Cornell sen Library DA 195.L31 18 “Wun A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMAN KINGS. A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMAN KINGS, OR, FROM THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS TO THE ACCESSION OF THE HOUSE OF PLANTAGENET: TO WHICH IS PREFIXED AN EPITOME OF THE EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF é eh me, . ee 4 ey a Pht Dr. J. M. LAPPENBERG, For. F.8.A. KEEPER OF THE ARCHIVES OF THE CITY OF HAMBURG. BY BENJAMIN THORPE, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS BY THE TRANSLATOR. OXFORD: PRINTED BY JAMES WRIGHT, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY. SOLD BY JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. M. DCCC. LVII. nN /CORNELLS PUMIWERSIEY) LIBRARY PREFACE. In sending forth this volume I do no more than fulfil the intention I expressed in the Preface to Lappen- berg’s History or ENGLAND UNDER THE ANGLO-SAaXxoNn Kineo’s', namely, that, in the event of that work finding a favourable reception, it should be followed by a translation of the same author’s History or ENGLAND UNDER THE NorMAN KINGS, OR, TO THE ACCESSION OF THE HOUSE oF PLanTaGeneT. That work having now been long in the hands of many, and repeatedly spoken of in terms of commendation by those capable to ap- preciate it, I feel no hesitation in offering its con- tinuation to the judgment of the public. That I have not limited my labour to that of a mere translator, will be evident to every one who shall undertake the some- what tedious task of comparing it with the German original; on the contrary, as in the preceding volumes, I have, as far as my means admitted, tested Lappen- berg’s work by the old chroniclers, and where I found his text abridged, in consequence of the necessity to be concise, under which he was placed’, I have restored it to its integrity; where the meaning of the chronicler 1 At the end of the volume are given a few pages of additions to and corrections of the text and notes of that work. 2 See England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, Pref. p. xiii. , vi PREFACE. appeared to me incorrectly represented, I have cor- rected the passage; besides which, my additions, both to the text and notes, are neither few nor far between’. What I have here stated applies generally to all the four reigns contained in the volume, though more especially to that of Stephen, which, although full of incident and, on account of the mournful picture it presents of the state of England during that period of calamity, and of the romantic events with which it abounds, is well worthy of the historian’s labour, has, nevertheless, been hitherto more briefly and super- ficially treated than any other reign during the middle age. In the present volume much of it has been re- written. Hence I venture to entertain the hope, that the work in its English dress will by every intelligent and unprejudiced reader be classed if not as the best, at least not among the worst records of England’s sad story, during a period of tyranny, the natural result of foreign conquest, exercised by alien sovereigns and an alien aristocracy over the oppressed and impoverished Anglo-Saxon population—a tyranny of which happily but few traces are discernible at the present day. The outline of early Norman history under the house of Rolf cannot, I think, be otherwise than welcome to many readers; to some the subject will, no doubt, be new, while to none who feel an interest in the History of England can it be matter of indifference, whence 1 My notes are here, as in the H. of E. under the A. S. Kings, distin- guished by the letter T. My additions to and corrections of the text are too intimately blended with the original matter to admit of distinction. PREFACE. vii those princes sprang, how they established themselves in the Frankish province, and what were their exploits and characters, who, directly or indirectly, have given a long line of sovereigns to this country. As a supplement to this “Outline,” in which much curious matter will be found, I have added from Depping’, a chapter on the conditions, manners, ete. of the Scandinavians and of their offspring in France, better known to us under the more familiar denomination of Normans, while under their own counts or dukes; also a short paper, from the same author, on local names in Normandy, showing, in numerous instances, their exact identity with those similarly applied in the Scandinavian North. I have, in fact, to a certain extent, though unconsciously to my- self, acted in conformity with Southey’s advice to his brother, when the latter was meditating a work on the Crusades: he writes, “Omit none of those little cir- cumstances which give life to narration, and bring old manners, old feelings, and old times before your eyes.” In my version and my additions, both to the text and notes, I have anxiously endeavoured to be correct ; that in this respect I have frequently failed, is highly probable; but the gentle reader will, I hope, kindly take the will for the deed, and regard with lenity those errors and defects which he may detect in the course of the work. With this volume, ending at the death of Stephen, Lappenberg’s labours terminate ; his original intention of continuing them to the Reformation having unfor- ! See p. 5, note 2. viii PREFACE. tunately been frustrated by defective vision, under which he has for some years been a sufferer; but the long suspended work is, I rejoice to say, in the hands of my friend Dr. REmNotp Pavtt, the able author of the Life of King Alfred!, whose labours already reach to the reign of Henry VIII. Dr. Pauli’s volumes merit great praise, and are justly held in high estimation both in England and Germany, as exhibiting deep research not only among the old chroniclers of this and other countries, but also among our hitherto too much neg- lected national records, of which he has availed himself with an earnestness of purpose that could not fail of finding its reward in the rectification of many points in our history, that had previously been set in a false light. It is to be hoped that Dr. Pauli’s work will soon appear in English from the pen of a competent trans- lator. To Mr. Wricut, the Printer to the University, I have to offer my best thanks for his care and expe- dition, while the volume was passing through the Press. BT. 1 Koenig Aelfred und seine Stelle in der Geschichte Englands, von Dr. Reinold Pauli. Berlin, 1851. 8vo. There are two translations of it into English, one published by Mr. Bentley, the other included in Mr. Bohn’s « Antiquarian Library.” The latter, which is said to be by a lady, forms a volume with king /Elfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius by the present editor. 911 912 Origin of Normandy, by the treaty of St. ist mat Epte. 919 931 942 946 CONTENTS. EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. Literary Introduction Say Normandy under the Celts ~ Romans sb The Saxon shore Frankish rulers ... The Districts ... a First attacks of the Noatnie:. ane ROLF, or ROBERT I. Battle on the Eure, and death of Regnald of Le Maine... Siege of Paris oh Capture of Bayeux. =" ; Huncdeus (Hunedée) baptized ... Defeat of the Northmen at Chartres —924 Enlargement of Normandy . sed : Wars of the Normans of Rouen and on the Liahee., Adherence to the king of France Death of Rolf .. “i , The title of Count of the Mpuitaiiy: Propriety of land.—Peasantry Nobility Court officials... es Investiture by the king Riulf’s rebellion se Matrimonial alliance with Bese ‘ead emnaniias ia Return of king Lewis d’Outremer ... Murder of count William by the Flemings King Lewis gains possession of Rouen ... Flight of the young count Richard ; Alliance between count Hugh and the Normans ... King Otto the Great before Rouen Page xix Pp Ob = 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 29 996 1006 1026 1035 CONTENTS. RICHARD I. Investiture and marriage of Richard Dissensions with his step-father count Thibaut .. Friendly relations with the kings Lothair and Hugh Pious foundations by Richard Death of Richard ... RICHARD II. Insurrection of the peasantry of William of Hiesmes Richard’s influence over king Robert... Alliance with the emperor Henry II. Emma married to king Athelred King Svend Tveskizg’s visit to Rouen ... dies Of Lagman the Swede, and Olaf the Norwegian War on account of Dreux oh See: Ree Tilliéres, ichues 3 Expedition in aid of Reinold te Upper Bargmiy.. Submission of Hugh count of Chartres The Normans in Spain ... ... Migrations to and establishments in n Lady Death of Richard ahs. Sage His pious foundations and efile: «: RICHARD III. War with his brother, and death ROBERT II. Contest with the archbishop of Rouen Of Hugh bishop of Bayeux, and Alan of Tie: King Henry’s flight to Fécamp .. Acquisition of the Vexin 3 Robert’s pilgrimage to Jerusalem aad death WILLIAM II. Murder of count Gilbert of Eu Insurrection of Roger of Toesny Death by poison of Alan V. of Brittany Loss of Tilliéres ... Page 30 31 32 | & | | Ss] NS 38 39 4] CONTENTS, War with count Guy, and battle of Val-des-dunes... William aids the king against Anjou... Capture of Domfront William’s visit to king Eadwar a the Confessor His marriage with Matilda... Of Lanfranc ‘ ; Insurrection of William of shsrgee arid atliers: ai Deposition of Mauger, archbishop of Rouen ... Of archbishop Maurile Battle at Mortemer... Battle on the Dive Recovery of Tilliéres Acquisition of Le Maine ws Expedition against Brittany, and death ae Conan, iY, Earl Harold’s visit to Normandy ON THE CONDITION, MANNERS, &c. OF THE SCANDINAVIANS AND NORMANS IN GENERAL*. Of the kings of Denmark and Norway, and colonization of Iceland ... ... ce Of Palnatoki and J pnabutg 2 Of the Christian missionaries and clergy Of Iceland—its oe sagas, poetry ... Of Greenland .. ‘ Christianity satahilisbed 3 in ie Nett, aad its eines on the population... a tte ae Subjugation of Iceland by dhs Nocyavnid: Decay of their native literature and rise of capital legends ... wed Bie. nee Fraternity in Roecllde ie the: suppression of piracy ... Changes in the North, the effect of Christianity Emigrations to Constantinople 3 King Eadgar’s measures against the pirates Of the Northmen in Ireland . og King Olaf by threats converts the Grins : Of the Norse tongue in the Orkney and Shetland ek Ancient structures in the Orkney and Shetland isles... Erection of churches and chapels in Normandy * Addition by the translator. oo cn or 2 xii SONTENTS. ALD. Page Of Norman castles... 0... 00. ee ee ee ee 10 Of the clergy ... ... 5 aon eyes es — ee 71 Dissoluteness of the dleray Miho GEM, estes see SS Se TAS Profligacy in the cloisters ...0 60.0. eee vee ve 74 Of the “Peace of God”... 00.0 ce. cee tee ee tee FO Of abbeys celebrated for learning ... ... «+ 76 Of duke Richard at the court of Laon... ... 0... 6) 77 Of Lanfranc and Anselm ... 0... ee eee eee ee —_— Of the abbey of St. Evroult ... ... . .. 78 The bishopric of Coutances without divine worship and priests... 0... ne, eye Tee Use a 79 Of the Norman ivnborians ania poets Giese Sad .. 80 Introduction of literature, etc. among the Norsiins 81 Northern superstitions in the Shetland isles... ... ... 85 Of archbishop Maugeyr’s familiar Toret ... ... ... —_— Of husbandry and rural economy ... ... ... «2... = 88 Of salt-works and fisheries... 0.50 00. ce, cee ue 89 Of Norman legislation ... ... 0... ee ee OT Depressed state of the peasantry Se Ges Gee) Hey 92 Of the ordeal and legal duel... 2. 0. ee 98 Of the Bayeux tapestry ... 2. ee 94 Of the introduction of chivalry ...0 ee 9S Of the Norman exchequer and courts ae. ohity, aces 96 Of Local Names in Normandy* ...) 2. 0... u.. 97 WILLIAM THE FIRST, 1066-1087. Dissolution of the Anglo-Saxon state... ... 0. ... 101 Capture of Dover and Canterbury ... ... 103 “Submission of London, of archbp. Btizand sind . ROLF, or ROBERT I. Tue 17th November in the year 876° is named as the day on which Rolf (Hrélfr), or (as he is usually called after the Latin chroniclers) Rollo’, first landed in the territory subse- 1 Rudolf. Fuld. a. 850. Prudent. Trecens. eod. a. 2 Rudolf. Fuld. eod. a. 3 Annal. Vedast. a. 882. Annal. Fuld. a. 885. 4 Capitul. a. 853. April. ap. Pertz, p. 418. 5 Houard, Traité sur les Cout. Anglo-Norm. part i. Pref. 6 This date is given both by Florence and Ordericus Vitalis, (p. 368). That the Normans arrived at the Seine in this year, is confirmed by the Annales Vedastini. 7 [According to Snorri (Heimskringla, c. 24.) Rolf was a son of Rogn- vald, jarl of Mori in Norway. He is described as being of so large a stature that no horse could bear him, and he was compelled to go on foot, hence his appellation of Hrdlfr gavngr, or Hrolf the ganger or walker. For his plunderings (strandhug) on the coast of Norway, he was expelled from that kingdom by king Harald Harfagri—T.] William of Malmes- 8 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. quently known as Normandy. He was the chief of a band of pirates, and had previously passed some time in England, had there formed an alliance with Guthorm- or Guthrim- ABthelstan, and subsequently attacked the isle of Walcheren and invaded Hainaut. Dudo’s account of Rolf’s deeds is founded on historic facts interwoven with fictions, but which it is possible to elucidate by the abstraction of some mistakes in the chronology. The archbishop of Rouen, Franco, is said by Dudo to have received from Rolf the promise not to lay waste the neighbouring country. This improbable story contradicts itself, as that archbishop was not raised to the dignity till afterwards; so that we must either regard Dudo’s narrative here as very doubtful, or, to save his credit, suppose the Rolf of the year 876 a different person from him who appears on the scene more prominently twenty years later’. Rolf, it is said, soon returned to England?, and was probably in the succeeding years among the Northmen that committed such dreadful ravages between the Scheldt and the Somme. It is also probable that he was in the fleet of Northmen who - erossed the Channel (878, 8'79), wintered at Fulham, and in the latter of these years proceeded to Walcheren, and up the Scheldt to Ghent? ; in the following year entered the Frank- ish territory+, wintered in Courtray and plundered Cambrai ; in 881 were defeated by Lewis III. at Vimeu, and in 883 bury (and from him Alberic) says of him, “ de nobili, sed per vetustatem obsoleta prosapia Noricorum editus.”” Dudo (p. 70) calls him the son of a downright free man, who for no feudal obligation would place his hands between those of another. And (p. 82) “‘ Rollo superbo regum ducumque sanguine natus.” 1 A bishop Franco of Liege (852-901), may have given occasion to the confusion of the names, Annal. Lobiens. et Vedast. 2 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 51. 3 Asser, Vita Ailfredi. Saxon Chron. aa. 879, 880. Annal. Vedast. a, 879. This last differs from the preceding by a year. Hincmar Remens. agrees with the former. Comp. Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 56. Annal. Gandenses. 4 Asser. Sax. Chron. a. 881. Annal. Vedast. a. 880. EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. — 9 passed the winter at the abbey of Condé on the Scheldt, on the southern frontier of Hainaut!. Proceeding northwards from Walcheren, Rolf had Radbod to overcome at Aelmere?, then, turning southwards by Condé, to encounter and defeat Ragnar, surnamed Longneck, count of Hasbach and Hainaut. Lewis III. had, in the last year of his life, prevailed on Hasting to abstain from rapine and enjoy a peaceful investi- ture®, consisting, we are informed, in the county of Chartres. King Carloman also, proceeding in the course already adopted by the Anglo-Saxons, entered, through the mediation of the Dane Sigfred, into a negotiation with the enemy at Amiens, where, in the year 883, they had passed the winter, and who, in consideration of a tribute of twelve thousand pounds of silver, engaged to remain tranquil till October‘; nevertheless, on the 25th July in the year following, an army of Northmen appeared at Rouen, who there embarked for the purpose of proceeding up the Seine to Pont de Arche. These met with the French posted on the Eure, who were defeated by them with the loss of Regnald, duke of Maine. The celebrated siege of Paris was now undertaken by the Northmen, at which no Frankish chronicler, but Dudo alone, 1 The mention of Walcheren is from Dudo (p. 74); Condé is also named by Dudo (p.74). Annal. Vedast, Asser, Sax. Chron. I depart from the usual] chronology, and even from Dudo, who places the expedi- tion to Walcheren and Condé before 876; though the accordance of so many accounts must justify my statement. 2 Flavius Aelmere, in Dudo (p.74); stagnum Aelmere; Vita S. Boni- facii, cc. 11. 12. fretum Aelmere, ib. The fishery and ship tax (cogschuld) in Aelmere, a part of the present Zuyder zee, were among the revenues of the see of Utrecht. See Heda, pp. 64, 84. 3 Annal. Vedast. a. 882. 4 Tbid. a. 883. Sax. Chron. a. 884. 5 Ibid. a. 885. Dudo, after speaking of Rolf’s expeditions to Wal- cheren, Friesland and Hainaut, says that he afterwards, in the year 876, embarked for the Seine, which is perhaps an error for 886, or a confound- ing with the above account of 876. ‘To this time also the dreaded attack on Jumiéges seems to belong, of which Balderic, in Chron. Camerac. lib. 11. c. 29. makes mention. 10 ' EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. names Rolf as the commander. From the inaction of a pro- tracted siege Rolf freed himself by incursions into Normandy. He took Bayeux, although it defended itself with Old-Saxon valour, and made Popa, the daughter of the count Berengar!, his wife, according to the pagan Danish forms. Evreux also he caused to be attacked, by which exploits he gained con- siderable sums in the shape of tribute, and, inspired great dread of his name?. The Northmen before Paris, having : entered into a truce, proceeded, some along the Marne as far as Chézy, others into Burgundy, sailing up the Yonne, on the last day of November 886, to the archiepiscopal city of Sens, plundering the neighbouring country and towns, to Clermont (department of the Oise), and Provins (Seine and Marne), southward to the Benedictine abbey of Fleury, which they spared, thence to Etampes and Villeme on the Eure. From this place, (in May 887) Rolf hastened back to the siege of Paris, which not till the autumn of 889, through the mediation of king Eudes, bought off the enemy’, who returned to Normandy, where, after a long siege, they. took St. Lo, near Coutances, and levelled it with the ground>. The valiant Bretons, however, set a bound to their further advance; whereupon the Northmen, some by sea, others by land, proceeded eastward to Liége, Nymwegen, Louvain and Utrecht®. Of the ulterior acts of a part of this army, which 'In the Chron. Rothomag. a. 911, in Labbei Biblioth., also in R. de Diceto, Abbrev. Chron. col. 453. she is called a daughter of count Wido of Senlis. ? Dudo. Chron. 8. Benigni Divion. ap. Bouquet, viii. 241. Comp. Engl. under the A. S. Kings. ii. p. 75. 3 Sax. Chron. and Asser, a. 887. Annal. Vedast. aa. 886, 887. Regino, a. 888. Annal. 8. Columbe Senonensis, a. 886. in Mon. Hist. Germ. i. p. 104. ‘To this time also belongs the account of the besieging of Le Mans and the attempt on Tours by Rolf. Alberic. a. 882 from Helinand “ex dictis Odonis abbatis Cluniacensis.”’ 4 Annal. Vedast. a. 889. Regino, a. 890. Sax. Chron. a. 890. > Annal Vedast. aa. 889, 890. Sax. Chron. and Regino, a. 890. .6 Annal, Vedast. a. 890. Sax. Chron. and Regino, a. 891. EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. ll passed over to England, and there remained till the year 896, we have already spoken!. Under a leader, Hund (Hunedée), who is called by the chroniclers Huncdeus, they then directed their course along the Seine, while others embarked on the Oise and the Meuse. For two years they plundered Neustria. Hund, who had proceeded up the Seine with some ships, made peace with king Charles, and submitted to baptism (897), a circumstance the more worthy of notice, as on that account he has at an early period been confounded with Rolf?. In the years immediately following, we find neither accounts of Rolf nor of Northmen at Rouen or in the later Normandy, nor any particular notices of those bands, with whom, accord- ing to the earlier accounts, Rolf appears to have been con- nected. From the silence of the other chronicles it is highly improbable that Rolf occupied the foremost place in all those expeditions, which Dudo, the poetic author of the Norman Chronicle, assigns to hin; even the early establishment at Rouen, at which this chronicler hints, is either contrary to fact, or it was afterwards abandoned. Not till the year 911 do we hear of a defeat which, on the 12th July, Rolf sustained at Chartres, by dukes Richard of Burgundy and Robert of France®, who fought under the special protection of the Virgin Mary‘. In an intrenchment at Loches, formed of the carcases and bloody hides of animals®, the barbarous sons 1 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 75. 2 Annal. Vedast. aa. 896, 897. Chron. Norman. ap. Pertz, i. 536. 3 He was a brother of king Odo (or Eudes), and is sometimes styled count of Paris.—T. 4 Annal. Colomb. Senon. a. 911. Comp. Dudo. Annal. Besuenses h. a. in Mon. H. Germ. [* The good bishop, as soon as he had sung mass, went forth, clad in his episcopal ornaments, the cross borne before him, and he himself bearing on the point of a lance the Virgin Mary’s chemise, which had been brought from Constantinople by Charles the Bald, and was preserved in the cathedral of Chartres. All the clergy followed, singing psalms in honour of the heavenly Virgin.” Depping, p. 352. See Dudo, p. 80, W. Gemmet. p. 230, Rom. de Rou, wv. 1621 sqq.—T.] 5 Roman de Rou, vv. 1777 sqq. 12 / EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. of the North had long maintained themselves. It is probable that Rolf, after the death or return of the other leaders, now arrived at the supremacy among his countrymen, had for a considerable time been fortified in Rouen or some place com- manding the Seine, as well as in other towns of Normandy, where king Charles the Simple, convinced of the impossibility of prolonging the defence of his country, purchased trom the enemy, by the cession of a considerable province of Neustria, which from that time has borne the name of Normandy, the safety of his kingdom in that quarter; only a century since Charles the Great had fixed the Eyder as their boundary. Flanders, that had in the first instance been offered to him, the haughty conqueror rejected with scorn, as being too marshy. The accounts of the treaty relating to this cession, which was concluded at St. Clair-sur-Epte, in the year 912, vary from each other. At first the Franks would grant to Rolf Neustria from the Andelle to the sea; but, in a further negotiation, the rivers Bresle and Epte were fixed as the eastern boundary. But that the little river Coisnon, that runs between Normandy and Brittany, could at that time have been established as the western limit’, is refuted by the history of the Norman acquisitions in the following years, from which it appears much more ‘probable that the boundary agreed on at St. Clair was drawn northwards from Evreux, and in the west by or on this side of Caen. Of such an in- considerable beginning was this cession, which was shortly to become so important for France and England, and of the former kingdom to raise up the mightiest vassal that the world had ever known! The Northmen, however, maintained, that Brittany also, or rather certain rights of suzerainty over 1 Malaterre Chronica. Guido (ap. Albericum, a. 912.) names the Epte (Itta) as the boundary; also Frodoard. a. 923. “Itta fluvio transito, in- gressus est terram, que dudum Nordmannis ad fidem Christi venientibus, ut hane fidem colerent et pacem haberent, fuerat data.’ Eu (Auga) on the Bresle belonged to the Normans, Frodoard. a. 925. 2 Dudo (p. 83). W. Gemmet. lib. ii. cc. 17,19. Comp. on this much EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. 13 that state, and the revenues arising therefrom, or that the fiefs of Rennes and Dol were ceded to Rolf. One of Rolf’s followers, named Gerlo, received from the king the fief of Mont-de-Blois! ; another, Heribert, the county of Senlis. It _ is probable that the Cotentin was also granted to one of these, who, or whose son, named Riulf, afterwards made war on the son of Rolf. Like Guthrim-Athelstén, Rolf immediately became a convert to Christianity, and received baptism at the hands of Franco, archbishop of Rouen. His sponsor was Robert, duke of France, who gave him his own name, and the king gave his natural daughter, Gisele, in marriage to his new vassal?. The Northmen of the Seine, for so were Rolf and his followers still designated, soon strove to extend their do- minion. It is probable that they took part in the attacks on western Brittany, which proceeded from their countrymen encamped on the Loire (a. 919), and in the course of two years led to the cession of the desolated land, and of the dis- trict of Nantes‘. Two years later (a. 923) the Northmen of Rouen again allied themselves with Ragenald, the leader of their brethren on the Loire, for the purpose of plundering the neighbouring districts of Beauvais and Arras. King Rudolf with an army crossed the Epte, with the design of penetrating into their country, whereupon the Northmen advanced into the unpro- tected lands beyond the Oise, which they ravaged, in ex- disputed point Daru, Geschichte der Bretagne translated by Schubert. t. i. pp. 80-88. Licquet, H. de Normandie. ' Chron. Sithiense, a. 912. ap. Bouquet, ix. p. 76. Johann. Paris. ib. x. p- 255, nd, 2 W. Gemmet. Rom. de Rou, 1914 sqq. 3 Charter of Charles the Simple, a. 918, ap. Bouquet, ix. p. 536. “ par- tem quam adnuimus Nortmannis Sequanensibus, videlicet Rolloni suis comitibus, pro tutela regni.”’ 4 Frodoardi Chron. aa. 919,921. That Rolf’s companions received or kept this land, appears from Frodoard, a. 924. “ Ragenoldus cum suis Nordmannis, quia nondum possessionem intra Gallias acceperat.”’ £ 14 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. pectation of extorting the cession of larger territories on the other side of the Seine. Seulf, archbishop of Rheims, and Heribert, count of Vermandois, mediated a truce till May in the following year; whereupon, after the pernicious example already set both in France and England, a danegelt was paid to the Northmen (924), whose territory was, moreover, en- larged by the cession of Le Mans and the Bessin, or Bayeux}. The latter was intrusted to Botho, the friend of Rolf?. Never- theless, in the second year (925) Rolf availed himself of a new expedition of Ragenald into Burgundy (in which the latter was killed in the Passe Chailles), to violate the truce : he marched eastwards. Among the casualties of this for- midable expedition Amiens and Arras fell a prey to the flames ; the suburb of Noyon was fired by the Northmen, who were, however, repulsed by the townsmen. When in this conjuncture intelligence was brought that the men of Beauvais had crossed the Seine, the Parisians with count ' Hugo’s warriors had entered Rouen, and count Helgaud of Ponthieu, or Montreuil, with his coast-Franks, was ravaging the Norman districts, Rolf did not venture to cross the Oise, but returned to his own territory. A thousand of his people, whom he had sent to the frontier to support his fort at Eu5, were, by Heribert and the vassals of the church of Rheims and count Arnulf of Flanders, massacred without mercy, which they themselves had never known. Duke Hugo con- cluded a separate peace for himself with the Northmen, who in the following year (926) slew count Helgaud at Arras, and would have captured the wounded king Rudolf, but for the timely aid of count Heribert. Eleven hundred Northmen 1 Frodoard. aa. 923, 924. 2 « Boton de Baex, Quens des Bessineiz.’’ Rom. de Rou, v. 2162. 3 Mons. Calaus. From the Itinerary of Albert of Stade (edit. Reineccii, p. 183.), who calls it Mons Catus, it appears that this district lies between La Chapelle and Chambery. 4 So we are, no doubt, to read instead of Frodoard’s Havent, 5 Frodoard. a. 925. Be EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. 15 fell in one battle, and the survivers contented themselves with a new danegelt from France and Burgundy, for which they swore to refrain from hostilities under mutual oaths’. In the following year (927) new wars led to the cession of Nantes to the Northmen of the Loire. Rolf, on the other hand, began now to connect himself more closely with the other magnates and with the destinies of France. Count Heribert, who for some years had held king Charles the Simple in durance, having quarrelled with the rival king Robert, respecting the investiture of the county of Laon, and suffered his captive to re-appear with kingly dignity, Rolf found it advantageous to let his son, William, receive investi- ture from king Charles at Eu2, and to conclude a peace with Heribert. Shortly after, this amicable alliance was extended to duke Hugo, though Odo (Eudes), who was Rolf’s hostage, was not restored to his father, until the latter had sworn his oath of allegiance to king Charles. Some years after these events Rolf died (931) + well stricken | Frodoard a. 926. 2 Ibid. a. 927, “ Filius Rollonis Karolo se committit.”’ 3 Ibid. aa. 927, 928. 4 [He was buried in the church founded by him at Rouen; but his remains were afterwards deposited in a chapel of the present cathedral, where his tomb is yet to be seen with the following epitaph, in the place of an older one :—Hic positus est Rollo, Normannie attrite, vastate, resti- tute primus dux, conditor, pater, a Francone, archiep. Rotom. baptizatus anno 913, obiit anno 917 ; ossa ipsius in vetert sanctuario nunc capite navis primum condita, translato altari, collocata sunt a B. Maurilio, archiepisc. Rotom., an. 1063.—T.] _ Although Dudo (p. 86) relates that the death of Rolf took place five years after the adoption of his son as co-regent, this space of five years has, however, been reckoried from 912, the year of his baptism ; and this error has been repeated not only by Florence of Wor- cester, but, as may be seen above, in his epitaph at Rouen, and also by Ordericus Vitalis, p. 459. ‘The Saxon Chronicle says “he ruled over Normandy fifty years after his landing,” therefore till 926. The Chron. Turon. has 931 for the year of his death, the Chron. Alberici, 928. A later MS. of the Saxon Chronicle says, that a. 928, William began to yeign, but without mentioning that Rolf died at that time. 16 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. in years; the founder of a splendid race, which in the follow- ing century was to be adorned with the ducal mantle and a royal crown; the leader of the boldest bands, in which the valour of the North and the culture of the South soon com- bined to form the model of the knightly virtues of the middle age. One consequence of the death of Rolf seems to have been a rising of the West Bretons against the Northmen, who, on St. Michael’s day 931, under their leader Felecan, massacred all their oppressors. Berengar, and Alan, who had returned from England, were, however, soon driven back !, when Incon, the leader of the Northmen on the Loire, com- bined with his countrymen at Rouen again to reduce Brittany to subjection ®. Rolf left his son, instead of the rude intrenchments, in which he had passed the greater part of a life of plunder and warfare, a formally acquired marquisate, charged with no obligation, save that of defending his own territory against an enemy, and already enlarged by successful enterprise ; for such was the intent and character of his possession, but which appears seldom so expressed. At first the ceded terri- tory was transferred to the Northmen in joint possession, as is confirmed by the language of a charter of king Charles the Simple?. The king of France could not in fact recognise any one of them as prince, as they themselves regarded all on an equality’. Rolf, although certain of the result, left the choice of his successor to the Northmen of the highest con- sideration®, and contented himself with recommending to them his son, who had been under the tuition of Botho, the 1 See England under the A. S. Kings, ii. p.113. 2? Frodoard. a. 931. Hugo Floriac. ap. Bouquet, viii. p. 319. Comp. Dudo, p. 93. 3 Of the year 918. See p. 13, notes 2 and 3. 4 «Quo nomine vester (Danorum) senior fungitur?” Responderunt, “Nullo, quia equalis potestatis sumus.”” Dudo, p. 76. 5 “ Vestro consilio vestroque judicio constituatur dux vobis.” Dudo, p. 91. EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. iy leader of his army (princeps militia). The title of this here- ditary prince seems at that time not to have been fixed, nor even at a later period. Dudo calls him Dusx', Protector, Patricius, Comes; we afterwards find Rector?, Princeps 3, Marchio*. In charters the title of Comes is the most usual, and this was given by the king of France5; we also meet with it in the charters of the Norman princes themselves, and although the procem of the document, according to the arbi- trary practice of the time, may be filled with pompous titles, or rather attributes, we, nevertheless, find almost always in the subscriptions, and always on the seals, the legally valid title of Count®. The county was at first sometimes denomi- nated from its most considerable city, Rouen’, and sometimes 1 Lib. 1. 86-91. Rotomagensium dux. Radulf. Glaber, Lib. 111. a. 942. Also in the later Balderic. Chron. Camerac. lib. 1. ec. 33, 71, 114. 2 « Normannorum, divina ordinante providentia, dux et rector,’ Charter of Robert, a. 1028—1036, in Monast. Ang]. vi. 1100. 3 Charter of 1024. Monast. Angl. vi. 1108. “ Dei nutu Normannorum princeps.” 4 © Willelmus (I.) marchio.” Dudo, Preef. lib. 111. p. 105. ‘* Richardus, comes; marchio, dux, patricius.’’ Ib. pp. 106,107,108. Richardus mar- chisus.” Charter of K. Lothair, a. 966. Bouquet ix. p. 629. In a charter of 968 he calls himself “‘Richardus Normannorum marchio.” Ib. p. 731. So likewise his successor in 1014. Charter in d’Achery, Spic. xiii. p. 274: and as “dux,” in a charter of 1003, cited in Chron. S. Benigni Divion. Ib. i. p. 457. 5 Charters of K. Robert of 1005 and 1006, ap. Bouquet, x. pp. 586,587; without date ap. Mabillon, Vet. Annal. iii. 441. William the Conqueror calls his ancestor: ‘“ Ricardus Normannorum comes.” Monast. Ang. vi. p. 1082. The Conqueror himself is in the Saxon Chronicle, a. 1051, called * Willelm eorl ;” and by Ingulf,”’ comes Normannorum.” § In a charter e.g. of William II. of 1042. Mon. Angl. vi. p. 1073; in a charter of Robert, s. a. “comes et dux ;” afterwards: “‘Robertus comes.” Ib. p. 1108.—* Willelmus comes et Normannorum dux.” Ib. p.1101. Comp. charters of Robert and others ib. pp. 1073, 1074. These numerous references will not, it is hoped, be considered superfluous, when it is recollected that both Thierry and Michelet (Histoire de France, i. p. 419.) speak of the ducal title conferred on Rolf in 912. 7 . Although the apple was cultivated in gardens, it seems that the cider was made from the wild fruit. At least we find by a charter of the year 1185, that the count of Meulan allows the monks of J umiéges to gather apples in his forest, 1 Decimam annonz et vinearum, lini, cannabi, et leguminum. Chart. of Henry to St. Evroult, 1128. Neustria Pia. * Habeant monachi in eodem parco centum porcos, etc. Chart. of donat. of K. Henry to the abbey of Essay. Neust. Pia, p. 618. 3 Mabillon, Annal. Bened. P. iv. Gallia Christ. P. xi. 4 Vineam de Tri—decimam vinearum in monte de Calvincourt—qua- draginta agros ad vineam faciendam—vineam nostram in terra Jay, ete. Charters in Neust. Pia. ® Et claiment bigoz é draschiers. Rom. de Rou, v. 9902. EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. 89 for the purpose of preparing beverages from them for their own use'. Honey was also collected in the forests, no doubt. from wild bees. The chase was so productive that a tithe was laid on the game. Rabbit-warrens and deer-parks are mentioned as belonging to the great manors. There were also salt-works or, rather, salt-pits, along the shore and the rivers, as far as the sea-water reached at flood-tides?. At the present day it is hardly possible to obtain salt in places along the coast, where it was collected in abundance in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, as the sea-water no longer reaches so far. There was fishing in the rivers and along the coasts; but the best fish were reserved for the monks: they had a tithe of eels4, There is a charter of the count of Eu of 1036, in favour of the abbey of Tréport, by which the porpoises are reserved for St. Michael, that is the cloister of that name; the donor, moreover, adds, that whenever a ‘ crassus piscis’> was taken, one fin and half the tail should belong to the monks®. Herrings were caught both in rivers and the sea, 1 « Preeterea dedi et in perpetuum concessi prefatis monachis poma colligenda ad proprium potum eorum et servientium ipsorum per totam forestam meam.” Chart. of Robert in Neust. Pia, p. 322. 2 « Decimam mellis ipsius forestz, venationis,” etc. Bull of P. Euge- nius ITI. a.1152. Gallia Christ. xi. p. 134. 3 « Quatuor salinas apud Huneflotam—salinam apud Butellas—sali- nam apud Girafrevillam—totum meum sal de Veduno.”’ Charters in Neust. Pia. 4 Habeant monachi unam piscariam in mari et decimam anguillarum” (Chart. in Neustr. Pia).—“ Decimas linguarum cenarum que capiuntur inter Tar et Tarel fluvios.” Bull of Eugene ITI. - 5 Tn the document entitled ‘ De Institutis Lundonie’ (Laws of K. Ethel- red, ap. Ancient LL. and Inst. p. 127, fol. edit.) mention is made of the toll to be paid at Billingsgate by the men of Rouen, who came with wine or craspice, viz. the twentieth piece (frustum) of the said eraspice. The fish here in question, called in other documents craspiscis, is supposed by Spelman to be the grampus, the French name of which, grampoise, he takes to be a contraction of grand poisson, or magnus (crassus) piscis.—T. 6 Quod si homines abbatis piscem qui vocatur Turium capiant, totus erit Sancti Michaelis; crassus piscis si captus fuerit, ala una et medietas 90 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. and there were abbeys and other pious foundations that were annually supplied with them by thousands, particularly during Lent!. Whether they salted them is not known. The herring fishery is connected with the history of navigation. It would be interesting to ascertain whether the Normans introduced this branch of fishery and the method of salting into France or not. Some literati have declared for the first opinion2, because the catching and salting of herrings must have been of much earlier date in the North than in France. The history of the North, too, as early as the year 888, speaks of the herring-fishery, and of sending a lading of herrings to England®. But all the other accounts of the catching and salting of herrings are of later date+. The oldest document connected with this branch of industry, having reference to the Baltic, is not earlier than the fourteenth century. As the herrings went up the Seine, it would not be extraordinary that the fishery was carried on before the arrival of the Northmen in France; but with regard to the sea-fishery, it is reasonable to suppose it commenced when that seafaring people established themselves at the mouth of the Seine. Love of fishing and a marine life was inherited by their pos- terity; and at a subsequent period there issued from Nor- mandy a multitude of seafarers, who extended the commerce, civilization, and power of France. Dieppe was not founded caudz erit monachis.’? Chart. of donation, in Neust. Pia, and Gallia Christ. xi. 1 « Debent etiam habere vinum, milliare bonorum halectorum et trede- cim paria sotularium.”’ Chart. to the Hétel Dieu at Lisieux, a. 1218.— “*Ex dono Walteri comitis Giffardi, allecum sex millia apud Pontem Au- demari.” Chart. of a.1169 in Neust. Pia et Gall. Christ. xi. ? Noél de la Moriniére, Statistique du Dép. de la Seine Infér. c. 9. Hist. des Péches, i. % Schénings Norges Hist. ii. pp. 139, 455. 4 Westenberg, Diss. de Piscaturis in oceano boreali; Humble, Diss. de Pisc, Harengorum in Rdslagia. Upsal. 1745, and Enanders Afhandl. om Svenska Sillfisket, etc. in t. vii. of Vitterh. Hist. och Ant. Akad. Handl. Stockh. 1802, EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. 91 before the tenth century; but previously Harfleur, Cher- bourg, Barfleur, and some other ports had been frequented by foreign vessels, and even carried on a commerce by sea; still later, other sea-ports enjoyed the same advantages. In the first turbulent centuries, history rarely makes mention of commerce ; there was, indeed, some intercourse with Flanders and England, but certainly very little with the North. In the interior of the country there were some markets for the necessaries of life and other articles of trade. Conquerors usually strive to force their laws on the van- quished ; it might, therefore, be expected to find in the first legislation of the Norman dukes vestiges of Scandinavian customs. But of that legislation we have very little know- ledge, and probably it was not of any great importance. We have seen that those Northmen who emigrated to Iceland established there a commonwealth; but in Normandy the task was not so easy and simple; there was a new aristo- eracy, consisting of the companions of Rolf, who had received investments of land; perhaps too there was an older one of ‘the Frankish lords, who held already landed property in Neustria, and of which they probably retained a part. There were also a burgher class, a working class, and a sacerdotal class; ancient laws and customs already existed there, which in great part derived their origin from the Franks, and had, no doubt, great resemblance to those of the North. It would therefore be difficult to distinguish the legal provisions intro- duced by the first Northmen from those that were already in force when they established themselves in France. The ancient Coutumier de Normandie}, the oldest law-book known ! Houard supposes this collection to contain the oldest laws of Nor- mandy. “Basnage is of opinion that the ancient Coutumier would be the old Norman law, if only it could be shown that its compiler wrote before the time of Philip Augustus. But the accordance of this old cou- tumier with Littleton’s collection of English laws is a far better proof that it contains the old Norman law than the certainty of its compilation before the time of Philip Augustus. This accordancé compels us to ascribe to 92 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. of that province, but the origin of which is not sufficiently clear, says, that when Rolf had become master of Neustria, he collected the ancient customs, and, when he encountered difficulties, made inquiry of the wisest men, who knew what was law according to old custom and usage!. Rolf, who had all his life been a rover on the ocean, could hardly have been much skilled in Northern legislation, and must naturally have found it far easier to continue the ancient customs that the inhabitants had previously followed than to introduce others, particularly if they were not in opposition to those of the Northmen. From the eleventh century, therefore, we find Normandy governed in nearly the same manner as the king- _ dom of France. Counts and barons administered the law in the towns and districts, at first in the name of the duke, afterwards in their own. The rights of the lord, the duties of the vassal, the feudal spirit, the pernicious consequences of serfdom, were all nearly the same in the duchy as in the kingdom. The police law, known by the name of clameur de Haro, was, as I have already remarked, in use also among the French, and yet more among the Anglo-Saxons. It was a law required by necessity in those times of feudal anarchy. The commonalty, more particularly the rural population, were not more fortunate in Normandy than in other coun- tries. After the disastrous result of the combination against the barons in the time of duke Richard II.2, they no more ventured on an attempt to cast off the galling yoke. They were bound to the spot of earth on which they were born, and human beings were given to churches and monasteries like other property?. They were compelled to follow the the customs collected in these two works a higher antiquity than the time when the English became acquainted with them and adopted them.” Houard, Anc. Lois des Francais, i. Introd. 1 Anc. Coutumier de Normandie, cc. 10, 53, 121. 2 See page 33. 3 In charters of donation in Neustria Pia we read: “‘ Unum hortula- num cum terra sua.””—“duos homines et mensuras duas.—duos villa- nos,’’ etc. EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. 93 banner of their lord, and shed their blood in wars and dissen- sions that in no way concerned them, and the issue of which made no change in their lot. They paid tithes to their lords or to the church, and consumed in anxiety the bread they were allowed to retain; being never sure of reaping the fruits of their toil. But notwithstanding all this, usage and habit had already introduced forms sufficient for the protection of property and personal security: according to Houard, written decisions even were in general use in Normandy from the beginning of the twelfth century, that is almost two hundred years earlier than in the rest of France'. The burning-iron was deposited in the church, blessed and consecrated by the priests, for the purpose of burning, in the name of God, the hand of such as were guilty of false accusation, or of denying their crimes?. It was a great privilege for the churches to possess this iron (ferrum judicii) and the jurisdiction connected with it; they obtained this privilege from the duke, and disputes arose for the possession of the formidable iron?. But the legal duel was far more in accordance with the martial spirit of the Normans than the ordeal-iron; nor was there any other pro- vince of France where so many single combats took place, both in closed lists (en champ clos) and the open field as in Normandy; it was almost the single combat (holmgang) of the Scandinavians transferred to the French soil. But in Norway and Denmark they fought for booty and honour; in Normandy they fought within lists, according to legal custom, 1 Anc. Lois des Frangais, i. Houard cites for his authority, ‘ Lettres Historiques: sur les Parlemens, ii. pp. 32, 39. 2. © Querelam habuit Gilbertus (abbot of St. Wandrille) cum Guillermo, archiep. Rothomag. de ferro judicii et jurisdictione in quatuor parochias, que abbati a Wilhelmo R. adjudicata sunt anno 1082 apud Oxellum.”— ‘* Gilbertus perditam probationis ferri machinam anno eodem instauravit, et a Guillelmo, Rothom. antistite, benedictione sacrandam curavit; qua de re actum fuerat in concilio ejusdem anni.” Gall. Christ. xi. 3 Ord. Vitalis and other Norman chroniclers.—Capefigue, Essai sur les Invasions maritimes des Normands dans les Gaules, pp. 340 sq. SE ene 2 94 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. and in the open field, consistently with the turbulent spirit or love of danger, which the nation still retained, on which account it with difficulty reconciled itself to the usages of France'. The ill will borne by the Normans towards the French appears evidently in the works of the earliest chro- niclers. According to Wace, the Normans inveighed against the French in their songs and histories, and he says himself very candidly what he has at heart against them. This pre- judice on the part of the Normans probably lasted as long as their Northern physiognomy, their fair hair? and other characteristics, whereby they were distinguished from the French. William the Conqueror, who knew his people thoroughly, is made to say, that they were proud, difficult to govern, and fond of lawsuits®. Malaterra, who had studied their character in Sicily, found them crafty, vindictive, domi- neering, eager to leave their country for the sake of greater gain abroad, dissembling, neither prodigal nor avaricious, devoted to the study of eloquence, lovers of the chase, hawk- ing, horses, arms, and beautiful attire; in short a people that must be held in check by the laws‘. The celebrated tapestry in the cathedral of Bayeux, wrought by a princess Matilda, whether the wife of the Conqueror or the daughter of Henry I. is uncertain, and intended to repre- sent the conquest of England5, is the oldest authentic monu- ment which makes us acquainted with the arms and military costume of the Normans®. The arms and habits are iden- tical with those of the Danes, as they appear in the miniature 1 Wace, Chron. ascend. des Ducs de Normandie. 2 ‘Wace informs us that some of the first dukes were fair-haired. 3 Rom. de Rou, v. 14253 sqq. 4 Carusii Bibl. hist. Siciliz, i. \ 5 See Archeologia, xvii. [also xviii. and xix. Montfaucon, Monum. Fr. i.—Mem. de l’Acad. des Insc. vi. and vii—Stukeley, Paleogr. Brit. No, xi. 1746, 4t°.—Turner’s Tour in Normandy, ii. pp. 234-242.—Estrups Reise i Norm. pp. 90 sq.—Dibdin’s Biogr. Tour, i. pp. 375-386.—P.] See also the engravings from Stothard’s drawings in Monum. Vetusta. 6 Sam. Rush Meyrick, Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, i. 1824, 4to, : EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. 95 paintings of a manuscript of the time of king Cnut, preserved in the British Museum’, namely shirts of mail, consisting of simple iron rings sewed on the habit; helmets of various forms, lances, swords, bows, iron maces, etc. With few ex- ceptions, similar weapons are found among all the nations of Europe in those early times. Muratori is of opinion, that the Italians learned the art of war of the Normans: he would, perhaps, have been nearer the truth, if he had said, the art of fighting well; for that they understood in perfection, as we have already seen, whereby they acquired duchies and kingdoms. To the Normans has been ascribed the introduction of chivalry into France ; and from the foregoing it will, no doubt, appear that the manners and habits of the Scandinavians, rugged and barbarous as they were, had in them something of the knightly character : in their enthusiastic love of valour and glory, their foster-brotherhood, their carrying off of women, their love of heroic poetry, and their indomitable passions, they were in fact knights, though the Moors possessed the same violent passions, which produce extraordinary deeds of heroism. Hence ‘it is difficult to determine, whether the spirit of chivalry spread itself over the middle of Europe from the north or the south; it probably evolved itself there from the same causes that gave it birth among the Moors and Scandinavians. But Christianity and civilization so greatly changed this spirit, that, at least in France, it became per- fectly different from the rough valour of the barbarian na- tions. We have already remarked that the heroic poetry of France had nothing of a Scandinavian character. The feudal system was unable to quell the haughty spirit of the Normans; even during its existence they enjoyed more freedom than any other province of France. “In the other provinces,” says Houard?, “ the protection of a lord was 1 MS. Cott. Cal. A. vii. ? 2 Anc. Lois des Francais, i. p. 196. 96 EARLY HISTORY OF NORMANDY. necessary to secure the commonalty against the loss of liberty ; while in Normandy every man and every landed possession were by law free; the duke alone having immediate juris- diction over all his subjects; and it stood in the power of no lord to alter the condition of the freeman or his possessions.” There was formed, though it is not known at what time, a supreme court, under the appellation of the Ewcheguer, con- sisting of the duke, the seneschal, other judges chosen by the duke, and the most eminent of the ministers of justice in the courts of the nobles. These not only managed the domains of the superior lord, but pronounced judgment in all cases of bad administration by the officials, and other abuses, also received appeals in private cases. The mass of the people grew rich by commerce, arts, and seafaring, and thus became conscious of their own importance. The communities de- manded rights, or maintained them under the denomination of privileges. The rights of the freemen were at first but imperfectly made known, and the oldest charters no longer exist. The oldest one known is of the year 1315). In this it is provided that those Normans, who were independent of a lord, were only bound to render to the sovereign certain fixed services and imposts, besides which he could demand nothing; that they were not liable to the torture, except when suspected of capital crimes; that forty years’ prescrip- tion gave right of possession ; that Normans should be judged by their own native judges, ete. In such provisions, nearly the same with those which the English prescribed to their early kings, consisted the Normans’ charters of liberties; these were at various times confirmed, together with their other customs, especially when the authorities had intrenched upon them, and after the most serious complaints on the part of the people. But when the French kings, by a series of civil and religious wars, had increased their power, and governed Tt is printed in several works, as in Brussels, Traité des Fiefs; Dupuy’s Collection ; Goubé’s Hist. du Duché de Normandie, ii., and elsewhere. OF LOCAL NAMES IN NORMANDY. 97 more by their own will than with the states of the realm, they issued their ordinances “ without regard to the clameur de Haro and the Norman charters of liberties,” thus setting at naught the express condition on which Normandy sub- mitted to king Philip. Nevertheless, the province, according to the last constitutional charter of the kingdom, gained more than it had lost, if we except its ancient municipal privileges. OF LOCAL NAMES IN NORMANDY. A number of local names in Normandy unquestionably derive their origin from the Northmen: of these there are several kinds : : In the first place, local names ending in ville (Lat. villa) consist for the most part of that termination with a foreign word prefixed, which seems almost in every case to be the name or surname of the Northman who either dwelt at the ville or was owner of the village. I will take the first that present themselves from the department of the Lower Seine, where such names, formed with the Latin termination and a Northern name, are very general, no doubt because Rolf there particularly distributed possessions among his followers: as Froberville, Beuzeville, Gauzeville, Grainbouville, Henne- querville, Manniquerville, Rouville, Rolleville, Triguerville, Bierville, Gueutteville, Houppeville, Tancarville, Varengeville; Heugleville, Normanville, Norville, Gremonville, Toufreville, Valliquerville, Alliquerville, Heugueville, Guicorville. In the name Varengeville, as in Varangerfjord in Norway, we meet with the word Varanger, Bapayyos, or the name of those Northmen who served in the Greek emperor’s body guard, and which is the same word with Veringer or Vareger, an appellation that may be understood to signify all Northern vikings in general. It is well known that the Northern people that visited Russia were so called. In the North itself there are likewise many local names H 98 OF LOCAL NAMES IN NORMANDY. composed of a personal proper name and the words sted, vig, lev and the like, as Sigersted, Gjedsted, Heinsvig, Jelling, Ormslev!. Names of towns in fot, derived from the Anglo-Saxon or Icelandic, are almost as frequent, as Yvetot, Raffetot, Gar- netot, Criquetot, Houdetot, Louvetot. In the neighbour- hood of Godarville, in the department of the Lower Seine, most of the villages, as Noel remarks?, have this termination, as Ansetot, Turretot, Sassetot, Eculetot, Tiboutot, Prétot, Valletot, etc. The name Sassetot seems to signify a Saxon settlement. The termination bec is, without doubt, the O. Nor. bekr, Dan. bee, Engl. beck (a brook). It is found in Bolbec, Bec, Caudebec®, Foulbec, Carbec, etc. A little river that flows through Rouen is named Robec. In Denmark there is also. Holbek (Engl. Holbeach ?), Vedbek, etc. Names in ew and eur, which are found so frequently along the coast, as Ku, Cantaleu, are to be explained only by the O. Nor. ey, Dan. 6 (isle), and aur, eyri, Dan. ér, dre (strand, shore), which so frequently occur in the North‘. Those in fleur, as Harfleur, Barfleur, Figuefleur, Vittefleur, in their older form, bore a still closer resemblance to their Scan- dinavian parents. Instead of Harfleur, for instance, it was called Herifloium and Herosfluet ; Witeflue, instead of Vitefleur; Harflue instead of Harfleur. Wace writes Barbe- flue for Barbeflot5, and Benoit de Ste More Barreflo for 1 See Olufsens Bidrag til oplysning om Danmarks indvortes Forfatning i de eldre Tider, in the Vid. S. phil. og hist. Afb. i. p. 377. [The termi- nation Je is the A. S. hlew, Engl. low, Scot. law ; vig is Engl. wick (wich) ; sted in Engl. stead.—T.] 2 Essai sur le Départ. de la Seine Infér. [There seems no need of re- course to the Anglo-Saxon for the interpretation of tot: it is no doubt a corruption of the O. Nor. and Dan. toft.—T.] _ 3 Answering no doubt to the Engl. Coldbrook.—T. 4 Answering to the A.S. ig, Engl. ey (ea), as in Ceortes-ig, Chertsey, Battersea.—T. 5 See Rom. de Rou, v. 6241. OF LOCAL NAMES IN NORMANDY. 99 Barfleur. In Odericus Vitalis we find: “in portu qui Bar- beflot dicitur ;” and in the Chron. Norm.: “Cum esset apud Barbefluvium;” in R. Hoveden: “apud Barbeflet'.” All this plainly points to the O. Nor. fijot, a river, A.S. flod, Engl. fleet, _ asin Northfleet, Bamfleet, ete. But both the pronunciation and orthography vary in various localities, so that the North- ern ey, 6 in places on the coast of Normandy became ew, eur ; in the names of the isles west of Normandy, ey, as Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Chausey ; in the names of the Hebrides, it is a, as Jura, Ila; of the Orkneys ay, as Ronaldsay, Strathsay ; in Holland, perhaps, 0, as Boreulo, Hengelo, Almelo, ete.? The termination bewf, as in Painbeuf, Marbeuf, Criquebeuf, Quittebeuf, Quillebeuf, corresponds unquestionably to the Dan. by or 60 Engl. by (O. Nor. ber, ba). In former times Penteboe was said instead of Painbeuf, also Dalboe, Balboe, Kilboe (for Quillebeuf), which was likewise written Cuilebcef; Criquebot and Criqueboe were also said for Criquebeuf. The O. Nor. skégr, Dan. Skov, Engl. Scot. shaw, is found in the name of the old forest of Eskoves, in the department of the Lower Seine. Some names have the Northern termination dal, (O. Nor. dalr, dale). Besides the two dals to the right and left of Sassetot (Dep. Lower Seine), which are especially called Dalles (grandes Dalles and petites Dalles), we meet also with Oudales near Beaucamp, Crodale, Danestal, Darnetal (Dep. Calva- dos), Dieppedal, Croixdal, Bruquedalle (Dep. L. Seine). The O. Nor. garér (Engl. garth, yard), which originally sig- nified every kind of inclosure; and afterwards, a yard, court, mansion, in town or country, is found also in Norman local names, as Auppegard and Epegard (Dep. Eure). ! Noel, Essai sur le Départ. de Ja Seine Infér. ii. c. 4. 2 This is a mistake. Theo belongs to the second component: Borcu-lo, Alme-lo, Ven-lo Wester-lo, etc. ‘‘ Loo, lo. inquit Becanus. Locus altus adjacens stagnis, torrentibus aut paludibus.” Kilian, s. v.—T. nu 2 100 OF LOCAL NAMES IN NORMANDY. The point of land the Hoc at the mouth of the Lizard, also the promontory of La Hogue, derive their name from the Dan. huk, ax angle, hook. The Scandinavians have also the word nes, of the same signification, whence probably are de- rived the names of French and English promontories ending in nez or ness, (naze), a8 Blanenez, Grisnez, Nez de Carteret, Nez de Tancarville, Holderness, Sheerness, etc. Houlme near Rouen is evidently the O. Nor. hélmi, Dan. holm, an islet, as Bornholm, Stockholm. Many other names of places are to be found in Normandy, which derive their origin from the Old Norse: e.g. Terhoulde (also Torholt in Flanders, anciently Turhold) Thor's holt? Estrand (0. Nor. strénd, strand) ; Ebe (Ebbe), etc.? 1 For further information on this subject see Auguste Le Prevost, Dictionnaire des anciens noms de lieu du département de l’Eure.—T. A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMAN KINGS. WILLIAM THE FIRST, SURNAMED THE CONQUEROR. CONTEMPORARY SOVEREIGNS. GERMANY. FRANCE. PAPACY. SCOTLAND. SPAIN. Henry I, Philip I. | Alexander II. ob. 1073. | Malcolm III. | Sancho I. ob. 1072. Gregory VII - 1085. Alphonso I. Victor III. - 1087. THE most decisive victory in a civil war, and such was the war between the brothers Harold and Tostig, is not imme- diately productive of peace and unity. The transitory union, which had taken place against the invading foreigners, was instantly dissolved, when Harold had fallen by the hostile shaft. A vast number of Normans, not less, it is said, than fifteen thousand, fell in the first pursuit of the fleeing Anglo- Saxons, who knew how to take advantage of their knowledge of the country'; but the panic caused by the loss of the great battle operated on minds atill influenced by old dissen- sions and mutual mistrust, to the bereavement of all energy and moral strength. Not the government alone, but all military command was dissolved, and the Anglo-Saxons took refuge in the nearest towns, or by their domestic hearths in the hundreds. Further measures for resistance were no- where prepared, nor was there any one to devise them; London alone, with its walls and towers and brave citizens, armed itself for defence. There dwelt Ealdgyth, Harold’s ! Ord. Vitalis, p. 501., more circumstantial than Guil. Pictay. p. 203. 102 WILLIAM THE FIRST. widow ; the young Eadgar A®theling, who, as the grandson of king Eadmund Ironside, was the rightful heir to the crown. Stigand and Ealdred, the archbishops of Canterbury and York ; Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester, and other distin- guished ecclesiastics, who had been the counsellors of Harold, had also taken refuge there. The powerful earls, Eadwine and Morkere, comely energetic young men, the favourites of the Anglo-Saxon people, who, when too late, must have re- pented of forsaking their brother-in-law, Harold, at Senlac, entered London with a military force. These sons of A¢lfgar strove, in the first instance, to obtain the guardianship of their nephews, the sons of Harold, if not to gain for them- selves the crown of their brother-in-law! ; but finding that — their aspirations met with no favourable reception, they united with the other witan, who, with the approval of the citizens of London and the butse-carles, placed the crown on the head of Eadgar. But Hadwine and Morkere, who were bound and had promised to afford all the aid in their power, suddenly left London with their forces, together with their sister, the widowed queen, whom they sent to Chester?, filled with envy and hatred towards the more fortunate claimant of the throne, and probably in the hope of changing their earlship over the north of England into an unlimited royal authority?. Thus was London left almost wholly to the defence of its citizens and soldiers*, under the brave Ansgar, its chief magistrate, and heard with apprehension of the progress of the Norman duke and his rapacious army. The day following the battle of Senlac, William ssi to Hastings, where he continued for five days, in the deceitful hope that the Anglo-Saxons would immediately take steps to apprize him of their subjection. On the contrary, the people 1 W. Malm. p. 421. 2 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1066. 3 W. Malm. p. 421. 4 Guil. Pictav. p. 205. “Cum solos cives habeat, copioso ac prestantia militari famoso incolatu abundat.”’ 5 Wido of Amiens, v. 690. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 103 of Romsey opposed the landing of a considerable body of Norman soldiers, who ignorant of the country attempted to disembark there; thus proving that the Anglo-Saxon power was not totally annihilated. But William no longer delayed profiting by the confusion of the moment. He hastened to Romney, to take vengeance on the inhabitants for the loss sustained by his men, and thence proceeded to Dover, within the bulwarks of which, that had been strengthened by the labours of ages, a vast mass of people had sought protec- tion from the enemy. But here, too, a man was wanting capable of concentrating and employing the existing means ; a state of things to which the circumstance probably con- tributed, that the castle of that place, which had previously belonged to Harold, and by him had been strongly fortified ', must have been almost totally abandoned by its garrison, who had, no doubt, hastened to the aid of their chief. Wil- liam, whose followers had regarded it as impregnable, and who must have been encouraged to the extremest exertions by the promise of a rich booty, was no less rejoiced than surprised when, before he had arrived in sight of the rocky fortress, he was met by deputies from the town, who presented him with its keys?. But this peaceful surrender did not satisfy the Norman army, which was by no means disposed to conquer England for the duke, but for spoil and enjoyment. The accidental delay of some of the people in leaving the ! «Traditurus Doveram studio atque sumptu suo (scil. ducis Heraldi) communitam.” Guil. Pictav. p.191. 2 Guil. Pictav. lib. i. Wido vv. 599 sq. The unequivocal expressions of the contemporary writers forbid us to assume a siege of Dover: conse- quently no importance is to be attached to Thierry’s “on ne connait point les détails du siége.”” The more I admire the spirit and acuteness with which this excellent work on the conquest of England is written, the more I regard myself obliged to caution against the misrepresentation of many facts, as well as the abuse of his authorities in the course of it, to which he has been seduced by sympathy for the oppressed nation. Mackintosh also allowed himself to be misled by the historian of the Conquest, when he pronounced his citations as very accurate, and also speaks of a siege of Dover. 104 WILLIAM THE FIRST. fortress was used by the enemy as a pretext for plundering them; for the safer accomplishment of which object, they set fire to several of the houses. The town was almost totally consumed, and the duke, who was unable either to prevent the outrage, or to punish the perpetrators, could only offer restitution and other compensations to his new subjects, for their destroyed habitations. He spent a week in repairing some defects in the fortress; then, leaving a strong garrison and many sick behind, who were suffering from dysentery, caused by the too abundant use of fresh meat and cold water, was on the point of advancing to Canterbury, when the inhabitants of that city also, and shortly after those of the neighbouring towns, came and presented him with their homage, with hos- tages, and valuable donations, Like hungry flies, that settle in swarms on a bleeding wound—so a Norman expresses himself !—the Anglo-Saxons hurried forward to offer their ser- vices to the duke. From Canterbury he sent to the widowed ° queen Eadgyth, who was residing at Winchester, which city had been assigned to her by her consort, king Eadward, as a jointure, and assured her the possession of that large city, in consideration of a tribute. At Canterbury he fell seriously sick, and was compelled to remain there, or in the neighbour- hood, during a whole month?. A delay by which the in- fatuated country was incapable of profiting. William had despatched five hundred horse to lay siege to London, to shatter its walls by battering rams and subter- ranean passages, to force the numerous population to surrender by fire and famine, as well as by treason and bribery; while he himself, as soon as he had recovered, overran the adjacent counties of Sussex, Surrey, Middlesex, Hampshire, and Hertford- shire?, where his army abandoned itself to the most unbridled 1 Wido v. 617. ‘* Et veluti musce, stimulo famis exagitate, Ulcera densatim plena cruore petunt.”’ 2? Fracta Turris. G. Pictav. p. 205. 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1066. Edit. E.H. Soc. The old editions and Simeon of Durham have the erroneous reading Herefordensem. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 105 eruelty and licentiousness, from which a multitude of unpaid vassals, allies, and adventurers cannot be withheld. Those well-meaning Anglo-Saxons at London, who had fostered the hope of being able to defend their native country, were now convinced that resistance was vain, and that a speedy sub- mission was the best means for obtaining favourable con- ditions. Archbishop Stigand, therefore, and Agelsine, abbot of St. Augustine’s at Canterbury, whose possessions were -among those that had most severely suffered, went to the conqueror at Wallingford, as he was about crossing the Thames, renounced the youth whom they had crowned, and swore allegiance to the Norman duke!. William promised what was demanded of him; for so rich a prize as the king- dom of England there was no scruple about words, and a change in the constitution, provided the imposts were adequate to his wants, was not among the designs of a warrior as- tounded at his own success. Shortly after, he was met at Berkhamstead? by Ealdred, archbishop of York ; Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester; the eetheling Hadgar himself, and the citizens of London, which last, through the false representa- tions of an agent, bribed by the crafty William, who had 1 Guil. Pictav. p. 205. The author here adds: “It is not improbable that they came with a body of warriors ready to fight if William had not granted to them a confirmation of their ancient rights and customs: per- haps, too, the tradition is not unfounded, that the Kentish army, advancing under the covering of branches from the trees, might have appeared to the enemy as a wood until, standing in face of them and casting down their leafy screen, they at once appeared threatening with sword and spear.” For this story, which seems more at home in a note than in the text, the author cites as his authority : Chron. W.Thorne ap. Savile, col.1768, and a ballad of the 16th century in Thierry ii.; and adds: “the story of Birn- ham Wood, known to every one, is to be found in Buchanan (Hist. Scot. lib. vii.c.85.). But less known it is that a similar tradition is to be found in the history of Holstein, where it is assigned to the 14th century.” See Chron. Holsat. S. Presbyter. Bremens. c. 18.—T, 2 That Eadwine and Morkere were also present is evidently an error of the Saxon Chronicle, as they had left London and, according to the account of an eye-witness, did not appear before William till the meeting at Barking. 106 WILLIAM THE FIRST. vainly endeavoured to shake the fidelity of Ansgar, had been seduced to deliver up the city!. William confirmed the rights and possessions of those who submitted to him, in- cluding even Eadgar Aitheling, to whom he gave assurance both of life and an honourable treatment. The word solemnly pledged to the Anglo-Saxons, to restrain his soldiery from pillage, he was unable to fulfil, as against the aversion of the great body of the nation, notwithstanding the submission of some of the most distinguished, which manifested itself on every occasion, the good will of his Normans was indispensable. No conqueror understood better than William of Normandy the advantage of confirming the power and brilliancy of his sword by a specious show of right. When scarcely master of a tenth part of England, he resolved, by having himself crown- ed as king, to secure the whole kingdom, that had devolved on him, ostensibly by right of succession and transmission, as well as through the favour of the pope. The obsequiousness . of the English prelates, who considered themselves bound to obey the court of Rome, seconded this scheme; nor was there any lack on the side of William of well-sounding proclama- tions? and assurances to the most influential Anglo-Saxons. More difficult it was to gain the consent of the Normans, whose desires were solely.bent on booty, and to whom the elevation of their ducal leader might prove prejudicial. In this conjuncture also William gave a proof of the crafti- ness which distinguished his character. As if perfectly aware of the weighty reasons which existed in favour of his assum- ing the royal dignity, he artfully set them forth in the strongest light ; but, at the same time, pretended, in his love of repose and of his consort, with whom he must share the crown, should God be pleased to bestow it on him, as well as ! Wido, vv. 681 sqq. 2 We probably still possess fragments of such in the first part of the Charter “ De quibusdam Statutis per totam Angliam firmiter observandis.” Rymer. i. p. 1. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 107 in the uncertainty of the new conquest, to find reasons for at least postponing the coronation. But, as William fitz Osbern had acted on a former occasion!, a foreign knight, named Aimery, of Thouars in Guienne, rendered him equally welcome service on the present occasion, fascinating and gaining over the multitude by the power of his eloquence. The leaders were won by the prospect held out to them of counties and baronies, together with lands for their younger sons. When those that had been sent forward to London had erected a strong-hold for the conqueror?, and all things were prepared for the solemnity, William, who had been amusing himself in hunting and hawking, proceeded to the capital of the Anglo- Saxon realm, and on the first day of Christmas, in less than three months from the day of his landing, caused himself to be crowned by Ealdred, archbishop of York. The first metro- politan, Stigand, attended in the procession, in the place of honour belonging to him? ; though it would seem either that that prelate had refused to place the crown on the head of the Norman usurper, after having, within the space of a year, acknowledged and anointed two pretenders to the Anglo- Saxon throne?+, or that to William himself a consecration at the hands of an ecclesiastic at variance with the papal and Norman clergy did not appear satisfactory®. While the duke was in the abbey chureh of Westminster, and the anthem had ceased, Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances®, ascended the pulpit, addressed the conquerors in French, and demanded of 1 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. pp. 282, 285. 2 Guil. Pictav. p. 205. (Maseres, p. 144.) ® According to Wido’s testimony, vv. 803, 804, “ Tilius ad dextram sustentat metropolita, Ad levam graditur alter honore pari.” 4 Will. Newburg. lib. i. c.1, and from him Bromton, p. 962. 5 « Quia multa mala et horrenda crimina predicabantur de Stigando, noluit eam ab ipso suscipere, ne maledictionem videretur induere pro benedictione.”” Eadmer, Hist. Novorum, p. 6. 6 Constantiensis, not “of Constance,” as Turner and Lingard have rendered it. 108 WILLIAM THE FIRST. them whether the king proposed were agreeable to them? in which case he desired them to declare their consent by a sign. With loud acclamations and clapping of hands the lively Normans manifested their approbation. Hereupon archbishop Ealdred applied in a similar manner to the Anglo- Saxons!. A still louder cry now arose from both nations, and a noise ensued, which the Normans assembled outside of the church mistook, or pretended to mistake, for a tumult; whereupon some of them hurried to London and set fire to that city. Those in the church were soon aware of the con- flagration and rushed forth, every one who possessed a house there, or other property, considering it in peril. William re- mained behind, abandoned by nearly all excepting the priests ; but would hear of no delay; so with trembling and precipita- tion the ceremony of anointing and crowning was completed. Exasperated at the conduct of his licentious hordes, and trembling for his life thus exposed in the moment when he had reached the goal of his wishes, William was hardly able to repeat, in the French tongue, the customary oath of the Anglo-Saxon kings. His presence soon restored order, and he imposed ou himself the duty of repressing, by the announce- ment of severe punishments, and the appointment of rigid judges, the disorder among the lower ranks of his army. Nevertheless, this untoward event could not fail to increase the hatred of the Anglo-Saxons to the Normans. The king did not venture to take up his abode in London, until he had constructed a new fortress there, and while that was in progress, passed some time at Barking in Essex. Here he soon received a proof how justly he had calculated on the effects of a coronation. The earls Eadwine and Morkere soon appeared before him, offering him their homage; and Copsi? also, who had been Tostig’s deputy in Northumber- 1 Such is the account given hy Wido (vv. 817, 818), who describes the particulars of the coronation more circumstantially than William of Poi- tiers (pp. 205, 206). 2 Called by the Norman writers Coxo. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 109 land, in which relation he might easily find a motive for attaching himself to the destroyer of Harold. Here also the submission took place of Turkell of Limes, of Siward and Ealdred, sons of Atthelgar, a kinsman of the royal house, and of Eadric, surnamed the Wild, or the Forester, a grandson of the infamous Eadric Streona, and, consequently, related to the family of Godwine. Their example was followed by many rich and powerful men, actuated by the conviction, that a country defended by so few strong places must infallibly, after a decisive battle, become the reward of the victor. Each of these individuals made separate terms with the new sovereign, and every one hastened to get the start of the others, in the hope of obtaining more favourable conditions. To Eadwine the king promised the hand of one of his daugh- ters, while Morkere was treated less leniently. Other Nor- man ladies were married to Anglo-Saxons, whose sisters were bestowed on Norman husbands. Vast riches, arising from plunder and gifts, must have been collected for the king, chiefly from the monasteries'. All these treasures William sent to Rouen, at the same time that he neglected no measures at home, either civil or military, for the security of his newly acquired kingdom. The several lands belonging to the crown, the rich inheritances of king Eadward and the sons of Godwine, the royal treasure at Win- chester, and Harold’s share of the booty at Stamford bridge?, - were all taken by William as property rightfully devolving on him, from which he distributed rewards among the bravest of his followers. At Winchester, the ancient residence of the West Saxon kings, the inhabitants of which he regarded as dangerous, on account of their attachment to the old dynasty, of their wealth and courage, he caused a new castle to be 1 Catalogues of these church-plunderings are to be found in the chro- nicles of the English monasteries, as Thome Hist. Eliensis ; Hist. Abba- tum S. Albani, and of Waltham (see Monasticon, vi. p. 56); of Worcester (Hemming, Chart. p. 393). 2 Adam. Bremens. Schol. 66. 110 WILLIAM THE FIRST. erected, which, together with the Isle of Wight and the government of the whole north of England, he bestowed on William fitz Osbern, whom he also created earl of Hereford', a dignity with which king Eadward had formerly invested his nephew, Ralf, as a possession equally honourable and lucrative, and which, at later periods, we always find in the hands of the bravest, coupled with the expressed permission to extend their domain, with the help of their good sword, beyond the Welsh border. Of all William’s vassals no one had rendered him more essential services, particularly in the conquest of England, than William fitz Osbern. Here we again meet with king Eadward’s Norman favourite, Richard fitz Scrob2, who possessed lands in those parts, and, like many other so justly detested foreigners, in conjunction with his newly arrived countrymen, strove for the oppression of all those Anglo-Saxons, who struggled against the Norman tyranny. At this time, or in the years immediately follow- ing, William raised other Normans to English earldoms ; Walter Giffard was created earl of Buckingham, on Roger of Montgomery, a sagacious, upright, and pious nobleman, was 1 Flor. Wigorn. aa. 1067, 1070. Guil. Pictav. p. 209. Ord. Vital. pp. 506, 521. ; 2 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p.255. His heir was his son Osbern. Doomsday, Worcester, fol. 176 b. 3 As supplementary to my note on Norman names, in “ Engl. under the A.S. Kings,” ii. p. 283, it seems desirable here to remark that what is there stated relative to the prefix fitz (son), is equally applicable to the particle de, when set before local names, with which only at a later period, when made transmissible, it can be said to form a surname in the modern sense. At the period comprised in this volume the de was simply our of, its regimen varying, if required, with the individual. When the same local name was transmitted from one generation to another, then only with its prefix de can it be said to form a surname, and is no longer to be rendered ‘by of. Fitz, too, signifying son, when, with the baptismal name of the individual’s father, it was made to form a permanent surname, was applied both to sons and daughters, as Eleanor Fitz John = Eleanor John- son. The Danish peasantry still retain the more rational, though less convenient, usage; with them the daughter of Hans would be Maria or Trina Hans datter, not Hansen, as in the higher grades.—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 111 bestowed the city of Chichester, the castle of Arundel, and the earldom of Shrewsbury ; on Robert of Moretain, the king’s uterine brother, that of Cornwall; on Gherbod the Fleming that of Chester, which, after his return to his native country, was given to Hugh of Avranches. Odo (Eudes) of Champagne, William’s brother-in-law, son of Stephen, count of Cham- pagne, after whose death he had been driven from his rightful inheritance by his brother, Theobald III., was invested with the earldom of Holderness!; Ralf of Guader, son-in-law of William fitz Osbern, with that of Norwich2. William was now above all things desirous to return to his French provinces as a king. The southern parts of England he intrusted to the administration of his brother Odo, bishop of Bayeux, under whom and William fitz Osbern he placed several warriors of distinction, as William of Warenne, sub- sequently invested with the earldom of Surrey, to whom he gave his daughter Gundrada in marriage? ; Hugh of Grente- maisnil, to whom was given the government of the Gewissi or West Saxons‘, and afterwards the shrievalty of Leicester; Hugh of Montfort, to whom the custody of Dover was committed 5, together with other individuals, who, although proved in the field, were for the most part ill qualified to conduct a peace- able administration. While by these deputies he secured his dominion in England, he availed himself of his visit to Nor- mandy to render harmless those Anglo-Saxons whose position excited his mistrust, by taking them, under the false pretence of showing them honour, but in reality as hostages, with him in his suit to Normandy. Of these the chief were: Hadgar 1 Ord. Vital. p. 509, calls his wife a daughter of duke Robert, contrary to the usual account, viz. that she was the daughter of Harlette by a second marriage. Comp. Rom. de Rou, ii. pp. 127, 234, and M. Prevost’s notes. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 522. 3 Ellis (Introd. to Domesd. i. p. 506.) corrects the false statement of ‘<« Ordericus Vitalis, who makes Gundrada a sister of Gherbod the Fleming. 4 Ord. Vital. pp. 512, 522. 5 W. Gemmet. lib. vii. c. 39. Fase? oye 112 WILLIAM THE FIRST. Attheling, archbishop Stigand, the earls Eadwine and Mor- kere, Waltheof, son of Siward, to whom he had given his niece Judith in marriage, together with his paternal earldom of Northampton'; ®gelnoth, abbot of Glastonbury?, and others. William, on his departure for England, had left the govern- ment and defence of Normandy to the duchess Matilda, aided by certain men of experience, particularly by Roger of Beau- mont. In Normandy William enjoyed a twofold triumph, when, attended by a numerous and joyful train of knights returning to their homes, and by his Anglo-Saxon hostages from the conquered kingdom, he again found himself in his patrimonial inheritance. He celebrated the Easter festival (March 1067) at Fécamp, whither many French princes and nobles were attracted, in honour of their former equal, now by craft and the fortune of war exalted high above them. Great was the wonder manifested by all on beholding the young Anglo-Saxons with their long flowing locks, whose almost feminine beauty excited the envy of the comeliest among the youth of France. Nor was their admiration less on seeing the garments of the king and his attendants, inter- woven and encrusted with gold, causing all they had pre- viously seen to appear as mean; also the almost numberless vessels of gold and silver of surpassing elegance ; for in such cups only, or in horns of oxen, decorated at both extremities with the same metals, the numerous guests were served with drink. Overwhelmed with the sight of so much magnificence, the French returned home, all, but especially the clergy, richly gifted, and celebrated both by their words and writings the superabundant treasures of the new region, which their 1 Ord. Vital. p. 522. 2 Sax. Chron. a. 1066. Flor. Wigorn. 1067. Ordericus Vitalis has “Egelnodum, Cantuariensem satrapam.” Lingard, though citing Guil. Pictav. and Ordericus, calls him ‘“ Egelnoth, abbot of St. Augustine’s.” By Guil. Pictay. he is not named at all.—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 113 hero, greater than Ceesar, more bountiful than Titus, the lord of the Normans in Apulia and Sicily, at Constantinople and Babylon, had acquired without the loss of a single knight of eminence, within a few hours, under the papal benediction. The inhabitants of the country were liberally indemnified for the supplies furnished by them for this visit, and also for the burthens laid on them on account of the war. Thus the most wonderful of all spectacles presented itself to the con- temporaries: the homes of the peasants were not plundered, their harvests not reaped by the forager, nor trodden down by cavalry; even an unarmed defenceless man might ride in all directions without fear of the soldiery’. The following account of the state of the wealth and arts in England at this period, from the pen of the Conqueror’s chaplain, will no doubt both surprise and amuse some of the readers. “In abundance of the precious metal that country by far surpasses the Gauls; for while by its exuberance of corn it may be called the granary of Ceres, from its quantity of gold it may be termed a treasury of Arabia...... The English women are eminently skilful with their needle, and in the weaving of gold; the men in every kind of artificial work- manship. Moreover, several Germans, most expert in such arts, are in the habit of dwelling among them; and merchants, who in their ships visit distant nations, introduce curious handiworks?.” But a different spectacle from that described above pre- sented itself on the opposite side of the Channel?. The oppression of new burthens, and the yet greater of foreign pillagers, rendered more licentious by the absence of their 1 Guil. Pictav. pp. 211 sq. (Maseres, p. 162.) “ Provincialium tuto ar- menta vel greges pascebantur, seu per campestria, seu per tesqua: segetes falcem cultoris intactee expectabant, quas nec attrivit superba equitum effusio, nec demessuit pabulator. Homo imbecillus aut inermis equo can- tans, qua libuit vectabatur, turmas militum cernens, non exhorrens.”—T. 2 Guil. Pictav. p. 210 (Maseres, p. 157).—T. 3 Sax. Chron. a. 1067. 114 WILLIAM THE FIRST. masters, excited repeated commotions among the sunken people, whose noblest defenders had been basely carried off, and who thus manifested a disposition which, under better guidance, and supported by the secular and ecclesiastical aristocraey, might have freed the land of the foreign intruders. Of the wealthier class many fled, some in the hope of one day returning, provided a miracle, or the energy of others, should restore them to their inheritances; some to solicit aid from the Danes against the Normans; others for ever, seek- ing a new home, where valour and hatred of the Normans would insure them both pay and booty. Of the first-men- tioned many sought refuge in Flanders, while many turned ‘to the home of their forefathers, the Saxon lands on the banks of the Elbe. History makes mention of a count of Stade, the son of a noble Saxon lady who had fled thither’. The Seottish cloisters of the Continent gave shelter to many a fugitive?. To the last-mentioned class belong those Anglo- Saxons who fled to Constantinople, where they found a welcome reception, and by the emperor Alexius Comnenus L., who feared their too immediate neighbourhood, were settled first at Chevetot (Kibotus near Helenopolis) on the opposite shore of the Sea of Marmora, but were afterwards employed by that prince against Robert Guiscard and the Normans of Apulia, for the deliverance of his realm from those dangerous enemies who had invaded it. The Normans recognised their bitterest foes3, and not in vain directed their shafts against them. They were, nevertheless, forced to abandon the country, and a body of Anglo-Saxons, with some Danes and other Veeringer, whom we find at an earlier period in the 1 Frederic, who in the year 1095 possessed the county of Stade, was grandson and son of two ladies, who, departing in a vessel from England, were there driven on land. For an account of their posterity see Alberti Stadensis Chronica, edit. Reineccii, p.153 sq. 2 Chron. S. Martini Colon. in Monum. Hist. Germ. t. ii. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 508. (Maseres, p. 204.) Comp. also Torfeus, P. iii. lib. vi. c. 3. Anna Comnena, v. Villehardouin, Ixxxix. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 115 Greek service, maintained, as a body-guard, under the deno- mination of Ingloi, with powerful arm, bright battle-axes and harness, the Grecian emperors in that consideration and se- curity, which the enervated race of their own subjects was incapable of affording. While the fate of these brave Saxons in the East, who, warring with a more than janissaries’ valour and Swiss fidelity, thus proving themselves the firmest sup- port of the throne, claims our warmest sympathy, we cannot forbear reflecting on the wonderful complications of worldly affairs, through which to fugitives from a fallen state, one in- finitely more vast, as well as more rotten, was indebted for its preservation. Wonderful, too, does it appear that the last emigration of the Anglo-Saxons was destined to protect the brightest spot of the ancient world against a Kurepean race which, if not the most distinguished, was high-minded and sus- ceptible of the most refined civilization, that it might one day fall a prey to the most obtusely barbarous of Asiatic hordes’. Equally fallacious were the hopes of those Anglo-Saxons who strove to obtain foreign aid for the liberation of their country. In France not even the faintest prospect of sup- port presented itself; the king of France had already proved his indifference or weakness, in tamely witnessing the aggran- dizement of his most dangerous vassal. The German em- peror, Henry IV., was too deeply engaged in warfare with the Slavic nations, and still more deeply in the frivolities and sensual pleasures of a court, to see in a conqueror, who did not immediately endanger his own frontiers, the violator of the peace of Europe; although those Norman adventurers, who beset Europe at almost every point, threatened to make 1 Some interesting particulars relating to the Anglo-Saxons at Con- stantinople are contained in the ‘ Chronicon ab Origine Mundi ad a. 1218;” MS. in the rich and valuable collection of sir Thomas Phillipps at Middle- hill, where it stands as N° 1880. It was formerly N° 785 of Meermann’s collection, and is the work of a Premonstratensian born in England, from which the editors of the Recueil des Historiens de la France (t. xiii. p. 677, and t. xvili. p. 702), have extracted some passages relating to France. rg 116 WILLIAM THE FIRST. a Normandy of all that portion of the globe. William, too, was vigilant, and indefatigable in engaging in his interest some of the most influential men at the imperial court, for which object the means, irresistible in those times, were sup- plied him from the wealth of his newly acquired dominion. The chief counsellor of the emperor, Adalbert, archbishop of Bremen, was, by his largesses, bribed to intrigue for the security of the munificent conqueror, and it must have proved an easy task to suppress an excitement in the imperial court against William, to him who, for the same object, did not shrink from the attempt to influence his friend, the Danish king, Svend Estrithson!, although the inclination of that prince lay in the opposite direction. With Svend, neverthe- less, the representations of the Anglo-Saxons found a favour- able reception?. The nephew of Cnut the Great had not attempted to claim from its Anglo-Saxon rulers the kingdom of England as his inheritance; though the death of Harold brought to maturity the thought, to which the death of Ead- ward must have given birth,.of asserting his pretension to the throne of his uncle and his deceased childless cousin. But after vainly waiting till the despair of the Anglo-Saxons and their intense hatred of the Normans should work wonders in his favour, the Danish monarch contented himself with sending one of his nobles to William, to demand his homage for his realm of England, the investiture of which he was not unwilling to grant him, in consideration of a yearly tribute. William, instead of angrily or scornfully refusing this de- mand, listened to the envoy with all the sly serenity charac- teristic of the Normans; nor was it enough to lull the envoy by feastings and presents; a costly embassy, composed of ' Adam Brem. lib. iv. c.16. Both Turner and Lingard unaccountably call this prince Sveno Tiuffveskegg, confounding him with Svend Tve- skieg (Sveinn Tjaguskégg) the father of Cnut, who died in 1014. The prince here spoken of was Cnut’s nephew, the son of his sister Estrith, married to Ulf Jarl. See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. pp. 181, 208.—T. 2 Guil. Pictav. p. 212 (Maseres, p. 163). WILLIAM THE FIRST. 117 four men of eminence, among whom was A%gelsine, abbot of St. Augustine’s at Canterbury, on whom king Eadward had formerly bestowed the abbey of Ramsey, embarked, as soon as the season permitted, for Seeland, charged with an abun- dance of fair promises as well as valuable presents, which could not fail of convincing king Svend and his court of the wealth and power, and also of the good will of the possessor of the claimed fief. To Olaf, king of Norway, William like- wise sent an embassy, in a vessel freighted by Norwegian merchants at Grimsby, who must have found it no difficult task to obtain from the natural foe of Harold the rejection of the solicitations of the Anglo-Saxons, and to canclude a treaty of friendship between the two sovereigns !. The Anglo-Saxons were thus left to their own resources and to the aid of their neighbours, the Welsh. Hadric, sur- named the Forester2, could no longer endure the yoke of the stranger: he attacked the garrison of Hereford, by whom and the hated Richard fitz Scrob his lands had frequently been ravaged, and, in conjunction with Blethgent and Rith- walon, kings of the Welsh, having laid waste the county of Hereford as far as the bridge of the river Lug, returned with an immense booty?. An insurrection raised by Meredith and Ithel, sons of Griffith ap Llewelyn, in North Wales, pre- vented the British princes from following up this advantage‘. William was not slow to prize the valour of the bold Forester, and preferred gaining him as a friend to overcoming him as an enemy; we, consequently, find the only Anglo-Saxon, who had defeated and chastised the Normans, in possession, at a later period, of extensive landed estates. But the Anglo-Saxons found an unexpected ally in the dis- 1 Knyghton, col. 2343; Langebek, ili. pp. 252 sq. Ellis, Introd. to Domesd. ii. pp. 98 sqq. Hist. Rames. c. 119. Sim. Dunelm. a. 1074. 2 Ord. Vital. pp. 506, 514 (Maseres, pp. 195, 223), where he is called Edricus Guilda.—T. 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1067. 4 Powel, History of Wales, p. 101. 5 See Domesday under the name of Eadric. 118 WILLIAM THE FIRST. content of several Norman and French nobles, whose private interest they considered not to have been sufficiently con- sulted by William in his distribution of lands in England. Of these one of the most dissatisfied was Eustace, the power- ful count of Boulogne, the brother-in-law of the late king Eadward, who, as the smallest. reward for the auxiliaries he had supplied, as well as for the personal service he had ren- dered to the duke im the field of Senlac, expected at least to receive the town of Dover, which had once before slipped through his hands!. A moment was chosen, when the com- manders of that fortress, bishop Odo and Hugh of Montfort, together with the best men of the garrison, had passed the Thames, for crossing the Channel in the stillness of the night, and with a body of French and Kentish men proceeding to Dover. There, however, they met with more precaution and more determined valour than they expected. Count Eustace was indebted for his life, as he had been twenty-six years before, to the swiftness of his horse, his knowledge of the road, and a vessel in readiness to receive him. His grand- son, a brave youth, fell into the hands of the pursuing gar- rison. The king caused his faithless friend and vassal to be cited before a court composed of Normans and Anglo-Saxons, and the heavy charge to be brought against him, which ad- mitted of no defence. All his fiefs in William’s states were, consequently, confiscated ; to whose policy, however, which sought to gain over those who evinced the courage to oppose him, it appeared more advisable to reconcile his hot-headed, daring companion in arms, and propitiate him with new in- vestitures?. By another tribunal, that of popular hatred, fell earl Copsi, whose reasons for siding with the Normans were regarded by 1 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. pp. 247, 249. 2 Both his widow, Ida, and his son, Eustace, received lands in Eng- land. See Ord. Vital. p. 523 (Maseres, p. 256) and Ellis, Introd. to Domesd. i. pp. 384, 416. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 119 his relations and vassals as disgraceful selfishness and short- sighted self-interest. Proscribed as a traitor by the unani- mous voice of his people, he fell a sacrifice to rash national hate!. Earl Morkere had transferred the administration of Bernicia, or the northern part of Northumberland, which had been bestowed on him after the expulsion of Tostig?, to the young Osulf, son of ear] Eadulf, who had been slain by Siward, but which William restored to his devoted adherent, Copsi?. Such an appointment, in a province where no Norman had yet set foot, could not reckon on acknowledgment; Osulf was, consequently, expelled by violence from his office and castle. For some weeks the proscribed earl wandered about in the woods, sustaining life with difficulty, until, assured of the good will of the people, he surprised Copsi at Newburn on the Humber, while at his repast, who fled for refuge to the neighbouring church, which being set on fire, Copsi, in endeavouring to escape, was slain by Osulf at the door of the sacred edifice (March 12th, 1067). The king had just de- parted for Normandy, and there was no one to oppose the return of Osulf to his earldom, who, with the fatality which pursued the Anglo-Saxons, perished by the spear of a robber. Gospatric, a grandson of earl Uhtred of Northumberland, (ob. 1017,) and AX lfgifu, a daughter of king Aithelred, then laid claim to the earldom by hereditary right, which was granted him in consideration of a large sum of money‘. In the meantime intelligence reached the king in Normandy of the disordered state of the kingdom and the unfitness for 1 Here the instructive (notwithstanding its partiality and rhetorical garb) work of William of Poitiers terminates, as we do not possess the end in original; we have, nevertheless, a probably almost verbal extract of the last pages in Ordericus Vitalis. 2 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 271. 3 See p. 108. 4 Simeon Dunelm. a. 1072. ejusd. Hist. Dunelm. iii.14. Gospatric held the earldom as early as 1067, as we are expressly informed by Simeon. The Sax. Chron. styles him ‘earl’ in 1067, yet Palgrave (Commonw. ii. p. ccexxii.) places his appointment under 1069. pened se 120 WILLIAM THE FIRST. the civil administration of the country of those to whom he had intrusted it. The Anglo-Saxon commonalty threatened to be more dangerous to him than the nobles. The wealthy and well fortified city of Exeter, in which both Britons and Saxons lived in concord and flourishing under a free civic constitution, was little disposed to submit to a foreign domi- nation. The presence of the nobility of Devonshire, and more particularly of the mother of king Harold, confirmed this adverse disposition. The citizens strengthened their walls and towers, sent deputations to the neighbouring towns, summoning them to a general resistance, and retained all foreign traders residing in their city, if capable of bearing arms. Some Norman troops, who had been driven into that port by a storm, had been treated with scorn and cruelty ; and the king was convinced that his presence alone could prevent an unfavourable issue. Intrusting, therefore, the administration of his hereditary dominions to his consort Matilda, and his eldest son Robert, assisted by experienced | ecclesiastics and valiant knights, he embarked with his late vicegerent, Roger of Montgomery, from Arques, at the mouth of the river Dieppe}, for the opposite port of Winchilsea?, on a December evening (Dec. 6th 1067), in spite of the storms of winter. He hastened to London, where he kept the Christ- mas festival, and sought by numerous proclamations, abound- ing in fair promises, tending to lull the Anglo-Saxons, and by kindly giving ear to their complaints 3, to palliate not only the misconduct of his followers, but also a heavy contribution which he laid on the impoverished nation‘. The citizens of Exeter, in answer to his message, demand- 1 Now the Bethune.—T. 2 Portus Wicenesium. Ord, Vital. p. 509. 3 “«Ipse omnes officioso affectu demulcebat, dulciter ad oscula invitabat, cunctis affabilitatem ostendebat ; benigne, si quid orabant concedebat,” ete. Ib. p. 509 (Maseres, p. 209). 4 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1067. . ® For Exoniam some MSS. of Malmesbury read Oxoniam. That the WILLIAM THE FIRST. 121 ing their oath of allegiance, declared that they would swear no oath to him, nor would they admit him into their town; that they would only pay him tribute, according to ancient custom. William replied that he was not accustomed to have subjects on such conditions, and, without further delay, drew near to the city, the English being placed in the front of his army. On his approach he was met by a deputation of the principal inhabitants, suing for peace, assuring him that their gates stood open to receive him, and that they were ready to submit to his will. To secure their fidelity, William de- manded a number of hostages, which were delivered to him. On their return to the city, it would seem that they found the bulk of the inhabitants in no wise disposed to partake of the weakness of their superiors, but resolved on defending their rights and hearths to the utmost. But they little knew the artifices of the besieger, nor were they sufficiently guarded against treachery within their walls. William, who had encamped about four miles from the place, now approached with a body of five hundred horse, for the purpose of reconnoitering. Finding the gates closed and the works densely manned, he ordered his entire army to advance, and the eyes of one of the hostages to be put out close to one of the gates; but the inhabitants were not yet to be intimidated. After a siege of eighteen days, and when their walls had been undermined, they surrendered!. The citizens and clergy, bearing the sacred Scriptures, went out to meet the king, who treated them with clemency, sparing their effects, and placing a strong guard at each gate, to pre- vent his soldiery from plundering. Within the city he caused a strong castle to be erected, and having left a powerful latter reading is erroneous seems hardly to admit of a doubt, yet see W. Malm. p. 421. edit. E. H. Soc. and Hardy’s note; R. Wendover, ii. p. 4; and Ellis, Introd. to Domesd. i. p. 194.—T. 1 And hig him ba burh ageafon, for han ba Segenas heom geswicon hefdon.” And they surrendered the city to him, because the thanes had deceived them. Sax. Chron. a, 1067.—T. 122 WILLIAM THE FIRST. garrison under the command of Baldwin of Moles, a son of count Gilbert of Brionne, he proceeded into Cornwall, for the purpose of pacifying that county!. The old countess Gytha, with many ladies of distinction and great treasure, fled from Exeter to Steepholm, a small island in the Bristol channel, near the mouth of the Severn, where they continued for some time, awaiting probably the result of an expedition from Ireland, commanded by Eadmund and Magnus, sons of the late king Harold?. But seeing her hopes frustrated, Gytha embarked for Flanders and found an asylum at St. Omer’s3. The king availed himself of this interval of apparent tran- . quillity to celebrate the Easter festival (a.1068) at Winchester, and to send for his consort, the countess Matilda, from Nor- “mandy, who, at the following festival of Whitsuntide, was solemnly crowned queen at Westminster, by the hands of archbishop Ealdred+. She was attended from Normandy by a numerous train of noble knights and ladies, and, among others, by the bishop of Amiens, Wido or Guido, to whose muse we are indebted for a poem of no small value, in neat hexameters and pentameters, on the battle of Senlac and the succeeding events, to the coronation of the Conqueror®’. The queen, as well as the other new comers, received their share of the spoil, and {n a manner which shows manifestly the spirit of the conquest. In her youth, Matilda had seen, at the court of her father at Bruges, a young Anglo-Saxon of rank named Brihtric, son of Ailfgar, to whom, it appears, she ! Ord. Vital. p. 510 (Maseres, p. 210.) 2 Of her seven sons by earl Godwine, we have recorded the death of five: Sweyn, Tostig, Harold, Gyrth and Leofwine. Of the two survivors, Ailfgar became a monk at Rheims, and Wulfnoth at Salisbury. See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. pp. 255, 280, 301. Ord. Vital. p. 502 (Maseres, p. 186). 3 Sax. Chron. Ord. Vital. p. 513 (Maseres, p. 221), who erroneously places Gytha’s flight in 1069. 4 Sax. Chron. a. 1067. 5 The poem is printed in the Materials for the History of Britain, under the title of “ De Bello Hastingensi Carmen.”—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 123 formed a warm attachment, but which was not reciprocated. While engaged in the consecration of a chapel, Brihtric was seized by the Normans, at his manor of Hanley, and dragged to Winchester, where he died in prison childless: his lands, which escheated to the crown, were bestowed partly on Robert fitz Hamon and partly on queen Matilda}. About this time, the Anglo-Saxon nobles, whom William had taken with him to Normandy, having returned to Eng- land, he thought he might now permit them to go from place to place without restraint. When again in their native country, they could not avoid seeing the fate that awaited it under the Norman aristocracy, and ere long Eadwine (who had received a personal injury in William’s refusal to give him his daughter in marriage, according to his promise), Mor- kere, the nobles of Northumberland, the new earl Gospatric, ' Merlesweyn?, the sons of king Harold, Blithwallon, king of | North Wales, and many others, formed a league with the 1 The following note is from Ellis’ Introd. to Domesday, ii. p. 54.— « Kelham, from Rudder’s Gloucestershire, p. 739, says, ‘ Brihtric had the honour of Gloucester, which was a noble seigniory, and many other great estates, by inheritance from his grandfather Hailward (A%gilweard, A®thel- weard?) Snow; but having incurred the displeasure of Maud, queen to William the Conqueror, and daughter to Baldwin earl of Flanders, by re- fusing to marry her, when he was ambassador at her father’s court, she revenged the insult by procuring his imprisonment and the confiscation of all his possessions. Ilustr. p. 165’.”” See Monast. vi. p. 62. “The anonymous continuator of Wace, who wrote in the reign of Henry III., and who says he translated his poem at Amesbury in Wilt- shire, is perhaps the oldest authority for the story of Matilda’s disappoint- ment. He states Brictric to have died in prison at Winchester, without heir, and that his property in consequence escheated and was disposed of by the Conqueror, in part to his Queen! and in part to Robert Fitz Haimon. But the honour of Gloucester, which had been Brictric’s, was really be- stowed upon Robert Fitz Haimon by king William Rufus: so that Wace’s continuator is guilty of at least one anachronism.” 2 This and the preceding name are by Ordericus Latinized into Caius Patricius and Marius Suevus ! 1 There is no mention of this in the extract as given by Ellis.—T, aad ae aie 124 WILLIAM THE FIRST. object of expelling the Normans from the country. But the want of plan and unanimity among the Anglo-Saxons, which had so greatly contributed to their defeat at Senlac, now even to a greater degree led to the firmer establishment of the intruders. Eadwine and Morkere, when they found them- selves opposed to the king in arms near Warwick, could not resolve on risking the fate of a battle, and again placed them- selves at the mercy of the Conqueror!. Godwine, Eadmund, and Magnus, the youthful sons of Harold, who had found an asylum with Dermot, king of Leinster, landed in the mouth of the Avon, from an Irish fleet, that had been long looked for by the fugitives on Steepholm; but the people of Bristol, with an eye to their tranquillity and trifling commerce, opposed a vigorous resistance to the invaders, though Eadnoth, an Anglo-Saxon, who had been master of the horse to their father, Harold, marching forth against them, was totally defeated and slain. Seeing then, in consequence probably of the defection of Eadwine and Morkere, no prospect of support from the interior of the country, they proceeded to ravage Devonshire and Cornwall, and, loaded with booty, re- turned to Ireland?. The king now caused a castle to be built at Warwick, the custody of which he bestowed on Henry, son of Roger of Beaumont; also another castle at Nottingham, which he intrusted to the keeping of William Peverel3. In Northumberland, whither Eadgar AXtheling had also fled, the bitterest hatred prevailed towards the foreigners. The citizens of York, through the defection of the archbishop from the national cause, were only the more exasperated, and his authority was not of the least avail in appeasing those who dwelt in his immediate neighbourhood. Forests, marshes, towns, whatever, in short, could be so applied, were transformed into fortresses, intrenchments, and barricades. ) Ord, Vital. p.511 (Maseres, pp. 214, sqq.) ? The Sax. Chron. places this expedition under the year 1067, 3 Ord. Vital. p. 511 (Maseres, p. 216.) WILLIAM THE FIRST. 125 Many swore never to sleep in a house until the enemy was driven out of the kingdom. A multitude of hardy warriors lived in tents and huts constructed in haste, whom it pleased the Normans to scoff at as savages (salvages, silvatici). The etheling Eadgar, earl Gospatric, and Meerlesweyn fled with Agatha, Eadgar’s mother, and his sisters, Margaret and Christina, to king Malcolm ITI., surnamed Canmore, of Scot- land, who, captivated by the attractions of Margaret, who had probably been previously betrothed to him, was the more easily induced to adopt the policy of assailing the enemy who was already threatening his frontier. Nevertheless, York, the only strong bulwark of their country’s defenders, yielded to the Normans. The keys of the city, and the noblest hostages, were delivered to William; and Archil! also, the most power- ful of the Northumbrians, made his peace with the king, and gave him his son as a pledge of his fidelity. Two strong castles were erected at York, and committed to the custody of William Malet and Robert fitz Richard, with five hun- dred horsemen. Aigelwine also, bishop of Durham, hastened to the Conqueror, who, knowing how to value the spiritual ally, received him benignantly. A‘ gelwine was forthwith sent with a mission, consisting of William’s son Robert, the abbot of Abingdon, and other prelates, to the camp of the king of Scotland, whom he induced to send an embassy back with him to William, for the purpose of swearing to the latter the fealty of the Scottish king, which, no doubt, comprised his homage for the lands held by him in England?. By this act the conquest of England may be regarded as 1 Many possessions of Archil are recorded in Domesday, T. R. E. (Tempore Regis Edwardi), which are most probably referrible to this person. 2 Ord. Vit. p. 511. (Maseres, pp. 216-218); lib. Abingd. (MS. Cott. Claud. c. ix. p.135.) ap. Palgrave, ii. p. cccxxxi. The value of this latter unprinted authority I am unable to estimate; though the mention of Robert, to whom the king, a short time before, had committed the govern- ment of Normandy, appears hardly credible. 126 WILLIAM THE FIRST. completed, and William now, by the right of the sword and oaths acknowledging his authority, was in possession of the entire dominion of the last Anglo-Saxon king. But this sagacious prince was fully aware how unstable is a govern- ment that has no root in the hearts of the natives, and, there- fore, on his return to the south, took care to erect castles at . Lincoln, Huntingdon, and Cambridge. It would seem that _ there was a scarcity of trustworthy persons of consideration, _ to whom the king might commit the keeping of so many places of importance, and that he found himself, contrary to his better judgment, compelled to intrust many considerable shrievalties and garrisons to rugged, violent, and rapacious men, who could not understand, much less carry out his subtle, conciliatory policy. Many of his older knights were dissatisfied with their share of the booty, which, generally speaking, on account either of its insignificance or supposed insecurity, was so far from tempting, that it fell to the share not of the first-born, but usually of the younger branches. The greater number of the Normans did not yet venture to send for their wives, and as, during their two years’ absence from their country, they heard only anxious complaints from them, and but too often bad accounts of improprieties that had taken place, many of the most distinguished men, as Hugh of Grentemaisnil, his sister’s son, Humfrey of Telleuil, to whom the castle of Hastings had been intrusted, and others, heedless of the threatened loss of their English fiefs, resolved to return to Normandy. The threats alluded to were not, however, always carried into effect}, particularly as the king could not easily dispense with men like Hugh, who, it appears, soon returned, with his wife Adeliz, to his ' Domesday refutes the erroneous assertion of Orderic, p. 512. (Maseres, p- 217), who says: “ Sed honores, quos jam nactos hac de causa relique- runt, ipsi, vel heredes eorum, nunquam postea recuperare potuerunt.”” . See Ellis, Introd. i. p. 429, under “ Grentemaisnil,” and p. 502, under “Uxor H. de Grentemaisnil,” also p. 364. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 127 castle at Leicester. On the other hand, in consequence of the increasing misery of the country, desolated by famine and its attendant, pestilence, by fire and plunderings, the king found it advisable to discharge and send back to their homes, richly rewarded, many of his soldiers, whose services were available only on a day of battle. Still these praiseworthy measures, in a state of such great excitement, were not sufficient. In the beginning of the following year (1069), he sent Robert of Comines! to the Scottish border with seven hundred horse2, to administer the county of Durham. Full of confidence in himself, the king, and the strong walls of the place, he rode, in spite of: the warnings of the bishop, Aigelwine, with the Norman banner, into the city of Durham. He would not, even for a moment, repress the insolence of his soldiers, who treated the city as a conquered place, and even massacred many ecclesiastics. In the following night, when the gates were closed, and the Normans, defenceless and suspecting no danger, were either merry-making or sleeping, the fire-staff passed from village to village between the Tees and the Derwent, and a multitude breathing vengeance secretly beset the city. On the 28th of January, when at early morn the gates were opened, the men of the country burst in, quickly joined themselves to the townsmen, assailed the new earl (who, with his knights, valiantly defended himself in the episcopal palace, in which he had taken up his abode, and when it was set on fire, perished in the flames) and massacred the entire Norman squadron, f 1 Ancestor of the historian, Philip de Comines, and of the Scottish family of Comyn, or Cumin. 2 So Sim. Dunelm. The Sax. Chron. (a. 1068) has 900; Orderic says 500, a number apparently used by him to signify-a large body. Thierry, who has overlooked the genuine authorities, making use of their epitomi- zers only, Alfred of Beverley and Hemingford, speaks besides of “1200 chevaliers complétement armés, mais on ne sait pas au juste combien de gens de service et de fantassins les accompagnaient.”” Such exaggerations should be banished from the province of history. 128 WILLIAM THE FIRST. with the exception of two swift-footed fugitives, who carried the intelligence of the disaster to the king. Nothing spreads itself more widely around than an excited popular animosity. Only a few days after the above-men- tioned occurrence, Robert fitz Richard was slain with a con- siderable number of his followers. In the other castle, how- ever, William Malet still maintained himself, and not only communicated to the king information of this new calamity, but also of the approach of the Anglo-Saxons from Scotland, under Eadgar Atheling, Gospatric, and Meerlesweyn, against whom he felt himself unable to hold out. And these soon began their attack; but the king arriving suddenly at the place, dispersed the besiegers, and provided the garrison thus relieved with a reinforcement, under the command of his best general, William fitz Osbern. The king himself returned to Winchester, there to celebrate the Easter festival, according to royal custom!. How well William could rely on fitz Osbern appears also on this occasion, After his departure, the Anglo- Saxons lost no time in assembling and marching upon York ; but were met by fitz Osbern, who, after an obstinate engage- ment, returned with many prisoners, leaving only corpses and despairing fugitives behind him. Some months after, (the end of June,) either too late or too early, as it usually happened in these struggles of the Anglo- Saxons, two of Harold’s sons, with the aid of Dermot, king of Leinster, again landed, from sixty-four ships, at the mouth of the Tavy in Devonshire, and from Tavistock proceeded to Exeter, ravaging all the neighbouring country, but were sur- prised by Brian, son of Eudes, count of Brittany, and William Gualdi, and in two battles, fought on one day, lost the greater 1 A charter of donation and confirmation, dated from the monastery of St. Swithin, on the 2nd day of Easter, by William, king of England, and count (see p.15) of Normandy and Le Maine, in the third year of his reign, in favour of the abbey of St. Denys, is still preserved among the archives at Paris. It is, perhaps, the oldest charter of William the Con- queror extant. : WILLIAM THE FIRST. 129 part of their followers. The remaining few returned in two small vessels to Ireland'. Tranquillity had hardly been re-established in the south, when, in the mouth of the Humber?, arrived the formidable Danish fleet, so long hoped for by the natives, so feared by William, who, foreseeing the coming storm, had sent his queen back to Normandy. This fleet, consisting of two hundred and forty ships, was under the command of the two elder sons of king Svend Estrithson, Harald and Cnut 3, of their uncle Asbiérn+, who had formerly been banished from England, and of the jarl Thorkell. Bishop Christian of Aarhuus, afterwards of Ribe, together with other ecclesi- astics, was also with the fleet, both to fight and give counsel. They had previously made an attempt to land at Dover, which seems sufficiently to show that their object was to act in common with the sons of Harold, and that the several pretenders were at least unanimous in the intention of ex- pelling the Normans with their combined forces. On their course northwards they landed at Sandwich, where they were 1 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1064. W. Gemmet. lib. vii. c. 41. Ord. Vital. p. 531 (Maseres, p.219.) Thierry errs in placing the expedition of the three sons of Harold, and that of the two sons, which was not under- taken till after Midsummer in the year following, both in last mentioned year. He has, generally speaking, paid too little attention to Florence. [William of Jumiéges and Orderic give 66 as the number of ships.—T.] 2 Sim. Dunelm, Ante Nativitatem Mariz, (Sept. 8th). Lingard was probably thinking of the Assumption, when he made the landing of the Danes in the Humber in the beginning of August, and, consequently, at Dover in July. 3 The Saxon Chronicle (a. 1069) makes three sons of Svend in this ex- pedition, but without giving their names. The Chronicle in these years is very incorrect. 4 See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 242. The identity of this person is undoubted, although disregarded by the older authors, while the later wholly pass over Asbidrn’s share in the expedition, or disfigure his name so as to render it no longer recognisable ; as Lingard, copying from Domesday, writes it ‘Sbern’. [Both he and Turner have also ‘Sveno’ for Svend.—T.] K 130 WILLIAM THE FIRST. repulsed by the Normans. At Ipswich, where they next landed, they were attacked and put to flight by the inhabi- tants, while engaged in ravaging and plundering the neigh- bourhood; but at Norwich a still worse fate befell them. Having landed at that city, they were encountered by Ralf of Guader, when many perished by the sword and many were drowned, the remainder being driven to their ships. On their arrival in the Humber, they were joined by Gospatric, Mer- lesweyn, Waltheof, Archill, who had deserted the cause of William, and other Anglo-Saxons'. Eadgar A®theling was, with some troops, gone southwards on a predatory expedition, and was attacked by the garrison of Lincoln, who captured all his men with the exception of two, who escaped with their leader?. When archbishop Ealdred, who had so zealously espoused the cause of the Conqueror, received intelligence of the invasion of the Danes, he was so stricken with consterna- tion and grief, that he fell sick, and in a few days died®. King William was engaged in the diversion of the chase in the forest of Dean*, when intelligence was brought him of the landing of the Danes at Norwich. He instantly despatched a messenger to York, counselling his officers there to take their measures with caution, and to send for him, should they deem his presence necessary. They answered, that the com- manders of the garrisons would not require aid for a year, as the number of Normans there was above three thousand. Their precautionary measures they carried so far as to burn those houses of the citizens that lay round the castles, the flames from which, having caught the city, the greater part of it, together with the minster of St. Peter, in which the 1 «* Elnocinus et quatuor filii Karoli.”’ Ord. Vital. p. 513 (Maseres, p. 223). Carl appears to have been a inan of considerable property in Yorkshire and other counties. See Ellis, Introd. ii. p. 65. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 513. (Maseres, p. 222.) 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1069. 4 «Dana sylva.” Ord. Vital. p. 513. (Maseres, p. 222.) WILLIAM THE FIRST. 131 body of the archbishop had just been deposited, was laid in ashes (19th Sept.). The Danish fleet had in the meanwhile sailed up the Ouse, and saw from afar the blazing conflagra- tion which, driven by a storm, within a few hours consumed the wood-constructed city!. On the third day the Anglo- Saxons appeared before the walls of York, and so well-planned was their attack, so unceasing their impetuosity, that on the same day they succeeded in taking the castles by storm. The garrisons, with the exception of William Malet and his family, of Gilbert of Ghent? and a few others, whose lives were saved for the sake of the ransom, were put to the sword 3, The insurrection of the Anglo-Saxons had in the meantime taken a wider range, although, from lack of adequate guidance, with little result. In Somersetshire the count of Mortain and Cornwall had caused a strong castle to be erected, and named it from its position Montagut+ (Monsacutus, Montagu). The people of the district, with those of Dorsetshire and other neighbouring parts, rose while count Robert was staying with the king his brother, for the purpose of attacking the de- tested structure. The men of the castle, however, repelled the assault, till Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances, came to their relief, with forces from London, Winchester, and Salisbury. The prisoners taken on this occasion were by the Normans, according to their barbarous custom, cruelly mutilated. In Shropshire the people had assembled under EHadrie the Forester and other unconquered patriots, and, with the men of Cheshire and the neighbouring Welsh, united to ! Ord. Vital. ut sup. Sim. Dunelm. col. 198. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1069. 2 «Dugdale has given a long account of Gilbert of Ghent in his Baron- age, i. p. 400. He was son to Baldwin earl of Flanders, whose sister the Conqueror had married. He was the refounder of Bardney abbey in Lin- ! colnshire, and is believed to have died about the year 1094. See also Kelham, p. 78, and the ‘‘ Descensus de Gant,” in the account of the abbey of Vaudey, in the Monast. Anglic. v. p.491.” Ellis, Introd. i. p. 422.—T. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 512 (Maseres, p. 223.) Flor. Wigorn. a. 1069. 4+ Domesday, i. fol. 93. K2 132 WILLIAM THE FIRST. surprise the castle of Shrewsbury. The town was burnt, and when the counts William Gualdi and Brian, son of Eudes of Brittany, hastened to chastise the insurgents, they avoided the encounter. They durst not follow them into the mountain passes; for the men of Devonshire also, and the British population from the extremity of Cornwall, had combined together to capture the Norman barons and their followers in Exeter. But the defenders of the city, in a sudden sortie, succeeded in driving off their assailants who, in their flight, were met by the royal forces from Shrewsbury, under the two counts above mentioned, and routed with great slaughter !. King William had in the meanwhile hastened into Stafford- shire, the inhabitants of which, like those of Cheshire, had followed the example of their earls, Eadwine and Morkere. But these movements were by his powerful arms soon quelled, and William then proceeded to Northumbria. There the Danes had spread themselves over the land south of York, and many of them had crossed the Humber to the opposite shore of the rich district of Lindesey, where, however, they were attacked by Robert, count of Mortain, and Robert. of Eu, and, after suffering considerable loss, with difficulty reached their ships. The king in the meanwhile continued to march forwards. At Pontefract he found the Are so swollen, that it was not passable at any of the usual fords. In this conjuncture he was by some advised to return; to others, who would persuade him to construct a bridge, he answered, that it would not be prudent, lest the enemy should suddenly attack them while engaged on the work. For three weeks he was detained there, until a valiant soldier, named Lisois des Moustiers?, after much labour, discovered a ford, 1 W. Gemmet. lib. vii. c. 41. Ord. Vital. p. 513 (Maseres, p. 223.) 2 Perhaps the “ Lisoisus in Essex” of Domesday, fol. 496. [Ellis. ii. p. 349. “De Monasteriis,” as he is named by Orderic, p. 514 (Maseres, p- 224) is, no doubt, Des Moustiers, or Des Modtiers Latinized. See Maseres, ut sup.—T.] WILLIAM THE FIRST. 133 where, at the head of sixty horse, he crossed the river. On the opposite shore he was assailed by a numerous body of the enemy, whom, however, he repulsed. On the following day, having returned to the camp, he showed them the ford, by which the whole army crossed without delay. They had now to pass through forests and across morasses, over mountains and through valleys, and ways where two were unable to march abreast. On reaching York they found that the Danes had abandoned it}. With all his rancour towards his enemies, William did not forget that he could inflict on them much greater injury by other and more effectual means than by the sword. The object of the jarl Asbidrn in engaging in the expedition was gain, and this he found in the rich pre- sents of gold that William caused to be made to him, and for which he engaged to hold his countrymen in a state of inac- tion on the coast till the spring, and then return with them to Denmark. Many of them had in fact already returned, on account of want of provisions, and not a few had perished by storm. Asbidrn’s return to Seeland was delayed until July of the following year. On his arrival he was met by a sentence of banishment?. William now gave the reins to his insatiable vengeance. He sent some of his chieftains with a ! It was probably on this occasion, if on any, that, according to Malmesbury (p. 427), Waltheof is said to have slain so many Normans with his own hand: “ Siquidem Weldeofus in Eboracensi pugna plures Normannorum solus obtruncaverat, unos et unos per portem egredientes (ingredientes?) decapitans.” The story, if not a fiction, strongly resem- bles one.—T. In the Registrum Honoris de Richmond (edited by Gale) there is a charter of William’s dated “In obsidione coram civitate Ebor.” The genuineness of this document, in which William designates himself “Ego Willielmus cognomine Bastardus,’’ is doubted by Gale. See Ellis, Introd. 1, p. 366. 2 The Peterborough MS. of the Saxon Chronicle and Hugonis Candidi Historia Coenobii Burgensis relate that king Svend himself, in the year 1070, landed in the Humber, and afterwards concluded a peace with king William; both which accounts are contrary to the most trustworthy authorities. 134 WILLIAM THE FIRST. body of troops to York to restore the ruined castles, leaving others to oppose the Danes on the banks of the Humber, while he himself went in pursuit of the enemy, who had taken refuge in thickly wooded and almost inaccessible places. Corn, cattle, utensils, and every species of food he ordered to be heaped together and burnt. The famine that had already raged for more than a year, was by such execrable proceed- ings so aggravated, and so horrible was the misery, that the wretched inhabitants were compelled to subsist on horses, cats, and even on human flesh. Hunger forced many to sell themselves and families into perpetual slavery to their op- pressors. During this calamitous state of things, it is sup- posed that no less than a hundred thousand human beings perished. Many who, with some little property, had forsaken their country, in the hope of finding an asylum in a foreign land, perished ere they could reach the wished-for shore. Appalling was it in the silent houses, in the lonely streets, and public roads, to see the corpses rotting, covered with myriads of worms, in an atmosphere insufferably redolent of putrefaction. For the last duty, that of burial, no one sur- vived to perform it in the desolated land. Those whom the sword and the famine had spared, had fled from the scene of ruin. Even Aigelwine, the bishop of Durham, and other innocent ecclesiastics durst not venture to remain at home; for the sword of the avenger knew no difference among Anglo- Saxons. Northumbria and the parts adjacent were become one vast desert, where no one for the next ten years would settle, with the object of cultivating the land; and even after the lapse of more than half a century, tracts of above sixty miles in extent were still in a state of desolation. On the once frequented road from York to Durham, as far as the eye could reach, not a single inhabited village was to be seen. In ruins and caverns dwelt only crews of robbers and wolves, for the destruction of the traveller’. 1 Simeon Dunelm. a. 1069. W. Malm. de Gest. Pont. lib. iii. Proleg. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 135 But William was not content with having spread his fame as a warrior, or, more correctly perhaps, his infamy as a destroyer, he was also desirous of displaying his royal dignity before the eyes of his neighbours. He caused the crown and other regalia to be brought from Winchester to York, where he kept the Christmas festival. Large districts in Yorkshire, particularly the possessions of the earls Eadwine and Mor- kere, were now bestowed on his adherents. Alan Fergant (the Red), count of Brittany, received, in Yorkshire, the lands on which he erected the castle of Richmond’, Gilbert of Lacy received Pontefract, a Fleming, Drogo Bruiére, Odo of Champagne, Gamel, son of Ketil of Meaux, and others received vast grants of land, but which scarcely afforded them a scanty subsistence. He then marched as far as the Tees, where he spent a fortnight, during which time earl Waltheof appeared before him, for the purpose of making his submission. Gospatrie renewed his oath of fealty by proxy, and was reinstated in possession of his earldoms. Eadgar and the other Anglo-Saxon chieftains took shipping at Wear- mouth for Scotland, whither also digelwine, bishop of Dur- ham, who (sensible of the impossibility of intercourse with people speaking a foreign tongue and of still more foreign [His words are: “Qui [Willielmus] urbanis [Eboraci] iratus, quod Danis adventantibus receptui et consultui fuissent, prius inedia, mox flamma civitatem confecit ; regionis etiam totius vicos et agros corrumpi, fructus et fruges igne vel aqua labefactari jubet. Ita provincia quondam fertilis nervi, preeda, incendio, sanguine succisi. Humus per lx. et eo amplius milliaria omnifariam inculta, nudum omnium solum ad hoc usque tempus. Urbes olim preclaras, turres proceritate sua in cceelum minantes, agros letos pascuis, irriguos fluviis, si quis videt modo peregrinus, ingemit; si quis vetus incola, non agnoscit. In aliquibus tamen parietum ruinis, qui semiruti remansere, videas mira Romanorum artificia, velut est in Luga- balia civitate triclinium lapidum fornicibus concameratum, quod nulla unquam tempestatum contumelia, quinetiam nec appositis ex industria lignis et succensis valuit labefactari.”’ Malmesbury wrote in the middle of the twelfth century —T.] 1 The charters are still at Nantes. See Daru, Hist. de la Bretagne, i. p. 106, Ellis, Introd. i. p. 366. 136 WILLIAM THE FIRST. ideas) had resolved on going to Cologne, was driven by a storm. William returned to York}, by a way until then never trodden by an army, where, while the adjacent country was rejoicing in vernal mildness, the mountain-tops and the deep valleys were thickly covered with snow. But William prosecuted his march, during an intensely hard frost, cheering his soldiers by his alertness. During his progress a great number of his horses perished. Every one was anxious only for his own safety, recking little for his chief or his friend. In this state of difficulty, the king, attended only by six knights, lost his way, and passed a whole night without knowing where to find his army. On his return to York, he caused several castles to be restored, and the necessary mea- sures to be taken for placing things on a better footing in the city and neighbourhood. He then proceeded with his army against the men of Cheshire and the Welsh, who, in addition to their other offences, had laid siege to Shrewsbury. But the army, which had already undergone so many hard- ships, was fearful that still more and greater awaited them in this expedition. They dreaded the rugged ways, the severity of the winter, the scarcity of provisions, and the terrific fero- city of the enemy. The Angevins, Bretons, and those of Le Maine, who were in the pay of William, were, as they said, oppressed beyond endurance by intolerable duties ; they therefore pertinaciously demanded their dismissal. The king did not vouchsafe to retain them either by entreaties or pro- mises; but boldly continued his march, commanding those bands that were faithful to follow him, and looking with con- tempt on the deserters, as spiritless, cowardly, and weak. Unwearied he pursued his march by ways never before ex- plored by cavalry, over lofty mountains and through deep valleys, across streams and rivers, in rain and hail. The king 1 Orderic, p.515 (Maseres, p. 226) has: “Rex Guillelmus Haugustal- dam (Hexham) revertabatur a Tesia;”’? no doubt a mistake for Eboracum, as is manifest from the context. See Maseres ut sup.—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 137 himself frequently led the way on foot, readily lending aid to those in difficulty. At length he brought his army safely to Chester, and suppressed by force every hostile movement in the province of Mercia. At Chester and also at Stafford he caused castles to be erected'. The county of Chester (in which that part of Lancashire which lies between the Ribble and the Mersey, as well as some adjacent Welsh districts, was comprised), which Gherbod the Fleming, preferring his inheritance in his native country?, had resigned, was now granted to Hugh, surnamed Goz, also Lupus, or the Wolf3, son of Richard, surnamed Goz, a man abandoned to the grossest sensuality and most unbounded extravagance. This earldom he received to be held as freely by the sword as the king held England by his crown; and even the other pos- sessors of fiefs there did not, as in other provinces, hold them of the king, but immediately from the earl. We may here perceive the same policy which is to be found in other states . 1 Besides those mentioned in the text, William caused castles to be erected at the following places: Pevensey, Hastings, Iondon (the Tower), in 1066; Winchester, 1067; Chichester, Arundel, Exeter, Warwick, Not- tingham, York, Lincoln, Huntingdon, Cambridge, 1068; a second at York, Chester, Stafford, 1070. Maseres’ note to Orderic, p. 228.—T. 2 There does not appear to have been much preference in the case. Orderic, p. 522 (Maseres, p. 253), speaking of Gherbod, says: “Cestram et comitatum ejus Gherbodo, Flandrensi, jamdudum rex dederat, qui magna ibi et difficilia tam ab Anglis quam a Guallis adversantibus pertulerat. Deinde legatione coactus suorum, quos in Flandria dimiserat, et quibus hereditarium honorem suum commiserat, eundi citoque redeundi licentiam a rege acceperat: sed ibi adversa illaqueatus fortuna, in manus inimico- rum inciderat, et in vinculis coercitus, mundanaque felicitate privatus, longe miserize threnos depromere didicerat.”—T. 3 Orderic, p. 598 (Maseres, p. 253) gives a very indifferent character of Hugh Lupus: “ Hic non dapsilis, sed prodigus erat: non familiam se- cum, sed exercitum semper ducebat. In dando vel accipiendo nullam rationem tenebat. Ipse terram suam quotidie devastabat, et plus aucupi- bus ac venatoribus, quam terre cultoribus, vel cceli oratoribus applaude- bat. Ventris ingluviei serviebat ; unde nimiz crassitiei pondere pregra- vatus, vix ire poterat. E pellicibus plurimam sobolem utriusque sexus genuit, que, diversis infortuniis absorpta, pene tota periit.”—T. 138 WILLIAM THE FIRST. of Europe, where the Margraves frequently obtained very ex- tensive powers, as well as the privilege of holding as their own such lands as they might win by the sword, by way of inducement to guard and extend the frontier the more vigi- lantly and valiantly. Hugh the Wolf availed himself of this right, and, even in his latter years, when the mass of his fat almost deprived him of the faculty of locomotion, conquered the isle of Anglesey. But the real margrave would appear to have been his lieutenant, Robert, son of Humphrey of Telleuil, who had in his youth already served his apprentice- ship in the art of war in England, probably in Hereford against the Welsh!. To him the king gave permission to erect a castle at Rhuddlan, in Flintshire, whence he derived the designation of ‘de Roelent,” and invested him with North Wales, in consideration of an annual payment of forty pounds of silver 2. But a new calamity was reserved for the unhappy north of England, and from a quarter whence it was not expected. Malcolm, king of Scotland, at the head of a numerous army, marched through his province of Cumberland, then, turning eastward, laid waste and depopulated the whole of Teesdale and the adjacent country, under the pretext of aiding the cause of Eadgar Aitheling. At ‘“ Hundredeskeld,” after massacreing some of the principal inhabitants, Malcolm sént back a part of his army, laden with immense booty, craftily anticipating that the miserable people, who had concealed themselves and their little remaining property, would, sup- posing the enemy to have departed, emerge from their hiding places, and thus fall an easy prey to the invader. And so it proved. For after partially ravaging Cleveland, he burst into ‘‘ Heortnisse,” whence he overran the lands of St. Cuth- bert, slaughtering and plundering wherever he came. Nu- ' See Engl. under the A. S. Kings, i. p. 246, n2. 2 Domesday, i. fol. 269. Ellis, Introd. i. p. 479. Orderic, p. 670, re- peatedly calls him Marchio, Marchisus. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 139 merous churches, together with: those who had sought refuge in them, were burnt by his soldiers, among others that of St. Peter at Wearmouth, while Malcolm himself looked on. As he was riding along the bank of the river, and from an elevated spot glutting his eyes with the desolation he had eaused, intelligence was brought him that Eadgar Atheling and his sisters, with many fugitives of distinction, had landed at Wearmouth. Malcolm received them with kindness, and promised them a safe and permanent asylum in Scotland. In the meanwhile, Gospatric, who had bought of William the earldom of Northumberland, burst with an army into Cum- berland, which he laid waste with fire and sword, and re- turned with a rich booty to his castle of Bamborough, whence he made frequent irruptions, to the great detriment of the enemy. ‘This retaliation served only to increase Malcolm’s fury, who now gave orders not to spare one of English race, but to slay or drive into perpetual slavery the entire popula- tion. In consequence of these orders, the aged, both male , and female, were mercilessly massacred; infants torn from — the breast were thrown on high, and in falling received on the points of the spears. The young of both sexes, and all who appeared capable of labour, were driven bound before their enemies into perpetual bondage. Many, through the fatigue and misery of being thus driven, fell dead by the way. But Malcolm, so far from being moved by the prayers and groans of his victims, ordered them to be urged on the faster. Scotland thus became filled with English slaves of both sexes; so that long afterwards there was scarcely a farm or even a cottage, in which the posterity of these English slaves was not to be found in the condition of serfs. When Malcolm returned to Scotland, Eadgar A&theling and his before-mentioned relations and friends had already arrived there; also bishop A‘gelwine, who, on his passage to Cologne, had, as we have seen, by adverse winds been driven to Scotland. Malcolm now made the offer of his hand to 140 WILLIAM THE FIRST. Margaret, but met with a refusal both from herself and her relations, it being her wish to lead a life of celibacy devoted to the service of her Creator. But Malcolm’s importunities finally prevailed on Eadgar, who gave his consent to the union, nor, in fact, could he well persist in refusing it; for, as it is observed by the chronicler, “ they were come into his power.” Malcolm was, and had good reason to be, contented with his choice; and had sagacity enough to profit by his consort’s exhortations and example; so that from a blood- thirsty barbarian, he became a mild and just sovereign. By Margaret he had six sons: Eadward, Eadmund, Eadgar, afterwards king, AXthelred, Alexander, and David, the two last-mentioned also kings of Scotland; and two daughters: Matilda, married to king Henry the First, and Mary, the consort of Eustace, count of Boulogne!. A loss more prejudicial than a defeat the Anglo-Saxon cause suffered at this time, through the determination of earl Waltheof to submit to the Conqueror. He visited William on the bank of the Tees, and not only met with a gracious reception, but received from him the earldoms of Northamp- ton and Huntingdon, together with the hand of Judith, the daughter of his half-sister by her consort, the earl of Albe- marle?; and shortly after, the county of Northumberland, which had been taken from Gospatric. William’s thoughts were now engrossed by the means of firmly establishing his power in England. An ancient cus- tom of depositing in churches and monasteries treasures and 1 Sim. Dunelm. col. 201. Sax. Chron. a. 1067. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1068. Alured. Riv. 130. Vita 8. Marg. ap. Pinkerton, Vite SS. Scotiz. 2 Her mother was the daughter of Arlette, by her husband, Herluin of Conteville. W. Gemmet. viii. 37. Cf. Ord. Vital. p. 522 (Maseres, p. 254). She was not, as Ellis (Introd. i. p. 440) supposes, the daughter of Odo of Champagne, who married a daughter of Robert, duke of Normandy. Ac- cording to another account in ‘Libello de Vita Gualdevi’ (Leland, Iti- nerar. iv. 140), she was the daughter of count Lambert of Lens, and sister of Stephen count of Albemarle. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 141 documents of importance had, during these years of trouble, by Anglo-Saxons of wealth and rank, been much resorted to. To gratify his rapacity, and, at the same time, enfeeble his enemies, by depriving them of their pecuniary resources, William, by the advice of William fitz Osbern (a. p. 1070), ordered the churches and monasteries to be ransacked, and the booty thus found, together with many charters of immu- nity and much church property, not sparing even the plate © for the service of the altar, to be seized and conveyed to his own treasury. The bishoprics and abbeys, which until then had been exempt from every secular service, he compelled to render military service, arbitrarily fixing the number of soldiers to be furnished by each bishopric and abbey in time of war!. For as he could not be otherwise than sensible that if, from the first moment of his landing, he was an object of hatred to the whole nation, the Anglo-Saxon clergy in parti- cular must, on longer acquaintance, from day to day, enter- tain an increased aversion towards both himself and _ his martial prelates; a heavy, yet, for their past obsequiousness and flattery, not unmerited punishment was, therefore, des- tined for them, which had been deferred only till the king felt himself sufficiently strong to carry it into effect. Hence not satisfied with the confiscation of their treasures, William now began to depose and banish those whose hostility was known to, or only suspected by, him, supplying their places, as he had already done those of the earls and other lay offi- cials, with Normans; a proceeding quite in accordance with existing circumstances and the policy of the Conqueror, but most pernicious in its influence on the Anglo-Saxon people. For although the Anglo-Saxon church had not risen in repu- tation since the death of Cnut the Great, it had, in the inter- mediate space, at least maintained its individual character and integrity ; but by this measure its peculiar character was 1 Sax. Chron. a.1070. Sim. Dunelm. col. 200. Mat. Westm. p. 226. R. Wendov. ii. p.7. 142 WILLIAM THE FIRST. entirely destroyed, and the instruction of the people, particu- larly of the higher classes, which was wholly in the hands of the clergy, assumed a different nature. Such a change of language and habits in the priesthood must to the people have been almost tantamount to a suppression of the church, and have wrought a still greater disregard of all religious feelings, had not the complicated miseries of the nation served to raise its thoughts to the Supreme, and direct its hopes to His protection, and to a better future, more immediately and efficiently than the priesthood with its exotic service could accomplish. An inevitable consequence of the introduction of a clergy speaking a foreign tongue was, that the conquerors, the future nobility of the country, adhered exclusively to their native French, and the subjugated inhabitants corrupted the pure Germanic speech of their forefathers, and before many years had elapsed only imperfectly understood it. The col- lective fruits of the intellectual exertions and experience of the Anglo-Saxon race, deposited in a literature richer than that of any of their Germanic brethren, either in expressive prose or artificially constructed, alliterative, rhythmical poesy; the wisdom of hoar antiquity, all the learning, every ani- mating, warning, exhilarating example in national tradition, became lost to the people. Such a loss we should with reason deplore, even had it been supplanted by something nobler and better: but that which the Normans brought with them was certainly far from being an equivalent, even in point of mere learning. Those Norman bishops, at the head of their squa- drons, in a war of attack and conquest, afford us a spectacle as instructive as rare, even in the days of heathenism; and a very slight inquiry suffices to show, that the highly cultivated men, whose names, before and during the time of William, are enumerated among those of the Normans, do not belong to that people. No poem, no national historic work, no ser- mons, no essays, no collection of laws, from the pen of a native, have the Normans, before their military occupation of Eng- WILLIAM THE FIRST. 143 land, either transmitted to posterity, or to which they can refer. We may, therefore, fairly assume, when we see the English nation, after ages of depression, again vigorously flourishing, that this resurrection, but for the Norman con- quest, would have taken place much earlier and more com- pletely ; and that the civilization of southern Europe, which the clergy of those migratory ages spread abroad, would have ‘ shed its influence more benignly over Anglo-Saxon life, with- out the transplanting of the court of Rouen to England. By some, indeed, the fraternizing of the English clergy with their continental brethren has been regarded as the greatest, if not the only, benefit resulting from the Conquest, as if, when casting a glance at the consequences, the too close harmony, which the Romish church strove to effect, did not manifestly appear as the chief cause of their later separation; as if, when we look at its origin, so bloody a conquest, such rugged means must not cast a suspicion over every pretended spiritual advantage. From the burning and ravaging in the northern part of England, and the violation of sanctuaries, William, laden with church plunder, proceeded at Easter to Winchester, (oct. Easter, Apr. 4), where a great council was appointed to be holden, consisting of Norman barons and Anglo-Saxon thanes, as well as of ecclesiastics, both from this and the opposite side of the Channel, and where the legates of his great ally, pope Alexander IJ., Ermenfred, bishop of Sion, who had already been employed on a mission to England in the time of the Confessor’, and the cardinals John and Peter2, awaited him. William, on this occasion, allowed himself, by a new coronation, at the hands of the two cardinals, to receive the papal ratification of his royal dignity’. He was conscious ! Flor. Wigorn. a. 1062. 2 So Florence, though Lanfranc (Ep. i.) names one of these cardinals Hubert. 3 Vita S. Lanfranci, c. 6. ““Coronam capiti ejus imponentes, in regem 144 ; WILLIAM THE FIRST. that he enhanced the supposed value of this ceremony the more important he himself appeared to consider it. For nearly a year he entertained the legates in the most honour- able manner; promised, and constantly appeared, to follow their counsel, and did, in fact, follow it, as far as it had refer- ence to the introduction of a stricter church-discipline. So great, indeed, was his veneration for them, that he listened to _ their discourse as if they were angels from heaven}. But how- ever craftily he played his part in this respect, he proved himself no less firm in maintaining the rights of his crown in essential matters, and the pope made the discovery that he had wasted banners, holy water, benedictions, and crowns to no purpose, the moment he would exact from the most recent of kings more than what every other sovereign willingly con- ceded to the papal chair. The most essential object of the council of Winchester, both for the pope and the king, was the deposition of the stubborn archbishop of Canterbury. Stigand, in a constant state of dissension with the Romish court, had also more and more incensed the king by occasional compliance and subse- quent opposition®. The accusation that, together with his archbishopric, he unlawfully held the see of Winchester, not alone appearing of sufficient importance to justify his deposi- Anglicum confirmaverunt.” Ord. Vital. p. 516 (Maseres, p. 231) “ ubi (Guentee) cardinales Romanz ecclesiz coronam ei solemniter imposue- runt.”’ Orderic either copies from the above-mentioned Life, or the au- thority common to both, the Vita Herluini. It is remarkable that only these two writers mention this second coronation. ! « Audiens et honorans eos tanquam angelos Dei.” Ord. Vital. p. 516 (Maseres, p. 231).—T. 2 Matt. Paris, a. 1070 (R. Wendover, ii. p.7) relates that Stigand to- gether with Alexander, bishop of Lincoln, fled to Scotland. [This is evidently a mistake, as there was no bishop of Lincoln of that name until 1153; nor was the see transferred from Dorchester to Lincoln in 1070.—T.] 3 The Normans falsely charge him with holding two bishoprics besides the archbishopric (Milonis Crispi Vita Lanfranci, c.6. Rob. de Monte, WILLIAM THE FIRST. 145 tion; not less criminal was it—adds the accusation—that he had received his pall from the anti-pope Benedict, who had been excommunicated, and, until it arrived, had celebrated mass in that of the expelled archbishop Robert. Stigand was deprived of his dignity; his wealth, at least as much as could be discovered, was confiscated ; but his person, as even royal promises cannot be broken at once, was left at liberty. Walkelin, one of the royal chaplains, an ambitious man, who robbed his own church', and was long an object of hatred to the monks, until he conciliated them by his prodigality and love of building, received the see of Winchester. The see of East Anglia was taken from Adgelmeer, the brother of Stig- and, and bestowed on Herfast, another royal chaplain, whose ignorance had long been a subject of derision in Normandy, where it was doubted whether he knew his letters?. Many abbots also were deposed, and their rich benefices disposed of in a similar manner. Thomas, a canon of Bayeux, received the archbishopric of York, on the decease of archbishop Eald- red*, In a synod held by the two cardinals, besides many other abbots, AXgelric, a friend of Stigand’s, previously a monk of Christ-church Canterbury, and for thirteen years the blameless bishop of Selsey, was degraded in defiance of the canons; and, without any proved delinquency, was by the king committed to strict custody at Marlborough, and his bishopric given to the royal chaplain Stigand. The pope took offence at this violation of the law in the person of Chron. a. 1070); but he had long lost that of E. Anglia, or Elmham, and that he ever possessed the see of Sussex, or Selsey, is a gross error of Malmesbury (De Pont. p. 238), which he himself rectifies at p. 257. 1 « Peccavit, ad trecentas libratas terras monachis auferens.” Malm. de Pont. p. 246. 2 W. Malm. ib. p. 238. See p. 148. 3 Malmesbury is eloquent in praise of archbishop Thomas, on account of his liberality, the elegance of his manners and his mental accomplish- ments. De Pont. p. 238.—T. 4 «Unus (Walkelinus) in loco depositi (Stigandi), alter defuncti (Ald- vedi).”” 15.—T. i 146 WILLIAM THE FIRST. gelric, and demanded his immediate reinstalment, and a new investigation of the charges brought against him. It does not, however, appear, in this case, in which the accusa- tion was probably that of high treason, that any attention was paid to the precept of the papal court'. Remigius, a monk of Fécamp, was rewarded with the see of Dorchester, after the death of bishop Wulfwine, in 1067, having, for his able command of the soldiers furnished by his abbey, received a promise from the king of the first bishopric that fell vacant. Such a remuneration for military service, together with glaring simony, excited general indignation, and Gregory VIL., the successor of Alexander, felt it incumbent on him to cite the culprit before his tribunal; but the affair seems to have fallen to the ground, and, at a subsequent period, we find Remigius lauded as the mirror of virtues, the gem and light of the priesthood ! Archbishop Stigand ended his days at Winchester. His great wealth, to which his contemporaries ascribed the real motive of his persecution, was seized by the king; much, it is said, was discovered only after his death. A small quantity of the gold left by the deposed prelate William gave to the church of Winchester®. For a similar reason, Adgelric, the 1 Flor. Wigorn. aa. 1057,1070; Rymer, Foedera, i. p. 1. 2 Giraldus Cambrensis de Vitis Episc. Lincoln. Procem. and cap. i. Eadmer, Hist. p. 7. W. Malm. de Pont. lib. iv. p. 290. ‘ Wilhelmus habuit a Romo vel Rumi, elemosinario Fescanni, postea episcopo Lincolni- ensi, unam navem cum xx. militibus,” says the list given by Taylor. Thierry’s account (ii. p. 135.) of one large and sixty small ships furnished by Remigius may be passed over without comment; but not his state- ment, that Remigius first had the see of Dorchester, and then that of Lin- coln. He transferred the former to the latter city. 3 W. Malm. p. 449.; De Pont. p. 205. He relates that Stigand was con- fined in chains; but Thomas Rudborne (Hist. major Winton. in Anglia Sacra, i. p. 250) corrects him, saying that Stigand was allowed to go at large within the walls of the castle. Even the story told by Malmesbury himself, that he carried the key of his treasures concealed in his clothes as long as he lived, renders the tale of the fetters in the highest degree im- probable. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 147 former bishop of Durham, who, on his dismissal from that see twelve years before, had secretly conveyed a treasure which he had found there to the monastery of Peterborough, was seized in that sanctuary and dragged to Westminster, where he ended his days in prison?. One of Aigelric’s crimes was, no doubt, his being the brother of AXgelwine, his suc- eessor in the see of Durham, a man whom the king regarded with feelings of bitter hostility. But the most important act in thus providing for the king's Norman chaplains, which has very arbitrarily been called a reform of the Anglo-Saxon elergy, was the appointment to the primacy and archbishopric of Canterbury. The choice made by the king on this occasion, with the advice of the papal legates, appeared the more happy the more it stood in contrast with his other nominations. Among the Anglo- Saxons a man fit for this exalted dignity was of course not to be looked for; though William admitted that neither any of his military prelates nor any other illiterate and sensual Norman’ ecclesiastic was competent to the office. The eyes of all those discerning men, who were conscious of the higher requirements of religion, were turned towards one who had resided in Normandy for the last thirty years, and was on an equally friendly footing with the courts of Rouen and of Rome —the celebrated Lanfranc, abbot of St. Stephen’s at Caen. The magister Lanfranc, of an eminent family in Pavia, and son of a magistrate of that city, had in his youth greatly dis- tinguished himself by his profound knowledge of the law, both as a teacher and advocate, and gained a reputation, which his scholars had spread abroad far beyond the limits of his native city2. So great was his fame for jurisprudence, that ! Hist. Eccles. Dunelm. iii. cc. 7,9. Simeon de Gestis Regum, a. 1056. Sax. Chron. aa. 1069-1072, where it is said that “he had been conse- crated bishop of York, but that was unjustly taken from him, and the bishopric of Durham given to him.” 2 The principal source of Lanfranc’s history is his biography by Milo Crispus, composed soon after the death of that prelate, extracted partly Le 148 WILLIAM THE FIRST. tradition ascribes to him and the celebrated Garnerius the first scientific commentary on the then recently discovered Justinian Pandects (a.1032)!. In the year 1040, for rea- sons unknown to us, he quitted his native country, and, ac- companied by many devoted disciples, proceeded across the Alps to the northern coast of France, where, at Avranches, he for some time followed his early profession, as a teacher among the Normans. This residence he soon changed for the needy abbey of Bec, just then founded by Herluin, where for three years, by his retired life and the strictness of his manners, he ennobled, in the eyes of his contemporaries, both himself and the newly founded monastery. By his fellow monks he was persecuted from jealousy; but threatening to leave them, he availed himself of the apprehension he thereby excited to get himself chosen prior of the monastery, with the same worldly craft, which, at a later period, from being a stern opposer of duke William’s marriage with Matilda of Flanders, on account of their too near relationship, trans- formed him into that prince’s ambassador to the pope, for the purpose of procuring the necessary dispensation. The cha- racter of the man, whose shrewdness let slip no means not absolutely unlawful, and whose presence of mind never failed him, is admirably shown in the anecdote, how when banished from the court, at the instance of the duke’s chaplain, Herfast, and riding towards the frontier on a lame jade, he met the irritated prince, whom in a pleasant joke he entreated to be- stow on him a better horse for the journey he had ordered him to take. By which unexpected request, and through the mediation of William fitz Osbern, the duke was inclined from the biography of Herluin, first abbot of Bec. Both are printed in D’Achery’s edition of Lanfrane’s works. Paris, 1648. folio. 1 This account of Robert de Monte (Accessiones ad Sigebertum, a. 1032), (who, until the year 1054, when he became abbot of Mont St. Michel, was, like many of his predecessors, a monk of the abbey of Bec), if not true to the letter, yet, with reference to Lanfranc, is not without internal proba- bility, and has more extrinsic credibility than half of our history. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 149 to listen to his application, and again receive him into favour!. The prior Lanfranc was at this time regarded throughout christendom as one of the most learned theolo- gians, and a support of the papal throne. An ecclesiastic of Tours, named Berengar, had orally defended the doctrine of Johannes Scotus, that in the holy eucharist the bread and wine, after consecration, were merely a symbol of, but not the real body and blood of Christ. Lanfrane not only declined the invitation of Berengar to declare in favour of his opinion, but even triumphantly, at Rome, where he at that time hap- pened to be, defended the old faith of the church, which, at the council of Vercelli, the provincial synod of Tours, in the time of pope Victor II. (a.1055.), and also at Rome, under Nicholas II. (a. 1059.), where Lanfranc was present, and in the great ecclesiastical warfare took an active part, received new confirmation. The dispute between Lanfrane and Be- rengar, which was once regarded as a brilliant point in the life of the former, forms now, since the discovery and dis- cussion by Lessing, of Berengar’s answer to the treatise of Lanfranc, “De corpore et sanguine Domini,” rather a dark spot. Even if we feel disposed to consider Lanfrane as per- fectly sincere in his defence of the Church’s faith ; if we for- give him for accusing at Rome, and persecuting, through a succession of years, one holding opinions differing from his own, who approached him cordially and respectfully, until the sagacious Gregory VII. put a stop to their hostilities; if we ascribe no malice to him, he, nevertheless, manifests in his writing a passionate precipitancy, that in so exalted a man is. painful to us, and in such important questions must appear both culpable and contemptible. Lanfrane’s first journey to Rome, when Berengar was only orally defending the doctrine of Johannes Scotus, took place in the year 1049; his work, still extant, against that of Berengar, after the latter’s with- 1 W. Malm. de Pont. p.148; D’Achery, ud sup, 150 WILLIAM THE FIRST. drawn recantation, was not composed till twenty years later, as he did not send it to pope Alexander till the year 1070’. During his stay at Rome in the year 1059, Lanfranc obtained for his prince the dispensation for the canonical obstacle to his marriage, through the promised erection of a monastery of monks and one of nuns. The abbatial mitre of the first of these richly endowed houses, erected at Caen, was the reward for the successful negotiation of the able theologian, the jurist, the ascetic, and man of the world, who, only after apparent resistance, allowed it to be forced upon him by the pious violence of his grateful sovereign®. From this time Lanfranc appears as William’s most intimate and confidential counsellor in ecclesiastical affairs?, as William fitz Osbern was in secular concerns. On the death of the archbishop of Rouen, Mau- rile, in September 1067, the vacant see was, it is said, offered to the abbot of Caen, and by him refused. He even sent to Rome, to the new pope, to request the pall for Jobn, bishop of Avranches. The offer of king William and his nobles of the primacy of England, supported by queen Matilda and prince Robert, he, filled with holy indignation and pious affliction, at first rejected; whereupon the legates, bishop Ermenfrid and cardinal Hubert, passed over to Normandy ! See G. E. Lessing, Berengarius Turonensis, 1770, among his works, Th. xiii. This treatise of Berengar “ De Sacra Cena, adversus Lanfran- cum, liber posterior,” has been reprinted by A. F. and F. Th. Vischer, Berlin, 1834. 8vo. The account in the Chronicon Beccense, under 1051, of Lanfranc’s treatise, appears to refer not to its date, but to the beginning of the dispute with Berengar.— Highly worthy of notice is the considera- tion in which the heretic Berengarius was held by his contemporaries in the latter years of his life. See W. Malm. De Gestis, pp. 462-466., and the verses there by bishop Hildebert. 2 Robert de Monte, Access. a 1063., with whom the Vita Lanfranci, c. 5, W. Gemmet. vi. c. 9, and, from the tone of his narrative, also Guil. Pictav. p- 194 (Maseres, p. 97). The date of 1066 assigned by Orderic (p. 494) as that of Lanfranc’s investiture with the abbatial dignity, we must set down among that writer’s mistakes. 8 Guil. Pictav. 194 B., whose words are in part to be found also in Lanfrane’s biographer, v. ¢. 7, WILLIAM THE FIRST. 151 and assembled a synod of the bishops and abbots of that duchy, in which Lanfranc, by the authority of the pope, was invited to accept the proffered dignity. In vain he alleged his infirm powers, the lowliness of his manners, his igno- rance of the speech of the barbarous nation. The approval of such reasons was not to be expected, as it would have implied too severe a reproach to other foreigners in the English church. Lanfranc was, therefore, compelled to undertake an office, which—unless we regard him as an ambitious hypocrite— with a sincere inclination for solitude and tranquillity, must have been distasteful to him, or which, through impending misunderstandings with his former superiors, the bishop of , Bayeux and other prelates, appeared not free from danger. — Even after his acceptance of the dignity, he addressed him- self to the pope, whom he implored by the Supreme Being, by his soul, by the services rendered to him, to his predeces- sors, to his relations and messengers, when travelling in Nor- mandy, to free him from the bonds laid on him, and restore him to the quiet of monastic life!. If Lanfranc mistook his 1 Lanfranci Epist. 1. [More steadfast and, we suspect, more sincere was the refusal of Lanfranc’s disciple, the venerable and celebrated monk Guitmond, who, when solicited by William to reside in England and await a favourable opportunity for promotion, alleged in excuse his infirmities mental and bodily, his inability to preside over those of whose barbarous tongue he was ignorant, and whose fathers and relatives had been either slain by William, or expatriated, or imprisoned, or reduced to servitude. He reminds the king that none of his forefathers had bornea royal diadem, and that he himself had not attained to that dignity by hereditary right ; that Eadgar Aitheling and others were the nearer heirs to the crown. He prays him to examine the Scriptures, and see whether it be sanctioned by the law that a pastor chosen by its enemies be placed over the Lord’s flock by violence; that an ecclesiastical election should be first truly made by the people, and afterwards solemnly confirmed by the fathers [of the Church]. On his return to Normandy the king offered him the arch- bishopric of Rouen, but which, in consequence of the hostility his frank- ness had raised against him, he declined, and proceeded to Rome, where he was made a cardinal, and raised to the metropolitan see of Aversa. Ord. Vital. pp. 524, sqq. (Maseres, pp. 264, sq.)—T.] 152 WILLIAM THE FIRST. own character, his friends judged of it more correctly. He effected much ; the great name, the exalted and restless zeal of this spiritual hero, have shed a mitigating, if not a recon- ciling light on the Conquest in the eyes of contemporaries, among whom, not a voice, not even an Anglo-Saxon one, was heard against him; and posterity must not condemn, but must strive to understand, that which inspired our forefathers with veneration. On the day of the Assumption (Aug. 15th) the king solemnly invested Lanfrane with the highest dignity of his kingdom. On St. John’s day (Aug. 29th) he was consecrated by two bishops!, who had been canonically ordained by pope Nicholas, Giso of Wells and Walter of Hereford, both natives of Lorraine. Immediately afterwards, Thomas was by Lan- franc consecrated archbishop of York. But Lanfranc, in con- sequence of the pretensions of archbishop Thomas, soon had occasion both to maintain the right of his Church to the primacy of all England?, and to humiliate that prelate, by espousing against him the cause of bishop Wulfstan of Wor- cester® (the possessions of whose see had been appropriated by the late archbishop Ealdred, and retained by his successor, Thomas); as well as by a well-conducted contest with the king’s uterine brother, Odo, bishop of Bayeux and earl of Kent, and other Norman nobles, for the restoration to the church of Canterbury of its secular privileges, which had been greatly abridged by those individuals: a contest rendered the more difficult by the loss of the charters of that cathedral, which had perished in a recent conflagration‘. Lanfrane’s first acts betoken at once the new spirit of disci- 1 Sax. Chron., where eight suffragan bishops are mentioned. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1070. 2 Lanfranci Epist. ili. The unfavourable judgments on this affair are from the later work of ‘Thomas Stubbs, col. 1707. Bromton, p. 976. 3 Wil. Malm. Vita B. Wulfstani lib. ii. c. 1. in Anglia Sacra, t. ii. 4 Kadmer, pp. 7-11. Selden in Spicel. pp. 197-199. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 153 pline and of subjection to Rome, by which the Church was thenceforward to be governed. The see of Rochester, which, by the death of its possessor, had fallen vacant immediately after the arrival of the Normans, and in the storms of the period was greatly decayed, was bestowed on Arnost, from that house of rigid discipline, the abbey of Bee; and, on his sudden death, on a monk named Gundulf!, a man deeply skilled both in law and divinity. He would not allow the aged bishop of Salisbury, Heriman, to retire into an inactive monastic life, which he so ardently desired; nor, without the command of the pope, notwithstanding the sanction of the legates, would he venture to ratify the deposition of Peter, a Norman, from the see of Lichfield, and the appointment of another in his stead; although that prelate, by his notoriously loose morals, and the circumstance of his openly having a wife and children, had brought great scandal on the Church. The pope approved of the archbishop’s conduct, and both bishops continued in their sees till their death?. In the number of excellent men whom Lanfranc appointed to English prelacies, must be reckoned also Robert, a native of Lorraine, whom he raised to the see of Hereford, become vacant by the death of bishop Walter, who had fallen a sacri- fice to his unconquerable lust?. Robert has claims to our respect as a man of learning, and a skilful mathematician and 1 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1070. W. Malm. de Pont. lib. i. 2 Lanfranci Epist. ii, W. Malm. lib. i, p.249. Heriman remained in his see until his death in 1077. 3 W. Malm. de Pont. Jib. iv. “Erat in villa muliercula, quam, nescio quo infortunio, ex occursu visam, multo arsit tempore. Ignorabat illa flammas pontificis ; et si sciret, contemneret. Interea szepe cogitans pon- tifex quod nihil est miserius quam senex amans, luctabatur, pro etatis et gradus reverentia, morbum depellere. Probeque jam convaluerat, et victus furor terga dederat, cum ex occasione, quam diaboli fraus administravit, intra cubiculum illam accersiit. Subjecerat causam ut cubiculariis vestes incideret. Dicebatur enim officii perita. Ila ingressa, et operi propter quod venerat intenta, clientes secretorum conscii, agmine facto discedunt. Tum, ne multis morer, episcopo post obsceena dicta vim inferre paranti, 154 WILLIAM THE FIRST. astronomer, also as the abridger and introducer into England of the great chronicle of Marianus Scotus; but, perhaps, above all, for his friendship towards the Anglo-Saxon bishop Wulfstan of Worcester, which ended only with the death of that venerable prelate. Osmond also, the successor of Heri- man in the see of Salisbury, must, with several others, be numbered among these distinguished dignitaries. Against those who appeared unworthy of the confidence placed in them, Lanfranc was not backward in launching the severest reprehension!, Yet not unfrequently do we meet with ap- pointments of highly unworthy persons to abbeys; but such nominations were usually the act of the king, who made a sale of those dignities. The arrival of Lanfranc in England, and his elevation to a post which brought him into such close connection with the king, appear the more important through the almost simul- taneous loss of the most faithful and most sagacious coun- sellor which that prince had ever possessed, his seneschal, William fitz Osbern, a man, whose influential character, and prominence in all the events connected with the conquest of England, raised him far above all the other instruments of William. A relationship to the ducal house—Herfast, his grandfather was a brother of count Richard the First’s second wife,—the office enjoyed by his father, who had been sene- schal of Normandy?; vast riches, to which the founding of a monastery at Lyre, where his wife Adeliza lies buried, and femina forcipibus, quas tenebat, inguina suffodit. Rumor criminis et ultionis totam pervagatus Angliam regis quoque aures attigit.”—T. Malmesbury, 1. c. erroneously assigns Walter’s death to the fifth year of king William. In 1075 Walter assisted at the synod of London, and Robert is first mentioned in1079. Knyghton (col. 2347) calls him William; misled by which error, Thierry (ii. p. 135) ascribes Walter’s misdeed to one of the newly arrived Normans. But Walter was the Lotharingian chaplain of queen Eadgyth, wife of the Confessor, and made bishop of Hereford in 1060. See Flor. Wigorn. h. a. 1 See his letter to Robert, bishop of Chester, Epist. xxix. 2 W, Gemmet. vii. c. 2., viii. c. 15. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 155 another at Cormely, where he himself is interred, bear witness ; his near connection with the Anglo-Saxon royal race; pro- bably an earlier residence in England, his brother, the chap- lain Osbern, having also resided at the Saxon court; intimate connections with other neighbouring princes :—all these cir- cumstances combined tended to form of the talented youth a judicious and influential man, who more calmly than his prince could conduct and execute the ambitious schemes of the latter’. His youthful energies had been proved in war- fare: he had mainly contributed to the capture of Domfront, and afterwards held out the newly erected castle of Breteuil against the king of France, and thence acquired his designa- tion of “de Breteuil?.” To his just discrimination the duke was indebted for the acquisition of the exiled Lanfranc, and thereby the friendship of the papal chair, and that alliance, in consequence of which the head of christendom leagued himself with the potentate of Rouen against the Anglo- Saxons, as he had already done with the Normans of Aversa and Capua against the Greeks and Saracens. William fitz Osbern was William’s first confident in his warlike designs after the death of king Eadward, and it was he who disposed the Norman barons, against their inclination, to give a favourable ear to them. To his presence of mind the salu- tary words are ascribed, when the duke had shown himself over-hasty, while, at the same time, he held him aloof from the opposite fault of delay. The most important and difficult posts were intrusted to him: the conquest of the Isle of Wight, protected by rocks and fortresses, was his work. He was invested with the earldom of Hereford, and afterwards 1 He is possibly first named in a charter of the year 1024, in the Monast. Anglic. v. p.1108. “ Willerinus fi]. Osberni.”’ William of Poitiers under the year 1054, calls him and Roger of Montgomery, “ambo juvenes ac strenui.” [The former mention can hardly refer to our William fitz Osbern, who is denominated juvenis thirty years later.—T.]. 3 W. Gemmet. vii. c. 25. 156 WILLIAM THE FIRST. with the government of the north of England, which, during that crisis, might easily have been made instrumental to the establishment of an independent principality. His great liberality to the military, whereby he preserved the people from pillage, and, at the same time, rendered them well-dis- posed towards him, had gained him such universal esteem, that the king, although mistrustful and irritated against him, yet durst not venture to counteract him; and his laws, al- though at variance with those of the rest of England, were regarded as valid after the lapse of a century. From York the king soon removed him, and appointed him, conjointly with queen Matilda, to the government of Normandy. We cannot question his fidelity, nor even harbour the slightest suspicion of it, in consequence of the acts of his relations after his death; although we cannot but be sensible that he was actuated by the most dangerous ambition, which brought his life to an untimely end. Baldwin VI., count of Flanders, the brother of queen Matilda, had nominated William fitz Osbern and the king of France, Philip I. as guardians of his sons, Arnulf and Baldwin, whereby the former was seduced to form the design of marrying Richilde, the widow of the count. Abandoning himself to this scheme, he with a number of knights attached himself to the king of France, and took an active part in the war, in which the young count Arnulf was engaged, against his paternal uncle Robert, surnamed the Frisian, who was supported by the king of Germany, Henry IV., and fell in an ambush laid by Robert, either shortly be- fore or in the battle of Cassel (1071. 20th Feb.), which made count Robert master of Flanders. The fall of the first of their barons, whose brilliant valour, whose bounty, and lively humour had won for him the affection of all, incensed his countrymen to the utmost, so that it required all the energy of the king to prevent the outbreak of a war with Flanders, which at that moment might have been perilous to him. William fitz Osbern’s rich inheritance was, according to the WILLIAM THE FIRST. 157 usage at that time, divided. His eldest son, named also William, had his father’s fief in Normandy, Breteuil in Pacy, with other possessions there and privileges; the younger son, Roger, succeeded to the earldom of Hereford, and all that his father had acquired in England!. Although the conquest of England was completed before the death of William fitz Osbern, yet there was not wanting a considerable number of unsubdued and valiant hearts that had in appearance only yielded to superior force, for the purpose of awaiting a favourable moment for the salvation of the Anglo-Saxon name. Many of these had assembled in the Isle of Ely, in the neighbourhood of which, in conse- quence of the inclination of the land, many rivers collect themselves towards the bay called the Wash, whence proceed inundations and mists which, from want of dikes, transform the land there into vast swamps. In this neighbourhood, accessible to the sea by its waters, and through the nature of the ground hardly approachable to the Norman cavalry, the patriots found a central point in the celebrated and valiant 1 W. Gemmet. lib. vii. c.15. Ord. Vital. pp. 526 sg. (Maseres, pp. 270, 271). W. Malm. pp. 431, 432. Rom. de Rou, ii. pp. 122-126. Thierry’s account of a conspiracy directed by the three prelates, Frederic abbot of St. Alban’s, Wulfstan bishop of Worcester, and Walter bishop of Hereford, of an insurrection of the Londoners, and the conse- quent proclamation of the laws of king Hadward at Berkhampstead in the year 1071, appears to me quite groundless. That the only authority for such important matter should be the “ Vite Abbatum S. Albani’ must, of itself, render the story very suspicious. I see in it only a misunderstood repetition of what has been related under the year 1066, when, in the transactions at Berkhampstead, the presence of Wulfstan (who in 1070 was protected by the Normans in the rights of his see against the arch- bishop of York) is expressly mentioned by Florence, and where the neigh- bouring abbot of St. Alban’s would hardly have failed to be preseut. Walter, a Lorrainer, belonged, moreover, to the favoured clergy, and had just assisted at the consecration of Lanfranc; he was also at Berkhamp- stead in 1066, as we learn from Rad. de Diceto, Abbrev. Chron. h. a. What is related in the Chroniclé of St. Alban’s about the abbot Frederic is matter for much doubt, as be held his abbey tll the year 1077. 2 About Hereward see Hallam Mid. Ages, ii. p. 304 note. 158 WILLIAM THE FIRST. Hereward. This chieftain was the son of Leofric, lord of Brunne in Lincolnshire, of an ancient race', and of Kadgifu, a descendant of Oslac, the great earl of Northumberland in the time of king Eadgar. His father was unequal to the task of restraining the turbulent disposition of Hereward, and was himself the author of his banishment by king Ead- ward. The chivalrous youth then betook himself to those parts where he hoped to find the stoutest adversaries in the battle-field, Northumberland, Cornwall, Ireland. Thence he proceeded to Flanders, and within a short space aequired the character of a most fortunate and valiant warrior. The fame of his heroic deeds had already reached England, and had there become the theme of song?; and the hand of a noble Flemish lady, named Turfride, was reconciling him to a life of domestic tranquillity, when the news reached him of his father’s death, and that his inheritance had been given by the king to a Norman, and that his mother had been exposed to insult and injury. On receipt of these tidings, Hereward, accompanied by his wife, hastened back to England, and in- stantly expelled the foreign intruder from his paternal estates. In the abbey of Peterborough he received, according to Anglo-Saxon usage, which required ecclesiastical consecration and ceremonies, the dignity of knight, at the hands of the abbot Brand, his paternal uncle. Placed at the head of the exiles and-fugitives there assembled, he gloriously achieved, 1 Morkar, lord of Brunne, is mentioned in 870. (Ingulf, p. 492 edit. 1596, and Chron. Petroburg.) It is one of Ingulf’s gross blunders (p. 511), when he speaks of Radinus (Radulf) the great earl of Hereford, who mar- ried king Eadward’s sister, Goda. Goda, as is well known, was the mother of Radulf. Ingulf was probably thinking of Leofric III., earl of Hereford and Chester, the husband of Godive (Godgifu) the daughter of a prefect of Lincoln. I must also consider it a mistake when Leofric earl of Mercia, is given as the father of Hereward (Ellis, Introd. ii. p. 146); for then Hereward must be taken for a younger brother of Ailfgar, and uncle of Kadwine and Morkere. 2 «Cum ejus gesta fortia etiam Angliam ingressa canerentur.” Ingulph. p. 67 (p.511 ©. ed. 1596). WILLIAM THE FIRST. 159 to the detriment of the Normans, numberless bold adven- tures, which failed not to excite the admiration of his adver- saries. But if the Normans were unable to extirpate the band of Hereward, the latter were too few to inflict any very serious injury on their adversaries. The Danes under Asbiérn had at this time betaken themselves to Ely, which they quitted after a short stay. Of this opportunity—why not earlier we are not informed—the earls Eadwine and Morkere, who for two years had been living amid the pomp of the royal court, although really in a state of durance, availed themselves to flee from that and greater evils to be apprehended. Not finding the general disposition favourable to a revolt, Morkere fled to Ely, where Hereward had constructed a fort of wood, which served as a place of refuge and a gathering spot for his adherents. Morkere found here the bishop of Durham, /Kgelwine, who had returned from Scotland, probably also Frederic, abbot of St. Alban’s!, also Siward Barn and others, who had either not sworn fealty to the conqueror or, in con- sequence of his breach of faith, considered themselves released from their oath?. They prepared themselves to pass the winter here, protected by the inaccessibility of the place, when the king, perceiving the danger with which the trans- 1 Hist. Abb. S. Albani. Thom. Eliens. Hist. in Anglia Sacra, i. p. 609, where, under the name of Egfridus, abbot Frederic is, no doubt, meant. In the same place it is also related, that Willelmus, Herefordensis episco- pus, suggested to the king measures against Ely, where the editors emend William into Walter, whereby the foregoing statement relative to this bishop would receive a new refutation. I should, however, be more in- clined to change episcopi into comitis, as Walter was not among the inti- mate friends of the king, while William fitz Osbern is known also as the adversary of the Anglo-Saxon monasteries. 2 Thierry infers the presence of Stigand from Thomas of Ely. But it is hardly credible that the Anglo-Saxons would not have mentioned the circumstance with praise, and that the Normans would not have reckoned it among his transgressions. Some ground for the supposition is, indeed, afforded by the Annales Wintonienses, where it is said that Stigand was not imprisoned till the year 1072. But this is too late to be connected with Morkere’s capture. ee ete 160 WILLIAM THE FIRST. formation of an asylum of a few outlaws into a rendezvous of the old nationality threatened him, spared neither promises, nor threats, nor preparations to dissolve the Anglo-Saxon confederacy. On the east of the isle he posted his “ butse- carls,” for the purpose of obstructing all egress on that side. On the west he caused a large causeway to be thrown up, two miles in length, to enable him to send his cavalry against the insurgents. Yielding to the sapient counsel of one of his commanders, Yvo Taillebois, from Anjou, lord of Holand, William caused a sorceress to cast her spells over the be- siegers; but who was burnt by the bold Hereward and his men, together with the wooden tower in which she had been drawn near to the fort. Many a daring exploit was achieved by the brave adventurer, which afforded delight even to the Normans themselves. Among others, it is related how Yvo Taillebois with a numerous army, with which he boastingly swore he would drive the banditti from their forests and lurking places, entered their retreat on one side, while Thor- old, the Norman successor of Brand, with several persons of note, remained behind, all of whom Hereward, issuing forth and coming round from the other side, captured without difficulty, and did not release them until he had received a ransom of three thousand marks weight of silver’. But the weakness of the Anglo-Saxons soon again appeared manifest. Morkere was seduced by the fair promises of the king to re- turn to him. Bishop A¢gelwine and the rest, with the ex- ception of Hereward and his band, surrendered to William 2, who, in violation of his word, ordered them to be treated as rebels, and, only sparing their lives, to be cast into prison, or ; sent home, either blinded or with the loss of hands and feet. Bishop Agelwine was imprisoned at Abingdon, where he died ! Petri Blesensis Cont. ad Ingulphi Hist. p. 125. ? Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a.1071. It is singular that Orderic Vita- lis, p. 521 (Maseres, p. 248), represents Morkere as less culpable, and the king as more treacherous than the above Anglo-Saxon authorities. WILLIAM ‘THE FIRST. 161 the following winter. Morkere was committed to the custody of Roger of Beaumont, in whose castle in Normandy! he passed a miserable life in chains. Eadwine, bitterly exasper- ated by this new treachery, resolved on avenging his brother and his people. He gathered a band of faithful Anglo- Saxons and leagued himself with Scots and Welsh. Exalted birth, wealth derived from his forefathers, great personal beauty, liberality, kindness of disposition—all these combined to render Eadwine, more than any other Anglo-Saxon, be- loved by the Normans, who had been in the habit of regard- ing him as one of themselves: and William, since his corona- tion, had no other adversary to fear than this. Of this care he was relieved by treachery. Eadwine, after having for six months striven to find partisans, to incite, unite, and order them, was betrayed by three brothers among his “ huscarls” to the Normans, who surprised him with twenty of his war- riors on their way to Scotland, not far from the sea, when being arrested in their progress by the swell of a rivulet at flood-tide, they were all massacred?. The king confiscated the vast estates of both earls, yet did not venture to applaud the murder, but feigned to share in the general sympathy for the fate of these unfortunate victims, by banishing the disap- pointed, rapacious assassins. Of A‘lfgar’s race there still re- mained a daughter, whom the king, according to the feudal law, bestowed, as his ward, on Yvo Taillebois, the most detested of the foreigners, together with the family posses- sions of that race in Holand. Hereward strove for some time to maintain himself in his isolated warfare. Finding help and friends in all the country people, he frequently succeeded in deceiving the Normans 1 At Beaumont-le-Roger, dep. Lower Seine. 2 It is a mistake that Eadwine was slain in the Isle of Ely (Palgrave, Engl. Comm. ii. p. cexcii.), or, as Thierry says, that he sojourned there. We must also notice another of his errors, viz. that he places this event in the year 1072, and in the same year makes the Danes leave England, who took their departure in 1070. M 162 WILLIAM THE FIRST. and causing them sensible loss. When Gilbert of Clare and William of Warenne, the king’s son-in-law, had made them- selves masters of Ely, Hereward fled to the fens of Lincoln- shire. Fishermen conveyed him and his adherents in their boats, concealed under heaps of straw, into a fort there occu- pied by the Normans. The well-known fishermen were re- ceived with welcome by the garrison, and a repast was pre- pared of their capture. But scarcely had the men of the fort sat down to their meal, when Hereward and _ his followers started up from the straw, slew their unarmed adversaries, and mounted their ready-saddled horses!. Not until he felt convinced that all his efforts were vain, did Hereward, to- gether with Eadric the Forester and other right-minded, valiant men, demand and obtain an honourable capitulation from the Conqueror. lfthryth, a rich Anglo-Saxon lady, captivated by his fame, offered him her hand, and allured him to the enjoyment of a more tranquil life®. But her love does not seem to have had the influence it merited over this rest- less man: he fled again®, but after a while returned to his country, which after a lapse of many years, received his bones in her maternal lap at Crowland+. His memory appears to have been soon effaced in England, and has been preserved chiefly in the chronicles of some monasteries in the neighbour- hood of Ely>. The subjugation of these desultory enemies William left to 1 Geoffroy Gaimar, in Michel, Chroniques Anglo-Normandes, t. i. Rouen, 1836. 2 Geof. Gaimar. [History is silent as to the fate of his first wife.—T.] 3 Herewardum die que aufugit—Terram S. Guthlaci....... Vichel abbatem commendasse eam ad firmam Herewardo....sed abbas resaisivit eam antequam Herewardus de patria fugeret, eo quod conventionem non tenuisset. Clamores de Chetsteven in Domesday, i. fol. 376 °., 377. 4 Ingulph. p.511 >. edit.1596. According to Gaimar, he was, during an armistice or safe-conduct granted by the king, attacked while at dinner by some Normans and slain. 5 Crowland, Peterborough, and Ely. An old narrative, “De Gestis Herewardi,” is mentioned by Cooper on the Public Records, ii. p. 165. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 163 his knights and to time, while he himself strove to destroy the hotbed of every important conspiracy, the asylum of all his foes. In the following year (1072), therefore, he marched with a strong army, composed chiefly of cavalry, to Scotland’, to the coast of which he had also despatched a fleet. He met with no considerable resistance, and when he had ad- vanced, across the Forth, as far as Abernethy on the Tay, he was met by king Malcolm Canmore with offers of submis- sion and hostages for his fidelity, among which was his own son2. On his return William passed through Durham, where he found the successor, whom he and Lanfranc had appointed to bishop AXgelwine, named Walchere, a man highly esteemed for his upright life and his knowledge, of a family of consider- ation, in Lorraine, though he had previously lived at Liege? ; and for which reason was, perhaps, nominated to a see but little suited to a Norman. At Durham the king caused a new castle to be constructed, and, in the place of Gospatric, whom he banished, under the pretext, that, three years be- fore, he had secretly instigated the murder of Robert Cumin, and taken an active part in the insurrection at York against the Normans, bestowed the earldom on Waltheof, the son of Siward, who had recently submitted to his authority. Gos- patric fled to king Malcolm, who at first did not receive him ; but, after he had passed some time in Flanders, bestowed on him Dunbar, with its demesne lands in Lothian. His pro- perty in England does not appear to have been all confiscated, as at a later period we find much of it as fiefs held either by himself or his sons, Dolfin and Gospatric, though not in every case immediately of the king. His other son, Waltheof ' He was accompanied by Eadric the Forester. Flor. Wigorn. h.a. 2 Among the homages rendered by the Scottish kings, this one is par- ticularly a subject of difference; though the chronicles, although not ex- plicit as to the extent of the subjection, yet leave no doubt with regard to the fact itself and the other circumstances. See Lingard, ii. c.1. Palgrave Commonw. ii. pp. 331 sg. Ann. Ulton. a.1072; Allen, Vindic. p. 47. 3 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. a. 1071. M2 164 WILLIAM THE FIRST. (Gallev) was a monk at Crowland, of which abbey he became abbot !. The more William’s attention was engaged on his kingdom, the more his adversaries sought occasion to disturb him in his hereditary states, and in his relations with France. Eadgar fEtheling had been invited by the French king, Philip I. to come to France, and take up his abode in the castle of Mont- reuil, from which he could easily make incessant war on the Normans. Previously Eadgar, in the hope of getting support at the court of his sister, had visited Scotland; but Malcolm, who had probably sent him an invitation, when his oath taken at Abernethy no longer allowed him to afford active aid to his brother-in-law, could only give him a friendly reception, and, with costly habits and other effects, shortly after (8th July) dismiss him. While in France the arrival of the legitimate claimant of the Anglo-Saxon crown was expected, Le Maine had for a year or more been in a state of insurrection against William, ex- cited chiefly by Fulk, count of Anjou, who could not forget the ancient claims of his house to that province. William was therefore under the necessity of employing his earliest leisure in subjugating the insolent Manceaux, and availed himself of this revolt to employ the warlike Anglo-Saxons, who, obeying the commands of their common oppressor, ma- nifested no repugnance mercilessly to ravage the country of those with whom similar relations, similar hate, similar misery closely united them. To the powerful army led by the king himself the several fortresses soon surrendered. Hubert de- livered up his towns of Fresnay and Beaumont?; Sille also 1 Simeon, a, 1072. Ellis, Introd. ii. pp. 131, 331, andi. pp. 405, 428, Sir Walter Scott (History of Scotland) commits a palpable error in desig- nating this Anglo-Saxon as Cospatric, or Comes Patricius, one of the Norman barons who fled to Malcolm. I suspect that the nationality of other Normans, under William the Conqueror, is not much better founded. 2 This Hubert was son-in-law of William, count of Nivernais. See “ more concerning him under a. 1087., where he is styled viscount.—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 165 was yielded up by its governor. The citizens of Le Mans had established among themselves one of the first of those unions called communes, which were half guilds, half armed fraterni- ties, out of which has proceeded the development of free civic constitutions in the greater part of Europe. With ardent enthusiasm and the magnanimous sacrifice of much property, they had fortified their city, and ravaged the pos- sessions of such nobles as were favourably disposed towards the Normans; yet, on the appearance of the conqueror before their gates, they presented him with the keys of the place, met with a gracious reception, and thus preserved their former rights and privileges'. The subjection of the other Manceaux followed shortly after; yet, nevertheless, William returned to Normandy without having revenged himself on his great foe, the count of Anjou. But an opportunity is rarely wanting to him who seeks for it. A powerful and noble Angevin, John of la Fleche, who had married Paula, a daughter of Hugh, count of Le Maine2, revolted against count Fulk, and applied to William for support, which the latter instantly sent him, consisting of some of his bravest warriors. Fulk, aided by Hoel count of Brittany, besieged the castle of his vassal. William, thinking himself justified by the danger of his friends, moved at the head of an army, which fame has augmented to the incredible number of sixty thousand cavalry, towards the besiegers, who, however, did not flee, but crossing the Loire and burning their vessels, boldly awaited the conflict. The providential presence of a eardinal and some monks, as well as the aversion of the young count William of Evreux, Roger of Montgomery and other Normans to a war, which to them appeared unjust, led to a peace at Blancaland (La Bruere), by which William ac- knowledged Fulk’s suzerainty over Le Maine, and the latter in- ! Ord. Vital. p. 532 (Maseres, p. 290); Sax. Chron. a.1073, Acta Pon- tific Cenoman. lib. i. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 532 Maseres, p. 292). 166 WILLIAM THE FIRST. vested William’s eldest son, Robert, after having taken the customary oaths, with that province, and all the possessions and right that had been assured to him by count Heribert’. While affairs in France were so arranged as to give pro- mise of a lasting peace, William was anew favoured by fortune in England. Eadgar Atheling had with his treasures been wrecked on the coast of France. With his followers, partly wretchedly mounted and partly on foot, he again appeared at the Scottish court, where he found a favourable reception from his royal brother-in-law and sister, who again loaded him with presents, in compensation for the treasures he had lost. Maleolm, however, it would seem, now lost all hopes of a cause, for the success of which the character of the etheling was aa ill adapted as his fortune was unpropitious ; he there- fore persuaded him to make a voluntary submission to Wil- liam, and by that act give peace and quiet to himself, his friends, and his country. Eadgar, who felt neither energy nor hope in himself, had no alternative but compliance, as soon as foreign aid was withdrawn from him. He, therefore, pro- ceeded to the English border, and at Durham was received by the sheriff of Yorkshire, Hugh the son of Baldrie?, who, no doubt to secure him no less against his own wavering than the insolence of the Normans, accompanied him the whole way to Rouen, where he was received by William with all the outward tokens of respect due to his high birth, and was maintained for several years at the court there, receiving a daily allowance of a pound of silver. A life passed in inac- tivity, and the most ordinary knightly recreations was highly prejudicial to him, and contributed, if not to render him con- temptible, to make him sooner forgotten than if his early death had excited an unsatisfied but affectionate longing after 1 See pp. 51, 52. 2 The name occurs on another occasion in Simeon, col. 206. See also Ellis, Introd. i. p. 436. 3 W. Malm. p. 424. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 167 him, and, accompanied by a fair image, hallowed his name in the memory of the nation. All these successes must have rendered the name of Wil- liam the Bastard one of the most exalted and feared in Eu- rope. To what degree he influenced the relations of the neighbouring states, of France, Flanders, Germany, is diffi- cult to determine; although we know that at times he did - influence them. Of his relations to the last mentioned country, it may be adduced, that he was most probably in an under- standing with Anno, archbishop of Cologne, in consequence of which the emperor Henry IV., at that time at Ratisbon, was astounded by the report that the king of England had raised a large army for the purpose of proceeding to Aix-la-Cha- pelle’. Events, however, took place, which rendered the execution of such plans, even if they were ever entertained, impracticable. In seven years the conquest of England was completed, and William saw his boldest wishes attained in the most brilliant manner. He was now to experience the usual lot of conquerors, the hostility of his brothers in arms and their mutual dissensions. At his court no knight considered him- self more entitled to an independent position than Roger, son of William fitz Osbern, who had succeeded his father in the earldom of Hereford. In defiance of the prohibition of the king, his feudal lord, he had given his sister Emma in mar- riage to the earl of East Anglia, Ralf of Guader®. At the nuptial festivities, which were held at Ixning in Cambridge- shire, a conspiracy was formed against the king, into which both earls strove to draw earl Waltheof. Taken by surprise or compelled, Waltheof promised to join the confederacy, ac- 1 Lambert Schafnaburg, a. 1074. 2 According to the Saxon Chronicle, a. 1075, Ralf was the son of an Anglo-Saxon of the same name and of a Breton (Bryttisc) mother, and not as Matthew Paris (R. Wendover, ii. 15) renders it a Welsh woman (ex matre Wallensi). His father was probably Radulf the ‘stallere,’ wha had large possessions in Norfolk and Suffolk. T. R, E. 168 WILLIAM THE FIRST. cording to which one of the three was to be raised to the throne, and the two others to be the king’s principal nobles’. But soon calling to mind the fealty he had sworn, Waltheof ‘divulged the plans of the conspirators to archbishop Lanfranc, and by his advice hastened to Normandy, for the purpose of revealing to the king all that had taken place, and imploring his clemency. Lanfranc, too, by written representations, to which he endeavoured to add also verbal persuasions, strove to induce the Norman Roger to remain faithful to the king. When these were found of no avail, the gentler spiritual weapon of excommunication was employed against him?: it was deemed sufficient to hold him in check: with his Norman chivalry, therefore, Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester, opposed him on the Severn, and thus prevented him from forming a junction with his brother-in-law. More rigorous measures were taken against Ralf of Guader. He had encamped near Cambridge, towards which place Odo, bishop of Bayeux, with a numerous army, together with Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances?, had marched to encounter him. Ralf, without risking a battle+, fled with his newly married wife to Norwich, and thence, leaving his consort behind, to Denmark, where he found support from king Svend Estrithson. Cnut, the king’s son, and the jarl Hakon®> proceeded with two hundred ships to England, where, at least on the southern coast, they durst not venture to land; and as in the north, Bishop Walc- 1 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1074. W. Malm. p. 430. Ord. Vital. p. 534 (Maseres, p- 307). 2 Lanfranci Epist. 39-41. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 523, (Maseres, p. 255,) styles him ‘ magister militum.’ 4 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1074. Lanfranci Epist. 34. “ totus exercitus ejus (Radulphi traditoris) in fugam versi fuerunt et nostri cum infinita multi- tudine Francigenarum et Anglorum eos insequebantur.”’ 5 Suhm’s conjecture seems by no means improbable, that this Hakon was the son of Sweyn, the brother of Harold, and grandson of earl God- wine. (Historie af Danmark, iv. 440.) See also “ England under the A. S. Kings,” ii. p. 267. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 169 here, by the direction of the king and Lanfranc!, had taken every precaution against their progress, after having plun- dered the cathedral of York, they betook themselves to Flan- ders?. On Hakon rests the charge that he, like Asbiérn before him, allowed himself to be bribed by William, on ’ which account he also, after his return to Denmark, was banished from the country by king Svend3. The strong city of Norwich was soon forced to surrender, and the Bretons, vassals of Ralf, of whom the garrison chiefly consisted, had their lives spared only under the conditions of renouncing the fiefs they had acquired in England, and of quitting the country within forty days. The mercenaries were compelled to leave at a shorter notice. Bishop Geoffrey, William of Warenne, who with Richard of Bienfait, the son of earl Gilbert, the chief justiciary and representative of the king during the absence of the latter, Robert Malet, and three hundred men at arms with engineers* remained in Norwich. The king himself also now embarked for England, as the measures adopted by Lanfrane had not proved sufficient to reduce Roger to subjection. On his arrival William cited the rebellious vassal before his court. Roger hesitated not to appear, relying on his near relationship to the king, who, however, soon gave him to understand how futile had been his confidence. According to the Norman law, he was de- clared to have forfeited all his honours and possessions, and condemned to perpetual imprisonment. Even then his haughty spirit did not desert him, but served to exasperate the king still more against him. For when William on Easter day had sent him a rich suit of clothes, he ordered a large fire to be kindled and burnt them. He outlived the king, and died in prison and in fetters. Many of the rebels were banished, many hanged, some were blinded®, others underwent mutila- 1! Lanfranci Epist. 25. 2 Sax. Chron. a. 1075, erroneously for 1074. 3 W. Malm. p. 437. 4 -*Balistarii et machinarum artifices.”’ Lanfranci Epist. 35. 5 Dr. Ingram, suo more, thus ludicrously renders the words of the Sax. 170 WILLIAM THE FIRST. tion of their hands and feet. But of none was the fate so deplored, and proved so lasting a reproach to the king as that of earl Waltheof. This individual had thrown himself on the king’s mercy and carried none of his traitorous designs into effect. His wife Judith, the king’s niece, came forth, it is said, as his accuser ; yet whatever her disclosures may have been, the accusation can have been founded only on wishes, words, and plans, as Waltheof had not, like the other conspirators, risen in arms against the king immediately from the nuptial festivity. Even the Norman nobles found no severer punishment for him than close imprisonment and the forfeiture of his posts; a punish- ment certainly too rigorous, being the same as that awarded to Roger of Hereford. But the general sympathy manifested for Waltheof roused the mistrust of the tyrant, who was tor- tured by dread and anxiety, and by which he was at length driven to the resolution, by the murder of the Anglo-Saxon, of bringing to his fancied earthly peace and security the offer- ing of a deed, of which a deadened conscience, savage ven- geance, and blind fear caused him to overlook the conse- quences for his own mind, the reproach of his contemporaries, and the indelible stain on his fame in the judgment of after ages'. In the following year (1075, 31st May) Waltheof was brought from his prison at Winchester, at early dawn, to the spot without the city, where the church of St. Giles was afterwards erected, where his head was struck off while he was in the act of repeating the Lord’s prayer, which indecent Chron. h. a. “ealle ba Bryttas be weron et pam bryd-ealod zt Nordwic, sume hy wurdon ablende, and sume of land adrifene, and sume getawod to scande.” “All the Britons (r. Bretons) were condemned who were at the bride-ale at Norwich. Some were punished with blindness; some were driven from the land; and some were towed to Scandinavia” [!!!]. —L.T. Lappenberg considers the meaning to be expressed by Matt. Paris (R. Wendover, ii. p. 15) in the words: “nonnullos patibulo fecit suspendi.” I rather think to scande getawian means fo treat with ignominy.—T. ' Comp. Ord. Vital. p. 544 (Maseres, p. 345). WILLIAM THE FIRST. 171 hurry on the part of the executioners arose from their appre- hension that the citizens might awake and rush to the rescue of a man held in such high veneration. His body was at first ignominiously cast into a pit and covered with turf, but after the lapse of a fortnight, at the request of Judith and with the king’s permission, it was conveyed to Crowland by the abbot Ulfkytel and honourably interred in the chapter house of that monastery}. Judith continued in possession of the earldoms of Huntingdon and Northampton, until she refused obedience to the king’s mandate, to give her hand to a noble- man named Simon of Senlis, whose high lineage appeared in her estimation no idemnity for a lameness in one of his legs. Enraged at her disobedience, the despot deprived her of the two earldoms, which he bestowed on Simon, who afterwards married Judith’s eldest daughter ®. At this time a measure was adopted, which, although it proceeded from the great council held by Lanfranc at London, yet probably originated with the king himself?; namely the decree for the translation to cities of such bishops as still resided in villages. For the letter of this decree speak the obsolete canons of popes Damasus and Leo, but which, when speaking of villages, could hardly have had in view such places as were now the subject. But it was highly desirable for William to transfer his Norman bishops to cities, where they could be protected by the castles he had caused to be built, and where those few Anglo-Saxon prelates, who had not been displaced, could be more easily watched and held under con- trol. By virtue of this decree, the see of Sherborne was transferred to Sarum, that of Selsey to Chichester, and that of Lichfield to Chester. Sarum—after the founding of the neighbouring city of Salisbury, known as Old Sarum—-was little more than a fortress in a lofty situation, and well en- 1 It was afterwards, by abbot Ingulf, taken thence and buried near the high altar. Ord. Vital. p. 543 (Maseres, p. 343).—T. 2 Ingulph. p. 513%, 3 Wilkins, Concil. i. p. 363. 172 WILLIAM THE FIRST. compassed by walls; citizens it at that time had none!. Chichester had been granted by the king to Roger of Mont- gomery, earl of Arundel and Shrewsbury: the number of houses there had increased, although only nine burghers are recorded there in Domesday; whence it seems to follow that the Anglo-Saxons had been expelled from a city lying so conveniently for the Normans, at no great distance from their home, and their places supplied by the new settlers. Chester, with its Roman walls, which have been partially pre- served to the present day, offered a similar asylum to the Norman bishops. In the same spirit, bishop Remigius also transferred his see from the old town of Dorchester to the well-fortified Lincoln; bishop Herfast his from Elmham to Thetford. In those places which retained their bishops, strong, well-appointed castles had been erected by the Nor- mans, as at Durham, Rochester, Exeter, etc. It may be here worth remarking, that these measures seemed to have their model in the half Normanized reign of the Confessor, when bishop Leofric, a Lorrainer, previous to the expulsion of the Norman favourites, in the year 1050, transferred his see from Crediton to the strong city of Exeter. With Waltheot’s death the king’s good fortune appears to have forsaken him: irascibility, sudden outbreaks of anger, and all those storms which insensibly tend to impair the judg- ment, allowed none of his later undertakings to succeed. Even in punishing the principal culprit in the plot, on account of which Waltheof was put to death, he signally failed. He had followed Ralf of Guader into Brittany, where he besieged him in the town of Dol, which he solemnly swore he would never quit until he had taken it. But Alan Fergant count of Brittany, and a body of troops sent by Philip king of France?, hastening to the relief of the place, the haughty 1 «Est vice civitatis castellum locatum in edito, muro vallatum non exiguo.” Malm. de Pont. lib. ii. Domesday. ? Sax. Chron. a, 1076. Flor, Wigorn. a.1075. W. Malm. p.433. That WILLIAM THE FIRST. 173 monarch found himself compelled to raise the siege, leaving all his tents, baggage, and treasure behind him, to the value, at that time, of fifteen thousand pounds sterling’, and to flee before the approaching enemy. William now found that he must seek for allies, and not scorn to look for such even among the hereditary foes of his house. He accordingly made an offer of peace to the count of Brittany, together with the hand of his daughter Constance, which the count joyfully ac- cepted. This union fulfilled its object of establishing peace- able relations between the Bretons and Normans; and, al- though the amiable, mediating countess died fifteen years afterwards childless, the amicable feeling established by her efforts continued to subsist both between the reigning families and the people. With mortification, yet without fear, William had seen the king of France’s banner in the ranks of his enemies. The intimate connection with the court of Rouen, which the weak- ness and policy of that of Paris had in earlier times so often sought, was broken, and the king of France discovered when too late that the acquisition of a kingdom, far from removing a formidable vassal, only augmented the danger of his liege lord. The wish to allay the natural jealousy of the latter was probably one of the reasons which induced William, a short time before the battle of Senlac, and on a subsequent occa- sion, to declare his eldest son Robert the heir to his paternal dominions, and cause the Norman barons to pay homage to him. For the same reason his claims on Le Maine had been secured not to the father but to the son. William was, Florence’s date is correct appears from the words of the council held at London in 1075; “regis, qui in transmarinis partibus tunc bella gerebat.” Ord. Vital. p. 544. (Maseres, p. 346.) 1 According to Baron Maseres (Monum. p. 347), equivalent to more than nine hundred thousand pounds sterling at the present day.—T. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 544 (Maseres, p. 347). Daru represents these events very differently (T. i. pp. 107-109), but is not borne out by the authorities which he cites. 174 WILLIAM THE FIRST. however, very far from intending to renounce either these or any other rights to this or any other son, but, on the contrary, _ held them all in such restraint, that of the vast possessions ' acquired in England, not a single hide of land was granted to one of them'. For the withholding of Le Maine a reason appears in the early death of Margaret, who had been be- trothed to Robert?. Robert, well practised in arms, valiant and, after the manner of his nation, eloquent, yet vehement and prodigal, had hardly reached the age of majority when he resolved no longer to serve as a puppet in his father’s political show, but to turn the intentional deception into reality. In the year 1074, and therefore probably not un- connected with the pretensions of the young Norman nobles in England, dissensions arose between prince Robert and his father which led to the most lamentable consequences. Robert demanded Normandy and Le Maine of his father, and was ~ answered by long speeches and references to Absalom and his counsellors, Ahithophel and Amasa. But the haughty young prince replied, that he was not come to hear wise speeches, with which he had of old been surfeited to loathing by his pedantic teachers. He demanded the honours that were due to him, as he would no longer serve as a mercenary among mercenaries. The father, however, declared himself wholly averse to renouncing any part of the dominion. be- stowed on him by God and confirmed to him by his earthly vicar. The prince, who, from his preceptors, had learned some rhetorical flowers, replied in a determined tone, that he would then, like the Theban Polynices, go and serve in a foreign land, there to seek the honour which his paternal lares had denied him: may he there meet with another Adrastus, who would one day gladly reward his fidelity?! 4 Ellis, Introd. i. p. 321. 2 Guil. Pictav. p.190. Ord. Vital. p. 545 (Maseres, p. 349). See also p. 55. 3 Ord. Vital. pp. 569. sq. If these classical allusions are really Robert’s own, and not imagined for him by Orderic (who by the way is not in the WILLIAM THE FIRST. 175 An accidental quarrel with his brothers, who appeared to him to be preferred by his father, while he was his mother’s favourite, prompted Robert to such a forgetfulness of his duty that he attempted to make himself master of the eastle of Rouen, an attempt which was, however, frustrated by the vigilance of the castellain, Roger of Ivery, the king’s cup-- bearer!. Robert now fled from Normandy, accompanied by many of the chief of the young nobility, among whom we find the names of Robert of Belesme, son of Roger of Montgomery, earl of Shrewsbury, of Ralf of Conches, standard-bearer of Normandy, of William of Breteuil, son of William fitz Osbern and brother of Roger earl of Hereford, of Roger, son of Ri- chard of Bienfait, of Robert of Molbray, William of Molines, William of Ruperia and others. Hugh of Neufchatel, a brother-in-law of Robert of Belesme, received the fugitives, whose possessions William instantly confiscated,—and opened to them his castles of Neufchatel, Raimalast and Sorel. The king of France, too, declared in favour of Robert, and all those countries that stood in immediate connection with Nor- mandy wavered as to whether they should side with the father or the son. But William induced the greater number to decide in his favour, by concluding a peace with Rotrou, count of Mortagne?, and, with his aid, laying siege to the habit of introducing such) we may suppose they were supplied him by the recollection of his school-boy days. [Robert is thus described by Orderic, p. 545 (Maseres, p. 350): “Erat loquax et prodigus, audax et in armis probissimus, fortis certusque sagittarius, voce clara et libera, lingua diserta, facie obesa, corpore pingui, brevique statura, unde vulgo Gambaron cog- nominatus est, et Brevis-ocrea.”—T. 1 The event Related by Orderic at the end of his fourth book (p.570) belongs to the same period as that which he recounts in his fifth. (Maseres, p. 352.) 2 This Rotron seems to have been a sort of freebooter. Orderic’s words concerning him are: that he was in the habit of plundering the lands be- longing to the church of Chartres, and though frequently reprehended by the bishop and clergy, was at length excommunicated, and as a Divine punishment became deaf, and so continued till his death. William bought his services. Ord. Vital. p. 546 (Maseres, p. 353),—T. 176 WILLIAM THE FIRST. castle of Raimalast'. After Hugh’s violent death?, the castle was surrendered by his son Gulfer, and Robert with his friends fled to his mother’s brother, Robert the Frisian, count of Flanders. Thence he proceeded to Udo, archbishop of Treves?, and from him to other dukes, counts, and castellains in Lorraine, Alamannia, Guienne, and Gascony, everywhere uttering bitter complaints against his father, and seeking aid. He received many valuable presents, which he squandered on parasites, jugglers, and harlots, and was consequently soon reduced to beggary, and compelled to contract debts. At length, the king of France resolved on giving him an asylum. He granted him half the castle of Gerberoi in the Beauvoisis, from which he made frequent irruptions into his father’s ter- ritory, ravaging the country. William besieged him for some weeks in this castle. In a sally of the garrison, the horse on which the king rode was killed under him, and Tokig, the son of Wiggod, who brought him another, was slain by an arrow’. By a knight from the opposite ranks he was assailed, wounded in the arm, and thrown from his horse. An ex- 1 At this time (Aug. 14th) London was so burnt as it had never been before, says the Sax. Chron. a. 1077.—T. 2 The text of Orderic is by no means clear on this point, viz. “ Interea, dum quadam die Aimericus de Vilereio dapiferum regis Francorum, qui ad eum diverterat, deduxisset, et cum tribus militibus ad castrum suum, ubi hostes regis tutabantur, remearet, forte de regia phalange quatuor equites exierunt, eique obviantes aditum jam proxime munitionis suze obturave- runt, ipsumque percutientes illico peremerunt.”’ If for Aimericus we read Aimericum, which, indeed, the context seems to require, the verbs diverterat and dedusisset will naturally and aptly refer to Hugh of Neufchatel, and that is he who was slain on his return from conducting back his guest, Aimeric of Villeroy, the French king’s steward, and not Aimeric, who was slain on his return from conducting the dapifer.—T. 3 Orderic, p. 570 (Maseres, p. 270) errs in making this Udo, who was a son of count Eberhard ex gente Alemannorum (See Gesta Trevirorum, c. 58), a brother of Robert count of Flanders. 4 Sax. Chron. a.1079. According to Orderic, (p. 570,) “ per extera regna ferme quinque annis pervagatus est.” He must, therefore, have fled in 1074 or the beginning of 1075. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 177 elamation of pain and for aid escaped him, which his anta- gonist hearing, leaped from his horse and offered it to his too late recognized father. William raised the siege and returned to Rouen, where Roger earl of Shrewsbury and other Norman barons, whose sons and relations were among the followers of the prince, prevailed on him to make over to his son the long- promised duchy of Normandy. After a short interval, during which Robert was sent on an expedition against Scotland’, the father and son were again at variance, and the latter re- turned to France, where he continued until his father sent to him earl Aubrey with the renewed offer of Normandy 2. A more instructive example can hardly be given for the purpose of showing the condition of the European states than the reign of William the Conqueror. A foreign nation by which he was held in abhorrence; his nobles in rebellion against him; his eldest son for years at the head of a party striving to deprive him of his continental possessions ; hardly a powerful neighbour, who was not ready at every moment to take up arms against him; one war and insurrection after another—such were the adverse circumstances of his reign in England, and yet were they all so unconnected and so void of a common object, that the king had no cause for apprehen- sion, lest he should sink under such general hate and enmity. How fiercely this hatred continued to boil in the breasts of the Anglo-Saxons is manifest from the events which about this time took place in Northumberland. Since the death of Wal- theof the earldom had been bestowed on the bishop of Durham, Walchere, who had, in great measure, committed the adminis- tration of temporal matters to a relation named Gilbert, while at the same time he acted chiefly by the advice of Leobwine, the dean of Durham. Both these functionaries abused the power thus placed in their hands, to the great injury of the natives, whom they mercilessly oppressed, and the principal men among whom they persecuted and not unfrequently caused ! Flor. Wigorn. a. 1079. 2 Ord. Vital. pp. 572.573. N 178 WILLIAM THE FIRST. to be murdered'. It happened that a noble Saxon named Liulf, a relation of the earls Ealdred and Waltheof, had been driven from the possessions which he held in many parts of England, by the injustice and tyranny of the Norman officials, and taken refuge at Durham, where he gained the esteem of the bishop, who frequently had recourse to his advice. Leob- wine, highly exasperated at this connection so prejudicial to his avarice and tyranny, prevailed on Gilbert to effect the murder of Liulf. This deed was soon noised abroad and engendered the bitterest rage in the yet unsubdued minds of the Northumbrians. The bishop was aware of the danger which threatened himself and all the Normans there, espe- cially Leobwine the cause of it. He banished Gilbert and his associates, and with this sentence, at the same time caused it to be declared throughout the country that he was ready to clear himself, according to the ecclesiastical law, of suspicion of complicity in the murder. The ferment in the minds of the people was thus in a certain degree allayed, and it became epossible to grant a safe-conduct to Gilbert, that he might arrange in the county court respecting a pecuniary atonement with the relations of his victim. But the familiarity con- stantly displayed by Walchere towards Leobwine, together with the welcome reception which he gave to Gilbert on his return, again excited the indignation of the people, which soon showed itself in so significant a manner, that Walchere, not daring to preside at a tribunal in the open air, decided on transferring the proceedings to the neighbouring church of Gateshead (1080, May 14th). But Liulf’s relations and other Northumbrians led by Eadulf Rus, of the family of the former earl Uhtred, being convinced of Gilbert’s guilt and of the bishop’s injustice, would listen to no composition, and slew the messengers of the latter, together with all the bishop’s men whom they found standing before the church, with the exception of some Anglo-Saxons. Walchere now prevailed on 1 Hist. Episc. Dunelm. in Anglia Sacra, i. p. 703. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 179 Gilbert to present himself, escorted by the bishop’s body guard, to the multitude; but no sooner had they issued from the gate than the whole party fell under the spears and swords of the assembled people. The enraged multitude now ealled for Leobwine, whom Walchere had vainly endeavoured to prevail on to leave the church. The bishop himself then stept to the threshold to beg for his own life, which he found to be very insecure. Trusting to the sanctity of his office, and wrapping his head in the episcopal mantle, he impru- dently quiited the sacred asylum, and strove to make his way through the multitude; but when only a few paces from the church he was stricken down by the swords of the exas- perated people. Yet even now no one ventured to enter the sacred edifice for the purpose of slaying Leobwine, when on a sudden the roof of the church burst out in flames above his head, caused by torches that had been hurled upon it. The fire soon reached the walls!. Nevertheless, Leobwine there stood firm in the consecrated place, until half burnt and stupi- fied with agony, he rushed without the churchyard’s pale on to the naked swords of his enemies, and fell hewed into a thousand pieces®. The Anglo-Saxons then hastened to Dur- ! The church was probably built of wood with a roof of shingles.—T. 2 In the above narrative I have followed Simeon (aa. 1080, 1072) as the most authentic in all matters relating to Durham. With him W. Malm. - (De Gestis, p. 451, and De Pont. lib. iii.) agrees in the main. Lingard mixes up parts from another account, but without referring to it, which Thierry has adopted, giving, however, his authority, viz. the much later Matthew Paris, who places the murder of Walter[!], bishop of Durham in the year 1075[!!]. [Lingard’s prejudice has in this instance (by no means a solitary one) prompted him to treat the character of an ecclesi- astic of his church with a tenderness not justified by the authorities. He says of him: ‘“‘The bishop was of a mild and easy disposition: his hu- manity revolted from the idea of oppressing the inhabitants himself; but indolence prevented him from seeing or from restraining the oppressions of his officers.” Let us see what Wendover (ii. p.17) says of Walchere: « Walcherus....contra dignitatem pontificalem curis se immiscens secu- laribus, a Willelmo emit Northanhumbrie comitatum; et, vicecomitis agens vices, ad laica se recedit judicia atque ab omnibus provincialibus, nQ 180 WILLIAM THE FIRST. ham, for the purpose of massacreing the Norman garrison there, and rendering themselves masters of the city. But the Normans were beforehand, and behind their recently fortified walls were well able to defend themselves, until relieved, against an unorganized and inexperienced multitude'. The looked-for relief and with it the royal vengeance were soon at hand, and the unhappy province must again atone for the very natural lawless spirit that prevailed among the cruelly injured inhabitants. Another earl, bishop Odo, now pro- ceeded to Durham, not to hold a court of justice, but to lay waste and slay with fire and sword wherever the wretched people could not instantly pay their ransom and the contri- butions laid on them. A friend of Odo, William, abbot of St. Karileph’s, and afterwards of St. Vincent’s, received the vacant see?, a man, who, like the other Norman ecclesiastics, attained to power in the church, not through his spiritual endowments, but through the talents of the courtier, of the attorney, of the soldier. But such men were indispensable to the Conqueror, who saw, even in the monk, only a military tool to prevent the dismembering of England into several tam nobilibus quam servis, insolenter retorsit pecuniam infinitam. Popu- lus tandem, assiduis episcopi ac ministrorum ejus exactionibus ad extre- mam perductus inopiam, indignabatur valde sese ad tam gravem redem- ptionem sine intermissione compelli...... Cumque paulo post ad placita consueta omnes comprovinciales, ut prelocutum fuerat, satis animose ad- venissent, et de diversis injuriis sibi justitiam fieri exegissent, episcopus nimis crudeliter respondit, quod de nulla injuria vel calumnia ipsis justi- tiam exhiberet antequam sibi libras quadringentas monete optim nume- rassent.”? Malmesbury’s words (p. 451) on the same subject are: “ Fusus ibi non paucus numerus Lotharingorum, quod presul ipse nationis ejus erat. Causa ceedis hee fuit: erat episcopus, preter pontificatum, custos totius comitatus; preefeceratque rebus forensibus Gislebertum cognatum, interioribus Leobinum clericum, ambos in rebus commissis strenuos sed effreenes. Tolerabat episcopus eorum immodestiam, gratia strenuitatis inductus; et, quia eos elevarat, cumulum benignitatis augebat. Indulget enim natura sibi, placidoque favore suis arridet ipsa muneribus.”—T. ] 1 Simeon Dunelm. a. 1072. Ejusd. Hist. Dunelm. iii. 24. 2 He established monks at Durham. W. Malm. pp. 451,452. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1080. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 181 states. Thenceforth, however, the earldom continued sepa- rate from the bishopric, and was, in the first instance, com- mitted to Aubrey, a Norman, but of whose name there is no further mention; and afterwards to Robert of Molbray!. King Malcolm did not fail to profit by this state of things on his frontier, but the marching of a Norman army under duke Robert sufficed to quell all further hostilities?. After the last victories gained by William over his enemies in the subjugated land, as well as over his own barons, he found leisure for an expedition to Wales (1081). The Welsh, although embroiled in unceasing contests, on account of the succession of their princely houses, yet, protected by their mountains, made repeated incursions into England, where, in the county of Gloucester, they left behind them lamentable traces of their ravages®, though frequently compelled to re- tire before Hugh, the Norman palatine of Chester, and other Norman knights. William, fully aware that this enemy, too securely protected by nature, was only to be gradually humbled by incursions, had, with this object, not merely invested the earldom of Chester with such great power‘, but granted also, to other knights on the borders of Wales—as to William of Ogy, at Wollerton in Shropshire and Tuderham—the liberty - of wresting, with their good swords, whatever they could from the Welsh’. Robert of Avranches, a valiant, active, and eloquent knight, of old Danish lineage, who had already had experience in those wars®, in the time of king Eadward, sur- named, from his castle, Robert of Rhuddlan (Roelent), first officer of earl Hugh Lupus, had put to flight (ob. cirea 1073), the most considerable prince of Wales, Blethyn ap Confyn, and whose successor, Trahaern ap Caradoc, together with the “1 Sim. Hist. Dunelm. col. 52. 2 Idem, de Gestis Regum Angliz, a. 1080. 3 Domesday ascribes them to Caradoc, probably Trahaern ap Caradoc is meant. 4 See page 137. 5 Monasticon Anglicanum. 6 Ord. Vital. p. 669. 182 WILLIAM THE FIRST. kings, Hoel and Griffith, had fallen into his hands'. At a subsequent period, Trahaern appears as related to Norman knights, whom as allies he repeatedly conducted into South Wales, as far as Dyved and Cardigan (a. 1071), though that prince’s early death interrupted these relations, and king William had the satisfaction of extorting from the kinsmen of the hated Britons both the oath of homage and hostages. Not without a smile can we read in the Welsh writers, that the king of England made at this time a pilgrimage to St. David’s, for the sake of praying at the relics of that holy bishop; but that he was attended by thousands of armed men, and many hundreds fell of both nations?. The English chroniclers scarcely notice this expedition? ; it is, therefore, probable, as earl Hugh and Robert of Rhuddlan vigorously and vigilantly attended to their office in North Wales, that it was confined to the southern Welsh states. 1 Ord. Vital. p. 671. 2 Powell, p.110. 3 The chief authority is the Sax. Chron. a.1081: “Se cyng ledde fyrde into Wealan. and beer gefreode fela hund manna:” The king led an army into Wales, and there freed many hundred men. Neither Florence nor Simeon have adopted this passage. H. Huntingdon merely says: “Rex W. duxit exercitum in Walliam et eam sibi subdidit ;” and from him word for word Radulf. de Diceto, a. 1080. ap. Twysden, p. 487. Like- wise Bromton, a. 1080. Annal. Waverl. a. 1080, adds: “et multi ex utra- que parte perierunt.” Matt. Paris (R. Wendover, ii. 20), a.1079: “ W. duxit in Walliam exercitum copiosum, et eam sibi subjugavit, et a regulis illius ditionis homagia et fidelitates accepit :” with which his namesake of Westminster almost verbally agrees; a.1079. [To the above may be added, in corroboration, the following: Sax. Chron. a. 1087, “ Brytland him wees on gewealde, and he berinne casteles gewrohte, and bet mancynn mid-ealle gewealde :”” Brytland (Wales) was in his power, and he wrought castles therein, and completely subdued that nation. Ingram prints ‘ Man- cynn’ and suo more translates: and ruled Anglesey withal[/|—T.] The Annal. Waverl. have correctly: ‘“‘ Habuit etiam Britanniam in potestate sua, et in ea castella fecit, et gentem illam sibi acclivem fecit.”” H. Hunt- ingdon, who seems in doubt as to the meaning of Brytland, translates : “ Britanniam sibi acclivem fecerat...... Walliamque rebellantem in suam acceperat ditionem ;” for so, (from Bromton’s excerpt, p. 981) Savile’s senseless reading: “ Walliamque reverendus in suam acceperat,’’ etc. seems to require emendation. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 183 William, it appears, thought it either more advisable or more agreeable to abide in Normandy, while his brother, bishop Odo, conducted the government of England in his stead. As the latter appeared true to his trust, and the Anglo-Saxons became more enduring from year to year, William let him follow his own course in extorting vast trea- sures as booty, imposts, and judicial fees. Still his extensive power and almost fabulous wealth, which he well knew how to augment by parsimony, did not content this ambitious man. The raising of Lanfrane to the primacy he regarded, it would seem, as a slight to himself, and the wish of attain- ing to higher ecclesiastical dignities displayed itself in him more manifestly every day. If we call to mind the relations of the Normans in the south of Italy, and their multifarious connections with their kinsmen in Normandy and England, it will appear to us less striking, that Odo should cherish the hope, by dint of craft, money, and power, of one day obtain- ing the papal chair. Ifwe cast a glance at the position of Gregory VII., who, although allied with the Normans of Apulia, had with difficulty been able to withstand the second siege of Rome by the German king, Henry IV., and through his agents was incessantly seeking aid in every land of Europe, it will appear far from improbable, that the crafty pontiff would, through his emissaries, secretly strive to allure to him, as a condottiere, for the defence of Rome against the Ger- mans, the powerful bishop, who had contributed to the sub- jugation of the despicable Anglo-Saxons, even by holding out the prospect of one day succeeding to the papal throne. In Rome, too, a prophecy was abroad, that Hildebrand’s suc- cessor would be an Odo, and which was, in fact fulfilled, as the bishop of Ostia of that name, soon after the death of Gregory and the short reign of Victor III., received, as Urban II., the ring of the fisherman. But the bishop of Bayeux applying the prophecy to himself, caused a palace to be bought for him at Rome, which he decorated with astonish- 184 WILLIAM THE FIRST. ing magnificence, and, by means of costly presents, gained the good will and voice of many Roman senators. He prevailed on Hugh of Avranches, the powerful earl of Chester, and many other knights, to attend him across the Apennine. Thus did insatiable thirst after gain and glory, and an un- quenchable love of adventure combine together a band of valiant men under the leadership of Odo, who, without the king’s permission, resolved on leaving England. They had already embarked for the expedition, and reached the Isle of Wight, when William, who had received intelligence of their plan, came unexpectedly upon them. To his clear-sighted- ness the project of his brother must have appeared imprac- ticable, and even its success he probably thought hardly to be desired; the threatened misunderstanding with the Ger- man king must by William, already surrounded by enemies, have been regarded as perilous; but the manner in which Odo deserted the land committed to his guardianship was high treason. The king brought this accusation of his brother before his barons, and when no one else seemed disposed to arrest him, he was the first to lay hands on him, not, as he said, on the bishop of Bayeux, but on the earl of Kent!. Odo was laid in fetters, deprived of his dignities and possessions in England, and remained until William’s death a prisoner in the tower of Rouen. His immense treasures, which in part were found in sacks hidden in the bed of the river, were con- fiscated for the benefit of the crown. Gregory did not fail to complain of a proceeding so deeply injurious to the spiritual authority, and, after the deliverance of Rome, in the year 1084, by duke Robert Guiscard, demanded, in very mild 1 The distinction, as we are informed by Malmesbury (p. 487), was sug- gested by Lanfranc, which seems highly probable.—His words are : “ Cum olim Willelmus senior apud Lanfrancum quereretur se a fratri deseri, ‘Tu’ inquit, ‘prende eum et vinci.’ ‘Et quid,’ respondit ille, ‘quia clericus est?? ‘unc archiepiscopus lepida hilaritate, ‘Non,’ dixit, ‘episcopum Baiocarum capies, sed comitem Cantie custodies.’ °—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 185 terms, the liberation of the imprisoned bishop, which, how- ever, he did not obtain!. In all cases affecting the doctrines of the church and the customary rights of the papal court, William had ever proved himself an obedient son, and to pope Gregory personally con- tinued so faithful, that he refused to receive the delegates of the antipope Guibert. His compliance, however, suffered a great diminution after he found himself firm in his possession of England; even Lanfranc had no influence over him, when Gregory demanded of him what appeared detrimental to his secular authority. As during the king’s long absence in France, his representatives in England had allowed the col- lection of the Peter-pence from the impoverished Anglo-Sax- ons and the avaricious Norman barons to be much neglected, Gregory sent his legate named Hubert. The cause of com- plaint with regard to the Peter-pence was speedily and rea- dily removed?; but when Hubert made the extraordinary 1 W. Malm. p.457. Ord. Vital. p. 647. Flor. Wigorn. a.1082. Re- gistrum Gregorii VII. lib. xi. ep. 2, and a fragment of a letter of Gregory to his friend Hugo, archbishop of Lyons. Wace knows nothing of Odo’s designs on the papacy, but represents him as aiming at the kingly power, as others, overlooking their relation to the contemporary events in Italy, have also supposed. Nor have they called to mind that earl Hugh, if those plans had been directed against the crown, could not have continued in possession of his honours. [Wace says of Odo: En Visle de Wic l’aveit pris, Et 4 Roem en prison mis; Malicios ert, co diseit, E coveitos plus ne poeit. Pose out esté ses seneschals, A totes genz cruels é mals; Tote Engleterre se plaigneit, Povres é riches raenmeit. Privéement aveit enquiz E demandé a ses amis, Se ja Eveske Reis sereit, Ne se ja estre Reis porreit ; Reis esperout k’il devendreit, Se li Reis ainz de li morreit. vv. 14302-14315,—T. ] 2 In foreign countries William had thereby gained great fame: “ Wil- 186 WILLIAM THE FIRST. demand that the king should swear the oath of homage to the proud ecclesiastical sovereign and his successors, he re- fused it in the most decided terms!. Even the representa- tions, which the pope did not disdain to make through queen Matilda, and his application to duke Robert, for the purpose of effecting a restoration of amicable feeling towards his fa- ther, brought him no nearer to his chief object. Equally fruitless was a letter, which Gregory, in the zenith of his power, (24 April 1080) addressed to William, when he had a second time sent forth the ban of excommunication against the king Henry IV, and yet was striving to raise secular aid against him, in which, after acceding to many of his wishes, he reminds him of the great services which, even before his elevation to the tiara, he had rendered him in acquiring his kingly crown; and, with boundless promises and flatteries, endeavoured to prevail on him to show obedience to the pa- pal chair?. William’s conduct to the rest of the clergy was perfectly consistent with that which he had observed towards its head. In the nomination to vacant abbeys he acted very arbitrarily, rather following the counsel of his barons than that of the heads of the church®. The praise bestowed on him by Gre- gory, that he never sold such appointments, must, if not ironical, have been given in the hope of exciting the wish and the endeavour to deserve it. From the Norman cloisters he took the most unfitting monks, to intrust to them the richest Anglo-Saxon abbeys. Among numerous instances, we may cite that of Thurstan, a monk of Caen, whom the king raised lelmus Rex, qui totam Anglorum terram Romano pontifici tributariam fe- cit, nec aliquem in sua potestate aliquid emere vel vendere permisit quem apostolicze sedi inobedientem deprehendit.” Bertholdi Constantienis Chron. a. 1084. 1 Lanfranci Epist. 7, 8. 2 Registrum Gregorii VII. lib. vii. ep. 23, 26, 27. 3 See the letter of the abbot of Fécamp to the king, in Mabillon, Anal. 1, p. 228, WILLIAM THE FIRST. 187 to the headship of the old abbey of Glastonbury. This man with his countrymen squandered the accumulated wealth of the monastery, while, not content with holding the monks to the strictest. observance of the rule of their order, he even let them suffer privation. An arbitrary change of the old Gre- gorian chant, in place of which he strove to introduce one composed by John, abbot of Fécamp, gave occasion, together with his profane violences, to a disastrous conflict in the church, at the altar of which some of the monks were slain and many wounded. As a punishment, Thurstan merely for- feited his abbey, and was sent back to his Norman cloister. To archbishop Lanfranc even this penalty seemed too severe, and he counselled the abbot to offer a pecuniary atonement to the king, and not to be disheartened, even should it be re- jected. The result was, that Thurstan immediately recovered the abbey of Glastonbury from William’s successor, for five hundred pounds of silver?. Occurrences of this kind frequently took place, although with their details but seldom recorded. One merit only is wont to be ascribed to the greater number of these prelates of Norman origin, that of having employed great exertions and much care in the erection and restoration of abbeys, churches, and other structures connected with them. This merit belongs unquestionably to the Normans, to whose love of architecture we are indebted for many grand and beautiful monuments, that will long bid defiance to the destroying hand of time, and continue to excite our admiration. Yet, in appreciating their founders, it must be borne in mind, that this, like other styles of architecture, rose out of given and imperative circumstances’, and the wonder-exciting, castle- like abbey was no other than the fortress, in which the war- 1 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1083, Lanfranci Epist. 53. 2 Lappenberg here is of course speaking of the massive Norman archi- tecture, which is evidently a barbarous imitation of the Roman, and closely resembling the Anglo-Saxon, though somewhat less rude.—T. 188 WILLIAM THE FIRST, like abbots were compelled to defend themselves against the violence of the neighbouring hostile laity. But here, as in the rest of Europe, not one of the larger and more splendid structures is wholly the work of its first founder, though the almost lightless, strong walls of hewn stone, with few and narrow entrances, may still be easily traced, and which, even without ditch and rampart, protected the spiritual castellain and his monks. Nearly twenty years had now passed since the conquest of England, and the children of Harold had saved themselves by flight to the neighbouring kingdoms. William’s tranquil possession of the country seemed no longer endangered by any commotion, when, on a sudden, intelligence was received that the Danish king, Cnut, afterwards distinguished as “the . Saint,” the second son of king Svend Estrithson, either to avenge his expelled kinsmen’s or his own former failure, or to make good his pretensions to the crown, was preparing for an expedition against England (1085). He had, as we are in- formed, assembled a fleet of more than a thousand vessels in the Limfiord (a firth on the north-west of Jutland?); and his father-in-law, Robert the Frisian, count of Flanders, was ready to support him with six hundred sail. The Norwegian king, too, Olaf Kyrre, who had to avenge on England the death of his father, Harald Hardrada, at Stamford Bridge®, sent him sixty ships completely equipped‘. William, who had never placed any trust in the good dis- position of the Anglo-Saxons, and much less than formerly in that of the Normans in England, assembled numerous bands of mercenaries from Normandy, Le Maine, and the rest of 1 See page 129. 2 Lingard forgets to make mention of the thousand or more Danish ships, merely saying that “he obtained a fleet of sixty ships from Olave, king of Norway, and a promise of another six hundred sail from his fa- ther-in-law, Robert, earl of Flanders.’’—T. 3 See Engl. under the A. S. kings, ii. p. 280. 4 W. Malm. Flor. Wigorn. a.1084. Snorri, Olaf Kyrri’s Saga, cap. 8. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 189 Franee, and even from Spain. Many noble knights, too, and among them Hugh, the king of France’s second brother, joined him, and accompanied him to England, where, dis- persed over the country, they were a heavy burden to the inhabitants, who were charged with their maintenance’. Be- sides this, the old tax of Dane-gelt, at the rate of six shillings the hide2, was re-imposed, to defray the expenses of the pre- parations, but which the Norman lords again extorted from their Anglo-Saxon vassals*. All the land on the coast, where a landing might be expected, was laid waste, that nothing might be left to the enemy whereon to seize+. The inhabit- ants were even forbidden to wear their native garb, that their Danish friends might not so easily recognize them; and were, moreover, commanded to shave off their long beards; though few, it is said, complied with this mandate>. It was probably the great and efficient measures adopted by William for the defence of the country, which inclined Cnut to deliberate be- fore venturing further; and, in the following year, when a rebellious spirit had spread itself among his followers, and his army was tired of the long delay, induced him to abandon the enterprise®. His brother, Olaf, who was the instigator of the rebellion, he caused to be arrested, ignominiously bound, and sent to his father-in-law, the count of Flanders. Here again, the golden missiles, which William never spared, together with those of steel, most probably fulfilled their mission; and of the Dane-gelt, no inconsiderable portion found its ultimate destination at king Cnut’s court in Haithaby (Sleswig). The murder of the Danish king, which took place shortly after, 1 Ingulphus, p. 516. 2 We still have notices respecting the produce of these exactions in the Inquisitio Geldi, in. the Exeter Domesday. 3 Sax. Chron. a. 1085. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1084. 4 Sax. Chron. a. 1085. 5 Elnothi Vita Canuti, cap. 12 sq. apud Langebek, SS. Rer. Dan. iii. 6 Flnoth. 1. c, Saxo Gram. edit. Miiller. p. 585. 190 WILLIAM THE FIRST. assured William against any future attempts on his kingdom from that quarter. Of William’s civil acts, after the conquest of England, the most prominent is the introduction of the Feudal System. This was the natural and necessary consequence of a revolu- tion, by which all the landed property of the country was wrested from its native holders, and bestowed on those fo- reign chieftains, who had aided in the subjugation of the land, who naturally looked for a share of the spoil, and were to constitute its aristocracy; while these, in like manner, had to provide for their followers, by a subdivision of the estates conferred on them by the crown. Hence the distinctions of tenants in chief, (tenentes i capite), and under tenants ; the former being those who held their lands immediately of the king ; the latter those who held of the great immediate hold- ers, or tenants in chief. The lands thus bestowed by the king consisted at first either in the demesne lands of the crown, or of those native proprietors, who had fallen in battle, or had preferred volun- tary exile to submission; but gradually, in consequence of forfeitures, (the penalty of resistance to a foreign yoke), and other causes, nearly the whole landed property of the king- dom passed into the hands of the Normans. Although these landed possessions were bestowed for past services, they were, nevertheless, subject to certain obligations to the lord paramount, of whom they were held; to the king, in the case of tenants in chief; and to the tenant in chief, in that of an under tenant. Of these obligations, the most ho- nourable was that of Anight-service, or the obligation to fur- nish a certain number of cavaliers completely armed for the king’s service, and to maintain them in the field for forty days. This service was extended to all tenants in chief, both lay and ecclesiastical, including monasteries and other reli- gious foundations, with the sole exception of those who held by frankalmoign, or free alms. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 191 Thus all the landed property of the kingdom was held ei- ther by the sovereign, or by a tenant in chief, holding imme- diately under him. In the distribution of lands, each of such feudal possessions was divided into two parts, one of which was doled out to the under-tenants, consisting of Norman officials and others, military and civil, or of such Anglo-Sax- ons as had been ousted from the possession of the estate, and were now reduced, from the degree of thane, to the condition of simple freeholders, or franklins. The other portion the Norman lord retained in his own hands, under the denomina- tion of his demesne lands, which he either farmed out to the cultivators of the soil, or cultivated for his own benefit, by the hands of his villeins, or serfs. Besides military service, the great tenants of the crown were required to attend the king’s court at the three grand festivals, of Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide; and at all other times when summoned. They constituted the great legislative body of the kingdom}. On succeeding to a fief at the death of the possessor, the heir was required to pay a certain sum to the lord of whom he held. In the Norman times this was called a relief, and originally, like the heriot of the Anglo-Saxons, consisted of certain chattels, as horses, hauberks, helmets, lances, ete. ; but which was afterwards commuted into a pecuniary fine?. In addition to the relief, payments (aids) were exacted from the tenant; 1. when the lord paid the relief of his fief to his superior lord; 2. when his eldest son was made a knight; 3. on the marriage of his eldest daughter; 4. when he was captured by an enemy 3. A fief could not be devised by will, or otherwise alienated by its holder; but must descend to the legal heir, subject to the same burthens, on payment of the customary relief. 1 Lingard, ii. p. 46. edit. 1837. 2 Anc. Laws and Inst. p. 204, fol. edit. and (pp. 72, 73) Cnut’s laws ‘ Be Hergeate,’ of which William’s is only a modification. 3 Hallam, Middle Ages, i. p. 178, edit. 1855. 192 WILLIAM THE FIRST. With the descent of fiefs in England were connected ward- ships and marriages. When the heir was a minor, he was considered incompetent to hold the fief, being incapable of military service ; in which case the lord entered into posses- sion, and either appropriated the revenues to his own use, or let them out to farm. The heir he took under his own charge, for the purpose of having him educated in a manner qualify- ing him for military service. All the expenses of the ward devolved on the lord, who was bound to deliver over the es- tate, without a relief, when the ward had completed his twen- ty-first. year. When the heirs were females, and, consequently, incapable of military service, they might not be disposed of in marriage without the lord’s sanction; for the refusal of which he was, however, bound to assign a valid reason. On the death of a tenant, the fief descended to the daughter, or, if more than one, to the daughters in common. Like the heirs male, these were under the wardship of the lord. On completing the age of fourteen, the lord could compel his female ward to marry any man he might select; and if, after that age, he allowed her to remain single, she could not marry without the consent of the lord and guardian. The husband of an heiress entered on all the rights of a male heir, and performed all the services due to the lord’. Besides the profits accruing to the lord from the before- mentioned sources, there was that derived from escheats, of which there are two cases, viz. 1. a fief escheated, or fell back to the lord when the holder died, leaving no heirs; and, 2. if the holder was convicted of treason or felony 2. The confirming of a fief was accompanied by three forms or ceremonies, viz. 1. homage; 2. the oath of fealty ; 3. inves- titure. 1. Homage (hominium, homagium) was the form, according to which the homager became the vassal, or man (homo) of ' Lingard, ut sup. p. 51. | Blackstone, ii. p. 72, edit. 1830. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 193 his lord. In doing homage, the vassal’s head was uncovered, his belt ungirt, his sword and spurs laid aside; then kneeling he placed his hands between those of the lord, and promised to become his man from thenceforward; to serve him with life and limb and worldly honour, faithfully and loyally, in consideration of the lands which he held under him. None but the lord in person could accept homage, which was usually concluded with a kiss. 2. The oath of fealty, though indispensable, was taken with less formality than the performance of homage, and might be received by proxy. 3. Investiture, or the actual conveyance of feudal lands, was of two sorts, proper and improper. The first was an actual putting in possession on the ground, either by the lord or his deputy, which is called in our law livery of seizin. The second was symbolical, and consisted in the delivery of a turf, a stone, a wand, a branch, or whatever else might have been made usual by the caprice of local custom}. Upon investiture the duties of the man or vassal commenced?. A knight’s fee was fixed in England at the annual value of £20. Every estate supposed to be of this value, and entered as such in the rolls of the exchequer, was bound to contribute the service of a soldier, or pay an escuage, or scutage, to the amount assessed upon a knight’s fee. Under the Anglo-Saxon kings, the oath of a man to his hlaford, or lord, contained no reservation of fealty or obe- dience to the king: and the question naturally occurs, what was the duty of a man, who had contracted that obligation, when a quarrel arose between the king and his immediate lord ? When such cases occurred, and in those remote times they were not unfrequent, it is probable that in England, as on the Continent, the men ranged themselves on one side or the other, as interest, fear, or affection dictated. The law of England appears to have continued in this unsettled state 1 See Grimm, Rechtsalterthtimer. 2 Hallam, ut sup. pp. 169 sq. o 194 WILLIAM THE FIRST. till the Norman conquest was completely established. One of the Conqueror’s laws obliges every freeman in his dominions to take an oath of fealty to his person, without reserve or qualification ; and in the latter part of his life, he assembled all the landholders of any account throughout England, whose men soever they were, and compelled them to become his men, and to swear fealty to him against all persons whatever, without any exception’. Besides the tenure of knight-service properly so called, there were other species, such as the tenure by grand ser- jeanty (per magnum servitium), whereby the tenant was bound, instead of serving the king generaily in his wars, to do some special honorary service to the king in person; as to carry his banner, his sword, or the like; or to be his butler, cham- pion, or other officer, at his coronation. It was in most other respects like knight-service, only he was not bound to pay aid or escuage; and when tenant by knight-service paid five pounds for a relief on every knight’s fee, tenant by grand serjeanty paid one year’s value of his land, were it much or little. Tenure by cornage, which was to wind a horn, when the Scots or other enemies entered the land, in order to warn the king’s subjects, was (like other services of the same nature) a species of grand serjeanty 2. Lands were also given by the king to persons for meaner ‘services; as to his woodwards, foresters, huntsmen, falconers, cooks, chamberlains, goldsmiths, bailiffs of manors in his own hands, and many other officers, which in Domesday-book are ealled “terre thanorum regis,” and sometimes “ servientium regis.” Such tenures were held by petit seryeanty ; and what- ever the notion of petit serjeanty now is, I doubt not, says Tyrrell, that this holding of lands was the true tenure; not but presenting the lord with a bow and arrow, a pair of spurs every year, etc. might also be called petit sergeanty, though 1 Allen on the Royal Prerogative, pp. 69, 70, edit. 1849. 2 Blackstone, ii. pp. 72, 73. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 195 not so properly as the other. Tenants in petit serjeanty were subject to wardship, marriage (maritagium), and relief". Socage, in its most general and extensive signification, seems to denote a tenure by any certain and determinate service, in which sense it is by our aneient writers constantly put in opposition to chivalry or knight-serviee, where the render (service) was precarious and uncertain. Thus Bracton: “if a man hold by rent in money, without any escuage or ser- jeanty, “id tenementum dici potest socagium.” But if you add thereto any royal service or escuage, to any, the smallest amount, “illud dici poterit feodum militare.” Socage was of two sorts: free socage, where the services are not only certain, but honourable; and villein socage, where the services, though certain, are of a baser nature?. Another important enaetment of William’s was the separa- tion of the ecclesiastical court from that of the hundred?. Great as was the revolution produced in the country by the introduction of the feudal system, whereby almost every native landholder was either wholly despoiled of his posses- sions, or reduced to hold them, or a part of them, as the man of some powerful or favoured Norman; yet were the kingly and legislative functions less changed in form than in spirit. The oath taken by the king was the oath of the Anglo-Saxon kings. The Witena-gemét, or grand national assembly, under the ancient dynasty, may be said to have been con- tinued by the Conqueror and his sons under the name of the = Great Council. The twelf-hynd and six-hynd-men, the ealdor- . men, eorls, and thanes had, it is true, disappeared, but their places were occupied by Norman prelates and the great vassals or tenentes in capite; though a few of the highest class of Anglo-Saxon nobles might, in the early part of the Con- queror’s reign, have been among the members of this supreme council, 1 Tyrrell, Bibl. Politica, p.318, edit.1727. 2 Blackstone, ii. p. 79. 3 See the document in Anc. Laws and Inst. p. 213. 02 196 WILLIAM THE FIRST. For the guidance of these and other Norman legal func- tionaries, an edition of the Confessor’s laws was issued, both in Latin and French, with such modifications as in the new state of things were deemed desirable. This, it is evident, was a measure of necessity, as the judges in a court composed solely, or with very few exceptions, of Normans, could hardly be familiar with the language of the natives. That the plead- ings were in French, follows as a matter of course. The old setr-mét (shire-moot) still continued under its synonymous Normanized denomination of County-court ; although its pre- sident and chief assessors were, no doubt, Normans. In the Hundred-court the judges were most probably English, and _its proceedings must naturally and necessarily have been con- ducted in the vernacular tongue. Among the legal innovations introduced! by the Conqueror may be mentioned the trial by battle, or judicial combat, as being more congenial to the martial spirit of his followers than the ordeal of the Anglo-Saxons. By William it was enacted, that if an Englishman challenged a Frenchman to the “ ornest,” or battle, for theft, homicide, or anything for which a battle ought to take place, he was at full liberty so to do. Should the Englishman refuse the ornest, let the Frenchman clear himself with his witnesses by oath, accord- ing to Norman law. If a Frenchman challenged an English- man to battle for the like charges, the latter was at liberty to defend himself by battle, or, if he preferred it, by the iron ordeal. If, on account of infirmity or other causes, he de- clined the combat, he might choose a legal substitute to do battle for him. If a Frenchman accused an Englishman of 1 “The trial by battle does not seem to have been usual in England be- fore the Conquest, though, without doubt, originating in the kingdoms of the North, where it was practised under the name of holmgang, from the custom of fighting duels on a holm, or small island.” Anc. LL. &. Inst. Glossary, v. Ordeal. The word eornest or ornest, signifying this kind of combat (Ohg. ernust, Mhg. ernest, battle) though undoubtedly Anglo- Saxon, is not extant in any A.S. work hitherto printed. —T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 197 perjury, murder’, theft, homicide, etc., the latter might defend himself either by ordeal or ornest. In all cases involving out- lawry, an Englishman might clear himself by ordeal; but if an Englishman preferred a like charge against a Frenchman, which he was ready to make good, the Frenchman might de- fend himself by battle. If the Englishman declined the battle, the Frenchman was to clear himself by oath. For the security of his power in England, a strong military force seemed to William now no longer necessary ; the foreign mercenaries were, therefore, dismissed. Shortly after (1086) Eadgar Altheling having received permission to leave Nor- mandy, with two hundred warriors proceeded to Apulia?. In this year, when keeping Whitsuntide with his court at Westminster, William solemnly dubbed his son Henry a knight, and, for the first of August following, commanded an assembly of the estates of the realm to be holden at Salisbury. This, from the number of summonses issued, was, in fact, a grand review, at which his warriors still remaining in England were estimated at sixty thousand?. William, at this time caused his vassals to take the oath of allegiance, which, during the period of conquest, must have been fre- quently neglected, and confirmed to them their possessions in England. For this object it is probable that Domesday- book‘, which was completed in this year (1086), was first called into requisition. By this name is designated a detailed register, drawn up in the several counties, by juries impa- ' “Murdritus homo dicebatur antiquitus cujus interfector nesciebatur, ubicunque vel quomodocunque esset inventus; nunc adjectum est, licet sciatur quis murdrum fecerit, si non habeatur intra VII. dies.’’? LL. Hen. I. xcii. §. 5. 2 So Flor. Wigorn. a. 1086. The words of the Saxon Chronicle, ‘ beah fram him,’ are wrongly rendered by Ingram, revolted from him. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 649. 4 In consequence of an address of the Upper House, king George III. caused an edition of this most important and ancient national monument to be undertaken, which, in the year 1783, issued from the press in 2 vo- lumes folio. A volume of very useful commentaries upon it was composed ere 198 WILLIAM THE FIRST. nelled by royal commissioners, showing the extent, division, and nature of the landed property in each, the tenants hold- ing immediately of the king, or tenants in chief (tenentes in capite); the under-tenants, the freeholders and serfs, the nature of the tenure, the revenues, and their amount previous to and at the time of the Conquest, and the possibility of in- by Kelham (Domesday Book illustrated). Alphabetical indexes of the local and personal names contained in it were formed by (Sir) Henry Ellis, who, at the same time, under the authority of the Record Commission, composed a highly meritorious dissertation on it, by way of introduction (first printed in folio, 1813). This work, with notices of individuals named in the document, and much augmented, was again published in the year 1833, in 2 vols. 8vo. In the opinion expressed by its editor we most sin- cerely participate: ‘A patient comparison of Domesday Book with the Registers of our earliest Abbeys is the surest way to accomplish its thorough illustration: and this is to be effected, not merely by the exami- nation of charters and partial surveys, but by the scattered details of an historical kind with which many of them abound. No archives but those of our ancient ecclesiastical establishments throw light te any great extent upon the Domesday survey.” Pref. pp. xv. xix. The said Commission published also the Exeter Domesday, the Inquisitio Eliensis, the Liber Wintoniensis and the Boldon Book, in the year 1810, of which the first two appear to be more copious original inventories of the royal commissioners than those given in the great collective Domesday-book. In these, too, the cattle are registered, which in Domesday are noticed only in East Anglia, from the mention of which in the Saxon Chronicle (a. 1085) we may perhaps infer that its author was a resident at Peterborough in that province. ‘The third of the above-mentioned works is a Winchester Domesday-book (a. 1107-1128), the last, of the county of Durham of the year 1183. Later extracts from Domesday exist in manuscripts in the King’s Remembrancer’s office, also one in the Chapter House at West- minster, where the original is also deposited. [Domesday-book consists of 2 volumes, the first ‘‘is a large folio of vellum, and in 382 double pages, written in a small character, contains thirty-one counties, beginning with Kent, and ending with Lincolnshire. The other is a quarto volume of 450 double pages in a large character, but contains only the counties of Essex, Norfolk, and Sussex. ‘There is no description of the four northern coun- ties, but the West Riding of Yorkshire is made to comprehend that part of Lancashire which lies to the north of the Ribble, with some districts in Westmoreland and Cumberland: while the southern portion of Lancashire is included in Cheshire. Rutland is similarly divided between Notting- hamshire and Lincolnshire.’ Lingard.—T.] . WILLIAM THE FIRST. 199 creasing the income ; the property in cattle, woods and forests, fisheries, mines, and, in general, everything that was deemed requisite for an accurate cadastre and rental of the kingdom. The idea of this work was borrowed from no preceding one; the tradition of a similar one having been composed by /EIf- red, being void of proof, and is, moreover, not mentioned in the Domesday-book of William; nor does it appear to have found a model in any of the then existing states. It would rather seem that while until then only isolated rentrolls of royal monastic and other possessions, terriers of cities and towns, and lists of a similar kind were in existence, the defects of which were supplied by tradition or public know- ledge, the need felt by the Conqueror of possessing trust- worthy and accurate information on the state of property in a foreign land gave the original impulse to an undertaking, which the improvements, however slow, that domestic policy was making in other states, also rendered highly desirable. The security of the king’s revenue and the administration of justice were the objects chiefly in view, as the confiscation of the property of the Anglo-Saxons, the desolation of whole counties, the flight of the native landowners, the contentions between the rapacious Normans and the cloisters under them, the uncertainty of inheritance even among the Normans them- selves, whose kin lived dispersed in Britain, France, and Italy, together with other circumstances, arising from the violent change of proprietorship, through the Conquest, greatly aug- mented the insecurity of possession. Domesday-book was with other treasures preserved at Winchester, whence it is sometimes called ‘ Rotulus Wintoniz ;’ though it occasionally accompanied the king or his justiciaries on their judicial pro- gresses. The northern counties, Northumberland, Lancaster, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Durham are not comprised in it, on account probably of their desolate condition, though some southern tracts of those counties are included in Cheshire and Yorkshire. London, Winchester, and other cities of im- 200 WILLIAM THE FIRST. portance are also omitted, possibly because all the information required regarding them, as far as the king was interested, was already to be found in the royal chancery or treasury. Many of the returns are partially composed in favour of Nor- man cloisters; other inaccuracies may be assigned to the shortness of the time allowed for the completion of the work. Hence, in the times immediately following, we find many similar works commenced, though always for particular dis- tricts only, yet not one superior i value to the great Domes- day-book of king William. This will ever be found an in- exhaustible source of information respecting the Anglo-Saxon and Norman constitutions, particularly the rights and re- venues of the kings and their vassals, the relations of cities and towns, statistic accounts of various kinds, families and their landed members, together with innumerable matters highly interesting to inquiring posterity, but unnoticed by the chroniclers of those times, either as too well known or as worthless. An intimate acquaintance with Domesday should supply the basis of every historical account of England, particularly of its special history during the middle age. Such a portraiture, consisting in great part of figures, will not admit of a reduced sketch of the whole, but serves us rather as a voucher for and illustration of the law-books and chronicles. Still it will not be out of place here from this (not- withstanding its defects and imperfections) rich description of the political condition of England before the end of the reign of William the Conqueror, to give in a collected shape some essential statistic and political notices, which may afford us an insight into the misery of the country and the relations of its oppressors. In every county we meet with frequent mention of lands usurped by Normans, although the king or earlier Norman possessors laid claim to them (elamores et invasiones). Often too, even when the property was not disputed, the commis- sioners had to remark, that the new possessor had neither WILLIAM THE FIRST. 201 charter nor seal to show for his assumed fee, and that he had not been legally inducted into it by the sheriff. The vassals holding immediately of the king (tenentes in capite) together with the ecclesiastical corporations, amounted scarcely to fourteen hundred. Of these the majority were holders of one fee, while others, as the brothers of the king, had vast possessions in almost every part of England: those of the bishop of Bayeux lay in seventeen, of Robert of Mortain in nineteen counties, and also in Wales. Eudes, the steward or sewer (dapifer) had fees in twelve counties; Hugh of Avranches, surnamed Lupus, or the Wolf, had con- siderable possessions, exclusive of those in his own county of Chester, in twenty-one shires. Of mesne lords, or under tenants, the number was about eight thousand, though exactness with regard to these is not attainable, so many of them being registered only by their Christian names, without the addition either of patronymic or any locality whereby to distinguish them. The number of other tenants recorded in Domesday was about two hundred and fifty thousand!. The serfs were twenty-five thousand. The monks in the cloisters, the garrisons of the fortresses, and the burghers of the cities, where the royal commissioners did not set foot, are not specified. Among these there are about a thousand priests (presbyteri), and eight thousand burgesses. Above ten thousand are mentioned as free men (liberi homines) ; above two thousand are named as free men under patronage or protection (commendati), though neither of these classes are to be regarded as consisting solely of ab- solutely free proprietors?. Both of them are found almost exclusively in the old East Anglia, or the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk; about three hundred in Essex, and about fifty 1 See England under the A. S. Kings (ii. p. 320) respecting the slaves in England. 2 «Tn dominio sunt...... III. liberi homines cum III, carucis unus liber homo cum una caruca et IT. bordariis.”” Domesd. i. fol. 183 b. 202 : WILLIAM THE FIRST. in Cheshire and Staffordshire: a circumstance that may per- haps be explained by the numerous Danish population that were settled in the ancient kingdom of Guthrum. Next in degree to the free were the Socmen (Sochemanni), who, in consideration for a holding heritable by their sons, who were considered in their majority at the age of fifteen, and which the lord could not resume at will, took the oaths of fealty and of homage (homagium), and thereby bound themselves to military service, to a relief on the inheritance, and to certain stipulated services and imposts!. That they were not on a level with the above-mentioned Free, is mani- ° fest from the circumstance that soemen are named also in Norfolk and Suffolk, in the first-mentioned county as many as 4600, being a fifth part of the whole number (23,072) of per- sons included under that denomination in the record. But it is very striking to find no free men mentioned in the neigh- bouring county of Lincoln, nor even in Kent, where they would seem proverbially to belong; but, on the other hand, the half of all the socmen in England. In Suffolk we find above 1000, and as many in Northamptonshire ; above 1500 in Nottinghamshire, above 1900 in Leicestershire, in Essex 520, in the desolated extensive Yorkshire not quite 450. The remaining socmen are found in very small numbers in the counties like those just mentioned, lying to the north of the Watling Street, excepting Cheshire and Staffordshire. South of this great road there is no mention of socmen?. 1 Fleta, lib. i. c.8. Britton, c. 66. A proof may be found in the Rotul. Magn. Pipe Henrici 1. a. 31.: “decem marce argenti de Sochemannis de Oswardesbec.” 2 As an exception, perhaps, may be regarded 44 socmen in Kent and 20 in Buckinghamshire ; though these counties, lying partly to the north of the Watling Street, were possibly comprised in the northern district of the commissioners. But another exception, as it would seem by the list in Ellis (Introd. ii. p. 445), appears to be groundless, viz. that of six soc- men in Gloucestershire. The words of Domesday (fol. 169 b.) unus homo reddit vi. sochs. cannot surely mean that there were six socmen. More probable, it seems, that for sochs. we should read soccos. In corrobora- WILLIAM THE FIRST. 203 In the western counties we meet with a class of men called Cortserti1; the number of whom in Wiltshire, where they are most numerous, amounts to 260; but their whole number to 858. This class would seem identical with that of the soc- men, as the two denominations never occur together in the same county!; and as their name is not to be met with in any unquestionably genuine Latin document of any Anglo-Saxon cloister prior to the Conquest, it seems not unreasonable to suppose it to have been applied to the socmen by some of the Norman commissioners, as more usual in their native ‘country. This supposition is rendered still more probable by the circumstance that coliberti are never named in Anglo- Saxon law authorities. In these mention occurs of a class called Genuras or Bures (Boors). Of which we meet with G4 only in Domesday, and those in six counties south of the Watling Street, viz. Buckingham, Oxford, Hereford, Berks, Worcester, and Devon. Co-existent with the socmen they are found in no county excepting that of Buckingham, their common boundary ; but to regard them as identical with these and the coliberti is not tenable, from their occurrence with the latter in the counties of Berks, Devon, Hereford, and Worcester®. They belong to the class of which the greater and freer portion are de- tion of this conjecture may be cited the following: Fol. 139 b. De pastura et silva II. solidos et ILI. soccos; Fol.1676. In Gloucestre I. burgensis reddit IV. soccos; Fol. 179 b. Ad Hereford sunt IV. burgenses huic manerio reddentes XVIIT. socos (pro) carucis. 1 The small number of these coliberti compared with that of the socmen renders this ingenious hypothesis of the author somewhat doubtful. In the twelve counties where coliberti occur the total number is only 858, giving on an average about 72 to each county ; while 23,066, the number of socmen in the sixteen counties where they occur gives an average of 1048 to each; a difference that could hardly exist if the classes were identi- cal.—T. 2 See Du Cange, Glossarium. 3 A gloss in Domesday, fol. 38. under Hamptonshire, of ‘vel bures” written over the word coliberti, can hardly be cited against the many places in the text. 204 WILLIAM ‘THE FIRST. signated as Villani, amounting in all to about 109,000’, of whom those in Kent alone are estimated at 6597, or above the half of all the classes mentioned in that shire. In Lin- colnshire, out of a total of 25,305, are 7723 villeins ; and in Devonshire, out of a total of 17,434 are 8070 villeins together with 3294 serfs (servi). The class of the rural population distinguished by the Norman name of villeins, was probably at an earlier period comprised in the Anglo-Saxon one of ceorls, although, together with the other peasantry, in general, they may probably be considered as posterity of the old Roman- British population, while the slaves are found in the provinces conquered at a later period by the Anglo-Saxons. It does not appear that the Normans made any change in the legal position of this class so burthened with divers imposts and services; but rather that their previous condition, through the harsh coercion and unfeeling orders of their new masters, assumed a more unhappy character. Distinguished from the villeins we find, 1749, Corsrrzan, Coscurs (Coscez, Cozets, Cozez). These, with the exception of 9 in Shropshire, are met with only among the West Saxon races of the Wilszetas (among whom there are no fewer than 1418), the Defenszetas, the Dorszetas, and the Sumorsetas. They were less free than the villeins, but bound to fewer services than the geburas. A more numerous class is that of the Corarn, of whom there are 5054. heir Anglo-Saxon name nowhere appears. They are met with in almost all the counties south of the Watling Street, also in those where no coliberti are men- tioned, as, for instance, 765 in Sussex. Among these counties, they are wanting in Cornwall, Gloucester, Hants, and Oxford, but not in those bordering on the Watling Street, Berks, Hertford (in which are 837), and Middlesex. Beside these ‘ In the Rectitudines Singularum Personarum (Anc. Laws and Instit.) the term of Villanus is made to correspond with the A. S. Geneadt.—T. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 205 there are 736 in Cambridgeshire, and 16 at Tateshale in York- shire. The Rapcuenistrri, under which denomination we find 196, and under that of Rapmanyi 369, are, with the exception of 5 of the first mentioned in Hampshire, all found in the counties bordering on Wales, as 137 radchenistri in Gloucestershire, 47 in Herefordshire ; 167 radmen in Shropshire, 145 in Che- shire, 24 in Herefordshire, 33 in Worcestershire; consequently collectively in the districts of the Mageseetas, or the Hecanas and Hwiccas. Their relative position seems to be between the free and the villeins. As a peculiarity of Cheshire, dating no doubt from the conquests of the Danes, we find in that county a class of Drencus, a name originally applied to sons, but afterwards given to servants. Mention of them occurs occasionally for some centuries later, and on the Scottish border! they corre- spond to the radchenistri on the marches of Wales. Passing over some classes of minor importance?, we have yet to notice 82,609 Borparu (including 490 Borparm pav- PERES?), whom we meet with in all the counties contained in the Domesday survey, in a tolerably equal proportion to the sum total of the inhabitants recorded in that document. They form a class usually named after the villeins and before ! Domesday, i. fol. 269 b. Before the Conquest there were forty-nine of them there. See Grimm, D. R. A. p. 305. Jamieson, Scottish Dic- tionary ; also Rotulus Magn. Pipe, 31 Hen. I. pp. 28,132. In the year 1292 we find them at Tyndal. See Rot. orig. in Curia Scaccar. Abbrev. i. 70. The Dingi dwelling in the house of Gamel, a vassal (homo) at York, do not appear to have been drenghs, but subordinate servants like the pardingi in Legg. Henr. I. 29. - 2 On this subject, see “Engl. under the A. S. Kings.” ii. p. 357, sq. and ‘* Rectitudines Singularum Personarum” in Anc. Laws and Instit. 3 With the exception of ten in Herefordshire, the bordarii pauperes (“ qui propter pauperiem nullam reddunt consuetudinem”’), all in Norwich, which had severely suffered, ‘‘ partim propter foris facturas Rogerii comi- tis, partim propter arsuram, partim propter geltum regis, partim propter Waleranum.”” Domesday, ii. fol. 117 b. 206 WILLIAM THE FIRST. the slaves. Their name, if explained by the hut, provided with a small garden or kale-yard, in which they dwelt, would agree with that of the cotsetlan and the cotarii; but in Domesday all the three classes are distinguished one from another. This denomination does not seem to occur in any ancient, unquestionable Anglo-Saxon document, while in France it was cominon. Hence we may assume that this appellation was transferred to the Anglo-Saxons by the Nor- mans, or that the bordarii were themselves Normans, that had stood in the same relation in their own country, and lived on the estate and in the hall of their lord, and originally fed at his table or bord!. In favour of this opinion, we may mention, that it does not appear how the shoals of Normans of the lower classes, that came over to England, were disposed of, while the number of bordarii well corresponds to that of the army of sixty thousand men, after deducting the slain, and doubling the remainder, in consequence of the masses that flocked over in the following years. In some places we find them in round numbers, which seems corroborative of the opinion that they were but recently established there®. Tt is, moreover, obvious that the Anglo-Saxon ceorls could not always be displaced by the herd of Normans and followers, particularly as these must constantly be under arms, and, consequently, incapacitated from devoting much time to field labour. Still a conclusive opinion on this subject is not possible, as, even under the Anglo-Saxon rulers, in conse- quence of the increase of an indigent population and the in- cessant wars with the Danes, similar relations could easily exist. 1 Bord, Dan. and Anglo-Sax. Engl. board. The bordarii are not men- tioned in the “ Rectitudines S. P.”’; but borda, signifying hut, is found in a questionable charter of king Eadgar, in Monast. Angl. i. p. 209. Cod. Diplom. iti. p. 179. 2 Extra burgum (Warwick) C. bordarii cum hortulis suis reddunt L. solidos. Domesd. i. fol. 238. Sub eis (civibus Huntingdon) sunt C. bor- darii. Ib. fol. 203. In Norwich there were 480, in Thetford 20 bordarii. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 207 The total number of persons registered in Domesday-book, after allowing for the repetition of numerous tenants in several counties and hundreds, amounts to about two hundred and eighty-three thousand, which, with the addition of the counties and cities omitted in Domesday, will form a total of at least three hundred thousand heads of families. That other taxable classes have been omitted must appear highly improbable, when we call to mind that the grand object of the composition of Domesday was the benefit of the royal treasury. That church property was exempt from all imposts, appears only as a rare exception. Monks, on the other hand, because not personally taxable, are only incidentally mentioned. It has been supposed that frequently whole classes of the lower rural population have not been registered, because in several counties, in which the rearing of swine was an object of industry, no mention is made of swineherds. But these were, no doubt, frequently taken from the serfs. If then we would estimate the total number of inhabitants of England at that time, two millions might seem a number rather too great than too little. The extent of the forests in England was very considerable, enormous tracts were waste, and others of great magnitude had latterly been desolated or abandoned. The villages were very small, on which aceount several, at a later period, were united into one. Yorkshire was desolated more than any other part; in four hundred and eleven manors in that county, there were found only thirty-five villeins and eight bordarii. The cities and towns had few and only very small houses. Previous to the Conquest, London and York alone numbered above ten thousand resident inhabitants, and only the former many above that number. The greater number of the towns had severely suffered, partly by plundering and fire, partly through the construction of fortresses, for which purpose many houses were demolished. In Exeter, of 463 houses existing at the time of the Confessor, above 50 were 208 WILLIAM THE FIRST. destroyed ; in Dorchester, of 172, and in the wealthy city of Norwich, (the burgesses of which possessed 43 chapels,) of 1320, the half. In Lincoln, of 1150 houses, 166 were sacri- ficed to the erection of the castle, and 100 others no longer inhabited. In Cambridge 27 houses were destroyed to make room for the castle; in Chester, of 487 houses, 205 were de- stroyed; in Derby, of 243, no fewer than 103; the remainder were inhabited by 100 great and 40 small burgesses. In Stafford, of 131 houses, 38 were destroyed ; in York, of 1800, or thereabouts, 800 were probably no longer standing. But no city suffered more than Oxford, where geld was paid by 243 houses, while 478 were so ruined that they could no longer pay it. One town only, Dunwich, showed any sign of increase after the Conquest, where the number of burgesses, in the time of the Confessor, 120, was, at the time of the sur- vey, augmented to 236; a phenomenon easily explained by the decay of the neighbouring city of Norwich. The total amount of the yearly revenue of the king of England, as enjoyed by Eadward the Confessor, has, at a later period, been estimated at sixty thousand marks of silver; but by donations to the church and other gifts, this amount, according to the expressions of the discontented eldest. son and immediate successor of the Conqueror, was diminished to the half. A century after the Conqueror, it is said to have amounted to a fifth only, or twelve thousand marks, the trifling value of which will appear the more striking, on call- ing to mind that the revenue of the German emperor, at the last-mentioned time, was estimated at three hundred thou- sand marks!. While the power of William in England was every year becoming more firmly established (1087), the state of things in France was a source to him of unceasing trouble, which claimed his constant attention, and finally led to the cause of 1 Giraldus Cambrensis, De Institutione Principis, Distinct. iii. c. 28, in Recueil des Historiens Francais, tom. xviii. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 209 his death. After the decease of queen Matilda, who had by her prudence contributed to the better government of Nor- mandy, as well as to the calming of the differences with the neighbouring states, the turbulent nobles of Le Maine again rose in arms against William. Among these his most dan- gerous adversary was the viscount Hubert, son-in-law of William, count of Nivernais. This individual, leaving his castles of Beaumont and Frenay, fortified himself, on the boundary of Le Maine and Anjou, in the castle of Ste Susanne, situated on a steep rock, where, at the head of the malcon- tents and many knights, collected from Guienne and Burgundy, he for three yearg plundered and captured the Normans and the inhabitants of Le Mans, and slew them, if they resisted him with arms; until the king, at length, after fruitless sieges and the loss of many of his most distinguished warriors, listening to the representations of the Normans, agreed to a reconciliation with the fortunate rebel, on terms prescribed by himself. William’s chief motive for this concession lay in the dissen- sions with the king of France, which had at that time broken out afresh. The vassals of Mantes on the Seine, Hugh, sur- named Stavelus, Ralf Mauvoisin and others had entered the Norman territory and committed great depredations in the diocese of Evreux. William availed himself of this oppor- tunity to demand the restoration of the Vexin, which, after the death of the count Drogo of Mantes, had been re-united to the crown of France, together with the towns of Pont Ysére, Chaumont, and Mantes, and supported this frivolous demand, in contravention of the feudal law and in contempt of a possession confirmed through the course of half a century, by the most violent threats!. ’ A joke of the French monarch reported to William served as fuel to the anger that was burning within him. Alluding both to William’s corpulency and to his delay in carrying his 1 Ord. Vital. p. 664 sq. 210 WILLIAM THE FIRST. threats into effect, Philip, as we are told, observed, that the king of England was lying-in at Rouen. On hearing this, the latter swore by God’s splendour, that, when he went to mass after his delivery, he would offer a hundred thousand candles in the kingdom of France. The new flight of his eldest son added to his exasperation, and shortly after, he made an inroad into the Vexin, and surprised Mantes, which, together with its churches, he reduced to ashes. While, ex- ulting in his vengeance, he was riding over the ruins, his horse trod on some of the burning materials, and plunging cast its rider on the pommel. A dangerous rupture was the consequence. William was conveyed to Rouen; but after- wards, on account of the noise in so populous a city, he de- sired to be removed to the church of St. Gervais in one of the suburbs'!. The danger he was in was not concealed from him, and he strove to overcome the fear of death by tran- quillizing his conscience. Great donations were without delay sent for the restoration of the ruined churches of Mantes ; by a last testament, drawn up by notaries, he distributed treasures to cloisters, churches, ecclesiastics, and the poor. The unfortunate Anglo-Saxons, Morkere, Siward Barn, and king Harold’s brother Wulfnoth, who had long’ been languish- ing in prison, also Roger, the son of his friend, William of Breteuil, he ordered to be.restored to liberty?. To the valiant knight Balderic fitz Nicholas, whose estates he had confis- cated, because he had, without permission, deserted the king’s service for the sake of fighting against the Mohammedans in Spain, he restored his fee and inheritance®. Last of all, and not without much opposition, and yielding only to the con- viction that, after his death, it would be done by others, he also liberated his brother, bishop Odo, from confinement. To his eldest son Robert, who was at that time sojourning 1 Rom. de Rou, vv. 14181 sqq. Bromton, col. 979. 2 According to Malmesbury (p. 430) the order was not obeyed.—T. 3 Ord. Vital. p.660. Of the feats of individual Normans in Spain, see more at p. 44. WILLIAM THE FIRST. 211 in the dominions of the king of France, even if he was not in arms against his native country’, he left his paternal in‘ heritance of Normandy, with his other possessions and rights in France. To William, his second son, he bequeathed his realm of England. Henry, his youngest son, had only a legacy of five thousand pounds of silver?; but, on the prince complaining that he had received no land, his father, as we are told, assured him that, on the death of his brothers, he would inherit the dominions of both. Both were at the time childless. According to Orderic, William’s revenue amounted to no less than the incredible sum of a thousand and sixty- one pounds, ten shillings and three half-pence sterling per day, exclusive of royal gifts, fines, or commutations, ete. ; ‘which, as in the Conqueror’s reign the pound sterling was a pound weight of silver, contained more than thrice as much as a pound sterling at thisday. Therefore the king’s revenue must have been 365 times £3185, or £1,162,525 3.” William died early in the morning of the 9th September, 1087, while his physicians were regarding the tranquil night 1 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1087. Ord. Vital. p.659. W. Malm. p. 460. 2 Of William’s rapacity the chronicle makes repeated mention, as, a. 1086: “According to his custom, he collected a very large sum from his people, either justly or otherwise, if he could find any pretext.” And a. 1087: ‘“ The king and the head men loved much and over much covet- ousness in gold and in silver, and recked not how sinfully it was gotten, provided it came to them. The king sold his land as dearly as he possibly could. Then would a second come and bid more than the other had before given, and the king let him have it who had bidden more. Then would a third come and bid yet more, and the king would let him have it who bade most of all.” —T. 3 See Baron Maseres’s note, p. 258, who adds: “If we suppose the value of money at this time to have been only about 20 times as great as it is in the present year 1787, so that an ounce of silver would have bought only twenty times as much bread, or corn, or meat, as it will at this day (which I take to be a very reasonable and moderate supposition, and rather under than over the true difference of the value of money then and now,) this revenue will have been equivalent to a revenue of 20 times £1,162,525, or £23,250,500 a year at this day,” exclusive of that arising from escheats, forfeitures, mulcts, wardships, &c.—T’. PQ 212 WILLIAM THE FIRST. he had passed as a sign of his recovery. On hearing the sound of a bell, he inquired the occasion of it, and on being informed that it was tolling the hour of prime, he said, stretching forth his arms, ‘‘ Then I commend my soul to my Lady, the mother of God, that by her holy prayers she may reconcile me to her Son, my Lord Jesus Christ,” and imme- diately expired. The treatment of his corpse aids us in form- ing a striking picture of the social condition of the time, and a still more striking and more instructive one, for all times, of the vanity of earthly greatness. The bishops, physicians, and others belonging to the court, on hearing of his unex- pected death, lost all self-command: those among them who possessed any property, instantly throwing themselves on their horses, hastened to their habitations, for the purpose of protecting or concealing themselves and all belonging to them. Those of a lower grade, finding themselves relieved from all restraint, rushed to the palace, and plundered it of all they could find of clothing, vessels, and royal furniture. The body of the king, the mightiest commander of his age, when scarcely cold, was left for many hours on the floor almost in a state of nakedness. The citizens of Rouen, ap- prehensive of a general pillage, hurried in all directions in the utmost confusion; of William’s sons not one was on the spot to take charge of the government, or pay the last duties to their parent. The eldest was still among his father’s adversaries ; of the two younger one had already hastened to England, to assume the government, the other was gone to get possession of his treasure. At length, some considerate monks assembled together to form a procession, for the pur- pose of performing a mass, in the church of St. Gervais, for the soul of the departed ; and the archbishop of Rouen gave orders for the removal of the body to the abbey of St. Stephen, that had been founded by the king. But no one appeared on whom this duty should devolve. Of the brothers, the rela- tives, the courtiers of the king, even of his body guard, not WILLIAM THE FIRST. 213 one was to be seen. At last, a simple knight, dwelling in the neighbourhood, named Herluin, for the honour of God and the Norman name, resolved to provide for the costs of the conveyance, hired a carriage and the requisite people, had the body borne to the Seine, put on board a vessel, and then accompanied it himself by land to Caen. There the clergy of the abbey were prepared to give it an honourable recep- tion; but the funeral service had scarcely begun, when a fire broke out in one of the houses of the city, and both clergy and laity hurried away to extinguish the wide-spreading flames. Thus was this solemnity, like that of his coronation at Westminster, attended with a conflagration, and brought to a conclusion by a few monks. When at length the inter- ment of the body in the abbey-church was about to take place, many ecclesiastics of distinction had there assembled, the stone coffin was already sunk in the earth, and the corpse lying on the bier was ready to be placed in it, Gilbert, bishop of Evreux, held a funeral discourse, which, after extolling the virtues of the deceased monarch, he closed by beseeching those present to pray for the soul of the departed, and if he had done injury to any one among them, to grant him for- giveness. At this moment a vavassor, named Ascelin fitz Arthur, pressed forward and declared that the ground on which the assembled multitude was standing had been the property of his father, of which he had been robbed by the king, that he solemnly demanded its restitution, and forbade, in the name of God, the interment of the king in that place. The justice of this charge was so incontestably proved by the neighbours, that the prelates assembled resolved to pay im- mediately to Ascelin sixty shillings for the burial spot, and to guarantee him a sufficient indemnity for the land!. The 1 According to Malmesbury (p. 461), prince Henry, who was present at the funeral, was content to pay the claimant a hundred pounds of silver. His words are: ‘‘ Quocirca volente Henrico filio, qui solus ex liberis aderat, centum libre argenti litigatori persolutee audacem calumniam compescuere.”’—T, 214 WILLIAM THE FIRST. corpse was now lifted, for the purpose of being deposited in the vault; but another mishap was to follow. The grave, lined with masonry, was too narrow to admit the corpse, which, in the act of pressing it, burst and filled the bystanders with the most insupportable exhalation of corruption: the officiating priests could with difficulty perform their duty to its conclusion!. William possessed an extraordinary degree of bodily strength. His bow, which no other could bend on foot, he was able to draw while riding at full speed. For the savage diversion of the chase his passion knew no bounds, and his recklessness and barbarity in its gratification were as bound- less. The numerous forests of Normandy and England were insufficient for him. A. district of seventeen thousand acres, comprising above sixty parishes, in the most thriving part of England, lying between Winchester and the coast, he assign- ed for the enlargement of the ancient forest of Ytene, and the formation of the New Forest ; and the royal hunter mer- cilessly caused churches and villages to be burnt down within its circuit?. He also enlarged Windsor Forest®. His chase- and forest-laws were barbarous to an extreme. If any one slew a hart or hind, his eyes were put out. He forbade the killing of even wild boars and hares. ‘ He loved the high game,” said his contemporaries, “as if he were their fa- ther +.” What distinguishes William from all similar characters, is the security in which he placed his acquisitions, although the means employed by him for that end always created him new enemies among both his nobles and the people. The severity ! Ord. Vital. pp. 660 sg. Eadmer, p. 13. 2 Flor. Wigorn. a.1099. W. Gemmet. viii. c. 9. Ellis, Introd. i. pp. 105-110, who has, however, overlooked Ord. Vital. p. 781. 3 MS. apud Ellis, Introd. p. 107. 4 Sax. Chron. a. 1087. [This year the cathedral of St. Paul, with many monasteries and the greater and best part of London, were destroyed by fire. Sax. Chron, Flor. Wigorn.—T.] WILLIAM THE FIRST. 215 he exercised towards his barons and nearest connections, must not unfrequently have caused him to appear in their - eyes as hateful as he must ever have done to the subjugated people. His consort, Matilda, died a few years before him (3rd Nov. 1083) at Caen. She had borne him four sons, Robert, Richard, William, and Henry. Of his daughters, we know of Cecilia, an abbess at Caen; Constance, married to Alan Fer- gant, count of Brittany and earl of Richmond, who died child- less ; Agatha, first betrothed to the Anglo-Saxon king Ha~- rold, and afterwards to Alphonso king” of Gallicia, but died before her marriage; Adela, married to Stephen count of Blois, whose third son, named after his father, afterwards made a conspicuous figure in the annals of England; Adeliza, who died a nun!; and Gundrada, married to William of Warenne, earl of Surrey?. One praise, and a rare one among 1 W. Malm. pp. 455,sqg. W. Gemmet. viii. c. 34. Ord. Vital. pp. 512, 573. [In Domesday i. fol. 49, mention occurs of a daughter of William named Matilda—<‘ Goisfredus, filie regis camerarius, tenet de rege Heche Meas Goisfredus vero tenet eam de rege, pro servitio quod fecit Mathildi ejus filie.” Of a daughter thus named we find no trace in the chronicles ; but Mr. Blaauw (Archzolog. xxxii. p. 119.) suggests, that Gundrada and Matilda may be the Dano-Norman and Flemish names of the same indi- vidual; an identity of which I hardly entertain a doubt, the components of either name being synonymous with those of the other, though in inverse order, viz. Goth. gunbs, Ohg. kund, O. Nor. gunnr, bellum ; O. Nor. rad, vires, might ; and Goth. mahts, Ohg. maht, might; Goth. hilds, A. S. hild, dellum. In corroboration of this supposition, I will re- mind the reader, that the Norman Emma assumed the name of A®lfgifu, on her marriage with Aithelred; and Eadgyth that of Matilda, on her marriage with Henry I. Gundrada (O. Nor. masc. Gunnrasr) is in fact a translation of Matilda. 2JIn a charter (Monast. V. p.12. Rymer, i. p. 3) William calls her his daughter; and William of Warenne, on the occasion of founding the priory at Lewes, names queen Matilda as her mother. A document of the pair, from a chartulary of the abbey of Cluny, is cited in C. G. Hoff- mann, Nova Scriptorum ac Monumentorum Collectio, tom. i. Lips. 1731. The chroniclers ignore her, except Orderic, who calls her a sister of Gher- bod the Fleming. See Orderic, p. 522. (Maseres, p. 254.) Documentary 216 WILLIAM THE FIRST. the princes of his family, is due to William—that of conti- .nence. Even the voice of slander has been unable to utter evidence of their posterity exists in the charter of Castleacre Priory in Norfolk. See Monast. Angl. v. pp. 49, sg. [The following notes, chiefly from Ellis’s Introduction to Domesday, (vol. i. p. 507) will, it is hoped, be thought of sufficient interest to justify their insertion. “ Gundreda was really a daughter of the Conqueror. William de Warren’s second charter of foundation, granted to Lewes priory, in the reign of Rufus, states this fact distinctly: ‘ Volo ergo quod sciant qui sunt et qui futuri sunt, quod ego Willielmus de Warrena, Surreie comes, donavi et confirmavi Deo et Sancto Pancratio et monachis Cluniacensibus, quicunque in ipsa ecclesia Sancti Pancratii Deo servient imperpetuum, donavi pro salute anime mee et anime Gundrede uxoris mez et pro anima domini mei Willielmi regis, qui me in Anglicam terram adduxit, et per cujus licentiam monachos venire feci, et qui meam priorem donationem confirmavit, et pro salute domine mez Matildis reginz, matris uxoris mez, et pro salute domini mei Willelmi regis, filii sui, post cujus adventum in Anglicam terram hanc cartam feci, et qui me comitem Surregie fecit.’ “ Gundreda is also acknowledged by the Conqueror himself as his daughter, in the charter, by which he gave to the monks of St. Pancras the manor of Walton in Norfolk, the original of which is preserved in the Cott. MS. Vesp. F. III. fol.1. He gives it ‘ pro anima domini et ante- cessoris mei regis Edwardi...... et pro anima Gulielmi de Warenna, et uxoris suze Gundrede, filie mea, et heredibus suis.’ : “Gundreda died in child-bed at Castle Acre in Norfolk, May 27th 1085, and was interred in the chapter-house of Lewes priory. Her tomb was found in 1775 in Isfield church in Sussex, (forming the upper slab of the monument of Edward Shirley, cofferer to Henry VIII.) whither it was supposed to have been taken at the dissolution of Lewes priory. It was removed in that year to the church of Southover. It was ornamented in the Norman taste, and the inscription was obscure and mutilated; the names of Gundreda and St. Pancras, however, appeared upon it. See Sir William Burrell’s Collections for the History of the Rape of Lewes in Sussex, MS. Donat. Brit. Mus. “William de Warren himself died June 24th 1088. The Register of Lewes priory, MS. Cott. Vesp. A. HV. preserves the epitaph which was formerly upon his tomb, also at Lewes.” The following is from the Atheneum, No. 940. ‘“ On Tuesday morn- ing, as the workmen employed by the Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings Railway Company were removing the earth in the priory grounds at Lewes, their progress was arrested by a stone, on the removal of which they discovered two cists, or coffers, side by side. On the lid of one was the word ‘ Gundreda,’ perfectly legible; and on the lid of the other, WILLIAM THE FIRST. 217 - more than one ill-founded reproach against him!. At all events, we know of no illegitimate offspring left by him. ‘Willus.’ On removing the lids, the remains appeared to be quite per- fect, and the lower jaw of William, earl de Warren, in extraordinary pre- servation. The cists in which the bodies were deposited were not more than three feet in length, and about two feet wide, and there is no doubt that they had been removed from some other place, and re-interred ; and, according to tradition, the bodies of William de Warren and Gundreda his wife were re-interred two hundred years after their decease. These interesting and ancient relics were removed to Southover church, in which there is a very ancient tablet to the memory of ‘Gundreda,’ and it is in- tended to place the remains near this tablet.” “Tt is obvious,” writes Mr. Blaauw, (Archeolog. xxxi. p. 439,) “ that the bodies have been transferred from their original sepultures to these cists at some period not recorded, but probably on their being found de- cayed, when, in the progress of the buildings of the priory, the chapter- house, in which they were buried, was completed.’ For an interesting account of Gundrada, the reader is recommended to consult the two valu- able papers by Mr. Blaauw, above referred to.—T. 1 Will. Malm. p. 453. [** Non desunt qui ganniant eum...... voluta~ tum cum cujusdam presbyteri filia, quam per satellitem, succiso poplite, Matildis sustulerit, quapropter illum exheredatum, illam ad mortem freno equi cesam.”—T. | A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMAN KINGS. WILLIAM THE SECOND, SURNAMED RUFUS. CONTEMPORARY SOVEREIGNS. GERMANY, | FRANCE, SCOTLAND. SPAIN. Henry IV. Philip I. Malcolm III. ob. 1093. | Alphonso VI. hs Donald Bane, dep. 1094, Duncan ob. 1094. Donald Bane —_—1097. wer Edgar 1097. : POPES. Urban II. ob. 1099. | Paschal II. In nothing did the complete triumph of William the Con- queror more manifestly display itself than in the succession to the English throne established solely in conformity with his wish. So entirely broken was the power of the Anglo- Saxons, that neither the claims of the royal race, represented by Eadgar A‘theling, and not denied by the Normans them- selves, were of any avail; nor was any regard paid to the sons of Harold, at that time sojourning beyond sea. Neither the right nor the semblance of an election was conceded to the Norman and Anglo-Saxon chieftains, and even that of primogeniture was violated. The bequest of Normandy to the eldest son was in accordance with the feudal law of France, to violate which the Conqueror would, at the same time, have scrupled as little as any of the other French princes, who entertained consideration for their suzerain only when it suited them. The assignment of England to the second son may have appeared illegal to the Anglo-Saxons!, yet not so to the Normans, as we have already remarked, ' Kadmer, p. 13. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 219 that among them the paternal inheritance in Normandy descended to the eldest son, while the frequently greater, though less secure, acquisitions by conquest in Apulia, Brit- tany, and other provinces, fell to the share of the younger’. More probable, however, than reasons founded on right, are those deducible from William’s knowledge of the characters and capabilities of his sons; and even if he judged too favour- ably of his second son, and had constantly preferred him to his elder brother, it was, at the same time, but too evident, that Robert, weak-minded, wavering, fondly priding himself in eloquence, valour, and other knightly accomplishments, was unequal to the task of ruling England, and to the struggle with its inhabitants. The yoliiger’ son, William, who, at his father’s death, had not attained his twenty-fifth year, had been educated and knighted? by Lanfrane, and had distinguished himself by his courage and bodily activity. The alacrity with which he at- tended to every intimation of a wish on the part of his father, combined with the qualities just mentioned, gained him the affection of that dark and suspicious prince. On his death- bed, William gave him a letter to the archbishop of Canter- bury, in which he conferred on that prelate the office of crowning his son William king of England. Even before the prince could embark at Witsand, the intelligence of his fa- ther’s death overtook him. To the most influential and inti- mate friend of the Conqueror, this his last wish could be no matter of surprise. He caused his royal pupil to promise, that as king he would ever practise justice, equity, and mercy; defendt he Church, and ever follow his precepts and counsel. Whereupon, preventing all discussions about an election, after a lapse of eighteen days only from the death of the 1 Examples: the sons of William fitz Osbern (see p. 156); of Roger of Montgomery, whose eldest had Belesme and Alengon; the second, Hugh, the earldom of Shrewsbury. 2 The ceremony of knighting at that time is thus described by Orderic, p- 665: ‘ Eum lorica induit, et galeam capiti ejus imposuit, eique militiz cingulum in nomine Domini cinxit.”—T. 220 WILLIAM THE SECOND. Conqueror, Lanfrane consecrated and crowned him, in the abbey-church of Westminster, as king William the Second. The Normans settled in England, and the Anglo-Saxons, to whom the establishment of England as a separate kingdom, independent of the duke of Normandy, must appear in the highest degree welcome, submitted to the anointed of the Church, and swore to him the oath of allegiance. The young king then proceeded to Winchester, where the well-filled trea- sury of the Conqueror was opened, and, in compliance with his last. wishes, for the benefit of his soul; gifts, some amount- ing to ten marks of gold, were bestowed on every cloister and church in England, and to every shire a hundred pounds in gold were given for their respective poor!; a sum which must call to mind how considerably the number of poor must have increased since the Conquest, but, at the same time, seems to show that a secular provision for them still continued?. Pre- cious stones, gold and silver, were also taken from the hoard, to be applied by Otto the goldsmith in the erection of a costly mausoleum to the memory of the deceased 3. William brought with him to England the captives, earl Morkere and Wulfnoth, the brother of Harold, but who only exchanged one prison for another, as they were committed to close custody immediately on their arrival at Winchester ; though it seems that Wulfnoth afterwards recovered his liberty, as we are told he died a monk at Salisbury. Ulf, a son of king Harold, and Duncan, son of Malcolm king of Scotland, also received their liberty and the honour of knighthood from duke Robert +. While the winter was well employed by the king in esta- blishing himself on the throne and in the minds of the people, under the guidance of his older and more experienced coun- 1 Saxon Chron. a. 1087. 2 See England under the Anglo-Saxon kings, i. pp. 198 sq. 3 Ord. Vital. lib. viii. init. This Otto aurifaber was a tenant in chief of lands in Essex. See Ellis, i. p. 462. 4 Flor. Wigorn. a.1087. Ord. Vital. ed. Maseres, p. 186. Engl. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 267. See also p. 163. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 221 sellors, the great vassals of Normandy, availing themselves of the weakness of his elder brother, expelled the garrisons that had been placed in their castles by the Conqueror, and, at the same time, extorted new enfeoffments from his less formidable successor. If similar attempts were made in England, they speedily miscarried, though the Norman barons were in want only of a leader, (who soon presented himself in the paternal uncle of their prince, bishop Odo (1088)), to rise up with words and deeds against the separation of the country con- quered with their blood from the smaller hereditary state, a separation in many respects so prejudicial to their interests. Duke Robert allowed himself to be flattered with the prospect of dominion over the whole of his father’s territories. With bishop Odo, who had again received the palatinate of Kent, were combined two other bishops, Geoffrey of Coutances and William of Durham, together with the brother of Odo, Robert count of Mortain and earl of Cornwall; Roger of Mont- gomery, earl of Shrewsbury; his eldest son, Robert of Belesme, together with two younger ones; Hugo of Grentemaisnil, earl of Leicester, his nephew, Robert of Rhuddlan; Eustace the younger, count of Boulogne; Osbern, son of Richard Scrope, and others of illustrious name. For the king declared them- selves his brother-in-law William of Warenne, Hugh earl of Chester; Robert of Molbray, earl of Northumberland!, and Robert fitz Hamon. But the best protection the king had to look for was in the Anglo-Saxon population. Of this he was fully aware, and caused his men to be summoned, parti- cularly the Anglo-Saxons. To these he promised just and mild laws, such as had never been known to their forefathers, and the abolition of all unjust imposts ; even the immunities of the chase and forest, of which they had been deprived under 1 Orderic (p. 667) names him, for whom also speaks the silence of the Saxon Chronicle and even of Simeon of Durham; while Florence and William of Malmesbury name him among the accomplices of Odo, which is hardly probable, as we find him, several years after, in possession of his extensive earldom. 222 WILLIAM THE SECOND. his father, he restored to the inhabitants. The Anglo-Saxons, to the number of thirty thousand, assembled under Norman leaders, marched straightways to Rochester, where the earl- bishop Odo had strongly fortified himself, and whence he had plundered the possessions of his bitter enemy, archbishop Lanfranc, as well as those of the citizens of London. The war was, however, carried on more with words than with swords and missiles. Roger of Montgomery who, feigning treachery, had come to the king, was, partly by William’s seeming submission to the old counsellors of his father, and the promises of presents, partly by the consideration, that those who denied the rights of the king attacked, at the same time, the validity of all the Norman possessions in England that were the grant of the Conqueror, seduced to follow the banner of William!. He nevertheless, did not prove faithful, but secretly favoured the conspirators®. On receiving intelligence that Odo had withdrawn to the castle of Pevensey, which was held by Robert of Mortain, the king himself proceeded thither, of which, as also that of Tun- bridge, he made himself master, though stoutly defended by its owner, Gilbert fitz Richard, grandson of the count of Brionne, Gilbert Crespin. After a long siege, impelled by hunger, and vainly looking for the arrival of his confederates from Normandy, many of whom had been slain by the English on the coast or, bereft of their ships, driven back into the waves of the ocean, Odo appeared ready to deliver Rochester to the king. After agreeing on the conditions in the royal camp, Odo accompanied the king’s knights into the castle, for the avowed purpose of carrying the surrender into effect, when count Eustace and the other conspirators, who had adroitly availed themselves of the time spent in negotiating, in 1 W. Malm. p. 488. [“ Nec minori astutia Rogerium de Monte Gome- rico, secum dissimulata perfidia equitantem, circumvenit. Seorsum enim ducto magnam ingessit invidiam, dicens: Libenter se imperio cessurum, si illi et aliis videatur quos pater tutores reliquerat.”—T. ] 2 Ord. Vital. p. 667. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 223 gaining intelligence and procuring supplies, caused the draw- bridge to be raised, making captives of the royal delegates and, for the sake of appearance, of the treacherous bishop himself. It was therefore necessary to renew the siege, and as his adversaries had also gained possession of some other strong places, the king issued another general summons, for the purpose of reinforcing his army. The threat, that who- ever remained behind should be held as a “ nithing!,” proves that an appeal to the feelings of the Anglo-Saxons was deemed desirable. Nor in other parts of England did the conspirators find any support. Bishop Geoffrey saw his operations limited to predatory incursions from Bristol to Bath and into Wilt- shire ; his followers had been repulsed from Ilchester. At Worcester bishop Wulfstan directed the defence of the ad- jacent provinces, which Bernard of Neumarch, Roger of Lacy, and Ralph of Mortimer, had attempted to lay waste. William of Eu had ravaged the royal possessions at Berkeley, and the plains and vineyards of Gloucestershire. Roger Bigot had made himself master of the castle at Norwich, yet found no adherents, but only an opportunity for predatory excursions?. Earl Roger, finding his treachery no longer a secret, deserting the royal camp, hastened not to any settled place of meeting, but to his own castle at Arundel, there to await the coming of duke Robert. But that prince, occupied with the enjoy- ment of his new dignities and treasures, found the road in England too rough for a triumphal procession to Westminster abbey, and shrank from the difficulty and uncertainty of a struggle, which bade fair to be a civil, a national, and frater- nal contest. In the beginning of the summer, bishop Odo, sensible that Rochester could no longer hold out, surrendered 1 Sax. Chron. a. 1088. [‘‘He (Willelm) “sende ofer eall Engla lande, and bed pet ele man be were unniSing sceolde cuman to him”’—He (William) sent over all England, and bade that everyman who was ‘unnithing’ should come to him.”? W. Malm. p. 489. “jubet ut compatriotas advocent ad obsidionem venire, nisi si quivelint sub nomine ‘ni¥ing,’ quod nequam sonat, remanere.”—T. 2 Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dun. a. 1088. 224 WILLIAM THE SECOND. it to the king, on the condition of a free passage to Bayeux. It was with difficulty that William consented to spare the lives of the garrison; but the request of Odo, that at his departure the besiegers should abstain from every demonstra- tion of triumph, was contemptuously refused. The moment he appeared, the trumpets were ordered to sound: and as he passed through the ranks, the English cried out: “Halter and gallows.” He slunk away, muttering threats of vengeance. This decisive step was soon followed by the termination of the whole war. Earl Roger was not tardy in making his peace with his sovereign, who, on his part, was sensible that leniency towards the old vassals of his father was the wisest policy. A powerful army was sent to Durham, which city bishop William, likewise on condition of leaving England under a safe escort, surrendered to the royal forces (Sept.11). The remaining French adversaries of the king fled, leaving their lands and castles as a reward to his adherents’. With prince Henry, to whom his brother Robert, urged by his necessities, had pledged or sold the Cotentin for three thousand pounds, but who was now in England endeavouring to make good his claims to a share of the lands that had been possessed by his mother, but which after her death his father had not divided among her children, the king too found means of. compromise; the lands in question having been granted to Robert fitz Hamon2, and, consequently, no longer at the king’s disposal. This agreement between his two pupils, a work dictated by the best judgment, seems to have been the last act of archbishop Lanfranc, who died in the May following (24 May 1089), and with him the only man who was able to exercise a wholesome influence over the king, and to curb his ever more and more unbridled, brutal passions. Into Lan- frane’s place in the king’s confidence insinuated himself an ! Sax. Chron. a. 1088. Ord. Vital. pp. 667-669. Sim. Dunelm. col.215. W. Malm. pp. 489, 490. Alur. Bev. 137. 2 Ord. Vital. pp. 665 sq. According to Ellis, Introd. i. p. 432, who, however, cites no authority, the king gave him the Honour of Gloucester. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 225 ecclesiastic named Ranulf Flambard!, who served him especi- ally as a tool whereby to enrich the royal treasury out of the possessions of the Church. Pernicious as his influence over his master unquestionably was, yet in his instance traces of the calumny of his contemporaries are visible, particularly of the monkish chroniclers, whose fraternity he had so sensibly injured. These, among other reproaches, revile him with being of most abject birth, the son of Turstin, a low-born priest of : Bayeux, and with having acquired the surname of Flambard (Flambeau) in consequence of his early manifested covetous- — ness?. Under this name, however, we find him not only repeat- edly mentioned among both the mesne and immediate tenants of the Conqueror, and on the road to some influence at court, but also noticed as a proprietor in Hampshire, under king Eadward the Confessor?. As his plan, and which is said to have excited great hatred towards its author, is mentioned that of causing a more accurate measurement by the line of the hides throughout England; the Anglo-Saxon measure being, it was alleged, too incorrect, thereby to gain for the king either land or an increase of revenue; a proceeding which could infringe the rights of no one. This statement, however, may not improbably originate in a substitution for the survey according to the Winchester Domesday of the Conqueror of one of the many special and more accurate surveys; for, if such a re-measurement of the whole country 1 The Sax. Chron. (a. 1128) and Flor. Wigorn. (a. 1094) call him Passeflambard. 2 W. Malm. p. 497: “Accessit regiz menti fomes cupiditatum, Ran- nulfus clericus, ex infimo genere hominum lingua et calliditate provectus ad summum.” See also ejusd. de Pont. lib. iii. Ord. Vital. p. 678. Thierry, T. ii. lib.1. “ Renouf Flambard, évéque de Lincoln, autrefois valet de pied chez le duc de Normandie. He had merely the administration of the church property of the vacant see of Lincoln. [It is not easy to conceive how the sobriquet of Flambeau could be given to an individual on account of his covetousness.—T. | 3 Domesday, i. p.51. Ord. Vital. p.678, As royal chaplain, see docum. of a. 1088, in Monast, ii. p. 266. Q 226 WILLIAM THE SECOND. had taken place, we should unquestionably be in possession of some further notices of the transaction, which must neces- sarily invalidate the original Domesday as a legal authority’. The office held by Flambard at the court of the youthful king we are unable accurately to designate; that of chan- cellor, sometimes assigned to him, we find in the hands of another royal chaplain, Robert Bloet, and, at a later period, of William Giffard? ; and are therefore rather disposed to regard him as filling the very comprehensive one of chief justiciary 3. The history of England is at this time so intimately inter- woven with that of Normandy, the hereditary land of the royal house and the nobility, that it is often requisite to cast a glance at that country, even when no immediate connection ! Ord. Vital. p. 678, a. 1089 is the only authority for this account, who, on the other hand, instead of the real Domesday survey of the elder William, mentions only the number of men able to bear arms, but nothing of the more accurate subsequent measurement of the hides. Palgrave (Origin and Progress, ii. p.449) believes in an old Lieger Book of Evesham abbey to have discovered, in a fragment relative to Gloucestershire, a por- tion of Flambard’s record. J have no more doubt than he has that the era of its compilation is between 1096 and 1112, though there seems but little ground for the opinion that it is a part of the very comprehensive work in question. [The fragment is in MS. Cott. Vesp. B. xxiv. pp. 53-60.—T.] 2 Sax, Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1093. Ord. Vital. p.783. 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1099: “ negotiorum totius regni exactor.”? Alured. Beverl. p.144: “‘placitor et totius regni eractor.”” W. Malm. de Pont. “totius regni procurator.”’ Petri Blesensis Hist. p.110: “ exactor cru- delissimus, regis consiliarius preecipuus.” Eadmer, p.20: “quidam nomine Ranulphus, regize voluntatis maximus executor.’ Hen. Hunt. a. 1099: “ placitator sed perversor, exactor sed exustor totius Anglic.” Orderic, p. 786: summus regiarum opum procurator et justitiarius. That this Ranulf composed a work de legibus Anglie may, as long as we have no more trustworthy testimony than the Chronicon Johannis de Séi Petri Burgo (a.1099), be regarded as a mistake for the work of Ranulf de Glanvile; but that he was the king’s justiciary is also evident from the Sax. Chron. a. 1099; “be éror ealle his gemét ofer eall Engleland draf and bewiste,” who previously had conducted and directed all his councils over all England. WILLIAM ‘THE SECOND. a0). between it and England is apparent. Thus, when prince Henry with Robert of Belesme, who had also made his peace with king William, returned to Normandy, certain evil-dis- posed persons deluded duke Robert with the false representa- tion, that both had entered into an engagement with William for his ruin, who thereupon taking council of bishop Odo, caused the prince and his companion to be arrested, as soon as they trod the Norman shore, and sent the latter to Bayeux and the former to Neuilly in strict custody. The father of Robert, however, arriving shortly after from England, for the pur- pose of securing the several castles that belonged to his house, the duke found himself compelled to summon the nobility of Le Maine to his aid, with the object of reducing those castles under his own power. Yet, although the aid was not denied him, and the castles began gradually to fall into his hands, the slothful prince dismissed the army and, at Roger’s solici- tation, released his son from prison, and, on the representa- tions of his nobles, his brother Henry also}. The king of England did not neglect the favourable oppor- tunity offered him by the weakness of Robert (1090), whose vassals, Walter of St. Valery and Odo of Albemarle (Aumale), or his son Stephen2, delivered to him their castles, in which he stationed forces, for the purpose of reducing to subjection the neighbouring country as well as other castles on the right bank of the Seine. William scrupled not to enter into a compact with a wealthy citizen of Rouen, named Conan, son of Gilbert the Hairy, for the traitorous delivery of the city. Conan persuaded the majority of his fellow-citizens that their privileges and commerce would be more secure and thriving under the more powerful prince than under one who only de- manded taxes, without the ability to afford them protection and free activity; that they should, therefore, admit the 1 Ord. Vital. pp. 672.673 sqq. 2 Florence (a. 1090) says the former, William of Jumiéges (vill, 3) the latter. Qk 228 WILLIAM THE SECOND. forces of the king from the neighbouring town of Gournay, and make him master of the metropolis of Normandy. The preparations for this plan under the eyes of the duke, then dwelling in the castle of Rouen, were not unobserved, who thereupon lost no time in conciliating his brother Henry and his disaffected vassals, William count of Evreux, Robert of Belesme, William of Breteuil and Gilbert of L’Aigle. Henry hastened to the aid of his brother, and (Nov. 3d) Gilbert like- wise led a body of men to his relief, approaching the city on the south side, while from another direction Reginald of Warenne appeared at the Cauchois gate; whereupon one portion of the citizens ran to oppose Gilbert, while another strove to open the west gate, to admit Reginald and his force. Some of the royal troops had already found entrance, and were impatiently awaiting the issue of the insurrection. While this military and civic contest was taking place, the duke with his brother Henry sallied from the castle for the purpose of succouring his friends; but seeing the tumult and confusion, and unable to distinguish friend from foe, he was persuaded to take flight and seek shelter in a suburban village; then, crossing the Seine, he proceeded to the church of St. Marie aux Champs, and there awaited the result of the contest. When Gilbert, supported by Henry and the loyal portion of the townsmen, had obtained possession of the south gate, a fearful slaughter ensued within the city, and Conan’ was soon captured, when all resistance was at an end. Many of the richest traders were taken by the ducal knights and cast into the castle dungeons, until they redeemed themselves with immense sums extorted from them in every possible way. From one wealthy individual, William son of Ansgar, William of Breteuil extorted three thousand pounds. On that same day Conan was conducted to the top of the tower, whence prince Henry showed him in derision the beautiful fields, the fortresses, the Seine abounding in fish and covered with shipping, the wealthy city with its castles and churches, WILLIAM THE SECOND. 229 in short, the land he had wished to conquer. Conan, who was well aware to what the bitter mockery tended, offered all that he and his family possessed as an atonement. But Henry, apprehending the dangerous lenity of his brother, that merciless mercy!, which was the ruin of his country, swore by the soul of his mother, that nothing should save the traitor, and without granting the suppliant the last spi- ritual consolation, he grasped him with both hands and pre- cipitated him through the window into the depth below. The corpse, bound to a horse’s tail, was afterwards dragged through the city and the neighbouring villages?. Although William’s intrigues with the citizens had thus failed, it was, nevertheless, no difficult task to continue them, to the injury of his brother, with the vassals of the latter. Hugh of Grentemaisnil and Richard of Curci, both barons possessed of large estates also in England, commenced hostilities against Robert of Belesme, in whose cause the duke took up arms. But he failed in his endeavours to subdue these and other rebellious vassals, who had delivered up their castles to the king. In his state of helplessness Robert then had recourse to his superior lord, the French king, Philip I., who at first made some preparations for be- sieging one of the castles ; but certain purses of English gold arriving soon after, the short-sighted monarch returned to his sensual enjoyments, and suffered the castles of his feeble vassal to fall into the hands of a stronger and most dangerous adversary. In the beginning of the following year (1091) king William in person embarked for Normandy, where he commenced the siege of Eu, but soon, under the personal mediation of the king of France, he concluded at Caen a 1 Ralf of Caen says of him: “ Misericordiam ejus immisericordem sensit Normannia, dum eo consule per impunitatem rapinarum nec homini parceret nec Deo licentia raptorum.” Radulphi Cadom. Gesta Tancredi, ap. Muratori SS. Rerum. Ital. T. vi. 2 Ord. Vital. pp. 689, 690. W. Malm. p. 618. 230 WILLIAM THE SECOND. highly advantageous treaty of peace with the duke, by which he acquired the county of Eu, Fécamp, the country about Gournay and Conches, the abbey of Mont St. Michel, and Cherbourg. On the other hand, William engaged to conquer Le Maine for Robert, and the towns that had revolted from him, also to restore to the Normans banished from England their fiefs in that country. Whichever of the two brothers should die first without legitimate issue should be succeeded by the other in all his states. This convention was sworn to by twelve barons on the part of the king, and the like number on that of duke Robert’. By some of the above-mentioned cessions the rights of the youngest brother were grossly prejudiced, and they were op- posed by him accordingly; but being forsaken by the greater number of his former adherents, on account of his poverty, and supported only by a few Bretons, he withdrew to Mont St. Michel, where he was besieged by his brothers, now for the first time acting in concert. Connected with this siege some stories are related of the two elder brothers too graphi- eally descriptive of times and character to be passed wholly in silence. In a skirmish the girths of the king’s saddle burst asunder and he fell to the ground. His adversaries vigor- ously pressed on him, but springing up he seized the saddle and defended himself with his sword, until his faithful knights, Normans and Anglo-Saxons, whom he had summoned to his aid, had with great difficulty rescued him. On his return home- ward his knights jested with him on the danger to which he had exposed himself for his saddle. “ By the holy face of Lucca?!” answered he, “one must be able to defend one’s 1 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1091. ? Upon this oath M. Pluquet has added the following notes (Rom. de Rou, ii. p. 328). ‘ C’était son jurement habituel. comme celui de Guillaume-le-Conquérant était: Par la resplendor Dé (par la splendeur de Dieu). Le savant auteur de [Histoire des Anglo-Saxons, M. Sharon Turner, a cru qu’il s’agissait ici de saint Luc, et a constamment traduit cette formule, si souvent répétée dans Guillaume de Malmesbury, par ces WILLIAM THE SECOND. 231 own! It would be shameful to lose it as long as one could defend it. The Bretons would have bragged prettily with my saddle!.” In another encounter there, the king, mounted on a horse he had just purchased, rushed alone against a multitude of enemies, when his horse, mortally wounded by an arrow, threw him to the ground, and he was dragged by the foot a considerable distance, yet, owing to the goodness of his armour, sustained no injury. When the soldier who had unhorsed him was preparing to strike, the king exclaimed: “Stop, rascal, I am the king of England!’ The soldiers around trembled at the well-known voice, and, respectfully raising him from the ground, brought him another horse. Waiting for no aid, the monarch leaped into the saddle, and casting a sharp glance at those about him, ‘“ Which of you,” cried he, “ struck me down?” All were silent, when a warrior stept forward, saying: “It was I: I took you for a knight, not for the king.” Whereupon William with a placid coun- mots: By the face of St. Luke. Voyez Hist. of Engl. during the Middle Ages, i. ch. v.” (A Le Prevost). “On entend ordinairement par un Saint-Voult, une effigie représentant la face du Christ, couronné d’épines et baignée de larmes et de sang, telle enfin qu’elle était représentée sur le voile de sainte Véronique ou Bérénice; mais le Saint-Voult de Lucques est un Christ revétu d’habits précieux et couronné de pierreries. On en trouve une gravure dans le Voyage de Misson en Italie, ii. p. 321 (E. H. Langlois).” To the above may be added Mr. Hardy’s note to W. of Malmesbury (p. 492) relating to the same oath. Per vultum de Luca.] These words have been frequently mistranslated into ‘ By St. Luke’s face !’ whereas it means ‘By the face at Lucca!’ Lord Lyttleton says, ‘There is at Lucca in Tuscany an ancient figure of Christ, brought there miraculously, as they pretend. They call it “Il santo volto di Lucca:” it is stamped on their coins with this legend, ‘Sanctus vultus de Luca.”?? In an Italian book, called ‘Il Forestiere informato delle cose di Lucca,’ this legend is given in great detail. ‘The author states that it was the work of Nicodemus of the Gospel. See further on this subject in the Rev. J. K. Tyler’s interesting volume entitled ‘ Oaths, their Origin, Nature, and History ;’ London, 8vo. pp. 289-296.—T. 1 Rom. de Rou, vv. 14670, sqq. 232 WILLIAM THE SECOND. tenance exclaimed: “ By the holy face of Lucca! thou shalt henceforth be mine, and, entered on my roll, shalt receive the recompense of praiseworthy bravery!.” Of duke Robert's goodness of heart there is only one though striking instance recorded. The besieged suffered from want of water, and on Henry’s representation, that the element which was common to all ought not to be denied them, and that a contest should not so be decided, but by the arm of the most valiant, Robert commanded his soldiers to be less strict, that his brother might not suffer from want of water. When this was reported to the king, he reproached his soft- hearted brother, saying: ‘Truly a fitting one art thou to conduct a war, who allowest thy enemies an abundance of water. How are we to overcome them, if we indulge them with victuals and drink ?’ But he gently answered: ‘‘ What! shall we allow our brother to die of thirst? and where shall we find another, if we lose him??” But William was made of sterner stuff, and not to be attuned to such soft, measures. He, therefore, took care that the besieged should obtain no further supply of water, and prince Henry found himself compelled to surrrender the fortress together with his other possessions, on condition of a free departure. He fled to Brittany, there to return thanks to his generous friend, the count, and thence to France, where he found no aid. For two years the future powerful monarch of England lived in the Vexin, attended only by one knight, a priest, and three esquires, and, in this school of privation, learnt the first of kingly virtues, self-command, as well as the true wants of men, and to know their hearts far better than in the sensual habitations and riotous banquetings of his brothers. Some time after, the inhabitants of Domfront placed themselves 1 W. Malm. p. 491. [Wace gives a verson of the occurrence totally different from the above as related by Malmesbury. See Rom. de Rou, vy. 14670, sqq.—T.] 2 W. Malm, p. 492. Rom. de Rou, vv. 14672, sqq. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 233 under his government, on condition that he would not change their laws and customs, and that he would never surrender his claims to Domfront to any one}. For his liberty Henry was less indebted to the good will of his royal brother than to an inroad of the Scots, whose king, Malcolm Canmore, had entered the country as early as May. It was probably in his anger at this hostility that William caused Eadgar A{theling, Malcolm’s brother-in-law, to be deprived of his fiefs in Normandy, that had been granted him by Robert, and driven from the duchy. In August William returned to England and proceeded northwards, with the intention of punishing the Scots. At Durham, in con- sequence of negotiations at Caen, he re-established the ex- pelled bishop William. But he had not yet crossed the border, when intelligence reached him, just before Michael- mas, that in the first of those storms, for which that year was distinguished, nearly his whole fleet had perished. Many also of his cavalry had died of hunger in those desert regions, that had so recently been harried by the Scots, and not a few, probably French, had fallen victims to the intense cold. When, therefore, Malcolm came to meet him in the county of Lothian with an army of Gaels better provided than his own, inured to the northern air and soil, William was not sorry to find a mediator in his brother Robert. For the lands held by him in England Malcolm engaged to render homage to William, as he had before rendered it to his father; while William, on the other hand, promised to re- store to him the twelve manors in England which he had held under his father, and to give him twelve marks of gold annually ?. ' Ord. Vital. pp. 696, 698. Rom. de Rou, 14708, sqq. 2 Flor. Wigorn, a.1091. The details concerning these manors (ville) and the payment in gold are unfortunately wanting. As there is no men- tion of these vills in Domesday, we ought not probably with Lingard (ii. 2) to regard them as habitations for the kings of Scotland, while on their way to their superior lord, as granted by king Eadgar to Kenneth of 234 WILLIAM THE SECOND. While on this expedition, the king could not fail to observe how cruelly the northern parts of his realm had suffered through the previous devastations, and that even as a defence against enemies a prosperous population is better than barren heaths and deserts. He proceeded with a strong force to Carlisle, and having expelled the nominal under-tenant pro- bably of the king of Scotland, Dolfin, a son perhaps of Gos- patric, the former earl of Northumberland}, whose Anglo- Saxon lineage but ill fitted him for the wardenship of the marches, he restored that city, which had been laid in ruins by the Danes two hundred years before, built a castle there, and divided the wasted lands among a large number of peasants who had been sent thither with their wives and cattle, consisting probably, for the greater part, of those who, Scotland. Matthew of Westminster (a. 975), on whose words alone the supposition is founded, speaks merely of certain “mansiones in itinere,” which were possessed by the kings of Scotland to the time of Henry II. [With regard to this very obscure point, I confess [am by no means adverse to the opinion of Lingard, which appears at least countenanced by the words of Matthew of Westminster, that seem worth quoting: “ Eo- dem quoque tempore, A5lfsius episcopus, et comes Eadulfus Kinedum, regem Scotorum, ad regem Eadgarum conduxerunt. Quem cum per- duxissent ad regem, multa donaria a regia largitate suscepit, inter que contulit ei centum uncias auri purissimi, cum multis sericis ornamentis et annulis, cum lapidibus preeciosis. Dedit praeterea eidem regi terram totam, quee Laudian (Lothian) patria lingua nuncupatur, hac conditione, ut annis singulis, in festivitatibus prcipuis, quando rex et ejus successores dia- dema portarent, venirent ad curiam, et cum ceteris regni principibus festum cum leetitia celebrarent. Dedit insuper ei rex mansiones in itinere plurimas, ut ipse et ejus successores ad festum venientes, ac denuo rever- tentes, hospitari valuissent, quee usque in tempora regis Henrici Secundi in potestate regum Scotiz remanserunt.”—T. ] 1 See page 150. . An unlooked-for and, we may be allowed to say, unmerited, turn of fortune brought William from the brink of ruin to the consummation of the wish for which he had, during the whole term of his rule, striven with every exertion, every in- justice, every prodigality to attain. With every year duke Robert found himself deprived of a portion of his paternal inheritance. Domfront, his strongest town, was in the pos- session of prince Henry, who from that fortress had extended his territory by dint of arms, and gained many adherents among Robert’s followers. King William also held more than twenty castles in Normandy, and the most influential nobles were bound to him, partly by reason of possessions held by them in England, partly by other obligations. Robert was, in fact, deprived of all power, of the greater part of his revenues, and, in consequence of the weakness of his cha- racter, of all means and prospect of ever recovering them. At this juncture the trump of the holy war resounded on a sudden from Clermont, and among the many whom unpro- pitious circumstances impelled to obey the inspiring call was duke Robert. What still remained to him of Normandy he 1 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1096. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 704. 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1096. 4 Ord. Vital. p. 704. 5 Monast. Anglic. iti. p. 313. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 261 transferred, for five years, to his brother William, in con- sideration of a loan of ten thousand marks of silver'. ‘The raising of this money was in all haste recommended to the chief persons of England. Bishops and other Church digni- taries were compelled to break up the church plate, and melt it for coining money. Barons plundered their vassals and peasantry, to take gold and silver to the king. In September William embarked for Normandy, made peace with his bro- ther, and paid him the sum required of 66663 pounds of silver, in consideration of a pledge of tenfold greater value’. This possession was employed by William in several at- tempts to secure and extend the acquisitions of his house in France. In the following years we find him occupied with the French and Bretons, ‘and also with the Flemings?, though of these disputes and transactions few accounts or traces are extant. The count of Flanders, Robert IT., in the year 1093, came to a conference with William at Dover, the object of which was probably the restoration of the old feudal relations, according to which the counts of Flanders received for mili- tary service a yearly revenue from England of three hundred marks of silver, which settlement having been revoked, in consequence of the hostilities of count Robert the Frisian, was renewed with his son by king William, in consideration of their relationship‘, The Bretons, under count Alan Fer- gant, who was related to duke Robert, probably assisted the king, as they previously had his brother *, in his war with the county of Le Maine. Duke Robert had laid claim to Le Maine, though founded merely on his betrothal to the second daughter of count Hugh, but who died before marriage®. This frivolous pretension was opposed by Hélie, the son of John of la Fléche, ! Ord. Vital. pp. 723, 724. 2 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1096. Ord. Vital. pp. 713, 764. W. Malm. p.500. Al. Bev. p.142. W. Hemingb. p. 30. ed. E.H.S. 2 Ord. Vital. p.769. 4 Eadmer, p.19. W. Malm. p. 573. > Daru, Histoire de la Bretagne, ‘I’. i. § See page 55. 262 WILLIAM THE SECOND. who had married Paula, the third or youngest daughter of Hugh, and sister of Heribert, the last count, and who, subse- quently to the year 1090, had bought from the son of the eldest, by Azo marquis of Liguria, his claims on Le Maine for ten thousand shillings'. Notwithstanding the support of Fulk count of Anjou, Robert had never been able to keep possession of Le Maine; and William either would not or could not proceed more vigorously, yet he for some months harboured Hoel, the bishop of Le Mans, who had fled to England, in consequence of some dissensions at home. But when Hélie, previously to the departure of duke Robert, came to William, for the purpose of obtaining from him an assurance of peace during his intended absence on the crusade, he re- fused it scornfully, saying : Hélie might go whithersoever he would: he would not fight against crusaders, but would re- cover the province taken from his father with a hundred thousand lances, swords, and innumerable engines; and would soon settle matters with the cowherds of Le Maine?. Not- withstanding these and similar vaunts, and although the Manceaux had recently put to flight Robert of Belesme, from his grandfather likewise surnamed Talevas, who had erected castles in their territory, and had captured other Normans of consideration, William was unable immediately to take the field against Le Maine}. Not until February 1098, at the instigation of Robert of Belesme, was he induced to proceed against Hélie, who at Dangeuil had erected a castle against him. But the severity of the season came to the aid of the Manceaux, and the king was compelled to retire to Rouen, and for the moment content himself with reinforcing his vassals and soldiers and other means for the security of his castles. Hélie, however, fell shortly after into his hands. He 1 Acta Episcoporum Cenom. ap. Mabillon. Vet. Anal. iii. pp. 290-299, 2 Ord. Vital. p. 769. 3 « Differens per biennium.” Ord. Vital. p. 770. Only under the suc- cessor of bishop Hoel, who died in July 1097. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 263 had entered a wood accompanied by only seven knights, and was there made prisoner by Robert Talevas. He was con- ducted to Rouen, where the king commanded that he should be treated as a knight, but detained him as a prisoner. William then convoked and deliberated with the barons of Normandy, and as the proposed undertaking met with their approval, he proceeded with a numerous force against Le Mans. But that city was so stoutly defended by the inha- bitants under the command of Fulk IV. surnamed Rechin (Morose), count of Anjou, and his valiant son, Geoffrey, sur- named Martel, that William returned to Rouen, but through the mediation of Hildebert, the bishop of Le Mans, obtained the surrender of the city, in consideration of the liberation of Hélie, who was apprehensive lest Fulk might enter into some compact with William to his detriment. Hélie now endea- voured by pliancy to the conqueror to recover a portion of what he had lost, and offered to become his vassal. The king was inclined to grant his request, but Robert count of Meulan, ‘ who ever appears as a far-sighted counsellor of his sovereign’, ; dissuaded him from so hazardous a step. Thereupon Hélie could not refrain from declaring that, as he was so despised, he would strive in every way to recover his inheritance. “Go now,” answered William, “do what thou canst; if thou over- comest me, thou shalt not be punished for it?.” Le Mans was then committed to a very strong garrison, under the command of William count of Evreux, Gilbert of L’Aigle, and other warriors, who soon, by their oppressions and se- verity caused the citizens doubly to regret the loss of their 1 Ord. Vital. p.773. Comp. Eadmer, pp. 20-40. See also p. 218. 2 Ord. Vital. p.773. [What Malmesbury (p. 503) reports as William’s words is at least highly characteristic: on Hélie saying: “ Fortuitu me cepisti, sed si possem evadere, novi quid facerem,” he answered: ‘Tu, nebulo! tu, quid faceres? Discede, abi, fuge! concedo tibi ut facias quicquid poteris: et, per vultum de Luca! nihil, si me viceris, pro hac venia tecum paciscar.”—T. ] 264 WILLIAM 'THE SECOND. former lords. In the following year (1099) Hélie succeeded in raising a considerable force, in defeating his enemies in Le Maine, and in driving them into the fortress of Le Mans, the inhabitants of which town had joyfully joined his fol- lowers. But the Normans one evening, taking advantage of a strong gale, set fire to the houses lying nearest to them, which communicating itself to others, the greater part of the city was soon a prey to the flames. The besieging engines raised by Hélie produced no effect, and the inhabitants, who had already sustained great damage and were threatened with still greater calamity, lost all courage. Soon, too, intelligence was brought, that William, while hunting in the New Forest, had, on receiving information by a messenger of what had taken place at Le Mans, instantly ridden to the sea-shore, and in a presumptuous vaunt that a king could not be drowned, cast himself into a miserable vessel he found lying there, crossed over, and, notwithstanding the tempestuous weather, arrived safe at Touques, and was the first to announce his arrival to the astonished Normans!. Heélie now deemed it advisable to abandon the unfortunate city, and not expose himself and people to the anger of the king. The inhabitants had been so cruelly oppressed, that only the king’s arrival could check the most unbridled licentiousness and prevent their total de- struction. The tower of the cathedral, which had been used to good purpose by the citizens during the struggle, he ordered to be demolished, and took with him to England the refrac- tory bishop Hildebert?, whom he even required to clear him- self from the suspicion of treason by the ordeal of hot iron?®. Of the warfare of this time some idea may be formed from the 1 Ord. Vital. p. 775. W. Malm. p. 502. 2 Acta Episcop. Cenom. Sax. Chron. a. 1099, the Rom. de Rou is very circumstantial though inaccurate on this war with Le Maine; Wace, and Malmesbury, who often agrees with him, make the capture of Hélie only after the conquest of Le Mans. 3 Ivonis Carnot. Ep. 74. Hildebert, Ep. lib. ii. 8. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 265 circumstance, that it was found impracticable to take all Hélie’s castles, and that the king himself was obliged to raise the siege of Mayet', derided by the besieged and almost de- serted by his army?. Equally fruitless, yet, on account of the higher interests involved in them, worthy of some notice, were the wars which William, as mortgagee of Normandy, commenced with the king of France. The demand made by the Conqueror in the last year of his life for the restoration of the Vexin, which had been taken from him, during his youth, by king Henry, had not been persevered in by duke Robert ; but William did not delay reclaiming not only that province, but also the towns, of Pontoise, Chaumont, and Mantes, and meeting with a refusal from Philip (1097) forthwith assembled an army from his dominions on both sides of the Channel. Of the French, many who held fiefs also in Normandy did not dare to oppose him, while others who were imprisoned were in- duced to enter the English service, and many were bought by English gold. The French prince Lewis, afterwards king Lewis VI., frequently fought valiantly and successfully against the English?; but William, with William VIII. duke of 1 A castle in the arrondissement of La Fléche. M. Le Prevost, note to Rom. de Rou, v. 15027.—T. 2 The following particulars of this siege are interesting. They are from Orderic, translated by M. Le Prevost (Rom. de Rou, ii. p. 336): “Le roi aprés avoir accordé aux assiégés une espéce de tréve de Dieu, depuis le samedi jusqu’au lundi, voyant qu’ils avaient passé ce temps a palissader leurs murailles, pour amortir les coups qu’on voudrait leur porter, chercha a combler les fossés avec des fascines; mais on réussit toujours a s’en débarrasser par le moyen du feu. Au moment out il se désespérait du peu de succés de ses mesures, une pierre lancée des remparts vient fracasser la téte d’un guerrier placé prés de lui. Alors les assiégés s’écriérent: ‘ Voila de la viande fraiche pour le roi; qu’on la porte a la cuisine, et qu’on Vappréte pour son souper.’ Guillaume découragé renonca au siége, fit aux vignes, aux vergers et aux maisons une guerre d’extirpation, et s’en revint triomphant, dit Vhistorien au Mans, ov il licencia son armée. Ces événemens se passérent dans le mois de juillet.”—T’. 3 Sugerii Vita Ludovici Grossi, c. 1. Historia Francie Fragm. ap. Bou- quet, xi. p. 5. 266 WILLIAM THE SECOND. Guienne and count of Poitiers, with whom he had formed an alliance, advanced slowly but surely, and was not till the following year (1098), probably alarmed by the defection of Nivard of Septeuil, to be prevailed on to accede to a truce!. William was on the eve of gaining an extension of influence as far as the banks of the Garonne, in consequence of the intention of the duke above-mentioned to pledge to him his rich dominions and proceed to the Holy Land?. In France the apprehension prevailed that William, whose ambition knew no bounds, was aiming at the French crown, and collecting suffrages and support in case of the death of Lewis, the only legitimate heir of Philip, whose sons by Bertrade, the seduced countess of Anjou, could not be acknowledged as such3. The ever more and more complicated plans, the incessant striving after aggrandizement, the important successes of king William were destined to a sudden end. The chase in those days was ‘followed so passionately, that it not unfrequently exacted a bloody sacrifice. In the New Forest, which had been enlarged by the Conqueror with such glaring cruelty towards the numerous inhabitants of those parts, Richard, an elder brother of William Rufus, and, shortly after, a son of duke Robert, named also Richard, had already fallen. On the 2nd August 1100 the king rode into the forest to hunt, his attendants were gradually dispersed, and about sunset he was found lying dead on the earth and pierced with an arrow. Many authorities concur in stating, that Walter Tirel, a French knight, to whom William was much attached, had, with the intention of striking a boar that rushed past them, inflicted the fatal wound, with an arrow given him by the king himself, as being the better marksman. His in- stantaneous flight to France, and a pilgrimage to the holy grave, undertaken by him at a later period certainly counte- nance this narrative*. Yet Tirel, whom we find mentioned ! Ivon. Carnot. Ep. 71. Ord. Vital. p. 767. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 780. 3 Suger, lib. i. 4 Ord. Vital. p. 782. W. Malm. p. 509. Flor. Wigorn. a, 1100. Hugo WILLIAM THE SECOND. 267 as a venerator of Anselm!, declared to Suger, the celebrated abbot of St. Denys, and offered to confirm it on oath, that the rumour was false, and that he had not even entered the forest on that day?. But who can say that it was not an Anglo-Saxon arrow that pierced the tyrant? or that one of so many that he had injured, stimulated possibly by a higher direction, was not the perpetrator? The warnings given to the king by Robert fitz Hamon, in consequence of the counsel of a monk, that he should not go to the chase on that day, and the prophecy imparted to prince Henry, declaring his speedy accession to the throne, together with the complete desertion of his attendants, greatly strengthen the suspicion of a premeditated plan. But there is also another story worthy of notice: that the king, in stooping to take up an arrow lying on the ground, stumbled, and thus forced the arrow into his breast. This belief appears to have been very current in in England shortly after the king’s death’, though. that im- plicating Walter Tirel found most favour with the multitude. At a later period it was also said, that it was not Tirel, but Floriac. De Modernis Francorum Regibus, xii. p. 798. Petri Blesens. Cont. Huntend. p. 378. W. Gemmet. lib. vii. c.9. Gaimar entertains greater suspicion against Tirel. 1 Eadmer, Vita Anselmi, p. 6. 2 Suger, lib. i. Joh. Salisbur. Vita Anselmi, c. 12. Hist. Francie Fragm. ap. Bouquet, xii. p.5. Walter Tirel was one of ten children that Fulco of Guarlemville, dean of Evreux, had with the boautiful Orielde sprung from a distinguished race. Ord. Vital. p. 574. Tirel was lord of Poix in Picardy. The warriors of Poix were at Hastings, Rom. de Rou, v. 12793. 3 Sax. Chron. a.1100 may be cited for this view of the case, which re- lates that the king was shot while at the chase by an arrow from one of his own people, without any allusion to an accident: so likewise Acta Episc. Cenom. 4 Eadmer (Hist. Nov. p. 54.) says: “ plures affirmant.” Wace (vv. 15180, sqq-) also mentions this belief : (Plusors dient k’il tresbucha, En sa cote (robe) s’empéescha, E la saete (Hécke) trestorna, Et li acier el rei cola, (coula vers le roi.)—T.] 268. WILLIAM THE SECOND. Ralf of Aix, to whom William, against the counsel of the abbot of Dunstable, handed five arrows, with one of which he shot him?. Never did a ruler die less regretted than William Rufus, although still young, being little above forty, not a usurper, bold, and successful in his undertakings. He was never mar- ried, and besides the crafty and officious tools of his power, was surrounded only by a few Normans of quality and har- lots. In his last struggle with the clergy, the most shameless rapacity is especially prominent, and so glaring, that, not- withstanding some exaggerations and errors that may be pointed out in the chronicles, he still appears in the same light?, Effeminacy, drunkenness, gluttony, dissoluteness, and unnatural crimes, were the distinguishing characteristics of his court?. He was himself an example of incontinence. Kindness towards valiant knights, even the conquered, and trust in a. knightly word, as is related of him, are less proofs of good feeling than of a knowledge of the character of his time. The warlike talents displayed by him in his youth, in which bodily strength and valour founded on it were chiefly. conspicuous, have been over-valued; and at a later period, his successes were usually obtained without his personal co- operation, while he shone chiefly through the rich rewards he bestowed on his faithful followers, and the still more profuse ! Giraldus Cambrens. De Instructione Principis, c. 30. ap. Scriptt. Rer. Gall. xviii. 2 Thus Peter of Blois appears to be in error when he asserts that at the king’s death one archbishopric and four bishoprics were vacant. The archbishoprics were filled, and of the bishoprics, Winchester only from 1098, and Salisbury from December 1099, appear to have been vacant. See Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wigorn. a. 1100. 3 See the unanimous testimonies of Orderic, pp. 763, 782; Malmesbury, p. 510; Eadmer, p. 94; Will. Newburg. lib.i.c.2; Huntingdon. Hugo Floriac. (De Modernis Francorum Regibus, lib. i.) a contemporary, says : “‘armis quidem strenuus atque munificus, sed nimis lascivus et flagitio- » sus. WILLIAM THE SECOND. 269 bribes on his adversaries!. His ambition as well as his course of life required great resources, and both clergy and people were oppressed with a rigour as offensive as it was senseless. His officials durst not flinch from any expedient to supply the royal treasury; the delinquent could always redeem himeelf from the cord that entwined him, if he could but show thereby a gain to the exchequer?. To the people he usually appeared with repulsive coldness and affected indifference, threatening looks, and a fierce tone of voice?. Among the memorials of his reign, some architectural works could hardly be wanting, in an age so devoted to and skilled in the art of building. At London he built a new bridge across the Thames, surrounded the Tower by a wall}, the strength of which tradition ascribes to the cement used for the purpose being mixed with the blood of animals, and the great hall at Westminster, in which, the year before his death, he held a numerous court’. His ecclesiastical foundations are, as we have sie ob- 1 Suger, lib. i. ‘ Ile opulentus Anglorum thesaurorum mereator et solidator.” 2 Tbid. lib. i. “ Pauperum intolerabilis oppressor.” H. Hunt. aa. 1098, 1099, ** Nihil recti rex pravus in regno suo fieri permittebat, sed provin- cias intolerabiliter vexavit in tributis, que nunquam cessabant. . . . tributis et exactionibus pessimis populos Anglorum non abradens, sed excorians.” And from him, Robert de Monte and Chron. Beccense: “ pauperes in- colas regni sui omnes opprimebat, et illis violenter auferebat, que prodigus advenis tribuebat.” Ord. Vital. p. 763. Sax. Chron. a. 1100. 3 In such descriptions Maimesbury (p. 495) is particularly happy ; he says: “Erat is (Willelmus) foris et in conventu hominum tumido vultu erectus, minaci oculo astantem defigens, et affectato rigore feroci voce col- loquentem reverberans.” The beau ideal of a baron of many lands and times ! 4H. Hunt. a. 1098, “im opere muri circa turrim Londonie.” 5 Sax. Chron. a. 1099. “ To Pentecosten forman si%e his hired innan his niwan gebyttlan wt Westmynstre heold.” HH. Hunt. a.1098. “in opere aule regalis apud Westminster.” To this also Malmesbury (p. 504) undoubtedly refers: “‘ Unum edificium, et ipsum per maximum, domum in Londonia incepit et perfecit, non parcens expensis, dummodo liberali- tatis sue magnificentiam exhiberet.”’ 270 WILLIAM THE SECOND. served, but few, and belong to the early part of his reign. In his time occurs the donation of the city of Bath to the bishop of Somerset. At a later period, the only good deeds recorded of him are the founding of some hospitals at York and Thet- ford. Any patronage of science and art, notwithstanding his pretended education by Lanfranc, is hardly to be expected from William Rufus. Hence, in his dissensions with Anselm, he has found no defender; no panegyrist, rife as they were in those days; no biographer; probably not even one to dedi- cate a book to him!. 1 The medical work, Schola Salernitana, is said to be dedicated to him; though the editor, Z. Sylvius, has shown that, if not a later king, William’s brother, duke Robert, is intended. A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMAN KINGS. HENRY THE FIRST, SURNAMED BEAUCLERC. CONTEMPORARY SOVEREIGNS. GERMANY. FRANCE. SCOTLAND. SPAIN. Henry IV. 1106. | PhilipI. 1108. | Edgar 1107. | Alphonso VI. 1109. Henry V. 1125. | Lewis VI. Alexander I. 1124, | Alphonso VII. 1134. Lothair IT. | David I. Alphonso VIII. POPES. Paschal II, 1118. | GelasiusII. 1119. | Calixtus II. 1124. Honorius II. 1130. | Innocent IL. THE Red King, with other tall deer, had fallen on a Thursday, and his carcase, as a wild boar’s, only covered with miserable rags, was conveyed in a cart to Winchester, where, on the following day, attended by a few monks, townsfolk, and beggars, he received the little that was granted of last honours and offices to the king of the pre- ceding day, in his royal residence. He was interred in the cathedral, but the solemn knell, which was wont to express or supply the last lament of the survivors, was, on this occa- sion, silent in almost every church. No one was there who thought of distributing the customary alms for the repose of his soul, out of the vast treasures of the departed. On the other hand, there resounded from every side a loud, stern, damnatory judgment, on the dead. No priest ventured to absolve or reconcile the worthless tyrant, whom God had thus suddenly summoned before him!. 1 Ord. Vital. p. 782. 272 HENRY THE FIRST. Prince Henry, who was present at that hunting in the New Forest, (or Ytene wald), was no sooner apprized of his brother’s death, than, clapping spurs to his horse, he rode at full speed to the castle of Winchester, to demand the keys as next heir to the throne. But William of Breteuil, who had outridden him, opposed the delivery of them, on behalf of duke Robert, the first-born son of the Conqueror, to whom, by right of primogeniture and by treaty, the crown of Ing- land belonged, to whom all had sworn fealty, and to whom, on his return from his glorious warfare for Christ, God would give the crown to which he was born. Henry had already drawn his sword against the unwished-for champion of strict legality ; but the friends of both, and the counsellors of the late king, who had hastened to the spot, declared themselves unanimous in favour of the younger and more energetic bro- ther, who must be considered as the next heir, if Robert’s exclusion by his father were to be regarded as valid, and the legality of William the Second’s reign acknowledged, to deny which would be to sow the seeds of irremediable confusion. On the Sunday immediately following his brother’s death, Henry, at that time in his thirtieth year, was crowned at Westminster by Maurice, bishop of London (5th Aug. 11003.) The prompt services of his party he did not, however, obtain without considerable donations, and gained over the more intelligent and well-disposed by promises and concessions, which, as far as they concerned the general interest, he swore, previously to being anointed, to observe, before God and the whole people, at the altar at Westminster. William Giffard, the chancellor of his predecessor, was immediately appointed to the see of Winchester. The archbishopric of York was bestowed on Girard, bishop of Hereford; the va- 1 The surname of ‘ Beauclerc,’ bestowed on him, on account either of his superior education or beautiful handwriting, occurs first in Grafton. The epithet of ‘Le Clerc,’ applied to him, is not mentioned earlier than Bromton, HENRY THE FIRST. 273 cant abbacies were filled by the sons of the Norman aristo- cracy, or by other ecclesiastics of that province. With the object of conciliating the clergy, William’s great opponent, and Henry’s early instructor, Anselm, was immediately and , reverently summoned back to England. But infinitely more important, both for the present and the future, was a procla- mation issued by the new king, in which he pledged himself to remedy the abuses of the preceding government, and to maintain the old Anglo-Saxon constitution, or, according to the phraseology of the time, the laws of king Eadward. This compact (for so, on consideration of the circumstances under which it was called forth, it may justly be termed, and as being ouly the written record of what he had sworn to only a few days before,) was by Henry’s successors always confirmed anew, and became thereby the fundamental law of the state, until, after the lapse of more than a century, it was found necessary to check new encroachments on the part of the suc- cessors of the Conqueror, by the exaction of further conces- sions, as embodied in the Great Charter, when a rude consti- tutional structure was raised on this foundation-stone!. The provisions of this charter, by which Henry purchased his right to the throne and the good will of his subjects, are the following : Through the mercy of God and with the com- mon advice and consent of the Barons of England (who are here mentioned for the first time in place of the old ‘ Witan’), being crowned king, he will, as the realm was oppressed by illegal exactions, before all things liberate God’s Church, so that he will neither sell nor farm, nor on the death of an archbishop or bishop or abbot, accept anything from the possessions of the Church, or its tenants, until the entrance of a successor. And will abolish all oppressive imposts (malee consuetudines), so that if any of his barons, earls, or other person dies, who holds immediately of him, his heir shall not redeem his land as in the time of his brother, but with a law- 1 Sax. Chron. a.1100. Eadmer, p. 55. , 274 HENRY THE FIRST. ful and just relief. In like manner, the tenants of his barons shall redeem their lands from their lords. And if any one of his barons or vassals wishes to give his daughter, niece, etc. in marriage, he shall speak with him (the king); who will, however, accept nothing for the permission, nor forbid the marriage, unless he wishes to bestow her on his (the king’s) enemy. And on the death of a baron or other vassal of the king, if he leaves an heiress, he (the king) will give her in marriage, together with her land, with the advice of his barons. If a widow is left childless, she shall possess her dowry and “maritatio”!, and not be given in marriage, ex- cept with her consent. If she is left with children, she shall possess her dowry and “maritatio” as long as she leads a spotless life, and shall not be given in marriage but with her own consent; and the wife, or other relation of upright cha- racter, shall be the guardian of the land and children. And the king’s barons shall act in like manner towards the sons, or daughters, or wives of their tenants. And the common mintage (monetagium?), which was levied in the cities and counties, and which did not exist in the time of king Eadward, is thenceforth prohibited. If any moneyer or other be taken with false money, he shall be brought to justice. All fines (placita) and all debts owing to his brother he remits, ex- cepting his just farms, and those that were settled for other inheritances or for those things which more justly affected others. And if any one has stipulated anything for his in- heritance, he remits it, as well as all reliefs that have been stipulated for just inheritances. And if any of his barons or tenants falls sick, as he shall give or be disposed to give his money, he grants that it be so given. But if, prevented by 1 In what this consisted is by no means certain: it was probably the foster-lean of the Anglo-Saxon Laws.—T. 2 «Td quod monetarii, seu monete fabricatores, domino, cujus est moneta, exsolyunt ex monetarii fusionis et signature proventibus.” Du Cange.—T. HENRY THE FIRST. : 275 arms or infirmity, he shall neither have so given nor disposed of his money, then his wife, or children, or relatives, or vassals legally authorized shall distribute it for the good of his soul as to them shall seem good. If any of his barons or vassals incurs a penalty, he shall not give a surety to the amount of all his money, as in the time of his father and brother; but, according to the amount of the penalty, let him be amerced, as he would have been before the time of his father and bro- ther, in the time of his other predecessors. But if he be convicted of perfidy or crime, let him make such compensa- tion as is just. “Murders”! also he pardons up to the day of his coronation, and for those committed from that time just reparation shall be made, according to the law of king Eadward. The forests, with the consent of his barons, he retains in his own hands, as his father held them. To knights holding their lands by military service (per loricas) he grants exemption from all payments and all works. Finally he re- stores the laws of king Eadward, with those emendations which they received from his father, with the consent of his barons?, While the king was thus endeavouring to conciliate not only the great and inferior vassals, but also the lower orders of burghers and peasants, he, nevertheless, reserved to himself all the rights of the chase and forest, as they had existed under his father and brother, thereby manifesting that pas- sion for hunting, which induced William of Warenne, who ! The crime of ‘murdrum’ is not to be taken in the modern sense of murder. In Legg. Henrici I. xcii. §. 5. it is said: “Murdritus homo dicebatur antiquitus cujus interfector nesciebatur, ubicumque vel quomodo- cunque esset inventus; nunc adjectum est, licet sciatur quis murdrum fecerit, si non habeatur intra vii. dies.” 2 The several readings of this document are very varying. The copy in the Statutes of the Realm has many variations. It is to be found also in Matt. Paris (R. Wendover) and Ric. Hagustald. a.1100, and the Textus Roffensis, edit. Hearne, p.51. The copy here given is from Legg. Hen. I. ap. “ Ancient Laws and Institutes of England.” rQ 276 HENRY THE FIRST. was never well disposed towards him, to bestow on him the nick-name of ‘ Pied de Cerf’!. Copies of this charter were sent into all the counties, and deposited in the several abbeys?. A step taken by Henry of perhaps even greater moment for its immediate effet, was his marriage with the grand- daughter of prince Eadward, son of Kadmund Ironside, the niece of Eadgar Etheling, and daughter of his sister Mar- garet and her consort, king Malcolm Canmore. By this con- nection he not only formed a friendly relation with her bro- thers, the kings of Scotland, and restored a better state of morals and greater decorum to the court, but also established a joyful association, as it were, with the greater, or Anglo- Saxon, portion of the people, who saw the crown revert to their beloved royal race, and awaited the realization of a beautiful picture, conjured up in their imagination, of golden days, in the supposed return of the good old times of their forefathers. We would fain ascribe to the excellent Anselm, who, in consequence of a summons of the king and his barons, had hastened back to England, a considerable share in all these measures of liberality and wise policy; but the happy idea of the marriage cannot have originated with that pre- late, who, on the contrary, opposed it on the ground that | Matilda, to escape from the violence of the Normans, had formerly taken refuge with her aunt Christina in the abbey ' of Wilton, and had, moreover, worn the veil, to avoid a mar- _ riage with Alan earl of Richmond. He yielded, however, to 1 Li quens Willame le gabout; Pié de cers par gab ’apelout.—Rom. de Rou, v. 15650. which see for other curious particulars, illustrative of the time, relative to Henry. 2 Matt. Paris (R. Wendover, ii. p. 164). Henry also granted a charter to the citizens of London, which is printed in Rymer, and at the beginning of his Laws (Anc. Laws and Institt. of Engl.). 3 Her baptismal name was Eadgyth, which on her marriage was changed to Matilda. Ord. Vital. lib. viii. Ann. Waverl. p. 133. HENRY THE FIRST. 277 the explanations given’, and the marriage was solemnized in the same year. Characteristic of the time, in which min- strelsy was coming into vogue, and love, with valour and piety, formed the chief materials for the poet, is the contem- porary tradition, that Henry had long loved the Anglo-Saxon daughter of kings, and, regardless of her scanty portion, de- sired her before all the richly endowed daughters of princes ?. The good-natured Anglo-Saxon, while enjoying with his family the fire on his hearth, which under the two preceding kings he had been compelled to quench at nightfall, readily gave credit to the tale, which proved more beneficial to the Norman king than the possession of many strong castles ; while on the Normans the event produced a contrary effect. Popular wit is always ready, and among those people was chiefly distinguished by its aptitude in the invention of nick- names and epithets, and so the king and queen were called by the Normans by the Anglo-Saxon names of Goderie and Godithe, in allusion probably to some lost love story ; which appellations drew from the king himself peals of laughter. Yet neither by the offensive wit nor the dangerous malice of many of his vassals was the king to be diverted from the course on which he had entered, but persisted in following the counsels of the faithful friend of his youth, Henry earl of Warwick, son of Robert of Beaumont, whose name appears as first lay witness to the charter granted to the English. Simultaneously with the publication of this charter, the indi- vidual, whose oppressions it chiefly put an end to, Ranulf Flambard, bishop of Durham, was arrested, conveyed to the Tower of London, and committed to the custody of William of Manneville. Here he lived in luxury on the allowance made him from the exchequer and the liberality of friends ; by his wit and pleasantry conciliating the good will, and lulling the vigilance of his keepers. In the beginning of 1 Eadmer, Hist. Nov. p. 56. 2 W. Malm. p.619. 3 Thid. p. 618, 278 HENRY THE FIRSY. February (1101) his sewer contrived to convey to him a rope . concealed in a vessel of wine, by means of which the corpu- lent prelate, while his guards, after their potations, were sunk in sleep, glided down from the window of his prison and, with hands sorely flayed, effected his escape to Normandy!, where Robert bestowed on him the bishopric of Lisieux >. Duke Robert had now returned to his paternal inheritance. The crusade with its rapid succession of strange spectacles, important events, pleasing and exalting sensations, had on ' Robert, as on the other participators, shed a lustre which he previously had not possessed and never afterwards sustained. His high birth greatly increased the impression which the courage and bodily strength of the short and somewhat cor- pulent hero had made’. But his renown was shared by many of his countrymen, whose influence in the origin and success of the crusade neither the duke knew how to turn to advantage, nor posterity justly to appreciate. Among no other contemporary people do we perceive so strong an in- clination for pilgrimages, arising partly from enthusiasm, partly from love of travel; nor among any other that success- ful thirst after conquests. As early as the beginning of the century, a pilgrim knight of Normandy had delivered the chair of the successor of St. Peter from the power of the Saracens, and acquired, as a kingdom for his posterity, some of the fairest lands of Europe. Between Rouen and Jeru- salem reciprocal intercourse, both through priests and lay- men never ceased. And they were Normans, who first in the spring of the year 1096, with Peter de Acheris® (com- monly called of Amiens) the hermit, went forth on the cru- 1 Sim. Dunelm. a.1100. W. Malm. p. 620. Ord. Vital. p. 786. 2 At which the good Yvo of Chartres expresses his indignation. 3 Guibert. Gestor. Dei per Francos, lib. ii. c. 7. 4 W. Malm. p. 607. 5 The family name of this individual has hitherto been overlooked, though preserved by Orderic (p. 723), while the locality of his cell has been sought in vain. HENRY THE FIRST. 279 sade, through Germany and Hungary. Among these were Walter of Pacy! and his four nephews, Walter Saunzaveir, William, Simon, and Matthew. That among the fifteen thousand pedestrians led by them there were many Normans, ean hardly be doubted. Duke Robert, who left Normandy in September, was joined by Hugh the Great, count of Ver- mandois and brother of the king of France; Hugh count of St. Pol; his brother-in-law, Stephen count of Blois and Chartres? ; his cousin, Stephen count of Aumale (Albemarle), who had formerly aspired to the English crown; his uncle, Odo, the notorious bishop of Bayeux, who died on his way at Palermo ; Philip le Clerc, son of the count Roger of Mont- gomery; Rotrou, son of Geoffrey count of Mortain; Walter of St. Valery, a descendant of Richard II. duke of Normandy, with his son Bernard; Girard of Gournay; the Breton Ralf ' of Guader, who twenty years before had planned the con- | spiracy against the Conqueror at Norwich, and his son Alan ; Yvo and Aubrey, sons of Hugh of Grentemaisnil? ; Roger of Barnevile ; William of Ferriéres; Alan Fergant ; Conan, son of count Geoffrey of Brittany, and others, whose deeds have shed the most glorious splendour on their names?. Duke Robert proceeded with his forces, through France and Lombardy, to Lucca, where he met with pope Urban, and received his blessing’. In Apulia, whether compelled by the 1 De Pexeio. Ord. Vital. p. 723. Paxeium, Pacy on the Eure was a fief of the lord of Breteuil. Ord. Vital. pp. 527, 655, 705. ‘The identity of Pexeium and Paceium is maintained by the editors of the Recueil des Hist. de la France, xii. p. 814. A sire de Pacie fought at Hastings. See Rom. de Rou, v. 13655. [Pacy seems at the Conquest to have belonged to William fitz Osbern; but there certainly was a William de Pacy in 1080, who possibly held under him. See Taylor, ‘ Master Wace,’ p. 230.—T. ] 2 He died in the East in 1102. Fulcher. Carnot. p. 414. 3 Their brother William, who married the daughter of Robert Guiscard, we no longer count among the followers of duke Robert. 4 Ord. Vital. p. 724. 5 For Robert’s journey comp. Fulcher. Carnut., who accompanied his count, and, consequently, duke Robert. 280 HENRY THE FIRST. storms of winter, or seduced by indolence and frivolity, we are unable to decide, Robert and Stephen of Blois made some stay, although count Robert of Flanders had found means to embark from Bari without delay. By the duke of Apulia, Roger Borsat!, the son of Robert Guiscard, and brother-in-law of William of Grentemaisnil, the first-born of his old princely house, was received as his native sovereign, and these exalted personages, forgetful of their vow, passed the time in a round of revelry, while of the lower orders many resolved to return home; and this state of things continued till the following year (1097), when, in the month of April, Robert embarked at Brindisi. He landed at Durazzo, and proceeded, through Bulgaria and Macedonia, to Constanti- nople, before the walls of which the crusaders had to content themselves with good cheer and permission to enter the city one by one. The princes, Robert and Stephen, like most of those who had preceded them, having performed the required homage to the emperor Alexius Comnenus I. for the conquests they were to make in Asia, were supplied with money (of which Robert, notwithstanding his frugality at the outset, was now greatly in need*), and other necessaries, and forthwith de- spatched to Nica. Already, under the walls of that city, a successful battle had been fought by the princes Godfrey and Hugh (who had been joined by the count of Flanders, Ray- mond count of Toulouse, Baldwin of Mons? and others) with 1 «Borsat,’ Lat. Marsupium, a sobriquet given him by his father, on account of his love of money. W. Malm. p. 598. “ Rogerius cognomento Bursa.”’ Ord. Vital. p. 724.—T. 2 Radulf. Cadom. lib. i. 3 « Baldwinus de Monte castello, Hamaicorum comes et princeps, vir illustrissimus in omni militari actione.” Albert. Aquens. lib. ii. c. 22, Petrus Tudebod. p.1. He had accompanied Godfrey. Balderic. p. 91. Wilken overlooks him entirely until his return (i. p. 230), when he does not recognise in him the count of Hainaut or Mons. Gesch. der Kreuz- ziige, 1. p. 70; he seems to confound him with the much later Baldwin of Rames, and this latter again with Baldwin de Bourg (of Mons), the son of HENRY THE FIRST. 281 the Seljuk sultan, Kilidsh Arslan (or the Lion); yet Robert with his band arrived, in the beginning of June, early enough to take a glorious share in the capture of the city. He after- wards joined the body of the army, in which were Boemund of Tarentum, his nephew Tancred, and Richard del Princi- pato’. In the attack which this force sustained from the Turks at Doryleum (1st July), the salvation of the Christians is chiefly to be ascribed to the presence of mind, the valour, and eloquence of Robert. Early in the battle Boemund re- signed the command to him, and it was he, who, seizing the golden standard with his right hand, placed himself in front of the fleeing Christians, showed them the impossibility of safety by flight; and, in the hope of falling gloriously and in fulfilment of his duty, once again raised the inspiring ery of Deus le volt,” and led them to a victorious resistance?. On their onward march Robert remained with the grand army, to which the Armenians submitted without resistance, and, with the consent of the other princes, bestowed the town of Alfia on a knight named Simeon, a native of those parts, that from thence he might preserve the country in faith to God, the holy sepulchre, and the army of the cross®. When the host arrived in the neighbourhood of Antioch, the vanguard was placed under the command of duke Robert, who valiantly sustained a conflict at the bridge of Ifrin, until Hugh of Rethel. Baldwin of Rames, of unknown origin, appears to have received his surname from the town in Galilee. 1 Erroneously in Wilken called ‘de Principaute.’ He was a grandson of Tancred of Hauteville, by his second marriage, and son of William. See Malaterra, lib. i. cc. 12, 15. 2 Radulf. Cadom. lib.i. cc. 20-22. Henry of Huntingdon’s account of this crusade has been overlooked by its historians, while they make use of the meagre extract from it by Robert de Monte. Comp. Petr. Tudebod. Rob. Monach. lib. iii. p.41. W. Malm. 3 The duke of Normandy is named as the donor by H. of Huntingdon. Balderic (lib. ii.) supplies the name of the place, and Orderic from him. Both they and Guibert supply the name of Simeon. ‘The rest is found in Petr. Tudebod. and Robert. Monachus. 282 HENRY THE FIRST. the advance of fresh troops to his aid!. At the siege of the city (from Oct. 18th 1097) he displayed at first his wonted courage, and often with a very small forece?; but on the ap- pearance of famine in the camp, the prince, accustomed to sensual enjoyments, was missing3. It is to us particularly interesting to receive from a contemporary and subject of Robert the account that, from dread of advancing enemies, those Anglo-Saxons, who had formerly fled from his father, and whom the Greek emperor had sent to the defence of Laodicea, had summoned the Norman duke to their help and guidance. Robert was so delighted with the abundance of the necessaries and luxuries of life, and the wines, with which that city was supplied from the isle of Cyprus, that in the enjoyment of them he sank into a state of complete inactivity, and it was only after a thrice-repeated threat of the anathema from the representative of the holy father, Ademar bishop of Puy, that he could be prevailed on to return’, Although in this instance he had suffered himself to be seduced by his un- conquerable addiction to sensuality, yet did his inborn valour again shine forth, when the Turks from Aleppo, Emesa, and Hamah, had assembled at the castle of Harem, for the pur- pose of relieving Antioch. On one day he, with Eustace of Boulogne, defended the camp of the crusaders against a sally of the besieged ; on the day following (9th Feb. 1098) he led six bodies of troops against the new enemies®. The capture of Antioch took place at length (3rd June), after a siege of more than seven months, through treachery, yet were valiant men required for the execution of the plan, and here also is Robert’s name recorded as that of the second who ascended ‘the hostile wall®. Antioch was now acquired, and with it a 1 Alb. Aquens. lib. ii. c. 83. * Raimund. de Agilis, p. 143. 3 Ib. p.144. Will. Tyr. lib. iv. c. 18. 4 Rad. Cadom. lib.i. ¢. 58. » Petr. Tudebod. p. 13. H. of Hunt. 6 Wilken, i. p. 200. According to Raimund (p. 151), this second was Robert’s namesake, the count of Flanders; according to Albert. Aquensis (lib. iv. c. 19), it was his men. HENRY THE FIRST. 283 new Christian principality in the East ; though the immediate consequence of its capture was only by new hardships to steel the pilgrims for further deeds of valour. After a few days, the prince of Mousul, Kerboga Cavem ed Daula, appeared before the walls of the city. Roger of Barnevile, a Norman knight, was the first victim of the attack of the Moslem be- siegers!. Many knights fled, clandestinely leaving the city, by letting themselves down from the wall by ropes, whence, even in their home, the opprobrious epithet of rope-dancers was for ever attached to them. Among these were even the brothers of Grentemaisnil, and William viscount of Melun?2, noted alike for faithlessness and strength of arm, whereby he was able to cleave iron as it were soft wood, and thence ac- quired the appellation of William the Carpenter. But duke Robert, on the other hand, saved the city from the first as- sault of Kerboga by his obstinate defence of the castle at the bridge gate. He was one of the princes, who mutually bound themselves by oath. never to the last gasp of breath, in any case, to abandon the defence of the city?. His perseverance found a glorious reward in the defeat and dispersion of the besiegers (28th June). Although he had lost his last war- horse, he borrowed that of count Raymond, then confined by sickness, and, with Philip le Clere of Montgomery and Warin of Taneye, pursued the enemy until he had slain one of the leaders+. After the relief of Antioch, Robert, who was among those princes who, true to their oath, had originally refused to bestow the city on Boemund, would deliver it up to the Greek emperor. 1 Petr. Tudebod. Alb. Aquens. lib. iv. c. 37. Guibert. lib. v. ¢. 15. 2 « De regali prosapia et vicecomes cujusdam regii castelli, quod Mili- dunum dicitur, olim extitit.”” Rob. Monach. lib. iv. c.48. This formidable hewer of iron had previously fled from the leaguer before Antioch, and was noted in Spain on account of similar treachery. Guibert. lib. iv. c. 4. 3 Guibert. lib. v. c. 18. 4 Malmesbury (p. 608) takes this for Kerboga himself, but he had fled to Aleppo. See Kemaleddin ap, Wilken, ii. Beilagen, p. 41. 284 HENRY THE FIRST. During the time that the other princes had separated until the beginning of winter, either for the sake of refreshing their soldiers, or making foraging excursions, we lose sight of the Norman duke. Probably he had returned to Laodicea, where Winemar of Boulogne’, a notorious pirate during the last eight years, had previously with his followers landed from ships pre- tending to be from Antwerp, Thiel, and Friesland, combined with some Provengals, under the pretext of a pilgrimage?. With these was also Eadgar “theling, to whom the defence of Laodicea had been intrusted, which he afterwards deli- vered up to duke Robert; who subsequently lost it through an insurrection of the inhabitants, who, exasperated at the exactions of the prodigal duke, drove out his people, and even prohibited the money of Rouen from passing current in their markets?. When the march of the crusading army to Jeru- salem was resolved on (24th Nov.), duke Robert, while the others hesitated, joined Raymond of St. Giles, and with him besieged and captured the city of Marra (12th Dec.). Ray- mond offered Robert ten thousand shillings (solidi), if, united with him, he would proceed to Jerusalem‘; an offer, which Robert, who was ever in need of money, hardly refused. He accompanied Raymond’s army to Kafertabad (10995), and thence to the siege of Arka. In the dissensions which here 1 De terra Bulone et de domo comitis Eustachii, magnifici principis ejusdem terre.”” Alb. Aquens. lib. iii. c. 14. lib. vi. c.55. Therefore not of Bologna, as Wilken (i. p. 254) supposes; but is identical with him, whom (i. p. 163) he calls Guinemer aus Bouillon, misled by William of Tyre’s Guinerus Boloniensis. lib. vii. ¢. 15. 2 Ord. Vital. p.778. It seems to me not improbable that these ships are the thirty which Raimond de Agilis (p. 173) calls English. He relates of the English what the older writers do of Winemar; and the time and place of landing agree. Albert of Aix (lib. vi. c. 55) places the services of the squadron of Winemar along with those of the Genoese and Pisans, as Raimond does of those whom he calls English. 3 Guibert. lib. vii. c. 35, 4 Raim. de Agilis, p. 161. Balderic. lib. iv. c.1. Guibert. lib. vi. c. 8. 5 Petr. Tudebod. c. 34. HENRY THE FIRST. 285 arose between Raymond and Tancred, Robert sided with the latter, and it was his chaplain, Arnulf,who convinced the army of the spuriousness of the lance found by Raymond at An- tioch!. Robert, after the example of duke Godfrey, having burnt his tents before Arka, detached himself from the south- ern French, and continued as before, and as both natural and spiritual affinity seemed to point out, more closely united with the northern French and the Italian Normans. At this time Robert found a companion in arms in Hugh Budvel, son of Robert de la Roche d’Igé (de Rupe Jalgeii), a Norman, for many years resident in the East, having been exiled from his country on account of the murder of the barbarous and ty- rannical countess Mabil of Montgomery, who, through his knowledge of the manners and habits of the Mohammedans, proved of great utility?. At the siege of Jerusalem, Robert had joined his camp with that of the count of Flanders, be- fore the gate of St. Stephen; had, together with that prince, engaged in many a glorious conflict; and both had succeeded, by means of their military engines, in breaking through the walls of the city. Deeply impressed with those religious feel- ings which constituted the peculiar ornament of those war- riors, they humbly implored the favour of victory, and were 1 «Domini Normannorum comitis familiaris et capellanus, vir quidem literatus, sed immunde conversationis et scandalorum procurator.” Will. Tyr. lib. vii. c.18. He had formerly been the friend and heir of bishop Odo. Guibert. lib. viii. c. 1. 2 « Justus arbiter, qui peccatoribus pie parcit et impcenitentes districte percutit, crudelem feminam, que multo sanguine madebat, multosque nobiles violenter exheredatos per externa mendicare coegerat, permisit per- ire gladio Hugonis, cui castrum quod in rupe [algeii situm est abstulerat, et sic eum injuste paterna hereditate privaverat. Ile nimirum meerens audaciam vehementem arripuit, junctis sibi tribus fratribus suis, qui mili- tari probitate pollebant, noctu ad cameram comitissz accessit, ipsamque in municipio super Divam quod Buris dicifur, in lecto post balneum deli- ciantem, pro recompensatione sui, ense detruncavit.”’ Ord. Vital. pp. 578, 753.—T. 286 HENRY THE FIRST. soon so fortunate as to be among the foremost who from duke Godfrey's tower rushed into the holy city! (15th July). On the election of a king for the new state, we are told that the crown was offered to Robert, as being the son of a king?. But he was too self-indulgent, and probably reckoned too much on the prospect of one day obtaining secure pos- session of both Normandy and England, to accept this fair, though thorny, diadem. Robert’s influence in the army and the council is apparent from the circumstance, that his chap- lain and companion, Arnulf, attained to the high dignity of chancellor, and, at a later period, to that of patriarch of Je- rusalem?; and, at an earlier period, the first episcopal see founded by the crusaders at Lidda was bestowed on a Nor- man named Robert. Here also, as in every place where he felt at ease, he was very well disposed to stay, and from that 1 Fulcher. p. 398. Balderic. p.131. Guibert. lib. vii. c. 6. 2 Will. Malm. p. 608. H. Hunt. pp. 377—379. See also ‘“ Continua- tion du Brut,” and ‘‘ Chronique de P. Langtoft,” ap. Michel, pp. 100, sq. and 160, sg. Gervas. Tilb., Otia Imper. ii. 20, has the erroneous account that Robert was already informed of his brother’s death. His character, as drawn by Ralf of Caen (lib. i. c. 15), may here find a place :—“ Rober- tus, Normannie comes, Wilhelmi regis et expugnatoris Angliz filius, ge- nere, divitiis, facundia quoque non secundus duci (Godofredo), sed supe- rior; par in his que Cesaris sunt, que Dei, minor; cujus pietas largitas- que valde fuissent mirabiles, sed quia in neutra modum tenuit, in utraque erravit. Siquidem misericordiam ejus immisericordem sensit Normannia, dum eo consule per impunitatem rapinarum nec homini parceret, nec Deo licentia raptorum. Nam sicarii manibus, latronum gutturi, meechorum caudz salaci, eandem quam suis se reverentiam debere consul arbitraba- tur. Quapropter nullus ad eum vinctus in lacrymis trahebatur, quin so- lutus mutuas ab eo lacrymas continuo impetraret. Ideo, ut dixi, nullis sceleribus freenum, imo omnibus additum calcar ea tempestate Normannia querebatur. Hujus autem pietatis sororculam eam fuisse patet largitatem, que accipitrem sive canem argenti qualibet summa comparabat. Cum interim mensa consularis unicum haberet refugium rapinam civium, atque heec tamen intra patriam, verum fines patrios egressus, magna ex parte luxum domuit, cui ante per magnarum opum affluentiam succubuerat.” 3 Albert. Aquens. lib. vi. c. 39 sq. HENRY THE FIRST. 287 cause even again attached himself to his old rival Raymond}. But having yielded to the representations of king Godfrey, he fought with his wonted and oft-proved valour in the battle of Ascalon (14th August). All the chroniclers of the time una- nimously celebrate a deed which long shed lustre on Robert’s aame, both in the east and west. On catching a glimpse of the enemy’s silver standard, adorned with a golden knob, he instantly rushed towards it, and sorely wounded the banner- bearer. He could not, however, seize the standard himself, but rewarded one of his warriors, who had gained possession of it, in a manner befitting his usual munificence, with a do- nation of twenty silver marks, for the purpose of offering it at the holy grave. Shortly after this battle, duke Robert, the counts of Flan- ders, Boulogne, and Toulouse, Cuno of Montagu2, and other knights, announced to Godfrey, in the camp at Cesarea, their intention, having fulfilled their vow, of returning to their se- veral states. Those faithful brothers in arms parted from each other with tears; the noble-hearted, pious king remain- ed behind, to defend the land of his faith against the ferocity of the infidels. The duke and count Robert made a pilgrimage to the Jordan, bathed in its sacred waters, and gathered palm branches in Abraham’s garden at Jericho. With twenty thousand pilgrims they proceeded to Laodicea, whence the two princes embarked for Constantinople’. From that city ! Balderic. p. 136. Guibert. lib. vii. c. 17. 2 Guibert. lib. vii. c.18 sq. Balderic. p.136. Raimond. p.183. Albert. Aquens. lib. vi. c.50. Among the glass paintings, representing the prin- cipal events of the first crusade, which the contemporary abbot Suger caused to be executed for the church of St. Denys, there is one represent- ing either this or some similar feat of Robert’s. It is given in Montfaucon, Monumens de la Monarchie Francoise, tom. i. 3 This Cuno of Montagu (de Monte acuto) had accompanied duke God- frey (Albert. Aquens. lib. ii. c. 11), and belonged probably to the Norman families of that name, whom we find in Domesday among the tenants in chief of the Conqueror. 4 Fulcher. p. 400, Albert. Aquens. lib. vi. c. 54. 288 HENRY THE FIRST. the duke passed to Apulia, where he continued the greater part of the year; there he espoused Sibylla, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Geoffrey count of Conversana, a near relation of duke Robert Guiscard. The rich count by the dowry, and other friends by loans, supplied Robert with a considerable sum of money, with which he hoped to redeem his dukedom out of the hands of his brother!. In the intoxi- cation of a happiness almost unutterable, he returned home, .. the lord and heir of powerful states, in the prime of manhood, covered with fresh, well-earned laurels, supplied with the trea- sure that he so greatly needed, gifted with the hand of exqui- site beauty, combined with rare judgment.— Who could have predicted how, in a few short years, so much happiness passed away from this most thoughtless of mortals? While on his homeward journey, the intelligence reached him of the death of William, and of the treachery of his bro- ther Henry?. The news affected him but slightly. Received with festivities by the Normans, the money he had brought with him was in a few weeks squandered away in so culpable and frivolous a manner, that at times, because his clothes had been stolen from him by harlots and other rabble, he was unable to leave his bed. Besides the pecuniary aid he had brought with him, he had also lost the respect and good-will of the Normans, when Ranulf Flambard and other Anglo- Normans, discontented with Henry’s severe measures, insti- gated him to wrench England from his brother by arms. A year was spent in the mere preparations for war. Le Maine in the meanwhile fell again into the hands of the expelled count Hélie, and Robert in his indolence even treated with contempt the opportunity offered him by the faithful vassals 1'W. Gemmet. lib. vii. c. 4. Ord. Vital. p.780. W. Malm. p.609. Rom. de Rou, vv. 15419 sqq. 2 As he arrived in Normandy in August 1100 (according to Rob. de Monte in September, according to Orderic, p. 784), that intelligence can- not have induced him to leave Apulia. 3 Ord, Vital. p.786. W. Malm. p. 609. HENRY THE FIRST. 289 of holding the castle of Le Mans'. While the most distin- guished Normans, Robert fitz Hamon, Richard of Reviers, Roger Bigot, the influential count of Meulan, and his brother Henry, seceded from the duke, there joined him of the nobles in England Robert of Belesme, his brothers Roger of Poitiers and Arnulf, William of Warenne, earl of Surrey, whom the king disliked on account of his witticisms; Walter Giffard, Robert of Pontefract, son of Ibert of Lacy; Robert Malet, and the duke’s former companion in arms, Ivo of Grentemaisnil?. | Of these, Robert of Belesme had already fought for duke Robert in his wars with his father; the house of Grentemaisnil had declared for him on the usurpation of the throne by William Rufus; the count of Warenne and Robert fitz Hamon were at that time disaffected towards him®. In the summer of the following year (20th July 1101) the duke embarked at Tré- port for Portsmouth. The ‘“ butsecarls” sent by Henry— who with his army awaited his brother in the neighbourhood of Hastings—to watch the coast, went over to Robert, who found many Normans well disposed towards him at Winches- ter. For Henry, however, was the whole Anglo-Saxon popu- lation, which adhered faithfully to the consort of their Godithe. But the most effectual support Henry found in Robert of Meulan, son of Roger of Beaumont, shortly afterwards earl of Leicester. This highly distinguished and illustrious knight had in his youth signalized himself by his deeds at Hastings ; and subsequently, by the political sagacity displayed by him as counsellor to William Rufus, had acquired the reputation of being the wisest statesman between London and Jerusalem, and arbiter of peace or war between England and France. His counsels allayed the dissensions between the laity and clergy. By the latter he was held in the highest considera- tion, while the former regarded him as their oracle in all se- cular affairs, and even as a pattern for imitation in habits, 1 Ord. Vital. p. 784. Acta Cenoman. p. 309. 2 Ord. Vital. pp. 785 sq., 804. W. Malm. p. 620. 3 See p. 221, U 290 HENRY THE FIRST. clothing, entertainments, and, in short, the entire business of life’. Hence it was almost decisive against duke Robert, who had once detained him as a prisoner, and, at a later period, was unable to protect him against the injustice of his ene- mies, that the count of Meulan was ill-disposed towards him. It was to his address and eloquence that Henry was chiefly indebted for the preservation of his throne, the chief support of which, Robert. of Meulan,—who was to the sons what Wil- liam fitz Osbern had been to the father,—continued to be until his death in the year 1118. With a feeling not unusual in that chivalric age, Robert refused to take possession of Winchester, thereby risking his chance of a kingly crown, that he might not cause annoyance to his sister-in-law, Henry’s consort, at that time on the eve of her accouche- ment?. Shortly after, without a battle, at an interview with his brother, Robert, awed by the threat of excommunication from archbishop Anselm, allowed himself to be persuaded to release Henry from the oath he had taken to him with re- ference to the crown, in consideration of the cession of the Cotentin, possessed by Henry, and of his other possessions in Normandy, with the exception of Domfront, and of a yearly pension of three thousand marks, or two thousand pounds sterling. The vassals of one brother were mutually absolved ! Guil. Pictav. p. 202. Ord. Vital. pp. 686 sg., 709, 784. See also pp. 253, 263. Hen. Hunt. de Contemptu Mundi, apud Wharton, Angl. Sac. ii. p. 697. W. Malm. p. 636. John of Salisbury also mentions of the “Comes Legestriz Robertus, modeste proconsulatum gerens apud Bri- tannias,” an expression which bears witness to his kindly disposition, “that true majesty is of God alone, and that the crimen lesz majestatis is so called only because the king is God’s image on earth.”” The scanty notices existing of such men cannot be too carefully collected, as showing that every country, even in the darkest and most troubled times, if it be not hastening to its downfall, has possessed wise and benevolent states- — men. 2 Roman de Rou, vv. 15456 sq. Et il dist ke vilain sereit, Ki dame en gésine assaldreit. HENRY THE FIRST. 291 from all crimination on account of the aid they had afforded to the other, and the confiscated estates were restored. The article also, as usual, was added, that in the event of one brother dying without lawful issue, the survivor should suc- ceed to his states on both sides of the Channel. Twelve of the most influential barons on each side swore to enforce the fulfilment of this compact}. Robert with his army continued for some months in England, to the great hardship of the in- habitants of those parts. The duke had hardly left England, when Henry, reckless of the promised amnesty, summoned before his court and severely punished those barons, who, by their desertion to — Robert, had most offended him. Among these was that Ivo of Grentemaisnil, who had acquired for himself the unenvia- ble sobriquet of the rope-dancer of Antioch?, and now, appre- hensive of the implacable vengeance of the king, had pledged to the crafty, overreaching count of Meulan, his share of the earldom of Leicester, and, with his wife, departed on a new pilgrimage, on which they both died. Among the other op- ponents of the king, Robert of Belesme had been yet more dangerous and hateful to him, as, in addition to his earldoms of Alengon and Shrewsbury®, he had, by the death of his * father-in-law, Guy count of Ponthieu, acquired that county, and had, moreover, from duke Robert, received the posses- sions of his father in Normandy. Henry also deprived his own brother-in-law, William of Warenne, of the earldom of Surrey, who thereupon hastened to Robert, whom he seduced very imprudently to cross over to England, in the hope of persuading Henry to other measures. But Henry soon gave his brother to understand, that, by such a step, he exposed his liberty, and even life, to no small peril; and, under the deceitful mask of kind feeling, remonstrated with him for har- bouring traitors, in contravention of their agreement. Robert 1 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1101, Ord.Vital. p.788. Eadmer, p. 49. 2 See p. 283. 3 See page 241. uQ ~ 292 HENRY THE FIRST. was now fully aware of the net in which he had entangled himself by his visit to England, and it was from apprehension, rendered yet stronger by the insidious mediation of the count of Meulan, rather than in a fit of perverted, prodigal gal- lantry, that he was induced, at the request of the young queen, to relinquish the pension promised him in considera- tion of his renunciation of the throne. At this price assu- rances of royal favour were readily given him by his brother, and he received not only a safe-conduct for his return home, but also the restoration of the earldom of Surrey to their common brother-in-law!. In the meanwhile Robert of Belesme, who imagined him- self powerful enough to contend single-handed with the king, caused his castles in various parts of England, as Shrewsbury, his newly-erected one at Bridgenorth, Arundel, and Tickhill, to be strongly fortified. This nobleman, although he had generally attached himself to the vanquished side, had, by availing himself of extraordinary events, as well as through the fear which he knew how to inspire, and by skilful working on the selfishness of those in power, succeeded in acquiring vast influence. His contemporaries are unanimous in de- scribing him as one of the most detestable characters known in history, to whom the most unheard-of barbarities were not merely a means, not merely acts of revenge, but an insatia- ble enjoyment. In Le Maine the memory of this monster still lives, where the ramparts erected by him are yet shown as those of Robert the devil. Justly, it is said, did he bear his grandfather's surname of Talevas? (man-crusher). He scorned the rich ransoms offered by his numerous captives, 1 W. Malm. pp. 609, 621. Ord. Vital. p. 804. Wace (vv. 15680 sqq.) is very circumstantial here. According to him, Robert’s visit took place in 1102, which is rendered probable by the circumstance that William of Warenne does not appear among the later opponents of the king. Ac- cording to the Saxon Chronicle and its translation it took place in 1103. 2 Talevas signifies a shield that covers the whole man. See Roquefort, in voce. HENRY THE FIRST. 293 that, like another Phalaris, he might torture them by new- invented instruments. The mutilation of hands and feet, and putting out of eyes, usual in those times, he disdained, but found delight in seeing men and women empaled and strug- gling in the agonies of death. Of a little boy, to whom he was godfather, he thrust out the eyes, while pretending to play with him under his mantle, because the father of the child had given him some trivial offence and escaped from his vengeance. As talents in which he excelled, were his arts of dissimulation, by which he often deceived his victims, and his knowledge of the art of war, which he promoted by the invention of many military engines'. Against this vassal, a like object of abhorrence, both to those of his own rank and those of an inferior degree, whose preparations had been long regarded with suspicion, the king had caused forty-five arti- cles of accusation to be drawn up, all founded on his actions during the last year, and summoned him to appear before his court. Probably not aware of this preliminary step, he ap- peared before the king with his wonted ease and affected submission; but no sooner had he heard the well-supported charges, than, under the pretext of consulting his friends, ac- cording to the usage of that time, he withdrew, flung himself on a horse, and fled with all speed to his castle of Bridge- north. He was now declared contumacious, and a convicted traitor. The king assembled an army, and proceeded in per- son against Arundel, which, after a siege of three months, capitulated with the sanction of its lord. Tickhill was taken by Robert, the warlike bishop of Lincoln. From Arundel, Henry passed into Nottinghamshire, where the castle of Blythe, which, as well as Tickhill, Robert, as heir of Roger of Busli, had recovered from William Rufus, gladly surren- 1 W. Gemmet. lib. viii. c. 35. Ord. Vital. pp. 675, 707, 768. W. Malm. p. 621. Roman de Rou, vv. 15042-15050. H. Hunt., de Contemptu Mundi, ap. Wharton. p. 698. 294 HENRY THE FIRST. dered to him!. The king now disbanded a part of his troops during the harvest, after which he marched against Bridge- north, with the object of subduing Robert himself, together with the Welsh, under their princes Caducan and Gervatus, the sons of Rhys, on whose aid he chiefly relied. Here, how- ever, the contest was very easy, as the ranks of the Welsh gave ground, not so much from the arrows, as through the influence of English silver?; so that at the end of thirty days, that strong and curiously constructed fortress, which was re- garded as impregnable, was delivered into the hands of the king, But Henry’s most important victory was that which he wrested from his aristocracy. When the barons saw how their dreaded chief had been forced to yield before the power of the king, the thought seized them that he might soon an- nihilate them also as so many feeble women. Hereupon they formed a combination, with the object of laying before their liege lord all the reasons which spoke in favour of lenity to- wards his enemy. Henry was wavering, when three thousand peasant soldiery* assembled, disclosed to him what to their unprejudiced judgment appeared manifest, the treason of his nobility, and promised to shed the last drop of their blood in overthrowing the detested magnates. Henry obeyed the voice of the good people, and had no cause to repent of having done so. Tn this struggle no one was more useful to him than William Pantolf, a Norman of rank, immediately holding of the king, whom Roger of Montgomery had placed over the earldom of Shrewsbury, but afterwards, on account of suspected participa- tion in the murder of his countess, Mabil of Belesme®, had persecuted. Notwithstanding his proved innocence, Robert 1 Domesday, Ord. Vital. pp. 768, 806. 2 Ord. Vital. pp. 806, 807. Flor. Wigorn. a. 1102. 3 Domesday, Ord. Vital. pp. 583 sq. p. 807. 4 Pagenses milites. Ord. Vital. p.807.—T. 5 See page 285. HENRY THE FIRST. 295 had subsequently deprived him of the fief he held of him, who, thereby exasperated and imbued with feelings of the bitterest revenge, found, for.the general good, the means of wreaking it in his increased loyalty to the king. Robert had fled to Shrewsbury, where he considered himself the more secure, as ‘ the only approach to it for the king’s troops seemed tu be a narrow pass strongly occupied by his followers. But the royal army cleared itself a way through the dense forest, felling its aged trees with the sharp axe, and by its unlooked for arrival struck terror into the furious count. The towns- men then caused the keys of their gates to be delivered to the king by the hands of Ralf abbot of Séez, and shortly after, the count also submitted, on condition of a free depar- ture from England for himself and his brother, Arnulf of Montgomery—who, through his marriage with the daughter | of the king of Ireland, hoped to obtain the crown of that realm—and Roger of Poitou, so designated from his wife’. - The king could now be regarded as the real master of his realm: he had also demanded of his brother the observance of the compact between them, a strict adherence to which | could alone ensure the tranquillity of both states, by the one not harbouring exiles from the dominions of the other. But, although the duke had successfully fought against the vassals of Robert of Belesme, although the whole of Normandy had risen against the detested count, and even his brother Arnulf, with many followers, had passed over to the duke, yet, never- theless, through that prince’s inactivity, the dread in which count Robert was held by the people, the discord that pre- vailed among the nobles, and, finally, through the good for- tune that so often attends the worst of men, and which now 1} For these events Orderic (pp. 806 sg.) is the most circumstantial and, through his family connections, our most trustworthy informant. The Sax. Chron. and Florence (a. 1102) speak as if Robert surrendered at Bridgenorth. Malmesbury (p. 622) relates that from Bridgenorth Robert went to Arundel, and from thence crossed over to Normandy. See also Langtoft, apud Michel, pp. 156-158. 296 HENRY THE FIRST. placed in his hands, as prisoners, William of Conversana, the duke’s brother-in-law, with other Normans of rank, he at length succeeded in effecting a treaty with the duke, by which he was restored to all his father’s possessions in Normandy’. A most unfortunate occurrence both for the country and its prince was the death of his consort, Sibylla, who had borne him an heir, count William, and through her prudence, had been able to preserve many friends to him. It was asserted that poison was the cause of her death, and suspicion ascribed it to Agnes, the widow of the recently deceased earl of Buck- ingham, Walter Giffard, and a sister of Robert’s companion in arms, Anselm of Ribemont?, who had received the duke’s promise, that after Sibylla’s death, he would make her his duchess?. That promise, however, was never fulfilled, as Robert’s difficulties, which were now thickening upon him, forbade all thoughts of such a connection and of a new household. Shortly after, Henry, enraged at the treaty made with Robert of Belesme, sent troops over to Normandy, for the purpose of taking possession of certain castles, as well as of occupying Domfront, which belonged to him, and of strength- ening himself in the Cotentin, to which, it was said, Robert had raised pretensions'. He also banished from England, ) Ord. Vital. p. 811. a.1103. Sax. Chron. a. 1104. 2 «De Ribode Monte,” “ Riburgis Monte.” There is by bim an ac- count of the first crusade extant, in which he himself fell a sacrifice at the siege of Arka, at the foot of Lebanon, in the year 1099. He was the founder of the monastery of Anchin, near St. Quentin. Ribemont is in the department of L’Aisne, between St. Quentin and Laon. 3 Ord. Vital. pp. 809 sq. W. Malm. (p. 609), ascribes her death to im- proper treatment in her confinement: [‘‘deceptam, ut dicunt, obstetricis consilio, que pro affluentis lactis copia, puerperee mammas stricta prece- perat illigari fascia.” —T. ] 4 Sax. Chron. a.1104. According to Orderic (p. 813), Henry himself went to Domfront. M. Le Prevost must have overlooked this passage, when he regards as pure invention what Wace (vv. 15846 sqq.) relates on this occasion. HENRY THE FIRST. 297 Robert count of Mortain and earl of Cornwall, who, on his mother’s side, a nephew of Robert of Belesme, had laid claim to the earldom of Kent, which had been held by bishop Odo, the brother of his father, Robert'. In the following spring Henry himself crossed the sea, and with little difficulty took Bayeux and Caen, two of his brother's best cities. The latter had closed its gates against the duke, who had already ap- peared there as a levier of contributions, from whom they had to conceal their property in the church, but now only as a erafty borrower and beggar?. There seems, therefore, to have been hardly any need of the bribery and treachery, by which the city fell into the power of Henry®. The siege of Bayeux required greater exertions, the castle being valiantly defended by Gunther of Aunay (de Alneio). The single combat of a brave ducal knight, Robert of Argouges, with one of the king’s named Brun, who fell in the contest, is one of the memorable incidents of the siege. It was only with the aid of Hélie count of Le Maine, and the count of Anjou, that Henry attained his object, and that not without a great sacrifice of religious feeling and of humanity, by the burning of the cathedral and churches and those houses to which the besieged had fled for safety+. In the autumn the king again ' His father was, consequently, a half-brother of William the Con- queror and son of Herluin. The county of Mortain (Moritolium, Mori- tonium, Moretoign, Moretun), in the south of the department of La Manche, is frequently confounded with the also Norman county of Mor- tagne (Mauritania, Moritonia), in the south of the department of L’Orne. William the Conqueror had given the former to Robert, after the expul- sion of William, surnamed Werleng, the son of Mauger; while the latter (better known at a later period under the name of Perche), belonged at that time to count Geoffrey, his son Rotrou, and their successors of like name. 2 Rom. de Rou, vv. 16000 sqg. W. Malm. p. 610. 3 H. Hunt. a.1105. Ord. Vital. p. 818d. Rom. de Rou, vv. 16270 sqq. 4 Rom. de Rou, vv. 16042-16238. H. Hunt. Ord. Vital. p.818. By Serlo, the bishop of Séez expelled by Robert of Belesme (ob. 1124) there are extant 838 Leonine verses: De capta Baiocensium Civitate, which are printed in Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de Ja Bibliothéque du Roi 298 HENRY THE FIRST. embarked for Normandy, and compelled his brother to cede to him one of his chief vassals, William count of Evreux, with his county and all his tenants. The count, although mortified at being treated as a horse or an ox, yet soon be- eame reconciled to his lot by the simplifying of his former double services, and served his new lord firmly and faithfully. That by these measures Henry conferred real benefit on the country, and materially promoted its tranquillity, although he omitted the most important one of all, namely to place his brother under a guardianship, is apparent from the attempts made by Robert of Belesme to enter again into his favour (1106), though he failed in effecting a reconciliation. Equally fruitless was an attempt by duke Robert, in a visit to his brother’s court at Northampton, to obtain from him the resti- tution of his possessions. In the same year the king made an attempt to repress the rebellious vassals. He laid siege to Tinchebray, a fortress belonging to the count of Mortain; whereupon the troops in the neighbourhood of the counts of Mortain and Belesme, of Robert of Estoutevile, William of Ferriéres, William Crespin, and, at length, of duke Robert, which had also been joined by the queen’s uncle, Eadgar /Etheling, who had returned from Palestine later than Robert}, formed a junction; and against them the royal forces, among which those of the count Hélie of Le Maine, of the counts of Evreux, Warenne, and Meulan, and others of high rank are mentioned by name. Men of right feeling were desirous of avoiding the scandal of a conflict, and Henry himself went so far as to offer his brother the revenues of half Normandy, and a compensation, in the shape of an an- nuity, for the other half, if he would resign the government t.xi; also in Recueil des Historiens, t. xix. A W. de Brun appears in Domesday. Suffolk, fol. 377. 1 His valiant friend and companion, Robert, son of Godwine, was taken prisoner by the Mohammedans in king Baldwin’s flight from Rama, in May 1102, and, refusing to renounce his faith, was shot to death with arrows. W. Malm. p. 425. HENRY THE FIRST. 299 of the duchy, of his incapacity for which he must be fully aware!. Those about the duke were but too successful in prevailing on him to refuse these conditions, and the fraternal conflict took place on the day, on which, forty years before, \ the battle of Hastings was fought by their father (28th Sept.). Victory soon declared itself in the king’s favour; a great number fell by the sword, and about four hundred knights were taken; of the leaders, Robert of Belesme was the only one that escaped; the duke himself was made prisoner by Galdric, one of the king’s chaplains; the count of Mortain by some Bretons?. This noble and some other barons were condemned to perpetual imprisonment. Eadgar d‘theling and Robert of Estoutevile were set at liberty. The former, who, from love of his native land, had declined the invitations of the German and Greek emperors to pass the remainder of his days at their court, retired to some remote corner of England, where he lived solitary and unheeded, and, it is supposed, died at an advanced age in the latter years of Henry’s reign®. Flambard was restored to his see on re- signing that of Lisieux, conferred on him by duke Robert. Duke Robert’s lot seems to claim our commiseration, on calling to mind how much fortune had seemed willing to be- stow on him; though it can hardly be pronounced lament- able, if we take into consideration the welfare of his subjects and his own imbecility. At first he was held in captivity at Falaise, and afterwards in England, though treated as a 1 Ord. Vital. p. 820. 2 A letter on this battle from the king to archbishop Anselm is given in Malm. de Pont. lib. i. and Eadmer, p.90. [The chaplain, Galderic, was rewarded with the bishopric of Llandaff. Having incurred the hatred of the townsmen, he, with five of his prebendaries, was murdered in a field. Ord. Vital. p. 821.—T.] 3 Malmesbury (p. 425) speaks of him as still living: [‘ Eadgarus, fatua cupidine illusus, Angliam rediit, unde, ut superius dixi, diverso fortune ludicro rotatus, nunc remotus et tacitus canos suos in agro con- swumit.”—T.] 300 HENRY THE FIRST. prince, and in full enjoyment of every luxury’. He lived in indolence twenty-eight years, and died at Cardiff?. Henry now, as his father is said to have foretold, added the dominion of Normandy to that of England; although it-would seem that, notwithstanding his having received the investiture from the king of France, he observed the forms of etiquette to- wards his brother so far that, while Robert lived, he never assumed the title of duke of Normandy‘. It seems remarkable that these wars, regarding a fief of the French crown, were carried on by two of its vassals, with- out any interposition on the part of the king of France. We find, indeed, intimations of negotiations between that mon- arch and Henry®, yet no traces worthy of notice of any act or expression of will on the part of the powerless suzerain. A very different spirit of foresight and activity prevailed in the council of Henry. No prince could be more useful to England than the count of Flanders, who also possessed the power, by his proximity to Normandy, of being a troublesome and dangerous neighbour, and, in consequence of his double vassalage, to the king of France and the German emperor, was the better able to maintain his independence. Henry, under many more defined conditions, renewed with count Ro- bert an old treaty, based originally on the relations subsist- ing between the Conqueror and his father-in-law, count Bald- win V., by which, in consideration of a yearly stipend of four hundred marks of silver, that prince engaged, as far as his feudal obligations to the Roman and French realms permitted, to supply the king of England, at his desire, within forty days, 1 Ord. Vital. p. 823. “Omnibus deliciis abundanter pavit.”” W. Malm. p. 611. Also Joh. Saresbur. Polycrat. lib. v. c. 18. “captum in custodia publica, habita tamen estimatione dignitatis sanguinis.”’ 2 Ord. Vital. p. 893. Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a. 1134. 3 Suger. lib. i. p. 28. 4] do not find the title in any document of Henry’s; for that in Rymer of the year 1132 belongs evidently to Henry III. and to the year 1248, * Ord. Vital. p.816, a. 1105, HENRY THE FIRST. 301 with a thousand horse soldiers, each with three horses, in England, with an equal number in Normandy, and five hun- dred in Le Maine. Should count Robert be bound, with king Philip of France, to make an attack on England, he promised with the smallest number, ten knights only, to proceed against Normandy. He moreover bound himself to the king to aid him not only against foreign enemies, but also against rebels. The further, more circumstantial provisions of this treaty, in which the count of Flanders appears half as an independent prince, and half as a mercenary of England, conclude with the engagement of twelve of the highest Flemish barons, viz. ~ Robert of Bethune, the constable Amauri, Hugo of Aubigny, the castellains of Bruges, Mons, Lisle, ete., who, in case the count should not fulfil his obligations to king Henry, promise to pay that sovereign twelve hundred marks of silver, under the penalty of confinement in the Tower of London. On the other part, the king gave eight sureties for the payment of the annual stipend promised by him?!. After the death of king Philip, this treaty was renewed, with some modifica- tions, and with express reference to any hostilities that might take place between Henry and the successor of Philip, Lewis V12. Less definite was the relation in which the county of Le Maine stood to England. At the intelligence of king Wil- 1 Rymer, Feed. i. p.7. The treaty is placed in the beginning of March 1103. It was concluded at Dover. Eadmer (p. 69) mentions the meet- ing. See also England under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 287, and this volume, p- 261. 2 Rymer, i. p. 6, under the date 1101, erroneously, as king Lewis is named ; therefore between 1108, when that prince succeeded to the throne, and 1111, when count Robert died. The first of these years is probable, not only from all the circumstances, but is almost confirmed by the fact, that Robert of Belesme appears as one of the deputies and sureties for the king, which seems imaginable only, in the brief space between his recon- ciliation with Henry and his new defection in favour of the son of duke Robert. A similar treaty of the year 1163 is given in the Foedera, lib. i. p. 22. 302 HENRY THE FIRST. liam’s death, count Hélie instantly hastened to Le Mans, the inhabitants of which came joyfully to meet him. With these and those knights who had faithfully adhered to him in his exile, together with the auxiliaries he had demanded from Fulk count of Anjou, as his feudal lord, he laid siege to the castle, which was stoutly defended by two Norman knights, Haimeric of Moria and Walter fitz Ausger, of Rouen. But the besieged, who could not be ignorant of the perplexed condition of their prince, entered into an armistice, for the object of obtaining, from the princely brothers, through the medium of deputies, instructions for their future measures. Duke Robert, just returned from Palestine, and called upon to strive for the crown of England, thanked his knights for their willingness to preserve Le Maine for him, but, at the same time, declared that, for the present moment, he was compelled to leave them to their fate. From the English monarch, who had still greater reason not to divide his forces, they received a similar answer’. At the end of three months the place was surrendered to Hélie, who from that time kept undisturbed possession of the county of Le Maine until his death eight years afterwards. While drawing the bond of union with Anjou still more closely, by marrying his daughter Erenburg to count Fulk, he entered into more intimate rela- tions with king Henry, to whom he afforded aid in his wars in Normandy. The circumstances, under which the feudal relation of Le Maine to England was renewed under Hélie, are unknown ; it might possibly have been in virtue of a,treaty similar to that before mentioned with Flanders’. That after Hélie’s death no feudal relationship existed is beyond all doubt 3. ! Ord. Vital. pp. 784 sqg. Acta Cenoman. p. 309. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 818. a. 1106. 3 It is the Sax. Chron. only (a.1110) which states that Hélie held Le Maine of K. Henry. [I add the passage: “Dises geares forSferde Elias eorl, be ba Mannie of b4m cynge Heanri geheold, and on cweow.” ‘The last word has sadly puzzled the translators: Bp. Gibson says: “ Lectio HENRY THE FIRST. 303 Henry’s relations with France were, in the beginning of his reign, on a most friendly footing, as on his part the power, on the other both the power and the inclination, to enter on a border-warfare were wanting. Prince Lewis, the heir to the French crown, even visited Henry at London. Soon after his arrival Henry received a letter, written, in the name of king Philip, by the countess Bertrade of Anjou, in which he is requested to consign the prince, her step-son, to per- petual imprisonment. A proposition of such importance could not be decided on without the consent of the barons, who were instantly called together. But hospitality pre- --vailed over the delusions of self-interest, and a companion of the prince, William of Buschely, who, suspecting something of what was in agitation, had, as it were in joke, thrust him- self into the meeting of the nobles, was commissioned to disclose the proposed treachery to his master. Henry dis- missed the prince with rich presents, who vainly demanded vengeance at the hands of his father, and was even exposed to murderous machinations on the part of the royal harlot’. To appease his resentment, his father conferred on him Pon- toise and the Vexin, by which act the design of bringing him fortasse vitiosa: certe vocabuli significatio me latet.” Ingram adds: “The territory was not a fee simple, but subject to tillage or taxation ; “and that particular species is probably here intended which is called in old French en quewage, an expression not very different from that in the text above.” Perhaps without rendering myself liable to the charge of over- rashness, I may venture on reading oncneow, agnovit, in place of the no- meaning on cweow. That is, he held of, and acknowledged, Henry (as his feudal lord).—T.] ! Sim. Dunelm. a. 1101. Ord. Vital. p.813. [After his return Bertrade attempted his destruction by secret arts, and for that purpose employed three sorcerers (malefici de numero clericorum), one of whom divulged the plot and rendered it abortive. She then suborned poisoners, and the prince, taking to his bed, for some days could neither eat nor sleep. When the French physicians had exerted their skill in vain, a shaggy individual from a barbarous land (hirsutus de Barbarie) came, and, by his me- dicaments, saved the patient’s life, but who remained an invalid ever after.—T’.] 304 HENRY THE FIRST. into hostile collision with the Normans and king Henry is not to be mistaken. Nor was it long after the acquisition of Normandy by Henry and the accession of Lewis VI. to the throne of France, that an old dissension respecting Gisors again burst out, (1109). Notwithstanding the treaty, that this town, lying on the Epte and on the boundary of the two states, should not be occupied by the troops of either king, Henry had contrived to seduce it from its possessor, Payen of Gisors. A war of two years’ duration was the consequence of this step, and king Lewis, attended by his most powerful vassals, among whom was count Robert of Flanders, at. the head of four thousand men, took the field in person against _the king of England. Their armies met at Neaufle, where a very ruinous bridge led across the river. Lewis at first had recourse to negotiation, and offered to prove the justice of his pretensions by the encounter of a certain number of their barons, among whom appeared count Robert himself. This proposal was rejected by the Normans, who professed a pre- ference for a judicial decision. Lewis afterwards offered to engage with Henry in single combat ; but the position of the two armies on each side of the river rendered their meeting with safety impracticable. A proposal made in jest that the kings should fight in the middle of the ruinous bridge, was thoughtlessly and rashly entertained by Lewis, but declined by Henry, who said that he was not to be moved by such idle talk to run the risk of losing a noble and strong town. If Lewis should meet him where he must defend himself, he would not flinch from him. Hereupon all flew to arms, though the river prevented a conflict. On the following day the armies met at Gisors, when the English and Normans were driven back into the town, with considerable loss on both sides. While the reign of Lewis evinces an earnest endeavour to correct the mischiefs that had arisen from his father’s negligence, and, as far as it was practicable, to hold his proud HENRY THE FIRST. 305 Norman vassal within the bounds of duty, and both kings were, consequently, keeping a jealous watch over their ancient or pretended rights, the exertions of both to curb the inso- lence of their own vassals, and, with powerful hand to punish their disobedience, supplied an inexhaustible source of dis- sension between them. Le Maine, Evreux, the Vexin, Blois, Belesme, Alengon, and other frontier districts were subject to a constant change of lords and claims; and the faithless vassal could with confidence rely on the protection of that king, who, for the moment, did not happen to be his feudal superior. From this cause blood flowed in streams, countless treasure was squandered, a more useful application of which was never dreamed of by the political economy of those days. It was in this year particularly that Theobald, the young count of Blois, son of count Stephen, who had fallen before Ramla, and Adela, a daughter of William the Conqueror, maintained a constant warfare against king Lewis, in which he was supported by his uncle Henry. A battle near Meaux, (1108), which took place not long after the engagement before mentioned at Gisors, was followed by an immediate cessation of hostilities in that neighbourhood '. Since the battle of Tinchebray Henry had resided in Eng- land, and repeatedly held splendid courts there. To Winchester he was less attached than his predecessors, as the proximity to the daily increasing and flourishing London offered greater facilities for the gratification of luxury. The Whitsuntide of the year 1110 was solemnized in the new palace of the ancient royal residence of Windsor. But here the king did not live solely for the pleasure of the chase and other diver- sions. The insolence and revolting spirit of his barons he repressed instantly and severely; and, in this year, Philip of Braiose, William Malet, and William Bainard, although all men of noble blood and of approved fidelity to the royal house, were sentenced to banishment. To the first one alone, ' Suger, p. 36. Ord. Vital. p.837. W. Malm. p. 633. x 306 HENRY THE FIRST. after a lapse of some years, was permission to return granted’. The name of the last-mentioned disappeared from that time from among the noble races of England, and his memory is preserved only in the name of one of the wards of London, where, on the river’s bank, stood Bainard’s castle, until swept away by the great conflagration of 1666. A new cause for apprehensions, both immediate and re- mote, had in the meantime arisen on the opposite side of the Channel. After the defeat of Robert, William, a child of five years, the only son of that unhappy prince by Sibylla of Con- versana, was brought to him. Henry caressed the weeping boy, and that no evil suspicion might attach itself to him, should any mischance befal the child in his tender infancy, he as- signed him to the guardianship of Hélie of St. Saens, who had married an illegitimate daughter of Robert, and to whom that prince had already intrusted the education of a son born before his marriage, and bestowed on him the county of Archies?. Soon, however, on the warning of his counsellors, Henry was sensible that the choice he had made was not a prudent one, and he endeavoured to have the boy conveyed to England. But Heélie fled with his charge, and soon succeeded in exciting the sympathy of his Norman friends for the fair child of their captive prince. To no one was this occurrence more welcome than to Robert of Belesme, who clearly saw what a weapon was placed in his hands, in the person of the legitimate successor of the Conqueror. All means were soon attempted, by letters, agents, and visits, to excite the king of France, the dukes, William of Guienne, Henry of Burgundy, Alan of Brittany, and other powerful princes to active inter- vention in favour of the young pretender3. Henry soon found a pressing occasion again to cross the 1 Sax. Chron. aa. 1110, 1120. Rotul. magn. Pipe, 31 Hen. I. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 821. Mackintosh’s account, that Henry seems to have struggled with murderous thoughts, is picturesque, but quite unhistorical. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 838. HENRY THE FIRST. 307 sea, in the refusal of count Fulk of Anjou, son-in-law of the deceased count Hélie of la Fléche, instigated chiefly by his uncle, Amauri of Montfort, to acknowledge the king of England and duke of Normandy as superior lord of Le Maine (1111). Other vassals, also, had committed acts of rebellion. Henry’s contemporaries remarked in him the art, which they often erroneously ascribed to cowardice, of sparing the lives of his faithful vassals and warriors?. External enemies he was said to overcome oftener with silver than with steel; but his own subjects, more frequently than either of his predecessors, to bring, without warfare, before his courts, and pay atten- tion to their demands. Count William of Evreux, whom his beautiful and ambitious wife, Helvise of Nivernais, had in- stigated to transgression against the king, was banished, with some others (1112). At the end of the year Henry was so fortunate as to capture Robert of Belesme at Bonneville, where, although he had never obeyed the repeated citation of the court, yet, trusting to a commission undertaken for king Lewis to Henry, he ventured to appear before him. It was no violation of the law of nations, when Henry refused to extend to his rebellious subject the inviolability of an envoy from a foreign prince; yet, in consideration of the occasion of his coming, he granted him his life. In the following year, Robert was conveyed to the castle of Wareham, where, in gravelike stillness and frantic despair, forgotten by those who did not execrate his detested memory, he passed many years®. While Henry was thus engaged in quelling his rebellious vassals, count Theobald was so fortunate as to put Lewis to flight at Puysac. Henry, too, himself took the town of Alen- 1 Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. h. a. Ord. Vital. p. 840, a. 1113. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 840d. “ipsis sine eorum sanguine deculcatis.”” W. Malm. p. 642: “‘libentius bellabat consilio quam gladio: vincebat, si poterat, sanguine nullo, si aliter non poterat, pauco.” 3 Ord, Vital. pp. 841,858. H. Hunt. ‘De Contemptu Mundi.’ x 2 308 HENRY THE FIRST. gon (1113), and skilful negotiators prevailed on the count of Anjou to swear fealty to him for Le Maine, and betroth his daughter to the young prince William, who was wont to be designated by the Anglo-Saxon title of @theling. William of Evreux, Amauri of Montfort, and his nephew, William Cres- pin, all fugitives to the court of Angers, were pardoned by the king. In a few weeks after, peace took place with France, which, on terms very favourable to Henry, was concluded and sworn to at a meeting of both kings at Gisors, (end of Mar.) Lewis resigned to Henry the rights he had till then reserved to himself over Le Maine, Belesme, and the whole of Brittany. This last concession was the more desirable to Henry, as he had destined his own daughter in marriage to Conan, son of the prince Alan Fergant!. Of Robert’s son no mention is made. Thus did peace, through these alliances, seem for a long time established, and the garrison of Belesme, which had refused to deliver that fortress to the king, was compelled to surrender to the now united forces of Le Maine, Blois, and Normandy. In the summer the king was enabled to return to England. Five years of Henry’s reign now succeeded, which, although not in perfect, yet in almost unbroken tranquillity, with re- gard to foreign countries, were passed by him in England. In the year immediately following (1114. 7 Jan.), the mar- riage of his daughter Adelaide—who afterwards bore the then more loved name of Matilda?—with the German emperor Henry V. was solemnized at Mentz. The match had been settled as far back as 1109, and a marriage contract con- cluded at Westminster, whereby Henry assigned to his 1 The English historians have either omitted to mention, or very slightly noticed, this treaty of peace, so important, at least in a political point of view. Lingard places it by two years too late. See Suger, p. 21. Ord. Vital. p. 841, who also notes the date, which accurately agrees with what the English chroniclers relate of Henry’s abode in Normandy. 2 In the Sax. Chron. a. 1127 she is still called Athelic, and also by the North English chronicler, Joh. Hagustald. aa. 1139, 1142. oe HENRY 'THE FIRST. 309 daughter a portion of ten thousand marks of silver. In the following spring, the young princess, who had scarcely at- tained her seventh year, was conducted to Utrecht by Bure- hard, bishop of Cambrai, where the emperor saw her, and was solemnly betrothed to her. Shortly after, she was, at Mentz, consecrated queen of the Germans. A swarm of Norman knights, ever ready to migrate, accompanied her, deluded probably with the hope of rising to be lords in the land of their young princess, like their forefathers in the suite of Emma in England, or of Sichelgauda in Apulia!. Among these was the valiant and expert Roger of Bienfaite, son of Richard of Tonbridge, who was himself a son of count Gilbert, and, consequently, a relative of the king?. But the emperor was not slow in discovering the object of his guests, whose services, in his contests with Rome, must appear to him of a very dubious character. Loading them, therefore, with honourable presents, he lost no time in dismissing them. During the wars in Normandy, England was suffering under an ecclesiastical warfare, which was probably more deplorable on account of the disorders and laxity of the clergy, to which it indirectly led, than important with refer- ence to its object, still less to its result. The religious ex- citement which the first crusade had called forth in Europe, and the favourable accounts which resounded from the East, were highly serviceable to the Roman court in its plans for strengthening and extending its power. The pope Urban II., as well as his successor, Paschal IJ, renewed, in most of the states under subjection to their Church, the dissension respecting the investiture of bishops and abbots with the ring and crosier. In England, as in other states, the usage for the prelates to receive this investiture at the hands of the king 1 Sax. Chron. aa.1109, 1110. Ann. Hildeshem. a.1110. Ord. Vital. p.838. W. Gemmet. viii. 11. Rom. de Rou, v.13366. [Sichelgauda was a daughter of Gaumar, prince of Salerno, and second wife of Robert Guiscard.—T. ] 2 W. Gemmet. viii. 15, 37. Ord. Vital. p. 686. i | i 310 HENRY THE FIRST. was so decided, that Anselm, known to him as the opinions were so fiercely maintained by Gregory VII., offered no ob- jection to it at his nomination.. His last sojourn in Italy had, however, instilled into him other views, and he considered himself bound to give validity in England to the decrees of the council of Rome, and, consequently, to abolish for ever the investiture with staff and ring by the king, as well as what was then regarded as inseparable from it, the homage and oath of fealty, performed, and sworn on their part by the prelates. The position of Henry at that time, who saw a war with his brother impending, was particularly favourable for the extorting from him of promises and compacts; yet, even among the Anglo-Norman clergy, Anselm found but little sympathy, and from the king’s counsellors strong oppo- sition, especially from Robert of Meulan, who would not suffer that the half of the realm, which was in the hands of the bishops and abbots, should be entirely withdrawn from the crown. But as Henry had confirmed to the Church of Canterbury all the lands, revenues, and privileges it had pos- sessed at his father’s death, and with the honest object not to aggravate the existing uncertain state of the kingdom, the archbishop gave his consent to the proposal of applying to the pope for the repeal of the decrees on the subject of investiture, with regard to England. Before the return of the deputation, the attempt of Robert on England (a. 1101), had taken place, on which occasion Anselm gave effectual support to his sove- reign by summoning the men of Kent, by negotiating with the wavering barons, and even by the threat of excommuni- cating the pretender, a step not easily to be justified, when taken against one who, as a valiant crusader, had defended the interests of the pope! ; thus incontrovertibly showing that, by the sincerest attachment to Henry’s cause, he would secure both the tranquillity of the country and the interests of the ' See a letter on the occasion of the pope to Anselm. Anselmi Epist. lib. ili. 42. HENRY THE FIRST. 311 Chureh. Shortly after, the king received an answer to his message from the then pope Paschal II., in which that pon- tiff expressed himself very bitterly against the claim of in- vestiture by laymen. In his letter many reasons and authori- ties are adduced, among the latter—what was not likely to appear of much weight to Henry—that of the emperors Con- stantine and Justinian!; chiefly for the purpose of proving that spiritual jurisdiction did not belong to the laity, and, consequently, could not be conferred by them, nor ecclesi- astics be nominated by them. These principles were, how- ever, at the time, in general, either not or only partially contested, while the principal point, the fealty of the bishops and abbots for the lands of their churches, was left untouched. The letters of the king have not, as those of the ecclesiastics, been preserved, we can, therefore, only surmise that, with reference to the fealty of the prelates, he expressed himself in a manner to render all opposition fruitless. As Paschal also did not mention the subject, and seemed tacitly to acquiesce in that point, Henry summoned the archbishop to take the oath of fealty to him, and to consecrate those on whom he had conferred bishoprics and abbeys; or, in case of his refusal, to leave England. After new negotiations between the ecclesias- tical and secular chiefs and the king, a deputation was again sent to the pope, of three bishops on the part of Henry, and two ecclesiastics on that of Anselm, to make known the king’s determination. The verbal answer brought back by the bi- shops it was difficult to reconcile with the letter to the arch- bishop, in which he was pressingly urged to perseverance ; while the prelates unanimously declared that the pope had charged them to announce to the king, that so long as in other respects he conducted himself as a good prince, he would not be adverse to him on account of the investiture, and not excommunicate him for that reason, provided he 1 The words of the latter are from the Novella vi. c. 1, 3, though so as they appear in Julian’s Epitome Constitut. xxiv, xxvi. 312 HENRY THE FIRST. bestowed the spiritual staff on pious men; but that he could not give this promise in writing, lest-it should be used against him by other princes. While some declared themselves in - favour of the written document, or for the declarations of the monks, others rejected the latter, because monks, after they had renounced the world, were incapacitated from bear- ing witness in secular concerns; and the former, because a sheep-skin blackened with ink and loaded with a lump of lead was not to be put in competition with the declaration of three bishops and living witnesses. Anselm’s representatives had nothing better to answer than that the affair was not a se- cular one, and that the Gospels were also written on sheep- skins. Anselm was plunged into the greatest embarrassment by this ambiguous conduct of the pope, who evidently wished to throw all responsibility on the bishops, and avoid coming to a rupture with the king; he probably saw through the conduct of the pontiff, and, consequently, durst not question the veracity of the bishops, which was, moreover, hardly ad- visable, in order not to cause a still greater scandal in the Chureh. Therefore, after the before-mentioned deputations, there remained for him no alternative but to undertake a journey to Rome, for the purpose of coming to a better under- standing with the pope, and to leave the king to act in eccle- siastical affairs according to his own views, though without any sanction on his part. But before this resolution was carried into effect, Anselm presided at a synod at Westminster (1102), to which, by his desire, the chief persons of the realm were also summoned, to assure the execution of its decrees. From these we perceive but too evidently how seriously the cause of religion had suffered amid the quarrels of the Church. Three abbots, convicted of simony, were deposed, three for other crimes deprived, and three not yet consecrated turned out of their abbeys. It was again enacted, that priests and other eccle- siastics should not have wives ; that the sons of priests should s HENRY THE FIRST. 313 not inherit their churches; that ecclesiastics should not ad- dict themselves to drinking, nor clothe themselves in an un- seemly manner; that bishops should not hold secular courts ; that new chapels be not erected without the bishop’s consent ; that churches be not consecrated till all necessaries be pro- vided for both priest and church; that no one attribute reverence or sanctity to a dead body, or a fountain, or other thing (as it sometimes is), without the bishop’s authority ; that no one exercise the wicked trade, then usual in England, of selling men like beasts. In this synod profligate, obstinate sodomites, both lay and clerical, were stricken with anathema'. These and other decrees of the same synod bear honourable testimony to Anselm’s fitness for the practical duties of his office. The firmness with which he refused to consecrate those bishops who had allowed themselves to receive the ring and crosier from the king, could not fail of gaining to him many partisans among both clergy and laity. Roger bishop of Hereford, when on his death-bed, sent to implore conse- eration at his hands, a request which supposed an inconse- quence in Anselm, and could, therefore, only raise a smile in him?. William Giffard, the new bishop of Winchester, de- clared that he could receive the pastoral staff only from the archbishop of Canterbury ; but the king would not permit his consecration, and strove to procure consecration for all the bishops nominated by him through Gerard archbishop of York. One of these, Reinhelm, the newly invested bishop of Hereford, who had previously been chancellor to the queen, shrank from these ulterior steps to which his compliance had led him, and brought back to the king the insignia he had received from him, whereupon he was punished with banish- ment from the court. William, who had consented to receive consecration from the archbishop of York, declared at the 1 Spelman. Conc. ii. p. 23. Wilkins, i. p. 382. Johnson, Ecclesiastical Laws, ii. p. 24. edit. Baron.—T, 2 W. Malm. de Pont. lib. iv. 314 HENRY THE FIRST. moment of the solemn act, that he would never lend himself to such a desecration of the mystery of the episcopal succes- sion. He was banished from the realm, but returned shortly after. This seems a fitting place to mention the erection of the see of Ely, although strictly belonging to an earlier period. The plan of raising the abbey there to a bishopric, and of in- demnifying the bishop of Lincoln for the cession of a portion of his diocese was not new, though only carried into effect, through the exertions of Anselm, on the death of the abbot in 1101'. The measure is chiefly interesting because it seems to have originated in political considerations, namely, by the establishment there of a higher official, to maintain a stricter watch over the refractory inhabitants of the fens. With this | object, therefore, the bishop was invested with royal privi- leges, or regalities, within the isle of Ely. Although the | bishopric of Ely does not appear, like that of Durham, to have been a palatinate, it, nevertheless, possessed unlimited jurisdiction in criminal and civil causes. Henry, it is pro- bable, did not contemplate the great extension of their pri- vileges which, at a later period, the crafty policy of the bishops contrived to effect. Among the privileges granted by Henry, that alone seems extraordinary, that in the castle and isle of Ely, the bishop, by his soldiers, should keep watch and ward. The privilege of having his own soldiers could very soon lead to the exclusion of the king’s, and so of all the royal rights. Anselm resolved with reluctance to proceed to Rome, and having embarked at Witsand, stayed several months at Bec with the celebrated jurist, bishop Yvo of Chartres. On his arrival at Rome he found there the emissary of the English court, William of Warlewast, bishop elect of Exeter, to whose representations on the subject of investitures the pope did not yield, although he granted the king certain immuni- ' See Monasticon, i. p. 483. Eadmer, p. 96, and Selden’s notes. HENRY THE FIRST. 315 ties which are not more particularly specified', and even pro- mised him support against Anselm, if, on his return to Eng- land, he should proceed to too great lengths?. Anselm, on the other hand, that his journey might not appear wholly fruitless, received a general confirmation of the privileges of his Church; and thus, ill supported, if not faithlessly aban- doned, by the court for which he had contended with all his energies, he tarried, in his state of helplessness, with his friend Hugh, archbishop of Lyons. On the arrival of William of Warlewast from Rome, Henry appropriated to himself all . the revenues of the province of Canterbury, the collection of | which he intrusted to two of the archbishop’s vassals. Some | time after, Anselm received a letter from the king, forbidding , him to return to England, unless he would promise faithfully to comply with all the usages observed under his father and | brother. Anselm rejected the condition, and, despoiled of his resources, prolonged his stay for a year and four months with his venerable friend the archbishop?. He, however, succeeded in extorting from the pope some more vigorous measures, as the excommunication, in the council of the Lateran, of the count of Meulan (1105), and of the counsellors who defended the investiture by the king, as well as of those who had re- ceived investiture from him. But as no excommunication was known to have been pronounced against the king, and the pope rather let it appear that he was expecting an envoy from him, Anselm resolved to employ the moment in an at- tempt to bring about a settlement of the dispute. On the road to Cluny he learned that the countess Adela of Blois, the king’s sister, lay sick at her castle of Blois. Like others 1 « Romanorum consilio papa nonnullos paternos usus regi concessit.”” Eadmer, p. 73. 2 Paschal wrote to the king: “ Revoca pastorem tuum, revoca patrem tuum ; et si quid, quod non opinamur, adversus te gravius gesserit, siqui- dem investituras aversatus fueris, nos juxta voluntatem, quantum cum Deo possumus, moderabimur.” Eadmer, p. 74. 3 Eadmer, p. 76. R. Wendover, ii. p. 176. 316 HENRY THE FIRST. of his profession, Anselm loved to exercise influence over the \ female mind’, and, therefore, hastening to her, succeeded in prevailing on her to accompany him to the king, who, at that time, engaged in triumphant warfare against his brother, a short time before the capture of the latter, was sojourning at L’Aigle. As Anselm now no longer refused to return to Eng- land, the king did not hesitate to assure him the possession of the archiepiscopal property, if he would only hold inter- course with the bishops and abbots who had received investiture from him. After many messengers had been sent across the Alps?, on account of the negotiations then pending, a settlement rather, perhaps, through the mediation than with the consent of the pope, was effected in the following year (25th Aug. 1106) at Bec, between the king and the archbishop, whereby the former consented to renounce, as insignificant, the investiture with ring and staff, having no desire to impair the ecclesias- tical tribunals, but that the essential oaths of fealty and homage should be taken to him, as they had formerly been : to his father?. Every one now hastened to remove the re- maining points in dispute. The king abandoned the iniquitous taxation of the churches, to which his predecessor had had recourse, and of which Henry himself, in consequence of the expenses of his Norman wars, had once availed himself‘; the archbishop of York performed the usual obligations to his brother of Canterbury; consecration was bestowed on the bishops nominated in the last years, including Anselm’s old opponent at the Roman court, William of Warlewast, to whom the king had given the bishopric of Exeter. The dispute between the crown and the national Church in England was 1 See his letters to queen Matilda, the countess Clementia of Flanders, and others. 2 See a letter of the pope to Anselm, of the 23rd March, in Eadmer, v p-87. Many letters relating to these matters are inserted under wrong dates in Wilkins, Concil. They are all to be found in Eadmer. 3 Eadmer, p. 91. 4 Jbid. p. 83, who is very partial in his representation of this matter. HENRY THE FIRST. 317 now settled for a long time, sixteen years earlier than it was afterwards at Worms, on similar principles, yet less favour- able to the crown, between Henry’s son-in-law and pope Calixtus IT. But Anselm did not long enjoy the re-esta- blished peace. In less than three years after the compromise at Bec, in the seventy-sixth year of his pious life, and in the sixteenth of his anxious administration of the Church, Anselm was removed to the higher community of spirits, by few of his contemporaries so serenely contemplated as by him (21st April 1109). Together with the dispute about investitures, there was also another subject of contention between England and Rome, which very nearly concerned the archbishop person- ally. In the eleventh century the popes had been in the habit of sending legates more frequently than previously into the several countries of Europe, for the purpose of remedying by means of councils and synods, the errors of doctrine and defects of discipline that had crept in. To the remote realm of England, however, few legates had been sent', probably because the popes, in the peculiar circumstances of that country, thought that such supervision might be intrusted to the archbishops of Canterbury; so that the opinion became firmly rooted, that since the days of Augustine there had been no legate in Britain, because the legatine power in the country had been exclusively appropriated to him and his successors in the see of Canterbury. It excited, consequently, ! About the year 678 a legate was sent by pope Agatho. Beda, lib. iv. c.18. Nevertheless, in 785 the two legates sent by pope Adrian to the council of Cealchythe write to that pontiff: ‘“‘ Quia, ut scitis, a tempore S. Augustini pontificis, sacerdos Romanus nullus illuc missus est, nisi nos.” Wilkins, Concil. i. p.146. But this ought not to excite wonder, since more than three centuries later they, in their turn, were also for- gotten in England, especially by the Norman clergy. Eadmer (p. 58) writes : “ Inauditum scilicet in Britannia cuncti scientes, quemlibet homi- num super se vices apostolicas gerere, nisi solum archiepiscopum Cantu- arie.”” 318 HENRY THE FIRST. as much sensation as dissatisfaction, when, immediately after Henry’s accession, Guido archbishop of Vienne, a son of William Téte-hardie, duke of Burgundy, and a relative of the dukes of Normandy}, landed and announced that the legatine authority over this district had been conferred on him. Notwithstanding the dissensions that had already arisen between the king and Anselm, neither of them were disposed ‘to seek an ally in the person of the legate, who, unacknow- ledged, recrossed the Channel. Anselm, personally offended, applied to the pope, who deemed it advisable for the moment to confirm the primate in all his rights, and also to promise, that during his life no legate should be placed over him. There was, in fact, no legate again sent to England by the papal court for many years after the death of Anselm, when his nephew, named like himself, who had numerous friends in England, and possessed accurate knowledge of the state of things there, and who a short time before had brought over the pall to archbishop Ralf?, appearing particularly well adapted to make the attempt, was employed for the purpose accordingly. Nevertheless, although loaded with costly pre- sents, his mission was regarded with such universal displea- sure, that both laity and clergy prevailed on the primate Ralf to obtain permission of the king to proceed to Rome, for the purpose of explaining and establishing the rights of the English Church®. These attempts of the papal court were the more to be looked on with distrust, as a legate had already entered France, and excommunicated the bishops of Normandy, for their non-appearance at a council appointed by him; whereupon the king sent to Rome his old agent Wil- liam of Warlewast, now bishop of Exeter, who was already well known to the pope‘. Ralf, who had been detained by illness, arrived in Italy at an unfortunate moment (111%), * William was a son of duke Rainald and Adeliza, a daughter of Ri- ‘chard II. of Normandy. Ord. Vital. p. 848. 2 Kadmer, p. 112. 3 Tb. p.118, 4Jb. p. 116. HENRY THE FIRST. 319 when the emperor, Henry V, was there with his army; yet obtained from Paschal, both for himself and the king, new bulls respecting the preservation of the ancient rights of the Church of Canterbury, in terms as plain as the provident papal chancery is in the habit of employing on such occa- sions. Under the immediate successor of Paschal, then re- cently deceased, Gelasius, who did not long enjoy an uncon- tested sway, the ecclesiastical affairs of England made no progress; yet, when archbishop Guido, who as legate to England had formerly been disavowed and dismissed, ascend- ed the papal chair under the name of Calixtus IT (Jan. 1119), they were again vehemently agitated. Calixtus, both with address and firmness, followed up the plan of depriving the primate of England of his too extensive privileges, which were obstructive to the papal authority. To this end he sup- ported Thurstan, the archbishop of York, in his endeavours to withdraw himself from obedience to Canterbury, and seru- pled not to consecrate Thurstan archbishop, notwithstanding his breach of promise to the king, not to do anything preju- dicial to the dignity of the see of Canterbury, (Nov.); and, in an interview which took place at Gisors, even to make an abortive attempt on the more upright nature of the latter to induce him also to a breach of faith. “ But who would,” said Henry, “ ever place faith in the word of man, if I, the king, should allow myself to be released from my promise by the pope!!” Although Calixtus, on this occasion, assured the king that he would never permit a legate to pass to England, excepting at the king’s own request, he, nevertheless, a few years after, conferred the legatine authority over France, England, Ireland, and the Orkneys, on the cardinal Peter, the grandson of Leo*, a rich Jew, and Roman proselyte, 1 Kadmer, pp. 124, 125, 126. W. Malm. de Pont. lib. iv. 2 Thid. p.137. Of this pope, Gibbon (c. Ixix.) says: “ In the time of Leo IX., a wealthy and learned Jew was converted to Christianity; and honoured at his baptism with the name of his godfather, the reigning 320 HENRY THE FIRST. known afterwards as the antipope Anaclet IT., as was his fellow-legate, Gregory of St. Angelo, as pope, under the name of Innocent II. Peter found the same opposition as his predecessors, but consoled himself with an honourable reception and liberal presents. Calixtus, nevertheless, ap- pointed a new legate in the person of the cardinal of Crema, who, on the death of Calixtus, which happened shortly after, was confirmed by his successor, Honorius IT. The dissolution of the marriage, so distasteful to Henry, of Robert’s son William, with Sibylla of Anjou’, effected through this legate, could not fail to secure him a friendly reception at the Eng- lish court, though the yet unabated dissension between the archbishops must, in a yet greater degree, tend to nourish the hope of realizing the schemes of the papal court, which for his own interest were supported by Thurstan. He re- quired a council, under the presidency of the legate, to be held at Roxburgh, of those Scottish bishops who were par- tially subjected to his diocese ; and the archbishop of Can- terbury, at a similar synod held in London (1126), did not deem it advisable to refuse his sanction. Among its decrees2, the old prohibitions of simony and the pretensions by the pope. The zeal and courage of Peter, the son of Leo, were signalised in the cause of Gregory VII., who intrusted his faithful adherent with the government of Adrian’s mole, the tower of Crescentius, or, as it is now called, the castle of St. Angelo. Both the father and the son were the parents of a numerous progeny ; their riches, the fruits of usury, were shared with the noblest families of the city; and so extensive was their alliance, that the grandson of the proselyte was exalted by the weight of his kindred to the throne of St. Peter.”’ : ‘The origin and adventures of this Jewish family are noticed by Pagi (Critica, tom. iv. p. 435. A. D. 1124. N°. 3, 4), who draws his information from the Chronographus Maurigniacensis, and Arnulphus Sagiensis de Schismate (in Muratori, Script. Ital. tom. iii. p. i. p. 423-432.). The fact must, in some degree, be true.’” See also “ Recueil des Historiens,”’ t. xii. passim.—T. 1 Epist. Calixti, a. 1124, Aug. 26th. Simeon Dunelm. col. 251. 2 Wilkins, Concil. i. p. 408. HENRY THE FIRST. 321 sons of priests to their fathers’ churches were, for the most part, repeated; the plurality of benefices forbidden ; the pro- hibition of marriage extended to kinship in the seventh de- gree. But this mission of the cardinal rendered him an object of dislike in England ', and we must in justice hesitate to be- lieve all that the tongue of calumny, envenomed by the strict inculeation of celibacy, relates of the profligate conduct of the legate2. Shortly afterwards Honorius conferred on the archbishop of Canterbury, William, the legatine authority in England and Scotland3, which was, at a later period, (1132) confirmed by Innocent II.*, the principal ground for which step may probably be found in Henry’s firm position on the throne during the latter years of his reign. In fact, the Church had in Henry, if not a warm friend, yet a well-disposed ally, as long as it made no attack on the inherited rights, which to his electors and defenders he had sworn to maintain. On the death of a prelate, he sometimes applied to his own use the demesnes of the see for some years; yet the zealous adherent of his Church, Eadmer, who had scorned to accept the bi- shopric of St. Andrew’s, through his abhorrence of royal in- vestiture®, bears testimony, that neither the government of ' Gervasii Acta Pontif. Cantuar. col. 1663. 2 Hen. Hunt. [‘ Cum igitur in concilio severissime de uxoribus sacer- dotum tractasset, dicens summum scelus esse a latere meretricis ad corpus Christi conficiendum surgere: cum eadem die corpus Christi confecisset, cum meretrice post vesperam interceptus est. Res apertissima negari non potuit, celari non decuit. Summus honor ubique habitus in summum de- decus versus est. Repedavit igitur in sua, Dei judicio confusus et inglo- rius.”” R. Hoveden, Matt. Westmon. and others, repeat the story.—T’.] 3 See the bull, 25 Jan. in Wharton, Anglia Sac. i. p. 792. 4 W. Malm. Hist. Nov. p. 699. 5 Wadmer, p.138. [The vacant sees of which Henry appropriated the revenues to his own use, were: Canterbury, Durham, and Hereford, for five, and Norwich and Ely for three years. From William Giffard, his chancellor, whom he had promoted to the see of Winchester, he extorted eight hundred marks; from Roger, three thousand marks, before he would nominate him to Lichfield. Ina 322 HENRY THE FIRST. the Church nor the administration of other Church property had thereby suffered, but that both had been in the hands of respectable ecclesiastics, and indirectly intimates, that the churches during that interval might have been enlarged by the monks!. Even the ecclesiastical chroniclers hardly com- plain of these vacancies, and we should, perhaps, do well to consider, whether those prelates might not sometimes have been indebted to the king for undischarged feudal obliga- tions, as well as the reasons and pretexts which, through the schisms in the papacy, the contests between the English archbishops, and their as well as the king’s frequent absence from England, at a time when modern financial expedients were unknown, might but too easily and temptingly present themselves. The circumstance most prejudicial to the internal happiness, although perhaps not to the external glory, of Henry’s govern- ment, was his oft-repeated and protracted residence in France. In a council held at Westminster by archbishop Anselm, in 1102, it was enacted, that no archdeacon, priest, or deacon, should take a wife, or, if taken, retain her; but a subdeacon, who was not a canon, if he married after having made profession of chastity, should be bound by the same rule. During Anselm’s exile, this rule was violated by many, who resumed their wives, thereby affording the king a pretext for extorting money, and who accord- ingly ordered his ministers to implead the offenders, and to receive money as an atonement for the crime; but as a great number were proved to be innocent, the sum so obtained fell far beneath expectation, whereupon a certain sum was exacted from every parish priest, whether guilty or not. Hence arose much trouble, some being unable, others unwilling to pay so unjust a demand. The consequence was, that they were incarcerated and tortured. Henry being at that time in London was met, on his way to the palace, by about two hundred priests barefooted in their albs and stoles, who, casting themselves at his feet, with one voice implored his mercy; but he was deaf to their prayers, and ordered them to be driven from his sight. They then betook themselves to the queen, praying for her intercession. She, it is said, was moved to tears, but withheld by fear from intervening in their favour. Eadmer, pp. 67, 83, 84.—T.] 1 Eadmer, p.109. Simeon Dunelm. col. 62. The abbot of St. Denys calls him “ ecclesiarum liberalis ditator et eleemosynarum dapsilis dispen- sator.”? Suger, lib. i, 44. HENRY THE FIRST. 323 Of the thirty-five years of his reign, he passed not less than the half in that kingdom. The English in general were of opinion that this arose from an aversion to their country ; while others accused the count of Meulan of imparting to the king his hatred towards them'. But it cannot be denied that the critical condition of Normandy, as well as the hostile neighbours by whom it was so constantly threatened, rendered the presence of the sovereign in his newly acquired province indispensable. - After the peace of Gisors it was Henry’s earnest endea- vour to secure for his son William an undisputed succession to the throne. For this object, as soon as a war with the Welsh permitted him, he crossed over to Normandy, (Sept. 1115,) and prevailed on the chief persons of the duchy to do homage in the following year to his son then scarcely twelve years old?, It seems not improbable that king Lewis had previously received the young prince’s homage for the French provinces of the kings of England, on which oceasion the French monarch ceded to him the often disputed town of Gisors. After.acknowledgment in the hereditary states of his grandfather, William had no difficulty, in the following year, in obtaining the oaths of homage and fealty of the barons of England, which they performed on a great court-day held at Salisbury (19th Mar. 1116). A few weeks afterwards Henry again embarked for Nor- 1 According to the respectable authority of Eadmer (p. 110), the Eng- lish had good reason for entertaining such an opinion; he says: “ Si Anglus erat, nulla virtus, ut honore aliquo dignus judicaretur, eum poterat adjuvare. Si alienigena, solummodo que alicujus boni speciem, amicorum testimonio pretenderent, illi adscriberentur, honore precipuo illico dignus judicabatur.”—T. 2 Sax. Chron. a.1115. His age appears from a letter of the pope in Eadmer, p. 74. % Suger, p. 29. Recueil des Hist. Malmesbury (pp. 634, 652) places William’s homage to Lewis later; but he is notoriously unworthy of trust in such details, and the homage of the Norman barons to William would have been of no force if not preceded by the other. ¥2 324 HENRY THE FIRST. mandy, where he remained nearly five years. The dissensions between his nephew Theobald count of Blois and the king of France claimed his immediate attention, and led to an in- cessant border warfare between the two kings. Lewis himself, with the count of Flanders, appeared at one time at the head of a body of French warriors not far from Rouen'. On his side fought the count Fulk of Anjou, on that of Henry his nephew, the brother of Theobald, Stephen of Blois, who by his valour in those wars earned his later pretensions to the throne of England. Henry’s adversaries combined in a plan for recovering his paternal inheritance for William, the son of duke Robert; but throughout a number of years their wars consisted more in a series of adventures than of results. King Lewis himself had, on one occasion, dis- guised as a monk, together with some warriors muffled in black cloaks, taken by surprise the town of Le Gué Nicaise, on the Epte, and, in the cell of St. Quen, erected a strong castle there?. In this neighbourhood there was much con- tention both with the sword and with wit, and Henry con- structed many new castles, which retained the nicknames of 1 Sax. Chron. aa.1116,1117. W. Malm. p. 634. Orderic, in passing from the 11th to the 12th book, omits the events of the years 1113—1118 with the extraordinary remark, that in these five years, profound peace took place with Henry’s neighbours. 2 Ord. Vital. p.842. Suger, p. 43. [According to Suger, Lewis only sent forward a body of men, disguised as travellers to occupy the place. In the Chroniques de St. Denis, it is said that the king “envoia avant soi de ses genz, les hauberz vestus desoz les chapes et les espées ceintes, et descendirent ou comun chemin ausi comme se ce fusent paisanz, vers une vile qui a non li Guez-Nicaise.” p.175. In the Chronica Regum Fran- corum (p. 211) they are described as vine-dressers : “in habitu viticolarum fecit capi villam.”’ It is to Orderic alone that we owe the more romantic, though probably less veracious, account adopted in the text: ‘ Porro Lu- dovicus Vadum Nigasii, quod Vani vulgo vocatur, fraudulenter adiit, ac veluti monachus cum sociis militibus, qui nigris cappis amicti erant, ex insperato intravit; ibique in cella monachorum S. Audoeni castrum muni- vit, et in domo Domini, ubi solummodo preces offerri Deo debent, spelun- cam latronum turpiter effecit.””—T.] HENRY THE FIRST. 325 “Mal-assis',’ ‘Gite de liévre?,’ and the like. On a sudden, how- ever, many losses rendered this war extremely critical for Henry. Within a few weeks died count William of Evreux, whose county Amauri of Montfort, having failed to obtain it at his request, sought to acquire by arms, and contrived to alienate many Norman barons from the king. Queen Matilda also died at this time, who had inclined the hearts of many, particularly English, towards her consort; and, lastly, he whose loss was the most sensibly felt by the state, the sa- gacious minister of the king, Robert of Meulan, who by his - counsel and influence appeared as the chief support of the threne. King Henry was also at this time forsaken by many of his most powerful barons: by Henry count of Eu, Stephen count of Aumale, Hugh of Gournay, and Eustace of Pacy, a natural son of William of Breteuil, who was married to Ju- liana, a natural daughter of the king?. Eustace had obtained from the king a grant of the castle of Ivry, belonging to the ducal demesne; but Henry having some doubts of his fidelity, had received from him, as a pledge of his allegiance, his two daughters by Juliana, while the son of Ralf Harenc, the governor of the castle, was given as a hostage to Hustace, who, at the instigation of Amauri of Montfort, barbarously deprived the boy of sight ; whereupon the king, whose anger had by the unhappy father been raised to fury, allowed Harene to put out the eyes and amputate the noses of the innocent daughters of Eustace, his own grandchildren, and, moreover, loaded him with presents. Juliana’s agony and thirst of ven- geance naturally knew ne bounds. At a parley granted her by her father she endeavoured to kill him by a projectile. This first attempt failed. With an arrow also that she aimed at him she was equally unsuccessful. When at length com- pelled to surrender Ivry to her father— Eustace had pre- viously escaped—he allowed his daughter no other means of 1 Til-placed. 2 Hare’s form.—T. 3° W. Gemmet. vii. c.15. Ord. Vital. p. 810. 326 HENRY THE FIRST. departure than to wade through the ditch of the fortress, at that time—it was the month of February—filled with ice, into which, as he had caused the drawbridge to be removed, she was compelled to let herself down from the rampart, exposed to the gaze and mockery of the soldiery!. In this excited state of the passions of hate, rage, and vengeance, the king’s life was not safe in his own palace ; he durst no longer trust his chamberlains, frequentlywganged his bed, having his sword and shield constantly .at his side. A chamberlain named Henry, son of one of his treasurers, sprung from a plebeian race, whom the king’s partiality had greatly favoured and promoted, was convicted of a plot to assassinate him. The king spared his life, but, as an appalling example, caused him to be blinded and emasculated?. Henry was now so pressed on all sides, that the moment appeared not far distant when he should be compelled to renounce his favourite Normandy, and withdraw to the foggy northern island, when an unexpected occurrence and skilful negotiations restored to him his ancient good fortune. The count of Flanders, who had been foremost among the pro- tectors of the young William of Normandy, had in an attack on the town of Eu, been stricken with an arrow by a Breton (Sept. 1118), the wound from which, owing to his intemper- ance, laid him on a bed of sickness, and, in the following midsummer, caused his death®. Of still greater importance was it, that Fulk of Anjou, whom the king of France imagined he had just bound to his interest by the office of seneschal of the kingdom, and who had promised the county of Le Maine, together with his daughter Matilda, to the son of duke Robert, deserted to the enemy, and, seduced by English gold, affianced the bride to Henry’s son William (June 1119), transferred Le 1 “ Nudis natibus usque in profundum fossati cum ignominia descendit.’’ Ord. Vital. p. 849.—T. : 2 W. Malm. p. 642. Suger, p.44. Ord. Vital. p. 848. 8 Ord. Vital. p. 843. Suger, p.45. W. Malm. p. 630. HENRY THE FIRST. 327 Maine to him and, in the event of his not returning from his intended pilgrimage to Jerusalem, which at a later period ‘gained him the crown of that kingdom, also the county of Anjou itself’. In the state of things then prevailing, an engagement between very small bodies, yet consisting of knights of re- nown, was decisive. The king with five hundred of his most distinguished knights wag»riding in the vicinity of Noyon (20th Aug.), where he had attended mass, when his scouts descried the king of France with four hundred chosen knights, and among them William of Normandy, approaching from Andely by way of Brenneville. Neithar king would listen to his counsellors, dissuading from a confhet, which threatened much personal danger without the prospect of any important result. Only a hundred Norman knights, under Richard, an illegitimate son of Henry, had mounted their horses, the king himself with the rest of the company fought on foot. The first onset of Burchard of Montmorency and Guy of Clermont with eighty knights shook the ranks of the Normans and English, and William Crespin with the men of the Vexin appeared at first to force them to give ground; but by a skilful movement of Henry they were soon surrounded. Wil- liam Crespin, perceiving the king, brake rashly through those around him, and struck him violently on the head, but the goodness of his helmet effectually protected him. A hundred and forty French knights fled, the bravest were taken, three only were slain, which small number is to be explained rather by the personal consideration entertained by the opponents for each other, than by the hope of ransom for the prisoners. The remaining French fled towards Andely; some escaped by mingling among the conquerors, where, joining in the ery of victory, they passed for brothers in arms. King Lewis himself wandered long about the forest alone, until he was 1 Suger, p.45. Ord. Vital. p. 851, Sax. Chron. a. 1119. W. Malm. p. 634. 328 . HENRY THE FIRST. guided to Andely by a Norman peasant who, fortunately for the king, little thought what a price Henry would have paid him for the wanderer. His banner fell into the hands of Henry, his saddled charger also, which the king of England sent him back, as his son William did his also to his cousin Wil- | liam of Normandy. Even some prisoners, who were vassals of “both kings, were dismissed by Henry without ransom’. After this engagement some inconsiderable attempts only were made to carry on the war. The king of France had recourse rather to pope Calixtus, for the purpose of settling the quarrel with England, while the pontiff was at Rheims, on account of the council summoned to meet in that city (October). Lewis, who was not deficient in eloquence, pre- ferred his complaints in person against the king of England, and set in a prominent light that prince’s treatment of his brother Robert, who had been left unprotected by king Philip. The flight of the young William of Normandy was represented as a banishment, the imprisonment of the execrable Robert of Belesme as a violation of the ambassadorial privileges ; and other occurrences in a similar fashion, as adversaries, with more or less consciousness, are apt to sin against im- partiality and truth. This harangue found so much favour with the assembly, that it was impossible for the archbishop of Rouen to conduct the defence of the king of England-. Henry had in the meanwhile been engaged in terminating some of the misunderstandings with his vassals. ‘To Amauri of Montfort he had ceded the county of Evreux, had become reconciled with Eustace of Breteuil and Juliana, received the submission of Hugh of Gournay, Stephen of Aumale, and other rebels. When therefore Henry and the pope after- wards met at Gisors, it was not difficult for the former to 1 Ord. Vital. p. 853. Suger, p. 45. In Camden’s Remains are some Latin verses on this battle (apnd Nugentum) which are erroneously as- signed to an earlier one, 2 Ord. Vital. p. 858. HENRY THE FIRST. 329 place in a totally different light, if not completely refute, the charges brought against him at Rheims, and, at the same time, adduce many circumstances in his own favour, which turned the mind of the pope to his advantage; and also to conclude a peace with France on the easiest conditions, viz. the restoration of his possessions to each of the kings, and the liberation of the prisoners. The interest of William of Normandy was completely abandoned: he neither re- ceived his father’s land nor the earldoms that Henry had formerly promised him in England. With the count of Flanders, Charles the Good, a friendly intercourse was soon restored. William Talevas, son of Robert of Belesme, re- ceived, through the mediation of Fulk of Anjou, confirmation of the county of Ponthieu!. Thus was Henry’s grand object attained. After twenty years of strife he saw all his adversaries overcome, himself in firm possession of all the lands over which his father had ruled, and his son acknowledged as his successor. Exulting in his prosperity Henry embarked at Barfleur (25 Nov. 1120.) and returned to England. His son William, attended by numbers of the young nobility, followed with the royal treasure in another vessel named the White Ship, for the purpose of giving satisfaction to one Thomas the son of Stephen, its owner, who claimed the conveyance of the king as an here- ditary right, his father having conveyed the Conqueror on his expedition against Harold. All who loved pleasure and | merriment rushed on board this vessel, which at the same time, promised the greatest security, and in which nearly three hundred persons were collected. Among them were Richard, a natural son of the king, distinguished for his valour; the king’s natural daughter Matilda, the consort of Rotrou count of Perche; Richard the young earl of Chester, with lis countess and his brother; Otuel the tutor of the } Sax. Chron. a. 1120, Ord. Vital. p. 848. 330 HENRY THE FIRST. young prince; the daughter of the count Theobald of Blois ; Theodrie, a nephew of the emperor Henry V.; with many young nobles, for the purpose of receiving investiture of their estates in England; besides a hundred and forty knights, and eighteen ladies, nearly related to the king or the chief nobility. The ship was so heavily laden that count Stephen of Blois left it and returned to land, and his example was followed by some monks and several more prudent elderly persons. In the exuberance of his gaiety, prince William caused three barrels of wine to be distributed among the fifty rowers. Thomas, the master, in a state of drunkenness, and, unconscious of the helplessness of his crew, in the evening made the signal for departure, and now all exerted them- selves to the utmost to overtake the other vessel. Suddenly those on board the king’s ship and those on shore heard a ery which, as they learned on the following day, proceeded from the White Ship. This vessel, owing to the haste with which it was rowed, and the drunken condition of the steersman, was, notwithstanding the bright moonlight, driven on the rocks of the Catteraze, wrecked and quickly filled with the rushing water. There was scarcely time to put out a boat, into which the prince was lowered, when, hearing the cries of his beloved sister, the countess of Perche, from the fast- sinking ship, he could not resist her supplications to receive her. Together with her rushed a multitude of despairing beings from the vessel into the boat, which, borne down by the weight, instantly disappeared in the mass of waters. Of all who were on board the White Ship only two still held by the mast, the young Geoffrey of L’Aigle and Berold, a poor butcher of Rouen. Thomas, the master, rose once from the water and inquired after the prince. On hearing that he and all the others had perished with the vessel, he cried ; “Then it is of no use for me to live longer!” and sank into the abyss. Geoffrey, stiffened with the cold, sank soon after him, Berold alone, the obscure, humble individual, with whom HENRY THE FIRST. 331 not one of those on board would have changed condition, survived the dreadful night, protected from the cold by raw sheepskins. On the following morning he was found by some fishermen, to whom he related the appalling catastrophe. The royal treasure was afterwards recovered ; of the corpses very few were found. The sad intelligence was soon spread on the English coast, but there was no one venturous enough to announce it to the king, who believed at first that his son had landed at some other port, yet with increasing anxiety made hourly inquiries after him. There was hardly one at the court who had not lost some friend or relative through this disaster ; all were stricken most poignantly, and could with difficulty refrain from tears. On the second day a youth, the son of count Theobald of Blois, was commissioned to cast himself at the king’s feet and disclose to him the cause of the general sorrow, the loss of the White Ship. Henry, convulsed with the acutest pain at the destruction of all his hopes, fell speech- less to the earth ; nor until he was conveyed to his chamber did he recover his consciousness, only to burst forth in the most mournful wailings. Though with a faculty character- istic of the Normans he was able to repress his feelings and conceal them beneath an assumed austerity, he was never seen to laugh afterwards'. In the general loss of the Anglo- Norman nobility, no one’s death was more painfully felt than that of William the A&theling; for he had assumed that title to give pleasure to the native population. The sudden bereavement of the father could kindle no hope in the Anglo- Saxons, who had now served their conquerors above half a century, of recovering their ancient independence; both races, as the duration of Henry’s life could not be ascertained, must only dread the uncertainty of the succession to the throne ; since no one would accept of duke Robert, and a few only of his 1 Ord. Vital. p. 867. W. Malm. p. 653. Flor. Cont. a. 1120. Sim. Dunelm. h. a. 332 HENRY THE FIRST. son; the empress Matilda had no heir, and the miraculously saved Stephen of Blois was little thought of. The clergy profited by an event which so impressively called to mind the instability of all things earthly, while even the possibility of earthly repentance and atonement was cut off; nor did the pride of princes and the vices of the court escape without animadversion!. The queen Matilda had, as we have already stated, died two years before her son. Not alone on the gravestone in the royal burial place at Westminster, but also in the hearts of the people was engraved the name of the good queen Molde?. After the birth of her second and last child, and while the king-was engaged in war and knightly pursuits in Normandy, she had retired to Westminster. Here, yielding to the impressions of her early cloister-days, she devoted herself to pious meditations and works of charity. Clad in hair-cloth under the garb of royalty, she would, during the days of Lent, visit the churches bare-footed; she would also wash the feet of the sick, and shrank not from touching their ulcers; would imprint kisses on their hands, and set meat before them?. A monument of the industry of herself and maidens we probably possess in the tapestry belonging to the cathedral of Bayeux. But her cell ever continued a palace. Her kindness and liberality attracted ecclesiastics and strangers from all countries. Poets, who recited before her ' Henry of Huntingdon (a.1120) speaks of them as a loathsome set ; and of prince William, Bromton, col. 1013 (as he says from Malmesbury) says: ‘quod ille Willielmus, regis primogenitus, palam Anglis fuerat comminatus, quod si aliquando super eos regnaret, faceret eos ad aratrum trahere quasi boves.” The passage does not appear in Malmesbury.—T. 2 Rudborne, Hist. major Winton. p. 276. 3 For this excess of humility, or its opposite, she was, as we are told by Robert of Gloucester (p. 435), one day reproved by one of her knights: ‘Madame, he seyde, vor Gode’s loue, ys bys wel ydo, hat bou bys unclene lymes handlest and cust so? Vyl wolde myn louerd pe kyng telle, wan he by moub cust, bat so vylyche yuyled ys, me byngh, gyf he yt wuste.”—T. HENRY THE FIRSY. 333 any new works in the language of the court, were nobly re- warded ; even yet more lavish was she towards those melodi- ous minstrels who charmed her well-practised ear with their songs. Yet the good intention of her prodigality did not screen her from its natural consequences, nor hallow the means of satisfying it. She was ever in debt, and the pea- sants on her lands groaned under the most intolerable exac- tions of her agents, and uttered maledictions on their lady, who, although their countrywoman, appeared to them inex- orable; while the French poet, clad in new silk and costly furs, gently lisped his tender valedictory lay, and the well-fed singer, in joyful, jeering mood, carried off the heavy, easily earned bag of sterling money!. Henry had not entered into a second marriage; though after this loss it appeared advis- able, without delay, to form an engagement, which might insure the future stability of his kingdom. His choice fell on Adela, the young and beautiful daughter of Godfrey VII. count of Louvain?, by favour of the emperor Henry V. also duke of Lower Lorraine and marquis of Antwerp, who after- wards became and died duke of Brabant. But this marriage was unproductive of the fruits for the sake of which it was contracted, and, with the exception of some not very import- ant relations of foreign policy, of no influence on England 3. The return of count Fulk of Anjou from the Holy Land soon gave occasion to new wars. This ambitious prince was 1 W. Malm. p. 650. 2 Kadmer, p.136. Flor. Cont. a.1121. W. Gemmet. viii. c. 29. It is perhaps to more than monkish simplicity we may ascribe what the monk of Worcester says of the object of this marriage, viz. “ne quid ulterius inhonestum committeret.” [After Henry’s death, Adela married William of Albini, the first earl of Arundel. Carte.—T. 3 We must here call attention to the erroneous chronology of Orderic, who places the prince’s shipwreck in 1119, and Henry’s second marriage in 1120, both a year too early; but, on the other hand, the death of the archbishop, Ralf of Canterbury, in 1123, a year too late. Conf. Sax. Chron. aa. 1120, 1122. Flor. Cont., whose accuracy is confirmed both by an eclipse of the moon and other accounts, 334 HENRY THE FIRST. as fully sensible as Henry of the importance to each of an alliance between their respective states; though in such alli- ance each consulted only his own selfishness and ambition. Henry had retained his intended daughter-in-law in England and, on the return of her father, refused to relinquish her dowry!. The princess herself, spontaneously renouncing the world and its treasures, at the age of twelve years, devoted herself to a life of piety, and ten years after took the veil in the convent of Fontevrauld, where her tender frame soon sank under the strict ecclesiastical discipline of the place?. But her father, now on terms of hostility with Henry, sought to increase the future power of his race by the marriage of his second daughter Sibylla, with the young William of Nor- mandy, instigated chiefly by his uncle, the old enemy of Henry, Amauri of Montfort, count of Evreux, with whom other Norman nobles of high rank were associated in favour of William. Among these were Hugh of Montfort, Hugh, son of Gervase of Neuchatel, and even their uncle Waleram, son of Robert of Meulan. The names of these men disclose to us the character of this combination against the king, of which the real object was simply to exchange a rigid and powerful lord for one more docile and indulgent. The intrigues of his Norman barons could not long remain unknown to Henry, who, after an absence of some years, had returned to Normandy, where, while passing his time at Rouen, apparently in perfect security, he prepared measures for the suppression of the rebellion (Whitsuntide 1123). He collected forces from all quarters, and commanded Hugh of Montfort to his presence, whom, without betraying his anger, he ordered to deliver up the castle whence he derived his name. But Hugh outwitted the king, who had expected to obtain the castle without striking a blow. He promised im- 1 Sax. Chron. a.1121, W. Malm. p.654. Ord. Vital. p. 875. Sim. Dunelm. a. 1123. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 875. HENRY THE FIRST. 335 mediate compliance with the will of his sovereign, and rode away with the knights appointed by the king to receive the fortress. He soon, however, contrived to withdraw from them by a side way, which led him to Montfort before the arrival of those who followed the high road. Here he com- mitted the defence of the castle to his wife, Adeline, a daughter of Robert of Meulan, and to his brother, while he himself hastened to Brienne, to his brother-in-law, count Waleram, for the purpose of beginning open warfare against his sovereign. To the children of his former friend, Robert of Meulan, Henry offered unconditional pardon for the past, provided they would return to their duty, and also lead back Hugh as a faithful friend and vassal. But the petulant young man was not to be moved to submission, and the king found himself compelled to sacrifice both time and force in besieging the several castles of the insurgents. Before the end of the year he had gained Pont-Audemer from Waleram, a strong fortress defended by a hundred and forty knights; but a tower of wood, twenty-four feet higher than the walls, being raised before it, the archers from its summit so galled the garrison, that, after a siege of seven weeks, it was compelled to surrender. Nevertheless, the war threatened to become more serious, as the king of France was beginning to take an ~ active part against Henry, on behalf of William and his ad- herents!. Henry hereupon prevailed on the emperor, his son-in-law, over whom, in concerns of state, he exercised no inconsiderable influence, to undertake an expedition against France, to which he had long borne a grudge?. This attack compelled Lewis to hold himself at. a distance from Nor- 1 Ord. Vital. p. 879. “ Foedus inter reges ruptum et rediviva guerra feraliter inordescens utrobique exorta est.”” Also Sax. Chron. a. 1124. 2 Conf. Stenzel, Frankische Kaiser, b. i. p.716. Suger, lib. i. p. 50. Otto Frising, Chron. Ursperg. h.a. To the king of England is ascribed a plan of his son-in-law to make the German empire tributary. See Otto, ut sup. ‘ 336 HENRY THE FIRST. mandy, where, even before the emperor had crossed the frontier, Henry, while residing at Caen, had the unhoped-for good fortune to get into his power his chief adversary, count Waleram, the two Hughs, and twenty-five other knights, who on an ineautious march were attacked by Ralf of Bayeux and William of Tancarvile!. The battle was gained chiefly by the aid of forty English archers, by whom the foremost horses of their opponents were slain, those following falling over them, so that eighty knights lay prostrate, and among them the leaders of the rebellion (26th Mar. 1124). Five years after, these were set at liberty; Waleram, probably less through respect for his father than from inclination for his sister, who had yielded to Henry’s embraces and borne him a daughter, received back all his possessions, with the excep- tion of his castle, and was afterwards restored to Henry’s full confidence?. Hugh of Montfort, however, even during the succeeding reign, continued sunk in his miserable lot. The prisoners were punished with revolting cruelty, chiefly by mutilation. Among them Luke of Barré, a knight and poet, who, more than through his fierce valour, had by his gift of sa- tire, oftentimes so fatal to its possessor, and by his lampoons against Henry, so embittered that merciless prince against him, that, giving no ear to intercession, he sentenced him to the loss of his eyes. In his agony the poet, breaking from the hands of his tormentors, dashed out his brains against a walls, In the intended advance against France, the king was still opposed by count Amauri, and in the following year the un- expected death of the emperor (23 May a. 1125) put an end to a contest reluctantly and inertly conducted on both sides’. ' Ord. Vital. p. 880. Sax. Chron. a.1124. H. Hunt. Rob. de Monte, a. 1124, 2 Sax. Chron. a. 1129. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 880. 4 From his union with the daughter of the king of England may have originated the Chester tradition, that the emperor tortured by remorse on HENRY THE FIRST. 337 William of Normandy was abandoned by the count of Anjou and his other French adherents, and the dissolution of his engagement with Sibylla, on the pretended plea of too near consanguinity, through the intrigues of Henry at Rome and in Anjou, confirmed'; the good understanding between the two kings restored; and we soon after find English troops, under the banner of France, in an expedition against the rebels in Auvergne?. William of Normandy was in the meanwhile wandering from monastery to monastery and among his adherents, to whom, through his pretensions and claims, he had become extremely burthensome. But king Lewis soon found it politic to patronise him, and not suffer so formidable a weapon against Henry to slip from his hands. He therefore gave him in marriage the countess Jane, a daughter of Giselas, the queen’s mother, by her second marriage with Regnier count of Mont- ferrat, at the same time investing him with the territory of the Vexin and the towns of Pontoise, Chaumont, and Mantes (Jan.1127)3. After some weeks William’s lot became changed in a most unexpected manner. The count of Flanders, Charles the Good, had been assassinated while at his devotions in the church of St. Donatus at Bruges. William, burgrave of Ypres, was probably the instigator of this barbarous murder, of which he was fully capable, and his motive for which may be found in his pretensions to the Flemish throne. He was a natural son of Philip, son of Robert II., and, consequently, a nephew of Baldwin VII , on whose death he had endeavoured to make good his claim to Flanders. After the death of account of the imprisonment of pope Paschal, became a voluntary exile and ended his days in a wilderness there. Such is the story told sixty years after the emperor’s death by Giraldus Cambrensis (Itiner. lib. ii. c. 11.) from an impostor, who assumed the emperor’s name, and died as a monk at Cluny. See Ricardi Pictav. Chron. Turon. a. 1139. 1 Sax. Chron. a. 1128. Bulls of popes Calixtus II. and Honorius II., relating to this affair, may be seen in D’Achery. Spicileg. iii. p. 149. 2 Suger, p. 53. 3 Ord. Vital. p. 884. % 338 HENRY THE FIRST. Charles he immediately assumed the title of count of Flanders, for which, however, he had many competitors, among whom it may suffice to mention the king of England, his nephew William of Normandy—both on account of their descent from Matilda, the wife of the Conqueror—and Diederik count of Alsace, who was the son of the sister of the last count’s mother, and undoubtedly the nearest heir!. But the sudden resolution of the king of France, the superior lord of the greater part of Flanders, who instantly proceeded to Arras, induced the Flemish burgraves and cities to declare in favour of William ; an occurrence which plunged Henry into a state of the greatest anxiety. His attempt, by sending a force under Stephen count of Blois and Mortain, who by his mar- riage was also count of Boulogne, a Flemish fief, proved a failure. But Henry would most willingly have renounced all claim to Flanders for himself, could he only have set aside his nephew?2. He now lost no time in completing the measures we shall presently relate for securing his daughter’s succession and inheritance ; when death, which had so cruelly bereft him of his greatest joy, now as unexpectedly relieved him from his for- midable youthful rival3. William, who in consequence of the rigour with which he pursued the murderers of Charles and their adherents, as well as through the firmness with which— herein resembling his uncle—he strove to maintain the public tranquillity, had raised up many enemies among his new sub- jects, was forsaken by a vast number of them, while count Stephen persisted in refusing his homage for his fief of Bou- logne. Count Diederik, supported by king Henry, was called in by the Flemings, who even made an inroad into France, and near Epernon (dep. Eure and Loire) for some time de- tained king Lewis himself; when William, although victorious 1 Warnkonig, Flandrische Rechts- und Staatsgeschichte, i. p. 138. 2 Helinand, in Chron. Alberici, a. 1127. Gualteri Vita Caroli, c. 66. 3 Hen. Hunt. a. 1128. Guil. de Nangis, aa. 1127, 1128. Chronica, c. 32. in “ Flandria Generosa.”’ HENRY THE FIRST. 339 against him in a battle, died of the consequences of a slight wound in the hand, before Alost, which he was besieging in conjunction with his new ally, Godfrey of Louvain'. From his death-bed in the abbey of St. Bertin at St. Omer’s, whither he had been conveyed (24 July 1128), he sent a conciliatory letter to his uncle, commending to his clemency those Nor- mans who had been faithful followers of their lawful prince. Having nothing more to fear from the claims of his nephew, Henry complied with his request, and granted an amnesty to his adherents, with permission to return to Normandy, where- by he cheaply gained the good will of the Normans. Henry still continued to support count Diederik both by counsel and deeds?, compelling his own nephew, Stephen of Boulogne, and other Normans, holding possessions in Flanders, to submit to him. He, moreover, induced the count to take to wife Sibylla of Anjou, who had been betrothed to his predecessor, and neglected nothing that might conduce to bind him firmly to his interest; while Diederik, although to obtain the investi- ture of Flanders, he must necessarily subject himself to France, entered into a secret league with Henry?. The king had long been firmly resolved that his nephew should not be his heir, a resolution, in which we can recognise only the caprice of an exasperated relative rendered yet more obdurate by the consciousness of the illegality of his own pos- session‘. His daughter, the empress, had passed her year of mourning in Germany, and then, by her father’s desire, pro- ceeded to Normandy, where he at that time was residing. William’s marriage (1126) had rendered a speedy execution of Henry’s plans in the highest degree necessary. In the autumn, therefore, accompanied by his daughter, he crossed over to England, whither also the king of Scotland had been 1 Ord. Vital. p.886. Sax. Chron, Sim. Dunelm, Anselm. Gemblac. Al- beric. a. 1128. 2 Simeon of Durham (col. 256) asserts, that Henry had received Flan- ders from the king of France. % Ord. Vital. p. 886. 4 Hen. Hunt. Epist. lib. i. ap. Wharton. a2 340 HENRY ‘THE FIRST. invited. At the Christmas festival, a numerous assemblage of clergy and laity met at the royal court at Windsor. These, after a long opposition to the proposed departure from the ancient usage of the land, and chiefly out of regard, most strongly dwelt on, for the descent of his daughter Adelaide or /Ethelic—such, as we have seen, was her original name— from the old royal stock of the island, as well as by the pro- mise that she should not again marry a stranger, he prevailed on to engage that, in the event of his death without male off- spring, they would acknowledge her as queen of England and duchess of Normandy. Willian archbishop of Canterbury, and after him all the prelates present down to the lowest abbot, swore to this effect; in like manner the laity, at whose head stood the king of Scotland; him followed Stephen of Mortain, the king’s nephew, after a dispute respecting precedence with Robert earl of Gloucester, a natural son of the king. Ste- phen and many others took the oath with seeming alacrity, as they had no belief in its fulfilment. But far more was all trust in it shaken, when Matilda, attended by earl Robert and Brian fitz Count, son of the count of Brittany, embarked for Normandy, whither her father soon followed (26 Aug. 1127), and was there betrothed to Geoffrey the young count of Anjou, son of Fulk, who, as the count his father was on the eve of marriage with the daughter of the queen of Baldwin II. king of Jerusalem, and for the prospect of whose crown had renounced his hereditary states, was virtually their ruler’. Thus was the king’s long-cherished wish attained, of seeing Anjou and England united; a project at the time universally blamed, it being thought derogatory to the rank of the em- press to marry a young count of fifteen; but chiefly because 1 Sax. Chron. a.1127. Sim. Dunelm. h. a. Ord. Vital. a.1129. Of the courtship, knighthood and betrothal many particulars are given in Johannis Monachi Majoris Monasterii Historia Gaufredi Ducis Norman- norum, lib. i. The chronology is apparent from the birth-day of Geoffrey, 24th Aug. 1113., and the account of his age (in his sixteenth year) at his marriage. HENRY THE FIRST. 341 such a union could hardly, or rather impossibly be of long duration. But Henry and his ministers, and also many of his contemporaries, were sensible that this connection with Anjou not merely secured to the English crown the possession of certain provinces, but they well comprehended what an in- fluential position with regard to France and, consequently, to the whole political system of Europe, England might through them obtain. But Henry had soon to experience that the realization of great ideas only too easily miscarries through the personality of those concerned in executing them. Scarcely had Henry reached England after the termination of the Flemish dissensions and the settlement of matters in Nor- mandy connected with them, when, shortly after the mar- riage which had taken place at Whitsuntide (15 July 1129) he received intelligence that his daughter had been contume- liously put away by her young consort, and had returned to Rouen!. The uncertainty of Matilda’s succession, which was generally acknowledged, must, no doubt, have tended to ag- gravate the misunderstanding between them. In the follow- ing year (8 Sept. 1130) Henry summoned a great council of the nobles to attend him at Northampton, for the purpose of deliberating on the request made by count Geoffrey for the return of his consort. This was agreed to, and, at the same time, the oath, which assured to Matilda the succession to the crown, was renewed, and also taken by those who had not sworn on the former occasion. Henry thereupon pro- ceeded with his daughter to Normandy, where count Geoffrey received his wife in an honourable manner?. In the following years, the birth of two children was for some time a source of domestic pleasure, and brought Henry repeatedly and at length for several years back to Normandy. But Geoffrey’s demands for certain castles in Normandy, promised to him on his marriage, but which the king refused to deliver to him, his wars against the king’s relations, and lastly, his demand, ! Sim. Dunelm. a. 1129. 2 Hen. Hunt, a. 1130. W. Malm. p. 698. 342 HENRY THE FIRST. in the name of his children, as heirs to Henry, of valid se- curity for the possession of the English and Norman castles, produced so violent a quarrel—which the ambition of Matilda tended greatly to aggravate—that Henry had resolved on bringing her back with him to England, when death surprised him in the midst of his plans’. The connection with count Fulk very soon brought the English into closer intercourse with the settlements of the crusaders in the Hast. : After the return of his brother from Palestine, Henry had striven to check the journeys of his knights to that land, that he might not be bereft of those forces which were necessary for the support of his own power. On this account he had kept at a distance from England Boemund of Antioch, who, after his liberation from captivity among the Saracens, was desirous of visiting the king, and even crossed over to Normandy for the purpose of seeing him there. Individual knights only were not to be hindered, or, on account of their restless spirit, were per- mitted. Yearly sendings of arms and other munitions he liberally allowed, and granted lands in Avranches to the Templars, with many privileges®. But after tranquillity had been restored in Normandy, and peace concluded with the neighbouring states, Henry appears to have seen with plea- sure the arrival of the grand master of the Templars, Hugh of Payens. In Normandy he loaded him with rich presents, and allowed him to proceed to England, where he likewise collected many donations. A considerable number of warriors was permitted to accompany the grand master to Jerusalem?, 1 Ord. Vital. p. 900. Hen. Hunt. aa. 1128, 1129. 2 W. Gemmet. lib. viii. c. 32. The tradition that the Templars in Henry the First’s time had built a church in England, in which the king wished to be buried, is a mistake. See Wilken, Gesch. der Kreuzziige, ii. Beilage VIII.; where, however, the bishop of Chichester is mistaken for him of Chester, 3 Sax. Chron. a. 1128. Hen. Hunt. aa. 1128, 1129. HENRY THE FIRST. 343 whose turbulent spirits and military ardour must in times of peace have appeared to the king somewhat dangerous. The death of pope Honorius II., which happened in this year (1130), plunged Europe, both secular and ecclesiastical, into a state of excitement. The majority of the cardinals, together with the Romans and the Normans of Italy, declared for Peter Leonis, who assumed the tiara under the name of Anaclet II.!; while the clergy of France, to whom king Lewis had left the decision, were in favour of his opponent Gregory, who styled himself Innocent II. The French ecelesiastics had been influenced in their choice by St. Bernard, the celebrated abbot of Clairvaux. This powerful supporter of Innocent proceeded also to Normandy, where Henry was_then residing, and whom the English prelates, many of whom had been gained over to Peter Leonis during his stay in England, had predisposed in his favour. But Bernard’s eloquence pre- vailed, and Henry was induced to accompany the abbot to Chartres, where he cast himself at the feet of Innocent, as the supreme head of Christendom, and presented him with royal gifts (18th Jan. 11312). Some months later, the pontiff visited the king at Rouen, where he found a most honourable reception?, and it is probable that the solicitations for aid, made by St. Bernard to Henry, were not needless, as the em- peror Lothair had not been able to effect the acknowledgment of Innocent at Rome‘. It is now incumbent upon us to cast a glance at the state of things in Wales during the reign of Henry. From a na- tionality as vivid and tenacious as that possessed by the na- tives of the principality at the present day, it was hardly to 1 See p. 319, note 2. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 895. Suger, lib. i. p. 58. Guillelmi Vita Bernardi in Opp. S. Bernardi Clarvall. edit. Mabillon, t. ii. Neander, Der H. Bern- hard, p.72. Arnulf Sagiens. De Schismate, c. vi. apud Muratori Seriptt. iil. p. 430. : 3 W. Gemmet. vill. c. 30, confirmed hy a document issued by Innocent from Rouen, dated May 9th 1131. 4S. Bernardi Epist. 138, 344 HENRY THE FIRST. be expected that, even weakened as they were by the settle- ment of Norman barons in the midst of their country, they would, during so long a reign, continue either peaceful sub- jeets or neighbours. Already in the insurrection of Robert of Belesme they took part with the rebels. Availing himself therefore of a year when he was not engaged in foreign war- fare, Henry adopted an apparently peaceful, although in the execution perhaps, severe method of confirming the subjection of the Welsh, and, at the same time, rendering harmless an enemy of the public tranquillity that he was harbouring in the midst of his realm. His father, the Conqueror, had been followed to England by many Flemings, the greater number of whom sojourned in the northern counties, as most conge- nial both to their habits and native climate. Many of these also dwelt dispersed over all the other parts of England, and were very vexatious to the inhabitants!. Other bodies of Flemings had been driven from their country by inundations (1106), the greater number of whom had sought shelter in Germany, while others had betaken themselves to England ?. To these Henry had at first assigned the desolated lands on and beyond the Tweed. Jt is not improbable that it was owing to his connection with the emperor Henry, that the thought occurred to him of planting Flemish colonies among the Welsh, after the example set him in Germany of employ- ing them to curb the Slavish nations and in the culture of the land}. Henry collected all those Flemings settled in England, who had not previously acquired more considerable posses- sions, and sent them to the western parts of Wales, to the land of Rhos, and the neighbourhood of Haverford and 1 W. Malm. p. 628. 2 The account of this second immigration of Flemings has by Bromton been assigned to the year 1106, and from him by Knyghton, p. 2377, and by Powel, History of Wales, p. 128. 3 In the year 1106 the “ privilegium” of the Flemish colonists was granted by the archbishop Adelbero of Hamburg. See Lindenbrog, Scriptt. Rer. Septent. HENRY THE FIRST. 345 Tenby'. Antiquaries have imagined that the posterity of these colonists may, both by their manners and language, be recognised down to the latest times®. They were advan- tageous to the kingdom, if not, as elsewhere, for the con- struction of dikes, yet through the weaving of wool and their knowledge of husbandry, though at first chiefly as military mercenaries. The land ceded to them was the western point of Wales, where Milford-haven afforded the best place for embarkation to England, and where. Arnold of Shrewsbury had already availed himself of his acquired territory in an attempt on the royal crown of Ireland. After his expulsion from England, his constable, Gerald of Windsor, defended the castle of Pembroke, which was assailed by the Welsh, with as much valour as artifice, and caused them to retire at the moment when his provisions failed, by casting to them, on the preceding day, as a present over the wall, the small por- tion still remaining, accompanied by vaunting words, and by a letter which he had caused to fall into their hands, in which it was stated that he could well hold out for four months longer. He afterwards espoused Nesta, the daughter of Rhys ap Theodor, the last king of South Wales, sister of prince Griffith, and one of the numerous mistresses of king Henry, to whom she had borne two sons, one named after his father, and Robert earl of Gloucester®. A. grandson of Gerald and Nesta was the noted Gerald, to whose numerous writings we are indebted for the best accounts of the ancient state of Wales. Notwithstanding the valour of his vassals and colonists in Wales, Henry was unable to secure peace and tranquillity in that country. Dissensions among the several tribes never ceased, through whose mutual support of each other violent. 1 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1111. W. Malm. p. 493. Bromton, col. 1003. 2 Giraldi Cambrens. Itiner. lib.i. c. 11. and H. Lluyd on Powell’s note ; also Rot. Magn. Pipe 31 Hen. I. pp. 136 sq. contains mention of the Flemings in Pembrokeshire. 3 Giraldi Cambrens. Itiner. lib. ii. c. 7. 346 HENRY THE FIRST. wars sometimes burst forth, which not unfrequently required the armed interposition of the king. A short time before the planting of the Flemish colony in Rhos, Henry had been compelled to enter the country, cn which oceasion even the aid of king Alexander of Scotland is said to have been de- manded (1111). But still more serious was the appearance of Griffith, son of that Rhys, who had been slain twenty years previously. Griffith, who had been reared in Ireland, excited by his return to his native country the minds of all the South Welsh. He succeeded in taking Caermarthen from the Normans, and found considerable support in Cardigan, the castle of which was held by Gilbert Strongbow, earl of Strigul. Gerald of Windsor and the Flemings were thereby completely cut off from the rest of the English, and Henry found it necessary, for the safety of his barons there, to lead his warriors to Wales in person (1114). Under his direction his brave son, Robert of Gloucester, suppressed the insurrec- tion, and a number of new castles and forts were erected, and distributed among the Normans and Flemings?, of whom many of the latter had been sent to Cardigan, which was held by Richard of Clare3. In two years after this a new rebellion was raised+. The noble-hearted Griffith retained only a small part of the cantref Mawr, in Caermarthenshire, in his posses- sion; yet did the natives of the ancient Deheubarth pay him the respect due to the old princes of their country, a respect allowed even by Henry himself. In the summer following the king’s second marriage, a new expedition against Wales was found necessary (1122), during which, in Powys, he was stricken with an arrow, but which was fortunately arrested ' Powell, pp. 139 sg. The English chroniclers make no mention of the king’s presence in Wales in this year. 2 Sax. Chron. h.a. Powell, lib. i., who does not, however, mention the king’s presence. 3 Giraldus, lib. i. c. 4. 4 Flor. Wigorn. a, 1116. HENRY THE FIRST. 347 by his chain-armour!. Fora series of years we hear of no further disturbances of magnitude; the natives were held down by the iron hand of foreigners, who, like the Flemings in Germany, may have been followed by numbers of their wandering and adventurous countrymen. By these strangers the Welsh were expelled from one possession after another, and those who resisted stricken down like dogs. The people, thus provoked beyond endurance, again rose in the latter years of Henry’s reign (1134), burned Caus, a castle of Payne fitz John, sheriff of Hereford and Shrewsbury, one of the king’s most distinguished counsellors and scribes, and wreak- ed most barbarous vengeance on their captives. Henry here- upon resolved to leave his beloved Normandy, for the purpose of proceeding once more against the never totally subdued ancient Britons; but thrice did the wind drive him back on the coast of his paternal home, which death, that overtook him shortly after, did not permit him again to leave?. By dissensions with his son-in-law, Henry found himself detained still for some months in Normandy. At Lions, near Rouen, he had been enjoying his favourite diversion of the chase, on his return from which he was suddenly seized with illness, the consequence, it is said, of a surfeit of lampreys, which, in a few days, terminated in death (1st Dec. 1135). Time and quiet were afforded him for the adoption of many measures of mercy and beneficence. He recalled the exiled, remitted pecuniary mulcts, restored to their paternal inherit- ance those who had been displaced; sixty thousand pounds of silver he caused to be distributed among his servants, his mercenaries, and the poor. His body, according to his desire, 1 Sax. Chron. h.a. Giraldus, lib. i. c. 2. W. Malm. p. 628. Eadmer, p. 138. Powell, p. 152, who erroneously places this expedition in the year 1118. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 900. Gesta Stephani, edit. E.H.S8. p. 9. Payne was lord of Ewias. [A. D. 1132 a considerable part of London, together with St. Paul’s cathedral, was consumed by fire. Fl. Wigorn.—T.] 348 HENRY THE FIRST. was conveyed to England, and interred in the abbey of Rea- ding, which he had founded'. His daughter Matilda did not see him again before his death. Of his numerous natural children, Robert of Gloces- ter? alone was present, whom he had married to Mabil, a daughter of the distinguished knight, Robert fitz Hamon. Of his other children, we know of Richard, the son of Amice, a daughter of Ralf of Guader?, whose early death by shipwreck, as also his sister’s, Matilda, the wife of Rotrou, count of Perche, has been already noticed; Reginald of Dunstanvile, afterwards earl of Cornwall'; a second Robert, borne to him by Eda‘; Gilbert ; William of Tracy®, who died soon after his father; and Henry, also born of the Welsh princess Nesta ; also another Matilda, married to Conan III. count of Brit- tany’; Juliana, already mentioned as the wife of Eustace of Pacy. There were also four other daughters married: one born to him by Elizabeth, sister of Waleram count of Meulan, to Alexander, king of Scotland*; one named Constance, to 1 Ord. Vital. p. 901. 2 Giraldus tells a singular story respecting the paternity of Robert of Gloucester, making him the son of Nesta by one Stephen: his words are: ‘** Fuerunt autem duo nobiles viri, ut ejus qui scripsit hac avunculi, Hen- ricus scilicet, regis Henrici Primi filius, et Secundi avunculus, ex nobili Nesta, Resi filia, in australi Cambria Demetiz finibus oriundus, et Robertus Stephani filius, Henrici frater non germanus sed uterinus.—T. 3 According to Carte, Richard’s mother was the widow of Anschil, a nobleman near Abingdon.—T. 4 His mother was Sibylle, a daughter of sir Robert Corbet of Alcester in Warwickshire.—Carte.—T. 5 Joh. Hagust. a.1142, col. 270. [‘ Eda, or Edith, was a daughter of Forne, a great baron in the north. She afterwards married Robert of Oily, baron of Hokenorton in Oxfordshire. There is still preserved a charter of this Robert, being a grant of the manor of Porlock to Hugh de Ralegh, and another of lands beyond the Exe to Richard Floyer, among the writings of the families of Chichester and Floyer; and in the tenth box in the Duchy office is a charter likewise of his wife Maud, under her seal.”— Carte.—T. 6 Probably by the same mother as Reginald, being in the Red Book of the Exchequer styled his brother.-Carte.—T. 7 Ord. Vital. p. 544. 8 Ib. p. 702. HENRY ‘THE FIRST. 349 Roscelin, viscount of Beaumont in Le Maine; a third, named Aline, to Matthew, a son of Bourcard of Montmorency ; a fourth, named Eustacia, to William of Gouet, a Norman baron!. Henry was of middling stature, strong-breasted and of great muscular power; black hair overshadowed his forehead, be- neath which beamed eyes expressive of serenity. He always appeared joyous, even when engaged in affairs of importance. Less a warrior than a leader, he reminded his contemporaries of the saying of Scipio Africanus: “ Imperatorem me mea mater, non bellatorem peperit.” His moderation in all en- joyments, except in that of the chase, has been celebrated by the chroniclers; though not with strict regard to truth, as is manifest from his numerous illegitimate offspring®. Besides the exertions made by Henry to quell the open rebellions of his barons, we find him incessantly engaged in endeavours to break their power. While he maintained all the old royal castles in good and strong condition, with trust- worthy garrisons, he allowed those of his barons, which through death or other accidents had fallen into his hands, to go to ruin. His strict administration of the law, which procured for him the appellation of the “lion of justice,” described in the prophecies of Merlin, is the more deserving of notice, as it was rigorously exercised against the nobility? The crime of debasing, or diminishing the weight of, the public money he punished with the utmost severity, the penalty affixed to 1 Other illegitimate children are ascribed to Henry, particularly a daugh- ter married to William of Chaumont. Ord. Vital. p. 856.—T. 2 Henry’s praise is nowhere more loudly sounded than in the Acta Cenoman. p. 345; but the testimony of the abbot Suger is weightier: “ prudentissimus Henricus, cujus tam admiranda quam predicanda animi corporis strenuitas quam scientia,” etc. Cf. also H. Huntingd. 1. viii. init. ejusdem epistola ‘De Contemptu Mundi. Sim. Dunelm. a. 1135. Ricard. p- 310. 3 W. Gemmet. lib. viii. c. 13. Bromton, p. 998. Joh. Sarisb. Polyc. vi. 16. Galfr. Monom. Ord. Vital. p. 888. 350 HENRY THE FIRST. which being the loss of the right hand, or the eyes, and cas- tration. This crime had become so general, that it was found necessary to summon all the moneyers of the realm to appear before the chancellor, the bishop of Salisbury, at Winchester, when not less than fifty were condemned to undergo the penalty prescribed by the law’. One great benefit he conferred on the oppressed people, by an ordinance relative to the royal claim of purveyance, by which he set bounds to the avidity and outrages of the royal officers, when the king was on a progress in the country. On these occasions, the court followers were supplied gratis by the inhabitants of the places through which they passed, when the disgusting atrocities perpetrated by those miscreants exceed all belief. The consequence was that, whenever it became known in a place that the king was coming, the inhabitants fled from their dwellings, and took refuge in the woods and forests, or wherever they could find shelter. To remedy this crying evil, Henry decreed to those found guilty of such outrages, the loss of hands, or feet, or other members. By this severity, those who valued their bodily integrity were, on seeing these examples, deterred from injury to others. By the same ordinance it was stated how much was to be supplied by the peasantry gratis, and how much at a fixed rate. He also prohibited the false ell in use among’ traders, fixing the length of his own arm as a standard throughout England?. 1 Sax. Chron. a, 1125. Flor. Wigorn. aa. 1108, 1124. W. Malm. p. 641. H. Hunt. a. 1125, Sim. Dunelm. h. a. W. Gemmet. lib. viii. c. 23. [H.. Hoved. a.1108. “ Et quoniam seepissime dum denarii eligebantur, flecte- bantur, rumpebantur, respuebantur, statuit ut nullus denarius vel obolus, quos et rotundos esse jussit, aut etiam quadrans, si integer esset, respue- retur.”—T. ] 2 W. Malm. p. 641. Eadmer, p.94. [Tempore siquidem fratris sui regis hunc morem multitudo eorum qui curiam ejus sequebantur habebat, ut queeque pessundarent, diriperent, et nulla eos cohibente disciplina, totam terram, per quam rex ibat, devastarent. Accedebat his aliud ma- lum ; plurimi namque eorum, sua malitia debriati [inebriati], dum reperta HENRY THE FIRST. 351 Sometimes, indeed, his zeal for the strict administration of the law was carried to too great an extreme, as was the case with a number of robbers at Huncot, in Leicestershire, forty- four of whom the justiciar, Ralf Basset, condemned to death, and six to the loss of eyes and castration; although it was the ~ general belief that some of them suffered unjustly’. These severities, however, prevailed chiefly in the earlier part of his reign, and latterly gave way to pecuniary mulcts?. But he attained his great object, the tranquillity and se- curity of the country. Even the Anglo-Saxons must have prized a state of things which enabled a traveller, laden with gold and silver, to pass through the Jand in safety?. It must not, however, be imagined that it was the severity of the punishments and the inflexibility of the judge alone that in those days reproduced this wonder of the golden age ; it was the strict police, grafted by the Normans on the Anglo-Saxon institutions. In the times immediately succeeding the Conquest, the kings received the rents of the crown lands in kind, from which source the royal household was supplied with neces- saries ; and such was the usage till the time of Henry]. But latterly, when that king was much engaged abroad, he had need of payments in ready money; in consequence of which querulous multitudes assembled at the court, or, what was yet more serious, were frequently to be met on the ways, offering their ploughs, in token of their ruined husbandry ; for they were overwhelmed with difficulties on account of in hospitiis que invadebant, penitus absumere non valebant, ea aut ad forum, per eosdem ipsos quorum erant, pro suo lucro ferre ac vendere, aut supposito igne cremare, aut, si potus esset, lotis exinde equorum suorum pedibus, residuum illius per terram effundere, aut certe aliquo alio modo disperdere solebant. Que vero in patresfamilias crudelia, que in uxores ac filias eorum indecentia fecerint, reminisci pudet.”’ From this burthen of purveyance (A. S. feorm-fultum), which had existed under the Anglo-Saxon kings, the people were relieved by Cnut. See his Secular Laws, tit. 70. in “ Ancient Laws and Institutes.”—T’] } Sax. Chron. a. 1124. 2 W. Malm. p. 641. 8 Tb. a, 1135. 352 HENRY THE FIRST. their produce, which had now to be conveyed for sale from their homes to many destinations. Whereupon the king appointed certain officials to visit the several lands, for the purpose of valuing the produce payable by each, and reducing the amount into money; the sum total of the several pay- ments in each county to be paid by the sheriff into the ex- chequer!. But notwithstanding these measures, adopted for the relief of his own tenantry, the miseries of the people, during his reign continued with little mitigation. “It is not easy,” says the chronicler, “to relate the miseries of this land, which it was suffering at this time through various and manifold wrongs and imposts, that were never intermitted or ceased ; and ever, when the king journeyed, there was plunder and destruction by his followers of the wretched people, and but too often burnings and murders.” And again: “ First they (the wretched people) are bereft of their property, and then they are slain.” The tax of Danegelt was continued during the whole of Henry’s reign, at the rate of twelve pence the hide; and an aid of three shillings the hide was demanded on the marriage of his daughter with the emperor. “ What and what grievous oppressions the whole of England suffered is difficult to narrate. In raising money to complete the subju- gation of Normandy, no mercy was shown by the collectors. Those who had nothing to give were driven from their humble dwellings, or the doors being torn down and carried off, their habitations were left open to be plundered; or their miserable chattels being taken away, they were reduced to the extreme of poverty, or in other ways afflicted and tormented ; while against those who were thought to possess something, certain new and imaginary offences were alleged, when, not daring to defend themselves in a plea against the king, they were stript of their property and plunged into misery?.” 1 Selden, Spicel. ad Eadmey, p. 216, from the Dialogus de Scaccario.—T. 2 Sax. Chron. aa.1104, 1124. H. Hunt.a.1108. Eadmer, p. 83. Bromton p- 1001. HENRY THE FIRST. 353 Less content must the people have been with the system of taxation. The numerous wars required much money. Of the endeavours after order in the management of accounts we possess no mean example in the book yet extant of receipts and disbursements by the royal exchequer'. The existing traces also of renewals and completions of the Domesday-book are a proof of such endeavours. Moreover, if we consider the collection bearing the title of the Laws of Henry I.2, we may, perhaps, recognize that England, even at that early period, availed itself of its insular position and the peculiar relation of the conqueror to the conquered, for the obtaining of a more regular administration and regard of justice than had been possessed by any people since the mi- gration of nations. That Henry not only frequently bestowed rich donations on many monasteries and churches, but also founded several, is the worthier of notice, as this tendency in him proceeded from no slavish subjection to the clergy, but from a well- founded sense of their relation to the state, and of respect for higher spiritual interests. The noble abbey of St. Mary at Reading, was founded by him for monks of the order of Cluny®; for regular canons of the Augustine order he founded a monastery and a church dedicated to St. John, at Ciren- cester, and a monastery at Dunstable; he also founded an abbey at Wellaw near Grimsby, and one at Anglesey in Cam- bridgeshire! ; also a religious house at Creke in Norfolk; to 1 The Magnus Rotulus Scaccarii sive Pips, edited by the Rev. Jos. Hunter for the late Record Commission, 1833. 2 The best edition of this collection is that in the “ Ancient Laws and Institutes of England,” published by authority of the late Record Com- mission. 3 The dotation is dated 1121. Monast. Anglic. iv. p. 28. 4° W. Gemmet. lib. viii. c. 32. The deed of foundation of Reading abbey see in Monast. vi. p.175. Joh. Hagust. col. 258. R. Hagust. col. 310. R. de Diceto. col. 505. Knyghton, col. 2384. Chron. de Dunstap. col. 677. [Allthe chronicles agree in the reading of Cirecestra (Cirécestra?). Anglesey abbey is in the hundred of Stane.—T’.] AQ 354 HENRY THE FIRST. the monks of Bec he gave an alien priory at Steventon near Abingdon; to the abbey of St. Valery one at Takely in Essex. He also appears as a joint founder of the priories of Augustine canons at Carlisle, and at Merton in Surrey ; and, finally, as the founder of many large hospitals’. The founding of the majority of these appears to have taken place in the last fifteen years of his reign, after the loss of his son. That Normandy, in this respect, was not neglected by him needs hardly be mentioned. We will here notice only the beautiful church at Evreux as his foundation. Towards foreign churches and hospitals he was frequently not less mu- nificent; the church at Cluny he almost entirely built, and bestowed on it large possessions in England, also the church of St. Martin aux Champs at Paris. The rich possessions of the monks of the abbey of St. Remy at Rheims he not only religiously protected, but also augmented?. The hospital for the sick at Chartres, at that time distinguished both for its extent and as a work of art, was completed through his liberality. His numerous donations to the cloisters that lay on the road of pilgrims to Rome, facilitated the way over the Alps and Appenine to the metropolis of Christendom. One who so munificently favoured monasteries operated also indirectly on the promotion of knowledge and civiliza- tion; but on the part of Henry Beauclere a more direct in- fluence may be traced. If his consort Matilda rewarded minstrels and melodious songsters, he gave proofs of his mu- nificence to men like the Benedictine “Ethelhard of Bath3, a distinguished philosopher and investigator of nature, who translated the Elements of Euclid from the Arabic version ' Monast vi. passim. 2 Monast. vi. p. 1099. Domesday. Rot. magn. pipe, p. 74. W. Gemmet. lib. VIII. c.32. For other donations by the first Norman kings to the abbey of Cluny, see C. G. Hoffmann, Nova Scriptorum Monumentorum Collectio. i. pp. 340 sq. 3 Rot. magn. pipe. p. 22. His “ Quaestiones naturales perdifficiles”’ are in the Cottonian Library, Galba E. IV. HENRY THE FIRST. 355 into Latin. Medieval Latinity, both prose and verse, as well as familiarity with the Roman classics, reached in his time a height from which, in England, they shortly afterwards fell. During his reign flourished and wrote Eadmer, Ingulf, Jeffrey of Monmouth, William of Malmesbury, William of Jumiéges, Florence of Worcester, Simeon of Durham. -Henry of Hun- tingdon’s earlier days fall also within this period. Of the epigrams of the excellent Godfrey, prior of St. Swithin’s at Winchester’, a native of Cambray, many are preserved. The poems of Radulfus Tortarius? and of Serlo bishop of Séez, which are known to us, excite the wish to possess those still hidden from us. The earliest traces of dramatic repre- sentations in northern Europe are met with, under the reign of Henry, in the monastic school of Dunstable®, where he sometimes held his court’. Geoffrey, the master of the school there, was the director of these spiritual plays or miracles, the model of which he borrowed from his former residence, Paris, but which were known in Germany some centuries earlier in the Latin poems of the nun Hroswithe. Henry took great delight in wild beasts from distant re- gions, as lions, leopards, lynxes, camels, etc., among which particular mention is made of a porcupine. These were kept in the park which he had enclosed at Woodstock, one of his favourite places of abode®. He had also a similar establish- ment at Caen, in which were placed beasts from all the known parts of the world®. At this period the Anglo-Saxon tongue began rapidly to decline, being expelled from the halls of the noble and power- ! He died in 1107. See W. Malm. p. 678. Camden’s Remains, p. 421, edit. 1674. Warton, H. E. P. p. exi. edit. 1840. Camden has preserved several of his epigrams. 2 Histoire de Académie des Inscriptions, xxi. pp. §11 sq. 3 Matt. Paris, Hist. Abbat. p. 56. Warton ut sup. p. cxii. 4 Sax. Chron. a. 1122. 5 «*Wodestoc, regis Henrici familiarem privati secreti recessum. Gesta Stephani,” p. 87. 6 W. Malm. p.638. Radulf Tortarius. A vivarium regis at Brichestoc is mentioned in the Rotul. magn. pipe, p. 88. probably at Bristol. Aa 356 HENRY THE FIRST. ful, and corrupted among the people by an influx of Norman- French. This latter was the language of the law and of the court, and was also cultivated by the poets; of whom we will here make mention, on account of their particular relation to England, only of Philip of Thaun! and Geoffrey Gaimar?. Of educational establishments there was no lack, either in England or Normandy. The abbatial school of Bec was at- tended by students from all parts of Europe. The schools of Canterbury, York, Oxford, Abingdon, where king Henry is said to have been educated, Winchester, Peterborough, and others enjoyed a high reputation. But many English also visited the learned foundations of other lands, and we find them not only at Paris, Pavia, and Salerno, but also in the lecture halls of the Arabians at Cordova and Salamanca, imbibing, at the same time, copious draughts from the wells of knowledge and of the errors of scholastic logic. The system of the foreigner also found admission into the acade- mic institutions of England. Thus Joffrid, abbot of Crow- land, formerly prior of St. Evroult in Normandy, invited teachers from Orléans, where he had been educated, and established them at Cotenham, a manor belonging to his abbey, by whose aid a school arose in the neighbouring town of Cambridge, from which the university of that place may probably ‘date its origin. Priscian’s grammar with the com- mentary of Remigius, Aristotle’s logic, the rhetorical works of Cicero and Quinctilian, together with theology, engrossed the attention of scholars both then and many centuries later. 1 There are several manuscripts extant of this writer, the most ancient of which Mr. Wright states to be that in the Cotton Library (Nero A.V.). See Popular Treatises on Science, by T. Wright. London 1841, pref. pp. ix. seg.—T. 2 See England under the A. S. Kings i. Liter. Introd. p. lvi. and the epilogue to his Estorie des Engles, where he speaks of Robert, earl of Gloucester, Walter Espec, and other contemporaries. Cf.(F. Wolf) Wiener Jahrbiicher, 1836. 3 Petrus Blesens. Contin. p.114. The mention of Averroes (ob. 1206) shows, however, that this passage is not free from interpolation. A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMAN KINGS. STEPHEN. CONTEMPORARY SOVEREIGNS. GERMANY. FRANCE. SCOTLAND. SPAIN. Lothair I. 1138. | Lewis VI. 1137. | David I. 1153. } Alphonso VIII. Conrad IIT. 1152. | Lewis VII. Malcolm IV. Frederic 1. POPES. Innocent I. 1143, | Celestine II. 1144. | Lucius II, 1145. Eugenius III. 1153 | Anastatius IV. THE death of Henry was productive of great disorder in his states. It was the opinion of almost every one, that the oaths which the late king had caused to be taken, with the object of securing the throne to his daughter Matilda, were not binding. Royalty was still too near its origin in Europe, to admit of its being forgotten that its most prominent attri- bute was the supreme command in war, which could not be held by a woman. Neither among the Anglo-Saxons, with one very unfavourable exception, had queens, nor among the Normans countesses or duchesses, ever ruled the land. By the violation too of the assurance given by the king, that his daughter should marry no Frenchman, the obligation was cancelled also on his part. Count Geoffrey was, moreover, held in great aversion by the Normans, which his incessant contentions with his father-in-law did not tend to mitigate. It is, indeed, far from improbable, that Henry himself in his anger may have harboured the thought of excluding his 358 STEPHEN. daughter from the promised succession to the throne ; and Hugh Bigot asserted on oath, that Henry, in his last moments, in his presence, released the chiefs of the realm from the oath they had taken in favour of Matilda, while others at least affirmed that he had heartily repented of it’. The son of Matilda was little more than two years old, and to acknowledge him as successor to the throne would have been equivalent to delivering the kingdom over to his parents under the name of a regency. The next male heir was Theo- bald, son of Stephen, count of Blois and Chartres, and Adela, a daughter of William the Conqueror, a valiant prince, who had ever proved himself a faithful ally of Henry against the king of France, and for his piety and beneficence was highly esteemed by all?. Many Normans, consequently, flocked together at Neubourg, with the object of raising him to the vacant dignity ; but while they were discussing the subject, a messenger arrived from England with the intelligence, that Theobald’s younger brother, Stephen, had been there elected king, and was already crowned. This prince had constantly enjoyed the favour of Henry, had been educated by him, and about thirty years previously received knighthood at his hands, and afterwards been invested with the county of Mor- 1 Gesta Stephani, p.7. (“Ad ipsam heredandam imperioso illo, cui nullus obsistebat, oris tonitruo, summos totius regni jurare compulit po- tius quam precepit. Et quanquam eosdem invite jurare, juramentumque haud ratum fore prenosceret, voluit tamen, more Ezechielis, in diebus pacem reformare, perque unius mulieris conjugium multa hominum millia ad concordiz adsciscere glutinum. Utque patenter agnosceremus, quod ei in vita certa de causa complacuit, post mortem ut fixum foret displicuisse, supremo eum agitante mortis articulo, cum et plurimi astarent, et veram suorum erratuum confessionem audirent, de jurejurando violenter baroni- bus suis injuncto apertissime pcenituit.’—T.] H. Hunt. a. 6 Steph., where the assertion of the release from the oath by Henry is virtually re- futed by the partisans of Matilda. Gervasius, a.1135. Rad. de Diceto, Abbrev. Chron. col. 505. 2 W. Gemmet. viii. c. 34. Ord. Vital. pp. 902-905. Girald. Cambrens. de Instr. Prin. in Recueil des Historiens, t. xviii. Anselmi Gemblac., Chron. a. 1134. . STEPHEN. 359 tain. His marriage with the daughter and heiress of count Eustace of Boulogne had, after the death of that prince, put him in possession not only of that county, but also of vast estates in England?. From Boulogne he had frequently in- terfered in the Flemish dissensions, as he never let slip an opportunity for gratifying his love of arms and increasing his military renown. But yet more was he distinguished for kindness, courtly manners, an amiable serenity of character, and a condescension which had long gained him the hearts of many among all conditions of people?. On the other hand, he often proved himself imprudent, rash, and on his fairest promises no reliance could be placed. In short, he exhibited, in all its traits, a complete specimen of the accomplished French knight of those days, who, although capable of enact- ing many parts excellently well, was, nevertheless, but ill qualified to rule over a kingdom. On the news of his uncle’s death, Stephen, with a few followers, set sail from Witsand, and landed on the coast of Kent, whence, without loss of time, he proceeded to London. His pretensions to the crown of England were favoured by the general aversion of the people towards Anjou, but more particularly by the influence of his brother Henry bishop of Winchester. Roger bishop of Salisbury also, and William of Pont-de-lArche, both of whom had held the important office of royal treasurer, de- clared in his favour, and delivered to his reckless extrava- gance the money accumulated during Henry’s administration, amounting to a hundred thousand pounds of silver, together with innumerable precious things?. The scruples of William 1 W. Gemmet. lib. i. Ord. Vital. p. 811. Wil. Newburg. lib. i. ¢. 4. 2 Even his enemies confirm this account of Stephen. W. Malm. p. 709. “Homo mansuetissimus...... qui, si legitime regnum ingressus fuisset, et in eo administrando credulas aures malevolorum susurris non exhibuis- set, parum ei profecto ad regie persone decorem defuisset.” R. Hagust. a. 1136. Sax. Chron. a. 1137. [Pa be suikes undergeton } he milde man was. J softe. J god,” etc. When the traitors understood that he was a mild man, and soft, and good, etc.—T.] 3 W. Malm. p.703. Gesta Stephani, p. 5. 360 STEPHEN. archbishop of Canterbury were overcome by the declaration, already mentioned, of Hugh Bigot, the seneschal of the de- ceased sovereign. The slight opposition, which some faithful friends of Henry endeavoured to set up against the preten- sions of Stephen, was soon erushed, and the wealthy citizens of London and Winchester declared in favour of the chivalrous aspirant. Scarcely three weeks after the death of Henry, and before his corpse was conveyed to England, Stephen was crowned, on the 22nd Dee.!, by the archbishop of Canterbury, William Corboil, in the presence of a few ecclesiastics and laymen of rank, but who were quickly followed by many others, who hastened to solemnize the Christmas festival at the court of the newly crowned sovereign at London, from whence he issued a missive, addressed to the judges of the land, the sheriffs, barons, and vassals, both French and English, in which he confirmed to his English subjects all the immunities and good laws that his uncle king Henry had granted them, as well as the good laws and good customs which they pos- sessed in the time of king Eadward2; and, accordingly, strictly forbade every violation of the same. The mortal remains of the late king, who had desired to be interred in the abbey founded by him at Reading, had not yet arrived in England. They were detained at Rouen and Caen, where they had been rudely embalmed or rather salted, to the annoyance, and even deadly injury of those who ap- proached them?. In the first days of January (1136), Ste- 1 Malmesbury (p. 704) and Gervase (col. 1340) give the precise date. The Saxon Chronicle: ‘‘on mide wintre dei,’’ would seem also to signify the shortest day. The Annal. Waverl. give St. Thomas’ day, the 21st Dec. ; John of Hexham, the 1st Jan., probably an error of the MS.; Richard of Hexham, Christmas day; Orderic the 15th Dec. 2 Printed in the Charters of Liberties, p. 4. without date, though, with- out doubt, earlier than the ampler charter placed before it, issued at Oxford. 3 In his account of this event we recognise in Henry of Huntingdon the author of the treatise De Contemptu Mundi. [His words are worth transcribing : ‘‘ Rex Henricus prima die Decembris obierat, cujus corpus STEPHEN. 361 phen, attended by the ecclesiastical and secular dignitaries of the kingdom, received the body of his uncle on the English shore, with every sign of external veneration, and, as it is said, assisted in conveying it to Reading. From this scene Stephen hastened to the northern frontier of his kingdom, where the Scots had made a hostile inroad, from whom, however, as we shall hereafter have occasion to mention, he, by considerable cessions to their king David, purchased both acknowledgment and homage. But this ap- peared to him not too dearly bought, as his position with respect to his own subjects was not yet firmly established. After having celebrated the Easter festival with great pomp at London, Stephen proceeded to Oxford, where, in the meanwhile, many English and Norman prelates and barons had assembled. Here he was so fortunate as to be able to produce a letter from the pope, Innocent II., in which the pontiff ex- pressed his approval of Stephen’s election, referring to the declaration and mediation of the English prelates, of the king allatum est Rotomagum, et ibi viscera ejus, et cerebrum, et occuli conse- pulta sunt; reliquum autem corpus cultellis circumquaque desecatum, et multo sale aspersum, coriis taurinis reconditum est causa foetoris evitandi, qui multus et infinitus jam circumstantes inficiebat, unde et ipse, qui mag- no pretio conductus, securi caput ejus diffiderat, ut foetidissimum cerebrum extraheret, quamvis linteaminibus caput suum obvoluisset, mortuus tamen ea causa pretio male gavisus est. Hic est ultimus e multis, quem rex Henricus occidit. Inde vero corpus regium Cadonum sui deportaverunt ; ubi diu in ecclesia positum, in qua pater ejus sepultus fuerat, quamvis multo sale repletum esset, et multis coriis reconditum, tamen continue ex corpore jugitur humor et horribilis scoria pertransiens decurrebat, et vasis sub feretro susceptus, a ministris foetore et horrore fatiscentibus abjicieba- tur. Vide igitur quicunque legis, quomodo regis potentissimi corpus, cujus cervix diadematizata auro et gemmis electissimis, quasi Dei splen- dore vernaverat ; cujus utraque manus sceptris preradiaverat, cujus reliqua superficies auro textili tota rutilaverat, cujus os tam deliciosissimis et ex- quisitis pasci solebat cibis, cui omnes assurgere, omnes expavescere, omnes congaudere, omnes admirari solebant ; vide, inquam, quo corpus illud de- venerit, quam horribiliter delituerit, quam miserabiliter abjectum fuerit. Vide rerum eventum, ex quo semper pendet judicium, et disce contemnere quicquid sic disterminatur, quicquid sic annihilatur.”—'T’ ] 362 STEPHEN. of France, and the count Theobald of Blois'. To the French king, Lewis VI., nothing, indeed, could be more unwelcome than to see his vassal of Anjou raised at once to be lord of both Normandy and England. After long deliberation, the document or charter was framed, by which the ancient privi- leges of the ecclesiastics, the barons, and the people were con- firmed, and which, by some of its provisions, removed certain, though to us not always apparent, causes of complaint against the administration of Henry. The king of the English, by the grace of God, with the consent of the clergy and people elected, by the archbishop of Canterbury, legate of the holy Roman Church, consecrated, and by Innocent, bishop of the ' Roman see confirmed, was, in the first place, not sparing of promises to the Church. What it possessed at the death of William I., that is about fifty years before, it might claim as its property. But, if the Church shall demand anything it held or possessed prior to the death of that king, of which it is now deprived, he reserves to his own indulgence and dis- pensation either to refuse or restore it. All later acquisitions of the Church were confirmed; he promises in all things to maintain peace and justice. The forests made by William I. and William IT. he reserves for himself; but those added by Henry he restores to the Church and realm. If any bishop, or abbot, or other ecclesiastic makes a reasonable distribution of his property, he confirms such distribution; but if pre- vented in such distribution by death, let it be made by the advice of the Church, for the good of his soul. Vacant sees and their possessions he orders to be committed to the cus- tody of the clergy and other upright men of such see, until a pastor be canonically appointed. All exactions and extor- tions? wickedly introduced by sheriffs and others he totally ’ See the letter in Ricard. Hagust. col. 313. 2 « Angli, diu habita deliberatione, quem sublimarent regis nomine et honore,”’ etc. Auctarium Anselmi Gemblac. a. 1136. 3 “ Meschenningas.”’ Sec Glossary to Anc. Laws and Inst. v. ‘Misken- ning.’ —T. STEPHEN. 363 abolished, and promised to observe and cause to be observed good laws and the ancient and just customs in cases of mur- drum and other pleas'. The discontent caused by the nu- merous enclosures, and by the severe laws for the protection of the beasts of the forests, was wide-spread over England, and on the intelligence of Henry’s death had manifested itself in the destruction of the enclosures and slaughter of the hate- ful game?; so that of the many thousand animals with which the country had, as it were, been overrun, it was now a rare sight to see two together. The numerous witnesses of high consideration to this document forbid us to harbour a doubt of its containing the real substance of the concessions de- manded from and granted by Stephen. Its several tran- scripts, all of the same tenour, are a guarantee that we possess it in its genuine form. Among those witnesses we find the archbishops of Canterbury and Rouen; the bishops of Winchester, Salisbury, Lincoln, Evreux, Avranches, Here- ford, and Rochester; the chancellor Roger; Henry, the king’s nephew?; the earls, Robert of Gloucester, William of Wa- 1 Gesta Stephani p. 2. W. Malm. p. 708. 2 Charters, p.3. W. Malm. p. 708. R. Hagust. col. 311. 3 Probably the eldest son of Theobald, who was his heir in the counties of Champagne and Brie, while the younger, Theobald V., received Blois and Chartres. His presence was of importance as proving the good un- derstanding between the king and his elder brother. The former was present also at Easter, at the investing of bishop Robert with the see of Bath, the document relative to which stands in the new Rymer (p. 16), without date, after the year 1153. The printed text of this document abounds in blunders, by which the entire work is rendered as much a monument of the ignorance of its editors as of English history: e.g. Sa- farus for Sefridus, Adelardus for Adelulfus, Willelmus de Pont for W. de Pontarci, R. de Fered for R. de Ferrariis, Albert de Laci for Ibert de Laci —all well-known names of bishops and barons. But there are yet worse blunders than the above, as at p. 9., where several documents of Henry IL, with his titles, dux Aquitanie et comes Andegavie, are placed under the reign of Henry I.! Compare p. 259, 24. Hence it hardly will excite our wonder when, at p. 91, we find a document in which mention is made of Dominicans and Franciscans, assigned to the year 1204, and to pope In- nocent III. (at Lyons !). 364 STEPHEN. renne, Ranulf of Chester, Robert of Warwick ; the constables, Robert of Vere, Milo of Gloucester, Brian fitz Count! and Robert of Oily; the sewers, William Martel, Hugh Bigot, Humphrey of Bobun and Simon of Beauchamp; the cup- bearers, William of Aubigny, and Eudes Martel; also the barons of high rank, Robert of Ferriéres, William Peverel of Nottingham, Simon of Senlis, Payne fitz John, Hamon of St. Clair, William of Albemarle, Ilbert of Lacy?—all names of note under the preceding monarchs, or destined to become so in the present reign. The more striking, therefore, and in- credible is it that among the chroniclers hostile to Stephen, one asserts that he also promised to abolish Danegelt for ever}, The names of the witnesses to this charter are here ad- duced for the purpose also of drawing attention to the eccle- _ astics and vassals of Normandy appearing among them. Im- mediately on receipt of the news of Henry’s death, count Geoffrey and his consort, the empress, had with little diffi- culty, and with the aid of the viscount there, Guiganalgaso, who from a low condition had raised himself to eminence, taken possession of several towns on the southern frontier of 1 Who his father was We learn from the Sax. Chron. a.1127. See p. 340. 2 Tlbert forthwith received back from the new sovereign the lands which had been taken from his father Robert by Henry. Ric. Hagust. a. 1135. But that the old Ibert of Lacy, at the time of Domesday, possessed Ponti- fract, as Ellis (Introd. i. p. 221) and Hunter (Rot. magn. pipz, p. xxii.) assume, appears, from the above-mentioned chronicler very doubtful, ac- cording to whom it belonged to William Travers (Transversus). 3 Henry of Huntingdon. While William of Malmesbury, whom Hume cites as his authority for the assertion, makes no mention of it. Lin- gard speaks of two assemblies at Oxford, in the latter of which the letter of the pope was read, but it escapes his notice that Malmesbury, whom he adduces as his authority for the first, likewise makes mention of the papal confirmation in his transcript of the document there sworn to by the king. Henry of Huntingdon, on the other hand, speaks of the docu- ment from treacherous memory, and while placing its emission in the be- ginning of January, omits all notice of the documentary proof of its publi- cation after Easter. STEPHEN. 365 Normandy, as Domfront, Argentan, Hiesmes, Ambriéres, and others, but of which he delivered over some to Joel of May- enne; all the strong places, too, were opened to him, which the exiled count of Ponthieu, William Talevas, had recovered from the late king. Nevertheless, in the greater part of Nor- mandy no favourable disposition displayed itself to the preten- sions of Matilda; even Robert of Gloucester, at a conference with count Theobald, the elder brother of Stephen, delivered Falaise to the friends of the king, though not until he had carried off the greater portion of a treasure that had a short time previously been brought thither by Henry from England’. One of the most illustrious of the Norman nobles, Waleram count of Meulan, Stephen sought to attach to his fortunes, by the betrothal to him of his daughter of two years old. When, therefore, the Norman barons, probably on receipt of the in- telligence of king David’s homage, and of the part taken both by the pope and the king of France, had formed the resolution to acknowledge Stephen, there appeared no urgent personal necessity for him to cross the Channel, greatly as. the duchy had suffered, after the death of Henry, by feuds and private revenge. Nevertheless, such was the anarchical state of the country since Henry’s decease, that Stephen deemed it ad- visable at least to manifest a disposition to listen to the calls made on him from that quarter. At midsummer, therefore, he hastened to one of the southern ports, but found the wind unfavourable for the perilous summer passage to France. After a delay of some time, a messenger arrived with intelli- gence of the death of Roger bishop of Salisbury, to whom he had intrusted the administration of the kingdom. Roger was, however, as it proved, in perfect health, yet the king availed 1 Robert. de Monte, a.1135. Ord. Vital. p. 903. In the Rotul. magn. pipe we find frequent mention of two men of this name, one of whom is designated Brito. The above-mentioned cupbearer is also therein named, whence we see that even court-offices, in the tranquil beginning of this reign, retained their old occupants. Martel, Henry’s cupbearer, was now promoted to the post of sewer, 366 STEPHEN. himself of the false report to postpone his departure till the following spring. The numerous disturbances, that had broken out in England, rendered his presence necessary in many parts of the country, and it seems not improbable that he intention- ally cast a veil of obscurity over his place of residence, as, in the north of England, it was believed, that in August he had actually passed over to Normandy’. Stephen’s reign of almost twenty years is scarcely other than an ever-repeated tale of petty border wars, internal feuds, and deeds of violence. Nevertheless, a state of things, that could exist for so long a time, will not appear indifferent to the student of history, but, while an enumeration of every individual event can have no value for the history of the country, demands a more exact consideration than it has hitherto met with, in order to elucidate their mutual connec- tion; to comprehend how such a state of things could so long continue ; to form a judgment how far it accorded with similar phenomena in the history of Europe, or whether it was of a peculiar character; in order finally to be able to set forth whatever may present itself in isolated events, either illustrative of the past, or capable of developing future occur- rences and principles. The means chiefly adopted by Stephen for the maintenance of his power in England, but by which he, at the same time, laid the foundation of its decline, had, though with a greater degree of caution, been already resorted to by his predecessor —the hire of foreign mercenaries. As long as the treasure accumulated by Henry lasted, he was enabled to maintain a _. standing army, whereby his barons were partially relieved of the burdens of warfare, and whose chief incitement was Stephen’s gold. The greater part of this force consisted of Flemings, led, for the most part, by turbulent and impover- 1 Joh. Hagust. col. 258. Ric. Hagust. col. 312. All the other chroniclers agree in stating that Stephen’s visit to Normandy was not till 1137. The above account rests on circumstances related by Orderic, p. 904. STEPHEN. 367 ished knights, who, driven from their possessions through the ascendency of the towns, or by the violence of destructive floods, sought to retrieve their fortunes in the game of war, while their more peaceful peasants and townsfolk, migrating to the east of Europe, found a livelihood in the arts of em- banking, husbandry, and traffic. The most influential of these Flemings was William of Ypres, who had formerly raised pretensions to the Flemish crown, but had been recently driven from the port of Sluys, which he had till then pos- sessed, by the reigning count, Diederik!. Around him and others of a similar character were gathered many warriors of the lower class, as townsmen and artizans, to whom, as their looms were too laborious for them, some leader of such bands guaranteed either pay or other means of subsistence. Among these were also numerous Bretons?, whom Henry had fre- quently employed as mercenaries, as their poverty compelled them to fight under any banner, and obey every command of the chief that supported them?. Among the Bretons, whom we find in the pay of Stephen, are many whose rank and position in England forbid us to place them on a level with the Flemish mercenary leaders, although it was their lineage and connections in their native land which attracted to them their needy countrymen. Among these may be reckoned count Stephen of Penthiévre, probably a younger son of 1 See concerning him p. 296, and Warnkénig, Flandrische Geschichte, i. p.144, That he was in England in the time of Henry I. seems uncer- tain, although the Willelmus Flandrensis in the Rotul. magn. pipe, p. 83, may allude to him; but that he either then or later held the rank of earl in England is not proved. He governed the county of Kent; but in no genuine document does it appear that he bore the title of earl. See Pal- grave, Rise and Progress, ii. p. lxv. 2 W. Malm. p. 706. “ Currebatur ad eum ab omnium generum militi- bus, et a levis armature hominibus, maximeque ex Flandria et Brittannia. Erat genus hominum rapacissimum et violentissimum.” Ib. p. 731. “ Sub Stephano plures ex Flandria et Brittannia, rapto vivere assueti, spe mag- narum predarum Angliam involabant.” 3 W. Malm. p. 629. 368 STEPHEN. Alan Fergant (the Red), and, consequently, a grandson of the Conqueror. He enjoyed the vast possessions of his father in England, consisting of the barony of Richmond in York- shire, with many estates in Lincolnshire and other counties, which, after his death, in the early part of Stephen’s reign, fell to his second son, Alan II., surnamed the Black?. In his youth he had borne the character of a valiant, but rugged and cruel warrior; at a later period he chiefly distinguished himself by the ambitious endeavour to raise Brittany again to a kingdom. Not far behind him for illustrious birth, and still less for haughty arrogance, stood Hervé, viscount of Leon2, who, at the request of Henry, would never conde- scend to visit England, though with Stephen, whose daughter he had espoused, he resided for some years, and very little to that prince’s advantage. To a distinguished Breton race be- longed also Alan of Dinan, son of Oliver, who, during the reign of Henry, had received large possessions in England, and served Stephen on both sides of the Channel®, as did likewise Geoffrey Botarel, count of Lainballe and Penthiévre, the elder brother of the before-mentioned Alan‘. 1 Domesday, passim. In Rotul. magn. pipe the latter is constantly called “‘ Stephanus, comes de Britannia.”’? Chron. Britan. a. 1146. ‘ Obiit Alanus comes, in Anglia atque in Britannia strenuissimus.” [See Ellis, Introd. i. p. 366.—T.] 2 «*Herveius de Leions (Liuns), tante nobilitatis, tanti supercilii, ut nunquam regi Henrico petenti animum indulserit in Angliam venire.” W. Malm. p. 721. “ Leon, pagus Lehonensis.” Of him and his race, see Daru, Histoire de la Bretagne, i. p.109. That he was a son-in-law of Stephen, appears from the Gesta Stephani, p. 68, “ Herveio Britoni .... genero regis.” Ib. p. 74. “Comes Herveius, gener regis.” 3 In Rotul. magn. pipe, pp. 16, 39, etc. it is written “Dinam.” In the Chron. Britan. his father’s death is noticed under the year 1150; his own under 1157. 4<* Boterellus quidam, comes Britannie.” Gesta Steph. p.81. Comp. Joh. Hagust. a.1146. He is probably the Gaufridus Bucherel of the Rot. magn. pipe, where a Willelmus Boterel and Bucherel, also a “Thomas, fillus Odonis Bucherel” occur. We know of an elder Breton, Galfrid Botherel, son of Odo of Penthiévre, who died in 1092. STEPHEN, 369 It is not to be supposed that the number of foreigners in England consisted solely of Bretons and Flemings; although the presence of others is rather to be conjectured than proved. Here we will merely mention Faramus, a nephew of the queen, the daughter of Eustace III., count of Boulogne, as it was he, with William of Ypres, who for some time swayed the royal court. The death of Henry had caused great excitement in Wales, to subdue which he had resolved to pass over to England. The united bands of the natives invaded the well-cultivated district of Gower, lying on the southern coast, and on the banks of the Tawy, which they ravaged, and surrounded and put to the sword a body of five hundred and sixteen? Normans (1st Jan. 1136). The mercenaries sent against them by the king were unable to gain any lasting advantage over them, and were compelled to make an inglorious retreat. The renowned and dreaded adversary of the Welsh, Richard fitz Gilbert of Clare, whose influence in South Wales was almost as great as that of his wife’s brother, Ranulf earl of Chester, in the northern parts of the realm, a man highly esteemed and be- loved by his people, having by alliances and hostages secured himself against his neighbours, now hastened back from Eng- land. Irritated apparently by the king’s refusal to comply with some of his wishes, he appears to have harboured the design of rebelling against him, and of uniting himself with the Welsh; when, having sent back the companion of his journey, Brian, son of the count Alan Fergant and baron of Wallingford, more usually styled fitz Count®, with his nu- merous band of armed followers, and riding through a dense forest, to the sound of song and bagpipe, the music soon 1“ Pharamus, nepos regine Mathilde, et iste Bononiensis.”? Joh. Ha- gust. a.1142. ‘‘ Faramus, filius Willelmi de Boloniz.... ut haberet ter- ram suam (in Sudreia), quam noverca sua tenet.” Rot. magn. p. p. 50. Cf. further on, under 1153. 2 The Gesta Steph. p. 10, and Flor. Cont. p. 97, agree in this number. 3 Sax. Chron. a. 1127. Bb a 370 STEPHEN. roused the attention of the Welsh, of whom Jorwerth of Caerleon made a deadly onslaught on the Normans, and mas- sacred him and his attendants! (15th April). This cata- strophe kindled new hopes in the minds of the Welsh. Three thousand marched to Cardigan (October), sparing no foreigner, not even the women and children, to the fortress of which, where resided the wife of the slain Richard, they laid siege. After a long resistance, the place was relieved by Milo of Gloucester?. Baldwin, the brother of Richard fitz Gilbert, although aided by the royal treasures, did not advance beyond Brecknock, and there wasted both time and the gold intrusted to him. Nor was Robert fitz Harold more fortunate, although he proved himself not lacking in energy, and Stephen himself felt convinced that against the tenacious love of country cherished by that excited people, the op- pressor had no better weapon than patience, in the expecta- tion that internal dissensions and famine would eventually effect their ruin (1137). The Flemings had. in particular suffered under their arms, and one of the bravest barons, Payne fitz John, fell in the pursuit of some Welsh, stricken by a hostile spear ®. Immediately after the homage at Oxford, Stephen sum- moned the high clergy and most distinguished of the laity to meet at London, for the purpose of hearing the complaints of the former against the abuses that had crept into the Church during the reign of his predecessor. They complained of si- mony; of the voluntary gifts demanded of them, which threat- ened gradually to become a compulsive impost; of the viola- ! Gesta Steph. p.10. Flor. Cont. p. 97. Giraldi Itiner. Cambrie, lib. i. c. 4. 2 *« Qui castellum ejusdem urbis (Glocestriz) sub comite habebat tem- pore regis Henrici, dato ei homagio et fidelitatis sacramento; nam eadem civitas caput est comitatus.”” W. Malm. p. 725. 3 Flor. Cont. p.98. Gesta Steph. p.16. Cf. p. 305. Joh. and Ric. Ha- gust. (coll. 258, 313), [who mention two barons as slain, viz. Payne fitz John and Richard fitz Roger.—T.] STEPHEN, 371 tion of the ecclesiastical immunities; in short, of everything, on account of which the clergy of those days were ever quar- relling with princes, who had to protect the interest of their governments; also of the facility with which marriages were dissolved, on which occasion it was not difficult bitterly to censure the life of the departed monarch, highly as only a few months previously he had been extolled. Stephen promised most readily to maintain the rights of the Church unimpaired, and to remedy the abuses that had crept in; but the vicissi- tudes of his reign permitted him neither to fulfil this promise, nor earnestly and vigorously to manifest an opposite disposi- tion, in a strife implicating the substance and extent of his rights. But it was necessary for Stephen to preserve the friendship of the clergy, as it early appeared but too evident, that, by his easiness of disposition and prodigality, he had lost the esteem of his Norman barons, without having succeeded in satisfying their insatiable desires. In this year, shortly after Easter, the king was attacked with lethargy, when Roger Bigot, availing himself of a report of his death, seized on the castle of Norwich, which he refused to surrender, except to the king himself, and very reluctantly to him. It seems, however, to have been conferred on him ., at a later period, as we find him styled earl of Norwich and East Anglia’. At this time there lived a knight of noble lineage and ex- tensive possessions, named Robert of Bathenton?, whose life had been chiefly passed in gluttony and drunkenness; but who, after the death of Henry, forsaking his former habits, ! H. Hunt. lib. viii. aa. 1136, 1141. R. Hoved. a.1136. Charter of 1153 ap. Rymer.: “ Norwic.......... tertium denarium, unde Hugo Bygotus comes est.” 2 The Badentone (Baentone) of Domesday, foll. 1005, 101, in Devon- shire. ‘ Robertus de Baentone,” in that county, occurs in the Rotul. magn. pip, pp. 153, 154, Bb 372 STEPHEN. had gathered round him a band of lawless followers, and was become the terror of the neighbouring country. When at length, having done homage to Stephen, it was expected that he would desist from his depredations, he became only more cruel and hostile. Being cited before the king’s court, to answer for his misdeeds, he appeared sad, as one conscious of his perjury and perfidy. When accused by those whose property he had plundered, he was found guilty, and sen- tenced to deliver up his castle, and place all his possessions at the king’s disposal. In the king’s resolution to send an _ armed foree, accompanied by Robert himself, to take posses- sion of the castle, the wily knight, with a cheerful, smiling countenance, expressed his concurrence, while in his mind he was devising how he might deceive the soldiers, and retain possession of his castle. On reaching a country dwelling be- longing to him, he gave orders for a sumptuous refection, with wine in abundance, to be served to his escort; and when all after their good cheer were buried in sleep, Robert quietly mounted his horse and made his escape. Having strongly fortified his castle, he wandered from place to place, at times lurking in concealment, at others joining the king’s enemies, and at last died a miserable death among strangers. On being apprized that the retainers of Robert were continuing the game of plunder and destruction, the king proceeded without delay to Bathenton, to which he laid close siege. One night during the siege, a wretched man, in an attempt at flight, by letting himself down from the wall, was captured by the watch, and conducted to the king, who commanded him to be hanged in sight of the whole garrison, declaring that all should undergo a similar punishment, unless the cas- tle were forthwith surrendered. It was surrendered accord- ingly. Having thus got possession of the place, Stephen ban- ished its defenders from the realm, who, it is said, found an asylum with the king of Scotland’. 1 Gesta Stephani, p. 18. STEPHEN. 373 The rebellion of Robert of Bathenton had hardly been quelled, when intelligence was brought to the king, that Baldwin of Redvers, a powerful baron of illustrious family in the west of England, had entered Exeter with an armed force, seized on the castle, and threatened with destruction by fire and sword all who did not appear favourable to his views. In compliance with the prayer of the citizens, the king immediately despatched two hundred horse to their aid, who were speedily followed by the king himself, at the head of a body of troops, who fortunately arrived at the moment when the insurgents, irritated with the citizens for having applied to the king, had issued from the castle, for the pur- pose of plundering and burning the city. Baldwin now, with his family and adherents, retired to the castle, which he had strongly garrisoned, and whence he made frequent sallies on the royal forces, while the king, on the other hand, left un- employed no means of annoying his adversary, and forcing him to surrender. In the meantime the castle of Plympton, belonging to Baldwin, was treacherously delivered to the king by its garrison, and levelled to the earth. The rest also of the rebels, seeing the desperate state of things, submitted, in the guise of suppliants, to the royal mercy, with the soli- tary exception of Alfred fitz Joel’, a man of note, and the intimate friend of Baldwin. Finding his castle too extended and weak, and unprovided with a sufficient garrison, this faithful adherent abandoned it, and his brother, with a strong band, proceeded to Exeter, where he and his followers, pre- tending to come in aid of the king, dispersed themselves among the royal forces. Here he soon found means to ap- prize Baldwin’s people of his arrival, who, sallying forth, ex- ultingly conducted him and his followers back with them into the castle, in the sight of the king and his army, But, fortunately for Stephen, water now failed the garrison, their wells were dried up. So great was the extremity, to 1 Twice mentioned in Rotul. magn. pipe, under Devonshire, pp. 153, 158. 374 STEPHEN. which they were thereby reduced, that in making bread, and for culinary purposes, they were obliged to use wine; even the torches and other fires, cast by the besiegers into the place, for the purpose of destroying their enginery and habi- tations, they had no means of quenching but by wine, until at length not a drop remained either of wine or water. In this their sad necessity, the besieged offered terms of capi- tulation, but which Stephen, by the advice of his brother Henry, bishop of Winchester, refused, who, seeing the at- tenuated condition of the two deputies, felt convinced that in a very short time the garrison must surrender at discretion. The wife of Baldwin also, bare-footed, with disheveled hair, and bathed in tears, appeared before the king, but with no better success. At last, at the intercession of his barons, Stephen allowed the besieged to march out with their effects, and to attach themselves to any lord they might choose. But Baldwin himself fled to the Isle of Wight, where he possessed a beautiful and strong castle, whence, having manned a large vessel with pirates, he hoped to make booty of the merchant- ships trading between England and Normandy, and otherwise cause every annoyance in his power. Stephen, however, being apprized of his designs, was speedily in pursuit of him, and, on his arrival at Southampton, where he had ordered a fleet to be equipped, Baldwin, taken by surprise at the rapidity of the king, appeared as a suppliant before him. He had, it ap- pears, ascertained that the supply of water in his castle was insufficient for the number of its inmates. Failing to obtain the restoration of his possessions in England, he sought and found an asylum with the count of Anjou, from whom he of course met with a most welcome reception, whence he ceased not from intriguing against the king by exciting dissensions in Normandy, to which he was in great measure instigated by the countess Matilda, the daughter of Henry!. 1 Gesta Stephani, pp. 20 sqq. Flor. Cont. a.1135. Joh. and Ric. Ha- gust. a. 1136. STEPHEN. 375 The autumn of this year, which the king passed at the royal residence of Brampton in Huntingdonshire, for the sake of amusing himself, like his predecessors, with the pleasures of the chase, and the following year, which he began at Dun- stable!, and concluded with a residence of nine months in France?, were, with the exception of his latter years, for England the only tranquil periods of his unhappy reign. In March (1137) the long-delayed visit to Normandy was carried into effect, which duchy, in consequence of the disunion exist- ing under Stephen, had, to the prejudice of the reigning sove- reign, entirely lost the character of the chief and hereditary state, which in after times, unquestionably to the great ad- vantage of England, it never recovered. Count Geoffrey of An- jou, in alliance with the countsof Poitiers, Ponthieu, and others, had, in the preceding year, made an inroad into Normandy, but met with no favourable disposition towards him. The atrocities perpetrated by his army, on which was bestowed the opprobrious appellation of Hilibecs, or Guiribecs, excited the most intense hatred, and so universal a rising of the Nor- mans against the intruders, that they soon found themselves compelled to abandon the country. In May Stephen had an interview with the king of France, who invested him with the duchy of Normandy, on conditions similar to those on which it had been held by Henry, and was content with the homage of Stephen’s son, Eustace’. Yet in no public document does Stephen bear the title of Duke of Normandy, a circumstance which, in conjunction 1 H. Hunt. aa. 1136, 1121. Rotul. magn. pipe, mention these royal residences, also those at Hallingbury in Essex, Woodstock, and Windsor. See pp. 44, 100, 57, 58, etc. 128, 122, 126, etc. 2 Flor. Cont. aa. 1137 and 1138. 3 Ord. Vital. pp. 905 sg. This appellation adhered to the troops of Anjou till a later period. Vita B. Ulfrici ap. Bollandi Acta Sanct. Feb. 20. “Ingressus est Angliam Henricus, Normanniz dux, cum exercitu homi- num, quos vulgus appellat Hirebellos.” 4 Ord. Vital. p.909. H. Hunt. a. 1137. 376 STEPHEN. with the unquestionable investiture, appears inexplicable’. Some rebellious barons were quelled by the potent arm of Stephen, new investitures were bestowed; yet was the king unable completely to humble Geoffrey of Anjou. The insolent presumption and violences of the Flemings in the king’s ser- vice, particularly of William of Ypres, who ventured on an attempt to get possession of the person of the earl of Glou- cester?, who had followed the king to Normandy, exasperated the Normans, and led to the most serious dissensions among Stephen’s adherents and army. Forsaken by a portion of his troops, when, full of ardour, he was eager to give battle to his adversary, he found himself necessitated to conclude a truce with him for three years, and to pay him annually three thousand marks*. Hardly had Stephen celebrated in tranquil splendour his Chistmas festival in England, when a rebellion and, shortly after, a storm, that had long been gathering, burst forth, which, had unity prevailed in the councils of those who raised it, must inevitably have proved his ruin. The rebellion was in its origin local, and wholly unconnected with the wars by which it was soon followed. Stephen’s predecessors had been very sparing in the conferring of earldoms, and Henry more 1 The want of this title does not appear to have been observed : Sir Har- ris Nicolas even adduces: “Stephanus, Dei gratia Dux Normannorum ;” yet neither in Rymer nor the Monasticon is such a designation to be found. [The authors of the Nouvean Traité de Diplomatique produce an instance of his having denominated himself “ Duke of Normandy.” In the legend on his great seal, Stephen certainly styled himself “‘ Dux Nor- mannorum.” The legend on the reverse of his seal was, “ Stephanus, Dei gratia Dux Normannorum.” Nicolas, Chron. of Hist. edit. 1838. p. 367. —T.] It appears also that Henry I. styled himself “ Dux Normannorum” only in some documents relating to the duchy. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 909. W. Malm. p. 710. 8 So Robert de Monte; but Ord. Vital. p.910. Rich. and Joh. Hagust. (coll. 259, 315) say that the truce was for two years only. [According to Richard of Hexham, Stephen received a large sum: “Stephano regi re- deunti de Normannia, postquam data magna pecunia a comite Andega- rensi, biennii inducias acceperat.”—T.] STEPHEN. 377 especially had exerted himself to bring into the royal hand both the revenues connected with them and the military com- mand. In the place of those deceased earls who had been appointed by his father and brother, he seldom nominated a new one; so that, with the exception of his son Robert, earl of Gloucester, we find, in the year 1131, only the earls of Chester and Leicester, the latter of whom, it seems, died shortly after. This wise policy, to which England owed so much of its peculiar character and prosperity, was not imi- tated by Stephen, who bestowed the privileges of earl as well | as other rewards on his adherents. When he created the — earldom of Pembroke for Gilbert of Clare, it may be supposed that the state of things in those parts required a military dignity, which, at the same time, might serve as a counter- poise to the earls of Chester in the north and east of Wales. The dignity of earl of Derby, conferred at a later period on Robert of Ferriéres (Ferrars), was the recompense of most important military services. But it is less obvious what in- duced Stephen to bestow the title of earl of Bedford on Hugh surnamed the Poor, of whom all that we know is, that he was a younger son of the once powerful Robert of Beaumont, count of Meulan!. At the same time, he bestowed on him the hand of the daughter of the deceased Simon of Beau- champ. Milo and his brother, sons of the deceased Robert of Beauchamp, who were in possession of the castle of Bed- ford, which they must surrender to the new earl, apprehensive of losing all their hereditary property, resisted the com- mands of the king. Whereupon Stephen, contrary to the advice of his brother, the bishop of Winchester, undertook the siege of Bedford, which occupied him a considerable time, until, through the bishop’s mediation, the lords of Beauchamp surrendered the fortress. Hugh the Poor received the earl- dom, but held it for a short time only, and to hear the words parodied which St. Bernard wrote of the elder count Theo- ! Ord. Vital. p, 806. 378 : STEPHEN. bald of Blois, who had taken the cross against the infidels, and afterwards became a templar; that from a count he had become a knight, and from a knight a pauper’. Stephen did not remain till the end of the siege, being com- pelled to direct his attention to the Scots, whose king, David, the son of Malcolm Canmore and brother of Matilda, Henry's first wife, and of Maria, the wife of Eustace count of Boulogne, was uncle both to the empress and to Matilda, the consort of Stephen. By his mother, Margaret, the daughter of prince Eadward and granddaughter of king Eadmund, David himself represented the eldest line of the Anglo-Saxon house. If we therefore admit that the empress, by her marriage with a Frenchman, had forfeited her claim to the crown of England, it naturally fell to David, an opinion which did not lack sup- porters?. But David declared himself faithful to the oath, in favour of his niece, the empress, which he had taken to her father, and only demanded for his son Henry the renewal of the old customary investiture of the Scottish heir apparent with Cumberland, and for himself the inheritance of his queen, the daughter of earl Waltheof, in the counties of Northumberland and Huntingdon. With a double army he attacked Carlisle and the towns on the border of Northum- berland, Carham and Norham, and, after a fruitless attempt to take Bamborough, he gained the towns of Alnwick and ' Gesta Stephani, p. 30. Ord. Vital. p.915. Flor. Wigorn., H. Hunt. a.1138. My interpretation of the saying assumes that for the senseless “ Rogerium de comite”’ of the ‘Gesta,’ we should read Hugonem de co- mite. [Lappenberg’s emendation is certainly very plausible; though he omits mentioning that, according to the ‘Gesta,’ the castle was retaken: “Sed quanto tunc humiliores et depressiores, tanto, aliquantillo elapso tempore, elatiores et acerbiores, ad ipsum castellum redeuntes, non solum illud recuperarunt, verum ipsum Rogerium de comite militem, de milite pauperem, Deo judice, ordine mirabiliter transverso, effecerunt.” The passage is very obscure, and no doubt corrupt. The text of the ‘ Gesta’ in this part is imperfect and evidently very fragmentary.—T.] 2 Palgrave, Rise and Progress, i. p. 611. + «Cum consulatu patris sui.” Ric. Hagust. a. 1136, col. 312. STEPHEN. 379 Newcastle, in the beginning of the year 1136. From the principal inhabitants he exacted ar oath of fealty to Matilda and hostages. Before, however, he could advance to Durham, Stephen, with a strong army, had already arrived at that city (5th Feb.)', and David considered the event of a battle so doubtful, and Stephen’s readiness to acknowledge the specific Scottish interests was so strong, that, in the course of a few weeks, an agreement was concluded between the two kings, by which David’s son Henry should do homage to Stephen for the county of Cumberland, and the towns of Carlisle, Doncaster, and Huntingdon, with all their privileges, be de- livered to him2?. Stephen would not grant him Northumber- land, but promised, as it is said, to bestow it on no other, without investigating Henry’s claims in the royal court. The Scottish prince accompanied the king of England to London, where we find him partaking in the festivities of Easter. But the attentions shown him excited the displeasure of the arch- bishop of Canterbury and other English of rank, whereby Stephen’s desire of a friendly intercourse was so frustrated, that David, deeply offended, recalled his son from the royal court. No sooner had the latter, in the following year, em- barked for Normandy than the Scots renewed their attempt to get possession of Northumberland; but, at the king’s sum- mons, the Norman barons assembled in such numbers at New- castle, that when the aged Thurstan, archbishop of York, appeared at Roxburgh, as a mediator with king David, the Scots entered into an armistice until Advent, at which time Stephen returned home. In this interval it seems not improbable that the Scots entertained a deep-laid plan. The party of the old patriots, 1 Ingram makes the Scots advance to Wessington in Derbyshire. But the words of the Sax. Chron. a. 1135: “ Dauid toc to wessien him,” sig- nify, David began to disquiet him. Wessien is an error or Semi-Saxon for wessian, to vex. 2 Ric. and John Hagust. (coll. 258, 312.) H. Hunt. a, 1136. 380 STEPHEN. or of the subjugated Anglo-Saxon population, had, during the family dissension among the Normans, and in the absence of Stephen, greatly gained both in courage and numbers. Among these a conspiracy was formed to murder all the Nor- mans, and transfer the crown of England to the royal house of Scotland. The clergy, who, through daily intercourse with all classes, knew far better the perilous ground on which the race of the conquerors stood than did the Norman barons, (among whom the cold contempt and rugged repulsiveness towards those subject to them, which had rendered the past generation objects of hate, were but ill glossed over by the levity, debauchery, and prodigality of the present,) obtained knowledge of the secret wishes and hidden impulses of the dejected, alien-tongued Saxons. The bishop of Ely, who also conducted the temporal administration of his diocese, durst not delay communicating to the clergy and secular lords of the land the plot that had been revealed to him. As many of the conspirators as could be discovered and taken were delivered to the hangman for degrading and painful punish- ments. Many others, either not known or not betrayed, secretly left their goods and possessions, to seek an asylum in Germany; or in Scotland and Wales, probably also in Denmark, help for the restoration of the golden age of Anglo- Saxon liberty, or the laws of king Eadward'. Stephen had hardly returned to England when David’s ambassadors appeared before him, again to demand the cession of Northumberland, if he wished the truce not to be ended. They had scarcely been dismissed with a refusal, when William, son of Duncan, David’s nephew, marched into England, for the purpose of besieging Carham, on the north border of Durham, where he was joined by David and his son. His army was composed of Scots, Picts, or inhabitants ' Ord. Vital. pp. 912-915. It may seem remarkable that only a monk residing in Normandy should supply us with information on these im- portant events. STEPHEN: 381 of Galloway, of the people of Lothian and Teviotdale, Cum- brians, Northumbrian deserters, fugitive Anglo-Saxons, dis- contented Normans, even Germans, under which denomina- tion are probably to be understood Dutch and Flemings. The little border fortress, commanded by the brave Jordan of Busli, nephew of the famed general, Walter Espec, de- fended itself so well against the strong but undisciplined army of David with all its battering enginery, that, after the loss of his banner-bearer and many of his warriors, he was com- pelled*to abandon the place, and, leaving behind a portion of his troops, to proceed to Northumberland. The cruelties here perpetrated by his army on women, old men, and infants, rival the most revolting and disgraceful recorded in history of the most savage barbarians}, and appear almost incre- dible, if prince Henry really had for object the investiture of Northumberland, and David fostered hopes of the crown of England. The Scots had already crossed the Tyne, when Stephen, at the head of a numerous army, hastened to en- counter them. David’s forces rapidly retired and left Eng- land, passing again by Carham, with the object of awaiting Stephen in an ambuscade by Roxburgh, in reliance on the treachery of some Normans of rank. Stephen crossed the Tweed, but marched in another direction, laid waste a portion of the Scottish Lowlands, and, as David declined a battle, and provisions failed the English army in the wasted lands, many of which, on account of the near approach of Easter, refused to continue hostilities, he retired southwards; im- pelled probably to this step by the unfavourable accounts which he had received from England, and which induced him to intrust the further conduct of this war to his valiant and faithful barons. No sooner had king David celebrated the Easter festival than he again marched into England, and this time proceeded 1 Joh. and Ric. Hagust. (coll. 260, 316.) H. Hunt. Flor. Cont, a. 1138. 382 STEPHEN. along the sea coast as far as Newcastle. Detachments from his army were sent, for the purpose of taking Norham, a castle belonging to the bishop of Durham, and of laying waste the country around it. Another considerable detachment, under prince William, son of Duncan, had advanced into the middle of Lancashire, where at Clithero on the Ribble, they were met by the first division of the English army in four bodies. These William assailed with such impetuosity that he soon broke their ranks, and put them to flight, many being slain and many captured, as well as a great booty taken. (10th June)!. The king of Scotland himself had meanwhile advanced into Yorkshire. He had gained a powerful associate in Eustace fitz John, who, under king Henry, had maintained a high position, but had been estranged from Stephen for having deprived him of Bamborough; though he still possessed Alnwick in Northumberland and Malton in the East Riding of Yorkshire?. The Scots now obtained possession of Bam- borough, which was played into their hands, through the thoughtless wantonness of its youthful defenders. Imperious necessity now awakened all the Normans in Yorkshire to a combined and bold resistance. The aged, feeble archbishop of York, Thurstan, caused himself to be borne about on a litter, that, by his harangues, he might kindle the courage and thirst for vengeance of every one, and operate in effecting the necessary order, without which so much power only wasted itself in vain. Here were also assembled count William of Albemarle, Walter of Ghent, a pious old man near the verge of the grave; the youthful Roger of Molbrai (Moubray)3, the aged Walter Espec, who, after the loss of his only son, had 1 Joh. Hagust. a. 1138. col. 261. 2 Ibid. Ailred de Bello Standardii, col. 343. 3 This rich baron was a son of Nigel of Aubigny (de Albini), who had received from Henry I. the vast estates of the deposed Robert of Molbrai, earl of Northumberland, who ended his days in prison. W. Gemmet. viii, c. 8. Among his castles he numbered Thyrsk in Yorkshire, Burton STEPHEN. 383 founded Kirkham priory and, at a later period, the noble Cistercian abbey of Rievaux, both in Yorkshire, also that of Wardon in Bedfordshire!; William of Perci, Richard of Curci, William Fossard, Ilbert of Lacy, Robert of Brus, Bernard of Balliol—noble names, but which clearly prove to us that, even in those northern provinces, the population of which, down to the present day, show many traces of Anglo-Saxon or Anglo- Danish descent, the lords were purely Norman. These were joined by William Peverel from Nottinghamshire, and from | Derbyshire, by. Robert of Ferriéres and Geoffrey Alselin. A | general review and deliberation confirmed the confidence of. all, and reciprocal oaths were taken of immutable constancy and inviolable faith. Every one confessed to the holy fathers present, the holy eucharist was distributed, and, after a fast of three days and many works of piety, the archbishop confirmed the hearts of all, by bestowing on them his reconciliation and his blessing. Thereupon the Norman chivalry, under the protection of the Lord, to whom they had sought wholly to consecrate themselves, advanced as far as Thyrsk. Here the noble barons, Robert of Brus and Bernard of Balliol, both connected by feudal obligations with the king of Scotland, went to that prince, in the hope, by respectful but firm re- presentations, of inducing him to desist from so unholy a war, in which case they, in the name of king Stephen, promised his son the earldom of Northumberland, which was the pre- text for engaging in hostilities®. But as the Scots scornfully refused to listen to their arguments and offers, Robert of Brus in Kendal (Lonsdale, Westmoreland), Brichlawe (Brughlaw, Northumber- land), Malessart. See Rotul. magn. pipe, pp. 137, 138. 1 Monast. Anglic. v. pp. 274, 369; vi. p. 207. 2 Robert’s speech is given by Ailred, abbot of Rievaux, Bellum Stan- dardii, ap. Twysden, col. 343. [The local name of Brus (Bruis) is supposed to be from Brix, near Valognes. In John’s Itinerary (Arch. xxiv.) it is written Brus, and Brucius in the Latin legend mentioned by M. de Ger- ville (Mem. Ant. Nor. v. 318). See Taylor’s “ Master Wace,” pp. 228, 331, and Capt. Williams’ note in Gesta Henrici v. p. 120.—T.] 384 3 STEPHEN. solemnly renounced his feudal oath to the Scottish monarch for his barony in Galloway, as did Bernard of Balliol! a similar obligation, and, as free masters of their sword, returned to their own people. The army of Stephen then marched to Cuteenmoor?, near Northallerton, where they raised a tall mast on a carriage, on which were displayed the banners of the three patron saints of the north, St. Peter of York, St. John of Beverley, and St. Wilfrid of Ripon. On the summit of the mast was a cross, in the centre of which was fixed a silver pyx, containing the consecrated wafer, the personally present body of Christ, who should lead them to victory. This carriage, in the sequel, had great influence on the issue of the battle, which thence ever after bore the name of the Battle of the Standard. As the Scots approached the Eng- lish camp, Ralf Novellus, bishop of the Orkneys (22nd Aug.), the representative of Thurstan, who was suffering from sick- ness, mounting an eminence, addressed an inspiring speech to the warriors pressing around him. But yet more impressive were the words uttered by the aged leader, Walter Espec, a man of gigantic stature, with long, flowing, black locks and beard, broad, lofty forehead, all-seeing, deeply-penetrating, yet friendly eyes, in a voice betraying emotion, but clear and piercing as a trumpet?. In marshalling his army, David, with the approbation of his chief nobles, had intended to place his men at arms and archers in front, but this disposition was opposed by the Gal- wegians, who claimed, as their right, to form the van. “Why, king,” said they, “do you dread those iron tunies which you see yonder? We have sides of iron, breasts of brass, minds void of fear, whose feet know not what it is to flee, or backs to feel a wound. Of what good to the French at Clithero were their mail corselets?’ Seeing the king inclined to follow ! Written also Balliol, now Bailleul, in the dep. du Nord.—T. 2 Chron. Mailros. 3 See it in H. Hunt, a. 1183. Ailred, Coll. 337, sqq. STEPHEN. 385 the advice of his nobles, Malise, earl of Strathern, indig- nantly exclaimed, “ Why, king, do you yield to the wishes of these Frenchmen, not one of whom, with their armour, will go beyond me, though unarmed, in the battle to-day.” Galled by these words, the bastard Alan of Perci, a valiant soldier, turning to the earl, said, ““ You have spoken bold words, which, for your life you cannot make good.” To end the altercation, David granted the place of honour to the men of Galloway, while the second body, consisting of the men at arms and the archers, with whom were joined the men of Cumberland and Teviotdale, was led by the king’s son, with whom was associated Eustace fitz John. The third body was formed of the men of Lothian and the isles. As a guard, the king retained with himself the Scots and natives of Mur- ray, together with some English and French cavalry'. The great superiority in number of the Scottish army ren- dered it a point of vital importance to withstand their first violent, wild onset. The Normans, therefore, for the most part, dismounting from their horses, which at the savage howl of the Galwegians might become restive, joined them- selves with the archers of the first body; the rest assembled round the holy banner. The Picts of Galloway now advanced with an appalling howl, vociferating thrice their war-cry, ‘ Al- baneigh,’ and succeeded, by their numberless, well-directed arrows, in breaking the first line of the English armed with spears?. The latter, however, soon recovered their order, the 1 Ailved, col. 342. 2 Ailred Riev. col. 345. Bromton, col. 1027. [The following lofty lines, describing the discomfiture of the Scots, are highly graphic : “Scotti vero dum grassando efferant immaniter, Ad congressum belli primum terga vertunt pariter ; Truces quoque Gawedenses tremebundi fugiunt, Et quas prius extulerunt caudis nates comprimunt. * * ae * * * Verum Angli fugientes ut amentes barbaros Insequuntur, atque sternunt ut canes lepusculos. Tunc abjecta manticarum mole cum viatico, ce 386 STEPHEN. weak arrows of the almost naked Picts were broken on the strong armour of the Normans, and when the latter fell among them with the sword, great havoc ensued, and the English archers made them safe objects for their missiles. But the valiant Prince Henry soon reunited them, and with a lion’s courage rushed through the affrighted body of Eng- lish, until he reached the spot, behind the order of the battle, where the horses were stationed. A feeling of dejection now began to spread itself among the Normans, when one of them raising on high the head of a slain enemy, declared it to be that of the king of Scotland, and by this device inspired his fellows with fresh courage and led them against the Picts, who were soon overthrown. The men also of Lothian, whose leader, in the first onslaught, had been slain by an arrow, now fled in consternation. King David still endeavoured to advance, but succeeded in gathering round him only so many of his men as to enable him, in firm order, and defending himself against the pursuing English, to reach Carlisle. Prince Henry, who, through his violent onset had fallen in the midst of the English, with great presence of mind mingled with the host of the pursuing victors, and thus contrived to escape unnoticed. Eleven thousand Scots are said to have fallen on the field of battle, besides those who were after- wards slain in the flight, in conflict with the Picts and pea- santry ', and through divers mistakes by their own fellows or, in the woods and fields were massacred by the English. The Nor- mans lost no knight of eminence, excepting a brother of Ibert Plus timore sunt repleti quam pane vel caseo. Seminantur hinc per agros panes atque casei, Crudze carnes et illote velut canis usui. Utrum enim crudam carnem sive coctam comedant, Nil differre sed utramque licitam existimant. Nec equina carne vesci minus ducunt licitum, Quam eorum que mugitum prebent animalium.” Serlo Monachus, ap. Twysden, col. 331.—T.] ! Ricard. Hagust. col. 323. STEPHEN. 387 of Lacy. Some of them took Malton, the castle of the traitor Eustace fitz John. The army then speedily dissolved itself, and a vast booty was carried home by individuals, consisting of armour, habits, ete. The banners taken were consecrated to the saints in various churches. Stephen, greatly rejoiced at the intelligence of this victory, appointed William of Albe- marle to be earl in Yorkshire, and Robert of Ferriéres to be earl in Derbyshire. King David, not yet weary of war, re- sumed, though in vain, the siege of Carham. The papal legate Alberic, bishop of Ostia, who had been an eyewitness of the havoc made by the Scots in the north of England, was so shocked at the scene, that on his knees he implored the Scottish monarch to listen to terms of peace; but David, who clearly saw that, notwithstanding his recent defeat, his cause was stronger than that of Stephen now pressed on all sides, would only consent to a truce of two months, promising, how- ever, that all the captured- females, who had been sent as slaves into Scotland, should be released and conducted to Carlisle ; also that churches should thenceforth be respected. After the departure of the legate, in the following year (9th April 1188), a peace was concluded at Durham, the con- ditions of which were to Stephen as unfavourable as if the battle of the Standard had never been fought. Prince Henry received Northumberland, and the barons of the earldom took the.oath of homage to him. For the towns of Bamborough and Newcastle, which Stephen retained, an ample compensa- tion was promised to the Scottish prince in a southern county. The laws promulgated by king Henry for Northumberland were to be held inviolate, and five sons of Scottish earls de- livered to Stephen as hostages for peace and fidelity, during life, on the part of king David and his son. The latter then proceeded to the residence of Stephen, where he passed the summer in all the splendour he could command!. 1 According to the Auctarium Gemblac. a. 1138, Stephen, in the beginning of his war with the Scots, had also another enemy to encounter, The ce 2 388 STEPHEN. At the same time, Stephen had also many minor contests with his rebellious subjects in the southern and western parts of his kingdom. From a council held at Northampton he proceeded to Gloucester, by the joyful inhabitants of which he was met at a distance of five miles, and where his con- stable Milo, towards whom the king must naturally entertain considerable mistrust, on the following day conducted him to the public hall, where the citizens swore to him the oath of fealty. From Gloucester, Stephen marched against Geoffrey Talbot, who with deadly hate towards him, headed an insur- rection of many of the barons of those parts!. Talbot had strongly fortified the castle of Hereford, of which the king, only after a considerable loss of time, obtained possession. He next attacked Geoffrey himself in his castle at Weobley, which he captured, although Geoffrey effected his escape, and which, as well as Hereford, was soon strongly garrisoned with royal forces?. While the king was thus engaged, a Norman herald appeared in his camp, who announced to him that Robert earl of Gloucester, renounced his friendship and allegi- ance, and declared void the oath of homage he had taken to him; since Stephen had violated all his earlier oaths in favour of his sister, the widowed empress. Stephen could hardly be surprised at this proceeding on the part of earl Robert, whom, Danish king, Eric Lamb, had been inspired with the belief that he had juster pretensions to the crown of England, that had been worn by Cnut and his sons, than those Frenchified Normans, pretensions which he himself must have regarded as weak, when he deemed it necessary to support them by the extraordinary and unheard of argument, that the common washing of his own and the English coast by the German ocean gave him the prefer- able right. Stephen did not instantly attack the Danes who had landed, but allowing them to disperse in search of booty, fell upon their isolated parties, and thus succeeded in breaking their power, and driving them, back. It is striking that no Danish nor English writer makes mention of this expedition; at the same time we should hardly be justified in wholly omitting the account of the Belgian contemporary. 1 Flor. Wigorn. Contin. a. 1138. Ord. Vital. p. 917. 2 Thid. STEPHEN. 389 as his deadliest foe, he had endeavoured to remove through the murderous hand of William of Ypres'; he was, neverthe- less, bitterly indignant and declared the earl to have forfeited all his possessions in England. Many of his castles were accordingly demolished, Bristol and Slede castle alone being left to the earl, or could not immediately be’ taken?. The rebellious barons had garrisoned and fortified many castles. Walkelin Maminot was at Dover, which was soon taken pos- session of by the queen?; Robert, son of Alured of Lincoln, held the castles of Wareham and Morguan‘+; Walkelin held that of Oakham, and William of Moiun (Mohun), Dunster castle in Somersetshire®; William Peverel was in possession of the towns of Brunam, Ellesmere, Obreton (Overton ?), and Wintenton’?; William Louvel of Castle Cary in Somerset- shire’; William fitz John of Harptree in Somersetshire? ; 1 W. Malm. p.710. 2 R. Wendover, ii. p. 222. [who calls it Leedes castle. H. Hunt. a.1138. —T.] It leads to a very erroneous representation of events, when Lingard, under the year 1140, names Gloucester, Canterbury, and Dover, as places in which the standard of Matilda was first raised. 3-H. Hunt. R. Wend. Ord. Vital. p. 917. 4H. Hunt. R. Wend. Ord. Vital. Qu. Margam? 5 Ord. Vital. [This was Walkelin, or Vauquelin, of Ferriéres, near Ber- nay. ‘On voit encore l’emplacement du chateau de cette famille, entouré d’énormes fossés. Sa mouvance était trés étendue. Les seigneurs de Ferriéres prenaient, probablement & cause de l’ancienneté et de l’import- ance primitive de leurs forges, le titre de premiers barons fossiers de Nor- mandie.”’ Note of M. Prevost. “ Walcheline held Oakham.” Lib. Rub. Scace. tit. Rotel. (Rutland).—T.] 6 H. Hunt. R. Wend. Ord. Vital. “Will. de Moiont.” Rot. magn. pipe, p. 108. His grandfather of the same name fought at Hastings, Rom. de Rou, v. 13620. Gesta Steph. p. 52. Ellis, Introd. ii. p. 355, 7 Ord. Vital. [Brunn in Cambridgeshire was given by Henry I. to the father of Wm. Peverel. Wintenton is, no doubt, Whittenton, near Oswestre. Here was a castle of the fitz Warines, but before them, a possession of Peverel. Dugdale, Baronage, i. 432, 443.—T. 8 Flor. Cont. a. 1138. Ord. Vital. R. Wend. ii. p. 222. 9 Flor. Cont. a. 1138. Ord. Vital. Gesta Steph. p.43. Rot. magn. pipe, pp. 13, 15. 390 STEPHEN. William fitz Alan had garrisoned the castle of Shrewsbury! ; Paganel held Ludlow, and Eustace fitz John, Melton>. But the head quarters of Stephen’s enemies were at Bristol, which “earl Robert had caused to be strongly fortified and stored with provisions. From this city the Norman knights made frequent inroads on the peaceful and innocent inhabi- tants, and, with barbarous violence and horrible engines of torture, wrung from them their money and other property. A kinsman of the earl of Gloucester, named Philip Gai, is branded as the inventor of those instruments with which, in a short time, the castle of every one of these knightly robbers was provided3. According to a contemporary account, ‘‘some of the victims were suspended by the feet and smoked with a foul smoke, others by the thumbs or the head, while burning was applied to their feet; about the heads of others knotted cords were bound so that they penetrated to the brain. Some were cast into prisons, in which were adders, snakes, and toads, and thus destroyed; some were placed in a “ crucet-his,” that is, a short, narrow, shallow chest, in which sharp stones were laid: into this the man was pressed so that all his limbs were broken. In many of these castles were instruments of torture called a “lad and grim,” which were a sort of collars for the neck, so heavy that it was not without difficulty two or three men could bear one. This was thus applied: being fastened to a beam, the sharp iron was placed round the man’s throat and neck, so that he could neither sit, nor lie, nor sleep, but must bear all the weight of the iron*. These 1 H. Hunt. R. Wend. 2 Tbid. 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1138. 4 Sax. Chron. a. 1137. The entire passage, with all its corruptions, is as follows: ‘‘Me henged up bi pe fet an smoked heom mid ful smoke; me henged bi pe bumbes, ober bi be hefed, and henged bryniges on her fet. Me dide cnotted strenges abuton here hued, and uury%en to pet it geede to be hernes. Hi diden heom in quarterne bar nadres and snakes and pades weron inne, and drapen heom swa. Sume hi diden in crucethus, bat is in an ceste pat was scort and nareu and undep, and dide scerpe stanes ber inne, and prengde be man peer inne, bat hi braecon alle be limes. In mani of fe castles weron lof and grim, bat weeron sachenteges bat twa STEPHEN. 391 miscreants caused also many thousands to perish by hunger ; and this appalling state of things continued for nineteen years. They levied contributions on the villages, and when the wretched people had no more to give, they plundered and burned all the villages, so that a man might travel for a whole day without finding a human being in a village or the land tilled. A dearth naturally followed; many perished of hunger, many went a begging who had previously been rich oder bre men hadden onoh to beron onne; bat wes swa maced, pat is feestned to an beom, and diden an scerp iren abuton pa mannes prote and his hals, bat he ne mihte nowiderwardes ne sitten, ne lien, ne slepen, oc beron al bat iren.”’ Although not without diffidence, I will venture to suggest that, by sub- stituting 148 for lof, and rachenteges (correctly racenteagas) for the un- meaning sachenteges, blunders may be removed from the above which have puzzled and misled Bp. Gibson, Sharon Turner, and the Drs. Ingram, Lin- gard, and Lappenberg, who have imagined an instrument of torture called a sachentege. “La and grim” (hateful and grim), I understand to be a nickname, by which the iron collar was usually called by the Saxon population. Racenteagas (sing. racenteah), I take to be a compound of raca (hraca) neck and teah, pret. of teén, to draw, drag; the compound may therefore be rendered a drag-neck, and not as the name of an engine of torture, which, as I have stated, was called a “1a5 and grim.” The similitude between the A. S. y and p renders the emendation all but certain. In the A. 8. Gospels we find: Mar. v. 3. “hine nan man mid racenteagum ne mihte gebindan,” and Luc. vili. 29. “he wes mid racen- teagum gebunden.” A typographical error in the Edinburgh Review, closely resembling the above, was also attended with like consequences. It was there said: ‘‘ The Hindoos have some very savage customs, which it would be desirable to abolish. Some swing on hooks, some run kimes through their hands, and widows burn themselves, etc. In a work entitled “ Strictures on two cri- tiques in the Edin. Rev.” etc. the author, John Styles, is particularly severe on the reviewer for not being more shocked at the Hindoos for piercing their hands with kimes. “This,” says Sydney Smith, “is rather an unfair mode of alarming his readers with the idea of some unknown instrument.” But, to the great dismay of Mr. Styles, “‘a kime is neither more nor less than a false print in the E. Review for a knife, and from this blunder of the printer has Mr. 8. manufactured this Daedalian instrument of torture called a kime! We were at first nearly persuaded by his arguments against kimes........ but we looked in the errata, and found Mr. Styles to be always Mr. Styles.” Sydney Smith’s works 1854, vol. 1. p, 252.—T. 392 STEPHEN. men, others fied from the land. Neither church nor church- yard was spared by these plunderers. So great, in fact, was the general misery that men said publicly that Christ and his saints were asleep '.” The adherents of Matilda in Bristol deeming it desirable to gain possession also of Bath, a body of them marched forth one day at early dawn, provided with ladders and other things necessary for scaling the wall. On reaching a certain valley they halted, awaiting the return of their chiefs who had pre- ceded the others, for the purpose of reconnoitering the place. These, consisting of Geoffrey Talbot, his kinsman Gilbert of Lacy, and William Hoset, while cautiously, as they thought, making the circuit of the city, were suddenly met by a body of the bishop’s soldiers. Gilbert, through his greater energy and presence of mind, effected his escape, but Geoffrey was captured, loaded with fetters and cast into a dungeon. On his return, Gilbert related to his comrades what had taken place, who thereupon unanimously resolved to proceed forth- with to Bath, where they sent for the bishop, engaging them- selves by oath for his safe egress and return; though no sooner was the prelate in their power than, laying hands on him, they threatened to hang him, unless Geoffrey were in- stantly restored to them. In this dilemma the bishop had no alternative but to release his captive?. The outrages perpetrated at this time by the inhabitants of Bristol were such as to call forth the immediate attention of the king. Not only was the neighbouring country a prey to their depredations, but even distant parts of the kingdom were not exempt from their plunderings and abductions. On being apprized of this state of things, Stephen summoned a force and forthwith proceeded to Bath, where he was met 1 Sax. Chron. a. 1137. Gesta Stephani, p. 41. ? Gesta Steph. p. 39. Flor. Wigorn. Contin. a. 1138. [I have given the account of Talbot’s capture chiefly from the Gesta, in preference to any other authority, as being more circumstantial, and is, moreover, that of a contemporary.—T, STEPHEN. 393 without the city by the bishop, who, on being severely reproved by the king for having released his enemy Talbot, sueceeded in appeasing the angry monarch, by representing to him the risk he incurred of perishing at the gallows, had he persisted in retaining his captive in custody. Stephen thereupon pro- ceeded to survey the city, the walls of which he ordered to be heightened, and forts to be erected on the declivity, supplied with a sufficient force, as a check to the marauders of Bristol, to which city, with the intention of besieging it, he then directed his march. He here consulted with his barons as to the most effectual means of gaining possession of the place, when some advised the obstruction to the entrance of the port, where it was narrowest, by casting in vast masses of stone, turf, and timber, so that the course of the two rivers being stopped, their waters might form a lake and inundate the city. Others recommended the erection of forts on two sides of the place, thereby hindering all egress and ingress ; while those who, although in Stephen’s army, secretly favoured the earl of Gloucester, expressed as theif opinion, that such labours would prove futile, and that the masses thus thrown into the water would be carried away by the violence of the stream. Listening to this last opinion, Stephen abandoned the siege of Bristol, after plundering and devastating the surrounding country, and directed his course towards Castle Cary and Harptree, of which the one, as we have seen, was held by Ralf Louvel, the other by William fitz John. Both these barons were united to the earl by ties of friendship and by the oath of vassalage, so that no sooner were they apprized of his intention to take arms against the king than they were ready to join him. In the belief that Stephen was engaged in a tedious siege, they laid waste and plundered all the neighbouring country; but the king soon appeared before Castle Cary, to which he laid close siege, casting fire and in- cessant showers of stones from his balistas into the place, till 394 STEPHEN. at length, their provisions also beginning to fail, the castle ‘was compelled to surrender. From Castle Cary Stephen proceeded to Harptree, before which he caused a fort to be _ erected, and which he manned from the garrison at Bath. Some time after, when passing by the castle, with the inten- tion of laying siege to Bristol, the garrison issued forth and attacked his rear; whereupon Stephen making a rapid retro- grade movement with his cavalry, found the place nearly deserted. Commanding then fire to be applied to the gates, and scaling ladders and other engines to the walls, he soon reduced the remainder of the garrison to deliver up the castle!. Thence he proceeded to the siege of Dudley castle, which Ralf Paganel had fortified against him, where having laid waste all around him, he directed his march to Shrews- bury, the castle of which was held by William fitz Alan, who, when apprized of the king’s approach, clandestinely fled with his wife and children, leaving those behind him who had bound themselves by oath not to surrender the castle. Having besieged it for many days in vain, Stephen caused a vast pile -of wood to be raised in the castle ditch and set on fire, the smoke from which nearly stifled those within the place. The gate at the same time being forced, the garrison, miserably crawling or falling from the castle wall, took to flight, but were pursued and put to the sword by the king’s order; Arnulf of Hesdin, the uncle of fitz Alan, and four of the nobler among them he ordered to be hanged. From Shrews- bury Stephen returned to Wareham. On a mutual exchange of promises, a pacific arrangement was, for a time, entered into with Ralf Paganel?. Walkelin Maminot, whom the queen with an army had vainly besieged in Dover, while her friends from Boulogne endeavoured to cut off all supplies by ! Gesta Steph. pp. 42 sqq. 2 Flor. Wigorn. Contin. a. 1138. H. Hunt. Ord. Vital. p-917. Ern, of Esding held Chivelai (Cheveley?) in Wiltshire. Rot. magn. pipe, p. 18. STEPHEN. 395 sea, on hearing what had taken place at Shrewsbury, resolved on surrendering this key of England’. These successes and the yet more fortunate events in Northumberland seem to have lulled the zeal of Stephen in prosecuting the war against the rebels. We hear, however, of the capture, about Christmas, of the castle of Slede?. After the peace concluded at Durham, Stephen, accompanied by the Scottish prince Henry, proceeded against Ludlow, where the prince was dragged from his horse by an iron hook, and would have been taken, had not the king nobly rescued him from the enemy. Abandoning the siege of Ludlow, after leaving garrisons well supplied with provisions in two forts that had been erected against the place, Stephen directed his march towards London, having with difficulty succeeded in repressing sanguinary feuds among the besiegers?. A worse presage for the stability of Stephen’s reign than the open hostility of those barons, to whose natural condition of existence, in the absence of a war, such an excitement seemed indispensable, while the work of quelling them gained for the king military fame together with a new and, as it were, a conqueror’s right to the crown, was the equivocal conduct of Roger bishop of Salisbury and his nephews, Alex- ander bishop of Lincoln, and Nigel bishop of Ely. As Henry’s chancellor, bishop Roger had accumulated vast riches, and, although enjoying under Stephen some of the highest offices in the state, was, nevertheless, supplying the castles of Devizes, Sherborne, Malmesbury, and Salisbury®, which he ! Ord. Vital. p.917. H. Hunt. a. 1138. 2 H. Hunt. a. 1139. 3 Flor. Wigorn. Contin. a. 1139. 4 Alexander had also built a castle at Newark on Trent, “ad tutamen, ut dicebat, et dignitatem episcopii.””’ W. Malm. p.715.—T. ® « Rogerius, qui edificiorum constructione magnanimum se videri vellet, plura apud Scireburnam, et apud Divisas multum terrarum edificiis amplexus, turritas moles erexerat. Apud Malmesbiriam in ipso ccemeterio, ab ecclesia principali vix jactu lapidis, castellum inchoaverat. Castellum Salesbiriz, quod cum regii juris proprium esset, ab Henrico rege impetra- tum, muro cinctum custodia sue attraxerat.’’ W. Malm. p.715,—T. 396 STEPHEN. had erected, with provisions and warlike munitions for the service of Matilda, whose cause he had clandestinely espoused, and with whom he was in secret correspondence. In daily ex- pectation of the arrival of Matilda and the earl of Gloucester from Normandy, Roger never went abroad, not even to court, unattended by a numerous body of knights and friends, thus holding himself ever in readiness to succour the enemies of Stephen. Following the example of their uncle, the bishops of Lincoln and Ely, who are described as proud men, regard- less of the pure and simple dictates of Christianity, and wholly | given to secular pomp, never attended the court without ex- citing the admiration of the multitude by the splendour of the armed train which accompanied them. This dazzling and martial display on the part of the three prelates raised the indignation of the count of Meulan and other friends and adherents of the king. They accused them of enjoying their preeminence in the realm, their wealth and power for their own vainglory and gratification, not for the honour of the sovereign; of raising splendid castles and towers, not to secure the kingdom to the king, but to deprive him of his royal dignity; it would therefore be advisable and expedient to order their arrest, that they might be compelled to surrender into the hands of the sovereign their castles and every other source of discord; for if the king would consent to deliver them into custody, as violators of his peace, until they had delivered up their fortresses, and rendered to Ceesar the things that were Cesar’s, both he himself would be more secure and the realm more tranquil. To these representa- tions, from time to time renewed, Stephen was at length induced to yield. On the 24th June (1189) an assembly of the siclentibes of the kingdom was held at Oxford, which was attended by the three bishops in their usual state!. Here a quarrel, insti- 1 Malmesbury (p. 716), who heard the bishop of Sarum’s words on the occasion, informs us that that prelate obeyed the summons to attend with STEPHEN. 397 gated by the count of Meulan and other adherents of Stephen, broke out between the retainers of the king and those be- longing to the bishops, in which many of the latter were killed and the rest dispersed. ‘The bishops themselves, being apprized of what had taken place, were, it is said, meditating flight, when a band of armed satellites appearing, arrested the bishops of Salisbury and Lincoln and hurried them into the presence of the king. But the bishop of Ely, having in- telligence of what was passing, succeeded in effecting his escape, and took refuge in his uncle’s castle of Devizes, where he prepared for a vigorous resistance !. On receipt of this intelligence the king immediately adopted measures for gaining possession of the castles of the three bishops. Taking with him, therefore, the two other prelates under strict custody, he proceeded to Devizes, the castle of which is described as a structure of extraordinary strength and beauty. By the king’s order, the captive bishops were confined apart from each other in loathsome places, and rigidly kept from food, the one in the stall of a cowhouse, the other in a vile hovel. His chancellor, a son of the bishop of Salisbury, he commanded to be led forth, with a halter round his neck, threatening to hang him before the gates of the castle, unless the bishop of Ely would forthwith surrender great reluctance: he says: “Invitus valde Salesbiriensis hanc expeditio- nem incepit. Audivi etenim eum dicentem verba in hanc sententiam : ‘Per dominam meam Sanctam Mariam, nescio quo pacto, reluctatur mens mea huic itineri. Hoc scio, quod ejus utilitatis ero in curia, cujus est equinus pullus in pugna.’’’—T. 1 With the above account from the Gesta, that given by the continuator of Florence (erroneously under 1138) nearly agrees: “ On seeing which (their military parade), the king suspecting treason, ordered his people to arm themselves and, if necessary, to hold themselves ready to defend him. While he was treating on various matters with the bishops, a great tumult arose, on the subject of lodging, between the retainers of the two parties, when the royal retainers rushing to arms, the episcopal ones took to flight, leaving their equipage behind them. The bishops of Salisbury and Lin- coln were taken, together with the son of bp. Roger, surnamed ‘de Pau- pere censu.’ ”—T. 398 STEPHEN. the place and admit the royal forces. The bishops now over- whelmed with the most torturing anxiety, seeing the imminent _ peril to which their lives were exposed, surrendered into the king’s hands the castles they had erected with so much care and at so vast a cost. The eastle of Devizes and the others belonging to the three prelates, together with all the munitions and treasures con- tained in them, being thus delivered to the king, the bishops, humbled, and stript of all their pomp and vainglory, descended to the administration of their ecclesiastical functions. 1 Gesta Steph. pp. 46 sgg. According to Malmesbury the quarrel be- tween the retainers in the king’s court was attended with a different re- sult; I will, therefore, give his account of the seizure of the bishops, which varies also in other particulars from that in the Gesta, which is adopted in the text :— “Then, as if fortune would seem to favour the wishes of the king, a disturbance arose, about their lodging, between the retainers of the bishops and those of Alan count of Brittany, in which the followers of Alan were put to flight and his nephew nearly killed; many also of the bishops’ men being wounded and one slain. The king, influenced by the instigators, commanded the bishops to attend and give satisfaction for the breach of his peace by their followers, by delivering up the keys of their castles as a pledge of their fidelity. The prelates, although willing to give satisfac- tion, demurred to the surrender of their castles ; whereupon the king placed them under close restraint. He thus conducted bp. Roger without chains, and his chancellor, who was nephew, or, as it was said, more than nephew of the bishop, in fetters to Devizes, for the purpose of getting possession of the castle, which had been erected at an almost boundless cost, not, as the bishop himself stated, for ornament, but in truth to the injury of the Church. This expedition was attended with the surrender of the castles of Salisbury, Sherborne, and Malmesbury, and, at the expiration of three days, that of Devizes also; the bishop having imposed on himself a fast, for the purpose of thereby moving the heart of the bishop of Ely who held it. Nor was the bishop of Lincoln more obstinate, but purchased his liberty by the surrender of Newark and Sleaford.” According to Henry of Huntingdon (a writer not remarkable for ac- curacy) the fasting was not voluntary on the bishop’s part, but enforced by the king, who had recourse to the same method of compulsion in the case of the bp. of Lincoln. His words are: “ Angarians eum jejunii tor- mento.”......‘ Rex inde rediens Alexandrum episcopum Lincoliensem, quem dimiserat in captione apud Oxinefordiam, duxit secum ad Newer- STEPHEN. 399 This bold measure on the part of Stephen was viewed in diametrically opposite lights. By some it was said that the bishops were justly deprived of the castles, which they had erected in defiance of the prohibition of the canons; that they ought to be preachers of peace, not builders of structures that might serve as asylums to criminals. Such was the opinion entertained and eloquently defended by Stephen's firm friend, Hugh archbishop of Rouen. Others, on the contrary, among whom was the king’s brother, Henry bishop of Winchester, maintained, that if bishops swerved from the path of right, judgment on them was not of the king but of the canons; that without a public ecclesiastical council, they ought not to be deprived of any possession; that the king had not acted from any love of right, but solely for his own advantage, by not restoring the castles to the churches, at whose cost and on whose lands they were erected, but grant- ing them to laymen, who made little account of religion. Finding that his words were unheeded by the king, he sum- moned him to answer for his conduct before a council, which he appointed to be held on the 29th August. On that day, Theobald archbishop of Canterbury and almost all the bishops assembled at Winchester, where, after reading the decree of pope Innocent IJ., conferring on him the legatine authority, the bishop of Winchester addressed the meeting in a Latin speech, in which he expressed his indignation at the seizure of the bishops of Salisbury and Lincoln, the former of whom had been arrested in an apart- cam. Ibique construxerat episcopus super flumen Trente, in loco amee- nissimo, vernantissimum florida compositione castellum. Vix igitur epi- scopus lachrymis et precibus a suis obtinere potuit ut castrum suum a jure suo in extraneorum custodiam deponerent. Similiter redditum est castellum aliud ejus, quod vocatur Slaforde, néque forma neque situ a pre- dicto secundum.” According to Orderic (p.919), the castle of Devizes was occupied by Maud of Ramsbury, the bishop’s concubine and mother of Roger the chancellor.—T. 400 STEPHEN. ment of the king, the latter in his inn, while the bishop of Ely, fearing a similar fate, had saved himself only by a preci- pitate flight to Devizes; and terminating his harangue by in- forming them that Stephen, after his repeated exhortations to atone for the outrage, had manifested no objection to the summoning of a council. He therefore called on the arch- bishop and others to deliberate as to the steps necessary to be taken, adding that, although brother to the king, yet neither from fraternal affection, nor for the loss of his posses- sions, nor even of his life, would he fail in the execution of their decree. While the legate was thus speaking the king sent some of his earls into the assembly, to inquire why he had been cited ? They were answered by the legate, that it ill beseemed. any one, who remembered he was a follower of the faith of Christ, to be indignant if summoned by the ministers of Christ to atone for a crime such as the age had never witnessed ; that the king would act wisely if he would either justify his deed, or submit to a canonical sentence; that it was his duty to show favour to the Church, by whose support, and not with the aid of an army, he had been raised to the kingdom. The . earls thereupon departed, and shortly after returned, accom- panied by Aubrey of Vere’, a man well skilled in legal know- ledge. He reported the king’s answer, and with his utmost power, yet abstaining from all violence of language, aggra- vated the cause of bishop Roger. The king, he said, had suffered numberless injuries at the hands of that bishop, who rarely came to court, but his followers, presuming on his power, raised a tumult; as recently at Oxford they had assailed the men and even the nephew of count Alan of 1 Rot. magn. pipz, passim. He founded the priory of Hatfield Regis about a. 1135. Monast. Angl. iv. p. 432. As chamberlain he appears in a charter a. 1136, ap. Rymer, i. p.16. He was slain in London in an insurrection of the people. See Chron. Joh. de Burgo, a. 1141, ap Sparke, Hist. Ang]. Seriptt. STEPHEN. 401 Brittany, also the retainers of Hervé of Leon, a man of such high nobility and pride, that he had never gratified the wish expressed by king Henry, that he would visit England; that the violence thus offered to him tended greatly to the preju- dice of king Stephen, through regard for whom he had visited England; that, on account of an old grudge, the bishop of Lincoln had excited his followers against count Alan; that the bishop of Salisbury secretly favoured the king’s enemies, though for a time he had succeeded in dissembling his trea- chery, a fact of which the king had certain knowledge from many quarters; though more especially from his refusal to permit Roger of Mortimer, with the king’s soldiers under his command, although standing in great peril from the garrison of Bristol, to remain one night in Malmesbury. It was, moreover, the talk of every one, that, as soon as the empress landed, he and his nephews and castles would be at her dis- posal ; that Roger was not arrested as a bishop, but as a servant of the king, who had the administration of his affairs and received his pay’; that the king had not seized the castles by violence, but that both bishops had gladly sur- rendered them, to escape from the consequences of having excited a riot in the king’s court; that the money found by the king in the castles was lawfully his own, as bishop Roger, in the time of king Henry, had amassed it from the returns of the royal revenue; both that and his castles he had de- livered up from fear of the consequences of his acts against the king. At these words of Aubrey, bishop Roger loudly exclaimed : that he had never been an official of king Stephen nor re- ceived his wages, and, moreover, threatened, that if in that council justice were not done him, with respect to what had been taken from him, he would seek it in a higher court. On this the legate mildly observed: that it would have been 1 Ut regis serviens, qui et procurationes ejus administraret et solidatas acciperet.”” W. Malm. p. 722. pd 402 STEPHEN. more decent to have inquired whether the charges against the bishops were true than, in contravention of the canons, to pronounce sentence on the innocent. Let the king, there- fore, do that which is the usage in legal cases; let him restore their property to the bishops ; as by the law of the land, per- sons disseized are under no obligation to plead. At the king’s request, the proceedings were now postponed till the morrow, and then again till the arrival of the arch- bishop of Rouen on the day following. That prelate expressed his readiness to grant that bishops might possess castles, if only it could be shown that, according to the canons, they might lawfully possess them; but as that was impossible, it was the extreme of impiety to act contrary to the canons. “And,” added he, “ even supposing it lawful to possess them; yet in such perilous times, following the usage in other nations, the magnates of the realm ought to deliver up the keys of their fortresses to the king, whose duty it is to strive for the peace of all. Thus is the entire plea of the bishops quashed ; for either according to the decrees of the canons, it is illegal for them to hold castles, or, if by the indulgence of the prince such illegality is tolerated, they ought to yield to the neces- sity of the times and deliver up the keys.” Aubrey then concluded by saying: it had reached the ears of the king that the bishops were holding out threats and preparing to send some of their number to Rome, to plead against him. “And this,” added he, “ the king advises you not to do; beeause if any one, contrary to his will and the dignity of the realm, departs from England, he may, perhaps, find it difficult to return. Moreover the king feeling himself aggrieved, spon- taneously appeals against you to Rome.” The council was then dissolved, the king refusing to submit to the censure prescribed by the canons, and the bishops not deeming it prudent to pronounce any judgment on him, either because they thought it hazardous to excommunicate a prince without the papal sanction, or because they had heard, and STEPHEN. 403 some also had seen, that swords were being drawn around them. Nevertheless, the legate and archbishop Theobald, making a last effort in fulfilment of what they deemed their duty, cast themselves at the king’s feet, and implored him to have pity on the Church, on his own soul and reputation, nor suffer dissension between the sovereignty and priesthood. Their attempt was fruitless !. It would seem, however, that, to appease the clergy, Ste- phen submitted to a sort of penance, by divesting himself of the royal habit and expressing his contrition for the violence of which he had been guilty2. At this time, William of Mohun, a man of noble lineage, raised a powerful opposition to the authority of Stephen, and from the fair and strong castle of Dunster, which he had erected on the coast of the Bristol channel, in Somersetshire, in which he had assembled a considerable body of knights and soldiers, laid waste and plundered the surrounding country far and near, putting to the sword, carrying off, and burning all and everything offering resistance, and inflicting tortures on those who were suspected of possessing wealth; in fact, renewing those horrors, of which so appalling a recital has been already given. When intelligence of these enormities reached the ears of the king, he speedily raised a large force for their repression ; but on arriving before the castle, and viewing its formidable defences, it being on one side washed by the sea, on the others guarded by its walls and towers, by outworks and intrenchments, he despaired of taking it by assault, and, listening to the advice of others, caused a fort to be erected 1 W. Malm. pp. 719, sqq. 2 Gesta Steph. p.51. “Sed quia ab omni clero juste provisum, et dis- crete fuit dijudicatum, nulla ratione in christos Domini manus posse im- mittere, ecclesiastici rigoris duritiam humilitatis subjectione mollivit, habitumque regalem exutus, gemensque animo, et contritus spiritu, com- missi sententiam humiliter suscepit.”—T. pd2g 404 STEPHEN. in face of the fortress, whence he could hold it in check and give greater security to the surrounding country. Being then summoned to other parts, he delegated his authority to Henry of Tracy, a soldier of approved valour and experience, enjoining him vigorously and incessantly to assail the enemy. Nor, in the absence of the king, was Tracy backward in ful- filling the orders he had received, but from his town of Barn- staple carried on the warfare with such energy, that not alone did he repress the predatory excursions of the garrison, but on one occasion captured a hundred and four knights, in an en- counter of cavalry, and reduced Mohun himself to such straits, and so humbled him, that he ceased from further hostilities against him, and restored to the land a comparative degree of tranquillity, and immunity from all cause of disquietude’. But William of Mohun was not the only one whom the vigour of Tracy reduced to obedience ; other disturbers also of the public peace, among whom William fitz Odo was espe- cially conspicuous, he forced to submit to the king’s authority. After having in various conflicts weakened the power of this turbulent noble, Henry of Tracy received intelligence from his spies that the castle of his adversary was deserted by its defenders, who had sallied forth on a plundering expedition. Proceeding then to the castle in the silence of the night, and eluding the watch, he caused lighted torches to be cast through the windows of a tower, whereby the interior habi- tations were soon wrapped in flames, and its lord, half burnt, together with all his treasure was carried off by Tracy, who also, on other occasions, gave proofs of his zealous attachment to the cause of Stephen?. During this state of disquietude into which the country was plunged, Baldwin of Redvers, who, as we have seen, had been passing his life in exile, landed with a considerable body of followers at Wareham, whence he proceeded to Corfe 1 Gesta Stephani, p. 52. 2 Tb. p. 53. STEPHEN. 405 castle, where he prepared to oppose a stout resistance to the king, of whose speedy approach he had received reports. These reports were well founded, for the king was no sooner apprized of his landing than, summoning his friends, he at once proceeded to lay siege to the castle, where after passing a considerable time, in expectation of overcoming his enemy, either by means of his military engines or by hunger, he at length, yielding to the advice of his followers, raised the siege, and allowed Baldwin to withdraw unmolested. What prompted Stephen to this apparently imprudent step was the intelli- gence that the earl of Gloucester and his sister, the countess of Anjou, having united their forces, were on the eve of in- vading England, against a sudden surprise from whom he commanded the entrance of all the ports to be closely watched, both by day and night, deeming it more prudent and at the same time more desirable to frustrate with all his might the designs of his principal enemies, than, by directing his efforts solely against Baldwin, to run the risk of being circumvented by others}. While the king’s attention was thus distracted, the whole country was plunged into a state of consternation, by the in- telligence that, on the 30th Sept., the earl of Gloucester and his sister, accompanied by Guy of Sableuil and a body of a hundred and forty knights, had landed on the coast of Sus- sex”, and had found an asylum in the castle of Arundel, be- longing to William of Aubigny (Albini), who had married Adela, the queen dowager, and step-mother of the empress?. ! Gesta Stephani, p. 54. 2 Flor. Contin. a.1139, asserts that she landed at Portsmouth on the Ist Aug., while the king was besieging Marlborough. Robert de Monte also says: mense Augusto transierunt in Angliam. H. Hunt. also says: in autumno, and John of Hexham speaks of the landing at the close of the year 1139. 3 Robert de Monte. Ord. Vital. p. 920. [Arundel castle was possessed by William of Aubigny in right of his wife, on whom, together with the earl- dom, it had been bestowed, “ pro dote” by Henry I. R. Wendover, ii. p. 227.—T.] 406 STEPHEN. At this intelligence, the minds of men were impelled in oppo- site directions, those who favoured the cause of Matilda ap- pearing more alert, and more eager to embarrass the king, while those of his party were depressed and thunderstricken. The king alone stood unshaken amid all the wars and dissen- sions in which he was involved, and without a moment’s delay, placing himself at the head of a body of tried veterans, unex- pectedly appeared before the castle of Arundel, where, on receiving intelligence from his scouts that the earl with his followers! had, in the silence of the night, withdrawn from the castle, and was gone in the direction of Bristol, there to place himself at the head of ten thousand Welsh and other adversaries of the king?, but that Matilda with her Angevin followers was still in the castle, leaving a portion of his force to prevent her escape, he directed all his efforts to the capture of the earl. In this design, however, he was frustrated, as Robert, avoiding the beaten road and following a devious course, succeeded with his friends in reaching Bristol safely. Stephen thereupon hastened back to resume the siege of the castle. By the chronicler of Stephen’s acts we are told, that the bishop of Winchester, on hearing of the arrival of the earl and his sister, caused all the by-ways to be occupied by soldiers, and having by this means met with the earl, he entered into a compact of peace and amity with him, and allowed him to depart without let or injury. Such was the common report, though as the chronicler adds, it must appear not only doubtful but incredible to every thinking person, that a brother should meet with the kiss of peace the invader of his brother’s kingdom. The bishop then, as if he had not met with the earl, and accompanied by a numerous body of knights, joined the king. On finding that his brother was resolved on prosecuting the siege with vigour, he pronounced that resolution both useless to the king and not grateful to ' Not more than twelve knights. W. Malm. p. 725. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 920. STEPHEN. 407 the kingdom; for if he undertook to besiege the countess in one part of England, her brother would forthwith raise an insurrection in another; it would, consequently, be more ad- visable, both for himself and the realm, to permit her without molestation to join her brother, so that the forces of both being confined in one spot, he could the more easily direct all his efforts to their destruction, and would be the better enabled to pursue them with his whole power. Stephen im- prudently followed this advice, and, pledges being given and received, permitted the countess to join her brother. The shortness of Matilda’s sojourn at Arundel may, however, partly at least, have been caused by the unwillingness of her step-mother to afford her longer entertainment, notwithstand- ing the repeated promises transmitted to her while residing in Normandy'. Besides the permission so imprudently granted, Stephen, with equal, if not greater imprudence, assigned to the countess, as an escort, his brother Henry with Waleram count of Meulan?. By the latter she was not attended be- yond Calne, but the bishop accompanied her until she was met by her brother with an armed force, who conducted her to Bristol. Ou reaching Bristol she gave notice of her arrival to all the barons of the realm, imploring their aid, to some promising gifts, to others an augmentation of their lands. All those, therefore, who had only feigned adherence to the royal cause, breaking their oaths of homage and fealty, hast- ened to her standard. She afterwards withdrew to Gloucester, the castle of which was held, under earl Robert, by Milo the constable, from the time of king Henry?. To recount all the vicissitudes, as far as any memorials of them have been preserved, of the petty warfare which from 1 « Noverca fceminea levitate fidem, totiens etiam missis in Normanniamn nunciis promissam, fefellerat.”” W. Malm. p. 725. See also Flor. Contin. p- 137. 2 According to Malmesbury (p.725), it was not the custom of praise- worthy knights to refuse an escort even to their bitterest enemy. 3 Gesta Stephani, p. 56, and entea p. 323 note. 408 STEPHEN. this time to nearly the close of Stephen’s reign never ceased, would be neither interesting nor instructive ; we will, there- fore, limit ourselves to a brief notice of the principal oceur- rences that took place in the course of it. Among the foremost who declared in favour of Matilda was Brian fitz Count?, of whom slight mention has been already made. On receiving intelligence of her arrival, he forthwith supplied his strong castle of Wallingford with a numerous garrison, and rose in open and zealous rebellion against the king Milo of Gloucester, also, in violation of his oath to Stephen, rose in open rebellion against him, and giving an asylum to all the enemies of the king who flocked to him, desolated the surrounding counties. But Stephen, rising above the torrents of adversity which threatened to over- whelm him, collected his forces with the resolution of attack- ing his foes in detail; in prosecution of which, his first inten- tion was to blockade the castle of Wallingford, but from which he was diverted by the counsel of his barons, founded on the vast strength of the place and its stores both of war- like munitions and all the necessaries of life. Far more ad- visable, added they, would it be to erect two forts before it, placing in them a number of men sufficient to continue the blockade, and proceed immediately to the suppression of other adversaries. Following this counsel, Stephen caused two forts to be erected before the place, and with all speed proceeded to Trowbridge, which Humphrey of Bohun2, the late king’s con- stable, had, by the advice and at the instigation of Milo, rendered almost impregnable. On his march thither he was 1 See pp. 364, 369. 2 E de Bohon li vieil Onfrei. Rom. de Rou, v. 13584. ‘* Onfroi, seigneur de Bohon, 4 deux lieues au midi de Carentan. On y voit encore la motte du chateau de cette famille, qui aprés la conquéte posséda long temps le titre de connétable héréditaire d’ Angleterre, et four- nit plusieurs comtes de Hereford, d’Essex et de Northampton.” Note of M. Prevost.—T. STEPHEN. 409 so fortunate as to take by assault the castle of Cerney, which Milo, for rebellious purposes, had erected against him ; and also gained by surrender the strong castle of Malmesbury, in which he captured, together with his followers, Robert fitz Hubert, a Fleming, and kinsman of William of Ypres, noto- rious for his cruelty and unequalled atrocities!. But now for a season his good fortune forsook him ; for while on his march to Trowbridge, Milo with a chosen band made an attack by night on the forts erected by Stephen at Walling- ford, and forced the garrisons to surrender. In the opinion of his chronicler, Stephen drew down this disaster on himself, for having desecrated a church, by converting it into one of his forts. In prosecution of his success against the royal forces, Milo now gathered around him at Gloucester all those whose pos- sessions had been laid waste by, or from other causes were hostile to, the king (a. 1140), whence he committed the most horrible devastations over the surrounding country. But his only deeds worthy of remembrance were the capture of those castles which the king had erected in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, the garrisons of which perpetrated unheard-of outrages on the peaceful inhabitants. Of these, some he over- threw, as at Cerney and Hereford ; others he committed to the keeping of his partisans, as at Winchcombe. To the praise of Milo be it however spoken, that his fidelity to the daughter of Henry was unshaken ; with him both herself and friends found an hospitable asylum; nor did he cease from acting towards her as a father and counsellor until, by the capture of Stephen, he had made her queen of England. In 1 Robert fitz Hubert had gained possession of the castle by nightly surprise, at the same time setting fire to the town. He enjoyed his ac- quisition for a fortnight only. W. Malm. p. 726. <‘ Captivos melle litos flagrantissimo sole nudos sub divo exponebat, muscas et id genus animalia ad eos compungendum irritans.”” Ib. p. 733.—T. 2 Dr. Lingard passes from the year 1139 to 1141, thus unaccountably omitting all the events of 1140.—T. 410 STEPHEN. the meantime the king had arrived before Trowbridge, where finding the fortifications of the most formidable character, he toiled on the construction of vast and powerful machines for the capture of the place; but the garrison withstood his efforts, while his barons grew weary of the siege, being under constant apprehension of the approach of the earl of Glou- cester. Stephen thereupon resolved on returning to London, leaving a military force at Devizes, to hold the garrison of Trowbridge in check, by whose incursions and mutual hos- tilities the whole surrounding country was soon converted into a miserable desert'. Stephen next proceeded to Worcester, which had sustained considerable damage from the army at Gloucester, where he deprived Milo of the office of constable, and bestowed it on William, the sheriff of Worcester, son of Walter of Beauchamp?. The death of the bishop of Salisbury, which took place in the preceding year (Dec. 11th, 1139), was, no doubt, a for- tunate event for Stephen, as thereby many causes of dissen- sion might more easily be removed, and the never wholly alienated favourable disposition of the clergy towards him rendered more available. Bishop Roger commenced his career by gaining the favour of prince Henry, whose scanty finances he administered with so much prudence and frugality, that, on ascending the throne, there seemed nothing, or very little that Henry could deny him. Lands, churches, prebends, _ abbeys were bestowed on him; he was raised to the dignity of chancellor and, lastly, to the see of Salisbury. It was now that his real character began more manifestly to display itself. If any land lay contiguous to his own, which he was desirous of adding to his possessions, he obtained it, if not by entreaty or money, by violence. He gloried in the erection of splendid edifices in all his possessions. In his latter years, however, as 1 Gesta Stephani, pp. 58, sq. 2 Flor. Wigorn, Contin. a. 1139, where it is said that Stephen went from Oxford to Worcester.—T. STEPHEN. 411 we have seen, misfortunes thickened upon him; he saw the plunder of his treasures, himself overwhelmed with reproaches before the council at Winchester, and the remnant of his money and plate, which he had laid on the altar for the pur- pose of completing his church, carried off against his will’. From Woreester the king proceeded to Oxford, and thence, with his court, to Salisbury, there to celebrate Christmas and wear his crown, according to royal custom. Here the canons presented him with two thousand pounds of silver, in return for which he granted them an exemption from all imposts on their lands, besides twenty marks for their own use, and forty for the covering of their church, moreover promising them that, if he obtained peace, he would restore what they had given him?. When the bishop of Ely received intelligence of his uncle’s death, he resolved on executing that which he had long medi- tated— vengeance on the king for the injury he had inflicted on his relative, by aiding to the utmost of his power the daughter of Henry in her struggle for the throne. Casting 1 As Malmesbury (p. 727) appears to speak very impartially and in no flattering strain of his bishop, I have preferred his account to that of the author of the Gesta, who (p. 62) says of Roger: “qui sicut divitiarum gloria, prudentisque animi ingenio omnes regni magnates superavit, ita a luxuria fractus, et prorsus enervatus, quicquid in se virtutis continuit sola sorduit immunditia. Reliquit autem in ecclesia Salesbiriz infinitam num- morum quantitatem, sed et vasa plurima ductili aurificum opere, ista ex argento, illa ex auro artiste et gloriose celata; que omnia in usus regis cesserunt........ Rex vero partem pecuniz ad ecclesiam cooperiendam, partem ad canonicorum relevandam necessitatem indulsit, terrasque eccle- siarum et possessiones, quas episcopus in proprios usus redegerat, deque dominabus, sublatis pastoribus, ancillas effecerat, libere et ecclesiastice ipsis ecclesiis reddidit, pastoribusque canonice inthronizatis, duas ecclesias, Malmesbiriensem et Abbesbiriensem, ut fuerant antiquitus, splendide re- stauravit.” According to the Continuator of Florence (p. 113) the bishop’s wealth that fell to Stephen consisted of 40,000 marks of silver, besides a large quantity of gold and ornaments, which Roger “ thesaurizavit, et iz- noravit cui congregavit ea.”—T. 2 Flor. Wigorn, Contin. a. 1140. 412 STEPHEN. away, therefore, all evangelical weapons, and abandoning the warfare of ecclesiastical discipline, he put on the man of blood, and having hired soldiers in Ely inured to deeds of violence, became the terror of all around him. When informed of the rebellion of the bishop, the king immediately hastened to Ely, at the head of a considerable force, when, seeing the extraor- dinary natural strength of the place, he held anxious council with his followers, as to the best method of attack. It was finally resolved to join a number of boats together in a part where the water, which surrounded the isle, appeared shallow, and form a bridge across them composed of hurdles. This plan was executed, and the army reached the margin of the isle, consisting of muddy fens, over which a ford was pointed out to them by, it is said, a monk of Ely, who for that service was made abbot of Ramsey. The king then advancing into the interior of the isle, permitted his soldiery to disperse themselves and plunder in all directions. Of the bishop’s men some were taken, together with much valuable spoil. A small castle also at the entrance of the isle, to which some soldiers of the bishop had retired, was captured. The bishop him- self with difficulty escaped to Gloucester!; but the monks were treated by Stephen with that unalterable kindness of feeling which, in the midst: of all his troubles, he ever pre- served*. Hence his contemporaries and even tradition? have justly separated Stephen’s individuality from the cruelties committed during his reign, which, moreover, were for the most part perpetrated by his enemies. It was at this moment so critical for Stephen's stability that the young king of France, Lewis VII., who could not regard with satisfaction the advancement of the house of 1 Gesta Stephani, p. 63. - 2 Gesta Steph. p.64. Ricardi Hist. Eliens. ap. Wharton, Anglia Sacra, ul. p. 620. : 3 As in the old ballad: “ King Stephen was a worthy peere.”’ See Percy’s Reliques, and Shakspere, Othello, Act IL. sc. 3. STEPHEN. 413 Anjou, did not hesitate (Feb. 1140) to betroth his sister Constance to Stephen’s son Eustace!. While the queen, with a numerous assemblage of the barons of both realms, was in France, enjoying the festivities consequent on this occasion, Stephen wholly unexpected appeared in Cornwall, where William fitz Richard, on whom he had conferred the government of that province, had, in traitorous violation of his oath, received into one of the royal castles Reginald of Dunstanvile, an illegitimate son of the late king, had given him his daughter in marriage®, and delivered the entire county into his hands. But no sooner did Reginald find himself possessed of power than he began to bend all things to his will, to strengthen the castles throughout the county, and grievously to oppress the adherents of the king in his proximity, sparing neither churches nor church property, whereby he drew on himself the penalty of excommunication by the bishop of Exeter. When apprized of this state of things in Cornwall, Stephen, as we have said, unexpectedly appeared in that province, where, having recovered the castles that had been seized by Reginald, he improvidently committed them to the keeping of count Alan of Brittany, a man notorious for craft and cruelty, charging him to prosecute the contest with Reginald, until he had driven him from the county. On receipt of the intelligence that Stephen had entered Cornwall, great was the joy of earl Robert and his adherents at Gloucester, founded on the persuasion that, shut up in that remote county, and separated from the main body of his army, it would be no difficult task to attack and overcome him. Uaving, there- 1 Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a.1140. H. Hunt. a.1139. After the death of Eustace she gave her hand to Raimond V. count of Toulouse. Eustace had in his early days been betrothed to a daughter of Diederik count of Flanders; so at least we are informed by Orderic, p. 916. 2 She afterwards lost her reason: ‘ Uxor illius furiis agitata, non sim- plicem in ejus amplexus sexum, sed dirum et horrendum offerebat daemo- nium.” Gesta Steph. p. 65.—T. 414 STEPHEN. fore, collected a numerous body of soldiers, Robert was hast- ening towards Cornwall, when the unexpected and unwelcome intelligence reached him, that the king had not only quelled the rebellion, but was close at hand, on his return, at the head of a most powerful force. The fact was, that Stephen, apprized of Robert’s movements, had summoned to his aid all the barons of Devonshire, and made preparations to join in battle with his adversary on that same day. And a battle would have ensued, had not Robert, yielding to the advice of his friends, made a speedy retreat towards Bristol. On his return from Cornwall, the king destroyed many lawless castles, thus completely clearing and tranquillizing those parts that had long suffered under the tyranny of their possessors!. But isolated deeds of valour and military prowess were at this time of little avail, as a spirit of anarchy was predomi- nant, which defied and threatened to destroy the leaders of both parties. To what insecurity in the law, to what ex- travagant projects and wild undertakings such a revolutionary state of things gave birth, may be conceived from the follow- ing example. Robert fitz Hubert, a mercenary of the earl of Gloucester, whose exploit at Malmesbury has been already noticed’, having with some of his countrymen clandestinely withdrawn from the earl’s army, succeeded by the aid of ladders made of leather, in scaling the walls of the strong castle of Devizes (Mar. 26, 1140), then garrisoned by the royal forces. Having eluded the watch, he surprised and captured the sleeping garrison, with the exception of a few who, on hearing the tumult, sought refuge in a lofty tower ; but being without sustenance or succour, were, in a few days, compelled to surrender. When the intelligence of this event reached the earl of Gloucester, he sent his son, at the head of a large force, in support of Robert’s daring enterprise; but the Fleming re- ceived him with insult, drove him from the gates, and con- ! Gesta Stephani, p. 66. “ adulterina castella.”’ 2 See p. 409. STEPHEN. 415 temptuously sent him back to his father, saying, that as he had won the castle so he would hold it. In fact, he here carried into effect what he had failed to accomplish at Malmes- bury, not only maintaining himself in the place, but gradually reducing all the neighbouring country under his power, in furtherance of which purpose he sent for soldiers from Flan- ders. At this time the neighbouring castle of Marlborough was held against the king by a certain John fitz Gilbert, a man as crafty and unscrupulous as Robert himself. To this person Robert sent messengers, proposing a friendly league between them: the proposal was accepted, and Robert invited to visit his new ally at Marlborough. No sooner, however, had he entered the castle than the gates were closed upon him, and he was cast into a dungeon, there to perish by hunger and torture. Of his followers some were taken and thrown into the same dungeon with their lord ; the others were ignominiously driven to the gates of Devizes. When apprized of what had taken place, the earl of Glou- cester, accompanied by the ex-constable Milo, proceeded to Marlborough and promised five hundred marks for the de- livery of Robert into his hands, engaging to render him back within a fortnight. To this proposal John acceded, and the earl, with Robert in his custody, returned to Gloucester. When required to surrender the castle of Devizes, Robert refused, on the plea of the oath he. and his associates had sworn, never to deliver up the place; but on being threatened with the gallows, he promised compliance, provided his life were spared. On the day fixed, he was conducted back to Marlborough, when the earl, having related all that had passed between them, proposed to proceed with Robert to Devizes, promising that if the castle were surrendered, to place it under John’s authority. To this proposal John assented ; but in the meanwhile sent letters secretly to Robert’s friends at Devizes, in which he swore that neither himself nor the earl meditated injury to Robert ; and, at the 416 STEPHEN. same time, exhorted them to keep their oath by holding out to the last extremity. Leaving Mito and others before De- vizes, earl Robert then returned to Gloucester, previously, however, commanding them to hang Robert, if he refused to surrender the castle. As was to be expected, Robert and his followers refused, and the end of the affair was, that his two nephews first and himself afterwards forfeited their lives at the gallows. The adherents of Robert, notwithstanding their oath, finally consented to deliver up the place to the king, for a considerable sum of money, who intrusted the custody of it to his son-in-law, Hervé the Breton’. Although in these wars the chief and immediate sufferers were generally the combatants themselves, there were, never- theless, occurrences that fell heavily on the rising burgher class. The rich town of Nottingham, which had been spared from harm in every preceding civil strife since the Conquest, and in which industry and commerce preeminently flourished, was, at the suggestion of Ralf Paganel, attacked and plundered by the earl of Gloucester, the inhabitants fleeing to the churches for refuge. While the work of plunder was in progress, one of its most opulent inhabitants was seized and led strongly bound to his dwelling, where he was compelled to deliver up his treasures. Conducting the plunderers into a vault, in which his wealth was deposited, he clandestinely withdrew from them, closing all the doors and every means of egress, and then set fire to the dwelling. More than thirty persons are said to have perished in the vault ; it was even asserted that from that house the fire spread until the whole town became a prey to the devouring clement. Of the inhabitants those who were without the churches were carried away cap- tives; those who had sought shelter within the sacred struc- tures, men, women, and children, perished in the general conflagration |. ) Gesta. Steph. p. 66. Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a. 1140. 2 Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a. 1140. STEPHEN. 417 While weak was the feeling of consideration and good-will which the party of the empress had been able to excite, the court of Stephen exhibited a series of ever increasing dissen- sions, throughout which the king allowed himself to be guided more by personal favour than by higher aspirations for the unity and quiet of his realm. The choice of a new bishop of Salisbury gave birth to acrimonious disputes. The legate bishop of Winchester demanded the vacant see for his young nephew, Henry of Sully, but, failing to obtain it, withdrew from the court highly exasperated. Stephen strove to pacify him, by bestowing on the nephew the rich abbey of Fécamp ; but, at the instance of count Waleram of Meulan, he desired the bishopric for his chancellor, Philip of Harulfeour, arch- deacon of Bayeux, an appointment to which the legate and clergy in general offered so strong an opposition, that the see of Bayeux was at length bestowed on Philip, while that of Salisbury for some years continued vacant, until it was given to Joscelyn of Bailleul’. This transaction so alienated the hearts of the clergy from Stephen, that when he celebrated the festival of Whitsuntide in the Tower of London, one prelate only, the bishop of Séez: appeared at his court?. A negotiation for peace (May 26) was now set on foot at Bath, conducted on the part of the empress by her brother, the earl of Gloucester, while Stephen was represented by his untrustworthy brother, with whom the queen and archbishop were associated, for the sake probably of keeping a watch over him. The legate, in the following September, went to France, where he passed the months of October and November, with the object of gaining over to his views the French mon- arch Lewis, Theobald count of Blois, and a number of the clergy. The proposals he brought back were, as was to be '! Ord. Vital. p. 920. Flor. Cont. a. 1140. 2 W. Malm. p. 734. “ ceteri vel fastidierunt vel timuerunt venire.”’ Ee@ 418 STEPHEN. foreseen, such as the empress readily accepted, but which the king could not but totally reject |. Stephen was now no longer blind to the difficulties of his position, and spared no means of confirming the attachment of those barons who remained faithful to him. With great consideration he treated the earl Ranulf of Chester, who had married a daughter of Robert of Gloucester, as well as his brother, William of Roumare?. Ranulf had shown an ineli- nation to take advantage of the king’s difficulties by endea- vouring to establish claims on Carlisle and the south of Cumberland, and thereby excited the indignation of the generally kindly disposed prince, to a degree that it was through the queen’s mediation alone that he escaped with life’. Stephen readily forgave, and, at Christmas, had left his deeply indebted and, as he imagined, well-disposed vassal quiet at Lincoln’. After a few days, however, while the garrison of the castle were diverting themselves without the walls, the wives of the two earls went to pay a visit to a lady who dwelt within it. In a short time the earl of Chester appeared, but without weapons or armour, under the pretext of escorting them home. Three of his soldiers likewise stole after him into the castle. They then speedily possessed them- selves of some weapons, drove out the few of the garrison that were left, and gave admission to William of Roumare and the rest of their associates, and from the fortress easily rendered themselves masters of the city. The bishop and citizens, dreading the new lord of the castle, instantly com- municated intelligence of what had taken place to the king >. who with his usual, though by the earl little locked-for, celerity appeared and captured seventeen of his adversary’s 1 Ibid. ' 2 Ord. Vital. p. 922. 3 Joh. Hagust. a. 1140. col. 268. 4 W. Malm. p. 739. 5 Ord. Vital. p.921. Malmesbury (p. 739) is so disingenuous that he omits all mention of the treachery of the two earls, and accuses the citizens of having betrayed them. STEPHEN. 419 knights ; but the castle was too strong to be speedily taken, however considerable the number of men brought against it. Under cover of the darkness, earl Ranulf, with some com- panions, escaped from the castle, for the purpose of seeking aid from Chester, and of having an interview with earl Robert. The latter not only lent a willing ear to earl Ranulf, who swore fealty to the empress, but resolved, on this occasion, to effect a decision of the contest, and put an end to the lament- able state of the country!. Without disclosing his intention, he caused the Welsh, the outlaws, and malcontents from all sides to march to the Trent, which, in consequence of the heavy rains, they crossed with difficulty, and, in the beginning of February, appeared unexpectedly with a considerable army before Lincoln, in front of the king. By his barons Stephen was advised to withdraw into the interior of the country; for the purpose of reinforcing his army, but heedless even of the feast of the Purification (Feb. 2.1141), be rashly resolved on a battle. He divided his army in three bodies, the first of which consisted of the Flemings, under William of Ypres, and the Bretons, under count Alan of Dinan. Opposed to these stood the Welsh, under two princely brothers, Meredith and Cadwalader, with the first division under earl Ranulf. Speeches are preserved which, as we are told, were made before the battle, by the leaders of the two.armies. Those of the earls Ranulf and Robert abound in vaunt, and vehement, if not coarse, outbreaks against the most distinguished of their adversaries, which with equal justice might have been applied to themselves?. That of Baldwin fitz Gilbert, who iW. Malm. p. 740. 2 Of all of them John of Salisbury (Polycrat. viii, 21.) says: “ Gaufri- dus (de Magnavilla), Milo, Ranulphus, Alanus, Simon (de Senlis), Gille- bertus (de Clara), non tam comitis regni quam hostes publici.” [It appears that Stephen had many traitors in his army, from the words of Orderic (p. 922), “In illo conflictu perfidia nequiter debacchata est. Nam quidam magnatorum cum paucis suorum regi comitati sunt, suorumque satellitum turmam adversariis ut prevalerent premiserunt.”—T.] re 420 STEPHEN. had undertaken to harangue the royal army, instead of the king, who was suffering from hoarseness!, enlarged judiciously and with dignity on the justice of Stephen’s cause, the suf- ficiency of their force, and the valour of his fellow warriors”. The first onset. was given by the royal forces with their missiles ; but the body of outlaws pressed so irresistibly on the foremost ranks with their swords, that the former quickly dismounted and had recourse also to their swords. But almost instantaneously their first line was broken through in many places, and the most distinguished warriors, who were too closely crowded together, were compelled to flee. Among them, after a short resistance, were count Alan and William of Ypres; but with disgraceful precipitation and cowardice, Waleram of Meulan and his brother, William of Warenne, William earl of York and Gilbert of Clare. Earl Alan of Richmond, who in latter times had, by his depreda- tions on the possessions of the bishop of Durham and the recently deceased archbishop Thurstan of York, proved him- self one of the greatest and most licentious enemies of law and order, renounced, together with his followers, before the beginning of the battle, both the king and the contest. Only a few valiant knights, Baldwin of Clare, Richard fitz Urse, Engelram of Sai, and Ilbert of Lacy, flinched not from the side of the king. Stephen himself fought with a lion’s courage; with a Norwegian battle-axe, with which a young man of Lincoln had supplied him, he prostrated every foe that approached him‘; he smashed the helmet of earl Ranulf, but without slaying him; at length he was struck by a stone which brought him to the ground’. With only three com- 1 « Quia rex festiva voce carebat.” H. Hunt. Gervas. col. 1352.—T. 2 H. Hunt. a. 1141. 3 Joh. Hagust. a. 1142 (1141). [Alan earl of Richmond is, it would seem, a distinct person from the count Alan who, with William of Ypres, commanded the first body.—T.] 4 Ord. Vital. p. 922. 5-W. Malm. p. 742. STEPHEN. 421 panions by his side, he found himself compelled to retire before the pressing enemy. A valiant knight, William of Cahaines, seized him by the helmet, and with a loud voice announced the prize he had taken. Stephen had now no alternative but to yield himself a prisoner to the earl of Gloucester. With the king were likewise taken Baldwin fitz Gilbert and Richard fitz Urse. The earl conducted his royal captive to the empress, whereupon he was consigned to du- rance in Bristol castle, lenient at first, but afterwards more rigorous, and was even loaded with chains, in consequence, it is said, of his repeated attempts to escape!. In the speedily decided conflict few, were the fallen, the number of corpses found not exceeding a hundred. A greater booty did the angel of death find among the unfortunate citizens of Lincoln. On the calamitous issue of the battle, they had to expect that the vengeance of the earl of Chester and the rapacity of his followers would be glutted to the utmost. Many consequently fled by means of the small vessels on the river, escaping from murder by voluntary exile. Owing to the pressure of the crowd, the boats, being too heavily laden, sank with their freight, and about five hundred of the citizens thus found a watery grave. Those who remained in the city and were taken fell a sacrifice to the barbarity of earl Ranulf and his well-practised myrmidons in the hangman’s art?. The consequences of the king’s captivity were, however, not so important as they would have shown themselves, had a universally favourable disposition towards the empress pre- yailed in the nation. The earls, Waleram of Meulan, William of Warenne, and Simon of Northampton, with William of Ypres, hastened to the queen who had found a safe asylum among the faithful men of Kent. Earl Ranulf gained posses- sion of some castles and treasures not belonging to him, partly 1 Tbid. Sax. Chron. a. 1141. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 922. W. Malm. p. 742. H. Hunt. a. 1141. Gervas. coll. 1350 sqq. 422 STEPHEN. by treachery, through which he got couat Alan into his power, whom, by hunger and other acts of violence, he compelled to become his vassal, and to deliver up his castles. The county of Cornwall Stephen also lost, now that Reginald’s party was in the ascendant. Count Hervé also, his son-in-law, after being long besieged in the castle of Devizes by a multitude of the peasantry, who had risen in a body against him, was at length compelled to surrender that fortress to the empress, and, with a few followers, to flee precipitately from England. And Hugh, surnamed the Poor, whom, on the expulsion of Milo of Beauchamp, the king had created earl of Bedford, a negligent and effeminate man, was now forced to restore that castle to Milo!. Among the foremost who joined the party of Matilda were Robert of Oilli and the earl of Warwick 2. The town of Nottingham was by the empress taken from William Peverel and given to William Paganel. From the knights captured vast ransoms were extorted, and in general nothing was done by the victors to conciliate esteem and gpod will8, To Matilda it now appeared desirable to gain the legate bishop of Winchester to her interests, who, in foresight and sagacity, was thought to excel all the nobles of the kingdom, while his courage and riches rendered him the most powerful. If he, she declared, would attach himself to her party, honours should await him; if, on the other hand, he proved adverse and rebellious, the whole armed force of England should be directed against him. The legate’s position was a difficult one; on the one hand, to defend the cause of the king seemed an almost hopeless task, while on the other, it was painful to himself, and must appear indecent and unnatural to others, to declare in favour of Matilda, while his brother 1 Gesta Steph. p. 73. See p. 377. ? Gesta Steph. p. 74. [where they are described as “viri molles, et de- liciis magis quam animi fortitudine affluentes.”—T.] 3 Joh. Hagust. col. 269. STEPHEN. 423 was yet living. In this dilemma he resolved to temporize, and enter on terms of peace and friendship with the enemy, thus waiting the event of things, in the hope, when an oppor- tunity presented itself, of coming forward in support of his brother!. With the legate the majority of the prelates were gained over to the party of the empress, whose indecent exultation and unbridled arrogance were alike prejudicial to her adhe- rents and her own interest. From Gloucester, where she had been so long entertained by Milo, she hastened, accompanied by the bishop of Ely and other prelates, together with many barons, to Cirencester, and thence to Winchester, where the most distinguished ecclesiastics, the nobles of her party, the mercenaries and others had assembled. The meeting took place on the 2nd of March, on the open plain near the city ; the day was wet and foggy, as if the fates foreshowed a sad vicissitude of affairs?. Here Matilda swore to the legate, that all the most important concerns of the realm, particu- larly the disposal of vacant bishoprics and abbacies, should be according to his will, if he and the holy Church would receive her as their sovereign lady and ever observe fealty to her. The same swore and vouched for her the earl of Glou- cester, Brian fitz Count marquis? of Wallingford, Milo of Glou- cester, afterwards earl of Hereford, and some others. On his part, the legate did not hesitate to acknowledge her for lady of England, and with some of his friends to engage that, so long as she held the compact inviolate, he would be faithful to her. On the following day, attended by the legate and 1 Gesta Stephani, p.74. [This is a lenient view of the legate’s case, though perhaps not altogether an unjust one, and is, moreover, from the pen of one well disposed towards Stephen, and therefore hardly inclined to favour his brother, at the expense of truth. As an ecclesiastic and re- presentative of the holy see, the legate was naturally exasperated against his brother, for his treatment of the bishops of Salisbury, Lincoln, and Ely, a consideration which, if borne in mind, may serve to explain and even palliate much of his conduct.—T. ] 2 'W. Malm. p. 743. “ moestam cause vicissitudem.”’ 3 “ marchio.” ib. 424 STEPHEN. other prelates, she went in procession to the cathedral, where the crown and the scanty treasure left there by Stephen being delivered to her, she was proclaimed queen of England, the legate cursing those who cursed her, and blessing those who blessed her. From Winchester she proceeded to Wilton, where the archbishop Theobald swore allegiance to her, which he had till then withheld, deeming it derogatory to his office and character to take that step until he had consulted and obtained a release from the king. His example was followed by the majority of the prelates and some of the laity’. A few days after (April 7th), a council of the archbishop Theobald, and all the bishops of England, with many abbots and archdeacons, was held at Winchester, at which the legate presided. With each of these orders the legate held a pri- vate conference, at which he explained to them his views and intentions®. On the following day he addressed them in a speech in which there was no lack of shallow sophistry, though adinirably adapted to his audience. He reminded them of the peaceful state of the country under the late king; how some years before his death he had caused all the bishops and barons of England and Normandy to swear fealty to his sole surviving offspring, should no male successor be borne to him by his second consort. “This was not granted to him, and he died in Normandy without male issue. To await the coming of a lady, whose departure from Nor- mandy was delayed from various causes, seemed tedious, and the peace of the country was provided for by allowing my brother to reign. Alas!” continued he, “although I became his surety before God, that he would honour and exalt the holy Church, maintain good laws, and abrogate bad ones, it grieves me to call to mind, I feel shame in uttering it, how he 1 W. Malm. p. 743. Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a. 1141. 2 Malmesbury, the substance of whose narrative is here given at full, was present at the council. He says: “ Cujus concilii actioni, quia inter- fui, integram rerum veritatem posteris non negabo.”"—T. “STEPHEN. 425 has conducted himself in the kingdom, how he has neglected to execute justice on the contumacious, how all peace, from the very beginning of his reign, has been at an end; bishops being held in captivity and compelled to deliver up their pos- sessions, abbacies sold, churches despoiled of their treasures, the counsels of the wicked listened to, those of the good either delayed, or treated with scorn. You know how often I have addressed him, both directly and through the medium of bishops; more particularly at the council lately held, and that I have thereby gained nothing but odium. To all who rightly think it will be manifest, that while it is my duty to love my brother, of far greater moment is the cause of our everlasting Father. Therefore, since God has pronounced judgment on my brother, and allowed him to fall into the hands of his adversaries, lest the realm be convulsed if it lack a ruler, I have, in virtue of my legatine authority, summoned you all to meet me here. Yesterday the subject was discussed in private before a considerable number of the clergy of England, whose province it especially is to elect and ordain princes; therefore, in the first place, invoking the divine assistance, as is meet, we choose the daughter of our late glorious king for our sovereign lady, and promise her our fealty and support.” When all present had, either by tem- perate acclamations testified their approval of the legate’s harangue, or, by holding silence, not objected to it, he added: “The citizens of London—who are, as it were, nobles, by reason of the magnitude of the city—we have summoned by our messengers, and sent them a safe-conduct, and I trust they will not defer their coming beyond this day.” On the following day the Londoners arrived, and being in- troduced, announced that they were deputed by the city of London, not in a spirit of hostility, but to pray that their lord the king might be released from his captivity. Those barons also, who had long been members of their body, but had been captured with their liege lord, earnestly besought the legate 426 STEPHEN. and the archbishop, with all the clergy present, to obtain for them their liberty. Their petition the legate answered at length, repeating the substance of his speech of the preceding day, and adding: That it ill became the Londoners, who were regarded as nobles in England, to espouse the cause of those who had forsaken their lord in battle, at whose instigation, too, he had dishonoured the holy Church, and who made a show of favouring the Londoners, merely that they might wheedle them out of their money. When the legate had ceased speaking, a certain clerk stood forward,’a chaplain, it is said, of the queen’s, named Christian, and presented a letter to him, which, having read it in silence, he returned, saying aloud, that it was not genuine, nor ought it to be read before an assemblage of such exalted and reli- gious persons; for, in addition to the objectionable matter contained in it, there was the name of a witness attached to it, who a year or two ago had, in the very chapter in which they were then sitting, applied the most opprobrious language to the venerable bishops!. The clerk was not, however, so to be daunted, but with admirable confidence read the letter to the council, the substance of which was : “ The queen earnestly entreats the clergy assembled in general, and the bishop of Winchester, the brother of her lord, in particular, to restore her said lord to his kingdom, whom wicked men, his own liege subjects, have cast into bonds.” To this letter the legate returned an answer similar in tenour to that which he had given to the Londoners, who, after having deliberated together, said they would communicate the decree of the coun- cil to their fellow-citizens, and, as far as they were able, be answerable for their good-will. On the following day, the council was dissolved, after it had excommunicated many ad- herents to the royal cause, among whom was William Martel, who had formerly been cupbearer to king Henry, but was ! The individual here alluded to was, no doubt, Aubrey of Vere. See pp. 400 sq—T. STEPHEN, 427 then sewer to Stephen. Against him the legate was bitterly incensed, for having intercepted and plundered many of his chattels’. From Wilton, where she had celebrated the Easter festival (Mar. 30)2, the empress proceeded to Reading (May 4th), where she was received with great honour. Here Robert of Oilli agreed to deliver to her the castle of Oxford, of which, ‘by the appointment of Stephen, he was constable. From Ox- ford, after having received the homage of that city and the cireumjacent country, she directed her course with great joy and exultation to St. Alban’s, where she was met by a deputa- tion of the citizens of London, with whom she entered into a compact for the delivery of the metropolis, whither, with great military pomp, she hastened, and at Westminster was received with a solemn procession. The greater part of England now acknowledged her au- thority; her brother, the earl of Gloucester, was, by every honourable means, strenuously exerting himself to promote her interest; the legate also appeared faithfully attached to her cause, but while all things seemed to promise the speedy reduction of the whole kingdom to her rule, all became changed, a storm was ready to burst over her head. For no sooner had she been proclaimed queen than her haughty and tyrannical spirit began to display itself. Those who had sub- mitted to the authority of the king, but now deemed it ad- visable to acknowledge hers, she treated with contumely, driving them with threats and insult from her presence. The lands of the few who still adhered to Stephen she distributed among her partisans, and, in general, revoked all his grants. When the king of Scotland, the legate, or the earl of Glouces- ter approached her with bended knees to solicit some object, she would not rise to receive them, and would most frequently 1 W. Malm. pp. 744. sqq. Flor. Wigorn, Cont. a. 1141. 2 According to Malmesbury, who is, no doubt, wrong, she passed the Easter-tide at Oxford.—T. 428 STEPHEN. dismiss them with a harsh denial!. By the queen she had been solicited for the release of her captive consort; many of the nobility had likewise interceded with her for the same object, engaging to deliver into her hands not only numerous hostages, but castles and other possessions, for the mere re- lease of the king, pledging themselves that, if restored to free- dom, he should renounce the crown and, as a monk or pilgrim, devote himself to the service of God alone. To these solicita- tions, as also to the prayer of the bishop of Winchester, that Stephen’s earldoms of Boulogne and Mortain might be con- ferred on his son Eustace, Matilda turned a deaf ear. When, . too, the citizens of London had lulled themselves into the | belief that peaceful and happier days awaited them, the em- press, to their dismay, in an imperious tone, exacted from the more opulent among them an immense sum of money. And when they urged that, in consequence of the dissensions in the state, in alleviating the miseries of famine which pervaded the land, and in supplying the wants of the king, they had lost a large portion of their wealth, and were in a state of impending pauperism; therefore, humbly prayed that she would have pity on their reduced condition, and not impose this onerous tax on them, but wait till more tranquil and better times should render them more able to comply with her demands, her rage knew no bounds. The Londoners, she said, had repeatedly and largely supplied the wants of the king; they had lavishly spent their money for his benefit and to her prejudice, and had conspired with her enemies; there- fore they had no right to expect that she would spare them, or make the slightest abatement of her demand?. Nor did the petition of the citizens for the restoration of the laws of king Eadward, in the stead of those of her father, which were found too oppressive, meet with a more favourable re- ception, 1 Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a. 1141. W. Malm. p. 749. Gesta Steph. p. 76. 2 Gesta Stephani, pp. 76,77. W. Malm. p. 750. $ Flor. Wigorn, Cont. a. 1141, STEPHEN. 429 When Matilda’s consort, Geoffrey of Anjou, was apprized of the victory over Stephen at Lincoln, he marched an armed force into Normandy, and summoned the holders of the royal castles there to surrender. These, however, among whom were the earls of Leicester and Meulan, as well as other Anglo-Norman nobles, had, with the king’s ancient friend, Hugh, the archbishop of Rouen, at their head, betaken them- selves to Stephen’s brother Theobald, count of Blois, for the purpose of offering him not only the dukedom of Normandy, but also the kingdom of England. But this wise and pious prinee, again declining the realm that had been a second time offered to him!, advised them to transfer the one and the other to Geoffrey, provided that prince would restore to his brother Stephen his liberty and the counties he had formerly possessed, and to himself the city of Tours which appertained to his fief 2. The queen now finding that the petitions of herself and others for the release of her consort and the grant of his counties to their son were rejected with insult, resolved on attempting to gain by force that which had been denied to her solicitations. In pursuance of this resolve, she sent a considerable military force to the south side of the river, opposite to London, with orders to harry and burn in every direction. Panic-stricken on seeing themselves thus exposed, as it were, to the horrors of war, and irritated by the tyrannic | and unfeeling conduct of the empress towards them, the citizens unanimously resolved to enter into a confederation for the re- — storation of the king to his liberty 3. While the empress was awaiting in security the answer of the Londoners to her demand, and fully confident of their compliance with her will, all the city bells at once rang out, summoning the inhabitants to rise, who thereupon rushing to arms, and inspired to a man with the bitterest animosity towards that princess, poured forth from the several gates. 1 See p. 358. 2 Ord. Vital. p. 923. 3 Gesta Stephani, p. 77. 430 STEPHEN. The empress was at the moment just sitting down to table, when, hearing the tumult, and being secretly warned that treason was plotting against her, she and those about her in- stantly sought safety in flight. Hardly had their horses left the suburban dwellings behind them, when an almost count- less multitude of people arrived at their hostels, and destroyed or carried off all that had been left by the fugitives in their hurry to escape. The barons, who had accompanied the empress in her flight, gradually forsook her on the way, de- parting in various directions. The bishop of Winchester who, according to report, was both the accomplice and -insti- gator of the insurrection, and others, bishops and knights, who had assembled at London, for the purpose of solemnly inthroning the empress, lost no time in seeking various hiding- places. Matilda herself, attended by the earl of Gloucester and a very few barons, proceeded with all speed to Oxford. The adherents of the king, thus inspired with new courage, rose in all parts against the empress. The queen, too, now in possession of London, scorning the gentleness of her sex, nobly exerted herself in gathering the partisans of the royal cause. The legate, with whom the queen had had an inter- view at Guildford, moved by her supplications, and perhaps commiserating his brother’s unhappy lot, manifested also his anxiety to devise the means of rescuing him from the miseries of a prison. But the empress shrewdly anticipating the fruits of his schemes, proceeded with a well-appointed force to ‘Winchester (Aug. Ist), in the hope of laying hands on him. While she, however, with her followers, was entering the city by one gate, the bishop, mounted on a fleet horse, passed out by another, and with all speed fled to his castle’. Having taken possession of the royal castle, Matilda sent to the bi- shop, saying, that as she was in Winchester, she trusted he 1 “Castella sua.” Gesta Steph. p.80. Hence and from what follows it appears that the bishop had one castle within, and another without the city, to the latter of which he fled on the arrival of Matilda.— TT. STEPHEN. 431 would not delay coming to her. Consulting his own safety, the bishop answered ambiguously: “I will make myself ready!;” and immediately adopted measures to gain sup- porters. On her part the empress, by an edict published throughout the realm, assembled a considerable army, and commanded the castle of the bishop which, according to a most beautiful plan, he had erected in the heart of the city, and also his mansion, which he had rendered as strong and impregnable as a castle, to be invested by a strict blockade’. On reading the names of those who supported the cause of Matilda and attended her on this occasion, it must excite our wonder how a force such as those names imply could have been so soon and so completely overcome and scattered as we shall presently see it was doomed to be. There was David, king of Scotland, who had already been twice driven out of England; there were Robert earl of Gloucester, Ranulf earl of Chester, Baldwin of Redvers earl of Exeter, Reginald earl of Cornwall, Milo of Gloucester, on whom the empress had recently conferred the earldom of Hereford? ; Roger earl of Warwick, William of Mohun, whom she had created earl of Dorset, and a Breton count named Boterel4. Of barons there were: Brian fitz Count, John Mareschal, Roger of Oilli, Roger of Nunant, William fitz Alan and others too numerous to mention, all of whom with a powerful army, col- lected from every quarter, and animated by the same spirit, marched to besiege the castle of the bishop>. The bishop, on his side, having assembled from all parts of England those barons who acknowledged the authority of the king, together with a numerous body of soldiery, marched with the utmost speed to the relief of Winchester. The queen, also, with a large force, including a band of nearly a thousand 1 « Ego parabo me.” W. Malm. p. 751. 2 Gesta Steph. pp. 78-80. W. Malm. pp. 748-750. 3 See the patent, dated July 25th 1141, the oldest on record, in Rymer. 1.19. 4 See p. 322. 5 Gesta Steph. p. 80. 432 STEPHEN. ' Londoners, armed with helmets and breast-plates, hastened . vigorously to besiege the besiegers. Others, too, intimate and faithful friends of the king, among whom are named Roger of Chastenay! and his brother William, with a well- appointed body of foot soldiers and archers, pressed hardly on one quarter of the place. Hence arose a siege of a most extraordinary kind: those engaged in assailing the episcopal castle being themselves closely besieged by the royal army. In the almost daily encounters which took place many were slain, and from the fires projected by the defenders of the castle, the greater part of the city, together with above forty churches and two abbeys?, was reduced to ashes. To add to the calamities of the inhabitants, famine soon began to pre- vail, bodies of armed men being posted on all the ways leading to the city, cutting off all supplies. As a remedy for this evil, it was resolved to erect a fort at Wherwell, about six miles distant from Winchester, whence they might annoy their adversaries, and at the same time obtain the necessary supplies. But the royalists, aware of what was in progress, made a desperate onslaught on the enemy, of whom many being slain and many captured, the rest sought safety within the walls of the abbey, where they defended themselves as in a castle, until the place being set on fire by firebrands thrown into it, the half-burnt defenders were compelled to issue forth and submit to the mercy of their assailants. The abbey was sacked and burnt, it is said, by William of Ypres, and its inmates subjected to all the atrocities consequent on such events. -1 Or Chesney (Cheney). The Latinized name is De Casneto.—T. 2 One was a house of nuns within, the other was Hide abbey, without the walls, dedicated to Aulfred’s friend, St. Grimbald, in which was a cele- brated cross, adorned with gold, silver, and precious stones, the gift of king Cnut. For a miracle performed by this cross, see W. Malm. p. 752, Flor. Wigorn. Cont. p.133. Andover was also burnt by the royalists in the course of these conflicts. The continuator of Florence and others say that the conflagration of the city was by command of the bishop, forget- ting, it seems, that he was not in the place.—T’. STEPHEN. 433 The position of the earl of Gloucester and the other ad- herents of Matilda being rendered thus desperate by fire and famine, they resolved on raising the now hopeless siege of the castle, and seeking safety in a precipitate flight (Sept. 14th)'. In prosecution of this design, the earl sent his sister forward, escorted by Reginald earl of Cornwall with the van of his army, while himself with a few of his boldest followers formed the rear-guard. But hardly had they issued from the gates when they were attacked and dispersed by a strong de- tachment of the royal army. In this encounter, the earl of Gloucester with all those about him fell into the hands of the enemy, being captured at Stockbridge by the Flemings under William of Ypres. The rout was complete; the face of all the country around bore manifest signs of the havoc made among the followers of Matilda: horses without riders were to be seen on every side, the earth was strewed with shields and corselets and every kind of weapon, together with costly robes and other articles of value. Barons and knights ap- peared fleeing in all directions, to escape from the rage and violence of the peasantry. The king of Scotland, after having been thrice captured, and as many times released by bribery, with difficulty reached his own territories. The archbishop of Canterbury, with some bishops and nobles, despoiled of their horses and garments, effected their escape with the utmost difficulty. The empress herself, with her beloved Brian fitz Count 2, and a few attendants, fled first to Ludgershall, and thence to Devizes ; from which town, not considering her- 1 According to the continuator of Florence, the siege was raised by the bishop, who, tired of the war, ordered the gates to be thrown open and peace proclaimed throughout the city. But hardly had the empress mounted her horse, when he ordered his troops to attack the retiring enemy. It must, however, be borne in mind, that the continuator was a friend of Milo, the supporter of Matilda, and that his testimony is not supported either by the author of the Gesta or by Malmesbury.—T. 2 “ut sicut sese antea mutuo et indivise dilexerant, ita nec in adversis, plurimo impediente periculo, aliquatenus separarentur.”’ Gesta Steph. p. 85. Ff 434 STEPHEN. self in security there, she continued her flight to Gloucester '. Milo, the newly created earl of Hereford, also escaped to Gloucester, in a state almost of nudity®. While these works of plunder, conflagration, and bloodshed were being enacted in various other places, the Londoners, in concert with a large body of the royal army, sacked what still remained unscathed of the unfortunate city of Winchester, breaking open and destroying not only the private dwellings of the inhabitants, but also the sacred edifices, and bearing off to their homes vast spoil, both in treasures and captives. So great was the devastation, that no one, however aged, could call to memory its parallel’. On his capture the earl of Gloucester was presented to the queen, and, by her command, consigned to the keeping of William of Ypres in the castle of Rochester. Thus were the leaders of the hostile parties each in the power of his adver- sary, and the object now of highest interest both to Matilda and the friends of Stephen was, to effect their mutual libera- tion. After some negotiation it was settled that, on leaving the queen with her son and two nobles in Bristol as hostages, the king should proceed to Winchester (Nov. Ist), whither the earl had been conducted from Rochester, and that a mutual release should there take place, leaving each to act as freely as if neither had been captured‘. The liberation of his brother must have been a source of considerable embarrassment to the bishop, who, on the oc- taves of St. Andrew (Dec. 7th), in virtue of his legatine authority convened a council at Westminster, at which he read a letter from the pope, who blamed him for having 1 The continuator of Florence (p. 134) says, that she was bound like a corpse and conveyed on a bier from Devizes to Gloucester; but the story is unsupported by the other chroniclers.—T. 2 Gesta Steph. pp. 80-85. W. Malm. pp. 750-753. Flor. Wigorn. Cont. a.1141. 3 Gesta Steph. p. 85. 4 W. Malm. p. 754. Gesta Steph. p. 85. STEPHEN. 435 neglected the release of his brother, and urged him to employ every means possible for the attainment of that object. The king, then, who was present at the council, complained bitterly that he had been captured by his own lieges, and nearly suc- cumbed under their harsh treatment, to whom he never had denied justice. Thereupon the legate rose, and strove to mitigate the odium his conduct had excited. He had, he said, acknowledged the empress, not from good-will, but ne- cessity, when, shortly after his brother’s misfortune, and at a time when all his adherents were either driven away or, with minds full of suspicion, were awaiting the event, she appeared before the walls of Winchester!; that all the engagements she had made regarding the right of churches she had vio- lated ; that he had been informed by trust-worthy authority, that she had plotted to deprive him not only of his dignity but his life; but that God in his mercy had turned events contrary to her hopes, so that himself had escaped from peril, and been able to free his brother from his bonds. He therefore commanded them, on the part of God and the pope, that they would with their utmost power aid a king anointed by the will of the people and the consent of the holy see; but to cite for excommunication those disturbers of the peace, who favoured the countess of Anjou, all excepting the lady of the Angevins herself. “T do not,” writes the old chronicler, “ say that this speech was received with favour by all, though certainly no one con- troverted it; fear or respect bridled the tongues of the clergy present.” But there was one among them, a layman, an envoy from the empress, who publicly forbade the legate, by the faith he had engaged to her, to resolve anything in that council that should be prejudicial to her honour. He more- 1 Here the text of Malmesbury seems defective.—T. 2 W. Malm, p.755. “Jubere se turbatores pacis, qui comitisse Andega- vensi faverent, ad excommunicationem vocandos, preeter eam qua Ande- gavorum domina esset.”’—T. Ff2 436 STEPHEN. over asserted that the legate had pledged himself to the em- press not to afford any aid to his brother beyond sending him twenty knights; that she had come to England in conse- quence of his repeated letters; that having captured the king, she had held him in captivity chiefly with his connivance. Although he said all this and much besides with great se- verity of tone, the weight of his words failed to move the bishop to betray the slightest sign of anger. Before the termination of the sitting the sentence of excommunication was pronounced against all who should erect new castles, invade the rights of the Church, or do violence to the poor and helpless !. An interval of inaction seems at this time to have suc- ceeded the late period of violence and bloodshed, each party being apparently more intent on holding what it possessed than on invading the possessions of its adversary. The king with his consort had gone to York, for the purpose of quelling some feuds among his vassals, and of retaining the people of the north of England in their favourable disposition towards him, when a severe illness, with which he was seized shortly after Easter (1142), at Northampton, threatened the speedy termination of his newly recovered power and his life2. The empress had fixed her temporary abode at Devizes, where, at a council, it was resolved to send for her husband, the count of Anjou, to defend and prosecute the rights of his wife and son in England. On the return of the envoys, they reported that the count was not unfavourable to the object of their mission, and that if the earl of Gloucester, whose great qualities were known to him, and who was the only one on whom he could implicitly rely, would come over to him, he would, if in his power, comply with their wishes; otherwise, in going to and fro they would spend their time and labour in vain. At the earnest solicitation of his friends, the earl undertook " W. Malm. p. 756. Gervasius, col. 1357. 2 W. Malm. p. 763. Joh. Hagust, col. 271. STEPHEN. 437 the commission and proceeded to Normandy, accompanied by hostages from among the nobles, as pledges to the count for his security, and to the empress, that during his absence they would unite as one man in defending her from all injury. On arriving at Caen the earl was met by the count, who alleged a multitude of reasons for declining to cross over to England, among others, the rebellion of several places in Normandy ; and when, with the earl’s assistance, those places were sub- dued, he was prepared with other excuses equally cogent. He readily, however, allowed his son Henry to accompany his uncle to England?. From Devizes the empress had transferred her abode to Oxford2, in the neighbourhood of which she had stationed bodies of troops and strengthened several castles, as at Woodstock, Bensington, and other places, even as far as Cirencester®. It was to the last mentioned place that Ste- phen, after his recovery, directed his march, whence, having burned the castle, he proceeded to Oxford, where the empress with a strong force was dwelling in perfect security, when, on the opposite side of the river, Stephen, at the head of his army, made his appearance, who on seeing the enemy issuing from the city in considerable numbers, while others were galling them with arrows, the river’s breadth only being between them, resolved on crossing at a known ford, but where the water was of considerable depth. Among the foremost to plunge into the stream was the king himself; having crossed it rather by swimming than wading, he rushed 1 'W. Malm. pp. 673-775. Gervas. a. 1142. 2 The author of the Gesta describes Oxford as “ Civitas tutissime mu- nita, aquis maxime profundidatis undique proluentibus inaccessa; hine vallis antemuralis intentissime circumcincta, inde inexpugnabili castello et turri eminentissima pulcre et fortissime roborata.”” The tower here men- tioned is probably the massive one yet standing, a memorial of fallen greatness.—T. 3 Malmesbury makes Stephen sack and burn Wareham, but is it not an error for Cirencester ?—T. 438 STEPHEN. on the enemy, drove them back into the city, which he entered with them, and set it on fire in several places; in consequence of which disaster, the empress retired for safety to the castle (Sept. 26th). Exulting in his success, the king resolved on laying close siege to the castle, in the hope, by capturing the empress, the cause of all his difficulties, to restore tranquillity to his kingdom. In prosecution of this design, he posted guards to prevent all access and egress, and after a close blockade of three months, succeeded in reducing the garrison to great straits. In this state of things, the escape of the empress appears little short of miraculous. Their provisions were nearly exhausted, the castle, as we have seen, was beset and assailed on all sides; yet, attended only by three faithful knights, and all clad in white, she went forth in the silence of the night, passed through the posts of the enemy, by the aid of a sentinel, who had been previously bribed ; and on foot through the snow, with which the country was covered, crossed the Thames on the ice, and succeeded in reaching Abingdon, whence, on horseback, she continued her flight to Wallingford, held by Brian fitz Count’. When the king found that the prey, which he had been so long in hope of seizing, had thus eluded his grasp, he pru- dently listened to the advice of his friends, and took posses- sion of the castle of Oxford, by allowing the garrison to ca- pitulate. To this concession he was, however, in great measure prompted by the return of earl Robert from Normandy, who, when apprized of the critical position in which his sister was placed, had landed with a force at Wareham, and the castle of which place having besieged and taken, was vigorously pre- paring to attack him. Stephen, now, in his turn, proceeded with a body of troops to Warcham, when, on finding that the place had been strongly fortified by the earl, he laid waste the ! Gesta Stephani, p. 88. W. Malm. p. 766. Gervas. col. 1358. R.Wend. ii. 232. [In the Sax. Chron. a. 1140, it is said, that she was let down by night from the tower with ropes.—T.] STEPHEN. 439 surrounding country with fire and sword, and then marched on to Wilton, where, as a check to the progress of his adver- sary, he strengthened the fortifications of the castle. Here he was joined by the bishop of Winchester and many barons with a strong body of men from all parts of England. On learning that reinforcements were daily hastening to join the standard of the king, the earl resolved to advance to Wilton, there to give him battle. A battle ensued (1143, July Ist), which ended in the total discomfiture of the royal army, the king himself and his brother escaping captivity only by a pre- cipitate and ignominious flight. In this conflict Stephen’s brave and faithful friend and sewer, William Martel, was made prisoner, and committed to the temporary keeping of Brian fitz Count at Wallingford. The fugitive royalists were pur- sued by the earl into the town of Wilton, which was made to suffer all the horrors but too common on such occasions, ra- pine, slaughter, and conflagration. After his victory at Wilton earl Robert proceeded to Bri- stol, loaded with spoil and taking with him numerous prisoners, among others William Martel, whom he held in strict con- finement, until, for his release, he had paid three hundred marks and surrendered his castle of Sherborne, which was regarded as a principal key of the kingdom. The earl after- wards followed up his success, gradually reducing the realm under his control, destroying the castles of the royalists, and erecting others, until he had subjected to the empress nearly the entire western part from sea to sea. In this portion of the kingdom, the only resistance he found was from Henry of Tracy, who maintained a harassing warfare against the par- tisans of Matilda, until the cause of the king was again pre- dominant in those parts!. At this time the state of England was deplorable in the extreme; on the one part torn and oppressed by the king and his adherents, on the other, by the carl of Gloucester and ' Gesta Stephani, p. 95. 440 STEPHEN. the partisans of the empress. Of the wretched inhabitants some, finding the sweetness of home turned to bitterness, sought an asylum in foreign lands; others, in the hope of " protection, constructing lowly huts around the churches, passed a life of fear and misery; others lacking other food —for famine had spread itself over the country—fed on the flesh of dogs and horses, or barely sustained life by the poor sustenance afforded by raw herbs and roots. Men died in multitudes; entire large villages might be seen without an inhabitant, and a man might travel for a whole day without meeting with a living human being. Fields of yellow corn stood without one to reap it, all the husbandmen being swept away. To this accumulation of miseries is to be added the influx of foreign mercenaries, who void of pity and reckless of the calamities of the people, from the castles perpetrated all kinds of atrocities, and who, when the barons had summoned them to their aid from the most remote parts, unable either to get their stipends or satisfy their rapacity by plunder, no- thing to plunder being longer left, pillaged the possessions of the Church. If a priest or monk ventured to expostulate with them, he was treated with contumely, if not with blows. The bishops, who ought to have been the bulwarks of the Church, were as reeds shaken by the wind: while some through fear yielded to the storm, others, regardless of their sacred calling, supplied their castles with provisions, arms, and sufficient garrisons, and, under the plea of driving away the robbers of Church property, proved themselves more cruel and merciless than they. Many, too, of these bishops, cased in iron, completely armed, and mounted on fiery steeds, shared the spoil with the plunderers of the country, and subjected to bonds and tortures those knights or wealthy individuals that unfortunately fell into their hands; and while they themselves were the principal agents in such atrocities, would lay the blame on their military followers. Among these worthies the most conspicuous were the bishops of Winchester, Lincoln, STEPHEN. 441 and Chester. One honourable exception, however, there was in Roger bishop of Hereford, a pious and courageous man, who swerved not from the path of right, but with weapons befitting a Christian soldier, boldly opposed the enemies of the Church and realm. For when Milo earl of Hereford was in need of a large sum of money for the pay of those soldiers whom he had raised to oppose the king, and would compel the churches under his power to pay a heavy contribution for that object, he was resisted by the bishop, who asserted that ecclesiastical property being the offerings of pious indi- viduals, transferred in perpetuity to the service of the Church, no secular person had the right to exercise any control over it; the earl and his followers must therefore abstain from seizing it, or expect instantly to be stricken with the sword of excommunication. Enraged at this resistance to his demand, Milo sent his myrmidons to ravage and plunder the lands of the bishop, who, thereupon, calling together his clergy, pro- nounced the awful sentence on him and his agents, the effect of which was, that all divine service was suspended, that no corpse might be laid in the earth, or consumed by fire, or im- mersed in water, or removed from the spot where it ceased to live, until the perpetrator of the sacrilege should have made compensation to the last farthing, for what he had taken or destroyed. In the same year, on the 24th Dec., when en- gaged in the chase, Milo was slain by an arrow, incautiously aimed at a deer, and died without repentance}. About the same time, other adherents of the empress were removed by death from the scene of violence, in retribution, says the chronicler, for the violation and pillage, by earl Ro- bert’s command, of the convent of St. Mary and St. A Dudo, p. 77., and also by | 1 See p. 25. note 1. Gemmet. viii. 37. | 24 Acta Episcop. Rothomag., ap. ?8 See _p./369. Wil. Gemmet. 33 See Engl. under the Anglo- Will. of Jumidges, ii. 12. | 12 Wil. Gemmet. iii. 2. 20 See p. 121. | Mabillon, Vet. Annal. ii. p. viii, o¢. 29, 30, 38. : Saxon kings, ii. p, 296, Orderic and Wace are the | 18 See pp. 21, 32. 21 Murier, soror Richardi prin- | 456. | 29 Rot. Magn. Pipe, 31 Hen. I. 466 Il, POSTERITY OF WILLIAM 'HE CONQUEROR TO KING HENRY THE SECOND. WILLIAM I. torn 1027, ob. 7 September 1087. 1053 m. Matil’a, daughter of Baldwin V., count of Flanders. She ob. 3 Nov. 1083. i i i j I i ie 1 Robert, Richard 2. Wiuiiam II. Agatha"? Adelaide®, Henry I. Constance?, Adela, Cecilia9, Gundrada!!, 1. betrothed to Margaret, daughter of Hugh, ob. 2 Aug. 1100. betrothed to a nun. m. 1. Matilda, daughter of Malcolm, king of Scotland, m. Alan Fergant, m. Stephen count of abbess at Caen. m. William of count of Le Maine4. 2. concubine. 3. 1100. m. Alphonso, king ob. 1118. 2. 1121. Adeliza, daughter of Godfrey of Lou- count of Brittany. Blois. See Tab. ITI. ob. 1126. Warenne. She ob. Sibylla, daughter of the count of Conversana, of Gallicia. vain, ob. 1151. 3. concubines13. He ob. 1. Dec. 1135. 27 May 1085. ob. 1102. He ob. 11341, 12. | | | I | ! | [ | | | | ! I ! | | | | I | 3. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. oO. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. | 3. 3. William Clito, Richard?5, William®. A daughter, William, Matilda, Robert!4, Henry!’. Richard}8, Reginald of Robert!’. Gilbert'®. William Matilda's, Matilda, Juliana'?, | Eustacia!. Constance. Adeline!®, Hedwig, No name’. b.1101, count of Flan- — ob. 1100. m. Hélie of — ob.1120. m. (Adelaide) earl of Glou- ob. 1120. Dunstanvilel8. of Tracy, 0b.1120, m. m. Conan ITI. m, Eustace of | m. William mm. Roscelin, m. Matthew daughter of _m. Alexander ders, ob. 17 July 1128. Saens6. 1119Matilda m.1.1114 — cester. m. Si- ob. 1136. Rotrou II. count of Pacy. of Gouet. viscount of | son of Bure-| Elizabeth, king of Scotland. Betrothed to Matilda, d. of Fulk, Henry V. bylla, d. of count of Brittany. | Beaumont. hard of Mont: countess of He ob. 1125. afterwards to Sibylla, countofAn- king of Ger- Robert fitz Perche. ob. ob. 1148. ole I morency, Meulan. 8. p. daughters of Fulk, c. of jouls. ob. many. 2.1129 Haimonl6. 1143. | William. Roger. ue 2. - 1127 1130. Geoffrey,count He ob. 31 | i an. Johanna, daughter of Anjou, ob. Oct. 1147. Philippa’. - of Regnier, caatqaie of 1150. "She ob. f = Hoe! Wi, Hertha, Montferrat. 116712. | at, file BT, | | count of Pen- | | | | thiévre and 1. 1. 1. | Richmond?21, Henry II. Geoffrey, William, Hamelin, Noname!® William”, Philip!” Ri thard 9, Matilda, b. 1133, m. 1152 Hlea- count of ob. 1164. —_m. the coun- ob. 1143. m. Hawise, 1134 bishop m. Ranulf earl nor, countess of Poi- Nantes, ob. tess of War- daughter of of Bayeux. of Chester. tiers and Guienne. 1158. enne. the earl of ob. 1142. He ob. 1153. He ob. 1189. Leicester. | I Ls Lod. Robert, Mabel, Amicia, Isabel or Hawise, ob. before his m. the count wm. Richard of 1189, m. John, earl father. of Evreux. Clare, earl of of Gloucester, son and Hertford. successor of Henry IT. Amauri, earl She ob. 1201. 3 of Gloucester. Flor. Wigorn. a. cit. 3 Flor. Wigorn. a. 1100. | 6 Ib. p. 681. See p. 306. | 8 Ord. Vital. p. i 10 W. Malm. p. 455. Ord. Vital. 12 Chron. St. Stephani Cadom. h. a. 16 Wil. Gemmet. viii. 29. See 19 Ord. Vital. p, 897. Rob. de 1 2 Wil. Gemmet. lib. vii. c. 9. 4 See p. 55. Wil. Gemmet. 7 Sax. Chron. a. 1124. Comp. | 9 Wil. Gemmet. viii. 34. W. lib. i. and. p. 573. 13 See pp. 348, 349. Wil. Gemmet. | p. 452. W. Malm. p. 455. Ord. vill. 2. pp. 326, 334. Ord. Vital. | Malm. p. 455. Ord. Vital. 11 See p. 215, note 2. Ellis Introd. viii. 29. Ord. Vital. p. 810. i Vital. p. 573. 5 Ord. Vital. pp. 780 sq. p. 838. p. 512. See p. 173. to Domesday, i. p. 506. 14 See p. 345. 15 See p. 326. 18 Ib. p. 68. 17 Gesta Steph. p. 112. Monte, aa. 1134, 1142. 20 Monast. Anglic. ii. p. 60. 21 See p. 369. Ill. KING STEPHEN’S FAMILY. 467 ApELA!, daughter of king William I. m. 1081 Stephen, count of Blois and Chartres. ob. 1102. 1 I saaal 1 I 1 I al 1 Alix, Eleanor, William}, Tarosatp IV1. Henry’, SrepHeEn!, Humbert, Matilda}. 2, Emma, m. Miles, count m. Raoul I. count m. a daughter of count of Blois, Chartres, and bishop of Win- king of England, ob. 25 Oct. ob. young. m. Richard, earl of m. count Herbert. of Bray. of Vermandois. Giles of Sully4. Troyes, m. Matilda, daughter chester, ob. 1171. 1154. m. Matilda, daughter Chester. both ob. 1120. of duke Ingelbert. He of Eustace, count of Boulogne. William, 1 1 T 1 ob. Jan. 1152. She ob. 3 May 1152. abp. of York. Odo4. Raher*. A daughter}, Henry‘, ‘ie | ob, 1154. m. Henry, count 1139 abbot i ~ | Se-Eu, of Pecan’, Henry’, TuHropatp V3. Stephen’, William 6 daughters, Eustace, William, Maria®, No name, No name, 3 sons and count of count of Blois count of archbp. of m. Constance, count of m. 1160. m. Hervé of betrothed to 1 daughter. Troyes, and Chartres, Sancerre, Rheims. daughter of Lewis VI. Boulogne, Matthew, Leon. ‘Waleram, count ob, 1180. ob. 119]. ob. 1191. king of France. ob. 1160. son of the count of Meulan. He ob. 1153. . of Flanders. She ob. 1182. | ! Td Madilda, 1 W. Gemmet. lib. viii. c. 34. Rob. de Monte, a, 1139. 2 Ib. c. 38. - See p. 464. 3 Rob. de Monte, a, 1151. T. Stubbes, act. Pont. Ebor. 4 Ord. Vital. pp. 810 sq. col, 1722. NED or EMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO “A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE ANGLO-SAXON KINGS.” VOLUME I. Preface, p. xiii. 1. 12. dele chiefly Lit. Introd. p. xxvii. lL. 28. dele a scholar...... Bangor. xxxv. 1. 31. after because add in some manuscripts. xxxvi. 1. 10. dele by a judicial sentence. 18. dele The old. .......... churches. li. 1.2. for relations of Thurketul read cousins of thelstan. P. 2.1.11. for Phocians read Phoceans. 9.n.! dele An appeal..........-. customs. 41.1.9. for Whiterne read Dumbarton. 51. 1.21. after Fenny Stratford read Towcester, Weedon, South Lilbourne, Atheriston, Gilbert’s Hill (now the Wreken), Wroxeter, Stretton, Cardigan. — 1.24. after Cornwall read through Devonshire and Somerset- shire, by Tetbury, Coventry, Leicester, and Newark, to Lincoln. 55.1.7. for eastern read north-eastern. 83. 1.15. for which......... to the same, read to express any whole numbers and a half, they subtract from the fol- lowing whole number, while in other tongues the half is added to the number itself, as half four for three and a half. 90. n.2 1. 1. for two read a, and dele the poem °. . eighth century. — — 1.4. dele probably corrupt. 93. 1.18. dele The disproportion. ....... to proportion. 99. 1.3. for exists read exist. —n.t 1.5. for seventy-two read sixty-two. 103. 1.15. for Camel read Camlan, — 1.21. dele Had the.......... occasion, 470 EMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONS. P. 106. 1.6. dele though if........ conflicts. 110. 1. 3. for Wiltseetas read Wilseetas. — 1.8. for already observed read it seems. 114, n.3 after Offa add It seems pretty evident that this genea- logy, though given as Danish in the Danish chroni- cles, is that of the Anglian kings of Sleswig, the an- cestors of the kings of Mercia. 117. 1.20. dele from According to........ to south. 118. dele notes! and 2. 120. 1.1]. for Thornsetas and Wiltsetas, read Dornsetas and Wilseetas. 128. 1. 16. to election append the following note: When engaged on the first edition of the present work, I felt strongly tempted to suppress, or, at least, to modify, a part of what Dr. Lappenberg had written on the subject of the Bretwaldaship, but was withheld by the consideration, that in every question on which opinions are divided, and more particularly one on which I had myself arrived at no decision, I had no right either to omit or tamper with the words of the original: I therefore faithfully translated them without comment. Since then I have read the ob- servations of Mr. Hallam and Mr. Kemble on the same subject, with which in the main I am inclined to coincide. —(See Archeol. xxxii. p. 245. Hallam, Middle Ages, ii. p. 350. Kemble, Saxons in England, ii. p. 8.). The sole source, whence all our information regarding these paramount kings is derived, is Beda, (H. E. lib. ii. 5.), who supplies us with a list of seven. The Saxon Chro- nicle, after copying Beda (a. 827), adds Ecgberht, as an eighth. The first of them is Aille, who landed in Sussex from three ships; and, five or six years after, having re- ceived considerable reinforcements from Germany, crush- ed the Britons and destroyed their stronghold Anderida ; in consequence of which success he appears to have ob- tained a preponderance that either prompted him to as- sume, or his followers, or the contemporary chieftains, to confer on him, the title of Brytenwalda, or Bretwalda (lord over the Britons). Ceawlin, king of Wessex, the second in the list, obtained the title, according to all pro- bability, in like manner, by his successes against the Bri- tons. How Athelberht, king of Kent, the third on the list, acquired it, history omits to inform us; though Beda tells us, that he held sway over all the country as far as the Humber, and might, therefore, well be “ walda,”’ or es AT EMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONS. 471 ruler, over a considerable British population; as the Germanic state of Mercia was then in its early infancy. Equally unknown to us is the way in which Redwald, king of East Anglia, obtaia- ed the title. He possibly assumed it on the defeat of Aithelfrith of Northumbria, and, if an evidently corrupt passage in Beda (lib. ii. 5.) may be so interpreted (‘ qui etiam, vivente A:dilbercto, eidem (eundem?) sue genti ducatum prebebat.”) during the lifetime of Redwald. The three Northumbrian kings, Eadwine, Oswald, and Oswiu, either assumed, or had the title of Bryten- walda conferred on them by their people, as one denoting supre- macy, without regard to its primitive signification, as is the case at the present day among ourselves; for who now in an usher (huissier, from old Fr. huis, door), whether of the black or the birchen rod, sees a door-keeper? or in a marshal (Ohg. marah, horse, and scalh, schalk, servant), whether city- or field-, a horse- boy?! And does not the protestant sovereign of England still retain the title of Defender of the [Roman catholic] faith, con- ferred by the pope on Henry VIII., for having written against the protestant faith? and until recently that of king of France ? and are there not still kings of Cyprus and Jerusalem? From the foregoing it will be seen that I do not place implicit confi- dence in the words of Beda, whose information regarding the southern states of the “ Heptarchy” was far from perfect, but rather incline to the supposition, that the title in question was either assumed by its bearer, or conferred on him by his army or people, without regard to its primitive import. Whether he bore the name of Brytenwalda, or Bretwalda, seems doubtful. Mr. J. M. Kemble (Saxons in England, ii. p. 20.) would ren- der Brytenwalda by ‘‘ an extensive, powerful king,” deriving its first component from the verb bredtan, fo distribute, divide; but this interpretation I think hardly applicable to the case, although I admit that it seems countenanced by Ethelweard, who, trans- lating the Saxon Chronicle, renders the word by pollens potestate. But is bryten, in the sense of extensive, etc. ever found in prose? I believe not. Against this rendering is also Mr. Kemble’s own citation from the Codex Diplomaticus (V. pp. 217, 218), viz. “Ego Athelstanus, Angul-Saxonum necnon et totius Britannic rex,” which is afterwards expressed in Saxon by “ Ic Aéthelstan, Ongol-Saxna cyning and brytenwalda ealles Syses iglandes. Mr. K. (ib. p. 22.) says: “Iam not prepared to admit the proba- bility of a territorial title, at a time when kings were kings of the people, not of the land.” But what is “totius Britanniz rex 2”? not to notice numerous similar instances in the Codex Diploma- ticus. The word Bretwalda occurs but once (Sax. Chron. a. 827 ss and Brytenwalda only in the charter of Aithelstan just quoted. 1 The French, in the word maréchal (a farrier), have retained something of the primitive signification. 472 | EMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONS. P. 135. 1.15. for nevertheless read indeed. 154. 1. 13. for brother read step-father. 155. 1. 14. for brother read kinsman. — n2 for 22 read 20. 157. u.1 for iii. 2. read iii. 1. 159. 1.27. dele Though....... Gewissas. 160. 1. 16. dele the northern boundary of Wessex. 161. 1. 7. for that kingdom read England. — 1.11. for his landing read reaching Wessex. 169. 1 22. for the king of Kent read Eadwine. 178. 1. 9. dele under their king Birdei. 185. 1. 16. for his adherents read ‘Abbe, the sister of king Oswiu, and abbess of Coldingham. 189. 1. 4. for English clergy read agents of the archbishop. — 1. 27. after year, add at Oundle in Northamptonshire. 191.1. 22. after Saxons add with the sole exception, perhaps, of the church of St. Martin, near ee 192. 1. 23. for former read latter. 199. n.' add at the end [Perhaps the sense might be made clearer by altering the punctuation, thus: semper decimam mansionem ; ubi minimum sit, tamen, etc. always the tenth manse ; where it [the possession] is very small, still the tenth part, ete. 206. 1. 9. dele the. 219. n. 5. after 320 add and Thorpe’s Beowulf, p. 217. 221. 1.24. for the British .... Bretwaldaship read a supremacy over them. 225. 1.13. dele in Oxfordshire. 228, n. 1.11. dele Higelac (Icel.) all. 231. 1. 2. for this side read the English side. 241. 1.4. deleas......... recorded. 252. 1. 4. after Bampton read in Devonshire. 286. 1.15. wader Cwichelm add Cuthred ob. 661. 291. 1.14. dele Mercelin. VOLUME II. P. 4. 1.6. dele and jealousy........ successors. 6. 1.7. deleandwe....... Wessex. 7. 1.12. after monarch add Wiglaf was succeeded by Beorht- wulf, who, after a reign of thirteen years, was driven beyond sea by the Northern pirates. EMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONS. * 473 P. 7, 1.12. add note 2. Flor. Wigorn. a. 838. W. Malm. p. 133. 14. 117. dele Even.......... of England. 19, 1. 7. note 1 dele see vol. i. p. 218. 39. 1. 23. for principal read middle. 41. 1. 20. after Winburne add: Having died in warfare with pagans, the Catholic Church has enrolled him among her martyrs. 69. 1.6. for the read a great. 84. 1.25. deleNo........, oppressed. — 1. 30. dele and they....... tithes. 94. 1.17. for Britons read Bretons. eh | for Eithelweard read Hlfweard. 101.1.25. 106. 1. 11. after mistake add of Guthorm in Denmark. 112. note '. for Athelthryth, read Cynethryth. 116. 1. 21. dele by the fair Hewa. 117. 1. 6. for -second read -seventh. 142. 1.4. dele already. 156. 1. 16. for Zthelstan read Athelred. 179. 1.9. deleIt.......... people. and dele note '. 187. 1.6. delebut....... martyrs. 189. note?. 1. 4. for Burton read Bampton. 190. 1. 25. after Arewe read Orwell, and dele note 4. 210. 1.17. after you read like dogs. 218. 1.9. for Alan read him. 222. dele note 2. 238. dele note '. 242, 1.2. for Bidrn read Sweyn. 246. 1.19. after of add a noble lady named. 250. 1. 12. dele younger, and after brother add Leofwine. 302. 1.12. after foundations add On receiving intelligence of Ha- rold’s fall, the earls Eadwine and Morkere proceeded to London, and sent their sister, queen Ealdgyth, to Chester. — — add note'. Fl. Wigorn. a. 1066. — — note+ 1.3. dele For.......... wite of Harold. 369. 1.18. for Zthelweard read Ailfweard. THE END. PUBLICATIONS BY THE SAME EDITOR. A HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER THE ANGLO-SAXON KINGS, from the German of Dr. J. M. LappENBERG, with additions and corrections. 2 vols. 8vo. Pub. £1. 1s. Reduced to 12s. THE ANGLO-SAXON POEMS OF BEOWULF, THE. Scop or GLEEMAN’S TALE, and the FIGHT AT FINNESBURG, with an English Translation, Notes, Glossary, etc. 15s. cloth. ANALECTA ANGLO-SAXONICA. A selection in prose and verse from Anglo-Saxon Authors, with a Glossary. Designed chiefly as a first book for Students. Pub. 12s. Reduced to 8s. THE ANGLO-SAXON VERSION of the HOLY GOSPELS, edited from the original MSS. Pub. 12s. Reduced to 8s. THE ANGLO-SAXON VERSION of the STORY OF APOLLO- NIUS OF TYRE, from a MS. in the Library of C. C. Coll. Camb. upon which is founded the Play of Pericles, ascribed to Shakspeare, with a literal translation, ete. Pub. 5s. Reduced to 3s. C3