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He first attended school, when ten years old, at Masardis, ten miles from his home, that being the nearest settlement where a school was maintained. The home was broken up at this time by the death of his mother. His father secured him a place to board with the family of Mr. George Sawyer who was a car- pentecr by trade and a neighbor of Jos. Pollard, one of the early settlers of the town. The school was taught by Miss Ann Waters of Patten, Me. During his stay at Mr. Sawyer's his father, Daniel Day Smith, died and Prof. Samuel K. Smith of Colby University, drove in his private carriage to Masardis, settled his brother Daniel’s estate, took Oramandal in his carriage and drove with him to Litchfield, a trip of more than five hundred miles requiring twelve days to cover the distance which can easily be accomplished now in a less number of hours. Ele found a home in the family of his uncle, William Cleaves Smith, on the old Saul Cook place which he now owns and occupies. He attended the common schools, Litchfield Liberal Institute, Litch- held Academy and Waterville Academy. Mr. Smith has identified himself with all the interests of the town and has been honored py its people. He has taken great interest in the compilation of the history of the town and was active in promoting the successful celebration of its centennial anniversary in 1895. In 18-5 he married the youngest daughter of the uncle who gave him a home in his boyhood. Mrs. Smith is now serving her third term as trustee of the Maine Insane Hospital. LITCHFIELD CENTENNIAL, 1895. Probably the first persons to suggest that the town should celebrate in a suitable manner the tooth anniversary of its incor- poration, which would occur early in the year 1895, were Hon. John Day Smith and Dr. Lewis M. Palmer, honored sons of two of the oldest and most respected families of the municipality, the former a successful lawyer of Minneapolis, Minn., the other practicing medicine, then as now successfully, in South Fram- ingham, Mass. These gentlemen discussed earnestly between themselves the feasibility of the celebration, then began canvass- ing the matter with their friends in theirold homesintheir native town. From this the subject began to be talked of some two or three years before it assumed definite form. But finally at the annual town meeting in March, 1894, there appeared in the warrant the following article, viz.: “Art. 3. To see what action the town will take for the proper observance of the one hundredth anniversary of the incorpora- tion of the town, February 18, 1895, and act anything in relation thereto.” The town considered the article and it is recorded that it Voted, To celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Voted, To choose a committee of seven persons to make arrangements for said celebration, with power to add other members to said committee if necessary. Voted, That the selectmen, the superintending school com- mittee and the town treasurer act as said committee. Voted, (On motion of Rev. James Richmond,) that the com- mittee shall not include any dancing in their arrangements for said celebration. 4 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Voted, To raise $100 to defray the expenses of said celebra- tion. Voted, That the time for the celebration be left with the com- mittee. The town officers which were to constitute the committee were: Selectmen, Thomas Holmes, E. P. Springer and Still- man H. King; superintending school committee, Henry Taylor, Miles H. Dustin, A. D. Bartlett; town treasurer, David S. Springer. This committee seems to have taken no official action until the 2d day of March, 1895, when there was a meeting at the house of Thomas Holmes at Litchfield Corner, when the fol- lowing business was transacted: 1. Chose Henry Taylor secretary. 2. Appointed the following persons additional to committee: Oramandal Smith, Hon. Samuel Smith, J. E. Chase, Chas. A. Metcalf, David Thurston Smith, and J. A. Chase. 3. Voted that the next meeting of the committee should be on the 16th inst., at the schoolhouse at Litchfield Corner. A few days later, at the annual March meeting, Mr. Taylor, secre- tary of the committee, reported to the town and the report was accepted. From this time dates the active work of the com- mittee. At its next meeting, on the 16th, it was decided to hold the celebration upon the fair grounds, one of the most beautiful and fitting locations in the State for such an occasion, well known even beyond the limits of our own commonwealth, as it had for thirty-five years been the scene of great gatherings of people in attendance upon the annual exhibitions of the Litch- field Farmers’ Club. A committee was appointed to formulate a programme for the day and to invite speakers and prominent men to be present and participate in the exercises. The committee was composed of the following: Ora- mandal Smith, James E. Chase and E. P. Springer. To this committee, at a later meeting of the general committee, were added the names of Dr. Enoch Adams and Benjamin W. Berry. Upon this sub-committee was imposed the heavy burden of organizing and arranging the work necessary to a successful celebration. The general committee was enlarged, various sub-committees appointed, frequent meetings were held at the Town House to which all CHASE. JAMES E. JAMES E. CHASE. James E. Chase was born in Bowdoin, March 13, 1838, and was the son of James and Louisa White Chase, lived and worked on a farm during his boyhood. Attended the town schools and Litchfield Liberal Institute and later Litchfield Academy. Came to Litchfield in 1837, where he continued farming and teaching in many of the sur- rounding towns until 1863, when he went into trade at Litchfield Corner in which business he has continued to the present time and has been successful. Mr. Chase has held the position of postmaster at the Corner for nearly thirty years except during the two terms of Mr. Cleveland, when the oftice was held by Thomas Holmes, Esq He represented his district in the State legislature in 1883, for which position he was selected by the Republicans of his town without oppo- sition. He was one of the active promoters of the centennial celebra- tion of the town and took great interest in its success. Was a member of the committee on organization as well as other important commit- tees. In 1867, December 19, he married Junnietta M. Miller of Gar- diner. EARLY SETTLERS. 5 the people were cordially invited. The clergymen in the town were earnest in advising their congregations to attend the meet- ings in the interest of the celebration. The matter was talked of on the streets and in the homes by old and yong. Very many of the State papers gave space to favorable notice. The great papers of Boston liberally opened their columns to illustrated articles which aided in arousing the interest of our friends abroad (former residents of the cld town) and they in their turn began writing to their friends in the old homesadvisingand urg- ing them to make the centennial a great occasion. Every possi- ble means was employed tointerest the people. The general com- mittee of arrangements included nearly every grown person in town. It soon became evident that to make a creditable appearance more money would be needed and a petition was presented to the selectmen asking them to call a special town meeting on the eighth day of June, 1895, for the purpose of raising an additional sum of money to defray the expenses of the centennial celebration. The meeting was called and largely attended. Charles A. Metcalf, clerk, presided until David 5S. Springer was elected moderator. K On motion of Dr. Enoch Adams: Voted to raise the sum of $200 additional to defray the expenses of the centennial celebra- tion. Ona test vote only one man raised his hand in opposition to the appropriation. On motion of Oramandal Smith: Voted unanimously to extend an invitation toGovernor Henry B. Cleaves to attend said celebration. The amount of money placed at the disposal of the general committee was increased to $325, by a liberal donation from the Ladies’ Grange Society of $25. At a meeting a little later, largely attended by the general committee and people of the town, it was decided to institute a parade and all the various organizations of the town were invited to participate. It was also decided to hold an exhibit of ancient articles in the large fair building upon the grounds, and a committee was appointed to have charge of this important part of the celebration and make it an interesting feature of the day. It had been also decided to serve a colation at noon on the day of the celebration, -which had been fixed for the 21st of August, and committees of 6 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. prominent ladies and gentlemen in all sections of the town were appointed to look after the matter of food. These committees subsequently reported that all who were able to do so were willing to do their full duty in this line. It was voted to pre- pare tables to accommodate 500 guests at one sitting. Com- mittees to serve and wait upon the guests on centennial day were appointed and to look after and care for the gathering of the food. As the time drew near turkeys and chickens and fatted calves and lambs were sacrificed upon many altars, and at noon time of that memorable day, the long tables were heavily and richly laden, and abundant supplies at command of the committee. The work of the various committees was well in hand. The committee which was to secure music for the day reported in favor of employing the two bands of the town, also in favor of the Winthrop Street Quartette of Augusta. A com- mittee was ordered to secure cannon for salutes. The exhibition in the Fair House, of articles representing life a hundred years ago was promising to be a great success. Meantime the beautiful plain was put in order. The mon- ster tent belonging to the Kennebec Campmeeting Association and said to accommodate 3,000 people, was secured. Seats were prepared for that number. A platform was erected to accommodate 125 persons. Police regulations were perfected under direction of George W. Earle as marshal of the day. Invitations were sent out to many prominent men of the State and to many former residents of the town who had become res- idents of various states of the Union. In reply to these invita- tions came back from nearly every one pleasant letters of acceptance. A delegation of citizens was selected to wait upon Governor Henry B. Cleaves at the Executive Department and - request his presence upon the occasion. The Governor very gracefully surrendered. When ex-Governor Robie of Portland, ex-Governor Dingley, M. C., and ex-Governor Garcelon of Lewiston, ex-Governor Burleigh of Augusta, Hon. Wm. P. Frye, U. S. Senator, Hon. Seth L. Milliken, M. C., from the Third District, signified their intention to be present, together with many prominent sons of the town from other states, the programme was formulated and accepted as follows: EARLY SETTLERS. 7 1795 1895 LITCHFIELD CENTENNIAL. One Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Litchfield, Maine. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST a1, 1895. SALUTE AND RINGING OF THE BELLS IN TOWN AT SUNRISE A procession will form at the Church on Litchfield Plains at 9.00 o’clock A. M., and march, at 9.30, in charge of the Chief Marshal, George W. Earle and Special Committee on Procession. , CONCERT By Litchfield Band and Pease’s Cadet Band. ie EXERCISES IN THE TENT. Comemncing at 10.30 A. M. Music, — By Litchfield Band Reading of Selections from the Scriptures, Rev. Smith Baker of Boston - Prayer, Rev. Charles B. Smith of West Medford, Mass. Singing, Winthrop Street Quartette of Augusta Address of Welcome, Oramandal Smith History of the Early Settlers of the Town, Hon. O B. Clason of Gardiner Civil History, Hon. A. M. Spear of Gardiner Singing, Winthrop Street Quartette of Augusta Church History, Rev. Smith Baker of Boston School History, Dr. Lewis M. Palmer of South Framingham, Mass. Singing, Winthrop Street Quartette of Augusta 8 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Benediction, Rev. J. F. Harriman, Pastor Free Baptist Church, Litchfield Plains DINNER, 12.30 P. M. Band Concert. Salute, One Hundred Guns. x EXERCISES AT THE TENT. Afternoon, 1.30. z Music, By Pease’s Cadet Band Prayer, Prof. Samuel King Smith of Waterville Singing, Winthrop Street Quartette of Augusta Address, Governor Henry B. Cleaves of Portland Poem, Mrs. Ellen Sawyer Palmer of Interlachen, Florida Soldiers of Litchfield, Gen. I. W. Starbird of Boston Doctors of Litchfield, Milton C. Wedgewood, M. D., of Lewiston Address, ‘Hon. John Day Smith of Minneapolis, Minn. Music, Litchfield Band INFORMAL ADDRESSES. Hon. William P. Frye, United States Senator. Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., M. C. Hon. Seth L. Milliken, M. C. Ex-Governor Frederick Robie. Ex-Governor Edwin C. Burleigh. Hon. Joseph H. Manley. Prof. Samuel King Smith. William Pidgin. / Dr. J. R. Day, President Syracuse Uitenis New York. H. C. White, M. D., of Somerville, Mass. George William Smith, Pres. Colgate University, New York. Col. M. A. Cochran, U.S. A. » Moniteley. Rev. David C. Burr of Auburn. George S. Wedgewood of Omaha, Nebraska, and others. Music. Benediction, Rev. James Richmond, Pastor Cong’l Church, Litchfield Corner EARLY SETTLERS. 9 During the continuous and active preparations for the cele- bration, in which nearly every family in the town was engaged, occasionally some one would inquire of another **What shall we do in case of bad weather?” “Change the date?” But in general there was no more thought @f untoward circumstances or of changing the date than of changing dates of the birth of Deacon Thomas Smith or Deacon Smith Baker or the date of the arrival of the first settlers—Eliphalet Smith and Benja- min Hinckley. On Saturday, August 17, all the arrangements were approaching completion. But on Monday came a heavy rain which somewhat dampened the ardor of the workers and greatly retarded their operations. But on Tuesday morning the storm having subsided they were early astir and the work went on with increased vigor and interest. The various committees were busy, each one earnestly com- passing its own object, everything was accomplished effectually and harmoniously. The great collection of ancient curiosities was carefully and systematically arranged under supervision of the committee which was composed of the fotlowing named per- sons: David T. Smith, Hon. Samuel Smith, Edward Shorey, M. S. H. Rogers, Josiah D. Buker, Job Morrill, Horatio Pain and wife, Stillman H. Ring, Alden Baker, G. H. Palmer, Laure Crane, Miss N. M. Plympton, Jesse Ture and Lucy Metcalf. The decorations of the building, the great platform in the tent and of the grounds generally were quite elaborate consisting of flags floating from every available point. Bunting and flags draped in pleasing forms, suitable motoes in evergreen and beautiful floral display. All under management ef the committee on decoration which was as follows: Herbert M. Starbird, James E. Chase, A. C. True, O. A. True, Frank N. Adams, Everett N. Pinkham, O. B. Clason, Gardiner; A. M. Spear, Gardiner; David Dennis, Gardiner; Alfred D. Bartlett, Geo. A. Bosworth, Millard Rogers, Daniel Adams, Albion Otis, Mrs. Henry Taylor, Mrs. Warren Plimp- son, Mrs. W. F. Haines, Mrs. Edward Shorey, Mrs. O. Smith, Mrs. Chas. T. Frost, Mrs. Everett N. Pinkham, Mrs. Effie Small, Mrs. Wm. H. Waldron, Mrs. Albion Otis, Miss Laura Crane, Miss Hannah D. Smith, Mrs. Almyra Smith. All day the work of preparation went busily on. Io TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Under the direction of a special committee numerous private parties erected tents from which they expected to sell refresh- ments to the great crowd on the following day. The gentle- men who had the matter of rentals in charge were Messrs. James E. Chase, Emlen P. Springer, James A. Chase, John Purinton, M. S. H. Rogers and this committee was directed to receive small sums from these parties for rent of land for the day, and to see to it that no strong drink or beer of any sort should be dispensed from these tents and these directions were strictly carried out. The committee on the guest table were busy all day. A commodious kitchen was improvised for the occasion with three or four cooking stoves, plenty of wood and water, all in convenient proximity to the long tables all of which were surrounded by high woven wire fence, and the tables covered by immense awnings made from webs of very wide and heavy cotton cloth. At the close of the day the grounds were placed in charge of a competent and trusty police force who were on guard all night. The morning of the eventful day dawned bright and cool, and in accordance with the orders of the general committee was ushered in by the booming of cannon and the ringing of bells rousing the staid old town from its quiet slumber. People were soon astir, flags were raised and streamers flung out from every possible point. Many private dwellings were tastefully decorated. The several committees were on duty promptly. At a very early hour the streets were full of all sorts and styles of carriages and conveyances from the surrounding towns, from Gardiner came a long cavalcade of carriages headed by the Governor’s barouche and accompanied by a fine band from the town of Turner engaged by the former residents of Litchfield now citizens of Gardiner, for the occasion. With the governor now citizens of Gardiner, for the occasion. With the Governor rode his private secretary, Col. E. C. Stevens of Chelsea, Hon. Joseph H. Manley of Augusta, and Hon. Albert M. Spear of Gardiner; in other carriages came Hon. Oliver B. Clason, mayor of Gardiner; members of the city government and many prominent business men of the city formerly of Litchfield. Ex- Governor Frederick Robie of Gorham, came along with Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Sanborn of the Maine Insane Hospital of which EARLY SETTLERS. If anstitution the doctor was and is the honored superintendent. Governor Cleaves and his party were met at the Free Baptist church on the Plains by a delegation of citizens with Libby Post, G. A. R veterans which had kindly volunteered to do escort duty, they were accompanied by Litchfield band, Dr. I. W. Gilbert leader. A great procession came from Lewiston, accompanied by the Brigade band of that city. In the first carriages rode Hon. Wm. P. Frye and Mrs. Frye, Hon. Nelson Dingley and Mrs. Dingley and their friends. In the rear of this long line of carriages rode in an old time doctor’s gig drawn by a noble high bred horse the venerable ex-Governor Alonzo Garcelon, who though more than eighty -years of age had taken great pleasure in riding fifteen miles to be present upon this great day, and no one of all the invited guests seemed to enjoy the exercises more than he. The Lewiston party was met at “Reuben Potter’s Corner’’ by a delegation headed by Dr. Enoch Adams accompanied by Libby Post veterans of the late war, and Pease’s Cadet band and escorted to the church which was thrown open as a waiting room where all could rest and safely leave wraps, coats, etc., before going to the great tent which was filled to overflowing long before the hour for the exercises to begin, still the throng outside seemed undiminished and increasing until at 10 o’clock it was believed that ten thousand people had assembled upon the grounds. At half past ten Dr. Enoch Adams very quietly stepped to the front of the great platform upon which all the invited guests had assembled and called the vast audience to order and in a few well chosen words introduced Oramandal Smith who had been selected as president of the day, who presented the follow- ing list of names of vice presidents and they were invited to take seats upon the platform: VICE PRESIDENTS FOR LITCHFIELD. Emlin Springer, S. H. Ring, Frank Adams, D. S. Springer, C. A. Metcalf, Henry Taylor, Dr. Enoch Adams, Alden Baker, A. C. Ashford, Cowper S. Ayer, Hamilton Buker, Thomas Holmes, Eben Toothaker, Henry Lunt, Joseph W. Bartlett, Hon. Samuel Smith, S. G. Nutting, Dr. Cryus Kindrick Ezekiel Woodward, Daniel Bartlett, A. W. Plimpton, Geo. Berry, IZ TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Wm. G. Williams, Jesse Hatch, Dexter Smith, J. L. Allen, John Rowe, W. M. Hattin, Emerson Lord, Melvin H, True, Arthur Neal, Charles T. Frost, William Maxwell, Geo. Nelson Thur- olugh, James Ricker, Warren Jordan, E. D. Percy, Gardner Roberts, Rev. Samson Powers, Amaziah Googins, Edmond Dow. Gardiner—H. K. Morrill, Charles Bridge, David Dennis, A. H. Potter, P. N. Barstow, A. D. Nickerson, William Chester Jack, William F. Burr, James Walker, Alcander Neal,J. B. Pike, Wm. Jewell, Geo. S. Harrington, Geo. H. Douglass, Andrew J. Harriman, Isaac Mitchell, Geo. H. Buker, Geo. W. Gillette, Howard Smith, Jesse T. Bartlett, Daniel B. Brown, O. L. Denni- son. Augusta—Judge H. W. True; David Neal, Joseph Sawyer, Converse Perry, W. O. Perry. Belfast—Wm. H. McClellan. Farmingdale—Daniel Mitchell, William C. Williams. Lewiston—William Pidgin, J. W. Starbird, J. O. Nickerson, Geo. A. Emerson, Horace Libby, Dr. N. J. Wedgewood, R. M. Knight, Hiram Morrill, Byron S. Adams, Edward S. Perham, Ivory G. Emerson, Geo. W. Smith. Auburn—Col. Chas. S$. Emerson, Charles Frank Smith, Nathaniel Neal, W. E. Chase. Brunswick—Prof. Warren Smith. Richmond—Silas S. Lemont, Harmon Smith, Wm. G. Web- ber, Geo. Farrin, William Baker, Chas. D. Newell, Richard Farrin, John Alexander. Bath—R. W. Adams. Monmouth—Chas. E. Frost, Alexander Walker, Llewellyn Chase, D. W. Perry, Albert G. Smith, Davis Emerson. Wales—Augustus Frost, Hiram Frost, Westley Frost. Windsor—Robert Ashford, James Ashford. Bowdoinham—Rev. Joseph Nickerson, Chas. Springer, Winthrop—Noah Pinkham. Portland—Bradbury True. Old Town—Dr. B. F. Small. Orono—James Monroe Bartlett. New Sharon—Dr. Albion T. Stinson. Albion—Dr. Geo. C. Wilson. EARLY SETTLERS. 13 Wells—Frank Buker. China—Daniel True. Biddeford—Lewis True. Massachusetts—Prof. Enoch Adams, Wm. W. Smith, Charles Heath, William Baker, Horace L. Smith, Dr. Wendell Adams, Frank Baker, Thomas Wedgewood, Charles Nickerson, Albert F. Smith, James Whitmore, F. M. Robinson, R. A. Jack, Joseph R. Smith, Bainbridge Woodward, Dr. Amos Jackson, Geo. W. Harriman, Elisha Woodward, Benj. F. Grant, W. H. Buker, Frank Metcalf, Urial Adams, Capt. Albion Hall, W. S. Sawver, Ashford Baker, Isaac Barstow, Abram Batchelder, Roland Evans, Samuel Woodward, Dr. John Henry Jackson, John Mitchell. New Hampshire—Josiah Perkins. Vermont—L. H: Hutchinson. Rhode Island—John Hayden, Granville Waterman. New York—Dr. W. O. Plimpton, Hon. DeAlva S. Alexan- der, M. C., Loren J. Ayer. Oregon—Frank Billings, Fred E. Palmer. Wisconsin—Henry Crane, Mellen Smith. Michigan—John Billings, Abner Baker. Illinois—Holman G. Purington, A. P. Berry, Wilbur Berry. Nebraska—George S. Wedgewood. North Dakota—Andrew Goodwin. Minnesota—John Day Smith, Samuel Heath, Frank Trufant, Charles B. Jack, Josiah Temple. Kansas—Frank Berry, Cyrus W. Buker. Missouri—Jeremiah Harriman. Kentucky—Col. M. A. Cochran. Georgia—John Dennis. Louisiana—Edward Heath. California—William Dennis, E. H. Elliott, Sylvanus Water- man, Daniel M. Emerson, Joseph Knowlton. Hawaii—John Magoon. After music by the Litchfield band and reading of selections of Scriptureby Rev. Smith Baker of Boston,an impressive prayer was offered by Rev. Chas. B. Smith of West Medford, Mass., a gentleman at that time hale and hearty at 80 years of age and at this time still living in good health and comfort at his home in iA TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. West Medford. A choice selection was rendered bythe Winthrop Street Quartette, when Mr. Smith madeabrief address of welcome. Then at once proceeded with the exercises of the day in order, which went on in a most interesting manner, with some slight changes in the published programme caused by the fact that Governor Cleaves was obliged to leave the grounds at an earlier hour than had been expected, consequently his address had to be called in the forenoon instead of afternoon as set down in the order. During the noon intermission the vast: crowd was apparently happy. Thousands of old Litchfield friends met for the first time in years and perhaps for the last time in life. The greetings were, as could have been expected, cordial, earnest, heartfelt, and the good-bys tinged with sadness. The exercises in the afternoon were extremely interesting and the addresses of Rev. Smith Baker, Senator Frye and Hon. Joseph H. Manley were listened to with closest attention. General I. W. Starbird of Boston, was in the midst of his historical address “The Sol-. diers of Litchfield,” when an unfortunate accident to the great tent caused an adjournment to the open air. The trouble resulted from the high wind, which blew almost a gale from the northwest, and finally, in spite of every possible effort of those in charge, one side of the tent was blown in, and it was thought best to proceed with the exercises from the large band stand out- side. The great assembly passed out quietly and in order. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. Because of this unfortunate circumstance the great gathering was sadly disappointed in not having the privilege of hearing several of the distinguished guests who were advertised to speak. Among them Hon. Nelson Dingley, M. C., and ex-Governor Frederick Robie, whowas deeply interested inthecelebration,and ° who has made a very liberal donation to. the committee in aid of the publication of this volume. Abstracts of what these distin- guished men would have said may be read in letters which they kindly forwarded at the request of the committee with permis- sion to publish. The exercises upon the grounds closed at 5 o’clock P. M., with a fine selection rendered by Pease’s Cadet band and bene- diction by Rev. James Richmond, pastor of the old Congrega- tional church at Litchfield Corner. Perfect order had been EARLY SETTLERS. 15 maintained throughout the day by the competent police under direction of the marshal,assisted by the high sheriff of Kennebec county, Mr. Ed Norton, who had very kindly tendered his ser- vices, with two of his reliable deputies, for the day. All felt that the occasion had been a great success, notwithstanding the slight misfortunes which broke in upon the regular order to some extent, which will ever be a matter of regret. The Lewiston Journal of the following day commented upon the celebration as follows: PY WAS A. GREAT DAY for Litchfield, the greatest in its history. Her sons and daughters from all over the Union came home to the old farms and firesides on Wednesday, to renew old associations and to assist those who have remained on the old homesteads to cele- brate the 1ooth anniversary of the good old town. The celebration began at sunrise, the orb of day as he arose in a bank of crimson clouds in the eastern horizon being greeted with a vigorous peal from every hill in the town, rousing the slumbering people to greet the day they were to celebrate. And the people came. Probably a larger crowd was never gathered within the limits of the town during its hundred years of existence. In thé early hours of the morning, at sunrise or even earlier, the procession of teams began to move over every road into the town leading to the fair grounds at Litch- field Plains where the celebration was held. The bands were playing, cannon roaring upon theneighboring hill, and the town was hardly big enough or old enough to hold the enthusiasm. The Governor of Maine was there, Senator Frye, Congress- man Dingley and many noted Maine men who were born in Litchfield or educated in her famous academies. A large dele- vation drove over from Lewiston, headed by the Brigade band -—_for Lewiston is the home 150 sons and daughters of Litch- field. A big tent had been erected in the center of the fair grounds for the speaking. At each entrance the grounds was af arch of bunting, with the inscription “1795—Welcome—1895.” On the reverse was the inscription “Upward, Onward.” 16 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. The exhibition building in the grounds was decorated with flags and bunting and bore inscriptions on its front, reading, “Litchfield Centennial. 1795-1895. Welcome Home.” Within the building was arranged a very large and interesting collection of antiquities gathered from all parts of the town. It was an exceedingly interesting and creditable exhibition. The Kennebec, Journal of August 22, 1895, commented as fol- lows: THE LARGEST CROWD EVER GATHERED IN LITCHFIELD—A GRAND SUCCESS. Litchfield, Aug. 21.—(Special)—Today, the town of Litch- field celebrated the centennial anniversary of its organization. Sons and daughters of the grand old town from all parts of the country were present to assist in this celebration, which could not have been more successful; all things considered. Centennials of Maine towns excite interest if for no other rea- son than their rarity. But Litchfield seems bound to all its children and friends so closely that the response to the move- ment for a centennial celebration was inspiring, it was beyond expectation, it exceeded even the fondest hopes; the celebration was not only an event in the history of the town but of the county and of the State. How the skies smiled, Wednesday morning. How the people came in throngs and poured in on the fair grounds field at the Plains, where the tents were pitched! Their teams filled all stable accommodations full to overflowing, and the grove sur- rounding the grounds was literally swamming with teams of all kinds—some quaint, some curious; buggies, phaetons, demo- crat wagons, hayracks arched with evergreen, and all filled with gala parties of merry-makers bent on celebrating the great- est day of all in the history of historic old Litchfield. If only some of those who sleep beneath the white shafts in the field opposite the grounds could have participated in the body! The good people of this town have not outgrown one inher- itance—early rising. Their forefathers prized daylight and were ready to make the most of it fromthefirst glimmer of dawn to the last ray of sunset. Their descendants have not outgrown the habit. If they had it would have profited them little, for the EARLY SETTLERS. 17 firing of salutes and ringing of bells at sunrise banished every laggard wink of sleep. By 9 A. M., on every road leading to the Plains, one might see a procession of teams. The grounds where the exercises were held were thronged at an early hour, and by noon it seemed as if over 7,000 people were present. In the center of the fair grounds was erected a large circular tent where the addresses. were made. The interior was elabo- rately and tastefully decorated, and by the time the speaking began contained between 2,000 and 3,000 people. The platform was very prettily decorated with bunting, flags and flowers. Along the front was the sentiment in evergreen, “God be With You Till We Meet Again.” The speakers’ desk was draped in the folds of the flag. On the platform was “Eternal Honor to Our Ancestors.” In the rear the decorations of bunting, tiny flags, sheafs of golden rod, surmounted by the words, “Honor to Our Fathers Forever,” lent charm to the scene. The whole effect was very pleasing. At the entrances to the grounds, ever- green arches were erected, and displayed in appropriate places were words of welcome and fitting mottoes. Among the distinguished guests that had seats upon the plat- form were: Governor Cleaves, Senator Frye, Hon. J. H. Man- ley, Congressman Dingley, ex-Governor Robie, Hon. A. M. Spear, Hon. O. B. Clason, Rev. Smith Baker, Hon. Oramandal Smith and the other speakers. Ex-Governor Garcelon was a well-known figure upon the platform. There were present also, Judge True and Judge Stevens of Augusta, County Commis- sioners Hamilton, Smith and Burgess, and Dr. B. T. Sanborn, superintendent Maine Insane Hospital, Rev. Chas. B. Smith of West Medford, John Day Smith, Col. E. C. Stevens, Rev. David C. Burr, Dr. N. J. Wedgwood, Gen. I. W. Starbird, Dr. Horace C. White, Dr. Lewis M. Palmer, and many other distinguished guests. A few days after the celebration, the great general committee, including all the sub-committees, met at the town house for the last time and closed up their business. They unanimously voted to publish an account of the centennial celebration, including a history of the early settlers of the town. A com- mittee was appointed to have charge of the work of compiling 18 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. and printing the book. The committee consisted of the fol- lowing named persons: Oramandal Smith, Charles A. Metcalf, Henry Taylor, and Herbert M. Starbird. The committee were fortunate in securing Hon. Oliver B. Clason to continue his investigations as to the early settlers, which he had so happily begun in preparing his very able address for centennial day. Mr. Clason has given to this work a great amount of time and careful study and research. He has examined the most authentic records of Massachusetts and the State of Maine, touching upon or giving information of our early ancestors, and his article in this volume is the only authentic sketch of the early settlement of the town which has: ever been compiled. The committee secured an article to appear in the warrant for the annual town meeting for March, 1896, as follows: Art. 27. To see if the town will vote a sum of money to pay the expenses of printing the history of the town and the report of the centennial and act anything in relation thereto. . Acting upon this article, on motion of Oramandal Smith, the town voted to raise the sum of $200 to defray the expenses of printing the town history. ; On motion of same gentleman, the town extended a unani- mous vote of thanks to the Ladies’ Grange Circle for a gift of $25 in aid of the centennial celebration. The work of investigation and compilation has been steadily progressing until the present and many of the articles compos- ing this history have been very carefully prepared bythe authors and it is believed that the complete work will be one of great interest. to all friends of Litchfield who may read in the present and of value to generations of the future. Exercises at the tent at 10.30 A. M.—Music by Litchfield band, Dr. I. W. Gilbert, leader. Reading of Scripture, Rev. Smith Baker of Boston, 91 psm. as follows: 1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lorp, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God;- in him will I trust. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. REV. CHARLES B. SMITH. REV. CHARLES B. SMITH. Rev. Charles B. Smith was born in Litchfield, August 27, 1815, was a son of Asaph Smith; his early years were spent upon a farm. He began his classical studies at Auburn, Me., where he remained two years, after which he pursued a classical and literary course at Gorham, Me., for three years. He graduated at Bangor Theological Sem- inary 1844, and soon entered the ministry. His first pastorate being at Kenduskeag, Me. He also held pastorates at Woolwich, Me., West Gloucester, Concord and Cohasset, Mass. Mr. Smith was chaplain of the prison at Dedham, Mass., fifteen years; while there he with others organized and built a church in that town, he also organized and built a church at East Walpole, Mass., and was pastor of these churches for eighteen years. For many years has been a director and member of the American Peace Society. In 1890 was a delegate to the World’s Congress of Peace and Arbitration at London, Eng. Mr. Smith took an active part in the early temperance movement in Maine, and was an effective co-worker with Neal Dow in those stiring days. He writes that, “I have been an Abolitionist and a Prohibitionist all my days, and have seen no reason to regret having been active in those reforms. I am still at work for peace and good will among men.” Mr. Smith has been successful, not only in his religious work, but also in all business affairs with which he has been connected. He 1s gifted with good executive ability and commands the respect of all for his integrity of character and for his Christian example. He still continues his active and useful life at the advanced age of neatly eighty-three years in his pleasant home at West Medford, Mass. EARLY SETTLERS. 1g + He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth sha?l be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the that flieth by day: 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; vor for the destruc- tion that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the Lory, irhich is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in ¢the’r hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. “13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I wit? be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Prayer by Rey. Chas. B. Smith, West Medford, Mass.: Almighty God, Creator and Sovereign of all worlds and of all creatures; we acknowledge Thee as the source of all being and of all blessing. Thou hast been the God of our fathers, and Thou art our God; the same yesterday, today and forever. With Thee there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. Thy years are throughout all generations. We are the crea- tures of a day and subject to perpetual change. While the fathers have acted their brief part upon the stage of life, and have passed away,we, their children are here to-day to recognize our obligations to them for the rich inheritance bequeathed to us by their toils, and sacrifices; for the joys of the present and and the bright hopes for the future. We would call upon our souls and all within us to praise Thee for the evidence of Thy guiding hand, in the settlement and development of this town; for the material, intellectual, and moral advancement of the peo- ple. While with gratitude to Thee, and to those who have gone before us, we think of the past, may we be led to a hearty and arrow 20 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. irreversible consecration of our lives to the well being of the present that those who shall come after us may have occasion to rejoice that we have lived; as we rejoice in the memory of those who have preceded us; and when with us the lamp of life shall flicker in its own decay, and finally go out in death, may we be permitted to join that “great multitude which no man could number, of all Nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands,”*to ascribe honor and power, and wisdom and blessing unto Him that sit- teth upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever. Amen. After a finely rendered selection by the Winthrop Street Male Quartette of Augusta and a short address by the president. Hon. O. B. Clason was introduced and began as an address upon “The Early Settlers,’ what appears here as an authentic history of considerable length and of great interest and value. OLIVER B. CLASON. HON. OLIVER B. CLASON. Hon. Oliver B. Clason, the subject of this short notice, is a worthy representative of a strong intellectual New England ancestry dating back to Stamford, Conn., where his original ancestor in America, Stephen Clason, married and settled in 1654. Stephen was probably a native of Scotland and came to this country during the reign of Oliver Cromwell. From Stamford the descendants of the patriarch Stephen have scattered to nearly every portion of our country. They are now found occupying honorable positions in nearly all the learned profes- sicns and in the business enterprises of the communities where they have founded homes. Mr. Oliver B. Clason was born in 1850 and was the son of Pell and Sarah Temple Clason who formerly lived in Litch- field where Mrs. Burnham Small now lives. The family moved to Gardiner in 1861. Mr. Clason attended the common schools of Litch- field and the high school at Gardiner. He graduated with high honor at Bates College in 1877, taught for some time; studied law and was admitted to the Kennebec bar in 1881 and has since been in the success- ful practice of his profession in Gardiner where he is a prominent and influential citizen and has many times received the highest honors the city could bestow upon him. He has served as mayor for several years and twice represented the city in the House of Representatives and for many years had charge of its schools and has also been a_ trustee of State normal schools. He is now a member of the State senate and will be honored by being elected to the presidency of that body in 1899. Mr. Clason has taken great interest in preparing the history of the early settlers of Litchfield which appears in the succeeding pages and of which he is the author, and in the compilation of which he has availed himself of every possible means to secure reliable data, having traveled far in Maine and Massachusetts for the purpose of examining records and to meet and consult with those who could furnish facts or figures, and we present the result of his careful and thorough investiga- tions as a remarkably interesting work and a most reliable and authen- tic history of the early pioneers of the town and their descendants. EARLY SETTLERS. By O. B. Ciason. Prior to any permanent settlement being made in what is now the town of Litchfield, the place was frequently visited by Andrew Jack, Nathaniel Graves, Thomas Gray, Hugh Mulloy and others, in pursuit of otter, beaver, bear, and other game. They built shanties by the side of ponds, and spent several months in each year gathering fur. Paul Hildreth, the first set- tler of Lewiston, came here frequently, and at one time lived in the vicinity of the ponds for several years. The first attempt made at a permanent settlement, was in 1772, by Eliphlet Smith and Benjamin Hinkley of New Meadows. They commenced a clearing that year, but did not move their families there until later. In 1775, Barnabas Baker, Senior, Barnabas Baker, Jun- ior, Benjamin and Thomas Smith commenced a clearing. Their families were living in Pownalboro, now Dresden. In 1776, on account of there being trouble over the boundary lines of their lots, John Merrill, an engineer from Topsham, came there and surveyed out six lots, which were alloted to the above named settlers. Solomon Tibbetts came to Litchfield from Gardiner in 1774 and located upon land by the side of Cobbossee pond, now owned by Buel L. Merrill, formerly by Henry Lunt. He brought his family with him. In September, 1774, Joseph Parker took up a farm upon the neck, and built a log house, which was occupied by him until his death in 1822. Daniel Ring came from Bath in 1779. Capt. Nathaniel Berry from Gardiner in 1780, and about this time came the Jewell brothers, Henry and Enos, Calvin and Timothy Hall, Abijah, Joel and Joshua Richardson and others. Many of the early settlers came from the vicinity of New Meadows, others from York county, Mass., and New Hamp- shire. Several had served in the Revolutionary War, and were 22 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. inured to hardships and privations. They were industrious and intelligent and had soon excellent farms about them. They built their first dwellings near the shores of the ponds, as these waters were their principal means of communication to Gardi- ner and other settlements upon the river. Aside from the water, there were only paths through the woods to the river, and for years many were compelled to walk eight, ten, twelve and fifteen miles through the woods with a bag of grain upon their backs to Gardiner, wait their turn to have their grist ground, and then wend their way back to their homes. Upon the arrival of wagons, and laying out and building of roads the early houses near the ponds were supplanted by more commodious dwellings upon the line of the highways. The town has always been thriving and prosperous. Great attention has been given to education, and aside from their com- mon schools an academy has flourished for many years at the corner and is now well patronized. The other addresses printed in this volume enter more fully in detail into the civil, educational, religious and military history of the town. And what is to be said more of the early settlers will be given in connection with the individual families. Nore—The address upon the Early Settlers of Litchfield as originally prepared for delivery at the late Centennial Exercises of the town has been materially changed for publication. Lt has been the aim of the writer to procure a short genealogical history of the Early Settlers, including the families that moved into town before 1850. Some families it has been impossible to trace, but on the whole, the work is quite complete. 1t has taken a great deal of time and research to trace out the facts included in the following pages. The records of a large num- ber of cities and towns of our State, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, have been carefully examined, while much information was obtained from the libraries of the Maine and Massachusetts genealogical societies. Aside from these sources, which were especially valuable in gaining early information, the citizens of Litchfield, as well as many former residents, have taken a lively inter- est and given all the information within their reach. It would be impracticable to mention all who have aided me, but I wish to mention that Miles H. Dustin, Esq., has taken a great deal of pains in looking up the early residents of Oak Hill, and Mrs. Margaret A. Waldron did w similar work at Purgatory, so called, and upon the Neck. Miss Flora Ella Spear of West Gardiner, has rendered valuable assistance in arranging data for the press. It has been the aim of the writer to give a short sketch of the ancestors of the early settlers, and then to confine the rest of the work to the families while they lived in town. When a portion of a family was born in town, the entire family has generally been given, and in addi- tion, where families have moved from town, the author has tried to give whom each one of the children married and where settled. It is hoped that the facts herein published will be of interest to all residents of Litchfield, and also be of some value to those who are interested in genealogical work. JAMES ADAMS. JAMES ADAMS. James Adams, the subject of this sketch, came to Litchfield from the town of Bowdoin in 1813 and after preparing a cabin in the wilder- ness he brought his family and instituted a home in which he reared his ten children; was soon able to build comfortable buildings and with the efficient and faithful aid of a good wife increased his estate until he became one of the most independent and successful farmers of the town. Mr. Adams succeeded by most rigid economy and untiring industry backed up by good judgment and good New England sense. In early life he followed the sea a portion of the time for several years always saving a portion of his small income. He was quite a reader and deeply interested in public affairs, State and national. He was one of the strongest Temperance men, though at first opposed to prohibi- tion he soon came to see its very beneficial effects in the community and gave his earnest support to the advancement of the cause and early became a “‘teetotaler’ and remained such during his hfe. He was also one of the first to identify himself with the political party which declared against the extension of slavery into free territory and assisted in organizing the Republican party in town. Mr. Adams was a man of intense convictions, strong prejudices, active mind with courage to defend his position at all hazard. He was a good friend, an undesir- able enemy; appreciating kindness, resenting injury with fiery indigna- tion; a man who without a dollar to begin life with was ever able to command credit to any amount he might desire. His ten children grew up in the old farm home, then scattered from Maine to California. Four of them still survive their father, one daughter, Lettice, now eighty-four years of age, lives in Fresno, Cal.; Urial, as a contractor and builder having accumulated a competency, lives in Boston, Mass.: Rufus, also a builder, is a man of means and resides in Bath, Me.; Melville W., a younger son, still owns and lives on the homestead farm. Mr. Adams died at the home of his son James in the state of Iowa. EARLY SETTLERS. 23 ADAMS. James, Daniel and John Adams came to Litchfield from Bow- doin in 1813. They were the sons of John and Rebecca (Tarr) Adams. John, their father, died in Litchfield in 1830. James Adams married Mary Williams, and lived on the place now occupied by his son, Melville W. He died in Iowa, May &th, 1866, aged 79 years. Mary, his wife, died November 3, 1863, aged 71 years. Children of James and Mary (Williams) Adams. Daniel, b. December 1, 1812, married, Susan Harriman. Lettice, b. April 13, 1814. married William Hale, moved to California. Mary Ann, b. October 27, 1815, married Wilson Sandford of Bowdoin. Rufus W., b. September 22, 1818, married Mary J. Clifford, lived in Bath. Me. Aaron, b. December 28, 1819, married Harriet Niles, lived in Topsham. Margaret, b. March 28, 1822, married Dr. Isaac Rowell, lived in Gardi- ner, Me., and then moved to San Francisco. James L., b. July 19, 1824, married Mary Gannon, lived in Boston, Mass. Urial D., b. September 6, 1826, married Love L. Brackett, lived in Charlestown, Mass. Melville W.. b. April 6, 1832, married Mary C. Smith. Franklin, b. October 6, 1834, married Lectina Lewis. Daniel, son of James, lived near his father. He died Decem- ber 5, 1852. Children of Daniel and Susan (Harriman) Adams. Frances G., b. March 18, 1849, married Cypron M. Wentworth, lives in Lewiston, Me. Byram S., b. March 23, 1847, married Sarah Mitchell, lives in Lewis- ton, Me. Melville W., son of James, lives on his father’s home place. Children of Melville W. and Mary C. (Smith) Adams. Emma E., b. April 24, 1865. Uriel L., b. April 24, 1868. DaniEL ADAMS. Daniel, son of John and Rebecca (Tarr) Adams, was born in Bowdoin, November, 1795. He lived on the Plains, and died November 1, 1873. Rebecca, his wife, died September 17, 1863. Children of Daniel and Rebecca (Rogers) Adams. Rebecca J., b. July 14, 1821, married Emerson Lord. 24 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. John W., b. May 21, 1823, married Mary J. Wise. Lendall S., b. July 23, 1825, married Ann M. Hall. Martha A., b. December 30, 1827, married ist Charles Owen, 2nd Samuel Walker, 3rd Alvin McKenney. Emily M., b. October 7, 1829, died April 18, 1857. Daniel D., b. November 1, 1833, married Julia W. Smith, lived in Ash- ville, N. C. William F., b. April 19, 1838, married Susanna E. Jenkins, she died March 1, 1894; 2d, Julia E. Hunkins. George W., b. 1840, died in infancy. Lendall S. Adams, son of Daniel, died July 14, 1850. His wife died February 22, 1853. They left one daughter, Angie A., born March 31, 1850. Married and lives in Massachusetts. William F., son of Daniel, lives beyond the Plains towards the corner. He has been a school teacher and prominent in town affairs. Children of William F. and Susannah E. (Jenkins) Adams. Wendell, b. June, 1863, died young. Emily M., b. March 29, 1865, married Abram Strout, lives in Bow- doin, Me. Philip, died in infancy. Daniel, b. October 9, 1873. Frank B., b. April 28, 1875. Joun ADAMS. John, son of John and Rebecca (Tarr) Adams, lived in town several years. Children of John and Mary Adams. Clark, b. November 1, 1803, married Thankful Craves of Bowdoinham, Me. He died April 30, 1881. David, b. July 5, 1805. Harriet, b. March 14, 1808. Died June 30, 1878. Rachel, b. February 16, 1809. James, b. February 10, 1811. Hannah, b. May 30, 1813. John, b. February 28, 1817. Died young. George W., b. July 5, 1819. Was a soldier in late war. John, b. August 6, 1822. Enoch Adams, M. D., son of Enoch and Lucy (Strickland) Adams, and a descendant of Robert and Eleanor Adams, who came to Ipswich, Mass., in 1635, was born in Andover, Maine, May 21, 1829, was educated at Kent’s Hill, and was graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1851. He immediately set- ENOCH ADAMS, M. D. ENOCH ADAMS, M. D. Dr. Adams was born in Andover, Me., May 21, 1829, was the son oi Enoch and Lucy Strickland Adams; was educated in the common and high schools of his native town and later at Kent’s Hill. He attended inedical lectures at Bowdoin and at Harvard where he graduated in 185i, soon after settled in Litchfield and began the active practice of his profession. In the same year he was married to Mary H. Case, daughter of William Case of Lubec, Me., who was a native of London, England. They have six children living, lost two in infancy. 66 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. DaNIEL Brown, JR. Daniel Brown, Jr., married Margaret Elliott in Topsham, Me., October 3, 1774. He came to Litchfield about 1800 and lived on the Martin Metcalf place. In 1814 he moved to Ohio with his family. Children: Elizabeth, b. August 31, 1779. Daniel, b. August 1, 1781. Ruth, b. July 6, 1783. Margaret, married Thomas Brown, son of John and Sally (Mor- gridge) Brown. Robert, b. February 6, 1803. Harriet, b. October 6, 1806. Sotomon Brown. Solomon Brown was born in Gorham, Me., in 1794, and was the son of Simeon and the grandson of Solomon Brown. Both his father and grandfather were Revolutionary soldiers. He married October 17, 1813, Sarah Elizabeth Rumery of Bidde- ford, who died in 1825. In 1826 Mr. Brown married Sarah P. Chalene of Gorham, and in 1828 moved to Litchfield, and located at the corner, where he was engaged in running a gen- eral store, a blacksmith shop, and for a time lived on a small farm. He was much interested in education and was one of the incorporators of the academy, which for more than fifty years has been one of the prosperous schools of Maine. Sarah, second wife of Solomon Brown died January 22, 1852, and in about two years he married Julia Plimpton formerly a teacher at the academy. A few years later Mr. Brown moved to Chelsea, Mass., where he was city missionary. His last wife died in 1875, and shortly after he died at Defiance, Ohio, July 19, 1875, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Cole. Children of Solomon and Sarah Elizabeth (Rumery) Brown: Elizabeth E., b. 1817, married Jabez Nickerson, 2d, Thomas J. Cole of Boston. Died in Defiance, Ohio, November 11, 1883. Priscilla, b. 1823, married Stanwood Alexander, November 25, 1843; 2d, in 1858, Henry Newbegin, a graduate of Bowdoin College and prin- cipal of Litchfield Academy. He was a prominent lawyer in Defiance, Ohio, where Priscilla died November 17, 1864. Children by second wife, Sarah P. Chalene: Margaret S., b. September 15, 1827, married Captain Israel J. Preble, and lived in Richmond, Me., where she died March 1, 1869. Edward Payson, b. September 15, 1828, married Margaret Scott. Died Terra Haute, Ind., November 12, 1855. ‘ EARLY SETTLERS. 67 SEWELL Brown. Sewell Brown, son of Joseph and Ann Brown, was born in Kensington, N. H., August 24, 1771. He married Annie French, daughter of Capt. Enoch French of Salisbury, Mass. She born July 25,1770. He came to Litchfield in 1792, and settled on what was afterwards known as the Esq. Neal place. Mr. Brown had two sisters in town, wives of Abner and Daniel True. He lived several years in Litchfield and then moved to what was afterwards called Brown’s Corner in West Gardiner, where he died October 20, 1828. Mrs. Brown died July 31, 1817. Children of Sewell and Annie (French) Brown: William, b. April 23, 1794, married Abagail Libby. Lived in New Hampshire. Ann, b. May 18, 1796, married Benjamin Field. Lived in Gardiner. Sewell, b. January 19, 1798, married Abby Kimball. Lived in New Hampshire. Joseph, b. September 7, 1799, married Johanna Perham. Lived in Hallowell. Susanna, b. December 31, 1801, married James Fuller. Lived in Gar- diner. Roxanna, b. 1803, married David J. Ramsdell. Lived in Pittston. Johanna, b. December 31, 1804, married James McCurdy. Lived in Gardiner. John, b. February 16, 1806, married Betsey Meiggs. Lived in Vas- salboro. : Mary, b. August 9, 1808, married John W. Thoms. Lived in Frye- burg. Died in Augusta in 1896. Henry, b. 1810, married and lived in Grand Rapids, Mich. Angeline, b. June 4, married Rev. Daniel Sewall. Lived in Chester- ville. Sylvia, b. August 6, 1814, married John Knowlton. Lived in Chester- ville. BRYANT. Baldwin Bryant lived on a cross road near Ebenezer Harri- man’s. He came from New Hampshire in 1808. He and his wife, Mehitable, both died about 1840. He had two daughters, Sally, who married Wm. Spaulding, and Amy, who married and lived in Hallowell. , 68 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. BUFFEE. Thomas Buffee or Bouffee was born in Germany, came to Litchfield about 1790 and lived near Bouffee Landing Bridge. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He married Hannah (Rich- ardson) Haggett in 1799. She was the widow of Isaac Haggett and the sister of John Richardson. Mr. Buffee lived on the farm now occupied by Forest Harriman and was buried in the graveyard now located on that farm. He died January 9, 1820, aged 70 years. Their children: Sarah S., b. November 26, 1801, married John Bailey; 2d, Isaac Rich- ardson. Polly, b. December 26, 1803, married Daniel Cunningham. Died December 25, 1824. BUKER. David Buker, son of David and Bethia Buker, was born in Bowdoin, Me., May 11, 1790. Married Margaret Perry, Feb- ruary 3, 1812, and immediately moved to Litchfield on the farm now occupied by Aaron Peacock. He died January 8, 1875. Margaret died March 2, 1870. Their children: William W., b. August 25, 1813, married Octavia Berry. Mary Jane, b. October 14, 1814, married Isaiah Lunt. Died in Gar- diner. David P., b. April 28, 1820, married Frances Wilkinson; physician in Providence, R. I. | Benjamin, b. January 24, 1823, married Lydia Leonard. Moved to Providence, R. I. Died March, 1894. Wiley C., b. July 22, 1829, married Hannah B. Davis. Lives in Gar- diner. Susan W., b. November 7, 1831. Died July 10, 1860. John S., b. August 9, 1834, married Lucinda Gowell. Moved to Wis- consin and died there. William W. Buker, son of David, married Octavia Berry, October 26, 1834, and lived on the farm now occupied by his son, Warren R. Buker, where he died, May 21, 1854. Octavia died March 19, 1882. Their children: Nelson B., b. November 28, 1836. Died October 23, 1857. Ann, b. January 26, 1839. Died January 6, 1846. \ EARLY SETTLERS. 69 Ellen, b. October 29, 1840. Died when a young lady. William H., b. August 7, 1842, married 1st, Abbie A. Leeds; 2d, Mary A. Goodale. Lives in Salem, Mass. George S., b. November 4, 1845. Died March 7, 1868, of disease con- tracted in the army. Warren R., b. February 22, 1847, married Ist, Jessie Potter; 2d, Ann Shepard. Cyrus W., b. April 19, 1849. Lives in Des Moines, Iowa. Frank L., b. August 30, 1851, married Lydia Hatch. Lives in Wells, Maine. Was graduated from Bates, class 1879. Margaret, b. April 13, 1854, married William E. Francis. Lives in Newton, Kan. ' Warren R., son of William W., lives on his father’s place. Child of Warren R. and Ann (Shephard) Buker, Chas. W., b. May 15, 1896. Died January 15, 1897. Tuomas BuKER. Thomas Buker came from Bowdoinham, Me., in 1828 and located on Oak Hill, Litchfield, on the James Shurtleff farm. He married, first, Rhoda Weymouth; second, Nancy Hall; and ‘third, Lydia Huntington. Children by Rhoda Weymouth, first wife: Hamilton, b. January 7, 1821, married Wealthy Day. Lives in Litch- field. Orrin, b. January 27, 1823, married Silence Mains. Lives in Bath. Albion K., b. August 10, 1825, married Emily Richardson. Lives in Bath. Children by Nancy Hall, second wife: George H., b. January 9, 1828. Died November 24, 1855. Edward H., b. September 4, 1830, married Mary A. Huntington. - HAMILTON BUKER. Deacon Hamilton Buker located near his father, Thomas, where he now lives. Children of Hamilton and Wealthy (Day) Buker: Josiah B., b. March 28, 1852, married Lizzie Mitchell. George H., b. December 17, 1855. Lives in Gardiner. Clarence A., b. April 8, 1858, married Louisa Brown of Poland. Pas- tor F. B. church at Northwood Ridge, N. H. Fred L., b. August 5, 1860, married Effie M. Jones. Lives in Lisbon Falls, Me. 7O TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. \ Josiah B., son of Hamilton Buker, lives on the home place. Children of Josiah B. and Lizzie-(Mitchell) Buker: Willie H., b. April 6, 1880. Leland P., b. February 13, 1891. Epwarp H. BUuUKER. Edward H. Buker, son of Thomas, married Mary A. Hunt- ington and lived near his father on Oak Hill. Recently moved to Gardiner and died December 16, 1895. Children: Frank E., b. July 18, 1857, married 1st, Lillian Whitten; 2d, Ellen Brann. Lives in Lewiston. Sarah E., b. January 21, 1860, married Henry F. Johnson. Lydia E., b. November 11, 1863, married 1st, Henry Butler; 2d, Alfred Packard. Nancy J., b. November 11, 1863, married 1st, F. D. Wellman; 2d, E. L. Blake. Lives in Gardiner. Albion C., b. October 15, 1865, married Mary Wells. Lives in Lynn, Mass. George W., b. July 27, 1868, married Catherine Griffin. Lives in Gardiner. Laura E., b. November 4, 1870, married Ross Carleton. Archie D., b. September 26, 1872, married Ethe Reed. Lives in Gar- diner. Mary A., b. May 11, 1877. BUNKER. Capt. James Bunker was born in Plymouth, Mass., August 21, 1734, and was lost at sea in 1768. He married Hannah Shurt- leff, sister of Esquire James Shurtleff. She was born in Ply- mouth, Mass., January 22, 1741, and died in Litchfield, Novem- ber 15, 1821. After the decease of Capt. Bunker, she married Deacon Thomas Smith, Senior. Children of James and Hannah (Shurtleff) Bunker: Elizabeth, b. September 26, 1758, married Smith Baker. She died August 19, 1786. Eber, b. March 7, 1761. Zachariah, b. March 29, 1763. Lost at sea. Lydia, b. March 23, 1765, married Samuel Smith. Died in Litchfield in 1834. James, b. October 23, 1767, married Mercy Hatch and lived in Bow- doin, Me. Was ensign in War of 1812. Died January 31, 1842. These children of Capt. Bunker came to Litchfield with their stepfather, Deacon Thomas Smith. EARLY SETTLERS. 71 BuRKE. William Burke married Mary Parker in Topsham, June 29, 1774. He moved to Gardiner in 1778, and from Gardiner to Oak Hill, about 1790, and bought the David Springer farm. Some of his sons lived near him. Thomas and Hugh lived near Buker pond. William died October 25, 1826, aged 78 years. His children: Mary B., b. May 2, 1775, married Thomas Hinkley September 21, 1795. Lived in Lisbon, Me. Thomas, b. November 23, 1776. Died young. William, b. August 6, 1778, married Lucy Morse. Lived in Bath. Died January 18, 1826. John, b. March 14, 1780. Went West. David, b. July 25, 1782, married Polly Springer. Lived in Moscow, Maine. Elinor, b. May 9, 1784, married Nathaniel Sinclair. Lived in Lisbon. Hugh, b. July 28, 1786, married Ada Gatchell. Samuel, b. June 26, 1788. Went to Mirimishi. Thomas, b. August 2, 1790, married Sarah Ham. Cyrus, b. February 10, 1793, married Nancy Ham. Edward, b. February Io, 1793. Davip BURKE. David, son of William, lived with his father for a time and then moved to Moscow. He married Mary, daughter of Andrew and Desire (Baker) Springer. Their children: Lavinia, b. August 6, 1809, married Davis Baker. Lived in Moscow. Stillman, b. May 15, 1812, married Cordelia Russell. Lived in Solon. Zenas, b. December 9, 1814. Went to Wisconsin. Dorinda, b. September 18, 1817, married Davis Baker. Died in Bing- ham, 1845. Albert, b. January 4, 1821, married ist, Susan Baker; 2d, Lucinda Cleveland; 3d, Augusta Jewett. Lives in Moscow. Andrew, b. July 9, 1823, married Mary Russell. Lived in Moscow. Mehitable, b. December 20, 1829, married E. R. Baker. Lives in Moscow. HucH BurkKE. Hugh, son of William Burke, lived at the foot of Oak Hill. He died September 23, 1865. Children of Hugh and Ada (Gatchell) Burke: Ella, b. December 2, 1824. Died August 14, 1825. 72 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. 1 William Thomas, b. August 26, 1826, married Martha French. Lived in Lewiston and Chelsea, Mass. Cyrus E., b. April 26, 1828, married Elvira Hodgman. Lived in Wales, Me. David b. January 1, 1830. Died April 16, 1831. Morrell, b. August 31, 1833, married Allettice H. Gatchell, October 20, 1858. James S., b. July 29, 1837, married Ada Whitney. Lives in Lewiston. Cyrus E. Burke, son of Hugh, lived in town for several years, near his father’s. Children of Cyrus E. Burke and Elvira (Hodgman) Burke: William F., b. August 9, 1856. Lives in Hallowell. | George L., b. June 21, 1861, married Bubier. Lives in Wales, Maine. Morrell Burke, son of Hugh, after living in town a few years, moved to Lisbon, Me., and afterwards to Portland, where he now resides. Children of Morrell and Allettice (Getchell) Burke: John O. Burke, b. January 26, 1863. Lives in Portland, married Louiza B. Morris, April 30, 1891. One son, Herman Norris Burke, b. October 3, 1893. Tuomas BurRKE. Thomas Burke, son of William, Senior, lived on farm at foot of Oak Hill. He died February 12, 1864. Children of Thomas and Sally (Ham) Burke: Mary T., b. February 5, 1814, married Joseph Harden. Lived in Lee, Maine. John, b. March 7, 1815, married Emma Fox. Lived in New York. James, b. October 24, 1817. Movedto Lee, Me. Married Gatchell. Nancy, b. March 22, 1820, married Abraham Fifield. Lived in Lee, Maine. Mark L. H., b. June 8, 1821, married Ellen McLellan. Lucy J., b. July 6, 1823, married Samuel Flagg. Lives in Exeter, N. H. Jerusha R., b. October 18, 1825, married William Jones. Lived in California. : Lydia, b. May 3, 1829, married A. M. Jewell. Lives in California. Joseph W., b. January 30, 1831, married Maria L. Crandalmire. Lives in Lee, Me. Thomas, b. August 17, 1832. Died at sea July 23, 1854. Nelson H., b. January 8, 1834. Died October 23, 1855. Lived in New Jersey. EARLY SETTLERS. 73 Mark L. H., son of Thomas Burke, lived several years in Litchfield and Brunswick, and then moved to Lisbon, Me., where he now resides. Children of Mark L. H. and Ellen (McLellan) Burke: Thomas Nelson, b. May 16, 1853. Lost at sea in 1868. John Archibald, b. July to, 1854, married Annie Davis. Lives in Lisbon. William J., b. April 9, 1857. Died in Colorado in 1883. Lucy Ellen, b. January 10, 1859. Died in Lawrence, Mass., in 1881. Margaret A., b. November 12, 1861. Died in 1863: Allura M., b. February 14, 1865. Lives in Lisbon. Joseph L., b. 1868, married Sarah Sattersall. Lives in Exeter, N. H. Cyrus BuRKE. Cyrus Burke, son of William, Senior, lived in Litchfield, at Pottertown, so called. He died March 28, 1848. Children of Cyrus and Nancy (Ham) Burke: Martha A., b. July 19, 1816, married Nathaniel Frost. Lives in Old Town, Me. Julius M., b. April 8, 1818. Lives in Missouri. Asenath C., b. March 8, 1820, married William Whitmore. Lived in Auburn, and then moved West. Thomas, b. October, 1822. Went West. Henrietta H., b. November 19, 1825, married Peleg Hall. Lived in Missouri. Charles T., b. January 20, 1828. Lives in Wyoming. Hannah N., b. March 15, 1831, married Albert Larrabee. Lives in Chicago, Ill. David T., b. October 6, 1833. Lives in Missouri. Sally R., b. May 8, 1836, married James Mitchell. Lives in Macon, Missouri. BuRNHAM. Thomas Burnham, son of Ebenezer and Abagail (Libby) Burnham, was born in Scarboro, Me., June 7, 1799. He mar- ried Elizabeth C. Rhodes, born June 6, 1801. They were mar- ried December 19, 1824. Came to Litchfield in 1828. After living in town several years they moved across the stream into West Gardiner. He died February 14, 1857. Abagail died March 16, 1883. Children: John, b. August 19, 1825, married 1st, Mary J. Lunt; 2d, Henrietta A. Bangs. Lives in Gardiner. 74 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Moses R., b. April 4, 1827, married Charity Tibbetts. Died October 26, 1882. Joel L., b. August 13, 1829. Died December 6, 1893. Lucy R., b. October 26, 1831, married Andrew Tibbetts. Lives in West Gardiner. ' Thomas, b. December 5, 1833, married Mary B. Blair. Lives in Gar- diner. Elizabeth, b. January 20, 1836, married Charles H. Wright. Lives in Gardiner. Hannah L., b. January 14, 1838, married Charles H. Hodgkins. Frances L., b. July 19, 1842. Lives in Gardiner. Burr. Hon. David C. Burr was born in Bridgewater, Mass., April 21, 1783. He was the son of Jonathan and Martha (Cudworth, a descendant of General James Cudworth) Burr, and the young- est of twelve children. He was a descendant of Rev.Jonathan Burr, who was born in England, 1604, was graduated from Cambridge, England, in 1627, and came to America in 1639, and settled in Dorchester, Mass. Jonathan, brother of David, was graduated from Har- vard, in 1784, and was a noted clergyman, and doctor of divin- ity. David came to Gardiner in 1806 or 7 and lived there awhile. He was a member of the school board, 1809, and 1810 in that city. In the summer of 1810 he moved to Purgatory and opened the first store in town. He married Catharine Fuller of West Gardiner, March 12, 1812. Was a captain of infantry in the war of 1812 and served about one year and was a repre- sentative to general court of Massachusetts several terms; also continually a representative to the Maine legislature from 1820 until his death. Also a member of both constitutional conven- tions held in Portland. He was a wide-awake, energetic business man and was one of the leading spirits in all the enterprises of the town, and brought the first wagon to Litchfield. He died November 7, 1827. One of his sons is Rev. D. C. Burr of Auburn, another, W. F. Burr, Esq., of Gardiner. Children of David C. and Catharine (Fuller) Burr: Jonathan, b. April 4, 1813, married Lucy S. Wadsworth; 2nd, Mrs. Rose Pinkham. Lives in Randolph, Me. y BURR. WILLIAM F. WILLIAM F. BURR. William F. Burr, son of Hon. David C. and Catharine (Fuller) Burr, was born in Litchfield, February 11, 1815. Very soon after the death of his father, in 1827, he came to Gardiner where he has since resided. He has been a very active business man and taken a lively interest in city affairs. He has been a member of the city government, and held other positions of trust. Two of his sons, Davis Chauncey Burr, and Edgar N. Burr, are well known business men in Gardiner. EARLY SETTLERS. = 75 William F., b. February 11, 1815, married Mary A. Neal. Lives in Gardiner, Me. Martha Cudworth, b. October 3, 1817, married 1st, William A. Cutter; 2nd, Sumner Golding. Lucy H., b. July 15, 1819, married Moses Briggs. Julia A., b. August 22, 1821, married George T Marston. D. C. Burr, b. March 3, 1823, married Jane B. Metcalf. Lives in Auburn, Maine. ~ Catherine F., b. December 31, 1824, married Gustavus Marston. Rey. D. C. Burr, son of Hon. D. C. Burr, lived in town sev- eral years, on farm next south of the Pike place, now owned by John Robie. He has been a Free Baptist clergyman for many years. Children of Rev. D. C. Burr and Jane B. (Metcalf) Burr: Charles Frederic, b. December 28, 1843, married Hattie S. Parlin. Lives: in Auburn. Parthenia Foster, b. November 9, 1845, married Lewis F. Libby. Lewis Abram, b. June 6, 1849, married Lizzie A. Dunning. Lived in Malden, Mass. Marilla Jane, b. September 21, 1853, married George F. Oliver. Lives in Phippsburg. Lewis Abram Burr, son of Rev. D. C., was graduated from Bates in class of 1877. Engaged in teaching in Massachusetts and died in December, 1895, in Malden, Mass. BUTLER. John Butler, son of John and Elizabeth (Tucker) Butler, was born in Berwick March 15, 1769. He came to Gardiner and worked at New Mills for Simeon Goodwin in 1791. He after- wards run a ferry boat across the Kennebec. In 1794 he moved to Litchfield, and worked for Mr. Goodwin and finally settled on the Neck. He married Margaret, daughter of Simeon and Dorcas Goodwin. Their children: Simeon, b. February 5, 1796, died unmarried. Elizabeth, b. February 12, 1798, married Solomon Tibbetts. Sarah, b. May 18, 1801, died unmarried. Harriet, b. September 30, 1803, married Thomas Bates, lived in Bos- ton, Mass. John, b. April 14, 1806, died unmarried. Belinda, b. August 22, 1814, married William Britt. Lived in Hallo- well. 76 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Dorcas, b. December 1, 1816, married Chandler Tucker, lived in East Boston, Mass. Mary Jane, b. June 9, 1819, married Hampden Davis. Andrew G., b. December 14, 1820, married Martha Cundick. Died August 14, 1897. Hannah F., b. August 22, 1823, married Rufus Towns. CAMPBELL. James Campbell, one of the earliest settlers, came from New Hampshire with the Johnsons and Hutchinsons. He married Lucy Johnson, daughter of old Master Adam Johnson; was a drum major in the Revolutionary war. He lived on Oak Hill, on farm now owned by Mr. Dustin, which he sold to Solomon Dennison. He afterward lived in Monmouth. He was born in 1750. Children of James and Lucy (Johnson) Campbell: Xerces, b. February 8, 1782, married Elizabeth Cunningham. Nancy, b. February 28, 1784, married Osgood Carlton. Lived in New York. Sally, b. September 16, 1787, married Ebenezar Sinclair in 1807. She died December 28, 1876. James, b. December 20, 1789. Adam, b. May 17, 1792, was in war of 1812. Rufus, b. January 11, 1795, married Susan Jackman. Died in Chelsea, Me., 1880. Thomas D., b. June 21, 1797, married Cyrene Austin. Lived in Chelsea. Peleg, b. July 10, 1801. Lydia, b. April 15, 1804, married Goldsmith Neal. John, b. March 2, 1807. Xerces Campbell lived on the farm occupied by his wife’s ‘father, Rev. Daniel Cunningham. Children: George, b. July 27, 1805. Rufus lived on Oak Hill several years and then moved to Ver- mont. He afterwards returned to Chelsea, Me., where he died in 1880. Children born in Litchfield: Sarah J., b. July 7, 1818, married Chas. Littlefield. Lives in Ran- dolph, Me. Lydia, b. May, 1822. Died in 1838. JAMES A. CHASE. JAMES ALEXANDER CHASE. James Alexander Chase was born in Litchfield, June 22, 1842. He was the son of William Chase and great grandson of Juda Chase whose ancestor came from England in the Mayflower. His father, William Chase, was one of the successful men of the town he lived formerly on the farm now owned and occupied by Chas. E. Chase, his nephew. Then on the farm now owned by William Maxwell: later, on the place at the Plains now occupied by Josiah Merrill, his son-in-law. He was engaged in milling, farming and trading here for some years. He early became interested in religious matter and for more than nity-three years was a deacon of the Free Baptist church on the Plains and in all those years was rarely absent from his place in the church on the Sabbath. His home was always a hospitable one; his door was ever open to the poor and he is still missed in the com- munity where he spent the greater portion of his long and useful l'fe. James, the subject of this sketch, remained on the farm with his father until about twenty years of age, enjoyed the average opportunities of a farmer's boy of those days, a few weeks at the town school in winter, a term or two at the academy and the rest of the time plenty of work on the farm. At the age of twenty years he left home and entered the employ of Chas. M. Bailey of Winthrop where he remained three years. Tn 1865 he married Lizzie J. Parsons of Litchfield. He went to New York in 1865 where he was employed in the manufacturing of oil cloth for two years. In 1868 he purchased of his father the homestead farm and engaged in farming until 1872 when he returned to New York where he continued his former business until 1876, when he returned to Litchfield and went into trade at the Plains in which business he is still engaged. His wife died in 1877. In 1879 he married Mary E. Small of Bowdoinham. In 1878 he pur- chased his present home and set a large apple orchard upon his land which is promising to be a good investment. Mr. Chase became a member of the Plains Free Baptist church in 1865 and has been an active member ever since when not absent from the State; has ever taken an interest in town affairs, though never aspiring to town office was one time town agent, and though a life long Republican and generally active in the interest of. his party, he held the position of postmaster at Litchfield Plains during both of Mr. Cleveland’s terms of office. He was one of the most active citizens of the town in the promotion of the success of its centennial celebration and served on several important committees. He has for some years been an active member of Morning Star Lodge, F. and A. Masons. ISAAC CHASE. ISAAC CHASE. Isaac Chase was a son of Nathaniel and grandson of Juda Chase, was born in Wales, Me., in 818; came to Litchfield when quite young, where he resided until his decease in 1886. He married Mary P. Stinson and lived for a time on the farm where he died and where his son Charles E. now lives near the Cook schoolhouse, then moved to the “Plains” and lived on the place now owned by his nephew, James A. Chase; later he purchased the old homestead farm of his wife's father, Rev. Robert Stinson, the place was formerly owned by Merrick Smith and was situated just south of the Saul Cook farm. Mr. Chase occupied this farm for more than a quarter of a century when he sold to Frank Philbrick and purchased of Wilson NM. Hattin the place where he resided at the time of his death. Two of his sons, Robert F. and Charles E. and his widow still survive him. Mr. Chase was for many years a member of the Plains church and a constant attendant, and is missed even now by his friends and neighbors in the community where he was well known for more than fifty years. CHARLES EDWIN CHASE. CHARLES EDWIN CHASE. Charles Edwin Chase, son of Isaac and Mary P. Stinson Chase, was born in Litchfield in the house where he now lives March &, I¢44. He remained on the farm with his father, (attending school winters) until eighteen years of age, when he went to Winthrop and entered the employ of Chas. M. Bailey and continued in his employ for nine years, after which he was engaged in the sale of carriages and traveled for seven years in this business. He lived in Benton and Waterville for five or six years, was engaged in the blacksmithing business in the latter place and met with heavy loss here by the burning of his build- ings after which he went into hotel business for a time in Lewiston. About ten years since he commenced in a small way the crayon portrait business in Portland; by persistent effort he has built up a successful and prosperous business. His work is well known all through the southwestern portion of Maine. After the death of his father Mr. Chase purchased of his widowed mother, who now lives with him, the homestead farm which he has greatly improved and takes great interest in its successful cultivation. He has made it a pleasant home where he has resided for the last few years. He married last, Flora M. Rober-.s, daughter of Charles H. and Mary Roberts of Biddeford, they have one son, Clyde E. Chase. He has one older son by a iormer marriage, Fred G. Chase, whose mother was Julia A. Gage of Skow- hegan. Mr. Chase is a man of persistent energy and a strong will which has enabled him to succeed where many must have failed; when ill health came with intense suffering for many years which threatened his life he persisted in getting well and recovered. When financial storms came and swept away his home and his savings he determined to start again and is now reaping the usual reward of energy, courage and industry. EARLY SETTLERS. 77 W. CHASE. Deacon William Chase was born in Brunswick in 1807, son of Nathaniel, born in Brunswick in January. 1770, and died in Litchfield June 3, 1860, grandson of Judah Chase. Deacon William married Mary J. Alexander of Litchfield for his first wife. Second wife was Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell. He lived at the Plains, and died December 29, 1893. Children of William and Mary (Alexander) Chase: Alonzo M., b. March 8, 1835, married Caroline S. Lincoln. Died March 5, 1867. Sarah A., b. September 11, 1837, married Josiah L. Merrill. Lives in Manchester, Me. William E., b. February 5, 1839, married Sarah J. Whitney. Lives in Auburn, Me. Nancy J., b. September 24, 1840, married Robert S. Whitney. James A., b. June 11, 1842, married 1st, Lizzie J. Parsons; 2d, Mary A. Small. Merchant at Plains and postmaster. Llewellyn, b. July 11, 1844, married Mary K. King. Lives in Mon- mouth, Me. Hannah Olivia, b. July 9, 1847, married Charles Whitney. Isaac CHASE. Isaac Chase, brother of Deacon William Chase, married Mary P. Stinson, daughter of Rev. Robert Stinson, and settled on the Stinson place in the Cook neighborhood, where his son Charles now lives. He died April 24, 1886, aged 68 years. Children of Isaac and Mary P. (Stinson) Chase: Robert F., b. January 21, 1843, married Sarah Jack. Lived in Gard- iner several years and now lives in North Carolina. Charles Edwin, b. March 1, 1844, married Laura Lord, Julia Gage, Clara Gage, Flora Roberts. Isaac N., b. February 21, 1847, died November 14, 1869. Mary Frances, b. September 4, 1851, married J. A. Hutchinson. Charles Edwin Chase lives on the home place, and is engaged in business in Portland. Children of Chas. E. and Julia (Gage) Chase: Frederick, b. February 21, 1870, married Lizzie Gage of Farmington. Lives in Skowhegan. Children of Chas. E. and Flora (Roberts) Chase: Clyde, b. August 12, 1893. CHAPLES. There was a James Chaples who lived on land adjoining Asa Bachelder. He was in town several years from 1820. 78 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of James and Sally Chapels: Oliver, b. July 4, 18109. Hannah, b. March 4, 1823. Addison, b. December 19, 1825. Albion, b. July 26, 1827. CHICK. John Chick and Sarah, his wife, came in December 1807, to Litchfield from Kennebunk, and settled on the farm now occu- pied by his great-grandson, George F. Chick. His wife, Sarah, died March 24, 1825. His son, Jotham came with him and lived on the same farm. - Children of Jotham and Comfort (Cotton) Chick: Henry, b. May 28, 1804, married Syrena Lydston, Litchfield, April 10, 1828. Charles, b. November 20, 1805, married Eliza A. Matthews, May, 1832. Sarah, b. December 4, 1807, married George Clough. Hiram, b. December 4, 1809. Lived in Brewer. Lydia, b. May 11, 1812, married Benj. Huntington, April 25, 1831. Elizabeth, b. March 18, 1815, married James Doyle of Bowdoin, Octo- ber 19, 1834. Louisa, b. March 30, 1817, married Chas. Pierce of Newton, Mass. George A., b. April 21, 1821, married Fanny —————._ Lived in Mass. Henry Chick, son of Jotham, lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Lewiston. Children of Henry and Syrena (Lydston) Chick: Naomi, b. January 4, 1829, died in April, 1831. John L., b. September 1, 1831, died November 5, 1833. Arabine A., b. May 16, 1833, married Geo. H. Harwood. Abagail D., b. May 22, 1835, married Henry Robinson. Lives in Lewiston. 2 Sarah G., b. May 8, 1837, married Pardon L. Whipple. Lives in New Hampshire. Ellen M., b. July 19, 1839. Lives in Oakland, California. Naomi, b. April 5, 1841. Lives in Lewiston, Maine. John H., b. May 22, 1843, died during the war in Libby prison. Alfred G., b. August 13, 1845, married Helen Mitchell. Lives in North Hebron, N. Y. Was graduated from Bates in 1870. Pastor of Baptist church. Elizabeth C., b. February 25, 1847, died April 25, 1850. William O., b. May 25, 1851. Lives in Chicago, IIl. Charles Chick, son of Jotham, lived on his father’s farm where his son, George F. now lives. He died March 5, 1880. Children of Charles and Eliza A. (Matthews) Chick: Julia A., b. July 4, 1833, died March 26, 1869. z EARLY SETTLERS. 79 George Frank, b. April 2, 1836. Lives on home place. Mary A., b. August 15, 1837, married Stephen Fitz. Lived in Haver- hill, Mass. Died November 21, 1884. Chas. Harrison, b. October 24, 1839. Lives in California. CHURCH. Jonathan Church was born in Gardiner, February 23, 1773, son of Ebenezer and Sarah (Winslow) Church. Married Char- ity Daniels, and moved to Purgatory Mills about 1796. He lived there several years. Children of Jonathan and Charity (Daniels) Church: Sally, b. February 11, 1798, died October, 1801. Rufus, b, August 1, 1799. James, b, June 12, 1801. Ebenezar, b. December 24, 1805. Lydia, b. January 20, 1808. These were born in Litchfield and then they moved to Can- ada where others were born. CLARK. Samuel Clark was born in Topsham, October 26, 1760. He was the son of Robert Clark, born in Topsham, April 30, 1735, and the grand-son of Samuel and Martha Clark, who came to Brunswick from Ireland. Samuel Clark married, first, Dia- dama Ingraham, May 7, 1780 and after her decease he married Elizabeth Baker, June 15, 1786, daughter of Barnabus, Sen. He came to Litchfield as early as 1785. Took up the farm now occupied by his grand-son Sumner Clark. He built a grist mill on his farm about 1789, which was run by his son Samuel, and his grand-son Sumner. The mill is still on the farm. James and David Clark, brothers of Samuel, lived in town several years, but moved back to Topsham. James sold his farm to John Lydston, January 2, 1805. Several of Samuel’s children moved to Mascow, Me., among them Robert and Joseph. Joseph had a son Joseph, who was the father of the Hon. Omar Clark, and W. H. Clark, both of Car- ratunk. Samuel Clark died April 9, 1842. Children of Samuel and Diadama (Ingraham) Clark: _ Polly, b. June 5, 1781, married William Stevens, moved to Moscow. Eleanor, b. October 12, 1782, married Dr. Edmund Dow. 80 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Robert, b. April 7, 1784, moved to Moscow, married Lois Varney. , Joseph, b. December 13, 1785, married 1st, Sarah Hunt; 2nd, Mehita- ‘ble Wood, moved to Moscow. Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Baker) Clark: Mercy, b. April 21, 1787, died October to, 1788. Samuel, b. August 5, 1789, married Eleanor Pratt. Mehitable, b. August 8, 1793, married John Colby. Mercy, b. June 26, 1795, married Samuel Harlow. Margaret, b. October 30, 1797, died March 10, 1822. William, b. May 1, 1800, died July 18, 1801. Elizabeth, b. February 17, 1802, married Benj. Flanders. Lived in Richmond. ‘ Jane, b. October 25, 1804, married Ist, Judah Baker; 2d, Richard H. Libby. Cordelia, b. June 16, 1809, died young. Samuel Clark, . Jr., married Eleanor Pratt, November 26, 1811, and lived on the home farm. Died April 15, 1869. Children of Samuel and Eleanor (Pratt) Clark: Ingraham, b. March 21, 1813, married Amanda Mitchell. Lived in Richmond. Died January 26, 1827. Dorathea, b. June 30, 1815, married Zenus Harmon. Lived in Rich- mond, John, b. March 13, 1817, died December 7, 1833. Mary E., b. February 6, 1820, married Charles Flagg. Lived in Bow- doin. ; Clarinda, b. November 26, 1826, died May 4, 1846. Olive J., b. December 31, 1821, married Jonathan Dunlap. Lived in Bowdoin. Sumner, b. January 4, 1830, married Caroline Brimijohn. Cordelia, b. August 12, 1832, married Samuel Kittridge. Lived in Hallowell. Margaret, b. October 19, 1834. Lives in New York. Alice A., b. February 11, 1838, married William Kendrick, Lives in New York. Sumner Clark, son of Samuel Jr., lives on the home place. Children of Sumner and Caroline (Brimijohn) Clark: John A., b. January 15, 1860, married Josephine O’Connell. Lives in ‘Boston, Mass. Willard F., b. April 3, 1862, died September 20, 1864. Nellie E., b. December 9, 1865, married William Dingley. Lives in ‘Boston. Samuel T., b. May 25, 1868. Lives with his father. EARLY SETTLERS. 81 CLASON. Pell Clason, son of Charles and Hannah (Hudson) Clason, and the seventh generation from Stephen and Elizabeth (Peri- ment) Clason, who were married in Stamford, Conn., Novem- ber 11, 1654, was born in Waterbury, Vermont, March 18, 1821. He married Sarah Temple, daughter of Elijah and Annie (Whitcomb) Temple, May 29, 1849, and moved to Litchfield, in May 1851, upon the Randall Robinson farm located upon the pond road. He moved to Gardiner in 1861, when he went into the army, and died in Gardiner, January 7, 1892. Children of Pell and Sarah (Temple) Clason: Oliver B., b. September 28, 1850, married Lizzie J. Trott, April 30, 1884. : Sarah E., b. June 30, 1852, died March 4, 1864. Pell Russell, b. July 13, 1855, married Eliza B. Tibbetts, June 30, 1878. Annie L., b. March 11, 1862, died February 23, 1863. Oliver B. Clason was graduated from Bates College class 1877, and was admitted to Kennebec county bar, in 1881, and is now a practicing attorney in Gardiner, Maine. One of the trustees of the State Normal school four years, and is one of the trustees of Bates College; was representative to the legisla- ture two terms, mayor of Gardiner three years, a member of Governor Cleaves council two’ years and is a member of the Senate from Kennebec county, 1897-8. Pell Russell Clason was graduated from Bates College, class of 1877, and from Bowdoin Medical School, class of 1882. Practiced his profession in Gardiner, Me., until his decease, October 31, 1886. CLEAVES. Three brothers by the name of Cleaves came to Litchfield about 1795. Their names were Robert, William, and Jeremiah; sons of Robert and Mary Cleaves of Brunswick, Me. Robert, born March 12, 1769, married Sophia Smith, November 23, 1803, and lived and died at Litchfield Plains. RosBERT CLEAVES. Children of Robert and Sophia (Smith) Cleaves: Mary, b. February 21, 1806, died April 30, 1851. Elsie, b. January 4, 1808, married Jesse Lambard. Robert, b, 1809, died 1821. Asaenath B., b. August 17, 1811, died in Gardiner, May 16, 1874. 6 82 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD Wm. CLEAVES. William Cleaves, born June 7, 1772, married Bethiah Nick- erson, February 11, 1798, and lived at the Plains, where W. F. Adams, Esq.,now lived for several years, and then moved to San- gerville, in 1830. He was the second postmaster in town, being appointed in 1810. Children of William and Bethiah (Nickerson) Cleaves: John S., b. November 6, 1798, married Eliza B. Parsons January 1, 1831. Lived in Sangerville and Newport. William, b. August 8, 1810, and several other children, all of whom died while young. JEREMIAH CLEAVES. Jeremiah, after living several years at the Plains in 1818 moved to Topsham and in 1830 to Sangerville. He married Ist, Mary Chase, who died in Litchfield December 26, 1813, aged 30 years; 2nd, Rachel Hinkley, December 9, 1814. Jeremiah died February 10, 1859 aged 85 years. Rachel, his wife, died Jan- uary 8, 1863. Children of Jeremiah and Mary (Chase) Cleaves: Mary Smith, b. January 3, 1798. Died in Boston unmarried. Children of Jeremiah and Rachel (Hinkley) Cleaves: " Sally F., b. February 14, 1816, married Mark Ames. Died 1873. Harvey S., b. August 19, 1818, married and settled in Abbot, Me. Died August 19, 1889. Theophilus, b. June 28, 1820, married Vesta Hardy. Lives in Sanger- ville. Jeremiah D., b. August 21, 1822, married Betsey Davis. Lives in Sangerville. David T., b. May 28, 1824, married Cyrene Walton. Lives in Sanger- ville. Mary S., b. May 20, 1827, married ist, John Weymouth; 2nd, Darius Cass. Lives in Dover, Me. Samuel H., b. June 5, 1828. Lives in Sangerville. Chas. H., b. April 8, 1830, married Eliza Faunce. Lives in Sangerville. Rachel B., b. December 29, 1832. Lives in Sangerville. Robert D., b. December 23, 1834, died August 29, 1840. Julia F., b. December 20, 1839, married J. J. Thomas. Lives in Sangerville. There was a Samuel Cleaves in town, who married, March 1 7 1805, Polly Huntington. CLIFFORD. Joseph Clifford, son of Benjamin and Mary (Prince) Clifford, was born in Minot and moved to Litchfield early in the present EARLY SETTLERS. 83 century. Wasa miller by trade, and run the mill at Purgatory, and also at the Plains. He married Polly Neal, daughter of John and Betsey (Hutchinson) Neal. He died September 21, 1871, aged 79 vears. Children of Joseph and Polly (Neal) Clifford: John Neal, b. February 21, 1816, married 1st, Mary J. Hill; 2d, Cli- mena Glidden; 3rd, Lizzie Fogg. Lived in Augusta. Samuel Neal, b. December 9, 1819, died in the South when a young man. Elizabeth Neal, b. May 31, 1825, married James I. Plummer. Lived in Augusta. Hannah F., b. March, 1829, married Joel Mason. Lived in Augusta. CLOUGH. Isaiah Clough, son of Samuel and Sarah (Estes) Clough of Durham, Me., was one of the early settlers in Litchfield. He died September 12, 1865, aged 76 years, 8 months. Mary, his wife, died September 2, 1880, aged go years. Children of Isaiah and Mary (Haskell) Clough: Ira, b. August 28, 1811, married Ist, Mary J. Vining; 2nd, Caroline French. Susannah, b. August 22, 1813, died August 23, 1821. Cordelia, b. February 4, 1816, married Rev. Samuel Hathon. Died July 5, 1886. Tobias Clark, b. June 27, 1818, died October 9, 1845. Charles O., b. October 16, 1820, married Vesta A. Dyer. Lived in West Gardiner. Rufus, b. November 10, 1822, married Frances A. Blanchard. Lived in Chelsea. Marinda, b. May 17, 1825, married Leander Trask. Lived in Mon- mouth. Died September 12, 1890. Alpheus, b. September 28, 1827, died October 6, 1853. Greenlief H., b. July 16, 1829, died October 4, 1850. Emma Jane, b. May 23, 1831, married Benjamin Hopkins. Lived in West Gardiner. Orrin S., b. June 19, 1833, died November 12, 1845. Sarah Matilda, b. June 25, 1835, married Artis L. King. Children of Ira and Mary J. (Vining) Clough: \ Mary J., wife of Ira, died September 19, 1855, aged 43 years. Emily A., b. December 10, 1837, died March 28, 1846. Harrison T., b. December 16, 1840, married Maria Campbell. Delia T., b. November 19, 1843, died July 12, 1866. Charles O., b. April 20, 1847, married Annie Lombard. Lives in West Gardiner. Emily Augusta, b. October 3, 1849, died July 19, 1870. Herbert, b. May 18, 1853, married 1st, Mary Sanford; 2d, Eva Wads- worth. 84 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. COCHRAN. Dr. William Cochran, son of Deacon William and Sarah Cochran, was born in Edgecomb, Me., in 1808. | Graduated ‘from Bowdoin Medical School, class of 1833; located at Litch- field Corner, in 1835. He married Sarah Patterson, born in Newcastle, Me., April 26, 1814, died in Litchfield, May 10, 1865. He died December 31, 1887. Children of William and Sarah (Patterson) Cochran: Melville A., b. July 18, 1836, married rst, Laura E. Pray; 2nd, Kate S. Madison. William O, b. January 21, 1838, died October 16, 1861. Laura O, b. November 3, 1841, married Capt. Ezekiel D. Percy, lives in Harpswell, Me. One child, Lottie S. Melville A. Cochran was graduated from Bowdoin College, class 1862. He had a brilliant military record. Now colonel of 6th regiment, stationed at Fort Thomas, Newport, Ky. Tuomas CoLsy. Thomas Colby was one of the earliest settlers of Litchfield. He came from New Hampshire and lived beyond the Corner. Married Jane Neal, daughter of John and Mary Neal,, in 1780. She died in 1794. He then married Eunice Watson, Octo- ber, 1796. He died March 23, 1806, aged 42 years. Mr. Colby was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisting near the close of the war, at the age of 16 years. Eunice, his wife, died January ~ 28, 1861. Children of Thomas and Jane (Neal) Colby: David, b. May 19, 1790, died June 19, 1868. Abigail, b. April 27, 1792, died December 22, 1863. Children of Thomas and Eunice (Watson) Colby: Jane, b. August 7, 1797, married Rufus Clark. Lived in Hallowell and Pittston. Died in Gardiner, April 16, 1878. Eunice, b. March 21, 1799, died in West Gardiner. Betsey, b. February 1, 1801, married Philip Jenkins. Died in Wales, July 2, 1861. Stephen, b. December 30, 1803. Went down East and died there in 1850. Serviah, b. February 19, 1805, died June 4, 1834. EZEKIEL D. PERCY. CAPT. CAPT. EZEKIEL DRUMMOND PERCY. Capt. Ezekiel Drummond Percy. While the town of Phippsburg claims Capt. Percy as her son by right of his birthplace, yet his mar- riage to one of Litchfield’s daughters and his residence in town since that event makes him a many years citizen and the one, we think, who can most fully represent the United States Navy or Merchant Marine service. Capt. Percy, son of Capt. Ellis and Elizabeth Percy, was born in the lower part of the town of Phippsburg August 13, 1830, where he lived until twelve years of age, attending the district school, and doing the little a child of that age was capable of doing on a farm. Being one of a large family, he commenced a seafaring life, as had his father and older brothers before him. From the foot of the nautical ladder he rose, round by round until in 1851 he took command of a vessel, remaining in Merchant Marine service until the war of 1861 when he offered his services to the government, was commissioned as acting master and ordered to Brooklyn navy yard, where he remained until February, 1862. At this date he was ordered to United States ship Cayuga and sailed in March for the West Gulf Squadron. Here he was kept on blockade duty until attacks were made on the forts on Missis- sippi river, where the Cayuga was selected by Commodore Bailey as flag- ship to lead the second division. At the capture of the city of New Orleans, Com. Bailey was called to make the demand for the surrender and George H. Perkins, the executive officer, with Capt. Percy were his chosen aids. After the surrender, the Cayuga was selected as bearer of dispatches to the North and arrived at Fortress Monroe the same day as did President Lincoln, and there Capt. Percy had the pleasure of meeting the beloved President. He remained in the service until the close of the war holding position of executive officer and in command during this time. In June, 1864, occurred the marriage of Capt. Percy to Miss Laura Orr Cochran, only daughter of Dr. William and Sarah P. Cochran of Litchfield Corner, and here he made his home. In 1867, he went to Japan and was connected with the Japanese navy, taking command of the yacht that the Queen of England presented to the Micado of Japan. He also took the first embassy from Tokio to Yokohama, also the first to leave the empire. Later he was the second white man to visit the Foo-Choo Islands, taking the first money to and the first embassy from the said islands. In 1880 owing to ill health Capt. Percy was obliged to leave the empire and return to his Litchfield home. He was always interested in the welfare of the town. He has been connected with Masonic orders for the past thirty years and was the first commander of Libby Post, G. A. R., when organized at Litch- field Corner. In 1888, having purchased the Cliff house in Harpswell, Capt. Percy with his family moved thither where he has passed the time between his Litchfield home and the one on the banks of the New Meadows river. EARLY SETTLERS. 85 Joun Cosy. John Colby, son of William and Annie Colby, was born in Wales in 1792. He married Mehitable Clark. Lived in Rich- mond and then in Litchfield. He died March 4, 1866. Mehit- able died March 14, 1883, aged gi years and 7 months. Children of John and Mehitable (Clark) Colby: James, b. May 12, 1817, married. Mary Foster. Samuel Clark, b. May 2, 1819, married Rachel Ferrin. Jane L., b. September 14, 1830, married Daniel Blake. Rey. JAmes Cosy. Rev. James Colby, son of John and Mehitable Colby, was a minister and farmer. He lived in Richmond until 1848, when he moved to Litchfield, where he lived until his death, Novem- ber 21, 1869. His wife died February 7, 1889. Children of James and Mary (Foster) Colby: Carlista A., b. October 7, 1839, married Dr, A. F. Plimpton. Lives in Gardiner. Susan, b. January 7, 1841, died September 12, 1857. Mary A., b. December 7, 1842, died August, 1848. George W., b. December 23, 1845, died August, 1848. Thomas S., b. March 5, 1848, married rst, Josephine Esponnett; 2nd, Laura Dingley. David, b. March 30, 1850, died October 22, 1850. Ida, b. May 28, 1852, married Ist, Frank D. Farrow; 2nd, George W. Gardiner. Lives in Gardiner. Clara Ellen, b. April 28, 1855, died March 5, 1856. Franklin, b. July 15, 1857, died March 19, 1859. Benj. F., b. June 22, 1859, married Belle Peacock. Clara B., b. May 4, 1861. Lives in Gardiner. John M., b. February 29, 1864. Died in Gardiner, May 1897. Cousy. Thomas Colby, son of James, lives on the Andrew Blake place. Children of Thomas and Josephine (Esponnett) Colby: Mary, b. November 14, 1872. Lives in Gardiner. Benjamin F. Colby, son of James, lives on his father’s place. Children of Benj. F. and Belle (Peacock) Colby: Lottie, b. May 12, 1878. Ethel, b. December 2, 1884. James A., b. January 9, 1887. Mertie, b. September 23, 1888. Mina,, b. May 11, 1891. 86 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Rev. SAMUEL C. CoLsy. Samuel C. Colby, son of John and Mehitable, was a Free Baptist minister and a farmer. He lived several years in Litch- field and died in West Gardiner, February 16, 1876. , Children of Samuel C. and Rachel (Ferrin) Colby: Charles E., b. October 28, 1854, married Lizzie Walker. Lives in West Gardiner. ' COLLINS. Paul Collins, son of Samuel and Hannah (Dow) Collins, was born in Weir, N. H., in 1772. He married Mary Winslow. Came to what was then Litchfield (now Manchester)-in 1803. He died in December, 1864. His wife died November 9, 1858, aged 81 years. They were Friends, and were buried in the Friends’ burying ground. Children of Paul and Mary (Winslow) Collins: Ruth, b. July 28, 1801, married Jacob Sampson. Lived in Manchester, Maine. George, b. March 31, 1803, married Huldah Dow. Lived in Readfield. Isaac, b. March 19, 1805. Samuel, b. 1807, married Clarissa French; 2nd, Mary (Leavitt) Wood. Levi, b. March 11, 1809, married Sarah Jane Adams. Lived in Augusta. Anna W., b, February 26, 1811, married John G. Phinney. Cyrus B., b. April 17, 1816, married Ist, Ruth B. Estes, daughter of Israel Estes; 2nd, Cornelia Torrey. Lives in Manchester. John, b. April 17, 1816, married Emily ‘Winslow. Lived in West Gardiner, Me. Irene, b. 18109. Cyrus COLLINS. Cyrus, son of Paul, lived in that part of Litchfield afterwards set off to Manchester. Children of Cyrus B. and; Ruth B. (Estes) Collins: John H., b. August 17, 1843, married Sophia Sampson. Sumner W., b. October 3, 1849. Lives in Castle Rock, Washington. Children by second wife, Cornelia Torrey: James T., b. March 25, 1861, married Mary Haskell. Grace L., b. December 14, 1866, married S. Lewis Counce. Lives in Augusta. JoHNn COoLtins. John, son of Paul, lived in that part of Litchfield annexed to West Gardiner. EARLY SETTLERS. 87 Children of John and Emily (Winslow) Collins: Frank S., b. July 31, 1854, married Ist, Minnie Leavitt; 2nd, Nellie Perkins. Alice M., b. March 9, 1857, married J. W. Larrabee. Lives in Revere, Mass. Ferdie W., b. 1868, died when 17 months old. Cook. Saul Cook was born in Marshfield, Mass., May, 1758. Mar- ried Elizabeth Snow in Gorham, Me., in 1781. He was a Rev- olutionary soldier. He took up the farm now occupied by Hon. Oramandal Smith, and lived there until his decease, January 8, 1846. He was an excellent Christian man and was much beloved. Elizabeth, his wife, died 1840 aged 78 years. Children of Saul and Elizabeth (Snow) Cook: Mercey, b. January 30, 1782, married Simeon Tryon. Lived in Pownel. Barnabus, b. April 15, 1784, married Lydia (Williams) Adams. Betsey, b. December 4, 1785, married Blake. Dorcas, b. March 6, 1788, married Elijah Nickerson. Lived in Guil- ford, Maine. Thankful, b. June 16, 1791, married Esdras Nickerson. Samuel, b. August 14, 1793. Soldier in the war of 1812. Died in Litchfield, August 1, 1854. Martha, b. March 28, 1797, married John Smith. Jane, b. February, 1800, married Simeon Tryon. Barnabas Cook, son of Saul Cook, lived next north of Cook homestead. He married Lydia (Williams) Adams, and died in Ohio, while on a visit there. Lydia died April 17, 1861 aged 78 years. Their children: James W., b. February 26, 1808, married Margaret Jack. Mary, b. April 29, 1812, married, William C. Smith. Rebecca, b. December 27, 1813, married Rev. George Douglass. Samuel, b. 1816, lives in Bowdoin. James W., son of Barnabas, lived at the Plains. He died April 6, 1864. Margaret, his wife, died May 31, 1862, aged 58 years. Children of James W. and Margaret (Jack) Cook: Mary A., b. January 13, 1828, died December 9, 1849. James H., b. April 1st, 1833, died in Mass. Philinda, b. February 15, 1835, married Albert Orr. Lives in Bruns- wick. 88 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Eliza J., b. March 10, 1837, married William Lancaster, lives in Richmond. Nancy E., b. February 7, 1839, married Watson Foster; 2nd, John P. Lancaster. William W., b. November 10, 1841, died in late war, April 1st, 1863. Victoria, b., March 23, 1845, married Joseph Call. Lives in Rich- mond, Maine. COOPER. | William B. Cooper was born March 10, 1761, moved to Litch- field from Fox Island before 1800, and lived beyond True’s cove, on discontinued road running from Purgatory to Monmouth. He married Annie Whalen. She was born August 15, 1762, and died November 19, 1845. : Their children: Levi, b ——————_. Died in War of 1812. James, b. Thomas, b. May 12, 1798, married Sally Glass. Harriet, b. March 1, married — Potter. Lived in Boston. Catherine, married Stephen Gray. Deborah, married John Hall, moved to Clinton. Thomas Cooper lived near his father’s and was killed acci- dentally November 6, 1830. Children of Thomas and Sally (Glass) Cooper: Elizabeth A., b. June 18, 1823, married Jeremiah Morton. Lives in Waltham, Mass. Thomas, b. May 19, 1825. Lost at sea on voyage home from Cali- fornia in 1856. William, b. June 3, 1827, married. Lost at sea in 1855. Lived in Boston. : Adaline, b. April 6, 1829, married Chas. Pushard of Dresden. Nancy P., b. April 26, 1831, married Ezekiel F. Willett. Died Jan- ‘uary 10, 1871. ; CoTTon, John Cotton was the second son of Leonard Hoar Cotton and was born in Hampton, Mass., in 1726. He is said to have been sent by his father, who was a school teacher, to England to be educated. He married Hannah Hodgkins in Brunswick, Me., June 28, 1767. He came to Litchfield in 1784 and died there May 21, 1824. His wife died October 29, 1827. Children of John and Hannah (Hodgkins) Cotton: Bridget Hannah, b. July 14, 1768. Dorothy, b. December 11, 1770, died 1772. EARLY SETTLERS. 89 Leonard Hoar, b. June 6, 1772. Mary, b. February 27, 1774. Alicia, b. January 6, 1776, married Deacon Thomas Smith. Cox. Artemas Cox came from Cambridge, Mass., to Litchfield in 1785, and settled in the Ferrin district, on the farm occupied afterwards by his son-in-law, Eliphalet Allen. He married Sally Flagg of Cambridge, Mass. She died December 25, 1850, aged 96 years. Children of Artemas and Sally (Flagg) Cox: Annie, b. 1788, married Eliphlet Allen. Sally, b. 1790, married Jeremiah Bridge. Nathaniel, an adopted son, married Marcia Cox. Nathaniel died April 28, 1870, aged 84. Marcia, his wife, died July 20, 1873, aged 84 years. ZEBULON CRAM. Zebulon Cram, son of Jacob and Isabel (Cunningham) Cram, was born in Lyndsboro, N. H., March 29, 1772. In 1800 he came to Litchfield and settled at Purgatory. He married Annise Hutchinson and died February 11, 1852. | Their children: Rebecca, b. May 10, 1799, died unmarried. John H., b. December 22, 1800, married Eliza Davis March 3, 1835. Anna, b. July 28, 1815, died unmarried. John H., son of Zebulon Cram, lived for awhile at Cram’s Mills, and then moved to Purgatory. He died April 23, 1868. He had one son, David T., born August 5, 1842, who married Adaline R. Fuller and lives at Purgatory. He is a carriage maker and is assisted by his two sons. Children of David T. and Adeline R. (Fuller) Cram: Annie E., b. February 20, 1864, married Edgar D. Tucker. Lives in West Gardiner. Ervin D., b. June 21, 1871. Percy M., b. November 5, 1876. Jacop Cram, Jr. Jacob Cram, Jr., brother of Zebulon, came to Litchfield in 1793; built what is called Cram’s Mills, now in West Gardiner. He was born in Lyndsboro, N. H., November 23, 1765;. mar- go TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ried Martha Doak September 25, 1787. He died January 16, 1815. ‘Martha, his wife, died February 6, 1835, aged 64 years. Children of Jacob and Martha (Doak) Cram: William, b. February 16, 1788, married 1st, Zoah Moody; 2d, Lucinda White. Betsey, b. November, 1789, married Stephen Pillsbury. Died March 2, 1856. John, b. November, 1791, died in Boston August 20, 1823. Married Louiza Benjamin, September 16, 1820. Samuel, b. February, 1794, died May 27, 1805. Stephen, b. September, 1796, married Hannah Wilson, died in Top- sham, Me., October 24, 1885. Sarah E., b. January, 1799, married Ist, Joseph Norris; 2d, Archi- bald Horn. October 8, 1882. Nancy, b. December, 1801, married Charles French. Died 1878. Fannie, b. November, 1804, married James Gordon Judkins. Lived in Monmouth. Died February 5, 1856. Samuel E., b. February, 1806, died August 16, 1817. Alvin, b. August, 1808, died in 1810. Wiliam Cram, son of Jacob Cram, lived in Litchfield until his death, November 13, 1843. Zoah, his wife, died August 7, 1823, aged 30 years. Children of William and Zoah (Moody) Cram: Zoah M., b. August 7, 1823, married Henry B. Sanborn. ” Children of William and Lucinda (White) Cram: Lucinda W., b. February 14, 1832, married Moses W. Farr. Lives in Augusta. CRANE. Ebenezer D. Crane was born in Walpole, Mass., in 1799. He came to Litchfield in 1820, and worked for E. Plimpton & Sons. He married Joanna B. True, daughter of Thomas and Perme- lia True. He died March 25, 1886. Joanna B., died September 24, 1854. Children of Ebenezer and Joanna B. (True) Crane: Henry P., b. February 1, 1825, married Mary Weaver, lives in Zans- ville, Wis. Laura M. P., b. January 20, 1827. Susan G., b. November 15, 1828. ‘ Clarissa B., b. February 2, 1831, died May 1, 1831. Amanda, b. July 10, 1832, married G. W. Horton. Lives in Pomona, Cal. George W., b. November 25, 1834, married Lucinda Reed. Died May 4, 1874. Julia T., b. July, 1837, died December 4, 1856. EARLY SETTLERS. gI WILLIAM CRAWFORD. William Crawford, son of Thomas and Mary (Smith) Craw- ford, was born in Boston August 7, 1758, and came to Litch- field from Bath and settled on what was known later as the Hop- kins place, north of Hatch’s Corner, so called, in 1786. William lived in Litchfield until 1825, when he moved to Libby Hill, so called, in Gardiner. He was a pilot, and piloted the first large steamer that ever came up the Kennebec to Gar- diner. His first wife was Susannah Smith, daughter of Joseph and Susannah (Williams) Smith, and after her decease, in May, 1818, he married widow Patty (Campbell) Niles, September 3, 1820. He died October 3, 1841, aged 83 years, and Patty, his wife, died October 3, 1862, aged 86 years. He was a Revolu- tionary soldier. Children of William and Susannah (Smith) Crawford: Robert, b. August 13, 1790, married Rebecca Biake. William, b., March 17, 1793, married Susannah Williams. Died at sea. John, b. July 7, 1795, married Mercy Parling. He died in Gardiner, October 30, 1888. Joseph, b. October 18, 1799, died when a young man. A soldier of 1812. Samuel, b. March 1, 1803. Children by second wife, Widow Patty (Campbell) Crawford: William Bradstreet, August 11, 1822, married Elizabeth J. Osgood. Lives in Holden, Me. Robert, son of William, lived in town several years, then moved to Bath, Maine, where he died July 11, 1833. Children of Robert and Rebecca (Blake) Crawford: Caroline, b. November 22, 1812, died March 2, 1813. Alonzo D., b. 1825, married 1st, Elizabeth Thompson; 2nd, Susan J. Walker, August 11, 1866. Died April 26, 1870. Robert, married Patience Hildreth. JosEPH CRAWFORD. Joseph Crawford, nephew of William Crawford, the old set- tler, came to Litchfield with his uncle in 1786, and lived there until his marriage with Sally Perry of Bowdoinham, in 1816, when he moved across the pond in what is now Richmond, in place since known as Edward Peacock farm. He was lost at sea. 92 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. CROOKER. John S. Crooker, son of Zaccheus and Polly (Merritt) Crooker, and grandson of Israel and Hannah Crooker, was born in Bath, Me., August 20, 1815. He married Susan Curtis and moved to Litchfield in 1843, and lived on Oak Hill several years. He afterwards moved to California, where he died January to, 1894, at Valley Ford, Sonomo county. Susan, his wife, died in Yarmouthville, Me., December 16, 1851, Children of John S. and Susan (Curtis) Crooker: Louisa, b. September 8, 1840, married Wm. C. Haskell. Died in ‘Yarmouthville, Me., March 12, 1887. Annie L., b. June 5, 1842, died in Salinas Monteray 60, California, December 25, 1890. : Susan J., b. April 18, 1843, married Wm. A. Baker. Lives in New- castle, California. Mary E., b, March 17, 1845, died June 4, 1848. Zaccheus, b. January 27, 1847. Lives in Los Angeles, California. John C., b. 1849, died September, 1852. CUNNINGHAM. Rev. Daniel Cunningham was born in Harpswell, Me., Sep- tember 8, 1758. He was the son of George Cunningham, who was also a Baptist minister. Mr. Cunningham located early at South Litchfield. He married, first, Jane Hayden; second, Elizabeth M., daughter of Rev. James Potter, a Baptist clergy- man, April 8, 1784. Daniel died in Litchfield, December 20, 1846. Children of Daniel and Jane (Hayden) Cunningham: Marion, b. February 7, 1781, married Richard Varney. George, b. September 18, 1782, died at sea, December 24, 1709. Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Potter) Cunningham: Betsey, b. May 1, 1785, married Xerces Campbell. Edward, b. March 1, 1787, married Ruth Holbrook nee Thompson. Isabella, b. October 1, 1789, married Hezekiah Richardson. Mark, b. December 17, 1791, married Abagail Hutchinson. Catharine, b. January 30, 1793, married William Hutchinson. Mary, b. November 17, 1794, married William Huntington. James, b. June 24, 1708. Daniel, b. August 24, 1801, married 1st, Mary Buffee, December 5, 1822; 2d, Martha Neal, November 8, 1826; 3d, Sophronia Hinkley, February 21, 1842. Cordelia, b. September 13, 1804, married John Davis, July 21, 1821. EARLY SETTLERS. 93 DANIEL CUNNINGHAM, JR. Daniel, Jr., lived near his father’s, and died September 27, 1886. Children of Daniel, Jr., and Martha (Neal) Cunningham: Melvin, b. November 14, 1827, married Parmelia B. Kinsley. Died August 2, 1865. William M., b. October 28, 1829, married Julia Sayward. Lived in Litchfield. Ruel W., b. April 19, 1832, married Emma F. Williams, daughter of Simeon and Mary A. Williams. - Ursula, b. April 19, 1834, died December 26, 1852. Thomas Jefferson, b, April 11, 1836, died in 1836. Abagail, b, April 10, 1838, married Oliver Caswell. Martha, b., August, 1840, died September, 1840. Children of Daniel, Jr., and Sophronia (Hinkley) Cunningham: Mary E., b. March 10, 1843, died September 30, 1843. Daniel, b. June 1, 1849, died November 15, 1852. Ruth F., b. August 20, 1850, died May 13, 1881. Daughter, b. June 2, 1852, died July 11, 1852. Children of William M., son of Daniel, Jr., and Julia (Sayward) Cun- ningham: : Ernest, b. December 27, 1861, died September 29, 1883. Willie S., b. February 27, 1869, died August 22, 1871. Ruel W., son of Daniel, Jr., lived on his father’s place. Children of Ruel W. and Emma F. (Williams) Cunningham: Mattie A., b. March 29, 18609. Willie E., b. November 10, 1872. Marx CUNNINGHAH. Children of Mark, son of Daniel, Senior, and Abagail (Hutchinson) Cunningham: James H., b. June 21, 1815, married Elizabeth A. Little. Sally, b. May 26, 1817. Betsey, b. April, 1819. Daty. Lorenzo T. Daly, son of Dr. Abial and Betsey (Shaw) Daly, was born in Wales, Me., September 9, 1805, Married, first, Margaret Chase, daughter of Nathaniel; second, Parmelia Brown, daughter of Josiah, of Monmouth, in June, 1832. He commenced a grocery and general store trade at the Plains in 1829, and was engaged in business there and at the Corner for some 12 years. He afterwards moved to Topsham, where he died December 15, 1861. He was register of deeds for Sagada- hoc county. 04, TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. DANFORTH. Abner Danforth, a Revolutionary soldier, and his sons Enoch, Samuel and Isaac Danforth, moved to Litchfield in 1822, from Harpswell, and settled on the farm now occupied by Asa Nut- ting, Ensign Danforth and Alanson Danforth, on Oak Hill. Abner was born in 1760 and was a grand-son of Francis Dan- forth, who lived at Kennebunkport in 1730. He married Chris- tianna Eaton of Brunswick. Enocu DANFORTH. Enoch was born in Brunswick, February 14, 1789, and died in Litchfield, December 6, 1872. He married, first, Annie D. Cotton, who died November 26, 1838; second, Abagail White, who died September 29, 1848; third, Rebecca Higgins. She died in 1876. , Children of Enoch and Annie D. (Cotton) Danforth: William H., b. December 17, 1821, married Mary J. Harrington. He died in 1883. Orrin, b. February, 1825, died May 26, 1883, unmarried. Abner S., b. October 20, 1828, married Margaret Marr, lives in Gardi- ner, Me. Dexter W., b. April, 1832, married Eliza L. Dingley of Litchfield. George F., b. July 30, 1835, died April 13, 1839. Dexter, son of Enoch, lived on Oak Hill. He died October 5, 1890. { ‘Children of Dexter and Eliza L. (Dingley) Danforth: Eliza A., b. December 22, 1864, married Frank Carr, Monmouth, Me. Nelson, b. July 26, 1866, died November 2, 1891. Alanson F., b. December 13, 1868, lives on the home place. Clara A., b. September 21, 1871,, married Edmund Hall. Lives in Wales, Me. Frank P., b. December 30, 1874. Vinton W., b. February 10, 1877. Ervin W., b. September 19, 1884. SAMUEL DANFORTH. Samuel, brother of Enoch Danforth, was born in Brunswick, December 15, 1799. He married Sarah Coombs. He died in October, 1864. EARLY SETTLERS. 95 Children of Samuel and Sarah (Coombs) Danforth: Elbridge C., b. January 7, 1817, married Lydia Marr. Lived in Gar- diner, Me. ‘ Jane C., b. July 12, 1821, married Asa Nutting. Ensign, b. March 7, 1823, married Ist, Eliza Segars; 2nd, Elizabeth McGray. Lucinda, b. April 28, 1825, married Joseph Richardson. Lives in Ayer, Mass. Margaret, b. April 30, 1828, died August 7, 1853. James L. b. Feb. 16, 1831, married Mary Higgins, lives in Bath, Me. Samuel, Jr., b. December 11, 1832, married Emma Jenkins. Joseph, b. February 7, 1835, died November 5, 1855. David, b. March 14, 1837, died March 11, 1830. Mary E., b. September 1, 1839, died September 3, 1848. Eliza A., b. April 14, 1843, married D. F. Curtis. Lives in Lisbon, Me. Sarah F., b. December 20, 1846, married B. C. Davis. Lives in Greene, Me. Ensign, son of Samuel Danforth, lives on Oak Hill. Children of Ensign and Eliza (Segars) Danforth: Eleanor, b. December 12, 1849, died March 23, 1851. Henry W., b. March 17, 1853, died March 14, 1872. Children of Ensign and Elizabeth (McGray) Danforth: John, b. January 15, 1857, married Mellie Blackstone. Lives in Ban- gor, Me. Charles, b. July 27, 1859, was lost at sea, February, 1887. Abbie, b. October 31, 1861, married Horace Ridley. Joseph, b. September 10, 1863. Lives in Massachusetts. Mary L., b. December 10, 1865. George, b. December 7, 1868. Jennie, b. October 2, 1870, married William R. Marston. Lives in Greene, Me. Samuel Danforth, Jr., now lives in Litchfield. Children of Samuel, Jr. and Emma (Jenkins) Danforth: Isanna, b. April 30, 1858, married Fred E. Ware.. Lives in Gardiner. Wilber, b. April 19, 1860, married Georgia Glover. Lives on Swan Island. Emery E., b. January 24, 1864, married Lydia H. Cromwell. Lives in Litchfield. Frank E., b. January 24, 1866. Lives in Litchfield. Burleigh M., b. March 4, 1868, died May 6, 1872. Edward S., b. August 4, 1870, married Mabel Carver. Emma, b. April 7, 1873, died March 28, 1876. Fred L., b. January, 1876. Nellie M., b. November 2, 1879, died December 21, 18g1. yo TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Isaac DANFORTH. Isaac Danforth, son of Abner and brother of Enoch and Samuel Danforth, came to Litchfield with his brothers and located near them. Children of Isaac and Margaret (Coombs) Danforth: Dorotha, b. March 13, 1813, married Samuel Neally. Lives in Top- sham. : Octavia, b. November 4, 1814, married James Nutting, June, 1836. Enoch, b. October 9, 1816, married and lives in Brunswick. Mary, b. July 6, 1816, married Turner Harrington. Lives in Topsham. Dorcas, married Elisha Nickerson. Lives in Brunswick. Sarah, married George Berry. Lives in Topsham. Julia, married Charles Brown. Lives in Topsham. Isaac J., married Hannah Remick. Susan, married 1st, Charles Harrington; 2nd, Cornelus Nickerson. Lives in Topsham. Tuomas Davis. Thomas Davis came to Litchfield from Falmouth, Mass., and settled on the farm now occupied by Benjamin Woodbury. He was an Englishman by birth and was a Revolutionary soldier. He married Elizabeth Doughty of Falmouth. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Babb) (Doughty) Davis: John, b. June 27, 1793, married Cordelia Cunningham. Deborah, b. July 11, 1794, married Thomas Spear. Abagail, b. July 19, 1795, married James Hutchinson. Esther, b. November 16, 1796, married Bailey Potter. Lived in West Gardiner. Margery, b. June 20, 1798, married Joseph ‘Babb. Lucy, married Nathaniel Babb. Thomas, b. 1802, married Rebecca Moore. Died September 18, 1877. Johanna, married Samuel Jack. \ John, son of Thomas Davis, lived on the farm now occupied by Henry Huntington. He was a sea captain and died at sea, — July 18, 1827. Cordelia, his wife, died March 18, 1867, aged 63 years. Children of John and Cordelia (Cunningham) Davis: John, b. October 21, 1822, married 1st, Lucy Edwards; 2nd, Martha True. William K., b. February 24, 1824. Died May 3, 1873. Cordelia, b. October 20, 1826, died February 22, 1827. EARLY SETTLERS. 97 John Davis, Jr., lived where Henry Huntington now lives. He died September 17, 1872. Children of John, Jr. and Martha (True) Davis: William E., b. June 27, 1854, married E. Loise Richards. Is a doctor in Springfield, Mass. Fred H., b. January 31, 1858. Lives in California. John Frank, b. March 30, 1860, died June 23, 1885. Nellie M., b. September 7, 1862, unmarried. Lives in Litchfield. RicHarp Davis. Richard Davis married Abagail Parker, daughter of Joseph Parker, and lived near Purgatory, where David Wilson now lives. He died June 3, 1845. Children of Richard and Abagail (Parker) Davis: Hulda, b. September 7, 1801, married Joseph Sinclair. Alice, b. June 4, 1804, married Nehemiah Wilson. Elmira, b. July 29, 1809, married Simon Gatchell. Susan, b. October 24, 1811, married Simon Nudd, August, 1836. Hampden, b. June 4, 1814, married Mary J. Butler. He died September 21, 1849. Hampden Davis, son of Richard, was a blacksmith and worked at his trade at Purgatory until his decease, September 21, 1849. Children of Hampden and Mary J. (Butler) Davis: Chas. F., b. November 29, 1842, married Sarah R. Randall, June 11, 1867. Lives in Massachusetts. Ellen, married Geo. E. Nason. Died 18096. Harriet V., married Richard B. Caldwell. Lives in Chelsea, Maine. DAWES. Rev. Ezra H. Dawes, son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Haskell) Dawes, was born. in Hallowell, Me., in 1800. After his first marriage he lived in Windham, Me., and came to Litchfield about 1830. He lived at the Plains, where he was engaged in milling, and was a Free Baptist minister. He afterward moved upon the farm now occupied by Mr. Shephard, on the Pond road. He married, first, Rebecca Frank; second, Annice (Grover) Rideout; third, Abagail Clark. He died in Detroit, Me., aged go years, 5 months, September 6, 1890. Rebecca, his wife, died March 20, 1847, aged 42 years. Annice, his wife, died May 12, 1858. 7 98 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by first wife: Sarah A., b. October 7, 1824. Lives in Massachusetts. Lucy Elizabeth, b. September 4, 1827, married, Charles Jenkins. Died in Whitman, Mass., 1878. Lyman Seavey, b. May 25, 1830. Lives in Florida. Sophia Frances, b. March 3, 1833. Lives in Richmond. Alfred, b. February 16, 1836. Lives in Chelsea, Mass. Philena, b. July 24, 1839, married William Alexander, lives in Rich- Mond, Me. Frederick, b. August 11, 1842. Lives in Hudson, Mass. Cordane Rebecca, b. November 2, 1846. Lived in South Abington, Mass. ~~ " Day. Levi Day, son of Josiah Day, who came from England about 1780, and settled in Durham, (where Levi was born in 1784,) came to Litchfield in the fall of 1813. Married Rebecca Spear of West Gardiner, and settled near Purgatory. He afterwards moved onto Oak Hill on the farm now occupied by H. Buker. He died in 1829. Rebecca, his wife, died October 24, 1868. Children of Levi and Rebecca (Spear) Day: Sally, b. July 9, 1814, married Rev. Mark Gatchell. Thaddus H., b. December 24, 1816, married Frances Brailey. Lives in Hallowell. Wealthy, b. October 22, 1807, married Hamilton Buker. Relief, b. August 20, 1819, married William H. Hall. Susanna, b. February 3, 1821, married George W. Choate. Levi, b. May 22, 1823, married Susan A. Randall. Lives in Mon- mouth, Hannah F., b. April 27, 1825, married John Hinkley. Josiah B., b. April 28, 1827, married Lucinda Powers. Cordelia, b. December 12, 1828, married G. C. Richardson. Died February 5, 1851. DENNETT. Samuel Dennett, of English parentage, married Tamson Baker, daughter of Judah Baker, and settled in Litchfield at the Corner, in 1806. He died March, 1822. Children of Samuel and Tamson (Baker) Dennett: John Dennis, b. August 16, 1807, married Sophia-Duran. Mehitable, b. December 14, 1809, married Jonathan Andrews. Lived in Gardiner. Deborah, b. June 7, 1811, married Sewell Mitchell. Lived in Gardiner, Gideon, b. April 9, 1816, died young. Matilda, married Allen P. Bickford. Lived in Gardiner. Lydia A., married Samuel Stevens. Lived in Gardiner and New Hampshire. EARLY SETTLERS. 99 John Dennis, son of Samuel Dennett, lived for many years at the Corner and then moved out West. Children of John Dennis and Sophia (Duran) Dennett: Margaret W., b. March 26, 1838. Sophia, b. April 15, 1842. George O., b. January 19, 1845. Died in army. DENNIS. Thomas Dennis was born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1630, came to Ipswich, Mass., in 1667, and married the widow of Wm. Searles, of whose estate he was administrator. He was con- stable and collector of Ipswich from 1685 to 1692. He had three children: Thomas, b. 1670; John, b. 1672; and Eliza- beth, b. 1675. Thomas, Senior, died May 23, 1706. John Dennis, son of Thomas, married, first, Hannah i and had several children,among them, Thomas Dennis, who was born May 23, 1706, and died in Ipswich April 22, 1771. His wife’s name was Martha, and they had two children: Thomas, b. February 10, 1739, and died January, 1760; John, b. May 10, 1741. John Dennis, son of Thomas, and grandson of John, lived in Ipswich until October 25, 1789, when he moved to Litchfield, Me. He was a mariner and was appointed prize master during the Revolutionary war. After he moved to Litchfield he was town treasurer many years, and also a member of the board of selectmen. He married Sallome Hodgkins May 13, 1773, and died in Litchfield April 30, 1816. Their children: John, Jr., b. October 5, 1774, died November 5, 1774. Sallome, b. December 8, 1776, married Ephraim Lord, died in Hallo- well, October 20, 1754. John, Jr., b. May 30, 1780, married 1st, Elizabeth Walker; 2nd, Harriet Sawyer. Martha, b. February 16, 1782, died September 16, 1795. Elizabeth, b. February 26, 1785, married Daniel Ring, and died Decem- ber 13, 1820. Thomas, b. November 28, 1787, married Hannah Walker. Died Jan- uary 12, 1831.. Lydia, b. April 13, 1794, died November 24, 1850. 100 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. John Dennis, Jr., was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 30, 1780, and came to what is now Litchfield in 1789, with his father’s family. They sailed from Ipswich October 25, 1789, on board the schooner Polly and arrived at the Cobbossee stream November 2, and November 3 took a canoe from Goodwin's, near what is now the New Mills, and with all the family, paddled up the Cobbossee stream, landing near what is now called Horse Shoe pond bridge, and from there went through the woods to what is now known as the Dennis farm. John Dennis, Jr., served as lieutenant in the company of which David C. Burr was captain through the War of 1812, and was stationed most of the time near St. Albans, Vermont. He was promoted captain of the company May 9, 1832. He was town treasurer 33 years, and held many town offices. November 26, 1807, he married Elizabeth Walker, who died March 27, 1833, and for his sec- ond wife, Harriet Sawyer, daughter of Joseph Sawyer. He died February 4, 1866. Children of John, Jr. and Elizabeth (Walker) Dennis: Lemuel W., b. February 1, 1809, died December 19, 1827. Nathaniel, b. September 29, 1810, married Clarissa Hall, may 19, 1833. He died May 19, 1882. Samuel William, b. March 1, 1812, died at Washington, Miss., Feb- ruary 2, 1836. John, Jr., b. August 1, 1816, married Hannah Allen. Lives in Augusta, Georgia. Thomas, b. September 13, 1822, died September 24, 1822. Children by second wife, Harriet Sawyer: David, b. June 7, 1836, married Julia Scott Bartiett. Nathaniel Dennis, son of John, Jr., was a prominent man in town, and was town treasurer many years, and also filled many places of trust. He died May 19, 1882. Children of Nathaniel and Clarissa (Hall) Dennis: Elizabeth, b. March 13, 1834, died July 11, 1848. Samuel William, b. October 16, 1836. Lives in San Francisco. Samuel William, son of Nathaniel, is a dentist of considerable note, was graduated from the Medical School of Philadelphia asan M.D. For several years he was dean of the Dental Col- lege in San Francisco. He is married and has four children, three now living. CAPT, NATHANIEL DENNIS. NATHANIEL DENNIS. The record of the Dennis genealogy in America begins with the group of sturdy old pioneers of New England who have made the history of the United States famous for all time with their deeds of heroism and bravery, and illustrious by that singleness of purpose, unyielding integrity, and marked intelligence, which gave to New Eng- land that prominence in shaping the destinies of the great republic which she so richly deserves and has so signally retained to the present time. His direct ancestor, Thomas Dennis, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1630 and came to Ipswich, Mass., in 1667, where he married, and his son John had a son Thomas who was born in Ipswich in 1706 and died there in 1771. He left a son, John Dennis, born in 1741, he lived in Ipswich until 1789, when he came to Litchfield and settled in the Grant District. He was one of the most prominent of the early settlers. He died in 1816. His son, Dea. John Dennis, was father of Nathaniel, the subject of this sketch, who was born in Litchfield in 1810, he had only the advantages of the common schools of his time, but he was a thrifty boy and as a man was honored as his ancestors had been by receiving the highest honors the people of his town could confer upon him. He was for many years one of the selectmen and chairman of the board, for nearly twenty years he was town treasurer. In 1864 he represented his district in the House of Representatives and continued to command the confidence of his fellow townsmen until his death in 1882. In early manhood he was elected a captain of a militia com- pany and was a popular officer. He married Clarissa Hall. They had two children, one, a daughter, died when a child, the other, Dr. Samuel William Dennis, is a prom- inent professional man in San Francisco, Cal. DR. SAMUEL WILLIAM DENNIS. DR. SAMUEL WILLIAM DENNIS. Dr. Samuel William Dennis, a son of Nathaniel and Clarissa Halk Dennis, was born in Litchfield, December 16, 1836. He inherited the push and enterprise characteristic of the Dennis family but to his. mother he is undoubtedly indebted for those qualities of quick per- ception and comprehensive grasp of details which have given him. such a pre-eminence and success in professional pursuits. Young Dennis in the winter 1854-55, paid a visit to his uncle, Dr. John Dennis, at Augusta, Georgia. This visit was the turning point in his life. Upon his return to Maine, he attended the first two terms of the newly organized Maine State Seminary, and this ended his edu- cation in early life. In November, 1858, he informed his father that he had determined to “strike out for himself.” On the eighth of the following month he embarked at Boston on the ship “Golden Rocket,” bound for San Francisco. He arrived there on the eighteenth day of May, 1859, after a passage of one hun. dred and sixty-one days. In October, 1863, he opened an office and began to lay the foundation for that reputation which has since cul- minated in a professional rank that is worthy any man's aspiration and ambition. He was one of the founders of the San Francisco Dental Association, and became its recording secretary, and afterwards its president. He was one of a committee of four appointed by that body to take the preliminary steps for the organization of the Cali- fornia State Dental Association, and was one of its first vice presidents, and also elected delegate to the American Dental Association which convened at Nashville, Tenn., and was there elected vice president of that national body: and the year following, at the second session of the State Association, in 1871, was elected president of that body, and again in 1878. Being desirous of fully qualifying himself for his important work, he entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania and the degree of doctor of medicine was conferred upon him in March, 1875. In 1873 he was elected an honorary member of the Ohio State Dental Association; and in 1875 was also elected associate member of the Odontological Society of New York. He was professor of opera- tive dentistry in the University of California for years. He is a prom- inent member of the San Francisco Microscopical Society, and has been its recording secretary and a delegate to the National Microscopical Congress held at Indianapolis in 1878, and was elected vice president of that body; and at the annual session of the San Francisco Society, held in March, r88t, was elected its president. In 1881, the honorary degree of F. R. M. S. (Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society) was con- ferred upon him bythe Royal Microscopical Society of London, England. He is a member of the San Francisco Art Association. In October, 1879, the honorary degree of doctor of dental surgery was conferred upon him by a unanimous vote of the faculty of the Indiana Dental College. During the session of the legislature of the winter 1884-5 a bill was introduced for the regulation of the practice of dentistry in California, and it was largely due to the influence of Dr. Dennis that the bill was passed, and became a law, he was appointed one of the examining board by the governor for four years, and was by that body elected president for two consecutive terms. EARLY SETTLERS. IOL Samuel William, son of John, Jr., was graduated from Bow- doin College in 1833. He taught school in Philadelphia two years, and on account of failing health went to Mississippi, where he died in 1836. John Dennis, 3d, son of John Jr., went to Waterville, now Colby University, three years, but on account of poor health did not enter senior year. He afterwards studied medicine and was graduated from the Medical College at Worcester as what was then called a Thompsonian, and went to Augusta, Ga., where he still lives. David Dennis, son of John, Jr., in early life was a school teacher. Later he has been engaged in active business in Gar- diner, Me., and is one of the best known business men in the State. He is president of the Merchant’s National Bank of Gar- diner, and one of the trustees of the Gardiner Savings Institution and holds many positions of trust. DENNISON. Solomon Dennison moved from Freeport to Oak Hill about 1815, where he lived and died March 10, 1845, aged 56 years. His wife died March 12, 1881, aged 88 years. Children of Solomon and Rachel (Nutting) Dennison: Ruth, b. March 25, 1814, married Dexter Hutchinson. Lived in Monmouth, Me. Rachel J., b. August 30, 1824, married Warren Crooker. Lived in Bath, Maine. Hiram H., b. September 15, 1826, married 1st, Elizabeth Arno; 2nd, Elizabeth Mitchell. Mary E., b. April 20, 1830, married Joseph A. Brown. Lives in West Gardiner. Oliver L., b. March 25, 1834, married Ann Erskine. A prominent merchant of Gardiner, Me. Died June 25, 1806. DINSMORE. John Dinsmore came to Litchfield from Bowdoinham about 1800, and settled where Mr. Shepherd now lives on the pond road. He married Margaret L. Osgood, widow of Stephen, and upon her decease in 1825, he married Phaemia (Fear) (Hatch) Baker of Dresden. She was a widow and had three - children: Henry Baker, who manufactured hats in a building 102 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. on Mr. Dinsmore’s land, Lena F., b. 1803, who married Andrew Blake, died February, 1848, and another daughter who married John Elliott. DOUGLASS. There were several Douglass families in town at an early period. Francis Douglass came to Litchfield from Topsham, before 1800. He was the son of James Douglass, and was born June 19, 1743. His wife, Rhoda, was born April 23,1750. All four of his sons lived on the road leading from Charles Hodg- kin’s to Richard Spear’s. Francis where Augustus Gowell and Zebulon where Chad. Bowley lives. Children of Francis and Rhoda Douglass: Mary, b. November 19, 1769, married Abiathan Tibbetts. Margaret, b. September 11, 1771, married James Starbird. Sarah, b. June 1, 1774. James, b. November 3, 1776, married Hannah Hildreth August 31, 1800, and he died in 1808. / Francis, b. June 2, 1779, married Susannah Hildreth, June 15, 1803. Nathaniel, b. February 24, 1783, married Ede Averill. Died at sea. Rhoda, b. October 26, 1786. Died in Gardiner. Zebulon, b. April 21, 1785, married Ruth Newell. Lettice W., b. November 23, 1791, died in Gardiner. JAMES Douctass. Children of James, son of Francis, and Hannah (Hildreth) Douglass: David, b. August 28, 1801, died at sea.” Paul Hildreth, b. January 22, 1803, died January 15, 1873, in Guilford, Maine. Annis, b. October 31, 1804, married Sarah Edgecomb. Lived in Gar- diner. Died May 12, 1867. George H., b. August 26, 1806, married Sarah Edes, July 18, 1837. Lived in Guilford, Me. Died February 19, 1865. Francis Douctass, Jr. Francis Douglass, Jr., died January 30, 1865; Susannah, his wife, died June 28, 1847, aged 63 years. Children of Francis, Jr., and Susannah (Hildreth) Douglass: Mercey, b. March 18, 1805, marcied Chester Rhodes. Jerusha, b. December 29, 1806, died March 26, 1807. Zebulon W., b. April 14, 1808, married Hannah C. Johnson. Robert H., b. February 19, 1811, married, rst, Sally Merrow; 2d, Elizabeth R. Coombs. EARLY SETTLERS. 103 William H., b. August 13, 1813, married Mary Ann Marr. Died in West Gardiner, April 18, 1858. Joshua M., b. April 4, 1819, married Mrs. Lucinda (Bassett) John- son. Hannah, b. January 9, 1821, married 1st, John Robbins; 2d, Joseph R..Patterson. Lives in Richmond. Eleazer C., b. May 28, 1824, married 1st, Maria Spear; 2d, Caroline S. Lord. Lived in West Gardiner. Mary E., b. January 10, 1826, married Eli D. Bassett. Lives in West Gardiner. Zebulon W. Douglass, son of Francis, Jr., lived on the Stacy Lord place where his son, Arrington, now lives. He died May 26, 1882. Children of Zebulon W., and Hannah C. (Johnson) Douglass: Arrington, b. 1836, married Melvina Smith. Clement H., died in a Rebel prison at Florence, S. C., in January, 1865. Arrington lives on his father Zebulon’s place. Children of Arrington and Melvina (Smith) Douglass: Clement Warren, b. December 7, 1865. Nellie J., b. April 14, 1869, married George Hamlin. Lives on Knowlton farm. Herbert Z., b. August 6, 1872, died April 18, 1877. ZEBULON DOUGLASS. Children of Zebulon, son of Francis, and Ruth (Newell) Douglass: Thomas N., b. July 25, 1814, married Abagail Morgan. Sally, b. April 14, 1816, married William Clay. Rachel, b. March 4, 1819, married William H. Wiles. Lived in Gar- diner, Me. Naomi, b. November 26, 1822, married Adoniram Griffin. Lives in Windsor. ; Elias, b. April 13, 1824, married Sarah Jane Cobb. Lives in Chelsea, Maine. Harriet, b. September 14, 1827, married Beniah Williams. Died in Gardiner, April 1, 1847. George W., b. October 8, 1829, married Lucinda Campbell. Died in Randolph. Albert N., b. March 22, 1832, married Lorana Gowell. Lives in Chel- sea, Me. Louisa M., b. January 22, 1838, married George K. Hayes. Lives in Chelsea, Me. Andrew, brother of Francis Douglass, came to Litchfield from Topsham about 1790, and lived on the Pond road. He was born about 1740. 104 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Andrew and Jane (Alexander) Douglass. Sarah, b. February 19, 1763, married Edward Tibbetts. Mary, b. November 12, 1764, married Gardiner McCausland. Margaret, b. March 26, 1767, married Thomas Towne. James, b. March 3, 1769, married Betsey Berry, 1794. John, b. February 27, 1771. Andrew and other children. James, son of Andrew Douglass, lived on part of the farm now occupied by B. F. Colby. He enlisted in the War of 1812, and died in the service. Children of James and Betsey (Berry) Douglass: Martha, b. 1795, married, ist, John Goodwin; 2d, Joshua Howard. Betsey, married Moses Woodbury. Lived in Farmingdale. Tratia, died unmarried. Alexander, died unmarried. CORNELIUS DOUGLASS. Cornelius, son of Daniel and Sabry (Russell) Douglass, and descendant of John and Eunice (Rattleleaf) Douglass of Middle- boro, Mass., was born September 19, 1780. Married Hannah Whitmore in 1801, and lived on Litchfield Neck. He died Jan- uary 10, 1834. Children of Cornelius and Hannah (Whitmore) Douglass: Abner, b. August 28, 1802, married, 1st, Abagail Allen; 2d, Elmira (Morrill) Douglass. Levi, b. January 14, 1804, married Elmira Morrill. Rachel, b. August 7, 1806, married, December 8, 1831, John Watson. Lived in Pawtucket, Mass. Hiram, b. January 15, 1809, married Nancy Nye. Lived in Hallowell. Lemuel, b. April 12, 1812, married Olive B. Berry. Mahala, b. August 7, 1819, died August, 1844. Mary A., b. February 25, 1821, married Moses H. Arthur. Lived in Farmingdale. Sewell, b. March 6, 1823. JoserpH Douctass. Joseph, son of Job and Mercey (Booker) Douglass, was born in North Yarmouth, October 10, 1776. He married Elizabeth Sawyer in 1800 and settled on Litchfield Neck. He died in Hallowell in 1843. Children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Sawyer) Douglass: James, b. September, 1800, married Elmira Burgess. He died in 1848. Job, b. June 21, 1802, married Martha Blaisdell. EARLY SETTLERS. TO5 Sarah, b. November 25, 1804, died in 1824, unmarried. Israel, lived at St. Albans. Theodates, b. February 1, 1807, married Samuel Douglass. Joseph, b. January 11, 1809, married Mercey Douglass. Mary, b. June 18, 1810, died August 19, 1810. Mary, b. August 18, 1811. Hannah Elizabeth, b. April 5, 1814, married Abraham Douglass. Peter, b. April 18, 1816. Lost at sea near Cape Cod. Dr. SAMUEL DOUGLASS. Dr. Samuel Douglass, son of Job and Mercey (Booker) Doug- lass, was born August 8, 1779. He’ married, first wife, Sarah Preble; second wife, Sarah Stevens of Lewiston, and settled on Litchfield Neck. He died in Mexico, Me., in 1866. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Preble) Douglass, born in Litchfield: Betsey, b. January 27, 1802, married Abraham Preble. Lived in Bow- doinham. ? Thomas, b. October 17, 1804, lost at sea about 1831. Samuel, b. March 15, 1806, married Theodates Douglass. Lived in Bowdoinham. Mercey, b. January 4, 1809, married Joseph Douglass. Abraham, b. May to, 1811, married Hannah E. Douglass. Lived in Bowdoinham. Gardiner, b. October 11, 1812, married Asenath S. Orr. Lived in Lewiston. John, b. July 31, 1814, married Rosanna Nickerson. Sarah B. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Stevens) Douglass: Joanna, b. December 30, 1817, married John E. Roff. Lives in Rum- ford. Mariam, b. July 10, 1819, married Stephen Ward. Lived in Illinois. Julia Ann, b. April, 1821, died 1822. Elisha, b. June 28, 1822, married Elvira Chamberlin. He died while in the war of 1861. Solomon, b. December 13, 1823, died December 20, 1846. Nancy, b. September 13, 1825, married Stephen Beckwith. Julia, b. April 21, 1827, married James Ward. Lives in Poultney, Vt. William Booker, b. April 7, 1833, married Sarah Eldredge. Died Jan- tiary I, 1857. Sarah, b. February 1, 1835, died 1845. Job Douctass, Jr. Job, son of Job and Mercey (Booker) Douglass, was born in North Yarmouth, November 27, 1787. He lived on Litchfield Neck, and died January 1, 1845. 106 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Job and Peggy (Brown) Douglass: Charles, b. 1812, married Emeline Poor. Died in Bath, March 17, 1855. Esther, b. 1814, married Alexander Bubier. Died in Gardiner. Mary Ann, b. 1816, married William S. Gordon. Died in Manchester. Amasa, b. May 8, 1818, married Huldah Sinclair. Lives in Man- chester, Me. John, b. June 4, 1820, married Octavia Campbell. Died in Hallowell. Alfred, b. September 15, 1822, married Frances E. Nash. Lived in Hallowell. Seth, b. April 14, 1825, married Mary J. Smith. Lived in Brunswick. Rev. Geo. DouG.Lass. Rev. George Douglass, son of Benjamin and Betsey (Potter) Douglass, was born in Bowdoin, August 7, 1816. He married Rebecca, daughter of Barnabus and Lydia Cook, and lived on the Pond road. Children of George and Rebecca (Cook) Douglass: George Henry, b. January 5, 1840. He married, May 2, 1860, Adelaide, daughter of Louis Asa and Caroline Gowell. He served in the War of: the Rebellion as sergeant in the 15th Maine Regiment, Company B, and now resides in Gardiner. Alvin C., b. March, 1842, died November 109, 1866. Mary E., b. 1846, died May, 1846. Gro. DoucLass. George Douglass, son of Israel and Mary (Rodick) Douglass, was born in Harpswell, Me., May 15, 1787. He moved to Litch- field in 1810 and married, first Betsey Merriman; second, Mary Merriman. He died in January, 1821. Children of George and Betsey (Merriman) Douglass: William, b. October 22, 1812. Hannah, b. October 15, 1815. David, b. November 15, 1816. Sarah, b. December 25, 1818. Dow. Dr. Edmund Dow came to Litchfield from Concord, N. H., in 1789. He was a practicing physician in Litchfield and vicin- ity for 45 years. He married Eleanor Clark, daughter of Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Baker) Clark, and died in 1834, aged 73 years. GEORGE HENRY DOUGIASS. GEORGE HENRY DOUGLASS. George Henry Douglass, son of Rev. George and Rebecca Cook. Douglass, was born in Bowdoin January 5, 1840, came to Litchfield. with his parents the same year when they settled on the place now owned by Benjamin Johnson of Gardiner, north of the Ashford farm.. ‘They remained for several years here then moved to Fairfield where Rev. George Douglass died, when the widow with her children came Lack to Litchfield where George Henry grew to manhood, attending, the town schools and Litchfield Liberal Institute. He married Ade- laide I]. Gowell. They have one daughter, Leonora, now Mrs. Fred Loring of Gardiner. Mr. Douglass served during the War of the Rebellion in Company B, 15th Regiment, Maine Volunteers. He was in the United States service nearly five years. He had a remarkable experience as a soldier as did the 15th Regiment, which probably did more marching over a larger area of the Union than any other Maine regiment and perhaps any other in the Federal service. Mr. Douglass was engaged in more than seventy-five battles and skirmishes, marched thousands of miles, camping wherever night overtook him, was never wounded, was never in hospital a day; he was once, much against his wish, ordered to hospital but after a few hours of rest stole out and rejoined his company before morning. Was never a prisoner, though once at Sabine Cross Roads he captured four prisoners, one, a dis- mounted captain of cavalry, resisted and drew his carbine, when Doug- lass stabbed him with his fixed bayonet, striking him in the forehead, splitting his scalp over the top of his head, when the gallant captain surrendered and was sent to the rear to have his head sewed up. He and Douglass met three weeks later and joked about trying to kill each other. The captain remarking I meant to have made a hole through you but you were to quick for me. Tle was sergeant of his company and was one of the color guard for a year, in one engagement he was one of four who came out, all the others were disabled. He says from March 15, 1863, to May 16, 1864, he was in six battles and marched twelve hundred miles. Aiter the Texas and Red River campaigns the regiment came to Virginia and became a part of the army of the Potomac and was engaged in the valley of the Shenandoah in driving the rebels under Early into the mountains. Mr. Douglass was engaged with his company and a portion of the regiment protecting the supply trains of the army of the valley during the fall and winter of ‘64-5. After the surreniler 9: Lee he spent a year in South Carolina doing Provost guard duty; here he had many thrilling experiences. He was finally mustered out at Charleston July 6, 1866. He very soon entered the employ of tle Richards Paper Company, Gardiner, Me., where he remained for eighteen years; for several years in charge of important parts of the work. About ten years since he engaged in the confectionery business in a small way and by dint of industry and hard work has built up a large business, selling some years from his little cart more than fifteen thousand dollars worth of candy. He has a pleasant and comfortable home in Gardiner, where he has resided for more than thirty years. EARLY SETTLERS. 107 Children of Edmund and Eleanor (Clark) Dow: Diadama, b. April 11, 1802, married Timothy Lydston. Clark, b. February 22, 1804, died February 16, 1822. Moody, b. February 13, 1806. Isaac, b. September 22, 1808. Eleanor, married James Alexander. Lucinda, married Nathaniel Alexander. Robert, drowned in the Penobscot river. Mary, b. August 10, 1821, married Timothy Lydston. Edmund, b. 1826, married Sarah Tarr. There were other girls who died young. Edmund Dow, Jr., lives on the Dr. Waterman place. Children of Edmund and Sarah (Larr) Dow: Edmund F., b. June 1, 1855. Lives in South America. Frank G., b. August 23, 1858, married Lettie Stinson. Lives in Litch- field. DUNCAN. Robert Duncan, Jr., lived in town from 1814, when he bought the Joseph Potter place, until his decease, April 9, 1838. He married Maria H. Meloon of Bowdoin. Their children: William, b. June 13, 1816. Caroline, b. May 21, 1818. EBENEZER DUNLAP. Ebenezer Dunlap, son of John and grandson of Robert, was born in Topsham, Me. He married his cousin, Christianna Potter, January 6, 1777, and moved to Litchfield in 1781, and lived near the Bowdoin line on the farm afterwards occupied by Andrew Grover. He later moved upon the Staples farm at the foot of Oak Hill, where he died in June, 1839, aged about 80 years. His wife, Christianna, died in 1835. Children of Ebenezer and Christianna (Potter) Dunlap: Ebenezer, b. January 11, 1778, married Betsey Branch. ‘Betsey, b. October 11, 1779, married James Work. Died in Litch- field, October 19, 1813. Eleanor, b. May 26, 1782, married James Hodsdon. Lived in Wales. Died in 1870. Fannie, b. October 9, 1786, married Samuel Potter. David, b. March 10, 1788, married Sarah Weymouth. Lived in Wales. Was in War of 1812. John, b. July 9, 1790, died May 9, 1815. Was in War of 1812. 108 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Mattie, b. October 5, 1792, married Heli Bassett. Sally, b. June 7, 1795, died in Litchfield. Olive, b. July 3, 1797, married William Hunneiord September 20, 1819, Lived in North Vassalboro. Ebenezer Dunlap, Jr., lived with his father several years after his marriage, and then moved to Vassalboro, where he died. Children of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elizabeth (Branch) Dunlap: Rhoda, b. November 11, 1802, died in Vassalboro. Christianna, b. April 15, 1804, married Benjamin Brett. Lived in Augusta. William B., b. November 6, 1805, married Lucy A. Fifield. Lived in Belgrade. Martha, b. November 8, 1807, married Andrew Owen. Lived in New Bedford, Mass. Benjamin, b. September 16, 1809, married Eliza Bennett. Lived in New Bedford, Mass. James W., b. July 15, 1811, married Olive Manchester. Lived in Fall River, Mass. Cynthia R., b. June 6, 1813, lived and died in Vassalboro. Ripley, lived and died in Vassalboro. John, lost at sea. Ebenezer, married Adeline Daggett. Lived in Vassalboro. Olive, married Charles Bard. Lived in New Bedford. Eleanor, married Nathaniel Evans, and moved to California. ’ JaMes DunNLap. James Dunlap, brother of Ebenezer senior, came early to Litchfield, and located near Purgatory, so called, and he lived in that vicinity until his decease. He married Elizabeth Pot- ter, a sister to his brother Ebenezer’s wife, November 26, 1782. In January, 1796, Mr. Dunlap with his wife and youngest child, went visiting to Litchfield Corner, leaving six children at home, the oldest, a daughter, aged 13 years, and the next a son aged I1 years. Ona Tuesday morning the children were coasting, sliding down the yard in front of their cabin out upon the stream. They slid near a fallen tree that lay in the ice, when the sled broke through, and the four oldest children were drowned. The two saved were Samuel aged six years, and Betsey aged four years. These two little children stayed in the cabin alone until the following Friday when their parents returned, there being no one who knew of the sad accident until that time. To add to the sufferings of the little ones a heavy CHARLES F. DUNN. CHARLES F. DUNN. Charles Frederic Dunn was born in Boston on December 4, 1310, of wealthy parents. His early education was received in private schools, and at the age of seventeen he entered Harvard College. Having inherited a love for the sea, at the close of his college life he embarked on a whaling voyage. During the four years of this voyage he visited many of the islands of the Pacific, among others the now famous Hawaiian group. Alter returning home he went to South America, visiting Santiago, Buenos Ayres and various other South American cities. On his return he went to Calcutta where he remained a short time, and then returned to Boston. In 1841 he married Mary B. Goodwin of Litchfield, Me., and shortly after his marriage bought the Parks farm in Litchfield, where he spent the remainder of his life, becoming in time a successful farmer, though he had been unused to the hard work of a farm. He was found of music and painting and wrote and delivered’a number of poems on various occasions. He was a good scholar in the ancient languages, and reread his Latin and Greek works each year. He was a boy- hood companion and life long friend of Oliver Wendell Holmes and a college mate of Charles Sumner. Mr. Dunn, though somewhat eccentric, was a kind and affectionate husband and father and an obliging neighbor, and few ever applied to him for help in vain. EARLY SETTLERS. 10g snow storm came up Wednesday and put out their fire. These two children were the only ones of James and Elizabeth (Potter) Dunlap, that lived to grow up. Samuel born in 1789 lived and died in Litchfield. He married Susan Work of Topsham December 20, 1819. He died in October, 1864; Susan his wife, died August 4, 1862. Betsey, the daughter of James, was born July 4, 1791; married Robert Potter, and lived in Litch- field many years, and then moved to Brunswick, where she died. Ropert DuN Lap. Robert Dunlap, brother of Ebenezer and James, was one of the early settlers. His farm joined his brother Ebenezer. I find record of the following children: Robert, married Mary Meloon in 1816. John. Polly, married William Hunt of Brunswick in 1812. Rebecca, married William Keene in 1812. Martha, married Samuel Brimijohn in 1814. DuNN. Charles F. Dunn, son of Dr. William Dunn, a well known chemist of Boston was born in 1810. He was a graduate of Har- vard, class of 1832 and was a class-mate of Oliver Wendall Holmes, James Russell Lowell and Charles Sumner. He corresponded with Dr. Holmes as long as he lived. Mr. Dunn was a man of fine literary abilities and a writer of merit. He married Mary B. Goodwin, and came to Litchfield in 1841 and located at Purgatory. He died April 20, 1883. Children of Charles F. and Mary B. (Goodwin) Dunn: Adelaide A., b. November 1, 1843, married Charles B. Preble. (William Emerson Preble, only child of Chas. B. and Adelaid A. Preble, now in Bowdoin College, was born March 29, 1876.) Edward H., b. December 8, 1844, died in the army, April 16, 1864. William, b. January 4, 1846, died February 9, 1846. Charles F., Jr., b. January, 1847, died April 23, 1847. John Arthur, b. March 5, 1848, lives in Montana. Sarah Emeline, b. November 18, 1849, died June 28, 1856. Charles F., Jr., b. March 25, 1851, married Margaret E. Cox of Texas. Lives in New Mexico. William, b. June 24, 1852, lives in New Mexico. Theodore, b. January 25, 1854, married Della Pinkham. Lives in Portland, Oregon. ‘ TIo TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Mary Caroline, b. June 17, 1856, married Eugene French. Lives in Winthrop. Josiah F., b. February 7, 1858, died February 19, 1858. Loring F., b. April 11, 1860. Sarah E., b. March 3,, 1862, died August 9, 1863. Georgia A., b. February 4, 1865, died April 5, 1865. DUSTIN. Thomas Dustin came to Bath, Maine, in 1807, from Haverhill, Mass. He married Sarah Dunton of Bath, Maine, in 1807. His son William King Dustin came to Litchfield in 1847, and bought the farm now occupied by his son William H. Dustin. Wm. K. married Mary Knight of Bath, Maine, in 1836. He died October 16, 1878, aged 66 years, 4 months. Their children: Emma H., b. June 9, 1837, married Charles T. Frost. William H., b. May 31, 1840, married Amanda H. Forbes; 2d, Melinda E. Holman. William H. Dustin lives on the home place. Children of William H. and Amanda H. (Forbes) Dustin: Miles H., b. November 29, 1866, married Annie G. Spear. Miles H. Dustin lives at home, with his father. He is.a teacher by profession, and is superintendent of schools of Litch- field, Children of Miles H., and Annie G. (Spear) Dustin: Genevieve M., b. March 9, 1892. Clifton H., b. October 5, 1893. Cecil C., b. December 26, 1894. _ EaRLe. James Earle, Jr., married December 5, 1794, Jane Brewster, a descendant of Elder Brewster, of Plymouth, Mass. He was a lumberman and farmer, and lived for several years in Berwick, Me. In 1799 he moved his family to Litchfield and located on the place which has since been known as “Travellers Home” or Alden Baker place. His cousin, John Hanscom came with him and bought the farm on the opposite side of the road, afterwards known as the Smith Baker place,and now owned by a grand-son of James Earle, Jr., George Walker Earle. These two men had EARLY SETTLERS, Itt been attracted toLitchfield by the valuable timber lands, and the plentiful supply of bark which was then in great demand by the large tanneries. James Earle, Jr., was a frugal, industrious and worthy citizen, and at the time of his death owned three farms, besides large and valuable tracts of wood land, which he bequeathed to his three sons, John, Elisha, and Hetherton; all of whom married and spent their lives in their native town. James Earle, Jr., died October 3, 1846, aged 79; his wife died December 1, 1838, aged 69. Children of James, Jr., and Jane (Brewster) Earle: Betsey, b. in Berwick August 15, 1796, died August 1, 1866. Unmarried. John, b. November 7, 1799, married Eliza Eaton December, 1835. Died in 1870. Sally, b. November 21, 1801, married Barnabus Springer. Died December 3, 1827. Elisha, b. January 27, 1805, married 1st, Judith Estey of Sharon, Mass.; ‘and, Mrs. Sarah S. Stinson of Litchfield. Hannah, b. October 23, 1808, married William Hayden of Bowdoin- ham. Hetherton, b. February 21, 1812, married 1st, Hannah Walker Novem- , ber, 1832; 2nd, Rachel Abagail Williams. Rachel Abagail Williams. Patty (Martha), b. December 11, 1814, married Harris Moore of Greene, Me. ; Joun Ear.e. John Earle, son of James, Jr., lived near the Corner. Eliza, his wife, died August 22, 1871. Children of John and Eliza (Eaton) Earle: Martha Jane, b. January 10, 1837. Lives in Lewiston. Benj., b. July 25, 1838. John W., b. September 10, 1842, died September 4, 1861. Mary E., b. January 3, 1845, married Roella Oldham. Lives in Peru. Margaret Ellen, b. August 30, 1846, married Foster Alexander. ELiIsHa EARLE. Elisha Earle, son of James, Jr., lived near the Corner. He was a blacksmith by trade, and died January 25, 1886. Judith, his wife, died November 4, 1852. Children of Elisha and Judith (Estey) Earle: Elisha H., b.. October 28, 1832, died in Wisconsin in 1862. Jeremiah, b. July 4, 1834. it2 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Warren B., b. April 25, 1836, died December 2, 1857. Warren B., b. April 25, 1836, died November 25, 1858. Lucy J., b. April 21, 1839, died May 21, 1864. Lucretia H., b. July 27, 1841, married William F. Belcher. Died in Sharon. Henry D., b. July 2, 1843, married. Lives in Sharon, Mass. Hannah A., b. May 16, 1846, married Herbert Capen. Lives in Sharon, Mass. Newell K., b. November 2, 1850. Is an officer in the United States navy. HeETHERTON EARLE. Hetherton Earle, son of James, Jr., lived about a mile from the Corner toward Oak Hill. He was a farmer. He died March 30, 1882. Hannah, his wife, died February 25, 1851. Rachel, wife of Hetherton, died March 4, 1882, aged 57 years. Children of Hetherton and Hannah (Walker) Earle: George W., b. July 7, 1833, married Augusta Gatchell, daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Marr) Gatchell. James E., b. September 22, 1835, killed by lightning July 24, 1854. Eugene, i May 24, 1840, died June 1, 1842. Eugene B., b. April 13, 1843, married Hattie Nichols. Lives in Lisbon. : Mary Jane, b. May 24, 1846, married Henry Marshall Libby. Milton H., b. August 7, 1848, died March 4, 1849. Children of Hetherton and Rachel A. (Williams) Earle: Joseph William, b. June 25, 1853, married Agnes M. Miller. Frank H. W., b. November 25, 1855, died January 30, 1874. Ausbry Evans, b. June 7, 1860, married Carrie C. Adams. Charles, b. March 7, 1862, died May 13, 1863. Charles H. S., b. July 3, 1865, married. Lives iu Everett, Mass. Herbert M. S., b. March 13, 1869, married Annie King. Lives in Lew- iston. George W. Earle, son of Hetherton, lives at the Corner and is engaged in farming and general business. Children of George and Auguste (Gatchall) Earle: Florence Lydia, b. November 20, 1860, died September 5, 1878. Addie E., b. February 13, 1864, married Austin H. Kenerson. Lives in Massachusetts. Children of Joseph W., son of Hetherton, and Agnes (Miller) Earle: Walter Thomas, b. September 14, 1877. Abbie M., b. April 13, 1879. Edith E., b. August 3, 1884. Percey H., b. August 8, 1889. EARLE. GEORGE W. GEORGE W. EARLE. George W. Earle was born in Litchfield, July 7, 1833, was the son of Hetherton and Hannah Walker Earle,and the oldest of a family of four- teen children; educated in the public schools and Litchfield Academy; worked at farming until 1852; spent two years in the West, at railroad construction; one year in a store at Litchfield Corner, and five surn- mers in the employ of the Lewiston Manufacturing Company, buying wool; teaching school and farming the balance of the year. From i86n to 1876 made farming and lumbering his principal business. From 1£76 to 1886 run a hotel in connection with his farming. In 1886 entered the employ of the Bradley Fertilizer Company of Boston, as general traveling agent in Mlaine, New Hampshire and the Province of New Brunswick. Continued in their employ about ten years, then returned to the farm which under his management has always Eroved profitable. AMIr. Earle has been successful in all his business enterprises. He was active in securing the success of the centennial celebration, and as chief marshal in charge of the police force on that cceasion maintained perfect order throughout the day. He was married on November 19, 1858, to Augusta A. Getchell; they had two daughters, only one of whom is now living, Mrs. Addie Earle Ken- niston, who resides in Boston, Mass. EARLY SETTLERS. 113 Joun EAar.e. In the year 1799, the crew of an American vessel was seized by the piratical Algerians and reduced to slavery. Their entire names were branded on their arms with red-hot irons, and they were treated in all other respects like cattle. But few could long endure such cruel and inhuman treatment; and after two years’ imprisonment, the three who alone survived, were ran- somed by the United States by the payment of one thousand dollars for each man. One of these men was John Earle, a brother of James Earle, Jr., who came to Litchfield in 1801. He being incapacitated from manual labor, opened a small store, which is said to have been the first store in town; where he kept for sale tea, tobacco, and other small wares. He died May 9, 1826, aged 53 years. Eaton. Bradbury Eaton came to Litchfield about 1795. He settled where Charles B. Preble now lives. He married Rebecca True in January, 1799. Was engaged in farming until his decease, December 16, 1811: His wife died August 28, 1831. Children of Bradbury and Rebecca (True) Eaton: Bradbury, b. October 28, 1800, died in infancy. Merriam, b. December 27, 1802, married Thomas True. Lavina, b. December 28, 1805, married John E. Currier. Lived in South Hampton, N. H. Died April 22, 1891. ROBERT EDGECOMB. Robert Edgecomb came to Litchfield from Saco in 1819. He was the son of Robert and Elizabeth (Tarbox) Edgecomb, and fifth in descent from Nicholas, who came to Scarboro, Me., in 1639, from Devonshire, England. He lived in Steventown. He married 1st, Lydia Cousins, of Wells; and, Mary (Stevens) Mulloy, December 28, 1824. Children of Robert and Lydia (Cousins) Edgecomb: Betsey, b. April 20, 1800, married Abraham Jaquith. Hannah, b. May 5, 1802, married Nathaniel Tibbetts. Lydia, b. February 23, 1804, married Benj. Barnes. Jonathan, b. March 8, 1806, married 1st, Eliza W. Stevens, May Io, 1829; 2nd, Dorcas Stevens, August, 1833. 114. TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Catharine, b. November 14, 1808, married Andrew Stevens. Robert, b. February 12, 1811, married tst, Mary Ann Bailey, May 8, 1840; 2nd, Charlotte Hodgkins. Joseph, b. December 3, 1813. By second wife, Mary (Stevens) Mulloy: John, b. December 15, 1825, married Angeline Knox. Lived in the West. JONATHAN EDGECOMB. Jonathan Edgecomb lived in Steventown. He died Novem- ber 29, 1887. Children of Jonathan and Eliza W. (Stevens) Edgecomb: Eliza Ann, b. December 25, 1829, died August 7, 1831. Martha Ann, b. August 6, 1831, married Sanderson Gatchell. Children of Jonathan and Dorcas (Stevens) Edgecomb: William S., b. November 29, 1834, died December 6, 1860. Eliza E., b. October 3, 1836, married Charles Gatchell. Joseph E., b. September 30, 1838. Oliver W., b. December 16, 1840, died August 9, 1860. George W., b. February 16, 1843. Harriet A., b. August 8, 1845. Charles A., b. April 16, 1848, married Alice Cotton. He died April 22, 1806. Lydia A., b. August 18, 1851. Hannah Augusta, b. November 20, 1853. Ernest G., b. March 29, 1859, died April 25, 1860. Rozvert EpcEecoms, Jr. Robert Edgecomb, Jr., lived in Steventown. He died July 15, 1883. Charlotte, his wife, died August 12, 1892. Children of Robert and Charlotte (Hodgkins) Edgecomb: Laura Virginia, b. August 30, 1846, married Arthur B. Andrews. Live in Gardiner. Charles O., b. May 28, 1848, married Lovina (Dunn) Connor. Lives in Hallowell. James Edwin, b. March 17, 1853, married Nellie C. Jones. Lives in Gardiner. Fred A., b. April 24, 1855, married rst, Abbie F. Johnson; 2nd, Jenny (Gould) Palmer. JONATHAN EMERSON. Jonathan Emerson, son of Capt. Smith Emerson, moved with his family from Northfield, N. H., in 1817, and settled on what is known as “The Clifford property.” He died July 7, 1845, aged 74. His wife was Ann Davis. She died August 15, 1849, aged 80 years. ' ANDREW EMERSON. ANDREW EMERSON. Born November 9, 1802, at Northfield, N. H. Family removed to Litchfield, 1817. He was a millman on the St. Croix and Kennebec Rivers several years. Married Hannah Stevens. Settled in Litchfield, 1830. Celebrated their fiftieth anniversary, February 4, 1880. Made a successful business of farming until his death, January 25, 1890, aged 87 years. GEORGE ANDREW EMERSON. Youngest son of Andrew Emerson. Born at Litchfield, May 2,1852. Educated in town school, Litchfield Academy, and graduate of Dirigo Business College, Augusta. Assistant postmaster four years in Lewiston Post-Office. Married Augusta J. Frost of Lisbon. Moved to Litchfield. Served the town several years as selectman, assessor, and overscer of the poor; subsequently as chairman. Was two years Worshipful Master of Morning Star Lodge, F. & A. M. Again removed to Lewiston, Me., where he is at present engaged with the business management of the Lewiston Journal Company. Resides at No. 126 College Street. GEORGE ANDREW EMERSON. EARLY SETTLERS. II5 Children of Jonathan and Ann (Davis) Emerson: Joanna, b. April 25, 1796, married Joseph Tilton. She died September 24, 1885. Smith, b. July 11, 1798, married Catharine Young, July 24, 1828. Andrew, b. November 9, 1802, married Hannah S. True, adopted by Daniel Stevens, February 4, 1830. Jacob, b. March 18, 1807, married Mary Jane Marston, March, 1836. SmitH EMERSON. Smith Emerson, oldest son of Jonathan Emerson, settled on the Magoon farm. He died March 24, 1831, leaving two children. Children of Smith and Abagail (Young) Emerson: Davis, b. March 12, 1829, married Martha Grant. Lives in Monmouth. Harriet, b. November 12, 1830, married Rev. B. F. Grant. Lives in Malden, Mass. \ Davis Emerson, son of Smith, lived in town several years and has moved to Monmouth. ' + Children of Davis and Martha (Grant) Emerson: William Eugene, b. October 28, 1853, died in Lewiston, September 26, 1880. Mary Joanna, b. December 27, 1855. Smith Eugene, b. April 23, 1861, married Ruth A. W. Sawyer. Lives in Monmouth. ANDREW EMERSON. Andrew Emerson, -son of Jonathan, settled on what was known as the Perry farm at the time of his marriage in 1830, and lived there until his death January 25, 1890, aged 87 years. Hannah, his wife, died July 24, 1801. Children of Andrew and Hannah (Stevens) Emerson: Charles S., b. January 19, 1831, married Izannah Young. Lives in Auburn, Me. Daniel C., b. March 10, 1834, died August 10, 1835. Ann M., b. July 26, 1836, married Joseph E. Howard. Now lives in Leeds, Me. Nathaniel, Jr., b. February 26, 1839, married Sarah E. Howard. Ivory W., b. July 10, 1841, married Rosanna A. Stewart. Lives in Lewiston, Me. Eliab S. G., b. September 14, 1844, married Clara Isabel \Collins. He died January 4, 1878. ; Franklin C., b. June 25, 1847, died December 23, 1861. George A., b. May 2, 1852, married Augusta J. Frost. Lives in Lew- iston, Me., Col. Charles S. Emerson, oldest son of Andrew, settled in Auburn and was in business there eight years before the war. Enlisted April 23, 1861, and was captain of the first company that went from Auburn. Was a member of the Ist, roth, and 29th Maine Regiment Volunteers. Mustered out June a1, 116 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. 1866, lieutenant colonel of the 29th Maine Regiment. Has since resided in Auburn. Has been a member of Auburn city government several years. Commander of Burnside Post, G. A. R., and Department Commander of Union Veterans Union of Maine. Children of Charles S. and. Izamiah (Young) Emerson: Nellie F., b. September 11, 1855, married Dr. F. B. Merrill, now resides in Los Angelos, Cal. . Emma F., b. June 9, 1857, married Homer N. Chase, now resides in Auburn, Me. Charles F., b. December 30, 1860, now resides in Baltimore, Md. Dr. George D., b. August 14, 1864, married Maud Jameson. Is a physician in South Berwick, Me. Ivory W., son of Andrew, was sergeant of Company H, 1oth Maine Volunteers. Was wounded at the battle of Cedar Moun- tain. Lived for awhile in Litchfield, now lives in Lewiston, Has been member of the city government, and a representative to legislature. His children: Mary L., b. March 12, 1868. Henry I., b. 1870, is a lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio. Ralph W. Is now studying medicine. Nathaniel J., and Eliab S. G., sons of Andrew, both | _died from effects of service in the war. Children of Eliab S. G. and Isabel (Collins) Emerson: Fred W., b. May 30, 1873. Alice M., b. September 18, 1876. ° George A., youngest son of Andrew Emerson, was on the board of selectmen for several years, served as chairman. Prior to this he was assistant postmaster at Lewiston, and is now in business management of “The Lewiston Journal.” He has one son, Walter Lee, born in Litchfield, March 15, 1888. Jacop EMERSON. i Jacob Emerson, son of Jonathan, settled on the Perkins farm, and afterwards moved to. California, where he died in 1893. Children of Jacob and Mary J. (Marston) Emerson: Daniel M., b. April 14, 1837, married Isabella Spear. Hugh P., b. June 28, 1844, died August 18, 1845. George F., b. November 24, 1846, died September 15, 1848. E. Herbert, b. December 27, 1850, died February 27, 1853. Daniel Emerson, son of Jacob, lived on, his father’s farm arid is now in California. Children of Daniel and Isabella (Spear) Emerson: Jennie and Nellie, b. February 9, 1866. Nora. EARLY SETTLERS. 117 FAaLt, Joshua Fall came to Litchfield as early as 1786 and lived there several years. He married Betsey Higgins in 1787. He later returned to Ipswich, Mass. Farr. William and Noah F arr, Jr., sons of Noah Farr, and grand- sons of Thomas Farr, were born in Harpswell, Me., and came to Litchfield about 1820. They settled at Cram’s Mills. William Farr was born in 1797, anil married ist, Eunice Briggs; 2nd, Eunice Wadsworth February 26, 1829. He died February 10, 1880, aged 82 years, 3 months. Eunice, his wife, died Septem- ber 9, 1894, aged 85 years, 10 months. Children of William and Eunice (Briggs) Farr: Christianna, b. May 12, 1823, married George Hamblin of Winthrop. Eunice B., b. May 28, 1826, married Noah Pinkham. Children of William and Eunice (Wadsworth) Farr: Moses W., b. May 5, 1831, married- Lucinda W. Cram. Lives in Hallowell. ¢ i Lydia A., b. June 20, 1833, married George H. Gifford of Provi- dence, R. I. , William H., b. May 5, 1835, married Rebecca J. Gatchell. Elijah, b. February 11, 1840, married Carrie Wilson. Daniel, b. May 3, 1842, died April 22, 1853. Sybel, b. July 28, 1849, married Edwin Hamblin of Winthrop. Noah Farr, Jr., lived near his brother William. He died in April, 1875. Children of Noah and Eliza (Meader) Farr: Phoebe, b. May 12, 1837, married Franklin Woodworth. Valentine M., b. January 11, 1840, married Martha Hiatt. Lived in Towa. Gilbert L., b. February 20, 1843, married Clara Brigham. Hulda E., b. August 16, 1845, married Charles H. Jones. Lives in Manchester. : Abagail H., b. August 18, 1848, married Fernando G. Cartland. Lives in Portland. Lindley H., b. December 18, 1849, married Addie Sawyer of New Hampshire. 118 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. FarRRIN. The first of this family came to Ipswich, Mass., from Ireland. His son John was born in Ipswich, and married Hannah New- man of Lynn, Mass. After teaching school for several years, he moved to Brunswick, Maine, where he was also engaged in teaching. Richard, second son of John, was born in Bruns- wick October 9, 1760, and came to Litchfield, and settled in the Farrin district, so called, about 1787. He married Ruth Gatchell in 1787. Children of Richard and Ruth (Gatchell) Farrin: Winthrop, b. January 10, 1788, married Rachel Farrin, February, 1815. Ruth, b. November 13, 1790, married Daniel Booker. Lived in Bow- doin. Richard, Jr., b. January 24, 1793, married Lydia Thurlow in November, 1816. William, b. May 25, 1795, married Rebecca Farrin. Thomas, b. August 4, 1797, married Lucy Ann Chase in August, 1830. The sons of Richard, Senior, all settled near their father in the Farrin district. WINTHROP FaRRIN. Children of Winthrop and Rachel (Ferrin) Farrin: Newman, lost at sea. Arovesta, married Ansel Powers. Ellen, married a McFarland. Vandelia, married Andrew Percy, and moved to California. Laura, married Augustus Spofford. RIcHARD FARRIN, JR. Children of Richard, Jr. and Lydia (Thurlow) Farrin: William H., b. August 19, 1817, married Ericzene H. Gove. Lives in Bangor, Me. Rebecca, b. November 16, 1819, married Ephraim B. Briggs. Died in Boston, 1859. George H., b. September 21, 1821, married Laura Mann. Lives in Richmond, Me. Rachel Ann, b. July 4, 1823. Dead. Richard F., b. March 10, 1825, married Letitia Gardiner. Lives in Richmond. James G., b. February 11, 1828, died 1854. Frances Ann, b. May 2, 1829, married Robert Foss. Lives in Rich- mond. John S., b. February 2, 1834, died 1834. EARLY SETTLERS. I1g % Lydia A., b. February 8, 1835, married Frank Briggs. Lives in Boston. Mary S., b. October 12, 1836, married James H. Sally. Lives in Rich- mond, Me. ; Wm. Farrin. Children of William and Rebecca (Ferrin) Farrin: . William J., b. February 28, 1826, married Ann Elizabeth Thurlow. Lives in Salem, Mass. : Rachel E., b. January 21, 1828, married Samuel C. Colby. Lives in West Gardiner, Me. Mary S., b. 1830, died young. Charles Mayo, b. August 16, 1832, married Lizzie Beedy. David G., b. February 19, 1834, died in infancy. Ephraim, b. April 6, 1836, married Lydia Farrin. Lives in Boston. Rebecca A. S., b. May 22, 1838, married Herbert Knight. David B., b. July 3, 1844, died August 12, 1848. THOMAS FARRIN. Children of Thomas and Lucy Ann (Chase) Farrin: Thomas N., b. June 24, 1831, married Sarah Dunlap. Lucy A., b. August 17, 1833, married David Carr. Mary E., b. May 25, 1826. Melissa L., b. October 6, 1838, married Melville Libby. Lives in Richmond. Francis M., b..September 8, 1840, married Norman Messenger. Albert, b. November 5, 1842, married Mary Foster. Ericzene J., b. October 1, 1845, married William Hathaway. Frank J., b. September 22, 1851, died 1853. Alice M., b. December 21, 1852. Emma L., b. October 20, 1855, died 1871. FISHER. Abraham Fisher came to Litchfield in 1802 and lived on farm near Monmounth line next to place occupied by David Allen. He was a member of the Friends’ church... He married Anna Howard. After his decease September, 12, 1830, his widow moved upon the neck, where she and daughter Sarah lived and died. Children of Abraham and Anna (Howard) Fisher: Lydia, b. October 4, 1803, married Lot Godard. Sarah, b. May 6, 1805, died when a young lady. Charles, b, August 29, 1807. Accidentally thrown from horse and killed August 29, 1817. Lois, b. November 24, 1809, married Haines. Went West. Anna, b. September 13, 1812, died at Old Ladies’ Home in Boston. Lucy, b. May 5, 1815, married Noah Pinkham. 120 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. FREEMAN. George R. Freeman, was a farmer and hatter. He came to Litchfield from New Milford, N. H., before 1800, and lived opposite the grist mill, just below John Robies. © He married Polly Sawyer in 1805. She died July 2, 1832, aged 62 years. He then married Rachel (Smith) Springer, in April, 1833. She died March 1, 1847. He died January 15, 1868, aged 81 years. He had one daughter by his first wife, Hannah S., born in 1806. She died in Hartford, Conn., in 1893. FRENCH. John A. French, son of Charles and Nancy (Cram) French, lived north of Purgatory on farm now occupied by George Howard. He died September 23, 1864, aged 38 years. Children of John A. and Susan A. (Wilson) French: Alice May, b. May 5, 1856, married Walter V. Town. Lives in West Gardiner. Abba Jane, b. September 7, 1858, married Geo, W. Howard. Frost. Simon, Isaac, and the widow and children of their brother, John Frost, Jr., came about 1830 from Berwick and located on Oak Hill. They were the sons of John and Elizabeth Frost, . of Berwick. John Frost, Sr., died in Berwick, and his widow, Elizabeth, came to Litchfield with her children, and lived with her grandson, Rev. Isaac Frost, where she died April 17, 1830, aged 89 years. Stmon FRost. Simon Frost bought the place now occupied by Matthias Benner. He married Joanna Chase of Berwick. Died October 16, 1862. Children of Simeon and Joanna (Chase) Frost: John J., b. April 22, 1828, died May 24, 1834. William H., b. April 22, 1828, married ist, Wealthy P. Estes; and, Mary A. True. Lives in Lewiston. Lucinda W., married Daniel A. Grover of Litchfield. Sarah, married Aaron Hall. Lives in Boston. Mary E., married John Mitchell. Lives in Lewiston. @ EARLY SETTLERS. I21 William H. Frost, son of Simon, lived for several years on Oak Hill, now lives in Lewiston. Mary A., his wife, died May 5, 1882. Children of William H. and Wealthy P. (Estes) Frost: Mary Emma, b. December 19, 1854, died March 12, 1887. Martha Ella, b. January 4, 1857, died 1873. Children of William H. and Mary (True) Frost: Nellie L. D., b. December 7, 1866. Lives in Lewiston. Lizzie E., b. August 17, 1868, died October 24, 1873. Gertrude A., b. April 14, 1870. Harry M., b. August 31, 1871, married. Lives in Augusta, Me. William J., and Georgie F., b. September 25, 1873. Both in Lewiston, Me. Isaac FRost. Isaac Frost settled on the place now owned by F. J. Sloman, which he bought of Stephen Johnson in 1816. He married Fannie Ricker of Berwick. Children of Isaac and Fannie (Ricker) Frost: Elizabeth, b. November 10, 1811, married Harlow Morse. Lived in Waldoboro, Me. John, b. August 20, 1815, married Mary Jackman, March 12, 1838. Lived in Gardiner. Elmira, b. February 4, 1817, married Alvin Allen. Lives in Bath. William, b. December 12, 1819, married Laura J. Frost. Lives in Reading, Mass. One son, George C., b. May 14, 1843. Allen, lives in Waldoboro, Me. Joun Frost, JR. John Frost, Jr., married Betsey Stacey of Eliot, Me. He died in Berwick in 1829, but his family came with his oldest son, Elder Isaac Frost, to Litchfield October 15, 1833. Elizabeth, wife of John, Jr., died August 28, 1849, aged 71 years. Children of John, Jr. and Betsey (Stacey) Frost: Nathaniel, b. March 11, 1800, married Mehitable Allen, February 3, 1825. ; Abraham, b. May 8, 1804, married Eliza Phthisic. Died November 26, 1831. One son, Andrew, b. November 11, 1829. Isaac, b. February 3, 1806, married Lydia Hurd, December 20, 1830. Joanna, b. September 17, 1812, married Samuel Hodgdon. Died October 7, 1846. Fanny, b. March 10, 1815, died November 16, 1823. € 122 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. John, b. April 7, 1821, married Ada W. Glass. Lived in Randolph, Me. Died February 7, 1892. 4 Jacob, b. December 12, 1819, died March 14, 1841. Betsey, b. June 8, 1823, died January 17, 1839. There were several who died in infancy. Nathaniel, son of John Frost, Jr., came to Litchfield in 1825, and bought the James Hutchinson place, now occupied by Nathaniel’s son, Charles T. Frost. He died October 24, 1867. Children of Nathaniel and Mehitable (Allen) Frost: Lydia, b. July 23, 1826, married Phineas Hodgdon. She now lives in Reading, Mass. Charles T., b. January 11, 1828, married Emma H. Dustin. Temperance, b. January 1, 1830, married Rufus Lord. Lives in Lew- iston, Me. Nathaniel, b. August 24, 1835, died February 27, 1840. Children of Charles T. and Emma H. (Dustin) Frost: Henry E., b. November 12, 1854, married Stella A. Merrill. Lives in Lewiston, Me. Flora M., b. April 12, 1863. Lives in Lewiston. Rev. Isaac Frost, son of John I'rost, Jr., was a well known Free Baptist clergyman, and was was prominent in town affairs. He owned the farm now occupied by Llewellyn Larrabee, and Mrs. Pauline Parker. He married Lydia Hurd of Berwick, and died March 12, 1861. Children of,Isaac and Lydia (Hurd) Frost: Joseph H., b. February 1, 1832, died July 5, 1835. Charles E., b. August 8, 1833, married Mary A. Higgins. Lives in Monmouth. Hiram F., b. January 23, 1835, married Rachel I. Higgins. Lives in Monmouth. Eliza J., b. December 20, 1836,married G. Washington Jenkins. Lives in Wales. Frances A., b. September 28, 1838, died December 18, 1851. Isaac W., b. July 24, 1840, married Mary S. Thurlow. Lives in Wales. Augustus C., b. February 26, 1844, married Hattie J. Maxwell. Lives in Wales. GALUSHA. Elijah Galusha was a native of France, and soon after coming to this country he settled in Litchfield, and married Anna EARLY SETTLERS. 123 , : Fisher. He lived on the Woodbury road where John Goodwin lived afterward. He wasa hunter and trapper. In 1827 he moved to Clinton with his family. Children of Elijah and Anna (Fisher) Galusha: Mary, b. November 17, 1802, married James Nichols. Jonathan F., b. June 10, 1804, married Nancy Nichols. Hannah, b. September 26, 1805, married Stephen Gordon. Thomas, b. September 3, 1808, married 1st, Elizabeth Jaquith; 2nd, Bethiah Nelson. William, b. June 22, 1810, died February 14, 1811. Phebe, b. September 9, 1814, married William Herrin. Solon L., b. January 20, 1816, married Eveline Prince. Lydia A., b. August 31, 1818, married. Ruel, b. November 29, 1821, married Mary Polly. GATCHELL. There were several by the name of Gatchell or Getchell, who settled in this town. They were descendants of Capt. John Gatchell, who came to Brunswick in 1736. Samuel, born August 15, 1745, son of Capt. John, came with his family to Litchfield about 1788, and located on Oak Hill. He took up a large tract of land and afterward five of his sons, and several of his sons-in-law took up farms adjoining. Several years after, a portion of this hill was taken from Litchfield and added to Wales. Samuel, married 1st, Sarah Simmons, 2nd, Mary Tib- betts, April 12, 1809. He died 1822. SAMUEL GATCHELL. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Simmons) Gatchell: John Simmons, b. May 28, 1766, married tsi, Sarah Mariner: 2nd, Hannah Tibbetts. Jonathan, b. March 30, 1768, died August 19, 1769. Submit, b. May 8, 1770, married Benj. Tibbetts. Hugh, b. March 6, 1772, married Mary Rideout. Nancy, b. February 11, 1774. Went to Ohio in 1817. Mehitable, b. April 12, 1776, married Joshua Gray, April, 1804. Nathaniel, b. May 17, 1778, married Elizabeth Witherell, December, 1800. Samuel, b. July 26, 1780, married ist, Peggy Potter; 2nd, Dolly Watson, September 12, 1814. Joseph, b. July 26, 1780, died August 5, 1780. Molly, b. October 13, 1783, died October 23, 1783. Sally, b. October 25, 1785, married Amaziah Mitchell. Simmons, b. March 1, 1788, married Ist, Cynthia Chase, April 14, 1808; and, Lucy Hodgman, January, 1815. 124 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Samuel and Mary (Tibbetts) Gatchell: Benj., b. July 11, 1810, married Nancy Trask. Died in Augusta, Me., gaged 85 years. Sarah, b. July 19, 1811, died November 15, 1813. Artimisia, b. March 10, 1813, died April 30, 1814. George Washington, b. July 5, 1815, married Nancy Goodwin. Lived in Plymouth. Died January 25, 1876. W. H. Harrison, b. February 6, 1817, married Mary Fisher. ‘ Lived in Detroit, Me. Died April, 1896. Charlotte, b. April 11, 1819, married William Henderson. Lived in Gardiner. JouHn StmMons GATCHELL. John Simmons Gatchell, son of Samuel, lived and died on the same place on Oak Hill. He married Sarah Mariner, and after her death, March 12, 1789, without issue, married Hannah Tibbetts. She died December 2, 1853, aged 81 years, 9 months. John S., died in 1833. Children of John Simmons and Hannah (Tibbetts) Gatchell: Hannah, b. July 9, 1792, married William Ware, December 28, 1810. Died in Lee, Me., June 1, 1887. Sarah, b. November 22, 1794, married James Tibbetts. John S., b. July 24, 1799, married Mahala Owen, November 15, 1829. Moved to Carroll, and died in Augusta, Me. Mehitable, b. November 3, 1801, married Jonas Davis. Moved to Lewiston, Me. : Judith, b. April 28, 1804, married Manuel Wills. Moved to Anson. Andrew T., b. April 14, 1806, married 1st, Mary Rice; 2nd, Eliza Pease. Submit, b. October, 8, 1807, married Daniel M. Laberee. Lived in Monmouth. Dennis, b. March 12, 1810, married Hannah Heath, April . 2, 1837. Lives in Brunswick, Me. Dolly, b. October 21, 1812, married Elbridge Stubbs. Lived in Wales. Dennis Gatchell, son of John Simmons, lived on the home place of his father. He now lives in Brunswick, Me. Children of Dennis and Hannah (Heath) Gatchell: Allettice H., b. February 24, 1838, married Morrell Burke. Lives in Portland, Me. Frances A., b. June 6, 1839, married Luther Litchfield. Lives in Boston. John S., b. June 26, 1840, died in the army September 8, 1863. Mary J., b. September 18, 1843, married 1st, George Patten; 2nd, W. H. Swett; 3d, George L. Swett. EARLY SETTLERS. 125 Eunice E., b. July 22, 1845, married Freeman H. Norton. Died in Portland. Hannah M., b. February, 1850, married Sylvester Arue. Lives in Camden. Susanna, b. July 13, 1851, married Walter Morrell. Lives in New York. Dennis O., b. February 1, 1853, married Lucy M. Barton. Lives in Boston. Andrew T. Gathchell, son of John Simmons, lived near his father’s place, and after death of his wife, lived in Richmond, Me., and in Augusta, where he died, April 14, 1890. Mary, his wife, died November 23, 1847. " Children of Andrew T. and Mary (Rice) Gatchell: Harvey R., b. August 1, 1844, married Sarah A. Church. Lives in Hallowell. Frederick A., b. April 29, 1847, married Addie Keyes. Lives in Mon- mouth. HucH GaAtcHELL. Hugh Gatchell, son of Samuel, lived on Oak Hill, and married Mary Rideout. He-was captain in war of 1812. Died January, 1834. Children of Hugh and Mary (Rideout) Gatchell: Anna, b. 1799, died in infancy. Anna, b. July 4, 1801, married John Whitten. Hamer, b. July 30, 1803, married Prudence Rideout, July, 1823. He died April 19, 1873. : Permelia, b. May 5, 1805, married Alanson Gatchell, March, 1825. Lived in Richmond. Albert S., b. May 17, 1807, married Lydia Staples, January, 1828. Lived in Wisconsin. Hugh, b. May 24, 1809, married Ist, Sophronia Ricker; 2nd, Jennie Moody. Mark, b. May 17, 1812, married Sally Day, May 3, 1835. Cynthia, b. January 20, 1815, married James M. Stevens. Amaziah, b. June 11, 1817, married Julia Neal. George, b. May 24, 1819. Nathaniel I., b. September, 1822, married Emeline Hall. Sanderson, b. June zo, 1826, married 1st, Martha Ann Edgecomb; 2nd, Mrs. Daffie A. Gilpatrick, November 4, 1883. Lives in Auburn, Me. Rev. Mark Gatchell, son of Hugh, was a prominent minister of the Free Baptist denomination. He died July 28, 1886. 126 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Rev. Mark and Sally (Day) Gatchell: Rebecca J., b. January 1, 1837, married Matthias Benner. Died in Monmouth, 1877. Abigail D., b. October 25, 1839, married Joel Witherell. Lives in Monmouth. : Mark L., b. April 25, 1844, married ist, Sarah Annette Folsom; 2nd, Augusta Woodbury. Lives in Monmouth. Hannah, b. May 21, 1847, died September 1, i848. G. Hamilton, b. March 9, 1850, married Lizzie Turner. Lives in Monmouth. Amaziah, b. October 13, 1854. Is a doctor in Cheboygan, Mich. Was graduated from Bates College, class 1878. Sarah A., b. April 8, 1860, married Dr. Charles Jaques. Lives in Cam- bridgeport, Mass. Amaziah Gatchell, son of Hugh, lived down East for a time, then returned and lived near the Corner. He was engaged in farming andteaming. He died April 12, 1860. Julia, his wife, died November 15, 1866. Children of Amaziah and Julia (Neal) Gatchell: Prudence, b. February 13, 1841, died July 23, 1841. George Albert, b. November 14, 1843, married Sarah J. Goodwin. Johnson Rideout, b. June 4, 1844, died September 28, 1846. Prudence A., b. August 6, 1848, married Nathaniel Varney. Died in Fitchburg, Mass., April 14, 1893. Clara Augusta, b. June 20, 1851, married Morton L. Johnson. Lives in Sharon, Mass. Rose Emma, b. November 12, 1855, married Frank A. Alvord. Died in Fitchburg, Mass., September 19, 1892. James Amaziah, b. March 4, 1858, married Helen M. Briery. Lives in Richmond. George A. Gatchell, son of Amaziah, lived several years in Litchfield aiter marriage, and then in Lisbon. He now lives in Winthrop, Maine. Children of George A. and Sarah J. (Goodwin) Gatchell: Florence, b. March 20, 1866, died in Winthrop, Me., April 11, 1893. Marion Alvord, b. March 14, 1868, married Rey. Frank A. Gilmore of Colby ’90; now pastor of a church in Haverhill, Mass. Grace, b. August 12, 1872. Was graduated from Colby, class 1897. NATHANIEL GATCHELL. Nathaniel Getchell, son of Samuel, settled on Oak Hill, where his children were born. He then sold his farm to Amaziah EARLY SETTLERS. 127 Mitchell, his brother-in-law, and moved to Wales, Me. Nathaniel, died January 12, 1855. Elizabeth, his wife, died March 12, 1872. Children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Witherell) Gatchell: Sophronia, b. October 19, 1802, married John Andrews. Samuel, b. October 1, 1804, married Lydia A. Marr. Lived in Wales. Died in January 19, 1871. John W., b. October 5, 1807, married Sarah Andrews. Mary Gerrish, b. September 13, 1811, married Ichabod Preble. James Morrell, b. September 3, 1820, died in 1837. Martha Vaughn, b. September 3, 1820, married Elbridge G. Libby. Lives in Webster. SAMUEL GATCHELL, JR. Samuel Gatchell, Jr., lived near Oak Hill. He married Peggy Potter, in 1805. She died May 8, 1814. Children of Samuel and Peggy (Potter) Gatchell: Parsina, b. August 19, 1806. Nathaniel, b. April 8, 1808. Samuel, b. July 3, 1812. Horace, b. February 9, 1814. Children of Samuel and Dolly (Watson) Gatchell: Peggy, b. August 24, 1815. Charlotte, b. April 11, 1817. Samuel moved with his family to Etna, Me. Davip AND HucH GATCHELL, JR. David and Hugh Gatchell, Jr., were sons of Hugh Gatchell, a brother of Samuel, senior, and grandsons of Capt. John Gatchell. They were born in Durham, Maine, and came to Litchfield with their families and located near Purgatory. ‘David died, August 11, 1858, aged 84 years, Susannah, his wife, died April 30, 1814, aged 35 years. Children of David and Susannah (Davis) Gatchell: Josiah, b. July 30, 1801. Isaiah, b. June 18, 1803, married 1st, Sarah Neal; 2nd, Dorcas Good- win, July, 1830. Lived in Hallowell. David, b. July 20, 1805. Mary, b. September 20, 1807. Almira, b. March 3, 1809, died July 22, 1812. Eunice, b. January 6, 1812. David married Sally (Davis) Douglass, July 16, 1815. 128 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of David and Sally (Davis) (Douglass) Gatchell: Richard Buffum, b. April 24, 1816, married Elizabeth Fuller. Lived in Gardiner. Sally D., b. February 3, 1820, married George E. Clay of Gardiner. Hugh Gatchell, Jr., brother of David, came to Litchfield from Durham in 1815, and settled where Thomas Goodwin now lives. He died, September 1, 1864, aged 77 years and 6 months. Prudence, his wife, died January 11, 1878, aged 79 years, 3 months. Children of Hugh, Jr. and Prudence (Davis) Gatchell: Asa F., b. May 24, 1819, married Lucy A. Fuller. He now lives in Litchfield near Purgatory. Children of Asa F., son of Hugh, Jr., and Lucy A. (Fuller) Gatchell: Rebecca, J., b. September 15, 1842, married William H. Farr. James F., b. November 16, 1845, died March 4, 1846. Clarence E., b. January 23, 1854, married 1st, Kate Gordon; 2nd, Isa- bella Bachelder. Lives in West Gardiner. Lutie, b., October 2, 1860, married Frank Gilman. WILLIAM GATCHELL. There was a William Gatchell, son of Stephen, a cousin of the two brothers, David and Asa Hugh, Jr., who lived several years near Oak Hill, and then moved to Monmouth. He was taxed in town in 1794. Children of William and Rebecca (Springer) Gatchell: Zeruiah, b. October 1, 1792, married Prince Palmer. Lived in Mon- mouth. Martha, b. November 25, 1795, Married Francis Hall. Prudence, b. 1797, married William Getchel]. Lived in Salem, Mass. Judith, b. October 2, 1800. Barzilla, b. 801. Lived in Massachusetts. Alanson, b. January 10, 1803, married Permelia Gatchell. William, b. 1805, married Mary Fisher. Lived in Massachusetts. Susan, b. 1808, married Dr. Josiah Burnham of Salem, Mass. Eliza Ann, b. 1811, married Joseph W. Robinson. James M., b. February 9, 1816, married Martha S. Boyd. Died in Bath, Me. \ IRVING W. GILBERT, M. D. Il. W. GILBERT, M. D. 1. W. Gilbert, M. D., was born in Litchfield in 1852, was the son of John C. and Olive Brann Gilbert. His education was secured at the district school and Litchfield Academy and the Maine Medical College at Brunswick from which he graduated with honor in 1874. Dr. Gilbert was a most brilliant scholar possessed of remarkable perception and receptive powers of mind. In early life he was not possessed of robust health, but his father was a man of good sense, and when his son had worked at his books until he began to suffer from close applica- tion he was taken into the ‘shoe shop’’ and set to making men’s fine boots and before he had reached the age of seventeen years he had mastered the shoemaker's trade and was a thoroughly good workman, and yet stood at the head of his classes in the academy and with improved health. His ambition led him toward the medical profession, for which he thoroughly qualified himself. He located after his grad- uation at Phippsburg where he practiced successfully for five years, then removed to Franklin, Mass., where he remained two years, but came back to his native town in 1882 where he is still practicing his profes- sion, having built up a good business in his own and surrounding towns. Dr. Gilbert was one of a remarkable family of thirteen children, all of whom were endowed with musical talent of high order, the doc- tor himself is a fine musician and in boyhood was well known by older musicians far and near as almost a prodigy; had he developed this talent he might have been more famous though not more useful than in his chosen profession. He has been honored by his town’s people by being elected to superintend their schools and has served as a trustee of the academy. He married Sarah E. Smith, daughter of Dexter and Margaret Flanders Smith. They have two children, Lena M. and Eimma D.. both of whom have inherited their father’s taste for music EARLY SETTLERS. 129 GILBERT. Louisa Gilbert moved to Litchfield from Boston in 1808, She was the widow of Andrew Gilbert. Her maiden name was Louisa Child. She married Daniel Nickerson January 1, 1811. She had four children by Andrew Gilbert. Samuel, b. September 4, 1799. Louisa, b. March 4, 1801, married Thomas Deering. Mary, b. January 7, 1803, married Thomas Marson. John C., b. February 22, 1807, married 1st, Harriet R. Williams; 2nd, Olive A. Brann; 3d, Lovina Brann. John C. Gilbert lived at the Corner. He was a shoe and boot maker by trade. He died January 27, 1882. maker by trade. He died January 27, 1882. Olive A., his wife, died May 20, 1860, aged 42 years; Lovina, his wife, July 20, 1887. Children by Harriet R. (Williams) Gilbert: Lucretia, b. November 28, 1830, died March 6, 1860. Charles P., b. August 20, 1833, married Lizzie Dealey. Died Decem- ber 28, 1888. Louisa C., b. May 21, 1836, married Eugene H. Pullen. Died July 10, 1860. Virginia, b. March 24, 1838, married Henry Foss. Lives in South Berwick, Me. Children by second wife, Olive A. Brann: C. Emery, b. July 5, 1841, married 1st, Abbie Moore;: 2nd, Fannie Morse. Died September 12, 1888. J. Frank, b. January 9, 1843, married Ida White. Died February 2, 1891. Harriet O., b. April 24, 1845. Lives in Cambridgeport, Mass. George O., b. August 20, 1846, married Abbie Blanden. Lives in Stoneham, Mass. Isabelle F., b. October 6, 1849, married W. F. Bacon. Lives in Cambridgeport, Mass. Irving W., b. March 24, 1852, married Sarah E. Smith. Ida G., b. September 10, 1854, died June 13, 1858. Ada G., b. September 10, 1854, died September 27, 1854. Fred M., b. October 31, 1856, lives in Cambridgeport, Mass. Irving W. Gilbert, son of John C., was graduated from Bow- doin Medical School, in 1874 and opened an office at Litchfield Corner, where he has been in successful practice ever since. He married Sarah E., daughter of Dexter W. Smith. 9 130 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Their children: Lena M., b. August 6, 1874. Jennie Idella, b. December 21, 1875. GILES. Moses Giles born in New Hampshire, settled in Litchfield in 1796 on the farm now owned by B. W. Berry. His house was -between the road and the pond. "le married Sally Meader in February, 1797. He afterwards moved with his family into Piscataquis county. Their children: , f Betty, b. December 17, 1798, died an infant. , Betty, b. January 7, 1800, married Hosea Gilman. Lived in Parkman. Hannah, b. February 15, 1801, married 1st, John I. Robinson; 2nd, Joel Fernald. Mark, b. May 28, 1803, married Lucy Tyler. Daniel, b. March 16, 1805, died May 9, 1811. Sylvanus, b. April 3, 1807, married Sophia Campbell. Jerushia, b.” October 23, 1809, married Joseph Springer. Lived in Augusta. Lydia, b. December 30, 1811, died December 15, 1812. Moses, b. October 6, 1813, married Sophia (Campbell) Giles. GLASS. John Glass was a Revolutionary soldier who came to Litch- field from Kennebunk, about 1790. He lived near Purgatory. He married Nancy E. Quint in Berwick in 1780. He died March 16, 1839, aged 83 years. Children: Patience, b. March 10, 1781, married Jeremiah Blaisdell, September 3, i811. Lived in Gardiner, Me. Richard, b. April 23, 1783, drowned when a young man. John, b. August 3, 1786, married Sally Bolden, July, 1805. Lived in Woolwich. Henry, b. June 7, 1788, married 1st, Hannah Sands; 2nd, Betsey Mer- rill. Died Gardiner, September 2, 1843. Rachel, b. June 20, 1790, married John Bolden. Moses, b. July 13, 1792, married Polly Rankins, December 30, 1813. Nehemiah, b. November 26, 1795, married Ruth Brimijohn, May 8, 1825. Sally, b. May 18, 1797, married 1st, Thomas Cooper; 2nd, Cornelius Stilphen. Lived in Dresden. Died March 8, 1844. Israel, b. September 10, 1800; died in West Gardiner, February 1, 1863. EARLY SETTLERS. 131 Moses GLass. Moses Glass, son of John, lived about a mile above Purgatory, afterwards back of Plimpton’s shop. He died January 29, 1850. Polly, his wife, died August 21, 1886, aged gI1 years. ‘Children of Moses and Polly (Rankins) Glass: Rachel, b. January 25, 1815, married Charles Parks. Sewall, b. July 14, 1818, married Lucy Wadsworth. Richard, b. July 13, 1820, married Mary J. Gordon. Valentine, b. November 25, 1822, died May 5, 1827. Emily J., b. March 23, 1825, died January 27, 1831. i Mary J., b. March 11, 1826, married Ephraim Wilson. Joseph P., b. December 1, 1831, married Emerilla Gordon. Israel Melvin, b. December 11, 1835, died June 18, 1861. Sewall Glass, son of Moses, has always lived near Purgatory and now runs the grist mill. Had one child, Jesse P., b. March 30, 1845, died 1847. Richard Glass, son of Moses, lived on the place now occupied by Jack Tozier. His family lives in Massachusetts. He died January 1, 1893. Children: Letitia Etta, b. September 19, 1848, married Henry Blackwell. Mary Ellen, b. July 2, 1852, married Nathaniel L. Robinson. Georgia A., b. May 12, 1863. Joseph P. Glass, son of Moses, lived in the house opposite Sewall Glass’ place and afterwards moved to Gardiner where he died August 8, 1888. ‘ Children of Joseph P. and Emarilda (Gordon) Glass: Angelia M., b. April 25, 1858, married Chas. H. Wight. Died January I, 1894. Emma Jane, b. November 25, 1861, died July 23, 1863. Della J., b. July 10, 1863, married Elmer E. Thomas. Charles D., b. June 6, 1870, married Waitie B. Green. Henry GLASS. Henry Glass, son of John, lived in Lyman until after the death of his first wife, when he moved to Monmouth, and to Litchfield in 1820. He died September 2, 1843. Children of Henry and Hannah (Sands) Glass: Lydia S., b. August 24, 1808, died May 10, 1835. Aminta, b. January 28, 1810. Rufus P., b. August 4, 1812, died June 4, 1846. Hannah, b. February 24, 1815. \ 132 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by second wife Betsey Merrill: George K., b. February 15, 1819, married Harriet N. Baker. Died April 20, 1848. Samuel M., b. September 27, 1820, married Adeline Chapman. Died July 4, 1849. Elizabeth E., b. October 29, 1822, married James L. Baker. Lives in Woburn, Mass. Marian M., b. July 10, 1825, married Abram Lander. Died May 22, 1855. ‘ Adah W., b. July 23, 1827, married John Frost. Lives in Randolph. Sarah J., b. March 28, 1829, married Elisha James. Died April 17, 1865. Ellen E., b. April 19, 1835, married Alden B. Sampson. Died April GODDARD. Elijah Goddard lived on Litchfield Neck, and died August 12, 1859. Children of Elijah and Sarah (Tabor) Goddard: Seviah M., b. October 28, 1804, married Silas Jcnes of Wilton. Phebe, b. May 27, 1806, married Ezra Briggs. Lived in Winthrop. Lois, b. January 30, 1808, married Edward Cook. Lived in China. Lot, b. February 28, 1810, married Lydia Fisher. Salome, b. August 14, 1812. Lydia, b. January 14, 1814, married Ebenezer Cook. Lived in China. Eunice, b. January 24, 1816. Hannah, b. February 2, 1818. ; Reuben, adopted son, married Jane Howard. Children of Lot and Lydia (Fisher) Goddard: Lois, b. July 3, 1833, died December 13, 1833. Charles F., b. February 5, 1835, married Fanny Pinkham. Jesse T., b. January 11, 1837. Settled in Iowa. John W., b. May 10, 1840, married Naomi Burgess. Died in Iowa. Elijah, b. May 4,.1842. Died February 9, 1861. Abraham, b. December 8, 1843, died September 26, 1863. GOLDSMITH. Isaac Goldsmith, son of Isaac and Katherine (Jones) Gold- smith, and a descendant of Richard, who came to Salem now Wenham, Mass., in 1637, was born in Ipswich, Mass., in 1769. He married Mary, daughter of William Johnson of Monmouth, Me., and lived near the Hall schoolhouse in Litchfield. He died March 1814 of cold fever. EARLY SETTLERS. 133 Their children: Betsey, died young. Isaac, died a young man in Oldtown, Me. Martha, b. September, 1804, married George Neal of Litchfield. Died February 13, 1848. Adam, married Eliza Woodman. Lived in Oldtown. Emeline, married Hiram Smith. Lived in Oldtown. Betsey, married William Hutchins, Sidney, Me. Alfred, b. December 14, 1809, died March 1, 1887. | Congregational minister, Massachusetts. Jesse, lost at sea in 1830. Hubbard, b. April 16, 1814, married Helen Robinson November 19, 1834. Died March 12, 1894. GoopwIN. Simeon Goodwin was born in Kennebunkport, May 24, 1746, and died in Litchfield, May 20, 1816. He was the son of John and Martha (Nason) Goodwin who moved to Kennebunkport from Berwick, Me. He married Dorcas Evans in Kennebunk- port; came with his family to Gardiner in 1783 and runa saw mill. at the New Mills. In 1789 or 1790 he became interested with General Dearborn in milling at Purgatory,andin January, 1793, Mr. Goodwin, with Seth Gay, bought General Dearborn’s interest. He did not move there with his, family until summer of 1793. In partnersnip with others he run a saw and grist mill there. Children of Simeon and Dorcas (Evans) Goodwin: Mary, b. May 8, 1778, married Ist, John Clark, Jr., 1794; 2nd, John Weeks; lived in Gardiner. Peggy, b. September 15, 1779, married John Butler, October, 1795. Simeon, b. June 28, 1781, married Hannah Hutchinson, April 24, 1802. Lived in Litchfield. Sally, b. January 10, 1783, married Phineas Thompson, February 11, 1823. Lived in Bowdoin. Betsey, b. January 5,:1784, married Moses True, April 6, 1808. Lived in Industry. Caleb, b. September 15, 1788, married Margaret Henry. Lived in Illinois. John, b. May 4, 1790, married rst, Harriet Adams, July, 1808; 2nd, Martha Douglass. Lived in Gardiner. Andrew, b. October 14, 1792, married 1st, Polly Bowman, November 30, 1815; 2nd, Margaret Clifford, October, 1816. Lived in Litchfield. James, b. December 11, 1794, died at New Orleans. 134 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Dorcas, b. May 28, 1796, married Henry Bowman, January, 1817. Lived in Gardiner. Martha, b. November 12, 1798, married Freeman Allen. Lived in Madison, Me. SIMEON GOODWIN, JR. Simeon Goodwin, Jr., lived on the farm nov: occupied by his son Simeon, on the Woodbury road. He died September 18, 1868. Hannah, his wife, died February 21, 1877, aged go years, 3 months, 21 days. Children of Simeon, Jr. and Hannah (Hutchinson) Goodwin: Dorcas, b. August 2, 1803, married Isaiah Getchell. Lives in West Acto , Mass. Polly, b. November 3, 1804, married William T. Richardson. William, b. September 22, 1808, married Fannie Fales. Hannah, b. June 8, 1811. Lives in West Gardiner. Sally, b. March 10, 1812, died in infancy. Simeon, 3rd, b. April 17, 1814, married Drusilla Baker. Elmira, b. August 28, 1817, married Cyrus Howard. Lives in West Gardiner. Caleb, b. August 30, 1819, married Mary Ware. Lived in Boston, Mass. : Nehemiah, b. June 9, 1821, married Philena Springer. “Lives in Lynn, Mass. : Joseph, b. March 25, 1823, married Jane Eldridge of Natick. Lives in Illinois. John H., b. July 14, 1825, married Clara Choate of Natick, Mass. James H., b. December 8, 1831. Lives in West Gardiner.. William Goodwin, son of Simeon Goodwin, Jr., lived on a farm in Litchfield. He died March 2, 1882. Children of William and Fannie (Fales) Goodwin: William Thomas, b. March 20, 1841, married Mary Townes. Lives in West Gardiner. Hannah E., b. April 29, 1843, married Charles E. Howard. Caleb Augustus, b. December 4, 1845, married Mrs. Susan A. French. Sarah S., b. September 22, 1848, married Gorham Chandler. Lives in Winthrop. Charlotte E., b. August 10, 1850, married Luther Niles. Lives in Hallowell. Constantine C., b. February 27, 1856, died July 20, 1856. Charles W., b. January 18, 1858, married Mary H. Hunt, August 18, 1883. SIMEON GOODWIN, 2nd. SIMEON GOODWIN, and. Simeon Goodwin, son of Simeon and Dorcas Evans Goodwin, was probably born in Kennebunkport, Me., June 28, 1781. He came to Gardiner with his parents in 1783 where his father was interested in mills at what is now known as the “New Mills” on the water power furnished by the Cobbossee pond and Winthrop stream and known as the “Gardiner water power.’ Simeon Goodwin, Sr., became inter- ested with Gen’l Dearborn in mill property in Litchfield near Purga- tory in 1789-90. In 1793 he, with a man named Seth Gay, purchased Gen’l Dearborn’s interest in the property and moved his family to Litchfield and settled there. Simeon, Jr., grew up amidst all the hard- ships of pioneer life, was a strong rugged character, inherently honest he ever commanded the respect of the community. He was for those times an enterprising and successful man. He married in 1802, Han- nah Hutchinson, they had twelve children and he was himself one of a family of eleven children. His home was upon the farm now owned and occupied by his son Simeon. Mr. Goodwin died at the age of eighty-seven years. SIMEON GOODWIN, 3rd. SIMEON GOODWIN, 3rd. Simeon Goodwin, 3rd, was a son of Simeon and grandson of Simeon and greatgrandson of John and Martha Nason Goodwin of Kenne- bunkport. He lives on the farm where he was born. In 1814, Mr. Goodwin married Drusilla Baker. They had eight children, all of whom are now living. Mr. Goodwin, like his ancestors for many generations, commands the confidence of all who know him, good blood producing strong, upright men, has characterized this representa- tive family for more than one hundred and fifty years through all its various branches. Mr. Goodwin has been an enterprising citizen, suc- cessful in farming and brickmaking, which business he carried on for many years to the great convenience of the community. He was one of that class of thrifty men who in all times have been capable, under whatever circumstances placed, to pay all expenses of providing for and rearing large families, maintain their credit and year by year increase their savings for the days of infirmity. Mr. Goodwin now at the age of eighty-four years surrounded by his children, and in the midst of those who respect and esteem him, looks back upon a long and well spent life. EARLY SETTLERS. 135 Chas. W. Goodwin lives on his father’s farm. Children of Charles W. and Mary H. (Hunt) Goodwin: Ralph L., b. September 3, 1884. Lillian M., b. July 8, 1886. Carl W., b. May 23, 1889. Chas. Ernest, b. March 25, 1801. Fannie I., b. December 23, 1893. Simeon Goodwin, 3rd, son of Simeon, Jr., is a prosperous farmer. He lives on the farm where he was born. Children of Simeon and Drusilla (Baker) Goodwin: James Henry, b. May 11, 1844, married Clara Wadsworth. Lives in West Gardiner, Me. Joseph, b. October 16, 1847, married Minnie Woodbury, May, 1879. Cyrus Howard, b. April 24, 1850, married Mary Hall. Lives in Mon- mouth, Me. : George E., b. September 1, 1852, married Mary D. Smith, November 10, 1878. Lives in Connecticut. Fred E., b. October 21, 1854. Lives in Litchfield. Clara Ella, b. April 10, 1857, married George McCrunm. Lives in Malden, Mass. Lucretia L., b. May 12, 1863, married Arthur S. Merrill, November 21, 1884. Lives in West Gardiner. Edwin S., b. May 19, 1866. Lives in Litchfield. John H. Goodwin, son of Simeon, Jr., lived in the first house on the Woodbury road. He was a farmer and worked for E. Plimpton & Sons. Clara, his wife, died April 30, 1894, aged 66 years. Children of John and Clara (Choate) Goodwin: Lizzie Flora, b. June 2, 1861, died in Litchfield December 2, 1875. John Franklin, b. May 28, 1867, married Agnes Haffon. Lives in Massachusetts. ANDREW GOODWIN. Andrew Goodwin, son of Simeon, senior, run the mill owned by his father, until purchased by his son Andrew, Jr. He died January 30, 1872. Children of Andrew and Margaret (Clifford) Goodwin: Mary B., b. September 21, 1819, married Charles F. Dunn. Lived in Litchfield. James, b. August 13, 1821, died August 11, 1825. Andrew, Jr., b. November 14, 1826, married 1st, Lydia M. True; 2nd, Sarah B. McKenney. Lives in Valley City, N. D. I 26 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Sarah E., b. December 5, 1829, married David B. Allen. Margaret A., b. April 10, 1832, married Charles H. Waldron. Martha A., b. October 9, 1834, married David G. Wilson. Andrew Goodwin, Jr., was a soldier in the late war. He owned and run the mill of his father, Andrew, for many years. He sold out and is now living in N. D. Children of Andrew and Sarah (McKenney) Goodwin: George W., b. March 25, 1860, died December 23, 1863. . Mary Estelle, b. March 6, 1863, married James C. Drake. Lives in Arcadia, Cal. Lizzie M., b. May 11, 1865, married Otto Chilberg. Lives in Valley City, N. D. Andrew, b. August 6, 1867. Lives in Valley City, N. D. Margaret, b. September 25, 1871, married Neils Peterson. Lives in Fargo, N. D. Jacop Goopwin. There were others by the name of Goodwin, in Litchfield; Jacob was born in Lyons, France,in 1756. He came to America with LaFayette, and served as major, during the Revolutionary war. After the war closed he went to Portsmouth, N. H., where he married Eunice (or Judith) Tuttle. He then came to Maine and after a time located in Litchfield, near Harriman’s Corner. Mr. Goodwin was a Baptist minister, and died Decem- ber 21, 1804. Children of Jacob and Eunice (Tuttle) Goodwin: Esther, b. September 8, 1784, married Nathaniel Stevens. Polly, b. September 4, 1786, married Elisha Evans. John, b. August 29, 1788, married Eunice Mince. Lived in Pennsyl- vania. Levi, b. September 4, 1790, married 1st, Dolly Huntington, August 5, 1806; 2nd, Abagail Stevens, June 3, 1824. Elizabeth, b. January 20, 1793, married Joseph Chick. Lived in Top- sham. Susanna, b. January 4, 1795, died October 14, 1805. Sally, b. January 20, 1798. Clarrissa, b. 1801, married Charles Peck. Lived in Sandwich, Islands, afterward in Chicago. Judith, b. July 8, 1804, died September 10, 1805. Levi Goodwin, son of Jacob, after his second marriage lived on the Thomas Buffee farm. ANDREW GOODWIN. ANDREW GOODWIN. Andrew Goodwin the subject of this sketch was born in what is now Gardiner but was then a portion of the town of Pittston, in 1792, October r4th. His father, Simeon Goodwin, becoming interested with Gen. Dearborn in milling operations at ‘‘Purgatory,’’ moved to Litch- field in 1793 when he purchased Dearborn’sinterest in the properyand in the mills which he had helped to build upon shares. Andrew Goodwin in early life had very limited opportunities for obtaining any educa- tion. He first attended a little school in the kitchen of a neighbor two or three miles away from his home, later a schoolhouse was erected in what is now known as the “True District,’ where he was for some time an attendant. He was a diligent student and by dint of persistent industry and application, though the facilities were so meager, he acquired some degree of practical education enabling him to assist his father in his business intelligently. He soon came to be prominent in the business and was respected by all who knew him. He was a thoughtful man of few words. Always considering well before decid- ing matters of importance, and when once he had reached a conclu- sion he was not easily shaken or moved from his position, but could be trusted to stand up square for the right. When war was proclaimed in 1812, he enlisted and went to the front where he served as a private soldier. After his return he married Polly Bowman; she lived but a short time. October 13, 1816, he married Margaret Clifford. They had six children. Andrew, his only living son, now resides in Valley City, North Dakota. His daughter Margaret, Mrs. Chas. H. Waldron, lives in Litchfield and kindly furnished facts for this sketch of her father. In politics he was a strong Republican and ever interested in the advancement of the principles of his party. He was also a member of Morning Star Lodge of Masons in his town. EARLY SETTLERS. 137 Children of Levi and Dolly (Huntington) Goodwin: William, married Sally Bailey. Harriet, married Henry Richardson. Joan, married George Richardson. Betsey, married Atherton Thompson. John, died while young. Children of Levi, and Abagail (Stevens) Goodwin: Levi, b. March 2, 1825, married Harriet A. Springer. Abagail, b. September 18, 1827, died while young. James A., b. May 22, 1829, married 1st, Mary A. Fletcher; 2nd, Eunice Hodgdon. Lives in East Livermore. Abagail, b. April 30, 1831, married Nathan Upham. Mary Jane, b. November 4, 1833, married Ezra Mitchell. Sarah, b. January 25, 1836, married Gates Chapman. AARON GOODWIN. There were three brothers by the name of Goodwin, that came from Scarboro and lived on the farm now occupied by Benjamin F. Colby. Their names were Aaron, Moses and Joshua. Aaron married Martha Hamblen of Baldwin. He afterwards moved to the Corner. Moses and Joshua returned to Scarboro. Martha, his wife, died December 31, 1851. Children of Aaron and Martha (Hamblen) Goodwin: Mary C., b. January 7, 1830. Martha, b. January 21, 1833. Thadeus, b. November 18, 1834. Benj. F., b. September 25, 1838. Enoch D., b. October 1, 1846, died September 30, 1847. Pomeroy, married Roxanna Berry. Gone West. SAMUEL GOODWIN. Samuel Goodwin was born in Boston in 1820; married Mariette Thompson, a descendant of John Thompson, and of Miles Standish, who came over in the May Flower; came to Maine in 1843, the year he was married, and settled in Litch- field in 1847. He died in January, 1894. Children of Samuel and Mariette (Thompson) Goodwin: Sarah J., b. April 22, 1845, married George A. Gatchell. Lives in Winthrop, Me. Daniel Carr, b. December 21, 1846, died August, 1848. Mariette T., b. April 27, 1850, married Henry Taylor. Eva, b. August 21, 1851, died, 1853. Ada F., b. March 4, 1856, married W. S. Purington. 138 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Henry Taylor, came to Litchfield, about 1870, and has been very prominent in educational matters, and a member of the school board for nearly twenty years. He has taught over ninety terms, and his wife, Mrs. Marietta (Goodwin) Taylor, has taught nearly sixty terms of school. Children of Henry and Marietta (Goodwin) Taylor: Henry Warren, b. February 1, 1875. Walter Goodwin, b. December 20, 1876, died March 6, 1880. Carlton L., b. September 13, 1885. Annie I., b. August 29, 1887. GOOGINS. Samuel Googins came to Litchfield from York county, and lived near the Plains. He died February 24, 1861, aged 75 years. His wife, Mary, died March 1, 1861, aged 76 years and 5 days. Their son, Amaziah, married Luella Harriman, and lives in the Grant neighborhood. Children of Amaziah and Luella (Harriman) Googins: Orrin C., b. December 1, 1853, married Adelaide J. Yeaton. Frank Lorenzo, b. March 24, 1856, died April 7, 1857. Orrin C. Googins lived in Litchfield for a time after his mar- riage. Now lives in Everett, Mass. Children of Orrin C. and Adelaide J: (Yeaton) Googins: Charles E., b. June 12, 1883. George H., b. March 4, 1892. Harold F., b. November 4, 1893, died August 18, 1894. GORDON. Ithiel Gordon was a descendant of Alexander Gordon who came from Scotland in 1652, and settled in New Hampshire. Ithiel came to Gardiner in 1782. In 1784 he married Sally McCausland, who died April 22, 1800, aged 33 years, and came to Purgatory in 1789, or ‘90. He was a millwright by trade. Was employed by General Dearborn, Simeon Goodwin, and others. August, 1801 he married Polly Hunter, daughter of Molly (Smith) Hunter, and granddaughter of Joseph and Susannah (Williams) Smith. He died March 30, 1814. Children of Ithiel and Sally (McCausland) Gordon: James, b. August 1, 1788, married in England and died there. EARLY SETTLERS. 139 Polly, b. June 1, 1790, married Josiah Gordon. Lived in Mercer, Me. Maria, b. January 8, 1792. Thomas, b. May 10, 1794, married Betty Hutchinson. Died in Nashua, N. H., February 3, 1870. Sally, b. July ro, 1796, married Amos Merrill. Lived in Mercer, Me. Susan, married Christopher Dyer. Lived in New Sharon. Betsey, married Huntington. Lived in Kichmond. Children of Ithiel and Polly (Hunter) Gordon: Hannah, b. April 17, 1802, married Otis Berry. Fannie, b. May 15, 1804, married William Plummer in 1821. Lived in Hartland. Ruth, b. February 1, 1806, married Wales M. Morton. Lived in Lynn, Mass. , Eliza, b. 1808, married John Welsh. Lived in Pittsfield. Ithiel, b. 1810, died February 11, 1813. Smith, b. June 9, 1813, married Jane Gray in 1829. Smith Gordon, son of Ithiel, lived on the nlace sow owned by Wallace Allen. He married Jane K. Gray. Children of Smith and Jane K. (Gray) Gordon: Henry F., b. April 24, 1830, married Rose Bryant. Lived in Massa- chusetts. Mary J., b. April 19, 1832, married Richard Glass. Benj. A., b. March 7, 1835, married Dorris Davis. Lived in Massachusetts. Ann G., b. May 8, 1837, married Alvin Brown. Lives in Cape Eliza- beth. Emerilla, b. December 2, 1839, married Joseph Glass. Levi T., b. April 3, 1842, died in January, 1870. Soldier in Civil War. Sarah Catharine, b. April 15, 1844, married Clarence Gatchell. Susanna Frances, b. October 9, 1846, married Hiram Coburn. Lives in Marinette, Wis. Charles D., b. July 5, 1850. GOVE. Caleb P. Gove, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Philbrook) Gove, was born in Nottingham, N. H., and moved to Litchfield, Me., and lived on place now occupied by Lorenzo Metcalf, which he bought of Moses Stevents in 1816. He died March 31, 1823, aged 30 years. Children of Caleb P. and Lydia (Small) Gove: John M., b. November 19, 1819, married Elmira Ware. Lives in West Gardiner. 140 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. GOWELL. There were several Gowell brothers who came to Litchfield from Bowdoin, and took up farms in different sections of the town. Their ancestors came from Wales. They were the sons of John and Asenath (Southard) Gowell, and grandsons of William Gowell, who was born in Kittery, Me., July 19, 1737, As some of the daughters lived in Litchfield after marriage, and the family lived near the Litchfield line, it will be of interest to give the dates of birth of entire family. Children of John and Asenath (Southard) Gowell: Susannah, b. January 24, 1795, married Orr. Charles, b. February 20, 1797, married Sally Southard. Lived in Topsham and Bath. John, b. June 5, 1799, married Nancy Ann Niles. Parker, b. November 27, 1800, married Susan Lunt, June 24, 1827. Louiza, b. February 14, 1802, married Ebenezer Whitney. Lived in West Gardiner. Samuel, b. March 13, 1804, married 1st, Melinda Purington, October, 1827; 2nd, Judith S. (Lunt) Tobey. Theodosia, b. March 11, 1806, married Jonathan Allard. Asa L., b. February 29, 1808, married Caroline Berry. Bradford, b. April 12, 1810, died May 28, 1818. Wyman, b. July 5, 1812, married Lovina Mosely. Mary, b. October 29, 1814, married Henry Bowman. Lived in Tops- ham and Gardiner. Gilman, b. August 8, 1819, married Eliza Dain. Lived on Oak Hill. Died October 27, 1854. \ Joun GowELL, Jr. John Gowell, Jr., lived on what was known as the Bradstreet place for several years, located next west of the Hougkins farm, which was later occupied by John’s brother, Asa Lewis Gowell. John afterwards moved to West Gardiner, where he died December 12, 1857. Nancy Ann, his wife, died April 14, 1866 aged 7o. Children of John and Nancy Ann (Niles) Gowell: Samuel, b. January, 1824, married Abbie McCausland. Harriet, married Samuel Washburn. Lives in Massachusetts. Susan, married John Barker. Lives in Massachusetts. Robert, married Harriet ‘McCausland. Lives in Massachusetts. William, b. February, 1832, married Lane. Lives in Chicago. Martha, b. 1834, married 1st, George Elwell; 2nd, White. Charles, b. February 7, 1837, married Harriet C. Lambard. Fred, b. October 27, 1839, not married. Lives in Chicago. Aaeeeeeeeeeerre ees “ EARLY SETTLERS. 141 PARKER GOWELL. Parker, son of John and Asenath (Southard) Gowell, settled on the farm now occupied by Melvin Tibbetts, which he bought of Nathaniel Newell and Oliver Bartlett. He died in Gardiner February 21, 1875. Susan, his wife, died April 25, 1888. Children of Parker and Susan (Lunt) Gowell: Lorenzo, b. June 14, 1828, died May 22, 1832. Mary A., b. October 3, 1830, married Levi O. Allen. Died June 27, 1806. Emily, b. January 25, 1832, married James Peacock. Died Janvary 13, 1892. William H., b. October 8, 1833, married Mary P. Phillips. Lives in Gardiner. : Isaiah, b. August 3, 1835, killed by Indians in Mexico, July 4, 1860. Gilman, b. October 22, 1836, died August 23, 1838. Alfred, b. March 26, 1839, married Ist, Mary E. Bean: 2nd, Mary E. Buzzell. Lives in Gardiner. Margaret, b. April 25, 1841, married Eugene B. Webber. Died Feb- Tuary 12, 1863. : Susan, b. April 29, 1844, married John O. Cortis. Died November 26, 1867. Augustus, b. April 24, 1847, married 1st, Annie Morang; 2nd, Caro- line Tibbetts. Lives in Pittston. Lewis D., b. March 8, 1850, married 1st, Annie Peacock; 2nd, Mary Eliza Shea; 3d, Minnie E. Shorey. Lives in Gardiner. Asa Lewis GOWELL. Asa Lewis Gowell, son of John and Asenath (Southard) Gowell, lived first where Charles H. Hodgkins now lives, then on a farm next west of it. He went to Cali- fornia in 1849 and died there, May 27, 1850, aged years. Caroline, his wife, died January 7, 1894. Children of Asa Lewis and Caroline (Berry) Gowell: Lucinda, b. August 11, 1834, married John S. Ruker. Lived in Wis- consin. Asa L., b. August 13, 1836, married Ellen Pope. Lives in Boston. William N., b. August 13, 1837, married Lizzie Pope. Lives in Wes- ton, Mass. Sylvester C., b. October 13, 1838, married Maria Mervin. Lives in Hesperia, Mich. Annie E., b. March 21, 1840, died December 21, 1860. Adelia E., b. September 6, 1842, married A. H. Potter.~ Lives in Gardiner. : Adelaide, b. September 6, 1842, married George H. Douglass. Lives in Gardiner. 142 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. John D., b. May 10, 1845, married Floretta A. Woodworth. Lives in Hesperia, Mich. Alphonso C., b. September 1, 1846, married Julia C. Woodworth. Lives in Hesperia, Mich. Frederick E., b. December 30, 1848, died in the army, September 16, 1864. WyMAN GOWELL. 2 Wyman Gowell, son of John and Asenath (Southard) Gowell, moved to Litchfield and lived on farm now occupied by his son Augustus. He died September 21, 1861. Lavaina, his wife, died July 7, 1866, aged 60 years. , ‘ Epwarp Gower. Edward Gower, son of Robert and Margaret (Alexander) Gower, was born in Topsham February 12, 1761, and was one of the earliest settlers. Helived on Oak Hill. He marriedSarah Smith, daughter of Eliphalet Smith, November, 1785. In 1832 he moved to Lee, Maine, where he died March 4, 1836, aged 75 years. Sarah, his wife, died June 24, 1841, aged 74 years. Children of Edward and Sarah (Smith) Gower: Eliphalet, b. June 30, 1789, died October 13, 1805. Apphia, b. June 7, 1798, married Benjamin Whitten, November 22, 1832. Moved to Lee, Me. Martha, b. April 30, 1806, married John M. Maxwell, May, 1832. Died in Lee, Me., May 30, 1893. JosHua GoweERr. Joshua Gower came from New Gloucester in April, 1807 and bought the Eliphalet Smith farm of the heirs. He lived in town several years and was in trade. Wm. Gower. William Gower, possibly a brother of Edward, came from New Gloucester, and lived in Litchfield for several years, and - then moved to Bingham, Maine. Children of William and Comfort (Haskell) Gower: Eunice, b. March 18, 1799, married Elisha Smith. William, Jr., b. November 13, 1800. Thomas H., b. February 9, 1803, married Hannah Bolster. John, b. November 5, 1804, died in Boston, 1850. Henry, b. March 8, 1807, married Mary S. Hull. Lived in Poland, Me. Annie, b. February 13, 1810, married Isaac Corson. EARLY SETTLERS. 143 Haskell, b. March 13, 1812, married Sophia Braham. Died in 1849. Stanley, married 1st, Mehitable Gerry; 2nd, Deborah S. Hathorne. Lived in Boston. Asa, married. Died in Georgia. David, married Rhoda Rose. Lived in Wheeling, West Va. Thomas H. Gower, son of William, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class of 1829. He was a prominent physician in Knox county, was a member of the Maine House of Representatives, and also of the Maine Senate from that county. In his later years he removed to Litchfield where he died May 11, 1869. Hannah, his wife, died September 9, 1879, aged 73 years. ' GRANT. Rev. William O. Grant, son of William O., and Mary (Shel- don) Grant, was born in Lincolnshire county, England, Feb- ruary 26, 1793. He was educated in London, and came to Nova Scotia in 1812. He afterwards lived in Eastport, Maine, and in Newburyport, Mass., where he married, June 30, 1819, Mary Todd. After his marriage he preached in Newburyport, Amesbury, Salisbury and other places until he came to Litch- field in 1822, and became the pastor of the Baptist church there. Rev. Mr. Grant was very prominent in town affairs, being a member of the school board many years, town clerk, and a member of the Maine House of Representatives for three terms. While town clerk he collected together the records of the town, and arranged them in excellent shape for practical use. He died May 22, 1875. Children of Rev. W. O. and Mary (Todd) Grant: John M., b. March 25, 1822, died March 4, 1842. Martha B., b. September 11, 1824, died June 1, 1826. Martha Burr, b. April 14, 1826, married Davis Emerson. Benj. Franklin, b. January 27, 1828, married Harriet Emerson. William Oliver, b. November 11, 1829, died October 6, 1850. Mary Joanna, b. February 26, 1832, died September, 1834. Lewis Eugene, b. May 5, 1835, married Grace Everett. Rev. Benjamin F., son of Rev. William O., has been a prom- inent minister in the Congregational denomination. He was graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary, class 1874. He now lives in Malden, Mass. 144 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD, Children of Benj. F. and Harriet (Emerson) Grant: Charles H., b. January 2, 1855. Lives in Malden, Mass. William O., b. January 30, 1857, died in Natick, Mass., May 25, 1879. Herbert E., b. December 13, 1859. Lives in Malden, Mass. : John C., b. June 4, 1862. Lewis Eugene, son of Rev. W. O. Grant, first studied law and located in Chicago. He afterwards entered the ministry and was very successful. He was a member of the Third Maine Regiment and severely wounded at ist Bull Run. He died February 12, 1882, in Lamoine, Maine. Children of Lewis Eugene and Grace (Everett) Grant: Blanche D., b. August 20, 1867. Lewis E., b. March 27, 1870. NATHANIEL GRAVES. Nathaniel Graves was a descendant of John Graves, of Kit- tery. He was born in Topsham, came to Litchfield before 1800, and married Abagail Dingley, December 6, 1800, and lived near the Corner. He afterwards moved to Guilford, Maine. Children of Nathaniel and Abagail (Dingley) Graves: Nathaniel, b. August 2, 1801, moved to Boone county, III. Prudence, b. December 25, 1802, married Seth Merrill. Lived in Parkman. Alfred, b. May 8, 1805, married Clarinda Warren. Died in Guilford. Stilman, b. February 28, 1807, married Hannah Young. Lived in Boone county, Il. Ellsbury, b. November 7, 1808. Martha, married George C. Clifford. Died in Webster, Me. Harriet, married Hiram B. Cole. Died in Guilford, Me. Davip GRAVES. David Graves, son of William, was born in Topsham October 6, 1801. He married Hannah Brown of Topsham, and in 1839 moved to Oak Hill where he lived several years and then moved to Bowdoinham. Children of David and Hannah (Brown) Graves: Mary E., b. April 28, 1828, married W. H. Potter. Lived in Wales. Frances Ellen, b. March 29, 1833, married Dr. S. P. Graves, a leading physician of Saco, Me. Emma M., b. July 25, 1836, married Selden F. Jenkins. Lived in Wales. David Horace, b. April 13, 1839, married Kate Curtis of Bowdoinham. Julia A., b. October 10, 1843. Daniel Mellen, b. July 7, 1846, died October 13, 1847. EARLY SETTLERS. 145 ALEXANDER GRAY. Alexander Gray was born in Lisbon, Me., September 18, 1782, and came to Litchfield in 1810. He died Septem- ber 24, 1853. Children of Alexander and Jerushia (Nowell) Gray: Jeremiah, b. May 5, 1808, married Permelia Chase, October, 1833. Almira, b. October 17, 1811, married Samuel IF, Maxwell. Lived in Wales. Uriah, b. November 16, 1813, married Thankful B. Lombard. Lived in Monmouth. Harriet, b. November vy, 1815, married Jesse Maxwell. She died in Wales, Me., February 12, 1882. Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1820, married Albion Bates. Lives in Boston. Daniel, b. July 27, 1823, married Sarah D. Jewell. Lived in Gardiner, Died December 29, 1889. Sally, b. July 27, 1823, married Jason Rogers. Lives in East Mon- mouth. Albion, b. February 9, 1827, married Nancy Hatch of Bowdoinham. Lost at sea. and then moved to Richmond, Me.. where he died March 5, 1872. Children of Jeremiah and Permelia (Chase) Gray: Nancy J., b. January 18, 1835, married George Chase. Lives in Rich- mond. Josephine, b. January 18, 1835, died January 25, 1837, R. Josephine, b. July 1, 1839. Lives in Lewiston. Mary A., b. May 21, 1840. Lives in Richmond. William H., b. June 27, 1845. Lives in Boston. Scott, lives in Bath, Me. e STEPHEN GRAY. Stephen, son of Thomas Gray, the-well known hunter and trapper, and of Sarah his wife, was borr in Brunswick, October 3, 1764. He moved to Litchfield early in life, and lived near Purgatory, where he died in November, 1831. He married first, Louiza Arno, and second, Catherine Cooper. Children of Stephen and Louiza (Arno) Gray: Lois, b. October 31, 1790, married Samuel Judkins. Huldah, married Samuel Plummer. Io 146 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Nathan. Lived in Topsham. Stephen, Jr., married Sarah Johnson, January, 1826. Joshua, killed by a falling tree when about seventeen years old. Children by second wife, Catherine Cooper: Ann G., b. February 1, 1811, married Thomas B. Keenan. Jane K., b. September 7, 1812, married Smith Gordon. William C., b. May 17, 1815, married Mary A. Greenlief. Died May 28, 1883. Mary A., his wife, died March 13, 1888. James, b. April 13, 1817, married Susan J. (Walker) Crawford. Levi C., b. December 6, 1819, married Eliza Tibbetts, December, 1838. John H., b. October 24, 1821, married Mary Pease. Harriet C., b. July 28, 1824, married Joseph Allen. STEPHEN Gray, JR. Stephen Gray, Jr., lived in town until his decease, May II, 1838. Children of Stephen, Jr. and Sarah (Johnson) Gray: Joshua, b. March 9, 1827, died May 4, 1831. Sarah J., b. September 16, 1828, married Hiram Welch. Lived in Yarmouthville, Me. Stephen, b. December g, 1830, died May 8, 1831. Ann M., b. March 16, 1832, married Horace Kimball. Lives in Yar- mouthville, Me. Elizabeth K., b. August 10, 1834, married Gilbert Winslow. Lives in South Dakota. Lucinda B., b. December 6, 1836, married Dexter Ward. Lives in Boston. Joun H. Gray. John H. Gray, son of Stephen, lived about a mile from Pur- gatory, for several years, and afterwards moved to Chelsea, Maine. Children of John H. and Mary (Pease) Gray: James William, b. November 1, 1844, married Lizzie O’Hare. Lives in Everett, Mass. Emily Susan, b. September 23, 1846. Dead. Aaron P., b. September 11, 1849. Lives in South Dakota. Levi C. Gray. Levi C. Gray, son of Stephen, lives near the Dr. Pike place. Eliza, his wife, died September 2, 1887, aged 72 years. Children of Levi and Elizabeth (Tibbetts) Gray: Susan Ellen, b. June 16, 1839, married John H. Taylor. Lives in Windsor. Charles F., b. October 1, 1841, married Tamar S. Deane. Lives in Gardiner, ’ EARLY SETTLERS. 147 Sarah Jane, b. January 10, 1844, married William Dingley. Lives in Gardiner. Stephen, b. October 10, 1845, married Emma J. Frye. Lives in Cam- bridge, Mass. Eliza Ann, b. July 10, 1847, married William Tibbetts. Lives in Fair- field. Harriet Catherine, b. August 30, 1849, married Monsieur James. Lives in Litchfield, Me. Abba Amanda, b. October 23, 1851, married William Mitchell. Lives in Gardiner. Rinaldo True, b. May 4, 1854, married Clara Taglor. Lives in Fair- field. Edward, b. October 16, 1857. GREENLEAF. .Eli Greenleaf, son of Joseph and Tamson (Grover) Greenleaf, and a descendant of Edward Greenleaf, who came to Newbury, Mass in 1633, was born in New Sharon, Me., January 12, 1815. He lived in Litchfield several years. In 1840 at Purgatory, and afterwards on the Piam Richardson farm. He married first, Elizabeth S. Blake, November 9, 1834, who was born in Epping, N. H., July 1, 1810, and died December 24, 1851. Mr. Green- leaf married for his second wife, Catherine Keene of Sidney. ‘He died in Monmouth February 27, 1877. Children of Eli and Elizabeth S. (Blake) Greenleaf: Mary Frances, b. February 15, 1837, married John Heath. Lives in Hallowell. Julia Adaline, b. June 16, 1839. Lives in Hallowell. Joseph Dearborn, b. April 30, 1841, died January 3, 1888. Was a soldier in late war. Ellen Sophronia, b. February 27, 1844, died November 19, i Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1847, died in infancy. Agnes Jane, b. October 29, 1849, died May 4, 1868. Children by second wife, Catherine Keene: Frank Wesley, b. September 18, 1858, married Julia F. Boyd. Lives in Monmouth. Annie May, b. May 1, 1861, married ————— Steadman. Lives in Massachusetts. GROVER. Andrew Grover came to Litchfield from Bowdoin. He lived in the Earl neighborhood on Judah Baker place, and died July ‘25, 1868, aged 72. 148 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Andrew and Ann (Rodick) Grover: William R., b. October 11, 1820, married Miranda Tarr. Lived in Pawtucket, R. I. Albert, b. August 1, 1822, married Julia Small. Lives in Augusta. Eleanor R., b. April 28, 1824, died October 9, 1843. Mehitabel, b. December 26, 1825, died June 19, 1849. . Marcia, b. October 19, 1827, married Chas. Coates. Lives in Provi- dence, R. I. Andrew J., b. October 2, 1829, married Elvira Davis. Lived in Craw- ford, Me. Jane T., b. September 21,.1831, married Cornelius Bogart. Lives in Pawtucket, R. I. Maria, b. October 1, 1833, married McDonald. Died in Ohio. Lydia Ann, b. April 28, 1836, married Albion Farr. Died in Bruns- wick, Me. Children by second wife, Olive Shephard: Annette G., b. July 15, 1837, married Nahum Willard. Lived in Providence, R. I. Charles M., b. October 23, 1840, married Victoria Davis. Lives in Brunswick. John Chandler, b. April 5, 1842, died in the army. : Franklin P., b. January, 1844, married Sarah Elizabeth Green. Died in Providence, R. I. Ellen C., b. November 12, 1845, married Andrew Bubier. Died in Litchfield. : Julia F., b. September 20, 1847, married Ira Wilson. Lives in Provi-: dence, R. I. George H., b. May 4, 1849, married Ellen Snow. Lives in Provi- dence, R. I. b Anson M., b. May 4, 1851, married Etta A. Smith. Lives in Bruns- wick, Me. Olivette, b. January 30, 1853, married Theodore Snow. Lives in Providence, R. I. Mehitable Ella, b. May 26, 1855, married John Lamb. Lives in Provi- dence. GROVES. Samuel Groves was born in Brunswick and came to ‘Litchfield Neck. He married Phoebe Douglass February 9, 1809. . He died June 1858; his wife died December io, 1849. Their children born in Litchfield: Mary Ann, b. January 1, 1810, married Joseph H. Towns. Samuel, b. October 3, 1812, married 1st, Elizabeth Campbell, April 10, 1838; 2nd, Sally Merrill. Lives in Manchester, Me. ' Permelia, b. October 17, 1815, married Daniel Towns and died in Salem, Mass. EARLY SETTLERS. 149 Oliver, b. October 5, 1817, killed in 1835 while sinking a well: Sarah S., b. October 17, 1819, married Benj. Curtis and died at Bath, Me. Henry W., b. April 11, 1821, married Abigail Crane: Lives in Bruns- wick. Rufus, b. February 7, 1825, married M. Stilkey. Lives in Brunswick. Aurilla, b. July 14, 1827, married Thomas C. Jones. Lived in Man- chester, Me.’ Isabel, b. July 14, 1827, married Edwin Brown. Lives in West Bath. George W. L., b. October 31, 1829, married Lucy Ann Lake. Died in Brunswick. ; Phebe, b. May 3, 1833, married 1st, James Williamson; 2nd, Solomon Stewart. Lives in Stockton, Cal. Children of Samuel, Jr. and Elizabeth (Campbell) Groves: Triphenia A., b. March 22, 1839, married Walter S. Cobb. Lives in Auburn, Me. Children of Samuel, Jr. and Sally (Merrill) Groves: Mary E., b. August 10, 1843. Thomas, b. July 20, 1845, married. Lives in Manchester. Charles W., b. January 20, 1851, married ————— Jones. Lives in Harpswell. Rebecca. Lived in Boston. Izetta, married Eben Allen. Lives in West Gardiner. Eugene. Lives in Brunswick. HaGGETt. Isaac Haggett came to Litchfield about 1790, from New Hampshire, and settled near Buffee landing. He married Han- nah, sister of John Richardson. He died in 1798, and his widow afterward married Thomas Buffee. Children of Isaac and Hannah (Richardson) Haggett: Hannah, b. July 14, 1788. \ 5 Rachel, b. January 30, 1890, married Richard Beedle, June 19, 1806. Isaac, b. July 16, 1792, married Mary Gilman, May 2, 1816. Moved to Norridgewock. William, b. September 30, 1795, died September 14, 1796. HALE. Tappan Hale, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Dow) Hale and a descendant of Thomas Hale, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1635, was born in Sudbury, July 11, 1782, and came to Litch- field in 1800 and lived at the Plains. Mr. Hale was a very intelligent and well-read man. He married Elizabeth, daughter I50 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. of Jabez;Robinson, Esq., November 19, 1804. He died Decem- ber 22, 1866, aged 84 years. His wife died April 3, 1861, aged 76 years. Children of Tappan and Elizabeth (Robinson) Hale: Willard, b. September 30, 1805, died August 16, 1825. Mary, b. February 15, 1807, married Levi Harriman, December, 1831. Lilved in Litchfield. William, b. September 3, 1809, married Lettice Adams, October 1, 1835. Elizabeth R., b. March 4, 1811, married Calvin Ford. Died December 25, 1834. Jabez, b. May 24, 1813, married Adelaide Chase of Cape Cod. Lived Gates. Sally, b. March 20, 1815, married Abner T. Harriman. Lived in Litchfield. ‘ Abagail, b. February 6, 1817, married 1st, Eben Judkins; 2nd, George Gates. Daniel, b. January 9, 1819, died February 8, 1838. Martha Ann, b. December 30, 1820, married William T. Tapley, June 4, 1848. Lived in Dedham, Mass. Amanda M., b. April 12, 1823, married Chas. Thompson. Lived in ‘Dedham, Mass. Willard, b. April 1, 1825, married Sarah Sargent of Dedham, Mass. Went to sea in 1866 and never heard from. Harriman, b. January 17, 1827, died May 8, 1827. WILLIAM HALE. Children of William and Lettice (Adams) Hale: Mary E., b. January 7, 1837, married Dr. Isaac KNowell. Lives in Cali- fornia. Dr. Rowell has been mayor of San Francisco. William F., b. March 18, 1839, was a physician. Died in San Fran- cisco, Cal., April 14, 1886. s William Hale lived for several years in Litchfield and then went to San Francisco with his son-in-law, Dr. Rowell, and his son, Dr. William F. Hale, where he was killed in a runaway - accident. Hatt. Timothy Hall, son of John and Zilpha (Crooker) Hall, and grandson of John Hall of Scituate, Mass., was born in Marsh- field, Mass., in 1760. He came to Litchfield about 1783 and lived near the Hall school house. He married Abagail Springer. Timothy died May 6, 1836, aged 76 years. Abagail died December 7, 1848, aged 94 years. EARLY SETTLERS. Tei Children of Timothy and Abagail (Springer) Hall: Isaac, b- May 6, 1786, married Mary Hinkley, April 26, 1810. Lived in Monmouth. Timothy, b. June 6, 1788, married Betsey Farnum, March 19, 1812. Abagail, b. August 28, 1790, married Timothy Huntington, March 12, 1812. - Nancy, b. May 26, 1793, married Thomas Buker. Luther, b. July 26, 1795, married, 1st, Eliza Greeley, April, 1820; 2nd, Mary Greeley; 3d, Mary Tribon, January 7, 1865. Andrew, b. December 5, 1797, died young. Andrew, b. December 2, 1798, married Mary Downs, September 30, 1819. Died April 22, 1833. Betsey, b. 1805, married Josiah Parker. She died April 18, 1833, aged 28 years. Timotuy Hatt, Jr. Timothy Hall, Jr., settled near his father. He died April 21, 1847. Children of Timothy and Betsey (Farnum) Hall: Elbridge G., b. November 20, 1812, married Mary G. Potter, Septem- ber, 1840. Died February 23, 1882. ‘ Abagail, b. November 8, 1814, married Elbridge G. Barnes, April 9, 1835. Timothy, b. August 14, 1819, married Eliza J. Pearl. Marilla, A. J., b. October 25, 1823, died October 29, 1841. Sylvester, b. January 24, 1829. Lived in Warcham, Mass. Leonard, married Sarah Stroup. Lives in St. Louis, Mo. Children of Timothy, son of Timothy, Jr., and Eliza J. (Pearl) Hall: Matilda F., b. June 9, 1844, married Isaac G. Hall, June, 1863. LutHer HA... Luther Hall, son of Timothy Hall, Senior, lived in town. He died October 27, 1872. Eliza, his wife, died June 22, 1863. Children of Luther:and Eliza (Greeley) Hall: Samuel G., b. September 8, 1821, married 1st, Julia A. Stinson; and, Mrs. Belinda Cornish. Lives in Lisbon, Me. / George W., b. March 3, 1826, married Eunice D. Cobb. Lived in Bath, Me. Ann M., b. July 12, 1828, married Leander Metcalf. Charles T., b. June 24, 1829, married Rachel P. Coombs. John H., b. November 29, 1832, married, 1st, M. Antoinette Hall, November 6, 1854; 2d, Amanda Brown. Died April 10, 1864, in Orne- ville. Elmira E., b. March 3, 1837, married Robert S. Whitney. She died September 29, 1863. Isaac G., b. January 5, 1843, married Matilda F. Hall, June, 1863. Isaac G. Hall, son of Luther, lived in Litchfield several years and now lives in Lowell, Mass. 152 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Isaac G. and Matilda (Hall) Hall: E. Eugene, b. October 31, 1864, married Abbie Pray, Detember 23, 1891. Lives in Lagrange, Me. Myra Eliza, b. November 20, 1867, died October 4, 1877, in Litchfield. L. Pearl, b. May 31, 1874, died January 27, 1895, in Lowell, Mass. Lottie Dell, b. June 27, 1877. % Charles T. Hall, son of Luther, now lives in Litchfield, on home place. ANDREW HALL. Andrew Hall, son of Timothy, Senior, lived in Hall neighbor- hood. He died April 22, 1833. Mary, his wife, died Septem- ber 7, 1848, aged 53 years. Children of Andrew, son of Timothy, Sr., and Mary (Downs) Hall: Mary A., b. February 6, 1821, married Daniel King Nickerson. William H., b. November 29, 1823, married Relief H. Day, May, 1843. He died August 3¥, 1873. Nancy J., b. June 1, 1826, married Dennis Mitchell. Died September, 1850. Harriet, b. January 3, 1831. CaLvIN HaLt, Calvin Hall, brother of Timothy and son of John and Zilpha (Crooker) Hall, was born in Marshfield, Mass., November 4, 1758. He came to Litchfield soon after his brother, Timothy, and settled on the farm now owned by H. K. Morrell of Gardi- ner, known as “Tacoma,” where he lived several years, and in 1808 moved to Monmouth. He married Tabitha Jelleson, November 22, 1781, at Topsham, Me. Second wife Rhoda Austin. Calvin and Timothy were both Revolutionary soldiers. Children of Calvin and Tabitha (Jelleson) Hall: Martin, b. February 11, 1782. Went to Calais, Me. Calvin, b. January 28, 1784, married Polly Getchell, July, 1804. Lived in Ohio. Susanna, b. March 19, 1786, married George Tozier. Lived in Mon- mouth. John, b. February 8, 1788, married Deborah Cooper. Zilpha, b. May 12, 1790, married Ist, Joshua Babb, Jr.; 2nd, Samuel Judkins, March 13, 1810. Job, b. July 27, 1793. Went to Ohio. Francis, b. August 6, 1796, married Martha Getchell. Lived in Man- chester, Me. By second wife, Rhoda Austin: Joseph, b. September 19, 1799, died at sea. Nathaniel, b. 1803, married Sarah Tibbetts. Lived in Canaan, Me. - EARLY SETTLERS. 153 Joun HALtt. John Hall, son of Calvin, lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Clinton, Me., where he died in 1860. Children of John and Deborah (Cooper) Hall: Rosilla, b. September 9, 1810, married Samuel Beal. Lived in Clinton, Me. Died in 1867. Catharine, b. May 3, 1812, drowned in Cobbossee pond. Harriet, b. August 8, 1814, married Abner Dodge. Died in Clinton, 1866. | Susan, b. March 24, 1818, married Eliphalet Pray. Lived in Gardiner, Me. John F., b. April 29, 1821, married Lucinda Reynolds. Lives in Clinton, Me. ‘Deborah, b. March 5, 1824, married John Morrill. Lives in Clinton. Isaac RANDALL Haty. Isaac Randall Hall was born in Marshfield, Mass., Novem- ber 14, 1791. He was son of Joseph and Susannah (Randall) Hall, and a nephew of Timothy and Calvin. His wife was Deborah Cowing of Lisbon. He was a sea captain and lived for several years in Philadelphia, then moved, in 1821, upon a farm beyond Batchelor’s tavern, where he died, February 20, 1834. Deborah, his wife, died September 11, 1873, aged 79 years, 6 months. Children of Isaac and Deborah (Cowing) Hall: \ Clarissa, b. October 8, 1814, married Nathaniel Dennis. Isaac Randall, Jr., b. May 6, 1819, married.Mary E. Hutchinson, April, 1841. Elizabeth B., b. July 2, 1821, married Harvey Hutchinson. Peleg, b. May 2, 1824, married Henriette H. Burke, December, 1847. Lives in Macon, Mo. Albion, b. January 27, 1826, married Ist, Elizabeth Clapp; 2nd, Carrie Shackley. Lives in Weymouth, Mass. Margaret, b. January 7, 1828, married Captain Stephen L. Harris of North Yarmouth, June, 1846. Ann Maria, b. January 5, 1830, married Lendall S. Adams, September 30, 1848. John Randall, b. October 23, 1831, married Rebecca Hatch, August 28, 1853. Died August 17, 1865. Isaac R. Hatt, Jr. Isaac R. Hall, Jr.,:lived in Litchfield on his father’s place, and afterward moved to Lewiston. 154 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Isaac R. and Mary E. (Hutchinson) Hall: Ferdinand D., b. December 7, 1841, married Mery Knowlton. Lived in Detroit, Mich. Georgietta, b. October 27, 1843, married Justin Wood. Lives in ‘Auburn. ; Josephine W., b. June 12, 1848, married ist, Frank Gammon; ad, William Nevens. Lives in Joliett, Ill. Lizzie Cathleen, b. November 21, 1852, married William Diekey. Lives in Lewiston. Isadore, b. January 26, 1855, married 1st, Charles Little; 2d, Frank Moore. Lives in Windsor. Estella, b. 1857, married Charles B. Reed, formerly sergeant at arms of United States Senate. 1 PELEG HALL. Peleg Hall, son of Isaac R. Hall, Senior, lived in town several years and then moved to Macon, Mo. He had the following children born in town: Children of Peleg and Henrietta (Burke) Hall: Charles A., b. July 18, 1849. Martha C., b. July 28, 1851, died August 18, 1853. Emma W., b. November 15, 1854. Hancock. ‘ Deacon John Hancock, son of Elias and Mary (Mann) Han- cock, was born in Otisfield, Me., June 10, 1797. He married Meredith Wyatt Thurston and lived in Otisfield until 1856, when he moved to Litchfield, where he was a prominent citi- zen in both church and town affairs. .He died June 1, 1880. Meredith, his wife, was born December 11, 1797, and died June 24, 1877. Children of John and Meredith Wyatt (Thurston) Hancock: Mary Mann, b. May 2, 1824, married 1st, Lyman Caswell; 2nd, Oliver Waterman. Died April 7, 1894. Martha Ann, b. June 21, 1826, married Samuel G. Nutting. Meredith Thurston, b. May 16, 1831, married Cowper S.'Ayer. Died September 15, 1881. John Granville, b. June 22, 1834, died May 14, 1849. David Elias, b. March 29, 1837, died January 26, 1844. Harriet Emeline, b. July 5, 1839, died January 27, 1844. Hanscom. There was a John Hanscom, a Revolutionary soldier, who came to Litchfield from Kittery. He died April 27, 1827. EARLY SETTLERS. ‘ 155 Children of John and Catherine Hanscom: Joseph, b. July 1, 1793, married Martha Thurlow, and lived in Lee, Me. Benjamin, b. May 11, 1795, married Sally Lowell. After living in Litchfield awhile, moved to Durham, Me. Rufus, b. August 27, 1796, died when a young inan. Rosanna, b. April 1, 1798, married Andrew Springer. Charles, b. December 24, 1800. Waity S., b. July 3, 1803, married Reuben White. Lived in Medway, Mass. Simon, b. August 13, 1807. Moved to Massachusetts. Hannah, b. May 15, 1811, married John Marble. Lived in Chelsea, Mass. > Children of Benjamin, son of John, and Sally (Lowell) Hanscom: Julia, b. July 7, 1818. Octavia, b. February 22, 1821. Catherine, b. February 27, 1822. JosEPH Hanscom. There was a Joseph Hanscom, who came from Kittery and located near the corner. He married Polly Thurlow in 1808. He afterwards moved to Lee, Me., where he died June 8, 1853, aged 71 years. Polly, his wife, died April 24, 1854, aged 66 years. Children of Joseph and Polly (Thurlow) Hanscom: Sarah, b. November 20, 1808, married Solomon Crocker. Lived in Lee. Apphia, b. October 2, 1810, married Hiram Staples. Lived in Lee. Nathaniel, b. March 8, 1812, died in Lee, July, 1880. Lydia, b. July 3, 1814, married Job Brown. Lived in Lee. John, b. February 29, 1816, married Althea Kneeland. Lived in alee James, b. April 19, 1818, died May 15, 1860. Mary J., b. May 1, 1820, married Lorenzo Tribou. Lived in Lee. Martha, b. April 25, 1829, married Bartimus Donham. George, died June 13, 1852. Joseph, died July 28, 1852. HARRIMAN. Levi Harriman, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth and grandson of Moses Harriman of Plaistow, N. H., was born in Henniker, N. H., January 17,1760,and came to Litchfield in 1786 and took up the farm now occupied by his grand-daughter and her hus- band, Amaziah Googins. In December, 1787, he married Eliz- abeth Jack, daughter of Andrew Jack. Mr. Harriman was an enterprising man, and besides farming, was interested in milling at Purgatory. At one time, in connection with Capt. D. C. 156 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Burr, the Neals, Dr. Jesse Pike and others, he built a carding and fulling mill, just above A. Plimpton & Sons’ place of bus- iness. Mr. Harriman died September 3, 1832, and his wife in 1849. Children of Levi and Elizabeth (Jack) Harriman: Ebenezer, b. January 31, 1790, married Polly True, May 6, 1813. Fanny, b. December 5, 1791, married Charles Robinson. She died June 28, 1870.. Levi, Jr., b. January 14, 1794, married Mary Hale, December, 1831. Betty, b. March 4, 1796, married William Parkes. Andrew, b. April 14, 1798, married Sally Ring. Lucy, b. August 21, 1803, died the same year. Polly, b. February 14, 1805, married 1st, Sharington Perkins; 2nd, O. C. Bailey. Sewell, b. 1807, died January 25, 1814. Irene, b. January 3, 1810, married, 1st, Jonathan Keyes, July 8, 1841; and, ————— Ayers. Lived in Westfield, Mass. Susan D., b. July 10, 1815, married, 1st, Daniel Adams, November 20, 1842; 2nd, Warren Smith. EBENEZER HARRIMAN. Ebenezer, son of Levi, lived on farm near his father. He died September 5, 1841. Polly, his wife, died November 26, 1863. Children of Ebenezer and Polly (True) Harriman, born in Litchfield: Sewell B., b. January 28, 1814, married ist, Mary W. Hodges; 2nd, Sophornia L. Benson. Abner T., b. December 8, 1816, ‘married Sarah Hale, December 25, 1842. ; Andrew J., b. September 30, 1818, married Mary J. Morrell. Lives in Gardiner. Mary A., b. August 31, 1822, married George A. D. Wharff, August Io, 1845. John M., b. October 11, 1824, drowned at Augusta, July 21, 1844. Jeremiah R., b. August 7, 1826, married Ellen Morrell. Lives in Butler, Bates county, Mo. Levi, b. June 24, 1829, married, 1st, Matilda Potter; 2nd, Lucy Perry, May 18, 1866. Rebecca, b. December 21, 1833, married James Pelton. Lives in Deer- ing, Me. Sewell B. Harriman, son of Ebenezer, lived on his father’s place. Died February 17, 1893. Mary W., his wife, died April, 1848. EARLY SETTLERS, 157 Children of Sewell B. and Mary (Hodges) Harriman: John F., b. December 31, 1837, married 1st, Mary A. Wilson; 2nd, Annie Wilson. Lives in Pownal, Me. Ebenezer, b. February 20, 1839, died May 30, 1860. Mahala F., b. Augusta 29, 1840, married Wm. T. Gatchell. Died in Winslow, March 30, 1890. Sarah Ellen, b. January 11, 1842, married Van Ransellar McCaslin. Lives in Winslow, Me. * Ebenezer, b. January 12, 1844, died September 19, 1844. Henrietta, b. September 9, 1845, died 1847. James E., b. May 28, 1847. Dead. Children of Sewell and Sophronia (Benson) Harriman. Second wife lives in Portland, Me.: William S., b. April 7, 1851. Lives in Portland. Benson E., b. February 6, 1853, died in Sidney, Me., June 2, 1891. Harmen Leslie, b. January 7, 1855, married Martha Curtis. Lives in Wahpeton, No. Dak. Mary L., b. February 20, 1858, died June 24, 1878. Nathan A., b. July 6, 1861. Lives in Portland. Nettie A., b. March 8, 1866. Lives in Portland. Clara E., b. August 20, 1869. Lives in Portland. Abner T. Harriman, son of Ebenezer, lived where his son Forest now lives. He died March 27, 1861. His wife died July to, 1885. Children of Abner True and Sarah (Hale) Harriman: Georgianna, b. June 14, 1846, died October 24, 1857. Lauretta F., b. February 6, 1849, married Henry A. True. Died November 3, 1883. Eldora S., b. November 27, 1850, died August 23, 1851. Forest True, b. August 24, 1853, married Eva E. Leighton. Children of Forest True, son of Abner T., and Eva (Leighton) Harri- man: Freddie T., b. October 15, 1879. Sadie A., b. April 3, 1881, died September 7, 1883. Frank Abner, b. November 22, 1884. Alberta, b. February 8, 1887. Levi Harriman, son of Ebenezer, lives on the Tibbetts place. Children of Levi and Matilda (Potter) Harriman: Eldora, b. November 1, 1853, married Prentiss Ss Blanchard. ; Elvira J., b. September 28, 1856, married Jesse F. Goldsmith. Lives in West Gardiner. Elmer E., b. September 23, 1861, married Cora E. Reynolds. Children of Levi and Lucy (Perry) Harriman: Adelbert P., b. December 6, 1869. Eugene L., b. April 20, 1871. Wallace, b. March 7, 1873, died January 28, 1876. 158 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Levi HarrimMan, JR. Levi, Jr., lived on his father’s place. He died February 27, 1855. His wife died June 16, 1882. Children of Levi and Mary (Hale) Harriman: Julia, b. January 18, 1834, married Samuel A. Bumpus. Lives in Paris, Me. s Margaret L., b. January 16, 1835, married Amaziah Googins. William F., b. February 29, 1836, died December 31, 1836. Eliza P., b. November 2, 1837, died June 20, 1852. Daniel Franklin, b. January 8, 1840, died young. George W., b. January 9, 1841, married Sarah M. Steward. Lives in Brighton, Mass. ; Lorenzo D., b. December 5, 1842, died March 15, 1844. Lorenzo, b. January 21, 1845, died June 3, 1845. Margaret A., b. May 14, 1846, died August 14, 1846. ‘ HARRINGTON. Ebenezer Harrington, son of James and Mary Harrington and a descendant of Robert Harrington, who came to Water- town, Mass., in 1635, came to Litchfield Corner when a boy, and lived with a Mr. Baker. He run a store at the Plains. Married Lovina Spear August 7, 1836, and died June 22, 1850, aged 37. Children of Ebenezer and Lovina (Spear) Harrington: Louisa, b. July 22, 1837, married Samuel Hinkley. Lives in Gardiner. Washington D., b. August 27, 1842, married Elverena Sprague. Lives n Gardiner. George H., b. February 5, 1845, married Liliian Sprague. Lives in Gardiner. Harris. John Harris came to Litchfield from Bath, Me., in 1820, with his son-in-law, William Parsons. He was born August 20, 1767, and was living, withhis widowed mother, at the breaking out of the Revolution,in New York. He served asadrummer boy in the Revolutionary army. He married Sarah Mchonnon, about 1790, and lived in Bath, Me., where his only daughter, Elizabeth, was born, August 16, 1793. Sarah, his wife, was born August 21, 1771, and died in Litchfield December 26, 1830. After the death of Sarah, Mr. Harris married Margaret Potter, daughter of John, who died July 5, 1832, he then mar- GEORGE W. HARRIMAN. GEORGE W. HARRIMAN. George W. Harriman, son of Levi, Jr., and Mary Hale Harriman, was born in Litchfield January 8, 1841, on the old homestead farm of his grandfather, Levi, who settled upon it in 1786. The old home has been in the possession of the family for more than one hundred and twelve years and is now owned by George and his sister, Mrs. A. E. Googins who with her husband occupies it. George lived at home and attended the town school at the “Grant schoolhouse” where the descendants of some of the sturdiest men and women o1 New England gathered to receive the rudiments of an education. In this remarkable old ‘school district’? were settled the Dennises, the Emer- sons, Grants, Harrimans, Hutchinsons, Lincolns, Lords, the Neals, the Sawyers, the Smiths, Wedgwoods and Watsons, and other grand old pioneers. At about twenty years of age Mr. Harriman entered the service of the United States as a member of Company D, 14th Regi- ment, Maine Volunteers. He shared the fortunes of his regiment during the War of the Rebellion. In 1868 he went to Chicago, Il., where he was employed by one of the great packing companies of the country in the business of pack- ing meat. After twelve years with the company in Chicago he came o Brighton, Mass., in the interest of the same company, where he has been in charge of its important interests to the present time, a con- «nuous service of more than thirty years, and yet he says “nothing unusual has ever happened to me.’ In 1882 he married Sarah M. fteward of Gardiner, Me. Ar. Harriman has for more than thirty years by his industry, his good nature and his honesty made himself almost invaluable in a great business enterprise. During all these years the ‘dear old home just above Elder Grant's” has been a green spot in his memory, and as often as convenient he makes a pilgrimage to Litchfield to greet old friends and to tread once more the old paths and to view again the scenes of his boyhood, and he hopes some time to return to his native town and sit down to rest in the shade of his own vine and fiz tree. EARLY SETTLERS. 159 ried Margaret’s sister, Susanna Potter, and for a fourth wife Mary Gray, September 5, 1844. He died March 1, 1845, and he and his wife, Sarah, are buried on the old Parsons farm near Hatch’s Corner. HarTSHORN. Nathaniel Hartshorn of Monmouth, married Sarah Jewell, daughter of Enos Jewell, July 28, 1799. They lived in town several years. Mr. Hartshorn followed the sea. Children of Nathaniel and Sarah (Jewell) Hartshorn: Enos, b. 1800, died December 27, 1804. Deborah, b. November 21, 1801, married James Cunningham, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Potter) Cunningham. She lived many years at East Pittston and died in Gardiner November 21, 1892, on her gist birth- day. James Cunningham, her husband, died February 15, 1851. HaSKELL.: * Isaac Haskell, son of Ward and Sarah (Kemp) Haskell, was born in Harpswell, Me., December 25, 1781. He moved to Litchfield in 1812 and lived upon the Neck. He married Rhoda Stover who was born in Freeport, April 14, 1786. Isaac died in Litchfield, June 14, 1866. Rhoda died February 1, 1859. Children of Isaac and Rhoda (Stover) Haskell: William, b. July 19, 1807, died October 31, 1827. Eliza, b. September 2, 1811, died October 31, 1826. Mary K., b. January 9, 1813, married Ebenezer Buswell of Gardiner, November 9, 1841. Now living in Biddeford, Me. Deborah S., b. June 30, 1816, married Joseph Cummings of Portland. Now living in Evanston, Ill. John K., b. August 19, 1817, died October 8, 1832. Celinda A., b. August 29, 1819, married Peter Heald, June 18, 1843. Lived in Troy, Me. Died November 29, 1854. George W., b. July 10, 1822, married Alice Somers. Lives in East North Yarmouth. Sarah F., b. August 18, 1825, married Rev. L. R. Thayer. Lived in Newtonville, Mass. Died August, 1891. William, b. March 4, 1828. “Went to California in 1849. John Henry, b. October 8, 1832, married Caroline Blanchard. Settled in Litchfield. Died in Union Army March 2, 1864. 160 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. HatcuH. Solomon Hatch lived at the Corner, for several years. He came before 1800. He later moved to Windsor, where he died. Children of Solomon and Huldah (Andrews) Hatch: Solomon, married Hannah Kinsman. Moved West. Deborah, b. June 24, 1796, married Preble. Polly, b. July 6, 1798, married George M. Rogers. Lived in Gardiner. William, b. November 24, 1800, died January 11, 1802. Huldah, b. October 8, 1802, married Thompson. Lived in Windsor. Thankful, b. January 18, 1805, married Joseph G. Holmes. William S., b. April 30, 1808. Died in Union. Caroline, married E. S. Norton. Died in West Gardiner. Frances, married Isaac Hilton. Lived in Windsor. 4 Nauum Hatcu. Nahum Hatch, son of Jesse and Betsey (Hatch) Hatch, was born December 11, 1803, in Greene, Me. He married Jane Parsons” born in Phippsburg, February 13, 1809. They first lived in Greene. Moved to Litchfield in April, 1841, and set- tled at Ridley’s Corner now called Hatch’s Corner, on the place now owned by Stillman H. Ring. He died April 24, 1866. Children of Nahum and Jane (Parsons) Hatch: Cyrus, b. December 11, 1829, married Mary Louisa Neal, July 2, 1854. He died May 4, 1801. John P., b. February 27, 1832, died April 22, 1859. Jesse L., b. October 26, 1834, married Marilla Toothaker, January 20, 1861. Joseph S., b. June, 1836, married Adeline Webber, March 30, 1860. Rebecca J., b. January 10, 1839, married Samuel L. Webber, June 6, 1858. She died June 15, 1892. - Julia A., b. January 21, 1841, married Wm. Greenleaf Webber. He died in Richmond, March, 1806. Laura E., b. July 31, 1843, married Stillman H. Ring. Augustus, b. February 25, 1846, married Nettie Swett. He died December 12, 1891. / Isabella, b. August 26, 1848, died February 11, 1862. Cyrus Hatch, son of Nahum, lived on the Metcalf place near his father. Children of Cyrus and Mary Louisa (Neal) Hatch: Adesta M., b. November 11, 1858. EARLY SETTLERS. + I61 Evat Hartcu. Evat Hatch, son of Jesse and Betsey (Hatch) Hatch and brother of Nahum, was born in Greene ‘and lived there and in Phippsburg until 1845, when he moved into Litchfield and lived on the Jacob Knowlton place. He married first a Miss Little- field, and after her decease a Miss Nancy Parsons of Phipps- burg. She died in Litchfield, December 7, 1876, aged 76 years. Children of Evat and Nancy (Parsons) Hatch: Eliza A., b. March 24, 1828, married Asa S. Donnell. Lives in Lewis- ton. Rebecca L., b. January 1, 1832, married John R. Hall, August 28, 1853. Deceased. Elbridge P., b. March 31, 1834. ‘Lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jane M., b. December 15, 1836, married Mm. Moore. Lives in Den- ver, Col. Silas L., b. December 2, 1838, died October 10, 1883, on the home place, Litchfield. HatTIN. Wilson M. Hattin, son of William M. and Thankful (Michel) Hattin, was born in Palmer, Mass., February 24, 1823. He married, first, Axie Holden, and afterwards Marcia E. Craw- ford, and upon her decease Martha E. (Randall) Williams. He was a member of the 14th Maine Regiment during the late war. Children of Wilson M. and Axie (Holden) Hattin: Charles M., b. December 8, 1843. Was a member of the First Maine Cavalry, and afterwards 14th Maine Regiment. Annie, b. 1845, married James Kenyon. Lives in Hinsdale, N. H. HaAwkKES. Moses Hawkes, son of Nathaniel, came to Litchfield Neck from Windham, Me., in 1808, and lived there until 1834, when he moved to St. Albans, Me. He married, first, Sarah Samp- son, second, Anna Hall. Children of Moses and Sarah (Sampson) Hawkes: Cyrus, b. August 20, 1809, married May Goddard. Lived in Iowa. Mary Ann, b. March 13, 1811, married Isaac Bailey. Albert, b. May 16, 1813, died young. Hannah, b. April 9, 1815, died 1834. II 162 * TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Nathaniel, b. May 29, 1817, married ist, Elizabeth Magoon; 2nd, Mehitable Potter. Served in army. Died July 3, 1890, in Brunswick, Me. : Mercy, b. September 27, 1819, married John Kitchen. Moved to Iowa. Joseph S., b. May 26, 1822, married Deborah Goddard. Moved to Hesper, Iowa. By second wife Ann: Sarah Maria, b. February 4, 1826, married Randall. Steward. Lives in Battle Creek, Mich. HAyDEN. William Hayden, a soldier in the war of 1812, came from Bowdoinham, Me. He married Hannah Earle December 5, 1831, and lived on a farm near the Hayden school house, West Litchfield. Children of William and Hannah (Earle) Hayden: James Earle, b. September 10, 1833, married Rachel E. Deering, February 4, 1865. Died October 11, 1867. John Henry, b. December 18, 1835, died March 25, 1840. Frederick B., b. September 18, 1838, died March 14, 1863. John H., b. September 4, 1841, married Ella Jenkins, March, 1870. Lives in Providence, R. I. Jane, b. May 2, 1844, married Joseph Howard Maxwell of Litchfield. William F., b. 1848, married Anna S. Savage, December, 1875. Lives in Providence, R. I. HEATH. Samuel Heath was born in Boston, Mass., 1771, and died at Litchfield Plains, July 8, 1841. He was a son of Major Nath- iel Heath, who was one of the early commanders of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, and an officer in the American Revolution. Samuel married, first, Lydia Elliott of Brunswick, and second, Eunice Berry of Lisbon. Eunice, his widow, died August 3, 1847. Mr. Heath came to Litchfield in March, 1832, was engaged in tanning at the Plains. Several of his large family of fourteen children came to Litchfield with him, among them John, b. September 5, 1805; Charles, b. November 14, 1817, now living in Malden, Mass.; Edward, b. January 18, 1819, died in Malden, Mass., January 13, 1892. Charles and Edward were in business at New Orleans at com- mencement of the war, and Edward was afterward appointed mayor of New Orleans by General Sheridan. Hannah, daugh- EARLY SETTLERS. 163 ter of Samuel, b. August 31, 1814, married Dennis Gatchell. She died in Brunswick, June’ 27, 1886. john Heath married Eliza Herrick and lived in Litchfield with his father on farm now owned by Mr. Shorey. He died November 14, 1854. Children of John and Eliza (Herrick) Heath: Ellen Augusta, b. September 4, 1834, married Whiting Davis. Died in Poland, 1876. Nathaniel H., b. August 19, 1836, died in Colorado. Frances A., b. August 17, 1839, died March 23, 1841. Marcellus C., b. November 29, 1841, married Maggie Hobkirk. Lives in New York City. Charles Edward, b. July 7, 1846, killed by explosion of a boiler. HILDRETH. Paul Hildreth, the first settler of Lewiston, Me., lived in Litchfield several years. His name is found upon a petition signed by citizens in town in 1793. He afterwards lived and died in West Gardiner. Nahum Hildreth, his grandson, son of Thaddeus and Relief (Spear) Hildreth, was born in West Gardiner, April 1, 1809. He married Cordelia Wharff, June 13, 1830, and immediately settled in Litchfield, where he lived until 1850, when he moved to Gardiner. He lived in Steventown and also upon farm now occupied by Forest Harriman. Died in Gardiner, July 12, 1872. Children of Nahum and Cordelia (Wharff) Hildreth: George H., b. April 7, 1831, died July 8, 1833. Isaac L., b. December 21, 1832, died May 1, 1836. Lovina J., b. May 4, 1834, died November 13, 1867. Lydia A., b. September 18, 1836, married Alcander Fuller, October 26, 1854. Died April 19, 1865. Ferdinand F., b. March 28, 1839, died November 14, 1839. Sarah E., b. September 28, 1840, married Edwin Morse. Lives in Pomona, Cal. Frances G., b. April 11, 1844, married 1st, Parker Lunt; 2nd, Amos King. Lives in Portland, Ore. Marandia A., b. November 28, 1847, died March 7, 1849. Clara M., b. April 28, 1849, married James P. Elwell. Lives in Gardi- ner. Willie A., b. January 29, 1854, married Jennie Bell McPherson. Lives in Pomona, Cal. 164 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. HINKLEY. Benjamin Hinkley, who with Eliphalet Smith were the first settlers of Litchfield, was the son of Judge Aaron and Mary (Larrabee) Hinkley of Brunswick, Me., and was born December 27,1740. He settled first near the Corner, where he lived for ~ several years then moved out on Oak hill, upon the farm now occupied -by Mr. Danforth. Subsequently moved to Mon- mouth, where he died February 15, 1826. He married Esther Sargent. Children of Benj. and Esther (Sargent) Hinkley: Benj., b. October 2, 1774, died while young. John, b. February 17, 1779, was the first boy born in Litchfield. He died in Dixfield, Me. - Issabelle, b. July 28, 1782, married John Coombs of Monmouth. Susanna, b. August 28, 1784, married Aaron Murch of Monmouth. Polly, b. January 26, 1790, married Isaac Hall., April 26, 1810. Lived in Monmouth. Benj., b. January 3, 1793, married Ruth Jackman. Aaron, b. December 14, 1796, married Charlotte R. Goodwin. HonpGKINS. James Hodgkins was born in Lewiston, Me., April 1, 1797. He married Rachel Ackley of Lisbon, Me., in 1821. In 1842 they moved into Litchfield upon the farm now occupied by their son, Charles H. Hodkgins. James died March 19,1889. Rachel, his wife, was born August 30, 1799... She died March 6, 1887. Children of James and Rachel (Ackley) Hodgkins: Charlotte L., b. February 24, 1822, married Robert Edgecomb, May 26, 1844. John A., b. May 28, 1824, married Cordelia Weymouth, May 1, 1853. Lives in West Gardiner. Sarah Jane, b. July 14, 1826, married John C. Jones, July 5, 1848. Lives in Gardiner. James C., b. June 10, 1831, married Ellen Weymouth, May 14, 1854. Lives in Gardiner. Thomas H., b. March 30, 1833, died in Virginia, February 17, 1856. Ansyl D., b. May 20, 1839, died in Gardiner, July 18, 1865. Charles H., b. June 28, 1841, married Hannah L. Burnham, December 24, 1870. Harriet A., b. November 22, 1843, married Stephen T. Merrill. Lives in Gardiner. ve EARLY SETTLERS. 165 Charles H., son of James Hodgkins, lives on the home place and is a prosperous farmer. Children of Charles H. and Hannah L. (Burnham) Hodgkins: Rachel E.,.b. August 28, 1875. C. Elmer, b. January 24, 1877. HopeGMan. John Hodgman came to Litchfield before 1800 from Chelms- ford, Mass., and lived next to Capt. Hugh Gatchell’s near the Lisbon line. The farm was in the hands of the family for many years, the old folks dying there. I find mention of the following children: John, Jr., married, 1st, Jedida Bassett, in 1807; 2nd, Rebecca Parker. Asa, married Betsey Furbush, October 31, 1812. Sally, married John Furbush in 1814. Lucy,:married Simons Gatchell, January, 1815. Amos, married Martha Ware, January 15, 1818. Ephraim, married Esther Wilson, December 24, 1818. Moved down East. Jonathan, b. 1792, married Eunice Fish, July 3, 1826. Died February 25, 1882. John, Jr., lived near his father until 1816, when he moved to Dedham, Mass. Children of John, Jr. and Jedida (Bassett) Hodgman, born in Litch- field: Harriet, b. June 20, 1808. Lydia F., b. July 19, 1810. Samuel, b. May 1, 1812. HoLMEs. Joseph G Holmes was born in Berwick, Me., June 26, 1784, and came to Litchfield in 1805 or 6. He married Thankful Hatch. He lived in Litchfield for a few years and then moved to. Bowdoinham, where he died March 29, 1839. The family, in 1840, moved upon the John Brown place in Litchfield. His wife died at the age of 83 years. Children of Joseph G. and Thankful (Hatch) Holmes: Hamden A., b. December 6, 1808. ; ; Abagail G., b. February 22, 1811, married William Given. Lived in Bowdoin. : ; John H., b. February 16, 1816, married Persis D. Barlow. Lived in Gardiner. 166 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Joseph H., b. 1820, married Elmira Perkins, Solomon S., b. 1824, married Harriet Turner. Lived in Bath. Thomas, married Amanda J. Williams, September 23, 1854. Tuomas HoLMEs. Thomas Holmes, son of Joseph G., has been a prominent man in town. Chairman of the board of selectmen for many years and postmaster, at the Corner. \ JosepH H. Hotes. Joseph H. Holmes, son of Joseph G., lived in town for several years and then moved to Lisbon and then Richmond, where he died April 4, 1882. Children of Joseph H. and Elmira (Perkins) Holmes: George. Lives in Charlestown, Mass. Mary Etta, b. December 19, 1861. Abby J., b. May 13, 1873. Hooker. Rivarious Hooker was a descendant of Rev. Thomas Hooker the founder of the city of Hartford, Conn. Samuel Hooker, a noted divine, of Connecticut, was a son of Rev. Thomas. Dr. Daniel Hooker, Jr., who married Sarah Webster and settled in West Hartford, Conn., was a son of Dr. Daniel of Wethersfield, Conn., and a grandson of the Rev. Samuel Hooker. The youngest son of Dr. Daniel, Jr., was Rivarious, born at West Hartiord, Conn., July, 1749. He followed the sea. In 1774 he lived in Pownalborough, now Dresden, and was a sea captain. He there met Mehitable Baker,oldest daughter of Barnabus and Mehitable (Smith) Baker, and they were married in 1775. They had one son, Rivarious, Jr., born March 18, 1776. Captain Hooker was lost at sea about a year after the birth of his son. Rivarious Hooker, Jr., came with his mother and grandmother to Litchfield Corner. After the marriage of his mother to Thomas Smith he made his home with his step-father until his marriage to Huldah A. Cannon. He lived at the Corner a few years after his marriage and then moved to Gardiner, Me.,where his sons have been prominent business men. Rivarious Hooker married, November 28, 1799, Huldah Cannon, born April 29, 1781. Rivarious, died December 30, 1856. Huldah, wife of Rivarious, died December 28, 1857, aged 78 years. EARLY SETTLERS. 167 Children of Rivarious and, Huldah A. (Cannon) Hooker: Samuel, b. October 30, 1800, married 1st, Rhoda Edgecomb; 2nd, Ann M. (Edgecomb) Smith. Died in Gardiner, July 15, 1873. Rivarious, b. September 25, 1803, married Hannah Chaddock. Died in Gardiner, August 31, 1863. Mehitable, b. August 5, 1806, married Joseph Edgecomb. Died September 8, 186s. Huldah Ann, b. February 29, 1809, married Charles P. Walton. Died November 11, 1887. Drusilla, b. May 3, 1811, married Daniel G. Baker. Lived in Augusta. Elbridge Gerry, b. October 9, 1813, married Sabrina Smith. Died November 22, 1888. Charles Clapp, b. April 24, 1815, married Fannie Rhodes. Died in Bath September 27, 1806. Walton Olney, b. February 17, 1818, married Sophia A. Andrews. Died February 7, 1887. Delia Anna, b. April 1, 1821, married Baker Andrews. Emma J., b. July 16, 1826, married Joseph Edgecomb. Hooper, Isaac S. Hooper, son of David and Rachel Hooper, was born in Freeport, Me., August 27, 1785. He was married to Eunice Lincoln, daughter of John and Ruth Lincoln of Durham, Me., October 27, 1811. He moved to Litchfield in 1816, and lived in Steventown on farm now owned by Mr. Weston. He moved to Cambridge, Me., in 1824. Isaac died May 2, 1878. Eunice, his wife, died May 13, 1884. Children of Isaac S. and Eunice (Lincoln) Hooper: Nathaniel Lincoln, b. December 3, 1812, married Eliza Jane Sawyer, August 20, 1840. Lives in Cambridge, Me. David Story, b. March 20, 1815, married Fanny Page Watson, July 15, 1849. Died in Dexter, Me., December 12, 1875. Emeline, b. July 16, 1817, married James Hamilton, August 14, 1842. Died in Greenville, Me., December 18, 1853. Thirza Lincoln, b. February 17, 1820, married James C. Bunker, June 13, 1852. Lives in Cambridge, Me. John Wharff, b.. February 12, 1822, married Phebe Dodge, February 2, 1850. Lives in Block Island, R. I. Harriet Sawyer, b. September 2, 1824, married Samuel Parker Frost, March 2, 1853. Lives in Rockland, Me. Frederic, Augustus, b. September 17, 1826, died January 14, 1833. Laura Ann, b. July 10, 1828. Lives in Cambridge, Me. Eunice Lincoln, b. April 21, 1832, died November 17, 1836. 168 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. HOopkKINS. Elisha Hopkins, son of Elisha and Rebecca (Mason) Hop- kins, was born in Bowdoin, Me. He came to Litchfield in 1823, and married Mariam Sprague. He lived where D. N. Fogg now lives. He died April 8, 1870, aged 82. His wife died January 20, 1876, aged 84 years. Children of Elisha and Mariam (Sprague) Hopkins: William L., b. 1814, died June 23, 1823. Betsey, married Justin True. Lived in Lincoln. Simeon, married Mary Ann Peacock, October 29, 1842. Mary Jane, b. March 27, 1820, married Andrew C. Munsey, November 7, 1847. Lived in Lincoln. John, b. May 19, 1823, died January 11, 1854. William L., b. February 11, 1825, married rst, Amanda M. Clark; 2nd, Mary A. Wyman; 3d, Lizzie R. Myrick. Lives in Detroit, Me. James R., b’ November 15, 1828, married Elmira F. Small, May, 1864. Lives in Westbrook. ‘ Samuel R., b. July 29, 1830, married Abbie Roberts. Lives in Port- land. William L. Hopkins lived in town for a while and then moved to Detroit, Me. Children of William and Amanda M. (Clark) Hopkins: Amanda, b. June 30, 1856, died April 30, 1856. f Children by second wife, Many Ann Wyman: William Augustus, b.'March 30, 1857, died January 1, 1875. Mary Frances, b. October 8, 1858, married Stephen Thurston. Lives in Belfast, Me. Almon L., b. January 17, 1862, married Clara E. Temple. Lives in Detroit. Ernest P., b. May 14, 1864. Lives in Detroit, Me. Children by third wife, Lizzie R. Myrick: Addie M., b. February 27, 1874. William L., Jr., b. March 2, 1875. HowaArb. Elias Howard, son of Daniel and Sarah Howard, settled in Litchfield, near Jaquith bridge, before 1800, and afterwards moved to the Neck. He was born April 10, 1771, and died December 25, 1850. Betsey, his wife, was born August 19, 1771 and died May 1, 1847. EARLY SETTLERS. 169 Children of Elias and Betsey (Simmons) Howard: Sally, b. March 1, 1795, married Benj. Howard, her cousin, called Jamin, November 28, 1813. Betsey, b. July 28, 1796, married Benj. Morse. Eleanor, b. October 6, 1797, died January 13, 1870. Sabra, b. July 12, 1800, married Aaron Wadsworth. Died, 1871. Caroline, b. March 10, 1803, married, 1st, Samuel Howard, December Ig, 1838; 2nd, Nathan Fisher, February, 1852. Lavina, b. March 13, 1804, married Josiah Allen. Elias Hazen, b. April 20, 1805, married Eliza Allen, December 25, 1827. Lived in Hallowell. Wesley S., b. September 28, 1806, married Mary E. Newell, July, 1831. Dennis G., b. July 21, 1808, married rst, Adaline B. Viney, January 3, 1828; 2nd, Mrs. Jackson. Cyrus, b. April 22, 1810, married Elmira Goodwin. He died October 5, 1876. Bradford T., b. August 16, 1812, married Catharine Bassett. Jane S., b. November 21, 1815, married Reuben H. Goddard, Novem- ber 17, 1842. WesLey S. Howarp. Wesley S., son of Elias Howard, lived for many years in town, at the Neck. Children of Wesley S. and Mary E. (Newell) Howard: Franklin K., b. April 25, 1832, married Mrs. Matilda (Hudnell) Shadd. Lives in Florida. Jonathan A., b. June 4, 1834, died September 4, 1834. Abbie E., b. August 20, 1835, died August 23, 1836. George R., b. April 26, 1837, married Fanny Styles. Lives in Florida. Elizabeth H., b. July 29, 1839, married Fred W. Andrews. Lives in Providence, R. I. Charles Edward Kent, b. January 24, 1842, married Elmira Goodwin, December 23, 1874. John F., b. February 14, 1843, married Frances ————. Lives in Shirley, N. H. William B., b. April 12, 1845, died September 18, 1846. Lucy J., b. July, 1847, died July 19, 1848. Mary E., b. March, 1849, died January 29, 1850. Charles E. K. Howard, son of Wesley, lives on John Good- win farm. Children of Chas. E. K. and Elmira (Goodwin) Howard: Florence, b. December 10, 1875. Hiram F., b. September 17, 1877. 170 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ° BrapFrorp, T. Howarp. Bradford T., son of Elias Howard, lived cn farm now owned by Mr. Bassett. He died August 5, 1886. Children of Bradford T. and Catharine (Bassett) Howard: Sarah E., b. August 31, 1838, married Nathaniel J. Emerson, May 13, 1866. Bradford T., Jr., b. July 3, 1841, married, 1st, Nellie M. Lindsley; 2nd, Annie Lowell. Joseph E., b. July 11, 1843, married Ann M. Emerson, August 10, 1861. Lives in Greene. Heman S., b. July 11, 1848, married Laura J. Metcalf, November 17, 1873. Ellen Augusta, b. September 27, 1851. George W., b. February 14, 1854, married Jennie A. French, June 16, 1882. Lives in Litchfield. Children of Heman S., son of Bradford T., and Laura J. (Medcalf) Howard: Nellie F., b. September 9, 1874, died November 22, 1885. Mertie B., b. July 18, 1876. Carrie A., b. March 16, 1878. Sadie E., b. September, 1882. Lillian E., b. February 12, 1884. Children of George W., son of Bradford T., and Jennie (French) Howard: Lester A., b. August 25, 1884. BENJAMIN Howarp. Children of Benjamin, called Jamin, and Sally (Howard) Howard: Mary, b. March 20, 1814, married George Gray. Sybil, b. April 18, 1818, married Samuel P. Bolden. Jerusha, b. November 12, 1826. Eunice, married William T. Sinclair. Elias, married Betsey Gordon. Sarah J. Benjamin R., b. March 28, 1835, aa Dianth Witham. Martha J., married Christopher C. Andrews. SAMUEL HowarD. Children of Samuel and Caroline (Howard) Howe: Samuel, died in New Hampshire. William H., b. November 6, 1840, married Sylvia Collins. Died from effects of wounds received in late war. George Albert, b. December 15, 1843, married, Ist, Mary J. Bolton; 2nd, Anna Gale. Inmate home, Togus. EARLY SETTLERS. 171 HUuNTINGTON. Benjamin’, (son of Timothy °, William ‘, John *, William?, Simon?.) Benjamin was born in Amesbury, Mass., in August, 1766. He was the son of Timothy and his second wife, Betsey Jewell nee Gould. He married Judith Collins. Removed to Litch- field, Me., and settled toward Oak Hill from the Corner, about 1782. Two of his brothers, John and Timothy,‘came with him. Benjamin died January 1, 1845. Judith, his wife, died Septem- ber 1, 1841, aged 74 years, 8 months. Children of Benj. and Judith (Collins) Huntington: Joseph, b. October 7, 1786, married Mary Babb, March a1, 1811. Sally, b. December 7, 1787, married Joshua Walker. Timothy, b. October 21, 1790, married Abagail Hall, March 12, 1812. William, b. August 23, 1792, married Polly Cunningham, May 26, 1813. Ann, b. November 2, 1794, died April 15, 1858. Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1797, died young. Elizabeth, b. May 5, 1801, married Randall Noyes. Benjamin G., b. March 14, 1804, married Lydia Chick, April 25, 1831. Daniel T., b. June 16, 1806, married Rebecca Wilson in March, 1830. Judith, b. April 11, 1808, married William Wilson. Moved to Ban- gor, Me. JosEpH HunrinGToN. Joseph Huntington lived near his father, Benjamin, and then moved to Atkinson. Children of Joseph and Mary (Babb) Huntington: Joseph G., b. March 28, 1812, married Lenora Sturtevant. Benjamin B., b. March 26, 1814. Moved West. Uriel, b. September 8, 1815, married Almira B. Wharff of West Gardi- ner. He died in Oakland, Cal., July 18, 1885. Mary, b. July 25, 1817, married Reuben Yeaton. Lived in Readfield. Elizabeth, b. May 19, 1819, married Gowen. ° George, b. December 26, 1820, married Elmira Potter. Anstice, b. March 30, 1822. James, b. September 24, 1823. William T. W., b. June 20, 1825. Harvey S., b. December 12, 1826, married. Lives in California. Emily, b. May 29, 1829, married Wm. Gowan of Bradford, Me. TrmotHy HUNTINGTON. Timothy, son of Benjamin Huntington, lived in Litchfield. He died January 14, 1840. His wife died November 3, 1849. 172 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Timothy and Abagail (Hall) Huntington: Julia A., b. April 1, 1813, married Isaac Potter. Moved to Bradford, Me. Sarah, b. December 12, 1814, married Thomas Harvey Springer. Abbie, b. November 26, 1818, married Ezekiel Woodward. Lived in Litchfield. Alpheus, b. September 16, 1820, married Lucy Ann Jack. Lives in Deering. William, b. October 13, 1824, died young. Henry, b. October 13, 1824, married Martha A. (True) Davis, August 27, 1876. Daniel, b. 1827, died August 28, 1856. Betsey, b. June 8, 1830, married James Williams. Lives in Charles- town, Mass. WILLIAM HUNTINGTON. William Huntington, son of Benjamin, lived a while in Litch- field and afterward moved to Pittston. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. He died in East Pittston, October 11, 1854. Children of William and Polly (Cunningham) Huntington: William H., b. August 22, 1814, married Maria Spencer. Lived in Towa. : Samuel W., b. May 17, 1816, married 1st, Susin Lancaster; 2nd, Sally Mayo; 3d, Caroline Mayo; 4th, Myra Gray. Lived in Hallowell. Died November 20, 1876. Annie, b. March 17, 1818, married James Hoiland. Lived in Hallo- well. Died September 30, 1851. Josiah S., b. January 20, 1820, married Sarah Sargent. Lived in California. Died September 25, 1894. Judith Collins, b. November 18, 1821, married Albion Mayo. Lived in Portland and Rockland. Benjamin, b. October 20, 1823, died in Norway, Me., January 29, 1880. Emma J., b. November 4, 1825, married Wm. Kimball. Lived in Pittston. Daniel, b. August 24, 1827, died August 24, 1827. Elizabeth, b. July 21, 1829, married Edmund Dudley. Lived in Pitts- ton. Albert, b. September 21, 1831, married Helen Barker. Lives in La Grand, Mich. Ellen, b. November 26, 1833, married Gilman Mcody. Lives in New- castle, Me. Susan Delia, b. September 8, 1837, married Frank Huntington. Lived in Richmond and Pittston. ‘ BenysaMin G. HuntTINGTON. Benjamin G., son of Benjamin Huntington, lived in Litch- field on Huntington Hill and died there, March 6, 1859. EARLY SETTLERS. 173 Children of Benjamin and Lydia (Chick) Huntington: Sarah E., b. April 3, 1831, died November 25, 1840. Lydia A. J., b. December 4, 1832, married Ezra Cobb, December 4, 1850. Died September 25, 1863. Lucy J. B., August 17, 1835, died same day. Frances M., b. March 13, 1836, married Delia Huntington. Lived in Pittston. Mary A., b. March 13, 1836, married Edward H. Buker. Henry A., b. June 11, 1838, married Elizabeth Doyle. Lives in Lew- iston. George K., b. July 22, 1840, married, rst, Laura Chick, August 10, 1865; 2nd, Etta Tolman. Lived in Lewiston and Richmond. Hiram S., b. December 3, 1842, died February 11, 1845. Daniel True, b. September 25, 1847, married Almeda C. Haines, December 28, 1870. Lived in Lewiston. Rebecca Davis, b. September 25, 1847, married Orrin Mann. Lived in Wales. Frederick S., b. December 23, 1849, married 1st, Myra Hodgdon; 2nd, Sophronia Hodgdon. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Benjamin J., b. November 27, 1851, married 1st, Mary F. Trufant, July 16, 1871; 2nd, Mary Small. Lives in Richmond. DANIEL T. HUNTINGTON. Daniel T., son of Benjamin Huntington, Senior, married Rebecca Wilson, lived on the old Huntington farm. He died August 22, 1882. She died September 6, 1885, aged 89 years. Children of Daniel T. and Rebecca (Wilson) Huntington: Alvin T., b. January 23, 1831, married Cordelia H. Jordan, May 20, 1857. Rebecca W., b. August, 1832, died November 19, 1851. David S., b. October 13, 1835, died March 31, 1846. Alvin T., son of Daniel T. Huntington, lived on the old farm of his father’s for many years and then moved to Harpswell. Children of Alvin T. and Cordelia H. (Jordan) Huntington: John J. A., b. March 19, 1858, married Nina Field, March, 1885. Frances Delia, b. September 19, 1859, married 1st, George Dill: 2nd, James Field. James Alvin, b. January 26, 1863, married Lizzie A. Moody. Hattie A., b. May 5, 1866, married Frank Stevens. Alvin Alvoid, b. May 27, 1869, died October 23, 1892. Mary Emma, b. October 9, 1871, married Joseph E. Doughty. Cora Bell, b. February 5, 1877, married Elmer Wilson. Lettie Fay, b. April 8, 1880. 174 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. James Alvin, son of Alvin T. Huntington, lives on the old Huntington place that was taken up by Benjamin Huntington, the first of the family to come to Litchfield. Children of James Alvin and Lizzie (Moody) Hungtinton: Lua May, b. October 15, 1887. Edith, b. 1890. TimotHy HUNTINGTON. Timothy Huntington, son of Timothy by his first wife Sarah ( ) Huntington and a brother of Benjamin,came to Litch- field with his brothers, Benjamin and John, in 1782. He owned a farm near the Corner,which he sold to Andrew Tibbetts in 1795. He moved ina short time to Richmond and was acci- dentally drowned in Pleasant pond by the upsetting of his boat, while out hunting with his son John, in about 1800, aged about 40 years. He wasa Revolutionary solider. Children of Timothy and Joanna ( ) Huntington: Polly, b. 1782, married Samuel Cleaves, March 17, 1805. Lived in Whitefield. Died, 1822. Elizabeth, his wife, died February 5, 1876, aged go years. John, b. 1785, married Elizabeth Booker, December, 1805. Lived in Gardiner. Died July 24, 1870. Hannah, b. 1790, married James Booker. Lived in Gardiner. Died September 13, 1873. Dolly, b. —————,, married Levi Goodwin, August 5, 1809. Judith, b. ——————. died unmarried. Timothy, b. 1797, married Elizabeth Goding. Lived in Richmond. Died October 4, 1850. JouHNn HUNTINGTON. John Huntington, brother of Benjamin and Timothy Hunt- ington and son of Timothy and Betsey (Gould-Jewell) Hunting- ton, came from Amesbury, Mass., in 1782, and lived, after his marriage, on the place now owned by William F. Adams, and moved to Irasburg, Vt., in 1819. He married Mary Hutchin- son, daughter of Nehemiah Hutchinson, May 15, 1796. Children of John and Mary (Hutchinson) Huntington: Levi, b. December 1, 1797, died young. Lydia, married ———— Burns. Lived in Adrain, Mich. Benjamin, died in Litchfield, September 12, 1887, aged 84 years. Thomas, b. July 9, 1804. Lived in Adrain, Mich. Nehemiah, b. 1806, married Cinderella Baker in 1834. Lived in Gar- diner and Hallowell. Died in Quincy, Mass., 1875. EARLY SETTLERS. 175 Levi, b. April 27, 1808, married Phoebe Winslow. Lived in Gardiner and Bath, moved to Winsboro, South Carolina, in 1850. William, died in Irasburg, Vt., in 1843. Mary. Abagail, married ————— Metcalf. Settled in Manchester, N. H. Sally, b. April 1, 1814, married ———— Metcalf. Settled in Man- chester, N. H. John, b. August 3, 1818. Lived in Irasburg, Vt. Mehitable, married ————— Grant. Lived in Salem, Mass. Joseph. Lived in Irasburg, Vt. HUuTCHINSON. Israel and Nehemiah Hutchinson came to Litchfield from Milford, N. H., about 1785. They were of English parentage. Israel served in the Revolutionary War as an aid to Gerenal Washington. Nehemiah served as a private duringthe same war. Israel lived several years onthefarm he sold John Chick in 1807. He moved to West Gardiner in 1816. He was born 1765. Nehemiah married Polly Johnson, daughter of Master Adam Johnson. She died March 18, 1855, aged 96 years. ; Children of Israel and Jeanette Hutchinson: Israel, b. October 18, 1792, married Ist, Mary Carlton; 2nd, Mary Titcomb. Lived in West Gardiner. Died November 16, 1862. Betty, b. June 17, 1794, married Rufus Rice. Robert, b. April 8, 1796, died October 15, 1796. John, b. August 21, 1797. Andrew, b. 1809, married Abagail Tucker. Lived in West Gardiner... Died December 8, 1885. ‘ Fanny, married Elijah Barker: NEMEHIAH HUTCHINSON. Children of Nehemiah and Mary (Johnson) Hutchinson: Mary, b. June 4, 1779, married John Huntington, May 15, 1796. Moved to Vermont. Nehemiah, b. April 6, 1781. Lived in Boston. John, b. July 27, 1784, married Lucy Berry, January 27, 1811. Lived in Pittston, Me. Died January 5, 1846. Hannah, b. October 25, 1786, married Simeon Goodwin. William, b. March 4, 1789, married Catherine Cunningham, August 23, 1812. James, b. January 18, 1792, married Abagail M. Davis, September 10, 1815. Joseph, b. March 29, 1794, married, 1st, Sally Palmer, December 24, 1814; 2nd, Roxanna Yeaton, January 1, 1834. 176 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Abagail, b. February 9, 1796, married Mark Cunningham, July 17, 1814. : Mehitable, b. March 31, 1799, died April 12, 1799. Betty, b. February 18, 1800, married Smith Palmer. Mehitable, b. March 9g, 1802. Adam, b. November 5, 1805, married Betsey Bailey, August 28, 1825. * WILLIAM HUTCHINSON. William Hutchinson, son of Nehemiah, lived near his father. Children of William and Catharine (Cunningham) Hutchinson: William, b. November 26, 1812, died 1836. James, b. May 22, 1815, died, 1819. Catharine, b. December 31, 1816, married 1st, William S. Cotton; 2nd, J. M. Stevens; 3d, Edmund Gould. Shepherd, b. October 17, 1818, married Sabra Richardson, December 24, 1843. Augusta E., b. March 22, 1821, died May 14, 1832. John Q. A., b. June 16, 1824. Went West and has never been heard from. Mary A., b. December 29, 1826, married William Noyes. Lived in St. Charles, Mo. ; Martha J., b. December 29, 1826, married Elijah Tinkham. Lived in North Wayne. Cordelia E., b. May 1, 1829, died in Newton, Mass. Edward C., b. April 21, 1832, married Sybil Towle. Lives in Ches- ter, Vt. Shepherd Hutchinson, son of William, lived in Steventown, on the place now occupied by Frank Bailey. Children of Shepherd and Sabra (Richardson) Hutchinson: Abagail, died young. Adelia, died young. Charles F., b. May 9, 1857, married Catharine Moore. Lives in Hallo- well, Me. James HUTCHINSON. James, son of Nehemiah, was a leading farmer in Litchfield. Abagail, his wife, died January 28, 1872. Children of James and Abagail (Davis) Hutchinson: Julia T., b. April 8, 1816, married George Warren. Lives in Farm- ingdale. Mary E., b. September 13, 1817, married Isaac R. Hall, April, 1841. Lives in Lewiston. James, b. "May 11, 1819, died September 24, 1826. Vianna E., b. July 7, 1821, married William H. Butterfield. EARLY SETTLERS. 177 Mehitable J., b. February 11, 1823, married George D. Hillman, September 21, 1845. Died in Farmingdale, 1894. Ann M., b. April 2, 1829, married Granville W. Baker. Published September 30, 1848. James E., b. August 11, 1832. Went to California. Frederick E., b. May 24, 1836, married Georgia A. Lord, February, 1872. He moved to Lewiston in 1895. Children of Frederick E., son of James and Georgia A. (Lord) Hutchinson: Gertrude, b. January 11, 1873. George S., b. September 2, 1875. May, b. October 29, 1876. Sheridan F., b. July 4, 1877. James L., b. January 16, 1879. Sumner F., b. January 11, 1881. Alberta, b. February 4, 1884. Chester A., b. August 30, 1885. . JosEPH HuTcCHINSON. Joseph, son of Nehemiah Hutchinson, lived in Litchfield until 1836, when he moved down East. Sally, his wife, died April 9, 1829. Children of Joseph and Sally (Palmer) Hutchinson: Elijah, b. February 26, 1816, died August, 1833. Joseph, b. March 31, 1818, married Sarah M. Jewell, March, 1841. Sumner, b. November 4, 1820, married Frances A. Sawyer. Smith P., b. November 24, 1822, married Catharine Hancock. Chesman, b. October 2, 1825, died December 8, 1845. Apvam HutTCcHINSON. Adam Hutchinson, the youngest son of Nehemiah, lived near Oak Hill and afterward moved to Earlville, Iowa. Children of Adam and Betsey (Bailey) Hutchinson: Elizabeth A., b. March 21, 1826, married Isaac Hall, December, 1845. Lived in Chelsea, Me. Eliphalet B., b. March 21, 1828, married Martha Neal. Lived in Natick, Mass. Killed in the War of the Rebellion. Sally, b. January 18, 1830, married Joseph True. Lived in Natick, Mass. Emeline, b. February 18, 1832, married Henry W. Gaslin. Lives in Chelsea, Me. Mary, b. February 12, 1835, married Levi Colomey. Lives in Lemont, Towa. 12 178 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. John B., b. June 5, 1836, died February 12, 1845. William S., b. April 5, 1838, married Lizzie Mack. Mehitable, b. May 15, 1840, married Robert Morehouse. Lives in South Boston. Henrietta, b. February 19, 1843, married John Richardson. Joseph E., b. May 5, 1845, died in infancy. John E., b. October 31, 1851, married. Died out West. SAMUEL HUTCHINSON. Samuel Hutchinson, not related to Israel and Nehemiah, came to Litchfield in 1787 and settled near the Plains. He was a prominent man in town affairs, and was the assessor of the plantation of Smithfield up to the time of the incorporation of the town of Litchfield. He was born in Litchfield, N. H., August 10, 1748. His father came from Londonderry, Ireland, in the early part of 1700, to Londonderry, N. H. From there he went to Litchfield, N. H., where Samuel was born. When the petition for the incorporation of the town of Litchfield was sent to the general court of Massachusetts Samuel Hutchinson and Abner True were sent as a committee from the plantation of Smithfield to Boston, to present the petition. The original petition called for the incorporation of the town of Great Hamp- ton. Mr. Hutchinson wished to have the name changed to Litchfield, for the town of Litchfield, N. H., from whence he came. Mr. True consented, and the name was changed to Litchfield. Mr. Hutchinson was a Revolutionary soldier. He married Betsey Johnson, daughter of Adam, who was born May 25, 1753. She was a sister of the wife of Nehemiah Hutch- inson. She died February 15, 1832. Children of Samuel and Betsey (Johnson) Hutchinson: John, b. February 6, 1771, married Abagail Neal, December 19, 1793. Betsey, b. February 26, 1773, married Hon. John Neal. — Samuel, b. March 2, 1775, married Rebecca Baker, July, 1708. William, b. March 30, 1777, married Betsey Verrell, September 25, 1808. Mehitable, b. August 4, 1779, married Joshua Graves. Daniel, b. November 26, 1781. Died at sea. Eliab Stone, b. February 3, 1785, married Patty James, b. August 25, 1787, married Matty Jewell, Decca 24, 1812. Robert, b. June 14, 1790, married Miss Ridley. Hannah, b. February 24, 1793, married Eben Jackman. Sewell, b. February 17, 1796, died in war of 1812. EARLY SETTLERS. 179 Joun HutcHINSON. John, son of Samuel, lived on Oak Hill. He was accidentally killed, December 9, 1805. Abagail, his wife, died May 30, 1858. Children of John and Abagail (Neal) Hutchinson: Seth, b. March 11, 1794, married Wealthy Stark of Monmouth. Moved to the Provinces. Betty, b. February 7, 1796, married Thomas Gordon. Died in Lowell, Mass., January 25, 1888. John, b. July 15, 1798. Lived in Bangor. Polly, b. June 27, 1801, married John Blake. Lived in Bangor. Daniel, b. October 14, 1803. Lived in Monmouth, married Abagail Harding. SAMUEL HuTCHINSON, JR. ‘Samuel, Jr., lived near the Plains. He died January 19, 1863. Children of Samuel, Jr. and Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson: Charles, b. January 9, 1799, died November 5, 1801. Charles, b. June 9, 1801, married Jane Smith. William, b. September 23, 1803, married Mrs. Phebe Gilmore. Roxanna, b. March 30, 1806, died young. Dean, b. March 23, 1809, married Mary J. Smith. Lived in Hallowell. Amasa, b. September 23, 1811, married Mrs. Eliza A. Metcalf, March 18, 1874. Samuel, b. April 9, 1818, married Apphia G. Palmer, March 29, 1842. He died September 29, 1864. Harvey, b. April 9, 1818, married Elizabeth B. Hall, November 25, ° 1841. Charles, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson, Jr., married Jane, daughter of Joseph and Jennie (Ring) Smith, and settled near his father. He died May 24, 1871. Jane his wife, died April 25, 1884. Children of Charles and Jane (Smith) Hutchinson: Charles F., b. May 20, 1828, married Kate Twisdam. Lived in Lynn, Mass. Died September 14, 1867. Amanda M., b. October 2, 1833, married Arthur B. McCausland. Lives in Farmingdale. Henry S., b. March 2, 1836, married Isabelle McLane. Lives in Port- land, Me. Joseph S., b. March 28, 1838. Lives in Portland. Harvey E., b. January 7, 1841. Lives in Boston, Mass. Granville H., b. September 9, 1844, married Mira Barstow. Lives in _ Boston, Mass. 180 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. \ William, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson, lived a few years in Litchfield and then moved to Gardiner, Me. Children of William and Phebe (Gilmore) Hutchinson: Albion T., b. January 8, 1833, married Etta Fogg. Melvin S., b. 1835, married Christiania Tozier. William W., b. November 17, 1837. Lived in the South. Albert H., b. January 4, 1840, married Delia A. Burns. Lives in Eatonville, Wash. Rosanna, b. October 28, 1842, married Albert Lovejoy. Lives in Houlton, Me. Harvey Hutchinson was the son of Samuel and Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson. Lived toward Oak Hill. He died July 27, 1884. Children of Harvey and Elizabeth (Hall) Hutchinson: Joseph C. M., b. August 2, 1842. Drowned at sea, April 2, 1864. Nelson G., b. May 2, 1844, died in the army. Arianna E., b. December 15, 1845, married Gardiner Roberts, Jr. John A., b. July 15, 1848, married, 1st, Mary F. Chase, July 3, 1869; and, Mary L. Toothaker, October 10, 1876. Llewellyn, b. February 23, 1853, married Laura Blackman. Lizzie, b. March 25, 1855, married Anson J. Bacon. Died March 5, 1895. Nellie R., b. October 30, 1861, died October 2, 1863. John A., son of Harvey and Elizabeth (Hall) Hutchinson, married for his first wife, Mary F. Chase; second, Mary L. Toothaker. His children were all by his second wife. Sadie S., b. September 27, 1878. Clara D., b. December 30, 1881. Children of Llewellyn, son of Harvey, and Laura (Blackman) Hutch- inson: Adelbert A., b. August 9, 1880. Lelia E., b. August 25, 1886, died May 5, 1893. Children of Gardiner, Jr. and Arianna E. (Hutchinson) Roberts: Nellie M., b. January 23, 1867, married George M. Rogers. Died March 4, 1806. z Angie V., b. February 23, 1880. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON. William, son of Samuel, Senior, lived near the Plains. Children of William and Betsey (Verrell) Hutchinson: Peter P., b. February 3, 1810, married Susan Annie Jenks of Bath, Me. Died in California, April 20, 1850. Willmit, b. August 18, 1811, died 1836, unmarried. JR. GARDNER ROBERTS, DEA. GARDNER ROBERTS, JR. Gardner Roberts, Jr., was the oldest son of Gardner Roberts, Sr., who was born in West Gardiner in 1810, the son of Joseph Roberts who came from Gorham, Me. Gardner, Sr., cleared a farm from the wilderness in West Gardiner, married Mary M. Ware, granddaughter of John Ware, who came from Topsham to Litchfield sometime prior to 1800 and lived near South Oak Hill. Mr. Roberts, Sr., lived on his farm until 1864, when he came to Litchfield and purchased the Wood- man Watson place in the Grant district, where he still resides, in the enjoyment of good health, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. Gardner, Jr., the subject of this sketch, was born 1842, grew up upon the farm, attended the common schools and West Gardiner Academy. He bore an honorable part in the war of 1861 as corporal in Company E, 24th Regiment, Maine Volunteers Infantry, until discharged for disability January 8, 1863. November 12, 1864, he married Arianna E. Hutchinson, daughter of Harvey and Elizabeth B. (Hall) Hutch- inson, a granddaughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson, and settled in Litchfield, where they have since resided. They had two children, Nellie M., and Angie V. Nellie M. was born January 23, 1867, who married George M. Rogers, August ro, 1894; she died March 4, 1895. Hers was a brief but useful life, being that of a success- ful teacher. Angie V. was born April 23, 1880. Mr. Roberts has been a life long Republican, active in town affairs, interested in every good work, and is a member of the Republican town committee. He held the office of town clerk from 1880 to 1885, and has been secretary of the local board of health since its institution in 1887. He has been a member of the Plains church of which he is senior deacon since 1877, and has had charge of its Sabbath school for fifteen years. He has also been a member of Morning Star Lodge of F. and A. Masons since 1869, and its chaplain for a succession of years. A member of Libby Post, No. 93, G. A. R., since 1884, of which he is now adjutant. EARLY SETTLERS. 181 Hannah, b. June 6, 1813, married Elbridge Gerry Rich. Died in Cali- fornia, June 29, 1806. Sally, b. February 12, 1815, died in 1836, unmarried. William, b. April 9, 1818, married Caroline N. Barstow in 1874. Lives in Pomona, Cal. Eras Stone Hurcutinson. Eliab Stone, son of Samuel, Senior, brother of the preceding, lived in town several years and then moved to Hallowell. Children of Eliab S. and Patty Hutchinson: Betsey, b. January 22, 1806, unmarried. Mary, b. December 8, 1808, married William Douglass of Gardiner, June 4, 1826. ‘ i Syrena, b. April 6, 1811, married Sewell Graves. Sophronia, b. April 18, 1814. Emeline, b. January 24, 1818. Eliab Stone, b. June 5, 1822. James HutcHINson. James, son of Samuel, Senior, lived on Oak Hill. He died March 28, 1861. Matty, his wife, died June 16, 1857. Children of James and Matty (Jewell) Hutchinson: Dexter, b. 1813, married Ruth Dennison, March 23, 1837. Lived in Wales. Angeline, b. 1815, married Thomas Chick. Lives in Monmouth. James, b. February 3, 1820, married 1st, Rebecca Beals; 2nd, Eliza Johnson. Henry A., b. November 26, 1821, married Hannah Smith. Corisan, b. November 26, 1823, married Frank Tollansbee. Arabine, b. November 2, 1825, married Dee Lumis. Lives in Mon- mouth. William. Went out West. Hale Sweat. Died at sea, 1857. Dean S. Lives in South Monmouth. Dexter, son of James and Matty (Jewell) Hutchinson, lived on Oak Hill. He died July 1, 1889. Ruth died September 9, 1883. Children of Dexter and Ruth (Dennison) Hutchinson: Margaret A., b. June 20, 1837, married Sumner Jewett. George E., b. August 10, 1849, died March 27, 1861. Charles Eugene, b. May 2, 1851. 182 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. * Hype. ‘ There was a Samuel Hyde who came from Freeport to Litch- field in 1810. He lived in town until 1831, when he moved to Lee, Me. Mr. Hyde was a leading man, moderator of many of the town meetings and a member of board of selectmen. He married Mary Coffin. He died in Lee, April 27, 1849, aged 75 years. Mary, his wife, died May 28, 1855, aged 81 years, 9 months. Children of Samuel and Mary (Coffin) Hyde: Charles, b. August 28, 1804, died February 1, 1814. John Angier, b. April 29, 1806, died May 15, 1806. John Angier, b. February 13, 1808, married Mary L. Maxwell. Died in Lee. Samuel Angier, b. June 5, 1810. George Clinton, b. September 7, 1812, died October 27, 1837. Mary Chatman, b. July 26, 1814, married James Maxwell, April 9, 1854. Died in Lee, Me. Lydia Rogers, b. April 12, 1816, died November 25, 1834. John Angier Hyde moved with his father to Lee and was the first town clerk of that town. He died June 27, 1840. JACK. Andrew Jack, the hunter, moved from Topsham to Litch- field in 1788, and took up the farm now owned by John Allen. He was a shoemaker and farmer. He married Fannie Merri- man. Their children were: Joseph, married 1st,Lucy Blake of Harpswell and 2nd, Mary Grey of Lisbon and died there September 1, 1832. : Andrew, married Betsey Weymouth and lived in Bowdoin. Walter M., married 1st, Jennie Parks; 2nd, Nancy Briery. Lived in Bowdoin and Whitefield. Elizabeth, married Levi Harriman, December 7, 1787. Mary, b. January 22, 1773, married Robert Patten. Fannie, married Jacob Graves. Lived in Topsham. Samuel, b. 1781, married Susanna Winchell. Miriam, b. 1782, married Charles Robinson. Died June 27, 1825, aged 43. WALTER M. Jack. Walter M. Jack, son of Andrew, for a while lived in Bowdoin, but the most of his children settled in Litchfield. EARLY SETTLERS. 183 Children of Walter and Jennie (Parke) Jack: Gideon, b. 1795, married Sally Neal. Mary, b. May, 1797, married Nathan Rogers. Josiah, b. 1799, married Elizabeth Sawyer, March 2, 1828. Thomas, b. February, 1801, married Mary Patten, October 25, 1820. Margaret, b. 1804, married James W. Cook. Hewey, b. January 16, 1806, married Hannah White. Lived in Bow- doin. Died October 23, 1848. Eleanor, b. 1809, married Conan Sampson, June, 1834. Jane, married William Webber. Lived in Richmond. Alden B., b. January 22, 1812, married, tst, Freelove Williams, June 7, 1840; 2nd, Eliza Jane Williams, October 16, 1842; 3rd, Mrs. Lizzie Leighton, May, 1871. Harvey, b. 1813, married, 1st, Mary E. Libbey, November, 1844; 2nd, Mary P. Johnson, March 25, 1862. Andrew, drowned. Seth, died in Bowdoin, not married. Gideon Jack, son of Walter, lived in Litchfield and then moved to Pittston. Children of Gideon, son of Walter and Sally (Neal) Jack: Andrew, b. April 28, 1823. Sarah P., b. August 3, 1825. Josiah Jack, son of Walter, lived on the Joseph Sawyer farm. He died August 27, 1876. Elizabeth, his wife, died May 14, 1863, aged 70 years, 3 months. Children of Josiah and Elizabeth (Sawyer) Jack: Susan Jane, b. October 24, 1828, married George W. Gillette, lived in Gardiner, Me. Clarissa A., b. February 13, 1830, married Daniel F. Fuller, November 15, 1863. John S., b. February 13, 1834, died June 24, 1852. Thomas Jack, son of Walter, settled near his wife’s parents in Litchfield, where he died May 3, 1876. His wife died December 6, 1880. Children of Thomas and Mary (Patten) Jack: Martha Ann, b. January 19, 1831. Mary Augusta, b. June 23, 1833, married William F. Buker. Charles, b. May 13, 1836, married Maria Dyer. Lives on old home- stead. Oneson, Millard. 184 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Alden B. Jack, son of Walter, lived on the Plains and kept store there for about 35 years and was postmaster there for a number of years. He died December 28, 1884. Freelove, his wife, died January 19, 1842. Children of Alden B. and Freelove (Williams) Jack: Elizabeth J., b. May 3, 1841, died September 1, 1843. Children by second wife, Eliza J. Williams: Charles Bradford, b. March 18, 1843. Married; lives Stillwater, Minn. Franklin K., b. January 9, 1852, married Alice V. Berry, October 18, 1877. Lives in Bowdoinham. Harvey Jack, son of Walter, lived on the Cook road. Harvey died May 13, 1882. Mary E., his wife, died December 31, 1860, aged 40 years. Children of Harvey and Mary (Libbey) Jack: Viola C., b. January 19, 1847. Now resides in Lewiston. Rinaldo Augustus, b. August 15, 1852. Married and lives in Boston, Mass. SAMUEL JACK. Samuel Jack, son of Andrew, lived on the old homestead and was a captain of cavalry in the War of 1812. He died June 8, 1853. His wife died August 22, 1862, aged 75 years. Children of Samuel and Susanna (Winchell) Jack: Barzilla, b. March 9, 1808, married Hannah P. Dinslow, November, 1830. Died in Gardiner. Mary Ann, b. September 2, 1809, married Samuel Dinslow. Went West. Dexter, b. August 12, 1811, married, rst, Eliza Ann Parks; 2nd, Louisa Graves. Lives in East Boston. He died August 20, 1880. Rhoda Jane, b. April 22, 1814, married John Tucker. . Andrew, b. March 28, 1817, married Margaret Stewart. Lived in Gardiner. Died July 10, 1890. Susan G., b. February 20, 1819, married Robert Alexander. Lives in Richmond. Bernice P., b. December 9, 1820, married Thomas Mills Richardson. Lives in Pikes Peak, Colorado. Miranda A., b. July 29, 1822. Lives in Richmond. Samuel W., b. September 22, 1824, married Elizabeth Libby. Lived in Richmond. Died December 25, 1888. EARLY SETTLERS. 185 Harriet M., b. May 20, 1826, married Warren Reed. Lives in Gardi- ner. Died January 12, 1878. Margaret P., b. July 6, 1829, married Warren Marshall. Lives in Pro- vidence, R. I. Rosetta, b. December 28, 1831. Lives in Richmond. Barzilla Jack, son of Samuel, lived on the homestead of his father and grandfather until 1866, when he moved to Gardiner. He took a great interest in military affairs and in 1842 was col- onel of the Third Regiment. Hedied April 11, 1881. His wife died August 13, 1881, aged 73 years. Children of Barzilla and Hannah P. (Dinslow) Jack: Ellen M., b. January 28, 1831, married Samuel P. Paine. Lives in Gardiner. William C., b. November 20, 1832, married Phebe A. Clay. Lives in Gardiner. Cynthia P., b. January 17, 1838. Married James Mulick. Died in Peoria, Ill., May, 1870. Marietta, b. November 27, 1840. Died February 11, 1841. Susan A., b. May 17, 1842. Died December 20, 1865. Sarah F., b. July 19, 1845, married Franklin Chase. Died October, 1884. Lora Elizabeth, b. July 24, 1848. Died August 24, 1850. JOSEPH JACK. Joseph Jack, born in Lisbon, October 30, 1815, son of Joseph and Mary (Gray) Jack, and grandson of Andrew, the trapper, married Mary Jane Libby of Wales and lived in Plymouth, Me., several years and then moved to Litchfield in 1850. Mary Jane his wife died November 25, 1878, aged 62 years. Their children: Syrena A., b. February 20, 1841. Married, rst, Wm. O. G. Robinson; 2d, David P. Adams. Joseph E., b. August 23, 1843. Married, rst, Alice A. Mitchell, March 12, 1870; 2d, Fannie E. Sprague, April 10, 1890. Joseph E. was a member of the 24th Maine Regiment in the last war. JACKSON. There was a family by the name of Jackson which lived between Hatch’s and Robinson’s corner. They were the chil- dren of William Jackson who came to this country about 1750, from Ireland. He first settled at Nantucket and married Abi- gail Tupper, daughter of Dr. Tupper, in 1760. During the 186 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Revolutionary War Mr. Jackson and his family moved to what is now called South Pittston and afterwards his family moved to Litchfield. Children of William and Abigail (Tupper) Jackson: William, b. 1765. Married Hannah Smith. Benjamin, b. 1772. Married Charlotte Mason. Lived in Pittston. Died June 14, 1862. George, married Miss ————- Witham. Lived in Bowdoinham. Joseph, married Abigail ————_. Lived in Litchfield. Was a sea captain and lost at sea. Elizabeth, b. December 11, 1763. Married Thomas Morgridge. Nancy, married Charles Morgridge. Susan, married Andrew Coombs, November 18, 1800. Went to Ohio. Martha, married John Robinson. Abigail, b. December 31, 1782. Married Dr. Sylvanus Waterman. WILLIAM JACKSON, JR. William, Jr., lived in Litchfield near Deacon Morgridge until 1812, when he moved to Sangerville. He died in 1817. Han- nah, his wife, died in 1858, aged 8g years. Children of William and Hannah (Smith) Jackson: Benjamin, b. June 11, 1792. William, b. January 6, 1794. Settled in Dixmont. Asa, b. March 22, 1795. Married Nancy Knowlton. Lived in his father’s house in Sangerville. Cynthia, b. December 10, 1796. Married James Howe. Archelaus, b. July 15, 1798. Married, 1st, — Potter; 2d, Mary Pritchard. Phebe, b. September 16, 1799. Died March 1, 1806. Heman S., b. June 27, 1801. Married ————— Huntington. Lived in Corinth. Joseph, b. April 19, 1803. Betsey, b. Oétober 30, 1804. Died April 15, 1807. Cordelia, b. November 16, 1806. Married Jonathan N. Whittier. Lived in Foxcroft. Elvira, b. November 16, 1806. Married Russell Coburn. Lived in Parkman. Bartlett, b. November 2, 1808. Married Emily Jennison. Was treas- urer of Knox county at one time. Myrick S., b. 1812. Lived in Bangor. EARLY SETTLERS... 187 Rev. JOHN JACKSON. Rev. John Jackson, son of John Jackson, was born in Sidney, Me., December 25, 1805. He married Sarah Cunningham in 1835, and lived for a number of years in Lee, Me., where he was licensed to preach by the Baptist Association. He came to Litchfield for the purpose of educating his children, and died May 1, 1882. His wife died April 11, 1882, aged 71 years. Ruth Jackson, his mother, died at her son’s aged 96 years. Children of John and Sarah (Cunningham) Jackson: Charlotte M., married. rst, Capt. Thomas B. Sampson; 2d, Ruel W. Hanscom. Lives in Auburn, Me. John Henry, b. March 26, 1838. Married Clara Wentworth, Amos Messer, married Susie A. Noi. Nellie A., adopted, b. August 14, 1859. Married 1st, Albert S. Jen- kins; 2d, ———— Randall. Lives in Boston, Mass. John H. Jackson, son of Rev. John, graduated from Colby University in 1860. and from Bowdoin Medical School in 1868, and is now practicing medicine in Fall River, Mass. Amos MM. Jackson, son of Rev. John, graduated from Colby University in 1861 and from New York Medical School. He practiced medicine for a while in Gardiner, and is now a practic- ng physician in Fall River, Mass. Both were officers in the War of the Rebellion. JAQUITH. Abraham Jaquith, fifth in descent of same name from Abra- ham, who settled in Charlestown, Mass., in 1643, was the son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Hill) Jaquith, and was born in Biller- ica, Mass., June 15, 1760. He moved to Litchfield in 1790, and located on farm now known as Jonathan Allard farm next to Jaquith bridge. He married, first, Elizabeth Stevens, daughter of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Bennett) Stevens; second, Hannah Meader, daughter of Daniel Harvey and Jerusha (Wormwood) Meader, November 7, 1796; and third, Hannah Curtis, August, 1800. He died November 26, 1808. Children by first wife, Elizabeth Stevens: Elizabeth, married Charles Curtis of Woolwich, October 22, 1812. Isaac, married Jane Tinkham, September 13, 1810. John, b. December 4, 1794. Married Elizabeth Dill, December 25, 1817. 188 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by second wife, Hannah Meader: Sarah, b. February 27, 1797. Married Amos A. Meader, November II, 1820. Abraham, married Betsey Edgecomb. Moved to Wisconsin. Catherine, married Joshua Paine. Isaac JAQUITH. Isaac Jaquith lived in Litchfield on his father’s place until about 1830, when he, with his brother, moved to Brownville, and from thence to Sullivan, Wis., where he and his brother, John, died. Children of Isaac and Jane (Tinkham) Jaquith: Luciana, b. July 27, 1811. Married and lived in Charleston, Me. Mary, b. March 13, 1813. Married Oliver Randall. Seth, b. January 31, 1816. Died in Brownville. Abraham C., b. March 1, 1818. Married, Mary Stratton. Lives in Wisconsin. Sarah, b. January 27, 1820. Married, 1st, Joel Berry; 2d, Joel Tib- betts. Lives in Biddeford, Me. Jane, b. February 20, 1822. Married ————— Strout. Lives in Charleston, Me. é Esther, b. March 22, 1824. Married Joseph Noyes. Lives in Wis- consin, Huldah, b. May 25, 1826. George, b. April 14, 1828. Killed by Indians in Minnesota’ Ambrose, b. 1830. Married Amanda Jackson. Lives in Wisconsin. Phineas, b. 1832. Married Jane Drake. He is a Free Baptist minister in Wisconsin. Zilpha, b. 1835. Married Joshua Hall. Lives it: Wisconsin. JEWELL. Henry and Enos Jewell came to Litchfield from Amesbury, Mass., in 1780. They were the sons of Henry L. Jewell, who died of disease contracted in the French army under General Wolfe, and descendants of Thomas Jewell, who came to this country in 1639. Their widowed mother came with them to Litchfield, where she married Joseph Huntington and died in Hallowell at an advanced age. Captain Henry Jewell lived where Mr. Nutting now lives. He was prominent in early town affairs and many of the town meetings were held at his house. Henry married Sarah Greeley. He died in Litchfield, August 20, 1827, aged 74 years. EARLY SETTLERS. 189 Children of Henry and Sarah (Greeley) Jewell: Mary, b. January 3, 1773. Married Jonas Bowman. William, b. September 10, 1776. Died at Calais, Me., in 1834. Joseph, b. December 14, 1778. Married Lydia Springer, January 23, 1802. Betsey, b. March 9, 1780. Married Jonathan Chamberlain, August 13, 1801. Lived in New Hampshire. Sarah, b. April 14, 1782. Married Stephen Johnson, July 3, 1708. Henry, b. July 25, 1784. Married Nancy True, December, 1807. Lydia, b. August 14, 1786. Married Stephen Pierce, June 6, 1814. Lived in Gardiner. James, b. December 18, 1788. Married Hannah C. True, July 23, 1809. Gould, b. January 26, 1790. Married Esther Walker, October 4, 1810. Martha, b. November 14, 1796. Married James Hutchinson, Decem- ber 24, 1812. Stephen, b. March 3, 1798. Married, 1st, Lucy Corban; 2d, Sarah Marston. Lived in Stillwater, Minn. JosEPH JEWELL. Joseph Jewell, son of Henry Jewell, lived next to Andrew Springer’s. Died in 1832. Children of Joseph, son of Henry, and Lydia (Springer) Jewell: Greely, b. April 11, 1803. Went South. William, b. December 28, 1804. Otis, b. December 10, 1806. Went to sea. Elizabeth, b. November 5, 1808. Married Benjamin Kennedy, March 20, 1837. Lived in Randolph, Mass. Sally, b. November 5, 1808. Died young. ; Esther, b. April 20, 1811. Married, 1st, Morris B. Millett, February 1, 1829; 2d, Hiel Heath, September, 1842. Moved to Newton, Iowa. Henry, b. July 18, 1812. Married, 1st, Eliza A. Barker; 2d, Caroline E. Smith. Lived in Canton, Mass. He was a Universalist minister. Mary B., b. June 6, 1816. Married Thomas Rigby, January 15, 1845. Resided in Vicksburg, Miss. HENRY JEWELL, JR. Henry J., lived near his father. He afterwards lived in Tops- ham and Bath, but returned to Litchfield where he died Jan- uary 28,1859. Nancy, his wife died February 2, 1857. Children of Henry, Jr., and Nancy (True) Jewell: John Brown, b. November 16, 1808. Married Betsey Tucker, July 30, 1835. Lived in Monmouth. 190 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Elizabeth, b. January 18, 1811. Married John Q. A. True, December 25, 1834. Lived in Minnesota. Mary Ann, b. May 7, 1814. Married George W. True. Abner True, b. July 3, 1816. Married Catherine Howard} January 6, 1839. Lived in Fall River, Mass. Henry, b. January 15, 1819. Died in New Orleans. Nancy, b. January 15, 1819. Married Arthur Berry, October, 1842. Lived in Gardiner, Me. d William, b. May 3, 1821. Married Almira Landerkin, April 25, 1847. Lives in Gardiner, Me. Sarah Day, b. January 27, 1824. Married Daniel Gray. Lived in Gardiner, Me. Frances Emily, b. March 6, 1827. Died in Pittston 1838. Ammi M., b. October 11, 1831. , Married Lydia Burke. Lived in Pomona, California. Died 1895. Rebecca, b. March 4, 1834. Died in Pittston 1838. James JEWELL. James Jewell, son of Henry, lived at Purgatory and was a sad- dler by trade. He afterwards moved to Lincoln, Me. Children of James and Hannah C. (True) Jewell: Hiram Washington, b. Februaty 9, 1811. Married 1st, Elmira Gray; and, Hannah Gray. Lived in Pontiac, Michigan. Was an editor. Harvey B., b. April 3, 1813. Died July 3, 1834. , Oliver Hilton, b. June 10, 1815. Married, rst, Caroline Blake; 2d, Esther A. Potter. Lived in New London, Conn. Was a physician. John Milton, b. March 25, 1817. Married Lucy Ann Richards. Lived in Lincoln, Me. Joanna Brown, b. August 29, 1819. Lived in Lincoln and Bangor, Me. Sarah C., b. August 15, 1821. Died in infancy. William True, b. August 9, 1823. Married Bertha V. Williams. Was a Methodist minister. Died in Bangor, Me. Martha W., b. May 8, 1825. Died September 5, 1850. Nancy Jane, b. December 30, 1828. Died May 5, 1844. GouLD JEWELL. Gould Jewell, son of Henry, lived near the Plains. Children of Gould and Esther (Walker) Jewell: Elizabeth W., b. September 30, 1813. Married Jeremiah Potter, Jr. Gould, b. April 8, 1815. Married Sarah Alexander. Lived in Wis- consin. Sarah M., b. March 15, 1822. Married ist, Joseph Hutchinson; 2d, John A. Leeman, June 9, 1850; 3d, N. Dickson, September, 1858. Lives in Wales, Me. EARLY SETTLERS. IgI Enos JEWELL. Enos, son of Henry L. and brother of Captain Henry, lived near Potter’s Corner. He was born in Amesbury in 1754. He married Deborah Hall, sister of Timothy and Calvin, in 1780. She was born December 23, 1748. Deborah died in 1806 and Enos married Abagail Chamberlain in 1808. Enos died 1831. Children of Enos, brother of Henry, and Deborah (Hall) Jewell: Sarah R., b. July 29, 1781. Married Nathaniel Hartshorn, July 28, 1799. en b. July 19. 1782. Married Gideon Spear, October 23, 1800. Enos, b. January 4, 1784. Married, tst, Fannie Fairbanks, November, 1807; 2nd, Irene Bean. Lived in Canaan, Me. Mary, b. February 17, 1786. Married Asa Spear, November 26, 1806. Deborah, b. December 10, 1787. Married Salathiel Spear, July 22, 1804. Moved to Ohio. John, b. October 10, 1790. Married Miriam Stevens. Died in Kit- tery, Me., March 6, 1853. JOHNSON. Adam Johnson moved with his family to Litchfield from Lyndsboro, N. H., about 1780, and lived near Monmouth line. He was an old man when he came. His son, Adam, Jr., who came with him, had been a captain in the Revolutionary War and was one of the first selectmen of the town. Adam Johnson, Senior, was a school teacher and was known as Master John- son. The old gentleman lived the last of his years with his son- in-law, Nehemiah Hutchinson, where he died, December 17, 1813, aged 95 years. His widow, Abigail Johnson, died Febru- ary 8, 1814, aged go years. Captain Adam Johnson, Jr., died February, 1832. Children of Adam and Abigail Johnson: Adam, b. 1752. Married Polly Hutchinson, sister of Samuel Hutch- inson. Betsey, b. May 25, 1753. Married Samuel Hutchinson. Lucy, married James Campbell. Molly, married Nehemiah Hutchinson. ADAM JOHNSON, JR. Children of Adam, Jr., and Polly (Hutchinson) Johnson: Sally, married Joseph Neal. Lydia, married Lemuel Neal. Stephen, married Sally Jewell, July, 1798. Ig2 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. John, married Perkins. Lived in Castine. Polly, married Isaac Goldsmith. Rebecca, b. September 25, 1780. Married John Plummer, October 14, 1800. é Robert, married Eunice Walker, September 23, 1810. William, never married. Betsey, married Abijah Richardson, May 12, 180s. Adam, b. 1795. Married Mary Godfrey. Died in Richmond, May 1, 1857. Stephen Johnson, son of Adam, Jr., lived in Litchfield several years on the farm now owned by F. J. Sloman. He moved to Vermont and thence to Gardiner, Me. Children of Stephen and Sally (Jewell) Johnson: William, b. October 6, 1799. , Stephen, b. July 1, 1801. Died June 18, 1803. Sally, b. April 27, 1803. Polly. Achsah. Robert. Patty, b. June 8, 1811. Married James Hutchinson. Lives in Mich- igan. Harrison, b. January 11, 1814. Robert, son of Adam Jr., lived several years in Litchfield and then moved to West Gardiner. Children of Robert and Eunice (Walker) Johnson: Hannah, b. March 20, 1811. Married Zebulon W. Douglass. Adam, b. September 15, 1813. Died in the army at New Orleans, November 14, 1861. Robert A., b. July 10, 1821. Married Sarah Johnson. Died in hos- pital in Virginia, in 1863. John W., b. July 10, 1821. Lycander, b. April 10, 1823. Officer in the navy. Adam Johnson, 3d, son of Adam, Jr., lived a while in Litch- field and then moved to Richmond. Died May 1, 1857. Children of Adam and Mary (Godfrey) Johnson: Orville, b. May 21, 1817. Married Lucinda Bassett, April, 1837. One child, Martha O. Johnson, b. April 18, 1838. Married 1st, Wm. Brawn; 2d, Sanford Brann. Lives in Gardiner. Orville died December 30, 1837. Hannah, b. October 10, 1818. Married Joshua C. Merrow. Lived in Gardiner. Died September 8, 1850. Rebecca, married William Thomas. Lived in Boston, Mass. Thomas. Died in Richmond. Charles. Lives in East Boston. EARLY SETTLERS. 193 Basheba, b. May 23, 1831. Married Boston. Rachel, b. February 14, 1833. Lives in East Boston. Mary Melvina. Lives in East Boston. Adam. Died in Richmond. Sweat. Live in East JOHN JOHNSON. There was another man by the name of John Johnson, a Rev- olutionary soldier, evidently not related to the preceding, lived near the Monmouth line, and was drowned in Cobbossee stream March 1, 1810. He married Annie Taylor April 15, 1790, daugh- ter of James and Sarah (White) Taylor. Annie, his wife, after- wards married Edward Tibbetts, August 21, 1814. Children: Hannah, b. November 17, 1790. Died April 17, 1805. John, b. September 23, 1792. Died in Portland. Ann, b. July 11, 1794. Married, rst, ———— Moore; 2d, Jacob Rich- ardson. Sally, b. July 11, 1794. Died March 11, 1802. James, b. June 5, 1796. Married Mary (Tibbetts) Getchell. Adam, b. May to, 1798. Died January 8, 1813. Joseph, b. May 16, 1800. Married, 1st, Susan Grove, February 14, 1820; 2d, Nancy Munroe. Died in Mexican War. Bartholomew, b. July 10, 1802. Died October 11, 1803. Sally, b. June 29, 1804. Married, 1st, Stephen Gray; 2d, Captain George Bibber. Lived in Falmouth. Bartholomew, b. July 8, 1807. Married Susan Ellen Cloudman. Lived in Westbrook. Hannah, b. June 12, 1810. Died November 9, 1810. JONES. Nathaniel M. Jones, son of Isaac, was born in Bowdoin, June 14, 1797. November 28, 1822, he married Clarissa Wickwire,and moved to Litchfield, where he was a prominent man for many years and then moved down East. He died in Enfield, August 30, 1875. Children of Nathaniel M. and Clarissa (Wickwire) Jones: Esther S., b. December 18, 1823. Died in Enfield, August 24, 1887. Margaret M., b. May 4, 1826. Married Samuel G. Crocker of Brown- field. Isaac M., b. January 12, 1831. Married Charlotte Dow. Lives in Pat- ten. Elbridge G., b. October 7, 1832. Died November 20, 1832. Clarissa M., b. July 25, 1834. Married Appleton Cleaves. Lives in Montague, Me. 13 194 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. JUDKINS. Samuel Judkins was an early settler in Litchfield and lived near Purgatory on farm now owned by Charles H. Howard. He married Judith Springer for his first wife; Zilpha (Hall) Babb for his second wife; and Lois Gray for his third wife, July 19, 1818. He died November 5, 1843. Judith, his first wife, died October 19, 1808; Zilpha, his second wife, died December 9, 1817. Children by first wife, Judith Springer: John, b. July 30, 1802. Married, 1st, Mary Matilda: Neal, July, 1823; 2d, Nancy (Thurston) Ware. Lived in Augusta and in Gardiner, where he died May 11, 1892. Louise, b. July 8, 1804. Married Thomas Connors. Lived in Fair- field. Abigail, lived in Fairfield. Children by second wife, Zilpha (Hall) Babb: Judith, b. March 27, 1811. Married Edward Tibbetts. Lived in Shir- ley and then moved West. Samuel, b. June 8, 1813. Married Sarah Pishon. Lives in Fairfield. Dorcas, b. April 25, 1815. Married Moses Kelley. Lived in Woon- socket, R. I. Abigail, b. February 4, 1817. Married Sherman Pishon. Lives in East Fairfield. Children by third wife, Lois Gray: Stephen, b. October 15, 1819. Died April 4, 1843. William, b. July 19, 1822. Lived in Fairfield. Killed in army in Third Maine. Hulda, b. December 22, 1824. Died March 8, 1846. Zilpha, b. March 21, 1826. Died in Walpole, Mass. Asa N., b. April 26, 1830. Married Parmelia Frances Pease, July, 1858. Died in Litchfield in 1859. Thomas, married and lived in Australia. KEENAN. Thomas B. Keenan, (sometimes spelled Kannon and Cannon,) son of James and grandson of Patrick Keenan, the second per- son to settle in Wales, Me., was born in Wales, April 7, 1804. Married Ann G. Gray April 19, 1831, and lived on the road run- ning from Purgatory to the Neck. He afterwards moved to Gardiner. Died August 25, 1862. Ann, his wife, died April 4, 1868. EARLY SETTLERS. 195 Children of Thomas B. and Ann G. (Gray) Keenan: Sophia, b. February 11, 1833. Married Nicholas Dale. Died in Mount Vernon, March 10, 1862. Martha, b. February 6, 1835. Married M. S. Pickering. Died in Gardiner, June 4, 1876. James H., b. March 22, 1837. Died April 13, 1842. Catherine C., b. April 13, 1839. Married P. H. Gilson. Died in Gar- diner, September 12, 1878. Thomas A., b. October 28, 1841. Member Fourteenth Maine Regi- ment. Died in Libby prison, December 24, 1864. James W., b. January 4, 1844. Married Lucy Taylor. Lives in Wind- sor, Me. Charles D., b. June 27, 1846. George M., b. April 5, 1853. Killed in Kiowa, Kan., May 11, 1887. KELLEY. Ebenezer Kelley was a store-keeper at Purgatory for a few years. He married Pauline Graves, who lived in family of Mr. Perkins. He died September 26, 1836, of consumption, aged 33 years. Children of Ebenezer and Pauline (Graves) Kelley: John P., b. November 17, 1830. Died March 18, 1856. Margaret, b. July 22, 1834. Was drowned. KENDALL. Rev. Henry Kendall was born in Sanford, Me., July 3, 1774, and was a Baptist minister. He came to Litchfield in 1803, and lived there about 17 years and at one time owned the place occupied by Rev. W. O. Grant. In 1812 he was member of the Massachusetts legislature from Litchfield. He married Sally Swasey of Merideth, N. H., and died in China, Me., in 1864. Children of Rev. Henry and Sally (Swasey) Kendall: Sally, b. August 24,1799. Died young. Polly, b. May 30, 1801. Married George Howland. Lived in Tops- ham. as b. September 4, 1803. Married Orrin Pettingill. Moved to Kansas. Melinda, b. May 23, 1805. Married Edward Fairfield. Lived in Fairfield. 196 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Harriet, b. March 17, 1807. Married, 1st, Joshua Bishop of Tops- ham; 2d, James Toothaker of Topsham. Hiram, b. October 10, 1809. Married Lucretia Colby. Lived in Brunswick. Died, 1896. Elmira, b. November 2, 1811. Married Otis Hawes. Lived in Vas- salboro, Me. Philomelia, b. January 6, 1814. Married John I. Haley. Lived in Brunswick. Henry, b. 1817. Died young. Enoch, b. April 30, 1819. Died in infancy. George, b. May 1, 1821. Died in infancy. Levi KENDALL. Levi Kendall, brother of Rev. Henry, was born in Sanford, August 18, 1778. He ran away when a boy and went to sea, and was pressed into the English service where he remained for 13 years. He left sea about 1813 and came to Litchfield. In 1817 he married Polly (Hunter) Gordon, widow of Ithiel Gordon. They lived near Purgatory. Polly, his wife, died July 12, 1847. Levi then married Mariam Merrill, September 13, 1848, and moved to Gardiner, where he died August 6, 1849. Children of Levi and Polly (Hunter) Kendall: Emarilla, b. February 19, 1818. Married, 1st, Joseph Lord: Novem- ber 26, 1890; 2d, Charles S. Collins, July 19, 1846. Enoch, b. October 24, 1819. Died November 10, 1819. Henry, b. October 24, 1819. Died November 11, 1819. Mary, b. August 24, 1822. Married Stephen Brown. Lived in Bos- ton, Mass. Paulina, b. April 1, 1826. Married Sadrach Brown. Lived in Cape Elizabeth. Children by second wife, Mariam Merrill: John L., b. January 14, 1850. Married, 1st, Asenath J. Mills; 2d, Edith E. Nickerson. Lives in Gardiner. KINDRICK. Dr. Cyrus Kindrick is the son of Cyrus and Sarah (Maxcy) Kindrick, and was born in Gardiner, Me., September 6, 1825. He graduated from the Jefferson Medical School in 1850, and soon after commenced practice in Litchfield, where he has been eminently successful, and is highly respected. In 1880 he mar- ried Susie P., daughter of Calvin Howe, of Rumford, Me. CYRUS KINDRICK, M. D. CYRUS KINDRICK, M. D. Cyrus Kindrick was born in Gardiner, September 6, 1825, where he grew up, attending its schools, including the old institute, till he resolved to be a physician, and entered the medical department of Bowdoin College, in which he studied two years. From there he went to Philadelphia and completed his professional education in Jefierson Medical College, graduating in March, 1850, in a class of 2ir. one of his classmates being the distinguished Dr. S. Wier Mitchell of Philadelphia. Returning home to Gardiner, he practiced there two years, when he went to Litchfield, where his medical practice has covered the long period of forty years. Dr. Kindrick is one of only six survivors of the original members who organized the Maine Medi- cal Association in 1853. He also belongs to the American Medical Association, whose annual meeting in Washington he participated in. Like his father, he has been a zealous Free Mason, serving as master of Morning Star Lodge of Litchfield, for the ten years succeeding 1866. In 1880 Dr. Kindrick married Susie P., daughter of Calvin Howe of Rumford, Me., and one of a family of thirteen children. She was a teacher in Litchfield Academy, of long experience and recog- nized talent. Their children are: Daisy May, Kate H., and Cyrus Maxcy Kindrick. oe EARLY SETTLERS. 197 Children of Dr. Cyrus and Susie (Howe) Kindrick: Sadie May, b. January 29, 1881. Kate H., b. September 12, 1882. Cyrus Maxcy, b. January 26, 1888. KNOWLTON. Jacob Knowlton, son of Thomas and Sally Knowlton, came from Ipswich, Mass., and settled on what is known as the Knowlton place. He married Abagail Hodgkins, December, 1791. He died July 14, 1814. His wife died November 17, 1850, aged 83 years. Z Children of Jacob and Abagail (Hodgkins) Knowlton: Mary, b. July 3, 1799. Died September 30, 1819. Abagail. b. March 14, 1801. Married Joseph True. Thomas, b. August 31, 1802. Married Cynthia Savage. David, b. March 18, 1804. Married Eliza Lombard of Windham. Lived in Augusta. Joseph, b. August 18, 1806. Married Rachel Cole. Lives in Cali- fornia. Jacob, b. August 20, 1808. Married Mary Rogers of Phippsburg. Caroline, b. November 6, 1810. Married Annis Hildreth. Francis, b. September 18, 1813. Married Caroline Matilda Billings. Lived in Detroit. Died December 6, 1856. Jacop KNowLtTon, Ja. Jacob Knowlton, Jr., lived for a time in Litchfield and then moved to Bath, Me. He died May 21, 1867. Children of Jacob, Jr., and Mary (Rogers) Knowlton: George Rogers, b. March 11, 1838. Died in Union army, January 26, 1864. : Abby Ann, b. January 23, 1840. Died in California in 1890. ‘Unmar- ried. John Rogers, b. October 26, 1842. Married Sarah Maria Kidder. Lives in Bath. Sarah E., b. May 17, 1844. Married John H. Bosworth. She died February 10, 1879. Beatrice Rogers, b. January 1, 1846. Died January 25, 1847. Mary Frances, b. January 11, 1850. Married Charles L. Nichols. Lives in Bath, Me. FRANCIS KNOWLTON. Francis Knowlton, son of Jacob Levi, lived in Detroit, Mich., and then came back to Litchfield, where he died Decem- ber 6, 1856. 198 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Francis and Caroline M. (Billings) Knowlton: Mary, b. 1839. Married Ferdinand Hall. Emily, b. 1842. Married, ist, Robert Smith; 2d, Jesse Fuller. Edward L., b. February 20, 1844. Married Lucy Anne. Lives in Brockton, Mass. LAMBARD. Joseph Lambard was in Litchfield in 1792. He lived just west of the Corner. He married Mary McFarland, and died April 2, 1805. Children of Joseph and Mary (McFarland) Lambard: Rebecca, b. July 5, 1789. Married Joseph Ruff. Lived in Staunton, Virginia. Charlotte, b. June 15, 1791. Married Nathan Smith. Joseph, b. July 1, 1792. Was in War of 1812. Published to Rhoda Smith, September 18, 1815. Went to sea and never heard from. John, b. November 10, 1893. Died April, 1800. Jesse, b. May 16, 1795. Died May, 18co. Permelia, b. October 8, 1799. Married, 1st, Capt. Gamaliel Crooker; 2d, Ammi Dennison. Lived in Lowell, Mass. Robert, b. February 4, 1798. Died April, 1890. Polly, b. August, 1799. Died April, 1800. Hannah, b. December, 1800. Married Deliverance Woodward, Jan- ‘uary 10, 1828. Lived in Lowell, Mass. Jesse, b. September 7, 1802. Married, 1st, Phebe Smith, January 10, 1828; 2d, Elsie Cleaves; 3d, Jemima R. Smith, March 10, 1867. Jesse Lambard lived on his father’s farm for a time and then moved to Gardiner, Me. He afterward removed to Litchfield, where he died April 28, 1887. Phebe, his wife, died September 21, 1836. Elsie Cleaves, died, February 14, 1866. Jemima R. Smith died January 11, 1887. Children of Jesse and Phebe (Smith) Lambard: Joseph S., b. August 31, 1829. Married Mary Sheldon. Lived in Gardiner, where he was a prominent citizen. Died February 1, 189s. Angeline, b. January 29, 1832. Died July 14, 1833. Mary Angeline, b. March 22, 1834. Married, 1st, William Chesley; 2d, Marshall Waitt. Lived in Vancouver Island. Julia Augusta, b. 1836. Married Moses Hooper. Lived in Oskosh, Wisconsin. Children by second wife, Elsie Cleaves: Phebe E., b. August 13, 1839. Lives in Gardiner. Hattie C., b. March 4, 1841. Married Charles Gowell, January 1, 1865. Lives in Gardiner. SS EARLY SETTLERS. 199 Joshua K., b. September 22, 1842. Married Nancy Sullivan. Lived in Texas. Thomas Henry, b. April 8, 1844. Married Eliza Jane (Davis) Jones, March 3, 1864. Died in 1886. Sarah S., b. April, 1847. Died in 1891. Jesse A., b. March 24, 1849. Died December 31, 1871. LANDER. Benjamin Lander, son of Lazarus and Lydia (Graffam) Lander, was born in Lewiston and moved to Litchfield and lived on the Bradstreet place, on the road running from Hatch’s Cor- ner to Robinson’s Corner. Children of Benjamin and Ann (Small) Lander: Mary, b. June 26, 1832. ' Died May 26, 1863. Married Horatio Paine. Benjamin, Jr., b. March 11, 1835. Married Mary A. Callomer. Lucretia, died when 3 years old. George M., b. January 26, 1850. Died February 2, 1863. Benjamin Lander’s second wife was Mrs. Mary Perry. They were married September 15, 1876. Benjamin, Jr., lived with his father and was a soldier in the late war. He died February 27, 1869. Mary, his wife, died March 22, 1871. Children of Benjamin, Jr., and Mary A. (Callomer) Lander: George M., b. July 15, 1866. Lives in Webster, Me. Sarah P., b. December g, 1867. Died March 14, 1879. Mary Alice, b. June 11, 1869. LARNED. Abel Larned was a soldier in the War of 1812. He married Roxanna Howard, December 29, 1814; second Elmira Mc- Mahon, in 1820. Children of Abel and Roxanna (Howard) Larned: David, b. March 15, 1816. Mary, b. July 29, 1817. Laury. John Laury, or Larry, lived in Litchfield from his marriage until his decease, February 14, 1829, aged 53 years. He mar- ried Widow Catherine Young. 200 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Their children: Susannah, b. March 2, 1806.. William, b. September 22, 1808. Lavinia, b. November 26, 1812. Died January 8, 1837. LAUGHTON. Eben O. Laughton lived in town at the Plains, several years after his marriage to Serena, daughter of Jeremiah and Annie (Springer) Potter, July 1836. Mr. Laughton was engaged in the telegraph business at itsinception and superintended thelaying of the first marine cable. After leaving Litchfield he lived in New Bedford, and other Massachusetts towns until his decease, which occurred before the war. - The two oldest of his daugh- ters were born in Litchfield. Children: Ellen, b. July 1, 1837. Married Capt. Thompson. Lives in New Bedford, Mass. Mary J., b. July 11, 1839. Married Capt. Robinson. Lives in New Bedford, Mass. Annie, married and lives in New Hampshire. LEEMAN. John A. Leeman, lived in vicinity of Plains. He married 1st Susan Magoon, who died March 31, 1848; 2d, Sarah M. (Jewell) Hutchinson. John A. Leeman died March 25, 1857. Children of John A. and Sarah M. (Jewell-Hutchinson) Leeman: John H., b. October 13, 1851. Joseph K., b. February 1, 1854. LEMONT. John Lemont, son of James, was born in Bath about 1767, and died in Litchfield, Me., December 27, 1838. He married for his first wife, Lucy Williams, in 1798. She died in 1800. He then married Widow Runnell of Bath in 1805, and she died in 1807, when he married for his third wife, Mary Woodard of Lisbon, in 1811. She died January 10, 1867. Children by second wife, Mrs. Runnell: Eliza married Henry Hildreth, March 29, 1835. She died January 11, 1875. EARLY SETTLERS. 201 Children by third wife, Mary Woodard: John Woodward, b. February 18, 1813. Died January 9, 1834. Silas S., b. December 28, 1814. Married Phoebe A. Toothaker, April 4, 1846. She died February 21, 1890. He lives in Richmond, Me. Stephen W., b. February 18, 1816. Died in Topsfield, Mass., April 21, 1844. James W., b. February 8, 1819. Married Eliza A. Bridge, May 12, 1844. Lives in Wisconsin. Mary B., b. April 27, 1821. Died in Gardiner, Me., July 31, 1851. Benjamin, b. January 28, 1824. Married Maria T. Niles of Provi- dence, R. I.; 2d, Elizabeth A. Clark. They now live in Monroe, Wis- consin. James W. Lemont, son of John, lived in Litchfield several years before moving to Magnolia, Wis. Children of James W. and Eliza A. (Bridge) Lemont: Stephen W., b. June 26, 1845. Married Manzella Luther. Lives in Magnolia, Wis. Sarah F., b. September 25, 1847. Married John Preston. Died in Wiota, Wis., December 29, 1866. Charles W., b. March 8, 1850. Mary Ella, b. March 8, 1850. Married John Kleeberger. Lives in Monroe, Wis. ‘ Emma M., b. August 24, 1860. Married Shilo Fairchild. Lives in Parker, South Dakota. Lipsy. James Libby was the fifteenth child of Daniel Libby by his second wife, Lois (Wentworth) Libby. He was born in Ber- wick, Me., January 31, 1774. February 7, 1805, he married Sally Johnson, daughter of Noah and Sarah (Goodwin) Johnson of Kittery. He moved to Litchfield in 1815, and lived at the Plains and owned the gristmill, which he sold to Joseph Wil- liams. He died February 24, 1861. Sally, his wife, died Sep- tember 30, 1860, aged 79 years. Children of James and Sally (Johnson) Libby: Daniel, b. November 16, 1805. Died February 6, 1815. Lois, b. July 14, 1807. Married William Spear. Samuel W.., b. April 10, 1809. Married Lovina Hopkins. Alvah J., b. May 4, 1811. Married Hannah Richardson, May 2, 1842. Moved to Bath. Oliver, b. June 23, 1813. Married Bethiah Alexander, January, 1836. Moved to California. 202 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Sarah, b. May 23, 1815. Married Daniel Bryant. Died in Gardiner, October’28, 1895. Eliza Prime, b. September 14, 1817. Married Isaac Randall. Olive, b. March 28, 1820. Married Isaiah Jordan. Lived in Gardi- ner. Died September 9, 1897. Susan, b. March 29, 1822. Died May 12, 1822. SAMUEL W. LiBBy. Samuel W. Libby, son of James, lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Lewiston. Children of Samuel W. and Lovina (Hopkins) Libby: Samuel Orator, b. March 21, 1847. Married Nancy J. Knight. Died May 21, 18609. ; Horace, b. September 28, 1848. Married Amanda Pettengill. Lives in Lewiston. Sherburn, b. May 21, 1852. Died August 8, 1853. Daniel Oliver, b. July 23, 1854. Died November 19, 1860. Twin sons, b. September 7, 1864. Died October of the same year. Atvau J. Lipsy. Alvah J., son of James Libby, lived in Litchfield after mar- riage several years, and then moved to Bath, Me., where he died August 13, 1877. His wife died December 23, 1875. Children of Alvah J. and Hannah (Richardson) Libby: Ella Annette, b. April 18, 1848. Married George E, McIntyre. Lives in Medfield, Mass. : Irving Alvah, b. March 1, 1853. Married Charlotte Oliver. Lives in Bath, Me. Clara Adelaide, b. October 31, 1856. Married William D. Oliver. RicHarpD H. Lippy. Richard H. Libby, born in Scarboro in 1796, son of Theoph- ius and Hannah (Berry) Libby, came to Litchfield about 1830. He married Jane (Clark) Baker, widow of Judah Baker. He died April 5,1876. Jane, his wife, died August 30, 1845. Children of Richard H. and Jane (Baker) Libby: Nathaniel J., b. April 7, 1836. Married Nancy Lydston, January 4, 1863. Elizabeth Ann, b. June 2, 1838. Married Edwin D. Lamson. Nancy Jane, b. January 8, 1840. Died June, 1845. Harriet Norton, b. June 12, 1842. Married L. S. Brooks. Clark C., b. August, 1843. Died in 1845. Nancy, wife of Nathaniel, died June 7, 1841. EARLY SETTLERS. 203, Children of Nathaniel J., son of Richard H. Libby, and Nancy (Lyd- ston) Libby: George N., b. July, 1864. Married Josephine H. Varney, December 28, 1887. Lives in Bowdoinham. Nellie Jane, b. May 5, 1866. Married Lyman C. Waterman, in 1893. Lives in Buckfield. Lewis Osborne, b. June 17, 1867. Died August 14, 1875. ; Ara Brooks, b. January 11, 1869. Married Lutie Libby. He grad- uated from Bates in 1894. Teaching in New Hampshire. James Lydston, b. December 7, 1871. Edwin Sampson, b. October 22, 1873. Infant, died when 8 months old. Cart. Micau Lissy. Micah Libby, son of Jonathan and Lydia (Larabeer) was born February 18, 1806, at Durham, Me. He married Jane Brown of Bowdoin, March, 1838. He was a school-teacher and farmer, and lived in Litchfield and died there June 28, 1867. Jane, his wife died January 1, 1888, aged 79 years. They had one child, Frances J., born August 28, 1845. Married Decem- ber 12, 1880, Abel Purington, Jr. SAMUEL Kine Lizsy. Samuel King Libby, born in Wales, Me., February 13, 1810, son of Samuel Small and Rebecca (Ross-Borden) Libby. Mar- ried Eliza, daughter of Captain Joseph and Mary (Gray). Jack moved to Litchfield in 1848, and died there March 21, 1872. Children of Samuel King and Rebecca (Ross-Borden) Libby: Joseph E., b. February 13, 1839. Lieutenant of Fifteenth Maine Vol- unteers. Died in Louisiana, September 6, 1863. Mary J., b. August 6, 1844. Married William H. Bosworth, August 28, 1864. Eliza E., b. April 2, 1847. Died November 19, 1865. Samuel E., b. April 28, 1853. Died April 13, 1859. STEPHEN Lippy. Stephen Libpy, son of Ephraim and Ruth (Lord) Libby, was born in Scarboro, Me., November 26, 1816. In 1842 he mar- ried Dorcas Libby, daughter of Jonathan and Lydia (Larra- bee) Libby, and moved to Litchfield in 1845 and lived in town until 1867, when he moved to Wales. 204 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD, \ Children of Stephen and Dorcas (Libby) Libby: Wiley E., b. February 7, 1843. Married, 1st, Clara L. Potter; 2d, Adelia M. Moore. Lives in Goldsboro, Me. Roscoe, b. January 31, 1845. Married Frances A. Cole. Lives in Auburn. ‘LINCOLN. Christopher C. Lincoln, son of John and Ruth (Stetson) Lin- coln, was born in Scituate, Mass., June 3, 1786. He first came to Durham, Me., and then to Litchfield where he married Thirza Gerrish of Durham, December 25, 1814; was in War of 1812 from Litchfield. He settled on the farm known as the Lincoln farm where he died September 23, 1864. Children of Christopher C. and Thireza (Gerrish) Lincoln: Nathaniel G., b. May 9,'1816. Died December 6, 1848. Angeline G., b. November 12, 1818. Married P. Mellen Robinson. John G., b. March 2, 1821. Married Catharine Chase. Lived in Con- cord, N. H. Died February 3, 1894. Caroline S., b. October 22, 1833. Married, 1st, Alonzo M. Chase; 2d, Isaac Fox. Died June ig, 1891. Exisua LiNcoun. Elisha Lincoln, brother of proceding, came early to Litch- field and lived near his brother. He married Clarissa Stetson, in August, 1820. He died November 2, 1823, aged 42 years. Children of Elisha and Clarissa (Stetson) Lincoln: Abagail, b. May 25, 1822. Died in 1838. . Elisha, b. February, 1824. Died in April, 1824. Davip LINCOLN. There was a David Lincoln in town several years and he was prominent in town affairs. He was a brother of the preceding. married Mary Mitchell of Durham, and moved back to Durham. Lorp. James Lord, 3d, was born in Ipswich, Mass., in 1737, and died in Litchfield, Me., February 13, 1830. He served in the French and Indian wars three years, and in the Revolutionary war four and one-half years. He held the commission of first lieutenant, given to him soon after the battle of Lexington. It was signed by John Hancock, president of the Senate. Lieut. EARLY SETTLERS. 205 Lord had command of his company at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was wounded through the right thigh at the battle of Long Island, July 27, 1776, and was ever after lame from the effects of the wound. Lieut. Lord came to Litchfield with his family in 1788, and lived on farm afterwards owned by Hon. Samuel Smith. He was put on the pension roll March 30, 1818. He was prominent in town affairs, and was a member of the board of assessors of the plantation of Smithfield, during its existence. The wife of Lieut. Lord was Elizabeth Brown, born in Windham, Conn., March 1, 1742. She made the journey from Windham, Conn., to Ipswich, Mass., on horseback, to be married. Date of mar- riage, August 7, 1762. She died in Litchfield July 21, 1831. Lieut. Lord was buried in the burying-ground in the Grant neighborhood. No stone marks the grave of the old soldier. Children of James, 3d, and Elizabeth (Brown) Lord: James, b. December 31, 1763. Married Sally Knowlton. Thomas, b. October 26, 1765. Married Mary Knowlton, September 29, 1795. Elizabeth, b. October 2, 1767. Married Thomas Lakeman, July 8, 1790. Died in Hallowell, May 23, 1862. Lucy, b. 1769. Married Thomas Pickard, 1787, in Ipswich. Lived in Litchfield. Died in Alna. Ephraim, b. August 4, 1771. Lived in Hallowell. Married Sally Dennis, October 16, 1896. Died June 2, 1824. John, b. August 1, 1773. Married, 1st, Hannah Johnson, March 11, 1809; 2d, Dorcas Springer. Died February, 1822. Mary, b. 1775. Married Andrew Tibbetts, June 14, 1795. Annie, b. October 26, 1777. “Married Tristram Locke, May, 1794. Died in Gardiner, Me., in 1846. Joseph, b. June 8, 1783. Married Sally Magoon, August 9, 1804. James Lorp, 4th. James, son of Lieut. James Lord, came to Litchfield with his father. He served in the Revolutionary army with his father. He died February 16, 1847. Children of James and Sally (Knowlton) Lord: Sally, b. January 22, 1796. Married Charles McCausland December 5, 1820. James, b. October 1, 1797. Died December 4, 1803. Thomas Knowlton, b. June 13, 1799. Married Amelia Woods January 16, 1825. 206 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Abigail S., b. April 15, 1802. Married Daniel Gilman. Deborah Woodbury, b. February 24, 1806. Died May 9, 1828. James, b. May 12, 1808. Died November 12, r8og. Mary Elizabeth Knowlton, b. January 10, 1871. Married Oliver M. Johnson in 1836. Died July 1, 1848. Tuomas Lorp. Thomas, son of Lieut. James Lord, married Mary Knowlton; they lived in town. He died February 21, 1858. His wife died March 16, 1855. Their children: Mary, b. June 22, 1796. Married John True, March 18, 1820. Died December 5, 1821. Abigail K.,b. January 20, 1798. Married Jonathan Folsom, November 19, 1819. Died December 23, 1878. Phebe Steele, b. January 21, 1800. Died August 20, 1802. Thomas, b. September 1, 1802. Married Eliza Munroe, June 9, 1825. Died September 28, 1877. ; Elizabeth B., b. December 31, 1804. Married Edward G. Smith, November 27, 1834. Lucy Pickard, b. May 25, 1807. Married Eliphalet Palmer, November 26, 1838. Died September 3, 1897. James Henry Kendall, b. February 11, 1810. Married Ann R. Rich, July 14, 1836. Died August 31, 1870. Daniel Brown, b. July 27, 1812. Married Sarah A. Blackwell January I, 1846. Died June 25, 1877, in Gardiner, Me. William Stinson, b. July 10, 1815. Went to Nashville, Tenn. Joseph Stacy, b. October 14, 1817. Married Emeline True March 14, 1844. Died November 27, 1885. James Henry Kendall Lord, son of Thomas, son of Lieut. James Lord, married Ann R. Rich. He was a blacksmith by trade, and lived in Litchfield several years 1s:pon the Owen farm opposite the Elder Grant place. He died at Skowhegan, August 31, 1870. While living in Skowhegan Mr. Lord was deacon of Baptist church. Children: George Henry, b. June 17, 1837. Married Julia A. Lockhart. Lives in Portland. Angeline, b. December 29, 1838. Married Rev. Albert C. Hussey. Lives in West Boylston, Mass. Vesta M., b. July 16, 1840. Married George S. Webb. Lives in Skowhegan. ; EARLY SETTLERS. 207 Orin L., b. February 18, 1842. Married Emma Hodgdon of Booth- bay. Lives in Portland, Me. Lonville G., b. September 23, 1844. Married Emma J. Bean of Read- field. Died July 19, 1895. Helen A., b. September 26, 1846. Married Jacob Robie. Lives in Auburn, Me. Abbie E., b. January 10, 1846. Married James B. Atwood. Lived in St. Albans. Died March 8, 1893, in Waterville. Olive J., b. April 2, 1851. Married Henry Gilman. Lives in Mon- mouth. Albert H., b. July 14, 1854. Married Mrs. Delia Libby. Lives in Oakland, Me. Mary F., b. May 24, 1857. Lives in Northampton, Mass. Joseph Stacy Lord was the son of Thomas, son of Lieut. James Lord. He lived at home taking care of his father and mother. In 1835 or 1838 he learned the blacksmith’s trade of his brother William in Winthrop and had a shop at the North. He died November 27, 1885. Emeline, his wife, died Septem- ber 4, 1895. Children: “Mary Ella, b. November 23, 1855. Died July 8, 1863. Abbie Ellen, b. August 12, 1847. Died August 12, 1848. Ann Maria, b. January 19, 1850. Died October 10, 1850. JoserpH Lorp. Joseph, son of Lieut. James Lord, married Sally Magoon. He died in Litchfield May 15, 1864. Sally, his wife, died Octo- ber 23, 1869. Children: Anna Locke, b. August 15, 1804. Married Daniel Fuller. Lived in West Gardiner. Died March 9, 1877. Phebe Steele, b. January 20, 1806. Married Daniel Page and lived in Ripley. Joseph, b. July 23, 1807. Died February 25, 1808. Hannah Stanwood, b. January 24, 1809. Married George Fuller. Lives in Hallowell. James, b. January 5, 1811. Married Sally Stevens April 10, 1834. Joseph, b. January 4, 1813. Married Emerilla Kendall. Died April 13, 1844. Amaziah, b. May 5, 1815. Died August 23, 1882. Emerson;b. June 18, 1817. Married Rebecca Jane Adams, January 2, . 1843. Sarah Elizabeth, b. September 6, 1819. Married Newcomb W. Stevens, December 7, 1843. 208 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Mary Ann, b. September 24, 1821. Married Wm. H. Davenport, July 19, 1846. Lives in Gardiner, Me. Oliver Magoon, b. July 31, 1823. Lived in Peru, S. A. Caroline Smith, b. March 11, 1827. Married Eleazer C. Douglass. Lives in Gardiner. James Lord, son of Joseph, who was son of Lieut. James Lord, lived near his father. He died May 13, 1869. Children of Joseph and Sally (Stevens) Lord: Orington Wallace, b. December 17, 1834. Married Jennie Roe. Lives in Pontiac, Ill. . Francis Rinaldo, b. September 25, 1836. Married Fanny Burbank. Lives in North Conway, N. H. James Gancelo, b. February 25, 1838. Killed at Vicksburg, May 13, 1863. Melissa Ann, b. April 10, 1840. Married Nicholas Gueschwind of France. Georgianna, b. September 10, 1842. Married Fred Hutchinson. Lives in Auburn. Napoleon De Oscar, b. December 14, 1844. Married Lydia A. Howe. Lives in Leavenworth, Kan. George Washington, b. February 12, 1847. Married Helen M. Chapin. Lives in Fitchburg, Mass. Winfield Scott, b. November 28, 1852. Died June 6, 1863. Alcesta Ann, b. May 10, 1849. Married Charles H. Getchell. Emerson Lord, son of Joseph, son of Lieut. James Lord, lives at.the Plains. Children of Emerson and Rebecca Jane (Adams) Lord: Laura Ellen, b. December 12, 1843. Married Ed. Chase. Died May 14, 1866. : Lora Delphine, b. October 8, 1845. Died May 11, 1862. Adelbert Washington, b. June 1, 1847. Died September 16, 1847. Emily, b. April 11, 1855. Died September 16, 1855. William Franklin, b. May 10, 1860. Married Ida M. Sprague. Elmer Ellsworth, b. August 12, 1863. Married Lucy Hinds. Lives in Lisbon Falls, Me. -Edgar Edson, b. August 12, 1863. Died January 2, 1865. LowELL. Thomas Lowell was born in Portland, Me., January 14, 1761, and married Judith Farrar in Buckfield, Me., in 1789. She was born in Bingham, Me., January 1, 1773. They lived in Buck- field until Mr. Lowell’s decease, September 24, 1810. After this his widow with her family moved near Litchfield Corner, and as many of their children subsequently married, and lived in Litchfield, a record of their family is given. EARLY SETTLERS. 209 Children of Thomas and Judith (Farrar) Lowell: Nancy, b. December 7, 1790. Married Joseph Jenkins. Lived in Richmond. Abigail, b. September 8, 1792. Married Thomas Smith, May 4, 1817. Lived in Litchfield. _ Reuben, b. December 31, 1794. Married Sarah Smith, daughter of Joseph and Matty (Robinson) Smith, February 28, 1820. Sally, b. January 14, 1797. Married Benjamin Hanscom, January 11, 1818. Tamar E., b. May 13, 1799. Died 1868. Ann, b. December 16, 1801. Married Herman Russell, May, 1823. ’ Lived a short time after marriage in Litchfield, and then moved to Ohio. Thomas, b. November 6, 1806. Married Jane Smith, sister to his brother Reuben’s wife. Judith, b. September 5, 1809. Married, 1st, John Smith, Jr.; and 2d, William Sibley; and moved after second marriage to Vassalboro, Me. ReEvuBEN LOWELL. Reuben Lowell, son of Thomas, lived for several years after marriage upon the home place near Corner and run a store at the Corner. He then moved to Calais, Me., where he has chil- dren now living. Those born in Litchfield, were Minerva, b. 1820, died 1869; Sarah T., b. 1822, died 1823; Egbert, b. 1824, died 1824. Two sons, Reuben B. and George A., born after they moved to Calais, now live in that city, while another son, Frederic A. lived in San Francisco, until his decease in 1854. One daughter, Mrs. Henry C. Copeland, now lives in Calais. Tuomas LoweELt, Jr. Thomas, Jr., lived in town until 1833, when he moved with his father-in-law, Joseph Smith, to Lee, Me. His children born in Litchfield, were Marcia, b. February 21, 1829, and Arobine, b. April 25, 1831. Thomas, Jr., died May, 1882. Lunt. Johnson and Joseph Lunt, brothers, sons of Capt. William Lunt and descendants of Henry Lunt, who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1635, came to Litchfield about 1790, from Bath. Johnson lived on Lunt’s hill, on land now owned by Mr. Lap- ham. He afterward moved with his family to Clinton, Me., where he died in 1830, aged 67. Joseph Lunt took up the stn 14 210 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. now occupied by his grandson, Henry Lunt. He lived there for several years and about 1810, sold to his son, Joseph, Jr., and moved back to Bath, where he died December 26, 1811, aged 58 years, 10 months. Joseph Lunt, Jr., was born in Bath August 3, 1780, son of Joseph and Priscilla (Crocker) Lunt. He married Lydia Wharff, November 27, 1800. She was born in New Gloucester, November 10, 1783. They lived in Steven- town until he purchased his father’s farm. He died ‘October I, 1826. Lydia, his wife, died August 27, 1869. Children of Joseph, Jr., and Lydia (Wharff) Lunt: Lydia, b. June 2, 1802. Died October 10, 1815. Priscilla, b. June 14, 1804. Married Richard Spear. Lived in West Gardiner. Susan, b. November 22, 1805. Married Parker Gowell, June 24, 1827. Died April 25, 1888. Eliza, b. September 24, 1807. Married Daniel Dorr. Lived in Gar- diner. Died February 12, 1892. Henry, b. August 23, 1809. Married Eliza Jones, August, 1835. William, b. April 5, 1811. Married Lucy Jordan. Lived in Gardiner, Maine. Died August 11, 1895. Joseph W., b. September 24, 1813. Married Mary Brann. Lived in Gardiner, Me. Died June 22, 1887. Isaiah, b. May 28, 1818. Married Mary J. Buker, January, 1837. Lived in Pennsylvania. James G., b. June 26, 1818. Married Mrs. Rebecca Betson, April 9, 1854. Lived in Pennsylvania. Lydia, b. June 29, 1820. Married Horace Blodgett. : Judith S., b. March 25, 1822. Married, 1st, T. W. Tobey; 2d, Samuel Gowell. Lovina Wharff, b. March 11, 1824. Married Henry Stanley. Matilda Ann, b. February 28, 1826. Married, 1st, David M. Gammon, November 11, 1849; 2nd, James Potter, February 7, 1864; 3d, Simon Peacock. Died in Gardiner, August 8, 1895. Henry Lunt. Henry Lunt, eldest son of Joseph, Jr., lived on his father’s place. He always lived in Litchfield and was respected by all. He died January 8, 1896. Children of Henry, Jr., and Eliza (Jones) Lunt: Mary J., b. October 5, 1836. Married John Burnham. Oakman S., b. August 11, 1841. Died January 14, 1870. Married Esther Trott, November 18, 1863. Ann, b. September 16, 1845. Died March 28, 1848. / EARLY SETTLERS. 2I1 James G. Lunt. James G. Lunt, son of Joseph, lived on the farm next east of his brother Henry’s, for many years, and then moved to Wil- liamsport, Pa. ‘ Children of James and Rebecca (Betson) Lunt: Loratus C., b. March 26, 1855. Died December 5, 1856. Lydia Ann, b. September 30, 1857. Harry F., b. February 7, 1860. James. Ruth. Warren. < LypstTon. John Lydston, son of William, born October 6, 1780, removed with his father’s family from Kittery to Bowdoin, about 1783. He married for his first wife Abagail Cole. She died January 4, 1852. For his second wife he married Dorcas Deering. He moved to Litchfield in 1805, and lived on place he bought of James Clark. Died January 9, 1864. Children of John and Abagail (Cole) Lydston: Syrena, b. October 31, 1807. Married Henry Chick. Sally, b. February 26, 1810. Married ————— Fisher. Lived in Bos- ton, Mass. Salome, b. April 3, 1812. Married Jesse Harwood September, 1834. Lived in Charlestown, Mass. Mary Ann, b. March ,4 1814. Married Jesse Harwood. Lived in Boston, Mass. Elmira, married. Lived in Lowell, Mass. James A. Lypston. James A. Lydston, son of Robie, and grandson of William Lydston, was born in Bowdoin, Me., in November, 1828. He married Julia A. Chase, December 19, 1867. He died Novem- ber 27, 1881. They lived in Litchfield. Children of James A. and Julia A. (Chase) Lydston: Chapin, b. January 11, 1871. L. Gertrude, b. September 18, 1873. Macoon. Benjamin Magoon came to Litchfield from Kingston, N. H., about 1797, and settled at South Litchfield. He was born August 10, 1760. Elizabeth Watson, his wife, daughter of 212 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ‘ Daniel and Eunice (Woodman) Watson, was born December 24,1761. Benjamin died at St. Albans. Children: Daniel, b. January 11, 1783. Married Phoebe Haskell, June 3, 1804. Diéd at St. Albans. Sarah, b. May 20, 1784. Married Joseph Lord, August 9, 1804. Edward, b. August 9, 1785. Married Jerusha Stevens, December 31, 1806. Lived in Sangerville. Elizabeth, b. December 29, 1786. Married Patrick Sheehan. Lived in St. Albans. Benjamin, b. August 22, 1788. Married Charlotte Batty. Lived at Athens, Me. Joseph, b. July 23, 1790. Married Sally Starbird, June, 1812. Lived in Harmony. Josiah, b. April 8, 1792. Married Mary Getchell, July, 1815. Lived in Hartland. Ephraim, b. October 15, 1793. Lived in the Provinces. Woodman, b. April 23, 1798. Married Rhoda Downing. Lived in Dover, Me. Eunice, b. April 23, 1798. Married Daniel Ring, June 14, 1821. Lived in Cambridge, Me. Polly, b. February 2, 1800. Married Otis Perry. Mehitable, b. January 3, 1802. Died January 6, 1802. Rebecca, b. March 20, 1803. Married William Leavitt. Lived in Cambridge, Me. , Mehitable, married Jeptha Bean. Lived in Ripley, Me. | DaniEL Macoon. Children of Daniel, son of Benjamin, and Phoebe (Haskell) Magoon: Abigail H., b. July 14, 1806. Married Morrell Gray. Woodman, b. December 12, 1807. Married Sally Stinchfield. Lived in St. Albans. Sally, b. October 1809. Married John Gray. Charles Vaughn, b. August 19, 1810. Married 1st, Martha Jones; 2d, Miss Woodbury. Lived in St. Albans. Syrene, b. March 28, 1812. Married Moses Fairbrother.. Lived in St. Albans. Phoebe, b. January 11, 1814. Married Ebenezer Bailey. Elizabeth, b. February 29, 1816. Married John Dow. Epwarp Macoon. Edward, son of Benjamin, lived a few years in Litchfield and and then moved to Sangerville. Children of Edward and Jerusha (Stevens) Magoon: Louisa, b. November 20, 1807. Joseph, b. January 2, 1811. Moved to Ohio. EARLY SETTLERS. 213 JostaHw Macoon. Josiah, son of Benjamin, settled on Litchfield Neck and then moved to Hartland. Children of Josiah and Mary (Getchell) Magoon: Hugh Getchell, b. October 15, 1816. Benjamin, b. July 14, 1817. Married Elizabeth Pollard. Lived in St. Albans. Josiah, b. July 26, 1820.. Married, 1st, Hannah Winslow; 2d, Mary (Winslow) Tuttle. Lives in Fairfield, Me. Alfred, b. January 21, 1822. Married Elizabeth Hurd. Lives in St. Albans. Elizabeth, married Nathaniel Hawkes. Lives in St. Albans. Franklin, married Miss Coombs. Lives in Durham. Mary, married Isaiah Hawkes. Lives in St. Albans. George Henry, drowned in Narraganset bay. Joun Macoon. John Magoon lived near the Plains on the post road. He was the son of John and Anstis (Gould) Magoon, and was born March 15, 1781 and died May 20, 1867. He was in the war of 1812. Married Elizabeth Colburn, June, 1813. She was born December 14, 1792, died November 4, 1841. Married, second, Susan H. Edwards, June 17, 1849. Children of John and Elizabeth (Coburn) Magoon: Anstis G., b. March 6, 1814. Married Cyrus Bosworth. Sally D., b. February 11, 1816. Married John G. Rowe. Lived in New Sharon and Litchfield. Elizabeth, b. January 1, 1819. Married Eliphalet G. Gordon, May 28, 1837. Lives in Fayette, Me. Hannah B., b. October 14, 1821. Married Capt. William Helah, July 17, 1848. Lived in Gardiner. Died July 24, 1895. Susanna J., b. October 9, 1823. Married John A. Leeman, June, 1845. She died March 31, 1848. Margaret B., b. February 20, 1826. Married Col. C. P. Adams. Lived in Brookline, Mass. Martha Ann, b. February 22, 1828. Married Abial Smith of Boston. Lived in Brookline, Mass. John C., b. December 26, 1830. Married Marian S. Eaton, January, 1857. Charles H., b. February 27, 1833. Married Elizabeth Gray. Lives in Wakefield, Mass. Jesse S., b. September 29, 1835. Married rst, Caroline Lombard; 2d, Sarah Ward; 3d, Etta McGill. Lives in Charleston, Mass. John C. Magoon, son of John, lives in Honolulu. His son, Alfred, born July 22, 1858, is Judge of the supreme court in Honolulu. 214 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. MaLcoLto. Robert Malcolm came to Litchfield from Topsham and set- tled in Stevenstown about 1810. He married ist, Hannah Jones; 2d, Susanna (Manual) Perkins May 4, 1834. Children by first wife, Hannah Jones: Hiram J., b. June 18, 1812. Married Sarah Percy. Lived in Phipps- burg. Tolman M., b. June 4, 1814. Died at sea. Loranda J., b. February 1, 1816. Married Henry E. Morrell, October 19, 1834. Lived in Bath. Elvira F., b. February 10, 1819. James C., married Lizzie Walker. Lived in Harford county, Mary- land. Oathman, married Mary Stockham. Lived in Harford county, Mary- land. Charles, married Jane F. Cushing. Lived in West Gardiner. Ruth, married Olive Spinney. Lived in Parker’s Head. Ruth,, married Oliver Spinney. Lived in Parker Head. SAMUEL MALCOLM. Samuel Malcolm lived near his brother Robert, in Stevens- town where he died December 31, 1863, aged 82 years. He married for his first wife a widow, Mary (Marshall) Farrar and for his second wife, Esther (Potter) Briggs. Children of Samuel and Mary M. (Farrar) Malcolm: Clarinda M., b. August 27, 1813. Married Rufus Smith. Peleg G., b. July 21, 1812. Died February 11, 1834. MALLETT. Samuel T. Mallett, moved into town from Wales about 1810 and was engaged in the tanning business and manufacture of boots and shoes at Oak Hill. He afterwards moved to Lee, Me., where he died March 2, 1858, aged 78 years. He married 1st, Mary Maxwell; 2d, Dorcas Deering; 3d, Mrs. Jane Wey- mouth. Children of Samuel T. and Mary (Maxwell) Mallett: David, b. August, 1806. Died in Lee, Me., October 1, 1880. Joseph, b. 1808. Married Mary Ware, November 19, 1843. Lived in Lee. William, b. February 13, 1810. Married Sarah Merrill. Lived in Lee. Died June 24, 1886. Isaac, b. 1811. Died in Lee, November 29, 1880. Charles, b. 1813. Married Elmira Parker. Lives in Lee. EARLY SETTLERS. 215 MANUAL. Polly Manual, widow of Nathaniel Manual of Yarmouth, Me., married for her second husband, Abner True and moved to Litchfield with him. Children of Nathaniel and Polly Manual: Susanna, b. January 22, 1787. Married, 1st, Jonathan Perkins, May 24, 1804; 2d, Robert Malcolm, May 4, 1834. Martha, b. January 4, 1789. Married Abiel L. Rollins of New Glou- cester, June 6, 1811. Lived in Danville, where she died March 15, 1870. John, b. May 8, 1791. He was a soldier in the War of 1812; was prominent in the Mormon church, Salt Lake , Utah. Marr. James, son of John and Sarah Marr, was born in Cape Eliza- beth, November 23, 1785 and moved to Litchfield, on Oak Hill, in 1825, and lived there until a short time before his decease, which occurred September 1, 1873. He married 1st, Dorothy Small at Cape Elizabeth, and after her decease, February 15,. 1834, aged so years, he married Lydia Andrews, November, 1834, and for his third wife, Mary (Blanchard) Alexander. Children of James and Dorothy (Small) Marr: Mary Ann, b. February 10, 1815. Married Nathaniel Chamberlain. Lived in Scarboro. John, b. February 28, 1816. Died May 28, 1817. Sarah Jane, b. March 30, 1819. Married Israel W. Holbrook. Died in Gardiner, Me. ; Margaret E., b. September 25, 1820. Married Abner Danforth. Lives in Gardiner. Lydia H., b. September 24, 1822. Married Elbridge Danforth. Lived in Gardiner. Died September 17, 1897. Benjamin F., b. June 28, 1824. Died June 23, 1825. Nancy L., b. April 29, 1826. Married Daniel W. Johnson. Lives in Gardiner. Children by second wife Lydia Andrews: Dorothy, b. February 18, 1836. Died April 25, 1850. Children by third wife Mary (Blanchard) Alexander: Rhoda S., b. January 24, 1842. Died September 8, 1848. Benjamin F., b. June 14, 1844. Died September 14, 1848. George W. D., b. November 23, 1845. Died January 23, 1847. 216 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ELBRIDGE G. Marr. ‘ Elbridge G. Marr, son of Daniel and Betsey (Sawyer) Marr, was born in Wales, Me., January 11, 1811; married November 2, 1834, Deborah (Cowing) Hall and lived on Capt. Isaac R. Hall farm near Bachelders tavern. He died March 26, 1879. Deborah, his wife, died September 11, 1873, aged 79 years, 6 months. ; Children of Elbridge G. and Deborah (Cowing) Hall Marr: Joseph C., b. October 5, 1835. Died September 8, 1839. Deborah, b. August 2, 1837. Married Lindley M. Pinkham. Lives in Manchester, Me. Marston. Nathaniel Marston, son of James and Phebe (Pease) Marston and a descendant of William Marston, came from Topsham to Litchfield and married Jane Potter, daughter of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter, April, 1787. He lived near Potter- town several years and then moved to West Gardiner where he died September 2, 1823, aged 60 years. He was born in New- market, N. H., and was a Revolutionary soldier. Their children: ‘Nathaniel, b. February 25, 1788. Married Sophia Doyle, March 9g, 1821. Lived in West Gardiner. Died June, 1874. Phebe, b. April 19, 1791. Married Robert Hildreth. Died June, 1874. James, b. January 9, 1793. Married Mary Plummer. Killed accident- ally when a young man. Elizabeth, b. 1794. Married Mr. Boynton. Henry, b. March 11, 1796. Unmarried. Died at West Gardiner. Sally, b. March 26, 1799. Married John ‘Lowe. Benjamin, b. 1800. Married Hannah McCausland. Died 1880. NATHANIEL MARSTON. There was another Nathaniel Marston, son of John and Mary (Hilton) Marston, and a descendant of William Marston, who came to Salem, Mass., in 1634, that lived in town a few years. He was born in Newmarket, N. H., May 16,1776. He married Eleanor Watson of Litchfield in 1797, and the next year moved to Winthrop. Afterwards he moved to West Gardiner, Me., where he died, January 18, 1848. Two of his sons, John and EARLY SETTLERS. 217 Nathaniel H., lived in town several years. John was born in Winthrop in August 11, 1802, married Lydia J. Gilman of Mon- mouth, and lived in Monmouth until about 1845, when he moved to Litchfield, and lived near the Corner. He died August 8, 1872. Nathaniel H., was born in Winthrop, February 16, 1809. He married Emma Peaslee of Calais, Me. After the death of this wife, he came to Litchfield and married widow Betsey True, December 18, 1854, and lived in town until his decease in August 17, 1883. Children of John and Lydia J. (Gilman) Marston: Henrietta A., b. July 7, 1833. Married, 1st, -—-—— Taylor; 2d, S. W. Townsend. Died in Gardiner, June 24, 1897. Hannah E., b. January 27, 1837. Samuel Heath. Lives in Racine, Wisconsin. Mary W., b. January 9, 1843. Married George B. Haskell. Lives in Lewiston. : Epuraim MARSTON. Ephraim Marston, son of Ephraim T. and Anna (Hobbs) Marston, was born in Falmouth, Me., in 1787. He married Judith (Howland), and came to Litchfield from Falmouth in 1852, and lived on the old Dr. Waterman place. They had two sons Josiah, who lives in California, and Daniel, who lives in town. Ephraim died August 18, 1862. Judith, his wife, Janu- ary 23, 1863, aged 65 years. McInTIRE. David McIntire was in Litchfield in 1814. He married Dor- cas Wharff December 25, 1815. They lived in Stevenstown, and after Mr. McIntire’s decease, his widow married Wilkes Richardson. Children of David and Dorcas (Wharff) Mcintyre: Charles A. G., b. August 28, 1817. Died July 26, 1821. David, b. December 1, 1819. Married Louiza Huff. Lived and died in Prairie De Chien, Wisconsin. Joseph F., b. September 18, 1822. Married Eliza A. Dickey. Lived in Manchester, N. H. Lorenzo, b. February 5, 1824. Married and settled in Australia. Charles A., b. February 2, 1826. Married a lady in Bath and was drowned, June 30, 1847, off from steamer J. W. Richmond. James M., b. July 8, 1828. Married and settled in Milwaukee, Wis- consin. 218 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. 4 Dr. WiLtttaAm McLELtan. Dr. William McLellan, son of William, was born in Enfield, Me., February 18, 1803, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class of 1828, and in 1830 located at the Corner. He married Roxanna Woodside of Wales, August 8, 1830, and lived in the brick house afterwards known as the Billings house, which he built. Dr. McLellan was a leading man in town, and an excellent physician. He moved to Lisbon in 1853 and represented Androscoggin county in the Senate of Maine. He died May 6, 1879, and Roxanna, his wife in 1877. Children of William and Roxanna (Woodside) McLellan: Mary E., b. July 20, 1831. Died April 6, 1832. William H., b. November 26, 1832. Married Angeline Nickels of Searsport, February 3, 1863. Lives in Belfast. Mary E., b. September 30, 1836. Died young. Thomas C., b. March 23, 1838. A physician. Died in Bucksport, Me., in 1894. Fidelia C., b. February 17, 1840. Died, November, 1894. James A., b. August 8, 1844. Married Elizabeth B. Clements. Lives in Hyde, Park, Mass. Hon. William H. McLellan, son of Doctor William, is one of the leading lawyers of the State and resides at Belfast, Maine. He was a member of the State Senate in 1872, and was Attorney General of the State in 1879. He was the Democratic candidate for Congress in his district in 1876. McLELLan. James McLellan, cousin of Dr. William, was born in Gorham, Me., June 12, 1795. He came to Litchfield in‘ 1820, and lived on Oak Hill. December 25, 1820, he married Mrs. Abigail (Springer).Walker; 2nd, Sarah A. Booker, June 25, 1865. He died March 29, 1866. Abagail, his wife, died July 25, 1864. Children of James and Abigail (Springer-Walker) McLellan: Jane M., b. September 6, 1821. Married George Warren Fogg, December 26, 1843. Died in Litchfield, October 6, 1882. William, b. July 10, 1823. Married Sarah W. Woodward, October 2, 1845, of Lisbon, Me. Died in San Jose, Cal., June 15, 1883. David S., b.. January 10, 1825. Married Mary Cross, September, 1857. Lives at College Park, Cal. George W., b. June 4, 1827. Married Cynthia Potter, January 1, 1856. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1854. Died in New Jersey, February 11, 1883. . McLELLAN. WILLIAM #H. HON. W. H. McLELLAN. Hon. W. H. McLellan, a son of Dr. McLellan, was born in Litch- field, November 26, 1832, in the brick house known as the Billings house now owned by Elisha Baker. He attended the town schools and fitted for college at Bloomfield Academy and entered at Waterville September, 1849, where he remained three years, when he went to New York University for one year and then entered upon the study of law at Auburn, Me., in the office of Morrill & Fessenden. He began the active practice of his profession at Mechanic Falls in the fall of 1854, where he remained until 1860, when he removed to Belfast and formed a partnership with Gen. F. S. Nickerson of Searsport. In 1858 Mr. McLellan was the Democratic candidate for county attorney of Androscoggin county and was defeated by the Republican candidate, now Ex-judge Charles W. Walton of Portland. In 1861 Gen’! Nickerson entered the United States service as major of the 4th Maine Regiment, and Mr. McLellan went to Searsport and settled the general's business, returned to Belfast in 1862 where he continued his law practice. He was elected a senator from Waldo county in 1872 and in 1876 was the candidate of his party for congress- man but was defeated by Hon. Eugene Hale, now a member of the United States senate from this State. In 1879 he was elected by the legislature attorney general and discharged the duties of the office with ability. In 1881 he moved to Kansas City, Missouri, but returned to Belfkst in 1888 where he now resides. In February, 1863, he married Angeline Nickels, daughter of Capt. David Nickels of Searsport. They have had five children, Jane A., born in 1865, educated in the high school of Belfast and in Europe at Stuttgart and Geneva. She is now a successful teacher of French and German in Boston where she is held in highest esteem and is a woman of uncommon ability. Cath- arine, born in 1866, died in 1876. W. H. McLellan, Jr., born in 1868, educated in Belfast and Europe, studied law in his father’s office and graduated from Harvard Law School, was admitted to the bar in 1889, settled in Bangor and practiced in company with Judge T. W. Vose. In 1893 he moved to Toledo, Ohio, where he is now in the active practice of his profession; he has talent and is a good lawyer. Hugh D., (see sketch accompanying picture.) John N., born in 1878, educated in Belfast, graduated from its high school and is now in the employ of Brown, Durrell & Co., Boston. One who knowns him well says: Wm. H. McLellan, the subject of this sketch, as a lawyer is one of the ablest at the Waldo county bar. In the trial of causes he has been exceptionally successful. His keen insight into human nature, his original style, his personal magnetism and his dignified bearing enable him to command the closest attention of the jury. In argument he is ready, forcible and logical, as an adver- sary in the discussion of issues he is alert, adroit and always dangerous. HUGH D. McLELLAN. HUGH D. McLELLAN. Hugh D. McLellan, son of Wm. H., was born September 10, 1876, in Belfast, Me., prepared for college in the high school of his native city, entered Colby University in 1891, graduated with honor in 1895, studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in April, 1897, before he was twenty-one years of age. He was immediately elected principal of Belfast High School where he has been very successful and is very popular. During his school vacation in 1898 he tried his first case in the supreme court before Judge Wiswell and won a full verdict. EARLY SETTLERS; 219 Samuel, b. May 29, 1829. Married Theresa ———. Lived in Marys- ville, Cal. James, b. June 18, 1832. Married Delia J. Hall, January 1, 1857. Lived in San Jose, Cal. Died July 27, 1874. Charles F., b. April 4, 1834. Died in Pernambuco, Brazil, May 18, 1855, on his way home from Sandwich Islands. George W. taught the academy at the Corner and afterwards lived in New York and New Jersey, and finally settled in California. He has one daughter, Carrie Fiske McLellan, a well and favorably known singer on the Pacific slope. , MEADER. Daniel Harvey Meader, son of Daniel and Mary (Harvey) Meader and a descendant of John Meader, who settled in Dover, N. H., 1650, was born in Dover, N. H., May 10, 1749; married October 1, 1772, Jerusha Wormwood and settled in Kennebunk, Me. He was at the battle of Bunker Hill and at the evacuation of Boston. In 1794 he moved to Litchfield on farm now owned by B. W. Berry and lived there until his decease, October 17, 1819. Jerusha, his widow, died May 21, 1843, aged Q2 years. Children of Daniel Harvey and Jerusha (Wormwood) Meader: Abraham, b. March 25, 1773. Married Sally Allen. Lived in Ells- worth, Me. Died August 3, 1856. Sally, b. April 22, 1776. Married, February 17, 1797, Moses Giles. Died in Parkman, Me., September 25, 1860. Hannah, b. October 6, 1777. Married, November 7, 1796, Abraham Jaquith. Died in Litchfield, February 13, 1800. Joseph, b. June 10, 1782. Married Sally Bly. Lived in Mt. Vernon. Daniel, b. June 10, 1782. Died April 4, 1810. Edward, b. August 25, 1785. Married Sarah Brooks. Lived in Edge- comb, Me. Died July 11, 1860. Benjamin, b. August 25, 1785. Married, 1st, Patty Abbott, 1806; 2d, Nancy Newell, June 16, 1810. Died April 22, 1876. Olive Emerson, b. April 22, 1792. Married William Bly, January 26, 1815. Lived in Vienna. Died October 20, 1875. JosEepH MEADER. Joseph Meader, son of Daniel Harvey, lived in Mt. Vernon. Joseph’s son, Daniel Harvey, born in Mt. Vernon August 9, 1812, married Mary Watson, moved to Litchfield in 1846, where he died May 22, 1880. His widow now lives in town. Children of Daniel Harvey and Mary (Watson) Meader: Joseph, b. January 4, 1835. Killed before Richmond, Va., October 7, 1864. 220 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Darius, b. 1838. Married, 1st, Naomi L. Tall; 2d, Addie Fanny Barker. Died in 1895. George, b. 1840. Married Eliza A. Metcalf, December 10, 1870. Died February 19, 1887. Roxanna, b. 1843. Married, 1st, John Greenleaf; 2d, William Wood- bury. Lives in West Gardiner. Hannah, b. 1846. Married Isaac Page. Lives in Hallowell. Isaac, b. 1848. Married Lizzie Robinson. Lives in Hallowell. Joshua Woodman, b. October 10, 1849. Died January 17, 1884. Alice, b. March 12, 1851. Died January 20, 1874. Lizzie, b. 1862. Died December 29, 1878. Darius, son of Joseph, lived near Purgatory. Children of Darius and Addie Fanny (Barker) Meader: Laura May. : Fred. Joseph. Alice A., b. December 3, 1881. Flora A., b. April 4, 1886. Benjamin H., b. December 3, 1888. Children of George and Eliza A. (Metcalf) Meader: Edith Mabel, b. April 23, 1880. Tuomas MEADER. Thomas Meader, son of Henry, was born in Kennebunk, Me., and came when a boy, with his mother and stepfather to Oak Hill, in that part of Litchfield that about 1830 was set off to Wales. Thomas followed the sea and was signal master of the Enterprise, when she captured the Boxer off Portland, Septem- ber 5, 1813. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth Meader: George, b. March 21, 1804. Married Elizabeth Blake, November 24, 1825. Lived in Pittsfield, Me. John, b. December 17, 1809. Married Elmira Austin. Lived in Gar- diner. Gideon, b. October 31, 1812. Married Clarissa Dale. Lived in South Gardiner. Mehitable, b. February 18, 1814. Married Ansel Ladd. Lived in Mt. Vernon. Eleanor, b. October 9, 1819. Married Warren Ladd. Lives in Mt. Vernon. Lydia. Died young. EARLY SETTLERS. 221 MERRIMAN. Samuel Merriman was born in Harspwell, November 27, 1773. He married Sarah I. Rodick in Harpswell, April 9, 1791, and moved to Litchfield in 1812. He died August 24, 1834. Sarah, his wife, died September 20, 1852, aged 78 years. Children of Samuel and Sarah I. (Rodick) Merriman: Lucy, married Jabez Springer, January 26, 1821. Betsey, married George Douglass. Mary, married 1st, George Douglass, December 21, 1820; 2nd, Capt. James Rodick. David. Died young. Walter, b. 1814. Married Elizabeth P. Richardson, May 24, 1835. Walter Merriman, son of Samuel, lived on his father’s farm and died November 30, 1843, aged 29 years. Children of Walter and Elizabeth P. (Richardson) Merriman: Sarah Jane, b. May 20, 1836. Married Asa Moore, August 23, 1855. Lives in Richmond. William F., b. June 21, 1839. Married Luetta A. Springer, November 25, 1862. Mary Elizabeth, b. March 24, 1841. Samuel. Died young. William F., lives on the old place. He has one daughter, Mary. MERROW. Joshua Merrow, son of Joshua and Nancy (Hodgdon) Mer- row, was born in Farmington, N. H., in 1811. Came to Litch- field about 1830 and lived at the Corner. He married rst, Hannah Johnson in March, 1837; 2nd, Achsa Peaslee, February 9, 1851. He died in Dover, N. H., 1894. Hannah, his wife, died September 6, 1850. Children of Joshua and Hannah (Johnson) Merrow. Edwin. Drowned in Gardiner. Mary Frances, b. December 1, 1842. Married ———— Chase. Lives in Boston. Grind George Othelo, b. September 1, 1844. Died in the army. Flora. Married ————— Robinson. Lives in Dover, N. H. METCALF. Solomon Metcalf, oldest child of Simeon and Patience (Broad) Metcalf, was born in Barre, Mass., October 11, 1779. 222 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. In 1801 he married Hannah Donnell and moved to. Zanesville, Ohio, and thence to Litchfield, Maine, and settled near Hatch’s Corner. He moved to Monmouth in 1847 where he died a few years later. Their children: Matilda Diana, b. March 1, 1802. Died December 27, 1819. Mason Jerome, b. October 18, 1807. Married Hannah Elizabeth Welch in October, 1834. Lived in Monmouth. Marcus Aurelius, b. December 12, 1809. Married Cordelia W. Brown in August, 1835. Lived in Malden, Mass. Simeon Martin, b. September 28, 1818. Married, November 3, 1846, Hannah T. McCauslin. Lived in Boston, Mass. Martin METCALF. Martin Metcalf, brother of Solomon, was born in Barre,Mass., April 12, 1796. He married Eliza Walker, June 28, 1818, and moved to Litchfield in 1824. He bought the farm now owned by Samuel Williams. He was one of the leading farmers and did much toward improving the neat stock of the town. Later he moved to the Plains. Eliza, his wife, was born March 12, 1800, died September 29, 1855. He married Eliza A. Par- sons, April 24, 1856, and died February 18, 1868. Children of Martin and Eliza (Walker) Metcalf: Lorenzo, b. April 23, 1819. Married Mary Jane Weston, May 30, 1844. Martin, Jr., b. January 12, 1821. Died October 7, 1825. Mary Ann, b. November 12, 1822. Married John C. Curtis, April 27, 1847. Lived in Richmond. : Leander, b. May 17, 1824. Married Ann M. Hall, January 5, 1850. Elizabeth, b. September 2, 1826. Died July 10, 1832. Lydia W., b. October 14, 1829. Died July 14, 1831. Franklin, b. September 25, 1834. Married Susan Johnson, July 29, 1861. Lives in West Newton, Mass. : Children by second wife, Eliza A. Parsons: Angie E., b. April 25, 1859. Died January 30, 1884. Lorenzo Metcalf, son of Martin, settled on the farm adjoining his father, where he now lives. Mary J., his wife, died October 29, 1860. Children of Lorenzo and Mary Jane (Weston) Metcalf: Charles A., b. January 12, 1846. Married Lucy A. True, November 26, 1885. Laura J., b. September 25, 1850. Married Heman S. Howard, Novem- ber 7, 1872.’ Emery M., b. September 4, 1856. Lives with his father. EARLY SETTLERS. 223 Charles A. Metcalf, son of Lorenzo, lives on the Moses True place. He has been selectman and is now town clerk and post- master; Justice of the Peace since 1886; was a charter member of Litchfield Grange and its secretary for twelve years in suc- cession. Leander Metcalf, son of Martin, lived on the Joshua Walker place. He died October 26, 1893. Children of Leander and Ann M. (Hall) Metcalf: Eliza A., b. December 28, 1850. Married George Meader, December 10, 1870. Cathalina, b. July 20, 1852. George H., b. May 10, 1855. Married Harriet A. Smith, January 30, 1883. Lives in West Gardiner. Isaac S., b. April 12, 1858. Died July 18, 1861. Charles F., b. August 22, 1863. ; Fred L., b. July 7, 1866. Married Mary A. Connors, December 9, 1889. Lives in Milford, Mass. Edward, b. June 20, 1868. William E., b. April 20, 1871. MITCHELL. Dummer Mitchell came to Litchfield in 1790 and settled on the place where he always lived. He was born in Kennebunk- port and was the son of Dummer and Lydia (Crediford) Mitchell and grandson of John Mitchell. He married Betty Morgridge in March, 1791. The boundary line between Bow- doinham, now Richmond, and Litchfield was changed in 1817, and all on east side of Cobbossee pond was joined to Richmond. He was a Revolutionary soldier and died May 31, 1848. Children of Dummer and Betty (Morgridge) Mitchell: John, b. March 22, 1792. Married Eliza Getcliell, March 13, 1815. Dummer, b. March 2, 1794, married Mary Getchell. Charles, b. July 18, 1797. Samuel, b. May 7, 1800. Married Sally Robiason, December 4, 1823. Sewall, b. February 8, 1803. Married Deborah Dennett. Lived in Richmond. Sumner, b. August 25, 1805. Married Hannah Heald. Benson, b. February 2, 1808. Stoughton, b. November 9, 1811. Married Betsey Taylor. Samuel Mitchell, son of Dummer, lived on the farm now owned by Mr. Hutchins, near Hatch’s Corner. He died March 29, 1866. 224 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Samuel and Sally (Robinson) Mitchell: Adaline M., b. April 8, 1824. Married John Briggs. Lives in Lowell, Mass. Martha Ann, b. October 24, 1825. Married William Thomas. Died December, 1859. Sally L., b. November 20, 1827. Married Reuben Heselton. Lived in Gardiner. Died in 1851. John A., b. February 2, 1830. Married Abbie J. Lamson. William McLellan, b. November 2, 1831. Died April 1, 1867. Hannah Jane, b. September 2, 1833. Married Nath S. Wheeler. Died in 1856. Sumner, b. December 24, 1835. Died February 11, 1857. Ellen A., b. February 14, 1838. Married Addison P. Brooks. Almira H., b. April 4, 1841. Married 1st, Robert F. Patten; 2nd George F. Newhall, December, 1875. Samuel W., b. December 22, 1843. Died February 27, 1844. Alice A., b. October 25, 1845. Married Joseph E. Jack. ’ AMAZIAH MITCHELL. There were two brothers by the name of Mitchell, Amaziah and Joshua, who came from Lewiston and settled on Oak Hill in Litchfield. Amaziah Mitchell married 1st, Sally Getchell; and, Sally Witherell, December 14, 1810, and located on the Nathaniel Getchell farm:in 1805. This farm was afterwards set off to Wales. He died September 3, 1851. Children: Ada W., b. May 12, 1807. Married Aaron Getchell. Isaac W., b. January 27, 1810. Amaziah C., b. May 25, 1812. Married Sally Allen, December 24, 1835. / Sophia, b. June 9, 1814. Married Humphrey Preble. Josiah, b. January 10, 1819. Married ———— Thompson. Sarah A., b. September 17, 1821. Sophronia. Rachel. Mary. JosHua MITCHELL. Joshua Mitchell was born in Lewiston, April 8, 1786. He married Nancy Tarr of Lewiston March 31, 1810, and came to Litchfield in 1816. He died October 25, 1877. Nancy, his wife, died February 24, 1866, aged 76 years. Children of Joshua and Nancy (Tarr) Mitchell: William G., b. September 9, 1811. Married Mrs. Annie Foster. Lives in Pennsylvania. Mary, b. January 9, 1813. Married, 1st, Isaiah Stanford, May 11, 1834; 2d, D. S. Johnson. Died in Boston in 1895. EARLY SETTLERS. 225 Sarah C., b. January 14, 1815. Married Oliver Dixon, March 1, 1840. Lives in Massachusetts. Nancy, b. May 25, 1816. Married Cyrus Ware, August, 1837. Lived in Wisconsin. Seth T., b. May 19, 1818. Married Mary Wright. Lived in Illinois. Died February 24, 1867. Joshua, b. February 1, 1820. Married Servia Small, May 6, 1846. Lived in Boston. Amanda, b. November 16, 1821. Married Ingraham Clark, May 16, 1848. Died in Wayne in 1892. Isaac S., b. November 8, 1823. Married, 1st, Catharine Johnson; 2d, Elizabeth Lane. Lives in Gardiner. Emerson, b. July 21, 1825. Died May 31, 1848. Daniel C., b. January 22, 1828. Married Elizabeth H. Merrill, Novem- ber 25, 1855. Lives in Farmingdale. George E., b. August 31, 1832. Married Servia Jenkins, March 18, 1860. David, b. July 28, 1834. Married Mary Foster, May 6, 1862. Lives in the West. George E., son of Joshua, lived on the liome place on Oak Hill. Died September 23, 1881. Children of George E. and Servia (Jenkins) Mitchell: Fred E., b. January 19, 1861. Married Effe M. Spear, December 31, 1892. Mary E., b. April 30, 1863. Married Jesse Stockford. Lives in Bath. Frank G., b. June 24, 1866. Married Lulu Ray. Lives in Auburn. William H., b. May 2, 1869. Lillian, b. May 30, 1872. Died September 7, 1873. Jennie S., b. July 7, 1874. Married Thomas French. Lives in Ando- ver, Me. Walter E., b. November 30, 1878. Fred E., son of George E. and Servia (Jenkins) Mitchell, lives on the home place. Children of Fred E. and Effie M. (Spear) Mitchell: Arthur, b. April 12, 1896. Ellen, b. April 12, 1806. JosepH MITCHELL. There was a Joseph Mitchell who came from Freeport, when a boy, and lived at the Plains. He married Amy S. Potter, daughter of John and Abagail (Springer) Potter, in 1826, and located on Oak Hill where he lived several years and then moved to Gardiner. He died May 23, 1869, aged 70 years, 5 months. His wife died July 17, 1872, aged 69 years, 9 months. 15 226 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Joseph and Amy S. (Potter) Mitchell: Jacob, b. June 26, 1827. Married Elizabeth Houston, July 16, 1854. Lives in Gardiner. Abagail P., b. December 5, 1829. Died September 5, 1847. Joseph, b. November 22, 1831. Married Franacina Fuller, December 4, 1856. Lives in Waltham, Mass. Anna, b. May 31, 1834. Married Artemas Allen. Lives;in New York. Frances L., b. February 13, 1837. Married George A. Gammon, September 28, 1858. Lives in Gardiner. John, b. October 14, 1839. Married Ann Lunt, December 12, 1867. Lives in Bradford, Mass.. = Samuel Ray, b. October 16, 1843. -Died September 13, 1846. Moore. Ebenezer Moore married Meribah Spear in Sanford, Me., April 12, 1787. He subsequently moved to Lewiston, and thence to Litchfield and lived near Purgatory. He afterwards moved across the stream into West Gardiner, then Gardiner. Meribah, his wife, died March, 1860, aged 92 years. Children of Ebenezer and Meribah (Spear) Moore: Joseph. Married Elena Trafton, November 14, 1816. Lived in Georgetown. Levi, b. September 1, 1789. Married Mercy Hildreth, September 8, 1808. Hannah, b. November, 1791. Married James Vaylor. Lived in Gar- diner. Died June 19, 1860. Meribah, b. April, 1797. Married Israel Spear, May 11, 1820. Lived in West Gardiner. Died October 13, 1882. 5 Rebecca, b. December 4, 1799. Married Thomas Davis. Died March 4, 1885. Nehemiah, b. 1801. Married Betsey Spear, daughter of Asa, February 24, 1825. Died October 13, 1882. Dorcas, married Ammial Page, December 10, 1832. Joanna, b. February, 1809. Married Isaac Page, March 18, 1824. Died March, 1861. Levi Moore. Levi, son of Ebenezer Moore, lived in Stevenstown several years, and then moved to West Gardiner. Levi died June 9, 1877, aged 87 years,g months. Mercy, his wife, b. May 2, 1791, died January 29, 1879. She was a daughter of Paul Hildreth. Children of Levi and Mercy (Hildreth) Moore: Tamma C., b. June 29, 1809. Married Thomas J. Bailey. Died June 16, 1855. Jerusha M., b. April 29, 1811. Married, 1st, Abraham Page; ad David Haines. Lives in West Gardiner. y EARLY SETTLERS. 227 Meribah, b. May 21, 1816. Married Sawyer McLaughlin, May 21, 1854. Lived in West Gardiner, died October, 1890. Sarah A., b. May, 1821. Married Henry Kimball. Lived in Gardi- ner. Died October 25, 1880. Susan, b. February 19, 1824. Married Henry Hinton. Lives in West Gardiner. Relief. Married James Smith. Lives in Caribou, Me. Sophronia. Married Nathan Benton. Lives in Boston. George. Married Abbie , Otis. Married and lives in Greenbush, N. Y. NEHEMIAH Moore. Nehemiah Moore, son of Ebenezer, lived in Pottertown, and afterwards on Oak Hill. He subsequently moved to Gardiner, and then to Franklin county, where he died April 16, 1882. Children: Lovina, b. October 1, 1825. Married William Alexander. Lived at Sandy River. } Lyman, b. January 10, 1827. Married Sarah Ladd. Lives in Howard, Steuben county, N. Y. Elizabeth and Mary, b. May 27, 1829. Both deceased. Adaline, b. December, 1832. Married Ora K. Hinkley. Died in Gardiner. Asa, b. November 14, 1835. Married Sarah Jane Merriman, August 23, 1855. Lives in Richmond, Me. Roxanna, b. 1837. Married Stanley Oakes. Died in Sandy River plantation. Calvin, b. May 18, 1839. Married Lois Niles. Lives in Phillips, Me. William, b. January 26, 1841. Married Louize Bass. Lives in Range- ley, Me. George. Lives in Rangeley, Me. Moses Harris Moore. Moses Harris Moore of Greene, was the grandson of Law- rence Jackson Harris, who built the first mill in Lewiston, and for whom the falls were first called. He married Patty Jane Earle and settled in Litchfield near the Corner. Mr. Moore died August 9, 1853. Children of Moses H. and Patty J. (Earle) Moore: William Henry, b. May 9, 1842. Married Margaret Thornton. Died July 22, 1888. Sarah Jane, b. November 20, 1843. Married Hilton W. True. Lives in Augusta. 228 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. , " Martha Ella, b. May 6, 1846. Married Merrill True. Ann Maria, b. April 15, 1849. Married Henry Austin. Lives in Lewiston. Morey. Philip Morey was in town as early as 1793, and his name appears upon petition and other papers, but nothing farther can be learned of him. MORGRIDGE. Deacon Thomas and Charles Morgridge came to Litchfield as early as 1782. Deacon Thomas settled on the farm now owned by Horatio Allard; and Charles, his brother, lived near him. They came from Harpswell. Their father, William Morgridge, came to this country in 1755, and settled in Harps- well, where he married Sarah Starbird. Besides the two sons above mentioned he had three daugh- ters. Prudence married Mr. Booker, and lived in Bowdoin- ham. Sally married John Brown of Litchfield in 1784. Betsey married Dummer Mitchell, who for many years lived in what was then called Litchfield, but now Richmond. Deacon Thomas: was born November 14, 1761 and died March 23, 1838. He married Elizabeth Jackson October 15, 1786, who died December 11, 1840, on her 77th birthday. Charles married Nancy Jackson, a sister to the wife of Deacon Thomas, July 6, 1791. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Jackson) Morgridge: Elizabeth, b. December 16, 1787. Died June 26, 1803. William, b. December 12, 1789. Married Philena Sampson. Died September 9, 1872. Charles, b. August 28, 1791. Married Mary T. Coggswell. Died October 6, 1877. He was a clergyman in New Bedford. Timothy, b, October 19, 1793. Died August 30, 1818. John, b. November 8, 1795. Died August 6, 1879. Married. Was a physician in Bridgeton, N. J. Sirena, b. January 31, 1798. Married Thomas Brown. Died July 22, 1868. Sarah, b. April 14, 1800. Married Hon. Ashur Ware. Died June 30, 1870. Lived in Portland. Abagail, b. August 18, 1802. Married Otis C. Sewell. Died April 11, 1890. Lived in Chesterville. Elizabeth, b. October 5, 1805. Married Benjamin Robinson, Decem- ber 2, 1844. Died October 19, 1854. Emily, b. November 9, 1807. Died August 4, 1882. EARLY SETTLERS. 2290 CHARLES MORGRIDGE. Charles Morgridge, brother of Deacon Thomas, lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Sangerville. Children of Charles and Nancy (Jackson) Morgridge: Benjamin, b. February 10, 1793. Joseph, b. June 1, 1794. Married Olive Oakes. Martha, b. February 3, 1796. Celia, b. July 4, 1798. Married Otis Oakes. Ruel, b. December 1, 1800. Charles, b. May 31, 1803. Married Lydia Bartlett. MORRELL. Josiah Morrell, Jr., came to Litchfield from North Berwick in 1824. He was born in North Berwick, September 22, 1775. His father, Josiah Morrell, came with him, and died September 29, 1832, aged 95 years. They were descendants of John Morrell who came to Kittery previous to 1668. Josiah, Jr., married Sarah Quint April 9, 1798. He first settled on the farm wheret Job Morrell now lives, and was a farmer and blacksmith, and died December 29, 1852. Sarah, his wife, died November 23, 1868, aged 89 vears, 4 months. Children of Josiah, Jr., and Sarah (Quint) Morrell: Arch, b. April 10, 1800. Married Statira Andrews in 1822. Lived in Gardiner. Died February 5, 1885. Hiram, b. September 22, 1802. Married Eleanor Springer, January 24, 1830. Sarah Jane, b. February 13, 1804. Married Barnabas Springer, October 12, 1828. Ebenezer, b. March 27, 1808. Married Elizabeth Smith Rogers, December 7, 1834. Moved to California. Died there, June 25, 1891. He married a second wife in California. Alexander Hatch, b. October 10, 1818. Married Eliza Seavey, June 29, 1845. He was a Free Baptist minister. Died in Irvington, N. J., December 24, 1885. Buried at Harper’s Ferry, West Va. Hiram MorRELt. Hiram Morrell, son of Josiah, Jr., was a blacksmith, farmer and brick maker. He lived on the home farm, and died there January 30, 1885. Eleanor, his wife, died August 9, 1853, aged 41 years. 230 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Hiram and Eleanor (Springer) Morrell: Hiram, Jr., b. June 18, 1831. Married Susan A. Shea, April 26, 1856. Ebenezer, b. March 18, 1833. Married Esther A. Potter, March 23, 1856. Job F., b. March 28, 1835. Married Lydia Varney, December 10, 1862. Mary Lord, b. May 1, 1837. Died May 31, 1837. Hannah E., b. June 11, 1838. Married, 1st, Isaac Llewellyn Brainard, March 17, 1856; 2d, Ambrose Dudley, March 26, 1866. Elmira, b. November 11, 1841. Married Horace N. Jordan. Elizabeth, b. April 11, 1844. Died aged 6 weeks. Josiah, b. April 13, 1846. Married Ellen M. Wight, November 3, 1877. Alexander, b. September 7, 1849. Died May 4, 1852. David S., b. July 12, 1853. Died February 13, 1854. Josiah Morrell, son of Hiram, lives in the west part of the town. Children of Josiah and Ellen M. (Wight) Morrell: Hiram, b. March 11, 1878. Mamie E., b. June 5, 1870. Grace E., b. July 10, 1881. Josiah A., b. April 27, 1884. Perley, b. February 21, 1888. Ebenezer Morrell, son of Hiram, has lived in Readfield and Lewiston, now lives on Oak Hill. Children of Ebenezer and Esther A. (Potter) Morrell: Fred Irwin, b. March 23, 1857. Married Eunice Stockman, May 1, 1878. Lives in Lewiston. Rowena Adella, b. May 23, 1858. Married Frank Edward Emerson, November 25, 1885. Frank Anson, b. August 9, 1860. Married Abagail Carver, April 10, 1886. Lives in Lewiston. Morse. » William Morse was a great-great-grandson of the William Morse who emigrated from England to this country in 1635. He was born at Bath, Me., October 4, 1781. March 18, 1804, he married Eliza Harlow of Plymouth, Mass. In 1831 he moved to Oak Hill, on the farm now occupied by Mr. Buker. Two of his sons, Edwin A. and Z. Harlow who married Fliza- beth Frost, settled in Litchfield and lived there a few vears. Another son, Hon. Freeman H. Morse, has been prominent in State and national affairs. He was mayor of Bath three years, EARLY SETTLERS. 231 member of Congress two terms, and consul and consul general at London nine years. Freeman H., died in England February 5, 1891, aged 84 years. Mouton. Samuel Moulton was born in Lisbon, Me., November 18, 1782, married Wealthy Day, sister of Levi; she was born in Durham, Me., October 22, 1783. Mr. Moulton moved to Litchfield from Brunswick, Me., in 1818, and lived at the Cor- ner. His house being almost on the identical spot where the institute building was located. Mr. Moulton lived in town until 1833, when he moved to Lee, Me. He was prominent in town affairs and a good citizen. He died November 209, 1866. Wealthy, his wife, died August 12, 1849. Children of Samuel and Wealthy (Day) Moulton: Almira, b. March 26, 1806. Married James L. Thomas. Died June 22, 1884. Jeremiah, b. September 9, 1808. Married Phoebe Day. Died in Dur- ham, Me., June, 1889. Levi, b. March 23, 1812. Married Mary Ann Staples. Died May 10, 1846. — Martha Ann, b. March 12, 1814. Married Elias Thomas. Died in Lee. Charlotte, b. December 16, 1817. Married David Barnes. Lives West Bangor, Me. Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 4, 1821. Married John B. Reed. Lives in Toledo, Ohio. Levi Moulton, son of Samuel, was a prominent Free Baptist clergyman. He was drowned in crossing the lake coming from a logging camp May Io, 1846. Hucu Muttoy. Hugh Mulloy was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1749 of Scotch Trish extraction, and came early to the province of Maine. In May, 1776, he married Priscilla Thompson, daughter of Benja- min Thompson, at Georgetown, Me. Immediately after the battle of Bunker Hill, he with other patriots from his locality started for Boston in 1775 to enlist. He entered the ser- vice as private, and passed through the several grades, and in November 6, 1776, was commissioned ensign. His commission was issued at Boston by order of Congress and signed by John 232 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Hancock. On May 18, 1778, he was appointed first lieutenant but did not receive his commission until the following fall, when the army lay at Valley Forge. While at Valley Forge he was intimate with Generals Washington and Lafayette, and that winter was initiated into the mysteries of Free Masonry in Washington's tent. He afterwards acted as secretary of the lodge that existed in the army. Lieut. Mulloy was at the retreat from Ticonderoga, was in the battle of Hubbardston, in both the battles of Saratoga (Stillwater) and witnessed the sur- render of Burgoyne October 17, 1777. He was in several skirmishes, in one of which he was wounded. At the battle of Monmouth, he was twice, severely wounded, so as to inca- pacitate him from further service, end asa consequence was honorably discharged. His discharge was written on the back of his commission in the handwriting of General Washington. This paper was on file in the pension department at Washing- ton, and destroyed when that city was sacked by the British in 1814. After his discharge from the service Mr. Mulloy moved to Monmouth, and squat on land owned by General Dearborn. In 1783 General Dearborn bought his improvements and gave him a note of the following tenor: Wates, ME., June 27, 1783 For value received I promised to pay Hugh Mulloy the sum of fifty Spanish milled dollars, by the 15th day of October, 1784, with interest until paid. HENRY DEARBORN. Mr. Mulloy then settled in Litchfield on land now owned by Warren R. Buker on the pond road. He was a moderator of many of the early town meetings, and member of the school board. He was a man of sterling worth and much respected by his townsmen. In 1817, he moved to Ohio, and died in Clermont county, Ohio, July 11, 1845, in the 94th year of his age. He was the last living commissioned officer of the Revolutionary Regular Continental Army. As the last survi- vor his portrait was painted by Frankenstein, the celebrated artist. Children of Hugh and Priscilla (Thompson) Mulloy: David, b. October 15, 1779. Married Mary Stevens, March 3, 1803. eh HUGH MULLOY. HUGH MULLOY. Portrait of Lieutenant Hugh Mulloy, roth Regiment, Massachusetts Line, Continental Army of the American Revolution, taken from an original portrait painted by Franenstien when Lieut. Mulloy was 90 years of age, furnished by his grandson, Hugh Mulloy Herrick, editor Hackensack Republican, Hackensack, N. J. EARLY SETTLERS. 233 Abagail, b. July 1, 1781. Married, 1st, David Colson, February 3, 1805; 2d, Jeremiah Norton. Lived in Bath and Webster, Me., and New Bedford, Mass. John, b. August 27, 1783. Died June 1, 1802. Catherine, b. January 11, 1786. Married Samuel, son of Joseph Her- tick, October, 1807; 2d, William O. Bowler. Died in Edina, Mo. James, b. March 13, 1788. Hannah, b. July 3, 1790. Married Ebenezer Herrick, May 20, 1810. Died in New York, November, 1837. Prescilla, b. May 18, 1793. Married, 1st, Benjamin Ring, September, 1813: 2d, Rev. Daniel Parker. Died in New Richmond, Clermont county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and one of her sons founded Cler- mont Academy, a leading educational institution of Ohio. Martha, b. February 20, 1796. Married William Sherwin. Lived in Ohio, and Pendleton county, Kentucky, where she died. While living in Ohio she was a near and intimate neighbor of the Grants when General Grant was born. Thomas, b. May 14, 1798. Died in Ohio in 71865. Was one of the leading farmers in his section and left a large family. Ebenezer Herrick, husband of Hannah Mulloy, was a mem- ber of Congress from the Lewiston district, from 1821 to 1827, and held other positions of trust in our State. One of his sons. was a member of Congress from New York, Hon. Anson Herrick. Davip MUL Loy. David Mulloy, son of Hugh, lived in town until 1817, when he moved to Ohio, and from thence to Oregen. Children of David and Mary (Stevens) Mulloy: John, b. December 3, 1803. Died March 3, 1804. Jonathan T., b. April 15, 1804. Moved to Ohio with his father. Mary. Married, 1st, Hiram Hardeson; 2d, Elisha Burgess. Died in Caribou, Me., aged 86 years. Lucinda, b. June 15, 1809. Married Elijah Closson. Lived in Rich- mond. Died, 1857. NEAL. A family by the name of Neal came to Litchfield from Tops- ham in 1784. It consisted of father and mother, four sons and three daughters. John, the father, was born in Ireland, May s, 1728. His parents, John and Mary Neal, emigrated to America, and settled in Scituate, Mass., in 1730. John, Senior, was a potter by trade and ran a pottery at Scituate, for several years and afterwards moved into Maine. John, Jr., married 234 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Abagail Hall, sister of Timothy and Calvin Hall, January 16, 1762 in Brunswick. She was born October 5, 1740 and died November 22, 1818. John, Jr., died August 18, 1799. Children of John, Jr., and Abagail (Hall) Neal: George, b. December 5, 1762. Married Lucy Webber in 1801. Jean, b. February 28, 1765. Married Thomas Colby in 1789. John, 2d, b. March 24, 1767. Married ist, Betsey Hutchinson in 1790; 2d, Hannah Fuller, November 8, 1821. Joseph, b. March 24, 1769. Married, 1st, Sally Johnson in 1791; 2d, Mariam (Cunningham) Varney, August 26, 1826. Lemuel, b. July 29, 1771. Married Lydia Johnson, in 1792. Abagail, b. February 3, 1774. Married John Hutchinson, December 19, 1793. Mary, b. April 2, 1777. Married Daniel Newman, son of Daniel and Polly (Warner) Newman, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1803. GEORGE NEAL. George Neal, the oldest son of John, Jr., was prominent in town affairs and was collector of taxes for many years. He died December 24, 1841. Lucy, his wife, died September 20, 1847, aged 79 years, 6 months. Children of George and Lucy (Webber) Neal: Lemuel, b. November 5, 1791. Married Mary Blanchard. Lived in Pittston, Me. Died May 9, 1869. George, Jr., b. March 31, 1793. Married Martha Goldsmith, January, 1824. Died June 20, 1881. Jane, b. January 6, 1795. Married David Flagg of Gardiner. Died May 4, 1883. Sally, b. May 3, 1796. Died October 26, 1708. John H., b. February 13, 1799. Married Delila Blaisdell, August, 1825. Sally, b. May 5, 1801. Married Gideon Jack. Lived in Pittston. Stephen, b. September 8, 1803. Died young. Stephen, b. December 3, 1804. Died young. Stephen, b. February 12, 1806. Married Rachel Rowell. Lived in Pittston, Me. Timothy, b. May 5, 1808. Died September, 1818. Andrew, b. May 31, 1809. Died in Louisiana. Daniel, b. October 2, 1813. Died January 5, 1854. Lucy, b. November 7, 1815. Married Alfred Spear. Lived in Gar- diner. Died October 18, 1884. George Neal, Jr., lived near Oak Hill. He died June 20, 1881. Martha, his wife, died February 29, 1848. HON. JOHN NEAL, 3rd. HON. JOHN NEAL, 3rd. Hon. John Neal, 3rd, was a son of Hon. John, 2nd, and grandson of John, Jr., born in Ireland, 1728, who was son of the common ances- tor of all the Litchfield Neals, John Neal, who came from Ireland to Scituate, Mass., in 1730 with his wife Mary when John, Jr., was two years of age. Some years later they came to Maine and settled in Topsham. In 1784 John, Jr., came to Litchfield and settled and estab- lished the Neal family in this town. The subject of this sketch was a man of commanding ability as was his father, John, 2nd. He received the highest honors his towns- people could bestow upon him. He was for many years one of the selectmen (a large portion of the time chairman of the board) and was well known as “Esquire Neal,’ holding a commission as justice from the governor of the State in those days made him an important person in the community. He represented the people of his town two terms as representative to the legislature, and was twice honored by the county of Kennebec by a seat in the State senate. He was born in Litchfield in 1791, died 1856; his wife, Caroline Hay- wood, Neal, died in 1864. They left no children. Mr. Neal commanded universal respect of the people he served so long, so faithfully and so honestly. He lived and died on the farm now occupied by the family of the late Darius Meader near “Purgatory Mills.” EARLY SETTLERS. 235 Children of George, Jr. and Martha (Goldsmith) Neal: George A., b. May 27, 1825. Died in California November 25, 1854. Elizabeth Ann, b. March 18, 1828. Married Jesse Hatch, June 3, 1849. Lives in Litchfield. : Mary Louise, b. May 8, 1833. Married Cyrus Hatch. Lives in Rich- mond. Alfred G., b. April 19, 1835. Died in Mississippi. John H. Neal, son of George, lived on the farm of his father for many years, and then moved to Pittston. Children of John H. and Delila (Blaisdell) Neal: Lovina J., b. May 26, 1826. Died August 24, 1820. Clarenda, b. April 29, 1829. Died in Pittston. Nelson S., b. January 31, 1831. Lived in Augusta, and moved to North Dakotah. Edward Hale, b. February 13, 1833. Lives in Pittston. Married Flora (Dill) Kimball. Lucy Jane, b. October 24, 1834. Married Nathaniel Meader. Lives in Toledo, Iowa. Lovina B., b. September 5, 1836. Married 1st, Gideon Derry; 2nd, Daniel M. Hilton. Lived in Pittston. Hamer G., b. January 13, 1839. Married Sarah Bubier. Died in Clinton, Me. : Benjamin F., b. April 1, 1841. Married Clara Morton. Lives in Belfast. Joun NEAL, 2nd. John Neal, 2nd, son of John, Jr., was one of the most prom- inent men in town for many years. He was a surveyor and farmer; was town clerk for many years, and the excellent condi- tion of the earlier town records, should in a great measure be credited to him. He was representative to the Massachusetts legislature for many years; member of constitutional convention of 1816, 1819, and representative and senator to Maine legisla- ture, and also judge of court of sessions. He died April 20, 1834. Betsey, his wife, died February 9, 1821. His son, Hon. John Neal, 3d, was for many years a town officer. Representative to Maine legislature two terms, and two terms a member of the Senate. He died September 10, 1856. Caroline, his wife, died March 25, 1864, aged 75 years. Children of John, 2nd, and Betty (Hutchinson) Neal: John, 3d, b. January 24, 1791. Married Caroline Haywood, Novem- ber 7, 1816. Mary, b. February 8, 1792. Married Joseph N. Clifford, August 29, 1815. 236 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Samuel, b. December 18, 1794. Died March 13, 1851. Arthur, b. January 26, 1797. Married Polly Marston, July, 1825. David J., b. July 4, 1799. Married Louisa True, January 16, 1825. Betsey, b. January 24, 1802. Married Joseph C. Barstow in 1824. Peleg, b. March 24, 1805. Lost at sea, September, 1826. Daniel, b. February 10, 1808. Died unmarried, January .5, 1858. Children of Arthur, son of John, Jr., and Polly (Marston) Neal, born in Litchfield. Arthur, b. August 18, 1826. Married Jennie Witham. Peleg, b. November 26, 1827. Moved to Australia in 1853. Nathaniel M., b. September 24, 1829. Married Charlotte A. Balen- tine. Lives in Auburn. ; Soloman H., b. December 24, 1831. Married. Died in Illinois. David T., b. April 1, 1834. Married Mary W. Chick. Lived in Augusta. Died 1896. Franklin, b. December 4, 1836, is in Nevada. Arthur Neal, Jr., lives on the old Neal place. Children of Arthur, Jr. and M. Jennie (Witham) Neal: Edgar Peleg, b. January 1, 1868. A graduate of Colby University, teaches in Bakersfield, Vt. Cora M., b. October 9, 1869. David I., son of John, 3d, lived in Neal neighborhood. He died May 16, 1859. Children of David J. and Louisa (True) Neal, born in Litchfield: in Litchfield: . Alcander, b. June 28, 1825. Married Deborah Trask. Lives in Gar- diner. Dianna S., b. June 28, 1827. Married William W. Stevens. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Elizabeth, b. April 13, 1831. Died October 29, 1870. Augustus, b. March 7, 1833. Married Sarah Jane Wharff. Lived in Litchfield. John W., b. September 22, 1835. Killed at Aldie, June 19, 1863. George Willis, b. June 23, 1836. Died March 28, 1842. Martha C., b. June 9, 1842. Married Ralph Varnum. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Nancy J., b. August 20, 1844. Married Andrew Pierce. Lives in Claremont, N. H. JosepH NEAL. Joseph Neal, son of John, Jr., lived for a while in Litchfield and then moved near Spear’s Corner, in West Gardiner. EARLY SETTLERS. 237 Children of Joseph and Sally (Johnson) Neal: Rhoda, b. July 7, 1791. Married Elias Fairbanks. Lived in West Gardiner. Joseph, b. March 2, 1793. Married Hannah Spear, January 30, 1817. Lived in West Gardiner. He died March 11, 1836. Hannah died December 20, 188r. Mary, b. May 10, 1795. Married William Clark. Lived in West Gardiner. Martha, b. February 19, 1798. Died January 20, 1804. Sally, b. May 12, 1800. Married Isaiah Getchell. Lived in Gardiner. Julius, b. March 19, 1803. Married Sarah Seavey. Lived in Hallo- well. Martha, b. January 26, 1806. Married Daniel Cunningham, Novem- ber 8, 1826. Lived in Litchfield. Thomas J., b. October to, 1808. Married Abagail M. Robinson. Lived in West Gardiner. Abbie, b. February 13, 1814. Died January 7, 1835. Hannah, b. July 6, 1817. Died October 8, 1817. LEMUEL NEAL. Lemuel Neal, son of John, Jr., lived near his brothers. Children of Lemuel and Lydia (Johnson) Neal: Stephen, b. December 31, 1793. Married Betsey Jackman, January 4, 1816. Lived in Palermo. Robert, b. August 29, 1795. Married Sally Day, August, 1817. Lived in Palermo. Abagail, b. March 13, 1797. Died February 28, 1800. Isaac G., b. December 17, 1798. Married Lydia Campbell, June, 1824. Abagail, b. r800. Married Christopher Lancaster. Lived in Rich- mond. Charles, b. January 24, 1803. Married Parmelia Day. Lived in Windsor. Lovina, b. April 2, 1805. William, b. 1807. Died March 9, 1810. William, b. 1810. Married Eliza Hatch. Died in Gardiner. Isaac Goldsmith, son of Lemuel Neal, lived several years on Oak Hill in Litchfield and then moved to Chelsea. He died in Augusta, August 4, 1871. Children of Isaac Goldsmith and Lydia (Campbell) Neal: Smith, b. June 22, 1824. Followed the sea. Peleg, b. December 23, 1826. Lives in Peabody, Kan. Baxter, b. January 6, 1828. Drowned in Palermo when a boy. Lucinda, b. 1830. Married Robert Brann. Lived in Chelsea. Julia A., b. March 10, 1832. Married Enoch Brann. Lives in Augusta. 238 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Abbie L., b. December 22, 1834. Lives in Gardiner. Lyman C., b. May 8, 1837. Married Mary A. Marston. Lives in Pittston. Lydia Jane, died young. NEVINS. James Nevins came early to Litchfield from Pownal, Me., and settled on a part of True Woodbury’s farm. He was an uncle of Hugh and True Woodbury. After living several years in Litchfield he moved “Down East.” Among his children were: Hugh, William, Daniel J., Sally and Mary. NEWELL. Albert Newell, son of George W. and Abagail (March) New- ell, was born in Gardiner. He married Lucinda Berry, daugh- ter of Jonathan and Hannah (Runnells) Berry, in 1835, and moved to the place where he now lives. After the decease of his first wife, he married Arvilla Small, January, 1856. Children of Albert and Lucinda (Berry) Newell: Charles P., b. December 27, 1837. Died. Cynthia, b. June 21, 1840. Married Joshua Small. Amanda, b. July 22, 1842. Married Joel Small. Orrin, b. November 11, 1845. Died January 23, 1846. Jonathan, b. December 27, 1847. Martha, b. May 10, 1850. Married George R. Foster. Lives in Lisbon Falls. ; Lucy, b. March 30, 1851. Married Robert Hunter. Children by second wife, Arvilla Small: Charles P., b. September 13, 1856. Married Della Marston, Septem- ber 6, 1884. Lyford, b. March 5, 1858. George William, b. May 25, 1859. Married Annie Blair. Arthur J., b. September 30, 1861. Married Susie Abbott. Nellie J., b. April 4, 1864. Married William E. Robinson, September 2, 1890. Idella M., b. June 9, 1866. Married Herbert H. Hinkley, July 14, 1885. Abbie J., b. July 31, 1868. Married Edwin M. McMaster, March 22, 1887. Died August 20, 1895, in Gardiner, Me. ' Jennie L., b. April 23, 1870. Addie, b. March 20, 1873. EARLY SETTLERS. 239 NICKERSON. Daniel Nickerson, a descendant of Wm. Nickerson, who came to this country in 1637 and settled in Chatham, Mass., was born on Cape Cod in 1720. He moved to Nova Scotia in 1764 and lived there several years. He came to Litchfield in 1792 and settled at the Plains, on what is known as the Tooth- aker farm. Many of the earlier town meetings were held at his home. He died January 18, 1801, aged 80 years, 9 months. Children of Daniel and Annie Nickerson: Dorcas, b. August 15, 1763. Jane, b. December 24, 1765. Elisha, b. February 23, 1768. Married Rebecca Robinson. Annie, b. February 24, 1770. Nathaniel, b. July 25, 1772. Married ist, Keziah Hatch, September 1, 1796; 2d, Susanna Knight, October, 18r0. Rebecca, b. August 24, 1774. Married David Robinson, February 7+ 1793. Bethiah, b. July 14, 1776. Married William Cleaves, February 11, 1708. , Rachel, b. May 25, 1778. Married rst, William Williams, January 26, 1819; 2d, Jotham Chick, January 5, 1841. Daniel, b. May 2, 1780. Married Mrs. Louisa Gilbert, December, 1810. Elijah, b. July 9, 1782. Married Dorcas Cook, February 9, 1817. Moved to Sangerville, Me. Joseph, b. April 19, 1784. Married Abagail —_———. Lived down East. Esdras, b. October 7, 1786. Married Thankful Cook, December 27, 1812. Isaiah, b. October 7, 1788. Married ist, Abagail Dixon, August, 1811; 2d, Tamson Gray, October 20, 1814. Exisoa NICKERSON. Elisha Nickerson, son of Daniel, lived in the first house on the right, going from Litchfield Corner toward Oak Hill. He died March 24, 1853. His wife died March 2, 1856, aged 83 years. Children of Elisha and Rebecca (Robinson) Nickerson: Amos, b. August 15, 1790. Married Hannah Merrill. Lived in Topsham. Experience, b. July 10, 1792. Married Ephraim Clark, March, 1813. Rebecca, b. July 29, 1794. Married Ist, Abner Bassett, March 22, 1814; 2d, John Bolden. Died November 8, 1873. Lovina, b. November 16, 1796. Married Lewis Bassett. Died December 11, 1832. 240 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. William, b. January 7, 1799. Died February 4, 1799. Elisha, b. March 18, 1800. Married Nancy Ford. Died in Charles- town, Mass., June 18, 1836. _ Ann, b. July 9, 1802. Married John Barnard. Lived in Charlestown, Mass. Died in 1841. Frances, b. August 30, 1804. Married Daniel Baker. Rhoda, b. August 22, 1806. Married Benjamin Bracket. Lived in Charlestown, Mass. Mary, b. October 22, 1808. Married Warren Smith. Died February 7, 1853. Jabez, b. September 30, 1810. Married Elizabeth Brown. He died April 1, 1843. William J., b. January 5, 1813. Married 1st, Emily R. Dyer; 2nd, Harriet Eames. Lives in Medford, Mass.’ Benjamin Crowell, b. October 20, 1814. Married Joanna Godfrey Jackson. Lives in Somerville, Mass. Elvira A., b. April 13, 1820. Married William Dennett. Lives in West La Farge, Wis. Benjamin C. Nickerson, son of Elisha, lived in town for awhile and then moved to Lee, Me. He now lives in Somer- ville, Mass. William J., his son, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School class 1870. Children of Benjamin C. and Joanna (Jackson) Nidiceewon: born in Litchfield: Chas. Henry, b., July 8, 1839, married Jennie A. Tinkham. Lives in New York City. / Harriet E., b. March 9, 1842, married Llewellyn Bragg. Lives in East Somerville, Mass. William Jabez, b. September 12, 1844, married Mary E. Crowell. Physician in New Bedford, Mass. : Benjamin F., b. October 4, 1849. Lives in Utah. Frances Annett, b. August 15, 1852. Died August 31, 1878. Rhoda Ella, b. January 6, 1856, married Walter E. Tinkham. Lives in Taunton, Mass. NATHANIEL NICKERSON. Nathaniel Nickerson, son of Daniel, lived on the cross road leading from Litchfield Corner to the Cook road. He died July 12, 1855. Children of Nathaniel and Keziah (Hatch) Nickerson: Joseph, b. Feb. 6, 1798. Married Deborah Sally; September 28, 1820. Elijah, b. December 31, 1799. Died December 22, 1814. Betsey, b. April 26, 1801. Married ist, Caleb Curtis; 2nd, Stephen G. Wilkinson. She died August 4, 1892. William, b. April 12, 1804. Married 1st, Elizabeth Wentworth: March 2, 1826; and, Julia Ann Forbes, February 28, 1842; 3d, Julia Ann Stevens, November 23, 1860. Lived in Gardiner. Died July to, 1871. Clarissa, b. October 2, 1808. Elmira, married Samuel Pratt of Richmond. Died 1892. EARLY SETTLERS. 241 Children by second wife: ; Abagail, b. September 5, 1811. Married Cyrus Wilson of Palmyra. Mary, b. 1812. Died February 24, 1890. Sally, b. December 2, 1814. Died December 22, 1814. JosEPH NICKERSON. Joseph Nickerson, son of Nathaniel, lived near his father. He died July 5, 1871. He owned a saw mill at the Plains and sold it to James Libby in 1823. Deborah, his wife, died December 25, 1861. Children of Joseph and Deborah (Sally) Nickerson: Keziah, b. October 4, 1821. Died July 12, 1843. Tolman, b. September 28, 1823. Went to Aroostook. Died 1893. Cordelia, b. April 29, 1826. Died July 25, 1836. Mary J., b. December 20, 1828. Married Amos McCorrison, Decem- ber 5, 1849. Lives in Bath, Me. Rebecca W., b. March 18, 1831. Married Charles Temple. Lives in Bowdoinham, Me. Joseph, b. April 10, 1833. Married Amanda Melvina Baker, January, 1855. A Free Baptist clergyman. Lettice W., b. March 23, 1835. Married James Temple. Orrilla, b. April 3, 1837. Married Arthur Beiry. Died November 8, 1861. Caroline S., b. June 24, 1839. Died November 18, 1858. Maria E., b. June 30, 1843. Married William Brackett. Died in Boston 1881. James O., b. September 30, 1845. Married -Amanda A. Chadbourne. Lives in Lewiston. Now city liquor agent. Was a soldier in late war. Colonel of the first regiment; Past Master I. O. O. F., for two years. Rev. Joseph Nickerson, Jr., lives in Bowdoin, Me., and pas- tor of Free Baptist church. He has one son, Rev. William L. Nickerson, born in Litchfield, July 28, 1866, graduated from Bates class 1891 and married his classmate, Gertrude Alma Littlefield. He is now pastor of Free Baptist church, Rock- land, Me. DANIEL NICKERSON, JR. Daniel Nickerson, Jr., came to Litchfield with his father. He married the widow Louisa Gilbert and settled on the farm now owned by James Springer. Appleton D., one of the leading business men of Gardiner, was his youngest son. Daniel Jr., died January 19, 1861. Louisa, his wife, died February 24, 1873, aged 8g years, 8 months. 16 242 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children: Emeline, b. September 5, 1811. Married Moses T. Morse. Lives in Wisconsin. Joseph, b. October 29, 1812. Married Isabel Fort. Lived in Stone- ham, Mass. Jonas C., b. September 22, 1815. Married Mary Ann Thorpe. Lived in Arlington, Mass. ; Elizabeth S., b. September 1, 1817. Married John Williams. Lived in Bowdoinham. ; Daniel K., b. September 9, 1820. Married Mary Ann Hall, February, 1842. Lives in Missouri. Appleton D., b. January 8, 1826. Married Clarissa H. Barstow, Jan- uary, 1857. Lives~in Gardiner. One daughter, Carrie L., b. April 12, 1861. Married B. W. Partridge. Lives in Gardiner. Espras NICKERSON. Esdras Nickerson, son of Daniel, lived on the Cook road and afterwards went to Sangerville, Me. Children of Esdras and Thankful (Cook) Nickerson: Jane, b. June 23, 1815. Died in Litchfield. Rosanna, b. October 1, 1817. Died in Litchfield: Samuel, b. January 13, 1819. Died in Litchfield. Sarah, married Levi T. Nickerson. Lived in Sangerville. Eliza, married Otis Whitney. Lived in Richmond. IsataH NICKERSON. Isaiah Nickerson, son of Daniel, Lived in the south part of Litchfield. Children by first wife, Abigail Dixson: Pamelia, b. May 6, 1812. Died November 22, 1828. Sally, b. January 20, 1814. Married James Flint. Lived in Lee, Me., and then moved to Rutland, Dane county, Wis. Children by second wife, Tamson Gray: Abigail, b. July 12, 1815. Married James McLaughlin. Adam G., b. September 30, 1816. Married Elizabeth Bassett, April 5, 1840. Died in Gardiner, June 25, 1895. Isaiah, b. June 14, 1818. Died in 1843. Elizabeth S., b. July 30, 1819. Married Hiram Dunlap. Lived in Gardiner. Died March 31, 1890. Hanover S., b. October 29, 1820. Married Mary Stinson. Lives in Pittsfield. Ingraham P., b. June 23, 1822. Married Sarah Taylor, October 20, 1849; 2d, Caroline Brown, August 15, 1873. Lived in Gardiner. EARLY SETTLERS. 243 James L., b. December 22, 1823. Married Ellen Jordan. Lived in Monmouth. Died in the war. Daniel R., b. March 7, 1825. Died in California. Thomas C., b. March 22, 1828. Married Emily Merrill, November 23, 1852. Lived in Gardiner. Died November 8, 1802. Maranda A., b. November 16, 1830. Married Prescott Parker. Robert G., b. December 11, 1828. Married Samantha Hinkley, April 1, 1850. Lived in Gardiner. Lorenzo, b. April 6, 1832. Married Clara Norton. Lives in Peter- boro, N. H. i ! ExiyAu NICKERSON. Elijah Nickerson, grandson of Nathaniel, was a farmer and mason. He was a highly respected citizen. He married Nancy Wentworth, December, 1850, and died at Togus, September 19, 1869, as the result of an accident. Children of Elijah and Nancy (Wentworth) Nickerson: Charles F., b. April 28, 1852. Married Josie Churchill. Lives in Massachusetts. Katie Isabelle, b. June 22, 1868. NorRTON. Rev. Noah Norton, was born in Sedgwick, Me., in 1784. He married Sarah (Libby) Norton, widow of his deceased brother, Rev. Seth Norton. He preached several years in Litchfield from 1820, and later in Brunswick. He afterwards returned to Litchfield, where he died, January 5, 1851. Children of Rev. Noah and Sarah (Libby) Norton: Capt. Seth B., b. July 31, 1827. Lost at sea in 1852. Sarah J., b. March 24, 1829. Married Freeman Merriman of Bruns- wick, Me., September 12, 1850. NUTTING. Newell Nutting came to Litchfield from Otisfield. He mar- ried Deborah Scribner, September 18, 1821, and died August 3, 1886, aged 88 years, 9 months. His wife died November 1, 1885, aged 86 years. Children of Newell and Deborah (Scribner) Nutting: Edward D., b. September 1, 1822. Married Esther Godding of Windsor. Samuel G., b. June 11, 1825. Married Martha A. Hancock. 244 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Peter, b. July.13, 1828. Married Amanda J. Allen of Hebron. Died July 17, 1862. Josiah P., b. June 30, 1832. Married 1st, Hannah E. Ball of Auburn; and, Eleanor Mansfield of Belfast. Benjamin N., b. January 28, 1836. Died June 28, 1843. Mary A., b. March 12, 1839. Died September 10, 1840. Edward D. Nutting, son of Newell, was in the grocery busi- ness in Gardiner with Warren Reed and died there August 12, 1857. Peter, son of Newell, was a Free Baptist minister and lived and died in Litchfield. Josiah P., son of Newell, is a prominent clergyman in Wash- ington, D. C. Samuel G., son of Newell, lives on the home place. He came there from Otisfield in 1856. Children of Samuel G. and Martha A. (Hancock) Nutting: Hattie F., b. September 4, 1852. Married Frank W. Libby, son of Capt. Enoch and Eliza (Waterman) Libby. Lives in Litchfield. Edwin D., b. March 4, 1863. ODIORNE. Samuel Odiorne,a descendant of John Odiorne, settled on the Pond road on the farm where Edgar S. Briery now lives. He was born in Kittery, Me., June 6, 1758 and died in Litchfield, December 13, 1835. He served with Commodore John Paul Jones during the Revolutionary War. His son, Samuel John Odiorne, born in Kittery, July 3, 1790, came to Litchfield with his father in 1821. He married, Abigail Paige of Kittery in 1813. Children of Samuel John and Abigail (Paige) Odiorne: Elizabeth D., b. November 12, 1813. Married 1st, Simon Bradstreet; and, Henry R. French. Lived in Gardiner. Caroline L., b. July 20, 1818. Married John Patten. Susan S., b. April 30, 1821. Died August 8, 1829. Samuel, b. January 13, 1824. Married Amanda O. Briery. Abbie M., b. August 10, 1827. Married Bradley V. Stinson. Sarah Ann, b. November 5, 1829. Married Elbridge Chandler of Gardiner. Catherine A., b. August 5, 1836. Died unmarried. EARLY SETTLERS. 245 The family moved to Richmond in 1860 where Samuel John Odiorne died January 16, 1880. One child of Samuel and Amanda O. (Briery) Odiorne, was born in Litchfield; the rest of his family was born in Richmond. Joseph M., b. December 8, 1849. Married Maria Louise Price. He is cashier 0. First National Bank, Richmond. OweEN. John Owen,.son of John and Annie (Hodgkins) Owen, was born in Brunswick in 1759; married Polly Watson of Litch- field in 1791. He lived on a farm opposite the Elder Grant farm and was a prominent citizen and for many years deputy sheriff. John died in 1844. Polly, his wife, died in Litchfield, December 29, 1837. Children of John and Polly (Watson) Owen: John, b. September 6, 1792. Married Ist, Miss Kelley; 2nd, Lydia Rich of China, Me. David, b. March 17, 1794. Died April 28, 1809. William S., b. November 16, 1795. Married Susan Key. Lived and died in Portland, Me. James, b. September 15, 1797. Married Esther Spear. Dolly, b. March 17, 1799. Married 1st, Nahum Libby; 2nd, Zebina Hunt. Lives in Lewiston. Winthrop, b. February 25, 1801. Died in 1808. Elbridge G., b. February 3, 1803. Married Miss Palmeter. Died September 9, 1867. Drusilla, b. March 1, 1805. Married Benjamin Wilson. Lived in Harpswell. Julius M., b. March 7, 1807. Settled in Bath. Mahala, b. January 24, 1809. Married John Getchell. Lived in Carroll, Me. Died in Augusta. Perez W., b. February 13, 1812. Lost at sea. Alonzo, b. April 7, 1815. Married Rachel Warburton. CHARLES OWEN. Charles Owen, son of John and Owen, was born in Topsham, December 21, 1800, married Hannah Varnum,daugh- ter of Ralph and Eunice (Snow) Varnum, December 25, 1828 and moved to Litchfield in May, 1837, upon a farm purchased of Joseph Jack, now owned and occupied by B. F. Colby. Charles Owen died in West Gardiner, September 2, 1887. 246 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Charles and Hannah (Varnum) Owen: Elvah J., b. November 11, 1829. Died November 13, 1851. Charles Wm., b. June 28, 1832. Married Augusta (Brackett) Potter. Lives in Mountain View, Cal. Isaac V., b. February 8, 1836. Married Alice Hildreth, December 25, 1862. Lives in Phoenix, Ariz. George H., b. March 21, 1840. Died January 17, 1841. Mary E., b. June 1, 1842. Lives in Augusta. Henrietta E., b. October 10, 1844. Lives in Augusta. John H., b. September 1, 1846. Lives in California. Annie L., b. June 7, 1849. Married W. E. McKenney. Lives in Boston. Sarah P., b. June 25, 1853. Married Charles B. Chick of Augusta. Died January 22, 1895. PAINE. William, James, Joshua and Samuel Paine, sons of Timothy D. Paine, and descendants from Thomas Paine, who came to Entham, Mass., in 1652, came to Litchfield from Waldoboro, Maine, in 1812. Joshua married Catherine Jaquith and had two daughters, Abigail, born July 1, 1819, and Lucinda, born November 5, 1821. Soon after Joshua moved from town. William lived in town many years. Children of Wm. and Ruth Paine: Olive, b. August 15, 1809. Married Gorham Whitney. Caroline, b. August 24, 1811. Sarah, b. March 30, 1813. Eliza, b. August 1, 1815. Lydia, b. June 16, 1817. CAPTAIN SAMUEL PAINE. Captain Samuel Paine married, first, Elizabeth Ring,’ April 10, 1817; second, Rhoda Stinson, June 5, 1836. He lived on the place now occupied by his son, Horatio. Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Ring) Paine: Timothy D., b. May 7, 1818. Married ‘Cornelia Waterhouse. Caroline E., b. August 10, 1820. Married Hetherly Randall, 1844. Samuel P., b. December 10, 1826. Married Ellen M. Jack. Bradley, b. 1829. Killed in the War of the Rebellion. Horatio S., b. February, 1831. Married 1st, Mary Landers; 2nd Sarah G. Baker. > Timothy D. Paine, son of Capt. Samuel, lives near Robinson’s Corner. MARLBURY PALMER. MARLBURY PALMER. Marlbury Palmer born in Scituate, Mass., November 20, 1769, moved to Litchfield in 1790. In 1791 bought of Mr. Vaughn the farm where he and his descendants have since lived. December 24th, 1793, he married Martha, daughter of Elephalet and Jane (Neal) Smith. In 1&6 he built the frame house now occupied by Granville H. Palmer. He served in the war of 1812. He died in Litchfield, Me., February 9, 1856. Mr. Palmer was a man of strictest integrity and commanded universal respect of the people of the community where he lived his long and useful life. EARLY SETTLERS. 247 Children of Timothy D. and Cornelia (Waterhouse) Paine: Marcia E., b. 1843. Caroline, b. 1846. Samuel P. Paine, son of Capt. Samuel, lived for some years in Litchfield then moved to Lewiston, and afterwards to Gardiner, where he died in 1892. Children of Samuel P. and Etta (Jack) Paine: Blanche A., b. October 6, 1852. Married Leander M. Small. Lives in Augusta. Millard F., b. December 21, 1854. Married Belle Gould. Lives in Auburn. Helen H., b. November 25, 1859. Married Fred Mathews. Lives in New Market, N. H. Ellen M., b. December 28, 1865. Died April 5, 1866. Maude B., b. July 6, 1868. Died November 12, 1860. Lillian M., b. November 16, 1873. Married Walter Arnold. Lives in Gardiner. Horatio Paine, son of Capt. Samuel, now lives on the home place. Children of Horatio and Mary (Landers) Paine: Elmer E., b. December 24, 1861. Died April 26, 1863. Children of Horatio and Sarah G. (Baker) Paine: Henry Sewall, b. October 18, 1865. Mary Alma, b. July 9, 1867. Alice Ethlyn, b. October 2, 1880. PALMER. Marlbury Palmer, son of Nehemiah and Abigail (Barrell) Palmer, was born in Scituate, Mass., November 20, 1769. He came to Litchfield about 1790, and worked the first year in Pur- gatory for Simeon Goodwin, building a mill. In 1791, he bought of Mr. Vaughn, the farm on which he lived. This farm has been in the family ever since and is now occupied by Mr. Granville Palmer. In 1793 he built a log house on his farm, and December 24, 1793,he married Martha, daughter of Elipha- let and Jane (Neal) Smith. He built a frame house in 1806, and died February 9, 1856. His wife deid December 6, 1854. Children of Marlbury and Martha (Smith) Palmer: Elijah, b. December 2, 1794. Died October 18, 1815. Sally, b. March 11, 1796. Married Capt. Jos. Hutchinson, December 24, 1815. Died April 11, 1828. 248 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Smith, b. December 5, 1799. Married Betsey Hutchinson, December 25, 1826. Died November 19, 1874. He was a drummer boy in the War of 1812. Joseph, b. February 22, 1802. Married Ann Blackington. Lived in Thomaston, Me., and Pelham, Mass. Died January 8, 1832. Natran, b. June 4, 1805. Died November 24, 1826. Eliphalet G., b. March 30, 1807. Married Lucy P. Lord, November 26, 1838. Melinda, b. December 15, 1810. Died August 23, 1886. Abby Jane, b. June 4, 1812. Married Philip Allen, July 25, 1858. Apphia Gower, b. June 18, 1816. Married Samuel Hutchinson, May 29, 1842. Died May 16, 1858. SMITH PALMER. Smith, son of Marlbry Palmer, married Betsey Hutchinson, and after living in town several years, moved to Pittston, where he died November 19, 1874. Betsey, his wife, died in Litch- field. Children of Smith and Betsey (Hutchinson) Palmer: Elewis Merritt, b. May 23, 1828. Died November 19, 1850 in Natick. Braddock Smith, b. February 4, 1830. Married Diana Turner. Lives in Auburn. Miranda Ann, b. December 24, 1832. Married Daniel Black. Lives in Randolph, Me. Carlostin Jewett, b. April 4, 1834. Married Ella Bangs. Lives in Randolph, Me. Elizabeth Adeline, b. February 23, 1836. Lives in Randolph, Me. ELIPHALET G. PALMER. Eliphalet Gower Palmer lived on his father’s farm. He mar- ried Lucy Pickard Lord. Died January 20, 1879. a his wife, died September 3, 1897. Their children: Granville Harrison, b. January 14, 1841. Married Eliza D. Delano. Frederick Eugene, b. February 28, 1842. Married Isabel Saunders, March 26, 1878. Lives in Bandon, Coos County, Oregon. Emily Frances, b. March 1, 1844. Died October 26, 1872. Thomas Lord, b. October 26, 1847. Died September 20, 1873. Lewis Merritt, b. September 2, 1850. Married Nellie Barker Prouty, March 28, 1882. Lewis M. Palmer, son of Eliphalet, is a graduate of Bates College and Harvard Medical School, and is now an eminent physician at Framingham, Mass. EARLY SETTLERS. 249 Granville H., son of Eliphalet, lives on the old Marlbry Palmer place. Children of Granville H. and Eliza D. (Delano) Palmer: Lewis E., b. December 18, 1881. Mary O., b. December 3, 1883. Enos PALMER. Enos Palmer, son of Nehemiah, and brother of Marlbry, was born in Scituate, Mass., May 8, 1778. He came to Litchfield soon after his brother, when a boy. May 17, 1806, he married Mary Babb, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Doughty) Babb, and lived until 1813, in a log house by the side of Shorey pond. He then moved to Gardiner, where he lived until his death. Mr. Palmer was a soldier in the War of 1812. He died Decem- ber 21, 1864. Mary, his wife, was born August 1, 1788, and died November 13, 1848. Her father, Joseph Babb, brother of Joshua, died when she was about two years old, and her mother, Elizabeth (Doughty) Babb, married Thomas Davis and lived and died in Litchfield. Mary, wife of Enos, had one sister, Lois Babb, b. 1786, who married, first, Ivory Spear; second, Rev. Samuel Knox. Died October 10, 1867. Children of Enos and Mary (Babb) Palmer: Lois, b. March 5, r808. Married Freeman Tibbitts, August 11, 1839. Lives in Gardiner. Julius, b. April 12, 1810. Killed accidentally by a falling tree, Febru- ary 5, 1833. Elmira, b. April 7, 1812. Married Cyrus Anne, November 26, 1835. Lived in Gardiner. _PARKER. Joseph Parker, son of Josiah and Elizabeth Parker, and the fourth generation from James and Elizabeth (Long) Parker, who were married in Groton, Mass., in 1645, was born in Groton, Mass., June 28, 1743. He married Abigail Page, born February 23, 1743, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Shed) Page, May 1, 1764. They lived in Groton until after 1770, when they moved to Maine. In September, 1774, Joseph built a log house near Purgatory, just across the road from where his son James afterwards lived and on the farm now owned by Charles Goodwin. 250 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. He marked, by blazed trees, about 200 acres for a farm. His family did not come into town until two or three years after- wards, but it will be seen that he was one of the earliest settlers. He lived and died in the log house in October, 1822. His wife died March 26, 1832. Children of Joseph and Abigail (Page) Parker: Maria, b. March 7, 1765. Died November 2, 1767. Joseph, b. November 109, 1766. Maria, b. October 6; 1768. Rebecca, married James Davis. Edmund, b. about 1775. Went West. Abigail, married Richard Davis. Enoch, b. February, 1781. Died June 1, 1805. Betsey, b. December 24, 1783. Married John Sawyer. Alice, b. July 10, 1785. Married Nicholas Pinkham. Hannah, b. July 10, 1785. Married Michael Tappan. James, b. January 6, 1787. Married Mary Maxcy. JAMES PARKER. James Parker, son of Joseph, lived on the old homestead. He built a frame house in 1822. The first religious meeting held in that part of the town was at his house. He moved to Ohio in 1835. Children of James and Mary (Maxcy) Parker: Julia, b. September 5, 1809. Died July 21, 1816. Eliza, b. August 5, 1812. David, b. November 13, 1814. Married Emeline Burgess, June, 1836. Mary, b. August 20, 1817. Died April 11, 1820. James, b. January 16, 1821. IsrAEL W. PARKER. Israel W. Parker, son of Joseph and Christianna (Woodbury) Parker, was born in Cape Elizabeth, December 30, 1811. He married Paulena Eaton of Brunswick, in Lisbon, July 5, 1845, and moved to Litchfield in the fall of 1847, upon the farm directly opposite the Elder Grant place. He died October 25, 1857. Mrs. Parker now lives on Oak Hill, on the Elder Frost place. Children of Israel W. and Paulena (Eaton) Parker: Winfield S., b. April 25, 1847. Died September 5, 1848. Eugene H., b. March 29, 1849. Died in Litchfield, September 21, 1893. EARLY SETTLERS. 251 Annie M., b. May 23, 1851. Married Amos B. Williams. Lives in Bath, Maine. : Charles W., b. September 4, 1853. Died December 15, 1874. Sarah E., b. February 8, 1858. Died November 8, 1863. PARKS. There was a William Parks who lived on the place now occu- pied by Charles B. Preble. He was in the clothing business, and afterwards moved to Skowhegan. He was born February 28, 1768, and married Polly Stone. Children: William H., b. September 7, 1796. Married Betsey Harriman, Febru- ary 21, 1821. Walden, b. 1798. Died young. George, b. 1800. Died young. Walden S., b. October 4, 1802. Married Isannah Ross. Went West. Matilda S., b. November 1, 1806. Married John J. Plummer, April, 1831. Lived in Monmouth, and later in Skowhegan. George, b. January 11, 1809. Married Ann Lamb of Calais, Me. John S., b. July 9, 1811. Died in 1831. Charles, b. June 11, 1814. Married Rachel Glass, April 19, 1842. WILLIAM H. Parks. William H. Parks, son of William, lived in Litchfield for a while, then moved to Aroostook county. Children of William and Betsey (Harriman) Parks: Albert H., b. July 17, 1822. Mary, b. August 17, 1824. William, b. October 2, 1826. Elizabeth, b. November 25, 1829. CHARLES PARKS. Charles Parks, son of William, lived for a while at Purgatory. He died in 1855. Rachel, his wife, died December 25, 1875. Children of Charles and Rachel (Glass) Parks: Mary A., b. May 5, 1843. Married John E. Leuzader. Emma J., b. March 5, 1845. Married Arthur Waldron, December, 1875. Lives in Auburn. Charles E., b. March 28, 1846. Lives in Mohtana. Lucy M., b. May 23, 1850. Married William Frost. Lives in Auburn. George, b. October 3, 1854. Lives in Florida. 252 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. PaRSONS. William Parsons, son of John and Rebecca (Lee) Parsons, was born in Phippsburg, June 10, 1787, and moved to Litch- field, near Hatch’s Corner, in January, 1820. He married Eliz- abeth Harris, April 9, 1811, who was born in Bath, August 16, 1793. He died July 31, 1871. His wife died August 16, 1840. Second wife, Olive Joyce. Children of William and Elizabeth (Harris) Parsons: Sarah H., b. December 31, 1811. Now lives in Richmond. Harris, b. March 25, 1814. Died in Havana. William, Jr., b. July 28, 1816. Married Mary A. Smith in Bath, July 9, 1837. Died February 5, 1886. John, b. June 8, 1819. Died at San Antonio, Texas. Rebecca A., b. February 13, 1822. Married Benjamin Goodwin, June 26, 1844. Lives in Boston. Jason, b. December 16, 1824. Died April 1, 1863. Elizabeth L., b. July 12, 1827. Married Obadiah Curtis, November 25, 1855. Lives in Richmond. Charlotte, b. October 11, 1829. Died May 12, 1854. Harriet, b. January 28, 1832. Married Aaron P. Bean, June, 1856. Died August 20, 1871, in Boston. Darius L., b. September 1, 1834. Died October 2, 1859. Mary S., b. December 2, 1836. Married Dr. George H., Wilson, December 13, 1857. Died June 16, 1889. PATTEN. Robert Patten came to Litchfield from Kennebunkport about 1790, and settled on the farm now occupied by Jesse Hatch. He married Polly Jack, daughter of Andrew Jack, May 1, 1793. Mr. Patten was born March 14, 1769, and died December 7, 1842. His wife was born January 22, 1773. Died September 16, 1857. Children of Robert and Polly (Jack) Patten: Andrew J., b. May 13, 1794. Went to Williamsburg, Ohio, and was teaching there in 1816. Married’ Mary Laughlin, March 28, 1821. He died in New Harmony, Ohio, February 25, 1872. Mary, his wife, died June 16, 1886, aged 84 years. Fannie, b. April 5, 1796. Married Robert Stinson. Seth, b. August 17, 1798. Died September 5, 1802. Robert, Jr., b. November 20, 1800. Married Sally Brown, October 30, Mary, b. April 17, 1803. Married Thomas Jack. 1823. Died in Gardiner, December 11, 1882. EARLY SETTLERS. 253 Samuel, b. August 5, 1806. Married Mary Jack of Lisbon in Novem- ber, 1830. Seth, b. October 4, 1809. Married; 1st, Bethiah Curtis; 2d, Jane Hall; 3d, Rebecca Stevens. Lived in Lisbon. John, b. January 22, 1815. Married Caroline Odiorne, March 21, 1841. RoBERT Patten, JR. Robert Patten, Jr., lived several years in Litchfield. He was chairman of the board of trustees at the institute and taught school. He afterwards moved to Gardiner. Children of Robert and Sally (Brown) Patten: Maranda A., b. March 7, 1829. Married, 1st, Samuel H. Toothaker, May 8, 1853; 2d, Henry Richardson; 3d, Edmund Davis. She died April 22, 1893. Mary E., b. June 14, 1823. Married Moulton Page. Lives in Law- rence, Mass. Capt. SAMUEL PATTEN. Capt. Samuel Patten, son of Robert, lived on the Patten homestead. He was prominent in town affairs. Capt. Samuel died January 22, 1891. Children of Samuel and Mary (Jack) Patten: Luella, b. September 20, 1832. Robert F., b. March 10, 1840. Married Almira H. Mitchell. Samuel O., b. April 13, 1845. Married H. Floretta Buker. Capt. JOHN PATTEN. Capt. John Patten, son of Robert, lived on a portion of the home place, now occupied by John Purrington, Esq. He died January 2, 1894. Children of John and Caroline (Odiorne) Patten: Mary E., b. October 14, 1843. Married John Purrington. PAUL. William Paul, born in Saco, Me., October 17, 1784, was the son of William and Esther Paul. He came to Litchfield in 1804, to learn the carpenter’s trade with William Tapley, and married Rhoda Smith, daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Shurtleff) Smith, January 22, 1807. He moved to Ohio in 1816, but returned to Litchfield, then moved to Wiscasset. He died May 2, 1851. His wife died May 3, 1848. 254 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children: Esther, b. October 23, 1808. Married, 1st, James Plumer; ad, George W. Greeley. Died September 6, 1860. Stephen, b. 1810. Died April 3, 1814. Hannah, b. March 22, 1812. Married Lewis Wells. Died in Augusta, September 27, 1836. Benjamin S., b. January 2, 1815. Died October 5, 1836. William, Jr., b. March 31, 1817. Died July 18, 1818. Susan S., b. May 30, 1819. Married Dr. Sherburne W. Elliott. Died in Dover, Me., September 12, 1857. Hepzibah S., b. October 26, 1821. Married Dr. Langdon Gilmore. Lived in Gardiner, Me. Died February, 1851. Thomas S., b. October 31, 1824. Married Martha A. Russell. Lives in Farmingdale. Eliza C., b. October 31, 1827. Married Gideon C. McCausland. Lived in Hallowell. Died December 24, 1882. PERKINS. Josiah Perkins was born in Sanford, Me., March 3, 1785, and married, in Waterboro, September 15, 1806, Mary Ricker, who was born April 19, 1771. They lived in Moultonboro, N. H., and Topsham, Me., until 1830, when they moved to Litchfield, Me:, and bought the Capt. Jewell place, now owned by S. G. Nutting. Mary, his wife, died September 6, 1861. Josiah afterwards married Sarah Scribner, May 27, 1862. She died May 26, 1863, aged 78 years. He died in 1874. Children of Josiah and Mary (Ricker) Perkins: Joan, b. March 22, 1808. Died May to, 1816. Edward S., b. April 7, 1810. Married Lucy Ann Farrar of Webster, in January, 1835. Nancy, b. May 29, 1812. Died, 1823. Betsey, b. November 1, 1814. Died January, 20, 1820. Edward S., son of Josiah, lived with his father until 1856, when he moved to Lewiston, where he died in 1882. His wife, Lucy Ann, died in Waterville in 1887. Children of Edward S. and Nancy Ann (Farrar) Perkins: Josiah W., b. March 29, 1836. Married Lydia M. Chipman. Lives in Gorham, N. H. Nancy, b. August 20, 1839. Married, ist, Sydney S. Wright of Dur- ham; 2d, C. C. Spear of Wayne. Lives in Bangor. Eldora L., b. June 9, 1845. Died January 2, 1862, in Lewiston. Mary J., b. April 23, 1850. Died in York, Me., January 9, 1880. She married, in 1872, Dr. W. L. Hawkes. EARLY SETTLERS. 255 Samuel S., b. September 8, 1853. Married Cora A. Babcock. Lives in Lewiston. Harriet W., b. June 21, 1855. Married George C. Judkins. Lives in Lewiston. PERRY. David Perry, son of Jonathan and Margaret (Malcolm) Perry, was born in Topsham, December 22, 1762. He settled first in Litchfield, near Robinson’s Corner, where all of his children were born and afterwards moved to Richmond. He married Margaret (Owen) Wilson, September 24, 1789. He died December 18, 1844. His wife died August 4, 1840. Children: Margaret, b. September 12, 1790. Married David Buker. Gideon, b. May 12, 1793. Married Eliza W. Farrin. Sarah, b. February 17, 1795. Married, 1st, Joseph Crawford; 2d, Nathaniel Hutchins. . Lucinda, b. December 5, 1797. Married, ist, William Webber; 2d, .Jabez Robinson. Otis, b. August 5, 1800. Died in 1823. David, b. June 17, 1803. Married, rst, Martha Robinson; 2d, Marcia K. Stinson. Harriet, b. November 28, 1805. Died June 15, 1807. Otis PERRY. Otis Perry came to Litchfield from Springfield, Mass., about 1806, and lived on the place now occupied by Mr. Blanchard. He married Polly Magoon and died January 19, 1877, aged 83 years and 4 months. Children of Otis and Polly (Magoon) Perry: Cyrus, b. November 15, 1817. Died January 30, 1862. John O., b. June 15, 1819. George, b. January 12, 1822. Died January 23, 1823. Mary E., b. March 31, 1824. Died in 1831. Brittianna, b. September 26, 1826. Died in 1840. Clarinda, b. January 30, 1829. Died September 5, 1848. Susan, b. July 7, 1831. Married B. F. Perkins. Lives in Bristol, N. H. Judith W., b. February 8, 1834. Married Charles S. Green, June 19, 1864. Lives in West Gardiner. Joseph L., b. December 21, 1837. Married, 1st, Jennie Grimes; 2d, Mrs. Mary J. Bachelor, March 6, 1869; 3d, Mrs. Charlotte Butters, October 2, 1880. ; George S., b. September 5, 1842. Married Ellen Fogg. Lives at Castle Rock, Minn. 256 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. DANIEL W. PERRY. Daniel W. Perry, son of John and Janet (Winchell) Perry, was born in Topsham, June 8, 1802. He married Lucy Jack of Litchfield, October 2, 1834. They lived near the Plains. He died January 21, 1878. She died October 15, 1871, aged 66 years. Children: John, b. August 29, 1837. Died in army, February 17, 1864. * Mary E., b. October 18, 1839. Married M. S. H. Rogers, December 12, 1858. ' Joseph J., b. June 21, 1841. Married Mary E. Jackson. Lucy Jane, b. September 4, 1842. Married Levi Harriman, May 16, 1864. Died May 7, 1877. Daniel W., b. April 29, 1844. Married Luella C. Smith. Lives in Monmouth, Me. \ CONVERSE LILLy PERRY. Converse Lilly Perry, b. October 12, 1812, was the son of John and Janet (Winchell) Perry. He married Corinda Robin- son, December 25, 1840. They lived in Litchfield a few years and then moved to Augusta. He died August 24, 1896. Their only child born in Litchfield was William Orator, b. April 21, 1842. PICKARD. Thomas Pickard came from Ipswich to Litchfield with his wife’s father, Lieut. James Lord, and lived on place now owned by Frank Chick. He married Lucy Lord in Ipswich, Mass., in 1787. He moved to Alna, Me., in 1820, where he died. Children of Samuel and Lucy (Lord) Pickard: David, b. March 3, 1797. Died March 13, 1800. Elizabeth, b. July 3, 1799. Died March 24, 1800. Daniel S., b. March 21, 1801. Married. Lived in Alexandria, Ind. Joseph, b. September 30, 1803. Married Eliza B. Weymouth, Decem- ber 25, 1831. Lived in Alna. Died December 25, 1871. David. Lived at Sandy River. / James, lived in Indiana. Lucy, died in Dexter. John, b. February 29, 1808. Died in South Carolina, when a young man. W. A. PIDGIN. EARLY SETTLERS. 257 PIDGIN. Dr. Joseph Noyes Pidgin, son of Rev. Wm. and Judith (Noyes) Pidgin, was born March 4, 1808, in Hampton, N. H. He graduated from Maine Medical School at Brunswick in 1831, and came immediately afterwards to Litchfield where he built up a large practice and became actively engaged in many business enterprises. Dr. Pidgin was elected to the Maine legislature in 1836 and died of fever November 28th of the same year, without having taken his seat. He married in 1831, Diantha J. A. Rawson, daughter of Abner Rawson of Paris, Me. They had two children born to them. Children: William A., b. March 25, 1833. Married Martha P. Little of Augusta, daughter of Thomas Little. Abba Jane, b. May 3, 1835. Died April 28, 1848. Mrs. Pidgin died August 27, 1848. Father, mother and daughter all rest in the cemetery at South Litchfield. The son, W. A. Pidgin, has occupied the position of business manager of the Lewiston Journal for many years and is highly respected. Rev. Wm. Pidgin, father of Dr. Joseph, lived at Purgatory for a short time and was president of first temperance society in Litchfield. He afterwards moved to Portland, where he died February 8, 1848. PIERCE. James Pierce was one of the earliest settlers, being in town before 1790. His name is found on petitions, ‘signed i in 1793, and he was on the tax list of the plantation of Smithfield in same year. He lived on land adjoining Woodman Watson. The Baptist church was organized in his house July 19, 1798. He was ordained to preach August 25, 1810, and preached for many years in Wales and Monmouth. He married Polly Blaisdell. PIKE. Dr. Jesse Pike was born in Sturbridge, Mass., June 28, 1775, and died in Litchfield, January 23, 1832. He was the son of Joseph and Mary (Howard) Pike, and a descendant of John Pike a native of Nuttersfield, Eng., who came to Plymouth 17 258 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. colony in 1635 and located near Boston. Dr. Pike settled in Litchfield in 1802 and was a successful physician. He and fifteen other physicians in our State, of well known ability, were honored, January 14, 1824, by being chosen members of the Maine Medical Society and receiving honorary diplomas for the same. He married, first Sarah True, November 29, 1804, who died November 19, 1819; and second, Clarissa Sawyer, Febru- ary 24, 1822, who died September 5, 1885. Of his sons, Eben- ezer B., represented Litchfield twice in the legislature and was the inventor of the first horse-power tread-wheel threshing machine. This patent was issued in 1827, and was signed by J. Q. Adams, President; Henry Clay, Secretary of State. Daniel T. was a well known editor, and John B. has been a member of the legislature three times from Topsfield, Wash- ington county, and for many years prior to his decease was a prominent citizen of Gardiner. Children. of Dr. Jesse and Sarah (True) Pike: Ebenezer B., b. June 2, 1806. Died May 8, 1890, in Lincoln. Amy Turner, b. April 14, 1808. Died May 6, 1866. Laura Maria, b. March 16, 1810. Died August 5,181 I. Harrison Newell, b. January 27, 1812. Died December 21, 1836. Daniel True, b. March 28, 1814. Married Climena M. Parlin. Died in Augusta, Me., September 4, 1893. Nathaniel Marston, b. March 30, 1817. Married, ist, Caroline M. Altman; 2d, Lizzie S. Hite. Lives in Ohio. Caroline Howard, b. February 16, 1819. Married Rev. Eliab Coy, October 27, 1858. Died May 30, 1872. Children by second wife, Clarissa Sawyer: John Barton, b. December 5, 1822. Married Parthenia T. Foster, March 21, 1846. Died January 16, 1896, in Gardiner, Maine. Harriet Augusta, b. July 9, 1824. Died September 13, 1887. Mary Knowlton, b. June 23, 1826. Married Daniel Day. Lived in New York City; now lives in Gardiner, Me. Daniel Day died in Litch- field, June 14, 1872. Clarissa Ann, b. December 31, 1828. Married Abraham Batchelor. Lives in Lowell, Mass. : Children of John B. and Parthenia (Foster) Pike, born in Litchfield: Mary Augusta, b. January 12, 1847. Married Hosea Danforth. Lives in Gardiner. } Clara Ada, b. 1850. Died when young. Harrison Newell Pike was a very brilliant young man and was at work in the Gospel Banner Office when he died. EARLY SETTLERS. 259 Nathaniel M. Pike is the only son living. He resides in Green- field, Ohio. PINKHAM. Nicholas Pinkham, son of Nicholas Pinkham, was born in Durham, Me., and came to Litchfield about 1804. He married Alice Parker and lived on the Neck. He died June 8, 1847, aged 66. She died April 8, 1866. Children: Hannah, b. July 10, 1806. Died February 18, 1883. Andrew, b. July 12, 1809. Married Miriam Wadsworth. He died March 9, 1884. Lemuel, b. March 1, 1811. Married Asenath Nason, December 15, 1839. He died November 19, I8oI. Israel, b. December 27, 1813. Married Almira Merrill. He died September 20, 1880. Thomas J., b. July 5, 1816. Married, 1st, Sarah Stewart; 2d, Betsey Rollins. Died February 12, 1893. Rachel, b. January 10, 1819. Married Richard Hopkins. Died in Hartland, February 14, 1881. Noah, b. April 29, 1820. Married Eunice B. Farr. Phebe B., b. November 22, 1824. Died February 13, 1842. Jeremiah, H., b. May 2, 1828. Married Nancy Yeaton. He died July 8, 1893. Charles V., b. June 9, 1832. Married Ann Nason. Died June 25,1885, in Chesterville, Maine. ANDREW PINKHAM. Andrew, son of Nicholas, lived on the Neck. Died March 8, 1884. ’ Children of Andrew and Miriam (Wadsworth) Pinkham: Eunice W., b. December 4, 1832. Married Moses Winslow. Lives in Fairfield. William A., b. June 12, 1834. Married, 1st, Laura Littlefield; 2d, Luella Collins. Lived in Farmingdale. Died January, 1890. Daniel W., b. April 6, 1836. Married Abbie Wadsworth. Lived in Washington. Died in 1895. Nancy M., married William Winslow of St. Albans. Olney T., b. August 13, 1842. Died January 25, 1892. Thomas Albion, b. December 16, 1844. Married Anstis Bosworth. Lives in Winthrop. Moses W., b. August 18, 1852. Married Esther Mears. Lives in West Gardiner. Died May 18, 1897. 260 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. LEMUEL PINKHAM. Lemuel Pinkham, son of Nicholas, lived on the Neck. He died November 19, 1891. Asenath, his wife, September 20, 1891, aged 74 years, 5 months. Children of Lemuel and Asenath (Nason) Pinkham: Alice Jane, b. October 27, 1840. Married O. B. Merrow, October 20, 1867. Lives in Auburn, Me. : Sanford L., b. March 6, 1843. Died in the army, June 8, 1863. Almon M., b. December 22, 1846. Died May 13; 1877. Mary Ellen, b. January 3, 1851. Married, 1st, George W. Hutchin- son, October 6, 1869; 2d, Joel F. Lincoln, June 21, 1887. Everett N., b. April 9, 1852. Married Lizzie N. Woodbury, Septem- ber 30, 1872. Clara H., b. January 22,°1855. Married George D. Haven, October 22, 1879. Lives in Somerville, Mass. John, b. August 17, 1859. Married Lettie Thompson, September 11, 1883. Frank M., b. January 11, 1863. Died January 15, 1865. Everett N. Pinkham, son of Lemuel, lives at South Litchfield and is a prominent farmer. Children of Everett N. and Lizzie N. (Woodbury) Pinkham: Roscoe E., b. October 1, 1875. Henry Liston b. September 12, 1878. IsRAEL PINKHAM. Children of Israel, son of Nicholas, and Almira (Merrill) Pinkham: Nahum M., b. April 2, 1837. Married, 1st, Lucy Winter; 2d, Mary Hodgdon. Lived in West Gardiner. Patience E., b. January 25, 1839. Married Charles E. Pinkham. Lives in Chesterville. Samuel M., b. July 11, 1847. Married, 1st, Lydia Pease; 2d, Jennie Thompson, February 9, 1895. THOMAS PINKHAM. Children of Thomas, son of Nicholas, and Sarah (Stewart) Pinkham: Joseph S. By second wife, Betsey Rollins: Charles T. Noa PINKHAM. Noah Pinkham, son of Nicholas, lived in town several years and then moved to Winthrop. EARLY SETTLERS. 261 Children of Noah and Eunice B. (Farr) Pinkham: Allen Wing, b. February 14. 1849. Married Phebe Ann Johnston, lives Vassalboro. Adah Christiana b. May 109, 1853. Lives in Winthrop. Herbert E., b. September 30, 1863. Ellen, b. November 8, 1866. PLIMPTON. Elias Plimpton came to Litchfield from Walpole, Mass., in 1820, and established the hoe and fork manufactory which is now known as E. Plimpton & Sons’ Manufactory. The busi- ness is now carried on by his sons, A. W. and George Plimpton. Dr. Albert F., another son, was one of the leading physicians in Gardiner, Me., until his decease in 1892. Elias was born November 12, 1794; married Nancy Billings, July 16, 1820; died October 9, 1886. Nancy, his wife, born March 25, 1795; died October 15, 1885. Children of Elias and Nancy (Billings) Plimpton: Elias H., b. August 9, 1822. Died December 20, 1826. Asa W., b. November 7, 1825. Married, 1st, Harriet E. Fuller, November 9, 1854; 2d, Abbie Gilman, March 2, 1889. George, b. May 7, 1828. Married Orissa F. Foss of Wayne, Novem- ber 3, 1857. Albert F., b. May 5, 1832. Married Carlista Colby, May 26, 1865. Was a physician in Gardiner. Died August 10, 1892. Nancy Maria, b. December 29, 1835. Asa W. PLIMPTON. Asa W., is a prominent citizen of the town and the head of the firm of E. Plimpton & Sons. His wife, Harriet E., died October 4, 1884, aged 47 years, 5 months. Children of Asa W. and Harriet E. (Fuller) Plimpton: Annie E., b. April 21, 1856. Died February 5, 1857. Warren O., b. July 23, 1858. Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and is now lecturing on surgery in the University and Post Graduates College of Medicine in New York City. Was graduated from Bowdoin, class 1882. He married Hattie Stevens, September 23, 1840, and has one daughter. GEORGE PLIMPTON. Children of George and Orissa F. (Foss) Plimpton: Fanny O., b. November 10, 1859. Married William O. Braley, Janu- ary 1, 1845. Lives in Lewiston. G. Elias, b. July 19, 1869. ‘Married Alice Bradstreet, September 30, 1890. 262 TOWN ‘OF LITCHFIELD. Children of G. Elias and Alice (Bradstreet) Plimpton: Mattie O., b. September 14, 1891. PLUMMER. John Plummer was born in Warner, N. H., April 1, 1777. His father was killed in the Revolutionary War. He came to Litchfield when he was 16 years of age. In October, 1800, he married Rebecca Johnson, daughter of Capt. Adam Johnson. He lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Mon- mouth. Rebecca, his wife, died April 24, 1837. Children: John J., b. June 21, 1801. Married Matilda Parks. Lives in Skow- hegan. Judith, b. May 11, 1803. Died in 1831. Unmarried. Jabez, b. October 29, 1805. Married Abigail Powers. Died October 9, 1887. Julius M., b. April 26, 1807. Joseph H., b. April 9, 1810. Married Hannah Hildreth, July 12, 1835. Mary, b. March 25, 1812. Married Aaron Spear, August 6, 1835. William J., b. May 18, 1814. Married Hannah Partridge of Gardiner. Diana, b. April, 1816. Married Shepard Pease. Jedediah P., b. 1820. Married ist, Sophia Spear; 2d, Frances Benner. Lives in Medway, Mass. Alden, b. August, 1822. Married Mary Hill. Lived in Boston. Died 1890. Rebecca, b. October, 1824. Married Joseph L. Spear. Lives in Manchester, Me. POTTER. David Potter, son of Samuel and Joanna (Woods) Potter, and grandson of Anthony and Elizabeth (Whipple) Potter, was born in Ipswich, Mass., March 27, 1685. Anthony who was born in England in 1628 came to Ipswich in 1648. David Pot- ter married Mary Merriam of Lynn and came to Topsham with his three sons, William, James and Alexander, in 1738. Wil- liam, the oldest son, was killed by the Indians in 1747, near where Brunswick now is. James Potter, the ancestor of most of the Potters who lived in Litchfield, married Margaret Dun- lap and settled in Topsham. He came to Litchfield with his sons in 1782. Children of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter: William, b. August 17, 1751. Married Lucy Allen, November 15, 1778. EARLY SETTLERS. 263 Joseph, married Eunice ; Samuel, b. 1754. Married Elizabeth Dunlap, April 21, 1778. James, married Jennie Mallett, April 8, 1784. John, married Jennie —. Hugh, b. 1763. Married Mary Bailey. He died October 6, 1841. She died May 28, 1842, aged 71 years. Andrew, b. March 10, 1767. Married Martha Bailey. Christiana, married Ebenezer Dunlap, January 6, 1777. Elizabeth, married James Dunlap, November 25, 1782. Jane, married Nathaniel Marston, April, 1787. WILLIAM POTTER. William, son of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter, came to Litchfield in 1782 and located at Pottertown. He was an active, enterprising business man and did much to build up that portion of the town. He built the first sawmill in town in 1789. A few years later a gristmill, and was the first person in town to use a plow. It was built entirely of wood. He died August 9, 1829. He married Lucy Allen in Topsham, Me., Novem- ber 15,1778. She was born May 1, 1755. Children of William and Lucy (Allen) Potter: John, b. August 15, 1779. Married Abigail Springer, January 14, 1802. William, b. February 2, 1781. Married Hannah Springer, December 5, 1807. Jeremiah, b. February 16, 1783. Married, ist Annie Springer, Sep- tember 16, 1805; 2d, Polly Springer, December 7, 1834. Dorcas, b. January 4, 1785. Died February 11, 1792. Hugh, b. February 6, 1787. Died June 4, 1822. Lucy, b. March 15, 1789. Was drowned, November 10, 1807. Isaac, b. March 17, 1791. Died February 5, 1797. Allen, b. October 6, 1793. Was in War of 1812. Lived down East. Amos, b. November 19, 1795. Married, 1st, Hannah Clark; 2d, Mrs. Mary Wyman, May 23. 1858. Sarah, b. February 11, 1798. Died March 3, 1798. Joun Porter. John, son of William and Lucy (Allen) Potter, lived near his father at Pottertown, then moved to Oak Hill. He died May 15, 1858. Abagail died April 9, 1851. Children of John and Abigail (Springer) Potter: Amy S., b. October 14, 1802. Married Joseph Mitchell, 1826. Died in Gardiner, July 17, 1872. ; 264 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Dorcas, b. December 30, 1803. Died November 18, 1889. James S., b. September 7, 1806. Went out West. Samuel B., b. October 6, 1807. Died January 16, 1876. Sarah Ann, b. May 25. 1818. Married John Flagg. Lives in Bow- doin, Me. WILtiaM Potter, JR. William Potter, Jr., son of William and Lucy (Allen) Potter, lived several years at the Plains, then moved to Gardiner. He was a wheelwright by trade. He died October 30, 1842. Han- nah died October 19, 1845, aged 60 years, 6 months. Children of William and Hannah (Springer) Potter: Lucy, b. May 14, 1809. Married, 1st, Samuel Beals; 2d, Gilman. Joan, b. May 20, 1811. Died October 28, 1845. Eliza, b. February 10, 1814. Unmarried. Ashforlain, b. August 17, 1821. Married Eben Longfellow. Lived in Chelsea. Converse, died at sea. William, went to Virginia, and died there. JEREMIAH POTTER. Jeremiah Potter, son of William, Sen. and Lucy (Allen) Pot- ter, was one of the most enterprising men in town. He carried on the saw and grist mills at the Plains, and also built a large number of houses in that vicinity and accumulated what was quite a fortune for those times. He-died January 5, 1838. Children of Jeremiah and Annie (Springer) Potter: Hannah S., b. August 5, 1806. Married Joshua Walker, December 24, 1829. Jeremiah, b. July 25, 1808. Married Elizabeth Jewell. Edward, b. August 11, 1810. Went to Ohio. Married Maria L. Beebe. Mary Ann, b. May 10, 1813. Married Jesse Stinson, June 5, 1838. Lived in Bangor. Benjamin, b. 1815. Married Miranda Thurlow. He died January, 1846. Syrene, b. December 5, 1817. Married Eben O. Laughton, in July, 1836. Lives in New Bedford, Mass. Philena, b. June 5, 1824. Married George Weeks. Lives in Carson, Towa. Isaac, b. May, 1821. Died November 14, 1842. Jeremiah Potter, Jr., lived near the Plains, then moved to Oak Hill. He died September 20, 1886. Elizabeth, his wife, died May 7, 1876, aged 65 years, 8 months. AMOS HENRY POTTER. AMOS HENRY POTTER. Amos Henry Potter was born at Litchfield in 1836, was the youngest son of Amos and Hannah Clark Potter, and a grandson of William Potter who in the early history of the town was one of the most active business men, with his two sons Amos and Jeremiah did an extensive business in milling and trade at the little village named for them “Pottertown” by which localism it is still known. Henry Potter grew up on the farm where his grandfather and father had lived. He was very early inured to hard work and set to important tasks; when a mere boy was entrusted with his father's horse teams, making long trips to surrounding towns in the prosecution of the trucking business in which his father was at that time engaged. In this hard experience he laid the foundation of his later success. His opportunities for securing an education were limited to the district school winters, at the old “Cook schoolhouse.” He was naturally quick to learn, especially mathematics. He continued to work on the farm and with the horse teams of his father until he was about twenty years of age, when he went West and secured a good position in the lumber business, but learning of the illness of his mother and that she had expressed a desire to see him, he at once threw up his position and hastened to her bedside and remained with her until her death. In 1859 he married Adelia E. Gowell of Litchfield, continued farming and teaming until 1868, when he went to Gardiner and began the trucking business in that city where he became well known as a man of great industry, persistent energy and absolute integrity, and this reputation was valuable when, by misfortune, his little capital was swept away, business men were glad to supply all the money he needed upon his personal promise, and he finally won in the contest for success. In 1885 he purchased the entire interest of the Citizens’ Coal Company and added the coal busi- ness to his other enterprises. In 1890 he purchased the brick business of William Morrill which he continued in connection with his other business until his death, March 15, 1897. His widow and their three sons survive him. The two older sons, Alphonso H. and Frederick E., are now managing successfully the varied interests in which their father was actively engaged at the time of his decease. The youngest son, George E., has for some years been in the employ of the firm of Bartlett and Dennis in Gardiner. Mr. Potter was a typical New Englander, possessed of great natural ability, a keen, discriminating, logical mind. He had great executive capacity, he was possessed of excellent judgment, he had an acute sense of right and wrong, he loved justice and hated injustice. He was a man of great force and tenacity of purpose; yet one of the kindest and most sympathetic of friends whose heart and hand were never closed to the poor or suffering. He died suddenly, highly esteemed by all who knew him, as a successful business manager, a true friend and one of nature's noblemen. EARLY SETTLERS. 26 5 Children of Jeremiah, Jr., and Elizabeth (Jewell) Potter: Esther Ann, b. September 19, 1832. Married Eben Morrell. Gould J., b. April 28, 1836. Married Elizabeth Varney. Died in 1861. Albert W., b. August 5, 1840. Married, ist, Clara Gamage; 2d, Laura Clark. Was a member of 29th Maine Regiment. Lived in Lew- iston. Died at Litchfield, October 23, 1880. Edward H., b. July 1, 1848. Died October 21, 1869. Elizabeth F., b. November 28, 1850. Married Gilman Rose. Died November 4, 1882. Benjamin Potter, son of Jeremiah, lived at the Plains. Children of Benjamin and Miranda (Thurlow) Potter: Marcella, b. April 6, 1844. Married F. W. Harraden. She died December, 1875. Benjamin Franklin, b. April 10, 1846. Died July 22, 1848. Amos Potter. Amos Potter, son of William and Lucy (Allen) Potter, like his brother, Jeremiah, was enterprising and stirring. He carried on milling business for many years. He died January 20, 1870. Hannah, his wife, died October 4, 1857. Children of Amos and Hannah (Clark) Potter: William C., b. February 25, 1817. Married Lucinda Preble, June 7, 1858. Died March 4, 1868. David, b. October 27, 1819. Married, Ist, Hannah Jordan; 2d, * Rebecca (Spear) Tibbetts; 3d, Susan (Douglass) Thompson. He died September 5, 1888. Catherine, b. August 12, 1821. Married Herbert McKenney. Amos, died June 27, 1827, aged 18 months. Arabine, b. March 5. 1830. Married David McFadden. Amos H., b. May 26, 1836. Married Adelia E. Gowell, March 22, 1860. William C. Potter succeeded to the business of his father, Amos Potter, and continued it until his death, March 4, 1868. Lucinda, his wife, died January 11, 1894. Children of William C. and Lucinda (Preble) Potter: William H., b. July 24, 1859. Hiram W., b. May 20, 1861. Lives in Gardiner. Amos H. Potter, son of Amos, engaged in the milling busi- ness at Pottertown until about 1870, when he moved to Gar- diner where he was actively engaged in business enterprises until his death, March 15, 1897. 266 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Amos H. and Adelia E. (Gowell) Potter: Alphonzo H., b. May 15, 1862. Married Nancy Ripley. Frederick E., b. December 25, 1864. Married Ada Gertrude Gardiner. George Elmer, b. April 8, 1867. Joun Porter. John Potter, son of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter, came to Litchfield with his brothers in 1782. He settled near the fair grounds at the Plains. He died February 9, 1814. Children of John and Jennie Potter: James, b. November 21, 1786. Peggie, b. January 21, 1789.~ Married John Harris. Died July 5, 1832. Reuben, b. August 1, 1792. Married, 1st, Martha Arno; 2d, Martha Harris. Susanna, b. March 31, 1794. Married John Harris. Jennie, b. August 22, 1796. Married ————— Bowden. John, was drowned July 2, 1833. Reuben Potter, son of John, lived on his father’s farm where George A. Bosworth now lives. He died September 11, 1864. Martha died October 1, 1864. Children of Reuben and Martha (Arno) Potter: John, b. May 5, 1828. ‘ , Daniel, b. March 5, 1830. Married Sophronia E. Gray. Lived in Monmouth. * Susan, b. January 23, 1834. Married Woodman Gray. Lives in Wisconsin. Hannah, b. October 16, 1836. Maria, b. April 8, 1839. Silva, married John Getchell, January 30, 1864, late of Baan ‘ t SAMUEL POTTER. Samuel Potter, son of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In 1782 he came from Topsham, and took up the farm joining David Springer’s farm on the north where Mr. Gilpatrick now lives. He was a hard working, energetic man and soon had a fine farm. He was killed June 25, 1801, by a falling tree, aged 47 years. Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Dunlap) Potter: David, b. May 29, 1780. Married Adah Witherell. Thomas, b. March 24, 1782. Married Sally Poter, June 19, 1806. Lived in Easton, Me. EARLY SETTLERS. 267 Margaret B., b. April 2, 1784. Married Samuel Gatchell. Samuel, b. September 22, 1786. Married, 1st, Fannie Dunlap, August 1, 1805; 2d, Eliza Dunlap. Robert, b. March 22, 1788. Married, 1st, Mehitable Watson; 2d Betsey Dunlap, in 1821. Alexander, b. May 11, 1791. Married Hannah Potter, June 8, 1809. Moved to Lee. Noah, b. May 10, 1793. Died in Litchfield. Charles, b. January 18, 1795. Died in West Gardiner. Betsey, b. May 16, 1798. Married Samuel Hewey. Lived in Lewis- ton, Me. ’ Davip Porrer. David Potter, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Dunlap) Potter, carried on his father’s farm after his death. In 1804 he built a large two story frame house on the place. He died July 31, 1836. Ada, his wife, died June 11, 1867, aged 81 years. In 1841 the farm was sold to Isaac Randall who cut out the lower story of the house and let the upper story down as it stands to-day. Children of David and Adah (Witherell) Potter: Isaac, b. August 27, 1807. Married Julia A. Huntington in 1835. Lived in Bradford, Me. Died November 22, 1889. James Witherell, b. May 3, 1809. Married Sarah Nash, March 28, 1834. Went to California. Sophia, b. March 18, 1811. Died May 11, 1868. Josiah Mitchell, b. December 15, 1812. Married Betsey Dearborn, October 20, 1836. Lived in Augusta. Died March 24, 1890. Mary Gerrish, b. February 10, 1815. Married Elbridge G. Hall, September 27, 1840. Died in Monmouth, March 30, 1805. Adah Witherell, b. July 7, 1816. Married Charles H. Woods. Lived in Holliston, Mass. David Henry, b. March 28, 1818. Married Eliza Nute, Candia, N. H. Died there April 28, 1885. Martha Ann, b. November 5, 1819. Died in Cambridgeport, Mass., November 28, 1876. Samuel A., b. March 2, 1822. Went to California in 1850, then to Australia and New Zealand. John C., b. September 15, 1823. Married Augusta Whitney. Lived in Cambridgeport, Mass. Died November 23, 1876. Julia Octavia, b. June 16, 1825. Married Barzilla Walker, November 21, 1854. Lived in Monmouth, Me. Died 1897. Elmira Jane, b. April 29, 1827. Married George W. Huntington. Lives in California. Olive Syrene, b. May 29, 1829. Married John O. Kinsman. Lived in Cambridgeport. Vesta Annette, b. May 29, 1829. Married Dana Huckins. . Lived in Hampton, N. H. 268 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. SAMUEL POTTER. Samuel Potter, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Dunlap) Potter, lived for a while near his brother David, but sold to Samuel Hyde and then moved to Wales. He died December 17, 1868. Children of Samuel and Fannie (Dunlap) Potter: Elijah, b. November 28, 1805. Married Paulina (Gray) Pierce of Wales. Moved to California. Eleanor, b. January 21, 1807. Married Isaac Ham. Lived in Wales. Esther, b. March 1, 1811. Married Elbridge Dixson. Lived in Wales. George, b. May 8, 1813. Married Ann Brookings. Lived in Gar- diner. Emeline J., b. December 29, 1815. Married Enoch Taylor. Lived in Wales. Margaret B., b. October 16, 1817. Lives in Lowell, Mass. Charles Hyde, b. October 9, 1819. Married Hester Ann Fayban. Lived in Monmouth. Died November 4, 1891. William Henry, b. April 22, 1825. Married Mary E. Graves. Lived in Monmouth. Died March 28, 1889. Samuel B., b. 1827. Died April 26, 1850. Dennis, b. 1830. Moved to Aroostook county. Rovert POTTER. Robert Potter, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Dunlap) Potter, lived near Oak Hill, and died there May 14, 1858. Children of Robert and Mehitable (Watson) Potter: Mary A., b. May 7, 1811. Married A. J. Farnsworth. Lived in Mas- sachusetts. : Elizabeth, b. April 6, 1813. Married George W. Hardy. Lived in Massachusetts. Otis, b. February 17, 1816. Married Rosanna Mason. Lived in Har- rison, Me. Died in the army, 186s. James, b. April 2, 1818. Married Rosilla Mason. Lived in Harrison, Maine. Robert, Jr., b. August 3, 1820. Went to California in 1840. Children by second wife, Betsey Dunlap: Mehitable, b. September 4, 1821. Married Nathaniel Hawkes. Lived in Topsham, Me. Died 1806. John, b. January 13, 1823. Died in Litchfield. Susan, b. January 3, 1825. Married, 1st, Samuel McIntyre; 2d, Elijah Galusha. Sophronia, b. March 3, 1830. Married Henry Johnson. Lives in South Gardiner. : Emily Jane, b. May 30, 1832, Married Isaiah Moody. Lives in Brunswick, Me. EARLY SETTLERS. 209 ALEXANDER POTTER. Alexander Potter, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Dunlap) Potter, lived near his brothers for several years, and then moved to Lee, Me. Hannah, wife of Alexander, died April 7, 1859. Children of Alexander and Hannah (Potter) Potter: Sarah, b. February.7, 1809. Married Henry Dow. Lived mm Lee, Maine. Samuel, b. January 11, 1811. Married Mary Danbert. Lived in Lee, Maine. James S., b. October 10, 1813. Married Mehitable Crosman.. Lived in Lee, Me. Oliver, b. October 16, 1814. Died April 7, 18509. Marshall, b. 1817. Married Catherine Blake. Lived in Lee. Died May 18, 1864. Benjamin Shephard, b. April 9, 1819. Married Ann M. Downey. Lived in Lee, Me. Alexander, Jr., b. 1821. Lived in Lee. Died April 7, 1859. John W., b. 1824. Married Catherine Blake. Lives in Lee. JosePpH Potter. Joseph, son of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter, lived in Litchfield, beyond the Corner adjoining Jabez Robinson, and moved to Williamsburg, Ohio, in 1816. ‘ Children of Joseph and Eunice Potter: Joseph, b. July 1, 1793. Bettie, b. April 12, 1795. Davis, b. September 7, 1798. John, b. September 15, 1801. Samuel, b. September 28, 1804. Hucu Porter. Hugh Potter was born in Topsham, Me., in 1763, son of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter. He married Mary Bailey, and came to Litchfield with his father in 1782, and lived there until 1808, when he moved to New Gloucester. He returned from there in January, 1817, and moved upon the farm now occupied by Dr. Small in West Gardiner. He died there October 6, 1841, aged 78 years. Mary, his wife, died May 28, 1842, aged 71 years. 270 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Hugh and Mary (Bailey) Potter: Bailey, b. December 18, 1788. Married Esther Davis, March 2, 1820. Lived about 4 years in Litchfield, and then moved to West Gardiner, where he died April 9, 1849. Esther, his wife, died September 4. 1847. His farm is now owned by John A. Spear. , Hugh, b. May 20, 1790. Married, 1st, Dolly Spear, December 20, 1819; 2d, Hannah (Spear) Neal, March 109, 1837. Lived and died on farm now owned by C. S. Green, in West Gardiner, May 17, 1837. Simeon, b. April 6, 1792. Married Betsey Taylor. Died January 23, 1830, in West Gardiner. i Mary, b. March 20, 1794. Married John Spear. Died in West Gar- diner, January 4, 1827. Eben C., b. May 14, 1796. Mertied, ist, Hannah Spear, July 5, 1818. 2d, Rebecca (Spear) Day, May 20, 1835. Died in Litchfield, February 29, 1872. 2 Robert, b. November 9, 1798. Married, 1st, Sally Gatchell; 2d, Susan Bennett. Died in Durham, Me., January 6, 1861. James, b. April 16, 1801. Married, 1st, Jerusha Douglass, November 10, 1825; 2d, Matilda (Lunt) Gammon. Died in Gardiner, December 21, 1876. Benjamin, b. August 31, 1803. Married Sally Spear, September 9, 1825. Died February 3, 1888, in Litchfield. Cyrene, b. January 19, 1806. Died September 13, 1816. Ambrose, b. May 19, 1808. Died November 29, 1824. Ansyl, b. February 5, 1811. Married, 1st, Mary Roberts; 2d, Cath- erine (Hopkinson) Tapley. Lives in Gardiner. Amos B., b. May 29, 1813. Died September 10, 1816. ANDREW POTTER. Andrew Potter, the last of the six sons of James and Margaret (Dunlap) Potter, who lived in Litchfield, lived in the eastern part of the town near the Gardiner line for several years and then moved across the stream into what is now West Gardiner on the farm now occupied by Wm. F. Wharff. He married Martha, daughter of Robert and Mary Bailey, who was born February 17, 1773. Andrew was accidentally killed by a horse in October, 1849, aged 82 years, 6 months. Children of Andrew and Martha (Bailey) Potter: Martha, b. May 27, 1790. Married Simeon Briggs. Lived in Paris. Jacob, b. February 22, 1792. Died April 7, 1808. Esther, b. January 8, 1795. Married, 1st, Alamson Briggs. Lived in Paris. 2d, Samuel Malcolm. She died March 10, 1887. Andrew, b. March 27, 1797. Lived and died in Eastport. Hannah, b. February 4, 1799. Married Jonathan Johnson. Lived in Hallowell. ie EARLY SETTLERS, 271 Salome, b. June 9, 1801. Married Jerry H. Runnells, November 17, 1825. Lived in Hallowell. Elizabeth, b. September 1, 1803. Married Charles Small, March 14, 1824. Nathaniel, b. January 20, 1806. Married Polly Taylor. Died Decem- ber 26, 1849. Jacob, b. September 19, 1808. Married Peggie Tibbetts, July, 1830. Died July 30, 1832. Irene, b. July 22, 1811. Married Capt. Joseph Wharff, July, 1830, and died October 19, 1849. Bethia, b. November 25, 1813. Married Stephen Parker. Lived in Waterville. GEORGE PorTreR, JR. George Potter, Jr., born in Bowdoin, December 2, 1800, came to Litchfield about 1830. He was a descendant of William Potter, brother of the James who, with his six sons, came to Litchfield in 1782. He lived where Mrs. William Lyle now lives. He married Martha Connor in 1827, and died November 2, 1864. Children of George, Jr., and Martha (Connor) Potter: Albert G., b. March 11, 1828. Married Chloe J. Plaisted, September 25, 1862. Martha E., b. July 9, 1829. Married Rev. Henry Preble, August 23, 1859. Lives in Waterville, Me. Pamelia A., b. January 15, 1831. Married A. Frank Snowman, October, 1857. Dead. William C., b. November 5, 1832. Married Ellen B. Lester. Lives in Mapleton, N. D. Cynthia H., b. September 12, 1834. Married George W. McLellan, January 1, 1856. Lives in San Jose, Cal. Emeline, b. June 10, 1836. Died June 13, 1839. George Jr., June 22, 1838. Died December 28, 1864, in the army, of wounds received at battle of Cold Harbor. Simon C., b. August 15, 1840. Died May 5, 1842. Elijah H., b. June 27, 1842. Married Mary Miller. Lives in New London, Conn. Alden S., b. June 24, 1844. Married Fannie Woodside. Lives in Lewiston, Me. Emery F., b. May 3, 1846. Married Lydia Morton. Lives in Min- neapolis. Mary E., b. March 25, 1849. Died August 23, 1863. Albert G. Potter, son of George, Jr., lived several years in Litchfield, where J. J. Perry now lives. Was in business at Gardiner, and afterwards moved to Lewiston, where he died August 22, 1897. / 272 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Albert G. and Chloe J. (Plaisted) Potter: M. Ellen, b. August 7, 1863. Married Col. Noel B. Potter of Lew- iston, treasurer of Androscoggin county. Georgia Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1865. Married Darius W. Randall of Lewiston. Rosert Porrer. There was a Robert Potter died in town June 29, 1813, aged 67 years. POWERS. Alexander, son of James Powers, born in Georgetown, Me., March 9, 1799; married Martha Hilton, January 23, 1826, and moved to Litchfield in 1844, where he died, July 24, 1859. His wife died January 20, 1888, aged 78 years. Children: Cordélia A., b. August 26, 1827. Married Bailey Potter. Died Sep- tember 6, 1897. Lucinda P., b. November 17, 1829. Married, 1st, Josiah Day; 2d, True Woodbury, April 10, 1858. Daniel H., b. August 21, 1832. Married Ellen Sawyer, July 4, 1854. Died April 28, 1891. James W., b. December 16, 1837. Married, 1st, Marietta Caldwell; 2d, Lydia Day. One child, William H., b. February 16, 1858. Lives in Woodstock, Me. Martha P., b. August 16, 1840. Married Daniel Day. Lives in Woodstock, Me. Alden H., b. November to, 1842. Married Elmira E. Taylor, Novem- ber 23, 1872. Child, Daniel M., b. June g, 1884. Hiram D., b. May 8, 1845. Married Mrs. Sarah Atherton, May 1, 1864. Lives in Bowdoin. Luella, b. November 21, 1846. Married, 1st, J.'\Q. Jumper; 2d, John Nickerson. Alexander, b. December 2, 1848. Married, Ist, Josephine Neal; 2d, Annie Scribner. Now lives in Welchville, Oxford, Me. Josiah D., b. July 2, 1851. Married Mary E. Dunham. Children, Melvin, b. February 10, 1876. Burton, b. March 11, 1884. PRATT. John Pratt was one of the early settlers, being in town in 1798. There is record of death of Sally Pratt, daughter of John and Polly Pratt, December 20, 1809, aged 19 years. EARLY SETTUERS, 273 PURINGTON. Rev. Stephen Purington, son of Rev. Humphrey, was born in Bowdoin, Me., January 22,1798. He was ordained a minister of the Free Baptist denomination and was a successful preacher. He moved to Litchfield in January, 1848, and was one of the most respected citizens in town and pastor of the church at the Plains for several years. He married first, Marv Snow of Brunswick in 1821, and second, Susan Green in 1835. He died December 26, 1879. Children of Rev. Stephen and Mary (Snow) Purington: - Adaline, b. December 30, 1824. Married Orrington Berry, June, 1852. Lives in Lewiston. William, b. May 3, 1828. A Free Baptist clergyman. Died January 14, 1877. Lucy S., b. January 9, 1830. Married Joseph Pinkham. Died in 1886. Albert, b. August 3. 1833. Died November 18, 1833. Mary, b. January 4, 1835. Died January 13, 1835. Children by his second wife, Susan Green: Susan M., b. May 3, 1837. Died July 2, 1882. Stephen O., b. October 1, 1839. Married Alice M. Purinton. Lives in Bowdoin. Louise E., b. September 14, 1842. Married Edward Shorey, Septem- ber 15, 1861. Holman G., b. April 22, 1847. Married Minnetta Given of Lewiston, February, 1868. A prominent business man of Chicago. ” PURINGTON. John Purington, son of Abel and Mary’ (Raymond) Puring- ton, grandson of Abiezer and great grandson of Rev. Humph- rey, was born in Bowdoin in 1841, was a school teacher many years and in trade at Richmond. He married Mary Patten and settled in Litchfield. He has been on the board of select- men many years, two years chairman, and is one of the leading men of the town. Children: Ernest E., b. May 11, 1875. Died August 31, 1876. Eugene E., b. May 31, 1877. Elmer J., b. July 25, 1879. Frank W., b. September 18, 1881. 18 274 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. QUINNAM. Rev. Constant Quinnam, son of Daniel and Phoebe (Albee) Quinnam, was born in Wiscasset, Me., February 9, 1807, and died in Bowdoinham, Me., April 24, 1865. He was a prom- inent minister of the Free Baptist denomination, and highly respected and honored by his fellow townsmen, wherever he was located. His residence in Litchfield commenced in 1844, when he was pastor of Plains Free Will Baptist church for twelve years, and during his stay there he filled the position of school supervisor, trustee of the academy, and member of the legislature. In all these positions he acquitted himself credibly, and very satisfactory to his constituents. He was a strong Abolitionist and was one of the four who threw the first Aboli- tion votes in the town of Bowdoin. He also represented Bow- doin in the legislature. His first wife was Betsey P. Swett, daughter of Deacon Thomas and Eunice Swett of Whitefield, and at her decease he married her sister, Sarah Swett, who died in Brunswick, December 23, 1893. Children of Rey. Constant and Betsey P. (Swett) Quinnam: Mary Marilla, b. July 10, 1832. Married James B. Hobbs, March 20, 1853. He is a prominent merchant in Chicago, Ill. Thomas Marr, b. April 1, 1834. Drowned by walking off toll bridge in Gardiner, October 24, 1856. Children by second wife, Sarah Swett: Sarah Elizabeth, b. September 2, 1841. Lives in Brunswick. Constant Marcellus, b. January 15, 1844. Died January 27, 1849. Emily Swett, b. February 9, 1848. Lives in Brunswick. RANDALL. Isaac Randall, son of Ezra and Mary (Whitten) Randall and a descendant of William Randall, who settled in Scituate, Mass., in 1640, was born in Lewiston, May 28, 1797. He married Susan Oliver, published April 16, 1817. His second wife was Mrs. Johanna Coffin of Auburn, married February 25, 1855. He moved to Litchfield, near Webster line, in 1819. Died in Lew- iston, September 17, 1872. Children of Isaac and Susanna (Oliver) Randall: Susan, b. June 26, 1818. Married John R. Lemont. Lives in Bath. Mary Ann, b: April 18, 1820. Married 1st, Robert White, April 15, 1838; 2d, James McCorrison. Died 1894, in North Berwick. EARLY SETTLERS. 275 Elizabeth, b. October 9, 1822. Married ist, Arthur Maxwell, July 30, 1843; 2d, Deacon William Chase, April 10, 1886. Died in 1895. Isaac, b. November 14, 1824. Died November 9, 18309. William, b. October 9, 1827. Married Mary Spofford, January 1, 1851. Died April 11, 1893. Harvey, b. September 5, 1829. Died November 11, 1830. Jane B., b. January 1, 1832. Married Albert Maxwell, July 11, 1852. Lives in California. Oliver E., b. March 8, 1835. Married Margaret J. Read, February 13, 1856. Died October 17, 1887. Elvira, b. March 26, 1837. Married Robert A. Field, March 8, 1855. Lives in Lewiston. WILLIAM RANDALL. William Randall, brother of preceding, was born February 19, 1787, and came from Lewiston to Litchfield in 1809, where he lived several years. Was lieutenant in the War of 1812. Married, first, Sally Thompson, March, 1810; and second, Mehitable Woodward, October 17, 1816. Moved to Lee, Me., in 1827, and died there in 1857. Children of William and Sally (Thompson) Randall: Mary J., b. June 27, 1811. Died March 21, 1815. Martha, b. April 9, 1813. Married William Cushman. ‘Lived in Lee. Died April 18, 1896. Children by 2nd wife, Mehitable Woodward: Charles, b. September 1, 1817. Married Susan Johnson. Lived in Springfield. Died March 25, 1894. Mary, b. December 28, 1818. Married Denman Bartlett. William H., b. November 26, 1820. Married Margaret Williams. Lived in Indiana. Died March 2, 1884. Ezra, b. October 12, 1823. Married Arvesta Randall, October 20, 1850. Lived in Minnesota. Rufus, b. April 11, 1831. Married Mellie Williams. Lived in Indi- ana. Harriet, b. October 24, 1834. Married Burke Conforth. Lives in Minnesota. John Webber, b. December 10, 1836. Lived in Pennsylvania. Henry, b. March 22, 1839. Married Ellen Lowell. Lives in Lee, Me. Joun RANDALL. John Randall came from Lewiston to Litchfield with his brothers, Isaac and William. He was born April 18, 1780. Lived on the Plains and was deputy sheriff for a number of years. Married, first, Rebecca Taylor, January 7, 1813; second, Mehitable (Woodward) Randall, February 16, 1862. Died November 29, 1868, aged 79 years. 276 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of John and Rebecca (Taylor) Randall: Isaac, b. November 27, 1813. Married Eliza P. Libby, April 12, 1837. Died June 24, 1883. Daniel, b. October 1, 1817. Married Julia A. Williams, April 7, 1844. Died September 4, 1887. Sarah E., b. April 12, 1825. Married William Gee Williams, April 28, 1844. Now resides in Litchfield. Isaac Randall lived near his father, John Randall. Children of Isaac and Eliza P. (Libby) Randall: Sarah R., b. September 27, 1840. Married Charles F. Davis, June 11, 1867. Died Jtine 30, 1886. John Alvah, b. May 9, 1845. Died October 11, 1850. Philura Eliza, b. April 18, 1847. Died March 31, 1872. ; Martha Emma, b. February 13, 1850. Married ist, Rufus C. Wil- liams; 2nd, W. M. Hattin. James Isaac, b. October 11, 1853. Died February 25, 1855. George Isaac, b. January 27, 1856. Died January 2, 1863. Mary Ellen, b. January 8, 1860. Died July 8, 1892. RICHARDSON. ss Abijah, Joel and Joshua Richardson, three brothers, came from Townsend, Mass., to Litchfield, in 1781. They were sons of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Walker) Richardson, and descend- ants of Thomas Richardson, who came from England to. this country in 1635, and after living in Charleston a few years set- tled in Woburn, Mass. Abijah, b. February 22, 1749, married, first, Eunice Livingston; second, Eunice Thompson, daughter -of Cornelius, August 21, 1774, in Brunswick, Me. He bought land of Eliphalet Smith and Benjamin Hinkley, April 7, 1783, beyond the corner near Oak Hill, and was a farmer and mason. Was moderator of the early town meetings, town treasurer sev- eral vears, and a member of the Massachusetts General Court, one term. Died March 15, 1822. Children of Abijah and Eunice (Thompson) Richardson: Amos, b. January 7, 1775. Married Sarah McFarland, September 15, 1796. es b. October 29, 1777. Married rst, Experience Higgins; 2nd, Hannah Starbird. Lois, b. November 1, 1779. Married Levi Robinson, May 5, 1803. Abijah, b. August 26, 1781. Married Betsey Johnson, May 12, 1805. Eunice, b. November 2, 1783. Married Jeremiah Winslow, January 7, 1808. EARLY SETTLERS. O77. Phineas, b. February 3, 1786. Married. Settled in New Brunswick. Hannah Smith, b. July 11, 1788. A school teacher. Cornelius Thompson, b. January 3, 1792. Married Sarah Rollins Lovejoy. Settled in Turner, Me. Amos. RICHARDSON. Amos Richardson, son of Abijah, lived near his father several years, on farm now occupied by Mr. Earle, and went to Ohio in 1817. Sally, his wife, died August 14, 1820, aged 44 years. Children of Amos and Sarah (McFarland) Richardson: Sally, b. June 12, 1797. Married John Bailey. Lived in Hartland, Me. Abijah, b. December 1, 1799. Died young Jedediah, b. May 12, 1801. Died young. Amos, b. March 9, 1805. Married Miranda Bassford. Died in Gar- diner, August 5, 1890. Jennie, b. October 25, 1806. Married Luke Tyler. Lyman, b. April 19, 1810. Died in infancy. David, b. August 15, 1812. Married Betsey Trenchard. Lived in Canaan, Me. Wesley, b. October 12, 1815. Married Phoebe Moses. Lived in Lowell, Mass. JEssE RicHARDSON. Jesse Richardson, son of Abijah, settled near the Corner. He was an active, stirring business man, and was captain in a military company. He died July 2, 1854. Children of Jesse and Experience (Higgins) Richardson: Sarah S., b. July 14, 1800. Married Uriah Nason. Lived in Read- field, and died in 1889. : Jesse, b. January 18, 1802. Died at sea. Augustine, b. March 7, 1804. Married Abagail Savage. Columbus, b. June 4, 1806. Patty, b. October 14, 1808. Married Caleb S. Wilson in 1830. Died January 17, 1857. Mary Baker, b. February 19, 1811. Married Jacob Wilson. Lived in Augusta. Eunice Thompson, b. July 2, 1813. Married Madison Sayles. Aaron, b. September 6, 1815. Lived in Otisfield. William, b. April 22, 1818. Died February 10, 1821. Laura, b. June 5, 1820. Married Orrin Smith. Lived in Augusta. William M., b. May 8, 1822. Married Priscilla Coombs, August 31, 1843. 278 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by second wife, Hannah (Starbird) Richardson: Celia A.. b. October 6, 1843. Married ———-— Flint. Lives in Carlisle, Ark. Prince W., b. July 5, 1845. Served in the army. Nancy Ann., b. October 5, 1847. Married William Randall. Lives in West Springfield, Mass. Correctus, b. May 10, 1849. Killed at battle of the Widerness May 16, 1864. William M. Richardson, son of Jesse, lived at the Corner. He died December 27, 1857. Children of William M. and Priscilla (Coombs) Richardson: Kirkwood, b. August 31, 1853. Died September, 1854. Martha, died young. Henry Coombs. Lives in Providence, R. I. ABIJAH RICHARDSON, JR. Abijah Richardson, Jr., lived on Oak Hill. He died in Bath, Me., August, 1868. Betsey, his wife, died March 19, 1855. Children of Abijah, Jr., and Betsey (Johnson) Richardson: Clarissa, b. June 23, 1805. Married Josiah Smith. Orrin, b. September 4, 1807. Died in 1832. Robert, b. January 29, 1809. Married Betsey Towle. Lived in Gar- diner. Almira, b. December 31, 1811. Married Alfred Warren. Lived in Ipswich, Mass. Ambrose, b. May 20, 1814. Married Mehitable E. Hutchinson, March 27, 1836. Lived in Chelsea, Me. Hannah S., b. October 20, 1817. Married Alvah J. Libbey, May 2, 1846. Harriet, b. October 4, 1819. Died in 1837. Emily, b. 1822. Married Albion K. Buker. Albion K., b. May 22, 1824. Died April 16, 1842. Guy Guflclon, b. August 7, 1826. Married rst, Cordelia Day. May, 1850; 2nd, Mary Ann Elwell, February 2, 1853; 3d, Elizabeth Lewis, February 20, 1886. Lives in West Gardiner. Jor, RICHARDSON, Joel Richardson, son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Walker) Richardson, was born in Townsend, Mass., June 22, 1758, and lived on a portion of Shorey farm in Litchfield, now owned by H. K. Morrell, Esq. He served three years in the Revolu- tionary War. Three of his sons, Jonathan, Simeon and Zacch- EARLY SETTLERS. 279 eus, served in the War of 1812. Married Lydia Babb, sister of Joshua and Joseph, December 9, 1786, and died in Durham, Me., February 20, 1827. Children of Joel and Lydia (Babb) Richardson: Joel, b. August 13, 1787. Died in Durham, Me., March, 1838. Joseph, b. May 18, 1789. Married 1st, Hannah Babb, October 31, 1813; 2nd, Hannah Babb. Died in Monmouth, 1878. Jonathan, b. July 5, 1790. Married ist, Elizabeth Wagg; 2nd, Abagail Grover. Died in Newport, Me., June 13, 1860. Was in War of 1812. . Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1793. Married — Bragg. Lived in Clifton, Me. Zaccheus, b. May 5.1795. Died in Castine 1830. Was in War of 1812. Simeon, b. September 5, 1797. Married 1st, Phebe W. Stevens; 2nd, Laura Jackson. Lived in Parkman, Me. Died April 1, 1870. Ebenezer, b. July 4, 1802. Died in Castine 1852. Jacob, b. July 4, 1802. Married 1st, Eliza — son) Moore, September 12, 1833. ; 2nd, Ann (John- Jacop RICHARDSON. Children of Jacob, son of Joel, and Eliza Richardson: William P., b. January 15, 1833. Eliza, wife of Jacob, died July 11, 1833. Children by second wife, Ann (Johnson) Moore: Jane. Lydia Esther, married ————— Titcomb. JosHua RICHARDSON. Joshua Richardson, son of Hezekiah, was born in Townsend, Mass., December 20, 1755. In 1781 he came to Litchfield with his brothers. In 1816 he moved to Ohio, saying he wished to live in a place where they did not have frost every month in the year. He served three years in the Revolutionary army. Married Betty Temple of Bowdoinham, December 20, 1784. Children of Joshua and Betty (Temple) Richardson: Joshua, b. January 11, 1786. Died young. Hezekiah, b. July 4. 1789. Married ist, Isabel Cunningham, July 30, 1809; 2nd, Dorcas Bailey, July 14, 1811. John, b. May 13, 1792. Married Sally Hartshorn. Rufus, b. March 27, 1794. Was in War of 1812. Joshua, b. April 15, 1797. Married Deborah Fales. Lived in Thomaston, Me., and died there October 1, 1851. ‘ Polly, b. October 27, 1802. 280 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. HEZEKIAH RICHARDSON. Hezekiah Richardson, son of Joshua, lived in Harriman neighborhood, and then moved to Mexico, Me., about 1846. Isabella, his wife, died December 17, 1810. Dorcas, his wife, died June 12, 1846. Children by first wife, Isabella Cunningham: Isabella, b. November 22, 1810. Married Dr. Samuel Tibbetts, and moved to Ohio. Children by second wife, Dorcas Bailey: Damaris, died in 1874. Isaac, married Sally (Bouffee) Bailey: Emeline, married S. Shephard Butler, May 12, 1839. Lived in Chelsea, Mass. = Joshua B., b. July 31, 1819. Married Hattie Titcomb. Lived in Paris, Me. John, b. July 31, 1819. Died in infancy. Elizabeth, b. October 29, 1821. Married Rev. Charles C. Mason. Lives in Flallowell. Holman T., b. March 26, 1824. Married. Lived in Mexico, Me. Joseph, b. April 12, 1832. Died April 15, 1832. Diantha A., b. April 12, 1832. Married. Isaac Richardson, son of Hezekiah, lived next to the farm of Augustus Gowell several years and then moved to Chelsea, Mass. Children of Isaac and Sally (Buffee) (Bailey) Richardson: Albert B., b. August 18, 1834. Married Huldah Read. Lives in Hamilton, Mass. Wellen H., b. January 19, 1836. Married Abbie Knight. Is a Methodist minister. Lives in East Cambridge, Mass. Caroline W., b. May, 1838. Married Prof. -- Harvard College. Lives in Cambridge. Elizabeth, b. February, 1840. Married George N. Barrett. Lives in Jamaica Plains, Mass. Gennicorvi, of Joun RicHARDSON. John Richardson, son of Ebenezer, was born in Billerica, Mass., March 17, 1763. He came to Litchfield in 1789, and set- tled near Buffee Landing Bridge, on farm afterwards occupied by his son, Piam. He married Bethiah Herrick, daughter of Joseph and Ann (Jackson) Herrick, and grand-daughter of Col. Henty Herrick of Beverly, Mass. Her father moved to Green- field, N. H., from whence John Richardson and wife moved to Litchfield. Bethiah died December 5, 1856, aged 90 years, 6 months. EARLY SETTLERS. 281 Children of John and Bethiah (Herrick) Richardson: Thomas, b. January 26, 1790. Married Mary S. Pierce, March 2u, 1816. John B., b. October 4, 1791. Died October'11, 1811. Joseph H., b. November 29, 1793. Married and lived in Dansville, N.Y. Henry, b. September 6, 1795. Married 1st, Abigail Bailey, March 7, 1816; 2nd, Harriet Goodwin; 3d, Miranda A. (Patten) Toothaker. George Herrick, b. January 6, 1798. Married Sally Stevens, April 29, 1821. Wilkes, b. October 2, 1801. Married Ist, Judith Stevens, July 14, 1825; 2nd, Dorcas (Wharff) McIntire, May 1, 1834: 3d, Mary Arno. William, b. June 4, 1804. Married Olive Morrison. Lived in Clinton. Piam, b. September 8, 1807. Married Abigail Walker, November 3, 1839. : Oliver, b. June 21, 1811. Died July 27, 1838. THomas RICHARDSON. Thomas Richardson, son of John, lived in Harriman neigh- borhood. He afterwards moved to Gardiner, where he died in 1854. His wife died in Waltham, Mass. Children of Thomas and Mary S. (Pierce) Richardson: Elizabeth P., b. October 11, 1816. Married 1st, Walter Merriman, May 24, 1835; 2nd, Andrew Blake, August 9, 13848. Died in 1892. Bethiah, b. April 8, 1818. Married William Wheeler. Died in Ayer, Mass., 1868. Sophronia, b. October 23, 1820. Married Lowell Smith. Died in Boston in 1894. Charles T., b. December 30, 1822. Married Louiza Hubbard. Lives in Lake Village, N. H. Joseph H., b. November 28, 1824. Married Lucinda Danforth. Lives in Ayer, Mass. Died 1891. George W., b. October 22, 1826. Married Louiza Holman. Died in Winchester, Mass., 1889. Marietta, b. October 28, 1828. Died in 1835.. Huldah Jane, b. October 14, 1831. Married f. R. Cook. Lives in Winchester, Mass. . Oliver Bartlett, b. May 25, 1834. Married Lucy Pierce. Lives in Ayer, Alass. Henry RICHARDSON. Deacon Henry Richardson, son of John, lived near Hatch’s Corner for several years, and then moved upon the farm now occupied by Frank Bailey. He died February, 1862. Abagail, his wife, died January 15, 1838. 282 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Henry and Abagail (Bailey) Richardson: John B., b. October 17, 1817. Married 1st, Mary J. Walker, May 24, 1840; 2nd, Clara (Waitt) Howe. George H., b. January 4, 1819. Married Joan Goodwin. Died July 20, 1858. Dorcas, b. June 4, 1821. Married Sullivan Washburn, July 10, 1842. Sabra, b. July 22, 1822. Married Shepard Hutchinson. Lives in Hallowell. William, b. 1824. Died in California in 1854. Wilkes W., b. January 16, 1831. Married Delia A. McCausland, September, 1852. Lived in Farmingdale. Children by second wife, Harriet Goodwin: Oliver C., b. December 16, 1840. Married Eliza Worthing. Died in Augusta in July, 1880. Children of John B., son of Deacon Henry, and Mary J. (Walker) Richardson: . Alonzo, b. 1841. Lived and died in Massachusetts. John died when about 18 years old. GerorGE H, R&rcHARDSON.: George Herrick Richardson, son of John and Bethia, lived in Steventown. He was a major in the militia, and died December 21,1875. Sally, his wife, died September 2, 1875. Children of George and Sally (Stevens) Richardson: Sylvanus B., b. August 17, 1821. Married tst, Sarah Ann Remick; 2d, Josephine Thompson, December 5, 1852. Died December 27, 1875. 1875. Sumner B., b. May 22, 1824. Married Emeline Swift, June 1, 1850. Lives in Gardiner. William S., b. January 30, 1828. Married Almeda Kincaid. Died March 3, 1855. Parthenia W., b. May 20, 1829. Died January 29, 1843. Dorcas Ann, b. March 29, 1831. Married Freeman Crowell. John A., b. July 11, 1833. Went to California. Catherine E., b. August 5, 1836. Married Capt. Calvin A. Tarr. Lived in Saco. Sarah Jane, b. November 3, 1842. Married George W. Cross. Lives in Gardiner. Edwin A., b. January, 1845. Died young. WILKES. RICHARDSON. Capt. Wilkes Richardson, son of John, lived in Steventown, on the place now occupied by his daughter, Mrs. Sheene. Died April 24, 1886. Judith, his wife, died November 5, 1827. Dor- cas, his wife, died June 12, 1846. EARLY SETTLERS. 283 Children by first wife, Judith Stevens: - Paulina, b. January 2, 1826. Died young. Adeline S., b. January 2, 1826. Died young. Children by second wife, Dorcas McIntyre: Adeline S., b. August 27, 1836. Married 1st, Robinson H. Young; 2nd, Wm. Sheene. Lived in Hyde Park, Mass. Priam RICHARDSON. Piam Richardson lived on his father’s place. Died October 30, 1852. Abagail, his wife, died October 25, 1854, aged 35 years. Children of Piam and Abigail (Walker) Richardson: Abigail J., b. December 23, 1840. Died July 21, 1852. Horatio B., b. October 19, 1842. Died April 23, 1860. Lorenzo M., b. December 5, 1844. Died April 13, 1865, of disease contracted in rebel prisons. Hannah E., b. November 2, 1850. Died March 10, 1863. WILLIAM T. RICHARDSON. There was a William T. Richardson, who lived for several years in Harriman neighborhood until after death of first wife, Mary H. Goodwin, February 22, 1848. Children of Wm. T., and Mary H. (Goodwin) Richardson: Hannah, married ———-— Wheeler. Rebecca, married David Dale. Simeon, b. February 14, 1841. Policeman in Boston. Franklin, died in New York. RIDLEY. George Ridley, son of Capt. George and Mary (Hopkins) Ridley, and a descendant of Thomas Ridley of Truro, Mass., was born in Bowdoin, Me., June 4, 1790. Married, first, Rebecca Snow; second, Martha Baker. In 1811 he settled at what is now called Hatch’s Corner and lived there until 1820, when he sold the place to his brother, Rev. James Ridley. Children of George and Rebecca (Snow) Ridley, born in Litchfield. Eunice, b. September 29, 1813. Married Capt. James Millbray. Lived in Bowdoin. Henry, b. October 15, 1815. Married Eunice F. Purington. Lived in Cornville, Me. 284 TOWN OF LITCHVIELD, Rev. JAMES RIDLEY. Rev. James Ridley, son of Capt. George and Mary (Hopkins) Ridley, was born in Bowdoin in November, 1794. Married, first, Mary Sanford, daughter of Capt. John Sanford of Tops- ham, and moved to Litchfield in 1820, and located upon the farm now occupied by Stillman H. Ring, Esq., at what was known then as Ridley’s Corner, now Hatch’s Corner. He lived here until 1837, when he moved to Monmouth, where his wife died in June, 1837. He afterwards married Abagail Jenkins, and at her decease, Judith Hanscom. Mr. Ridley was a Baptist minister, and supplied many churches in the vicinity of where he lived, and was pastor of the Baptist church in Monmouth sev- eral years. Died in Monmouth in July, 1836. His children were all born in Litchfield. Children of James and Mary (Sanford) Ridley: Esther, b. November 20, 1820. Married John M. Safford. Lived in Monmouth. Died 1883. Abigail E., b. October 7, 1822. Married Josiah F. Purington. Died in Gardiner, October 2, 1886. Minerva J., b. November 7, 1824. Married Nenophon Goodnough. Died in Boston, July 18, 1863. Susan W., b. November 21, 1826. Married Xenophon Goodnough, July 28, 1864. Lives in Boston. ’ Margaret, b. November 4, 1828. Died in Monmouth, 1853. Horace S., b. April 29, 1831. Married Frank Taylor. Died in San Francisco in 1879. Sanford S., b. May, 1833. Died in Monmovth in 1861. Married Mary Leard. Ellen P., b. April 19, 1835. Married A. F. Snowman of Gardiner. Died in Boston in 1866. RoBERT RIDLEY. Robert Ridley came to Litchfield about 1830, and lived on farm next south of Samuel Smith’s. He was the son of David and Ann (Purington) Ridley, and was born in Harpswell, Jan- uary 10, 1805. He married Sophronia, daughter of Joshua Woodman and Judith (Tibbetts) Watson, February 3, 1828. After living several years in Litchfield, he returned to Harps- well, and from there moved to Estherville, Iowa. Children of Robert and Sophronia (Watson) Ridley: James W., b. September 4, 1831. Married Laura J. Wright. Lives in Estherville, lowa. Died in 1872. EARLY SETTLERS. 285 Robert Edwin, b. July 5, 1833. Married Esther A. Allen. Lives in Towa. ; Hannah, b. February 9, 1835. Died February 21, 1835. Algernon, b. January 21, 1836. Married Mary Eliza Fletcher. Lived in Estherville, Iowa. Died in 1872. Adelia S., b. 1838. Married George Perkins. Lives in Iowa. Judith A., b. 1840. Died in Bath 1857. Albion K., b. 1842. Married — Graham. Lives in Iowa. AI. Theresa, b. 1844. Married H. W. Emery. Lives in St. Louis, Mo. Eugene G., b. 1847. Married Mary Cowen. Lives in Iowa. Lillian E., b. 1850. Married Lloyd A. Gould. Lives in Estherville, Towa. James RIDLEY. James Ridley, brother of Robert, married Judith Watson, sister of his brother Robert’s wife, August 16, 1829. He lived but a few days after his marriage. RING. Daniel Ring came to Litchfield from Bath in the fall of 1779, and took up'the farm now occupied by Joseph Welch, whose wife is a grand-daughter of Daniel. He came by boat to Gar- diner, with his wife and two little sons, Joseph and John, in 1777, and lived in Gardiner until fall of 1779, when he moved to Litchfield, into the log house he had previously built near the pond. He was considered a man of property, but his wealth was in Continental money whose value soon vanished. He had a fine farm and became a man of influence and standing. Mr. Ring died July 26, 1825, aged 70 years. His wife died September 28, 1827, aged 68 years. Children of Daniel and Lydia (Savage) Ring: Joseph, b. April 12, 1776. Married, April 24, 1800, Martha Thorn. Lived in Richmond. John, b. August 7, 1778. Married ist, Sally (Rollins) Witham; 2nd, Nancy C. Brown. Died February 15, 1853. Jenny, b. June 24, 1780. Married Captain Joseph Smith, January 9, 1800. Died September 10, 1809. David, b. October 15, 1782. Died young. Daniel, Jr., b. December 28, 1784. Married, 1st, Elizabeth Dennis, November 7, 1808; 2d, Eunice Magoon, June 14, 1821. Lucretia, b. December 24, 1786. Died December 10, 1809. Francis B., b. January 2, 1789. Married Sally Osgood, December, 1811. 286 TOWN OP LITCHFIELD. Benjamin, b. June 16, 1790. Married Priscilla Mulloy, September, 1813. Lived in Hallowell, and died 1814. Charles, b. June 24, 1792. Married Sarah Buzzell. Lived in Lowell, Mass. William, b. April 6, 1795. Married Lydia Webber. Lived in Rich- mond. Elizabeth, b. June 24, 1797. Married Samuel Paine, April 10, 1817. Daniev RinoG, JR. Daniel Ring, Jr., lived in town until about 1825, when he moved to Ripley. Elizabeth (Dennis) Ring died in 1820. Children of Daniel, Jr., and Elizabeth (Dennis) Ring: Salome, b. October 28, 1809. Married Timothy Ham. Lived in Cambridge, Me. Lydia, b. May 28, 1811. Married Stillman Hall. Died January 16, 1834. Elizabeth, married Stillman Hall. Benjamin, b. July 21, 1815. Died July 16, 1816. William, b. June 21, 1818. Married Almira Gould. Lives in Cam- bridge, Me. Daniel D., b. February 29, 1820. Married Sodema Leavitt. Lives in Cambridge, Me. Children by second wife, Eunice Magoon: Mary J., b. November 15, 1822. Died January 26, 1834. Mehitable, b. December 8, 1824. Married Danville Mayhew. Lives in Foxcroft, Me. Eunice S., b. May 23, 1827. Died July 28, 1843. Maria P., b. November 16, 1829. Died December 16, 1846. Lydia J., b. July 22, 1834. Married Stephen Perry. Lives in Mill- bury, Mass. David, b. August 19, 1837. Married Nellie Lovell. Lives in Mill- bury, Mass. Hiram P., b. June 21, 1839. Married Mary Packard. Lives in Cambridge, Me. Francis BURNHAM RING. Francis Burnham Ring, lived on the home place of his father all his life. He was active in all good works and died June 30, 1869. His wife died December 2, 1875. Children of Francis Burnham and Sally (Osgood) Ring: Mary Ann, b. December 12, 1812. Married Joseph W. Robinson, April, 1840. Died September 14, 1853. Margaret L., b. January 1, 1815. Married 1st, John Plummer, Octo- ber, 1840; 2d, Barnard Goodrich. Died in West Gardiner. EARLY SETTLERS. 287 Daniel, b, December 13, 1816. Married Dorothy V. Jones. Lived in Richmond. Osgood, b. December 18, 1818. Married Mary Gowell. Lived in Massachusetts. ‘ Frances Burnham, b. November 26, 1821. Married Roxanna Waitt, September 17, 1848; 2nd, Rhoda Hatch. Benjamin F., b. November 16, 1823. Married Eliza Ford, August, 1847. Lives in Gardiner. “Clement P., b. September 10, 1826. Married Lucy Ames, October, 1849. Lives in West Bath. — Samuel H., b. August 6, 1828. Married 1st, Silesta Whitmore, Octo- ber 2, 1853; 2nd, Mary (Gowell) Ring. Lives in North Abington, Mass. Sarah O., b. September 6, 1830. Married H. O. Perry, February 17, 1850. Deceased. Catherine B., b. November 6, 1832. Married Joseph Welch, October 2, 1853. Lydia F., b. February 10, 1835. Married Henry Fellows. Lives in Richmond. Stillman H., b. April 6, 1837. Married Laura Hatch, May 22, 1862. Clement P. Ring, son of Francis Burnham Ring, lived for several years in Litchfield and then moved to Richmond. Children of Clement P. and Lucy (Ames) Ring: Ann Maria, b. April 14, 1851. Married Philip R. Pushard. Lives in West Dresden, Me. Ora A., b. May 17, 1855. Married Horace Leeman. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Oscar Willis, b. May 17, 1855. Married Einma Childs. Lives in Bath, Me. Harriet A., b. April 3, 1857. Married Frank G. Coombs. Lives in West Bath. James Henry, b. February 26,:1861. Married Emma Snowman. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Sarah Jane, b. February 26, 1861. Married Herbert M. Beal. Lives in Newton Highlands, Mass. Stillman H. Ring, son of Francis Burnham Ring, lives at Hatch’s Corner on the farm formerly occupied by James Rid- ley. He has been prominent in town affairs and several times a member of the board of selectmen. Children of Stillman H. and Laura (Hatch) Ring: Edward E., b. April 1, 1863. George Elmer, b. July 6, 1866. 288 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. BENJAMIN RING. Benjamin Ring, son of Daniel, was a merchant in Hallowell. Married Priscilla Mulloy, September, 1813. In 1814, in com- ing from Boston with a schooner of goods, the boat was lost and all on board. He left a son, who died when young. Rosie. Joseph Robie was born in Raymond, N. H., of English descent, and came to Litchfield in 1827. Children of Joseph and Mary (Gilroy) Robie: Mary G., b. August 27, 1818. Married Thurston Gilman. Lived in Monmouth. John G., b. November 10, 1823. Served in the army. Now lives in Purgatory. David, b. May 9, 1828. Went to Massachusetts. Married Metta Bohein of New Hampshire. Asenath, b. May 9, 1828. Married William Brewster. Lived in Revere, Mass. - ROBINSON. Jabez Robinson was born in Falmouth, Mass., May 15, 1747, He moved to Gardiner, where he lived some three or four years, and in 1781, moved to Litchfield and located beyond the Corner on land now owned by Mr. Morrell. He was well educated and a man of ability and character. Was assessor of the plantation of Smithfield during its existence as a plantation and was after- wards a member of the board of selectmen of the town and fre- quently moderator of its town meetings. In 1809 and 1810 he was representative to the General Court of Massachusetts. Married Martha Meiggs, February 26, 1769. She was born September 25,1746. Mr. Robinson was killed by a falling tree, March 23, 1812. Martha, his wife, died July 26, 1810. Children: Ardra, b. January 21, 1770. Married Solomon Blanchard. Hannah, b. January 5, 1772. Married Brown Baker. Lived in Carra- tunk, Joseph, b. April 11, 1774. Married Patty Meiggs. Martha, b. August 18, 1775. Married Joseph Smith. Lived in Lee, Me. Jabez, b. October 10, 1776. Died October 22, 1793. Daniel, b. January 6, 1779. Died November 29, 1806. Married Betty McFarlin, February 6, 1800. William, b. October 23, 1781. Died July 17, 1784. z Levi, b. November 26, 1782. Married 1st, Lois Richardson, May 5; 1803; 2nd, Betsey Cleaves. EARLY SETTLERS. 289 Eliza, b. August 20, 1785. Married Tappan Hale, November 19, 1804. William, b. July 9, 1787. Married Mary Baker, December 1, 1808. Elijah, b. April 12, 1789. Married Abigail Baker, September 6, 1810. Seth, b. April 6, 1791. Married. Lived in Washington, D. C. JosEPH ROBINSON. Joseph Robinson, son of Jabez, lived in both Litchfield and Richmond. Was a Free Baptist clergyman and farmer and was highly respected. Died in Litchfield, March 3, 1858. Children of Joseph and Patty (Meiggs) Robinson: Jabez, b. April 15, 1798. Married Abagail Springer; 2nd, Lucinda (Perry) Webber. Died November 4, 1886. Benjamin, b. January 7, 1800. Married Elizabeth Morgridge. Thomas, b. October 11, 1801. Married Betsey Springer. Mary, b. April 23. 1803. Married Jefferson Brown. Martha, b. April 1, 1804. Married David Perry. Rebecca, b. January 23, 1806. Married David Brown. Celia, b. April 5, 1808. Married ist, George Lincoln; 2nd, Eben Byram. Joseph, b. January 28, 1810. Died February 6, 1810. Joseph, b. August 4, 1811. Married Anstris Lincoln. Benjamin Robinson, son of Rev. Joseph and Hannah (Meiggs) Robinson, lived in Litchfield near Robinson's Corner. He married Elizabeth Morgridge, and died May 23, 1859. Elizabeth, his wife, died October 19, 1854. They had one son, Albert C., b. May 23, 1848, married Mary Mills and lives in Yarmouthville, Me. . Levi ROBINSON. Levi Robinson, son of Jabez, lived between the Corner and the Plains for several years, and afterwards moved to the * Mil- lion Acre Tract,” in Moscow, Me. Children of Levi and Lois (Richardson) Robinson: Mattie, b. July 11, 1804. Married Thomas Kellett. Louiza, b. December 10, 1805. Daniel, b. November 6, 1806. Hannah, b. January 26, 1809. Caleb C., b. May 24, 1811. Lives in Skowhegan. Mary, b. September 18, 1814. Married John Gorman. Seth, b. March 7, 1817. Married Mary Dunlap. Nahum. t Sarah Ann. Margaret. 19 290 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by second wife, Betsey Cleaves: Lois, b. October 20, 1830. Married Isaac Hinkley. Levi, b. April 16, 1832. Lives in Skowhegan. Celia, b. March 13, 1834. Married John D. N. Goodwin. Lives in Gardiner. Jabez, b. March 16, 1836. Drowned when steamer Ocean was burned. Daniel, b. July, 1840. Died in Boston. WILLIAM ROBINSON, William Robinson, son of Jabez, was a prominent man in town. He was.well educated, and for a time prindipal of Hallowell Academy. Was one of the trustees of Litchfield Liberal Institute, member of the board of selectmen for 23 years and postmaster at the Corner for nearly as long. He was rep- resentative to the legislature for two terms, and for one term, 1819, a member of the General Court of Massachusetts. Died September 5, 1869, respected by all. Mary, his wife, died Sep- tember Io, 1851. Children of William and Mary (Baker) Robinson: Daniel, b. August 30, 1809. Married Sarah Ann Sanborn of Litch- field. Died July 7, 1850. William, b. August 11, 1811. Married Christiana Sampson of Ply- mouth, Mass. Died May 27, 1862. Jabez, b. July 11, 1813. Married Eliza Wetmore. Lived in Ohio. Died August, 1866. P. Mellen, b. September 27, 1816. Married Angeline Lincoln, Sep- tember 27, 1839. Died August 21, 1894. Sumner, b. November 23, 1818. Died February 11, 1821. Sumner, b. January 8, 1821. Died May 13, 1832. Parish L., b. November 16, 1822. Died May 13, 1832. Stillman T., b. January 26, 1825. Married Susan Downs. Lives in Foxboro, Mass. - Mary, b. September 3, 1826. Married Joseph Downs. Lived in Attleboro, Mass. Died May 29, 1856. Martha M., b. January 4, 1829. Married Ist, Rowland G. Evans; 2nd, Caleb Dyer. Lives in Roxbury, Mass. Frances L., b. September 11, 1831. Married Samuel Milliken. Lives in York, Me. Angeline L., b. September 21, 1833. Died May 31, 1859. P. Mellen Robinson, son of William and Mary (Baker) Rob- inson, lived with his father at the Corner, where he died, August g, 1894. He married Angeline Lincoln, who lives on the old homestead. EARLY SETTLERS. 201 Children: Eudora G., b. December 18, 1840. Barbara E., b. March 9, 1843. Married J. W. Starbird, March 27, 1872. Lives in Lewiston. Nathaniel L., b. November 27, 1846. Married Mary Ellen Glass, June 7, 1868. Died April 2, 1875. Mellen Freemont, b. December 2, 1850. Married Ella W. Getchell, November 9, 1873. ExvijAn ROBINSON. Elijah Robinson, son of Jabez, lived near the Corner many years. He moved to Moscow and afterwards back to Litch- field, and then to Richmond. Died May 12, 1842. Children of Elijah and Abigail (Baker) Robinson: Samuel, b. December 31, 1811. Married Hannah Upton, April 8, 20, 1842. Lived in Dedham, Mass. Died May 16, 1864. Helen, b. March 4, 1814. Married Hubbard Goldsmith, November II, 1834. Josiah True, b. August 31, 1816. Married Cordelia Andrews, April 13, 1840. Lived in Sabattus, Me. Jane B., b. November 7, 1819. Married Henry H. Ayer, January 20, 1842. Lived in Dedham, Mass. Died May 16, 1864. Harriet, b. July 16, 1822. Died 1844. Joseph, b. June 27, 1825. Married Sarah Sweat. Lived in Minnesota. William, b. May 21, 1828. Married Mary Tewksbury, December 11, 1852. Settled in Minnesota. Henrietta, b. July 18, 1830. Married, ist, Ebenezer Langmaid, April 2, 1847; 2d, John Coakley, July 6, 1854; 3d, Charles French. Lives in West Dedham. She died March 20, 1881. Abagail, b. November 22, 1833. Married Burnham eet Lived in Richmond, Me. Died March 25, 1881. Davip RosBinson, JR. David Robinson, Jr., was born in Topsham, Me., in 1742. He came to Litchfield in 1784, and took up the farm afterwards occupied by his son, John, and now owned by George H. Berry, who married a grand-daughter. David first married Sarah Malcolm, in 1767, and then Sarah Kenney, October 26, 1780. Sarah Kenney died October 31, 1824, aged 80 years. Children by first wife: Elizabeth, b. January 5, 1768. Married William Alexander. Charles, b. April 7, 1770. Married Ist, Polly Stinson; 2nd, Miriam Jack; 3d, Fanny Harriman, August 11, 1825. - Martha, b. July 12, 1772. Married Thomas Stinson. John, b. June 14, ss Married Martha Jackson. Children by second wife, Sarah Kenney: Sarah, married Luther Smith. 292 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. CHARLES ROBINSON. Charles Robinson, son of David, lived on the same road that his father lived on but near to Robinson’s Corner. Charles: died April 15, 1858, aged 88 years. Miriam, his wife, died Jan- uary 27, 1825, aged 42 years. Fanny, his wife, died June 28, 1870, aged 79 years. Children by first wife, Polly Stinson: Betsey, b. December 25, 1794. Married Nathaniel Mitchell. David, b. May 19, 1798. Married Martha Jack. Died January 11, 1870, in Richmond. Sally, b. May 15, 1802. Married Samuel Mitchell. Sarepta, b. October 24, 1804. Married Alpheus D. Thomas, Novem- ber 16, 1824. Died November 17, 1826. Children by second wife, Miriam Jack: Harriet, b. February 19, 1809. Married Wm. Perry, April 27, 1830. Lived in Bowdoin. She died January 12, 1883. ° Charles Howard, b. December 4, 1812. Married Roxanna Perry. Laurinda, b. April 9, 1815. Married Converse L. Perry, December 25, 1840. Lived in Augusta. Amanda, b. November, 1820. Lives in Braintree, Mass. John W., b. December 23, 1824. Married Fannie Blish. Children by third wife, Fannie Harriman: William O. G., b. March g, 1826. Married Syrena Jack. Died November 9, 1874. Sewell, b. October 27, 1827. Lives in Richmond. Mary P., b. July 26, 1829. Married Levi E. Marble, January 13, 1853. Lives in Richmond. * Susan Frances, b. April 27, 1833. Married Libbeus Jenkins. Died November 10, 1894. John W., son of Charles, graduated from Bowdoin Medical School in 1849. He first settled in Rockland and thence moved to Manhattan, Kansas. Was secretary of state of Kansas before the war and during the war was surgeon of Second Kansas Cav- alry, and died at Fort Smith, December 12, 1863. Charles Howard, son of Charles, lived on the place now owned by J. E. Jack. He was a leading citizen, selectman four years and twice a member of the Maine legislature. Died April 10, 1886. Children of Charles Howard and Roxanna (Perry) Robinson: Converse L., b. June 15, 1840. Died July 11, 1845. Charles F., b. July 24, 1842. Died January 6, 1864. Edwin O., b. July 27, 1847. Died January 24, 1863. Louisa J., b. May 5, 1850. Died January 24, 1853. EARLY SETTLERS. 293 Joun Ropinson. John Robinson, son of David and Sarah (Malcolm) Robin- son, was a prominent citizen. Was deputy sheriff nineteen years and representative to the legislature two terms. He held town office nearly every year until prevented by age. Died May 1, 1869, aged 95 years. Martha, his wife, died July 10, 1856, aged 76 years. Children of John and Martha (Jackson) Robinson: Huldah, b. November 7, 1797. Died November 2, 1868. Jane, b. October 4, 1799. Married Moses Harriman, December 20, 1822. Sylvanus W., b. September 29, 1801. Married Mary O. McLellan. John, b. December 6, 1804. Died October 7, 1821. Ellen A., b. August 11, 1823. Married George H. Berry. Sylvanus W., son of John, was graduated from Bowdoin College, class of 1822, and was the first citizen born in town to graduate from college. He practiced law in Hallowell, Bangor, and Boston, and died in Litchfield, September 16, 1849. WILLIAM ROBINSON. William Robinson came to Litchfield from Topsham, about 1784, and located on the farm now owned by Aaron Peacock. He lived in a log house near the pond and run the ferry across it. He was the son of Charles and Martha (Malcolm) Robin- son, and was born in Topsham, Me., December 26, 1757. His father was killed by a rolling log, when William was about a year old. David Robinson, one of the early settlers, of whom we have written, was a cousin of William. William married Mary Stinson, January 14, 1782, and died May 2, 1830. She was born June 13, 1759, and died October 15, 1828. Children of William and Mary (Stinson) Robinson: Margaret, b. January 18, 1783. Married Andrew Berry, February 7, I A \ ’Flizabeth, b. October 26, 1784. Married John Berry, November 8, 1804. William, b. March 4, 1787. Married Betsey Wharff, September 109, 1810. Mary, b. June 5, 1789. Died May 13, 1830. Catherine, b. June 3, 1791. Married William Stevens, July 10, 1808. She died January 16, 1811. Her son, Andrew, b. June 15, 1809, died May 4, 1810. 2904 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Ardra, b. April 7, 1793. Married 1st, Samuel Webber, June 2, 1816; 2d, John Spear, June 3, 1827. Died in Gardiner. Asenath, b. June 27, 1795. Married Daniel Blake. Robert, b. February 7, 1798. Married Abagail Stevens, October 9, 1819. Thomas, b. August 7, 1800. Married Eliza Ann Chamberlain. Lived in Ellsworth, Me. Hetherly Randall, b. September 3, 1803. Married Almira Sawyer, October 31, 1834. Thomas Robinson, son of William, worked his way through Waterville, now Colby College, graduating in the class of 1827. After graduating he studied law, and commenced practice in Whitefield, Me., and afterwards moved to Ellsworth, where he became a prominent lawyer. Hon. John A. Peters and Hon. Eugene Hale both studied in his office. He was a trustee of Colby for many years, and a member of the legislature, and at one time a candidate for Congress, from his district, coming very near an election. He died July 2, 1858. WILLIAM ROBINSON, JR. William Robinson, Jr., lived on the farm afterwards occupied by his son, Joseph W. Robinson, and now occupied by his grandson, William E. Robinson. He died August 15, 1835. Betsey, his wife, died July 25, 1861, aged 69 years. Children of William and Betsey (Wharff) Robinson: Catherine, b. April 2, 1812. Married Robert M. Newell. Lived in West Gardiner. S Joseph W.,, b. November 18, 1814. Married rst, Eliza Ann Gatchell; 2d, Mary A. Ring, April 22, 1840; 3d, Harriet R. Stevens, October 30, 1859. William A., b. February 7, 1818. Died November 23, 1838. Eliza Ann, b. September 2, 1822. Married John C. Jones, October 18, 1840. Died October 19, 1844. Joseph W. Robinson, son of William, Jr., lived on the home place and was a highly respected citizen. He was a blacksmith and farmer, and died May 5, 1883. Eliza Ann, his wife, died ~ December 31, 1838. Mary Ann, his wife, September 14, 1853. Children of Joseph W. and Mary Ann (Ring) Robinson: Daniel W., b. February 19, 1841. Married Hannah Margaret Ryan. ‘Lives in Boston. Cyrus W., b. October 10, 1843. Died May 15, 1844. Francis B., b. January 17, 1847. Died May 13, 1850. Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 22, 1851. Died August 28, 1853. i EARLY SETTLERS. 205 Children by wife, Harriet R. Stevens: William E., b, August 16, 1860. Married Nellie I. Newell, September 2, 1890. Clara J., b. October 6, 1862. Married Eben Hinkley, April 8, 1888. Lives in Gardiner. Sarah E., b. April 14, 1867. Married Frank Peacock, April 16, 1885. Francis Edith, b. August 17, 1870. Children of Daniel W., son of Joseph W., and Hannah Margaret (Ryan) Robinson: Joseph P., b. May 9, 1878. Lives in Boston. Sarah Blanche, b. May 10, 1880. Lives in Boston. Children of William E., son of Joseph W., and Nellic Idella (Newell) Robinson: Mertelle A., b. March 20, 1891. Died July 17, 1891. William Merton, b. March 23, 1893. v Children of Frank and Sarah Ellen (Robinson) Peacock: Minnie S., b. April 26, 1888. Myra Ellen, b. April 21, 1889, died September 12, 1880. Lewis F., b. October 4, 1892. Caroline Kendal, b. July 3, 1895. RoBeERT ROBINSON. Robert Robinson, son of William and Mary (Stinson) Robin- son, lived on the pond road on the place now occupied by Cyrus Witham. He died August 9, 1876. Abagail, his wife, died November 21, 1877. Children of Robert and Abigail (Stevens) Robinson: Asenath, b. September 13, 1820. Married Joseph Williams. Lived in Gardiner. Died December 30, 1888. James M., b. August 2, 1822. Married Sarah Goodwin, November 13, 1843. Died March 17, 1890. John, b. January 10, 1825. Died September 30, 1828. Elisha H., b. January 1, 1827. Died May 24, 1845. Harriet R., b. February 6, 1829. Died December 18, 1846. Mary A., b. September 25, 1831. Married Samuel Hopkins. Lived in Gardiner. Died July 27, 1859. Andrew S., &. December 19, 1834. Married 1st, Abbie Hutchinson; 2d, Mary Ward. Lives in Gardiner. Robert, Jr., b. August 5, 1838. Married Annie Lawrence, October 2, 1861. Lives in Gardiner. William W., b. April 6, 1840. Married Georgie A. Newell. Lives in Gardiner. Robert Robinson, Jr., lived for several years where Mr. Shep- herd now lives, on the pond road, and then moved to Gardiner, where he now resides. 296 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Robert Robinson, Jr., and Annie (Lawrence) Robinson: Walter B., b. January 22, 1863. Drowned,August 14, 1876. Annie Augusta, b. January 23, 1865. Married Edwin D. Tobey. Lives in Gardiner. Ellis Edgar, b. March 18, 1869. Married Delia F. Queeny. Lives in New York City. Mary G., b. September 28, 1870. Married J. Frank Holt. Lives in Gardiner. Newell, b. September 28, 1872. Married Mabel Goodwin. Lives tn Gardiner. Margaret C., b. July 4, 1875. Married J. L. Brooks. Lives in New- ton Centre, Mass. HETHERLY RANDALL ROBINSON. Hetherly Randall Robinson, son of William, Senior, lived on the place since occupied by Pell Clason, but now by Edwin B. Small. He moved to Wisconsin in 1851. Children of Hetherly Randall and Elmira (Sawyer) Robinson: Harriet, b. May 22, 1825. Died October 15, 1826. George W., b. September 14, 1827. Married Amy Noyes. Lives in Waupaca, Wis. . Elias H., b. September 10, 1829. Married Sarah Gilson. Lives in Santa Cruz, Cal. Harriet M., b. January 30, 1832. Died May 5, 1837. Tiltha J., b. August 24, 1834. Died October 11, 1836. Emma J., b. January 13, 1837. Married C. S. Jones. Lives in Rural, Wis, Laura A., b. November 16, 1839. Married J. C. Stringham. Lives in Minnesota. Adelbert Hiram, b. October 15, 1842. Married Augusta Emmons. Lives in Waupaca. Mary Elizabeth, b. January 18, 1847. Married O. W. Whitney. Lives in Santa Cruz, Cal. ‘ ROGERS. John Rogers moved from Eastham, Mass., to Litchfield, upon the place just south of the home of Hon. O. Smith, in 1798. He died April 18, 1824, aged 68 years. Rebecca, his wife, died July 29, 1838, aged 70 years. Children of John and Rebecca (Daggett) Rogers: Smith, b. October 8, 1787. Married Martha Tyler. She died May 23, 1814. One child, Elizabeth, b. September 2, 1813. Married Ebenezer Morrell, December 7, 1834. Died in San Francisco, Cal., March 16, 1876. Betty, b. June 21, 1789. Married James Williams, December 24, 1812. John, b. May 9, 1791. Died April 6, 1828. George W., b. August 29, 1793. Married Mary Hatch. He died in Gardiner, August 16, 1858. Rebecca, b. March 8, 1796. Married Daniel Adams, October 16, 1820. MARSHAL S. H. ROGERS. MARSHAL 5S. H. ROGERS. Marshal S. H. Rogers, son of Nathan and Mary Jack Rogers, was. born in Litchfield, August 13, 1836, on the farm now known as the “Hagar Pasture,’ upon which his grandfather, John Rogers, who came from Eastham, Mass., settled in 1797. John Rogers was a Revolu- tionary hero and a man of strong upright character. When three years of age, the parents of Mr. Rogers purchased the farm which he owned and occupied at the time of his sudden death, December 2, 1895. In 1858 he was married to Mary E. Perry of Litchfield, who survives him with their three children, one son and two daughters, all of whom have been successful teachers in many of the towns around and in the city of Gardiner. Mr. Rogers received his education in the common schools and at Litchfield Liberal Institute and for many years taught successfully in his own and adjoining towns. For several years he had charge, in whole vr in part, of the schools of Litchfield. He was repeatedly elected by his townsmen to positions of trust and responsibility, was many years a member of the board of selectmen, serving as chairman of the board, anc at one time held the position of proofreader in the office of Secre- tary of State at Augusta, for which work he was especially well quali- fied. He held a commission from the State as a justice of the peace for nearly twenty years and gave considerable attention to the settlement oi estates. Mr. Rogers was ever deeply interested in all public affairs and was an intelligent observer of passing events, the importance of which he fully appreciated and understood. He retained his interest in the educational work of the town and was a trustee of the Academy arid president of its board at the time of his death. He was active in securing from the State the last appropriation made for that institution. The estimation in which he was held by its trustees was tersely expressed -» the following resolution, which received a unanimous passage at the annual meeting in December, 1895. Resolved: That by the death of M. S. H. Rogers, this board has sus- tained a serious loss. He was useful for many years as president of this body, member of our executive committee and general trustee. We held him in high esteem as a genial associate, a good citizen and an honest man. Mr. Rogers was a useful man and is still greatly missed in the community where he lived his life and performed his life work. EARLY SETTLERS. 297 Nathan, b. August 23, 1798. Married Mary Jack. Warren, b. April 26, 1801. Died May r4, 1801. West D., b. May 7, 1802. Abner, b. April 20, 1805. Salley, b. February 10, 1808. Married Sylvanus Smith. Died Decem- ber 25, 1836. Mary, b. January-15, 1811. Married Daniel Bryant. NatHAN ROGERS. Nathan Rogers, son of John, lived on the place since occupied by his son, M.S. H. Rogers, Esq. He died April 14, 1845. Mary. his wife, died January 7, 1866. Children of Nathan and Mary (Jack) Rogers: Josiah J., b. October 7, 1825. Died February 16, 1858. Nathan S.. b. September 18, 1827. Died June 11, 1835. John S., b. December 10, 1829. Died September 27, 1851. Marshall S. H., b. August 13, 1836. Married Mary Elizabeth Perry, December 12, 1858. Marshall S$. H. Rogers, son of Nathan, lived on the old Rogers place until his decease, in December, 1895. He was a leading man in town, being several years a selectman and also on the school board, and was for many years a teacher. Children of M. S. H. and Mary E. (Perry) Rogers: George M., b. September 26, 1859. Married Nellie M. Roberts. Flora E., b. March 10, 1861. Costella E., b. December 23. 1862. Married George Sandford. ROLLINS. John Rollins, son of Stephen and Hannah (Stanley) Rollins, and a descendant of Nicholas Rollins who took the oath of allegiance in 1678, and lived at West Newbury, Mass., was born in New Gloucester, Me., March 3, 1775. He married Bathsheba Griffin of Freeport, Me., and moved to Litchfield in 1801, and lived on place now occupied by widow of Joseph Woodbury. In 1815 he moved to Williamsburg, Ohio. He was a leader in the Baptist church at South Litchfield. Children of John and Bathsheba (Griffin) Rollins: Roscilla, b. May 18, 1802. Alpheus, b. October 22, 1804. Amariah, b. March 21, 1808. Emeline, b. December 18, 1809. Augustine, b. March 3, 1813. 4g 298 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD, Davip ROLLINS. David, son of Benjamin and Sally (Porter) Rollins, and a descendant of James Rollins who settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1632, was born in 1791; married Nancy Webber, November 5, 1812, and lived in that part of Litchfield afterwards annexed to Richmond. Their children, born in Litchfield: Allison, b. March 4, 1813. Converse, b. 1824. Harriet, b. 1828. AARON ROLLINS. There was an Aaron Rollins lived in town several years. He was probably son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Tucker) Rollins. He married Eunice Town, and afterwards moved near Bangor, Maine. Their children: Jesse, b. November 24, 18009. Anna, b. August 18, 1812. RUSSELL. There was a Doctor Daniel Russell in town scan after 1800. He took an active interest in town affairs, especially in laying out new roads. I find record of death of Rachel Russell, wife of Daniel, May 22, 1805, and of death of Polly Russell, daughter of Daniel, May 31, 1805. There was a Harmon Russell, who kept store at the Corner in 1822, and afterwards a short time with J. C. Barstow in part- nership. He married Ann Lowell and had one son, Harmon B., b. April 8, 1824. In either 1825 or 1826 Mr. Russell moved to Ohio. SAFFORD. Dr. William Safford came to Purgatory from Freeport. He studied medicine with Dr. Pidgin and was graduated from Bow- doin Medical School. Dr. Safford married Mary Springer and lived on the place now occupied by Charles H. Waldron. He was born August 14, 1807, and died December 12, 1858. Mary, his wife, born February 9, 1815, and died April 10, 1870. EARLY SETTLERS. 299 Children: William M., b. December 4, 1845. Died July 8, 1875. George E., adopted son, b. March, 1843. Died January 1, 1875. fr SALLY. William Sally came to Litchfield. in 1780, with the Halls, lived at the Plains, and afterwards moved to Bowdoinham. He was born January 2, 1769. His wife, Love, (Hatch) was born November 2, 1773. Children of William and Love (Hatch) Sally: Rachel,.b. January 19, 1791. Married Asa Thompson. Lived in Bowdoinham. Matty, b. December 1, 1792. Married Jonathan Oberton. Lived in Phillips. Polly, b. April 22, 1795. Married John Dow. Lived in Weld, Me. Solomon, b. August 15, 1797. Married Caroline Sinclair. Lived in Richmond. “ Deborah, b. September 11, 1799. Married Joseph Nickerson. By second wife: Winslow, married Jane Labaree. Lived in Bowdoinham. James H., married Mary S. Farrin. Lives in Richmond. SAMPSON. Conon Sampson, son of William and Eunice (Leach) Samp- son, and grandson of James, was born in Bowdoinham village, May 24, 1806. In June, 1834, he married Eleanor Jack, daughter of Walter and Jennie (Parke) Jack, and in fall of same year moved into Litchfield upon a portion of Heman Smith farm. After living there a few years he moved to Potter’s Mills at the Plains. He subsequently moved to Windsor, Me. Since the death of Mrs. Sampson, in 1880, Mr. Sampson has lived with his son in Augusta. Children of Conon-and Eleanor (Jack) Sampson: Alden B., b. February 24, 1835. Married ElJen E. Glass. Lives in Richmond. William F., b. December 26, 1836. Married, 1st, Rachel Young; 2d, _Grace White. Lives in Augusta. Wentworth L., b. April 26, 1839. Married, ist, Abbie Melvin; 2d, Agnes Nolan. Lives in Augusta. Anthony A., b. September 21, 1844. Married Mary Alice Fraser. Lives in Chelsea. Ella, b. 1846. Died when young. Se Giles L., b. October 18, 1849. Married Hannah Jackson. Died in Augusta, January 9, 1897. 300 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. SANBORN. Peter Sanborn came to Litchfield from Durham, in 1815. He married Hannah Gerrish of Durham and lived near Oak Hill. She died May to, 1840, aged 68 years. Children of Peter and Hannah (Gerrish) Sanborn: Susannah, b. April 10, 1803. Married Ezekiel Ware. Died in Augusta. / Caroline, b. May 31, 1807. Married Alden S. Baker. Died in Rich- mond. ‘ Thirza, b. October 12, 1809. Married Charles Brown of Augusta. Sarah Ann, b. August 8, 1811. Married, rst, Daniel Robinson, Sep- tember 3, 1837; 2d, Lewis Hamlen, lived Augusta. (Julia, b. March 12, 1814. Married Samuel Bridge, December 12, 1844. She lives in San Francisco, Cal. BENJAMIN SANBORN. There was a Benjamin Sanborn who came to Litchfield from Parsonsfield in 1825. He married Sarah Scribner and bought the Capt. Jewell place, next to T. H. Springer’s. He moved to Webster, where he died September 28, 1882, aged 84 years, 7 months. Sarah, his wife, died November 20, 1877, aged 75 years, 10 months. Their children: Fe David S., b. August 18, 1821. Married Azelia Davis. Lived in Wales. Nancy P., b. January 13, 1824. Died June 27, 1840. Elthera H., b. September 5, 1826. Married John Jameson. Lived in Lewiston. . Hannah B., b. March 14, 1830. Married George Crocket. Lived in Lewiston. Amzi, b. June 29, 1840. Married Emma M. Davis. Died in Webster, October 7, 1871. SAWYER. Captain Joseph Sawyer was born in Ipswich, Mass., June 18, 1766, and was the son of Samuel Sawyer, who owned the Saw- yer Purchase, so called, in Litchfield. Captain Sawyer was married in Ipswich, September 29, 1791, to Susannah Day, and they immediately left for their new home in Litchfield, arriving at the mouth of the Cobbossee stream, at what is now Gardiner, October 17th, of the same year. They proceeded at once to their log house in Litchfield which had been built by the cap- JAMES B. SAWYER. JAMES B. SAWYER. James B. Sawyer, the subject of this sketch, son of Capt. Joseph and Susannah Day Sawyer, was born October 6, 1800, in a small framed house into which his parents had just moved from their littie log cabin where their first four children were born. This new house stood on what is now known as the Josiah Jack place. Mr. Sawyer remained on the farm with his father until about twenty years of age. He was a typical frontiersman, strong, practical, courageous and intelligent. When about twenty he left home and spent a couple years in Ipswich, Mass., after which he purchased land in Litchfield and began the difficult and slow operation of paying for it when the services of capable men rarely commanded more than ten dollars per month in the common vocations of those days. He made several trips on foot from his native town to the provinces and to Culais, Me., where he engaged in the lumber business, working in the woods and in mills, always saving some money to make payments on his land in Litchfield. In 1835 on Christmas he married Abiah Stinson, daughter of Rev. William Stinson of Bowdoin, and settled on the old homestead farm which together with his own land gave him a large landed estate which he occupied for near half a century, here he reared his family of five children, two sons and three daughters, all of whom became successful teachers. The two sons and two of the daughters still sur- vive their father. The oldest daughter, Mrs. Ellen Sawyer Palmer is a woman of ability and possessed of fine literary taste. She was the author of the original poem which she delivered upon the occasion of the centennial celebration of her native town and which appears in this volume; she now resides in Pennsylvania. William S., the older son, lives in Massachusetts. Joseph, the younger son lives in Augusta, Me., and the youngest child, Susan Abiah, now Mrs. E. S. Brown, lives in Taunton, Mass. James Sawyer was widely known and was a man of marked individ- uality, of rugged character and noble impulses, he came from a strong ancestry of Whig proclivities but early and boldly allied himself with the anti-slavery element. He was a student deeply engrossed in polit- ical history, possessed of a wonderful memory he stored his mind with all the facts of that history as it was being made by the most remarkable men of the century, and those facts and data he was able to use with great facility and force at a moment's notice, this readiness in debate made him a strong defender of the oppressed and a dangerous adversary in the earnest discussions of those antibellum days. He was an admirer of President Lincoln and an ardent supporter of his policy. Mr. Sawyer was a membcr of no church but his life was strongly effected by the influence of two good women. Susannah Day Sawyer, his mother, was a devout Baptist and Abiah Stinson Sawyer, his wife, was a woman of talent and a life long Christian, and was never opposed in her work by her husband. But he sometimes claimed that he relieved her by doing half the religious work necessary to save them from falling into temptation, he said he did the watching while Abiah did the praying. His last years were spent in Gardiner where he died at the advanced age of eighty-nine years. EARLY SETTLERS. 301 tain, early in 1791. Captain Sawyer was captain of a military company for several years. He died September 11, 1851. Susannah died October 14, 1829, aged 62 years, Children of Joseph and Susannah (Day) Sawyer: Elizabeth, b. February 13. 1793. Married Josiah Jack, March 2, 1828, Samuel, b. August 27, 1794. Married Rachel Hay. Lived in Merri- mac, N. H. Susannah, b. October 31, 1796. Married Ambrose Case. Lived in Readfield. Died December 5, 1832. Clarissa, b. September 30, 1798. Married Dr. Jesse Pike, February 24, 1822. James B., b. October 6, 1800. Married Abiah Stinson, December 24, 1834. John, b. February 16, r802. Married Sarah Averill. Lived in Tops- field, Mass. Harriet. b. December 5, 1804. Married John Dennis. Joseph, b. August 26, 1806. Married Sophia Beaucannon. Caroline, b. January 23, 1809. Died February 20, 1809. Angeline, b. March 16, 1810. Married John Ray. Lived in Tops- field, Mass. James B. Sawyer. James B. Sawyer, son of Captain Joseph, lived on the home place for nearly 80 years, then moved to Gardiner, where he died February 12, 1889. He was a respected and honored citizen. Abiah, his wife, died May 15, 1887, aged 83 years. Children of James B. and Abiah (Stinson) Sawyer: William S., b. September 19, 1835. Married Helen Graves. Joseph, b. November 11, 1836. Married Annie M. Stinson, January 3, 1865. Sarah Averill, b. July 10, 1839. Died June 13, 1875. Ellen, b. November 11, 1841. Married Hon. D. C. Palmer, February 27, 1884. Lives in Gardiner. Susan Abiah, b. February 20, 1848. Married FE. S. Brown, September g, 1875. Lives in Gardiner. Joseph Sawyer, son of James B., lived in Litchfield a few years. Now lives in Augusta. Children of Joseph and Annie (Stinson) Sawyer: Miriam F., b. October 18, 1865. _ Lillian M., b. September 15, 1867. Died July 25, 1875. James B., b. September 23, 1870. Herbert B., b. May 6, 1872. Sarah A., b. December 30, 1873. Joseph, b. January 26, 1876. Died in 1888. 302 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Davip SAWYER. David Sawyer came to Litchfield about 1790, from Epping, N. H. He lived on the farm now owned by Charles Waldron, and was engaged in the tanning business. He died May 13, 1835, aged 87 years. His wife, Abiah Belknap, died May 13, 1844, aged 96 years. They had several children, among them, Mary S.,b.in 1770. Married George R. Freeman; also Mehit- able, b. February 19, 1791. Married Capt. John True, April 19, 1819. Another daughter married Jonathan Carlton of Alna, and one married a Mason and lived in Boston. They had also one son, William. Joun B. Sawyer. John B. Sawyer was born August 19, 1777. He came to Litchfield in 1801, and in 1803 married Betsey Parker, daughter of Joseph Parker. He died January 16, 1863, and his wife, June 17, 1864. Children: Hannah, b. July 31, 1804. Married David Maxwell, April 19, 1828. Lived in Gardiner. Enoch P., b. November 17, 1805. Married Mary T. Gardiner, Sep- tember, 1832. Died in Chelsea, Me., in 1884. Ammi, b. October 1, 1807. Died in Hallowell, October 29, 1835. James, b. September 14, 1809. Died in Hallowell, January 1, 1836. Parmelia, b. March 27, 1811. Married Chalubia G. Bowman. Died in Richmond, in 1871. Page, b. July 16, 18:3. Lost at sea. Cyrenius, b. October 1, 1815. Married Julia Cox. Dued in West Gardiner, December 28, 1880. Betsey P., b. February 1, 1818. Married Isley Osborn. Lived in West Gardiner. Mary W., b. November 21, 1822. Married William Thomas Sinclair. Lives in Manchester. Cyrenius, son of John B., lived on the Neck. Children of Cyrenius and Julia (Cox) Sawyer: Edmund Page, b. May 1, 1853. Lives in Minnesota. W. Guy, b. April 30, 1856. Lives in West Gardiner. Asa G. SAWYER. Asa G. Sawyer, son of John and Mary (Hannaford) Sawyer, and grandson of Captain John. Sawyer, was born in Pownal, Me., January 1,1795. His parents moved to Monmouth, Me., \ EARLY SETTLERS. 303 when he was four.years of age, and afterwards to Durham, Me. Asa married Dorothy Jordan of Lisbon, Me., June 13, 1822. They lived in Lisbon until about 1843, when they moved to Litchfield, at foot of Oak Hill, where -\sa died, April 4, 1864. Dorothy, his wife, died in 1875. Children of Asa G. and Dorothy (Jordan) Sawyer: Emily, b. May 27, 1823. Married B. Frank Rowe, July 27, 1856. Lives in Boston. George W., b. April 16, 1825. Married Harriet A. Rollins of Rich- mond, Me., August 29, 1852. Mary J., b. April 6, 1827. Married Boston. Celia A., b. October 18, 1831. Married Elbridge Moulton. Lives in Boston. Elizabeth D., b. February 7, 1834. Died in Litchfield, October 4, 1857. Published October 3, 1857, to William Jordan, 2d. Frances E., b. October 4, 1837. Married Daniel H. Powers, July 4, 1854. Almira G.. b. January 7, 1841. Died August 14, 1871, in Litchfield, Maine. — Manson, and lives in George W., son of Asa G. Sawyer, lived in Litchfield several years, and was then afterwards in business at Sabattus, Me., where he died, January 1, 1895. Children of George W. and Harriet (Rollins) Sawyer: George M.. b. July 18, 1853. Elizabeth L., b. October 29, 1856. Suaw. Benjamin Shaw came to Gardiner in ‘1783, and in 1799 he opened a store at the outlet of Cobbossee pond, and died there in 1815. He married Margaret Gregg, who died in Litchfield, March 17, 1813, aged 59 years. Their children: Christiana, b. December 31, 1780. Died May to, 1828. Benjamin ,b. September 30, 1785. Married Jane Wilson, August 30, 1807. Susan, b. June 9, 1788. Married Hon. Edward Swan. Robert, b. July 31, 1791. Lost at sea. George, b. March 27, 1793. Married Amelia Hyde. Benjamin, Jr., lived across the road from Andrew Brown’s at Robinson’s Corner for several years and then moved to Gar- diner, where he died June 6, 1853. Jane, his wife, died October . 2, 1862. 304 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Benjamin, Jr., and Jane (Wilson) Shaw: Harriet, b. July 23, 1808. Married Hon. Edward Swan. Died June 26, 1882, at Gardiner, Me. Benjamin, Jr., b. March 10, 1810. Married, 1st, Mary T. Perkins; 2d, Harriet Sevals. Died December 23, 1874. Margaret, b. October 3, 1815. Married, ist, Thomas Swan; 2d, Albert Lovejoy. Died in Gardiner, February 15, 1870. Horace, b. November 20, 1829. Tuomas SHAW. There was a Thomas Shaw, who lived several years in Litch- field. He married Sally Webber, May 14, 1809. Their children, born in Litchfield: David R., b. February 10, 1810. Rachel R., b October 10, 1811. SHOREY. Hiram Shorey was born in Berwick, Me., March 6, 1786. He was the son of John and Mary (Kilgore) Shorey, grandson of Jacob and a descendant of Samuel Shorey, who was born in Kittery, Me., 1660. He came to Litchfield in 1816, and settled on the farm now owned by H. k. Morrell, known as “Tacoma.” He was a very prominent man, being for several years a member of the board of selectmen and two years representative to the legislature. His profession was that of civil engineer, and he also carried on a farm. He married Rebecca Chadburn, in 1814. She died October 31, 1879. Hiram died February 23, 1870. Children: ; Jacob, b. October 17, 1815. Married Lucy True, September 13, 1840. Died July 21, 1884. Mary, b. May 10, 1817. Married, 1st, Nathaniel] Chick, December 3, 1840; 2d. Orville Allen. Hannah, b. December 23, 1819. Married Josiah True, January 1, 1857. John, b. June 15, 1822. Died February 6, 1894. Hiram C., b. February 1, 1826. Married Annic Rue. Lives in state of Washington. Nancy, b. August 10, 1829. Married Asa P. Smith, August 25, 1855. Oliver C., b. July 19, 1831. Married Emma Bonney. Lives in state of Washington. : ; _ Edward, b. April 5, 1835. Married Louise E. Purrington, September 15, 1861. ESQ. HIRAM SHOREY, HIRAM SHOREY. Hiram Shorey, as may be seen by the notice on preceding page, was a man of considerable note and for many years was prominent in town affairs. He held a commission as justice for several terms and was well known as a capable and safe man to do business. His advice was often sought and he was always to be depended upon and trusted, a man of honor and strictest integrity. He was a good scholar for his time and a good surveyor and engineer, as was his father. John Shorey. He was also an industrious, thrifty and successful farmer. Two sons and one daughter survive him. Hiram, a successful busi- ness man in the state of Washington; Edward, a successful farmer in Litchfield, occupying the farm on the Plains formerly owned by Rev. Stephen Purinton whose daughter he married, and Hannah, widow of the late Hon. Josiah True, residing with Edward. EARLY SETTLERS. 305 John Shorey, father of Hiram, born May 21, 1758, died in Litchfield, August 4, 1837. Mary his wife, died November 24, 1819, aged 60 years. Edward Shorey, son of Hiram, lives on the Stephen Puring- ton place. He is a leading farmer. Children of Edward and Louiza (Purrington) Shorey: Hiram Elmer, b. August 9, 1862. Married Olena Anderson. In business in Chicago. SHURTLEFF. James Shurtleff, son of James and Johanna (Tupper) Shurt- leff, and a descendant of William Shurtleff, who came to Ply- mouth, Mass., in December, 1634, was born in Plymouth in 1747, and married Priscilla Torrey at that place, in 1773, and moved to Maine. He came to Litchfield before 1786, and was a civil engineer and farmer, and taught school in town in 1788. He lived near Oak Hill, on farm now owned by Mr. Ridley, and was prominent in town affairs and a member of the Massachu- setts legislature. Mr. Shurtleff married, for his second wife, Dorcas , and for his third wife, Rhoda Smith, in Novem- ber 8, 1827. He died January 16, 1832. Children of James and Priscilla (Torrey) Shurtleff: Elizabeth, b. February 8, 1775. Died February 27, 1852. James, b. November 15, 1778. Moved to Ohio. William, b. January 30, 1787. Was in War of 1812. Went to Ohio. Isaac, b. July 6, 1789. Married Catherine Hayden. She died January 15, 1830. Isaac died in Lisbon Me. Hannah, b. May 25, 1793. Francis, b. August 8, 1795. Graduate from Bowdoin Medical School in 1826. Died July, 1828. Children of Isaac, son of James, and Catherine (Hayden) ‘Shurtleff. Mary A. P., b. May 14, 1825. Died August 27, 1828. Emma Jane, b. October 12, 1828. Married David S. Dunlap. Lives in Westboro, Mass. Catherine Hayden, b. January 8, 1830. Married Capt. Enoch Tomp- kins, Haverhill, Mass. She died September 20, 1874. SINCLAIR. Joseph Sinclair, son of Adoniram and Elizabeth Sinclair, lived on the Neck. He was born in Lisbon, August 26, 1775. Married Huldah Davis. 20 306 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Their children: William Thomas, b. June, 1822. Married, Ist, Eunice Howard, December 31, 1844; 2d, Mary Sawyer, September 12, 1861. ‘Died March 30, 1894. : Julia, married Thomas Hatch. Lived in Bath. Alice, married Henry Collins. Lived in Roxbury, Mass. SMALL. Benjamin R. Small, born in Bowdoin, November 22, 1810, son of Ephraim and Ann Small, came to Litchfield in 1846, and settled at the Plains. He married Mary Knights, born in Wales, England, in 1811. He died September 11, 1882. His wife died August 30, 1887. Benjamin R. Small and Rev. Con- stant Quinnan threw the first two Abolition votes cast in Richmond, Me. Children: Mary Ann, b. June 18, 1836. Lives on home place. Benjamin F., b. August 24, 1839. Married Luetta ce a dentist in Old Town, Me. Abial Libby, b. December 23, 1847. Married Emma eipaee Abial Libby Small, son of Benjamin R., lives in the Cook neighborhood. Children of Abial L. and Emma (Rhodes) Small: Edith May, b. October 26, 1880. Benjamin Roy, b. October 2, 1882. Delmar R., b. December 2, 1886. CHARLES SMALL. Charles Small, son of David, was born in Bowdoin, Septem- ber 12, 1800, and lived in Steventown. He came there about 1820, and married Elizabeth Potter, March 14, 1824. He after- wards moved into West Gardiner, where he died January 17, 1860. Children: Salume, b. October 6, 1825. Married Joseph Baker, and died June 2, 1888. Jacob, b. April 27, 1828. Married Julia F. Deane: Died in Ken- tucky. Charles, b. March 15, 1830. Married, 1st, Ann Brann; 2d, Mrs Sarah Baker) Stevens. Lives in West Gerdiner. - EARLY SETTLERS. 307 Samuel, b. March 15, 1830. Married Keziah E. Marr. Lives in West Gardiner. Oliver R., b. October 3, 1838. Married Sarah A. Spear. Lived in Lisbon. Died February 15, 1882. Edwin, b. December 20, 1835. Married, 1st, Josie P. Downing; 2d Fannie Roberts. Lives in West Gardiner. ’ SMITH. Eliphalet Smith was born in York, Me., in 1742. He was the son of Joseph Smith, who was born in York, April 16, 1694, and a grandson of James and Martha (Bragdon) Smith. Soon after Eliphalet was born his father moved to Brunswick, upon land he had taken up in 1738. While living in Brunswick, Joseph, Senior, with his sons, Joseph, Jr., Eliphalet and Thomas, was at work upon his land near his brother-in-law, Tobias Ham’s, tan-pit, when the Indians got between them and the block house and killed Thomas, while Joseph, Senior, shot two of the Ind- ians. Eliphalet married, November 25, 1765, Jane Neal, who was born in Scituate, Mass., June 4, 1732. She was a sister of John Neal, Jr., father of the Neals that early came to Litchfield. Eliphalet lived several years in Brunswick and Topsham. He took up a farm at Litchfield Corner in 1772, and he and Ben- jamin Hinkley were the first settlers there. Huis family did not move there until 1776. He died April 1, 1800. Children of Eliphalet and Jane (Neal) Smith: Sarah, b. October 18, 1766. Married Edward Gower, November, 1785. Martha, b. December 20, 1768. Married Marlbury Palmer. John, b. March 16, 1771. Married Polly Day, May 27, 1794, daughter of Aaron and Sarah (Goodhue) Day of Ipswich, Mass. Joseph, b. July 5, 1773. Married Martha Robinson, August 9, 1794. JOHN SMITH. John Smith came to Litchfield with his father, Eliphalet, in 1776,and when he became of age, took up the farm where County Commissioner Samuel Smith now lives. He was a prominent man in town and a member of the board of selectmen for 25 years. Was also a member of the Massachusetts legislature and the Maine legislature. Polly Day, his wife, was born Octo- ber 30, 1773, and died April 20, 1857. John died January 25, 1855. J i - 308 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of John and Polly (Day) Smith: Jane, b. May 26, 1795. Married, tst, Samuel Perham; 2d, Asaph Smith. Died April 8, 1870. Polly, b. September 6, 1796. Died December 5, 1800. Sally Gower, b. August 23, 1798. Died February 24, 1822. John, b. November 10, 1800. Married Judith Lowell. Edward Gower, b. February 8, 1803. Married Elizabeth Lord, November 26, 1835. Daniel Day, b. May 8, 1805. Married Lucy Williams. Infant, b. January 8, 1808. Died February 18, 1808. Caroline Sawyer, b. April 27, 1809. Died May 24, 1834. William Cleaves, b. August 28, 1811. Married Mary S. Cook, April 2, 1838. George Lincoln, b. February 27, 1815. Married Abigail Tappan, January I, 1842. Samuel King, b. October 17, 1817. Married Ann Eliza Abbot, August 14, 1854. \ John Smith, Jr., lived in Litchfield and died February 17, 1832. Children of John and Judith (Lowell) Smith: Marion W., b. June 2, 1831. Married Dr. Asa H. Lovett. Epwarp GOWER SMITH. Edward Gower Smith, son of John, lived on his father’s farm. He was an influential man in town and active in church affairs, being connected with the North Baptist church. He died March 20, 1882. His wife died May 23, 1881. Children of Edward Gower and Elizabeth Brown (Lord) Smith: Caroline Sawyer, b. September 5, 1836. Married Samuel Smith, August 26, 1862. Frances Jane, b. October 10, 1838. Died August 6, 1853. ; Horace Lysander, b. July 27, 1840. Married Mary Esther Sanford, June 4, 1879. Mary Adeline, b. March 13, 1843. Died March 5, 1855. John Day, b. February 25, 1845. Married, 1st, Mary H. Chadbourn, July 15, 1872; 2d, Laura A. Bean, September 14, 1879. Warren Augustus, b. March 13, 1847. Died September 1, 1860. Albion True, b. July 26, 1850. Died June 3, 1880. Hon. John Day Smith was graduated from Brown University and Columbia Law School. Taught school in Worcester, Mass., and then was in Department of Interior at Washington, D. C., ten years. Now a leading lawyer in Minneapolis, Minn. Has been four years in Minnesota State Senate. EDWARD GOWER SMITH. EDWARD GOWER SMITH. Edward Gower Smith was born in Litchfield, February &th, 1803, and died, where he had always lived, March 20th, 1882. He was mar- ried November 26th, 1835 to Elizabeth Brown Lord, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Knowlton) Lord, and grand-daughter of Lieut. James Lord (1742-1831), who was an officer in the Revolutionary war, and who was severely wounded in the battle of Long Island, July 27th, 1776. Mrs. Smith died May 23d, 1881. Mr. Smith was son of John Smith, Esq., who held public office in the town for many years and sev- eral times represented Litchfield in the Massachusetts and Maine leg- islature. He was grand-son of Eliphalet Smith, one of the earliest settlers of the town. Ar. Smith was a prominent citizen of the town and county, a man of strong rugged character, of good executive ability and to the end of his life took an intelligent interest in public affairs, he was a member of the North Baptist church, and had a large circle of ac juaintances who miss his genial presence even now after the lapse of so many years. WILLIAM C. SMITH. WILLIAM CLEAVES SMITH. William C. Smith, a son of John and Polly Day Smith, and grandson of Eliphalet Smith, one of the first settlers, was born in Litchfield in 1811. In early life he worked at lumbering in Penobscot county and for some time in Bangor, Maine. In 1838 he married Mary S. Cook, a daughter of Barnabas and granddaughter of Saul Cook, who came to Litchfield soon after the Revolutionary War in which he served for two years in the land force and then having been a sailor prior to the war, he entered the naval service and was assigned to duty on the United States privateer Defence of twenty guns, Capt. Samuel Smadley commander. Mr. Smith lived in Lisbon, Me., for some time after his marriage and then came back and settled on the Saul Cook farm now occupied by Oramandal Smith, where he died July, 1895, nearly eighty- four years of age. Mr. Smith though not rich in this world’s goods was ever glad to assist the poorer, his doors were ever open to the hungry or the needy, he believed in the words of his master, “In as much as ye did it unto these, ye did it unto me.” His faith in God and his belief in his promises had been firm for many years but as he neared the end they were sublime and impressive. His long life was a useful one, he was ever helpful where there was sickness or suffering in any home in the community. He retained his interest and was active in church affairs until the last days of life and his last illness came upon him while in attendance upon the public religious service at the Plains church of which he was a member. He was a man of strong convictions and faithful in the discharge of duty as he under- stood it. His three children survive him. Mrs. M. W. Adams and Mrs. Oramandal Smith live in Litchfield; Mrs. E. C. Briery resides with her son, William Smith Briery, in Auburn, Me. EARLY SETTLERS. 309 Warren Augustus died shortly after graduating from Colby. Albion True attended Bates two years, and was graduated from Brown University in 1876. Taught school until his decease. DaniEL Day Smirtu. Daniel Day Smith, son of John and Polly (Day) Smith, moved to Aroostook county, where he died in May, 1853. His wife died in November, 1852. Children of Daniel Day and Lucy (Williams) Smith: Ruel Williams, b. 1836. Died in r84o. Minerva, b. 1839. Died in 1841. Oramandel, b. December 2, 1842. Married Rebecca Jane Smith, May 22, 1875. Frances, b. 1844. Died in 1849. Daniel Day, b. 1847. Died in 1849. Lucy Jane, b. November, 1852. Married George F. Merrill. Lives in.Cornish, Me. Hon. Oramandel Smith lives on the Saul Cook place. He taught school twelve years, has been supervisor of schools, rep- resentative to the legislature, State insurance commissioner, assistant clerk and clerk of the Maine House of Representatives several terms, Secretary of State six years, member of Governor Burleigh’s Council two years, and is now private secretary of Governor Llewellyn Powers. He married Rebecca Jane Smith, daughter of William Cleaves Smith. Mrs. Smith is now serving her second term as one of the trustees of the State Insane , Hospital. WILLIAM CLEAVES SMITH. William Cleaves Smith, son of John, lived on the Saul Cook homestead after his marriage. Hewas active in town and church affairs. He died July 6, 1895. Mary, his wife, died January 1, 1880. Children of William Cleaves and Mary S. (Cook) Smith: Mary Caroline, b. January 10, 1839. Married Melville W. Adams, January 1, 1857. Elizabeth Cook, b. October ist, 1841. Married Alpheus F. Briery. Lives in Auburn. Rebecca Jane, b. December 12, 1847. Married Hon. Oramandel Smith, Mary 22, 1875. 310 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ’ GEORGE LINCOLN SMITII. George Lincoln Smith, son of John, lived, after marriage, in the first house in West Gardiner, from the Colby bridge, which crosses the stream running between Litchfield and West Gar- diner. He died June 13, 1863. Children of George Lincoln and Abagail (Tappan) Smith: Michael Tappan, b. October 5, 1842. Died at Port Hudson, July 24, 1863. Charles F., b. July 16, 1848. Married Cedora E. Maxwell. Lives in Auburn. Samuel A., b. June 19, 1850. Married, 1st, Emma B. Comey; 2d, Annie (Stevens) Hopkins; 3d, Mary E. (Burns) Hodgkins. George Carroll, b. May 21, 1854. Married Alice Purinton. William J., b. July 21, 1859. Married Lestie Sherman. Lives in Lewiston. George Carroll Smith attended Bates two years and gradu- ated from Brown class, 1876, and from Harvard Medical School, and from School of Physicians and Surgeons. He practiced medicine in Natick, Mass., for nine years, with marked success, then after studying his profession in Vienna, Austria, and other places abroad for three years, returned and is now practicing in Boston, Mass. Rev. SAMUEL Kine SmitH, D. D. Rev. Samuel King Smith, D. D., son of John, was graduated from Colby in class of 1845, and from Newton Theological School, and since then has heen a professor in Colby University for nearly fifty years. He has been prominent in his denomina- tion, and was for two years editor of Zion’s Advocate. Prof. Smith owns a place in Litchfield, and spends a portion of each year there. Children of Samuel King and Ann Eliza (Abbot) Smith: Mary Lambard, b. May 28, 1856. Willie, b. August 7, 1858. Died March 31, 1860. Jennie Merrilies, b. February 21, 1861. Bessie Ewing, b. February 21, 1861. George William, b. August 18, 1862. William Abbot, b. April 30, 1868. Mary L. Smith has been for several years associate principal of the Waterville High School. PROF. SAMUEL K. SMITH, D. D. PROF. SAMUEL K. SMITH. Prof. Smith was born in Litchfield, October 17, 1817. He was the son of John and Polly Day Smith and the youngest of a family of eleven children. He attended the schools of his native town, fitted for college at Monmouth and Waterville Academies; entered Water- ville College in 1841; graduated in 1845. Immediately accepted the position of principal of Townsend Academy, Vt., where he taught with success until appointed tutor in the college at Waterville. After two years of this work he gave one year of study at Newton Theological Seminary. In 1848 he assumed charge of Zion's Advo- cate, Portland. where he remained two years. In 1850 he was elected to the professorship of Rhetoric, Logic and Fneglish Literature in Waterville College, now Colby University. He occupied this chair for forty-two years, resigning in 1892. Prof. Smith was married in August, 1854, to Annie Eliza Abbot of Augusta. They have five children living; the two sons and one daughter are graduates of Colby University. George W., their oldest son, has recently resigned the presidency of Colgate University, N. Y., because of ill health; the younger, just graduated from Newton, has recently been set apart to the gospel ministry. The daughters are all successful teachers. Prof. Smith was ordained to the ministry in 1871. In 1872 the degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him. Dr. Sinith, now more than eighty years of age, resides in his beautiful home at Waterville, where the greater part of his life work has been accomplished. EARLY SETTLERS. 311 George W., after graduating at Colby University, took a post- graduate course at John Hopkins University, and is now presi- dent of Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. William A. grad- uated from Colby University and from Newton ohne pelea Seminary, and studied in Berlin, Germany. JOSEPH SMITH. Joseph Smith, son of Eliphalet, lived beyond the Corner on a portion of his father’s place, for many years and then moved to Lee, Me., in 1831, where he died, January 15, 1852. He mar- ried Martha Robinson, August 9, 1794, who died in Lee, August 21, 1857, aged 82 years, 13 days. Children of Joseph and Martha (Robinson) Smith: Sally, b. November 28, 1795. Married Reuben Lowell, February 28, 1820. Died in Calais, Me. Hannah, b. May 29, 1797. Died young. Eliphalet, b. March 2, 1799. Married Leah Boyce. Died in Lee, Me., July 10, 1850. Mary, b. February 19, 1801. Married William True, March 11, 1822. Tappan H., b. July 7, 1804. Died August 27, 1805. Braddock, b. May 7, 1806. Died at sea, unmarried. Martha Jane, b. in 1809. Married Thomas Lowell. Died in Lee, Me., August 29, 1887. Agna, b. April 13, 1811. Married William G. Whitney. Died in Lee, Me., April 19, 1893. Joseph, b. March 8, 1813. Married Lucy A. McMullen. Moved to Minnesota in 1857. Died there, February 10, 1889. Elijah, b. May 23, 1815. Married Adeline Potter. Died in Minne- sota, in 1862, supposed to be killed by the Indians. Clara Augusta, b. August 27, 1817. Married Edward Bowler. Died August 7, 1850. JoserH SMITH, JR. Joseph Smith, Jr., brother of Eliphalet, the first settler of Litchfield, was born in York, Me., in 1729. He lived with his grandfather, James Smith, on Lines Island, for several years, his grandfather having moved there from York, Me., about 1720. Joseph, Jr., married Susannah Williams of Georgetown, November 25, 1751, and lived for a while in Brunswick. He afterwards lived on Lynde’s Island, and from thence moved to Litchfield, soon after his brother Eliphalet. He died February 7, 1822. Susannah, his wife, died June 8; 1811. The will of 312 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, dated April 25, 1786, speaks of Lynde’s Island, as being leased to Joseph Smith. Children of Joseph and Susannah (Williams) Smith: - Thomas, b. February 22, 1754. Married, 1st, Mehitable (Baker) Hooker, January 20, 1780; 2d, Jemima Ham. Samuel, b. October 20, 1756. Married Lydia Bunker, October 24, 1782. Molly, b. March 22, 1758. Married, 1st, ————— Hunter; 2d, William Welch. Susannah, b. April 19, 1759. Married William Crawford, in 1783. Lucy, married John Crawford. Joseph, 3d, married Jenny Ring. Molly (Smith) Hunter had one daughter, Polly Hunter, born June 18, 1781, who married, first, Ithiel Gordon, August, 1801, and second, Levi Kendall in 1817. She died July 12, 1847. Tuomas SMITH. Thomas Smith, son of Joseph Smith, Jr., was an orderly serg- eant in the Revolutionary War. He came to Litchfield immedi- ately after his discharge from the service, in September, 1779. Was a member of the board of selectmen for many years, and a prominent man in town. He died in 1836. Children of Thomas and Mehitable (Baker) (Hooker) Smith: Samuel, b. 1780. Married, 1st, Molly Smith; 2d, Rhoda Russell. Susannah, b. January 31, 1783. Married Zaccheus Goldsmith, July 30, 1802. Died October 18, 1842. Mehitable, b. May 11, 1786. Married William Smith. Lived in Wis- casset. Died in 1870. Annie, b. 1789. Married Capt. John Crawford of Bath, February 11, 1813. Lived in Boston. Died in 1852. Rhoda, b. April 25, 1792. Married John A. Towns. Lived in Gar- diner. Died in 18609. Thomas, b. February 2, 1795. Married, 1st, Abigail Lowell, August 4, 1817; 2d, Hannah Godfrey, February, 1833; 3d, Catherine (Young) Emerson, October, 1833. Samuel Smith, son of Thomas, lived for several years near the Corner, on a portion of the Benjamin Hinkley place, then moved to Moscowand died November 16, 1861,in Gardiner, Me. Molly Smith, wife of Samuel, died September 13, 1813. Rhoda, second wife, died August 30, 1872, aged 82 years. EARLY SETTLERS. 313 Children of Samuel and Molly Smith: Betsey, b. September 6, 1802. Married William Cates. Rivarious Hooker, b. April 5, 1805. Married, 1st, Polly Hale; 2d Sylvia Whitcomb. Lives in Moscow. Jemima, b. April 10, 1807. Died in 1825. Mary, b. March 20, 1809. Married Enoch Hawes. , Samuel, b. March 23, 1811, Married Sarah A. Longley. Died November 10, 1889. > Children by second wife, Rhoda Russell: Amasa, b. November 5, 1814. Married Eliza Steward. Lives in Gar- diner. ' Harriet, b. December 14, 1816. Married Levi Follett. Died‘in Cal- ifornia. Wellington, b. November 9, 1818. Married Mahala B. Longley. He died in Augusta, April 23, 1890. Eliphalet G., b. October 28, 1820. Married, 1st, Annie Steward; 2d, Emiline Longley. Rhoda Ann, b. November 19, 1822. Married William B. Moore. Died January 26, 1886. Sarah Fletcher, b. April 15, 1824. Died when a young lady. Thomas, b. June 5, 1827. Died young. F Achsah Holman, b. March 14, 1829. Married Samuel B. Beal. Lived in Farmingdale. Died February, 1852. Lucy, b. April 3, 1831. Married Sanford B. Russell. Died in Vic- toria, Ill. ; Josiah P., b. August 14, 1833. Married, 1st, Joanna Kirby; 2d, Mar- garet Lee. Lives in Onawa, Iowa. Alfred, b. October 26, 1835. Married Vesta L. Smith. Lives in Onawa, Iowa. Thomas Smith, Jr®., son of Thomas*, Joseph, Jr*®., Joseph’, James’, lived and died in Litchfield, October 3, 1875. Abagail, his wife, died in 1832. Children of Thomas and Abigail (Lowell) Smith: Mary A., b. December 28, 1817. Married Levi Bowie, October 13, 1844. Lives in Farmingdale. Reuben Lowell, b. July 2, 1820. Married Sophronia Richardson. Died in 1892. Mehitable, b. November 9, 1822. Died November 29, 1888. William R., b. February -28, 1825. Married Mary D. Lancaster. Lives in Farmingdale. Greenleaf, b. October 4, 1827. Married Hannah Jackson. Died in 1893. Albert, b. April 4, 1830. Married Susan Pettingill. -Lived in Little- ton, Mass. Died August 6, 1897. 314 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by Catherine (Young) Emerson: Samuel, b. April 25, 1834. Married Caroline S. Smith. Julia A., b. October 6, 1835. Married Daniel Adams. Daniel died March 24, 1893. Julia, his wife, died August 29, 1895. Abbie L., b. February 7, 1839. Died April 29, 1889. Samuel Smith*, son of Thomas, Jr®., Thomas*, Joseph, Jr*., Joseph’, James’, is a prominent farmer of Litchfield. Has been member of board of selectmen many years and a member of the legislature. Is at present a member of the board of county commissioners of Kennebec county. Was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion in 19th Maine Regiment. He married Caro- line S., daughter of Edward G. Smith, August 26, 1862. They have one child, Annie F., b. May 23, 1865. Married Llewellyn Blanchard. ; SAMUEL SMITH. Samuel Smith*, son of Joseph, Jr*., Joseph?, James?, brother of Thomas, Senior, lived near the Academy at the Corner. Married Lydia Bunker, October 14, 1782. “Died September 4, 1824. ' Children: Fannie, b. July 16, 1783. Married Daniel Ball, March 15, 1812. Hannah, b. October 21, 1788. Married Samuel Baker. James B., b. July 16, 1791. Married, 1st, Susanna Blake, October 25, 1810; 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Springer. James B. Smith, son of Samuel and Lydia (Bunker) Smith, lived with his father for many years, then moved to Richmond. Children of James B. and Susanna (Blake) Smith: Gilbert Stockbridge, b. January 30, 1812. Married Mary Rideout. Lived in Richmond. George W., b. January 11, 1814. Married Lucretia Cotton. Nancy, b. March 11, 1816. Married Ellison Rollins. James Henry, b. December 109, 1819. Married Harriet Umberhine. Charles G., b. November 6, 1822. Married Clara Hamilton. Mary Jane, b. August 11, 1826. Married William Marston. JosEPH SMITH, 3rd. Joseph Smith, 3rd‘, son of Joseph, Jr*., Joseph’, James?, a brother of Thomas, Senior, and Samuel, was a Revolutionary soldier. After the close of the war he run the ferry across the Kennebec river near the residence of the late Francis G. Rich- SAMUEL SMITH. SAMUEL SMITH. Samuel Smith, son of Thomas and Catherine Young Smith, was born in Litchfield, April 25, 1834, and brought up on a farm. When a young man he worked several years in the shipyards at Bath, and jater spent four or five years in Boston and other towns in Massachu- setts. He returned to Litchfield in 1861 and enlisted in Co. F, 19th Regiment, Maine Volunteers, in August, 1862, and served until the close of the war. Since that time he has lived in Litchfield and owned and occupied the Joseph Lord farm, and later the old John Smith farm. He has held the office of selectman of the town for ten years, tax collector several years, and a member of the State legislature tor 1878; has served five years on the board of county commissioners for Kennebec county, which position he holds at the present time. He was married August 26, 1862, to Caroline S. Smith, daughter of Edward Gore and Elizabeth Lord Smith. They have one child, Anna Smith Blanchard. DEA. THOMAS SMITH DEACON THOMAS SMITH, JR. Deacon Thomas Smith, Jr., oldest son of Deacon Thomas and Han- nah Shurtleff Smith, was born in Great Barrington, N. S., July 1, 1770; His father was a native of Chatham, Mass., his mother of Plymouth. They came to Pownalborough, now Dresden, Me., in 1774. They came into the wilderness, now Litchfield, in 1780 where he had made a clear- ing the year before and built a log cabin. Thomas, Jr., now ten years of age came with his parents and shared with the family all the hard- ships of pioneer life in those old days. His early opportunities for education were extremely limited, but he became a great reader and a well informed man. He was in his time a noted hunter and for many years supplied the family with most of the meat consumed from the fruits of his hunting expeditions. He was a good shot and rarely failed to bring down his game, even the black bear succumbed to his unerring rifle; down to the age of eighty years he was often afield with his trusty old fowling piece and could bring down the hawk on the wing. Mr- Smith was a man of sturdy integrity and commanded universal respect. He was deeply interested in religious matters, and he united with the Congregational church at the Corner and was one of its strong sup- porters and for many years one of its deacons and the first church bell was presented to the society by Deacon Smith who took great interest in all matters pertaining to the moral and intellectual advance- ment of the town. He was a genial, pleasant and interesting com- panion for the old and young, a Christian gentleman, a good citizen. He died January 13, 1858, nearly 88 years of age. EARLY SETTLERS, 315 ards in Gardiner. He moved to Litchfield and lived near his wife’s father, Daniel Ring, and was buried on his farm. Jenny, wife of Joseph, died September 10, 1809. Children of Joseph and Jennie (Ring) Smith: Amasa, b. October 30, 1800. Married Martha Ring. Went to Natchez, Miss. Jennie, b. January 10, 1803. Married Charles Hutchinson, October 23, 1826. Lydia, b. May 3, 1805. Married Samuel Emmons. Lived in Boston. Joseph, b. February 10, 1807. Went to Natchez, Miss, Lucretia, b. 1809. Married William Curtis. Lived in Massachusetts. THOMAS AND BENJAMIN SMITH. Thomas and Benjamin Smith, brothers, sons of John Smith and Elizabeth, his wife, were born in Chatham, Mass. In 1764 they went with their brother-in-law, Barnabus Baker, to Nova Scotia, where they lived until 1774, when they removed to Pownalboro, Me., remaining there until 1779, when Thomas moved to Litchfield and the next year Benjamin followed him. As early as 1775 they had commenced a clearing near the Cor- ner. They were both prominent men in town and became pros- perous farmers. They took an active interest in religious mat- ters and conducted services every Sabbath in private houses until a pastor was located at Litchfield. Deacon Thomas was born June 26, 1744, and died April 21, 1833. He married Hannah Shurtleff, who was born January 22, 1741, and died November 15, 1821. She had been previously married to Captain James Bunker, who was lost at sea in 1768. Lydia, second wife of John, and stepmother of Thomas and Benjamin, died in Litch- field, May 16, 1799, aged 96 years, 6 months. Children of Thomas and Hannah (Shurtleff) (Bunker) Smith: Thomas, b. July 1, 1770. Married, 1st, Elizabeth Smith, November 21, 1793; 2d, Alicia Cotton, September 30, 1813. Hannah, b. April 15, 1772. Married David Springer. Died April 30, Oe ds b. April 18, 1774. Married John Smith. Lived in Moscow. Died March 18, 1853. John, b. May 17, 1776. Died October 18, 1779. Susannah, b. April 25, 1778. Married Benjamin Smith. Died Jan- uary 6, 1829. Elizabeth, b. May 20, 1781. Married William Tapley, June 21, 1708. Died August 27, 1841. 316 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Mary, b. May 20, 1781. Married Samuel Smith. Died September 15, 1813. ow ' Rhoda, b. August 2, 1783. Married William Paul, January 22. 1807. Tuomas SMITH, JR. Thomas Smith, Jr., son of Deacon Thomas, lived on his father’s place. He was prominent in town and church affairs. Died January 13, 1858. Elizabeth, his wife, died September 6, 1812. Alicia, his wife, died July 30, 1860, aged 84 years, 6 months. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Smith) Smith: Cynthia, b. November 30, 1794. Died March 6, 1826. Betsey, b. June 29, 1796. Married, 1st, Thomas Springer, December 24, 1818; 2d, James B. Smith. Died April 2, 1862. Hepsibah, b. May 31, 1798. Married Thomas Ayer. Died February 12, 1861. Zachariah Bunker, b. April 29, 1800. Married Lydia Plimpton. Lavina, b. January 7, 1803. Died April 27, 1814. David, b. February 18, 1805. Married, 1st, Susanna Springer, March, 25, 1830; 2d, Martha J. White, January 20, 1842; 3d, Mrs. Sarah M. Owen, August 18, 1851; 4th, Elizabeth: Smith, April 30, 1854; 5th, Mary (Smith) Baker, June 10, 1861. : Sophronia, b. April 3, 1807. Died April 6, 1824. Daniel, b. March 19, 1809. Died April 15, 1809. Daniel O., b. June 8, 1810. Died December 18, 1815. Thomas, 3d, b. August 12, 1812. Married Caroline V. Webster. Zachariah B. Smith, son of Thomas, Jr., lived where his son, Asa P., now lives. He died August 20, 1857. Lydia, his wife, died December 19, 1862, aged 73 years. Children of Zachariah B. and Lydia (Plimpton) Smith: Dexter W., adopted son, b. May 26, 1828. Married Margaret Flan- ders, June 19, 1851. Asa P., b. April 11, 1831. Married, 1st, Nancy Shorey, August 25, 1855; 2d, Anna P. Sylvester, May 7, 1868. Harriet N., adopted, married Lorenzo D. Pray, August 9, 1856. Dexter W. Smith lives at the Corner and runs a public house in connection with a store. Children of Dexter W. and Margaret (Flanders) Smith: Orlando D., b. December 30, 1852. Died August 23, 1853. Sarah Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1856. Married Dy. I. W. Gilbert. ZACHARIAH B. SMITH. ZACHARIAH B. SMITH. Zachariah Bunker Smith, eldest son of Dea. Thomas Smith, Jr., was born in Litchfield, April 29, 1800. He was a descendant of Ralph Smyth of Chatham, Mass., who came from England in 1633, and a grandson of Dea. Thomas Smith, one of the pioneers of Litchfield. He was genial and pleasant, and though quiet and unassuming, was firm in his adherence to right principles, and deeply interested in every- thing that could be for the good of his fellowbeings. He was a strong temperance and anti-slavery man, when it was unpopular to advance those opinions. He helped establish the high school and academy, not only by his influence, but by the more substantial aid of his purse. “At the age of twenty-three, he united with the Congregational church and was a consistent, faithful, devoted Christian. In personal appearance he was tall, large and robust, though not well for many years. His home was on land which he bought of his father, the southern part of the original Smith homestead. He married Lydia Plimpton of Foxboro’, Mass., a noble Christian woman. They had one son, Asa Plimpton, and two adopted children, Dexter Waterman and Harriet Newell. He died August 20, 1857. ASA P. SMITH. ASA PLIMPTON SMITH. Asa Plimpton Smith was « son of Zachariah B. and Lydia Plimpton Smith and great grandson of Deacon Thomas Smith, who with his brother Benjamin and sister Elizabeth, wife of Barnabas Baker, was among the original settlers of Litchfield and the members of whose families composed the entire membership of the Congregational church at the Corner in 1811 when it was organized. Mr. Smith was born April 11, 1831, in Litchfield. His maternal grandfather, Asa Plimpton, was a Revolutionary soldier, who responded to the call at the “Lex- ington alarm.” Mr. Smith was educated at Litchfield Academy, and in his earlier years, was a teacher in Bath, Phippsburg, Sidney and other towns. He is clerk of the Congregational church, and for thirty years has been librarian and treasurer of the Sabbath school. Since 1860 he has been secretary of the trustees of Litchfield Academy; and he has ever labored to advance the interests of that institution. He has ever been active in the promotion of the temperance cause in the town and community. He owns one of the best farms in his section of the town and in connection with his farming operations has for some years been the manager of a summer hotel at Small Point. Mr. Smith married Nancy Shorey of Litchfield in 1855. She died in 1866 leaving one daughter, Lillian, who was graduated from Hailowell Classical Institute and is now a successful teacher. He married again in 1868 Anna P. Sylvester of Bowdoin. They have one son, Warren R., who graduated at twenty from Bowdoin with highest honors of his class and is now a professor in Lewis Institute, Chicago, II. PROF. WARREN RUFUS SMITH. PROF. WARREN RUFUS SMITH. Prof. Warren Rufus Smith, only son of Asa P. and Anna P. (Sylves- ter) Smith, was born in Litchfield, July 10, 1869. He is of Puritan descent, both his father’s and mother’s ancestors having come to Ply- mouth colony from England about 1632, and is a representative in the fifth generation of Deacon Thomas Smith who came to Litchfield in 1775 from Pownalboro and made a clearing near the Corner to which he brought his family a little later and settled, established a home which has been in the possession of the family for one huudred and sixteen years. From his earliest years Warren showed the fondness for books and study, and that ability to understand and remember all that he read, for which he was afterwards noted in schooland college. He fitted for college at Litchfield Academy and Franklin Family School, Topsham, and entered Bowdoin College in 1886. In 1888 was awarded the Smyth Mathematical and the French language prizes. Received his degree of A. B. in 1890. Though the youngest member of his class he was salutatorian, the highest honor then in his college. He was one of the finest scholars ever gradu- ated from Bowdoin. In 1890-91, he was teacher of science in Leicester Academy, Leicester, Mass. In the summer of 1891, he went to Labrador with the Bowdoin Scientific Expedition. He was one of a party of four who ascended Grand river several hundred miles, without a guide, through a region never before seen by white men. In 1891-92, was a_ student in Clark University, Worcester, Mlass. In 1892, was given a fellowship in the University of Chicago; studied there two years, received his degree of Ph. D. in 1894; was assistant professor in chemistry in Bowdoin College, in 1894-5; instructor in chemistry in New Bedford, Mass., in 1895-6; has been in charge of the department of chemistry in Lewis Institute, Chicago, Ill., from 1896 to the present time (1808). Dr. Smith is one of the strongest men mentally and in his intellectual equipment ever sent out from the old town which has given able men to very many of the states of the Union, and he is blessed also with a remarkable physical endowment. He is fond of all manly sports and is a genuine lover of fun of the best quality though he is ever a gentleman, dignified, modest and unassuming. Though less than twenty-nine years of age he is already widely and well known among educators, REV. THOMAS SMITH. REV. THOMAS SMITH. Rev. Thomas Smith, born August 12, 1812, at Litchfield Corner. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Smith. Graduated at Bowdoin College in 1838 or 1839, and at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1842. For sixteen years the beloved and honored pastor of the Congregational church at Brewer village (now South Brewer), Me., where he died April 8, 1861, very suddenly of heart disease. The lines of Montgomery on the death of Rev. Thomas Taylor which was sung at Mr. Smith’s funeral so aptly apply both as to his life and death that they form his most fitting eulogy. “Servant of God, well done! Rest from thy loved employ; The battle fought, the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy.”’ The voice at midnight came, He started up to hear: A mortal arrow pierced his frame; He fell, but felt no fear. ‘Tranquil amidst alarms It found him in the field, A veteran slumbering on his arms Beneath his red cross shield. His sword was in his hand, Still warm with recent fight, Ready that moment at command Through rock and steel to smite. It was a two edged blade Of heavenly temper keen, And double were the wounds it made Where’er it smote between; ’Twas death to sin, ’t was life To all that mourned for sin; It kindled and it silenced strife, Made war and peace within. Oft with its fiery force His arm had quelled the foe, And laid resistless in its course The alien armies low; Bent on such glorious toils, The world to him was loss; Yet all his trophies, all his spoils, He hung upon the cross. At midnight came the cry, “To meet thy God prepare!”’ He woke—and caught his captain’s eye; Then, strong in faith and prayer, His spirit with a bound Bursts its encumbering clay; His tent, at sunrise, on the ground A darkened ruin lay. The pains of death are past; Labor and sorrow cease; And life’s long warfare closed at last His soul is found in peace. Soldier of Christ well done! Praise be thy new employ; Ani while eternal ages run, Rest in thy Saviour’s joy.” T. H. Smith. March 11, ’98. DAVID SMITH. DAVID SMITH. David Smith was born in Litchfield, February 18, 1805, in the old house which was the home of his grandfather, Dea. Thomas Smith, and his father, Dea. Thomas Smith, Jr., and now known as “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,’ which was built in 1782 by Dea. Thomas Smith, Sr., and now owned by his great grandson, David T. Smith. In 1830 David Smith married Susan Springer and settled on the farm now occupied by Noah N. Varney, where he lived for some years, when he came back to the old homestead farm where his grandfather set- tled in 1780. Mr. Smith was an industrious and successful farmer, always contrived to make the two ends of each year lap by each other a little so that he could lend a helping hand always to the worthy poor. He was pacific and conservative in disposition, ever laboring to make the rough ways of life smoother. In early life became a communicant of the old Congregational church at the ‘Corner,’ to which he was very strongly attached during his life, and remembered it liberally in his last days. He was for many years its treasurer. Mr. Smith ever evinced a lively interest in everything he believed would conduce to the happiness and welfare of the community. He was one of the founders of Litchfield Academy and for a long time one of its board of trustees. He died at his home January 26, 1880. DAVID T. SMITH. DAVID THURSTON SMITH. David Thurston Smith was born in Litchfield in 1836, and is a rep- resentative in the fourth generation of the old family of Thomas Smith, born in Chatham, Mass., who went first to Nova Scotia and lived there some years before coming to Maine. Thomas Smith came to Litchfield some time prior to 1780 and took up his farm. David Thurston was the son of David and Susan Springer Smith, was raised on the old homestead farm where the three preceding genera- tions of the family had lived. At the age of twenty-one years he became a member of the Congregational church and has long been one of its deacons. In 1863 he was drafted into the service of the United States, became a member of Company K, 11th Maine Volun- teers, was wounded at the battle of Bemuda Hundreds and has never fully recovered. Was married in 1863, to Miss Annie M. Kent of Fayette, Me., who died in 1872. In 1877 he married for his second wile, Ladora J. Malcolm of Phippsburg. Mr. Smith in early life resolved to be temperate in his habits and at seventeen years of aye signed a temperance pledge which he has kept strictly from that day. Fie secured an honorable discharge from the United States service in June, 1865, returned to Litchfield and resumed farming, which occupation he has followed successfully to the present time. He took great interest in the centennial celebration of his town and was one of the prime movers in that enterprise. He was one of the original members of Libby Post, G. A. R., and has served for many years as its devoted chaplain. Mr. Smith is also a member of the board of trustees of Litchfield Academy in which he takes great interest. EARLY SETTLERS.:. 317 Asa P. Smith, son of Zachariah B., is a prominent farmer and is also engaged in the hotel business, running a house at Small Point every summer. Nancy, his wife, died March 22, 1866. Children of Asa P. and Nancy (Shorey) Smith: . Lillian L., b. June 5, 1858. Now principal of high school, Webster City, Iowa. : Children by second wife, Anna P. Sylvester: Warren Rufus, b. July 10, 1869. Was safutatorian of his class at Bow- doin College and now principal of high school in New Bedford, Mass., also a graduate of University of Chicago, 1894, P. H. D. Rev. Thomas Smith, 3d son of Deacon Thomas, Jr., was a graduate of Bowdoin College in class of 1840, and of Bangor Theological Seminary in 1843. He was pastor of the church at Brewer, Me., at the time of his decease, April 7, 1861. Children of Rev. Thomas and Caroline V. (Webster) Smith: Caroline V., b. July 7, 1842. Married Joseph G. Blake. Lives in Bangor. Thomas Herbert, b. December 12;, 1847. Married Nellie M. King. Lives in Chicago. David Smith, son of Deacon Thomas, Jr., lived on the place occupied by his father and grandfather. He died January 26, 1880. Susannah, wife of David, died April 10, 1841, aged 36 years. Martha J., wife of David, died April 3, 1851, aged 29 years. Sarah M., wife of David, died November 6, 1853, aged 43 years. Elizabeth, wife of David, died November 29, 1860, aged 56 years. Mary B., his wife, died March 13, 1895. Children of David and Susanna (Springer) Smith: Daniel L., b. July 23, 1831. Married Mrs. Sarah (Machan) Milliken. Alden B., b. December 25, 1832. Married Sylvia J. Shadley. Lives in Winterset, Iowa. Died March 31, 1879. Sophronia A., b. April 12, 1835. Married Fred H. Kent, March 15, 1867. Lives in Winterset, lowa. David T., b. November 2, 1836. Married 1st, Annie M. Kent, August 2, 1863; 2d, Ladora J. Malcolm, March 20, 1877. Annie died February 20, 1872. Benjamin F., b. September 2, 1838. Died July 7, 1840. Children by Martha J. White: Susanna S., b. February 18, 1843. Married S. Orrington Pottle of Richmond. Bethiah A., b. October 16, 1844. . Married Hiram Sinclair. Lives in Winthrop . 318 TOWN ‘OF LITCHFIELD. Mary E., b. May 11, 1848. Married Omar E. Johnson. Lived in East Boston. Thomas F., b. March 3, 1851. Died August 19, 1851. Daniel L. Smith, son of David, was a teacher and taught in the West several years. He returned to Litchfield and taught at the Corner and afterwards in Topsham. He died in Bruns- wick, June 27, 1890. . Children of Daniel L. and “Sarah (Machan Milliken) Smith: Anna E., b. May 24, 1858, in Winterset, Iowa. Clara A., b. April 8, 1860, in Fontenelle, Iowa. Frank E., b. September, 1862, in Litchfield. Married Nellie Baldwin. Their son, Earl B., b. May 25, 1888. Bertha A., b. September 1, 1866, in Litchfield. Fred B., b. September 19, 1872, in Litchfield. Belle A., b. November 22, 1875, in Topsham. David T. Smith, son of David, lives at the Corner and is a prosperous farmer. Annie, his wife, died February 20, 1872, aged 31 years, 6 months. BENJAMIN SMITH. Benjamin Smith, son of John and Elizabeth, and brother of Deacon Thomas, Senior, lived near the Corner. He was born in Chatham, Mass., December 23, 1749, and died May 15, 1814. Married Elizabeth Sparrow, February 8, 1770. She died Sep- tember 5, 1826. Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Sparrow) Smith: John, b. October 8, 1771. Married Faith Smith in 1793. Benjamin, b. March 1, 1773. Married Susanna Smith, June, 1795. Moved to Peoria, Ill. Elizabeth, b. September 5, 1775. Married Thomas Smith, November 21, 1793. Sarah, b. August 12, 1777. Married Reuben Baker. Died January 24, 1867. ; Lydia, b. June 29, 1779. Married Eber Baker, June 29, 1802. Moved to Marion, Ohio. Died June 24, 1855. Lois, b. January 27, 1783. Married Isaac Chase of Topsham, Decem- ber 16, 1802. Asaph, b. March 27, 1785. Married, 1st, Rebecca Davis, October 25, 1806; 2d, Jane (Smith) Perham, November 8, 1851. , Joshua, b. June 7, 1787. Married Annie Hilton of Wiscasset. Lived in Dresden, Me. Died February 26, 1862. Reuben, b. July 23, 1789. Married Judith Springer, May 2, 1811. Lived in Ohio. EARLY SETTLERS. 319 Molly, b. August 24, 1791. Married Smith Baker, July 11, 1811. Rachel, b. July 29, 1793. Married, 1st, Wm. Springer, January 23, 1812; 2d, Geo. R. Freeman, April, 1833. Isaac, b. August 12, 1795. Married Esther Paul, December 2, 1813. JOHN SMITH. John Smith, son of Benjamin, lived at the Corner until 1816, when he moved to Moscow, Me., where he died, August 9, 1859. Faith, his wife, died March 18, 1853. Children of John and Faith (Smith) Smith: Stephen, b. May 12, 1794. Married Lucretia Varney. Lived in Mos- cow, Me. Faith, b. June 13, 1796. Married Jacob Temple. Lived in Hampden. Rosanna, b. February 3, 1798. Died March 7, 1800. John, b. December 14, 1799. Died March 4, 1800. Rosanna, b. December 12, 1800. Married Simeon Whitney. Lived in Moscow. John, b. October 2, 1802. Married Martha Wakefield. Lived in Cleveland, Ohio. Olivia, b. April 5, 1804. Died October 5, 1805. Shurtleff, b. November 14, 1805. Married, 1st, Dorcas Churchill; 2d, Nancy Doe. Lives in Hampden. Sparrow, b. July 30, 1807. Died October 10, 1808. Sparrow, b. May 8, 1809. Died September 30, 1810. Solomon, b. April 2, 1811. Married Joanna Wakefield. Died in Exeter, N. H., in 1885. Thomas, b. December 22, 1812. Married Nancy Gordon. Lives in Illinois. Joseph, b. February 9, 1814. Married Judith Low. Died in Hudson, Me., aged 77 years. William, b. June 25, 1815. Married Esther Rowe. Died in Augusta in 1895. d BENJAMIN SMITH, JR. Benjamin, Jr., lived in Litchfield until 1814, when he moved to Wheeling, West Virginia, then to Ohio, and finally settled in Peoria, Ill, in 1832. Children of Benjamin and Susanna (Smith) Smith: Jabez, b. March 28, 1796. Died young. Susanna, b. March 11, 1798. Married ————— Miner. Lived in Illinois. Lydia, b. March 1, 1800. Died June 4, 1801. Jabez, b. March 15, 1802. Died March 17, 1802. Benjamin, b. March 15, 1802. Died March 15, 1802. Jabez, b. March 10, 1803. 320 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. William Greenleaf, b. November 24, 1807. Married Fanny Silliman. Lived in Illinois. Sewall, b. March 29, 1810. Married Sarah Lake. Lived in Peoria county, Illinois. ‘ Lydia, b. March 18, 1812. Married Col. John Dodge. Lived in Whiteside county, Illinois. He was colonel in Black Hawk War. Rhoda. Eliza. ASAPH SMITH. Asaph Smith, son of Benjamin, Senior, lived in Litchfield several years then moved to Moscow, where he lived a few years and then returned to Litchfield. He died in Gardiner, December 29, 1862. Rebecca, his wife, died March 18, 1850, aged 66 years, 7 months. Jane, his wife, died April 8, 1870, aged 75 years. Children of Asaph and Rebecca (Davis) Smith: Drusilla, b. May 3, 1807. Married Wm. P. Phillips, February, 1836. Lived in Gardiner. Lydia, b. July 22, 1808. Married Abel Whitney. Lived in Gardiner. Benjamin, b. June 16, 1810. Married Mary Baker. Died January 22, 1892, at Bingham, Me. Elias, b. October 27, 1812. Married Almira Curtis. Charles B., b. August 27, 1815. Married Clara Kendrick, pastor of Congregational church, Malden, Mass. Mary, b. March 24, 1818. Married Wm. Haskell. REUBEN SMITH. Reuben Smith, son of Benjamin, Senior, lived in Litchfield until 1817, when he moved to Newark, Ohio, and from there in 1822, to Marion, Ohio, where he lived and died, August 28, 1856. Judith, his wife, died in 1864. Children of Reuben and Judith (Springer) Smith: Esther, b. July 11, 1811. Married Henry Barnes, February 7, 1830, and died July 7, 1830. Andrew S., b. April 12, 1813. Married Jane Bratton. Died in Mar- ion, Ohio, in 1855. Mehitable, b. November 22, 1815. Died February 8, 1817. Eber B., b. July 5, 1818. Married Mary Ann Bratton. Lives in Cardington, Ohio. Mary B., b. April 18, 1820. Married Rev. Gideon H. Moon. Lives in Ellery, Ill. , Osborne, b. July 10, 1826. Died June 5, 1842. Benjamin, b. February 13, 1830. Died July 23, 1841. DEA ISAAC SMITH. DEACON ISAAC SMITH. Deacon Isaac Smith was born in 1795 and was one of the twelve children of Benjamin Smith who came from Cape Cod in 1784 and was one of the early settlers of the town. Deacon Isaac Smith was also the father of twelve children. He was raised on the farm, subject to all the trials and hardships of those pioneer days, but such life developed strong attributes of character and made him an influential factor in the community and town. On the fourth day of July, 1829, he was commissioned a captain in a company of infantry in the third regi- ment, first brigade and fourth division of the militia of the State, to take rank from the twenty-third day of June, A. D. 1829. This com- mission bears the official signature of Gov. Enoch Lincoln and is countersigned by Edmond Russell, Secretary of State, and is adorned by the great seal of the State. At thirty-five years of age he connected himself with the Vermont Bible Society and as its general agent trav- eled extensively up and down the valley of the Mississippi for twenty years. He took great interest in the educational affairs of the town, was one of the original movers for the establishment of a high school in 1839, of which his son Benjamin was installed as the first teacher. This movement finally, in 1845, resulted in the incorporation of the Academy Association, and in 1852 Mr. Smith built the present academy building. In 1862 he tore down the old meeting house, the upper story of which had been used for academy purposes, and built the present Congregational church. When nearly eighty years of age he secured a special act from the legislature and under that authority organized a town fire insurance company which has been very success- ful, having been in active operation for nearly a quarter of a century. Mr. Smith was its first president, and to his persistent work and good judgment much of the early success of this enterprise was due. He was deacon of the Congregational church at Litchfield Corner for many years and held that office at the time of his death in 1877 at the age of eighty-two years. REV. BENJAMIN SMITH. REV. BENJAMIN SMITH. Rey. Benjamin Smith was born in Litchfield November 19, 1814, and died September 1, 1858, at the age of forty-four years. He was the son of Deacon Isaac and Esther Paul Smith and was one of a family of twelve children as was his father. He attended the com- mon schools and early aspired to an education. In pursuance of his ambition he was permitted to attend the Hallowell Classical School and finally fitted for college at Bangor and graduated from Bowdoin in 1841, commanding the love and respect of the college faculty and of all his associates. After graduating he taught for several years success- fully, a portion of the time in the state of Indiana, after which he returned to his native town and was installed as principal of Litchfield Academy, which position he held until 1853, when he accepted the unan- imous call of the Congregational church at the “Corner” to become its pastor. This church had been organized by his ancestors and his father and uncle were at this time its deacons. Myr. Smith continued in this charge until his sudden death in 1858, which seemed an almost irrepar- able loss to the entire parish and community which held him in highest esteem and honored him accordingly. He was called by the people to places of trust in town affairs and ever discharged the duties faith- fully and with ability. He left no children. She who was his widow. now Mrs. Helen A. C. Flint, still survives him, and is now living at Win- throp, Me. Mr. Smith’s life was full of honors and as one of his college friends wrote at the time of his death, “He was a prophet with honor in his own country and among his own people.” EARLY SETTLERS. 321 William H., b. August 16, 1832. Married 1st, Sarah A. B. Royee; and, Lydia S. Deviney. Olive S., b. May 18, 1835. Married rst, Carydon C. Southwick; 2nd, Wilson Peters. Lives in Marion, O. Isaac SMITH. Deacon Isaac Smith, son of Benjamin, Senior, was a leading citizen. His oldest son, Benjamin, was a graduate from Bow- doin College, class of 1841, was principal of the academy at the Corner for several years, and a most worthy man. He died while pastor of the Congregational church at Litchfield Corner, September 1, 1858. Isaac died November 21, 1877. Esther, his wife, died October 1, 1868. Children of Isaac and Esther (Paul) Smith: Benjamin, b. November 19, 1814. Died September 1, 1858. Married Helen A. Carr. Elizabeth, b. February 28, 1816. Died February 14, 1844. William P., b. March 20, 1818. Died October 12, 1850. Mary P., b. September 9, 1820. Married 1st, Sewall Baker, March 26, 1845; 2nd, David Smith, June 10, 1861. Isaac, Jr., b. July 5, 1822. Married Jane Bodwell of Wilton. Jane, b. October 10, 1824. Married David S. Springer. Lydia, b. October 31, 1826. Married Robert J. D. Larrabee. Died Marchi8, 1893. Almira M., b. November 23, 1828. Married William Henry Smith of Richmond, June 29, 1853. Sarah, b. October 12, 1830. Married Frederick J. Parks, June 4, 1854. Lived in Winnegance. Died August 21, 1883. George W., b. December 24, 1832. Lives in Lewiston. Lyman M., b. March 7, 1835. Died October 12, 1872. Hannah S., b. September 24, 1838. Lives in Litchfield. Isaac Smith, Jr., lived in Litchfield and died January 25, 1858. Children of Isaac, Jr., and Jane (Bodwell) Smith: Helen C., b. June 22, 1851. Died June 5, 1858. John Franklin, b. November 10, 1854. Married Frances Langhead. Now living in Jamaica Plains, Mass. One child, Ellen Frances, b. October 23, 1896. HEMAN SMITH. Heman Smith was a cousin to Thomas and Benjamin Smith, and came from Chatham, Mass., in 1782, and lived in the Cook neighborhood. Sarah, his wife, died November 16, 1824, aged 79 years. 21 322 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Heman and Sarah Smith: Hannah, b. December 28, 1769. Married Wm. Jackson. Nathaniel, b. July 17, 1774. Married Lucy Springer, July 16, 1799. Reuben, b. October 7, 1776. Married Joanna Branch, December 26, 1799. Ruth, b. September 19, 1778. Married January 27, 1809, Rev. Benj. Cole. Lived in Lewiston. Mr. Cole was pastor of Baptist church there for many years until his decease in 1839. Merrick, b. November 22, 1780. Married Betty Brown, March 3, +808. Abigail, b. September 18, 1783. Died young. Sally, b. August 5, 1786. Married David Bassett, February 13, 1808. Abagail, b. January 24, 1789. Married Robert Anderson, March 12, 1820. Moved to Sangerville. Heman, b. September 18, 1790. John, b. May 31, 1793. Married ist, Martha Cook, April 15, 1819; 2nd, Mrs. Martha (Dorris) Washburn, June 1, 1847. Phebe, b. 1796. Married Samuel Tibbetts, January 17, 1826, of Mon- mouth. NATHANIEL SMITH. Nathaniel Smith, son of Heman, lived on the Cook road near where Josiah Weymouth now lives. Lucy, his wife, died July 4, 1838. Children of Nathaniel and Lucy (Springer) Smith: Dorinda, b. December 26, 1800. Died September 6, 1857. Sylvanus, b. February 28, 1804. Married 1st, Sally Rogers, April 25, 1831; 2nd, Milanda Cobb. : Warren R., b. February 22, 1807. Married 1st, Mary Nickerson, April 1, 1831; 2d, Mrs. Susan Adams. ‘ William, b. July, 1811. Married Lucy Jack. Died in Bowdoinham. Sylvanus, son of Nathaniel, moved on farm next to his father’s. Sally, his wife, died December 25,,1836. Children of Sylvanus and Sally (Rogers) Smith: Zina H., b. 1832. Married M. L. Dow. Lives in Lynn. Abner B., b. April 15, 1834. Married Mary J. Ross. Lives in Lynn. Warren R. Smith, son of Nathaniel, lived in the Cook neigh- borhood, on his father’s farm. He died November 9, 1881. May, his wife, died February 6, 1853. Children of Warren R. and Mary (Nickerson) Smith: Albert F., b. February 18, 1832. Married Eliza Stevens. Lives in Massachusetts. Melvina, b. November 24, 1835. Married Arrington Douglass, April 19, 1863. ; WARREN SMITH. WARREN SMITH. Warren Smith, son of Nathaniel and Lucy Robinson Smith, was born in Litchfield February 22, 1807, lived on his father’s farm until his death November 19, 1881. He married for his first wife Mary Nickerson in 1831, she died in 1852. They had four children, Albert Ford, Mary Melvina, Joseph Robinson and William Warren, all of whom still survive their father. The three sons residing in Massachusetts, the daughter, now Mrs. Arrington Douglass, living in Litchfield. Warren Smith was a very close observer of men and events and things, and possessed of the keenest sense of humor, blessed with a remarkable memory, his mind became a storehouse oi local history, facts and fun, which his friends and neighbors might draw upon for enjoyable enter- tainment at all times without fear that their draft would be protested. This wonderful capacity for entertaining, coupled with his hospitality, made his home a place where his friends from the country all about were pleased to congregate and there are many still living who will recall evenings spent at Warren Smith’s as some of the pleasantest of their lives; though he passed out from their midst some seventeen years ago he and his old home are still missed by the people in the community where he lived for seventy-five years. He married for his second wife, in 1854, Mrs. Susan Adams of Litchfield, who survived him for a few years and died in Lewiston SMITH. WILLIAM W. WILLIAM WARREN SMITH. William Warren Smith, son of Warren and Mary Nickerson Smith, was born in Litchfield April 21, 1840. He obtained his education in the common schools of his native town and on the old farm where his father and grandfather had lived and which his grandfather had settled upon prior to 1790. At the age of nineteen he left his home to learn the carpenter’s trade in Dedham, Mass. In 1861 he married Sophronia Esther Kimball of Gardiner, Me. Mr. Smith became a very capable mechanic, finally removed from Dedham to Lynn where he continued at his trade until 1872, when he commenced business as a contractor and builder. He was successful from the beginning and is now one of the best known and most prominent in this line in the city of his adoption. Mr. Smith has for many years given employment to a considerable number of skilled mechanics and always commands their best efforts and highest esteem. His hand is ever open to the poor and the needy. His influence is always on the side of good morals and right living. For twenty-six years he has occupied the same business block, 184 Oxford St., Lynn; during all these years he has not for- gotten the old home at the foot of “Warren’s hill” and the old folks who lived there, and while they lived no matter how little or how much his income a portion of it came often to cheer them and smooth their way toward the sunset of life. EARLY SETTLERS. 323 Joseph R., b. January 27, 1838. Married Phebe A. Corbett. William W., b. April 21, r840. Married Sophronia Ellis. MERRICK SMITH. Merrick Smith, son of Heman Smith, lived in the Cook neighborhood. He bought an interest in a saw mill of his brother, Reuben, in 1804. He was drowned going on a raft to Bath, October, 1827. Children of Merrick and Betty (Brown) Smith: Caroline, b. June 21, 1810. Married Elijah Brown. Lived in Rich- mond. Sophia, b. August 11, 1812. Married Wm. Miller. Lived in Rich- mond. Sally, b. June 10, 1815. Married John Brown. Lived in Richmond. Alden, b. December 31, 1817. Married Clarissa J. Grover. Lives in Richmond. Elizabeth, b. February 13, 1823. Married Wm. D. Orr. Lived in Harpswell. Eleazer, b. November 25, 1825. Married Elizabeth Deering. Lives in Saco. Clara, b. January 7, 1827. Married Plymon B. Green. Lives in Chicago, Ill. JOHN SMITH. John Smith, son of Heman, lived on the Cook road and after- wards moved to Gardiner. He died in 1877. Martha, his wife, died February 28, 1847. Children of John and Martha (Cook) Smith: Howard, b. September 22, 1820. Married Lucy Wentworth. Harmon, b. July 5, 1822. Married Aurelia Kittredge. Lives in Richmond, Me. John, b. April 4, 1824. Married rst, Sophronia Moore; 2nd, Mary Grant. Died in Stockton, Me. Saul, b. March 6, 1826. Died July 18, 1844. Samuel, b. September 15, 1827. Married Lucinda Rideout, November 3, 1855. Lives in Richmond. Mellen, b. February 2, 1829. Married Rachel Temple. Lives in Wallace, Mich. Simeon T., b. March 23, 1833. Married 1st, Mary Pinkham, August 5, 1855; 2nd, Mary Studley. Lives in Gardiner. Martha Jane, b. December 16, 1835. Married Wm. Baker. Lives in Richmond. ; : — Edward, b. June 26, 1838. Married Priscilla Rollins. Lives in Gar- diner. os hes ; : . Benjamin C., b. August 11, 1844. Died in Wisconsin from disease contracted in army. 324 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Howard Smith, son of John Smith, lived for a while in Litch- field and then moved to Gardiner. Died October 11, 1895. Children of Howard and Lucy (Wentworth) Smith: Ellen W., b. July 10, 1849. Constant Quinnam, b. May 7, 1853. Died December 28, 1862. Eva J., b. February, 1856. Died February 3, 1863. Samuel Smith, son of John, lived several years in Litchfield, and then moved to Richmond. Children of Samuel and Lucinda (Rideout) Smith: Anice May, b. October 21, 1856. Died May 2, 1858. James Harmon, b. July 11, 1859. Married Susie A. Garland. Lives in Ayer, Mass. Philena D., b. June 22, 1863. Married Frank Kendall. Fred C., b. June 4, 1867. Married Lulu Joy. Lives in Pittsfield, N. H. Edward, b. September 23, 1869. Nathan R., b. October 31, 1872. Graduated from Bates College, 1895. Married, August 25, 1897, Alice G. Voter. Principal of Academy, Lin- coln, Me. Bradley S., b. March 16, 1875. Lives in Gardiner. Moses Smiru. Moses Smith was born in Cape Cod. He married Chloe Smith in 1786. She was born June 12, 1764. He came to Litchfield in 1798, and took up Government land and built a house. He then returned to Cape Cod and brought his family in a sailing vessel and landed in Gardiner at the mouth of the Cobbosseecontee in April, 1799, and proceeded by spotted trees to his home near the Corner. Moses Smith was related to Heman Smith and also to Deacon Thomas and Benjamin Smith. He was well educated and was a school teacher for many years before coming to Litchfield. He died March 18, 1844, aged 82 years, and his wife November 18, 1847. Children of Moses and Chloe Smith: Nathan, b. January 26, 1787. Married Charlotte Lambert, November 21, 1811. Barsheba, b. December 12, 1788. Married John Baker, Nevember 26, 1812. Lived in Farmingdale. Died December 22, 1867. Zenas, b. August 27, 1791. Married Betsey Baker, August 22, 1816. Moved to Ohio. Samuel King, b. August 14, 1795. Married Harriet Page. Elisha, b. July 11, 1798. Married Eunice Gower, January 10, 1823. Heman, b. March 10, 1802. Died April 17, 1802. EARLY SETTLERS, 325 Josiah, b. May 28, 1803. Married 1st, Clarissa Richardson; 2nd Jemima R. (Robinson) Bassett, April, 1862. Phoebe, b. August 10, 1805. Married Jesse Lambert. ? NaTHAN SMITH. Nathan Smith, son of Moses, lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Bangor, where he died in 1867. Children of Nathan and Charlotte (Lambert) Smith: John, b. June 28, 1812. Died when a young man. Mary, b. July 30, 1814. Died in Bangor, Me., 1836. Charlotte, b. November 17, 1821. Married Porter Williams. Bernice, married ————— Hickey. Lived in Bangor. Joanna. Zenas, died in infancy. SAMUEL KING SMITH. Samuel King Smith, son of Moses, lived toward the Corner from the fair grounds. He was a very bright man but always had poor health. He married late in life, and died October 29, 1865. Children of Samuel King and Harriet (Page) Smith: Phoebe M., b. August 26, 1838. Died December 23, 1867. EvisHa SMITH. Elisha Smith, son of Moses, lived on his father’s home place, and died November 19, 1870. His wife died May 27, 1883, aged 84 years, 4 months. Children of Elisha and Eunice (Gower) Smith: Hulda, b. November 18, 1823. Married Ezekiel B. Woodward of Lisbon. Mahala, b. June 17, 1828. Lives in Medway, Mass. Elisha, b. April 22, 1831. Died February 14, 1844. Ann Delia, b. May 2, 1834. Married Ist, John O. Dow, September 14, 1851; 2nd, John May. Lives in Medway, Mass. Robert C., b. February 11, 1839. Married Emily M. Knowlton, Octo- ber 30, 1860. Children of Robert C. and Emily M. (Knowlton) Smith: Mary Delia, b. September 5, 1862. Married George E. Goodwin, November 10, 1878. Alice H., b. July 27, 1864. 326 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Jos1aH SMITH. Josiah Smith, son of Moses, lived on the farm adjoining his father’s. He died August 14, 1865. Clarissa, his wife, died December 5, 1860, aged 55 years. Children of Josiah and Clarissa (Richardson) Smith: Stillman, b. December 13, 1828. Died at Falkland Is., February 15, 1866. Chesman W., b. November 20, 1830. Died September 2, 1849. Almira W., b. March 29, 1832. Married 1st, B. F. Osgood; 2nd, G. West. Lived in Honolulu, and died there May 27, 1897. Emma B., b. September 28, 1833. Married Henry B. Reed, Lives in China, Me. Marilla M., b. August 10, 1835. Married 1860, Benj. W. Thorne, December 23, 1860. Lives in Lewiston. Edwin, b. March 6, 1837. Married Martha Thompson. Died in Portland in 1887. Harriet R., b. January 28, 1840. Married Edwin C. Douglass, April 11, 1863. Lives in West Auburn. Rurus SMITH. Rufus Smith, son of Charles Smith, Jr., and Ruth (Small) Smith, was born in Lisbon, Me., July 19, 1814. His father, Charles, Jr., lived upon Caleb Gove farm in Steventown from 1823, several years, and then moved back to Lisbon. He afterwards returned and died in Steventown. Rufus married Clarinda A. Malcolm, April 15, 1841, and moved to the Malcolm place. He died December 15, 1880. She died January 14, 1892. Children of Rufus and Clarinda A. (Malcolm) Smith: Mary E., b. June 19, 1842. Married E. S. Maxwell. Lives in East Wales. Fannie A., b. November 9, 1843. Married Capt. Horace G. Williams. Died in San Francisco, July 17, 1895. Albert G., b. June 15, 1847. Died January 19, 1850. Albert G., b. December 16, 1850. Married Ella E. Gilman. Lives in Monmouth. Luella C., b. July 23, 1852. Married Daniel W. Perry. Lives in Monmouth. Georgia M., b. September 16, 1854. Died May 9, 1859. Ivory G. SMITH. Ivory G. Smith, brother of Rufus, was born in Lisbon, Febru- ary 7, 1816. He lived at Steventown with his parents, on the i co EARLY SETTLERS. : 327 Gove farm when a boy and moved back to West Litchfield in 1867, on the Eliphalet Allen farm. His grandfather, Charles Smith, was a Revolutionary soldier. His father, Charles, Jr., served in the War of 1812, while Ivory G. and his son, Charles A, served in the late war, making four generations who have fought for the flag. Mr. Smith has been married three times. First, Mary Eldridge, November 16, 1843; second, Charlotte Spear; and third, Melinda Tarr. Children of Ivory G. and Charlotte (Spear) Smith: William F., b. 1846. Married Jessie Bird. Lives in Selkirk, Mani- toba. Charles A., b. 1848. Married Rebecca Hart. Lives in Selkirk, Manitoba. Children by third wife, Melinda Tarr: Elmer L., b. 1853. Married Jane Inman. Lives in Providence, R. I. Etta A., b. 1855. Married Anson M. Grover. Lives in Brunswick. SPEAR. George Speere (Spere, Spear, Spears) was made a freeman in Boston, Mass., May 29, 1644. He settled in that part of Brain- tree, Mass., now called Quincy. In his old age he removed to New Dartmouth, Mass., now known as Pemaquid, Me., where he was probably killed by the Indians. He was the progenitor of a numerous race that settled in all parts of America. Eben- ezer, born January 12, 1750, in Braintree, Mass., was probably the one that settled in Wells, Maine. He was the fifth genera- tion in America, thus: George (1) and Mary Spear; Ebenezer (2) and Rachel (Deering) Spear; Joseph (3) and Abagail (Clegg) Spear; John (4) and Mary Spear; the latter the parents of Ebenezer, who married Rebecca Annis in Wells, Me., Febru- ary 18,1767. He came to Litchfield in 1787, and settled next to the John Magoon farm, on road leading from South Litch- field to the Corner. Ebenezer died March 18, 1821. Rebecca, his wife, died July 20, 1826, aged 80 years. Children of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Annis) Spear: Israel, b. June 10, 1767. Married Sally Glass in Sanford, Me., April 12, 1787. Meribah, b. 1768. Married Ebenezer Moore, same time Israel her brother was married, at Sanford, Me. Ebenezer, married Polly Spear, May 9, 1799. Moved to Ohio. Gideon, married Susannah Jewell, October 23, 1800. 328 TOWN ‘OF LITCHFIELD. Annis, b. June 30, 1775. Married Sally Hildreth, April, 1796, daughter of Paul Hildreth. Lived in West Gardiner. He died April 17, 1858. Sally, b. August 17, 1773. Died March 11, 1857. Paul Hildreth died in West Gardiner, November 26, 1820. Asa, b. April, 1777. Married, rst, Mary Jewell, November 26, 1806; 2d, Mrs. Jane (Stacy) Silver. Salathael, married Deborah Jewell, July 22, 1804. Lived near John Magoon. Moved to Ohio in 1816. Rebecca, b. March 31, 1788. Married 1st, Andrew Brown; 2nd, Elisha Thomas. Ivory, b. September 8, 1790. Married Lois Babb, February 28, 1816, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Doughty) Babb. Lived in West Gardiner. He died August 3, 1849. William, b. October 11, 1792. Married Ist, Betsey Brown, December 23, 1814; 2nd, Lois Libby. He died December 13, 1863. Betsey, his wife, died November 14, 1844. IsRAEL SPEAR. Israel Spear, son of Ebenezer, lived on his father’s place and on adjoining farm. He died August 31, 1857. Children of Israel and Sally (Glass) Spear: Nahum, b. July 19, 1787. Married 1st, Sophia Coates; 2nd, Parmelia Taylor, April, 1827; 3d, Dorothy (Greenleaf) Sinclair. Relief, b. June 13, 1789. Married Thaddeus Hildreth, May 9, 1805. Died January 5, 1826. Thomas, b. May 4, 1791. Married Deborah Davis, July 1, 1815. Rebecca, b. May 20, 1795. Married 1st, Levi Day, January 31, 1814; and, Eben C. Potter, May 20, 1835. Israel, b. June 8, 1797. Married Meribah Moore, May 11, 1820. He died August 31, 1887, in West Gardiner. Meribah died October 13, 1882, aged 85 years, 6 months. John, b. May 13, 1799. Married 1st, Mary Potter; 2nd, Ardra (Rob- inson) Webber, June 3, 1827. Richard, b. March 13, 1803. Married Priscilla Deak Lived in West Gardiner. Died 1887. Hannah, married Eben C. Potter. Sally, married Benjamin Potter. Nauum SPEAR. Nahum Spear, son of Israel, lived for a while in Canada, then moved to Litchfield and lived at the Plains. Children of Nahum and Sophia (Coates) Spear: Aaron, b. June 30, 1810. Married Mary Plummer, August 16, 1835. Charles W., b. November 22, 1813. Married Sarah Rhoades. _ EARLY SETTLERS. 329 Anna W., b. November 14, 1815. Married Isaac Robinson. Lived in Island Falls, Me. Israel, b. August, 1819. Married Abbie Rhoades. Lives in Walpole, Mass. Sophia, b. April, 1821. Married J. P. Plummer. Died in Medway, Mass., 1858. Sarah, b. May, 1824. Married Oliver O. Austin. Lives at 354 Main street, Charlestown, Mass. Children by second wife, Pamelia Taylor: Dexter W., b. May 26, 1828. Married Margaret Flanders. Children by third wife, Dorothy (Greenleaf) Sinclair: Nahum, b. 1834. Lives in New York. Aaron Spear, son of Nahum, lived for a while in Litchfield and learned his trade with E. Plimpton & Sons. He afterwards was in business in Monmouth for several years and then moved to Walpole, Mass., where he died, April 23, 1884. Ann, his wife, died December 22, 1886. Children of Aaron and Mary (Plummer) Spear: Ann Maria, b. July 4, 1836. Married 1st, Leroy F. Ayer, February 22, 1857; 2nd, Wm. A. Evans, September 25, 1872. Now lives in Wal- pole. Mary S., b. March 3, 1838. Lives in Walpole. Frances J., b. February 16, 1840. Married Fred A. Hartshorn, March 31, 1861. Died March 31, 1881. Horace A., b. December 26, 1841. Married Mary L. Freeman, Sep- tember 21, 1862. Lives in Walpole, Mass. Charles Webster Spear, son of Nahum, lived near the Plains, and afterwards moved to Gardiner, where he died March 28, 1884. Children of Charles W., and Sarah (Rhodes) Spear: George F., b. June 11, 1833. Married Abbie D. Clay. He was killed at Bull Run. Sophia A., b. March 17, 1835. Married Charles B. Winslow, Decem- ber 11, 1856. Charles H., b. June 8, 1837. Married Almira G. Steward, September 1, 1865. Died in Gardiner, October 4, 1891. Sarah E., b. June 8, 1837. Married Charles H. Tabor, October 11, 1857. (ie b. March 7, 1839. Married 1st, Emma Lane; and, Mary Day. Lived in Gardiner. Died February 12, 1884. Franklin, b. December 16, 1842. Married Deborah Taylor. Lives in Augusta. 330 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD, Emma J., b. June 8, 1845. Married James Ross Dill. Lives in Gar- diner. Mary, b. December 1848. Died August 24, 1850. Cora, b. March 31, 1854. Died March 13, 1870. Fannie, b. October 14, 1857. Married Isaac P. Talbot. Lives in Gardiner. THOMAS SPEAR. Thomas Spear, son of Israel, lived on the farm now occupied by his son, Richard, near Wharff bridge. He died December 23, 1868. His wife, Deborah, died January 15, 1859. Children of Thomas and Deborah (Davis) Spear: Esther, b. February 6, 1816. Married Joseph Roberts. Lived in West Gardiner. John D., b. February 27, 1818. Married Susan Hale. Lived in Madison, Me. Louiza, b. January 12, 1820. Married John Blanchard. Lived in California. Richard, b. February 23, 1822. Married Meribah Spear in 1875. | Andrew P., b. February 7, 1824. Married Alice P. Moore of North Anson. Relief H., b. October 19, 1825. Died young. Roxanna, b. May 23, 1827. Married Samuel D. Jordan. Thomas, b. March 13, 1829. Died young. Abagail J. H., b. June 5, 1832. Married Daniel Blanchard, October 7, 1855. Lives in California. Adrianna, b. September 5, 1835. Married Hiram Babb, March 7, 1866. : Andrew P. Spear, son of Thomas, lived it: Madison, Me., for several years and then moved to California, where he was a prominent citizen and sheriff of Yuba county for four years. Children of Andrew P. and Alice P. (Moore) Spear: Mahlon Spaulding, b. August 9, 1850. Died January 13, 1892. Albert Moore, b. March 17, 1852. Married Helen F. Andrews, July 6, 1875. Mahlon S., son of Andrew, was a lawyer, and at time of his decease judge of the municipal court of Hallowell, Me. Albert M., son of Andrew, is a prominent lawyer and a resi- dent of Gardiner, Me. He is a graduate of Bates College, class of 1875, and is a member of board of trustees of Bates College. He has been a member of the Maine House two terms, and of the State Senate two terms, the last year president of the Senate, and mayor of Gardiner four years. THOMAS SPEAR. THOMAS SPEAR. Thomas Spear was born in Litchfield May 4, 1791, cleared and settled on a farm on the Cobbosseecontee river about a mile below Horse Shoe pond and about six miles by road from the city of Gardiner, upon which he resided until his death in 1868. Mr. Spear was a soldier in the War of 1812. In politics he was a Whig, one of the first aboli- tionists in the town, and after the formation of the Republican party became a stanch Republican. He was a man of spotless integrity and unblemished character, and was much respected by the community in which he lived. EARLY SETTLERS. 331 EBENEZER SPEAR, JR. Ebenezer Spear, Jr., lived in Litchfield until 1816, and then, with his brother, Salathael, moved to Salem Township, Ohio, with his family. He died there in the fall of 1832. Polly, his wife, died in the spring of 1846. Children of Ebenezer and Polly (Spear) Spear: Polly, b. 1800. Married Charles Spear, son of Salathael and Deborah (Jewell) Spear. Eben, married Fanny Barnhart. Roxanna, married George Barnhart. Susan, married David Keider. Daniel, b. August 8, 1815. Married Lorania Johnson, July 4, 1830. Daniel lived in Whipple, Ohio, and died there January 11, 1891. He left a large number of descendants. , GIDEON SPEAR. Gideon Spear, son of Ebenezer, lived many years over towards Oak Hill, afterwards moved to Gardiner. Susannah, his wife, died June 4, 1864, aged 83 years. Children of Gideon and Susannah (Jewell) Spear: Edmund, b. April’ 3, 1802. Married Susan Hildreth. He died Jan- uary 7, 1875, in Gardiner. John, b. 1805. Died at sea in 1825. Rebecca, b. July 24, 1807. Lived in Gardiner. Died July 22, 1893. Susannah, b. May 9, 1809. Died December 8, 1835. Salathael, b. October 13, 1811. Married Ursula Stevens. Ivory, b. February 19, 1813. Died at sea in 1834. AsA SPEAR. Asa Spear, son of Ebenezer, lived for a time near the Plains, then moved to Ohio, in 1820. He returned in 1827, and lived on his father’s place for a while, then moved to the Plains, and then to Gardiner, where he died April 7, 1873, aged 96 years. Mary (Jewell) Spear died May 3, 1851, aged 64 years. Children of Asa and Mary (Jewell) Spear: Betsey, b. 1807. Married Nehemiah Moore, February 28, 1825. Lived in Weld, Me. ; ; Louize, b. 1809. Married Elbridge Barnes. Lived in Bowdoin. Alfred, married Irene Nutting. Samuel, died March 4, 1812. William, b. 1817. Married rst, Rhoda Tibbetts, September 23, 1830; and, Lydia Ann Cobb, March 8, 1864. He died August 29, 1876. 332 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Rachel, b. October, 1819. Married Samuel Brown. Died in Gar- diner, May 24, 1888. Lovina, b. March 22, 1821. Married 1st, Ebenezer Harrington; 2nd, Elbridge Thomas, May 23, 1855. Lives in Gardiner. ~ Rebecca, b. June 4, 1824. Married 1st, James D. Tibbetts, June 16, 1839; 2nd, David Potter, March, 1870. Died August 16, 1878. Lincoln, died when a young man in Boston. Alfred Spear, son of Asa, lived on his father’s place several years and then moved to Lisbon and then to Stoneham, Mass. Children of Alfred and Irene (Nutting) Spear: Charles D., b. July 21, 1834. Mary, b. 1836. Died 1837. Alfred V., b. October 16, 1838. Irene W., b. October 22, 18309. George W., b. December 7, 1841. Samuel J., b. November 10, 1843. ; Mary, b. April 30, 1845. Aaron L., b. March 10, 1848. William, son of Asa Spear, lived in Litchfield and then maved to Gardiner. Children of William and Rhoda (Tibbetts) Spear: Mary Ellen, b. December 19, 1846. Married 1st, Job Swift; 2nd, W. H. Johnson. Lives in Gardiner. SPRINGER. David and Thomas Springer, brothers, were born in Kenne- bunkport, sons of Jonathan Springer. They came to Bow- doinham about 1750. Thomas married Abagail Tibbetts, March 4, 1758, and David married her sister, Judith, August 13, 1752, O. S. David Springer, with his family, moved to Litchfield in 1785. His son, Andrew, came in 1779. David Springer died December 25, 1801, aged 81 years. His wife died 1800, aged 68 years. ‘Children of David and Judith (Tibbetts) Springer: Elizabeth, married Barnabas Baker, April 4, 1777. Moved to Ohio. Abagail, b. 1754. Married Timothy Hall in 178s. Andrew, b. August 15, 1760. Married Desire Baker. Rebecca, married William Gatchell, March 21, 1792. James, b. November 7, 1772. Married Elizabeth Harvey, April 11, 1798. David, b. 1773. Married Lydia Diamond. Judith, married Samuel Judkins, October 12, 1801. Sarah, married Benjamin Weymouth. EARLY SETTLERS. 333 ANDREW SPRINGER. Andrew Springer, son of David, lived where William Springer now lives. He married Desire Baker, daughter of Barnabas and Mehitable (Smith) Baker, April 21, 1785. They were the first couple married within the limits of what is now the town of Litchfield. He was killed by a falling tree, July 5, 1825. His wife died January 10, 1862, aged 93 years. Children of Andrew and Desire (Baker) Springer: Betty, b. December 25, 1785. Married Zenos Baker, September 25, 1806. Moved to Moscow, Me. Polly, b. March 7, 1788. Married David Burke September 7, 1807. Moved to Moscow. William, b. May 12, 1790. Married Rachel Snuith, January 23, 1812. Lived in Richmond. Judith, b. September 5, 1792. Married Reuben Smith, April, 1810. Moved to Ohio. Mehitable, b. August 6, 1794. Married Cornelius Drew, December 4, 1817. Lived in Richmond. Barnabas, b. February 5, 1798. Died July 20, 1801. Lydia, b. June 19, 1800. Married Thomas S. Raker, May 17, 1817. Barnabas, b. January 24, 1803. Married tst, Sally Earle; 2nd, Sarah Jane Morrell, October 12, 1828. John, b-July 23, 1805. Married Mary Hayden, February, 1831. Died in Carmel. Andrew, b. April 21, 1808. Married 1st, Rosanna Hanscom, Novem- ber 30, 1828; 2nd, Elizabeth Torrey; 3d, Melvina Briggs. William Springer, son of Andrew, lived in Litchfield a few years and then moved to Richmond and lived there until his decease, in 1830, when his widow removed to Litchfield and married George R. Freeman, in 1833. She died March 1, 1847. Children of William and Rachel (Smith) Springer: Mary, b. February 9, 1815. Married Dr. Wm. Safford. Elizabeth, married Joseph Bartlett. Lived in Ohio. Julia, b. September 11, 1820. Married ist, Sidney Booker; 2nd, Addi- _ son Metcalf. Lives in Lisbon Falls. Philena, married Nehemiah Goodwin. Lives in Lowell, Mass. Cordelia, b. August, 1825. Married Joseph White. Lives in Lisbon Falls. Barnabas Springer, son of Andrew, lived on his father’s place. He died August 17, 1880. Sarah Jane, his wife, died March 9, 1874. 334 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Barnabas and Sarah Jane (Morrell) Springer: William, b. April 21, 1830. Married Sarah Elizabeth Morrell, daugh- ter of Ebenezer Morrell, May 29, 1853. : William, son of Barnabas Springer, lived on the old home place until the death of his father, Barnabas, when he went to California. He staid there until 1893, when he returned and now lives upon the old homestead, taken up by his grandfather, Andrew, in 1779. Children of William and Sarah E. (Morrell) Springer: Laville Ardell, b. October 25, 1857. Died January 16, 1858. Franklin A., b. September 3, 1859. Married Flora B. Thurber, March 24, 1887. Walter E., b. September 30, 1870. Married Lillian C. Parmenter, January 22, 1891. William E., b. August 17, 1874. John Springer, son of Andrew, lived near his father, and moved to Gardiner, Me., in 1848, and to Carmel, Me., in 1856, where he died October 7, 1860. Children of John and Mary (Hayden) Springer: Andrew, b. March 19, 1832. Married Charlotte Mayo. Killed in the army. Jane M., b. October 9, 1834. Married Charles A. Jordan. Lives in Bowdoinham. Paulina P., b. September 2, 1837. Married Joel Curtis. Lives in Augusta. Charles C., b. July 18, 1847. Died when a year old. Andrew Springer, Jr., lived for several years near Hall school- house, and moved to Gardiner, Me., in 1848, and then to Hamp- den, Me. Children of Andrew, Jr., and Rosanna (Hanscom) Springer: Sarah Jane, b. January 3, 1830. Married Henty A. Morrell. Lived in Pittsfield, Me. Rufus, b. July 21, 1831. Married Sarah Reed. Lived in Hampden. Charles Ellery, b. June 10, 1833. Married Rebecca Ayer. A Methodist minister, now located at Bowdoinham, Me. Mary E., b. May 5, 1835. Married Hon. S. E. Johnson. Lived and died in Gardiner. One of the children of Andrew Springer, Jr., by his second wife, is Rufus Franklin Springer, A. B., a graduate of Bates, class 1895, and now principal of Bowdoinham high school. \ EARLY SETTLERS. 335 Davip SPRINGER, JR. David Springer, Jr., lived on farm next to his father, and was a prosperous farmer. He died July 24, 1804, at the early age of 31 years. Children of David, Jr., and Lydia (Diamond) Springer: Benjamin, b. January 5, 1796. Died in Vicksburg, Miss. Olive, b. January 14, 1797. Died December 6, 1810. Desire, b. May 1, 1798. Married Nathan Gray, December 9, 1814. Lived in Bowdoinham. Judeth, b. March 11, 1799. Died December 26, 1800. David, b. June 24, 1801. Died July 23, 1801. JAMES SPRINGER. James Springer, son of David and Judeth (Tibbetts) Springer, lived on the farm formerly occupied by his son, Thomas H., and now by his grandson, Emlen P. Springer, Esq. He married Elizabeth Harvey of Amesbury, Mass., who was born Septem- ber 11, 1780, and died May 12, 1855. He died August 10, 1851. Children of James and Elizabeth (Harvey) Springer: Jabez, b. August 15, 1798. Married Lucy Merriman, January 26, 1821. Betsey, b. August 25, 1800. Married James Pray. Lived in Rich- mond. Died April 4, 1874. David, b. December 25, 1801. Married Betsey Weymouth. Judith T., b. April 13, 1804. Married Jonas Sawtelle, February 17, 1828. Died May 5, 1875. Desire, b. October 13, 1806. Married Carlisle Brown. Lived in California. Andrew, b. October 13, 1806. Married Caroline Watson. Died May 22, 1870. Thomas Harvey, b. November 26, 1808. Married Sarah Huntington, February 26, 1837. ; ; Annie, b. August 1, 1813. Married Edward Clemens. Lived in Somersworth, N. H. : ; ; Louisa, b. October 3, 1816. Married Jacob Keed. Lived in Rich- mond. Died August, 1857. Sarah, b. April 22, 1819. Died May 22, 1892. Jabez Springer, son of James, lived in Litchfield and died June 29, 1851. Children of Jabez and Lucy (Merriman) Springer: Harriet, married Ambrose Tibbetts. Lives in the West. ; Susanna C., b. June 4, 1829. Married Cornelius Gaubert. Lives in Richmond. : Lucy, married William Clemens of New Hampshire. 336 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. David Springer, son’ of James and Elizabeth (Harvey) Springer, lived on the George Neal place. Killed by lightning in Boston, July 8, 1866. Children of David and Betsey (Weymouth) Springer: Mary Luella, b. October 22, 1838. Lives at No. 85 Prospect street, Somerville, Mass. Sarah E., b. December 7, 1840. Married Heman Snow. Died in Chelsea, Mass., September 22, 1871. David S., b. September 16, 1842. Died in Richmond, Me., Novem- ber 30, 1876. Benjamin S., b. August 8, 1845. Died May 16, 1846.. Thomas Harvey Springer, son of James, lived on his father’s farm. He died September 2, 1880. His widow, born Decem- ber 13, 1814, now survives him and lives with her son, Emlen P. Springer, Esq., who has filled many town offices, and is now chairman of the board of selectmen. Children of Thomas Harvey and Sarah (Huntington) Springer: Luetta A., b. August 7, 1838. Married William H. Merriman, November 25, 1862. : Corasan, b. February 21, 1840. Died February 24, 1840. Amesbury, b. December 7, 1841. Died April 15, 1843. James P., b. April 6, 1845. Married Mary F. Ring, August 14, 1872. Lives on Daniel Nickerson place. : ; Ella Louize, b. February 24, 1847. Died September 23, 1883. Henry, b. April 13, 1849. Died March 11, 1850. Charles R., b. November 24, 1850. Died October 24, 1876. Emlen P., b. December 2, 1856. Davip SPRINGER. David Springer, son of the Thomas, who came with his brother David, to Bowdoinham in 1750,and a cousin of Andrew, Thomas and James, came to Litchfield from Bowdoinham in 1789. He married Hannah Smith, May 26, 1791, daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Shurtleff) Smith. She was born April 15, 1772, and died April 30, 1840. He was born November 5, 1762, and died May 5, 1814. They lived on Oak Hill. Children of David and Hannah (Smith) Springer: Abagail, b. June 24, 1792. Married 1st, George Walker, November 25, 1813; 2nd, James McLellan, December 25, 1820. Hannah, b. April 25, 1794. Died February, 1807. Thomas, b. March 3, 1796. Married Elizabeth Smith, December 24, 1818. THOMAS HARVEY SPRINGER. THOMAS HARVEY SPRINGER. Thomas Harvey Springer was born in Litchfield, November 26, 1808. Was the son of James and Elizabeth Harvey Springer, and a grandson of David Springer who came to Litchfield from Bowdoinham, in 1785, his son Andrew having come six years prior to that time. Harvey, as he was always called, when of age, came by his energy, good judgment and persistent industry to be the main dependence of his father who in the rearing of a family of nine children in those good old times had become financially embarrassed to the extent of more than one thousand dollars. This was paid, stock increased, farm land and build- ings improved and the family comfortably cared for. In 1837 he married Sarah Huntington. They had eight children, only three of whom survive their father with their aged mother. Mr. Springer spent his life on the old homestead where he continued to prosper. Finally purchased a large farm near his own, formerly owned by Daniel Nickerson, upon which one of the sons of James P. Springer now lives. He was a man of strong, independent personality, who never coin- plained of his luck or found any fault with Providence. He died sud- denly in 1880 much respected by all his townsmen. EMLEN P. SPRINGER. EMLEN P. SPRINGER. Emlen P. Springer, son of Thomas Harvey and Sarah Huntington Springer, was born in Litchfield, December 2, 1856, was educated in the common schools and at Litchfield Academy, began teaching at twenty years of age, taught in the schools of his own and surrounding towns for seven or eight years, was elected to board of selectmen in 1891, served acceptably for several years, in 1895 and 1896, as chairman of the board. In 1895 he was chairman of the great general commit- tee of the town which had in charge the promotion and management of the centennial celebration of that year, which was held upon Mr. Springer’s grounds and by his liberality the town received all the rentals of the day amounting to some over sixty dollars, which went to defray the expenses of the celebration. Since the death of his father he has occupied the homestead farm with his mother, now eighty-six years of age. Mr. Springer has taken great interest in town affairs and he rendered much valuable assistance financially and otherwise in making the celebration of 1895 and the history of the town successful. EARLY SETTLERS. 337 Jeremiah, b. March 6, 1798. Married Mary White. Rhoda, b. February 17, 1800. Married Gideon White, March 15, 1820. David, b. May 5, 1802. Married Elwisa C. Tibbetts in 1823. Susannah, b. October 15, 1804. Married David Smith, March, 1830. Hannah, b. February 12, 1807. Married Curtis Wedgewood. Smith, b. October 9, 1809. Married Prudence Jackson. Lived in Bangor. Eleanor, b. January 12, 1812. Married Hiram Morrell, January 24, 1830. THOMAS SPRINGER. Thomas Springer, son of David, and grandson of Thomas, was a prominent farmer in Litchfield, and held many town offices. He died December 7, 1844. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Smith) Springer: George W., b. December 22, 1819. Married Mary J. Baker, August 25. 1845. Died July 28, 1890. David S., b. December 23, 1822. Married Jane M. Smith, July 4, 1844. Sophronia S., b. May 24, 1826. Died July 7, 1826. David S. Springer, son of Thomas, has been active in town affairs, and held many positions of trust. Has been town treas- urer since 1882, and was representative to the legislature in 1879. He died March 5, 1897. Jane, his wife, died 1897. Children of David S. and Jane M. (Smith) Springer: Isaac T., b. March 22, 1850. Lives in Philadelphia. JEREMIAH SPRINGER. Jeremiah Springer, son of David, and brother of Thomas, lived next to farm now occupied by Emlen P. Springer, Esq. Mary, his wife, died March 14, 1876, aged 77 years. Children of Jeremiah and Mary (White) Springer: Isaac W., b. February 3, 1823. Died October 23, 1873. Eveline S., b. October 7, 1825. Married Dr. William White. She died October 12, 1885. Mary E., b. September 29, 1830. Married. William O. G., b. June 31, 1840. Married Addie Richardson. Died in South America. He was a graduate of Bowdoin Medical School in class of 1865. 22 338 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Davip SPRINGER, JR. David, Jr., brother of Jeremiah, lived on his father’s place on Oak Hill. He died April 26, 1847. Elwisa C., his wife, died , October 3, 1848. Children of David and Elwisa C. (Tibbetts) Springer: Philene D., b. May 3, 1824. Married Thomas Gray, July 22, 1849. Oliver H., b. March 2, 1827. Married Althea D. Dingley. Lives in Cambridgeport. Elwisa J., b. December 19, 1830. Died 1850. Elizabeth H., b. December 1, 1832. Married George Riley Blake. Lives in Cambridge, Mass. Dorothy T., b. September 30, 1834. Married George Bickford. Lives in Richmond, Va. Priscilla J., b. October 9, 1836. Married Charles H. Woodward. Lives in Ellsworth. Ursula Melissa, b. August 27, 1839. Married Rinaldo A. Labree. Lives in Georgetown, Fla. Frances E., b. December 26, 1841. Married George H. Putney. Lives in Junction City, Kan. JOHN SPRINGER. There was a John Springer, son of Thomas, and Abagail (Tibbetts) Springer, who came to Litchfield in 1809. He mar-~ ried widow Polly Lambert, June 25, 1809. He died November 25, 1844, aged 88 years. STAPLES. Jeremiah Staples, son of Samuel and Lydia (Wells) Staples, was born in Topsham, Me., June 9, 1780. He married Mary Sanborn, and moved to Litchfield very early in the present century, and lived at foot of Oak Hill. After living in town many years he moved to Lee, Me., where he died April 28, 1853. Children of Jeremiah and Mary (Sanborn) Staples: Hiram, b. July 28, 1806. Married Apphea Hanscom, and lived in Lee, Me., and Augusta, Wis. He died about 1853 in Lee, Me. Lydia, b. February 5, 1811. Married Albert S Gatchell. Lived in Lee, Me., and afterwards in Black River Junction, Wisconsin, where she died. Mary Ann, b. August 21, 1815. Married ist, Rev. Levi Moulton; and, Smith Burnham. Lived in Lee and Springfield, Me. Winslow Staples, brother of Jeremiah, lived in town, but after his marriage to Betsey Ware of Litchfield, in spring of 1812, he moved to Lisbon and afterwards to Lee, Me. ISAAC STARBIRD. ISAAC STARBIRD. Isaac Starbird, the son of Moses and Lucy (Chase) Starbird, was born in Bowdoin, Me., October 21, 1810. At the age of twenty-one he began business for himself in Bowdoin, but in 1835 he removed to Litchfield Corner. In the winter of 1836-7 he sold his business and lived at the Plains for two years, when he returned to the Corner, and remained there in business till his death September 7, 1883. He mar- ried Sarah Hanscomb Dennett of Bowdoin September 2, 1836, who was boru July 27, 1813, and died March 21, 1863. He was a man of business capacity, shrewd, cautious, and possessed of a large amount of common sense. He could have done credit to a much larger field. In all his efforts he was ably seconded by his wife, who possessed more than ordinary ability. He was prominent in town affairs, was one oi the selectmen for several years, and post master from 1861 to 1873. He was one of the founders and trustees of “Litchfield Liberal Institute.” He married for a second wife, Mary Jane (Jack) Stinson, who died November 16, 1895, leaving one son, Eugene Chalmers Star- bird, who was recently married and lives in Minneapolis, Minn. By his first marriage, he had four sons and one daughter. Three of the sons were in the army during the War of the Rebellion. Charles Dennett, the elder, was in the 11th Maine Infantry; Isaac Warren was in the roth Maine Infantry, and Herbert Merton, in the rst Maine Cavalry. Charles D. was born August oth, 1837, married October 10, 1859, to Amanda H. Woodbury, and died May 27, 1887, as a result of wounds received in the army. He left three children, Charles Warren, Harry W., Addic May. Isaac Warren, born July ro, 1839, married January 1, 1868, to Emma S. Merrill, and is now surgeon of the Soldiers’ Home in Massachusetts. James Wilbur, was born December 9, 1842, and married to Barbara E. Robinson March 27, 1872. His health prevented him from entering the army with his brothers. He was in trade many years with his father, and continued in the business after his father’s death till 1894, when he moved to Lewiston. He has one child, Sarah Angeline, a teacher of music in Lewiston. Herbert Merton, was born October 2, 1847, and married Annie F. True, March T4. 1875. He is the only one of the sons now living in Litchfield. He is a member of the Maine legislature and a prominent Mason. The only daughter. Margaret Ella, was born May 5. 1854, married Samuel O. Woodard, April 22, 1877, and lives in Boston, Mass. She has one son, Fred Merton, who was born October 11, 1880. EARLY SETTLERS. 339 STARBIRD. Isaac Starbird came to Litchfield in 1835. He was born in Bowdoin, October 21, 1810, and was the son of Moses and Lucy (Chase) Starbird. He lived first at the Corner but in winter of 1836-7 sold out to Smith Baker and lived at the Plains for two years and then moved back to the Corner. He was a prominent man in town affairs and was postmaster for many years, and was in trade from the time he came to town until his decease, Sep- tember 7, 1883. He married, first, Sarah Denett, September, 1836, who was born July 27, 1813, and died March 21, 1863, and second, Mary Jane (Jack) Stinson, June 12, 1864, who died November 16, 1895, aged 66 years, 10 months. Three of his sons were in the army, Charles D. and Herbert M., in the First Maine Cavalry; Isaac W. was colonel of the r9th Maine Regi- ment and breveted brigadier-general. He was a graduate of Bowdoin College in class 1862, and is now a prominent physi- cian in Boston. Herbert M. is the only one of the sons now liv- ing in Litchfield. He occupies the Asa Bachelor place and is one of the leading farmers intown. He is also a member of the Maine legislature and a prominent Mason. Children of Isaac and Sarah (Dennett) Starbird: Charles D., b. August 9, 1837. Married, October 19, 4859, Amanda H. Woodbury. He died May 22, 1887. Isaac W., b. July 10, 1839. Married Emma S. Merrill. Physician in Boston. James W., b. December 9, 1842. Married Barbara E. Robinson. Herbert M., b. October 2, 1847. Married Annie F. True, March 14, 1875. Margaret Ella, b. May 5, 1854. Married Samuel Woodward, April 22, 1877. Children by second wife, Mary J. Stinson: Eugene C., b. May 8, 1870. Lives in Minne rpolis. James W. Starbird was in trade with his father several years and carried on the business after his father’s decease until 1894, when he moved to Lewiston where he now resides. Children of James W. and Barbara E. (Robinson) Starbird: S. Angie, b. October 29, 1873. 340 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. STARRETT. David Starrett was born in Warren, Me., in 1790, and was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1818. He was a pastor of the Congregational church at the Corner for many years commencing in 1828. Children of David and Susan (Fairbanks) Starrett: George, b. June 18, 1824. Married Ann E. Babcock of Augusta. Lives in New York City. ; Eliza W., b. June 26, 1826. Married Dr. S. M. Hamilton. Lives in Monmouth, Ill. David T., b. February 7, 1828. Died October 10, 1828. David T., b. October 24, 1829. Lives in Monmouth, III. Daniel T., b. April 11, 1832. Married Jane M. Savage. Lives in Kansas. Henry Martin, b. April 9, 1834. Died January 24, 1836. Henry Martin, b. December 25, 1841. Married Fanny Collins. Lives in Taber, Iowa. Rev. David Starrett died in Augusta, Me., April 3, 1851. STEVENS. Nathaniel Stevens, son of William and Anna (Lufkin) Stevens, was born in Gloucester, Mass., January 5, 1729. He married Jerusha Bennett, November 27, 1750. About 1775 he moved to New Gloucester, Me., and in 1790 to Litchfield. He with his sons, settled on what is now called Stevenstown, named for his family. He died May 7, 1817. Children of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Bennett) Stevens: Jerusha, b. May 6, 1751. Married Edward Peacock. Died in Rich- mond, January 30, 1849. Nathaniel, b. March 5, 1753. Died September 7, 1754. Nathaniel, b. November 22, 1754. Married Mary — Elizabeth, b. January 10, 1757. Married Abraham Jaquith. Susannah, b. September 24, 1758. Died September 17, 1838. James, b. September 22, 1761. Married 1st, Kuth Andrews of Ips- wich, April 13, 1786; 2nd, Susanna (Bennett) Wharff, widow of Jos., August 23, 1798; 3d, Eunice Webber, widow of John Webber. Sarah, b. September 14, 1764. Died November 7, 1764. Sarah, b. October 12, 1765. Married — Cleaves. William, b. June 4, 1767. Married Sally Bennett. John, b. March 2, 1769. Married Sally Huntington, April 27, 1794. Moses, b. December 2, 1771. Married Susanna Wharff. Amos, b. October 11, 1773. Married Sally Wharff, March 26, 1797. Nancy, b. October, 1776. Married John Bailey, November 23, 1820. SAMUEL STEVENS. SAMUEL STEVENS. Samuel Stevens, son of James and Clarissa (Webber) Stevens, was born in Litchfield, April 23, 1796. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and afterwards located in Stevenstown on the farm where Joseph Weston now lives. He was a prominent man in town affairs, and was administrator of many estates. Mr. Stevens died January 2, 1870, much respected and honored. His two sons were in the Union Army during the late war, his youngest son, James Orator, died in a rebel prison. EARLY SETTLERS. 341 NATHANIEL STEVENS, JR. Nathaniel Stevens, Jr., lived on the Weston place in Stevens- town for several years and then moved to Sangerville. Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Mary Stevens: Polly, b. March 8, 4780. Married ist, David Mulloy; 2nd, Robert Edgecomb; 3d, Frederic Blood. Died November, 1879. Nathaniel, b. July 16, 1781. Married Esther Goodwin, November 30, 1801. Jerusha, b. February 14, 1783. Married Edward Magoon, December 31, 1806. Ebenezer, b. March 27, 1785. Married Esther Stinchfield. William, b. November 12, 1786. Married 1st, Catherine Robinson, July 10, 1808; 2nd, Mary Lydia Herring, March 30, 1811. Lois, b. June 30, 1790. Married John Quinley. John, b. September 21, 1792. Dolly, b. November 13, 1795. Daniel, b. August 28, 1798. JamMeES STEVENS, SENIOR. James Stevens, son of Nathaniel, Senior, lived on the farm now occupied by Albert Dudley. He died October 22, 1836. Ruth, wife of James, died February 25, 1798, aged 40 years, 10 months. Susanna, wife of James and daughter of Captain Isaac Bennett, died May 7, 1833, aged 69 years, 10 months. Eunice, wife of James, died October 13, 1835, aged 73 years, 5 months, 4 days. Children of James and Ruth (Andrews) Stevens: James, Jr., b. November 2, 1786. Left home for sea October 12, 1816. Never heard from. Ruth, b. March 23, 1789. Married Benj. Farnham. Lived in Vassal- boro. : Susanna, b. July 20, 1791. Married Wm. Kearney. Lived in New Gloucester. Abigail, b. January 28, 1793. Married Levi Goodwin. Olive, b. August 12, 1794. Died October 6, 1815. Samuel, b. April 23, 1796. Married Clarrisa Webber, January 5, 1823. Children by second wife, Susanna (Bennett) Wharff: Harriet J., b. September 13,1800. Married John Rogers, April 6, 1824. Died December 2, 1828. Judith, b. March 11, 1802. Married Wilkes Richardson, July 24, 1825. Died November 5, 1827. Samuel Stevens, son of James, lived where Joseph Weston lives. He died there January 2, 1870. Clarissa, his wife, died September 7, 1879, aged 81 years. Mr. Stevens was a soldier in the War of 1812. 342 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Samuel and Clarissa (Webber) Stevens: Clarissa Ann, b. November 28, 1824. Married Simeon Briggs, March 17, 1852. Died August 21, 1891. William Webber, b. August 22, 1829. Married Diana Neal in Feb- ruary, 1859. Harriet Rogers, b. August 30, 1832. Married Joseph W. Robinson, October 30, 1859. Lives in Gardiner. Warren, b. December 22, 1834. Died September 14, 1858. James Orator, b. May 22, 1838. Died February 28, 1864, in prison, Charlotteville, N. C. William W. Stevens, son of Samuel; lived for many years in Steventown, and afterward moved to Lynn, Mass., where he now resides. He was in the army in late war. Children of William W. and Diana (Neal) Stevens: Warren A., b. October 18, 1850. Married Alice M. Clough, May 17, 1878. Died November, 1888. Angelia E., b. January 12, 1852. Married Charles Bailey. Lives in Lynn. : Adella L., b. August 1, 1853. Married John Burns. Lives in Clare- mont, N. H. Eugenia N., b. March 12, 1855. Died August 17, 1856.. Carrie P., b. May 30, 1856. Died October 19, 1876. Henry W., b. October 24, 1858. Died in: Lynn, Mass., September, 1894. Imogene L., b. December 1, 1861. Married Frank Bonney. Lives in Lynn. William J., b. February 11, 1864, married Drusilla Nugent. Lizzie N., b. March 27, 1866. Married Patrick Riley. Estella A., b. April 20, 1868, married George Calvin. Lives in New York. : Minnie B., b. September 13, 1870, married Arthur White. Lives in Lynn. Mabel P., b. May 18, 1875, married William Chase. Lives in New Hampshire. Moses STEVENS. Moses Stevens, son of Nathaniel Stevens, Sr., lived on the Martin Metcalf place and then moved to Guilford in 1816. Died about 1850. Children of Moses and Susanna (Wharff) Stevens: Lydia, b. September 2, 1797. Married Isaac Edes. Lived in Guilford. Joseph W., b. August 17, 1798. Married Jane Craig. Lived in Guilford. Moses, b. February 8, 1802. Married Phimela Saunders. Arthur W., b. April 12, 1803. Married Theodolia Lombard. Lived in Guilford. > EARLY SETTLERS. 343 Phebe W., b. January 8, 1805. Married Simeon Richardson. Lived in Parkman. Isaac W., b. June 3, 1807. Married Hannah Delano. Lived in Guilford. Bathsheba, b. October 27, 1808. Died April 11, 1811. David, b. January 1, 1811. Married Ruth Saunders. Lived in Guilford. Anthony B., b. August 17, 1812. Married Sarah Fogg. Lived in Guilford. Samuel Beal, b. December 4, 1813. Fidelia, b. March 8, 1815. Married Joseph Goodale. Lived in Monson. Benjamin Edes, b. July 9, 1818. Married Jane ————. Lived in Guilford. Mary Anne, b. May 2, 1820. Married Amos Ridlon. Samuel B., b. December 4, 1822. Married Dorothy Kelly in Boston. Judith, b. June 18, 1824. Married Zebulon Grover. Lived in Guil- ford. JouHN STEVENS. John Stevens, son of Nathaniel, Sr., lived for several years in Litchfield and then moved to Gardiner. He died September 25, 1827. Sally, his wife, died August 27, 1870, aged 92 years. Children of John and Sally (Huntington) Stevens: Hannah, b. 1792. Married Daniel Booker. Lived in Richmond. Polly, b. December 18, 1794. Married Benjamin Peacock. Lived in Richmond. Sally, b. December 28, 1796. Married Jacob Booker. Lived in Rich- mond. Nancy, b. October 4, 1801. Married James Fogg. Lived in Rich- mond. John, b. February 8, 1804. Died same day. Judith, b. February 15, 1805. Married Andrew Tibbetts, March 15, 1824. Died August 27, 1849. John, b. March 21, 1807. Married Mercy Knox. Charity C., b. January 12, 1810. Married ist, Robert Niles; 2nd, Caleb Niles. ; Jabez, b. October 6, 1812. Married 1st, Harriet Hildreth; 2nd, Emily Booker. He died June 5, 1880. Lydia L., b. March 26, 1816. AMOS STEVENS. Amos Stevens, son of Nathaniel, Sr., lived on the farm now occupied by Josiah Small. He died September 1, 1828. His wife, Sally Wharff, was born January 27, 1782, died December 1, 1856. 344 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Amos and Sally (Wharff) Stevens: Sally, b. December 13, 1798. Died January 17, 1799. Abagail, b. June 7, 1800. Married Robert Robinson, October 9, 1819. Sally, b. February 26, 1802. Married George Richardson, April 29, 1821. Died Sepember 3, 1878. Amos, Jr., b. April 25, 1804.. Died January 3, 1834. William W., b. February 6, 1806. Died April 25, 1827. Eliza W., b. October 5, 1807. Married Jonathan Edgecomb, May Io, 1829. Died May 20, 1832. James M., b. August 29, 1809. Married ist, Cynthia C. Gatchell; 2nd, Catherine Cotton. Died April 22, 1869. Andrew, b. January 1, 1812. Married Catherine Edgecomb, April 7, 1842: Dorcas W., b. January 11, 1814. Married Jonathan Edgecomb, August, 1833. Died November 22, 1892. Susan, b. July 31, 1816. Died March 10, 1837. Samuel, b. October 12, 1818. Married Lydia Dennett. Lived in New Hampshire. Died February 27, 1805. Mary C., b. January 28, 1821. Died July 5, 1822. David M., b. February 24, 1823. Married Lucy J. Peacock, April 12, 1846. Died September 21, 1877. George W., b. February 17, 1825. Married Mary A. Gatchell. Died June 22, 1867. Andrew Stevens, son of Amos, lived in Steyentown, and died January 21, 1863. Children of Andrew and Catherine (Edgecomb) Stevens: Susan A., b. April 30, 1843. Married Charles A. Gatchell. Cynthia A., b. June 12, 1845. Died May 13, 1881. WILLIAM STEVENS. William Stevens, another son of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Ben- nett) Stevens, lived awhile at Steventown, and then moved to Guilford. Children of William and Sally (Bennett) Stevens: Sally, b. December 29, 1791. Lois, b. March 2, 1793. William, b. November 7, 1794. Charlotte, b. October 24, 1706. Betsey, b. November 5, 1708. Jessie W., b. August 10, 1800. Amos, b. August 15, 1802. Eunice, b. March 21, 1804. EARLY SETTLERS. 345 DANIEL AND Newcoms W. Stevens. Daniel and Newcomb W. Stevens came to Litchfield, Me., from Litchfield, N. H., about 1800. Daniel lived near the church at South Litchfield. He married Damaris ——, but left no children. His adopted daughter, Hannah, married Andrew Emerson. Daniel died April 14, 1842, aged 68. Newcomb W. Stevens owned the farm now occupied by Mr. Merchant. He was postmaster at South Litchfield for several years. He died February 22, 1831, aged 53 years. Abagail Cowan, his wife, was born August 12, 1784, and died June 30, 1859. Children of Newcomb W. and Abagail (Cowan) Stevens: Dianna, b. March 2, 1806. Died September 16, 1827. Daniel, b. March 28, 1808. Died March 4, 1834. Married Anna J. Woodbury, July, 1832. Abagail, b. February 22, 1810. Died February 15, 1845. Betsey, b. May 15, 1812. Married Hugh Woodbury. Sally, b. July 10, 1814. Married James Lord. Christianna, b. August 12, 1816. Married Joseph Verrill. Lives in Egypt, Mass. Newcomb W., Jr., b. October 16, 1818. Married Sarah Lord, Decem- ber 7, 1843. Samuel, b. October 3, 1820. Married tst, Jane J. Faulkinda; 2nd, Cynthia M. A. Moody. Died in Fort Kent, July 29, 1895. Calvin C., b. October 3, 1820. Married Rachel D. Gardner of Phipe- -burg. Lives at Odd Fellows’ Home, Thermalito, Cal. Peter, b. March 12, 1823. Went to California. Deborah H., b. May 6, 1825. Died December 11, 1853. Newcomb W. Stevens, Jr., lived for several years at South Litchfield, and then moved to Portage Lake, Aroostook county, where he died January 15, 1894. Children of Newcomb W.,, Jr., and Sarah (Lord) Stevens: Mary E., b. April 11, 1845. Died October 4, 1866. Orrin L., b. February 26, 1847. Married Mary H. Goss, April 11, 1871. Lives at Portage Lake. Newcomb W., b. May 7, 1850. Married Clara E. Brown, May 5, 1876. He died June 12, 1884. Charles Carroll, b. October 22, 1852. Married Ada Badger, July, 1892. Lives in Chelsea, Mass. Sarah Elizabeth, b. August 28, 1857. Married George B. Hayward, October 12, 1881. Lives in Ashland. 346 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Samuel Calvin, b. July 12, 1859. Married Louiza E. Goding, June 4, 1892. Lives at Portage Lake. STINSON. Thomas Stinson, born in Topsham, Me., October 2, 1791, was the son of William and Sarah (Perry) Stinson. After the death of his mother in 1792, he was brought by his father to Richmond, near the Litchfield line. January Ig, 1815, he married Rhoda, daughter of Timothy Blanchard, and went to live on the Blanchard place, now occupied by Horatio S. Paine. Children of Thomas and Rhoda (Blanchard) Stinson: Albion B., b. July 24, 1817. Married Sally Smith Baker. Hannah K., b. December 12, 1820. Sarah Ann., b. September 20, 1822, Married bradford Perry. Lived in Boston. Helen M., b. October 19, 1824. Married Samuel Whitmore of Bruns- wick, Me. William Thomas, b. December 13, 1827. Died August 12, 1855. Albion B. Stinson, son of Thomas, was graduated from Bow- doin Medical School, class 1847. He married Sally S. Baker, June 8, 1847. He died August 11, 1848, leaving one son, Albion T., born February 20, 1849. Dr. Stinson was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class 1874, and is a practicing physician in New Sharon, Me. He married Johanna W. Harris of New Sharon. Dr. Stinson died February 14, 1897. Rev. ROBERT STINSON. Rey. Robert Stinson, son of Thomas and Martha (Robinson) Stinson, was born in Bowdoin, Me., January 2, 1795. He mar- ried Fanny Patten, and lived in Cook neighborhood. He was a Free Baptist clergyman; died April 16, 1856. His wife died ‘August 1, 1843. Children of Robert and Fanny (Patten) Stinson: Robert P., b. April 3, 1818. Married Nancy Wentworth, March 5, 1843. Lived in Minnesota. Julia A., b. May 3, 1820. Married Samuel Hall. Mary, b. May 10, 1822. Married Isaac Chase. Andrew P., b. July 10, 1824. Married Perses Blanchard. Sylvia, b. May 20, 1826. Married Captain John Lombard. Died September 20, 1897, in Boston, Mass. Samuel P., b. May 27, 1828. Married Lucy Wakefield. Died Decem- ber 31, 1863. EARLY SETTLERS. 347 Sumner B., b. August 1, 1830. Died March 16, 1863. Frances E., b. March 10, 1833. Married William Sinclair. Silas C., b. December 12, 1836. Married Ellen Littlefield, October 20, 1861. Lives in West Gardiner. Rev. JosePH STINSON. Rev. Joseph Stinson, son of Rev. William and Abiah (Macomber) Stinson, was born in Bowdoin in 1796. He lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to Pittsfield, Me., where he died February 27, 1864. He was a prominent minis- ter in the Free Baptist denomination. Children of Joseph and Mary W. (Whitmore) Stinson: Mary J., b. December 29, 1823. Married James M. Sanford. Lives in Bowdoinham. Susan W., b. May 9, 1827. Married George Ham of Hartland. Benjamin F., b. April 11, 1829. Married Mary A. Varnum. Lives in Pittsfield, Me. Bernice S., b. August 25, 1833. Married John C. Ham. Lives in Hartland, Me. Joseph W., b. January 11, 1837. Lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. STICKNEY. William Stickney, Jr., son of William and Anna (Smith) Stickney, and a descendant of William Stickney who came to Rowley, Mass., in 1639, was born in Chesterville, Me., Novem- ber 4, 1809. Married October 20, 1835, Sarah Hamlen of Farmington, and after her decease, Clarissa Norcross. He came to Litchfield before his first marriage and lived in town several years and then moved to Phillips. He now lives in North Chesterville. Children of William and Sarah (Hamlen) Stickney: Charles O., b. August 11, 1836. Died when about 20 years old. Catherine, b. 1838. Died January 30, 1840. William P., b. March 22, 1842. Lives in Bath, So. Dak. John H., b. March 22, 1842. In 16th Maine Regiment Married Venetia Anna Parker. Died in Minneapolis, March 20, 1876. Sarah Cordelia. Mary Frances. Abby Jane. TARR. Two brothers, Joseph and Roger Tarr, sons of Joseph and Deborah (Toothaker) Tarr, came to Litchfield in 1813, and lived in the last house in Litchfield next to Bowdoin line. 348 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Joseph married Lydia Booker, and had one son born in Litch- field, William, born February 22, 1825; married ist, Margaret J. Rideout; 2nd, Bethiah J. Tarr.. He now lives in Bowdoin. Roger Tarr married Abagail Rodick and lived in town several years, when both the brothers returned to Bowdoin. Children of Roger and Abagail (Rodick) Tarr: Mary, b. November 21, 1815. Died when a young lady. John, b. October 6, 1817. Married. Lives in Brunswick. George, b. January 24, 1820. Lost at sea. Susan, died unmarried. TAPLEY. William Tapley, son of Job and Susannah Tapley, was born in Saco April 5, 1776. He was a carpenter and came to the Corner from Saco in 1796. He lived there many years and then moved to Gardiner. He married tst, Elizabeth Smith, June 21, 1798, and after her death, Catherine Hopkinson, December 24, 1845. He died in Gardiner, August 17, 1867. Children of William and Betsey (Smith) Tapley: Joel, b. May 30, 1800. Married Abigail Given, August, 1825. Lived in Gardiner. Diana, b. November 16, 1802. Married Stephen Webster. William, b. February 28, 1805. Died young. Joseph H., b. February 7, 1807. Married, 1st, Abigail Ridley; 2d, Elizabeth Ridley. Amelia, b. November 14, 1809. Matilda, b. July 18, 1813. Married John Curtis of Hallowell. Mary Smith, b. May 20, 1816. Married John Vosmus, May, 1835. Lives in Augusta. Cordelia, b. July 9, 1818. Married Franklin Thompson, October 29, 1843. . Irene, b. January 11, 1821. Married Isaiah Lord. Elizabeth, b. January 22, 1825. Died young. Eliza, b. June 2, 1827. Died young. Joseph H. Tapley, son of William, lived in Litchfield near the Corner. Abagail, his wife, died August 2, 1842, aged 30 years. Children of Joseph and Abigail (Ridley) Tapley: Amanda M., b. June 7, 1835. Married Frank Higgins. Dead. John S., b. October 31, 1836. Married, 1st, Sarah Coleman; ad, Angie Pease. Lives at Rumford Falls, Me. Abigail, b. May 11, 1838. Died May 5, 1842. EARLY SETTLERS. 349 _ Children by second wife, Elizabeth Ridley: Cordelia, b. May 4, 1843. Married C. T. Clark. Lives in Lewiston. Joseph, b. July 20, 1845. Married Lizzie Owens. Both dead. d Isaac Starbird, b. November 17, 1847. Married, rst, Mary E. Rowe; 2d, Emma Allen. Lives in Lewiston. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1850. Married John Washburn. Lives in Lewiston. Matilda C., b. July 11; 1852. Married, rst, Eugene Sawyer; 2nd, Henry McGibbon. Lives in Lewiston. George W., b. March 14, 1855. Dead. TAPPAN. Michael Tappan came soon after 1800 to Litchfield from Manchester, Mass., and lived where the Plimptons do now and after a few years moved across the stream into West Gardiner. He married Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Page) Parker. Mr. Tappan died May 5, 1832, aged 68 years. Han- nah, his wife, died August 31, 1865. Children: Nancy, b. April 23, 1812. Married Captain Warren Hathaway, Octo- ber 22, 1843. Lived in Monmouth. David, b. October 23, 1814. Died September 25, 1824. Abigail, b. October 16, 1816. Married George Lincoln Smith. Martha, b. June 8, 1819. Susannah F., b. June 15, 1822. Married David Tucker. Lived in West Gardiner. TAYLOR. James Taylor, son of Joseph, came to Litchfield, and settled at the Plains about 1785, from Colchester, Vt. His farm was bought, after his decease, by Daniel Nickerson and by him sold to Esdras Nickerson in 1809. His wife’s maiden name was Sarah White. He was a very old man when he came to town, and died in 1797, and was among the very first to be buried in the cemetery at the Plains. With him came two sons, Bar- tholomew and John, and two daughters: Annie, who married Ist, John Johnson in 1790, and after his decease, March 1, 1810, Edward Tibbetts, and Sarah who married tst, Richard Mitchell, April 18, 1793; 2nd, Edward Partridge, April, 1803. Lived in Hallowell. Bartholomew, son of James, lived at the Plains, and was one of the founders of the Baptist church at what is 350 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. now called South Litchfield. He married in New Gloucester, May 9, 1787, Elizabeth (Hammon) Smith, and was drowned in Cold Stream in 1811. Children of Bartholomew and Betsey (Smith) Taylor: John, b. May 7, 1788. Married Mary Witham. Lived in Poland and New Gloucester. Robert, b. January 26, 1790. Married Polly Newell. James, b. November 25, 1791. Bartholomew, b. January 19, 1704. Elizabeth, b. November 4, 1795. Married Simeon Potter. Tabitha W., b. 1797. Married ist, William Ranslow; 2d, Dudley H. Taylor, November 10, 1821. Sarah, b. 1798. Married Caleb Taylor. She died July 12, 1841. Polly, b. 1808. Married Nathaniel Potter. 4 ‘ Joun Tay.or. John Taylor, son of James, and brother of Bartholomew, lived on farm he bought of Nathaniel Leeman in what is now called the Harriman neighborhood. He came with his father and brother in 1785, and sold his farm to Capt. Burr in 1808. Children of John and Hannah (French) Taylor: Caleb, b. November 14, 1788. Married, 1st, Sarah Taylor, May 14, 1814; 2d, Ann Dill, lived in Gardiner. Died January 17, 1871. James, b. November 10, 1790. Married, 1st, Hannah Moore; 2d, Minerva Baker, August 23, 1861. Lived in Gardiner. Pamelia, b. November 6, 1792. Married Nahum Spear. Dudley H., b. February 23, 1797. \Married Tabitha W. (Taylor) Ranslow, November 10, 1821; 2nd, Rebecca Newell, April 25, 1842. Lived in Gardiner. Polly, b. August 6, 1799. Married Steplren Foster. Lydia, b. July 16, 1801. Married Alexander Bubier. Lived in Gar- diner. Lucy, b. August 29, 1803.. Married Marshall Nudd. Lived in Gar- diner. Hannah, b. July 12, 1806. Married John Pierce. Lived in Rhode Island. i Ira, moved to Indiana. James TAyLor. There was a James Taylor, son of Thomas, born in Lewiston, May 11, 1789, who married Ann Graffam and moved to Oak Hill in 1808. His farm was set off to Wales, in 1827. James died Jarfuary 18, 1842. EARLY SETTLERS. 351 Children of James and Ann (Graffam) Taylor: Enoch N., b. March 22, 1809. ; Mary Ann, b. December 19, 1813. Married N. Dixon. Lived in Wales. Thomas, b. April 15, 1815. Married Martha Jenkins. Lived in Wales. Charlotte, b. February 2, 1817. Died October 2, 1840. Sally, b. October 29, 1818. Died January 2, 1837. James, b. October 2, 1820. Married Ahce Taylor. Died January 1, 1886. Joseph, b. April 12, 1825. Married Ist, Smiley. Died February 2, 1892. Charles, b. April 25, 1827. Married Eliza Hunt. Died March, 1864. ‘William H., b. April 17, 1833. Married Sarah Cummings. Died in Lewiston, December, 1879. — Brown; 2nd, Emma THOMPSON. Joel Thompson, son of Col. Joel Thompson, was born in Lewiston, July 26, 1784. He came to Litchfield in 1809, and taught school in town in the vicinity of Oak Hill. He lived in town several years, and was upon the committee of safety appointed during the War of 1812. He was a man of decided ability. His son, Thomas W., was a prominent minister in the Free Baptist denomination. Joel lived in Lisbon and died in Wayne, September, 1851. Ruth died in 1813. Rachel, his wife, died January 1, 1853. Children of Joel and Ruth (Dwinal) Thompson: Joel D. Thompson, b. December 24, 1809. Married Hattie French. Died in Bangor, February, 1853. Children of Joel and Rachel (Wilson) Thompson: Thomas W., b. November 12, 1814. Married Hannah Harmon. Died in Sumner, Me. Jedediah H., b. January 11, 1817. Died in East Livermore, January, 1848. : William W., b. April 28, 1819. Married Abbie Clark. Lives in Jay, Me. : James S. Thompson, b. April 9, 1822. Married 1st, Lydia Bourne; and, Margaret Alley. Lives in Rangeley, Me. George O., b. March 11, 1826. Married 1st, Marietta Moulton; 2nd, Melissa Tyler. Lives in Avon. Actor P., b. April 26, 1828. Married 1st, Martha R. Marston; 2nd, Rose Alley. Lives in Farmingdale, Me. Josiah S., b. December 4, 1832. Married 1st, Rose Hayford: 2nd, Lena Edson. Lives in Bellimgton, Mass. Rachel W., b. March 21, 1835. Married Major Warren L. Whitney. Died in Bangor, Afril 21, 1889. 352 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. THURLOW. John Thurlow came to Litchfield from Berwick, Me., before 1800, and lived in the Ferrin neighborhood. He married Polly (Earle) Hanscom. Children of John and Mary Thurlow: Richard, b. February 24, 1786. Moved to Lee, Me. Martha, b. May 8, 1788. Married Joseph Hanscom, July 10, 1808. Lived in Lee, Me. John, b. April 11, 1790. Married 1st, Sally Flagg; 2nd, Hannah Brimijohn, April 15, 1852. Polly, b. May 9, 1792. Unmarried. Jacob, b. June 20, 1794. Married ————— Dana. Lived in Massa- chusetts. Lydia, b. July 13, 1796. Married Richard Ferrin. Moses, b. December 12, 1798. Married Maria Child. Lived in Lee. Rutha, b. March 6, 1801. Married George Lindsey. Lived in Lincoln. George, b. December 10, 1803. Died young. Elisha, b. January 22, 1807. Married Elizabeth Jordan, July 9, 1837. Lived in Lee. I Joun THuRLow, Jr. John Thurlow, Jr., hved on his father’s farm. He died September 23, 1868. Sally, his wife, died September 22, 1851, aged 56 years. . Children of John, Jr., and Sally (Flagg) Thurlow: Kingsbury, b. October 2, 1816. Married Jane White. Lived in Sangerville. Millet, b. August 2, 1819. Married Catherine Gulliver. Lived in Sangerville. Marinda, b. December 25, 1821. Married ist, Benj. Potter; 2nd, James Costellow. William, b. May 5, 1825. Married Mary Ann White. Lived in Rich- mond. ‘ Annie, b. October 27, 1827. Married Wm. J. Ferrin. Lived in Rich- mond. John F., b. February 20, 1830. Married Deborah Ferrin. Lived in Bath. Charles L., b. March 20, 1832. Married Adeline Jack. Lived in Gardiner. Died April 25, 1875. George N., b. December 5, 1834. Married Emeline W. Morse. Henry J., b. May 28, 1837. Married Francis Thurlow. Lived in Lee. George N., son of John Thurlow, lives on the home place in Litchfield. He was a member of the 7th Maine Regiment dur- ing the war. EARLY SETTLERS. 353 Children of George N. and Emeline W. (Morse) Thurlow: George Alvin, b. August 11, 1870. Harry H., b. May 3, 1877. TIBBETTS. Solomon Tibbetts was born in Lebanon, N. H., in 1710. He came to Gardiner, Me., in 1762, and lived there until 1774 when he moved to the shores of Cobbossee pond and built a log cabin on land afterwards owned by the late Henry Lunt. He married Elizabeth Spearin and died in Litchfield in 1790. He was buried by the shore of the pond near his house. Children of Solomon and Elizabeth (Spearin) Tibbetts: Solomon, lived in Lebanon, N. H. Joseph, lived in Lebanon, N. H. James. Daniel, married Fannie Philbrook. Theodore. Edward, b. June 17, 1762. Married 1st, Sarah Douglass, July 6, 1784; and, Annie Johnson, August 21, 1814. Abiathar, b. 1766. Married Mary Douglass in June, 1795. Elizabeth, married Henry Kenney. Lydia, married Nathan Denlow. Abagail, married Pelatiah Warren. Joanna, married Benj. Colburn. Lived in Pittston. Susan, married James P. Evans. EpwWARD TIBBETTS. Edward Tibbetts, son of Solomon, was born in Gardiner, Me., on what was then known as Plaisted Hill. He went to Litchfield with his father in 1774. After his marriage to Sarah Douglass, daughter of Andrew and Jane Douglass, he lived on the Neck. Sarah, his wife, died April 10, 1814, aged 32 years. He married for his second wife, August 21, 1814, Annie, widow of John Johnson who was drowned in Cobbossee stream in 1810. Edward Tibbetts died March, 1846. Annie, his wife, born March 16, 1770. Died October 15, 1865, aged 95 years, 7 months. Children of Edward and Sarah Douglass Tibbetts: Sarah, b. June 2, 1785. Married James Peacock, April 20, 1807. Lived in Gardiner. Mary, b. March 30, 1787. Married 1st, Samuel Gatchell; 2nd, James Johnson. Died in Plymouth, Me., December 6, 1864. 23 354 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Charity, b. April 2, 1789. Married John Britt, October 19, 1807. Lived in Plymouth, Me. * Solomon, b. May 2, 1791. Married Elizabeth Butler, September 23, 1816. James, b. May 7, 1793. Married Sarah Gatchell, December 22, 1814. William, b. February 4, 1796. Married Nancy Britt. Died at sea. Charlotte, b. May 19, 1798. Married Abner Towns. Lived in Augusta. Edward, b. April 30, r800. Married Judith Judkins, October 13, 1832. Lived out West. Andrew, b. April 8, 1803. Married Judith Stevens, March 15, 1824. Lived in West Gardiner. John, b. July, 1804. Married Asenath Britt. Lived in Shirley. Robert, b. October 18, 1808. Married Nancy Gray, April 4, 1831. Lived in Monmouth. Children by second wife, Annie (Taylor) Johnson: Eliza, b. June 2, 1815. Married Levi C. Gray. Solomon Tibbetts, son of Edward, lived on the Neck until 1834, when he moved to Gardiner, and from there to Newport, Me. He was accidentally killed by the cars at Augusta, Me., in 1850, while there upon a visit. Elizabeth, his wife, died in | 1845. Children of Solomon and Elizabeth (Butler) Tibbetts: Julius, b. July 25, 1817. Married Sarah Cook. Lives in Pittsfield, Me. Sally, b. October 14, 1819. Married Albert Thurston. Lived in Newport. Elizabeth, b. 1823. Married Benjamin Cook. Died in Pittsfield, Me. Simon B., b. May 1, 1826. Married 1st, Lydia Record; 2nd, Clara J. Caverly. Lives in Newport. Noah, died in Litchfield in infancy. George, b. 1829. Married Melissa Hines. Lives in South Levant, Maine. Andrew, married 1st, Sarah McCasley; 2nd, Etta Lowe. Died in Waltham, Mass., 1875. Harriet, died in Newport unmarried. Warren C., died in United States service at Hilton Head. Augustine, died in infancy. James, son of Edward Tibbetts, lived on the Neck sev- eral years, then moved to Piscataquis county, afterward to Augusta, and lived on the east side of the river, where he died, June 28, 1869. Sarah, his wife, died December 13, 1870. Children of James and Sarah (Gatchell) Tibbetts: John S., b. August 15, 1815. Married Nancy Shorey. Lived in Shirley. EARLY SETTLERS. 355 Hannah G., b. April 11, 1818. Married Lyford Dennen. Lived in Greenville. Died in California. Andrew S., b. December 17, 1819. Lived in Boston, Mass. Died in Augusta, June 7, 1886. Nancy L., b. November 16, 1822. Married Gilbert Storer. Lived in Carthage. Charity, b. April ro, 1827. Married Robert E. Jones. Lived in Fayette. Died March 18, 1856. Mehitable D., b. January 28, 1830. Married Hon. W. H. Libby of Augusta, ex-sheriff of Kennebec county. Lives in Augusta. James R., b. January 18, 1833. Married Melissa Butler. Lived in Gardiner. Died March 26, 1886. William O., b. June 5, 1837. 1st Lieutenant in 31st Maine Regiment; killed June 1, 1864, in action. ABIATHAR TIBBETTS. Abiathar Tibbetts, son of Solomon, was born in Gardiner, 1766, and moved to Litchfield with his father in 1774. He lived in Stevenstown on farm now owned by Levi Harriman until he died, December 25, 1855, in his goth year. In June, 1795, he married Mary Douglass. Children of Abiathar and Mary (Douglass) Tibbetts: Nathaniel D., b. September 25, 1800. Married 1st, Hannah Edge- comb; 2nd, Elizabeth Morse, October, 1833. George W., b. November 27, 1802. Married Louisa Dill, August, 1827. : Rhoda, b. March 23, 1805. Married William Spear. James D., b. July 6, 1807. Married Rebecca Spear, June 16, 1839. Margaret S., b. June 3, 1810. Married Jacob Potter. Moved to Boston. / Nathaniel D. Tibbetts, son of Abiathar, lived near his father on a farm for several years, then went to Wisconsin, where he died, July 11, 1885. Hannah, his wife, died April 18, 1832. Children by Hannah Edgecomb: Lettice, b. June 3, 1821. Married Washington Cutts. Lived in Pittston, Me. Jesse P., b. June 5, 1823. Married Loretta A. Saunders. Lives in Antigo, Langlade county, Wisconsin. Alvin, b. August 14, 1825. Lost at sea. Lydia A., b. October 22, 1827. Died in Wisconsin, 1862. Mary J., b. May 8, 1831. Married Russell Darling. Lived in Wis- consin and died there December 12, 1883. t ' 356 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children by second wife, Elizabeth Morse: Leonard H. B., b. September 20, 1835. Was a lawyer and editor. Died in Kansas in 1890. Elizabeth A., b. December 27, 1837. Married. Lives in Knowlton, Wisconsin. Cynthia, b. June 21, 1840. Died young. Amanda, b. July 22, 1842. Died young. George W., son of Abiathar Tibbetts, lived in town a few years and then moved to Bath. He was a sea captain. Children of George W. and Louisa (Dill) Tibbetts: Vesta J., b. September 16, 1828. Married Leonard Bickford. Went to Wisconsin. George T., b. July 28, 1832. Lives in New York. James F., b. May 28, 1825. Died in war, 1864. James D., son of Abiathar Tibbetts, lived in Harriman neigh- borhood. Was a soldier in the late war. Died October 15, 1865. Children of James D. and Rebecca (Spear) Tibbetts: Charles E., b. November 8, 1840. Died June 3, 1860. Hiram H., b. May 18, 1842. Married Emma Kilgore. Lives in Rumford, Me. : . Mark G., b. December 28, 1843. Married Emeline L. Perry. Lives in Gardiner. Laura E., b. May 27, 1851. Married Frank Silver. Lives in Massa- chusetts. i George Lincoln, b. March 4, 1855. Married Belle Flanders. Lives in Gardiner. William H., b. February 12, 1860. Killed in Gardiner, November 10, 1869. BENJAMIN TIBBETTS. Benjamin Tibbetts, the son of Andrew and Hannah (Coombs) Tibbetts, was born November 1, 1765, and married Submit Gatchell, April 5, 1789, in Brunswick, Me. He came to Litch- field soon after his marriage and lived in the vicinity of Oak Hill, and finally moved to Ohio with his family. Mr. Tibbetts and his wife were both drowned in a freshet in Ohio. Children of Benjamin and Submit (Gatchell) Tibbetts: Nathaniel, b. March 5, 1701. Moses, b. December 15, 1792. Andrew, b. January 20, 1795. Benjamin, b. April 7, 1797. DEA CORNELIUS TOOTHAKER. DEACON CORNELIUS TOOTHAKER. Deacon Cornelius Toothaker with his wife, Hannah Gray, came to: Litchfield December 5, 1817, with his brother John. They were the sons of Eben Toothaker and were born in Harpswell, Me.; Cornelius, September 24, 1790, John about two years later. The older brother settled on the Plains on the farm formerly owned by Daniel Nicker- son, Sr. The younger brother, John, settled on the farm now owned by James A. Chase where he lived for several years then moved to Richmond, Me., where he died and where his descendants still reside. Deacon Toothaker for some years in early manhood worked at ship- building in Maine and in the Provinces and was a very capable man in the business. He was a man of of more than ordinary ability and was successful as a farmer; reared a large family, gave them more than average opportunities for intellectual training. Several of them were successful teachers and later prominent in business enterprises. Deacon Toothaker was a thrifty man who could save money in any position where his lot happened to place him, at the same time he was one of the most liberai of men. He identified himself with the best interests of the town and was honored by his townspeople by election to places of trust. He was one of the founders of the Plains Free Baptist church and was its first deacon which position he held for forty-two years until his death in 1868. He early became a strong anti-slavery man, and was ever ready to stand by his principles; he was also identified with the great Temperance movements in his State and town. Of his large family of twelve children three only survive him. Eben, now eighty-one years of age, lives at the Plains in Litchfield; Ruth. Mrs. John S. Williams, lives in Boston, and Mary Jane, Mrs. J. H. Stuart. who was a popular teacher and successful business woman lives in Richmond, Me. EARLY SETTLERS. 357 ANDREW TIBBETTS. Andrew Tibbetts, probably brother of Benjamin, was one of the earlier settlers and bought the Timothy Huntington farm next to Paul Hildreth’s in December, 1795. He married Polly Lord in! 1796. Children of Andrew and Polly (Lord) Tibbetts: Polly, b. May 21, 1797. Died unmarried. Hannah, b. June 1, 1799. Married Zebina Hunt of Lewiston, Me. Elizabeth, b. 1801. Married Abner True. SAMUEL TIBBETTS. Samuel Tibbetts, brother of Benjamin, came to Litchfield in 1796. I find record of the following children born to Samuel and Margaret (Dokes) Tibbetts. Margaret, wife of Samuel, died August 30, 1810. Betsey, b. February 16, 1797. Hannah, b. February 24, 1799. Andrew, b. July 6, 1801. John, b. April 12, 1807. Samuel, b. August 29, 1810. By second wife, Polly Knight: Peggie, b. November 12, 1812. Samuel moved with his family to Williamsburg, Ohio, in spring of 1817. Jesse TIBBETTS. Jesse Tibbetts, son of Thomas T. and Phoebe (Mallett) Tib- betts, was born in Brunswick. Married Eliza Toothaker in 1826, and the following year moved to Oak Hill, after living there a few years he moved to Lisbon, Me., where he died. Children of Jesse and Eliza (Toothaker) Tibbetts: Ephraim T., b. March 31, 1830. Married Dolly Cook. Lives in Lisbon, Me. There were several other children who died in infancy. TOOTHAKER. Cornelius C. Toothaker was born in Harpswell, September 24, 1790. He married Hannah M. Gray, who was born in Harpswell, April, 1794. They came to Litchfield, December 5, 1817. He was the first deacon of the Free Baptist church at the Plains. Died August 22, 1868, and his wife died August 13, 1883. 358 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Cornelius and Hannah M. (Gray) Toothaker: Samuel, b. November 30, 1812. Married Sabrina M. Hinckley. Lived in Richmond. Died August 11, 1882. Phebe A., b. February 24, 1815. Married Silas S. Lemont, April 24, 1847. Lived in Gardiner. Eben, b. June 28, 1817. Married Martha O. Williams. ‘’ Ruth, b. February 20, 1820. Married John S. Williams. Lived in Boston. John, b. October 22, 1822. Died June 28, 1826. Eliza, b. October 22, 1822. Married Hiram Williams. Lived in Bowdoinham. Hannah, b. May 29, 1825. Died January 31, 1840. Cornelius B., b. February 29, 1828. Died 1874. Mary J., b. September 7, 1830. Married J. H. Stuart. Lives in Richmond. Jesse H. S., b. May 31, 1833. Married Mary E. Clark. Lived out West. Philena P., b. August 14, 1836. Died September 26, 1866. Hannah Armena, b. May 22, 1839. Married G. H. Jack, April 7, 1872. Died March 10, 1884. Eben Toothaker, son of Cornelius, has been a prominent man in town affairs and for several years postmaster at the Plains. Children of Eben and Martha O. (Williams) Toothaker: Fonzo J., b. September 18, 1847. Married Louisa Schroeder. Cornelius N., b. November 15, 1849. Died June 7, 1862. Mary L., b. September 2, 1856. Married John J. Hutchinson, Octo- ber 10, 1876. Philip, b. November 25, 1862. Died September, 1864. Fonzo J., son of Eben, lived at the Plains several years and runastore. Has moved to Chicago, III. Children of Fonzo and Louisa (Schroeder) Toothaker: Mildred O., b. October 19, 1892. Died November 6, 1893. Towns. Noah Towns was born in Kennebunkport in April, 1756. He was the son of Thomas and Abagail (Crediford) Towns, a grandson of Jesse and a descendant of William and Martha Towns, who came to Cambridge, Mass., in 1637. He married Ruth Burbank in 1787, and immediately moved to Bowdoin, near the Litchfield line. In 1793 he headed a petition to have a strip of Bowdoin added to Litchfield. In 1796 he moved to Litchfield near the Plains, where he died March 10, 1841. Ruth, his wife, died April 2, 1826, aged 67 years. EARLY SETTLERS. 359 Their children: Joseph, b. May 15, 1788. Married Sophia Parks of Richmond. Eunice, b. July 13, 1790. Married Aaron Rollins, October 13, 1808. Lived near Bangor. William, b. October 21, 1792. Died August 2, 1849. Polly, b. February 6, 1796. Died April 28, 1876. David, b. March 5, 1798. Married Almira Thatcher in 1822. Lived in: Vassalboro, Me. Ann, b. March 12, 1800. Married. Lived in Vassalboro. Joseph Town, son of Noah, was a sea captain and died in 1821 at Martinique. Children of Joseph and Sophia (Parks) Towns: Mary Ann, b. November 29, 1814. Died August 21, 1841. Sarah Jane, b. September 16, 1817. Married James Bartlett. Joseph, b. June 12, 1820. Died out West. JosepH H. Town. Joseph H. Town, son of Daniel and Hannah (Harris) Town, was born in Andover, Mass., July 5, 1810. He married Mary Ann Groves September 29, 1833, and came to Litchfield in 1840. Children of Joseph and Mary Ann (Groves) Towns: Pamelia E., b. February 4, 1834. Died June 1, 1852. George H., b. March 3, 1836. Married Nancy G. Peabody, February 21, 1861. Lives in Augusta. Mary E., b. June 3, 1844. Married Wm. T. Goodwin, October 12, 1861. Rufus R. Town, brother of the preceding, was born in Ando- ver, Mass., November 12, 1815, and came to Litchfield in 1850. He married, first, Dorcas Jones; second, Hannah Butler, July 22, 1855. Children of Rufus R. and Hannah (Butler) Town: Walter Varian, b. June 30, 1856. Married Alice M. French. Witiiam H. Towns. William H. Towns was born in Manchester, England, in 1800. He came to Gardiner about 1830, afid later to Litchfield, where he married Betsey Barnes, October 22, 1844, who lived in the family of Deacon David Buker. Mr. Towns was an expert with a pen and used to travel. from house to house, making family registers and doing other pen work. He died August 11, 1867. Betsey, his wife, died March, 1895. 360 TOWN ‘OF LITCHFIELD. Children of William H. and Betsey (Barnes) Towns: Albert C., b. May 25, 1845. Married Cynthia Carpenter. Lives in Patten, Me. Emma A., b. 1847. Married Samuel Taylor. Lives in Fairfield, Me. Fannie L., b. September 29, 1848. Married Chas. H. Higgins, July 5, 1858. TRUE. Henry True of Salem married Israel Pike of Salisbury, Mass. He died March 12, 1699. Mr. True is supposed to have emi- grated from the neighborhood of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England. Sir Richard Saltonstall came with emigrants from Halifax, 1630-1635, who settled in Salem, Salisbury, &c. The name of True exists near Huddersfield. John Pike of Newbury, Mass., father of Israel, came from Langford, England, in the “James” to Newbury in 1635. He died in Salisbury, May 26, - 1654. Thomas True, father of the six sons and three daughters who came to Maine in 1788, was of the fourth generation from Henry True of Salem. Thomas True of Seabrook, N. H., married Sarah Clough. Children: Edward, b. January, 1753. Married Polly French. Settled in Fay- ette, Me. Aaron, b. September 13, 1756. Married Martha Woodman, June 13, 1793. Died April 3, 1837. Moved to Litchfield. John, b. August 21, 1759. Married Sally West, December 23, 1791. Died December 15, 1804. Moved to Litchfield. Daniel, b. August 23, 1761. Married 1st, Joanna Brown, October Io, 1785; 2nd, Enezer Blaisdell; 3d, Mercy Babb, December 5, 1837. Died March 29, 1857. Moved to Litchfield. ; Abner, b. 1767. Married 1st, Rachel Brown; 2nd, Polly (Worthley) Manuel, January, 1796. Died October 5, 1819. Moved to Litchfield. Thomas, b. April 12, 1770. Married Pamelia Parker, 1796. Died September 25, 1837. Moved to Litchfield. Abigail, married Moses Brown. Lived. in New Andover, N. H. Died in 1846, aged 79 years. Sarah, b. 1772. Married Elisha Drew. Lived in Portsmouth, N. H. Died 1852, aged 80 years. Rebecca, married ist, Bradbury Eaton; 2nd, Aaron Wadsworth. Died August 28, 1831. Lived in Litchfield. EARLY SETTLERS. 361 JoHN TRUE. John True, brother of Thomas of Seabrook, born October 14, 1737, settled in Yarmouth, Me. He married Polly Adams of Portland, and was selectman in 1780. They had several chil- dren, among them: Daniel, born July 18, 1768. Married November 1, 1795, ist, Rebecca Graves, and 2nd, August 14, 1808, Sally (West) True, widow of John True. He lived in Yarmouth but moved to Litchfield and died there March 10, 1830. After moving to Litchfield he was known as Daniel True, 2nd. Rebecca, his wife, died May 2, 1808. Sally, his wife, died January 4, 1851. Children of Daniel and Rebecca (Graves) True: Joseph Graves, b. February 13, 1798. Married Abigail Knowlton, December 13, 1827. John A., b. August 22, 1802. Married Elizabeth Jewell, December 25, 1834. Lucinda M., b. August 29, 1804. Married Josiah True, May 6, 1827. Died May 3, 1856. Richmond Loring, b. September 19, 1806. Died March 16, 1808. Children by Sally (West) True: Rebecca W., b. June 21, 1809. Unmarried. Died February 1, 1835. Lewis P., b. May 18, 1811. Married Jemima Lane Foss, August 27, 1835. Lived in Augusta. Died September 23, 1853. Melvin Harrison, b. December 13, 1813. Married Betsey M. Adams, June 10, 1846. Now lives in Litchfield. George W., b. January 21, 1815. Married Mary A. Jewell, Died April 13, 1871. « Joseph G., son of Daniel, lived for a time in Livermore, Me. He afterwards moved back to Litchfield, settled on the farm next south of Bachelder tavern. Abagail, his wife, died April 2, 1891, aged go years. He died June 28, 1863. Children of Joseph G. and Abigail (Knowlton) True: Elias Frank, b. November 13, 1828. Never married. Died February 5, 1896. Mary K., b. February 20, 1830. Married G. C. Crosman and lived in Monmouth. Died December 12, 1877. Jacob K., b. September 11, 1831. Married Hannah M. Stantial, Jan- uary 27, 1860. Died February 11, 1881. Lewis P., b. July 15, 1833. Married Anna R. Pierce. Lives in Saco, Me. 362 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Abbie J., b. November 18, 1835. Married William S. Snow. Lives in Gray, Me. Joseph E., b. September 2, 1837. Married Hattie Tibbetts. Went to Hortonville, Wis., and died there, February 11, 1865, in Union Army. Orrin A., b. December 15, 1839. Married Susan B. Stantial. Anice H., b. September 20, 1841. Married ist, Jonathan C. Bartlett, January 23, 1861; 2d, Jesse T. Bartlett, December 30, 1866. Lives in Gardiner, Me. Daniel G., b. March 22, 1844. Married Vesta M. Barton. Lives in China, Me. Jacob K. True, son of Joseph G., settled in Litchfield, on the farm with his father and after his father’s death bought the farm next north of the Bachelder tavern, where he lived until his death, February 2, 1881, aged 50 years, 6 months. His wife died February 11, 1881, aged 45 years. Children of Jacob K. and Hannah M. (Stantial) True: Walter Stantial, b. January 12, 1861. Lives in Gardiner. Roland Tillotson, b. April 1, 1864. Lives in Gardiner. a Mary Abigail, b. July 6, 1866. Married Edwin W. Small, March 12, 1891. Lives in West Gardiner. Elenora Jane, b. November 16, 1867. Married Frank N. Adams, June 27, 1888. Lives in Litchfield. John Beedle, b. October 18, 1860. Clinton Grant, b. August 14, 1871. Married Adella Umberhine, August 29, 1893. Lives in Gardiner. Joseph Knowlton, b. November 19, 1873. Lives in Gardiner. Edward DeAlva, b. July 22, 1877. Lives in Gardiner. Lewis Page, b. June 30, 1879. Lives in Gardiner. Lewis P. True, son of Joseph G., married Anna R. Pierce of North Yarmouth, Me. They lived in Litchfield for a while and then moved to Saco, where he now resides. Children of Lewis P. and Anna R. (Pierce) True: Harry P., b. August 10, 1864. George W., b. August 3, 1867. Fred L., b. January 27, 1870. Orin A. True, son of Joseph G., resides in Litchfield on farm next north of Baptist church. He was a member of Company B, 15th Maine Volunteers. He married Susan B. Stantial and they have one child, Cora E., born March 8, 1872. John Adams True, son of Daniel and Rebecca (Graves) True, married Elizabeth Jewell and lived on the farm next east of Bachelder’s tavern on the road over “Neal’s Hill.” He CRRIN A. TRUE. ORRIN A. TRUE. Orrin A. True, son of Joseph Graves and Abigail Knowlton True, was born in Livermore December 15, 1839, came to Litchfield with his parents in 1841 and settled on the farm now owned by Nathaniel Mer- chant where he lived until eighteen years of age, when he learned the shoe business, as it was operated in those days. He worked upon shoes until October, 1861, when he enlisted in the service of the United States and was mustered December 7, 1861, at Augusta as a member of Company B, 15th Maine Volunteers. He went with the regiment to Portland and embarked on the ship Great Republic, the largest sailing vessel then afloat. They sailed for Ship Island on the 7th of March, 1862 and reached their destination on the 4th day of the suc- ceeding April and landed on the Sandy Island on the next day and became a portion of the famous “Butler expedition.” The regiment was assigned to General George F. Shepley’s brigade. Mr. True was with a detachment which was sent by a roundabout way to get above the forts but the expedition had failed and he had the privilege of witnessing one of the greatest naval achievements the werld has ever known, the passage of Farragut’s feet by the forts and the capture of New Orleans. Mr. True spent the summer of 1862 in and about the city, a portion of the time engaged in transporting supplies up the river in aid of Gen'l Butler’s scheme to turn the current of the river away from the heights of Vicksburg. In the fall of 1863 the regi- ment was ordered tu Pensacola, Fla., where it remained for nearly a year. It then became a part of the 19th corps under Gen’l Banks and was ordered to Texas by water. They landed at Brazos, Santiago, at the point where Gen'l Taylor had landed his forces at the opening of the Mexican War, and where in 1842, Gen'l Scott landed when he assumed command of the American army while in Texas. Mr. True with a large part of the regiment re-enlisted for the war, and was mustered as a veteran regiment on February 22, 1864. They participated in the dis- astrous Red River Campaign with Banks and was actively engaged in all the fighting incident to that expedition. The regiment did noble service on Sabine cross roads and helped to save the army from dis- truction, also at Pleasant hill on April 9th. Mr. True assisted in build- ing the remarkable dam at Alexandria by which the water of the Red river was raised enabling the gunboats to make their escape. After the close of the Red river experience he came to Virginia and Wash- ington and later participated in the operations against Early in the Shenandoah Valley, was with the regiment in Grant’s campaign until the surrender of Lee and continued in service until July 6, 1866. when he was mustered out in Charleston harbor when he returned to his old home, where in 1871 he married Susan B. Stantial of Hallowell: they have one daughter, Cora, a successful teacher. Mr. True has been commander of Libby Post, G. A. R., has served as constable of his town for many years and for ten years has conveyed the United States mail from South Litchfield to Augusta, and is now engaged in farming. MELVIN H. TRUE. MELVIN HARRISON TRUE. Melvin Harrison True was a son of Daniel and Sally West True, was born in Litchfield December 31, 1812. At the age of seventeen. years he was thrown upon his own resources by the death of his father. He was naturally industrious and always faithful to any trust imposed in him. He found employment on neighboring farms for a year, then when about eighteen he went to New Bedford, Mass., willing to per- form any honorable labor. He soon found employment with a man in the Jumber business where he remained steadily for three years, he then worked for one year in a livery stable after which he engaged in hotel business for eleven years. In 1846, June 10, he married Betsey Mf. Adams, who died Jan. 3, 1892. Soon after his marriage Mr. True purchased an omnibus line from Acushuct to New Bedford, to this enterprise he added the livery business and dealt quite largely in Maine horses, and beside this extensive business he for some years received large consignments of Maine fruit which he disposed of at New Bedford, Mass. During the sixteen years which he operated the omnibus line he also transported the United States mails along his route. Mr. True by his persistent energy, his uniform good nature and his integrity of character became a popular and _ suc- cessful business man. In 1867 he disposed of his business and returned to his native town and purchased the Bachelder farm, one of the finest places in the town, where he has since resided in the large brick house known as Bachelder’s tavern. Mr. True (com- manding the esteem of all who know him) has reached the advanced age of 86 years, but still retains a lively interest in current events. His son-in-law, H. MI. Starbird, one of the prominent men of the town who married his only child, Annie, resides with him, and Mrs. Starbird with her husband will carefully and tenderly smooth his way while he travels- down the declivity of life. 1) EARLY SETTLERS. 363 moved to Hortonsville, Wis., in 1855 and died June 27, 1878, at Shrocton, Wis. Children of John Adams and Elizabeth (Jewell) True: Melvin H., b. February 12, 1836. Lives in Shrocton, Wis., with his mother. Rebecca F., b. July 6, 1838. Married John Rynder, February 24, 1856. Lives in Stephensville, Wis. Nancy, b. January 22, 1840. Married Daniel Hammond of Black Creek, Wis. Adaline, b. January 12, 1842, Married Hiram Jones, September 10, 1865. Lives in Arapoe, Nebraska. Clara A., b. October 20, 1843. Married Melvin Twitchell, January, 1865. She died in Shrocton, August 2, 1871. Georgie A. F., b. August 12, 1846. Married Wallace Roblee, Novem- ber 23, 1872. Lives in Appleton, Wis. Mary Ann, b. August 20, 1848. Married C. H. Noyes, January 2, 1877. Lives in Florence, Wis. Emma Jane, b. May 5, 1850. Married E. A. Swift, March 2, 1873. Lives in Great Bend, Kansas. Laura M. B., b. August 3, 1852. Married Melvin Twitchell of Shroc- ton, Wis., in 1873. Lewis Page True, son of Daniel and Sally (West) True, first lived in Bangor, then came to Litchfield and settled on farm now owned by John Tucker, opposite the post office in South Litchfield. He then moved to Augusta, where he died Septem- ber 23, 1853. He married Jemima Foss of Bangor, Me. They had two daughters, one of them, Mrs. George R. Davis, Port- land, Me. Melvin Harrison True, son of Daniel and Sally (West) True, married Betsey Adams. He lived for many years in New Bed- ford, then returned to Litchfield, where he now lives on the Bachelder farm. Betsey, his wife, died January 3, 1892, aged 66 years. Children of Melvin Harrison and Betsey (Adams) True: Annie Forest, b. October 4, 1851. Married Herbert M. Starbird, March 14, 1875. George W. True, son of Daniel and Sally (West) True, settled on a farm near the Hall school house. He was a blacksmith by trade. He died April 13, 1871. Children of George W. and Mary A. (Jewell) True: George H., b. July 5, 1839. Married Cynthia A. Crockett. Lived in North Cambridge, Mass. Oscar C., b. August 2, 1851. Married Mary S. Tibbetts, December 25, 1875. Mary, his wife, died October 4, 1897. 364 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. JoHN TRUE. John True, son of Thomas of Seabrook, N. H., came to Litch- field with his brothers in 1788, and took up the farm now occu- pied by Charles A. Metcalf. He married Sally West. He died December 15, 1804. His widow married Daniel True, 2d. Children of John and Sally (West) True: Sally, b. February 9, 1793. Married Love Roberts. Lived in Wayne, Me. Died February 13, 1822. John, b. October 23, 1794, Married Polly Lord, March 18, 1820. Lived in Livermore, Me. Died May 4, 1871. William, b. June 23, 1796. Married Hannah Brown. Lived in Wayne. Died June ig, 1885. Samuel, b. March 31, 1798. Married Elizabeth Gage. Lived in Lan- caster, Mass. Died October 28, 1870. Daniel, b. April 8, 1800. Married Lydia Ridley. Lived in Wayne. Died September 10, 1888. Julia, b. January 17, 1802. Died March 1, 1820. Moses, b. December 18, 1804. Married Ann Tucker, March 20, 1835. Moses True, son of John, remained on the old place in Litch- field where he was born and carried on the farm as long as he lived. He was postmaster at the South Litchfield post office the last years of his life. He died July 27, 1890. Ann, his wife, died May 27, 1806. Children of Moses and Ann (Tucker) True: Rebecca, b. February 20, 1836. Died July 1, 1853. Albert, b. June 8, 1838. Died May 3, 1841. Lucy A., b. January 26, 1842. Married Charles A. Metcalf, November 26, 1885. Lives on the old place. William Eugene, b. January 10, 1844. Died July 17, 1875. Herbert, b. May 24, 1847. Died January 8, 1864. AARON TRUE. Aaron True, son of Thomas, came with his brothers from Seabrook, N. H., and cleared up the farm now occupied by Mer- rill True. He died April 3, 1837. Martha (Woodman) True died April 19, 1837, aged 80 years, 8 months. Children of Aaron and Martha (Woodman) True: Hannah, b. July 17, 1794. Married Joseph Marston. Lived in Fay- ette, Me. Levi, b. October 28, 1795. Never married. Died October 12, 1870. David, b. December 27, 1796. Married Eleanor Marston, January 2, 1875. LIEBE i CAPT. DAVID TRUE CAPT. DAVID TRUE. Capt. David True was a son of Aaron and Martha Woodman Tiue. He was born in 1796 on his father’s homestead farm now occupied by his nephew, Merrill True. He remained at home until about twenty years of age, attended the common schools. His proficiency as a scholar was remarkable; in mathematics he was especially brilliant, having, perhaps, no equal in the town. He married in 1825, Eleanor Marston of West Gardiner, and settled in Monmouth where he cleared his farm and lived for fifteen years, when he moved back to his native town and settled on the farm north of the Baptist church, later owned by Jacob K. True. While living in Monmouth Mr. True was com- missioned a captain and for some years commanded a company of militia and was a very popular officer. He was a prominent man for many vears in Litchfield where he held offices of trust, the duties of which he discharged faithfully and well. : In politics Mr. True was a strong Whig and when they succeeded in electing Harrison to the presidency in 1840 he regarded the occasion as one of great importance and as he was a man of rigid temperance principles he concluded to celebrate the event by opening a barrel of new cider in his dooryard where all passersby were invited to drink General Harrison's health. Mr. True was ever active and interested in every movement for the welfare of the people; he took great interest in the early temperance organizations of the town which resulted in lasting benefit to the people. He was also an active Mason, a member of Morning Star Lodge in the early days. He was a man of strong natural parts, kind, genial and patient, rigidly upright and honest, commanding the highest respect of his townsmen. Of his family only two daughters now sur- vive him, Mrs. Joseph Williams living on Long Island, New York, and Mrs. George F. Lamb of Portland, Me., who in early life was well and widely known as a successful teacher and to whose liberality and kindness we are indebted for this cut of her father and also for many of the facts in the foregoing sketch of his life. EARLY SETTLERS. 365 Aaron J., b. February 13, 1799. Married Mary S. Merrill, January 19, 1830. Martha, b. February 1, 1801. Died September 18, 1834. Lived in Fayette, Me. Woodman, b. July 26, 1803. Married Lucy Tucker, March 1, 1831. Abigail, b. December 8, 1805. Died. Joseph C., b. April 4, 1807. Married Betsey J. Woodbury, December I, 1831. Irene, b. May 3, 1809. Died October 5, 1830. Mary W., b. November, 1804. Married David Crossman. Lived in Durham, Me. David True, son of Aaron, married Eleanor Marston of West Gardiner and settled in South Monmouth, where he lived a few years and then removed to Litchfield and settled on the farm next north of the Baptist meeting house, where he died April 8, 1861. Eleanor, his wife, died June 15, 1880. Children of David and Eleanor (Marston) True: Emeline B., b. October 25, 1825. Married J. Stacey Lord March 10, 1844. Died September 4, 1895. Martha A., b. April 18, 1828. Married 1st, John Davis, September 19, 1853; 2nd, Henry Huntington, August 27, 1876. Died March 14, 1894. Charlotte S., b. January 25, 1830. Married Joseph Williams, Septem- ber 30, 1848. George S., b. September 3, 1831. Died March 8, 1857. Eleanor, b. April 29, 1835. Married tst, Alvah G. Moseley; 2nd, Thomas F. Lamb. Lives in Portland, Me. Mary N., b. August 14, 1837. Died young. Joseph M., b. December 24, 1842. Died March 2, 1843. Aaron True, Jr., lived on the farm cleared by his father, being in partnership in cultivating it for many years with his brother, Woodman. He was representative to the legislature two terms. He married Mary S. Merrill of Litchfield and died April 4, 1865. Mary S., his wife, died April 16, 1875, aged 65 years. Children of Aaron and Mary S. (Merrill) True: Merrill, b. April 13, 1832. Married Martha E. Moore. Hilton W., b. May 2, 1834. Married Sarah J. Moore, July 7, 1867. Lives in Augusta. Horace R., b. May 21, 1851. Married Emma Vaughn. He was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1875. Lives in Augusta. Merrill True, son of Aaron, Jr., lived on the home place. Children of Merrill and Martha E. (Moore) True: Stanley M., b. May 27, 1881. Sally H., b. September 22, 1883. 366 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Hilton W. True is a lawyer and now lives in Augusta. He was judge of the municipal court there for several years and is one of Augusta’s most prominent citizens. Woodman True, son of Aaron True, lived on his father’s farm in company with his brother, Aaron True, Jr. Some years before his death the farm was divided, Woodman taking the northern part and Aaron the southern part. He died May 14, 1867. — Children of Woodman and Lucy (Tucker) True: Jesse T., b. January 12, 1832. Married Elizabeth Cushing. Helen, b. January 25, 1844. Married Jabez M. Plummer, June 14, 1874. Lived in Monmouth. Deceased. Jesse T. True, son of Woodman, built a fine set of farm build- ings on the southerly part of his father’s farm, where he now lives. Children of Jesse T. and Elizabeth (Cushing) True: Fannie W., b. July 15, 1861. Edward M., b. April 25, 1868. Married Georgie E. Kindred, May 11, 1893. Nathan C., b. July 6, 1872. Children of Edward M., son of Jesse T. True, and Georgie E. (Kin- dred) True: Mabel Elizabeth, b. March to, 1894. E. Milton, b. July 9, 1895. Joseph C., youngest son of Aaron True, lived on a farm on the road from Bachelder’s tavern to Litchfield Corner, where he died, December 4, 1851. Children of Joseph C. and Betsey (Woodbury) True: James, b. November 4, 1831. Died July 12, 1833. James W., b. May 18, 1833. Married Melvina Pullen. Henry A., b. December 25, 1834. Married Laurietta F. Harriman, March 17, 1871. Wilbert, b. July 13, 1838. Married Mary B. Williams. Lived in Monmouth. Died January 15, 1897. Mary A., b. August 1, 1843. Married William Frost, September 21, 1865. Lived in Monmouth. Now dead. : James W. True, son of Joseph C., lived on the Brooks farm on the road from Bachelder’s tavern to Litchfield Corner. He died October 6, 1891. His wife, Melvina, died October 18, 1895. EARLY SETTLERS. 367 Children of James W. and Melvina (Pullen) True: Effie B., b. February 23, 1867. Married Ernest M. Lapham, January 20, 1889. Joseph, b. December 26, 1868. Died October 16, 1870. Harriet B., b. May 17, 1871. Married Herbert M. Hamlin, May 13, 1895. Lives in Gardiner. Margie I., b. December 28, 1872. Nettie F., b. January 2, 1875. Helen P., b. July 5, 1877. Hiram Hill, b. June 18, 1879. Warren Dudley, b. February 24, 1883. DANIEL TRUE. Daniel True, fourth son of Thomas, born August 23, 1761, cleared the farm next south of the one settled upon by Aaron True. He subsequently sold to Captain Isaac Hall, a retired shipmaster from Philadelphia. The farm is now occupied by Everett Pinkham and Edward C. True. He was a Revolution- ary soldier and was in Arnold’s command at the time. of his treason. He died March 29, 1857, aged 95 years, 7 months. Joanna, his wife, died December 20, 1789. Enezer, his wife, died November 9, 1836, aged 79 years,, 7 months. Children of Daniel and Joanna (Brown) True: Sally, b. March 30, 1786. Married Dr. Jesse Pike, November 29, 1805. Hannah, b. March 11, 1788. Married James Jewell, July 23, 1809. ABNER TRUE. Abner True, fifth son of Thomas, born in 1767, settled on the farm east of Bachelder’s tavern on road leading over Neal’s Hill, now owned by heirs of Thomas McCausland. Abner and his brother Daniel, married sisters of Sewall Brown. His second wife, Polly (Worthley) Manual, died March 8, 1832, aged 65 years. Children of Abner and Rachel (Brown) True: Ann, b. November 9, 1787. Married Henry Jewell. Lived in Gardi- ner. Died February 2, 1857. Sally, b. April 29, 1790. Married George Day. Lived in Belfast. Rebecca, b. January 11, 1792. Married Amos Bagley. Polly, b. June 1, 1793. Married Ebenezer Harriman, May 6, 1813. Children by second wife Polly Manual: Abner, b. January 26, 1797. Married Elizabeth Tibbetts, November 29, 1821. : 368 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Rachel B., b. January 14, 1799. Married Asa Bachelder, May 6, 1819. Mehitable, b. August 5, 1801. Married Jotham Eaton, July 8, 1821. Louiza, b. September 11, 1803. Married Major David Neal. Justin W., b. November 5, 1805. Married 1st, Mary J. Wedgewood; March 26, 1835; 2nd, Betsey Hopkins in October, 1840. Ammi Mitchell, b. January 18, 1808. Married 1st, Nancy Tucker; and, Mary Jane McKenney. Ammi lived in Lincoln and Bridgewater. Died in Litchfield, November 22, 1886. Abner True, Jr., lived for several years in Litchfield, and then moved to Littleton, Aroostook county, where he and his wife died. Children of Abner and Elizabeth (Tibbetts) True: Albion K. P., b. January 12, 1822. Married Emeline Baker. Died in California. Mary L., b. January 28, 1824. Married James Ward. Lived and died in Houlton, Me. Hannah E., b. December 19, 1825. Susan P., b. July 11, 1828. Married James Ward. Amanda Melvina, b. April 3, 1834. Married Lewis Delaitte. Lives in Minneapolis. Nancy. Dead. Washington. Dead. Justin W. True, son of Abner, lived on the Knowlton place. He afterwards moved to Lincoln, Me., and died there March 25, 1888. Mary J., his wife, died September 13, 1839. Eliza- beth, his wife, died August 1, 1861. Children of Justin W. and Mary J. (Wedgewood) True: Angenette, b. April 1, 1836. Married Charles H. Sleeper, January 12, 1862. Lives in Lakeport, N. H. Mary Frances, b. October 1837. Married Simon Goodwin. Died in Wisconsin. , James H., b. June 6, 1839. Died April, 1846, in Lincoln, Me. Children by second wife, Betsey Hopkins: Mary Jane, b. October, 1842. Married Richard Tozier. Died in Sabrina, Kansas, December 8, 1866. Alvin Eugene. Married Eliza Aldred. Lives in Colorado. Was in late war. ’ Zidana E., b. March 31, 1847. Married Beniamin Brown. Lives in Saginaw City, Mich. Clara Louiza, b. August 14, 1849. Married Ist, Joseph Crouse; 2nd, Isaac Ripley, in August, 1877. Lives in Lincoln, Me. HGN. JOSIAH TRUE. HON. JOSIAH TRUE. Hon. Josiah True was born in Litchfield in 1802, was the son of Thomas and Parmelia Parker True, who were among the early settlers of the town. He was one of twin brothers who in early life resembled each other so closely that even their friends and neighbors were able to distinguish one from the other with difhculty. They grew up together upon their father’s farm. Mr. True had only the common school facilities of the average farmer’s boy of those days. He attended the district school during a few weeks in winter and labored on the farm the remainder of the year. Very early in life he was obliged, with his brother, to assume the responsibility of caring for the family, and sometimes in later years he referred to the fact that he began paying taxes to the town at sixteen years of age and kept up that practice all through his life. He was a thrifty boy and always had employment and always saved something from his income, and in early manhood was able to purchase a farm for himself and made farming a success. He married first, Lucinda True, they had four children, one daughter who died young, and three sons, one of whom, Charles H., graduated from Bowdoin College after which he served for some years as private secretary to Governor Samuel Cony, afterwards became an editor in the West and died there; the other two sons enlisted in the United States service and one, George W., was killed at the battle of Antietam, the other was wounded but survived and died some years later in Missouri. Mr. True was elected in 1845 to the board of select- men and served successfully for eleven or twelve years, several years as chairman. He was twice elected to the House of Representatives by the people of his representative district and twice elected by the county as a member of the State senate. He was a strong Republican from the organization of the party and ever active in its interest. He held a commission as justice for many years and did a great amount of business for his townsmen. In religious preference he was a Univer- salist. He married for his second wife Hannah Shorey, who. still survives him. She was the daughter of Hiram Shorey, one of the prominent men of the town in the thirties. Mr. True died in 1800 at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. EARLY SETTLERS. 369 Tuomas TRUE. Thomas True, sixth son of Thomas, born in 1770, settled north of Purgatory on land bordering on Cobbosseecontee stream. David Cram now occupies part of the place. He died September 25, 1837, aged 67 years, 5 months. Pamelia died October 22, 1832, aged 62 years. Children of Thomas and Pamelia (Parker) True: Benjamin P., b. June 26, 1797. Married Mary Orr of Lisbon, Me., March 12, 1826. Joanna B., b. August 21, 1800. Married Ebenezer D. Crane, May 4, 1823. Josiah, b. February 4, 1802. Married rst, Lucinda M. True, May 6, 1827; 2nd, Hannah Shorey, January 1, 1857. Thomas, b. February 4, 1802. Married Miriam Eaton, January 27, 1831. Clarissa, b. October 1, 1804. Married E. K. Blake. Lives in Mon- mouth, Me. Lydia P., b. January 30, 1807. Married Ariel Wall. Lives in Hallo- well. Catharine, b. January 19, 1817. Died January 2, 1818. Benjamin P. True, son of Thomas, lived on a farm at the head of Cobbosseecontee lake at ‘what is known as True’s Cove. He lived there until he died, October 19, 1889, aged 92 years, 4 months. “His wife died October 15, 1868, aged 66 years, 6 months. Children of Benjamin P. and Mary (Orr) True: Hannah G., b. January 26, 1827. Married Ezra Philbrick. She died April 4, 1871. Joseph O., b. November 1, 1828. Married M. J. Hutchinson. Lives in Natick, Mass. Parmelia, b. July 16, 1831. Lydia W., b. July 9, 1833. Married Andrew J. Goodwin, December 13, 1857. Died October 2, 1858.. Thomas, b. March 15, 1835. Died November 7, 1837. Josiah True, son of Thomas, settled ‘on the second farm south of Bachelder’s tavern, on road leading to Hall school house. He was much interested in town affairs and was representative to the legislature two terms and two terms a member of the State Senate. He died July 16, 1890, aged 88 years, 5 months. Lucinda M., his wife, died May 3, 1856, aged 51 years, 6 months. : 24 370 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Josiah and Lucinda M. True: Rebecca A., b. February 7, 1828. Died August 11, 1845. Charles H., b. June 23, 1832. Married Hannah Davis. George W., b.. February 3, 1836. Married Hattie Bradstreet, daughter of Simon and Elizabeth (Odiome) Bradstreet, December 27, 1860. Virgil, b. March 16, 1838. Married Annie Bearce, December 30, 1866. Lived for awhile in Dover, N. H. Of the above children of the Hon. Josiah True, Charles H. was graduated from Bowdoin College in class of 1856. He taught school in North Carolina for several years and was pri- vate secretary to Governors Washburn, Coburn and Cony. Afterwards he was editor of the Portland Evening Star and the Dakota Republican. He died at Vermillion, South Dakota. George W., second son of Josiah, was lieutenant of Company H, roth Maine Regiment. He died of wounds received at the battle of Antietam, September 20, 1862. Virgil was a member of the same company as his brother and served through the war. He died in Missouri. Thomas True, Jr., married Miriam, daughter of Bradbury Eaton. He settled on the farm with his twin brother, Josiah. They carried it on for several years when he bought the adjoin- ing farm on the north at the foot of the hill, where he lived until his death, February 3, 1888, aged 86 years. Miriam, his wife, died August 10, 1880. Children of Thomas and Miriam (Eaton) True: Bradbury E., b. September 13, 1831. Married Mary Winter. Lives in Portland. Almira, b. February 28, 1835. Died February 5, 1895. Emery P., b. October 27, 1837. Married Josephine A. Haley, December 30, 1895, daughter of John T. Haley of West Bath. Albert C., b. March, 1843. Married M. Viola Card of Bowdoin- ham. Albert C. has been‘a successful school, teacher and a member of the school board. He was a member of Company E, 23d Regiment, Maine Volunteers. He resides on the old home- stead. THOMAS TRUE THOMAS TRUE. Thomas True was born in Litchfield February 4, 1802. He was the son of Thomas and Pamelia (Parker) True, and grandson of Thomas and Sarah (Clough) True, who came from Seabrook, New Hampshire. In the year 1830 he married Miriam Eaton, daughter of Bradbury and Rebecca (True) Eaton. Their children were Bradbury E., Almira, Emery P., and Albert C. Thrown upon his own resources at the age of fourteen years he learned to act for himself, and was a conspicuous illustration of the fact that honesty, energy, and perseverance in boy- hood develop into sterling manhood and a noble life. Although not a prominent politician or a seeker of office he was an active and hearty worker. Educated as a Whig he affiliated with the Republican party at its formation and was always a staunch supporter of its principles. In youth he was a Free Baptist but afterward became a Universalist which faith cheered and supported him during the years of his suffer- ing. He died February 3, 1888. EARLY SETTLERS. 371 WILLIAM TRUE. William True, son of Josiah and Mary (Blethen) True, was born in Lisbon, Me., August 28,1796. His father, Josiah True, was a cousin to the five True brothers, who early came to Litch- field. William married Mary Smith, daughter of Joseph and Matty (Robinson) Smith, March 11, 1822, moved to Litchfield in March, 1824,and lived near the Bowdoin line for a short time, and then moved upon the Reuben Lowell farm at the Corner. In 1833, he moved to Lee, Me., where he died October 12, 1838. His wife died February 7, 1887, aged 86 years, 7 months. Children of William and Mary (Smith) True: Constant, b. January 8, 1823. Died January 9, 1823. Sarah Pomeroy, b. July 30, 1824. Married Elisha Bradford, October 18, 1841. Lived in Lee, Me. Mary Arabella, b. February 20, 1830. Married Americus T. Coburn, January 1, 1853. Lived in Patten, Me. Martha, b. December 18, 1832. Minerva Lowell, b. June 24, 1835. Lives in Patten, Me. William, Jr., b. April 29, 1838. Died July 7, 1862. TRUFANT. William Trufant, son of Stephen and Mary (Harmon) Tru- fant, was born in Bowdoin, Me., and lived in the family of Robert Alexander. He came to Litchfield early in life and learned the blacksmith traae of Elisha Earle, and worked at the Corner at his trade most of the time, until his decease. He married Nancy W. Merrow of Farmington, N. H., in 1845. Died December 17, 1877, aged 60 years. Children of William and Nancy W. (Merrow) Trufant: William Franklin, b. November 6, 1846. Married Cora Stinson, November 30, 1870, daughter of William C. and Mary (Jack) Stinson. William F. lived in town several years after marriage and is now a merchant in Minneapolis, Minn. Children of William F. and Cora (Stinson) Trufant: Nellie S., b. March 29, 1873. Cora M., b. June 4, 1875. Died January 7, 1877. 372 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. TuBBs. Luther Tubbs, son of Samuel Tubbs, was born in Dresden, Me., October 24, 1804. Married in Richmond, Me., February 26, 1827, Caroline White, who was born July 9, 1805, and moved to Litchfield in spring of 1834. In spring of 1858 the family moved to Waterloo, Iowa, and in 1865 moved back to Casco, Me., where Mr. Tubbs died, May 31, 1872. His wife died December 2, 1871. Children of Luther and Caroline (White) Tubbs; Frederic E., b. January 7, 1828. Married Sarah J. Edwards, February 8, 1854. He died in Missouri in 1893. Edward P., b. February 8, 1830. Died November 6, 1833. Luther E., b. April 23, 1832. Lives in Waterloo, Iowa. Madison R., b. November 2, 1834. Died June 19, 1837. Harlan :P., b. February 24, 1837. Married Martha M. Maxfield, May 4, 1861. Lives in Casco, Me. Soldier in 30th Maine Regiment. Harriet N., b. March 24, 1840. Died May 6, 1842. Caroline E., b. March 24, 1842. Died February 9, 1843. Mary A., b. December 6, 1843. Died in Orange township, Iowa, November 13, 1862. Samuel, b. December 19, 1846. Died in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, June 18, 1861. Sarah, b. December 25, 1848. Died June 6, 1855. Margaret A., b. June 19, 1851. Married Levi Haddock. Lives in West Falmouth, Me. TUCKER. John Tucker, son of Jesse and Rebecca (Fisher) Tucker and grandson of Benjamin, was born December 10, 1809, in what is now West Gardiner. In 1840 he married Rhoda Jack, who was born in Litchfield, April 17, 1814. He died October 27, 1885. She died January 8, 1886. They lived on the farm now occu- pied by their son, John W. Children of John and Rhoda (Jack) Tucker: Delia, b. March 4, 1842. Died October 25, 1847. Mary J., b. August 24, 1846. Died June 5, 1861. John W., b. December 20, 1854. Married Carrie Mabel Woodbury, March 10, 1880. She was born April 10, 1858. John W. Tucker lives on his father’s farm and is a prosper- ous farmer. Carrie, his wife, died October 7, 1897. EARLY SETTLERS. 373 Children of John W. and Carrie (Woodbury) Tucker: George, b. March 14, 1881. Sarah W., b. August 26, 1882. Dexter Burton, b. November 22, 1883. Ralph, b. November 7, 1884. Lucena Mabel, b. April 30, 1886. John Richard, b. December 11, 1887. Fred Winchell, b. February 3, 1889. Mildred Estelle, b. January 1, 18or. Elmer, b. March 20, 1892. Mary, b. May 15, 1893. Julia Chick, b. July 31, 1894. Alton, b. December 1, 1895. Died March 20, 1896. Girl, b. June 15, 1897. VINING. Josiah Vining, son of Benjamin, came to Litchfield before 1808, from Durham, Me., where he was born, April 10, 1783, and settled upon the Neck. In 1826, he moved to St. Albans, Me. He married Esther Clough, sister of Isaiah Clough. She was born in Durham, Me., October Io, 1787, and died in 1879. Children of Josiah and Esther (Clough) Vining: Israel, b. March 11, 1808. Married, 1st, Rebecca Norton; 2d, Joan Bigelow. Lived in St. Albans. Jeremiah, b. November 11, 1809. Married Susan Buffum. Wied in Nevada in 1890. . Sarah, b. December 25, 1811. Married Hiram Hawes. Died in St. Albans in 1889. , Louiza, b. November 13, 1813. Now living in Amesbury, Mass. Jacob H., b. November 20, 1815. Married Lucy W. Dillingham. A banker in Laporte, Ind. Died in Richmond, Ind., in 1893. Abigail C., b. July 16, 1817. Married John Huntington. Lives in Amesbury, Mass. Esther, b. September 13, 1822. Died in 1852. Josiah, Jr., b. September 22, 1822. Died in 1842. Ruth C., b. December 12, 1824. Married Ephraim M. Huntington. Lives in Amesbury, Mass. John Warren, b. May 27, 1827. Died in 1838. William Frances, b. February 22, 1831. Married Rebecca Currier. Lives in Amesbury, Mass. WaDSWORTH. Moses Wadsworth, born in Stoughton, Mass., in 1774, was the son of John and Jerusha (White) Wadsworth, and a descendant of Christopher W., who came to Duxbury, Mass., in 1632. Moses came to Winthrop, where he married Hannah 374 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Stevens and to Litchfield in 1798. Hannah, his wife, was born in 1783. He was for forty years a Quaker preacher and lived on the Neck on a farm afterwards occupied by his son, Epineint He died December 21, 1851. Children of Moses and Hannah (Stevens) Wadsworth: Daniel, b. May 15, 1799. Married Margaret F. Sood mt: Lived. in Auburn, Il. Ephraim, b. March 16, ‘gai: Married Sarah Bailey, September 22, 1825. Thomas, b. May 9, 1803. Married Roxanna Webber in 1830. Peleg, b. May 1, 1805. Married Emily Stone. Anna F., b. February 22, 1807. Married Nathaniel Webber. Eunice, b. October 25, 1808. Married William Farr February 26, 1829. Miriam, b. February 1, 1811. Married Andrew Pinkham. Lived in West Gardiner, Me. Moses Stevens, b. October 29, 1814. Married Margaret O. Knox. Lived in Gardiner, Me. Died in November 30, 1875. Joshua, b. January 2, 1817. Married Sarah J. McGraw in 1842. Sybil, b. April 2, 1819. Died in 1843. Nathan, b. October 26, 1823. Died February 8, 1824. John W., b. October 26, 1824. Died in November, 1846. Ephraim, son of Moses Wadsworth, lived on his father’s place and died there in 1864. He was a wheelwright. Children of Ephraim and Sarah H. (Bailey) Wadsworth: Julia A., b. June 18, 1826. Married Jona Estes. Lives in Vassal- boro. Hannah B., b. June 29, 1828. Died August 12, 1828. George, b. July 29, 1829. Married Sarah Gifford. Franklin, b. May 2, 1831. Married Phebe M. Farr. Lives in Augusta, Me. Martha, b. March 26, 1833. Elizabeth W., b. August 19, 1838. Married James H. Buck. Lives in West Gardiner. AARON WADSWORTH. Aaron Wadsworth, brother of Moses, was born in 1770, and came to Litchfield in 1798. He married for his first wife, Lucy Stevens, born in 1774, and she died April 10, 1814, and for his second wife, widow Rebecca Eaton. He died young in life Rebecca, his wife, died August 28, 1831, aged 57 years. Children of Aaron and Lucy Wadsworth: Aaron, b. February 11, 1796. Married Sabra Howard, December 2, 1819. Lived in Monmouth, Me. Died in 1880. EARLY SETTLERS., 375 James, b. 1797. Unmarried. Died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1880. Susan, b. May 9, 1800. Married Gustavus Drew in 1822. She died in Lewiston, Me., in 1883. Abner, b. 1801. Married Jeannette Towers in 1820. Died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1867. Calvin, b. 1805. Married Jane Sherman. Lived in Calais, Me. Died in 1879. ~ Lucy, b. August 13, 1806. Married Jonathan Burr. Lived in Pitts- ton, Me. Spencer F., b. July 8, 1808. Married Catherine Cutts. Lived in Pittston, Me. Died in 1882. Aaron Wadsworth, Jr., lived on the Neck. Children of Aaron and Sabra (Howard) Wadsworth: Elias H., b. August 19, 1820. Married Diana Bailey. Lived in Monmouth, Me. Died July to, 1893. Diana W., b. January 27, 1823. Married Henry Allen, December 2, 1838. Lucy S., b. September 22, 1824. Married Sewall Glass, August 14, 1842. Spencer F., b. May 7, 1828. Married Melinda A. (Young) White- house. Lived in Wales. Ellen J., b. July 18, 1832. Married Simeon Ricker, January 5, 1856. Aaron F., b. October 10, 1834. WALDRON. Charles D. Waldron, born in New Hampshire, August 6, 1797, came to Litchfield in 1837, and married Julia, daughter of Jonas and Hannah (Gilman) (Allen.) He lived on the road from Purgatory to Pease’s Hill. Their children: Susan E., b. December 4, 1838. Died November 23, 1841. Charles H., b. February 13, 1841. Married Margaret A. Goodwin. David B., b. October 13, 1845. Died December 20, 1845. Arthur, b. March 13, 1847. Married Emma Parkes, December, 1875. Lives in Auburn. Charles H. Waldron, son of Charles D., lives on the Dr. Saf- ford place. He has worked for many years for E. Plimpton & Sons. Mrs. Waldron has aided very materially in procuring data for this book. Children of Charles H. and Margaret A. (Goodwin) Waldron: Daughter, b. May 2, 1864. Died same day. Chester, b. March 19, 1871. Died June 6, 1882. 376 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. WALKER. John Walker came to Litchfield from Kennebunkport in 1798. He was the son of Joshua and Hannah (Perkins) Walker and grandson of Peter Walker of York. He settled east of Oak Hill, on the road leading from the Hall school house to Litch- field Corner. He was an ensign during the Revolutionary War. Was born in 1739. Married Elizabeth Burbank in 17509, and. died May 2, 1816, aged 77 years. Among his children who came to Litchfield, were: Captain Lemuel, b. 1760. Married, 1st, Hannah Allen; 2nd, Sophia (Smith) Cleaves, March 10, 1817. Betsey, married Jonathan Walker, September 13, 1790. She died in Litchfield, March 14, 1846. Sarah, married Harrison Downing. Hannah, married Bracey Curtis. Lived in Kennebunkport. Ebenezer, died May 22, 1805, aged 29 years. Miriam, married James Alexander. Esther, married Gould Jewell, October 4, 1810. Eunice, married Robert Johnson, September 23, 1810. Joshua, b. June, 1780. Married Sally Huntington in 1808. Capt. LEMUEL WALKER. Capt. Lemuel,sonof John Walker, was a sea captainfor several years, then moved to Gardiner in 1802, and lived there until 1805, when he moved to Litchfield. Lemuel was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His vessel was captured by privateers and he was in Dartmouth prison for a long time. He was a prominent man in town affairs and a member of the Massachu- setts legislature in 1812. He died in 1845, aged about 85. Hannah, his wife, died November 9, 1826, aged 66. Children of Lemuel and Hannah (Allen) Walker: Samuel, lost at sea. William, lost at sea. Sailed from Bath. George, married Abigail Springer, November 25, 1813. James, married 1st, Margaret S. Chase, December, 1825; 2nd, Elvira Daley, May, 1830. Hannah, married Thomas Dennis, November 16, 1813. Lived in Hallowell. Elizabeth, married John Dennis, November 26, 1807. Amelia, married Thomas D. Lord, January 30, 1820. Lived in Hal- lowell. EARLY SETTLERS. 377 Lemuel, died August 6, 1828. John, died November 3, 1847. Charles, married Achsah Sawin. Lived in Boston, Mass. Betsey, died August 12, 1828. Joshua, b. March 24, 1806. Married Hannah S. Potter, December 24, 1829. George, son of Capt. Lemuel, lived near Horse Shoe pond. -He was drowned in Merrymeeting Bay, February 1, 1819. Children of George and Abigail (Springer) Walker: Hannah A., b. December 1, 1814. Married Hetherton Earle. Mary J., b. May 10, 1817. Married John B. Richardson. Abigail_A., b. January 28, 1819. Married Piam Richardson, Novem- ber 3, 1839. James, son of Capt. Lemuel, lived at Litchfield Corner and kept a grocery store. He died February 13, 1834. Margaret, his wife, died December 15, 1829, aged 26 years. Child by first wife, Margaret Chase: William E., b. December 30, 1826. Married Phebe Landerkin. Lived in Gardiner. Died June 4, 1858. Child by second wife, Elmira Daley: James E., b. July 22, 1831. Married Sarah Frances Morse, Nevember 18, 1856. Lived in Topsham. Joshua, son of Captain Lemuel, lived on the place now occu- pied by the family of Leander Metcalf. He died March 28, 1851. Hannah, his wife, died May 20, 1853. Children of Joshua and Hannah S. (Potter) Walker: Jeremiah P., b. September 27, 1830. Married Elizabeth Call. Served in the Union Army in late war. Died in Maryland. Samuel W., b. May 31, 1832. Died May 20, 1853. James, b. September 24, 1834. Married Julia Douglass, August 21, 1864. George W., b. October 6, 1837. Died January 15, 1856, at St. Anthony Falls, Minn. Edwin, b. March 9, 1841. Married Harriet Howell. Lives in Ded- ham, Mass. Isaac N., b. June 29, 1843. Lived in Limestone, Me. Died July 8, 1861. Capt. James Walker, son of Joshua and Hannah S. (Potter) Walker, lived at the Plains, but moved to Aroostook county before the war. He served four years and nine months in the 1sth Maine Regiment, during the late war, and came home a 378 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. captain. Since the war he has resided in Gardiner, and is one of the prominent business men of the city. He has held many positions of trust and in 1897 was elected mayor of Gardiner by a unanimous vote. JosHuA WALKER. Joshua, the youngest son of John Walker, was born in June, 1780, and married first, Sally Huntington in 1808. Second, Mary Fairfield of Kennebunkport. Third, Miriam Neal, August 6, 1837. He lived in Litchfield until 1850, when he went to live with relatives in Richmond. He died November 24, 1854. Sally, his wife, died June 4, 1813. Mary, his second wife, November 1, 1834. Miriam, his third wife, February 25, 1857, aged 76 years. Children by first wife, Sally Huntington: Joshua, b. July, 1809. Married Sylvia Savage. Lived in Bradford, Me. Died in 1880. Samuel, b. December 13, 1811. Married Abigail Bolden, October 25, 1835; 2d, Martha A. (Adams) Owen. Children by second wife, Mary Fairfield: Sarah, b. March 28, 1818. Married William H. King of Lowell, Mass. Elizabeth H., b. February 7, 1821. Died September 7, 1843. . Samuel Walker, son of Joshua, lived near Hall school house. Was a farmer and died there, October 27, 1871. Abagail died June 27, 1867. ; Children of Samuel and Abigail (Bolden) Walker: William D., b. February 16, 1836. Married Julia A. Huntington. She died March 27, 1870; 2d, Carrie M. Noyes. Mary A., b. November 1, 1837. Married William C. Williams, March 4, 1858. Lives in Farmingdale, Me. Alexander. L., b. September 7, 1842. Married Myra H. Gowen, Feb- ruary 2, 1868, of Atkinson, Me. Lives in Monmouth, Me. Charles H., b. May 18, 1845. Married Lizzie A. Gowen of Atkinson, Me., October 12, 1870. Now lives in California. Sarah E., b. January 31, 1848. Married Zebulon Johnson. Lives in Gardiner, Me. William D., son of Samuel, lived in Litchfield until after the death of his first wife, March 27, 1870. He then moved to Bradford and lived there twenty years, until 1890, when he moved to Auburn, where he now resides. EARLY SETTLERS. 379 Children of William D. and Julia A. (Huntington) Walker: Bertrand E., b. June 13, 1866. Married Nellie E. Tabor, August 14, 1890. Lives in Auburn. Children by second wife, Carrie M. Noyes: Flora Maud, b. September, 1874. Married Frederic P. Talbot. Ella May, b. 1877. Alexander L. and Charles H., together with William D., sons of Samuel, all served in Maine regiments during the late war. Alexander never lived in Litchfield after his marriage. Charles H. lived there a few years and then moved to Haywards, Cal. where he now resides. JoHN WALKER. John Walker, son of Jonathan and Betsey (Walker) Walker, was born in Kennebunkport, May 11, 1792. He married Han- nah Sargent, November 16, 1815, and moved to Litchfield, and lived upon the Neck. After living there several years he moved to Hallowell, and from thence to Bath, Me., where he died, August 30, 1871. Hannah, his wife, died in Bath, May 22, 1877, aged 88 years and 6 months. Jonathan, father of John, was lost at seain 1797. Betsey, John’s mother, was a daughter of the old settler, John Walker, who early came to Litchfield, and she spent the last years of her life with her brother, Joshua, in Litchfield, where she died March 14, 1846. John had one brother, Joshua, who lived in Litchfield when a young man, but was afterwards engaged in business in Portland, and died on a visit to Lisbon, Me., January 28, 1836. Children of John and Hannah (Sargent) Walker: William, b. February 28, 1817. Married Mary Kinsman, and died in Chelsea, Mass., August 23, 1859. Nancy H., b. April 28, 1820. Married John H. Trafton. Lives in Massachusetts. Alexander Joshua, b. August 26, 1821. Married Xoa McLaughlin. Lives in Augusta. : Betsey, b. November 15, 1823. Married Joseph Butler. Lived in Hallowell. Amelia Augusta, b. February 23, 1827. Died August 18, 1832. Moses L., b. August 16, 1828. Died in Hallowell, December 10, 1852. 380 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. WARE. John Ware came to Litchfield from Topsham before 1800. He married Mary Mallett, May 24, 1780, and lived on Oak Hill. Aside from farming he run a tannery. Mary, his wife, died June 3, 1841. \ Children of John and Mary (Mallett) Ware: James, b. October 20, 1781. Married Lydia Staples, January 8, 1803. Lived in Wales, Me. Died April 8, 1862, in West Gardiner. John, b. May 3, 1783. Died November 13, 1806. William, b. March 31, 1784. Married Hannah Gatchell, December 25, 1810. Lived in Lee, Me. Died July 16, 1867. Isaac, b. April 1, 1786. Died October 10, 1806. Elizabeth, b. October 29, 1789. Married Winslow Staples. Lived in Lee, Me. David, b. January 27, 1791. Married, 1st, Polly Rideout, December 23, 1810; 2nd, Hannah Lambert. Mary, b. January 19, 1793. Married Alexander Potter. Lived in Lee, Me. Martha, b. February 22, 1795. Married Amos Hodgman, January 15, 1818. She died in January, 1826. Charles, b. November 18, 1797. Married, 1st, Rebecca Wells, March 15, 1818; 2nd, Mary (Preble) Lord, September 25, 1870. Lived in Gardiner. Died March 5, 1888. Ezekiel, b. December 13, 1799. Married Susanna Sanborn. Nancy, b. August 27, 1803. Died March 10, 1804. David Ware, son of John, lived in Litchfield for several years and then moved to Augusta and Windsor. Children of David and Polly (Rideout) Ware: Mary, b. January 13, 1812, Married Joseph Mallett, November 19, 1843. Lived in Lee. Cyrus H., b. September 24, 1813. Married Nancy C. Mitchell. Lives in Oshkosh, Wis. Abigail R., b. January 17, 1824. Married William Gowell, October 3, 1841. Lived in Bowdoin. Lydia S. H., b. May 8, 1831. Married Benjamin B. Clemmons. Lived in Lincoln. ' Jones M., b. August 6, 1833. Married ist, Margaret V. Gowell, March 18, 1864; 2d, Alice Jane (Barnes) Gatchell. Lives in Lee, Me. William W., b. October 11, 1836. Died July 31, 1837. Aravesta R., b. July 5, 1839. Married, ist, Roland B. Donnell; 2d Reuben Dolby. ? Children by second wife, Hannah Lambert: Lambert, b. May 14, 1846. Died May 31, 1847. John L., b. February 22, 1848. Married Charlotte A. P. Dingley. EARLY SETTLERS. 381 Charles S. L., b. February 5, 1851, married Jennie Murray. Victoria A., b. December 9, 1852, Married Miles Root, October 10, 1869. Lives in Portland, Oregon. David R. S., b. November 19, 1854. Died March 19, 1857. Cyrus H., son of David Ware, lived in Litchfield and then moved to Oshkosh, Wis. Children of Cyrus H. and Nancy C. (Mitchell) Ware: Mary M., b. October 14, 1838. Abbie G., b. March 29, 1841. Emma H., b. October to, 1842. Nancy E., b. July 1, 1846. James F., b. February 11, 1849. Ezekiel Ware, son of John, lived near the Corner and then moved to Augusta. He died November 17, 1884. Susannah, his wife, died January 12, 1890, aged 86 years. Children of Ezekiel and Susannah (Sanborn) Ware: Mary C., b. December 4, 1827. Married John Tibbetts, Jr. Lived in Belgrade. Died January 23, 1890. : Nathaniel G., b. August 13, 1829, married Emma J. Sentihs Died in Augusta, November 17, 1877. James, b. July 22, 1831, married Mary Elizabeth Perry. Lived in Cal. Minerva Lowell, b. October 28, 1839, married Rufus R. Lishness. Lives in Augusta. Wm. H. H., b. May 1, 1841, married Marcia A. Flye. Livesin Augusta. Harriet Augusta, b. July 6, 1842, married Benj. A. een Lives in Augusta. Chas. Nichols, b. October 22, 1849, married Lucilla Augusta Reeves. Lives in Augusta. WASHBURNE. Benjamin Washburne came to Litchfield about 1810, and lived at Purgatory, next to Thomas True’s. He married Mar- tha Davis, July 4, 1812. Martha, wife of Benjamin, died Jan- uary 20, 1878, aged 83 years, 7 months. Children of Benjamin and Martha (Davis) Washburne: Sullivan, b. September 13, 1813. Married 1st, Dorcas Richardson, July 10, 1842; 2nd, Abagail (McCausland) Gowell. Hannah, b. Oct. 18, 1815. Mar. Geo. W. Fall. Died in Ipswich, Mass. Martha, b. April 13, 1818. Died young. Martha, b. August 16, 1820. Married Charles McFarland. Died in New Bedford, Mass. Emeline, b. Oct. 26, 1822. Mar. Richard Eldredge. Lived in Gardiner. Rhoda Jane, b. June 15, 1825. Married rst, Isaac J. Corbett, October 13, 1844; 2nd, Charles Dunn. Lives in Seattle, Washington. Francis, b. September 13, 1827. 382 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Susan D., b. February 28, 1829. Married Oliver Porter. Lives in Brighton, Mass. Nancy, b. April 9, 1831. Died in Gardiner. Laura, married Charles Smith. - Lives in Lynn, Mass. Francis, b. September 29, 1832. Died December 29, 1832. Charles, b. 1834. Married Ellen Lease of New Bedford. Died in Gardiner, September 15, 1867. George M., married 1st, Sabrina Ann Morrison; 2nd, Ellen Hinkley, February 14, 1865. Died at Soldiers’ Home, Togus, 1801. WATERMAN. Dr. Sylvanus Waterman was born in Halifax, Mass., October 12, 1768, and was the son of Samuel and Mary (Fuller) Water- man. He was graduated from Brown University in the class of 1798, and from medical school in 1800. He at once com- menced the practice of medicine at Litchfield, Me., and for many years there was no doctor nearer than Brunswick or Gar- diner. July 6, 1804, he married Abigail Jackson, who was born in Dresden, Me., December 31, 1782. Dr. Waterman died October 30, 1851. His wife died November 30, 1853. Mary (Fuller) Waterman died in Litchfield, January 12, 1817, aged go years. ) : Children: Granville C., b. April 6, 1805. Married Rachel W. Beath, April, 1835. Dexter, b. January 30, 1807. Married Mahala Wentworth of Brista], Maine. Eliza, b. March 26, 1809. Married Captain Enoch Libby. Died in Gardiner. Sophia, b. October 24, 1811. Married Zachariah T. Sherman. Lived in Edgecomb, Me. Oliver, b. September 6, 1814. Married 1st, Clarissa Brown; 2d, Mrs. Mary M. Caswell, February 2, 1861. Melville Henry, b. June 16, 1817. Died September 14, 1831. GRANVILLE C. WATERMAN. Granville C. Waterman, son Sylvanus, was active in town affairs and wrote many historical articles for the newspapers. He died in Buckfield, Me., June 26, 1894. Children of Granville C. and Rachel (Beath) ‘Waterman: Maria J.; b. March 10, 1836. Married William Babb, November 3, 1856, in Woburn, Mass. Died December, 1887. Sylvanus, b. June 16, 1837. Died October 17, 1837. Sylvanus Dexter, b. September 14, 1841. Married Lizzie A. William- son. He graduated from Bowdoitl College in class of 1861, now teach- ing in Stockton, Cal. EARLY SETTLERS. 383 Rev. DEXTER WATERMAN. Rev. Dexter Waterman, son of Sylvanus, was a prominent minister in the Free Baptist denomination. He died March 8, 1890. His oldest son, Rev. Granville C. Waterman, was grad- uated from Bowdoin College in 1857, and is now pastor of the Free Baptist church at St. Johnsbury, Vt. OLIVER WATERMAN. Oliver Waterman, son of Sylvanus, lived in Litchfield. His first wife, Clarissa Brown, died August 31, 1858. He died in Lewiston, Me., February 7, 1874. Second wife, Mary, died April 7, 1894. Children of Oliver and Mary M. (Caswell) Waterman: Lyman Caswell, b. February 20, 1862. Married Nellie J. Libby in 1893. Lives in Buckfield, Me. ” Clara, b. January 25, 1865. Married John B. Bryant. Lives in Buck- field, Me. George Lincoln, b. February 28, 1867. Married Sadie A. Record. Lives in Buckfield, Me. WatTSON. Daniel Watson, son of Jonathan and Eleanor (Searles) Wat- son, was born in Amesbury, Mass., in 1735. He married Eunice Woodman in 1758. She was born May 18, 1738. They settled in Kingston, N. H., and moved to Litchfield about 1780. He died June, 1823. His wife died February 13, 1835. Among their children were: Daniel, married Elizabeth Webber. Elizabeth, b. December 24, 1761. Married Benjamin Magoon. Eunice, married Thomas Colby, October 16, 1796. : Eleanor, married 1st, Nathaniel Marston; 2nd, W. Gordon. Polly, b. 1769. Married John Owen, November 13, 1791. Joshua Woodman, b. January 9, 1779. Married 1st, Judith T. Tib- betts, November 13, 1800; 2d, Polly Colcord. Dolly, b. April 18, 1781. Married Samuel Getchell, September 12, 1814. DANIEL WATSON, JR. Daniel Watson, Jr., lived at South Litchfield many years and then moved to New Portland, Me., where he died. 384 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Daniel, Jr., and Elizabeth (Webber) Watson: : Sally, b. January 16, 1789. Married Nathan Thomas, January 16, 1812. Lived in Mt. Vernon. ' Lucy, b. September 15, 1790. Married, rst, Abraham Judkins, May 19, 1816; 2d, Jeremiah Preble; 3d, Royal Tarbox. Betsey, b. April 20, 1792. Married ————— Carver. Polly, b. November 12, 1793. Married, 1st, Isaac Bailey, May 30, 1811; 2d, Jonathan Yeaton. Dolly, b. April 26, 1796. ‘Married Joel Spaulding, February 11, 1816. Lived in Belgrade. Eunice, b. March 22, 1708. Daniel, b. April 11, 1800. Married ————— Prince. Rhoda, b. April 10, 1803. Lydia, b. May 10, 1805. Died April 10, 1825. John, b. October 1, 1809. Married, Ist, — Morton; 2d, Pennell; 3d, ————— Lander. Lived in New Portland. Hiram, b. May 30, 1812. Married Mary B. Flliott. Lived in New Portland. JosHua Woopman Warson. Joshua Woodman Watson, son of Daniel, Senior, lived in the Neal neighborhood, and was a leading citizen. He died May 12,1849. Judith, his wife, died July 7, 1813, aged 32 years. Children of Joshua Woodman and Judith T. (Tibbetts) Watson: Lydia, b. January 9, 1802. Married Rufus Clark. Lived in Hallowell. Died April to, 1825. Hannah, b. April 12, 1803. Sophronia, b. April 20, 1805. Married Robert Ridley, February 3, 1828. Moved to Estherville, Iowa. Judith, b. July 2, 1808. Married James Ridley, August 16, 1829. Woodman Harrison, b. June 14, 1813. Married Mary L. Colcord. He was a prominent minister of the Baptist denomination, and died in Southboro, Mass., September 26, 1892. : WEBBER. George Webber, Jr., son of George and Abagail Webber, grandson of Richard Webber, who was born in Topsham in 1769, and great grandson of David, was born in what was then Litchfield, afterwards set off to Richmond, Me., October 20, 1811. He married Rebecca Merriman in 1836, and moved into Litchfield in March, 1855. Children of George and Rebecca (Merriman) Webber: Ruel S., b. January 30, 1837. Married Marilla Umberhind. Lives in Richmond. CURTIS WEDGWOOD. CURTIS WEDGWOOD. Curtis Wedgwood was born in Lewiston, Me., March 29, 1806. He was the son of Chase and Martha Mitchell Wedgwood. His father moved to Tamworth, N. H., when Curtis was a boy of six years. He was educated at Fryeburg Academy being a student at one time of Daniel Webster. He came to Litchfield, Me., and engaged in teach- ing and was married in 1831 to Hannah Springer, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Smith Springer. He raised a family of six children, all of whom were successful teachers in early life. Dr. M. C. Wedgwood and Dr. N. J. Wedgwood of Lewiston; Hon. Geo. S$. Wedgwood, a prominent lawyer of Denver, Colorado; Mr. Thomas S. Wedgwood of Lynn, Mass.; Mrs. Martha H. Purington of Sacramento, Cal., and Mrs. Luella P. Webber of Lewiston, Me. Mr. Wedgwood was an ardent lover of education, beginning at the early age of fifteen to teach and at the age of seventy was still sought after to wield the mighty scepter. He was one of the founders of Litchfield Liberal Institute being its secretary from the beginning to the closing of the institution, He was a good parliamentarian and for this reason was made moderator of Litchfield town meetings for more than thirty years. He was a staunch Democrat, but always wanted right to rule, and when the war cloud burst and our country was threatened with danger his four boys were amongst the first to enlist and protect that flag which their father had taught them to honor. He lived to the advanced age of eighty-seven years and six months, his wife dying sixteen years before. Mr. Wedgwood was a gentleman of the old schooi and did noble work among the youth of Maine with whom his influence was so long exerted for the highest and best things of life. EARLY SETTLERS. 385 Adeline C., b. April 25, 1839. Married Joseph S. Hatch, March 30, 1860. Lives in Richmond. Rebecca A., b. December 4, 1842. Married Alexander Bates, Janu- ary 25, 1876. Lives in Bowdoin. Mary E., b. December 31, 1843. Married Converse M. Sherman, May 8, 1874. Lived and died in New Hampshire. Sophronia H., b. July 20, 1847. Dead. Arista, b. March 7, 1849. Married Luella P. Wedgewood. Lives in Lewiston. Thirza E., b. March 6, 1851. Married Frank C. Wyman in 1882. George F., b. June 12, 1853. Married Allie M. Ham. Lives in Fairfield, Me. Pauline S., b. July 11, 1855. Married Irving T. Ham, February 12, 1882. Lives in Beverley, Mass. Charles H., b. September 27, 1857. Married Lillian Maxwell, Sep- tember 20, 1885. Nellie E., b. March 12, 1860. Married Sidney K. Elliott, December 24, 1882. Lives in Milltown, N. B. George F., son of George, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class 1879, and is now practicing his profession in Fairfield, Me. Charles H., son of George, lives upon the home place with his mother. Children of Charles H. and Lillian (Maxwell) Webber: Milton E., b. August 27, 1887. Harold B., b. January 9, 1893. JoHN WEBBER. John Webber, son of Samuel and Ardra (Robinson) Webber, was born in Richmond in 1819, but was raised in family of his uncle Samuel Stevens in Stevenstown. He married Lydia Dailey and was a builder and contractor in Cambridgeport, Mass. He died in 1893. WEDGWOOD. Curtis Wedgwood, born in Lewiston, Me., March 28, 1806, was the son of Chase Wedgwood and a descendant of John Wedgwood of Ipswich, Mass., who was wounded in the Pequot Indian War, in 1637. Curtis Wedgwood was a school teacher over 50 years. He married Hannah Springer and came to Litchfield in 1837 and died in 1893. 25 386 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Their children: : Milton C., b. December 27, 1832. Married Elizabeth J. Webster of Durham, Me. Thomas S., b. April, 1834. Married Addie Leavitt. Lives in Lynn, Mass. John G., b. 1836. Died July 25, 1842. Martha H., b. April 4, 1840. Married James T. Purington, May 25, 1864. Lives in Sacramento, Cal. - George S., b. May 7, 1843. Married Bessie Hutchings of La Salle, Illinois. Newton J., b. June 19, 1846. Married Maria M. Ring, June 18, 1870. Luella P., b. March 20, 1848. Married Arista Webber. Hon. Milton C. Wedgwood was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School in class of 1859. He was surgeon of the 11th Maine Regiment, and two years a member of Governor Bur- leigh’s council. He is now one of the leading physicians in Lewiston. Newton J. Wedgwood was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School in the class of 1870, and is successfully practicing his profession in Lewiston. George S. Wedgwood is a prominent lawyer of Omaha, Nebraska. WILLIAM WEDGWOOD. William Wedgwood, son of John and Molly Wedgwood, was born in Newmarket, N. H., October 7, 1782. He married Judith Folsom and moved to Litchfield in 1812, and settled on the farm now occupied by his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Wood- bury, which he bought of John Rollins in 1815., He died October 15, 1862. Judith, his wife, died January 3, 1875, aged 84 years. Their children: Mary J., b. July 26, 1813. Married Justin W. True. Died September 13, 1839. Adding b. July 13, 1820. Married Charles Dudley, June 29, 1852. Lived in Hallowell. Died May 15, 1862. William O., b. December 17, 1826. Married Mandama Wharff, daughter of Isaac B. and Sally (Penny) Wharff. Died in Oakland, Cal., February 29, 1876. Anna M., b. April 29, 1832. Married Joseph Woodbury. EARLY SETTLERS. 387 - WEsT. William Blay West was born in Gloucester, Mass., and served in the Revolutionary War. He came to New Gloucester and in 1770, record shows, he gave ten pounds towards a church there. He was a millright by trade and came to Litchfield in 1791, and stayed several years. He worked on the first mill built at Purgatory. He married Patience Harriman, April 27, 1772, and died May 24, 1813. His widow died May 2a, 1846, aged 95 years. Their children: Sally, married, 1st, John True; 2d, Daniel True. Samuel. Cynthia, married Joseph Graves. WESTON. Stephen Weston, son of Stephen and Desire(Turner) Weston, was born in Freeport, July 26,1785. Quite early in life he went to Durham where he married Abigail Lambert in 1816. In 1831 they moved to Litchfield and settled in Stevenstown, on farm where their son Solomon now lives. Stephen died November 26, 1854. His widow died March 12, 1882, aged 85 years. Children of Stephen and Abagail (Lambert) Weston. Harriet, b. 1817. Married Asa Jordan, April 12, 1846. Lived in Gar- diner. Died January 12, 1883. Solomon, b. April 28, 1819. Married Ann H. Rowe, October 26, 1851. Mary Jane, b. February, 1821. Married Lorenzo Metcalf. Lived in Litchfield. Died in 1860. Stephen, b. September 9, 1823. Married Abigail Merril, October 26, 1851. Lives in West Gardiner. Louise, b. 1825. Died February 15, 1833. John, b. May 7, 1828. Married Mary J. Libby. Lives in Freeport. James R., b. May 7, 1828. Married Adelia A. Potter. Lived in West Gardiner. Died January 11, 1883. Myanda R., b. May 7, 1828. Married Elkanah C. Wood in 1859. Lived in Taunton, Mass. Died in 1886. Joseph, b. 1831. Married Kate Cutting. Lives in Phippsburg, Me. George S., b. December 19, 1834. Died in 1860, in California. Louise, b. March 30, 1837. Married S. N. Maxcy, October 8, 1856. Lives in Gardiner, Me. SoLomMon WESTON. Solomon Weston, son of Stephen, lives on the farm owned by his father. 388 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Solomon and Ann H. (Rowe) Weston: Charles E., b. October 20, 1852. Died September 21, 1870. Lizzie E., b. January 12, 1854. Died January &, 1888. Joseph H., b. August 5, 1856. Married Stella M. Atherton. Louisa A., b. July 4, 1859. Married Henry S. Lombard. Lives in Lewiston. Mary A., b. May 24, 1863. Married Wilber Goldsmith. Lives in Massachusetts. Frank C., b. July 23, 1867. Married Mary E. Green. Blanche E., b. February 13, 1871. Died April 4, 1804. Joseph H. Weston, son of Solomon, occupies the Samuel Stevens place in Stevenstown. Children of Joseph and Stella M. (Atherton) Weston: Eva Delia, b. October 7, 1883. Joseph Leroy, b. January 23, 1890. ‘ Frank C. Weston, son of Solomon, lives on the old Wharf farm in Stevenstown. Children of Frank and Mary (Green) Weston: Charles Herbert, b. November 20, 1894. WEYMOUTH. Benjamin Weymouth was one of the earliest settlers of Litch- field. He lived near Pleasant pond, next west of Henry Lunt’s farm and afterwards moved to Monmouth. Children of Benjamin and Mary (Merideth) Weymouth: Abraham, b. November 23, 1782. Timothy, b. August 6, 1784. Matthew, b. November 26, 1785. Ann, b. September, 1787. Stephen, b. January 11, 1780. ‘Sally, b. January 23, 1792. David, b. February 3, 17094. Polly, b. December 8, 1796. Deane, b. November 12, 1797. Eleanor, b. December 1, 1799. JosHuA WEYMOUTH. Joshua Weymouth, was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was in Litchfield in 1792, and as constable, posted many of the first warrants of the town meetings. He married for first wife, Tem- perance Doe; second wife, Polly Lakeman, in 1796. Children by first wife: Sally, b. April 19, 1788. Died April 8, 1871. EARLY SETTLERS. 389 Children by second wife, Polly Lakeman: Richard L., b. March 2, 1797. Sea captain. Died in Salem, Mass. Married Joanna ————. Mary, b. March 21, 1799. Married Joshua Doe, August 31, 1820. Lived in Hallowell. Moses, b. January 6, 1801. Married Sarah Jane Walton. He died in Salem, Mass. Ebenezer, b. June 30, 1805. Daniel, b. February 13, 1815. Married, 1st, Louiza Ann Grover; 2d, Mrs. Rebecca W. Sylvester. : Polly Weymouth, wife of Joshua, died February 16, 1815. JoHN WEYMOUTH. John Weymouth, brother of Joshua, was also in Litchfield in 1792. He married Mary Fuller in September, 1793, and lived on farm now owned by Melvin H. True. He moved down East. Children: John, b. June 19, 1795. Polly, b. April 1, 1797. David F., b. March 30, 1799. John R., b. March 1, 1804. Alexander H., b. July 27, 1806. Jesse, b. November 2, 1808. Gorham, b. April 19, 1811. Temple, b. May 16, 1814. NicHoOLAS WEYMOUTH. There was a Nicholas Weymouth who came to Litchfield about 1790. He died January 13, 1812. He married Rhoda Booker. Children of Nicholas and Rhoda Weymouth: Archibald, b. October 17, 1795. James, b. July 1, 1798. Died December 22, 1804. Rhoda, b. June 31, 1800. Nicholas, b. May 1, 1803. Betty, b. June 21, 1806. Jane, b. June 17, 1809. ALVAH WEYMOUTH. Alvah, son of Nahum and Rebecca (Foss) Weymouth, was born in Lisbon, Me., May 8, 1803, and moved to Litchfield, Me., from Wales in 1850, upon the place now owned by Chadman 390 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. W. Bowley; after a few years he moved upon the Willey place now owned and occupied by his son Josiah. He married Mary Preble. Alvah died February 3, 1873. Mary, his wife, died November 17, 1869, aged 65 years. Children of Alvah and Mary (Preble) Weymouth: Charles Thaxter, b. April 26, 1828. Married Delphina Lincoln. After living a few years in Litchfield moved to Gardiner. Cordelia, b. October 29, 1829. Married John A. Hodgkins, May 1, 1853. Lives in West Gardiner. Mary E., b. March 11, 1833. ‘Married James C. Hodgkins, May 14, 1854. Lives in Gardiner. Ruel W. Weymouth, b. September 6, 1836. Married Emeline A. Preble. Lives in Gardiner. Eliza, b. February 3, 1843. Died when five years of age. Josiah, b. March 10, 1846. Married Margaret Merrill. One daugh- ter, Lulu Edith, b. July 16, 1881. Martha A., b. September 28, 1849. Married W. Scott Wilkins of Greene. Died August 17, 1880. WHARFF. Joseph Wharff, son of Arthur, Jr., and Lydia (Cunningham) Wharff and a descendant of Nathaniel, was born in Gloucester, Mass., November 21, 1762. He married Susannah Bennett, June 11, 1779. She was the daughter of Captain Isaac and Dorcas (Wharff) Bennett. They immediately came to New Gloucester, Me. He was a sea captain and was lost at sea, January 2, 1795, and his widow came immediately to Litchfield and located in Stevenstown. She married James Stevens for second husband. Children of Joseph and Susannah (Bennett) Wharff: Susannah, b. August 10, 1780. Married Moses Stevens. Sally, b. January 27, 1782. Married Amos Stevens, March 26, 1797. Lydia, b. November 10, 1783. Married Joseph Lunt, November 27, 1800. Died August 27, 1869. Joseph, b. November 11, 1785. Married Phoebe Webber. William, b. October 12, 1787. Married Rachel Penney in 1808. Isaac B., b. August 23, 1789. Married Sarah Penney in 1809. He died in Guilford, Me., June 30, 1878. Betsey, b. March 9, 1792. Married William Robinson, September 10, 1810. Abigail, b. November 7, 1793. Died November 3, 1794. Dorcas, b. July 18, 1795. Married, 1st, David McIntyre, December 25, 1815; 2d, Wilkes Richardson. Died June 12, 1845. © EARLY SETTLERS. 391 JosEPH WHaRFF, JR. Joseph Wharff, Jr., came from New Gloucester to Steven- town with his father’s family in 1796. He died May 1, 1862. Phoebe, his wife, died January 4, 1873, aged 85 years. Children of Joseph and Phoebe (Webber) Wharft: John, b. September 25, 1805. Married Salome Marshall, December 31, 1826. Lived in Richmond. Died December 1z, 1873. ‘Isaac, b. March 8, 1807. Died April 22, 1807. Lavina, b. August 13, 1808. Died October 27, 1821. Joseph, b. September 22, 1810. Married Irene Potter, August 15, 1831. Died April 29, 1890. Cordelia, b. May 3, 1813. Married Nahum Hildreth June 30, 1830. Abigail, b. April 29, 1815. Married Van Rensaeller Lovejoy, Decem- ber 20, 1832; 2nd, Sumner Knight. Lives in Chelsea, Mass. William R., b. February 18, 1817. Married Mary Elizabeth Williams. Lives in Gardiner. Harriet S., b. April 8, 1819. Married Robert Newell. Died 1897. Lydia A., b. August 16, 1821. Married ist, Jacob Segee; 2nd, Dr. William Churchill. Died 1873. George A. D., b. June 18, 1824. Married Mary Ann Harriman, August 10, 1845. Mahala, b. October 26, 1825. Married Stephen Osgood. Martha M., b. September 29, 1829. Married, 1st, James French; 2d, George Jones. Lives in Chelsea, Mass. Oliver A., b. May 2, 1832. Died August 21, 1832. Elbridge Wellington, b. October 13, 1834. Died April 26, 1837. William R. Wharff, son of Joseph, Jr., lived in town several years, then moved to Gardiner. Mary Elizabeth, his wife, died July 10, 1896. Children of William R. and Mary Elizabeth (Williams) Wharff: Charles S., b. September 16, 1842. Married Hannah Sheldon. Lives in Gardiner. George A. D. Wharff, son of Joseph, Jr., lived in Stevens- town and moved to Boston, Mass., March, 1863. George A., died June, 1890. Mary, his wife, died March, 1863. Children of George A. and Mary Ann (Harriman) Wharff: Florannah, b. January 16, 1847. Married Couroy R. Hall, March 29, 1866. Lives in Boston, Mass. Ella Annette, b. July 16, 1849. Married Harry Lynch, 2d; John Lang, 1880. Lives in Fitchburg, Mass. James F., b. November 3, 1851. Married Lizzie Brooks 1877. Lives in Baldwinsville, Mass. Augusta Eugenia, b. December 26, 1854. Married George A. Brooks in 1872. Died in Baldwinsville, Mass., March 4, 1893. 392 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Isaac B. AND WILLIAM WHARFF. Isaac and William Wharff, sons of Joseph, Senior, lived in town several years. Isaac afterwards moved to Guilford, Me., where he was a respected citizen. Captain William lived on farm next to Mr. Bosworth’s. He was lost at sea in 1812. Children of William and Rachel (Penney) Wharff: Thomas, b. October 5, 1809. Married Desire Herring, May 1, 1842. He died March 5, 1883 in Guilford, Me. Children of Isaac B. and Sally (Penney) Wharff, born in Litchfield: Christiana, b. April 7, 1810. Married August 26, 1827, Simeon Lam- bard. Died in Guilford, March 29, 1889. Isaac, b. August 27, 1811. Married December 1, 1835, Hannah Hatch. Died in Guilford, February 4, 1874. : Lydia Penney, b. February 26, 1813. Married September 12, 1838, Benjamin N. Thomas. Lives in Bangor. WHITE. Gideon White, son of Deacon Isaac and Martha (Owen) White of Bowdoin, was born October 21, 1794; married Rhoda, daughter of David and Hannah (Smith) Springer, March 15, 1820, and after living a few years in Bowdoin, moved to Litch- field and lived east of the Corner. Gideon White died Novem- ber 8, 1836. Rhoda, his wife, died May 24, 1850. Children of Gideon and Rhoda (Springer) White: Martha Jane, b. June 9, 1822. Married David Smith, January 20, 1842. She died April 3, 1851. David Smith, b. September 4, 1826. Married Eliza Trufant, June 24, 1849. Dae b. September 20, 1828. Married Mary Jane Flanders, March 8, 1858. fae A., b. August 8, 1832. Married Frank C. Perkins. She died in Somerville, Mass., April 20, 1893. Horace C., b. January 26, 1836. Married Mary L. Randall of North Harpswell, June, 1860. Horace C., son of Gideon, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class of 1859, was assistant surgeon of 8th Maine Volunteers; a physician at Lisbon Falls several years. Now located at East Somerville, Mass., and member-elect of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. EARLY SETTLERS. 393 David S. White, son of Gideon, lived in town until his decease September 14, 1850. Children of David S. and Eliza (Trufant) White: Rhoda A., b. May 16, 1850. Died September 10, 1850. Owen White lived in town several years, then moved to Lis- bon, where he and all his family now live. Children of Owen and Mary Jane (Flanders) White: Margaret Lucy, b. December 21, 1858. Married Frank Coombs of Lisbon, April 12, 1884. Dexter Smith, b. August 4, 1868. Married Emma Billings of Oxford. Oxford, December 21, 1801. Arthur Owen, b. September 17, 1871. Married Gertrude A. Webber of. Lisbon in 1891. WHITMORE. True Whitmore, son of William and Rachel (Adams) Whit- more, was born in Bowdoinham, Me., May 23, 1805. He mar- ried Philena Sinclair and moved to the Plains in Litchfield, where he lived and died, November 20, 1878. Philena, his wife, died August 27, 1883, aged 76 years. Children of True and Philena (Sinclair) Whitmore: Leonard B., b. November 27, 1827. Died April 12, 1844. William, b. February 18, 1829. Married, 1st, Lucy Ann Annis; 2d, Nettie Conway. Lives 152 School street, Lowell, Mass. James, b. December 25, 1833. Married Emma W. Clark. Lives in Boston, Mass. WHITNEY. Reuben Whitney, born in Standish, Me., 1764, was the son of Nathaniel Whitney, and a descendant of John Whitney, who came to Watertown, Mass., in 1635, from England. Reuben was a millwright by trade. He married Mercy Baker, daughter of Barnabas and Mehitable (Smith) Baker, May 17, 1798, and lived near the Corner. He died February 13, 1836. His wife died in 1840. Children of Reuben and Mercy (Baker) Whitney: Simeon, b. May 6, 1799. Married Sally White and lived in Gardiner. Died February 27, 1859. Levi, b. November 26, 1800. Married 1st, Mary Hutchinson; 2nd, Henrietta Rogers. Otis, b. December 1, 1802. Died August 20, 1824. Reuben, b. May 1, 1804. Married Mary White. 394 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Gorham, b. June 19, 1806. Married Olive Paine. Lived in Gardiner. Died May 14, 1859. Olive, his wife, died April 15, 1890. Sally, b. July 10, 1809. Married Nathaniel Decker. Abel, b. September 16, 1811. Married Lydia Smith. He died in Gardiner, July 8, 1892. ; Rebecca, b. April 29, 1814. Married Thomas W. Andrews. Lived in Gardiner. Died in 1882. Lucy, b. 1817. Married George Haskell. Lives in New Gloucester. Reuben Whitney, Jr., lived-at the Corner, near the Academy building. He died in 1842. Children of Reuben and Mary (White) Whitney: Tryphenia, b. 1831. Married Charles Bancroft. Died in Richmond in 1890. , ‘ Julia, b. 1833. Married Russell Phillips’ Lived in Milford, Me. Sarah, b. 1834. Married Zina Bowen. She died in Bowdoinham, in 1880. William, b. December 5, 1835. Married Apphia (Bassett) Church. Lives in Gardiner. Reuben, b. 1836. Married Lucy Butler. Died in 1874, in Bowdoin- ham. Elisha W., b. May 4, 1838. Killed in the army. Mary W., b. September 26, 1842. Married William Berry. Lives in Bowdoinham. Ebenezer Whitney, born in Brunswick in 1762, was a descendant of John, who came to Watertown, Mass., from Eng- land in 1635, and was the son of Samuel Whitney, Jr., who was born September 15, 1731; captured by the Indians in Bruns- wick, Me., in 1754; taken by them and kept in captivity for seven years, when he was ransomed. There is a letter on file at the State House in Boston, from him, which he sent to the legis- lature, while he was in captivity asking to be ransomed. At the time he was captured, his father, Samuel, Senior, was killed and scalped by the Indians. Ebenezer Whitney came to Litchfield before 1800, and lived near Hatch’s Corner. He afterwards moved to Bowdoin. Mr. Whitney was a Revolutionary soldier and died February 14, 1849. Children of Ebenezer and Mehitable Whitney: Eleazur, b. April 28, 1785. Married 1st, Dolly Black; 2nd, Abbie D. Smith. Robert, b. August 30, 1789. Samuel, b. September 12, 1793. Married Betsey Frost. EARLY SETTLERS. 395 Polly, b. November 17, 1795. Married Elijah Brown. Ebenezer, b. May 18, 1800. Married Louiza Gowell. He died April 30, 1883, in West Gardiner. Louiza, his wife, died April 21, 1878. Elizabeth, b. December 5, 1801. Married Samuel Hinkley. Lived in Lisbon, Me. Rachel, b. January 23, 1804. Married Jonas Hunter. David, b. February 2, 1807. Died February 8, 1817. Thomas E., b. February 8, 1810. Married Hepzibah Brown. Eleazur Whitney, sori of Ebenezer, lived in Litchfield for sev- eral years and then in West Gardiner and Belgrade. Children of Eleazur and Dolly (Black) Whitney: Oliver, b. September 10, 1813. Married Julia Bisbee. Mary, b. December 29, 1814. Hannah. Dolly. Sarah. NaTHAN WHITNEY. Nataan Whitney came from Lisbon in 1816, and bought a farm of Joel Thompson on Oak Hill. He lived in town several years and was a prominent man. He afterwards moved to Gardiner. ABIEZER H. WHITNEY. Abiezer H. Whitney came to Litchfield from Lisbon, Me., about 1815. He wasason of Nathan and a descendant of John Whitney. He was born March 29, 1794, and died July 17, 1865. He married, first, Betsey White, and second, Susan Yeaton. Children of Abiezer H. and Betsey (White) Whitney: David W., b. August 12, 1817. Married 1st, Olena E. Church; 2nd, Philena Church. Sarah, b. January 3, 1819. Died October 3, 1891. Albert, b. June 20, 1821. Died December 18, 1881. Julia A., b. June 27, 1823. Died September, 1892. Hannah, b. November 10, 1825. Havliah, b. November 25, 1827. Louiza C., b. October 22, 1820. Edwin, b. May 15, 1833. Died June 17, 1837. Martha W., b. February 29, 1836. Married 1st, Thomas Godfrey; 2nd, Dr. S. C. Bussell. Frances, b. December 21, 1837. By second wife, Susan Yeaton: Charles Edwin, b. 1845. Died in New Orleans. 396 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD, WILLEY. John O. Willey, son of James and Hannah (Davis) Willey, was born in Durham, N. H., January 8, 1821. In September, 1832, with Andrew Emerson, he came to Litchfield. He mar- ried Mary H. Johnson April 27, 1853. They lived in Litchfield several years and then moved to South Gardiner, where he died, January 8, 1891. His widow and family now live there. Fred W. Willey, his son, is now the alderman from that ward in the city government and is a stirring business man, being con- nected with the South Gardiner Lumber Company. Children of John O. and Mary H. (Johnson) Willey: Ida Etta, b. August 20, 1854. ‘ Frederick Warren, b. June 19, 1857. Married Fannie F. Crocker. Lives in South Gardiner. Abbie M., b. April 15, 186f. Married Forest Lawrence. SIMON AND SALMON WILLEY. There was another family of Willey’s in town. They came in 1838 or 9 and lived on the farm now occupied by Josiah Weymouth. Simon Willey married Abigail —————. They had one son, William, born October 27, 1840. Salmon Willey married Thankful Glidden of Jefferson in June, 1841. They had two children, Artemas J., born April 10, 1847, died February 9, 1863. Abby, born July 15, 1850. Salmon died in Litchfield May 27, 1865. WILLIAMS. “Captain William Williams came to Litchfield from Bath, about 1789. He was in the milling and lumbering business besides carrying on a farm. He married, first, Mehitable Hall, sister of Timothy and Calvin; second, Rachel Nickerson, Janu- ary 26, 18109. He died in June, 1819. Children of William and Mehitable (Hall) Williams: Hannah, b. August 13, 1780. Married Southworth Macomber. Died November 10, 1857. Moses, b. August 16, 1782. Died September 16, 1783. William, b. August 13, 1784. Married 1st, Rachel Jones; and, Sally Kemp. EARLY SETTLERS. 397 John, b. March 2, 1786. Died March 7, 1786. James, b. February 13, 1787. Married Bettie Rogers, December 24, 1812. Elsie, b. April 3, 1789. Married Samuel Bryant. Lived in Round Pond. Joseph, b. February 16, 1791. Married Betsey Hodgkins. Died July 20, 1861. Mercy, b. February 1, 1794. Married Josiah Hinkley. Lived in Industry. Betsey, b. June 5, 1795. Married James Farrar. Lived in Bremen. Ruth, b. June 5, 1795. Married Joseph Smith. Lived in Bremen. Abigail, b. July 29, 1798. Married ————— Ellis. Moved to Aroos- took. ‘ Mehitable, b. April 25, 1800. Married Samuel Bryant. Lived in Round Pond. Sarah, b. August 3, 1802. Married Isaac Arno. Levi, b. July 1, 1804. Married Maria Hodgkins, November 10, 1825. Lived in Dexter, Me. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, JR. William Williams, Jr., lived for a time in Litchfield and then moved to Bowdoinham. Children of William, Jr., and Rachel (Jones) Williams: Edmund, b. November 22, 1810. Died April 23. 1830. James, b. April 6, 1812. Robert, b. June 18, 1815. Lived in Rhode Island. William, b. March 23, 1819. Died in 1853. Married a Miss Fulton. JAMES WILLIAMS. James Williams, son of William, Senior, lived in Thurlough neighborhood. He died June 22, 1863. Bettie, his wife, died May 13, 1870. Children of James and Bettie (Rogers) Williams: Freelove H., b. November 29, 1814. Married Alden B. Jack, June 7, 1840. Died January 19, 1842. Eliza J., b. July 8, 1817. Married Alden B. Jack, October 16, 1842. Died November 28, 1865. George R., b. February 21, 1820. Died February 26, 1853. Married Miss Williams. Esther A., b. February 13, 1822. Died November 23, 1849. James S., b. January 7, 1824. Married Eliza J. Johnson, May 24, 1849. John R., b. May 8, 1826. Died December 30, 1851, at sea. William C., b. April 21, 1828. Married Mary Walker, March 4, 1858 Lives in Farmingdale, Me. Mary E., b. August 26, 1831. Married George Jewell. Lives in Stillwater, Minn. 308 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. James S. Williams, son of James, was a farmer and lived near the Plains. He afterwards moved to Hallowell. Children: John R., b. September 2, 1851. Married ist, Esther L. Bartlett, February 17, 1875; 2nd, Hannah Seeley. Lived in Hallowell. George S., b. February 16, 1853. Married Hattie Butterfield. Catherine E., b. July 28, 1855. Married 1st, James M. Tarr; 2nd, William Kennedy. William, b. April 1, 1857. Married Sophronia (Hopkins) Woodward. James Henry, b. March 22, 1859. Married Eva Wyman. Mary Esther, b. February 1, 1863. Married Charles Bailey. Melville Oscar, b. January 23, 1865. Lives in Hallowell. Richard J., b. July 20, 1866. Married Nellie Blethen. Lives in Hallowell. © William C. Williams, son of James, lived beyond the Hall school house and now lives in Farmingdale. Children of William C. and Mary (Walker) Williams: Lizzie J., b. April 30, 1866. Married Henry W. Hall. Clarence, died February 24, 1865. JosEerpH WILLIAMS. Joseph Williams, son of William, Senior, lived at the Plains. He was a prominent business man, engaged in the lumber bus- iness and also kept a store. He was much interested in town affairs and was a selectman for several years. He died July 20, 1861. Children of Joseph and Betsey (Hodgkins) Williams: Mary Elizabeth, b. March 20, 1818. Married William R. Wharff. Died July 10, 1896. Lived in Gardiner., : William G., b. August 11, 1820. Married Sarah Randall, April 28, 1844. Julia A., b. November 4, 1822. Married Daniel Randall, April 7, 1844. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Abigail R., b. December 8, 1824. Married Hetherton Earle, June, 1852. Died March 4, 1882. Joseph, Jr., b. March 12, 1827. Married Charlotte E. True, Septem- ber, 1848. Sarah H. S., b. February, 1829. Died May 16, 1831. Charles F., b. June 16, 1831. Died February 8, 1832. Charles F., b. October 23, 1833. Married Lizzie Stone. Lives in Carlin, Nevada. Amanda J., b. September 16, 1836. Married Thomas Holmes. Died January 3, 1878. EARLY SETTLERS. 399 William G. Williams, son of Joseph, lived on his father’s place. He runs a carding mill. Has been selectman and town clerk. Children of William G. and Sarah E. (Randall) Williams: Anzoletto Fonzo, b. May 6, 1846. Married Lizzie (Wilson) Page. He is a jeweller in Richmond, Me. Cecilia Mentora, b. January 3, 1851. Died June 18, 1868. Marietta, b. October 8, 1857. Died September 27, 1859. Achsah H., b. October 4, 1862. Joseph Williams, Jr., lived at the Plains and also at South Litchfield, was a school teacher and also engaged in farming and milling. He was in business in Boston several years and now is in real estate business in Farmingdale, N. Y. Children of Joseph, Jr., and Charlotte E. (True) Williams: Everard Alton, b. April 22, 1849. Married Eva M. Richmond March 14, 1883. George Frank, b. November 3, 1855. Died August 16, 1856. Minnie Amanda, b. August 19, 1857. Died September 23, 1859. Josie, b. November 6, 1861. Married Edward Burbank. Lives in Geneva, N. Y. ’ Bessie, b. September 12, 1865. Lives in Geneva, N. Y. Everard A. Williams, D. D. S., lives and is practicing his pro- fession in Gardiner, Me. ’ Moses WILLIAMS. There was a Moses Williams, son of George and Grace Wil- liams, who lived in Steventown several years, afterwards moved to Bowdoin. Children of Moses and Elizabeth Williams: Gustavus, b. September 7, 1806. Eliza, b. October 29, 1807. Sarah A., b. May 6, 1809. Died September 17, 1810. John G., b. October 17, 1811. Sarah Ann, b. August 8, 1813. Moses, b. May 21, 1815. WILSON. Nehemiah Wilson came from Concord, N. H., to Litchfield, about 1820. He married Alice Davis and lived on the Neck. He was born November 5, 1800, and died November 4, 1890. Alice, his wife, died March 31, 1881. 400 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Nehemiah and Alice (Davis) Wilson: Ephraim, b. December 29, 1822. Married 1st, Mary J. Glass, Decem- ber 7, 1843; 2nd, Julia Babb. Lived in Monmouth. David G., b. September 3, 1826. Married Martha A. Goodwin, Octo- ber 9, 1852. George H., b. December 29, 1828. Married Mary S. Parsons, Decem- ber 13, 1857. Abigail D., b. October 6, 1832. | Married Ist, John French; 2nd, Caleb A. Goodwin in 1869. George H. Wilson was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class of 1856, and is now a practicing physician in Albion, Me. CaLes S. WILSON. Caleb S. Wilson, son of Caleb and Betsey (Colburn) Wilson, was born in Augusta, Me., November 19, 1806. Married Patty (Martha) Richardson, daughter of Jesse and Experience (Hig- gins) Richardson, in 1830, and moved.to Litchfield Corner in 1832, where Patty Wilson died, January 17, 1857. After her decease Mr. Wilson married, second, Jane A. Plimpton, and third, Elizabeth Pierce. Mr. Wilson died in South Royalston, Vt., January 12, 1884. Children of Caleb S. and Patty (Richardson) Wilson: Angeletta, b. July 18, 1831. Married Rev. M. L. Richardson. Almena, b. September 18, 1833. Died March 17, 1858. In 1858, Angeletta married Rev. M. L. Richardson, a Con- gregationalist clergyman, who is now located at Montague, Mass. WILLIAM WILSON. There was a William Wilson whose farm adjoined Samuel Clark’s. He died December 6, 1859, aged 61 years, 8 months. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Polly Pratt, died November 24, 1870. Her father, John Pratt, was one of the early settlers of Litchfield, and she had several sisters and one brother, viz: Sally, died December 20, 1809, aged 19 years; Eleanor, married Samuel Clark November 16, 1811; Lois, married —————— Berry, lived in Brunswick; Olive, married John Coombs, lived in Brunswick, and Eliphalet, moved down Fast. EARLY SETTLERS. 401 WINSLOW. Jeremiah Winslow, son of Kenelmn and Elizabeth (Cole) Winslow, was born in Lewiston, Me., January 15, 1783. In 1807 he moved to Litchfield, and after his marriage, January 7, 1808, to Eunice Richardson, lived beyond the Corner toward Oak Hill. He lived in town until 1824, when he moved to Brunswick, and afterwards to Bath, Me., where he died, May 18, 1836. Eunice, his wife, died July 27, 1848. Children of Jeremiah and Eunice (Richardson) Winslow: Cornelius T., b. February 7, 1809. Lost at sea. Horatio N., b. August 22, 1810. Married 1st, Mary F. Brimijohn; 2nd, Mary L. Marston. He died in Bath, Me., March 30, 1878. Phoebe R., b. June 8, 1812. Married Levi Huntington. Lived in Gardiner and Bath. Mary Ann, b. March 25, 1814. Married Rufus Geary. Lives in Taunton, Mass. Kenelmn, b. March 14, 1816, Married Hannah Cotton. Lived in Hallowell, Me., and died in Lowell, Mass., in 1875. Sarah R., b. July 18, 1818. Married Samuel Longfellow. Lived in Cornville, Me., died August 17, 1864. Jesse, b. June 25, 1823. Died at sea in June, 1842. Eunice Caroline, b. December 21, 1825. Married Levi Oliver. Died in Bath, Me. Jeremiah, b. September 17, 1829. Married Lydia Cook. Lived in South Abington, Mass. Died December 30, 1881. WoOoDBURY. Hugh and True Woodbury, sons of True Woodbury, came to Litchfield from Danville, Me., in 1806. Hugh Woodbury bought the Thomas Davis lot and always lived upon it. He married Elizabeth Plummer and died September 21, 1840, aged 60 years. Elizabeth, his widow, died December 27, 1865, aged 79 years. Their children: William, b. July 19, 1809. Died 1820. True, b. February 2, 1811. Died young. Susan, b. February 6, 1813. Died April 28, 1886. True, b. July 13, 1814. Died April 22, 1816. Abigail, b. April 11, 1816. Died February, 1826. John, b. August 10, 1818. Died February 26, 1882. Hannah, b. 1821. Died July 16, 1850. Hugh, b. 1822. Died February, 1826. 26 402 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ‘Mary Ann, b. 1824. Married Jesse Davis, March 6, 1845. Lives in Lisbon. : Benjamin, b. December 29, 1826. Sarah, b. 1829. Died April 10, 1856. Horatio, b. August 15, 1830. Married Annie D. Sands. _Died May 4, 1881. Of the above Hon. John Woodbury was one of the most prominent men of the town. He held all the town offices; was representative to the legislature three terms and State senator two terms. The youngest son, Horatio, read law with Judge Titcomb of Augusta, and went to Leavenworth, Ind., and practiced law. He was lieutenant-colonel of the 35th Indiana Cavalry. He died in 1880. TRUE WoopsurRry. True Woodbury, brother of Hugh, settled between his broth- er’s farm and Purgatory. He was an excellent farmer. True married Sally Jordan. He died January 12, 1854, aged 71 years. Sally, his wife, died January 4, 1876, aged 84 years, 6 months. Their children: Hugh, b. January 18, 1806. Married Betsey Stevens, December 6, 1831. True, b. December 31, 1807. Married 1st, Mary J. Blake; 2nd, Lucinda Day, April 10, 1858; 3d, Marietta Caswell, June 1, 1867. Betsey I., b. December 27, 1809. Married 1st, Joseph C. True, Decem- ber 1, 1831; 2nd, Nathaniel Marston. James, b. February 20, 1812. Married Mary Ann Haskell. Died in Chicago, Ill. Annie, b. February 3, 1814. Married Ist, Daniel Stevens; 2nd, Jonathan Stevens; 3d, Daniel Johnson. Sarah, b. February 3, 1816. Married Josiah Folsom. Lived in Mon- mouth. Susan, b. May 16, 1818. Married Woodward Thompson. Lived in West Gardiner. ee Joseph, b. October 17, 1821. “Married Ann Maria Wedgwood. David, b. March 22, 1825. Married 1st, Peggie Coombs; and, Bettie W. Rowe. Hugh Woodbury, son of True, lived near his father’s, and was one of the selectmen of the town. He died March 27, 1873. Betsey, his wife, died August 28, 1891. EARLY SETTLERS. 403, Children of Hugh and Betsey (Stevens) Woodbury: True W., b. April 21, 1833. Killed at Chattanooga, Tenn., January 11, 1866. Amanda A., b. January 20, 1835. Died August 22, 1838. Emily J., b. September 16, 1836. Married Albion Chase, May 9, 1859. Lived in Lisbon. Amanda A., b. August 12, 1838. Married Charles D. Starbird, Octo- ber 19, 1859. Mary Frances, b. December 13, 1839. Died April 10, 1842. Daniel W., b. September 15, 1843. Married ist, Olivette R. King; and, Eliza Jane Fales. Lives in Thomaston. Augusta A., b. April 24, 1844. Married Mark L. Getchell. Lives in Monmouth. Hugh, b. February 3, 1846. Married Helen E. Noble. Lives in Tinmouth, Vt. Albert, b. November 10, 1847. Lives in Jefferson, III. Wilbert, b. November 10, 1847. Died January 18, 1893. Elbridge C., b. December 24, 1849. Married Nellie A. Fletcher, daughter of Amos H. Fletcher. Lives in Skowhegan, Me. Hannah, b. July 9, 1851. Died young. Sarah, b. April 10, 1856. Died young. True Woodbury, Jr., lived on his father’s farm. He was for 20 years a member of the board of selectmen and representative to the legislature in 1860. He died February 27, 1890. Mary J., his wife, died June 19, 1856, aged 45 years. Children of True and Mary J. (Blake) Woodbury: James B., b. March 31, 1834. Married 1st, Lucy Hosmer; 2nd, Laura Webber. Lives in Melrose, Mass. Olive Jane, b. February 29, 1837. Married Joseph F. Haskell, May 1, 1864. Nellie T., b. March 1, 1849. Married Horatio Littlefield. Lives in Natick, Mass. Mary A., b. December 25, 1852. Married Arthur Griffin. Lives in Cambridge, Mass. _ Children by second wife, Lucinda Day: Belle A., b. December 2, 1859. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Minnie C., b. December 6, 1861. Married Joseph A. Goodwin. Children by third wife, Marietta Caswell: Sadie, b. March 31, 1875. Married Chester Aderton. Lives in Bath, Me. Joseph Woodbury, son of True, lived on the William Wedg- wood place. He died June 2, 1893. 404 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Children of Joseph and Maria Ann (Wedgwood) Woodbury: Carrie Estelle, b. 1863. Died November 15, 1868. William T., b. December 26, 1865. Frank H., b. June 10, 1869. Married Nellie L. Lincoln June 27, 1894. Lives in Gardiner, Me. Hattie M., b. July 8, 1875. WoopDWaRD. Ezekiel B. Woodward, son of James and Elizabeth Wood- ward, was born in Lisbon, Me., February 23, 1814. He mar- ried Huldah, daughter of Elisha and Eunice Smith of Litch- field, March 23, 1843, and moved to-Litchfield in December, 1847, and located on the Andrew Baker farm. Huldah, his first wife, died December 1, 1855, and he married Abigail Hunting- ton, May 11, 1856. Children of Ezekiel B. and Huldah (Smith) Woodward: Elisha S., b. January 31, 1844. Married Ellen Frances Hall. Lives in Wendell, Mass. Nathaniel B., b. July 17, 1848. Married Nellie L. Rockwood. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Bainbridge W., b. November 17, 1849. Married Sarah Milliken. Lives in Cambridgeport, Mass. Alonzo G., b. August 17, 1851. Died January 24, 1876. Samuel O., b. April 14, 1853. Married Margaret Starbird, April 22, 1877. Lives in Dorchester, Mass. Henry F., b. March 10, 1855. Married 1st, Bertha A. Hathorne, June 1, 1890; 2nd, Mary E. Southard. Children by second wife, Abigail Huntington: Julia A., b. April 22, 1857. Died March 5, 1858. Henry F. Woodward lives on the farm of his great grand- father, Moses Smith, in Litchfield. EARLY SETTLERS. 405 ADDENDA. CHEEVER or CHIVER. George Alden Cheever came from Massachusetts about 1810, and lived in Litchfield on pond road for many years. He mar- ried Deborah, daughter of Robert and Deborah (Veazie) Jordan of Brunswick. She was then the widow of Capt. Jonathan Snow. Mr. Cheever was lost at sea, and his widow died in- Pittston, Me., September 26, 1834, aged 49 years, and was buried in Highland Avenue Cemetery, Gardiner. Children of George Alden and Deborah (Snow) (Jordan) Cheever: George Alden, Jr., b. July 21, 1812. Married and lived in Pennsylvania. Alfred, b. January 22, 1815. Lived in Massachusetts. Cyrena A., b. July 28, 1817. Married Burns, who was engineer on the Ticonic, the first steamboat on the Kennebec. She died in Pitts- ton. Harriet, b. 1820. Married Benjamin Stanley. Died in Norton, Mass. Robert. Lived and died in Massachusetts. Ellen. Died when a young girl. COLLINS. Daniel Collins, son of Lemuel and Mercy (Garrin) Collins, born March 31,1801, in Industry. Married Fanny Greenleaf January 5, 1831, and moved to Litchfield in 1834. He lived where C. W. Bowley now lives. ‘He returned to Industry and died there in 1881. Children of Daniel and Fanny (Greenleaf) Collins: Charles, b. December 20, 1831. Died in Australia July 12, 1855. Mary Pease, b. December 24, 1833, married Thomas Houghton. Lives in Anson. John Nelson, b. January 10, 1836, married Nannie W. Luce. Lives in Nevada. Daniel, b. July 23, 1838, married 1st, Lorinda A. Sawtelle; 2nd, Abbie M. Leonard. Clarinda Malcoln, b. August 14, 1840, married Frank L. Houghton, Lives in Anson. Fanny, b. August 21, 1844, married J. Henry Dane. Clarissa Ann, b. August 20, 1852, married Richard Emmons. Lives in Biddeford. 400 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Ss FALgEs. Jesse Fales came from Lyndsboro, N. H., to Litchfield in 1819, and lived at Purgatory. His wife was Sally Cram, who was born in Lyndsboro, N. H., August 25, 1781. After living in town a few years they moved to Mount Vernon, Me. After the decease of Mr. Fales, April 8, 1852, aged 70 years, Mrs. Fales returned to Litchfield and lived with her daughter, Mrs. Goodwin, until her decease, August 27, 1869. Jesse Fales had one son by a former wife, Jesse B., born in 1811. Children of Jesse and Sally (Cram) Fales: Sally K., b. 1814. Curtis, b. 1817. Fanny, b. July 15, 1820. Married William Goodwin, May 10, 1840. Sophronia, b. March, 1826. Married George Woods, December, 1847. Died in Mt. Vernon, Me. ; FOSTER. Jefferson Foster moved into Litchfield from Hallowell in the spring of 1838, and lived upon the Kelley farm at Purgatory. He was an industrious man, and accumulated quite a property; was appointed postmaster October 28, 1846, and retained the position until 1865, when he sold his farm and moved to Penn- sylvania. He married Mercy French. Children of Jefferson and Mercy (French) Foster: Malvina, b. 1829. Married Josiah P. Sherman, April 18, 1848. Lived in Pennsylvania. Frances, b. 1832. Married Lorenzo W. True, January 4, 1852, of Shelbysville, Tenn. ‘Lived in Wilton, Me. JENKINS. David Jenkins, son of Philip, was born in Brunswick, Me., in 1773. He married Susannah Jackson and moved to Oak Hill in 1794. That part of Litchfield was set off to Wales in 1827. David died March 28, 1838. Susannah, his wife, died December 31, 1861, aged 87 years. Children of David and Susannah (Jackson) Jenkins: Samuel, b. November 9, 1795. Moved to the Provinces. Abner, b. April 3, 1797. Moved to the Provinces. , Susannah, b. November 4, 1799. Died unmarried. Philip, b. September 27, 1800, married Betsey Colby. Lived in Wales. EARLY SETTLERS. | 406a Bartholemew, b. April 30, 1802, married Narcissa Knowles. Moved to Dexter. Ebenezer, b. June 6, 1804, married Elizabeth Small. Lived in Webster. Abagail, b. September 25, 1806, married Rev. James Ridley. Lived in Monmouth. David, b. June 11, 1808, married Mary (Hunter) Jenkins. Lived in Wales. : Hiram, b. March 17, 1810, married Mary Hunter. Lived in Wales. Died when a young man. Isaac, b. November 6, 1813, married 1st, Hannah Ham; 2nd, Maria Mitchell. Judith, b. November 17, 1815,; married Benjamin Cole. Lived in Monmouth. Jane, b. October 17, 1817, married Lewis Butler. Lived in Monmouth. IsAIAH JENKINS. Isaiah Jenkins, brother of David, lived on Oak Hill, and his farm was set off to Wales in 1827. He married Patience Jack- son; died June, 1842. Children of Isaiah and Patience (Jackson) Jenkins: Patience, b. May 16, 1797, married William Jordan. Isaiah, b. December 20, 1799, married Betsey Jordan. Elizabeth, b. January 12, 1802. Alexander, b. January 20, 1804, married Nancy True. Lucy, b. May 13, 1806, married John Murch. Mary, b. October 13, 1808, married Thomas Snell. Gustavus, b. August 9, 1810, married ———— Maguire. Robert, b. April 22, 1812, married ————-Maguire. 1 JOSEPH JENKINS. There was a Joseph Jenkins who came to the Corner from Buckfield in 1813. He married Nancy Lowell in 1812. In 1826 he moved to Richmond where he died October 4, 1852, aged 65 years. Nancy, his wife, died December 4, 1857, aged 67 years. Children of Joseph and Nancy (Lowell) Jenkins: Rebecca, b. 1814, died young. Eunice S., b. April, 1817, married Lewis K. Purington. Died in Richmond August 22, 1890. Emily D., b. July, 1819, married Edward P. Stevens. Died in Rich- mond December 15, 1883. Libbeus, b. March 24, 1822, married Susan F. Robinson. Lives in Richmond. Augusta Ann, b. March 20, 1826, married John A, Perkins. Died in Richmond May 17, 1866, 406b TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. LINCOLN. Daniel Lincoln, son of Solomon Lincoln, was born in Scit- uate, Mass., June 14, 1796. Married Olive Baker in Freeport, Me., 1820. He came to Litchfield in 1827 and lived on a portion of the farm now owned by Samuel Williams in Stevens- town where he was engaged in shoemaking and farming. In 1843 he moved to Brunswick, Me., where he died November 23, 1872. Children of Daniel and Olive (Baker) Lincoln: Daniel, Jr., b. March 7, 1821, married Zilphia Ann Stuart of Gardiner. Died in Malden, Mass., April 28, 1881. Harry B., b. November 10, 1823, married Ann Wendenberg. Died in Bath January 14, 1880. Abbie Louisa, b. September 27, 1831, married Ist, Samuel R. Hunt; and, Capt. C. S. Simpson. Died in San Francisco March 10, 1894. William R., b. January 3, 1834, married Ist, July 5, 1857, Mary Frances Oliver; 2nd, September 18, 1865, Harriet A. Oliver. Lives in Bruns- wick. George W., b. February 16, 1836. Died in Gardiner February 28, 1857. Edward S., b. June 5, 1838, married Kate Sheri August, 1860. Lives in Bath, Maine. Sarah Ellen, b. May 13, 1840, married Robert G. Byxbee. Died in San Francisco November 18, 1886. McFARLAND. James McFarland, Jr., was born about 1765 in Brunswick. The senior James was a Revolutionary soldier. He married Jane Alexander and lived in Topsham where he worked at his trade. He afterwards moved to Litchfield about 1795 where several of his children were born. Their names were William, Robert, b. 1791; James, Alexander, Horatio Nelson, Lovina and David. He afterwards moved to Wales, Me., and died at Leeds Junction at the home of his youngest son, David. Robert McFarland, son of James and Jane (Alexander) McFarland, was born in Topsham in 1791. He married Eliza- beth Hannaford of Bowdoinham, and settled upon his father’s farm in Litchfield, afterwards known as the Elder Norton farm, where he lived for several years. He then moved to Newport and afterwards to Bowdoinham where he died September 1, 1872. Elizabeth, his wife, died January 29, 1890, aged 95 years. EARLY SETTLERS. 406c Children of Robert and Elizabeth (Hannaford) McFarland: ‘Margaret H., b. November 10, 1814. Married Nathan Varnum. Lived in Bowdoinham. ; William, b. April 23, 1817. Married Nancy Ford. Lived in Williams- burg, N. Y.; was manufacturer of the McFarland safe. Thaddeus, b. May 22, 1819. Married 1st, Charlotte Mason; 2nd, Eliza- beth Barker. Lives in Bowdoinham. Dennison, b. August 10, 1821. Married Charlotte ————. Lived in Williamsburg, N. Y. Robert, b. 1823. Lived in Williamsburg, N. Y. Susan E., b. 1826. Married Capt. Solon Storer of Bowdoinham. Died while on a voyage to the West Indies. Mary Lovina, b. March 12, 1828. Married Capt Sparrow M. Hall. Lived in Sandwich, Mass. Died March 12, 1848, on her 20th birthday. Jane, married James Sullivan. Lived in Bowdoinham. Davied, married Annie Mason. Lived in Williamsburg, N. Y. James Nelson, died young. MorcGan. Ammi Morgan was born in Gloucester, Mass., June 25, 1781, and moved to Gardiner, Me., with his mother, about 1790, and lived in his step-father’s family, Abraham Fitts, until his mar- riage July 4, 1804, to Susannah Bray. He followed the sea for many years, and was captain of several of the larger vessels that sailed out of Gardiner. He moved to Litchfield in 1825, and lived there until after the decease of his wife, September 27, 1848, when he moved to Oakland and lived with his son until his decease in May, 1865. ‘The farm he lived on is the one now occupied by Mrs. Meader near the Plains. Children of Ammi and Susannah (Bray) Morgan: Isaac Bray, b. February 19, 1805, married Hannah Leavitt, May 30, 1827. Died in Oakland February 10, 1881. Joseph K., b. August 5, 1807. Susan, b. November 30, 1811. Died June 22, 1845. Emma Jane G., b. July 20, 1814. Died September, 1834. Bethiah S., b. May 25, 1818. Died April 5, 1835.. Ammi, Jr., b. October 4, 1824, married Charlotte Crofford. Died in Vassalboro May, 1865. ROGERS. John Rogers came to Litchfield from Freeport, Me., in 1823. He was born February 2, 1795. Married Mary Lapham Feb- ruary 1, 1818; she died December 1, 1820, when he married Harriet J. Stevens, daughter of James Stevens, April 6, 1824. 406d TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Mr. Rogers was a contractor and builder, and had charge of the erection of many buildings at the Plains for Jeremiah and Amos Potter. He lived with his father-in-law, James Stevens, on farm now owned by Albert Dudley. Mr. Rogers died April 6, 1828, and Harriet, his wife, died December 2, 1828. He had two children by first wife, George Thomas and my both died in infancy. “1 : CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Page 31, Sarah E. (Goodwin) Allen, died January 31, 1808, aged 68 years. Page 37, Thomas Bouffee Bailey, born October 7, 1820. Page 37, 4th line, read, Sarah, wife of Thomas Bouffee Bailey. Page 48, Alonzo Bartlett, son of William, died June 22, 1883, Sally, his wife, died May 26, 1851. Page 49, James Bartlett, son of William, died March 4, 1898. Page 51, Mary Esther Bassett, married 2nd, Henry Hildreth, died March 29, 1895. Page 53, Sally Berry, married Leonard Blanchard, died December 25, 1879, aged 88 years. Page 53, Lucy Berry, married John Hutchinson, died November 25, 1834, aged 47 years. Page 56, Keziah Blake, wife of Andrew, died March 23, 1842. Page 58, Eliza G. (Bolden) Cole, died August 13, 1897, aged 86 years, 6 months. Page 69, Thomas Buker, born June 12, 1798, died April 9, 1877, Nancy Hall, his wife, died September 13, 1864. Page 69, Deacon Hamilton Buker, died September 10, 1897. Same page read Josiah D. instead of Josiah B. Buker. Page 77, read Mary E. Small instead of Mary A., wife of James A. Chase. Page 78, Lydia Chick, married 2nd, Thomas Buker, died January 10, 1893, aged 80 years, 8 months. Page 83, Polly Neal, wife of Joseph Clifford, died March 7, 1850. Page 85, Ida Colby, died November 10, 1897, and John M. Colby, died April 20, 1897. Page 92, James Cunningham, son of Deacon Daniel, married Deborah Hartshorn, died February 15, 1851. Page 95, Eliza, wife of Ensign Danforth, died March 17, 1855, aged 27 years. Page 96, Elizabeth (Doughty) Babb, widow of Thomas Davis, died June, 1855, aged 95 years. Page 102, John Dinsmore, died April 27, 1844. Page 106, for Alvin C. Douglass, son of Rev. George, read Albion C. Page 114, Jonathan Emerson died July 7, 1846. Page 120, George R. Freeman, married for third wife Mrs. Francis Carter, January 18, 1851. He died January 15, 1858, aged 81. 406f TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Page 124, John Simmons Gatchell, died August 5, 1840. Page 125, Hugh Gatchell, son of Hugh, died July 29, 1885, Sophronia, his wife, died April 26, 1876, aged 61 years, 3 months. Page 127, Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Gatchell, died March 12, 1842, aged 61. Page 128, Eliza Ann (Gatchell) Robinson, died, December 25, 1838. Page 133, Alfred Goldsmith graduated from Bowdoin College class of 1833. / Page 134, Dorcas (Goodwin) Gatchell, died June, 1808. Page 136, in place of Andrew Goodwin, Jr., read Andrew J. Goodwin. Page 138, read Amy I., instead of Annie I. Taylor. Page 144, Nathaniel Graves married Abagail (Palmer) Dingley, Decem- ber 6, 1800. « Page 147, Abbie Amanda (Gray) Mitchell, died September 10, 1897. Page 150, Nancy Hall, daughter of John and Zilpha (Crooker) Hall and sister of Timothy and Calvin Hall, died in Litchfield, May 18, 1799, aged 34 years. Page 166, Thomas Holmes, died May 11, 1898, aged 73 years. Page 168, Daniel Howard, died October 6, 1815, aged 95 years, Sarah, his wife, died October 7, 1812, aged 78 years. Page 174, Elizabeth (Huntington) Booker, widow of John, died February 5, 1876, aged go years. Page 176, James Hutchinson, son of Nemehiah, died October 18, 1860. Page 177, Joseph Hutchinson, son of Nehemiah, died August 12, 1853. Page 179, Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson, died December 7, 1872, aged 95 years. Page 180, William Hutchinson, son of Samuel, senior, died January 29, 1848. Betsey Verrill, his wife, died April 15, 1859, aged 82 years, 6 months. Page 180, William Hutchinson, son of Samuel, Junior, and Rebecca (Baker) Hutchinson, died April 7, 1882, Phoebe, his wife died January 3, 1895, aged 95 years. Page 181, Hale Sweat Hutchinson, son of James, born 1833. Page 181, Dean S. Hutchinson, son of James, born October 3, 1835. Page 182, Andrew Jack, son of Andrew, died August 4, 1844, aged 68 years, Betsy, his wife, died November 7, 1857, aged 76 years, 4 months. Page 182, Walter M. Jack, son of Andrew, died May 18, 1852, aged 81 years. Page 189, Gould Jewell, son of Henry, died December 6, 1863, Esther Walker, wife of Gould, died July 17, 1864, aged 74 years. Page 190, William Jewell, son of Henry, Jr., died November 7, 1897. Page 191, Sally (Johnson) Neal, died July 26, 1824, aged 53 years. Page 192, Betsey (Johnson) Richardson, died March 17, 1855, aged 60 years. Page 197, Thomas Knowlton, father of Jacob, died March 12, 17096, in Litchfield, aged 64. Sally, his wife, died March 12, 1811, aged nearly 76. Page 202, Sarah Brookings, daughter of James Libby, died October 24, 1895. EARLY SETTLERS. 406g Page 205, Sally Knowlton Lord, born January 10, 1768, died January 8, 1820. Page 206, Mary Knowlton Lord, born August 15, 1775, died March 16, 1855. Page 208, Emerson Lord, son of Joseph, died July 6, 1898. * Page 213, Sally (Magoon) Rowe, died September 10, 1890. Page 220, Thomas Meader, son of Henry, died July 24, 1843, aged 64 years. Page 220, John Meader, son of Thomas, died July 14, 1886. Page 220, Gideon Meader, son of Thomas, died June 12, 1885. Page 224. Amaziah Mitchell died September 3, 1851, aged 63 years; Sally Mitchell, his wife, died June 23, 1852, aged 67 years, 8 months. Mary G. Mitchell, daughter of Amaziah, died January t9, 1851, aged 19 years, II months. Page 225, David Mitchell, son of Joshua, died September 11, 1864. Page 234, Lucy, wife of George Neal, died September 20, 1847, aged 87 years. Page 236, Arthur Neal, son of John, Jr., died March 8, 1883. Polly, his wife, died June 24, 1854, aged 55 years. Page 236, Solomon H. Neal, son of Arthur, married Melissa Lawver, died March 22, 1886. . Page 238, Nellie Idella (Newell) Robinson and Abbie Iola (Newell) ' McMaster. Page 238, Albert Newell, died December 25, 1897, aged 84 years. Page 244, Martha A. Hancock, wife of Samuel G. Nutting, died April 25, 1808. Page 250, Rebecca Parker, married James Davis, died December 30, 1857, aged 81 years. Page 253, Robert Patten died in Gardiner, December 11, 1882, aged 82 years. Page 257, James Pierce, died December 28, 1838, aged 79 years, Mary, his wife, died January 30, 1830, aged 70. Page 268, Fannie Dunlap, wife of Samuel Potter, died February 25, 1840. Page 274, Isaac Randall, born in Lewiston, May 28, 1792. Page 281, Joseph H. Richardson, son of John, married Jane Decker, died August 3, 1863. Page 286, William Ring, son of Daniel, died December 9, 1848, ial his wife died September 28, 1855, aged 59 years, 4 months. Page 289, Martha Meiggs, wife of Rev. Joseph Robinson, died November 3, 1830, aged 61 years. Page 316, Dexter W. Smith, died June 22, 1808. Page 323, John Smith, son of Heman, died August 2, 1880. Page 320, Israel Spear, born August 8, 1818, died May 3, 1895, in Wal- pole, Mass. Page 320, Mary, wife of Aaron Spear, died December 22, 1886. Page 337, Jane Smith, widow of David S. Springer, died March 15, 1897. Page 330, Charles D. Starbird, in rth Maine Infantry. Page 343, Benjamin Edes Stevens, son of Moses, married Jane Saunders, and Mary Annie Stevens married Cyrus Ridlon. 406h TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Page 364, David True, son of Aaron, married Elenora Marston, January 2, 1825. Page 377, Jeremiah P. Walker, son of Joshua, died July 27, 1867. Page 391, William R. Wharff, son of Joseph, Jr., died December 18, 1897. Records of deaths of persons in town not known to be connected with any families whose history is given: 1804, June 3, Abigail Merrick,a ged 88 years. 1808, April 10, Hannah Kimball. 1811, August 17, Susanna Heirs, wife of George, aged 55 years. 1812, January 18, George Heirs, aged 85 years. 1813, April 30, Richard Kimball. 1820, October, John Smith, aged 86 years. 1822, March 5, Jerusha Trombly, lived with Jonathan Berry. HON. ALBERT MOORE SPEAR. a 4 meses HON. ALBERT MOORE SPEAR. The ancestry of Mr. Spear dates back to George Spear who lived in Boston in 1644 and from whom have descended a numer- ous race of strong men and women who have scattered to all parts of America. Ebenezer Spear, representing the fifth generation in this country, came to Wells, Maine, and was married there in 1767 to Rebecca Annis and came to Litchfield in 1787, was the immediate ancestor of the subject of this sketch, who was the son of Andrew P. who lived in California and Alice P. Moore of North Anson. Mr. Spear attended the common schools of Litchfield and West Gardiner and Monmouth academies. He was a quick scholar and at the age of sixteen years began teaching and was very successful. In this way he earned money to enable him to fit for college at Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville; he entered Bates College in 1871 and graduated with honor in 1875; when he continued teaching for two years, and was in charge of Anson and Monmouth Academies. But for years his great ambition had been to become a successful lawyer, therefore in 1877 he began the study of law with Hutchinson and Savage at Lewis- ton, Maine. The firm being one of the ablest in Maine, composed of Hon. Liberty H. Hutchinson,a manof commanding ability once speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, since dead, and Hon. Albert R. Savage, now associate justice of the supreme judicial court of the State. Mr. Spear was admitted to the Kennebec bar October, 1878, and at once entered upon the practice of his chosen profession at Hallo- well, where he remained for seven years and was actively identified with the interests of that city and was all these years in charge of its schools and represented the city in the House of Representatives in 1883-1885; and in 1883 was honored by being appointed upon the com- mittee to supervise the revision of the statutes of the State. About this time, 1885, he came to Gardiner and formed a partnership with his life long friend, Hon. O. B. Clason. This law firm was dissolved some years since. In r&g1 and again in 1893 he was elected to a seat in the State Senate and in 1893 he was made president of that body. Mr. Spear has built up a large law practice extending to every county of the State and has secured for himself a strong position in the pro- fession. In 1898 he was strongly endorsed by the bar of Kennebec county and prominent men all over the State for a position on the supreme bench. While he has ever taken great pride in his profession and has been an earnest student he has not hesitated to identify him- self with the interests of the city of Gardiner where some years ago he established his pleasant home, and from 1889 to 1893 he was its mayor. He has also found time to do effective work before the people in every political campaign since 1878; he has also for twenty years been a member of the board of overseers of Bates College. He married Helen F. Andrews, daughter of the late Hon. Geo. H. Andrews of Monmouth, one of the prominent men of Kennebec county. They have two children, Alice M., the wife of Ernest W. Small, a graduate of Bates and principal high school Lincoln, Mass.. and Louis M., now a student in Bowdoin College. CIVIL HISTORY. By A. M. Spear. The early title of Maine was involved in the various grants, warrants and patents issued from time to time by the kings of England. In 1605 a grant was made to an association of Eng- lish gentlemen of all that part of North America between lati- tudes 34 and 45 from South Carolina to New Brunswick, extending from sea to sea. In 1606 the “North and South Virginia Company” was formed to hold this territory. Soon afterwards this company divided, the London members taking the southern portion and the south of England members the northern portion, under the name of the “Plymouth Company.” This company was dis- solved in 1635 and its territory divided into twelve districts, four of which fell within the present limits of Maine. The third of these lay between the Kennebec and Androscoggin. In 1629 prior to the last named division, a grant of fifteen miles on each side of the Kennebec extending from Woolwich to Cornville, containing 1,500,000 acres, had been made by the Plymouth Company to the Pilgrims. This grant was sold in 1661 for 400 pounds sterling to four persons. In 1753 the territory passed to a company and has since been known as the Kennebec Pur- chase. Upon this purchase rests the present title to the lands within its boundaries. Thus we trace the territory of the town of Litchfield from the hunting ground of the Indian to a title founded upon a well defined legal basis. But the proprietorship of the Province of Maine was by no means settled by these changes. As the kings of England died or were dethroned and new ones assumed power, this territory fluctuated in a greater or less degree, between the outgoing and incoming monarchs. Finally the Massachusetts Bay Colony, upon a re-examination of their charter, thought they could 408 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. make a reasonable claim to Maine and did so; this territory was therefore, after a good deal of controversy, adopted as a part of the Commonwealth under the name of Yorkshire. Hence it is that after the Revolution we find the town of Litchfield sending its representatives to the general court of Massachu- setts and conforming its civil rights and duties to the laws thereof. Although the title to the territory of the town as a whole, was settled by the above grants, the individual holdings by the early settlers of the town were not thus secure. These various companies that held these large tracts had, from time to ° time, sold to smaller purchasers, so that the early settlers found the farms which they had cleared, claimed by other parties with superior titles. G.C. Waterman in an article to the Lewiston Journal, under date of March 26, 1858, upon this subject says: “In later years another circumstance essentially retarded the prosperity of the town. It was supposed by the inhabitants that the land was owned by Massachusetts and that they would not be called on to pay for the soil, but from 1807 to 1820 they were harassed by the proprietors to whom it was supposed near $50,000 were, paid. The principal proprietors who claimed ownership under grants from the Plymouth Company, were Dr. James Parker in the southern section, Charles W. Apthorp of New York, John Pitts of Belgrade, Nathan and James Bridge, Sheaff, Wood and Boardman and Lady Temple. Nearly the entire town was covered by these grants. The price paid for the land varied from $1.50 to $4.00 an acre according to location and quality and the ability of the occupant to pay.” From the best evidence obtainable settlements began in the territory of Litchfield shortly before the Revolutionary War. The inhabitants increased so that in 1793 they organized themselves into a body politic by the name of the Plantation of Smithfield. Here the recorded history of the town begins. The call for the meeting for the organization of the plantation and the doings thereof reads as follows: Lincoln ss: To Henry Jewell of the Plantation of Smithfield in said County, Greeting: Agreeable to a precept to me directed by Thomas Davis, Esq., Treasurer and Receiver General of the Commonwealth of 7 CIVIL HISTORY. 409 Massachusetts issued by him in conformity to a law of said Commonwealth passed the sixteenth day of February, 1793. These are to will and require you forthwith to notify and warn the inhabitants, freeholders of said plantation, to meet at the dwelling house of Mr. Henry Jewell on Tuesday, the twenty- fourth day of September next, at one o’clock in the afternoon, then and there to choose a moderator and clerk, also three or more assessors and collector of taxes, such clerk, assessors and collector are severally to be sworn by the moderator of the meeting to a faithful discharge of their respective trusts in man- ner as the law directs. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant unto myself with your doings therein and also the doings of the plantation of the meeting aforesaid within ten days of the time of holding said meeting. Given under my hand and seal at Hallowell in said county this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. DANIEL CONY, Justice of the Peace. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of Smithfield such as are qualified to vote in meeting to act upon the purpose within mentioned. HENRY JEWELL. At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Plantation of Smithfield at the house of Mr. Henry Jewell on Tuesday the twenty-fourth day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three: 1st: Voted, Abijah Richardson, Moderator of said meeting. 2nd: Voted, John Neall, Jr., Plantation Clerk. 3rd: Voted, Samuel Hutcherson, James Lord and Jabez Robinson, Assessors, and they were sworn. 4th: George Neall, Collector of Taxes for this year and sworn. JOHN NEAL, Jr., Plantation Clerk. This form of government was continued until 1795 when the plantation was erected into a town. The papers showing the steps taken by the people of Smithfield Plantation to incorpo- 1ate the plantation into.a town are found in the archives of Massachusetts. 410 TOWN OF .LITCHFIELD. It appears from these records that they first sent a petition to the general court dated May 16, 1793, requesting not only an act of incorporation but “to have two miles set off from the town of Bowdoin to us.” This petition is headed by James Shurtleff and forty-one others, and reads as follows: Smithfield May) We whose Names are underwritten are 16th A D 1793 ) desireous, to have our Plantation Incor- porated into a Town, and that the Committee made choice of the last Town-meeting, viz Jabez Robinson, Henry Jewell, & James Shurtleff, should proceed to the drawing a Petition; & to see that it be presented to the general Court the next Ses- sion, and that it be requested, to have two miles sett off from the Town of Bowdoin, to us, as expressed in our former Peti- tion: and that insted of having our limits six miles by five, we request to have it Six miles by Six.— James Shurtleff, Jabez Robinson, Eliphalet Smith, Barnabas Baker, John Cotton, David Robinson, John Robinson, Heman Smith, thomas Smith, Benjamin Smith, John Smith Jun’, Thomas Smith third, Joseph Poter, Benjamin Hinkley, Benja- min Smith Jun", James Bunker, Joseph Lambard, John Smith, Samuel Smith, Thomas Smith Jun’, Andrew Springer, David Springer, Timothy Hall, James Johnston, Thoamis Cokhall, Isaac Hagget, Abijah Richason, Elisha Nickrson, Phillip Morey, William Sally, Robard Dunlap, Elkanah Baker, Abner Baker, Joseph Smith Jun™, Reuben Baker, Edward Gower, James Clark, David Clark, Samuel Clark, Ebenezer Dunlap, Jonathan Baker, Brown Baker. Endorsed: Petition of inhabitants of Smithfield May 16th 1793. The Bowdoin petition reads as follows: Bowdoin) Whereas The Plantation of Smithfield, are about May 21) tocallup their Petition for Incorporation, We who 1793 ) have Settled upon the two Miles next to them, desire to renew our Request to be Sett off from the Town of Bowdoin, and annexed to the Plantation of Smithfield when they shall be Incorporated— Noah Towne, Barnabas Baker, Smith Baker, Judah Baker, Thomas Alexander, Samuel Tebbets, Isaac Jones, John Tempel, CIVIL HISTORY. 411 Daniel Allen, Andrew Tebbets, John Alexander, John Richard- son, John Richardson Junr, Ebenezer Tempel, David Dunlap, William Dunlap, Job Gallaway, Beniah Booker, Job Gallaway Jun’. The Persons whose Names are below Have exprest their Desires to be Sett off: but happen’d to be from Home—and so wanted oppertunity of putting their Names to this Paper— Andrew Jack, Joseph Jack, Walter Jack, William Robbinson. Endorsed: Bowdoin petition. But the general court refused the request. The following year another petition was sent to the general court, dated December 31, 1794, omitting the two miles strip of Bowdoin and defining the territory to be incorporated. This petition was signed by Samuell Neall and fifty-five others and reads as follows: CommonWelth ) To the Hon. Senate and house of Repre- of Masechusets ) sentatives of the Commonwealth of massa- chusetts in Gen!. Court assembled— The Petetion of the Subcribers Inhabitents of The Plantation, of Smithfield (so called) in the County of Lincoln Humbly Sheweth: that your Petetionars having taken into Considera- tion the many Disadvantages Which we Labour under in this Plantation on the account of our not being Incorporated: we Cannot have any Roads Laid out Legaly: nor Schooling for our Children and many other Privelidges we are deprived off in this our Situation: We tharefore Pray that this Honnorable Court Would Incorporate this Certain tract of Land Bounded as follows Begining at the Northeast Corner of the town of Bowdoin, thence Runing westerly on sd Bowdoin Line Six miles, thence Running north two Degrees West about four miles till it Strikes monmouth South Line thence runing East- erdly on Said monmouth South Line about one mile and half till it Strikes the Corner Bounds thereof thence Runing Noth- erly on monmouth East Line Six miles till it Strikes Wintrip South Line: thence Runing Easterly on wintrip South Line to cobbisa Conta pond, from thence East south east to Hallo- well west line, thence Runing Southerly on Said Hallowell and Pittston west Line about ten miles till it Striks the first men- tioned Bounds; and there is included in the above bounds 412 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. upwords of one hundred families—and if this Petetion be agree- able to this Honnorable Court we Pray that you Would Incor- porate the above Bounded tract of Land into a Town By the name of Litchfield* or by any other name or in any other form that this Honnorable Court Shall in thaire Wisdom think Best and as we in duty Bound Shall Ever Pray Smithfield Decem. 31 1794 Lemuel Neall, Jemas Dugles, Levi Heriman, John Hunting- ton, Jonas Bowman, Nath! Berry, Danil True, Thomas True, Aaron True, Joshua Richardson, George Neall, Andrew Dug- las, Adam Johnson Jur, William Jewell, Benj? Huntington, Nethenial Nickerson, James Parce, William Potter, John Stevens, Amos Stevens, timothy Huntington, John Neall jun, Paul Hildreth, Calvin hall, Joshua Fall, James Lord Ju’, Wil- liam Owen, Thomas Lord, Henery Juell, David Springer, James Lord, Ithiel Gorden, Joshua Waymouth, John True, Sewall Brown, Enos Juell, Joseph Neall, Adam Johnson, Thomas Besse, John Waymouth, John Neall, John Potter, John Hutcheson, Israel Hutchinson, Andrew Potter, Abner True, David Springer June, Daniel Nickerson, Thomas Colby, Sam- uel Hutchason, Nehemiah Hutchinson, Bartholemew taylor, Jacob Knowlton, John Dennis, John Owen, Simeon Goodwin. (Jan to. 1795. Pre® by) (Sam! Hutchinson and) (Daniel True ) In Senate Jan¥. 234, 1795. Read & committed to the stand® Committee on Incorporation of Towns—Sent Down for concur- rence SAM?" PHILLIPS Prsdt In the House of Represent® Jan¥ 24. 1795 Read & Concurred Indorsement. Plantation of Smithfield Petition leave to bring in Bill Incorp. towns leave to bring in a Bill “* Great Hampton was the name originally inserted in this petition, but by con- sent of the committee in charge of the petition, after the bill incorporating the town had had its third reading, the name Great Hampton was erased and Litch- field inserted without any legislative action. CIVIL HISTORY. 413 The action of the general court upon the petition is shown by the following record from the journal of their proceedings: “Commonwealth Massachusetts Feb’y 1795. The standing committee for the incorporation of towns have attended to the petition of the Inhabitants of the Plantation of Smithfield and report that the petitioners have leave to bring in a bill for incor- poration. BENJ. AUSTIN, Jr., per order. Indorsement. Bill to incorp. town of ‘Litchfield’ passed 18th Feb. 1795.” The bill incorporating the town is as follows: “Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five. An Act to incorporate the Plantation of Smithfield in the County of Lincoln into a town by the name of Litchfield. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same that a certain tract of land bounded as follows, viz. Beginning at the Northeast of the town of Bowdoin, thence running west northwest on said Bowdoin north line, seven miles; thence run- ning north northeast about four miles to thesouth line of thetown of Monmouth; thence running east southeast in the south line of said Monmouth to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence running north northeast in the east line of said Monmouth six miles to the town of Winthrop; thence running east southeast in the south line of Winthrop to Cobbosseecontee Pond; from thence east southeast to the westerly line of Hallowell; thence running southerly on said Hallowell to the town of Pittston and continuing southerly on said Pittston in the westerly line thereof to the northwest corner of Bowdoinham; thence south- erly by said Bowdoinham to the bound first mentioned together with the inhabitants thereon be and. they hereby are incorpo- rated into a town by the name of Litchfield and the said town is hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities which other towns within this Commonwealth do or may enjoy by law. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that Jedediah Jewett, Esquire, be and he hereby is empowered to issue his warrant directed to some suitable inhabitant of said 4I4 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. town requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof to meet at some suitable time and place for the purpose of choosing such officers as towns are required to choose in the month of March or April annually. This Act passed Feb’y 18, 1795.” I find that the bounds specified in the bill are widely different in courses and distances from those stated in the petition, but I am inclined to think from a slight investigation that the differ- ence is in the accuracy of the terms used rather than in the actual boundary. A curious incident occurred in selecting the name of this town which probably is known to but few of its inhabitants. The original petition asked that the town be named “Great Hamp- ton or any other name.” This name is erased on the original and the name “Litchfield” inserted in its place. In conformity with this act of the General Court Jedediah Jewett, Esq., on the 31st day of March, 1795, issued his warrant to James Lord of Litchfield to warn the inhabitants to meet for the transaction of town business. Here begin the records of the town of Litchfield. The first page begins as follows: “Records of the Town of Litchfield, Page 1, In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.” Then follows the warrant for the first meeting. The essential part of this warrant reads: “Lincoln ss: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To James Loard of Litchfield in the County of Lincoln, yeoman, Greeting: Pursuant to an Act of the Legislature entitled An Act to incorporate the plantation of Smithfield in said County of Lincoln into a town by the name of Litchfield: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, You are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Litchfield qualified to vote in town affairs as the law directs, to assemble at the house of Mr. Henry Jewell in said town on Tuesday the twenty-first day of April next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon.” The return is as follows: CIVIL HISTORY. 415 “Lincoln ss: Pursuant to the within warrant I have warned the freeholders and other inhabitants qualified by law to vote in town meeting to meet at time and place as within directed. Litchfield, April the 21st, 1795. JAMES LOARD.” The meeting was accordingly held on the 21st day of April, 1795. James Lord was chosen moderator; John Neall, Jr., town clerk, James Shurtleff, Thomas Morgridge, John Neall, Jr., Adam Johnson, Jr., and Daniel Trew, selectmen. The other usual officers were chosen and the usual business trans- acted and thus was ended the first town meeting ever held in Litchfield. At this time a property qualification underlay the right to vote. The first warrant ever issued by the selectmen of Litch- field, dated April 27, 1795, directs the constable to warn the male inhabitants “having a freehold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds (about $15) or any other estate of the value of sixty pounds.” At this time the inhabitants of the town numbered in the neighborhood of 600 or 700, the number being 521 in 1790. It will be observed from the above records that Litchfield was situated in the county of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It remained a part of the Commonwealth until the 15th day of March 1820, when, having taken all the neces- sary steps the Province of Maine became a free and independent State. But the erection of Maine into a State did not change the county lines and Litchfield was still in Lincoln county and so remained until 1835 when, by chapter 553 of the Special Laws, approved March 1o, Litchfield was annexed to the county of Kennebec. In the mean time the boundaries of the town were being changed by legislative acts. Chapter 272 of the Private Laws of 1824 fixed the line between Litchfield and Richmond; the dividing line by this act was “extended through the middle of the Cobbosseecontee Stream;” chapter 310 of the Private Laws of 1825 established the line between Hallowell and Litch- field. By this act the dividing line was “to pass and extend through the middle of the Winthrop Stream.” 416 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. It will be noticed by this last named boundary that a distine- tion is made between the upper and lower sections of the Cob- bosseecontee, the part above Pleasant pond being called the Winthrop stream, the part below, the Cobbosseecontee. Chapter 337 of the Private Laws of 1827 set off “Isaiah Jen- kins, James Taylor, John Arno, David Jenkins, Davis Mitchell, Bartholomew Jenkins, Henry Austin, William Larrabee, John Austin, Thomas Meader, George Meader, Alfred Arno, Isaiah Jenkins, Jr., together with their polls and estates’’ and annexed them to the town of Wales. Chapter 505 of the Private Laws of the same year amends the above acts by fixing the line of the above division, and apportioning the taxes of those set off. Chapter 563, Private Laws of 1856, again changes the bounds between Wales and Litchfield. Chapter 625 of the Private Laws of 1856 set off that part of the town known as Litchfield Neck and annexed it to West Gardiner. In 1867 Arthur Maxwell was set off on to Wales. Thus it will be seen that the Litchfield of 1895 is much smaller in terri- tory than the Litchfield of 1795. If one will take the pains to examine the maps of Smithfield plantation and Litchfield, in the land office at Augusta, made at the time of incorporation, and copied from the Massachusetts records, he will hardly recognize the territory, thus designated, as the present town. The surface of the town is well diversified with hills, valleys and plains and abundantly covered with ponds, streams and brooks. The Purgatory ponds on the west form the series of a chain of nine ponds with their outlet into the Cobbosseecontee just east of Purgatory village. Loon pond is a beautiful sheet of water and Pleasant pond on the western border is one of the largest and most picturesque in the State. The soil of the town is well suited to agriculture and fruit growing which have always been the chief occupation of its peo- ple. The annual agricultural fair has been noted if not famous in this whole section of the State for the fine display of its fruit, vegetables and live stock and its immense show of men, women and children. CIVIL HISTORY. 417 The minerals of the town are sodalite, cancrinite, elaeolite, zircon, spodumene, muscovite, pyrrhotite, hydronephelite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, lepidomelane, jasper. Hydronephelite is a new mineral recently determined by F. W. Clarke, curator of the mineralogical department of the National Museum, Wash- ington. As will be observed from this list they are very numerous and some of them very rare, sodalite being found in only one or two other places in the world. This mineral is very valuable for the cabinet and was first discovered by professors from Harvard College. Richard Spear, now living on the Spear farm on the Cobbosseecontee, happened along just as these gentlemen had discovered the mineral. They were a good deal excited and being unable to do much upon a large boulder with hammer and drill, employed him and paid him a very fancy price for his work, to drill and split out the belts of clear blue sodalite from the rocks. Mr. Spear says that this mineral was situated in belts through large boulders and the amount he split out would have filled many barrels. This discovery was made in the field of the late Moses True on the road from Spear’s Corner to Bachelder’s Tavern, just over the fence, in the southwest corner of the field that leads down to the Bachelder or Dennis brook. The early manufactories of the town were quite numerous and somewhat varied. I find it very difficult to definitely locate the first mill or the first owner. But from the best information I can obtain the first mill in town was built and operated by a man by the name of Tibbetts on the stream at Pottertown. G. C. Waterman in a letter to the Lewiston Journal of March 26, 1858, speaking of the manufactories says: “The first grist mill was erected by J. Richardson and Mr. Neal about 1790. Prior to that time the inhabitants went to Gardiner in canoes, or to Topsham through the forest, carrying a bushel or more on their shoulders, a distance of sixteen miles. The first sawmill was built by Wm. Potter in 1789, who also has the honor of using the first plow in town which was made entirely of wood. Some years later Mr. Potter erected a grist mill.” The other early mills at Pottertown were the Libby grist mill obtained by Libby in 1823. From what I can learn or rather cannot learn, it is not improbable that this mill was the one built by Tibbetts. 27 418 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. This privilege passed through the hands of Joseph Williams and Jeremiah Varney to Irving Varney, the present owner. In 1827 William Small erected a fulling mill at Pottertown below the bridge. Prior to 1825, John Neal, Esq., owned a carding mill above the bridge. The date of its erection cannot be definitely ascertained. This mill was destroyed by the freshet of 1825. Potter and Ashford had built a mill below the bridge on Spring brook, a short distance from the main stream. This was purchased by Smail and run in connection with his fulling mill, coloring and dressing cloth. This mill was in 1840, bought by Joseph Williams, father of the Joseph Williams above men- tioned. Ezra H. Dawes built a dam and shop where the old carding mill stood and made shingles and did blacksmithing. Abial Dailey purchased of Dawes and ran a pill box and match fac- tory. David Potter also made shingles in this mill. The dam was later moved down stream upon which Wm. Knight put in a grist mill and operated it a while and then sold to James Bartlett who ran it till 1866. Jeremiah Potter built a sawmill in 1810. This mill, after a few years, lay idle until 1853. Then it passed through the hands of some eight owners into the possession of Lorin J. Ayer, the present owner. This mill stands back of the residence of Deacon Chase, and is the only one now operated. In 1850 W. G. Williams built a mill on Spring brook and put in fulling and carding machines. Ina few years he dropped the fulling business and in 1886 discontinued operating the mill. The old Small building was used for a while for a tannery. But to-day these water privileges which were so important and necessary to the early settlers, before the railroad and steamboat brought their wheat and corn to their doors cheaper than they could raise them; before the great factories were erected to make their cloth, and domestic manufacture was a necessity; before the roads were built over which they could haul the material for their buildings; these water privileges which were so important to the development of our industries, have, in the supplanting by modern improvements, ceased to be used, and the mills which once marked the van of progress have long since been silent. CIVIL HISTORY. +19 In the southeast part of the town saw and grist mills were erected at a very early period. About 1790 Samuel Clark built and operated a grist mill on his farm. His son enlarged the mill and it was operated for many years. The farm upon which this mill stood is now owned by Sumner Clark, grandson of Samuel. Below this grist mill was a shingle mill known as the Ferren mill. Still further down was the sawmill built by John Thur- low and David Ware. The mill stood on the land now owned by James Carville. The water power of Purgatory was also utilized for mill pur- poses at a very early period. Mrs. Margaret Goodwin Waldron of Litchfield in a letter thus describes the building and operat- ing of the first sawmills erected in this part of the town. “In the first place the mill lot was on the Lady Temple right and General Henry Dearborn was the agent for the Lady Temple right. He came to Maine (which was then Lincoln county, Massachusetts) and settled so as to be on hand to look after the interest of the Lady Temple heirs and to advance that interest (which was to sell the land to settlers;) he made arrange- ments to build mills at Purgatory. Grandfather, Simeon Goodwin, at that lime was running a sawmill in Gardiner at what is known as the New Mills Dam. Gen. Dearborn went to Gardiner and made a trade with Grandfather to move his family to Purgatory and help buiid the mills and own one quarter of the property, which he did as long as he lived until May 20, 1816. In dividing his property after his death the mill property fell to Uncle Simeon Goodwin, the oldest son, but my father, Andrew Goodwin, bought it of him and afterwards bought enough more to make his share one- third with John Dennis and David C. Burr as equal partners. There had been a grist mill at Juggernaut, which is now East Monmouth, but for some cause it did not work and Gen. Dear- born put the mill stones on a raft and brought them through the Winthrop pond into what is called the Long Cove and hauled them through the woods to Purgatory.” This mill passed through various hands until about 1870 when it passed into the possession of Jesse Bartlett and Merrill True. The latter now owns the grist mill and Alfred Bartlett, son of Jesse, the sawmill. 420 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Elias Plimpton came to Litchfield in 1820 from Walpole, Mass., and built his shop for the manufacture of hoes and axes and for general blacksmithing work. In 1845 he began making forks and since then, potato diggers. Elias Plimpton was a sturdy man, able, upright and true. Upon his death his sons, A. W. and George Plimpton, succeeded to the business and are successfully operating it at the present time. David Sawyer built a tannery before 1800where Asa Getchell’s house now stands. In 1814 a carding machine and fulling mill were erected and operated for a short time. In connection with these early manufactories and as illus- trating the importance and value which the early settlers attached to these small water powers and the possibilities which they contained, I will read the following special act of the legis- lature found in the laws of 1826, chapter 419. “An Act to incorporate the Litchfield Manufacturing Com- pany. That David C. Burr, William Clark, Samuel K. Gilman, Benjamin White, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic by the name of the Litchfield Manufacturing Company; for the purpose of carrying on the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods, silk, paper and iron, at Litchfield.” Other mills were erected in very early times on the streams that connect the chain of Purgatory ponds, and the brooks that ran through the fields of the early settlers. But time forbids anything further than this allusion. Litchfield contains four villages: Litchfield Corner, the Plains, South Litchfield and Purgatory. A post office is located at each of these villages at which the people can receive and send daily mails. The first postoffice in town was established in 1808, ten years after the town was incorporated. There is much speculation as to the true source of the name of “Purga- tory” as applied to the neat little village of that name in the eastern part of the town. I have only this to say that whatever the source of the name, if the proprietors of the future Purga- tory will use me as well as the residents of this Purgatory have done, I will not complain either of the climate or the bill of fare. MASONIC HALL. LITCHFIELD CORNER. MORNING STAR LODGE. The history of Masonry in Litchfield begins with Morning Star Lodge, No. 41, chartered July 13, 1822. The first officers of the lodge were John Neal, W. M.; John Dennis, S. W.; David Burr, J. W.; John Smith, secretary: J. W. Watson, treasurer, and Edward Gower, tyler. These were publicly installed in the Baptist church, North Litchfield. The lodge prospered well for several years, holding their meetings in the hall over the store now owned by J. W. Starbird, afterwards in a hall in the house of Capt. Isaac Hall, in the north part of the town. In 1835 meetings were discontinued and charter surrendered to grand lodge. The funds of the lodge, being in notes, which became outlawed were lost. The jewels were lost, and the furniture became useless to the order. As there was no organization, no work was done, and no meetings held until 1866 when, upon the petition of Cyrus Kin- drick, Thomas Holmes, Samuel Goodwin, Jos. Holmes, Wm. Knight, E. D. Percy, Almon Knight, Albion P. Ridley, Jos. C. Barstow, and Samuel Patten praying to be congregated into a regular lodge !n town of Litchfield under the name of Morning Star Lodge and recommended by Richmond Lodge and petition countersigned by R. W., J. M. Lar- rabee, D. D. G. M., of 5th Masonic district. A dispensation was granted to the above named petitioners to form and open a lodge at Litchfheld Corners on Tuesday eve, on or before full moon—aiter the manner of ancient F. and A. Masons, and therein to admit and make Free Masons according to the ancient custom and not otherwise. Brother C. Kindrick was appointed the first master, Brothers Thos. Holmes, S. W.; Samuel Goodwin, J. W. of said lodge. The dispensa- tion was dated December 24, 1866, and signed by Timothy J. Murray, G. M. The lodge worked under this dispersation until May, 1867, when the following members petitioned the Grand Lodge to restore to them the old charter of Morning Star Lodge, No. 41, F. and A. M., Wm. O. Grant, John Randall, Andrew Goodwin, Joseph C. Barstow, Cyrus Kindrick, Thos. Holmes, Samuel Goodwin, Joseph A. Holmes, E. D. Percy, Wm. M. Knight, Almon Knight, Albion P. Ridley. The first four named were members of the lodge at the time its charter was surrendered and the restoration of said charter appearing as tending to the advancement of Free Masonry and the good of the craft, it was ordered that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and the charter be restored to the above named brethren, their associates and succes- sors, and they were authorized to meet and work under the same, enjoy all the rights and privileges therein conferred, and subject to all the duties and liabilities therein enjoined. By Timothy Murray, G. M., attest; Ira Berry, grand secretary. Dated at Portland November 12,1867. Ata special meeting, held at Masonic Hall, November 14, 1867, D. D. G. M., J. M. Larrabee, by power given by the W. G. M., restored the old charter of the Morning Star Lodge, No. 41, and proceeded to install the following officers: Cyrus Kindrick, W. M.: Thos. Holmes, S. W.; Samuel Goodwin, J. W.: Albion Chase, treasurer: E. T. Townsend, secretary; William Knight, S. D.: Samuel Patten, J. D.: J. W. Starbird, S. S.; James E. Chase, J. S. The W. M. then appointed J. H. Holmes, tyler; John L. Allen, marshal, and G. W Springer, chaplain, who were duly installed. The following is a list of the past masters: C. Kindrick, Thomas Holmes, Abiezer Purinton, J. E. Chase, Robert Campbell, J. W. Star- bird, I. W. Gilbert, Geo. A. Emerson, William H. Tarr, Herbert M. Starbird, Chapin Lydstone, William E. Tarr. The lodge has been prospered since its reorganization and now numbers 120 members, owning the Masonic building and lot with its furniture and regalia. CIVIL HISTORY. 421 The usual societies are found in town. Morning Star Lodge, No. 41, F. A. A. M.,.was chartered July 13, 1822. The first officers were John Neal, W. M.; Capt. John Dennis, S. W.; David C. Burr, J. W.; John Smith, Sec.; J. W. Watson, Treas., and Edward Gower, Tyler. The officers were probably installed at the Baptist church. Peleg N. Barstow of Gardiner, grandson of John Neal, first W. M., now has in his possession the apron and some of the Masonic emblems that were formerly worn by his ancestor. This lodge surrendered its charter in 1830. In 1867, over the store of Isaac Starbird at the Corner, the Masons of Litchfield met, re-organized and received back ‘their charter. Since that time they have been prosperous and strong. A lodge of Good Templars was formed October 17, 1887. But many years previous to this, temperance societies flourished in this town and committees were appointed by the town to examine into the cause of the increase of intemperance and report a remedy therefor. Some seven or eight Washingtonian Societies existed at one time in the different parts of the town. G. C. Waterman in a letter to the Lewiston Journal of May 7, 1858, gives as complete a resumé of the temperance work as I have been able to find. Hesays: “The first temperance society was formed in 1825 by Joseph C. Lovejoy, then a student in Bowdoin College. This society was formed of members of the Congregational church and their families, nearly all of whom were early engaged in the temperance cause. Societies were afterward formed in different sections of the town so that in 1838 there were seven distinct organizations united in one asso- ciation, with 842 members, two-fifths of the whole town. The most efficient was the Ladies Temperance Association. Dur- ing the year 1832 only two deaths of members of this associa- tion took place or one in 421, while the ratio of deaths in town was one in 80. In December, 1839, a committee of twelve was appointed to take into consideration the fact that intemperance * was on the increase in the town. This committee (after much consultation with the principal men of the town) voted in com- mittee, and adopted by society, to request the selectmen to insert an article in the warrant to see if the town will choose a 422 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. committee of vigilance to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors in town, and at said meeting it was voted to raise a committee of five for that purpose. At a subsequent meeting called in April, an article was inserted in the warrant to see if the town would reconsider that vote and after full discussion it was decided in the negative. Yeas 35, nays 111, or more than three to one. There were at that time several places where liquor was sold which were visited by the committee and the owners urged to abandon the traffic. Five of them closed business; one of them was prosecuted and fined and moved away; the other was prosecuted and committed to jail and also left town. Since that time no liquor has been sold openly in town.” This action on the part of its citizens and the town is char- acteristic of the spirit of the early settlers,.and I am happy to say, in consonance with the sentiment of its people and the con- duct of its affairs down to the present day. Not a man or woman is found in States Prison or jail from this town and only one person upon our poor farm. Litchfield Grange, No. 127, was organized in 1875. This society still exists with a large membership and in a prosperous condition. The Agricultural Society was organized in 1857. The annual exhibitions of this society, commonly known as the Litchfield fair, have probably never been equalled in any town of the size of Litchfield in this State in point of celebrity and attendance. Many is the time when the people present at these fairs have been estimated by good judges to number ten thousand. While the schools of the town are to be treated of as a dis- tinct subject, I yet desire to trespass upon the ground suffi- ciently to say that the crowning glory of Litchfield’s existence, for at least thirty years, has been her common schools. This I assert from personal knowledge as a pupil, teacher and proud observer of her educational achievements. In examining the early records of the town which were kept in admirable shape and should be preserved with jealous care, I find many interesting things to only two or three of which I can, in the time alloted to me, allude. On the 7th day of November, 1814, at a town meeting held at the First Baptist meeting house, article 6 of the warrant was, CIVIL HISTORY. 423 “To see if the town will choose a committee of safety.” They voted in the affirmative, and John Dennis, Hugh Woodbury, Tim. Blanchard, Joel Thompson, John Neal, Esquire, Capt. Samuel Walker, Daniel True, Sen., were appointed. It was immediately voted to add two more and Daniel True, rst, and Abijah Richardson were chosen. On the 6th day of March, 1815, the committee reported. It will be remembered that this was at the close of the 1812 war. The report is as follows: “We the undersigned, committee of public safety appointed at a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Litchfield, beg leave to report that a meeting of said committee was appointed at the dwelling house of Mr. Daniel Nickerson, but a minor part only being present we could only reflect on the important trust reposed in us by the inhabitants of said town. Your committee are aware and fully satisfied that a very illicit intercourse has been carried on between the internal and exter- nal enemies of our country, the impropriety of which your committee have ‘considered,and are of opinion that every citizen of the United States who has the least degree of patriotism or the smallest regard for his constitution would use every exer- ‘tion in his power to suppress such an abominable and unjust traffic, but the power and local situation of your committee has been such as has rendered their best wishes to stop this illegal intercourse impracticable. Many other important duties your committee are of an opinion rests upon them and had the war continued it is their opinion that it would be the duty of the town to have continued the practice and choose a large commit- tee of safety for the ensuing year, but as the Great Ruler of the universe has crowned our efforts with success, prospered our arms and obliged our enemies to respect our rights, relinguish their mad pretensions, humble their haughty pride, and com- pel them to sign a treaty highly honorable to our nation which petitions and remonstrances could not affect, your committee therefore are of opinion that the use of such committee has come to an end. Litchfield, March 6, 1815.” This report issued so early in the history of the town shows not only that these early settlers were sincere, loyal and pat- riotic, but that they possessed a high degree of learning and 424 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. intelligence. If read carefully it will be seen that this report is a model in its neatness of diction and force of expression. In fact the early records and doings of this town firmly impress us with the integrity, character and ability of its pio- neers. But the spirit of patriotism breathed in the above report was not confined to the men of 1812. When the war of 1861 was declared, Litchfield was found at her post, and no town in the Union contributed ‘more freely or more liberally of her young men than did she. The military spirit cropped out at a very early age as will be shown by an extract from a letter from Mr. Wm. A. Pidgin of the Lewiston Journal: Speaking of the Litchfield guards, the only military company that Litchfield ever boasted, he says: “Tt consisted of about forty boys from thirteen to seventeen years old; M. W. Cunningham was the first captain, I remem- ber. The uniform was a yard of red quality on each leg of the pantaloons as a stripe, and a wooden gun. Jonathan Tucker made the guns of pine and they were provided with an ash spring to which was attached an ash crosspiece so that when it was pulled as a trigger it would make a pretty vigorous snap. We acted as escort to the 4th of July procession at the old Batchelder Tavern. I think it must have been in 1844 or 1845. The event in the history of the company was the big ride given us by the old stage that ran between Little River and Augusta. One day on parade the driver piled us all into his coach and drove us down to the village at the north end, commonly known as ‘Purgatory.’ ” Time forbids that I should relate any further either the facts or incidents connected with the town of Litchfield. While it has been somewhat laborious in the press of busy hours, to give the time necessary to gather the material for the imperfect sketch I have presented, it has yet been a pleasant service. For, Litchfield was my home, and there is a spot on the bank of the beautiful Cobbosseecontee, where, whenever I stand upon it, the sky seems to bend more kindly above me and the breezes to sweep more sweetly by. I can say to it and its people: “Whither thou goest I will go; where thou lodgest I will lodge; thy people shall be my people and thy God my God.” CIVIL HISTORY. 425 The following is the first warrant and assessment ever com- mitted by the plantation of Smithfield, now the town of Litch- field, is contained in a little book owned by a private individual and considered of sufficient interest and importance to war- rant printing in full. A. M.S. To George Neill Colector of taxes for the Plantation of Smithfield the following is a list of assessment upon the polles and estates of the’pearsons tharein named Each one his pro- portion of the sum of seven pounds, Eleven Shillings and Eight pence being the amount of Said List Contained in Eight pages which we hereby Commit to you to Collect and pay in unto, Thomas Davis Esq. tresurer of this Common Welth of Masse- chusets or to his Sucessor in P. office the sume of seven pounds one shilling and Eight pence and ten shillings over Laid in the tax bill which you are to pay to the Assessors of Said Plan- tation as directed in the warrant contained in the first foure pages. And you are to compleat and make up an account of your collection of the hole sumes aforesaid on or before the first day of Apriel next Given under our hands this tenth day of march 1794 SAMUEL HUTCHASON, JABEZ ROBINSON, JAMES LORD, Assessors. Lincoln ss. To George Neill Colector of the Plantation of Smithtown within the County of Lincoln Greeting In the name of the Common Welth of the massachusetts you are Required to Levy and Colect of the Severall persons named in the List hearwith committed unto you Each on his Respec- tive proportion tharin set down of the Sum total of Such List it being Seven pounds Eleven Shillings and Eight pence whareof Seven pounds one Shilling and Eight pence of the above Sume is this plantations proportion of a tax or assess- ment of thirty three thousand two hundred and Seventy Six pounds Eighteen Shillings and agreed upon by the general Court of Said Common Welth at thair Session Begun and held at Boston on the twentieth Day of June one thousand seven 426 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. hundred and ninety three for defraying the neessesary Charges of Securing protecting and defending the Same and you are to transmit and pay in the Same unto Thomas Davis Esq. treas- urer and Reciver general of the Commonwelth or to his suces- sor in that office and ten shillings overlaid in the tax bill which you are to pay unto the assessors of this Plantation and to Com- pleat and make up an account of your Collections of the whole sum on or before the first day of apriel next and if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay the sum he is assessed in the Said List to distrain the goods or chattels of such person to ‘the value thareof: and the distress so taken to keep for the space of four days at the cost and charge of the owner and if he shall not pay the sum so assessed within the foure days then you are to sell at public Vandue the distress so taken for the payment thareof with charges: first giving forty Eight hours notice of such saile by posting up advertisements thareof in some public place in the plantation and the overplus arising by such saile if any thare be besides the sum assessed and the neesary charges of taking and keep- ing the distress you are imediatly to Restore to the owner: and for want of goods and chattels whareon to make distress, besides tools or impliments necessary for his tread or occupation beast of the plough necessary for the cultivating of his improved Land: arms utenseels for house-keeping necessary for him- self and family for the space of twelve days you are to take the body of such person so refusing and neglecting and him Commit unto the Common gale of the County thare to remain until he pay the same or such part thareof as shall not be abatted by the assessors for the time being or the Court of General Sessions of the peace for the said County Given under our hands and sealed by Virtue of a wrrent from the Treasurer aforesaid this tenth Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety foure SAMUEL HUTCHASON) (SEAL) JABEZ ROBINSON __) Assessors (SEAL) JAMES LORD ) (SEAL) CIVIL HISTORY. State Tax Powls Pars. Ay BUN G 10s. sj aen ce hale ees SD SD) Nathaniel barey................. 0: 10 0: 6 Barey Joaniathen................ 0: 10 0: 5 Backer Barnabus................ 0:10 I: oO Backer Elkanah................. 0:10 o: 6 Backer Ruben.................. 0: 10 oO: I Backer Abnor...............00.. 0: 10 oO: I Brown Backer...............04. 0: 10 0: oO Backer Jonathan................. 0:10 O: 5 Bunker James................0.. 0:10 O: 4 Brown Jobin: dav. iia kein wee ees 0: 10 o: 6 Brown William.................. 0: 10 Or 3 Blanchard Timotey.............. o: 10 Oo: 7 Bowman Jonas..............---. 0:10 0:7 Joshua Babb................006. 0: 10 0: 2 Brooks James..............00005 0: 10 0: 0 Buffee Thomas...............04. 0:10 Oo: 4 C Clark Samuel .cosseae cae 0: I0 o: 6 Clark Jatiess..0ies wae seaee os ve 0:10 Oo: 2 lane Dayide g1eGeeseaaeeess C16 wi © Cook Saul iis ccwesce sees vaiewene Q:10 @: I Crofford Henery...........0005- 0: 10 Oo: 3 Crofford William................ 0:10 O84, Campel James...........000e0e- 0:10 O: 4 Colbe Thomas. ..........+20000. 0: 10 0: 3 D Dunlap Ebenezer.........-..-+-- 0: 10 I: I Dunlap Robard...........-++6-- 0: 10 0: 2 Doutte AMOS. ...... cece eee eee O:10-. oO: I Dennes John. ........... eres 0:10 o: 6 Dugless James........-++-0 eee 0: 10 0: O Davis Thomas.......-.eeee eens 0: 10 0: oO 427 totel : 10 7 ET 241 - 10 OomMmea BNW :10 HOH HHH HHH OOOH HH HY of we eH Se He O OR = eH bb NHN HS LI 11 : x0 : 10 428 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. State Tax Powls S D FG Goor Edward. ..........0.eee0es 0: 10 Gitchel William................. 0: 10 Gording Jthiel.................. 0:10 Hall Joshtiayiss i saewaie vavwk Dette 0: 10 H Haott: Isa. ss cace seer ax vee wie 0: 10 Hirchason: Ustal ius oscseea ces nave es 0:10 Huchason Samuel............... 2: 6 Huchason John................. 0: 10 Huchason Nehemiah............. 0: 10 all Calwittienw io etacs eerie ss o:1¢c Hall Timothey.................. 0: 10 Huntingto benjm................ 0: 10 John Huntington................ 0:10 Heremon Levi.................. 0:10 Hildriéh Pauls. ico cuss cae a a aoe 0:10 Huntington Tim................ 0:10 Hinckly Benja.................. 0: 10 J Juel Enos......:.. 0.000020 e eee 0: 10 Johnson Addom Jun............. 1: 8 jewel: Henty:. coves eeeiianeieds 0: 10 Jackson William................ 0: 10 Johnson Addom................. 0:10 Jaquith Abaham................. 0: 10 Lamburt Joseph................. 0: 10 Lord James cejcnianin cen ead eae 0: 10 Lord: James: Jutte cass esac siaecee ss 3 0: 10 Lount Johnson...............06. 0: 10 Michel Dummor................ 0:10 Morgrig Chariels................ 0: 10 Morigrig Thomas............... 0: 10 Morey Philips................05. 0: 10 the Estate of John mungumr Defd. 0: 10 Pars. SD OSS ONO 900000000000 9 WHHN ON UN BOM O A ooo9o0oo0o0 9 00 00 N90 90 OnOnmnrH OAMWH DH NHN | totel - Oo HoH 0 xe OOF O FH HH HON O OH FH HF HF OO HR HH O RW DN : 10 :10 :10 11 : 10 wm 2 10 tIl id 4 BwOrH FO OR OD oe ° Oo ON wwe CIVIL HISTORY. 429 State Tax Powls Pars. totel SD SD S D N Neeal Lemuel................... 0: 1G 0: 3 IY Neeal “GOtg G15 o4.24qana da Gaede 0:10 Oo: 2 I: 0 Neeal Johitsancrais csaadesa aces 0: 10 0: 3 I: I Neeal Joseph................0.. 0: 1c O: 4 0: 2 Nickason Daniel................ 0:10 Op 2 I: oO Nickason Elisha................. 0:10 0: oO 0: 10 Nickason Neathaniel............. 0: 10 0: O 0: 10 O Owens John.................4.. 0: 10 On © O: 11 P Potter JOséphis socacs oxea neve dew o: 1c O: 5 3 Potter Samuelicicc.e eee eee aw a 0:10 25-3 3: 1 Potter US Nisdsa osha aces yase4S 0: 10 oO: I O:11 Potter andrew...............0055 0: 10 oO; 1 O: 11 Potter William.................. 0:10 O: 2 TiO Pierce JAMES. coca howe saga aig a 0:10 0: 6 I: 4 Palmor Mulborouh.............. 0: 10 Oo: I O: 11 Parker Joseph. wees esaen covey: 0:10 o: I oO: 11 K Knoulton Thomas............... 1: 8 o: 6 222 R Ring Daniel........... pinnae we 1: 8 o: 8 2: 4 Robins6n Jabez... ss ueee eee 18 I: 2 2:10 Richardson Abijah............ ame “BEG pee. Bhs Robinson David...............45. 1: & O: 11 2:7 Robinson Charles............... 0: 10 oO: 4 I: 2 Richason Joshua Jun............. 0: 10 o: 6 Le 4. Springor David Jun............. 0:10 o: 6 I: 4 Salley Walliattie si:s¢2s. Sietend ie caresiaedaess 0:10 Oo: 5 13.8 Smith Thomas Jun.............. 1: & of 7 2:3 Smith Eliphet..........-.-0.006 1: & I: oO 2: 8 * Smith JOH aye cerd ee edes veers 0: 10 oO: 4 is 2 Smith Benjaman................ T0876: 2543 430 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. State Tax Sntith John, Juries ccs es er eee Smith Thomas..............000. Smith Thomas 3............0605% Springor Davidse. sax sews aewsas Springor David 3................ Smith, hematiecss ¢saveeses eweaun’ Stinson James..............0000. Stinson avid tes sdennsees yews Springor andrew................ Sawyer Joseph.................-- Sawyer [Gti oven e hu wee eee we Stephens John.................. Stephens William..............4. T Towns Thomas...... Serre es "RREW CA BROTa tg Sakae eases ACW) OLN ates Hint ests va aa Be Trew Daniel.................05. Frew A Dn Of sex aicencacceen wees W Waymouth Benjm............... Webbor Joseph................. Watson Daniel Jr Waymouth John Watson Daniel.................. Waymouth Nickals Webbor Stephen Johnathan Bakar credt........... Creddet to Samuel Hutchason..... 00000 0 Se eo ess Sh eae es 0000090 9 : IO 2 iQ 240 : 10 iQ : Io Io +410 : 10 : 10 ees :10 + 40D ee eomprononooseoo eo Vy oo0OH OO ee e228 © » wm oun Ue HH H On © OWN O FO DDAW FW H OB HH On HR ee O OR HR RH Su ao oO nS otel ~ 410 210 II wad , Al : IO eo : 10 ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR HENRY B. CLEAVES. The President, Citizens, Sons and Daughters of Litchfield: Though much to my regret, my stay with you to-day must be brief, I am exceedingly gratified to be present on this interesting occasion, and join with you in celebrating the centennial of this good old town of Litchfield. This is your day; this is your centennial; but I come in behalf of the State to claim for her a portion of the honor of your history, and of your achievements. One will observe from the history of your town, as given to us to-day, that the pioneers of.this territory were an intelligent and hardy race. They believed in the Christian faith; they believed in the school house; and christianity and education travelled in the same pathway. They laid here the foundation deep and strong; and their descendants have remained true to the traditions of the fathers. You have reared here the churches, you have built the school houses and the academy, the best evidence in the world of a progressive civilization. Many of your sons and daughters who have won honorable positions in other commonwealths, return to-day to the old home and State of their birth. And “they have evidently observed that the people of Maine are still doing business at the “old stand,’ and a prosperous business too, increasing in wealth and strength, in population and power. And I want to say to you all (and in saying it I speak by authority, and the whole power and sentiment of the commonwealth will sustain me in the statement,) that no better or happier homes, no greater advantages, no greater opportunities, can be found in any section of our country than exist in our own State. I meet here many of your sons who went forth from you years ago, and who have won honor and distinction in our own State. I see here citizens of your own town, who have occupied high positions of trust in our State government and in the manage- 432 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. ment of your municipal affairs. I meet here, with pleasure, the great body of the people, the “tranquil masses,’ who cultivate our broad acres and fertile fields, contributing to the growth and prosperity of our State, and in whose keeping the safety of the commonwealth is always secure. I am among a people to-day, in this broad and fertile Kenne- bec valley, who have always met every emergency as it arose, and promptly responded to every call of the State. For a hun- dred years, this patriotic old town has been loyal to every good cause, with no act to tarnish her fair name. Your people were foremost in advocating the great cause for human liberty and freedom for all men and all women. And when in the history of our country, its greatest crisis came, when the liberties of the people were in danger, when the life of the nation was imperilled, when the monarchies of the world were predicting that our government must perish, your historian tells us that one out of every three of the male popula- tion of old Litchfield over eighteen years of age, enlisted in the Union Army, and for four long, dark, dismal and dreary years, carried the flag of our State and the Union on the field of battle. What a grand record of devotion to your State and your coun- try! Years may roll on, centennials may come and go; but this grand example of patriotism and loyalty will live forever, and be cherished by the patriotic people of our State. At the close of the Governor’s address which was listened to with marked attention, a beautiful selection was rendered by the Winthrop Street Quartette of Augusta, after which benedic- tion was pronounced and an adjournment had for dinner. The long tables were ready and speakers, their friends, the vice presidents, musicians, and hundreds of guests spent a pleasant half hour in doing justice to the bountiful collation which had been prepared for the occasion by the ladies of the town. At the expiration of the noon hour the exercises of the day were resumed at the tent which was again densely packed with interested listeners for Smith Baker was introduced as the first speaker of the afternoon, his address was as follows: REV. SMITH BAKER, D. D. REV. SMITH BAKER, D. D. Rev. Smith Baker, D. D., born February 18, 1836, graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1860. Received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Dartmouth College in 1891. Pastor of Congrega- tional churches Veazie and Orono, Me., from 1860 to 1870. Pastor of First Congregational church in Lowell, Mass., from 1870 to 1890. Pastor of Park Avenue church, Minneapolis, Minn., from 1890 to 189.4. In 1894 became pastor of Maverick church in Boston. Elected presi- dent of Minnesota Congregational Club. Moderator of General Association of Churches of Massachusetts. Corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Missions. Official member of six triennial councils of the American Congregational churches. The author of several publications. Lectures to young men, young women, etc., etc., and is one of the strong pulpit orators of the great Christian denomination to which he belongs. THE CHURCHES OF THE TOWN. By Rev. Smito Baker, D. D., of Boston. Had I been invited to give the history of an orchard tree as it blooms in beauty and fills the air with fragrance, covering the autumn ground with ripe fruit, year after year, or had I been invited to tell the story of the morning dew as it baptizes the green grass or kisses the flowers, that they sparkle like lovers eyes in the sunlight; or had I been invited to tell the record of the morning sunbeams as they warm the cold earth and quicken into life and power its roots,—my task would not have been greater than to give the history of the churches of this town for one hundred years. The history of churches cannot be represented by figures, by organizations formed, by meeting houses built, by money raised, or by any record of noble lives who have labored with them. Spiritual forces like chemical forces are mainly unseen, silent and unreportable. As the spring atmosphere penetrates all nature, so the silent influence of the church permeates society, restraining bad men, strengthening weak men, com- forting sad men, inspiring good men, and giving joy to dying men. Its power in moulding society is a thousand fold more than any statistics which the books record. As well try to rep- resent with figures or paint upon canvas the fragrance of a rose, as to tell the work of one church for one year. The spiritual influence of a community has most to do with shaping its char- acter. Religion makes a people, not the people the religion. To this truth all history and science attest. Man is a religious being, his higher nature ever reaches after God; and he is what his religion is. This is illustrated by the Fetish worship of the South Sea Islander, by the strange service of the Zulus of Africa, by the gorgeous ceremonies of proud old Babylon, by the learned rites of ancient Egypt, by the ancestral worship of 28 434 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. China, by the philosophical discussions of Japan, by the panthe- ism of India, by the cultured arts of Greece, by the rigid patriot- ism of Rome, by the rigid morals of the Hebrew people, by the brilliant scepticism of France, by the mysticism of Germany, by the practical religion of the English, by the progressive Protestantism of America, by the stern piety of New England. All these attest the universal truth that religion gives character to a people, proving the Master’s words, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” No other land better represents this truth than our own, and no other period of time more than this century. This has been the most marvellous of all the centuries, not only excelling all others in the advancement of civil liberty, in the diffusion of universal intelligence, in the discoveries of science, in the devel- opment of the practical arts; but most wonderful of all in the advancement of the gospel of Christ. When we remember that in 1800 there were only 3,030 Protestant churches in what is now the United States and in 1894 there were 160,000 Prot- estant churches in the same territory; when we remember that in 1800 there were only 364,892 members in the Protestant churches, and in 1894 there were 15,000,000 members in the Protestant churches; when we remember that in 1800 there was only one Protestant church member to every fifteen inhab- itants, and in 1894 there was one church member to every four and a half of the inhabitants; when we remember that during the last forty years the population of our country has increased 170 per cent. and the membership of the evangelical churches has increased 291 per cent.; when we remember these things we are impressed with the wonderful advancement of the gospel during the century of which the history of this town forms a part. Litchfield has had but few denominations. Only three have had church organizations, the Baptists, the Free Baptists, and the Congregationalists. The Universalists and the Advents have maintained preaching part of the time and enjoyed the labors of various clergymen of their denominations, but they have never been organized into a church. The churches of the town have never been large or wealthy, but each of them small and poor. No minister has ever received more than $600 sal- REAL és v LSlbad Vial HALMON THOU.) Le sere: THE CHURCHES OF THE TOWN. 435 ary and only two or three that amount, and they for only a brief period. The average salary of the ministers during the century has been $250. The people have been too poor and too good for anything like aristocracy. It can never be said of these churches, as an English woman said it was in her town, ‘The Methodist caught them, the Baptists washed them, and the Episcopalians starched them.” Here the Baptists have washed them and the Congregationalists sprinkled them, but they have gone unstarched. There have sometimes been contentions because they were New England Protestants; they talked and disagreed. The town has been true to the old New England adage of plain living and high thinking. Their ministers, many of them, have been uneducated men in the popular use of the word, but all of them thinking men in the highest sense. They have had convictions and their convictions have bloomed into words, and their words ripened into deeds. Their gram- mar may not always have been correct but you knew what they meant. None of them have been like the preacher whom a good woman said was “invisible all the week and incompre- hensible on Sunday.” Their pastors have been good shepherds, visiting the flock from house to house, and preaching the word in the language of the people. The first public religious service was held in 1780 at the house of Barnabas Baker. The first sermon was preached in 1783 by Rev. James Potter, a Baptist minister. The first church organization was by the Baptists in 1791, organized by Rev. James Potter. The church was formed in a barn and Rev. Wm. Stinson was ordained to the ministry at the same time. Mr. Stinson was pastor of the church for eighteen years, when the organization ceased to be. The sec- ond Baptist church was organized in 1798 at the house of Mr. James Pierce, by Job Macomber of Bowdoinham. Thirteen members united with it and John Neal was chosen clerk and deacon. The church worshipped in the house of Mr. Pierce for a year, then in the school houses of the neighborhood, until 1810, when its present meeting house was built which was remodeled in 1840 and rededicated in 1841. The first pastor was Elder Jackson, the second Wm. Stinson, the third Henry Kendall. Mr. Kendall was a clear thinker, a strong, able 436 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. preacher, a man of unusual powers and of deep spiritual char- acter, greatly blessed in revivals of religion. He labored with the church for fifteen years and in 1813 represented the town in the legislature. The fourth Daniel Cunningham, the fifth Elder Persons, the sixth Josiah Houghton, the seventh Rev. Wm. O. Grant, who commenced his labors in 1823. The call extended to him contains this clause: ‘“‘We will minister to you of our temporal things as your necessities require and as our duty and circumstances may allow.’ Not a very definite call, but the good man had faith both in God and the people, and commenced his labors. The next year the promise was more definite and includes one hundred dollars in money with one hundred dollars in labor and provision. Both of these invitations were signed by John Neal, John Dennis, Wm. Bart- lett and John Smith. These are historic names in this church, and upon most every page of their records we find them as committees, delegates, assessors, writers of letters, deacons, or ruling elders. Elder Grant continued to minister unto the church with a short intermission for forty-three years. He was a fine scholar; a Biblical, practical and faithful preacher; an unselfish, sincere, self-sacrificing man, respected, honored and loved, not only by his own church but by the whole community. For three years he represented the town in the State legislature, was twelve years town clerk and for twenty-five years a member of the school board. He attended over goo funerals, married over one thousand couples, baptized eleven hundred converts and preached over eight thousand sermons, a work which many a more famous man might be proud of. The eighth pastor was Elder Coy, a good, warm-hearted, social nian, a plain, practi- cal preacher, a sympathetic pastor, a wise advisor, of most cheerful disposition, enjoying the respect and confidence of the community. The ninth pastor was Rev. S. Powers, a man of positive con- victions and an able preacher who is now enjoying in retire- ment from public life, the confidence and esteem of his towns- men. We have been unable to find the records but about the year 1851 a third Baptist church was formed at Litchfield Corner. e REV. WILLIAM O. GRANT. REV. WILLIAM O. GRANT. kev. William O. Grant was born in Lincoln, England, in 1793, and was the only child of his parents. He became deeply interested in the Christian religion when very young, through the influence of his Christian mother. He was educated with a view to the ministry in the established church and preached his first sermon when about eighteen years of age. In 1817 he came to the British Provinces as a missionary, vhere he labored with success. While engaged in this good work his religious views underwent a change, he finally was convinced that the teachings of the English church were not fully in accord with the teachings of Christ and the New Testament, so strong were his con- -ictions upon this matter that on April 26, 1817, he was baptized and united with the Baptist church. In May following he came to Port- tand where on the 20th he was ordained to the Baptist ministry. A little later he went to Eastport, Me., where he was called to the pastor- ate of a church. Though he said because of his youth and inexperi- ence he felt unfit for the duties of a pastor, still he was very successiul in building up the church. In 1820 he went to Massachusetts, where he labored in various towns. In 1821 he married Mary Todd. They had nine children, four of whom died in infancy, two when young men prepared for college. Two are still living, Benj. F. Grant, who fol- lowed his father’s profession, now living at Malden, Mass., the other Mrs. Davis Emerson, now living at Monmouth, Me. In 1823 Elder Grant came to Litchfield and was installed pastor of the old North Baptist church. He was pastor of this church for fourteen years and Lecame deeply interested in the people of the town and for nearly forty years made his home among them. He died in Bowdoinham, Me., where his son, Rev. L. E. Grant, was then preaching, on May 21, t875. aged 82 years. During his long service in the ministry, continu- ing for more than half a century, Elder Grant labored with churches at Bridgton, Me., Bowdoinham, Turner, Monmouth, Litchfield and Gardiner, besides making long excursions into the eastern portion of the State preaching to destitute churches and in barns, schoolhouses, log cabins and anywhere he could find people who would listen. He made these long journeys on foot or on horse back, receiving no pay for his service. His work was greatly blessed, as many as forty receiv- ing baptism at one time. He was genial, sensible and faithful, and won the respect and good will of those with whom he came in contact. Fis sympathies were quick and broad, extending to all classes and conditions of men. He received the highest honors his townspeople could bestow upon him and served them three times as their represen- tative in the legislature, also as town clerk for several years and improved the condition of their records very much. He also served the town on the school committee and was ever a friend of education. RIG BAPTIST CHURCH, LITCHFIUIGLD PILAINS, FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. It appears from the records of the Freewill Baptist church at Litch- field Plains that it was organized as the first of its denomination in Litchfield by Rev. Josiah Farwell and Rev. Samuel Hathorn, a com- mittee appointed by the Bowdoin quarterly conference for that pur- pose October 11, 1826, with the following members: Saul Cook, Andrew Baker, Daniel Nickerson, Cornelius Toothaker, Robert Ash- ford, Robert Stinson, Robert Patten, Jr., Andrew Baker, Jr., Sally Ashford, Hannah Toothaker, Mary Cleaves, Lydia Smith and Mary Knight, with Saul Cook and Robert Stinson as leading members, and Robert Patten, Jr., as clerk, and that they adopted as a rule for practice, “The fear of God and the keeping of His commandments.” Meetings were held in the barns of C. Toothaker and Robert Ashford, and in the Hall and brick schoolhouses until their meetinghouse was built in 1837. The names of the ministers of this church are: Revs. Samuel Hathorn, Hale Swett, Barnard Goodrich, Nathaniel Purinton, Hamer Gatchell, Robert Stinson, Constant Quinnam, Mark Gatchell, N. Bard, Henry Preble, Daniel Blake, Stephen Purinton, A. D. Jones, Nehemiah Preble, Ezekiel G. Page, Edward Manson, John F. Harri- man, and since 1897 Isaac V. Mayo. The successive deacons have been: Cornelius Toothaker elected in 1835; William Chase, 1840; Daniel W. Perry, 1868; Zebulon Douglass, 1876; Abial L. Small, 1882, and Gardner Roberts, Jv., 1892. The clerks in succession have been: Robert Patten, Jr., Robert Ashford, Cornelius Toothaker, Daniel W. Perry, Abizer Purinton, and Gardner Roberts, Jr., since 1878. This church has always been self sustaining and through the efforts of one of its members, Wm. C. Smith, the church and society now own the beautiful pine grove and grounds containing two acres upon which the church stands and on which a commodious building for horses was built in 1897. By the will of the late Julia W. Adams of Ashville, N. C., this church received a gift of $200. REV. CONSTANT QUINNAM. REV. CONSTANT QUINNAM. Rey. Constant Quinnam the subject of this sketch was born in Wis- casset, Mle., February 9, 1807. He was one of a family of fourteen children, a son of Daniel and Phebe Albee Quinnam. He was studious as a boy and eagerly availed himself of such opportunities as his people could afford him in those early days. His youthful ambition was to become a lawyer and with the encouragement of his father was pur- suing a couse of study with that end in view, when he became deeply interested in religious matters and made a_ public profession of his faith. He very soon felt strongly impressed that he should devote his life to the gospel ministry. This impression came to be so pro- nounced and the way of duty so unmistakably marked, that he finally decided to lay aside all his cherished plans and labor in the vineyard of his Master. In 1831 he was ordained to the ministry. He at once entered upon his life work preaching the gospel to the poor. He traveled on horse back quite extensively in the southeast portion of the State preaching in schoolhouses, barns and private houses. Teach- ing school a portion of the time to secure funds to enable him to prosecute his ministry; this itinerate labor was very successful and many people were made happier and better through his efforts. Later he held pastorates at Georgetown, where he baptized nearly fifty people, also at Waterville, Hallowell, Litchfield and Bowdoinham; in the latter town he was pastor of the church on the ridge for eighteen years. He settled in Litchfield in 1844 and was pastor of the Plains Free Baptist church for many years. He took great interest in the educa- tional affairs of the town, was one of the most active promoters of the establishment of Litchfield Liberal Institute, which for many years did a grand work. In 1850 Elder Quinnam was elected a representative to the legislature which then convened on May 8th and finally adjourned August 29th. In 1864 he was again elected to the legislature from Bowdoinham to which town he removed from Litchfield. He was early a strong and untiring supporter of the Maine law for the suppres- sion of the liquor traffic and the drink habit. He was also an active anti-slavery man in the days when it cost something to espouse that unpopular side of the great issue which was to be finally settled by a terrible war during his life. I find in his diary under date of September 11, 1843, the following: “Went to town meeting to vote in favor of the enslaved. My heart felt much upon this subject. Fifty-four aboli- tion votes cast, but seven last year. This is the fourth year I have carried my anti-slavery principles to the ballot box. Lord help Christians to pray aright and then vote as they pray.” Elder Quin- nam’s first wife was Betsey Swett, daughter 0. Deacon Thomas and Eunice Dodge Swett of Whitefield, Me. They had two children, Mary Marilla, who is living with her husband, James B. Hobbs, in Chicago, Iil., and Thomas Marr, who was drowned at Gardiner October 24, 1856; his second wife was Sarah Swett, sister of his first wife, they had three children, Sarah Elizabeth and Emily Swett, both of whom are now living in Brunswick, Me.. Constant died in Litchfield in 1849. Elder Quinnam died in Bowdoinham April 24, 1865, much loved and deeply respected by all who knew him. THE CHURCHES OF THE TOWN. 437 Its first pastor was Rev. James Colby, a manly man, an earnest preacher, whose influence was for any good cause. He was honored and loved by the whole community. Rev. John Jackson was a self-made man, deliberate and cautious in thought and speech, fearless and firm in his opin- tons, loyal to the church, a friend of all reform and an earnest supporter of education. Rev. Timothy Goldthwaite—a thoughtful, sound preacher, commanding respect for the sincerity and dignity of his char- acter, Rey. Allen Barrows a close Biblical student, a clear-cut logical thinker, firm as the hills in his convictions, a preacher whose meaning was never misunderstood, broad in his sym- pathies, and in his veins ran the blood of which martyrs are made. Among the distinguished sons of the Baptist church none are more so than the Rev. Samuel kK. Smith, D. D., for many years a professor in Colby University, distinguished alike for his character and culture, whom his denomination has honored with many trusts and who himself honors the town with his presence to-day. We all unite in wishing for him a long and cheerful sunset, and congratulate him upon the new honor which has come to his already distinguished son by his recent election to the presidency of a New York college. Another distinguished son of the Baptist denomination, known for his Christian integrity, his active interest in all true reform—his wise political judgment, his culture and eloquence, is the Hon. John Day Smith of Minnéapolis, Minn. The first Free Baptist church according to the denomina- tional encyclopedia was organized in 1810, but the first Free Baptist church of which we have found any record is that upon the Plains organized in 1826 by Josiah Farwell and Rev. Samuel Hathorn. The church was organized in the barn of Deacon Cornelius Toothacher and held its meetings in the barns of Deacon Toothacher and Robert Ashford and the Hall school house until 1837 when the present meeting house was built.- Its pastors have been Rev. Samuel Hathorn, Rev. Hale Swett, Rev. Bernard Goodrich, Rev. Nathaniel Purington, Rev. Hama Getchell, Rev. Robert Stinson, and Rev. Constant Quinnam. 438 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Mr. Quinnam was a man of unusual force of character, of more than native ability, a good organizer, a natural leader of men, an ardent, tender preacher, a sympathetic pastor, a devoted friend of education, a loyal servant of his church, and was per- mitted to do a work such as few men accomplish. Rev. Mark Getchell was for many years pastor of this church and of the West church, was extensively known throughout the community, and after laboring many years here removed to Monmouth where he died. Rev. Stephen Purington belonged to a family fruitful of Free Baptist ministers and deacons. He had great energy of char- acter, was a-natural speaker, of strong feeling and intense emo- tion, who threw his whole soul into his work. Rev. Nehemiah Preble wrote his name upon the hearts of the people as a modest, humble, prayerful servant of Christ, original in his methods, sometimes eccentric in his manners, but true to his convictions, a wise counsellor and a most efficient helper in seasons of revival. Other pastors of this church the Rev. E. G. Page, Rev. E. Manson, and the present pastor, the Rev. John F. Harriman. The West Free Baptist church was organized in 1871 by the Rev. Wm. Cunningham with thirty-two members. Its pastors have been Rev. Wm. Cunningham, Rev. Mark Getchell, Rev. R. Bowie, and Rev. Joseph Nickerson, who because of his honest warmhearted faithfulness will be long remembered. A most worthy son of the Free Baptist was Rev. Alexander Morrill, the incarnation of humility, unselfish as the sunbeams, the Saint John of the Free Baptist denomination, whose living monument is the school at Harper's Ferry to which he devoted his life. Another most worthy son of this church was the Rev. Dexter Waterman, ordained in 1828, and who through a long ministry proved himself a wise counsellor, a successful pastor, and a saintly man. Between the years 1776 and 1780 there came from Yarmouth, N. S., families of the name of Smith and Baker, who settled in that part of the town now known as Litchfield Corners. They were Congregationalists in their religious faith, and for many years maintained worship in their homes according to the ALEXANDER HATCH MORRELL. REV. REV. ALEXANDER HATCH MORRELL. Rey. Alexander Hatch Morrell was born in North Berwick, Me., in 1818. He came to Litchfield with his parents, Josiah, Jr., and Sarah Quint Morrell, in 1824 and lived with them on the home farm where his father and grandfather and brother Hiram lived and died and which is now owned and occupied by Job Morrell a nephew. His ancestors were devout Quakers, his early opportunities were limited to the com- mon school of those days. At about eighteen years of age he became very deeply interested in the Christian religion and made a_ public profession of faith and was baptized by Rev. Jesse Swett and became a member of the Free Baptist church on the Plains, of which church Mr. Swett was then the pastor. Mr. Morrell from that period became a faithful, earnest, humble, helpful Christian. Very early in his Christian life he began to be deeply impressed with the thought that he ought to preach the gospel, but he was without means, with a limited educa- tion, with little confidence in his attainments or ability, with an exalted view of the dignity and great importance of the calling, he hesitated. Like Moses when God called him from the burning bush at Horeb he said, “Who am I? I am not eloquent, I am slow of speech.” He hesitated, went to Kentucky as a colporteur where he saw the work- ings of the institution of human slavery and became the firm friend of tne oppressed. He afterwards engaged in the manufacture of shoes and later became a dry goods merchant in Hallowell, Me. In 1845 he married Eliza Seavy, a woman of ability, who was of great assistance to him in his early ministry. He made his first effort as a preacher of the gospel in the little church at Hallowell, being then about thirty years of age. In 1851 having been licensed some time before he accepted a call from the church at Phillips, Me.. which was then called a Union church. He was to preach in this church one half the Sab- baths and among the other poor churches the other half. This remark- able pastorate continued for ten years. During these years he labored with nearly all the churches of northern Franklin and preached in thirty or more schoolhouses, and great good resulted from this long faithful work. He later held pastorates at West Waterville and Bath; from this church, in 1867, he went to the Home Mission work in the valley of Virginia which resulted in the establishment of “Storer Col- lege.” In which institute he taught theology and moral philosophy for several years and came to be very strong in that line of work. He remained in this field until 1881 when, because of ill health, he was obliged to make a change: he assumed charge of a church at Chepachet, R. I. He died suddenly in 1885 at Irvington, N. J., where he was visiting his son. Mr. Morrell was an able, intellectual and scholarly man. Rev. Smith Baker, D. D., said of him: “He was a man of most excellent judgment. He was an honest man. He was a sympathetic man. He was a cheerful man. He was a kind man. He was modest. He was straight forward. He was a spiritual man. In all probability not one minister in one hundred has been the messenger of so much helpfulness to the weak, the sick and the poor as he.” Hundreds of hearts will bless God because he lived. REV. NEHEMIAH PREBLE. REV. NEHEMIAH PREBLE. Rey. Nehemiah Preble was born in Norridgewock, Me., September 15, 1819. He received only a common school education. In early life, at the age of fifteen years, he became a Christian and soon began to take great interest in evangelistic work in which he continued ear- nestly and very successfully for many years. In 1849 he was ordained to the gospel ministry. He continued in revival work, and labored with remarkable results in more than thirty-five great reformations in different parts of the State, wherein many hundreds were converted and baptized. He was also much loved and verysuccessful asa pastor, having held that position in the Free Baptist churches in Gardiner, \lanchester, West Gardiner, Richmond Corner, Bowdoinham and Litchfield Plains. Of the last mentioned church he was pastor for eighteen years, and with his wife was a member at time of his death. His labors were instrumental in bringing large numbers into the church. Elder Preble was endowed with good natural ability, of strong individuality, was inherently honest and very industrious. In later years he sought by incessant study to make up in part for that lack of early training which he so frequently felt the need of. This close application, together with the cares of the church work in which he was actively engaged, no doubt hastened the failure of his health, which finally resulted in break- ing down of the nervous system and obliged him to suspend his public ministrations, though he continued his good work in many quiet though effective ways. He never fully recovered his health; though occasion- ally he could not deny himself the great pleasure of addressing his brethren in the church he loved and in behalf of the great cause to which he had devoted his life. In Litchfield, where a large portion of his work was accomplished, he is held in loving remembrance by hosts of friends who recall his faithful labors. Elder Preble was married, first to Caroline R. Butler, they had one son, George, now living at Fairfield, Me., and like his father greatly interested and actively engaged in evangelistic work. In 1852 he married for his second wife, Maria R. Perry, who still survives him with three of their five children. She has a pleasant home in Waterville, with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Littlefield. Elder Preble after a residence in the town of Richmond for nearly half a century, in 1890 removed to Waterville, Me., where he died suddenly of pneumonia January 6, 1891. Thus ended a useful life. CONGRIGATIONAL CHLURCIE, LITCHIAHELD CORNER, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The church was organized by an ecclesiastical council June 6, 1811. A record of “414 days work done on the meetinghouse at 6s. per day, 1£ 7s., besides board,”’ paid for by Thomas Smith, dated July 1, 1801, shows that the first church building was then either in process of erection or repair. It stood on the east side of the road, a few rods north of the present site of the church. Becoming too small for the congregation, it was sold to Bowdoin as a schoolhouse. The second building, dedicated August 11, 1824, stood on the west side of the road, where the academy is now. It was large, having a gallery all around three sides, and two rows of windows. Its pulpit was at least eight steps high, while to-day there are only three. In 1845 it was moved across the street to where the church now stands, and was remodelled, being raised and made into two stories, the upper fitted up for a school- room and used by the academy, the lower for the church. About 1862 it was torn down. In August, 1861, it being much out of repair, a subscription was started for a new building. Kennebec conference, held here June 6 of that year, promised aid, and from them and other churches came about $1,000. That new meetinghouse is the one now used, whose picture is before us and was “solemnly dedicated to Jehovah, God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost” on February 12, 1863, all paid for, the aisles carpeted and the pews upholstered. The sermon was preached by the ‘acting pastor,’ David Thurston, D. D., and the dedicatory prayer was offered by Benj. Tappan, D. D., of Augusta. The first bell was given by Deacon Thomas Smith, Jr., and was raised on September 12, 1846, a tower having been added to receive it. In 1892 the bell cracked and a new one of the same weight was put up July 23, 18G2, the old one paying half the expense. In 1837 the house where Joseph Earle now lives, about one-third mile north from the church, was bought as a parsonage. Later one-half the house now owned by Deacon Ayer, one-half mile south from the church, was secured from the wife of Rev. Benj. Smith, as a parsonage. Again they changed to the house now used a short distance northwest from the church on the Lewiston road. The pastors have been as follows: Samuel Sewall, 1809-1812; Daniel Lovejoy, 1812-1819 and again 1823-1828; Daniel Kendrick, 1819-1820; James Weston, 1821-1822; David Starrett, 1828-1835; Thomas N. Lord, 1836-1837; Timothy Davis, 1837-1852; Benj. Smith, 1853-1858; David Thurston, D. D., 1859-1865: Josiah Taylor Hawes, 1865-1891; James Richmond, 1892. The following have been deacons: Thos. Smith, Benj. Smith, Thos. Smith, Jr., Smith Baker, Isaac Smith, John Han- cock, Jesse Lambert, C. S. Ayer, S. G. Nutting, D. T. Smith. Mrs. Hannah Smith, one of the original members of the church, appears to have been the first to gather the children together regularly to study the Bible and catechism. They met in “Uncle Tom's Cabin.” Hephzibath Smith, afterwards Mrs. Ayer, was the first superintendent of an organized Sunday school. Also these have superintended the Sunday school: Isaac Smith, Benj. Smith, Sewall Baker. G. W. Springer, Granville Waterman, C. S. Ayer, Mrs. F. Alexander, Mrs. A. P. Smith, D. L. Smith, D. T. Smith, R. J. D. Larrabee, F. Alex- ander, H. Taylor. THE CHURCHES OF THE TOWN. 439 custom of the denomination, reading sermons upon the Lord’s day; and were frequently visited by ministers of the church. The first subscription for Congregational preaching is dated November 8, 1809. It contains thirty-five names and the amount pledged is $21.90. Of the subscribers upon this paper thirteen were by the name of Baker and thirteen by the name of Smith. The largest subscriber was my grandfather, Captain Smith Baker, and the next largest was my other grandfather, Benj. Smith, and the two smallest subscribers were my two grandmothers. The conditions of this subscription read: “The sum pledged shall be paid in money, rye, oats, or barley, and shall be poured into Captain Smith Baker.’ I am told he was a very corpulent man and this may be the explanation. From the descendants of these families eleven men have gone into the ministry and more than twice as many deacons. The church was organized in 1811. It has had four meeting houses. Its pastors have been, Rev. Samuel Sewell, a most devoted and faithful man; Rev. Daniel Lovejoy, father of the distinguished Rev. J. C. Lovejoy, and of Elijah Lovejoy, the anti-slavery martyr, and of the Hon. Owen Lovejoy for many years a member of Congress and a distinguished anti-slavery leader; Rev. Daniel Kindrick; Rev. James Weston; Rev. David Starrett, Rev. Thomas N. Lord, still remembered for his earnest character, gentlemanly manners and sincere piety; Rev. Tim- othy Davis, a graduate of Yale, and a student of the distin- guished Dr. Emmons. Father Davis was a minister of the old school, dignified and learned. He read his sermons from a four by five inch manuscript, and as he was near-sighted and unemotional, he exhausted his hearers more than he did him- self. He never became roused, only when he pitched into the Baptists and then, the boys said, the meeting house shook and the ground trembled. He was a most gentle, kind hearted man whose silent influence was always good. He had the largest private library then in town, and in looking over many of the volumes I found that the fly leaves were covered with figures, the mystery of which was solved when I learned that his salary was $185 a year. The good man had to cipher to make both ends meet. He was succeeded by the Rev. Benj. Smith, a son of the town and a son of one of the deacons of the church, a 440 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. graduate of Bowdoin College, and for many years principal of the academy. He was a man of great purity, sympathy, tender- ness, and gentleness of character, receiving the unusual honor of being the unanimous choice of his own kindred for their pastor, a distinction which he himself honored by a devoted unselfish life. Rev. David Thurston, D. D., was an ideal Puritan minister, a varied scholar, a gentleman in manners, conscientious as the ten commandments, firm as the granite hills, gentle as a child, uncompromising as a reformer, an earnest preacher, of saintly character, and national reputation. Rev. Josiah T. Hawes was the personification of goodness, every man’s friend’and the foe of all evil, earnest and faithful as a preacher, spending the last twenty-five years of his ministry with this church and preaching to the uncommon age of ninety- four years. The present pastor is Rev. James Richmond. The first Sunday school in the town was organized in 1821 by Miss Hepzabeth Smith, in the kitchen of her father’s house. Miss Smith was the daughter of Deacon Thomas Smith, the sister of Rev. Thomas Smith, and became the wife of Rev. Thomas Ayer and the mother of Deacon Cowper S. Ayer, so extensively known throughout the State. ‘There are two pupils of this first Sundal school still living, vix: Alden Baker and Mary Tapley (Mrs. Vossmoss. ; The first Temperance Society was organized by J. C. Love- joy, a student of Bowdoin College in 1825. In 1833, four Temperance Societies were organized, viz: At Litchfield Plains, with Deacon C. Toothacher, president; Wil- liam Chase, vice president; A. H. Morrill, secretary. At North Litchfield, with Rev. William O. Grant, president; Josiah Watson, vice president; James Lord, secretary. At Litchfield Corner, with Deacon Smith Baker, president; David Billings, vice president; Sewall Baker, secretary. First Female Temperance Society, Mrs. W. O. Grant, presi- dent; Mrs. ————— Lord, vice president; Mary Foster, secre- tary. REV. JOSIAH T. HAWES. REV. JOSIAH TAYLOR HAWES. Josiah Taylor Hawes was born in Yarmouth, Mass., August 15, 1798, the son ef Deacon Prince and Betsey (Taylor) Hawes. He was descended on both sides from an English ancestry and belongs to the race of honest yeomanry that constituted the larger part of the early settlers of New England. The vigor of the line which he himself well illustrated finds another example in the case of his maternal grand- father, who died at the mature age of one hundred and two years. When he was four years old his father and mother moved to Vassalboro, Me., where twelve other children were born to them, all but two of whom lived to grow up, and nearly all to advanced age. The one surviving sister is Mrs. George Hopkins of New Sharon. His father was one of the founders and the deacon of the Congregational church at Vassal- boro, located near what is now Riverside station on the Maine Central Railroad. Rev. Thomas Adams, D. D., then recently from Dartmouth College, was pastor of the church. The boy had the usual life with its full share of hard work that would naturally come to the oldest son of a working farmer in this country. He worked for a time as a ship carpenter at Woolwich where he was converted. On_ his return to Vassalboro the minister, Adams, thought that he saw signs of fitness for the work, and advised him to enter the ministry. It seemed to him that this work was altogether above and beyond him, but he finally saw that his duty seemed to lie in that direction. He studied first under Benjamin Tappan, D. D., of Augusta, and then entered the Theological Seminary at Bangor. He took the full four years’ course; and after graduation preached for a time at Great Falls, New Hampshire, after which he moved to Eliot, Me., and the remainder of his life was spent in this State, he having pastorates at Eliot, Topsham, Edgecomb, New Sharon, Bridgton and Litchfield. Each pastorate was longer than its predecessor, the last one, at Litchfield, continuing more than a quarter of acentury. He was a reformer by instinct and by conviction, a leader in the temperance reformation in the State and a leader also in the larger and grander reform movement which culminated in the Eman- cipation Proclamation. Mr. Hawes was a man of ability and most amiable disposition. He had great command of and facility in the effective use of the Holy Scripture in his public ministration. His manner of speaking was earnest, sometimes eloquent, and always impressive. He was ever kind and genial in his intercourse with his parishioners. The people of Litchfield, without exception held him in highest estimation as an honest, sincere, faithiul and able servant of God; and they frequently recall the fact that in the little church at the “Corners” this sainted man preached, on exchange, on the first Sunday after his graduation from the Theological Seminary in 1826, and preached also, as pastor, the last sermon of his life in November, 1891. He was twice married. His widow and two of their children, Rev. C. T. Hawes of Bangor, and Miss Addie Belle Hawes, a graduate of Oberlin, and instructor in Latin at Wellesley College: also three by the former marriage, Edward Hawes, D. D., of Burlington, Vt.; Ellen, wife of Joseph Merrill of California, and Mary, the wife of Rev. Eben Bean of Bluehill, Me., still survive him. He died on October 22, 1892; and his body lies beside that of his fifteen-year-old son in the burying ground on the hill west of the Congregationalist church at Litchfield Corners. THE CHURCHES OF THE TOWN. 441 In 1835 a Union Society was formed, with Dr. William Pidgin, president; Deacon John Smith, vice president; Rev. Thomas Ayer, secretary. In 1840 all selling of intoxicating drinks as a beverage was prohibited by a vote of the town. Thus it is noticed in the early history of these churches there were three of four names connected with each who took the church into their hearts, brains and pockets, and supported it as they did their own families. History has never done justice to the old fashioned New England deacons. These plain men discussed the doctrines, fore-ordination and freewill, and all the questions of religion and politics in their stores and fields and firesides; for they had firesides, not dark holes in the floor through which the burnt air came, or painted radiators to warm over old air;—but real firesides where the forked flames blazed, and the sparks flew, and the room was made light, and the air kept pure, and the shins toasted, and the imaginations roused, and the hearts stirred, and the reason quickened as they talked about the last sermon or the last speech in Congress. These plain men had the courage of their convictions. The soil was too strong to raise cowards. We are told that once, just before the Civil War, our distinguished senator, William Pitt Fessen- den, was invited to spend a few days with Gov. Wise of Vir- ginia. He was entertained with true southern hospitality, and riding round one day, they came to a group of men’with bowie knives and revolvers in their belts, making the air blue with their profanity. The governor said, “There Mr. Fessenden, your people can never contend with our people. Our people are used to fighting, yours are not.” Our distinguished sena- tor replied, “You go to Maine among my deacon farmers, and talk secession. They will take out their knives and picking up a stick they will whittle and whittle and whittle. But you fire upon the old flag and they will fall upon their knees and say ‘Let us pray.’ Then you look out for hell.” The. words proved true, and of such stuff were these our fathers made,— the John Neals, the Dennises, Bartletts, Toothachers, Ashfords, Nickersons, Robinsons, Trues, Woodburys, Plymptons, Isaac Smith, Thomas Smiths, John Smiths and Smith Bakers, firm as the granite hills they conquered. 442 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Such is a brief and imperfect record of these churches. It contains no great events and no famous names; but we must remember that New England’s historic glory does not depend upon any one place, Plymouth or Salem or Boston; or upon any one event at Concord or Lexington or Bunker Hill; or upon any one name, Adams or Warren or Hancock; but as the strength and beauty of a well-woven carpet is in the perfec- tion of each thread thus the glory of New England is not in her great cities but in her common towns; not in her few great men, but in the high level of her common people; not in a few great events, but in the noble character of her common lives; not in her few universities, but in her multitudes of common schools; not in her victories upon the field of battle, but in the ten thousand victories of common life; not in her marts of com- merce, but in the industry of her common yeomen; not in her cannonized saints, but in the saintly character of her common people. She had no lordly bishops, no great cathedrals, no imposing ritual, only the plain meeting house, the honest preacher, the simple worship of her common people. These thousands of towns woven together by the simplicity and earnestness of Protestant worship have created her glory. No one school house very large, no one meeting house very impos- ing, but each a signal of Christian civilization, shining from valley to valley and from hillside to hillside, and filling these houses of worship with plain, hard working men and women, who conquered these rocky hills into fruitful fields, and from the surrounding forests built their homes of comfort, and out of their scant earnings supported the preaching of the word, and by their daily lives witnessed to its power. These common men and women were our fathers and mothers; they laid the foundations upon which we stand, their names are unknown to history. No painter’s brush has shadowed their plain faces upon canvas, no sculptor’s chisel has carved their rugged features upon marble, no poet’s verse has immortalized their names in song, no monumental pile perpetuates the day of their. death in bronze, no historian’s pen records their deeds for future libraries,—they were only plain, common men who were born, lived, toiled, sacrificed, worshipped, prayed, died, and were buried in common graves. The present generation has THE CHURCHES OF THE TOWN. 443 quite forgotten them, and to the next generation they will be unknown as pebbles dropped into the ocean. But nothing is lost. No leaf floating in the morning air, no grain by the roadside, no song of birds in the sunlight, no kiss of love from an infant’s lips, no deed of kindness from loving hands, no prayer of a believing -heart;—all, all are a part of the eternal music of the universe, every note of which the recording angel keeps in the unfolding history of God’s kingdom. And when these rocky hills shall be no more, and the curtains which hide from mortal vision the unseen shall be rolled back, then these common names shall be found written in distinct, plain and golden letters upon the pages of the spiritual and eternal,— and only the spiritual is eternal. Because we stand upon foundations they laid, and enjoy privileges they bequeathed, in order to be as great as they we must be greater, to be as good as they we must be better, to be as useful as they we must do more. They planted these churches that we might sustain them; they lifted up the cross that we might lift it higher. When George Whitfield, at one time with his matchless elo- quence, was exalting Christ, lifting Him higher, and higher, and higher, Lady Huntington, whose soul was in complete sympathy with the great preacher’s thought, shouted in uncon- scious enthusiasm, “Lift Him still higher, and higher, Mr. Whitfield.” Thus in order to honor our fathers in the work which they did we must lift these churches and the cross of Christ higher and higher and higher. SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. By GENERAL I. W. STARBIRD. From the earliest times it has been deemed in accordance with the most enlightened and advanced thought, and not inconsistent with the most sacred tenets of religion, to main- tain by the sword the supremacy of national authority. In the later days, all the way down through the ages, this principle has dominated all peoples and nations, and has been employed by all divisions of religious thought, to establish the supremacy of particular branches of the church militant. As nations have advanced in refinement and civilization, more humane and more conservative methods, have gradually, and we believe certainly, supplanted, in a great measure the more barbarous methods of the early times. The settlement of national disputes is, in our day, brought about, when possible, by the interposition of sounder and more humane methods of arbitration, the matters in dispute being left to the cooler and less biased judgment of a friendly and disinterested power, or to some individual whose position in the political world warrants the belief that a judg- ment, just to all parties, will be rendered, which accepted, pre- vents bloodshed, and the horrors of war. Notwithstanding the great advance in international intercourse, (such are the pas- sions of men) no nation is safe from oppression and insult, which does not manifest the means and ability to protect itself, and guard the safety and interests of its citizens. A well equipped army and navy is a means of peace, and source of security to any people. The discovery of America excited the cupidity and love of conquest in nearly all European nations, it opened a field for the acquisition of new territory and the accumulation of immense wealth, such as had: never been known before. In the scramble for power and territory, one national interest conflicted with another, so that much bloodshed and ISAAC W. STARBIRD, M. D. ISAAC WARREN STARBIRD. Isaac Warren Starbird, second son of Isaac and Sarah H. Starbird was born July ro, 1839. He was educated at the L. L. Institute and Bowdoin College, graduating in August, 1862, with the degree of Bach- elor of Arts. The honorary degree of Master of Arts was conferred in 1865 by the same Institution. August 25, 1862, he was mustered into the U. S. Service as Captain Co. F, roth Maine Volunteers, for three years of the war. His regiment was assigned to the 2d Army Corps, Army of Potomac. He was with the regiment at the battles of Fred- ericksburg, Va., in December, 1862, Chancellorsville in April, 1863, and Gettysburg, Pa., July, 1863. He had charge of a section of the picket line which received the advance of the enemy in *Pickett’s famous charge” of the third day. In this charge he was wounded but did not leave the field till the battle was won. He participated in the move- 1aent that checked Lee's second attempt to reach Washington in October, 1863. Also the movement to the Rapidan in February, 1864. in April, 1864, he was appointed Brigade Inspector and assigned to Motts Brigade 4th Division 2d Corps. Was with this Brigade during the Wilderness Campaign, participating in all the battles, notably that of the Wilderness, May 5 and 6, Spottsylvania, May 12, Cold Harbor, May 5%. and the advance of Petersburg June 17 and 18th. August 16, 1864, was promoted to Major of his own regiment, and then assumed com- miand of the 19th Maine in season to command it in the battle of ihe Weldon R. R. in October. In this battle his regiment won great credit for its coolnessand gallantry. He wascommissioned Lieutenani Colonel, (Nov. 3d,) and Colonel, (Nov. 11, 1864.) The regiment became a marked organization by reason of its soldieily bearing and healthful discipline. Colonel Starbird commanded his regiment in the final advance on Petersburg, and the pursuit of Lee. Notable among the conflicts, was the battle of High Bridge on the Appomattox River. The 19th was ordered in advance to prevent the enemy burning the car- riage bridge, the only means of crossing the river. It was found on fire, but the flames were extinguished and the bridge saved. The enemy sent back a brigade to retake it, but the Maine boys, with stub- born resistance, held possession of it, till our columns arrived. In this conflict, Col. Starbird was severely wounded and fell from his horse unconscious. “For gallantry while in command of his regiment” in this battle he was commissioned by the President, Brevet Brigadier General. He carries in his body to this day, the nearly fatal bullet. After the war, while in the customs service, he studied medicine and graduated at Dartmouth College with the degree of M. D. and has since practiced his profession in Maine and Boston, Mass. January 1, 1868, Gen. Starbird was united in marriage with Miss Emma S. Merrill of Deering, Maine. A daughter, Grace Gertrude. now a teacher of art in the Girls High School of Boston, and a son, Edward Perley, now a practicing physician in the same city, were born to them. In 1895 he was tendered, and accepted the position of surgeon of the Soldiers’ Home in Massachu- setts, where (January 1, 1898) he now is, in charge of the hospital of the Home, which contains over one hundred beds. SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 445 suffering was the natural result. These conflicting interests, added to the savagery of the aborigines, compelled our people to repel insult and oppression by the only means, of any avail, in those days. This by natural sequence led to enrolling the inhabitants, of suitable age and condition, into organizations for protection, for repelling invasions and maintaining the security of life and property. Each province, town and colony had its organized militia, a force, which meant more a century ago, than we attribute to it to-day. Wise men have always con- sidered the militia as the best defence of a republic. Previous to 1691, the militia embraced all able bodied men between the ages of sixteen and sixty, a few officers excepted. In 1792 con- gress limited the number to those between eighteen and forty- five years. Who would feel greater interest in a town or state than a body of such men? Who would be more sturdy defenders of its rights; whose aims would be more potent -in maintaining the autonomy of a state, in protecting its citizens from invasion or their property from pillage? In the earlier days, previous to the Provincial Charter, firearms were scarce and expensive, and a part of each company was allowed to arm itself with “a good pike well headed, corselet, head-piece, and sword;” and boys from ten to sixteen were required to practice with small arms, and bows and arrows, on certain designated days. Before the charter, six, and after, four days training were exacted of both men and boys. The militia of a town formed a company, and of a county a regiment; and a major general, selected annually by the legislature, commanded the whole force. After the Provincial Charter, granted by William and Mary, the royal governor was the captain general of the militia of the province. He formed the companies, regiments and brigades and appointed the officers. This arbitrary rule did not suit the democratic tendencies of the people, and exercised a decided influence in causing the legislature to permit the several organizations to choose their own officers. When the province of Maine came under the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1780, only major generals of divisions were chosen by the legislature. As this town was not settled till 1778, and not incorporated till February 18, 1795, its militia formation was under the laws enacted by the general court of 446 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Massachusetts. Its population, at this time, was not far from five hundred souls. There is no record of the names of the rank and file of the militia of Litchfield in its earlier days, but the manuscript records in the adjutant general’s office of Massa- chusetts give the following as officers in the various organiza- tions: In the Third Regiment, Second Brigade and Eighth Division, James Lord, Jr., was commissioned lieutenant October 5, 1795; James Bunker commissioned ensign October 5, 1795; Henry Jewell commissioned captain October 5, 1795, and he was suc- ceeded by Brown Baker, May 17, 1798; Joseph Sawyer was commissioned captain May 7, 1799; Joseph Jewell was com- missioned ensign May 6, 1800; Joseph Smith was commissioned lieutenant May 17, 1798, and promoted to captain November 22, 1804; John Smith was commissioned ensign May 17, 17098, and lieutenant May 6, 1800. It seems that John Smith must have left the service, for I find that he was commissioned lieu- “tenant November 22, 1804. Brown Baker, who succeeded Henry Jewell as captain, was commissioned May 17, 1798, and promoted to major July 7, 1804, and was discharged February 10, 1812. According to the records, Major Brown Baker held the highest commission of any officer from Litchfield, previous to the War of 1812, and probably previous to War of 1861. Jessie Richardson was commissioned ensign November .22, 1804, and promoted to lieutenant April 14, 1806. Robert Patten was commissioned captain in Second Regi- ment of the First Brigade May 1, 1810. Hugh Getchell was commissioned lieutenant May 1, 1810, in the Second Regiment of the First Brigade. William Robinson was commissioned paymaster with the rank of lieutenant in the Second Regiment, First Brigade, November 6, 1811, and discharged April 3, 1818, thus serving nearly seven years. In the First Regiment, First Brigade, were the following: Joseph Hutchinson, commissioned lieutenant March 20, 1816. Daniel Stevens, commissioned captain April 8, 1816. John True was commissioned ensign March zo, 1816, lieutenant March 10, 1817, and captain March 30, 1819, and was dis- charged December 27, 1819. SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 447 I find another John True who was commissioned ensign May 7, 1816, and was promoted. Henry Jewell was commissioned cornet of cavalry belonging to the First Brigade, April 27, 1812, promoted to lieutenant May 4, 1813, and discharged August 15, 1817. This must have been a different man from Captain Henry Jewell, who was in command of a company in the Third Regiment of the Second Brigade. The names of most of these officers are familiar to us to-day; many of their descendants still live in the town, and, all along down the century have been prominent in town affairs ever since its incorporation. Whoever could live in town with- out becoming familiar with the names of the earliest settlers. The Smiths, Trues, Browns, Emersons, Robinsons, Hutchin- sons, Lords, Jewells, Neals, Dennis’, Tibbetts’, Metcalfs and many others. Litchfield would not be Litchfield with these names blotted out.—So much for blood and brains. There is no evidence that Litchfield furnished any troops for the War of the Revolution, as it was not settled till 1778, and had but few inhabitants. Individuals, however, did render service, and were credited to other towns. Some of these have their last resting place within her borders. After the close of the War of the Revolution, emigration into Maine was rapid, great quiet and uncommon prosperity prevailed. Manufactur- ing, farming, ship building and other branches of business were flourishing. Our ships whitened every sea, and commercial intercourse with European nations rapidly increased, and was a source of great profit. But early in this century England, true to her foreign policy, began her encroachments upon our rights as she is doing to-day in the case of weak and defenceless powers. She insulted and abused our flag, and fired upon our ships, killing many of our seamen. She claimed the right to detain and search our vessels, and impress our seamen into her naval service. The events at the beginning of 1812 showed that the United States had no alternative but war or complete submission to the wrongs and insults perpetrated by England. Our expostulations against the injuries inflicted on our com- merce proved useless, and our forbearance was regarded as weakness. War was declared by Congress June 18, 1812. 448 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Troops were called for by the general government, the quota of Maine being 2,500. Massachusetts did not look with favor upon the action of the general government, and, to her everlast- ing shame, refused her quota, and advanced the dogma of state rights. During the first two years of the war the territory of Maine was not invaded, but its people suffered much from losses and privation caused by the embargo. Within its borders were true, loyal hearts, and sturdy arms ready to uphold the meas- ures adopted by Congress. The stand taken by three New England states bears too great a similarity to that of South Carolina in the War of the Rebellion, for us to recall their his- tory with any feelings akin to admiration. While the gover- nor and legislature of Massachusetts were hostile to the Presi- dent and Congress, and refused to furnish troops as authorized by the latter and called for by the former, nevertheless when Boston was threatened and the enemy made war on her coasts in the Province of Maine, Massachusetts became aroused and called out her militia for self protection. Three companies were furnished from Litchfield which were employed in the defence of our sea coast and in manning the forts along our border. The adjutant general of Maine has furnished me the roster of the officers of these companies in which many well remembered names appear. Colonel Abel Merrill commanded a regiment at Bath, in which was a company from Litchfield. The commissioned officers of this company were: Hugh Getchell, captain; Wil- liam Randall, lieutenant and Jesse Richardson, ensign. The non-commissioned officers were: James PB. Smith, Cornelius Richardson, Cyrus Burke, sergeants; Adams Johnson, Isaac Smith, Thomas Springer, William Towns, corporals; John Hodgman, Cornelius Thompson and Isaac Shirtleff were musi- cians, and the company contained fifty-seven privates. “Litchfield also raised a company for Lieutenant Colonel Stone’s regiment. Of this company David C. Burr was cap- tain; Nathaniel Marston, lieutenant, and Ebenezer Colby, ensign; Andrew Goodwin, Daniel Herrick, Jesse Tucker and James Parker were sergeants; William Hutchinson, John Sears, , SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 449 Joshua Ritchinson and Daniel Cram, corporals, and Cypron J. Edwards, David Fuller, William Brown and James Goodwin, musicians. The privates numbered fifty-seven.” “Another company from Litchfield in Lieutenant Colonel John Stone’s regiment had for captain, John Dennis; for lieu- tenant, Daniel Stevens, and for ensign, Joseph Jewell; Samuel Hutchinson, Joseph Wharff, Israel Hutchinson and William Robinson were sergeants; Robert Crawford, Ebenezer Harri- man, Miser Williams and William Spear, corporals; John Rob- bins, James Hutchinson and Elijah Palmer, musicians, and the ¢ompany enrolled thirty-eight privates.” “A company in Litchfield was drafted from the 1oth Division and mustered into the United States service to garrison the forts on the coast of eastern Maine. The commissioned offi- cers of the company were: David C. Burr, captain; John Dennis, Jun., lieutenant; Benjamin White, Jun., lieutenant, and John A. Neal, ensign; Caleb Goodwin, Joshua Walker, Andrew Goodwin and William Hutchinson were sergeants; William Bailey, Francis Douglass, Hezekiah Richardson and Moses Stevens, corporals; Joseph Hutchinson and David F. Wey- mouth, musicians. Fifty privates went out in the company.” Although these companies reported promptly for duty, there is no record that they were engaged in any action. Their service was short. Captain Hugh Getchell’s company served from June 20 to 22nd and from September 10 to 28, 1814, at Bath. Captain Dennis’ company served from September fI to 25, 1814. I find no evidence that any troops were furnished by Litchfield from the close of the war in 1815 to the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861. Following the War of 1812 the territory of the United States was greatly expanded by the acquisition of Louisiana and the largé expanse of the Mississippi valley from France, of Florida from Spain, of Texas and California from Mexico. Step by step the holdings of other nations on this continent became diminished, and the power and national importance of this nation became correspondingly increased. This advance of the United States in the race among the nations of the earth, presented a spectacle, unrecorded in the world’s history. The 29 450 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. history of republics in the past, had simply been repetitions of failure, and the arrogance of monarchial governments had cor- respondingly increased as attempt after attempt at self govern- ment, had shown such internal weakness and instability. While the War of 1812 did not add much to our military renown, save the battle near New Orleans under the brave and determined General Jackson, our navy did excellent service, and taught England a lesson that has prevented her from any but secret and underhanded menaces against the power and autonomy of the United States. While our power among the nations of the world had rapidly increased, and the respect shown our repre- sentatives abroad was in proportion to our ability to defend our rights, there was a source of weakness in our fundamental law, which was fully realized by all true patriots at home, and ever present in the estimate which England held in the future per- manency and stability of the new republic. That blot on our progress and fair fame precipitated the War of the Rebellion and had an important bearing on our war with Mexico. The extension of slavery was the great source of dissension among the different sections of the country, and the slave power increased to that extent that it dominated the entire national councils, until it believed itself powerful enough to cause a divi- sion of territory, the slave from the free. Unwilling that the majority should rule, the election of Lincoln crystallized the hostility of the slave-holding states to the power and authority of the general government, and gave them a pretext for open rebellion and defiance of the national authority. This had long been threatened by Southern political leaders, but it was not received with any confidence by the people of the Northern states. Mr. Lincoln, both before and after his inauguration, did all in his power to conciliate the people of the South, but mad passion ruled their actions. Nothing would satisfy the: South but an independent existence, free from Northern inter- ference. The North recognized the slavery of the constitution, but was opposed to its extension into the territories and newly formed states. The administration of Buchanan was in sym- pathy with the movement, and great advantage accrued to the South in consequence. The firing on Fort Sumpter electrified the whole nation, and the cannon’s roar reverberated over the SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 451 civilized world. This final act of treason removed all doubt, and the Civil War of 1861 was inaugurated. There are many here to-day who will never forget the days and weeks and months that followed. Political party lines disappeared, and the feeling to support the President in the struggle, was earnest and universal. How we in this little town held our meetings and made patriotic speeches in condemnation of the traitorous acts ‘of the South. Our people were stirred to their inmost souls at the thought of our flag insulted, our government defied, and public property seized and destroyed by those who should love the flag, uphold the national authority and defend her interests. At the call of the President for troops, our little town vied with others in furnishing her sons and contributing her means to assist in carrying on the struggle that was now forced upon the North. Should we allow the country to be divided and the rebellious states to set up a government of their own, and thus add another to the many failures of popular sovereignty. Should the land bought by the blood of the Revolution, and saved by the War of 1812 now be sacrificed? Should government “of the people, for the people, and by the people,” be overthrown? No, a thousand times no.—At first, more troops were offered than was thought to be needed or could be utilized. But subsequently it was found necessary to tax the patriotism of the Northern states to an extent that was not thought possible at the beginning. Litchfield, true to her- self and the principles of the United States, gave of her best blood and withheld them not, till victory crowned their efforts. Many who were just entering manhood, at the outbreak of the war, are present here to-day, proud of the fact that they bore an honorable part in the War of the Rebellion, and helped to save the unity of the states. Others, none the less deserving, have been mustered out. I wish that time and opportunity permitted me to give a per- sonal history of each. It would be one that would reflect credit and honor upon the town. I trust the time will come, and that not far distant, when this will be done and placed in the archives of the town for the information of coming generations. e 452 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Under the various calls for troops during the year 1861 Litch- field furnished forty-eight men who went intovarious regiments. There was no company formation which had its origin in this town during the year. Aside from special authority granted to New York, Illinois, and Indiana to furnish men for three months’ service, there was no general call for troops in 1862 till July 2, when the President called for 300,000 for three years or the war. The war had now become a reality. Men were wanted to fight. Those who enlisted under this and subsequent calls realized, when they entered the army, that hard service and perhaps death was before them. The response however was all that could be desired. The only company which had its nucleus in Litch- field during the war, enlisted under the call of July 2, 1862, and assigned to the roth Maine Infantry. It was known as Com- pany F, raised and commanded by the writer. It was essen- tially a Kennebec company, with a few from Sagadahoc. The history of the 19th Regiment, is the history of this company. As I call the names of those who participated in the War of the Rebellion, I would that you would feel, that to each you are indebted for the privileges of free government, of an enlightened nation, which has no peer for happiness of its massess; no equal in general intelligence and education; no rival in power of self defence; that, as the result of the Rebellion, you live in a land of freedom, you can claim no prouder distinction than being an American citizen. SONS OF LITCHFIELD, WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY DURING THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: Enoch Adams, George Allen, George A. W. Bliss, William H. Bosworth, James S. Burke, George S. Buker, Franklin R. Chase, Charles F. Campbell, Charles H. Chick, George H. Douglass, Edward H. Dunn, Watson Foster, Alphonzo C. Gowell, Emery Gilbert, Frank Gilbert, Lewis E. Grant, Levi Gordon, Page F. Grover, John C. Grover, Charles M. Hatten, John H. Hayden, George A. Howard, Joseph E. Howard, Brad- ford T. Howard, William K. Huntington, G. H. Huntington, . Edward L. Knowlton, J. Edwin Libby, Joseph E. Latham, Benjamin Landers, Thomas H. Lombard, George M. Maxwell, SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 453 Darius Meader, George Meader, John W. Neal, John Potter, JosephE. Perry, John Perry, Joseph J. Perry, Cyrus Perry, War- ren D. Stuart, Orrin A. True, H. S. Vining, Jones M. Ware, Hutchinson E. Williams, John D. Gowell, Joseph Meader, Nathaniel O. Gowell, Charles H. Adams, Stephen Harmon, Franklin A. Bailey, James W. Powers, Cyrus E. Burke, Daniel W. Robinson, Amaziah E. Googins, John D. Smith, Samuel Smith, George S. Perry, Anson Turner, Lorenzo M. Richardson, George S. Wedgewood, Isaac W. Starbird, Horace L. Smith, James O. Stevens, Joseph Sawyer, William C. Gray, Samuel Smith, William C. Barrows, David Adams, George W. Brown, John D. Greenleaf, Augustus Hatch, Thomas B. Ader- ton, Nelson G. Hutchinson, Allen F. Barrows, Joseph E. Jack, William W. Cook, James O. Nickerson, Joseph S. Hatch, Daniel W. Perry, Fred E. Hutchinson, Alden H. Powers, Elijah Nickerson, Andrew S. Robinson, Thomas S. Wedgewood, Joseph B. Stevens, John H. Davis, Amos M. Jackson, Andrew J. Goodwin, George Allen, George W. Harriman, Sylvanus D. Waterman, Henry D. Earl, Arthur L. Allard, John H. Keyes, William H. Baker, Melville A. Cochrane, Melvin Douglass, Joseph G. Allard, William Berry, James Woodbury, John Dyer, G. W. Baker, Daniel F. Huntington, George A. Bosworth, Cor- rector K. Richardson, Dennis Gatchell, Charles A. Smith, Jonathan Newell, Richard Spear, William W. Stevens, Wilson M. Hattin, Herbert M. Starbird, Daniel G. True, William C. Williams, Joseph E. Babb, Napoleon D. O. Lord, Levi Gordin, Newton J. Wedgewood, Joseph Y. Maxwell, George P. Day, Charles G. Clifford, Charles W. Potter, George K. Hunting- ton, James Ricker, Charles D. Starbird, George E. Safford, George N. Thurlow, William Wyman, Isaac, Meader, D. M. Emerson, Frederick S. Dawes, Holman G. Puring- ton, Hartwell Keyes, Horace H. Tibbetts, Elias H. Wil- liams, James G. Lord, Charles A. Spear, Arthur Neal, John A. Dunn, Stephen Gray, Charles Gordon, Albion F. Hutchin- son, Joseph E. True, Virgil True, Roscoe G. Day, George W. True, Charles F. Gray, Stone G. Emerson, Edward E. Worth, Charles S. Emerson, Albert C. True, Alexander Walker, Nathaniel J. Emerson, Milton C. Wedgewood, Horace C. 454 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. White, Alvin Huntington, Joseph W. Bartlett, George W. Brown, Edward E. North, Morrell Burke, Clement H. Douglass, Josiah A. Marston, John S. Buker, David T. Smith, Joseph Cameron, Daniel W. Woodbury, David Harmon, Ben- jamin Woodbury, Cushing J. Bartlett, A. D. Nickerson, George W. Bartlett, Joseph W. Burke, Andrew Springer, 2nd, Silas co Thomas, David E. Curtis, Ivory W. Emerson, Charles W. Walker, David Mitchell. The following held commissions: Melville A. Cochrane was appointed captain in the regular army in 1861, and is to day colonel of the Sixth Infantry. Dr. Enoch Adams was surgeon of the Fourteenth Maine Infantry. James S. Burke was lieutenant Company D, Eighth Maine Infantry. J. Edwin Libby was lieutenant Company B, Fifteenth Maine Infantry. _ William C. Barrows was lieutenant Company F, Twenty- fourth Maine Infantry. Joseph W. Burke was first and second lieutenants Sixth Maine Battery. George W. True was lieutenant Company H, Tenth Maine Infantry. Rev. George W. Bartlett was chaplain Fourteenth Maine Infantry and First Maine Cavalry. Silas C. Thomas was assistant surgeon Twenty-first Maine Infantry. Dr. Horace C. White was assistant surgeon Eighth Maine Infantry. Dr. Milton C. Wedgewood was assistant surgeon Eleventh Maine Infantry. Amos M. Jackson was first and second lieutenants Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Infantry, and Brevet Major United States Volunteers. Charles S. Emerson was captain in First Maine Infantry, and captain, major, and lieutenant colonel in Tenth Maine Infantry. SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 455 Isaac W. Starbird was captain Company F, Nineteenth Maine Infantry, and successively promoted to major lieutenant colonel and colonel of that regiment, and was brevetted briga- dier general United States Volunteers. CASUALTIES. It is not possible for me to note with any degree of complet- ness, the casualties which occurred to many of these men. Some were disabled by disease, others by wounds and some now sleep beneath the southern sun. The following list is the best at my command. Edward H. Dunn was wounded at Gaine’s Hill and died April 16, 1864. John C. Grover died at New Orleans November 12, 1863. Edward S. Knowlton, Fifth Maine Battery, was wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Lieut. J. Edwin Libby, Company B, Fifteenth Maine, died of disease in Louisiana, September 16, 1863. Thomas H. Lombard, Company D, Seventh Maine Infantry, was made prisoner July 23, 1863. George M. Maxwell, Company D, Seventh Maine Infantry, was killed at Fredericksburg, May 4, 1863. Rev. George W. Bartlett, chaplain First Maine Cavalry killed at battle Coal Harbor, June 2, 1864. George H. Bubier, Eleventh Maine, died at home of consump- tion in 1864. Frederick Gowell, Second Maine Cavalry, died of disease in Louisiana. John W. Neal, First Maine Cavalry, killed in battle, June 19, 1863. John Potter, Company A, Seventeenth Maine Infantry, was wounded May 5, 1864. John Perry, Company B, Fifteenth Maine Infantry, died January 15, 1864. Lieut. George W. True, Company H, Tenth Maine Infantry, was wounded at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862 and died September 20, 1862. Charles H. Adams, Company F, Nineteenth Maine, died of disease October 20, 1862. 456 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Thomas B. Aderton was taken prisoner and died in prison, December, 1864. William W. Cook died in Louisiana of disease, April 1, 1863. Nelson G. Hutchinson died of disease, August 14, 1863. Joseph H. Maxwell was wounded April 24, 1864 and died July 5, 1864. David Mitchell died in hospital, September 11, 1864. Corrector K. Richardson was killed May 6, 1864 in battle of Wilderness. Lorenzo M. Richardson, starved nearly to death in Rebel prison, died at home April 13, 1865. John D. Smith, Company F, Nineteenth Maine Volunteers, was wounded June 22, 1864. Morton Maxwell, Company K, Seventh Maine, died of disease in Alexandria, Virginia, September 27, 1863. Joseph Meader, Company H, Eleventh Maine, was killed in battle before Richmond, October 7, 1864. Cyrus Perry, Company I, Third Regiment, died in Litchfield, January 31, 1862, of injuries received at Bull Run, Va. George W. Potter, Company D, First Maine, Heavy Artillery, died in Gardiner, of wounds received in front of Petersburg, Va., December 28, 1864. James O. Stevens, Company F, Nineteenth Maine, was a prisoner at Belle Isle, and died February 27, 1864, while being transferred to Andersonville, another victim to starvation. Joseph E. True died in hospital, of diphtheria, February 11, 1865. Jonathan H. Keyes was killed in action March 13, 1862. James D. Tibbetts died in Litchfield, October 9, 1865, of disease contracted in army. Cushing J. Bartlett, Company D, Sixteenth Regiment, killed at battle of the Wilderness, May 8, 1864. George A. Bliss, Company B, Fifteenth Regiment, died at home in Litchfield, November 2, 1863, of disease contracted in the army. Clement H. Douglass, Company A, Seventeenth Regiment, died a prisoner January, 1865. SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 457 Nathaniel O. Gowell, Company F, Nineteenth Maine, was taken prisoner September 15, 1864 and died in Andersonville February, 1865. Nelson Hutchinson, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine, died August 14, 1863, of disease contracted in service. James G. Lord killed at battle of Vicksburg May 12, 1863. Joseph Y. Maxwell, Company K, Thirtieth Maine Infantry, died of disease at New Orleans, July 5, 1864. David T. Smith, Eleventh Maine, was wounded May 17, 1864. Charles D. Starbird, Eleventh Maine, was severely wounded August 14, 1864, at Deep Bottom Va., and after a life of suffer- ing died May 22, 1887, as a result of his wounds. Isaac W. Starbird was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and at High Bridge, Va., April 7, 1865. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. The Grand Army of the Republic was the natural outgrowth of the War of the Rebellion. The principles which underlie it, and its motto of “Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,’ were so often put into practical operation during the long struggle, that their perpetuation, was a spontaneous thought in the minds of many. Early after the close of the war, its organization was effected and now has its branches in nearly all the states. After the Revolution the society of the Cincinnatti was organ- ized, which admitted to membership only a selected portion of those who had served in the war. Other countries had had organizations similar to the “Cincinnatti,’ but no one had ever been formed which admitted to membership, both rank and file as does the Grand Army of the Republic. The latter is a national and patriotic body, where all, who served the country, and were honorably discharged, are associated together with- out regard to former rank. Aside from its charitable work, its influence has been far reaching upon the present generation, in teaching loyalty to the flag, and the duty we owe to our com- mon country. Its branches in the various states are called “Posts,” and are generally named after some loyal soldier who has given his life in unholding the supremacy of the government. iA Post of the Grand Army Republic was formed in Litchfield, November 14, 458 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. 1883, and was named “Libby Post,”.in honor of Second Lieu- tenant J. Edwin Libby, Company B, Fifteenth Maine Infantry, who died at Camp Parapet, Louisiana, September 16, 1863. Its charter membership consisted of twenty-four men, who resided in this town. James Ricker, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volunteers. James Ricker, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volutteers. Alvin Huntington, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Vol- unteers. Joseph S. Hatch, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volun- teers. David T. Smith, Company K, Eleventh Maine Volunteers. Levi Danforth, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volun- teers. Capt. E. D. Percy, Master United States Navy. Andrew Bubier, Company B, Fifteenth Maine Volunteers. Joseph W. Welsh, First Maine Sharp Shooters. Joseph E. Jack, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volun- teers. 2 Wilson M. Hattin, Company K, Fourteenth Maine Volun- teers. ‘ Daniel W. Perry, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volun- teers. A. E. Googins, Company F, Nineteenth Maine Volunteers. William Wyman, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volun- teers. Alden Powers, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Volun- teers. Fred Hutchinson, Company A, First Maine Cavalry. George A. Bosworth, Company I, Thirty-first Maine Infantry. Elijah C. Towns, Company E, Third Maine Infantry. Herbert M. Starbird, Company D, First Maine Cavalry. Enoch Adams, Surgeon, Fourteenth Maine Volunteers. Albert C. True, Company E, Twenty-third Maine Infantry. Sylvester Stewart, Company A, First Maine Cavalry. William Kendrick, Company A, Fourth Maine Infantry. George N. Thurlow, Company F, First Maine Veteran Infantry. Orrin A. True, Company B, Fifteenth Maine Volunteers. SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 459 The following named men have been admitted to membership in the Post by muster or transfer since its organization. Thomas T. Jenkins, Company I, Twenty-third Maine. Charles H. Holbrook, Company D, Coast Guards. Gardiner Roberts, Jr., Company E, Twenty-fourth Maine. Charles A. N. Waterman, Seventh Maine Battery. Arthur Neal, Company D, Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers. Eli Merriman, Company F, Twenty-fourth Maine Infantry. Josiah Jones, Company K, Thirtieth Maine Infantry. William Maxwell, Company K, Thirtieth Maine Infantry. Cyrus E. Burke, F, Nineteenth Maine Infantry. Darius Meader, Company I, First Maine Veterans. William J. Smith, Company A, First Maine Heavy Artillery. Robert G. Phinney, Company E, First New Hampshire Cavalry. Daniel J. Riley, Company C, Second New York Militia. I. S. Maxwell, Company A, First Maine Cavalry. Joseph J. Perry, Company C, Third Maine Volunteers. Samuel Smith, Company F, Nineteenth Maine. Charles A. Norcross, Steamer Connecticut. George R. Allen, Company D, Eighth Maine Volunteers. Levi Bickford, Company E, Thirtieth Maine Volunteers. Elijah Allen, Company E, Third Maine Volunteers. George W. Hodgman, Company F, Nineteenth Maine Volunteers. Benjamin Lyford, Company E, First Maine Heavy Artillery. Lewis Litchfield, Company I, Second Maine Veteran Cavalry. William F. Haines, Company A, Nineteenth Maine Volun- teers. l Making the whole number on the rolls 48. The Post has lost by death, transfer, and other causes 19. The largest member- ship at any one time being 37 and the present membership 29. The first commander was Capt. E. D. Percy succeeded by Thomas T. Jenkins, Herbert M. Starbird, Joseph S. Hatch, A. E. Googins, Albert C. True, Orrin A. True, George A. Bos- worth and Elijah Allen. The town makes an annual appropria- tion to aid in defraying expenses incurred by the Post in the 460 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. services of Memorial Day. The citizens of the town unite with the comrades in keeping sacred the memory of those who gave their lives that we might enjoy the blessings of a free and united country. The services are held at Litchfield Plains where sixty-one graves are decorated. Five other cemeteries in town are visited by comrades detailed to decorate twenty-two graves of soldiers buried in them. The Post has been prosperous and is exerting a healthful influence in keeping alive the great prin- ciples on which our government is founded, and the work per- formed by those who aided in putting down the great Rebellion of 1861. Fellow Citizens: The part performed by the sons of Litchfield in the late war, is worthy of an enduring record. Most of them were young men just entering upon the duties of manhood. Reared to peaceful pursuits, the demands of the nation transformed them into “Soldiers of the Republic.” Their sacrifices and sufferings were not measured by the wounds received or battles fought. The fatigue of the march, would many a time, have been gladly exchanged for the dangers of the battlefield. In many, the course of life was radically changed by the life they led in the army. Many aspirations of youth were blasted, many hopes remained unfulfilled. The staff which the parents needed for support in their advancing years was frequently broken. The ability to make their way in the world was greatly impaired in many, who survived. This is not always regarded in its true light. Very few among the living, but suffer from some cause, the result of their service. Do not begrudge any of them the pit- tance they receive. I fear you do not always realize how much you are indebted to them for what you now possess and enjoy. In closing, I would like to recount some of the results of the War of the Rebellion to the nation at large. It marks an era in its history. But that was not assigned me. If I cannot speak of the rapid development of the resources of the country, or its great increase of power among nations, or of the fact that four millions of human beings were freed from the bonds of slavery, or of the great impetus given to trade and manufact- uries, 1 must say one word, which has been the result of the Rebellion. The “Dogma of State Rights” is dead. The power SOLDIERS OF LITCHFIELD. 461 of a state to withdraw its allegiance to general government has been dispelled; state lines have been obliterated; we are not a confederation of states, but a nation. The war cost 300,000 precious lives, andmade more than 400,000 widows and orphans. It cost millions upon millions of treasure, but it was worth it all to establish the fact, that the national authority is supreme. However loyal you may be to your state, remember that you owe a higher allegiance to the stars and stripes. Be loyal to the flag, which waves over all sections of the land and gives protection alike to the north, south, east and west. One coun- try and one flag. “The Star spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” POEM. By Mrs. ELLEN SAWYER PALMER. As the world moves along and we with it move, Each in our sphere, in our own little groove, Absorbed in ourselves and our Business intents, We scarce give a thought to the trend of events, Till we come to a milestone, like this reached to-day, And a halt,is then called, while we review the way; With our present conditions comparing tlie past, A gleam on the future is thrown by contrast. ’Tis a very good rule never trouble to borrow; And, from good to-day, hope for better to-morrow, For scientists teach that in growth to the higher, The path of development lies through desire;— Which is prayer—and my own would be this, That every man have the unspeakable bliss To own a few acres of good Mother Earth, Of whatever country, or whatever worth; A veritable garden of Eden his own, With the old serpent banished and Eve on the throne. For ourselves we honor the wise pioneer Of a century ago, who selected right here, The loveliest spot on the face of the earth, As a site for the town that has honored our birth. However afar we may wander apart Feet only are truant, but never the heart. And to-day while again on her green sod we stand, Place of honor we yield to that pioneer band, Whose presence we feel where their labors have been, To the work of whose hands we have now entered in; For they gave with true virtue that spirit uplifts, A character noble, the best of all gifts. With all our inventions in science and art, It is hard to conceive what a life set apart From the many conveniences they all bestow, Could mean to those ignorant of what they forego. With their slow coming mails on a once-a-week stage, Their weekly newspaper with its eager read page Of very stale news from the great world at large, POEM. 463 Even dreading a letter with its high postal charge; And so very few books, that all read by the light Of a faint tallow-dip, could not injure the sight. Though narrow their lives, they were filled with the beauty Of strictest obedience, subservient to duty, That hallowed them, lifting them over the plain Of the sensual, developing heart, soul and brain. With blue sky above them, green grass at their feet, Clear air full of song and of odors most sweet From the health giving pines and the warm sun-kissed hills, Besprinkled with dew from full thousands of rills. With their happy homes and their fruit laden farms, In a country made free by the aid of their arms;— What wonder that truth grew among them apace, That steadily wrong thinking to right gave place, Or that all without effort, their great souls drank in The pure wine of life with but few dregs of sin. As the spirit of progress within and without Brings, little by little, improvements about, The farmer accepts them and falls into line With the on going march of the world and the time. Contented and happy, save his grief and alarm That his sons so persistently leave the old farm. Rejoicing withal, that where Truth wins her way, There his sons lead the van of the world’s thought to-day. Ye hear from yours often in far city ways, Yourselves plume anew in their feathers and praise. And well may ye hope, though their loss ve bemoan, When they leave the old homestead so bare and alone. For gain shall they bring to the homes they desert, When by their inventions, they’re helping divert The tide backward. After long ebb comes a flow, , Not ever one way will the swift waters go. Already the cities are quite at flood tide No sky-piercing roofs can the shelterless hide. F’en now the tide’s turning, e’en now setting back. Do ye not see it coming along down the track Of “Electrical” trains? How the street rails expand! Like serpents they crawl, they will cover the land. Over still country roads, through your sweet shady lanes, See the broom of the witch, as she drags the trains, And a tide of humanity floods hill and plain, Restoring waste places to Eden again;— Not an Eden of two, but of all human kind, Bound closely together, and linked mind to mind, By that almost invisible net work of sound Underlying the sea, overstretching the ground. Then with Edison’s phones to keep all in touch, 464 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. As the nerves of the body, it is not too much To look for the city and country as one, Already the mellowing process’s begun. Then courage! good farmer, don’t throw up your land, In the good time that’s coming, ’twill be iu demand. Your son shall return in the “fulness of grace,” With more love in his heart for this dear old place, And while not exempt from temptation and sin, In touch with mankind, yet to Nature akin, Towards purity grow as never before Prepared and ready higher fields to explore. These wait but the passing of turbulent noise, Where in quiet of soul speaks the still, small voice. Blessed spirits there are waiting time to be born, Their smile like the roseate breaking of morn, Thoughts, unlocking the fetters and chains, that will brood A better time coming, Universal good. : By the light of the past our now present hope, Has nothing to limit its bright horoscope. Toa Morse and a Field, God spake and ’twas done, Sea and space are well bridged, and our continents one. While high over all the keen spirit discerns The search light of truth as it steadily burns Its way through dark clouds of enveloping gloom, At best seen through fog, its noonday will consume. The same e’er increasing and widening ray, That bleached a dark stain from our banner one day. Your pardon I beg as I mention with pride Old Litchfield’s brave sons, ’mong the first who descried There was crime ‘neath that blot, held it up to the light, Till in war clouds and smoke, quick it vanished from sight. Ye too ’mong the first, at your dear country’s call, Laid down on her altar your lives and your all. And thanks to the light of God’s love in our hearts, E’er our dead are forgotten, while still the wound smarts, We have offered our hand, e’er the records are sealed And the century closes, the wounds are all healed. So lofty a deed, all the world stood to see *Twere better than sermons on Sweet Charity— With more or less power all over the world That search light still flashes, by lightning oft hurled, Striking bigotry here, there toppling a throne, _ Extending its beams far into each zone— For good of humanity every way turns, Striking down the oppressor, it heals where it burns. Not only for good of Armenia ‘twill work, But reveal to himself the heart of the Turk. By its radiance subduing the beast in his liar, POEM. 465 Melt the'ice round the heart of the cold Russian bear. And while still it flashes from zone into zone With stronger power yet it is turned on at home. Though evil men fear it, and throw up tlfeir blinds, Some Parkhurst will scatter them all to the winds. “Some Willard will see that men take, to be sure, The ounce that prevents more than Keeley can cure. And when evil’s purged from the nation’s huge veins, Its heart must grow pure, giving law without stains. Most surely ’tis coming in the great heart of man, Monopoly can’t crush it nor can anarchy bann. With all the improvements this century can boast, —One tires to think without naming the host,— Side by side, keeping pace with the front of the van Is the growth of man’s love for his dear brother man. At no time since Cain has the truth sunken deeper In the life of man, “I’m my brother’s own keeper.” Nowhere does Christ teach that those souls which are his, Shall rise to the top—be skimmed off into bliss. They’re not cream but good yeast, throughout all the mass Permeating and carrying to each needy class The light of uplifting, upspringing desire ’Till all shall be light, e’en the whole lump entire. For this is light given, and this is the prize Rewarding the labor of long centuries, Since man, turned from Eden, from innocent bliss Has been conquering the world and making it his. Beginning at first in the darkness to grope— A possible glimmer, the bright star of hope. Each truth as ‘twas grasped revealing new store, Increasing desires for better, for more. As a stream down the mountain for nothing waits, Gathers force as it goes which accelerates, So down through the centuries, with increasing pace ’Till in this nineteenth, we look on in amaze At the wealth of man’s knowledge, increasing each hour, And at once we’re aware, since in it lieth power, That all power is his when he’s able to use it, And only withheld lest his ignorance abuse it. At creation dominion was given té man, But his by achievement was also the plan. So as ye read signs of the world’s great advance Know! ’tis man coming into his inheritance. The earth is the Lord’s, and he formed the dry land, The sea also is His—it is held in his hand But ye are his sons, heirs by right, most divine, As ye know your estate, ye can say “it is mine.” 30 SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. By Dr. L. M. PaLmer, South Framingham, Mass. The little red school-house always has been, is now, and always will be, the foundation and bulwark of our Nation’s prosperity and safety. The first thing which our ancestors, the Pilgrims Fathers, did, when they reached the rocky and inhospitable shores of the new world, was to thank God for Liberty, and at once build the meeting-house and the school-house. Hand in hand, and step by step, they have been the two feet by which the common people of the United States of America have marched to the front of all civilized nations. The meeting-house and the school-house, baptized and imbued with the spirit and character of that remarkable band of men and women, have moulded and guided and elevated the life of New England, whose men and women have been the con- trolling element in most of the new states and territories. Whenever and wherever the New Englander has failed to find his surroundings like those of his youth, he has made them such. What is it that has made our beloved New England the pride of every native and the envy of every alien, a place that is called home still by every boy and girl who has gone out from it, and whose ambition is sometime to return to it, and in it spend his declining years? I answer that it is the thrift, the prosperity and general intelligence which have been given to us by the spirit of our ancestry, the discipline gained in wresting a living from our rugged soil and our common schools. - . ' Of the sisterhood of the New England states, Maine has ever been a prominent member. As evidence of that, I have only to point you with pride to our present company: a Frye, a LEWIS M. PALMER, M. D. LEWIS MERRITT PALMER. Lewis Merritt Palmer born in Litchfield, Me., September 2, 1850. Keceived his English education in the common schools and Litch- field Academy. Fitted for college in Waterville Classical Institute. Graduated from Bates College in 1875. Taught the high school in Hopkinton, Mass., from 1875-78. Graduated from the Harvard Medi- cal School in June, 1881. Served one year in Rhode Island Hospital as house surgeon. March 28, 1882, married Nellie Barker Prouty oi Newport, Vt., and at once began practice in Framingham, Mass., where he has since remained. Took a post graduate course of study in New York City in 1893. Spent the year 1896 studying in foreign hospitals. Dr. Palmer has a large professional business and has been very successful. SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 467 Dingley, a Milliken, a Cleaves, a Robie, or to the absent Reed or immortal Blaine. The good one hundred year old town of Litchfield is one of Maine’s fairest and most prosperous daughters. I am, therefore, happy and proud on this auspicious day to respond for our public schools and briefly to attempt to tell what they have done for the boys and girls of Litchfield. I have two regrets: first, that the record is not to be written by abler hands, and second, that so few historical facts and data are available for a complete history of our first one hundred years. : You will appreciate the reason why this is so, when I remind you that we have hada State Superintendent of Schools to collect, arrange and preserve the statistics of our common schools only since 1868; that we have had our school reports printed only since 1870; and that, previous to that time, the reports were written out, read in annual town-meeting, accepted, and then promptly lost or destroyed. The first school taught in what is now Litchfield, then called Smithfield Plantation, was a private school taught by a unique and talented man whom we may with perfect propriety, call the Nestor or founder of the public school system of our town. His name was Adam Johnson. He was born in 1718 and died December 13, 1813, at the ripe old age of ninety-five years, beloved and honored as only those early pioneers could be. It was his custom to teach in the log houses of the different families and to receive as his wages, the labor of the parents in cutting down the virgin forests, clearing up land or in farm work in general. It would be of great interest could we know more of this man’s personality and methods of teaching. The first regular town school was taught at Litchfield Corner by James Shurtleff, Esq., somewhere between 1788 and 1790. The first female teacher in town was Mrs. Abagail Jackson who taught a school in 1790. The first record of town schools that I have been able to find was on the date of April 7. 1794, at a meeting held at the house of “Hennery Jewell” when Smithfield Plantation voted thirty pounds for the support of schools. At this same meeting, Samuel Adams received thirty-five votes for Governor of 468 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Massachusetts, of which Maine was then a Province. On the 31st of March, 1795, a call: for a town meeting of the new town of Litchfield was directed to James Lord, Yeoman, Constable, and my ancestor, and said meeting was called by the said James Lord and Samuel Hutchinson and Jabez Robinson, assessors, at the house of “Hennery Jewell.” Under date of February 10, 1796, there was an article in the town warrant “To see what method the town will take to class themselves into school districts, or act anything thereon as the town shall think proper when meet.” Under this article it was “Voted to leve the closing of the town unto school classes, to the discration of the Selectmen.” An average of two hundred and sixteen dollars was raised per year for the first ten years of our town history, with a probable population of about five hundred people. There is no record of how or by whom this money was expended. In 1807, it was “Voted to give Jacob Crane his proportionable part of the school money, to lay it out under the direction of the School-Committy or Selectmen.” This is the first mention of a school committee, but they were not of sufficient importance to be recorded as to who they were or when, or where, or how they came into existence. Of our schools for the first half century, we unfortunately have practically no records. I have therefore been obliged to rely upon tradition and the memory of our oldest inhabitants, for material for history. To this end I have written and con- ferred with many old people. Much of this history, which has been so kindly furnished me, I regret that I am not able to use for lack of time. One eighty-nine years old school girl, whom it has pleased God to spare to her children and many friends, to see and enjoy this auspicious day and have the honor of being the oldest living inhabitant, my mother, writes me as follows: The first school-house I remember was an old building then, with a door in one end and a great open fire-place in the other. The seats were on opposite sides of the room, sloping towards the teacher in the center. There was but one aisle, and that in the center, so when a scholar at the end wished to go out, he was obliged to walk on SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 469 the seats behind the other scholars. Every time a boy went out of, or came into the school-room, he was required to bow to the teacher; every girl, under the same circumstances, was required to courtesy. My first teachers were Deacon Dennis, Asa Batchelder, Abner True and Elder Grant. I never froze my feet, but they have been pretty cold. The scholars’ parents would go into the woods, haul a load of green wood and leave it at the school-house. Then the scholars would take turns and go out and chop wood to keen the fire agoing through the day.” She closed by saying, “What do you think of doing that?” Mrs. Mary K. Pike Day, writes: “The first stove I ever saw was in our school-house in district No. 11, Purgatory, in Decem- ber, 1831, when my father, Dr. Jesse Pike, was school agent. Our school books were theEnglish Reader, American Preceptor, American Orator, Murray’s and Fiske’s Grammars, Pike’s Pleasing Spelling Book, Peter Parley’s Histories, etc.” Another says: “The Testament was a common school book in my day. The teacher always set our copies.” Discipline was a prominent feature of early school teaching and the teacher ruled with a rod of birch. A trace of this is to be seen even yet, for I find, on reading the reports of our schools for the last twenty-five years, that every school supervisor feels called upon to speak of order or discipline in nearly every school. One of the pupils of the olden times who perhaps needed regular discipline, as the patent medicine man says we regularly need spring medicine, once told me that his teacher, whenever there was a lull in: business between classes, would call him into the floor and whale him. Zz As an extreme illustration of this disciplinary spirit, I will relate that old Deacon Dennis called Adams True out one Monday morning and whipped him severely for killing a fly in the meeting-house during service the day before. To illustrate the wages paid, I have a bill for servicesfor teach- ing school which reads as follows: Litchfield, August 28, 1831. School District No. 4, 470 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. To Annie Smith Dr. to keeping school twelve weeks a 4-6 75 I2 $9.00 Ab. Richardson, Class agent. Order September 12, 1831. The usual wages of school mistresses, as they were then called in the fifties, was one dollar per week, and of male teachers, from thirteen to sixteen dollars per month. Probably the old system of class agents was the purest example of nepotism that the world has ever seen. Every agent was expected, and often selected for that special purpose, to hire as teacher one of his immediate relatives or friends. From the last report (1893-94) of the State Superintendent of Schools, I glean, in regard to Litchfield the following: The school age at the present time is from five to twenty- one years. Number of children belonging in town between the ages of 5 and 21 years, 299; number of different pupils registered, 233; average number in spring and summer terms, 161; average number in fall and winter terms, 172; per- centage of average attendance in town, 55; percentage of aver- age attendance in whole state, 48; number of school-houses in town, 15; number of new school-houses built, one, costing $420; estimated value of school property in town, $4,000; num- ber of female teachers employed in fall and winter terms, 8; number of Normal graduates employed, 0; average wages per month of male teachers in town, $25; average wages per month of male teachers in whole State, $36.39; average wages of female teachers per week in town, $6.50; average wages of female teachers per week in State, $4.81; amount paid for school supervision per year, $67; amount of money voted by town in 1894, $1,200; amount raised per scholar in town, $4.35; amount raised per scholar in State, $3.31; which is not the amount of a 10 cent plug of tobacco per week. One of the prominent events and advances in our school record was the passage of the Free Text Book law in 1889. This was introduced and fathered in our legislature by one of SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 471 Litchfield’s distinguished sons, Hon. O. B. Clason, the present popular Mayor of Gardiner, Me., and one of to-day’s orators. By this law the cost per pupil for the year 1893-4 for books, was 40 cents, whereas by the former method of supply, the cost was $1.25 per scholar. But it has not only proved a matter of economy, but also has placed the poor boy on an equal footing with the rich one. The Free High School law of 1873 was another great bless- ing to rural towns like Litchfield. The last important step forward in school legislation was an act which took effect March 1, 1894, entitled, “An act to abolish School Districts and provide for more efficient Supervision of Public Schools.” I venture the statement that these three laws will do more for the advancement of our schools than all the other school-laws passed in the last fifty years. For many facts and courtesies in regard to our common schools, I am indebted to our present school supervisor, Mr. Henry Taylor, who is a living example of the advantages of our free schools and free institutions. It is a singular fact that it was at the close of our first half century that the movement for a higher education started in our town in the High School, Academy and Institute of that period. Now of their advantages and associations, allow me briefly to speak before giving their histories. It has often been truthfully said that there is no pleasure so keen or so often sought for by persons in middle life or old age, as to return to the scenes and play-grounds of their childhood. With what a tumult of conflicting emotions do we tread the familiar ground and re-people it with the bare-footed boys and red cheeked girls, the heroes and heroines of childhood’s dreamy days. The busy man of mature years, covered with the scars of life’s conflict, has never again found the ideal reali- zation of life’s dream, as has been so beautifully expressed by the poet singer, Whittier, in the poem—school-days, where he puts these words into the mouth of the little girl, who had spelled correctly the word that herbashful boy-lover had missed, I am sorry that I spelled the word I hate to go above you Because, the brown eyes lower fell— Because, you see, I love you. 472 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Do you remember that old attic on a rainy day that con- tained more curiosities than the British Museum: those trinket treasures that were more valuable to you than any other earthly possessions you have since been able to acquire; and that snow-drift that was Bunker Hill, stormed and captured.a thousand times every winter term? Do you remember that sweetly perfumed school-ma’am (I can smell her yet) beside whose knee you stood in pink tire and learned your A. B. C’s? Do you remember later when, after many applications, father said that he guessed, if you would work well Saturdays, you could go over to the institute or the academy for a term? Do you remember all these things? If you don’t, I do. How can I ever forget them! In that Academy catologue, I first saw my name in print. How well I remember that first decla- mation of mine one Friday afternoon, when the old Academy room looked as large as the Roman Coliseum about which I was declaiming, and its funnel as big as the Croton Aqueduct. Two years ago I climbed in a window to again view that grand scene. I wish I hadn't; for the arena of my boyhood had dwindled to an ordinary room. Do you remember those lyceums and the ease with which we, with an hours debate and a yea and nay vote settled questions that had been stumbling blocks to Congress, had divided philosophers into schools or had caused international wars? I like the word academy, the sound of the word carries with it the idea of dignity. To many a person it is the beginning and end of anything like a higher education. Up to the time when its pupils first enter its portals, they have been merely the thoughtless and careless boy and girl whose minds have been engaged only in gratifying the passing whim of the hour. Now comes a change. The pupils begins to think of things that have never occurred to them before. He feels, perhaps, the first throb of ambition, and the friction of his mind with other similarly awakened minds stimulates and developes the seeds of future success. In short, he feels for the first time the pos- sibilities open to him, and he resolves to be somebody and by the end of the first term he is fully convinced in his own mind, in fact he knows, that he is somebody. LITCHFIELD ACADEMY. SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 473 Oh, the possibilities and responsibilities resting upon the wisdom, tact and character building powers of the teacher at this crisis in our boys’ and girls’ lives! The question is often raised and ably argued pro and con as to whether or not a college education is advisable for the purely business man, and sometimes the college man himself doubts whether his four years in college have been well spent; but I want to ask if, in all your experience, you ever heard a person regret the time and money spent in attending a few terms at the academy, ora parent say that he was sorry for the effort required to send his child there? I know I can answer for you a most emphatic No. The academy has its special mission in such states as Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont and it is doing it nobly and well as many a middle aged man and woman of to-day can testify. From the nature of our needs, it must continue and it merits -and should receive our cordial support. The first High school was started in the old brick school- house, at the Corner, but now gone, in the fall of 1840 and con- tinued two falls with Benjamin Smith, a graduate of Bowdoin College, as Principal. The school soon became too large for the little school-house, anda hall over Isaac Starbird’s store was rented and fitted up for the school, where it remained until it was adopted by the academy and moved over the Orthodox meeting-house in the fall of 1845. This High school was there- fore the beginning and forerunner of both the academy and institute, and as such did a noble work The act of incorporation of Litchfield Academy was passed to be enacted by the House of Representatives, February 3, by the Senate February 4, and approved by Gov. H. J. Anderson, February 7, 1845. The incorporators and first trustees were Rev. Timothy Davis, Thomas Ayer, David Billings, Smith Baker, William Robinson, John Neal, Zechariah B. Smith, George Potter, Granville C. Waterman, Jeremiah Springer, Elias Phimpton, Isaac Smith, Sewall Baker and Solomon Brown. The board of trustees first met March 6, 1845, and organized as follows: President, Rev. Timothy Davis; vice president, William Rob- inson; secretary, David Billings; treasurer, Solomon Brown; collector, Jeremiah Springer; standing executive committee, 474 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Isaac Smith, George Potter and Smith Baker. At this meeting it was “Voted to adopt the school now in operation under the care of Joseph Stacy.” At a meeting held March 11, 1845, it was “Voted to decide on a location at this time,” also ‘““Voted that the location be fixed at Smith Baker’s 7 to 4.” This “7 to 4” is underlined in the records, I presume to distinguish it from the famous 8 to 7 of Hayes and Tilden fame. This was the first ripple on the waves, indicating the approaching storm, and was the cause of the division and establishment of the two schools. From this time the friends of the institute began to withdraw from the academy and work for a separate school. Under date of April 4, 1845, “Voted that the committee be instructed to fix up rooms in the meeting-house at Litchfield Corner, for the accomodation of the school, to be completed by September 1, 1845.” This was done and the rooms occupied till the erection of the academy building. In the records under date of February 2, 1846, are vague references to grievances, proposals and reconciliations. In the catalogue of 1846, it appears that there were four terms of twelve weeks each in the year, beginning with the first Mon- day in September, December, March and June, respectively. This left only four weeks for vacation purposes. The tuition was $3 a term for English studies, $3.50 for languages, and $1.50 for drawing and painting. The catalogue further states, “Board can be obtained in good families at from $1.00 to $1.50 per week.” In 1849 the State Legislature passed the following: “Resolved that the land agent of this State is hereby author- ized and directed to convey to the trustees of Litchfield Academy, one-half township of land situated in the county of Aroostook.” This bequest was the result of the labors of Mr. Sewall ‘Baker, in appreciation of which the trustees voted free instruc- tion to his children in the academy ever afterwards. Smith Baker was chosen by the trustees an agent for this property, and after varied interesting experiences, he sold it for $5,650 to Gorham L. Boynton & Co., of Bangor, Me. This half township é SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 475. was of township No. 13, in the 8th Range, west of the east line of the State, in the county of Aroostook. In 1852, after much investigation on the part of several com- mittees it was voted to build a new building after the North Yarmouth plan, so called, of a size 33 feet by 40 by 22. The present academy building was built in 1852 in its present form, under the direction of following gentlemen: L. B. Smith, Smith Baker and David Smith as building committee. In 1855 the following vote was passed: “Voted that a com- mittee of three be appointed by the chair to carry a proposition to unite Litchfield Academy and Litchfield Liberal Institute in- to one school to the trustees of Litchfield Liberal Institute, and G. C. Waterman, Benjamin Smith and Jeremiah Springer were appointed said committee.” There is no further reference to this proposition in the records of either school. In 1863 an earnest effort was made by the trustees to have one of the State Normal schools located here, they offering the free use of everything they had for this purpose, but the effort was unsuccessful. Since then, the academy has had an uneventful history, con- stantly maintaining its school, and doing good work, without any special events worthy of special record. It now has a reg- ular course of study, and grants diplomas, and is under the fol- lowing management: president, F. W. Libby; vice-president, Henry Taylor; secretary, A. P. Smith; and treasurer, D. S. Springer; executive committee, Hon. Oramandel Smith, John Purington and Cyrus Kendrick, M. D.; principal, W. F. Sims; A. B., a graduate of Bates College. The first record of any meeting of the originators of Litchfield Liberal Institute, was under date of November 29, 1845, and a call to see about building a new school-house. At this meeting, Robert Patten was chosen chairman, and Curtis Wedgewood, secretary, and it “Voted that said school-house be located between Goodwin’s south line and Litchfield Corners. January 12, 1846 it was “Voted to form ourselves into an association by the name of Litchfield Liberal Institute.’ The officers were a\“‘President, Secretary and Treasurer, who with sixteen other members of the Association shall constitute a Board of Trustees” and “said Trustees shall be so selected as 476 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. not at any time to consist of a majority of any one religious denomination.” The stock was divided in shares of five dollars each, and each and every person holding one or more shares was entitled to one vote in the association. Robert Patten was its first president and Curtis Wedgewood its first and permanent secretary. David Billings, Mark Getchell, Samuel Patten, Isaac Starbird, William White, Joshua Walker, 2nd., Alden Jack and Oliver Libby were its first trustees. The Institute building was built by David Billings for the sum of four hundred dollars, and it was completed August 1, 1846. This first building was only one story high. The second story was added in 1857 at a cost of $200, and was to accommo- date the Calvanist Baptist society. The land was given by David Billings and was apprized at $125. In 1876 the building was bought by Morning Star Lodge A. F. & A. M. for $225, and fitted up for their use, and has since been occupied by them as a Masonic home. Morning Star Lodge was instituted in 1867 with seven members and now has one hundred and sixteen members. The first teacher of the Institute, was John S. Baker, who afterwards became a prominent lawyer in Bath, Maine, and county attorney for Sagadahoc county. He was followed by M. C. Wedgewood, now a prominent physician and surgeon of Lewiston, Maine. The height of the Institute’s prosperity was from 1849 to 1858 when it averaged at least 150 scholars in the fall. and spring terms. The school finally stopped in 1862 from lack of interest and support. The institute received at one time, three hundred dollars from the State. John Henry Jackson was its last teacher. Such in brief are the outlines of the history of these two once famous schools. To attempt to give a full account of the causes which led up to the formation of the two, and the rivalry and competition which supported them prosperously, side by side for sixteen years in a sparsely settled country, would require a book instead of a short address. The rivalry between them is only another illustration of the old saying that ‘Competition is the soul of success.” I am per- fectly safe in making the assertion, that had there been but one SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 477 instead of two schools, there would not have .been one-quarter of the number of students, mental awakening or final resultant good. For many years there were over three hundred students in these two schools, who were accommodated in one small village. Every house, was a boarding house and full to overflowing. Good board in private families could be obtained for $1.00 to $1.50 per week including room, heat, light, and washing. The part of a historian is always a difficult one, but to the best of my knowledge, the rivalry which led up to the formation of the two schools, arose primarily over the question of locating the academy on the north or south side of the east and west road, which gives the village its name ‘Litchfield Corner.” It soon became however, a religious war between the Congrega- tionalist and Baptist denominations, a miniature “War of the Roses.” It divided not only the village, the schools and the churches, but it divided friends and families as well. Each school and its teachers were advised to remain on their own territory and have nothing to do with the other school. A favorite amuse- ment, however, was for each school to mass its strength in an imposing array and invade the enemy’s territory. This custom led up to and culminated in what may be appropriately called—‘‘The Battle of Litchfield,” which occurred in the latter part of the fall of 1856, and which in our local history, at least, was of far greater interest than any of the fifteen great decisive battles of the world. I sincerely regret that J have not time to describe this contest. It was carried into the courts and was tried in Gardiner before Judge George W. Batchelder; Judge Danforth appearing for the academy, and Nat. W. Whittemore, Esq., for the institute. The institute boys won the battle and the law suit also. While this was not the end of the hard feel- ings between the two schools, it was the end of any further contests. 478 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. LITCHFIELD ACADEMY. For the following list of teachers,and pupils who have become prominent, I am under obligation to Dr. I. W.. Gilbert and Mr. A. P. Smith of Litchfield: Principals—1846-52, Joseph Stacy, Benj. Smith; 1848, Perez. Southworth; 1852, Edmund Y. Garrette; 1853, Franklin B. Doe; 1854, N. P. Baker; 1855, B. F. Ray; 1856, Edward Nelson, J. T. Telie, Newbegin, Ellis Spear; 1862, O. Whitman, A. C. Stockin,—Hurlbert; 1861-64, D. L. Smith, J. H. Rand, C. H. Fernald, Llewellyn Ham; 1866-75, D. L. Smith; 1876-77, J. E. Cutter; 1878-79, F. A. Rogers; 1880-82, M. P. Judkins; 1883, N. T. True, W. C. Hobbs, A. B., Wilbur Judkins, L. B. Varney; 1890-91, Eli Edgecomb; 1891-93, W. S. Mason; 1893- 95, W. F. Sims. Assistants—Sarah S. Baker, Sarah L. Small, Joseph Wil- liams, Jr., Lydia Smith, A. P. Smith, Stephen R. Libby, Oren McFadden, S. K. Whiting, R. W. Sawtelle, Julia A. Plimpton, C. C. Newell, Julia E. Brown, Francis A. Merrow, Angeletta Wilson, J. W. Springer, G. C. Whitmore, E. P. Brown, G. C. Waterman, Mrs. M. W. Babb, Mrs. Adelia M. Spear, Mrs. S. E. Smith, Fannie J. Libbey, O. Smith, W. H. Wilson, Miss Hannah Hatch, Miss E. C. Sylvester, Mrs. C. H. Fernald, Miss Ellen M. Percival, Miss Myra Fifield, Miss Mary Bartlett, Miss Addie B. Hawes, Miss A. M. Ham, Mrs. j. E. Cutter, Sarah P. Howe, A. F. Morrison, Lillian L. Smith, Miss M. A. Bass, Annie E. Spear, Lola Merriman, Flora H. Brown, E. W. Varney. i A few of Students of Academy—Chas Spear; Rev. Smith Baker, D. D., East Boston; M. S. Briry, M. D., Bath, Me.; Rev. C. T. Hawes, Bangor, Me.; A. F. Plimpton, M. D.; Warren R. Smith, Ph. D., Bowdoin, Col.; W. O. Plimpton, M. D., New York City; Lewis M. Palmer, M. D.; George H. Wilson, M. D.; N. J. Wedgwood, M. D., Lewiston, Me; T. H. Ayer, M. D., Westboro, Mass.; G. W. Curtis, M. D., Lis- bon, Me.; C. H. Foster, M. D., Lisbon, Me.; A. T. Stin- son, M. D., New Sharon, Me.; C. D. Newell, Esq., Rich- mond, Me.; Rev. Oscar Tracey, Great Falls, N. H.; George B. Kenniston, Boothbay Harbor, Me., lawyer; Davis Ridley, M. D., China, Me.; G. F. Webber, M. D., Waltham, Mass.; J. B. DANIEL L. SMITH. DANIEL L. SMITH. Daniel L. Smith, son of David and Susannah Springer Smith, was born in Litchfield July 23, 1831. He was the oldest of a family of nine chiidren, was educated in the town schools and at Litchfield Academy, began teaching in the common schools when about seventeen years ol age, and made teaching his occupation, his life work, and was succestul. He taught high schools in Thomaston, Kichmond and Bath, then went West and taught in Iowa for five years. In 1860 he made a trip to the Rocky Mountains after which he returned to his native State to the interests of which he was ever truly devoted. He taught for a year or two in Harpswell Academy, he was elected principal of Litchtield Academy at which institution he had in early years fitted for college. He gave up the college course to enter upon his successful career as a teacher. This decision to forego the great advantages of a liberal or classical education he deeply regretted in maturer years although he was a great student and a well informed man. As principal of the acad- emy he was very successful, having under his charge at one time nearly one hundred and twenty-five students. He was head of this school for twelve years, during his administration he fitted many young men for college, all of whom were received into their several colleges with- out conditions. In 1875 at the earnest solicitation of Hon. Warren Johnson, the founder of the Franklin Family School at Topsham, Mr. Smith assumed the management of that institution and continued in successful control until 1889 when, because of failing health, he resigned. He died in June, 1890, in Brunswick. While in Litchfield he was for some years member of the school committee and was in charge of the schools of Topsham while a resident of that town. He was a faithiui, earnest, conscientious and successful worker in his chosen avocation and his life was fruitful of grand results, which cannot now be measured. His persistent effort, his great industry, his faithful, honest instruction, his uniform kindness, his great anxiety for the success of his students will effect for good the lives of thousands of men and women in gen- erations to come. Truly his works do follow him. SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 479 Drake, president Boston & Kennebec Steamboat Company, Bath, Me.; Hon. Dealva S. Alexander, M. C., Buffalo, N. Y.; H. O. Curtis, M. D., Topsham, Me.; Col. M. C. Cochran, U.S. A.; Hon. I. B. Dingley, Gardiner; G. F. Billings, Esq., Ashland, Ore: J. A. Carus, C. EB, Col: G. F. Sturtevant, C. E.;C. T. Sturtevant, C. E., Aldo, Ill.; Hon. Ormandal Smith, ExSecretary of State; Hon. John Day Smith, prominent lawver in Minneapolis, Minn.; Alfred D. Sawyer, M. D., Ft. Fairfield; O. H. Hersey, Esq., Buckfield; Frank Buker, Esq., Richmond; Levi Varney, Esq., Chicago; J. Millay, Tésq., Phoenix, Ara.; Henry Cotton, M. D., Wisconsin; Robert Brown, C. E., Col.; Rev. Chas. E. Springer, Bowdoinham; Rev. E. Dinslow; Josiah Temple, Esq., lawyer Minneapolis, Minn.; Rev. Wm. C. Bar- rows; Rev. J. H. Barrows; Rev. J. H. Garland; Hon. W. S. Cotton, clerk Maine House of Representatives. Among the many good and faithful teachers that the Acad- emy has had I can personally testify to but one, Mr. Daniel L. Smith. Of him I have the most pleasant recollections, and owe him a debt of gratitude. He was an earnest, faithful and thorough instructor, and under his management the school was very prosperous. For the following list of teachers, and some of the prominent pupils of the Institute I am indebted to Dr. Cyrus Kindrick of Litchfield. LITCHFIELD LIBERAL INSTITUTE. Teachers—Joseph Stacey, Wm. L. Jones, John S. Baker, Joseph S. Baker, Charles Fairman, William H. Seavey, George W. Gow, Charles H. Wheeler, missionary in Harpoot, Turkey, Albion Q. Randall, George W. McLellan, Francis Adams, Ben- jamin F. Lawrence, Nathaniel M. Whitmore, Jr., Seth Chase Farrington, graduate of Bowdoin, Rev. Mr. Snyder, John Henry Jackson was the last teacher. | Assistants—David M. Waitt, penmanship; Laurentius M. Norton, geography; Donald Reed, mathematics; R. S. Davis; S. C. Higgins; George Parcher; Sarah A. Billings, preceptress. Assistants 1849 and 1850—Miss Angelletta Wilson, preceptress; Jos. M. Alexander; M. C. Wedgwood, mathematics; Henry C. Chapman, classical department; William O. Barker, English department. 480 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Prominent Pupils at Institute—Horace Austin, supreme judge, Iowa; exgovernor Minnesota; Ira P. Booker, retired merchant, Brunswick, Me.; Wm. C. Frost, contractor, Chicago; John Given, recently died in Lewiston, much respected; James B. Hobbs, a very wealthy citizen of Chicago; John H. Jackson, M. D., Fall River, Mass.; George A. Maxwell; Gen. R. B. Shepherd, Skowhegan, Me.; Isaac W. Starbird, M. D., Boston; Greenleaf T. Stevens, judge of probate, Kennebec county; Hil- ton True, judge, Augusta, Me.; Curtis M. Wedgwood, M. D., Lewiston, Me.; Horace C. White, M. D., Somerville, Mass.; Nathaniel Whitmore, graduate Bowdoin, Me.; Amos. M. Jack- son, M. D., Fall River, Mass.; David Dennis, prominent mer- chant, Gardiner, Me.; Oramandel Smith, exSecretary of State, Litchfield; George S. Wedgwood, lawyer, Omaha, Neb. For the following list of college graduates among Litchfield boys, I am indebted to my friend Albert C. True. Bates College—Albert M. Spear, lawyer, Gardiner, Me.; Lewis M. Palmer, M. D., South Framingham, Mass.; Enoch C. Adams, pricipal high school, Newburyport, Mass.; Wendell H. Adams, M. D., Kingston, Mass.; Frank L. Buker, station agent, Wells, Me.; Oliver B. Clason, lawyer, Gardiner, Me. Maine State Coliege—James W. Bartlett, professor in Maine State College, Orono, Me.; Prescott Keyes, Jr., teacher, Maine. Brown University—John Day Smith, lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn.; Albion T. Smith, deceased. Colby University—Hon. Thomas Robinson became a prom- inent lawyer at Ellsworth; Samuel K. Smith, retired professor, Waterville, Me.; John Dennis, M. D., Augusta, Ga.; Edgar P. Neal, principal Bakersville Academy, Mass.; Warren A. Smith, deceased. Bowdoin College—Benjamin Smith, died in Litchfield, 1859; Thomas Smith, died in Bangor; Chas. H. True, editor and pub- lisher Dakota Republican, died at Vermillion, Dakota, 1873; George W. Bartlett, chaplain. 14th Maine Infantry and Ist Maine Cavalry, killed at battle of McGee’s Hill, Va.; Horace R. True, artist in Augusta, Me.; Chas. T. Hawes, pastor Con- gregational church, Bangor; Warren R. Smith, assistant profes- sor chemistry at Bowdoin College; James D. Merriman, private tutor, now travelling in Europe; Thomas H. Ayer, M. D., physician in hospital on Long Island, Boston, Mass.; John H. SCHOOLS OF LITCHFIELD. 481 Jackson, M. D., Fall River, Mass.; Amos Jackson, M. D., Fall River, Mass.; W. Oscar Plimpton, M. D., New York City; Sylvanus D. Waterman, preacher in California; Isaac W. Star- bird, M. D., Boston, Mass.; Leander Varney, merchant, South -Boston, Mass. In conclusion, I hope I may be allowed to call your attention to certain facts to be deduced from our century's history: While we celebrate with joy our one hundredth anniversary, I should be losing my golden opportunity did I not call your attention to the ways we can profit by experience and advance faster and higher to the goal of our ambition. s\s one of you, I know your struggles, your needs and your capabilities and therefore have a right to speak from a practical knowledge. The editor of the New England Journal of Education lately said: “The best thing that can happen to a boy is to be born on a farm, attend our common schools and graduate from one of our academies.” . A few years ago, I heard G. Stanley Hall, president of Clark University, Worcester, Mass., make this remark: “I would rather have in my laboratory for my assistant a graduate from one of our New England farms than from one of our city high schools.” Why this startling statement? Because the farmer boy’s life teaches him to do his own thinking, and because his simple and hardy life gives him a physique capable of endur- ance and perseverance. The city lad has more knowledge, but the country boy has the better education. The city boys make good bank cashiers but the country boys make the bank and railroad presidents. Every time the country boy goes into the field with his team, he learns to command, he learns to meet emergencies and carry respon- sibilities. Without knowing when or how, the country boy and girl absorb the lessons of our greatest teacher, nature. These things being so, why does the boy leave the old farm at the first opportunity? I answer, because farm life is not made attractive. He lacks associates, amusements, and advantages. He has too much work and too little play. As I look back over my life from its meridian, what do you suppose has been my most discouraging experience? Was it 31 482 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. when I first struggled with fractions? No. Was it when in college with only two cents to my name, I lived on boiled potatoes and salt and chopped up old stumps to boil them with? No. Was it when I was waiting for my first patient as a newly fledged doctor? No, none of these. It was when my father’ sent me into a big field, on a hot day, alone, to hunt after and hoe a two inch potato in six inches of witch grass. The hillsides of our New England farms are to-day being trodden by the barefooted boys who are to rule and direct the next generation. President Garfield once said: “I always feel like taking off my hat to every little boy I meet, because of the possibilities that are buttoned up within his little jacket.” What then can and ought to be done? Have less drudgery and more amusements, more attractive homes and better schools. We have had excellent schools but I plead earnestly for better ones. Let us realize what they have been to us and that the world moves and then do accordingly by our children. With old glory floating from nearly every schoolhouse and patriotism breathing from every star, our country is safe. Let me close with this sentiment: ‘Let freedom and knowl- edge and morals and religion as they are our birthright be the birthright of our children to the end of time.” DR. MILTON C. WEDGWOOD. MILTON CURTIS WEDGWOOD, M. D. Milton Curtis Wedgwood, M. D., was the oldest son of Curtis and Hannah Springer Wedgwood, born in Bowdoin, Me., but came to Litchfield with his father’s family in 18 , where he received his early education, fitting for college at Litchfield Liberal Institute, which his father helped to establish, and in which Milton for several years was the successful teacher of mathematics, for which work he was espec- ially well qualified. During these years he entered upon the study of medicine with Dr. Cyrus Kindrick, he afterwards studied with Stephen Whitmore, MI. D., of Gardiner, and graduated from Bowdoin Medical College in 1859 and at once entered upon the practice of his profes- sion in Durham, Me., and in the year 1860 married Miss Elizabeth Jane Webster of that town. In 1862 Dr. Wedgwood entered the military service of the United States as assistant surgeon of the 11th Regiment, Maine Volunteers. His three younger brothers were also in the War of the Rebellion. In 1864, after his return from the South, he moved to Lewiston, Me., where he was very successful and built up a large practice which he has heid for more than thirty years. Dr. Wedgwood has made success in his profession the one great object of his life and to this end he has worked persistently, faithfully and studiously, until his standing as a physician is acknowledged by his associates in the profession as well as by the great public which he has served. He has taken deep interest in the State Medical Association and has been honored by that organ- ization by being called to its presidency; he bas also for several years served as president of the Androscoggin Medical Society. In 1897 he was elected president of the Academy of Medicine and Science, which institute holds its meetings at Portland, Me. While Dr. Wedg- wood has never aspired to be a politician, he has ever taken a keen interest in public affairs and has been honored by the Republican party of which he is a member. He accepted the position of executive councillor from the Androscoggin district in Governor Burleigh’s council during the last two years of his administration. He was later appointed a member of the State Board of Health by Governor Cleaves, which position he now holds. For several years, aside from his general practice, he has been the consulting physician at the Poland Springs House, which has become a great sanitary institution. Dr. Wedg- wood’s life has been a very busy and useful one. DOCTORS OF LITCHFIELD. By Dr. M. C. Wedgwood of Lewiston. Through the politeness of your committee I was invited to give a historical review of the men and profession which I have the honor to represent. In memory of the day, as a son of Litchfield, it gives me pleasure to respond to this invitation. We meet to commemorate the tooth anniversary of this our native town, and to talk of the men and women whose memories we cherish, whose names we reverence as something dearer, nobler to our memories than ordinary friendships, and among those names we hold so dear none are dearer or more respected than those who have been with us in our severest troubles, who have relieved our pains and sufferings and have given cheerful encouragement in our darkest hours of sickness. The physi- cian comes to us in our hours of distress and suffering as no one else can come, and his reward is to know that by his skill and attention suffering is relieved, and many times a dear life is saved to give happiness once more to an afflicted family. Such, in short, is the relation of the family physician to the people. You will pardon the incompleteness of some of the names I present as in such cases I have been unable to find data from which to work. I call your attention first to the name of Dr. Jesse Pike, who settled in Litchfield and commenced the practice of medicine as early as 1804. He received his diploma from Bowdoin College and practiced his profession here for nearly thirty years. He was twice married. His first wife was Sarah True of Litchfield, and his second wife was Clarissa A. Sawyer also of Litchfield. He was the father of eleven children. He died January 23, 1832. Dr. Ebenezer B. Pike, the eldest son of Dr. Jesse Pike, was also a physician. He was born in Litchfield, January 2, 1806. 484 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. He fitted for college at Monmouth Academy and afterwards studied medicine with his father and later with Dr. Pidgin of Litchfield. He practiced his profession in New Portland and afterwards in Lincoln, Me. He twice represented the people in our State legislature. He was a free thinker, an honest man, a fine scholar and a good physician. He died in Lincoln, Me., May 8, 1890. Another among Litchfield’s ablest physicians was Dr jesnh Noyes Pidgin, who was born in Hampton, N. H., March 4, 1808. He secured his diploma at Bowdoin in 1831 and prac- ticed his profession in Litchfield until his death December 18, 1836. His professional life, though short, showed the superior qualities of the man,—a fine scholar. He took high rank in his profession, and in his death the com- munity in which he lived felt that they had lost a good friend and physician, and the profession a valuable member. Dr. Francis Shurtleff of Litchfield pracuatcd at Bowdoin in 1826 and died in 1828. Dr. Daniel Russell was practicing in town at the Corner from 1803 to 1810. Dr. Sylvanus Waterman came 'to Litchfield in 1800 and prac- ticed his profession successfully in this vicinity. He died in 1850. Dr. William Safford came to Litchfield in 1830. He prac- ticed his profession here with marked success until his death in 1858 at the age of 51 years. Dr. Edmund Dow practiced his profession in Litchfield for several years and died in 1849. Dr. William McLellan, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School in 1828, and commenced practice at the Corner in 1830, and remained there several years. Dr. Dane practiced his profession in Litchfield for some time prior to 1847, when he removed to Bowdoinham where he died. Abial Libby, M. D., was born in Gardiner October 1, 1822, and raised on a farm, attended the common schools the old Gardiner Lyceum and Monmouth Academy. Studied with Dr. G. G. Palmer of Gardiner. Took medical course at Bow- doin, graduating in 1846, in 1847 located at Litchfield Corner, practiced his profession there for nearly two years, when he WILLIAM McLELLAN. DR. DR. WILLIAM McLELLAN. Dr. Wiliam McLellan was born in Newfield, York county, Maine, in 1803. He married Roxanna Woodside of Wales, Me., and came to Litchfield and settled at the Corners in 1830, after having finished his medical course. He practiced his profession in Litchfield and sur- rounding towns for nearly a quarter of a century, then moved to Lisbon in Androscoggin county, where he died at the age of 76 years. Dr. McLellan was no ordinary man, of commanding presence and rare intellectual capacity, a close student, a keen, shrewd observer, a good adviser, an excellent physician; his professional services were always in demand through nearly fifty years of faithful work. In politics he was an old style Democrat, and was honored by the county by a seat in the State senate. DR. WILLIAM COCHRAN. DR. WILLIAM COCHRAN. Dr. William Cochran practiced his profession in Litchfield contin- uously for fifty-two years, a longer term than that of any other physi- cian who ever lived in the town. He had an extensive practice and was universally esteemed as far as his acquaintance extended and was ever a welcome guest in the multitude of homes in which he visiied. Dr. Cochran was a man of ability; he was sincere, honest, faithful and true in his great life work. He gave his children all the opportunities possible to secure an education. One son M. A., a graduate of Bow- doin and now colonel of the 6 Regiment, U. S. A., and one daughter, Laura O., now Mrs. Percy, wife of Capt. E. D. Percy of Harpswell. survive their father. DOCTORS OF LITCHFIELD. 485 went to Philadelphia and took a medical course at Jefferson college after which he settled in Richmond, Me. In August, 1861, he entered the United States service as assistant surgeon of the 4th Maine Regiment Volunteers, was soon made sur- geon of the regiment. Dr. Libby was obliged to resign his commission in the army in 1862 on account of sickness. He has been for forty-eight years a successful practitioner in Rich- mond, where he is now still active and much respected. Dr. Harrison, Dr. Goodwin and Dr. Dyer practiced medicine in Litchfield for several years and then moved away. Dr. John Dennis was born in town and graduated from Thomsonian Medical School, about 1845. He commenced practice in Augusta, Ga., where he now resides, at an advanced age. Dr. William Cochran was born in Edgecomb, Me. He graduated at Bowdoin in 1833 anddied here December 31, 1887. He practiced his profession in Litchfield for fifty-five years, and when he passed away the public said: “A good physician has gone.”” He was a kind husband, a good father and a friend to the poor and rich alike. He surely did not work for riches alone here, but has gone to receive a better reward hereafter. Dr. Ruel Williams Lawson was born in Augusta, Me., August 1, 1800, and was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School in 1837. After practicing medicine in Litchfield several years, he moved to Richmond, and then Wiscasset. He died in Somer- ville, Mass., November 29, 1874. Albion B. Stinson graduated at Bowdoin in 1847 and died in 1848. I remember him well as a teacher in the public schools of Litchfield, and I have no doubt, had he lived, his professional life would have been one of success, Albert F. Plimpton of Litchfield, was graduated from Medi- cal School in Philadelphia, and commenced practice of medicine in Gardiner before the war and continued his professional work until his death. ; Dr. Warren Oscar Plimpton, nephew of Dr. A. F., was grad- uated from Bowdoin Medical School in 1882, and is now lecturer on surgery in the University and Post Graduates Col- lege of Medicine in New York City. 486 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Dr. Horace Carr White was born in Bowdoin, January 26, 1835. He graduated at Bowdoin in 1859. He served as assistant surgeon in the 8th Regiment Maine Volunteers, and is now in the practice of his profession in Somerville, Mass. Dr. Daniel E. Marston was born in West Gardiner, May 3, 1836, and was educated in Litchfield. He studied medicine with Dr. Cyrus Kindrick and graduated at Bowdoin in 1859. He practiced his profession in Monmouth, Me., until his death in 1893. He served as assistant surgeon in the War of the Rebellion. Was loved by his many friends for his honesty and kindly attentions to his patients, ever watchful for their interests, careful to advise for their good. In his death the citizens of Monmouth feel to mourn their great loss. Dr. M. C. Wedgwood, born in Bowdoin, Me., December 23, 1832. Was educated and lived in Litchfield from early boy- hood. Graduated in medicine in 1859. Served as assistant surgeon in the 11th Regiment Maine Volunteers. Has always been in the active practice of his profession and now lives in Lewiston, Me. Dr. Edward Paul Roche, born in mo September 11, 1836. Educated in Litchfield. Died May 25, 1892. Graduated at Bowdoin in 1863. Practiced his profession in Bath, Me. Dr. Oliver Hilton Jewell, born and reared in Litchfield, was a prominent physician in New London, Conn. Dr. William O. G. Springer. Born in Litchfield January 21, 1840. Graduated in medicine in 1861. Practiced his profes- sion in this State and in Massachusetts. Died December 20, 1885, at Bluefields, Nicaragua. Dr. John W. Robinson was born in Litchfield, December 23, 1824; graduated from Bowdoin Medical School, class 1849, after practising in town a short time, located in Rockland, and afterwards in Kansas. He died at Fort Smith in 1863, while surgeon of second Kansas cavalry. Dr. Newton J. Wedgwood. Born in Litchfield, June 1o, 1846. Graduated at Bowdoin in 1870, and is now practising his profession in Lewiston, Me. Dr. William Jabez Nickerson. Born in Litchfield, Septem- ber 12, 1844. Graduated at Bowdoin in 1874. Now practising his profession in New Bedford, Mass. DOCTORS OF LITCHFIELD. 487 Dr. Irving W. Gilbert. Born in Litchfield, March’ 24, 1852. Graduated at Bowdoin in 1874. Now practising his profession in Litchfield. Dr. I. W. Starbird. Born in Litchfield, and after a brilliant military service, studied medicine, and is now practising in Chelsea, Mass. Dr. G. C. Smith was educated in Litchfield schools and Bates College and was graduated from Harvard Medical School. After practising ten years in Natick, Mass., went abroad and studied three years, and is now located in Boston, where he has built up a large and successful practice. Dr. Albion T. Stinson. Born in Litchfield, February 20, 1849. Graduated at Bowdoin in 1874. Now practising his profession in New Sharon, Me. Dr. George F. Webber was graduated from Bowdoin School, class of 1879. After practising ,several years in Waltham, Mass., located in Fairfield, Me. Dr. George Hamilton Wilson. Born in Litchfield, Decem- ber 9, 1828. Graduated at Bowdoin in 1856. Now practicing his profession in Albion, Me. Dr. Lewis M. Palmer of South Framingham, Mass., is also a son of Litchfield. Other names, who were either born in Litch- field or were educated here, have filled the ranks of our profes- sion with honor, such as Huntington, Woodman, Bates, Good- speed, Briery and some others. Dr. Mellen Vinton Adams, son of Dr. Enoch Adams, and a graduate of Bowdoin Medical School was a successful physician in Brunswick, Me., at the time of his decease in 1896. Dr. Wendell H. Adams, brother of Dr. Vinton, was graduated from Bowdoin Medical School in 1878, and is now practising in Kingston, Mass. Dr. Cyrus Kindrick and Dr. Enoch Adams, both active mem- bers in the profession, are too well known among you for me to add to or take from their fair names and noble standard in this community. Their names are household words in this town and I have witnessed more than once the respect and esteem in which both of these gentlemen are held by their fellow citizens when their names have been mentioned in my presence. ADDRESS OF Hon. JOHN DAY SMITH, Minneapolis, Minn. . I have come fifteen hundred miles to look into your faces and unite with you in this centennial celebration. It is possible that my interest in this event has been increased by the thought that the town was originally named “Smithfield Plantation,” or, as it sometimes appears in the old records, “Smith Town,” in honor of my ancestors. But any native-born son of Litchfield who has witnessed this vast concourse of people and called to mind the occasion which brings them together, who has reviewed the history of this town and been acquainted with her sons and daughters, and does not feel some enthusiasm to-day and walk with a somewhat prouder step, is unworthy of his birthright. I have recently traveled quite extensively through the western part of our country, and I bear greetings to you from Litchfield’s children found in Michigan and Illinois, in the cities and on the farms of Minnesota, on the praries of the Dakotas, in the Willamette valley of Oregon and within sight of the Golden Gate of California. They have gone westward following the great currents of immigration across the moun- tains and prairies and settled in the newer states and territories whose civilization they are impressing with New England hardi- hood and character. It is to be greatly regretted that the data necessary to a full history of Smithfield Plantation and the earlier years of the town of Litchfield are so scanty and incomplete. The first set- tlers were a hardy race, and their contest with the Indians, wild beasts and a stony and not very productive soil gave little oppor- tunity, and they probably had little inclination for literary work. Their character may be fairly judged by the institutions which they built and the children whom they reared. The early settlers were God-fearing people. Religious wor- ship was established as soon as the rude log cabins were con- JOHN DAY SMITH. John Day Smith is a son of the late Edward G. and Elizabeth B. Smith, and was born in Litchfield on the 25th day of February, 1845. He attended the common school and two terms at Litchfield Acadenny. In 1862, when seventeen years of age, he enlisted in Company F, roth Maine Volunteers. Mr. Smith served under all the generals who suc- cessively commanded the Army of the Potomac. He was at Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristow Station, Mine Run, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Po River, North Anna, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and the Weldon Railroad or Jerusalem Plank Road, where, on the 22nd of June, 1864, he was severely wounded. At the battle of Gettysburg his regiment belonged to Gibbson's Division of Hancock's Corps, which received the impetuous charge of Pickett's Division of Longstreet's Corps, and the regiment in this engagement lost in killed and wounded nearly one-half of its number. After months of sutferiy in hospitals, he was discharged from the service, after Lee's surrender. Mr. Smith, while still suffering from his wound, prepared tor college at the Waterville Classical Institute under Dr. J. H. Hanson and was graduated from Brown University in 1872. His scholarship in college is attested by his election to the Phi Beta Kappa society. He received the degree of Master of Arts from his Alma Mater in 18;5. While preparing for college he taught school in Litchfield and Monmouth and at West Gardiner and Monmouth academies. After graduation from college he taught three years as principal of the Worcester, (Mass.) Academy. Failure of health compelled him to seek a milder climate in 18,6, and he was for several years in the employment of the government, in the Department of the Interior at Washington, and in the interest of the Department traveled extensively in many of the states of the Union. He then studied law in the latter city at the Colum- bian University, and was admitted to the bar. In 1886 he removed to the city of Minneapolis, Minn., where he now resides and has since been actively engaged in the practic eof his profession. Mr. Smith is a member of the order of A. F. and A. M. andthe G. A. R. In 1889 he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Minnesota legislature, and was a member of the Senate from 1891 to 1895, the last two years serving as chairman of the judiciary committee in that body. In 1893 he served as commander of the G. A. R. for the department of Minnesota. From 1880 to 1885 Mr. Smith was a lecturer on the law of evidence, torts and constitutional law in the Howard University and since 1890 he has belonged to the faculty of instruction in the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, an institution having more than two thousand five hun- dred students, lecturing on criminal law and American constitutional law. He married July 20, 1872, Miss Mary H. Chadbourne of Waltham, Mass. She died May 3, 1874. On September 16, 1879, he married Miss Laura Bean of Deleware, Ohio. They have four children as follows, viz.: Mary Chadbourne Smith, born May 1, 1874; Elizabeth Lord Smith, February 4, 1881; Mabel Edna Smith, born August 14, 1884, and Edward Day Smith, born April 18, 1891. These children are all living. Mr. Smith is a member of the Calvary Baptist church in Minneapolis. ADDRESS OF JOHN DAY SMITH. 489: structed. The influence of many of these pioneer settlers and the power of their consecrated lives will be felt as long as the town exists. I desire to speak briefly of two ministers of the gospel, Job Macomber and Henry Kendall. They are not selected because they were abler or worthier than others but because I happen to know more about them. Mr. Macomber came from Middleboro, Mass., in 1782 and began preaching in Lincoln county. In 1784 he organized a Baptist’ church at Bowdoinham—the sixth church of that denomination in the then District of Maine— and became its pastor. He preached frequently in Litchfield and married many of her earlier set- tlers. He was instrumental in organizing the North Baptist church. Rev. Henry Kendall was born in Sanford, District of Maine in 1774, and became pastor of the North Baptist church in 1803. He was a man of limited education but great natural ability and remarkable force of character. In 1812 he was elected a representative from Litchfield to the general court of Massachusetts and while attending to his duties there, he preached with marked success in many of the churches of Boston and vicinity. In the year 1811 he baptized into the fellowship of the North Baptist church one hundred and thirty- two members. He remained as pastor of this church until about 1818. He continued preaching the gospel of his Master until he was past eighty years of age. He died and was buried in China, Me. Soon after the settlement of the town an important historical event occurred in Boston. The Constitutional Convention was held there in 1788 to ratify or reject the Constitution of the United States submitted to the states for their action. There is no way now to ascertain the sentiment of the citizens of Smithfield Plantation on that important question. Let us charitably -hope that their views were not represented by the votes of the delegates. From what is now Kennebec county there were three delegates in that convention,—Capt. Sam Grant of Vassalboro, Capt. James Carr of Hallowell and Joshua Bean of Winthrop. Capt. Grant voted for the Constitution, and the other two against it. All honor to Capt. Grant! It may be interesting to note that the District of Maine, then divided into the counties of York, Cumberland and Lincoln, had fifty-one 490 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. delegates in that convention, twenty-five of whom voted in favor and twenty-six against adopting the Constitution. Probably no soldiers went into the Revolutionary War from Litchfield, but many of the soldiers who participated in that memorable struggle settled here after peace had been declared. There are at least ten or twelve Revolutionary soldiers buried within the limits of Litchfield, and, possibly with one excep- tion, they lie in unmarked graves. I hope that this celebration will awaken sufficient interest and inspire sufficient love for the memory of those who gave us, through their sacrifices, this government, so that we may search out and mark with memorial stones these graves of Litchfield’s heroes. The town furnished a large numberof men for the war of 1812. There is no evidence, however, that its population was greatly depleted by that war. Natives of New England who have gone west or south to live have to meet and answer the charge that Massachusetts, if not disloyal to the government during that war, was at least lukewarm and indifferent in its prosecution. Certainly we did not win much glory in that contest. Castine, Eastport, Belfast, Hampden, Bangor and Machias fell into the hands of the enemy. In fact all of Maine from the Penobscot to Passamaquoddy bay was proclaimed English territory. The people of Wiscasset loaded their teams with their household effects and took to the woods. The people of Portland took the money from the banks and buried it. No respectable resist- auce was made anywhere east of the Kennebec. Incompetence characterized the whole proceeding. The fault was not with the men, but with the leaders. Many of the soldiers had neither arms nor ammunition. Nor had they competent off- cers. Gen. Brewer commended the United States forces in Maine, but the soldiers called into service were ‘neither drilled nor equipped. The English forces creating such consternation on our coast were insignificant. I was informed years ago by a soldier of that war that when peace was declared the event was celebrated at Litchfield Corners by the citizens rolling a barrel of rum into the street, knocking in its head, and partaking liberally of its exhilerating contents. How such a thing now would shock the people of that staid old village! ADDRESS OF JOHN DAY SMITH. 491 In the War of the Rebellion the town nobly responded. Litchfield boys were at Ball’s Bluff, Bull Run and with McClel- lan in the disasterous peninsular campaign. They were with Gen. Banks in the equally disasterous Red River Expedition. Sons of Litchfield fought at Antietam and were with Burnside in North Carolina. They stood on the bloody slope of Ceme- tery Hill, in front of Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg, and they fought under Banks at Cedar Mountain. They were with But- ler at New Orleans and stood in front of that pitiless storm of death at Fredericksburg. They fought with Hooker at Chan- cellorsville and followed the victorious leadership of Meade and Grant in the Wilderness, at Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Peters- burgh and Appomattox. Litchfield men gave up their lives upon many battlefields, in hospital and in prison. They fell at Gaines Hill, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Middleburg, in the Wilderness, at Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and in front of Rich- mond. The loyalty and patriotism of the volunteer soldiers of this town; during the war of the Rebellion, deserve to be grate- fully remembered. While the people constantly change and I know fewer and fewer as I occasionally visit my boyhood home, yet to me the landscape never changes. The rocks and rivers and ponds and woods and hills, seem the same to me as they did a generation ago. May the sturdy, honest character of her people be always preserved, and may the benediction of heaven rest evermore upon Litchfield and her people! INFORMAL ADDRESSES. Informal addresses were made by Hon. Wm. P. Frye, United States Senator; Hon. J. H. Manley, ex-Governor Alonzo’ Gar- celon of Lewiston, then more than 82 years of age. Several other prominent gentlemen were prevented from speaking by the unfortunate accident to the tent. Senator Frye spoke entirely without notes. We are indebted to the Kennebec Journal for the meagre sketch we present. The speech was lis- tened to with closest attention. He said in part: Sons and Daughters of Litchfield: I am almost afraid you are degenerate sons and daughters of Litchfield. I noticed from the historian that the old families numbered from six to sixteen. Had you kept up the record, the population instead of being 1126, would be 130,000. (Latighter and applause.) The speaker congratulated the people on the weather, the circum- stances, even on the fact that Litchfield is stilla town. The cit- ies are the sore spots. Did you know the immigrants are being naturalized in these great cities almost at the rate of one a minute? Justice is defied, votes are bought and sold. I thank God for the towns. If the population of this country all lived in the cities, this republic would not last 25 years. The great men all came from the country and were trained on farms. Wipe out your towns and where are the great men to come from? What a marvelous history the world has gone through with since this town was born! The mother country repressed our industries. Our statesmen were wise. (Some of those to-day are wise.) They passed a protective tariff and our industries sprang up. They protected our ships by tonnage tax and otherwise. In less than twenty years, instead of Great Britain carrying 90 per cent of our exports, we were doing it ourselves. Then we cut out the cancer slavery, and for the first time we could look at that flag and not blush. (Applause.) On the rock-bound shores of Massachusetts, with the sky for a roof, the stars for fresco, the INFORMAL ADDRESSES. 493 Puritan fathers and mothers the invited guests, there was a wed- ding; that of the church and the common school, and from that union was born the Christian civilization of America. On this the speaker dwelt eloquently and impressively. Mr. Manley spoke as follows: “Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Tn our adoration of a work of art we are apt to glorify the central figure of the group, and overlook the delicate touches which produce the beauty of the work. In admiring some building which reveals the beauty of architecture, the skill of mechanism, the art of man, we must not forget that the grand consummation is due to the perfect parts, that each stone and brick is necessary to its perfection. We stand and gaze in a summer night upon the moon, and mar- vel at its beauty, forgetting that the planets and the stars are the glory of the firmament. We are proud of the greatness, the strength and glory of the United States. We know it is the best nation in the world, but we forget that its power, its great- ness and its glory are derived from the towns which are its unit. “The basis of our form of government, the corner stone of the solidity, the greatness and the honor of the United States is the town. Town government is pure democracy. The people are the legislative body. They assemble annually to determine what shall be done for the moral, intellectual and material wel- fare. To the town meeting is submitted all questions. Every citizen may speak freely; may proclaim his views without fear or favor; may cast his vote uninfluenced, and must abide by the righteous decision of the majority. Thus ‘the voice of the peo- ple becomes the voice of God.’ The wisest man of all time cried out, ‘Give me neither poverty nor riches.’ Experience would add, let me not dwell like the hermit, or with the restless crowd of the great city. The highest enjoyments of life are obtained in the town life. “Tt is well that you who are by birth and association a part of this typical New England town should take pride in this, your centennial, and with music and song and speech recall the past of Litchfield, contemplate with admiration its present, and look with faith to its future. Here upon the hills, and in the valleys and plains of this old town, dwells neither poverty nor wealth. 494 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Poverty is unknown within its limits, and great wealth, with its corrupting influences, is not here. “Those of us who have passed beyond the rashness of youth know that all true happiness in life comes from pure character. It is in the quiet, the simplicity, the purity of town life that men and women are reared. We should never forget that ‘God made the first garden the city of Cain.’ “The town schoolhouse, the village church are the grandest structures ever erected. They eclipse the university and the costly cathedral. Their influence is sweeter and purer. They form and mold and make character. You ought this day to boast’ and to exult with exceeding joy over your past, for you are part afid parcel of a town which has produced as true a race of men and women, in moral worth, in intellectual strength, in sturdy common sense, schooled in New England thrift, enjoying neigh- borly affection, blessed by the comforts of home life, as ever existed. “'The spring of government is the little town; On their strong lines we base our social health, The man, the home, the town, the commonwealth.’ ”’ Ex-Governor Robie of Gorham, kindly permits us to publish what he would have said but for the accident. Mr. President: I received several days ago a most cordial invitation from my esteemed friend, Oramandel Smith, in behalf of the good people of this old town, to be present here to-day without fail. He informed me that he should not expect a long speech from me, but I might be called upon to say a few words to the people. On looking over the order of exercise before me, I now find I am expected to make an “informal address.” J am in a dilemma whether to make a speech, or an. informal address, or to combine them, certainly, I am puzzled. I am somewhat in the situation of a distinguished man in our state, who years ago, I am informed, was unexpectedly called upon to make a speech at a glorious Fourth of July celebration. He was asked to respond to the toast, “Bunker Hill.” It was an inspiring sentiment, but he was not prepared for the occasion. He looked around for his hat, and for an opportunity to escape, but it was impossible, and he went forward to the front of the stage and exclaimed, “Mr. President, Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill Monument, it is the biggest monument in the state of Massa- INFORMAL ADDRESSES. 495 chusetts,” and sat down. The people were pleased at his truth- fulness and brevity, and gave him three loud cheers. I am dis- posed to follow his example and offer the tollowing sentiment. “The glorious town of Litchfield, it has been and is the home of brave men and noble women, and is the biggest town in every respect, of its size in the State of Maine,” and sit down. Let this pass for “a harangue,” and now I will make an attempt at an “informal address.’ It gives me great pleasure to publicly acknowledge an invitation from my personal friends of the town of Litchfield to be present and enjoy the interesting exercises of this grand occasion. For a wise purpose, town lines have been established, and since the abolishment of the school dis- tricts of our state, the town has become the unit in our form of state government. The town organization is practically a New England institution handed down to us from its earliest colonial legislative enactments, and we are proud of its ancestry, its con- tinued life, and its benign influence on the civilization of the whole people. But we must not forget that town lines are arbi- trary and conventional, and that the history of each town is an integral part of the State of Maine, and when aggregated makes its grand history. As a citizen of the State of Maine, I am therefore proud of the part that the inhabitants of the town of Litchfield have borne, and what they have contributed from its earliest settlement in making our commonwealth one of the most prosperous and honored of any of the states of this nation. I am also proud that my native town of Gorham has furnished Litchfield some of its earliest and most prominent citizens. The family of Saul Cook is intimately connected by relationship to several honored families of Gorham. To-day we have listened to the remarkable history of the town of Litchfield. God bless the past and present generation of the old town! Bryon truly says, “The best of prophets of the future is the past.” We have been told to-day that your people were represented in the war of the Revolution which gave us freedom and a new nation. Your town filled its quota in the War of 1812, which gave us a free ocean and unrestricted commerce. Your sons were found in large numbers in the recent war for the preservation of this Union, and many of the present inhabitants of this town, before me, wear the proud and distinctive badge of the G. A. R., as 496 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. sacred and holy as any emblem ever worn by any member of the great human family. This occasion is full of interesting remin- iscences, traditions and varied subjects for thought and word. My own personal remembrances of, and relations to many warm and earnest friends in Grange, Grand Army and political work will never be forgotten by me. I shall be justified, if I mention » among my friends, the name of Rev. Benjamin Smith, of Litch- field, who was a dear classmate of mine in Bowdoin College, and for four years, over fifty years ago, was my right-hand seatmate. I remember him well as a young man of great integrity, loyal and true to his religious faith and political principles, a reliable friend, a good scholar, slow but sure in all the relations of life. He passed over the great river thirty-seven years ago, at the age of forty-four, leaving behind a spotless character, and it is my high privilege on this one hundredth anniversary of the incor- poration of his native town, which he loved so well, to bring and deposit on its centennial monument the tenderest recollections in honor of his memory. T have noticed to-day with great sat- isfaction the generosity and cordial greetings of your people. The ties which bind you together are free from selfishness. This truth is fully illustrated here to-day. No matter what political or social honors have been heaped upon us, no matter what » financial success may have followed our worldly investments, there is no greater honor or satisfaction than to be loved by the people where we were born, and respected by the families of the locality where we have lived. Providence has wonderfully blessed the efforts of the early settlers of this honored town. Your ancestors lived when all the environments and surround- ings of those early homes were of such a character, that the lux- uries and comforts of the present day were impossible, but hon- est poverty was stamped upon the hearth-stone of every cottage, and poverty was not the result of profligacy and laziness, but of the surroundings of the period. An old gentleman of over one hundred years of age, born just before the incorporation of yout town, the late Captain Saul Cook Higgins of Gorham, a descen- dant of the revered Saul Cook of this town, informed me a year ago, that the wonderful and marvelous change during his life- time, had not produced any greater or better people than those who lived in olden times. True, we now have far better houses, INFORMAL ADDRESSES. 497 more furniture, larger barns and improved farm stock and faster horses, far better means of education, finer clothes for men and women. Why! he said, “the cash price now paid for one bon- net would eighty years ago have supplied my whole family with sufficient means to pay their entire year’s outfit,” for everything was then manufactured at home. But, he said, “There is not that life among the people that there was in the olden times, when the apple parings, the corn huskings, the quilting bees and the country dances were so common.” We now see but few children around too many of our country school-houses, where there used to be swarms of seventy-five or a hundred, the repre- sentatives of families of eight, ten and twelve children. He did not think that men holding public positions in town, state and nation were as considerate for the people, and as economical, as in former times. This is the criticism of an old and successful school teacher. But he said, “this generation needs more life. It often needs the oppression of poverty and the fires of advers- ity to develop life. Many strong characters have gone forth from Litchfield, yes! from many a home in our glorious State of Maine have gone forth many of the best examples of American character. Men and women, when educated by a true New Eng- land mother, are always well fitted to fill any honorable position, and fulfil all the duties of life, wherever located. We find natives of Maine have beenelected senators, representatives in Congress, governors of states from Maine to California, and many of our barefooted boys have become millionaires, bankers and mer- chants in our great central cities. Let us never forget our glorious ancestry, their example and advice. Let the present generation follow in the steps of our fathers, and give energy and life to every noble pursuit, and so live, that future genera- tions may call us blessed. May God continue to bless the citi- zens of Litchfield, one and all! 32 THE FOLLOWING LETTERS WERE RECEIVED WHICH ARE PUBLISHED WITH CONSENT OF THE WRITERS: From Ex-Gov. E. C. Burleigh, now member of Congress from the Kennebec district. Augusta, Me., August 19, 1895. Hon. Oramandal Smith, Litchfield, Me.: Friend Smith:—I regret to say that circurfistances unforeseen by us, will prevent Mrs. Burleigh and myself from being present at the centennial celebration of Litchfield. We have. been looking forward with pleasure to this event, and anticipating the enjoyment of a personal attendance upon it. A telegram just received has sadly disarranged our plans. It informs us that a sister of Mrs. Burleigh lies at the point of death, and we shall leave at once for her home in Aroostook. I sincerely hope that the occasion which marks the completion of a century in the life of your town, may be in all respects a successful and memorable one. The town of Litchfield occupies an honorable place in the history of Maine. While it has always been a progressive and prosperous community, its “best crop’ has been men and women, and aside from the sterling worth that has ever been characteristic of its own citizenship, it has sent forth into the world scores of strong, intelligent, God-fearing sons and daughters, who have been potent factors in the growth, the character and the influence of other communities. I trust that this notable occasion in the life of their native town may call these wanderers home again to the loved fire-sides of their childhood, to join in the celebration of an event so fraught with historic interest and importance; not that they will ever feel the need of a renewed allegiance to the old town—no true son or daughter of Litchfield will ever lack in loyalty to it, wherever they may be—but that they may wander again amid old familiar LETTERS RECEIVED. 499 scenes, meet old friends, and kindle afresh the tender and cherished memories of earlier years. And, amid the rejoicings of this home-coming, and the gladness of welcome that comes of Litchfield hospitality, there will, I know, mingle sweet and loving memories of those noble departed men and women, whose lives were identified with the growth and progress of the town in its earlier days. My best wishes will attend the town of Litchfield on this important occasion in its history. I can only hope that similar events in the centuries to come, may find it peopled with a population as upright, industrious and intelligent as the one it now has. . Sincerely yours, EDWIN C. BURLEIGH. FROM GOVERNOR POWERS. Houlton, August 19, 1895. Hon. Oramandal Smith, My Dear Sir:—I have received the very kind invitation sent by you as chairman of the committee of arrangements, to be present and participate in the centennial celebration of the town of Litchfield, and I desire to express my thanks for the same. I regret very much that other engagements will prevent my being present as it would indeed be an unfeigned pleasure to do so. Permit me through you to congratulate the people of Litch- field upon their progress and achievements during their first century, and also to indulge in the sincere hope and wish that the future will have in store for them greater prosperity and happiness. I am confident the intelligent, industrious. and patriotic inhabitants of country towns like Litchfield are the sure guar- antees of the stability of our institutions and the welfare of our State and Nation. With kindest regards, I am very truly your obedient servant, LLEWELLYN POWERS. 500 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. FROM PROF. SAMUEL K. SMITH. : Waterville, Me. To the committee of arrangements for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Litchfield. Gentlemen :—I regret exceedingly that I cannot, on account of ill health, take part in the services to be held in com- memoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the inau- guration of the town of Litchfield. It would give me great pleasure to recall with you what this old and honored town of ours has achieved for the elevation and improvement of the world in which we live—to recall the noble deeds not alone of those who have wrought at home, but of those sons and daughters of hers who went forth years ago to accomplish else- where their life work, to fulfill in other and distant spheres the mission committed to their charge. This old town has an honorable record. That her offspring shall continue to honor her in the future as they have done in the past, and that a cen- tury hence when they shall gather again to their old home, as you will do to-day, to revive old associations and renew old acquaintances, they shall have not less but even greater reason than now to do honor to her memory, is the earnest desire of one of the oldest and most devoted of her sons. Very truly yours, SAMUEL K. SMITH. LETTERS RECEIVED. 501 FROM HIRAM C. SHOREY. NEwankum, Wasu., August 8, 1895. To the Chairman of the Committee: Your kind invitation to be present in the good old town of Litchfield on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of its existence as a town—a miniature republic—is at hand. I regret very much that I cannot be present; the distance is great and the busy season, demands attention. I suppose, however, that in a hundred years from this centennial, the then inhabi- tants of this good town, will celebrate again and if I am alive at that time I will make calculation to be there. It is well to celebrate this day, to keep in memory our birthplace, to meet the sons and daughters who claim with commendable pride, a birthright here. It is good to have her wandering children come and see again the spot they never can forget. Let them come and renew their youth. Let them come from over the “dark blue sea.” Let the boy who sailed away in youth’s bright spring-time, come back in his mature manhood or it may be, in his old age and see again, before he passes beyond the river, his native town. Let the sons of old Litchfield, who toil in the mines and in the forests of the west, lay down the pick, the axe and the saw; and those toiling in factories and shops,lawyers and doctors and ministers of the gospel, all come from all over the land and help celebrate this day and drink in the inspiration which the occasion will create. I am proud of my birthplace and wherever I have met her sons and daughters I am glad to say in truth that I have not been ashamed of them, for as a rule, they are eminently sober, industrious and intelligent people. It has been forty odd years since I left Litchfield, having visited but once since, twenty years ago. If I have not achieved fame and renown or honored my native town by some great and good deed, at least I am glad to say, I have not disgraced her. I love my birthplace too well to be a party to an act that would dis- honor it. Litchfield holds all that was mortal of my honored father and sainted mother and a loved sister and brother. Among the most pleasant memories of my life are those con- 502 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. nected with the old academy at Litchfield Corner. Percy South- worth and Benjamin Smith, principals of the school at the time I attended, are fadeless in my memory. I wonder where all my fellow students are? George A. Neal was one; brilliant and ambitious. We laid him down to rest amid the gold fields of California. It was while IT was attending the academy that I became acquainted with Smith Baker, your eloquent orator on this occasion. He was a young man then of fine presence and pleasant to meet. He probably has no recollection of the boy who was honored by being selected to deliver the valedictory at the close of the last term I attended, but the boy remembers him and would be very happy to be present and renew acquaintance with him, and hear what I feel sure will be an oration fitting the occasion. I trust it will be published and a copy find its way to me for I. know it will be full of interest to every son of Litch- field. There are many reminiscences of the old town and friends of my youth, which would be pleasant to dwell upon but I fear I have already exhausted your patience and will close by devout- ly wishing that all present will have the best time they ever had, Accept kind greetings from one “native and to the manor born.” H. & SHOREY. FROM REV. BENJAMIN F. GRANT, Malden, Mass. To the Chairman of Centennial Committee of Litchfield: My Dear Sir: I am no longer making speeches. I long since laid aside that part of my profession. I simply wish to present myself before you, for you to see if you could possibly recognize the young country school teacher of fifty years ago, or if any of you thought that I in any way resembled my vener- able father, Rev. Wm. O. Grant, who manifested for so many years, such decided interest in the social, intellectual and spiritual welfare of the inhabitants of his adopted town. I may be per- mitted to say, however, that it is with unusual pleasure that I join with you in this memorable and enthusiastic gathering, in this grand celebration of our town’s firstcentennial birthday. We can congratulate each other that we have “life, liberty and happi- ness’ to enjoy this remarkable commemoration. With you, I LETTERS RECEIVED. 503 welcome the day with exceeding joy and gladness. We should pay ourmost liberal and unselfish tribute to ourold town’s sacred memory, hail her aged locks with reverence and respect. She has long been travelling down the rugged ages of the past. We salute her with our fullest filial affections. We extend to her a cordial greeting and express to her the warmest and truest sen- timents of our hearts. We bespeak for her also a successful jour- ney toward the setting sun of centuries to come disposing her rare gifts of prosperity, truth and wisdom to all those who may come within her folds and learn to love her with an unceasing devotion. In our progress thus far let us not forget that the free gospel with the free school has been the battle axe to clear the obstructions in the pathway of our advancement, in prosperity, intelligence and good citizenship. They together are the overhanging shield that shall mark our destinies and protect us from the inroads of ignorance superstition and infidel- ity. Respected citizens of my dear old town, I do most sin- cerely and most earnestly implore you to be wise and thoughtful and attend to it, that your schools be liberally and freely cared for, again, look well and carefully after the welfare of your Chris- tian churches, suffer them not to be neglected, nor forgotten, unattended and poverty stricken, but be often found within their sacred walls, in giving thanks to the God of your creation and the giver of all your blessings and never forget a liberal contri- bution for their support. Let us not be disquieted but hopeful and progressive, looking to the brighter and more cheerful side of life’s responsibilities, trusting in the Allwise hand that has led us so faithfully to this happy hour. May we all be fitted by the grace of God and be fully prepared for life’s final ending, so that we may have right to the tree of life and enter through the pearly gates into the eternal city, whose centennial greetings and cen- tennial celebrations shall never end. 504 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. FROM H. E. SHOREY, Chicago, III. “Litchfield to-day is the light and thought of 1795 expressed in action. Litchfield of the future depends largely upon your hopes and ambitions ‘combined with light hearts and willing hands, and improving upon the efforts of those who have gone before. This anniversary is very dear to us. Around it circle the thoughts that have been our companions ever since memory first came to dwell and walk with us, and to-day as we assemble here with thoughts pulsating almost too deep for words, there come to us those old familiar lines, “Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said *This is my own—my native land?” A hundred years! How strange and old and dim that seems to sound—like broken, muffled tones of distant bells that rise and fall and die in the deepening gloom or like the long-drawn sigh of some lasting grief that goes to come again. One hundred years ago to-day. Could we but lift the veil that hides it forever from our view we would see a few people: similar to ourselves—some better, we hope, none worse; ani- mated by the same hopes and beset by the fears common to mankind and standing upon the ever broadening, receding shore, washed by the restless waves of human passion, with straining eyes shaded by trembling hands they endeavored to gaze into the wild uncertain future; a future that held its day of woe and bliss of doubt and dread, days when the black tem- pestous sky would seem to lower until almost overcome with misery by the cares and tribulations of this life, when lo! fortune changes and with the sound of rushing waters the flowing tide comes in. The world brightens, the sun shines, trees burst into blossoms and birds sing upon a thousand hills—the air vibrat- ing with innocence. Such are the ever changing conditions of this life—the mingling of the bitter with the sweet. We might ask ourselves these two questions: Why are we here and what purpose to serve? It is to thank those who have LETTERS RECEIVED. 505 ‘preceded us and think of those who are gone never to return; to mingle our laughter and our tears; to encourage the present and hope for the future. Thought paints a picture of the future, fear darkens it, love lights it and memory’s magic work preserves it. To-day places a mark where a monument is needed. That solemn, slow and ponderous step of time is maddening, this is a pause—a distinction— and Litchfield steps into her second century cheerfully, lighthearted, with hope and courage. Her true sons and daughters will love her wherever they may chance to go, and ever will the heart beat faster when on the ear of youth or age falls the old familiar name of the town or state that gave them birth. The woods and hills extend their old-time invitation to us all, for every leaf is a beckoning hand that waves a salutation and from each familiar spot there comes forth to meet us some long forgotten smile, some memory dear that softly gently says: “Welcome! you are home again!” From this day new paths will open before us; new duties will confront us and new dangers will surround us, but our added years of experience should protect us and freighted with love, hope and peace voyage steadily on towards the setting sun where daylight yields her burden to the night.” H. E. SHOREY. August, 1895. 506 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. FROM SETH L. MILLIKEN. Hon. Seth L. Milliken, M. C., was prevented by sickness from addressing the assemblage but forwarded to the chairman the following letter: Berrast, August 20, 1895. Hon. Oramandel Smith: It would give me sincere gratifica- tion to meet you and your townsmen among fertile fields and green hillsides of Litchfield where I know so many will assemble to celebrate the centennial of the birth of your town. They could hardly assemble for a worthier purpose. It is a good indication in regard to your citizens. It is in no small degree significant of their character as a community, of their intel- ligence, their public spirit and prosperity. You and your people purpose to celebrate the centennial of your town’s inception and organization because during its hun- dred years of life, its history and the career of its people have been such as to inspire your pride and fill your hearts with gratitude. It is a good omen that the citizens of Litchfield are not indif- ferent to the great work done by those who blazed the path- way before them and they are not unappreciative of their efforts. supplemented by their own. They who most love their town and best care for it, who are most interested in their community and manifest their public spirit in an earnest desire for its advancement may be most surely relied upon as staunch lovers. and supporters of their country. Litchfield as I learn was settled, as so many other New Eng- land towns were, by liberty loving, God-fearing men and women whose convictions, wise, honest and abiding belief controlled their actions. They had faith that they were ordained to work out their salvation both in this world and the world to come. Living in that faith they pursued their course with courage and uncomplaining toil. They built their log houses, then they built their church, and then they built their school-house. Thus. they become a typical New England settlement, sowing the good seed which could not fail here to produce, as it has done everywhere, free, strong and healthy institutions to be supported LETTERS RECEIVED. 507 by a sturdy race of men and women who laid the foundations of the best kind of civilization that has ever blessed and adorned the human race, a civilization fragrant with the love of liberty, obedience to law and a thirsting desire for the advancement of mankind, in all that makes a people brave, virtuous and pros- perous. And this is doubly fortunate, for our people are great colonizers. They go everywhere and they carry their sturdy principles wherever they go. Why, you do not leave the state when you cross its western -border, you find her in Massachusetts, in New York, in all the Northwest, and when you get to the Pacific coast, you find her there occupying the front seats. Her sons are at the head of great enterprises. They are first in business, first in the churches and first in the direction and control of public affairs. I have never known the time when Maine has not had sons in both houses of Congress from other states than our own, and I assure you I have been not a little proud of the fact that not one of them, whether representing Minnesota, or Wisconsin or Cali- fornia or any other state, has done discredit to the state of his birth. While Maine has lost in the emigration of her sons, she has at the same time done more good for the country than she could have done, had they remained at home. They have been the missionaries who have planted the best civilization in the new states and done more to improve the civilization of the old ones than any other people. And out of just such communities as yours have they gone. As their pioneer forefathers began by laying deep and strong the foundation of free and enlightened institutions, so they have done wherever they have fixed their homes. They have carried the church and the school with them, to improve and enlighten their fellow men. Your people love and honor their town because it is the place of good homes, and sturdy, honest men. Other states may have gold in their hills, coal in their mountains and diamonds in their rivers, but around the beautiful lakes, by the clear rivers, and themagnificent seacoast of Maine is raised every year a crop of men which is the grandest and most valuable of all God’s pro- ductions. In our good state that crop never fails. And the comfort of our homes, as well as the thrift and happiness of our people is unsurpassed in any land upon which the sun shines. 508 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. I once came into the House of Congress and found a gentle- man from Mississippi talking of the abandoned farms and dis- paraging the industries and comforts qf New England. He was painting her as a God-forsaken country. He held in his hand and was quoting from a book written by some ignoramus or crank, and showed himself to be as great a fool about our con- dition as the foolish book from which he was reading. When he sat down I followed him, I had the advantage of him. He had never been nearer New England than the place where he then stood, and knew really nothing of it, while T had traversed his state from end to end, and I assured him that if he would come to Maine with me, that IT would convince him that there were more barns and stables in Maine, fit for a geritleman to live in, than there were houses of that character in Mississippi. That seems to be an extravagant statement but it is true. Yes, this is a State of good homes, with all that good homes signify to the country as well as to the community in which they are found. They denote the character of those who make them; they signify good to the country in its material prosperity, in its character and in its power. I earnestly congratulate you and them on what I am sure will be a successful celebration of their town’s centennial. It will be such as they richly deserve to have. My deep and sincere regret is that I cannot be with them to take part in their proceedings and enjoy the pleasures of the occasion. Sincerely yours, SETH L. MILLIKEN. LETTERS RECEIVED. 509 Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr.,M.C.,of Lewiston, who was present and would have been called upon for a brief word if the disaster tothetent had not disarranged the programme, has at our urgent request furnished the committee with the fcllowing brief notes of what he had intended to say. Mr. President: This is an occasion in which we who have not the good fortune to have been born in this delightful rural town of Litchfield, may well claim the privilege of listening while your sons and daughters recount the entertaining and instructive story of your past. But inasmuch as you insist on my supplementing your own words of deserved praise for the town of your birth, with the congratulations of an observer, and an interested and even delighted observer, too, I cannot resist your invitation. First of all, Mr. President, I want to supply an omission in the remarks thus far. We have heard much in just praise of the sons of Litchfield, who have done so much to build up this town and lay the foundations of character which make useful and honored citizens. But I have heard very little of the daughters of Litchfield whose work in this direction has been as essential ‘and as noteworthy, I doubt not, as that of the sons. I know that we“‘lords of thecreation,” as we complacently style ourselves, are.accustomed to take the chief share of the credit in the work of buliding up the town, the state and the nation; but justice requires that I should say here and now that to woman, even in larger measure than to man, is due that gracious work and influence which form character, mold good citizenship and give prosperity to town, state and nation. And I know that in this respect the daughters of Litchfield, whose names are not perpetuated by monuments, whose deeds are unrecorded in history, have merited all the encomium that can be lavished on their memory. Permit me, Mr. President, to add a single word, and that in praise of the idea of observing the centennial of our towns, and of the successful manner in which the idea has been carried into execution here to-day. Litchfield is distinctively a rural town, and her life and her history exhibit the distinctive traits and excellencies of a type of New England towns which have had a controlling influence in 510 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. molding our institutions. These rural towns are the balance wheel in our system and an indispensable balance wheel too; and I trust that their influence for good is to continue in the future as in the past. The celebration of the centennial of such towns not only encourages the rural element in our life, but also emphasizes the rural idea which has exercised so wholesome an influence in the past. It has been well said that virtue loves to linger near the base of the mountain and the sources of the streams. Certain it is that a country with a large rural population has the elements of enduring character. But I must not detain you. Allow me in closing to offer as a sentiment in accord with the purposes of the day, “The rural town, the source of our excellence as a people and the preserver of those qualities which ensure national prosperity.” LIST OF COMMITTEES. The original committees appointed by the town at its annual meeting in March, 1894: Thomas Holmes, Emlen P. Springer, Stillman H. Ring, Henry Taylor, Miles H. Dustin, Alfred D.. Bartlett, David S. Springer. Committee on Finance—Samuel Smith, Thomas Holmes, Cyrus Kindrick, M. D., J. E. Chase. Committee on Organization—Oramandal Smith, Enoch Adams, M. D., Emlen P. Springer, J. E. Chase, B. W. Berry. Chief marshal, Geo. W. Earle; Deputy marshal, L. K. Litch- field, assisted by Sheriff Norton and two of his deputies; police, Anson Grover, O. A. True, R. S. Maxwell, W. R. Buker, H. C. Allard, James Springer, A. R. Bucklin, Frank Wyman, Geo. Ricker, Anson Turner, E. M. Douglass, Jos. W. Earle. Committee to Wait upon the Governor and to Extend to him an Invitation to be Present upon the Day of the Celebration— Hon. Samuel Smith, Dr. Enoch Adams, Emlen P. Springer, James E. Chase, M. S. H. Rogers, Geo. W. Earle, James A. Chase, Oramandal Smith, Albert M. Spear, Oliver B. Clason, John Purington. Committee on Arrangement of Ground—E. P. Springer, J. A. Chase, O. Smith, G. As Bosworth, Millard Rogers, C. A. Norcross, Daniel Adams, G. D. Slowman, Walter Knight, J. E. Jack, Samuel C. Clark, H. M. Hunkins. Committee on Instrumental Music—J. E. Chase, H. M. Star- bird, Charles Preble. Committee on Vocal Music—Dr. I. W. Gilbert, Geo. Smith, Lewiston; John Tufford, Geo. W. Smith, Waterville; A. M. Spear, Gardiner; J. W. Starbird, Angie Starbird, Lewiston; Mrs. A. C. True, Fred Baker, Ernest Lapham, E. T. Packard. 512 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Committee on Decorations—H. M. Starbird, J. E. Chase, A. C. True, O. A. True, Frank Adams, E. N. Pinkham, O. B. Clason, A. M. Spear, David Dennis, A. D. Bartlett, Geo. A. Bosworth, Millard Rogers, Daniel Adams, Albion Otis, Mrs. Henry Taylor, Mrs. A. W. Plimpton, Mrs. W. F. Haines, Mrs. Edward Shorey, Mrs. Harlan King, Mrs. O. Smith, Mrs. Charles Frost, Mrs. E. N. Pinkham, Mrs. Effie Small, Mrs. W. H. Waldron, Mrs. Albion Otis, Miss Laura Crane, Miss H. D. Smith, Mrs. Almira Smith. Committee on Procession—David S. Springer, Samuel Smith, E. P. Springer, Henry Taylor, Warren Plimpton, C. A. Metcalf, Rey. J. F. Harriman, Elisha Baker, E. N. Pinkham, Rev. James Richmond. This committee to invite all the organizations of the town. Committee on Exhibits—David T. Smith, Samuel Smith, Edward Shorey, M. S. H. Rogers, Josiah Buker, Job Morrell, H. Paine, Mrs. Sarah Paine, S. H. Ring, Alden Baker, G. H. Palmer, Miss Laura Crane, Miss Maria Plimpton, Jesse True, Mrs. Lucy Metcalf. Committee on Guest Tables—J. A. Chase and wife, E. Shorey and wife, G. Roberts and wife, W. H. Maxwell and Miss Cora Maxwell, D. T. Smith and wife, H. Taylor and wife, J. E. Chase and wife, H. P. King and wife, H. Starbird and wife, O. A. True and wife, Fred Mitchell and wife, O. Smith and wife, Samuel Smith and wife, Albion Otis and wife, E. T. Packard and wife, J. S. Hatch and wife, E. N. Pinkham and wife, M. S. H. Rogers and wife, M. W. Adams and wife, Maria Plimpton, Laura Crane, Frank Adams and wife, J. T. Gilman and wife, Andrew Paterson and wife, Charles Hall and wife, E. N. Baker and wife, R. W. Cunningham and wife, Horace Jordan and wife, A. L. Small and wife, R. S. Maxwell and wife, A. R. Bucklin and wife, Frank Sylvester and wife, James Springer and wife, Wilson M. Hattin and wife, W. F. Adams and wife, William Springer and wife, Llewellyn Blanchard and wife, Chas. Waldron and wife. Committee on Band Table—F. P. Thayer and wife, Mr. W. S. Purinton and wife, Mrs. I. W. Gilbert, H. Paine and wife, LIST OF COMMITTEES. 513 J. E. Jack and wife, Millard Rogers and wife, S. H. Ring and wife, C. A. Metcalf and wife, A. C. True and wife, Edgar S. Briery and wife, Geo. N. Fogg and wife, Ed. Whitney and wife. Committee to Solicit Food in each School District in Town— District No. 1, Henry Taylor, Mrs. Eugene Campbell, Mrs. Thayer. District No. 2, Fred Mitchell, Mrs. Fred Mitchell. District No. 3, Geo. Ring, Mrs. G. N. Fogg, R. S. Maxwell. District No. 4, Joseph Hatch and wife, Mrs. Harlan King. District No. 5, Amasiah Googins, Mrs. Packard, Mrs. Pater- son. District No. 6, Orrin True and wife, Mrs. E. N. Pinkham. District No. 7, Benjamin Colby and wife, Augusta Edgecomb. District No. 8, John Purington and wife, Mrs. Everett Allen. District No. 9, Charles A. Edgecomb, Mrs. ‘Mary Williams, Miss Arvilla Edgecomb. District No. 10, Horace Jordan and wife, Job Morrill and wife. District No. 11, Frank Adams and wife, Miss Neva Hall. District No. 12, Frank Libby and wife. District No. 13, Miles Dustin and wife, Mrs. Charles T. Frost. District No. 14, Nelson Thurlough and wife, Alfrado Bubier and wife. District No. 15, H. W. Maxwell, Mrs. J. A. Chase, Mrs. L. E. Shorey, Mrs. A. E. Roberts, Mrs. M. S. H. Rogers, Mrs. O. Smith. Committee on Water for Centennial Day—E. P. Springer, S. G. Nutting, W. M. Hattin, H. F. Woodward, E. Shorey, M. W. Adams, J. A. Chase. Committee on Rentals—J. E. Chase, E. P. Springer, J. A.. Chase, John Purington, M. S. H. Rogers. Committee to Secure a Cannon—Samuel Smith, O. A. True; O. B. Clason, Gardiner. Committee to Secure a Tent—Samuel Smith, H. M. Starbird, John Purington, Stillman Ring, C. A. Norcross. The members of these various committees were also members of the great general committee with many others. 33 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Amount oF Money RaIsED BY TOWN AND RECEIVED FROM OTHER SOURCES FOR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, 1895, AND PUBLISHING History. Annual meeting of 1894, appropriation...............02 eee eaee $100 Special meeting of 1895.......... cee eee eee cece fied haslssera aioe 200 Annual meeting of 1896 for printing history of the town....... 200 Donated by Ladies’ Grange Circle. ...........c0ceceeeeeeeees 25 Redeived from tent réntalsisiccostewvns sev evewasionss ax ee mwmers 62 Material sold after centennial............. 0. cece cece ee eee eee 39 Motaly sissies s Crane deaa nea i atanaumae emuewenee $626 Expense of celebration. .......... 0: cre cece eer eee n tere neees 304 Amount to be expended for printing history.................. $232 Amount received from contributions................ 020-202 eee $750 Sums ConTRIBUTED BY RESIDENTS OF LITCHFIELD. Saiivel- Smit hie-vs0\ aygors wiimen eyenk berated eens at $10 Di: EROCH: AGatiS so ssieda acecoadseaivtids dorado 4 aed nati ausele ge 10 Charles Es Chasé wave essnannieanndanvaadnimann nas wma aay td 20 iis a USN AS Cie als’ sratanai er uis sora ines atnrainhaaneGiansinaphinn eauindavunantelalacynius ee 10 David TSinittizedscreseeomeneni ances Nilovelel wanker cdaitieionena sion 20 HG Ob, Ps SEMI Moa acnacts nhdves ey astahuh gh a skccheusee RB hipie ousaavaunas amieratalandsles 20 MD JOT SYN ATU GA icy a ae lcs cnn apnh oh wD sad aac oat teense hondnosen tt deen ake 10 Dr Tews Gilberts waa s cwarnuid slaces Gamanhal delim aemeltd osad aeees 10 Edward Shoreyisscastexrasauetaure atawwe ta ee aes bead ees 10 Dr. Cyrus Pedicle c.4. econ areneeien ourearh Waaisin srmnonmen agama 10 George: Wi Barl eye conntadieaa wat ae aeons ae a ewes bed hao ee nets 10 M.S: Ay Rogers, heirs: Ofusncsses oowew sve sacmeauw Aiedg anes 10 Josiah “Prite, trietids Of Sic esis emcdese Mees in eB haWaLEioasces muse 10 emmlen Ps SPriA Ger caccaantsvavarecs ig iarteniservolaia duwie ova udcarnaalene se Wide Rite 20 Oramandal, Siiithss vs csncep acand cemnete nig seaeneeiinies ae creme 30 Orén Tril@ciesccciss ccmiwd ans aos vee Hen teisihstie @ pamaicmeiaiade muvee 10 FEST. DPC ia say chs soaks sya tisdyaraem anaes earn arecdbra ae, eo aeens anacRiy etaawteriad 10 Eli, Mis. SS tab tt is ss. ascva:diesnastesasela eayeonenseusdsos este 0 iesb ticatiecer nlabioia vue eevee 10 Min Pie Tie kom dian tersanrnane as tess Aue REO PIE oad ang eee es 10 00 00 co oO 00 53 oO 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 oO 00 00 “00 00 oo 00 0o oo 00 oo oO oo FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 515 G. Roberts, Jr Ar as tcp educated pice a taavaraut Uh & guerteasuelo ed odoe Se ac aE ees $10 Jee Poe CHASE. 2 a c.2.coidseusien a acu oes deaavard ininnterd Cooneseweaea onan Ga aioe 10 Hidgatr Neal veiled eae ueesa, Seana Su tow alecorheniaenl von eae Aaectathaew eee 10 Simeon: Goodwitts.sjagak sos «x ohidews auaednle oes Sedna aaeks 20 Morning Star Lodge Masons.......... ccc eee cece ee eee anes 10 Deacon Thomas Smith, heirs of.......... 0.0000 cece eee e ees 10 8 $320 Sums CONTRIBUTED BY FRIENDS NoT RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN, Dr. M. C. Wedgwood, Lewiston. .............0.c cece cece ees $20 Rev, Smith Baker, Boston, 2.0 .scc.c andes ne swans outa sana as 20 Dr. L. M. Palmer, South Framingham..............-..0.0 0005 20 , Prof. S:K. Smith, Watervillesss.crcssancataciecsaspamens veee 10 George W. Smith, Lewiston. .......... 0... c cece cee tee eens 10 Rev. Chas. B. Smith, West Medford, Mass................00. Io Ae NE Spear: Gardiner. sccinaign ys gies saardae wesc eye ene meee 20 Oy Bi Clason Gardiner scouas etn d thwe ve 8 cees Leeward Se e-eads 10 Win. F. Burr. Gardiner .i3h4 css aidan tied amare ca tems 10 Mrs. Harriet Robinson, Gardiner. ...... 0.2... eee eee ees 10 Amos Henry Potter, heirs of, Gardiner...............0..00 eee 10 Dr: I. W; Starbird, Chelsea, Nassizccese 22 ceeu suvslncig ne teees te 10 John Day Smith, Minneapolis, Minn............. 000 10 Andrew Berry, heirs of........... socks Shab eased Resieabanias eet Succterath ees 10 Dr. Samuel W. Dennis, San Francisco, Cal.......... 002000008 20 ‘Edward Brown, Mt. Vernon, Ind.......... 0... ccc cee eee eee ‘10 Benjamin F. Grant, Malden, Mass.......... 0... cece eee eee neee 10 Capt. E. D. Percy and wife, Cundy Harbor................006 20 Hon. D. S. Alexander, AI. C., Buffalo, N. Y..... 0.0.0... 0. 10 Mrs. Helen Flint, Winthrop. ......... 0... c ccc e eee e eens ae 10 Uriel Adams, Boston................ «abseashite vs iunse gieeanuae otek eee 10 Horace Purinton, Waterville... ccc cece cee eens 10 Wm. W. Smith, Lynn, Mass.......... cipisdeatce oat Sarstedt asta 20 Rev. Constant Quinnan, heirs OP 755 AAS Oa wea aneuesoeeaeeaten 10 Andrew Goodwin, South Dakota......... 0... cece eee eee eeee 10 Hon. Wm. H. McLellan, Belfast............-. eee eee eee eee gees 30 Hon. Frederick ,Robie, GOPnai. cs cacao Seaes see tees Ow ae 10 Mrs. Mary J. Stewart, Richmond......-...-.-e esse seen ences 10 Mrs. George F. Lamb, Portland........-.... see eee erence ees 10 T. H. Smith, Chicago..... 0... c cece eee eee eee eee ene eee 10 Prof. Warren R. Smith, Chicago.......... cece cence eee eee 10 Geo. W. Harriman, Brighton, Mass..........+eeseeee eee eeeee 10 Geo. H. Douglass, Gardiner. ........s eee eee eee e entre eens Io Rev. C. T. Hawes, Bangor........ ccc eee ence eee eee ees 10 $430 00 00 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oO 00 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 oo 00 00 00 516 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. AMOUNT EXPENDED FOR CELEBRATION. O. Smith, printing, lumber and cash.......... 00.00 eee eee eee J. A. Chase, napkins, netting and cloth.................0 e000 J. A. Chase, nails and other material................. 200 eee Boyle Brothers, use of dishes, etc..........-. cece cece eee eens John W. P. Johnson, expense of cannon............0 eee eee eee A. R. Bucklin, night watch, tea and board..................... CoB. Nash: printing e.«¢ 2, adodecihs avecs uhaumhtaes cman senines Soe eemeaen. oe 139 Gove: Sal Sy PF eiiacds agate wets Sibisiodasekd ue 24.2 Spaalcun aula e, Soeeacs a ako mena 139 Gowell: : JOHN giecretice asin Silanes sa araiutsieut waatin sipels ula etarennadiaipicoaa sean 140 John; Jiries oracsecacee ts ois ke atewen Renee ees Meee Tay eee eed: 140 Parke ie ada's toed akeddes.oo kta ee eas BGK yarns heat mae 141 Aisa LS€wiSiva cis2alsidele a nauuier @ eegie ha etac Ge lumen eS besieged 8 aalonate 141 AVY spate tas sate cease seated ay eagle gfe havattaghs oS Sactewausnds Sarnaue Ae thoarea eR 142 Gower Pdwatds ciccs.i.08 seats Ponce PRR AREAS RAGE Es REESE he eee 4 ae 142 JOshtiatcccctucd aonsad ere dae iawea lease GaliGease phe Sheou.2 apes 142 Willige. s scqdadie too eke Oa ae Siw needs ew Ges Ate emeaees 142 POtIaS EL Anco ereae-ae exon abe nr aleoes Sletitee mare apaae 143 Grant: Wil iatin Oise Garicce teeth Age ecace aeouar tun at aie avis aimghidesais am eee Sd ere 143 Benjamin, Pe vcdlsatarar ie awa mimes atarce inondiewacsts comm nanan 143 LéWis EUSenesaniavees ca tedimb lay ece adage n gare ad aay 144 Graves: Nathanie lice cicnne on woiens ay tld named ie baa bid acttaeweierd eee 144 David sys. ¢ Meee 2h sins HRA ep emia Saree tadase ones we 144 Gray: Alexanders iv snicoscicada whee bee baecw es cea Ree ays oe 145 Jereniials wccxevaue g abel y Pais ena sare egg eaceiomies ee te die gents 145 Stephenie). nscden coy ois sees aes ee er saeees er ee 145 34 530 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Gray: Samide: Jiri etsiecsscsar'erse ate: ccndalaue ana grote t's oiaresbesniie ost weidlonaicn waved che Haggett: Hall: SE TEET Ot TA Veep xcxapnidiwa aie cons evneny aac a ue Reonauaa evades Uanaeaonsduonsets Gunn sen PAO CIs: ITs svtecnresexertuccaace ro Swale ded coananet anaes a naecemsnabvhanadceran eaten TAUtheP insole weterdneernalsien a eens naialdad a imetemmnanaes Ge oman Hancock: Deacon: Johiy.cccanwsnocss yc weeeaeaes Gees eeewsees oe weasewaae Hanscom: TOW 5) esrstectsl is an le ea lancgeagasrnlonrs cornice eins Vomeudt wae ke eeatouets Harrington: PECTIC Z EB sascs eananteenugeiave cadet dees sac bimieroeee buawe adttiacaaud Sor amiavecreced a Harris: Hartshorn: BN et PATIL Mos pcg, ora suse ica cn sesslin Sudgndacam tabs ooe-e sea weucps,teaacdiaast oe hpaeabaennate Haskell: INDEX OF FAMILIES. Hatch: Hawkes: MOS @Sing cs Zaisuaictane ols dre Mensa oe x2 ene ae ate & EMA ds ORS ten Hayden: William Heath: Herrick:: PUDENEZ ete dscdapanis oes anal eae nanan oociddiaes Vow datas Hildreth: Holmes: Joseph G......... ti ecstateah a eatae date ncn seine ce a od tee UAeN takai "THOMAS c weeded seeks Moai nea ea edie ene or tin sea ER JOSEPH EF ocd iemnehcee skied chr? 1448 Sp SeweRs tees Era meReshaey Hooker: RiVGriGuSiouscia sts cna anineguc enema eat ay sane gel nee aaes Hooper: Wesley Soo... cccec cece cence cece nee nee e eer nee eet e eee aee Charles Ey Kori ca scwid ssn gs eee Sed eee eddoas taken anrene George W.. 2c. cece cece cece ee een ne ere een eet n en tenner ete nens Benjamin. ...... sce cece cence reece een en eter e rete renee Sa titells sé ssneccce saeigwiewace 69 dae ELSA EAE oA SEI Se eipls see eNNE Huntington: Benjamin. ..... 0... c eee e eee teen ene eee ene nee een sees 532 TOWN OF ‘LITCHFIELD. Huntington: JSS PM ese igs cavane ee ha ugly Sido bag ead dps aa teen. 28 ek oman sess Beek SEV ODIs cesta dy coahien.'g asta eee ee oiace ess AT RhoA oa Mar Walliaimly cutie atytea te mibabe tease ee adore ye Eeee eee Less totter B@tyamitt (Gecko nee aig acustnacd hee auasa woke eae ehed aes Daniel Tics phasis Stren ounces Lads Phonon eau aplea daeey ats MNT MALTA Fic Sikandar does wy, Seguin aaa akn ars slacaumane a eins aes natetuk Hutchinson: [Stele «x seated se pets eae apacuaine Betas ee EER AA RAMOS Be PERE MES INGIVEHTIB IN: esasealihae da Bh wnlaalld Dave sea Aeon aia aad A oeinaAled dees WaT ai oe fees odo x chsentedne se tbenetnd Gdaots AO Legere Alia emesis Hyde: Sami@lecsissdt is nndaee aan nee ova.s theta yg Se bohemia ee Sakai John , Jack: IMAG IER a ea rakas Wiesner ed ae Eres cca emcees widen And teWingace veeerasc ee eee cee cease te laws wasn ead gee PAGE 171 171 172 172 173 173 173 174 174 INDEX OF FAMILIES. Jackson: Jolin, H s:csadenuae nad sisaaseu sia te@aeertwakaannoe ge ie ee mM ton ree aa Jaquith: Abraham Jones: Nathanrel Md sunciecccanitieee wants cr waswaeenasccunianen onlin’ Judkins: Saiittel sys cce en seen es 44 4 awed es are Puslamekey ns bomen eee Keenan: DHOMAS: Dis c-w i new4 on hoa Geuscaselne oes Dia detusnmere Bs Lot BS ek pcsinler Dy Kelley: Ebene7 eres 02 aici a ase cating sb pace a see ween coun Kendall: Kindrick: Di Cynic cso nscascine Seec ae someway se Peed sae Eee dee eats Knowlton: Benjamin. ......c. cece eee nent nnn een nen n nen e ences Benjamin, Jr... cs cece cece eee eee eee nett nner ences ‘Larned: 534 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. Laury: Nathaniel. J. ca notuae wees cso deneeee bee va aae ea ee vane ee Tee Gapt: Micahive:ss00 sicaa ee cs exceed veer waateenee os 94 oes Sandwell WSs. sco nahasneeh ha aa Parada details 6 we eG ainteacmis «aces ooeed Stephen............. aren BU de cst Grace anteayittnkaeeea Ss etaTahltevtelels Lincoln: Christopher Ce ccsxiccarna sie. d es aeeeies se seaxeeeee wos eek Sires FE VAS TE scaiscsiissle sais a, syaus,ars Acaceuieeciud ooscdere as Siasaeiale. doe exe ca ubnagene Awe Oa cate be Dati ele ccs miductisharveroteleniae deqane ine ato aesian Mictbenas a yagi smut se woneine e Lord: James; Sd cd overoudades Aisha ceed inc bed apenas sek Geet JAMES. ALM: 2.22 ate ec eneees SaneeGendalas can aseneneeaee aude BROMAS is: crvaninaucn wrest batdigeean svi hees waite veeeu suemres ee Thomas; JT ss sa vases cicapenawe asd ee a re Lunt: me em tem mee re meme e ee em etme eee eee meee meee aaene ee i INDEX OF FAMILIES. 535 Magoon: : PAGE JOSiahs sscdiwees verging oeahacawatas Moss u paeladineleeaa oad ouuee es 213 SOMME Sears ine Sate pune tol AD dor Ne eens Baar 4 213 J OUNCE w sar ueteand Btoe caeedetnes odie eew see Axain ae acetates 213 Malcolm: Roberts seas saad sina cages canwousene ue tewnec eek ote 214 SAUTE lisse Seeeao aia aa atth eh asta enauudered toe teemnatans Mera poten Seale 214 Mallett: pamutel Toss ausassyisewenned des Asse tadhaiiioteida oon mean cots 214 Manual: POllYijcon. catanwates peadueg Mew ts deGs@eckaay geeeeae das tee 215 Marr: JAMS 4 vising oo dan aed Pos cA eas oe aa pamed edo k ee wees 215 PDH REG goiius nce gaidaaare sr odeatde De. diobnuene borin centage oe 216 Marston: Nathanielixcs venetian s sous voce esas soe Maw ee eee doen 216 Nathanieless Lewis Pn taeed tae oaddn oe wean GS law eeeteteaines John Adams. isccasescscasewswian ssa sas oewweas ss e405 seenas eee s Lewis) Pag Ose iacie iad takyanieiies wee 6 sorautotinds « SaGe MP eT Oe SIs Ao: Melvin Fi acs 5:05 a tere haw tig Sa afore ele SEG Desa eraliinlge n booeo eco ates Aaron, Iris cixewde thus sanaiea'ss case ndoeee Hye es taeneaaee eee Merrill oo cccd ecmacae 83 Ra OREO RES Ce CONES OGL Sas are NOES OSs Abner, Jre ccc c cece e cee cee ee cee teen eee e tee ne eee n een ene ents Justin W... ccc cece e cence eee eee e eee tenn e enn eee ee enneees Benjamin Po... eee e eee e eee cece cece nett en ee ee een eee cee es Hon. Josiah .....ccee cee c cece eee ee een e eee eeeenenen ene eeens Thomas, Jri.ccc cece cece cence cece eee e eee eee een een nents neers 35 546 TOWN OF LITCHFIELD. True: Albert C William Trufant : William F Tubbs : i ce i ee Waldron: Charles D Charles H Walker: J AINES c62 5) tea Dea tand Grde ee AS Alen Oe eG Maeda haan and aAG Joshtia ssa yori vse eee Aes Se NEA OOO date ees Samuel Washburne: Bens aint os < aoagnes oe ence Ree een Sen Heme ESS anes Waterman: SYIWANUS Maia cd be rousiiud nkin aakindas aie eee nen Mele Granville C pO sill eB INDEX OF FAMILIES. 547 ‘Watson: PAGE Daniels] poorer iaeinstenn soa wine ene eaten oe ae beehooie ne 383 JOSHUA: Wis tex uvs watasewds taki e tina aesmnesayide eyoawaaens 384 Webber: George: Jia ess. avectea aeons adie Sones uameee ohes wees - 384 GOT Se HE vac ara stu acahanesatn) «5-1 h aah e aks Stk BNA So de 385 Charles: His isneanetec vith enceree ss Yousabiocus as seeenaedadans 385 OWT ccc ucsoralard 2 2 cleared SA Aw SANNA GER nan han Ra Dew sla aaaneea ts 385 Wedgwood: Curtis eet deeds All Aes cee Wa a ete ina als 385 Fonz Milton Gacnes ose vader anid a vacisied ae nao oslamuundbawaeee 386 INEWEOT) 3 es cise hs cise mansloled oa ce Waele Sv bo burnclemane we emewes 386 GeOT EE Sasha eatin sane bas ae UR aw Gesaionns Danae emails 386 Woailhiane ics ni tecudials nets eataatennen Segue eesaee oe da xeadee eee es 386 West: William Blay.................. ABO Caye As ah oleae thas “oats 387 Weston: Stephen sa. seeds avle daca hans emdehr iawn eet oar 387 Solomon's jesse sows arpa y oye sees Gueals oes Rae aranibeee eee saws e 387 JOSE Dis S055 seasecalouss Scie Sua dalaualsiasag doar guanine! falda sd abe atenecanate 388 FP PaTile Coico e.s-v sestea cea oo tn Satna See ateeals MENG RSA TES Hoe maaE: — BOO Weymouth: Benjamili, ,oengaxcaa pasa ues eee Reels cease eer nes aay 388 JOShtUds4 tasicusuad tee eiieeoa ee ie ew dene eae es Sasa ees 388 JIG TUT at 3 ss cees Seen eel acer selaca yeaa eevee Raha ih Ted, os nudes Gembortmaea este Ste 389 NICHOLAS sceciet-o0s Goons Oh es Cade ees waives otha yee 3890 Al valiG.codittins sclemadeer crue eae anil Aomeaeuecto conse mines 389 Wharff: f JOSephnsc cos tiwesa s oc4 Becetiee eau wade ease tee as ee ES 390 JOSEPH. Jib co nisisline. hese Ales tblase hea aontppaalg asaya mba pubunieads dea tobuaRavone 391 Walliam Riv.oviage ite seiauetnne Shaw Koaer yas 444 aeetine 301 George: As Ds sw vctaate e's) sien iahdauilens lela ance dare alee cae aero 301 [Sa aC aa cass kcaeted Oss tebnaee NY GENRES SRA yaad oho eae 392 Williatt.ncnena cave cbgliard aks 2a alaatinn cain Waite Doe ehease 392 White: Gideon: + duwewe ss os co aiied eirck eed a Cee Aheawa PEAS OM 392 Horace Gian iw ene caee cade eimeod ghuaansededinn be etary ee 302 Davids Sesiacs-codiuad Fee masdegste sates arene egy meeenes ss 303 Oweriis es sacks mae tin Geta eds Ate AGE ghuntd & pedanens Sie BEES 393 Whitmore: TPHUGy co. 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