small presents on account of my early friend, your grand-- father, the Hon. Charles Barrett, and I propose tive thou-. sand dollars for yourself, your brother Charles, and Mrs. Hersey.’ He handed me a check for that amount on the Columbian Bank, and the following receipt, in his own hand-- writing, to sign : — Received of Samuel Appleton, Five Thousand Dollars, which sum. is given, as he says, for the kindness and patronage he received from my grandfather, the Hon. Charles Barrett, in early life, when he was young and poor. JI promise to pay over to my sister, Mrs. Hersey, one third of it, and to my brother, Charles Barrett, one third. It will stand thus: — For Mrs. Hersey $1,666.67 For Charles Barrett . 1,666.67 For myself, George Barrett 1,666 66 $5,000.00 Boston, May 29, 1850. “He also requested me to see Gen. James Dana, my cousin, and tell him to call, and he would receive a check for five thousand dollars.” The following notice appeared in the Boston Daily Adver- tiser: “Samuel Appleton, Esq., has recently bestowed ten. thousand dollars upon the descendants of an early friend. It is pleasing to record this act of private munificence, which reflects so much honor upon the heart of the generous donor.” Grorcr Mrnotr Barrerr®!™, of Staten Island, N. Y., settled at first in Malden, Mass. He was connected with his brother William’s dye-house, and about 1818 visited Staten. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. Island, N. Y., in company with his brother William, Wm. Tileston, and Farnham Hall, for the purpose of selecting a suitable location for erecting a dye-house. They purchased about sixteen acres of land on the north shore of the island, and immediately commenced to erect suitable buildings, or- ganized and commenced work 1819. In 1824, the business having proved successful, was organized into a stock com- pany, under the name of the “New York Dyeing and Print- ing Establishment,” under which name the business is still continued. Mr. Barrett was appointed chief superintendent, and held the position for many years, being a director until his death. Grorce Hussert. Barretr?”*? of Oakland, Cal. He left his home at the age of fifteen; attended school at Kings- ville Academy one year; he taught school during two winters, and was a part of the time a clerk in a store in Springfield, Pa., until he was eighteen years of age ; he then moved to Wisconsin, from thence to California, and there engaged iu farming. In the time of the War of the Rebel- lion he was orderly sergeant of cavalry in the Honie Guards, the State having armed ten thousand men for home safety, in the absence of the regulars. He moved, in 1875, from San Pueblo to Oakland. Humpurey Barrett’ was born at the Barrett home- stead in Bolton. watch-making trade. He was for many years successful at the He moved to Lancaster, where he was the postmaster for more than thirty years, and at the same time continuing in the watch-making trade. In 1884 he went to Eustis, Fla., and died there the following year. Humrnrey Barrerr®® owned and lived upon the farm where his ancestor, Humphrey Barrett, settled in 1640. A farmer, managing his farm with prudence and economy, making the returns profitable. He was assessor of taxes 1783, town treasurer 1792-93. He died in 1827, without issue, willing nearly all of his property to his nephew, Albert B. Heywood. Henry Barretr?®? of Malden, Mass., after the death of his father in 1834, formed a company with his brothers Wil_ liam and Simon H., and Henry Jaques, to continue the dye- ing business at Malden. Upon the death of William, about four years later, the company was reorganized, with Mr. Barrett and his brothers Simon H., Augustus, and Aaron as members. About 1844, Simon H. and Augustus relin- quished their interests, after which time Mr. Barrett and his brother Aaron carried on the business until the death of Aaron, 1878; Mr. Barrett continuing it alone till the present time, his son, Richard S., now having the principal manage- ment of the business. ‘The works were removed in 1882 to Somerville, Mass. Mr. Barrett was for several years presi- dent of the Middlesex Savings Bank, and has been personally interested in the welfare of his native town. 113 Hon. Josrex Barret!!! of Concord, Mass., a grandson of Col. James Barrett, of Revolutionary fame; his mother was Miliscent Estabrook, granddaughter of Rev. Joseph Esta- brook, who was for years a minister of the town, and whose ancestry traces back to the Rev. Peter Bulkeley, the first minister in Concord. He received such educational advan- tages only as were afforded hy the common schools, with the addition of a few months spent at the Westford Academy. While yet a boy he gave promising indications of the physi- cal powers that he was to be so noted for in after years. When about fifteen years of age, with his father upon his back, a man who weighed two hundred and sixty pounds, he forded the Assabet River. He learned the trade of leather dresser in New Haven, Conn., of his brother-in-law, and car- ried on that kind of business in Concord hefore his majority. Appointed deputy sheriff of the county and keeper of the jail at the age of twenty-five. In this capacity he became fa- miliarly known, it falling generally to his lot to arrest the desperate characters. Many stories are told of his fearless courage and feats of strength required in executing the duties of this office. He was also, about this time, elected captain of the military company known vulgarly as the “ Old Shad,” then in a state bordering on insubordination, and under his discipline reduced to perfect subjection. In 1822 he became the owner of the famous “ Lee Farm,” of four hundred acres ; added to this was one hundred acres of outlying land; this, with his large sheep farm in New Hampshire, made him one of the most extensive farmers of the State, keeping hundreds of sheep and cattle; scores of horses and oxen grazed upon his hills or labored in tilling his lands. He excelled in his various undertakings; his product of wool was of the finest, winning the first prizes at the fairs; and in the great plough- ing matches with the farmers, “Squire Joe,” as he was famil- iarly called, was sure to come out ahead. He made large quantities of cider each season, often five hundred barrels or more. As instances of his strength, it is told that he could lift, unaided, a barrel of cider over the wheels and into his wagon. He one time shouldered and carried up two flights of stairs a bag containing over eight bushels of shelled corn. Though upwards of six feet in height and weighing about two hundred and fifty pounds, he handled pitchforks, hoes, and other small tools about his farm with great strength, but with ease and natural facility ; could dance as lightly upon the floor as those of slighter build; and it was his wont to enter church He was always very active in the town offices; was chairman of the during prayer-time without disturbing the worship. board of assessors, chairman of the board of selectmen, pres- ident of the fire association, and fire-warden, president of the Middlesex Agricultural Society, and held other minor offices. In 1831 he was elected to the State Legislature, and again, frequently, in subsequent years. In 1845 elected Treasurer and Receiver-General of the State, and was re-elected four times, being in the office at the time of bis death. Joseph Barrett was a Concord product, purely ; all his ancestry in this country were of Concord origin, or settlers of the town. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, A man of temperate habits, warm-hearted, generous, and possessing those traits of character which endeared him alike to both family and friends. He died suddenly, of heart dis- case, in his seventy-first year, in 1849. Hon. Jonatuan Fay Barrerr?!*4, of Concord, in his youth attended Mrs. Bliss’ private school in Concord. While in attendance there he was the playmate and class- mate of Judge Hoar; the friendship then formed was firmly cemented in the intercourse of riper years. At a public meeting, held in the Concord Town Hall during the congres- sional contest between Judge Hoar and Gen. Butler, Mr. Barrett’s love and esteem for his old schoolmate manifested itself in an eloquent and fiery attack upon the Judge’s maligners, which few who heard will ever forget. He was one of the famous class of Harvard College, 1837. In 1855, Mr. Barrett, with Thomas W. Pierce, and other Boston cap- italists, became interested in railroad enterprises, and went to Galveston, Texas, where he originated and afterwards be- came the president of the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railroad, running between Galveston and Harrisburgh, and now a part of the great Texas Central Railway system. In religious matters he was somewhat of a free-thinker, but friendly to the church and its people, and an attendant at the Unitarian church in his native town for several years. IsraEL Barretr®**, of Oneida County, N. Y., served in the operations against Nova Scotia in Capt. Ward’s com- pany, and was taken prisoner September, 1775; he also served in the War of the Revolution. JaMES Barrett), the eldest son of Col. James Barrett, was born in Concord, in the old block-house now known as the Prescott Barrett Homestead, and made famous as_ the hiding-place for military stores on the 19th of April, 1775. He certainly began life in an exceedingly small way, for it is related that at the time of his birth he was placed, without squeezing, into a quart tankard; but, like the oak, he was not daunted by so small a beginning, for on arriving at man- hood he measured fully six feet, being broad-shouldered and strong. While a young man he worked on his father’s farm, getting his education from the schools of the town. July 4, 1758, being then twenty-five years of age, he married Miliscent Estabrook, granddaughter of the Rev. Joseph Esta- brook. He settled on the farm now known as the Geo. M. Barrett Homestead, the house he built, where he ever after- ward lived. He assisted his father in the preparations to resist the British in 1775, and was a participant in the “ Con- cord fight.” Hearing that a company of the invaders were on their way to search his house and that of his father, and realizing that his wife and seven little children were left un- protected, he’mounted his horse and rode with all speed to their assistance. On reaching home, he found his house locked and its occupants gone. It seems his wife, hearing that the enemy were coming, had gathered her husband’s papers, 114 MASSACHUSETTS. and their little stock of silver, placing them in a bushel basket, then depositing the baby on top she started with her burden for the woods, followed by the rest of the chil- dren, where her husband found her. A kind and indulgent father, his children were brought up in the strictest manner. A religious man, he believed and insisted that no work should be done, other than was necessary, after sundown on a Saturday, but that the evening before the Sabbath should be spent in prayer and meditation. He required all his household to attend church, and his daughters were never allowed to receive callers on Sunday. He was an extensive farmer, and one of the leading men of the town; he trans- acted a good deal of legal business for his neighbors, as law- yers were then a rarity; he was noted for his business ability and strict integrity. He was a justice of the peace, and a member of the first, last, and most of the intermediate Revo- He represented his He died in his sixty-fourth year, and was buried in the Hill burying- lutionary committees of correspondence. town several times in the General Court. ground. Masor James AtwaTerR Barrert?”® served throughout the Rebellion, having enlisted in July, 1861, as first sergeant in Company H, Forty-eighth Regiment, New York Volun- teer Infantry, and was mustered out Sept. 1, 1865. Ser- geant Barrett was promoted to second lieutenant Dec. 29, 1862, and to first lieatenant July 23, 1863; receiving then a furlough of two months, he visited his home in Concord, Mass., returning to his regiment in September. He was wounded in battle June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor; then, after a furlough of three months spent at the North, he rejoined his regiment at Petersburg, Va. Captain Barrett married Jane Farmer*®. He died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1885. Capt. Joun Barrett’, Born in Mason, N. H., he lived during his minority upon his father’s farm, removing to Grafton, Vt., about 1805, then engaging in mercantile business with Nathan Wheeler. part in the affairs of the town; he was chosen a selectman in He at once took an active 1807, and for several years succeeding ; chosen a representa- tive to the General Assembly in 1811, and re-elected five terms. The business copartnership of Wheeler & Barrett continued about ten years, after which Mr. Wheeler remained at the old stand, and Mr. Barrett built the brick building (now the town house), which he occupied as a store until 1828, when he retired from business, having accumulated a handsome property, and gained a thorough and honest business reputation. Always an active member of the Congregational society, he became a member of the church in 1833. When that society was divided, he was prominent as a member of the South Congregational Society, contributing a large share of the funds required in building the church. He was State senator, 1841 and 1842. He died in 1856. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. Rey. Joun Barrer, familiarly known in life as Father Barrett, a faithful minister of the Gospel, graduated at Wil- liams College, 1810. He was employed fora time by the Evangelical Society, and was ordained at Mesopotamia, Ohio, 1827. He died without issue, in 1849. Joun Lyman Barrerr!* of Greeley, Col., a graduate of Burr Seminary, Manchester, Vt., 1847. He taught school several years in Georgia and Louisiana; was ad- mitted to the bar, 1855, beginning law practice at Farmers- ville Union Parish, La. tutional Convention of Louisiana, 1868, and removed to Greeley, 1874. He was a member of the Consti- Rev. Jonny P. Barrerr®”’, of Farmington, Iil., titted for college at Watertown High School, graduating from Havard College, 1864; spent one year at Andover Theologi- cal Seminary, when ill health compelled him to abandon study. From 1865 to 1876 he entered into business con- nections at Boston, St. Louis, and Chicago. In 1877 he graduated from the Chicago Theological Seminary, and was ordained and settled as pastor of the Congregational church at Manchester, Iowa, 1877; at Hennepin, Ill., 1881; thence to Farmington, Iil., where he is now preaching. He also served for a short time with the Christian Commission. Carr. Joun Mituer Barrerr’”® of Baltimore, Md., a captain of militia, and took a prominent part in the defence of Baltimore in the War of 1812, raising a company of his own, which did valuable service, in recognition of which Congress gave him a commission in the Regular Army as lieutenant, Fourth Regiment. He was stricken with yellow fever, and died, leaving an enviable reputation as a soldier. His monument at Baltimore bears the following inscription : * John M. Barrett, Lieut. 5th Reg. U.S. Infantry and Com- missary U. S. A., died in passage from New Orleans to Mobile, Oct. 16, 1819. A defender of Fort McHenry and Lieut. of the 38th U. S. Infantry of the line during the War of 1812.” Joun Leany Barrett, of Baltimore, Md., resided in New York City from 1844 to 1869, when he returned to Baltimore and engaged with his brother Minott in the gild- ing trade. He is now retired from business. Lazut. Jonas Barrett, born in Concord, settled in Ashby (then Townsend) in 1760, when the town was a wil- derness; built a log-hut and began clearing his farm; in 1764-5 he built his dwelling-house, which is still standing. Lieut. Barrett was one of the leading men of the town; he was a selectman of Townsend, 1767, and in May, 1768, was elected selectman of the new town, Ashby, and re-elected 1773 and 1774; assessor, 1769; treasurer, 1771 to 1774; town clerk, 1772-74; constable, 1775. He died in Ashby, 1803. 115 Jonas Stone Barrerr!®! is mentioned in the “ History of Belfast, Me.,” as having a peculiar religious belief, which he set forth in a pamphlet entitled “New Views of the Bible, and its Abuses by the Priests,” which was published in 1842. He removed to California, and died there in 1864. Carr. Josepun Barrerr!!? removed from Concord to Mason, N. H., before that town was incorporated, and set- tled upon the farm which is still owned by his descendants. He was an industrious farmer, and had the esteem of his fellow-citizens. He was town clerk fourteen years, first selectman fourteen years, town treasurer twelve years, and representative four years. He died in 1831. Rev. Josnua Barrerr!"!7, a graduate from Dartmouth College, 1810. He studied theology and engaged in preach- ing and as a missionary, and was ordained over the Second Church at Plymouth, Mass., Jan. 11, 1826. He died 1868. Rev. LutHer G. Barrerr™!® at the age of ten went to reside with a relative in Sturbridge, Mass. Here, at the age of twelve, he was converted and baptized into fellowship with the Baptist Church. At sixteen he entered the High School in Watertown, his native place, thence to Harvard College, graduating in 1862; also graduated from the New- ton Theological Seminary, class of 1865. While a student at the seminary, he spent most of the winters 1864 and 1865 in the service of the Christian Commission, in the army before Richmond; was ordained to the ministry at Watertown, Sept. 7, 1865. Ill health now compelled a rest, during which he made the tour of Europe. In September, 1867, he accepted the pastorate of the Baptist church in Weston, Mass. ; called to Winchester, Mass., 1870; in 1875 to a Baptist church in New York City; in July, 1878, to the church in South Abington, Mass; in July, 1880, of the Pleasant Street Baptist Church, Concord, Mass. Myron Erastus Barrerr®**® of Niles, Mich. He was a teacher of writing in Cochrane Commercial College, in Detroit, Mich., in 1856, and afterwards established a college at Kingsville, Ohio, conducting it successfully until it was destroyed by tire. He then moved to Niles, Mich., and is principal and proprietor of Barrett’s Commercial College, St. Joseph’s, Mich. Cou. Narain Barrerr!®* was the second son of Col. James Barrett, born in Concord, and was the first of the Ponkatasset Hill, or Buarrett’s Hill, as some- times called, he having come into possession of this estate in 1761. Hunt, and raised a family of fifteen chiidren, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. name on He married Meriam, a daughter of Dr. Simon He was a man of high character, prominent in public affairs, public-spirited, ener- getic, and charitable. At “Concord Sght” he was captain of the third militia company, and while in pursuit of the Brit- OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. ish was wounded in the arm. S. Barrett, of Battle Lawn, Concord, has in his possession five commissions given to this ancestor, viz. : ensign’s com- mission, dated March 26, 1776, from George II., by Gov. Francis Bernard ; captain’s commission, July 10, 1773, also from George III., by Gov. Thomas Hutchinson; major’s commission, Feb. 14. 1776, signed by the Council of Massa- chusetts Bay; lieutenant-colonel’s commission, May 3, 1779, also signed by the Council; and a further lieutenant- His great-grandson, Edwin colonel’s commission, July 1, 1781, given by John Han- cock, the first governor. “On the retreat from Concord of the British, April 19, 1775, Major Pitcairn was wounded, and fell from his horse. The animal was captured by the Americans, and subsequently sold at Concord. On the back of his horse was Major Pitcairn’s holster, containing his pis- tols. Capt. Barrett bought them, and offered them to Gen. Washington, then in command of the Provincial army around Boston. Gen. Washington declining to accept them, Capt. Barrett then presented them to Gen. Israel Putnam, who used them until the close of the war, when they came into the possession of the general’s son, and were by him willed to a grandson of the general, John P. Putnam. These were exhibited at the Centennial. length, made of steel, with flint-lock attachments of the Revolutionary period.” They are about one foot in Naruan Barretr?!“?, known as the second Nathan Bar- rett, was born on Ponkatasset Hill, in Concord. He was not, like his immediate ancestors, active in the military call- ing, being affected with a slight lameness. As an energetic business man he had few superiors; with a strong mental grasp. he was equal to all emergencies of life; his counsel and advice were always in demand. Benevolent in disposi- tion, ever ready to aid the needy, he died greatly lamented. His wife was Mary Jones*®!. Cart. Natuan Barrert?!®°, the third Nathan, and the last of his race on Ponkatasset Hill. Capt. Barrett carried on during his life the large farm left to him from his ancestors, and the title of “ Honest Nathan” was given to him by his neighbors and friends. Being kind-hearted, charitable, and a thorough Christian gentleman, he earned the high esteem of his townsmen. He was twice married; first to Mary S. Fuller, and a second time to his cousin, Lucy A. Barrett?5!*, Cot. Natnax Barretr”!®, of Staten Island, N. Y., was a colonel of New York militia about 1830. He was a Chris- tian and a philanthropist, highly esteemed and_ beloved. It was due to his exertions that the county house of his county was greatly improved. Natuan M. Barrerr??*? was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion; enlisted in Company I, One Hundred Fifty-sixth Regiment New York Volunteers, serving three years and four months. He was at the battles of Winchester, Fisher 116 Hill, and Cedar Creek. At Augusta, Ga., he received, with several others, a commission as first lieutenant from Gov. Seymour of New York, as a complimentary testimonial. He In 1866 he crossed the plains, and for two years thereafter was engaged in gold was discharged Nov. 15, 1865. mining. Naruan F. Barrerr?®*®, of New York, enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Regiment, Company I, New York State Volunteers, Sept. 19, 1862; served in the Nineteenth Army Corps in Louisiana under Banks through the Port Hudson and Red River campaigns. He joined Sheridan’s army at Washington, about August, 1864, and was in the Shenandoah campaign throughout. He was wounded at Cedar Creek in the left arm; joined Sherman’s army at Savannah, and was in a division of Nineteenth Army Corps which relieved Gen. Geary at Savannah; was again in Sherman’s army at Goldsboro, N. C., and was there at Johnston’s surrender. Mustered out of service at Hart’s Island, New York, Nov. 9, 1865, holding commissions of second and first lieutenants and sergeant-major. He is now a professor of landscape engineering. He designed the well-known town of Pullman, IIl. Major Oniver Barrert™*, of Bolton, lived in the old Barrett homestead ; held a major’s commission in the militia of Massachusetts, and filled various offices of trust in the town and parish. Dr. Perry Gorpon Barrerr®”! graduated an M. D. at the Buffalo, N. Y., Medical College, then settled at Walnut Creek, Kan., remaining there until after the death of his He entered the United States Army in 1862, at Corinth, Miss., under contract until a vacancy for surgeon first wife. should occur. His first commission was assistant surgeon of the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Corps. prisoner at Rogersville, Tenn., and incarcerated in Libby Prison, at Richmond, Nov. 10, 1863. His treatment while a prisoner was such as characterized that infamous prison. Gen. He was taken a Neal Dow and Col. Streight were prisoners on the same He remained for After a furlough of two weeks, he was ordered to join the command, near Knoxville, Tenn. He attempted to do so; the depri- vations and cruelties of his prison life had so affected his health that he was obliged to go into the hospital at Camp Nelson, near Lexington, Ky., and did not recover till the following spring, joining the command at the time of the exciting chase after Morgan and his command, June 13, 1864. At the time of his promotion to the position of sur- geon of the Thirty-first United States Colored Troops he was ordered to join the forces then commanded by Gen. Grant, before Richmond and Petersburg, Va., where he re- After this, his regiment was ordered to Texas, remaining during floor at the time, in other departments. three weeks in Libby Prison, until his exchange. mained in service until .after the surrender of Lee. WN ANN AY Ze eee Zp, EGE i Gp Za Ee egg EE Ze Pr eo ny Le Lg eae Levee LE Eo Lge ee LLL pee Ze LI zzz ie ee LET oe fe Ge LIES. ee ey Leg: EG ZZ ee OTE NET OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. the summer on the east bank of the Rio Grande, at various points for a distance of two hundred miles; returning with his regiment to Hartford, Conn., Dec. 1, 1865, where he was mustered out of service. He resumed the practice of medicine at Erie, Pa., 1867, thence removed to Hood River, Oregon, in 1871. Carr. Ricnarp Barrerr®!®, of Concord, Mass., derived his education from the public schools of the town, spend- ing his spare time upon his father’s large farm, taking a great interest in its affairs. He joined the Concord Artil- lery in 1837, thus following in the footsteps of his fore- fathers ; elected captain at the age of twenty-two, and hold- ing that position nearly all the time until 1871. At the time of election to the captaincy of the Artillery, there was great rivalry existing between it and the Infantry, both famous organizations, thus necessitating incessant labor and energy in each of the captains of these organizations to endeavor to bring his company to the head. At the time of his father’s death, in 1849, he became the owner of the “Lee Farm,” which he sold some years later. He was in the grain business in Boston, and subsequently in the lumber busi- ness at Manchester, Vt., returning to Concord in 1855. In the War of the Rebellion he was captain of the Concord Artillery, Company G, Forty-seventh Regiment Massachu- setts Volunteers, in the Department of the Gulf, under Gen. Banks. Returning in 1863, he occupied a position in the United States marshal’s office in Boston. In 1864 he be- came secretary and treasurer of the Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company, still occupying the position; twice elected to the Legislature, in 1859 and 1879; alwaysa Re- publican, and a loyal supporter of his party. In early life, he was one of the selectmen, and for many years chairman of the board of assessors. He was greatly interested in the Middlesex Agricultural Society, and for some years its treasurer. Capt. Barrett resides on a fine farm, situated at the foot of Ponkatasset Hill, about one mile from the centre of the town. Carr. Ricoarp Fay Barretr?!°, of Concord, Mass., spent a few of his early years with his uncle in Providence, going from thence to New York City, where he remained several years, then returning to Concord to take a position in the Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company’s office, and is now the assistant secretary of that company. Capt. Barrett was for several years captain of the Concord Artil- lery and Infantry Company attached to the Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. He has held the office of selectman and other town offices. Roswexty Barrett of Bolton, Mass., a farmer, land surveyor, and justice of the peace, residing upon the Barrett homestead in Bolton. Mr. Barrett taught school for twenty- five years, and for more than forty years has been a member of the school committee, and has also held nearly every office 117 within the gift of the town and parish. He married his cousin, Sarah Josephine Barrett™!. Dea. SamueL Barretr!®® of Concord, Mass. The fol- lowing is from the WWew England Chronicle, Dec. 14, 1775: We hear from Concord, that a fine laboratory for gun mak- ing is set up there, by Dea. Barrett, where every branch of that business is carried on; as the laboratory has the advan- tage of a water power, the boring, grinding, and polishing are done by that means.” Masor Samuer. Barretr?"’ of Jamestown, N. Y. Dur- ing his minority he resided with his sister in Newfane, Vt., who had married Eli Crosby, Esq. He settled in James- town in 1816; after his marriage he was for a time landlord of the Cass House, a hotel then standing where now is the Jamestown House. Major Barrett soon became a leading citizen, and was a prominent man in all business matters pertaining to the town during his long life. When a young man he was a candidate, in opposition to the late Gen. Ris- ley, for the office of sheriff, on the Clintonian ticket. He was at times member of various mercantile copartnerships, one of the directors of the Chautauqua County Bank at the time of its organization. In 1835 he was elected president of the bank, to succeed Hon. E. T. Foot, its first president, who then resigned; this position he retained to the time of his death. For several years supervisor of Jamestown, and one year member of the State Assembly ; filling all of these various positions creditably. A man of useful common-sense and sound judgment, of unquestioned integrity in public life, commanding also the confidence and respect of his asso- ciates in all the relations of life. He celebrated his golden wedding in 1868. SterHen Barrett! *, of Concord, Mass., was a farmer and kept a tannery. He was a selectman, 1802 to 1807, and deputy representative, 1811. STEPHEN Barrett®*°, of Shirley, Mass., learned the trade of tanning with his father. He bought a tannery in Shirley in 1801, removed there and continued in the business until his death. SrepHen Barretr**? of Sangersfield, N. Y. He was one of the original settlers in Paris, N. Y., being the third person to locate there in 1789. He remained in Paris six years, and then moved to Sangersfield, N. Y. He was a selectman in Paris, also justice in the town of Mohawk. He was 2 soldier in the War of the Revolution for three years. SterHeN Barrerr®*’? moved with his parents in 1804 to Chautauqua County, N. Y. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, in Capt. Martin B. Tuft’s company, of New York State Militia. He moved with his family to Kingsville, Ohio, in 1821. In 1838 he moved, with a wife and nine OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. daughters, to Beloit, Wis., near which place he had taken One of his first ef- forts, after settling in his new home, was to aid in the organ- up a claim of land the previous year. ization of a Baptist church, his family making more than one half of the original membership. He and his wife con- tinued to be members of this church until their death. In 1861, having been prosperous in their undertakings, they gave up housekeeping and lived until their deaths with their children. They were buried in Silver Lake Cemetery, Port- tage, Wis. Mr. Barrett was familiarly known as Dea. Barrett. Having a very large number of friends and ac- quaintance, his aid and counsel were sought by those in need, and none ever left him, on such occasions, regretfully. He lived a truly religious life. Pror. STeruHen P. Barrerr?”*, of Lincoln, Neb., received his early education at the Kingsville Academy, beginning teaching in 1851, and taught in their order at the following places: Plymouth, Ohio, Raysville and Waterbury, Pa., Geneva and Harpersfield, Ohio, and in 1855 in Nunda, N. Y., Literary Institution; following this he entered the University of Rochester, graduating in the classical course July, 1859, degree of A. B., subsequently, in 1864, the de- gree of A. M. He was principal of boys’ school, Chatta- nooga, Tenn., two years; public schools, Buchanan, Mich., seven years; schools of the “Dalles,” Oregon, four years ; Baker City Academy, Oregon, three years ; and now princi- pal of High School, Lincoln, Neb. Carr. Turovore A. Barrerr*? of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Barrett, when a boy, worked upon his step-father’s farm and in the office of the Yeoman Gazette until about 1834 (his father was at one time editor of the Yeoman Ga- zette and Concord Freeman, published at Concord, Mass.), when he ran away from home and shipped in the United States Navy at Charlestown, and was drafted to the frigate *Potomac,” for the Mediterranean station; arriving at that station, he was promoted to ship-yeoman. He followed the sea, being promoted in the various grades and given the com- mand of a ship in 1844. In 1861 he took the command of a steamer to be fitted out to capture blockade runners. Before the day he was to report for duty, he was attacked by inflam- matory rheumatism, and compelled to resign the command. Wiiram Barrerr?!4*, of Malden, Mass., served an ap- prenticeship at the clothing trade with a Mr. Minott of Bil- lerica, where he learned something of the trade of dyeing. After finishing his trade he went to Charlestown, Mass. ; here he made the acquaintance of a Mr. Thompson, an Eng- lishman, who was in the dyeing business in a small way. Mr. Barrett engaged with him and gained a thorough knowl- edge of the business, and afterwards came to have an interest in the business. Mr. Thompson neglected the work, being a man of unsteady habits. Mr. Barrett then determined to start for himself alone, and looking for a suitable location for 118 the growing business, he removed to Malden in 1804, and established his dye-works in that place. About 1808 he en- gaged in copartnership with Meshack Shattuck, as Barrett & Shattuck. This firm was dissolved at the death of Mr. Shattuck (by suicide), Dec. 11, 1811, Mr. Barrett continu- ing alone until his death. In 1816 all of his buildings were burned, they being of wood; he immediately rebuilt of brick, and of considerably enlarged capacity. His profitable business he left to his sons. Mr. Barrett was a public- spirited man, and took a forward part in any enterprise for the benefit of his town. BROWN. Rev. Apison Brown*? graduated at Cambridge, 1826. He studied for the ministry at the Cambridge Theological School, and was settled over the Unitarian church and society of Brattleboro, Vt., 1832. He was a faithful pastor and well-beloved minister of the church for many years; his health failing, he was obliged to relinquish preaching for a while. Recovering his health partially, he established a school in Brattleboro, which he carried on for some years. He then became editor of the Vermont Phoenix, and was connected with that paper till nearly the close of his life. He never relinquished the ministry ; he loved his profession and, continued to preach, as opportunity offered and health permitted, up to within a year or two of his death, which occurred in 1872. He was an upright man, respected and loved by all who knew him. Amos Brown®*?’, of New Ipswich, N. H., was a farmer, and for a few years after his marriage he kept a store on the turnpike near his residence. In religious belief he was a Baptist, and for many years was a deacon of the Baptist He was always particular to have daily family worship. He church, thus following in the footsteps of his father. married his cousin, Hannah Brown*?, who was always a faithful sympathizer with her husband in his religious opin- Both were constant in attending church. Amos Brown did much toward the support of the church. He built a Baptist church mostly at his own expense, and paid ions. largely toward the support of the minister. He was for some time 2 selectman of his town. Lizur. Cyrus Brown*!®3 was a civil engineer. He en- tered the Union Army soon after the breaking out of the Re- bellion, and was promoted to the office of lieutenant in the One Hundredth New York Volunteers. He was wounded at the storming of Fort Wagner, near Charleston, 8S. C., July 18, 1863; he remained on the battle-field all night, protect- ing himself by burrowing in the sand; was captured by the Confederates in the morning and taken five miles to Charles- ton, where his shattered leg was amputated. In five days he was exchanged and taken to a hospital near New York, where he died Aug. 13, 1868. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. Lizut. Cyrus W. Brown*™!, of Joliet, Ill., entered the Union Army in 1862. In 1863 he received his lieutenant’s commission in the Third Pennsylvania Colored Regiment. He served in the approaches that compelled the evacuation of Fort Wayne, Morris Island, in 1864; also was with Gen. Seymour’s expedition into Florida; he served as an adjutant in the regiment. He has been four years State’s attorney for Mill County, Ill. Carr. Guy A. Brown®*!, of Lincoln, Neb., is reporter for the Superior Court of Nebraska and State librarian. He enlisted in the Union Army, 1862, and served therein till the close of the war. He was a captain in the Ninth New York Artillery. Herman Brown**3 was for many years deacon in the Baptist church, following thus in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. His high religious and moral character was made known by his life and works. Rev. Joun Brown*” received a good education in the grammar schools of Concord. He was a Baptist, and fre- quently in his early life preached in various places, whenever he received a call to do so. He removed, in 1817, from his farm in Sharon, N. H., with his family to Alexander, N. Y. Joun W. Brown®”, of Batavia, N. Y.,isa farmer. Has been elected several times to minor offices in his town, and five times to the office of supervisor; and has for two terms represented the county in the State Legislature. Joun J. Brown, M. D.*!!°, of Sheboygan, Wis. Educated himself for a physician, and practised medicine for several years. He has made several trips to tropical climes to gather specimens of conchology and botany; has devoted part of his time to teaching; has taken an active part in public questions and occupied places of public trust. Rev. Joun S. Brown*™ of Lawrence, Kan. A grad- uate of Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., and Union Col- lege, 1834. He taught school until he was settled as min- ister over the First Congregational Society and Church at Fitzwilliam, N. H., in 1844; removing from thence to Ashby, Mass., and with his family, to Lawrence, Kan., in 1857. Rev. JosernH Brown®?? was educated for the ministry, and settled first in 1795 in Shapleigh, Me., over the Congre- gational church. He removed to Alfred, Me., in 1805; to Cavendish, Vt., about 1812, continuing in the ministry until his death. JosHua .L. Brown®°s? was at first a farmer, afterwards studied law, and held successively the office of deputy county clerk, county treasurer, county judge and surro- gate. 119 Carr. Jostan Brown? was a man of marked ability and influence, a true patriot and devoted Christian. He was at the battle of Bunker Hill, and his company was the last to retreat before the British regulars. He often related the fol- lowing incident, He said: “ After we had orders to retreat, a brave youth of seventeen, who had fought by my side all day, had just loaded his gun and returned the ramrod to its place, when a British officer rode up flourishing his sword, and exclaimed, ‘My boy, lay down your arms; we’ve won the day!’ The young brave, nothing terrified, drew up his gun and shot the officer down, and retorted, ‘Then G d you, you ve lost it!’ and fled amidst a storm of bullets fired at him, escaping without harm.” Five of his children settled in Whitingham, Vt., viz., Josiah, Joseph, Jonas, Amos, Nathan, and Sarah, who had married her cousin, Reuben Brown. These families were all farmers, men of note and influ- ence at that age, taking an active interest in the current events of the time, and did much towards supporting institutions the best calculated to promote permanent good to the people. Reuben Brown? moved with his family from New Ipswich, N. H., to Whitingham, Vt., about the year 1800. He lived in Whitingham till somewhere near 1811, then removed to Canada, and lived in Brownsville, a town named after Reuben Brown, that part of the country being newly settled ; he bought four hundred acres of good land, became prosperous and raised a large family. He married his cousin, Sarah Brown?**6, Rev. Natnyan Brown, D. D.**4, was born at New Ipswich, N. H., June 22, 1807, and died in Yokohama, Japan, Jan. 1, 1886. His boyhood was passed in Whiting- ham, Vt., whither his parents removed the year after his birth. Here his scholarly instincts began to develop in childhood, accompanied by an unusual concentration of char- acter. one object of which was to promote a system of In this pho- netic form, as well as in the ordinary spelling, “Magnus Maharba” was published. In May, 1871, Dr. Brown lost the devoted companion of Society,’ scientific phonetics adapted to all languages. his toils, whose health had not, like his, recovered from the effect of the sufferings she had undergone. The awakening of Japan and calls for missionaries to that country soon led the veteran to resume his life-work as a foreign mission- ary; and in 1872 he was designated by the Baptist Mis- sionary Union to Japan, for which field he set sail from San Francisco, in January, 1873. He had married, in July, 1878, Charlotte Amelia Worth, widow of William Marlitt, Esq. She, with her two little daughters, accompanied him to Japan. Although now sixty-five years of age, he entered upon and completed this third great work of his life with unabated enerey; and in August, 1879, his translation of the New Testament, from Greek into vernacular Japanese, was in print. This he afterwards revised and published, both in the vernacular and scholars’ editions, and issued other Scriptures and tracts, being assisted for a time in the work of publication and distribution by his son, William Pearce Brown. He believed the Kana, or vernacular, to be the chief reliance of the missionary press, in reaching the great mess of the people; and his publications, in this char- acter, as well as in Romanized Japanese, have had a large circulation. At the close of the year 1885, his Japanese Hymn Book was completed, forming an appropriate period at once to his missionary, linguistic, and literary labors. The poetic “ gift and faculty divine ” was his, and in the intervals of his mul- tiplied duties, bursts of sacred song welled up from his lov- OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. ing and enthusiastic spirit in the Eastern tongues, which had become to him like his own; and they are sung, to-day, by converts from heathenism, in Assam, Burmah, and Japan. At the age of nineteen, while still an undergraduate at Williams College, he had written that heart-stirring reveille, “The Missionary Call,” which strikes the key-note of a life of remarkable unity and completeness, inspired throughout, from youth to age, by a single controlling principle, “the love of man, founded on the love of God.” The following is the correct text of the poem as originally published : — My soul is not at rest. There comes a strange And secret whisper to my spirit, like A dream of night, that tells me I am on Enchanted ground. Why live I here? The vows Of God are on me, and I may not stop To play with shadows, or pluck earthly flowers, Till I my work have done, and rendered up Account. The voice of my departed Lord, GO TEACH ALL NATIONS, from the eastern world Comes on the night air, and awakes my ear. And Iwill go. I may not longer doubt To give up friends and home and idol hopes, And every tender tie that binds my heart To thee, my country! Why should I regard Earth’s little store of borrowed sweets ? I sure Have had enough of sorrow in my cup To show that never was it His design, Who placed me here, that I should live in ease, Or drink at pleasure’s fountain. Henceforth, then, It matters not, if storm or sunshine be My earthly lot, bitter or sweet my cup; I only pray, God fit me for the work; God make me holy, and my spirit nerve For the stern hour of strife. Let me but know There is an Arm unseen that holds me up, An Eye that kindly watches all my path, Till I my weary pilgrimage have done; Let me but know I have a Friend that waits To welcome me to glory, and I joy To tread the dark and death-fraught wilderness. And when I come to stretch me for the last, In unattended agony, beneath The cocoa’s shade, or lift my dying eyes From Afric’s burning sands, it will be sweet That I have toiled for other worlds than this; I know I shall feel happier than to die On softer bed. And if I should reach heaven, If one that hath so deeply, darkly sinned; If one whom ruin and revolt have held With such a fearful grasp; if one for whom Satan has struggled as he hath for me, Should ever reach that blessed shore, oh, how This heart will flame with gratitude and love! And through the ages of eternal years, ; Thus saved, my spirit never shall repent That toil and suffering once were mine below. Wim R. Brown*“6, of Larned, Kansas, has held the positions of district judge, member of the House of Repre- sentatives at Washington, and register at United States Land Office at Lawrence, Kan.; a graduate of Union College, 1862. 121 Wma. G. Brown**!? of Stevens Point, Wis. He was fitted for college at New Hampton, N. H., and at Bennington Seminary, of which latter institution his brother, Rev. Dr. Nathan Brown, was then an associate principal. He entered Williams College in 1833 ; poor health prevented his finishing the course. He taught school at Bennington, Vt., Shel- burne Falls and Holyoke, Mass., and in 1840 became ed- itor of the Vermont Telegraph, afterwards of the Voice of Freedom, both anti-slavery papers, published at Brandon, Vt. 1856 to 1858 was editor of Chicopee Journal, published at Chicopee, Mass. He is the author of several poems that have attained a wide circulation. The best known of these poems are “ A Hundred Years to Come” and “Mother, Home, and Heaven.” CHURCHILL. GarpNner A. CaurcHILLY!, of Boston, Mass., was ap- pointed an acting ensign, United States Navy, 1862, and served in the navy for three years. He formed, in 1866, with Mr. H. T. Rockwell, the firm of Rockwell & Church- il, printers, of Boston. He moved to Dorchester, 1868 ; has represented that town two terms in the Legislature, and was one year trustee of Danvers Hospital. CROSBY. SaMuEL Copp Crospy®”!, of Jamestown, N. Y., came to Jamestown in 1832, and for a year thereafter was em- ployed as aclerk in the post-office, E. T. Foote being the postmaster. Subsequently he was in business with Mr. N. Lowry ; afterwards kept a general store, firm name S. C. Crosby & Co.; also for a time engaged in business with his brother-in-law, Zalmon Keeler. In 1855 he went out of the mercantile trade; subsequently, however, in 1863, he, with the late Bradford Burlin, established the first coal-yard in Jamestown. This was an experiment. Previous to this, wood had been the only fuel used in this section. Mr. Crosby has held offices of public trust during the years of his active business life, all of which were faithfully admin- istered. DANIELS. Francis Danrexs'**°. In his early days he was a merchant near Plainfield, Vt. For nearly twenty years he was en- gaged in the cotton trade in Mobile and New Orleans, re- turning to reside in Grafton, Vt., about 1850. He took an active interest in local affairs, and was a generous supporter of all public enterprise which seemed worthy in his juig- ment. His private benefactions to the poor were liberal and frequent. He contributed largely to the support of the Congregational church. He was an ardent Republican of the original abolition type. He represented his town in the State Legislature, 1858-59, and again in 1863-64, serving 7 a OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. a part of the time on the Committee on Banking. At the beginning of the war he advocated strongly the policy of arming the blacks, and in the latter part of the summer of 1861, at a public meeting in Grafton, Vt., he introduced a series of resolutions, requesting President Lincoln to arm the blacks, and advocated the measure in a spirited speech. He died in Grafton, 1877. His wife was Lucy Barrett! 45, Francis Barrerr Danrezs! of Dubuque, Iowa, erad- uate at Phillipsburg Academy, Andover, Mass., class 1867, Harvard College, class 1871, and Columbia College Law School, class 1874. Is practising law at Dubuque, Iowa, where he was a Presidential elector in 1880. DAY. Day'!™!, of the United States Navy, was a son of Hannibal Day, and son-in-law of Gen. George S. Greene. From 1873 to 1876, Lieut. Day, by consent of the United States government, served the Japanese Lreut. Murray Simpson government in organizing and starting a government Coast Survey similar to the United States Coast Survey. Lieut. Day died Dec. 27, 1878, on board the United States ship “Vandalia,” on the voyage from Gibraltar to New York. DANA. Hon. SamMuEL Dana!"}, of Groton, Mass., was identified with the history of his native town for nearly fifty years. He studied law at the office of his father and Judge John Lowell in Boston; was admitted to the bar in 1789, and opened an office in Groton, where he gained an extensive Butler’s “ History of Groton” says of him : “He was a popular speaker, practice, becoming a leader of the Middlesex bar. able advocate, and successful practitioner. Mr. Dana was the first postmaster of Groton. each week; the quarterly receipts for the first year (1800) amounted to three dollars. Company in Groton, composed of Democrats, the South Company being Federalists, commanded by Hon. Timothy There was a mail once in He was also captain of the North Bigelow, who was the lawyer usually pitted against Mr. Dana in the more important suits of the duy. He was appointed county attorney for the county of Middlesex in 1807, holding the office for four years, whep he received the appointment of chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas, holding the position for ten years. He was representative to the General Court for two years, 1802-8, and was elected to the Senate for nine successive years, during eight of which he was president of that body. In the fall of 1814 he was elected a representative to fill the vacancy in Congress, and was a delegate to the convention for altering and amending the State Constitution in 1820-21. In 1825-26 he again represented the town in the Legislature. He removed to Charlestown in 1808, where he, with his family, resided for 122 five years. Mrs. Dana’s health being delicate, and she being unable to bear the east winds, he returned to his native town, purchasing a farm of some three hundred acres, upon which he introduced the most approved agricultural implements. He was one of the first members of the Middlesex Agricul- tural Society at Concord, Mass. He was also much inter- ested in the growth of wool, and in company with others imported the first merino sheep into this country. He spent the winter of 1824-5 in Washington, and there organized the New England Society for the Improvement of Wool. Mrs. Dana is remembered as being tall and singularly graceful in her movements, and noted for her beauty of form and fea- ture, her culture and refinement, lovely disposition, and powers of conversation.” He died in Charlestown, Mass. How. James Dana! of Boston, Mass. Mr. Dana grad- uated at Harvard College, 1830, and is a counsellor at law in He was mayor of the city of Charlestown for three During his term of office the Boston. years, beginning in 1858. Mystic Water Works, for the supply of Charlestown and contiguous municipalities, was established, also the Charles- town Public Library. He was appointed clerk of the courts in Middlesex County, to fill a vacancy, and served until his successor was elected and qualified. He held a commission as an officer in the Massachusetts State Volunteer Militia for twelve years, viz., commander of the Charlestown Light Infantry, brigade-major on the staff of Gen. Joshual But- terick of Concord, colonel of Fourth Regiment of Infantry, and general in Third Brigade, Second Division. Grew. James Jackson Dana!™", of Washington, D. C., received from President Franklin Pierce a commission as lieutenant in the United States Fourth Regiment of Artillery, and was engaged in operations against the Seminole Indians in Florida, and in the disturbances in Kansas, and subse- quently served at various points with his regiment in Nebraska, Minnesota, and Utah. At the outbreak of the Southern Rebellion he was appointed regimental quarter- master, and ordered from Camp Floyd, Utah, where he was serving with the light battery of his regiment, to head- He was soon after with rank of captain United States Army, and placed in charge of the transporta- quarters at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. appointed assistant quartermaster, tion branch of the Washington quartermaster’s depot, cov- ering an area of more than one hundred acres, on which were the extensive stables for thousands of horses and mules, hospitals for the treatment of the wounded animals, shops and storehouses where army wagons, ambulanées, harness, and articles pertaining to land transportation were received, stored, repaired, and manufactured, and issued to the Army His official expenditures were by the millions, and his em- ployees numbered upwards of five thousand. The lamented Gen. Reynolds, commanding the First Army Corps, hav- ing applied for him as chief quartermaster, with rank of of the Potomac and the troops around Washington. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. colonel, on his staff, he was so appointed, and was engaged in the campaign of Chancellorsville, and at Gettysburg, where Gen. Reynolds received the untimely fatal shot. Capt. Dana was brevetted major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general for faithful and meritorious services in the quartermaster’s department during the war, and was promoted major and quartermaster, Jan. 18, 1867, and lieutenant-colonel and deputy quartermaster, Feb. 13, 1882. Gen. Dana served after the war in charge of a division in the office of the quartermaster-general ; subsequently as chief quartermaster Department of the Lakes, of the Department of Arizona and New Mexico, in charge of the clothing depot at Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, and as depot quartermaster at sundry places. He was also in charge, at Nashville, Tenn., of the investigation of claims of loyal cit- izens for property taken by and used for the armies of the United States in Tennessee during the Rebellion ; afterwards he served as chief quartermaster, Department of the South, whence he was ordered to duty in the general office at Washington. On the 9th of April, 1885, having reached the age of sixty-four years, by operation of act June 30, 1882, he was retired from active service, holding at the time the rank of lieutenant-colonel and deputy quartermaster- general, United States Army. EVERETT, Cot. Jonn M. Everett, of Foxboro, Mass., was a farmer ; he also held a number of public offices: colonel of the State militia, justice of the peace, trial justice, and a mem- ber of the board of selectmen and school committee ; in 1846 In 1850 he made a survey of Foxboro (his native town), and from it drew a map of the town. In 1871, feeling the effect of age upon him, he sold his farm and removed to Wrentham, and soon after be- came blind. After submitting to several painful operations, three of which were unsuccessful in bringing sight, discour- aged by his friends and knowing that his chances were small, he again sought Dr. Sprague of Boston, for the fourth time, and returned to his home rejoicing with sight restored. was representative to the Legislature. FOSTER. Isaac Fosrer!™ after his marriage moved to New York State in 1817 to the town of Aurelius, where afterward Fos- terville, a village of the town, was named for him and his brother. Mr. Foster opened the first store in Fosterville in 1819. He was a justice of the peace for eleven years, and was the first postmaster of Fosterville. FLETCHER. Hon. Joun Fuetrcouer‘”*, of Acton, Mass., was a member of the State Legislature, 1862, State Senate, 1870 and 1871. o 123 Rev. James Fiercurr’™, of Acton, Mass., a graduate of Academy at New Ipswich, N. H., Dartmouth College, 1843, Andover Seminary, 1856. Mr. Fletcher has been engaged as a minister in the Congregational society, and also a teacher in academies and seminaries in the State He married Lydia Middleton Woodward, daughter of Rev. Henry Woodward, one of the first missionaries to Ceylon, and a granddaughter of Prof. Bessaleel Woodward of Dartmouth College. FROTHINGHAM. Rev. WituraM Froruinenam!!’, a graduate at Harvard College, 1799, in the class with Channing, Tuckerman, and other distinguished Unitarians. He kepta school at Lexing- ton for a time, was licensed to preach June 9, 1801, and or- dained pastor of the church at Saugus, Mass., Sept. 26, 1804, remaining there twelve years, and in July, 1819, he was installed over the Congregational church at Belfast, Maine, where his ministry continued twenty-seven years. His wife was Lois Barrett!!!°. GREENE. Cuartes Turuston Greener! was a member of the Twenty-second Regiment New York State Militia in service of the United States, also second lieutenant Sixtieth Regiment New York Volunteers, aide-de-camp to his father, Gen. Geo. S. Greene; assistant adjutant-general, 1863. He was in many of the important battles, and lost a leg at the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn., while leading the Third Brigade, Second Division, Second Army Corps, past the batteries at Ringold. He was appointed captain and brevet major in the Regiment of Veteran Reserves for gallant service, and when the regiment was dishanded, he was placed upon the retired list of the- army, with the rank of captain mounted. Capt. Francis Vinton GREENE!” was a cadet at United States Military Academy, West Point, 1866 to 1870, at the head of his class each year; lieutenant of engineers, captain engineers, United States Army; assistant astronomer and surveyor on the location of the northern boundary line between the United States and Great Britain; military at- taché to the United States Legation at St. Petersburg. He has been assistant engineer for the city of Washington since 1879. organization, etc., of the Russian army in the campaign of 1877-78, he has published “ Army Life in Russia,” “ The Mississippi Campaign of the Civil War.” In addition to his official reports on the movements, Gen. GrorGE Sears Greene’ was born at Apponaug, Warwick, R. I., May 6, 1801. He is a descendant in the sixth generation from Major John Greene, deputy governor of Rhode Island, whose father, John Green, Sr., came from Salisbury, in England, in 1635, settling in Warwick, R. I., 1643. Gen. Greene graduated at the Military Academy, West OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. Point, 18238, second in his class, with rank of second lieu- tenant. Lieut. Greene left the army in 1836 and became a civil engineer, building many railroads in the States of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, and Virginia. In 1856 he served in the Croton Aqueduct Department in the city of New York, building the reservoir in Central Park, raising the High Bridge, and increasing its capacity for bringing water into the city. Gen. Greene was appointed brigadier-general of volun- teers, United States Army, April 28,1862. his brigade at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862, and was in command of the Second Division of the Twelfth Army Corps in the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Also commanded his brigade at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 1 and 2, 1863; and at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, with a portion of his brigade he held the right wing of the Army of the Poto- mac, at Culp’s Hill, against a tierce onslaught of more than He commanded a division of Confederate troops, thereby averting a terrible disaster which would have resulted from turning the right wing of the army. He was transferred to the Western armies in September, 1863, and in a night engagement at Wauhatchie, near Chattanooga, on Oct. 28, 1863, he was dangerously wounded by a rifle bullet passing through his face and breaking the bones of the jaw. This wound dis- abled him from active service until January, 1865, when he rejoined Sherman’s army in North Carolina, and participated in the engagements preceding Johnson’s surrender. He was appointed brevet major-general for his distinguished ser- vices, March 138, 1865, and retired from the army in 1866. In 1867 he became chief engineer and commissioner of the Croton Aqueduct Department, and remained such until 1871, when he became chief engineer of public works in Wash- ington, resigning from that position in 1872. He was presi- dent of the American Society of Civil Engineers from 1875 to 1877, and since that date has been engaged as consulting engineer on various engineering works. Grorcr Sears GREENE, Jr.!"5, of New York, is a civil engineer, and has been engineer in chief, Department of Docks, New York City, from 1875 to the present time. SamueL Dana Greene!®7, midshipman U. 8. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 1855 to 1859; passed midship- man, 1859, to August 31, 1861, when he was promoted lieutenant U.S. Navy; second in command of the iron-clad * AJonitor” under Lieut. Worden, and in command when Lieut. Worden was wounded in the fight with the rebel iron- He was attached to the “Monitor” till He was lieutenant-commander clad “ Merrimac.” she sank off Cape Hatteras. and commander, and constantly on duty until his death. GOWING. Joun Kenpatt Gowrne*’, of Shirley, Mass., was a prominent resident of Shirley during his life. He was a 124 selectman four years, was county commissioner, and repre- resented his town in the Legislature one year. HALL, Evetyn May Barrerr Harr”, wife of Elial F. Hall, was of unusual mental endowments; she was thorough in her knowledge, unostentations in her bearing, and possessed great character as well as the gentlest of spirits. She was a dependence wherever she was placed. Having no children of her own, her sympathy and help went out in a large meas- ure to the families of her brothers and sisters, and entered into the charitable work with which she was connected in New York City. Her aid here was invaluable. The in- fluence of her character among working women, whom she met with from week to week, was said to have been won- derful for good. She had many devoted friends among these women, who loved her and gained great strength and She said to her sister shortly before her death, “This work of practical knowledge from her for their common needs. mine is not finished; I shall take it with me into the other world.” She had a rare gift for literary work, and wrote many valuable articles, notably the description of the first company that navigated Chautauqua Lake. It will find an honored place in the archives of the country. Dr. Tay- lor, her pastor, closed in the brief funeral service with the following words: “She so gentle, so even-tempered, and so cultured, tried to walk with God.” HOSMER. Rev. Georce Wasuincton Hosmer” was born in Con- cord in 1808. He studied first at the school in Concord, then taught by the Rev. Samuel Barrett (afterwards min- ister of the Chardon Street Church in Boston) ; here he pre- pared for college, and was admitted to the Freshman class in Harvard College, 1822. He taught a school during his college term in Wayland, Lincoln, and Bolton to help pay his expenses. After graduating he taught school success- fully at Plymouth, for about one year, then entering the Divinity School at Cambridge; after this he preached for seven years at Northfield, Mass. He succeeded the Rev. James Freeman Clarke at Louisville, Ky., in 1835. He re- moved to Buffalo in 1836, and there continued «a successful pastorate for thirty years. He became the president of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, in 1866, occupying the chair for seven years, when he removed to Newton, Mass., becoming pastor of the Channing Church. Masor JosrpH Hosmer? of Concord. “In the great events of the Revolution he acted a conspicuous part, always in favor of liberty. Whilst the preliminary measures were under discussion, one of the townsmen made a powerful speech, in which he attempted to ridicule the doings of the “Sons of Liberty.’ Mr. Hosmer immediately replied in a Cohyortin A nguslct Jom OLD'‘*FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. strain of natural, unaffected, but energetic eloquence (for which he was afterwards distinguished), which particularly attracted public attention, and introduced him to public He was a militia officer on April 19, 1775, and the first captain of the Concord Light Infantry Company, and was afterwards promoted to major. favor. He was a representa- tive five years, a senator twelve, being always an active and influential member. He was appointed sheriff of the county in 1792, and sustained the office fifteen years. Major Hos- mer was endowed, by nature with strong, active powers of mind; and the character he formed enabled him to meet all events with that fortitude which is an earnest of success. Ardent without rashness, bold without presumption, and religious without fanaticism, he was eminently a useful man.” Pror. James KenpaLtu Hosmer*!’, a minister at Deer- field, Mass., 1860 to 1866 corporal Fifty-second Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-63; professor Antioch Col- lege, Ohio, 1866 to 1872; State University, Mo., 1872 to 1874; at Washington University, St. Louis, 1874. HUBBARD. Expenezer Hussarp'®, of Concord, Mass., lived where he boasted that his grandfather had entertained Washington. ‘He was always greatly disturbed in mind because the monument to commemorate the fight at North Bridge was not placed on the opposite side of the river, where the Americans stood that April morning. In his will he left one thousand dollars toward the cost of another monument on that side (which has resulted in the present statue of the minute-man). He also placed six hundred dollars in the hands of the town clerk to build a bridge on the site of the old one.” He died unmarried. HUMPHREY. Joun Humenrey'**, a graduate of Bridgewater Normal School, 1855, enlisted in United States Navy, at Charles- town, Mass., June, 1861; subsequently detailed to United States steamship “ Cumberland,” which started for the scene of action, stopping to bombard Forts Henry and Hatteras, and then proceeded to their station off Newport News at the mouth of the James River, where they were placed with the United States steamship “ Congress,” to guard the river, and where the historic action took place between them and the rebel iron-clad “ Merrimac,” and where he fell, one of the first victims ; his remains were not recovered. Wittim S. Humenrer'*”, of Bridgeport, Conn., engaged in 1835 in the india-rubber trade, then in its infancy. In 1849 he visitea California. Returning in 1852,he became superintendent of a rubber packing and belting factory in Newtown, where he remained several years. In 1865 he established a business of making steam boilers in Bridgeport, 125 Conn., a successful business, in which he continued until his death, which resulted accidentally from the falling of a tree. HUNT. Revusen Hunr®, a son of Simon and Mary (Raymond) Hunt. He was one of the founders of the Congregational Unitarian church in Charlestown; he died in 1816. During. his life he had accumulated a large property. His wife was Rebecca Barrett!®°. Smvon Huwnr®*, born in Concord, Mass., 1784, and re- moved to Camden, Maine, in 1806, where he resided until his death in 1865, a period of nearly sixty years. During the War of 1812, while a British squadron was riding at anchor in the bay, he ventured out in a small boat to recon- noitre the English men-of-war. He was captured, and im- prisoned for one week. His wife, Hannah B. (Rogers) Hunt, died in Camden in 1882. Smon Hunt’, of Hudson, Wis. He was born in Cam- den, Maine, in 1826, received an academic education at home, learned the trade of shoe-making in Georgetown, Mass., removed to Missouri, 1851, and is now engaged in business at Hudson, Wis. His wife, Jane C. (Arey) Hunt, a very estimable lady, died in 1883. JONES. CuarLes Aucustus Jones‘? Mass. ing been some years steward of the old Winthrop House in was born in Wakefield, He was engaged in the hotel business all his life, hav- Boston, before it was burned. He was proprietor of the Norfolk House for twenty-five years. It washis pride during many years to say that he was the second oldest hotel-keeper in Boston, Harvey D. Parker being theoldest. He was con- nected with the Masonic order, anda member of the Joseph Warren Commandery of Knights Templars. Mr. Jones lived in Boston from 1836 to the time of his death, except- ing about two years spent in New York. He came to the Norfolk House in 1859. He married Isanna Brigham, and their only daughter married William Warren Davis of Boston. Etnaruan Jones* of South Acton, Mass., of the house of Tuttle, Jones & Wetherbee, which was established nearly fifty years ago, and now so well known in South Acton and its vicinity. Mr. Jones was several years in the employ- ment of this house before being admitted to the partnership. He is a man of very successful business abilities, and of the highest integrity ; has held some of the minor offices in his town, and has been always deeply interested in the welfare of the Universalist society. His fellow-citizens would have often been glad to elect him to office. Hehas, however, dis- couraged all such prominence. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. LEWIS. Bersry L. (Barretr) Lewis" of Lewiston, Wis. She married Edward F. Lewis, and in 1849 they moved to what is now Lewiston, her present home (the town taking its name from that of her husband). At that time the country was in the possession of the Indians, and was before the She shared with her husband a conscientious and an active life, both in public and private stations. Mr. Lewis was elected sheriff of the county in 1857, and soon after the breaking ouit of the war was appointed provost-marshal of the congressional district, and held the office until the close of the war. He died in 1885. government had made its survey of the lands. FRANKLIN FirtMorE Lewis”*?!, of Portage, Wis., finished his education in the State Normal School of Wisconsin. He taught school for a time, and was principal of the public schools of Whitewater, Wis., and is now engaged in the manufactory with his brother at Portage, Wis. Jupson AponirRamM Lewis”** enlisted in Company G, Second Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, at the beginning of the Rebellion; being then under age, his name was taken from the enlistment. The year following, having gained his parents’ consent, he again enlisted, and in Company C, Twenty-third Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. He was with the regiment during its marches and engagements in Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and Mississippi. He was at the siege of Vicksburg, in 1863, and on May 22, at the time of a charge upon the enemies’ works, he was shot in the head and killed. He was color-bearer of his regi- ment at the time. He was buried with others of the killed by the enemy. StepHen Barretr Lewis’, of Portage, Wis., graduated from the State Normal School of Wisconsin, 1874. He was elected principal of the schools of Clinton, Wis., the same year, and continued in this position for nine years. After this he engaged in the woollen manufacture at Portage, Wis. MILES. Carr. Cuartes Mrives!** of Concord, Mass., the hus- band of Ruth Barrett}**, wax in a company of ninety-four minute-men in the Revolution. He commanded his company in the ” Concord tight,” into which he said he “ went with the sume seriousness as if he were going to the house of God.” He was also in command at Ticonderoga. MARTIN. Mrs. Lizziz Epna (Jones) Marrin*, of Boston, Mass., ix an artist and teacher, well known to art lovers of Boston 126 and New York, having been engaged in the work for more She has instructed pupils from all parts of the Union in oil, water-color, and china painting. Some of Mrs. Martin’s productions have become celebrated, not alone in her own country, a few of her exquisite flower pictures having been collected by London houses to be lithographed for art studies. than ten years. MATSELL. Grorce Wasnineron Marseiy?**!, born in New York City, Oct. 25, 1811, and was a pupil of Coates Academy, in that city. At an early age, as a sailor boy, he made several voyages to the West Indies and China. In 1826, he was apprenticed, as designer of patterns, to Messrs. Barrett, Tileston & Co., of the New York dyeing and printing establishment of Staten Island. From 1837 to 1843 was major of the Sixth Infantry of the State of New York; in 1840 appointed police magistrate at the Tombs, New York ; after holding that position for five years, was appointed, in 1845, chief of police by Mayor Havemeyer, and under whose able administration he originated the first police sys- tem in the United States, bringing together all the informa- tion on the subject, from whatever quarters it could be found. From these sources, and from his own practical experiences and observations, was drawn up, in 1845, the first manual of rules and regulations of the police department in the United States. under the mayoralties of Havemeyer, Meckle, Brady, Have- He held the office of chief of police, continuously, meyer (second term), Woodhull, Kingsland, Westervelt, and Wood. He was admitted as a counsellor of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In 1857 he retired to his farm in Iowa. In 1873 he was appointed superintendent of police, when the Hon. Wm. F. Havemeyer was re-elected for the third term; and in the same year was appointed by him police commissioner, and electéd president of the board of police. He died at his residence in Fifty-eighth Street, New York City, and was buried in Trinity cemetery on the bank of the Hudson River. His wife was Ellen M. Barrett?5, daughter of George M. Barrett?!2, NOURSE. Masor Barnarp Nourse“ was born in Bolton, where he aftewards lived during his life. He was a farmer, and served for several years as a representative in the State Legislature, and held a major’s commission in the militia of Massachu- setts. He married Hannah Barrett”?. Cates Nourse” of Bolton. He was a school teacher for many years, in the latter part of his life engaging in farm- ing. He held nearly every office in his town, — an honored citizen. He died in 1884. TO tug ta OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. PIERCE. Rev. Joun Davis Pierce” of Ypsilanti, Mich. From the age of two years until twenty, he lived with a paternal uncle in Worcester, Mass. After this, obtaining employ- ment as a farm laborer, he saved one hundred dollars; with a like sum, given to him by his grandfather, he started out to acquire an education. The 14th of December, 1817, he walked fourteen miles, buying a Latin grammar on the way, and taking his first lesson in Latin that evening, under Rev. Enoch Pond. He entered Brown University the following September, and by close application, graduated in 1823, in the first eight of his class of thirty-six. He was settled as a pastor in Oneida County, N. Y., in 1823, remaining until 1829, when the Masonic and anti-Masonic contest rendered it necessary for him to close his pastorate. He received a commission from the Home Missionary Society in 1831; in July, of the same year, removed to Marshall, Mich., labor- ing there as a missionary until July 26, 1836, in which year he was appointed superintendent of public instruction. His first work in this office was to draw up a plan for the organization of the primary schools and of the State Univer- sity, and the disposal of the primary school and university lands. He presented this plan to the Legislature in Janu- ary, 1837, when it was adopted with very few amendments. He held this office for five years. In 1842, he returned to the Christian ministry, and continued therein until 1847, when he was elected to the State Legislature; was chairman of the Committee on Federal Relations in the House. He in- troduced and succeeded in carrying a resolution instructing the Michigan delegation in the national Congress to oppose the introduction of slavery into the Territories. He also prepared and carried the homestead exemption law, the first law of this kind enacted in the United States. In 1850 was a member of the convention for framing a new constitution for the State. POTTER. Dea. CHartes Francis Porrer®!! of Boston, Mass., born at Concord, and is a descendant from several of the earliest families that settled there ; of these, his grandmother was Lucy Hosmer. She was a daughter of Nathan Hosmer, whose wife was Bulah Hosmer, both descendants of James Hosmer, who first settled in Concord. His great-grand- father, Jonas Potter, married Persis Barrett, daughter of Col. James Barrett. Judah Potter, the son of Luke Potter and grandfather of Jonas, married Grace Brooks, daughter of Joshua and Hannah (Mason) Brooks. Mr. Potter is a man of high business integrity and perfect uprightness. Entirely free from all questionable indulgences, his moral and Christian character are without a stain. A Universalist in faith, he honors his profession, and devotes himself assid- uously to the promotion of church interests. As an indica- tion of the esteem in which he is held by his Christian acquaintance, it may be noticed that he has been an officer 127 in the Universalist Sunday-School Union, embracing nearly twenty different schools, for twenty-seven years, including the secretaryship for ten years, and all the subordinate offices at different times. He is now president of the Union, and has been often called to preside over other bodies, in which duties he displays rare abilities. Mr. Potter was a deacon in the Universalist church at Brighton. Henry Porrer®, of Cambridge, Mass., was born in Con- cord, and was a resident of Cambridge for nearly half a century, and was always an active promoter of any enter- prise calculated to benefit his city. One of the original charter members of the Cambridge Horse Railroad Company, and some time its president, it was mainly through his influ- ence and subscriptions that the North Avenue and Arlington branch of that road was built. He was also associated with the birth and growth of the Cambridge Gas Light Company and Water Works, and to the stock of both companies sub- scribed largely. Mr. Potter was likewise one of the organ- izers of the Cambridge Market Bank, of which he was president for many years. He was also president of the Harvard Manufacturing Company, and had held the offices of president and director in many institutions,-but at the time of his death had relinquished all of these positions excepting the chairmanship of the trustees of the Cambridge Horse Railroad bonds and director in the Gas Light Company, the latter company stoutly declining to accept his resignation, but relieved him from all labor connected with the position. Mr. Potter is remembered as a very benevolent man, always ready to give from his means to the deserving poor, and bestowing his bounty liberally. He was also well known as a merchant of Boston, of the house of Potter & Demmon. He retired from active business in 1865. Mr. Potter mar- ried, in 1848, Abigail Livermore Giles, daughter of Capt. Benjamin and Nancy (Williams) Giles, born in Beverly, Mass., Feb. 10,1811 (see “Giles Memorial,” p. 69). Williams was a daughter of Elisha Williams, who was born 1757, “ graduated at Yale College, 1775, received the degree A.M. from Harvard and Yale, and who served on Gen. Washington’s staff for a time, and later in life became pastor of the Baptist church in Beverly and died there, 1845” (“History of Williams Family,” pp. 165-168, and Bond’s “Watertown Genealogies,” p. 349). Abigail Livermore, wife of Elisha Williams, born 1758, died 1817. She was eldest daughter of Dea. Elijah Livermore, 1730-1808, a native of Waltham, deacon, chairman, and selectman for a long period. Nancy He removed to Livermore, Me., in 1779, of which township he was chief proprietor and first settler. cally the father of that town, and a man of great worth. — Bond’s Watertown, p. 346. He was emphati- Henry Srartes Porrer™" of Boston, son of Henry and Abigail Livermore (Giles) Potter of Cambridge, is one of the leading merchants of Boston, his house standing at the head of the canning business in New England. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, SAMUEL Porrrr®!®, At the time of the “Concord fight,” April 19, 1775, he was a lad about seven and a half years of age. His father lived about one mile from the centre of the town, and one and one half miles from the battle-ground. When the British soldiers were scattered over the town on their errands of destruction, as some of them approached the house where he lived, his mother took him and the other two children (both girls) back of the house and hid them in the bushes. Small boy though he was, he took his father’s gun, and when the soldiers passed through the house and out at the back door, he raised the gun to fire at them. His mother was quick enough to put her hand under the hammer to pre- vent the gun from discharging, thus, probably, saving’ their own lives. SamvuEL Porrer®!*’ was early in life engaged in the manu- facture of powder, in which business his rare ability and skill have gained for him the reputation of being the most For nearly forty years he was superintendent of the American Powder Company’s Works at Acton, Mass., and for many skilful manufacturer of gunpowder in the country. years was one of its directors. His hair-breadth escapes from death by the explosions at the works were many. Scores of instances could be recounted when he had just left or was about to enter a mill before an explosion took place, which would have blown him to atoms. He passed through all of these dangers, and lived to a good age. All honor to his name and race. Siras Warren Porter” was all through the War of the Rebellion ; he was left for dead on the battle-field of Shiloh, but discovered to be alive the next day by a passing strageler, a Massachusetts man, who had known him at home. He was a prisoner at Libby Prison, and in company with two other After- wards a captain in the Fifty-ninth Veteran Regiment of prisoners dug a subterranean passage and escaped. Massachusetts ; was severely wounded in the head at the battle of the Wilderness. tution were afterwards the cause of his death. His wounds and shattered consti- RUSSELL. Jamges SuLyivan Russert, A. M.5°, of Lowell, Mass., now nearly eighty years of age. He studied at Brown University ; from this institution he received the honorary degree of A. M. He taught school in the various towns in the State, finally becoming teacher of mathematics in the Lowell, Mass., High School; continued forty-three years, retiring in 1881. Wituram Lampert Russevyt, M. D.°**, of Barre, Mass., a graduate of Harvard College, is an educated physician ; his wife, Mary Ann Warren, is a descendant of Gen. Warren. 128 MASSACHUSETTS. SAWYER. JoEL Sawyer of Bolton, Mass., a watch-maker, which trade he has followed for many years; later in life he has given his attention to that of millwright, having achieved considerable reputation by the thoroughness of his work. He married Sarah Barrett7®, Dr. Levi Sawyer”? was a native of Bolton, Mass. ; he studied medicine, and practised in South Carolina and Georgia; afterward returning to Bolton, he continued his practice until his death in 1841.. His wife was Hannah Norse™. SEVER. Cou. JOHN Sever! of Kingston, Mass. Col. Sever was a leading merchant, ship builderand owner. He was one of the originators and the first president of the Old Colony Railroad. He was very actively engaged in the construction of this road, his services in amicably settling land damages, and in other departments of the road, were valuable and duly appreciated. He was a successful business man, and had few superiors in Plymouth County. He was colonel of a regi- ment of Massachusetts militia. Marrua Sever!4, with her sister, Ann D. Sever!™9, vol- unteered as hospital nurses in 1864. Martha died at the Military Hospital, Beverly, N. J., in 1864. The Grand Army Post of Kingston, Mass., is named in honor of her memory, —“ The Martha Sever Post.” Her name is also inscribed on the soldiers’ monument erected at that place. Her sister continued in the service at the hospital until it was abandoned. SPALDING. Dr. Epwarp Spaupine"* of Nashua, N. H. A graduate from Dartmouth College, 1833. Studied medicine with his father and at the Harvard Medical School. Graduated an M. D., 1837. He has practised in his profession from that date tor the present time in Nashua, N. H. Has several Elected mayor in 18643; also elected a trustee of Dartmouth College in 1866. He assumed nearly the entire expense of publish- ing a history of his native town, Amherst, N. H. He mar- ried Dora Everett Barrett}. times been » member of the city government. SWAIN. Cuipman Swain?’!*. Until forty years of age lived in the house in which he was born, and for fourteen years was sheriff of Windham, his native county, in Vermont. 1842 to 1845 he was superintendent of the State Prison in Wind- sor, Vt. OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. In 1855, at the age of sixty, he removed to Delton, Wis., and entered with much ardor in the work of making him a new home; and thus his life was one of constant en- terprise and faithful activity until his death. JosEPH Swain! was son of Rev. John Swain, who was a noted divine of his day, and for the most part of his life was settled in Wenham, Mass. The great-grandfather of Rey. John Swain was Jeremiah Swain, Jr., who, with his futher, came to this. country and settled in Reading, Mass., about 1640. He was a major and a noted Indian warrior. Elizabeth Chipman, the mother of Joseph Swain, was the daughter of John and Rebecca (Neale) Chipman. John Chipman was son of John Chipman, who came from Dor- chester, England, 1631. Hope Howland, the wife of John Chipman, Sr., was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland. John Tilley and wife and their daughter Elizabeth and John Howland came to this country in the “ Mayflower.” Prescott Swain?! of Bronxville, N. Y. Mr. Swain, after the death of his brother James, assumed the name of — James, and was known the greater part of his life as James ’ Prescott Swain. Mass., some relics of the Revolutionary War, at the cen- He presented to the town of Concord, tennial anniversary of the “ Concord fight,” April 19, 1875 ; he was present on that day, when he contracted a severe cold, from which he died, April 27, 1875. COPY OF A LETTER FROM JAMES P. SWAIN TO CHARLES THOMPSON, ESQ. Bronxviuue, N. Y., March 24, 1875. CuarLes THomeson, Esq. Dear Sir, — About one hundred and one years ago, Dr. Warren sent a young man, his nephew by marriage, Joseph Swain, son of Rev. Joseph Swain, of Wenham, to Concord, to take charge of the rebel armory. After repairing the ‘guns generally in use, he attempted to make some new ones. For this purpose he returned to Salem to the edge-tool fac- tory of Mrs. Proctor, where he had previously had charge, and secured such tools as were to be had; and among them this anvil, which I now, through you, present to the town of Concord. On this anvil the first gun-barrel was welded in Concord. Col. James Barrett and his son James had, during the French war, furnished, through the commissary department in Boston, oat meal and some other provisions. This con- tinued on until near 1774. It was a common occurrence for a young staff officer to come to Concord on this business, and while waiting a reply would amuse himself by talking loyalty with James Barrett’s oldest daughter, Meliscent, to hear her rebel replies. He asked her what they would do if it should become necessary for the Colonies to resist, as there was not a person who even knew how to make cartridges. She replied that they would use their powder-horns and bullets, just as they shot bears. “That,” says the young man, “ would be too barbarous ; give me a piece of pine, and I will show you how.” After whittling the stick to the proper form, he took these scissors, which I now present to the town of Concord, and cut the paper for the pattern cartridge. The sequel shows how apt a scholar she was, for all the cartridges were made under her superintendence by the young ladies of Concord; her only male assistant was her younger brother, the late Major James Barrett, who drove the last Joad of cartridges from the house after the British came in sight on the 19th of April, 1775. After the war, Joseph Swain returned to Concord and married Meliscent Barrett, and took these relics to Halifax, Vt., where I came in possession of them. Yours, James P. Swain. This letter is copied in manuscript, and in a frame with the scissors mentioned fastened thereon, is now hanging in the. Public Library at Concord. TRUE. Dr. Henry Ayer True}, A graduate of Bowdoin Col- lege, 1832. Studied medicine with Drs. Esterbrook of Camden and McLean of Topsham, Me. Attended lectures at Boston and Brunswick, at which latter place he received a medical degree. He was appointed assistant superintending physician of the McLean Asylum at Somerville, Mass., and afterwards was a druggist at New York City. He removed to Marion, Ohio, where ill health obliged him to abandon an extensive medical practice. TAYLOR. J.S. D. Taytor’*’, A graduate of the University of Ver- mont ; studied law, and admitted to the bar; principal of an academy at Plattsburg, N. Y., and for some years before his death was associate editor and proprietor of the St. Albans Message. He died in 1873. His wife was Susan Hall Bar- rett}047, WHITE Joun H. Ware?! of New York City, “who married Lucy E. Barrett?”!, was a native of New Hampshire, but in his early boyhood his parents settled in Hoosic Falls, Rens- selaer County, N. Y., where he was brought up, and which he always regarded as his country home. He was a graduate of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, at Troy, N. Y. He was admitted to the bar in this city in the winter of 1848, In the fall of 1849 he was elected to the Assembly from the First Assembly District of this city, his first vote having been cast for Henry Clay. In 1850, Mr. White was elected 129 OLD FAMILIES, CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS. school commissioner for the first ward. In 1852 he was the Whig candidate for the office of judge of the Marine Court, in 1854 for the office of recorder, and in 1856 for the office of city judge. People addressed him as Judge White, and he was very generally known by that appellation. He was the only Republican member of the Assembly from this city in the Legislature of 1870. He became a candidate only five days before the election, and it was universally conceded that he was the only Republican who could carry the Eleventh District, which he represented. Mr. White was an active and zealous member of the Republican party during the Rebellion and since that time. For ten years successively he was a member of the Republican general committee of this city. He wasa member of the Union League Club, and was one of the founders of the Masonic Lodge known as Kane Lodge. Mr. White was frank, impulsive, sympa- thetic, generous, and magnanimous even to a fault. In his political, professional, and social relations he was always ready to take the side of the weaker, and to strike rapid and vigorous blows on that side, without pausing to calculate the chances. In his conflicts at the bar he often broke through technicalities and achieved victory, where others, of more erudition but less courage, would have failed. It was this trait of his character which attracted to his side such a host of warm friends and admirers from all classes of people, as was amply attested by the large attendance at his funeral. By his integrity and industry he built up a flourishing busi- ness, and left a competency to his family. He will long be remembered in the metropolis as an able lawyer, a loyal and upright citizen, a fearless enemy of injustice and oppression of every kind, a prompt and energetic man of business, a sincere and faithful friend, anda cultivated and conscientious Christian gentleman.” — New York Daily Register. 180 WHITNEY. Lucius Wuirnry!®*® served during the War of the Rebel- lion, enlisting as a private in the Seventh Kansas Cavalry Volunteers, and rising through the several grades to first lieutenant and R. C. S. of the regiment. He was upon detached service as staff officer for Col. Hatch, now of the Regular Army, also for Gen. John McNeil. He was also placed in command of the Gratiot Street Military Prison at St. Louis, Mo., and was for some time provost-marshal of the western district of Missouri. After the war he was post- master nine years at Morris, I]., and is at present postmas- ter at Billings, Montana. WYMAN. SamvuEL Wyman®6, who married Polly Brown, was a farmer and lived in Cavendish, Vt., and later in life moved to Granville, N. Y., and died there in 1855. WOOD. Eart S$. Woon? of Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. Wood enlisted for three years in the War of the Rebellion, in Com- pany A, Twentieth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Col. Ross commanding. In April, 1864, his regiment was assigned to the Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps, under Gen. Hooker. For two weeks his company lay in the front line of intrenchments before Atlanta, within range of the rebel rifles. On the night of Sept. 1, 1864, the rebels evacuated Atlanta. Mr. Wood was one of the detachment sent into the city, to whom the mayor of Atlanta sur- rendered the city. INDEX OF NAMES IN GENEALOGICAL TABLES. A ABBEY, Alice L., 60. ABBOTT, Carrie M., 22. ABRAMS, Eliza, 20; J. 8., 20; Louisa D., 2 Martha, 20; Mary E., 20; Wm., 20. ACKERMAN, Henry, 43. ALDRICH, Emeline, 60; Howard W., 57; Mariame, 57; Windsor F., 57; William H., 57, AbAms, Amos, 78; Betsey, 56, 70; Betsey M., 57; - Benjamin, 41, 70; Caroline, 70, 89; Char: lotte C., 73; Charles E., 36; Charles H., 84; Charles K. , 86, 65, 71; Charles P., 57; Daniel, 13, 70; Elizabeth, 5; Ellen, 36, 87, 71; Elwood E., 402; Emma, 57, 84° Ethel E., 102; Flora F., 703 Forest N. , 70; George, 54: George H., 70; ‘George I. , 36; George K., 84; ‘George W., 44; Georgiana, 70; Gertie M., 36; Helen, 62; Henry, 70, Howard B., 36; Ira H., ” BT; Jerusha, : Jennie M., 70; John, 12, 13; John C., 44) John G., 43 Josiah Q. 5 BT; Joseph, 12) 70; Katharine, 98; Lester dD, 84; Lizzie HH. 84; Love, 10; Lovey, 70; Lucy A., 70; Marcella, 57; Margaret. 57; "Mary, 12) 70: Mary A., 44; "Mary ag 71, 98; Mary J., oO Myra G., 44: Nellie R., 70; "Olive J., Roxalana, 70; Winslow C., 71; Wm. i. 70; Samuel, 56; Samuel L. , 56; Sarah, 73: Simon R. ‘ 70. AGNEW, Mary G., 42. AIKEN, Charles A. , 25; Elizabeth, 22; Mary AN 25: Samuel, 25. ALLEN, David H., 49; Elizabeth, 6; Herman, 49; Jane, 8; Sarah, 60. ALLEY, Lois, 83. AMES, Algernon L., 80; Carrie §., 55, Frances EH., 31; Frank E., 80; Frank W. BE: 80; Frankie, 31; George T., 80; Georgia E., 80; Stella M., 80; Theodore, 79; Winslow, al. ANDREWS, Ada, 32; Nellie, 32. ANDRUS, William T., 87; Charles P., 87. ANGUS, John 8. » 725 Marshall P., 73. APPLETON, Mary, ON, AREY, Jane C., 20. ARMSTRONG, Malvina, 53. ATKINSON, Susanna, 6; Hannah, 6. ATKINS, Amos, 50; Alice R. ; 52: Dudley H., 52; Horatio B. - 52; Myron B., ba. ATWELL, George F., 45; Herman, 44, 55; Paul R. G., 45, ATWOOD, Leroy H., 28; Louisa K., 51. AUSTIN, Charlés, 84; Catharine J., "84; Edith, 8k; Edward, sd: Francis B., sf; Herbert, 84: James W., 'g4; Louisa, ’g4; Lucy; 84: Richard, 84; Walter, 84; William, 84; Wil. liam F., ’4; William R.., "84. AYER, Polly, 5 5). B BaBBett, Mary A., 33. BABCOCK, Margaret M., 30. BACUELDER, Mary ad. 95. BacuHteEt, Jennie E. , 90. Bacon, Allen, 98; Amanda C., 76; Helen F., 39. BaILey, Frank, 88. BAIRD, Jane 8., 90. BAKER, Abigail, 7; Amos, 14; John, 89; Lydia, 88; Susanna, 65; ‘Tirzah, 389. BaLcom, Lizzie E , 61. BALDWIN, Helen Cn. 88. BALt, Charles K., 59; Charles T., 69; Clinton D., 16; Experience, 21; George, 59; George E., 69; George §., 16; George W., 16; Lizzie ae 16; Lydia W., 16; “Mabel” M; 59; Rena ‘E. , 695 ee 72; Susan A., 16: Walter 8., 16; W. 1: BALLANCE, Charlotte E., 22. BALLARD, Abigail, 7; Adelia E.,63; AllenG., 97; Dorothy &., 63; Edith, 97; "Eliza B. » 63; Ellen G.. 63; Eliza W., 62: Frances E., 97: Frances W., "63; John F. 97; Jonathan, 62: Julia R., 63; Maria L., 63; ” Mary A., 63: Nathan B. 63; Susan "M., 63: W alter C., 97; William H. - a7, BALLOu, Laura A. , 74. Baxcnorn, Anna, 10; E. Dana, 46; Elvira, BANNISTER, Mary M., 53. Barpoupu, Henry C., 55; Lewis, 55. BARBER, Elizabeth G., 43. BARNES, A. K., 52; Clarinda, 48; Effie S., 31; Lucy, 73; Susan B., 69; William B:, 31: Vira T., Si. BARRETT, Aaron, 43; Abel, 18, 21, 84; Abel J., 47; ‘Abigail, 16, 21, 34; Abram M. , 40; Achsah, 17; Ada L. » 46; Adaline, 45; ‘Ada: line M., BL; Addie, 32; Adelaide, 53; ‘Adelia, 24; Albert A., 23, 45; Albert P., 24; Albert T., 53; Alberta L. 18; AlbionR. 528; Allen a , 32; Alice, 41, 43; ’Alice H. 30; Alice L., 43° Alice M. 463 ‘Alice S. , ods Alfred W., 34; Almira C.. 24: Alonzo. Bis "Amanda E., ‘ Amanda M., 42, Amelia H. , 41; Amos, 26° 30, 31, 34, 40, al; Amos A. , 273 Amos J., ” 58: Amos W., 40; Angeline L. , a7: Ann A, oA: Ann E. roy 23, "31; Ann W., 44; Anna, "a1, 23; Anna E. 503 Anna M., 39, 44, 54: Annie L. , 17, 42, 53; Annie M., , 42; Annie W. 40; Arabella, 43 . Arabella C., 49: Arethusia T., 31; Arthur I., 28; Arvilla L., 22; Asa, 16, 17; Asa &., 21; ‘Augusta, 45; Augusta Ke 28; Augusta H., 47; Augusta M., 42; ’ Bathsheba, 16; Becke, 16; “Benjamin, 5, 18, 23, 24, a7, 48, 50, 7D: Benjamin 44, 47; Bertha Mi. 17; Bethia, 31, 33: "Beth Louise, 40; Bessie c. 49; Betsey, 18, 26, 34, 36, 47, 48: : Betsey L., 51; Blanch, 33; Benson ’g, 52: Caleb, 26; Carlos, 22; Caroline, 24, 43; Caroline A.. 23, 46: Caroline H., 31; Caroline J., 25: Caroline M., 41, 43; Caroline 8., 44; Carrie A. 32; Carrie C. , 38; Carrie L. 44: Carrie M., 25, 42: Catharine P. , 44; Charles, 13, 18, a1, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, ba, 37, 40, 43, 46, 50: Charles A. , 32, 44, 46; Charles B. 94: Charles C., 30; "Charles E. , 33, 45; Charles F., 17, 34, "25° Charles G., 25, 38; Charles H., 22, 24, 26, 37, 43,45; Charles M., 42, 44, 47, 69; Charles N., 42, Charles O., 47; Charles R., 24; Charles §., 21, 40, 46, 52; Charles T., 32; Charles W., 43, eer 40; Clara A., 25; Clara H., 38; Clara F., 39; Clarence T., 42; Clarinda, 50, 53; Clarinda M., 54; Clarissa D., 25: Clifford M., 28; Clinton, 525 Clinton s., 53; Clinton W., O35 Constance M., 50; Cora 8., 24; Cordelia M., 42; Cornelia C., 51; Corinne, 50; Cynthia, 23; Cynthia E., 24, 25; Cyrus, 46; Daisey V., 43; Daniel, 22, 30, 31; Daniel N., 23; Daniel T.,31; David, 40, 41; David P., 47; Diantha J., 27; Des 21: Dorcas, 30, 31, 33, 37; Dorcas alsg: § 32; Dorliska, 52 : "Dorothy, 30; Dudley, 53; Ebenezer H., 34; Edgar Gs 95; Edith A., 53; Edith M., 17, 30, 50; Edith O., 52; Ed ward, 30, 33; Edward B., 44; Edward E., 3L; Edward G., 17; Edward H., 31; Ed- ward K., 41; Edward L, 28; Edward S., 24, 42, 47; Edwin, 23; Edwin A., 33; Edwin C., 47; Edwin G., 40; Edwin H., 25; Edwin N.? 32; Edwin’ 8., "44; Eleanor D. 30; Electa, 50; Elisha, 21, 48: Elisha B., 21: Eliza, 34, "41; Eliza E., 28; Eliza W., 39; Elizabeth, 5, 13, 14, 18, 26, 34, 43, 46; Elizabeth’ A, 22: Elizabeth B., 23. 44; "Blizabeth E. , 44: Elizabeth F. ; 24: Elizabeth G., 23° Elizabeth J., 25, 47; Eliza. 181 beth M., 27; Elizabeth T., 25; Ella 5., 25; Ella V., ii: Ellen A, 44; Ellen B., 295 Ellen c 37; Ellen M. , 455 Elmer C., 25: Elsie, a2; Elsie Pes of; Emeline A., 44: Emeline E. , 40; Emeline M., 51; Emeline T.. 45; Emily A., 25, 87, 45; Emily M., 21, a 4: Emily 8., 49; Emily R., 28; Emma 25, 42; Emma C., DBs Emma J., 38; oe M. 25. Emerson, 4, 75; E. Pauline, 50; Ephraim, "94, 36, 40, 45; Ephraim A., 43; Ephraim C., 25; Ethel, 44; Ethel C., 42: Eugene, 40; Eunice, 30; Eva E., 50; Eva M., 25; "Evelyn M. 50; Everett E., 22: dizra, 23: Fanney A. , 53: Fernand H., 99: Fidelia, 40: Fidelia Be "40; Florence H., 46; Florence H. , 46; Florence M., 53; Flo- rinda M., 50; Floy M., 25, Fortuna, 32; Foster H.. , 43; Frances A., 45; Frances M., 28, 30; Francis, 40, 44; Francis A. , 33, 43: Francis H., 45; Francis J. » 24; Francis Oz, 18; Francis i, 18; Frank, dis 47, Frank H., 17, 22, 25; Frank E., 5 24,2 255 Frank J., 42; Frank M., 22,40; Frank P., 46: Frank W., 39; Franklin, 41; Franklin H. 44; Franklin N. , 40; Franklin W. , 22; Fred O.., 17; Frederick, 47; Frederick ©., 50: Fred- erick F., 39; Frederick L., 28, 50; Freder- ick M., 43; George, 32, 45, 46, 51, 37; George A., 24, re George B., 23, 25, 31; George B., 46. ; George F., 38; George H., 24, 25, 37, i - George HM. , 32: George M. ,21, 37, 40; Coors, 47; : George R., 34, 46: George W. , 33, 44, "£5: George Ves 24, 46; Georgiana, 44) Grace i, 17; Grace G., 25; Grace M., 53; Han- nah, 16, 21, 30, 836; Hannah J., 31; Har- riet, 23, 34, 42, 46; Harriet B., 43; Harriet E., 23; Harriet P.,51; Harrold F., 34; Harry D., 31; Harry H., 30, 40, 43; Harry E., 40; Hattie, 31; Hattie F., 32; Harvey P., 53; Hayward, 47; Helen, 17; Helen A., 44; Helen J., 40,46; Helen L., 24,43; Helen M., 53; Henry, 34, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 67; Henry A. 5 25, 47; Henry C., 30; Henry H., 24, 43, 47; Henry L., 50; Henry M., 23; ; Henry Q., 25: Henry P., 47; ’ Henry R. , 40; "Harry W., 18, 25, 49; Hepzabah, 2Ls Herbert E., 25: Herbert F., 28; Herbert L., 40; Herbert M., 38, 47; Herbert S., 17; Hiram W., 31; Horace F.,40; Horace W., 44; Hulburt, 53; Humphrey, 5, 13, 17, 18, 21, 47; Ida C. on: Ida M., 28; Inez D., 53; Irene F., 41; Isa- bella, +5; Isabella ‘T., 28; Israel, 48, 49; Jabez, 17; James, 5, 12, 35, 36, 37,40; James A., 37, 75; James F’., 23, 24, 49: ‘James H., 37, 44; James M., 41, 40; "James PB. 18: James W., 47: Janet D.., 305 Jay A., 53; t Arthur, 2s Jay C., 53; a Lewis, 24; Jeanie S., 39; Jennie A., 32; Jennie E., 24: Jennie L., 44; Jennie M., 47; Jessie G., 44; Jes- sie M., 50; Joel, 22 "John, 5, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, "45, 46; John B., 23, 42: John C., 31; John D., 22; John F., 31, 24, 82; John H., "John K., 50; John Lis 23. 30, 31; Foun’ M., 30; John O., 25: John P., ‘47 John T., 41, 42, 43; John W., 25; "Jonas, 21, 23, 26; Jonas ‘A, 27: Jonas F., 24; Jonas H., 2: Jonas M., 41: Jonas P., 23, "oA: Jonas 8. aL Bs Jonathan F., 39; Jonathan H. , 47; "Joseph, 5, 13, 21, 24° 36, 39; Joseph a, 21; Joseph M., 23; Josephine, 24, 46; ; Josephine M.,32 : Joshua, 22; Joshua P., 23; Jotham, 51; ‘Judson, 53: Julia, 533 Julia A. $5 Julia E., 32; ; Julia M. 24, 33; Juliet, 49; Juliet M., 33; ‘Lama E., 49: Laura, 37; Laura A. , 43: Laura E., 50: Laura K. ee "Laura T. , 43; ‘Laura W. ee Lelia, 53: Leola, 32; Lizzie M., 25; Lois, 21, 22: Louisa, ai, 41 45; Louisa, Ns 42 43, 45; Louisa B. 1485 Louisa C., Lis Louisa G., 17, 44; Louisa R , 2; Lucinda H.; 44: INDEX OF Lucretia C., 51; Lucretia R., 45; Lucy, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 30, 36, 40, 45, 45, 49; Lucy A., 28, 40, 45; Lucy E., 21, 22,50; Lucy F., 39; Lucy J., 24; Lucy P., 39; Lucy 8., 17, 43; Lucy W., 50; Luther, 40; Luther G., 45, 46; Lydia, 5, 10, 18, 21, 22, 28, 26, 27, 36, 48; Lydia E., 29; Mabel 8., 17; Mabel W., 46; Marcellus M., 22; Margaret, 31, 34; Margaret R., 46; Maria B., 25; Maria C., 30; Maria F., 40, 44, 75; Maria L., 40; Maria M., 32; Maria N., 47; Mar- shall, 23; Martha, 18; Martha E., 47, 51; Marthas., 47; Mary, 5, 6, 9, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 40, 47,48; Mary A., 33, 40, 45; Mary C., 24, 42, 47; Mary D., 33; Mary E., 40, 43, 46, 47, 49, 52, 54; Mary F., 23, 43; Mary H., 40, 43,44,47; Mary J., 24, 31; Mary L., 34, 104; Mary M., 41; Mary N., 21, 30; Mary P., 37; Mary 8., 26, 40; Mary W., 47; Matthias, 40; Maud, 47; Maurie, 32; Melinda E., 22; Meliscent, 5, 36, 47; Mercy, 21, £7; Merinda, 22; Minnie A., 40, 46; Minnie C., 42; Minnie F., 44; Minott, 30, 37; Minott T., 41; Miranda K., 49; Miriam, 18, 22, 37, 40; Miriam H., 40; Molly, 48; Myra E., 45; Myra T., 26; My- rick, 45; Myron A., 54; Myron E., 53; Myrtle F., 28; Nancy, 27, 30, 32, 46, 73; Nancy F., 47; Nancy §., 24, 25; Natalia, 34; Nathan, 26, 27, 35, 40,41, 43,45, 75; Nathan F., 42; Nathan H., 40; Nathan M., 41, 42; Nellie B., 25; Nellie F., 24; Nellie G., 46; Nellie L., 25; Nellie M., 40; Nellie P., 38; Nelson M., 31, 40; Nina R., 32; Noyes P. H., 40; Octavia L.,51; Odella L., 31; Olive, 26; Oliver, 5, 16, 17,23, 50; Oliver S., 24, 25, 52; Oliver W., 52; Orpha M., 52; Owen T., 25; Patty, 36,73; Perry G., 53; Persis, 18, 21, 36, 48; Peter, 36; Phebe, 46; Phebe B., 36; Phila, 49; Phila D., 52; Phi- lander, 29; Philander G., 27; Philip H., 28; Polly, 23; Prescott, 34, 47; Rachel M., 31; Ralph, 32, 42; Ralph L., 24; Randle, N., 32; Raymond M., 25; Rebecca, 5,13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, 33, 36, 37, 46, 47, 82; Rebecca M., 30, 37; Reuben, 18, 40, 41; Reuben E., 42; Reuben N., 42; Richard, 39; Richard F., 39; Richard R., 39; Richard 8., 43; Rockwood, 37; Robert F., 42; Robert J., 31; Robert M., 30, 34; Robert T., 41; Roswell, 17, 18; Rowenna, 26; Roy F., 25; Rufus, 34; Ruth, 16, 18, 30; Sadie C., 43; Sally, 23, 34, 41, 46; sally H., 26; Samantha, 52; Samuel, 6, 27, 30,31, 32, 34, 46, 49; Samuel A., 50; Samuel E., 5U; Samuel H.,50; Sarah, 17, 18, 21, 34, 36, 41; Sarah A., 24, 41, 48; Sarah D., 23; Sarah E., 26, 32, 52; Sarah I.,42; Sarah J., 17, 18, 24, 37; Sarah L., 48; Sarah M., 23; Sarah T., 42; Sarah W., 45, 47; Seth, 26, 33; Sherman, 47; Sherman H., 28; Sidney J., 40; Silas, 22, 34, 41, 45; Silas L., 28; Simon, 18, 40; Simon H., 40, 43; Simon W., 40; Sophia, 41, 42; Sophia A., 41; Sophro- nia, 21, 38; Stephen, 5, 12, 18, 34, 36, 46, 48, 50; Stephen P., 53; Submit, 30; Susan, 26, 34, 45; Susan A., 43; Susan IZ, 21; Susie G., 42; Susanna, 40; Storrs B., 53; Syloice, 52; Theodore A., 44; Theodore 8., 50; Theresa, 43; Timothy, 5, 40; Timothy. P., 25; Thomas, 5, 13, 23, 30,75; Thomas P., 30; Thomas T., 382; Urania, 27; Varnum, 46; Victoria E., 22; Virginia, 50; Virginia 1T., 30; Walter H., 40; Walter S., 25; Wal- ter T., 31; Washington L., 42; Willie N., 22; Whllie S., 24; William, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43: William B., 30, 31; William E., 47, 50; William F., 39; William G., 43, 47; Wil- liam H., 30, 42, 44; William J.. 25; Wil- liam L., 50; William N., 42; William P., 42: William S., 31, 32; William T., 30; Winifred, 31. : Barr, Elizabeth W., 33; Julia M., 63. BARRON, Elias, 14. Barrows, Emily J., 53: Sarah M., 89. BarRTLEY, Robt., 98. BARTHOLOMEW, John C., 88. BarTLeTrT, Alice A., 51; Byron E., 101; “Elizabeth, 42, 88; Jas. M., 30; Josiah, 72. Barron, Andrew J.,16; Abbie 8., 17; Alice NAMES 1 1 | R.,17; Anna O.. 17; Alex.,17; Emma A., 29; Frederick, 17. Barry, Mary A., 85. Bass, Alice, 85; Anna M., 54. BassErt, Blanche M., 80; Eva, 80; J. R., 80; Kate, 60; Mary L., 39; Minnie G., 80. “BATEMAN, Abigail, 17; Anne, 15; Elizabeth, 54; Mary, 10; Sarah, 8; Submit, lu. Bates, Martha, 96. BAXTER, Mamie R., 29. BAYLEY, Mary E., 71. BEAL, Jerome T., 92. BEAKEL, Charlotte B., 90. BEAN, Ellen §., 2; Lucinda W., 43: Brarse, Alice H., 76; Fanny C., 76; Lellah A., 76; Mark L., 76; Mary P., 76; Owen, 76. BEcKWITH, Dolly, 50. BED.LOoW, Charlotte E., 44. BELcHER, Lyman, 100. BELKNAP, Ruth, 60. Beit, Amanda, 88; Harriet, 61. BELtLows, John, 11. Bemis, Frances E., 60; Nancy, 24.- BrENEDICT, Maryette, 48. BENJAMIN, Anna E., 29. BENNETT, Bryant R., 59; John, 79; Loretta, 79; Maria, 51; Noah, 88; Orrin M., 46; Sally, 16. BENNINGHAM, Lawrence, 72. BENSON, Sarah, 50. Bent, Joseph A., 21; Samuel A., 21; Samuel W., 21. BenTOoN, S. A., 35. Berry, Agnes, 43. BEVERAGE, Amelia B., 32; Edith Jey 955 : Paulina, 45. OXLEY, "George B. , 63. 76; Mary , 387; Dorcas 8., 45; Lydia P PACKARD, Caroline 8., 35; Linda, 32; Susan, 35. Pace, Abby J., 68; Annie D., 33; Catharine M., 33; Chandler, 21; Elizabeth H., 33; Frances, 33; Hannah, 101; Isanna, 65: Kilby, 33; Luella, 93; Mary E., 68; Samuel D., 33; Sarah A., b3. Stephen 'W., 68; Trophimers K., 61; Walter S., 68; Willie R., 68. PAINE, Elizabeth, 5; Robert I., 100. PALLISIER, Maria F., 40. PALMER, Albert C., 53; Amelia, 53; Clara A., 53; Emma E., 53; Eugene t, , BBs Frank L., 53; George Ay, 52: Jennie Avg 53; Leland H., 53; Mary A. » 53; Truman D., 53. Park, Eliza F.,71; Frances A., 49; James, 71; ‘Lilla, 47: PARKER, Aaron, 5; Arthur A., 67; Betsey M., 56; Celana oss 90; Clarance E. , 87; Daniel’ C., 68; Eddie H. , 67; Edward. H., 67; Francis W., 38; Hannah, 6; Harriet N.. 63; Theodore, 67. PARks, Levi, 90; Nathan, 10. PARKHILL, Debbie, 7A, PARKIURST, Austin N., 43; Ellen L., 48; Eunice T.,43; Fred A., 43; “Georgianna A.. 43; Henry F., 43. Partin, Marion L. , 62; Mary W., 62; liam D. » 62. PARM. \LEE <, Almagro, 89. PARME NTER, Sarah A., 80. PARSELL, Alice E. , 91: Carrie L., 91; John B., 91; "Warren G. ls PARSONS, Clara E. , 1D. PaTcHIN, George H. , 58. PATTERSON, Ernest 0. , 32; Mary, 12. PAuL, Ada F., 78; Benjamin H., 32; Lizzie M., 78; William J., 78. PAYNE, William B. , 36. PAYson, Caroline D. , 41. PEASE, Lucy A. F, , 8. PECK, 8. E., 60. PEEBLES, James, 60; Joseph, 60. PELHAM, John H. , D2. PEMBROKE, Anna M. 5 40. PENDLETON, Martha J., 31. PENNIMAN, ‘Augusta H. » 81; George S., 99. PEPPERELL, Mary, 14. Wil- INDEX OF NAMES IN GENEALOGICAL TABLES. PERHAM, Ira, 85; Julia H., 86. PERKINS, Ella J., 49; Harriet J., 91; James O., 91; Laura M., 91; Mary, 39; Mary E., 80; Septimus, 49; Stephen, 91. Perry, Augusta L., 21; Mary, 15, 94; Na- than, 59; Sarah, 40. PrErsons, Adeline, 59; Benjamin, 58; Ellen M., 59; Eliza W., 59; Fillmore A., 59; Maria, 59; Prudence M., 59. PETTEE, Charles J., 39; Frank B., 39; James, 39; John T., 39; Mary W., 39. PHELPS, Julia, 98. PHILBROOK, Alice, 35. PHILLIPS, Angie B., 93; Estella M., 80; Nel- lie §., 49; Rachael, 30. Puynas, Amelia T., 67; Frances H., 67; Harriet 8., 67; Jessie, 67; John, 67; John§., 67; Mary J., 67. Pickens, Bradford, 81. PICKERING, Ruth I., 49. PIERPONT, Alice J.,37; Annie E.,37; Charles Eo 37; Evelyn, 37; Kate F., 37; Mary E., PIERCE, Abby, 45; Augusta M., 49; Adaline, 55; Benjamin, 7; Edward G.,71; Jonathan, 92; Lewis E., 71; Lucy E., 92; Mary A., 49; Sarah E., 49. PILLSBURY, Eliza A., 32. PirPerR, Anne E., 81; Anson C.,77; Jonathan A., 78; Lizzie, 82; Mehitable, 67. PircuER, Emma, 57. PuatTtTs, Mary, 13. POLLARD, Charles, 64. Ponp, Hanibal S., 104. Poo, Rebecca, 83. Pore, Warren L., 91; William C., 91. PortTER, Martha A., 58. Post, Sarah L., 18. ‘ Potter, Abbie, 99; Abby A., 86; Adaline R., 86; Alexander C., 87; Alice, 85; Aline A., 90; Almira, 85; Alonzo L., 86; Ann M., 86; Anna, 25; Arthur, 86; Arthur S., 99; Asa, 85; Benjamin F., 86; Bethiah, 13; Carrie B., 86; Charles A., 86; Charles D., 86; Charles F., 90; Charles H., 94; Charles N., 87; Clara A., 94; Daniel, 85; David, 85; Dexter, 87; Dorcas, 90; Dorothy, 7, 13; Edith A., 94; Edward F., 86; Edwin R., 86; Elsie M., 94; Eliza P., 93; Elizabeth, 7, 12, 13, 85, 90; Elizabeth A., -86; Eliza- beth F., 86, 87; Emeline E., 85; Emily F., 87; Ephraim, 13, 85; Ephraim B., 86; Eugene, 86; Eunice, 9, 13, 15; Eunice M., 94; Francis, 13, 68, 90; Frank A., 91; George D., 86; George E., 99; George H., 86; George W., 91; Georgia, 86; Grace, 13, 14; Grace F., 87; Hannah, 7, 9, 13; Harriet J., 90; Harrison O., 87; Hiram J., 88; Helen F., 91; Helen L., 88; Henry, 87; Henry A., 90; Henry 8., 87; Herbert R., 86; Horace P., 94; I., 98; Ida F., 86, 91; Isaac, 85; Isabella G., 87; Jacob, 85; James, 90; James H., 90; James R., 88; James W., 91; John, 90; John H., 93, 94; John §., 91, 94; John T., 86; Jonas, 13, 36, 90; Judith, 7,13; Laura L., 91; Lois, 8, 13; Lorenzo, 87; Lottie L., 94; Louisa J., 90; Lucy, 87, 90, 93; Lucy A., 86; Lucy B., 90; Luke, 13; Lydia, 13; Lydia B., 87; Maria, 87; Maria L., 87; Mary, 5, 18, 85; Mary A., 85, 86; Mary B., 93; Mary E., 90; Mary G., 90; Mary J., 86, 90; Nathan, 90; Nellie, 86; Persis, 90; Phebe 8., 93; Philip, 94; Re- becca, 18, 90; Rebecca B., 93; Sally, 65, 90; Samuel, 13, 90, 104; Samuel E.,86; Samuel L., 90; Sarah, 13, 85, 87, 93; Sarah A., 87; Sewell, 90; Silas, 87, 90; Silas W., 90; Sophia, 87; Sophia E., 87; Sophia M., 93; Stephen, 85; Susan B., 85; Tilley, 90; Tilly A., 90; Ulyetta S., 87; Willard T., 86; William E., 85, 86; William F., 86, 90; William H., 25, 86, 87; William L., 87. PoULTER, Rachel, 7. PrRatTr, Blanche E., 79; Lorenzo A., 79; Mary A., 48; Reuben C., 79; Sarah A., 70. PrescorT, Abel, 14, 20, 90; Abigail, 13, 14, 90; Adelia, 27; Almira, 94; Amy, 14; Ann E., 74; Ann M., 94; Annie F., 96; Benja- min, 13, 14; Catharine E., 36; Charles, 5, 14; Charles H., 94; Clarence M., 94; Cora O., 94; Dorcas, 13; Dorothy, 8, 14; Edith, 94; Eliza, 20; Elizabeth, 14, 37, 60, 94; Eliza- beth F., 20; Ellen M., 36; Estella V., 94; Etta E., 94; Franklin, 20; Frederick M., 96; Flora M., 94; George H., 94; George S., 46; Georgianna K., 94; Grace, 94; Hannah, 14; Humphrey, 94; Idella E., 94; James, 36; John, 13, 14, 94; John L., 18; John O., 96; Jonas, 14, 15, 75; Jonathan, 8, 14, 15, 94; Josiah B., 96; Linnzeus §., 94; Linneus C., 94; Lucia, 14; Lucy, 14; Lydia, 14; Martha, 14; Martha H., 94; Mary, 13, 14, 36; Mary A., 20, Mary E., 94; Nathan, 94; Nathan O., 94; Nathaniel P., 96; Nella O., 94; Norah L., 96; Peter, 14; Rebecca, 14, 20; Robert D., 96; Sally, 18; Samuel, 14, 15; Samuel O., 96; Samuel P., 64, 94; Sarah, 13, 14, 94; Sophronia, 61, 94; Sumner, 19; Timothy, 23; William A., 96. PRESTON, Frank, 63; Mary E, 63; Sophronia, 59; Willie G., 63. PricE, Jane E., 100; Maud, 38. Priest, Georgie, 68; Henri L., 68; Ro- dolphus, 25; Mary J., 68; William G., 68; William H., 68. PRINCE, Addie R., 32; Alice, 32; Annie E., 32; John, 32; Morris, 32; Nettie, 32; Or- lando, 17, Thomas 8., 32. Procror, Abigail, 72; Abner, 72; Clemen- tine, 72; Edward O., 73; Emily, 72; Galen A., 78; George F., 99; Herbert F., 102; Laura E., 72; Lizzie A., 102; Lucy, 54; Lydia C.,72; Malvina, 72; Mary A., 72; Mary E., 72; Milo G., 72; Oliver, 30, 72; Sarah M., 72. Prusuta, Florence E., 101; John, 101. Purrer, Alvin W., 80; Leon H., 80; Lewis C., 68; Luther W., 79, 80; Polly, 104. PurcHEss, Hannah, 6. PURRINGTON, Hattie E., 86. Putnam, Carrie V., 82; Dennis, 78; Harriet, 81; Harriet A., 62; James H., 81; Louis B., 81; Martha A., 79; Mary A., 71; Mary L., 51; Rebecca, 70; Susan, 81. PUTNEY, Augusta A., 80. Q QUIGLEY, John F., 47. R RAND, Mary S., 96; Ruth, 78. RANDALL, Joanna, 28. Rawson, Abigail, 36; Charles A., 36; Clara A., 36; Ellen V., 36; Sophia E., 75. Bees Harriet M., 80; Harry, 52; Harry F., 23. READ, Abigail, 9; Elizabeth P., 35. REARDON, Martha L., 77. REpIT, Mary, 12; Susanna, 9. REED, A. G., 27; Abbie J., 94; Adin T., 59; Alice P., 59; Ann A., 23; Calvin, 48; Emily, 71; Emily C., 94; George P., 94; Harriet, 49; Harriet B., 48; Ida B., 94; Ira L., 48; Lizzie M., 94; Lucy, 65; Mary, 48; Sarah C., 65; Wilder, 94; William B., 48; Willie E., 94. REESE, Walter, 30. RHODES, B. F., 31; Hattie E., 32; Louisa, 32. Rice, Adelia, 63; Cora B., 39; Cynthia A., 38; Eleazer, 26; Elizabeth P., 89; Emily A., 26; Emma, 17; F. H., 46; Hannah, 12; Harriet, 34; Jessie M., 46; John, 26; Lucy A., 46. Ric, Daniel H., 56; Ethel B., 91; Frank U., 91; Henry M., 56; Libbie D., 56. RicHARDSON, Albert E., 64; Augusta T., 29; Caleb, 97; Charles, 27; Charles C., 29; Clara E., 63; Clinton L., 29; Edward, 29, Emily O., 29; Frank A., 29; Franklin L., 29; Gertrude B., 29; Harriet 8., 25; Harry, 29; Hattie A., 29; Henry M., 29; John B., 29; John E., 29; Lizzie E., 29; Lorenzo H., 29; Lucy A., 94; Lydia E., 29; Martyn L., 29; Norman, 91; Sarah E., 29; Sarah F., 30; Sarah W.,71; Susannah, 40; Urania B., 29; William, 23; William H., 30, 43; Wil- liam §., 67. RICHMOND, Mary J., 96. 1389 RIpiEyY, Margaret, 45. RIpPLey, Frederick E., 104; Frederick H., 98; Grace W., 104; Helen H., 98; Mary, 61; Noah, 36. Rossins, Ann E.. 78; Bethia M., 52; Clara B., 52; Clarence A., 68; Clifford W., 77; Edward N., 76; Elbridge J., 80; Elmer L., 52; Emma O., 52; Fred L., 80; George L., 80; George W., 68; Grace E., 80; Handell 8., 89: Henry C., 95; Julia A., 23; Nettie F., 77; Norman A., 51; Sarah F., 82; Sophia G., 87 ROBERTS, Clarence B., 63; Edgar, 63; Wil- liam M., 31. Rosig, Anselia A., 100. Rosinson, Ada, 55; Bethemia R., 66; Har- riet, 29; Jane T., 70; Jenny, 28; Lois E., 60. RocKWELL, Victorine, 51. Rockwoop, Irene D., 59. Rogers, Ella, 79; Ellen F., 17; Hannah B., 18; Hattie M., 64; Kate, 53. Rouuins, Annie E., 86; Benjamin F., 86; Bertha F., 86; Mary A., 20. Root, Elizabeth, 51. Rose, Stephen H., 95. Ross, Lovinia, 31; Oliver E., 32. Rotca, Eliza, 73. Ror, Lizzie, 78. RoOvULLARD, Albert, 93; Charles, 93; Clar- ence, 93; Cora, 93; David H., 93; Elmer, 93; Ernest B., 93; Ethel L., 93; Eva S., 93; Frederick, 93; George, 93; George F., 93; Gertrude, 93; Granville, 93; Herman G., 93; James L., 93; Louis, 93; Lyman, 93; Mary ce 93; Sarah A., 93; Sarah E., 93; Waldo, 93. Row Ey, Carrie M., 55; Roselthe M., 104. Rvuee, John, 14; William L., 69. RuGGLES, Mary A., 39. RUMRILL, Caroline, 85. RUSSELL, Abigail, 21; Addie, 88; Caroline G., 88; Charles, 89; Charles P., 88; Daniel W., 39; Edward §S., 89; Elizabeth, 87; Elizabeth B., 88; Elizabeth O., 89; Emer- son, 88; Francis, 89; Francis, C., 89; Francis F., 89; Francis J., 89; Francis L., 89; George A., 89; George E., 88; George F., 89; George W., 88; Hannah, 87; Henry H., 89; Henry M., 89; Henry O., 89; James, 13, 87; James B., 88; James L., 89; James §., 88; James W., 89; Jacob, 87; John F., 89; John H., 89; Lois, 89; Louisa W., 89; Lucy J., 88; Lydia 87, 89; Maria, 88; Martha, L., 88; Mary, 87; Mary A., 88; Mary B., 88; Mary E., 89; Mary H., 39; Miles, 89; Miranda, 89; Nehemiah, 21; Samuel J., 89; Sarah R., 89; Susan, 89; Susan M., 89; Susanna, 87; T. S., 89; Wil- oO C., 88; William L., 88; William M., is) SABINE, Ulyvetta, 87. SAFFORD, George A., 22; Harriet, 22; John B., 22; John L., 22; Joseph, 22; Joseph B., 22; Lucy, 22; Mark, 21, 22; Mary, 22; Ward D., 22. SALMON, Harry A., 57. Sampson, William A., 58. SANBORN, Lelia A., 80; Nancy M., 91. SANFORD, Caroline, 21; Lucy F., 16. SANDERS, Charles B., 101; Clara B., 101; Ed- gar R., 101; John H., 78; Ralph B., 101; Richard §., 101. SANONS, Frederick L., 55. SARGENT, Alice A., 59; Atwood, 59; Charles, 86; Daniel, 86; Daniel R., 86; Grace E., 86; Henry C., 86; Ignatius, 85; Ignatius M., 86; John, 86; John D., 86; Julia, 59; Martha O., 78; Mary A., 86; Mary G., 59; Mary K., 86; Paul D., 86; Ruth W., 59; Win- throp, 86. és SavacE, Albin K., 96; Amos J., 965 Betsey, 96; Cyrus, 96; Herbert, 96; Louisa B., 96; Mandana, 96; Mark C., 96; Salome I1., 96; Stephen D., 96. Savaky, William H., 74. SAWTELLE, Sarah, 72; Sophia, 25. INDEX OF NAMES IN GENEALOGICAL TABLES. SawYER, Abby B.,17; Abby G., 17; Ahobiah, 16; Alice J., 16; Barbara I., 91; Blanche L., 91; Calvin, 16; Charles H., 16; Charles J., 17; Charles L, 91; Eliza, 69; George K., 16; George W., 16; Joel, 17; Joel F., 17; Levi, 16. Lucy H., 17; Lydia L., 27; Mary L., 16; Nellie M., 92; Ralph L., 91; Rufus, 16; Sterling K., 16; Walter S., 93; William, 16; Zipporah, 16; Zipporah H., 16. SAYLES, Susan M., 71. ScarBorovucH, Albert G., 93; Micajah, 93. ScHAFER, Henry, 31. ScHMIpDT, Elizabeth, 28. Scuort, John, 48. ScuvsTen, Adison B., 61; Anna M., 61; Christian F., 61; Eleanora L., 61; Lizzie F., 61; Paul B., 61; Paul F., 61. Scotr, Emily J.,78; Sarah, 21. Scovin, Anna, 99; Anna W., 99; Betsey J., 78; Charles, 77; Effie L., 78; Hezekiah G., 77; Mary L.,77: Minerva W., 99; Spencer G., 78; William N., 09; William W., 78. ScRIPTURE, Amos, 21. SEAVEY, Charles W., 25. SEvER, Anna D., 33; Ellen, 33; Emily, 33; Herbert, 33; John, 33; Martha,33; Mary, 33. SEWELL, Martha E., 63; Samuel, 63; Samuel B., 63. Sreymotr, Harriet L., 21. SHADLE, George A., 36. SHAFNER, Melrose A., 25. SHAPLEY, Carrie L., 82; Charles H., 82; David 8., 82; Edna F., 82; Emma 4A., 82; Eugene R., 82; Eva C., 82; Frank C., 82; George H., 82; Harry T., 82; Henry, 82. SHARPE, Mary, 15. : Suarruck, Ansell M., 89; Ellen L., 89; Ellen M., 38; Henry L., 47; Kate E., 104; Martha J., 65; Mark W., 89; Samuel W., 104; Sarah, 41. Suaw, Catharine, 65. SHELDON, Julia W., 74. SHEPARD, Sarah, 10. SHEPLEY, Lemuel, 96; Lucy, 96. SHEPPARD, Evelyn A., 39. SHERMAN, Abigail, 15; Ada, 45; Amos P., 73; Annie P., 73; Carlton F., 73; Cora P., 45; Ellen N., 63; Elsie, 5S; Eugene K., 45; Josiah, 13; Martha F., 70. SHERWIN, Ada E., 59; Elmer H.,59; Horace F., 59; Zoa, 27. SHEVALLY, Nicholas, 14. SHILLER, Guy B., 56; John D., 55. SHIPLEY, James B., 86. SHorT, Ella M., 46. SHOVEY, Harriet F., 44. SHuART, Clarence A., 49; Christine, 49; Irving J , 49: Denton B., 49; Denton G., 49; William H., 49. SHULTZ, Elizabeth, 53. SHURTLEFF, Susan A., 62. Sras, William W.., 87. SrLusBy, John W., 45. : Srmpson, Alice M., 85; Ernest O., 85; Jessie, 31; John K., 85. SrncLAIR, Martha, 36. SKELDON, Mary, 54. SKINNER, Ella L.,38; Martha, 70; Sarah F., 24. SLEEPER, Arriannie E., 84. SLOAN, Earl §., 25. Stocoms, Alzirus, i7; George P., 67; George W., 67; Lance B., 67; Lillie M.,67; Mary P., 67. SLYTER, Ada I., 63. . SMALL, Adaline L., 65; Daniel B., 96. Smart, Harlan P., 41. SMEAD, Polly, 60; William H., 96. SMEDLEY, Ann, 9; James, 5; Sarah, 10. SmirH, Abigail, 14; Abijah, 83; Abrabam, 15; Adelia H., 31; Albert F., $2; Alice M., 101; Almira, 101; Ann E., 10; Annie H., 86; Bardwell, 10; Barrett, 50; Catharine F., 88; Charles, 82; Charles F., 101; Clara A., 99; Conrad, 53; Daniel W., 101; David E., 37; Edwin F., 82; Elizabeth M., 101; Ella M., 59; Emeline S., 101; Emma, 19; Eunice F., 101; Francis W., 101; Georgi- anna, 101; George R., 50; George 8., 55, 101: Hannah, 70; Harriet E., 101; Hattie F., 82; Henry M., 82; Horace P., 101, Howard F., 101; James A., 101; John R., 40; Lucia, 50; Martha F., 82; Mary E., 23, 89; Mary V., 41; Matilda, 44; Melzar D., $1; Norman A., 59; Rodney, 50; Susan, 82; Thomas, 11; Winfield S., 101. SNELLING, Joseph P., 84. Snook, H. J., 39. Snow, Sarah, 18. SoPER, Sophia, 57. SouTILARD, Annette P., 53. SPAULDING, Edward, 21; Edward A., 21; Dinah, 7; Dora N., 21; Mary A., 21. SPARHAWK, Catharine L., 95. SPARKLIA, Celia, 31. Sparks, Alice C., 38. SPAULDING, Abbie, 72; Amelia B., 57; An- son, 57; Nancy, 39; Sybil, 47; Willard, 54. Sprar, Emma F., 81; Helen A., 90. SPENCER, Maria, 50; Sarah W., 86. SPRAGUE, John M., 78. SPRANBURG, Elizabeth, 30. Sracey, Mary A., 60. STALLINGS, Joseph, 31. Srancvey, D., 98. STANTON, Kate, 53, STAaPLEs, Alice W., 25; Henry O., 25; Isaac, 87; John E., 25; Minnie, 21. Srarr, Elizabeth, 61; Florida 6., 61. STARRETT, Mary E., 20. STEARNS, Abigail, 10; Charles E., 92; Emily A., 98; Ephraim, 92; John, 9; Lucy T., 43; Rachel L., 92; Rhoda, 23; Ruth, 48. STETSON, Joseph C., 67. STEVENS, Anna, 72; Lilly W.,86; Lydia, 71; Martha, 72; Rosetta J., 35; Sybil W., 96. STEVENSON, Myrick, 24. STEWART, Harriet, 87; Ida K., 62. STICKNEY, Caroline B., 35; Henry H., 35, Joseph W., 35; William, 35. STicEr, E. M., 87; Frances A., 87; Grace C., 87; William D., 87. SrrLes, Mary M., 66. Stone, Alexander J., 31; Betsey, 28; Charles O., 102; Daniel, 31, Edmund, 52; Flor- ence L., 98; Hannah, 30; Israel, 48; Joseph W., 102, Kitty, 52; Lemuel 8., 51; Lois, 52; Louisa, 25, 31, 47; Lucy E.,102; Nancy, 23; Samuel, 12; Sophia, 57. Stow, Abigail, 46; Caroline, 22, Harriet, 22; Lydia B., 22; Mary, 22; Nathan, 21; Na- than B., 22; Nathaniel, 15; Rebecca, 13; Ruth, 12; Samuel, 18; Sarah, 13; Sarah A., 22. STOWELL, Bethia T., 56; Milla A., 56; Na- thaniel W., 55. Srovueutron, Hannah, 12. STREETER, Matilda, 58. Srrone, Anthony M., 77; Charles H., 99; Elizabeth, 99; James C., 99; John S., 99; Richard M., 99; Robert, 99. SuMNER, Clara D., 16; Edith H., 17; Her- bert R.,17; John R., 17; Walter D., 17. SuPPELL, Addie M., 33. Swan, Albert B., 387; Annie P., 37; Asa B., 36; Betsey, 36; Blanche C., 37, Catharine R., 37; Chipman, 86; Edith F., 37; Eleanor D., 87; Elgin P., 87; Eva, 37; Evaline J., 37; Florence M., 37; Frances L., 87; George C., 387; George D., 37; George G., 37; George W., 37; Georgianna, 26; James B., 36; James D., 37; James P., 36, 37; Jerusha E., 37; Jerusha R., 36: Joseph, 36; Joseph C., 36; Josephine G., 37; Katharine E., 37; Luella B., 37; Lucy A., 87; Lucy R., 36, 37; Mary A., 37; Mary 3., 37; Mary M., 37; Melis- cent, 36; Rebecca, 36; Samuel G., 37; Thomas M., 37; William B., 36; William C., 37; William E., 37; William W., 36. Sweet, Alexander J., 43, Alice E., 54; Ann L., 43; Clinton E., 54; Ellen, 43; Frank R., 54; George A., 43, Harriet B., 48, Horatio A., 54; James .A., 54; James R., 54; Joseph B., 43; Mary E., 54; Perry B., 54; Susan J., 43; William M., d4. SWEETZER, Ella A., 24. SwirT, Emma, 41. Syuonps, Elaine C., 104; Emory A., 104; Esteane D., 104; James .A., 104; Lydia J., 103; Mary A., 103,104; Obed A.. 105; Sarah M., 103; Sophia E,, 104. 140 T TAPLEY, Warren, 20. TARBELL, Algernon 8., 69; Augusta 78; Lydia, 58; Sarah, 59; Thomas, 6. TAYLOR, Daniel G.,60; Dorsey, 21; Emily, 94; Fanny, 37; J. 8., 21; Lizzie 8.,101; Martha, 82; Mary, 94; Mary A., 63; Persis, 96; Ruth, 9; Sarah, 13; Susan, 26. TxEBBETS, John 8., 33; Theodore, 33. TELLER, Margaret M., 99. TEMPLE, Betsey, 59; John, 12; Mary R., 62. TENNEY, Joseph G., 82; Phila T., 62; Martha, 25. THAYER, Betsey, 75; Frank O., 46; Herbert A., 46; Julia A., 18; Leah, 75; Lucy M., 26; Mary C., 46; Richard B., 46. TuHoMAS, George W., 49; Jennie C., 92; Min- nie, 43; Robert B., 85. Tuompson, Alexander, 31; Anna, 89; Arthur E., 36; Charles, 37; Eugene, 36; Melinda W., 36. THORNDIKE, Emeline, 43; Ephraim B., 43; George W., 43; Sarah, 40; Theresa L., 43; William H., 43. Tuvrecoop, Anna, 90. TuursTon, Martha A., 27. TIBBETS, Olive, 96. TIBBITS, Paul, 67. Tripp, Rebecca M.; 47; Sarah A., 95. TiEL, Horatio W., 50; Louisa Le R., 51; Maud E., 51. TILDEN, Lucy, 85. TiLTon, Lizzie M., 82. TIRRELL, Mary F., 17. Titcom, Manning E., 97. Titus, Ada M., 71. Topp, Edward, 37; Ella A., 77; Emma, 76; George W., 76,77; James P., 37; Jen- nette E., 77; Mary A., 76; Millie, 77; Min- nie, 77; Nellie L., 77; Sarah E., 37. TouLueEs, Hannah H., 8. ta Julia, 31; Lucius C.,103: Lucy A., TorREY, Mary, 6. Tovscu, Emilé, 90. Tower, Alonzo, 63; Alonzo B., 48; Fidelia A., 45; George C., 48; George W., 48; Harriet E., 48; James M., 48; John B., 63; Jotham, 48; Julius C., 48; Marcus B., 48; Margaret L., 33; Mary A., 48; Sherman B., 48; Ursula, 48. Towne, Amy, 90. TOWNSEND, Ellery V., 35; Nellie, 21. TRAVIS, Sarah, 65. TREADWELL, Elizabeth, 11; Susan, 46. TREAT, Mary I., 91. TROWBRIDGE, Alice M., 19; George W., 19. TRUE, Amos B., 35; Henry, 34, 85; Henry A., 35; Mary A., 35; Mary B., 35. TRUESDELL, Edward D., 42; John P.; 42; Thorndyke, 42. Turts, Anna, 83; Eliza, 18; George D., 93. TURNEAURE, P. R., 51. ; TuRNER, Abbie C.,72; Albert,72; Albert D., 72; Anabel, 44; Bessie B., 44; Eunice, 72; Henry E., 44; Henry H., 44; Herbert S., ae Joseph E., 44; Lydia, 96; William L., TurtLr, Aaron, 76; Adison, 79; Abram, 79; Albert, 51; Albert H., 77; Albert J., 76; Alfred L., 51; Alice C.,51; Alice H., 81; Almira E., 65; Angelia, 76; Angeline, 53; Anna, 76; Anna A., 82; .Arlettie J., 82; Augustus, 81; Betsey, 64; Charles H., 76; Charlotte A., 80; Edith G., 77; Edith M., 94; Edmund 8., 99; Eliza, 72; Elizabeth, 82; Ella F., 82; Hugene F., 84; Flora B., 77; Florence P., 83; Fred. L., 77; Frederick A., 102; Frederick W., 77; George, 79; George H., 77; George R., 77; George W., 76,79; Hattie, 79; Henrietta, 76; Henry W., 65, 82; Herbert A., 76; Horace 65,79; Hor- ace B., 65; Howard K., 82; James, 82; James A., 82; James H., 82; James W., 76; Jones, 76; Julia §., 102; Julius H., 102; Leslie, 51; Lizzie H.,77; Loretta, 76; Louisa O., 81; Lucy A., 65; Lucy J., 79; Luke, 79; Mary J., 65; Mary L., 84; Nellie L., 82; Rebecca, 9; Walter A., 77; Willie W., 77. INDEX OF NAMES TYLER, Faith, 55; Fannie, 77; George W., 55; Gertrude, 5D5 Laura A. , 55; Royal, 5B. TYNAN, Alice, ‘41. TYNG, Eunice, 15. U UNDERWOOD, Lydia A., 92. Upton, Louise, 99. Vv VAIL, Sarah T., 41. VANCE, Caleb C., 59. VAN DERBERG, Eugene B., 66. Van Dory, Anthony, 35; Charles A., 98; Charles oe 98; Elizabeth, 98; Harriet, 98: Moses T., 94. VAN EveRA, Jessie M., 34. VAN SICKEL, Ellen, 90. VAN VorRIs, Charles J., 52; Emma B., 52; Jackson, 51; Lulu i, 52: Mary L., "52: William A., 52. Vans, Rebecca, 69. Vaueun, Anna, 5. VEATCH, Cora E., V., 74; Irene G.., 74: Oscar H., 74. VEDDER, Maria, 55. VERMILYEA, Eliza J., 44. VERRY, ‘Adaline A. Gls VIALLE, George, 66; Sarah, 93. VILES, Frances M., ‘1; Sarah A., 91. Vinton, Elizabeth, 16; : Eusebia F. , 69; Ruth, 7, 12. VosE, Eliza, 35; Helen A., 35; Joanna, 34; Mary as 35. 74; Cyrus A., 74; Dana 74: Sarah, Ww Wart, Anna, 77; Charles E., 77; Charlotte, 77; Edward D. ads Elizabeth, 17; George, 77; George H., TT: Hannah a 77; Helen L., 77; Lambert R., 77; Maria F., 77: Mary, 77; Robert E., es Sarah M., 77; Sheridan F., 77; William B., 77. WAITE, Levi, 76; Lydia, 88; Mary F., 35. WAKEFIELD, Harrold H., "97; Thomas H., 97. Watcort, Martha, 66. WALKER, "Abbie W., 90; James E., 81; Lelia a , 81; Perry L. , 8; Rebecca, Bd: Stephen, ar eaee: Clara E.,103; David K.,102; Emma M., 103; "Huldah E., 103; Sarah A., 103. WALTON, Elizabeth, 8. WARD, Edith, 45; Emma, 26; Emma M., 51; Estelle A., 45; Frank E., 605 Josiah O., 44? 45; Julia, 39; ‘Mabel, 45: Mary L., 41; Wil. liam, 21. WARE, Harriet, 27; Jane, 20; John, 53; Joseph B., 49; Sarah A., BB. Wanna, Editha, 58; John H., 53; Laura A., 55; Mary E, 37; Ruth, 53. WARREN, Adains F., 23° Alice E., 92; Caro- line R., 91; Charles, 38, 91; Charles E., 20; Charles H., 92; Charles W., 91, 92: Corne- lius W., 91, 92: Edward F., "92: "Edward L., 92; Ella, 38; Ellen E., 91; Emily G., 20: Florence A., 92; Frederick W., 92; George, 20; George F., 92; George H., 38: George P., 92; George W., 91; Hannah E., 92; Hattie’ M., 92; Horace W., 73: Ida F., 92; John F., 91, 92; Jonas P., "91; "Joseph, 92: Joseph. A., 91; ” Mary A., 88; : Mary C., 20; Mary E., 38; Martha 4 925 Nathan H., 37; Persis B., 91: Persis L., 92; Persis M., 92; Sarah B., "91; Sarah E., ‘91; Thomas R., 90; William F., 91, WASHBURN, Arthur P., 36; Charles P., 48; Frederick P., 36; John, 35; Martha A., 91. WATERS, ‘Albert Sa 638; "arthur J., 68; Effie B., 63; Hannah L., 85: Joseph Joy 25; Ma- bel C., 63; Russell J., 63. WATTS, ” Alma J., 88; Emily A., 29; James T., 88; Leroy P., 88; Nancy, 101; Rebecca ” 36. “2 WessBer, Alden B., 71; Alfred, 71; Amos A., 27; Anna L., 85; Annie C., 84; Arte- mus, 71; Arthur W., 71; Benjamin N., 71; Benjamin P., 84; Carrie M. » 71; Carrie Psy 71; Edward D. rie Eliza F., 71; Fanny A., oT; Frank G., OT; George, oT Henry F., 71: Henry P., 85; Herbert E., 27; James, 70: James P., 85; Job, 70, 71; John, 71; John 8., 27; Joseph W., 853 Kate Px, 71: Lewis B. , 71; Lizzie F., 71; Lizzie a 85: Lucy, 98; Lucy D., 27; Marcus B., 71; Mar- cus H., 71; Maria G, 71; Maria Te, 85; Marion W., 71: Martin, 26; Martin D. » 27; Mary E. , 2, 84: Menton, 84: Myra I 26, 27; Nancy, 71; Nancy M., 27; Olive P., 71; Paul B., 71; Ruhamah, 98; "Ruth A., 71: Sally, 71; Sarah A, cs Sarah E., OTe Tim: othy J., "84; Wallace G., 71; Warren Py 71; Woodward A., 85. WessTER, Annie A., 98. WEEKS, Friend, 57. WEIDEMAN, Robert H., 34. WELLINGTON, Abigail, 72; Keziah, 15. WELLS, Charles H., 85; Effie M, , 100; George Be; 100; Jacob, 59; Jennie E., "100; Marcia W., 40. WELTARKY, Catharine J., 37. Wescott, George E.,48; Hattie C., 48. West, Roxanna, 36. WESTLAKE, Augustus L., 37. Weston, Addie L., 92; Alice P., 93; Ann M., 91; Charles, 90, 91; Charles D., 91; Charles J., 93; Elijah L., 36; Emily A., 92; Eri, 91; Frank 8., 36; Frederick, 91, Hannah A., 98; Hiram, 91; Howard C., 36; Jonas, 91; Lon M., 36; Mary, 91; Merta B., 36; Mira B., 36; Pearhiette, 36; Persis, 91; Persis A., 93; Rebecca, 91; Sally, 91, Sarah J., 91. WETHERBEE, Abbie, 104; Albert, 92; Ann E., 61; Annie, 104; Augustus W., 63; Charles, 104; Charles C., 80; Charles H., 92; Clara, 80; Daniel, 79, 80; Daniel J., 80; Eliot J.,92; Emma, 80, 104; Ernest E., 80, Florence, 104; Francis W., 62; Frank, 80, 104; Frank E., 80; Fred, 104; Fred B., 104; George, 104; Harry J., 104; James R., 80; Jennie, 104; John, 63, 104; John F., 92, Josiah, 91; Josiah W., 92; Kate, 104; Mabel F., 80; Mabel G., 104; Marietta, 26; Mary, 104; Rosella, 80; Roswell, 80; Silas, 104; Susan A., 80. WETHERELL, M. §., 92. WuHeEat, Abigail, 7; Daniel, 87; Elizabeth, 87; John, 54; Lucinda, 87; Susanna, 87. WHEELER, Abigail, 6, 64; Arvilla C., 21; Asa N., 92; Benjamin, 70; Caleb H., 66; Charles 8., 73; David, 83; Deliverance, 9: Dorcas, 6; Dorothy, 14; Ebenezer, 13, 15; Edward, 15; Eliza, 67; Elizabeth, 6,14, 15; Elizabeth F., 73; Ephraim, 14, 15; Ernest M., 93; Esther, 15; Eugene C., 93; Eva L., 93; Francis, 6, 15; George, 11, 14; Grace, 8; Hannah, 14, 15, 83; Hezekiah, 15; Ida J , 93; James, 14, 15; Jeremiah, 15; Joanna, 15; John, 11, 14, 15; Joseph, 13, 14,15; Joshua, 15; Josiah, 15; Julia, 73; Julius, 102; Lizzie A., 46; Lois J., 39; Lucy, 8, 26; Lydia, 15; Lydia P., 74; Mary, 14,15, 16: Mary E., 81; Mary L., 73; Meriam, 15; Moses, 102; Naomi oes 76; Nathan, 46; Nathaniel, 15; Noah, Obadiah, 14, 15; Peter, 15; Phineas, i Rebecca, 8, 12, 14, 15; Rhoda, 15, 23: Richard, 13, 14, 15; Ruth, 10, 14, 15; Samuel, ch 15; Sarah) 10, 14, ‘15; Solomon, 15; Sophia, 23: Susannah, 15; Thankful, 16: Thomas, $), 14, 16; Timothy, 6, 14: William, 14, 15. WHELDON, Henry, 57. WHERREN, Charles F., 79; Frank M., 79; Joseph W., 78; Lizzie L., 79. ’ WHIPPLE, Clarissa B., 57. WHITAKER, David, 7. WHITCOMB, Charles W., 108; Elizabeth, 74; Harriet B., 74; Hattie R., "104; J. M., 74: Mary, 47; Mary A., 104; Mobtimer OL, 77; Perry C., "104: Sarah, 16, 74; Sarah B., 16. WHITE, ‘Anna, ll; Carrie E., 93: Charles F., 24; Daniel, 83: Ebenezer, 78. "Edward, 24: 141 IN GENEALOGIOAL TABLES. Elizabeth, 15; Eva K., 50; Francis A., 24; Francis W., 24, George B., 50; Harriet S., 24; Isabella H., 50; J. &., 93; John, 93: Jennie, 40; John H., 50; Julia, 24; Lillian K., 50; Louisa, 24; Lucy E., 50; Mary, 89; Samuel C., 24; Sarah, 11; Stella A., 27; William H. Od WHITEMORE, "Benjamin, 7. WHITING, Ellen L., 84; Ethel, 84; George A., 84; Harrold, 34; ‘Laura A. a4: Leslie, 84; Lucy A., 84. Wuirman, Alfred, 61; Alfred E., 62; Helen M., 43; Henry P., 62; John P., 62; Morrill, 62; "Russell BR. , 62; Waldo, 62. WHITNEY, Amasa, "95; Christopher By. 173 Clara L., 26; Elizabeth, 79; Hattie A. 104: Gertrude L.. 26; Isaac, 96; ” John, 16; John H., 26; Josiah, "93: Lucius, 26; ‘Lucy, 65; Mary a 23; ‘Sally, 101; Susan H., 26; Thomas, 46. WHITTEN, Frank L., 35. WIGGINS, "Cynthia, 2 25; Emily J., 25; Hattie, 39; Maria, 25; Samuel, 23. Wicur, John A. , 99. WILcox, Jennie, 56. WipE, Helen M., 103. WILEY, John H.,69; Philomel, 28. WILKER, Alice S., 102. Wixins, J. H., 25; Maria, 65; Nancy, 78. WiILmotT, Lucy, 26. Witson, Anna M., 62; Charles E., 98; Charles O., 98; Edward H., 98; Ellen Ds 47; Eugene, 98; George E. ye Hannah, 7: Harriet N., "48° Harry, 98; Helen H., 104; Henry M., "98. "Horace M., 62; James, 942 John G., 62; John H., 98; John E., 104+ John O., 98, 99; Joseph, 98; Joseph W., 98; Maria L. , 98; Martha M., "94; Mary A., 98; Mary J., ‘4; . Mary L., 94, 98; Nellie Ee 98: Nettie aa 62; Rebecca ¥, 58: Robert, 98; Robert E., 94; Robert G., 72,98; Sarah, oT: William, 6. WILLARD, Abovehope, 15; Augustus W., 72; Benjamin, 15; Carrie Ga 61; Daniel, 15; Dorothy, 15; Edna AL, 61: Elizabeth, 6, 15, 16; Hannah, 16; Henry, 15; John, 11, 15; Jonathan, 15; Joel G.,61; Joseph, 15; Josiah, 15; Margery, 9;15; Mary, 15, 16; Samuel, 15; Sarah, 15; Simon, 15; Timothy, 15; Walter C., 61. WILLETrT, Adison, 58; Harriet M., 59. WILLIAMS, Alice, 72; Augusta W., Elizabeth, 51; Frank, 52; Myrtie B.,52; Salone §., 66. WILLIs, Lydia A., 38; Mary, 33. WINANS, Sarah, 56. WINcH, George G., 97; William H., 58. WINCHELL, Eliza, 48. WINN, Eliza M., 60. WINNEGAR, Charity O., 58. WINSHIP, Emily, 71; Mavy, 7. Wixstow, Caleb S., 43; Charles W., 49; Fanny E., 60; Henry E., 60. WISE, Charles H. , 102. WITHERELL, Sarah, 21. WITHERSPOON, Abby, 31. Wirt, Dinah, 5. Woxcorr, Harriet A., 52; John, 83; Mary GC. 2% Nathaniel, 51; Sally, 59. Woop, Abel J., 79; Abigail, 11, 16; Abra- ham, 16; Adella L., 51; Albert E. , 38; Alice J. 3b: Augusta, 38; Bertie, 51; Bessie, 47; Bessie F. , 38; Bessie H. , 103: Caroline P.? 38; Charlotte E., 38; Charlotte PB. 38: Charles, 38; Charles i 38; Charles M., 51; Clary BL 51; Cyrus a 103; Daniel, 36: Daniel H., 38, 74; Dorcas, 16: Farl §.? 20; Jessie E., 52; 29: Edward F., 38; Elijah, 38; Eliza M., 16: Ellen M., 36; Ephraim, 16, 38: Ernest, 51; Fannie, 103; Flor ence ,, 16; Frederick H., 103; Frederick J., 39; George, 38; George A. 16; George E. , 38: George W. 3 F95 Georgianna, 79; “Gertrude B., 38; Grace E., 38; Hannah, 16; Hen 38: Herbert C., bi; Herbert F.. "38; "Herbert H., 51; Herbert J. ,51; Hiram W. 51; Ida ¥., 79; Ida J., 79; Isaac, 16; Isabel R. , 38; Jacob, 14,16; James, 38; James B., 38; John, 16, 38: John F., 38; ‘Jonas, 49% Julia 8. , 38: Laura E. stO8 Lewis E., 79: Lizzie F.. , 383, INDEX OF NAMES IN GENEALOGICAL TABLES. Lois I., 16; Louisa, 40; Louise B., d1; Margaret F., 38; Mary, 9, 16, 38; Mary E., 51; Mary H., 38; Mary I., 71, Meliscent, 12; Meliscent B., 36; Merton A., 16; Michael, 16; Milly, 38; Nathan, 46; Olive, 51; Re- becca, 61; Rebecca W., 79: Richard F., 38; Ruth, 14, 16; Sarah E., 38; Stephen, 46; Susan B.,79; Sylvester, 28; Thomas H., 36; Thompson, 16; Walter 8., 38; William, 16, 38; William H., 79; William L., 36, 38; William N., 79; William P., 36; William oe 36; Winthrop B., 79; Winthrop E., 79. Woopsury, Amanda, 59; Irene, 57. Woopuis, Elizabeth, 9. Woops, Eunice, 101; Lucy R., 102. Woopwarp, Charles C., 24; Lydia M., 82; William, 7. Wootey, Elizabeth, 8; Hannah, 76; Lydia, 76. Worven, Alfred, 51; Amariah, 51; Frank, 51; Mable, 51; Mattie, 51. WorrtTHLEY, Hiram, 66. WORTHINGTON, Elizabeth, 55; Mary H., 47. Wrient, A. C., 47; Abigail, 54; Alfred D., 97; Arvilla, 47; Betsey, 26; Edward 64; Ellen R., 104; James, 18; Mary, 47; Meliscent, 59; Nancy J., 70; Nancy M., 76; Priscilla, 10; Samuel, 11; Sarah, 13, 54. Wyatt, Mary B., 17. Wrman, Alfred, 58; Benjamin F., 59; Charles, 58; Charlotte E., 88; Edwin C., 59; Edwin L., 59; Eliza A., 59; Eliza B., 58, 59; Emily, 59; Franklin, 58; Frederick, 58; Frederick §., 58; John, 58; Judson J., 59; Lucy, 25; Maria M., 59; Marcella, 58; Martha H.,58; Mary, 58; Mary B.,58; Mary E.,59; Mary F.,59; Melinda 8.,58; Merel, 142 58; Philesta, 58; Rebecca F., 59; Roxane, 58; Samuel, 54, 58; Samuel B., 59; Stedman, 58; Susie, 59. NM YATES, Augusta, 42; Gideon M., 42. Youné, Charlotte E., 78; Deborah, 101 ; Francis L., 78; Horace D., 78; Mary E., 78; Philander D., 77; Rachel, 96; Sarah M., 78; William W., 78. Z ZANDER, Frank H., 51. ZIMMERMAN, Bessie M., 52; Edna V., 52; Elbert B., 52; Ralph E., 52. ZINDLE, Frank, 69. BALL, George §., Rev. . : BARRETT, Albert PeunieOn) Prof. Amos . : ; Amos . Amos Judson, Rev. Asa é : Benjamin Benj ee M.D. Chavies No. 1559) Charles (No. 1714) Charles (No. 1722) Charles, Capt. Charles, Col. Charles, Hon. Clarence Tynan . Clinton Samuel, pete: Daniel . Edward Harris George . ‘ Cece Hubbell . George Minott (No. 1063) George Minott (No. aa Henry . 3 Humphrey (No. 1) ‘ Humphrey, Jr. (No. 4) Humphrey (No. 788). Humphrey Une: Bosh Israel James, Col. James . James Atwater, Major John . : John, Capt. . John, Rev. . John Leahy . John Lyman : John Miller, Capt. John P., Rev. Jonas, Lieut. Jonas Stone . Joseph, Capt. Joseph, Capt. Joshua, Rey. Luther G., Rev. Myron Erastus Nathan ; Nathan, Capt. Nathan, Col. Nathan, Col. Nathan F. Nathan M. Oliver, Lieut. Oliver, Major 3 Perry Gordon, M. D. Rebecca (Hubbard) Richard, Capt. . Richard Fay, vee Roswell : Samuel, Dea. Samuel, Major. Stephen (No. 1899) Stephen (No. 2535) Stephen (No. 2643) Stephen (No. 2803) Stephen P., Prof. Theodore A. : Wiliam . sw sg 105, INDEX OF BIOGRAPHIES. 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 109 110 110 110 111 109 109 111 111 111 111 112 113 112 112 113 105 105 113 113 114 106 114 114 105 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 105 115- 115 115 115 116 116 115 116 116 116 105 116 116 106 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 118 117 118 118 Brooks, Joshua Thomas : Brown, Adison Amos 4 Cyrus, Lieut. 4 a ‘W., Lieut. Guy A Herman i John, Rev. . John J. John 8. John W. Joseph, Rev. Joshua L. . Josiah, Capt. , Nathan, Rev. and D. D. Reuben 5 : William G. . William R. . ‘ s BULKELEY, Peter, Rev. BUTTRICK, J ohn, Major. William Co CHURCHILL, Gardner A. Crossy, Samuel Cobb Conant, Lot D Dawa, James, Hon. James Jackson, Gen. Samuel, Hon. DANIELS, Francis . Davis, Dolor . Samuel . Simon . Day, Murray Simpson, Lieut, BE EveERErt, John M., Col. FE FARRAR, nee Jacob John , Samuel, Dea. . Timothy, Judge . : FLETcHER, John, Hon. FOSTER, Isaac FROTHINGHAM, Rev. William G GREENE, Charles Thruston Francis Vinton, Capt. George Sears, Gen. George Sears, Jr. Samuel Dana .. GOWING, John Kendall . H HALL, Evelyn May (Barrett) Hosmer, George Washington, Rev. James Kendall, Prof. Joseph, Major 143 106 106 118 118 118 118 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 121 121 107 107 107 121 121 107 122 122 122 121 107 107 107 122 123 107 107 107 107 107 123 123 123 123 123 123 124 124 124 124 124 125 124 HUBBARD, Ebenezer HUMPHREY, John . William 8. Hunt, Reuben ; Simon (No. 868) . Simon (No. 997) . J JoNES, Charles Augustus Elnathan : John L Lewis, Betsey L. (Barrett) . Franklin Fillmore 3 Judson Adoniram Stephen Barrett . M Martin, Mrs. Lizzie Edna (Jones). MATSELL, George Washington MILEs, Charles, Capt. 3 Mrxorr, George, Dea. James . N Novrse£, Barnard, Map Caleb . P Prerce, John Davis, Rev. Porrer, Charles Francis, Dea. Henry : : : Henry Staples Luke . Samuel (No: 5169) Samuel (No. 5186) PRESCOTT, Charles, Col. J onathan ‘ R RUSSELL, James James Sullivan, A.M. : William Lambert, M.D. . Ss SAWYER, Joel Levi, M.D.. SEVER, Ann D. John, Col. Martha SPALDING, Edward, M. D. SWAIN, Chipman ; J ames Prescott Joseph Prescott a Taytor,J.S.D. . TRUE, Henry Aver, M. D. Wuirk, John H. WHITNEY, Lucius . ‘WILLARD, Simon, Major Woop, Farl 8. 5 . ‘i Wran, Samuel 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 108 126 “126 126 126 126 126 126 108 108 126 126 127 127 127 127 108 128 128 108 108 108 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 129 128 129 129 129 129 130 108 130 130