CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM The Mase, “tr-e Litrary (in exchange) Thi VITAL RECORDS OF HARVARD MASSACHUSETTS, TO THE YEAR 1850. COMPILED BY THOMAS W. BALDWIN, A.B., S.B., MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. BOSTON, MASS., 1917. Number of Births printed . . . . . + - 4,396 Marriages . . . . . 1,619 X 2 = 3,238 names Deas. ge ge ES woe WH OR 10,015 total BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY, 32 Derng STREET. HARVARD. June 29, 1732, parts of Groton, Lancaster and Stow made the town of Harvard. February 25, 1783, part included in the new district of Box- borough. June 14, 1906, bounds between Harvard and Littleton estab- lished. June 14, 1906, bounds between Harvard and Boxborough established. Population by Census: — 1765 (Prov.), 1,126; | 1865 (State), 1,355; 1776 (Prov.), 1,315; | 1870 (U. S.), 1,341; 1790 (U. S.), 1,387; | 1875 (State), 1,304; 1800 (U. S.), 1,319; | 1880 (U. S.), 1,253; 1810 (U. S.), 1,431; | 1885 (State), 1,184; 1820 (U. S.), 1,597; | 1890 (U. S.), 1,095; 1830 (U. S.), 1,600; | 1895 (State), 1,162; 1840 (U. S.), 1,571; | 1900 (U. S.), 1,139; 1850 (U. S.), 1,630; | 1905 (State), 1,077; 1855 (State), 1,533; | 1910 (U. S.), 1,034; 1860 (U. S.), 1,507; | 1915 (State), 1,104. EXPLANATIONS. 1. When places other than Harvard or Massachusetts are named in the original records they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all items from the records the original spelling of the names is given, and any additions made to the spelling of the rec- ord are enclosed in brackets. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings. 4. The birth of a married woman is recorded under her maiden name, when it is known, but if the maiden name is unknown the entry appears under the husband’s name with a dash en- closed in brackets, i.e., (_————], to signify that the maiden name is not known. 5. In taking records from gravestones it is often the case that the family name of a woman as given on the stone is not that under which she was born, so, therefore, many births may appear under a married name instead of the original, which is not shown on the stone. In many cases names are evidently those of wives, though not so specified. All dates of birth found on the gravestones in the town are given in the book, but from this it is not to be inferred that the persons are born in this town, as in a great many cases they arenot. 6. Marriages and intentions are printed under the name of both parties. When both the marriage and intention are re- corded, only the marriage record is printed, and the date of the intention is not given, except when needed to make more clear the date of the marriage. When the marriage appears without the intention recorded it is designated with an asterisk. 7. Additional information which does not appear in the original town record, i.e., any difference shown in other records of the same person, is enclosed in parentheses, with the source of the information indicated. ABBREVIATIONS. a.— age; aged abt. — about b. — born bp. — baptized bur. — buried ch. — child c.R.I. — church record, First Congregational Church c.R.2. — church record, Calvinistic Congregational Church c.R.3. — church record, Baptist Church, Still River d.— daughter; died; day Dea. — deacon dec. — deceased dup. — duplicate entry G.R.I. — grave record, Old Cemetery G.R.2. — grave record, Shaker Cemetery G.R.3. — grave record, Bellevue Cemetery G.R.4. — grave record, private cemetery near Littleton road b. — husband; hours inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior , md. — married m.—— month N.S. — new style o.s. —old style prob. — probably rep. — reputed s.— son Sr, — senior s.R. — Shaker record T.c. — town copy unm. — unmarried w. — wife; weeks wid. — widow widr. — widower y.— year HARVARD BIRTHS. Io HARVARD BIRTHS. Atuerton, Alfred, s. of Ebon and Lucy, Feb. 27, 1823. Ame, d. of Ezra, bp. July 4, 1773. C.R.I. Amminadab, s. of John, bp. Aug. 10, 1740. C.R.I. Anne, d. of Peter and Bette, Oct. 25, 1766. Arathusa [ ], w. of Ja[me]s H., , 1832. G.R.I. Arethusa, d. of Joseph Jr. and Hannah, May 16, 1778. Azubah, d. of Peter and Experience, Dec. 23, 1730. Benjamin, s. of Peter Jr. and Betty, Sept. 23, 1760. Betty, d. of Peter Jr. and Betty, Mar. 24, 1757. Charles, s. of David and Esther, Feb. 22, 1791. Charles Philemon, s. of Oliver and Adeline, Feb. 9, 1837. Cornelius, s. of John, bp. May 8, 1737. C.R.I.. Daniluthussa, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. May 16, 1779. C.R.I. David, s. of Joseph and Sarah, July 31, 1753. David, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1757. David, s. of Ebon and Lucy, Nov. 13, 1820. Eben, s. of David and Esther, Mar. 1, 1789. Eliakim, s. of John and Phebee, Dec. 15, 1743. Eliza Hubbard [ ], w. of Galen, Apr. 6, 1824. G.R.3. Elizabeth, d. of Philemon and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1814. Emila, d. of David and Esther, July 31, 1795. Emily Hearsy, d. of Ebon and Lucy, Jan. 14, 1830. Esther, d. of Oliver and Rachel, Jan. 13, 1764. Eunice, d. of Peter Jr. and Betty, Aug. 26, 1758. Experience, d. of Peter and Experience, Feb. 13, 1728-9. Experience, d. of Peter and Betty, May 1, 1765. Ezra, s. * John and Feebe, Feb. 21, 1744-5. (Feb. 20, 1745. C.R.I. Fanny, d. of Joseph (Jr., c.r.1) and Hannah, Jan. 10, 1785. Frank Elisha, s. of Alfred and Abba M., Feb. 15, 1849. Fred{elrick Augustus, s. of Ebon and Lucy, Apr. 23, ——. (Fred A., b. 1838. G.R.1.) Galen, s. of Philemon and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1816. Galen Patterson, s. of Oliver and Adeline, Apr. 26, 1838. George, s. of David and Esther, Jan. 21, 1708. George Robinson, s. of Otis R. and Caroline, Dec. 5, 1837. Hannah, d: of Joseph, bp. Nov. 25, 1764. c.R.1. Hannah, d. of John, bp. July 12, 1772. c.R.1. ee Warren, s. of Philemon and Eliz[albeth, Sept. 18, 1812. Humphrey, s. of Joseph (Jr., c.r.1) and Hannah, May 4, 1783. Isaac, s. of Peter and Experience, Jan. 9, 1740-1. - Israel, s. of Peter and Experience, Nov. 20, 1741. James, s. of Peter and Experience, May 9, 1740. HARVARD BIRTHS. II ot James Humphrey, s. of Ebon and Lucy, Mar. 11, 1826. James Munroe, s. of Daniel and Fanny, Nov. 20, 1817. James Otis, s. of Otis R. and Caroline, Mar. 30, 1835. Joel, s. of John and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1764. John, s. of John and Phebee, Feb. 22, 1736-7. John, s. of Peter and Experience, June 20, 1746. John, s. of John and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1762. Jonathan, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 11, 1759. Joseph, s. of Oliver and Rachel, Aug. 5, 1750. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, May 12, 1768. Joshua, s. of Peter and Experience, June 20, 1737. Julia, d. of Ezra and Julia, Aug. 20, 1808. Keziah, d. of Peter and Experience, Dec. 11, 1732. Lidiah, d. of John and Phebee, Oct. 27, 1747. Loiis, d. of John and Pheebe, Jan. 18, 1733-4. Louisa, d. of David and Esther, May 11, 1787. Louisa, d. of Charles and Annice, July 9, 1812. Lucy, d. of John, bp. June 23, 1776. C.R.1. Lycy, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 23, 1791. Martha, d. of John and Hannah, May 17, 1767. Martha, d. of Phillemo]n and Elisabeth, Aug. 8, 1807. Martin, s. of David and Esther, July 2, 1793. Mary, d. of Peter and Experience, June 25, 1739. Mary, d. of Oliver and Rachel, Jan. 28, 1753. Mary, d. of John and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1769. Mary, d. of David and Esther, Mar. 2, 1801. , ’ Mary Maria, d. of George and Mary, June 12, 1825. Mercy, d. of Peter and Experience, Apr. 11, 1753. Mercy, d. of Peter and Bette, May 19, 1772. Nathaniel, s. of Joseph Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1773. Oliver, s. of Oliver and Rachel, Aug. 24, 1755. Oliver, s. of Joseph Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1774. Oliver Humphry, s. of Philemon and Elisabeth, June 20, 1809. Otis Robinson, s. of Philemon and Martha, May 4, 1804. Patiance, d. of Joseph and Han[nJah, Aug. 15, 1735. Patience, d. of Joseph, bp. June 27, 1773. C.R.I. Peter, s. of Peter and Experience, Oct. 23, 1733. Peter, s. of Peter and Experience, Dec. 29, 1734. Peter, s. of Peter Jr. and Betty, Oct. 13, 1763. Philemon, s. of Oliver and Rachel, June 15, 1771. Rachel, d. of Oliver and Rachel, Apr. 12, 1761. Rachel, d. of Joseph (Jr., c.r.r) and Hannah, June 8, 1787. Rachel, d. of Philemon and Elisabeth, Feb. 4, 1811. I2 HARVARD BIRTHS. ATHERTON, Roswell, s. of Otis and Caroline, July 3, 1832. Sabra, d. of Ezra, bp. Mar. 14, 1773. C.R.I. Salla, d. of Joseph Jr. and Hannah, May 30, 1780. Samuel, s. of John and Phebee, Feb. 11, 1738-0. Samuel, s. of Peter and Experience, Mar. 9, 1746-7. Samuel, s. of John and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1758. Samuel, s. of John and Hannah, Apr. 8, 1760. Samuel, s. of John and Hannah, Dec. 17, 1782. Sarah, d. of John and Pheebe, Mar. 11, 1740. Sarah, d. of Peter and Experience, Sept. 9, 1744. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, May 25, 1755. Sarah, d. of John and Hannah [no date] (Sarah, d. of John, bp. . Aug. 28,1774. C.R.1). Sarah Elisabeth, d. of Oliver H. and Adeline, July 15, 1845. Silence, d. of Jonathan and Martha, Mar. 29, 1765. Simon T., May 19, 1803. G.R.2. Sophia, d. of Peter and Bette, June 1, 1768. Thomas, s. of John and Phebe, Apr. 10, 1753. William, s. of John and Pheby, Mar. 4, 1750. William Frederic, s. of Philemon and Elizabeth, July 13, 1818. William Martin, s. of Ebon and Lucy, May 14, 1819. Zephia, d. of Peter, bp. Sept. 11, 1768. C.R.1. BACON, C. E. [ ], w. of J. Willard, , 1827. G.R.I. Elizabeth C. [ ], w. of Hezekiah, ——, 1801. G.R.I. Elizabeth D., d. of Hezekiah and Mary, ——, 1831. G.R.1. Hezekiah, ——, 1797. G.R.I. J. Willard, ——, 1826. G.R.1. Joseph Austin, s. of S[amuel] and A[lmy] (Almy E., c.r.2), Nov. 4, 1835. Lucia H. (Lucia Harlow, c.r.2), d. of Sam[ue]l and Almy (Alma Ellery, c.r.2), Jan. 31, 1827. Lydia L., d. of Hezekiah and Mary, , 1823. G.R.I. Mary [ ], w. of Hezekiah, , 17904. G.R.I. Nancy Mari, d. of Samuel and Nancy, July 23, 18109. Samuel A., ——, 1842. G.R.I. Samuel N. (Samuel Newton, c.R.2), s. of S[amuel] and A[lmy] (Almy Ellery, c.r.2), Jan. 25, 1820. Sarah Fairbank, d. of Samuel and Nancy, July 10, 1822. Sophia Ann, d. of Samuel and Nancy, Dec. 20, 1820. BAGSTER, Sophia C. Holcombe [ 1828. G.R.3. Thomas, ——, 1825. G.R.3. ], w. of Thomas, ——, HARVARD BIRTHS. 13 BAILEY, Adaline C. Burt [ G.R.1. Daniel, Aug. —, 1822. G.R.I. Molly, d. of Ward, bp. July 17,1772. c.R.1. Ward, s. of Ward, bp. Sept. 23, 1770. c.R.1. BALL, Adaline, d. of Benja{min] and Mary, Apr. 3, 1836. Caroline Augusta, d. of Benja[min] and Mary, Sept. 2, 1833. Lucy Ann, d. of Benja[min] and Mary, Aug. 9, 1838. BARDEEN (see Barden), Chloe, d. of Daniel and Abigail, Mar. 7, 1796. Daniel Nelson, s. of Shadrach and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1807. Hannah Nelson, d. of Daniel and Abigail, June 11, 1797. Jane Amanda, d. of Shadrach and Sarah, Oct. 23, 1812. Susanna French, d. of Shadrach and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1804. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Hannah, Apr. 8, 1794. William Thomas, s. of Shadrach and Sally, Sept. 7, 1810. BARDEN (see Bardeen), Albert E., s. of Stilman and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1840. BARKER, Daniel, s. of Daniel and C.R.I. ], w. of Daniel, July —, 1842. , bp. Aug. 25, 1816. BARNARD, Abner, s. of Benjamin and Jemima, Feb. 14, 1832. Adeline, d. of Jeremiah and Billah, Mar. 17, 1838. Amory, s. of Eph[rai]Jm and Elisabeth, Oct. 23, 1784. Anna Augusta Scales, d. of Jeremiah and Billah, Aug. 29, 1829. Appleton Morse, s. of Emery and Susan, Jan. 15, 1821. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Nov. 27, 176. Benjamin, s. of Jotham and Lucy, June 12, 1777. Benjamin, s. of Jesse and Susanna, in Andover, May 29, 1793. Benjamin, s. of Harriet H., bp. July 6, 1834. c.R.2. Benjamin K., s. of Benjamin and Jemima, Dec. 17, 1818. Calvin, s. of Jotham and Lucy, July 25, 1781. Charles, s. of Benj[ami]n K. and Mary, Oct. 12, 1844. Daniel, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 2, 1777. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1785. Daniel Laughton, s. of Jeremiah and Beulhah, Feb. 5, 1824. David, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Apr. 13, 1754. David, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Mar. 13, 1763. Elisabeth, d. of Ephraim and Elisabeth, Jan. 31, 1780. Elisha, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Mary, May 9, 1770. Eliza Ann W., d. of Ephraim and Dorathy, Mar. 30, 1828. Eliza Jane, d. of George, bp. Sept. 4, 1825. C.R.I. 14 HARVARD BIRTHS. . BARNARD, Emery, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1794. Emery Laughton, s. of Emery and Susan, in Framingham, Mar. , 1817. : gheina, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, May 3, 1747. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1772. Ephraim, s. of Phinehas and Betsy W., Mar. 19, 1805. Eph[raijm Augustus, s. of Ephraim and Dorathy, Aug. 16, 1832. Esther, d. of Jotham and Lucy, June 1, 1786. Esther Allen, d. of Ephraim and Dorathy, Dec. 21, 1838. Francis, s. of Benjamin (Jr., c.r.1) and Mary, Mar. 11, 1773. Franklin, s. of Benjamin and Jemima, May 17, 1809. George, s. of Oliver and Martha, Dec. 11, 1791. Granvil, s. of Benjamin and Jemima, Jan. 1, 1812. ‘ Hannah, d. of Ephraim and Elisabeth, Dec. 1, 1782. Harriet, d. of Jesse and Susanna, Apr. 16, 1795. Henry Blanchard, s. of Jeremy, bp. May 21, 1826. c.R.1. Jacob, s. of Jotham and Lucy, Apr. 16, 1769. Jane Emeline, d. of Ephraim and Dorathy, July 28, 1835. Jeremiah, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1797. Jesse, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Mary, June 11, 1767. Joab, s. of Jotham and Lucy, May 12, 1793. Twin. Joel, s. of Jotham and Lucy, May 12, 1793. Twin. John, s. of Samuel and Hannah, June 6, 1791. John, s. of Benjamin K. and Mary, May 5, 1846. Jonathan, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Sept. 22, 1751 0. s. Jonathan, s. of Jotham and Lucy, Jan. 27, 1771. Josiah, s. of Benjamin and Jemima, May 1, 1816. Jotham, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Feb. 24, 1745. Levi, s. of Jotham and Lucy, Apr. 28, 1789. Levi, s. of Phinehas and Betsy W., Oct. 24, 1800. Levi, s. of Benjamin and Jemima, Mar. 22, 1822. Levina, d. of Moses, bp. Oct. 19, 1788. c.R.I. Lucy, d. of Jotham and Lucy, Sept. 26, 1774. Luther, s. of Ephraim and Elisabeth, June 7, 178r. Lydia, d. of Moses, bp. Sept. 8, 1782. c.R.1. Martha Ann, d. of Emory and Susan, Nov. 9, 1824. Mary Ann, d. of Jeremiah and Billah, May 10, 1835. Mary Hunt, d. of Oliver and Martha, Nov. 8, 1780. Moses, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, May 7, 1749. Nancy, d. of Moses and Abigail, May 22, 1786. Oliver, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Apr. 3, 1765. Phebe, d. of Stephen and Elisabeth, Sept. 20, 1753. Phinehas, s. of Ephraim and Hannah, Apr. 26, 1774. Polley, d. of Francis and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1798. HARVARD BIRTHS. 15 BaRnarD, Rebeckah, d. of Francis and Sarah, May 20, 1802. Rebekah, d. of Benjamin and Jemima, Jan. 8, 1814. Roxsalana, d. of Francis and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1805. Sabra, d. of Jotham and Lucy, July 24, 1779. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Mary, June 18, 1760. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1789. Sarah, d. of Jotham, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Jotham and Lucy, Feb. 3, 1784. Sarah, ee Benjamin K. and Mary, b. in Boxborough, Dec. 20, 1848. Sarah Hall, d. of Harriet H., bp. July 6, 1834. c.R.2. Sarah Moor, d. of Ephraim and Elisabeth, Mar. 15, 1787. Sarah P., d. of Ephraim and Dorathy, Apr. 13, 1830. Sarah Stetson, d. of Emory and Susan, Dec. 3, 1822. Submit, d. of Ephraim and Hannah; Aug. 20, 1776. Susan Lucella, d. of Etnery and Susan, June 24, 18109. Susanna, d. of Jesse and Susanna, in Woburn, Aug. 8, 1791. Waldo Gardner, s. of Ephraim and Dorathy F., Dec. 11, 1847. William Emory, s. of Appleton M. and Elisabeth, Mar. 7, 1848. Wlillialm Moore, s. of Moses, bp. June 23, 1776. C.R.1. BARRET (see Barrit), Elias, s. of Jonathan and Phebe, Dec. 30, 1782. Lydia, d. of Jonath[aJn and Phebe, Mar. 10, 1786. Moses, s. of Jonathan and Phebe, Nov. 6, 1779. Phebe, d. of Jonath[a]n and Phebe, Apr. 5, 1784. Rebekah, d. of Jonath[a]n and Phebe, Feb. 8, 1738. BARRIL, Nabe, d. of John and Judeth, Feb. 19, 1765. BARRIT (see Barret), Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 5, 1790. C.R.I. BARRY, Ellen A., Sept. 8, 1846. G.R.3. James Munroe, Sept. 19, 1819. G.R.3. Olive A., Jan. 25, 1823. G.R.3. BATEMAN, Andrew Plummer, s. of Jonas and Harriet, Apr. 21, 1818. : Charles Chaffin, s. of Jonas and Harriet, Apr. 16, 1816. Francis Augustus, s. of Jonas and Harriot, July 2, 1830. George, s. of Jonas and Harriet, July 7, 1828. George, s. of Charles and Susan, Nov. 16, 1830. _ George Henry, s. of Jonas and Harriot, Feb. 5, 1832. Harriet, d. of Jonas and Lydia, May 20, 1800. 16 HARVARD BIRTHS. Bateman, Harriet Farwell, d. of Jonas and Harriet, Jan. 3, 1815. Horatio, s. of Jonas and Harriet, Apr. 3, 1822. John, s. of Jonas and Lydia, Apr. 5, 1802. John Farwell Chaffin, s. of Jonas and Harriet, Sept. 5, 1825. Mary Isabella, d. of Jonas and Harriot, June 24, 1836. Polly, d. of Jonas and Lydia, Mar. 15, 1798. Rebecea, d. of Jonas and Lydia, Apr. 9, 1796. Sarah Elizebeth, d. of Jonas and Harriot, Aug. 24, 1834. Silas Cragin, s. of Jonas and Harriet, Nov. 4, 1823. William F{rlederick, s. of Jonas and Harriet, in Templeton, Feb. 28, 1820. BEANE, Javan E., in Bethel, Me., Oct. 12, 1847. G.R.I. BEARD, George G., —, 1827. G.R.3. BEMIS, Daniel Chaplin, s. of Rev. Stephen and Sophronia, May 1, 1809. Lathrop, s. of Rev. Stephen and Rejoice, bp. Jan. 17, 1813. C.R.I. Sophronia, d. of Rev. Stephen and Sophronia, July 23, 1804. Stephen Chapin, s. of Rev. Stephen and Sophronia, Nov. 28, 1802. William Lawrence, s. of Rev. Stephen and Susan, Sept. 21, 1810. BENNET (see Bennett) David, s. of Moses and Joanna, May 28, 1761. BENNETT (see Bennet), Elias Trafton, s. of Elias and Eleanor, in Cambleton, N. Y., June 15, 1844. BIGELOW, Abijah, s. of Roger and Elizabeth, in Fitchburg, Aug. 8, 1779. Betsy, d. of Roger and Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1782. Caroline, d. of Abijah and Sarah, June 22, 1811. Daniel, s. of Roger and Elizabeth, in Fitchburg, Apr. 24, 1777. Daniel R., s. of Augustus and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1835. Emery, s. of Roger and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1795. Gildford Dudley, s. of Thomas, bp. Oct. 13, 1831. C.R.1. Goram, s. of Abijah and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1807. Helen Louisa, d. of Tho[ma]s and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1840. James C., s. of Augustus and Hannah, Nov. 28, 1838. Jason, s. of Roger and Elizabeth, Nov. 11, 1786. Joseph, s. of Roger and Elizabeth, Mar. 27, 1790. Louisa Shirman, d. of Thomas and , bp. Nov. 4, 1832. C.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 17 BicEtow, Lucy, d. of Roger and Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1783. se oes Morton, d. of Thomas and Sarah Atherton, Feb. 5, 1821. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Jason and Sarah, June 21, 1819. Sarah W. [ ], w. of Thomas A., Feb. 15, 1830. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Roger and Elizabeth, Apr. 9, 1793. a Atherton, s. of Thomas and Sarah Atherton, Feb. 23, 18109. BINNER, , d. of Edwin, b. in London, Eng., and Caro- line, Feb. 23, 1849. George re s. of Edwin and Caroline, in New York, N. Y., Feb. Io, 1847. oe Joseph Fairbanks, s. of William and Sarah, Apr. A772. ° Sarah, d. of William and Sarah, Feb. 17, 1774. BLAKE, Eliza Smith [ ], w. of Samuel P., ——, 1845. G.R.3. ; Samuel P., ——, 1833. G.R.3. BLANCHARD, Abel, s. of Simon and Elizabeth, Aug. 28, 1798. Abigail, d. of John and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1816. Betsy, d..of Abel and Lucy, Apr. 21, 1782. Betsy, d. of Simon and Elizabeth, Apr. 1, 1795. Diantha H. Laughton [ ], w. of William B., ——, 1829. G.R.3. Edward, s. of John and Abigail, June 8, 18109. Esther, d. of Lysias and Esther, Oct. 27, 1787. Fredrick George, s. of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1847. I. H. T., Rev., ——, 1797. G.R.1. John, s. of Abel and Lucy, Apr. 5, 1787. John, s. of John and Abigail, Apr. 24, 1813. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Betty, Nov. 8, 1754. Joseph, s. of Simon and Elisabeth, Mar. 16, 1790. Josephine Hortense, d. of John and Lydia, Feb. 9, 1840. Lucy, d. of Simon and Elisabeth, Oct. 10, 1786. Permelia, d. of John and Abigail, Oct. 22, 1811. Phebe, d. of Simon and Elisabeth, July 8, 1783. Polley, d. of Abel and Lucy, July 24, 1784. Rebecca, d. of Simon and Elisabeth, Jan. 21, 1785. Simon, s. of Joseph and Betty, June 6, 1756. William (William B., c.r.3), s. of John and Abigail, Feb. 25, 1815. 18 HARVARD BIRTHS. BLOOD, Ebenezer, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Mar. 30,1750. Henry Albert, s. of Alfred S. and Catherine, July 27, 1844. John Putman, s. of Oliver and Mary, Jan. 10, 1846. Joseph, s..of Joseph and Rebeckah, Aug. 22, 1738. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Jan. 29, 1741-2. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Jan. 27, 1742-3. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, May 6, 1747. °. Julia Augustine, d. of Lemuel and Louisa, in Groton, Aug. 17, 1844. Levi,'s. of Joseph and Rebekah, Jan. 25, 1757. Lyman Romaro (Lyman Romanzo dup.), s. of Heman L. (He- man Lincoln dup.), b. in Ashburnham, and Lucy A., b. in Belgrade, Me., Feb. 18, 1840. Mary, d. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Nov. 1, 1739. Meny, d. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Mar. 15, 1744. ; _Rebeckah, d. of Joseph and Rebeckah, July 14, 1736. Roxanna, d. of Oliver and Nancy, Nov. 109, 1844. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Rebekah, Oct. 24, 1752. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Rebekah, July 20, 1759. William Lincoln, s. of Heman L. (Heman Lincoln, b. in Ashburn- ham dup.) and Lucy Ann (b. in Belgrade, Me., dup.), Jan. 10, 1847. BOWARS (see Bowers), Joel, s. of Joshua and Mary, Feb. 5, 1789. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Mary, Mar. 18, 1778. Molley, d. of Joshua and Mary, July 17, 1780. Polley, d. of Joshua and Mary, Apr. 17, 1786. Sally, d. of Joshua and Mary, Oct. 11, 1782. BOWERS (see Bowars), Cephus Houghton, s. of (Capt., c.R.2) Joel and Rebekah, Oct. 23, 1816. (Oct. 19, 1816. G.R.1.) Se P. (Elisha Puffer, c.r.2), s. of Joel and Rebekah, Aug. 24, 1629. ‘ Francis A. (Francis Augustus, c.r.2), s. of (Capt., c.r.2) Joel - and Rebekah, Nov. 3, 1833. : Joel, s. of Joel and Rebekah, Sept. 27, 1819. (Joel Dudley, s. of Capt. Joel and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 2, 1825. .R.2.) Levinah, d. of Joel and Rebekah, Jan. 30, 1812. (Levina Whit- ney, d. of Capt. Joel and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 2, 1825. c.R.2.) Luke W. (Luke Whitney, c.r.2), s. of (Capt., c.r.2) Joel and Rebekah, Sept. 28, 1822. Mary Dickenson, d. of (Capt., c.r.2) Joel and Rebekah, Apr. 30, 1814. HARVARD BIRTHS. 19 Bowers, Rebekah H. (Rebecca Howard, c.r.2), d. of (Capt., C.R.2) Joel and Rebekah, Jan. 28, 1822. Rhoda, d. of James, bp. May 1, 1784. c.R.1. BRIDGE, Anne, d. of Benjamin and Anne, Aug. 21, 1757. Annes, d. of Ebenezer and Annes, Dec. 17, 1791. ‘Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Anne, Oct. 5, 1753. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Anne, Nov. 10, 1759. Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Annes, Nov. 5, 1798. Benjamin Rice, youngest s. of Isaac, bp. June —, 1829. C.R.1. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Annes, Sept. 29, 1788. Eliakim Holman, s. of John A. and Vienna L., b. in Leominster, July 31, 1849. - George (George Hearsy dup.), s. of Ebenezer and Abigail C., Mar. 17, 1838. George Washington, s. of Ebenezer and Annes, Aug. 9, 1796. James Stone, s. of Ebenezer and Annes, Jan. 11, 1790. Jeremiah, s. of Benjamin and Anne, July 18, 1755. John Adams, s. of Ebenezer and Annes, Aug. 10, 1801. John Harris, s. of Ebenezer and Susan, Dec. 23, 1819. Joseph, s. of Benja[{min] and Lucy, May 17, 1773. Levi, s. of Jeremiah and Sarah, bp. July 8, 1777. C.R.1. Lovina, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, bp. July 8, 1777. C.R.1. Lydia, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, May 25, 1762. Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Annes, Nov. 9, 1793. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Isaac Jr. of New Orleans, bp. June —, 1829. C.R.I. Olive, d. of Jeremiah, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. C.R.I. Renna Lucretia, d. of John A. and Vienna L., June 27, 1846. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1764. Susan Swain, d. of Ebenezer and Susan, Feb. 25, 1821. Thomas Hartwell, s. of Ebenezer and Susan, June 18, 1818. BROOKS, Abigail, d. of Nathan, bp. June 24, 1759. C.R.I. Amos, s. of Amos and Lidiah, Aug. 9, 1749. David, s. of Nathan, bp. Aug. 21, 1743. _C.R.I. . Drusilla, d. of James and Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 27, 1761. C.R.1. Elisabeth, d. of Nathan and Mary, bp. Sept. 30, 1753. C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of James and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 8, 1754. C.R.1. Joel, s. of Nathan, bp. June 6, 1742. C.R.I. Joseph, s. of Amos and Lyde, Jan. 16, 1746-7. Mary, d. of Nathan and Mary, bp. Jan. 5, 1752. C.R.I. Mary, d. of James and Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 27, 1761. C.R.1. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Susanna, Mar. 31, 1738. 20 HARVARD BIRTHS. Brooks, Phebe, d. of James and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 4, 1753. C.R.I. : Rebeccah, d. of James and Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 21, 1756. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Nathan and Mary, bp. Aug. 29, 1756. C.R.I. Seth, s. of Isaac and , bp. Sept. 24,1752. C.R.I. Susannah, d. of Nathan and Susannah, bp. Mar. 22, 1747. C.R.I. Zaccheus, s. of Nathan and Mary, bp. Nov. 16, 1760. C.R.1. BROWN, Albert P., Nov. 27, 1819. G.R.3. Anna, d. of Phinehas and Anna, Feb. 9, 1750. Caleb, s. of Clark and Lucy, Feb. 12, 1758. Clarissa Ellen, d. of Reubin and Clarissa P., Apr. 24, 1839. Clarissa P. Shannon [ ], w. of Capt. Reuben, , 1805. G.R.I, Ebenezer, s. of Caleb and Elisabeth, bp.-June 30, 1745. C.R.I. Henrietta Olidia, d. of Simeon H. and Catherine W., both b. in Stow, July 17, 1848. John, s. of Phinehas and Anna, Dec. 29, 1764. Josephine Maria, d. of George N. and Belenda, July 11, 1845. Laurinda Frances, d. of Isaac and Abigail, Sept. 19, 1846. Mary, d. of Phinehas and Anna, May 9, 1752. Mary Elizebeth, d. of Reuben and Clarissa, Sept. 23, 1844. Reuben, Capt., - , 1808. G.R.I. Reuben F., s. of Reuben and Clarissa P. Shannon, , 1836. ], w. of Albert P., June 8, 1820. G.R.3. G.R.I. Sarah Brackett | Simon, s. of Aaron, bp. Aug. 17, 1766. C.R.I. Wlillialm Henry, s. of Reubin and Clarissa P., Jan. 23, 1840. BULL, Eliza M., d. of Merritt and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1802. G.R.I, Hannah [ ], w. of Merritt, Jan. 20, 1775. G.R.I. Josiah Quincy, s. of Trumbull and Abby, Dec. 1 5, 1844. Louisa H. [ ], w. of Sidney H., Nov. 10, 1806. G.R.I. Mercy Sawyer [ ], w. of Sidney H., June 6, 1812. c:r.t. Sidney Augustus, s. of Sidney and Mercy W., Dec. 17, 1847. Sidney H., Feb. 18, 1806. G.R.1. BURBANK, Daniel, s. of Nathaniel and Ruth, bp. June 3, 1792. C.R.I. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Ruth, bp. July 7, 1793. C.R.I. Samuel Walton, s. of Nathaniel and Ruth, bp. Sept. 20, 1795. C.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 2I ta (see Burgess), Adeline, d. of Loammi and Sarah, Aug. , 1814. Alsa Robbins, d. of Josiah and Nabby, Mar. 17, 1820. Asa, s. of Marret and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1795. Baldwin Bradford, s. of Loammi and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1819. Benjamin Franklin, s. of Loammi and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1810. Charles Wesley, s. of Loammi and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1817. Daniel, s. of Marret and Sarah; Dec. 27, 1799. Dwelley Whitney, s. of Loammi and Sarah, July 26, 1812. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Anna, Apr. I, 1771. Emery, s. of Loammi and Sarah, June 22, 1795. Hannah, d. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1748. Helen Augusta, d. of Isaac and Roxanna, Apr. 16, 1829. Jacob Josiah, s. of Josiah and Nabby, bp. July 23, 1826. C.R.2. John, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Apr. 3, 1753. (John, s. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth, bp. Apr. 28, 1753. C.R.I.) Jonathan, s. of Marret and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1793. Josiah, s. of Ebenezer and Rachel, July 18, 1767. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Anne, May to, 1791. Josiah, s. of Loammi and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1793. Levi, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Anna, Aug. 6, 1769. Loammi, s. of Ebenezer and Rachel, Mar. 1, 1770. Loammi, s. of Loammi and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1805. Marenda, d. of Loammi and Sarah, Mar. 29, 180. Marret, s. of Marret and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1797. Marrit, s. of Ebenezer and Rachel, July 9, 1765. Martha Maranda, d. of Isaac and Roxanna, Apr. 30, 1827. Mary, d. of Loammi and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1792. _ Mary, d. of Marret and Sarah, June 27, 1801. Mary, d. of Marret and Sarah, July 25, 1804. Nancy, d. of Marret and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1791. Nathaniel, s. of Josiah and Anne, Oct. 17, 1792. Rachel, d. of Loammi and Sarah, June 4, 1803. Rebecah Louiza, d. of Isaac and Roxanna, Aug. 8, 1833. Sarah, d. of Ebenezer and Rachel, Dec. 31, 1762. Sarah, d. of Marret and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1789. | Sarah, d. of Loammi and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1807. Solomon, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1756. Susanna, d. of Loammi, Sept. 27, 1798. Thomas, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1761. William, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, bp. June 30, 1745. C.R.I. William, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1750-1. BURGESS (see Burges), Ephraim H., s. of Ephraim, Sept. 3, 1844. 22 HARVARD BIRTHS. BURGS, Willi[a]m, s. of William and Han[nJah, June 23, 1749. BURNHAM, Frances M., d. of James H., b. in Littleton, and Nancy M., Oct. 5, 1848. BURREL, Molly, d. of Samuel, bp. Sept. 26,1779. C.R.I. BURT, Daniel, s. of James and Bulah, Apr. 10, 1757. Daniel, s. of James and Bulah, Mar. 23, 1758. Emeline E., , 1828. G.R.I. George E., , 1816. G.R.I. Oliver, s. of James and Bulah, Sept. 8, 1755. BUTLER, John, s. of John and Nancy, Oct. 10, 1806. Smith, s. of John and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1757. BUTRICK (see Buttrick), Elizabeth, d. of Willifalm and Eliza- beth, Aug. 11, 1739. Mary, d. of William and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1744. Sarah, d. of Willifalm and Elizabeth, July 22, 1741. BUTTERFIELD, Eliza, d. of John and Martha, Aug. 25, 1761. Jemima, d. of William and -, bp. Nov. 29, 1761. C.R.I. Josiah, s. of Josiah, bp. Nov. —, 1738. C.R.I. BUTTRICK (see Butrick), Ezra, s. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1735. age ra of William and Elisabeth, Sept. 2, 1743 (Aug. 2, 1743 up.). Nancy, d. of Levi and Rebeckah, Aug. 22, 1794. Salley, d. of Levi and Rebeckah, Apr. 23, 1792. Suke, d. of Levi and Rebekah, Mar. 23, 1791. Thomas, s. of William and Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1737. CALL, Jane, d. of Jere[miah] and Jane, Apr. 30, 1812. CARR, ———, s. of Lyman and Fanny, Mar. 8, 1846. Harriot, d. of Lyman and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1839. Martha Ann, Jan. 17, 1822. G.R.2. CARSLILE, Daniel, s. of David, bp. Apr. 1, 1739. C.R.1. ents Charles Augustus, s. of J[oseph] and B[etsy], Apr. 6, 1831. Jerome, s. of J[oseph] and Bletsy], July 29, 1833. — Jackson Farnsworth, s. of Joseph and Betsy, June 21, 18209. HARVARD BIRTHS. 23 CATE, Eben, ——, 1832. G.R.1. Sophia [ ], w. of Eben, , 1837. G.R.I. CHAFFIN, Betsy, d. of Gladwin and Eunice, Sunday, Feb. 22, 1790. Elizabeth Wilder [ ], w. of Joseph, ——, 1822. G.R.3. Eunice, d. of Gladwin and Eunice, Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1793. Harriot, d. of Gladwin and Eunice, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1706. James, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1787. John i s. of Gladwin and Eunice, Thursday, May 17, 1798. Joseph, s. of Gladwin and Eunice, Mar. 13, 1807. Julia Farnsworth [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1811. G.R.3. Nancy, d. of Gladwin and Eunis, Apr. 13, 1801. Salley, d. of Gladwin and Eunice, Tuesday, Apr. 5, 1791. Sally, d. of Eph[rai]m and Sarah, Sept. 14, 1789. William Farwell, s. of Gladwin and Eunice, Jan. 14, 1804. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Abigail, d. of Thomas and ~ Abigail, bp. July 31, 1748. c.R.1. Thomas, s. of Josiah and Hephzibah, Mar. 26, 1753. (Thomas, s. of wid. Hepzibah, bp. Nov. 21, 1756. c.R.1.) ‘CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), Josiah, s. of Thomas and Anna, Nov. 28, 1776. CHASE, Adaline Gerry [ ], w. of George a ——, 1837. G.R.I, Charles, , 1797. G.R.I. Elenor Bridges, d. of Charles Jr. and Mary, Nov. 7, 1824. Elizebeth Walker, d. of Charles Jr. and Mary, Mar. 7, 1829. George EL, s. of Charles and Mary, Sept. 26, 1837. Maria Louisa, d. of Charles Jr. and Mary, Mar. 26, 1823. Mary, d. of Charles Jr. and Mary, Apr. 16, 1828. Twin. Sarah, d. of Charles Jr. and Mary, Apr. 16, 1828. Twin. CHATMAN, Lucy, d. of Oliver and Relief, Apr. 14, 1793. | CHICKERING, Harriot Augusta, d. of Sam[ue]l and Susan, June 11, 1844. Lydia Ann, d. of Samuel and Susan, Aug. 29, 1838. Sarah E., d. of Samuel and Susan, Aug. 22, 1831. Serephina Young, d. of Samuel and Susan, Feb. 2, 1833. Susan N., d. of Samuel and Susan, Feb. 18, 1830. t 24 HARVARD BIRTHS. CHURCH, Huldah, d. of Joshua and Annis, Apr. 20, 1754. Mary, d. of Joshua and Annis, Jan. 1, 1733-4. Olive, d. of Joshua and Annise, bp. Apr. 10, 1748. C.R.1. Silas, s. of Joshua and Annis, Oct. 23, 1751. Vashti, d. of Joshua, bp. Oct. 31, 1736. C.R.I. CHURCHILL, Harriot W., d. of Absolum W. and Harriot, Apr. 6, 1844. ; CLARK (see Clerk), Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, Sept. 19, 1762. Hieaeah a of Jonathan and Lucy, Oct. 7, 1806. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mercy, Jan. 28, 1759. Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Lucy, Oct. 1, 1803. Thomas Hazen, s. of Matthew and Elisabeth, Mar. 11, 1797. William Hazen, s. of Matthew, bp. June 20, 1802. C.R.1. CLERK (see Clark), Han[nJah, d. of Juda and Eunis, Jan. 13, 1735- Jonathon, s. of Juda and Unis, May 26, 1733. CLEVERLY, Nancy, d. of John and Rachel, May 23, 1774. Rachel, d. of John and Rachel, Nov. 6, 1777. Salle, d. of John and Rachel, Feb. 11, 1773. COCKS (see Cox), Lydia, d. of Ezekiel, bp. Aug. 11,1771. C.R.I. COFFEE, Susan B. Merrill [ G.R.3. COLBURN, Abigail, d. of William and Elisabeth, Feb. 17, 1763. COLE, Abijah, s. of Abijah and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1762. Asa, s. of Abijah dec. and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1768. ’ Asa, s. of Asa and Anna, Nov. 13, 1793. ie Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Edeth, Oct. 14, 1751. . Judith, d. of Abijah and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1767. Lois, d. of Abijah and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1764. Lucy, d. of Abijah, bp. Nov. 18, 1764. c.R.1. Lucy, d. of Sarah, bp. Dec. 5, 1784. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Abijah and Sarah, May 24, 176r. CON (see Conn), Thomas, s. of George and 29,1752. C.R.I. CONANT, Abel, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Feb. 3, 1788. Abigail, d. of Levi and Abigail, Mar. 31, 1800. Abigail D., , 1774. G.R.I. Andrew, s. of William and Betsey, bp. Oct. 12, 1828. c.r.2. ], w. of Michael, ——, 1835. , bp. Oct. HARVARD BIRTHS. 25 Conant, Benjamin, s. of Levi and Abigail, July 13, 1795. Eliza Davis, d. of Levi and Abigail, Aug. 6, 1801. George Washington, s. of Levi and Abigail, Apr. 10, 1805. Henry Warren, s. of Levi and Abigail, Sept. 18, 1815. Levi, , 1767. G.R.I. Levi, s. of Levi and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1810. Lucinda, d. of Levi and Abigail, Apr. 28, 1808. Lucy, d. of , bp. June 20, 1773. C.R.E. Lucy Sampson, d. of Reuben and Hannah, Nov. 27, 1814. Lydia, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1783. Mary, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Apr. 9, 1794. Mary Ann, d. of Reuben and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1810. Mary Louisa, d. of Peter and Mary (Peter D. and Mary H., c.R.2), May 23, 1836. Rebeckah, d. of Levi and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1797. Reuben, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Oct. 5, 1785. Sewall, s. of Levi and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1798. William, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Mar. 14, 1792. William Dudley, s. of William and Betsey, bp. May 12, 1823. C.R.2. CONN (see Con), Abigail Townsend, d. of John and Lucy, in Goshen, N. H., Sept. 1, 1808. Almira Jefferson, d. of John and Lucy, in Charleston, N. H., Nov. 11, 1805. Betty, d. of George, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. C.R.1. Emery, s. of John and Lucy, May 26, 17098. Jefferson, s. of John and Lucy, in Charleston, N. H., Oct. 16, 1802. John, s. of George Jr. and Martha, Feb. 27, 1772. John, s. of John and Lucy, Oct. 2, 1796. Josiah, s. of George, bp. May 19, 1782. C.R.1. Lucy, d. of John and Lucy, Feb. 2, 1800. Lydia, d. of George, bp. June 11, 1786. C.R.I. Martha, d. of George, bp. May 16, 1779. C.R.I. Salley, d. of George, bp. Nov. 23, 1788. C.R.I. Thomas, s. of George Jr. and Martha, Nov. 1, 1773. Thomas, s. of John and Lucy, in Charleston, N. H., Feb. 24, 1804. COOK, Henrietta, , 1830. G.R.2. Rachel, d. of Jonathan and Lydia, Aug. 26, 1774. Roger, brother of Hannah, w. of Merritt Bull, Dec. 20, 178r. G.R.I. Susan, d. of Aaron and Elisabeth, July 9, 1817. 26 HARVARD BIRTHS. COREY, Jane, d. of Samuel and Sarah, May 27, 1753. Martha, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1750. Philip, s. of Samuel and Dinah, Nov. 6, 1760. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Dinah, Nov. 7, 1762. Stephen, s. of Samuel and Dinah, May 27, 1758. COX (see Cocks), Lucy, d. of , bp. June 27, 1773. C.R.1. CRAGGIN, Ann, d. of Silas and Anna, bp. July 28, 1811. c.R.1, Elizabeth Prichard, d. of Silas and Ann, July 8, 1810. Elvira, d. of Silas and Ann, Jan. 9, 1808. Rebekah Hastings, d. of Silas and Ann, Feb. 27, 1814. Silas Lorenzo, s. of Silas and Anna, bp. July 28, 1811. c.R.1. Sophronia, d. of Silas and Anna, bp. July 28, 1811. c.R.1. CRAGGS, Annie, ——, 1839. G.R.I. James, May 5, 1839. G.R.I. William, , 1843. G.R.I. CROSIER, Mary Jane, d. of , from Ireland, bp. Jan. 8, 1825. C.R.I. ‘CROSSFIELD, James, s. of James and Rebekah, Sept. 23, 1750. CROUCH, , 8. of Joel and Rebecca, Apr. 28, 1846. Amos, s. of John and Hannah, Aug. 27, 1769. Anna, d of Jona[than] and Eliza[beth], Sept. 7, 1784. Betty, d. of Jonathan and Elisibeth, Jan. 9, 1763. Caleb, s. of David and Mary, Mar. 4, 1756. Caleb, s. of David and Mary, June 18, 1768. Daniel, s. of David and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1780. David, s. of David and Mary, June 28, 1752. Dorkes, d. of Timothy, bp. Sept. 26,1779. C.R.1. Edmund, s. of Enoch and Sarah, June 10, 1810. Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. Nov. 18, 1764. c.R.1. Elizebeth, d. of David and Mary, Nov. 2, 1750. Emily Eliza, d. of William Floyd and Harriet Crouch, b. in Bolton, Sept. 16, 1848. Ephraim, s. of David and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1778. George, i Enoch and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1812. (Oct. 20, 1810. G.R.I. Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, June 2, 1751. Isaac, s. of David and Mary, May 1, 1760. Joel, s. of Enoch and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1812 [prob. 1814]. John, s. of John and Hannah, Apr. 25, 1767. , HARVARD BIRTHS. 27 CroucH, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (Jr., c.r.1) and Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1745. Jonathan, s. of David and Mary, Apr. 13, 1754. Jonathan, s. of David and Mary, Mar. 14, 1758. Jonathan, s. of Enoch and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1816. _ Joseph, s. of Timothy and Bette, Sept. 4, 1774. Levi, s. of David and Sarah, July 7, 1782. Lois, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Nov. 30, 1754. Lucinda E. [ ], w. of George, Feb. 22, 1818. G.R.1. Lucy, d. of John and Hannah, Nov. 24, 1758. Mary, d. of David and Mary, Mar. 3, 1748-9. Mary, d. of David: and Mary, June 24, 1763. - (Mary, d. of David, bp. July 25, 1762. c.rR.1.) Mary Melvina, d. of Joel and Rebecca, b. in Brookline, N. H., Dec. 19, 1848. Mercy, d. of John and Hannah, July 30, 1753. Molly, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Dorithy, Nov. 23, 1770. Moses, s. of David and Mary, Mar. 24, 1771. Oliver, s. of Jonathan and E[llizabeth, in Stow, Apr. 19, 1782. Ollin, ch. of Jona[than] Jr., bp. July 28, 1776. c.r.1. Patience, d. of David and Mary, Oct. 28, 1766. Sarah, d. of John and Hannah, July 4, 1762. Sophia A., d. of Joel and Rebecca, Apr. 16, 1845. Stephen, s. of Enoch and Sarah, June 11, 1818. Susannah, d. of David and Mary, Aug. 18, 1747. Thirzy, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Dorithy, Jan. 16, 1772 Timothy, s. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, July 27, 1750. Timothy, s. of Timothy, bp. Apr. 11, 1773. C.R.1. Unice, d. of John and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1755. Unice, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, July 8, 1757. CULLIVER, Samuell, s. of Seth and Thankfull, Nov. 28, 1733. CUMINGS, Charles H., ——, 1834. G.R.1. Helen S. , 1839. G.R.I. Mehitable T., , 1806. G.R.I. Thomas, ——, 1805. G.R.I. CURTIS, David Edwards, s. of James and Patience,. Feb. 1, 1809. Harriet, d. of James and Patience, Mar. 1, 1811. James, s. of James and Patience, in Charlestown, Feb. 10, 1817. Martha Bryant, d. of James and Patience, Feb. 23, 1817. Mary Farnsworth, d. of James and Patience, Oct. 2, 1813. William, s. of James and Patience, Aug. 2, 1815. 28 HARVARD BIRTHS. CUTLAR (see Cutler), Anna, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. July 8, 1777. c.R.I. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. July 8, 1777. C.R.I. CUTLER (see Cutlar), Eunice, d. of Benja[min], bp. Nov. 28, 1779. C.R.I. . Lucy, d. of Benjamin, bp. Nov. 11, 1764. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Benjamin, bp. Nov. 23, 1766. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Benjamin, bp. June 27, 1773. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 31, 1769.. C.R.I. Wiilliajm Butterick, s. of Benjlami]n, bp. Feb. 3, 1771. c.R.1. DABY (see Darby), Amos, s. of Nahum and Mary, Apr 27, 1762. a s. of Nahum Jr. and Susanna, Aug. 5, 1769. (Amos, s. of wid. Susanna, bp. Mar. 31, 1771. C.R.I.) Asa, s. of John (Jr., c.R.1) and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1767. Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 29, 1797. Augustine W. (Augustine Whitcomb, c.Rr.1), ch. of Asa and Lucenia, Feb. 24, 1824. Benjamon, s. of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 24,1746. (Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 5, 1746. c.R.1.) Betsy, d. of John and Sarah, May 7, 1774. Betsy, d. of Simon and Joanna, bp. June 16, 1793. C.R.1. Calven, s. of Simon and Judith, July 4, 1773. Calven, s. of Simon and Judith, Aug. 26, 1775. Daniel, s. of Nahum and Mary, Mar. 30, 1760. Deliverance, s. of Joseph and Elizebeth, Dec. 27, 1748. Elisabeth, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Mar. 13, 1804. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 16, 1738. Esther, d. of Joseph and Elizebeth, July 17, 1740. Ethan, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 27, 1799. Eunice, d. of Nahum and Mary, Feb. 27, 1746-7. Han[njah, d. of Simon and Marcy, Nov. 21, 1746. Hepzebeth, d. of Nahum and Mary, Dec. 2, 1748. John, s. of Simon and Marcey, Mar. 24, 1741. John, s. of Nahum and Mary, Apr. 30, 1755. John, s. of John and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1779. Jonathan, s. of Nahum and Mary, Mar. 13, 1753. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 11, 1742. C.R.I. Joshua, s. of Joseph and Elizebeth, Oct. 17, 1751. Levi, s. of wid. Sarah, bp. Nov. 4, 1781. C.R.1. Levi, s. of Simon and Joanna, bp. Oct. 21, 1792. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Simon and Judith, Feb. 2, 1772. HARVARD BIRTHS. 29 Dasy, Marcy, d. of Simon and Marcy, Sept. 24, 1742. Mary, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 29, 1744. C.R.1. Mary, d. . Nahum and Mary, May ——. (bp. May 12, 1745. C.R.I. Mercy, d. of John and Sarah, May 11,1769. , Molly, d. of Thomas and Molly, May ro, 1765. Nabby, d. of John, bp. Sept. 15, 1776. c.R.1. Nahum, s. of Nahum and Mary, Sept. 2, 1743. Olive, d. of Simon and Joanna, bp. Oct. 21, 1792. C.R.1. Oliver, s. of Thomas, bp. May 24, 1767. c.R.1. Phebe, d. of Simon and Mercy, July 25, 1748. Phebe, d. of Simon and Esther, June 21, 1758. Sally, d. of Simon and Betsey, bp. May 13, 1798. C.R.I Sarah, d. of Tho[ma]s, bp. Feb. 3, 1771. .R.1. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1772. sgicer (Sarah Jewell, c.r.1), d. of Asa and Lucenia, Aug. 24, 1825. Simon, s. of John Jr. and Sarah, May 20, 1765. Solomon, s. of Nahum and Mary, Sept. 9, 1757. William, s. of Nahum and Mary, July 26, 1751. DADMUN, Charles Ruggles, , 1830. G.R.I. Elizabeth Bigelow [ ], w. of Joseph, Aug. 7, 1810. G.R.I. Joseph, Mar. 3, 1800. G.R.1. DANIELS, James R., ——, 1817. G.R.1. M. Josephine, , 1833. G.R.I. DARBY (see Daby), Thomas, s. of Simon and Mercy, Sept. 22, 1739. DAVENPORT, Rhoda, d. of Benajah and Anna, bp. Sept. 3, 1758. C.R.I. DAVIDSON, William, Oct. 3, 1816. G.R.2. DAVIS, Aaron, s. of Abel and Martha Jr., Dec. 26, 1770. Aaron, s. of Aaron and Hephsebeth, Sept. 7, 1800. Abel, s. of Eleazer and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1736-7. Abel, s. of Abel and Martha Jr., Feb. 16, 1767. Abel, s. of Abel and Ruhamah, June 30, 1768. Abigail, d. of Jonathan and Mary, May 18, 1788. Abigail Sampson, d. of Jonas, bp. Nov. 20, 1785. C.R.I. Allice, d. of Abel and Ruhamah, in Stow, June 7, 1778. Amos, s. of Amos and Elizebeth, in Littleton, Sept. 2, 1732. Betty, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Jan. 15, 1764. 30 HARVARD BIRTHS. Davis, Caroline S., , 1814. G.R.I. Charlotte Elizebeth, d. of Alonzo and Esther T., Jan. 9, 1838. Cummings E., , 1810. G.R.I. Daniel, s. of Aaron and Ruth, Dec 2, 1771. Daniel, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, June 6, 1778. Deliverance, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, July 1, 1736. Dinah, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, June 17, 17309. Dinah, d. of Zadok and Hannah, Mar. 1, 1760. Dinah, d. of Aaron and Ruth, Nov. 12, 1770. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, May 3, 1735. Ebenezer, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Feb. 8, 1757. Ebenezer, s. of Abel, bp. Oct. 28, 1764. C.R.1I. Ebenezer, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1780. Ebenezer, s. of Isaiah and Sally, Jan. 2, 1796. Edeth, d. of Amos and Elizebeth, Sept. 29, 1728. Eleazar, s. of Abel and Ruhamah, Oct. 20, 1764. Eleazer, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1764. Eleazer, s. of Abel and Ruhamah, Aug. 5, 1766. Elisabeth, d. of Jonas and Elisabeth, July 19, 1755. Elisabeth, d. of Zadok and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1765.. Eliza C., , 1817. G.R.3. Eliza Florance, d. of Asahel and Eliza, in Ashland, Oct.. 24, 1848. Eliza Holden, d. of William (Jr., c.r.2) and Eunice, Sept. 22, 1819. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 28, 1800. Elizebeth, d. of Amos and Elizebeth, in Uxbridge, Nov. 14, ., 1735: Ephraim, s. of Eleazer and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1730. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Nov. 16, 1765. Esther, d. of Amos and Elizebeth, Aug. 21, 1749. Esther, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1767. Eunice C. [ ], w. of William, Jan. 8, 1791. G.R.I. _ Ezra, s. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1738. CRI. . Hamlen, s. of Isaiah and Sally, Nov. 13, 1800. Hannah, d. of Zadok and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1762. Hannah, d. of Ensign Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 1 3, 1765. Hannah, d. of Abel and Martha Jr., Mar. 26, 1760. Hannah J. [ ], w. of William, Feb. 21, 1803. G.R.I. Henry, s. of William and Rebecca, July 10, 1802. Hephsebeth, d. of Aaron Jr. and Hephsebeth, Feb. 25, 1798. Hezekiah, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Aug. 21, 17509. Hosea F. (Hosea Fessenden, c.r.2), s. of William (Jr., c.R.2) and Eunice C., Mar. 28, 1824. G.R.1. HARVARD BIRTHS. 31 Davis, Hosea Fessenden, s. of William Jr. and Eunice, bp. Aug. 12, 1827. c.R.2. (b. July 14, 1827. G.R.1.) Huldah P. [ ], w. of H. Fessenden, Jan. 23, 1831. G.R.I. Isaiah, s. of Zadok and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1768. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Ruth, Jan. 18, 1776. Jane, d. of W{illialm and Rebecca, Apr. 29, 1807. Joel, s. of Abel and Ruhamah, July 28, 1774. John, s. of Aaron and Ruth, Dec. 14, 1773. John, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, July 29, 1776. Jonas, s. of Amos and Elizebeth, in Littleton, Apr. 9, 1737. Jonas, s. of Jonas and. Elisabeth, Aug. 23, 1759. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1756. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Oct. 3, 1754. Levi, s. of Abel and Ruhamah, Apr. 1, 1772. Lois, d. of Amos and Elizebeth, in Nichawog [Petersham], Oct. I, 1742. : Lois, d. of Simon and Silence, Oct. 12, 1751. Lucy, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1772. Lucy, d. of Aaron and Ruth, Nov. 9, 1772. ° Lydia, d. of Abel and Martha Jr., Oct. 11, 1765. Lydia, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, July 31, 1774. Lydia, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1781. Marcy, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, July 31, 1767. Martha Potter, d. of Abel Jr. and Martha, Aug. 25, 1774. Mary, d. of Simon and Silence, Feb. 27, 1748. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 31, 1783. Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 27, 1798. Mary H., , 1818. G.R.I. Mary Jane, d. of William and H. J., bp. Sept. 28, 1834. C.R.2. Mercy, d. of Jonas and Elisabeth, Oct. 21,1764. (Mercy, d. of wid. Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 28, 1764.) Miriam, d. of John, bp. July 28, 1734. C.R.1. Molle, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Sept. 10, 1771. Moses s. of Abel and Ruhamah, July 6, 1776. Olive, d. of Jonas and Elisabeth, Nov. 27, 1761. Oliver, s. of Eleazer and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1734. Oliver, s. of Eleazer and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1744. Oliver, s..of Oliver, bp. Apr. 21, 1765. C.R.TI. Oliver, s. of Oliver, bp. May 24, 1767. C.R.I. Oliver, s. of Ezekiel, bp. Apr. 22, 1770. C.R.I. Patty Chatman, d. of Jonathan and Mary, May 30, 1786. Peter, s. of Jonas and Elisabeth, Mar. 7, 1757. Phebe, d. of Amos and Elizebeth, in Westford, June 21, 1730. Phinehas, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Aug. 21, 1766. 32 HARVARD BIRTHS. Davis, Rachel, d. of. Amos and Elizebeth, in Nichawog [Petersham], Oct. 7, 1739. Rebecca Tuttle, d. of William (Jr., c.r.2) and Eunice, May 1, 1818. Reuben, s. of Amos and Elizebeth, July 17, 1747. Ruhamah, d. of Abel and Ruhamah, Oct. 2, 1759. Ruth, d. of John, bp. Mar. 7, 1736. c.R.1. Salley Chatburn. d. of Aaron and Heph[zebet]h, Jan. 8, 1803. Sally, d. of Isaiah and Sally, Nov. 29, 1797. Samuel, s. of Amos and Elizebeth, in Nichawog [Petersham], Oct. 15, 1744. : Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1764. Sarah, d. of Eleazer and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1742. Sarah, d. of Abel and Ruhamah, Sept. 10, 1758. Sarah, d. of Oliver and Lydia, Mar. 8, 1765. Sarah, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1769. Sarah, d. of Abel and Ruhamah, July 31, 1770. Sarah Maria, , 1838. G.R.3. Simon, s. of Simon and Silence, Feb. 27, 1754. Sophronia, d. of Aaron and Heph[zebetJh, Nov. 2, 1805. Sophronia Cordelia, d. of Aaron and Sophronia Jr., Mar. 28, 1825. Submit, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1771. Thomas, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Apr. 8, 1769. Timothy, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1741. Timothy, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Sept. 14, 1761. Washburn, ——, 1809. G.R.3. William, Sept. 9, 1790. G.R.I. William Warren, s. of William Jr. and Eunice, bp. Aug. 12, 1827. C.R.2. Zimri, s. of Isaiah and Sally, Oct. 17, 1793. DAWES, Abigail Davis, d. of Robert and 1802. C.R.I. ' Albert Gallatin, s. of Robert and C.R.I. Eliza, d. of Richard and Mary, bp. Mar. 9, 1794. ¢.R.1. Harriot, d. of Robert and Mary, bp. Oct. 18, 1795. c.R.1. Henry, s. of Robert and Mary Paine, bp. Feb. 4, 1799. C.R.I. William Bentley, s. of Robert and Mary, bp. Mar. 26, 1797. C.R.I. . DICKARSON (see Dickenson, Dickingson, Dickinson), Amos, s. of George and Sarah, Mar. 14, 1743-4.. Danlilel, s. of George and Sarah, June 14, 1739. , bp. Aug. 1, , bp. Aug. 2, 1807. HARVARD BIRTHS. 33 Dicxarson, David, s. of George and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1741. Francis, s. of George and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1746. . Jeremiah, s. of George and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1736. DICKENSON (see Dickarson, Dickingson, Dickinson), Mary, d. of Francis and Mary, May 14, 1708. DICKINGSON (see Dickarson, Dickenson, Dickinson), Dorcas, d. of George and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1750. DICKINSON (see Dickarson, Dickenson, Dickingson), Daniel H., s. of Willard and Lois, May 23, 1838. Deborah Willard, d. of Willard and Lois, Nov. 9, 1821. Ervin, s. of Stephen G. and Mercy, in Lunenburg, Jan. 2, 1844. Harriet C., d. of Willard and Lois, Mar. 5, 1832. Twin. Henriettee H., d. of Willard and Lois, Mar. 5, 1832. Twin. James Granville, s. of Willard and Lois, Apr. 13, 1841. John W., s. of Willard and Lois, Dec. 23, 1835. L. F., , 1835. G.R.3. Lois Emeline, d. of Willard and Lois, Apr. 26, 1829. Relief Phelps, d. of Willard and Lois, Dec. 3, 1826. Sally Elvira, d. of Willard and Louis, Nov. 14, 1818. Samuel Willard, s. of Willard and Lois, Feb. 17, 1824. DODGE, John Munroe, s. of , bp. Nov. 28, 1773. C.R.1. Reuben, s. of Reuben, bp. July 15, 1770. c.R.1. WiilliaJm, s. of Reuben, bp. Oct. 13, 1771. C.R.1. DUDLEY (see Dudly), Abagel, d. of Peter and Abagel, May 29, 1743. Baie, wa Samuel and Patience, Apr 13, 1814. Esther Ellen, d. of Silas Jr., b. in Bedford, and Deborah, Aug. , 1848. Guildford. s. of Samuel and Patience, Sept. 19, 1800. Harriot R., d. of John and Sally, Sept. 24, 1834. Louisa, d. of John and Sally, Sept. 25, 1828. Lovisa, d. of Sam[ue]l and Patience, Aug. 25, 1805. Lydia, d. of Peter and Abigail, May 26, 1761. Martha L., d. of Silas, June 11, 1844. Mary, d. of Peter and Abigail, Oct. 17, 1749. Mercy, d. of Peter and Abigail, Mar. 7, 1753. Molley, d. of John, bp. Sept. 5, 1773. C.R.I. Oliver, s. of Peter and Abigail, Nov. 29, 1764. : Prude (Prudence, c.r.1), d. of Peter and Abigail, Apr. 18, 1759. Salley Atherton, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Patience, June 4, 1798. Sally, d. of John, bp. Oct. 6, 1782. C.R.I. 34 HARVARD BIRTHS. Dubtey, Samuel, s. of Peter and Abigail, Nov. 12, 1756. Sarah, d. of Peter and Abigail, Aug. 26, 1755. Zacheus, s. of Peter and Abagil, Nov. 6, 1745. DUDLY (see Dudley), Sherman, s. of Samuel and Patience, Dec. 23, 1803. DUSTIN, Alice Secelia, d. of Leander G. and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1847. Henry, s. of Alexander and Sophia, bp. May 3, 1807. c.R.1. DWINEL (see Dwinells, Dwinnel), Candace, d. of Elijah and Sally, Feb. 3, 1815. Edwin, s. of Elijah and Sally, Nov. 17, 1813. Jared, s. of Elijah and Sally, Jan. 21, 181. Jerome, s. of Elijah and Sally, Feb. 18, 1812. Lydia, d. of Elijah and Sally, Sept. 18, 1816. Sally, d. of Elijah and Sally, May 21, 1818. Silva, d. of Elijah and Sally, May 14, 1809. DWINELLS (see Dwinel, Dwinnel), Sarah Laura, d. of Jerom and Mary, June 10, 1846. DWINNEL (see Dwinel, Dwinells), Dexter, s. of Elijah and Hannah, June 1, 1708. Harriet, d. of Elijah and Hannah, May to, 1801. Lovisa, d. of Elijah and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1799. Mary, d. of Elijah and Hannah, June 15, 1803. Pliny, s. of Elijah and Hannah, Sept. 3, 1804. EATON, John M., Dr., ——, 1832. G.R.3. ace da Abigail P., d. of Leonard and Betsy, Aug. 2, 1806. Caroline, d. of Leonard and Nancy, Jan. 6, 1813. George, s. of Leonard and Nancy, Oct. 8, 1811. John, s. of Leonard and Nancy, Aug. 20, 1809. Jonas T., s. of Leonard and Betsy, Mar. 26, 1804. Sarah Elizebeth, d. of John and Mary S., Jan. 11, 1845. Warren Parker, s. of John and Mary Jane, May 16, 1836. EDGERLY, Edward, s. of Addison and Mary, bp. Jan. 27, 1836. C.R.2. George Gardner, s. of Addison and Mary, bp. Nov. 19, 1837. C.R.2. ELDRIDGE, Charles Olney, s. of Olney and Martha Ann S., bp. Mar. 10, 1833. C.R.2. HARVARD BIRTHS. 35 ELLIS, Joseph Woodbury, s. of James and Edith, Mar. 1 Ss 1830. Mildred Woodbury, d. of James and Edith, Aug. 8, 1827. EMERSON, Abigail Knight [ ], w. of William, ——, 1809. G.R.I. Alfred Brown, s. of William and Abigail, Sept. 25, 1838. Brown, s. of Jacob and Dolly (Dorothy, c.r.1), Aug. 1, 1805. Catherine Rebecca, d. of William and Abigail, Feb. 18, 1840. Clarissa, d. of Jacob and Dolly (Dorothy, c.r.1), Apr. 16, 1808. Edward Porter, s. of William and Harriet E., b. in Shirley, Jan. 18, 1849. Harriet E. Porter [ ], w. of William, , 1824. G.R.I. Louiza, d. of Jacob and Dolly (Dorothy, c.r.1), Aug. 7, 1803. Phebe Ripley, d. of Rev. William and Ruth, Feb. 9, 1708. Be d. of Jacob and Dolly (Dorothy, c.r.1), Aug. 9, 1814. Sally, d. of Jacob and Dolly (Dorothy, c.r.1), Aug. 27, 180r. Sarah Abby, d. of William and Abigail, Mar. 20, 1842. William, s. of Jacob and Dolly (Dorothy, c.r.1), Sept. 23, 1811. William Buckley, s. of William and Abigail, May 9, 1844. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks, Farbank, Farbanks), Phinehas and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1747. , eldest s. of Amos, June —, 1761. , d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1763. Twin. Abel, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 5, 1748-0. Abigail, d. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, Nov. 24, 1756. Abigail Whitney, d. of Joseph and Betsey, bp. July 10, 1825. ‘C.R.2. Achsah, d. of Ephraim and Lucy, May 17, 1794. Alsinus, s. of Ephraim and Betsy, June 25, 1822. Amos, s. of (Dea., c.R.1) Joseph and Mary, Apr. 21, 1737. Amos, s. of Amos and Rhoda, Sept. 5, 1769. Amos, s. of Amos Jr. and Rebeckah, Nov. 27, 1799. Annah, d. of Joseph Jr. and Mary, Mar. 25, 1746. Artemas, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1787. Clark, s. of Amos Jr. and Rebeckah, Feb. 13, 1802 (Feb. 15 dup.). Clark, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1807. : Cornelia Augusta, d. of Josiah, bp. June 12, 1842. C.R.2. Cyrus, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1741. Cyrus, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, May 18, 1752. Cyrus, s. of Cyrus and Mercy, Oct. 4, 1783. Daniel, s. of Amos and Rhode, Oct. 20, 1778. , S. of 36 HARVARD BIRTHS. FaIrBANK, Daniel Hartwell, s. of Jona[than] and Sally, Feb. 14, 1830. Dinah, d. of Phineas, bp. Sept. 16, 1739. C.R.TI. oa d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1747 (1746-7 dup.). Elisabeth, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1758. Eliza, d. of Eph{raiJm and Lucy, Sept. 21, 1805. Eliza, d. of Joseph and Betsy, bp. Aug. 16, 1807. c.R.1. Eliza,.d. of Amos and Rebeccah, Sept. 6, 1817. Elizabeth, d. of (Dea., c.r.1) Joseph and Mary, May 1, 1734. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Betsey, Feb. 23, 1812. (w. of Adolphus Haskell. c.R.1.) Ellen Susan, d. of Joel W. and Elisabeth, b. in Stow, Nov. 12, 1848. Emery, d. of Noah and Hannah, May 15, 1800. Ephraim, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, Oct. 18, 1753. Ephraim, s. of Jabez and Keziah, Jan. 29, 1766. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Lucy, June 20, 1791. Esther, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1766. Eugene Hamilton, s. of Josiah and Harriet A., bp. Aug. 18, 1844. C.R.2. Eunice, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1744. George Clark, s. of Clark and Jane, Nov. 9, 1826. Hannah, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1749-So. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Betsey, Oct. 23, 1814. Henry, s. of Amos and Rebeccah, Jan. 4, 1811. Henry F., s. of Joel W. and Elizebeth, Sept. 21, 1836. Horace, s. of Amos Jr. and Rebeckah, Oct. 15, 1795. Israel A., s. of Amos and Rebeccah, Nov. 1, 1804. (Israel ea s. of Amos Jr. and Rebekah, bp. Nov. 13, 1804. C.R.I. Jabez, s. of Jabez and Keziah, Aug. 26, 1768. Jabez, s. of Eph{raiJm and Lucy, Mar. 3, 1797. Twin. Jacob, s. of Amos and Lucy, May 6, 1762. Jacob, s. of Cyrus and Mercy, Mar. 17, 1782. Jacob, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Dec. 15, 1799. Jesse, s. of Capt. Joseph, bp. May 12, 1765. c.R.1. Joel Whitcomb, s. of Tho[ma]s and Lydia, Apr. 26, 1800. John, s. of Jabez and Betsy, Aug. 10, 1797. John Henry, s. of Artemus and Rachel, Jan. 21, 1817. Jonathan, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1758. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1788. Jonathan Howard, s. of (Dea., c.r.1) Jona[than] and Sally, May 20, 1825. HARVARD BIRTHS. 37 FarrBank, Joseph, s. of Amos and Rhode, Feb. 19, 1776. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Betsey, Feb. 5, 1810. Josiah, s. of Joseph and Betsey, July 17, 1817. Kezia, d. of Eph{raiJm and Lucy, Mar. 3, 1797. Twin. Levi, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, May 29, 1755. Levi, s. of Thomas and Lydia, May 8, 1797. Lucy, d. of Amos and Lucy, Mar. 24, 1764. Lucy, d. of Ephraim and Lucy, Oct. 25, 1786. Lurinia, d. of Tho[ma]s and Lydia, Aug. 18, 1812. Lydia, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1760. Lydia, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Mar. 21, 1793. Mary, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1756. Mary, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Joseph Jr. and Abigail, July 12, 1762. Mary, d. of Amos, bp. Apr. 7, 1766. c.R.1. Mary, d. of Jabez, bp. July 15, 1770. c.R.1. Mary, d. of Jabez and Keziah, Apr. 24, 1772. Mary, d. of Amos and Rhoda, Feb. 24, 1781. Mary, d. of Thomas and Lydia, May 7, 1804. Mary, d. of Joseph and Betsey, Oct. 13, 1805. Menasseh, s. of Jabez and Keziah, Oct. 3, 1767. Mercy, d. of Amos and Lucy, Mar. 28, 1766. Mercy, d. of Cyrus and Mercy, Oct. 4, 1785. Mercy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1793. Nabbe, d. of Cyrus and Mercy, Feb. 24, 1788. Nabbe, d. of Ephraim and Lucy, Jan. 3, 17809. Nahum, s. of Joseph and Betsey, Apr. 6, 1804. Nancy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, May 4, 1794. Noah, s. of Amos and Rhoda, June 23, 1771. Noah, s. of Noah and Hannah, Apr. 1, 1802. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1752. Phinehas, s. of Jabez dec. and Keziah, May 20, 1774. Polley, d. of Jabez and Betsy, Sept. 6, 1791. Rebecah, d. of Amos and Rebeccah, Aug. 5, 1808. Relief, d. of (Capt., c.R.1) Phinehas and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1763. Twin. Rhoda, d. of Amos and Rhode, June 15, 1774. Salley, d. of Jabez and Betsy, Oct. 1, 1793. Sally, d. of Cyrus and Mercy, Aug. 8, 1780. Sally, d. of Jona[tha]n and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1792. Samuel, s. of Eph[rai]m and Lucy, July 24, 1802. Sarah, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1742. Sarah, d. of Jabez and Keziah, May 28, 1770. Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1801. (Sarah Goldsmith, d. of Dea. Jacob and , bp. Sept. 6, 801. C.R.1.) 38 HARVARD BIRTHS. FaIRBANK, Sarah E., d. of Joel W. and Elizebeth, May 15, 1839. Saval, s. of Noah and Hannah, bp. May 13, 1804. C.R.I. Sidney, s. of Artemus and Rachel, Mar. 10, 1819. Sophia, d. of Tho[ma]s and Lydia, May 17, 1802. Sukey, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Apr. 20, 1795. Thomas, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, Nov. 12, 1750. Thomas, s. of (Capt., c.r.1) Joseph Jr. and Abigail, May 7, 1764. Walte. Henry, s. of Clark and Jane, Feb. 8, 1830. William, s. of Amos and Rebeccah, May 4, 1813. Zilpah, d. of Ephraim and Lucy, Sunday, Apr. 7, 1799. Zopher, s. of Amos (Jr., c.R.1) and Rebeccah, Oct. 20, 1806. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank, Farbank, Farbanks), Addison, ——, 1829. G.R.I. Elizabeth, ——, 1819. G.R.3. Emeline Talmage [ ], w. of Addison, ——, 1836. G.R.1. Margaret Blanchard, Dec. 24, 1828. G.R.1. Sarah, , 1837. G.R.3. Susa, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. May 4, 1783. c.R.1. FARABUSH (see Forbush, Furabush), John, s. of John and Yunis, Dec. 8, 1739. Jonathon, s. of John and Eunice, Nov. 28, 1743. . Molly, d. of John and Eunice, Mar. 7, 1747-8. Rachel, d. of John and Yunis, Dec. 28, 1738. FARBANK (see Fairbank, Fairbanks, Farbanks), Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary Jr., Dec. 5, 1743. FARBANKS (see Fairbank, Fairbanks, Farbank), Jabez, s. of (Dea., c.R.1) Joseph and Mary, Mar. 8, 1744. Relief, d. of (Dea., c.r.1.) Joseph and Mary, Dec. 1, 17309. FAREWELL (see Farwell), David, s. of John and Sarah, May 12,1754. Twin. Eunice, d. of John and Eunice, Mar. 17, 1763. John Sawtle, s. of John and Sarah, May 12, 1754. Twin Lydia, d. of John, bp. Aug. 29, 1773. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, July 10, 1750. FARMER, Benjamin, s. of Wlillialm and Ruth, bp. Jan. 27, I75I. C.R.I. ‘ Emroy, , 1816. G.R.I. James, s. of William and Ruth, Mar. 13, 1755. John, s. of William and Ruth, Mar. 12, 1755. HARVARD BIRTHS. 39 Farmer, Mary A. P., , 1845. G.R.I. Simon, s. of William and Ruth, Aug. 2, 1757. Sophia Raymond [, ], w. of Emroy, 1817. G.R.1. Timothy, s. of William and Ruth, July 30, 1749. Warren A., , 1841. G.R.I. William, s. of William and Ruth, bp. Mar. 8, 1747. c.R.I. FARNSWORTH (see Farnworth), Abby Pierce, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Apr. 16, 1836. Abigail, d. of Joseph and Abigail, bp. May 30, 1810. c.R.1. pee Chase, d. of Capt. William and Betsey, bp. May 25, 1823. C.R.2. Asa Dunbar, s. of Benja[min] and Dorcas, June 24, 1808. Benjamin, s. of Eben, bp. Mar. 6, 1785. c.R.1. Benjamin Stow, s. of Joseph and Abigail, Aug. 9, 1804. Caroline, d. of Abel and Lucy, Apr. 15, 1829. Caroline Frances, d. of Abel and Lucy, Nov. 8, 1831. Catherine, d. of Samuel and Lydia, July 10, 1823. Charlottee, d. of Abel and Lucy, Oct. 13, 1821. Elbridge Gerry, s. of Abel and Lucy, June 2, 1824. Eliza Ann, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1827. Ellen Elisabeth, d. of Henry and Emily, Dec. 14, 1845. Ephraim, s. of Nathanael and Eunice, bp. Sept. 29,1745. C.R.I. Esther, d. of Dea. Phineas, bp. Oct. 19, 1766. C.R.1. George L., s. of Henry and Emely, Apr. 5, 1848. Gilbert, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Dec. 16, 1820. ‘Hannah Burt, d. of Phinehas and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1784. Helen Selina, d. of Jerome and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1838. Henry, s. of Samuet and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1814. : Hephsebeth, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 16, 1794. Ira, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 11, 1812. Jacob, s. of Abel and Lucy, June 6, 1819. Jerome, Apr. 14, 1815. G.R.I. Jerome Jr., Dec. 10, 1844. G.R.1. John, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Eunice, May 11, 1751. C.R.1. Joseph, s. of Simeon and Martha, bp. May 8, 1754. C.R.I. Laura B. [ ], w. of Mark A., , 1845. G.R.3. Lucy, d. of Abel, bp. May 8, 1774. C.R.1. Lucy, d. of John, bp. June 26, 1774. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Abel and Lucy, Apr. 20, 1814. Lydia, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Lydia, Mar. 16, 1811. Lydia H., Oct. 3, 1819. G.R.TI. Mark A., ——, 1843. G.R.3. . Mary, d. of Jonathan and Rachel, bp. Mar. 7, 1756. C.R.I. 40 HARVARD BIRTHS. FarNsworTtH, Mary, d. of Samf[ue]ll and Hannah, June 12, 1790. vo on d. of Abel and Lucy, Oct. 15, 1811. Mary Eliza, d. of Henry and Emily, Aug. 20, 1838. Mary Maria, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 23, 1825. Mercy, d. of Nathaniel, bp. Dec. 24, 1758. C.R.I. Nabby, d. of Lemuel, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. C.R.I. Nathan, s. of Silas, bp. Aug. 15, 1762. C.R.I. Paul, s. of Silas, bp. June 24, 1764. C.R.1. Rebeckah, d. of Abel and Lucy, June 7, 1817. Rhuben, s. of Simeon, bp. Aug. 11, 1771. C.R.I. Ruth, d. of Reuben, bp. June 26, 1736. C.R.1. Ruth, d. of John and Sarah, June 18, 1748. Sarah, d. of Phinehas and Azubah, bp. June 2, 1745. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Simeon, bp. Feb. 21, 1768. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Simeon, bp. July 24, 1774. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Oct. —, 1775. C.R.I. Sarah Emeline, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1830. Submit, d. of John and Sarah, bp. Aug. 17,1755. C.R.I. Susan, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 18, 1817. Thomas Treadwell, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 29, 1792. William (William A., G.r.1), s. of Abel and Lucy, Mar. 17, 1826. FARNWORTH (see Farnsworth), Abel, s. of Jonathan (Jr., c.R.1) and Mary, May 12, 1734. Abel, s. of Abel and Elisabeth, June 15, 1780. Ame, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, May 3, 1770. Amos, s. of Nathaniel and Eunice, Dec. 4, 1742. Asa, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Rachel, May 12, 1754. Azubah, d. of Phinehas and Azubah, Jan. 15, 1730-1. Azubah, d. of Phinehas and Lydia, Aug. 31, 1771. Benjamin, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, May 12, 1768. Betty, d. of Abel and Elisabeth, June 16, 1768. Bety, d. of Jonathon and Mary, Oct. 13, 1729. Cybil, d. of Phinehas and Azubah, Sept. 17, 1736. Daniel, s. of Nathaniel and Eunice, June 25, 1744. Daniel, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Apr. 9, 1769. David, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Apr. 16, 1765. Dinah, d. of Phinehas and Azubah, Sept. 6, 1739. Dinah, d. of John and Sarah, Mar. 16, 1749-50. Dorcas, d. of Phinehas and Lydia, June 18, 1769. Elias, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 28, 1737. Elias, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Rachel, June 17, 1750. Elias, s. of Abel and Elisabeth, July 10, 1772. HARVARD BIRTHS. 41 TREE Elisabeth, d. of Nathanael and Unice, Aug. 22, 1750. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Deborah, Apr. 24, 1734. Esther, d. of John and Sarah, May 17, 1751. Eunice, d. of Nathan[iJel and Eunice, July 7, 1748. Eunice, d. of Joseph and Hannah, May rs, 1774. Hannah, d. of Nathanael and Unice, Aug. 22, 1753. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 26, 1762. Hannah, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, Apr. 1, 1772. Jacob, s. of Abel and Elisabeth, Mar. 13, 1764. Jesse, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Mar. 1, 1765. John, s. of Nathan[iJel and Eunice, Dec. 5, 1750. Twin. John, s. of John and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1753. John, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1772. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Rachel, Sept. 6, 1758. Jonathan, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1767. Jonathon, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 22, 1727. Joseph, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 31, 1731-2. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Apr. 27, 1760. Joshua, s. of Phinehas and Azubah, Feb. 28, 1748-9. Joshua, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Aug. 5, 1760. Keziah, d. of Phinehas and Ezubah, June 1, 1742. Lemeuell, s. of Jonathon (Jr., c.r.1) and Mary, Aug. 6, 1740. Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Mar. 30, 1774. Levi, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1758. Lucy, d. of Simeon and Martha, May 3, 1752. Lucy, d. of Nathanael and Eunice, Feb. 21, 1761. Lucy, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1776. Lydia, d. of Abel and Elisabeth, June 19, 1775. Lydia Whitcomb, d. of (Capt., c.R.1) Phinehas and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1783. Martha, d. of Simeon and Martha, Aug. 20, 1750. Mary, d. of Jon{a]thon and Mary, June 18, 1726. Mary, d. of Abel and Elisabeth, Oct. 22, 1765. Mary, d. of Matthias and Mary, Oct. 3, 1771. Mehitibel, d. of Simeon and Martha, May 25, 1745. Menasseh, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Apr. 3, 1760. Mercy, d. of Abel and Elisabeth, Sept. 18, 1770. Mercy, d. of Abel and Elisabeth, May 5, 1778. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Eunic(e], Jan. 7, 1741-2. Nathanfilel, s. of Nathan[iJel and Eunice, Dec. 5, 1750. Twin. Nathaniel Flint, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 2, 1770. Patience, d. of wid. Sarah, May 30, 1757. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Azubah, July 15, 1733. 42 HARVARD BIRTHS. FarnwortTu, Releaf, d. of Simeon and Lucy, Aug. 12, 1755. Salley, d. of Abel and Elisabeth, Sept. 8, 1782. Samuel, s. of Simeon and Martha, Mar. 9, 1747-8. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Hannah, in Reading, Aug. 29, 1755. Samuel, s. of Simeon and Lucy, June 16, 1762. Samuel, s. of Matthias and Mary, Sept. 24, 1767. Sarah, d. of Nathaniel and Eunice, Jan. 28, 1740-1. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1746-7. Sarah, d. of Phinehas and Azubah, May 28, 1748. Sarah, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, Sept. 11, 1768. Sibel, d. of Phinehas and Azubah, Sept. 17, 1736. Silas, s. of Silas and Elisabeth, July 6, 1755. Simeon, s. of Simeon and Martha, Sept. 10, 1746. Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Rachel, Oct. 23,1752N.s. (Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Rachel, bp. Nov. 24, 1751. C.R.1.) Zaccheus, s. of Silas and Elisabeth, Jan. 17, 1758. FARR, Abigail Haskell, d. of Francis and Abigail, Dec. 31, 1777. Anna Goodhue, d. of Francis and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1782. Asa, s. of Francis and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1783. Cynthia, d. of William and Lucy, Jan. 15, 1788. Edward Dickinson, s. of Jona[than] and Laurinda, Mar. 20, 1843. 3 Esther, d. of (Rev., c.r.1.) Jona[than] and Laurinda, Nov. 4, 1838. Francis, s. of Francis and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1781. Hannah, d. of Francis and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1796. Twin. Jonathan, s. of Francis and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1790. Levi, s. of Francis and Sarah, Mar. 15, 1788. _ Lydia, d. of Francis and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1796. Twin. Martha A., July 18, 1844. G.R.1. Mary, d. of William and Lucy, June 12, 1784. si a d. of Jona[than] and Laurinda S., Sept. 27, 1836. Ruth, d. of Rev. J., bp. June 7, 1841. c.r.1. Sarah, d. of William and Lucy, Jan. 9, 1783. Sarah, d. of Francis and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1792. Stephen Bemis, s. of Jonathan and Laurinda S., Jan. 6, 1835. Thomas, s. of Francis and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1786. Willard, s. of William and Lucy, Dec. 14, 1791. William, s. of William and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1781. William, s. of William and Lucy, in Ashby, Sept. 27, 1789. William, s. of Francis and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1798. FARRAR, William, s. of Stephen and Lucy, July 7, 1802. HARVARD BIRTHS. 43 FARRELL, Margaret, d. of John and Elizabeth, both b. in Queens County, Ireland, in Watertown, Oct. 12, 1848. FARWELL (see Farewell), , s. of Dr. Artemas, b. in te: and Jane, b. in Fitchburg, in Fitchburg, Mar. 17, 1849. Alfred, s. of John and Arathusa, Feb. 26, 1823. (Alfred, s. of wid. Arathusa, bp. July 6, 1828. c.rR.2.) ‘ Andrew, s. of John and Arethusa, Nov. 2, 1814. Arethusa, d. of John (Jr., c.r.1) and Arethusa, Nov. 25, 1804. Bettey, d. of John, bp. Dec. 17, 1767. c.R.I. Daniel Taylor, s. of David and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1774. George, s. of John and Arathusa, May 10, 1820. (George, s. of wid. Arathusa, bp. July 6, 1828. c.R.2.) Hannah, d. of William and Sybil, Feb. 14, 1766. John, s. of David and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1779. John, s. of John Jr. and Arethusa, Sept. 18, 1809. Kate H. Tufts [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1832. G.R.3. Lemuel, s. of Abel, bp. Mar. 25, 1770. C.R.I. Lucy Page, d. of John Jr. and Arethusa, May 18, 1804. Luther, s. of David and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1787. Molley, d. of John, bp. Dec. 17, 1767. C.R.1. Oliver, s.‘of William and Sybil, Aug. 21, 1768. Royal Eastabrooks, s. of Daniel and Susan, members of church in Rowe, bp. Mar. 27, 1825. C.R.2. Salley, d. of David and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1784. Sarah, d. of David, bp. Jan. 18, 1778. C.R.I. Sarah Parker, d. of Moors and Sarah, bp. Aug. 2, 1812. C.R.I. Sewal, s. of David and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1789. Sibel, d. of John and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1746-7. Sophia, d. of John and Arethusa, Apr. 23, 1806. Stedman, s. of David and Hannah, Aug. 15, 1792. William, s. of David and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1782. FAUSKET (see Fosket), Mary, d. of Robert, bp. May 9, 1736. CRI. Mercy, d. of Robert, bp. Oct. 12, 1735. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Robert, bp. Oct. 12, 1735. C.R.I. FAY, Edward Warren, s. of Rev. Warren and Betsy, Jan. 8, 1820. Eliza Warren, d. of Rev. Warren and Betsy, Mar. 3, 1814. Susan Stevens, d. of Rev. Warren and Betsy, May 30, 1817. Warren, s. of Rev. Warren and Betsy, Dec. 8, 1815. William Clark, s. of John and Eliza, Mar. 11, 1830. 44 HARVARD BIRTHS. FELLOWS, Eunice, d. of Samuell and Eunice, May 23, 1736. John, s. of Samuel and Eunice, May 11, 1751. Joseph, s. of Samuel, bp. Feb. 5, 1744. C.R.I. Joseph, s. of Samuel and Eunice, May 27, 1748. Mary, d. of Samuel and Unice, May 21, 1756. Samuell, s. of Samuell and Eunice, Feb. 13, 1739. Sarah, d. of Samuell and Eunice, Oct. 7, 1741. Sarah, d. of Samuell and Eunice, May 11, 1746. Solomon, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 5, 1760. Thomas, s. of Samuel and Unice, Oct. 13, 175-. (bp. Oct. 21, 1753. \G/RsT.) William, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Oct. 5, 1758. Twin. Willis, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Oct. 5, 1758. Twin. FISHER, Abner Haskell, s. of Abner and Joanna, Aug. 30, 1810. Charles Luther, s. of Rev. George and Mary H., bp. Oct. 29, 1834. C.R.2. Elisabeth Smith, d. of Rev. George and Mary H., June 13, 1828. George, Rev., in Wrentham, Nov. 7, 1796. G.R.I. George Elisha, s. of (Rev., c.r.2) George and Mary H., Jan. 22, 1823. Harriot Fisk, d. of Rev. George and Mary, June 12, 1832. Henry Martyn, s. of (Rev., c.rR.2) George and M. H. (Mary H.., c.R.2), Nov. 28, 1835. Mary Robinson, d. of (Rev., c.r.2) George and Mary H., July 19, 1824. Samuel Marshal, s. of Abner and Joanna, Mar. 12, 1812. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Rebeccah, bp. Aug. 5, 1744. C.R.I. FISK, Mary, d. of Rev. Elisha and w. of Rev. George Fisher, Nov. 9, 1801. G.R.I. FLAHAVAN, Elizabeth, d. of James and Marsella, in Worcester, Jan. 16, 1847. ; FLEEMAN, David Reed, s. of David and Mary, bp. Nov. 7, 1813. C.R.I. Elizabeth Whitmore, d. of David and Mary, bp. Dec. 1, 1816. C.R.I. FLETCHER, Betsy, d. of Zechariah, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. C.R.1. Charlottee, d. of Zaccheus, bp. Sept. 19, 1784. C.R.I. Emma Caroline, d. of Calvin, b. in Westford, and Elizabeth, b. in Stow, Jan. 18, 1840. Molly, d. of , bp. Nov. 28, 1773. c.R.1. Zech{aJr[iah], s. of Zech[aJr[iah], bp. Oct. 13, 1771. C.R.1. HARVARD BIRTHS. : 45 FORBUSH (see Farabush, Furabush), Aaron Warner, s. of Samuel and Mary, Apr. 8, 1784. David, s. of Samuel and Mary, Feb. 16, 1786. Eliza, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1811. Eunice, d. of John and Emma, bp. Mar. 30, 1746. C.R.I. Eunice, d. of Samuel and Mary, May 25, 1788. Hiram, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1814. James, s. of John, bp. Nov. 1, 1741. C.R.1. John, s. of John and Eunice, Aug. 1, 1760. John, s. of Samuel and Mary, Nov. 8, 1781. Jonathan, s. of John and Unice, Apr. 1, 1757. Lucy, d. of John and Eunice, June 17, 1752. Lucy, d. of Daniel and Ruth, bp. Oct. 17, 1819. Manassah Stow, s. of Samuel and Mary, July 24, 1790. Mary, d. of Samuel and Mary, June 19, 1792. Mary, d. of John and Allice, June 11, 1817. Ruth, d. of John and Eunice, bp. June 25, 1738. c.R.I. Samuel, s. of John and Unice, Mar. 20, 1754. Sophronia, d. of Daniel and Ruth, bp. Oct. 17, 1819. C.R.1. Ward, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Mar. 15, 1802. FORDE, Thomas Powell, Oct. 11, 1840. G.R.3. FOSKET (see Fausket), Oliver, s. of Jacob and Mary, bp. Feb. 4, 1750. C.R.I. ; FOSTER, Catherine L. [ G.R.I. Daniel, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 26, 1750. C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 9, 1752. c.R.1. Emerson, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, bp. July 19, 1747. C.R.1. Hannah, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 13, 1748. c.R.1. Henry, - , 1826. G.R.I. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, bp. July 29, 1753. C.R.1. John, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 30, 1761. C.R.1. Judeth, d. of Jeremiah and Rebekah, Mar. 2, 1747. Martha, d. of Isaac and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 30, 1761. C.R.I. Nathanael, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth, bp. Apr. 20,1755. C.R.I. | Priscilla, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 29, 1756. C.R.1. Rebekah, d. of Jeremiah and Rebekah, Oct. 20, 1750. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Rebekah, July 28, 1744. FOULER, Abagil, d. of Philip and Abigal, Nov. 21, 1743. FREEMAN, George Foster, s. of Nathan B., b. in Orford, N. H., and Jane A., b. in Craftsbury, Vt., Aug. 12, 1849. ], w. of Henry, ——, 1838. 46 HARVARD BIRTHS. ' FRENCH, Augustus S., ——, 1816. G.R.3. FROST, Ann Maria, d. of Thomas 5. and Mercy, Sept. 4, 1836. Artemus, s. of Scripture and Sally, Apr. 23, 1803. (Feb. 22, 1803. G.R.1.) Augusta Eliza, d. of Thomas S. (Sprague, c.r.1) and Mercy, Nov. 24, 1827. Clarissa, d. of Scripture and Sally, Sept. 27, 1809. Laura Ann, d. of Thomas S. and Mercy, Dec. 14, 1834. Manassah Sawyer, s. of Thomas S. and Mercy, Sept. 10, 1831. Marcia Sawyer, d. of Thomas 8. and Mercy, June 5, 1830. Maria Sawyer, d. of Thomas 5. and Mercy, Nov. 24, 1837. Mary A. [ ], w. of Artimas, Nov. 5, 1802. G.R.I. Mary Wilkins, d. of Scripture and , bp. May 21, 1809. C.R.I. Mercy Sawyer [ ], w. of Thomas §., Dec. 26, 1798. G.R.1. Nathaniel Sawyer, s. of Thomas S. and Mercy, Nov. 29, 1823. Sally, d. of Scripture and Sally, May 5, 1808. Sarah Marshall, d. of Tho[ma]s 5. and Mercy, Nov. 29, 1838. Thomas Otis, s. of Thomas S. (Sprague, c.r.1) and Mercy, _ Dec. 24, 1825. Thomas 6., s. of Scripture, in Shirley, Oct. 17, 1797. FULLAM (see Fullum), Elisha, s. of Elisha and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1752. FULLER, Alfred Newell, s. of Newell, b. in Franklin, and Jane D., Oct. 12, 1848. Eliza H. Davis [ ], w. of Daniel Jr., Sept. 22, 1819. G.R.1. Ephraim Warren, s. of Alden and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1823. Harriet N. (Harriét Newell, c.r.2), d. of Newell and Jane, June 7, 1842. Newell, in Franklin, Feb. 19, 1795. Rebecca Jane, d. of Newell and Jane, Aug. 9, 1846. FULLUM (see Fullam), Jacob, s. of Elisha and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1749-50. FURABUSH (see Farabush, Forbush), Sarah, d. of John and Unice, Apr. 30, 1750. eee Abby Stutson, d. of Andrew and Eliza, June 23, 1824. Alfred Wilder, s. of Jerome and Sally, Aug. 21, 1836. Andrew Boyanton, s. of Andrew and Eliza, Apr. 22, 1822. Clarisa Simons, d. of Jerome and Sally, Feb. 7, 1827. HARVARD BIRTHS. 47 paar Francis Augustus, s. of Andrew and Eliza, Nov. 7, 18309. Francis Haskell, s. of Andrew and Eliza, Nov. 7, 1819. George, s. of Jerome and Sally, Nov. 16, 1834. George Frederick, s. of Andrew and Eliza, Dec. 9, 1836. Jacob Haskell, s. of Andrew and Eliza, June 6, 1834. Jerome, s. of Jerome and Sally, Apr. 27, 1821. John Quincy Adams, s. of Andrew and Eliza, Aug. 4, 1828. Joseph Hammond, s. of Andrew and Eliza, Feb. 22, 1826. Julia Anna Wilder, d. of Andrew and Eliza, Mar. 31, 1832. Margaret Blanchard, d. of Jerome and Sally, Dec. 24, 1828. Mary, d. of Jerome and Sally, Oct. 24, 1838. Moses Tarbell, s. of Jerome and Sally, Jan. 23, 1820. Sally T., Sept. 25, 1797. G.R.I. Sarah Tarbell, d. of Jerome and Sally, Dec. 17, 1824. (w. of Samuel F. Whitney. G.R.1.) Sophia Longley, d. of Jerome and Sally, Jan. 16, 1831. Walter Longley, s. of Jerome and Sally, Feb. 27, 1823. Walter Longley, s. of Jerome and Sally, Dec. 31, 1832. GARFIELD, Jonathan, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Apr. 28, 1777. Levi, s. of Reuben and Lydia, June 20, 1779. He took the name George in 1804. Lydia, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1781. Samuel, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Oct. 11, 1784. GATES (see Gats), Elisabeth, d. of Isaac and Submit, Nov. 24, 1764. . Elizabeth, d. of Jacob and Elizebeth, Oct. 1, 1736. Eliza[beth], d. of Josiah, bp. Sept. 1, 1771. C.R.I. © Elizebeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, Oct. 8, 1735. Eunice, twin ch. of Jonathan and Eliz[abe]th, bp. June 5, 1743. C.R.I. Henry, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, June 19, 1745. Isaac, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, in Stow, Aug. 6, 1729. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Submit, May 7, 1777. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Apr. 7, 1734. Jacob, s. of Isaac and Submit, Dec. 6, 1760. John, s. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, Oct. 31, 1749. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 27, 1762. Jonathon, s. of Jonathon and Elizabeth, May 27, 1738. Josiah, s. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, Sept. 26, 1747. Lemuel, s. of Stephen and Dinah, Apr. 30, 1757. Lucy, d. of Isaac and Submit, July 22, 1769. Mary, d. of Jacob and Sarah, July 18, 1745. 48 HARVARD BIRTHS. Gates, Mary, d. of Capt. Isaac and Submit, Dec. 25, 1774. Mercy, d. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, May 30, 1743. Nabby, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Isaac and Submit, Dec. 29, 1782. Olive, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 3, 1751. C.R.I. Rachel, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Jan. 18, 1756. Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1744. Sarah, d. of Isaac and Submit, Sept. 21, 1771. Susan[nJa, d. of Jonathan and Elisable]th, Oct. 13, 1753. Zaccheus, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, in Stow, Aug. 26, 1731. Zacheus, s. of Capt. Isaac and Submit, Sept. 11, 1779. GATS (see Gates), Han[n]ah, d. of Jonathon and Elizebeth, Oct. 29, 1740. John, s. of Stephen and B[e]tey, Jan. 31, 1739-40. Lusee, d. of Jacob and Elisabeth, Oct. 31, 1739. Nathaniel, s. of Stephen and B[e]tey, Feb. 18, 1738. GEORGE, Elizabeth C., ——, 1827. G.R.1. GERRY, Atlanta Aspinwall, d. of John and Rebeccah, Oct. 26, 1827. Caleb Strong, s. of John and Rebeccah, Oct. 15, 1814. Ella Elizabeth, d. of Caleb L. and Sarah B., b. in Stow, Jan. 14, 1849. Fanny P. d. of John and Sally, May 5, 1802. Fisher Ames, s. of John and Rebeccah, Mar. 14, 1817. George, s. of John and Sally, June 14, 1799. (Capt. George Gerry, June 5, 1799. G.R.1.) Gustavus Adolphus, s. of John and Rebeccah, June 22, 1831. Jesse K., s. of George and Sabra, Jan. 19, 1824. John, s. of John and Sally, Mar. —, 1806. Luther Turner, s. of John and Rebeccah, Jan. 20, 1810. Menassah Sawyer, s. of John and Rebeccah, Aug. 23, 18109. Sabra [ ], w. of George, Oct. 28, 1804. G.R.1. Sabra Adelia, d. of George and Sabra, Feb. 21, 1829. (Feb. 21, 1827. G.R.I.) Sally T. M., d. of John and Rebeccah, Feb. 4, 1812. Sarah Isabelle, d. of George and Sabra, Dec. 4, 1830. Susan Rebecca, d. of John and Rebeccah, Feb. 20, 1825. Ward Safford, s. of John and Sally, June 6, 1804. GETCHELL, William H., GILBERT, Augusta Gardner, d. of Washington and Aschsah, Dec. 9, 1834. Frances Allina, d. of Washington and Achsah, June 4, 1839. , 1829. G.R.I, HARVARD BIRTHS. 49 GOLDSMITH, Anna, d. of Richard and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1772. Anna, d. of Richard Jr. and Rachel, Nov. 23, 1803. Francis Cook, s. of Richard Jr. and Rachel, July 27, 1811. John, s. of Richard and Sarah, in Littleton, Apr. 17, 1770. Jonathan Goodwin, s. of Richard Jr. and Rachel, Mar. 15, 1807. Lucy, d. of Theodore and Mercy, Feb. 28, 1807. (Lucy Hap- good, d. of Theodore and Mercy, bp. Oct. 20, 1811. C.R.1.) Maria, d. of John and Moriah, May 15, 1792. : Mary, d. of Theodore and Mercy, Aug. —, 1805. Mercy, d. of Theodore and Mercy, Feb. 24, 1818. Molley, d. of Richard and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1777. (w. of Capt. Oliver Hill. c.r.1.) Sally, d. of Richard Jr. and Rachel, Feb. 3, 1810. Sherman, s. of Richard and Rachel, Sept. 24, 1805. Shermon, s. of Richard and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1773. Theodore, s. of Richard and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1775. Thomas, s. of Richard and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1779. GOODFREY (see Goodfry), Andrew, s. of James and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1738. Daniel, s. of James and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1742. James, s. of James and Hannah, Nov..20, 1744. Salmon, s. of James and Hannah, Mar. io, 1747. GOODFRY (see Goodfrey), Mary, d. of Oliver and Rachel, bp. Jan. 28, 1753. C.R.I. GOSS, Elisa, d. of Asa and Hepsey, Nov. 15, 1807. Peter, s. of Asa and Hepsey, Sept. 23, 1803. GOULD, Mitte, d. of , bp. July 19, 1772. C.R.I. GRAY, Isabella, Nov. 1, 1831. G.R.1. GREENE, Mercy Fairbanks [ ], w. of William H., —-, 1832. G.R.3. William H., , 1828. G.R.3. GREENLEAF, Silence, d. of (Dr., c.r.1) Daniel and Anna, Apr. 8, 1764. GRIFFIN, Samuel, s. of Ceaser, bp. Apr. 17, 1763. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Caeser, bp. Nov. 23, 1766. C.R.1. GROVER, , s. of Charles and Mary, Apr. 29, 1847. Andrew Jackson, s. of Charles W. and Mary, July to, 1832. Benjamin, s. of Charles W. and Mary, in Templeton, Apr. 2, 1834. 50 HARVARD BIRTHS. Grover, Caroline Wilkins, d. of Charles W. and Mary, Sept. 25, 1838. Charles He Henry, s. of Charles W. and Mary, May 10, 1830. Charlottee, d. of Charles W. and Mary, Mar. 14, 1840. Elizabeth E., Sept. 11, 1826. G.R.2. Hiram Stone, s. of Charles W. and Mary, Dec. 16, 1828. Luther Sawyer, s. of Charles W. and Mary, Jan. 24, 1828. Martha Louisa, d. of Charles W., b. in Cambridgeport, and Mary, July 16, 1848. Mary Jane, d. of Charles W. and Mary, in Cambridge, Sept. 16, 1836. Olive, a of Charles W. and Mary, May 20, 1845. William, s. of Charles W. and Mary, May 8, 1847. GULLIVER, Samuel, s. of Seth, bp. Dec. 2, 1733. C.R.I. HALD (see Hale), Isaac, s. of Isaac and Tamer, June 29, 1760. Lydia, d. of Isaac and Tamer, Feb. 3, 1755. William, s. of Isaac and Tamer, Apr. 4, 1749. HALE (see Hald), Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 18, 1764. David, s. of Benjamin dec. and Mary, Mar. 22, 1772. Esther, d. of Ambros and Mercy, May 3, 1774. Esther, d. of Israel, bp. Apr. 16, 1786. c.R.1. George Henry, s. of Moses and Martha, in Worcester, ne I, 1844. Gilman Harrison, s. of Moses and Martha, Sept. 25, ibae Huldah, d. of Ambros and Mercy, Dec. 27, 1772. Israel, s. of Benjamin and Mary, June 12, 17509. Jacob, s. of Ambros and Mercy, Mar. 19, 1769. Joanna, d. of Benjamin and Mary, May 5, 1768. Lucy, d. of Isaac and Tamer, bp. May 15, 1757. C.R.1. Martha, d. of Isaac and Tamer, Dec. 7, 1752 N. s. Mary, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 6, 1762. Mercy, d. of Ambros and Mercy, Jan. 14, 1771. Oliver, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 16, 1760. Polly, d, of Israel, bp. Apr. 16, 1786. c.R.1. Rachel, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Aug. 2, 1765. Sarah, d. of Ambros and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1751 Sarah, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 12, 1769. William, s. of Isaac and Tamer, Sept. 25, 1750. HALL, Elenor, d. of John and Sarah, July 1, 1793. Fanna, d. of John and Sarah, Sept. 12,1777. * Jacob, s. of Uriah, bp. Sept. 9, 1759. C.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. . 51 Hatt, John, s. of Timothy and Mary, May 22, 1747. Lucretia Annette (Lucretia Amanda dup.), d. of Henry and Jerusha (Jerusha Smith dup.), Apr. 19, 1847. nee ee d. of Henry M. and Jerusha (Smith), Apr. 24, 1841. Mary, d. of Timothy and Mary, Aug. 25, 1749. piety Jeon d. of Henry M. and Jerusha (Smith), Jan. 14, 1846. Salley, d. of John and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1787. Sally, d. of John, bp. May 19, 1776. c.R.1. Timothy, s. of Timothy dec. and Mary, Feb. 18, 1752. William, s. of John and Sarah, June 29, 1779. William, s. of John and Sarah, Sept. 22, 1782. eee Henry, s. of Henry M. and Jerusha (Smith), Mar. 26, 1843. HAMLEN (see Hamlin), Abigail, d. of Europe and Dorcas, May 14, 1794. Adams Green, s. of Europe and Dorcas, June 29, 1798. Hannah, d. of Europe and Dorcas, July 27, 17809. James, s. of Europe and Dorcas, Dec. 31, 1796. Joash, s. of Europe and Dorcas, Aug. 7, 1791. secant (see Hamlen), Africa, s. of Molly Burt, Aug. 25, 1785. y Asha, s. of Eleazer, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. C.R.I. Dorcas, d. of Europe and Dorcas, Nov. 12, 1786. George, s. of Eleazer, bp. Oct. 9, 1785. C.R.I. Green, s. of Eleazer, bp. Sept. 8, 1782. c.R.1. Harriet Chace, d. of Africa and Lydia, Oct. 27, 1810. Isaiah, s. of Eleazer, bp. Aug. 2, 1778. .R.1. John Chace, s. of Africa and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1817. Nabby, d. of Africa, bp. Feb. 10, 1788. C.R.1. Sarah, d. of Africa and Lydia, June 22, 1820. (Sarah Adams, d. of Lydia, bp. Sept. 3, 1829. .R.2.) Sophronia Reed, d. of Africa and Lydia, Mar. 18, 1812. Zoa Stone, d. of Africa and Lydia, Apr. 24, 1814. HAMMOND, Betsey, d. of Tho{ma]s and Patty, bp. Nov. 7, 1802. C.R.I. David, s. of Thomas and Betty, Oct. 17, 1796. Elmira [ ], w. of David, Feb. 16, 1805. G.R.1. Elmira, d. of David and Elmira, Feb. 12, 1826. Ephraim, s. of Tho[ma]s and Patty, bp. Oct. 30, 1803. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of David and Elmira, Feb. 18, 1828. 52 HARVARD BIRTHS. HammMonp, Martha, d. of Thomas and Patty, bp. Nov. 1, 1812. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Tho[mal]s and Patty, bp. Nov. 7, 1802. C.R.I. Simon H., s. of David and Elmira, Mar. 31, 1830. Twin. Susannah, d. of Thomas and Patty, bp. Nov. 1, 1812. C.R.1. Thomas W., s. of David and Elmira, Mar. 31, 1830. Twin. HAPGOOD, Alfred W., s. of Jonathan F. and Dorothy, b. in Westminster, Nov. 17, 1841. Andrew, s. of John and Molly (Mary, c.r.1), Mar. 27, 1809. Asa, s. of Shadreck and Elizebeth, June 13, 1740. Betsy, d. of Jabez and Susanna, Nov. 15, 1811. Bette, d. of Shadrack Jr. and Elisabeth, Feb. 16, 1773. Dolly Mosman [ ], w. of Jonathan Fairbank, Sept. 20, 1822. G.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Shadrach and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1734. George, s. of John and Molley, Aug. 15, 1804. George, s. of Jabez and Susanna, Dec. 12, 1809. Hannah, d. of Joel and Sally, May 14, 1815. Henry, s. of Jabez and Susanna, Jan. 2, 1808. Hiram F. (Hiram Fairbank, c.r.1), s. of Jonathan F. and Dorothy, b. in Westminster, Jan. 31, 1848. Isr[aJel, s. of Shadreck and Elizabeth, Mar. 1, 1743. : Jabez, s. of Shadrach (Jr., c.R.1) and Eliz[abet]h, Sept. 30, 1781. Joel, s. of Shadrach and Elizabeth, Mar. 26, 1788. John, s. of Shadrach Jr. and Elisabeth, June 20, 1771. John, s. of John and Molly (Mary, c.r.1), Mar. 18, 1807. Jonathan Fairbank, s. of Joel and Sally, Jan. 15, 1814. Lois, d. of Shadrach and Elisabeth, Apr. 13, 1754. Lucy, d. of Shadrach Jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 9, 1775. Lucy, d. of Jabez and Susanna, June 6, 1824. Ludia, d. of Jabez and Susannah, July 14, 18109. Lydia, d. of Shadrach and Elisabeth, July 4, 1757. Mary, d. of John and Molly, May 5, 1813. aes ae d. of John Jr. and Mary Ann, May 7, 1838 (May 8 up.). Mercy, d. of Shadrach and Elisabeth, Jan. 26, 1732-3. Mercy, d. of Shadr[ac]h (Jr., c.r.1) and Elizabeth, Feb, 15, 1779. Nancy, d. of Jabez and Susan, July 26, 1815 (1814 dup.). Oliver, s. of Shadrach and Elizebeth, Oct. 7, 1751. Phineas, s. of Shadrach, bp. Aug. 8, 1737. c.R.I. Sarah, d. of Shadrek and Elizabeth, June 16, 1744. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Charles, b. in Marlborough, and Eliza- beth, b. in Hull, Eng., Mar. 9, 1849. HARVARD BIRTHS. 53 Hapcoop, Shadrach, s. of Shadrach and Elizebeth, Oct. 4, 1747. Shadrach, s. of Shadrach and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1783. Susan, d. of Jabez and Susanna, Oct. 20, 1806. Susan Wetherbee [ ], w. of Jonathan Fairbank, Nov. 26, 1822. G.R.I. Susan Wetherbee, d. of Jonathan F. and Dolly (Dorothy, b. in Westminster dup.), Dec. 31, 1845. Warren, d. of Joel and Sally, Oct. 14, 1816. HARDY, Albert Edgar, s. of Emerson C., Oct. 30, 1844. Charles Ovander, s. of Emerson C. and Eliza, Mar. 1, 1837. Edward Sherburn, s. of Emerson, b. in Concord, and Eliza, b. in Mason, N. H., Apr. 5, 1849. Francis Ann, d. of Emerson C. and Eliza, Jan. 5, 1833. George Henry, s. of Emerson C. and Eliza, June 23, 1839. Harriot L., d. of Emerson C. and Eliza, Oct. 17, 1840. Lydia Barret, d. of Emerson C. and Eliza, Apr. 4, 1835. HARLOW, ,d. of Phinehas H. and Nancy, Apr. 23, 1847. Adeline Sawyer, d. of Phinehas H., b. in Shirley, and Nancy, July 21, 1849. Andrew Jackson, s. of Ellis Jr. and Miriam, bp. July 15, 1827. C.R.2. Ann Eliza, d. of Phineas H. and Nancy, Mar. 23, 1839. ‘Charles, s. of Ellis and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1800. Charles Ellis, s. of Phineas H. and Nancy (Hapgood), Nov. 6, 1840. Clarra Merriam, d. of Phineas H., Jan. 31, 1845. Dorcasina Bowker, d. of Ellis (Jr., c.r.2) and Merriam, Apr. 9, 1826. Edward Omar, s. of Phineas H. and Nancy (Hapgood), Dec. 25, 1842. Ellis Edward, s. of Ellis Jr. and Miriam, bp. July 15, 1827. C.R.2. Miriam Henrietta, d. of Ellis Jr. and Miriam, bp. July 15, 1827. C.R.2. Phineas Holden, s. of Ellis Jr. and Miriam, bp. July 15, 1827. C.R.2. William Holmes, s. of Ellis (Jr., c.R.2) and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1798. HARPER, Ann, d. of Andrew and Jeane, Apr. 18, 1743. Daniel, s. of Andrew, bp. Oct. 26, 1735. C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew, bp. Mar. 3, 1734. C.R.I. John, s. of Andrew and Jeane, Sept. 25, 1740. Martha, d. of Andrew and Jeane, Sept. 11, 1747. 54. C«<=; HARVARD BIRTHS. HARRAD (see Harrod), Adeline Martha, d. of William] K. and Rebecca] F., Jan. 17, 1826. Twin. Emeline Elizebeth, d. of William] K. and R[ebecca] F., Jan. 17, 1826. Twin. Frederick, s. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca, July 8, 1833. George, s. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca, Jan. 12, 1835. James, s. of W[illiam] K. and R[ebecca] F., Dec. 19, 1829. Rebecca, d. of W{illiam] K. and R[ebecca] F., Feb. 5, 1821. Sophia, d. of W[illiam] K. and R[ebecca] F , Dec. 3, 1827. W[{illialm Staples, s. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca F., Aug. 17, 1819. HARRINGTON, John A., s. of Tyler and Caroline, Apr. 14, 1848. HARRIS, Anna, d. of Richard and Martha, Apr. 23, 1750. Anne Maria, d. of Joel and Mary B., Feb. 20, 1817. Asenath, d. of Richard Jr. and Lydia, Aug. 16, 1772. . Charlotte, d. of Joel and Mary B., Jan. 6, 1811. (Charlotte Hayward, d. of wid. Mary, bp. Mar. 2, 1818. c.R.1.) Frederic William, s. of Joel and Mary B., Dec. 19, 1814. Harrison Gray, s. of Richard and Lydia, July 2, 1790. Horatio Gates, s. of Joel and Mary B., Dec. 3, 1812. (Horatio Hayward, s. of wid. Mary, bp. Mar. 2, 1818. c.R.1.) Joel (Dea., c.R.1), s. of Richard and Lydia, Sept. 24, 1782. John, s. of Richard and Martha, Oct. 13, 1745. John, s. of Richard Jr. and Lydia, Oct. 13, 1769. Lydia, d. of Richard Jr. and Lydia, May 15, 1775. Mary, d. of Joel and Mary B., June 14, 1809. Nathanael, s. of Richard and Martha, Apr. 4, 1752. Rebekah, d. of Richard and Martha, Mar. 25, 1748. Richard, s. of (Dea., c.r.1) Richard and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1779. Salley, d. of Richard and Lydia, Oct. 4, 1785. William, s. of Richard and Martha, Oct. 8, 1754. HARROD (see Harrad), Ann Maria [ 1833. G.R.I. Nancy Barbar, d. of Noah and Eusebia, Aug. 31, 1804. Sophia, d. of Noah and Eusebia, Mar. 31, 1807. William Albert, s. of William S. and Hannah, July 20, 1847. HART, Harriet P., Jan. 31, 1834. G.R.2. meee Abigail Patch, d. of David W. and Abigail, July 7, 1846. Abigail T. [ ], w. of George, ——, ], w. of David W., ——, 1814. G.R.1. HARVARD BIRTHS, 55 Hartwe.u, David W., , 1814. G.R.I. Ellen ce d. of Josiah, b. in Lunenburg, and Susan, Dec. 15, 1848. George, s. of Josiah and Susan, Nov. 24, 1830. Lucinda [ ], 2d w. of David W., , 1821. G.R.I. Sarah, d. of Josiah and Susan, Nov. 20, 1834. HASELTINE (see Hazletine), Hannah, d. of Nathanael and Patience, May 29, 1760. Sarah, d. of Nathanael and Patience, Apr. 22, 1759. HASKEL (see Haskell), Elizabeth, d. of Samuell and Sybel, Mar. 14, 1745. Huldah, d. of Henry (Jr., c.r.1) and Huldah, Dec. 18, 1737. John, s. of Joseph and Mary, July 13, 17309. Josiah, s. of Joseph and Mary, July 5, 1737. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sybel, Feb. 16, 1746-7. HASKELL (see Haskel), Abba Augusta, d. of Adolphus and Elisabeth, bp. June 16, 1844. c.R.2. Abel, s. of Moses and Anna, Nov. 17, 1756. Abel, s. of Moses and Anna, Oct. 11, 1758. Abigail, d. of James and Ann, Sept. 29, 1758. Abigail, d. of Lemuel and Lucy, Sept. 4, 1774. Abigail, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1801. Abraham, s. of Henry and Huldah, bp. Feb. 2, 1746. c.r.1. Adolphus, s. of Asa and Cynthia, Feb. 24, 1811. Alfred, s. of Calvin and Ann, Feb. 3, 1831. Almira, d. of Jona[than] and Hannah, in Portland, Dec. 23, 1803. . Ame, dot Samuel and Sibil, Dec. 25, 1761. Asa, s. of James (Jr., c.R.1) and Lydia, July 13, 1779. Betsy, d. of Oliver Jr. and Mary, Sept. 29, 1789. Betsy, d. of Samuel and Ruth, Sept. 2, 1790. Betty, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1758. Betty, d. of Elias, bp. Mar. 31, 1771. C.R.I. Caleb, s. of Phinehas and Susanna, May 31, 1764. Calvin, s. of Jacob and Sally, Dec. 27, 1791. . Calvin, s. of Calvin and Ann, Sept. 9, 1819. Charles Henry, s. of Jacob and Susan, Dec. 13, 1819. (Dec. 19, 1819. G.R.I.) Charlotte, d. of John and Lucy, Dec. 30, 1798. Charlotte Amelia, d. of Adolphus and Elisabeth, Aug. 19, 1847. Charlottee, d. of James 2d and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1812. (Charlotte, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. Sept. 28, 1817. .R.1.) 56 HARVARD BIRTHS. Haske , Edward, s. of Asa and Cynthia, Dec. 22, 1813. Edward, s. of Asa and Cynthia, July 1, 1820. Twin. Edward, s. of Calvin and Ann, Oct. 27, 1828. Eleanor B., Jan. 10, 1824. G.R.I. Elias, s. of "Elias, bp. Apr. 3, 1768. c.R.I. Eliza, d. of Jacob and Sally, Aug. 18, 1799 Eliza, d. of James Jr. and Sarah, Sept. Ss. ‘1801. (Eliza, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. Sept. 28, 1817. C.R.I.) Ellice, d. of Solomon, bp. July 21, 1782. C.R.I. Elvira, d. of Asa and Cynthia, July 1, 1820. Twin. Ephraim, s. of William and Mercy, Sept. 23, 1797. Erastus, s. of James Jr. and Sarah, June 13, 1797. Eunice, d. of Samuel and Ruth, May 17, 1786. Flora Burt [ ], w. of Joseph E., May —, 1840. G.R.I. George, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Ruth, Mar. 23, 1799. Hannah, d. of Henry, bp. Dec. 2, 1739. C.R.I. Hannah, d. of Solomon, bp. May 16, 1779. C.R.1. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 2, 1788. Helen Gray, d. of Calvin and Ann, July 31, 1837. Henrietta, d. of Calvin and Ann, Aug. 28, 1823. Jacob, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 5, 1767. C.R.1. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Sally, June 7, 1804. Jamef[s], s. of James Jr. and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1774. John, s. of Henry, bp. May 24, 1741. C.R.1. John, s. of Elias arrd Sarah, Apr. 8, 1764. John, s. of Solomon and Bette, Nov. 18, 1774. John, s. of Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 4, 1775. John, s. of Elias and Rebecca, June 17, 1781. John, s. of Jona[than] and Hannah, in Portland, Sept. 21, 1812. Jonathan, s. of James Jr. and Lydia, Feb. 15, 1766. Joseph, s. of Stephen and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1752 N. Ss. Joseph, s. of Samuel and Sybil, Oct. 23, 1759. Joseph Fairbank, s. of Adolphus and Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 9, 1842. C.R.2. Josiah, s. of Stephen and Sarah, Apr. 30, 1755. Josiah, s. of Josiah, bp. Aug. 13, 1769. .R.1. Josiah Wilder, s. of Jacob and Susan, Sept. 24, 1814. Josiah Wilder, s. of Jacob and Susan, July 15, 1818. Judith Beard, d. of Asa and Cynthia, June 3, 1816. sage aa d. of Adolphus and Elisabeth F., Sept. 11, 1045 Laurendia, d. of James 2d and Sarah, July 25, 1807. (Laurildia, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. Sept. 28, 1817. C.R.I.) Lemuell, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Sybill, bp. Feb. 22,1747. .R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 57 Haske t, Levi, s. of Josiah and Mary, June 4, 1764. Levi, s. of Jacob and Sally, Nov. 4, 1794. Lucius, s. of Asa and Cynthia, Mar. 24, 1805. Lucretta, d. of James 2d and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1810. (Lucetta, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. Sept. 28, 1817. c.R.1.) Lucy, d. of (Dea., c.r.1) Joseph and Abigail, June 25, 1747. Lucy, d. of James Jr. and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1772. Lydia, d. of Henry and Huldah, bp. June 5, 1748. c.R.1. Lydia, d. of James Jr. and Lydia, July 7, 1767. Lydia, d. of James Jr. and Lydia, June 12, 1770. Maria, d. of Asa and Cynthia, Oct. 1, 1807. Martha, d. of Samuel and Ruth, Feb. 15, 1780. Mary, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1756: Mary, d. of Josiah, bp. May 12, 1771. C.R.1. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1794. Mary, d. of Jacob and Sally, Apr. 3, 1802. Mary, d. of Calvin and Ann, Dec. 6, 1825. Mary Augusta, d. of Asa and Cynthia, Aug. 30, 1823. (Mary Augusta, d. of Asa and Lois, bp. Jan. 18, 1824. .R.2.) Mercy, d. of Samuel and Ruth, May 11, 1784. Molley, d. of James Jr. and Lydia, Nov. 25, 1776. Moses, s. of Elias and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1766. Nahum, s. of James 2d and Sarah, July 29, 1799. Nancy, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1786. Olive, d. of Moses and Anna, June 12, 1752. Oliver, s. of Samuel and Sybil, Oct. 28, 1753. Oliver, s. of (Capt., c.R.1) Samuel and Sybil, Sept. 5, 1757. Oliver, s. of James Jr. and Lydia, June 6, 1768. Peter, s. of Lemuel and Lucy, Sept. 5, 1772. Polly, d. of Oliver Jr. and Mary, May 30, 1792. Ruth, d. of Henry and Huldah, bp. Apr. 24, 1743. C.R.I. Ruth, d. of Samfue]ll and Ruth, Jan. 5, 1782. Twin. Salley, d. of Oliver Jr. and Mary, Dec. 27, 1794. Sally Boynton, d. of Jacob and Sally, Sept. 18, 1796. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sibel, June 12, 1749. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Ruth, Jan. 16, 1772. Sarah, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1753. Sarah, d. of Elias and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1762. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Sibbel, Apr. 14, 1768. Sarah, d. of Josiah, bp. June 23, 1773. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of James and Lydia, Jan. 31, 1786. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Ruth, Apr. 17, 1793. Sarah, d. of James 2d and Sarah, May 19, 1798. (Sally, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. Sept. 28, 1817. C.R.1.) 58 HARVARD BIRTHS. HAsKELL, Sarah Ann, d. of Calvin and Ann, June 27, 1821. Seba, d. of Oliver and Mary, June 21, 1797. Solomon, s. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 19, 1740-1. Susanna, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Ruth, Jan. 5, 1782. Twin. Susannah, d. of James (Jr., c.R.1) and Lydia, July 26, 1781. Susannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1791. Sybel, d. of Samuel and Ruth, Nov. 17, 1773. Sybil, d. of Samuel and Sybil, July 7, 1755. Thaddeus Pollard, s. of James 2d and Sarah, May 1, 1806. Ce Pollard, s. of wid. Sarah, bp. Sept. 28, 1817. C.R.I. Unice, d. of Moses and Anna, July 2, 1754. Ward Safford, s. of Samuel and Ruth, May 5, 1788. William, s. of Samuel and Sibel, Sept. 20, 1751. William B., s. of Charles H. and Elenor B., Nov. 10, 1846. - William Henry, s. of Calvin and Ann, Oct. 15, 1833. HASTINES, Moses Bennet, s. of Nathaniel and Jemime,.Sept. 2, 1770. HATCH, Olive, Sept. 5, 1808. G.R.2. HAVEN, Abiel, s. of Asa, bp. June 4, 1775. C.R.I. HAWKS, Abigail, d. of Joseph and Hannah, May 7, 1816. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Hannah, July 5, 1815. Matthew, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1820. HAYDEN, Charles Sidney, s. of James G. and Lucretia, b. in Westbrook, Me., Nov. 10, 1848. Emely, d. of Lewis and Mary, May 13, 1815. George W., s. of Warren and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1847. Hannah, d. of Lewis and Mary, in Concord, May 6, 1797. James Nelson, s. of Edmund and Charlotte, Nov. 14, 1844. Jefferson, s. of Lewis and Mary, Apr. 25, 1809. Levi, s. of Lewis and Mary, in Concord, Mar. 23, 1793. Lewis, s. of Levi and Sally, Feb. 5, 1818. Lydia, d. of Lewis and Mary, Oct. 12, 1812. Mary, d. of Lewis and Mary, Feb. 16, 1805. Nelson, s. of Lewis and Mary, in Winchendon, Jan. 22, 1800. Sally Richardson, d. of Levi and Sally, Apr. 2, 1816. Sarah P., d. of Levi and Susan, June 22, 18309. Susan P., June 22, 1839. G.R.I. Warren, s. of Lewis and Mary, May 12, 1807. Washington, s. of Lewis and Mary, Mar. 31, 1802. William, s. of Lewis and Mary, in Concord, Feb. 6, 1795. HARVARD BIRTHS. 59 HAZARD (see Hazzard), Catherine E. [ , 1824. G.R.I. , 1820. G.R.I. HAZLETINE (see Haseltine), Nathaniel, s. of Nath., bp. Dec. 23, 1763. C.R.I. Patience, d. of Nathaniel and Patience, bp. Feb. 21, 1762. C.R.I. ], w. of Tower, Tower, HAZZARD (see Hazard), Tower Warren, s. of Tower, b. in Boxborough, and Catherine, b. in Gardner, Jan. 20, 1849. HEARSEY (see Hersey), Augusta Ellen, d. of Henry and Martha, May 3, 1833. Elizabeth Hannah, d. of Henry and Martha, Jan. 18, 1842. Henry Whatey, s. of Henry and Martha, Aug. 30, 1835. HENRY, Lucia Francena, d. of Sanford and Lhcia, Mar. 5, 1835. William Sanford, s. of Sanford and Lucia, July 11, 1838. HERSEY (see Hearsey), Charles A.. ——, 1819. G.R.3. Horatio Brooks, ——, 1823. G.R.3. Lucy E. [ ], w. of Charles A.. ——, 1841. G.R.3. Mary M., , 1825. G.R.3. HILDRETH (see Hildrith), Augustus S., Oct. 26, 1822. G.R.1. Caroline, d. of Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1814. C.R.I. Henry Wright, s. of Elizabeth, bp. July 2, 1815. c.R.1. Isaac Learned, s. of Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1814. c.R.I. - Lucy, d. of Samson, bp. May 18, 1766. C.R.1. Lydia, d. of Samson and Lydia, May 24, 1759. Mary, d. of Samson, bp. June 29, 1760. C.R.1. Mary Winship, d. of Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1814. C.R.1. HILDRITH (see Hildreth), Abel, s. of Samson and Lydia, Mar. 18, 1757. Ephraim, s. of Sampson and Lydia, Apr. 42, 1755. Sarah, d. of Samson and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1763. HILL, Albert Chaffin, s. of John Jr. and Betsy, Apr. 28, 1818. Alonzo, s. of Oliver and Molley (Mary, c.Rr.1), June 20, 1800. ' Amos, s. of Stephen and Abigail, May 4, 1799. Augustus Granville, s. of Oliver and Molly (Mary, c.r.1), Aug, 15, 1803. Barnard, s. of Levi and Sabra, Mar. 21, 1804. Charles, s. of Levi and Sabra, Apr. 5, 1802. * 60 HARVARD BIRTHS. Hitt, Emery, s. of Levi and Sabra, Feb. 6, 1798. Joel Mace, s. of Stephen and Abigail, in Merrimac, N. H., Apr. 10, 1817. John, s. of John, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. C.R.1. John, s. of Sam[ue]ll, bp. June 30, 1765. c.R.1. John, s. of John and Sarah, Oct. 25, 2785. Joseph Chaffin Appleton, s. of John Jr. and Betsy, Jan. 21, 1820. Levi, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1768. ' Levi, s. of Levi and Sabra, Mar. 10, 1800. Lois, d. of Samuel and , bp. Oct. 3, 1784. C.R.1. Louis, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1763. Martha Sawyer [ ], w. of Augustus Granville, Jan. 28, 1808. G.R.I. Olive, d. of Samuel (Jr., c.R.r) and Olive, Dec. 18, 1796. Oliver (Capt., G.R.1), s. of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1771. Perez, s. of Levi and Sabra, Apr. 2, 1807. Twin. Pliny, s. of Levi and Sabra, Apr. 2, 1807. Twin. Polly, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1775. Sabrina, d. of Levi and Sabra, bp. Nov. 3, 1811. C.R.I. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1761. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jr. and Olive, Feb. 9, 1794. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1766. Sarah, d. of Levi and Sabra, bp. Sept. 10, 1809. C.R.I. Sherman Goldsmith, s. of Oliver and Molly (Mary, c.r.1), Jan. 16, 1799. HINDS, Alfred Hutchins, s. of Ephraim and Maria, Monday, Sept. 20, 1824. HOLDEN (see Holdin), Isafa]c, s. of Justinan and Ruth, Feb. 12, 1742-3. Joanna, d. of Jestinian and Ruth, May 16, 1746. Lucy, d. of Justinian and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1751. Moses, s. of Justinian and Ruth, bp. June 15, 1755. C.R.I. Ruth, d. of Justinian and Ruth, May 2, 1748. HOLDIN (see Holden), Richard, s. of Richard and Dorathy, Sept. I, 1758. Timothy, s. of Richard and Dorathy, July 12, 1760. HOLLAND (see Hollond), Ann, d. of Robert and Experience, Jan. 29, 1750 0. s. Mary, d. of Robert and Experiance, Jan. 30, 1755. HOLLOND (see Holland), John, s. of Robert and Experiance, Feb. 14, 1746-7. HARVARD BIRTHS. 61 HOLMAN, Abby T., d. of Silas W. and Nancy, Jan. 28, 1838. Charlotte E., d. of Silas W. and Nancy, Apr. 11, 1845. Charlotte Louisa, d. of Silas W., b. in Bolton, and Nancy T., Sept. 22, 1840. Francis Eugene, s. of Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Oct. 4, 1828. Francis Eugene, s. of Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Dec. 27, 1829. Mandana, d. of Joshua R. and Nancy, Mar. 16, 1847. Silas, s. of Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Jan. 14; 1834. (Silas Haynes, s. of Dr. E. A., bp. July 2, 1835. c.R.1.) Sophia Whitcomb, d. of Dr. E. A., bp. May 16, 1845. c.R.1. HOLT, Anness, d. of Uriah and Anness, Sept. 1, 1757. David, s. of Dinah, bp. May 11, 1773. cC.R.I. Jacob, s. of Uriah and Anness, June 23, 1759. Jonathan, s. of Uriah, bp. Sept. 9, 1764. C.R.I. Joshua, s. of Uriah and Annis, June 23, 1753. Lemuel, s. of Uriah, bp. Nov. 1, 1767. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Uriah and Anise, bp. Sept. 20, 1761. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Uriah, bp. July 15, 1770. C.R.1. Thomas Richardson, s. of Samuel and Phebe, June 3, 1808. Uriah, s. of Uriah and Annis, May 10, 1755. HOMER, Sarah L. [ ], w. of Jacob, ——, 1838. G.R.I. HOSMER (see Hosmore), May 3, 1848. Charles M., , 1848. G.R.3. Edward B., s. of Eli and Lucy, Apr. 8, 1842. Eli Willard, s. of Eli and Lucy, May 18, 1839. Lucius Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sally B., Sept. 25, 1845. HOSMORE (see Hosmer), Francis, s. of Samuel and Sally, Aug. 17, 1837. Francis Edwin, s. of Jona[than] and Lucy, July 10, 1837. Henry A., s. of Jona[than] and Lucy, Aug. 21, 18309. Horace Hayward, s. of Jona[than] and Lucy, May 11, 1835. Sarah L., d. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 8, 1839. Whitcomb, s. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 15, 1833. HOUGHTON, Abel, s. of John and Esther, Sept. 5, 1766. Abel, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 31, 1784. C.R.I. Abel, s. of Peter and Marcy, July 20, 1798. Abel, s. of Jacob and Sarah, in Boxborough, Dec. 13, 1815. Abigail, d. of Henry and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1733. Abigail, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 26, 1754. Abraham, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Jan. 23, 1771. , s. of Samuel and Sally B., 62 HARVARD BIRTHS. Hovcuton, Abraham, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Apr. 26, 1777. Allice, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Feb. 22, 1784. Almira, d. of Jabez and Rebecca, Mar. 6, 1815. Alven, s. of Jacob and Sarah, in Boxborough, Feb. 28, 1813. America, d. of Cyrus and Sarah, July 14, 1799. Amery, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Nov. 20, 1789. Andrew, s. of Abraham and Elizabeth, in Groton, Sept. 20, 1817. Anis, d. of Ephraim, bp. Apr. 24, 1763. C.R.I. Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 6, 1755. Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1750. Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 15, 1757. Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 1758. Asa, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Feb. 4, 1787. Augusta H., d. of Jacob and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1826. Bainbridge S., s. of Jacob and Abigail, Dec. 8, 1837. Benjamin, s. of Peter and Marcy, Oct. 22, 1796. Benja[min] Henry, s. of Benja[min] and Betsy, Dec. 10, 1827. Betsy, d. of Peter and Mercy, June 15, 1792. Betsy, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1797. Betsy, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1804. Betsy, d. of Daniel and Betsy, Aug. 17, 1827. Betsy White, d. of Thomas and Betsy, July 1, 1801. Twin. Betty, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Nov. 3, 1763. Catherine, d. of Daniel and Betsy, May 15, 1830. Cephas, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Jan. 27, 1788. Cephas, s. of Thomas and Betsy (Elizabeth, c.r.1), Feb. 11, 1792. Charles W., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Nov. 5, 1816. Cyrus, s. of John and Esther, July 24, 1768. Cyrus, s. of Peter and Mercy, Apr. 22, 1790. Daniel, s. of Phin[ea]s and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1790. Daniel P., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Dec. 5, 1819. Deborah, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Apr. 24, 1759. Dorcas, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 10, 1767. Edmund, s. of Thomas and Betsy, May 15, 1808. Elbridge, s. of Jabez and Rebecca, June 5, 1813. Elijah, s. of Thomas and Mariah, June 2, 1739. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Oct. 23, 1769. Elijah, s. of Thomas and Betsy (Elizabeth, c.r.1), July 18, 1797. Elijah, s. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, June 12, 1800. Elisabeth, d. of John and Esther, Aug. 2, 1770. Elisabeth, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Dec. 3, 1779. Elisha, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, bp. June 5, 1748. c.R.1. Elisha, s. of Elisha and Moriah, Jan. 15, 1775. Eliza Ann, d. of C[ephas] and S[arah], Apr. 19, 1831. HARVARD BIRTHS. 63 Hoveurton, Eliza Ellen, d. of Levi and Eliza, bp. Mar. 8, 1827. Twin. c.R.2. Emery, s. of Levi and Rebecca, Apr. 30, 1810. Ephraim W., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Oct. 10, 1824. Ephraim Whitcomb, s. of Benja[min] and Betsy, Oct. 10, 1831. Esther, d. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], Apr. 13, 1745. Eunice, d. of John and Esther, Dec. 16, 1765. (Eunice, d. of John, bp. Jan. 20, 1765. c.r.1.) Francena E. W. [ |, w. of Edward Warren, ——, 1828. G.R.I. Frances Emogene [ ], w. of Ephraim W., ——, 1842. G.R.3. Francis Augustine, s. of Charles W. and Sally, May 22, 1844. George, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1824. (George Nelson, s. of Cephas and Sarah, bp. Dec. 19, 1824. C.R.2.) George Emory, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1822. George W., s. of Jacob and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1821. Hannah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Sept. 7, 1781. Hannah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Apr. 22, 1786. Hiram, s. of Thomas 2d and Polly, Mar. 16, 1814. Trene, d. of Asa 2d and Lucy, Feb. 3, 1808. Israel, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, Feb. 26, 1748-9. Jabez, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Nov. 4, 1790. Jacob, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Jan. 21, 1782. James, s. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1796. Jane, d. of Jacob and Sarah, June 2, 1807. Jesse Knight, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1799. John, s. of Henry and Elizabeth, June 14, 1738. John, s. of Peter and Mercy, Aug. 17, 1787. John, s. of Peter and Mercy, Aug. 11, 1789. John Cephas, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1836. John Peirce, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Oct. 1, 1795. John Ruel, s. of Benjafmin] and Betsy, Sept. 21, 1829. Jonathan, s. of Asa and Elizebeth, Oct. 10, 1750. Jonathan, s. of John and Esther, Feb. 28, 1761. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. June 4, 1786. C.R.I. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Ame, Mar. 3, 1766. Jotham, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], Dec. 19, 1740. Levi, s. of Joseph and Amy, bp. Sept. 8, 1754. C.R.I. Levi, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Mar. 14, 1780. Levi, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Feb. 28, 1794. : Levi Elijah, s. of Levi and Eliza, bp. Mar. 8, 1827. Twin. C.R.2. 64 HARVARD BIRTHS. Hovcuton, Lidiah, d. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], May 6, 1739. Louisa H., d. of Jacob and Abigail, July 11, 1828. Lucretia, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. May 13, 1764. c.R.1. Lucy, d. of Joseph and Ame, July 18, 1755. Lucy, d. of Aretas and Anna, Sept. 2, 1757. Lucy, d. of wid. , bp. Oct. 23, 1763. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. Jan. 18, 1767. C.R.1. Lucy, d. of Peter and Mercy, Sept. 26, 1785. Lucy, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Apr. 22, 1794. Lucy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, in Boxborough, Jan. 26, 1804. Lurina H., d. of Jacob and Abigail, July 6, 1830. Luther, s. of Joseph Jr., bp. Aug. 4, 1765. C.R.I. Lydia, d. of Aretas and Anna, Nov. 24, 1755. Lydia, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, June 29, 1802. Mariah, d. of Thomas and Mariah, Sept. 5, 1736. Mariah, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1809. Martha, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1814. Mary, d. of Stephen and Abigail, June 19, 1735. Mary, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1802. Mary, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Feb. 7, 1804. Mary Leora Smith [ ], w. of Rev. John C., ——, 1840. G.R.3. Mercy, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Sept. 27, 1774. Mercy, d. of Peter and Mercy, June 13, 1794. Mercy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1818. Mercy Whitney, d. of Thomas and Betsy, Jan. 20, 1802. Moriah [ ], w. of Thomas, Aug. 9, 1699. Moriah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Nov. 7, 1772. Moriah, d. of Esther and Moriah, May 2, 1777. Nason H., s. of Jacob and Abigail, Jan. 3, 1823. Obed, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, July 30, 1795. Obed, s. of Jabez and Rebecca, Mar. 6, 1817. Olive, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 28, 1752. Olive, d. of Asa (Jr., c.R.1) and Dorcas, Dec. 25, 1797. Olivea, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 14, 1761. Oliver, s. of Joseph and Ame, June 20, 1753. Peter, s. of John and Esther, Jan. 27, 1763. Phinehas, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Jan. 10, 1766. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1794. Phinehas Whitcomb, s. of Asa 2d and Lucy, May 13, 1815. Polley, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 16, 1788. c.R.1. Polly, d. of Peter and Mercy, June 15, 1784. Reuben, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Sept. 10, 1784. HARVARD BIRTHS. 65 Hoveuton, Salley, d. of Phineas and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1787. Salley White, d. of Thomas and Betsy, July 1, 1801. Twin. Sally, d. of Peter and Mercy, Nov. 5, 1782. Sally, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Sept. 20, 1788. Samuel W., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Jan. 22, 1822. Sarah, d. of Henry and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1734-5. Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1810. Sarah Augusta, d. of Charles W. and Sally H., June 5, 1847. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Cephas and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1820. Sarah Wyman, d. of , bp. Apr. 21, 1776. c.R.1. Silas, s. of Aretas and Anna, May 10, 1753. Simeon, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Stow, June 23, 1747. Sophia, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1797. Sophia Beman, d. of Thomas and Betsy, Dec. 19, 1805. Stedman, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Aug. 29, 1799. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Abigal, May 9, 1737. Stilman, s. of Abraham and Elizabeth, June 19, 1820. Thadias, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], Jan. 31, 1742-3. Thomas, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Jan. 11, 1767. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Betsy, May 21, 1786. Thusa, d. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Sept. 10, 1793. Warren, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1829. (Edward Warren, s. of Cephas and Sarah, bp. Apr. 26, 1829. c.R.2.) William, s. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1806. HOWARD, Edwin, , 1813. G.R.3. Ella F. [ ], w. of Francis E., ——, 1848. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1820. G.R.3. Sarah Elisabeth, d. of Dr. Levi and Lydia Jane, Feb. 28, 1848. HUCHINGS (see Huchins, Hutchins), Daniel, s. of Joseph and Sarah, May 12, 1746. Holis, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1744. John, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1739. Lois, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1737-8. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1741. HUCHINS (see Huchings, Hutchins), Basmath, d. of William and Hephzibah, Sept. 7, 1769. David, s. of William and Hephzibah, Nov. 11, 1763. Eliner, d. of William and Hephzibah, Nov. 26,1771. (Eleoner, d. of wid. Hutchins, bp. Apr. 12, 1772. C.R.1.) Esther, d. of William and Hephzibah, Sept. 10, 1761. Jonathan, s. of William and Hephzibah, Jan. 26, 1760. 66 HARVARD BIRTHS. HUDSON, Barzilai, s. of William and Lucy, May 16, 1774. Metilda, d. of William and Lucy, Nov. 8, 1777. HUGHES, Ellen Warner [ G.R.3. HUSE, Charlotte, d. of John Denison and Rebeccah, Oct. 16, 1799. Denison, s. of John Denison and Rebeccah, Apr. 6, 1796. John, s. of John D. and Rebeccah, Nov. 14, 1797. HUTCHINS (see Huchings, Huchins), Abel, s. of Gordon and Dorathy, Mar. 16, 1763. Ann, d. of Joseph and Sarah, June 13, 1752. Bethiah, d. of Gordon and Doiley, Aug. 29, 1765. Ephraim, s. of Gorden and Dolly, Jan. 16, 1758. Ezra, s. of Gordon and Dorithy, May 26, 1770. John, s. of William Jr. and Jerusha, Aug. 4, 1765. Levi, s. of Gording and Dorothy, Aug. 17, 1761. Mehitabel, d. of William, bp. May 11, 1766. c.R.I. Meribah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1748. Molley, d. of William Jr. and Jerusha, Jan. 4, 1761. Olive, d. of William Jr., bp. Feb. 14, 1768. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, July 29, 1750. Sarah, d. of William Jr. and Jerusha, Oct. 20, 1763. Simon, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1761. HYATT, Sarah Louisa, d. of George W., b. in Pittsfield, and Sarah H., b. in Shirley, Nov. 23, 1849. JARVEY, Julia, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 3 [1846]. JEFTS, Anson, s. of Daniel and Susan[nJa, Jan. 26, 1806. John Prescott, s. of Daniel and Susan, Aug. 6, 1810. Marcy Prescott, d. of Daniel and Susan[n]a, Sept. 3, 1803. ~ Roxanna, d. of Daniel and Susan[nJa, Aug. 3, 1808. JEWETT, Clara Louisa, d. of Benjamin and Clarissa, bp. June 2,1844. C.R.2. Maria Elisabeth, d. of Benjamin and Clarissa, bp. Dec. 1, 1833. C.R.2. JOCK, Rebecca, d. of Lynn and Hannah, Sept. 20,1763. Negro. JOHNSON (see Jonson), Betsey, d. of Daniel and Betsey, b. Sept. 19,1775. C.R.I. Daniel, a Rev. Daniel and Bessy; Nov. 4, 177-. (1772. C.ReT ], w. of C. E., Dec. 30, 1844. HARVARD BIRTHS. 67 Jounson, Dole, s. of Dole and Hannah, July 4, 1745. (Dole, s. of wid. Hannah, bp. Aug. 25, 1745. C.R.1.) Han[n]ah, d. of Dole and Han[n]ah, Nov. 2, 1739. Henry, s. of Sam[ue]l of Lancaster, bp. July 24, 1743. C.R.1. Joanna, d. of Rev. Daniel and Betsey, Aug. 15, 1774. (Aug. 5, 1774. C.R.1.) ‘Jonas, s. of Jonas and Mary, Dec. 31, 1804. Lydia, d. of Daniel and Lydia, bp. Oct. 7, 1750. C.R.I. Nabby Lee, d. of Rev. Daniel and Betsey, Mar. 15, 1771. Samuell, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Rebeccah of Lancaster, bp. Mar. 24,1745. C.R.1. Thomas Jefferson, s. of Jonas and Mary, Aug. 10, 1802. JONES, Moses, s. of Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 27, 1776. JONSON (see Johnson), Simeon, s. of Dole and Han[nJah, Feb. 13, 1742-3. KEEP, Jabez, s. of Jabez and Phebe, Sept. 8, 1759. Leonard, s. of Leonard and Ruth, May 7, 1767. Mehitabel, d. of Jabez (Jr., c.R.1) and Phebe, Nov. 8, 1773. Phebe, d. of Jabez and Lydia, Apr. 1, 1789. Rebecca, d. of Jabez and Phebe, Mar. 26, 1782. Sally, d. of Jabez and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1786. Samuel, s. of Leonard, bp. Feb. 23, 1772. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Leonard and Ruth, May 31, 1770. Silve, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, June 21, 1777. KELEY, Daniel, s. of John Jr., bp. May 22,1774. C.R.I. Molly, d. of John Jr., bp. May 19, 1776. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of John Jr., bp. June 14, 1772. C.R.I. KENT, Abagal, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1744. Mary, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1741. KEYES (see Keys), Elizabeth, d. of William and Mary, Sept. 13,1749. William, s. of William and Mary, June 17, 1752 N. Ss. KEYS (see Keyes), Submit, d. of John of Bolton, bp. Oct. 4, 1747. C.R.I. KIMBALL, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, bp. Feb. 24, 1788. C.R.I. George, s. of Benj[amin] and Nancy, May 18, 1783. Naby, d. of Benjamin] and Nancy, Aug. 2, 1785. Nahum, s. of Benjamin and Nancy, bp. Sept. 28, 1794. C.R.d. Nancy, d. of Benjlamin] and Nancy, Oct. 25, 1781. Salley, d. of Benjamin, bp. Nov. 7, 1790. C.R.1. 68 HARVARD BIRTHS. KING, Wallace E., Mar. 18, 1849. G.R.3. KITTERIDGE (see Kittridge), Sarah Francis, d. of Floyer and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1836. KITTRIDGE (see Kitteridge), Lucinda, d. of Thomas and Olive, Mar. 5, 1810. ; KNEELAND (see Neeland, Neland), John, s. of Timothy and Moriah, Aug. 12, 1766. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Miriam, Nov. 22, 1752. KNIGHT (see Knights, Nights), Abel, s. of Ebenezer and Pru- dince, Dec. 16, 1763. Abidan, s. of Joseph Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1782. Abigail, d. of Josep[h] and Sarah, May 10, 1776. Abigail, d. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, c.r.1), May 17, 1808. Abigail, d. of Heman and Nabby, May 4, 1819. Alfred, s. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, c.r.1), May 11, 1810. Amanda, d. of Heman and Nabby, Mar. 1, 1821. Asa, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Apr. 1, 1765. Betsey, d. of Jolin and Elisabeth, Apr. 8, 1774. Twin. Daniel, s. of Daniel, bp. May 14, 1786. c.R.I. Elizabeth Rider, d. of Abidan and Sally, Oct. 15, 1818. Hannah Briant, d. of William and Lydia, Oct. 4, 1786. Heman, s. of Joseph Jr. and Sarah, Dec. 13, 1780. Henry, s. of Elisha and Lydia, Mar. 5, 1792. Isaac, s. of Heman and Rhoda, Feb. 19, 1810. Jesse, May 26, 1771. G.R.I. John, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 8, 1768. John Cutler, s. of John and Lucy, Jan. 2, 1812. Jonathan Preston, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 23, 1823. Joseph, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1766. Lidya, d. of John and Elisabeth, Apr. 8,1774. Twin. Lucy Whitney, d. of John and Sally, Oct. 30, 1819. Marcia, d. of William and Lydia, bp. Nov. 3, 1793. C.R.1. Mary, d. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, c.r.1), Sept. 25, 1814. Nancy, d. of William and Lydia, bp. Sept. 30, 1798. c.R.1. Olive Davis, d. of John and Lucy, bp. Sept. 25, 1814. C.R.1. Polley, d. of William, bp. May 10, 1789. c.R.1. Preston, s. of Jonathan P. and Hannah E., Sept. 10, 1846. Rachel Binney, d. of Jesse and Sabra, July 7, 1806. (June 7, 1807. G.R.I.) Rhoda, d. of Heman and Rhoda, May 4, 1814. Sabra, d. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, c.r.1), Oct. 28, 1804. HARVARD BIRTHS. : 69 Knicur, Sally [ ], w. of Jesse, Feb. 11, 1773. G.R.I. Sally, d. of William and Lydia, bp. Dec. 6, 1792. C.R.1. Sally, d. of Abidan and Sally, Apr. 2, 1813. Sarah Holden, d. of Jesse and Sally, June 23, 1812. KNIGHTS (see Knight, Nights), Rachel, d. of Nathan and Susannah, Oct. 22, 1772. Suky, d. of Nathan and Susannah, Nov. 12, 1770. LAITEN, Lois, d. of John, bp. Dec. 27, 1767. c.R.1. LAUGHTON, Artemas, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Oct. 29, 1785. Daniel, s. of Jeremiah and Rachel, July 1, 1750. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 7, 1781. Emely, d. of Danfie]l and Lucy, July 4, 1708. Ephraim, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Nov. 12, 1780. George, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Apr. 17, 1792. Hannah, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, May 1, 1763. Hannibal, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Mar. 3, 1794. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah and Rachel, Aug. 7, 1765. John, s. of Jeremiah and Rachel, July 11, 1755. John, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Apr. 14, 1778. John, s. of John and Pattee, May 12, 1790. Lucy, d. of Daniel and Lucy, June 6, 1796. Olivea, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Aug. 24, 1787. Olivia, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, Apr. 27, 1768. Rachel, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, Aug. 7, 1760. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, May 8, 1758. Stephen, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 2, 1783. Thomas, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1779. LAWRANCE (see Lawrence), Charles H., s. of Abraham and Rhoda, Feb. 14, 1823. Sarah E., d. of A[braham] and R[hoda], June 19, 1828. LAWRENCE (see: Lawrance), Alfred G., s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, Jan. 30, 1837. Amos, s. of Amos and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1773. Andrew, s. of Stephen and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1817. Ann Maria, d. of Jona[than] and Sarah Ann, Sept. 21, 1835. Anna, d. of Abraham and Rhoda, Jan. 30, 1808. Charles Allen, s. of Jona[than] and Sarah Ann, Feb. 3, 1838. Edward, s. of Stephen and Lucy, June 21, 1810. Emory O., s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, Apr. 17, 1840. Esther Wallace, d. of Stephen, bp. May 1,1825. c.r.1. (Esther W., b. Nov. 3, 1824. G.R.1.) 70 HARVARD BIRTHS. eae Frederick J., s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, June 17, 1830. Gaines Cie s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, July 15, 1844. - Henry, s. of Stephen and Lucy, July 10, 1790. Henry Allen, s. of John K. and Roxanna, Nov. 14, 1844. James, s. of Stephen and Lucy (Mary, c.r.1), Sept. 7, 1814. John Kimball, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, Nov. 14, 1812. Jonathan (Jonathan W.,¢c.R.1), s. of Abraham and Rhoda, May 21, 1809. Joseph Andrew, s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, Mar. 27, 1847. Joseph Bigelow, s. of Stephen and Lucy, Sept. 28, 1812. Justin, s. of Stephen and Lucy, Aug. 4, 1806. Katherine L., d. of J. W. and Sarah Ann, Oct. 17, 1846. Levi, 8. of Charles, bp. Jan. 12, 1766. .R.1. Louiza, d. of Stephen and Lucy, May 17, 1808. Lucinda, d. of Abraham and Rhoda, Dec. 21, 1810. Lucy, d. of Stephen and Lucy, bp. Oct. 7, 1821. C.R.1. Mary Wetherbe, d. of Abraham and Rhoda, July Io, 1818. Nabbe, d. of Amos and Sarah, May 14, 1774. Oliver, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, Nov. 9, 1814. Oliver Franklin, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, July 25, 1816. Sarah A. Williston [ ], w. of Jonathan W., June 15, 1810. G.R.I. Sarah F. Worcester [ ], w. of Henry A., —, 1848. G.R.3. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Lucy, bp. June 20, 1805. c.R.1. William, s. of Stephen and Lucy, May 18, 1810. William Williston, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, May 25, :1820. LEASON (see Lesson), David Russell, s. of George, bp. Nov. 14,1773. C.R.I. Isaac, s. of George, bp. July 21, 1776. c.R.1. LESSON (see Leason), Betty, d. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. Nabby, d. of George and Betsey, bp. Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.I. Nancy, d. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. Polly, d. of George, bp. June 18, 1780. C.R.I. Sally, d. of George, bp. June 18, 1780. c.R.1. Solomon, s. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. Zebadiah Wheeler, s. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. LEWIS, Fran[cles Elizabeth, d. of William and Fan[nly, Oct. 7, 1823. . William, s. of Timothy and Abigail, in Lancaster, Aug. 30, 1799. HARVARD BIRTHS. . 7I HONE, ai s. of Daniel and Ellen, in Keene, N. H., July 10, 1846. LONGLEY, Betsey, d. of Nathaniel and Keziah, June 18, 1782. Henry, s. of Nath[anie]l and Keziah, Nov. 28, 1788. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Kezia, Apr. 24, 1784. Polley, d. of Nath[anie]l and Kezia, July 30, 1786. LOVERING, Hannah B., ——, 1840. c.rR.1. Jonas, , 1807. G.R.I. Rebecca H., ——, 1814. G.R.1. MACLEM, Eunice, d. of Edward and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1786. John, s. of Edward and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1790. Sarah, d. of Edward and Sarah, Sept. 18, 1784. MANNING, Polly, d. of Theophilus and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1811. Sarah Haywood, d. of Theophilus and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1809. . William, s. of Samuel and Lucy, bp. Sept. 11, 1808. c.R.1. MANSFIELD, Mary L., d. of Jona[than] W. and Lucy H., Jan. 22, 1845. : MARTYN, Michael, s. of John and Mary, July 21, 1737. Michael, s. of Nathaniel and Ann, Sept. 18, 1766. Nathaniel, s. of John Esq., bp. Sept. 27, 1741. C.R.1. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 13, 1769. C.R.I. Pamela, d. of (Dr., c.r.1) Nathaniel and Ann, Aug. 24, 1767. Richard, s. of John Esq., bp. Aug. 5, 1739. C.R.1. MASON, Sumner Redway, Rev., June 14, 1819. G.R.3. MAYER, Phillip J., Nov. 22, 1809. G.R.2. MAYNARD, Caleb Augustus, s. of William and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1847. Charles C., Mary A. Hapgood , 1836. G.R.3. J, w. of Charles E., ——, 1838. G.R.3. William Austin, s. of William, b. in Northborough, and Sarah Ann, b. in Bolton, Feb. 15, 1849. McGOODEN, Susannah, Nov. 12, 1795. G.R.2. MEAD (see Meed, Meeds), Asa, s. of Samuel Jr. and Ame, Mar. 8, 1761. Francis, s. of Samuel Jr. and Ame, Oct. 28, 1765. Hannah, d. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 13, 1753. John, s. of Samuel and Hannah, June 29,1749. 1 74 HARVARD BIRTHS. NEELAND (see Kneeland, Neland), Oliver, s. of Timothy and Moriah, Apr. 21, 1764. NELAND (see Kneeland, Neeland), Moriah, d. of Timothy and Moriah, Feb. 9, 1762. NEWTON, Ellah Adelia, d. of Leonard and caster, July 1, 1847. Ezra B., Feb. 24, 1795. G.R.2. NICHOLS, Abagal, d. of John and Mary, Mar. 5, 1733. Bethiah, d. of Samuel and Lydia, June 29, 1760. Hezekiah, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1762. NIGHTS (see Knight, Knights), Asa, s. of Timothy, bp. May 1, 1768. C.R.I. Joseph, s. of Timothy, bp. May 1, 1768. C.R.1. NOBLE, Emma Cleone, Mar. 2, 1843. G.R.I. Gideon C., June 6, 1803. G.R.I. Matthew, Nov. 22, 1773. G.R.I. Nancy G. Perkins [ ], w. of Gideon C., Oct. 26, 1807. , in Lan- G.R.I. NOURSE (see Nurs, heey Caroline W. Robinson [ , w. of Oliver L., ——, 1843. G.R.3. Oliver L., ; 1841. G.R.3. NURS (see Nourse, Nurse), Joshua, s. of Joshua and Mary, May 16, 1743. Mary, d. of Joshua and Mary, Feb. 15, 1741. NURSE (see Nourse, Nurs), Brown, s. of David and Lois, . Jan. 24, 1804. Charles Warren, s. of James R. and Emeline, Mar. 3, 1846. David, s. of David and Lois, Dec. 22, 179- (1798 T. C.). Edwin Brown, s. of James R. and Emeline, Mar. 6, 1835. Francis, s. of Francis and Nabby, Apr. 27, 1799. Harvey, s. of David and Lois, Nov. 5, 1809. James David, s. of James R. and Emeline, Nov. 7, 1830. James Richardson, s. of David and Lois, ‘Oct. IO, 1795. John, s. of David and Lois, Apr. 27, 1807. Martha, d. of Benjamin and Martha, bp. Sept. 26,1742. C.R.I. Mary Ann, d. of David and Lois, Feb. 2, 1814. Mary Ann Emeline, d. of James R. and Emeline, Dec. 8, 1836. Nancy Maria Nason, d. of John and Maria, June 30, 1833. Solomon, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Aug. 2, 1747. C.R.I. Stillman, s. of David and Lois, Apr. 7, 1801. HARVARD BIRTHS. 75 NUTTING, Franklin Lawrence, s. of Phinehas L., b. in Groton, _ and Martha M., July 12, 1849. Phinehas pisses s. of Phinehas and Martha, in Westford, Nov. 24, 1847. OAK (see oe Oaks), Calvin, s. of Seth and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1758. Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 25, 1750. C.R.I. Melea, d. of Jonathan, bp. Sept. 11, 1768. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1752 0. s. OAKES (see Oak, Oaks), Abel, s. of Capt. ——, bp. Aug. 11, I77I. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Capt. Jona[than], bp. Sept. 22, 1771. c.R.I. Solomon, s. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 19, 1769. C.R.I. Sybel, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 19, 1769. c.R.1. OAKS (see Oakes, Oak), Katharine, d. of Seth, bp. Oct. 22, 1758. C.R.I. Levi, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. C.R.I. Lois, d. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. C.R.I. Seth, s. of Seth and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 21, 1760. C.R.1. OLDS, Melissa Warren, dsof Rejoice, bp. June 16, 1811. c.R.1. PAGE, Abi, s. of Abel and Asenath, Jan. 21, 1819. Harriet, d. of Abel and Asenath, Dec. 27, 1815. PARK (see Parks), Abigail Carter, d. of John and Nabby, Dec. 3, 1813. Andrew, s. of John and Jean, Feb. 25, 1753. Andrew, s. of John and Jane, May 10, 1757. Andrew, s. of John and Nabby, bp. Aug. 28, 1808. c.R.1. Ann Henrietta, d. of John and Henrietta, Oct. 21, 1830. Benjamin Kimball, s. of John and Nabby, May 17, 1806. Elvira Longley, d. of John and Henrietta, Feb. 12, 1828. Frances Maria, d. of John and Henrietta, bp. Oct. 30, 1836. C.R.2. Francis H., s. of Rufus H. and Harriot S., Feb. 16, 1837. Hannah Fisher, d. of William and Abigail, bp. July 15, 1827. C.R.2. John, s. of John and Jane, Apr. 12, 1742. John, s. of William and Eunice, Aug. 22, 1782. John, s. of Thomas and Rosanna, Apr. 24; 1786. John Calvin, s. of John and Henrietta, bp. Nov. 16, 1833. ¢.R.2. John Little, s. of John and Abigail, bp. May 4, 1817. c.R.1. 76 HARVARD BIRTHS. Park, Joseph, s. of John and Jane, bp. Apr. 8, 1753. C.R.I. Margret, d. of John and Jean, Aug. 20, 1744. Maria Stetson, d. of William 2d, bp. June 4, 1815. c.R.1. Mary Ellery, d. of John and Henrietta, July 16, 1825. Moody, s. of William and Eunice, Sept. 25, 1790. Nancy, d. of William and Eunice, Dec. 13, 1785. ~ Oscar Harrison Kimball, s. of Rufus H. and Harriot S., Apr. 29, 1840. Polley, d. of William and Eunice, July 21, 1789. Rufus Harrington, s. of John and Nabby, May 29, 1811. Salley, d. of William and Eunice, Jan. 25, 1800. Stuart James, s. of William Jr. and Abigail, Apr. 29, 1820. Susan Hayward, d. of William 2d and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1817. Sia Hayward, d. of William Park 2d, bp. July 7, 1816. C.R.I. : Susan Maria, d. of William and Abagail, bp. Dec. 22, 1822. C.R.2. Thomas, s. of William and Abigail, bp. Aug. 16, 1829. c.R.2. Wiliam, s. of John and Jean, Mar. 4, 1750. William, . of William Jr. and Abigail, Mar. 28, 1818 (1819 dup.). William Moody, s. of John and Henrietta, Nov. 8, 1821. William Stewart, s. of William 2d and Abigail, bp. Sept. 26, 1824. C.R.2. PARKER, Augustus D., Dec. 7, 1847. G.R.I. John Winslow, s. of John W. and Mary, Augusta, bp. July 1, 1847. C.R.2. Mary, d. of Nehemiah, bp. Aug. 10, 1766. c.R.I. Mary, d. of Sam[ue]l Stilkman and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1798. Nabby, d. of Eleazer, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. C.R.I. Oliver, Apr. 15, 1844. G.R.I. Willlialm Augustus, s. of W[illialm and Lucy, Mar. 6, 1832. PARKHURS (see Parkhurst), George, s. of Jonathan and Mary, in Nichawog [Petersham], Aug. 10, 1752. Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Mary, in Winchester, Mar. 13, 1754. PARKHURST (see Parkhurs), Lucinda, d. of , bp. Mar. 21,1773. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 3, 1756. Nathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 13, 1757. Rachel, d. of Silas, bp. Aug. 23, 1778. c.R.1. Sophia Puffer, d. of Theophilus and Sophia, Feb. 12, 1821. Theophilus, s. of Silas, bp. Sept. 6, 1789. c.R.1. HARVARD BIRTHS. 77 PARKS (see Park), Mary, d. of John and Jane, bp. Nov. 5, 1749. C.R.I. PATCH, Andrew, July 6, 1819. G.R.I. John W., , 1822. G.R.I. gale G.R.1), Ss. of John W. and Mary Augusta, Mar. 22, 1847. Maria Mead, Sept. 7, 1827. G.R.1. Martha Trowbridge, inf. ch. of John, bp. at Littleton, Apr. 10, 1825. C.R.I. Mary A. Haskell [ ], w. of John W., ——, 1823. G.R.I. ela oa Alexander, s. of Nicholas and Abigail, May 15. 1787. | Artemas, s. of Nicholas and Abigail, Apr. 7, 1781. Anna Willard, d. of Nich[ola]s and Abigail, Mar. 5, 1785. Asa, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, May 29, 1788. Betsey, d. of Nicholas and Anna, July 31, 1776. Exion, d. of Lemuel and Susannah, Jan. 15, 1798. James, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Apr. 23, 1785. " John, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Sept. 14, 1790. Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Sept. 9, 1783. Lucendy, d. of Nicholas and Abigail, Feb. 25, 1783. Nabbe, d. of Nicholas and Abigail, July 22, 1779. Nabbe Willard, d. of Nic[hlolas and Abigail, June 13, 1790. Samuel, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Nov. 5, 1800. Sybel, d. of Nicholas and Anna, Jan. 31, 1774. PEARSON, Abigail R., , 1793. G.R.I. Edward A., ——, 1789. G.R.I. Eliphalet, Rev. Dr., , 1752. G.R.I. Henry P. Esq., Mar. 29, 1795. G.R.I. Margaret Bromfield, d. of Rev. Eliphalet and w. of Rev. I. H. T. Blanchard, Nov. 10, 1787. G.R.I. s Mary E. McFarland [ ], w. of Henry P., ——, 1814. G.R.I. P. Holyoke [ ], w. of , 1740. G.R.I. S. Bromfield [ ], w. of , 1757. G.R.I. PECKHAM, Honora Hayden [, |, w. of Samuel H., ——, 1836. G.R.I. PEIRCE (see Pierce, Pirce), Abigail, d. of Jonas and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1754. Twin. Charles, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1760. Daniel, s. of Danfie]ll, bp. Mar. 1, 1752. C.R.I. 80 HARVARD BIRTHS. PoiarD, Isaac, s. of James, bp. May 16,1779. C.R.I. Jacob, s. of Thad[deu]s Jr. and Mary, Oct. 28, 1789. John, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 20, 1774. John Brooks, s. of Levi and Rhoda, bp. Mar. 16, 1817. c.R.1. Josiah, s. of David and Susan, Aug. 19, 1826. Josiah Hartwell, s. of Eph[rai]lm and Mary, July 15, 1798. Julia Ann, d. of Dea. Luke and Mary, bp. Dec. 19, 1824. c.R.2. Levi, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Apr. 7, 1778. Levi, s. of Levi and Rhoda, bp. July 30, 1809. C.R.1. Lucy, d. of David and Patte, Nov. 1, 1773. Lucy, d. of Levi and Rhoda, bp. July 30, 1809. C.R.I. Luke, s. of Thaddeus and Submit, Feb. 19, 1774. Luke, s. of Luke and Becca, bp. Oct. 30, 1806. C.R.1. Luke, s. of Luke and Mary, Aug. 13, 1813. Luther, s. of Thaddeus and Submit, Mar. 25, 1780. Margaret, d. of (Capt., c.r.2) Abner and Asenath, Aug. 14, 1827. Martha en Prudence, d. of David and Susan, Aug. 3, 1829. Mary, d. of Luke and Becky, Mar. 28, 1803. Mary, d. of Luke and Becky, Jan. 24, 1808. Mary, d. of Levi and Rhoda, bp. Oct. 27, 1811. C.R.I. Mary, d. of David and Susan, Feb. 21, 1834. Mary Caroline, d. of Luke and Elisabeth, bp. May 23, 1847. C.R.2. Mercy, d. of Thad[deu]s Jr. and Mary, Feb. 20, 1784. Milley, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Thaddeus and Submit, Apr. 11, 1784. Nabbe, d. of (Capt., c.R.1) Thaddeus and Submit, July 29, 1788. Nabby, d. of Thaddeus Jr. and Mary, July 21, 1782. Nancy, d. of Thad{deu]s Jr. and Mary, Jan. 1, 1786. Nathan, s. of (Capt., c.r.1) Thaddeus and Submit, Mar. 16, 1782. Nathan, s. of Thaddeus and Elizabeth, Apr. 19, 1793. Olive, d. of James, bp. May 28, 1786. c.R.1. Otis, s. of Abner and Asenath, ‘Apr. 4, 1803. Rhoda, d. of Levi and Rhoda, bp. July 30, 1809. C.R.1. Sally, d. of David, bp. July 1, 1781. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Thaddeus and Submit, Apr. 20, 1778. Sarah, d. of James, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of James, bp. June 8, 1783. C.R.I. Sarah Elisabeth, d. of Luke Jr. and Elisabeth, July 23, 1848. Silva, d. of David and Patte, Jan. 11, 1777. Susan Estelle, d. of Luke and Elisabeth, bp. May 28, 1843. C.R.2. HARVARD BIRTHS. 81 Po.iarD, Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus and Submit, June 3, 1772. Thomas, s. of Thad[deu]s Jr. and Mary, Nov. 25, 1794. Walter, s. of Thad{deu]s Jr. and Mary, Feb. 12, 1793. Zilpah, d. of Thaddeus and Submit, Apr. 11, 1767. PORTER, Arthur Kendall, s. of Augustus K., and Mary H., both b. in Littleton, Aug. 1, 1849. Emma Kendall, d. of Augustus K. and Mary, May 20, 1846. John M., s. of Augustus K. and Mary H., Aug. 24, 1847. POTTER, Charles Alexander, s. of Alexander and Angelina, in Lancaster, July 13, 1847. Maria, d. of Jacob and Lucy, May 22,1797. - Sarah Relief, d. of John and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1836. c.R.2. POWERS, Edward, s. of Edward and Mary, Dec. 2, 1748. Edward, s. of Edward and Mary, Sept. 10, 1754. Henry, s. of Robert and Anna, Apr. 13, 1753. John, s. of Robert and Anna, Jan. 10, 1755. Levi, s. of Timothy and Martha, Mar. 26, 1765. Mary, d. of Edward and Mary, Dec. 21, 1749. Meriam, d. of Robert and Anna, in Littleton, May 26, 1756. Oliver, s. of Edward and Mary, Dec. 16, 1756. Sarah, d. of Edward and Mary, Oct. 16, 1752. PRATT, Elisabeth, d. of Benjamin and Abigail, Dec. 19, 1756. John, s. of John and Mary, Feb. 7, 1760. John, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, June 9, 1786. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Mar. 21, 1784. Sarah, d. of John and Mary, Apr. 26, 1756. Thomas, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, June 8, 1753. PREIST (see Priest), Abagal, d. of Joseph and Bety Jr., Feb. , 1742-3. Abel! Ss. a Abel and Zeruiah, Apr. 4, 1792. Benjamin, s. of Philemon and Lois, June 12, 1782. Charles, s. of Jacob and Rhoda, Dec. 1, 1793. Daniel, s. of Job and Martha, Jan. 25, 1778. Jabez, s. of Philemon and Lois, Aug. Io, 1788. Jasper, s. of Abel and Zeruiah, June 17, 1805. John, s. of Abel and Zeruiah, June 10, 1788. Jonathon, s. of Gabriel and Sarah Jr., July 7, 1743. Oliver, s. of Jacob and Mary, Nov. I, 1791. Philemon, s. of Philemon and Lois, June 39, 1785. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Mary, Oct. 10, 1744. Solomon, s. of Nathan and Mary, Aug. 29, 1780. 84 HARVARD BIRTHS. PROCTER (see Prockter, Proctor), Hannah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 9, 1740. C.R.I. Polley, d. of Josiah, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. C.R.I. PROCTOR (see Prockter, Procter), Betsey, d. of William and Mary, bp. Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.I. Jeremiah, s. of William and Mary, bp. Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of W[illiajm and Molly, bp. May 26, 1776. C.R.I. Luther, s. of W[illialm and Molly, bp. May 26, 1776. C.R.I. PUDNEY (see Putney), Mary, d. of Henry and Martha, May I, 1745. PUFFER, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1779. Nabby, d. of Jonathan and Abigail Jr., Feb. 13, 1777. Nancy, d. of Jonathan, bp. July 2, 1786. c.R.1. Polley, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Dec. 16, 1775. Polly, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Dec. 30, 1781. Sally, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Mar. 3, 1784. PUTNAM, Daniel, s. of Miles and Rachel, June 12, 1763. John, s. of Miles and Rachel, Dec. 16, 1768. Mary, d. of Miles and Rachel, June 19, 1761. Sarah, d. of Miles and Rachel, Apr. 20, 1765. PUTNEY (see Pudney), John, s. of Henry and Martha, Aug. 25, 1747. RAMSDALL (see Ramsdell), Alice, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, Nov. 30, 1816. Betsy, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, in Groton, Oct. 30, 1793. Eri, ch. of Nehemiah and Polly, Nov. 14, 1809. Ezekiel, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, in Groton, Mar. 4, 1799. Joseph, s. of Nehemiah and Polly, Mar. 22, 1819. Lois, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, Oct. 2, 1805. : Mary, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, in Groton, Oct. 16, 1795. Nancy, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, June 17, 1803. Nehemiah, s. of Nehemiah and Polly, in Groton, July 8, 1797. Nehemiah 2d, s. of Nehemiah and Polly, May 14, 1812. Sarah, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, Feb. 22, 1801. Zoa, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, Dec. 13, 1807. Zoa 2d, d. of Nehemiah and Polly, Mar. 28, 1814. RAMSDELL (see Ramsdall), Nabby, d. of Nehemiah, bp. May 16,1779. C.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 85 RAND, AlaJron, s. of Jonathan and Abigel, May 3, 1733. Abigail, d. of Jeremiah and Elisabeth, bp. June 6, 1762. c.R.1. Abigal, d. of Jonathan and Abigal, Nov. 14, 1736. Albert Francis, s. of Josiah and Clarissa B., May ro, 1847. Annes, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, Apr. 25, 1794. Asenath, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, Oct. 28, 1804. Betty, d. of Aaron and Elisabeth, Oct. 4, 1757. Claracy, d. of Silas Jr. and Betsy, Dec. 17, 1798. Daniel, s. of Aaron and Elisabeth, May 5, 176r. Esther, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, July 28, 1799. Hannah, d. of Silas, bp. Nov. 15, 1778. c.R.1. Jonathan, s. of Silas and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1767. Maan oa s. of Jonathan and Mercy, in Lunenburg, Mar. 1, 1801. Joseph, s. of Jonathan and Mercy, Mar. 22, 1807. Joseph Augustus, s. of Josiah and Clarissa B., Nov. 30, 1841. Josiah K., s. of Josiah and Clarissa B., Apr. 25, 1838. Martin,’s. of Silas Jr. and Betsy, Dec. 26, 1801. Mary, d. of Jonathan, Mar. 22, 1810. Mary Elisabeth, d. of Josiah and Clarissa B., Aug. 18, 1844. Mercy, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, May 28, 1796. Molley, d. of Jonathan and Mary, July 10, 1759. ° Nancy, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, June 29, 1812. Rachel, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, Mar. 16, 1798. Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Betty, bp. May 23, 1762. c.R.z. Sarah, d. of Silas and Sarah, Nov. 28, 1763. Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Mercy, Feb. 4, 1813. Silas, s. of Silas, bp. Apr. 24, 1774. C.R.I. Silas, s. of Jonathan and Mercy, July 16, 1789. Silos, s. of Jonathan and Abigal, June 2, 1739. Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Mercy, Apr. 24, 1792. RANDAL (see Randall), Lydia, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1775: Sarah, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1773. Sarah, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1778. RANDALL (see Randal), Eunice H., ——, 1828. G.R.3. RAYMOND, Stillman W., s. of Charles and Mira, Dec. 18, 1825. READ (see Reed), Abijah, s. of Jonathan and Betty, bp. Mar. 13,1757. C.RI. ek Artemas, ward of Abijah and Abigail, bp. Nov. 1, 1795. C.R.I. 88 HARVARD BIRTHS. Rossins, Martha, d. of John and Lucy, Feb. 24, 1807. Mercy, d. of John and Lucy, June 11, 1803. Moses, s. of Ephraim and Thankful, Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1788, at 8 o’clock a.m. Olive S., July 6, 1839. G.R.I. Rachel, a of Eleazer Jr. and Lydia, bp. Sept. 1, 1745. c.R.1. Silvanus, s. of Ephraim and Thankful, Monday, Mar. 6, 1786, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Solomon, s. of Benjamin and Lydia, Jan. 17, 1775. ROBENS (see Robbins, Robins), Eleazer, s. of Eleazer (Jr., c.R.1) and Lydia, Aug. 7, 1741. Han[nJah, d. of Ephraim and Han[nJah, Nov. 5, 17—. (bp. Nov. 18, 1744. C.R.1.) Sally, d. of Benjamin, bp. May 16, 1779. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Ephraim and Han[nlah, May 23, 1746. ROBINS (see Robbins, Robens), Anna, d. of Jacob and Anna, Feb. 13, 1764. Augustus, s. of Jacob and Olive, Oct. 17, 1805. Benjamin, s. of James and Anna, Aug. 12, 1782. Betsy, d. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. c.R.I. Betty, d. of James and Anna, June 6, 1784. Caleb, s. of James and Anna, Sept. 15, 1787. Caroline, d. of Daniel 2d and Esther, June 13, 1816. Caroline Spafford, d. of Daniel Jr. and Esther, July 15, 1826. Charles, s.. of James and Anna, Oct. 20, 1785. Daniel, s. of (Dr., c.R.1) Daniel and Elizabeth, June 1, 1786. Ephraim, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, June 17, 1784. Ephraim Whitcombe, s. of Jacob and Anna, Feb. 18, 1775. Esther Taylor, d. of Daniel 2d and Esther, in Boxborough, Sept 3, 1814. Hannah, d. of Jacob and Anna, June 24, 1766. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Olive, Oct. 24, 1798. Twin. John, s. of George and Thankful, Oct. 31, 1735. John, s. of Jacob and Anna, Dec. 15, 1776. Lydia, d. of Jacob and Anna, Oct. 29, 1768. Lydia, d. of Benj[ami]n and Lydia, Mar. 2, 1777. ee Ann, d. of Daniel 2d and Esther, in Lancaster, Jan. 20, 18109. Mary, Aug. 28, 1800. G.R.2. Nabby, d. of Jacob and Olive, Jan. 28, 1795. Olive, d. of Jacob and Olive, Oct. 24, 17098. Twin. Onesiphorus, s. of Jacob and Olive, Aug. 19, 1792. Peter, s. of Jacob and Anna, Mar. 20, 1771. HARVARD BIRTHS. 89 Rosins, Samuel Ball, s. of Ephraim and Thankful, Friday, Aug. 13, 1784, at 5 o’clock in the morning. Susanna, d. of Jacob and Anna, Dec. 97,1772. William, s. of Benjamin, bp. Sept. 6, 1789. C.R.I. William Harison, s. of Daniel 2d and Esther, in Lunenburg, Aug. 27, 1821. William Richard, s. of Daniel M. and Charlotte, Sept. 29, 1836. ROBINSON, , S. of William and Ann, Apr. 27, 1847. Alfred Augustus, s. of Dr. Augustus and Julianna, bp. Oct. 30, 1836. C.R.2. Frederick William, s. of George Jr. and Anna, Aug. 6, 1809. George, Rev., Nov. 23, 1754. G.R.I. Joseph, s. of Reuben T. and Eliza, Sept. 1, 1834. Roxalana, d. of Rev. George, Apr. —, 1781. G.R.1. ROGERS, Abijah, s. of Sam[uelll, bp. Sept. 14, 1740. c.R.1. Samuell, s. of Samuell and Sarah, July 30, 1735. Sarah, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1737. ROSS, Eliakim Holman, s. of George and Rebecca, May 16, 1835. John, s. of James and Rosanna, July 5, 1776. Roswell P., s. of George and Rebecca, Nov. 23, 1833. William, s. of James and Rosanna, July 9, 1779. RUG (see Rugg), Prudance, d. of Abraham and Abigall, Sept. 26, 1742. RUGG (see Rug), Emily Howard [ 1839. G.R.3. John, s. of Abraham and Abigal, Mar. 6, 1739-40. Mary, d. of Abraham and Abigail, Aug. 7, 1737. Releli]f, d. of Abraham and Abigal, Oct. 16, 1745. RUSEL (see Russel, Russell), Parker, s. of Jason and Elizabeth, June 21, 1741. Parker, s. of Jason and Elizabeth, May 16, 1746. Sibbel, d. of Jason and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1737. RUSSEL (see Rusel, Russell), Amos, s. of Amos and Sarah, bp. Aug. 28, 1748. C.R.I. Elisabeth, d. of Jason and Elisabeth, Sept. 20, 1752. Twin. Hannah, d. of Jason and Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1749 0. s. Lucy, d. of Jason and Elisa[be]th, Apr. 13, 1755. ; Mary, d. of Jason and Elisabeth, Sept. 20, 1752. Twin. Sarah, d. of Amos and Sarah, bp. Apr. 29, 1750. C.R.I. ], w. of — Q2 HARVARD BIRTHS. SANDERSON, Rosilla, d. of Isaac and Eunice, Sept. 7, 1829. Sarah, d. of W[illialm and Sarah, bp. Aug. 11, 1745. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of John and Submit, Mar. 2, 1770. Solomon, s. of William and Sarah, bp. June 14, 1761. c.R.1. Submit, d. of John and Submit, Apr. 18, 1764. Theophelis, s. of Oliver and Elisabeth, Mar. 29, 1773. Washington, s. of Isaac and Eunice, Aug. 21, 1813. William, s. of W[illialm and Sarah, bp. Mar. 1, 1752. c.R.1. William, s. of Isaac and Eunice, Sept. 27, 1808. William, s. of Isaac and Eunice, Nov. 12, 1818. Wintworth, s. of Isaac and Eunice, Jan. 20, 1812. SAUNDERS, Coleman, s. of W[illialm, bp. Apr. 3, 1743. C.R.I. SAUNDERSON (see Sanderson), Elisabeth, d. of William and Sarah, bp. May 26, 1754. C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of William and Sarah, bp. Apr. 3, 1748. .R.I. Eunice, d. of Oliver and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. Gideon, s. of William and Sarah, bp. Apr. 4, 1756. c.R.1. Isaac, s. of Oliver and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Oliver and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. Moses, s. of Oliver, bp. Sept. 1, 1776. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Oliver and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. William, s. of Oliver and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.I. SAVAGE, William H., in Weston, SAVIL, Ann, d. of Edward and Alethear, Jan. 8, 1785. Edward, s. of Edward and Alethear, Feb. 16, 1787. Elisha, s. of Edw[ar]d and Alethear, Feb. 24, 1780. SAWYER, Abel, s. of Phinehas and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1771. Abel, s. of Abel and Molley, Jan. 3, 1797. Abigail, d. of Joseph and Abigail, Oct. 31, 1735. Abigail, d. of Oliver and Abigail, Sept. 30, 1764. Abijah, s. of Menasseh and Lydia, Aug. 12, 1766. Abner, s. of Luther and Achsa, Oct. 9, 1813. Achsa, d. of Luther and Achsa, July 5, 1800. Adna, s. of Abel and Betsy, Feb. 11, 1824. Alfred Augustus, s. of Arad and Lucy P., Sept. 12, 1849. Alvin, s. of James and Naomi, Mar. 13, 1822. Alvira, d. of James and Naomi, Jan. 22, 1819. Andrew Jackson, s. of Caleb and Lydia, Nov. 3, 1821. Arad, s. of Luther and Achsa, July 15, 1808. Arathusa Farwell, d. of Arad and Lucy, May 16, 1832. Betsy, d. of Joseph, bp. May 30, 1779. C.R.I. , 1831. G.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 93 Sawyer, Bety, d. of Seth and Hepsebeth, Nov. 1 5, 1741. Caleb, s. of Seth, bp. July 24, 1737. c.R.1. Caleb, s. of Caleb (Jr., c.r.1) and Lydia, Jan. 13, 1740-1. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Relief, Mar. 2, 1764. Caleb, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Apr. 13, 1798. Cephas, s. of Luther and Achsa, Mar. 10, 1810. Cephas, s. of Abel Jr. and Betsy, Feb. 3, 1822. Dinah, d. of Seth and Hepsabeth, Apr. 11, 1730. Dinah, d. of John and Elisabeth, Nov. 15, 1771. Elisabeth, d. of John and Elisabeth, Nov. 6, 1767. Eusebia, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1793. Ezra, s. of Oliver and Abigail, Nov. 8, 1779. Geo[rge] L., May 15, 1839. G.R.1. Hannah, d. of John and Elisabeth, Nov. 2, 1776. Hannah, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1792. Henry Harrison, s. of Caleb and Lydia, in Shirley, Sept. 27, 1823. Hepzibah, d. of John and Elisabeth, Apr. 2, 1763. Ira, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1799. Jabez, s. of Manasseh and Lydia, Dec. 24, 1759. Jabez, s. of Luther and Achsa, Jan. 4, 1819. James, s. of Abel and Molley, July 1, 1793. John, s. of Joseph and Abigail, Feb. 17, 1733-4. John, s. of Seth, bp. May 5, 1734. C.R.I. John, s. of Oliver, bp. Apr. 21, 1776. C.R.1. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Eliz[abeth], bp. Nov. 24, 1745. C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Manasseh and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1758. Jonathan, s. of Caleb and Sarah, July 28, 1771. Jonathan, s. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, July 26, 1789. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 12, 1796. Jonathan, s.of Jonathan and Mary, Apr. (Aug. in pencil) 14, 1816. Jonathan, s. of Caleb and Lydia, July 17, 1820. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Abigel, Jan. 14, 1740-1. Joseph, s. of Menasseh and Lydia, Apr. 4, 1771. Joshua, s. of Oliver and Abigail, June 16, 1769. Josiah, s. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, Dec. 9, 1802. Lemeuel, s. of Joseph and Abagal, May 15, 1745. Twin. Lois, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Betty, bp. July 26, 1741. C.R.1. Lucy, d. of Oliver and Abigail, Sept. 24, 1772. Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Mary, May 2, 1805. Lucy, d. of Nahum and Lucy, Oct. 29, 18309. Luke, s. of Luther and Achsah, Dec. 7, 1798. Luke, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 18, 1809. Luthar, s. of Menasseh and Lydia, Apr. 18, 1773. 04 HARVARD BIRTHS. Sawyer, Luther, s. of Luther and Achsah, Jan. 18, 1802. Lydia, d. of Caleb and Lydia, bp. May 29, 1743. C.R.I. Lydia, d. of Manasseh and Lydia, Nov. 30, 1761. Lydia, d. of Phinehas, bp. Sept. 30, 1787. C.R.I. Lydia, d. of Luther and Achsa, Dec. 4, 1811. Manasseh, s. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, July 28, 1791. Marshall, s. of James and Naomi, Aug. 3, 1833. Martin Aubra, s. of Luke and Mary, Jan. 24, 1845. Mary, d. of Joseph and Abagal, May 15, 1745. Twin. Mary, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. Sept. 30, 1770. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Jonath[a]n and Mary, Feb. 14, 1800. Mary, d. of Luther and Achsa, June 13, 1806. Mary, d. of Luther and Achsah, June 13, 1808. Menasseh, s. of Menasseh and. Lydia, Sept. 6, 1768. Mercy, d. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, Dec. 26, 1798. Mercy, d. of Jonathan and Mary, June 6, 1812. Nahum, s. of Luther and Achsah, June 1, 1805. Nathaniel, s. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, Dec. 10, 1795. Olivea, d. of Oliver and Abigail, Apr. 25, 1766. Oliver, s. of Joseph, bp. June 25, 1738. c.R.1. Oliver, s. of Joseph and Abigail, May 1, 1758. Oliver, s. of Oliver and Abigail, Nov. 15, 1767. Permilley, d. of Luther and Achsa, Dec. 2, 1815. Peter, s. of Jonathan and Betty, Nov. 27, 1743. C.R.I. Phinehas, s. of Seth and Hepzebeth, July 25, 1746. Phinehas, s. of Caleb and Sarah, May 23, 1768. Phinehas, s. of Abel and Molley, Sept. 13, 1803. Rebeckah, d. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, Nov. 14, 1793. Relefe, d. of Oliver and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1771. Relief, d. of John and Elisabeth, Sept. 5, 1765..° Rhoda, d. of Menasseh and Lydia, Mar. 30, 1764. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Abigail, Nov. 17, 1748. Sarah, d. of Joseph, bp. May 21,1775. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1795. Sarah Stetson, d. of Arad and Lucy, Nov. 18, 1845. Seth, s. of Caleb and Relief, Aug. 22, 1761. Seth, s. of John and Elisabeth, Sept. 22, 1769. Seth, s. of Phinehas and Hannah, bp. June 18, 1780. c.R.1. Seth Augustus, s. of Luke and Mercy B., b. in Waterford, Me., June 24, 1840. ; Sophia, d. of Phin{eha]s Jr. and Hannah, June 19, 1797. Sophia, d. of Luther and Achsah, Dec. 27, 1803. Wesley, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 5, 1807. William, s. of Joseph Jr., bp. May 10, 1772. C.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 95 SCOLLEY (see Scolly), Ann, d. of Grover and Lois, Apr. 17, | 1756. Grover, s. of Grover and Lois, Aug. 28, 1777. John, s. of Grover and Lois, Aug. 19, 1753. John, s. of Grover and Lois, Apr. 2, 1763. Lois, d. of Grover and Lois, Jan. 27, 17606. Lucy, d. of Grover and Lois, Oct. 5, 1774. Samuel, s. of Grover and Rebecca, Jan. 21, 1781. Sarah, d. of Grover and Lois, Feb. 22, 1759. = SCOLLY (see Scolley), Betsey, d. of Grover and Lois, Aug. 27, 1771. James, s. of Grover, bp. Mar. 30, 1783. c.R.1. Lydia, d. of Grover and Lois, Dec. 13, 1768. SCOTT, Abraham, s. of wid. Mary, bp. Dec. 8, 1773. C.R.I. Jonas Whitney, s. of Nathan and Zebudah, Nov. 9, 1809. Mary, d. of wid. Mary, bp. Dec. 8, 1773. c.R.1. SEARS, Elizabeth, Apr. 26, 1799. G.R.2. SECCOMB (see Seccombe), Hannah, d. of Rev. John and Mercy, Thursday, Mar. 2, 1738. John, s. of Rev. John and Mercy, Sabbath day, Apr. 27, 1740. Mercy, d. of Rev. John and Mercy, Feb. 3, 1743-4. Willis, s. of John and Mercy, Wednesday, Mar. 3, 1741-2. SECCOMBE (see Seccomb), Thomas, s. of Rev. John and Mercy, Wednesday, Mar. 16, 1757. SIBLEY, Amelia, Mar. 29, 1838. G.R.I. Ann Adelia, Nov. 14, 1835. G.R.I. Clark, Rev., Oct. 30, 1800. G.R.I. Ellen Amelia, Sept. 5, 1839. G.R.1. Emely Adams, d. of Rev. Clark and Jerusha, Apr. 27, 1846. * Jerusha Adams [ ], w. of Rev. Clark, Apr. 22, 1809. G.R.1. SKILLINGS, William P., in Gorham, Me., Feb. 26, 1831. G.R.1. SMART, Ozro Haynes, s. of Haynes M., b. in Hanover, N. H., and Rachel H., b. in Bolton, July 16, 1849. SMITH, Abigail, d. of Samuell and Mary, bp. Mar. 31, 1754. C.R.I. Abigail, d. of Jesse, bp. at E. Chelmsford, May 22, 1825. c.rR.1. Elisabeth, d. of Samuel and Mary, in Braintree, June 25, 1751. John, s. of Samuell and Mary, bp. Aug. 29, 1756. c.R.1. Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Mary, in Braintree, Sept. 19, 1748. 96, HARVARD BIRTHS. SNOW, Judith, d. of Peter and Unice, Dec. 17, 1755. Peter, s. of Peter and Eunice, Sept. 9, 1750. SPAULDING, Hannah Maria, d. of Noah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 22, 1832. C.R.2. William Pliny, s. of Noah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 22, 1832. C.R.2. SPRAGUE (see Sprauge), Abigail, d. of Samuel and Lydia, June 14, 1815. Anna, d. of Ebenezer and Unice, Sept. 21, 1735. Charles E., , 1838. G.R.3. Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer and Unice, Aug. 4, 1737. Elizebeth, d. of Loel and Elizebeth, May to, 1824. Eunice Hartwell, d. of Loel and Elizebeth, Feb. 27, 1828. Everett, s. of Hezekiah and Martha, Oct. 8, 1803. Jemimah, d. of Ebenezer and Eunice, Oct. 10, 1744. John, s. of Loel and Elizebeth, Apr. 5, 1830. Laura, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Apr. 6, 1812. Lydia, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Lydia, Feb. 10, 1800. Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Unice, Dec. 28, 1739. Mary Ann, d. of Loel and Elizebeth, Jan. 6, 1826. Nathan, s. of Ebenezer and Unice, May 21, 1732. Nathan, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 19, 1807. Otis, s. of Hezekiah and Martha, Sept. 12, 1801. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Lydia, July 12, 1802. Sarah Augusta, d. of Loel and Elizebeth, Oct. 4, 1832. Unice, d. of Ebenezer and Unice, Nov. 16, 1733. SPRAUGE (see Sprague), Jemimah, d. of Ebenezer and Eunice, Oct. 20, 1742. STACY, Artemas, s. of John and Hannah, May 3, 1794. Edward Waldo, s. of Nathaniel and Lucy W., Apr. 9, 1842. Georgina Waterman, d. of George W. and Abba M., June 20, 1845. John, s. of John and Hannah, May 24, 1790. Mary, d. of Nathaniel and Lucy W., Jan. 16, 1844. STARNES (see Starns, Stearns, Sterns), Isaac, s. of William and , bp. June 22, 1760. c.R.I. John Burt, s. of William, bp. Dec. 15, 1765. .R.I. STARNS (see Starnes, Stearns, Sterns), Betty, d. of William, bp. Oct. 22, 1758. C.R.1. . HARVARD BIRTHS. 97 STEARNS (see Starnes, Starns, Sterns), Horatio Davis, s. of William and Betsy, Jan. 19, 1802. Matilda Caroline, d. of William and Betsy, May 19, 1806. Selenda, d. of William and Betsy, Sept. 18, 1804. STEELE, Abel, in Wilton, N. H., May 1, 1803. G.R.1. Elizabeth G. [ ], w. of Abel, in Hollis, N. H., Apr. 12, 1804. G.R.I. STERNS (see Starnes, Starns, Stearns), Jonathan, s. of William and Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1762. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Dinah, Dec. 15, 1742. STETSON, Abba Maria, d. of Wl[illialm and Sally, bp. Sept. I, 1816. C.R.I. STEVENS, Charles Henry, s. of Charles, b. in Littleton, and Mary Jane dec., b. in Cambridge, in Cambridge, June 19, 1848. Elizabeth Whitney, d. of Samuel, bp. at Boxborough, Aug. 22, 1824. C.R.I. STICKNEY, Peter, s. of Moses and Sybil, Apr. 7, 176r. STONE, Alfa]ron, s. of Simon and Eunis, Nov. 22, 1745. Abigail, d. of Isaac and Kezia, Feb. 19, 1765. Abner, s. of Simon and Unice, Aug. 26, 1753. Ambrose, s. of Amos and Adna, Apr. 29, 1757. Amos, s. of Amos and Adna, Sept. 28, 1759. Amos, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1784. Ann Eliza, d. of Newton and Luty (Isaac N. and Lucy D., c.R.2), Nov. 20, 1837. + + Anna, d. of Oliver and Moriah, May 7, 1741. » » Anna, d. of Oliver and Moriah, Apr. 28, 1754. Anna, d. of David and Lydia, bp. Aug. 18, 1754. C.R.I. Annah, d. of Micah and Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1773. Anness, d. of James and Deborah, Mar. 24, 1763. Benjamin, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, July 29, 1767. Benja[min] F., s. of Newton and Lucy, Dec. 3, 1835. Betsy Fairbank, d. of Silas and Eunice, in Templeton, Apr. 24, 1777. Charles Newton, s. of Newton and Lucy, July 4, 1833. Charles T. (Charles Timothy, c.R.2), s. of Newton (Isaac N., c.R.2) and Lucy, June 7, 1839. Daniel, s. of Isaac and Kezia, July 10, 1754. David, s. of James and Deborah, Oct. 20, 1761. a 98 HARVARD BIRTHS. Stone, David Sampson, s. of David and Lucy, Feb. 10, 1799. Deborah, d. of James and Deborah, Aug. 16, 1757. Dinah, d. of Isaac and Kesiah, Aug. 3, 1749. Elias, s. of Elias and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1757. Elisabeth, d: of Micah and Elisabeth, Mar. 11, 1770. Ephraim, s. of Isack and Keziah, Jan. 22, 1745. ‘ Eri, ch. of Joseph 3d and Phebe, Apr. 5, 1817. Eunice, d. of Simon and Eunice, Apr. 13, 1740. Eunice, d. of Silas and Eunice, in Templeton, Jan. 18, 1770. Eunice, d. of Joel and Eunice, Oet. 12, 1778. Ezra, s. of Josiah and Sarah, in Sterling, Dec. 8, 1801. Hannah, d. of Amos and Adna, Feb. 5, 1755. Hannah, d. of Amos and Adna, Feb. 26, 1762. Hannah, d. of James and Deborah, Sept. 28, 1767. Hannah, d. of Silas and Eunice, Aug. 27, 1779. Harry, s. of Joseph 3d and Phebe, Jan. 28, 1805. Henry, s. of Phinehas and Salley, Apr. 5, 1795. Isack, s. of Isack and Keziah, Jan. 22, 1746-7. Jacob, s. of Isaac and Kezia,.July 25, 1756. James, s. of David and Lucy, June 20, 1794. Jasper, s. of Silas and Eunice, Sept. 8, 1781. John, s. of Oliver and Moriah, July 6, 1751. John, s. of Phin[eha]s and Salley, July 12, 1797. Joseph, s. of Lemuel and Marth[a], Jan. 23, 1783. Joseph,:s. of Silas and Eunice, Dec. 17, 1783. Joseph, s. of David and Lucy, Nov. 29, 1791. Joseph, s. of Joseph 3d and Phebe, July 25, 1808. Josiah, s. of James and Deborah, Apr. 1, 1771. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1797. Kezia, d. of Isaac and Kezia, Apr. 6, 1760. Levi, s. of Josiah and Sarah, in Sterling, Sept. 5, 1799. Lidiah, d. of Simon (Jr., c.r.1) and Eunice, Oct. 15, 1743. Lois, d. of Silas and Eunice, Aug. 6, 1786. Lucy, d. of James and Deborah, Oct. 16, 1765. Lucy, d. of Oliver and Lucy, Feb. 3, 1766. Lucy, d. of Silas and Eunice, in Templeton, Mar. 3, 1768. Lydia, d. of David and Lydia, bp. Sept. 23, 1753. .R.1. Maria Farwell, d. of Isaac N. and Susan M., Nov. 16, 1844. Mary, d. of James and Deborah, Sept. 27, 1755. : Mary, d. of Oliver and Mary, May 18, 1758. - Mary, d. of Micah and Mary, Aug. 7, 1762. Mary, d. of Joseph 3d and Phebe, Nov. 30, 1806. Mary Davis [. J], w. of ,—, 1787. G.R.I. Mary Godfrey [ ], w. of Samuel F., ——, 1817. G.R.1. HARVARD BIRTHS. 99 STONE, Micah, s. of (Dea., C.R.I) Simon and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1735- Micah, s. of Micah and Mary, Aug. 13, 1764. Mille, d. of Joel and Eunice, May 25, 1770. Mille, d. of Joel and Eunice, June 20, 1773. Molley, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Jan. 16, 1800. Moriah, d. of Oliver and Moriah, July 12, 1743. Moses, s. of Simon and Eunice, Nov. 26, 1748. Nabby, d. of Micah and Elisabeth, Jan. 2, 1779. Nahum, s. of Joseph 3d and Phebe, Jan. ro, 1811. Nancy, d. of Phin[eha]s and Salley, Jan. 26, 1802. Oliver, s. of Oliver and Murriah, July 25, 1748. Oliver, s. of (wid., c.r.1.) Mary, Apr. 28, 1761. Oliver, s. of Oliver and Lucy, Jan. 28, 1764. Oliver, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, Oct. 4, 1775. Phinehas, s. of James and Deborah, Apr. 29, 1760. Phinehas, s. of Silas and Eunice, in Templeton, July 3, 1775. Polley, d. of Mary, Mar. 28, 1783. Polly, d. of Joel, bp. Aug. 12, 1775. c.R.1. Rebecca, d. of David and Lucy, Aug. 24, 1796. Reuben, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, Jan. 31, 1781. Salley, d. of Phin[eha]s and Salley, Jan. 27, 1800. Samuel F., , 1812. G.R.I. Sarah, d. of Oliver and Moriah, June 4, 1746. Sarah, d. of Isaac and Kezia, Mar. 30, 1762. Sarah, d. of Silas and Eunice, in Templeton, Oct. 17, 1771. Sarah, d. of Micah and Elisabeth, Jan. 23, 1772. Sarah Robinson [ ], w. of Samuel F., ——, 1817. G.R.1. Silas, s. of Oliver and Mary, Aug. 28, 1759. Silas, s. of Silas and Eunice, in Templeton, Aug. 27, 1773. Simon, s. of Simon and Eunice, Dec. 22, 1741. Simon, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, Sept. 1, 1776. Solomon, s. of Simon and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1732. Solomon, s. of Elias and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1756. Solomon, s. of Micah and Mary, Mar. 22, 1761. Susan, d. of Joseph 3d and Phebe, Jan. 31, 1813. Susanna, d. of David and Lucy, June 6, 1789. Tabitha, d. of Simon and Unice, Apr. 24, 1751. William, s. of James and Deborah, Apr. 20, 1759. William, s. of Joel and Eunice, Dec. 10, 1767. : William Harrod, s. of Joseph C., b. in Wellfleet, and Emeline E., Oct. 22, 1848. ; William Willard, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Catherine, bp. Sept. 2, 1798. C.R.I. 100 HARVARD BIRTHS. STOW, Abigail, d. of Benja{min] and Abigail, May 22, 1784. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Dorcas, Mar. 17, 1758. Darcos, d. of Benjamin and Darcos, Sept. 24, 1759. Dorcas, d. of Benjamin and Dorcas, June 27, 1752. Hannah, d. of Benja[min] and Dorcas, bp. May 30, 1756. c.R.1. Manasseh, s. of Benjamin and Dorcas, Aug. 25, 1756. Mary, d. of Benjamin and Dorcas, Mar. 13, 1754. Sally, d. of Benja[min] and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1785. STRATTEN (see Stratton), Caroline, d. of Daniel and Callay, Apr. 21, 1810. : Cyntha, d. of Daniel and Callay, Jan. 23, 1808. Lorinzo, s. of Daniel and Callay, June 19, 1806. Mary, d. of Danfie]ll and Callay, Oct. 31, 1804. Patty, d. of Daniel and Callay, Apr. 15, 1801. Rufus, s. of Daniel and Callay, Nov. 11, 1802. STRATTON (see Stratten), Lucy, d. of David, bp. Dec. 12, 1773. C.R.I. . SUFFERENCE, , d. of Elbridge and Lucy, Feb. 7, 1847. SWEARE, Peter, s. of Daniel and Margery, bp. June 6, 1756. C.R.I. SYMONDS, Clark, s. of Silvester and Nabby, July 7, 1804. George, s. of Silvester and Nabby, June 27, 1806. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, July 10, 1788. Jane, d. of Jonathan and Jane, Mar. 6, 1807. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Judith, Aug. 7, 1755. Jonathan, s. of Silvester and Nabby, Sept. 7, 1802. Jonathan Bowman, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1791. Lydia, d. of Jonathan and Judeth, Dec. 16, 1753. Molley, d. of Jonathan and Judeth, Mar. 2, 1759. Silvester, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, May 12, 1780. Silvester, s. of Silvester and Nabby, Nov. 27, 1800. TAYLER (see Taylor), Charl[e]s, s. of Isr[alel and Rachel, Oct. 6, 1742. TAYLOR (see Tayler), Abbie Sophia, d. of Zopher and Eunice D., b. in Littleton, Oct. 12, 1849. Abigail, d. of John and Sally, June 10, 1815. (Abigail, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824.) Allice Mary, d. of Eben[eze]r M. and Abigail, in Pepperell, July 25, 1846. HARVARD BIRTHS. IoI Taytor, Almira, d. of John and Sally, Feb. 22, 1813. (Almira, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. c.R.2.) Anna oat d. of John and Sally, in Lancaster, Mar. 3, 1808. Asenath, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1802. Betty, d. of (Dr., c.r.1) John and Mary, June 8, 1757. Daniel, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 3, 1819. (Daniel, s. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. c.R.2.) saa Augusta, d. of Samuel H. and Esther E., Feb. 15, 1848. Eliza, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, June 27, 1806. Elizabeth, d. of John and Sally, Aug. 9, 1821. (Elizabeth, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. c.R.2.) Elizabeth Barnard, d. of Phinehas and Mercy, Feb. 17, 1817. Ellen Elizabeth, d. of Zopher and Eunice D., Apr. 6, 1847. Emery, s. of William and Polly, Feb. 3, 1816. Ephraim, s. of Charles and Mercy, Dec. 5, 1776. Ephraim Handley, s. of Phinehas and Mercy, Dec. 20, 1820. Ephraim Harvey, s. of Ephraim and Anne, in Ashburnham, Oct. 23, 1817. Esther, d. of Charlle]s and Mercy, Aug. 18, 1765. Eunice D. [ ], w. of Zophar, Oct. 24, 1819. G.R.1. Henry Albert, s. of Samuel H. and Emeline E., b. in Groton, July 23, 18409. Israel, s. of Charl[e]s and Mercy, Apr. 9, 1769. Jacob Fairbank, s. of Phinehas and Mercy, July 2, 1812. John, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 31, 1761. John, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 18, 1810. John Nourse, s. of Zopher and Maria (dec., c.R.2), Aug. 25, 1844. Jonathan Wood, s. of Phinehas and Mercy, Jan. 6, 1819. . Joseph, s. of Charl{e]ls and Mercy, Dec. 9, 1774. Lucy Jane, d. of W[illialm and Mary Jr., Nov. 5, 1826. Lydia, d. of William and Polly, Mar. 19, 1819. : Martha Ann, d. of Ephraim and Anne, Dec. 24, 18109. Martha L. (Martha Louisa, c.r.2), d. of Zopher and Maria, Oct. 16, 1839. Mary, d. of Israel and Rachel, Mar. 12, 1732-3. Mary, d. of William and Polly, Nov. 6, 1803. Mary, d. of John and Sally, June 20, 1817. (Mary, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. C.R.2.) Mary Ann, d. of W[illialm and Mary Jr., July 9, 1824. Mary Jane, d. of Samuel H. and Eveline E., July 19, 1846. Mary Wilkins, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1809. 102 HARVARD BIRTHS. Taytor, Mercy, d. of Charl[e]s and Mercy, Mar. 12, 1771. Mercy, d. of William and Polly, Mar. 11, 1812. Mira, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Feb. 25, 1804. Nabby, d. of William and Polly, Nov. 3, 1807. Nancy, d. of William and Polly, Oct. 19, 1805. Nathan, s. of wid. Sarah, bp. July 20, 1746. c.R.1. Salley, d. of Charles and Mercy, July 18, 1781. Sally, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, bp. May 21, 1809. C.R.I. Sally Brewer, d. of Solomon and , bp. Mar. 13, 1803. C.R.I. Sally Burdet, d. of John and Sally, in Leominster, Nov. 3, 1806. Samuel H., s. of Samuel H. and Mary Smith, Oct. 17, 1847. Samuel Hill, s. of William and Mary Jr., Nov. 13, 1822. Sarah Davis, d. of Phinehas and Mercy, July 1, 1815. Thomas Burdett, s. of John and Sally, Nov. 10, 1809. . William, s. of Charl[e]s and Mercy, Feb. 10, 1779. William, s. of Hannah Rand, Dec. 30, 1799. Zopher, s. of William and Polly, Mar. 9, 1810. THORNTON, Olive D., Sept. 26, 1803. -G.R.1. TRUFANT, Emery Bigelow, s. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.I. Erastus Darwin, s. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. c.R.1. John, s. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.1. Orissa, d. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.I. TUCKER, Emeline Elvira, d. of Amos D. and Louisa E., bp. Sept. 8, 1833. C.R.2. Sarah Ann Augusta, d. of Amos D. and Louisa E., bp. May 6, 1832. C.R.2. TUFTS, Abigail A.. ——, 1812. G.R.3. TURNER, Abbie D. Newman [ 23, 1806. G.R.I. Bethiah, d. of Prince and Rebekah, Aug. 28, 1782. Betsy, d. of James and Louis, Aug. 30, 1815. Caleb, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1788. Charlotte Meeds, d. of Luther and Nabby, Feb. 10, 1816, Dwelly, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 13, 1786. Edward Oliver, s. of Oliver W. and Rebecca, Apr. 18, 1849. Elisha, s. of Luther and Nabby, June 23, 1802. Eliza Johnson, d. of George and Azubah, May 13, 1817. George, s. of Prince and Rebecca, Nov. 24, 1790. Horatio, s. of Luther and Nabby, Feb. 26, 1806. ], w. of Thomas J., Aug. HARVARD BIRTHS. 103 Turner, Isaac Whitney, s. of James and Louis, Nov. 21, 1809. James, s. of Prince and Rebekah, Aug. 16, 1784. Lorenzo, s. of James and Louis, Dec. 2, 1807. Lucendy, d. of Prince and Rebekah, July 19, 1780. Luther, s. of Prince and Rebecca, Mar. 30, 1775. Luther Gerry, s. of Luther and Nabby, Mar. 10, 1804. Nabbey, d. of Prince and Rebecca, Dec. 28, 1777. ' Nancy, d. of Luther and Nabby, Sept. 27, 1800. Nancy, d. of Luther and Nabby, Feb. 11, 1812. Nathan Sprague, s. of Luther and Nabby, Jan. 16, 1808. Oliver Wood, s. of Luther and Nabby, Apr. 6, 1810. Rachal, d. of Simeon and Lucy, May 19, 1783. Rebecca, d. of Prince and Rebecca, Mar. 7, 1780. Sally, d. of Prince and Rebekah, Oct. 11, 1786. Stephen Hayward, s. of Luther and Nabby, Nov. 26, 1814. T. Jackson, s. of Thomas J. and Abbie D. Newman, Nov. 21, 1829. G.R.I. Thomas J., Jan. 2, 1804. G.R.I. Washburn, s. of James and Louis, Aug. 6, 1813. TYLER, Alma Elery, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Edward and Alma (Alma E., c.r.1), Mar. 2, 1815. Elizebeth, d. of (Capt., c.r.2) Edward and Alma (Almy Ellery, C.R.2), June 21, 1823. Harriet Newall, d. of Edward and Alma, May 29, 1820. Twin. James Richards, s. of Edward and Alma, May 209, 1820. Twin. John Flavel, s. of Edward and Alma, June 30, 1818. Polly, d. of and ward of Samuel Jr. and Olive Hill, bp. Oct. 18, 1795. C.R.I. Susanna, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Edward and Alma (Almy E., C.R.1), July 30, 1816. UPHAM, Lysander S., ——, 1820. G.R.I. Mercy F. [ ], w. of Lysander S., WALKER, Ann Lucy, d. of William and Catherine of Marlbor- ough, Aug. 31, 1847. WARNER (see Worner), Aaron, s. of Nathan and Dorothy, June 30, 1751. Aaron, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1780. Abigail, d. of John and Phebe, July 4, 1750. Abigail, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, June 8, 1777. Abigail, d. of Elias and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1793. Abijah, s. of Nathanael and Rachel, July 15, 1753. , 1822. G.R.I. 104 HARVARD BIRTHS. Warner, Alanson, s. of John and Sally, June ro, 1826. Albert, s. of Luke and Amanda, Feb. 7, 1828. Amanda, d. of Luke and Amanda, Oct. 6, 1836. Ann, d. of John of Lancaster, bp. Apr. 24, 1743. C.R.I. Anna, d. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1752 0. s. (Aug. 14 dup.). Anna, d. of Calvin and Anna, Oct. 18, 1790. Asa, s. of Caleb and Bethiah, Apr. 13, 1804. (Asa, s. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. c.R.1.) Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, May 21, 1757. Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1761. Benj[amiJn Franklin, s. of John and Sally, July 3, 1844. Betsy, d. of Calvin and Anna, Sept. 28, 1792. Betsy, d. of Caleb and Bethiah, Oct. 2, 1811. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Bethiah, Mar. 7, 1814. (Caleb, s. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. c.R.1.) Calvin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Sept. 7, 1763. Calvin, s. of Calvin and Anna, Dec. 26, 1788. Calvin, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 3, 1816. Charles, s. of Joshua and Dorathy, bp. Aug. 17,1746. C.R.I. Charles, s. of Joshua and Dorathy, Feb. 5, 1754. Daniel, s. of Elizabeth, bp. May 28, 1738. c.R.1. Daniel Webster, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 17, 1838. Danvers, s. of Calvin and Elcy, May 23, 1830. David, s. of John and Phebe, Nov. 23, 1766. Dorathy, d. of Joshua and Dorathy, July 7, 1751. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1754. Edwin, s. of John and Sally, July rz, 1828. Elcy, d. of Abijah and Elcy, Sept. 13, 1778. Elias, s. of John, bp. Sept. 9, 1764. c.R.1. Elias, s. of Elias and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1795. Eliza, d. of John and Sally, June 26, 1821. Eliza M., d. of John and Sally, Mar. 22, 1840. Elizabeth, d. of Ephraim and Mercy, Sept. 11, 1812. Elsey, d. of Calvin and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1812. Ephraim, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Apr. 16, 1774. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, June 17, 1804. Eunice, d. of Moses, bp. Apr. 12, 1767. C.R.I. Ezra, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Apr. 12, 1799. Franklin, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Mar. 12, 1811. George Henry, s. of Elias, Mar. 18, 1844. George Turner, s. of Caleb and Bethiah, Jan. 24, 1809. (George Turner, s. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. c.R.1.) Henry L., s. of Luke and Amanda, Oct. 27, 1834. HARVARD BIRTHS. 105 Warner, Horatio, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1818. Israel, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Nov. 17, 1771. Ize, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, Apr. 20, 1782. Job, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Jan. 27, 1745. C.R.1. Job, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. May 18, 1746. c.R.r. John, s. of John and Phebe, Mar. 16, 1762. John, s. of Elias and Abigail, Aug. 23, 17809. John G., s. of John and Sally, Sept. 17, 1834. John W., s. of John and Sally, Feb. 26, 1833. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. Dec. 12, 1742. C.R.I. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Jan. 1, 1748-9. c.R.1. Levi, s. of Joshua (Jr., c.r.1) and Dorothy, Mar. 22, 1748-9. Lidiah, d. of David and Annah, Apr. 15, 1750. Lidiah, d. of Nathan[iJel and Rachel, Feb. 8, 1750-1. Lois, d. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1750-1. Lois, d. of Moses and Eunice, bp. Apr. 19, 1761. C.R.1. Lorenzo, s. of John and Sally, July 6, 18109. Loring D., s. of Luke and Amanda, Mar. 28, 1830. Lovisa, d. of Caleb and Bethiah, Nov. 30, 1806. (Louisa, d. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. c.R.1.) Lucy, d. of Aaron and Mary, Dec. 7, 1776. (Lucy, d. of wid. Mary, bp. Apr. —, 1777. C.R.1.) Lucy, d. of Ebenezer and Deborah, Mar. 11, 1781. Luke, s. of Calvin and Anna, Oct. 28, 1795. Lydia, d. of Phinehas and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1775. Lydia, d. of Ephraim and Mercy, Dec. 15, 1796. Lydia, d. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 5, 1820. Mary, d. of David and Annah, Jan. 13, 1747-8. Mary Ann, d. of Luke and Amanda, Sept. 13, 1838. Nabe, d. of John and Phebe, July 16, 1759. Nathan Ball, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, Mar. 22, 1779. Nathanael, s. of Abijah and Elcy, Jan. 3, 1777. Noah, s. of Calvin and Anna, Feb. 15, 1800. Olive B. Dorchester [ ], w. of Henry L., ——, 1836. G.R.3. Persis, z of John and Phebe, Mar. 19, 1757. Phebe, d. of John and Phebe, Feb. 18, 1754. Philemon, s. of Capt. John of Lancaster, bp. July 14, 1745. C.R.I. Rachel, d. of Nathan and Dorothy, Mar. 9, 1748-9. Rebecca, d. of Phinehas and Lydia, Dec. 24, 1769. Ruth, d. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Oct. 3, 1742. C.R.I. Sally, d. of John and Sally, June ro, 1824. Sally Gould [ ], w. of John, ——, 1798. G.R.I. . 106 HARVARD BIRTHS. Warner, Sarah, d. of John (Jr., c.r.1) and Phebe, June 7, 1753. Sarah Lydia, d. of Wash[ingto]n and Candace, Mar. 15, 1845. Silas, s. of Moses and Eunice, bp. Apr. 19, 1761. C.R.I. Susan, d. of Calvin and Lydia, Feb. 15, 1827. Sylva, d. of Luke and Amanda, Dec. 7, 1831. (w. of Charles Mills. G.R.3.) Tamar, d. of Nathan and Dorothy, Dec. 3, 1738. Waldo, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 8, 1826. Walter, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 22, 1822. Washington, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1813. Zerviah, d. of Calvin and Anna, Nov. 5, 1797- Zophar, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Apr. Io, 1824. WATERS, Abraham, s. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 22, 1818. Daniel Gray, s. of Abraham and Suky, May 15, 1813. Eliza, d. of Abraham and Suky, Oct. 1, 1801. Harriet, d. of Abraham and Suky, June 6, 1804. Henry A[u]gustus, s. of Abraham and Suky, Sept. 5, 1814. Maryan, d. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 5, 1806. Sarah Gray, d. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 17, 1811. Suky, d. of Abraham and Suky, Jan. 22, 1800. Thomas Gray, s. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 5, 1811. WEBB, James A., Feb. 1, 1834. G.R.1. WENTWORTH, Mary, d. of wid. C.R.I. Moses, s. of wid. , bp. May 18, 1773- , bp. May 18, 1773. C.R.I. WEST, Jabez, s. of Eliphalet, bp. June 4, 1775. C.R.I. WETHERBE (see Wetherbee, Witherbe, Witherbee), John, s. of John and Sarah, Nov. Io, 1751. Lydia, d. of Joseph and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1792. Martha, d. of John and Martha, Feb. 21, 1761. Micah, s. of John and Sarah, May 22, 1758. Polly, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Sept. 14, 1772. “Ruth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1757. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1750. WETHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Witherbe,. Witherbee), Abigail, d. of Ezra and Sally, Dec. 11, 1822. © Abigail Farwell, d. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, Apr. 12, 1812. Adeline, d. of Ezra and Rachel, May 28, 1806. Albert, s. of Ezra and Sally, Aug. 19, 1817. Andrew, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1813. HARVARD BIRTHS. 107 WETHERBEE, Anna, d. of John and Anna, June 22, 1736. Anna, d. of John and Martha, Aug. 3, 1763. Anne, d. of Sam[uelll, bp. Sept. 15, 1771. C.R.I. Asa, s. of Josiah and Lucy, June 24, 1785. Benjamin Stone, s. of Ethan and Sally, bp. Aug. 30, 1827. C.R.2. ; Betsey, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 18, 1824. C.R.2. Betty, d. of Josiah and Lucy, Apr. 24, 1776. Catharine, d. of Asa and Polly, Mar. 26, 1818. Catharine, d. of Ethan and Betsy, Feb. 8, 1821. Charles see s. of Zophar and Sarah C., b. in Boston, Aug. 27, 1049. Charles Randall, s. of Charles and Susan, July 7, 1819. Doddridge, s. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Feb. 3, 1822. C.R.2. Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 9, 1753. Elizabeth Thomas, d. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, in Maine, Sept. 18, 1808. Elizabeth Whitney, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. July 9, 1786. c.R.1. Elizebeth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1748.. Emeline, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. May 15, 1831. C.R.2. Ethan, s. of Ethan and Sally, bp. June 29, 1823.. C.R.2. Ezra Zopher, s. of Zopher and Sarah, July 16, 1835. Francis William, s. of Ezra, bp. Nov. 20, 1831. C.R.I. Frederick, s. of Zopher and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1844. Gardner, s. of Ezra and Rachel, Oct. 8, 1810. _ Gardner, s. of Zopher and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1833. George C., , 1840. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1808. Harriet Newell (Harriet Nason dup.), d. of Ezra and Sally, Dec. 27, 1819. Henry Stetson, s. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, in Dexter, Me., Dec. 20, 1809. : John, s. of Josiah and Harmah, bp. June 23, 1833. C.R.2. Jonas, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. July 1, 1753. C.R.1. Jonathan, s. of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1733-4 [sic.] Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elizebeth, May 22, 1751. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Lucy, June 28, 1783. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1811. Josiah, s. of Charles and Susan, Sept. 13, 1820. Josiah L., s. of Ezra and Sally, May 10, 1815. Juliann, d. of Ezra and Rachel, Sept. 7, 1808. Lucy, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1815. Lucy E. [ ], w. of Sylvanus, June 12, 1805. G.R.I. 108 HARVARD BIRTHS. WETHERBEE, Malissa, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. June 15, 1828. Twin. c.R.2. Margaret Little, d. of Asa and Polly, Aug. 22, 1820. Maria, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 30, 1826. c.R.2. Marilla, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. June 15, 1828. Twin. C.R.2. : Martha, d. of Asa and Polly, Jan. 25, 1815. Mary, d. of Ezra and Rachael, and w. of Enoch Perkins, Nov. 14, 1802. Mary, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1817. Mary, d. of Asa and Polly, Oct. 14, 1823. Mary E. [ ], w. of George C., , 1844. G.R.3. Mary Perkins, d. of Zopher and Sarah C., Jan. 26, 1846. Melinda, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, July 28, 1793. Melvina [ ], w. of Frederic, , 1847. G.R.3. Nahum, s. of Ethan and Betsy, Jan. 10, 1802. Nancy Park, d. of Asa and Polly, June 25, 1816. Polly, d. of Josiah (Jr., c.r.1) and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1780. Rachel, d. of Ezra and Rachel, Jan. 10, 1813. Rowana, d. of Josiah and Hannah, May 18, 1806. Rowland, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1810. Salla, d. of Josiah (Jr., c.r.1) and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1778. Sally, d. of Ethan and Betsy, Mar. 1, 1807. Sally, d of Josiah and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1818. Sarah Augusta, d. of Asa and Polly, June 14, 1829. Sarah Louisa, d. of Zopher and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1838. Sarah P., , 1780. G.R.I. Seba French, d. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, Jan. 23, 1815. Sophia Parkhurst, d. of Asa and Polly, May 6, 1826. Sukey, d. of Josiah and Lucy, Jan. 15, 1788. (Sukee, d. of wid. Wetherbee, bp. Aug. 3, 1788. c.R.1.) Susan, d. of Phinehas and Sally, Sept. 20, 1818. Susan, d. of Charles and Susan, Nov. 21, 1821. Susan Moore, d. of Asa and Polly, Nov. 15, 1811. Sylvanus, s. of Ethan and Betsy, Oct. 4, 1804. Sylvanus Robins, s..of Sylvanus and Lucy E., bp. Aug. 12, 1832. C.R.2. Thomas Stetson, s. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, Jan. 7, 1820, Unice, d. of John and Sarah, May 27, 1755. Warren, s. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Feb. 3, 1822. c.R.2. Zophar, s. of Ezra and Rachel, July 19, 1804. WETHEREL, Lydia, d. of Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1802. HARVARD BIRTHS. 10g WHEELER, Abigale, d. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 26, 1776. Claressa, d. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 1, 1774. Daniel Greenleaf, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 14, 1768. Deliverance, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, July 9, 1737. Deliverance, s. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 28, 1745. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1727. Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 31, 1761. Ephraim, s. of Seth and Mary Jr., Sept. 21, 1747. Ephraim, s. of Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 4, 1747. C.R.I. John, s. of Joseph and Mary, May 17, 1770. Joseph, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 27, 1766. Levi, s. of Joseph Esq., bp. Nov. 28, 1779. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1730. Mary, d. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 7, 1763. Moses, s. of Joseph and Mary, Apr. 4, 1772. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1733. Theophilus, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 25, 1765. (Dec. 22, 1764; bp. Jan. 3, 1765. c.R.1.) Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1723. WHETCOMB (see Whetcombe, Whitcomb, Whitcombe), Abra- ham, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1797. John Priest, s. of Reuben and Mercy, June 16, 1796. Josiah, s. of James Jr., bp. Apr. 21, 1776. C.R.1. Sally, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1795. WHETCOMBE (see Whetcomb, Whitcomb, Whitcombe), Elias, s. of William and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1760. Loas, d. of William and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1748-9. Lucy, d. of William and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1756. Oliver, s. of William and Hannah, July 2, 1749. Persis, d. of William and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1754. WHITCOMB (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcombe), Abiel, s. of James and Hannah, June 23, 1744. Abigail Clevland, d. of Jotham, bp. Oct. 5, 1777. C.R.1. Abraham, s. of James Jr., bp. Apr. 10,1772. C.R.I. Adeline, d. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. 30, 1818. Allis, d. of Abel, bp. Nov. 15, 1778. C.R.I. Charles, s. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 14, 1765. C.R.I. Edward Payson, s. of Reuben and Abby F., Aug. 26, 1832. Edward Payson, s. of Reuben (Jr., c.r.2) and Abby F., May 16, 1834. Eliza Bien d. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. to, 1822. Hannah, d. of James and Hannah, May 26, 1747. IIo HARVARD BIRTHS. Wuitcoms, Hannah, d. of Abel, bp. Mar. 19,1775. C.R.I. Isaac, s. of Oliver, bp. Feb. 10, 1771. C.R.I. Jacob, s. of Oliver, bp. Dec. 6, 1772. c.R.I. Jeams, s. of Jeams and Han[njah, July 4, 1741. Joanna, d. of Chapman and Rhoda, Apr. 6, 1793. Joseph Pratt, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Dee. 5, 1806. Lois, d. of William and Hannah, bp. Mar. 22, 1747. CRI. Lucy, d. of Phinehas and Abigail, Mar. 21, 1786. Luthar, s. of James and Hannah, June 23, 178 53. Lydia, d. of James and Hannah, ‘Oct. 27, 1736. Lydia, d. of William and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1744-5. Martha Antonette, d. of Oliver W. and Martha M., Sept. 9, 1845. Mary Mercy, d. of (Dea., c.r.2) Reuben and Abby F., Oct. 2, 18. Oren, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. 1, 1811. Pattiance, d. of James and Han[nlah, Apr. 3, 1739. Paulina Astin, d. of Leonard and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1813. Peter, s. of James and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1733. Peter, s. of Jotham, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. C.R.I. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1790. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Abigail, June 24, 1792. Phinehas Willard, s. of Chapman and Rhoda, bp. Apr. 24, 1803. C.R.I. Potter, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1809. Reuben, s. of Reuben and Mercy, "Aug. 22, ‘1802. Sarah, d. of James Jr., bp. Nov. 15, 1766. C.R.I. William, s. of Phinehas and Abigail, Apr. 19, 1799. WHITCOMBE (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcomb), Betty, d. of Oliver, bp. May 8, 1774. C.R.I. Betty Fletcher, d. of Jotham, bp. Apr. 3, 1774. C.R.I. Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1752. Mol{lly, d. of James Jr. and Lucy, May 31, 1773. Sarah, d. of James Jr. and Lucy, Oct. 2, 1769. WHITE, Anna, d. of John and Jemima, bp. Jan. 12,1752. C.R.I. Ruth, d. of John and Jemima, bp. May 12, 1754. C.R.1. WHITEMORE (see Whittemore), Lydia, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1778. Prescott, s. of Nath[anie]ll and Lydia, July 28, 1787. WHITNEY, , ch. of George and Abby, Feb. 16, 1841. Aaron, s. of Jonas and Margaret, June 2, 1740. Aaron, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1777. HARVARD BIRTHS.’ III Wuitney, Aaron, s. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, C.R.1), Dec. 1, 1812. abba ey d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Asa W. and Abigail, Dec. 13, 1817. Abel, s. of Timothy and Alice, Sept. 19, 1752. Abel, s. of Afajron, bp. May 28, 1786. c.r.1. (Abel Esq., b. Feb. 17, 1786. G.R.1.) Abel, s. of Abraham and Rebecca, bp. July 8, 1792. Abel, s. of Abraham 2d and Alice, Feb. 20, 1804. Abel, s. of Aaron and Susan, Nov. 23, 1830. Abigail, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1763. Twin. Abijah, s. of Nathan, bp. May 8, 1768. c.R.1. Abner, s. of John and Rebecca, Jan. 21, 1733-4. Abraham, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1748. Abraham, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Mar. 3, 1777. Abraham, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Nov. 29, 1779. Addison, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Oct. 20, 1802. (Jos. Addison, Oct. 23, 1802. G.R.I.) Alfred, s. of Richard 2d and Sally, May 19, 1813. Alice, d. of Jonathan and Alice, Apr. 2, 1733. Alice, d. of Simon and Olive, May 26, 1755. Allice, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Hezekiah and Lucy, July 29, 1780. Almira, d. of Abraham 2d and Alice, Oct. 24, 1805. Almira, d. of William and Betsy, July 20, 1806. Amos, s. of Isaiah and Peirses, Dec. 27, 1768. Amos, s. of Isaiah Jr., bp. May 8, 1791. C.R.I. Amos, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Mar. 9, 1795. Angelina, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Apr. 15, 1822. © .. Ann, d. of Abraham and Sarah, May 2, 1760. Anna, d. of Aaron’and Anna, Nov. 18, 1766. Annas, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1765. Annes, d. of Caleb and Annes, May 9, 1756. Anness, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1761. Arathusa, d. of Israel and Hannah, Dec. 12, 1783. Artemus, s. of Wetherbe and Abigail, June 8, 1775. Artemus Ward, s. of (Col., c.r.1) Josiah and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1778. ; Asa Walard, s. of Isaac and Lucy, Apr. 24, 1787. Asena, d. of Cyrus and Asena, Mar. 18, 1800. Augustus Luke, s. of Luke and Abigail, June 19, 1845. Benjamin Franklin, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Mar. 21, 1804. (Mar. 23, 1804. G.R.I.) Bethia, d. of Moses and Betty, Jan. 22, 1757. Betsey, d. of Israel and Hannah, May 24, 1782. 112 “HARVARD BIRTHS. Wuirney, Betsey Willard, d. of Richard (Jr., c.r.1) and Mercy, June 5, 1774. , Bettee,.d. of Isaiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1733-4. Betty, d. of Moses and Betty, Dec. 9, 1756. Beulah, d. of John and Rebec[cla, Jan. 23, 1730. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Annes, June 23, 1758. Caroline F., d. of Willlia]lm and Jane A., Oct. 2, 1844. Claresy, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Oct. 28, 1791. Clarinda, d. of Cyrus and Asena, Oct. 24, 1797. Cyrene Adelia, inf. d. of Nathan and Nancy, bp. Jan. 4, 1835. C.R.2. Cyrus, s. of Isaiah and Persis, Aug. 17, 1771. Daniel, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1786. . Daniel, s. of Isaiah 2d and Mary, Apr. 12, 1797. Daniel, s. of Aaron and Susan, Sept. 5, 1825. (Daniel Hartwell, s. of Capt. Aaron, bp. June 18, 1826. c.R.1.) Dolly, d. of wid. , bp. May 2, 1785. C.R.I. Dorcas, d. of Isaiah and Peirses, Apr. 20, 1760. Drusilia, d. of Levi and Sarah, Nov. 24, 1816. Dwelle, s. of Josiah anid Sarah, Aug. 21, 1782. Edwin, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Oct. 2, 1812. Edwin, s. of Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 22, 1826. Elbridge, s. of Moses and Patty, Nov. 23, 1802. Eli, s. of Jacob and Mercy, May 7, 1783. Elias, s. of Elijah and Rebeccah, June 11, 1740. Elijah, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1754. Elijah, s. of wid. Rebekah, July 8, 1755. Elisabeth, d. of Caleb and Annes, June 27, 1751. Elisabeth, d. of Josiah and Sarah, May 7, 1755. Eliza, d. of Moses and Patty, May 13, 1806. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1739. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1742. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Sept. 22, 1802. Elizabeth, d. of Josiah and Rhoda, Jan. 24, 1810. Ella Amanda, d. of Luke and Abby, July 6, 1849. Ella Cecelia, d. of Isaiah and Mary A., b. in Charlestown, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1849. Ellen Frances, d. of Justin and Mary C., June 7, 1847. Ellen Maria, d. of George and Abby, Feb. 10, 1840. Emely, d. of Jonas and Relief, Jan. 23, 1797. (Emily, d. of wid. Relief, bp. July 12, 1812. c.R.1.) Emery, s. of Jacob and Lois, Oct. 1, 1791. Enoch, s. of David and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1756. Ephraim, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zebudah, Apr. 2, 1754. HARVARD BIRTHS. II3 Wuitney, Ephraim, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Jan. 12, 1791. Ephraim, Sept. 19, 1817. G.R.3. Esther, d. of Phinehas, bp. Nov. 13, 1768. c.R.1. Eva H. Burt [ ], w. of George F., July —, 1842. G.R.1. Evelina, d. of Levi and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1812. Ezra, s. of John and Rebec[cla, Aug. 24, 1731. Fordyce, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Apr. 14, 1806. ES ys d. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, in Acton, Feb. 15, 1848. Francis Wheeler, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Nov. 30, 1778. Francis Wheeler, s. of Isaiah 3d and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1808. George, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Dec. 16, 1788. George, s. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, c.r.1), Dec. 13, 1809 (Dec. 26 dup.). ‘George Henry, s. of Justus and Mary C., July 18, 1839. George Washington, s. of George and Polly, Nov. 19, 1816. Han[nJah, d. of Daniel and Dorathy, Apr. 29, 1746. Hannah, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1756. Hannah, d. of Richard and Mary, Oct. 17, 1763. Hannah, d. of Jacob and Lois, Dec. 14, 1772. Hannah, d. of Israel and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1773. Hannah, d. of Oliver and Mercy, Jan. 22, 1813. Harriet Whitcomb, d. of Moses and Patty, Sept. 7, 1811. (Harriot Whitcomb, d. of wid. Patty, bp. July 7, 1816. C.R.I.) ‘ Harriot I. (Harriet Isabel, c.r.2), d. of Justin and Mary, Jan. 6, 1837. Harry M., ——, 1845. G.R.I. ‘ Hezekiah, s. of Jonathan and Alice, Apr. 14, 1735. Hiram, s. of James and Susan, Mar. 11, 1815. Horatio Turner, s. of Luke and Charlottee, Mar. 5, 1840. Isaac, s. of David and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1761. Isaac, s. of Cyrus and Polly, July 24, 1818. Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1735. Isaiah, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1751. Isaiah, s. of Isaiah, bp. Oct. 25, 1762. C.R.I. Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Peirses, Dec. 13, 1764. Isaiah, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Sept. 8, 1781. * Se Isaiah, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Sept. 22, 1815. Israel, s. of Elijah and Rebekah, Dec. 29, 1748. Israel, s. of Elijah and Rebeckah, June 22, 1751. Israel, s. of Jonas (Jr., c.R.1) and Zebudah, Jan. 16, 1767. Israel, s. : Israel and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1775. (Apr. 18, 1776. G.R.I. II4 HARVARD BIRTHS. Wuitney, Israel, s. of Israel and Susan[n]a, in Littleton, May 30, 1790. Me Jacob, s. of Richard and Mary, Mar. 24, 1748-9. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Lois, Oct. 16, 1776. Jacob Milton, s. of Jacob and Mercy, bp. July 28, 1816. c.R.1. James, s. of Richard and Mary, May 29, 1760. James Harris, s. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Aug. 16, 1835. James Laughton, s. of Richard 2d and Sally, Feb. 2, 1817. Jefferson, s. of Josiah and Sally, Nov. 29, 1804. Jefferson, s. of James and Lucy, Apr. 26, 1806. Jeremiah Laughton, s. of James and Rachel, Aug. 13, 1788. Joel, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Oct. 15, 1762. John, s. of John and Rebecca, Mar. 20, 1725. John, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1746. John, s. of Isaiah and Percis, bp. Mar. 30, 1760. C.R.I. John, s. of Abra{ha]m and Rebekah, July 31, 1783. John, s. of James and Rachel, July 20, 1796. John, s. of Salmon and Hephsibah, Sept. 1, 1803. John, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 16, 1813. (John, s. of wid. Sally, bp. July 3, 1814. c.R.1.) John Hancock, s. of Josiah (Jr., c.R.1) and Sarah, Dec. 13, 1788. Jonah, s. of Isaiah and Persis, June 19, 1758. Jonas, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Mar. 3, 1756. Jonas, s. of Jonas and Relief, June 10, 1784. Jonas, s. of Nathan and Zebudah, Nov. 9, 1809. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, July 1, 1749. Jonathan, s. of Caleb, bp. Nov. 3, 1769. C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Phineas, bp. Aug. 21, 1774. C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Hezekiah and Lucy, Mar. 4, 1775. Jonathan, s. of (Capt., c.r.1) Hezekiah and Lucy, May 20, 1782. Joseph, s. of Caleb and Annes, July 9, 1760. Joseph, s. of Abraham and Rebecca, bp. Aug. 9, 1795. C.R.I. - Joshua, s. of Caleb and Annis, Feb. 18, 1754. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1753. Josiah, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Aug. 18, 1781. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Rhoda, May 3, 1817. Judah, s. of Simon and Oleav, May 17, 1757. Judah, s. of Simon and Olive, June 16, 1761. Julianna, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1824. Justin, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, July 24, 1801. Justin Otis, s. of Justus and Mary (s. of Justin and Sally, C.R.2), June 10, 1829. HARVARD BIRTHS. IIs Wuitney, Lauretta, d. of Cyrus and Polly, Oct. 25, 1810. Laurilla, d. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, c.R.1), Mar. 27, 1808. ; Lemuel, s. of (Col., c.r.1) Josiah and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1784. Levi,‘s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, June 12, 1751. Levi, s. of Richard Jr. and Mercy, Apr. 26, 1781. Levi, s. of Hezekiah and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1786. Levi, s. of Jonas and Relief, Aug. 23, 1793. Levi, s. of Levi and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1818. Lois, d. of Simon and Olive, July 28, 1753. Lois, d. of Simon and Olive, Mar. 30, 1759. Lois, d. of Jacob and Lois, Aug. 1, 1779. Louisa Jane, d. of Jacob, bp. July 1, 1827. c.R.1. Louisa Lawrence [ ], w. of Benjamin Franklin, May 17, 1808. G.R.I. Lucy, d. of Moses and Betty, Oct. 10, 1750. Lucy, d. of Simon and Olivea, Oct. 7, 1765. Lucy, d. of Hezekiah and Lucy, June 30, 1777. Lucy, d. of Rewben and Lucy, Jan. 24, 1782. Lucy, d. of Moses and Pattee, Sept. 28, 1800. Lucy, d. of James and Lucy, July 23, 1804. Lucy, d. of Rebecah Knight, Oct. 30, 1820. Lucy Emerson, d. of wid. Sally, bp. July 3, 1814. c.R.1. Lucy Stow, d. of John and Sally, July 12, 1805. Luke, s. of Israel and Abigail, Feb. 8, 1793. Luke, s. of Josiah and Sally, Apr. 22, 1803. Luther, s. of Israel and Abigail, Feb. 5, 1790. Luther Farwell, s. of Richard 2d and Sally, Mar. 8, 1819. Lydia, d. of Elijah and Rebaca, May 7, 1746. Lydia, d. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Oct. 17, 1757. Lydia, d. of Moses, bp. Oct. 13, 1771. C.R.I. Lydia, d. of Israel (Jr., c.r.1) and Hannah, May 25, 1779. Lydia, d. of Enoch and Hannah, July 27, 1792. Maria, d. of Josiah and Rhoda, May 15, 1812. Maria Bird, d. of Justus and Mary, May 14, 1831. Marian, d. of Moses and Patty, Dec. 11, 1808. Marietta, d. of John and Mary Ann, Nov. 9, 1844. Marshall, s. of Reuben 2d and Mille, Mar. 9, 1809. Martha Ann, d. of Jacob and Mercy, Mar. 22, 1812. Mary, d. of Elijah and Rebekah, June 26, 1738. Mary, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1744. Mary, d. of Richard and Mary, July 3, 1755. Mary, d. of Phinehas and Kezia, May 15, 1766. Mary, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Jan. 17, 1800. 116 HARVARD BIRTHS. Wuitney, Mary, d. of James and Lucy, Dec. 17, 1809. Mary, d. of Isaiah 3d and Lydia, Feb. 23, 1813. (Mary, d. of Is[aiah] 3d dec. and Lydia, bp. May 15, 1813. .R.1.) Mary, d. of Cyrus and Polly, Feb. 1, 1824. Mary Ann Bird, d. of Justin and Sally, bp. Oct. 23, 1831. C.R.2. Mary Farwell, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Jan. 4, 1832. Mary H. [ ], w. of Ephraim, Dec. 6, 1825. G.R.3. Mary Hayward, d. of Isaiah and Mary, Mar. 9, 1777. Mary Louisa, d. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Dec. 25, 1828. Mary Perry, d. of Jacob and Mercy, July 25, 1814. Mary R., d. of George and Polly, July 15, 1818. Mehitable [ ], w. of Jonathan, Aug. 12, 1795. G.R.I. Melissa Alvira, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Mar. 10, 1829. Mercy, d. of Abraham and Sarah, bp. Sept. 23, 1744. C.R.I. Mercy, d. of Jacob and Lois, Feb. 20, 1774. Mercy, d. of Abraham 2d and Alice, July 16, 1802. Mercy, d. of Oliver and Mercy, Jan. 10, 1815. Mercy Fairbank, d. of Reuben and Lucy, July 25, 1786. Milly Pollard, d. of Richard 2d and Sally, Oct. 16, 1822. Miriam, d. of Jonas Jr. and Zebudah, Aug. 8, 1752. Moriah, d. of Abraham 2d and Alice, Nov. 15, 1807. Moses, s. of Jonas and Margaret, Oct. 17, 1733. Moses, s. of Moses and Betty, Mar. 18, 1761. Moses, s. of A[aJron and Anna, May 3, 1772. Moses, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1775. Moses, s. of Isaac and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1782. Moses Gill, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1791. Nabbe, d. of Jonas and Relief, Mar. 25, 1780. Nancy, d. of Josiah Jr. and Anna, Apr. 12, 1777. Nancy, d. of Jacob and Mercy, Aug. 7, 1785. Nancy Flagg, d. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, c.R.1), May 28, 1814. Twin. Nancy oe d. of Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 23, 1818 (1819 dup.). Naomi, d. of Israel and Abigail, Apr. 28, 1797. Nathan, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Aug. 1, 1793. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Nancy, Nov. 2, 1816. Newton, s. of Nathan and Nancy, July 22, 1820. Oliver, s. of Timothy and Alice, Mar. 10, 1754. Oliver, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1763. Twin. Oliver, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1777. Oliver, s. of Phinehas, bp. Nov. 4, 1781. C.R.I. Oliver, s. of Israel and Hannah, May 16, 1786. Persis, d. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Aug. 12, 1796. HARVARD BIRTHS. II7 Wuitney, Peter, s. of Jonas and Zebudah, Aug. 17, 1772. Plhlinehas, s. of Jonathon Jr. and Sarah, July 3, 1747. Phinehas, s. of Isaiah 3d and Lydia, May 12, 1809. Polley, d. of Richard and Mercy, Mar. 16, 1777. Polley, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Dec. 13, 1779. Polley, d. of Richard Jr. and Mercy, Feb. 15, 1789. Rachel, d. of Simon and Olive, Jan. 5, 1748. Rachel, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1767. Rachel, d. of wid. , bp. May 2, 1785. c.R.1. Rachel, d. of Jonas and Relief, Apr. 17, 1788. Rachel, d. of James and Rachel, July 21, 1791. Rebecca, d. of Israel and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1777. Rebecca, d. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Feb. 15, 1784. Rebecca, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Oct. 13, 1789. Rebec[clah, d. of Elijah and Rebec[clah, May 25, 1743. Releif, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, May 21, 1754. Relief, d. of Timothy and Alice, Feb. 2, 1758. Relief, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 13, 1758. Relief, d. of Phinehas, bp. June 18, 1780. c.R.1. Relief, d. of Jonas and Relief, Nov. 4, 1799. (Relief, d. of wid. Relief, bp. July 12, 1812. c.R.1.) Reuben, s. of Richard and Mary, Feb. 21, 4758. Reuben, s. of Reuben and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1783. Rhoda, d. of Josiah and Rhoda, July 24, 1814. Richard, s. of Richard and Mary, Feb. 2, 1752. Richard, s. of James and Rachel, Mar. 30, 1784. Richard Harris, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Nov. 2, 1808. Ruhamah, d. of Jonathan and Alice, July 19, 1737. Ruth, d. of Jonas and Margaret, Sept. 8, 1736. Ruth, d. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Apr. 17, 1786. Salley, d. of Enoch and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1780. Salley, d. of Jonas and Relief, Oct. 26, 1789. Sally, d. of Moses and Patty, Aug. 12, 1798. Sally, d. of Aaron and Susan, July 8, 1823. (Sally Fairbank, d. of Capt. Aaron, bp. Nov. 9, 1823. C.R.I.) Sally Fairbank, d. of George and Polly, Feb. 15, 1815. Sally Flagg, d. of Aaron and Sally, May 28, 1814. Twin. Sally Turner, d. of Richard 2d and Sally, Oct. 2, 1810. Salmon, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Feb. 16, 1760. Salmon, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Jan. 31, 1788. Salmon, s. of Justin and Mary (Justin and Sally, c.r.2), Mar. 24, 1833. Samuel, ae Abraham and Rebekah, May 28, 1785. Samuel F., s. of Aaron and Susan, Oct. 20, 1821. 118 HARVARD BIRTHS. Wuitney, Sarah, d. of John and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1727. Sarah, d. of Abraham and Sarah, May 16, 1740. Sarah, d. of (Capt., c.R.1) Jonfalth[an] and Alice, June 1, TAS) Sarah, d. of Simon ‘and Olive, Feb. 5, 1749-5o. Sarah, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1751. Sarah, d. of Richard and Mary, Feb. 9, 1767. Sarah, d. of Aaron and Anna, May 23, 1769. Sarah, d. of Phinehas, bp. July 8, 1770. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Col. Josiah and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1775. Sarah, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1797. Sarah, d. of Moses and Patty, bp. Sept. 4, 1803. C.R.I. Sarah Hartwell, d. of Aaron and Susanna, bp. Dec. 14, 1817. C.R.I. Sarah Louisa, d. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Nov. 25, 1833. Sarah Margaret, d. of Jacob, bp. Sept. 4, 1825. C.R.I. Sarah Maria, d. of Justin and Mary C.,; bp. Sept. 2, 1841. C.R.2. Silas, s. of Simon and Olive, Oct. 16, 1751. Simeon, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Mar. 20, 1787. Simon, s. of Timothy and Alice, June 28, 1756. Simon, s. of Simon and Olivea, Jan. 17, 1767, Simon, s. of Simon and Patience, Mar. 17, 1770. Simry, s. of Reuben and Lucy, May 29, 1795. Solan Franklin, s. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Aug. 22, 1831. Sophronia, d. of Jonas and Relief, Sept. 3, 1802. (Sophronia, d. of wid. Relief, bp. Oct. 11, 1812. c.R.1.) Stephen, s. of Josiah and Sarah, May 1, 1757. Sulliven, s. of John and Sally, Dec. 22, 1808. (Sullivan, s. of wid. Sally, bp. July 3, 1814. c.R.1.) Sumner, s. of Reuben 2d and Mille, Jan. 3, 1811. Susa, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Mar. 26, 1785. Susan, d. of Richard 2d and Sally, Dec. 29, 1808. Susan, d. of Oliver and Mercy, Jan. 23, 1811. Susan, d. of Aaron and Susan, Oct. 20, 1818. Susanna Hartwell, d. of Aaron and Susanna, bp. July 18, 18109. C.R.I. Susannah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1780. Syrena Adelia, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Aug.’22, 1834. Waldow, s. of Oliver and Mercy, Apr. 16, 1817. Walter eae s. of Isaac and Dorcas H., b. in Littleton, Nov. 1, 1849 William, s. of Enoch and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1785. William Whitcomb, s. of Josiah and Rhoda, Oct. 10, 1807. Witherbee, s. of Simon and Olive, May 3, 1740. Zebudah, d. of Jonas and Relief, Feb. 28, 1782. HARVARD BIRTHS. IIg WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore), Asa Dunbar, s. of Nathanael and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1784. Benjamin, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 30, 1772. Calvin, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 5, 1776. Dorcas, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, May 17, 1782. Joseph, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 1, 1771. Martha, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, Aug. 7, 1780. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 18, 1774. WILDER, David Jeneson, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 21, 1795. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Jan. 3, 1762, a. 3 d. C.R.I. Henry Clay, s. of W[illialm S. and Sophia C., May 10, 1832. Martha White, d. of John and Mary, July 1, 1798. (d. of John and Elizabeth. c.R.1.) WILLARD, , ch. of William Jr. and Patience, Mar. 16, 1784. Twin. , ch. of William Jr. and Patience, Mar. 16, 1784. Twin. , d. of Ephraim and Lydia M., Apr. 28, 1846. Abby Ann, d. of Albert and Martha A., July 27, 1848. Abel, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Nov. 28, 1761. Twin. Abel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1763. Abel, s. of Joel and Polly, May 13, 1793. . . Abel, s. of W[illialm B. and Abiah H., Dec. 4, 1841. Abigail, d. of Benja[min] and Hannah, bp. Apr. 15, 1750. C.R.I. Abigail, d. of Joseph 3d and Abigail, Oct. 19, 1811. Abraham, s. of Abraham and Mary, Dec. 12, 1748. Albert, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, July 16, 1823. Albert A., s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, May 10, 1828. Alfred, s. of Josiah 2d and Betsy, July 31, 1804. Alma H., d. of Stedman and Mary W., Aug. 14, 1828. Alonzo, s. of Nathan and Eliza, July 8, 1824. Alpheus Rowland, s. of Rowland and Melissa, Apr. 17, 1831. Ame, d. of Tarbell and Rachel, Nov. 28, 1751. Ame, d. of Simon of Lancaster, and Elisabeth, July 11, 1765. Ame, d. of Henry Jr., bp. Nov. 12, 1769. c.R.I. Amos, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, Mar. 27, 1751. Andrew H. (Andrew Hosmer, c.r.1), s. of George and Hannah, June 19, 1813. Andrew Jackson, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1830. Ae Jackson, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1832. 120 HARVARD BIRTHS. Wittarp, Andrew Loring, s. of C{h]ristopher L. and Henrietta M., b. in Shirley, Oct. 10, 1849. Anna, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, bp. Sept. 30, 1750. c.R. Anna, d. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, May 6, 1754. Anna, d. of Abigail of Lancaster, bp. Apr. 10, 1737. C.R.1. Annis, d. of Henry and Abigail, June 20, 1730. Annis, d. of Abraham and Mary, bp. Oct. 22, 1752. C.R.I. Arabella, ——, 1838. G.R.I. Artemas, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Oct. 6, 1790. Augusta M. Farwell [ ], w. of Alpheus R., July 1, 1831. GRI. . Barzillai, s. of William and Elen, Dec. 13, 1750. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Oct. 29, 1752. C.R.I. Betsey, d. of Timothy and Elisabeth, Aug. 20, 1782.’ Betty, d. of Peter and Mary, Jan. 30, 1765. Caleb, s. of Phinehas and Rebekah, Mar. 12, 1779. Calvin, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Dec. 7, 1784. Caroline Louisa, d. of Robert and Nancy B., Nov. 7, 1828. Catharine, d. of William and Elen, Sabbath day, May 7, 1758. Catherine, d. of Ebenezer and Susan, Dec. 27, 1816. Charles, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1734. Charles, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Nov. 21, 1795. Charles, s. of William and Patience, Aug. 2, 1797. Charles Austin, s. of Charles and Martha, May 30, 1823. Charlottee Adeline, d. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1835. . Chloe, d. of Barzillia and Silva, Mar. 25, 1790. Christopher Loring, s. of Ebenezer and Susan, Feb. 2, 1819. Clarissa Melvina, d. of Charles and Martha, » 31, 1838. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, bp. Dec. 13, 1747. C.R.I. Daniel, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Oct. 20, 1754. Twin. C.R.I. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1798. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 21, 1806. Dinah, d. of Willifalm and Elen, Feb. 21, 1742. Ebenezer, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Mar. 17, 1791. Edwin Lakeman, s. of Hosea E. and Esther C., b. in Boston, June 21, 1849. Elana Bowles, d. of William B. and Abiah W., Jan. 10, 1824. Elbridge, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Mar. 1, 1801. Elbridge Gardner, s. of Elbridge and Roxana S., b. in Sanger- ville, Me., Aug. 24, 1849. Elean, d. of William and Elen, Jan. 22, 1744-5. HARVARD BIRTHS. I2t WILLARD, Elias, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1756. Elijah, s. of Abraham and Mary, Mar. 12, 1750-1. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mary, Feb. 7, 1776. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, June 18, 1758. Elisabeth, d. of Simon and Elisabeth, in Lancaster, July 30, 1759- Elisabeth, d. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, Nov. 27, 1760. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Nov. 20, 1764. Eliza Stone, d. of Wiillialm B. and Abiah, Nov. 12, 1843. Elizabeth, d. of Willilalm and Elen, May 22, 17309. Elizebeth F., d. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, July 1, 1820. Ellen M. Davis [ ], w. of Abel, , 1848. G.R.I. Emeline Augusta, d. of Elbridge and Roxanna, July 9, 1846. Emma L. Snell [ ], w. of Sewall Parker, ——, 1848. G.R.3. Ephraim Stone, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Jan. 30, 1803. Esther, d. of Lemuwel, and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1748. Esther G. [ ], w. of H. E., Aug. 3, 1830. G.R.I. Eunice, d. of Benja{min] and Hannah, bp. Sept. 28, 1746. C.R.I. Eunice, d. of Josiah and Eunice, June 12, 1774. Ezra, s. of Simon of Lancaster and Elisabeth, Mar. 19, 1761. Ezra, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Nov. 28, 1761. Twin. Fanny, d. of Barzillia and Silva, Feb. 21, 1788. Frances Eusebia, d. of Robert and Nancy, July 4, 1840. Frances Marian, d. of Eben[eze]r C. and S. M., July 9, 1844. Francis H., s. of Robert and Nancy B., May 16, 1838. Frederick Augustus, s. of Luther and Mary B., in New York City, Dec. 9, 1824. (b. 1823. G.R.1.) George, s. of Joseph Jr: and Susa, Jan. 4, 1787. George, s. of George and Hannah, Feb. 1, 1812. Gibson, s. of Thomas and Sarah, bp. Sept. 8, 1745. C.R.I. Gibson, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1750. Hannah, d. of Isaac and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1748-9. Hannah, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1753. Hannah, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1775. Hannah, d. of Joel and Polly, Mar. 31, 1795. Harriet, d. of Ithamer and Lucy, July 27, 1821. ’ Harrison, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, May 13, 1833. Henry, s. of Benjamin, bp. Dec. 18, 1769. C.R.I. Henry Crosby, s. of E. Crosby and Susan M., Oct. 31, 1846. Hezeciah, s. of Hezeciah (Jr., c.r.1) and Lydia, July 18, 1743. Holman, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, Feb. 5, 1831. Hosea, s. of Daniel and Lucy, July 16, 1800. 122 HARVARD BIRTHS. WI. arp, Hosea, s. of Levi and Sally, Aug. 18, 1805. Ira, s. of Barzilla and Silva, May 24, 1785. Ithamer, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Sept. 7, 1793. Jacob, s. of Henry and Abigail, July 20, 1734. Jacob, s. of Tarbal and Rachel, Nov. 5, 1747. James, s. of James of Lancaster, bp. May —, 1737. C.R.1. James Adolphus, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1824. James Marshall, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1825. Jane Maria, d. of George and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1814. Jeremiah, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 28, 1735. C.R.I. Jeremiah, s. of Isaac and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1753. Joel, s. of Peter and Mary, Dec. 17, 1763. Joel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Apr. 25, 1765. John, s. of Henry and Abigal, July 26, 1739. John, s. of John, bp. Nov. 2, 1766. c.R.1. John, s. of William and Patience, Nov. 29, 1785. John Barstow, s. of Luther and Mary, in New York City, Apr. 1, 1822. Joseph, s. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, Sept. 14, 1760. Joseph, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Apr. 14, 1784. Joseph B., s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1826. Joseph Kendal, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, July 21, 1821. Josiah, s. of Tarbal and Rachel, Nov. 9, 1749. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Eunice, Sept. 17, 1771. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Eunice, Feb. 28, 1779. Josiah R., May 4, 1832. G.R.I. Judith, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. June 25, 1758. c.R.1. Juliann Lazell, d. of William B. and Abiah H., Mar. 18, 1834. Justin Otis, s. of Robert and Nancy B., June Io, 1829. Kate, d. of Barz[iljla and Silva, May 2, 1784. Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1751. Levi, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1775. Levi, s. of Josiah and Eunice, Nov. 4, 1780. Levi, s. of Joel and Polly, Dec. 26, 1799. Levi, s. of Levi and Salley, Apr. 23, 1804. Lewis, s. of Barzillia and Silva, Mar. 16, 1782. Lois, d. of Daniel and Lucy,-bp. Feb. 11, 1750. C.R.1. Lois, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Oct. 20, 1754. Twin. C.R.I. Louiza Harrod, d. of William B. and Abiah W., Feb. 17, 1828. (w. of William F. Bateman. G.R.1 ) Lucy, d. of Tarball and Rachel, Sept. 13, 1740. Lucy, d. of Tarbal and Rachel, Aug. 26, 1743. Lucy Ann, d. of Ithamar and Lucy, June 2, 1829. HARVARD BIRTHS. 123 ar Lucy Bachelor, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Nov. 27, 1804. : Luther, s. of Lemewell and Abigail, Dec. 27, 1780. mea s. of Luther and Mary, in New York City, July 23, 1827. Luther, s. of William B. and Abiah H., Nov. 10, 1836. Lydia, d. of Hezciah (Jr., c.r.1) and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1741. Maria Nason, d. of Capt. George and Hannah, bp. 1st Sunday in April, 1822 [Apr. 7]. c.R.2. Martha Ann, d. of Charles and Martha, Jan. 12, 1822. Martha Houghton [ ], w. of Orsamus, ——, 1814. G.R.3. Martha Sterns, d. of Orsamus and Martha S., Sept. 16, 1839. Martyn, s. of Elijah and Mary, Mar. 4, 1782. Mary, d. of W{illialm of Lancaster, bp. Apr. 27, 1740. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Henry and Abegal, Feb. 18, 1745. Mary, d. of Abraham and Mary, Apr. 25, 1747." Mary, d. of William and Sarah, bp. Sept. 23, 1750. C.R.I1. Mary, d. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, June 1, 1756. Mary, d. of Simon and Elisabeth of Lancaster, Dec. 4, 1762. Mary, d. of Phineas Jr., bp. July 6, 1766. c.R.1. Mary, , 1830. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Luther and Mary, May 9, 1836. Mary Ann, d. of George and Hannah, Apr. 17, 1809. Mary Anna S., d. of Daniel and Sarah S., Apr. 5, 1846. Mary Anne, d. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, July 25, 1822. Mary D., ——, 1798. G.R.I. Mary G., , 1835. G.R.I. Mary Gates, d. of Luther and Mary, in New York City, Mar. 22, 1830. Melissa Augusta, d. of Rowland and Melissa, June 10, 1827. Mercy, d. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, Feb. 16, 1755. Mercy, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, June 15, 1764. Mercy Whitney, d. of Ithamar and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1836. Moses, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, May 7, 1758. Moses, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1760. Nabby, d. of Simon, bp. June 4, 1775. C.R.I. Nabby, d. of Lemuel and Abigail, Nov. 16, 1795. Nancy [ ], w. of Hosea, Apr. 16, 1795. G.R.I. Nancy, d. of Joel and Polly, Mar. 21, 1797. Nancy Sophia, d. of Robert and Nancy B., May 16, 1830. Nathan, s. of Daniel and Lucy, bp. Feb. 2, 1752. c.R.1. Nathan, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 14, 1793. Nathaniel, s. of W[illia}m of Lancaster, bp. May 23, 1742. C.R.I. 124 HARVARD BIRTHS. ane Nathan[ilel, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Oct. 6, 1788. Nehemiah Bachelor, s. of Daniel and Lucy, May 14, 1796. Olivea, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, May 1, 1769. Oliver, s. of Henry and Abigal, Oct. 13, 1741. Orsamus John Nathaniel Charles, s. of Orsamus and Martha S., - Dec. 29, 1840. Orsimus, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Aug. 7, 1792. Paul, s. of W[ilialm of Lancaster, bp. July 22,1744. c.R.1. Peter, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, July 9, 1758. Phebe, d. of Henry Jr. and Phebe, July 19, 1753. Philemon, s. of William and Elen, Mar. 2, 1748. Twin. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Mary, Oct. 1, 1736. Polley, d. of Elijah and Mary, Dec. 9, 1777. Polly, d. of Joel and Polly, Oct. 15, 1791. Rachel, d. of Tarbal and Rachel, Nov. 27, 1745. Rachel, d. of Josiah and Eunice, Nov. 16, 1777. Rachel, d. of Elijah and Mary, May 1, 1780. Rachel, d. of Josiah and Eunice, July 4, 1785. Rebecca, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, May 9, 1773. Rebecca Elizebeth, d. of W[illia}m and Rebecca, Aug. 14, 1830. Rebeccah, d. of wid. Rebeccah, bp. July 29, 1739. c.R.1. Rebekah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1730-7. Releif, d. of Phinehas and Rebecca, Sept. 24, 1768. Reuben, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1755. Rhoda, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebekah, Apr. 10, 1760. Richard Whitney, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, Sept. 27, 1835. Robert, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Aug. 22, 1798. Robert Alfred, s. of Robert and Nancy B., Sept. 4, 1833. Robert Austin, s. of Robert and Nancy B., —— 17, 1825. Rowland, s. of Daniel and Lucy, July 21, 1802. Ruth, d. of Hezekiah and Lydia, June 22, 1746. Sally Haskell, d. of Robert and Nancy B., Oct. 14, 1823. Salmon, s. of Benjlamiln, bp. July 15, 1770. c.R.1. Samuel, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lidiah, Apr. 22, 1749. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Sybil, bp. June 18, 1749. c.R.1. Samuell, s. of Thomas and Sarah, July 5, 1742. Sarah, d. of Thomas, bp. July 10, 1743. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of William and Elen, Mar. 2, 1748. Twin. Sarah, d. of Isaac and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1751. Sarah, d. of Charles and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1764. Sarah, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, July 1, 1765. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 1, 1770. Sarah A., d. of Daniel and Sarah S., Oct. 21, 1838. HARVARD BIRTHS. 125 WILLARD, Sarah E., d. of Elbridge and Roxanna, Dec. 12, 1839. Sarah Esther [ ], w. of Alonzo, Aug. 22, 1831. G.R.I. Sarah Farwell, d. of Nathan and Eliza, June 14, 1823. Sarah H., d. of Orsamus and Martha Houghton, ——, 1843. G.R.3. Sarah Louisa, d. of Nathan and Eliza, May 4, 1837. Sarah Maria, d. of Joseph H. and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1849. Sarah Nourse [ ], w. of O. J. N. C., ——, 1839. G.R.3. Sarah S. [ ], w. of Daniel, in Antrim, N. H., Sept. 4, 1811. Sarah W., ——, 1825. G.R.I. Sewall Parker, s. of Rowland and Melissa, Mar. 15, 1835. Shadrek, s. of Joseph Jr. and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1753. Sherman, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1789. Sidney Gustavus, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, July 23, 1834. Silas, s. of Henry and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1736-7. Silas, s. of W[illialm and Sarah, bp. June 12, 1748. c.R.I. Simeon, s. of Henery and Abegail, Oct. 25, 1743. Simeon, Apr. 9,1777. G.R.I. Solomon, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1740. Solomon, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebekah, Sept. 8, 1758. Stephen, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1739. Stephen, s. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1768. Stilman P., s. of Daniel and Sarah S., Jan. 8, 1835. Stilman P., s. of Daniel and Sarah S., July 4, 1836. Susan C. (Susan Clark, c.r.1), d. of George and Hannah, Sept. IO, 1810. Susan[nJah, d. of Jeremiah and Bethiah, Oct. 18, 1781. Sybel, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1781. Sybil, d. of Tarbell and Rachel, Dec. 5, 1754. Tarbel, s. of Josiah and Eunice, July 23, 1787. Theophilus, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1787. Thomas, s. of Henry and Abigail, May 11, 1732. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1749. Timothy, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1733. Timothy, s. of Henry and Abigail, Aug. 8, 1748. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth, July 8, 1780. Warren O., , 1840. G.R.I. William, s. of William of Lancaster, bp. Dec. 4, 1737. C.R.I. William, s. of William and Elen, Feb. 13, 1754. William, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Jan. 4, 1782. William, s. of Barz[il]la and Silva, Sept. 7, 1792. . William Bowls, s. of Abel and Eleanor, Jan. 26, 1802. William Henry, s. of Nehemiah Bachelor and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1819. 126 HARVARD BIRTHS. WILLIS, Abba Harriet, d. of Daniel and Mariah, July 25, 1846. Abel, s. of Abel and Susan, July 24, 1817. Hannah Wetherbee, d. of Daniel, b. in New ‘Maribeore, and Maria, May 12, 1848. Leora E., d. of Daniel, Jan. 20, 1845. Victoria ‘Alexandria, d. of Daniel, b. in Marlboro, N. H., and Maria, b. in Bolton, Oct. 5, 1849. WITHERBE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Witherbee), Anna, d. of John and Anna, Sept. 25, 1741. WITHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Witherbe), Eliza- _ beth, d. of John and Anna, Sept. 3, 1743. Elizebeth, d. of John and Anna, Oct. 17, 1737. Mary, d. of John and An[njah, May 24, 1739. Micah, s. of John and Anna, June 21, 1745. WITHINGTON, Albert Eli, s. of John A., b. in Stow, and Elizabeth, b. in Pelham, N. H., in Stow, May 27, 1848. Ann Eliza, d. of Josiah M., b. in Ludlow, Vt., and Isabell, b. in Weston, Jan. 18, 1840. Belinda [ ], w. of Samuel, ——, 1792. G.R.I. Isabella [ ], w. of Josiah, ——, 1819. G.R.I. Josiah, , 1819. G.R.I. Laura Belinda, d. of Josiah W. and Isabella, July 7, 1845. Samuel, , 1797. G.R.I. Sarah Jane, d. of Josiah and Isabella B., Apr. 23, 1847. WOOD, Abigail, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Apr. 20, 1760. Abigail Hildreth, d. of Benjamin and Triphenia, Sept. 16, 1827. Albert, s. of Jonathan and Caroline, Mar. 19, 1846. Alfred, s. of Almon and Clarissa, Oct. 25, 1846. Arville A. (Arvilla Augusta, c.R. 2), d. of Amory and Marandy, Sept. 13, 1831. Benjamin, s. of Jabez and Nabby, Aug. 22, 1799. Benjamin Lewis, s. of Benjamin and Triphenia, Oct. 15, 1824. Betty, d. of Eliphlet and Abigail, Apr. 19, 1755. Charles P., Dr., in Hollis, N. H., Mar. 5, 1824. G.R.1I. Eliza E., , 1818. G.R.I. Emery, s. of Jabez and Nabby, June 28, 1803. Flavel, s. of Jabez and Nabby, Dec. 28, 1807. Francis, s. of John and Louis, Jan. 1, 1803. George ‘Almond, s. of Almond and Clarissa, Jan. 13, 1845. Hannah Josephine, d. of Levi P. and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1847. HARVARD BIRTHS. 127 Woon, Harvey, s. of John and Louis, Feb. 11, 1805. J. Lewis, ——, 1824. G.R.1. Jabez, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Apr. 22, 1775. Jabez, s. of Jabez and Nancy (Nabby dup.), June ro, 1818. Jesse, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, July 28, 1766. Jobn Harrison, s. of John and Louis, Oct. 11, 1811. John Sylvanus, s. of Asa and Louisa A., Dec. 26, 1845. Jonathan, s. of Eliphelet and Abigail, Apr. 13, 1753. Jonathan, s. of Jabez and Nabby, Oct. 2, 1815. Joseph, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1757. Lucy, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, June 24, 1768. Lucy, d. of Jabez and Nabby, July 27, 1805 (July 29, 1805 dup.). Lydia, d. of Eliphalet and Mary, Mar. 9, 1788. Lydia, d. of Jabez and Nabby, Nov. 12, 1812. Mary, d. of Jabez and Nabby, June 10, 1801. Molley, d. of Eliphelet and Abigail, June 19, 1763. Nabby, d. of Jabez and Nabby, Aug. 23, 1810. Nathan Lawrence, s. of Timothy S. and Mary H., in Lowell, Dec. 7, 1846. Patty, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1772. Rhoda R. (Rhoda Raymond, c.r.2), d. of Amory and Marandy, May 28, 1834. eae - of Jonathan and Caroline, b. in Groton, Sept. 19, 1848. Tryphena, ——, 1799. G.R.I. | William, s. of Eliphalet, bp. Aug. 10, 1783. C.R.1. WORCESTER (see Worster, Woster), Ann E., Dec. 30, 1838. G.R.I. , Charles Henry, s. of Sally, -b. in Groton, May 12, 1848. Hannah Crosby, d. of George and Mary, Aug. 25, 1835. Lydia Margaret, d. of Isaiah and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1835. Mary Maria, d. of George and Mary, June 21, 1833. Sarah, d. of George and Mary, July 19, 1844. Sarah Frances, d. of George, b. in Wendall, N. H., and Mary, b. in Lyndsboro, N. H., Dec. 17, 1848. WORNER (see Warner), Abagil, d. of Nathan and Dorathy, Feb. 27, 1746-7. Ephraim, s. of Joshua and Dorathy, Jan. 16, 1743-4. Jonathon, s. of David and Anna, Aug. 11, 1745. Lucy, d. of Nathan and Dorathy, Nov. 1, 1742. Phinehas, s. of Nathon and Dority, July 27, 1740. Samuell, s. of Nathan and Dorathy, May 19, 1745. . 128 HARVARD BIRTHS. WORSTER (see Worcester, Woster), Bette, d. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Sept. 12, 1774. Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan and Rebeckah, July 5, 1749. Gilead, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Mary, Apr. 8, 1753. Israel Leabitter, s. of Sam[ue]ll, bp. May 23, 1773. C.R.I. John, s. of Jonathon and Reb[elcah, Mar. 8, 1741. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Rebekah, Mar. 24, 1736-7. Jona[than], s. of Moses, bp. Jan. 14, 1776. C.R.1. Lemuel, s. of Jonathan and Rebec[cla, June 25, 1753. Lois, d. of Moses, bp. May 8, 1774. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Moses, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Rebecca, June 8, 1735. Molly, d. of Molly, bp. May 23, 1773. C.R.I. Moses, s. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Jan. 10, 1739. Rebecca, d. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Feb. —, 1733-4. (bp. Feb. 10, 1733-4.) Rebecca, d. of Jonath[an] and Rebecca, July 16, 1744. Rebecka, d. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Dec. 30, 1772. Samuel, s. of Ebenezer (Jr., c.r.1) and Mary, Oct. 19, 1743. WOSTER (see Worcester, Worster), Ab[iJjah, s. of Eb[e]nezer and Mary, July 2, 1745. John, s. of Jonathan and Rebeckah, Aug. 19, 1751. Jonathon, s. of Jonathon and Rebec[aJh, Dec. 5, 1742. Lois, d. of Jonathon and Rebecca, Dec. 12, 1747. Moley, d. of Eb[eJnezer and Mary, Apr. 12, 1747. Susannah, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Mary, Oct. 12, 1750. (Su- Sorat d. of Ebenezer and Mary, bp. Oct. 29, 1749. C.R.I. WRIGHT, Abel, s. of Thomas and Abigail, July 25, 1747. Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1731. Caleb, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1733-4. Caleb, s. of Thomas and Abigail, June 23, 1738. Oliver, s. of Thomas Jr. and Moriah, June 2, 1760. Sarah, d. of Samuell, bp. Nov. 17, 1734. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Abigail, May 9, 1743. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jr. and Moriah, Apr. 2, 1758. Sawyer, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 12, 1736. Sybil, d. of Thomas and Moriah, Mar. 2, 1756. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 18, 1728. WYMAN, Abigail, d. of Matthew, bp. Noy. 25, 1739. Twin. C.R. Daniel, s. of Matthew of Lancaster, bp. July 1, 1744. c.R.I. HARVARD BIRTHS. 129 Wyman, Henry, s. of Matthew and Abigail of Lancaster, bp. Mar. 28, 1742. C.R.I. Matthew, s. ‘of Matthew, bp. Nov. 25, 1739. Twin. c.R.1. Patience, d. of Matthew and Abigail, bp. Aug. 21, 1748. .R.I. Sally, Sept. 6, 1814. Sarah, d. of Matthew and Abigail, bp. Sept. 22, 1745. .R.I. YOUNG, Charlotte Cordee, d. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, Jan. 1, 1814. Joseph Pierce, s. of Dr. Satitied and Seraphinia, Dec. 28, 1820. Samuel, s. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, in Acton, Mar. 26, 1811. Seraphinia Pierce, d. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, in Acton, Sept. 6, 1809. William Hunter, s. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, Oct. 18, 1818. HARVARD MARRIAGES. HARVARD MARRIAGES. TO THE YEAR 1850. ABBOT, Olive of Groton, and Dexter Leason, int. Jan. 11, 1820. ADAMS, Abba M. and George W. Stacy of Providence, R. I., Aug. 16, 1843.* Alice and James Willis, Mar. 14, 1776. Allice 2d and Hosea Willard 2d, Jan. 8, 1833. Dorathy and Richard Holdin, Dec. 8, 1757. Dorcass of Bolton, and N athaniel Butler, July 9, 1793. Jacob Jr. of Newton, and Nancy Forbush, Aug. 28, 1831. Jonathan and Allice Whitney, Jan. 25, 1803. Jonathon and Ruth Whitney, Feb. 19, 1776. Joseph S. and Sarah Wetherbee, May 27, 1830. c.R.2. Joseph S. and Nancy W. Brown of Stow, July 15, 1841. Julia Ann and Levi Willard Jr., int. Mar. 11, 1831. Lucy and Nath[anie]l Stacy, Apr. 5, 1841. Roxana and Walter H. Davis of Worcester, May 16, 1824. Sarah 7 Joseph Wooster Jr. of Littleton, in Littleton, Mar. 1760. Submit cea Colmon Sanderson, Dec. 5, 1771. Whitney (Whiting dup.) of Northborough, s. of fonatiiall and Alice, a. 23 y., and Sarah E. Priest, d. of Jabez and Sally, a. 25 y., May 23, 1844. Wlilliajm and Betsy Tarble of Groton, int. Dec. 25, 1819. AGAR, Nathan of Lancaster, and Dinah Sawyer, Sept. 17, 1772. (Nov. 17, 1772. C.R.I.) ALBEE, Obadiah W. of Marlborough, and Margaret A. Chip- man, Aug. 25, 1834. ALBERT (see Allburt), Daniel Jr. of Lancaster, and Rachel Warner, May 11, 1757. * Intention not recorded. 133 134 HARVARD MARRIAGES. ALEXANDER, William Jr. of Lunenburg, and Ruth Putnam, int. May 17, 1769. ALLBURT (see Albert), Daniel of Lancaster, and Sarah Bice, May 19, 1746. ALLEN (see Allin), Nathaniel of Weston, and Mary Garfield, Jan. 12, 1795. Rebecca of Lancaster, and Moses Wares, int. June 26, 1801. ALLIN (see Allen), David of Petersham, and Abigail Holdin, Nov. 17, 1757. AMES, Adeline of Groton, and Oliver H. Atherton, int. May 25, 1836. Joel Jr. oe Groton, and Jane (Jane A., int.) Bardeen, Oct. 8, 1835. ANDREWS, Asaph of Boylston, and Mary Fairbank, Dec, 27, 1831. (Dec. 25, 1831. C.R.2.) ARNOLD, William and Martha Ann Robins, Sept. 22, 1835. ATHERTON, Abigail and Lemuel Willard, int. Mar. 11, 1780. Abigail of Bolton, and Benjamin Stow Jr., int. Jan. 18, 1782. Abigail L. and George C. Robinson of Lancaster, May 14, 1840. Achsa and Thaddeus Pollard of Bolton, Nov. 30, 1797. Alfred, s. of Eben and Lucy, a. 23 y., and wid. Abby M. Stacy, d. of Jonathan and Alice Adams, a. 24 y., Nov. 26, 1846. Ame and James Willard of Lancaster, Oct. 15, 1797. Asenath and Abner Pollard, Sept. 8, 1802. Benjamin $f Bolton, and Lucretia Hudson, Apr. 3, 1794. Betty of Bolton, and Peter Atherton Jr., May 26, 1756. Charles and Annis Bridge, Apr. 19, 1812.* David and Esther Atherton, June 11, 1786. Eben and Lucy Houghton of Leominster, int. Nov. 24, 1815. Eliza (Elizabeth, int.) and John Wood of Bolton, Nov. 12, 1835. Elizabeth of Groton, and Joseph Priest Jr., int. Dec. 18, 1736. Elizabeth of Bolton, and pene Thaddeus Pollard, in Bolton, Dec. 26, 1790. Emily and Charles Hersey of Boston, er 15, 1818. Esther and David Atherton, June 11, 1786 Eunice and Eliphelet Patee of Sturbridge, int. Sept. 20, 1783. Experance and Robert Hoes Oct. 29, 1745. Ezra and Ame Willard, Mar. 8, 1770. Ezubah and Ephraim Willard, Oct. 29, 1745. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 135 ATHERTON, Galen, s. of Philemon and Elizabeth, a. 32 y., and Eliza Hubbard, d. of Calvin of Groton, and Sally, b. in Groton, a. 25 y., July 24, 18409. George and Mary Goldsmith, int. Mar. 5, 1824. Han[nJah, wid., and Benjamin Nurse, May 13, 1740. Hannah and John Whitney, Jan. 2, 1785. John and Hannah Cole, Feb. 2, 1758. Jonathan and Nancy (Anna, int.) Bridge, June 18, 1782. Jonathan and Mary Welsh, both of Bolton, June 16, 1784.* Joseph and Sarah Hutchins, Dec. 19, 1752. Joseph Jr. and Hannah Farnworth, Nov. 24, 1771. Joseph 3rd and Anna Wheeler of Bolton, in Bolton, Oct. 2, 1788. Lois and Grover Scolley, Feb. 19, 1752. Louisa F., d. of George and’ Mary, a. 22 y., and Absalom B. Gale of Fitchburg, s. of Daniel and Clarissa, b. in Jamaica, Vt., a. 34 y., Nov. 27, 1849. Lovisa and Daniel Moors Farwell of Groton, June 2, 1808. Lydia and Richard Harris Jr., Dec. 1, 1768. Martha and Oliver Barnard, Dec. 15, 1785. Martha and Henry Hearsey of Lowell, May 10, 1832. Mary and William Benet of Groton, Nov. 26, 1741. Mary and Elijah Willard, Mar. 30, 1775. Mary (Mercy, int.) and (Dr., int.) Ephraim Munrow, in Lan- caster, Jan. 12, 1778. Mary and Oliver Haskell Jr.. May 21, 1789. Mary and Albert Dyar of Lancaster, Apr. 3, 1825. Molley of Bolton, and Benjamin Sampson, Nov. 30, 1792. Oliver and Rachel Goodfrey, Nov. 24, 1748. Oliver H. and Adeline Ames of Groton, int. May 25, 1836. Otis and Caroline Cook, Apr. 14, 1831. Patience and Samuel Dudly, Mar. 22, 1795. Peter Jr. and Betty Atherton of Bolton, May 26, 1756. ’ Peter of Lancaster, and Phebe Daby, June 29, 1780. Peter and Zilpah Pollard, Feb. 6, 1786. Phebe and Henry Willard Jr., Feb. 19, 1752. Phebe and Richard Harris, Apr. 20, 1758. Phebe and Amory Pollard, Feb. 19, 1795. Philemon and Polley Robinson, Nov. 8, 1801.* Philemon and Eliza Patterson, int. Nov. 11, 1805. Rachael and Simon Hartwell of Littleton, in Littleton, Apr. 4, 1790 (May 25, 1790 dup.) (int. Apr. 16, 1790). Rachel and Amariah M. Wood, Apr. 17, 1831. Ruth of Bolton, and Jacob Davis, in Bolton, Dec. 15, 1774. Sabra and David Foster of Attleboro, Apr. 22, 1790. * Intention not recorded. 136 HARVARD MARRIAGES. ATHERTON, Sarah and James Smith of Coventry, int. Nov. 11, 1732. Sarah and Silas Parkhurst of Pepperell, Apr. 29, 1762. Sarah and John Whitney, in Bolton, Jan. 9, 1771. Sarah and Abraham Whetcomb, Dec. 13, 1794. Silance and Jason Meeds, Dec. 10, 1787. .R.I. Submit and Sam[uel] Whitcomb, May 12,1741. C.R.I. Thomas of Bolton, and Betty (Elisabeth, int.) Whitney, Dec. 15, 1774. , BABCOCK (see Badcock), Polly and Jasper Stone of Box- borough, int. July 31, 1809. BACON, Jeremiah Jr. of Dover, and Betty Davis, Feb. 9, 1785. Lydia of Bedford, and Amos Brooks, in Bedford, Feb. 6, 1745-6. Mary of Bedford, and Nathan Priest, in Bolton, July 5, 1780.* Mary er as Caldwell of Boxborough [no date] (int. Sept. 23, 1820). Mary Jane and George Houghton of Lynn, int. Oct. 4, 1828. Nancy M., d. of Samuel and Nancy, and Luther A. Chase, widr., of Albany, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1848. Samuel and Nancy Fairbank, June 3, 1818. Samuel and Almy Ellery Tyler, May 11, 1826. BADCOCK (see Babcock), Mary of Northborough, and Eliph- elet Wood, int. May 18, 1782. BAILEY (see Baly, Bayley), Benjamin and Lucy Bryant, Apr. Q, 1829. BAKER, Edward of Littleton, and Betsy Reed, June 10, 1790. Ezra of Stoddard, and Dorcas Whitney, June 18, 1784. Pattee of Littleton, and Moses Whitney, int. Mar. 27, 1797. Reuben of Shrewsbury, and Betty Maynard, June 16, 1789. Susan[nJa and Nathaniel Turner of Leominster, May 3, 1798. BALCH, Sarah of Shirley, and Oliver F. Lawrance, int. Nov. 25, 1842. BALDWIN, Susan of Townsend, and Otis Moors, int. Nov. 22, 1816. BALL, Charlotte, d. of Benjlami]n and Mary, b. in Concord, a. 23 y.,and Henry Noyse, s. of Richard of Bromton, Lower So and Ann, b. in Lower Canada, a. 28 y., June 29, 1848. Deborah of Bolton, and Ebenezer Warner (Jr., int.), in Bolton, Apr. 30, 1776. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 137 Batt, Lois and Joseph Willoughby, May 22, 1760. Mary J., d. of Benjamin and Mary, b. in Concord, a. 22 y., and Charles S. Sanborn of Lowell, s. of Jonathan of Gilmanton, _ oo and Sally, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., a. 22 y., Sept. 21, 1848. BALY (see Bailey, Bayley), Charles of Newburyport, and Abi- gail Safford, Mar. 24, 1767. (Mar. 25, 1767. .R.1.) BARDEEN (see Barden), Abigail and Ephraim Robbins Jr., Aug. 18, 1801. Daniel and Nabbe (Abigail, int.) Cooper, Aug. 23, 1795. Eunice and Benjamin Locke, Sept. 18, 1793. Jane (Jane A., int.) and Joel Ames Jr. of Groton, Oct. 8, 1835. Sally and Luther Crouch of Groton, Nov. 29, 1804. Shadrach and Sarah Nutting of Groton, int. Nov. 21, 1803. a ieee and Abel Sawtell (Jr., int.) of Groton, May 16, 1822. Thomas and Hannah Trask, int. July 12, 1823. BARDEN (see Bardeen), Phebe and Christopher Nutting of Dunstable, int. June 11, 1837. Sarah Jane and Samuel Harvey, int. June 11, 1837. Stilman, Rev., and Sarah Watkins of Lowell, int. Apr. 8, 1839. BARNARD, Benjamin Jr. and Mary Hunt, Feb. 22, 1759. Benjamin Jr. and Rebecca Keep, Dec. 14, 1803. Benjamin and Harriet Hall, int. June 18, 1820. Benja[min] K. and Mary Hager of Boxborough, Oct. 15, 1843. David and Polley Emerson, June 20, 1791. Ephraim and Hannah Fairbank, Oct. 25, 1770. Ephraim and Elisabeth Johnson of Bolton, int. Dec. 5, 1778. Ephraim and Dorothy F. Parker, May 27, 1827. Esther and Moses Taylor of Boxborough, Nov. 5, 1812. Francis and Sarah Hammond, Jan. 23, 1798. Jeremiah and Bilhah Merriam of Lancaster, int. Apr. 5, 1823. Jotham and Lucy Wetherbee of Stow, int. Apr. 3, 1767. Levi and Charlotte Moors, Apr. 22, 1828. Lydia and John Parker, Sept. 26, 1802. Maria A. (Maria B., int.), d. of Emery and Susan G., a. 21 y., and Thomas Paul of Lowell, s. of William of Lowell, and Ann, b. in Middleton, Eng., a. 27 y., May 7, 1848. Nancy and Simeon Whitney, Aug. 11, 1811. Oliver and Martha Atherton, Dec. 15, 1785. Phineas, Dea., and wid. Sarah Burges of Boston, int. Sept. 12, 1827. 138 HARVARD MARRIAGES. BarnarD, Phinehas and Betsy W. (Eliza Willard, c.R.1) Whitney, June 28, 1796. Rebecah and William Willard of Shirley, Apr. 15, 1824. Roxalana and Isaac Burges of Shirley, July 2, 1826. Sabra and Levi Hill, Apr. 5, 1798.* Samuel and Hannah Laughton, May 15, 1783. Sarah and Joseph Farwell (2d, int.) of Lancaster, Nov. 9, 1815. Sarah S. (Sarah A. dup.), d’ of Emory and Susan G., a 21 y., and Jonathan Johnson of Lowell, s. of Jona[than] of Leo- minster, and Susan, b. in Groton, a. 26 y., Aug. 7, 1844.* Susan L. and Dio Oratio Page of Boxborough, Feb. 12, 1839.* BARNS, Isaac of Lowell, and Abigail M. Withington, int. Apr. 23, 1838. BARNUM, Zadock and Sarah Haven of Hopkinton, in Hopkin- ton, Nov. 24, 1784.* BARRETT, Catherine.P. of Concord, and Dr. Lemuel Fuller, int. June 4, 1844. Jonathan and Phebe Warner, in Bolton, Aug. 20, 1781. Jonathan Jr. of Lancaster, and Mary Hodgeman, int. Sept. 12, 1817. Oliver Jr. of Bolton, and Lucy Fairbank, Jan. 28, 1806. Reuben and Rebekah Haskell of Lancaster, Dec. 17, 1804.* Samuel Jr. of Lancaster, and Abigail Houghton, Aug. 7, 1776. Susanna of Leominster, ‘and John Warner Jr., in Bolton, Feb. 22, 1781. BATCHELOR, Amos of Haxtiorount: and Rachel Whitney (Jr., int.), Dec. 15, 1812. BATEMAN, Charles and Czarina Thomson of Swanzey, N. H., int. Mar. 14, 1818. Jonas and Abigail Hoar of Concord, in Concord, Dec. 20, 1798. Jonas of Tyngsborough, and Harriot Chaffin, Apr. 17, 1814. Rebecca and Cyrus Farwell of Concord, July 13, 1815. William F., s. of Jonas and Harriet, b. in rine ge a. 28 y., and Louisa H. Willard, d. of Witla} 5 . and Abiah, a. 21 y., Feb. 13, 1849. BAYLEY (see Bailey, Baly), Kiah, a.s., and Abigail Goodhue, Oct. 2, 1794. Roxana and Joseph Pierce of Leominster, Mar. 29, 1829. BEARD, Abigail and Joseph Willard 3d, May 24, 1810. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 139 BEDEE, pos Rev., of Wilton, and Nancy Kimball, Jan. I5, 1605. ° BEMIS, Abigail and George Whitney, Oct. 10, 1836. Catherine and Caleb Warner, Nov. 25, 1841. Stephen, Rev., and Sophronia Chapin of Springfield, int. Dec. —, 1801. Stephen, Rev., and Susan Chaplin of Groton, int. Apr. 11, 1808. re ae and Rejoice Olds, Jan. 16, 1812 (Dec. 8, 1811 up.). BEMON, Jonathon of Bolton, and wid. Debroh Farnworth, June 3, 1742. BENET (see Bennett), William of Groton, and Mary Atherton, Nov. 26, 1741. BENNETT (see Benet), Jemima and Nathaniel Hastings, Apr. 23, 1770. Mary and Phillip Cooledge of Bolton, in Berlin, Oct. 29, 1788. Patience and Nehemiah Phillips, Sept. 2, 1766. ; BENT, John P. of Boston, and Lurenia Fairbank, Dec. 2, 1835. BERT (see Burt), Elizabeth and William Stearns of Littleton, in Concord, June 19, 1764. BIGALOW (see Bigealow, Bigelow), Molly aid John Overlock, both of Ashburnham, Dec. 19, 1774.* ° Sarah and Oliver Burt, int. Feb. 3, 1776. BIGEALOW (see Bigalow, Bigelow), Mary and Nathan Brooks, Feb. 7, 1750-1. BIGELOW (see Bigalow, Bigealow), Abigail of Stow, and Joseph Kneeland, Oct. 4, 1763. Abijah and Sarah Haskell, Dec. 12, 1805. Andrew of Boylston, and Lydia Whitney, Oct. 23, 1806. Augustus and Lydia Bride of Northborough, int. Jan. 13, 1847. Betsy and John Trufant, Oct. 10, 1803. Caroline and Capt. Henry H. Welch of Charleston, S. C., Sept. 29, 1840. Hiisbeth and Seth Miller Robins of Littleton, Oct. 1, 1823. Jason and Sarah Walker of Shirley, int. May 9, 1818. Joseph and Susan Whitney, int. Sept. 16, 1809. Josiah (James, int.) of Leominster, and Exion Patterson, Nov. 9, 1823. * Intention not recorded. 140 HARVARD MARRIAGES. BicEeLtow, Lucy and Stephen Lawrance, Sept. 6, 1801. Maria of Bolton, and Asa Farr, May 7, 1807. Mindwell and John Frost Jr. of Groton, Sept. 6, 1750. Sarah Ann and J. Milton (Jacob Milton, int.) Whitney, Apr. 21, 1842. Thomas and Sarah Atherton Dudley, Jan. 30, 1817. BILLINGS, Lydia W. and Ephraim S. Willard, int. Nov. 18, 1843. Martha F., d. of Josiah and of Lancaster, b. in Lan- caster, a. 25 y., and Moses Tarbell Gardner of Shirley, s. of Jerome and Sally, a. 24 y., June 20, 1844. BINNEY, Moses and Elizabeth Hosmer of Concord, int. Mar. 25, 1786. Rachel of Hull, and Dr. John Cleverly, int. Sept. 19, 1771. BLANCHARD, Abel and Lucy Burt, int. June 30, 1781. Han[njah (of Littleton, int.) and Ephraim Robens, Apr. 21, 1743. I. H. T., Rev., and Margaret Pearson, May 30, 1825. John - Sutton, and Huldah Carrol of Groton, Sept. 26, 1786.* John and Abigail Stone of Groton, int. Mar. 25, 1811. John and Lydia Sawyer, int. Mar. 30, 1834. John and Margaret Kennedy of Lancaster, May 30, 1843. John and Elizebeth Kelly of Boston, int. Mar. 22, 1845. Lysias and Esther Warner (Warren, int.) of Littleton, in Little- ton, Jan. 9, 1787. Pamela and Henry Nind, Feb. 10, 1833 (Feb. 18, 1833 dup.). Phebe and Simeon Farr of Holden, Oct. 12, 1803. Phebe and Joseph Stone of Groton, Nov. 28, 1803. Polly and Joseph Munroe, Nov. 22, 1804. Rebecca and Hugh Nichols (Nickerson, int.) of Chatham, Sept. 10, 1807. Sarah Ann and Ebenezar (Ebenezar W., int.) Howe of Lan- caster, May 30, 1843. Simon and Elisabeth White of Littleton, Oct. 14, 1782. William of Groton, and Elizabeth Dodge, Sept. 3, 1804. BLISS, Mary W. of Berlin, d. of Roswell and Lydia, a. 22 y., and Otis H. Kendall of Bolton, s. of Luther of Framing- ham, and Mary, a. 24 y., Apr. 19, 1846.* BLOGED, Mary and Samuel Fellows Jr., Mar. 24, 1763, * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. I4tI BLOOD, Harriet of Bolton, and John Walker, int. Mar. 27, 1819. Joseph of Lancaster, and Rebekah Warner, Oct. 16, 1735. Oliver (Jr., int.) and Nancy Divol, July 6, 1842. Rebecca and Solomon Sampson, June 2, 1762. Susan of Bolton, and Stevens Hayward, int. Apr. 6, 1810. BOLTON, Edward of Shirley, and Elizabeth Sanderson, int. Apr. 4, 1800. Eunice of Shirley, and Isaac Sanderson, int. Dec. 16, 1805. BOUCKER (see Bowker), Abigal of Marlborough, and Eleazer Davis, int. Oct. 1, 1747. BOUTELL, Sarah and Elisha Coollidge, June 4, 1754™* BOWARS (see Bowers), Rhoda and Paul Nelson, int. Dec. 14, 1807. Sally and Phinehas Wetherbee 3d of Boxborough, Sept. 2, 1802. BOWERS (see Bowars), Elizabeth of Billerica, and Silas Farns- worth, in Billerica, Sept. 17, 1754. James and Lydia Sawyer, Sept. 11, 1783. Joel and Rebecca Whitney, Sept. 30, 1811. Joel and Charlotte A. Farnsworth, int. Oct. 7, 1843. Joshua and Mary Whitney, Sept. 14, 1777. Levina and Asaph Goodrich, Apr. 9, 1835. Mary and Francis Dickinson, Mar. 14, 1797. Mary D. and Varnum Taylor of Boxborough, Nov. 28, 1838. Sarah of Cambridge (Groton, int.), and Isaac Haild, in Cam- bridge, Aug. 5, 1776 (int. July 12, 1766). BOWKER (see Boucker), Catherine W. of Boston, and Edward E. Harlow, int“Apr. —, 1844. Mary and John Taylor, Sept. 23, 1756.* Polly of Wrentham, and Horace Rice, int. Oct. 10, 1819. BOWLES, Eleoner and Abel Willard, Dec. 17, 1797. Eunice and John Willard of Fitchburg, Jan. 18, 1802. Josiah ahd Eunice Willard, May 27, 1798. BOYNTON, Hannah and Benjamin Wyman, Oct. 20, 1791.* Joshua L. of Pepperell, and Permelia Sawyer, Apr. 4, 1843. Rhoda and Shubael Conant of Pepperell, in Pepperell, June 9, 1785.* 5 ; Sally of Pepperell, and Jacob Haskell, in Pepperell, Jan. 18, 1791. * Intention not recorded. 142 HARVARD MARRIAGES. BRAGG, Jesse K., Rev., of Middleborough, and Hannah M. (H. Maria dup.) Butterick, d. of William, Oct. 13, 1844. BRIANT (see Bryant), Richard and Mary Whitney, int. Mar. 30, 1789. : BRIDE, Luther R. and Lydia L. Willard of Shirley, May 18, 1837.- Lydia of Northborough, and Augustus Bigelow, int. Jan. 13,. 1847. BRIDGE (see Bridges), Anna and Simeon Turner, Oct. 6, 1774. Annis and Charles Atherton, Apr. 19, 1812.* Benjamin and Anne Haskell, Jan. 25, 1753. Ebenezer and Annis Stone, Jan. 13, 1785. Ebenezer and Mehitable Swain, Nov. 15, 1815. Ebenezer and Susan Hartwell of Billerica, int. Aug. 20, 1817. Ebenezer and Abigail (Abigail C., int.) Hearsey, June 23, 1835. Jeremiah of Lexington, and Sarah Buttrick, Mar. 31, 1761. Mary and Joseph Stone 4th, Oct. 30, 1817. Nancy (Anna, int.) and Jonathan Atherton, June 18, 1782. Susan S., d. of Eben[eze]r and Susan, a. 28 y., and Jedediah P. Collins of Brookfield, s. of John and Sally, b. in Southbor- ough, a. 36 y., Oct. 9, 1849. BRIDGES (see Bridge), Julia Ann of Bolton, a. 22 y., and Jared Dwinells, a. 31 y., Feb. 5, 1845. . Laura Ann and Andrew Lawrence, both of Bolton, Nov. 24, 1834.* ; BROMFIELD (see Broomfield), Sarah and Eliphalet Pearson (Parsons, int.) of Andover, Sept. 29, 1785. BROOKS, Amos and Lydia Bacon of Bedford, in Bedford, Feb. 6, 1745-6. Nabby of Stow, and Jonathan W. Whitney, int. Mar. 25, 1820. Nathan and Mary Bigealow, Feb. 7, 1750-1. Phebe and Ebenezer: Wood, Apr. 18, 1776.* BROOMFIELD (see Bromfield), Abigail and Daniel Dennison — Rogers of Boston, int. Sept. 24, 1781. BROWN, Aaron of Leominster (Stow, int.), and Rachael Reed, in Leominster, Oct. 3, 17406. Anna and Thomas Chamberlain, Dec. 19, 1775. Clark and Lucy Davis of Chelmsford (Westford, int.), Mar. 9, 1757: * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 143 Brown, Dorathy of Stow, and Joshua Worner Jr., int. Dec. 12, 1742. Hannah and John Crouch, June 20, 1750. Joseph of Petersham, and Mary Reed, Sept. 16, 1822. Lois of Boxborough, and David Nurse, in Boxborough, Dec. II, 1794. Mary and David Crouch, May 1, 1746.* Molley on Willis Seccombe, int. Dec. 28, 1776 (m.——, ee C.R.I Nancy W. of Stow, and Joseph S. Adams, July 15, 1841. Oliver and Abigail Shefeild of Mendon, int. June 16, 1750. Phinehas and Annah Willard, Mar. 2, 1748-9 Sally of Stow, and Asaph Goodrich, Oct. 18, 3 1838. Sarah and John Witherbee, Feb. 17, 1746-7. - Sarah and Alpha Draper of Spencer, int. Feb. 19, 1845. Stephen (Stephen B., int.) and Mary Dickerson, Dec. 11, 1835. Thad[deuJs and Molley Pollard, Jan. 3, 1783.* BRUCE, Eliza and Abraham Moor of Bolton, Dec. 23, 1803. BRYANT (see Briant), Lucy and Benjamin Bailey, Apr. 9, 1829. Timothy of Charlestown, and Lucy Stone (Stow, int.), Jan. 27, 1814. BUCK, Sarah of Wilmington, and Daniel Pierce (Jr., int.), in Wilmington, Dec. 23, 1741. BUFFUM, Joseph of Fitchburg, and Sarah Haskell, Mar. 21, 1784. BULL; Mary Ann and Cummings E. Davis, Nov. 25, 1841. Sidney and Louisa Hartwell of Littleton, Nov. 25, 1841. Sidney, widr., s. of Merrit and Hannah, b. in Winchester, Conn., a. 40y., and Mercy W. Sawyer, d. of Jonathan and Mary, a. 34 y., Dec. 23, 1846. Trumbull and Abby Wetherbee, May 12, 1843. BULLARD, Joseph of Andover, and Salley Parker, Jan. 8, 1797. BURDITT, James of Leominster, and Mary Tyler Reed, May 27, 1819. Salley of Leomiaeien and John Taylor, int. July 7, 1806. BURGES (see Burgess), Anne and Phinehas Houghton, int. Oct. 14, 1820. Asa and Lydia Walker Stearns of Boxborough, int. Nov. :4, 1816. * Intention not recorded. 144 HARVARD MARRIAGES. BurRGES, ea of Groton, and Christopher Trufant, int. Nov. II, 1805. Ebenezer and Rachel Farnworth, Apr. 21, 1762. Ebenezer Jr. and Anna Fairbank, Apr. 11, 1769. Hannah and Reuben Wetherbee of Stow, Jan. 31, 1771. Isaac of Shirley, and Roxalana Barnard, July 2, 1826. John and Betty (Elisabeth, int.) Witherbee of Stow, Mar. 22, 1775- yhaatnen and Lucy Conant, Feb. 25, 1819. Josiah and Nabby Robbins, May 11, 1819. Mary and Friend Davidson of Stow, Dec. 11, 1828. Nancy and William Johnson of Compton, N. H., Jan. 22, 1821. Polly and Nathan Farley of Concord, N. H., int. June 15, 1813. Sarah and Enoch Crouch of Bolton, May 15, 1810. Sarah, wid., of Boston, and Dea. Phineas Barnard, int. Sept. 12, 1827. BURGESS (see Burges), Asa F. and Sylvia P. Wright of Groton, int. Oct. 9, 1847. Ephraim and Mary Ann Shipley of Groton, int. Mar. 20 1833. Ephraim and Hannah Hazen of Groton, int. July 7, 1843. Lucy and Isaiah Worster, int. Nov. 9, 1834. Marret (see Marett). Martha M., d. of Isaac and Roxana, a. 16 y., and Oliver W. Whitcomb, Oct. 20, 1844. Sarah and Ephraim Whitney of Stow, in Stow, Dec. 7, 1780. William and Elizabeth Richardson of Bolton, in Bolton, Mar. 24, 1774. BURNAM (see Burnham), Nathaniel Jr. of Bolton, and Heph- zebah Huckins, int. Aug. 27, 1774. Samuel and Hannah Pearce of Bolton, in Bolton, June 20, 1769.* BURNHAM (see Burnam), Achsa and Luther Sawyer, Nov. 30, 1797. James H., s. of Moses and Hannah, b. in Littleton, a. 28 y., and Nancy M. Willard, d. of Hosea and Nancy, a. 26 y., Nov. 2, 1847. Reuben of Bolton, and Roxana Warner, Dec. 20, 1829. Salome and Nathan Sawyer of Bolton, Jan. 19, 1804. BURROWS, Margaret and Holbrook Chandler of Manchester, N. H., Nov. 9, 1843. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 145 BURT (see Bert), Dorothy and Ephraim Proctor of Littleton, in Littleton, June 7, 1769. James and Bulah Mead, Dec. 3, 1754. Lucy and Abel Blanchard, int. June 30, 1781. Oliver and Sarah Bigalow, int. Feb. 3, 1776. William and Jerusha Withril, int. Mar. 18, 1758. William and Hannah Gates, May 21, 1761. ee Jotham Jr. of Boylston, and Hannah Fisher, June 1, 1831. BUTLER, Martha of Bolton, and Job Priest, in Bolton, Jan. 3, 1774. Nathaniel and Dorcass Adams of Bolton, July 9, 1793. William and Ruth Sawyer of Milford, N. H., int. June 27, 1802. BUTTERFIELD, Henry of Lancaster, and Adeline M. Harrod, int. Feb. 4, 1849. Josiah and Hannah Farnsworth, July 22, 1737. C.R.1. BUTTERICK (see Buttrick), Hannah M. (H. Maria dup.), d. of William and Rev. Jesse K. Bragg of Middleboro, Oct. 13, 1844. Nancy of Boxborough, and Obed Houghton, int. Mar. 11, 1822. BUTTRICK (see Butterick), Elisabeth and Benjamin Cutler (Jr., int.) of Lexington, Nov. 23, 1758. Levi and Rebeccah Willard, June 20, 1790. Sarah and Jeremiah Bridge of Lexington, Mar. 31, 1761. William and Elizabeth Whitcomb of Lancaster, int. Dec. 24, 1732. BYHAM, Elisabeth and Timothy Hald, both of Narragansett No. 6 [Templeton], Jan. 17, 1760.* BYINGTON, Anna and David Worner, int. May 14, 1744. BYNNER, Edwin B. and Caroline Edgarton, Mar. 6, 1839. CALDWELL, Samuel of Boxborough, and Mary Bacon [no date] (int. Sept. 23, 1820). CARLTON, Abram of Lunenburg, and Eunice Willard, Apr. 30, 1770. Eunice and Peter Stickney of Shirley, Dec. 5, 1780.* Eunice and Joel Cutting of Fitchburg, Feb. 23, 1797. * Intention not recorded. 146 HARVARD MARRIAGES. CARR, Lyman and Fanny Willard of Lancaster, int. Feb. 27, 184 45. Sarah of Lowell, and Daniel Willard Jr., int. Feb. —, 1833. CARROL (see Carroll), Huldah of Groton, and John Blanchard of Sutton, Sept. 26, 1786.* CARROLL (see Carrol), Sally of Athol, and Thomas Lewis, int. June 28, 1823. CARTER, Abner of Burlington, and Lydia Kendall, Mar. 23, _ 18109. John Jr. of Lancaster, and Elizabeth Daby, int. Dec. 18, 1816. Joseph and Betsy C. Farnsworth, Sept. 4, 1828. Joseph and Ede P. Wright of Ashby, int. Aug. 11, 1844. Prudence of Bolton, and Thomas Sawyer of Templeton, Sept. 13, 1762.* _CHACE (see Chase), Charles, Dea., Jr. of Lancaster, and Mary Tiler, May 16, 1822. CHADWELL, Harris Jr. of Lynn, and pe Houghton, int. May 5, 1806. CHAFFIN, Betsy and John Hill Jr., May 22, 1817. Elias and Hannah Stone of Groton, in Groton, Oct. 20, 1785. Elias and Sarah Davis of Acton, int. May —, 1803. Ephraim and Sarah Hill, May 3, 1786. Eunice and William Davis Jr., May 22, 1817. Gladwin and Eunice Farwell, Dec. 30, 1780. Harriot and Jonas Bateman of Tyngsborough, Apr. 17, 1814. John F. of Concord, N. H., and Rebecah Pollard, May 21, 1823. Joseph and Julia Farnsworth, Sept. 24, 1834. Lucy of Acton, and Elnathan Darby, June 22, 1784. Nancy and Hosea Fessenden of Concord, N. H., Oct. 6, 1822. Sally and Jonathan B. (Jonathan Bowman, int.) Symonds (of Hanover, int.), Sept. 29, 1816. CHAMBERLAIN, Sarah and Samuel Corey, Feb. 12, 115 5. Thomas and Anna Brown, Dec. 19, 1775. CHANDLER, Elisabeth of Newburyport, and Joba Mycall, Esq., int. Nov. 19, 1804. Han{njah and Joseph Whitney, Aug. 7, 1744. Holbrook of Manchester, N. H., and Margaret Burrows, Nov. 9, 1843. Joseph (of Boston, int.) and Elisabeth Dopson, Nov. 19, 1775. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. _ 147 CHAPIN, Sophronia of Springfield, and Rev. Stephen Bemis, int. Dec. —, 1801. CHAPLIN, Susan of Groton, and Rev. Stephen Bemis, int. Apr. 11, 1808. CHAPMAN, Angelina and Alexander Potter, Apr. 3, 1843. . Julia Ann and Daniel C. Lowell of Pepperell, int. Mar. 25, 1847. Oliver of Lunenburg, and Relief Willard, int. Mar. 12, 1792. Oliver and Mary Robbins of Shirley, int. Oct. 1, 1822. Annulled. CHASE (see Chace), Abigail F. of Pepperell, and Zimri Preist, int. Apr. 18, 1830. Jacob of Pepperell, and Elizabeth Fairbank, May 21, 1816. Luther A., widr., of Albany, N. Y.,; and Nancy M. Bacon, d. of Samuel and Nancy, Jan. 5, 1848. Lydia of Haverhill, and Africa Hamlin, int. Oct. 29, 1809. ee Elizabeth of Sudbury, and Jonas Davis, int. Aug. 10, 1753. CHICKERING, Samuel and Susan Nutting of Pepperell, int. Dec. 13, 1828. CHILDS, Noah of Boston, and Ann Taylor, Mar. 10, 1825.* CHIPMAN, Margaret A. and Obadiah W. Albee of Marlbor- ough, Aug. 25, 1834. CHURCH, Anfnli{sle and Caleb Whitney, Nov. 16, 1749. ~ Caleb and Tamer Warner, May 11, 1762. Prudence and Ebenezer Knight of Lancaster, Oct. 19, 1758. CHURCHILL, A. Wells and Harriot M. Porter of Littleton, int. Mar. 9, 1844. ° CLARK, Eunice and Rev. Grindal Rawson, late of Fryeburg, int. Oct. 28, 1775. Hannah and Jonathan Symons, Jan. 23, 1778. Jonathan and Mercy Hapgood, Oct. 12, 1757. Jonathan Jr. and Lucy Gates, Feb. 13, 1803. Sybil and William Flood, both of Lancaster, Feb. 12, 1788.* Visa of Shirley, and Abidan Knight, Apr. 10, 1823. Warren P. of North Providence, R. I., and Almira Houghton, int. Feb. 23, 1839. William F. of Quincy, and Sally H. Harlow, May 16, 1814. * Intention not recorded. 148 HARVARD MARRIAGES. CLELAND, Samuel of Greenwich, and Hannah Hale, Sept. 17, 1767. CLEVERLY, John, Dr., and Rachel Binney of Hull, int. Sept. "19, 1771. John, Dr., and Sarah Robbins, int. Nov. 24, 1781. Lydia and William Knight, Dec. 29, 1785. Nancy and Leonard Edgarton, Dec. 8, 1808. Salley and Jessee Knight, Feb. 21, 1803. COBLEIGH, Elisabeth of New Braintree, and Ephraim Farr of Westminster, Sept. 8, 1762.* COBURN (see Colborn, Colburn), Timothy (Titus, int.) of Camden (N. H., int.), and Peg[gly Whittemore, Nov. 12, 1771. COLBORN (see Coburn, Colburn), Mary of Dracut, and Timo- thy Hall, int. Oct. 10, 1744. COLBURN (see Coburn, Colborn), John of Leominster, and Anna Daby (Darby, int.), in Leominster, Oct. 7, 1770. Peg[g]ly of Lancaster, and Zubal Stone, Aug. 21, 1784. COLE, Abijah and Sarah Kent, Mar. 3, 1759. Asa and Anna Goldsmith, Apr. 3, 1793. Hannah and John Atherton, Feb. 2, 1758. Jonathan and Sarah Holt, June 24, 1747. Jonathan Jr. and Edeth Davis, May 1, 1751. Judeth and Jonathan Symonds, June 14, 1753. Nancy G. of Westmoreland, N. H., and Rev. Isaac Esty of Cape Elizabeth, Me., Feb. 11, 1829.* Sarah and Samuel Garfield, Mar. 30, 1772. Sarah and Luther Ward of Leicester, int. Sept. 5, 1783. COLLINS, Jedediah P. of Brookfield, s. of John and Sally, b. in Southborough, a. 36 y., and Susan S. Bridge, d. of Ebenfeze]r and Susan, a. 28 y., Oct. 9, 1849. Mary of Leominster, and Nathaniel Farnsworth, in Leominster, Feb. 13, 1777. COLTON, Mary of Boxborough, and Justin Whitney, int. Oct. 20, 1827. CONANT, Abraham of Stow, and Sukey Fairbank, int. June 9, 1821. Adaline of Littleton, and Simri Whitney, int. Mar. 15, 1840. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. I49 Conant, Ebenezer Jr. of Ashburnham, and Lydia Oak, int. Nov. 29, 1766. Eliza D. and Otis Jefferson of Uxbridge, July 7, 1822. John of Stow, and Moriah Goldsmith, Nov. 25, 1802. Levi and Abigail Davis of Bedford, in Bedford, June 16, 1794.* Lois and Jonathan Reed Jr., Dec. 10, 1789. Lucinda and Samuel Mead of Boxborough, int. Sept. 16, 1827. Lucy and Israel Longley of Shirley, Mar. 5, 1794. 5 Lucy and Jonathan Burges, Feb. 25, 1810. : Lucy W. and Albert Whitney of Lunenburg, int. Apr. 16, 1836. Lydia and Peletiah Sheldon of Sudbury, Apr. 3, 1823. Mary and Zaccheus Dudley, in Bolton, Aug. 28, 1780. Mary of Stow, and Daniel P. Houghton, int. May 5, 1849. Olive D. and Washington Hayden, int. Dec. 19, 1826. P. D. (Peter D., int.), Capt., and Mary Hapgood, Mar. 24, 1835. Peter ee, int.) of Stow, and Elizabeth Fairbank, in Stow, Dec. 7, 1780. Phineas of Stow, and Susan Whitney, Apr. 16, 1807. Reuben and Lydia Dudley, May 1, 1783. Reuben and Hannah W. (Hannah Warner, int.) Sampson, June 18, 1809. Sherman G. of Stow, and Maria Reed, Apr. 15, 1830. C.R.2. Shubael of Pepperell, and Rhoda Boynton, in Pepperell, June , 1785.* William pe Betsy Whitney of Ashby, int. Nov. 7, 1814. William and Susan Eustis, Feb. 14, 1843. CONN, Ann and James Read, Aug. 8, 1754. Betsy and Samuel Smith of Hillsborough, int. Sept. 21, 1807. George Jr. and Martha Kelley of Shirley, int. Nov. 24, 1770. John and Ruth Davis, Mar. 4, 1762. John and Molley Farwel, July 31, 1787. John and Lucy Sawyer of Boxborough, Jan. 20, 1796. Marg[a]ret and John Richards of Lunenburg, Oct. 20, 1773. Mary and William Henry Jr. of Lunenburg, Dec. 4, 1770. Mary and John Smith of Charlestown, Feb. 10, 1803. Rosanna and Thomas Park of Groton, May 3, 1768. Salley and Caleb Turner, int. Apr. 17, 1810. William and Sally Priest, Nov. 27, 1811. CONNOR, Moses of Lynn, and Sally Houghton, July 21, 1805. COOK, Caroline and Otis Atherton, Apr. 14, 1831. Rachel and Richard Goldsmith Jr., July 1, 1802. * Intention not recorded. I50 HARVARD MARRIAGES. COOLEDGE (see Coolidge, Coollidge), Phillip of Bolton, and Mary Bennett, in Berlin, Oct. 29, 1788. COOLIDGE (see Cooledge, Coollidge), Sarah of Boston, and Zopher Wetherbee, int. Dec. 23, 1832. COOLLIDGE (see Cooledge, Coolidge), Elisha arid Sarah Bou- tell, June 4, 1754.* COOPER, Isaac and Lucy Whittemore, int. Nov. 1, 1802. Nabbe (Abigail, int.) and Daniel Bardeen, Aug. 23, 1795. Nelly and Samuel Goddin, int. Jan. 1, 1790. Rhode and John Park, May 25, 1772. Samuel (Jr., int.) and Sarah Willard, May 17, 1774. Samuel Jr. and Lavina Hayward, Oct. 14, 1801. Simon and Lydia Read, int. Jan. 27, 1780. COREY, Dinah and Thomas Holt of Lancaster, Mar. 8, 1770. Sally and Abel M. Godfrey, int. Apr. 10, 1818. Samuel and Sarah Chamberlain, Feb. 12, 1755. Samuel and Dinah Fowler, Dec. 9, 1756. C.R.1. CORLEY, Ruth and John Welsh, both of Bolton, Sept. 23, 1784.* COTTON, Edward and Sarah Dillins (Dellins, int.), Mar. 15, 1803. COX, Lucy and Simeon Turner, Apr. 2, 1783. CRAGIN, Ann and Stedman Houghton, Nov. 17, 1825. CRAIGE, Margarett (Gragg, int.) of Dedham, and Seth Gould, in Dedham, Nov. 13, 1783. CROCKER, Peleg and Elisabeth Kelley of Shirley, int. Apr. 5, 1778. CROOKER, Elisabeth and James Hill of Stoneham, Dec. 16, 1790. Nancy and Thomas Hazen of Shirley, in Shirley, Mar. 24, 1798. CROUCH, Daniel and Relief Sawyer, Jan. 6, 1803. David and Mary Brown, May 1, 1746.* David ga Sarah Sterns, int. Mar. 8, 1777 (m. ——, 1777. C.R.I. Dollay and David Gates of Stow, May 14,1807. Enoch of Bolton, and Sarah Burges, May 15, 1810. Ephraim and Rebecca Whittemore, Aug. 26, 1802. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. Ist Croucu, George and Lucindia Elizebeth Moors of Boxborough, int. Mar. —, 1837. John and Hannah Brown, June 20, 1750. John Jr. of Boxborough, and Lucy Willard, Sept. 26, 1792. Jonathan (Jr., int.) and Elizabeth Worster, Dec. 29, 1742. Jonathan Jr. and Dorithy Law, Oct. 11, 1770. Jonathan (3d, int.) and Elizabeth Skinner of Stow, in Stow, Feb. 16, 1778. Jonathan Jr. and Anna Hill, Mar. 11, 1783. Levi and Sarah Farr, Oct. 5, 1803. Levi and Prudence Sibley of Southborough, int. July 1, 1817. Louis and David Stearns, in Bolton, Dec. 24, 1777.* Luther of Groton, and Sally Bardeen, Nov. 29, 1804. Mary and Ebenezer Worster (Jr., int.), Dec. 29, 1742. Molley and’Francis Meeds, Sept. 8, 1790. Susanna and John George, int. Jan. 13, 1780. Timothy and Bette Moars of Stow, int. Mar. 14, 1772. CUTLER, Benjamin (Jr., int.) of Lexington, and Elisabeth Buttrick, Nov. 23, 1758. CUTTER, Rhoda of Rindge, and Amos Whitney, int. June 7, 1793: CUTTING, Hannah and Elijah Dwinnel, Nov. 28, 1797. Joel of Fitchburg, and Eunice Carlton, Feb. 23, 1797 Polly (Molley, int.) of Boylston, and Abel Sawyer, in Bolton, Sept. 19, 1791. DABY (see Darby), Anna (Darby, int.) and John Colburn of Leominster, in Leominster, Oct. 7, 1770. Asa and Elizabeth Houghton, July 3, 1796. Asa and Lurenia Jewell of Bolton, int. Sept. 29, 1821. Asa and Abigail Fisher, June 6, 1838. Asa and Catherine F. Reed of Townsend, int. Mar. 9, 1849. Daniel and Abigail Sawyer (of Boxborough, int.), Feb. 17, 1784. Elizabeth and John Carter Jr. of Lancaster, int. Dec. 18, 1816. Ethan and Adeline Wetherbee, Jan. 1, 18209. Ethan and Lucy H. Goldsmith, int. Apr. 30, 1834. Han[nJah and William Whitcom, Apr. 6, 1744.° Hannah and Lemuel Farnworth, Jan. 12, 1768. Hannah and Abel Farwell, in Bolton, June 14, 1769.* John and Elizabeth Holden of Groton, int. Apr. 4, 1747. John (Jr., int.) and Sarah Hapgood, Jan. 17, 1765. Joseph and Eliz. Nurse, June 8, 1738. C.R.1.* * Intention not recorded. 152 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Dasy; Mary and Thomas Wheeler Jr., Aug. 2, 1743.* Mercy and Ambrose Hale, July 25, 1768. Nahum and Mary Shelden of Reading, int. Apr. 1, 1742. Nahum Jr. and Susan[nJah Worster, Oct. 18, 1768. Olive and (Dr., int.) Thomas Kittridge, May 14, 1809. Phebe and Peter Atherton of Lancaster, June 29, 1780. Sally and Josiah Stone, Sept. 13, 1797. Sarah and Samuel Stearns of Leominster, Nov. 6, 1792. Sarah J., d. of Asa and Lucinda, a. 21 y., and Moses E. Fisher of Boston, s. of Paul of Wrentham, and Artemissa, a. 27 y., Sept. 17, 1846. Simon and Judith Symonds, July 29, 1770. Simon and Joanna Hale, June 1, 1788. Simon and Betsy Whitcomb, June 18, 1795. Thomas and Mary Holt, Sept. 6, 1764. DADMAN, Wiillialm H., s. of Willard and Joanna, and Roza- lana Priest, d. of Philemon, Feb. 4, 1846. DANFORTH, Benjamin and Anna Whitney, June 21, 1803. DANIELS, James and Betty (Elisabeth, int.) Robbins of Little- ton, in Littleton, Aug. 21, 1781. DARBY (see Daby), Elisabeth and Simeon Willard, Sept. 25, 1766. Elnathan and Lucy Chaffin of Acton, June 22, 1784. John Jr. and Dinah Willard, Sept. 30, 1766. Rebeccah and John Pratt (of Fitchburg, int.), May 28, 1788. Simon and Mercy Wilson of Andover, in Andover, Jan. 22, 1738.* Simon (Daby, int.) and Esther Foster of Andover, in Andover, May 22, 1754. DAVIDSON, Agness of Stow, and Ammi Wetherbee, int. Aug. 17, 1782. Benjamin M. of Stow, and Caroline A. H. Houghton, Nov. 25 1843. Friend of Stow, and Mary Burges, Dec. 11, 1828. Mary and Fredrick Nutting of Groton, int. Nov. 14, 1832. saa a and Ruth Rice of Northborough, int. May 21, 1768. Aaron (Jr., int.) and Hepsebeth Priest, Nov. 2, 1795. - Aaron and Clarissa Hartwell, int. June 8, 1822. Aaron and Sophrona French of Concord, int. Mar. 5, 1824. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 153 Davis, Abel and Ruhamah Whitney, int. Sept. 24, 1757. Abel of Shirley, and Martha Potter, Feb. 28, 1765. Abigail of Bedford, and Levi Conant, in Bedford, June 16, 1794. Alonzo and Esther (Esther T., int.) Robins, Apr. 1, 1837. Betty and Solomon Haskell, Apr. 21, 1774. Betty and Jeremiah Bacon Jr. of Dover, Feb. 9, 1785. Cummings E. and Caroline Simonds of Leominster, int. Apr. 28, 1830. Cummings E. and Mary Ann Bull, Nov. 25, 1841. Cyrene of New Ipswich, and Joseph Farwell, int. Oct. 10, 18109. Deliverance and Dorathy Wood of Littleton, Oct. 21, 1760. Dinah and Hezekiah Hildreth of Tyngsborough, Oct. 17, 1790. Dinah and Nath[anie]ll Williams, Apr. 7, 1796. Ebenezer and Sarah Wheeler of Concord, May 3, 1785. Edeth and Jonathan Cole Jr., May 1, 1751. Eleazer and Sarah Willard, Nov. 29, 1732. Eleazer and Abigal Boucker of Marlborough, int. Oct. 1, 1747. Eleazer and Sarah Whitney, Apr. 10, 1787. Elen and ed Willard, Feb. 24, 1738. (Feb. 23, 1738. C.R.I. Elisabeth and John Knight, Aug. 26, 1773. Eliza H. of Boxborough, and Daniel Fuller of Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 10, 1840. C.R.2.* Ephraim and Sarah Farnworth, Sept. 26, 1763. Eunice D. of Ashland, d. of Abel of Waterford, Conn., and Betsey, a. 26 y., and Zopher Taylor, widr., s. of W[illialm and Polly, a. 36 y., Apr. 28, 1846. ; George of Shirley, s. of Ele[a]zar of Shirley, and Rebecca, b. in Shirley, a. 25 y., and Lorena E. Warner, d. of Ezra and Sally, a. 21 y., Dec. 31, 1845. Hannah and Samuel Flood of Shirley, int. Mar. 17, 1759. Henry and Hannah Giles of New Salem, int. Feb. 24, 1827. Isaiah and Salley Hamlen, Nov. 6, 1792. Jacob and Ruth Atherton of Bolton, in Bolton, Dec. 15, 1774. Jane and Newell Fuller, Apr. 13, 1841. John Jr. and (wid., c.r.1) Hannah Johnson, Nov. 28, 1752. John of Boston, and Joanna Trescot Thayer, Mar. 26, 1815. Jonas and Elizabeth Cheney of Sudbury, int. Aug. 18, 1753. Jonas and Abigail Samson, May 27, 1784. Jonathan and Alice Whitney, Aug. 10, 1777. Joshua of Groton, and Sybil Patterson, Aug. (11, C.R.1), 1793. Josiah and Elisabeth Willard, Jan. 9, 1754. Josiah Jr. and Susanna McDaniel of Hollis, int. Aug. 23, 1777. * Intention not recorded. 154 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Davis, Josiah and Susanna Stone, Jan. 27, 1790. Lucy of Chelmsford (Westford, int.), and Clark Brown, Mar. 9, 1757- Lucy and Benjamin Hutchins, Apr. 5, 1757. Lucy and Stephen Farrar, Jan. 14, 1798. - Lydia and John Wood (Jr. of Littleton, int.), Oct. 19, 1743. Lydia and Mitchel Richards of Lunenburg (Shirley, int.), Aug. 24, 1786. Lydia M. and David Ross of Lincoln, int. Oct. 14, 1826. Mary and Joel Willard, Feb. 4, 1802. Mary M. and Albert Wetherbee, Sept. 19, 1839. Mehitabel and Jonathan Whitney of Gardner, Oct. 27, 1817. ° Olive and Solomon Sanderson, int. Dec. 10, 1785. Oliver and Sarah Pollard, Oct. 12, 1790. . Phebe and Jonathan Hildreth of No. 2 [Westminster], Feb. 11, 1752. Phinehas and Lydia Haskell, int. June 12, 1797. Ruth and John Conn, Mar. 4, 1762. Salley of Shirley, and Aaron Lyon, int. July 19, 1802. ‘Sally and Capt. Francis Kidder of Littleton, June 8, 1814. Sarah and John Farnworth, May 14, 1746.* Sarah of homas Farewell of Groton, Jan. 8, 1760. (1760-1. C.R.I. Sarah of Groton, and John Hill, in Groton, Nov. 27, 1782.. Sarah of Acton, and Elias Chaffin, int. May —, 1803. Sarah of Templeton, and Levi Whitney, int. Nov. 25, 1811. Submit Warren and Daniel Giles Jr. of New Salem [no date] (int. Sept. 9, 1819). Susannah and William (Wlillialm W., int.)-Watts of Malden, Nov. 24, 1825. Thomas and Mary Gates, Apr. 22, 1798. Walter H. of Worcester, and Roxana Adams, May 16, 1824. Washburn and Eliza C. Firmin of Shirley, int. Apr. 25, 1846. William Jr. and Eunice Chaffin, May 22, 1817. ‘William Jr. and Hannah J. Maynard of Fitchburg, int. Mar. 7, 1830. ; - William, widr., of Boxborough, s. of Wlillialm and ; a. 58 y., and Eliza Taylor, a. 42 y., Jan. 16, 1849. Zadok and Hannah Wheeler of Littleton, int. June 25, 1757. Zebudah and Jonas Whitney Jr., Sept. 13, 1750. DAY, Amos of Shirley, and Lydia Garfield, int. Mar. 26, 1810. DEVOL (see Divol), Nathaniel B. and Rachel S. Hall of Pep- perell, int. July 21, 1842 (Aug. 2, 1843 dup.). * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 155 DICKENSON (see Dickerson, Dickinson), David and Lydia Munroe, Feb. 25, 1784. DICKERSON (see Dickenson, Dickinson), Francies of Shel- burn, and Mary Fairbank, Mar. 13, 1776. Mary and Stephen (Stephen B., int.) Brown, Dec. 11, 1835. DICKINSON (see Dickenson, Dickerson), Deborah W., d. of Willard and L., a. 25 y., and Silas Dudley, s. of Silas and Hannah, b. in Bedford, a. 24 y., July 29, 1847. Francis and Mary Bowers, Mar. 14, 1797. Salley and John Gibson, June 10, 1804. Sarah E., d. of Willard and Lois, a. 27 y., and Lucius L. Far- well, widr., of Lancaster, s. of Joseph of Lancaster, and Sarah, b. in Lancaster, a. 29 y., May 29, 1846. Willard and Lois Willard, Oct. 2, 1817. DILLINS, Sarah (Dellins, int.) and Edward Cotton, Mar. 15, 1803. DIVOL (see Devol), Nancy and Oliver Blood (Jr., int.), July 6, 1842. Oliver of Leominster, and Abigail Hill, Dec. 9, 1784. DIX, Jonathan of Raby, and Miriam Kneeland, int. Dec. 19, 1778. DODGE, Elizabeth and William Blanchard of Groton, Sept. 3, 1804. ; Hannah and Gideon Sanderson, Jan. 11, 1778. John Munroe and Mehitable Dwinnel, Jan. 1, 1798. William of Lunenburg, and Elizabeth Salmon, in Lunenburg, Jan. 28, 1755. DONSMORE (see Dunsmore), Abraham and Mindwell Wint- worth, Apr. 30, 1776.* DOPSON, Elisabeth and Joseph Chandler (of Boston, int.), Nov. 19, 1775. DOW, James G. of Bolton, and Sarah Houghton, int. Oct. 1, 1831. DRAPER, Alpha of Spencer, and Sarah Brown, int. Feb. 19, 1845. Benjamin of Boxborough, and Ame Meeds, Nov. 7, 1803. Cynthia of Boxborough, and John Russell, int. Dec. 9, 1826. * Intention not recorded. I 56 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Draper, Sally of Boxborough, and Reuben Worster, Mar. 3, 1805. Tryphena 3d of Boxborough, and Benjamin Wood, int. Feb. 1, 1822. DUDLEY (see Dudly), Hannah L., d. of Silas and Hannah, b. in Bedford, a. 20 y., and Stephen H. Hartshorn of Boylston, s. of Daniel of Boylston, and Tamer, b. in Boylston, a. 22 y., May 16, 1848. John of Groton, and Sybil Russell, in Groton, Mar. 1, 1759. John and Sally Emerson, Apr. 5, 1827. Louisa and Col. John P. Whitcomb, July 8, 1829. Lydia and Reuben Conant, May 1, 1783. Prudy and Jacob Phelps of Marlborough, Sept. 10, 1783. Sarah Atherton and Thomas Bigelow, Jan. 30, 1817. Silas, s. of Silas and Hannah, b. in Bedford, a. 24 y., and Deb- orah W. Dickinson, d. of Willard and L., a. 25 y., July 29, 1847. Zaccheus and Mary Conant, in Bolton, Aug. 28, 1780. DUDLY (see Dudley), Peter and Abigal Leason of Marlborough, int. Sept. 19, 1741. Samuel and Patience Atherton, Mar. 22, 1795. DUNCAN, Abel G., Rev., of Newfane, Vt., and Lucee Harlow, Sept. 23, 1828. DUNN, Center of Chelmsford, and Mary Stone, May 4, 1836. DUNSMORE (see Donsmore), Martha of Lancaster, and Alex- ander Kidd, int. Oct. 7, 1749. DUPEE, Horace, Dr., of Boston, and Octavia W. Gardner of Bolton, May 11, 1843.* DUSTIN, Alexander and Sophia Foster of Littleton, int. Nov. II, 1805. DUTTON, Lucy and Daniel Laughton, in Bolton, Sept. 12, 1777. DWELLY, Sarah and Capt. Josiah Whitney, Feb. 3, 1774. DWINEL (see Dwinells, Dwinels, Dwinnel, Dwinnells), Elijah and Sally Whitney, Nov. 1, 1808. Mary and Samuel Knox of Lowell, Nov. 27, 1828. DWINELLS (see Dwinel, Dwinels, Dwinnel, Dwinnells), Fran- ces and Abraham Foster, int. Nov. 21, 1830. Jared, a. 31 y., and Julia Ann Bridges of Bolton, a. 22 y., Feb. 5, 1845. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 157 DWINELS (see Dwinel, Dwinells, Dwinnel, Dwinnells), Can- dace and Washington Warner, Apr. 15, 1841. Jerome and Mary Ann Priest, May 5, 1841. DWINNEL (see Dwinel, Dwinells, Dwinels, Dwinnells), Elijah and Hannah Cutting, Nov. 28, 1797. Lovisa and Luke Warner, int. Jan. 24, 1824. Mehitable and John Munroe Dodge, Jan. 1, 1798. DWINNELLS (see Dwinel, Dwinells, Dwinels, Dwinnel), Benj[amiJn Jackson and Mary Ann Woodburn of London- derry, N. H., int. Oct. 30, 1821. DYAR (see Dyer), Albert of Lancaster, and Mary Atherton, Apr. 3, 1825. “Jeremiah of Lancaster, and Lucy Huse, int. Feb. 10, 1827. DYER (see Dyar), Albert F. of Lowell, and Arathusa Farwell, Mar. 3, 1835. EAMES, Phinehas and Olive Wilds, May 17, 1803. EASTEBROOKS (see Easterbrooks, Estabrook), John of West- minster, and Lelecta Gould, June 7, 1831.* EASTERBROOKS (see Eastebrooks, Estabrook), Susan and Daniel M. Farwell, Oct. 6, 1807. EATON, Cynthia of Boston, and Silvester Priest, int. Jan. 16, 1833. Jacob i Dr., widr., of Bristol, N. H., s. of John and Mary, b. in Warren, N. H., a. 44 y., and Alma E. Tyler, d. of Edward and Alma E., a. 34 y., Sept. 20, 1849. Thomas S. of Westminster, s. of John of Westminster, and Ame, a. 23 y., and Lydia L. Warner, d. of Calvin and Lydia, a. 20 y., Oct. 29, 1846. EDES, Peter of Charlestown, and Anna Haskell, Nov. 26, 1761. EDGARTON, Caroline and Edwin B. Bynner, Mar. 6, 1839. Joseph of Shirley, and Miranda Parker, Sept. 16, 1802. Joseph and Mehitable Whetcomb of Littleton, int. Dec. 3, 1810. ‘Leonard and Nancy Cleverly, Dec. 8, 1808. EDGELY, Adison (Addison S., int.) and Mary Whitney, Apr. I, 1824. EDWARDS, Sarah Ann of Boston, and Andrew Priest, int. May 1, 1846. * Intention not recorded. 158 HARVARD MARRIAGES. ELDER, Anson (Hanson, int.) of Bangor, and Mary Robins, May 10, 1812. EMERSON (see Emmerson), Abagel of Ipswich, and Dea. Joseph Haskel, int. June 1, 1745. Clarissa and Benjamin Jewett of Littleton, Dec. 27, 1827. Hannah and Nehemiah B. Willard, Oct. 25, 1818. Jacob and Dorithy Warner, int. Nov. 3, 1800. James M. of Chelmsford, and Lovisa Warner, int. Nov. 18, 1843. Louisa and Amos D. Tucker of Lancaster, Apr. 13, 1828. Lucy and Benjamin Stow, Apr. 14, 1796. Polley and David Barnard, June 20, 1791. Rebecca and Levi Holbrook of West Boylston, Dec. 10, 1839. G.R.2* . Sally and John Dudley, Apr. 5, 1827. William, Rev., and Ruth Haskins of Boston, in Boston, Oct. 25, 1700. William a. Abigail Knight, Jan. 11, 1838. William and Harriet E. Porter of Shirley: int. Dec. 24, 1847. EMMERSON (see Emerson), Abigail and Josiah Sterns of Lunenburg, Dec. 26, 1765. ESTABROOK (see Eastebrooks, Easterbrooks), Ann Matildia A. of Shirley, and Henry Hapgood, int. Apr. 28, 1839. ESTY, Isaac, Rev., of Cape Elizabeth, Me., and Nancy G. Cole of Westmoreland, N. H., Feb. 11, 1829.* J. Lawrence of New York, and Lucy Wood, Oct. 16, 1838.* EUSTICE (see Eustis), Alexander and Susan Whitney, int. - Feb. 1, 1821. EUSTIS (see Eustice), Susan and William Conant, Feb. 14, 1843. EVELETH, John of Augusta, and Salley Hale, Oct. 22, 1801. FAIRBANK (see Farbanks), Abigail and Jonathan Puffer (Jr., int.), May 5, 1774. — Amos and Lucy Gates, Apr. 23, 1760. Amos and Rhode Gates of Stow, int. Nov. 12, 1768. Amose Jr. and Rebecca Whitney, Apr. 26,1795. Andrew, s. of Artemas and Rachel, a. 26 y., and Ann A. Hough- ton, d. of Obed of Lunenburg, and Nancy, b. in Boxbor- ough, a. 19 y., Dec. 12, 1849. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 159 Farrpank, Anna and Ebenezer Burges Jr., Apr. 11, 1769. Artemas and Rachel Houghton of Waterford, int. Dec. 22, 1815. Aseneth and William Park of Newton, Nov. 29, 1832.* pigs ogre oe and Nabby Knight [no date] (int. Mar. 14, 1037). . Benjamin, widr., of Sterling, s. of Joseph of Sterling, and Anna, b. in Sterling, a. 73 y., and Anna B. Lawrence, d. of Abra- ham and Rhoda, a. 41 y., Dec. 26, 1848. Charlotte, d. of Benja[min], b. in Sterling, and Edmund R. Hayden, s. of Levi, Apr. 4, 1844.* Clark and Jane Symonds, Nov. 8, 1825. Cyrus and Nancy (Mercy, int.) Hale of Stow, in Bolton, Nov. 10, 1779. Bee ee Peter Conant (Jr., int.) of Stow, in Stow, Dec 7, 1700. Elizabeth and Jacob Chase of Pepperell, May 21, 1816: Elizebeth and Adolphos Haskell of Pepperell, Oct. 1, 1840. Ephraim and Lucy Nurse of Bolton, Apr. 12, 1785. Esther and Daniel Knight, Apr. 7, 1785. Eunice and Silas Stone of Groton, June 1, 1767. Hannah and Ephraim Barnard, Oct. 25, 1770. Jabez and Kezia Gates of Stow, int. Dec. 23, 1764. Jabez and Betsy Houghton, Feb. 15, 1791. Jacob and Sarah Goldsmith, Mar. 20, 1792. Joel W. and Elizabeth B. Gates of Stow, Dec. 1, 1835. John and Lydia Warner, Oct. 16, 1817. Jonathan and Hannah Hale of Stow, in Stow, Jan. 30, 1787. Jonathan Jr. and Hannah Howard of Bolton, int. Feb. 8, 1817. Jonathan, Capt., and Sally Hartwell of, Littleton, int. Sept. 1, 1820. Joseph Jr. and Abigail Tarbol of Groton, int. Aug. 29, 1749. Joseph, Capt., and Mary Willard of Lancaster, Feb. 19, 1801. Joseph and Betsy Whitney, June 7, 1803. ; Kezia and Nathaniel Longley, Mar. 5, 1781 (int. Mar. 10, 1781). Lucy and Reuben Whitney, int. Sept. 21, 1781. Lucy and Oliver Barrett Jr. of Bolton, Jan. 28, 1806. Lurenia and John P. Bent of Boston, Dec. 2, 1835. Lydia and Manasseh Sawyer, Feb. 18, 1756. Lydia (2d, int.) and Zachariah Whitman of Stow, Dec. 4, 1817. Mary and John Priest, Oct. 12, 1748. Mary and Francies Dickerson of Shelburn, Mar. 13, 1776. Mary and Thadeus Pollard (Jr., int.), in Bolton, Mar. 5, 1781. Mary and Benjlamin] C. (Benjamin Carver, int.) Parker of Acworth, June 23, 1808. ~ * Intention not recorded. 160 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Fairbank, Mary and Peter Tenny (Jr., int.) of Stow, Jan. 25, 1827. Mary aad Asaph Andrews of Boylston, Dec. 27, 1831. (Dec. 25,1831. C.R.2.) Mercy and Phinehas Taylor of Boxborough, July 3, 1811. Nancy and Samuel Bacon, June 3, 1818. Noah and Hannah Whitcomb of Boxborough, int. Oct. 109, 1795. eae. 2 of John and Lydia, and Rachel S. Fairbank, d. of Artemas and Rachel, Jan. 25, 1849. Polly and George Whitney, Mar. 23, 1814. Rachel S., d. of Artemas and Rachel, and Omar Fairbank, s. of John and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1849. Rebecca and Edmund Sawyer of Boston, Feb. 23, 1836. Releaf and Caleb Sawyer of Bolton, Jan. 24, 1787. (Apr. 5, 1787. C.R.I.) Relief and Caleb Sawyer, Dec. 9, 1760. Rhoda and Josiah Haskell Jr., June 27, 1796. Sally and Joel Hapgood, Nov. 13, 1812. Sally and Jabez Preist, Dec. 21, 1815. Sarah and Stephen Randal of Stow, May 13, 1762. Sarah and Abel Houghton, Nov. 29, 1787. C.R.I. Sarah G. and Daniel Hartwell of Littleton, May 7, 1829. Sophia and Asa Whitcomb of Boston, Nov. 14, 1832. Sukey and Abraham Conant of Stow, int. June 9, 1821. Thomas and Lydia Walcott of Stow, in Stow, Feb. 6, 1792. FALES, George G. of Peterborough, N. H., s. of Ephraim and Olive, b. in Lancaster, a. 27 y., and Louisa J. Whitney, d. of Jacob and Hannah, a. 23 y., Dec. 20, 1849. FALLASS, William and Hannah Stone of Boxborough, int. May 3, 1802. FALLS, John of Dublin, and Flora Whitney, Feb. 15, 1790. FARBANKS (see Fairbank), Joseph Jr. and Mary Willard, Nov. 11, 1742.° Phi[nJehas and Sarah Stone, June 11, 1740. FAREWELL (see Farwel, Farwell), Elisabeth of Townsend, and Jason Russel, int. Nov. 24, 1759. John and Eunice Snow, Jan. 18, 1762. Thomas . Groton, and Sarah Davis, Jan. 8, 1760. (1760-1. C.R.I. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 161 aaron Henry of Concord, N. H., and Mary Tyler, Nov. 30, 1826. ir of Concord, N. H., and Polly Burges, int. June 15, 1813. FARMER, James and Deborah Stone, Nov. 20, 1777. Wiillialm (of Lunenburg, int.) and Ruth Willard, June 2, 1745. C.R.I. William and Hannah Holt, Feb. 22, 1770. William and Polley Stone, Feb. 1, 1807. FARNSWORTH (see Farnwork, Farnworth), Abel and Lucy Moor, Dec. 27, 1810. Abigail and William Park 2d, int. June 15, 1813. Abigail and Luther Fisher 2d of Wrentham, May 18, 1826. Ann and Hiram Longley of Shirley, May 3, 1838.* Betsey of Shirley, and Silas Rand Jr., in Shirley, May 9, 1798. Betsy of Concord, and William Whitney, Dec. 5, 1804. Betsy C. and Joseph Carter, Sept. 4, 1828. Betty and Nathaniel Geary Jr., Oct. 24, 1786. Charlotte A. and Joel Bowers, int. Oct. 7, 1843. Ebenezer of Groton, and Martha Haild, in Groton, July 4, 1780. Edward and Abigail W. Proctor of Concord, int. June 25, 1832. Eliza A., d. of Samuel and Lydia, a. 19 y., and John Munroe, s. of Joseph and Polly, a. 28 y., Jan. 24, 1847. Franklin and Lydia B. Toombs, Mar. 29, 1833. Hannah and Josiah Butterfield, July 22, 1737. C.R.I. Hannah and Isaac Willard, Mar. 31, 1748.* Henry and Emily Hayden, June 14, 1838.* Jerome and Lydia Robins of Groton, int. May 5, 1838. . Jonathan and Hannah Farwell of Groton, in Groton, May 5, 1767. ie ad Abigail Stow, Mar. 22, 1803. Julia and Joseph Chaffin, Sept. 24, 1834. Lucy and Abner Sampson, Oct. 20, 1772. Lucy and Joseph Sawtell Jr. of Groton, Jan. 1, 1794. Lydia and Elisha Knight, Nov. 16, 1791. Mary and John Whitney of Stow, in Stow, Feb. 3, 1778. . Mary and Samuel Sampson, May 10, 1785. Mary and Samuel Felch of Royalston, Nov. 4, 1813. Mathias of Groton, and Sarah Farnsworth, in Littleton, Feb. 16, 1769. Mercy and William Haskell, int. May 8, 1779. * Intention not recorded. 162 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Farnswortu, Nabbe (Abigail, int.) and Jessee Willard of Lan- caster, Jan. 2, 1799. Nathaniel and Mary Collins of Leominster, in Leominster, Feb. 13, 1777. Phinehas and Hannah Gipson of Fitchburg, int. Apr. 15, 1780, Polly (Mary, int.) and Nehemiah Ramsdell of Groton, in Groton, Jan. 9, 1792. Samuel and Lydia Whitney, Oct. 22, 1810. (Oct. 23, hie: C.R.I.) ‘ Sarah and Mathias Farnsworth of Groton, in Littleton, Feb. 16, 1769. Silas and Biizabeth Bowers of Billerica, in Billerica, Sept. 17, 1754. William and Betsy Jackson of Newton, int. Feb. 28, 1803. FARNWORK (see Farnsworth, Farnworth), Abel and Elisa- beth McFarling, Dec. 6, 1763. FARNWORTH (see Farnsworth, Farnwork), Azubah and Joshua Whitney of Stow, int. Apr. 17, 1762. Azubah and Matthias Farnworth of Groton, Feb. 21, 1776. Bettee and Jonathan Read Jr., Dec. 3, 1751. Debroh, wid., and Jonathon Bemon of Bolton, June 3, 1742. Elisabeth and Timothy Willard, int. Aug. 24, 1776 (m. ——, 1777. C.R.1.) Eunice and Josiah Willard, Nov. 16, 1769. Hannah and Joseph Atherton Jr., Nov. 24, 1771. Hannah and Aaron Woods of Shirley, int. Oct. 28, 1775. Harbour of Groton, and Lucy Haild, Mar. 12, 1778. John and Sarah Davis, May 14, 1746.* John and Hannah White, Mar. 9, 1773. Jonathan Jr. and Rachel Nutting, May 24, 1749. Joseph and Hannah Flint, Apr. 21, 1755. Joseph Jr. and Mary Hearsey, int. Jan. 25, 1778. Kezia and Phinehas Whitney, Oct. 31, 1765. Lemuel and Hannah Daby, Jan. 12, 1768. Martha and Nathaniel Whittemore, Nov. 16, 1769. Matthias and Mary Preston, Apr. 11, 1765. Matthias of Groton, and Azubah Farnworth, Feb. 21, 1776. Mehetable and John Safford Jr., Jan. 31, 1765. Nathaniel and Unice Sartel of Groton, int. Jan. 6, 1739-40. _ Phinehas and Lydia Whetcombe of Stow, int. Dec. 11, 1763. Rachel and Ebenezer Burges, Apr. 21, 1762. Sarah of Stow, and Thomas Willard, int. Jan. 13, 1732-3. Sarah and Ephraim Davis, Sept. 26, 1763. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 163 FaRnwortH, Sarah and Timothy Phelpes, June 28, 1768. Silas and Lydia Platts, Jan. 15, 1760. Simeon and Martha Hall, May 28, 1744. Susan[njah and Ebenezer Houghton of Leominster, Jan. 9, 1752. Sybil and Moses Stickney of Leominster, Nov. 20, 1760. FARR, Asa and Maria Bigelow of Bolton, May 7, 1807. Ephraim of Westminster, and Elisabeth Cobleigh of New Brain- tree, Sept. 8, 1762.* Francis and Abigail Haskell, Sept. 14, 1777. Francis and Sarah Laughton, June 24, 1783. Hannah and Luther Prince of Amherst, N. H., Apr. 21, 1829. a B. (Farnsworth, int.) and Thomas P. Reed, Mar. 30, 1824. Jonathan, Rev., and Laurinda Upham of Templeton, int. Mar. 17, 1834. ee Levi Crouch, Oct. 5, 1803. Simeon of Holden, and Phebe Blanchard, Oct. 12, 1803. _ William and Lucy Hadley of Littleton, in Littleton, Feb. 15, 1780. FARRAR, Stephen and Lucy Davis, Jan. 14, 1798. FARRINGTON, Betsy and Sam[ue]l Walker of Leominster, Nov. 5, 1797. FARWEL (see Farewell, Farwell), John (2d, int.) and Sarah E. Wood, May 11, 1841. Molley and John Conn, July 31, 1787. FARWELL (see Farewell, Farwel), Abel and Hannah Daby, in Bolton, June 14, 1769.* Abel and Hannah Russell, int. May 13, 1769. Abigail of Groton, and Jonathan Weatherbee, in Groton, May II, 1772. Arathusa and Albert F. Dyer of Lowell, Mar. 3, 1835. Betsy and Phinehas Holden of Shirley, Apr. 7, 1813. Cyrus of Concord, and Rebecca Bateman, July 13, 1815. Daniel M. and Susan Easterbrooks, Oct. 6, 1807. Daniel Moors of Groton, and Lovisa Atherton, June 2, 1808. David and Hannah Taylor, Nov. 25, 1773. David and Nancy Leason, Dec. 18, 1815. Edmond of Groton, and Mary Russell, July 15, 1773. Elbridge E. of Charlestown, and Abby S. Gardner, int. Aug. 26, 1843. * Intention not recorded. I 64 HARVARD MARRIAGES. FarwELL, Eliza of Lancaster, and Nathan Willard, int. Feb. 2, 1822. Eunice and Gladwin Chaffin, Dec. 30, 1789. Hannah of Groton, and Jonathan Farnsworth, in Groton, May , 1767. ieee Sarah Sertell of Groton, int. Mar. 6, 1741-2. John and Lydia Taylor of Townsend, Dec. 4, 1770. John and Sarah Warner (Warren, int.) of Townsend, in Town- send, Mar. 26, 1778. John Jr. and Arethusa Whitney, June 22, 1802. i John and Emeline Whipple of Concord, int. Nov. 24, 1833. Jonathan and Eunice Hazen of Stow, June 28, 1758. Joseph (2d, int.) of Lancaster, and Sarah Barnard, Nov. 9, 1815. Joseph and Cyrene Davis of New Ipswich, int. Oct. 10, 1819. Levi of Lancaster, and Lucy (Lucy B., int.) Willard, Nov. 27, 1823. Lucinda and Joseph Jefts, June 12, 1810. / Lucius L., widr., of Lancaster, s. of Joseph of Lancaster, and Sarah, b. in Lancaster, a. 29 y., and Sarah E. Dickinson, d. of Willard and Lois, a. 27 y., May 29, 1846. Lucy P. and Arad Sawyer, Nov. 1, 1831. Luther and Bethiah Warner, July 15, 1830. C.R.2. Lydia and Timothy Stone of Groton, in Groton, May 27, 1794. Mercy of Chesterfield, and Caleb Wetherbe, int. Oct. 16, 1779. Molly of Groton, and Moses Hale, Apr. 10, 1776. Moors and Sally Jewett of Bolton, int. Oct. 15, 1810. Nancy and Nathan Whitney, May 23, 1816. Polley and Thomas Legate (3d, int.) of Sterling, Oct. 6, 1795. Sally Taylor and John Forbush Jr., int. Jan. 16, 1815. Sarah of Groton, and Silas Rand, Feb. 22, 1763. Sarah and Thomas Willard Jr., May 3, 1768. Sophia and Jonathan Priest, Apr. 8, 1834. Sybil and William Farwell of Groton, Dec. 5, 1765. William of Groton, and Sybil Farwell, Dec. 5, 1765. EES Sarah of Acton, and Alden Fuller, int. Feb. 10, 1822. FAY, John and Susan Watkins of Marlborough, Sept. 12, 1839. Micajah of Bolton, and Phebe Warner, int. Mar. 2, 1776. Samantha and James Jones, Nov. 15, 1835. FELCH, Samuel of Royalston, and Mary Farnsworth, Nov. 4, 1813. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 165 - FELLOWS, Samuel Jr. and Mary Bloged, Mar. 24, 1763. FESSENDEN, Hosea of Concord, N. H., and Nancy Chaffin, Oct. 6, 1822. : FIFE, Hannah of District of Berlin, and Solomon Moors, Feb. 26, 1800.* FINNEY, Samuel and Sibel Wright, Mar. 15, 1773. Samuel and Rhoda Park of Groton, Apr. 24, 1780. FIRMIN, Eliza C. of Shirley, and Washburn Davis, int. Apr. 25, 1846. FISHER, Abigail and Asa Daby, June 6, 1838. Abner of Boston, and Joanna Whitcomb, Nov. 15, 1809. oo Rev., and Mary Hall Fisk of Wrentham, int. Nov. 17, 1821. Hannah and Jotham Bush Jr. of Boylston, June 1, 1831. es 2d of Wrentham, and Abigail Farnsworth, May 18, 1826. Moses E. of Boston, s. of Paul of Wrentham, and Artemissa, a. 27 y., and Sarah J. Daby, d. of Asa and Lucinda, a. 21 y., Sept. 17, 1846. Sarah and George W. Kibing (Kibling, int.) of Ashburnham, Nov. 12, 1832. FISK, Mary Hall of Wrentham, and Rev. George Fisher, int. Nov. 17, 1821. FLAGG, Sally of Holden, and Aaron Whitney Jr., int. Aug. 3, 1807. FLEEMAN, David and Mercy Reed of Alstead, int. Oct. 27, 1806. FLETCHER, Hannah of Westford, and Eleazer Hamlin, in Westford, June 3, 1789. Mary of Groton, and Samuel S. Walker, int. Nov. 9, 1834. Paul of Groton, and Abigail Willard, Mar. 1, 1764. Ruth and William Meriam, Dec. 2, 1792. Sarah of Concord, and Thomas Willard, Dec. 13, 1785. Susanna and Isaac Whitney (Jr., int.), Mar. 22, 1785. Susannah of Littleton, and Aaron Whitney Jr., int. May 11, 1816. FLINT, Hannah and Joseph Farnworth, Apr. 21, 1755. * Intention not recorded. 166 HARVARD MARRIAGES. FLOOD, Samuel of Shirley, and Hannah Davis, int. Mar. 17, « « « 1759- : William and Sybil Clark, both of Lancaster, Feb. 12, 1788.* FORBUSH, Daniel and Ruth Forbush, Jan. 11, 1796. Daniel and Hannah Rand, Sept. 22, 1801. Hannah and Joseph Wetherbe, Apr. 8, 1755. John Jr. and Sally Taylor Farwell, int. Jan. 16, 1815. John Jr. and Allice Whitney, Mar. 27, 1816. Lucy and James R. Nurse, May 9, 1830. c.R.2. Mary and Amos Haws of Leominster, Jan. 1, 1816.* Nancy and Jacob Adams Jr. of Newton, Aug. 28, 1831. Ruth and Daniel Forbush, Jan. 11, 1796. Samuel and Mary Warner, in Bolton, Jan. 11, 1781. Sarah and Simon Wetherbee, int. June 20, 1772. FORSTER (see Foster), Mercy and John Whitman of Stow, int. Feb. 14, 1747-8. FOSGATE, Susanna of Bolton, and James Stone, in Bolton, Feb. 13, 1777. FOSKETT, Abigail and Joseph Sawyer, in Lancaster, Mar. 9, 1732-3. FOSTER (see Forster), Abraham and Frances Dwinells, int. Nov. 21, 1830. » David of Attleboro, and Sabra Atherton, Apr. 22, 1790. Esther of Andover, and Simon Darby (Daby, int.), in Andover, May 22, 1754. Polley and Moses Wares, July 3, 1796. Sarah and Mich[aJel Sawtel, May 3, 1774. Sophia of Littleton, and Alexander Dustin, int. Nov. 11, 1805. FOWLER, Dinah and Samuel Corey, Dec. 9, 1756. C.R.1. FRENCH, James H. of Concord, and Mercy W. Houghton, Apr. 30, 1829. Sophrona of Concord, and Aaron Davis, int. Mar. 5, 1824. FROST, Abijah of Shirley, and Sarah Laughton, Feb. 2, 1758. Clarisa and George Simonds, Dec. 27, 1831. John Jr. of Groton, and Mindwell Bigelow, Sept. 6, 1750. Martha and Charles Willard, Feb. 15, 1821. Sarah, d. of Scripture and Sarah, and Oliver Taylor of Stow, Apr. 11, 1844.* * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 167 Frost, Scripture of Shirley, and Sarah Sprague, Sept. 15, 1795. Seth of New Braintree, and Lydia Meeds, int. Sept. 16, 1820. Thomas Sprague and Mercy Sawyer, int. Oct. 19, 1822. FULLAM (see Fullom), Elisha Jr. and Mary Willard, July 27, 1774. Elisha, Lieut., and Elisabeth Knight, int. Feb. 27, 1777 (m. , 1777. C.R.1.) FULLER, Alden and Sarah Faulkner of Acton, int. Feb.’ 10, 1822. Daniel of Chelsea, Vt., and Eliza H. Davis of Boxborough, Sept. 10, 1840. c.R.2.* Elsea of Lancaster, and Abijah Warner, in Lancaster, May 2, 1770. Lemuel, Dr., and Catherine P, Barrett of Concord, int. June 4, 1844. Newell and Jane Davis, Apr. 13, 1841. Rebekah of Leominster, and Sylvester Priest, int. Nov. 109, 1819. ‘“FULLOM (see Fullam), Martha and Lemuel Stone, Nov. 20, 1777- GALE, Absalom B. of Fitchburg, s. of Daniel and Clarissa, b. in Jamaica, Vt., a. 34 y., and Louisa F. Atherton, d. of George and Mary, a. 22 y., Nov. 27, 1849. GARDNER, Abby S. and Elbridge E. Farwell of Charlestown, int. Aug. 26, 1843. Agatha H. of Sandwich, and Josiah Sawyer, int. Apr. 1, 1827. Andrew and Eliza Haskell, June 28, 1818. Aschsa of Bolton, and Rev. Washington Gilbert, int. May 14, 1833. Jerome a Sally Boynton Haskell, Nov. 30, 1814. Jerome, Capt., and Sally Tarbell of Shirley, May 23, 1819. Moses Tarbell of Shirley, s. of Jerome and Sally, a. 24 y., and Martha F. Billings, d. of Josiah and , of Lancaster, b. in Lancaster, a. 25 y., June 20, 1844. Octavia W. of Bolton, and Dr. Horace Dupee of Boston, May II, 1843.* Sally and (Capt., int.) William Stutson (Stetson, int.) of Bos- ton, Oct. 31, 1811. : Sarah T., d. of Jerome and Sally, a. 23 y., and Samuel F. Whit- ney, s. of Aaron and Susan, a. 27 y., Oct. 26, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 168 HARVARD MARRIAGES. GARFIELD, Lydia and Amos Day of Shirley, int. Mar. 26, 1810. Mary and Nathaniel Allen of Weston, Jan. 12, 1795. Reuben and Lydia Symonds, Apr. 23, 1776. ; Samuel and Sarah Cole, Mar. 30, 1772. GARY (see Geary, Gerry), Adeline and Royal Hildreth of Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 31, 1824. : George (Gerry, int.) and Sabra Knight, Sept. 7, 1823. Susanna and Israel Whitney Jr., Mar. 30, 1788. c.R.I. GATES, David of Stow, and Dollay Crouch, May 14, 1807. Elisabeth and John Sawyer, Feb. 4, 1761. Elisabeth and Benjamin Hazzen, Jan. 23, 1783. Elizabeth and Jacob Holmes (Jr. int.) of Worcester, in Bolton, July 2, 1767. Elizabeth B. of Stow, and Joel W. Fairbank, Dec. 1, 1835. Elizebeth and Jacob Whitney, June 2, 1839. Hannah and William Burt, May 21, 1761. Hezekiah of Stow, and Mercy Houghton, int. Oct. 29, 1824. Isaac and Submit Lawrance, Feb. 16, 1764. Jacob, Ens., and Sarah Rice of Stow, int. May 28, 1743. Jacob and Elizabeth Gibson of Lunenburg, i in Lunenburg, May 9, 1764. Jonathan Jr. and Mary Shed of Billerica, May 21, 1761. Kezia of Stow, and Jabez Fairbank, int. Dec. 23, 1764. Lois and Elijah Priest, Oct. 15, 1784.* Lucy and Amos Fairbank, Apr. 23, 1760. Lucy and Jonathan Clark Jr., Feb. 13, 1803. Lydia and Warren Jenison of Townsend, Vt., int. Aug. 16, 1827. Mary and Josiah Haskell, Dec. 15, 1763. Mary and Thomas Davis, Apr. 22, 1708. Oliver Jr. of Stow, and Patience Meriam, Oct. 25, 1775. Reuben and Sally Potter of Leominster, int. June 7, 1802. Rhode of Stow, and Amos Fairbank, int. Nov. 12, 1768. Sarah and James Whetcombe Jr., Jan. 15, 1766. Sarah and Cyrus Houghton, Apr. 4, 1799. Stephen and Dinah Mead, Feb. 5, 1753. Zaccheus and Lucy Penniman, May 17, 1804. GEARY (see Gary, Gerry), Abigail and Luther Turner, Oct. 4, 1708. John and Sarah Meriam, Aug. 4, 1795. John and Rebecca Turner, Nov. 10, 1808. Nathaniel Jr. and Betty Farnsworth, Oct. 24, 1786. * Intention not recorded. 4 HARVARD MARRIAGES. I 69 GEORGE, John and Susanna Crouch, int. Jan. 13, 1780. GERRY (see Gary, Geary), Atlanta A., d. of John and a. 21 y., and George W. Tuttle of Littleton, s. of T. S. and , b. in Littleton, a. 27 y., May 24, 1849. Caleb S. (c. Strong, int.) of Leominster, and Elizebeth R. Knight, Nov. 14, 1838. Caleb S. and Sarah B. Rend of Stow, int. May 16, 1846. Fanny P. and William Lewis, Apr. 10, 1823. John (Jr., int.) and Sally Knight, May 20, 1832. cst M. and Floyer P. Kitteridge of Chelmsford, Apr. Io, 1835. GIBSON (see Gipson), Elizabeth of Lunenburg, and Jacob Gates, in Lunenburg, May 9, 1764. Isaac Jr. of Fitchburg, and Lois Sampson, Mar. 16, 1773. John and Lucy Reed, May 19, 1790. John and Salley Dickinson, June 10, 1804. GILBERT, Esther W. of Lunenburg, and Enoch Huse, int. Nov. 30, 1828. Washington, Rev., and Aschsa Gardner of Bolton, int. May 14, 1833. GILES, Caroline G. of Concord, N. H., and Elisha Turner, int. Oct. 6, 1826. Daniel Jr. of New Salem, and Submit Warren Davis [no date] (int. Sept. 9, 1819). Hannah of New Salem, and Henry Davis, int. Feb. 24, 1827. GILMORE, Mary and Phineas Sawyer, Jan. 23, 1809. GIPSON (see Gibson), Hannah of Fitchburg, and Phinehas Farnsworth, int. Apr. 15, 1780. GODDIN, Samuel and Nelly Cooper, int. Jan. 1, 1790. GODFREY (see Goodfree, Goodfrey), Abel M. and Sally Corey, int. Apr. 10, 1818. Abigail and Josiah Houghton, both of Lancaster, Dec. 21, 1763.* Eunice of Lancaster, and John Jay of Ashby, Mar. 7, 1793.* Mary and Elijah Woods of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Feb. 2, 1758. GOLDSMITH, Anna and Asa Cole, Apr. 8, 1793. John and Moriah Houghton, Dec. 27, 1791. Lucy H. and Ethan Daby, int. Apr. 30, 1834. * Intention not recorded. 170 HARVARD MARRIAGES. GotpsmitH, Mary and George Atherton, int. Mar. 5, 1824. Mercy and Charles Manard of Fitchburg, Oct. 17, 1839. Molley and Oliver Hill, Nov. 23, 1797. Moriah and John Conant of Stow, Nov. 25, 1802. Richard Jr. and Rachel Cook, July 1, 1802. Sarah and Jacob Fairbank, Mar. 20, 1792. Theodore and Mercy Hapgood, Sept. 11, 1798. GOODENOUGH, Dolly and Nathan Warner (Warren, int.), Jan. 17, 1736-7. C.R.I. GOODFREE (see Godfrey, Goodfrey), Han[njah and Benjamin Willard of Lancaster, Dec. 5, 1745. GOODFREY (see Godfrey, Goodfree), James of Lancaster, and Mary Pratt, in Lancaster, May 19, 1767. Rachel and Oliver Atherton, Nov. 24, 1748. GOODHUE, Abigail and Kiah Bayley, a.B., Oct. 2, 1794. GOODRICH (see Goodridge), Asaph and Levina Bowers, Apr. 9, 1835. Asaph and Sally Brown of Stow, Oct. 18, 1838. GOODRIDGE (see Goodrich), John of Boxford, and Abigail Hale, Nov. 28, 1751. ‘ GOULD, Lelecta and John Eastebrooks of Westminster, June 7, 1831.* Relief and John P. (John Pierce, int.) Houghton, Dec. 27, 1821. Sally and John Warner Jr., Nov. 10, 1818. Seth and Margarett Craige (Gragg, int.) of Dedham, in Ded- ham, Nov. 13, 1783. Thomas of Lunenburg, and Elisabeth Willard, Apr. 5, 1768. of GRAVES, Stilman and Elizabeth Robbins of Littleton, int. Sept. 10, 1831. : GRAY, Ann G. of Dedham, and Dr. Augustus G. Parker, int. Sept. 26, 1818. GREEN, Lucy of Lancaster, and Lemuel Haskell, in Lancaster, Oct. 12, 1769. Mary C. and Capt. William Smith of Lexington, July 22, 1824. Roxana of Groton, and John Lawrence, int. Oct. 16, 1838. GREENLEAF, Mary of Bolton, and Rev. Joseph Wheeler, in Bolton, Oct. 21, 1760. (Nov. 15, 1760, int.) * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 171 GREENOUGH, Zurviah of Marlborough, and Nathan Keyes, int. July 16, 1763. GREGORY, Benjamin C. (Benjamin Clark, int.) and Jane Sanderson (Saunders, int.), July 7, 1823. - GROSVENOR, Mary and Henry Parker, Apr. 13, 1796. GROVER, Charles W. and Mary Sawyer, int. Apr. 5, 1827. Eliza and Ephraim Warner Jr., Apr. 26, 1828. ae Jacob of Boston, and Lucy Sawyer, Nov. 6, 1828. HADLEY, Lucy of Littleton, and William Farr, in Littleton, Feb. 15, 1780. ; HAGER, Mary of Boxborough, and Benja[min] K. Barnard, Oct. 15, 1843. ; Phineas and Ruth Stow of Marlborough, int. Sept. 23, 1811. HAILD (see Hald, Hale), Isaac and Sarah Bowers of Cam- bridge (Groton, int.), in Cambridge, Aug. 5, 1776 (int. July 12, 1766). : Lucy and Harbour Farnworth of Groton, Mar. 12, 1778. Martha and Ebenezer Farnsworth of Groton, in Groton, July 4, 1780. HAINS (see Haynes), Joshua of Sudbury, and Rebeckah Mead, Jan. 4, 1750. HALD (see Haild, Hale), Timothy and Elisabeth Byham, both of Narragansett No. 6 [Templeton], Jan. 17, 1760.* HALE (see Haild, Hald), Abigail and John Goodridge of Box- ford, Nov. 28, 1751. Adnd and Amos Stone, Feb. 27, 1754. Ambrose and Mercy Daby, July 25, 1768. Benjamin and Mary Taylor, Oct. 6, 1757. Benjamin of Waterford, Me., and Mercy Rand, Oct. 6, 1822. Hannah and Samuel Cleland of Greenwich, Sept. 17, 1767. Hannah of Stow, and Jonathan Farbank, in Stow, Jan. 30, 1787. Isaac and Tamar Whitcomb of Littleton, int. Apr. 9, 1748. Israel and Esther Taylor, Nov. 12, 1782. Joanna and Simon Daby, June 1, 1788. Lydia (Haild, int.) and Benjamin Robins, Oct. 13, 1774. Moses and Molly Farwell of Groton, Apr. 10, 1776. * Intention not recorded. 172 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Hate, Moses and Martha Ann Priest, Jan. 21, 1841. Nancy (Mercy, int.) of Stow, and Cyrus Fairbank, in Bolton, Nov. I0, 1779. Rachel and Jonathan Houghton, June 26, 1783. Salley and John Eveleth of Augusta, Oct. 22, 1801. Sarah and Nathan Taylor of Shrewsbury, in Shrewsbury [no date] (int. Mar. 20, 1744). Sarah and Isaac Holden, June 7, 1773. HALL, Harriet and Benjamin Barnard, int. June 18, 1820. Henry M. of Brattleboro, Vt., and Jerusha Smith, Nov. 8, 1842.* John of Lunenburg, and Sarah Willard, July 5, 1774. Martha and Simeon Farnworth, May 28, 1744. Mary and John Pratt, Oct. 24, 1757. Mary and Gibson Willard, Oct. 25, 1770. Rachel S. of Pepperell, and Nathaniel B. Devol, int. July 21, 1842 (Aug. 2, 1843 dup.). . Samuel of Montgomery, and Nabby Ramsdal, Feb. 2, 1806. Timothy and Mary Colborn of Dracut, int. Oct. 10, 1744. HAMBLIN (see Hamlen, Hamlin), Lydia and John Park Jr. of Groton, in Pepperell, June 1, 1786. HAMLEN (see Hamblin, Hamlin), Europe and Darcos Stow, Apr. 13, 1786. Salley and Isaiah Davis, Nov. 6, 1792. HAMLIN (see Hamblin, Hamlen), Africa and Susanna Stone of Groton, int. Dec. 24, 1784. Africa and Lydia Chase of Haverhill, int. Oct. 29, 1809. Allice and Joseph Parks of Groton, Nov. 25, 1784. America and Sarah Parkhurst, Apr. 7, 1785. Eleazer and Hannah Fletcher of Westford, in Westford, June 3, 1789. Poladore of Waterford, and Nancy Park, Jan. 6, 1817. Polly and Moses Stone of New Pennycook, int. Aug. 12, 1789. eee David and Almyra Hosmer of Acton, int. —— 1825]. Lucy, d. of David and Almira, a. 19 y., and George A. Harring- ton of Shirley, s. of Phineas of Shirley, and Lois, b. in Concord, a. 23 y., Nov. 4, 1847. Sarah and Francis Barnard, Jan. 23, 1708. Thomas and Betsy Hapgood, May 26, 1795. Thomas and Patty Laughton, May 9, 1799. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 173 HANCOCK, Samuel and Abigail Snow of Lancaster, in Lan- caster, July 21, 1763. HAPGOOD, Betsy and Thomas Hammond, May 26, 1795. Elisabeth and Joseph Willard Jr., Feb. 14, 1753. Hannah and Hiram Houghton, Apr. 14, 1836. ey, and Ann Matildia A. Estabrook of Shirley, int. Apr. 28, 18309. Jabez and Susannah Haskell, May 13, 1806. Joel and Sally Fairbank, Nov. 13, 1812. Joel and Charlotte Meeds, Jan. 30, 1822.* John and Molley Haskell, Dec. 6, 1797. John Jr. and Mary Ann Munroe, Sept. 27, 1829. Jona[than] F. and Susan Wetherbee, Dec. 25, 1830. _ Lois and Jacob Whitney, May 25, 1772. Lucy and James Wilson of Shirley, Dec. 17, 1828. Lydia and Abraham Munroe, Apr. 4, 1775. Maria of Petersham, and Ephraim Hind, Esq., int. Mar. 22, 1823. Mary and Capt. P. D. (Peter D., int.) Conant, Mar. 24, 1835. Mercy and Jonathan Clark, Oct. 12, 1757. Mercy and Theodore Goldsmith, Sept. 11, 1798. Moses of Marlborough, and Sally Wetherbee, May 9, 1832. Nancy and Phineas Holden Harlow, Apr. 17, 1838. Sarah and John Daby (Jr., int.), Jan. 17, 1765. Sarah of Acton, and Timothy Wood, Aug. 24, 1797. Shadrach Jr. and Elisabeth Keep, July 23, 1770. Shadrach Jr. and Nancy Puffer, Nov. 14, 1806. Susan and Josiah Hartwell, Apr. 9, 1829. HARDY, Emily E., d. of Emerson and Elizy, b. in Concord, a. Ig y., and William J. B. Thompson of Westminster, s. of Samuel of Westminster, and Mary, b. in Londonderry, a. 18 y., Apr. 4, 1848. HARIS (see Harris), Asa of Lancaster, and Eunice Kent, Sept. 29, 1744. HARLOW, Bradford of Castine, and Nancy Stetson, May 24, 1810. Edward E. and Catherine W. Bowker of Boston, int. Apr. —, 1844. Ellis Jr. and Meriam Holden of Shirley, int. Dec. 6, 1813. Lucee and Rev. Abel G. Duncan of Newfane, Vt., Sept. 23, 1828. . 1 Meriam H. and Christopher L. Willard, May 14, 1843. * Intention not recorded. 174 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Hartow, Phineas Holden and Nancy Hapgood, Apr. 17, 1838. Sally H. and William F. Clark of Quincy, May 16, 1814. Solon and Rebecah Kendall, Apr. 1, 1830. c.R.2. HARPER, Andrew and Jane Readall of Londonderry, int. Aug. II, 1739. Anne and Francis Wright of Middletown, Oct. 15, 1771. Samuel and Mary Wheeler, Dec. 16, 1755. HARRAD (see Harrod), William K. and Rebecca F. Staples of Shirley, int. Sept. 26, 1818. William S., s. of W[illia}m K. and Rebecca, a. 25 y., and Hannah D. Stone, d. of W[illialm and Hannah, b. in Wellfleet, a. 22 y., June 25, 1845. HARRIMAN, Walter, Rev., and Apphia K. Hoyt of Sutton, N. H., int. Aug. 17, 1841. HARRINGTON, George A. of Shirley, s. of Phineas of Shirley, and Lois, b. in Concord, a. 23 y., and Lucy Hammond, d. of David and Almira, a. 19 y., Nov. 4, 1847. James of Lancaster, s. of Henry, b. in Roxbury, a. 23 y., and Arvilla A. Wood, d. of Emery and Maranda, a. 17 y., Apr. 12, 1849. HARRIS (see Haris), Asenath and Cyrus Whitney, June 19, 1796. Esther and Thomas P. Richardson of Marlow, int. Oct. 13, 1801. Lucy and John Haskell, Sept. 30, 1798. Martha and John Wetherbee, Mar. 25, 1760.* Rebekah and Grover Scolley, int. Aug. 14, 1779. Richard and Phebe Atherton, Apr. 20, 1758. Richard Jr. and Lydia Atherton, Dec. 1, 1768. HARROD (see Harrad), Abigail (Abiah W., int.) and William B. (William Bowles, int.) Willard, Feb. 4, 1823. Adeline M. and Henry Butterfield of Lancaster, int. Feb. 4, 1849. Emeline E., d. of W[illialm and Rebecca, a. 21 y., and Joseph C. Stone of Chelsea, s. of William and Hannah, b. in Wellfleet, a. 22 y., Jan. 20, 1848.. Nancy B. and Robert Willard, int. Aug. 30, 1824. Rebecca, d. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca, a. 25 y., and Oliver W. Turner, s. of Luther and Abigail, a. 35 y., Dec. 31, 1846. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 175 HARTSHORN, Stephen H. of Boylston, s. of Daniel of Boyl- ston, and Tamer, b. in Boylston, a. 22 y., and Hannah L. Dudley, d. of Silas and Hannah, b. in Bedford, a. 20 y., May 16, 1848. HARTWELL, Clarissa and Aaron Davis, int. June 8, 1822. Daniel of Littleton, and Sarah G. Fairbank, May 7, 1829. Josiah, Dea., of Littleton, and Hannah Willard, int. Jan. 4, PY G0. Se CRED Josiah and Susan Hapgood, Apr. 9, 1829. Lois and Philemon Priest, Mar. 21, 1770. Louisa of Littleton, and Sidney Bull, Nov. 25, 1841. Mary of Littleton, and Ephraim Pollard, int. Nov. 16, 1795. Mary and Philemon Preist, Feb. 11, 1817. Sally of Littleton, and Capt. Jonathan Fairbank, int. Sept. 1, 1820. Simon of Littleton, and Rachael Atherton, in Littleton, Apr. 4, 1790 (May 25, 1790 dup.) (int. Apr. 16, 1790). Susan of Billerica, and Ebenezer Bridge, int. Aug. 20, 1817. HARVEY, Samuel and Sarah Jane Barden, int. June 11, 1837. HASELTINE (see Hasseltine, Hazleton), Hannah and Gabriel Priest Jr. of Bolton, int. Mar. 8, 1781. NathanfiJel and Patience Whitcombe, May 30, 1758. Patience and Simon Whitney, May 5, 1768. Patience and William Willard Jr., int. Jan. 12, £781. Sarah and Phinehas Taylor Jr. of Stow, Mar. 19, 1778. HASKEL (see Haskell), Joseph, Dea., and Abagel Emerson of Ipswich, int. June 1, 1745. Mary and Abraham Willard of Lancaster, Apr. 29, 1746. Ruth and Daniel Page of Lunenburg, Nov. 22, 1744. HASKELL (see Haskel), Abigail and Francis Farr, Sept. 14, 1777. ; Adolphos of Pepperell and Elizebeth Fairbank, Oct. 1, 1840. Ame (Ruhamah, int.) of Bolton, and Joseph Houghton, Sept. 26, 1751. Ame and a Stone, Mar. 31, 1791. Anna and Peter Edes of Charlestown, Nov. 26, 176r. Anne and Benjamin Bridge, Jan. 25, 1753. Asa and Cynthia Humphreys of Littleton, int. May 21, 1804. Calvin and Ann Hearsey, Nov. 8, 1818. Charles H., s. of Jacob and Susan, a. 26 y., and Elanor B. Willard, d. of Wlilliajm B. and Abiah, a. 22 y., Jan. 22, 1846.* * Intention not recorded. I 76 HARVARD MARRIAGES. HasKELL, Elias and Sarah Kidder of Billerica, in Billerica, May 14, 1761. Elias Jr. and Lucy Priest, Oct. 10, 1796. Elisabeth and Nathaniel Willard of Lancaster, Mar. 8, 1762. Eliza and Andrew Gardner, June 28, 1818. George E. of Boston, s. of Levi, b. in Boston, and Catherine Wetherbee of Newton, d. of Ethan and Sally, May 14, 1846.* Hannah and Lemuel Willard, Nov. 26, 1747. c.R.I. Hannah and Isaac Whitney Esq., Apr. 15, 1829. Jacob and Sally Boynton of Pepperell, in Pepperell, Jan. ‘18, 1791. Jacob and Sally Preston Tucker of Templeton, int. Sept. 21, 1812. Jacob and Susan Wilder of Rindge, int. Nov. 15, 1813. James Jr. and Lydia Whetcombe of Littleton, Jan. 31, 1765. James Jr. and Sarah Pollard, Dec. 15, 1796. John and Lucy Harris, Sept. 30, 1798. Jonathan and Hannah Robbins, Oct. 11, 1785. Jonathan of Wilton, N. H., and Mary Haskell, Dec. 4, 1823. Josiah and Mary Gates, Dec. 15, 1763. Josiah Jr. and Rhoda Fairbank, June 27, 1796. Josiah, Col., and Elizabeth Reed of Lexington, int. Nov. 26, 1801. Lemuel and Lucy Green of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Oct. 12, 1769. Lucy and Oliver Willard, May 29, 1764. Lucy and Josiah Witherbee, Sept. 27, 1769. Lucy and Elijah Houghton Jr., Dec. 18, 1792. Lydia and Hezekiah Willard (Jr, int. \. May 24, 1737. C.R.I. Lydia and Phinehas Davis, int. June 12, 1797. Maria, d. of Asa and Cyntha, a. 37 Y., and Stedman Houghton, widr., of New Ipswich, N. H., s. of Tho[ma]s and Betsey, a. 45 y-, Oct. 24, 1844. ¢ Maria H. and Joseph W. Patch, int. Nov. —, 1845. Martha and Paul Willard, both of Lancaster, Dec. 18, 1792.* Martha and Moses Houghton (of Acton, int.), Oct. 18, 1803. Mary and Jonathan Haskell of Wilton, N. H., Dec. 4, 1823. Mary A., d. of Asa and Cyntha, a. 24 y., and John W. Patch, May 27, 1845.* Molley and John Hapgood, Dec. 6, 1797. Moses and Anna Tarbol of Groton, int. June 11, 1751. Moses and Sarah Willard, Sept. 6, 1791. Oliver Jr. and Mary Atherton, May 21, 1789. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 177 Haske t, Polley and Joel Willard, Jan. 2, 1791. Racfh]el and Tarball Willard, Nov. 29, 1739. Rebekah of Lancaster, and Reuben Barrett, Dec. 17, 1804.* Sally Boynton and Jerome Gardner, Nov. 30, 1814. Samuel (Jr., int.) and Ruth Safford, Dec. 6, 1770. Samuell and Cybiel Willard, May 10, 1744. Sarah and Joseph Buffum of Fitchburg, Mar. 21, 1784. Sarah and William Willard Jr. of Lancaster, Dec. 21, 1787. Sarah and Abijah Bigelow, Dec. 12, 1805. Solomon and Betty Davis, Apr. 21, 1774. Stephen and Sarah Wetherbee of Stow, int. Oct. 13, 1750. Susan and Ebenezer Willard, Feb. 2, 1814. Susannah and Jabez Hapgood, May 13, 1806. Sybel and Marlbroa Kingman, Sept. 23, 1777. Sybil and Richard Whitcomb of Bolton, Jan. 24, 1803. William and Mercy Farnsworth, int. May 8, 1779. HASKINS, Ruth of Boston, and Rev. William Emerson, in Boston, Oct. 25, 1796. HASSELTINE (see Haseltine, Hazleton), Samuel and Am Willard, Nov. 16, 1749. HASTINGS, Heneritta of Petersham, and Joel Osgood, int. Jan. 2, 1804. Nathaniel and Jemima Bennett, Apr. 23, 1770. HATCH, William and Sally Worcester, int. Nov. 4, 1848. HAVEN, Sarah of Hopkinton, and Zadock Barnum, in Hop- kinton, Nov. 24, 1784.* HAWKS, Hannah and Silas Willard, both of Lancaster, Jan. 24, 1793.* HAWS, Amos of Leominster, and Mary Forbush, Jan. 1, 1816.* HAYDEN (see Heyden), Edmund R., s. of Levi, and Charlotte Fairbank, d. of Benja[min], b. in Sterling, Apr. 4, 1844.* Emily and Henry Farnsworth, June 14, 1838.* Hannah and John Peckem Jr. (John Perkins Jr., int.) of Chelms- ford, Apr. 2, 1823. Washington and Olive D. Conant, int. Dec. 19, 1826. William and Eliza Ann Proctor of Concord, int. Apr. 3, 1824. HAYNES (see Hains), Sarah A. of Bolton, and Thomas H. Samson, int. Mar. 19, 1831. * Intention not recorded. 178 HARVARD MARRIAGES, HAYWARD, Abigail (Elisabeth Howard, int.) of Acton, and Nathan Warner, in Acton, June 28, 1784. Anna of Littleton, and Asa Houghton, int. Nov. 1, 1802. Arnold of Boxborough, s. of Thomas of Boxborough, and Cyntha, a. 35 y., and wid. Julia Ann Willard, d. of Jonathan and Alice Adams, a. 32 y., Nov. 25, 1845. Catherine (Howard, int.) of Acton, and John Knight, in Acton, Dec. 15, 1791. Lavina and Samuel Cooper Jr., Oct. 14, 1801. Reuben (Howard, int.) of Concord, and Lucy Houghton, May 26, 1825. Stevens and Susan Blood of Bolton, int. Apr. 6, 1810. HAZEN (eee Hazzen), Edward of Shirley, and Sarah Willard of Lancaster, Jan. 10, 1758.* Eunice of Stow, and Jonathan Farwell, June 28, 1758. Hannah of Groton, and Ephraim Burgess, int. July 7, 1843. Lovey of Shirley, and Samuel Sprague, Dec. 11, 1828. (Dec. 17, 1828. c.R.2.) Thomas of Shirley, and Nancy Crooker, in Shirley, Mar. 24, 1798. HAZLETON (see Haseltine, Hasseltine), Anna (Ame Haseltine, int.) and Isaac Woods of Pepperell, in Pepperell, Jan. 10, 1758. HAZZEN (see Hazen), Benjamin and Elisabeth Gates, Jan. 23, 1783. HEARSEY (see Hersey), Abigail (Abigail C., int.) and Eben- ezer Bridge, June 23, 1835. Ann and Calvin Haskell, Nov. 8, 1818. Henry of Lowell, and Martha Atherton, May 10, 1832. Mary and Joseph Farnworth Jr., int. Jan. 25, 1778. HENRY, Charles and Evelina E. Saunders, Sept. 15, 1840. William Jr. of Lunenburg, and Mary Conn, Dec. 4, 1770. HERRICK, Mehitabel (Kenrick, int.) of Newton, and Rev. Abisha Samson, in Newton, Jan. 6, 1814. HERSEY (see Hearsey), Charles of Boston, and Emily Ather- ton, Jan. 15, 1818. HEYDEN (see Hayden), Levi and Sally Richardson, Nov. 21, 1815. : * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 179 HILDRETH, Adaline and Jona[than] Sawyer, May 30, 1839. Amos and Mary E. Stearns of Hollis, N. H., int. Jan. 17, 1849. Hezekiah of Tyngsborough, and Dinah Davis, Oct. 17, 1790. Jonathan of No. 2 [Westminster], and Phebe Davis, Feb. 11, 1752. Royal of Brattleboro, Vt., and Adeline Gary, Oct. 31, 1824. Sarah of Westford, and Amos Russell, in Westford, June 25, 1747- HILL, Abigail and Olive Divol of Leominster, Dec. 9, 1784. Anna and Jonathan Crouch Jr., Mar. 11, 1783. Augustus G. and Martha Sawyer of Sterling, int. Jan. 14, 1837. James of Stoneham, and Elisabeth Crooker, Dec. 16, 1790. John and Sarah Davis of Groton, in Groton, Nov. 27, 1782. John Jr. and Betsy Chaffin, May 22, 1817. Levi and Sabra Barnard, Apr. 5, 1798.* Lois and Jonah Whitney, Sept. 25, 1783. Oliver and Molley Goldsmith, Nov. 23, 1797. Polly and Isaac Whitney Jr., June 23, 1802. Samuel Jr. and Olive Sawyer of Boxborough, int. Oct. 24, 1791. Sarah (of Lancaster, int.) and David Whitney, Nov. 25, 1755. Sarah and Ephraim Chaffin, May 3, 1786. Sarah and Russell R. Shephard of Worcester, int. Sept. 10, 1837. HIND, Ephraim Esq. and Maria Hapgood of Petersham, int. Mar. 22, 1823. HITCHINGS, William (Hutchins Jr., int.) and Jerusha Wis- well of Dorchester, in Dorchester, Mar. 8, 1789. HOAR, Abigail of Concord, and Jonas Bateman, in Concord, Dec. 20, 1798. . Benjamin of Littleton, and Abigail Whitney, Nov. 17, 1789.* Dorcas W. of Littleton, and Isaac Whitney, int. May 24, 1846. HODEGE, Mary of Lowell, and Lorenzo Sterns, int. Mar. 18, 18309. HODGEMAN, Mary and Jonathan Barrett Jr. of Lancaster, int. Sept. 12, 1817. HODGKINS, Aaron of Fitchburg, and Phebe Wintworth, July 19, 1773- HOLAND (see Holland), Robert and Experance Atherton, Oct. 29, 1745. * Intention not recorded. 180 HARVARD MARRIAGES. HOLBROOK, Levi of West Boylston, and Rebecca Emerson, Dec. 10, 1839. C.R.2.* HOLDEN (see Holdin), Almy E. of Shirley, and Edward Tyler, int. Jan. 17, 1814. Elizabeth of Groton, and John Daby, int. Apr. 4, 1747. Henrietta of Shirley, and John Park, int. Sept. 30, 1820. Isaac and Sarah Hale, June 7, 1773. Joanna and Ephraim Robbins of Petersham, in Lancaster, July 25, 1765. Joshua and Huldah Sampson, Jan. 23, 1770. Justinian (of Cambridge, int.) and Ruth Sawyer, June 25, 1741. C.R.I. Meriam of Shirley, and Ellis Harlow Jr., int. Dec. 6, 1813. Phinehas of Shirley, and Betsy Farwell, Apr. 7, 1813. HOLDIN (see Holden), Abigail and David Allin of Petersham, Nov. 17, 1757. Richard and Dorathy Adams, Dec. 8, 1757. HOLLAND (see Holand), Mary and Simeon Turner Jr., int. Sept. 4, 1780. Mary and John Wilder (Jr., int.) of Templeton, May 22, 1787. C.R.I. HOLMAN, Eliakim A., Dr., and Lucinda Whitcomb of Bolton, int. Aug. 24, 1827. Jonas W. and Abigail Houghton, both of Bolton, Sept. 24, 1835. C.R.2.* Silas of Bolton, and Nancy Turner, Apr. 26, 1837. HOLMES, Jacob (Jr., int. . of Worcester, and Elizabeth Gates, in Bolton, July 2, 1767. HOLT, Hannah and William Farmer, Feb. 22, 1770. Mary and Thomas Daby, Sept. 6, 1764. ° Sarah and Jonathon Whiney Jr., Nov. 27, 1746.* Sarah and Jonathan Cole, June 24, 1747. Thomas of Lancaster, and Dinah Corey, Mar. 8, 1770. Uriah and Anise Willard, Feb. 20, 1752. HOSMER (see Hosmore), Almyra of Acton, and David Ham- mond, int. [1825]. Eli and Olive Robins (2d, int.), Jan. 22, 1833. Eli and Lucy F. Robins, Apr. 12, 1836. Elizabeth of Concord, and Moses Binney, int. Mar. 25, se * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 181 HOSMORE (see Hosmer), Jonas of Walpole, and Betsey Willard, Dec. 15, 1785. HOUGHTON, Abel and Sarah Fairbank, Nov. 29, 1787. C.R.1. Abigail and Nathanael Marble of Stow, Mar. 31, 1756. Abigail and Samuel Barrett Jr. of Lancaster, Aug. 7, 1776. Abigail and Jonas W. Holman, both of Bolton, Sept. 24, 1835. C.R.2. Abraham and Betsy Park, June 22, 1802. Allice and Abraham Whitney Jr., Apr. 3, 1802. Almira and Warren P. Clark of North Providence, R. I., int. Feb. 23, 1839. Ann of Bolton, and Philemon Preist Jr., int. Nov. 3, 1806. Ann A., d. of Obed of Lunenburg, and Nancy, b. in Boxborough, a. 19 y., and Andrew Fairbank, s. of Artemas and Rachel, a. 26 y., Dec. 12, 1849. Anna (of Lancaster, int.) and John Witherbee, Sept. 18, 1735. Anna of Bolton, and Calvin Warner, in Bolton, Nov. 29, 1787. Arathusa and Hervy (Harvey, int.) Rice of Worcester, May 8, 1814. Aretas and Anna Rand, June 24, 1752. Asa and Elizebeth Rand, Jan. 16, 1749-50. Asa Jr. and Dorcas Moore, in Bolton, Dec. 9, 1779. Asa and Anna Hayward of Littleton, int. Nov. 1, 1802. Asa 3d and Lucy Whetcomb, May 13, 1807. Asa, Capt., and Ize Wheeler of Boston, int. Sept. —, 1832. Benjamin and Betsy Whitcomb of Boxborough, int. Jan. 20, 1827. Betsy a Jabez Fairbank, Feb. 15, 1791. Betsy and Benjamin Sawin of Pepperell, May 7, 1828.* Betsy W. and Aaron W. Stearns of Leominster, June 15, 1828. Caroline A. H. and Benjamin M. Davidson of Stow, Nov. 25, 1843. Cephas a4 Sarah Whitney, June 24, 1819. Charles (Charles W., int.) and Sally H. Willard, May 18, 1844. Cyrus and Sarah Gates, Apr. 4, 1799. Daniel Jr. of Bolton, and Experience Willard, Mar. 5, 1750-1. Daniel P. and Mary Conant of Stow, int. May 5, 1849. Deborah and Jonathan Mores of Stow, int. Nov. 14, 1778. Ebenezer of Leominster, and Susan[nJjah Farnworth, Jan. 9, 1752. Bite sad Mercy Whitney, Jan. 9, 1766. Elijah Jr. and Lucy Haskell, Dec. 18, 1792. Elisabeth and John Wright, Feb. 24, 1762. * Intention not recorded. 182 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Hovucuton, Elisha and Meriah Pairs (Peirce, int.) of Bolton, in Bolton, Nov. 30, 1768. Elisha and Elisabeth Rice, int. Sept. 28, 178. Elizabeth and Asa Daby, July 3, 1796. ' Elizabeth and Caleb Walden of Lynn, int. July 19, 1817. Ephraim and Lojs Rogers of Boxford, Dec. 31, 1761. George of Lynn, and Mary Jane Bacon, int. Oct. 4, 1828. George N. and Abigail T. Rand, int. June 26, 1847. Han[nJah and John Pirce, int. Mar. 10, 1747. Hannah and Josiah Wetherbee, Sept. 22, 1805. Hiram and Hannah Hapgood, Apr. 14, 1836. Jabez and Rebecca Smith of Stow, int. Jan. 18, 1813. Jacob of Bolton, and Lucy Houghton, in Bolton, Oct. 31, 1781. Jacob of Bolton, and Olive Houghton, Feb. 17, 1785. Jacob 2d (3rd, int.) of Bolton, and Abigail Warner, Apr. 27, 1823. John and Esther Tarbell of Groton, in Groton, Mar. 11, 1760. John P. (John Pierce, int.) and Relief Gould, Dec. 27, 1821. Jonathan and Rachel Hale, June 26, 1783. Jonathan Priest of Bolton, and Sarah Priest, Mar. 23, 1768. Joseph and Ame (Ruhamah, int.) Haskell of Bolton, Sept. 26, 1751. Josiah of Lancaster, and Grace Whitney, int. Nov. 22, 1755. Josiah and Abigail Godfrey, both of Lancaster, Dec. 21, 1763.* Jotham and Esther Taylor, both of Petersham, Dec. 19, 1759.* Levi and Rebecca Whitney, Apr. 20, 1809. Levi and Anna Warner, int. Mar. 3, 1817. Louisa J., d. of Jacob and Abigail, a. 18 y., and Rufus Maynard of Lancaster, s. of Joseph of Lancaster, and Betsey, b. in Lancaster, a. 24 y., Nov. 4, 1846. Lucy and Jacob Houghton of Bolton, in Bolton, Oct. 31, 1781. Lucy of Leominster, and Eben Atherton, int. Nov. 24, 1815. Lucy oe Reuben Hayward (Howard, int.) of Concord, May 26, 1825. Lurena H., d. of Jacob, b. in Bolton, a. 17 y., and George Wal- cott of Stow, s. of Robert of Philadelphia, Pa., b. in Balti- more, Md., a. 25 y., July 16, 1848. Lydia and Samuel Worster, int. Mar. 31, 1781. Martha Stevens of Bolton, and Orsamus Willard, int. Nov. 19, . 1837. Mary Ann of Berlin, and Massareen Houghton, Sept. 29, 1841. Mary Park of Groton, and Den[n]ison Huse, int. Feb. 12, 1819. Massareen and Mary Ann Houghton of Berlin, Sept. 29, 1841. Mercy and Ephraim Warner, June 23, 1796. Mercy and Hezekiah Gates of Stow, int. Oct. 29, 1824. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 183 ees Mercy W. and James H. French of Concord, Apr. 30, 1829. Moriah and Thomas Wright Jr., May 21, 1755. Moriah and John Goldsmith, Dec. 27, 1791. Moriah and Willis Sampson, July 3, 1797. Moses (of Acton, int.) and Martha Haskell, Oct. 18, 1803. Obed and Nancy Butterick of Boxborough, int. Mar. 11, 1822. Olive and Jacob Houghton of Bolton, Feb. 17, 1785. Peter and Marcy Whitney of Stow, in Stow, July 27, 1782. Phebe of Bolton, and Thomas Houghton Jr., int. Apr. 9, 1757. Phineas of Bolton, and Eunice Rogers, in Bolton, Nov. 28, 1763. Phinehas and Sarah Knight, July 3, 1787. c.R.1. Phinehas and Anne Burges, int. Oct. 14, 1820. Polley and Harris Chadwell Jr. of Lynn, int. May 5, 1806. Rachel of Waterford, and Artemas Fairbank, int. Dec. 22, 1815. Rebecca of Bolton, and Jeremiah Priest Jr., in Bolton, Mar. 14, 1771. Reuben and Elizabeth Mead of Boxborough, int. Oct. 16, 1809. Rhoda of Bolton, and Noah Warner, int. June 17, 1837. Sally and Moses Connor of Lynn, July 21, 1805. Sally and Jacob Priest (Jr., int.), May 19, 1808. Sally and John Purinton of Lynn, Oct. 1, 1809. Sally W. and Luke Joserlyn of Leominster, Feb. 16, 1830. Samuel W., s. of Daniel and Betsey, b. in Boxborough, a. 27 y., and Harriet A. Willard, d. of Hosea and Nancy, a. 24 y., July 4, 1849. Sarah and Samuell Rogers, May 9, 1734. Sarah and Jonathan Peirce of Stow, int. July 9, 1757. Sarah and James G. Dow of Bolton, int. Oct. 1, 1831. Silas of Bolton, and Sarah Wyman, in Bolton, May 20, 1773. Sophia and Leonard Rice of Natick, Oct. 8, 1820. . Stedman and Ann Cragin, Nov. 17, 1825. Stedman, widr., of New Ipswich, N. H., s. of Tho[ma]s and Betsey, a. 45 y., and Maria Haskell, d. of Asa and Cyntha, a. 37 y., Oct. 24, 1844. Thomas Jr. and Phebe Houghton of -Bolton, int. Apr. 9, 1757. Thomas Jr. and Betsey White of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Dec. 21, 1785. Thomas 3d and Polly Whitney, Aug. 21, 1810. HOW (see Howe), Jaazaniah Nichols and Abigail Warner, int. May 2, 1808. James, Rev., of Pepperell, and Harriet Nason, Oct. 13, 1823. Peter of Rutland, and Claris[s]a Wetherbee, Feb. 7, 1814. 184 HARVARD MARRIAGES. HOWARD, Hannah of Bolton, and Jonathan Fairbank Jr., int. Feb. 8, 1817. HOWE (see How), Ebenezar (Ebenezar W., int.) of Lancaster, and Sarah Ann Blanchard, May 30, 1843. Louisa and James Kendall, Oct. 10, 1833. : Mary of Marlborough, and John Priest, int. Nov. 6; 1736. HOYT, Apphia K. of Sutton, N. H., and Rev. Walter Harri- man, int. Aug. 17, 1841. HUBBARD, Eliza, d. of Calvin of Groton, and Sally, b. in Groton, a. 25 y., and Galen Atherton, s. of Philemon and Elizabeth, a. 32 y., July 24, 1849. HUCKINS, Hephzebah and Nathaniel Burnam Jr. of Bolton, int. Aug. 27, 1774. HUDSON, Lucretia and Benjamin Atherton of Bolton, Apr. 3) 1794. HUGHES (see Huse), Betsey, wid., d. of Philemon and Lois Priest, a. 71 y., and Abijah Lawrence, widr., s. of Thomas of Boxborough, and Ruth, b. in Boxborough, a. 71 y., Sept. 7, 1848. Dennis and Betsey Priest, Sept. 30, 1830. C.R.2. HUMPHREY (see Humphreys), Lois of Littleton, and John Wood, int. Mar. 24, 1800. HUMPHREYS (see Humphrey), Cynthia of Littleton, and Asa Haskell, int. May 21, 1804. HUNT, Mary and Benjamin Barnard Jr., Feb. 22, 17509. Samuel and Lydia Willard, Jan. 19, 1764. HUNTER, Sarah Ann and William W. Trobridge of Newton, Apr. 29, 1841. HUSE (see Hughes), Charlotte and Daniel M. Robbins, Mar. 30, 1833. Den[njison and Mary Park Houghton of Groton, int. Feb. 12, 1819. Enoch Jr. and Lucy Livermore of Shirley, May 20, 1811. Enoch and Esther W. Gilbert of Lunenburg, int. Nov. 30, 1828. John Denison and Rebecca Parker, Dec. 7, 1795. Lucy and Jeremiah Dyar of Lancaster, int. Feb. 10, 1827. Rebecca and George Ross of Bolton, Dec. 10, 1832. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 185 HUTCHINS, Abigail and Oliver Whitney, Nov. 16, 1752. Benjamin and Lucy Davis, Apr. 5, 1757. Betty (Elizabeth, c.r.1) and Moses Whitney, July 7, 1756. Gording and Dolly (Dorathy, int.) Stone, Oct. 12, 1757. Sarah and Joseph Atherton, Dec. 19, 1752. HYLE, Anne and Jonathan Pierce, Sept. 10, 1771. JACKSON, Betsy of Newton, and William Farnsworth, int. Feb. 28, 1803. Elisha and Bulah Taylor, both of Westminster, Dec. 6, 1763.* JAY, John of Ashby, and Eunice Godfrey of Lancaster, Mar. 7, 1793." JEFFERSON, Otis of Uxbridge, and Eliza D. Conant, July 7, 1822. JEFFS (see Jefts), Lydia and Noah (John, int.) White Jr., June 19, 1766. JEFTS (see Jeffs), Daniel and Susanna Willard, Aug. 31, 1802. Joseph and Lucinda Farwell, June 12, 1810. JENISON, Warren of Townsend, Vt., and Lydia Gates, int. Aug. 16, 1827. JEWELL, Lurenia of Bolton, and Asa Daby, int. Sept. 29, 1821. JEWETT, Benjamin of Littleton, and Betsy Wood, int. Apr. 5, 1802. Benjamin of Littleton, and Clarissa Emerson, Dec. 27, 1827. Israel Houghton of Littleton, and Susan[nla Wood, int. Sept. 6, 1796. Sally of Bolton, and Moors Farwell, int. Oct. 15, 1810. Samuel Esq. of Gardiner, Me., and Sally Kimball, Sept. 3, 1811. Shadrach S. of Littleton, and Harriot N. Parkhurst (Harriot N. Burgess, int.) (Harriet N. Parkhurst, c.r.2), July 28, 1842. JOHNSON, Ann (Annis, int.) and Benjamin Robbins of West- ford, in Westford, July 12, 1733. ; Azubah of Leominster, and George Turner, int. June 15, 1816. Daniel, Rev., and Betsey Lee of Manchester, in Manchester, May 1, 1770. : Elisabeth of Bolton, and Ephraim Barnard, int. Dec. 5, 1778. Hannah (wid., c.r.1) and John Davis Jr., Nov. 28, 1752. * Intention not recorded. 186 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Jounson, Huldah of Leominster, and Windsor Stone, int. Mar. 8, 1816. James of Lunenburg, and Susanna Willard, in Lunenburg, June 15, 1747.* Jonathan of Lowell, s. of Jona[than] of Leominster, and Susan, b. in Groton, a. 26 y., and Sarah S. (Sarah A. dup.) Barnard, d. of Emory and Susan G., a. 21 y., Aug. 7, 1844.* Mary of Chelmsford, and Aaron Whitney Jr., int. May 29, 1836. Relief af Lancaster, and Samuel Worster, Feb. 23, 1791. Sally of Lancaster, and Abidan. Knight, int. May 6, 1811. William of Compton, N. H., and Nancy Burges, Jan. 22, 1821. JONES, Cyrus W. of Concord, and Julia Ann Wetherbee, Apr. 8, 1835. Frances A. and William H. Robbins, Hi 9, 1843. James and Samantha Fay, Nov. 15, 1835. William Jr. of Lunenburg, and Susan[nJah Pollard, int. Nov. 28, 1791. JORDAN, Mary Ann of Albany, Me., and George W. Stone, Snes int. Oct. 24, 1848. JOSERLYN, Luke of Leominster, and Sally W. Houghton, Feb. 16, 1830. JOY, Hiram of Lowell, and Seraphine P. Young, Apr. 22, 1832. KEEP, Elisabeth and Shadrach Hapgood Jr., July 23, 1770. Jabez Ur., int.) and Lydia Parkhurst, June 1, 1785. Jemima and Abel Whitcombe, Apr. 28, 1774. Mary and Leonard Procter of Westford, Dec. 23, 1769. Rebecca and Prince Turner, Dec. 5, 1775. Rebecca and Benjamin Barnard Jr., Dec. 14, 1803. KELEY (see Kelley, Kelly), John Jr. of Shirley, and Molly Park, Aug. 29, 1770. KELLEY (see Keley, Kelly), Elisabeth of Shirley, and Peleg Crocker, int. Apr. 5, 1778. Martha of Shirley, and George Conn Jr., int. Nov. 24, 1770. Morris and Lucy Peirce of Lancaster, int. May 16, 1809. KELLY (see Keley, Kelley), Elizebeth of Boston, and John Blanchard, int. Mar. 22, 1845. Samuel B., Dr., of Franklin, N. H., and Harriot N. Tyler, d. of Edward and Alma, Mar. 5, 1845. * Intention not recorded. ‘ HARVARD MARRIAGES. 187 KENDAL (see Kendall), Joshua of Lancaster, and Dorithy Warner, Apr. 16, 1771. KENDALL (see Kendal), David (Daniel, int.) and Hannah Rider of Framingham, in Framingham, June —, 1787. James and Louisa Howe, Oct. 10, 1833. Lydia and Abner Carter of Burlington, Mar. 23, 1819. Mary H. of Littleton, and Augustus K. Porter, int. Apr. 5, 1845. Otis H. of Bolton, s. of Luther of Framingham, and Mary, a. 24 y., and Mary W. Bliss of Berlin, d. of Roswell and Lydia, a. 22 y., Apr. 19, 1846,* Rebecah and Solon Harlow, Apr. 1, 1830. c.R.2. Susan M., d. of Enoch, a. 19 y., and James Swaney, a. 24 y., Sept. 11, 1844. KENNEDY, Margaret of Lancaster, and John Blanchard, May 30, 1843. ; KENT, Eunice and Asa Haris of Lancaster, Sept. 29, 1744. Mary and Abraham Scott of Bolton, in Bolton, Oct. 2, 1764. Sarah and Abijah Cole, Mar. 3, 1759. Warren and Bethiah Turner, Dec. 19, 1786.* KEYES, Elkanah and Elisabeth Warner, Jan. 11, 1759. Mary of Roxbury (Bolton dup.), and Ebenezer Shadden, Dec. 24, 1804.* Nathan and Zurviah Greenough of Marlborough, int. July 16, 1763. | Rufus and Sarah Wood, int. Nov. 29, 1848. Sally and Levi Willard, July 5, 1803. KIBING, George W. (Kibling, int.) of Ashburnham, and Sarah Fisher, Nov. 12, 1832. KIDD, Alexander and Martha Dunsmore of Lancaster, int. Oct. 7, 1749. KIDDER, Francis, Capt., of Littleton, and Sally Davis, June 8, 1814. Sarah of Billerica, and Elias Haskell, in Billerica, May 14, 1761. KIMBALL, Benjamin and Anna (Nancy, int.) Wilder of Lan- caster, in Lancaster, Apr. 23, 1780. Nabby and John Park, Jan. 15, 1805. Nancy and Rev. Thomas Bedee of Wilton, Jan. 15, 1805. Sally and Samuel Jewett Esq. of Gardiner, Me., Sept. 3, 1811. Thomas of Fitchburg, and Lucy Russell, int. Dec. 21, 1777. * Intention not recorded. 188 HARVARD MARRIAGES. KINGMAN, Marlbroa and Sybel Haskell, Sept. 23, 1777. Silva and Barzilla Willard, Jan. 23, 1778. Susa and Joseph Willard Jr., June 10, 1783. ‘KITTEREDGE (see Kitteridge, Kittridge), William and Betsy Trufant, int. Dec. 8, 1822. William and Lucy Sanderson of Hollis, N. H., int. Mar. 5, 1824. KITTERIDGE (see Kitteredge, Kittridge), Floyer P. of Chelms- ford, and Sarah P. M. Gerry, Apr. 10, 1835. John W. (Warren, int.) of Chelmsford, and Catherine Willard, Sept. 29, 1835. KITTRIDGE (see Kitteredge, Kitteridge), Thomas (Dr., int.) and Olive Daby, May 14, 1809. KNEELAND (see Nealand), Joseph and Abigail Bigelow of Stow, Oct. 4, 1763. Miriam and Jonathan Dix of Raby, int. Dec. 19, 1778. KNIGHT, Abby and Luke Whitney, Mar. 1, 1841. Abidan and Sally Johnson of Lancaster, int. May 6, 1811. Abidan and Visa Clark of Shirley, Apr. 10, 1823. Abigail and Tristam Sanborn, in Lancaster, Mar. 17, 1797. Abigail and William Emerson, Jan. 11, 1838. Daniel and Esther Fairbank, Apr. 7, 1785. Ebenezer of Lancaster, and Prudence Church, Oct. 19, 1758. Elisabeth and Lieut. Elisha Fullam, int. Feb. 27, 1777 (m: —, 1777. C.R.1.) Elisha and Lydia Farnsworth, Nov. 16, 1791. Elizebeth R. and Caleb S. (C. Strong, int.) Gerry, Nov. 14, 1838. Heman and Rhoda Willard of Sterling, int. May 22, 1809. Heman and Nabby Sprague, Oct. 6, 1818. Jessee and Salley Cleverly, Feb. 21, 1803. John and Elisabeth Davis, Aug. 26, 1773." John and Catherine Hayward (Howard, int.) of Acton, in Acton, Dec. 15, 1791. John and Sarah Warner, Mar. 10, 1808. John and Lucy Whitney, Apr. 17, 1811. Jona[than] P. and Hannah E. Montgomery of Nashua, N. H., int. May 19, 1844. Luke and Rachel Turner, Oct. 13, 1803. Nabby and Benjamin Fairbank of Sterling [no date] (int. Mar. 14, 1837). Nathan of Stoneham, and Susannah Putnam, Sept. 13, 1770. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 189 Knicut, Rhoda and Lewis W. Merrifield of West Boylston, June 9, 1836. Sabra and George Gary (Gerry, int.), Sept. 7, 1823. Sally and Onesimus Newell of New Ipswich, June 26, 1785. Sally and John Gerry (Jr., int.), May 20, 1832. Sarah and Phinehas Houghton, July 3, 1787. c.R.1. William and Lydia Cleverly, Dec. 29, 1785. KNOX, Samuel of Lowell, and Mary Dwinel, Nov. 27, 1828. LAITEN, John and Louis Worster, Dec. 24, 1766. LAKEMAN, Esther C., d. of Mary of Boxborough, b. in Bos- ton, a. 18 y., and Hosea E. Willard, s. of Hosea and Nancy, a. 25 y., Sept. 12, 1848. LAKIN, Sylvester and Sarah B. Winchester, both of Lowell, July 9, 1838. c.R.2.* LARKIN, Edmund Jr. of Shrewsbury, and Rebecca Sampson, int. Mar. 3, 1783. LAUGHTON, Daniel and Lucy Dutton, in Bolton, Sept. 12, 1777. Hannah and Samuel Barnard, May 15, 1783. Jeremiah and Sarah Sawyer of Boxborough, May 11, 1791. John and Pattee Pollard, May 12, 1789. Patty and Thomas Hammond, May 9, 1799. Rachel and James Whitney, May 27, 1783. Sarah and Abijah Frost of Shirley, Feb. 2, 1758. Sarah and Francis Farr, June 24, 1783. LAW, Dorithy and Jonathan Crouch Jr., Oct. 11, 1770. LAWRANCE (see Lawrence), Anna and Aaron Whitney, Dec. 18, 1765. (Dec. 16, 1765. c.R.I.) Jonathan and Sarah Ann Williston of Boxborough, int. Oct. 8, 1832. Oliver F. and Sarah Balch of Shirley, int. Nov. 25, 1842. Persis of Ashby, and Charles Taylor, int. May 23, 1808. Stephen and Lucy Stone, Feb. 8, 1790. Stephen and Lucy Bigelow, Sept. 6, 1801. Submit and Isaac Gates, Feb. 16, 1764. LAWRENCE (see Lawrance), Abijah, widr., s. of Thomas of Boxborough, and Ruth, b. in Boxborough, a. 71 y., and wid. Betsey Hughes, d. of Philemon and Lois Priest, a. 71 y., Sept. 7, 1848. * Intention not recorded. Igo HARVARD MARRIAGES. LAWRENCE, Amos and Sarah Wetherbee of Littleton, Jan. 22, 1772. Avance and Laura Ann Bridges, both of Bolton, Nov. 24, 1834.* Anna B., d. of Abraham and Rhoda, a. 41 y., and Benjamin Fairbank, widr., of Sterling, s. of Joseph of Sterling, and Anna, b. in Sterling, a. 73 y., Dec. 26, 1848. Barzillai H. of Boxborough, and Martha Ann Willard, d. of Charles and Martha, Apr. 18, 1844. Elisabeth and Micah Stone, Oct. 29, 1766. Eliza E. of Groton, d. of Edward and Keziah, b. in Pepperell, a. 30 y., and Benjamin L. Wood, s. of Benjamin and Tri- phena, a. 25 y., Nov. 27, 1849.* Isaac of Groton, and Mary Parker, int. Apr. 9, 1781. John and Roxana Green of Groton, int. Oct. 16, 1838. Louisa and Benjamin F. Whitney, int. May 25, 1828. Mary Ann of Bolton, and Elias Warner Jr., int. Mar. 13, 1825. Sarah and Levi Whitney of Concord, Sept. 17, 1772. Stephen and Deborah Willard, June 22, 1823. LEACH, Caroline A. of Chelmsford, and Elias Warner, int. Sept. 13, 1845. LEASON (see Lesson), Abigal of Marlborough, and Peter Dudly, int. Sept. 19, 1741. Dexter and Olive Abbot of Groton, int. Jan. 11, 1820. George of Bolton, and Betty Sanderson, Feb. 20, 1771. Nancy and David Farwell, Dec. 18, 1815. Olive and Jonathan Phillips, int. Jan. 11, 1820. LEE, Betsey of Manchester, and Rev. Daniel Johnson, in Man- chester, May 1, 1770. William Dexter of Littleton, and Lydia Hill Wetherbee, Jan. 4, 1813. LEGATE, Thomas (3d, int.) of Sterling, and Polley Farwell, Oct. 6, 1795. LESSON (see Leason), David and Lovisa Robbins, July 2, 1795: LEWIS, Jonathan and Hannah Turner, Dec. 12, 1784. Jonathan and Sarah Warren, Sept. 28, 1786. Thomas and Sally Carroll of Athol, int. June 28, 1823. William and Fanny P. Gerry, Apr. 10, 1823. LITTLE, John of Lunenburg, and Margaret Parks, Mar. 18, 1766 * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. I9gt Ronee Lucy of Shirley, and Enoch Huse Jr., May 20, 1811 LOCK (see Locke), Mary of Cambridge, and Oliver Stone, int. Apr. 20, 1757. Phebe and Simon Meriam of Bolton, in Bolton, Apr. 8, 1779. LOCKE (see Lock), Benjamin and Eunice Bardeen, Sept. 18, . 1793. William S. of Lancaster, s. of Jona[than] of Lancaster, and Mary, b. in Lancaster, a. 32 y., and Mary Whitney, d. of Cyrus and Mary, a. 22 y., Nov. 19, 1846. ee Eli and Mary Whitcomb, both of Bolton, Mar. 7, 1785.* Hiram of Shirley, and Ann Farnsworth, May 3, 1838.* Israel of Shirley, and Lucy Conant, Mar. 5, 1794. Ivory of Shirley, and Lydia Munroe, Apr. 5, 1797. Jemima of Groton, and Jonathan Stone, in Groton, Mar. 18, 1773: Nathaniel and Kezia Fairbank, Mar. 5, 1781 (int. Mar. to, 1781). Wiillialm Jr. of Shirley, and Rebecca Munjoy, in Shirley, Sept. 25, 1794. LOVERING, Eunice of Ipswich, and David Ross, int. Apr. 5, 1766. LOWELL, ey C. of Pepperell, and 4 Julia Ann Chapman, int. Mar. 25, 1847. John of Bath, and Susannah Taylor, June 16, 1811. LYON, Aaron and Salley Davis of Shirley, int. July 19, 1802. Luther and Mary Turner of Gerry, int. Jan. 10, 1802. MACE, James of Boxborough, and Lovy Willard, Jan. 27, 1823. Lucy of Boxborough, and Ithamer Willard, June 10, 1819. MACKLEN, Edward and Sarah Parker, Dec. 30, 1783. MACLANE, James and Rachel Shattuck, int. Nov. 4, 1816. Marriage forbidden by Job Shattuck Jr., father of Rachel, she being under 18 years. MAINNER (see Manard, een Sarah of Stow, and David Peirce Jr., int. Apr. 10, 1763. * Intention not recorded. Ig2 HARVARD MARRIAGES. MAN (see Mann), Mary W. and Paul Whitcomb of Bolton, int. May 20, 1831. MANARD (see Mainner, Maynard), Charles of Fitchburg, and Mercy Goldsmith, Oct. 17, 1839. MANN (see Man), William and Pamela Selby, Dec. 26, 1813. MANNING, Roxalana S.’and Elbridge Willard, May 30, 1839. MANSFIELD, Jonathan N. and Lucy (Lucy H., int.) Withing- ton, Nov. 4, 1841. MARBLE, Nathanael of Stow, and Abigail Houghton, Mar. 31, 1756. / MARETT, ———,, Mr., and Sarah Shed, in Ashburnham, Aug. 21, 1788. (Marret Burges and Sarah Shed, int. Aug. 11, 1788.) MARTIN, Nathaniel, Dr., and Anna Townsend of Bolton, in Bolton, Dec. 23, 1765. MAYNARD (see Mainner, Manard), Betty and Reuben Baker of Shrewsbury, June 16, 1789. Hannah J. of Fitchburg, and William Davis Jr., int. Mar. 7, 1830. Jonah and Betty Woodberry (of Bolton, int.), Nov. 27, 1783. Rufus of Lancaster, s. of Joseph of Lancaster, and Betsey, b. in Lancaster, a. 24 y., and Louisa J. Houghton, d. of Jacob and Abigail, a. 18 y., Nov. 4, 1846. McDANIEL, Susanna of Hollis, and Josiah Davis Jr., int. Aug. 23, 1777. McFARLING, Elisabeth and Abel Farnwork, Dec. 6, 1763. McINTIRE, Samuel of Dorchester, and Susan H. Stone, July 13, 1834. MEAD (see Meads, Meeds), Benjamin of Holden, and Abigail Willard, Oct. 31, 1749. Bulah and James Burt, Dec. 3, 1754. Dinah and Stephen Gates, Feb. 5, 1753. Elizabeth of Boxborough, and Reuben Houghton, int. Oct. 16, 1809. Hannah and Israel Whitney, May 14, 1772. John and Sarah Whitney, Aug. 26, 1771. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 193 Meap, Lidia and Orsamus Newell (Onesimus Newhall, int.) of New Ipswich, in Lancaster, Oct. 14, 1788. Oliver and Anna Whitney, July 22, 1777. c.R.1. Rebeckah and Joshua Hains of Sudbury, Jan. 4, 1750. Samuel and Hannah Willard, Oct. 12, 1748. Samuel and Abigail Whittemore of Lexington, int. Aug. 1, 1756. ns) of Boxborough, and Lucinda Conant, int. Sept. 16, 1827. . Sarah and Phineas Stone, May 22, 1794. MEADS (see Mead, Meeds), Mercy and Menassah Sawyer (Jr., int.), in Bolton, Dec. 23, 1788. Samuel Jr. and Patience Whitney, int. June 13, 1779. MEEDS (see Mead, Meads), Ame and Benjamin Draper of ’ Boxborough, Nov. 7, 1803. Charlotte and Joel Hapgood, Jan. 30, 1822.* Emily and John Whitney, Dec. 15, 1819. Francis and Molley Crouch, Sept. 8, 1790. Jason and Silance Atherton, Dec. 10, 1787. C.R.1I. Lucy and Isaac Whitney of Stow, May 12, 1774. Lydia and Seth Frost of New Braintree, int. Sept. 16, 1820. Reuben and Lydia Priest, May 17, 1808. : MERIAM (see Merriam), Jonas and Rachel Parkhurst, Oct. 27, 1799. Piette Le Oliver Gates Jr. of Stow, Oct. 25, 1775. Phebe and Alpheus Richardson of Sterling, Dec. 20, 1796. Sarah and Silas Parkhurst, Jan. 2, 1787. C.R.1. Sarah and John Geary, Aug. 4, 1795. Simon of Bolton, and Phebe Lock, in Bolton, Apr. 8, 1779. William and Ruth Fletcher, Dec. 2, 1792. MERRIAM (see Meriam), Bilhah of Lancaster, and Jeremiah Barnard, int. Apr. 5, 1823. MERRIFIELD, Lewis W. of West Boylston, and Rhoda Knight, June 9, 1836. MILES, William and Sarah Sanderson, Aug. 14, 1769. MILLS, Susan E. of Groton, d. of John of Groton, and Azuba, b. in Groton, a. 18 y., and Ephraim W. Russell, s. of Oliver and Catherine, a. 24 y., Mar. 27, 1849. MOARS (see Moor, Moore, Moors, Mores), Bette of Stow, and Timothy Crouch, int. Mar. 14, 1772. * Intention not recorded. 194 HARVARD MARRIAGES. MOFFETT, Joseph of Ipswich-Canada (so called) [Winchen- don], and Dorathy Priest of Stow, Aug. 2, 1753.* MONROE (see Munroe, Munrow), Clarissa and Josiah Rand, Oct. 8, 1835. John and Lucy White of Lancaster, in Lancaster, May 13, 1783. MONTGOMERY, Hannah E. of Nashua, N. H., and Jona[than] P. Knight, int. May 109, 1844. MOOR (see Moars, Moore, Moors, Mores), Abraham of Bolton, and Eliza Bruce, Dec. 23, 1803. : Lucy and Abel Farnsworth, Dec. 27, 1810. MOORE (see Moars, Moor, Moors, Mores), Dorcas and Asa Houghton Jr., in Bolton, Dec. 9, 1779. Emeline, d. of Samson of Boxborough, and Mary Ann, b. in Boxborough, a. 25 y., and Aaron Wright of Groton, s. of Joseph of Groton, and Hannah, b. in Groton, a. 27 y., Apr. 13, 1848. Joseph of Berlin, and Betsy Warner, Oct. 13, 1818, Joshua of Lancaster, and Elizabeth Sawyer, int. Feb. 16, 1736. Lydia B. and Robert T. Read, Nov. 7, 1839. Wlilliajm of Sudbury, and Harriot Willard, May 21, 1840. MOORS (see Moars, Moor, Moore, Mores), Charlotte and Levi Barnard, Apr. 22, 1828. . Lucindia Elizebeth of Boxborough, and George Crouch, int. Mar. —, 1837. Otis and Susan Baldwin of Townsend, int. Nov. 22, 1816. Rhoda and Amos Stone, Apr. 11, 1805. Solomon and Hannah Fife of District of Berlin, Feb. 26, 1800.* MORES (see Moars, Moor, Moore, Moors), Jonathan of Stow, and Deborah Houghton, int. Nov. 14, 1778. MORSE, Abel (of Groton, int.) and Polley Park, Sept. 16, 1793- Edwin C. of Natick, s. of Jesse and Betsey, b. in Natick, a. 30 y., and Mary A. B. Wilson, d. of Robert G. and Rebecca, b. in Hopkinton, a. 27 y., int. Sept. 7, 1849. Rebeccah of Royalston, and Joshua Tucker, int. Sept. 28, 1828. MUNJOY, Rebecca and Wl{illia]jm Holey Jr. of Shirley, in Shirley, Sept. 25, 1794. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 195 MUNROE (see Monroe, Munrow), Abraham and Lydia Hap- good, Apr. 4, 1775. John, s. of Joseph and Polly, a. 28 y., and Eliza A. Farnsworth, d. of Samuel and Lydia, a. 19 y., Jan. 24, 1847. Joseph and Polly Blanchard, Nov. 22, 1804. Lydia and David Dickenson, Feb. 25, 1784. Lydia and Jonathan Willard of Lancaster, Nov. 30, 1786. Lydia and Ivory Longley of Shirley, Apr. 5, 1797. Mary Ann and John Hapgood Jr., Sept. 27, 18209. MUNROW (see Monroe, Munroe), Ephraim (Dr., int.) and Mary (Mercy, int.) Atherton, in Lancaster, Jan. 12, 1778. MYCALL, John Esq. and Elisabeth Chandler of Newburyport, int. Nov. 19, 1804. NASON, Harriet and Rev. James How of Pepperell, Oct. 13, 1823. ee (see Kneeland), Timothy and Moriah Stone, Feb. Il, 1761. NELSON, Paul and Rhoda Bowars, int. Dec. 14, 1807. NEWELL, Onesimus of New Ipswich, and Sally Knight, June 26, 1785. Orsamus (Onesimus Newhall, int.) of New Ipswich, and Lidia Mead, in Lancaster, Oct. 14, 1788. NEWHALL, Sarah A. of Leominster, and James M. Willard, int. Dec. 9, 1848. . NEWMAN, Rebeckah of Berlin, and Paul Wheeler, int. Nov. 18, 1793. NEWTON, Ezekiel of Worcester, and Eliza Ann Priest, Nov. 24, 1835. NICHOLS (see Nichool), Abi of Leominster, and Jephtha Rich- ardson, in Leominster, Oct. 28, 1773.* Hugh (Nickerson, int.) of Chatham, and Rebecca Blanchard, Sept. 10, 1807. Samuel (of Groton, int.) and Lydia Willard, Mar. 24, 1759. NICHOOL (see Nichols), John Jr. of Lancaster, and Mercy Warner, Nov. 8, 1750. NIND, Henry and Pamela Blanchard, Feb. 10, 1833 (Feb. 18, 1833 dup.). * Intention not recorded. 196 HARVARD MARRIAGES. NOBLE, Gideon C. and Nancy G. Perkins, July 21, 1831. G.R.1.* NOURSE (see Nurs, Nurse), Maria of Bolton, and Zopher Taylor, May 5, 1836. Mary of Rutland, and “ednend Powers, in Rutland, Mar. 17, 1747-8. NOYSE, Henry, s. of Richard of Bromton, Lower Canada, and Ann, b. in Lower Canada, a. 28 y., and Charlotte Ball, d. of BenjlamiJn and Mary, b. in Concord, a. 23 y., June 29, 1848. NURS (see Nourse, Nurse), Joshua and Mary Sampson, Sept. 5, 1740. NURSE (see Nourse, Nurs), Benjamin Jr. and Martha Nurse of Reading, int. Mar. 31, 1739. Benjamin and wid. Han[nJah Atherton, May 13, 1740. David and Lois Brown of Boxborough, in Boxborough, Dec. II, 1794. Eliz. and oh Daby, June 8, 1738. c.R.1.* Francis and Nabby Puffer, Mar. 20, 1796. James R. and Lucy Forbush, May 9g, 1830. c.R.2. James R. and Emelia Riggs (Emeline Rugg, int. and c.r.2), Jan. 2, 1834. John and Maria Sawyer, Sept. 12, 1830. C.R.2. Lovina and Jonathan Whetcomb Jr. of Bolton, int. Nov. 26, 1804. Lucy of Bolton, and Ephraim Fairbank, Apr. 12, 1785. Martha of Reading, and Benjamin Nurse Jr., int. Mar. 31, 1739. Mary Ann and John Whitney, Nov. 14, 1843. NUTTING, Abijah Jr. of Groton, and Annice Taylor, Feb. 20, 1814. Christopher of Dunstable, and Phebe Barden, int. June 11, 1837. Ebenezer (Jr., int.) of Groton, and Sybil Stickney, Jan. 31, 1765. Emeline E. of Groton, and*Samuel H. Taylor, s. of William, Aug. 6, 1844.* Fredrick of Groton, and Mary Davidson, int. Nov. 14, 1832. Hannibal of Groton, and Orissa Trufant, ‘Dec. II, 1827. (Dec. 12, 1827. C.R.2.) * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 197 Nuttinc, Jane Boynton of Groton, and Jonathan Symonds, int. Aug. 4, 1806. Rachel and Jonathan Farnworth Jr., May 24, 1749. Sarah of Groton, and Shadrach Bardeen, int. Nov. 21, 1803. Susan of Pepperell, and Samuel Chickering, int. Dec. 13, 1828. William D. of Groton, and Harriet A. Shattuck of Percy, O., May 22, 1845. c.R.2.* OAK, Jonathan and Abigail Rand, Apr. 26, 1762. Lydia and Ebenezer Conant Jr. of Ashburnham, int. Nov. 29, 1766. Mary and Jonathan Sampson, Mar. 14, 1758. OLD (see Olds), Warren and Rejoice Wetherbee, Apr. 12, 1803.* OLDS (see Old), Malissa W. and Roland Willard, Apr. 6, 1825. Rejoice and Rev. Stephen Bemis, Jan. 16, 1812 (Dec. 8, 1811 dup.). OSGOOD, Joel and Heneritta Hastings of Petersham, int. Jan. 2, 1804. OVERLOCK, John and Molly Bigalow, both of Ashburnham, Dec. 19, 1774.* PAGE, Abel and Asenath Pierce of Groton, int. Mar. 28, 1814. Benjamin Jr. of Groton, and Sarah Robinson, June 5, 1804. Daniel of Lunenburg, and Ruth Haskel, Nov. 22, 1744. Dio Oratio of Boxborough, and Susan L. Barnard, Feb. 12, 1839.* Jonathan of Fitchburg, and Esther Willard, Feb. 2, 1769. Levi and Martha White of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Jan. 17, 1785. Lucinda E. and Nathaniel S. Richmond, int. Mar. 6, 1847. Nathanael and Anne Wetherbee of Boxborough, Oct. 2, 1792. PAIRS, Meriah (Peirce, int.) of Bolton, and Elisha Houghton, in Bolton, Nov. 30, 1768. PARK (see Parks), Anna and Israel Reed, Feb. 1, 1795. Betsy and Abraham Houghton, June 22, 1802. Jane of Londonderry, N. H., and John Park, int. May 30, 1741. John and Jane Park of Londonderry, N. H., int. May 30, 1741. John and Rhode Cooper, May 25, 1772. John Jr. of Groton, and Lydia Hamblin, in Pepperell, June 1, 1786. John aa Nabby Kimball, Jan. 15, 1805. * Intention not recorded. 198 HARVARD MARRIAGES. nae John and Henrietta Holden of Shirley, int. Sept. 30, 1820. Molly and John Keley Jr. of Shirley, Aug. 29, 1770. Nancy and Poladore Hamlin of Waterford, Jan. 6, 1817. Polley and Abel Morse (of Groton, int.), Sept. 16, 1793. Polly and Asa Wetherbee, Mar. 7, 1810. Rhoda of Groton, and Samuel Finney, Apr. 24, 1780. Susan M. and Ebenezer C. (Ebenezer Crosby, int.) Willard, June 13, 1843. Thomas of Groton, and Rosanna Conn, May 3, 1768. William Jr. and Eunice Stone of Groton, in Groton, Nov. 1, 1781. William 2d and Abigail Farnsworth, int. June 15, 1813. William of Newton, and Aseneth Fairbank, Nov. 29, 1832.* PARKER, Augustus G., Dr., and Ann G. Gray of Dedham, int. Sept. 26, 1818. Benj[amin] C. (Benjamin Carver, int.) of Acworth, and Mary Fairbank, June 23, 1808. Dorothy F. and Ephraim Barnard, May 27, 1827. Henry and Mary Grosvenor, Apr. 13, 1796. John and Lydia Barnard, Sept. 26, 1802. Mary and Isaac Lawrence of Groton, int. Apr. 9, 1781. Miranda and Joseph Edgarton of Shirley, Sept. 16, 1802. Rebecca and John Denison Huse, Dec. 7, 1795. Salley and Joseph Bullard of Andover, Jan. 8, 1797. Samuel Stillman and Rebecca Thomas of Lancaster, Dec. 11, 1797- Sarah and Edward Macklen, Dec. 30, 1783. Sewall and Salley Willard, int. Jan. 27, 1806. Thomas L. of Shirley, and Rachel Willard, Oct. 24, 1802. William and Lucy Reed, July 19, 1829. PARKHURST, Ame and Thomas Reed, Dec. 1, 1792. Catherine and Reuben Willard, Jan. 3, 1775. Harriot N. (Harriot N. Burgess, int.) (Harriet N. Parkhurst, c.R.2) and Shadrach S. Jewett of Littleton, July 28, 1842. Lucinda and Joel Stone of Waterford, Sept. 24, 1795. Lydia and Jabez Keep (Jr., int.), June 1, 1785. Rachel and Jonas Meriam, Oct. 27, 1799. Sarah and America Hamlin, Apr. 7, 1785. Silas of Pepperell, and Sarah Atherton, Apr. 29, 1762. Silas and Sarah Meriam, Jan. 2, 1787. C.R.I. Theophilus and Sophia Walker of Shirley, int. May 9, 1814. * Intention not recorded, HARVARD MARRIAGES. 199 PARKS oe Park), Joseph of Groton, and Allice Hamlin, Nov. 25, 1784. Margaret and John Little of Lunenburg, Mar. 18, 1766. PATCH, John W. and Mary . A. Haskell, d. of Asa and Cyntha, a. 24 y., May 27, 1845.* Joseph W. and Maria H. Haskell, int. Nov. —, 1845. Mary of Littleton, and Jacob Whitney, in Littleton, June 209, 1794 Sarah of Stow, and Caleb Sawyer, int. Nov. 29, 1766. PATEE, Eliphelet of pimrbadee, and Eunice Atherton, int. Sept. 20, 1783. PATTERSON, Eliza and Philemon Atherton, int. Nov. 11, 1805. Exion and Josiah (James, int.) Bigelow of Leominster, Nov. 9, 1823. Nicholis and Anne Willard, int. May 1, 1773. Nic[hJolas and Abigail Whitney, int. Sept. 12, 1778. Sybil and Joshua Davis of Groton, Aug. (11, C.R.1), 1793. PAUL, Thomas of Lowell, s. of William of Lowell, and Ann, b. in Middleton, Eng., a. 27 y., and Maria A. (Maria B., int.) Barnard, d. of Emery and Susan G., a. 21 y., May 7, 1848. PEARCE (see Peirce, Pierce, Pirce), Hannah of Bolton, and - Samuel Burnam, in Bolton, June 29, 1769.* PEARSON, Eliphalet (Parsons, int.) of Andover, and Sarah Bromfield, Sept. 29, 1785. Margaret R. and Rev. I. H. T. Blanchard, May 30, 1825. PECKEM, John Jr. (John Perkins Jr., int.) of Chelmsford, ana Hannah Hayden, Apr. 2, 1823. PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pierce, Pirce), David Jr. and. Sarah Mainner of Stow, int. Apr. 10, 1763. Elisabeth of Groton, and Ephraim Read, May 4, 1757. George of Lincoln, and Deborah Tarbell, Jan. 17, 1757.* Jonathan of Stow, and Sarah Houghton, int. July 9,.1757. Lucy of Lancaster, and Morris Kelley, int. May 16, 1809. PENNIMAN, Lucy and Zaccheus Gates, May 17, 1804. Mary and Thomas Rand of Charlestown, May 13, 1805. * Intention not recorded. 200 HARVARD MARRIAGES. PERKINS, Enoch and Mary Wetherbee, June 23, 1829. Nancy G. and Gideon C. Noble, July 21, 1831. G.R.1.* PERRY, Mary of Sudbury, and Richard Whitney, int. Oct. —, 1747. Rachael and Caleb Willard, in Lancaster, Oct. 25, 1798. PHELPES (see Phelps), Timothy and Sarah Farnworth, June 28, 1768. PHELPS (see Phelpes), Barney S. of Lancaster, s. of Peter of Lancaster, and Mary, b. in Milton, a. 26 y., and Mary A. Taylor, d. of Wfillialm and Mary, a. 21 y., Aug. 26, 1845. Edward of Leominster, and Martha Tarbell, int. Oct. 31, 1756. Jacob of Marlborough, and Prudy Dudley, Sept. 10, 1783. Joshua of Lancaster, and Elisabeth Whitmore, Apr. 12, 1787. Rachel and Ephraim Pollard, June 25, 1793. PHILLIPS, Jonathan and Olive Leason, int. Jan. 11, 1820. Nehemiah and Patience Bennett, Sept. 2, 1766. PIERCE (see Pearce, Peirce, Pirce), Asenath of Groton, and Abel Page, int. Mar. 28, 1814. Daniel (Jr., int.) and Sarah Buck of Wilmington, in Wilmington, Dec. 23, 1741. John and Dinah Sawyer, May 16, 1799. Jonathan and Anne Hyle, Sept. 10, 1771. Joseph of Leominster, and Roxana Bayley, Mar. 29, 1829. Joshua of Shirley, and Ellenor Safford, in Shirley, June 16, 1763. Sylvester of Leominster, and Abigail Wood, Apr. 23, 1835. PIKE, Eldad and Eliza Ramsdell of Littleton, int. Dec. 19, 1830. PINGRY, Nathaniel of Ludlow, and Anna Robins Jr., int Aug. 12, 1789. PIPER, Mary and John Warner, June 2, 1785. PIRCE (see Pearce, Peirce, Pierce), John and Han[nJah Stone, Nov. 22, 1744. John and Han{njah Houghton, int. Mar. Io, 1747. Keziah and Isa[a]c Stone, Apr. 6, 1744. Sarah and Daniel Allburt of Lancaster, May 19, 1746. PLATTS, Lydia and Silas Farnworth, Jan. 15, 1760. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 201 POLLARD, Aaron of Lancaster, and Anna Taylor, Nov. 28, 1798. Abel and Sukey Wetherbee, Apr. 16, 1809. Abner and Asenath Atherton, Sept. 8, 1802. Amory and Phebe Atherton, Feb. 19, 1795. David and Lucy Turner, Oct. 18, 1803. David and Susan Wetherbee, Jan. 1, 1826. Ephraim and Rachel Phelps, June 25, 1793. Ephraim and Mary Hartwell of Littleton, int. Nov. 16, 1795. Jonathan Jr. and Sally Taylor, Jan. 1, 1806. ~ Jonathan and Lydia Smith of Winchendon, int. June 15, 1816. Lucy and Hezekiah Whitney, May 5, 1774. Luke and Becca Whetcomb of Bolton, int. Apr. 1, 1799. Luke and Polley Wetherbee, June 24, 1812. Luke Jr. and Susan Tyler, Nov. 23, 1836. Luke and Elizibeth Tyler, Nov. 25, 1841. Luther and Polly Puffer, Dec. 8, 1803. Mille ee Whitney Jr., May 11, 1808. (May 12, 1808. C.R.I. Molley and Thad[deuJs Brown, Jan. 3, 1783.* Nabby and Sylvester Symonds, Sept. 7, 1800. Pattee and John Laughton, May 12, 1780. Rebecah and John F. Chaffin of Concord, N. H., May 21, 1823. Sally and Aaron Whitney, Apr. 21, 1774. Sarah and Oliver Davis, Oct. 12, 1790. Sarah and James Haskell Jr., Dec. 15, 1796. Susan[nJah and William Jones Jr. of Lunenburg, int. Nov. 28, 1791. Sylvia a Abel Wetherbee, Jan. 26, 1796. Thaddeus, Capt., and Elizabeth Atherton of Bolton, in Bolton, Dec. 26, 1790. Thaddeus of Bolton, and Achsa Atherton, Nov. 30, 1797. Thadeus (Jr., int.) and Mary Fairbank, in Bolton, Mar. 5, 1781. Zilpah and Peter Atherton, Feb. 6, 1786. 2 POLLEY, Elnathan and Rebecca Warner, Oct. 10, 1788. PORTER, Augustus K. and Mary H. Kendall of Littleton, int. Apr. 5, 1845. Harriet E. of Shirley, and William Emerson, int. Dec. 24, 1847. Harriot M. of Littleton, and A. Wells Churchill, int. Mar. 9, 1844. POTTER, Alexander and Angelina Chapman, Apr. 3, 1843. Martha and Abel Davis of Shirley, Feb. 28, 1765. Sally of Leominster, and Reuben Gates, int. June 7, 1802. * Intention not recorded. ‘ 202 HARVARD MARRIAGES. POWER (see Powers), Lydia of Littleton, and Eleazer Robens (Jr., int.), May 16, 1739. POWERS (see Power), Edward and Mary Nourse of Rutland, in Rutland, Mar. 17, 1747-8. Robert of Littleton, and Anna Wetherbee, May 26, 1752. Timothy and Martha Sampson, Mar. 26, 1765. PRATT, John and Mary Hall, Oct. 24, 1757. John (of Fitchburg, int.) and Rebeccah Darby, May 28, 1788. Joseph and Elisabeth Sawyer, June 6, 1786. Mary and James Goodfrey of Lancaster, May 19, 1767. ‘PREIST (see Priest), Charles and Nancy Whitney, Oct. 20, 1814. Gabriel Jr. and Sarah Sawyer, int. Feb. 12, 1742-3. Jabez and Sally Fairbank, Dec. 21, 1815. Jeremiah and Mary Whitney of Stow, int. Dec. 17, 1743. John and Sarah Whitney of Stow, int. Dec. 19, 1741. Philemon Jr. and Ann Houghton of Bolton, int. Nov. 3, 1806. Philemon and Mary Hartwell, Feb. 11, 1817. Zimri and Abigail F. Chase of Pepperell, int. Apr. 18, 1830. PRESTCUTT, Bethiah of Westford, and Jeremiah Willard, int. Apr. 10, 1779. PRESTON, Mary and Matthias Farnworth, Apr. 11, 1765. “PRIEST (see Preist), Abel and Zeruviah Whitcomb, both of Bolton, Mar. 7, 1785. Abigail and Elias Warner, Dec. 14, 1784. Andrew and Sarah Ann Edwards of Boston, int. May 1, 1846. Betsey and Dennis Hughes, Sept. 30, 1830. c.R.2. Dorathy of Stow, and Joseph Moffett of Ipswich-Canada (so called) [Winchendon], Aug. 2, 1753.* Elijah and Lois Gates, Oct. 15, 1784.* Eliza Ann and Ezekiel Newton of Worcester, Nov. 24, 1835. Gabriel Jr. of Bolton, and Hannah Haseltine, int. Mar. 8, 1781. Hepsebeth and Aaron Davis (Jr., int.), Nov. 2, 1795. Jacob and Mary Stone of Stow, in Stow, Apr. 4, 1782. Jacob and Rhoda Warner, Jan. 1, 1793. Jacob (Jr., int.) and Sally Houghton, May 19, 1808. Jeremiah Jr. and Rebecca Houghton of Bolton, in Bolton, Mar. 14, 1771. | Job and Martha Butler of Bolton, in Bolton, Jan. 3, 1774. John and Mary Howe of Marlborough, int. Nov. 6, 1736. John and Mary Fairbank, Oct. 12, 1748. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 203, Priest, John 3d and Hannah Stow, Mar. 19, 1772. Jonathan and Sophia Farwell, Apr. 8, 1834. Joseph Jr. and Elizabeth Atherton of Groton, int. Dec. 18, 1736. Lucy and Elias Haskell Jr., Oct. 10, 1796. ; Lydia and Reuben Meeds, May 17, 1808. Mariah of Bolton, and Oliver Stone, in Lancaster, Nov. 29, 1739. Martha Ann and Moses Hale, Jan. 21, 1841. Mary and Jacob Stone of Stow, in Stow, Apr. 4, 1782.* Mary and Jonathan Sawyer, July 2, 1794. Mary Ann and Jerome Dwinels, May 5, 1841. Mercy and Reuben Whetcomb of Boxborough, July 2, 1795. pay! and Nath[anie]l Stacy Stone of Fitzwilliam, Dec. 13, 1808. Nathan and Mary Bacon of Bedford, in Bolton, July 5, 1780.* Nathan of Littleton, and Mercy Robbins, Apr. 28, 1831. Philemon and Lois Hartwell, Mar. 21, 1776. Rozalana, d. of Philemon and W[illialm H. Dadman, s. of Willard and Joanna, Feb. 4, 1846. Sally and William Conn, Nov. 27, 1811. Sarah and Jonathan Priest Houghton of Bolton, Mar. 23, 1768. Sarah E., d. of Jabez and Sally, a. 25 y., and Whitney (Whiting dup.) Adams of Northborough, s. of Jona[than] and Alice, a. 23 y., May 23, 1844. Silvester and Cynthia Eaton of Boston, int. Jan. 16, 1833. Susan of Boxborough, and Jerome H. Willard, Apr. 8, 1841. Sylvester and Rebekah Fuller of Leominster, int. Nov. 19, 1819. PRINCE, Luther of Amherst, N. H., and Hannah Farr, Apr. 21, 1829. PROCTER (see Proctor), Leonard of Westford, and Mary Keep, Dec. 23, 1769. : PROCTOR (see Procter), Abigail W. of Concord, and Edward Farnsworth, int. June 25, 1832. ( Eliza Ann of Concord, and William Hayden, int. Apr. 3, 1824. Ephraim of Littleton, and Dorothy Burt, in Littleton, June 7, 1769. PUFFER, Abigail and Israel Whitney, in Bolton, Apr. 22, 1789. Jonathan (Jr., int.) and Abigail Fairbank, May 5, 1774. Nabby and Francis Nurse, Mar. 20, 1796. Nancy and Shadrach Hapgood Jr., Nov. 14, 1806. Polly and Luther Pollard, Dec. 8, 1803. Sally and Josiah Whitney, Feb. 6, 1803. * Intention not recorded. 204 HARVARD MARRIAGES. PURINTON, John of Lynn, and Sally Houghton, Oct. 1, 1809. ‘PUTNAM, Ruth and William Alexander Jr. of Lunenburg, int. May 17, 1769. Susannah and Nathan Knight of Stoneham, Sept. 13, 1770. RAMSDAL (see Ramsdall, Ramsdel, Ramsdell), Nabby and Samuel Hall of Montgomery, Feb. 2, 1806. RAMSDALL (see Ramsdal, Ramsdel, Ramsdell), Sarah and Isaiah Rider, int. Sept. 4, 1820. Seth of Groton, and Lucy Stone, Feb. 25, 1799.* RAMSDEL (see Ramsdal, Ramsdall, Ramsdell), Seth of Groton, and Lydia Sampson, int. Feb. 18, 1799. RAMSDELL (see Ramsdal, Ramsdall, Ramsdel), Eliza of Littleton, and Eldad Pike, int. Dec. 19, 1830. Nehemiah of Groton, and Polly (Mary, int.) Farnsworth, in Groton, Jan. 9, 1792. RAND, Aaron and Elisabeth Randall of Stow, Mar. 31, 1757. Abigail and Jonathan Oak, Apr. 26, 1762. Abigail T. and George N. Houghton, int. June 26, 1847. Anna and Aretas Houghton, June 24, 1752. Annis and Samuel Whetcomb of Stow, Jan. 24, 1815. Elizebeth and Asa Houghton, Jan. 16, 1749-50. Hannah and Daniel Forbush, Sept. 22, 1801. Jonathan and Mary Stevens of Stow, int. Apr. 22, 1758. Jonathan and Mercy Taylor, Jan. 1, 1789. Jonathan and Mary Taylor, May 1, 1823. Josiah and Clarissa Monroe, Oct. 8, 1835. Mary of Cambridge, and Emory Wood, May 31, 1838.* Mercy and Lowell Taylor of Boxborough, Nov. 3, 1814. Mercy and Benjamin Hale of Waterford, Me., Oct. 6, 1822. Rachel and Zaccheus Wetherbee of Ashby, June 3, 1817. Sarah and Israel Taylor, Apr. 19, 1791. Sarah B. of Stow, and Caleb S. Gerry, int. May 16, 1846. Silas and Sarah Farwell of Groton, Feb. 22, 1763. Silas Jr. and Betsey Farnsworth of Shirley, in Shirley, May 9, 1798. Thomas of Charlestown, and Mary Penniman, May 13, 1809. RANDAL (see Randall), Priscilla of Stow, and Ward Safford, Apr. 26, 1774. Rhoda of Stow, and Jacob Willard, in Stow, July 25, 1771. Stephen of Stow, and Sarah Fairbank, May 13, 1762. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 205 RANDALL (see Randal), Elisabeth of Stow, and Aaron Rand, Mar. 31, 1757. Joseph of Boston, and Mercy Taylor, Nov. 24, 1811. Susan of Stow, and Charles Wetherbee, int. Sept. 5, 1818. RAWSON, Grindal, Rev., late of Fryeburg, and Eunice Clark, int. Oct. 28, 1775. Wilson of Upton, and Abigail Temple, Jan. 13, 1737-8. RAY, Betsy and Ephraim 8. Willard, July 1, 1841. RAYMOND, Miranda of Littleton, and Emory Wood, Feb. 9, 1830. READ (see Reed), Ephraim and Elisabeth Peirce of Groton, May 4, 1757. James and Ann Conn, Aug. 8, 1754. Jonathan Jr. and Bettee Farnworth, Dec. 3, 1751. Lydia and Simon Cooper, int. Jan. 27, 1780. Robert T. and Lydia B. Moore, Nov. 7, 1839. READALL, Jane of Londonderry, and Andrew Harper, int. Aug. II, 1739. REED (see Read), Abijah and Abigail Wood, int. Apr. 20, 1780. Betsy and Edward Baker of Littleton, June 10, 1790. Catherine F. of Townsend, and Asa Daby, int.'Mar. 9, 1849. Elizabeth of Lexington, and Col. Josiah Haskell, int. Nov. 26, 1801. Esther and Peter Wright of Littleton, in Littleton, May 18, 1786. Israel and Anna Park, Feb. 1, 1795. Jonathan Jr. and Lois Conant, Dec. 10, 1789. Lucy and John Gibson, May 19, 1790. Lucy and James Whitney, Oct. 20, 1803. Lucy and William Parker, July 19, 1820. Maria and Sherman G. Conant of Stow, Apr. 15, 1830. C.R.2. Mary and Joseph Brown of Petersham, Sept. 16, 1822. Mary Tyler and James Burditt of Leominster, May 27, 1819. Mercy of Alstead, and David Fleeman, int. Oct. 27, 1806. Nancy and Hosea Willard, May 1, 1820. Polley and William Taylor, Nov. 16, 1801. Rachael and Aaron Brown of Leominster (Stow, int.), in Leom- inster, Oct. 3, 1746. . Sarah and Thomas Williams of Hancock, Nov. 28, 1782. 206 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Reep, Sarah and Elijah Whitney of Upton [no date] (int. Oct. 5, 1821). Thomas and Ame Parkhurst, Dec. 1, 1792. Thomas P. and Hannah B. Farr (Farnsworth, int.), Mar. 30, 1824. RICE, Elisabeth and Elisha Houghton, int. Sept. 28, 1781. Hervy (Harvey, int.) of Worcester, and Arathusa Houghton, May 8, 1814. Horace and Polly Bowker of Wrentham, int. Oct. 10, 1819. Leonard of Natick, and Sophia Houghton, Oct. 8, 1820. Ruth of Northborough, and Aaron Davis, int. May 21, 1768. Sarah of Stow, and Ensign Jacob Gates, int. May 28, 1743. RICHARDS, John of Lunenburg, and Marg[aJret Conn, Oct. 20, 1773- Mitchel of zee (Shirley, int.), and Lydia Davis, Aug. 24, 1786 Moses of Lunenburg, and Ruth Willard, Feb. 18, 1768. RICHARDSON, Alpheus of Sterling, and Phebe Meriam, Dec. 20, I Elizabeth of Bolton, and William Burgess, in Bolton, Mar. 24, 1774. Jephtha and Abi Nichols of Leominster, in Leominster, Oct. 28, 1773.* Jeremiah of Newfane, and Tryphena Whitcomb, Aug. 21, 1785.* Sally and Levi Heyden, Nov. 21, 1815. Thomas P. of Marlow, and Esther Harris, int. Oct. 13, 1801. RICHMOND, Nathaniel S. and Lucinda E. Page, int. Mar. 6, 1847. RIDER, Hannah of Framingham, and David (Daniel, int.) Kendall, in Framingham, June —, 1787. Isaiah and Sarah Ramsdall, int. Sept. 4, 1820. RIGGS, Emelia (Emeline Rugg, int. and c.r.2) and James R. Nurse, Jan. 2, 1834. ROBBINS (see Robens, Robins), Asa of Petersham, and Han- nah Russel, Nov. 17, 1757. Benjamin of Westford, and Ann (Annis, int.) Johnson, in West- ford, July 12, 1733. Betty (Elisabeth, int.) of Littleton, and James Daniels, in Littleton, Aug. 21, 1781. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 207 Rogsins, C. S. (Caroline S., int.), d. of Daniel and Esther, a 1g y., and J. W. (John W., int.) Walker of Worcester, s Ze Aija of Chesterfield, b. in Chesterfield, a. 22 y., Apr. 5, I Daniel “(De., int.) and Elizabeth Tomuend of Marlborough, in Bolton, Aug. 11, 1783. Daniel M. and Charlotte Huse, Mar. 30, 1833. Elizabeth of Littleton, and Stilman Graves, int. Sept. 10, 1831. Ephraim of on and Joanna Holden, in Lancaster, July 25, 1765. Ephraim . "and Abigail Bardeen, Aug. 18, 1801. Hannah and Jonathan Haskell, Oct. 11, 178 5: Lovisa and David Lesson, July 2, 1795. Mary of Soe and Oliver Chapman, int. Oct. 1, 1822. An- nulled. Mercy and Nathan Priest of Littleton, Apr. 28, 1831. Nabby and Josiah Burges, May 11, 18109. Sally and Luther Turner, int. Nov. —, 1796. Sarah and Dr. John Cleverly, int. Nov. 24, 1781. William H. and Frances A. Jones, Oct. 9, 1843. ROBENS (see Robbins, Robins), Eleazer (Jr., int.) and Lydia Power of Littleton, May 16, 1739. Ephraim and Han[nJah Blanchard (of Littleton, int.), Apr. 21, 1743-" Ruth and Moses Sawyer of Littleton, May 16, 1739. ROBINS (see Robbins, Robens), Anna Jr. and Nathaniel Pin- gry of Ludlow, int. Aug. 12, 1789. Augustus, Dr., and Juliaan Wilder, Sept. 24, 1835. - Benjamin and Lydia Hale (Haild, int.), Oct. 13, 1774. Betsy:and Ethan Wetherbee, Aug. 4, 1799. Esther (Esther T., int.) and Alonzo Davis, Apr. 1, 1837. George and Thankfull Stevens of Chelmsford, int. Dec. 28, 17 Jacob wi Olivea Willard, int. Mar. 24, 1788. James Jr. and Anna Warner, Apr. 16, 1777. C.R.I. John of Boston, and Lucy Whitney, Mar. 24, 1803. Lucy F. and Eli Hosmer, Apr. 12, 1836. . Lydia of Groton, and Jerome Farnsworth, int. May 5, 1838. Martha Ann and William Arnold, Sept. 22, 1835. Mary and Anson (Hanson, int.) Elder of Bangor, May 10, 1812. _ Nehemiah B. of Littleton, and Mary Whitcomb, Nov. 3, 1836. Olive (2d, int.) and Eli Hosmer, Jan. 22, 1833 Seth Miller of Littleton, and Elizabeth eco: Oct. 1, 1823. 208 HARVARD MARRIAGES. ROBINSON, George Jr. and Annas Willard of Lancaster, int. Jan. 11, 1808. George C. of Lancaster, and Abigail L. Atherton, May 14, 1840. Polley and Philemon Atherton, Nov. 8, 1801.* Sarah and Benjamin Page Jr. of Groton, June 5, 1804. Sarah of Lunenburg, and Samuel F. Stone, int. Mar. 20, 1839. ROGERS, Daniel Dennison of Boston, and Abigail Broomfield, int. Sept. 24, 1781. Eunice and Phineas Houghton of Bolton, in Bolton, Nov. 28, 1763. Lois of Boxford, and Ephraim Houghton, Dec. 31, 1761. Samuell and Sarah Houghton, May 9, 1734. ROSS, David and Eunice Lovering of Ipswich, int. Apr. 5, 1766. David of Lincoln, and Lydia M. Davis, int. Oct. 14, 1826. George of Bolton, and Rebecca Huse, Dec. 10, 1832. RUGG, Abraham of Stow, and Abigail Warner, Jan. 8, 1736. Abraham and Hepzebeth Whitney, int. Oct. —, 1747. RUNELL, Oliver and Catharine R. Whitcomb of Boxborough, int. Dec. 1, 1824. RUSSEL (see Russell), Hannah and Asa Robbins of Petersham, Nov. 17, 1757. Jason and Elisabeth Farewell of Townsend, int. Nov. 24, 1759. Samuel and Unice Snow of Bolton, int. Apr. 1, 1758. RUSSELL (see Russel), Amos and Sarah Hildreth of Westford, in Westford, June 25, 1747. Ephraim W., s. of Oliver and Catherine, a. 24 y., and Susan E. Mills of Groton, d. of John of Groton, and Azuba, b. in Groton, a. 18 y., Mar. 27, 1849. Hannah and Abel Farwell, int. May 13, 1760. John and Cynthia Draper of Boxborough, int. Dec. 9, 1826. Joseph of Hatfield, and Sarah Russell, July 25, 1768. (July 12, 1768. C.R.I. y Josiah H. of West Cambridge, and Mary Ann Willard, int. July 22, 1832. Lucy and Thomas Kimball of Fitchburg, int. Dec. 21, 1777. Mary and Edmond Farwell of Groton, July 15, 1773. Sarah and Joseph Russell of Hatfield, July 25, 1768. (July 12, 1768. C.R.I.) Sybil and John Dudley of Groton, in Groton, Mar. 1, 1759. * Intention not recorded. t HARVARD MARRIAGES. 209 cen Abigail and Enoch Safford of Newbury, int. Apr. , 1704. Abigail and Charles Baly of Newburyport, Mar. 24, 1767. (Mar. 25, 1767. C.R.I.) Ellenor and Joshua Pierce of Shirley, in Shirley, June 16, 1763. Enoch of Newbury, and Abigail Safford, int. Apr. 8, 1764. Eunice and Elijah Wiles Jr. of Shirley, Dec. 26, 1771. John Jr. and Mehitable Farnworth, Jan. 31, 1765. Ruth and Samuel (Jr., int.) Haskell, Dec. 6, 1770. Ward and Priscilla Randal of Stow, Apr. 26, 1774. William and Sarah Scolley, Apr. 29, 1778. SALMON, Elizabeth and William Dodge of Lunenburg, in Lunenburg, Jan. 28, 1755. SAMPSON (see Samson), Abigail and Ebenezer Warner, Mar. 22, 1749-50. Abner and Lucy Farnsworth, Oct. 20, 1772. Benjamin and Elizebeth Stone of Lexington, int. Nov. 2, 1751. Benjamin and Molley Atherton of Bolton, Nov. 30, 1792. David and Lucy Warner, Apr. 23, 1761. ; Hannah W. (Hannah Warner, int.) and Reuben Conant, June 18, 1809. Huldah and Joshua Holden, Jan. 23, 1770. John Jr. and Martha Sawyer, Oct. 2, 1740. Jonathan and Mary Oak, Mar. 14, 1758. Lois and Isaac Gibson Jr. of Fitchburg, Mar. 16, 1773. Lucy and David Stone, in Bolton, Nov. 19, 1788. Lydia and Seth Ramsdel of Groton, int. Feb. 18, 1799. Martha and Timothy Powers, Mar. 26, 1765. Mary and Joshua Nurs, Sept. 5, 1740. Phinehas and Rachael White of Bolton, in Bolton, Jan. 12, 1786. : Rice and Edmund Larkin Jr. of Shrewsbury, int. Mar. 3, 1783. Samuel and Mary Farnsworth, May 10, 1785. Solomon and Rebecca Blood, June 2, 1762. Willis and Moriah Houghton, July 3, 1797. SAMSON (see Sampson), Abigail and Jonas Davis, May 27, 1784. Abisha, Rev., and Mehitabel Herrick (Kenrick, int.) of Newton, in Newton, Jan. 6, 1814. Rachel and Nathan[iJel Warner, Jan. 17, 1750. Thomas H. and Sarah A. Haynes of Bolton, int. Mar. 19, 1831. 210 HARVARD MARRIAGES. SANBORN, Charles S. of Lowell, s. of Jonathan of Gilmanton, N. H., and Sally, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., a. 22 y., and Mary J. Ball, d. of Benjamin and Mary, b. in Concord, a. 22 y., Sept. 21, 1848. Tristam and Abigail Knight, in Lancaster, Mar. 17, 1797. SANDERSON, Betty and George Leason of Bolton, Feb. 20, 1771. Colmon and Submit Adams, Dec. 5, 1771. Elizabeth and Edward Bolton of Shirley, int. Apr. 4, 1800. Gideon and Hannah Dodge, Jan. 11, 1778. Isaac and Eunice Bolton of Shirley, int. Dec. 16, 1805. Jane (Saunders, int.) and Benjamin C. (Benjamin Clark, int.) Gregory, July 7, 1823. Lucy of Hollis, N. H., and William Kitteredge, int. Mar. 5, 1824. , Oliver and Elisabeth Wintworth, Sept. 11, 1770. Sarah and William Miles, Aug. 14, 1760. Solomon and Olive Davis, int. Dec. 10, 1785. SARGENT, Maria and Nathaniel Whittemore of Groton, ie Sept. 16, 1843. 7 SARTEL (see Sawtel, Sawtell, Sertell), Unice of Groton, and Nathaniel Farnworth, int. Jan. 6, 1739-40. SAUNDERS, Evelina E. and Charles Henry, Sept. 15, 1840. SAWIN, Benjamin of Pepperell, and Betsy Houghton, May 7, 1828.* SAWTEL (see Sartel, Sawtell, Sertell), Mich[a]el and Sarah Foster, May 3, 1774. ‘ SAWTELL (see Sartel, Sawtel, Sertell), Abel (Jr., int.) of Groton, and Susanna French Bardeen, May 16, 1822. Joseph Jr. of Groton, and Lucy Farnsworth, Jan. 1, 1794. SAWYER, Abel and Polly (Molley, int.) Cutting of Boylston, in Bolton, Sept. 19, 1791. Abel Jr. and Betsy Sawyer of Bolton, int. Apr. 7, 1821. . Abigail (of Boxborough, int.) and Daniel Daby, Feb. 17, 1784. Arad and Lucy P. Farwell, Nov. 1, 1831. Betsy of Bolton, and Abel Sawyer Jr., int. Apr. 7, 1821. Betty and Stephen Wilder of Lancaster, in Bolton, between 1769 and 1771 (int. June 7, 1770). Beulah and Ebenezer Taylor, June 23, 1737. C.R.I. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 211 Sawyer, Caleb and Relief Fairbank, Dec. 9, 1760. Caleb and Sarah Patch of Stow, int. Nov. 29, 1766. Caleb of Bolton, and Releaf Fairbank, Jan. 24, 1787. (Apr. 5, 1787. C.R.I.) Caleb 2d and Lydia Sprague [no date] (int. Aug. 14, 1810). Dinah and Nathan Agar of Lancaster, Sept. 17, 1772. (Nov. 17,1772. C.R.I.) Dinah and John Pierce, May 16, 1799. : Edmund of Boston, and Rebecca Fairbank, Feb. 23, 1836. Elisabeth and Joseph Pratt, June 6, 1786. Elizabeth and Joshua Moore of Lancaster, int. Feb. 16, 1736. Hannah and Leonard Whetcomb of Boxborough, June 11, 1797. Jabez and Ruth Wheeler, int. Oct. 29, 1785. James and Naomi Whitney, June 17, 1817. John and Elisabeth Gates, Feb. 4, 1761. Jonathan Jr. and (wid., int.) Elizabeth Whitney, Sept. 30, 1740. Jonathan and Mary Priest, July 2, 1794. Jona{than] and Adaline Hildreth, May 30, 1839. Joseph and Abigail Foskett, in Lancaster, Mar. 9, 1732-3. Joseph Jr. and Sarah Townsen of Northborough, int. Feb. 13, 1768. Josia and Agatha H: Gardner of Sandwich, int. Apr. 1, 1827. Josiah and Mary D. Sawyer of Boston, int. Apr. 18, 1829. Lucy of Boxborough, and John Conn, Jan. 20, 1796. Lucy and Jacob Gutterson of Boston, Nov. 6, 1828. Luke eo Mercy B. Whitcomb of Sweden, Me., int. Sept. 9, 1834. Luther and Achsa Burnham, Nov. 30, 1797. Lydia and James Bowers, Sept. 11, 1783. Lydia and Francis Wheeler Whitney, Nov. 30, 1803. Lydia and Isaiah Whitney 3d, Apr. 15, 1807. Lydia and John Blanchard, int. Mar. 30, 1834. Manasseh and Lydia Fairbank, Feb. 18, 1756. Maria and John Nurse, Sept. 12, 1830. C.R.2. Martha and John Sampson Jr., Oct. 2, 1740. Martha of Sterling, and Augustus G. Hill, int. Jan. 14, 1837. Mary and Charles W. Grover, int. Apr. 5, 1827. ° Mary D. of Boston, and Josiah Sawyer, int. Apr. 18, 1829. Menassah (Jr., int.) and Mercy Meads, in Bolton, Dec. 23, 1788. ; Mercy and Thomas Sprague Frost, int. Oct. 19, 1822. Mercy W., d. of Jonathan and Mary, a. 34 y., and Sidney Bull, widr., s. of Merrit and Hannah, b. in Winchester, Conn., a. 40 y., Dec. 23, 1846. 212 HARVARD MARRIAGES. SAWYER, Moses of Littleton, and Ruth Robens, May 16, 1739. Nathan of Bolton, and Salome Burnham, Jan. 19, 1804. Olive and David Whitney, Aug. 25, 1747.* Olive of Boxborough, and Samuel Hill Jr., int. Oct. 24, 1791. Oliver and Abigail Townsend of Westborough, int. Nov. 26, 1763. Permelia and Joshua L. Boynton of Pepperell, Apr. 4, 1843. Phineas Jr. and Hannah Whitney, in Bolton, May 19, 1791. Phineas and Mary Gilmore, Jan. 23, 1809. Phineas and Nancy Wheler, int. Aug. 17, 1824. Phinehas and Hannah Whitcombe, Feb. 14, 1771. Relief and Daniel Crouch, Jan. 6, 1803. Rhoda and Charles Warner, Feb. 1, 1791. _ Ruth and Justinian Holden (of Cambridge, int.), June 25, I74I. C.R.I. Ruth of Milford, N. H., and William Butler, int. June 27, 1802. Sarah and Gabriel Preist Jr., int. Feb. 12, 1742-3. Sarah of Littleton, and Elias Stone, int. Aug. 31, 1754. Sarah and Wl{illialm Whitcomb of Bolton, June 19,1777. C.R.I. Sarah of Boxborough, and Jeremiah Laughton, May 11, 1791. Seth and Hephsibah Whitney, in Lancaster, Oct. 12, 1732.* Thomas ey Templeton, and Prudence Carter of Bolton, Sept. 13, 1762. SCOLLEY, Anna and Josiah Whitney Jr., Jan. 10, 1776. Grover and Lois Atherton, Feb. 19, 1752. Grover and Rebekah Harris, int. Aug. 14, 1779. Lois and Elijah Stocker of Parkersfield, int. Dec. 20, 1782. Sarah of Stoneham, and Charles Willard, in Stoneham, Dec. —, 1762. Sarah and William Safford, Apr. 29, 1778. SCOTT, Abraham of Bolton, and Mary Kent, in Bolton, Oct. 2, 1764. SECCOMBE (see Seecomb), Willis and Abigail Warner, int. Apr. 18, 1767. Willis and Molley Brown, int. Dec. 28, 1776 (m. ——, 1777, C.R.1.) SEECOMB (see Seccombe), John, Rev., and Mercy Williams of Weston, in Weston, Mar. 10, 1736-7. SELBY, Pamela and William Mann, Dec. 26, 1813. SERTELL (see Sartel, Sawtel, Sawtell), Sarah of Groton, and _ John Farwell, int. Mar. 6, 1741-2. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 213 SHADDEN, Ebenezer and Mary Keyes of Roxbury (Bolton dup.), Dec. 24, 1804.* ao Andrew of Groton, and Cyntha Stone, Apr. 24, 1832. Harriet A. of Percy, O., and William D. Nutting of Groton, May 22, 1845. c.R.2.* Rachel and James Maclane, int. Nov. 4, 1816. Marriage for- bidden by Job Shattuck Jr., father of Rachel, she being under 18 years. cae Mary of Billerica, and Jonathan Gates Jr., May 21, 1761. Sarah (Elisabeth, int.) and Abraham Whitney of Stow, in Stow, July 16, 1767. Sarah and Marett, in Ashburnham, Aug. 21, 1788. (Sa- rah Shed and Marret Burges, int. Aug. 11, 1788.) SHEFEILD, Abigail of Mendon, and Oliver Brown, int. June 16, 1750. SHELDEN (see Sheldon), Mary of Reading, and Nahum Daby, int. Apr. I, 1742. 7 SHELDON (see Shelden), Peletiah of Sudbury, and Lydia Co- nant, Apr. 3, 1823. SHEPHARD, Russell R. of Worcester, and Sarah Hill, int. Sept. 10, 1837. SHERMAN, Dexter of Wayland, and Mary P. Whitney, Apr. 26, 1842. SHIPLEY, Mary Ann of Groton, and Ephraim Burgess, int. Mar. 20, 1833. SIBLEY, Prudence of Southborough, and Levi Crouch, int. July 1, 1817. SIMONDS (see Symonds, Symons), Caroline of Leominster, and Cummings E. Davis, int. Apr. 28, 1839. George and Clarisa Frost, Dec. 27, 1831. SIOMES, Ketura (Somes, int.) and Tilley White of Lancaster, Dec. 15, 1761. SKINNER, Elizabeth of Stow, and Jonathan Crouch (3rd, int.), in Stow, Feb. 16, 1778. * Intention not recorded. 214 HARVARD MARRIAGES. SMITH, Cally of Weston, and Daniel Stratton, int. May 18, 1800. Caroline and Ari Wetherbee of Bolton, Apr. 24, 1830. c.R.2. James of Coventry, and Sarah Atherton, int. Nov. 11, 1732. Jerusha and Henry M. Hall of Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 8, 1842.* John of Charlestown, and Mary Conn, Feb. 10, 1803. Lydia of Winchendon, and Jonathan Pollard, int. June 15, 1816. Nahum of Stow, and Mary Stone, in Stow, Apr. 20, 1792. . Rebecca of Stow, and Jabez Houghton, int. Jan. 18, 1813. Samuel of Hillsborough, and Betsy Conn, int. Sept. 21, 1807. Susanna and William W. Whitney of Bolton, Apr. 15, 1829. William, Capt., of Lexington, and Mary C. Green, July 22, 1824. SNOW, Abigail of Lancaster, and Samuel Hancock, in Lan- - caster, July 21, 1763. Eunice and John Farewell, Jan. 18, 1762. Unice of Bolton, and Samuel Russel, int. Apr. 1, 1758. SPARHAWE, Noah of Bucksport, Me., and Maria Stetson, Aug. 27, 1817. SPRAGUE, Lydia and Caleb Sawyer 2d [no date] i Aug. 14, 1819). Nabby A Heman Knight, Oct. 6, 1818. Nathan and Nabby Turner, May 1, 1800. Samuel and Lydia Whitney, Jan. 18, 17908. Samuel and Lovey Hazen of Shirley, Dec. 11, 1828. ee 17, 1828. C.R.2.) Sarah and Scripture Frost of Shirley, Sept. 15, 1795. STACY, Abby M., wid., d. of Jonathan and Alice Adams, a. 24 y., and Alfred Atherton, s. of Eben and Lucy, a. 23 y., Nov. 26, 1846. George Ww, of Providence, R. I., and Abba M. Adams, Aug. 16, 1843.* Nath[anie]l and Lucy Adams, Apr. 5, 1841. STAPLES, Rebecca F. of Shirley, and William K. Harrad, int. Sept. 26, 1818. STEARNS (see Sterns), Aaron W. of Leominster, and Betsy W. Houghton, June 15, 1828. David and Louis Crouch, in Bolton, Dec. 24, 1777.* Luther of Leominster, and Lucy Warner, Aug. 18, 1799. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 215 Stearns, Lydia Walker of Boxborough, and Asa Burges, int. Nov. 4, 1816. ‘ Mary E. of Hollis, N. H., and Amos Hildreth, int. Jan. 17, 1849. Molly and Samuel Willard, Aug. 27, 1771. Samuel of Leominster, and Sarah Daby, Nov. 6, 1792. Sarah of Bolton, and Elijah Whitney, in Bolton, Apr. 14, 1772. we of Littleton, and Elizabeth Bert, in Concord, June 109, 1764. STEPHENS (see Stevens), Moses of Boxborough, and Maria Sterns, Dec. 11, 1837. STERNS (see Stearns), Josiah of Lunenburg, and Abigail Emmerson, Dec. 26, 1765. Lorenzo and Mary Hodege of Lowell, int. Mar. 18, 1839. Maria and Moses Stephens of Boxborough, int. Dec. 11, 1837. Mercy of Littleton, and Charles Taylor, Mar. 29, 1764. Sarah ba David Crouch Jr., int. Mar. 8, 1777 (m. C.R.I. STETSON (see Stutson), Maria and Noah Sparhawk of Bucks- port, Me., Aug. 27, 1817. Mary Grey and Jonathan Wetherbee Jr., Nov. 2, 1806. Nancy and Bradford Harlow of Castine, May 24, 1810. Pricilia and Moses Symonds of Alstead, Feb. 13, 1808. STEVENS (see Stephens), Mary of Stow, and Jonathan Rand, int. Apr. 22, 1758. — Thankfull of Chelmsford, and George Robins, int. Dec. 28, 1734. STICKNEY, Moses of Leominster, and Sybil Farnworth, Nov. ; 20, 1760. Peter of Shirley, and Eunice Carlton, Dec. 5, 1780.* Sybil and Ebenezer Nutting (Jr., int.) of Groton, Jan. 31, 1765. STOCKER, Elijah of Parkersfield, and Lois Scolley, int. Dec. 20, 1782. STONE, Abigail and Jabez Wood, Mar. 14, 1799. ‘Abigail of Groton, and John Blanchard, int. Mar. 25, 1811. Amos and Adna Hale, Feb. 27, 1754. Amos and Rhoda Moors, Apr. 11, 1805. Annis and Ebenezer Bridge, Jan. 13, 1785. Cyntha and Andrew Shattuck of Groton, Apr. 24, 1832. David and Lucy Sampson, in Bolton, Nov. 19, 1788. * Intention not recorded. »1777- 216 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Stone, Deborah and James Farmer, Nov. 20, 1777. Dolly (Dorathy, int.) and Gording Hutchins, Oct. 12, 1757. Dorcas and Benjamin Stow, Mar. 14, 1749-50. Elias and Sarah Sawyer of Littleton, int. Aug. 31, 1754. Elizebeth of Lexington, and Benjamin Sampson, int. Nov. 2, 1751. Behe and Ame Haskell, Mar. 31, 1791. Eunice of Groton, and William Park Jr., in Groton, Nov. 1, 1781. George W. and Mary Ann Jordan of Albany, Me., int. Oct. 24, 1848. Han[njah and John Pirce, Nov. 22, 1744. Hannah of Groton, and Elias Chaffin, in Groton, Oct. 20, 1785. Hannah of Boxborough, and William Fallass, int. May 3, 1802. Hannah D., d. of W{illiajm and Hannah, b. in Wellfleet, a. 22 y., and William S. Harrad, s. of Wlillialm K. and Rebecca, a. 25 y., June 25, 1845. Isa[a]c and Keziah Pirce, Apr. 6, 1744. Jacob of Stow, and Mary Priest, in Stow, Apr. 4, 1782.* James and Susanna Fosgate of Bolton, in Bolton, Feb. 13, 1777. Jasper of Boxborough, and Polly Babcock, int. July 31, 1809. Joel of Waterford, and Lucinda Parkhurst, Sept. 24, 1795. Jonathan and Jemima Longley of Groton, in Groton, Mar. 18, 1773- Jonathan Jr. of Groton (of Westmoreland, int.), and Catharine Willard, July 2, 1786. Joseph of Groton, and Phebe Blanchard, Nov. 28, 1803. Joseph 4th and Mary Bridge, Oct. 30, 1817. Joseph C. of Chelsea, s. of William and Hannah, b. in Wellfleet, a. 22 y., and Emeline E. Harrod, d. of W[illiajm and Re- becca, a. 21 y., Jan. 20, 1848. Josiah and Sally Daby, Sept. 13, 1797. Lemuel and Martha Fullom, Nov. 20, 1777. Louisa A., d. of Joseph 2d, a. 20 y., and Asa Wood, a. 23 y., Nov. 26, 1844. Lucy and Stephen Lawrance, Feb. 8, 1790. Lucy and Seth Ramsdall of Groton, Feb. 25, 1799.* Lucy (Stow, int.) and Timothy Bryant of Charlestown, Jan. 27, 1814. Lydia of Groton, and Nathaniel Whitmore (Whittemore, int.), in Groton, Feb. 19, 1778. Mary and Peter Willard of Marlborough, Sept. 30, 1762. Mary and Daniel Wetherbee of Stow, Apr. 28, 1774. Mary of Stow, and Jacob Priest, in Stow, Apr. 4, 1782. Mary and Nahum Smith of Stow, in Stow, Apr. 20, 1792. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 217 Stone, Mary and Center Dunn of Chelmsford, May 4, 1836. sats of West Boylston, and Calvin Warner, int. Mar. 2, 1844. Micah and Mary Whitney, Mar. 17, 1759 (int. Mar. 25, 1759). Micah and Elisabeth Lawrence, Oct. 29, 1766. Moriah and Timothy Nealand, Feb. 11, 1761. Moses of New Pennycook, and Polly Hamlin, int. Aug. 12, 1789. Nethiaael Stacy of Fitzwilliam, and Nancy Priest, Dec. 13, 1808. Oliver and Mariah Priest of Bolton, in Lancaster, Nov. 20, 1739. Oliver and Mary Lock of Cambridge, int. Apr. 20, 1757. Oliver and Lucy Willard, Dec. 30, 1762. ‘ Phineas and Sarah Mead, May 22, 1794. Polley and William Farmer, Feb. 1, 1807. Samuel of Colerain, and Ame Wheeler, int. Sept. 19, 1791. ee F. and Sarah Robinson of Lunenburg, int. Mar. 20, , 1639. Sarah and Phi[njeas Farbanks, June 11, 1740. Silas of Groton, and Eunice Fairbank, June 1, 1767. Susan H. and Samuel McIntire of Dorchester, July 13, 1834. Susanna of Groton, and Africa Hamlin, int. Dec. 24, 1784. Susanna and Josiah Davis, Jan. 27, 1790. Timothy of Groton, and Lydia Farwell, in Groton, May 27, 1794. Windsor and Huldah Johnson of Leominster, int. Mar. 8, 1816. Zubal and Peg[g]y Colburn of Lancaster, Aug. 21, 1784. STOW, Abigail and Joseph Farnsworth, Mar. 22, 1803. Benjamin and Dorcas Stone, Mar. 14, 1749-50. Benjamin Jr. and Abigail Atherton of Bolton, int. Jan. 18, 1782. Benjamin and Lucy Emerson, Apr. 14, 1796. Darcos and Europe Hamlen, Apr. 13, 1786. Hannah and John Priest 3d, Mar. 19, 1772. Manassah and Molly Whitcomb of Littleton, in Littleton, Feb. 27, 1783.* Mary and Aaron Warner, Apr. 30, 1776. Ruth of Marlborough, and Phineas Hager, int. Sept. 23, 1811. Sally and John Whitney, Nov. 23, 1804. STRATTON, Daniel and Cally Smith of Weston, int. May 18, 1800. STUTSON (see Stetson), William (Capt., int.) of Boston, and Sally Gardner, Oct. 31, 1811. * Intention not recorded. 218 HARVARD MARRIAGES, SUFFERANCE, Elbridge and Lucy P. Whitney, Jan. 31, 1839. SWAIN, Mehitable and Ebenezer Bridge, Nov. 15, 1815. SWANEY, James, a. 24 y., and Susan M. Kendall, d. of Enoch, a. Ig y., Sept. 11, 1844. | SYMONDS (see Simonds, Symons), Hannah and George Willard, Dec. 22, 1808. Jane and Clark Fairbank, Nov. 8, 1825. Jonathan and Judeth Cole, June 14, 1753. Jonathan and Jane Boynton Nutting of Groton, int. Aug. 4, 1806. Jonathan B. (Jonathan Bowman of Hanover, int.) and Sally Chaffin, Sept. 29, 1816. Judith and Simon Daby, July 29, 1770. Lydia and Reuben Garfield, Apr. 23, 1776. Moses of Alstead, and Pricilia Stetson, Feb. 13, 18038. Sylvester and Nabby Pollard, Sept. 7, 1800. SYMONS (see Simonds, Symonds), Jonathan and Hannah Clark, Jan. 23, 1778. TARBELL (see Tarble, Tarbol), Deborah and George Peirce of Lincoln, Jan. 17, 1757.* Esther of Groton, and John Houghton, in Groton, Mar. 11, 1760. Martha and Edward Phelps of Leominster, int. Oct. 31, 1756. Sally of Shirley, and Capt. Jerome Gardner, May 23, 1819. TARBLE (see Tarbell, Tarbol), Betsy of Groton, and W[illia]m Adams, int. Dec. 25, 1819. TARBOL (see Tarbell, Tarble), Abigail of Groton, and Joseph Fairbank Jr., int. Aug. 29, 1749. Anna of Groton, and Moses Haskell, int. June 11, 1751. TAYLOR, Ann and Noah Childs of Boston, Mar. 10, 1825.* Anna and Aaron Pollard of Lancaster, Nov. 28, 1798. Anna and Simeon Wetherbee of Boxborough, int. Feb. 3, 1816. Annice and Abijah Nutting of Groton, Feb. 20, 1814. Bulah and Elisha Jackson, both of Westminster, Dec. 6, 1763.* Charles and Mercy Sterns of Littleton, Mar. 29, 1764. Charles and Persis Lawrance of Ashby, int. May 23, 1808. Ebenezer and Beulah Sawyer, June 23, 1737. C.R.I. Eliza, a. 42 y., and William Davis, widr., of Boxborough, s. of Wiilliajm and ,a. 58 y., Jan. 16, 1849. Esther and Jotham Houghton, both of Petersham, Dec. 19, 1759." * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 219 Tayvor, Esther and Israel Hale, Nov. 12, 1782. Hannah and David Farwell, Nov. 25, 1773. Israel and Sarah Rand, Apr. Ig, 1791. Jacob F. of Watertown, and Sally F. Whitney, Mar. 31, 1836. John and Mary Bowker, Sept. 23, 1756.* John and Salley Burditt of Leominster, int. July 7, 1806. Lowell of Boxborough, and Mercy Rand, Nov. 3, 1814. Lydia of Townsend, and John Farwell, Dec. 4, 1770. Mary and Benjamin Hale, Oct. 6, 1757. Mary oa Nathan{iJel Wheeler, both of Westminster, Jan. 29, 1760 Mary and Silas Wetherbee Jr. of Boxborough, int. July 7, 1800. Mary and Jonathan Rand, May 1, 1823. Mary A., d. of W[illialm and Mary, a. 21 y., and Barney S. Phelps of Lancaster, s. of Peter of Lancaster, and Mary, b. in Milton, a. 26 y., Aug. 26, 1845. Mercy and Jonathan Rand, Jan. 1, 1789. Mercy and Joseph Randall of Boston, Nov. 24, 1811. Moses of Boxborough, and Esther Barnard, Nov. 5, 1812. Nathan of Shrewsbury, and Sarah Hale, in Shrewsbury [no date] (int. Mar. 20, 1744). Oliver of Stow, and Sarah Frost, d. of Scripture and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1844.* Phineas and Mary Ann (Julia Ann, int.) Winn, Apr. 26, 1837. Phinehas Jr. of Stow, and Sarah Haseltine, Mar. 10, 1778. Phinehas of Boxborough, and Mercy Fairbank, July 3, 1811. Sally and Jonathan Pollard Jr., Jan. 1, 1806. Samuel of Worcester, and Lydia Worster of Hollis, Jan. 18, 1809.* Samuel i, s. of William and Emeline E. Nutting of Groton, Aug. 6, 1844.* Susannah and John Lowell of Bath, June 16, 1811. Varnum of Boxborough, and Mary D. Bowers, Nev, 28, 1838. William and Polley Reed, Nov. 16, 1801. William Jr. and Mary Wood, May 3, 1821. Zopher and Maria Nourse of ‘Bolton, May 5, 1836. Zopher, widr., s. of W[illialm and Polly, a. 36 y., and Eunice D. Davis of Ashland, d. of Abel of Waterford, Conn., and Betsey, a. 26 y., Apr. 28, 1846. TEMPLE, Abigail and Wilson Rawson of Upton, Jan. 13, 1737-8. TENNY, Peter (Jr., int.) of Stow, and Mary Fairbank, Jan. 25, 1827. * Intention not recorded. 220 i HARVARD MARRIAGES. TEWKSBURY, Carlos of Brattleboro, Vt., and Ann Whitcomb, Oct. 24, 1838. THAYER, Joanna Trescot and John Davis of Boston, Mar. 26, 1815. THOMAS, Rebecca of Lancaster, and Samuel Stillman Parker, Dec. 11, 1797. THOMPSON (see Thomson), William J. B. of Westminster, s. of Samuel of Westminster, and Mary, b. in Londonderry, a. 18 y., and Emily E. Hardy, d. of Emerson and Elizy, b. in Concord, a. 19 y., Apr. 4, 1848. THOMSON (see Thompson), Czarina of Swanzey, N. H., and Charles Bateman, int. Mar. 14, 1818. TILER (see Tyler), Mary and Dea. Charles Chace Jr. of Lan- caster, May 16, 1822. TOOMBS, Lydia B. and Franklin Farnsworth, Mar. 29, 1833. TOWNSEN (see Townsend), Sarah of Northborough, and Jos- eph Sawyer Jr., int. Feb. 13, 1768. TOWNSEND (see Townsen), Abigail of Westborough, and Oliver Sawyer, int. Nov. 26, 1763. Anna of Bolton, and Dr. Nathaniel Martin, in Bolton, Dec. 23, 1765. Elizabeth of Marlborough, and (Dr., int.) Daniel Robbins, in Bolton, Aug. 11, 1783. TRASK, Hannah and Thomas Bardeen, int. July 12, 1823. TROBRIDGE, William W. of Newton, and Sarah Ann Hunter, Apr. 29, 1841. TRUFANT, Betsy and William Kitteredge, int. Dec. 8, 1822. Christopher and Betsy Burges of Groton, int. Nov. 11, 1805. John and Betsy Bigelow, Oct. 10, 1803. Orissa and Hannibal Nutting of Groton, Dec. 11, 1827. (Dec. 12, 1827. C.R.2.) Salley and Reuben Willard, int. Aug. 30, 1802. TUCKER, Amos D. of Lancaster, and Louisa Emerson, Apr. 13, 1828. Joshua and Rebeccah Morse of Royalston, int. Sept. 28, 1828. Sally Preston of Templeton, and Jacob Haskell, int. Sept. 21, 1812. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 221 TURNER, Bethiah and Warren Kent, Dec. 19, 1786.* Bethiah and Caleb Warner, Apr. 26, 1803. Caleb and Salley Conn, int. Apr. 17, 1810. che (Charlotte M., int.) and Luke Whitney, Apr. 27, 1836. — a Caroline G. Giles of Concord, N. H., int. Oct. 6, 1826. George and Azubah Johnson of Leominster, int. June 15, 1816. Hannah and Jonathan Lewis, Dec. 12, 1784. James and Lois Hill Whitney, Nov. 14, 1806. Lucinda and Aaron Warner, Mar. 30, 1803. Lucy and David Pollard, Oct. 18, 1803. Luther and Sally Robbins, int. Nov. —, 1796. Luther and Abigail Geary, Oct. 4, 1798. Luther G. and Harriot G. Warters of Groton, Dec. 10, 1835. Mary of Gerry, and Luther Lyon, int. Jan. 10, 1802. Nabby and Nathan Sprague, May 1, 1800. Nancy and Silas Holman of Bolton, Apr. 26, 1837. Nathaniel of Leominster, and Susan[nla Baker, May 3, 1798. Oliver W., s. of Luther and Abigail, a. 35 y., and Rebecca Har- rod; d. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca, a. 25 y., Dec. 31, 1846. Prince and Rebecca Keep, Dec. 5, 1775. Rachel and Luke Knight, Oct. 13, 1803. Rebecca and Abel Whetcomb of Boxborough, Apr. 10, 1804. Rebecca and John Geary, Nov. 10, 1808. Salley and Richard Whitney Jr., Apr. 2, 1807. Simeon and Anna Bridge, Oct. 6, 1774. Simeon Jr. and Mary Holland, int. Sept. 4, 1780. Simeon and Lucy Cox, Apr. 2, 1783. TUTTLE, George W. of Littleton, s. of T. S. and , b. in Littleton, a. 27 y., and Atlanta A. Gerry, d. of John and ,a. 2ry., May 24, 1849. TYLER (see Tiler), Alma E., d. of Edward and Alma E., a. 34 y., and Dr. Jacob L. Eaton, widr., of Bristol, N. H., s. of John and Mary, b. in Warren, N. H., a. 44 y., Sept. 20, 1849. Almy Bilery and Samuel Bacon, May 11, 1826. Edward and Almy E. Holden of Shirley, int. Jan. 17, 1814. Elizibeth and Luke Pollard, Nov. 25, 1841. : Harriot N., d. of Edward and Alma, and Dr. Samuel B. Kelly of Franklin, N. H., Mar. 5, 1845. Mary and Henry Farley of Concord, N. H., Nov. 30, 1826. Susan and Luke Pollard Jr., Nov. 23, 1836. * Intention not recorded. 222 HARVARD MARRIAGES. UPHAM, Laurinda of Templeton, and Rev. Jonathan Farr, int. Mar. 17, 1834. Lysander S. of Fitchburg, and Mercy F. Whitney, int. May 1, 1847. VOSE, Hannah and Joseph Whitcomb, Dec. 13, 1832. WALCOTT, George of Stow, s. of Robert of Philadelphia, Pa., b. in Baltimore, Md., a. 25 y., and Lurena H. Houghton, d. of Jacob, b. in Bolton, a. 17 y., July 16, 1848. Lydia of Stow, and Thomas Fairbank, in Stow, Feb. 6, 1792. WALDEN, Caleb of Lynn, and Elizabeth Houghton, int. July 19, 1817. WALKER, J. W. (John W., int.) of Worcester, s. of Aija of Chesterfield, .b. in Chesterfield, a. 22 y., and C. S. (Caro- line S., int.) Robbins, d. of Daniel and Esther, a. 19 y., Apr. 5, 1846. * John and Harriet Blood of Bolton, int. Mar. 27, 18109. Sam[ue]l of Leominster, and Betsy Farrington, Nov. 5, 1797. Samuel S. and Mary Fletcher of Groton, int. Nov. 9, 1834. Sarah of Shirley, and Jason Bigelow, int. May 9, 1818. Sophia of Shirley, and Theophilus Parkhurst, int. May 9, 1814. WARD, Luther of Leicester, and Sarah Cole, int. Sept. 5, 1783. WARES, Moses and Polley Foster, July 3, 1796. Moses and Rebecca Allen of Lancaster, int. June 26, 1801. WARNER (see Worner), Aaron and Mary Stow, Apr. 30, 1776. Aaron and Lucinda Turner, Mar. 30, 1803. Abigail and Abraham Rugg of Stow, Jan. 8, 1736. Abigail and Willis Seccombe, int. Apr. 18, 1767 Abigail and Wetherbe Whitney, July 7, 1774. Abigail and Jaazaniah Nichols How, int. May 2, 1808. Abigail and Jacob Houghton 2d (3d, int.) of Bolton, Apr. 27, 1823. Abijah and Elsea Fuller of Lancaster, in Lancaster, May 2, 1770. Anna and James Robins Jr., Apr. 16, 1777. C.R.I. Anna and Levi Houghton, int. Mar. 3, 1817. Bethiah and Luther Farwell, July 15, 1830. c.R.2. Betsy and Joseph Moore of Berlin, Oct. 13, 1818. Caleb and Bethiah Turner, Apr. 26, 1803. Caleb and Catherine Bemis, Nov. 25, 1841. Calvin and Anna Houghton of Bolton, in Bolton, Nov. 29, 1787. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 223 Warner, Calvin Jr. and’Lydia Wood, Apr. 9, 1812. Calvin and Mary C. Stone of West Boylston, int. Mar. 2, 1844. Charles and Rhoda Sawyer, Feb. 1, 1791. Dorithy and Joshua Kendal of Lancaster, Apr. 16, 1771. Dorithy and Jacob Emerson, int. Nov. 3, 1800. Ebenezer and Abigail Sampson, Mar. 22, 1749-50. Ebenezer (Jr., int.) and Deborah Ball of Bolton, in Bolton, Apr. 30, 1776. Elias and Abigail Priest, Dec. 14, 1784. Elias Ze and Mary Ann Lawrence of Bolton, int. Mar. 13, 1825. Elias and Caroline A. Leach of Chelmsford, int. Sept. 13, 1845. Elisabeth and Elkanah Keyes, Jan. 11, 1759. Ephraim and Mercy Houghton, June 23, 1796. Ephraim Jr. and Eliza Grover, Apr. 26, 1828. Esther (Warren, int.) of Littleton, and Lysias Blanchard, in Littleton, Jan. 9, 1787. John Jr. and Phebe Whitney, June 28, 1749. John Jr. and Susanna Barrett of Leominster, in Bolton, Feb. 22, 1781. John and Mary Piper, June 2, 1785. John Jr. and Sally Gould, Nov. 10, 1818. Lorena E., d. of Ezra and Sally, a. 21 y., and George Davis of Shirley, s. of Ele[a]zar of Shirley, and Rebecca, b. in Shirley, a. 25 y., Dec. 31, 1845. Lovisa and James M. Emerson of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 18, 1843. Lucy and David Sampson, Apr. 23, 1761. Lucy and Luther Stearns of Leominster, Aug. 18, 1799. Luke and Lovisa Dwinnel, int. Jan. 24, 1824. Lydia and John Fairbank, Oct. 16, 1817. Lydia L., d. of Calvin and Lydia, a. 26 y., and Thomas S. Eaton of Westminster, s. of John of Westminster, and Ame, a. 23 y., Oct. 29, 1846. Mary and Samuel Forbush, in Bolton, Jan. 11, 1781. Mercy and John Nichool Jr. of Lancaster, Nov. 8, 1750. Moses and Unice Whitney of Stow, May 29, 1751. Nathan (Warren, int.) and Dolly Goodenough, Jan. 17, 1736-7. C.R.I. Nathan and Abigail Hayward (Elisabeth Howard, int.) of wa Acton, in Acton, June 28, 1784. Nathan[iJel and Rachel Samson, Jan. 17, 1750. Noah and Rhoda Houghton of Bolton, int. June 17, 1837. Phebe and Micajah Fay of Bolton, int. Mar. 2, 1776. 224 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Warner, Phebe and Jonathan Barrett, in Bolton, Aug. 29, 1781. Phineas and Lydia Whitney of Bolton, in Bolton, Feb. 27, 1769. _ Phinehas and (wid., c.r.1) Elisabeth Willard, Oct. 7, 1783. Rachel and Daniel Albert Jr. of Lancaster, May 11, 1757. Rebecca and Elnathan Polley, Oct. 10, 1788. Rebekah and Joseph Blood of Lancaster, Oct. 16, 1735. Rhoda and Jacob Priest, Jan. 1, 1793. Roxana and Reuben Burnham of Bolton, Dec. 20, 1820: Sarah (Warren, int.) of Townsend, and John Farwell, in Town- send, Mar. 26, 1778. Sarah and John Knight, Mar. 10, 1808. Tamer and Caleb Church, May 11, 1762. Washington and Candace Dwinels, Apr. 15, 1841. WARREN, Sarah and Jonathan Lewis, Sept. 28, 1786. WARTERS, Harriot G. of Groton, and Luther G. Turner, Dec. 10, 1835. WATKINS, Sarah of Lowell, and Rev. Stilman Barden, int. Apr. 8, 1839. Susan of Marlborough, and John Fay, Sept. 12, 1839. WATTS, William (W[illialm W., int.) of Malden, and Susannah Davis, Nov. 24, 1825. WEATHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Whetherbe, Wheth- erbee, Witherbee), Jonathan and Abigail Farwell of Groton, in Groton, May 11, 1772. WELCH (see Welsh), Henry H., Capt., of Charleston, S. C., and Caroline Bigelow, Sept. 29, 1840. Polley (of Bolton, int.) and Simon Whitney, May 22, 1792. WELSH (see Welch), John and Ruth Corley, both of Bolton, Sept. 23, 1784.* Mary and Jonathan Atherton, both of Bolton, June 16, 1784.* WENTWORTH (see Wintworth), Edmund and Esther Whit- ney, int. Feb. 25, 1786. WETHERBE (see Weatherbee, Wetherbee, Whetherbe, Wheth- erbee, Witherbee), Caleb and Mercy Farwell of Chester- field, int. Oct. 16, 1779. Joseph and Hannah Forbush, Apr. 8, 1755. Oliver and Rachel Willard, Mar. 11, 1762. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 225 WETHERBEE (see Weatherbee, Wetherbe, Whetherbe, Wheth- erbee, Witherbee), Abby and Trumbull Bull, May 12, 1843. Abel and Sylvia Pollard, Jan. 26, 1796. Abigail F. of Dexter, Me., and Reuben Whitcomb Jr., int. Sept. 2, 1831. Adeline and Ethan Daby, Jan. 1, 1829. Albert and Mary M. Davis, Sept. 19, 1839. Ammi and Agness Davidson of Stow, int. Aug. 17, 1782. Anna and Robert Powers of Littleton, May 26, 1752. Anne of Boxborough, and Nathanael Page, Oct. 2, 1792. Ari of Bolton, and Caroline Smith, Apr. 24, 1830. c.R.2. ~ Asa and Polly Park, Mar. 7, 1810. Catherine of Newton, d. of Ethan and Sally, and George E. Haskell of Boston, s. of Levi, b. in Boston, May 14, 1846.* Charles and Susan Randall of Stow, int. Sept. 5, 1818. Claris[s]a and Peter How of Rutland, Feb. 7, 1814. Daniel of Stow, and Mary Stone, Apr. 28, 1774. Ethan and Betsy Robins, Aug. 4, 1799. Ethan and Sally Whitney, Oct. 5, 1819. Ezra and Rachel Willard, Nov. 26, 1801. Ezra and Sally Whitney, Apr. 17, 1814. John and Martha Harris, Mar. 25, 1760.* - Jonathan Jr. and Mary Grey Stetson, Nov. 2, 1806. Josiah and Hannah Houghton, Sept. 22, 1805. . Julia Ann and Cyrus W. Jones of Concord, Apr. 8, 1835. Lucy of Stow, and Jotham Barnard, int. Apr. 3, 1767. Lucy and Abel Whetcomb of Boxborough, int. Nov. 27, 1797. Lydia of Boxborough, and Jonah Whitney, int. Apr. 8, 1786. Lydia Hill and William Dexter Lee of Littleton, Jan. 4, 1813. Mary and Enoch Perkins, June 23, 1829. Melinda and Luther Whitney, Jan. 3, 1814. Mercy (Mary, int.) and Abel Whitcomb, Oct. 22, 1809. , Phinehas of Stow, and Bety Whitney, Mar. 5, 1740-1. Phinehas 3d of Boxborough, and Sally Bowars, Sept. 2, 1802. Polley and Luke Pollard, June 24, 1812. Rejoice and Warren Old, Apr. 12, 1803.* Reuben of Stow, and Hannah Burges, Jan. 31, 1771. Sally and Moses Hapgood of Marlborough, May 9, 1832. Sarah of Stow, and Stephen Haskell, int. Oct. 13, 1750. Sarah of Littleton, and Amos Lawrence, Jan. 22, 1772. Sarah and Joseph S. Adams, May 27, 1830. C.R.2. Sarah and Joseph K. Willard, int. Nov. —, 1845. Silas Jr. of Boxborough, and Mary Taylor, int. July 7, 1800. Simeon of Boxborough, and Anna Taylor, int. Feb. 3, 1816. * Intention not recorded. 226 HARVARD MARRIAGES. WETHERBEE, Simeon (2d, int.) of Boxborough, and Persis Whitney, Jan. 2, 1822. Simon and Sarah Forbush, int. June 20, 1772. Sukey and Abel Pollard, Apr. 16, 1809." Susan and David Pollard, Jan. 1, 1826. Susan and Jona[than] F. Hapgood, Dec. 25, 1839. Sylvanus of Newton, and Lucy E. Whitney, May 6, 1829. Zaccheus of Ashby, and Rachel Rand, June 3, 1817. Zopher and Sarah Coolidge of Boston, int. Dec. 23, 1832. WHEELER (see Wheler), Ame and Samuel Stone of Colerain, int. Sept. 19, 1791. Anna ies, and Joseph Atherton 3rd, in Bolton, Oct. 2, 1788. Hannah of Littleton, and Zadok Davis, int. June 25, 1757. Ize of Boston, and Capt. Asa Houghton, int. Sept. —, 1832. Joseph, Rev., and Mary Greenleaf of Bolton, in Bolton, Oct. 21, 1760 (Nov. 15, 1760, int.). Mary and Samuel Harper, Dec. 16, 1755. Mary of Concord, and Josiah (Isaiah, int.) Whitney Jr., in Concord, Feb. 28, 1776. | ee and Mary Taylor, both of Westminster, Jan. 29, 1760. Paul and Rebeckah Newman of Berlin, int. Nov. 18, 1793. Ruth and Jabez Sawyer, int. Oct. 29, 1785. Sarah of Concord, and Ebenezer Davis, May 3, 1785. Thomas Jr. and Mary Daby, Aug. 2, 1743.* WHELER (see Wheeler), Jonathan of Boxborough, and Lucy Wood, Apr. 13, 1826. Nancy and Phineas Sawyer, int. Aug. 17, 1824. WHETCOMB (see Whetcombe, Whitcom, Whitcomb, Whit- combe), Abel of Boxborough, and Lucy Wetherbee, int. Nov. 27, 1797. Abel of Boxborough, and Rebecca Turner, Apr. 10, 1804. Abigail of Bolton, and Asa Willard Whitney, int. Dec. 25, 1809. Abraham and Sarah Atherton, Dec. 13, 1794. Becca of Bolton, and Luke Pollard, int. Apr. 1, 1799. Jonathan Jr. of Bolton, and Lovina Nurse, int. Nov. 26, 1804. Leonard of Boxborough, and Hannah Sawyer, June 11, 1797. Lucy and Asa Houghton 3d, May 13, 1807. Mehitable of Littleton, and Joseph Edgarton, int. Dec. 3, 1810. Reuben of Boxborough, and Mercy Priest, July 2, 1795. Samuel of Stow, and Annis Rand, Jan. 24, 1815. * Intention not recorded. tensecsece HARVARD MARRIAGES. 227 WHETCOMBE (see Whetcomb, Whitcom, Whitcomb, Whit- combe), James Jr. and Sarah Gates, Jan. 15, 1766. Lydia of Stow, and Phinehas Farnworth, int. Dec. 11, 1763. Lydia of Littleton, and James Haskell Jr., Jan. 31, 1765. WHETHERBE (see Weatherbee, Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Wheth- erbee, Witherbee), Elisabeth and Zachariah Whitney of Fitchburg, Aug. 18, 1774. WHETHERBEE (see Weatherbee, Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Whetherbe, Witherbee), Samuel of Stow, and Sarah Whit- ney, int. Apr. 3, 1767. WHINEY, Jonathon Jr. and Sarah Holt, Nov. 27, 1746.* WHIPPLE, Emeline of Concord, and John Farwell, int. Nov. 24, 1833. WHITCOM (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcomb, Whit- combe), William and Han[nlah Daby, Apr. 6, 1744. WHITCOMB (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcom, Whit- combe), Abel and Mercy (Mary, int.) Wetherbee, Oct. 22, 1809. Ann and Carlos Tewksbury of Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 24, 1838. Asa of Boston, and Sophia Fairbank, Nov. 14, 1832. Betsy and Simon Daby, June 18, 1795. Betsy of Boxborough, and Benjamin Houghton, int. Jan. 20, 1827. ° Catharine R. of Boxborough, and Oliver Runell, int. Dec. 1, 1824. Charles of Worcester, s. of Abel of Bolton, and Sophia, b. in Bolton, a. 25 y., and Sarah F. Whitney, d. of Aaron and Susan, a. 23 y., Jan. 7, 1847. Elizabeth of Lancaster, and William Buttrick, int. Dec. 24, 1732. Hanneb of Boxborough, and Noah Fairbank, int. Oct. 19, 1795. Joanna and Abner Fisher of Boston, Nov. 15, 1809. John P., Col., and Louisa Dudley, July 8, 1829. Joseph and Hannah Vose, Dec. 13, 1832. Lucinda of Bolton, and Dr. Eliakim A. Holman, int. Aug. 24, 1827. Mary aa Eli Longley, both of Bolton, Mar. 7, 1785.* Mary and Nehemiah B. Robins of Littleton, Nov. 3, 1836. Mercy and Oliver Whitney, Mar. 16, 1809. Mercy B. of Sweden, Me., and Luke Sawyer, int. Sept. 9, 1834. * Intention not recorded. 228 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Wuirtcoms, Molly of Littleton, and Manassah Stow, in Little- ton, Feb. 27, 1783.* Oliver W. and Martha M. Burgess, d. of Isaac and Roxana, a. 16 y., Oct. 20, 1844. Paul of Bolton, and Rebecca Whitney, in Bolton, Sept. 109, 1759. Paul ie Felsen, and Mary W. Man, int. May 20, 1831. Phinehas and Abigail Withington of Stow, Jan. 22, 1784. Reuben Jr. and Abigail F. Wetherbee of Dexter, Me., int. Sept. 2, 1831. Richard of Bolton, and Sybil Haskell, Jan. 24, 1803. Sam[uel] and Submit Atherton, May 12, 1741. C.R.I. Susan of Stow, and Stephen Withington, Nov. 18, 1841. Tamar of Littleton, and Isaac Hale, int. Apr. 9, 1748. Tryphena and Jeremiah Richardson of Newfane, Aug. 21, 1785.* Whillizke. of Bolton, and Sarah Sawyer, June 19, 1777. C.R.1. Zeruviah and Abel Priest, both of Bolton, Mar. 7, 1785. WHITCOMBE (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcom, Whit- comb), Abel and Sarah Whitney of Stow, Dec. 23, 1769. Abel and Jemima Keep, Apr. 28, 1774. Hannah and Phinehas Sawyer, Feb. 14, 1771. James Jr. and Lucy Whitney of Stow, int. Nov. 18, 1768. Patience and Nathan{[iJel Haseltine, May 30, 17 58. WHITE, Betsey of Lancaster, and Thomas Houghton Jr., in Lancaster, Dec. 21, 1785. Elisabeth of Littleton, and Simon Blanchard, Oct. 14, 1782. Hannah and John Farnworth, Mar. 9, 1773. Lucy oi Lancaster, and John Monroe, in Lancaster, May 13, 17 Martha Se Lancaster, and Levi Page, in Lancaster, Jan. 17, 1785. Noah Jr. (John, int.) of Lancaster, and Lydia Jeffs, June 19, 1766. Rachael of Bolton, and Phinehas Sampson, in Bolton, Jan. 12, 1786. Tilley of Lancaster, and Ketura Siomes (Somes, int.), Dec. 15, 1761. WHITMAN, John of Stow, aaa Mercy Forster, int. Feb. 14, 1747-8. Zachariah of Stow, and Lydia Fairbank (2d, int.), Dec. 4, 1817. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. ; 220 ‘WHITMORE (see Whittemore), Elisabeth and Joshua Phelps of Lancaster, Apr, 12, 1787. Nathaniel (Whittemore, int.) and Lydia Stone of Groton, in Groton, Feb. 19, 1778. WHITNEY, Aaron and Anna Lawrance, Dec. 18, 1765. (Dec. 16, 1765. C.R.I.) Aaron and Sally Pollard, Apr. 21, 1774. Aaron Jr. and Sally Flagg of Holden, int. Aug. 3, 1807. Aaron Jr. and Susannah Fletcher of Littleton, int. May 11, 1816. Aaron Jr. and Mary Johnson of Chelmsford, int. May 29, 1836. Abigail and Nic[hJolas Patterson, int. Sept. 12, 1778. Abigail and Benjamin Hoar of Littleton, Nov. 17, 1789.* Abraham and Sarah Whitney, Apr. 20, 1738. c.R.1.* Abraham of Stow, and Sarah (Elisabeth, int.) Shed, in Stow, July 16, 1767. Abraham Jr, and Allice Houghton, Apr. 3, 1802. Albert of Lunenburg, and Lucy W. Conant, int. Apr. 16, 1836. Alice and Timothy Whitney of Lancaster, May 20, 1752. Alice and Jonathan Davis, Aug. 10, 1777. Allice and Jonathan Adams, Jan. 25, 1803. Allice and John Forbush Jr., Mar. 27, 1816. Amos and Rhoda Cutter of Rindge, int. June 7, 1793. Anna and Oliver Mead, July 22, 1777. C.R.I. Anna and Benjamin Danforth, June 21, 1803. Arethusa and John Farwell Jr., June 22, 1802. Asa Willard and Abigail Whetcomb of Bolton, int. Dec. 25, 1809. . Benjamin F. and Louisa Lawrence, int. May 25, 1828. Betsy and Joseph Fairbank, June 7, 1803. Betsy of Ashby, and William Conant, int. Nov. 7, 1814. Betsy W. (Eliza Willard, c.r.1) and Phineas Barnard, June 28, 1796. Betty’ (Elisabeth, int.) and Thomas Atherton of Bolton, Dec. I5, 1774. Bety 2 a oushes Wetherbee of Stow, Mar. 5, 1740-1. Caleb and An[nJi[s]le Church, Nov. 16, 1749. Clarinda and Nathan Woodberry of Bolton, Mar. 29, 1819. Cyrus and Asenath Harris, June 19, 1796. Cyrus and Polly Whitney, Mar. 22, 1802. David and Olive Sawyer, Aug. 25, 1747.* David and Sarah Hill (of Lancaster, int.), Nov. 25, 1755. Dorcas and Ezra Baker of Stoddard, June 18, 1784. * Intention not recorded. 230 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Wuitney, Elijah and Rebekah Winship of Lexington, int. Oct. 30, 1736. Elijah and Sarah Stearns of Bolton, in Bolton, Apr. 14, 1772. Elijah of Upton, and Sarah Reed [no date] (int. Oct. 5, 182 a Elizabeth (wid., int.) and Jonathan Sawyer Jr., Sept. 30, 1740. Ephraim of Stow, and Sarah Burgess, in Stow, Dec. 7, 1780. Esther and Edmund Wentworth, int. Feb. 25, 1786. Flora and John Falls of Dublin, Feb. 15, 1790. Francis Wheeler and Lydia Sawyer, Nov. 30, 1803. George and Polly Fairbank, Mar. 23, 1814. George and Abigail Bemis, Oct. 10, 1836. Grace and Josiah Houghton of Lancaster, int. Nov. 22, 1755. Hannah and Phineas Sawyer Jr., in Bolton, May 19, 1791. Hannah of Bolton, and Jacob Whitney, int. June 7, 1823. Hephsibah and Seth Sawyer, in Lancaster, Oct. 12, 1732.* Hepzebeth and Abraham Rugg, int. Oct. —, 1747. Hezekiah and Lucy Pollard, May 5, 1774. Isaac of Stow, and Lucy Meeds, May 12, 1774. Isaac (Jr., int.) and Susanna Fletcher, Mar. 22, 1785. Isaac Jr. and Polly Hill, June 23, 1802. Isaac Esq. and Hannah Haskell, Apr. 15, 1829. Isaac and Dorcas W. Hoar of Littleton, int. May 24, 1846. Isaiah 3d and Lydia Sawyer, Apr. 15, 1807. Israel and Hannah Mead, May 14, 1772. Israel Jr. and Susanna Gary, Mar. 30, 1788. C.R.1. Israel and Abigail Puffer, in Bolton, Apr. 22, 1789. J. Milton (Jacob Milton, int.) and Sarah Ann Bigelow, Apr. 21, 1842. Jacob and Lois Hapgood, May 25, 1772. Jacob and Mary Patch of Littleton, in Littleton, June 29, 1794. Jacob and Marcy F. (Mercy Fairbank, int.) Whitney, Feb. 20, 1806. Jacob and Hannah Whitney of Bolton, int. June 7, 1823. Jacob and Elizebeth Gates, June 2, 1839. James and Rachel Laughton, May 27, 1783. James and Lucy Reed, Oct. 20, 1803. James and Susan Whitney, Dec. 8, 1811. John and Sarah Atherton, in Bolton, Jan. 9, 1771. John of Stow, and Mary Farnsworth, in Stow, Feb. 3, 1778. John and Hannah Atherton, Jan. 2, 1785. John and Sally Stow, Nov. 23, 1804. John and Emily Meeds, Dec. 15, 1819. John and Mary Ann Nurse, Nov. 14, 1843. Jonah and Lois Hill, Sept. 25, 1783. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 231 Wuitney, Jonah and Lydia Wetherbee of Boxborough, int. Apr. 8, 1786. Jonas Jr. and Zebudah Davis, Sept. 13, 1750. Jonas Jr. and Relief Whitney, int. July 2, 1780. . Jonathan of Gardner, and Mehitabel Davis, Oct. 27, 1817. Jonathan W. and Nabby Brooks of Stow, int. Mar. 25, 1820. Joseph and Han[nJah Chandler, Aug. 7, 1744. Joshua of Stow, and Azubah Farnworth, int. Apr. 17, 1762. Joshua (Dea., c.r.1) of Stow, and (wid., c.r.1) Rebecca Whit- ney, Jan. 25, 1764. Josiah, Capt., and Sarah Dwelly, Feb. 3, 1774. Josiah Jr. and Anna Scolley, Jan. 10, 1776. Josiah (Isaiah, int.) Jr. and Mary Wheeler of Concord, in Con- cord, Feb. 28, 1776. Josiah and Sally Puffer, Feb. 6, 1803. Justin and Mary Colton of Boxborough, int. Oct. 20, 1827. Levi of Concord, and Sarah Lawrence, Sept. 17, 1772. Levi and Sarah Davis of Templeton, int. Nov. 25, 1811. Lois Hill and James Turner, Nov. 14, 1806. Louisa J., d. of Jacob and Hannah, a. 23 y., and George G. Fales of Peterborough, N. H., s. of Ephraim and Olive, b. in Lancaster, a. 27 y., Dec. 20, 1849. Lucy of Stow, and James Whitcombe Jr., int. Nov. 18, 1768. Lucy and John Robins of Boston, Mar. 24, 1803. Lucy and Jonathan Wood of Gardner, Nov. 27, 1806. Lucy and John Knight, Apr. 17, 1811. Lucy E. and Sylvanus Wetherbee of Newton, May 6, 1829. Lucy P. and Elbridge Sufferance, Jan. 31, 1839. Luke and Charlotte (Charlotte M., int.) Turner, Apr. 27, 1836. Luke and Abby Knight; Mar. 1, 1841. | Luther and Melinda Wetherbee, Jan. 3, 1814. Lydia of Bolton, and Phineas Warner, in Bolton, Feb. 27, 1769. Lydia and Samuel Sprague, Jan. 18, 1798. Lydia and Andrew Bigelow of Boylston, Oct. 23, 1806. Lydia and Samuel Farnsworth, Oct. 22, 1810. (Oct. 23, 1810. C.R.I.) Marcy of Stow, and Peter Houghton, in Stow, July 27, 1782. Marcy F. (Mercy Fairbank, int.) and Jacob Whitney, Feb. 20, 1806. Maria and Daniel Willis, Apr. 19, 1828. Mary of Stow, and Jeremiah Preist, int. Dec. 17, 1743. Mary and Micah Stone, Mar. 17, 1759 (int. Mar. 25, 1759). Mary and Joshua Bowers, Sept. 14, 1777. Mary and Richard Briant, int. Mar. 30, 1789. 232 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Wuitney, Mary and William Wollcott (Walcutt, int.) of Stow, Dec. 26, 1792. Mary and Adison (Addison S., int.) Edgely, Apr. 1, 1824. Mary, d. of Cyrus and Mary, a. 22 y., and William S. Locke of _Lancaster, s. of Jona{than] of Lancaster, and Mary, b. in Lancaster, a. 32 y., Nov. 19, 1846. Mary H. (Mary Hayward, int.) and Jonathan Worster of Henniker, Feb. 5, 1798. Mary P. and Dexter Sherman of Wayland, Apr. 26, 1842. Mercy and Elijah Houghton, Jan. 9, 1766. Mercy F. and Lysander S. Upham of Fitchburg, int. May 1, 1847. Moses and Betty (Elizabeth, c.r.1) Hutchins, July 7, 1756. Moses and Pattee Baker of Littleton, int. Mar. 27, 1797. Nancy and Charles Preist, Oct. 20, 1814. Nancy and Richard H. Whitney of Albany, Feb. 22, 1837. Naomi and James Sawyer, June 17, 1817. Nathan and Nancy Farwell, May 23, 1816. Oliver and Abigail Hutchins, Nov. 16, 1752. Oliver and Mercy Whitcomb, Mar. 16, 1809. Patience and Samuel Meads jr., int. June 13, 1779. Persis and Simeon Wetherbee (2d, int.) of Boxborough, Jan. 2, 1822. Phebe and John Warner Jr., June 28, 1749. Phinehas of Weston, and Miriam Willard, int. Mar. 27, 1762. Phinehas and Kezia Farnworth, Oct. 31, 1765. Polly and Cyrus Whitney, Mar. 22, 1802. Polly and Thomas Houghton 3d, Aug. 21, 1810. Rachel and Salmon Willard, Nov. 7, 1793.* Rachel (Jr., int.) and Amos Batchelor ef Boxborough, Dec. 15, 1812. Rebecca and Paul Whitcomb of Bolton, in Bolton, Sept. 19, 1759. Rebecca (wid., c.R.1) and (Dea., c.R.1) Joshua Whitney of Stow, Jan. 25, 1764. Rebecca and Amose Fairbank Jr., Apr. 26, 1795. Rebecca and Levi Houghton, Apr. 20, 1809. Rebecca and Joel Bowers, Sept. 30, 1811. Relief and Jonas Whitney Jr., int. July 2, 1780. Reuben and Lucy Fairbank, int. Sept. 21, 1781. Reuben Jr. and Mille Pollard, May 11, 1808. (May 12, 1808. C.R.I.) Richard and Mary Perry ae Sudbury, int. Oct. —, 1747. Richard Jr. and Mercy Willard, Dec. 15, 1772. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 233 Wuitney, Richard Jr. and Salley Turner, Apr. 2, 1807. Richard H. of Albany, and Nancy Whitney, Feb. 22, 1837. Ruhamah and Abel Davis, int. Sept. 24, 1757. Ruth and Jonathon Adams, Feb. 19,1776. ~ Sally and Elijah Dwinel, Nov. 1, 1808. Sally and Ezra Wetherbee, Apr. 17, 1814. Sally and Ethan Wetherbee, Oct. 5, 1819. Sally F. and Jacob F. Taylor of Watertown, Mar. 31, 1836. Samuel F., s. of Aaron and Susan, a. 27 y., and Sarah T. Gard- ner, d. of Jerome and Sally, a. 23 y., Oct. 26, 1848. Sarah and Abraham Whitney, Apr. 20, 1738. c.R.1.* Sarah of Stow, and John Preist, int. Dec. 19, 1741. Sarah and Samuel Whetherbee of Stow, int. Apr. 3, 1767. . Sarah of Stow, and Abel Whitcombe, Dec. 23, 1769. Sarah and John Mead, Aug. 26, 1771. Sarah and Levi Worster of Littleton, July 7, 1785. Sarah and Eleazer Davis, Apr. 10, 1787. Sarah and Cephas Houghton, June 24, 1819. : Sarah F., d. of Aaron and Susan, a. 23 y., and Charles Whit- comb of Worcester, s. of Abel of Bolton, and Sophia, b. in Bolton, a. 25 y., Jan. 7, 1847. Simeon and Nancy Barnard, Aug. 11, 1811. Simon and Olivea Witherbee of Stow, int. June 10, 1744. Simon and Patience Haseltine, May 5, 1768. Simon and Polley Welch (of Bolton, int.), May 22, 1792. Simri and Adaline Conant of Littleton, int. Mar. 15, 1840. Susan and Phineas Conant of Stow, Apr. 16, 1807. Susan and Joseph Bigelow, int. Sept. 16, 1809. Susan and James Whitney, Dec. 8, 1811. Susan and Alexander Eustice, int. Feb. 1, 1821. Susan H. and Allen B. Wood, Oct. 20, 1839. Timothy of Lancaster, and Alice Whitney, May 20, 1752. Unice of Stow, and Moses Warner, May 29, 1751. Wetherbe and Abigail Warner, July 7, 1774. William and Betsy Farnsworth of Concord, Dec. 5, 1804. William W. of Bolton, and Susanna Smith, Apr. 15, 1829. Zachariah of Fitchburg, and Elisabeth Whetherbe, Aug. 18, 1774. WHITTEMORE (see Whitmore), Abigail of Lexington, and Samuel Mead, int. Aug. 1, 1756. Lucy and Isaac Cooper, int. Nov. 1, 1802. Mary and William Willard, Dec. 11, 1760. Nathaniel and Martha Farnworth, Nov. 16, 1769. * Intention not recorded. 234 HARVARD MARRIAGES. WHITTEMORE, Nathaniel of Groton, and Maria Sargent, int. Sept. 16, 1843. Peg[gly and Timothy (Titus, int.) Coburn of Camden (N. H., int.), Nov..12, 1771. Rebecca and Ephraim Crouch, Aug. 26, 1802. WILDER, Anna (Nancy, int.) of Lancaster, and Benjamin Kim- ball, in Lancaster, Apr. 23, 1780. George of Stow, and Charlotte C. Young, Apr. 28, 1831.* John (Jr., int.) of Templeton, and Mary Holland, May 22, 1787. C.R.I. Juliaan and Dr. Augustus Robins, Sept. 24, 1835. Phebe of Sterling, and Sampson Worcester, in Lancaster, Jan. 2, 1797.* Stephen of Lancaster, and Betty Sawyer, in Bolton, between 1769 and 1771 (int. June 7, 1770). Susan of Rindge, and Jacob Haskell, int. Nov. 15, 1813. WILDS (see Wiles), Olive and Phinehas Eames, May 17, 1803. WILES (see Wilds), Elijah Jr. of Shirley, and Eunice Safford, Dec. 26, 1771. WILLARD, Abel and Eleoner Bowles, Dec. 17, 1797. Abigail and Benjamin Mead of Holden, Oct. 31, 1749. Abigail and Paul Fletcher of Groton, Mar. 1, 1764. Abigail and Daniel Zwear Jr. of Lancaster, Dec. 6, 1770. Abraham of Lancaster, and Mary Haskel, Apr. 29, 1746. Ame and Samuel Hasseltine, Nov. 16, 1749. Ame and Ezra Atherton, Mar. 8, 1770. Anise and Uriah Holt, Feb. 20, 1752. Annah and Phinehas Brown, Mar. 2, 1748-9. Annas of Lancaster, and George Robinson Jr., int. Jan. 11, 1808. Anne and Nicholis Patterson, int. May I, 1773. Barzilla and Silva Kingman, Jan. oar 1778. Benjaman of Lancaster, and Han[nJah Goodfree, Dec. 5, 1745: Betsey and Jonas Hosmore of Walpole, Dec. 15, 1785. Betsy of Shirley, and Josiah Willard Jr., int. Jan. 22, 1804. Caleb and Rachael Perry, in Lancaster, Oct. 25, 1798. Catharine and Jonathan Stone Jr. of Groton (of Westmoreland, int.), July 2, 1786. Catherine and John W. (Warren, int.) Kitteridge of Chelms- ford, Sept. 29, 1835. Charles and Sarah Boasting of Stoneham, in Stoneham, Dec. —,° 1762. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 235 WILLARD, Charles and Martha Frost, Feb. 15, 1821. Christopher L. and Meriam H. Harlow, May 14, 1843. Cybiel and Samuell Haskell, May 10, 1744. Daniel Jr. and Sarah Carr of Lowell, int. Feb. —, 1833. Deborah and Stephen Lawrence, June 22, 1823. Dinah and John Darby Jr., Sept. 30, 1766. Ebenezer and Susan Haskell, Feb. 2, 1814. ance (Ebenezer Crosby, int.) and Susan M. Park, June 13, 1643. Elanor B., d. of W[illialm B. and Abiah, a. 22 y., and Charles H. Haskell, s. of Jacob and Susan, a. 26 y., Jan. 22, 1846.* Elbridge and Roxalana $. Manning, May 30, 1839. Elijah and Mary Atherton, Mar. 30, 1775. Elisabeth and Josiah Davis, Jan. 9, 1754.: Elisabeth and Thomas Gould of Lunenburg, Apr. 5, 1768. Elisabeth (wid., c.r.1) and Phinehas Warner, Oct. 7, 1783. Elizabeth and Simon Willard of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Oct. 5,,1758. Ephraim and Ezubah Atherton, Oct. 29, 1745. Ephraim S. and Betsy Ray, July 1, 1841. Ephraim S. and Lydia W. Billings, int. Nov. 18, 1843. Esther and Jonathan Page of Fitchburg, Feb. 2, 1769. Eunice and Abram Carlton of Lunenburg, Apr. 30, 1770. Eunice and Josiah Bowles, May 27, 1798. Experience and Daniel Houghton Jr. of Bolton, Mar. 5, 1750-1. Fanny and Lyman Carr of Lancaster, int. Feb. 27, 1845. George and Hannah Symonds, Dec. 22, 1808. Gibson and Mary Hall, Oct. 25, 1770. Hannah and Samuel Mead, Oct. 12, 1748. Hannah and Dea. Josiah Hartwell of Littleton, int. Jan. 4, 1777 (m.——, 1777. C.R.1.) Harriet A., d. of Hosea and Nancy, a. 24 y., and Samuel W. Houghton, s. of Daniel and Betsey, b. in Boxborough, a. 27 y., July 4, 1849. Harriot and W[illialm Moore of Sudbury, May 21, 1840. Henry Jr. and Phebe Atherton, Feb. 19, 1752. Hezekiah (Jr., int.) and Lydia Haskell, May 24, 1737. C.R.I- Hezekiah (Jr., int.) and Azubah Wood of Stow, in Stow, Mar. 25, 1706. ieee and Nancy Reed, May 1, 1820. Hosea 2d and Allice Adams 2d, Jan. 8, 1833. Hosea E., s. of Hosea and Nancy, a. 25 y., and Esther C. Lake- man, d. of Mary of Boxborough, b. in Boston, a. 18 y., Sept. 12, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 236 HARVARD MARRIAGES. WIiLiarp, Isaac and Hannah Farnsworth, Mar. 31, 1748.* Ithamer and Lucy Mace of Boxborough, June 10, 1819. Jacob and Rhoda Randal of Stow, in Stow, July 25, 1771. James of Lancaster, and Ame Atherton, Oct. 15, 1797. , James M. and Sarah A. Newhall of Leominster, int. Dec. 9, 1848. erent and Bethiah Prestcutt of Westford, int. Apr. 10, 1779- Jerome H. and Susan Priest of Boxborough, Apr. 8, 1841. Jessee of Lancaster, and Nabbe (Abigail, int.) Farnsworth, Jan. 2, 1799. Joel and Polley Haskell, Jan. 2, 1791. Joel and Mary Davis, Feb. 4, 1802. John and Sarah Willard of Winchester, int. Jan. 6, 1765. John of Fitchburg, and Eunice Bowles, Jan. 18, 1802. Jonathan of Lancaster, and Lydia Munroe, Nov. 30, 1786. Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth Hapgood, Feb. 14, 1753. Joseph Jr. and Susa Kingman, June 10, 1783. Joseph of Fitchburg, and Polley Willard, int. Sept. 22, 1800. Joseph 3d and Abigail Beard, May 24, 1810. Joseph K. and Sarah Wetherbee, int. Nov. —, 1845. Josiah and Eunice Farnworth, Nov. 16, 1769. Josiah Jr. and Betsy Willard of Shirley, int. Jan. 22, 1804. Julia Ann, wid., d. of Jonathan and Alice Adams, a. 32 y., and Arnold Hayward of Boxborough, s. of Thomas of ‘Box- borough, and Cyntha, a. 35 y., Nov. 25, 1845. Lemuel and Hannah Haskell, Nov. 26, 1747. C.R.I. Lemuel and Abigail Atherton, int. Mar. 11, 1780. Levi and Sally Keyes, July 5, 1803. Levi Jr. and Julia Ann Adams, int. Mar. 11, 1831. Lois and Willard Dickinson, Oct. 2, 1817. Louisa H., d. of W[illialm B. and Abiah, a. 21 y., and William F. Bateman, s. of Jonas and Hannah, b. in Templeton, a. 28 y., Feb. 13, 1849. Lovy and James Mace of Boxborough, Jan. 27, 1823. Lucy and Oliver Stone, Dec. 30, 1762. Lucy and John Crouch Jr. of Boxborough, Sept. 26, 1792. Lucy (Lucy B., int.) and Levi Farwell of Lancaster, Nov. 27, 1823. Lydia and Samuel Nichols (of Groton, int.), Mar. 24, 1759. Lydia and Samuel Hunt, Jan. 10, 1764. Lydia L. of Shirley, and Tuther R. Bride, May 18, 1837. Martha Ann, d. of Charles and Martha, and Barzillai H. Law- rence of Boxborough, Apr. 18, 1844. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 237 WittarpD, Mary and Phinehas Willard, int. June 10, 1735. Banns forbidden by Abigail Willard. Mary and Joseph Farbanks Jr., Nov. 11, 1742. Mary and Elisha Fullam Jr., July 27, 1774. * Mary of Lancaster, and Capt. Joseph Fairbank, Feb. 19, 1801. Mary ae and Josiah H. Russell of West Cambridge, int. July 22, 1832. Mercy and Richard Whitney Jr., Dec. 15, 1772. Miriam and Phinehas Whitney of Weston, int. Mar. 27, 1762. Molly and James Willis, July 13, 1774. Nancy M., d. of Hosea and Nancy, a. 26 y., and James H. Burnham, s. of Moses and Hannah, b. in Littleton, a. 28 y., Nov. 2, 1847. Nathan and Eliza Farwell of Lancaster, int. Feb. 2, 1822. Nathaniel of Lancaster, and Elisabeth Haskell, Mar. 8, 1762. Nehemiah B. and Hannah Emerson, Oct. 25, 1818. Olivea and Jacob Robins, int. Mar. 24, 1788. Oliver and Lucy Haskell, May 29, 1764. Orsamus and Martha Stevens Houghton of Bolton, int. Nov. 19, 1837. Paul and Martha Haskell, both of Lancaster, Dec. 18, 1792.* Peter of Marlborough, and Mary Stone, Sept. 30, 1762. Phebe of Sterling, and Samson Worster, int. Dec. 15, 1796. _— int.) and Rebecca Willard, in Lancaster, Jan. 5, 1758. Phinehas and Mary Willard, int. June 10,1735. Banns for- bidden by Abigail Willard. Polley and Joseph Willard of Fitchburg, int. Sept. 22, 1800. _ Rachel and Oliver Wetherbe, Mar. 11, 1762. Rachel and Ezra Wetherbee, Nov. 26, 1801. Rachel and Thomas L. Parker of Shirley, Oct. 24, 1802. Rebecca and Phineas Willard (Jr., int.), in Lancaster, Jan. 5, 1758. ees and Levi Buttrick, June 20, 1790. Relief and Oliver Chapman of Lunenburg, int. Mar. 12, 1792. Reuben and Catherine Parkhurst, Jan. 3, 1775. Reuben and Salley Trufant, int. Aug. 30, 1802. Rhoda of Sterling, and Heman Knight, int. May 22, 1809. Robert and Sally Willard, int. Oct. 19, 1822. ~ Robert and Nancy B. Harrod, int. Aug. 30, 1824. Roland and Malissa W. Olds, Apr. 6, 1825. Ruth and Wl[illialm Farmer (of Lunenburg, int.), June 2, -1745. C.R.I. Ruth and Moses Richards of Lunenburg, Feb. 18, 1768. * Intention not recorded. 238 HARVARD MARRIAGES. WILLARD, Salley and Sewall Parker, int. Jan. 27, 1806. Sally and Robert Willard, int. Oct. 19, 1822. Sally H. and Charles (Charles W., int.) Houghton, May 18, 1844. Salmon and Rachel Whitney, Nov. 7, 1793.* Samuel and Molly Stearns, Aug. 27, 1771. Sarah and Eleazer Davis, Nov. 29, 1732. Sarah a Lancaster, and Edward Hazen of Shirley, Jan. 10, 1758. Sarah of Winchester, and John Willard, int. Jan. 6, 1765. Sarah and Samuel Cooper (Jr., int.), May 17, 1774. Sarah and John Hall of Lunenburg, July 5, 1774. Sarah and Moses Haskell, Sept. 6, 1791. Silas and Hannah Hawks, both of Lancaster, Jan. 24, 1793.* Simeon and Elisabeth Darby, Sept. 25, 1766. Simon of aia and Elizabeth Willard, in Lancaster, Oct. 5» 1750. Susanna and James Johnson of Lunenburg, in Lunenburg, June I5, 1747.* Susanna and Daniel Jefts, Aug. 31, 1802. Tarball and Rac(hJel Haskell, Nov. 29, 1739. Thomas and Sarah Farnworth of Stow, int. Jan. 13, 1732-3. Thomas Jr. and Sarah Farwell, May 3, 1768. Thomas and Sarah Fletcher of Concord, Dec. 13, 1785. Timothy and Elisabeth Farnworth, int. Aug. 24, 1776 (m. ,1777- C.R.I.) William and Elen Davis, Feb. 24, 1738. (Feb. 23, 1738. .R.I.) William and Mary Whittemore, Dec. 11, 1760. William Jr. and Patience Haseltine, int. Jan. 12, 1781. William Jr. of Lancaster, and Sarah Haskell, Dec. 21, 1787. William of Shirley, and Rebecah Barnard, Apr. 15, 1824. William B. (William Bowles, int.) and Abigail (Abiah W., int.) Harrod, Feb. 4, 1823. WILLIAMS, Mercy of Weston, and Rev. John Seecomb, in Weston, Mar. 10, 1736-7. Nath[anie]ll and Dinah Davis, Apr. 7, 1796. Thomas of Hancock, and Sarah Reed, Nov. 28, 1782. WILLIS, Daniel and Maria Whitney, Apr. 19, 1828. James and Molly Willard, July 13, 1774. James and Alice Adams, Mar. 14, 1776. WILLISTON, Sarah Ann of Boxborough, and Jonathan Law- rance, int. Oct. 8, 1832. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 239 WILLOUGHBY, Joseph and Lois Ball, May 22, 1760. WILSON, James of Shirley, and Lucy Hapgood, Dec. 17, 1828. Mary A. B., d. of Robert G. and Rebecca, b. in Hopkinton, a. 27 y., and Edwin C. Morse of Natick, s. of Jesse and Betsey, b. in Natick, a. 30 y., int. Sept. 7, 1840. Mercy - Andover, and Simon Darby, in Andover, Jan. 22, 1730. WINCHESTER, Sarah B. and Sylvester Lakin, both of Lowell, July 9, 1838. c.R.2.* WINN, Shed Ann (Julia Ann, int.) and Phineas Taylor, Apr. 26, 1837. WINSHIP, Rebekah of Lexington, and Elijah Whitney, int. Oct. 30, 1736. WINTWORTH (see, Wentworth), Elisabeth and Oliver Sander- son, Sept. II, 1770. Mindwell and Abraham Donsmore, Apr. 30, 1776.* Phebe and Aaron Hodgkins of Fitchburg, July 19, 1773. WISWELL, Jerusha of Dorchester, and William Hitchings (William Hutchins Jr., int.), in Dorchester, Mar. 8, 1789. WITHERBEE (see Weatherbee, Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Wheth- erbe, Whetherbee), Betty (Elisabeth, int.) of Stow, and John Burges, Mar. 22, 1775. John and Anna Houghton (of Lancaster, int.), Sept. 18, 1735. John and Sarah Brown, Feb. 17, 1746-7.* Josiah and Lucy Haskell, Sept. 27, 1769. Olivea of Stow, and Simon Whitney, int. June 10, 1744. WITHINGTON, Abigail of Stow, and Phinehas Whitcomb, Jan. 22, 1784. Abigail M. and Isaac Barns of Lowell, int. Apr. 23, 1838. Lucy (Lucy H., int.) and Jonathan N. Mansfield, Nov. 4, 1841. Stephen and Susan Whitcomb of Stow, Nov. 18, 1841. WITHRIL, Jerusha and William Burt, int. Mar. 18, 1758. WITT, Sarah and Moses Worcester, in Bolton, Jan. 12, 1769. WIZEL, Nancy and Samuel Worster, July 26, 1770. WOLLCOTT, William (Walcutt, int.) of Stow, and Mary Whit- ney, Dec. 26, 1792. * Intention not recorded. 240 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Mee (see Woods), Abigail and Abijah Reed, int. Apr. 29, 1780. Abigail and Sylvester Pierce of Laganacice Apr. 23, 1835. Allen B. and Susan H. Whitney, Oct. 20, 1839. Amariah M. and Rachel Atherton, Apr. 17, 1831. Arvilla A., d. of Emery and Maranda, a. 17 y., and James Har- rington of Lancaster, s. of Henry, b. in Roxbury, a. 23 y., Apr. 12, 1849. Asa, a. 23 y., and Louisa A. Stone, d. of Joseph 2d, a. 20 y., Nov. 26, 1844. Azubah of Stow, and Hezekiah Willard (Jr., int.), in Stow, Mar. 25, 1766. pe Tryphena Draper 3d of Boxborough, int. Feb. : I, 1822. Benjamin L., s. of Benjamin and Triphena, a. 25 y., and Eliza E. Lawrence of Groton, d. of Edward and Keziah, b. in Pepperell, a. 30 y., int. Nov. 27, 1849.* Betsy and Benjamin Jewett of Littleton, int. Apr. 5, 1802. Dorathy of Littleton, and Deliverance Davis, Oct. 21, 1760. Ebenezer and Phebe Brooks. Apr. 18, 1776.* Eliphelet and Mary Badcock of Northborough, int. May 18, 1782. Emory and Miranda Raymond of Littleton, Feb. 9, 1830. Emory and Mary Rand of Cambridge, May 31, 1838.* Francis and Mary Wood of Littleton, int. May 2, 1829. Harvey and Mary Wood, Oct. 9, 1837. Jabez and Abigail Stone, Mar. 14, 1799. John (Jr. of Littleton, int.) and Lydia Davis, Oct. 19, 1743. John and Lois Humphrey of Littleton, int. Mar. 24, 1800. John of Bolton, and Eliza (Elizabeth, ‘int.) Atherton, Nov. 12, 1835. eles of Gardner, and Lucy Whitney, Nov. 27, 1806. Lucy and Jonathan Wheler of Boxborough, Apr. 13, 1826. Lucy and J. Lawrence Esty of New York, Oct. 16, 1838.* Lydia and Calvin Warner Jr., Apr. 9, 1812. Mary and William Taylor Jr., May 3, 1821. Mary of Littleton, and Francis Wood, int. May 2, 18209. Mary and Harvey Wood, Oct. 9, 1837. Sarah and Rufus Keyes, int. Nov. 29, 1848. Sarah E. and John Farwel (2d, int.), May 11, 1841. Susan{nJa and Israel Houghton Jewett of Littleton, int. Sept. 6, 1796. Timothy and Sarah Hapgood of Acton, Aug. 24, 1797. * Intention not recorded. HARVARD MARRIAGES. 241 WOODBERRY, Betty (of Bolton, int.) and Jonah Maynard, Nov. 27, 1783. Nathan of Bolton, and Clarinda Whitney, Mar. 29, 1819. WOODBURN, Mary Ann of Londonderry, N. H., and Ben- jlami]n Jackson Dwinnells, int. Oct. 30, 1821. WOODS (see Wood), Aaron of Shirley, and Hannah Farnworth, int. Oct. 28, 1775. Elijah of Lancaster, and Mary Godfrey, in Lancaster, Feb. 2, 1758. : Isaac of Pepperell, and Anna Hazleton (Ame Haseltine, itit.), in Pepperell, Jan. 19, 1758. WOOSTER (see Worcester, Worster), Joseph Jr. of Littleton, and Sarah Adams, in Littleton, Mar. 3, 1760. WORCESTER (see Wooster, Worster), Moses and Sarah Witt, in Bolton, Jan. 12, 1769. Sally and William Hatch, int. Nov. 4, 1848. Sampson and Phebe Wilder of Sterling, in Lancaster, Jan. 2, 1797-* WORNER (see Warner), David and Anna Byington, int. May 14, 1744. Joshua Jr. and Dorathy Brown of Stow, int. Dec. 12, 1742. WORSTER (see Wooster, Worcester), Ebenezer (Jr., int.) and Mary Crouch, Dec. 29, 1742. Elizabeth and Jonathan Crouch (Jr., int.), Dec. 29, 1742. Isaiah and Lucy Burgess, int. Nov. 9, 1834. Jonathan of Henniker, and Mary H. (Mary Hayward, int.) Whitney, Feb. 5, 1708. . Levi of Littleton, and Sarah Whitney, July 7, 1785. Louis and John Laiten, Dec. 24, 1766. Lydia of Hollis, and Samuel Taylor of Worcester, Jan. 18, 1809.* Reuben and Sally Draper of Boxborough, Mar. 3, 1805. Samson and Phebe Willard of Sterling, int. Dec. 15, 1796. Samuel and Nancy Wizel, July 26, 1770. Samuel and Lydia Houghton, int. Mar. 31, 1781. Samuel and Relief Johnson of Lancaster, Feb. 23, 1791. Susan[nJah and Nahum Daby Jr., Oct. 18, 1768. WRIGHT, Aaron of Groton, s. of Joseph of Groton, and Han- nah, b. in Groton, a. 27 y., and Emeline Moore, d. of Sam- son of Boxborough, and Mary Ann, b. in Boxborough, a. 25 y., Apr. 13, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 242 HARVARD MARRIAGES. Wricut, Ede P. of Ashby, and Joseph Carter, int. Aug. 11, 1844. Francis of Middletown, and Anne Harper, Oct. 15, 1771. John and Elisabeth Houghton, Feb. 24, 1762. Peter of Littleton, and Esther Reed, in Littleton, May 18, 1786. Sibel and Samuel Finney, Mar. 15, 1773. Sylvia P. of Groton, and Asa F. Burgess, int. Oct. 9, 1847. Thomas Jr. and Moriah Houghton, May 21, 1755. WYMAN, Benjamin and Hannah Boynton, Oct. 20, 1791.* Sarah and Silas Houghton of Bolton, in Bolton, May 20, 1773. YOUNG, Charlotte C. and George Wilder of Stow, Apr. 28, 1831.* Seraphine P. and Hiram Joy of Lowell, Apr. 22, 1832. ZWEAR, Daniel Jr. of Lancaster, and Abigail Willard, Dec. 6, 1770. NEGROES. . Hagar, negro servant of Jona[than] Whitney, and Jexess, ne- gro servant of Nathan Chase of Littleton, Apr. —, 1736.* Jexess, negro servant of Nathan Chase of Littleton, and Hagar, negro servant of Jona[than] Whitney, Apr. —, 1736.* * Intention not recorded. HARVARD DEATHS. HARVARD DEATHS. To THE YEAR 1850. -ABBOT, Mary Holyoke P., w. of ADAMS, , ch. of Jonathan, June 23, 1807,a.9m. Dys- entery. C.R.I. , ch. of Jona[than], June 20, 1812,a.4 y. Canker. c.r.1. , wid. of , Feb. 17, 1813, a. 87 y. Old age and fever. C.R.I. Jonathan, June 14, 1831, a.47 y. (a. 46 y. G.R.1.) Oliver, Sept. 16, 1804, a. 75 y. Rachel, June 21, 1796. (a. 7o y. G.R.2.) Sarah, w. of Joseph 8., Sept. 15, 1839, a. 32 y.6m.15d. G.R.I. Sarah Sas d. of Joseph 5. and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1839, a. I w. 3d.° G.R.I. Sarah E., w. of Whitney, d. of Jabez and Sally Priest, Dec. 10, ek 23 y. 2m. 25 d. Consumption. (Dec. 9, 1844. C.R.2. Susanna, w. of William, Nov. 22, 1818, a. 35 y. G.R.I. Whitney, s. of Jonathan and Alice, May 20, 1846, a. 25 y. Md. Consumption. ; ALDEN, Barzillia, Nov. 9, 1819, a. 22 y. (a. 21 y. G.R.2.) ALLEN, Abigail, Oct. 20, 1822, a. 80 y. ‘ ATHERTON, ———, ch. of Peter, Dec. 28, 1747. C.R.I. , ch. of Peter, June 23, 1749. C.R.I. , ch. of Peter Esq., May 20, 1750. C.R.I. , ch. of Peter, June 17, 1751. C.R.I. , ch. of John and Hannah, Nov. 27, 1758. C.R.1. , inf. ch. of Peter and Betty, Jan. 7, 1762. C.R.I. , ch. of John, Aug. 27, 1778. C.R.I. , d. of , wid. of Peter, Nov. 25, 1784, a. 13 y. C.R.I. , w. of John, July 4, 1785, a. 46 y. C.R.I. 245 , 1829. G.R.I. 246 HARVARD DEATHS. ATHERTON, ———, inf. ch. of Peter, May 25, 1789. .R.1I. Charles, May 30, 1840, a. 49 y. (a.49 y.3m.8d._ G.R.1.) David, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 5, 1756, a. 2% y. C.R.I. David, Mar. 17, 1831, a. 74 y. G.R.I. Eliza, wid., May 27, 1793, a. 53 y- Fever. c.R.1. Elizabeth, w. of Peter, June 10, 1793, a. 62 y. G.R.I. Experience, wid. of Peter, Nov. 14, 1775, in her 64th y. G.R.1. Hannah, Feb. 13, 1743, a. 57 y- C.R.I. Isaac, s. of Peter and Experience, Jan. 9, 1740-1. (Jan. 14, 1740-1, a. 1h. c.r.1.) James, s. of Peter and Experience, May 9, 1740. (May 7, 1740, a. afew hours. c.R.1.) John, s. of Peter and Experience, June 20, 1746. (June 14, 1746, a. a few hours. c.R.1.) John, Sept. 22, 1755, a.53 y.8m. C.R.I. Joseph (Ensign, G.r.1), Aug. 16, 1739. (Aug. 16, 1735, in his 43rd y. G.R.I.) Joseph, Dec. 5, 1789, in his 61st y. G.R.I. Kesiah, d. of Peter and Experience, Dec. 11, 1732. Lucretia, Jan. —, 1846. C.R.3. Martha, w. of Philemon, Oct. 21, 1804. (d. of Rev. George and Aseneth Robinson, a. 21 y. G.R.1.) Martin, Mar. 21, 1816,a.22 y.8m.1gd. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Peter (John dup.) and Experience, June 25, 17309. Mary, wid. of , Oct. 17, 1754, 8.95 y. C.R.I. Mary, d. of David and Esther, July 6, 1801,a.4m.4d. G.R.1. Oliver, May 29, 1813, a. 92 y. Peter, s. of Peter and Experience, Oct. 23, 1733 (Oct. 24 dup.) (Oct. 22, 1733. C.R.I.). Peter Esq., June 13, 1764. (d. at Concord during a session of the oo Court of which he was a member, in his 60th y. G.R.I. Peter, Sept. 20, 1784, a. 50 y. C.R.I. Philemon, Nov. 21, 1826, a. 35 y. G.R.I. Rachel, Aug. 18, 1813, a. 83 y. Samuel, s. of Peter and Experience, Mar. 9, 1746-7. (Mar. 16, 1747. C.R.I.) Samuel, Sept. 30, 1782, “‘a young man.”” C.R.1. Samuel, Oct. 25, 1806, a. 22 y. Billious cholic. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Peter and Experience, Sept. 9, 1744. Sarah, wid. (of Joseph, c.r.1), Apr. 27, 1813, a. 85 y. C.R.I. (Mar. 27, 1813, a. 86 y. G.R.I.) Stephen, Apr. 19, 1760. (Aged man. c.R.1.) William, Nov. 18, 1773, ““a young man.”’ C.R.1. HARVARD DEATHS. 247 ATHERTON, William Frederic, s. of Philemon and Elizabeth, June 20, 1820, a. 2 y. Whillialm Martin, s. of Eben and Lucy, Mar. 12, 1845, a. 2 5 y- rom. 2d. Consumption. BABBIT (see Babbitt), Abiather, Nov. 16, 1806, a. oly. (a. go y. G.R.2.) Abigail, June 23, 1813, a. 89 y. BABBITT (see Babbit), Abigail, Mar. 3, 1837, a. 23 y. G.R.2. Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1825, a. 69 y. G.R.2. Seth, Nov. 25, 1826, a. 69 y. G.R.2. Susan, d. of Laban and Polly, b. in Hornby, N. Y., May 23, 1848, a. 25 y. 11m. Unm. Consumption. BACON, Louisa L. (Lydia L., c.r.1), in Newton, Jan. 8, 1844, a.20y. C.R.2. Mary, w. of (Hezekiah, c.r.1), Oct. 10, 1836, a. 42 y. C.R.2. Nancy F., w. of (Samuel, c.r.2), June 15, 1824, a. 30 y. G.R.I. BAILEY, Lucy, w. of Benjamin, Nov. 19, 1826, a. 50 y. c.R.2. BARDEEN, ‘Daniel, June 15, 1798, a. 23 y. Md. Fever. C.R.I. Hannah, w. of , June 26, 1818, a. 69 y. Dropsy. c.R.1. Sally, w. of , Oct. 18, 1841, a. 58 y. C.R.2. Thomas, Jan. 13, 1796, a. 21 m. Consumption. c.R.1. BARKER, Darius, s. of Daniel and Rebecca, Apr. 3, 1816, a. 4y. G.R.I. BARNARD, , inf. ch. of Jotham, Jan. 13, 1773. C.R.I. , ch. of Benjamin Jr., Aug. 25, 1778. c.R.I. , wid. of , Aug. 29, 1801. Old age. c.R.1. , inf. ch. of Samuel, June 13, 1803. Stillborn. c.R.1. , ch. of Jeremiah, Sept. 5, 1832, a.3 y. C.R.I. Adeline, d. of Jeremiah and , Apr. 5, ‘1849, a. II y. Consumption. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 24, 1762. C.R.I. Benjamin, Oct. 24, 1794, in his 79th y. G.R.1. Benja[min], Jan. 25, 1815, in his 77th y. G.R.1. (widr. c.R.1.) Betsey (Betsey W., G.R.1), w. of Dea. Phinehas, Mar. 3, 1825. C.R.I. (a. 50 y. G.R.I.) Charles, s. of Benjamin K. and Mary, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 11 m. ; 24d. Scarlet fever. Daniel, s. of Lieut. Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 3, 1799, a. 4 y. 29d. G.R.I. 248 HARVARD DEATHS. BaRnarp, David, s. of Benja{min] and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1756,,a 2y.7m. C.R.I. David, Dec. 14, 1828, a. 63 y. G.R.I. David Lawton, s. of Jeremy, Feb. 4, 1831. c.R.1. Edw[ard] A. C., Aug. 10, 1825, inhis 36th y. G.R.1. Elisha, Nov. 17, 1807, a. 37 y. Unm. Pleurisy. c.r.1. Emory L., Apr. 21, 1835, a. 18 y. G.R.I. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Hannah, June 27, 1795, a. 23 y 4m. G.R.I. Francis, Apr. 19, 1838. (a. 65 y. G.R.I.) Hannah, w. of Ephraim, Oct. 4, 1777 (in her 28th y. G.R.1.). Hannah, w. of Samuel, Dec. 5, 1822, a. 59 y. G.R.I. John, Apr. 2, 1818, a. 26 y. Consumption. c.R.1. Jonathan, s. of Benja[min] and Lucy, Sept. 27, 1756, a. 5 y. C.R.I. Jotham, Apr. 17, 1808, a. 63 y. (a. 64 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I.) Lucy, d. of Benjamin and Lucy, Jan. 24,1752. (July 24, 1752, G.R.I. Lucy (w. of Jotham, c.r.1), June 3, 1839, a. 89 y- (June 22, 1839. G.R.I.) Mary, w. of Benjamin, May 18, 1810, in her 69th y. G.R.1. Mary H., d. of Francis and Sally, Aug. 10, 1801, a. 2 y.g m. G.R.I. Polly, wid. of , (Mary, w. of David, c.r.1), d. of W[illialm Emerson, Apr. 5, 1844, a. 76 y. Consumption and dropsy. (Apr. 7, 1844, a. 74 y._ C.R.1.) Rebecca, only d. of Benjamin and Jemima, Nov. 5, 1817, a. 3 y. 6m. G.R.I. Samuel, Jan. 26, 1831, a. 71 y. G.R.I. Submit, d. of Ephraim and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1776. Susan, w. of Jesse, Apr. 24, 1817, a. 45 y. Consumption. C.R.I. Warren, s. of Jeremiah and Bilhah, Sept. 18, 1843, a. 1 y. 8m. 8 18 d. Wlilliajm Moore, inf. ch. of Dr. Moses, July 14, 1776. c.R.1. BARNES, Abigail M., d. of Abigail, ——, [1845 or 1846], a. 1 y. 6m. Scarlet fever. _ Lucinda F., d. of Isaac and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1849, a. 2 y.4.m. 14 d. Billious fever. 2 Nancy, Oct. 12, 1840, a. 50 y. BARRET (see Barrett), C.R.I. , ch. of Samuel, Aug. 28, 1778. HARVARD DEATHS. 249 BARRETT (see Barret), Sarah, Dec. 1, 1832, a. 62 y. G.R.2. BARTLETT, Elizabeth, Aug. —, 1846. c.r.3. BATCHELDER, Rachel, Mar. —, 1845. c.R.3. BATEMAN, Andrew P., s. of Jonas and Harriet, Mar. 29, 1837, a.i8y.1rm.8d. G.r.z. Charles C., s. of Jonas and Harriet, Oct. 30, 1841, a. 25 y. 6m. 13d. G.R.1. , Elisabeth, w. of Jonas, Feb. 19, 1798, in her 62d y. G.R.1. Ellen Clara, d. of Horatio and Clara M., Aug. 1, 1847, a. 1 y. Irim.12d. G.R.1. George H. (s. of Jonas and Harriet, c.r.1), June 26, 1831, a. 3 y. (a.2y.11m.19d. G.R.1.) Harriet, Mar. 1, 1816, a. 15 y. Typhus fever. c.R.1. Harriet, w. of Jonas, Aug. 2, 1837, a. 41 y.7 m.4d. G.R.I. (July 2, 1837. c.R.2.) John F. C., s. of Jonas and Harriet, Jan. 16, 1843, a. 17 y. 4m. 1rd. G.R.I. Jonas, Dec. 14, 1806, a. 71 y. Md. Consumption. c.r.1. Jonas Jr., June 25, 1840, a. 7 y. Mary Isabella, d. of Jonas and Harriet, Dec. 26, 1836, a. 6 m. c.R.2. (a.6m.2d. G.R.1.) Sarah Elizabeth (d. of Jonas and Harriet, c.r.1), June 23, 1840, a.6y.1om. C.R.2. Silas C., s. of Jonas and Harriet, Aug. 1, 1846, a. 22 y. Con- sumption. (a. 22 y.8m. 27d. G.R.1.) BEARD, Eldad, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, in Iowa, Jan. 10, 1847, a. 53 y. G.R.I. Jonathan Jr., s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Feb. 1, 1813, a. 27 y. G.R.I. Jonathan, May 27, 1843 (May 17, 1843, c.R.2), a. 87 y. 11 m. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1. Judith, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, May 26, 1817, a. 21 y. G.R.I. : BEMIS, Abigail, wid. of William, late of Westminster, Dec. 25, 1823, a. 83 y. G.R.I. Sarah, May 26,1794. (May 26,1795,a.75 y. G.R.2.) Sophronia (Sophronia Chapin, G.R.1), w. of Rev. Stephen, Sept. IO, 1804, a. 28 y. Stephen, Rev., Nov. 11, 1828, a. 54 y. G.R.I. Susan (Susan Chaplin, c.R.1), w. of Rev. Stephen, Oct. 5, 1810, a. 30 y. 250 HARVARD DEATHS. BENNET (see Bennett), Moses, Dec. 14, 1761. BENNETT (see Bennet), Johanna, Nov. 109, 1764. Negro woman. C.R.I. i BIGELOW, Abba, w. of Augustus, b. in Berlin, May 1, 1844, a. 34 y. Dropsy. Daniel, e Rogers and Elisabeth, Apr. 23, 1802. (a. 25 y. G.R.I. ’ Elisabeth, w. of Rogers, May 14, 1802. (a. 49 y. G.R.I.) Hannah S., w. of , Apr. 30, 1844, a. 34 y. C.R.2. Louisa Sherman, d. of Thomas, Nov. 4, 1834, a. 2 y. C.R.I. Sarah Elizabeth, only ch. of Jason (and Sarah, G.R.1), June 8, 1826, a. 7 y. C.R.I. BIRD, BLANCHARD, Abel, Mar. 9, 1826, in his 74th y. G.R.1. Abigail, w. of John, Sept. 5, 1833, a. 49 y.. G.R.I. Abigail, d. of John and Abigail, Nov. 27, 1837, a. 21 y. G.R.I. Abigail, July 25, 1844, a. 89 y. G.R.2. (July 29, 1844. s.r.) Edward, s. of John and Abigail, Dec. 23, 1837, a. 18 y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1799. C.R.1. I. H. T., Rev., , 1845. G.R.I. Jemima, d. of Joseph and Betsy, Jan. 1, 1848, a. 90 y. Unm. Old age. (Dec. 31, 1847, a. 89 y. G.R.2.) John, Apr. 12, 1842, a. 55 y. G.R.I. Lucy, w. of Abel, Nov. 5, 1836, a. 74 y. G.R.I. BLOOD, Albert (Henry Albert, c.r.1), s. of Alfred S. and Cath- [erinJe, Oct. 23, 1847, a. 3 y. Dysentery. Emma M. (Emma Maria, c.r.2), d. of Alfred S. and Catherine, Oct. 11, 1847,a.6m. Dysentery. (a. 11m. 24d. c.R.2.) Heman L., s. of Heman L. and Lucy A., Nov. 7, 1839, a. 2 y. 3m. 27d. G.R.I. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Aug. 23, 1738. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Feb. 11, 1742. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebeckah, Jan. 27, 1742-3. (Jan. 30, 1742-3, a.1d. C.R.I.) Joseph, Feb. 16, 1777. Keziah, Mar. 3, 1832, a. 76 y. G.R.2. Nancy M., w. of Oliver, Sept. 18, 1841, a. 25 y. G.R.I. Rebekah, wid., Sept. 6, 1778. C.R.I. Samuel, Jan. 23, 1844, a. 94 y. G.R.2. BOWARS (see Bowers), Joshua, Oct. 18, 1795, a. 42 y. , wid. of , Aug. 9, 1800, a. 47 y. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 251 BOWERS (see Bowars), a.2y. C.R.I. Polly, Oct. 4, 1803, a. 16 y. C.R.1. Sarah, Nov. 26, 1766, a. Igy. C.R.I. BOWLES, Anna, d. of Dea. William and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1797, in her 17th y. G.R.I. Eliza[beth], d. of Dea. William and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1793, a. 20 y. G.R.I. John, s. of Dea. William and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1795, a. 32 y. G.R.I. Josiah, Mar. 29, 1799, in his 22d y. G.R.1. Mary, d. of Dea. William and Sarah, Nov. 25, 1792, a. 27 y. G.R.I. Samuel, s. of Dea. William and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1797, in his 21st y. G.R.I. Sarah, June 3, 1790. C.R.3. Sarah, w. of Dea. William, Nov. 11, 1798, in her 57th y. G.rR.1. Stephen, s. of Dea. William and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1793, a. 4 y- G.R.I. William, Dea., July 11, 1796, in his 59th y._ G.R.1. William, Oct. 19, 1799, in his 26th y. G.R.1. BRAY, Daniel, s. of Nathanael and Sarah of Gloucester, Jan. 6, 1761. (a. 23 y. C.R.1.) BRIDE, ———,, w. of , sept. 16, 1839, a. 23 y. (Sept. I5, 1839. C.R.2.) BRIDGE (see Bridges), 1778. C.R.I. , ch. of Ebenezer (and Mehitable, c.r.1), Aug. 26, 1816, a.I2h,. C.R.1. , inf. ch. of Eben, Apr. 2, 1824., C.R.1. Ebenezer, Apr. 28, 1807,a. 46 y. (a. 45 y. G.R.1.) ek of Isaac, Oct. 12, 1833, a.62y. C.R.I. (a. 63 y. G.R.I, George W., Feb. 2, 1813, a. 17 y. Hartland, s. of Eben, Aug. 8, 1842, a. 24 y. C.R.I. Isaac, a 9, 1833, a. 62 y. C.R.I. (Sept. 16, 1833, a. 63 y. G.R.I. Lydia, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, June 2,1764. (a.32y. C.R.I.) Mehitabel, w. of (Ebenezer, c.R.1), Jan. 2, 1817, a. 30 y. Con- sumption. C.R.I. Polly, d. of Ebenezer and Annes, June 21, 1788, a. 16 m. 26 d. G.R.I. , ch. of Joshua, Oct. —, 1784, , ch. of Jeremiah, Sept. 10, 252 HARVARD DEATHS. BripcE, Susan, w. of Eben[eze]r, June 30, 1834, a. 43 y. G.R.I. Thomas H., s. of Ebenezer and. Susan, Aug. 7, 1842, a. 24 y. G.R.I. BRIDGES (see Bridge), Jonathan, May 23, 1833, a. 75 y. G.R.2. Parcis, Oct. 19, 1803. (a. 24 y. G.R.2.) (Oct. 29, 1804. s.R.) Rachel, Mar. 13, 1820. (Mar. 13, 1819, a. 61-y. G.R.2.) (a. 62 y. S.R.) BROMFIELD, , inf. ch. of Henry, Nov. 6, Bre C.R.I. Henry Esq,., Feb. IO, 1820, a.g2y. BROOKS, , inf. ch. of Nathan, June 20, 6h C.R.I. , 8. of James, Oct. 2, 1766,a.17m. C.R.I. Betsy, d. of Samuel and Betsy, Aug. 19, 1797, a. 18 m. G.R.I. Joel, Feb. 28, 1744-5, a. 3 y. C.R.I. Susannah, Sept. 25, 1750, a. 37 y. C.R.I. BROWN, ——, inf. ch. of Thaddeus, Apr. —, 1783. c.R.1. Caleb, Dea., Nov. 23, 1758, in his 67th y._ G.R.1. Ebenezer, July 23,1740, a. abt. ly. C.R.I. Hepzabeth, d. of Caleb and Elisabeth, July 4, 1766, in her 2gthy. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Stephen B., d. of Francis and Mary Dickinson, Mar. 15, 1843, a. 44 y. G.R.I. Maximilean, Mar. 13, 1747, a.6y. C.R.I. (Reuben F., G.Rr.1), s. of (Reuben and Clarissa P. Shannon, no Apr. 28, 1839, a. 2 y. (Apr. 27, 1839, a. 2 y. 9 m. C.R.2. BRYANT, Timothy, Nov. 27, 1821, a. 58 y. c.R.2. BULL, Eliza M., d. of Merrit and Hannah, b. in Winsted, Conn., Oct. 11, 1846, a. 44.y. Unm. Hannah, wid. of Merrit, b. in Winchester, Conn., Dec. 7, 1846, a. 72 y. Consumption. Louisa H., w. of Sidney, b. in Littleton, Dec. 18, 1844, a. 28 y. Child bed. (a. 38 y. c.R.2.) BURBANK, Mehittabel, Apr. —, 1780. c.R.1. BURDETT, BURGES (see Burgess), Ebenezer, Dec. 21, 1807, a. 92 y. Md. Old age. c.r.1. (Dec. 20, 1807. G.R.I. ) Levi, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Anna, Aug. 28, 1771. (a. abt. 2 y. C.R.1.) , Mar. —, 1839. C.R.3. HARVARD DEATHS. 253 Burces, Loami, Mar. 16, 1825, a. 55 y. G.R.I. Marinda, Sept. 18, 1803, a. 2 y. (d. of Loammi and Sarah, a.2y.5m.i19d. G.R.1.) Marret, July 17, 1834, a. 7o y. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Marret and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1806, a. 2 y.2m. 14d. G.R.I. : Nancy, d. of Ephraim and Mary A., Jan. 9, 1834, a. I1 w. G.R.I. Rachel, wid. (of Ebenezer, G.r.1), May 30, 1812, a. 86 y. Old , age: C.R.I. (May 29, 1812, a. 85 y. G.R.1.) BURGESS (see Burges), Hannay, May 8, 1761. Middle aged woman. C.R.I. Isaac, Sept. 15, 1840, a. 4o y. (Sept. 14, 1840. G.R.1.) Jane (Jane Maria, c.r.2), d. of Asa and (Lydia W., c.R.1), May 8, 1847, a. 17 y. (a. 18 y. c.R.2.) Consumption. (a. i y.8m. 8d. G.R.1.) Josiah, May 17, 1845, a. 51 y. G.R.I. (Lydia Ann, c.R.1), d. of Asa and (Lydia W., c.r.1), May 26, 1846,.a.12 y. (May 25, 1846, a. 12 y.2m. 27d.) Bowel complaint. Roxalana, w. of Isaac, Nov. 2, 1837, a. 32 y. G.R.I. Sarah (Mary, c.R.2), wid. of Marret, d. of Daniel and Sarah Shed, Sept. 18, 1849, a. 86 y. 11 m. (Sept. 17, 1849. c.R.2.) Old age and broken limb. Willlialm, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1748, a. 5 y- 2m.25d. G.R.I. BURNHAM, Moses, Nov. 16, 1842, a. 69 y. 8m. G.R.I. BURNS, Martha, w. of John, Aug. 13, 1793, a. 96 y. G.R.I. BURT, ———,, wid. of years.”’ C.R.I. Daniel, s. of James and Bulah, Apr. 11,1757. (a few hours old. C.R.I.) Hannah, w. of William, July 15, 1824, in her 82d y. G.R.1. John, Apr. 19, 1756, a. abt. 83 y. C.R.I. John, t’s., apprentice to James Burt, Apr. 21, 1759, a. abt. 18 y. C.R.I. John, Dec. 14, 1770, “‘advanced in years.”’ C.R.1. John, s. of William and Hannalf, Aug. 20, 1775, a. 17 y. 8 m. G.R.I. Mary, d. of William and Hannah, Sept. 11, 1849, a.84 y. Unm. Dysentery. , Aug. —, 1775, “of advanced 254 HARVARD DEATHS. Burt, Rebecca, wid. of old Mr. Jona[than], Oct. 26, 1758, a. 89 y- C.R.I. William, June 4, 1811, a. 81 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1. BUTLER, Abigail, Dec. 12, 1784. C.R.3. Lem[ue]l, Oct. 7, 1790. C.R.3. BUTRICK (see Buttrick), Mary, d. of William and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1746. (Sept. 15, 1746,a.2y.7d. c.R.1.) BUTTRICK (see Butrick), , ch. of William and Elisa- » beth, May 30, 1734. C.R.I. Ezra, s. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 18,1735. (ch. of William, Oct. 20, 1735, a. a fortnight. C.R.I. ) Joseph, s. of William and Elisabeth, Aug. 13, 1743. (Sept. 13, 1743 dup.) (abt. a week old. c.R.1.) Thomas, s. of William and Elizabeth, May 18, 173-. (May 18, 1737, a. 2m. C.R.I.) William, Col., Mar. 20, 1844, a. 52 y. G.R.I. CAPEN, Harriet, Oct. 20, 1822, a. II y. CARR, Lucy, w. of Lyman, Sept. 15, 1844, a. 47 y. ‘Typhus fever. CARTER, Betsey C., w. of C.R.2. Betsey G., w. of Joseph, Sept. 16, 1819, a. 37 y. G.R.I. CHADWELL, Polly, in Lynn, Jan. 30, 1819. CHAFFIN, , w. of Elias, Oct. 6, 1790. C.R.I. Eunice (w. of Gladwin, c.r.1), Jan. 13, 1813, a. 45 y. Md. Lung fever. c.R.1. (in her 49th y. G.R.1.) Gladwin, Feb. 10, 1813, a. 44 y. G.R.I. John F., Feb. —, 1795, a. 5 m. Quinsy. C.R.1. CHAMBERLAYNE, Jonath[a]n, s. of Josiah, Nov. 5, 1755, C.R.I. CHANDLER, Betsey, May 3, 1820, a. Il y. G.R.2. Betsy, May 2, 18109, a. 8 y. Rebecca, May 19, 1820, a. 13 y. G.R.2. (May 12, 1820. 5.R.) , Sept. 13, 1843, a. 37 y- CHAPMAN, , ch. of , Aug. 10, 1807,a.6y. C.R.I. Adam, Oct. 19, 1798, a. 2 y. Quinsy. C.R.1. CHASE, , ch. of , Nov. 5, 1778. C.R.I. , ch. of , Nov. 10, 1778. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 255 CHILDS, James F., s. of Noah and Ann, in Boston, Dec. 8, 1829, a.9w.2d. G.R.I. CHURCH, , inf. ch. of Caleb and Tamar, Feb. 18, 1763. C.R.I. Tamar, w. of Caleb, Feb. 22, 1763. C.R.1. CILLEY, John Emery, s. of John B. and Mercy A., May 24, 1842,a.5 y.3m. 21d. G.R.I. : Josephine-A., d. of John B. and Mercy A., in Boston, Dec. 1, 1844, a. II W. G.R.I. CLARK (see Clerk), Hannah, Dec. 20, 1820, a. 14 y. Jonathan, Apr. 5, 1810,a. 84 y. Md. c.R.1. Judah, May 27, 1774, ‘‘a man in years.”’ C.R.I. Lucy, Mar. 13, 1813,a.44y. (a.43 y. G.R.2.) Mercy, wid., Oct. 23, 1815, a. 82 y. c.R.I. (a. 78 y. G.R.2.) Molly, June 19, 1770, a. abt. 17 y.. C.R.I. : CLEAVERLY (see Cleverly), 1778. C.R.I. Hannah, wid., June 6, 1776. c.R.I. CLERK (see Clark), Han[nJah, d. of Juda and Unis, July 18, 1739. (a. 4% y. C.R.1.) CLEVERLY (see Cleaverly), ———, w. of Dr. John, Oct. 3, 1780. C.R.I. Stephen, Sept. 13, 1780, “‘a young man.” C.R.1. COLE, , inf. ch. of Abijah and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1760. C.R.I. Abijah, May 11, 1768. Middle aged man. c.R.1. Jedidiah, s. of Jona[than] and Judith, Oct. 21, 1746, a. 9 y. G.R.I. Judah, w. of Jona[than], Nov. 1, 1746, a. 46 y. G.R.I. Martha, d. of Jona[than] and Judith, Nov. 23, 1746, a. 20 y. 20d. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Jona[than] and Judith, Oct. 22, 1746, a. 3 y. 25 d. GRI. (a. Ly.7m. C.R.I.) CON (see Conn), , inf. ch. of John, Feb. 26, 1763. C.R.1. CONANT, Abel, Feb. 8, 1810, a. 22 y. Consumption. C.R.1. Abigail, d. of Levi and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1826, in her 26th y. G.R.I, ¢ , ch. of Dr. John, Mar. 25, 256 HARVARD DEATHS. Conant, Abigail (Abigail D., c.r.1), w. of a. 68 y. C.R.2. Betsy, w. of William, Sept. 17, 1840, a. 48 y.. G.R.I. Ellen Sophia, d. of Sherman and Maria, Aug. 5, 1847, a. 10 y. Iom. G.R.I. Hannah, w. of Reuben, Jan. 18, 1825, a. 37 y. C.R.2. Huldah, Dec. 9, 1818, a. 84 y. Levi, Feb. 24, 1808, a. 6 m. Levi, , 1842. G.R.I. Lydia, ,1799,a.17 y. Consumption. C.R.1. Lydia, wid. "of Reuben, Aug. 25, 1831, a. 69 y. GR.I. (Aug. 26, 1831, a. 74 y. C.R.I.) Maria, w. of Sherman, Mar. 18, 1848, a. 41 y. 5 m. G.R.I. Reuben, Apr. 14, 1804. C.R.I. Reuben, widr., Feb. 8, 1848, a. 62 y. Consumption. Sarah, d. of William and Hulda, Sept. 16, 1778, in her 14th y. G.R.I. Sherman G., s. of John and Maria, b. in Stow, Oct. 23, 1849, a.63 y.7m.18d. Md. Heart disease. (a. 43 y. G.R.I.) William, June 10, 1802, a. 71 y. CONN (see Con), C.R.I. , ch. of George, Oct. 13, 1785, a. abt. 4y. C.R.I. George, Feb. 21, 1796, a. 80 y. Widr. Oldage. c.R.1. Lydia, Oct. 16, 1794, a. 8y. Canker rash. c.R.1. Martha, Mar. 22, 1807, a. 28 y. Unm. Consumption. c.rR.1. Mary, w. of George, May 19, 1783, a. 70 y. G.R.I. COOLIDGE, Willlia]m, Feb. —, 1825. c.R.3. COOPER, Abigail, Aug. 24, 1816, a. gt y. (Aug. 23, 1816, a.goy. G.R.2.) Bulah, June 22, 1837, a. 82 y. G.R.2. Deliverance, Jan. 9, 1840, a. 86 y. G.R.2. Francis, Nov. 22, 1805, a. 52 y. (Nov. 22, 1806. s.r.) (Nov. 22, 1805, a. 51 y. G.R.2.) John, Dec. 11, 1785. Jonathan, Dec. 31, 1786. Nelly, Nov. 12, 1790. Samuel, July 19, 1786, a. 64 y. Sarah, Apr. 9, 1807,a.93 y. (a.92y. G.R.2.) Simon, Feb. 18, 1812,a. 71 y. Md. c.r.r. Solomon, Dec. 24, 1819, a. 74 y. Shaker. c.r.1. (Feb. 6, 1819. S.R.) (Dec. 24,1819, a. 73 y. G.R.2.) , Apr. 4, 1843, , inf. ch. of Tho[ma]s, July 13, 1774. HARVARD DEATHS. 257 COREY, Bridget, June 14, 1754,a.6y.3m. C.R.I. Martha, d. of Sam[ueJll, Oct. 15,1756, a. 6y. C.R.I. Samuel, Apr. 22, 1765. Middle aged man. c.r.1. Sarah, June 1, 1753, a. 34 yy. C.R.I. Sarah, Sept. 28, 1755,a.ILy.4m. C.R.I. Sarah, Feb. 13, 1756, in her 20th y._ c.R.1. COX, , inf. ch. of Ezekiel, Mar. 17, 1780. c.R.1. Lydia, June 7, 1825, a. 58 y. G.R.2. CROOKER, Peleg, Capt., Jan. 3, 1783, in his 49th y. c.R.1. CROSLEY, ——,, ch. of Joseph, Oct. 31, 1784,a.1y. C.R.1. CROUCH, C.R.I. , w. of Jonathan Jr., Mar. 11, 1781. c.R.1. , ch. of Daniel, Sept. 1, 1805. Dysentery. c.R.1. , ch. of E., Jan. 18, 1834, a. 2 y. C.R.I. , ch. of , May 3, 1845,a.1ry. Fit. Caleb, s. of David, Oct. 10, 1765, a. Io y. C.R.I. Caleb, June 2, 1841, a. 73 y. G.R.2. David, July 20, 1793, a. 69 y. (a. 68 y. G.R.2.) (July 26, 1793. S.R.) Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1813, a. 67 y. (a. 62 y. G.R.2.) (a. 61 y. , ch. of John, Sept. 18, 1772. Stillborn. S.R.) Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1832,a.77 y. G.R.2. Eunice, d. of Jona[than] and E., Oct. 6, 1758, a.15 m. c.R.1. Eunice, d. of John, Oct. 6, 1774. C.R.1. Hannah Sr., Sept. 23, 1789. , C.R.3. Jonathan, Oct. 17, 1746, a. 50 y. C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of David and Mary, Oct. 31, 1756, a. 2% y. C.R.I. Jonathan, Feb. 6, 1837, a. 79 y. G.R.2. Lucy, d. of John, Sept. 2, 1778, “‘a young woman.” c.R.1. Marcy, Oct. 23, 1815, a. 82 y. Mary, d. of David and Mary, Nov. 14, 1756,a.7 y.8m. c.R.1. Mary, wid., Dec. 18, 1770, ‘“‘advanced in years.” C.R.1. Mary, Dec. 14, 1814,a.90y. (a.89y. G.R.2.) (a. 82y. s.R.) Mary E. (Esther, s.r.), Apr. 5, 1826, a. 63 y. G.R.2. Mehetable, Nov. 16, 1821, a. 42 y. (Mar. 16, 1821, a. 41 y. G.R.2.) (Dec. 16, 1821, a. 41 y. S.R.) Patience, Aug. 29, 1843, a. 77 y. G.R.2. Relief, w. of Daniel, July 3, 1846, a. 82 y. Consumption. Sarah, Dec. 10, 1833, a. 83 y. G.R.2. Timothy; inf. s. of Timothy, July 17, 1773. C.R.1. 258 HARVARD DEATHS. CUMMINGS, Joseph, Feb. 5, 1841, a. 61 y. G.R.I. CURTIS, Hannah, w. of Timothy H., Aug. 10, 1798, in her 55th y. G.R.I. Lydia, Aug. 11, 1798, a.60 y. Md. Debility. c.r.1. CUTLER (see Cuttler), , ch. of Benja[min] and Eliza- beth, Sept. 12, 1778. C.R.I. Dolly, d. of Benjlamijn, June —, 1771. c.R.1.* CUTTLER (see Cutler), Sam[ue]l, Aug. 29, 1808, a. 84 y. Apo- plexy. c.R.1. DABY, C.R.I. , ch. of Simon and Mercy, July 8, 1745, a. 1d. c.R.1. , ch. of John, Sept. 29, 1748. c.R.I. , ch. of Simon, Apr. 2, 1750. C.R.I. , ch. of John, Apr. 10, 1750. C.R.I. , s. of Nahum, Apr. 16, 1769. C.R.1. , ch. of John, Aug. 15, 1778. C.R.I. , ch. of John, Sept. 1, 1778. C.R.I. Abby, w. of Asa, May 5, 1846, a. 39 y. Consumption. Adaline, w. of Ethan, Sept. 18, 1831, a. 25 y. C.R.I. (Sept. 16, 1831. G.R.I.) Asa, Aug. 10, 1813, a. 46 y. G.R.I. Calven, s. of Simon and Judith, July 20, 1773. Elisabeth, w. of John, Sept. 9, 1767, in her 62d y. G.R.1. Esther, w. of Simon, Oct. 18, 1769. (a. abt. 52 y. G.R.I.) Hannah, w. of John, Nov. 17, 1744, a. 58 y.5 m. G.R.I. Hepzibah, d. of Nahum, Feb. 22, 1769. C.R.1. Joanna, Apr. 4, 1794, a. 26 y. Md. Consumption. c.R.1. — John, Jan. 6, 1769. (a. 80 y. 11m. G.R.I.) John, Capt., Mar. 4, 1781. C.R.I. John, Oct. 10, 1799. C.R.I. Judith, wid. of Simon, Feb. 28, 1809, a. 74 y._ G.R.I. Levi, s. of wid. , May 16, 1789, a. abt. 8y. c.R.I. Levi, Jan. 3, 1793, a. 2 y. C.R.I. Levi, Apr. 12, 1795, a. 2 y. Canker rash. .R.1. Lusenia, : of , July 14, 1837, 4.34 y. CRI. (a. 35 y. G.R.I. Nahum, Mar. 12, 1770. (Mar. 12, 1771. C.R.I.) Simon, Dec. 18, 1802, in his 88th y. G.R.1. Susy (Susannah, G.R.2), wid., Feb. 11, 1815, a. 66 y. Shaker. CRI. (a. 68 y. S.R.) , ch. of Simon and Mercy, bur. June 6, 1744. HARVARD DEATHS. 259 DADMUOUN, Elizabeth Jane, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1843, a. 10m. 12d. G.R.I. Lydia Ann, d. of Willard and Joann, Dec. 2, 1837, a. I1 y. G.R.I. Polly A., w. of Joseph, Apr. 9, 1841, a. 39 y. G.R.I. Willard, Nov. 10, 1841, a. 47 y. G.R.I. DANFORTH, Anna, wid. of Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1846, a. 79 y. Old age. (eldest ch. of Aaron and Anna Whitney, a. 79 y. 2m.3d. G.R.1.) Benjamin, Nov. 12, 1806. Md. Palsy. c.r.1. DAPHNE, Sarah, Oct. 20, 1820. DARBY (see Derby), a.74y. Oldage. c.p.1. Dinah, w. of Lieut. John, Oct. 6, 1822, a. 89 y. G.R.I. Eunice, Nov. 23, 1806. Unm. c.R.1. John, June 12, 1777. John, Sept. 25, 1811, a. 72 y. Robert, Dec. 6, 1759. Aged man. c.R.1. Susanna, : of John, June 14, 1773. (‘‘of advanced years.” C.R.I. DAVIES (see Davis), Zadock, Aug. 22, 1771. C.R.I. DAVIS (see Davies), , inf. ch. of Jonathan, Feb. 3, 1764. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Aaron, Dec. 14, 1770. C.R.I. , w. of Eben, May 12, 1784, a. 81 y. C.R.I. , w. of Jonas, Nov. 6, 1785, a. 24 y. C.R.I. ——, w. of Josiah, Jan. 21, 1789. C.R.1. , ch. of wid. , Dec. 23, 1800. C.R.I. , w. of , Dec. 29, 1821. C.R.I. Aaron, Nov. 30, 1803, a. 73 y. Widr. c.R.1. Abigail, = of Eleazer, July 29, 1762. (a. 58 y. 11 m. 13 d. G.R.I. Abigail, d. of Flint and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1800, a. 5 y. 6m. G.R.I. Alfred, s. of William and Rebecca, in Leominster, Aug. 29, 1846, a. 35 y. G.R.I. Alvin, s. of William and Rebecca, Sept. 26, 1813, a. 2 y. I m. G.R.I. Caroline S., , 1839. G.R.I. S Daniel, s. of Aaron and Ruth, Dec. 10, 1771. Daniel, Apr. 2, 1786. C.R.3. , wid. of ———, Mar. 1, 18009, 260 HARVARD DEATHS. Davis, Dinah, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1748. (a. 9y-3m. C.R.I.) Ebenezer, of Ebenezer and Sarah, May 23, 1735. (a. 20 d. G.R.I. Ebenezer, Mar. 31, 1753. (Mar. 30,1753, a. 77 y. C.R.1.) Ebenezer, Oct. 11, £790. C.R.I. Ebenezer, s. of Isaiah and Sally, Sept. 3, 1797. Eleazer, Mar. 26,1762. (a. 59 y. 10d. G.R.1.) Eleazer, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1764. (inf. ch. of Ephraim, Sept. 23, 1764. c.R.1.) Eleazer, s. of Abel and Ruhamah, Feb. 8, 1766. Elizabeth, June 7, 1783, ‘‘a young woman.” c.R.I. Esther, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1775. Eunice yy w. of William, Nov. 2, 1828. G.R.I. (a. 36 y. C.R.2. . Ezra, s. of John, Aug. 21, 1740, a. abt. 2 y. C.R.I. Flint, May 8, 1812,a.54 y.5m. G.R.I. Hannah, wid., Oct. 6, 1786, a. 56 y. C.R.I. Hannah J., w. of William, Apr. 11, 1848. G.R.I. (a. 45 y. C.R.2.) Hosea Fessenden, s. of William Jr. (s. of William and Eunice C., G.R.1), Apr. 23, 1826,a.4y. C.R.2. (Apr. 25, 1826. G.R.1.) Isaiah, June 17, 1813, a. 55 y. Md. Consumption. C.R.I. John, Tan. 29, 1768, in his yoth y. G.R.1. John, Sept. 2, 1797, a. 2 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. Jonas, May 30, 1764. (a. 36 y. Drowned in Lancaster River. C.R.1.) Joseph, Sept. 28, 1755, a. abt. go y. C.R.I. Josiah, June 11, 1802, a.76y. Md. Oldage. c.r.1. Lydia, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1775. Miriam, d. of John, Sept. 30, 1736, a.2%y. CRI. Molley, d. of Josiah, Apr. 29, 1790. C.R.I. Oliver, s. : Eleazer and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1736. (a. 1 y. 10m. C.R.I. Phinehas, Aug. 12, 1831, a. 65 y. G.R.I. Rebecca T., Miss (d. of William and Eunice C., c.r.1), Dec. 15, 1839, a. 21y. C.R.2. Sarah, w. of Eleazer, Feb. 3, 1746-7. (a.32y.9m.21d. c.R.1.) (a. 31 23d. G.R.1.) Sarah, d. Abel and Ruhamah, Oct. 24, 1758. (Very young. C.R.I. Submit, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1771. (a. abt. a fortnight. c.R.1.) . Thomas, Jan. 21, 1800. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 261 Davis, Timothy, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1748. (a. try. lacking gd. c.R.1.) William, July 22, 1833, a. 72 y. G.R.I. William is s. of Simon and Silence, Sept. 16, 1748. (a. 8 y. C.R.I. DERBY (see Darby), Susannah, Feb. 11, 1815, a. 66 y. DEVIN, Patrick, June 19, 1847, a. 11 y. Consumption. DICKERSON (see Dickinson), Daniel, s. of George and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1758. Jeremiah, s. of George and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1756. DICKINSON (see Dickerson), , inf. s. of Willard and Lois, Mar. 2, 1834. G.R.I. Francis, Feb. 14, 1823,a.77 y. G.R.I. Harriet C., twin d. of Willard and Lois, Jan. 25, 1843, a. 10 y. Iom. G.R.I. Henrietta H., twin d. of Willard and Lois, Jan. 11, 1840, a. 7 y. om. G.R.I. Lois, w. of Samuel, Sept. 23, 1820, a. 74 y. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Francis, Apr. 13, 1796, a. 40 y. 3 m. Mary (w. of Francis, G.R.1), Jan. 27, 1820. (in her 65th y. G.R.I.) Samuel, Nov. 29, 1841, a. 88 y. G.R.I. DODGE, , ch. of Reuben, Feb. 7, 1777. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Isaac, Apr. 23, 1782. C.R.I. Delighteth, May 4, 1826, a. 71 y. G.R.2. Sarah, May 7, 1841, a.92 y. G.R.2. (May 7, 1840. s.R.) DOLLIVER, Timethy, July 17, 1839, a. IO y. G.R.2. DOWNING, Sarah (Sally M., c.r.1), May 8, 1817, a. 20 y. C.R.I. (a.19 y. G.R.I.) DRAPER, Martha, Nov. 17, 1838, a. 71 y. G.R.2. (a. 79 y. S.R.) DRUCAHER, , [Miss], Sept. 17, 1848, a. 21 y. Dysentery. German. ee July 1, 1793. (July 4, 1793, a. 72 y. wid. C.R.I. Martha L., d. of Silas and (Charlotte W., c.R.1), Nov. 8, 1845, a. I y.5m. Dropsy in the head. (Nov. 7, 1845. G.R.1.) 262 HARVARD DEATHS. DupDtey, ee Oct. 13, 1793, 4.43 y.11m. 27d. (Oct. 9, 1793. C.R.I. Mary, w. of John, Sept. 30, 1826, a. 26 y. C.R.2. Mary, wid. of , Jan. 21, 1834, a. 75 y. C.R.2. Mercy (d. of wid. , C.R.1), Sept. 24, 1778, in her 26th y. Oliver, s. - Peter and Abigail, Aug. 7, 1767. (a. 2 y. 9 m. ® CRT, Peter, Jan. 20, 1775, in his 56th y. Samuel, s. of Peter and Abigail, May 14,1758. (a.18m. c.R.1.) Sarah, d. of Peter and Abigail, Oct. 28, 1755. (Oct. 27, 1755, a.Qw. C.R.I.) Zacheus, Nov. 29, 1819, a. 74 y. DUSTIN, Charles H., s. of Leander G. and Sarah, b. in Box- borough, Sept. 30, 1848, a. 5 y. Dysentery. Henry, only ch. of Alexander Esq. and Sophia, Mar. 21, 18009, a.2y.2m.igd. G.R.I. DWINEL (see Dwinels, Dwinnel), David, Jan. 19, 1812, a. 70 y. DWINELS (see Dwinel, Dwinnel), Edwin, Mar. 12, 18309, a. 25 y. Sarah, Feb. 16, 1840, a. 21 y. 8m. 26d. DWINNEL (see Dwinel, Dwinels), Dexter, s. of Elijah and Hannah, May 16, 1817, a. 18 y. Elijah, Mar. 4, 1818, a. 45 y. (Mar. 5, 1817,a.45 y. C.R.1.) Hannah, w. of Elijah, May 11, 1807, a. 35 y. Lydia, d. of Elijah and Sally, July 28, 1817, a. ry. DYAR (see Dyer), Arethusa W., d. of Albert F. and Arethusa F., Dec. 27, 1836, a. 3m. G.R.I. Charles G., s. of Albert F. and Arethusa F., June 27, 1848, a.8m. G.R.I. Charles H., s. of Albert F. and Mary, Aug. 12, 1834, a. 3 w. G.R.I. Guilford D., s. of Albert F. and Arethusa F., June 14, 1846, a.7y. G.R.I. John F., s. of Albert F. and Arethusa F., Feb. 9, 1838, a. 4 w. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Albert F., Aug. 3, 1834, a. 30 y. G.R.I. DYER (see Dyar), Lucy, w. of Jeremiah, formerly w. of Enoch Huse Jr., Feb. 14, 1846, a. 7o y. G.R.I. EDDY (see Edy), Hannah, Jan. 2, 1823, a. 87 y. (a. 78 y. G.R.2.) HARVARD DEATHS. — 263 EDGERLY, , inf. s. of Addison and Mary, May 10, 1834. G.R.I. ne Gardner, s. of Addison and Mary, Jan. 28, 1836, a. 5 m. 5d. G.R.1. EDGERTON (see Egarton), 1807. Consumption. C.R.I. , w. of Leonard, Dec. 31, EDSON, Charles, May 7, 1835, a. 30 y. G.R.2. (a. 29 y. SR.) Hiram, May 26, 1837, a. 27 y. G.R.2. Hosea, Aug. 5, 1829, a. 96 y. G.R.2. EDY (see Eddy), Abather, Feb. 17, 1816, a. 87 y. (Feb. 7, 1816, a. 70 y. G.R.2.) EGARTON (see Edgerton), 1816, a.18 m. Measles. c.R.1. , ch. of Leonard, Jan. 3, ELLIS, Joseph, Rev., June 19, 1842, a. 30 y. G.R.I. EMERSON, Abigail (Abigail Knight, c.r.1), w. of W[illia]m, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 37 y. Dysentery. Catherine R., d. of William and Abigail, Sept. 25, 1845, a. 5 y. 7m.8d. Dysentery. (Sept. 24, 1845. C.R.2.) Daniel, Nov. 14, 1792,a.49 y. Unm. Billious disorder. c.R.1. Hannah, d. of Peter and Mary, Jan. 28, 1798, in her 21st y. G.R.I. (Jan. 30, 1798. C.R.1.) Mary, w. of Peter, Feb. 10, 1828, a. 88 y._ G.R.I. Peter, May 16, 1820,a.92 y. (May 16, 1821, a.93 y. Revolu- tionary soldier. G.R.1.) Sarah, d. of Peter and Mary, Mar. 23, 1800, in her roth y. G.R.I. Sarah A., d. of William and Abigail, Sept. 17, 1845, a. 3 y. 5 m. 28d. Dysentery. William B., s. of William and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1845,a. 1 y.4m. 4d. Cholera infantum. FAIRBANK (see Farbank), 1747. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Amos and Lucy, June —, 1761. C.R.1. , inf. ch. of Capt. Phinehas, Apr. 28, 1763. C.R.I. , ch. of Amos, July 4, 1817, a. 4 y. Croup. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Joseph, ——, 1822. C.R.2. Abel, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 5, 1748-9. Abigail, w. of Capt. Joseph, Apr. 12, 1798, a. 75 y. (a. 76 y. iom.6d. G.R.1.) , ch. of Phineas, Dec. 25, 264 " HARVARD DEATHS. FarrBank, Amos, Dea., Jan. 14, 1809, a. 72 y. (a. 7I y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.) Amos, ae 29, 1837, a. 67 y. c.R.x. (Mar. 28, 1837, a. 65 y. G.R.I. Betsey, wid. of Joseph, Apr. 14, 1844, a. 61 y. G.R.I. Clark, Oct. 28, 1824, a. I7 y. -C.R.2. Cyrus, s. of Dea. Joseph and Mary, Sept. 3, 1736. (a. Io y. 3m. CRI.) (@a.Ioy.7m. G.R.I. Daniel, s. of (Lieut., c.R.1) Amos and Rhode, Mar. 10, 1779. Eliza, d. of Joseph ‘and Betsy, Sept. Io, 1808, a.I4m. G.R.I. (Drowned. C.R.I.) Elizabeth, d. of Dea. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 19, 173-. (Nov. Ig, 1736, a. 2% y. C.R.1.) Ellen J., d. of Joel W. and fever. Ephraim, % of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1756. (a.3 y.. C.R.I. Ephraim, widr., s. of Jabez and Betsey, July 17, 1849, a. 84 y. Old age. Hannah, d. of Capt. Jona[than] and Hannah, Apr. 26, 1818, a.Iy.5m. GR... Hannah, w. of Capt. Jonathan, Mar. 3, 1819, a. 24 y. G.R.I. Hannah, wid. of Jonathan, d. of Jacob and Hannah Hale, Sept. 20, 1849, a. 86 y. 5 m. Dysentery. Jabez, May 18, 1774, in his 31st y. (a. 30y.2m.iod. G.R.1.) Jabez, Mar. 11, 1813, a. 44 y.7m.15 d. Jacob, Dea., July 6, 1831,a.69 y. c.R.2. (July 5, 1831. G.R.1.) Jonathan Sr. (Sept. 8, G.R.1), 1840. (a. 82 y. G.R.1.) Jona[than] Howard, Mar. 16, 184-, a. 15 y. (s. of Dea. Jona- than and Sally, Mar. 16, 1840, in his 1sth y._ G.R.1.) Joseph, Dea., Dec. 6, 1772, in his 79th y. (Dec.15,1772. C.R.I.) (Dec. 6, 1772. G.R.I.) Joseph Jr., May 12, 1784,a.40 y.5m.18d. G.R.I. Joseph (Capt., G.R. 1), May 28, 1802, a. 82 y. Md. Old age. C.R.I. Joseph, Feb. 6, 1826, a. 50 y. G.R.I. Levi, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1813. (a. 16 y. C.R.1.) Lucy, w. of Amos, Dec. 12, 1767. c.R.1. (Nov. 12, 1767, a 28 y. G.R.I.) . Lucy, wid. of (wid. Betsey, c.r.2), d. of Isaac Whitney, Apr. 14, 1844, a. 62 y. Fever. Lydia, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1782, in her 22d y. - GRAIL Mary, w. of Joseph Jr., Aug. 26, 1748. (a. 25 y.Iom. G.R.1.) , Aug. 30, 1845, a. 4 y. Scarlet HARVARD DEATHS. 265 FairBank, Mary, d. of Jabez and Keziah, Oct. 11, 1777, a.5 y. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Dea. Joseph, Nov. 14, 1791, a. 91 y. Ir m. 6 d. G.R.I. Menasseh, s. of Jabez and Keziah, Oct. 3, 1767. Mey of Lieut. Amos and Lucy, Nov. 1, 1784, a. 18 y. 7m. 4d. G.R.I. Nabby, w. of Benjamin, Nov. 10, 1846, a. 69 y. Hernia. Phinehas, Dea., Aug. 22, 1800, a. 81 y. Rhoda, Feb. 23, 1813, a. 72 y. ; . Sarah, wid. of Dea. Phineas, July 1, 1809, a. 87 y.._ G.R.I. Sarah, _ of Jacob, Dec. 25, 1847, a. 80 y. Oldage. (a. 79 y. G.R.I. Thomas, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, Oct. 10, 1756. (a. 5 y. Irm.17d. G.R.1.) Thomas, Feb. 41, 1813, a. 48 y. FARABUSH (see Forbush), Jonathon, s. of John and Eunice, Oct. 7,1746. (a. abt. 3 y. c.R.1.) Samuell, s. of John and Eunice, Oct. 24,1746. (a.5y. C.R.1.) FARBANK (see Fairbank), Elizabeth, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1746-7. (a.1d. c.R.1.) Siros, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1746-7. (a. 5% y. C.R.I.) FARMER, Mary A. P., , 1847. G.R.I. Warren A., , 1841. G.R.I. FARNHAM, Asa, Oct. 2, 1796. (a. 42 y. G.R.2.) (Oct. 13, 1796. S.R.) FARNSWORTH (see Farnworth), Sept. 30, 1736. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Eben, Aug. 23, 1786. C.R.I. , w. of Lemuel, Oct. 22, 1789. . C.R.I. , ch. of Samfue]l, Sept. 17, 1819, a. 5 m. Dysentery. C.R.I. Abel, Jan. 19, 1800, a. 70 y. G.R.I. (1801. C.R.I.) Caroline, d. of Abel and Lucy, Apr. 12, 1821. Caroline C., Apr. 2, 1831, a.2 y. G.R.I. Elisabeth, w. of Silas, Oct. 6, 1758. C.R.I. Elizabeth, wid., Apr. 21, 1811, a. 69 y. Billious cholic. c.R.1. (Apr. 13, 1811, a. 67 y. G.R.I.) Esther, d. of John and Sarah, Oct. 21, 1756,a.5 y.5m. C.R.I. , ch. of Jonathan, 266 HARVARD DEATHS. Farnswortu, Eunice, wid. of Nathaniel, Aug. 6, 1799, in her 7oth y. G.R.I. Hannah, wid. of , Oct. 28, 1821, a. 75 y. C.R.2. John, Feb. 27, 1757, a. 31 y. II m. C.R.I. Jona[than], Aug. 1, 1775, “of advanced years.”” C.R.I. Lewis, s. of Henry and Emily, Sept. 20, 1849, a. 1 y. 4 m. Dysentery. Lidia Whitemore, d. of Phinehas and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1785. (ch. of Capt. Phineas, Sept. 25, 1785, a. abt. 3 y. C.R.1.) Lucy, inf. ch. of Abel, May 9, 1774. C.R.1. Lydia, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 10, 1812, a. ry. 7 m. 25 d. G.R.I, Manasseh, s. of Simeon and Lucy, May 3, 1759, a.13 m. C.R.I. Martha, May 7, 1754, a. 34 y. C.R.I. Mary, w. of Jonathan, June 9, 1765, a. 64 y. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Abel, Aug. 31, 1771. C.R.I. Mercy, Feb. 24, 1848, a. 69 y. Unm. Old age. Nathaniel, Mar. 9, 1784, a. 73 y. cC.R.I. (Mar. 7, 1784, a. VO y. G.R.I.) Nathaniel, Sept. 12, 1811, in his 6oth y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. (a. 65 y. C.R.I.) Patience, d. of wid. Sarah, Mar. 30, 1759, a. 21m. C.R.I. Samuel, July 17, 1846, a. 58 y. Md. Consumption. (a. 58 y. 25d. G.R.1.) : Samuell, s. of Simeon and Martha, Apr. 17, 1756,a. 8 y. C.R.I. Sarah, inf. ch. of Simeon, May —, 1768. c.R.1. Submit, d. of John and Sarah, Aug. 2,1756,a.1y. C.R.I. William, Capt., Nov. 2, 1828, a. 48 y. G.R.I. William J., Oct. 27, 1827, a. 23 y. G.R.I. FARNWORTH (see Farnsworth), Amos, s. of Nathaniel and . Eunice, Dec. 4, 1742. Daniel, s. of Nathaniel and Eunice, June 25, 1744. Dinah, d. of John and Sarah, June 5, 1750. Elias, s. of Jonathon (Jr., c.r.1) and Mary, Sept. 24, 1740. (@..3 ¥. CRA.) Ephraim, Feb. 18, 1736. (Feb. 18, 1736-7, a. 35 y. C.R.1.) John, s. of Natha[niJel and Unice, Jan. 6, 1750-1. (a month old. c.R.1.) . Jonathan, Aug. 16,1748. (a. 74 y. C.R.I.) Jonathan Jr., June 26, 1759. Joseph, Dec. 18, 1810, a. 32 y. Md. Consumption. c.R.1. Joshua, s. of wid. Azubah, Mar. 17, 1754. (Mar. 27, 1754, a. abt. 5 y. C.R.I.) HARVARD DEATHS. 267 Farnwortu, Joshua, s. of Capt. Phinehas, Sept. 24, 1775. Lydia, w. of Capt. Phinehas, Sept. 18, 1775. Mary, d. of Jonath[an] and Mary, Mar. 17, 1728. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Eunice, Feb. 6, 1741-2. Phinehas, Apr. 17,1752. (a.44y.7m. C.R.1.) Sarah, d. of Nathaniel and Eunice, Feb. 6, 1740-1. FARR, , inf. ch. of Lieut. Francis, Aug. 12,1779. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of William, July —, 1780. c.R.1. , ch. of William, Aug. 25, 1783, a. 2 y. Drowned in a well. c.R.I. Abigail, w. of Francis, Nov. 7, 1782. (w. of Capt. Farr, Nov. 9, 1782, a. 24 y. C.R.I.) Abigail, wid., Mar. 14, 1809, a. 82 y. Palsy. c.R.1. Ezannah, d. of Asa and Maria, Oct. 16, 1811, a. 8m. G.R.I. Francis, s. of Francis and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1799, a. 17 y. 11 m. 25 d. Francis Esq., Sept. 16, 1819, a. 66 y. (a. 66 y. 2m. 9 d. dup.). “He had served town clerk thirty years, and an assessor twenty years, selectman seven years.” Francis, s. of Asa and Maria, Oct. 12, 1826,a. 10m. G.R.I. Jonathan, Rev., s. of Francis, June 15, 1845, a. 54 y. Consump- tion. (June 3, 1844, a. 54 y. G.R.I.) Mary C., Nov. 2, 1828, a. 47 y. G.R.2. (a. 49 y. S.R.) Sarah, w. of Francis, June 3, 1830, a. 82 y. G.R.I. Thomas, Jan. 12, 1840. (a. 54 y. G.R.I.) ' William, in Chelmsford, Sept. 13, 1819, a. 21 y. 5 m. 15 d. FARRAR, Martha, July 19, 1844, a. 72 y. G.R.2. _ FARWELL, , ch. of John, Mar. 26, 1745. C.R.1. , twin ch. of John, Mar. 22,1745. “‘Very young.” c.R.1. , ch. of John and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1749. C.R.I. , ch. of John, Jan. 22, 1752. C.R.I. , ch. of John and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1756. C.R.1. , inf. ch. of John and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1757. C.R.I. , ch. of David, Sept. 10, 1778. C.R.I. Abby Maria, d. of John and Emeline, Feb. 26, 1835, a.4m. 11d. G.R.I. Arathusa, wid. of Capt. John, July 23, 1836, a. 52 y. G.R.I. Clarisa, d. of Capt. John and Agatha, Feb. 2, 1804, a. 8m. 4 G.R.I. : David, May 7, 1839, a. 83 y. G.R.I. Elisabeth, wid. of , July 27, 1756, a. abt. yoy. C.R.I. Eunice, w. of John, Dec. 17, 1767. C.R.1. 268 HARVARD DEATHS. FarRwELL, Hannah, Feb. 12, 1795, a.35 y. Md. Fever. c.r.1. (a. 39 y. GR.) . John, Dec. 17, 1815, a.97 y. G.R.I. (Dec. 17, 1814. C.R.1.) John, Capt., Aug. 8, 1824, a. 46 y. G.R.I. John Sartle, May 1, 1778. “‘A young man.” C.R.I. Lydia, w. of John, Aug. 11, 1773. C.R.I. (1772. G.R.1.) Sally, d. of David, Nov. 1, 1848, a.64 y. Unm. ; Sarah, w. of John, May 23, 1761. C.R.1. Sarah, w. of John, ——, 1810. G.R.r. (Aug. 14, 1810, a. 77 y. C.R.1.) Triphena, w. of Jonathan, Mar. 9, 1757. C.R.I. William, Feb. 24,1797, a.15 y. Fever. c.R.1. FAY, Eliza, July 2, 1836, a. 43 y. (Betsey A., w. of John, July 9, 1836, a. 44 y. G.R.I.) Eliza (Mary E., G.r.1), d. of John and (Betsey A., c.r.1), Aug. 27, 1846, a. 23 y. Unm. Consumption. (Aug. 28, 1846. G.R.I.) Joseph. (See Stone.) Warren, s. of Rev. Warren and Betsy, Apr. 28, 1816, a. 4m. 20d. FELLOWS (see Felows), Mary, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Eunice, Sept. 19, 1758, a. 2y.4m. C.R.I. FELOWS (see Fellows), Joseph, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Oct. I,1745. (a.ry.8m. c.R.1.) Sarah, d. of Samuel and Eunice, Sept. 21,1745. (a.4y. C.R.1.) FINNEY, Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1815, a. 89 y. (Sept. 19, 1813. G.R.2.) : FISHER, Charles Luther, Feb. 12, 1835, a. 5 m. G.R.I. Luther (Luther S., c.r.2), s. of Luther and Abby, b. in Wren- tham, Sept. 17, 1848, a. 19 y. Consumption. Mary H., Feb. 12, 1835, a. 5 m. 12 d. FISK, , w. of , Apr. 5, 1812. Dropsy. c.R.1. FITCH, , w. of John, Jan. 20, 1780. “Aged woman.” C.R.I. FLEEMAN, , ch. of David, Feb. 25, 1808, a. 2m. C.R.I. , ch. of Daniel, Jan. 19, 1809, a. 6h. c.R.1. FLETCHER, Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1839, a. 84 y. G.R.2. FOLGER, Lucy L., May 9, 1845, a. 24 y. G.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 269 FORBUSH (see Farabush), 11,1778. C.R.1. Daniel, Sept. 5, 1778. C.R.I. Daniel 3d, Nov. 11, 1819, a. 17 y. Fever. c.R.1. Daniel, May 11, 1834, a. 60 y. C.R.2. Eunice, w. of John, Mar. 14, 1788, a. 74 y. G.R.1. (Mar. 16, 1788, a. 83 y. C.R.1.) John, s. of John and Eunice, in Louisburg, Jan. 27, 1759. John, Dec. 6, 1775, in his 66th y. John, Jan. 31, 1838, a. 74 y. G.R.I. John, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 1, 1849, a. 67 y. Dropsy. - Jonathan (s. of John and Eunice, c.r.1), May 26, 1777, a. 20 y. im. 26d. c.R.1. (May 16,1777. G.R.I.) Lucy, Miss, Dec. 5, 1822,a. 7oy.5m.1gd. G.R.z. Mary, w. of Samuel, Mar. 26, 1813, a. 59 y. G.R.I. (Apr. 26, 1813. C.R.I.) Molly, Miss, Oct. 8, 1822, a.74 y. G.R.I. Rachel, Feb. 6, 1808, a. 7o y. Unm. Oldage. c.r.1. Samuel, May 31, 1827, a. 73 y. G.R.I: Sophronia, Nov. 25, 1823, a. II y. C.R.2. , ch. of wid. Jerusha, Sept. FOSTER, Daniel, Mar. 30, 1752, a. 49 y. C.R.I. FOWLER, , ch. of Dr. Philip, July 9, 1746. c.R.1. , ch. of Dr. , Aug. 1, 1746. Very young. c.R.1. Patty, May —, 1833. C.R.3. . FREEMAN, Alonzo, s. of David and Mary, Feb. 23, 1808, a. 2m.2d. G.R.I. FRIZZELL (see Frizzle), Earl, Nov. 9, 1800. C.R.I. FRIZZLE (see Frizzell), Solomon, July 15, 1814, a. Soy. (a. 58 y. G.R.2.) FROST, Artimas, s. of Scripture and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1846, : a. 37 y. Md. Typhus fever. Joseph, Dec. 18, 1827, a. Joy. G.R.2. (Oct. 13, 1827. s.R.) Laura Ann, d. of Thomas S. and Mercy, Feb. 27, 1835, a. 2 m. 13d. G.R.I. Manassah S., s. of Thomas S. and Mercy, Sept. 18, 1833, a. 2 y. 8d. G.R.I. Marcia S., d. of Thomas S. and Mercy, Oct. 12, 1830, a. 4 m. 7d. G.R.I. 270 HARVARD DEATHS. Frost, Mary, Nov. 30, 1801, a. 34 y. Nathaniel Sprague, s. of T. Sprague (Thomas S. and Mercy, G.R.I), Jan. 3, 1825. CRI. (a.ry.1m.5d. G.R.1.) Sarah, wid., June 16, 1816, a. 80 y. Dropsy. c.R.1. Sarah, wid. ‘of Scripture, Mar. 22, 1841, a. 74 y. G.R.I. Scripture, July 4, 1824, a. 65 y. 8m. GR. Scripture Jr., Nov. 16, 1835, a. 38 y. Im. G.R.I. FULLAM (see Fullum), Samuel, July 4, 1775, in his 68th y. G.R.I. Sarah, w. of Lieut. Elisha, May 15, 1776, in her 53d y. G.R.1. FULLER, , inf. ch. of Alden, July 24, 1824. c.R.2. Eliza H. Davis, w. of Daniel Jr., Apr. 20, 1841. G.R.I. Elizabeth, July 3, 1798, a. 84 y. Wid. Debility. c.R.1. Harriet N. (Harriet Newell, c.r.1), d. of Newell and Jane (Jane D., G.R.1), Sept. 6, 1847, a. 5 y. (Sept. 7, 1847, a.5y-3m. G.R.1.) Dysentery. Rebecca J. (Rebecca Jane, G.R.1), d. of Newell and Jane, Sept. 1, 1847,a.1y. Dysentery. (a.1y.23d. G.R.1.) ; aaa (see Fullam), , wid. of , Sept. 22, 180T, ©. CRT. Elizabeth, wid., Nov. 13, 1810, a. 84 y. Old age. c.R.1. GAFFIELD, Croup. C.R.I. GARDNER, Agatha (wid. of Capt. Moses, G.R.1), Sept. 9, 1824, a. 60 y.° Francis H. (s. of Andrew and Eliza H., c.r.1), Mar. 9, 1837, a.I7y. (a.I7 y.4m. G.R.1.) Moses 2d, Dec. 8, 1810, a. 24 y. (a.24y.5m.14d. G.R.I1.) Moses Sr. (Capt., G.R.1), Dec. 30, 1812, a. 4g y. (a. 49 y. 2m. 15d. G.R.1.) Sally Boyanton (w. of Jerome, c.R.1), Feb. 18, 1818, a. 21 y. (a. 21 y.5m. G.R.I.) Walter Longley, s. of Jerome and Sally, Oct. 18, 1830. (a. 7 y. 7m. 21d. G.R.1.) GARY (see Gerry), C.R.I. , w. of John, Apr. 21, 1808, a. 33 y. C.R.I. ,ch. of John, May 23, 1808, a. 7 w. Whooping cough. C.R.I. Charlotte, June 1, 1796. Stillborn. c.R.1. , ch. of George, Mar. 17, 1812, a. 5 m. , ch. of Nathaniel, Apr. 29, 1791. HARVARD DEATHS. 271 GATES, ——,, inf. ch. of Josiah, May 19, 1774. C.R.I. , wid. of , Feb. 1, 1792. C.R.I. Abraham, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 1, 1770, a. 2 m. 6 d. G.R.I. Dinah, w. of Stephen, May 27, 1763. c.R.I. : Elizabeth, w. of Ensign Jacob, Jan. 24, 1741-2. (a.39 y.9 m. igd. G.R.1.) Elizabeth, wid. of , Mar. 15, 1755, a. abt. 72 y. ‘‘ House burnt down.’ c.R.1. Eunice, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, June 10, 1743. C.R.1. sae of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1739. (a.6y. C.R.I. Isaac, Aug. 23, 1769. C.R.I. Isaac, s. of Capt. Isaac and Submit, May 7, 1777. G.R.I. - Isaac, Capt., Oct. 30, 1796, in his 68th y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Jacob, s. of Jacob, Oct. 15, 1756, a. 22 y.6m. C.R.I. Jacob, Ensign, Aug. 22, 1769, in his 71st y. G.R.I. John, s. of Stephen and Bety, Feb. 3, 1739. (a.3d. c.R.1.) Jona[than], Dec. 24, 1772, “‘of advanced years.”’ C.R.I. Mercy, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Nov. 11, 1756, a. 13 y. 7m. C.R.I. Nabby, d. of Capt. Isaac and Submit, Apr. 19, 1811, in her 29th y. GRIT. Olive, d. of Jonathon and Elisabeth, Mar. 27, 1746. (a. 15 y. C.R.1.) Sarah, w. of Ensign J., Dec. 3, 1762, a. 53 y. C.R.I. Stephen, Dec. I9, 1779. C.R.3. Submit, wid. (of Capt. Isaac, c.R.1), Feb. 23, 1813, a. abt. 75 y. Fever. c.r.1. (Feb. 1813, a. 73 y. G-.R.I.) GEORGE, ———,, ch. of John, Oct. —, 1781. c.R.1. - GERRY (see Gary), Betsy, w. of Nathaniel, June —, 1838, a.70y. G.R.I. Elbridge (Elbridge G., s. of Nathaniel and Betsy, G.R.1), Jan. 10, 1811, a.8 y. Drowned. c.R.1. (a.7 y.8m. G.R.1.) Elizabeth R., w. of Caleb S., Aug. 25, 1843, in her 25th y. G.R.I. Fisher Ames, s. of John and Rebecah, Dec. 31, 1818. (a. 9 m. C.R.I.) Jesse K. (Jesse Knight dup.), s. of George and Sabra, Nov. 23, 1827,a.3 y.tom.2d. (8d.dup.) (Nov. 27, 1827. G.R.1.) John, Nov. 18, 1847, a. 74. y. Md. Colic. Luther Turner, s. of John and Rebecca, Feb. 18, 1826. 272 HARVARD DEATHS. Gerry, Nathaniel, Jan. 29, 1791, in his 59th y._G.R.1I. Nathaniel, Apr. 21, 1822, a. 54 y. G.R.I. Susannah, w. of Nathaniel, Dec. 2, 1836, a. 95 y. G.R.I. GIBSON, , w. of John, June 5, 1801. C.R.1. GILBERT, Abigail, w. of Jude, Oct. 22, 1837, a. 88 y. G.R.I. Frances Allina, d. of Rev. W., Sept. 28, 1840. c.R.1. GLEASON, —__,, ch. of George, Mar. 6, 1785, a. 4 y. C.R.1. GODDIN, Henry, Sept. 18, 1830, a. 94 y. G.R.2. GODFREY, Amelia S., w. of Zechariah M. T., in Cambridge, Oct. 11, 1849, a. 43 y. G.R.I. GOLDSMITH, ——,, ch. of Theodore, Aug. 28, 1803. Still- born. C.R.I. Anna, d. of Richard and Rachel, Jan. 6, 1804, a. 1 m. 14 d. John, s. of Richard and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1798, a. 29 y. (Sept. 22, ce a.28y.5m.5d. Killed by fall of stick of timber. G.R.I. Rachel, w. of (Richard, c.r.1), Aug. 11, 1812, a. 38 y. (a. 38 y. IIl1m. G.R.1.) Richard, May 12, 1824,a.85 y.4m. G.R.I. Richard, May 11, 1836,a.72 y.7m. G.R.I. Sally, d. of John and Moriah, Jan. 13, 1805. (Jan. 15, 1806, a.I2y.2m.13d. G.R.I.) Sarah, w. of , sept. 24, 1817,a.71y.2m.16d. (Sept. 24, I81I, C.R.I.) Sherman, s. of Richard and Sarah, at Island of Tongo, Jan. —, 1799, in his 23d y. G.R.1. Timothy, s. of Richard and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1819, a. 52 y. 4 m. 28 d. GOODRIDGE, Asaph, Jan. 16, 1843, a. 32 y. G.R.I. Lavinia, w. of Asaph, d. of Capt. Joel and Rebeckah Bowers, Sept. 4, 1837, a. 25 y. G.R.I. GOULD, Jane, w. of Joseph, June 10, 1834, a. 98 y. G.R.1. Joseph, Jan. 15, 1809,a.78 y. Md. Oldage. cri. (a. 76y. , G.R.I.) GRACE, Mehetable, Apr. 29, 1816, a. 56 y. (a. 55 y. G.R.2.) Sarah, Jan. 28, 1806. (a. 24 y. G.R.2.) GRAVES, , wid. of years.”” C.R.I. , May 7,1772. ‘of advanced HARVARD DEATHS. 273 GRAY, Isabella, in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 9, 1836. G.R.1. GREEN, , ch. of Dr. Stillborn. c.R.1. Martha, w. of Dr. Peter, June 8, 1770, in her 25th y. G.R.1. GREENLEAF, Prudence, Sept. 15, 1784. C.R.3. GROSVENOR, Ebenezer (s. of Rev. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, G.R.1), May 15, 1788, a. 20 y. (4.30 P.M., May 15, 1788, in his 21st y. and 4th y. at Harvard College. c.r.1.) Eben[ezelr, Rev., May 28, 1788, a. 49 y. Lucy, d. of Rev. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Feb. 8, 1795, in her 29th y. G.R.I. Nancy, d. of Rev. Ebenleze]r and Elisabeth, Sept. 22, 1788, a. I5y. GROVER, Charlotte Ann, Aug. 30, 1840, a. 5 m. 16d. G.R.1. William, Apr. 19, 1843, a. 21 y. G.R.2. (William, G.R.1), s. of Charles W. and Mary, Oct. 1, 1847, a.6m. Croup. ( G.R.1.) GUTTERSON, ———., ch. of Jacob and Lucy, Mar. 7, 1830. G.R.I. Lucy, w. of Jacob, Mar. 24, 1830, a. 25 y. G.R.I. HAIL (see Haild, Hale), Ambrose, Apr. 15, 1767, a. 66 y. cC.R.I. Benjamin, Sept. 20, 1771, a. 43 y. HAILD (see. Hail, Hald, Hale), ———, ch. of Isaac, May 14, 1759, a. abt. 3 w. C.R.I. Isaac, June 15, 1775. C.R.I. Jonathan, Sept. 18, 1769. C.R.I. Tamor J., w. of Isaac, Mar. 19, 1766. HALD (see Hail, Haild, Hale), William, s. of Isaac and Tamer, Apr. II, 1749. HALE (see Hail, Haild, Hald), 9 T7955. CRT: , ch. of Ambrose, Mar. 2, 1756. C.R.1. Augustus, s. of Moses and Martha, Dec. 26, 1847,a.1y.6m. Charles H., s. of Moses and Martha, July 19, 1845, a. 1 y. Scarlet fever. (2.9 m. C.R.2.) Huldah, d. of Ambrose, Oct. 31, 1756, a. 7 y. C.R.I. Martha, w. of Jonathan, Mar. 26, 1765, a. 70 y. C.R.I. and Martha, June 8, 1770. , ch. of Ambrose, June 274 HARVARD DEATHS. Haze (Mary, c.r.1), d. of Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 12, 1782, a.Igy. G.R.I. Sarah, wid., May —, 1813, a. 61 y. Consumption. C.R.1. Tamer, May 6, 1848, a.66 y. Unm. Old age. HALL, , ch. of John, Apr. 11, 1782. C.R.I. Sally, d. of John and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1778, a. 3 y. 5 m. 24d. © G.R.I. Timothy, Sept. 13, 1751, a. 32 y. G.R.I. William, s. of John and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1783, a. 1 y.g m. 17 d. G.R.I. HAMLIN, Africa, May 15, 1824, a. 41 y. G.R.I. Asia, s. of Capt. Eleazer and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1778, a. 4 y. 5 m. 21d. G.R.I. Sarah, w. of Capt. Eleazer, Nov. 15, 1788, in her 4sth y. G.R.1. Sophronia R., Feb. 9, 1816, a. 4 y. Sophronia R., d. of Africa and Lydia, Dec. 9, 1818, a. 5 y. G.R.1. HAMMOND, Benjamin F., Oct. 12, 1828, a. 25 y. G.R.2. Betty, w. of Thomas, June 22, 1797, a. 24 y.4m. 6d. Mary, Dec. 10, 1824, a. 79 y. G.R.2. Mary A., Sept. 29, 1838, a. 43 y. G.R.2. Sarah, w. of Thomas, b. in Brookline, July 19, 1848, a. 93 y. 8m. 26d. Oldage. (a.84y. G.R.2.) Thomas, Oct. 28, 1824, a. 81 y. G.R.2. (a. 80y. 5.R.) HANNUM, Sarah, alias Lucy, d. of Aaron H. and Rachel Smith, b. in Belchertown, July 3, 1845, a. 85 y. Cancer. HAPGOOD, Andrew H., s. of Dea. John and Mary, Sept. 28, 1832, a. 23 y.6m. G.R.I. Asa, s. of oe and Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1743. (a. 3 y. 2m. ad. G.R.I. Elizabeth, wid. of Lieut. Shadrach, Nov. 30, 1808, in her g5th y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, w. of Shadrach, Aug. 30, 1826, a. 76 y. G.R.I. George, s. of John and Mary, Sept. 16, 1808, a.4 y. Im. G.R.I. Isr[a]el, s. of Shadreck and Elizabeth, Mar. 2, 1743. John, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 5, 1803, a. 5 y. G.R.I. Mary, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 26, 1803, a.2 y.8m. G.R.I. Nancy, w. of Shadrach, d. of Jonathan and Abigail Puffer, Oct. 16, 1849, a. 63 y. 5 m. Dropsy. Oliver, s. of Shadrach and Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1751. Phinehas, s. of Shadrach, Aug. —, 1737, a. afew days. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 275 Harcoop, Sally (w. of Joel, c.r.1), Jan. 19, 1820, a. 27 y. (a. 27 y.-3m. 26d. G.R.1.) Shadrach, Lieut., Oct. 6, 1782,a.77 y. II m. G.R.I. Shadrach, Jan. 20, 1818, a. 70 y. Susan Wetherbee, w. of Jonathan Fairbank, Feb. 28, 1842. G.R.I. HARLOW, Charles, May 30, 1840, a. 39 y. G.R.I. Charles Ellis, s. of Charles and Dorcasina, Aug. 1, 1832, a. I y. 6m. G.R.I. Dorcasina, w. of Charles, Oct. 25, 1837, a. 32 y. G.R.I. Ellis, Capt., Nov. 7, 1827, a. 63 y.. G.R.I. Sarah, w. of Capt. Ellis, Jan. 11, 1844, a. 78 y. G.R.1. Sarah Ann, d. of Charles and Dorcasina, Feb. 7, 1837, a. 2 y. Im. G.R.I. Sarah Ann, d. of Charles and Dorcasina, Oct. 9, 1838, a. 11 m. i4d. G.R.1. : William H., s. of Capt. Ellis and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1810, a. 11 y. 3m. 23d. G.R.I. HARPER, Andrew, May 4, 1755, a. 56 y. C.R.I. Mary, w. of Andrew, Sept. 29, 1738, a. 39 y.. C.R.I. HARRAD (see Harrod), Frederick, s. of W[illialm K. and R. (Rebecca, G.R.1) F., Mar. 31, 1834. (Mar. 30, 1834, a. 8 m. 22d. G.R.1.) HARRINTON, Hannah, Mar. —, 1793. C.R.3. HARRIS, , ch. of Joel, Dec. 1, 1817, a.9m. Dysentery. C.R.I. Anna, d. of Richard and Martha, Nov. 28, 1750. (a. 7 m. C.R.I.) Frederic William, s. of Joel and Mary B., Feb. 10, 1817, a. 2 y. Im. 23d. Joel Esq., Dec. 2, 1817, a. 36 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. John, s. of Richard and Martha, Sept. 21,1756. (a. abt. 11 y. C.R.I.) Lydia, d. of (Dea., c.r.1) Richard and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1778, a.3y.3m.19d. Lydia, wid., May 11, 1801. Fever. c.R.1. Martha, w. of Richard, Sept. 8, 1756. (a. 46 y. C.R.I.) Martha, Mar. 9, 1782, a. 83 y. Mary, d. of Joel Esq., Nov. 20, 1817,a.8 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. Phebe, wid., July 24, 1795, a. 82 y. Fever. C.R.1. Richard, Dec. 20, 1776,a. 71 y. (1775,a.71 y. 26d. c.R.1.) 276 HARVARD DEATHS. Harris, Richard, s. of Richard and Lydia, Oct. 2, 1783. (s. of Dea. Harris, Oct. 3, 1783, a. 4. y. C.R.I.) Richard, elder, June 27, 1798, a. 55 y. Md. Consumption. C.R.I. HARROD (see Harrad), Alfred, s. of Maj. , Apr. 28, 1838, a. 7 m.- C.R.I. Edward H., s. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca, May 28, 1838, a. 8m.18d. G.R.1. Eusebia, wid. of (Capt. Noah, c.r.1), Oct. 11, 1847, a. 83 y. Dysentery. (Oct. 8, 1847, a. 84 y. G.R.I.) Frederic A., s. of W[illialm K. and Rebecca, Oct. 14, 1824, a. Iy.6m. G.R.I. Noah, Capt., Apr. 8, 1820, a. 56 y. G.R.I. HARTWELL, Mary, w. of Nathan, Oct. 21, 1800, a. 77 y. G.R.I. Nathan, Dec. 8, 1768, in his 49th y. G.R.1. Sarah, Mar. 22, 1749, a. 52 y. C.R.I. HASELTINE (see Hazletine), Nathaniel, May 9, 1759. .R.1. Samuel, June 23,1754. (a. 26y.8m. C.R.1.) HASKEL (see Haskell), , w. of Jacob, Dec. 29, 1812. Apoplexy. c.r.1. (Sally Preston, Dec. 29, 1812, a. 43 y. G.R.I.) Henry Sr., Apr. 17, 1739. (a. 63 y. C.R.I.) HASKELL (see Haskel), , inf. ch. of Josiah, Apr. 6, 1766. C.R.I. , ch. of Elias, Sept. 5, 1778. C.R.1. Abel, s. of Moses and Anna, June 4, 1757, a. abt.6 m. C.R.I. Abigail, w. of Dea. Joseph, Jan. 7, 1775, a. 71 y. 2m. G.R.I. (Jan. 27, 1775. C.R.I.) Ann, w. of Calvin, d. of Thomas and Boston, Aug. 9, 1845, a. 49 y. Drowned. Asa, s. of James and Anna, Nov. 22,1777, a. 24 y. 25d. G.R.I. Edward (s. of Asa and Cynthia, G.r.1), June —, 1818, a. 3 y. 6m. (June 22, 1817. G.R.1.) (s. of Asa, June 22, 1817, a.3y-6m. C.R.I.) Eliza, Dec. 5, 1843, a. 4I y. G.R.I. (Eugene Osmand, c.R.1), s. of George (George E., G.R.1) and Catherine, b. in Boston, Sept. 8, 1846. (Sept. 7, 1846, a.2m. G.R.I.) Eunice, d. of Moses and Anna, July 16, 1782, a. 28 y. G.R.I. (July 18, 1782, a. 27 y. C.R.I.) Hearsay, b. in HARVARD DEATHS. 277 HasKELL, Hannah, d. of Henry and Hulda, Dec. 17, 17309, a. 2W. CRI. Henrietta, d. of Calvin and Ann, Sept. 29, 1844, a. 21 y. I m. 1d. Consumption. Hulda, d. of Henry and Hulda, Nov. 29, 1739, a. nearly 8 y. C.R.I. James, ——, 1826, a. 86 y. (Mar. 11, 1827. c.R.2 and G.R.1.) John, s. of Joseph and Mary, Mar. 29, 1740, a. 12 m. C.R.I. Joseph, Dea., Aug. 7, 1791, in his 93d y. G.R.I. Josiah, Col., May 19, 1819, a. 82 y. Josiah Wilder, s. of Jacob (and Susan, c.r.1), Mar. 18, 1817, a.2y. (a.2y.6m. G.R.I.) Lucius (s. of Asa and Cynthia, G.r.1), June 27, 1827, a. 22 y. (Jan. 18, 1828, a. 23 y. c.R.2.) (Jan. 18, 1828, a. 22 y. G.R.I.) Lydia, d. of James Jr. and Lydia, July 8, 1767. Lydia, ——, 1817. (w. of James, Feb. 22,1817. G.R.I.) a.72y. (a. 72 y. 22d. G.R.I.) Mary, w. of Dea. Joseph, Feb. 23, 1744-5, a. 43 y.-Qm. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Col. Josiah, Jan. 5, 1798, a. 53 y. G.R.I. Mary, Nov. —, 1845. C.R.3. Oliver, s. Samuel and Sybil, Sept. 30, 1756. (a. 2 y. Ir m. C.R.I. Oliver, Jan. 9, 1821, a. 62 y. Ruth, wid. of (Henry, c.r.1), June 16, 1749. (a. 70 y. C.R.1.) Sally, w. of Jacob, Jan. 23, 1811,a.42 y.2m. G.R.I. Samuel, Capt., Oct. 13, 1771, a. 55 y. 30 d. (Oct. 13, 1770. c.R.1.) (Oct. 13, 1770, a.55 y- 20d. G.R.I.) Sarah, inf. d. of Josiah, June 23, 1773. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Ruth, July —, 1800, a.7 y.3m. G.R.1. Susan, w. of Jacob Esq., b. in Rindge, N. H., Nov. 20, 1844, a. 67 y. Lung fever. Sybil, w. of Capt. Samuel, July 9, 1799, in her 77th y. G.R.I. HASKINS, Mary C., Oct. 8, 1840, a. 36 y. G.R.2. HAYDEN, , ch. of Washington, July 31, 1844, a. 3 y. Bowel complaint. Francis J., s. of Levi and Susan (Susan T., G.R.1), Aug. 13, 1848, a.7m.11d. Dysentery. (a.7y.5m.11d. G.R.1.) James N., s. of Edmond (Edmond R., c.R.1) and Charlotte, Sept. 16, 1845, a. ry. Bowel complaint. (a. 10 m. 25 d. Only child. G.R.1.) Laura Ann, d. of Warren and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1843, a. 3 m. G.R.I. ' 2 78 HARVARD DEATHS. HavypbeEN, Sally, w. of Levi, May 22, 1836, a. 46 y. G.R.I. Washington, d. of Lewis and , Mar. 15, 1848, a. 55 y. Md. Fracture of spine. HAYNES, Amanda, May 25, 1840, a. 26 y. G.R.2. HAZLETINE (see Haseltine), Nathaniel, Mar. 5, 1764, a. 33 y. C.R.I. HEARSEY, Tho[ma]s, May to, 1839, a. 76 y. G.R.1. HEMMENWAY, Jona[than], Feb. —, 1787. c.R.3. HILDRETH, Ephraim, s. of Samson and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1756. Lucy, Aug. 22, 1814, a. 26 y. (a. 25 y. s.R.) Mary, wid. of , Jan. 13, 1835, a. 81 y. C.R.2. Oliver, June 14, 1831, a. 80 y. C.R.2. HILL (see Hills), , ch. of Samuel, Sept. 25, 1792. Still- born. Twin. c.R.I. , ch. of Samuel, Sept. 25, 1792, a.6h. Twin. c.r.1. ——, Mr., Dec. 24, 1821. C.R.1. ——, wid. of , Sept. 25, 1829, a. OL y. C.R.I. , wid. of John, Dec. 29, 1836, a. 81 y. C.R.I. Betsy, w. of (John, c.R.1), Mar. 21, 1839. (a.49y.Im. G.R.1.) John, seh 30, 1764. (a. 26 y. Drowned in Lancaster River. C.R.I. John, May 3, 1774,a.27 y.3m.1od. G.R.I. John, Jan. 9, 1832, a. 73 y. C.R.I. John, Apr. 11, 1832,a. 70 y. G.R.I. John Jr., on 26, 1835. (a.49 y.6m. G.R.1.) (Apr. 29, 1835. C.R.1. Lois, wid., June 7, 1773, “advanced in years.” C.R.1. Martha (Martha Sawyer, c.R.1), w. of A. G. (Augustus Gran- ville, G.R.1), Aug. —, 1837, a. 29 y. (July 31, 1837. G.R.1.) Minerva, June 24, 1844, a. 22 y. G.R.2. Oliver (Capt., c.R.1), Mar. 3, 1847, a. 75 y. Md. Lung fever. Samuel (Capt., G.R.1), Sept. 21, 1797, a. 03 y. Sherman Goldsmith, in Havana, Cuba, May 15, 1838, a. 39 y. G.R.I. HILLS (see Hill), Betsey P., 2d w. of Dr. E. P., d. of Jonathan and Dorcas Perkins, in Townsend, May 15, 1841, a. 38 y. Ruth, 1st w. of Dr. E. P., d. of Jonathan and Dorcas Perkins, in Townsend, Aug. 2, 1826, a. 21 y. HARVARD DEATHS. 279 HINDS, John, Jan. 9, 1812, a. 49 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. HOLDEN, Lucy, Dec. 9, 1753, a. abt. 2 y. c.R.1. HOLLAND, , ch. of Robert, Aug. 30, 1752. C.R.I. , ch. of Robert, Dec. 3, 1753. C.R.1. Experience, Sept. 18, 1756, a. 27 y. 7m. C.R.I. Robert, Apr. 22, 1755, a. 30 y. C.R.I. HOLMAN, Charlotte (Charlotte Louisa, c.r.1), d. of Silas (Silas W., G.R.r) and Nancy T., Sept. 16, 1849, a. 4 y. 5 m. Disease of brain. Francis Eugene, s. of E. A. and L., Dec. 1, 1828, a. 26d. (s. of Dr. Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Dec. 1, 1828, a. 2m. G.R.1.) Jonas, s. of Emory and Lucy, May 16, 1843, a. 19 y. G.R.I. Roxanah, Nov. 23, 1846, a. 28 y. G.R.I. Sophia (Sophia Whitcomb, d. of Dr. Eliakim A. and Lucinda, G.R.1), June 27, 1846,a.2y.6m. Fits. HOLT, Jonathan, s. of Uriah, July 4, 1768. c.R.1. HOSMER (see Hosmore), Silvanus G., s. of Samuel and Sally (Sally B., G.R.1), Nov. 13, 1845, a. 3 y.5 m. Scarlet fever. (a.3 y.5m. 27d. G.R.I.) HOSMORE (see Hosmer), Olive R., w. of (Eli, c.r.1), May 31, 1835, a. 360 y. (May 30, 1835, a.37y. G.R.I.) HOUGHTON, , ch. of Capt. Asa, Jan. 11,1772. Still- born. , w. of Capt. Asa, Dec. 30, 1800. C.R.I. , ch. of Abraham, ——, 1813. C.R.I. Abby G. (Abigail C., c.r.2), w. of Daniel P., b. in Groton, July 16, 1845, a. 29 y. Consumption. Abel (s. of Peter and Mercy W., c.r.1), Oct. 28, 1815. (a.17 y. G.R.I.) Abigail, July 9, 1747, in her 8th y. c.R.1. Abraham, s. of Elijah and Mercy, July 27, 1773, a. 2 y.6m.4d. Abraham, Nov. 4, 1844, a. 67 y.7m. G.R.I. Amery, s. of Thomas and Betsy, in Salem, June 22, 1813, a. 23 y. m. 2d. Asa, a of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 7, 1756 (1755 dup.). (Aug. - 8, 1756, a. a few days old. c.R.r1.) Asa, Capt., Mar. 14, 1808, a. 83 y. Md. Oldage. c.R.1. Cephas, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Apr. 19, 1790, a. 2 y. 2m. 23 d. David, Apr. 29, 1776, ‘‘a young man.” C.R.I. 280 HARVARD DEATHS. Hovueuton, Dorcas, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 14, 1767. Ebenezer, s. of Stephen and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1732-3. Elijah, s. of Thomas and Meriah, July 20, 1819, a. 80 y. 1 m. 18d. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.) Elijah, s. of Thomas and Betsey, Apr. 7, 1822, a. 24 y. 9 m. G.R.I. Elisabeth, d. of John and Esther, Sept. 20, 1771, a. 1 y.1m.6d. G.R.I. Elisha, Apr. 28, 1747, a. 11m. C.R.I. Elisha, s. of Elisha and Moriah, May 15, 1777, a. 2 y. 4m. Elizabeth, wid. of Henry, Nov. 10, 1779, a. 82 y. G.R.I. (Oct. 26,1779, a. 84 y. C.R.1.) Esther, d. of Simeon and Jerusha, June 28, 1747. Esther, Apr. 28, 1819. (Apr. 28, 1817, a. 77 y. G.R.I.) Eunice, s of John and Esther, Mar. 29, 1769. (a. 4 y. 4 m. C.R.I. George Emery, s. of Cephas, May 17, 1824,a.17m. Drowned. C.R.2. (a. 1 y.6m. G.R.1.) Hannah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Jan. 13, 1785,a.4 y.9m.6d. Henry, Dec. 24, 1777, a. 73 y. G.R.I. Henry, June 27, 1796. Stillborn. c.R.1. Jerussia K., d. of Levi and Anna, Oct. 3, 1830, a. 2 y. 5 m. 10d. G.R.I. Jesse, s. of Phinehas and Consumption. John (Lieut., c.r.1), Aug. 8, 1819. (Aug. 9, 1819, a. 81 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.) Jonathan, s. of Asa and Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1750. (Oct. 15, 1750,a.5d. G.R.I.) Lidiah, d. of Simeon and Jerusha, Oct. 26, 1740. Mary, Apr. 12, 1809, a. 32 y. Unm. Lung fever. c.r.1. Mercy, w. of Elijah, Jan. 11, 1817, a. 73 y. G.R.I. Mercy, wid. of , Aug. 26, 1845, a. 82 y. Oldage. (Mercy W., w. of Peter, Aug. 25, 1845. G.R.1.) Moriah, Apr. 12,1781. c.R.3. (Apr. 11,1781. C.R.I.) Moriah, w. of Thomas, May 2, 1790, a. gI y. 10 m. 13 d. Olivea, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Oct. 19, 1756 (Oct. 22, 1756 dup. andc.r.1). (Oct. 22,1757,a.4 y.7m. 20d. G.R.1.) Peter, May 10, 1830, a. 67 y. Sarah, July 7, 1747, in her sth y. c.r.1. Sarah, w. of Ephraim, May 28, 1761. c.R.1. Sarah, June 16, 1820, a. 51 y. : Sarah (Sarah E., c.r.1), Mar. (20, G.R.1), 1840, a. 20 y. Sophia, Aug. 23, 1814, a. 8 y. Croup. C.R.1. , June 19, 1847, a. 48 y. Md. HARVARD DEATHS. 281 HovucutTon, Stephen, s. of Stephen and Abagal, June 18, 1742. (a. 3 y. C.R.1.) Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mariah, Aug. 5, 1736. (a.4 y. om. CRI.) Thomas, Mar. 9, 1764. (a.67 G.R.1.) Thomas, May 2, 1846, a. 79 y. Md. Inflammation. (a. 79 y. 3m. G.R.I.) Wiilitalm, s. of Elijah, Nov. 6, 1844, a. . 67 y. Md. Mortifica- tion. HOWE, Caroline, d. of James and Harriet N:, b. in seg Nov. 15, 1849, a. 14 y. Consumption. HUNT, Samuel, July 4, 1775, ‘‘of advanced years.” c.R.1. Taberthy, w. of Sam[uel]ll, Nov. 2, 1762, a. 66 y. c.R.1. HUSE, Charlotte, d. of John and Rebekah, Jan. 18, 1808, G.R.I. Enoch Jr., May 31, 1813, a. 52 y. Enoch, Apr. 27, 1821, a. 89 y. (a. 88 y. G.R.1.) Esther W., w. of Enoch, Oct. 19, 1833, a. 21 y.5 m. G.R.I. James W., s. of Denison and Mary P., June 4, 1841, a. 15 y. Shot by accidental discharge of gun. G.R.I. John, s. of John and Rebekah, Jan. 14, 1808, a. Ir y.2m. G.R.I. John D., Aug. 9, 1840, a. 84 y. (Aug. 6, 1840. G.R.1.) Mary P., w. of Dennison, b. in Groton, Oct. 21, 1844, a. 42 y. Consumption. (Oct. 23, 1844, a. 42 y. Im. G.R.1.) Rebecca, w. of Enoch, Oct. 30, 1816, a. 80 y. G.R.I. Stephen, s. of John D. and Rebeckah, May 17, 1822, a. 20 y. 5m. G.R.I. HUTCHINS, Peer inf. ch. of Gordon and Dorothy, Jan. 20, 1760. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Gordon, Sept. 9, 1768. C.R.I. Bethiah, w. of Ensign Wlillialm, Oct. 21, 1758, in her soth y. G.R.I. Daniel, Dec. 13, 1748, a. 2% y. C.R.I. Elisabeth, w. of Joseph, Nov. 29, 1757, 4.80 y. II m. C.R.I. Ephraim, s. of Gordon and Dorothy, Jan. 7, 1761,a.3y. C.R.I. Hitte, d. of W{illia|m, ee 12,1771, a.abt. 5y. C.R.1. Joseph, Aug. 5, 1757, 4.83 y.4m. 20d. C.R.1. Sarah, Dec. 20, 1748, a. abt. 7 y. C.R.I. Wlillia}m, Ensign, Mar. 7, 1772, in his 77th y. G.R.1. JACKSON, Ann, w. of , Aug. 8, 1844, a. 59 y. G.R.I. $ 282 HARVARD DEATHS. JEWET (see Jewett), Moses, s. of wid. in his 7th y. C.R.1. JEWETT (see Jewet), Aaron, Dec. 25, 1816, a. 75 y. (Feb. 25, 1816. G.R.2.) Abel, Feb. 16, 1806, a. 89 y. (a.99 y. G.R.2.) (Jan. 16, 1806, a. 89 y. S.R.) Daniel, Dec. 20, 1813, a. 33 y. (Dec. 26, 1813, a. 32 y. G.R.2.) (Dec. 27, 1813. S.R.) Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1838, a. 82 y. G.R.2. Mary, Nov. 16, 1791, a. 75 y. Mary, a 17, 1814,a.72y. Fever. Shaker. c.r.1. (a. 71 y. G.R.2. Sarah, Dec. 27, 1822, a. 67 y. (July 20, 1822. G.R.2.) (July Ig, 1822, a. 66 y. S.R.) JOHNSON, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Betsey, Nov. 16, 1776. C.R.I. Daniel, Rev., Sept. 23,1777. (in his 30th y. G.R.1.) Dole, Aug. 12, 1745, a. abt. 43 y. C.R.I. Mary, aged wid. of , Oct. 27, 1768. Nancy, w. of , Apr. 9, 1823, a. 32 y. C.R.2. Reuben, s. of Abraham, Oct. 2, 1766. C.R.1. KEEP, Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1796. (a. 27 y. G.R.2.) Jabez, Capt., Aug. 19, 1774, a. 68 y.4.m. 28d. G.R.1. Meheteble, Mar. 3, 1822, a. 49 y. Phebe, Jan. 20, 1789. Phebe, July 22, 1826, a. 88 y. G.R.2. Rachel, Mar. 3, 1822, a. 49 y. G.R.2. Ruth, Apr. 19, 1794. (a. 23 y. G.R.2.) Sarah, Nov. 27, 1809,a. 47 y. (a. 460 y. G.R.2.) KELLEY (see Kelly), John, Dec. 1, 1793, a. 2 y. Accident. C.R.I. , June 26, 1759, KELLY (see Kelley), soy. Dropsy. c.R.1. KENDALL, , d. of Enoch, Oct. 14, 1818, a. 5 y. Throat distemper. C.R.I. Enoch, Oct. 13, 1835, a. 40 y. G.R.I. Enoch, s. of Enoch and , Oct. 3, 1845, a. 24 y. 21 d. Consumption. Hannah, Aug. 18, —,a. 56y. (Aug. 18, 1816,a. 55 y. G.R.2.) Luke, Aug. 30, 1832, a. 23 y.8m. 28d. G.R.I. , w. of Morris Jr., Aug. 8, 1806, a. HARVARD DEATHS. 283 KENDALL, Nathan, Mar. 11, 1845, a. nearly go y. Sybil, w. of James, Oct. 4, 1831, a.29y.8m. G.R.I. William, Nov. 8, 1827,a.12 y. G.R.2. (Dec. 8, 1827. s.R.) William, s. of Enoch and Fanny, July 2, 1829, a. 2 y.2m.2d. G.R.I. KENT, , wid. of years.”’ C.R.I. Han[nah], Aug. —, 1810, a. 55 y. G.R.2. Josiah, Mar. 8, 1767,a. 76 y. C.R.I. Lois, Jan. 18, 1756, a. 30 y. C.R.I. KEYES (see Keys), Elizabeth, wid., Mar. 30, 1816, a. 97 y. Fever. C.R.1. Elkanah, Jan. 19, 1806, a. 88 y. Md. Oldage. c.r.1. KEYS (see Keyes), ———, inf. ch. of Elkanah, Dec. 6, 1760. C.R.I. , Oct. 29, 1774, ‘of advanced KEZER, Abigail, July 24, 1802, a. 18 y.. Drowned. c.r.1. KILBORN (see Kilburn), Anna, Jan. 6, 1813, a. 31 y. (June 6, 1819, a. 31 y. G.R.2.) KILBURN (see Kilborn), Ruth, ——, 1796. c.R.3. KIMBALL, Benjamin Esq., Apr. 30, 1830, a. 78 y. G.R.I. Nahum, Dec. 12,1798, a.4 y. Quinsy. C.R.I. Nancy, w. of Benjamin Esq., Oct. 17, 1839, a. 84 y. G.R.I. William, s. of Benjamin Esq. and Nancy, Dec. 9, 1798, a. 4 y. G.R.I. KINGMAN, Constant, wid. of Ebenezer, Aug. 29, 1791. G.R.I. Ebenezer, Mar. 25, 1788, a.77 y.2m.2d. G.R.I. KINSMAN, Waldo S., s. of Philena and Adeline, b. in Billerica, Apr. 16, 1848, a. 1 y. 3m. Scarlatina. KITTERIDGE (see Kittredge), , w. of Tho[ma]s, June 5, 1808, a. 24 y. Consumption. C.R.1. Thomas, Dr., Sept. 4, 1809,a.30y. Md. Fever. c.r.1. (Sept. 6, 1809, a. 26 y. G.R.I.) KITTREDGE (see Kitteridge), Catherine A. (Augusta, c.R.1), d. of John W. and Catharine, Oct. 11, 1836, a. 6m. G.R.TI. Julia, w. of William, Mar. 27, 1822, a. 36 y. G.R.I. 284 HARVARD DEATHS. KNEELAND (see Neeland), Edward, Dec. 24, 1777. C.R.I. KNIGHT, , w. of Joseph, Dec. 21, 1791. C.R.I. , ch. of Luke, Feb. 11, 1804. c.R.1. Abidan, Nov. 3, 1841, a. 60 y. G.R.1. Asa, Oct. 4, 1807. Unm. c.R.1. Daniel, Oct. 18, 1769, a. 33 y- G-R.I. (Oct. 20, 1769, a. 33 y. 7m. C.R.I.) Elisha Jr., Aug. 14, 1808, a. gy. C.R.I. Eliza, ——, 1796, a. 2d. C.R.I. Eliza, Sept. 26, 1811,a.17 y. Fever. c.R.1. Eloisa, Apr. 16,1796, a. 2d. Consumption. c.R.1. Hannah E., w. of Jonathan P., Oct. 27, 1846, a. 22 y. Fever. Heman, July 1, 1827,a.47 y.7 m.i2d. G.R.1. Henrietta, Apr. 19, 1796, a. 5 d. Consumption. c.R.1. Jesse, Apr. 19, 1822. G.R.I. (a. 50 y. C.R.I.) Joseph, Mar. 2, 1801. C.R.1. Joseph, Dec. 14, 1805. Md. Palsy. c.R.1. Josiah, July 17, 1737, a. abt. 24 y. C.R.1. - Levi, s. of Nathan and Susanna, Sept. 17, 1807, in his 22d y. G.R.I. Nabby Turner, w. of Heman, Nov. 7, 1846, a. 69 y. G.R.1. Rhoda, Mar. 24, 1815, a. 32 y. Sally (w. of Abidan, c.R.1), Jan. 14, 1822, a. 4o y.* Sally, wid. of , Apr. 17, 1846, a. 79 y. Consumption. (Sally, wid. of Jesse, Apr. 17, 1846, a. 72 y. C.R.I.) Sarah, wid., Dec. 3, 1816, a. 69 y. Consumption. cC.R.1. LAMSON, Esther, Dec. 19, 1785. LANE, Benja{min] R., Aug. 7, 1840, a. 36 y. G.R.I.. LATHE, Anna, May 25, 1832, a. 81 y. G.R.2. Eunice, Jan. 27, 1794. (a. 60 y. G.R.2.), Ezra, Feb. 8, 1807, a. 57 y. LAUGHTON, , ch. of Jeremiah, Apr. 18, 1749. C.R.I. , ch. of Jeremiah, Apr. 28, 1753. C.R.I. Jeremiah, Dea., Aug. 11, 1775, a. 49 y. 11 m. 27d. G.R.I. ; John, Dea., Mar. 5, 1768, a. 86 y. (a. 86 y.4m.17 4d. . Lived with his wife 61 y. 18d. G.R.1.) John, May 28, 1791, a. 35 y. (a. 35 y. 10m. 28d. Revolu- tionary soldier. G.R.I. Olivea, a Jeremiah and Rachel, Nov. 25, 1768. (a. 7 m. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 285 Laucuton, Rachel, wid. of Dea. Jeremiah, Oct. 28, 1810, a. 83 y. (a. 83 y. Iom. G.R.1.) Sarah (w. of Dea. John, c.r.1), Feb. 4, 1772, a. 90 y. (a. goy. Im.4d. G.R.1.) LAWRENCE, Benjamin, July 5, 1767. (a. 55 y. G.R.1.) Benjamin, Aug. 26, 1775, a. 25 y. G.R.I. Bradley V., s. of Abraham and Rhoda Wood, Mar. 23, 1831, a.5y. G.R.I. Caroline Augusta, d. of Kimball W. and Sarah Pinder, June 12, 1831,a.5 y.7m.16d. G.R.1. Charles Allen, s. of Jona[than] and Sarah Ann, May 31, 1845, a.7y.2m.28d. Scarlet fever. Deborah, d. of Stephen, Sept. 29, 1827. c.R.1. (Sept. 27, 1827, a. 42 y. G.R.I.) Eliza, Oct. 2, 1804, a. 16 m. G.R.I. George E., s. of Abraham and Rhoda Wood, Apr. 13, 1831, a.7y: G.R.I. Henry, Feb. 7, 1829, a. 39 y. G.R.I. Lucy, aoe 25,1792, a. 3d. Convulsion fits. crx. (d. 1795. G.R.I. Lucy, June 22, 1801. Md. Consumption. c.R.1. (Lucy S., June 23, 1801, a. 36 y. G.R.1.) Lucy, ee 28, 1821, a. 37 y. (Lucy B., Sept. 2, 1821, a. 38 y. G.R.I. Melicent, w. of Abijah, b. in Ashby, Aug. 17, 1847, a. 70 y. Paralysis. Oliver W., s. of Abraham and Rhoda Wood, Nov. 27, 1815, aly. G.R.I. Phebe, d. of Abel and Phebe, Oct. 31, 1756, a. 2 y. 6 m. G.R.I. Sarah Jane, d. of Kimball W. and Sarah Pinder, Nov. 9, 1829, a.5 y.6m. G.R.I. Stephen Jr., July 12, 1813, a.9 y. G.R.I. Stephen, Apr. 23, 1828, a. 64 y. G.R.I. Triphena, d. of Abel and Phebe, Nov. 12, 1756, a. abt. 7 m. C.R.I. LAWSON, Anna, Mar. —, 1828. c.R.3. LESSON, , ch. of Geoarge, Oct. 22, 1778. C.R.I. , ch. of George, Nov. 2, 1780. C.R.1. , inf. ch. of George, Mar. 21, 1790. C.R.I. , ch. of George, Nov. 29, 1802, a. 3 y. Consumption. C.R.I. 286 HARVARD DEATHS. LEsson, , ch. of , sept. 27, 1808, a. 3 y. C.R.I. Nabby, May 17, 1794, a. 7m. Consumption. c.R.I. Nabby, Aug. 27, 1798, a. 3 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. LEWIS, Hannah, Aug. 1, 1785. c.R.3. Sarah, July 4, 1795. C.R.3. Sarah Merriam, d. of William and Fanny P., Sept. 23, 1830. G.R.I. LONGLEY, C.R.I. , ch. of Betsy, Mar. 8, 1818, a. 3 'w. Fits. LYON, Molly, Mar. 27, 1843, a. 92 y. G.R.2. LYSCOM, Phebe, May 26, 1836, a. 78 y. G.R.2. (May 26, 1838. S.R.) Sarah, Oct. 29, 1830, a. 29 y. G.R.2. MACCOY (see McCoy), Mary, wid., Aug. 1, 1761, a. 32 y. C.R.I. MAISTIN, Daniel of Hampton, Nov. 11, 1757, a. 50 y. C.R.1. MANN, Sarah, w. of William, Jan. 22, 1813, in her 51st y. G.R.I. MANNING, Hannah, w. of Theophi[lu]s, Oct. 9, 1813, a. 31 y. G.R.I. MARROW, Hugh, Oct. 16, 1841, a. 37 y. G.R.2. MARTYN, Michael, Oct. 2, 1766. (inf. ch. of Dr. Nath., Oct. 2, 1766. C.R.1.) MAYNARD, Jonah, Oct. 21, 1785, in his 29th y. G.R.1. McCOY (see Maccoy), John, Sept. 17, 1776. Killed in battle at New York. McLAIN, , ch. of Edward, Nov. 26, 1789, a. 13m. C.R.I. MEAD (see Meed, Meeds), 1753, a.5m. C.R.I. , ch. of Samuel Jr., Sept. 7, 1778. c.R-1. , w. of Samuel Jr., Oct. 1, 1778. C.R.I. Alice, Oct. 2, 1748, a. 3 y. C.R.I. Dinah, w. of Sam[uel], Nov. 26,1754, a. 44 y. C.R.I. Hannah, Oct. 7, 1760. C.R.I. Hannah, w. of Dea. Samuel, Sept. 23, 1808, a. 85 y.7m. G.R.I. (Sept. 23, 1807, a. 84 y. C.R.I.) , ch. of Samuel, Feb. 15, HARVARD DEATHS. 287 Meap, Lemuel, Sept. 12, 1747, a. 12 d. C.R.I. Lois, Sept. 29, 1748, a. 7 y. C.R.I. Lucy, Oct. 7, 1748, a. 9 y. C.R.I. Mercy, Feb. fo, 1751, a.8m. C.R.I. Samuel, Dea., June 1, 1814. (a. go y.3m. G.R.I.) Silas, Oct. 3, 1745, a. Q W. C.R.I. MEED (see Mead, Meeds), Lydia P. (Lydia Priest, d. of Reuben and Lydia, c.r.1), Oct. 16, 1824, a. 13 y. (a. 13 y. 8m. 21d. G.R.1.) Reuben, Mar. 2, 1815, a. 32 y. G.R.I. MEEDS (see Mead, Meed), 1807. Dropsy. C.R.1. Hannah, d. of Samuell and Dinah, July 10, 1738, a. gy. C.R.1. Joseph, Jan. 8, 1788. (Jan. 11, 1788, a. abt. 83 y. c.R.I.) Silas, s. of Samuell and Dinah, Nov. 7, 1739, a. abt. 18 m. C.R.I. ; MERIAM (see Merriam), Asenath, Oct. 17, 1814, a. 34 y. Ebenezer, Aug. 27, 1817, a. abt. bo y. Fit. c.R.1. Rachel, w. of Jonas, May 26, 1825, a. 47 y. C.R.2. MERRIAM (see Meriam), , Mr., Sept. 27, 1783, a. 77 Y- Fit. c.R.1. Jonas, Feb. 19, 1848. G.R.I. Sarah, Feb. 21, 1847. G.R.I. William, Apr. 3, 1782. (a.49 y. G.R.I.) MILES, Nancy Maria, d. of William and Betsy, Aug. 26, 1837, a.13m. G.R.I. : MIXTER, Elizabeth, Dec. 25,1797. (a. 56 y. G.R.2.) MONDAY, William, July 8, 1822, a. 84 y. (July 19, 1822. G.R.2.) (Mar. 3, 1822. s.R.) MOOR, Rebecca, Apr. 30, 1800. C.R.I. MUNROE, Abraham, Mar. 11, 1778, a. 31 y. Died in the Continental Army. C.R.I. Ephraim, a Dec. 8, 1795, in his 51st y. G.R.I. (a. 49 y. C.R.I. John, Jan. 17, 1790. C.R.I. Joseph, widr., July 27, 1847, a. 72 y. Dropsy. (July 25, 1847, a.73 y. G.R.I.) ; Mercy, w. of Dr. Ephraim, Nov. 10, 1788, in her 36th y. G.R.I. Polly, Oct. 25, 1844, a. 57 y- G.R.I. , w. of Samuel, Aug. 21, 288 ' HARVARD DEATHS. MYCALL, Mary, w. of John Esq., Apr. 8, 1804. MYRICK, Jesse, Nov. 23, 1837, a. 27 y. G.R.2. Joseph M., s. of Jesse and Elizabeth, b. in Eastham, Mar. ‘14, 1849, a. 44 y.3m.12d. Unm. Consumption. Lucy, May 19, 1844, a. 22 y. G.R.2. Sally, June 18, 1842, a. 23 y. G.R.2. Susan K., d. of Jesse and Elizabeth, Jan. 18, 1849, a. 40 y. 6m. 5d. Consumption. NASON, Maria, d. of Seth and Nancy, Aug. 13, 1821, a. 4 y. — G.R.I. NEELAND (see Kneeland), Miriam, w. of Joseph, Mar. 14, 1763. (Mar. 16, 1763. c.R.1.) (Mar. 15, 1763, in her 54th y. G.R.1.) NEWMAN, Abby Davis, d. of Robert E. and Abigail, Feb. 2, 1842,a.4y.5m. G.R.I. Mary Homer, inf. d. of Robert E. and Abigail, July 31, 1836. G.R.I, Nancy, wid. of , d. of Luther and Hannah Turner, Nov. 8, 1849, a. 69 y. Apoplexy. (Nov. 9, 1849. G.R.I.) NIND (see Ninde), Pamelia, w. of Henry and d. of John and Abigail Blanchard, Sept. 3, 1836, a. 25 y. G.R.1. NINDE (see Nind), Charles Henry, s. of Henry: and Pamelia, Mar. 5, 1835,a.1 y.6m. G.R.I. NOURSE (see Nurs, Nurse), Unm. Consumption. c.R.1. David, Sept. 3, 1827, a. 65 y. G.R.1. Lucy Forbush, w. of James R., Nov. 18, 1832, a. 23 y. 5 m.2d. G.R.I. NURS (see Nourse, Nurse), Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin, May 29, 1739. (a. abt. 50 y. C.R.I.) NURSE (see Nourse, Nurs), Daniel, s. of Francis and Nabby, Aug. 11, 1804, a. Iom. 12d. G.R.I. Elizabeth, wid., Dec. 30, 1781, a. 83 y. C.R.1. Harvey, May 7, 1838, a. 28 y. (May 5, 1838, a. 29 y. 6 m. , Mar. 10, 1803, a. 26 y. G.R.I.) John, Jan. 1, 1833,a. 26y.8m.5d. G.R.1. NUTTING, , ch. of Abijah Jr., Mar. 29, 1819, a. 5 w. Croup. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 289 OAK (see Oaks), Elizabeth, w. of Jonathan, Nov. 23, 1750, a. 23 y.9m. C.R.I. OAKS (see Oak), C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Seth and Elisabeth, Aug. 21, 1760. c.R.1. Sarah, w. of Jonathan, May 22,1761, a. 28 y. C.R.1. ORSMENT, John, s. of John and Margaret, b. in Manchester, Oct. 14, 1848, a. 71 y.8m.7d. Md. Killed by being struck by an engine. Margaret (Clarissa, s.R.), Jan. 27, 1830, a. 25 y. G.R.2. , ch. of Jonathan, Nov. 11, 1740. OWEN, Samuel, Sept. 17, 1833, a. 27 y. G.R.2. PAGE, Anna, w. of Nathaniel, July 16, 1821, a. 49 y. G.R.1. Nathaniel, Dec. 14, 1819, a. 51 y. G.R.I. PARK (see Parks), C.R.I. , ch. of John, Dec. ro, 1819, a. 3 d. Fits. c.r.1. Andrew, s. of John and Jane, July 6, 1775, a. 18 y. 1 m.17 d. Revolutionary soldier, d. in camp at Cambridge. G.R.1. Andrew (s. of John and Nabby, c.r.1), Sept. 12, 1810, a. 2 y. Cholera. © C.R.1. Benjamin Kimball (Dec. 2, 1840, a. 34 y. C.R.2.). Hannah Fisher, d. of William and Abigail, June 3, 1831, a. 5 y. G.R.I, James, s. of Thomas and Rosannah, Apr. 19, 1793, in his 23d y. G.R.I. Jane, w. of John, Feb. 6, 1800, in her 87th y. G.R,1. John, Sept. 20, 1768, a. 67 y. G.R.I. John (s. of Thomas and Rosannah, c.r.1), Aug. 24, 1806, a. 20 y. Consumption. C.R.1. Margaret (d. of Thomas and Rosannah, c.R.1), Nov. 1, 1795, a.2ry. Unm. Consumption. C.R.1. Maria Stetson (d. of William and Abigail, c-r.1), Dec. 15, 1815, a.1gm. Fever. c.R.1. (Dec. 22, 1815,a.1y. G.R.I.) Nab|bly v7 of John, c.r.1), Dec. 8, 1819, a. 35 y- (a. 34 y. G.R.I. Rosannah, wid. of Thomas, Oct. 28, 1814, a. 69 y. G.R.I. (a. 70 y. C.R.I.) ~ Sally, d. of William and Eunice, July 29, 1835, a. 34 y. G.R.I. Stuart James, s. of William 2d (and Abigail, G.r.1), June 25, 1821, a.14 mM. C.R.2. , ch. of John, June 15, 1818, a. 18 m. 290 HARVARD DEATHS. Park, Susan H. (Susan Hayward, c.r.1), d. of William 2d (and Abigail, G.R.1), July 26, 1821, a. 5 y. c.R.2. Thomas (s. of Thomas and Rosannah, c.r.1), Aug. 16, 1803, a. 26 y. Consumption. c.R.1. Thomas, June 8, 1806, a. 61 y. G.R.I. Thomas, s. of William and Abigail, May 31, 1831,a.2y. G.R.1. William, May 11, 1808, a. 68 y. Unm. Consumption. c.r.1. William, s. of William 2d (and Abigail, c.r.1), June 28, 1821, a.3y. C.R.2. William, Feb. 9, 1827, a. 77 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1. PARKER, , inf. ch. of Dr. , Jan. 12, 1774. C.R.1. , ch. of Sewall, July 9, 1808, a. 2 y. Whooping cough. C.R.I. , ch. of John, Jan. 22, 1809. c.R.1. , ch. of Sewall, Feb. 22, 1811. Canker. c.R.1. Margaret, w. of Moses, May 24, 1760, a. 77 y. 12 d. G.R.I. Margit, wid. of , May 29, 1750. (a.77 y. C.R.I.) Rowland, Feb. 21, 1806, a. 18 y. Drowned. c.R.1. PARKHURST (see Parkurst), , inf. ch. of Silas, Nov. 28,1787. C.R.I. Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 17, 1756. (a. 10 m. C.R.1.) Sarah, wid. of , Sept. 13, 1824, a. 77 y. C.R.2. Silas, Sept. 12, 1814, a. 77 y Sophia, only ch. of Thee plu (and Sophia, c.r.1), May 26, 1826,a.5 y. C.R.2. Theophilus, Nov. 9, 1827, a. 38 y. G.R.I. PARKS (see Park), , w. of Joseph, Feb. 11, 1788, a. abt. 24y. CRI. PARKURST (see Parkhurst), Rachel, d. of Silas, July 19, 1776. CRT. (Sarah, G.R.1), w. of Silas, Mar. 30, 1786, a. abt. 40 y. C.R.I. (Mar. 28, 1787, a. 46 y. G.R.1.) PATCH, David, s. of David and Susannah, b. in Charlestown, Sept. 19, 1848, a. 42 y. Md. Consumption. PATTERSON, , ch. of Nicholas, Sept. 16, 1785, a. 6 y. C.R.I. , wid. of , May 3, 1808, a. 80 y. C.R.I. Asa, s. of Lemuel and Susan, Feb. 6, 1812, a. 24 y. G.R.I. Lemuel, Nov. 11,'1828, a. 69 y._ G.R.I. Susan, w. of Lemuel, May 30, 1825, a. 67 y. G.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 291 PEARCE (see Peirce, Pierce), Gad, s. of W[illialm and Mercy, July 19, 1739,a.2y.2m.od. G.R.1. : PEARSON, Abigail R., ——, 1794. G.R.1. Eliphalet, Rev., uu.p., in Greenland, N. H., Sept. 12, 1826, a.74y. C.R.I. P. Holyoke, w. of »———, 1783. G.R.I. Sarah (S. Bromfield, c.r.1), w. of Eliphalet, tu.p., Feb. 10, 1831,a.74y. C.R.I. PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pierce), ———,, ch. of John, Oct. 4, 1750. C.R.I. : Abigail, of Danal Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1746. (a. abt. 2 y. C.R.I. Daniel, Mar. 14, 1754 (in his 77th y. c.R.1.). Dinah, d. of Joseph and Deborah, Apr. 16, 1758. Elijah, eo 10, 1767. (inf. ch. of Jonathan, Aug. 9, 1767. C.R.I. Hannah, Oct. 21, 1745, a.2m. C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1759. (a. 11 m. 19d. G.R.I1.) Sarah, w. of , Mar. 31, 1771. (Sarah, w. of Jonathan, Mar. 31, 1771, a. 30 y. 23d. G.R.1.) PENNIMAN, Joseph, Rev., Aug. 30, 1808, a. 73 y. Md. c.r.1. PEPPER, John S., s. of Thomas L. and Elizabeth B., b. in Barnstable [no date, 1847 or 1848]. Dropsy. PERHAM, Dolly, Aug. 29, 1836, a. 66 y. c.R.2. (Aug. 23, 1838. s.R.) PERKINS, Dorcas, w. of Jonathan, in Lunenburg, Sept. 4, 1824, a. 60 y. Esther, 2d w. of Jonathan, in Lunenburg, Dec. 1, 1842, a. 53 y. 8m. ; Francis, s. of Enoch and Mary, Nov. 14, 1830, a. 7 d. Jonathan, in Lunenburg, Apr. 14, 1832, a. 67 y. 3 m. 12 d. Mary, w. of Enoch, d. of Ezra and Rachael Wetherbee, Dec. 24, 1837, a. 35 y-1m.i1od. PERRY, John, Dec. 24, ——, a. 87 y. (Dec. 20, 1819, a. 86 y. G.R.2.) Mary, Nov. 22, 1821, a. 84 y. (a. 83 y. G.R.2.) (Mar. 16, 1821. S.R.) PHILBROOK, Alonzo, ——, 1849. G.R.3. 292 HARVARD DEATHS. PIERCE (see Pearce, Peirce), Dinah, w. of John, June 12, 1825, a.52y. G.R.I. Eliza, only d. of John and Dinah, June 16, 1818, a. 18 y. 2 m. G.R.I. Hannah, wid., Apr. 16, 1811, a. 84 y. Oldage. c.R.1. John, Sept. 12, 1828, a. 69 y. G.R.I. POLLARD, ———, ch. of James, Apr. 7, 1782, a. abt. 16 m. C.R.I. , ch. of Jonathan, Apr. 15, 1783, a. 2% y. C.R.1. , ch. of Jonathan, Nov. 11, 1785, a.8m. c.R.1. , wid. of , Apr. —, 1791. C.R.I. , d. of Luke and Becky, Mar. 30, 1802, a.1d. G.R.1. | , d. of Luke and Becky, Mar. 5, 1805, a. 6d. G.R.z. (Mar. 2, 1805,a. 3d. c.R.1.) Abner, s. of Abner and Aseneth, Nov. 4, 1844, a. 30 y. (Nov. 2, 1844, a. 29 y. G.R.I.) Md. Consumption. — Alfred H., s. of David and Susan (Susan R., G.r.1), Mar. 10, 1833. (Mar. 12, 1833, a. 2 y. C.R.I.) (Mar. 10, 1834, GRI. Asenath Alma, d. of Abner and Asenath, Apr. 8, 1820, a. 3 y. 2m.6d. G.R.I. Becky, w. of (Dea., G.R.1) Luke, Apr. 10, 1811. (d. of Jona. and' Achsah Whitcomb, a. 32y. G.R.I. ) Cally, d. of David and Patty, May 7, 1783, 4.2 y.5m. G.R.I. Charles Henry, s. of Luke and Susan, Dec. 5, 1838. (a. 14 m. C.R.2.) (a.13 m. G.R.I.) Dorothy, w. of Capt. Walter, June 22, 1791. (a. 76 y. G.R.1.) Elizabeth, 2nd w. of Capt. Thaddeus, June 2, 1831, a. 84 y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, June 1, 1837, a. 64 y. G.R.I. Ephraim, Apr. 15, 1799, in his 32d y. G.R.1. Eusebia, d. of (Capt. c.r.1) Thaddeus and Submit, Mar. 23, 1790. (a.21y.3m.15d. G.R.1.) Franklin, s. of Abner and Asenath, in Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8, 1837, a. 26 y. Died while on a journey. G.R.I. Israel, s. of James and Molly, Jan. 1, 1788, a. Ig y.5 m. G.R.I. James, s. of James and Molly, July 19, 1779, a. 12 y. 6 m. G.R.I. Julia Ann, d. of Dea. Luke and Mary, Apr. 16, 1831, a. 6 y. 5m.16d. G.R.1. Luke, s. of Luke and Becky, Oct. 31, 1806, a. 28d. G.R.1. Margaret (Margaret E. F., c.r.2), d. of Abner and Aseneth (Aug. 31, C.R.2), 1840, a. 19 y. HARVARD DEATHS. 293 PotrarD, Mary, d. of Luke and Becky, Mar. 3, 1804. (a. Irm.3d. G.R.1.) Mary, Mar. 2, 1815, a. 72 y. Md. Fever. c.rR.1. Mary, w. of Thomas, Nov. 5, 1847, a. 86 y. G.R.I. Nabbe, d. of (Capt., c.r.1) Thaddeus and Submit, Jan. 20, * 1790. (a.17 m. 22d. G.R.1.) Nathan, s. of (Capt., c.r.1) Thaddeus and Submit, Nov. 14, 1786. (a.4y.7m. 28d. G.R.1.) Patty, w. of David, Sept. 18, 1802, a. 61 y. G.R.I. Rachel, w. of Ephraim, Aug. 10, 1793, in her 28th y. G.R.1. ~ July 30,1793, a. 29 y. CRI.) Sarah, d. of James and Molly, Apr. 7, 1780, a. r y. 3 m. 18 d. G.R.I. Submit, w. of (Capt. Thaddeus, c.r.1), June 26, 1790. (a. 41 y. Im.17d. G.R.I.) Susan (Susan T., c.r.2), w. of Luke Jr., Mar. 7, 1839, a. 23 y. Susan, w. of Albert, Oct. 22, 1847, a. 36 y. G.R.r. (Oct. 28, 1847, a. 38 y. C.R.2.) Thaddeus, Capt., Sept. 3, 1803, a. 57 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Thomas, Oct. 29, 1826, a. 71 y. G.R.I. Thomas, Maj., at Richmond, Va., Apr. 21, 1845. G.R.1. Walter, Capt., Feb. 5, 1790. (a. 80 y. G.R.1.) POLLY, _ ch. of Elnathan, May 25, 1808, a. 4 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Elna[than], Sept. 28, 1808, a. 9 m. Scalded. C.R.I. ; PORTER, Arthur K. (Arthur Kendall, c.r.2), s. of Augustus K. and Mary H., Oct. 24, 1849, a. 3 m. Disease of head. Emma Kendall, d. of Augustus K. and Mary, Sept. 20, 1846, a. 4m. Cholera infantum. POTTER, , Apr. 26, 1779, ‘“‘an aged woman.” C.R.I. Charles, s. of Alexander and Angelina, Aug. 27, 1848, a. 1 y. tm. Dysentery. Sarah Relief, d. of John and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1837, a. I y. Io m. C.R.2. ‘ POWERS, Edward, s. of Edward and Mary, Feb. 8, 1748-9. (a. IO W. C.R.I.) Jacob, Mar. 27, 1759. Aged man. C.R.1. Meriam, July 23,1796. (a.74 y. G.R.2.) Robbart, May 28, 1766, a. 65 y. C.R.1. PRAT (see Pratt), Hannah, Jan. 1, 1754, a. 4% y. C.R.I. 294 HARVARD DEATHS. PRATT (see Prat), Twin. C.R.I. , ch. of James, Feb. 11, 1805, a. 14 d. Twin. c.R.1. Abigail, wid., May 20, 1763, a. 45 y. C.R.I. Cyntha, May 26, 1830, a. 31 y. G.R.2. Elisabeth, Aug. 26, 1778, a. abt. 22 y. C.R.I. d John, Oct. 14, 1763, a. 75 y. C.R.I. John, Oct. 22, 1803, a. 17 y. C.R.I. PREIST (see Priest), Lucy, July 14, 1800. c.R.1. Mary, w. of Jacob, Nov. 7, 1791. (a. 33 y.5m.15d. G.R.1.) Oliver, s. " Jacob and Mary, Dec. 11, 1791. (a. 1 m. 10 d. G.R.I. PRENTICE, Bethiah, May 2, 1810. Deborah, July 16, 1811,a.92 y. (July 11, 1811,a.91y. G.R.2.) Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1812, a. 78 y. PRESCOTT, Bethiah, Oct. 6, 1813. (a. 84 y. G.R.2.) PRIEST (see Preist), , ch. of John and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1744. G.R.I. , ch. of John (and Mary, c.r.1), July 19, 1749. C.R.1. , inf. ch. of Abel, Mar. 16, 1787. C.R.I. , w. of Job, July 31, 1790. C.R.I. , w. of Jeremiah, May 8, 1806. c.R.1. , ch. of Abel, Nov. 2, 1807. C.R.I. , w. of Sylvester 2d, Feb. 8, 1841, a. 27 y. C.R.2. Abigail, wid., June 29, 1770, ‘‘of advanced years.’’ C.R.1I. Adelia C., d. of Nathan and Mercy, b. in Littleton [no date, 1847 or 1848], a. 3 y.8m. Dysentery. Benjamin, s. of Joseph, Apr. 25, 1738, a. 18 y. 2m. C.R.I. Calvin, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 9, 1762,a.3 y. G.R.I. Charles, Mar. 9, 1842, a. 37 y- G.R.2. David W., s. of Philemon Jr. and Ann, Apr. 7, 1815, a. 2 y. 1 m. G.R.1. (Apr. 5, 1816. C.R.1.) Edward H., Nov. 8, 1847, a. 5 y. G.R.I. Edward W. (Edward H., c.r.2), s. of Jonathan and Sophia, Aug. 27, 1845, a. 5 y. Scarlet fever. Elisabeth, wid. of (Daniel, G.r.1), Sept. 6, 1737, a. 53 y. C.R.I. Elisabeth, d. of Jonathan and Sophia, Apr. 20, 1839, a. 3 y. C.R.2. Ellen E., d. of Philemon Jr. and Eliza, July 24, 1847, a. 2 y. 24d. G.R.I. Eunice, d. of John (Jr., c.R.1) and Anna, Mar. 5, 1779. , ch. of James, Feb. 1, 1805, a. 2 d. HARVARD DEATHS. : 295 Prizst, Francis, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 2 y.4.m. C.R.2. Gabriel, Mar. 27, 1755, a. 65 y. C.R.I. George, s. of Sylvester, Dec. 20, 1827, a. 2 y.7_m. C.R.2. Hannah, w. of , Mar. 12, 1772. (Mar. 13, 1772. C.R.1.) Hannah, wid. (of Gabriel, c.r.1), Sept. 16, #810, a. 51 y. Con- sumption. c.R.1. (Sept. 15, 1810. G.R.1.) Hannah (w. of , C.R.2), Oct. 23, 1827, a. 75 y. G.R.I. Hazadiah, July 19, 1736, in her 12th y. G.R.1. Henry A., s. of Jonathan and Sophia, Nov. 8, 1847, a. 1 y. ae (ch. of Jonathan, Nov. 8, 1847, a. 2% m. C.R.2. Hezekiah, July 19, 1736, a. 35 y. C.R.I. Jabez, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 23, 1789, a. 25 y.Iom. G.R.I. Jabez, s. of Philemon and Lois, Nov. 16, 1844, a. 56 y. Md. Consumption: Jacob 3d, s. of Jacob Jr. and Sally, Feb. 22, 1836, a. 25 y. 11 m. 20d. G.R.I. : Jacob Sr., Dec: 14, 1836, a. 79 y. C.R.2. Jeremiah, Dec. 28, 1781, a. 60 y.8m. G.R.1. John, Apr. 4,1772. (a.54y.4m.2d. G.R.1.) | John, Nov. 1, 1815, a. 62 y. G.R.I. John, s. of Capt. Philemon and Mary, July 1, 1824, a. 33 y. G.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Philemon and Lois, Nov. 4, 1840, a. 54 y.. Md. Consumption. Lois, w. of Capt. Philemon, Jan. 9, 1802, a. 44 y. G.R.1. Louisa H., d. of John and Sally, Jan. 30, 1848, a. 24 y. Unm. Consumption. Maria (Mary M., c.r.2), d. of Jabez and Sally, July 18, 1848, a. 23 y. Consumption. (July 19. c.R.2.) Mary, wid. of , May 17, 1737, a. 82 y. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Joseph, July 16, 1737,a. 16 y. C.R.I. Mary, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 20, 1756, a. 1 y. 27 d. G.R.I. Mary, d. of John, June 9, 1767,a.2y.4m. G.R.I. Mary, wid. of John, June 17, 1772, a. 43 y.4m.18d. G.R.I. Mary, Dec. 28, 1806. Consumption. c.R.1. Mary, wid., Feb. 19, 1810, a. 83 y. Old age. c.R.1. ‘Mary, d. of Sylvester, Oct. 4, 1827, a. 7 y. C.R.2. Mary M., July 19, 1848, a. 23 y. C.R.2. Milly P., w. of , Feb. 5, 1846, a. 23 y. C.R.2. Molly (Mary, w. of Capt. Philemon, G.R.1), Jan. 13, 1821, a. 5Y- Philemon, Capt., Feb. 24, 1837, a. 84 y. G.R.I. Rachel, wid., May 17, 1737, in her 81st y. G.R.I. 296 HARVARD DEATHS. Priest, Rebecca, w. of , Dec. 4, 1831, a. 33 y. C.R.2. Relief (d. of John and Mary, c.r.1), Sept. 11, 1794, a. 27 y. = Fell from a horse. c.r.1. (a. 26 y. g m. 28 d. G.R.I. Rhoda, wid. of Jacob, Apr. 12, 1848, a. 84 y. Oldage. Sally, Oct. 17, 1798, a. 6 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. Sally P., w. of and d. of Dea. Richard and Sally Whit- ney, Feb. 8, 1846, a. 23 y. G.R.I. Sarah, w. of John, Dec. 6, 1744. (a. 24y.7m.19d. G.R.I.) Sarah, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 7,1772, a. 10m. 27d. G.R.1. Sarah, d. of Capt. Philemon and Lois, Mar. 2, 1800, a. 21 y. | G.R.I. Susan[nJa, d. of Elijah and Lois, July 4, 1800, in her 17th y. Susannah, d. of Joseph, Apr. 9, 1737,a.15 y. C.R.I. Zimri, s. of Jacob and Rhoda, Sept. 24, 1831, a. 30 y. G.R.I. PROCKTER (see Procter, Proctor), Amos, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Sept. 5, 1749. (a. 1oy.6m.1d. G.R.1.) Ephraim, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Sept. 11, 1745. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Apr. 6, 1741. (Apr. 27, 1741, a.6m. C.R.1.) , Jacob, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Jan. 3, 1746. 4 Job, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Oct. 7, 1751. (a. 21 y. 1m. 14 d.. G.R.1.) Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, June 3, 1741. Jonathan, Oct. 1, 1755, a. 63 y. C.R.I, Ruth, d. of Jonathan and Elisabeth, Sept. 24, 1737. , inf. ch. of Ephraim, PROCTER (see Prockter, Proctor), Oct. 8, 1769. C.R.I. Jonathan, May 13, 1755. Rebecca, Nov. 20, 1833, a. 68 y. G.R.2. PROCTOR (see Prockter, Procter), ———, s. of 16, 1771, a. abt. 17 m. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of W[illialm, May —, 1772. c.R.I. PUFFER, C.R.I. Jonathan, Nov. 1, 1782, a. 71 y. G.R.I. Jonathan, Aug. —, 1788. C.R.1. ‘ Jonathan, Lieut., Sept. 2, 1789, a. 506 y.. G.R.I. Polly (Molly, c.r.1), d. of Jonathan (Jr., c.r.1) and Abigail, May 8,1776. (a.ry.4m. 26d. G.R.1.) , Oct. , wid. of , Oct. 20, 1788, Aged woman. HARVARD DEATHS. 207 RAMSDEL (see Ramsdell, Ramsdill), Rebekah, Nov. 14, 1812, a.4o y. Unm. Consumption. c.rR.1. RAMSDELL (see Ramsdel, Ramsdill), Rebeckah, wid., Sept. 15, 1818, a. 82 y. Oldage. c.r.1. RAMSDILL (see Ramsdel, Ramsdell), Eri, Nov. 22, 1810. (ch. of Nehemiah Ramsdell, Nov. 24, 1810, a. I y. C.R.I.) Nehemiah, Sept. 20, 1800. Zoa, May 4, 1812. (May 4, 1813, a. 5 y. C.R.1.) Zoa, July 22, 1817. (ch. of Nehemiah, a. 3 y. C.R.1.) RAND, , ch. of Aaron, Oct. 17, 1759, a. 4d. C.R.I. , ch. of Silas, Oct. 17, 1785, a. 4 y. C.R.I. Abigail, w. of Jonathan, Nov. 18, 1757, a. abt. 56 y. C.R.I. Eleazer, Nov. 9, 1808, a. 46 y. (a. 45 y. G.R.2.) Jonathan, Sept. 17, 1785, a. 86 y. C.R.I. Jonathan, July 2, 1817, a. 51 y. Jonathan Jr., Aug. 16, 1827,a.25y.5m.315d. G.R.I. Mary, wid., Feb. 18, 1795, a. 77 y. Consumption. c.R.I. Silas, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1736, a. 11 y. 7 m. 26d. G.R.I. Silas, s. of Jonathan, Oct. 10, 1796, a. 16 m. Silas, ——, 1829, a. 90 y. C.R.I. Thomas, 5 of Jonathan, Mar. 6, 1796,a.4 y. (Mar. 6, 1795. C.R.I. RANDAL (see Randall), David, s. of Stephen and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1776, in his 6th y. (a. 5 y. 29d. G.R.1.) Priscilla, w. of , May 16, 1800, a. 94 y. Ruth, w. of , Mar. 13, 1809, a. 59 y. Sarah, d. of Stephen and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1776, in her 4th y. (a.3 y.14d. G.R.1.) RANDALL (see Randal), Hannah, Aug. 18, 1816, a. 55 y. Jaundice. Shaker. C.R.I. RAWSON, Eunice, wid., Oct. 12, 1807, a. 97 y. Old age. C.R.I. RAYMOND, Charles, Nov. 1, 1842, a. 43 y. G.R.I. READ (see Reed), Abigail, w. of 6m. 27d. G.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of James, Oct. 18, 1759, in her 4th y. c.R.1. Jonathan, Aug. 14,1759. Anold man. C.R.1. , Nov. 16, 1821, a. 61 y. 298 HARVARD DEATHS. REED (see Read), ———, ch. of Jonathan, bur. Oct. 29, 1753. C.R.I. i , inf. ch. of James, Jan. 21, 1766. C.R.1. , wid. of , Mar. 14, 1770, ‘‘of advanced years.” C.R.I. , ch. of Robert, May 9, 1845, a. 5 y. Bowel complaint. Abigail, July 15, 1745, a. abt. 28 y. Drowned. c.R.1. Hannah B., w. of , June 3, 1834, a. 46 y. C.R.2. Israel, Mar. 19, 1822, a. 54 y. G.R.I. (Mar., 1822, a. 53 y. C.R.2.) 3 Jonathan, June 18, 1793, a. 66 y. Md. Palsy. c.r.1. Levi, May 22, 1837, a. 44 y. G.R.I. Lois, w. of Jonathan, Jan. 9, 1834, a. 64 y. G.R.I. Sophia, d. of Jonathan and Lois, June 28, 1830, in her 22d y. (June 13, 1830, a. 24 y. C.R.2.) Thomas R., May 13, 1841,4a.45 y. C.R.2. (a. 46y. G.R.I.) RICHARDSON, Fever. C.R.1. Thomas, Jan. 31, 1815, a. 66 y. Widr. c.R.1. RICHMOND, Sally, w. of Sylvester, Mar. 19, 1818, a. 35 y. Sarah, w. of Capt. Sylvester, May 19, 1835,a.35 y. G.R.I. ROBBINS (see Robens, Robins), 23, 1750, a. 1y.Qm. C.R.I. , ch. of James, Apr. 12, 1790. C.R.I. , ch. of Benjamin, May 5, 1791. C.R.1. Charlotte, w. of Daniel M., Sept. 29, 1842, a. 32 y.4.m. G.R.I. Daniel M., Apr. 5, 1844, a. 38 y. G.R.2. David, twin s. of Eleazer, Aug. 23, 1754, a. 22 d. C.R.I. Eleazer, s. of Eleazer and Lydia, July 8, 1744, a. 3 y. C.R.I. Eleazer, Lieut., Sept. 13, 1758. ‘‘Aged man.” c.R.1. John, s. of George, Sept. 21, 1736,a. 11m. C.R.I. Jonathan, twin s. of Eleazer, Aug. 21, 1754, a. 20d. C.R.I. Lucy, Sept. 22, 1808. (a.3 y.4m. G.R.1.) Martha, Sept. 28, 1808, a. 1 y. 7 m. Martha, May 1, 1815, a. 33 y. Unm. Consumption. c.R.1. Rachel, d. of Eleazer, Feb. 23, 1755, a. Io y. C.R.I. Rebecca, Aug. 31, 1834, a. 80 y. G.R.2. Ruth, Jan. 3, 1761, a. 78 y. C.R.1. Sally, Sept. 10, 1818, a. 15 y. (Shaker. c.R.1.) Sarah, Mar. 7, 1835, a. 79 y. G.R.2. Sarah Ann, Sept. 17, 1833, a. 21 y. G.R.2. Silas, Mar. 13, 1825, a. 79 y. G.R.2. , w. of Thomas, Mar. 28, 1809, a. 56 y. , ch. of Eleazer, May HARVARD DEATHS. 299 Rossins, Thomas, Dec. 9, 1820,a.18 y. (Jan. 10, 1820, a. 19 y. G.R.2.) (Jan. 2, 1820. s.R.) Xzena, Feb. 8, 1826, a. 76 y. G.R.2. (Feb. 3, 1826. s.r.) ROBBINSON (see Robinson), Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1819, a. 79 y. (Shaker. c.R.1.) ROBENS (see Robbins, Robins), Jedediah, 8. of Eliazer and Ruth, Sept. 30, 173-. (Oct. 1, 1737, a. abt. 22 y. C.R.1.) ROBINS (see Robbins, Robens), Lydia, Aug. 13, I750. C.R.I. Anna, w. of Lieut. Jacob, June 4, 1816, in her 84th y. G.R.1. Caroline, Mar. 29, 1819, a. 3 y. G.R.I. Daniel, Feb. 14, 1844, a. 58 y. G.R.I. Ephraim Whitcomb, s. of Lieut. Jacob and Anna, Mar. 25, 1776, a.13 m. 5d. G.R.I. Jacob, Lieut., Nov. 25, 1778, in his soth y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Jacob, Jan. 24, 1831, a.69 y. IOm. G.R.I. James, s. of Capt. Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1794, a. 2 y. 2m. 24d. G.R.I. James, s. of Capt. Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1794, a. 5 m. 23d. G.R.I. ° John, Aug. 19, 1837. (a. 62 y. G.R.1.) Mary, w. of , Apr. 21, 1838, a.74 y. C.R.2. Peter, s. of Lieut. Jacob and Anna, Mar. 20, 1776, a. 5 y. G.R.I. Sally, d. of Capt. Benjamin and Lydia, May 25, 1797, a. 18 y. 5m. G.R.I. Suky, d. of Capt. Benjamin and Lydia, May 5, 1794, a. To d. G.R.I. Susanna, d. of Lieut. Jacob and Anna, Mar. 12, 1776, a. 3 y- 3m.5d. G.R.I. , ch. of Eleazer and . ROBINSON (see Robbinson), George, Rev., Sept. 25, 1847, a.Q2y. G.R.I. Joseph, s. of Reuben T. and Eliza, Apr. 8, 1835, a. I y. 7 m. G.R.I. Oliver, Dec. 29, 1838, a. 72 y. G.R.2. Roxalina (d. of Rev. George, G.R.1), Sept. 1, 1806. (a. 25 y. G.R.1.) Unm. Consumption. cC.R.I. ROGERS, Samuell Sr., Feb. 19, 1732-3. ROSE, Rosanna, , 1795. C.R.3. 300 , HARVARD DEATHS. RUGG, , ch. of Abraham, Oct. 29, 1744. C.R.I. Abagal, w. of Abraham, Sept. 30, 1746. (a. 33 y. C.R.I.) (a. 31 y.Im.igd. G.R.1.) Rellijef, d. of Abraham and Abigel, Sept. 30, 1746. (a. 1z m. 14d. C.R.1.) RUSEL (see Russel, Russell), Parker, s. of Jason and Eliza- beth, May 7, 1745. (a.3 y.1om. 16d. G.R.I.) RUSSEL (see Rusel, Russell), advanced age.”’ C.R.I. Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1754, a. 71 y. C.R.I. . Elisabeth, w. of Jason, Nov. 27, 1757, a. 40 y.4.m. C.R.I. Jonathan, Dec. 22, 1777, ‘“‘of advanced age.”’ C.R.I. Parker, s. of Jason and Elisabeth, Nov. 16, 1751. (Nov. 16, 1750,a.4y. G.R.I and C.R.I.) RUSSELL (see Rusel, Russel), ———, ch. of Samluelll, Oct. —, 1775. C.R.I. Deborah, w. of Amos, Sept. 14, 1745,a.17 y. 11m. 28d. G.R.1. Elizabeth, ,1797,a.79 y. Wid. Debility. c.R.1. Jason, Sept. 23, 1796, a. 86 y. Md. Oldage. c.r.1. Joel W. (Joel Whitcomb, c.r.2), s. of Oliver, Feb. 19, 1840, a.Iy.6m. 19d. SAFFORD, , wid., May —, 1780, “‘of , ch. of William, Nov. —, 1778. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of William, Aug. 14, 1780. C.R.I. John, June 2, 1782, in his 74th y. G.R.1. Martha, wid. of John, Apr. 30, 1807, a. 96 y. G.R.I. Priscilla, wid. of Ward, Aug. 29, 1822,a.75 y. G.R.I. Ward, Dec. 1, 1820. (a. 73 y. Revolutionary soldier. c.R.1.) SALMON, William, Jan. 28, 1754. (s. of Tho[ma]s of London, Jan. 29, 1754, a. abt. 46 y. C.R.1.) SAMPSON (see Samson), , ch. of John, May 20, 1776. C.R.I. , wid. of , Jan. —, 1783, a. go y. C.R.I. , ch. of Willis, Aug. 25, 801. C.R.I. Benjamin, Nov. 25, 1755, a. 28 y. C.R.1. John, Apr. 29,1759. (a.67 y.7m.1d. G.R.1.) John, Mar. 25, 1778, in his 58th y. c.R.1. John, Aug. 28, 1803, a. 6 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. Lucy, w. of , Oct. 23, 1821, a. 79 y. C.R.2. Mary, wid., Jan. —, 1795, a. 59 y. Dropsy. c.R.1. Meriah, Aug. 29, 1803, a. 4 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. HARVARD DEATHS. 301 Sampson, Milford, Aug. 25, 1803, a. 10m. Dysentery. c.R.1. Sarah, d. of Benjlamin], June 28, 1755, a. 15 m. C.R.I. Solomon, s. of Solomon and Rebecca, June 24, 1772. Solomon, Apr. 22,1774. C.R.I. SAMSON (see Sampson), 17,1762. C.R.I. Eleanor, w. of Rev. Abisha, Feb. 15, 1813, a. 34 y. ear ite of Rev. Abisha and Mehitabel, Mar. 30, 1819, in her third y. James Manning, s. of Abisha and Mehetable, Jan. 8, 1831, in his toth y. G.R.I. Nathanael, s: of Rev. Abisha and Eleanor, Feb. 8, ——, a.1 d. [prob. 1813]. Sarah, d. of John, May 28, 1761,a.6y. C.R.1. Thomas H., Aug. 8, 1839, a. 31 y. G.R.I. SANDERS (see Saunders), , ch. of Washington, b. in Shirley, Mar. 10, 1846. Scarlet fever. SANDERSON (see Saunderson), ———, inf. ch. of Colman, May 16, 1779. C.R.I. Elizabeth, July 24, 1750,a.2y.6m. C.R.1. Oliver, Jan. 5, 1805. Md. Consumption. C.R.1. William, Oct. 19, 1809, a. I y. SAUNDERS (see Sanders), 29, 1773. C.R.I. Isaac Jr., Mar. 1, 1834, a. 27 y. Isaac (Sanderson, G.R.I) Sr., Feb. i tbs a. 57 Y- M., w. of , Feb. 28, 1839, a. y. SAUNDERSON (see Sanderson), Gideon, Aug. 2 Ss 1781, “a young man.” C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Solomon, Sept. ‘ , inf. ch. of Colman, July William, ,1797,a.6y. C.R.I. SAWYER, ; int. ch. of John and Elisabeth, Sept. —, 1761. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Caleb, Apr. 2, 1763. C.R.I. , d. of Manasseh, Mar. 24,1776. C.R:1. , ch. of Manasseh, May 22, 1776. C.R.1. * ch. of Oliver, Apr. 6, 1778. C.R.1. ’ ch. of Phinehas, Apr. 22,1778. C.R.I. ’ ch. of Oliver, Aug. 24, 1778. C.R.I. , w. of Joseph, Oct. 3, 1778. C.R.I. 302 HARVARD DEATHS. SAWYER, ———,, d. of John, Jan. 8, 1788, a. abt. 22 y. C.R.1. , ch. of Manasseh, Sept. 5, 1807. Stillborn. c.R.1. Abigail, w. of Joseph, Mar. 30, 1793, in her 85th y._ G.R.1. Abigel, d. of Joseph and Abigel, May 15, 1740. (a.4 y.6m. 15d. G.R.1.) Abner (s. of Luther and Achsah, c.r.1), Jan. 17, 1814. (a. 3m. 8d. G.R.1.) Achsah, d. of Luther and Achsah, Apr. 27, 1823, a. 23 y. G.R.I. Agatha Hammond, w. of Josiah (d. of Moses Gardner Jr., c.R.1), June 11, 1828, a. Ig y.3 mM. C.R.I. Alma, d. of James and Naomi, Oct. 7, 1826, a. 5 w. G.R.I. Caleb, Feb. 12, 1755, a. 98 y. tom. 2d. G.R.I. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Relief, Apr. 7, 1764. (Apr. 10, 1764, a. 5 w. C.R.1.) Caleb, May 6, 1820. (Lieut. Caleb, June 5, 1820, a. 83 y. Revoltitionary soldier. G.R.1.) Caleb, May 30, 18209, a. 31 y Killed while blasting. G.R.1. Caroline L.,.d. of Luke and Mercy B., July 18, 1843, a. 8 m. G.R.I, Elisabeth, wid., Mar. 8, 1765. C.R.I. Eliza, May 28, 1818, a. 24 y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1822, a. 87 y. _ Hannah, Nov. 26, 1807, a. 61 y. Md. Palsy. c.rR.1. Hepsibeth, wid. of , Oct. 20, 1844, a. 80 y. Old age. Hepzibah, , 1797, a. 87 y- Wid. Debility. c.R.1. Jane, Jan. 18, 1795, a. 84 y. Unm. Consumption or old age. C.R.I. John, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 17, 1739, a. 16 y. Io m. rod. G.R.I. John, Mar. 22, 1796, a. 63 y. Md. c.R.1. John P., s. of Luke and Mercy B., Aug. 15, 1849, a. 2 y. 9 m. Dysentery. Jonathan, Capt., Sept. 30, 1746, in his 55th y. c.R‘1. Jonathan, Dec. 18, 1746, a. Ty. C.R.I. Jonathan, Apr. 28, 1776, “a young man.” C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 8, 1802 (in his 5th y. G.R.1). Jonathan, Sept. 9, 1817. (a. 47 y. G.R.I.) Jonathan E. Jr., s. of Jona[than] (and Eliza, c.r. et), Sept. 26, 1844, a. 26 y. Consumption. Joseph, May 9, 1775, in his 66th y. G.R.1. Lemuel, Oct. 30, 1809, a. 65 y. Unm. Dropsy. c.r.1. (Oct. 31, 1809, a. 64 y. G.R.I.) HARVARD DEATHS. 303 SawYER, Lois, Oct. 12, 1746, a. abt. 16 y. c.R.1. Luther, Sept. 5, 1834, a. 61 y. G.R.I. Lydia, w. of Manasseh, Mar. 31, 1805, a. 74 y. G.R.I. Manasseh (widr., c.r.1), Dec. 24, 1808, a. 78 y. (Dec. 24, 1807, a. 79 y. Old age. c.r.1.) Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Manasseh, s. of Manasseh and Mercy, Oct. 5, 1826, a. 35 y. 2m. G.R.I. Marcy, Jan. 17, 1802. Martin A., s. of Luke and Mercy B., Aug. 18, 1849, a. 4 y. 7 m. Dysentery. Mary, d. c Jonath[a]n and Mary, Jan. 17, 1802. (a. 1 y. 11m. G.R.I. Mary L. H., d. of Luke and Mercy B., July 30, 1843, a. 5 y. 8m. G.R.I. Mercy, Sept. 16, 1798, a. 8 y. Throat distemper. c.r.1. Mercy, w. of Manassah, Feb. 21, 1849, a. 80 y. Palsy. (d. of ‘Dea. Samuel Mead, Feb. 20, 1849. G.R.1.) Mercy B., w. of Luke, b. in Waterford, Me., Aug. 12, 1849, a. 38 y.8m. Dysentery. Nathaniel (s. of Manasseh and Betsy, c.r.1), Mar. 24, 1818, a.22y. (Mar. 21, 1818, a. 22 y.3 m.14d. G.R.1.) Peter, Dec. 18, 1746, a. abt. 3 y. C.R.I. Rebecca, d. of Jonathan and Eliza, Aug. 8, 1817, a. 1m. 5 d. G.R.I. Rebeckah, d. of Manasseh Jr. and Mercy, Sept. 16, 1798, a. 4y.1om.2d. Rebekah, w. of Caleb, Dec. 2, 1776, a. 24 y. 10 m. 20 d. G.R.I. Relief, w. of Caleb, Dec. 2, 1764. Sarah, w. of a Nov. 16,1751. (Nov. 15, 1751, in her goth . G.R.I. aah hee Lieut. Caleb, G.r.1), Aug. 19, 1825. (a. 84 y. G.R.I. Seth, s. of Caleb and Relief, Aug. 27, 1761. (a. 1 W. C.R.I.) Seth, Mar. 29, 1768, a. 63 y. 2m. 22d. G.R.I. _ Seth, s. of John, June 15, 1771. A young child. c.R.1. Wesley, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 2, 1809. (a. 2 y. 1 m. 27d. G.R.I.) SCOLLEY, , w. of Grover, Sept. 7, 1778. C.R.1. _ ch. of Grover, Sept. 16, 1778. C.R.1. Anna, wid., Sept. 14, 1778, a. abt. 70 y. C.R.I. John, s. of Grover and Lois, Jan. 7, 1756, a.2y. C.R.I. 304 HARVARD DEATHS. SCOTT, , ch. of Nathan, June 29, 1808, a. 3 h. C.R.1. Abraham, Sept. 26,1772. C.R.I. - Mary, w. of (Abraham, c.R.1), Dec. 13, 1810. (a. 70 y. G.R.I.) Zebuda, w. of Nathan, Jan. 3, 1810, a. 27 y. SECCOMB, Hannah, Mrs., Dec. 15, 1760. Aged woman. C.R.I. Thomas, s. of Rev. John and Marcy, July 24, 1757. (a. 4 m. 7d. C.R.1.) SHATTUCK, Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1798. (Oct. 7, 1798, a. 72 y. G.R.2.) (Oct. 7, 1798, a. 74 y. S.R.) Thomas, Jan. 27, 1803, a. 77 y. G.R.2. SHEAD, , Sept. —, 1807. C.R.I. SIBLEY, Amelia, Sept. 2, 1838. G.R.1. SIMONDS (see Symonds), Jona[than] B., Oct. 13, 1829, a. 20 y. G.R.I. SMITH, Eunice, wid. of William, Nov. 27, 1849, a. 87 y. Fits. Samuel, b. in Lexington, Jan. 15, 1842, a. 63 y. G.R.I. SNOW, Judith, d. of Peter and Eunice, Oct. 12, 1756, 4. 10 m. C.R.I. SPARROW, Mary, Nov. 12, 1837, a.17 y.8m. G.R.2. SPAULDING, SPRAGUE, , wid. of Old age. C.R.I. Jemima, d. of Ebenezer, Sept. 5, 1744. C.R.I. Laura, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1826, a. 14 y. 6 m. G.R.I. Nathan, Oct. 7, 1746, a.I5 y. C.R.I. Nathan, Apr. 5, 1817, 4.44 y. G.R.I. Samuel, Nov. 13, 1798, a. 11 d. Fits. c.r.1. Samuel, Mar. 16, 1828, a. 57 y. G.R.I. STACY, , w. of John, Aug. 8, 1838. George W., Oct. 18, 1844, a. 24 y. G.R.I. Hannah, w. of Capt. John, Aug. 31, 1839, a. 77 y. G.R.I. John (Capt., G.R.1), Sept. 2, 1840, a. 83 y. (Sept. 3, 1840. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.) STANHOPE, Abigail, Aug. 20, 1814, a. 66 y. (a. 65 y. G.R.2.) , wid. of , Mr. [1847 or 1848]. Consumption. , Apr. 15, 1806, a. 76 y. HARVARD DEATHS. 305 STARNES (see Stearns), ———, w. of William, Oct. 2, 1762. C.R.I. STEARNS (see Starnes), Horatio Davis, s. of William and Betsy, Oct. 28, 1803. (a.2y. C.R.1.) Jonas, Apr. 23, 1830, a. 52 y. Ruth, Sept. 15, 1822,a.92 y. (Sept. 15, 1822, a. 91 y. G.R.2.) (July 20, 1822. S.R.) STETSON, Elizabeth, wid. of Capt. Thomas, Oct. 20, 1836, a. 81 y. G.R.I. Jane, d. of Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1818, a. 22 y. G.R.I. Sarah A., d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. in Kingston, Nov. 16, 1849, a. 70 y. Unm. Scirrhus. Thomas, Capt., Nov. 27, 1820. (Nov. 28, 1820, a. 68 y. Killed by fall of a tree. G.R.1I.) STEVENS, John, Jan. 28, 1807, a. 81 y. (a. 80 y. G.R.2.) Mary, , 1761. C.R.I. STEWART, Benjamin, Capt., of Boston, June 16, 1775, in his 45th y. Small pox. G.R.4. STINSON, , d. of , June II, 1742, a.ILy. C.R.I. STONE, , ch. of Simon, Nov. 5, 1747, a. a few days. C.R.I. , ch. of Isaac, Jan. 19, 1752. C.R.I. , ch. of Isaac and Keziah, Dec. 16, 1758. Very young. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Joel, Dec. 17, 1771. C.R.I. ~, ch. of Joseph, Mar. 1, 1816, a. 20 m. Typhus fever. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of J., July 15, 1831. c.R.1. , ch. of Joseph, July 22, 1831, a.3 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Joseph, July 25, 1831, a. 5 y. C.R.I. Ame, Aug. 9, 1839, 2. 77 Y Anna, d. of Micah and Bijsabeth, Sept. 11, 1778. Annah, d. of Oliver and Murriah, Feb. 25, 1748-9. (a. 7 y. gm.12d. G.R.1.) Benjamin, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1792. (a. 25 y. Fever. Unm. c.r.1.) Charles Newton (s. of Isaac N. and Lucy D., G.r.1), July 5, 1838, a. 5 y. 1d. (July 30, 1838. G.R.r and c.R.2.) 306 HARVARD DEATHS. Stone, Charles Timothy, s. of Isaac N. and Lucy D., June 21, 1843, a.4y. G.R.I. Deborah, w. of (James, G.R.1), Nov. 2, 1774. (a. 46 y. 33 d. G.R.I.) Elisabeth, d. of Micah and Elisabeth, Sept. 2, 1778. (a. 8% y. C.R.1.) Eliza L., d. of Dr. William and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1843, a. II y. 8m. G.R.I. Ephraim, s. of (Dea., c.r.1) Simon and Sarah, June 16, 1734. (a. 1 y.5m.14d. G.R.1.) Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Dorothy, Aug. 7, 1756, a. II y. C.R.I. Eunice, d. of Simon and Eunice, June 7, 1752, a.12 y. 1m. 25 d. G.R.I. Eunice, d. of Joel and Eunice, Sept. 4, 1779. Hannah, d. of Amos and Adna, Oct. 26,1756,a.I C.R.I. Hannah, July 4, 1847, a.79 y. Unm. Old age. Hannah D., wid. of , Dec. 4, 1845, a. 58 y. Fever. James, June 24, 1788, a. 60 y. Iom. G.R.I. James (s. of James and Deborah, c.r.1), May 21, 1789, a. 40 y. G.R.I. Joseph, alias Fay, May 12, 1827. c.R.1. Joseph, Oct. 7, 1839, a. 64 y. C.R.2. Lucy D., w. of Isaac N., b. in Groton, Aug. 14, 1846, a. 45 y. Consumption. Lydia, w. of Dea. Timothy of Groton, Sept. 24, 1825, a. 52 y. C.R.2. Maria, d. of Joseph and Rachel, Nov. 11, 1829, a. 20 y. G.R.I. (Nov. 9, 1829, a. 21 y. C.R.2.) Mariah, June 13, 1754, a. abt. 33 y. C.R.I. Mary, wid., Nov. 28, 1762, a. 76 y. C.R.I. Mary, w. of Micah, Aug. 21, 1764. (a. 26 y. G.R.1.) Mary, wid., May 31, 1767, a. 76 y. C.R.I. Micah, s. of Micah and Mary, Sept. 7,1778. (a.13 y. C.R.I.) Micah, Dea., Nov. 7, 1806, a. 71 y.6 m. 17 d. Mille, d. of Joel and Eunice, Dec. 17, 1771. Moriah, w. of Oliver, June 13, 1754. (a. 32 y. Ir m. 20 d. G.R.I.) Oliver, s. , Oliver and Moriah, Jan. 10, 1761. (a. 12 y. 5 m. C.R.I. Oliver, Ensign, Jan. 21, 1761. (a. 41 y. C.R.I.) Oliver, s. of Micah and Elisabeth, Oct. 7, 1775. Patty, Oct. 15, 1840, a. 84 y. Phebe, w. of Joseph 1st, Aug. 17, 1848, a. 65 y. Cholera. HARVARD DEATHS. 307 STONE, Rachel, w. of , Oct. —, 1846, a. 75 y. C.R.2. Rebekah, w. of , Oct. 23, 1819, a. 88 y. Palsy. c.R.1. Sarah, wid. of Dea. Simon, May 30, 1767 (in her 78th y. G.R.1). Sarah, d. of Micah and Elisabeth, Aug. 29, 1778. (Aug. 25, 1778, a. 6% y. C.R.1.) Simon, Dea., Oct. 22,1746. (a. 60y.9m. 21d. G.R.1.) Solomon, s. of Dea. Simon and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1755. Solomon, s. of Micah and Mary, Sept. 18,1761. (a.6m. C.R.1.) Timothy ee c.R.2), Mar. 8, 1839, a. 68 y. (Mar. 10, 1839. C.R.2. William, s. of James, July 18, 1779. Killed at Kings Ferry. William, Dr., May —, 1843. (May 20, 1842, a. 59 y. G.R.1.) STOW, ——,, ch. of Benjamin and Dorcas, Feb. 17, 1751. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Benjamin, July —, 1762. c.R.1. , ch. of Joseph 4th, May 30, 1818, a. 19 d. Consumption. C.R.I. Abigail, wid. of Benjamin, Mar. 15, 1791, a. 32 y. 6 m. Benjamin, June 19, 1790, in his 72d y. G.R.1. Benjamin, Feb. 28, 1813, a. 55 y. G.R.I. Dorcas, w. of Benja[min], Jan. 15, 1801, a. 73 y. G.R.I. STROUD, Ame, w. of Dr. Ephraim, Aug. 9, 1839, a. 77 y. G.R.I. SYMONDS (see Simonds), 1814,a.2y. Fever. c.R.1. Bowman, Jan. 26, 1837, a. 23 y. G.R.I. Hannah, w. of Jonathan, Thursday, July 25, 1805, at 2 o’clock P.M., a. 42 y. 10m. 6d. Jonathan, Jan. 24, 1770, in his 55th y. G.R.I. Jonathan, Nov. 15, 1806, a. 4 y. Burnt. c.R.1. Jonathan, Oct. 31, 1830. (a. 75 y. G.R.I.) Mary, Miss, Dec. 2, 1815, a. 57 y. G.R.I. TAYLOR, , ch. of William, Mar. 15, 1802. Canker. C.R.I. , ch. of William, May 10, 1817, a. 3 y. Fever. c.R.1. Daniel, s. of Lieut. Solomon and Anna, Aug. 25, 1813, a. 21 y. Killed while repairing a bridge, by the fall of an abutment. G.R.I. Elisabeth, w. of Dr. John, Nov. 29, 1764. C.R.1. ; Ellen E. (Ellen Elizabeth, c.r.1), d. of Zopher and Eunice (Eunice D., G.r.1), Sept. 7, 1848, a. 1 y. 5 m. Dysentery. (Sept. 4, 1848, a. 16m. 28d. G.R.1.) , ch. of Sylvester, Aug. 20, 308 HARVARD DEATHS. Taytor, Ephraim, s. of Charlle Js, Sept, 7, 1778. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim, Nov. 6, 1822, a.5 y. C.R.2. Israel Esq., Sept. 2, 1779, in his 7oth y. John A., Sept. 17, 1842, a. 47 y. G.R.I. (a. 45 y. C.R.2.) Lucy J. (Lucy Jane, c.r.1), d. of W[illiajm and Mary, Nov. 12, 1845, a. 19 y. Fever. Maria (Maria S., c.R.2), w. of Zopher, June 13, 1845, a. 36 y. (June 12. G.R.1.) Consumption. Mary, w. ‘e Dr. John, Nov. 29, 1764. (a. 27 y. g m. 22 d. G.R.I. Mercy, w. of Charles, Jan. 3, 1805. Rachel, wid. of , Nov. 6, 1799. Sarah, wid. of , Feb. 12, 1825, a. 40 y. C.R.2. Solomon, Lieut., Jan. 27, 1812, a. 55 y. G.R.I. THOMAS, George W., July 7, 1825, a. 19 y. G.R.2. Sarah, Mar. 31, 1843, a. 73 y. G.R.2. THOMPSON, Herbert U., s. of William J. B. and Eliza E., Jan. 28, 1832, a. 3m. G.R.I. THURSTON, Paul, Sept. 16, 1797, a. 42 y. Md. Consump- tion. C.R.I. TIFFANY, Daniel, Sept. 25, 1793, a. 26 y. (a. 25 y. G.R.2.) TOWNSEN, John, Dec. 18, 1758, in his 20th y. “A traveller from the army, taken sick at Henry Wrights.” c.R.1. TRASK, Selah, Aug. 9, 1814, a. 18 y. (a. 17 y. G.R.2.) TRUFANT, Joseph, Jan. 10, 1815, a. abt. jo y. Widr. c.R.1. TUCKER, Elizabeth, w. of Joshua, Sept. 3, 1827, a. 73 y. G.R.I. Joshua, July 18, 1833, a. 83 y. G.R.I. William B., Dec. 6, 1831, a.8m. C.R.2. TURNER, Abigail, wid. of , Sept. 11, 1844, a. 66 y. Consumption. (Sept. 5, 1844. c.R.1.) (Sept. 3, 1844, a. 66 y. G.R.I.) Bethiah, w. of Capt. Simeon, Jan. 13, 1773, in her soth y. G.R.I. Betsy, d. of Capt. Prince aid Rebecca, July 10, 1797, in her ~ Sthy. G.R.1. Calvin, ——, 1797, a. 2 y. Dysentery. c.R.1. Dwelley, June —, 1782. C.R.1. Elisha, s. of Capt. Prince and Rebecca, July 5, 1797, in his 3d y. G.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 309 TURNER, Ezra, Nov. 3, 1815,a.77 y. (a. 76 y. G.R.2.) George, Sept. 16, 1821, a. 31 y. G.R.I. Harriet, w. of Luther G., Feb. 16, 1838, a. 33 y. G.R.I. Horatio, Nov. 23, 1838, a. 32 y. 9 m. James, Apr. 19, 1817, a. 32 y. Consumption. c.R.1. Luther, Jan. 17, 1832, a. 57 y. G.R.I. Luther G., July 2, 1843, a. 39 y. G.R.I. Nancy, d. of Luther and Nabby, Sept. 27, 1802, a. 2 y. 7m. Prince, Capt., Mar. 29, 1800, in his 47th y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Prince, Nov. 27, 1802, a. 85 y. Md. Oldage. c.R.1. Prince, Capt., Mar. 31, 1818, a. 47 y. Rebecca, w. of Capt. Prince, June 3, 1838, a. 80 y. G.R.I. Sally, ,1797,a.5 y. Dysentery. C.R.1. Simeon, Capt., Nov. 27, 1802, in his 85th y. G.R.1. T. Jackson, s. of Thomas J. and Abbie D. Newman, Dec. 20, 1830. G.R.I. TYLER, Abigail, wid. of Ellis, Oct. 20, 1816, a. 65 y. G.R.I. Edward, Capt., Dec. 26, 1823, a. 47 y. G.R.I. Ellis (Ellis C., c.r.1), Apr. 26, 1817, a. 43 y. G.R.I. John F., Dr., Feb. 8, 1844, a. 25 y. G.R.1. Mary (w. of Moses, G.R.1), Oct. 24, 1838, a. 80 y. (Oct. 23, 1838. G.R.1.) Moses Sr., Oct. 6, 1817, a. 86 y. G.R.I. Moses, June 30, 1843, a. 86 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1. WALKER, Samuel S., b. in Shirley, Nov. 19, 1846 (Nov. 18, 1846, G.R.1), a. 50 y. Md. Typhoid fever. WARNER (see Warrner), , ch. of Nathan, Oct. 9, 1737, d. at birth. c.R.1. , ch. of Nathan and Dorothy, Mar. 26, 1744. C.R.I. , twin ch. of Nathan and Dorothy, Mar. 26,1744. C.R.1. ——, d. of EbfeneJz[er], Sept. —, 1775. C.R.1. , ch. of Phinehas, Mar. 24, 1776. C.R.I. , ch. of Phineas, July 4, 1782. C.R.I. , w. of Phineas, Nov. 18, 1782, a. 38 y. C.R.I. , w. of John, Jan. —, 1783, a. oy. C.R.I. ——, inf. ch. of Elias, Oct. 28, 1786. C.R.1. ——,, w. of Ebenezer, Apr. 29, 1790. C.R.I. , w. of John, July 23, 1805. Dropsy. c.R.1. , inf. ch. of Elias [1845 or 1846]. Aaron, Feb. 12, 1777, inhis 26th y. (a. 25 y.7m. G.R.1.) Aaron, May 7, 1821, a. 40 y. G.R.I. 310 HARVARD DEATHS. Warner, Abigail, d. of John Jr. and Phebe, Oct. 23, 1751. (a. Iy.4m. C.R.1.) Abigail, w. of Elias, Nov. 16, 1835, a.73 y.7m.4d. G.R.1. Anna, Nov. 3, 1746, a. 31 y. C.R.I. Anna, w. of David, Dec. 8, 1750. (a. 24 y. C.R.I.) Asa, Mar. 4,1799,a. 21 y. Consumption. c.R.I. Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, May 6, 1759, a. 1 y. Irm.16d. c.rR.1. Benjamin F., s. of John and Sally Gould, ——, 1848. G.R.1. Betsy, d. of Caleb and Bethiah, Jan. 24, 1813. (a. 1 y. 3 m. 22d. G.R.I.) Caleb, Nov. 28, 1815, a. 36 y. 4 m. 22 d. Charl[e]s, s. of Joshua and Dorothy, Feb. 22, 1747-8. (a.1 y. 6m. C.R.1.) Charles, Mar. 25, 1792, in his 39th y. G.R.1. Charles, May 9, 1795,a.17 y. Fever. c.R.1. Daniel, s. of Elisabeth, May 6, 1741, a. 5 y. C.R.I. David, Apr. 10, 1751 (in his goth y. c.R.1). David, s. of John and Phebe, Nov. 24, 1766. Dorothy, w. of Nathan, Mar. 31, 1777 (in her 65th y. G.R.1). Ebenezer, Jan. 22, 1801. Widr. c.R.1. Elijah, July I5, 1814, a a. 33 Eliza, d. of John and Sally (Sally Gould, c.r.1), Aug. 26, 1838, a.i7y.2m. Elizabeth, d. of (Capt., G.R.1) Ephraim and Mercy, Sept. 16, 1816, a. 4 y. 5 d. Elizabeth, w. of Phineas, June 25, 1824, a.92 y. G.R.I. Franklin, s. of John and , Oct. 12, 1847,a.3 y. Dysentery. Hannah, w. of (Samuel, c.r.1), Apr. 22, 1775, in her g&th y. Job, May 22,1745, a. abt. 4m. C.R.I. John, Apr. 26, 1758, a. 73 y. II m. C.R.I. John, Oct. 6, 1807,a.96 y. Widr. Oldage. c.R.1. John, July 4, 1834, a. 76 y. G.R.2. John, s. of John and Sally Gould, Oct. 10, 1834, a. 7 m. 14 d. G.R.I. John W., s. of John and Sally, Oct. —, 1834, a. 1 y. 8m. Joshua, Oct. 9, 1756. (Oct. 2, 1756, a. abt. 37 y.6m. c.R.1.) Levi, July 29, 1825, a. 64 y. G.R.2. (July 24, 1825. s.r.) Lidiah, d. of David and Annah, July 16,1750. (a.3m. c.R.1.) Lois, d. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Nov. 2, 1756, a. 5 y. 8 m. C.R.I. Lois, d. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Mar. 31, 1759. Lovisa, wid. of Luke, Nov. 23, 1844, a. 45 y. Consumption. (a. 46 y. G.R.I.) HARVARD DEATHS. : 311 ae Lucy, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, May 2, 1781. Luke, June 12, 1838, a. 43 y. (a.42y.7m. G.R.1.) (Sept. 13, 1838, a. 42 y. 8 m. dup.). Mary, d. of David and Anne, Feb. 3, 1754. (a.6y. c.R.1.) Mary, w. of Elias, d. of Abijah and Lawrence, b. in Bolton, July 15, 1845, a. 39 y. Dropsy. Mercy, wid., Jan. 12, 1780, in her goth y._ c.R.1. Moses, May 13, 1795, a. 80 y. Md. c.r.1. Nabe, d. of John and Phebe, Apr. 15, 1760. Nathan, Jan. 9, 1792, in his 82d y. G.R.1. es s. of John and Rebekah, May 13, 1755. (a. 33 y. C.R.I. Philemon, Oct. 20, 1746, a. I y.7m. C.R.I. Phineas, Oct. 25, 1804. (a.65 y. Md. Apoplexy. c.R.1.) Rebecca, wid., July 5, 1761, a. 7o y. C.R.I. Sally, Nov. 8, 1797, a. 22 y. Unm. Consumption. c.r.1. Samuel, July 17, 1744, in his 65th y. G.R.1. Samuel, s. of Nathon and Dorathy, Nov. 12, 1746. (Nov. 14, 1746,a.1y.6m. C.R.1.) Samuel, at Lancaster, Sept. —, 1807, a.95 y. Unm. Old age. C.R.I. Sarah, Mar. 6, 1777 (inher 65th y. G.R.1). Sarah, ——, 1799. Md. Consumption. c.R.1. Sarah, July 17, 1814, a. 31 y. G.R.2. Zeviah, d. of Calvin and Anna, June 30, 1816, a. 18 y. 7m. 25 d. G.R.I. WARRNER (see Warner), Aaron, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1746, a. 24 y. G.R.I. WATERS, C.R.I. Abraham, Capt., Aug. 8, 1819, a. 51 y. WELLS, Hannah, Mar. 4, 1801. WETHERBE (see Wetherbee, Witherbee), Anna, d. of John (and Anna, G.R.1), Sept. 22,1756. (a.15 y., d. at Littleton. C.R.I. Eunice, ae John and Sarah, Jan. 4,1758. (a.2y.6m. C.R.1.) Micah, s. of John and Anna, Sept. 10, 1756. (a. abt. 11 y., d. at Littleton. c.R.1.) Micah, s. of John and Sarah, Nov. 6,1761. (a.3 y. C.R.1.) Sarah, w. of John, Oct. 23, 1759. , ch. of Abraham, Dec. 5, 1816, a. 5 w. Fits. 312 HARVARD DEATHS. WETHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Witherbee), ———, ch. of John, Feb. 12, 1749. C.R.I. , w. of Joseph Jr., Apr. 23, 1792. C.R.I. , w. of Joseph, June 1, 1803. C.R.1. , ch. of Ethan, Apr. 7, 1819, a. 20m. Fever. c.R.1. Abel, Jan. 19, 1798, a. 2m. Canker. c.R.1. Betsey, Jan. 4, 1806, a. 13 y. C.R.I. Betsy, w. of Ethan, Sept. 12, 1817, a. 37 y. Disease of liver. C.R.I. Catharine, d. of Ethan and Betsey, Mar. 6, 1816, a. 1 y. 6 m. 13d. G.R.I. Charles, May 25, 1823. Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, July 6, 1754, a. abt. 26 y. C.R.I. Elizebeth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 30, 1748. Ethan, May 23, 1840, a. 66 y. (May 21, 1840. c.R.2.) (May 21, 1840, a. 67 y. G.R.I.) Ezra, s. of Josiah and Lucy, June 10, 1849, a. 77 y.8 m. Con- sumption. Jonathan, Apr. 7, 1783, a.77 y. C.R.I. Jonathan, Col., June 23, 1811, a. 63 y. G.R.I. Joseph, Apr: 14, 1809, a. 84 y. Widr. Old age. c.R.1. Joseph, Apr. 27, 1847, a.84y. Oldage. Josiah, Apr. 5, 1783, in his 77th y.. G.R.1. Josiah, Mar. 5, 1788. (Mar. 7, 1788, a. 43 y. C.R.1.) Josiah, s. of Charles and Susan, Sept. 13, 1822. Julia Ann, d. of Ezra and Rachel, Jan. 24, 1834, a. 25 y. G.R.I. Katrina, d. of Silvanus and Lucy E., July 14, 1847, a. 2 m. “G.R.I. : Lucy, May 6, 1831,a. 16 y. C.R.2.. Lydia, Apr. —, 1838, a. 65 y. Mary, wid. of , Feb. 24, 1757, a. 43 y. C.R.I. Mary, wid. of , Apr. 2, 1821, a. 92 y. Rachel, w. of Ezra, May 2i, 1813, a. 33 y. 20d. Rachel, d. of Ezra, Oct. 13, 1817, a. 5 y. Typhus fever. c.r.1. (a.4y. G.R.I.) Sarah, wid., Aug. 27, 1792, a. 83 y. Oldage. c.R.1. WHEAT, , ch. of wid. WHEELER, , ch. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 26, 1744. Stillborn. c.R.1. Deliverance, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 173-. (Sept. 6, 1730; 4. 2 ¥. 2m, C.Ryt.) Deliverance, s. of Thomas Jr. and Mary, Oct. 7, ae a.3y. 6m.od. G.R.I. ° , Mar. 14, 1776. C.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. , 313 WHEELER, Elizabeth (Mary, c.r.1), w. of Thomas, July 23, 1741. (a. 40 y. C.R.1.) Levi, s. of Joseph and Mary, Mar. 8, 1781,a.16m.14d. G.R.1. Sarah, Sept. 4, 1737, a. 78 y. C.R.I. Timothy, Oct. 5, 1839, a. 32 y. C.R.2. WHETCOMBE (see Whitcomb), Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1755. (a.2 y.10m. C.R.1.) WHIPPLE, John, May 22, 1750, a. 11 y. C.R.1. WHITCOMB (see Whetcombe), , inf. ch. of Abel, Mar. 15,1771. C.R.I1. + , inf. ch. of Oliver, Apr. —, 1773. C.R.I. , ch. of Abel, Nov. 28, 1781. c.R.1. , 8. of Reuben and Abby F., Aug. 29, 1833, a.3 d. G.R.1. Abraham, s. of James Jr., Apr. 15, 1772. C.R.I. Edward Payson, s. of Reuben and Abby F., Aug. 29, 1832, a. 3 d. Hannah, wid. of (Leonard, G.r.1), Sept. 13, 1844, a. 67 y. Consumption. James, Aug. 9, 1782,a.72 y. C.R.I. John P., s. of Reuben and Mercy, Apr. 21, 1847, a. 50 y. Md. Heart complaint. Lois, d. of James and Hannah, May 16, 1739,a.8 y.3d. G.R.1. Luther, s. of James, June 5, 1754, a.11m. C.R.I. Lydia, d. of James and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1739, a. 2 y. § m. 28d. G.R.I. Mary, d. of James (and Hannah, c.r.1), Nov. 24, 1736, a. abt. 7% y. CR. (Nov. 25, 1736. G.R.1.) Mercy, w. of Reuben, Feb. 1, 1849, a. 74 y.8m. Old age. Molley, d. of James (Jr., c.r.1) and Lucy, Oct. 9, 1778, a. 5 y. 4m.igd. cra. (Oct. 15, 1778. C.R.1.) Oren, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1812, a. I y. Peter, s. of James and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1739, a. 5 y. 8m. 24d. G.R.I. Sally, d. of William and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1808, a. 23 y. G.R.I. Sally F., w. of Charles, Jan. 14, 1848, a. 24 y. Consumption. (a. 24 y.6m. G.R.I.) Sally Wiman, d. of Leonard and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1816, a. 2 y. Sarah, w. of James, Oct. 29, 1766, a. 28 y. c.R.1. (Oct. 30, 1766, in her 23d y._ G.R.1.) Sarah,-inf. ch. of James Jr., Dec. 31, 1766. C.R.I. Sarah, w. of Abel, June 29, 1772, a. 22 y. 3m. G.R.I. WHITE, Mary, w. of , May 13, 1765. (Aged woman. C.R.I.) : 314 HARVARD DEATHS. WHITING, Lucy, Jan. 6, 1820. WHITNEY, , ch. of Josiah, June 4, 1761. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Isaiah, May 10, 1762. c.R.1. ——, inf. ch. of Josiah, Mar. 16, 1763. C.R.1. —, inf. ch. of Josiah, Dec. 4, 1764. .R.1. —, inf. ch. of Josiah, Feb. 1, 1766. c.R.1. , inf. ch. of Josiah, Feb. 18, 1768. c.R.1. , d. of Richard, Oct. 12, 1768, a. 5 y. C.R.I. ——, inf. ch. of Jonas, Jan. 25, 1771. C.R.1. , ch. of Phinehas, Feb. 23, 1776, a. abt. 4 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Richard Jr., Sept. 4, 1778. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Isaiah Jr., Aug. —, 1780. C.R.I. ——, inf. ch. of Jonas Jr., Aug. 4, 1780. C.R.1. ———,, wid. of , Jan. 4, 1785, a. 76 y. CRI. , s. of Richard Jr., Apr. 6, 1785,a.4 y. C.R.I. —_——., inf. ch. of James, Feb. 28, 1786. c.R.1. , inf. ch. of John, June 16, 1786. c.R.1. , inf. ch. of Israel Jr., June 8, 1789. C.R.1. , ch. of Jacob, Apr. 7, 1790. C.R.I. , ch. of John, Apr. 19, 1790. C.R.I. , ch. of Cyrus, Nov. 4, 1800. C.R.I. ——-~, inf. ch. of Jacob, Apr. 13, 1810. C.R.I. , ch. of Aaron Jr., Aug. 30, 1815, a. I5 m. C.R.I. , ch. of Justin, Feb. 7, 1828, a. 2d. c.R.2. , ch. of Jonathan, July 17, 1831. C.R.1. , ch. of George, Apr. 3, 1840, a. 19 m. C.R.I. Aaron, Apr. 13, 1817, a. 77 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1. Abel, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Dec. 2, 1799, a. 8 y. I m. iid. G.R.I. Abel (Abel W., c.R.1), s. of (Capt., c.r.1) Aaron and Susan, Nov. 20, 1840,a. 1oy.7d. (Nov. 25, 1840, a. 11 y. G.R.1.) Abigail, wid. of Dea. Oliver, Nov. 8, 1804, a. 73 y. G.R.I. Abigail, wid. of Dea. Israel, Sept. 13, 1841, a. 85 y. G.R.I. a s. of Abraham (Jr., c.R.1) and Rebekah, Oct. 18, 1778. Abraham, May 19, 1784, a. 75 y. (May 22, 1784. c.R.1.) Abraham Jr., Dec. 1, 1799. C.R.I. Abraham Jr., Nov. 19, 1808, a. 29 y. Md. c.rR.1. oo 26, 1823. (Aug. 26, 1833, a. 84 y. G.R.I and C.R.2. : Allice, en of Dea. Jonathan, Feb. 19, 1792. (a. 92 y. 2 m. G.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 315 Whitney, Almira, d. of Abraham Jr. and Alice, Jan. 10, 1811, a.5y. (Jan. 9, 1812, a.6y. c.R.1.) Amos, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Sept. 11, 1794, a.3 y. (a.3 y- 6m.11d. G.R.1.) Amos, or 17, 1838, a. 45 y. (Dec. 15, 1838, a. 43 y. 9 m. G.R.I. Annah, a. (Aaron, G.R.1), July 16,1773. (a. 30y. 11m. 27 d. G.R.I. ; Annas, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, June 1, 176r. Annas, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1768. Anness, d. of Caleb and Anness, Jan. 31, 1758. (Jan. 13, 1758, a.1ry.8m. 22d. G.R.1.) Arcena, w. of Cyrus, Mar. 22, 1800, a. 27 y.. G.R.I. Artamus, s. of Wetherbe dec. and Abigale, Mar. 1, 1777, in his 2d y. Betsey, w. of , Aug. 18, 1836, a. 62 y. GRI. . Caroline W., w. of Marshall, Sept. 16, 1846, a. 34 y. G.R.1. (Charles Hovey, c.r.2), s. of Marshall (and Caroline W., c.R.1), Aug. 28, 1846,a.2y. (Aug. 31, 1846,a.1y.Iom. G.R.1.) Cholera infantum. Charlotte M. (Charlotte M. Turner, w. of Luke, c.r.1), June 13, 1840, a. 24 y.4m. (a.23 y.4m.3d. G.R.1.) Claricy, d. of Dea. Isaac and Lucy, Sept. 8, 1796, a. 10 m. 10 d. G.R.I. Cyrene Adelia, d. of Nathan and Nancy (in Lowell, c.r.2), Oct. 6, 1835, 2.13 m.13d. GRJI. * Cyrus, Aug. 24, 1847, a. 76 y. Md. Daniel, Nov. 10, 1834, a. 38 y. (a. 34 y. dup.). (Nov. 13, 1834, &. 37 2 CR.) David, Feb. 13, 1802, a. 75 y. Widr. Consumption. c.R.1. David, Nov. 10, 1834, a.37 y.7m. 28d. G.R.1. Elias, s. of Lieut. Eliab and Rebeckah, Apr. 19, 1755, a. 14 y. gm.2id. G.R.I. Elijah, Lieut., Feb. 19, 1755, 4.47 y.6m. G.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1739. (a. abt. 4m. C.R.I.) Elizabeth, Miss, Jan. 20, 1830, a. 88 y. C.R.2. Evelina (d. of Levi and Sarah, cG.r.1), Sept. 9, 1838, a. 25 y. (Sept. 10, 1838. c.R.1I.) (a. 26 y. G.R.1.) Frances Alice, d. of Benjamin Franklin and Louisa Lawrence, Aug. 27, 1839, 2.17 mM. G.R.I. Francis W., s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Apr. 19, 1805, a. 27 y. (a. 26 y. G.R.I.) 316 HARVARD DEATHS. Wuitney, Francis Wheeler, s. of wid. Lydia, Aug. 25, 1825, a. 18 y. c.R.2. (s.of Isaiah and Lydia, Aug. 24, 1825, a.17 y. 6m. G.R.1.) George, s. of Isaiah and Mary, May 6, 1819, a. 30 y. (a. 30 y. Im.2rtd. G.R.1.) Hannah, . of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1756. (a. 7m. C.R.I Hannah, d. of Richard and Mary, Oct. 14, 1707, a.4y.11m. 26d. G.R.I. Hannah, w. of Lieut. Israel, Aug. 14, 1788, a. 34 y. G.R.I. (Hannah, G.R.1), d. of Isaiah 3d (and Lydia, c.r.1), Feb. 8, 1812,a.4m. Consumption. c.R.1. (a.3m. G.R.I.) Hannah (w. of Jacob, c.r.1), May 26, 1838, a. 44 y. (May 24, 1838. G.R.1.) Harriet Lucy, d. of Benjamin Franklin and Louisa Lawrence, May 15, 1844, a.8m. G.R.I. Henry, s. of Israel and Phebe, Sept. 1, 1808, a. 2 y. G.R.I. Hezekiah, Capt., July 23, 1805. Isaac, mec Apr. 29, 1815,a.66y. (Apr. 28, 1815, a. 66 y. 2m. G.R.I. Isaac, Apr. 10, 1825, a. 64 y. G.R.I. IsaifaJh, Aug. 9, 1737. (a. 38 y. C.R.1I.) Isaiah, s. of Abrlaha]m, Sept. 8, 1755, a. abt. 4 y. C.R.I. Isaiah, inf. ch. of Isaiah, Nov. 5,1762. c.R.1. Isaiah 3d, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Sept. 26, 1812, a. 31 y. ' Isaiah, Feb. 23, 181% a. 83 y. G.R.I. Isaiah Sr., Feb. 23, 1818, a. 82 y. Typhus fever. c.r.1. Isaiah, Jan. 15, 1841, in his 86th y. G.R.1. Israel, s. of Elijah and Rebekah, Jan. 9, 1748-9. (a.10d. C.R.1.) Israel, Dea., Dec. 20, 1826, a. 75 y.5 m.15d. G.R.I. James, July 15, 1816, a. 57 y. G.R.I. Jefferson, Feb. 22, 1813, a. 8 y. C.R.I. - Jeremiah, Jan. 19, 1815, a. 20 y. C.R.I. John, Apr. 30, 1795, a. 2 w. Convulsion fits. c.R.1. John, Feb. 10, 1813, a. 28 y. G.R.I. Jonas, Sept. 18, 1770,a. 71 y. (a. 71y.7m.7d. G.R.I.) Jonas, Dec. 23, 1781, in his 65th y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Jonas, Dec. 23, 1792, a. 84 y. Jonas, Nov. 26, 1803, a. 47 y Jone 2 of Jonas and Relief, in Norfolk, Va., Sept. 25, 1807, 3 Y: ieee s. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1756. (Oct. 22,1756,a.7y.3m. C.R.1.) HARVARD DEATHS. 317 Wuirney, Jonathan Jr., Jan. 20, 1770 (in his 47th y. c.R.1). Jonathan, Dea., Nov. 8, 1773. (a. 78 y.8m.12d. G.R.1.) Jonathan, s. of Hezekiah and Lucy, May 15, 1776. G.R.1. Jonathan, s. of Hesekiah and , Nov. 16, 1848, a. 66 y. ’ Cancer. Jos. Addison, Feb. 10, 1847, a. 44 y.8m.17d. G.R.1. Joseph, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, May 16, 1799, a. 4 y. 4 m. _ tod. c.r.z. (Drowned. c.R.1.) Joshua, s. of Caleb and Annes, Jan. 24,1750, a.3 w.4d. G.R.I. Josiah, Feb. 26, 1813, a. 31 y. G.R.I. Josiah, Feb. 9, 1818, a. 32 y. 7m. 18d. Josiah 2d, June 7, 1820, a. 3 y. Judah, s. of Simon and Olive, May 22, 1761. (a. 4y. c.R.1.) Lauretta, Nov. 3, 1842. G.R.I. (a. 32 y. C.R.1.) Levi, Sept. 18, 1793, a. 16m. Dysentery. c.R.1. Levi, Apr. 25, 1818, a. 31 y. 7 m. 26 d. Lois, d. of Simon and Olive, July 17, 1756. (July 16, 1756, a. abt. 3 y. C.R.I.) , Lois, d. of Simon, Feb. 26, 1772. C.R.I. Lois, May 24, 1793, a. 39 y. Md. Consumption. c.r.1. - Lucey, d. . Simon and Olivea, Oct. 19, 1765. (Oct. 19, 1764. CRI, : _ Lucy, w. of James, Jan. 13, 1810, a. 32 y. G.R.I. Lucy, Jan. 6, 1820, a. 68 y. Fits. c.r.1. Lucy, , 1837, a. 82 y. (wid. of Dea. Isaac, Dec. 31, 1837, a. 82 y. G.R.I.) (Lucy, c.R.1.), wid. of C.R.I.) Lucy, wid. of Dea. Reuben, Nov. 17, 1843, a. 80 y. (Nov. 16, 1843, 2. 79 y- C.R.2.) Luke, s. of (Dea., G.R.1) Israel and Abigail, May 2, 1795. (a. 2y.2m.24d. G.R.1.) Lydia, d. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, May 1, 1759. (a. 18 m. , May 23, 1838, a. 84 y. (a. 87 y. 13d. c.R.1.) : Lydia, Jan. 18, 1794, a. 28 y. Md. Consumption. c.R.1. Martha (Martha Ann, c.R.1), eldest d. of Jacob, ——, 1829. C.R.1. (Dec. 7, 1829, a. 18 y. G.R.I.) Mary, wid. of Richard, Feb. 18, 1804, a. 81 y. Im. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Capt. Simon, May 26, 1810, a. 68 y. G.R.1. Mary, w. of , Aug. 29, 1838, a. 81 y. Mary, May 27, 1840, a. 68 y. : Mary, wid. of Isaiah, Dec. 5, 1843, in her 88th y. G.R.1. Mary Ann, Apr. —, 1815, a.6y. Fever. c.R.1. Mary Hill, w. of Isaac, Aug. 31, 1828, a. 53 y. G.R.I. 3 18 HARVARD DEATHS. Wuitney, Mary Jane, d. of William E. and Jane A., Dec. 1, 1840, a. 8w. G.R.1. Mary Louisa (d. of Benjamin Franklin and Louisa Lawrence, G.R.1), Oct. 6, 1829, a. 1om. ( G.R.1I.) Melinda (Malinda Wetherbee, c.r.1) w. of Luther, May 4, 1847, a. 50 y. Consumption. (May 3, 1847,a.53 y. G.R.I.) Mercy, w. of Richard, Aug. 15, 1836, a. 81 y.6m. G.R.I. Mercy F., July 9, 1822, a. 36 y. G.R.I. Miriam, d. of Jonus and Zebudah, Apr. 30, 1775. (a. 22 y. 8m.11d. G.R.1.) Moses, s. (only s., G.R.1) of Aaron and Annah, Apr. 25, 1773. (a. 11m. 21d. G.R.1.) Moses, Jan. 11, 1816, a. 4o y. Md. c.r.1. Olive, Aug. 19, 1750, a. abt. 24 y. C.R.I. Olivea, w. of Simon, Aug. 8, 1767. (a. 43 y. C.R.I.) Oliver, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1763. (Mar. 31, 1763, a. Ow. C.R.I.) Oliver, Dea., Apr. 16, 1802, in his 71st y. G.R.1. Patty, wid., Sept. 10, 1816, a. 38 y. C.R.I. Percis, w. of Isaiah, July 5, 1812, a. 76 y. G.R.1. (Phinehas, c.r.1), s. of Isaiah 3d (and Lydia, c.r.1), Oct. 3, Se Iom. Quinsy. c.R.x. (Oct. 4, 1810, a. 17 m. G.R.I. Rachel, d. of Simon and Olivea, Dec. 16, 1766. (a. 18 y. c.R.1.) Rachel, w. of James, Apr. 14, 1803, a. 42 y.8m. 7d. Rebekah, wid., July 27, 1780, “‘of advanced age.’”’ C.R.1. Rebekah, w. of Abraham, Aug. 27, 1838, a. 81 y. G.R.I. Relief, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1756. (a. 2 y. 5m. C.R.I.) Relief, wid., Apr. 17, 1818, a. 59 y. C.R.I. Reuben, Dea., Feb. 4, 1823, a. 60 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. Reuben F., s. of Zimri and ~ Scarlet fever. Rhoda, wid. of , Aug. 30, 1828, a. 43 y. C.R.I. Richard, May 4, 1798, in his 73d y. G.R.1. Richard, Sept. 28, 1835, a. 82 y. 7 m. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. ‘ Ruth, d. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Jan. 3, 1815, a. 29 y. Sally, w. of Capt. Aaron Jr., June 9, 1814. (a. 32 y. G.R.I.) Salmon, Aug. 11, 1844, a. 84 y. Md. Consumption. Samuel, Jan. 27, 1840, a. 55 y. Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Alice, Dec. 26, 1746, a. 6 y.6m. 6d. G.R.I. , Dec. 11, 1845, a. 2 y. 3 m. HARVARD DEATHS. 319 Se w. of Moses of Stow, Mar. 23,1755. (a. 88 y. C.R.I. Sarah, w. of Jonathan Jr., Oct. 29, 1769. Sarah, : of Capt. Josiah, Apr. 21, 1773 (in her 3oth y. G.R.I). Sarah, wid. of Abraham, July 4, 1800, a. 83 y. (July 4, 1800, a. 82 y. G.R.I.) (July 5, 1799. C.R.1.) Sarah, w. of David, Oct. 16, 1800. Sarah, w. of Aaron, Apr. 10, 1820, a. 73 y. G.R.I. Sarah H., d. of Capt. Aaron and Susan, Dec. 25, 1817, a. 8 m. G.R.I. Simon, s. of Simon and Olivea, Jan. 18, 1767. Simon, May 26, 1778. C.R.I. Simon, Capt., Oct. 1, 1818, a. 48 y. Fever. c.R.1. Susan, d. of Richard Jr. and Sally, Jan. 7, 1810, a. r y.g d. Susan, w. of Aaron, b. in Littleton, Sept. 19, 1848, a. 63 y. Con- sumption. (Susan H., w. of Capt. Aaron. G.R.1.) (Susanna, G.R.1), wid. of (Isaac, G.r.1), Nov. 12, 1845, a. 81 y. Fever. (Nov. 11, 1845. G.R.1.) Wetherbe, Oct. 14,1775. (a. 29 y.5_m. G.R.I.) William, Dec. 1, 1840, a. 2 m. Zebudah, Nov. 21, 1812, a. 85 y. Widr. Old age. c.R.1. WHITTEMORE, Abigail, w. of , July 23, 1780 (“of advanced age.’’ C.R.1). Benjamin, s. of Nathanael and Abigail, Mar. 26, 1760. (a. 24y. C.R.I.) Calvin, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 20, 1776. Deliverance, Feb. 12, 1827, a. 56 y. G.R.2. (Nov. 12, 1827. S.R.) Martha, w. of Nathaniel, Mar. 10, 1776. Nathaniel, Jan. 31, 1769, a. 7o y. (a. 70 y. I m. 20 d. G.R.I.) WILD, Hannah, Mar. 4, 1801. C.R.I. WILDER, , wid. of , Sept. 30, 1804, a. 94 y. Old age. c.R.1. Charlotte, w. of , Feb. 13, 1840, a. 26 y. (Charlotte C., w. of George and d. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphina Young, Feb. 6, 1840, a. 26 y. G.R.I.) David J., Oct. 15, 1798, a. 2 y. Quinsy. C.R.I. ae er of , C.R.1), Feb. (2, c.R.1), 1840. (a. 26 y. C.R.I. Seraphina P., twin d. of Seraphina, Feb. 6, 1840, a.7 y. G.R.I. 320 HARVARD DEATHS. WILLARD, C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Phineas, Apr. 26, 1763. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Phineas Jr., Feb. 28, 1770. C.R.I. ———, inf. ch. of Josiah, Sept. 19, 1771. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of Jacob, Nov. 18, 1771. C.R.I. ——, inf. ch. of Phineas Jr., Apr. 13, 1774. C.R.I. , ch. of Gibson, Jan. 23, 1776, a. abt. 5 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Josiah, Mar. 31, 1778. C.R.1. , w. of Thomas, May 22,1779. C.R.I. , ch. of Barzilla, Aug. 22,1779. C.R.T , ch. of Thomas, Aug. —, 1779. C.R.2- , ch. of William Jr., Mar. 16, 1784. Twin. , ch. of William Jr., Mar. 30, 1784. Twin. , ch. of Abel, May 29, 1810, a. 2 w. C.R.I. , S. of Capt. George and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1820, a. 3 m. 5d. G.R.I. , June 12, 1838, a. 5 m. ‘inf. ch. of Ephraim S., Oct. 20, 1845. (Nabby Sophia, d. ‘of cael S. and Betsey R., Oct. 19, 1845, a. 6 w. G.R.I Abba A. (Abba Ann, c.r.1), d. of Albert and Martha A., Sept. 16, — a. 7 w. Cholera infantum. (Sept. 18, 1848. G.R.I. Abel, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 4, 1761. Abel, Oct. 8, 1840, a. 77 y. (Oct. 6, 1840. G.R.1.) Abigail, w. of Benjacnin, Oct. 12, 1848, a. 74 y. Dysentery. Andrew Jackson, Jan. 28, 1831. Ann, w. of John, Sept. 25,1753. (Oct. 9, 1753, a. 70 y. C.R.1.) Anna, J 10, 1746,a. 56 y. C.R.I. Anna, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1750. (a..8 m. C.R.I. Artemas, s. of William and Patience, Aug. 6, 1803, a. 12 y. 6m. G.R.I. Benjamin, Nov. 30, 1794. C.R.3. Bethiah, Mar. 17, 1832, a. 74 y. G.R.2. Betsy, d. of Timothy and Elisabeth, Sept. 3, 1779, a. I y.g m. 27d. .G.R.1. Caleb, Oct. —, 1839. Charles A., s. of Ebenezer and Susan, Mar. 17, 1815, a. 5 m. G.R.I. Clarissa Malvina, d. of Charles and Martha, Jan. 1, 1846, a. 8 y. G.R.I. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1803. , ch. of Phinehas, Apr. 13, 1739, 2. I d. HARVARD DEATHS. 321 WILLARD, Edwin, s. of Edwin and Martha, Sept. 8, 1849, a. _ 2m.17d. Dysentery. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, Apr. 9, 1759. a d. of Simon and Elisabeth, in Lancaster, Feb. 22, 1760. Elisabeth, w. of Joseph, Dec. 23, 1763. (a. 72 y. G.R.I.) Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 173-. - Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1803, a. 7o y. Md. Dropsy. c.r.1. Ellen, w. of William, Sept. 21, 1796, a. 81 G.R.1. Emeline, d. of Charles and Martha, Jan. 17, 1846, a. 7 y. 10m. Scarlet fever. Emeline Augusta, d. of Ephraim S. and Betsey R., Jan. 24, 1846, a.2y. 5m. G.R.I. Emory, Nov. —, 1844. C.R.3. Ezra, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Nov..28, 1761. Frances (Frances Maria, c.r.2), d. of Ebenfeze]r C. and Susan M., Sept. 5, 1848, a. 4 y. Dysentery. (Sept. 24, 1848. cC.R.2andG.R.1.) (a.4y.2m. G.R.1.) Francis H., s. of Robert and Nancy, Aug. —, 1838, a. 3 m. Gardner, s. of Ithamer, Apr. 1, 1837, a. 1 y.6m. G.R.I. Gibson, Sept. 10, 1746, a. 12m. C.R.I. Hannah, w. of James, Nov. 20, 1754, a. 66 y. C.R.I. Hannah, Jan. 2, 1816,a. 87 y. (a. 84 y. c.R.I.) Henry, Jan. 6, 1774, ‘‘of advanced years.’”’ C.R.1. Henry C., s. of Ebenfeze]r C. and Susan M., Aug. 11, 1848, a.1y. Dysentery. (a. I G.R.1.) Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah, Jan. 16,1761. (a. 42 y. C.R.1.) Hosea, s. of Levi and , Mar. 3, 1848, a. 42 y. Md. (a. 42 y.6m. G.R.1.) _ Isaac, May 22, 1808, a. 89 y. Md. Oldage: c.r.1. Jacob, s. of Henry and Abigail, July 11, 1756. James, Oct. 11, 1769. C.R.I. Jeremiah, Sept. 19, 1746, a. IT y. C.R.I. Jeremy, Sept. 15, 1810, a. 58 y. Md. cri. Jock, s. of Peter, Jan. 7, 1764. C.R.TI. John, only ch. of John and Ann, May 16, 1739, a. 24 y. Drowned in Still River. c.r.1. (a. 23 y. 11m. 20d. G.R.1.) John, Apr. 23, 1761. (Aged man. C.R.1.) Joseph, July 30, 1761. (a. 76 y. G.R.1.) Joseph, Sept. 22, 1812, a. 84 y. 3m. 25d. G.R.I. Joseph, Capt., Jan. 18, 1823, a. 62 y. G.R.I. Lemuel, Dea., Oct. —, 1775. C-R.I. ; Lemuel, Dea., Mar. 11, 1821, a. 69 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.I. 322 HARVARD DEATHS. WILLARD, Levi, Apr. 21, 1842, a. 70 y. C.R.I. Levi, widr., June 28, 1847, a. 72 y. Hernia. Lucy, d. of Tarbell and Rachel, June 13, 1742, a. I y. 9 m. C.R.I. Lucy Melvina, d. of Hosea and Alice, Apr. 19, 1842, a. I Igd. G.R.I. Luther (Jr., G.r.1), , 1836. Drowned in the Nashua River. Malvina, d. of Ephraim S. and , Jan. 24, 1846, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever. (Jan. 25, 1846, a. 2% y. C.R.1.) Mary, d. of Phinehas, Oct. 13, 1736,a.6y.8m. C.R.I. Mary, ae Henry and Abigail, Apr. 10, 1754. (a. 8 y. C.R.I. Mary, w. of Abraham, May 20,1754. (a.30y. C.R.I.) Mary, wid., Nov. 1, 1782. C.R.I. Mary, , 1796, a. 83 y. Md. Dysentery. c.r.1. Mary, w. of Joel, July 28, 1801, a. 30 y. G.R.I. Mary, , 1833. G.R.I. Mary E., d. of William and Rebecca, Mar. 23, 1841, a. 3 y. 7m. G.R.I. Melissa A., Sept. 3, 1843, a. 16 y. 3m. 23d. G.R.I. Mercy, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Aug. 15, 1764. (Aug. 17,1764. C.R.1.) Moses, s. of Samuel, , 1759. C.R.I. Nabby, wid. of Dea. Lemuel 2d, June 8, 1842, a. 79 y. G.R.I. Naby, d. of Simeon and Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1779, a. 4 y. G.R.I. (ch. of wid. Elizabeth. c.r.1.) Nehemiah B., Oct. 1, 1838, a. 42 y.4m. 16d. Oliver, ——, 1783. Patience, wid. of William, July 30, 1844, a. 80 y. Apoplexy. Peter, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, Sept. 6, 1760. ee of William and Elen, Apr. 12, 1754. (a. abt. 6 y. C.R.I. Rachel, May 23, 1787. C.R.3. Rachel, Aug. —, 1825. C.R.3. Rachel, Feb. —, 1833. C.R.3. Rebekah, Nov. 18, 1815, a. 79 y. Md. Apoplexy. c.R.1. Robert Austin, s. of Robert and Nancy B., Apr. 1, 1826. Sally, w. of Robert, Oct. 30, 1823. c.R.1. Sally, w. of Levi, Apr. 19, 1842, a. 72 y.8m. G.R.1. Samuel, Sept. 10, 1746,a.4 y.2m. C.R.I. Sarah, Sept. 12, 1746, a. abt. 3 y. C.R.I. Sarah, Mar. 29, 1784. C.R.3. Sarah B., d. of William and Rebecca, Apr. 3, 1828, a. 2 y. 8m. G.R.I. HARVARD DEATHS. 323 WILLarp, Sarah E., d. of Charles and Martha, Sept. 9, 1831, a. 4y.2m. G.R.I. Shadrach, s. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 28, 1753. (Dec. 27, 1753, a. a few days. C.R.1.) Sidney Augustus, Aug. 25, 1834. Silas, s. of Henry and Abigail, Oct. 18, 1758. Solomon, s. of Tho[ma]s and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1757, a. 17 y. 7 d. C.R.I. Solomon, s. of Phinehas Jr., Sept. 7, 1772. C.R.1. Stephen, s. of Thomas and Sarah, July 26, 1742, a. abt. 4 y. C.R.I. Stillman P., s. of Daniel and Sarah S., May 6, 1835, a. abt. 4m. Susan (wid. of Capt. Joseph, c.r.1), Apr. 19, 1840, a. 78 y. (Apr. 24, 1840. c.R.1.) (Apr. 19, 1840. G.R.1.) Susan M., w. of Ebenezfe]r C., Oct. 23, 1848, a. 26 y. Heart disease. Susanna, Oct. 3, 1792, a.63 y. (a.62 y. G.R.2.) Susanna A., d. of W[illialm B. and Abiah W., Apr. 6, 1830, a. 21m. G.R.I. Tarbell, Oct. 7, 1805, a. 86 y.17 d. G.R.1. Theodore, s. of Barzillai, Dec. 21, 1784, a.6y. C.R.1. Timothy, Sept. 23, 1746, a. abt. 13 y. C.R.I. William, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Sept. 15, 1784. (Sept. 16, 1784, a. 3 y. C.R.I.) William,.Mar. 17, 1797, 2.84 y.6m. G.R.I. William, Apr. 5, 1839, a. 85 y. (Apr. 8, 1839. C.R:1.) WILLIAMS, , w. of , Dec. 23, 1846, a. 37 y. Deborah, Dec. 8, 1815, a. 66 y. (Shaker. c.r.1.) Elizabeth, May 17, ——, a. 67 y. (May 19, 1809. G.R.2.) (May 17, 1809. s.R.) Hannah, July 10, 1798. (June 10, 1798, a. 12 y. G.R.2.) WILLIS, , w. of James, Aug. —, 1775. C.R.I. , inf. ch. of James, Aug. 7, 1775. C.R.1. , ch. of wid. Nancy, Sept. 1, 1826,a.5m. C.R.2. , ch. of Daniel, Aug. 11, 1847, a. 1m. Dysentery. , ch. of Samuel and , Oct. 3, 1848. WINCHESTER, Bathsheba, Sept. 23, 1841, a. 66 y. G.R.2. Benjamin, s. of Elkanan W. and Sarah Belcher, b. in Brookline, Aug. 4, 1845, a. 86 y. Md. Old age and erysipelas. (Aug. 24, 1845, a. 85 y. G.R.2.) Dolly, Mar. 31, 1823, a. 14 y. G.R.I. . Elkanan, Sept. 20, 1810, a. 91 y. (a. QO y. G.R.2.) 324 HARVARD DEATHS. Wincuester, Elmira, May 11, 1824, a. 25 y. G.R.2. Fredrick, Oct. 1, 1818, a. 18 y. (a.17 y. G.R.2.) Lydia, Feb. 3, 1820, a. 85 y. (a. 86 y. G.R.2.) Susan, May 23, 1820, a. 17 y. G.R.2. WINTWORTH, Moses, May 29, 1773. ¢-R-I. WITHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee), Apr. 21,1775. CRI. Anna, d. of John and Anna, Aug. 26, 1739. (a.4yY- C.R.I.) Elizabeth, w. of John, Jan. 10, 1734-5. (a. 33 y- C-R-1.) ee d. of John and Anna, Aug. 24, 1739. (a. abt. 2 y. C.R.I. ee d. of John and Anna, Sept. 14, 1745 (in her 2d y. C.R.1). John, May 30,1746. (a.44y.11m.4d. G.R.I.) Jonathon, s. of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1739. (Aug. 16, 1739, 8.5% y. C.R.I.) Mary, d. of John and Anna, Sept. 14,1739. (a.abt.2m. c.R.1.) WITHINGTON, Sarah J., d. of Josiah and Isabella, Feb. 5, 1849, a.1y.1om. Lung fever. WwooD, ———,, ch. of Eliphalet, Apr. 5, 1785, a. 20m. C.R.1I. , ch. of Jonathan, July 19, 1847, a. 1 d. Abigail, w. of Eliphalet, Jan. 23, 1780 (in her 48th y. G.R.1). Bethiah, wid. of Jesse, Mar. 4, 1849,a.75 y. Palsy. . . Eliphalet, Apr. 16, 1819, a. 89 y. (Apr. 16, 1817, a. 87 y. 8m. 17d. G.R.1.) Elizabeth, w. of Timothy, Sept. 10, 1796, a. 49 y. 11 m. 26 d. Francis, Feb. 28, 1838, a. 35 y. G.R.I. , Jesse, s. of Eliaphlet and , Sept. 20, 1848,a.84y. Oldage. John, July 19, 1832, a. 60 y. G.R.I. John Harrison, s. of John, Mar. 25, 1824,a.12 y. c.R.2. (Mar. 26, 1824. G.R.1.) Louis, w. of John, Mar. 24, 1838, a. 65 y. G.R.I. Lucy, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Nov. 5, 1800, a. 32 y. 4-m. Ird. G.R.I. Lucy, wid. of Jona[than], Dec. 28, 1831, a. 83 y. Marandy, w. of Amory, Feb. (5, G.R.1), 1838. (a. 29 y._ G.R.1.) Mary, w. of Eliphlet, Jan. 15, 1829, a. 86 y. G.R.I. (Jan. 28, 1829, a. 85 y. C.R.2.) Rachel, June 4, 1810, a. 75 y. Rebecca, June 5, 1838, a. 80 y. (June 3, 1838. C.R.2.) Timothy, July 18, 1801, a. 51 y. 13 Tryphena, , 1836. G.R.I. , s. of Joseph, HARVARD DEATHS. 325 WOODSTONE, Luther, b. in Clinton, Me., Apr. 24, 1847, a. 30 y. Unm. Consumption. (Apr. 25, 1846, a. 33 y. G.R.2.) (a. 31 y. s.R.) WORCESTER (see Worster, Woster), Mary, wid., Dec. 14, 1814, a. QO y. C.R.I. Sally, w. of Job, Feb. 22, 1849, a. 63 y. Dysentery. eae , d. of George and , Sept. 16, 1845,a. ry. Scarlet ever. WORSTER (see Worcester, Woster), (ue]ll, Sept. 5, 1771. Stillborn. , ch. of Mary, July 27, 1780. C.R.I. Abijah, Jan. 10, 1841, a. 96 y. G.R.2. Deliverance, wid., Jan. 23, 1767, a. 88 y. C.R.I. Ebenezer, May 20, 1754, a. 32 y. C.R.I. Ebenezer, Feb. 5, 1764, a. 85 y. C.R.I. Gilead, s. of wid. Mary, Sept. 20, 1756,a.3 y.5m. C.R.I. John, s. of Lemuel and Rebekah, Aug. —, 1755, in his 4th y. , inf. ch. of Sam- G.R.I John, s. of wid. Rebeccah, Oct. 6, 1756, a. 5 y. 2m. C.R.I. Jonathan, s. of Jonathon and Rebecca, May 8, Hy 39. (a.2y. -Im.4d. G.R.1.) Jonathan, Apr. 12,1754, a. 46 y.5m. C.R.I. Lemuel, s. of Jonathan and Rebekah, Apr. 20, 1773, in his 2oth y. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Jonat[hJon and Rebecca, Nov. 1, 1736. (a. 1 y. 4m. C.R.I.) Mary, d. of Jonathon and Rebec[c]a, Aug. 10, 173[9]. Mary (wid., c.R.1), May 1, 1790. * Nancy, w. of Samuel, Sept. 21, 1776, a. 24 y.8m. 24d. G.R.I. Rebecca, d. of Jonathon and Rebecca, May 13, 1739. (a. 5 y- 3m.2d. G.R.1.) Rebctah, wid. of Jonathan, Jan. 20, 1772, inher 58th y. G.R.1. WOSTER (see Worcester, Worster), John, s. of Jonathon and Rebec[c]a, Oct. 26, 1746. (a. 5 y.7m.16d. G.R.I.) Jonathan, s. of Jonathon and Rebfelc[c]a, Oct. 10,1746. (a.3 y. 1om.4d. G.R.1.) WRIGHT, ———,, w. of Thomas, Apr. 9, 1778, ‘‘in a good old age.” C.R.I. Caleb, s. of Thomas and Abigail, July 10, 1736, a. 3 y. C.R.1. Sarah, d. of Tho[ma]s and Abigail, Jan. 30, 1757, a. 13 y. 8m. tod. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Tho[maJs, Feb. 17, 1761, a. 2% y. C.R.I. 326 HARVARD DEATHS. WYETH (see Wythe), Elisabeth, Joseph, Oct. 13, 1837, a. 85 y. G.R.2. WYTHE (see Wyeth), Eunice, Jan. 16, 1830, a. 75 y- G-R-2. YOUNG, Samuel, oldest s. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphina, Oct. 23, 1832,a. 21 y.7 mM. G.R.I. : Samuel, Mar. 30, 1845, a. 64 y. Md. Consumption. , 1795. C.R.3- NEGROES. Cato, negro man servant of John Martyn Esq., Sept. 1, 1742, a.35 y- CRI. Cyprean, Nov. 7, 1784, a. 90 y. Negroman. C.R.I. Linn, Dec. 24, 1781. A negro man advanced in years. C.R.I. Milo, negro man servant of Israel Taylor, Dec. 8, 1757, a. abt. 22y. C.R.I. Othello, the faithful friend of Henry Bromfield, came from Africa about 1760, , 1818, aged abt. 72 y. G.R.I. Sampson, Feb. 15, 1753, a. 30 y. Negroman. C.R.I1. see oe s desinaleanunes csEpeieeneoe ere a spaee Woe a etimieeretecetyere tee seer ene a seeeesee