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Nephrurus, Gthr. ....., 9 1. asper, Gthr. 0... ..04. 9 2. Chondrodactylus, Ptrs.., 10 1. angulifer, Pirs. ...... 11 8. Rhyncheedura, Gthr..... ll 1. ornata, Gthr. 16.2.0... 12 4. Teratoscincus, Strauch ., 12 1. scincus, Sehleg. ...... 12 5. Ceramodactylus, Blanf... 18 1. doriz, Blanf. ........ 13 2. affinis, Murray ...... 14 6. Ptenopus, Gray .....-.. 15 J. garrulus, Smith ...... 15 7, Stenodactylus, Fitz, .... 16 1. orientalis, Blanf....... 16 2. guttatus, Cuv. ........ 17 8. wilkinsonii, Gray .... 18 4, petersii, Bigr. ........ 18 5. tripolitanus, Pirs. .... 19 8. Alsophylax, Fitz. ...... 19 1. pipiens, Pall, ........ 19 2. tuberculatus, Blanf. 20 9. Homonota, Gray ...... 21 1. darwinii, Blgr......... 21 2. whitii, Blgr........... 22 10. Gymnodactylus, Spix,... 22 1. caspius, Bichw. ...... 26 2. scaber, Riipp. ........ 27 3. brevipes, Blanf. ...... 28 4, kotschyi, Stdchr....... 29 5, kachhensis, Stol. ...... 29 6. heterocercus, Blanf. .. 30 7, elongatus, Blanf....... 30 8. fasciatus, D.§ B. .... 31 9. stoliczkee, Stdchr. 31 10. lawderanus, Stol....... 32 11. dorbignyi, D. § B..... 33 12. mauritanicus, D. § B. 33 13. trachyblepharus, Boettg. 34 14. steudneri, Pirs. ...... 34 15. nebulosus, Bedd.....,. 34 16. jeyporensis, Bedd. .... 36 17, deccanensis, Gthr. .... 36 11. Agamura, Blanf. 1. 2. 12. Pristurus, Riipp OUR oo bo . humeralis, Guich. He ee BRAONHOOMN @amMRwH . albofasciatus, Blgr..... . Oldhami, Theob. ...... . triedrus, Gthr .arnouxiil, 4d. Dum. .... . geckoides, Spiv . pelagicus, Gur eee tenes . heteronotus, Blgr. .... . cheverti, Bigr . affinis, Stol, .........8 . frenatus, Gthr. . variegatus, Blyth . fasciolatus, Blyth . khasiensis, Jerd. ...... . marmoratus, Kuhl .... . rubidus, Blyth . philippinicus, Stdchr. .. . pulchellus, Gray . consobrinus, Pts. . miliusii, Bory . platurus, White see eee eee ene atropunctatus, Licht... tenuis, Hall..........,. cruralis, Blanf. ...... persica, A. Dum. eee eee . flavipunctatus, Riipp... . rupestris, Blanf. ...... . insignis, Blanf. . crucifer, Vai. . collaris, Stdchr. . carteri, Gray 13, Gonatodes, Fitz . albogularis, D. § B. .. . vittatus, Lecht. . ocellatus, Gray . caudiscutatus, Gthr. concinuatus, O’Sh. .... gaudichaudii, D. & 'B. . timorensis, D. § B..... . kendallii, Gray . indicus, Gray . wynadensis, Bedd. .... . sisparensis, Theob. .... . ornatus, Bedd......... . marmoratus, Bedd..... . mysoriensis, Jerd. viii SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Page 15. kandianus, Kel. ...... 68 ]. marmorata, Gray...... 104 16. gracilis, Bedd......... 70 2. ocellata, Blgr. .....+45 105 17. jerdonii, Theod. ...... 71 3. robusta, Bigr. ........ 106 18. littoralis, Jerd. ...... 71 4. lesueurii, D. § B. .... 107 boiei, Gray .......... 72 5. rhombifera, Gray...... 107 australis, Gray ...... 72 6. P verrillii, Cope........ 108 ferrugineus, Cope 56 | 20. Calodactylus, Bedd. . 108 14. lurasaurus, Bigr. 73 1. aureus, Bedd. ......-. 108 1. felinus, Gthr. wo... eee 73 | 21. Ptyodactylus, Cuv....... 109 2. dorsalis, Ptrs. ......05 74 1. lobatus, Geoffr......... 110 3. P brunneus, Cope...... 74 2. homolepis, Blanf. . lil 15. Heteronota, Gray ...... 74 | 22, Thecadactylus, Cuv .... 111 1. binoei, Gray... ....6.. 74 1. rapicaudus, Hout. .... 111 2. derbiana, Gray ...... 75 2. australis, Gthr. ...... 112 3. P eboracensis, Macleay. 76 | 23. Hemidactylus, Cuv. . 113 16, Phyllodactylus, Gray.... 76 1. homeeolepis, Blanf..... 117 1. tuberculosus, Wiegm.., 79 2, bouvieri, Bocourt...... 118 2, ventralis, O'Sh. ...... 80 3. reticulatus, Bedd....... 118 3. reissii, Pérs.......,... 80 4, gracilis, Blanf......... 119 4, pulcher, Gray ........ 80 5. frenatus, D. § B....... 120 5. spatulatus, Cope ...... 81 G6, mabouia, Mor ........ 122 6. galapagoensis, Pérs. 82 7, muriceus, Ptrs......... 123 7. nigrofasciatus, Cope 82 8. echinus, O’SA. ........ 123 8. ineequalis, Cope ...... 3 9. fasciatus, Gray........ 124 9. microphyllus, Cope.... 84 10. bocagii, Blgr. ........ 125 10, phacophorus, Tsch..... 84 11. sinaitus, Blgr. ........ 126 11. oviceps, Boettg. ...... 85 12. turcicus, Z. ......0005 126 12. sancti-johannis, Gthr.., 86 13. brookii, Gray ........ 128 13, stumpihi, Boetty....... 86 14. gleadovii, Murray .... 129 14. porphyreus, Daud. .... 87 15. stellatus, Blgr......... 1380 15. marmoratus, Gray .... 88 16. guineensis, Ptrs. ...... 131 16. macrodactylus, Bigr. .. 89 17. persicus, And. ........ 131 17. affinis, Blgr. ........ 89 18. maculatus, D. § B..... 122 18. guentheri, Blgr. ....., 90 19. triedrus, Daud. ...... 133 19. europeus, Gené ...... 90 20. subtriedrus, Jerd....... 134 20. pictus, Pérs........... 91 21. depressus, Gray ...... 134 21. lineatus, Gray........ 92 22. kushmorensis, Murray. . 135 22. ocellatus, Gray ...... 93 23. leschenaultii, D. § B... 186 23. unctus, Cope ........ 94 24, coctei, D. § B. ...... 137 24, viebeckii, Pérs......... 94 25. giganteus, Stol......... 138 25. gerrhopygus, Wiegm... 95 26, bowringii, Gray ...... 139 androyensis, Grand. .. 76 27, karenorum, Theob. .... 140 17. Ebenavia, Boetty. ...... 96 28. blanfordii, Blgr. ...... 141 1. inunguis, Boettg....... 96 29, peruvianus, Wiegm..... 141 2. boettgeri, Blyr. ...... 96 30. garnotii, D. § B....... 141 18. Diplodactylus, Gray .... 97 31, richardsonii, Gray .... 148 l. ciliaris, Bir. ........ 98 32. platyurus, Schn. ...... 143 2. spinigerus, Gray ...... 99 Haviviridis, Riipp. .... 113 8. strophurus, D. § B. .. 100 angulatus, Hall. ...... 113 4. vittatus, Gray........ 100 marmoratus, Hall, .... 113 5. polyophthalmus, Gthr.. 101 mortoni, Zheob. ...... 113 6. steindachneri, Blgr. .. 102 sakalava, Grand....... 113 7. pulcher, Stdchr. ...... 102 tolampye, Grand...... 118 8. tessellatus, Gthr....... 103 tristis, Seuvy. .....4., 113 annulatus, Macleay.... 97 caudiverbera, Wagl..... 118 19. Cidura, Gray .......... 104 | 24. Teratolepis, Gthr. ...... 144 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 1. fasciata, Blyth ........ 145 25, Phyllopezus, Pts. ...... 145 1. goyazensis, Ptrs....... 145 26. Aristelliger, Cope ...... 146 1. preesignis, Hall........ 146 2. lar, Cope ....... 0.00, 147 27. Gehyra, Gray ........., 147 1. mutilata, Wiegm....... 148 2. baliola, A. Dum....... 150 8. brevipalmata, Pérs. .... 150 4, P neglecta, Gir... .. 6... 150 5. insulensis, Gir......... 150 6. variegata, D. § B. .... 151 7, australis, Gray........ 152 8. oceanica, Less. ........ 152 9. vorax, Gir, .......00. 153 papuensis, Macleay .... 147 ornata, Macleay ...... 147 longicauda, Macleay .. 147 dubia, Macleay........ 147 marmorata, Macleay .. 147 brevicaudis, Macleay .. 147 28. Perochirus, Blgr. ...... 154 1. ateles, A. Dum. ...... 154 2. guentheri, Blgr. ...... 155 3. Represei, Fisch. ...... 155 4. scutellatus, Tisch. .. 156 5. articulatus, Fisch. .... 156 29. Spathoscalabotes, Blgr... 156 1, mutilatus, Gthr. ...... 157 80. Microscalabotes, Blgr. .. 157 1, cowani, Blgr. ........ 158 31. Lygodactylus, Gray .... 158 1. capensis, Smith ...... 160 2. madagascariensis, Boettg. 160 3. thomensis, Pts. ...... 161 4. gutturalis, Bocage . 161 5. picturatus, Pérs. ...... 161 ictus, Pts. .......66- 158 Levit, BUYS: oes cas oe 159 hildebrandti, Pérs. .... 159 32. Lepidodactylus, Fitz..... 162 1. crepuscularis, Bavay .. 163 2. ceylonensis, Bigr....... 164 8. aurantiacus, ee en aes 4, lugubris, D. §& B....... 5. labialis, PHB 5 che cas aks 166 6. pulcher, Blgr. .......- 166 7. guppyi, Blgr. ........ 166 8. pusillus, Cope ........ 167 9. cyclurus, Gthr......... 167 10. sauvagii, Blgr......... 168 roseus, Cope .....++... 162 83. Naultinus, Gray ........ 168 C\W1. elegans, Gray ........ 168 2. rudis, Fisch. .......... me 34. Hoplodactylus, Fitz. .... ix Page 1. maculatus, Gray ...... Vil 2. duvaucelii, D. § B..... 172 3. pacificus, Gray........ 173 4, eranulatus, Gray...... 174 5, anamallensis, Gthr..... 175 85. Rhacodactylus, Fitz, .... 176 1, leachianus, Cuv. ...... 176 2, aubryanus, Bocage .... 177 3. chahoua, Bavay ...... 177 4. trachyrhynchus, Bocage 178 5, auriculatus, Bocage.... 179 6. ciliatus, Guich......... 180 36. Luperosaurus, Gray .... 181 1. cumingii, Gray........ 181 37. Gecko, Laur. .......... 182 1. verticillatus, Zawr, .... 188 2. stentor, Cant. ........ 184 3. vittatus, Houtt. ...... 185 4, monarchus, D. § B. .. 187 5, japonicus, D. § B. .... 188 6. swinhonis, Gthr. ...... 189 7. subpalmatus, Gthr. .... 189 38. Ptychozoon, Kuhl ...... 189 1. homalocephalum, Crev. .. 190 39. Homopholis, Blgr. ...... 191 1. wahlbergii, Smith . 171 40. Geckolepis, Grand......, 192 1. maculata, Pérs......... 192 2. typica, Grand. ......., 192 41. Eurydactylus, Sawyg. .... 192 1. vieillardi, Bavay ...... 192 42, Ailuronyx, Fitz. ........ 193 43. 44, 45 1. seychellensis, D. §& B... 193 2. trachygaster, 4. Dum. . 194 Tarentola, Gray ........ 195 1. mauritanica, Z. ...... 196 2, annularis, Geoffr....... 197 2a. senegalensis, Blgr..... 414 3. ephippiata, O'Sh....... 198 4, delalandii, D. § B...,. 199 5. gigas, Bocage ........ 200 americana, D.§ B..... 195 cubana, Ptrs........... 195 clypeata, Gray........ 195 Pachydactylus, Wiegm. .. 200 1. bibronii, Smith........ 201 2. capensis, Smith........ 202 3. formosus, Smith ...... 208 4, rugosus, Smith........ 204 5. oshaughnessyi, Blgr. .. 204 6. ocellatus, Cuv. ........ 205 7. punctatus, Pirs. ...... 206 8. maculatus, Gray ...... 206 9. mentomarginatus, Smith 207 10. mariquensis, Smith .... 207 tristis, Hall. .......... 200 . Colopus, Pérs. .......... 208 b SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Lwablbersil, Pirs ...s0s 208 46. Dactychilikion, Thomin. .. 209 1. braconnieri, Thomin. .. 209 47, Phelsuma, Gray ........ 209 1. cepedianum, Merr, .... 211 2. bdine tans Gray . 212 8. andamanense, Blyth.... 212 4. newtonii, Blgr......... 212 5. guentheri, Blgr. ...... 213 6. madagascariense, Gray . 214 dubius, Boetig......... 215 7. laticauda, Boettg....... 215 8. lineatum, Gray ...... 216 48. Rhoptropus, Ptrs. ...... 217 1. afer, Pirs............. 217 49, Spherodactylus, Wagi. .. 217 1. sputator, Sparrm. .... 219 2. elegans, R.G§ DL. ...... 220 3. punctatissimus, D. § B. 220 4, nigropunctatus, Gray .. 220 5. glaucus, Cope ........ 221 6. lineolatus, Licht. ...... 221 7. casicolus, Cope........ 222 8. alopex, Cope.......... 222 9. oxyrrhinus, Grosse . 222 10. argus, Grosse .......... 223 11. fantasticus, D. § B. .. 223 12, microlepis, R. & LZ. .... 224 13. copii, Stdehr. ........ 225 14. anthracinus, Cope . 225 15. macrolepis, Gthr....... 226 16. notatus, Baird ........ 226 17. gilvitorques, Cope...... 227 18. richardsonii, Gray ..., 227 Phyria, Gray .........6.. 228 unctulata, Gray...... 228 Gecko newtonii, Gthr. .... 228 Fam. 2, EUBLEPHARIDE, 1, Psilodactylus, Gray .... 229 1. caudicinctus, A. Dum. . 230 2. Eublepharis, Gray ...... 230 ]. hardwickii, Gray...... 231 2. macularius, Blyth . 232 8. dovii, Blgr. ..... e600. 233 4, variegatus, Baird...... 233 5. fasciatus, Blgr. ...... 234 8. Coleonyx, Gray ........ 234 1. elegans, Gray ........ 235 Fam, 8. UROPLATID mR. 1. Uroplates, Gray ........ 236 1. fimbriatus, Schn. ...... 237 2. lineatus, D. & B....... 238 8. ebenaui, Boetig. ...... 238 caudiverbera, LZ. ...... 236 Page Fam. 4. PyGoPopIpZ. 1. Pygopus, Merr. ........ 240 1. lepidopus, Lacép....... 240 2. Cryptodelma, Fisch. .... 242 I. nigriceps, Fisch. ...... 242 2. orientalis, Gthr. ...... 242 3. Delma, Gray ........4. 243 1. fraseri, Gray ........ 243 2.impar, Fisch. ........ 244 4, Pletholax, Cope ........ 245 1. gracilis, Cope ........ 245 5. Aprasia, Gray ........4. 245 1. pulchella, Gray ...... 246 6. Lialis, Gray............ 246 1. burtonii, Gray ........ 247 AFam. 5. AGAMIDR. 1. DPat0; Dh. 3. gasses ea ees 253 1. volans;, Gass sevens: x 256 2. reticulatus, Gthr....... 257 8. guentheri, Blgr. ...... 257 4. everetti, Blgr. ........ 258 5. cornutus, Gthr. ...... 258 6. ornatus, Gray ........ 259 7. spilopterus, Wiegm..... 260 8. rostratus, Gthr. ...... 261 9. timorensis, Kuhl ...... 261 10. maculatus, Gray ...... 262 11. bimaculatus, Gthr. .... 263 12. lineatus, Daud. ...... 264 13. becearii, Ptrs. § Doria . 264 14. spilonotus, Gthr. ...... 265 15. fimbriatus, Kuhl ...... 265 16. cristatellus, Gthr. .... 266 17, hematopogon, Gray .. 267 18. blanfordii, Blgr. ...... 267 19, dussumieri, D. § B. .. 268 20. teeniopterus, Gthr. .... 269 21. quinquefasciatus, Gray . 269 2. Sitana, Cuv. ...... 0.608. 270 1, ponticeriana, Cuv. .... 270 38. Otocryptis, Wiegm....... 271 1. bivittata, Wiegm. .... 271 2. beddomii, Blgr. ...... 272 4, Ptyctolemus, Pérs....... 273 1. gularis, Pirs. ....0... 273 5. Aphaniotis, Ptrs......... 274 1. fusea, Ptrs. ........., 274 6. Lophocalotes, Gthr....... 274 1, interruptus, Gthr. .... 275 7. Cophotis, Péirs........... 275 1. ceylanica, Pirs. ....., 275 2. sumatrana, Hubr. 276 8. Ceratophora, Gray ....., 277 1. stoddartii, Gray ....., 277 %7 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 2, tennentii, Gthr. ...... 278 8. aspera, Gthr. 26.6.4... 278 9. Harpesaurus, Blgr. ...... 279 1, tricinctus, 4. Dum. .... 279 10. Phoxophrys, Hubr....... 280 1. tuberculata, Hubr. .... 280 11. Lyriocephalus, Merr. .... 281 1. scutatus, Z. ........4. 281 12. Gonyocephalus, Kaup .... 282 1. doriny Piss eixcc eee es 284 2. chameleontinus, Laur... 285 8. kuhlii, Schleg. ........ 286. 4, sumatranus, Schleg..... 286 5. liogaster, Gthr. ...... 286 6. miotympanum, Githr. .. 287 7. borneensis, Schleg. .... 288 8. bellii, D. ¢ B......... 288 9. sophie, Gray ........ 288 10, semperi, Ptrs. ........ 289 11. interruptus, Blgr. .... 290 12. dilophus, D.§ B. .... 290 13. tuberculatus, Gthr. .... 291 14. spinipes, d. Dum. .... 292 15. suberistatus, Blyth .... 292 16. humii, Sto. 293 17. modestus, Meyer ...... 294 18. geelvinkianus, Pérs. & DOG i. smi eee 884 294 19, auritus, Meyer ........ 295 20. bruijnii, Ptrs. § Doria . 295 21. binotatus, Meyer ...... 295 22. godetfroyi, Pirs. ...... 295 nigrigularis, Meyer .... 296 23. papuensis, Macleay .... 297 24, Fond, Macleay ...... 297 25. grandis, Gray ........ 298 18. Acanthosaura, Gray .... 299 1. capra, Gthr.......4... 300 2. armata, Gray ........ 301 8. crucigera, Blgr. ...... 302 4, lamnidentata, Bigr..... 302 5. coronata, Githr......... 303 6. minor, Gray.......... 804 7, kakhbienensis, And. .... 805 8. major, Jerd. .......... 306 9, tricarinata, Blyth. ..... 306 14, Japalura, Gray ........ 807 1. variegata, Gray ...... 308 2. swinhonis, Githr....... 309 3. polygonata, Haill....... 310 4, yunnanensis, And. .... 310 5. planidorsata, Jerd. .... 311 6. nigrilabris, Pérs. ...... 311 15. Salea, Gray... ec eeu. 312 1, horsfieldii, Gray ...... 312 2. anamallayana, Bedd. .. 313 xi Page 16. Calotes, Cum .......0.. 314 1. cristatellus, Kuhl . 316 2, celebensis, Gray ...... 318 3. marmoratus, Gray .... 818 4. jubatus, D.§ B....... 318 5. smaragdinus, Gthr..... 319 6. tympanistriga, Gray .. 320 7. versicolor, Daud....... 321 8. maria, Gray,.......... 822 9. jerdonii, Gthr. 2.2.6... 823 10. emma, Gray.......... 324 11. mystaceus, D. § B..... 825 12. grandisquamis, Gthr. .. 825 13. nemoricola, Jerd....... 326 14, liolepis, Blgr. ........ 326 15, ophiomachus, Merr. .. 397 16. nigrilabris, Ptrs. ...... 3828 17. liocephalus, Gthr. . 829 18. rouxii, D.§ B......... 3830 19. elliotti, Gthr. ........ 330 - gularis, Blyth ........ 314 17. Chelosania, Gray ...... 331 1. brunnea, Gray........ 331 18, Charasia, Gray ........ 332 1. dorsalis, Gray ........ 332 2. blanfordiana, Stol. ..., 338 3. ornata, Blyth ........ 334 19, Agama, Daud........... 334 1. mutabilis, Merr. ...... 338 2. sinaita, Heyd. ........ 339 38. hartmanni, Pirs. ...... 340 4, tournevillii, Zataste.... 340 5. agilis, Oliv. «22.2.2... 341 6. isolepis, Blgr. ........ 342 7. sanguinolenta, Pall..... 348 8. latastii, Blgr. ........ 344 9. inermis, Rewss......... 344 10. persica, Blanf......... 345 11. leucostigma, Reuss..... 346 12. rubrigularis, Blanf..... 846 13. megalonyx, Gthr. . 347 14. ruderata, Oliv. ........ 348 15. pallida, Reuss ........ 348 16. tispida, Din. pi baaiians 349 17. brachyura, Blgr. ...... 850 18, aculeata, Mer7......... 351 19. armata, Péirs. ........ 852 20, atra, Daud. .......... 352 21. mossambica, Pers. 353 22, kirkii, Blgr........... 854 23. spinosa, Gray ........ 355 24. rueppellii, Vail. ...... 855 25. colonorum, Daud. .... 356 26. bibronii, 4. Dum. .... 357 27. planiceps, Ptrs......... 358 28. atricollis, Smith ...... 358 xii Page 29, cyanogaster, Riipp..... 359 80. annectens, Blanf....... 360 31. stoliczkana, Blanf. .... 360 32. tuberculata, Gray .... 361 33. dayana, Stol........... 362 34, himalayana, Stdchr..... 362 35. agrorensis, Stol. ...... 363 36. melanura, Blyth ...... 363 37. lirata, Blanf........... 364 38. nupta, De Fil. ........ 365 39. microlepis, Blanf....... 366 40. caucasica, Hichw....... 367 41. stellio, Z............. 368 20. Phrynocephalus, Kaup .. 369 1. olivierl, D. § B....... 370 2. helioscopus, Pall....... 371 3. viangalii, Strauch . 872 4. theobaldi, Blyth ...... 373 5. versicolor, Strauch .... 374 6. frontalis, Strauch...... 375 7. caudivolvulus, Pall..... 375 8. przewalskii, Strauch .. 377 9. affinis, Strauch ...... 377 10. maculatus, And. ...... 377 11. axillaris, Blanf. ...... 378 12, interscapularis, Licht... 378 18. mystaceus, Pall, ...... 379 varius, Hichw. ........ 369 melanurus, Erchw. . 369 nigricans, Eichw....... 369 +21. Amphibolurus, Wagl. .... 380 1. maculatus, Gray ...... 381 2. imbricatus, Ptrs. ...... 382 Ys +3. ornatus, Gray ........ 3882 4. cristatus, Gray........ 888 5. caudicinctus, Gthr..... 384 6. decresii, D. & B. ...... 385 7. pictus, Pérs........... 385 8. reticulatus, Gray...... 386 9, adelaidensis, Gray .... 887 10, pulcherrimus, Bigr..... 388 11. pallidus, Blgr. .....,.. 888 SYSTEMATIO INDEX. 12, angulifer, Gray 13. muricatus, White..... 14. barbatus, Cuv. ....... jugularis, Macleay .... 22. Tympanocryptis, Pérs. 1. lineata, Pérs..... eat 2. cephalus, Githr. 23. Diporophora, Gray...-.. 1, bilineata, Gray........ 2. australis, Stdchr. .....- 3. bennettii, Gray 24. Physignathus, Cuv...... 1. gilberti, Gray SI Ou Co bo 1. kingii, Gray 26. Lophura, Gray 1. amboinensis, Schloss. 27. Liolepis, Cur. .......... 1. bellii, Gray 28. Uromastix, Merr........ 1. ornatus, Riipp........ 2. acanthinurus, Bell .... 3, spinipes, Daud........ 4, microlepis, Blanf. .... 5. Wardwickil, Gray..... 6. asmussii, Strauch... .. 7, loricatus, Blanf. ..... 29. Aporoscelis, Blgr. ..... 1. princeps, O’SA........ 2. batilliterus, Varll. 30. Moloch, Gray Oreodeira, Gir.......... gracilipes, Gir. ........ . longirostris, Blgr...... . temporalis, Gthr...... . maculilabris, Blgr. ... . lesueurii, Gray....... . cochinchinensis, Cuv. . . . mentager, Gthr. ..... lateralis, Macleay ..... 25, Chlamydosaurus, Gray .. Cl. horridus, Gray....... PREFACE, rn No other order of Reptiles required so thorough an examination and rearrangement as that of Lizards. The descriptions of nearly two thirds of the species known at present were scattered over the wide range of the literature of the last forty years, and, in conse- quence, except to some very few zoologists, the exact determination of specimens of Lizards had become an impossible task, or, at least, one to which a great risk of failure was attached. By the student of physiogeography the absence of a critical general account of so important a type of Reptiles was still more seriously felt. The first edition of the ‘Catalogue of Lizards,’ published in the year 1845, was based on a collection containing only one eighth of the number of specimens at present in the Natural History Museum, and, therefore, had long ceased to fulfil its primary purpose, viz. to serve as a guide to the collection. Like all the other volumes of the new series of descriptive Catalogues of the Zoological Collections, the present work contains descriptions of, or references to, all the species introduced into the literature. It will consist of three volumes, and may be expected to be completed in 1886, the manuscript of the second volume being far advanced. ALBERT GUNTHER, Keeper of the Department of Zoology. British Museum, N. H., January 8, 1885. INTRODUCTION. Tis yolume contains an account of all the species of Lizards belonging to the families Geckonide, Eublepharide, Uroplatide, Pygopodide, and Agamide, of which descriptions have been published. Over three fourths of the species described have been examined by myself. The following Table will show the great progress made in our knowledge of species since the publication of the last general works on the subject, viz. Duméril and Bibron’s ‘Erpétologie Générale,’ vols. iii—v., 1836-1839, and Gray’s first edition of this Catalogue in 1845 :— Number of Species characterized Families. by Dum. & Bibr. by Gray. in present volume*, Geckonide .......... 53 97 270 Eublepharide........ — 1 7 Uroplatide ........ 2 2 3 Pygopodide ........ 2 7 8 Agamide .......... 50 79 202 Total.. 107 186 490 A comparison of the numbers of species and specimens in the National Collection in 1845 and at the present date gives the following result :— * Only those species to which I have appended an ordinal number are included in this estimate, without those which are doubtful and merely referred to in footnotes or otherwise. vi INTRODUCTION. 1845. 1885. a Ae SN a ac TRS Species. Specimens. Species. Specimens. Geckonide ...... 78 166 199 1773 Eublepharide .... 1 1 6 19 Uroplatide ...... 1 2 1 5 Pygopodide ...... 7 20 5 93 Agamidse ........ 65 239 159 1265 Total.. 152 428 370 3155 An outline of the classification followed in this work I have recently published in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1884, p. 117. I have given the principal measurements of most of the species, taken from the largest or most perfect specimen in the collection. The “length of the head” is measured to the occipital condyle, and the “length of the body” signifies the distance between the latter point and the anal cleft. The affixes to the names of donors &c., in the third column of the list of specimens, may be explained as follows :—“([P.]” signifies “ Presented by ;” “[C.]”=“ Collected by ;” “[E.]” =“ Obtained by exchange.” Where none of these signs are employed, the specimens were purchased. ~ G. A. BOULENGER, British Museum, N. H., January 8, 1885. CATALOGUE OF LIZARDS. Order LACERTILIA. * Quadrate bone articulated to the skull; parts of the ali- and orbito-sphenoid regions fibro-cartilaginous; rami of the mandible united by suture; temporal region without or with only one hori- zontal bar. Anal cleft transverse. Copulatory organs present, paired.”—Giinther, Phil. Trans. clviii. 1867, p. 625. Suborder I. LACERTILIA VERA. Nasal bones entering the border of the nasal apertures ; pterygoid in contact with quadrate. Clavicle present whenever the limbs are developed. Tongue flattened. A. Tongue smooth, or with villose papilla ; clavicle dilated, loop- shaped proximally; no postorbital or postfronto-squamosal arches, Fam. 1. Geckonide. Vertebre amphicclian; parietal bones di- stinct. Fam. 2. Eublepharide. Vertebre proccelian ; parietal single. B. Tongue smooth or with villose papille; clavicle not dilated proximally. Fam. 3. Uroplatide. Vertebre amphiccelian ; interclavicle minute; no postorbital or postfronto-squamosal arches. Fam. 4. Pygopodide. No postorbital or postfronto-squamosal arches ; pre- and postfrontal bones in contact, separating the frontal from the orbit. B 2 LACERTILIA. Fam. 5. Agamide. Postorbital and postfronto-squamosal arches ae present ; supratemporal fossa not roofed over by bone; tongue thick ; acrodont. Fam. 6. Iguanide. Postorbital and postfronto-squamosal arches present: supratemporal fossa not roofed over by bone; tongue thick; pleurodont. Fam. 7. Xenosauride. Postorbital and postfronto-squamosal arches present; supratemporal fossa not roofed over ; anterior por- tion of tongue retractile. | | Fam. 8. Zonurida. Postorbital and postfronto-squamosal arches complete; supratemporal fossa roofed over: tongue simple. Fam. 9. Anguide. Postorbital and postfronto-squamosal arches present ; supratemporal fossa roofed over; body with osteo- dermal plates, each provided with a system of irregularly arranged arborescent or radiating tubules; anterior portion of tongue retractile. Fam. 10. Aniellidg. No interorbital septum, no columella cranii, no arches, Fam. 11. Helodermatide. Postorbital arch present, postfronto- squamosal arch absent; pre- and postfrontals in contact, separating the frontal from the orbit. }-Fam. 12. Varanide. Postorbital arch incomplete; postfronto- squamosal arch present; supratemporal fossa not roofed over; nasal bone single; tongue deeply bifid, sheathed posteriorly. C. Tongue covered with imbricate scale-like papille or with oblique plice; clavicle dilated proximally, frequently loop- shaped. Fam. 13. Xantusiide. Parietals distinct; postorbital and post- fronto-squamosal arches present; supratemporal fossa roofed over. E Fam. 14. Teiide. Postorbital and postfronto-squamosal arches present; supratemporal fossa not roofed over; no osteo- dermal plates. Fam. 15. Amphisbenide. No interorbital septum; no columella cranii; no arches; premaxillary single. Fam. 16. Lacertide. Arches present; supratemporal fossa roofed over; premaxillary single; no osteodermal plates on the body. Fam. 17. Gerrhosauride. Arches present; supratemporal fossa roofed over; premaxillary single; body with osteodermal plates, each provided with a regular system of tubules (a transverse one anastomosing with longitudinal ones), i GECKONID 2, 3 + Fam. 18. Scincide. Arches present; premaxillary double; body with osteodermal plates as in the preceding. + Fam. 19. Anelytropide. Premaxillary single; no arches; no osteodermal plates. Fam. 20. Dibamide. Premaxillary double; no interorbital sep- tum; no columella cranii; no arches; no osteodermal plates. Suborder IJ. RHIPTOGLOSSA. Nasal bones not bounding nasal apertures; pterygoid not reach- ing quadrate. Clavicle absent, limbs well developed. Tongue vermiform, projectile. y Fam. 2]. Chamezleontide. Suborder I. LACERTILIA VERA. Leptoglossi, Pachyglossi, Annulati, Wiegmann, Herp. Mex, 1834. Cyclosaura, Geissosaura, Nyctisaura, Strobilosaura, Gray, Cat. Liz. 1845. 2 Amphishenia, Gray, Cat. Tort., Croc., Amph. 1842. Amphisbenoidea, Kionocrania, Stannius, Zoot. Amph. 1856, Acrodonta Pachyglossa, Nyctisaura, Pleurodonta, Ophiosauri, Cope, Proc, Acad. Philad. 1864, Amphisbzenoidea, Cionocrania, Nyctisaura, Giinther, Phil. Trans. elviii. 1867. Pachyglossa, Nyctisaura, Pleurodonta, Ophiosauri, Cope, Proc, Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc. xix. 1871. Lacertilia vera, Boulenger, Ann. §& Mag. N. H. (5) xiv. 1884. Fam. I. GECKONIDA, Geckotiens, part., Cuvier, Regne Anim. ii. 1817. Ascalabote, part., Merrem, Tent. Syst. Amph. 1820. Geckotide, part., Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825. Ascalabotoidea, part., Fitzinger, Neue Classif. Tept, 1826. Platyglosse, part., Wagler, Syst. Amph. 1830. Ascalabote, part., Wiegmann, Herp. Mex. 1834, Geckotiens ou Ascalabotes, part., Duméril §& Bibron, Erp. Gén. iii. 1836. Ascalabote, part., Fitzinger, Syst. Rept. 1843. Geckotide, part., Gray, Cat. Liz, 1845. : Gecconide, part., Cope, Proc. Am. Assoc, Adv. Se. xix. 1871. Geckonide, Boulenger, Ann. § Mag. NV. H. (5) xiv. 1884. The skull is generally much depressed, and its bones are thin. The nasals remain distinct; the frontal is either single or with distinct suture; the jugal is rudimentary, the orbit not being bound B2 4 GECKONIDA, posteriorly by a bony arch; the postfronto-squamosal arch is like- wise absent; the pterygoids are widely separated and devoid of teeth; a columella cranii is present. The mandible contains only five bones, the angular and articular having coalesced ; the dentition belongs to the pleurodont type; the teeth are small, numerous, closely set, with long, slender, cylindrical shaft and obtuse point ; the new teeth hollow out the base of the old ones. Only in a few instances does the derm of the head coalesce with the skull, and a supraorbital bone is present only in a few species of Turentola. Both pairs of limbs are constantly well developed and pentadactyle. The clavicle is dilated, and perforated proximally; and the inter- clavicle is subrhomboidal or of a shape intermediate between that and the cruciform. The vertebre are biconcave ; the ribs are long, and su prolonged as to form more or less ossified hoops across the whole of the abdominal region. The digits vary considerably, and afford excellent characters for systematic arrangement. Some Geckos (living in barren regions) have the digits similar to those of many Agamoids, 7. e. they are subcylindrical or feebly depressed, and frequently keeled inferiorly or denticulated laterally ; other forms with non-dilated digits have them angularly bent at the articulations and provided with strong claws; but the greater number have the whole or part of the digits dilated into adhesive organs with symmetrical plates or lamelle in- feriorly, the arrangement of which varies considerably. Then also the claw may be retractile, either between some of the lamelle or into a special sheath. Membranes may unite the digits, but the web serves only for the purpose of obtaining a greater adhesive surface, and never for swimming, none of the Geckos entering the water. The body is generally more or less depressed, and may be bordered by cutaneous expansions, the object of which appears to be, in most cases, the same as that of the interdigital membrane; but in the curious genus Ptychozoon, in which the lateral membranes attain the greatest development, they act as a parachute. The tail presents almost every possible shape, from the leaf-like tail of Gymnodac- tylus platwrus and the grotesque rudimentary tail of Nephrurus to the slender rat-like tail of Ayamura and the compressed crested tail of Pristurus, This organ is, except in Agamura, .extremely fragile and rapidly reproduced, in which case, however, it generally assumes an abnormal shape and lepidosis. In some forms the tail proves to be prehensile, a faculty which is possessed by few Lizards other than the Chameleons; and I am induced to believe that a careful examination of the Geckos, when alive, will show this character to be not unfrequent. The eye is generally large and with vertical pupil, which, when strongly contracted, is frequently denticulated or assumes the shape of two superposed rhombs ; some diurnal forms have the eye smaller and the pupil circular. The eye is exposed, as in Snakes, covered by a transparent lid under which it moves freely, the valvular lids being rudimentary; in @lurosaurus, however, there aro connivent GECKONIDE. 5 movable lids, and in Ptenopus the upper lid is sufficiently developed to cover the eye nearly completely. | The tympanum is more or less exposed, except in Teratolepis, in which genus it appears to be completely concealed under the scales. The tongue is fleshy, moderately elongate, very feebly in- cised anteriorly, and capable of protrusion out of the mouth. The teguments are nearly always soft, and consist generally, of granules or tubercles on the dorsal surface, of small imbricated cycloid or hexagonal scales on the ventral surface. Some Geckos are entirely covered with scales of the latter description, which attain their highest development in Teratoscincus, Teratolepis, and Geckolepis. The habits of the Geckos are highly interesting and deserve special attention, as but few observations have been made on them. Some inhabit arid regions, sometimes burrowing in the sand; others are arboreal, living on shrubs or in woods, concealing themselves under stones or under the bark of trees during the daytime; others live on rocks ; others have become the commensals of man, and they again may be divided into two groups—those living inside, those living out- side houses. Most are nocturnal, but some are diurnal. Col. Tytler, in a very interesting paper on the habits of Geckos *, observes that ‘although several species of Geckos may inhabit the same locality, yet, as a general rule, they keep separate and aloof from each other; for instance, in a house the dark cellars may be the resort of one species, the roof of another, and crevices in the walls may be exclusively occupied by a third species. However, at night they issue forth in quest of insects, and may be found mixed up together in the same spot; but on the slightest disturbance, or when they have done feeding, they return hurriedly to their particular hiding- laces.” m Many Geckos utter sounds, probably produced chiefly by a move- ment of the tongue against the palate, and in which yecko, chucko, tockee, or something similar, is distinctly audible. A. Smith says that a South-African Sand-Gecko (Ptenopus garrulus) utters during the day asharp sound somewhat like chick, chick ; und he adds that the number thus occupied is at times so great, and the noise so dis- agreeable, as to cause the traveller to change his quarters. The eggs are round and withahard shell. Ovoviviparism has not been observed in this family. Males are generally distinguished from females by a larger size, the swelling of the base of the tail, and the presence of femoral or preanal pores, which are constantly absent in the latter. The Geckonide are represented in the hotter parts of all the regions of the world. They are most numerous in the Indian and Australian regions. * Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxiii, 1864, pp. 535-548, 6 GECKONIDE. Synopsis of the Genera. I. Digits short, cylindrical, the skin swollen on the palmar surface and under the articulations. Digits clawed ; tail extremely short, terminating in a globular knob. 1. Nephrurus, p. 9. Nola WS isto bcc gravee serE ws 2. Chondrodactylus, p. 10. IL. Digits straight, not dilated, clawed, without pads. Digits granular inferiorly, not fringed laterally ; rostral and mental plates projecting, nail-like ...... 3. Rhynchedura, p. 11. Digits granular inferiorly, strongly fringed laterally ; dorsal scales large, imbricate ..... ........ 4, Teratoscincus, p. 12. Digits covered inferiorly with small imbricate pointed scales; dorsal scales small . j.0.028ce ewes cues 5. Ceramodactylus, p. 13. Digits inferiorly with a series of narrow transverse plates; toes strongly fringed laterally ; fingers not fringed. 6. Ptenopus, p. 15. Digits inferiorly with a series of narrow transverse plates, fringed or denticulated laterally ........ 7. Stenodactylus, p. 16. Digits inferiorly with a series of narrow transverse plates, not fringed nor denticulated laterally; dorsal scales juxtaposed ; male with a series of preanal pores. 8. Alsophylax, p. 19. Digits inferiorly with a series of narrow transverse plates, not fringed nor denticulated laterally ; dorsal scales imbricate; no preanal pores ........-.....4. 9, Homonota, p. 21. — fo III. Digits not or but slightly dilated at the base, the two or three distal joints more or less compressed and angularly bent, inferiorly with a series of transverse plates; all the digits clawed. A. Claw between two scales, a smaller superior and a large latero-inferior. Pupil vertical; tail fragile ........ 10. Gymnodactylus, p. 22. —” Pupil vertical ; tail very slender, not fragile. 11. Agamura, p. 50. Pupil round; body not depressed ; tail compressed. 12. Pristurus, p. 52. Pupil round; body more or less depressed ; tail not compressed, 13. Gonatodes, p. 56. — GECKONIDE. 7 B. Claw between three scales, a smaller superior and two large latero-inferior. Upper and lower eyelids well developed, connivent; ungual scales forming a large compressed sheath. 14.. Mlurosaurus, p. 73. No compressed ungual sheath...... 15. Heteronota, p. 74. IV. Digits dilated at the apex, which is furnished inferiorly with two plates separated by a longitudinal groove. Digits not dilated at the base, clawed, the distal expansion covered above with scales strongly differentiated from those of the basal PATE Lac echt ele eee ewig ine 16. Phyllodactylus, p. 76.——- NO ClAws Scitio iG aaeiees ne ease 17. Ebenavia, p. 96. Digits not dilated at the base, clawed, the distal expansion covered above with small tubercular scales similar to those on the basal Pall. cc teekea see ees 18. Diplodactylus, p. 97. Digits dilated at the base, the basal expansion anteriorly with paired oblique lamelle.......... 19. Gidura, p. 104. The penultimate joint with an expansion bearing two plates exactly similar to the distal............ 20. Calodactylus, p. 108. V. Digits dilated at the apex, which is furnished inferiorly’ with two diverging series of lamelle; digits clawed, the claw sessile and retractile in the anterior notch of the distal expansion ........ 21. Ptyodactylus, p. 109. VI. Digits entirely dilated, with a double series of lamelle inferiorly, clawed, the claw sessile and retractile in the median groove.......... 22. Thecadactylus, p. 111. == VII. Digits dilated, the distal phalanges compressed. A. The distal jomt long, free, rising from within the ex- tremity of the digital expansion. Infradigital plates in a double series; inner digit with compressed clawed phalanx; dorsal lepidosis composed of small scales or tubercles ise sese devs ses ee des 23, Hemidactylus, p. 113. ~-1~ Infradigital plates double; dorsal scales large, imbricate. 24, Teratolepis, p. 144. Infradigital plates in a simple series; inner digit with compressed clawed phalanx, similar to the other digits. 25. Phyllopezus, p. 145. — “ Infradigital plates in a simple series; inner digit clawed, the claw retractile laterally, inferiorly with a circular plate. 26. Aristelliger, p. 146. — Infradigital plates in a simple or double series; inner digit clawleas. 27. Gehyra, p. 147. es 8 GECKONIDE. Infradigital plates in a simple series; inner digit rudimentary, of fore limb clawless, of hind limb clawed. : 28. Perochirus, p. 154. B. The free distal joint at the extremity of the digital expan- sion ; a double series of infradigital lamelle. Pupil vertical ; digits narrow at the base, the dilatation strong and discoid, the distal joint long and slender ; inner digit rudimental. 29. Spathoscalahotes, p. 156. Pupil round; eyelid distinct all round the eye; digits narrow at the base, the dilatation strong and discoid, the distal joint free; inner digit rudimental, with strong, very distinct claw. 30. Microscalabotes, p. 157. Pupil round; eyelid distinct all round the eye; digits narrow at the base, the dilatation strong and discoid, the distal joint strongly curved, the claw retractile between the anterior lamelle; inner digit rudimental, with very small, frequently indistinct claw. 81. Lygodactylus, p. 158. Pupil vertical ; distal joint of digits short ; thumb clawless. 32. Lepidodactylus, p. 162. C. The free distal joint at the extremity of the digital expan- sion ; a single series of infradigital lamelle. 1. The distal joint long. Digits narrowing gradually towards the end, the narrower portion not forming an angle with the dilated basal part; eyelid distinct all round the eye.............. 33. Naultinus, p. 168. The slender distal portion of the digit forming an angle with the dilated basal portion .......... 34, Hoplodactylus, p. 171. 2. The distal joint very short. Digits more or less webbed, inner clawed. , 35. Rhacodactylus, p. 176. Digits half-webbed, inner clawless.. 36. Luperosaurus, p. 181, Digits free or slightly webbed, inner clawless. 37. Gecko, p. 182. Digits entirely webbed, inner clawless, 38. Ptychozoon, p. 189. VIII. Digits entirely dilated, clawed, without compressed un- gual phalanx, inferiorly with a single series of lamella. Body covered with small imbricate scales. 39. Homopholis, p. 191. Body covered with large imbricate scales. 40. Geckolepis, p. 192. “ 1, NEPHRURUS. : 9 Body covered above with large juxtaposed scales, largest and sub- symmetrical on the head........ 41, Eurydactylus, p. 192. Body covered above with granular scales; the claws of the three inner digits turned inwards, those of the two outer turned out- Wards: gs wees as hoee eee bau 42. Hiluronyx, p. 193. IX. Digits dilated, only the third and fourth clawed. 43. Tarentola, p. 194. X. Digits (the Fick at any rate) more or less dilated, clawless. Pupil vertical; tips of toes dilated, ‘with simple transverse lamella miferiorly: sca case ee eee enc 44, Pachydactylus, p. 200. Pupil vertical ; tips of toes rather narrowed, with only two small lamelle inferiorly ............ 45. Colopus, p. 208. Digits dilated at the apex only, infcriorly with transverse lamelle furnished on their hinder edge with fine fringes. 46. Dactychilikion, p. 209. Pupil circular ; eyelid distinct all round the eye. 47. Phelsuma, p. 209. XI. Digits dilated at the apex only, with very small sheathed claw, the sheath opening laterally. Digital expansion with transverse lamelle inferiorly. 48. Rhoptropus, p. 217. Digital expansion with a circular plate inferiorly, -——— 49. Spherodactylus, p. 217. 1. NEPHRURUS. Nephrurus, Giinth. Journ. Mus. Godeffr. xii. 1876, p. 46 Digits short, cylindrical, clawed, outer opposed to inner, in- feriorly with anifoun small spinose tubercles; the extremity of the digits with verticils of keeled scales; the skin swollen on the palmar surface and under the articulations of the digits, simulating pads. Derm of head completely involved in cranial ossification. Body covered with spinose tubercles. Tail extremely short and small, terminating in a globular knob. Pupil vertical. No pre- anal nor femoral pores. Australia. 1. Nephrurus asper. (Puarz I.) Nephrurus asper, Giinth. 1. ¢. Head large, subtriangular, not much depressed, very distinct from neck; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit, a little shorter than the distance between the latter and the ear- 10 GECKONIDE. opening; eye very large; nostril rather large, transversely ellip- tical, directed backwards; lorea] region and forehead concave ; ear- opening a long vertical slit, measuring three fifths the diameter of the orbit, with the tympanum deeply sunk. Body short, not much depressed. Limbs long, slender. Head above with irregular small rough tubercles confluent with the cranial ossification, intermixed with conical ones on the temples and upper eyelids, larger and keeled on the internasal region and in front of the orbit, smallest in the frenal and frontal concayities; a series of larger tubercles bordering the orbit superiorly. Rostral broad and very low; no nasals, the nostril being surrounded by minute granules and widely separated from the rostral and labial plates; latter small, twelve upper and thirteen lower ; mental like the rostral, but narrower ; no chin-shields. Body and limbs finely granular, above and on the sides with round groups of conical spinose tubercles, the one in the centre being the largest; gular region similarly tuberculate, but the spinose tubercles smaller ; the granules round the mandible larger than the others and keeled. The extremely small tail is swollen in its proximal, and thin and tapering in its distal half, and scaled like the body; the globular knob terminating it covered with small keeled granules; this knob is emarginate inferiorly in front, being thus kidney-shaped. Brownish above, with many of the tubercles white ; faint indications of whitish transverse lines on the back ; head with a wide-meshed network of blackish lines, simu- laling symmetrical plates; lower parts whitish. Total length .......... 114 millim. ead os ee se seat eae aio Dh 35 Width of head ........ 25. as Bod yess ia cakes y ae 65, Fore limb ............ 42, Hind limb............ 48, Tall: geeseutanaceances DO. os Eastern Australia. ao. Peak Downs. Museum Godeffroy. (Type.) 2. CHONDRODACTYLUS. Chondrodactylus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1870, p. 110. Digits very short, cylindrical, clawless, with obtuse tips bent downwards, inferiorly with uniform minute spinose granules; the skin swollen on the palmar surface and under the articulations of the digits, simulating pads. Body covered above with flat granules intermixed with larger tubercles, below with imbricate scales, Pupil vertical. No prawanal nor femoral pores. South Africa. 2. CHONDRODACTYLUS.—3. RHYNCH@DURA. 11 1. Chondrodactylus angulifer. (Pxatu II. fig. 5.*) Chondrodactylus angulifer, Peters, J. c. p. 111, pl.—. fig. 1. Head large, swollen; snout very short and convex, as long as the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the latter and the ear-opening ; interorbital space narrow, a little concave; ear- opening an oblique slit, measuring half the diameter of the orbit. Body short, not depressed. Limbs rather slender. Snoutand crown covered with polygonal scales, largest round the orbit ; temples and occiput with small granules intermixed with keeled tubercles ; rostral small, pentagonal; nostril pierced between three nasals, the anterior being the largest and in contact with its fellow; nine or ten upper and ten or eleven lower labials ; mental narrow, a little longer than the adjacent labials ; no chin-shields. Uppersurface of body covered with irregular flat granules intermixed with round keeled tubercles. Throat granulate ; abdominal region with small smooth subhexa- gonal imbricate scales. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with irregular flat scales, intermixed above with conical tubercles ar- ranged in transverse series. Light grey-brown above, with five more or less marked blackish angular transverse bands on the back; sometimes round white spots on the sides of the back; a median longitudinal dark streak on the nape; an oblique dark band from the eye towards the latter; tail with dark annuli above; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 126 millim. Head vs. sewn paca seas 22 «4, Width of head ........ 19 ,, Body ici ing cw hw 52 (Ca, Fore limb ............ 2h oy, Hind limb............ 32 (C«, Mats afeSictita ins stakes 52 South Africa. a-b. 3. Karroo. The Trustees of the South- African Museum [P.]. ec. Hgr. 8. Africa. 3. RHYNCHGDURA. Rhyncheedura, Giinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (8) xx. 1867, p. 50. Digits cylindrical, slightly compressed, clawed, covered with uniform small granules. Scales uniformly granular, subimbricate on ventral region. Rostral and mental plates projecting, nail-like. Pupil vertical. Australia. * Lower surface of hand, x 2; a. Lower surface of fourth finger, x 4. 12 GECKONIDE. 1. Rhynchedura ornata. (Puatz II. fig. 1.) Rhynchcedura ornata, Giinth. J. c. p. 51. Head resembling that of a young bird, high, the snout pointed and compressed, beak-like; the length of the snout equals the diameter of the orbit, and is much more than the distance between the latter and the very small, roundish ear-opening ; the upper eye- lid is broad, and may cover a good part of the eye. Body rather elongate, scarcely depressed. Limbs moderately elongate ; the digits are rather slender, and the outer toe inserted far down. Head and body covered with small granules, from which the labials can hardly be distinguished, smallest on the throat, largest, flattened and sub- imbricate on the belly; enlarged scales before and behind the vent. Nostrils large, pierced between granules; rostral and mental small, nail-like, prominent, forming two small hooks. Tail short, rounded, swollen, covered with rings of smooth square scales. Light greyish- brown above, with round, faint, whitish spots; each side with con- fluent blackish-brown half rings; a blackish-brown band across the occiput ; lower parts white. Total length .......... 72 millim. Gad ok ee ote nares dd 35 Width of head ........ tos Bod Y isépeciiretceaeias 36, Fore Mb ego oceans 16> 14, Hind limb.........0.. 19 ,, Ta siace eowveck fas wes 25, North-western Australia. a 2? Nicol Bay. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. (Type.) 4, TERATOSCINCUS. Teratoscineus, Strauch, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. vi. 1868, p. 480 and Mél. Biol. vi. 1867, p. 553. ‘ Digits not dilated, furnished with a long claw, depressed, with a lateral fringe of long pointed scales, covered inferiorly with minute granular scales. Body covered with uniform large cycloid imbri- cated scales. Pupil vertical. No preanal nor femoral pores. Persia ; Turkestan. , 1, Teratoscincus scincus. (Puars II. fig. 3,*) Stenodactylus scincus, Schleg. Handl. Dierk. ii. p. 16. Teratoscincus keyserlingii, Strauch, 1. c.; Blanford, 2nd Vark. Miss Rept. p. 11. , e Head large, high ; snout obtuse, slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; eye large; ear-opening large, elliptic, oblique, three fifths the ee * J ower surface of fourth ‘toe, x4. 4, TERATOSCINCUS.—5, CERAMODACTYLUS, 13 diameter of the eye. Body depressed. Limbs moderate; toes rather long. Head covered with small granules, largest on the snout; rostral quadrangular, broader than high, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; nine or ten upper and as many lower labials; mental quadrangular, a little longer than the adjacent labials; no regular chin-shields. Scales of body large, cycloid, smooth, imbricate, largest on the abdomen, of limbs smaller. Tail round at the base, compressed in its posterior half, covered inferiorly and laterally with scales similar to those of the body, above with a series of large, transverse, nail- like plates. Cream-coloured above, with traces of the brown transverse bands which are distinct in the young; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 126 millim. Head vnaase go osecun ax 22 «5 Width of head ........ IS. 45 Body scisisnwaie se eee 57, Fore limb ............ 30. Co, Hind limb............ 42 ,, Pall: ga4 4 sae nes are AT 45 Persia; Turkestan. a. 9. Eastern Turkestan. Dr. J. Scully [P.]. 5. CERAMODACTYLUS. Ceramodactylus, Blanford, Ann. § Mag. N. H. (4) xiii. 1874, p. 454. Digits not dilated, furnished with a long claw, depressed, with a lateral fringe of long pointed scales, covered inferiorly with small imbricate pointed scales. Body covered with small flat scales. Pupil vertical. Males with preeanal pores. Persia; Arabia. 1. Ceramodactylus dori. (Pratz II. fig. 4*.) Ceramodactylus doriz, Blanf. l.c., and Zool. E. Persia, p. 358, pl. xxiii. fig. 2. Head large, oviform; snout obtusely pointed, as long as the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear- opening; eye large; ear-opening small, elliptic, vertical. Body little depressed. Limbs long, slender; if stretched forward the fore limb reaches beyond the tip of the snout, the hind limb a little beyond the axil; toes rather long. Head covered with granular scales, which are slightly keeled on the snout; rostral pentagonal, broader than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced in the centre of a slight swelling followed by a concavity, between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; fourteen or fifteen upper * Lower surface of fourth toe, x5. 14 GECKONID&. and as many lower labials; mental rather large, squarish, broader than high; no chin-shields. Body covered with small flat, slightly keeled, polygonal scales of uniform size. Male with two widely separated preanal pores. ‘Tail rather slender, cylindrical, gradually tapering to a very fine point, covered with uniform, small, feebly keeled scales. Pale buff above, with brown network enclosing round whitish spots; tail above annulate brown and white ; lower surfaces white. Total length ......... 111 millim. WGA dts bcs 8 wacneteaccates Lh 55 Width of head ........ 13g, Body ceca nos ee dawes 49 ,, Fore limb ............ 26. —(««, Hind limb............ 34 (Cy, Pa 42. la esti act eet 8 45, Persia; Arabia. a. Arabia. Capt. Burton eh b. 3. Sinaitic Peninsula. H. C. Hart, Esq. [C.]. 2. Ceramodactylus affinis. Ceramodactylus affinis, Murray, Ann. § Mag. N. H. (5) xiv. 1884, p. 103. Distinguished from the preceding by a stouter habit. The head is more convex, and the limbs and digits shorter; if stretched for- wards the fore limb does not extend beyond the tip of the snout, the bind limb does not reach the axil. The tail is shorter and ends more abruptly. Ten or eleven upper and as many lower labials ; mental as long as broad, its posterior edge curved. Sandy grey above, with darker specks, and four dark cross bands, the anterior on the occiput, the posterior on the loins ; these bands curved, with the concavity in front; lips with dark vertical bars ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 85 millim. Head veces estedoc. ss 16 C,, Width of head ........ TIO o, Body so ssi sacwnsa yes 37s, Fore limb ............ 21 4 Hind limb........... » 28° 4, PAM oes sec aaa anes a 82 ay Persia. a. 9. Tanjistan. J. A. Murray, Esq. [P.]. (One of the types.) 6. PTENOPUS. 15 6. PTENOPUS. Ptenopus, Gray, Proc. Zool, Soc. 1865, p.640; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1868, p. 821, Digits not dilated, furnished with a long claw, inferiorly with a series of narrow transverse plates. Fingers subcylindrical. Toes depressed, with a lateral fringe of long pointed scales. Body covered with granular scales. Pupil vertical. Lower eyelid distinct, upper much developed. No preanal nor femoral pores. South Africa. 1. Ptenopus garrulus. (Pare II. fig. 2.) Stenodactylus garrulus, Smith, Ill. 8. Afr., Rept., App. p.6; A. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 47, and Arch, Mus, viii. p. 488; Giinth. Zool. Ree. ii. p. 149. Ptenopus maculatus, Gray, 1. c.; Cope, 1. c. Head short, swollen ; snout rounded, as long as the diameter of the orbit, shorter than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening; upper eyelid well developed, meeting almost the rudimen- tary lower lid; ear-opening a small oblique slit. Body moderately elongate, depressed ; limbs moderate; a more or less distinct trans- verse gular fold, Scales uniform small granules, a little larger on the belly. Rostral small, six-sided, nearly as broad as high; nostril pierced between two nasals, the anterior being the largest and in contact with the rostral and first labial; seven or eight upper, and seven to nine lower labials; mental small, a little longer than the adjacent labials; no chin-shields. Tail short, cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform, small, squarish flat scales. Pale buff or cream-coloured above, with dark reddish-brown reticulations forming spots; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 80 millim. Head: cde es eee 12, Width of head ........ ll, Body! ooh se Seietntva's we 3f ys Fore limb ............ 1D 355 Hind limb ............ 25 sy, Maa aig 2 3a sseeceerauss Oly 4; South Africa. a, Several specs.: 5,9, 8S. Africa. Sir A, Smith [P.]. and her. (Types.) b-c. SY. Damaraland. (Types of Ptenopus maculatus.) 16 GECKONID. 7, STENODACTYLUS. Stenodactylus, Fitzing. WN. Classif. Rept. p. 18, and Syst. Rept. p.89; Cur. Regne Anim, 2nd ed. ii. p. 58; Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 483; Gray, Cat. p. 177. Ascalabotes, Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 143. Gymnodactylus, part., Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 19. Tolarenta, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 58. Tropiocolotes, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1880, p. 306. Digits not dilated, furnished with a long claw, and a lateral fringe or denticulation of pointed scales ; inferiorly with a series of keeled scales. Body covered with juxtaposed or imbricated scales. Pupil vertical. No prewanal nor femoral pores. North Africa ; South-western Asia; Sind. Synopsis of the Species. I. No chin-shields ; dorsal scales small. Dorsal lepidosis formed of granules inter- mixed with scattered tubercles; digits strongly fringed 000s 1. orientalis, p. 16. Dorsal scales uniform, juxtaposed ; rostral entering the nostril ............+.-- 2. guttatus, p. 17. Dorsal scales uniform, subimbricate ; rostral not entering the nostril.........- 1... 8, wilkinsonii, p. 18. II. Two pairs of chin-shields ; dorsal scales large, imbricate. Dorsal scales feebly keeled, abdominal scales BIMOOLN:, Arden Set oe tener ee oats 4, petersiz, p. 18. Dorsal and ventral scales strongly keeled.. 5. tripolitanus, p. 19. 1. Stenodactylus orientalis. (Puare III. fig. 1.) Stenodactylus orientalis, Blanf. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlv. 1876, . 21, dunstervillei, Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 868, & erratum. Head rather depressed, regularly oviform; snout slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit, as long as the distance between the latter and the ear-opening ; forehead very slightly concave ; ear- opening an oblique slit measuring two thirds the diameter of the eye. Body moderate, depressed. Limbs moderate; digits elongate, de- pressed, with well-developed lateral fringe ; the transverse inferior lamellae quinquecarinate. Head covered with small granules, which are feebly keeled on the snout and between the eyes; rostral quad- rangular, broader than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals ; twelve upper and thirteen lower labials ; mental broader than high, sub- pentagonal, the lower angle rounded; no chin-shields. Body covered with small granules, keeled on the ventral region, inter- 7. STENODACTYLUS, 17 mixed with small, keeled, irregularly scattered roundish tubercles on the back. Tail cylindrical, tapering to a fine point, covered with small keeled scales arranged in rings. Colour pale sandy, with indistinct darker transverse bands; a darker line from the eye down each side ; dorsal tubercles darker; lower surface whitish. Total length .......... 84 millim. Cad rice secs Nog atone a 14~=««, Width of head ........ 10 ,, Body eee 35 Cy Fore limb ............ 19 4, Hind limb .......... Pee 26 5, Da a ceca cea as ah 35, Sind. a@ 2. Near Rohri. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. (Type-) 2. Stenodactylus guttatus. (Pxuare III. fig. 2.*) Geoffr. Descr. Egypte, pl. v. fig. 2. Ascalabotes sthenodactylus, Licht. Verz. Doubl. Mus. Berl, p. 102. Stenodactylus cae Cuv, R. A, 2nd ed. ii. p. 58; Dum, §& Bibr, iii. p. 484; Strauch, Erp. Alg. p. 24; Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac, 1880, p. 806. Trapelus savignyi, Aud. Descr. Egypte, Rept., Suppl. p. 167, pl. i. figs. 3 & 4, Stenodactylus elegans, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 89, —— mawitanicus, Guich. Expl. Sc. Alg., Rept. p. 5, pl. i. fig. 1; A. Dum. Cat. Méth, Rept. p. 47, and Arch, Mus, viii. p. 87 ; Strauch, 1. ¢. p. 25. Head very variable in shape, more or less depressed; snout rounded or more or less pointed, as long as the diameter of the orbit, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; eye very large ; ear-opening oval, oblique, not half the diameter of the eye. Body moderately elongate, depressed. Limbs long and slender; digits elongate, scarcely depressed, feebly denticulated laterally ; the transverse inferior lamellx tricarinate. Head covered with small keeled granular scales, hexagonal on the snout; rostral broader than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced in the middle of a slight swelling, between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; eleven to thirteen upper, and ten to twelve lower labials; mental quadrangular ; no chin-shields. Body covered with small flat juxtaposed scales, which may be slightly keeled on the back and are always so on the belly. Tail cylindrical, tapering, probably prehensile, covered with small juxtaposed keeled scales. Light buff or sandy above, with round whitish spots inclosed in the meshes of a brown network; tail with brown annuli; back sometimes with rather indistinct dark cross bands; lower surfaces white. * Lower surface of fourth toe, x 4. 18 GECKONIDE. Total length ........+. 98 millim. Head vw scv ei asaees wes LP as Width of head ........ 12:5 ,, Body ....-.eeeeeeeees 41 ,, Fore limb ..........-.- D3" 55 Hind limb .........-+- 30 =a, TAI ogee acs sarees eee Me 40 ,, North Africa ; South-western Asia. aod. Egypt. ae Q. Gan. Sir R, Owen [P.]. ad. 3. Sinaitic Peninsula. H. C. Hart, Esq. [C.]. ée 9. Mount Sinai. fc. Dead Sea. Rey. H. B. Tristram [C.]. g3. Jaffa. 3. Stenodactylus wilkinsonii. (Pxare III. fig. 3.*) Stenodactylus guttatus (non Cuv.), Gray, Cat. p. 177. Tolarenta wilkinsonii, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 58. Snout acutely pointed. Limbs very slender and elongate; digits slender, very feebly denticulated laterally. Scales flat, small, slightly keeled, subimbricate. Nostril pierced in the centre of a very strong swelling between the first labial and three nasals; fourteen upper and twelve lower labials. Otherwise as in S. guttatus. Brown above, white-spotted. Total length .......... 94 millim. GAs eesiccaieiecacel Soe ered 15 ,, Width ofhead ........ 9 ,, BOG onic isastaver east taies 38 Cy, Fore limb ............ 23 Cy, Hind limb ............ 30, CRA aeseacselerte na Suns agb vasa 41 ,, Egypt. a, Bad state. Egypt. Sir J. G. Wilkinson [P.]. (Type.) 4, Stenodactylus petersii, (Pxare III. fig. 4.) Head moderately depressed; snout pointed, as long as the dia- meter of the orbit, or the distance between the eye and the ear- opening; latter small, round. Body and limbs rather slender; ‘digits elongate, scarcely depressed, feebly denticulated laterally ; the transverse inferior lamelle tricarinate. Head covered with large convex granules ; rostral as high as broad, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and two nasals; nine upper and eight lower labials; mental large, tri- angular; two pairs of chin-shields. Body covered with rather large cycloid imbricated scales, which are feebly keeled on the back and * Profile of head, x 2. ee eee es | rhe. 7. STENODACTYLUS—8, ALSOPHYLAX. 19 smooth on the belly. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform keeled scales forming rings. Colour above sandy, with three series of brown spots on the back; a brown streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 51 millim, Heady gc coeah ead sion 75 Width of head ........ 45 ,, Body) ise eps ee eee penn 20°5 ,, Fore limb ............ 10. —g, Hind limb ............ 4. (C, Tail (reproduced) ...... 23g, Egypt. a. 9? Egypt. 5. Stenodactylus tripolitanus. Teele tripolitanus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1880, p. 306, g. 1. This species appears to agree in every point with the preceding, except that all the scales of the body are strougly keeled, and there are only seven upper and six lower labials. The tail is considerably longer than head and body. Tripoli. 8. ALSOPHYLAX. Alsophylax, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 90. Bunopus, Blanf. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (4) xiii. 1874, p. 454, and Zool. E. Persia, p. 348. Digits not dilated, clawed, not denticulated laterally, inferiorly with a series of lamellae. Body covered above with juxtaposed scales intermixed with enlarged tubercles, inferiorly with imbricate scales, Pupil vertical. Males with preanal pores. Turkestan ; Persia; Baluchistan. 1, Alsophylax pipiens. (Puarz ITI. fig. 5.*) Lacerta pipiens, Pallas, Zoogr. Ross.-As. iii. p. 27. Ascalabotes pipiens, Lichtenst. in Eversm. Reise, p. 145, and Verz, Doubl. Mus. Berl. p. es St 1B Gymnodactylus pipiens, Hichw. Zool. Spec, iii. p. 181. Stenodactylue pian Fitzing. N. Classif. Rept. p. 47. — eversmanni, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 90. Eublepharis (Alsophylax) pipiens, Fitzing. J. c. odactylus microtis, Blanf. Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xliv. 1876, p. 193, and 2nd Yark, Miss., Rept. p. 15, pl. ii. fig. 1. Head rather small, not much depressed ; snout obtuse, a little longer than the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the * Lower surface of fourth toe, x 4. c2 20 GECKONIDZ. eye and the car-opening; latter very small. Body moderately depressed. Limbs moderate; digits slender, inferiorly with simple transverse lamelle. Head covered with large convex granules ; rostral rather large, pentagonal, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and one nasal ; seven or eight upper and five or six lower labials, anterior very large ; mental very large, trapezoid, in contact with two small chin-shields, followed by others passing gradually into the rather large flat gular granules. Back covered with irregular flat juxtaposed scales, inter- mixed with small, very irregularly scattered keeled tubercles. Abdo- minal scales large, hexagonal, imbricate. Male with an angular series of seven or nine preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with smooth imbricated scales, inferiorly with a median series of enlarged scales. Colour sandy above, with rather indistinct darker cross bands ; lips brown-spotted ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 82 millim. Head. side we ba ew ele xs 10 ~~ Width of head .......... 65 ,, Bod yas west ree te OT ons Fore limb............65 4~C&««, Hind limb ............ 19 4 "PAU iso: sarsiese aevcneaerars ans 45 ,, Turkestan. a-c. 6 Q. Gt. Mt. Bogdo. St. Petersburg Museum [E.]. 2, Alsophylax tuberculatus. Bunopus tuberculetus, Blanf. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xiii. p. 454, and Zool. E. Persia, p. 348, pl. xxii. fig. 4, Head moderate ; snout obtuse, a little longer than the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; forehead very slightly concave ; ear-opening elliptic, vertical, nearly half the diameter of the eye. Body moderately depressed. Limbs moderate ; digits slender, the inferior lamelle furnished with pro- jecting tubereles. Head covered with large granules, smaller and intermixed with round tubercles on the temporal and occipital regions; rostral subquadrangular, not much broader than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; about ten to twelve upper and eight to ten lower labials ; mental subtrapezoid, broader than long ; no chin- shields; gular granules minute. Back covered with small irregular flat granules, intermixed with large trihedral tubercles, forming about fourteen irregular longitudinal series. Abdominal scales - rather small, subhexagonal, imbricate, Males with seven or eight preanal pores, forming a slightly angular series. Tail cylindrical, slightly depressed, verticillate, with rings of keeled tubercles; no enlarged scales inferiorly. Colour sandy, darker-spotted; a darker streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye, sometimes 8. ALSOPHYLAX—9, HOMONOTA. 21 meeting its fellow on the occiput, sometimes extending to the side of the body; lower surfaces white. Total length. ........ 104 millim. Head! yc.05 sacsa eee aa 13 —~CO« Width of head ........ D> aa Body? ese oy gxcite aca ay 40 ,, Fore limb ............ 17 me Hind limb............ DPE! sys MEAD | sat- ecataclol a Sete cael aaa ok 51g, Baluchistan ; Southern Persia. a-b. SD. Bahu Kalat, Baluchistan. W. T. Blanford, cd. 9 & her. Mand, Baluchistan. Esq. [C.]. a 3. Near Bampur, Baluchistan. (Types. ) 9. HOMONOTA. Homonota, Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 171. Digits not dilated, clawed, inferiorly with a series of lamella, not denticulated laterally. Body covered with uniform imbricate scales. Pupil vertical. No preanal nor femoral pores. South-eastern South America. 1.. Homonota darwinii. (Pxats III. fig. 7.) Homonota gaudichaudi (non D. & B.), Gray, 1. ¢. Gymnodactylus gaudichaudii (non D. & B.), Bell, Zool. ‘Beagle, Rept. p. 26, pl. xvi. fig. 1. Head short, convex; snout rounded, longer than the diameter of the orbit, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear- opening; latter a small oblique slit. Body rather elongate, feebly depressed. Limbs moderate; digits short, rather thick. Head covered with convex granules, which are largest on the snout; rostral pentagonal or quadrangular, broader than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; six or seven upper and five or six lower labials; mental large, pentagonal subcampanuliform ; no regular chin-shields, but dilated granules border the mental and infralabials, and pass gradually into the smaller granules of the throat, which are flat and become imbricate as they approach the neck. Body covered with uniform cycloid imbricated scales, which are a little larger on the belly ; those on the back sometimes very indistinctly keeled. Tail cylindrical, tapering to a very fine point, sometimes rather swollen ; the scales uniform, cycloid, imbricate, smooth, rather larger in- feriorly. Light brown above, marbled with darker; a somewhat indistinct dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces whitish. : 22 GECKONIDZ, Total length .....-.++5 97 millim. Head ..... steer genes 13. 3; Width of head.........- lo. ,, Body ...-.. ee eeeeeeee 85s, Forelimb...... ..+-++: 16 Pe Hind limb ........---- 22 Palle. gases tetas weg Ass Eastern Patagonia ; Buenos Ayres; Uruguay. a-d. 39. Port Desire. C. Darwin [P.]. (Typical speci- mens of Bell’s G. gaudichaudit.) e od. Montevideo, f. & pea T. Bell, Esq. [P.]. 2. Homonota whitii. (Prats III. fig. 6.) Distinguished from the preceding in having the head and body considerably depressed, the head longer, the body shorter, and the digits more slender. Rostral quadrangular, twice as broad as high ; eight upper and six lower labials. A median series of enlarged infracaudals. Grey-brown, marbled with darker. Total length .......... 74 millim. Plead so ew egey seen ll ,, Width of head.......... 75 y Body eesesesdase's sere 26—=CO«y, Fore limb ............ 12.~—~«C&4, Hind limb ............ 165 ,, MPAA Lise tare ate reesauenae 37s Cordova. a od. Cosquin. E. W. White, Esq. [C.]. 10. GYMNODACTYLUS*. Phyllures, Cuv. R. A, ii. p. 50. Gymnodactylus, Spir, Spec. Nov. Lacert. Bras. p.17; Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 144; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p.90; Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 175; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 112. : Stenodactylus, Fitzing. N. Class. Rept. p. 13. Phyllurus, Fitzing. 1. c., and Syst. Rept. p. 92; Gray, Cat. p. 176, aa Kuhl, Isis, 1827, p. 290; Wagl. le; Fitzing. 1. e. p. 92, Cyrtodactylus, Gray, Phil. Mag. (2) iii. ; vat eee : "a8 Ys re ’) lil. 1827, p. 55, and Zool, Journ. aoe part., Wregm. Herp. Mex. p.19; Dum. § Bibr. iii. Jetoutabane Fixing. 1. e. p. 90. * Gymnodactylus atropunctatus, Lichtenst. N: 3 —Turkestan. st. Nomencl. Rept. Mus. Berol. p. 6. —— tenuis, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad, 1856, p. 149.—Manilla, 10. @ymNopactyits. 23 Saurodactylus, Fitzing. 1. c. p. 91. Dasyderma, Tsang, 1 ec. Pp. §9. Cyrtopodion, Fitzing. 1. c. p. 98. Cubina, Gray, Cat. p. 175. Puellula, Blyth, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xxix. 1860, p. 109. Geckoella, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p. 99. Quedenfeldtia, Boetty. Abh. Senck. Ges. xiii. 1883, p. 125. Digits not dilated, clawed, cylindrical or slightly depressed at the base; the two or three distal phalanges compressed, forming an angle with the basal portion of the digits; the claw between two enlarged scales, the inferior of which is more or less deeply notched under the claw; digits inferiorly with a row of more or less distinct transverse plates. Body variously scaled. Pupil vertical. Males with or without preanal or femoral pores. Borders of the Mediterranean; Southern Asia; Australia ; islands of the Pacific; Tropical America. Synopsis of the Species. I. Tail not, or but slightly, swollen. A. Stone- or Sand-Geckos with rows of trihedral sharply keeled tubercles on the back and tail; ventral scales not larger than the dorsal tubercles. 1. Infracaudal scales not keeled. Dorsal tubercles very large, not longer than broad, in 14 longitrainal series; 26 longitudinal series of scales across the middle of the belly; male with a long series of praanal and femoral pores .........-..-. 1. caspius, p. 26. Dorsal tubercles large, in 12 or 14 longitudinal series; about 20 series of scales across the middle of the belly: secas wise ceexetneee ee: 2. scaber, p. 27. Dorsal tubercles small, in 10 longi- tudinal sevies; about 20 series of scales across the middle of the belly; the fore limb, when stretched for- wards, does not reach the tip of the 1 cc 3. brevipes, p. 28. Dorsal tubercles small, in 10 or 12 longitudinal series ; about 30 series of scales across the middle of the belly ; the hind lirb stretched for- wards does not extend beyond the shoulder .....-..00se ce eeeenees 4. kotschyi, p. 29. Dorsal tubercles moderate, in 12 or 14 longitudinal series ; about 30 series of scales across the middle of the ~ 24 GECKONID#, belly ; the hind limb stretched for- wards reaches constriction of neck. 5. kachhensis, p. 29. Dorsal tubercles small, irregularly arranged; about 25 scales across the middle of the belly; no granules or small scales between the keeled scales of the upper surface of the GAL: iO caby cowcedvena sd a ihcuntnan eee Oe 7. elongatus, p. 30. 2. Infracaudal scales keeled. The fore limb stretched forwards reaches the tip of the snout ...... 6. heterocercus, p. 30. The fore limb does not reach the tip of the snoub ...... cee eee eee 8. fasciatus, p. 31. B. Stone- or Sand-Geckos with long slender digits and the dorsal scales uniform or intermixed with slightly enlarged smooth tubercles. 1. Dorsal scales juxtaposed. a. Enlarged tubercles on the back or on the tail. Tail swollen, with enlarged tubercles. 9. stoliczke, p. 31. Tail without enlarged tubercles ; men- tal plate large ..............4. 10. lawderanus, p. 32. Tail without enlarged tubercles ; men- tal scarcely larger than the adjacent Vabials's ies: ters gaara acs oy tear olce 11. dorbignyi, p. 33. b. No enlarged tubercles either on the back or on the tail. Tail cylindrical .................. 12. mauritanicus, p. 33. Tail depressed ; border of the eyelid with prominent spine-like scales .. 13. trachyblepharus, p. 34. 2. Dorsalscales imbricate, like the ventrals ...... so hiieheeedia ¢ ites 14. steudneri, p. 34. C. Tree-Geckos, with uniform or heterogeneous dorsal scales ; clawed phalanges strong. 1. No lateral fold. a. Dorsal tubercles smooth or unicarinate. a. Ventral scales small, Dorsal scales very small, granular, uni- form or intermixed with very small tubercles............0.-. 000s 15, nebulosus, p. 84. Dorsal scales very large and flat, smooth, squarish, uniform; seven lower lablalses ig gece tag kere caine wens 16. jeyporensis, p. 36. 10. e@ymwopacty1us. 25 Dorsal scales very large and flat,smooth or feebly keeled, uniform ; body and tail with transverse white bands .. 17. deccanensis, p. 36. Back with tubercles of unequal size; ventral scales tubercular, slightly keeled ; body and tail with trans- verse white bands .............. 18. albofasciatus, p. 37. Back granular, with about 30 lon- gitudinal series of tubercles con- tained between an area bounded by faint keels margining the belly .... 19. oldhami, p. 38. Back with small granules intermixed with numerous small trihedral tu- pereles cag yee cues ae atasaas 20. trihedrus, p. 38. Back with 16 regular longitudinal series of roundish tubercles ...... 21. arnouwii, p. 39. 6. Ventral scales very large, in 16 longitudinal BOTIOH Sis ir hte Reese ns 22. geckoides, p. 39. b. Dorsal tubercles ribbed ; ventral scales keeled. Dorsal tubercles forming very regular longitudinal series .............. 23. pelagicus, p. 40. Dorsal tuberclés in about 10 irregular longitudinal series .............. 24, heteronotus, p. 41. Dorsal tubercles in more than 10 irre- gular longitudinal series ........ 25. cheverti, p. 41. Dorsal tubercles not in regular series. 26. affinis, p. 42. 2. A slight fold from axilla to groin. Large species, with large head. Dorsal tubercles small, smooth; irregu- larly scattered ; male with two pairs of preanal pores ..........--.. 27. frenatus, p. 42. Dorsal tubercles large, trihedral ; 26 longitudinal series of ven- tral scales; male with 16 preano- femoral pores on each side ........ 28. variegatus, p. 43. Dorsal tubercles large, trihedral ; 36 longitudinal series of ventral scales; male with 5 or 6 praanal pores on each side .............. 29. fasciolatus, p. 44. Dorsal tubercles small, roundish, feebly keeled; infradigital lamelle much developed; male with 10 or 13 pre- anal pores, forming an angle...... 80. Ihasiensis, p. 44. Dorsal tubercles small, roundish, feebly keeled; male with 12 or 26 GECKONIDZ. 13 preanal, and, on each side, 5 or 6 femoral pores, the former in a longitudinal groove .........+-+ 31. marmoratus, p. 44. Dorsal tubercles small, roundish, feebly keeled; no femoral pores; male with a few preanal pores in a lon- gitudinal groove..............55 32. rubidus, p. 45. Dorsal tubercles small, subconical ; infradigital lamelle hardly distin- guishable; no femoral pores; male with a few preanal pores in a longi- tudinal groove ....... eee cess 33. philippinicus, p. 46. Dorsal tubercles small, roundish, keeled; male with a few preanal pores in a longitudinal groove, and 14 or 15 femoral pores on each side ; body with transverse brown bands, narrower than the interspaces between them...............00. 34. pulchellus, p. 46. Dorsal tubercles very small ; male with an angular series of 9 to 11 preanal pores, without pubic groove or femoral pores ; body with transverse brown bands narrower than the interspaces between them ........ 35. consobrinus, p. 47. II. Tail at least nearly as broad as the body. Tail carrot-shaped ................ 36. miliusiz, p. 48. Tail leaf-shaped ..............--4- 37. platurus, p. 49. 1. Gymnodactylus caspius. Gymnodactylus caspius, Fichw. Zool. Spec. Ross. Pol. iii. p. 181, and Faun. Casp, Cauc, p. 91, pl. xv.; A. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 45, and Arch. Mus, viil. p. 482; Stoliczka, Proc, As, Soc. Beng. 1872, pp. 80 & 126, Uromastix fasciatus, Ménétr. Cat. Rais. p. 64. ? Gymmnodactylus geckoides (non Spix), Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1858, p. 410; Theobald, Cat. Rept. As. Soc. Mus. p. 81. Head moderate, oviform; snout slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening ; eye large; forehead very slightly concave ; ear-opening rather small, elliptical, vertical, slightly oblique. Body moderate. Limbs long, the fore limb carried forwards reaching a little beyond the tip of the snout, the hind limb reaching constriction ‘of neck : digits long and slender, cylindrical at the base, inferiorly with well- developed lamelle. Head covered with large convex tubercles which are slightly keeled and intermixed with small granules on the occipital and temporal regions; rostral quadrangular, broader 10. @YMNoDACTYLUB. 27 than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; ten upper and eight lower labials ; mental large, pentagonal, longer than broad ; two pairs of chin-shields, median largest and forming a short suture behind the point ofthe mental. Body covered above with irregular small flat scales and large trihedral subtriangular tubercles, forming fourteen longitudinal series ; these tubercles are very large, slightly broader than long, the diameter of the largest equalling three fifths the diameter of the eye; the keel is very sharp, terminating in a small spine on the largest tubercles. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate, smooth, in twenty-six longitudinal series in the middle of the belly. Male with a long continuous series of about twenty femoral and preanal pores. Tail rounded, tapering, slightly de- pressed, above with rows of large spinose trihedral tubercles, infe- riorly with a median series of enlarged transverse plates. Sandy- coloured above, with rather indistinct darker transverse bands; lower surfaces white. Total length ........ 115 millim. Head .............. 18 45 Width of head ...... 125 =, Body ic caw sw eweae’s 42 “5 Fore limb .......... 26 55 Hind limb .......... 37 3 Tail (injured) ........ 55 3 Turkestan ; Punjab ? a. 3. Krasnowodsk. St. Petersburg Museum [E.]. 2. Gymnodactylus scaber. Stenodactylus scaber, Riipp. Atl. N. Afr., Rept. p. 15, pl. iv. fig. 2. Gymnodactylus scaber, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii, p, 421. Gonyodactylus (Cyrtopodion) scaber, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 93. Gymnodactylus geckoides (nox Spix), Schreib, Herp. Eur. p. 482. — scaber, Murray, Ann. § Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xiv. 1884, pp. 102, 110. Head moderate, narrower and smaller than in the preceding; snout slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; eye large, forehead very slightly concave ; ear-opening rather small, elliptical, vertical. Body moderate. Limbs long, the fore limb carried for- wards, reaching as far as the tip of the snout, the hind limb reaching articulation of neck; digits long and slender, cylindrical at the base, inferiorly with well-developed lamellx. Snout covered with large convex polygonal granules, which are consider- ably smaller than in G. caspius; hinder part of head with small granules intermixed with roundish tubercles; rostral quadrangular, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, 28 GECKONIDE. the first labial, and three nasals ; ten upper and eight or nine lower labials ; mental triangular or pentagonal, not longer than broad ; two pairs of chin-shields, median largest and forming a suture behind the point of the mental. Body covered above with irregular small flat scales and large trihedral subtriangular tubercles, forming twelve or fourteen longitudinal series; these tubercles are not so large as in G. caspius, though likewise much larger than the interspaces between them, the diameter of the largest not quite equal to half that of the eye; they are strongly keeled. Abdo- minal scales large, cycloid-hexagonal, imbricate, smooth, in about twenty longitudinal series in the middle of the belly. Male with five or six preanal pores. Tail feebly depressed, tapering, above with rows of large spinose trihedral tubercles, inferiorly with a median series of enlarged transverse plates. Sandy-coloured above, brown-spotted ; tail with brown annuli; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 105 millim. Head) sii. oc ue isve otc aecto 13°—C««, ‘Width of head ........ 9 4 BOG? i20 Gel ble eCopt ae 33—C(«y, Fore limb .......,.... 19 ~«, Hind limb............ 27 Cy, Pat) jsf oches cases ined tae es 59 From Egypt southwards to Abyssinia and eastwards to Afghan- istan and Sind. a os. Egypt. J. Doubleday, Esq. [P.]. b-c. S. Fao, S. Mesopotamia. J. A. Murray, Esq. [P.]. d. 3. Shiraz, Kotschy [C. ]. ea 3. Candahar. Col. Swinhoe [P.]. 3. Gymnodactylus brevipes. Gymnodactylus brevipes, Blanford, Ann. § Mag. Nat, Hist. (4) xiil, 1874, p. 458, and Zool. F. Persia, p. 344, pl. xxii. fig. 2, and Journ, As. Soc. Beng, xlv. 1876, p. 20. Differs from G. scaber in the following points :—Limbs shorter ; the fore limb reaches between the eye and the tip of the snout, the hind limb to the shoulder. Dorsal tubercles small, nearly equal to the small ear-opening in size, forming ten longitudinal series. Nine upper and seven lower labials. Praeanal pores four. In all these characters this species approaches G. kotschyi, from which it differs chiefly in the larger ventral scales, which are as in G. seaber. The enlarged plates on the lower surface of the tail are about equally long and broad, and many of them are divided into two. Colour grey, with three rather imperfect longitudinal dusky bands on the back, formed of arrowhead-shaped marks; a dusky line, not very strongly marked, from the eye to the shoulders. Size of @. kotschyi. Baluchistan. 10. G@yMNoDaAcTYLUS. 29 4. Gymnodactylus kotschyi. Gymnodactylus geckoides (non Spir), Gray, Cat. p. 175. Stenodactylus guttatus (non Cuv.), Bibr. in Bory, Expéd. Se. Mor. ill. p. 69, pl. xi. fig. 3, Gymnodactylus scaber, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p, 421. —— kotschyi, Steindachn. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, 1xii.i. 1870, p- 829, pl. i. fig. 1; Schretb. Herp. Eur. p. 481; De Betta, Atti Ist. Venet. (5) v. 1879, p. 882; Boettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1878-79, p. 75; Bedriaga, Bull, Mose. lvi. 1882, p. 54; Peracca, Zool. Anz, 1884, p. 572. Distinguished from G. scaber'in the following characters :— Body and limbs stouter, less elongate, the fore limb reaching hardly the tip of the snout, and the hind limb the axilla or the shoulder. Ear-opening larger, suboval or roundish. Dorsal tubercles much smaller, not larger than the ear-opening, the largest much longer than broad; they form ten or twelve longitudinal series. Abdo- minal scales smaller, in about thirty longitudinal series in the middle of the belly. Four preanal pores. Nine upper and seven lower labials. Grey above, with angular transverse bands; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 94 millim. Head e's sveaee ace aauecss 13 —C,, Width of head ........ 9 4, Body? ice toca emeedess 29 ~««z, Fore limb ............ LT 45 Hind limb............ 22'5 ,, Hall sed eieiddent wees een 52. Cw, South Italy, Greece, Turkey (?), Cyprus, Syria, Persia, Egypt, island of Goree. a-b. Q. 8. Europe: a 3g. Milo Island, Cyclades. G. A. Boulenger, Esq. [P.]. d. og. Mount Carmel. Rev. H. B. Tristram fe i e. Yg. Lake of Galilee. Rey. H. B. Tristram [C.]. 5. Gymnodactylus kachhensis. Gymnodactylus kachhensis, Stokiczka, Proc. As. Soc, Beng. 1872, p- 79; Blanford, Journ, As. Soc, Beng. xlv. 1876, p. 20. —— petrensis, Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 362, pl. —. fig. 1. Allied to the preceding species. Body rather short, as in G. kotschyi; fore limb reaching as far as the tip of the snout or a little beyond, hind limb to constriction of neck. Dorsal tubercles in twelve or fourteen longitudinal series, intermediate in size between those of G. scaber and G. kotschyi, in shape similar to the former. Abdominal scales in about thirty longitudinal rows, as in G. kotschyi. No regular series of infracaudal plates. Pra- anal pores four to six. Ten or eleven upper and eight to ten lower 30 GECKONIDZ. labials. Ear-opening narrow, vertical. Sandy-coloured above, with rather indistinct darker spots on body and limbs and annuli on the tail. Total length ........-- 80 millim. Head 6 cs aves ws oocytes 12 35 Width of head ........ 85 4, Body. ..ieeee eg hae ees 28 (Cs, Fore limb ...........- 18: 4; Hind limb............ 25 (a, Tail (injured) .......- 40 ,, Cutch ; Sind. a-c. 62 & her. Cutch. F. Stoliczka[O.]. (Typical specimens.) d-e, fi. $2. Sind. J. A. Murray, Esq. [P.]. (As typical of G. petrensis.) 6. Gymnodactylus heterocercus. Gymnodactylus heterocercus, Blanford, Ann. § Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xiii. 1874, p. 453, and Zool. BE, Persia, p. 3465, pl. xxii. fig. 3. Distinguished from all the preceding species, to which it is allied, in having the scales on the lower portion of the tail small, strongly keeled, sharply pointed behind, imbricate, and not arranged in regular verticils. Dorsal tubercles about equal to the small ear- opening in size, very little, if at all, longer than broad, and arranged in twelve longitudinal rows. Ventral scales in twenty-five to thirty longitudinal rows. The fore limb reaches the tip of the snout and the hind limb the shoulder. Eight to ten upper and seven or eight lower labials. Uniform grey. From snout to vent about 40 millim. Eastern Persia. 7. Gymnodactylus elongatus. Gymnodactylus ‘elongatus, Pe Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xliv. 1875, p. 198, and 2nd Yark. Miss., Rept. p. 14, pl. ii. fig. 2. Allied to the preceding species. Body rather elongate. Limbs long, the fore limb extending to the end of the snout, the hind limb extending some distance in front of the shoulder. Surface of the head granular, granules nearly uniform; nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and two nasals, which are rather swollen. Dorsal tubercles triangular, nearly as large as the small ear-opening ; they are not arranged in regular rows, but about twelve may be counted across the back. About twenty-five larger scales across the belly. Preeanal pores about six, in a V-shaped line. Tail thin, very regularly attenuate, verticillate, covered with trapezoidal or subtrapezoidal keeled scales, the posterior row of each ring larger, 10. @yMNoDACTYLUs. 31 but without any granules or small scales between, so that there are no distinct tubercles; lower surface of the tail, except near the base, with a row of large plates about as broad as long. Colour pale grey, with darker transverse bands on the body, limbs, and tail. Total length .......... 127 millim ONO 4 eet ear evocaaescs 16 —CO««, Fore limb ............ 26. CO, Hind limb............ 32 (Cs, TAAL, ciel aaiehcark wtarace ahs 68 Eastern Turkestan. 8. Gymnodactylus fasciatus. Cubina fasciata, Gray, Cat. p. 175. Gymnodactylus fasciatus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 420. Head not much depressed, oviform ; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; forehead very slightly concave; ear-opening elliptical, oblique, about two fifths the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate ; digits slightly depressed at the base, with well- developed transverse plates inferiorly. Snout covered with rather large polygonal granules; hinder part of head with small granules intermixed with roundish tubercles; rostral subquadrangular, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril. pierced be- tween the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; seven or eight upper and six or seven lower labials; mental broadly triangular ; a pair of chin-shields forming a suture behind the mental, followed by a row of smaller shields. Body covered above with small granules and large keeled subtriangular tubercles arranged in about twelve pretty regular longitudinal series. Abdominal scales large, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Tail cylindrical, with rings of large keeled tubercles. Greyish above, with darker transverse lines. From snout to vent...... 51 millim. DOA Seiic ied enceen (aken, ceichs TO. Ss Width of head.......... 9-5 ,, Fore limb ............ 18 a, Hind limb ............ 25a, Martinique. a. Martinique. 9. Gymunodactylus stoliczke. Gymnodactylus stoliczke, Steindachn. Novara, Rept. p. 16, pl. ii. fig. 2; Blanf. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xliv. 1875, p. 198, and 2nd Yark. Miss., Rept. p. 12. Cyrtodactylus yarkandensis, Anders, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 881, fig. s 32 GECKONIDZ. Head moderate, oviform, much depressed ; snout much longer than the diameter of the orbit, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; latter very small, suboval. Limbs rather long; digits long, slender, slightly depressed at the base, inferiorly with well-developed lamelle. Body much depressed. Head and body covered with rather large, flat, round granules, some of which are slightly enlarged [and generally tubercular]. Rostral subpentagonal, with median cleft above ; nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; ten upper and nine lower labials ; mental large, triangular, a little longer than broad ; two or three pairs of chin-shields, median largest and forming a short suture behind the mental. Abdominal scales moderate, sub- hexagonal, slightly imbricate. No femoral or preanal pores. Tail swollen, depressed, [about as long as head and body,] ringed, with three enlarged blunt tubercles at each side of the ring. Grey above, with darker wavy cross bands on the back. From snout to vent...... 41 millim. Head. wes ace tak ee 14.~=«C«« Width of head.......... 9 45 Fore limb ...........5 19 4, Hind limb ............ 26.=CO«w« Ladak. aQP Yarkand (?) Indian Museum [P.]. (One of the types of Cyrtod. yarkandensis.) 10. Gymnodactylus lawderanus. Gymnodactylus lawderanus, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc, B i 1872, p. 105, pl. ii. fig. 4. PO ePaper ort Body rather slender and elongate, depressed, covered above with numerous granules intermixed with small roundish tubercles. Upper side of head equally granular, the granular scales being somewhat larger on the snout. Rostral large, broad ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and two nasals ; nine upper and eight lower labials ; mental triangular, partially wedged in between two elongate chin-shields, forming a suture below it; each of the chin-shields is followed along the labials by three other somewhat rounded shields. Ear-opening small, rounded. Ventral scales small. Two pairs of preeanal pores in the male, close together, and forming an angle. General colour above greyish brown, very densely marbled and spotted with dark brown, with some indistinct undulating, whitish cross bands on the body, margined on the anterior edges with blackish brown; a somewhat indistinct dark band from the nostril through the eye to the ear; front and hind edges of the eye white; labials spotted and speckled with brown ; below whitish. ‘ Length of body nearly 50 millim. Almorah. 10. GYMNODACTYLUS. 33 11. Gymnodactylus dorbignyi. Cubina d’orbignii, Gray, Cat. p. 175. Gymnodactylus dorbignii, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 418; Guichen. in Gay, Hist. Chile, Rept. p. 18, and in D’Orb. Voy. Amér. Meér. v. Rept. p. 7, pl. ii. figs. 1-5. Head rather elongate and depressed; ear-opening oval. Digits long and slender, inferiorly with a row of small squarish plates. Nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals, which are slightly swollen; eight upper and as many lower labials ; mental small, hexagonal, followed by two small hexagonal chin- shields. Body covered with minute granules intermixed with small lenticular tubercles. Abdominal scales lozenge-shaped. Tail rounded, tapering, covered with uniform fiat, squarish, imbricate scales. Grey above, with numerous darker dots; the border of the eyelid pure white; lower surfaces greyish white. Total length .......... 87 millim. GSO) ages Sues rond aed Gree 13° —C«« Body isssssccgenerseccys aan 34°, Fore limb ............ 1S. 5 Hind limb ............ 20 ,, Vail cat. aesacee “eee 40 ,, Chili. 12. Gymnodactylus mauritanicus. ; Goniodactylus? mauritanicus, Gray, Cat. p. 172. Gymnodactylus mauritanicus, Dum. § Bibr. ili. p. 414; Boettg. Abh. Senck. Ges. ix. 1874, p. 187. Saurodactylus mauritanicus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 91; Boettg. Abh. Senck. Ges. xiii. 1883, p. 125. Head little depressed; snout rounded. Upper surfaces covered with uniform juxtaposed round scales. Rostral pentagonal; nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; five upper and as many lower labials; mental very large, rhomboidal ; one or two pairs of chin-shields. Digits long and very slender, cylindrical. Abdominal scales rhomboidal, larger than dorsals. No femoral nor preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, covered above with uniform rounded scales which are larger than those on the back, inferiorly with a series of enlarged transverse plates. Grey-brown above, dotted with darker and with a few white, black-edged spots; a dark streak on the side of the head ; lower surfaces whitish, throat brownish. Total length .......... 59 millim. Head. c2cceiwe nes canae 8.55 Fore limb ............ ar Hind limb ........ Lak Tail ci:, baer eee BS eee 330° 4, Algeria ; Morocco. 34 GECKONIDZ, 13. Gymnodactylus trachyblepharus. Gymnodactylus trachyblepharus, Boetty. Abh. Senck. Ges. ix. 1874, . 138, pl. i. fig. 3. Gaunedactslus (Guedenfeldtia) trachyblepharus, Boettg. Abh. Senck. Ges. xiil, 1883, p. 126. Head rather broad and depressed; snout rounded ; ear-opening transversely oval. Limbs slender ; digits long and slender. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small round scales, largest on the snout; upper eyelid with several projecting triangular scales on its free border; rostral pentagonal, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and four nasals; seven upper and six lower labials; mental large, subtriangular ; chin-shields very small. Abdominal scales rather large, subhexagonal. No femoral nor preanal pores. Tail slender, depressed, covered above with uniform small scales, infe- riorly with a median series of enlarged transverse plates. Greyish- olive above ;, tail with rather indistinct yellowish cross bands. Total length .......... 97 millim. Head sscgegew eee ses oo 10°5 ,, Tal weeded cass ee RbeRs 57 Mogador. 14. Gymnodactylus steudneri. Gymnodactylus steudneri, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1869, p. 788. Digits well developed and of the same proportions as in G. scaber Ear-opening very small. Head granulate, the granules a little larger and polygonal on the snout; nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and two nasals; nine upper and seven lower labials, mental wedged in between two trapezoid chin-shields, on the side of which are a larger and a smaller shield. Body and tail covered with uniform smooth imbricate scales, those on the belly being of the same size as those on the back. Bluish-white, with dark-brown markings, viz. a band from the nostril through the eye and above the ear to the middle of the neck, three rows of irregular spots on the body, a cross band on the neck, a second on scapular region, and others on the tail, and irregular spots on outer side of limbs. From snout to vent 30 millim. Sennaar. 15. Gymnodactylus nebulosus. (Prats IV. fig. 1.) Gymnodactylus nebulosus, Beddome, Madras Journ. Medd. Se. 1870; Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 226, —— speciosus, Bedd. J. c. — collegalensis, Bedd. 1. c. frenatus, juv., Giinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (4) ix. 1872, p. 86. Head rather large, oviform, generally very convex, sometimes more depressed ; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit or 10. aywopactytus. 35 the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening elliptical, oblique, one third to one half the diameter of the eye. Body rather short, not much depressed. Limbs moderate; digits short, thick, slightly depressed at the base, compressed at the end, inferiorly with enlarged plates. Head covered with granules, which are larger on the snout; rostral quad- rangular, gencrally nearly twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and several small scales; nine to eleven upper and seven to nine lower labials; mental triangular ; a pair of large chin-shields forming a suture behind the point of the mental, surrounded by several smaller shields. Upper. surface of body covered with small granules, which are uniform or inter- mixed with more or less numerous, irregularly scattered, small roundish keeled tubercles. Abdominal scales small, cycloid, imbri- cate, smooth. No femoral nor prwanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, probably prehensile, covered with small imbricate smooth scales largest inferiorly. Pale brownish above, variously ornate with brown spots or bands becoming blackish towards their borders and more or less distinctly finely margined with lighter; all the specimens have the upper surface of the head more or less marbled or elegantly marked with insuliform brown spots, and a brown baud passes through the eye ; the lower surfaces are whitish, the throat reticulated with brown, which reticulation has a tendency to form oblique lines. Total length .......... 94 wmillim. Head ......-..-.00055 155, Width of head ........ ll ‘3 BOW Y teas cteeale gacte Bae wy 385, Fore limb ............ 18 ‘3 Hind limb............ 24, Taal... sade eas ee 3 Southern India, Ceylon. A. Three broad cross bands, broader than the interspaces between them, which are of a very light hue ; the anterior band narrowest, on the nape, confluent with the band extending from the eye, the two others across the back. uw Q. Erode. Col. Beddome [C. }. (Type of G. speciosus.) G. i K. Thwaites, Esq. cer B. Large round or oval brown spots on the body, generally forming two regular longitudinal series. d. 9 & yg. Balarangams. Col. Beddome [C.]. en ae ot (Types of G. collegalensis.) bg. Ceylon. e-g. 3 & her. Manar. Col. Beddome [C. }. h-n. 3 Q. Foot of Nilgherries. Col. Beddome | C.]. o-p. Q. High Wavy, Madura. Col. Beddome [C.]. qt dQ. S. India. Col. Beddome C.]. D 36 GECKONIDE. C. The spots are smaller and less strongly marked, also arranged in pairs, but more transverse and sometimes uniting into angular cross lines. u-a, Her. & yg. Golconda Hills. Col. Beddome [C. ]. (Types of G. nebulosus.) y-s Yg. Gorge Hill, Godavery. Col. Beddome [C.]. a-d. ¢ & her. Nellumba. Col. Beddome [C.}. ef. dQ. Russelconda. Col. Beddome [C. ]. 16. Gymnodactylus jeyporensis. (Prats IV. fig. 2.) Gymnodactylus jeyporensis, Beddome, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1877, p. 685. Head rather large, oviform; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; forehead and loreal region slightly concave; ear-opening an oblique slit, three fifths the diameter of the eye. Body depressed, rather short. Limbs moderate; digits rather short, cylindrical in their basal, compressed in their distal portion, inferiorly with enlarged plates. Head covered with large subequal flat granules ; rostral quadrangular, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; ten upper and seven lower labials; mental triangular; a pair of large chin-shields forming a suture behind the point of the mental, surrounded by much smaller chin-shields. Body covered above with uniform juxtaposed large, squarish, hexagonal flat scales arranged regularly like the bricks of a wall. Abdominal scales smooth, round, imbricate, not half the size of the dorsals. No enlarged preanal or femoral scales nor pores. ‘Tail cylindrical, tapering, slightly swollen, covered with uniform rather large smooth scales, which are imbricate inferiorly. Light yellowish brown above, with large reddish-brown, black-edged spots arranged in pairs; two transverse spots on the nape, the posterior crescent- shaped ; head with small darker spots and a streak from eye to ear; lips and side of throat with small brown dots and marblings ; lower surfaces brownish white. Total length -......... 92 millim Heads. 5.c nai. waciceas 16s, Width ofhead ........ lls, BOY: goose Stee ae ea 38, Fore limb ............ 20, Hind limb............ 27) ,, AU, oii wan eh arin cattery 38, _ Jeypoor. ad. Patinghe Hill, Jeypoor. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Type.) 17. Gymnodactylus deccanensis. Gymnodactylus dekkanensis, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 115 fig. E , pl. xii, 10. eyMNODACTYLUS. 37 Head rather large, oviform ; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; fore- head and loreal region concave ; ear-opening suboval, vertical, about one third the diameter of the eye. Body moderately elongate, de- pressed. Limbs rather long; digits moderately elongate, cylin- drical in the basal, compressed in the distal phalanges; the plates under the basal phalanx very small, little larger than the surround- ing tubercles. Head covered with convex granules, largest on the snout and temples; rostral quadrangular, not quite twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals ; nine to eleven upper, and as many lower labials; mental triangular or pentagonal; a pair of large chin-shields forming a long suture behind the point of the mental, in contact externally and posteriorly ‘with two smaller pairs. Body covered above with large juxtaposed subequal tubercles arranged in more or less regular transverse series; these tubercles flat or very slightly keeled, generally with a small raised point in the centre. Abdominal scales round, smooth, subimbricate, much smaller than dorsals. Males with enlarged preanal and femoral scales, but without pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform smooth scales arranged in rings. Reddish brown above, with narrow white, black-edged cross bars; the first semicircular, extending from one eye to the other across the nape; a second on scapular region, two on the body, and a fifth on sacrum; similar bands forming annuli round the tail; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 122 millim. Head: casaeaeaiae 10), Width ofhead ........ 13. ,, Body occ sais oe are aes 45 ,, y Fore limb ............ 24 Hind limb............ 33, Taal: ogee arose boca 58 Ca, Deccan. a 3. Deccan. Col, Sykes [P.]. (Type. Q. Matheran. Dr. Leith cb ae 18. Gymnodactylus albofasciatus. (Prats IV. fig. 3.) This species resembles G. deccanensis strikingly in size, pro- portions, and colour, but the following characters will at once distinguish it. The dorsal pholidosis is not composed of uniform large tubercles, but of intermixed smaller and larger tubercles, the latter being mostly feebly keeled; the small scales on the limbs and upper part of the tail intermixed with larger keeled tubercles. The ventral scales are larger, tubercular, and feebly keeled. No chin-shields behind the median pair. The tubercular plates under the basal phalanx of all the digits much more developed. The ground colour of the upper parts is darker than in our specimens of G. deccanensis, chestnut-brown. 38 GECKONIDE. Total length .......... 127 millim. Had o.oo ereee s 20. ,, ‘Width of head ......-. 14. C4, BOO Yi iah cers the BES « 47 a, Fore limb .........+5: QT gs Hind limb..........-- 386 Cs, Tall, ea chek Fae sucees 60 ,, South Canara. - a-c,d. 3. S. Canara. Col. Beddome [C.]. 19. Gymnodactylus oldhami. Gymnodactylus oldhami, Theobald, Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 81. Crown of head behind the eyes finely granular, the scales in front being larger; eleven upper and ten lower labials; three pairs of chin-shields. Back granular, with about thirty longitudinal rows of tubercles contained between an area bounded by faint keels mar- gining the belly. Enlarged praanal and femoral scales, but no pores. Colour above vinous brown; a white semicircular line joins the superciliary ridges; a second horseshoe-shaped white line runs from the gape below the ear to the opposite side, enclosing a nuchal collar ; behind the collar two closely approximated white lines run along the spine, becoming soon broken up into spots merely; on the sides are more white spots, tending to form three distinct lines, the lowest of which coincides with the ventral keel ; belly whitish. South Canara. According to Col. Beddome this species is identical with the preceding ; but it will be remarked that the two descriptions by no means agree, and I must therefore hold them distinct until we obtain further information. 20. Gymnodactylus triedrus. Gymnodactylus triedrus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 118. Geckoella punctata, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 99, pl. ix. Head rather large, oviform; snout longer than the diameter of the eye, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; forehead concave ; ear-opening small, suboval, hori- zontal. Body and limbs moderate ; digits short, cylindrical in their basal, compressed in their distal portion, with well-developed tubercle-like plates inferiorly. Head covered with small granules, largest on the snout; rostral quadrangular, not twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and several small scales; ten or eleven upper and nine lower labials ; mental triangular; two or three pairs of chin-shields, median largest and forming a long suture behind the point of the mental. Upper surface of body covered with small granules intermixed with numerous small trihedral tubercles. Abdominal scales rather small, s 10. GYMNODACTYLUS, 39 cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Males with three or four preanal pores, Tail cylindrical, tapering, rather swollen, covered with roundish smooth scales, which are small and subimbricate superiorly, much larger and strongly imbricate inferiorly. Brown above, with small whitish spots ; lower surfaces light brown. Total length .......... 115 millim. TIGA: shinee eaten arb oh 19 ‘ Width of head .. .... 18 aS WBC yo cette athe acta 43 ,, Fore limb ............ 22 4 Hind limb ............ eo! Gs PaaS rite aid out le ait. eds 53, Ceylon. ao. Ceylon. (Type.) b-d. SQ. Ceylon. (Types of Geckoella punctata.) e-g. SQ. Ceylon. 21. Gymnodactylus arnouxii. Gymnodactylus arnouxii, 4. Dum. Cat. M&h. Rept. p. 44, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 479, pl. xviii. fig. 5, In habit similar to G. pelagicus. — regular series of round, convex, smooth tubercles. Tail with uniform small smooth scales, forming Nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and small, smooth. rings. Sixteen longitudinal very Abdominal scales several nasals, the antero-superior of which is enlarged ; eight upper and seven lower labials ; mental very large, subtriangular, extending beyond the labials ; a small chin-shield on each side of the mental. Brown, lighter beneath ; eight transverse dark bands between the occiput and the base of the tail. Head and body 44 millim., tail 41 millim. New Zealand. 22. Gymnodactylus geckoides. Cubinia darwinii, Gray, Cat. p. 274. Gymnodactylus geckoides, Spix, Spec. Nov. Lacert. Bras. p. 17, pl. xviii. fig. 1. Cyrtodactylus spixii, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 52. Gonyodactylus (Dasyderma) spinulosus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 92. Gyninodactylus girardi, Stemduchn. Novara, Rept. p. 15, pl. 1i. fig. 3, and Site). Ak. Wien, \xii. i. 1870, p. 344. Appearance very similar to that of G. pelagicus. The tubercles form fourteen very regular longitudinal series on the back ; these tubercles are very close together in each series; they are small, roundish, and keeled, not ribbed. The ventral scales are very large, cycloid and strongly imbricate, smooth, in sixteen longitudinal series. Otherwise as in G. pelagicus. Brown above, with darker 40 GECKONIDA., spots, forming bands across the back; a (J-shaped dark line from eye to eye over the nape. From snout to vent 37 millim. Brazil. a-b, Her. Bahia or Rio Janeiro. C. Darwin [P.]. (Ty es of Cubina daruinn. 23. Gymnodactylus pelagicus. Heteronota pelagica, Girard, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1857, p. 197, and U.S. Explor. Exped., Herp. p. 306. : Gymnodactylus multicarinatus, Giinth. Ann. § Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) x. 1872, and in Brenchley, Curagoa, p. 404, pl. xxiv. fig. A. —— (Heteronota) arfakianus, Meyer, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p. 129. arnouxii (non A. Dum.), Peters & Doria, Ann. Mus, Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 872; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 129, pl. xxii. fig. 8. Head rather large, oviform, moderately depressed ; snout a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, roundish. Body short, depressed. Limbs mode- rate ; digits slightly depressed at the base, compressed in the remain- ing portion, with well-developed transverse plates under the basal phalanx. Head covered with very small granular scales; rostral subquadrangular, not quite twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, two nasals, and two or three granules; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials; mental very large, triangular, penta- gonal, or trapezoid, extending considerably beyond the adjacent labials, generally with a pair of chin-shields posteriorly ; no other chin-shields. Upper surfaces covered with very small granules; back with sixteen to twenty longitudinal series of round, sub- conical, distinctly ribbed tubercles ; these series regular, equidistant, the tubercles generally very close together, forming lines; hind limbs with similar, irregularly scattered tubercles. Gular scales minute, granular; abdominal scales very small, imbricate, keeled. Males generally with a very short angular series of seven or eight preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, generally with uniform very small keeled scales, occasionally intermixed with large tu- bercles. Brown, lighter beneath ; back and limbs with more or less distinct darker transverse markings; generally a dark streak from the eye to the ear-opening. Total length .......... 125 millim. GAG fe ccrcaidicaieg ones wesoes we | LB ys Width of head ........ 12. =, Body aetiaaei ee aaa 42 ,, Fore limb ............ 19 a Hind limb ............ 29 Cg, ladle Corpakd terete cat an 65 Islands of the Pacific; New Guinea; Cape York. 10. GyYMNOoDACrYLUS. 41 a. 3. Murray Island. Rev. S. Macfarlane [C. ]. b-c. SQ. Islands of Torres Rev. 8.,Macfarlane [o. ‘ Straits. d. Her. Somerset, Cape York. H.M.S. ‘Challenger.’ e-g. dQ. Duke of York Island. Rev. G. Brown [C.]. A-l. SQ. Shortland Islands, H. B. Guppy, Esq. [P.1. Solomon Group. m-p. 69. Api, New Hebrides. H.M.S. ‘ Challenger.’ g-s. SQ. New Hebrides. J. Brenchley, Esq.[P. ]. (Ty ye t 9. Aneiteum. J. Brenchley, Esq_[P. ]. omulinodc u-v. . Tongatabu. J. Brenchley, Esq.[P.]. rinatus.) w. Q. Lifu, Loyalty Islands. Rev. S. J. Whitmee a x. Her. Vanikoro, Santa Cruz. W. W. Perry, Esq. [P.]. y. Q. Viti. Godeffroy Museum. z-a. 6 & yg. Kandavu, Fiji. H.M.S. ‘ Challenger.’ B-8. 9. Fiji. J. McGillivray, Esq. [P.]. e(. do & yg. Fiji. H.MLS. ‘ Herald.’ n 9. Erromanga. 24, Gymnodactylus heteronotus. Heteronota fasciata, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. ii. 1877, p. 100. “ Form elongate ; head broader than the neck ; internasal shields medium size and not contiguous, two granular scales intervening ; upper rostral large, truncate behind, and depressed in the middle; under rostral very large and triangular behind, with a small subtri- angular plate in the angle formed between it and the first labial; labials seven on each side above and below, the two last shields very small; eyes large, with a heavy scaly curtain above, pupils round; ear-openings distinct, round, the tympanum not deep; scales on the back granular, with about ten irregular series of roundish tubercles, each with several minute keels or striz, those on the legs and under surface of the body small, round, convex, and bicarinate, and those on the tail larger, oval, unicarinate, and in concentric rings; legs long and slender ; tail about the length of the body; colour mottled grey, with brownish cross bands of irregular form from the muzzle to the base of the tail. Length 33 inches.” Hall Sound. 25. Gymnodactylus cheverti. Heteronota marmorata, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. ii. 1877 ; p. 100. “Form moderately elongate ; internasal shields very short and contiguous, chin-shields smaller and more rounded than in the last species ; upper labials eight, the last two very small; lower labials six, the last one very minute ; pupil olliptical ; ear-openings round; 42 GECKONIDZ. scales on the back as in the last species, but with the tubercles much more numerous; tail round, tapering, about the length of the body, very slightly ringed, and with the scales beneath smooth, but not large. Colour above yellowish brown, spotted and barred with deep brown or black, under surface dingy yellow. Length from 3 to 4 inches.” Fitzroy Island aud Endeavour River. 26. Gymnodactylus affinis. Cyrtodactylus aflinis, Stoliczha, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 167, pl. x. fig. 1. Body rather depressed. Digits very slender and elongate. ar- opening moderate, vertically elongated. Head-scales small, those in front slightly enlarged and flattened; rostral very large, and grooved posteriorly ; twelve upper and eleven lower labials; mental very large, subtriangular; a few of the chin-shields next to the rostral are squarish, very little larger than others, but none are elongated. Body covered with granules intermixed with small subtrihedral tubercles, each of which has frem three to five grooves. Abdominal scales small, subtubercular, and carinated. No femoral or preanal pores. Tail round, with a few indistinct rings of enlarged tubercles near the base, without enlarged subcaudals. General colour above pale vinaceous ashy, finely marbled and mot- tled with dark, especially on the head, sides, and limbs ; a V-shaped blackish mark on the nape, fcllowed by a black spot on the neck ; then follow five other angular blackish bands across the body, the first across the shoulders, the last between the hind limbs ; tail with blackish broad bands; lower parts whitish with a slight purplish tinge. From snout to vent about 50 millim. Pinang. 27. Gymnodactylus frenatus. Gy emeienyns frenatus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 118, pl. xii. fig. D. Head large, depressed, oviform ; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit, which equals its distance from the ear-opening; fore- head concave; ear-opening suboval, oblique, nearly one third the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs rather clongate. Digits strong, distinctly depressed at the base, strongly compressed in the remaining portion; the basal phalanx with well-developed trans- verse plates infcriorly. Head granular, the granules largest on the snout ; a few scattered round tubercles on the temples ; rostral sub- quadrangular, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above, entering considerably the nostril; latter pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; {en to twelve upper and nine or ten lower labials: mental broadly triangular; a pair of chin- shields, forming a suture behind the mental; a few small chin- 10. eymNnopacryLvs, 43 shields on each side of the median pair; gular scales minutely granular. Body covered above with flat granules intermixed with irregularly scattered small round smooth tubercles. A slight fold from axilla to groin. Abdominal scales rather small, cycloid, imbricate. Males with two pairs of preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with small flat subquadrangular scales, inferiorly with a median series of large transverse plates. Light pinkish brown above, with five pairs of angular dark-brown spots confluent into cross bands, the anterior on the nape and uniting with a dark-brown band extending to the eye, and which is continued, more or less interrupted, along the side of the body; tail with dark-brown annuli ; lower surfaces whitish. : Total length ..... ... 192 millim. Head i fo cactus thy a Seas 24, Width of head ........ ies sy BOY sa. ccna ogee dete acess 66, Fore limb ............ 32> 4; Hind limb ............ 42 ,, Wad at 5.oaiane dae s 102. —C,, Ceylon. a,b,c. 3, 2, and hgr. Ceylon. (Types. ) do. Ceylon 28. Gymnodactylus variegatus. Naultinus variegatus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxviii. 1859, p. 279; Theob. Cat. Rept. As. Soc. Mus. - 32, _ Gymnodactylus variegatus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 116; Anders. Proc, Zool. Sve. 1871, p. 161. Limbs and digits slender; the basal joints not very distinct from the distal ones, which are strongly compressed, and provided with transverse imbricate plates below and a series of much smaller ones on the compressed phalanges. Rostral notched behind and grooved ; nostril between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; ten to eleven upper and eleven lower labials; mental partially wedged in between two large chin-shields, which form a broad suture with each other. Body granular, with numerous large trihedral tubercles. Twenty-six longitudinal rows of rather elongated leaf-like scales on the middle of the belly. A fold of skin along the side, indicating where the abdominal scales terminate and the granules begin. Sixteen femoral pores on each side along the whole length of the thigh. Tail cylindrical, the granules arranged in verticils, and the tubercles in rings; a serics of enlarged subcaudals. Grey above, spotted and marbled with black, set off with subdued white; a broad dark streak bordered with whitish behind each eye, and continued irregularly round the occiput: tail irregularly banded above; lower parts whitish. Total length about 150 millim,, the tail measuring nearly half that length. Moulmein. 44 GECKONIDA. 29. Gymnodactylus fasciolatus. Naultinus fasciolatus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxix. 1860, p. 114; Theob. Cat. Rept. As. Soc. Mus. p. 32. Gymnodactylus fasciolatus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 116; Anders. Proc. Zool, Soc. 1871, p. 161. Differs from G. variegatus in the larger ventral scales, which form only thirty-six longitudinal series in the middle of the belly, and in the small number of femoral (or rather preanal) pores; these are five or six on each side, and extend outwards in a line with the commencement of the thigh. A dark-brown band, edged behind with white, from the eye to the occiput, where it meets its fellow of the opposite side; a brown similarly white-edged band on the nape, with seven cross bands on the body; tail cross-barred. Subathoo, Western Himalayas. 30. Gymnodactylus khasiensis. Pentadactylus? khasiensis, Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 75. Gymnodactylus khasiensis, Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 162; Theobald, Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 84. Very closely allied to G. marmoratus, from which it differs in the following points :—Digits more elongate ; the plates under the basal phalange larger, the one under the articulation being nearly as long as broad. Males without pubic groove or femoral pores, with a series of ten to thirteen preanal pores forming a very open angle. Brown above, with darker angular spots, forming more or less regular series along the back; a dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; tail with dark annuli; lower surfaces brownish. Total length .......... 175 millim. Head seeks wake 22 4; Width of head ........ 1b, BOd GS iw tacts seeeo ae 56 CO, Fore limb ............ 30 _—_—=,, Hind limb .......... . 42. ,, De 2 sos enscodaeeddeaste aeageeead OT sss Khasi Hills. a, Many spec., 3 Q Khasi Hills. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. b. Her. Assam. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. e. Q. N.E. Bengal. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. 31. Gymnodactylus marmoratus. Cyrtodactylus marmoratus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 173 bane eases (Kuhl) Fising. N. Cah a p. 47, onyodactylus marmoratus (Kuhl), Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. ; Girard, U.S. Explor. Exped., Ting me tie no ceT Ole Gymnodactylus marmoratus, Dum. & Bibr.iii. \ us . 426, pl. xxxiv.fig, 1: Schleg. Abbild. p. 8, pl. ii.; Steindachn. Netava, Rept. “ 17. on 10. e@YMNODACTYLUS. 45 Head rather large, depressed, oviform; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit, which equals its distance from the ear-open- ing; forehead concave; ear-opening suboval, oblique, not quite one third the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs rather elongate. Digits strong, slightly depressed at the base, strongly compressed in the remaining portion; the basal phalange with well-developed transverse plates inferiorly. Head granular, with very small tubercles on the occipital and temporal regions, the granules rather enlarged on the snout; rostral subquadrangular, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above, entering considerably the nostril; latter slightly directed posteriorly, pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and several scales; ten to twelve upper and nine or ten lower labials; mental triangular; two or three pairs of chin-shields, median largest and in contact behind the point of the mental; throat minutely granulate. Body and limbs covered above with small granules intermixed with small roundish, feebly keeled, sub- trihedral tubercles ; a more or less defined series of tubercles from axilla to groin, limiting the abdominal region; ventral scales small, cycloid, imbricate. Males with praanal and femoral pores; the former twelve or thirteen altogether, in a A-shaped series, enclosing a groove; the latter widely separated from the former, four to six on each side. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform small flat scales, above with a few scattered tubercles. Light brown above, with chestnut-brown spots, which are sometimes confluent into cross bands on the back ; tail, when intact, with dark-brown annuli; a chestnut-brown streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces brownish. Total length .......... 148 millim. Head........ ae aa 21. sa Width of head ........ 15g, Body svccyaenewewe see 55, Fore limb ............ 26 CO, Hind limb............ 34. —C,, Day cascada ait beatae 5 729 s: East-Indian archipelago. a-b. 3. Java. Leyden Museum. e 2. Java. Dr. Ploem [C.]. d. 2. Java. Dr. Bleeker. e. 9. Agam. Dr. Bleeker. f. Q. Sumatra. H. O. Forbes, Esq. [C.]. g- &. Matang. h. Q. N. Celebes. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. 32. Gymnodactylus rubidus. Puellula rubida, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxix. 1860, p. 109; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 118. Gecko tigris, Tytler, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxiii, 1864, p. 546, Cyrtodactylus rubidus, Stoliczha, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 165, 46 GECKONID&, Agrees in every respect with G. marmoratus, except that the ventral scales are a little larger, and there are no femoral pores ; the preanal pores few, and in a groove, as in G. philippinicus. Andaman Islands. a. 9. —? W. Theobald, Esq. 33. Gymnodactylus philippinicus. Cyrtodactylus marmoratus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 173. Gymnodactylus philippinicus, Steendachn. Novara, Rept. p. 17, pl. ii. fig. 1. Also closely allied to G. marmoratus. Head a little larger. Digits rather more elongate; the plates under the basal phalanx so slightly developed as to be hardly distinguishable from the sur- rounding small scales. Dorsal tubercles more conical and rather more widely separated. Abdominal scales smaller. Eleven lower labials. Male with a longitudinal groove on the pubic region, con- taining two parallel series of six preanal pores. Coloration as in G. marmoratus. Total length .......... 187 millim. Head ag svsena exces 25° 3 Width of head ........ 19: 5 Body’ ve ssa6 Saas esaess 65 4 Fore limb ............ 35 CO, Hind limb ............ 45 ,, Vall 6 2a0gsheweareres 97 ~—C*,, Philippine Islands. a-d. 3, hgr., & yg. Philippines. e. 9. Luzon. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. FQ. Dinagat Island. A. Everett, Esq. fet 34. Gymnodactylus pulchellus. Cyrtodactylus pulchellus, Gray, Cat. p. 173. Cyrtodactylus pulchellus, Gray, Zool: Journ. iii. 1828, p. 224, and Illustr. Ind. Zool. Gonyodactylus pulchellus, Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 144. Gymnodactylus pulchellus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 423, pl. xxxiii. fig. 7; Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p. 25; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 113; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii. 1873, p. 118. Head large, much depressed, oviform; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit, which equals its distance from the ear-opening ; forehead and loreal region concave ; ear-opening suboval, vertical, slightly oblique, one third or two fifths the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs rather elongate. Digits strong, slightly depressed 10. aymnopactrrivs. 47 at the base, strongly compressed in the remaining portion ; the basal phalanx with well-developed transverse plates inferiorly, Head granular, with small round tubercles on the occipital and temporal regions, the granules enlarged on the snout, except in the frontal and loreal concavities. Rostral subquadrangular, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above, entering considerably the nostril; latter directed posteriorly, pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; ten to thirteen upper and ten to twelve lower labials; mental triangular; two or three pairs of chin-shields, median largest and in contact behind the point of the mental; throat minutely granulate. Body and limbs above with small flat granules intermixed with small roundish, keeled, subtri- hedral tubercles; a series of keeled tubercles from axilla to groin, limiting the abdominal region; ventral scales cycloid, imbricate, moderately large. Males with a longitudinal groove on the pubic region containing two parallel series of prieanal pores, forming a right angle with a long series of femoral pores; altogether eighteen to twenty pores on each side, four or five of which are in the groove. Tail cylindrical, tapering, above with small flat scales and annuli of feebly keeled tubercles, inferiorly with a series of large transverse plates. Light brown above, with broad chestnut-brown, light-edged cross bands, which are narrower than the interspaces between them; the anterior horseshoe-shaped, from eye to eye over the nape; the second crescent-shaped, on scapular regions; three others on the body; tail with chestnut-brown complete annuli; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... 231 millim. Head.) Sogedeces se es 238 —C@y,, Width of head ........ 20 ~=«« Body: sp usieak bee ca cs 734, Fore limb ............ 42 ,, Hind limb........ we 04 EAL) es: saasayatweas se sexs 180 5, Malay peninsula to Bengal. a,b. 2 & her. Singapore. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. (Types.) e-d. 3. Singapore. Dr. Cantor. e. Yg. Bengal. W. Masters, Esq. [ P.]. fd. ? E. India Company. g. &. —? 35. Gymnodactylus consobrinus. Gymnodactylus consobrinus, Peters, Mon, Berl, Ac. 1871, p. 569, and Ann. Mus, Genov. iii, 1872, pl. ii. fig. 1. Closely allied to G. pulchellus. ‘Distinguished by the following characters :—Granules and tubercles of the upper surfaces smaller, the dorsal tubercles not or but very indistinctly keeled, conical ; ventral scales much smaller. Ear-opening smaller. Males with an angular series of nine to eleven preanal pores; no pubic groove nor femoral pores. Grey-brown above, with darker transverse 48 GECKONID. cross bands, which are much wider than the interspaces between them ; there are eight of these bands, from the nape to the sacrum inclusively ; tail with large dark and small light annuli; lower surfaces dirty white. In the young, the dark bands are almost black and the interspaces white. Total length .......... 258 millim. Head gst tice B ees 30g, Width of head ........ De) “55 Body wisivctevarsecaws 85s, Fore limb ...........- 44. ,, Hind limb............ 57 Tau. sec b aeereness 143g, Borneo. a-e. 3, hgr., & ye. Matang. 36. Gymnodactylus miliusii. Phyllurus miliusii, Gray, Cat. p. 176. Phyllurus miliusii, Bory de St. Vine. Dict, Hist. Nat. vii. p. 183, pl. —. fig. 1; Gray, Zool. Ereb. § Terror, pl. xvii. fig. 2. Cyrtodactylus nilii, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 52. Gymnodactylus miliusii, Dum. §& Bibr, iii. p. 480, pl. xxxiii. fig. 1; Peters, Mon, Berl. Ac. 1863, p. 229. (Anomalurus) miliusii, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 90. Head large, oviform; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-open- ing; forehead and loreal region concave; ear-opening elliptical, vertical, about three fifths the diameter of the eye. Body moderate. Limbs long, slender; digits rather short, subcylindrical. Snout covered with granules of unequal size; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles; rostral sub- quadrangular, three times as broad as high; nostril directed posteriorly, separated from the rostral and first labial by two nasals; labials small, eleven to fourteen upper and ten to twelve lower; mental broadly trapezoid; no regular chin-shields; gular granules minute. Body and limbs covered above with small granules intermixed with small round conical tubercles; belly covered with flat granules. Tail short, thick, swollen, and nearly as broad as the body in its anterior half, depressed, tapering to a fine point posteriorly ; it is covered with small granules, and, on the upper surface, small conical tubercles arranged in transverse series. Chestnut-brown above, with white cross bands on the back and tail; head and limbs white-spotted ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 135 millim. CEOs tis wip atacan Gesenedls 25 Cs, Width of head ........ 19 BO yo oie aie te eaee 65 10. @yMNoDACTYLUS. 49 Fore LM sec ee arenes 36 millim. Hind Bib ss caeaceees 43 ,, Wath, ne gy avec heats 55a, Australia. a-b,c. ,2,&hgr. Australia. do. Australia. G. Krefft, Esq. e. Her. Sydney. J. Her. Champion Bay, N.W. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. Australia. g. &, skeleton. —-?P 37. Gymnodactylus platurus. Phyllurus platurus, Gray, Cat. p. 176. Phyllurus inermis, Gray, 1. ¢. Lacerta platura, White, Journ. N.S. Wales, p. 246, pl. —. fig. 2; Shaw, Gen. Zool. iii. p. 247. Stellio phyllurus, Schnewd. Amph. Phys, ii. p. 31. —— platurus, Daud. Rept. iv. p. 24. Agama platyura, Merr, Syst. Amph. p. 51, —— discusura, Merr, 1, ¢. Phyllurus platurus, Fitzing. N. Class. Rept. p. 47; Guérin, Icon, R. A,, Rept. pl. xiv. fig. 1; Gray, Zool. Ereb. § Terror, pl. xviis fig. 8; Girard, U.S. Explor. Exped., Herp, p. 303. —— cuvieri, Bory de St. Vine. Dict, Hist. Nat. vii. p. 183, pl. —. fig. 2. : Gyanuodaniyius platyurus, Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 144. Cyrtodactylus platura, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 52, Gymnodactylus ee Dum. & Bibr. iii, p. 428. Gonyodactylus (Phyllurus) platurus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p, 92. Phyllurus inermis, Gray, Zool. Hreb. § Terror, pl. xvii. fig, 1. Head large, much depressed, elongate triangular, very distinct from neck; derm of the head more or less confluent with cranial ossification ; snout measuring once and two thirds to once and three fourths the diameter of the orbit, much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; forehead and loreal region slightly concave; ear-opening elliptical, vertical, not quite half the diameter of the eye. Body moderate. Limbs long; digits strong, subcylindrical at the base, compressed in their distal portion. Head covered with small granules, intermixed with conical, spinose tubercles ; rostral subquadrangular, three times as broad as high, generally with median cleft above; nostril directed posteriorly, nearly always separated from the rostral and first labial; labials small, thirteen to sixteen upper and eleven to thirteen lower; mental broadly trapezoid; no chin-shields. Body and limbs covered above with small granules, intermixed with conical more or less spinose tubercles; belly covered with flat granules. Tail short, depressed, very broad, leaf-like, contracted at the base, attenuated atthe tip; when intact, this organ is studded above with E 50 GECKONIDA. spine-like tubercles, but when reproduced it is covered with uniform granular scales. Brown above, marbled with darker, or with broad angular dark cross bands on the back ; lower surfaces light brown, sometimes dotted with darker. Total length .......... 183 millim. Heads is caccneciar ae ese * 34. Cy, Width of head ........ OT 5 BOO 9 cis: s0 chee aca ees 76 Forelimb ............ 53 yy Hind limb............ 70 4, BUD -esaheate dsaktoascdncrel inh 735, Australia. a, Ad., dry. Australia. &. Ad. Australia. Allan Cunningham, Esq. [P.]. e, d, Ad. Australia. (Types of Phyllurus inermis.) e-v. Ad. Australia. J. ould, Esq. [C.]. kl. Ad. Australia. J.B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. m,n. Ad. Australia, G. Krefit, Esq. o. Ad. Australia. p-r. Ad, & hgr. Queensland. H.MLS. ‘ Challenger.’ 8. Ad. Pt. Curtis, Queensland. Dr. Coppinger [C.]. t, Ad. Sydney. wu. Ad. Pt. Macquarie. G. Krefft, Esq. 11, AGAMURA. Agamura, Blanford, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xiii. 1874, p. 455. Digits slender, clawed, cylindrical at the base; the distal pha- langes compressed, forming an angle with the basal portion of the digits; the claw between two enlarged scales; digits inferiorly with a row of plates. Body covered with small granules inter- mixed with enlarged tubercles. Tail very slender, not fragile. Pupil vertical. Males with or without preeanal pores. Persia and Baluchistan. 1. Agamura cruralis. ae cruralis, Blanf. 1. ¢., and Zool. E. Persia, p. 856, pl. xxiii. ge. 3. E Head short, feebly depressed ; snout as long as, or slightly longer than, the diameter of the orbit, or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; eye large; forehead not concave; ear-opening subelliptical, vertical, one third or two fifths the diameter of the eye. Body feebly depressed, rather short. Limbs very long and s ender ; the hind limb if carried forward reaches the eye; the fore limb being stretched forward, the wrist attains the tip of the snout 11. agamuna. 51 or slightly beyond; digits long and slender, unequal. Head covered with flat granules, largest on the snout; rostral broader than high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three rather swollen nasals ; thirteen or fourteen upper and ten or eleven lower labials; mental elongate trapezoid, twice as long as broad; no chin-shields. Body covered above with small, rather irregular, flat granules, intermixed with rather numerous scattered round flat tubercles. Ventral scales small, roundish-hexagonal, juxtaposed, or subimbricate, smooth. [Male with two preanal pores.] Tail very thin and rounded, of nearly the same thickness to the end, covered above with smooth imbricate elongate squarish scales, inferiorly with a row of larger plates. Greyish-brown or sandy above, more or less dotted with darker, especially on the sides of the head and neck; usually a dark cross band on the back of the neck and four [or five] others on the back. Lower surfaces white; throat more or less brown-dotted. Total length .......... 135 millim Head 923 xs ete pee ke 19 Coa, Width of head ........ 4 =, Bod yes des Sees wees 49 ,, Fore limb ............ 41 ,, Hind limb............ 57 Pails ostceak wna yetesesiee 67 Baluchistan, a-c. 9 & her. Bahu Kalat & Askan. W. T, Blanford, Esq. [C.]. (Types. ) 2. Agamura persica. Gymnodactylus persicus, 4. Dum. Arch. Mus, viii. p. 481. Agamura persica, Blanf. £. Persia, p. 358, pl. xxiii. fig. 4. Differs from the. preceding in the following characters :—Head more depressed. Limbs shorter, the hind limb not reaching the eye, and the wrist reaching half-way between the eye and the tip of the snout. The granules on the snout are quite as small as those on the occiput, where there are numerous enlarged tubercles ; the rostral is more than twice as broad as high, and completely divided into two; the mental is not twice as long as broad. The dorsal tubercles are larger, becoming subconical on the hinder part of the back; numerous enlarged tubercles on the hind limbs. No preanal pores in the male. Total length .......... 98 millim. Head ..... sauna aay Wika 16, Width of head.......... Tn BOY gg Seeaivsacuel ie pecs 37—Ci,, Fore limb ........444. 29 ~=«,, 52 GECKONIDZ. Hind limb ....... ..... 87 millim. Wal dace etn dg Mater ay le ecit ee 45 yy Persia. a. 3. Rayin, S.E. of Karman (8000 ft.). W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 12. PRISTURUS. Pristurus, Riippell, N. Wirbelth. Faun. Abyss., Rept. p. 16; Fetzing. Syst. Rept. p. 91; Gray, Cat. p. 171. Gymunodactylus, part., Dum. & Bibr. iti. p. 408. Spatalura, Gray, Proc, Zool, Soc. 1863, p. 286. Digits slender, clawed, cylindrical at the base; the distal pha- langes compressed, forming an angle with the basal portion of the digits, the lower surface of which has a row of plates. Body not depressed, covered with uniform granules. Tail compressed, keeled. Pupil circular; eyelid distinct all round the eye. No preanal nor femoral pores. North-east Africa ; South-west Asia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Rostral plate entering the nostril. Hind limb, when stretched forwards, reaching axilla; upper caudal keel denticulate...............0000005 1. flavipunctatus, p. 52. Hind limb reaching the ear-opening or ' between the shoulder and the ear- opening ; upper caudal keel denticulate 2. rupestris, p. 53. Hind limb reaching to between the ear- opening and the eye; upper caudal keel not denticulate .............. 3. insignis, p. 54. II. Nostril separated from the rostral. Tail at least as long as the body, crest- less; abdominal scales much larger than dorsals ................000. 4. erucifer, p. 55. Tail at least as long as the body, ‘with strong upper and lower crest ...... 5. collaris, p. 55. Tail much shorter than the body, with strong upper and lower crest ...... 6. cartert, p. 55. 1. Pristurus flavipunctatus. Pristurus flavipunctatus, Gray, Cat. p. 171. Pristurus flavipunctatus, Riipp. N. Warbelth. Faun. Abyss., Rept. p. 17, pl. vi. fig. 3. Gymnodactylus flavipunctatus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 417. Saurodactylus (Pristiurus) flavipunctatus, Fits. Syst. Rept. p. 91. Head short and high; snout subacuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third 12. PRISTURUS. 53 the diameter of the orbit; forehead very slightly concave; ear- opening oval, oblique, hardly one third the diameter of the orbit. Limbs long, the hind limb when stretched forwards reaching the axilla; digits long and slender. Head, body, and tail covered with granular scales, largest and of about equal size on the snout and belly. Rostral subquadrangular, more than twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; seven or eight upper and five or six lower labials; mental very large, truncate posteriorly ; no regular chin-shields. Tail longer than head and body, slender, strongly compressed, keeled above and beneath; the two keels denticulate, the upper most strongly, especially in males, in which it forms a regular crest ; in males the dorsal keel forming also a denticulation. Light greyish-brown above, with more or less distinct darker transverse bars; a darker streak passing through the eye; lower surfaces whitish ; throat sometimes white-dotted. Total length .......... 79 millim. Had ss. os ceg ta ees 95 ,, Width of head ........ 65 ,, BOd Yr iss ctesertn ioe 295 ,, Fore limb ............ 17_—C, Hind limb............ 21 Tail (injured) ........ 40 ,, Abyssinia. a-b. 9. Abyssinia. Frankfort Museum. e-d. 3. Syria (?). e 2. —-P 2. Pristurus rupestris. Pristurus rupestris, Blanford, Ann. §& Mag. N. H. (4) xiii. 1874, p. 454; id. Zool. E. Persia, p. 350, pl. xxiii. fig. 1; id. Proc. Zool, Soc. 1881, p. 465; Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 365, pl. —. fig. 1. Head short and high; snout acuminate, once and two fifths to once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead scarcely con- cave; ear-opening oval, oblique, about one third the diameter of the orbit. Limbs long, the hind limb when stretched forwards reaching the ear-opening or between the shoulder and the ear- opening; digits long and slender. Snout covered with polygonal convex scales; the remainder of the head, the body, and the limbs covered with small granules; those on the belly larger, though smaller than the scales on the snout. Rostral more than twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and two or three nasals; seven or eight upper and five or six lower labials ; mental very large, truncate posteriorly; no regular chin-shields. Tail longer than head and body, slender, strongly compressed, keeled above and beneath ; the two keels den- ticulate, the upper most strongly, especially in males, in which it forms a regular crest, which, however, never extends to the body. 54 GECKONID A. Grey-brown or olive above, clouded with darker, and frequently with round lighter spots; a dark streak passing through the eye; small bright red dots may be present on the sides of the body ; sometimes a light reddish vertebral band. Total length .......... 85 millim. Head was eva a vee wna Oy Width of head ........ 55 ,, BOY ss cgitigttea.ig ene ace 23—C«,, Fore limb . .......... 16.—C&,, Hind limb ............ 21 35 PE) | eave cece Sale eee 53g, Arabia and Socotra to Sind. a-b. 2. Muscat, and Island of Karrack, W.T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. caear Busheer, Persian Gulf. (Types.) ce. Several Socotra. Prof. I. B, Balfour [C.}. spec.,d 2. 3. Pristurus insignis. ee insignis, Blanford, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881, p. 466, pl. xlii. fig. 1. Head short and high, Anolis-like; snout subacuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead feebly concave ; ear- opening large, oval, vertical, nearly half the diameter of the orbit. Limbs very long, the hind limb when stretched forwards reaching to between the eye and the ear-opening; digits very long and slender. Snout covered with polygonal convex scales ; the remaining portion of the head, as well as the upper parts of the body, limbs, and tail, covered with minute granules. Rostral subquadrangular, more than twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; seven to nine upper and five or six lower labials ; mental extremely large, trun- cate posteriorly, followed by three small chin-shields. Abdominal scales granular, a little larger than the dorsals. Tail much longer than head and body, slender, strongly compressed and keeled above, crestless. Earthy brown above, with rather darker but indistinct cross bands and numerous red spots of irregular shape scattered over the back and sides; lower parts paler; chin, throat, and breast mottled with brown. Total length .......... 153 millim. Hea di: jie. Cine Sree eyed ae 15g, Width of head ........ 95 ,, Ody ii Beh ics 6 oa eaceigind 41 ,, Fore limb ............ 30°5 ,, Hind limb............ 40. ,, Vail sigetate a cacwen areas 97 Socotra. a-b. Ad. Socotra. Prof. I. B. Balfour [C.]. (Types.) 12, PRISTURUS. 55 4. Pristurus crucifer. Gymnodactylus crucifer, Val. C. R. Ac. Paris, li, 1861, p. 483; Vaill. Miss. Révoil aux Pays Somalis, Rept. p. 17, pl. iii, fig. 1. Pristurus longipes, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1871, p. 566. Head short and high; snout subacuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear-opening small, oval, oblique, not one third the diameter of the orbit. Limbs very long, the hind limb when stretched forwards reaching to between the ear-opening and the eye; digits very long and slender, with extremely long claws. Snout covered with flat polygonal scales ; upper parts of body and limbs with much smaller flat granules; abdominal scales flat, hexagonal, subimbricate, a little larger than the scales on the snout. Rostral large, subpentagonal, with truncate posterior angle, more than twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril separated from the rostral and labials, pierced between three rather swollen nasals; six upper and five lower labials; mental very large, truncate posteriorly; no chin- shields. Tail feebly compressed, not keeled (?). Grey-brown above, with darker markings and white spots; a white vertebral band ; on each side a series of almost confluent white spots; white infe- riorly, throat with a few grey spots.. Total length .......... 61 millim. Heads ois cece temas ae Sr: 4g Width of head ........ O° oR BOdY 33 :Rerds sk ack scas 2 Cs, Fore limb ............ 16 CO««, Hind limb....... .... 24 ,, Dail seek Pn slonnie ace sees 29° 55 Arabian Gulf. a. 9. Kursi, near Aden. Marquis G. Doria [P.]. (One of the types of Pristurus longypes.) 5. Pristurus collaris. Spatalura collaris, Steindachn, Novara, Rept. p. 20. Closely allied to P. carteri, from which it differs in having the tail longer, as long as or a little longer than the body, and the upper caudal crest extending on the back. A deep black band across the throat, extending on the sides of the neck. Habitat unknown. 6. Pristurus carteri. Spatalura carteri, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 236, pl. xx. fig. 2; Carter, op. cit, 1864, p. 185. Head short and very high; snout triangular, acutely pointed, 56 GECKONIDZ, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear- opening rather large, oval, vertical, the upper part concealed under a fold of the skin. Six larger incisor teeth. Limbs very long, the hind limb when stretched forwards reaching the eye; digits very long and slender, with very long claws. Upper surfaces covered with small flat granules, largest on the snout. Abdominal scales smaller still, convex, those on the median line pointed and erect. Rostral transversely suboval, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft; nostril pierced between two large and one very small nasal, separated from rostral and labials; eight upper and seven lower labials; mental large, subtrapezoid; no chin-shields. Tail shorter than the body, strongly compressed, in profile rounded at the extremity, which is a little higher than the base, furnished above with a much-developed crest of closely set slender linear scales. The life-coloration is as follows, according to Carter :—“ Ground cinereous, six pairs of white spots between the back of the head and root of tail, symmetrically placed; six to eight lines of red spots on each side, broken and terminating in small points towards the belly ; buff-coloured irregular spots on the sides among the red lines ; belly bright yellow, passing into cinereous towards the roots of the pos- terior and anterior extremities ; legs and tail spotted with red towards their proximal ends, with white spots towards their extremities ; head irregularly marked with red and white spots having a trans- verse direction.” Total length .......... 94 millim, HGS goes vente aes win ae Le oss Width ofhead ........ 18 ,, Body se ece siieut oo wees 48 ,, Fore limb ............ 35, Hind limb ............ 53, Vaal sar cut gacesne yet rad eke 29. Ca, South-east coast of Arabia. a-b, Ad., bad state, Makulla, H. Carter, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) 13. GONATODES.* Gymnodactylus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 408; Guinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 112. Gonatodes, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 91. Goniodactylus (non Kuhl), Gray, Cat. p. 171. Heteronota, part., Gray, 1. v. p. 174, Digits slender, clawed, cylindrical or depressed at the base (in one species dilated) ; the distal phalanges compressed, forming an angle with the basal portion of the digits, the lower surface of which has * Gonatodes ferrugineus, Cope, Prov. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 102.—Trinidad. 13. GoNATODES. 57 a row of plates. Body more or less depressed, granul ar or tubercular above. Tail not compressed. Pupil circular; oyelid distinct all round the eye. Males with or without preanal or femoral pores. Tropical America ; East Indies. Synopsis of the Species. I. American Sprcres.—Males more brilliantly coloured than the females, without femoral or preanal pores. A. Basal phalanges of digits cylindrical. Snout obtusely pointed, little longer than the diameter of the orbit; male with a broad bluish-black band on each side of the belly .............. 1. albogularis, p. 59. Snout longer than the diameter of the orbit, pointed; a broad whitish, black- edged vertebral band, and a _ broad bluish-black band on each side of the belly in the male.............-.-.. 2. vittatus, p. 60. Snout acutely pointed, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; head white, black- marbled ; one or two large ocelli on each side of the back ............e0.00. 3. ocellatus, p. 60. Snout not once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; head white, with reticulated black lines ; a more or less distinct ocellus above aXilla..... 2... eee cece eee ee 4. caudiscutatus, p. 61. B. Basal phalanges of digits distinctly depressed. Chin-shields scarcely enlarged ; male with the head and neck uniform yellowish, the rest of the body grey-blue with black vermiculations .............. 5. concinnatus, p. 61. Dorsal granules exceedingly small; rela- tively large plates under the basal pha- langes ; male brown, finely vermiculated with darker above ...........-.-.. 6. humeralis, p. 62. TI. Matayaw Spxcres.—Males coloured like the females, without femoral or preanal pores. Snout short and pointed; upper surfaces covered with uniform small granules .. 7. timorensis, p. 63. Snout long and broad, with strong canthal ridges; body above with small granules intermixed with keeled tubercles .... 8. kendallii, p. 63. 58 GECKONIDZ. III. Invran Spzcrrs.—Males coloured like the females, with femoral or preanal pores. A. Digits not dilated. 1. Flanks without spine-like projecting tubercles. a. Males with femoral pores, without preanal pores. Back with uniform keeled granules; 4 or 5 pores oneach side .......... se... 9. indicus, p. 64. Back with uniform or heterogeneous round granules, each with a raised central point or short keel; 4 to 6 pores on each S106. 5: Sestak vei ene ese a ee 10. wynadensis, p. 65. Back with uniform round granules ; 8 pores OM @aCh SId@ oi cis eas ee ea rece cane es 11. sisparensis, p. 66. 6. Males without femoral pores, with preanal pores. Back with small smooth granulesirregularly intermixed with small smooth or slightly keeled tubercles ; ventral scales smooth ; 60-9 pores 6.00.2 es weaeb ee eee. 12. ornatus, p. 66. Back with small granules irregularly inter- mixed with slightly larger ones, all with a central raised point or short keel; ventral scales keeled ; 6 to 8 pores.... 13. marmoratus, p. 67. c. Males with preanal and femoral pores. Back with small strongly keeled tubercles, and scattered enlarged ones on the flanks ; 2 or 3 preeanal, and on each side 3 or 4 femoral pores .............6 14, mysoriensis, p. 68. 2. Flanks with small spine-like projecting tubercles. Scales under the neck keeled ; tail with rings of spine-like tubercles; 3 or 4 preanal, and on each side 3 to 5 femoral MOTOS dis-a-sia Gs leidal sie sont dade, area ae 15. kandianus, p. 68. Scales under the neck smooth ; tail with rings of spine-like tubercles; 2 to 4 preanal, and on each side 3 to 5 femoral POLES sa nid wid ake cine we Re 16. gracilis, p. 70. No enlarged tubercles on the back; no rings of spines on the tail; no preanal pores; 5 to 12 femoral pores on each BIDS: hd gia AAG Nl pis nse ae ae 43 Hind limb ............ 14 Timor. 8. Gonatodes kendallii. (Purare V. fig. 4.) Heteronota kendallii, Gray, Cat. p. 174. Habit very slender. Head oval; snout long and broad, rounded, depressed, with strong canthal ridges, much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; eyes large; ear-opening vertically oval, two fifths the diameter of the eye. Limbs long; digits long and slender, com- pressed, inferiorly with small lamellw and a large oval plate at the articulation of the basal and proximal phalanges. Upper surfaces covered with minute granules, intermixed on the body with irregu- 64 GECKONIDE. larly arranged small keeled tubercles. Rostral large, quadrangular, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft; nostril between the rostral and several granules; eleven to thirteen upper and ten to twelve lower labials; mental very large, subtriangular; two large chin-shields, in one specimen fused with the mental. Ab- dominal scales very small, juxtaposed, convex, keeled. No preanal or femoral pores. Tail cylindrical, slender, with small keeled scales and large pointed tubercles, of which there is a median series on the lower surface. Brown above, more or less distinctly clouded with darker; lower surfaces lighter. Total length .......... 118 millim. Gad. a4 sacs toa shoe oles 15.—C,, Width of head ........ 9 » Body ........ tiwese ws 41 ,, Fore limb ............ 28 ~C@« Hind limb............ 39 Cs, Wail, pp sidiiai’: abstain 62, Borneo. a-b. SQ. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. (Types.). ad. Matang. 9. Gonatodes indicus. (Pxaze VI. fig. 1.) Goniodactylus indicus, Gray, Ann. §& Mag. N. H. xviii. 1846, p. 429. : Gymnodactylus indicus, Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 469; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 115. Head short; snout obtusely pointed, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear-opening very small, round. Body and limbs moderate; the hind limb reaching hardly the axilla. Digits moderately slender; the basal joint not dilated, scarcely wider than the distal joints, inferiorly with larger, subequal plates. Upper surfaces covered with uniform strongly keeled granules, which are larger on the back than on the snout. Rostral subquadrangular, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; seven or eight upper and five or six lower labials; mental large, broad, subtriangular or pentagonal, with truncate posterior angle ; small chin-shields passing gradually into the gular granules. Ventral scales hexagonal, imbricate, smooth or feebly keeled. Males with four or five femoral pores on each side. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with uniform small keeled scales, inferiorly with larger scales, those of the median series being slightly enlarged. Brown above, marbled with darker and lighter; sometimes a light vertebral line ; brownish-white beneath, the throat frequently brown, or brown-marbled. r 18. aoNnaTODEs. 65 Total length..........4. 83 millim. ead WSEAS Sse See eR ARCS Note 10 ” Width of head.......... 8 Body scien ec dwiacauie wave 30°C, Fore limb ............ 13°5 ,, Hind limb ............ 18, MAID owes case dish acdsee couse 43 ,, Southern India. a-c. 3. Madras Presidency. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) d, Many spec.: 3,9 ,&hgr. Nilgherries, Col. Beddome [C.]. 10. Gonatodes wynadensis. (Pxare VI. fig. 2.) Gymmodactylus wynaadensis, Beddome, Madras Journ. Med. Sc, 1870. Goniodactylus wynadensis, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p, 226. Habit of G. indicus. The basal part of the digits inferiorly with very smal] scales, the two distal ones only being a little enlarged and plate-like. Head covered with very small granules, which are keeled on the snout. Upper surface of body with large round granules, each with a raised central point or short keel, largest on the sides ; these tubercles are either homogeneous, or intermixed with much smaller ones, and as there are specimens which are intermediate in this respect, no great importance can be attached to this difference. Ab- dominal scales smooth. Six upper and seven or eight lower labials. Male with four or five femoral pores on each side. Tail generally with-a median series of transversely dilated plates inferiorly. Brown above, marbled with darker and lighter; the median dorsal zone sometimes lighter, dark-bordered; brownish inferiorly, the throat brown-marbled ; tail inferiorly dark-brown, generally lighter- spotted. Total length .......... 87 millim. Head: «i004 dese ve areas 12 5 Width of head.......... 85 ,, Body: sso eviw ceae ons 29 ~=««,, Fore limb ............ 14. sO, Hind limb ............ 20 4, Tall execs egeiecs swan 46 ,, Southern India. a. Many spec.: 3,9, Wynaad. Col. Beddome [C.]. & her. es. aS. Anamallays. Col. Beddome [C.]. ce-t. 3,9,& her. Bolumputta Hills. Col. Beddome ot k-l. 2 & ye. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.]. m-n. Yg. Nellicottah. Col. Beddome [C.}. F 66 GECKONIDE. 11. Gonatodes sisparensis. Gymnodactylus maculatus (non Steind.), Beddome, Madras Journ, Med, Sc. 1870. ; —— sisparensis, Theobald, Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 86. Closely allied to G. wynadensis, but the digits much more elongate. Eight femoral pores on each side. Dorsal tubercles homogeneous. Brown, with regular transverse dark hands across the body and tail. From snout to vent 62 millim. Southern India. a. d,very bad Sholakal, Sispara Ghat. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Type.) state. a Ss. 8.W. India. Col. Beddome [C.]. 12. Gonatodes ornatus. (Prare VI. fig. 3.) Gymnodactylis ornatus, Beddome, Madras Journ. Med. Se. 1870, Head rather elongate; snout acuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half to once and two thirds the diameter-of the orbit; forehead feebly concave ; ear- opening small, vertically oval. Body moderate, limbs rather slender; the hind limb reaching the shoulder or a little beyond. Digits elongate, slender; the basal part not dilated, scarcely wider than the distal, inferiorly with very small plates and a large discoid one under the articulatior. Snout covered with keeled granules; hinder part of head with uniform minute granules. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals ; six to nine upper and seven or eight lower labials; mental large, triangular or pentagonal, its posterior angle truncate and in contact with a small median chin-shield; two pairs of larger chin-shields. Upper surface of body covered with small smooth granules irregularly intermixed with small round convex, some- times slightly keeled, tubercles. Abdominal scales small, round, imbricate, smooth. Males with six to nine preanal pores forming an angular line. Tail cylindrical, becoming ‘slender in its distal half, covered above with small smooth scales, in its anterior portion with semiannuli of pointed keeled tubercles ; inferiorly with large smooth scales, the median series being a little enlarged. Brown above, with blackish and whitish markings ; head generally with black and white angular lines; generally a black and white band across the neck and a white, black-edged ocellus in front of the arm; tail with complete black and white annuli; lower sur- faces brownish, the lower lip brown-edged. Total length .......... 117 millim, Gad ec casera sae 16 13. cowaropns. 87 Body: sedan gasieriaeae 39 millim. Fore limb ............ DAT sss Hind limb ............ 82 5 Tail ... Me BZ Nay Southern India. a. Many specimens: Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types.) 3,2, & yg. -f. 3,9, & her. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.]. g. 3. Travancore. Col. Beddome [C.]. Ad. 8. India. Col. Beddome [C.]. 13. Gonatodes marmoratus. (Praze VI. fig. 4.) Gymnodactylus marmoratus (non D. § B.), Beddome, Madras Journ, Med. Se. 1870. —— beddomei, Theobald, Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 88. Head rather elongate ; snout acuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and half to once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; forehead feebly concave; ear-opening small, vertically oval. Body moderate, limbs rather slender ; the hind limb reaching the shoulder or a little beyond. Digits elongate, slender ; the basal part not dilated, scarcely wider than the distal, inferiorly with regular plates, that under the articulation being large and discoid. Head coveved with small granules, largest and keeled on the snout. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; six to eight upper and as many lower labials; mental large, triangular or pentagonal, its - posterior angle truncate; chin-shields very small. Upper surface of body covered with small granules irregularly intermixed with slightly larger ones ; all these tubercles with a central raised point or ashort keel, Abdominal scales very small, juxtaposed, convex, keeled. Males with six to eight preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with uniform small feebly keeled scales, inferiorly with larger smooth scales, those of the median series sometimes a little enlarged. Brown, above clouded with darker and lighter markings; tail with ill-defined darker and lighter annuli; the lower lip edged with dark brown ; another dark-brown streak, parallel to the latter, on each side of the throat. Total length .......... 100 millim, Head (oce nccran tau, LO og, Width of head ........ 10.=Con, Body? io ieee ees 36, Fore limb ............ 28. —C« Hind limb............ 28 Cy, Pail pyc aiees f 49, Southern India. FQ 68 GECKONIDZ, a, Several’spec.: d, Travancore. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types.) 2, & yg. db. Boreal seas 3) Wynaad. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. & yg. oud 3 her. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.]. 14. Gonatodes mysoriensis. Gymnodactylus mysoriensis, Jerdon, Jowrn. As, Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 469; Guinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 114. Head short; snout obtusely pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave ; ear-opening very small, oval. Body and limbs moderate; the hind limb not- reaching beyond axilla. Digits slender but rather short, the basal part not dilated, and with small plates inferiorly. Upper surfaces covered with small strongly keeled tubercles, smallest on the hinder part of the head, largest on the sides of the body, where they are intermixed with irre- gularly scattered tubercles, differing only in size from the granules of the back. Rostral quadrangular, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft and emargination above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals ; six or seven upper and seven or eight lower labials ; mental large, broadly triangular, its posterior angle truncate ; small chin-shields passing gradually into the rather large, flat, gular granules. Abdominal scales moderate, hexagonal, im- ’ pricate, smooth. Males with two or three preanal, and on each side three or four femoral pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with small keeled scales and large pointed keeled tubercles in six longitudinal series, inferiorly with larger smooth scales, those of the median series slightly enlarged. Brown above, frequently with a light vertebral band and a series of dark-brown marks on the back ; digits very conspicuously dark-barred; lower surfaces whitish, throat sometimes brown-marbled. Total length .......... 64 millim. Head gen aye ee ea 8) as Width of head ........ 55 ,, Body so cae eve oer ae 19 Fore limb ............ 10, Hind limb............ 1B ys Wall. sé seexeau ga nema’ 37, Southern India. a, b. “a spec.: d, Shevaroys. Col. Beddome [C.]. gr. e-d. Her. Malabar. Col, Beddome [C.]. 15. Gonatodes kandianus. Gymnodactylus kandianus, Kelaart, Prodr, Faun. Zeyl. p. 186; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 114. 13. GonaTopEs. 69 ?Gymnodactylus wicksii, Stoliczka, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xlii. 1878, p. 165. ? Gymnodactylus humei, Theob, Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 89. Head rather elongate; snout obtusely pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear-opening small, oval. Body and limbs rather slender; the hind limb reaching the axilla or the shoulder. Digits slender, the basal part not dilated, scarcely wider than the distal, and with enlarged plates inferiorly. Snout covered with suboval keeled granules ; the rest of the head minutely granulate; rostral twice as broad as high, with median emargination and cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three or four nasals; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials; mental large, triangular, with truncate poste- rior angle ; numerous small chin-shields passing gradually into the gular granules, which are feebly keeled. Upper surface of body covered with small, more or less distinctly keeled granules, inter- mixed with irregularly scattered small keeled tubercles ; flanks with small, widely separated, spine-like tubercles. Scales on the limbs keeled. Ventral scales cycloid, imbricate, those under the neck keeled, the others smooth. Males with three or four preeanal, and on each side three to five femoral pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, above with very small keeled scales and annuli of spine-like tuber- cles, inferiorly with larger scales, but no transversely dilated median plates. Brown above, variegated with darker and lighter, these variegations generally forming transverse markings on the back and tail; sometimes a light vertebral band; the spine-like tubercles on the flanks white; lower surfaces light brown or dirty white, the throat sometimes blackish. Total length ...,....... 75 willim. Head . aeeniea-s “Ol Ol ss Width of head . neeted erecta 55 ,, Body eicswiwete caer oe 27:5 ,, Fore limb ............ 13, Hind limb............ 18, MPa! 3 aiguediansaa eens 388 Cy, Ceylon ; 8. India. _c, d-h, t. é Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. (Types.) oe Ceylon, oa Thais Es n, 0. Several spec.: ¢, 8. Canara. Col. Beddome [C.]. & ae "3 of Anamallays. Col. Beddome [C.}. tu 39. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.}. vw. 3d. Sevagherry Hills. Col, Beddome [C. }. x o. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C. ]. ye 3. S. India. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. Pi. The following specimens agree so well in structure and in their 70 GECKONIDA. different. modes of coloration with G. kandianus that I cannot con- sider them specifically distinct from the latter. However, as their ventral scales are keeled, they should be kept distinct: from the typical form. They may be called the éropidogaster form. a 3. Ceylon. G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. B. Q. Ceylon. Col. Beddome St y-6,. 3, 2, & her. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.]. K. Dee Nilgherries. Col. Beddome tet r-v. O, her, & yg. Wynaad. Col. Beddome O.]. 16. Gonatodes gracilis. (Pxaze VI. fig. 5.) ? Gymnodactylus malabaricus, Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1858, p. 469. Gymnodactylus gracilis, Beddome, Madras Journ. Med. Sc. 1870; Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 226. Closely allied to G. kandianus, from which it differs in the fol- lowing points :—The gular granules are larger, flat, smooth ; so are also all the ventral scales; the mental is very seldom truncated posteriorly, and the median chin-shields form a suture behind its point. Males with two or four preanal, and on each side three to five femoral pores. Grey-brown above, with darker and lighter spots; generally a median row of light blotches on the centre of the back; temples and sides of neck and throat with oblique dark brown lines; tail with blackish semiannuli; digits conspicuously blackish-barred ; whitish beneath. Total length ....../... 76 millim. Head: se sse ecg: 95 ,, Width of head ........ Gs BOD stg Sess aye cece const a 23°5 ., Fore limb ............ BS! Hind limb............ 17 SCS, MPI a sicic tr inte dey wcanseee 43 ,,° Southern India; Ceylon. a, Several spec.: Palghat Hills. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types.) 3, 2, & yg. b-d. 2 & yg. Palghat Hills. Col. Beddome [C.]. e. eo oo : Sevagherry Hills. Col. Beddome fot d ? * S-kyl. 3,9 hat Wynaad. Col. Beddome [C.}. m ®. Salem. Col. Beddome [C.]. n. Several spec.: Malabar. Col. Beddome res dQ. or. $;9,& yg. Forests of S. India. T.C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. (As Gymnodactylus malabaricus.) sv. SQ. Forests of S, India. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. Y w. Several spec.: Ceylon. Col. Beddome [C.]. 3, 2, & yg. 18. GonaTODES. 71 17. Gonatodes jerdonii. Gymnodactylus jerdoni, Theobald, Cat. Rept. As. Soc. Mus. p. 31, and Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 89. In habit similar to G. kandianus and gracilis. Digits not elon- gate, put with rather large plates under the basal part, the distal of these plates being the largest and longitudinally oval in shape. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small granules, smooth on the back, a little larger and keeled on the snout; a few erect spine-like. tubercles on the flanks. Rostral four-sided, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; eight to ten upper and seven or eight lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal; small chin- shields passing gradually into the granules of the throat, which are rather large, flat, and smooth. Ventral scales hexagonal, imbricate, smooth. Males with five to twelve femoral pores on each side; no preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small smooth scales, in its basal half with a few scattered larger tuber- cles ; median series of subcaudals enlarged. Grey-brown above, clouded with darker; the small lateral spines white; sometimes a black cervical spot ; whitish beneath, the throat sometimes brown- dotted. Total length ......:... 72 millim. Head 2a esa dee Neen: 11:5 ,, Width of head ........ Ss BOd ys Se vee gigas see 315 ,, Fore limb............ 18, Hind limb............ 23° 45 Tail (injured) ........ 29.~—C«, Ceylon ; Southern India. a,b. 3 Q. Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. c-e. SQ. Ceylon. G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. es Ceylon. : = 8. Taide Col. Beddome [C.]. ht. S. Lamparis Peak (5000 feet). Col. Beddome [C.}. 18. Gonatodes littoralis. (Prats VI. fig. 6.*) Gymnodactylus littoralis, Jerdon, Journ, As. Soc, Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 469, .and Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 75; Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 226. planipes, Beddome, Madras Journ, Med. Sc, 1870. Habit very slender, Anolis-like. Head long; snout pointed, much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds to once and three fourths the diameter of the orbit; forehead very slightly coacave; ear-opening small, oval, vertical. The hind limb does not reach beyond axilla. Digits * Lower surface of fourth toe, x 4. 72 < GECKONIDA. strongly dilated at the base, with large plates inferiorly ; the distal of these plates is the largest, longer than broad, truncate anteriorly. Upper surfaces covered with equal smooth granules, minute on the back, much larger on the snout; a few very small subconical tubercles are scattered on the flanks. Rostral large, quadrangular, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; eight to ten upper and six to eight lower labials ; mental large, broadly triangular, its posterior angle truncate ; small chin-shields passing gradually into the small smooth gular granules. Ventral scales hexagonal, imbricate, smooth. Males with sixteen to eightcen femoral pores on each side ; no preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, above with uniform small smooth scales, inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Grey-brown above, generally with a row of lighter dark-edged spots along the back, and a black spot on the nape; nearly always a black line bordering the lower lip, and extending as far as the ear; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 68 millim, Head ies ioe sareue eh aves 10 =~, Width of head ........ On ae BOY sic: svsaerst nti Aes th act 23 5, Fore limb ............ 14 =««, Hind limb............ 16 Ca, PAUL. catcnnsea de ayes 35g, Southern India. a, Many spec.: 6, 2, Nellicottah. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types & yg. of G. planipes.) b, e-d, Several spec. : Nilambar. Col. Beddome [C.]. 3, 2, & yg. Gonatodes boiei. Goniodactylus boiei, Gray, Zool, Mise. p. 58. timorensis (non D. § B.?), part., Gray, Cat. p. 172. “Blackish (discoloured? in spirits); back with close, squarish, minute, uniform, rather prominent scales ; tail slender, longer than the body; lower labial shields unequal, three front, large, the second largest, rest small; the chin-scales moderate, triangular behind, with two small polygonal shields behind them; rest of throat-scales small, polygonal.” a-d. India. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. (Type.) In too bad state to be described; doubtless a Gonatodes distinct from the other Indian species, and apparently allied to G. jerdoniz. The following specimens, types of Goniodactylus australis, Gray, belong probably to this genus, but they are in too bad a state to be determinable :— Goniodactylus australis, Gray, Cat. p. 172.—“ Pale brown, darker- 14, aLUROSAURUS. 73 marbled ; scales very minute, of head rather larger; lower labial plates 10-1-10; the lower rostral small, trigonal, the other plates very gradually smaller ; chin granular; those in the certtre of the front rather larger, 6-sided ; tail ae a-b, Australia. Mr. Buchanan. (Types.) 14. HLUROSAURUS. Pentadactylus, Giinther, Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 117 (nec Gray). Digits short, cylindrical at the base, and with transverse lamella inferiorly, compressed in the distal phalanges, which are raised and furnished with a claw rectractile between two large plates forming a compressed sheath ; a narrow plate covering the upper suture of the two distal plates. Body covered with small juxtaposed flat scales. Upper and lower eyelids well developed, connivent. Pupil vertical. Males with pranal pores. East Indies ; Australia ? 1. Hlurosaurus felinus. (Prarn ITI. fig. 8.*) Pentadactylus felinus, Giinth. 1. ¢. pl. xii. fig. F. —— borneensis, Giinth. 1. e. Habit slender. Head depressed, elongate, very distinct from neck ; snout pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; ear- opening small, suboval, oblique. Body long, not depressed. Limbs long and thin. All the scales uniform, small, flat granules. Rostral broad and low, separated from the nostril, which is pierced between two larger anterior nasals, the first labial, and small granules pos- teriorly ; two large internasals followed by three other plates; thirteen upper and as many lower labials, the latter in contact with another series of equally large plates; mental small, very low. Tail short, rounded, vertically oval when intact, ending in a very obtuse point, probably prehensile. Male with twenty-one preanal pores in an angular series. Brown above, with two dorsal series of more or less distinct lighter, dark-edged roundish spots ; sometimes scattered white dots on the sides of the body, forming spots on the tail (spec. b); upper lip whitish; lower surfaces whitish, brown- dotted. Total length .......... 157 millim. HCG ead sin es aie wees 23 —C,, Width of head ........ 14, Body: wisivie) Sapa hx 1 ~«Cs Fore limb ............ 29 4, Hind limb ............ 38, Gil. ce easdcds wala es 63 Oy, Singapore; Bornco. * Lower and lateral view of fourth toe, x 4. 74 GECKONIDZ. a3. Singapore. (Type.) b 2. Borneo. A. R. Wallace, Esq.(C.]. (Type ot Pentadactylus borneensis.) 2. Mlurosaurus dorsalis. Pentadactylus dorsalis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac, 1871, p. 569, and Ann. Mus. Genov. iii. 1872, pl. ii. fig. 2. “ Brown with a yellow median dorsal band, which is bordered on each side by a row of small flat tubercles well distinguished from the surrounding fine granulation. On each side of the body a row of scattered yellow dots. Otherwise quite similar to 4. felinus.” Sarawak. , 3. Hlurosaurus? brunneus, Pentadactylus brunneus, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1868, p. 320. “ Nostrils surrounded by four small shields and the first labial, the rostral being excluded. The anterior of these scales separated from its fellow by a polygonal scale, which is not included in a notch of the rostral. Rostral fissured above. Superior labials eleven, last two minute; two or three of them longer than high. Distin- guishable inferior labials nine ; two first much deeper than long. Infralabials not marked, forming somo four or five rows of small ovate scales. Scaling of the body coarse. No superciliary spine ; no preanal pores. Free joints of the toes, especially of the thumbs, thick. Tail with whorls of flat hexagonal scales, abruptly separated from those of the sacrum above. Colour above brown, with seven irregular undulate, transverse bars of very deep brown, between rump and nape. Below pale.” Australia. 15, HETERONOTA. Heteronota, part., Gray, Cat. p. 174. Digits not dilated, clawed, inferiorly with a row of plates; claw between three enlarged scales, the latero-inferior pair forming a longitudinal suture. Body covered above with granules and tubercles, inferiorly with imbricate scales. Pupil vertical. Males with pre- anal pores. Australia. 1. Heteronota binoei. Heteronota binoei, Gray, Cat, p. 174. Heteronota binoei, part., Giinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H, (8) xx. 1867, p. 50. Head oviform, moderately depressed, large, measuring a little more than one third the distance between end of snout and vent; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit, as long as the 15, HETERONOTA. 75 distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; forehead concave; ear-opening oval, oblique. Body. short, moderately depressed. Limbs moderate; digits rather long and slender. Snout covered with large keeled granules; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles; rostral square, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced be- tween the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; seven or eight upper and six or seven lower labials; mental large, broadly pentagonal; two large chin-shields forming a suture behind the mental. Body covered above with small keeled granules, and large subtriangular strongly keeled tubercles ; the latter are placed close together in twelve or fourteen very regular longitudinal series, Abdominal scales moderately large, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Male with five preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, verticil- late, above with keeled scales and tubercles, inferiorly with a median series of transversely enlarged plates. Light brown above; seven dark transverse bands, broader than the interspaces between them, from nape to base of tail; a U-shaped dark streak from eye to eye, over the nape; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... 80 millim. Head. v4 .iceaes ee eniad 105, Width of head ........ 6 i Body vectivare ve neces 305 ,, Fore limb ...........- 15) 3; Hind limb ............ 16 = Tall esves wees Sat einse 39 . Western Australia. a Bi Houtman’s Abrolhos. Mr. Gilbert [C.]. _ (Type.) bs. Champion Bay. Mr. Duboulay 6.) 2, Heteronota derbiana. Eublepharis derbianus, Gray, Cat. p. 274, ‘ Hepler ( sree) australis, Steindachn. Novara, Rept. j i fig. 2. Piyllodeotyine snomelns, Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac. 1867, p. 14. a a binoei, part., Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (8) xx. 1867, p. 50. Differs from the preceding as follows :—Head not three times in the distance from tip of snout to vent. Dorsal tubercles generally less regularly arranged, more distant from one another, those of one series being separated by interspaces at least equal to their length. Preanal pores four or six. Light brown above, spotted or marbled with darker; some of the tubercles sometimes whitish; a dark temporal streak ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 102 millim. Head ....eesieaee as wee A 55 Width of head ........ 9 , 76 GECKONID &, BOdY ..4cdve re cnaeees 32 millim. Fore limb .........44 15g, Hind limb ..........-- 22 «Cy, Maile: docs ih «ce Giacayatee 56 OC, Northern and Eastern Australia. a. 9. Port Essington. Lord Derby [P.]. _(Type.) b-c. 9. N. Australia. J. Elsey, Esq. [P.]. d. 3. Peak Downs. Godeffroy Museum. e. Q. Rockhampton. i. cd. Queensland. g. 3. Australia. Sir J. Richardson [P.]. 3. Heteronota? eboracensis. Heteronota eboracensis, Macleay, Proc. Linn, Soc. N.S. W. ii. 1877, p. 101. “ Form rather robust ; head broad; tail much shorter than the body ; internasal shields rather short and not contiguous; labials nine upper and eight lower, the last two of each very small; scales mostly tricarinate; tubercles on the back numerous and nearly smooth ; scales on the tail all smooth; colour, above speckled grey and black ; legs and under surface pale with numerous minute black dots. Length 3 inches.” Cape York. 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS*. Phyllodactylus, Gray, Spicil. Zool. 1830, p.3; Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 94 ; Gray, Cat. p. 150. Spherodactylus, part., Wagler, Syst, Amph. p. 143. Phyliodacty las, part., Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 20; Dum. § Bibr. iii. . 888. Billeptes, Fitz, lc. p. 95. Discodactylus, Fitz. J. ¢. p. 95. Diplodactylus, part., Wiegm. l.c.; Fitz. lc. p. 94; Gray, Cat. Inz. 148 p. 148. Pareedura, Giinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (5) iii. 1879, p. 218. Digits more or less slender, free, all clawed, with transverse lamellee or tubercles inferiorly, the extremity more or less dilated, with two large plates inferiorly, separated by a longitudinal groove in which the claw is retractile ; the distal expansion covered above with scales strongly differentiated from those on the basal portion of the digit. Upper surfaces covered with juxtaposed scales, uni- form or intermixed with larger tubercles ; abdominal scales generally imbricate. Pupil vertical. Males without preanal nor femoral pores. Tropical America; Australia; Africa; islands of the Mediter- ranean. . * Phyliodactylus androyensis, Grandid. Rev. Mag. Zool. xix. 1867, p. 233.— S.W. Madagascar. 16. pHYLLopaActTYLUs. U7 Synopsis of the Species. I. Back with unequal lepidosis. A. Skin of crown free from cranial ossification. 1. Dorsal tubercles keeled. a. Digital expansion much wider than the rest of the digit, trapezoid. Dorsal tubercles in 14 more or less ir- regular longitudinal series; ventral scales in 25 to 30 longitudinal and — 65 transverse series .............. 1. tuberculosus, p. 79. Dorsal tubercles in 14 longitudinal series; ventral scales in 18 to 20 longitudinal, and 45 to 50 transverse series ....., 2. ventralis, p. 80. Hinder part of head with uniform minute granular scales .................. 3. reissti, p. 80. Dorsal tubercles in 20 to 22 longitudinal series ; ventral scales in 22 longitu- dinal and 53 transverse series ...... 4. pulcher, p. 80. Dorsal tubercles in 20 longitudinal series ; ventral scales in about 25 longitudinal series; labials$ ..............., 5. spatulatus, p. 81. 6. Digital expansion not much wider than the rest of the digit, rounded. Dorsal tubercles small, in 12 longitudinal SOQIOS coh 2 Go Ue ves wae dea owls 6. galapagoensis, p. 82. Dorsal tubercles large, in 16 longitudinal series; digits slender, the digital ex- : pansions very small .............. 10. phacophorus, p. 84. 2. Dorsal tubercles not keeled. a. Digital expansion well developed. Dorsal tubercles very distinct from the granular scales; mental very large .. 7. nigrofasciatus, p. 82. Dorsal scales of unequal sizes, the tubercles differing only in size from the other dorsal scales................ 8. inaequalis, p. 88. Dorsal tubercles very distinct from the granular scales; two elongate chin- shields ; head large; limbs long .... 11. oviceps, p. 85. b. Digital expansion very small. Dorsal tubercles a little smaller than the ; ventral scales.............-..005. 9. microphyllus, p. 84. B. Skin of head confluent with cranial ossification. Infradigital lamellz divided medially .. 12. sancti-johannis, p. 86. Infradigital lamelle entire .......... 13. stumpffi, p. 86. 78 GECKONIDE, a II. Back with uniform lepidosis. A. Digital expansions well developed. 1. Dorsal scales not larger than those on the snout. a. Dorsal scales not keeled. a. Digital expansion considerably wider than the digit. * Mental not twice as broad as long. Rostral four-sided, entering considerably the nostril; first labial not entering the NOstil oo. cece ew Ew RN 14. porphyreus, p. 87. Rostral pentagonal or hexagonal, the latero-superior border entering the nostril; first labial entering the nostril; digital expansion much smaller than the eye; 7 or 8 entire lamelle under the fourth: C00. is. es ccc eh ete kee Os 15. marmoratus, p. 88. Digital expansion large, that of the fourth toe measuring nearly the diameter of the eye; ear-opening minute ...... 16. macrodactylus, p. 89. Rostral separated from the nostril; 10 entire lamelle under the fourth toe.. 17. affinis, p. 89. 10 or 11 entire lamelle under the fourth toe; ear-opening large, oval, measuring two thirds or three fourths the diameter OF THE CYC. os vires ee eas Sees 18. guentheri, p. 90. ** Mental twice as broad as long. Scales on the snout not larger than those on the! bak: 4. coisas eines 19. ewropeus, p. 90. B. Digital expansion scarcely wider than the digit. The scales on the upper surface of the head much larger than the granules on the back 2c sa edsgaas bear eros 20. pictus, p. 91. Dorsal scales flat, as large as those on the snout; two median larger chin- Shields. i4..oeaesotue nied cranes 21. lineatus, p. 92. 6. Dorsal scales feebly keeled. The scales on the back about as large as those on the snout................ 22. ocellatus, p. 93. 2. Dorsal scales larger than those on the snout. ¢ upper and 6 lower labials.......... 23. unctus, p. 94. 11 upper and 10 lower labials ........ 24. riebeckii, p. 94. B. Digital expansion extremely small. Digits slender ...........-....005. 25. gerrhopygus, 95. , 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 79 1. Phyllodactylus tuberculosus. Phyllodactylus tuberculatus, Gray, Cat. p. 150. Phyllodactylus tuberculosus, Wiegm. Nova Acta Ac. Leop.- Carol. xvii. p. 241, pl. xviii. fig. 2; Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 396; Baird, U.S. Mex. Bound, Surv, ii. Herp. pl. xxiii. figs. 1-8; Bocourt, Miss. Se. Mex., Rept. p. 48, pl. x. fig. 3; O'Shaughn. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xvi. 1875, p. 262. Discodactylus tuberculosus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 96. Phyllodactylus xanti, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1863, p. 102. Head oviform, much longer than broad; snout rounded, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave; ear-opening rather large, narrow, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits slender, the distal dilatation large, truncate, its diameter one half or two fifths that of the eye; the slender part of the digit with narrow transverse lamelle, about ten under the fourth toe, the distal one divided. Snout covered with equal granules; hinder part of head and temples with minute granules intermixed with large ones ; the scales on the border of the eyelid forming a rather strong denticulation. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with . trace of cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals, the anterior, or upper, large and in contact with its fellow; six or seven upper and as many lower labials ; mental large, pentagonal, in contact with two chin-shields, which are followed by extremely small polygonal shields passing rapidly into the minute granules of the gular region. Back and limbs above with small unequal granules intermixed with large trihedral keeled tubercles ; on the back these tubercles are arranged in seven more or less irregular longitudinal series on each side of the vertebral line ; these tubercles somewhat variable in size, some- times nearly flat. Lower surfaces with small imbricate smooth scales, in 25 to 30 longitudinal series, and about 65. transverse series between constriction of neck and vent. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small imbricate smooth scales ; larger, pointed, feebly keeled scales forming verticils on the upper part of the tail; a median series of transversely dilated scales inferiorly. Light grey-brown above, with dark-brown spots ; a dark-brown streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; tail with dark annuli; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 119 millim. Head i. ..0s.560K8% wee LBS 35 Width of head ........ 13, Body 45000 de wieces ats 47, Fore limb ............ 21 «,, Hind limb............ 27 5 Taal siesta ov ane aa aii 54 California; Central America. 80 GECKONID a. Ad. California. bate Belcher Ee b-e. Ad. & her. California. W. Fabert, Esq. [P.]. f-h. Ad. & her. Ventanas, Mexico, Hr. A. Forrer (0.}. il, m, Ad. & hgr. Presidio, W. Mexico. Hy. A. Forrer[C.]. n-o, Ad. Tres Marias. a A. Forrer [O. p-q. Ad. Rio Montagua. O. Salvin, Esq. oh . oe San Geronimo. 0. Salvin, Esq. S. i —? 2. Phyllodactylus ventralis. Phyllodactylus ventralis, O’Shaughn. Ann. §& Mag. N. H. (4) xvi. 1875, p. 263. This species differs from P. tuberculosus in the following points :— Head narrower. Ventral shields much’ larger, in 18 to 20 longi- tudinal and 45 to 50 transverse rows. Mental narrower, and more produced posteriorly ; chin-shields on second row larger. Total length .......... 102 millim. Head 28 svetoseacie ete 15, Width of head ........ Oe ss BOOY? ja ss aio iace Genie Baits 37 Fore limb ............ 16° 4% Hind limb............ 20) «33 UGA, esestacavs:shiarg dh tiele tn Sosa 50 C=», Jamaica ?; Nicaragua. a. Ad. Jamaica (P). Type. bd, Ad. Goa ) (hype) 3. Phyllodactylus reissii. Phyllodactylus reissii, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1862, p. 626, Agrees in almost every point with P. tuberculosus. The differences are that the scales on the hinder part of the head are uniform minute granules, and that the mental is almost entirely between the front pair of infralabials, which are hardly smaller than that plate. Guayaquil ; Peru. 4, ‘Phyllodactylus pulcher. Phyllodactylus pulcher, Gray, Cat. p. 150. Gecko triedrus (non Daud.), Wolf, Abbild: Us. P Besclin merkw. nat, Gegenst. ii. p. ae 1. xx. fig. 1. Phyllodactylus pulcher, Gray ry, Spicil. Zool. i. 3, pl. fi Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 397. , a Discodactylus pulcher, Futzing. Syst. Rept. p. 95. Head oval, much longer than broad; snout rounded, longer than 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 81 the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening rather large, narrow, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits slender, the distal dilatation large, triangular, the front margin being straight; the diameter of the dilatation of the fourth toe equals two thirds the diameter of the eye; the slender portion of the digits with transverse lamelle inferiorly, about ten under the fourth toe, the distal one divided. Snout covered with equal large granules ; hinder part of head and temples with minute granules intermixed with large ones; the scales on the border of the eyelid forming a rather strong denticulation. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with trace of cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals, the anterior, or upper, large and in contact with its fellow ; seven upper and seven lower labials ; mental large, pentagonal, in contact with two chin-shields, which are followed by others passing gradually into the granules of the gular region. Back and limbs above with minute granules in- termixed with large trihedral keeled tubercles ; on the back these tubercles are arranged into pretty regular longitudinal series, ten or eleven on each side of the vertebral line; on the flanks these tubercles are so close to each other as nearly to overlap. Lower surfaces with moderate-sized imbricate smooth scales, in 22 longi- tudinal series, and 53 transverse series between constriction of neck and vent. Tail with small imbricate smooth scales intermixed with larger slightly keeled ones forming rather indistinct verticils ; inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated scales. Head. ies gce a cone se 18 millim. Width of head ........ 12: | 35 Body. sewesverigeasas 48 ,, Fore limb ............ 23 Hind limb............ 28 55 Tropical America. a, Ad. Tropical America. (Type.) 5. Phyllodactylus spatulatus. Phyllodactylus spatulatus, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 176. “Muzzle elongate, depressed, extending anterior to the orbit once and one third the diameter of the latter. Frontal and nasal regions closely squamulose tuberculous, each tubercle as large as those that are scattered upon the occiput. Superior labials six, the last minute; inferior labials five. Symphyseal elongate campanu- liform in outline, succeeded by three or four transverse series of mental plates. The anterior is composed of three (median smallest), which are much longer than broad; the posterior are hexagonal. About twenty-five rows of abdominal plates, and twenty rows of elongate trihedral dorsal tubercles. Extremities coarsely tuber- @ 82 GECKONIDZ. culous. Length of head to angle of mandible 8 lines; from this point to vent 1 inch 9 lines; of hinder extremity 1 inch; tail? Above pale yellowish ; a dark brown line from orbit to shoulder ; dark brown longitudinal lines, which inosculate on the nape and anterior dorsal region; on the posterior dorsal and sacral they form cross bands. Extremities banded. Beneath immaculate.” Barbadoes. 6. Phyllodactylus galapagoensis. Phyllodactylus galapagensis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1869, p. 720. Head oval, much longer than broad; snout rounded, a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the ear-opening ; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening narrow, vertical. Body and limbs moderate. Basal part of the digits moderately depressed, with transverse lamelle inferiorly ; digital expansions not much wider, rounded. Snout covered with large granular scales ; hinder part of head with minute granules, among which larger ones are scattered. Rostral subpentagonal, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals ; seven upper and six lower labials; mental large, pentagonal, in contact with two chin-shields, which are followed by smaller ones passing gradually into the minute granules of the throat. Back covered with minute granules ; small keeled tubercles form six very regular longitudinal series on each side of the vertebral line, this arrangement resembling that seen in Gymnodactylus pelagzcus. Belly with small imbricate smooth scales, Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with smooth imbricate scales, larger inferiorly but not forming a regular median series. Grey-brown above, with darker markings; a rather indistinct dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye ; tail with dark annuli above ; lower surfaces brownish white. 4 Total length .......... 74 millim. Head...............4. 10_—Ca, Width of head ........ 6 4s Body a ecca ig ies gen es sare aes 24 (Ci, Fore limb ............ Dogs Hind limb............ TS 6s Path cesictttcaceansscmnnsean eran ate 40 Galapagos Islands. a-b, Ad.? Charles Island. Commander Cookson [P.]. 7. Phyllodactylus nigrofasciatus. Phyllodactylus nigrofasciatus, Cope, Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. xviis 1877, p. 36. , ‘¢ The large dermal tubercles are not prominent nor angular, nor 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 83 arranged in regular longitudinal rows. They are round, and very distinct from the small round scales between them, and not almost assimilated to them as in P.incqualis. There are eight superior labials to below the pupil of the eye. The mental scutum is very large and urceolate; it has two lateral and a short posterior median facet, each one corresponding to a scutum; the anterior of these is the first labial, which is about twice as large as the scutum that follows it. Behind these is a transverse row of five subround scales, of which the median is in contact with the mental. The next row embraces eight, arranged in an undulating manner. The scales diminish but slowly to the size of the gulars. The toes are slender as in P. microphyllus, but the expansions are large as in P. inequalis. When the limbs are appressed to the side, the elbow reaches the base of the toes in this species, but only to their tips in P. inequalis; the length of the toes in P. microphyllus is intermediate. The ground-colour is very light, brilliantly white on the inferior surfaces. Between the axilla and groin the back is crossed above by six narrow black cross bands. These bifurcate or break up on the sides; the axillar band breaks up on the back, and two anterior to it are represented by spots. A broad dark band passes from the nostril through the eye and breaks up on the sides of the neck. Limbs indistinctly cross-barred.” Length to vent ........ 43 millim. Length to ear.......... 13 CO, Width of head atears .. 7 ,, Length of forelimb .... 14 ,, Length of hindlimb .... 21 ,, Chimbote Valley, Peru. 8. Phyllodactylus inzqualis. Phyllodactylus inequalis, Cope, Journ. Ac. Philad. (2) viii. 1876, p. 174. “ Scales of back and sides subequal, the former of unequal sizes but without elevated or keeled tubercles. Ventral scales larger, subround, smooth, those bordering the vent in front smaller. Muzzle with convex scales larger than those on the occiput. Labials to below the pupil, six above ; below five, followed by three others ;_ the inferior first three are the larger. Mental scutum longer than wide, angulate behind, with an oval scute on each side of the angle, which meet at an angle, each on the middleline. Behind these are round scales from which others graduate into the granules of the throat. Meatus auditorius a very small slit. Eye contained nearly twice in length of muzzle. The fore limbs extended reach the front of the orbit; the hind limbs extend to the appressed elbow. Scales of the normal tail square and flat above, rounded and a little larger below. Above yellowish, with seven blackish cross bands from nape to groin, somewhat connected by oblique and eee @ 84 GECKONIDE. lines on the sides. A dark band from nostril, through eye, to shoulder. Limbs and tail cross-banded. Head with coarse blackish reticulation above. A brown spot on each labial. Below straw- colour, immaculate.” Length to vent ........ 38 millim. Length toear ........ 10.—C,, Length of hind limb.... 70 ,, Width of head ........ 60. ,, Pacasmayo, Peru. 9. Phyllodactylus microphyllus. Phyllodactylus microphyllus, Cope, Jowrn. Ac. Philad, (2) viii. 1876, p. 175. “Small scales of the back and sides with larger ones scattered irregularly among them; these are not very much larger, not keeled, but smoothly convex, and a little smaller than the smooth flat belly- scales. Gular scales granular; labials to pupil q Mental large, convex behind, bounded by four round scales of small size. Scales of top of muzzle twice as large as those of vertex. Tail-scales uniform. Transverse series of inferior side of the digits rather short; large plates of the end of the toes remarkably small, per- mitting the ungual phalange to project very freely. A row of prominent scales behind the thighs on each side of the base of the tail. Colour very pale, with a few very indistinct transverse shades ; in the young these shades are cross bars.” Total length .......... 101 millim. Length to vent ........ 48, Length to ear ........ 12 oy Width of head ........ 10S, Length of hindlimb.,.. 20 ,, Valley of Jequetepeque, Peru. 10. Phyllodactylus phacophorus. Discodactylus phacophorus, Tschudi, Faun. Per., Herp. p.88 ; Girard, US. Explor. Exped., Herp, p. 800, pl. xxv. figs, 25-82, Head elongate, oviform; snout as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening narrow, vertical. Body and limbs moderate. Digits slender, scarcely depressed, with a series of transverse lamellw inferiorly, thirteen to fifteen under the fourth toe; digital expansions very small, longitudinally sub- oval, scarcely wider than the slender digits. Snout covered with small polygonal convex scales; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles. Rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 85 between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals, the anterior largest and in contact with its fellow; seven upper and as many lower labials; mental large, bell-shaped, much longer than broad ; very small irregular chin-shields. Back covered with very small granules intermixed with large suboval, trihedral, strongly keeled tubercles arranged in sixteen longitudinal series. Limbs with imbricate scales and large tubercles, Abdominal scales rather large, roundish, smooth, imbricate. Tail cylindrical, tapering, with small imbricated smooth scales, larger inferiorly, above with rings of large, pointed, keeled tubercles. Brown above; a dark brown, whitish- edged streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; back with broad transverse dark-brown bands separated by series of white tubercles ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 99 millim. Head sissies ate wate 14 =, Width of head ........ 9 2 BOO Ys. seca endts aeshciteaze oes 37, Fore limb ............ 17, Hind limb ............ 22 =«, Pail wis gale inclene ace 48, Peru. a, Ad. Lima. Prof. W. Nation [P.]. 6. Ad. Lima. J, M. Cowper, Esq. [P.]. 11, Phyllodactylus oviceps. Phyllodactylus oviceps, Boetiger, Zool. Anz. 1881, p. 359, and Abh. Senck. Ges, xii. 1832, p. 475, pl. iii. fig. 10, Head rather large, oviform; snout acuminate; forehead concave ; eyes large, prominent. Body moderate. Limbs long, slender. Digits long, slender, with transverse lamelle inferiorly; digital expansions moderate, trapezoid. Rostral trapezoid ; fourteen upper and twelve lower labials; mental triangular, in contact with two elongate chin-shields, on each side of which are two smaller ones. Back covered with granules intermixed with roundish oval tubercles arranged irregularly. Belly with rather small roundish smooth scales. Tail tapering, covered with small scales and annuli of small spinose tubercles. Grey above, variegated with black; back with four M- or W-shaped markings interrupted on the median line; tail with black annul. Total length .......... 76 millim. Head iccaseeei news © oe 155 ,, Width of head ........ 9° 5s Body: gece ance eka e's 235 ,, Fore limb ...........-. iva Hind limb ............ 23 55 Nall accneacas da aetna 37 ay Nossi Bé, Madagascar. 86 GECKONIDA. 12. Phyllodactylus sancti-johannis, (Pxiate VII. fig. 1.) Parcedura sancti johannis, Giinth. Ann. § Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iii. 1879, p. 218. Head large, oviform, very distinct from neck; the skin confluent with the cranial ossification ; forehead with a deep longitudinal concavity ; eye large, very prominent; snout longer than the dis- tance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening narrow, vertical, half the diameter of the eye. Body moderate. Limbs very long and slender. Digits slender, depressed at the base, with two rows of lamelle inferiorly, which are broken up into small tubercles some distance before the distal expansion ; latter subcordiform, moderately large, measuring about one third the diameter of the eye. Head covered with polygonal scales, elongate and feebly keeled on the snout and interorbital space ; temple with a row of four larger keeled tubercles. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and five nasals; ten upper and as many lower labials ; mental small, triangular, in contact with two large elongate hexagonal chin-shields; a smaller outer pair of similar shields and a second row of small polygonal chin-shields. Upper surface of body with irregular small flat scales intermixed with larger, oval, keeled tubercles; these are arranged in about eight irregular series along the back. Abdominal scales smooth, roundish, subimbricate. Limbs above with rather large, imbricate, keeled scales. Tail cylindrical, tapering, rather swollen in its anterior half, covered with irregular smooth scales intermixed with large keeled tubercles arranged in transverse series on the dorsal side; towards the end of the tail all the tubercles are spine-like, closely set. Brownish above; a black spot on the occiput; back with three broad transverse dark bands ; tail with dark annuli above; lower surfaces dirty white. Totallength .......... 117 millim. OH0 2 dis, ott iletsca's wong 3 19: -45 Width of head ........ 13Ci«y, BODY as-c-acn mis sa ere wen 48, Fore limb ............ 24 C«, Hind limb ............ 33, MB AALY, cscut acs oo eters kos 50. —C,, Comoro Islands. a, Ad. Johanna. C. E. Bewsher, Esq. (C.]. (Type.) 13. Phyllodactylus stumpffi. Phyllodactylus stumpfii, Boetiger, Ber. Senck, Ges. 1878-79, p. 85, and Abh, Senck. Ges. xi, 1878, p. 18, and xii. 1882, p. 472, pl. ii. fig. 9. Head large, oviform, very distinct from neck; the skin confluent 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 87 with the cranial ossification; upper surface of head concave, the borders forming a ridge; eyes large, very prominent. Body mode- rate; limbs rather long. Digits moderate, with a series of trans- verse lamelle inferiorly; the digital expansions well developed, roundish subtrapezoid. Upper surface of head covered with rather elongate slightly keeled scales; the scales on the supraorbital region roundish, flat. Rostral trapezoid; rostral and first labial touching the nostril; twelve upper and as many lower labials ; mental triangular, a little broader than long, in contact with two much elongate hexagonal chin-shields ; two other chin-shields on each side, and also several smaller ones behind, central largest. Upper surface of head and limbs covered with small granules intermixed with large trihedral tubercles, becoming almost spine-like on the hinder part of the back; these tubercles are arranged in six regular longitudinal series on the back, and there are besides many more, but irregularly disposed, down the sides; abdominal scales rather large, roundish, smooth. Tail cylindrical, tapering, with rings of large spinose tubercles. Dark grey above; a LJ-shaped white line enclosing the hinder part of the head; a light vertebral line, black- edged and crossed by four large black-edged light bands; tail with dark annuli; dirty white beneath ; a violet-grey spot in front of the vent. Total length .......... 148 millim. Gad: aig vaca esa sangre 23°5 ,, Width of head ........ Le 45 Body: sued gems naan 46'5 ,, Pats ities ook pee 73 Nossi Bé, Madagascar. 14. Phyllodactylus porphyreus. (Prats VII. fig. 5.*) Gecko porphyreus, Daud. Rept. iv. p. 180; Merrem, Tent. p. 43. Spherodactylus porphyreus, Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 143. Phyllodactylus porphyreus, part., Dum. § Bibr. ii. p. 393. Head oviform, much longer than broad; snout rounded, a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit; forehead very slightly con- cave ; ear-opening small, roundish or oval, its diameter one third to one half that of the eye. Body rather elongate; limbs moderate. Digits not much depressed; digital expansions moderate, rounded, subtrapezoid ; the diameter of the disk of the fourth toe equals two thirds the diameter of the eye; the slender part of the digit with regular transverse lamelle inferiorly, which are broken up into small scales a short distance in advance of the distal expansion ; seven or eight entire lamella under the fourth toe. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small granules, largest on the snout, smallest on the hinder part of the head. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad * End of snout, x 4. 88 GECKONID&. as high, without cleft above; the nostril is pierced just above the suture of the rostral and first labial, between the former and three small nasals, the rostral entering considerably and the first labial being separated by the narrow infraposterior nasal; eight or nine upper and as many lower labials; mental trapezoid or penta- gonal, not larger than the adjacent labials ; no regular chin-shields, but small polygonal scales, passing gradually into the minute gra- nules of the gular region. Abdominal scales moderate, smooth, subhexagonal, slightly imbricate. Tail long, cylindrical, tapering in its posterior half, covered with uniform small smooth scales, rather larger inferiorly, arranged in rings. Greyish or reddish brown above, variegated with dark brown; whitish inferiorly. Total length .......... 97 willim. Head: fox arses oat owes 12) 53 Width of head ......... 9, Body” sesveicaxwsaevees 35, Fore limb.............. 15a, Hind limb ............ 18 Cg, Wail. ties yeaa ew vale 50. CO, South Africa; Madagascar. a, Ad. Damara Land. b-d, Ad. & yg. Cape of Good Hope. Dr. Jones [P.]. ej. Ad. Cape of Good Hope. Prof. Busk [P.]. g. Ad. Cape of Good Hope. Voy. of the ‘ Herald.’ h-k, Ad. Cape of Good Hope. Rev. C. Searle [P.]. 7, Ad. Cape of Good Hope. m. Ad. Cape Town. Rey. G. H. R. Fisk [P.]. n Ad. Madagascar. 15. Phyllodactylus marmoratus. (Piare VII. fig. 6.*) Diplodactylus marmoratus, Gray, Cat. p. 149. Diplodactylus marmoratus, Gray, Zool. Erebus § Terror, pl. xv. fig. 6 g. 6. Phyllodactylus porphyreus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 898. —— peronii, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 95. The rostral is pentagonal or hexagonal, the posterior angle being truncate, the latero-superior angles touching the nostril; the latter .is pierced posteriorly to the suture of the rostral and first labial, and between the latter and three nasals. This is the only constant difference I can detect between this form and the preceding ; but it appears to me of sufficient importance to separate specifically the Australian from the African form. I might add that the scales are generally rather smaller and the mental broader in S. marmoratus than in S. porphyreus, but these differences are not absolutely constant. * End of snout, x 4. 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 89 Total length .......... 119 millim. Nad: a pam earnewecus ES xs Width of head ........ 10. —C—*», Body. aucne suciacdaied aves 38 CO, Fore limb ............ va, Hind limb............ 21 Tail ee eee aoe ee eee ae 68 ” Australia. a. Ad. Australia. (T 6. Ad. Australia, Ce, Esq. e-d, e, Ad. Australia. J.S. Bowerbank, Esq. Sig. Ad. Freemantle, N.Australia. J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. h-n. Ad. W. Australia, or, Ad. & yg. Houtman’s Abrolhos. Mr. Gilbert [(C.]. (Types.) s-t. Ad, Swan River. wu, Ad. Kangaroo Island. : 16, Phyllodactylus macrodactylus. (Puate VII. fig. 2.) Distinguished from the preceding in the thicker digits with much larger discoidal dilatations ; that of the fourth toe measures nearly the diameter of the eye. The ear-opening is smaller. Upper parts light reddish brown with darker variegations. Total length .......... 116 millim. Head) sitine uaa senpe dos pads L845 Width ofhead ........ BOK 055 Body: ie wing Wa aiewe et eee 44 ,, Fore limb ............ Ay os, Hind limb............ 23 «Ca, Dai) aid et sere wens ieee 59 Australia. a-b, Ad. —? G. Krefft. 17. Phyllodactylus affinis. (Prater VII. fig. 4.*) Differs from P. marmoratus in the following points :—Rostral separated from the nostril by the anterior nasal. Digits longer; as many as ten entire lamella under the fourth toe. Dorsal granules larger, flatter. Grey above, marbled with blackish. Total length (tail mutilated) a millim. Head oss sain een trae 5 Width of head.......... if 5 Bod y' seni aie wea sgateaya eis 43, Fore limb .............. 194, Hind limb ............ 23 —CO@«,, New Hebrides. a, Ad. Aneiteum. J. MacGillivray, Esq. [C.]. * End of snout and lower surface of fourth toe, x 4. 90 GECKONID 18. Phyllodactylus guentheri. (Prats VII. fig. 3.) Head oviform, much longer than broad; snout rounded, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead slightly concave ; ear-open- ing large, oval, oblique, measuring two thirds or three fourths the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits rather elongate ; the claw more raised above the digit and more exposed than in the other species of the genus, resembling the structure in Gecko; the slender part of the digits slightly dilated, with regular transverse lamella inferiorly, which are broken up into small scales some distance in front of the distal expansion; ten or eleven entire lamellae under the fourth toe; digital expansion small, roundish, measuring about three fifths the diameter of the eye. Upper surfaces covered with uniform granular scales, extremely minute on the back, larger on the snout and limbs. Rostral four- sided, twice as broad as high, without cleft above; nostril pierced just above the suture of the rostral and first labial, between both the latter and four small nasals; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials; mental trapezoid, not larger than the adjacent labials ; no regular chin-shields, but small polygonal scales passing gradually into the minute granules of the gular region. Abdominal scales small, smooth, roundish hexagonal, slightly imbricate. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform small smooth scales, a little larger inferiorly. Light reddish brown above; rather indi- stinct transverse dark markings on the back, interrupted on the vertebral line, which is sometimes lighter ; lower surfaces brownish white, speckled with brown. Total length (tail mutilated) 110 millim. PHC de sae ease cig tang casa iis, 23 —=C«, Width of head .......... 18) |, Bod yt aes cpap ta aeesseenar acs pe 66 CO, Fore limb .............. 31s, Hind limb .............. 38, Australia, a~c, Ad. Norfolk Island. F. M. Rayner, Esq. [C.]. d. Her. Lord Howe’s Island. Voy. of the ‘Herald’ e. Ad. Champion Bay, N.W. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. coast of Australia. 19. Phyllodactylus europzus. Phyllodactylus europzeus, Gené, Mem. Ac. Tor, (2) 1889, i. p. 263, pl.i.fig.1; Bonap, Faun, Ital.,and Amph. Eur. p. 29; A. Dum. Cat. Méth, Rept. p. 41, and Arch, Mus. viii. p. 455; De Betta, Faun. Htal., Rett. Anf. p. 21; Schreiber, Herp. Eur. p. 485; Lataste, 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 91 Bull, Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. 467; Camerano, Atti Ac. Tor. xiv. 1878, p. 219; De Betta, Atti Ist. Venet. (5) v. 1879, p. 380. Phyllodactylus (Euleptes) wagleri, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 95. — doriw, Lataste, 1. ¢, p. 467. Head oviform, much longer than broad ; snout rounded, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, round. Body short; limbs rather strong. Digits relatively much depressed in their basal part, inferiorly with transverse lamelle, the greater number of which are generally broken up into small scales forming three longitudinal series; digital expan- sion moderately large, roundish, its diameter half or three fifths that of the eye. Upper surfaces covered with equal small smooth granules. Rostral pentagonal, the posterior angle frequently trun- cate; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals, the anterior largest; nine or ten: upper and as many lower labials ; mental broadly trapezoid ; no regular chin-shields, but very small polygonal scales passing gradually into the minute granules of the throat. Abdominal scales small, smooth, imbricate. Tail cylindrical, slightly depressed, tapering, prehensile, covered with equal small squarish scales arranged in verticils. Grey-brown above, marbled with darker and dotted with lighter ; a more or less distinctly marked dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces whitish. Total length ....... “... 70 millim. Head: nc eomedeaeaseys ll, Width of head.......... SB us Body soy ee sgeecae-eg gk hes 29, Fore limb ............ 13 Cy, Hind limb ............ TF 3 Tal akiire echerts nw sere bee 30), Islands of the Mediterranean west of Italy. a-f. Ad. & yg. Tinetto. Marquis G. Doria [P.]. 20. Phyllodactylus pictus. Diplodactylus pictus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1854, p. 615. Phyllodactylus pictus, Peters, Reise n. Mossamb. iii. p. 29, pl. v. fig. 1. Head oviform, much longer than broad ; snout rounded, as long as the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening narrow, vertical. Body short. Fingers and toes depressed in their basal part, with three series of scales inferiorly ; digital expansion scarcely wider, roundish. Upper surface of head covered with smal] polygonal scales much larger than the dorsal granules. Rostral hexagonal, twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between several small scales, the anterior of which is the largest; nine upper labials; mental rather large, rounded ; a row of four small chin-shields, followed by smaller ones 92 GECKONIDA. passing gradually into the minute granules of the throat. Temples and upper surface of body, limbs, and tail covered with small granular scales intermixed with scattered, roundish, triangular, keeled tubercles, which form eighteen to twenty-two longitudinal series on the middle of the body. Lower surfaces covered with small imbricated smooth scales. Tail cylindrical, tapering. Upper surfaces with alternate yellowish-green and brown cross bands ; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... 62 millim, CRS ies seus aeesbuaenttarine 10° 5 Width of head.......... 8 Body sos ecb an eens 26 =C«O4, Forelimb.......... 0.05 15)—C&,, Hind limb ............ 17 x5 Daa etcgcn sb. 5.8 cusses Aneta e 26 «Y Western Madagascar. 21. Phyllodactylus lineatus. Diplodactylus lineatus, Gray, Cat. p. 150, Phyllodactylus lineatus, Smith, Ill. 8. Afr., Rept. App. p. 6. Head oviform, longer than broad, very convex ; snout rounded, a little shorter than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear-opening small, roundish. Body short. Limbs moderate. Digits depressed in their basal part, with three series of scales inferiorly, the central series of which is slightly enlarged transversely ; digital ex- pansion rounded, scarcely wider than the basal part, measuring about half the diameter of the eye. Upper surface of head covered with small convex granules, largest on the snout; rostral subpentagonal, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three small nasals, which are generally not ‘distinguishable from the surrounding gra- nules; six or seven upper and as many lower labials; mental pen- tagonal ; a row of small chin-shields, the two median largest, and in contact with the mental; behind these, convex granules becoming gradually smaller. Upper surface of body and limbs covered with ‘flat, smooth, subimbricate roundish scales, as large as the granules on thesnout; abdominal scales larger, hexagonal, imbricate, smooth. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform, strongly imbricate smooth scales. Upper surfaces greyish brown, generally with four or six dark-brown longitudinal lines on the back and tail, sometimes replaced by transverse undulated brown lines; head generally varie- gated with dark brown; a dark line passing through the eye; lower surfaces brownish white. 16. PHYLLODACTYLUS. 93 Total length .......... 59 millim. Od a ain eas ets ee ane oy Width of head.......... 6, Body iinet dang Se 58e 22-43 Fore limb.............. 9°5 ,, Hind limb ............ 12 =, Tail cieastcnsaeeueitas 29 = South Africa, a-b. Ad. Cape of Good Hope. Lord Derby [P.]. (Types. c-t. Ad. Cape of Good Hove, Sir A. Smith ri) aie 22. Phyllodactylus ocellatus. Diplodactylus ocellatus, Gray, Cat. p. 149. Diplodactylus bilineatus, Gray, J. ¢. Diplodactylus ocellatus, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, pl. xv. fig. 4; Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 49. bilineatus, Gray, 0. ¢. pl. xv. fig. 3. Head oviform, much longer than broad; snout rounded, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead not con- cave; ear-opening small, roundish or suboval. Body and limbs moderate. Digits short, depressed; digital expansions moderately large, rounded, measuring about three fifths the diameter of the eye; three series of tubercles under the digits, central more dilated transversely. Head covered with granular scales, a little larger on the snout; rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with trace of median cleft above’; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and four nasals, the anterior dilated transversely, the others very small; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials ; mental small, trapezoid, narrower than the adjacent labials; no chin-shields. Back covered with uniform, slightly keeled, granular scales, about the size of the granules on the snout; abdominal scales moderate, roundish, smooth, imbricate. Tail cylindrical, prehensile, covered with irregular smooth scales arranged in rings. Grey-brown above, variegated with darker and with more or less distinct light ocelli, arranged in two rows on the back; sometimes a light streak on each side of the head and back; lower surfaces dirty white, more or less scantily brown-dotted. Total length .......... 58 millim. FGA. iene eeaaee apa De 55 : Width of head ........ 65 ,, Body’ woe esncts wees 23, Fore limb ...........- QD 65 Hind limb............ ll 4 Tail -cbactwasare ed ewae 21 «,, West Australia. 94 GECKONID. a, Ad. Australia. ee (Type). b,c, Ad. Houtman’s Abrolhos. Mr. Gilbert [C.]. (Types of P. bilineatus.) d—f, Ad. Champion Bay, N.W. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. coast of Australia. g. Ad. North-west coast of Haslar Collection. Australia. 23. Phyllodactylus unctus. Diplodactylus unctus, Cope, Proc, Ac. Philad. 1863, p. 102. “Seales rounded, flat, in about thirty-six rows on the dorsal region ; those of the muzzle smaller than dorsal, little larger than those on the occiput. Internasals in contact. Seven superior labials, including that under the pupil; six inferior, to the same point, the last two very small, the first larger than the second, extensively in contact with the first pair of mental plates, which bound the symphyseal posteriorly. Each of the former is bounded by three smaller, and these are succeeded by a few rows which diminish in size. Terminal disks with straight outlines. Tail without tubercles. Anal scales similar to the abdominal. Auri- cular opening as long as pupil. Premavxillary teeth five. Above erey, shining, with five broad, blackish, centrally-pale cross bands, from base of tail to interscapular region; a dark band from the muzzle through the eye, a cross band on occiput, and various irregular spots on the top of head and labial regions. Length from end of muzzle to auricular meatus 12'’, from the same point to vent 4:5'".” Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. 24. Phyllodactylus riebeckii. Diplodactylus riebeckii, Peters, Sitzb. Nat. Freunde Berlin, 1882, p. 48. Digital expansion with straight anterior border; seven trans- verse lamellae under the middle toe. Har-opening a crescent- shaped slit, the convexity postero-inferior. Head covered with fine granules much larger than the dorsal scales. Rostral four-sided, almost twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral, ‘the first labial, and three nasals; eleven upper and ten lower labials ; mental once and a half the width of the first infralabial, its posterior obtuse angle between two elongate pentagonal chin- shields, on each side of which there are three others rapidly decreasing in size. Dorsal scales flat, slightly larger than the ventrals. The fore limb reaches the end of the snout; the hind limb reaches the shoulder. Grey above, with blackish-brown spots arranged in cross bands on the back, in longitudinal lines on the nape ; broad cross bands on the tail; yellowish grey inferiorly, the throat spotted and marbled with black. 16, PHYLLODACTYLUS, 95 Total length .......... 290 millim. Head ...........0000 33 CO, Width of head ........ 28) 55 BOY wuts sin waowloeae-ena 107_—C,,, Fore limb ............ 52 Cs, Hind limb............ 70 4y: Tall we evisae iar ayes 150 ,, Socotra. 25. Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus. Diplodactylus gerrhopygus, Gray, Cat. p. 150. Diplodactylus gerrhopygus, Wiegm. Nova Acta Ac, Leop.- Carol. xvii. p. 242, pl. xviii. fig. 3; Peters, Mon. Berl. de. 1862, p. 627. Phyllodactylus gymnopygus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 894. — gerrhopygus, Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 899. Diplodactylus lepidopygus, Tschudi, Faun. Per., Herp. p.38. Head oviform; snout rounded-acuminate, longer than the dis- tance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one fourth the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Body moderate. Limbs rather slender and elongate. Digits slender, with regular transverse lamelle inferiorly (thirteen under the fourth toe); digital expansion very small, scarcely wider than the narrow basal part, truncate. Upper surfaces covered with uniform, rather large granules. Rostral six-sided, with longitu- dinal cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three swollen nasals; nine upper and eight lower labials ; mental four-sided, narrow, much elongate, extending considerably beyond the adjacent labials ; no chin-shields. Gular region covered with minute granules, belly with moderate subhexagonal, subim- bricate, smooth scales; a large semicircular plate in front of the vent. ‘Tail cylindrical, tapering, rather slender, covered with equal squarish smooth scales, forming rings. Light grey above; head, sides, and limbs variegated with dark brown; five dark-brown bands across the back; tail with dark-brown annuli above; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 94 millim. Head ...... Serkan wale 12, Width of head ........ 8 45 Body 53 der og ae or wee 38 Ca, Fore limb ............ 16, Hind limb ............ 19% Pall og ccaiererat ae Atace acas 44 ,, Peru; Chili. a, Ad. , Chili. 96 @ECKONIDA. 17. EBENAVIA. Ebenavia, Boettger, Abh. Senck. Ges. xi. 1878, p. 276. Differs from Phyllodactylus in having all the digits destitute of claws. Madagascar. 1. Ebenavia inunguis. Ebenavia inunguis, Boettg. 1. c. pl. i. fig. 3. Snout pointed. Body and limbs moderate. Digits with regular transverse lamelle inferiorly and large truncate trapezoid digital expansion. Head covered with small granules; a series of conical tubercles from the orbit to the back; rostral narrow; ten upper and nine lower labials ; mental triangular ; no regular chin-shields. Upper surface of body covered with small granules intermixed with tubercles which are not much more than twice larger, trihe- dral, and somewhat pointed ; they form eight to ten irregular series along the back. Abdominal scales small, granular. Tail cylin- drical, with annuli of large spinose tubercles. Olive-brown above ; a broad blackish-brown lateral band from the nostril through the eye to the base of the tail; the series of tubercles behind the eye yellowish white ; lower surfaces greyish, darker-dotted. Total length (tail injured) 53:5 millim. 0-5 Had: 3 i tai Maes a a 1 55 Width of head ........ 6 Pe Body 6606-20 beee amie ae 225 ,, Nossi Bé. 2. Ebenavia boettgeri. (Prare VIII. fig. 1.) Head very long, pyramidal, depressed; snout pointed, much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening small, oval, horizontal. Body elongate ; limbs short. Digital expansions well developed, trapezoid, separated from the infradigital lamelle by three rows of granules; lamelle, ten under the fourth toe. Front part of head covered with small polygonal, elongate, tricarinate scales ; hinder part with small granules; rostral four-sided, very low, four times as broad as high; nostril pierced between the first labial and four nasals, the anterior of which is very large and in contact with the rostral, the following smaller, and the two hinder ones not differentiated from the adjoining small scales; eight upper and nine lower labials; mental campanuliform, small, smaller than the adja- cent labials; no chin-shields. Body covered above with small tricarinate granules intermixed with larger, roundish, slightly keeled tubercles ; these tubercles are about twice as large as the 17. EBENAVIA.—18. DIPLODACTYLUS. 97 scales on the snout, and form about twelve very irregular longitu- dinal series. Abdominal scales small, larger than the dorsal granules, hexagonal, juxtaposed, tricarinate. Tail cylindrical, reproduced in the unique specimen. Reddish brown above, with darker dots and four rather indistinct dark lines along the back; a dark band on each side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces brownish grey, with scattered brown dots. Total length .......... 61 millim. Head: aa ss aes ccoassinss 9-5 ,, Width of head ........ 55 4, Body sacsene neseak ys 24:5 ,, Fore limb ............ Gg Hind limb............ 12, Pall ps5 eaeeyie eee eae 27 Cy Madagascar. a, Ad. Madagascar. 18. DIPLODACTYLUS *. ae Gray, Proce. Zool, Soc. 1832, p. 40; Fitz. Syst. Rept. 9 p. 94. Phyllodactylus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 388. Strophurus, Fitz. J. c. p. 96. Strophura, Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 148. Diplodactylus, part., Gray, 1. ¢. Stenodactylopsis, Steimdachn. Sitz. Ak. Wien, lxii. i. 1870, p. 348. Digits free, not dilated at the base, slightly at the apex, all clawed, the claw retractile between two plates under the extremity of the digits; the basal portion of the digits inferiorly with trans- verse lamelle or tubercles ; the upper surface of the digits covered with uniform small tubercular scales. Upper surfaces covered with juxtaposed scales, uniform or intermixed with larger tubercles ; abdominal scales juxtaposed. Pupil vertical. Australia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Back covered with granular scales intermixed with larger tubercles ; rostral divided; males with preanal pores. Supraciliary border and tail with long SPINOR y:5)-s/ te 55 chon iar bites ae side ee eS 1. ciliaris, p. 98. * Diplodactylus annulatus, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.8.W. ii. 1877, p.97.— Palm Islands.—Nothing is said of the structure of the digits, and, from the other characters given, I doubt whether the species has been referred to the proper genus, H 98 GECKONIDE. Tail with long spines ; no supraciliary SPINES esis. sig Suse se bd eam erates as 2. spinigerus, p. 99. Tail without spines .........---5- 3. strophurus, p. 100. II. Back covered with uniform granular scales; males without preanal pores. A. Digits with large transversely dilated tubercles inferiorly. Snout as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ...... 4. vittatus, p. 100. Snout longer than the distance be- tween the eye and the ear-opening.. 5. polyophthalmus, p. 101. B. Digits with small round tubercles inferiorly. Dorsal scales small, granular ; rostral and first labial entering the nostril. 6. steindachneri, p. 102. Dorsal scales small, granular ; rostral and first labial not entering the nostril; snout acutely pointed .... 7. pulcher, p. 102. Dorsal scales large, flat; rostral and first labial entering the nostril .... 8. tessellatus, p. 103. 1. Diplodactylus ciliaris. (Puate VIII. fig. 2.) Head oviform, convex; snout rounded, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening and than the orbit; eye large; ear-opening small, narrow, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits much depressed, with large transverse lamellex inferiorly, five under the fourth toe, the distal incised, cordiform ; the plates under the apex of the digit large, together cordiform. Upper surfaces covered with rather large granules, intermixed on the back with enlarged conical tubercles, forming two irregular longitudinal series. Rostral subquadrangular, completely divided medially ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; twelve upper and as many lower labials; mental trapezoid, scarcely larger than the adjacent labials ; no chin-shields; supraciliary border with four spine-like scales, the second the largest, measuring half or two thirds the diameter of the eye. Lower surfaces covered with uniform gra- nules, which are largest on the belly. Tail short, cyelo-tetragonal, prehensile (?), covered with granular scales; on each side of its upper surface a series of long curved spines. Yellowish brown above, indistinctly marbled with darker; some markings on the head and some of the enlarged tubercles and spines black, the other caudal spines reddish brown ; lower surfaces yellowish, with brown dots. Total length .......... 125 millim. Head iii as stay oils Peg 22. —C, Width of head ........ 16 Body saAryt haw ewe ya 3k 56 18. vrptopacryes. 99 Fore limb ............ 28 millim. Hind limb............ 35, PUT, eh tock Sagrentee Sine gh eof did 47, A larger specimen, with injured tail, measures 85 millim. from snout to vent. North Australia. a-b. Q. Port Darwin. R. G. 8. Buckland, Esq. (C.]. 2. Diplodactylus spinigerus. Strophura spinigera, Gray, Cat. p. 148. Diplodactylus spinigerus, Gray, Zool. Mise. p. 53. Phyllodactylus spinigerus, 4. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 41, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 467. Strophura spinigera, Gray, Zool. Erebus § Terror, pl. xvi. fig. 5. Head oviform, very convex; snout rounded, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; eye large; ear-opening small, roundish. Body and limbs moderate. Digits much depressed, with large transverse lamelle inferiorly, about seven under the fourth toe, the middle ones chevron-shaped, the distal one heart-shaped, the basal ones divided into two rounded plates ; the plates under the apex of the digit large, together cordiform. Upper surfaces covered with minute granules, intermixed with few irregularly scattered conical spine-like tubercles. Rostral pentagonal, completely divided medi- ally ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; thirteen to fifteen upper and as many lower labials; mental small, trapezoid, not larger than the adjacent labials ; no chin-shields. Lower surfaces covered with small juxta- posed granules, largest: on the belly. Males with a doubly arched series of eleven to fourteen preeanal pores, and three or four large conical tubercles on each side of the base of tail. Tail short, sub- cylindrical, prehensile, covered with small granules; on each side of its upper surface a series of long black spines. Upper surfaces olive-grey, speckled with black ; the spinose tubercles black ; some- times a rather indistinct broad zigzag band along the back; lower surfaces dirty white, uniform or black-speckled. Total length .......... 114 millim. Head .... ......-00. Lie say Width of head ........ Et sy Body saccep sy aera wa os 52-5; Fore limb ...... Saeane LOE 55 Hind limb............ 30, Dail eine te Pamiek ore 45 ,, West and North Australia. ; as 100 GECKONID&. a,b. 3 & her. Houtman’s Abrolhos. Mr. Gilbert (C.]. _(Types.) ce. 2, West Australia. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. ad. Champion Bay, North- Mr. Duboulay [C.]. west Australia. ef. S$. Freemantle, North J.S. Bowerbank, Esq. Australia. g-mn SQ. Australia. J.S. Bowerbank, Esq. 0. . Australia. 8. Diplodactylus strophurus. Phyllodactylus strophurus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 397, pl. xxxii. fig. 1. Discodactylus (Strophurus) dumerilii, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 96. Differs from the preceding in the absence of caudal spines and the presence on the back of large, round, obtusely conical tubercles forming two irregular longitudinal series. The ear-opening is still smaller than in D. spinigerus; and there are only ten to twelve labials. The head is not black-speckled, but has dark undulated longitudinal lines, a lower passing through the eye, and an upper meeting its fellow on the snout. South-east Australia. a-b. 9. Sydney. G. Krefft, Esq. [P.]. 4. Diplodactylus vittatus. (Pzarx VIII. fig. 3.*) Diplodactylus vittatus, Gray, Cat. p. 148. Diplodactylus ornatus, Gray, 1. c. p. 149. Diplodactylus vittatus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 40, and Zool. Erebus & Terror, pl. xvi. fig. 3. Phyllodactylus vittatus, Dum. & Bibr, iii. p. 400. Diplodactylus furcosus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1863, p. 229. ornatus, Gray, Zool. Erebus § Terror, pl. xvi. fig. 2. Head short, very convex ; snout rounded-acuminate, measuring the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; latter rather small, round. Body short; limbs moderate. Digits short, depressed, with small apical dilatation, inferiorly with a series of large transversely oval tubercles, some of them breaking up into two rounded tubercles; the extremity of the digit is raised and bears inferiorly two roundish plates separated from the large tubercles of the basal part by three or four rows of small granules. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small granular scales. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and five or six nasals, the anterior or upper largest and generally in contact with its fellow, the others granular; ten or eleven upper and as many lower labials; mental trapezoid, a little larger than the adjacent labials; no chin-shields. Abdominal scales granular, scarcely larger than those on the upper surfaces. Tail short, swollen, root-shaped, with rings of uniform small squarish * Lower surface of foot, x2. 18. DIPLODACTYLUS. 101 scales. Male with a small group of conical tubercles on each side the base of the tail. Brown above; a light dark-edged festooned vertebral band, bifurcating on the nape, sometimes broken up into angular spots; sides and limbs with light spots; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... $8 millim. Head 2 nc. a yadiseedee a 15. ,, Width of head ........ 12, BOY. asd. ands eterna 40 ,, Fore limb ............ 19, Hind limb ............ 24 4, Wail, Maced cthsde odio Manas 33, Australia, a. Q. Australia. A. eee Esq. [P.]. aud. Houtman’s Abrolhos. Mr. Gitbet EO, (Type of D. ornatus.) e. 9. W. Australia. G. F. Moore, Esq. [P.]. d. 2. Champion Bay, N.W. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. Australia. e 3. Sydney. —9,h. $,2,& yg. Australia. G. Krefft, Esq. uo. Australia. Godeffroy Museum. k. Q. Australia. 5. Diplodactylus polyophthalmus, (Puare VIII. fig. 4.*) Diplodactylus polyophthalmus, Giinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (8) xx. 1867, p. 49 (Edura marmorata, jun.?, Gray, Zool. Erebus § Terror, pl. xvi. fig. 1. Very closely allied to the preceding, from which it differs in the following points :—Snout a little longer; digits narrower and longer ; the infradigital tubercles smaller, rounded or shortly oval. Brown above, reticulated with darker, and with more or less regular roundish light spots; lower surfaces white. Total length ...... .... 73 millim, Héad visacueu vss anew VE ys Width of head ........ LOe i, Body ..cccesweweaeees 30, Fore limb ............ 16. C,, Hind limb............ 20 4, Tail: 4 scuaintukas dae 26 =«C&« North-west Australia. a. 9. Champion Bay. Mr. Duboula: b ¥e. Nico] Bay ‘ Mr. Dutouly (0 of ! (Types.) a3. W., Australia. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. d. 3. N. Australia. e. . Australia. J. 8S. Bowerbank, Esq. * Lower surface of foot, x3. 1‘ 102 GECKONID-E, 6. Diplodactylus steindachneri. (Pxarz VIII. fig. 5.) Head short, very convex ; snout rounded-acuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, scarcely longer than the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening small, round. Body short; limbs moderate. Digits rather short, not much depressed, inferiorly with small, irregularly arranged tubercles; apical dilata- tion small, the inferior plates rounded. Upper surfaces covered with minute granular scales, a little larger on the snout. Rostral twice as broad as high, without median cleft, emarginate poste- riorly to receive a small lozenge-shaped plate bounded posteriorly by the large supero-anterior nasals; latter in contact; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and five nasals; eleven upper and as many lower labials ; mental trapezoid, moderate ; no chin-shields. Border of the upper eyelid with a fringe of conical scales. Abdominal scales very small, granular, considerably larger than the dorsal granules. Male with two conical scales on each side the base of the tail. Light brown above; a broad lighter, black-edged vertebral line, bifureating on the neck, where it encloses a large rhomboidal black-edged spot; three black-edged ocelli on the light vertebral band, two on the back, one on the base of the tail; a whitish, dark-edged streak from axilla to groin; sides with small light spots; lower surfaces white. Total length ... ...... 60 millim. OGG scent site koe 2 be aks ea 13 —C,, Width of head ........ 9 4, BOdy sisi ease aes 30——=,, Fore limb ............ 16, Hind limb ............ 215 ,, Tail (reproduced) ...... 17, New South Wales. a 3. Sydney. Museum Godeffroy. 7. Diplodactylus puicher. Stenodactylopsis pulcher, Steindachn. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, \xii. i. 1870, p. 348, pl. 11. figs. 3-5. Head short, very convex ; snout acutely pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening minute. Body moderate ; limbs rather long, slender. Digits not much depressed, inferiorly with small round tubercles ; the apex not dilated, with two oval plates inferiorly. Upper surfaces covered with small granular scales, largest on the middle of the back. Rostral large, high, subpenta- gonal, with emarginate posterior border, and trace of median cleft ; nostril pierced between five or six nasals, the anterior and the inferior larger ; a polygonal plate behind the rostral between the nasals ; eleven or twelve upper and as many lower labials, the 18. DIPLODACTYLUS. 103 anterior larger, the others very small; mental subpyramidal, twice as Jong as the adjacent labials ; no chin-shields. Abdominal scales very amall, granular, smaller than the granules on the middle of the back. Tail short, swollen, root-shaped, with rings of small subquadrangular convex scales largest above. . Male with a group of conical scales on each side the base of the tail. Reddish brown above, with irregular dark-edged light transverse spots on the back and tail; sides dotted with whitish ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 70 millim. Gad iy count aay ate AT Ss Width of head ........ Bi 55 BOOS. esc d-ozatreid en Sor sonst 33 Ci, Fore limb ............ Le oss Hind limb............ 20. ,, UP BAN ence hrch em Sh was 26s West Australia. aod. N.W. Australia. 8. Diplodactylus tessellatus. (Pxate VIII. fig. 6.) Stenodactylopsis tessellatus, Giinth. Zool. Erebus § Terror, p. 16. Head large, oviform, very convex; snout rounded, as long as the diameter of the orbit or the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; latter small, round. Body short; limbs long, slender. Digits rather long, slender, feebly depressed, not dilated at the end, inferiorly with small granules ; apical plates small, oval. Head with small granular scales; rostral four-sided, emarginate above, more than twice as broad as high, with trace of median cleft ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and six nasals ; latter, anterior larger, posterior very small granules; nine upper and ten lower labials; mental elongate, not larger than the adjacent labials; no chin-shields. Back covered with flat tessellated juxtaposed scales, much larger on the middle of the back. Abdominal scales flat, subimbricate, not half the size of the larger dorsal scales. Male with a group of conical tubercles on each’ side the base of the tail. Greyish white above, with faint irregular brownish variegation ; white beneath. Total length .......... 69% millim. Head esed ens ve cawaaws 14. sC,, Width of head ........ OL og, Body. 2csc. 4 ehende eas 34 Ci, Fore limb ............ 19- 3 Hind limb............ 23 —C«,, Tail (reproduced) ...... 21 «, Australia. ad. Australia. G. Krefft, Esq. (Type.) 104 GECKONID. w 19. @DURA. (Edura, Gray, Zool. Mise. 1842, p. 52, and Cat. Liz. p. 147. Phyllodactylus, part., Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 388. Pachyurus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 94. Digits free, all clawed, dilated at the base, with raised distal joint bearing a discoid dilatation ; latter with two large plates inferiorly, separated by a longitudinal groove in which the claw is retractile ; basal expansion inferiorly with paired lamelle. Upper surfaces covered with homogeneous juxtaposed scales ; abdominal scales juxtaposed or slightly imbricate. Pupil vertical. Australia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Dorsal scales flat, about as large as ventrals. Tail much depressed, short, at least as broad as the body; first infralabials in con- tact behind the mental...........-.-.- 1. marmorata, p. 104. Tail slightly depressed, much narrower than the body ; first infralabials separated.... 2. ocellata, p. 105. II. Dorsal scales small, convex, granular. Four divided lamelle under the median toes ; tail much depressed ; males with preanal POLES scott. vie eee ereaed a Merkel ote 3. robusta, p. 106. Two or three divided lamelle under the median toes; tail depressed; no preanal POLES co Va br das aceon Gores BSamr ides ene 4, lesueuri, p. 107. Two or three divided lamella under the median toes; tail cylindrical ; body much elongate; males with praeanal pores .... 5. rhombifer, p. 107. TII. Dorsal scales flat, smaller than ventrals. Only one divided lamella at the end of the antepenultimate phalange ............ 6. verrilli, p. 108. 1. Gdura marmorata. (Pxate IX. fig. 2.*) QGidura marmorata, Gray, Cat. p. 147. CEdura marmorata, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 52, and Zool, Erebus & Terror, pl. xvi. fig. 4. Head large, much depressed, oviform; snout as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; ear-opening oblique, half the diameter of the eye. Body moderately elongate, much depressed. Limbs moderate. Digits strongly dilated, as broad as the apical expansion ; latter large, * Chin. 19. q@pura. 105 rounded, broader than long ; four or five pairs of broad infradigital plates under the median toes, followed by three or four undivided ones. Head covered with uniform, roundish, small flat scales ; rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and four nasals, the two upper large, the anterior in contact with its fellow on the other side; ten or eleven upper and nine or ten lower labials ; mental triangular, shorter than the adjacent labials, which are in contact behind it; a small median chin-shield. Back covered with juxtaposed flat round scales, larger than those on the head, arranged in regular transverse series; these scales become much smaller on the flanks; abdominal scales juxtaposed, flat, hexagonal, about the same size as the dorsal scales. Males with seventeen preanal pores, forming a gently curved series interrupted in the middle. Tail thick, short, much depressed, oval, the end tapering into a point; its width is contained twice or twice and a half in its length, and equals at least the width of the body; it is covered with equal square scales, arranged like the bricks of a wall; males with two or three large tubercles on each side the base of the tail. Dark brown above, with whitish spots and cross bands ; latter not half as: wide as the interspace between them, five on body, anterior on neck, posterior on sacrum ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 143 millim. Head, atari gece ae 27 Width of head ........ 20 ,, Body jo b50c kek eas cs V8. % Fore limb ............ 30, Hind limb............ 38 Cg, PL, ie casa seta gud aces 43 ,, North Australia, a-f. : Port Essington. Mr. Gilbert [C.]. (Types. a Port Essington. J.B. Takes CPP : h. Q. Australia, Lord Derby [P-}. tl. SQ. Australia. Haslar Collection. m. Her. Australia. 2. Gdura ocellata. (Prare IX. fig. 1.) Closely allied to the preceding; distinguished by the following characters :—Anterior infralabials not meeting behind the mental, which is truncate posteriorly and in contact with a small chin- shield hardly distinguishable from the neighbouring scales, Tail cylindrical, slightly depressed, tapering, its width contained five or six times in its length, much narrower than the body. Upper surfaces reticulated with brown and whitish, and with more or less distinct light, dark-edged ocelli. The male has nineteen preanal pores. 106 GECKONIDE, Total length ......... 143 millim. Head. ocsinasveevcenes a Width of head ........ 165 ,, Body. gc see cu eam soles 64g, Fore limb .........+.+.. 25 4 Hind limb............ Bo as ADAMS es cese atc eae Gace 57 45 Australia. ao. Australia. be, d,e, f. 9. Australia. G. Krefft, Tisq. 3. dura robusta, (Pxare X. fig. 1.) Head oviform, much depressed; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening suboval, oblique, half the diameter of the eye. Body moderately elongate, depressed. Limbs strong. Digits as in @. marmorata. Upper surfaces covered with small granular scales, a little larger on the snout. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and four nasals ; eleven or twelve upper and as many lower labials; mental small, triangular; no regular chin-shields, but small polygonal scales passing gradually into the minute granules of the gular region. Abdominal scales hexagonal, smooth, subimbricate, much larger than the dorsal scales. Males with fifteen or seventeen preanal pores arranged in a transverse series interrupted in the middle. Tail much depressed, tapering to a point, when intact about five times as long as broad, narrower than the body ; it is covered with uniform small flat hexagonal scales arranged regularly ; three or four large tubercles ou each side the base of the tail in the males. Brownish white above, with more or less distinctly < -shaped dark-brown markings or cross bands on the back, confluent on the sides, and enclosing large spots of the light ground-colour ; a dark band on each side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces whitish. The largest specimen measures 80 millim. from snout to vent, but the tail is reproduced. The following are the measurements of a specimen with intact tail :— : Total length ....... .. 127 millim. Heads esa Ges. alee ace 19: 4; Width of head ........ 145 ,, Body ess se Genoese 54. C,, Fore limb ............ 22 os Hind: limbs: ssa 23 ay Maa | Siva eateaes itn o dees 54, Australia. a,b. SQ. Australia. ud. SQ. Australia, G. Krefft, Esq. 19. apuRa. 107 4. Gdura lesueurii, (Pxate X. fig. 2.*) (Edura rhombifer, part., Gray, Cat. i 147. i 2. Phyllodactylus lesueurii, Dum. § Bibr. ili. p.3 Diplodactylus (Pachyurus) lesueurii, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 94. Head oviform, depressed ; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; ear-opening round or suboval, two fifths the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits less dilated than in the preceding species, the basal dilatation not being quite as wide as the apical; the lamelle also fewer, only the two or three distal ones divided. Upper surfaces covered with minute granular scaies, larger on the snout. Rostral four-sided or subpentagonal, about twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and four or five nasals; ten or eleven upper and as many lower labials ; mental small, triangular ; no regular chin-shields, but small polygonal scales passing gradually into the minute granules of the gular region. Abdominal scales hexagonal, smooth, subimbricate. No preanal pores. Tail de- pressed, oval in section, tapering; when intact its width is con- tained at least six times in its length; it is covered with uniform, small, flat hexagonal scales; four or five large tubercles on each side the base of the tail in the males. Light brown above, variegated with darker; two zigzag dark-brown lines on the back, enclosing rhomboidal spots of the lighter ground-colour ; sides and limbs with small light spots; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 98 millim. Gad icc ct costae den un aes 15 ,, Width of head.......... 10_—C—=#, Body ogee accent baeea a a 38 —C,, Fore limb ............ Le 4s Hind limb ............ 2h 4s Dave ccgake naa crises ee 45, Australia. a-b. 3 & her. Sydney. c-efig. &9. Australia. G. Krefft, Esq. h-t. 3. Australia. Museum Godeffroy. ke QD. Australia. (One of the types of G2, rhombifer.) 49. Australia. 5. dura rhombifera. CEdura rhombifer, part., Gray, Cat. p. 147. CEdura rhombifer, Gray, Zool. Erebus & Terror, pl. xvi. fig. 6. Very closely allied to the preceding. Distinguished by the smaller head, the rather shorter snout, the more elongate body, the perfectly cylindzical tail, and the presence of preanal pores in the male; latter ten to twenty. Pale brown, middle of back and tail paler, with a zigzag brown line on each side. * Lower surface of fourth toe, x 4, 108 GECKONID#. Total length ........+. 90 millim. HGid hak edee ohio ll ,, Width of head ........ TD 45 Body .......-+-eee eee 36, Fore limb .........++- 13 4 Hind limb .........--- eo lass Tail 2 seca oberesaed eee SAB. ay Australia. ab. SQ. Australia. (Types.) c-d. 3 Q. Australia. ed. Islands of Torres Straits. Rey. 8. McFarlane [C.]. 6. Edura ? verrillii. CEdura verrillii, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1868, p. 318. ‘«‘The femoral pores in a serios arched angularly forwards, and not extending on the femora. The plates of the under surfaces of the toes are, besides the terminal disks, one pair only, as large as the terminal, and at the end of the antepenultimate phalange. Labials regular, 8-7 to below pupil; two rows infralabials across chin. Rostral undivided. Gular scales granular; thoracic and ventral flat, larger than the flat dorsals. Muzzle-scales tubercular. A tubercle on each side vent. Head as broad as from end of muzzle to halfway between orbit and ear. Colour very pale above, with six very deep brown cross bands from nape to sacrum, which are more or less connected on the sides. A brown band through orbit, and one behind, crossing the occiput. “Muzzle to ear 12”, to axilla 20"°5; axilla to groin 25"; tail lost. Fore limb 18”; hind limb 18”.” Australia. 20. CALODACTYLUS. Calodactylus, Beddome, Madras Med, Journ. 1870, p. 30. Digits slender at the base, free, with squarish scales inferiorly, with large trapezoid distal and penultimate expansions, the lower surface of which is covered by two large plates separated by a longi- tudinal groove; all the digits clawed, the claw retractile between the distal plates; in the inner digit, the penultimate expansion is absent. Body covered above with small granular scales, intermixed with larger tubercles ; abdominal scales juxtaposed. Pupil vertical. Males without preanal nor femoral pores. Southern India. 1. Calodactylus aureus. (Parte X. fig. 3.*) Calodactylus aureus, Bedd. l.c. pl. ii. Head large, oviform, very distinct from neck; a strong rounded * Upper view of head; a, lower surface of foot, x 2. 20. canopactyLus.—21. Prropacryxvus. 109 supraorbital and canthal ridge ; five deep concavities, viz. a frontal, two postnasals, and two loreals; snout longer than the distance be- tween the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit ; ear-opening vertical, measuring half the diameter of the eye. Body not much depressed. Limbs long, slender. The width of the digital expansion measures about half the diameter of the eye. Head covered with very small granules, largest on the canthal ridges; rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, its posterior border concave; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals, the anterior large and in contact with its fellow ; twelve or thirteen upper and as many lower labials; mental as large as, or smaller than, the adjacent labials; no regular chin- shields, but small polygonal scutes passing gradually into the granules which cover the gular region. Upper surfaces covered with minute granules; back with scattered, scarcely prominent, smooth, round, larger tubercles, hardly as large as the ventral scales; latter flat, smooth, squarish, juxtaposed, arranged like the bricks of a wall. Tail long, cylindrical, remarkably slender, covered with squarish scales which are much larger inferiorly. Brownish white above (golden during life), dotted or vermiculated with brown ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 169 millim. ead io os-cccaa a naw ee 23 —=C«,, Width of head ........ 18s, Ody id Sawer alee +s 66 OC, Fore limb ......... Sha BO ey Hind limb............ 47, Pall’ cise ein aac dees 80, Southern India. a-b, Ad, Eastern Ghats. Col. Beddome tet (Types.) ce, Several spec. N. Arcot. Co]. Beddome [C. }. 21. PTYODACTYLUS. Ptyodactyles, part., Cuv. R. A. ii. p. 49. fat Ptyodactylus, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825, p. 498; Fitzing. NV. Class. Rept. p.13; Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 148; Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 20; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 96; Gray, Cat. p. 151. Ptyodactylus, part., Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 375. Digits slender, free, with a series of transverse plates inferiorly, the extremity strongly dilated, with two diverging series of lamelle inferiorly ; every digit armed with a claw retractile in the anterior notch of the distal expansion. Body covered above with small granular scales, uniform or intermixed with enlarged tubercles ; abdominal scales scarcely imbricate. Pupil vertical. No preanal nor femoral pores. ; North Africa; South-western Asia; Sind. 110 GECKONID. 1. Ptyodactylus lobatus. Ptyodactylus gecko, Gray, Cat. p. 151. Hasselquist, Reise n. Paliist. p. 356. . Stellio gecko, part., Schneid. Amph. Phys. ii. p. 12. Gecko lobatus, Geoffr. Descr. Egypte, Rept. p. 180, pl. v. fig. 5; Aud, eod. loc., Suppl. p. 166, pl. i. fig. 2. ascalabotes, Merr. Tent. p. 40. Ptyodactylus lobatus, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. p. 498. guttatus, Riipp. Atl. N. Afr., Rept. p. 15, pl. iv. hasselquistii, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 878, pl. xxxiil. fig.38; Boettg. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1879-80, p. 194. oudrii, Lataste, Le Natur. 1880, p. 299. General proportions varying considerably. Head large, oviform ; snout a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave ; ear-opening subcrescentic, vertical. Body rather short, depressed ; limbs long and slender. Head covered with granular scales, which are much larger on the snout. Nostril pierced in the centre of a more or less marked globular swelling ; rostral and first labial generally entering the nostril. Rostral generally quadrangular, not twice as broad as high; twelve or thirteen upper and ten to twelve lower labials ; arow of chin-shields. Upper surfaces covered with granules intermixed with small keeled tubercles; lower sur- faces with flat, smooth, slightly imbricate, small subhexagonal scales, which are enlarged on the femoral and inter-femoral regions. Tail slender, tapering, rounded, covered above with very small scales intermixed with keeled tubercles, inferiorly with large im- bricated scales. Greyish or yellowish brown above, spotted with darker and with yellowish white ; lower surfaces uniform white. Total length .......... 135 millim. Odd asee pienccnl: eae 24. Ci, Width of head ........ 18, Body sick nwas cary seared 53, Fore dim 62.5.4 ae weve 37s, Hind limb............ 49, Wall: nse scangarion dewadaaens 58, Algeria, Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia, Arabia, Syria. ad. Egypt. J. Burton, Esq. [P.}. b-c. ¢ &hgr. Egypt. Sir J. Wilkinson [ P.]. d. 2. Egypt. A. Christy, Esq. [P.}. e 9. Edfou. Dr. Anderson | P.}. f8- Between Khan Tubb Tusef Dr. Anderson [ P.1. and Ain Mellaha. g-h. SQ. Sinaitic Peninsula. H. C. Hart, Esq. [C.]. a2 9. Mt. Sinai. ko. Jerusalem. Dr. Anderson [P.]. Lo. Jerusalem. Rev. H. B. Tristram C.). m. o« Mt. Flermon. Rey. H. B. Tristram [C.1). n Q. Dead Sea. Rev. H. B. Tristram ret 21. PrropacTYLvs,—22, rHEcADACTYLUS. 111 o. Q. Galilee, Dr. Anderson [P.]. v-s. ¢ & hgr. Bou Saada, Algerian M. F. Lataste | P.], Sahara. (As typical of P. oud.) 2. Ptyodactylus homolepis, a a a homolepis, Blanford, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1876, p. 19 plu. Generai characters of P. lobatus. Upper surfaces not intermixed with tubercles. Nostril pierced between three swollen nasals, neither the rostral nor the first labial entering the nostril ; fourteen or fifteen upper and as many lower labials. Light brownish grey above, with broad transverse wavy bands of lighter and darker shades ; white beneath. , Total length .. ....... 190 millim. Head wcceet nsw udene es 29 45 Width of head ........ 23—C«,, BOW ye ooh evaccdsesecezpecin tapes 76 ys Fore limb ............ 48, Hind limb ............ 60. =, Deals ic sia wa et Sioa ins 85 ” Sind. a-b. Ad. & hgy. Khirthar Range. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) 22. THECADACTYLUS. Thecadactyles, Cuv. R. A. ii. £ 48. Thecadactylus, Gray, Ann. Phil, (2) x. 1825, p.198; Fitzing. N. Classif. Rept. p.13; Gray, Cat. p. 146. Thecodactylus, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p.50; Wagler, Syst. Amph. p. 142; Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 20; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 98. Platydactylus, part., Dum. & Bibr. Erp. Gén. iii. p. 290. Digits strongly dilated, more or less webbed, inferiorly with two series of regular transverse lamellae divided by a median groove, with a retractile claw sheathed in a groove between the anterior lamelle; the claw of the inner digit very indistinct or absent. Upper surfaces covered with juxtaposed scales; belly with imbricate scales. Pupil vertical. ; Tropical America; islands of Torres Straits. 1, Thecadactylus rapicaudus. Thecadactylus rapicaudus, Gray, Cat. p.146. Gecko rapicauda, Houttuyn, Verh. Genotsch. Viissing. ix. p. 822, pl. iti. fig. 1; Daud. Rept. iv. p. 141, pl. hi. Lacerta rapicauda, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1068. Stellio perfoliatus, Schneid. Amph. Phys, ii. p. 26. Gecko levis, Daud. l. c. p. 112. —~ surinamensis, Daud. 1. v. p. 126. Thecadactylus levis, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. p. 198. ue Platydactylus theconyx, Dum. § Bibr, iii. p. 306, pl. xxxiil. fig. 2. 112 } GECKONID#. Head large, longer than broad; snout subtriangular, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave ; ear-opening small, oval, horizontal. Body and limbs moderate; digits sub- equal, half-webbed, the web being as much developed between the two outer; a rudimentary claw generally distinguishable in the inner digit. Head covered with very small granular scales; rostral quadrangular, twice as broad as high, with trace of median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, a large supero-nasal, which is in contact with its fellow, and a few granules; nine to twelve upper and eight to eleven lower labials; mental small, pentagonal; a row of small chin-shields, median pair elongate. Back, limbs, and throat covered with very small granular scales; belly covered with small imbricate cycloid scales. No preanal nor femoral pores. Tail, when intact, cylindrical, tapering, covered with very small imbricated scales, largest in- feriorly ; generally strongly swollen at the base when reproduced. Brown or greyish-brown above, variegated with darker and lighter ; lower surfaces whitish, immaculate. Total length .......... 195 millim. Heads sicce cee ce ees 24 Cs, Width of head ........ 20 ,, Body ses syud bees + stews Sls; Fore limb ............ 30 Cg, Hind limb............ 36, BE ar; tees aay epee codes 90, South and Central America; West Indies. a-b. SQ. Yucatan. ec Q. Granada. d-g. 39. St. Thomas, W. Indies. Mr. Riise [C.]. Os St. Thomas, W. Indies. Capt. Sawyer [P. Hl. 6,9,&hgr. Sta. Cruz, W. Indies. ee Esq. fey m. Q. Nevis. t Cottle, Esq. Hh n 3. Antigua. Zool. Soe. o-p. 2 & her. Anguilla, a rock near W. J. Cooper, Esq. [P.]. rinidad. gq. o Caracas. r. Q. British Guiana. 8s. Surinam. ue a pler[C.]. t.Q. Pebas. j ates, Bay [C.]. u-v. SQ. Canelos, Ecuador. Me Mia [C.]. w-e. So. Sarayacu, Peru. W. Davis [| C.]. Y,%, 4. SD. S. America. 2. Thecadactylus australis. (Puare XI. fig. 1.) Thecadactylus australis, Gitnth. Ann. §& Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xix. 1877, p. 414 Head large, oviform elongate; snout as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the 22. THECADACTYLUS.—23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 113 diameter of the orbit ; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Body and limbs moderate; digits webbed at the base, the web absent between the two outer toes; inner digit claw- less. Snout and forehead with large, rough, vermiculated tubercles confluent with the cranial ossification; hinder part of head with juxtaposed flat tubercles; rostral subquadrangular, twice as broad as high, with irace of median cleft above; nostril pierced between the first upper labials and several tubercles; eleven upper and ten lower labials; mental large, subtrapezoid, separating two pairs of, small chin-shields. Upper surfaces with small, flat, juxtaposed, granular scales; throat granulate; abdominal scales not much larger than dorsals, subhexagonal, scarcely imbricate. A subtri- angular patch of eighteen preanal pores. A globular swelling at the base of the tail, behind the vent, covered with large hexagonal seales. Tail cylindrical, covered witu small flat square scales arranged in verticils, Upper parts brownish violet, marbled with reddish ; lower surfaces brownish white. Total length .............. 167 millim. GAG, 6.253 Pavan wines veethis: Sebatehe’ 27 ~Cs, Width of head ............ 20. —,, DOA Ge «itor dsasts pcediaus kept: xesdoui tes das 82 Fore limb: occ ekcge oat ac as 32 Cs, Hind limb 43 )..5 sasccim wane se 40, Pall oid. sigecsatiad ares ese 58, Islands of Torres Straits. a 3. Islands of Torres Straits. Rev. S. Macfarlane [C.]. (Type.) 23. HEMIDACTYLUS*. Hemidactyles, Cuv. R. A. ii. p. 47. fa Hemidactylus, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825, p. 199; Fitzinger, N. Classif. Rept. p. 13; Wagler, Syst. Amph. p. 142; Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 20; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p.104; Gray, Cat. p. 152; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 100. As Crossurus, Wagl. l.c. p. 141; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p.106; Gray, J. c. . 158. Henadanivhus, part., Dum, & Bibr. iii. é: 344, Boltalia, Gray, Zool. Mise. p. 58, and Cat. p. 158. Hoplopodion, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 103. * H, flaviviridis, Riippell, N. Wirbelth. Faun. Abyss. p. 18, pl. vi. fig. 2.—- soa. : Me Gngulabi, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad. 1852, p. 63.—W. Africa. H. marmoratus, Hallow. eod. loc. 1860, p. 491.—Loo Choo. H. mortoni, Theobald, Journ. Linn. Soc. x. p. 32.—Pegu. Z. sakalava, Grandid. Rev. Mag. Zool. 1867, p. 233,—Madagascar. H. tolampye, Grandid. Ann, Se. Nat. xv. 1872, art. 20, p. 8.—Madagascar. HH. tristis, Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) iii. 1878, p. 49.—New Guinea. Mythical species :— Crosswrus caudiverbera, Wagler, Syst. Rept. p. 141. Gray, Oat. p. 58. Hemidactylus sebe, Dum. & Bibr. iii, p. 378. I 114 GECKONIDZ. Cosymbotus, Fitzing. 1. c. p. 104. Microdactylus, Fitzing. 1. ¢. Onychopus, Futzing. /. ¢. Tachybates, Fitzing. lc. p. 105. Pnoépus, Fitzing. 1. ¢. Velernesia, Gray, Cat, p. 156. Doryura, Gray, 1. ¢. Platyurus, Gray, l.c. p. 157. Leiurus, Gray. 1. ¢. Nycteridium, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 111. Digits free or more or less webbed, dilated, inferiorly with two rows of lamell; all the digits provided with slender distal clawed joints angularly bent and rising from within the extremity of the dilated portion. Dorsal lepidosis uniform or heterogeneous. Pupil vertical. Males with preanal or femoral pores. Southern Europe; Southern Asia; Africa; Tropical America; Polynesia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Digits quite free. A. Back with uniform flat subim- bricate scales .............. 1. homeolepis, p. 117. B. Free distal joints of all the digits remarkably short. 3 lamellae* under the inner, and 4 or 5 under the median toe; dorsal scales uniformly granular .............. 2. bouviert, p. 118. 5 or 6 lamella under the inner, and 8 or 9 under the median toe; dorsal granules intermixed with small round keeled tubercles.............0005. 3. reticulatus, p. 118. 5 lamelle under the inner, and 9 under . the median toe; dorsal tubercles oval, subtrihedral, strongly keeled........ 4. gracilis, p. 119. C. Free distal joints of digits long. 1. Dorsal tubercles, if present, small, smooth, conical, or very feebly keeled. a. Less than 8 lamelle under the inner toe. a. Tail with rows of enlarged tubercles. Inner digit very short, with sessile claw ; no tubercles on hinder part of head.. 5. frenatus, p. 120. Dorsal tubercles small, convex or very feebly keeled; 5 or 6 lamelle under the inner, and 7 to 9 under the median * The infradigital lamelle are counted longitudinally, those which are divided on the median iine being reckoned as one. 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 115 toe; male with 15 to 30 femoral pores on each side ................000, 6. mabouia, p. 122, ——- Dorsal tubercles pointed, conical ; on each side a feeble longitudinal fold on which the lower tubercles are inserted .... 7, muriceus, p. 123, Dorsal tubercles round, smooth ; 7 lamellse under the median toe; male with 10 or 12 femoral pores on each side .... 22. kuchmorensis, p. 135. Dorsal tubercles, if present, quite smooth ; 6 or 7 lamelle, under the inner, and 9 to 11 under the median toe; male . with 12 to 16 femoral pores on each SIGE er ge aetna eee ae Mego aeeos vies os evn 23. leschenaulti, p. 186. 8. Tail with uniform small scales on its upper surface. No enlarged dorsal tubercles; tail oval AD BOCHION: «6.554783 sce. 8 ssaus draowls Se give 26. bowringii, p. 139, Back with numerous small convex tu- bercles; tail with sharpish denticu- lated lateral edge ................ 27. karenorum, p. 140. No enlarged dorsal tubercles; tail with sharpish denticulated lateral edge.... 28. blanfordii, p. 141. No enlarged dorsal tubercles; tail with : sharpish denticulated lateral edge; digits very slightly dilated ........ 29. peruvianus, p. 141, 6. 8 or more lamellz under the inner toe. 8 to 10 lamelle under the inner, and 11 to 18 under the median toe; first labial entering the nostril.......... 24. coctet, p. 137. 11 or 12 lamelle under the inner, and 13 to 15 under the median toe; first labial not entering the nostril ...... 25. giganteus, p. 188. 2. Dorsal tubercles strongly keeled. a. Not more than 8 lamelle under the inner toe and than 11 under the median toe. 5 or 6 lamellw under the inner, and 8 to 10 under the median toe; tubercles small; no enlarged subcaudals ; snout considerably longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; i male with preanal pores only ...... 10. bocagiz, p. 125. 5 lamelle under the inner, and 8 under the median toe; tubercles large; no enlarged subcaudals ; snout not longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening; male with preanal a pores only ....-- ss seer eed eeeees 11. eee I 116 GECKONIDZ. 6 to 8 lamelle under the inner, and 9 to 11 under the median toe ; tubercles in 14 or 16 longitudinal series; male with preanal pores only ........-- 12. turcceus, p. 126. 4 to 6 lamelle under the inner, and 7 or 8 under the median toe; tubercles in 16 to 20 longitudinal series; male with 10 to 20 femoral pores on each side (African).......... 0.0.00 eee 13. brook, p. 128. 4 to 6 lamelle under the inner, and 7 or 8 under the median toe; tubercles in 16 to 20 longitudinal series; male with 8 to 12 femoral pores on each side (Indian) ..............--005. 14. gleadovii, p. 129. 4 or 5 lamelle under the inner, and 7 or 8 under the median toe, the basal ones tubercle-like; male with 8 femoral pores on each side; back with pure white spots......... cee cece ee eee 15. stellatus, p. 180, 2 or 3 lamelle under the inner, and 4 or 5 under the median toe; tubercles in 20 or 22 longitudinal series ........ 16. guineensis, p. 181. 6 or 7 lamelle under the inner, and 8 to 10 under the median toe; dorsal tubercles large, in 16 to 20 longitudinal series; male with 12 to 16 preanal pores; back with dark transverse bands and rows of pure white tubercles 19. triedrus, p. 133. b. More than 8 lamelle under the inner toe, and than 11 under the median toe. Infradigital lamellae obliquely curved ; dorsal tubercles in 14 to 16 longitu- dinal series; male with a few preanal POLES. <2 Sie sarawy ee da botnet 17. persicus, p. 131. Infradigital lamelle straight ; dorsal tu- bercles in about 20 longitudinal series ; male with 19 to 25 femoral pores on BACH SIME! | josh Gusta se tnede ine ate oes 18. maculatus, p. 132. Infradigital lamelle slightly oblique; dorsal tubercles large ............ 20. subtriedrus, p. 134. II. A more or less developed interdigital membrane. A. A more or less marked fold on the side of the body, but no cutaneous expansion. 1. Tail cylindrical or quadrangular. A series of long, spine-like scales on each side of the belly; tail quadrangular.. 8. echinus, p. 123. 23. HEMIDACTYLUS, 117 Dorsal tubercles small, round, convex ; ; tail cylindrical ........0...0...., 9. fasciatus, p. 124. 2. Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, with sharp denticulated lateral edge. Back with enlarged trihedral tubercles... 21. depressus, p. 184. Back uniformly granular; digits very slightly webbed............0.0.005 39. garnoti, p. 141. Back granular, some of the granules slightly enlarged; digits one third WODDEd Soc suns wiea ch adaseutanan 31. richardsonii, p. 143. B. A much-developed cutaneous expansion from axilla to groin. Digits nearly half-webbed............ 32, platyurus, p. 143. 1. Hemidactylus homeolepis. Hemidactylus (Liurus) homeolepis, Blanford, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881, p. 464, pl. xii. fig. 2. Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead scarcely concave; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderately dilated, free, with rather short distal joints ; six ]amelle under the thumb, eight under the fourth finger, five under the inner toe, and nine or ten under the fourth toe. Head covered with small convex granules, largest on the snout; rostral subquadrangular, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; nine upper and seven lower labials; mental large, triangular, more than twice as long as the adjacent labials ; four chin-shields, median pair largest and in contact behind the mental. Back covered with flat, subimbricate, smooth round scales, largest on the sides. Abdominal scales small, cycloid, im- bricate, scarcely larger than the dorsals. Male with four preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with uniform small, smooth, subimbricate, flat scales, inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates, commencing some distance behind the vent. Grey above, spotted with darker ; a dark streak passing through the eye; tail with black annuli; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length ........ 77 millim. Head ects cease wowace 10, Width of head........ 6, Body secharwre aves QT 55 Fore limb .......... 10°5 ,, Hind limb .......... 13-5 ,, 118 GECKONIDA. The larger, tail-less specimen measures 40 millim. from snout to vent. ‘ Socotra, ab. 39. Socotra. Prof. I. B. Balfour [C.]. (Types.) 2. Hemidactylus bouvieri. Emydactylus bouvieri, Bocourt, Arch. Mus. vi. 1870, Bull. p. 17. Hemidactylus cessacii, Bocage, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. iv. 1878, p. 211. ' Snout acutely pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead scarcely concave ; ear-opening very small, round. Bod and limbs short. Digits moderately dilated, free, with short distal joints; three lamelle under the inner digits, and four or five under the median digits. Upper surfaces covered with uniform rather large granules, smallest on the hinder part of the head. Rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals ; seven or eight upper and six or seven lower labials; mental large, triangular, nearly twice as long as the adjacent labials; two rather small chin-shields, followed by smaller ones passing gradually into the minute granules of the gular region. Abdominal scales large, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Males with two preanal pores. Tail thick, cylindrical, tapering, covered above with uniform small squarish smoovh scales, inferiorly with a median series of trans- versely dilated plates. Light brown above, with transverse darker bands on the back and tail; upper lip white; a dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye ; lower surfaces white. Total length.......... 67 wmillim. OR: at een ae a ge a 105 ,, Width of head........ 7 +s Body. cee cccganesas 255 a, Fore limb............ 10 $5 Hind limb .......... 13 so aa, scree 9 Lave eee 31 4 Cape Verde Islands. a 3. San Jago. Prof. B. du Bocage [P.]. (As typical of H. cessacit.) b-c. SQ. 8. Vicente. Rev. R. T. Lowe [P. ]. 3. Hemidactylus reticulatus. (Puarz XI. fig. 2.) Hemidactylus reticulatus, Beddome, Madr. Journ. Med. Sc. 1870. Head short, oviform, very convex ; snout a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening and than the diameter of the orbit; forehead not concave; ear-opening small, roundish. Body and limbs short. Digits short, free, with very short distal 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 119 joint, moderately dilated ; five or six lamellee under the inner digits, seven or eight under the fourth finger, and eight or nine under the fourth toe. Snout covered with keeled granules; the rest of the head with smaller granules intermixed with round tubercles. Ros- tral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; nine or ten upper and seven to nine lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal ; four chin-shields, inner pair largest and in contact behind the point of the mental. Body covered above with coarse granules intermixed with numerous irregularly arranged, small, round, keeled tubercles. Abdominal scales rather small, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Male with six to nine - preanal pores forming an angular series. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with small granular scales and rings of six or eight large conical tubercles, inferiorly with uniform small imbricated scales. Brown above, with a network of darker lines; many of the tubercles whitish ; lower surfaces whitish, the throat sometimes vermiculated with brown. Total length.......... 64 millim. Head. g:h0355 yess aig a sian 10-5, Width of head........ 85, BODY, iowa. eyes Sak 295 4, Fore limb............ 12 53 Hind limb .......... 145 =, Tail (reproduced)...... 24 a _ South India. a-b. SQ. Colegal. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types.) c-d,e-g. 6, 2, & hgr. Shevaroys. Col. Beddome [C.]. 4, Hemidactylus gracilis. Hemidactylus gracilis, Blanford, Jowrn. As. Soc. xxxix. 1870, p. 362, pl. xvi. figs. 4-6. Head narrow, elongate; snout a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third or once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit ; forehead not concave; ear- opening small, roundish. Body and limbs slender, feebly depressed. Digits free, very feebly dilated, inner well developed ; the distal joint short; five lamella under the inner digits, seven under the fourth finger, and nine under the fourth toe. Snout with rather large polygonal rugose scales; hinder part of head with small gra- nules. Rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and four nasals ; nine upper and seven lower labials ; mental large, triangular, more than twice as long as the adjacent labials; four large chin-shields, inner pair in contact behind the point of the mental. Body covered above with coarse granules intermixed with oval, subtrihedral, 120 GECKONIDZ. strongly keeled tubercles arranged in about twelve irregular longi- tudinal series. Abdominal scales large, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Male with six preanal pores forming an angular series. [Tail round, but slightly depressed at the base, and not at all further back, tapering, without any enlarged or spinose tubercles whatever. ] Grey above, with subquadrangular black spots arranged in longitu- dinal series, confluent into lines on the rachis and sides; a black, above white-edged streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; whitish beneath, specimen a with longitudinal grey lines, From snout to vent...... 36 millim. Head ssa vesuseeiacess 10, Width of head.......... 55, Bore mb ia2 wis eevee’ TA ag Hind limb ............ 14. Cy, South-east Berar and Rajpoor. ad. 8.E. Berar. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. (One of the types.) b. S. Rajpoor. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 5. Hemidactylus frenatus. Hemidactylus frenatus, Gray, Cat, p. 155. Hemidactylus vittatus, Gray, . e. Hemidactylus frenatus (Schleg.), Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 366; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 161; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 108; Sto- hezka, Journ. As. Soc, Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 164, & xli. 1872, p. 96; Anders, Zool. W. Yunnan, p. 801. —— (Pnoepus) javanicus, Fitsing. Syst. Rept. p. 106. ? Hemidactylus punctatus, Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1854, . 467, Hemidaniyli inornatus, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad. 1860, p. 492. P Hemidactylus pumilus, Hallow. 1. c. p. 502. Gecko chaus, Tytler, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xxxiii. 1864, p. 547. caracal, Tytler, J. c. Hemidactylus vittatus, Gray, Zool. Erebus § Terror, pl. xv. fig. 5. —— longiceps, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad, 1868, p. 820. Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and one third to once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, roundish. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderately dilated, free, inner with sessile claw ; four or five lamelle under the inner digits, seven or eight (seldom nine) under the fourth finger, and nine or ten under the fourth toe. Upper surfaces covered with small granules, largest on the snout; on the back these granules are intermixed with more or less numerous, sometimes almost entirely absent, irregularly scattered round convex tubercies always much smaller than the ear-opening. Rostral four-sided, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; ten to twelve upper and eight to ten lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal; two or three pairs of chin-shields, the median in contact behind the 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 121 point of the mental. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate. Male with a series of thirty to thirty-six femoral pores, not inter- rupted on the preanal region. Tail rounded, feebly depressed, covered above with very small smooth scales and six longitudinal series of keeled tubercles, inferiorly with a median series of trans- versely dilated plates. Greyish or pinkish brown above, uniform or more or less distinctly marbled with darker; head generally varie- gated with brown; a more or less defined brown, above light-edged streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye, extending sometimes along the side of the body; lower surfaces whitish. Total length ........ 113 millim. Hes de ies. ashanen eae 16.—CO«, ‘Width of head ...... 115 =, Body eieceucacnd ons 39°C, Fore limb .......... 13. 4 Hind limb .......... 214, Tall: seccacuees ox x3 58, China, Indo-China, Malay peninsula, Southern India, islands of the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans, St. Helena. a Q. Corea. Sir E. Belcher Pr b-c. Q. Hainan. R. Swinhoe, Esq. [C.]. d-f. 2 & her. Taiwanfoo, S. Formosa. g-h. 3. Nilgherries. ‘F. Day, Esq. Eek z. 9. Salem. Col. Beddome [C.]. kA S Calead Hills, Col. Beddome [C.]. Lo. dQ. Anamallays. Col. Beddome [C.]. pd. 8. India. Col. Beddome [C. ]. gr, 3,2, & bgr. Ceylon. t. Dried. Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. u-v. dQ. Ceylon. H. Barnes, Esq. {Ps w-y. & & her. Birma. F. Day, Esq. [P.]. z-a. do. Gamboja. M. Meta t B. Q. Siam. M. Mouhot [C.}. y-e. S. Pinang. Dr. Cantor. C6. SQ. Andamans. Col. Tytler [P.]. uo. Nias. Hr. H. Sandemann [C. ]. kn 3 Java. xu. Batavia. : pov. &. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. ‘ (Types of H. vittatus.) £0. S. Luzon. Dr. A. B. Meyer to : mw. 3. Puerto Princesa. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. p. Several spec.: ¢, Zebu, Philippines. H.MS, ‘ Challenger. Q, & hgr. ; spec. . Manado, Celebes. Dr. A. B. Meyer me = oe Bead Y Murray Island. Rev. 8. McFarlane C.]. vu. Port Essington, (Type of ZH, vittatus.) g. . Ke Daulau, Ki Islands. H.M.S. ‘Challenger.’ x. Several spec.: Eagle Island, Amirantes. HLMLS. ‘ Alert.’ 3, 2, ye, & eggs. ys: Aree Mauritius. l o-co. 3. St. Helena. J. ©. Melliss, Esq. [P.]. da, ee. 3. —? 122 GECKONID A, 6. Hemidactylus mabouia. Hemidactylus mabouia, Gray, Cat. p. 154. Hemidactylus mercatorius, Gray, J. c. p. 155, Gecko mabouia, Moreau de Jonnés, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1818, p. 138 ; Cuv. R. A, ii, p. 54. —— tuberculosus, Raddi, Mem. Soc. Modena, xix. 1823, p. 63. — aculeatus, Spix, Spec. Nov. Lacert. p. 16, pl. xviii. fig. 3. —— cruciger, Spiz, 1. c. p. 16. Thecadactylus pollicaris, Spix, 1. ¢. p. 17, pl. xviii. fig. 2. Gecko incanescens, Wied, Beitr. Naturg. Bras. p. 102. armatus, Wired, J. c. p. 104. Hemidactylus mabouia, Dum. § Bubr. iii. p. 362; Guichen. nr Casteln. Amer. Sud, Rept. p. 12; Bianconi, Spec. Zool. Mossamb. p. 21, pl. i. £.1; Girard, US. Explor. Exped., Herp. p. 283, pl. xxv. figs. 9-16; Boettger, Abh. Senck. Ges. xi. 1879, p. 478, & xii. 1881, p. 467; Peters, Reise n. Mossamb. iii. p. 27. pl. v. fig. 8, —— wmercatorius, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 58; Boettger, Abh, Senck. Ges. xi. 1877, p. 28, pl. i. fig. 4. —— (Tachybates) mabuya, Fetzing. Syst. Rept. p. 105. —— (—) armatus, Fitzing. l. c. ; ee Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac, 1854, p. 615; Bocage, Jorn, Se. Lisb. iv. 1878, p. 209. hexaspis, Cope, Proce. Ac, Philad. 1868, p. 320. —— tuberculosus, Peters, eod. loc. 1877, p. 414. —— frenatus (non D. § B.), Boettg. eod. loc. 1878, p. 275, pl.i. fig. 1. Snout considerably longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half to once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening oval, oblique, half or two fifths the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits free, moderately dilated, inner well developed; five or six lamelle under the inner digits, and seven to nine under the median ones. Snout covered with small convex granules; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles ; rostral four-sided, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; ten to fourteen upper and nine or ten lower labials ; mental large, triangular; two or three pairs of chin- shields, median largest and in contact behind the point of the mental. Upper surface of body covered with small granules intermixed with small, irregularly scattered, convex or subtrihedral tubercles Abdo- minal scales small, cycloid, imbricate. Male with a long uninter- rupted series of femoral pores, fifteen to thirty on each side. Tail cylindrical, feebly depressed, covered above with very small scales intermixed with large conical tubercles in six longitudinal series ; inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Grey or light brown above, with dark spots or undulated cross bands; white beneath. Total length .......... 166 millim. Head caisugtn bale wiewe ts 22 —Cs, Width of head ........ LT 5 BODY: cA aiistala wares 59g, 23, HEMIDACTYLUS. 123 Fore limb ............ 27 millim. Hind limb ............ 36, Daa! Ficteteecs Yk d ide ace tes 85, South America ; West Indies; Madagascar ; South Africa. a-d,e. 3,9, & her. Brazil. f3d Brazil. Lord Stuart de Rothsay [P.]. go Rio Janeiro. h,i. Yo. Bahia. k. Her. Pernambuco. Mrs. J. P. G. Smith [P.]. l,m. & & her. Para. n 3. Santarem. H. W. Bates, Esq. [(.]. o. Q. Vera Cruz. pod. Mexico (?). gq 3. 8. Domingo. te Qe 8. Domingo. M. Sallé (C.]. ao. Dominica. G. F. Angas, Esq. [P.]. to. Madagascar, Dr. J. E. Gray [P.]. (Type of H. mercatorius.) uv. d. Madagascar. Mr. Bartlett [C.]. w-2. SQ. E. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. ao. Antananarivo, Rey. J. Wills [C.]. B. Several spec., ¢ 9. Johanna, Comoro OC. E. Bewsher, Esq. [P.]. Islands, yd Zambezi. Dr. Livingstone [C.]. 6d. Shiré Valley, Zambezi. 6. 5, 9,& her Zanzibar. Sir J. Kirk [C.]. eA. Q. Carangigo. Dr. Welwitsch [C.]. pv, &. Ugr. & yg. P C. Darwin, Esq. [C.]. 7. Hemidactylus muriceus. Hemidactylus muriceus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1870, p. 641. “Numerous small pointed conical tubercles irregularly scattered among the fine dorsal granulation. Tail with similar longer tuber- cles. Snout with larger convex scales, eight or nineinfralabials. A larger chin-shield, followed by smaller ones, on each side behind the pointed mental. Ear-opening almost vertical, rather narrow, Chin and throat finely granulate. Ventral scales in the middle in thirty-three longitudinal rows; on each side a feeble longitudinal fold on which the lower tubercles are inserted. Grey-brown, with narrow M- or V-shaped dark irregular transverse bands; similar cross bands on the tail and limbs. Lower surfaces lighter with small darker dots, more numerous and confluent on the chin. Total length 86 millim.; head 13 millim.; tail 46 millim.” Keta, Guinea. 8. Hemidactylus echinus. (Prats XI. fig. 3.) Hemidactylus echinus, O’Shaughn. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (4) xvi. 1875, p. 264. Snout rather pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit ; 124 GECKONIDE. forehead concave; ear-opening very small, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits webbed at the base, moderately dilated, inner well developed ; infradigital lamelle very numerous, oblique; ten under the inner digits, eleven under the fourth finger, and thirteen under the fourth toe. Head covered with minute granules, largest on the snout, intermixed on the supraorbital, occipital, and temporal regions with larger round tubercles; rostral four- sided, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, a large supero- nasal, and several minute granules; twelve or thirteen upper and ten lower labials; mental large, triangular, its posterior angle truncate and in contact with a small median chin-shield ; four other small chin-shields. Upper surface of body minutely granular, with numerous small convex tubercles scattered irre- gularly ; on each side of the belly a series of long, spine-like scales, Abdominal scales very small, scarcely imbricate. Male with a curved series of eight preanal pores. Tail quadrangular, minutely scaled, the ridges with projecting spinous tubercles. Brown, lighter inferiorly ; a dark spot on the centre of the nape; a light streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; some rather indistinct lighter mottlings on the back; a round yellow spot on the hind part of the thigh, close to the root of the tail; latter with darker and lighter annuli. Total length .......... 114 millim. OAs eig.e- goeraegiane say ee 16.—C«, Width of head ........ 115 ,, BODY usc eucee au acack 42 ,, Fore limb ............ 20 ,, Hind limb............ 25s, Waal) 2 hosuoaweie ae ay G6 33 Gaboon. ad. Gaboon. (Type.) 9. Hemidactylus fasciatus. (Prarz XI. fig. 4.) Hemidactylus fasciatus, Gray, Cat. p. 154. Leiurus ornatus, Gray, 1. e. p. 157. Hemidactylus formosus, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad. 1856, p. 148, Snout slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one fourth the diameter of the orbit; fore- head concave ; ear-opening suboval, oblique, half or three fifths the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits distinctly webbed at the base, moderately dilated, inner well developed ; six to eight lamelle under the inner digits, and nine or ten under the median ones. Snout covered with small convex granules; hinder past of head with minute granules intermixed with small round tubercles ; rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals ; nine to eleven upper and eight to ten lower labials; mental large, triangular or pentagonal; two 23, HEMIDACTYLUS. 125 chin-shields, in contact behind the mental. Upper surface of body covered with small granules intermixed with small round convex tubercles, forming about twenty more or less regular longi- tudinal series. Abdominal scales rather small, cycloid, imbricate. Males with a long series of femoral pores, interrupted in the middle, composed of eighteen to twenty pores on each side. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with very small, uniform, smooth, imbri- cate scales, inferiorly with a median series of large transverse plates. Pale chocolate-brown above; a large U-shaped band from the eyes across the nape, two other cross bars on the back and one on the base of the tail, and complete broad rings round the tail, dark brown, light-edged ; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... 172 millim. Head i: sande s egeiasesee 21 33s Width of head ........ Le yy BOdY? se sie pcg gua caee ach gee as 59, Fore limb ............ 26. CO, Hind limb............ 32), Tail) se G ssn cae eeeay 92 =a, West Africa. a. —? Type. b. $e. W. Africa. (ees fe Leiurus ornatus.) 3. W. Africa. Dr, A. Giinther [P.]. do. Ashantee. e Q. Camaroons. f-9,h. 3, 2. & hgr. Fernando Po. My. Fraser [C.]. te Pig Gaboon. 10. Hemidactylus bocagii. Hemidactylus longicephalus, Bocage, Jorn. Se. Lisb. iv. 1873, p. 210. ~— longiceps, (non Cope) O’Shaughn. Zool. Rec. x. p. 89. Head elongate oviform; snout much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit ; forehead feebly concave ; ear-opening suboval or subtriangular, about one third the diameter of the eye. Body rather elongate; limbs moderate. Digits moderate, free, inner well developed ; five or six lamella under the inner digits, seven or eight under the fourth finger, and eight to ten under the fourth toe. Snout covered with large keeled granules; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with small tubercles. Rostral four- sided, nearly twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three or four nasals, the rostral rarely entering the nostril; nine or ten upper and eight or nine lower labials; mental large, triangular; two pairs of chin- shields, median largest and in contact behind the point of the mental, Upper surface of body covered with minute granules intermixed with small trihedral, strongly keeled tubercles arranged in fourteen to eighteen irregular longitudinal series. Abdominal scales small, eycloid imbricate. Males with four to eight preanal pores, and a 126 GECKONIDA. strong conical tubercle on each side of the base of the tail. Latter cylindrical, slightly depressed, tapering, covered above with minute scales intermixed with large spine-like tubercles forming six longi- tudinal rows; inferiorly with small irregular imbricate scales. Grey-brown above, uniform or with indistinct darker markings ; dirty white beneath. : Total length .......... 111 millim. ORG owiann. deed Ry geet odes Bienes Ti ss Width of head .......- TD ss Bod yor cede nteaes 40 ,, Fore limb ............ 23 —=C,, Hind limb............ 23 C««, Wells gsvcavass duateauns masta 54, West Africa. a-b. SQ. Gaboon. c. Many spec.: 36, 2, & yg. Ambriz, Angola. d. 6. : prerrore Pungo Adongo. Dr. Welwitsch [C.]. e-g. SQ. Carangigo. Dr. Welwitsch [C. 11. Hemidactylus sinaitus. To be distinguished from H. turcicus by the following characters :— Digits very short and with fewer lamelle, viz. five under the inner digits, seven under the fourth finger, and eight under the fourth toe. Rostral not entering the nostril. No enlarged subcaudals. Nine upper and eight lower labials. Dorsal tubercles in fourteen longi- tudinal series. Jour preanal pores. Grey-brown above, most of the dorsal tubercles white. Total length .......... 83 millim. Had. occa cties Aes sg IL. 4 Width of head ......,. TD BOOY peacoacksels 4a arene we 28 —C««, Fore limb ............ 13 Cig, Hind limb ............ 18 Cy, Way. Leese ae eho toes 44 ,, Mount Sinai. ao. Mt. Sinai. 12. Hemidactylus turcicus. Hemidactylus verruculatus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 154, Lacerta turcica, Linn, S. N. i. p. 362. Gecus cyanodactylus, Rajin. Caratt. Nuov. Gener. Spec. Sicil, p. 9. Gecko verruculatus, Cuv. R. A. ii. p. 54. meridionalis, Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Mérid. iii, p. 87. oe granosus, Riippell, Atlas N. Afr., Rept. p. 17, pl.v. el. —— robustus, Riipp. 1. c. p. 19. —— verrucosus, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 50. 23. HEMIDACTYLUS, 127 Hemidactylus triedrus, Bonap. Faun. Ital. ‘ —— verruculatus, Bibr. in Bory, Expéd. Se. Morée, Rept. p. 68, gl x1. fig. 2; Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 8359; Bonap. Amph. Eur. p. 29; e Betta, Faun. Ital, Rett. Anf. p. 20; Schrevb. Herp. Eur. p. 487; Boetiger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1879-80, p. 192, cyanodactylus, Strauch, Erp, Alg. p. 28. —— turcicus, Boetiger, Ber. Offend. Ver. Nat. 187 6, p. 57. —— karachiensis, Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 361, pl.—. fig. 2. Snout rounded, about as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one fourth to once and one third the diameter of the orbit ; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening oval, oblique, not quite half the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits rather variable in the length, the inner always well developed; six to eight lamelle under the inner digits, eight to ten under the fourth finger, and nine to eleven under the fourth toe, Head anteriorly with large granules, posteriorly with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles. Rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; seven to ten upper and six to eight lower labials; mental large, triangular, at least twice as long as the adjacent labials, its point between two large chin-shields, which may be in contact behind it; a smaller chin- shield on each side of the larger pair. Upper surface of body covered with minute granules intermixed with large tubercles; these are generally larger than the interspaces between them, suboval, tri- hedral, and arranged in fourteen or sixteen pretty regular longitu- dinal series. Abdominal scales small, smooth, roundish-hexagonal, imbricate. Males with a short angular series of four to ten (ex- ceptionally two) preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, slightly depressed, tapering, covered above with minute scales and transverse series of large keeled tubercles, inferiorly with a series of large transversely dilated plates. Light brown or greyish above, spotted with darker ; many of the tubercles white ; lower surfaces white. Total length ..... .... 90 millim. Had io as acne cin ans 145 as Width of head ........ 10:5 ,, BOdy sig scs: cus tintin. oe toe 39 CO‘, Fore limb ............ 17 Hind limb............ 23, Tail (reproduced) ...... 37, Borders of the Mediterranean and of the Red Sea; Sind. a-b. 9 Mediterranean. R. Hannah, Esq. [P.]. c,d-g. 9 & yg. 8S. Europe. P. Webb, Esq. [P.]. h. Yg. Spain. : Lord Lilford [P.]. az Yg. , t. Santa Cruz, Algeria. M.F. Lataste [P.]. ke Q. Algeria. M. F. Lataste eS lS. Marsala, Sicily. Dr. O. Boettger f J. m-o. d & yg. Sicily. T. Bell, Esq. [P.]. 128 GECKONIDA. p. Her. Smyrna. J. McAndrew, Esq. [P.]. qg-t. 9 & her, Haifa. Dr. O. Boettger [P.]. wu Q. Road to Euphrates. C. G. Danford, Esq. [P.] vw Q. Egypt. J. Burton, Esq. [P.]. w-z,a-8. 6 2. Kurrachee. J. A. Murray, Esq. [P.]. (As typical of HZ. karachiensis, In the latter specimen (H. karachiensis, Murray) the body is more slender than usual, but the degree of elongation is a character too variable in H. turcicus to be relied upon for distinguishing a species ; the tubercles are also rather smaller, and the ground coloration is very light, the markings, especially the streak passing through the eye, being well accentuated. 1f these characters are constant, they may indicate a distinct race, but, in my opinion, not a species. 18. Hemidactylus brookii. Hemidactylus brookii, Gray, Cat. p. 153. Hemidactylus verruculatus, part., Gray, 1. ¢. p. 154, Hemidactylus cyanodactylus (non Rajin.), Girard, U. S. Evplor. Exped., Herp, p. 254, pl. xxxv. figs. 17-24. —— brookii, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, pl. xv. fig. 2. —— affinis, Steindachn, Sitzb.. Ak, Wien, xii. 1. 1870, p. 328; Boettg. Abh, Senck. Ges. xii. 1881, p. 106. —— guineensis (non Push, Bocage, Jorn. Se, Lisb. iv. 1878, p. 209. Distinguished from H. turcicus in the following points :—Snout more pointed. Infradigital lamelle less numerous, viz. four to six under the inner digits, six or seven under the fourth finger, and seven or eight under the fourth toe. Tubercles smaller, likewise variable in size, in sixteen to twenty longitudinal series on the back. Ventral scales a little larger. Males with a long, frequently un- interrupted series of femoral pores; these number twenty to forty altogether. Hight to ten upper and seven to nine lower labials. Grey-brown above, with darker spots, which are generally large, quadrangular, and forming longitudinal and transverse series, or a ladder-like pattern on the back; a dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye. This species resembles also very much H. indicus, but is distin~ guished by a smaller head, shorter digits, and a greater number of femoral pores. Total length .......... 118 millim. Heads get ucge ey megs Gece 16 O,, Width of head ........ 12. ,, 2BOOY exces dew ecco 42 ,, Fore limb ............ 19 ,, Hindlimb............ 25, SPALL ese aihelwe sc es tees 60, West Africa. 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 129 a,b. g. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [P.}. a 3. tats Lord Derby ny” (Types) d. o. ape Verde. ef. o & yg. Porto Praya. C. Darwin, Esq. [C.] gs. Sierra Leone. H. C. Hart, Esq. [C.]. A. Q. Fernando Po. Myr. Fraser Ne % 9. Old Calabar. Mr. Rutherford [C.]. k-l. SQ. W. Africa, Mr. Dalton [C.]. mno 39. W. Africa. pod. —?P T. Bell, Esq, [P.]. 14. Hemidactylus gleadovii. Hemidactylus maculatus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 153. Hemidactylus maculatus, Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 158; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 107; Stoliezka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 164; Blanford, tom. cit. p. 861; Stoliceka, op. cit. xli. 1872, p. 94; Anders. Zool. W. Yunnan, i. p. 800. ? Gecko tytleri, Tytler, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxiii. 1864, p. 547. Hemidactylus gleadowi, Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 360, pl. —. fig. 3. Head oviform ; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one fourth or once and one third the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave ; ear-opening oval, oblique, about half the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderately dilated, free, inner well developed ; infradigital lamelle with strongly curved anterior border, four to six under the inner digits, six to eight under the median. Head covered anteriorly with convex granular, sometimes keeled, scales, posteriorly with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles ; rostral subtetra- gonal, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; eight to ten upper and seven to nine lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal, twice as long as the adjacent labials; chin-shields generally four, the inner largest, in contact behind the mental. Upper surfaces with minute granular scales intermixed with moderate-sized trihedral strongly-keeled tubercles, the largest not measuring more than one third the diameter of the eye; they form sixteen to twenty pretty regular longitudinal series on the back. Abdominal scales smooth, roundish, imbricate. Males with a series of femoral pores generally interrupted in the middle ; altogether sixteen to twenty-four pores. Tail rounded, tapering, depressed, above with small smooth scales and six or eight longitu- dinal series of large, pointed, strongly keeled tubercles, inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Brownish above, spotted with darker ; a dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye ; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... 117 millim. OAS esses vaecabinr bees sian le 16 OC, Width of head ........ 12, 130 GECKONIDZ. Body vs veleeaaeua ees 44 millim y Fore limb .........+.- 19: Hind limb ...........: 24 —Ci«, Tall: aceite ah esaeae 57 oy East Indian continent ; South China; Ceylon. a od. India. Gen. Hardwicke [P. ]. aj S. India. C. Bowring, Esq. [P.]. e-d. 3D. India. ef. SQ. Sind. J. A. Murray, Esq. [P.]. (As typical of H. gleadowt.) g- 2 dry. Lahore. Dr. Cantor. h-k. 32. Bengal. W. Masters, Esq. [P.]. 1 9. Bombay. Dr. Leith te , m ®. Poona. Dr. Leith [P. ]. np. SQ. Rajpoor. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. grt. dQ. Godavery Valley. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.1. ud. Anamallays. Col. pede ea v. Her. Ceylon. W. Ferguson, Esq. [P.]. w 9. Birma. W. Theobald, Esq. [ P.]. Bigs China. J. Reeves, Esq. [P.]. y. 2 Ningpo. 15. Hemidactylus stellatus. (Prarz XII. fig. 1.) Allied to H. brookw and gleadovii. Snout considerably longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, pointed. Infradigital lamelle few, four or five under the inner digits, six or seven under the fourth finger, and seven or eight under the fourth toe; only the distal of these lamella are well developed, the basal ones being small, tubercle-like. Eight or nine upper and six or seven lower labials. Lepidosis as in H. brookw, the tubercles forming eighteen to twenty-two longitudinal series. Males with eight femoral pores on each side, the two series widely separated. Light chocolate-brown above ; most of the dorsal tubercles darker, the others pure white; two dark cross bands on scapular region, followed by others less distinct ; a dark streak on the side of the head passing through the eye; tail with rings of white tubercles ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 105 millim. Gad tet aciicnd. sara beegarees 14. Ci, Width of head ........ 11, Body iaiey onc gee ies 37s Fore limb ............ 17, Hind limb ............ 22, Wail: cos areiq pasate ead Hate 54 Ci, West Africa, a. 3. Gambia. Mr. Dalton (C.1. b-0. Q. W. Africa. Mr. Dalton fot d-g. dQ. W, Africa, 23, HEMIDACTYLUS, 131 16. Hemidactylus guineensis. Hemidactylus guineensis, Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac, 1868, p. 640. “ Very closely allied to H. turcicus: distinguished by the smaller and more numerous tubercles, which form twenty or twenty-two longitudinal rows on the back, and by the small number of infra- digital lamelle, viz. two or three under the inner digits and four or five under the others. Ten or cleven upper and eight lower labials. ue young has three broad dark bands across the back.” uinea. 17. Hemidactylus persicus. Hemidactylus persicus, Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 878, fig. 2; Blanford, Zool. E. Persia, p. 842, and Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlv. 1876, p. 18. Snout rather acuminate, as long as the distance between the eye and the upper border of the ear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; interorbital space very narrow ; upper eyelid strongly fringed ; ear-opening large, obliquely crescentic, the concavity being directed forwards and upwards, its diameter equalling three fourths that of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits free, moderately dilated, inner well developed ; infradigital lamellz obliquely curved ; ten lamell~ under the thumb, ten under the third finger, nine under the inner toe, and twelve under the third toe. Snout covered with large convex granular scales, largest between the eye and the nostril ; hinder part of head with minute granules, and scattered ones of a larger size. Rostral four times as broad as high (having fused with the anterior labial on each side); nostril above the rostral, between the latter and three nasals; ten or eleven upper and nine lower labials; mental large, triangular, twice as long as the adjacent labial, its point between two large chin-shields which are in contact behind it; a small chin-shield on each side of the large pair. Upper surface of body covered with small irregular flat granules and moderately large, trihedral, strongly keeled tubercles arranged in fourteen or sixteen rather irregular longitudinal series; the largest tubercles measure about one fourth the diameter of the eye. Abdominal scales small, smooth, rounded, imbricate. Male with a short angular series of eight preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered above with small, irregular, imbricate smooth scales and scattered pointed tubercles forming four or six longitudinal series, inferiorly with a series of transversely dilated plates. Dr. Anderson describes the colour as “pale yellowish brown, with six faint brownish transverse narrow dorsal bands, the tubercles in these areas being almost black ; a dark brown streak from the nostrils through the eye above the ear, with a whitish line above it; lips whitish.” The unique specimen in the collection is uniform whitish (bleached?). Total length .......... 149 millim. e663 stead aercgecet LOi~ . oy Width of head ........ 14. 3, 132 GECKONIDE. Body ....... isa ented 50 millim Fore limb ............ 22 —=C«w, Hind limb............ 98 4, Pall cc aktescrearres 80. ,, Persia ; Sind. 3s Near Rohri, Sind. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. . 18. Hemidactylus maculatus. Hemidactylus maculatus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 163. Hemidactylus maculatus, part., Dum. & Bubr. iii. p. 358, —— sykesii (Gray), Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 108, pl. xii. fig. C. Head large, oviform; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one fourth the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave ; canthus rostralis swollen ; ear-opening large, oval. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderately dilated, free, inner well developed; infradigital lamellae almost perfectly straight, nine to eleven under the inner digits, twelve or thirteen under the median. Head covered anteriorly with convex granular scales, smaller in the frontal concavity, posteriorly with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles; rostral subtetragonal, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced be- tween the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; ten to twelve upper and nine or ten lower labials; mental large, triangular or pentagonal, twice as long as the adjacent labials; two pairs of chin-shields, inner largest, elongate, in contact behind the mental. Upper surfaces with minute granular scales intermixed with mode- rate-sized trihedral, more or less strongly keeled tubercles, the largest not measuring more than one third the diameter of the eye ; they are arranged very irregularly on the back, in about twenty longitudinal series. Abdominal scales smooth, roundish, imbricate. Males with a long series of preanal pores, nineteen to twenty-five on each side, interrupted on the preanal region. Tail rounded, tapering, depressed, above with small irregular keeled scales, and six or eight longitudinal series of large trihedral tubercles ; inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Brown above, with darker spots, generally confluent into transverse undulated bands on the back ; two more or less distinct dark streaks on each side of the head, passing through the eye ; lower surfaces dirty white. Total length .......... 244 millim. Head ici sect casous as 32 Ca, Width of head ........ 24. (C, Body! ser woxe dk slanac 82: ,, Fore limb ............ 40, Hind limb ............ bl ,, Weil ggcie on Perec oes 130 ,, India. 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 133 a do. Deccan, Col. Sykes [P.]. (Type of EL. sykesii.) b-c,d, $9. Matheran. Dr. Leith [P.]. e-k. SQ. Salem. Col. Beddome [C.}. tn $9. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.}. op o & yg. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C,}. 19. Hemidactylus triedrus. Hemidactylus trihedrus, Gray, Cat. p- 162. Gecko triedrus, Daud. Rept. iv. p. 155. Hemidactylus triedrus, Lesson, in Bélang. Voy. Ind. Or. p. 811, pl. v. fig.1; Dum. § Bibr, iii. p. 356, pl. xxviii. fig. 8; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun, Zeyl. p. 157; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 107 ; Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soc, Beng. xli. 1872, p. 93; Blanford, op. cit. xlviii. 1879, p. 124. —— (Tachybates) triedrus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 106. Head large, oviform; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave ; ear-opening large, suboval, oblique, mea- suring about half the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate. Digits free, moderately dilated, inner well developed ; infradigital lamelle slightly oblique, six or seven under the inner digits, eight to ten under the median digits. Snout covered with convex granules, which may be keeled; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with roundish tubercles. Rostral subquadrangular, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; eight to ten upper and seven or eight lower labials ; mental large, trian- gular or pentagonal, at least twice as long as the adjacent labials ; four chin-shields, median pair largest and in contact behind the mental. Upper surface of body covered with small flat granular scales, and large trihedral tubercles arranged in sixteen to twenty more or less irregular longitudinal series ; these tubercles vary some- what in size according to specimens, but the largest never exceed two fifths the diameter of the eye. Abdominal scales large, smooth, rounded, imbricate. Males with a series of preanal pores, inter- rupted medially ; six to eight pores on each side. Tail rounded, feebly depressed, tapering, covered above with irregular, small, smooth inbricated scales and rings of large, pointed, keeled tubercles, infe- riorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Light pinkish brown above, generally with more or less defined transverse darker bands bordered by pure white tubercles surrounded by deep- brown rings; young very regularly barred with dark brown, there being four dark bars between head and hind limbs; a more or less defined dark-brown streak, white-edged above, on the side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces white. Specimen 4 has five white, deep-brown-edged cross bars, one just behind the head, the second on scapula, two on the back, and the last on sacrum. 134 GECKONIDE. Total length ........ 192 millim. Head. 23. ninnee eats 21, Width of head ........ 16 =CS, Body. =. .055G onectan RE EO TO 55 Fore limb..... Saaiabeaed 25s, Hind limb............ 31s, Vall care ates tee 98 India; Ceylon. a3. Madras. Sir W. Elliot EES 6. Her. Madras. Sir J. Boileau [P.]. c-f. 3, her, & yg. Madras. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. g. Several spec.: hgr. & yg. Cauvery. Col. Beddome (C. ]. h, Yg. Sevagherry. Col. Beddome [C. ]. a. Ajmeer. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. hk. o. India. Sir J. McGregor (Pt 1, Several spec.: ¢ ,hgr., & yg. India. mo. eres era ae India. Haslar Collection. 20, Hemidactylus subtriedrus. Hemidactylus subtriedrus, Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 467; Stoliczka, op. cit, xli. 1872, p. 93, pl. ii. fig. 1. Differs from H. triedrus in the following points :—Head more depressed. Infradigital lamellee more numerous, ten under the thumb, eleven under the median finger, nine under the inner toe, and twelve under the median toe. Ventralscales smaller. Ten lower labials. Light brown above, with five undulated dark-brown cross bands on the body, the anterior on the neck, confluent with a dark streak passing through the eye and light-edged above. Total length .......... 114 millim. BAG soon) eset ttre nce ITs Width of head ........ 12 Body sic o4 pe cig oo waters 40 ,, Fore limb ............ 19 Oy, Hind limb ............ 26, Tail: -gaigsegueeeianes 57, Ellore. a Q. Kamarmet Sircar, near W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. Bhadrachalam. 21. Hemidactylus depressus. Hemidactylus depressus, Gray, Cat, p. 153. Nubilia argentii, Gray, J. c. p. 278. Hemidactylus depressus, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 58, and Zool. Erebus § Terror, pl. xv. fig. 1. pieresii, Kelaart, Prodr. Faun, Zeyl. p. 159; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 94. Head oviform ; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and one third or once and one fourth the 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 135 diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening oblique, nearly half the diameter of the eye. Body and limbs moderate, The skin forms a fold on each side of the belly, from axilla to groin. Digits distinctly webbed at the base, moderately dilated, inner well developed, with curved, scarcely oblique lamellw ; latter, seven (or six) under the inner digits, nine or ten under the median fingers, ten or eleven under the median toes. Snout covered with granular scales, largest in front of the orbits; hinder part of head with minute granules intermixed with round tubercles; rostral sub- quadrangular, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; ten to twelve upper and eight to ten lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal, twice as long as the adjacent labials ; four large chin-shields, median pair largest, forming a long suture behind the point of the mental. Upper surface of body covered with small flat granules intermixed with trihedral tubercles, forming sixteen to twenty very irregular longitudinal series ; the largest tubercles measure about one fourth the diameter of the eye. Abdominal scales moderate, smooth, rounded, imbricate, Males with a long series of femoral pores interrupted medially ; seventeen or eighteen pores on each side. Tail tapering, much de- pressed, flat inferiorly, with angular lateral edge; it is covered above with small pointed imbricated scales, which are enlarged and raised on the sides, forming a strong denticulation, and six or eight series of spine-like tubercles forming rings; a median series of regular transversely dilated plates inferiorly. Upper parts light brown, marbled or cross-barred with brown; a dark brown, above white- edged streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 156 millim. GE oo a5 the sere pcre ar 22 Width of head ........ Lhe 33 BODY ie clei ese easy 58 Cy, Fore limb ............ 26 Cy, Hind limb ............ 35, Maa Ts fears cseertagg cet savanets Or) Js Ceylon; Malayan peninsula. a, 6. 3. Gia P (Types.) , dy e. & ye. eylon. 7%, iede Coen, ©. R. Buller, Esq. [P.]._ g- &. Singapore. (Type of Nubilia argentit.) 22. Hemidactylus kushmorensis. Hemidactylus kushmorensis, Murray, Ann, Mag. N. H. (5) xiv. 1884, p. 109. Seven lamellae under the middle toe. Crown of the head interspersed with numerous round tubercles; nostril between the 136 GECKONID.&. rostral, the first labial, and three small nasals ; ten upper and eight lower labials ; two pairs of chin-shields, the first only in contact. Back with rounded tubercles arranged in twenty-two longitudinal series; a fow tubercles between the hind legs are subtrihedral ; ten to twelve femoral pores on each side. Tail verticillate, each verticil armed laterally with three rows of rather elongate subtrihedral tubercles; inferiorly with a single series of transverse plates. Colours neutral grey or brown, with three rows of squarish dark blotches; forming either longitudinal or obliquely transverse in- terrupted bands; a few smaller spots on the sides; a dark streak through the eye with a pale line above it; tail with dark cross bands. Upper Sind. 23. Hemidactylus leschenaultii. Hemidactylus leschenaultii, Gray, Cat. p. 155. Hemidactylus bellii, Gray, J. ¢. Hemidactylus leschenaultii, Dum. §& Bibr. iii. p. 364; Jerd. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 468; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 109; Blanf. Proc, As. Soc. Beng. 1871, p. 173; Stoliczka, op. cit. p. 198, and Journ, As. Soc, Beng. xli. 1872, p. 97. (Tachybates) leschenaultii, Fitzeng. Syst. Rept. p. 105. —— coctei (non D. & B.), Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 160. —— pustulosus, Lichtenst. Nomencl. Rept. Mus. Berol. p. 5. coctei, part., Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 109. —— kelaartii, Theobald, Cat. Rept. As. Soc. Mus. p. 29. —— marmoratus (non Hallow.), Blanf. Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xxxix, 1870, p. 363, pl. xvi. figs. 1-3. Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and one third or once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave, the supraorbital ridges prominent in full-grown specimens; ear-opening rather large, oval, vertical. Body and limbs moderate. A slight fold of the skin on the side of the belly, from axilla to groin. Digits free, strongly dilated, inner well developed; six or seven (rarely five) lamelle under the inner digits, nine to eleven under the median digits. Head covered with minute granules posteriorly, with larger ones anteriorly ; rostral four-sided, not quite twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, three nasals, and generally the first labial; ten to twelve upper and eight or nine lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal ; two pairs of chin-shields, inner largest and in contact behind the mental. Upper surface of body covered with small granules, uniform or intermixed with more or less numerous scattered round tubercles. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate. Males with a series of femoral pores interrupted on the preanal region; twelve to sixteen pores on each side. Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, covered above with small smooth scales and six longitudinal series of conical tubercles; in- feriorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Grey above, with darker markings, forming undulated cross bars, rhom- 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 187 boidal spots on the middle of the back, or regular longitudinal bands; a dark band from the eye to the shoulder ; lower surfaces white. Total length ........., 162 millim. Heidi. .6 5 soe viewer ec’ 22. —C,, Width of head ........ 18, Body isasy beda'deniaweneans 58 C,, Fore limb ............ "31 Hind limb .......... 37S, Me es ach eat ea 82 Cy, India; Ceylon ; Malay peninsula. ab. SQ. Ganjam. F. Day, Esq. [P.]. ad. Near Ellore. W. T. Blantord, Esq. [P.]. d. 3. Nagpur. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. e-h, i,k, SQ. Godavery Valley. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. tn. & & her. Madras. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. te o. Her, Poona. Dr. Leith [P.]. pd. Anamallays. Col. Beddome [C.]. gq. Several spec., ¢ 9. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C.]. rt. BQ. Ceylon. G. Pj K. Thwaites, Esq. ud. Ceylon. w Ferguson, Esq. [P.]. vw. oO. Pinang. Dr. Cantor. wd. P T. Bell, Esq. [P.]. (Type of Hemidactylus bellid) 24, Hemidactylus coctei. Boltalia sublevis, Gray, Cat. p. 158. Hemidactylus coctei, Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 365; Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p. 23; Steindachn. Novara, Rept. p.18; Stoliceka, Journ. As. Soc, Beng. xli. 1872, p. 98; Giinth, Ann. Mag. N.'H. (4) ix. 1872, p. 86, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 224; Blanf. Proc, Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 636; Murray, Zool, Sind, p. 359. Boltalia sublevis, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 58. Hoplopodion cocteaui, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 104. Henidariyna coctei, part., Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 109, —— hbengalensis, Anders. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xl, 1871, p. 14. Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and one third to once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave; ear-opening rather large, oval, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits free, strongly dilated, inner well developed, with nearly straight lamelle inferiorly; latter nine or ten (rarely eight) under the inner digits, and eleven to thirteen under the median digits. Head covered with minute granules posteriorly, with larger ones anteriorly ; rostral four-sided, not quite twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals ; twelve to fifteen upper and ten to eleven lower labials; mental large, tri- angular or pentagonal; two or three pairs of chin-shields, median largest and in contact behind the mental. Upper surfaces covered 138 G@ECKONIDS, with small granules, among which some larger ones are sometimes scattered on the sides. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, im- bricate. Male with a short series of five or six femoral pores under each thigh. Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, covered above with small smooth scales and four or six longitudinal series of conical tubercles ; inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Grey above, uniform or with indistinct darker marblings; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 157 millim Fea, vse secs msersialal ss 20 4, Width of head ........ 16. CO, BOW tise ese gees eee 56 CO, Fore limb ............ 28 —C, Hind limb............ 34, Wein oss wise Gist oushe wie Slo 55 India; Malay peninsula. a. 3. India. (Type of Boltalia sublevis.) 6, e-d. 2 & her. India. ef. 39. India. W. Masters, Esq. Let g-h. O. Patna. W. Masters, Esq. [| P. az @. Calcutta. Dr, Anderson. (One of the types of Hemidactylus bengalensis.) ke. Ellore. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 1 9. Bombay. Dr. Leith [P.]. m. 3. Pinang. Dr. Cantor. 25. Hemidactylus giganteus. Hemidactylus pieanieuss Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 99, pl. ii. fig. 2; Blanf. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 636. —— coctei, part., Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (4) ix. 1872, p. 86. Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-open- ing, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave ; ear-opening rather large, suboval, vertical. Body and limbs stout. Digits free, inner well developed, strongly dilated, with straight transverse lamelle inferiorly ; latter, eleven or twelve under the inner digits, thirteen to fifteen under the median digits. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small granular scales, somewhat larger on the snout, smallest on the hinder part of the head.. Ros- tral quadrangular, not quite twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals; twelve to fifteen upper and eleven to thirteen lower labials; mental large, pentagonal; two pairs of chin-shields, inner largest. Abdominal scales rather small, cycloid, imbricate. Male with a series of femoral pores inter- rupted medially; nineteen to twenty-two pores on each side. Tail without large tubercles. Olive-grey above, with irregular dark, pale- edged marks in imperfect circles, inclined to form, or forming, four or five transverse undulating bands on the body ; below uniform white. 23, HEMIDACTYLUS. 189 Total length .......... 217 millim. Headless ciate ecarste aoe 32 CO««, Width of head ......., 26 CO@« BOY iain Paes hess xh as 90 Cy, Fore limb ............ 44 ,, Hind limb............ 52. C,, Tail (reproduced) ...... 95, India, a os. Godavery Valley. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. (One of the types.) 6,¢,d. SQ. Godavery Valley. W.T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. ed. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C.]. 26. Hemidactylus bowringii. (Puare XII. fig. 2.) Doryura bowringii, Gray, Oat. p. 156. Leiurus berdmorei, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 646, Doryura berdmorei, Theob. Journ. Linn, Soc. x. 1868, p. 29. Hemidactylus (Doryura) berdmorei, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 100; Blanf. Proc, Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 637. cocteei, part., Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (4) 1x. 1872, p. 86, Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-open- ing, once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit; forehead slightly concave; ear-opening small, roundish. Body and limbs moderate ; a slight fold of the skin along the flank. Digits free, moderately dilated, inner well developed; infradigital lamelle obliquely curved, five under the thumb, seven or eight under the fourth finger, five or six under the first toe, and nine or ten under the fourth toe. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small granular scales, largest on the snout, smallest on the occiput. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three or four nasals; nine to eleven upper and seven or eight lower Jabials; mental large, triangular, followed by a pair of chin-shields; an outer pair of much smaller chin-shields. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate. Male with a series of preanal pores, interrupted medially, composed of thirteen pores on each side. Tail depressed, rounded, oval in sec- tion, covered above with uniform small scales, inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Light brown above, with darker spots, having sometimes a tendency to form four longi- tudinal bands on the back; frequently small whitish spots on the body and limbs; a dark streak passing through the eye; tail above with small chevron-shaped markings ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 97 millim. Head ....... ie. ates AD 5 Width of head.......... 8 x» Body: ccgurtucea sev evs Bb oy 140 GECKONID&. Fore limb ............ 14 millim. Hind limb ............ V7, Pat aie aes aaseinaccte wee eat 54, Birma ; Northern and Central India. a-b. 3 & yg. —-? C. Bowring, Esq. [P.]. (Types. a fo —? C. Bowring, Esq. [P.}. d. 9. Minhla, Birma. Marquis G. Doria [P.]. e-f. 9. Pegu. W. Theobald, Esq. [C.]. g. Q. Sikkim. Col. Beddome. h Q. Godavery Valley. W.T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. 27. Hemidactylus karenorum. Doryura karenorum, Theobald, Journ. Linn, Soc. x. 1868, p. 30. Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and one third or once and two fifths the diameter of the orbit; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening small, roundish. Body and limbs moderate; a slight fold of the skin along the sides of the belly, and another bordering the thighs posteriorly. Digits free, moderately dilated, inner well developed ; infradigital lamelle obliquely curved, five under the thumb, nine under the fourth finger, five or six under the first toe, and ten to twelve under the fourth toe. Head covered with minute granules posteriorly, with larger ones anteriorly ; rostral four-sided, not quite twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; eleven or twelve upper and seven to nine lower labials; mental large, triangular; two pairs of chin- shields. Upper surfaces of body covered with minute granules intermixed with numerous small convex round tubercles. Abdo- minal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate. Male without preanal or femoral pores(?). Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, with sharp den- ticulated lateral edge; the scales on the upper surface very small, equal ; those on the lower surface larger, imbricate, with a median series of large transversely dilated plates. Light grey-brown above, with rather indistinct darker variegation ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 106 millim. HGad 2 oe aa seraduaise re yes 14, Width of head ........ BD a5 BOd Pose sid sia Gites eee 36 Cy, Fore limb ............ 17 sa, Hind limb. . se seccenia s 21. xs MOU ay ast raaupadradets wate 56 Birma. a-b, 2. Pegu. W. Theobald, Esq. [P.]. 23. HEMIDACTYLUS. 141 28. Hemidactylus blanfordii. Head much depressed; snout rather pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening small, suboval. Body and limbs moderate; a very slight fold of the skin along the flanks. Digits free, moderately dilated, inner well deve- loped ; infradigital lamelle obliquely curved, six under the thumb and inner toe, ten under the fourth finger, and eleven under the fourth toe. Upper surfaces covered with uniform minute granules. Rostral four-sided, with median cleft above; nostril pierced be- tween the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals ; thirteen upper and eleven lower labials ; mental large, triangular, followed by two pairs of chin-shields, one behind the other, the anterior pair forming a suture, the second pair separated. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate. Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, with sharpish denticulated lateral edge, covered above with uniform granules, inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Reddish brown above, with small round yellowish spots; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 72 millim. Head. cc ctor eeeaaiey 14... Width of head.......... 65 ,, Body: -sisitscraxenkinys 24 =, Fore limb.............- 12 ~=«4,, Hind limb ............ 15 43 Peal utstenad ache we eiaces 37 os Himalayas. a. 9 Darjeeling. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 29. Hemidactylus peruvianus. Hemidactylus peruvianus, Gray, Cat. p. 156. ie Hemidactylus peruvianus, Wiegm. Nova Acta Ac. Leop.-Carol, xvii. i, 1885, p. 240; Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 369. Hoplopodion (Microdactylus) peruvianum, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 104, Body covered above with uniform granules. Digits free, slightly dilated. Two pairs of chin-shields, one behind the other, the anterior elongate-pentagonal, the posterior smaller and roundish. Tail tapering, depressed, the lateral edges obtusely angular, with a denticulation of spine-like scales. Grey above, marbled with blackish, witn indistinct whitish round spots; white inferiorly. Tacna, Peru. 30. Hemidactylus garnotii. Doryura garnotii, Gray, Cat. p. 157. Hemidactylus gamolil, Dun. § Bibr. iii. p. 868 ; Bouleng. Proc, Zool Soc, 1883, p. 118, pl. xxii. fig. 1. Hoplopodion (Onychopus) gamnotii, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 104. 142 GECKONIDA. Doryura vulpecula, Girard, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1857, p. 197, and U.S, Explor. Exped., Herp. p. 286, pl. xxiv. figs. 17-24. Hemidactylus ludekingii, Bleek. Nat. Tijds, Ned. Ind. xvi. 1859, 27, Deryor gaudama, Theob. Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 1868, p. 30. Hemidactylus (Doryura) mandellianus, Stoliceka, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xli, 1872, p. 101, pl. iii. figs. 1, 2. Snout obtusely pointed, much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; forehead slightly concave; ear-opening small, rounded. Body and limbs moderate. A slight but distinct fold of the skin along the flanks, and another bordering the hind limb posteriorly. Digits with a very slight rudiment of web, moderately dilated, inner well developed ; infradigital lamelle oblique, six or seven under the inner digits, ten to twelve under the fourth finger, and thirteen or fourteen under the fourth toe. Upper surfaces and throat covered with minute granular scales, a little larger on the snout ; abdominal scales moderate, imbricate. Rostral subquadrangular, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral and three nasals ; twelve or thirteen upper and nine or ten lower labials; mental large, triangular, in contact posteriorly with a pair of pentagonal chin-shields, followed by a second smaller’pair; the anterior pair of chin-shields in contact with the first infralabial, and with each other medially ; the posterior pair separated from each other, and also completely or nearly completely from the labials, Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, with sharp denticulated lateral edge; the scales on the upper surface very small, equal; those on the lower surface larger, imbricate, with a median series of large, transversely dilated plates. Brownish grey above, uniform or with more or less distinct brown and whitish spots; lower surfaces uniform whitish. [Theo- bald mentions nineteen pores on each thigh in his Doryura gaudama, which appears to me, from the short description, identical with, and the male of, the present species. | Total length .......... 129 millim. SLO ACY fia una cts eee atte es 16. CO, Width of head ........ 10g, Body. sate tere ays a esiy 44 ,, Fore limb ............ 20, Hind limb............ T 55 Wall sede Say yaoi wate ms 69, South Pacific islands ; Indian archipelago; Philippines; Birma; Sikkim. a Q. South-Sea Islands. ba . New Caledonia. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. a 9. Agam. Dr. Bleeker. (As typical of AL, ludekingii.) ad. 9. Philippines. 6a Qs Sikkim. (One of the types of H. mandel- anus.) fe Q. Birma. F. Day, Esq. [P.]. 23, HEMIDACTYLUS. 143 31. Hemidactylus richardsonii. (Puare XII. fig. 3.) Velernesia richardsonii, Gray, Cat. p. 156. Snout rounded, a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, as long as the diameter of the orbit; ear- opening moderately large, vertical, oval. Body and limbs stout. A fold of the skin from axilla to groin, and another bordering the hind limb posteriorly. Digits one third webbed, strongly dilated, inner well developed ; infradigital lamelle nearly straight, six under the thumb, nine under the fourth finger, seven under the inner toe, and ten under the fourth toe. Upper surfaces covered with small granules, largest on the snout, smallest on the occiput ; a few larger granules are scattered among the dorsal ones; abdominal scales very small, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Rostral four-sided, twice as broad as high, with median cleft; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; eleven upper and nine lower labials; mental broadly triangular ; two chin-shields, in con- tact behind the rostral. Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, with sharp denticulated lateral edge, covered above with small imbricate scales and transverse series of four conical tubercles, inferiorly with a median series of large transversely dilated plates. Grey above, with small brown markings ; a dark-brown band on each side of head and body, passing through the eye. Total length .......... 159 millim, Head! vive aiencqiae ved 21, Width of head ........ 18 ,, Body gic ew se culiaw as 59, * Fore limb ..........-. BT 5 Hind limb ............ 35 oy, PAT, oy c-5- eb a wea aul GO 35 Hab. ——? a. Q. —? Sir J. Richardson [P.]. (Type.) 32. Hemidactylus platyurus. Platyurus schneiderianus, Gray, Cat. p. 157. Stellio platyurus, Schneid, Amph. Phys. i. p. 30, and Denkschr, Ak, Miinch. 1811, p. 62, pl. i. fig. 3. Lacerta schneideriana, Shaw, Zool. iii. p. 278, Gecko platyurus, Merr, Syst. Amph. p. 41. —— marginatus, Cuv. RB. A, ii. p. 54. . Hemidactylus platyurus, Wiegm. Nova Acta Ac. Leop.-Carol. xvii. i. 1835, p. 288; Cantor, Catal. Mal. Rept. p. 24. —— marginatus, Gray, Griff. A. K, ix. Syn. p. 61; Dum. & Bibr, iii. p. 370, pl. xxx. fig. 2. E Hoplopodion (Cosymbotus) platyurum, Fitz, Syst. Rept. p. 104, Crossurus platyurus, Girard, U.S. Explor, Exped., Herp. p, 281, Nycteridium schueideri, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 111. — himalayanum, Anders. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xd. 1871, p. 15. — platyurus, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc, Beng. xli, 1872, p. 108, 144 GECKONID#, Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead con- cave ; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Body and limbs moderate, much depressed; a cutaneous expansion from axilla to groin, and another bordering the hind limb posteriorly. Digits strongly dilated, about half-webbed, inner well developed; five or six lamelle under the inner, and seven to nine under the median digits. Upper sur- faces covered with uniform small granules, largest on the snout. Rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; nine to eleven upper and seven or eight lower labials ; mental large, triangular or pentagonal, in contact with two large chin-shields, followed by two smaller ones. Abdominal scales moderate, cycloid, imbricate. Male with an uninterrupted series of femoral pores, seventeen or eighteen on each side. Tail much de- pressed, flat inferiorly, with sharp denticulated lateral edge, covered above with uniform small granules, inferiorly with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Grey above, marbled with darker; generally a dark streak from eye to shoulder; white beneath. Total length .......... 113 millim. OAM 5a ata, Gcachleve tenes 15, Width of head ......., We. vey Body. sews See ste es 41 ,, Fore limb ............ 20 4, Hind limb ............ 24 —C,, Vals aechasonuiveraes IDE Sy Ceylon; North India; South China; Indo-China; Malay penin- sula; East-Indian archipelago. a-b. 2. Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. ad. at nae Col. Beddome. j d. Yg. ong Kong. C. Bowring, Esq. [P.]. e-f. 2 Gamboja. M. Moat’ On C g. @. Siam. M. Mouhot [C.]. h. @. Siam. C. Bowring, Esq. [P.]. a. Siam. W. H. Newman, Esq. [P.]. km. Q & her. Pinang. Dr. Cantor. n-0. dQ. Philippines. p. Q. Dinagat Island. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. q. Q. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [ P.]. rs. Q. Java. Leyden Museum. t. 9. Java. Dr. Bleeker. u. Ye. Java. Mrs. Lyon [P.]. v @. Manado. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. 24, TERATOLEPIS. Teratolepis, Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 504. Digits dilated, inferiorly with a double series of lamelle, with elongate compressed distal joint rising from within the extremity 24, TERATOLEPIS_-25. PHYLLOPEZUS. 145 of the dilated part; all clawed. Ear-opening concealed. Body ae with large strongly imbricated scales. Pupil 2 ndia. 1. Teratolepis fasciata. Homonota fasciata, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 468. Teratolepis fasciata, Guinth. i. ¢. p. 505. Body somewhat depressed ; limbs rather long and slender. Head covered’ with polygonal flat scales. Seven lower labials; mental large, triangular; two larger anterior chin-shields, in contact behind the mental, followed by others passing gradually into the small gular granules. Dorsal scales large, lozenge-shaped, slightly keeled; ventral scales much smaller, smooth. Tail depressed, swollen, tapering at the end, covered with imbricate irregular scales, some of those of the upper surface being extremely large. Greyish above, with five brown longitudinal bands, which at regular intervals are interrupted by white spots forming cross bands; seven of these cross bands on the neck and trunk. Length of head 13 millim., body 25, tail 25. Central and North-western India. a, Very bad state. Sind. Dr, Leith [P.]. 25. PHYLLOPEZUS. Phyllopezus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1877, p. 415. “A single series of lamella under the base of the fingers and toes, the two distal phalanges of all five fingers and toes narrowed and furnished with a claw.” “Distinguished from Gehyra by the first finger and toe being provided with a narrow distal joint and a claw.” Brazil. 1. Phyllopezus goyazensis. Phyllopezus goyazensis (Behn), Peters, J. c. pl. —. fig. 1. “Head rather elongate, with rather flat snout; latter covered with small oval scales to between the eyes, where they gradually pass into the minute granulation of the hinder part of the head. Nine upper labials, the two last small; also nine lower labials, the three last smallest. Mental very large; behind it two larger hexa- gonal chin-shields, followed by a second transverse row of three other chin-shields, the median one being almost as large as those of the anterior row. Hinder part of head, neck, and base of tail finely granulate, with scattered roundish tubercles which are not larger than the scales on the snout. The ear-cleft, which is obliquely directed downwards and forwards, is furnished anteriorly and pos- teriorly with short spine-like scales. The reproduced tail, with smooth scales scarcely smaller than the ventrals; on the lower L 146 GECKONIDEX. surface of the tail a row of broad band-like plates. On each side near the vent an oblique row of three spine-like prominent scales. Neither preanal nor femoral pores.” “‘ Grey-brown, with brown transverse band-like spots.” Goyaz, Brazil. 26. ARISTELLIGER. Avistelliger, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad, 1861, p. 496. Idiodactylus, Bocourt, Miss, Sc. Mex., Rept. p. 41. Digits slender at the base, free, strongly dilated at the extremity, furnished with undivided transverse lamelle inferiorly ; distal pha- langes, except of thumbs, free, elongate, compressed, raised, clawed ; inner digits short, scarcely dilated at the base, the apex dilated into a small disk with a circular plate inferiorly, and provided with a sheathed retractile claw, the sheath opening laterally and inwards. Upper surfaces covered with granular scales; belly with cycloid imbricated scales. Pupil vertical. Eyelid distinct all round the eye. No femoral nor preanal pores. West Indies; Central America. 1. Aristelliger presignis. Hemidactylus presignis, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad. 1856, p. 222. Aristelliger preesigniis, Cope, /. c. Idiodactylus georgeensis, Bocourt, J. c. pl. x. fig. 1. Head moderate, elongate ; snout obtusely conical, considerably longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds or once and three fourths the diameter of the orbit ; ear-opening moderate, oval, oblique, its greatest diameter about half that of the orbit. Body and limbs moderate ; digits unequal ; about thirteen lamelle under the fourth toe. Head and upper surfaces covered with small granular scales; abdominal scales moderate. Upper eyelid with a/small spine-like scale. Rostral broad, with median cleft above, entering the nostril; eight upper and as many lower labials; mental large, pentagonal, extending beyond the labials, bordered on each side by a small chin-shield, Tail slender, cylindrical, tapering, compressed distally, longer than head and body, covered above with small, flat, slightly imbricated scales, inferiorly with a central series of transversely dilated plates. Brown above, generally with darker cross bars on the back and tail and a dark spot above axilla; sometimes with whitish dots; a dark streak on each side of the head, passing through the eye; lips white-spotted; flanks reticulated with dark brown; lower surfaces whitish, throat with brown marblings or oblique streaks. Total length Heady. eenieiac mie van 28 Body he tereiinn canon tt ‘68 26. ARISTELLIGER.—27. GEHYRA, 147 Fore limb ....... ..... 83 millim. Hind limb............ 42 ,, Ma ee oP ae as oleae 130, Jamaica; St. George Island, Belize. a-c,d-g. Adult & her, Jamaica. P. H. Gosse, Esq. [P.}. h, Adult. Jamaica. F. Beckford, Esq. [P.]. 2 Ye. Jamaica, k, Adult. —?P 2. Aristelliger lar. Aristelliger lar, Cope, 1. ¢. p. 497. Differs from the preceding in the following points :—Anterior mandibulary teeth longer than the median. Subdigital lamellw More numerous, about twenty-one beneath the fourth toe. Size larger, about 130 millim. from snout to vent. Colour above grey, with numerous brown spots, especially upon the scapular and ischiatic regions ; crown and front dark; labial region varied; an indistinct brown band extends posteriorly from the orbit, bordered below by a pale one, not more visible. 8. Domingo, 27. GEHYRA*. Peropus (non Beechey), Wiegm. N. Acta Ac. Leop.-Carol. xvii. i. 1835, p. 238; Fitzng. Syst. Rept. p. 103; Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 159. Hemidactylus, part., Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 20; Dum. & Bibr. iii. . 344, Geter, Gray, Zool, Mise. p. 57, and Cat, Liz. p. 162. Perodactylus, Fitzing. 1. ¢. Dactyloperus, Fitzing. 1. e. Peripia, Gray, Cat. Loz. p. 158. Peripia, part., Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 110. Digits strongly dilated, free or webbed at the base, inferiorly with undivided or medially divided transverse lamelle ; distal phalanges free, elongate, compressed, clawed, raised from within the extremity of the dilatation; inner digits without free distal phalange, clawless, or with a very indistinct retractile claw. Upper surfaces covered with granular scales; belly with cycloid imbricated scales. Pupil vertical. Males with femoral or praanal pores. East Indies; Australia; islands of the Indian and South-Pacific Oceans ; west coast of Mexico. * Peripia papuensis, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. ii. p. 97.—Katow, N. Guinea. P. ornata, id. ibid. p. 98—Port Moresby. P. longicauda, id, ibid.—Endeavour River. P. dubia, id. ibid.—Cape Grenville. P. marmorata, id. ibid.—Katow. P. brevicaudis, id. ibid.—Daruley Island. " L \ 148 GECKONIDA. Synopsis of the Species. I. Digital lamelle divided by a median groove. A. A fold of the skin bordering the hind limb posteriorly. Inner pair of chin-shields very large; rostral quadrangular ; 8 or 9 upper and 6 or 7 lower labials ; tail normally with a sharp- ish lateral edge .......... 0... ee eee 1. mutilata, p. 148. Chin-shields shorter; rostral horseshoe - BNA POM pesca rmathey Maw oalggaea ure lade ese 2. baliola, p. 150. Chin-shields smaller ; 10 upper and 9 lower labials ; tail without lateral keel ...... 3. brevipalmata, Chin-shields small and polygonal ; tail with [p. 150. a sharp serrated lateral edge .......... 4. neglecta, p. 150. B. Hind limb without cutaneous fold; digits free or with a very slight rudiment of web. Scales a good deal smaller on the median line of the back than on the sides; male with about 40 femoral pores .......... 5. insulensis, p. 150. Male with 10 to 16 femoral pores ........ 6. variegata, p. 151. II. Digital lamelle undivided. 7 to 9 upper labials ; toes free or nearly so. 7. australis, p. 152. 11 to 13 upper labials ; toes webbed at the base; 25 to 40 femoral pores.......... 8. oceanica, p. 152. 13 or 14 upper labials; digits webbed at the base ; a strong fold of the skin border- ing the fore limb anteriorly; 50 to 60 femoral Pores’ 4 cacevesesea meres ewes 9. vorax, p. 153. 1. Gehyra mutilata. Peripia peronii, Gray, Cat. p. 159. Peropus mutilatus, Gray, J. ¢. Hemidactylus (Peropus) mutilatus, Wregm. Nova Acta Ac. Leop- Carol, xvii. p. 238. — mutilatus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 354. peronil, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 352, pl. xxx. fig. 1; Jacquin. Voy. Pile Sud, Saur. pl. i. fig. 2; Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p. 22; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 187. Peropus (Dactyloperus) peronii, Fitz. Syst, Rept. p. 103. mutilatus, Fitz. l.¢.; Girard, U.S. Explor. Exped., Herp. . 277. Daan peronii, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p.110; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 163, & xli. 1872, p. 108. ~ Gecko pardus, Tytler, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxiii. 1864, p. 547, ? Gecko harrieti, Tytler, J. c. p. 548. 27. GuHYRA. 149 Hemidactylus (Peripia) mutilatus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, p. 14; Anders. Zool. W. Yunnan, i. p. 799. Peropus packardii, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1868, p. 319. Peripia mutilata, Gtinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 168; Peters § Doria, Anz. Mus. Genov. xiii, 1878, p. 370. Head longer than broad ; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and one third the diameter of the orbit; forehead with a median groove ; ear-opening mode- rately large, suboval. Body and limbs moderately elongate, de- pressed ; a fold of the skin bordering the hind limb posteriorly. Digits short, more or less webbed at the base; the inferior lamella, angular, divided by a median groove. Upper surfaces and throat covered with small granular scales, largest and flat on tho back. Abdominal scales moderate. Rostral quadrangular, broader than high, with a median cleft superiorly; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals, the upper much the largest and generally in contact with its fellow; eight or nine upper and six or seven lower labials; mental moderately large, penta- gonal; chin-shields three pairs, inner very large, elongate, outer small, frequently broken up into small scales; the distance from the border of the lip to the extremity of the median pair of chin-shields equals the diameter of the orbit. Femoral pores in a doubly curved line, angular medially, fourteen to nineteen on each side. Tail depressed, normally with a sharpish, minutely serrated lateral edge ; its upper surface covered with very small flat scales, its lower sur- face generally with a median series of large transversely dilated scales. Greyish or reddish-brown above, uniform or dotted or varie- gated with darker ; lower surfaces uniform whitish. Total length .......... 114 millim Head: sage niiceeeeeues 16 SC,, Width of head ........ AZ) 45 ROdy: age ea nen ee eee ard 41a, Fore limb ............ 16 Hind limb............ 21 sa, Maa icethctistia seats and cos 3k ST yy Mascarene Islands; Seychelles; Ceylon; Birma; Malay penin- sula and archipelago; New Guinea; Western Mexico. a. Her. Mauritius. : b. Manyspec.: d, Rodriguez. Transit of Venus Exp. 2, hgr., & yg. : ce Rodriguez ? A. Newton, Esq. Hed d. 6. Seychelles. Dr. E. P. Wright [P.]. ef. . Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. g. Q. Ceylon. W. Ferguson, Esq. [P.]. A, Her. Ceylon. G. H.K. Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. a 9. 8. Ceylon. k-m. 3 Q. Pegu. » W. Theobald, Esq. [C.]. n-0. 3. Penang. Dr. Cantor. p. oe Indian archipelago. Dr. Bleeker. 150 GECKONIDE. q. &. Negros, Philippines. Dr. A. B. Meyer fot 1-8. Q-. Manado, Celebes. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. t. 9. Timor Laut. H. O. Forbes, Esq. | C.}. ud. San Blas, W. Mexico. Hy. A. Forrer fet v. 2. Presidio, W. Mexico. Hr. A. Forrer [C.]. 2. Gehyra baliola. Hemidactylus baliolus, A. Dum. Cat. Méth, Rept. p. 38, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 461, pl. xvii. fig. 2. Differs from G. mutilate in the following points:—Snout more conical; cheeks not swollen; dorsal scales larger, those on the vertebral line smaller ; rostral horseshoe-shaped; chin-shields shorter. Brown above, with lighter or reddish spots. New Guinea. 3. Gehyra brevipalmata. sag ea (Peripia) brevipalmata, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p. 159. Differs from G. mutilata in having the scales, especially the ventrals, smaller; a greater number of labials, viz. ten superiorly and nine inferiorly, the decidedly smaller chin-shields, the greater development of the interdigital web, the greater number of lamelle under the digits (fourteen or fifteen under the fifth toe), and the absence of a keel on the side of the tail. Uniform grey. Pelew Islands. 4. Gehyra? neglecta. Peropus neglectus, Girard, Proc. de. Philad. 1857, p. 197, and U.S. Explor. Exped., Herp. p. 278. Distinguished from G. mutilata in the following characters :— Eye much larger ; chin-shields small and polygonal; tail more con- spicuously serrated laterally ; granulation of the upper regions and scales of the inferior regions larger. Upper parts light brown, with a few black dots, spots, or streaks, irregularly disposed ; a con- spicuous streak may be traced from the nostril to the eye, and from behind the eye, across the ear, to the shoulder, or else to the inser- tion of the fore limb; lower surfaces uniform whitish. Habitat unknown. Perhaps a Lepidodactylus. 5. Gehyra insulensis. Dactyloperus insulensis, Girard, Proc, Ac. Philad. 1857, p. 1 U'S. Explor. Exped., Herp. p. 280. is Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-open- ing, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening mode- rate. Digits free; the inferior lamellz angular, divided by a median 27. GBHYRA, 151 groove. Upper surfaces covered with small granular scales, a good deal smaller along the middle line of the back than on the sides. Rostral pentagonal; four chin-shields, the median pair large and elongated, narrowest posteriorly. A long series of femoral pores, about twenty on each side. Tail depressed, rounded, with a median row of large scutelle inferiorly. Greyish brown above, minutely speckled with black; whitish beneath. From snout to vent 50 millim.; tail 40 millim. Sandwich Islands. ‘6. Gehyra variegata. Peripia variegata, Gray, Cat. p. 159. Hemidactylus variegatus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 853. Peropus (Dactyloperus) variegatus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 103. Peripia torresiana, Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (4) xix. 1877, p. 415. Head longer than broad; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead with a median groove; ear-opening moderately large, suboval. Body and limbs moderately elongate, depressed, without cutaneous folds. Digits short, free or with a very slight rudiment of web; the inferior lamelle angular, divided by a median groove. Upper surfaces and throat covered with very small granular scales ; abdominal scales moderate. Rostral quadrangular, broader than high, with a median cleft superiorly ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals ; seven to nine upper and six to eight lower labials ; mental moderately large, pentagonal ; chin-shields three pairs, inner largest, elongate, outer small, fre- quently broken up into small scales; these shields considerably shorter than in G. mutilata. A short angular series of femoral pores, ten to sixteen altogether. Tail depressed, tapering, the sides rounded ; its upper surface covered with very small flat scales, its lower surface with a median series of large transversely dilated scales. Brown above, generally variegated with darker, sometimes dark with lighter blotches, or with dark bands across the back; frequently two dark streaks on the side of the head and neck, the lower passing through the eye; lower surfaces uniform whitish. Total length .......... 147 millim. Head. 45% Geaceta ene 18: 55 Width of head ........ 14. —C««, Body ...-..e+eseeeeee 53g, Fore limb .......-...-- 20 Hind limb............ 26.C«s Pall sigue acnine Geen 76 Australia ; Polynesia. a. Hegr. Houtman’s Abrolhos. b-c. SQ. Peak Downs. Godeffroy Museum: 152 GECKONIDE. d. 3. Champion Bay. Mr. Duboulay ei e-g. SQ. N. Australian Ex- J. B. Elsey, Esq. [C.]. pedition. h. 3. Australia. Mr, Duboulay [C.]. Hl SQ. Australia. G. Krefft, Esq. [P.]. m-o. 3. Islands of Torres Rey. S. Macfarlane [C. ]. Straits. (Types of Pertpia torresiana.) p. Severalspec.: S, Murray Island. Rey. S. Macfarlane [C.]. 2, & her. g-u. 3 ae Sunday Island. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. vw dS. —? Haslar Collection. 7. Gehyra australis. Gehyra australis, Gray, Cat. p. 163. Gecko grayi, Steindachn. Novara, Rept. p. 11. This species agrees in every respect with G. variegata except in lacking the median division under the dilated part of the digits. Australia. a-c. Sg. Swan River. Earl of Derby [P. ]. T ) d. 3. Port Essington. Earl of Derby [P.]. Cypes: e Q. Port Darwin. R. G. 8. Buckland, Esq. [C.]. 8. Gehyra oceanica. Gehyra oceanica, Gray, Cat. p. 163. Gecko oceanicus, Lesson, Coquille, ii. i. p. 42, pl. ii. fic. 3. : Hemidactylus oualensis, Dum. § Bibr. tii. p. 350, pl. xxviii. fig. 7. Gehyra oceanica, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 58; Girard, U.S. Explor. Exped. Herp. p. 278; Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov, xiii, 1878, p. 369. Peropus (Perodactylus) oualensis, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 103. Gehyra papuana, Meyer, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p. 129. . Head longer than broad; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead and the space between the nostrils with a well- marked median groove; ear-opening moderately large, suboval, horizontal. Body and limbs moderately elongate, rather depressed ; a more or less indistinct fold of the skin along the side of the throat and belly, and another bordering the hind limb posteriorly. Digits moderate, united at the base by a short web; the inferior lamelle not divided by a median groove, distinctly curved, subangular. Upper surfaces and throat covered with very small granular scales. Abdominal scales moderate. Rostral large, quadrangular, its superior border emarginate ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and four or five small nasals; eleven to thirteen upper and nine to eleven lower labials ; mental small, variable in shape; chin- shields three on each side, inner elongate. Tail rounded, tapering, slightly depressed, covered above with very small juxtaposed scales, 27. @EHYRA. 153 inferiorly with larger scales. Femoral pores in an angular series, thirteen to twenty on each side. Brown above, uniform or with darker or lighter markings; lower surfaces uniform whitish. Total length .......... 162 millim. ad ooo Shed we bacon vind ace 24 4, Width of head ........ 18 55 Body: 4.2. zsdroostevartout ocd aues 65, Fore limb ............ 24 Ci, Hind limb............ 30. Ci, SP al soz eee ice shag eee ads 1 55 Moluccas ; New Guinea; Polynesia. a-c. 3D. Wild Island, Admiralty ‘Challenger’ Expedition. Islands. d-e. $2. 79 Island, Solomon 4H. B. Guppy, Esq. [P.]. roup. fa. Shortland Islands. H. B. Guppy, Esq. [P.]. ks. Lord Howe’s Island. J. Macgillivray, Esq. [C.]. 4m—n.d,9,&yg. Fiji Islands. J. Macgillivray, Esq. i f o-p. 2. Fiji Islands. E. A. Liardet, Esq. [P.]. g. Q. Matuka, Fiji Islands. ‘Challenger’ Expedition. ru. 3,9,&yg. Tongataboo. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.]. vg. Viti Levu. Museum Godeffroy. wx 39. Samoa Islands. Rev. J. Powell [P.]. y. 2. Savage Island. Dr. A. Giinther [P.1]. 2. 9, Rarotonga Island. Sir J. Lubbock [P.}. ad. Port Essington (?). 9. Gehyra vorax. Gehyra vorax, Girard, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1857, p. 179, and U.S, Explor. Exped., Herp. p. 274, pl. xvi. tigs. 1-8; Bouleng. Proc. Zool, Soe, 1883, p. 119, pl. xxii. fig, 2. Closely allied to G. oceaniea, Diftersin the following characters :— Size much greater. Folds on the side of the body very distinct ; a fold bordering the fore limb anteriorly. Ear-opening narrower. Digits broader and shorter; the inferior lamelle very gently curved. Abdominal scales smaller. Twenty-five to thirty femoral pores on each side. Thirteen or fourteen upper and eleven or twelve lower labials. Brown or greyish above, uniform or with darker and lighter markings; lower surfaces uniform whitish. Total length .......... 237 millim. Head. oe veg wiaasaiawc ec 38a, Width of head ........ 29 ~«C«s Body: cave ge esweswawes 14 yy Fore limb ............ 42 ,, Hind limb............ 58, Tail (injured) ........ 8g, Polynesia. 154 GECKONIDZ. a. Q. Loyalty Islands. Sir G. Grey [P. ]. 6. g. Erromango. ce-d. $9. Fiji Islands. J. Macgillivray, eae e-f. 5 & her. Norfolk Island. F. N. Rayner, Esq. [C.]. 28. PEROCHIRUS. Digits strongly dilated, slightly webbed, inferiorly with transverse lamellee, the anterior of which are divided by a median groove, with free, slender, compressed, clawed phalanges raising from within the extremity of the dilated portion ; inner finger rudimentary, clawless ; inner toe with distinct attached clawed phalange. Body covered above with uniform granular scales, inferiorly with imbricated or juxtaposed scales. Pupil vertical. Males with or without preanal or femoral pores. Philippines, Carolines, and New Hebrides. Synopsis of the Species. I. Rostral higher than broad.......... 1. ateles, p. 154. II. Rostral broader than high. A. Abdominal scales subhexagonal, slightly imbricate ; tail as broad as the body. Males with 10 preanal pores; no femoral POPES osexc ha tecen sesame nue: 2. guentheri, p. 155, Male with 4 praeanal pores; no femoral pores; head and body very much depressed .... 3. depressus, p. 155. Male with a series of 50 femoral pores ; size Very larges a casissesca. weeews wee 4. scutellatus, p. 156. B. Abdominal scales granular, juxta- posed; tail much narrower than the ; body cia d Peausts ee eaeo amen 5. articulatus, p. 156. 1. Perochirus ateles. Hemidactylus ateles, A. Dum. Arch. Mus. viii. p. 426, pl. viii. fig. 9. Head conical, not distinct from neck; eyes moderate. Twelve upper labials on each side of the rostral, which is higher than broad and extends on the upper part of the snout, the extremity of which is rather acute. Nostrils large. Mental narrow, triangular. En- larged scutes on the chin, some of which are irregularly arranged in rows along the infralabials. Tail depressed, the borders finely den- ticulated, covered with granulations same above and beneath and arranged in regular rings. No femoral pores (?). Brownish grey, darker on the tail, the borders of which, above and beneath, are of a rather vivid brown. Total length 150 millim., tail 70. Zamboanga, Philippines. 28, PEROCHIRUS. 155 2. Perochirus guentheri, (Prare XII. fig. 4.) Head moderately depressed ; snout obtusely conical, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Body moderately elongate, depressed. Limbs rather short, stout, depressed ; digits short, with a rudiment of web, all but the rudimentary thumbs strongly dilated; the free phalanges of the fourth toe measuring the diameter of the eye. Head covered with small granules, larger on the snout; rostral subquadrangular, with median cleft above, nearly twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and threo small nasals ; ten upper and eight or nine lower labials; mental small, narrow, transverse; three or four rows of small hexagonal chin-shields, passing gradually into the minute granules of the throat. Upper surface of body and limbs covered with very small granules; abdo- minal scales very small. Male with ten femoral pores forming a short angular series. Tail very much depressed, as broad as the body, flat beneath, with sharpish lateral edges; latter denticulated when the organ is intact; the upper surface covered with small juxtaposed scales, considerably larger than the granules of the back ; the lower surface covered with larger, flat, slightly imbricated scales ; the tail, when intact, is divided in rather distinct segments, each line of separation being indicated on the lateral edge by a large, pointed scale. Brown above, whitish beneath. Total length .......... 120 millim. GAG, sescu yee cceasce ts Rises wows 12 Width of head ........ o 4 BOY) cts tiene oe aaincnatan 57s, Fore limb ............ 22. —(Ct«w, Hind limb ............ 26: ;, Mane +23 bi deua ea Nenaretecsn else: 51a, New Hebrides. ab. 9. Exromango. This species is evidently very closely allied to P. ateles, from which it appears to differ in having the interdigital membrane shorter, the rostral broader than high, the mental trapezoid, and probably also in other characters when the types can be compared. 3. Perochirus depressus. Hemidactylus ateles, var. depressus, Fischer, Arch. }. Nat. 1882, p. 300, pl. xvii. figs. 81-36 *. Differs from P. quenthert by the more depressed head and body, the still smaller abdominal scales, and the presence of four preanal pores only. From snout to vent 80 millim. Ruk Island, Carolines. * Type (a d) examined, 156 GECKONIDE 4, Perochirus scutellatus. Hemidactylus ateles, var. scutellatus, Fischer, Arch. f. Nat. 1882, p. 299, pl. xvii. figs. 26-30 *. Distinguished from P. guentheri in the following points :—Size larger ; the free phalanges longer, that of the fourth toe measuring more than the diameter of the eye; anterior row of chin-shields larger, much longer than broad; a long series of fifty femoral pores, forming a right angle medially. Total length .......... 216 millim. Head crosman wave Reapaates oly; Width of head ........ D4 x. Body eave aes exw sarees 92. Cy, Fore limb ............ 40 ,, Hind limb............ 52° a5 Path ws aeasinatacoat pkdgiagana 93, Greenwich Islands, Carolines. 5. Perochirus articulatus. Hemidactylus ateles, var. articulatus, Fischer, 1. c. p. 297, pl. xvii. figs, 20-25 *, Distinguished from the three preceding in the following points :— Snout a little shorter and more convex; dorsal granules larger and coarser; belly covered with large juxtaposed granules; tail much narrower than the body; no femoral or preanal pores (?). Digits as in P. guentheri and depressus. Reddish brown above, uniform or marbled with dark brown. Total length .......... 110 millim. GAGs ous euaeswicniyh atseleba 16 CO, Width of head ........ 12, BOOS? Seceseracaravgceiine conta nee h 46, Fore limb ............ 19 a5 Hind limb............ 23 —=C«&«, Tal seis wea eae its 48 ,, Ponape, Carolines. 29. SPATHOSCALABOTES. Spathodactylus (non Pictet), Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 594. Digits slender, and subcylindrical at the base, the penultimate joint bearing a strong discvid terminal dilatation with two series of regular oblique lamelle below, separated by a median groove; the thumb rudimentary and clawless; the other digits with a free, * Types examined. 29. SPATHOSCALABOTES.—30. MICROSCALABOTES. 157 clawed terminal phalange projecting considerably beyond the discoid dilatation. Upper surfaces covered with juxtaposed granular scales ; lower surfaces with imbricate scales. Pupil vertical. East-Indian archipelago. 1. Spathoscalabotes mutilatus, (Prats XIII. fig. 1.) Spathodactylus mutilatus, Giinth. 1. ¢. Head regularly oviform, much longer than broad; snout as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the eye; ear-opening very small, oval, oblique. Rostral broad, subpentagonal ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three small nasals; eleven upper and as many lower labials; mental small, subtriangular; no chin-shields. Body elongate. Scales of upper surfaces small, granular, not larger on the snout; abdominal scales small, cycloid, imbricate, smooth. Digits, especially fingers, very unequal, free; inner rudimentary, tubercle-like; four pairs of lamella under the other digits. Tail subcylindrical, slender, covered with small equal scales, Brown, finely marbled with darker; a dark streak from the tip of the snout to the shoulder, passing through the eye; a series of round whitish spots commences behind the eye, and is continued along each side of the back to the tail ; lower parts whitish, finely speckled with brown. Total length .......... 82 millim. Head wc cseaceesanes 10° Width of head ........ 65 ,, Body oa seciwesoese ais 34 CO, Fore limb ............ VW 5; Hind limb............ 15, Pail. isaseckosare res 38 East-Indian archipelago. a. Q. Dr. Bleeker. (Type.) 30. MICROSCALABOTES. Microscalabotes, Bouleng. Ann. Mag. N. H. (5) xi. 1888, p. 174. Digits of very unequal size, free, slender at the base, strongly dilated at the end, with free distal clawed phalange; thumbs rudimentary, not dilated, with strong, very distinct claw; the digital dilatations bearing inferiorly two series of regular oblique lamelle, separated by a median groove. Upper surfaces covered with juxtaposed granular scales; lower surfaces with imbricate scales. Pupilround. Eyelid distinct all round the eye. Males with preanal pores. Madagascar, 158 GECKONIDE. 1. Microscalabotes cowani. (Pxatz XIII. fig. 2.) Microscalabotes cowanii, Bouleng. 1. ¢. Head small, much longer than broad, not distinct from neck ; snout obtuse, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear- opening, not quite once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear- opening very small, roundish. Body rather elongate, moderately depressed, not distinct from the tail, which is almost as thick at the base; the latter tapers into a point, and is slightly depressed, suboval in section. Limbs rather feeble ; digits gradually increasing in size from first to fourth; fifth half the length of latter ; seven transverse lamella under the dilated part of the third and fourth digits, the two basal undivided ; the slender part of the digits with narrow transverse lamelle. Upper surfaces covered with uniform small granular scales, considerably larger on the snout and inter- orbital space. Rostral broad, subpentagonal ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, and two nasals, the upper being the largest and separated from its fellow on the other side by two granules; six or seven upper and as many lower labials; mental rather larger, subtriangular ; irregular small chin-shields gradually passing into the gular scales; latter relatively large, though considerably smaller than the ventrals, which are large, smooth, and distinctly imbricate. Six or eight preanal pores, forming a short angular series. Caudal scales uniform, cycloid, imbricate, largest on the lower surface. Reddish golden brown above, with darker, greyish-brown vertebral and lateral bands; tail with more or less distinct darker angular markings; labials brown-dotted; lower * surfaces whitish, the throat with a few scattered brown dots. Total length .......... 73 millim. Head. | isi tokio ireanees Oe Width of head ........ Go 43 Body vciedeoeeegearevew ek 22 ~««s, Forelimb ............ 10a, Hind limb ............ 13 CO, Pa sigs aecgaravacece vie sesattee ie BP) 5 Madagascar. a-b. 3. East Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [C.]. (Types.) 31. LYGODACTYLUS *. Lygodactylus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 59. Scalabotes, Peters. Mon. Berl, Ac. 1880, p. 795. * The following species, from Central Madagascar, have been too shortly described by Peters, Sitzb. Naturf. Fr. 1883, p. 28 :-— ScALABOTES PICTUS. Stouter, with broader shorter snout and rather less elongate limbs than in 31. LY@oDAcrYLus. 159 Digits of very unequal length, slender and subcylindrical at the base, free, with strong discoid terminal dilatation bearing two series of regular oblique lamelle below, separated by a median groove ; thumbs rudimentary, not dilated, with a very small, frequently indistinct, sheathed retractile claw; the other digits with a recurved terminal clawed phalange, the claw being retractile between the anterior pair of lamelle. Upper surfaces covered with juxtaposed granular scales ; lower surfaces with imbricate scales. Pupil round. Eyelid distinct all round the eye. Males with preanal pores. Africa ; Madagascar. ° Synopsis of the Species. I. Tail without a median series of large transversely dilated scales inferiorly. Nostril posterior to the suture of the rostral and first labial .......... 1. capensis, p. 160. Nostril anterior to the suture of the [p- 160. rostral and first labial .......... 2. madagascariensis, II. Tail with a median series of large transversely dilated scales inferiorly. Nostril anterior to the suture of the rostral and first labial ..... ..... 8, thomensis, p. 161. Nostril posterior to the suture of the rostral and first labial; the males’ throat with black chevron-shaped Markings oc. sge sete weds es ees 4. gutturalis, p. 161. Nostril posterior to the suture of the rostral and first labial; the males’ throat black, scisssceses3 ee ce . 5. picturatus, p. 161. 8. thomensis. Above brown, with black and yellow markings. On the snout, between the eyes, and on the nape black cross lines, and on the side of the neck two or three longitudinal black lines. Yellow, black-edged spots forming irregular transverse rows on the neck and back; similar spots on the limbs. Yellow, black-edged cross-lines on the sacral region and on the tail. Below dirty yellow, black-dotted on the lower lip and chin. ScALABOTES BIVITTIS. Three small scales between the nasals; three scales in a cross row behind the mental; snout twice and a half as long as the eye. Dark brown above, with an ochreous yellow lateral band originating from the supero-posterior part of the eye, and continued to the base of the tail. Ochreous yellow inferiorly, dotted with bluish black. é ScALABOTES HILDEBRANDTI. A single scale between the nasals; three scales behind the mental, the posterior lateral sides of which are shorter than the median ; snout twice as long as the eye. Above marbled with dark and light brown; sides darker, yellow-dotted, Limbs cross-barred. Lower surface yellow, dotted with dark. 160 GECKONID A. 1. Lygodactylus capensis. Hemidactylus capensis, Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr., Rept. pl. Ixxv. fig. 3. Lygodactylus strigatus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 59, & 1865, 642 Hemidactylus (Peropus) capensis, Peters, Reise n. Mossamb. iii. p. 28. Head oviform, much longer than broad; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening very small, roundish. Rostral broad ; nostril pierced above and behind the suture of the rostral and first labial, between the latter and three small nasals ; the rostral entering scarcely the nostril; upper labials seven or eight; lower labials six or seven; mental large, subtriangular, extending beyond the posterior margin of the adjacent labials, bordered on each side by a row of small irregular chin-shields ; behind the latter, large granular scales passing gradually into the smaller ones which cover the throat. Scales of upper surfaces small, granular, larger on the snout; abdominal scales large, hexagonal, imbricate, smooth. Digits very unequal, free; inner rudimentary, tubercle- like ; four or five pairs of lamella under the other digits. Four or six preanal pores, forming an angular line. Tail tapering, rounded, feebly depressed, covered above with small juxtaposed or subimbri- cate scales, inferiorly with larger imbricate scales. Upper surfaces greyish-brown or olive, variegated with darker ; a blackish lateral streak, passing through the eye, generally broken up on the sides of the body ; lower surfaces uniform yellowish. Total length .......... 75 millim. Head: vie sunies Rise deed 9 45 Width of head ...... .. 65 ,, Body cavavvcesn ada 25 5 Fore limb ............ 12" 33 Hind limb ............ 1S 3; Pail ose oe setae ws ees 41 ,, 8.E. Africa. a. Her. S.E. Africa, Sir J. Kirk [C.]. (Type of L. strigatus.) b 2. S. Africa. c,d-e. 3. —?P 2. Lygodactylus madagascariensis. Scalabotes madagascariensis, Boettger, Zool. Anz. 1881, p. 360, and Abh, Senck. Ges, xii. p. 469, pl. ii. fig. 8. This species, as well as the following, is extremely closely allied to L. capensis, differing only in a few points. Ear-opening rather larger. Nostril pierced above and in front of the suture of the rostral and first labial ; the rostral entering considerably the nostril. Upper labials six or seven ; lower labials five or six. Seven preanal 31. LYGODACTYLUS. 161 pores. Upper caudal scales distinctly imbricate. Greyish brown above, variegated. with darker and lighter; one or two blackish transverse lines between the eyes; a dark lateral band, passing through the eye, less distinct on the sides of the body; a blackish, light-edged horseshoe-shaped marking on the base of the tail; latter with angular transverse markings ; lower surfaces whitish ; throat generally with scattered blackish dots; lower labials blackish- spotted, the spots generally confluent into a band bordering the lower jaw. Total length 72 millim. Madagascar. a-e. 6 Q. East Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [C.]. 3. Lygodactylus thomensis. Scalabotes thomensis, Peters, Mon, Berl. Ac. 1880, p. 795, pl. —. fig. 1. Nostril as in L. madagascariensis. Tail with a central series of transversely dilated plates inferiorly. Olive-brown above, with small dark brown spots; a dark transverse streak between the anterior angles of the eyes; a dark streak along the side of the head and neck, passing through the eye; tail with alternating brown and greenish transverse bands ; lower surfaces greenish yellow, variegated with brown ; gular region dark brown with two irregular V-shaped yellow markings. Total length 69 millim. 8. Thomé, W. Africa. 4. Lygodactylus gutturalis. Hemidactylus gutturalis, Bocage, Jorn. Sc. Lis. iv. 1878, p. 211. The rostral does not enter at all the nostril, being separated from it by a nasal scale. Other differences between this species and L. capensis are the broader head, which is more distinct from neck, the shorter mental, the posterior borders of which form a very open angle, and the presence in the male of two large concentric chevron- shaped black markings on the gular region. [rom snout to vent 38 millim. ; tail (reproduced) 28 millim. West Africa. ao. Bissao. Prof. Barboza du Bocage [P.]. (One of the types.) 5. Lygodactylus picturatus. Hemidactylus capensis (non Smith), Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac, 1865, . 455. : variegatus (non Dum. § Bibr.), Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac, 1868, p. 449, and in Decken’s Reise O. Afr. iii. p. 18, pl. ii, Liurus capensis, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1868, p. 320. Hemidactylus picturatus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1870, p. 116. Snout more pointed. Scales of upper and lower surfaces smaller. Nostril as in L. capensis. Tail with a median series of transversely dilated plates inferiorly. Preanal pores eight or nine, Head and M 162 GECKONIDZ. anterior part of body bright yellow, with dark brown or black lines and spots; posterior part of body, limbs, and tail grey, generally with black spots arranged in longitudinal lines on the back; these spots sometimes confluent ; lower surfaces yellowish ; throat of male deep black, that of the female marbled with grey. Total length 67 millim. Zanzibar. ad. Magiba, Pangani. Sir J. Kirk [C.]. 32. LEPIDODACTYLUS *. Platydactylus, part., Dum. § Bibr. Erp. Gén. iii. p. 290. Lepidodactylus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 98. Amydosaurus, Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 162. Peripia, part., Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 110. Digits more or less dilated, free or with a rudiment of web, inferiorly with transverse lamelle divided by a median groove, with very short compressed distal clawed joint raising from the extremity of the digit; inner digit clawless. Body covered above with granular scales, inferiorly with juxtaposed or subimbricate scales, Pupil vertical. Males with preanal or femoral pores. East Indies; Polynesia ; South-west Australia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Thumb rudimentary. Four or five divided lamella under the median toes; digits very strongly denticulated on the borders ...... 1. crepuscularis, p. 168. Four or five divided lamelle under the median toes; digits less strongly den- tictlated: o.03 sdate ew aeas deetons 2. ceylonensis, p. 164. Two divided lamelle under the median LOGS 27: Abs seiG lok hie came athe austere na 3. aurantiacus, p. 164. II, Thumb well developed. A. Tail flat inferiorly, with sharpish lateral edge. Four transverse rows of small chin- shields ; male with femoral pores .. 4. lugubris, p. 165. B. Tail cylindrical. 1. Three or four transverse rows of small chin-shields.: 14 upper and 15 lower labials; male with a series of preanal pores .... 5. labialis, p. 166. 10 or 11 upper and 9 or 10 lower labials ; 18 to 20 lamellee under the median toes; male with a series of preanal pores ...............0.0. 6. pulcher, p. 166. * Peropus roseus, Cope, Proc. Ac, Philad. 1863, p. 821. Hab, ——? 32, LEPIDODACTYLUS. 163 11 or 12 upper and as many lower labials ; 11 lamelle under the median HOGS) wee esd de neta da Beattie 7. guppyt, p. 166. 2. Two transverse rows of small chin-shields. Vail swollett ccs cacy vecaswes aay 8. pusillus, p. 167. 3. A median chin-shield behind the mental. Digits strongly dilated; male with a double series of prwanal pores .... 9. cyclurus, p. 167. Digits feebly dilated ; male witha single series of preanal pores .......... 10. sawagii, p. 168, 1. Lepidodactylus crepuscularis. Platydactylus crepuscularis, Bavay, Cat. Rept. N. Caléd. p. 8. Lepidodactylus crepuscularis, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1883, p. 122, pl. xxii. fig. 6. Head oviform, much longer than broad; snout as long as the distance between the eye and the car-opening, about once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening small, vertically oval. Body much elongate; limbs short, the fore limb not measuring half the distance between axilla and groin. Digits short, free, inner very small, rudimentary ; inferior lamelle four or five; the basal part of the digit broad, with small rounded scales; the borders of the digital expansions strongly denticulated. Upper surfaces and throat covered with very small granular scales, scarcely larger on the snout ; abdominal scales larger, subimbricate. Rostral quadrangular, twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial and three small nasals, the upper separated from its fellow by five small scales; twelve upper and eleven lower labials; mental small, trapezoid; no chin-shields. Male with ten preanal pores forming a short angular series. Tail cylindrical, covered with small, rhomboidal, imbricated scales; these are distinctly raised on the sides, forming a slight denticulation. Greyish brown above, variegated with darker, and with small round white spots; a dark streak from the tip of the snout to the shoulder, passing through the eye; above this streak and behind the eye, two round white spots ; a round white spot on each of the digits ; lower surfaces dirty white, the belly dotted with brown. Total length .......... 65 millim. Head). 2aacn 4s cco eet 8 is Width of head.......... 5 oy BOG. | eesi-s at aiietediar ses 28. 45 Fore limb ............ SB. os; Hind limb ........... Th. 4 ER ALD sicisice pce acetone asa 29.~C««, New Caledonia. a-b, 9. New Caledonia. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.]. M2 164 GECKONIDS. 2. Lepidodactylus ceylonensis. (Puare XIII. fig. 3.) This species resembles exactly the preceding in proportions, pholi- dosis, and coloration. The only difference I can detect is that the digits are more slender, less strongly dilated at the base, and less strongly denticulated on the sides. Head and body 40 millim., tail 34. Ceylon. a 9. Gampola. Col. Beddome [C.]. 3. Lepidodactylus aurantiacus. (Piare XIII. fig. 4.) Hemidactylus aurantiacus, Beddome, Madras Journ. Med. Sc. 1870; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 99. Head oviform, longer than broad; snout rounded, very convex, slightly shorter than the distance between the eye and theear-opening, once and one third the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening very small, round. Body elongate, more so in females than in males; limbs short, the fore limb measuring half the distance between axilla and groin, or rather less. Digits short, free, inner very small, rudi- mentary ; only two large chevron-shaped divided lamelle under the distal part of the digits, followed by transverse undivided lamelle, decreasing in width. Head covered with very minute granules; rostral and mental very small, former four-sided, latter pentagonal or triangular; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and several granules ; labials very small, nine or ten upper and as many lower; no chin-shields. Back covered with very small granular scales; abdominal scales a little larger, flat, imbricate. Male with an angular series of seven to nine preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small imbricated smooth scales, larger inferiorly. Grey-brown above, with dark-brown undulated lines along the head and back, which may be broken up into spots; a dark brown streak from the tip of the snout to the fore limb, passing through the eye; whitish dots scattered on the head and back ; tail with darker spots or annuli and two large whitish black- edged spots at the base, frequently confluent medially. Lower surfaces whitish, more or less speckled with brownish. Total length .......... 70 millim. Head io ogee tees acd 10 =z, Width of head ........ Te Sis Body eae eaeapaniea ent ee BE cs Fore limb ............ 10.—=—*#, Hind limb............ TD ia56 shally “iartitetlnadtuecce acute & 33 —C(,, Southern India. a. Many spec. d,9,hgr., Shevaroys. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types.) & yg. b-e. 5,9, & her. S. India. Col. Beddome [C.]. 832. LEPIDODACTYLUS. 165 4. Lepidodactylus lugubris. Amydosaurus lugubris, Gray, Cat. p. 162. Platydactylus lugubris, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 804; Jacquin. Voy. Péle Sud, Saur. pl.i. tig. 1; Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p- 16. Lepidodactylus lugubris, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 93; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 120, pl. xxii. tig. 3. Hemidactylus meyeri, Bleek, Nat, Tijds. Nederl, Ind. xvi. 1859, p. 47. Peripia cantoris, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 110; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc, Beng. xli. 1872, p. 103. Gecko meestus, Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac. 1867, p. 13. Gymnodactylus candeloti, Bavay, Cat. Rept. N. Caléd. p. 13. Peripia meyeri, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 594. mysorensis, Meyer, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p. 129. lugubris, Peters § Doria, An. Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 371. Platydactylus (Lepidodactylus) crepuscularis (non Bav.), Sauvage, Bull. Soe. Philom. (7) iii. 1878, p. 69. Head much longer than broad; snout subacuminate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead with a median groove ; ear-opening small, round. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderate, inner well developed, with a rudiment of web; inferior lamelle numerous, seven or eight under the fingers, eight or nine under the toes. Upper surfaces and throat covered with very minute granules, a little larger on the snout ; scales on the belly much larger, flat, juxtaposed, or slightly imbricate. Rostral quadrangular, broad ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, and two or three nasal shields, the upper separated from its fellow by one or three small shields; eleven to thirteen upper and ten or eleven lower labials ; mental small, smaller than the adjacent labials; four transverse rows of small chin-shields. Femoral pores in a long series, angular medially, twenty-five altogether. Tail flat inferiorly, with sharpish, sometimes feebly serrated, lateral edge ; caudal scales small, flat, equal. Upper surfaces light pinkish-grey or brownish, generally with a series of small blackish or purplish-brown spots on each side of the vertebral line; a purplish-brown streak from the end of the snout to the ear, passing through the eye; labials generally finely dotted with brown ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 81 millim. Heddccusadainh eae eens ll ,, Width of head ........ 8, Body’ siecicnos yee case. 33 Cs, Fore limb ............ 12) 5 Hind limb............ LT 5; Park od dscns dueisats 37, Malay peninsula and archipelago ; New Guinea; Polynesia. a. Q. Penang. Dr. Cantor. (Typo of Peripia cantoris. ) a. 9. Bintang. Dr. Bleeker. (Type of Hemi- dactylus meyert.) 166 GECKONID#. ec. 9. Amboyna. H.MLS. ‘ Challenger.’ d. . Pelew Islands. Godeffroy Museum. e. 9. Murray Island. Rev. 8. Macfarlane [C.]. Fons Tahiti. H.M.S. ‘ Alert.’ g. Q. Isld. of Havannah, New Heb- Dr. Corrie [P.]. rides, hk. Mallicollo, N. Hebrides. W. Wykeham Perry, Esq. [P.] t-k. Q. Island of Onio, Fiji. F. M. Rayner, Esq. tp . Ln. 2. Fiji Islands. E. A. Liardet, Esq. [P.]. vw &. Island of Vati, S. Pacific. Dr. Corrie [P.]. 5. Lepidodactylus labialis. Gecko labialis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ae. 1867, p. 14. Very closely allied to ZL. lugubris, from whieh it differs in the following points : fourteen upper and fifteen lower labials ; no femoral pores, but on each side nine preanal pores forming a doubly arched series, angular medially. Tail cylindrical. Mindanao. 6. Lepidodactylus pulcher. (Pxrare XIII. fig. 5.) Differs from L. lugubris in the following characters :—Snout rather shorter. Seventeen preanal pores, forming a doubly arched series, angular medially. Tail cylindrical. Pinkish brown above, head with small black spots; limbs and sides of the back with minute blackish specks ; tail with dark transverse blotches; throat and breast minutely speckled with brown. Total length ........., 105 millim. Headisse eaceyamenss ¢ 12 45 Width of head ........ Onl as Body es escaaews es 39 CO, Fore limb ............ 15g, Hind limb ............ 19 ,, Mai) sep edc ah ca, tecceqin anes 54, Admiralty Islands. a-c. 39. Wild Island. H.M.S. ‘ Challenger.’ 7. Lepidodactylus guppyi. Lepidodactylus guppyi, Bowleng. Proe. Zool. Soc. 1884, p. 211. Head small, oviform, very convex; snout once and one third the diameter of the orbit, which equals the distance between the latter and the ear-opening; forehead slightly concave; ear-opening very small, round. Body elongate, limbs moderate. Digits moderate, inner well developed, webbed at the base; eleven lamella under the median digits, the two or three proximal divided. Scales uniformly granular, the granules larger on the snout, largest and flat on the belly. Rostral quadrangular, more than twice as broad as high ; 32. LEPIDODACTYLUS. 167 nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, and three nasals ; eleven or twelve upper and as many lower labials; three or four rows of very small chin-shields. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small equal flat scales. Pinkish brown above, sides with darker spots ; a dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; tail with dark annuli; lower surfaces whitish, throat speckled with reddish brown. Total length .......... 93 millim. TOA | vag here aac searars di 12 Width of head.......... oa IBOdy?) -ckeues wat we k bees "36, Fore limb.............. 115 ,, Hind limb ............ 17°5 ,, PSA eee Asse eh aaliie dy wodhea ss 45 ,, Solomon Islands. a 9. Faro Island. H. B. Guppy, Esq. [P.]. (Type.) 8. Lepidodactylus pusillus. Peropus pusillus, Cope, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1868, p. 319. Two cross rows of ovate chin-shields, those behind graduating through several rows to the gulars ; two scales between the upper nasals; nine superior labials to below the pupil. Tail cylindric, swollen. Colour light brown, with a much paler dorsal shade: a brown band through orbit to axilla, and band across muzzle; tail with a series of pale rounded spots on the median line above. S.W. Australia. 9. Lepidodactylus cyclurus. (Pzate XIII. fig. 6.) Peripia cyclura, Giinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (4) x. 1872, p. 422, and in Brenchley’s ‘Curagoa,’ Rept, p. 407. Lepidodactylus neocaledonicus, Bocage, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. iv. 1873, . 206. Hisidactyiig (Peripia) bavayi, Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) iii. 1878, p. 71. ‘Gopidcdeet lus cyclurus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 121, pl. xxii. fig. 4. Head oviform, longer than broad; snout a little longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and one third the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening moderate, roundish. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderate, inner well developed, with a slight rudiment of web ; inferior lamellz numerous, all divided by a median groove, ten or eleven. Upper surfaces and throat covered with very small granular scales, larger on the snout ; abdo- minal scales subimbricate. Rostral quadrangular, twice as broad as high ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, and four or five small nasals, the upper separated from its fellow by three 168 GECKONID. or five small shields ; nine to eleven upper and nine or ten lower labials ; mental small, subtriangular, shorter than the adjacent labials, followed by a median chin-shield ; a few other irregular chin-shields gradually passing into the granules of the throat. Preeanal pores in two angular series ; these series in contact and containing each eleven to sixteen pores. Tail cylindrical, covered with small, equal, flat scales arranged in verticils. Upper surfaces brownish grey, with more or less irregular dark brown bands across the back; sides with more or less distinct small round whitish spots; a more or less indistinct dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; lower surfaces uniform whitish. Total length .......... 117 millim. GA, vie ieiesstaraieaibew 25 17_~=C«s, Width of head ........ 13s, Body ais oie: arian eatecateans 49 ,, Fore limb ............ 19 ys Hind limb ............ 26 («zs Wail: 35 Width of head ........ 10, Body eisciu wees tenes 37 Fore limb ............ 18 45 Hind limb............ Qt 4; Tail 5.500 cnew eee ies 39.—C«,, Interior of South Africa. a-d. 3 2. S. Africa. Sir A. Smith [P.]. (Types.) 45. COLOPUS. Colopus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1869, p. 57. Tips of fingers slightly dilated, of toes rather narrowed; no claws; two enlarged scales under the extremity of the digits and a nail-like scale above, the rest being covered with small granules. Dorsal scales uniform, granular ; abdominal scales imbricate. Pupil ver- tical. No preanal or femoral pores. South Africa. 1. Colopus wahlbergii. Colopus wahlbergii, Peters, l. cv. pl. —. fig. 1. Head short, convex; ear-opening small, oblique. Convex scales on the snout hardly larger than those on the back ; the latter equal those of the submental region, whilst those on the gular region are the smallest. Rostral broader than mental; eight or nine upper and seven lower labials ; nostril between three nasals, the anterior largest. Limbs moderate; digits short. Tail cylindrical, tapering, ‘covered with uniform, smooth, imbricate scales, which are about twice as large as the ventrals. Olive-green above, with large yellow, darker-edged spots, which are confluent into irregular cross bands on the back; a yellow median streak from snout to occiput; lower surfaces light yellow. Total length .......... 135 millim. Head to ear-opening.... 14 ,, From snout to vent .... 52. ,, Fore limb ............ 25, Hind limb ............ 30—C,, Damaraland. 46. DACTYCHILIKION.—47, PHELSUMA. 209 46. DACTYCHILIKION. Dactychilikion, Thominot, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) ii. 1878, p. 254. Digits dilated at the apex only, spatulate, inferiorly with trans- verse undivided lamell furnished on their hinder edge with fine fringes giving them a felt-like appearance, No claws (?). Back covered with small hexagonal scales, Abdominal scales large, hexagonal. » South Africa. 1. Dactychilikion braconnieri, Dactychilikion braconnieri, Thom. 1. ec. Limbs long and slender. Five lamelle under the digits; seven plates of different shapes on the upper side. Seven upper and eight lower labials; three chin-shields. Tail very slender and flat at its extremity, as long as head and body. Olive-green above, marbled with blackish ; three small transverse black spots near the insertion of the thighs; limbs with reddish-brown chevron-shaped bands ; tail annulate with black; abdomen yellowish white. Tota] length 112 millim. Near Lake N’Gami. 47, PHELSUMA. Platydactylus, part., Cuv. Réegne Anim. ii. P: 45. Phelsuma, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825, p. 199, and Cat. nz. p. 166; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 112. Anoplopus, part., Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 142. Platydactylus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 290. Anoplopus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 99. Digits strongly dilated, free, clawless, inner rudimentary, with undivided lamellze below. Pupil round; eyelid distinct all round the eye. Males with preanal or femoral pores. Madagascar, Comoro, Seychelles, Mauritius, Bourbon, Rodriguez, and Andaman Islands, All the species agree in the following characters ;—The head is rather elongate and the snout obtusely conical; the eye is small for the family, with circular pupil and a well-developed lid all round; the ear is round or vertically oval. The limbs are stout ; the digits very unequal in size; the inner appears as a small tubercle ; the longest or fourth is narrow in its basal half. The body is depressed and covered with small, subequal, granular scales. The males have two series of pores uniting in an angular line in front of the vent; in both sexes two small transverse slits behind the anal cleft. The tail is more or less depressed, tapering, and formed of more or less marked segments. The head is covered with granular scales, largest on the snout. The mental is subtriangular and does not separate the inner chin-shields. The scales on the belly are rather large, flat, imbricate. Pe 210 GECKONID 2, Synopsis of the Species. I. The suture between the rostral and first upper labial falls below the centre of the nostril. A. Ventral scales smooth. Snout twice as long as tho distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter oval, its diameter half or three fifths that of the orbit ; femoro-praanal pores 14 to 22 altogether .......... Snout twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter round, one fourth or one third the diameter of the orbit; 24 to 30 pores altogether ................ Snout not twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter oval, its diameter not half that of the orbit; gular granules as large as the ventral scales; 10 to 12 pores BIEOROLN ER cc sis ice aie -yrenersontnna ster a sered Sy Snout nearly twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter oval, measuring one third the diameter of the orbit ; 45 or 46 pores altogether ciscvacg wees ewe caeares B. Ventral scales keeled. Snout twice as Jong as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter oval, its diameter half that of the Orbits. 17. POTeS we eis econ: Mae eae as 1. cepedianum, p. 211. 3. andamanense, p. 212. 4, newtonii, p. 212. 5. guentheri, p. 213, 2. trilineatum, p. 212. II. Nostril pierced above the first upper labial only. A. Ventral scales smooth. Snout twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; femoro-preanal pores 33 to 50 alto- POPMCT yo-4 hc encanta tale aha ame o Snout not twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; tail very much depressed, nearly as broad as the body; 26 to 28 pores altogether ce ecefey cee tee wees B. Ventral scales keeled. Snout not twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; 24 to 30 pores altogether .......... 6. madagascariense, [p. 214. 7. laticauda, p. 215. 8. lineatum, p. 216. 47, PHELSUMA. 211 1. Phelsuma cepedianum. Phelsuma cepedianus, Gray, Cat. p. 166. Gecko cépédien, Cur. R. A. ii. p. 46, Gecko cepedianus, Merr. Tent. p. 43. Phelsuma cepedianum, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825, p. 199. Platydactylus cepedianus, Cuv. R, A. 2nd edit. ii. p.52; Geoffr. Mag. Zool. iii, 1838, pl. iii. Phelsuma ornatum, Gray, in King's Voy. Austral. ii. p. 428. Platydactylus cepedianus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 801. Anoplopus cepedeanus, Fitziny. Syst. Rept. p. 99. Snout twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear- opening or the diameter of the orbit. Upper part of rostral with a median cleft. Nostril pierced above the rostral and first labial, the suture between those two plates entering its lower border ; eight to ten upper labials; six to eight infralabials; chin-shields three on each side, gradually decreasing in size, inner pair consider- ably larger than outer; three scales between the naso-rostrals. Ear-opening large, its vertical diameter half or three fifths that of the orbit. Dorsal scales all granular, perfectly smooth. Ventral scales smooth. Femoral pores seven to eleven on each side, nine being the usual number. Tail not much depressed, narrower than the body ; segments of tail rather indistinctly marked, composed each of six or seven transverse rows of scales on the side, eight or nine on the upper surface ; lower surface of tail (when intact) with q double tessellated series of larger scales (the reproduced tail shows no trace of segments, and the lower surface bears generally a series of strongly transversely dilated scales); all the caudal scales perfectly smooth. Upper parts bluish or purplish in spirits, with reddish markings ; of these a f)-shaped band on the snout, extending from eye to eye, and a band from the eye to the shoulder, sometimes extending along the side of the body, passing through the ear, are constant; there are frequently two or three longitudinal bands on the nape; a variously shaped interocular marking; dorsal and caudal spots irregular, numerous ; lower surfaces whitish, the throat sometimes greyish, but never spotted. Total length .......... 118 millim. Head <4 cassie evn kee ae 16. CO, Width of head ........ 12). oy; Body esos 4 sarwakes ec as AN ys Fore limb ............ 20) Lay Hind limb............ 26 ~(C«, Tails asiea co kee ease 21, Mauritius and Bourbon. a. 3. Mauritius. Capt. P. P. King [P.]. S (Type of P. sta b-2. 3,9, & yg. Mauritius. Sir H. Barkly [P.]. e. Hgr. Mauritius. Sir W. Hooker [P.]. fis: Mauritius. E. Newton, Esq. [P.]. gd. Bourbon. P2 212 GECKONIDE. 2. Phelsuma trilineatum. Phelsuma lineatum, part., Gray, Cat. p. 166. Phelsuma trilineatum, Gray, Zool. Mise. p. 57. Agrees in every respect with P. cepedianum, but the ventral scales are keeled, though less strongly than in P. lineatum, and the segments of the tail are composed of seven transverse rows of scales above and five or six on the side. Madagascar. aod. Madagascar. Dr. J. E, Gray [P.]. (Type.) bu Ss. —? 3. Phelsuma andamanense. Phelsuma andamanense, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxix. 1860, p: 108; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 112; Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soe. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 162; Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 160 ; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xii. 1873, p. 163. Gecko chameleon, Tytler, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxiii. 1864, p. 548. Snout twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear- opening, or the diameter of the orbit. Upper part of rostral with a median cleft. Nostril pierced above the rostral and first labial, the suture between the two plates entering its lower border; nine or ten upper labials ; eight or nine infralabials; chin-shields irregular, scarcely distinct from the surrounding scales ; two or three scales between the naso-rostrals. Ear-opening small, round, one fourth or one third the diameter of the orbit. Dorsal scales all granular, perfectly smooth. Ventral scales smooth. Femoral pores twelve to fifteen on each side. Tail not much depressed, narrower than the body; segments of tail rather indistinctly marked, composed of seven transverse series on the side, of nine above; lower surface of tail with a median scries of transversely dilated scales, two narrower ones alternating with a broader one ; all the caudal scales perfectly smooth. Greenish above, with more or less numerous orange spots, which, however, may be absent ; an orange streak from the ear to the nostril, passing through the eye, and another, A -shaped, from eye to eye, are generally present ; lower surfaces whitish, throat not spotted. Size and proportions of P. cepedianum. Andaman Islands. a. Several spec.: ¢ 2. Andaman Islands. Col. R. C. Tytler [P.]. 4. Phelsuma newtonii. (Prare XVII.) Phelsuma newtonii, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1884, p. 2. Snout once and two thirds as Jong as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening. Upper part of rostral with a median cleft ; nostril pierced above and between the rostral and the first labial ; eight upper labials; seven infralabials; chin-shields, only the inner pair well distinguished from the gular scales, which are larger than in the other species, equalling the ventral scales in size ; three scales between the naso-rostrals. Ear-opening small, its vertical diameter not half that of the orbit, All the scales on the 47. PHELSUMA. 218 back and sides very small, granular, without trace of a keel ; ventrals smooth. Digits shorter than in the other species. Tail much depressed, as broad as the pelvic region, with extremely strongly marked segments; these composed of seven or eight transverse rows of scales above, of five or six beneath; all the scales of the tail perfectly smooth, those on the lower surface larger, subequal, without median transversely dilated scales. Praeanal pores forming a short angular series in front of the vent, six on each side. Upper parts blackish olive, lower bluish grey; lips and throat whitish in specimen a. Total length .......... 223 millim. Head: iessegeiacaceenes ae Width of head ........ 22 ,, Body sev exarerseasdcs BO 4; Fore limb ............ 32. —C«,, Hind limb ....4.¢56605 41, Vail ectse aw eeee eeu ec 118° 335 Rodriguez. .d- Rodriguez. E. Newton, Esq. [P.]. z. : , Rodriguez. J.C. O'Halloran, Esq. (P.}. (Types.) 5. Phelsuma guentheri. A large species with the physiognomy of P. madagascariense. Snout nearly twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening. Rostral with median cleft above ; nostril pierced above the rostral and the first labial, the suture between those two plates entering its lower border ; eleven to fourteen upper and nine or ten lower labials; chin-shields rather small, three or four on each side, decreasing in size from inner to outer, well distinguished from the gular granules, which are minute; a single scale between the anterior nasals. Ear-opening oval, about one third the diameter of the orbit. All the scales of the back and sides very small, granular, without trace of a keel; ventrals smooth. Tail depressed, much narrower than the body, divided into distinct segments, each of which contains six transverse rows of scales on the side, eight or nine on the upper surface; lower surface with enlarged scales, not dilated transversely ; all the caudal scales perfectly smooth. Femoral pores forming a long series, as in P. madagas- cariense, composed of forty-five or forty-six pores altogether. Upper surfaces uniform grey (epidermis lost); lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 223 millim. Gad ie 2 porta elie senciaets 32. —C«, Width of head ........ 24s Body .....+-eee00 es . 9 4 Fore limb ...-.--.+++- 40 ,, Ffind limb.......----+ 49 ,, Tail (reproduced) ...... 98 =O, Round Island, near Mauritius. Round Island. Dr, A. Giinther [P.]. a-c. dQ. 214 GECKONIDH. 6. Phelsuma madagascariense. Phelsuma madagascariensis, Gray, Cat. p. 166. Platydactylus cepedianus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 301. —— cepedianus, var., A. Dum. Cat. Méth. Coll. Rept. p. 34. Phelsuma grandis, Gr ay, Ann. Mag. N. H. (4) vi. 1870, vp. 191. Pachydactylus cepedianus, var. madagascariensis, Boettg. Abh. Senck. Ges, xii. 1881, p. 458. Snout twice as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening or the diameter of the orbit. Upper part of rostral with a median cleft. Nostril pierced above and bordered beneath by the first labial; upper labials seven to nine; lower labials six to eight ; chin-shields three on each side, gradually decreasing in size, inner pair about twice as large as outer. Generally a single scale between the naso-rostrals. Har-opening small, its ver- tical diameter not half that of the orbit. Scales on hinder half of back distinctly, though very feebly, keeled in adult specimens. Ventral scales smooth. Femoral pores seventeen to twenty-five on each side in the adult, a few less in the young. Tail not very much depressed, narrower than the body; segments of tail rather indistinct, composed each of five or six transverse rows of scales on the side, seven to nine on the upper surface ; lower surface of tail (when intact) with a median series of transversely dilated scales, two narrower ones alternating with a broader one; the reproduced tail shows no trace of annuli, and the lower surface bears a series of very strongly dilated scales, some of which may be dilated along the middle ; the scales on the upper surface of the tail, at least in its anterior part, keeled. Upper parts greenish, bluish, or purple in spirits,uniform or with bright (red) markings ; these form generally a band from eye to nostril, and a A-shaped mark on the forehead; no band on temple or side of neck; on the back the markings may form irregular roundish spots, transverse bands, or a large vermicu- lation ; throat with more or less distinct blackish markings. Total length .......... 203 ‘millim. PCa sd bh dur ee un aye ated 26" er Width of head ........ 21a, BOdy cy wocnck aaa As 80 —6, Fore limb .. ........ 32. Cy, Hind limb ............ 45, Tail (reproduced) ...... 97 ~C«, Madagascar ; Seychelles (and probably Comoro Islands). a. Madagascar. Dr. J. E, Gray [P.]. T bo. Madagascar. (Type of ln oe eae c-e, f-%45,9,&yg. Seychelles. he sa oF P. Wright k. Yg., dried. Zungomero. obs " uae bi im. Yg. Quellimane, (Probably im- Sin J. Kirk [C.] ported.) 47, PHELSUMA. 2165 Pachydactylus dubius, Boettger, Zool. Anz. 1881, p. 46, and Abh. Ver. Brem. vii. p. 179, and Abh. Senck. Ges. xii. p. 464, from Nossi Bé, is perhaps a young P. madagascariense; the characters upon which that form now rests seem hardly sufficient to admit it as a species. The following is an abstract of the description :— . In habit intermediate between P. madaguscariense and P. lati- cauda. Rostral with a median cleft above ; nostril pierced above the first upper labial ; naso-rostrals separated by three scales; chin- shields four on each side, of equal size, scarcely larger than the surrounding gular scales. Dorsal scales rather large, smooth ; abdominal scalessmooth. Caudal scales smooth; the caudal segments composed of five or six transverse rows of scales above. Femoral pores twelve or thirteen on each side. Reddish brown above, spotted and variegated with yellowish anteriorly, with bluish posteriorly ; two blackish lateral streaks ; lower surfaces whitish, immaculate. 7. Phelsuma laticauda. Pachydactylus cepedianus, var., Boetig. Abh. Senck. Ges. xi. 1879, . 480. we laticauda, Boetig. Zool. Anz. 1880, p. 280, and Abh. Senck. Ges. xii. 1881, p. 461. Snout once and two thirds as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, twice the diameter of the orbit. Rostral without median cleft; nostril pierced above, and bordered beneath by the first upper labial; eight to ten upper labials; seven to nine lower labials; chin-shields eight, subequal, the inner pair hardly larger than the outer; generally a single scale between the naso-rostrals. Vertical diameter of the ear-opening about half the diameter of the orbit. Dorsal scales smooth or more or less di- stinctly keeled. Ventral scales smooth. Femoral pores thirteen or fourteen on each side. Tail much depressed, nearly as broad as the back; segments of tail not very distinct, composed each of six or seven transverse rows of scales on the side, eight to ten on the upper surface ; lower surface generally very irregularly plated ; the scales on the upper surface generally keeled. Green above; head with two or three rather indistinct reddish cross bars, the anterior Y-shaped, extending from one eye to the other; some- times a few large reddish spots on the hinder part of the back; a blackish band from the eye along the side of the neck and body, passing through the ear and over the shoulder, darkest as it approaches the groin; limbs and tail dotted or vermiculated with blackish ; lower surfaces whitish, throat generally greenish, im- maculate. Total length .......... 139 millim. Plead yw acetevnin es sctienss% 17, Width of head ........ 12 ,, Body. ics goons ieee . AT ,, Fore limb ....... eave LQ 45 216 GECKONID#. Hind limb............ 26 millim. atl. cakes see wa eRe Toe os, Madagascar ; Comoro Islands. ab. S. Nossi Bé. c. Several spec.: ¢,9,&hgr. Johanna. OC. E. Bewsher, Esq. [C.]. Pachydactylus quadriocéllatus, Peters, Sitzb. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1888, p. 28, from Central Madagascar, is no doubt very near to, and probably only a variety of, P. laticauda. The only difference I can find, from the very short description, is the presence of large round black spots edged with light blue at axilla and groin. 8. Phelsuma lineatum. (Prare XVIII. fig. 1.) Phelsuma lineatum, part., Gray, Cat. p. 166. Phelsuma lineatum, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 57. Snout once and a half or once and two thirds as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, twice the diameter of the orbit. Rostral generally without median cleft ; nostril pierced above, and bordered beneath by the first upper labial; eight or nine upper labials; seven or eight lower labials; chin-shields eight, scarcely distinct from the surrounding scales, which are quite or almost as large; generally a single scale between the naso- rostrals. Vertical diameter of the ear-opening about half the diameter of the orbit. Dorsal scales smooth, or very feebly keeled on the hinder part of the back. Ventral scales strongly keeled. Femoral pores twelve to fifteen, the number being generally thirteen. Tail depressed, considerably narrower than the body; segments distinct, limited by a row of larger scales, composed each of seven or eight transverse rows on the side, eight or nine on the upper surface ; scales on the upper surface of the tail feebly keeled, those on the lower surface strongly keeled, larger, subequal, not trans- versely dilated. Colour much as in A. laticauda ; the lateral blackish band is constantly bordered inferiorly by another pure white band, and it extends along each side of the tail. Total length .......... 115 millim. Head isn eaetucei ese atee 14, Width of head ........ 10.—«, Body as: a's2e gu awed satan 37—Ci,, Fore limb ............ 15_—C,, Hind limb............ 20 4, Watley yore ene aes 64g, Madagascar. a 3. Madagascar. Dr. J. E. Gray [P.]. (Type. a 3. Midewae Prof. A. wear by. Cyne.) fu. 8 Q. Madagascar. k,l 8 Q. Madagascar. 48. RHoPrRopus.—49, spHmRopacrrius. 217 48. RHOPTROPUS. Rhoptropus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1869, p. 58. Digits slender, free, dilated at the end, with undivided transverse lamelle below, furnished with extremely small, very indistinct, retractile claw ; upper surface with a flat, nail-like distal scale. Upper surfaces covered with granular scales ; belly covered with eycloid imbricated scales. Pupil vertical. Eyelid distinct all round the eye. No preanal nor femoral pores. South-western Africa. 1. Rhoptropus afer. Rhoptropus afer, Peters, 1c. p. 59, pl. —. fig. 2; Bocage, Jorn. Se. Insb, iv. 1878, p. 212. Habit of a Ptyodactylus. Snout depressed, broad, and rounded ; ear-opening rather large, horizontal, concealed by a narrow dermal fold. Nostril pierced in the centre of a swelling formed by three or four nasal scutes; ten or eleven upper and eight or nine lower labials ; mental and the contiguous labials much elongate; no chin- shields. Upper surfaces covered with minute granular scales, larger on the snout. Limbs elongate. Tail rounded, tapering, somewhat depressed, covered with small flat smooth scales. Yel- lowish or greenish-olive above, uniform or with small scattered dark spots ; lower surfaces greenish white. Total length .......... 135 millim. From snout to vent .... 52 ,, Head to ear-opening .. 14 ,, Fore limb ............ 25 («,, Hind limb ............ 30 Damaraland; Mossamedes. 49. SPHARODACTYLUS. Spherodactylus, part., Wagler, Syst. Amph. p. 143. Spheriodactylus, Gray, Griff. dn. Kingd., Syn. p. 52; Wiegm. Herp. Mex, p. 20; Dum. & Brbr. iii. p. 401; Bocourt, Miss. Se. Mer. Rept. p. 44. Sphasrodactylus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 93; Gray, Cat. Liz, p. 168 ; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 497. Digits narrow, slender, free, with transverse lamella inferiorly, the apex dilated into a disk, with a circular undivided plate in- feriorly ; all digits with a sheathed retractile claw, the sheath Opening laterally and inwards. Scales granular or imbricate. Pupil round or subelliptical. Eyelid nearly cireular. No preanal or femoral pores. West Indies ; Central America; Colombia. 218 GECKONID.Z. Synopsis of the Species. I. Dorsal scales very small, granular, smooth. A. Rostral large (see Plate XVIII. fig. 2 a). 1. Scales subequal. Five brown transverse bands between the end of the snout and the hind TEM Be ooo caste casie ohn op cusnsdon wah esas’ 1. sputator, p. 219. Ten brown transverse bands between the end of the snout and the hind TMD B yscct aie aety toca te eeeetere sean g . 2, elegans, p. 220. Body not barred ................ 3. punctatissimus, p. 220. 2. Scales much larger on the flanks than on the middle of the back s.0: doa canese aa 4, nigropunctatus, p. 220. B. Rostral moderately large (see Plate XVIII. fig. 3). Tail with two yellow black-edged spots near the Hip. .eisis ae seneeseress 5. glaucus, p. 221. II. Scales very small, juxtaposed, keeled. Ear-opening smaller than digital PAlleb ct hsb ce es ie wee ees 6. lineolatus, p. 221. Ear-opening larger than digital pallet. 7. casicolus, p. 222. Snout very acute: tail much longer than Dody: soa co fe aacwecreds 8. alopex, p. 222. III. Scales of medium size, slightly imbricate, keeled. Snout much longer than the distance betweentheeye andtheear-opening. 9. owyrrhinus, p. 222. Snout as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ...... 10. argus, p. 223. IV. Scales very large, at least as large as those on the belly, strongly keeled and imbricate. A. Vertebral line with granular scales. 1. Ventral scales quite smooth. Dorsal scales not larger than ventrals. 11. fantasticus, p. 223. Dorsal scales much larger than ven- trals: conse dicey as ecadausees ¢ 14. anthracinus, p. 225. 49. sPHRODACTYLUS. 219 2. Ventral scales feebly keeled. Dorsal scales not larger than ventrals. 12. microlepis, p. 224. Dorsal scales rather larger than ven- trals, very strongly keeled ...... 13. copii, p. 225, B. No granular scales on the vertebral line. 1. Scales on the breast keeled .. 15. macrolepis, p. 226. 2. Scales on the breast smooth. Snout rather short; four upper and four lower labials ..... ........ 16. notatus, p. 226. Snout short; three upper and three lower labials ...............00, 17. gilvitorques, p. 227. Snout longer than the distance be- tween the eye and the ear- OPODIN Gok ach aa Wise tren BSR 18. richardsoniz, p. 227. 1. Spherodactylus sputator. Spheerodactylus sputator, Gray, Cat. p. 168. ? Lacerta sputator, Sparrman, Vetensk, Acad, Handl, v. 1784, p. 164, 1. iv. fig. nits partons var. 1, Daud. Rept. iv. p. 99. Gecko sputator, Merr. Tent. p. 43. Spherodactylus sputator, Gray, in Griff. A. K., Syn. p. 52; Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 402; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad, 1861, p. 498. Snout pointed, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, about once and two thirds the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening small, oval, vertical. Rostral large, covering the end of the snout, with longitudinal cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and one or two small nasals ; five upper and as many lower labials, the anterior very long ; mental large, truncate posteriorly; no regular chin-shields, but polygonal scales passing gradually into the granules of the throat. Upper eyelid with an exceedingly small spine-like scale above the middle of the eye. Upper surfaces covered with equal, small, flat, granular scales, largest on the snout; abdominal scales larger, imbricate. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small scales arranged in verticils, and a median series of transversely dilated scales inferiorly. Yellowish brown, upper surfaces with transverse dark-brown bands, as wide as the interspaces between them ; five brown bands between the end of the snout and the hind limbs, the three anterior extending across the throat and neck; the bars on the tail complete, forming rings; snout dark brown, with two longitudinal yellowish streaks. Total length (tail injured) . i millim. Gad? cokes ea a us 220 GECKONIDA, Width of head..,....... 4 millim. Body. jercasiactenee ss wae Z1y i Fore limb ............ Or 55 Hind limb ............ ll ,, Cuba; San Domingo. a-e. Ad. & her. —P 2. Spherodactylus elegans. Anolis sputator, var. 2, Daud. Rept. iv. p. 99. Spheerodactylus sputator, Cocteau, in R. dela Sagra, Hist. Cuba, p. 160, pl. xvii. elegans, (McLeay) Reinh. § Liith, Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p. 275. Very closely allied to the preceding. The scales are smaller, and there are as many as ten transverse dark bands from the eyes to the hind limbs; these bars much narrower than the inter- spaces between them. From snout to vent 19 millim.; tail 18 millim. Cuba; San Domingo. a, Ad. San Domingo. 3. Spherodactylus punctatissimus. Spherodactylus punctatissimus, Gray, Cat. p. 168. Spherodactylus punctatissimus, Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 405; Reinh. & Liitk. Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p. 276. cinereus, Cocteau, in R. de la Sagra, Hist. Cuba, Rept. p. 166, pl. xviii.; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 498. Also closely allied to S. sputator. Snout still more pointed, longer, measuring twice the diameter of the orbit and distinctly more than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening. Grey above, uniform or dotted with white; in specimen 4 the snout is white. From snout to vent 35 millim.; tail 30 millim. Cuba; San Domingo; Martinique; Caraccas. a. Ad. Martinique. Paris Museum [P.]. b. Ad. Caraccas. cv. Ad. P 4, Spherodactylus nigropunctatus. (Prarez XVIII. fig. 2.) Spherodactylus nigropunctatus, Gray, Cat. p. 168. Agrees with S. sputator in general characters, but the granules on the flanks are considerably larger than those on the middle of the back. Brown (the very numerous minute black specks men- tioned by Gray being no longer visible), tail and lower surfaces lighter. From snout to vent 35 millim. ; tail 32 millim. 9 a, Ad. —?P (Type.) 49. sPH ZRODACTYLUS. 221 5. Spherodactylus glaucus. (Prare XVIII. fig. 3*.) Sp eredarty/ is glaucus, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1865, p. 192. ? Spheerodactylus inornatus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1873, p. 738. General characters as in S. sputator, but the rostral is con- siderably smaller. Light brown above, with darker vermiculations ; a dark streak on the side of the head, passing through the eye; a dark brown transverse spot on middle of upper side of neck; tail with two yellow black-edged spots near the tip ; digits annulated with yellow ; lower surfaces whitish, the sides and throat with brownish vermiculations. From snout to vent 30 millim. ; tail 30 millim. Central America. a, Ad. Vera Paz, low forest. F. D. Godman, and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. 6. Her. Vera Cruz. 6. Sphxrodactylus lineolatus. Spherodactylus fantasticus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 168. Spherodactylus lineolatus, Lichtenst. Nomencl. Rept. Mus. Berol. p- 6; Bocourt, Miss. Sc. Mex., Rept. p. 46. millepunctatus, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad, 1860, p. 480; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 499. Snout pointed, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear- opening small, oval, vertical. Rostral moderately large, with lon- gitudinal cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three scales; five upper and as many lower labials, the anterior very long; mental large, truncate posteriorly, followed by polygonal scales passing gradually into the granular gular scales. A small spine-like scale on the border of the upper eyelid, above the middle of the eye. Upper surfaces covered with small, equal, slightly keeled, juxtaposed granular scales; on the head the gra- nules are smooth, largest on the snout; abdominal scales larger, imbricate. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with imbricate smooth scales; a median series of large scales inferiorly. Two varieties of colour. Total length .......... 56 millim. Head. oa esses ae So ss Width of head.......... 45, Body tude sisdvice see hae 20.—«, Fore limb... 2.354504 8 35 Hind limb ............ 10, Tail, gis Ganathv ames 28. CO(«, Central America. Var. A.—Brownish above; head with five dark brown streaks, the central one ending on occiput, the others extending to the neck; the outer passing through the eye ; lower surfaces whitish. a, Ad. ——P E. Laforest, Esq. [P. ]. * End of snout, upper view, x 2. 222 GECKONIDZ. Var. B.—Brown above, dotted with darker; a dark line on the side of the head, passing through the eye; a dark band on each side of neck, and from axilla to groin; yellowish dark-edged ocelli on the back, limbs, and tail; digits annulate with yellowish ; end of tail with two blackish annuli, separated by a yellowish interspace ; lower surfaces whitish, with minute brown dots. o, Ad. ~ Santa Cruz. e. Ad, Chontales, Nicaragua. 7. Spherodactylus casicolus. Spherodactylus casicolus, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 499. Dorsal scales very minute, keeled; occipital granular, frontal keeled. Inferior labials (anterior to posterior border of orbit) five. Supra-nasal plates as long as broad. Muzzle elongate. Auricular aperture larger than digital pallet. Dark-brown rufous, with three distant, transverse, dorsal blotches, bordered with lighter; the anterior or interscapular indistinct. A dark spot upon the nape, bounded by two light dots. Numerous short longitudinal white lines upon the dorsal and lateral regions ; none upon the head. A loreal and three postocular dark lines. Beneath whitish, chin and sides of neck punctulated with rufous. Region of the Truando, Colombia. 8. Sphxrodactylus alopex. Spheerodactylus alopex, Cope, 1. c. Dorsal scales keeled, smaller than in S. owyrrhinus. Muzzle very acute, profile sloping regularly from the frontal region. Inferior labials (anterior to posterior border of orbit) six. Supra-nasal plates separated. Pupil apparently elliptic. Tail much longer than body. Above rufous grey, closely vermiculated with longitudinal rufous lines ; tail and extremities spotted with the same. Beneath pale brownish, faintly vermiculated with rufous brown on the gular region and the sides of the neck ; many of the abdominal and femoral plates margined with the same. San Domingo. 9. Spherodactylus oxyrrhinus. (Puare XVIII. fig. 4.) Spherodactylus oxyrhinus, Grosse, Ann. Mag. N. H. (2) vi. 1850, p. 847; Cope, i. c. Very closely allied to S. argus, from which it differs in the much longer and sharper snout and the larger rostral plate; the length of the snout equals nearly twice the diameter of the orbit, and is much more than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening. Pale 49, sPHRODACTYLUS. 223 brown above, covered with more or less confluent darker specks ; lower surfaces whitish, the sides and throat speckled with brown. From snout to vent 32 millim. Jamaica. a, Ad. St. Elizabeth’s, Jamaica. | P.H. Gosse, Esq. [P.]. (Type.) 10. Spherodactylus argus. (Puars XVIII. fig. 5.) Spherodactylus argus, Gosse, Ann. Mag. N. H. (2) vi. 1850, p. 347 ; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 498. Snout pointed, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit ; ear-opening small, oval, vertical. Rostral moderately large, with longitudinal cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three scales; five upper and as many lower labials, the anterior very long ; mental large, truncate posteriorly, followed by granules larger than those on the throat. A small spine-like scale on the border of the upper eyelid, above the middle of the eye. Head and throat covered with very small granular scales, largest on the snout ; back covered with medium-sized, flat, imbricate, keeled scales ; these dorsal scales about two thirds the size of the ventrals, which are smooth and imbricate. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with im- bricate smooth scales, the lower median series of which are enlarged. Pale brown above, with small, yellowish, dark-edged ocelli ; on the head these ocelli are generally lengthened, and frequently more or less confluent into six longitudinal lines, which sometimes extend along the back. Lower surfaces whitish, the throat variegated with brown. Total length .......... 58 millim. Head. sevcrgeug eon gtenes Oe gs Width of head ........ Doss Body aacrigeeuan sw os 22 =, Fore limb.............. SB. ys Hind limb ............ 10. ,, Mat) siesta gee cheats orcas 7 aa Jamaica. a-c, d-e. Ad. Jamaica. P. H. Gosse, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) f+. Yg. Jamaica. 7%. Ad. —? Sir W. Hooker [P.]. Lm, n, 0, p. Ad. —? 11. Sphwrodactylus fantasticus. Spherodactylus fantasticus, part., Gray, Cat. p. 168. Spherodactylus fantasticus (Cuv.), Dum. § Bibr. iii. p. 406, pl. xxxii. fig. 2; A. Dum. Arch, Mus, viii. p. 469, pl. xvii. fig. 3; Cope, Proc. 224 GECKONID#. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 500; Reinh. § Liith. Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p- 277; Bocourt, Miss. Se. Mex., Rept. p. 44, pl. x. fig. 4. Snout pointed, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the diameter of the orbit; ear-opening roundish, about as large as digital expansion. Rostral large, with longitudinal cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three scales; three upper labials, median smallest ; three lower labials, first very large, third very small; mental large, truncate posteriorly. A small spine-like scale on the border of the upper eyelid, above the centre of the eye. Upper surface of head covered with small, granular, slightly keeled scales, largest on the snout. Back covered with subrhomboidal imbricate scales about the size of the ventral scales; the vertebral line covered with minute granular scales. Scales on the limbs small, slightly keeled. Gular scales granular, abdominal scales large, imbricate, smooth. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with smooth imbricate scales, with a series of large transversely dilated plates inferiorly. Light brown above, the head generally darker, vermiculated with white lines; whitish beneath. Total length .......... 54 millim. Head aos avawatan nats 7 6 Width of head .,....... 5 ma Body: a tace sea a kas os 20 4 Fore limb ............ 8 59 Hind limb............ 10:5 ,, PaaS essa wari diahacorans 2, is West Indies; Mexico; Venezuela. a, Ad. Caraccas. b. Ad. Antigua. 12. Spherodactylus microlepis. Spherodactylus fantasticus, var.. A. Dum. Arch. Mus. viii. p. 469, pl. xvii. fig. 4. microlepis, Reinh. § Liith. Vidensk, Meddel. 1862, p. 278. ——- melanospilos (A. Dum.), Bocourt, Miss, Sc. Mex., Rept. p. 44 (footnote). Distinguished from S. fantasticus in having the snout shorter and more obtuse, the dorsal scales smaller, and the granules forming a less distinct zone on the middle of the back larger. Bocourt adds that the ventral scales are keeled and that there are no enlarged inferior caudal scales. Back with dark spots and large transverse markings ; throat lineolate with brown. West Indies (Sa. Lucia, St. Croix). 49, sPHERODACTYLUS. 225 13. Spherodactylus copii. Spheerodactylus copei, Steindachn. Novara, Rept. p. 18, pl. i. fig. 5. Closely allied to S. fantasticus. The dorsal scales are rather larger and much more strongly keeled ; all the head-scales keeled ; ventral scales slightly keeled. . Ad. —? E. Laforest, Esq. [P.]. Probably the species described under this name by Steindachner, though no mention is made of the slight keel on the ventral scales. 14. Spherodactylus anthracinus. Sphzrodactylus anthracinus, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 500. Snout acuminate, elongate, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the diameter of the eye. Ear-opening oval, oblique, nearly as large as digital pallet. Rostral large, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three scales; four upper and as many lower labials, anterior very long; mental large, truncate posteriorly. Upper eyelid with a small spine-like scale. Head covered with granular scales, larger and slightly keeled on the snout. Dorsal scales very large, much larger than ventrals, rhomboidal, imbricate, strongly keeled, in ten rows on each side, separated on the median dorsal line by a narrow zone of minute granular scales. Gular scales granular, minute; ventral scales moderate, imbricate, smooth. Caudal scales strongly imbricate, rather pointed, those on the anterior half of the tail keeled; inferiorly a median series of transversely enlarged. scales. Cope describes the colour as black, the large dorsal scales tinged with blue. The present specimen, which agrees well in other points with Cope’s diagnosis, is light brownish above, with dark brown spots on the back, limbs, and tail ; head with whitish spots and three whitish streaks, one longitudinally between the orbits and the others from the nostril to the orbit; inferiorly brownish white. Total length .......... 79 millim. Heads ci ace syd aes ke 10 _~—C—,, Width of head.......... 6 4, Body: eves as eeded anes 27s, Fore limb ...........-. lls, Hind limb ............ 15 ,, Taal wit yes tots bf Pde eve 42, Mexico ; West Indies. a, Ad. San Domingo. 4 226 GECKONID.At, 15. Spherodactylus macrolepis. Spherodactylus macrolepis, Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) iv. 1859, p. 215, pl. iv. fig. B; Cone, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 500; Reinh. & Liith. Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p. 279. imbricatus, Fischer, Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen, vii. 1882, p. 234, pl. xv. figs, 4-10. Snout obtusely pointed, as long as the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, hardly once and a half the diameter of the eye. Ear-opening roundish, as large as digital expansion. Rostral moderately large, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and two or three scales; three or four upper and as many lower labials, anterior longest; mental large, truncate posteriorly. Upper eyelid with a small spine-like scale. Head covered with small, juxtaposed, slightly keeled scales, largest on the snout. Dorsal scales larger than ventrals, rhom- boidal, pointed behind, strongly keeled and imbricate. Scales on the breast keeled, on the belly smooth. Caudal scales similar to the dorsals ; a series of larger scales on the lower side of the tail. Light brown above; head with dark brown lines; sometimes a large interscapular black spot with two white dots anteriorly ; lower surfaces dirty white, throat generally striolated with brown. Total length .......... 54 millim. Head: & 2% «seh ce @esaeks Ty Width of head ........ 4, Body: vsieacsec nee nies 1D: yy Fore limb ............ a Hind limb ............ Of os Bails wicerswes @adeaeae O28 as West Indies (St. Croix, St. Thomas). a-b, Ad. St. Croix. A. Newton, Esq. [P.]. (Types. e-d, Ad. St. Thomas, Hr. Riise [C.]. ee aes) 16. §pherodactylus notatus. Spherodactylus notatus, Baird, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1858, p. 254, and U.S. Mex, Bound. Surv., Rept. p. 24, pl. xxiv. figs. 29-37 ; Cope, Proc. Ac, Philad, 1861, p. 500, Snout rather short. Four upper and as many lower labials. Upper eyelid with a spine-like scale. Frontal scales keeled. Dorsal scales large, keeled. Gular scales smooth. Tail longer than body. Colour reddish brown, with faint darker markings on the back, indicating longitudinal streaks. A median longitudinal line upon the head, which expands posteriorly ; a supraciliary, three postocular, and a loreal line; the first-mentioned extends from a greater or less distance posteriorly ; in some specimens these lines are broken into small spots. : Florida ; West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba). 49. sPHR@RODACTYLUS. 227 17. Sphwrodactylus gilvitorques. Spheerodactylus gilvitorques, Cope, Proc, Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 500. Snout short. Three upper and three lower labials. Mental nar- rowed behind. Frontal scales keeled. Dorsal scales large, keeled, intermaxillary in about sixteen rows. Colour dark brown above, with a yellow collar just anterior to the interscapular region. Head darker, marked with narrow lines as follow :—one median, one supraciliary, one loreal, two postauricular. Beneath a little paler. Jamaica. 18. Spherodactylus richardsonii. (Prars XVIII. fig. 6.) Spherodactylus richardsonii, Gray, Cat. p. 168. Spheerodactylus richardsonii, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861, p. 499. Snout pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the diameter of the eye. Har- opening roundish, nearly as large as digital expansion. Rostral large, with median cleft above; nostril pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and two rather large nasals; four upper and three or four lower labials, anterior longest ; mental large, truncate posteriorly. Upper eyelid with a very smallspine-like scale. Head covered with granular scales, which are not larger, and slightly keeled on the snout. Dorsal scales very large, much larger than ventrals, rhomboidal, strongly keeled, and imbricate; they form about eighteen longitudinal series. Gular scales minutely granular ; abdominal scales large, imbricate, smooth. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with large strongly imbricate scales; those on the upper surface keeled; a series of feebly enlarged scales inferiorly. Light pinkish-brown above, with six lighter, dark-edged, transverse bands on the body; head with two white streaks from the tip of the snout to the neck, and another on each side from eye to ear; tail completely encircled by eight brown annuli, becoming gradually darker towards the end, as broad as the interspaces between them ; limbs also annulate. Lower surfaces lighter, the throat with brown chevron-shaped bands. Total length .......... 76 millim. Head’ cecwiwsuew kteaes Tl, 4 Width of head ........ 1% Body ...-.. 0220-8 eres 26 C«, Fore limb ........---- lls, Hind limb ........---- 13 C«, Tail: | «, vxigwrendewacs tie 39 Jamaica. a, Ad. —? Sir J. Richardson [P.]. (Type-) &, Ad. Montego Bay. a2 228 GECKONID, The following genus, characterized by Gray in 1842, has never been rediscovered ; the type is not to be found in the Collection. If the description is correct, this Gecko constitutes a distinct genus. Puyrra, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 53. “Toes moderate, base scaly above and below, dilated, ends ex- panded into a rounded disk, with two series of diverging plates be- neath, last joint free, compressed, clawed ; thumb of fore and hind teet smaller, clawless; back covered with small granular, belly with rather larger scales; labial and chin-shields distinct; tail round, tapering, with a series of large hexagonal plates beneath ; preanal pores distinct, in an angular line. Like Ptyodactylus, but the toes are shorter, thicker, dilated at the base, and it has praanal pores.” Phyria punctulata, Gray, 1. ¢. “ Olive-grey, in spirit; scales minutely black-speckled ; lips, sides of throat, chest, belly, and underside of tail yellow.” Port Essington. The following bones of an apparently extinct Lacertilian, from Rodriguez, have been referred to Gecko (Gecko newtonit, Ginther, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. xiii. 1878, p. 324), which generic identifica- tion seems to me extremely doubtful, the parietal bone being single, whereas it is double in all known Geckoids. a, Two parietals, posterior Rodriguez. Transit-of-Venus Exped. half of right ramus of lowerjaw, righthumerus, right half of pelvis, five left and two right fe- mora. EBUPLEPHARLD.E. 229 - Fam. 2. EUBLEPHARIDA. Geckonide, part., omn, auct. Eublepharidz, Boulenger, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5) xii. 1883, p. 808, and eod. loc, (5) xiv. 1884, p. 119. Except in the proccelian vertebre and the single parietal bone, the skeleton is similar to that of the preceding family, to which the Eublepharide are closely affined. The teguments are also very similar, and of a soft kind; the upper surfaces are covered with small scales or granules, which are usually intermixed with enlarged tubercles, and the lower surface of the body with small, cycloid, imbricated scales. The skin of the head is free from the skull. The eyes are moderately large, with elliptico-vertical pupil, and are protected by thick, movable, connivent lids. The nostril is rather large, directed slightly upwards, though lateral, and separated from tho rostral and labial plates. The tympanum is exposed. The limbs are weak and the digits short and cylindrical; they are all provided with a small, sharp, retractile claw which, in Coleonyw, is entirely concealed in a much-developed compressed sheath; this sheath, which differs only in size according to the genera, is composed of two lateral plates, the superior suture of which is covered by a third narrower one, a structure which we have already met with in the Geckoid genus Zlurosaurus. As in the Geckos, the tail is extremely fragile. Males have a few preanal pores, forming an angular series. Three species are natives of Central America, one of the southern parts of the United States, two of Southern Asia, and one of West Africa; the genus Hublepharis occurs in America as well as in Asia. This extraordinary distribution seems to indicate that the few representatives of this small family are the remnants of some ancient, more generally dispersed, group; it nevertheless remains a matter of wonder how forms, now so widely separated, have re- tained so great a resemblance, not only in structure, but also in the pattern of coloration. Synopsis of the Genera. Claws partly exposed; lower surface of digits granular. 1. Psilodactylus, p. 229. Claws partly exposed ; lower surface of digits lamellar. 2. Eublepharis, p. 230. Claws entirely concealed into a large compressed sheath ; lower sur- face of digits lamellar............ 3. Coleonyx, p. 234. 1. PSILODACTYLUS. Psilodactylus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1864, p. 61. Digits granular inferiorly ; claw-sheath small, the claws only partially retractile. West Africa. 230 EUBLEPHARIDE. 1. Psilodactylus caudicinctus. Stenodactylus caudicinctus, 4. Dum. Rev. Mag. Zool. 1851, p. 478, pl. xiii. and Cat. Méth, Rept. p. 48, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 489, pl. xviii. fig. 15. Psilodactylus caudicinctus, Gray, 4. ¢. Body stout; limbs short, weak ; digits very short. Snout as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter large, oval, slightly oblique, its longitudinal diameter half the diameter of the orbit. Head covered with flat, irregular, polygonal tubercles, largest on the temples ; rostral quadrangular, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril between several scales, the anterior of which is largest and widely separated from its fellow on the other side; eight to ten upper, and about ten lower labials; mental broadly pentagonal, in contact with two enlarged chin-shields, sur- rounded by irregular smaller ones passing gradually into the flat granules of the gular region. Body covered above with small, irregular, flat scales intermixed with numerous suboval, obtusely keeled tubercles, which on the sides unite three to three. Male with thirteen preanal pores. Tail swollen, rounded, tapering at the end, circularly plaited, above with small flat scales and rows of enlarged obtusely keeled tubercles, inferiorly with larger flat scales arranged regularly. Cream-coloured above, with reddish-brown bands, viz. a horseshoe-shaped band from eye to eye across the nape, two broad transverse bands across the back, and three round the tail; these bands are as broad as the interspaces between them; slight reddish marblings on the lips and sides of neck ; lower surfaces white. Total length .......... 210 millim. Cad: a, nod ane nase Bl) 55 Width of head ........ 25 5 BOY a itdcaaraee lata wanns 99 CO, Fore limb ............ 33g, Hind limb ............ 45, SUA omsveagecnaan stats cies hat cae 80, West Africa. a,b. SQ. W. Africa. 2. EUBLEPHARIS. Eublepharis, Gray, Phil. Mag. (2) iii. 1827, p. 56, and Zool. Journ. i, 1828, p. 223, and Cat. p. 170; Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 148; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 90; Gunth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 119. Gymnodactylus, part., Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 19. Digits with a row of lamellx inferiorly ; claw-sheaths small, the claws only partially retractile. Southern Asia; Central America ; southern North America, 2. EUBLEPHARIS. 231 Synopsis of the Species. I. Back with enlarged tubercles. Tubercles larger than the interspaces be- tween them.................... l. hardwickii, p. 231. Tubercles not larger than the interspaces between them ; mental pentagonal, much broader than long, followed by a pair of chin-shields... 0.0.0... 0.000 ceuee 2. macularius, p. 232. Tubercles not larger than the interspaces between them; mental subquadrangular, as long as broad; no chin-shields .... 3. dovii, p. 233. II. Back uniformly granular. Snout as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening; eight labials to below the centre of the eye....... 4, variegatus, p. 233. Snout longer than the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; six labials to below the centre of the eye......... 5. fasciatus, p. 234. 1. Eublepharis hardwickii. Eublepharis hardwickii, Gray, Cat. p. 170. Eublepharis hardwickii, Gray, Wl. ce. and Ill. Ind. Zool.; Giinth. 1. ¢. p- 119, pl. xi. fig. B. Gymnodactylus lunatus, Blyth, in Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p. 27, and Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxiii. 1854, p. 210. Body stout ; limbs rather short; digits short. Snout as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening; latter large, suboval, vertical. Head covered with irregular polygonal scales, intermixed with enlarged tubercles on the temples and occiput ; rostral subpentagonal, twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; three or four internasals; about ten upper and as many lower labials; mental broadly pentagonal, in contact with two enlarged chin-shields, surrounded by irregular smaller ones passing gradually into the flat granules of the gular region. Body covered above with small, irregular, flat scales, intermixed with numerous roundish, subconical tubercles; these tubercles larger than the inter- spaces between them. Male with fourteen to eighteen preanal pores. Tail swollen, rounded, tapering at the end, circularly plaited, above with small flat scales and rows of enlarged subconical tubercles, inferiorly with larger flat scales arranged regularly. Above reddish brown and cream-coloured; the former colour occcupies the head and forms two broad bands across the back, the anterior broadest, and three round the tail; the latter borders the upper lip and extends as a horseshoe-shaped band to the other side, passing across the neck, and occupies the interspace between the dorsal and caudal brown bands, which are by far the widest; lower surfaces white. 232 EUBLEPHARID &. Total length .......... 199 millim. GAD icine ceed eek wks 35g, Width of head ........ 23 =, BOW Ye se thee -aey Soiled ue TW 4 Fore limb .........-... 389 Ca, Hind limb ............ 47, Paty «ap iSie tate tence eae’ 87 yy Eastern and Southern India. aod. Penang, Chittagong. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. (Type.) b-c. 3. Russelconda, Dr. Traill [P.]. d. 9. Anamallays. Col. Beddome [C.]. 2. Eublepharis macularius. Cyrtodactylus macularius, Blyth, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xxiii. 1854, 738 Ruhtepharis fasciolatus, Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) xiv. 1864, p. 429. macularius, Theob. Cat. Rept. As. Soc. Mus. p. 32 ; Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p.183; Theob. Cat. Rep. Brit. Ind. p.94; Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 366. hardwickii, (non Gray) Murray, l. c. Differs from the preceding by the smaller and less numerous tubercles, the granular interspaces being as wide as the tubercles themselves ; these are subconical or slightly keeled. The body and the digits are rather more elongate. Nine to fourteen preanal pores in the male. Young with five chestnut-brown transverse bands from head to sacrum, slightly broader than their interspaces, which are whitish, and similar rings round the tail; the first band is horse- shoe-shaped, and encircles the occiput, each branch advancing to the eye. In the adult these bands become more indistinct, and the head and body become spotted or largely vermiculated with chestnut- brown and whitish; in some only the brown edges of the dorsal bands remain. Specimen 7 has the two broad dorsal bands of E. hardwickii with the variegations of E. macularius. Lower sur- faces white. Total length .......... 199 millim. Head pce. koriase ees Oe % Width of head ........ 24 —(, Body wiv ecw evieg nde Sis Fore limb ............ 40 ,, Hind limb............ 50, Peal « ffi Dae reli ae rita 80 North-western India, probably ranging through Baluchistan and Persia to the Euphrates*. a9. Between Cashmere and Murree. A. Kinloch, Esq. eae b-d. § & yg. Rajampore, Punjab. C. Tufnell, Esq. [P.]. * [have examined a specimen, belonging to the Paris Museum, collected at Nineveh by M. de Saulcy. 2, EUBLEPHARIS. 233 ef. gd & yg. Hydrabad, Sind. R.T. Riddell, Esq. [P.]. : (Eines of E. fasciolatus.) gd. Sind. vr, Leith [P.}. Ao. Kuwrachee, Dr. Leith bt i 3. Kandesh. Dr. Leith [P.]. 3. Eublepharis dovii. Habit rather slender, as in Coleonya elegans. Snout as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening; latter rather large, oval, vertical. Head covered with granules intermixed with round subconical tubercles ; rostral pentagonal, not quite twice as broad as high; a pair of large internasals forming a suture behind the rostral ; seven upper and as many lower labials ; mental large, squarish, as broad as high; no chin-shields. Body covered above with small granules intermixed with round,mostly trihedral, tubercles, which are not larger than the interspaces between them. Abdominal scales strongly imbricate. Seven preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering gradually, covered with flat, squarish scales arranged regu- larly, those on the lower surface larger, above with rows of enlarged tubercles. Brownish white above, marbled with chocolate-brown, _which colour forms irregular transverse bands on the tail; a rather indistinct horseshoe-shaped mark from eye to eye, over the nape ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 148 millim. Head: o42.gvengeueeacs 20 «4, Width of head ........ 13 CO, Bod pars ce cae ea as 50, Forelimb .... ....... 24 4, Hind limb............ 30. Co, MDA eed recegeacnaey signs, TOE as Panama. a, s. Panama. Capt. T. C. Dow [P.]. 4. Eublepharis variegatus *. Stenodactylus variegatus, Baird, Proc. Ac, Philad. 1858, p. 254, and U. S. Mex. Bound. Surv., Rept. pl. xxiii. figs, 9-27, & xxiv. figs. 11-19. . Coleonyx variegatus, Cope, Proc, Ac, Philad, 1866, p. 125. Habit of Coleonyx elegans. Snout as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening; latter small, oval, very oblique, almost horizontal. Head and body covered with uniform granules, which are largest on the snout; rostral pentagonal, broader than high ; anterior nasal largest, separated from its fellow by a granule * Described from a female specimen, from Texas, in M. F. Lataste’s collection, 234 EUBLEPHARIDE. behind the rostral ; eight upper and as many lower labials to below the centre of the eye; mental large, subtrapezoid, slightly broader than long, longer than the adjacent Jabials. Abdominal scales strongly imbricate. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform, small, imbricate scales, which are slightly enlarged interiorly. Pale brown above, with round darker spots and six light wavy cross bands on the neck and back ; the two anterior bands on the nape horseshoe- shaped, reaching to below the eye and to below the ear respectively ; tail with alternate dark and light annuli of equal width ; lips with brown and white spots; lower surfaces white, throat spotted with brown. Total length .......... 107 millim. GA pccisie tee Sisve Ps ow 12) x Width of head ........ 8° O35 Body aici eagekeanas 39 ~—C«y Fore limb ............ eh) 53 Hind limb............ Bo TRA pi eh then Ree ee 56 OC, Texas and California. 5. Eublepharis fasciatus. Closely allied to the preceding, from which it differs in the larger and more elongate head, the length of the snout exceeding the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening. Six labials to below the centre of the eye. Brown above, with five or six black- edged, whitish, transverse bands, the anterior on the nape horseshoe- shaped, extending to the eye ; tail with alternate, broader dark, and narrower light annuli ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 113 millim. GAGS 2 ooo scans soe atl Des 16s, Width of head ........ OP 93 BOY ose siaveniiond jeraacgaes 40 ,, Fore limb ............ 20 ,, Hind limb ............ 25, Vall). aac ieAaas en 57g, Mexico. a, 2. Ventanas. Hr. A. Forrer [C.]. 3. COLEONYX. Coleonyx, Gray, Ann. § Mag. N. H. xvi. 1845, p. 162; Bocourt, Miss. Sc. Mex., Rept. p. 49. Brachydactylus, Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac. 1863, p. 41. Digits with a row of lamelle inferiorly ; claws concealed into very large compressed sheaths. Central America. 3. COLEONYX. 235 1. Coleonyx elegans. Coleonyx elegans, Gray, l.c. p. 163; Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1866, p- 125; Bocourt, 1. c. p. 49, pl. x. fig. 7. - Gymnodactylus scapularis, 4, Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 45. —— coleouyx, d. Dum. Arch. Mus. viii. p. 488, pl. xvi. fig. 6. Brachydactylus mitratus, Peters, lc. p. 42. > Body and limbs rather elongate, latter slender; digits slender, short. Snout longer than the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; latter large, oval, slightly oblique. Snout covered with large, slightly keeled granules; the rest of the head with small granules intermixed with small round tubercles; rostral large, pentagonal, once and a half as broad as high; anterior nasal very large, forming a suture with its fellow; six or seven upper and seven or eight lower labials; mental large, trapezoid, a little broader than long; no chin-shields. Body covered above with small granules intermixed with numerous round, smooth or very slightly keeled tubercles. Abdominal scales strongly im- bricate. Male with eight or nine preanal pores. Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small, flat scales, slightly enlarged inferiorly, above with rows of enlarged tubercles, Brownish white above, variegated with chestnut-brown ; a U-shaped band on the nape, and four cross bands on the body, light, bordered with brown; head largely vermiculated with brown; tail with brown rings; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 124 millim. Head. cw dae ord aenns Le” 55 Width of head ........ lls, BOG y fic teciaclaeeal ah G2 38 50. Ca, Fore limb ...........- 23 3 Hind limb............ O83 xy Tall. aig awe ates 57, Specimen 6, in which the tail is lost, measures 87 millim. from snout to vent. Central America. a 3. Belize. Mr. Dyson [C.].. (Type.) bs. Yucatan. 236 UROPLATIDS, Fam. 3. UROPLATIDE. Geckonide, part., omn. auct. Uroplatidws, Boulenger, Ann. § Mag. N. H. (5) xiv. 1884. Tongue moderately elongate, simply papillose, slightly nicked anteriorly. Dentition strictly pleurodont; teeth numerous, small, obtusely conical, with long cylindrical shafts. No pterygoid teeth. Skull thin, much depressed ; a rather strong ligamentous postorbital arch ; no frontosquamosal arch; premaxillary single; nasal single ; frontal single; parietals two. Vertebree amphiccelian ; abdominal ribs. Limbs well developed. Clavicles slender, not dilated prox- imally; interclavicle minute. Skin of head free from the skull ; teguments soft, granular and tubercular. This family contains a single genus, the aberrant Uroplates of Madagascar, which combines with a Geckoid structure a peculiar sternal apparatus and the union of the nasal bones. 1. UROPLATES*. Uroplates, Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825, p. 198, and Cat. Liz. p. 161. Uroplatus, Fitzing. N. Classif. Rept. p. 18. Sarruba, Fitzing. f. ¢. Thecadactylus, part., Gray, Phil. Mag. (2) iii. 1827, p. 54. Rhacoéssa, Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 142; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 97. Chiroperus, Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 20; Fitzing. lc. p. 96. Ptyodactylus, part., Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 375. Oiacurus (non Leuck.), Fitzing. l.c. p. 97. Lonchurus, Fitzing. 1. c. Caudiverbera, Gray, Cat. p. 152. Digits depressed, more or less webbed, with very small equal scales inferiorly, the extremity strongly dilated, with two diverging series of lamelle inferiorly ; all the digits clawed, the claw retractile in the anterior notch of the distal expansion. Body covered with small juxtaposed scales. Pupil vertical. No eyelids. Ear-opening distinct. No preeanal nor femoral pores. Madagascar. * The Gecko described by Feuillée in 1714 (Journ. des Observ. phys.-math. &e. i. p. 819) is probably mythical. Its synonymy runs as follows :— Lacerta caudiverbera, Linn. S. N. i. p. 359. Caudiverbera peruviana, Laur, Syst. Amph. p. 43; Gray, Cat. p. 152. Gecko cristatus, Daud. Rept. iv. p. 167. —— caudiverbera, Merr. Syst. Amph. p. 40. Ptyodactylus feuillai, Dum. g Bibr. iii. p. 386 Oiacurus feuillei, Fits. Syst. Rept. p. 97. Hab. Chili. 1. UROPLATES. 237 Synopsis of the Species. A strong denticulated fold bordering the body MOO IMDS: cc acee gene hin rune GwsaKeAe 1. fimbriatus, p. 237. Limbs without folds or spines; upper eyelid with a spine-like scale .............0.- 2. lineatus, p. 238. Head and limbs with spine-like scales; tail not longer than the head .............. 3. ebenaui, p. 238. 1. Uroplates fimbriatus*. Uroplates fimbriatus, Gray, Cat. p. 151. Flacourt, Hist. Madag. p. 155, Stellio fimbriatus, Schneid. Amph. Phys. ii. p. 82. Gecko fimbriatus, Lat, Rept. i. p. 54; Daud. Rept. iv. p. 160, pl. li. Ptyodactylus fimbriatus, Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 881. —— (Rhacoéssa) fimbriatus, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 97. Rhacoéssa hypoxantha, Wagl. Icon. Descr. Amph. pl. xxxvi. Head large, depressed; snout much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and two thirds the dia- meter of the orbit; a distinct canthus rostralis; interorbital space deeply concave; ear-opening very small, oval, vertical. Body depressed. Limbs slender, very long; digits half-webbed. A den- ticulated dermal fold bordering the lower jaw, the neck, the body, and the limbs. Upper surfaces covered with small, irregular-sized, juxtaposed, flat scales; throat with minute granules; abdominal scales very small, flat, subhexagonal, juxtaposed. Rostral small, subquadrangular ; nostril pierced between numerous small scales, separated from the rostral by three rows of scales; labials minute, about forty upper and thirty-five lower; mental minute; no chin- shields. ‘ail short, depressed, covered with small juxtaposed scales, surrounded by a broad membrane with rounded outline. Reddish brown above, variegated with darker; lower surfaces dirty white, uniform. Total length .......... 234 millim. Head )2acauerieca se Yau 49 ,, Width of head ........ 34, * Body: saccwui seee-* pacts 120, Fore limb ............ 74, Hind limb............ 92 ,, Tall sieeacg ave ckneas 65, Madagascar. a, b, ce, d. Ad. & her. Madagascar. e. Skeleton. Madagascar. * The following synonyms must also probably be referred to this species :— Stellio tetradactylus, Schneid, Lc. p. 33. Gecko sarroubea, Daud. J.c. p. 176. —— tetradactylus, Merr. Tent. p. 41. Ptyodactylus sarrube, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 96. 238 UROPLATID&. 2. Uroplates lineatus. Uroplates lineatus, Gray, Cat. p. 152. : Ptyodactylus lineatus, Dum. & Bibr. iii. p. 884, pl. xxxi. figs. 1-3 *; A. Dum, Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 40. Oiacurus (Lonchurus) lineatus, Fitsing. Syst. Rept. p. 97. Differs from U. fimbriatus in the following characters :—Head narrower ; interorbital space not concave; upper eyelid with two projecting spine-like scales. Limbs rather shorter, without cutaneous fringe. A slight, not denticulated, dermal fold from axilla to groin. About twenty-five upper and as many lower labials. Tail rounded, bordered by a narrower membrane, narrowing posteriorly. Head and back with five or six parallel blackish longitudinal lines. Madagascar. 3. Uroplates ebenaui. Uroplates ehenaui, Boetiger, Abh. Senck. Ges. xi. 1878, p. 273, pl. i. fig. 1. boettgeri, Fischer, Jahresb. Naturh. Mus. Hamb. f. 1883, p. 33, pl. iii. fig. 9. Head large, very convex posteriorly ; snout not much longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening ; latter very small. Body not depressed. Limbs shorter, and interdigital web less deve- loped than in U. fimbriatus. Upper surfaces with small granular seales and soft spine-like scales or lobes, the largest of which are at the posterior corner of the upper eyelid, a pair on each side on the posterior border of the head, and one at the knee. Tail not longer than the head, with a dermal lobe or a series of spine-like scales on each side. Light brownish grey above, with darker markings ; the spines and oblique lines on the back and limbs white. Total length .......... 6 2°5 millim. Eads arene Be ore tee a 17 i Width of head ........ 13 3 BOA Yin s peice an seb 30 ‘ij Pall, sc oictaeg ops ewe 155 ” Nossi Bé. * The figures represent the digits nearly free, whilst the description says *‘ Pattes demi-palmées.” \ PYGOPODIDE. 239 Fam. 4. PYGOPODIDZ. Scincoidiens, part., Cuvier, Régne Anim. ii. 1817. Gymnophthalmoidea, part., Fitzinger, Neue Classif. Rept. 1826. Autarchoglosse, part., Wagler, Syst. Amph. 1830. Gymnophthalmi, part., Wregmann, Herp. Mex. 1834. Scincoidiens, part., Dumeril § Bibron, Erp. Gén. v. 1889. Pygopide, Gray, Cat. Liz, 1845, Aprasiade, Gray, l.c. Lialiside, Gray, J. c. Pygopodide, Boulenger, Ann. § Mag. N. H. (5) xiv. 1884. The premaxillary is single, narrowed, and much produced pos- teriorly between the nasals, in the long-snouted Lialis quite as much as in the Varanide ; the nasals are distinct; the frontal is single; the pre- and postfrontals are in contact, separating the frontal from the orbit; the parietals remain distinct, except in Lialis; the Jugal is rudimentary, there being no postorbital arch ; a postfronto- squamosal arch is also absent; the pterygoids are widely separated and toothless. The mandible contains only four bones, the angular, supra-angular, and articular having coalesced. The dentition is pleurodont. The teeth are small, numerous, and closely set; in Lialis they are recurved posteriorly, very acute, and swollen at the base, thus resembling those of the Varanide, whilst in the other genera they do not diverge from the normal pleurodont type, being obtusely pointed and with long cylindrical shafts. The skin of the head is quite free from the cranial ossification, and there are no supraorbital bones. The serpentiform body is destitute of functional limbs; the fore limb is entirely absent, while the hind pair is visible externally as a scaly flap, most developed in Pygopus, in which the bones of the limbs may be felt more or less distinctly ; when the skin is removed, in Pygopus, the foot, with five ossified toes, is seen most plainly, especially in the males; the ischium appears externally as a small spur on each side behind the anal cleft. The sternal apparatus exists in a rudimentary state. The tail is long and fragile. The eyes are rather small, with elliptico- vertical or subelliptical pupil, and not protected by movable lids. The ear is either exposed or concealed under the scales. The tongue is fleshy, papillose, elongate, more or less feebly incised anteriorly, and extensible. The body is covered with roundish imbricate scales, and the head is more or less regularly plated. Preeanal pores are frequently present. To place this family in the system is a matter of some diffi- culty. Though formerly associated with, or placed near, the Skinks, the Pygopods have nothing in common with them except superficial appearance. The structure of the skull is most similar to that of Geckos, but differs in two points :—(1) the separation of the frontal from the orbit by the union of the pre- and postfrontal, a character 240 PYGOPODIDE. which is shared by Heloderma; (2) the reduction of the number of bones in the mandible, in which respect they resemble the Snakes. The vertical pupil, though of secondary importance, deserves special notice, for it occurs in none of the other Skink-like Lizards. Synopsis of the Genera. I. Parietal bones distinct ; “head with large symmetrical shields, A. Preanal pores. Scales keeled .......... cee eee ees 1. Pygopus, p. 240. Scales smooth .......... ce cece eee ee 2. Cryptodelma, p. 242. B. No preanal pores. Scales smooth ; parietal plates large ; two rows of enlarged ventral plates: 224c4wuota cn ee ee ele d s See es 3. Delma, p. 243. Scales bicarinate .............. 00 eee 4. Pletholax, p. 245. Scales smooth, subequal ; no parietal plates ; ear concealed. 5. Aprasia, p. 245. II. Parietal bone single ; head covered with small scales. 6. Lialis, p. 246. 1. PYGOPUS. Sheltopusik (non Latr.), Oppel, Ordn. p. 40. Pygopus, Merr. Tent. Syst. Amph. p. 77; Fitzing. N. Class. Rept. p. 26; Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 160; Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 11; Gray, ia 67. Hysteropus, Dum. § Bibr.v. p. 826. Parietal bones distinct. Tongue slightly nicked at the tip, with rows of large round papille inferiorly. Ear exposed. Rudiments of hind limbs externally. Head with large symmetrical plates. Scales cycloid-hexagonal, imbricate, those on the back keeled, the two median series on the belly, and the median series under the tail transversely enlarged, hexagonal. Preeanal pores. Australia. 1. Pygopus lepidopus. Pygopus lepidopodus, Gray, Cat. p. 67. Pygopus squamiceps, Gray, J. c. p. 68. Bipes lepidopodus, Lacép. Ann. Mus. iv. 1804, p. 209, pl. lv. fig. 1; Guérin, Icon. R. A. Rept. pl. lxi. fig. 1; Duvern. R. A., Rept. pl. xxii. bis. fig. 2. Sheltopusik nove-hollandie, Oppel, I. c. Pygopus lepidopus, Merr. Tent. p. 77 ; Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) xx. 1867, p. 45. Hysteropus nove-hollandiz, Dum. § Bibr. v. p. 828, pl. lv. Fygopus squamiceps, Gray, Zool, Erebus and Terror, Rept. pl. viii. 5 Ll. pyeopus. 241 Snout scarcely prominent, rounded, as long as the distance be- tween the orbit and the ear-opening; canthus rostralis obtuse ; eye small, with rudimentary circular scaly lid; ear-opening oval, oblique. Tail, when intact, at least twice as long as the body. Rudimentary hind limbs measuring about the distance between eye and end of snout in females, more than the distance between the posterior border of the eye and the end of the snout in males. Ten to fourteen preanal pores. Rostral low, from twice and a half to thrice and a half as broad as high; nostril between the first labial and three nasals, the two anterior of which are band-like and extend across the upper surface of the snout, where they form a suture with their fellows, or are separated by one or two small azygos plates ; a large polygonal prefrontal, separated from the nasals by two (or one) pairs of small transverse plates, its trans- versely truncate posterior border forming a suture with the frontal, which is pentagonal and about once and two thirds as long as broad ; the posterior angle of the latter plate wedged in between the pair of parietals, which are nearly as large as the frontal, and subhexagonal ; sometimes a narrow band-like plate on the outer side of the parietals; two large supraorbitals ; loreal region with numerous small polygonal plates, from four to seven in a row, between the orbit and the nasal; five to seven upper labials, separated from the orbit by a row of scales; mental large, broadly trapezoid; four to six lower labials, the first or the two first much dilated vertically. Keels of the dorsal scales forming regular lines on the body, alter- nate on the tail. Twenty-two or twenty-three (in one specimen twenty-one) longitudinal series of scales round the middle of the body, ten smooth and twelve or thirteen (or eleven) keeled. The enlarged ventral scales twice as broad as long, in 70 to 85 longi- tudinal series. Two enlarged anal scales separated from the perfo- rated preanal scales by one or two rows of scales. Coppery grey above, uniform or with three or five longitudinal series of blackish dots or elongate quadrangular spots; lower surfaces more or less marbled or pulverated with grey. 3 Q | Head 3. wees es we wees 16 16 millim. Width of head ........ 10 10, Body .. 0... eee eens 165 155__,, Ta: os dices ee eae eet 400 345g, Hind limb.........+.- 11 6 4 Australia and Tasmania. a,o-d. § &hgr. | Champion Bay, N.W. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. coast of Australia. ef. d9. Swan River. Sir J. Richardson tp : g- 2. Garden Island,Sydney. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. h. Q. Sydney. i Met Hogi Py , ; & yg. N.S. Wales. . Krefft, Esq. [P.]. ie * oe eee Australia. Dr. Mair TP.}- (Type of P. sguamiceps.) R 242 PYGOPODIDR. p-Y, t-8, t-u of, 2, Australia. Dr. Fletcher [P.]. & ye. » 9. Australia. Rev. N. Wilton [P.]. W, X,Y, % a, B-y, d-«. Australia. 3, 2, her. & yg. ; ¢ Her. Tasmania. R. Gunn, Esq. [P.]. 2. CRYPTODELMA. Cryptodelma, Fischer, Arch. f. Nat. xlviii. 1882, p. 289. Parietal bones distinct. Tongue slightly nicked at the tip, with rows of large round papille inferiorly. Ear exposed. Rudiments of hind limbs externally. Head with large symmetrical plates. Scales smooth, cycloid-hexagonal, imbricate, the two median series on the belly and the median series under the tail transversely enlarged, hexagonal. Przeanal pores. Australia. 1. Cryptodelma nigriceps. Cryptodelma nigriceps, Fischer, 1. c. p. 290, pl. xvi. figs. 5-9. Tail as long as the head and body. Eleven praanal pores. Rostral broad, low ; nostril pierced between the first labial and two nasals, the anterior of which is largest and forms a suture with its fellow on the snout; prefrontal broken up in the unique speci- men, separated from the nasals by two pairs of transverse plates ; parietals narrow, elongate; supraorbitals two, rather small; loreal region with numerous small plates, about six in a row between the eye and the nasal; seven upper labials, separated from the orbit by a row of scales; mental very large; eight lower labials, first verti- cally enlarged. Twenty-six or twenty-eight longitudinal series of scales round the body. Two large anal scales; four rows of small scales between the latter and the perforated preeanal scales. Flesh- coloured above, the head black. The single young specimen measures, from snout to vent, 64 millim., tail 60 millim. Nicol Bay, West Australia. 2. Cryptodelma orientalis, (Puarz XIX.) Delma orientalis, Giinth. Journ. Mus, Godeffr. xii. 1876, p. 45. Snout not prominent, rounded, as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening ; canthus rostralis rounded ; eye small, without distinct circular lid; ear-opening small, suboval, oblique. Tail as long as, or not very much longer than, the body. Rudi- mentary hind limbs slightly developed, measuring hardly two thirds the length of the snout, four preanal pores. Rostral pentagonal, about twice as broad as high ; nostril between the first labial and two nasals, the anterior of which is largest and forms a suture with its fellow on the snout; a pair of fronto-nasals; prefrontal large, 2. cRYPTODELMA.—3. DRLMA. 243 seven-sided, the antero-lateral sides very short, in contact with the upper loreal ; frontal much smaller than the prefrontal or parietals, broader than long, seven-sided; parietals subpentagonal; two large supraorbitals ; four small plates in a row between the eye and the nasal ; six upper labials, separated from the orbit by a row of scales; mental trapezoid ; four or five lower labials, the two first much dilated vertically. Eighteen longitudinal series of scales round the middle of the body. The enlarged ventral scales twice as broad as long, in 97 to 109 pairs. Two enlarged anal scales and a row of four scales between the latter and the perforated preanal scales. Brown above, with a darker line along each serics of scales; occipital region yellowish, edged behind with a blackish band ; lower surfaces yellowish. GA 2) oh ad he Se wee 13 millim. Width of head ........ 95 ,, BOG y” weissctss dost d dig wecatiens 185, Dats oa -csi nies ata Roma 175, Hind limb .. ......... 5, New South Wales. a-b, Ad. & her. Peak Downs. Godeffroy Museum. ec. Ad, Gayndah. Godattter Museum. (Types.) 3. DELMA. Delma, Gray, Zool. Mise. p. 14, and Cat. p. 68. Nisara, Gray, Inz. Austr. p. 3. : Pseudodelma, Fischer, Arch. f. Nat. xlviii. 1882, p. 286. Parietal bones distinct. Tongue slightly nicked at the tip, with rows of large round papille inferiorly. ar exposed. Rudiments of hind limbs externally. Head with large symmetrical plates. Scales smooth, cycloid hexagonal, imbricate, the two median series on the belly and the median series under the tail transversely enlarged, hexagonal. No preanal pores. Australia, 1. Delma fraseri. Delma fraseri, Gray, Cat. p. 68. Delma fraseri, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 14, and in Grey's Trav. Austral. ii. p. 427, pl. iv. fig. 8; Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xii. 1878, . 145. Z grayii, Smith, Ill. 8. Afr., Rept. pl. Ixxvi. fig. 2. —— milleri, Liithen, Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p. 296, pl. i. fig, 2. Nisara grayii, Gray, Liz. Austr. p. 3. Snout not prominent, as long as the distance between the orbit and the ear-opening; canthus rostralis obtuse ; eye with distinct circular scaly lid ;'ear-opening elliptical, oblique, its diameter equal to that of the eye. Tail, when intact, three or four times as long as the body. The rudimentary hind limbs measure about the R2 244 PYGOPODIDA, length of the snout in males, considerably less in females. Rostral triangular or pentagonal, nearly twice as broad as high; nostril pierced between the first nasal and three nasals (two in the specimen described as D. mélleri, in which the naso-rostral and upper nasal have fused), the two anterior of which form a suture with their fellows on the snout; exceptionally, however, the upper nasal is separated from the nostril; a pair of fronto-nasals; prefrontal large, a little broader than long, seven-sided, the antero-lateral sides very short, in contact with a large loreal; frontal as broad as or a little narrower than the prefrontal, longer than broad, seven- sided, its posterior angle wedged in between the pair of parietals, which are considerably larger than the frontal; a pair of enlarged scales on the outer side of the parietals; two large supraorbitals ; a large loreal, and four or five small plates between the orbit and the nasal; five or six upper labials, fourth much elongate and situated under the orbit, from which it is separated by a row of small scales; mental large, triangular, broader than long; four lower labials, the two anterior much dilated vertically, the first forming a suture with its fellow behind the mental. Sixteen longi- tudinal rows of scales round the middle of the body. The enlarged ventral scales vary considerably in width, being sometimes not quite twice as broad as long, whilst in most specimens they are more than twice as broad as long; they form 45 to 60 pairs. Two large and a smaller median anal scales. Olive above; head generally with four more or less confluent black cross bands, which may be separated by whitish bands; in specimens c and & these bands are indistinct, and the sides of the head and body are vertically barred with darker and whitish; specimen 7 is uniform olive, without any markings. Lower surfaces yellowish. 3. Head) cece os io cks 13 millim. Width of head ........ he ox BODY 6:0 tu Bhe Wire nsa cuca 85 a, Tail aesceads as wantin 355, Hind limb............ 45 ,, Western Australia. a-b. Her W. Australia. J. Hunter, Esq. [P.]. (Types. op go Wigs. “Pash. Mx, Dubodlay Git Types) g, he. 3 2. Champion Bay. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. ¢ 3. Nicol Bay. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. k. S. —? Sir A. Smith [P.]. (Type of Delma grayr. 2. Delma impar. Pseudodelma impar, Fischer, Arch. f. Nat. xlviii. 1882, p. 287, pl. xvi. figs. 1-4. Tail twice as long as head and body. Rudimentary limbs small, 4, PLETHOLAX.—5. APRASIA, 245 Rostral pentagonal; nostril pierced in the lower portion of the nasal, which forms a suture with its fellow on the snout; a pair of large plates between the nasals and the prefrontal; latter seven- sided, a little larger than the frontal, which is also seven-sided and smaller than the parietals; a band-like plate on the outer side of latter ; two supraorbitals; a large loreal and four small plates between the orbit and the nasal ; seven upper labials, fourth elongate and situated below the orbit, from which it is separated by a row of small scales; mental large, triangular; six lower labials, the first forming a suture with its fellow behind the mental. Fifteen longitudinal rows of scales round the middle of the body. Two enlarged preeanal scales. Olive-green, lighter beneath; on each side of the back two light, dark-edged longitudinal lines. From snout to vent 80 millim.; tail 167 millim. Melbourne. 4. PLETHOLAX. Pletholax, Cope, Proce. Ac. Philad, 1864, p, 229. Rudiments of hind limbs externally. Head with large sym- metrical plates. AJl the scales imbricated, with two keels and a groove between ; no larger abdominal series. No preanal pores. Australia. 1. Pletholax gracilis. Pletholax gracilis, Cope, J. ¢. Pygopus gracilis, Giinth. Zool. Erebus § Terror, Rept. p. 10, Rostral oval, prominent; nostril between the first labial and a nasal, which is followed by a second; one transverse prefrontal ; parietals broad, acuminate, as long as frontal and prefrontal; three supraorbitals, posterior largest; temporal scales large, keeled; four lower labials, the two anterior large, following the very large mental; gular scales keeled. Sixteen rows of scales. Pale brown; a paler median dorsal band, two scales wide, bordered with dark brown. South-west Australia. 5. APRASIA. Aprasia, Gray, Ann. § Mag. N. H. ii, 1839, p. 331, and in Grey’s Trav. Austral. ii. p. 488, and Cat. p. 68. Parietal bones distinct. Tongue rounded and slightly nicked at the end. Earconcealed. Slight rudiments of hind limbs externally. Head with large symmetrical plates ; no parietals. Scales smooth, cycloid, imbricate, those on the belly scarcely enlarged. No preanal pores. Australia. 246 PYGOPODIDA. 1. Aprasia pulchella, Aprasia pulchella, Gray, Cat. p. 68. Aprasia pulchella, Gray, Ann. §& Mag. N. 1. ii. oP 332, and in Grey's Trav. Austral. ii. pl. iv. fig. 2; Ltitken, Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p. 300, pl. i. fig. 38; Giinth. Ann. Mag. N. H. (4) xii. 1878, p. 145. — octolineata, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1863, p. 288. Head very small, with very prominent rounded snout; eyes well developed, with circular scaly rudimentary lid. Body calamiform. Tail shorter than the body, of subequal diameter throughout, its end obtuse, rounded. Rudiments of hind limbs extremely small, hardly distinct. Rostral very high, narrow, the portion seen from above the snout triangular ; nostril pierced between the first labial and a very large nasal, which forms a suture with its fellow on the snout ; a pair of large preefrontals, forming a suture with the second labial ; a large hexagonal frontal, the posterior angle of which is rounded off; four or five enlarged occipital scales, but no parietals; a supra- orbital; a narrow preorbital; no loreal; five or six upper labials, third and fourth entering the orbit ; mental large, broadly trapezoid ; two or three lower labials, anterior very large. Twelve series of scales round the body. Three slightly enlarged anal scales. Yellowish or pinkish, with eight dark-brown lines above following the longitudinal series of scales, or with series of brown dots arranged in four widely separated longitudinal series on the back and very crowded on the sides. Mead. ooinie Pea ees : 6 millim. BODY 525. stein deieutinigsteesieae 3 112 .~—C4, Pal) ogucrss isncs dex palace hie! 64 —C,, Diameter of body .... 35 ,, Western Australia. a~b. W. Australia, ey ¢. W. Australia. Mr, Duboulay [C.]. d. Swan River. Sir A. Smith 4 e-g, h. Australia. 6. LIALIS. Lialis, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1834, p. 184; Dum. § Bibr.v. p. 830; Gray, Cat. p. 69. Parietal bones coalesced. Teeth sharply pointed, directed back- wards. Tongue elongate, narrowing towards the end, bifid. Ear exposed. Slight rudiments of hind limbs externally. Head covered with small plates. Scales soft, smooth, cycloid, imbricate, the two median series on the belly and the median series under the tail transversely enlarged, hexagonal. Preanal pores. Australia and New Guinea. 6. LIALIs. 247 1. Lialis burtonii. Lialis burtonii, Gray, Cat. p. 69. Lialis bicatenata, Gray, l. ¢. : Lialis punctulata, Gray, 1. ¢. Lialis burtonii, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1884, p. 184; Dum. § Bibr. v. p. 831; Gray, in Grey's Trav. Austral, ii, p. 437, pl. iii. fig. 1, and Zool. Mise. p. 52, and Zool. Ered. §& Terr., Rept. p. 5, pl. viii. fig. 2; 4. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 194; Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (8) xx. 1867, p. 46. —— bicatenata, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 52, and Zool. Ereb. § Terr. p.5; Peters, Mon, Berl, Ac. 1878, p. 606. —— punctulata, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 52, and Zool. Ered. & Terr. p. 5, pl. viii. fig. 1; Giinth. 1. e. —— leptorhyncha, Peters, J. c. p. 605. Snout narrow, depressed, long, acuminate, truncate at the tip, with angular canthus rostralis; eye small, with circular scaly rudi- mentary lid; ear-opening elliptical, oblique. Tail, when intact, nearly as long as head and body, gradually tapering to a fine point. Rudiments of hind limbs extremely small, scarcely distinct, especially in females. Four preanal pores, frequently indistinct in females. Snout covered with small plates, variable in number and arrange- ment; three supraorbitals, median large; loreal region covered with numerous small scales ; the rest of the head with equal scales ; rostral very low; nostril pierced in the posterior portion of a nasal ; thirteen to seventeen upper labials, all very small, separated from the orbit by two or three rows of scales; mental rather large, tra- pezoid or pentagonal; twelve to sixteen lower labials; a series of dilated gular scales on each side, separated from the lower labials by one or two rows of scales. 19 or 21 (occasionally 20, according to Peters) longitudinal rows of scales round the middle of the body ; the dilated ventral scales in 70 to 100 pairs. Three or five anal scales. Ground-colour brown, grey, reddish, or yellowish, variously marked or uniform. GEO cosa we eerarees 27 millim Body" sswacg nga creasetes 220 ,, Paik irs hears ea aes 270, Australia; New Guinea. The rich series before me shows that this Lizard varies extremely in the degree of elongation of the snout, in the scutellation of the head, in the number of rows of scales, and in colour; but I am satisfied that the several forms hitherto described should be united into one species, which I divide into numerous varieties of coloration. * A white labial band, extending along the side of the body. + The band very narrow and bordering the lower lip only. Var. A. The sides of the head between the labial white line and a more or less distinct narrow line from the tip of the snout along 248 PYGOPODID. the canthus rostralis and above the eye to the nape, dark brown ; the belly darker towards the narrow lateral white band, which is edged inferiorly by a fine brown line; the rest of the body uniform, with minute dark dots. (Gray, Zool. Ereb. & Terror, pl. viii. fig. 1.) All have 21 series of scales. a 9. Port Essington. Mr. Gilbert [C.]. (Typeo L. punetulata.) b. g. W. Australia. Qe Australia. Sir J. Richardson [P.]. d. Her. Australia. Capt. Stokes [P.]. ad. New South Wales. G. Krefft, Esq. (Contains a young Amphobolurus in its stomach.) Var. B. As in the preceding, but the white lateral line edged above with a darker band of the same tint as the belly, which band is again edged with a rather indistinct lighter band; belly scarcely darker than the back, with white dots or shafts. 21 series of scales. i. Q. Islands of Torres Straits. Rev. S. Macfarlane [C.]. g. 3. Thursday Island, Torres H.MLS. ¢ Alert,’ Straits. +t The white labial band is broad and occupies both the upper and the lower lip, entering the eye. Var. C. In all other respects like var. A. (Doubtless the form originally described by Gray under the name of L. burtonii, P. Z. 8. 1883.) Scales in 21 rows. AQ. —? Haslar Collection. Var. D. Light grey, the lateral band passing through the eye and the lower surface of the head dark brown; the white lateral band soon splits up into several, separated by darker bands; belly with darker longitudinal bands and whitish dots. 21 rows of scales. tm. dQ. Cornwallis Island. Rey. 8. Macfarlane bey n-0. dQ. Islands of Torres Straits. Rev. 8. Macfarlane [C. Var. HE. Five or seven regular longitudinal dark bands on the body, the central one dividing into two on the nape, uniting again on the tip of the snout. (Gray, in Grey’s Austr. pl. iii. fig. 1.) a. 21 series of scales. p. Qe Houtman’s Abrolhos. 6. 19 series of scales. qQr ds W. Australia, 3... Swan River. 5 t. 3. —? Haslar Collection. 6. LIALIS. 249 ** No white labial band. Var. F. Pale grey, abdomen a little darker; throat dark brown, whitish-spotted on the sides; lips with small dark vertical bars; back with several rather indistinct darker longitudinal bands ; belly white-spotted. 21 series of scales. uo. Cornwallis Island. Rev. 8, Macfarlane vo. Port Darwin. R. G. 8. Buckland, a TC. }: Vaz. G. Like var. E, but with spotted lips asin var. F. (LD. bur- tonii, Gray, Zool. Ereb. & Terr. pl. viii. fig. 2.) 19 series of scales. w. &. W. Australia, az. $&hgr. Swan River. Var. H. No longitudinal bands, but generally a series of small distant black spots along each side of the back ; lips spotted as in F and G; lower surfaces white-spotted. (L. bicatenata, Gray.) a. 21 series of scales. a. 9. Port Essington. Mr, Gilbert [C.]. (Type of L. bicatenata.) By. 3d. W. Australia. Sir J. Macgregor [P. a é. Islands of Torres Straits. Rev. S. Macfarlane ic i n. Her. Australia. Sir J. Richardson [P.]. 0. 9. Australia. Capt. Stokes [P.]. uo. —P Haslar Collection. b. 19 series of scales. x C. Australia, Vaz. I. Uniformly light-coloured, with a few small dark dots above and beneath. (L. punctulata, var. concolor, Peters, J. ¢.) a. 21 series of scales. Nis Cape York. pu. 3b. Australia. G. Krefft, Esq, b. 19 series of scales. é od. Australia. Capt. Stokes [P.]. o-r. 3. Australia. pd. Champion Bay, N.W. Mr. Duboulay [C.]. coast of Australia, 250 AGAMIDE. Fam. 5. AGAMIDA. Iguaniens, part., Cuvier, Regne Anim. ii. 1817. Ascalabote:, part., Merrem, Tent. Syst. Amph. 1820. Stellionide, part., Gray, Ann. Phil. (2) x. 1825. Pneustoidea, Draconoidea, Agamoidea, part., Fitzinger, Neue Classif. Rept. 1826. Agamide, Gray, Phil. Mag. (2) ii. 1827. Pachyglosse, part., Wagler, Syst. Amph. 1830. Dendrobate: emphyodontes and Humivage emphyodontes, Wiegmann, Herp. Mex. 1834, Iguaniens acrodontes, Duméril § Bibron, Erp, Gén. iv. 1837. onyocephali, Calote, Semiophori, Otocrypte, Lophure, Dracones, Trapeli, Stelliones, Leiolepides, Phrynocephali, Fitzinger, Syst. Rept. 1848. Agamide, Gray, Cat. Liz. 1845. Agamidee, Cope, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1864. Agamidee and Uromasticide. Theobald, Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 1868. Agamidee, Boulenger, Ann. § Mag. N. H. (5) xiv. 1884. The chief character by which the Lizards of this family are at once distinguished from their allies is the acrodont dentition. The teeth may usually be divided into three kinds, viz. incisors, canines, and molars. The latter are more or less compressed, frequently tricuspid; regular canine teeth are present, one or two on each side, in most of the genera; in Uromastix and Aporoscelis, however, these enlarged teeth are absent, and the anterior lateral teeth wearing out with age, a toothless cutting-edge is left between the molars and the incisors, which, in those two genera, unite in the adult to form a large single or divided cutting-tooth. The skull is less depressed and more strongly ossified than in the preceding families, and postorbital and postfronto-squamosal bone-arches are well developed; in Lyriocephalus, as in several Iguanoids, another arch is formed by processes of the prae- and postfrontals which unite surrounding a large supraorbital fossa. The premaxillary is single, the nasals are double, and the frontal and parietal single; the pterygoids are usually widely separated and constantly toothless ; the os transversum is strongly developed ; a columella cranii is present. Dermal ossifications on the skull are constantly absent. The fore limbs are well developed, and, except in Sitana, which lacks the outer toe, pentadactyle. The clavicle is not dilated, and the interclavicle is T-shaped or anchor- shaped, frequently small; the sternum usually presents two fonta- nelles, which, however, are missing in Lyriocephalus and Moloch, the latter genus being especially remarkable for having the sternum divided longitudinally. The tympanum is either exposed or concealed under the skin. The eye is small and the pupil round; eyelids well developed. The tongue is thick, entirely attached or slightly free in front, not or but slightly nicked anteriorly ; it is more free, protractile, and AGAMIDA, 251 + more distinctly incised in the herbivorous genera Lophura, Liolepis, and Uromastia. Femoral and prwanal pores are absent in the majority of the genera; it is a remarkable fact that they exist, at least in the males, in all Australian genera but one (Chelosania, known as yet from a unique specimen), whereas they are missing in all others except Uromastiv and Liolepis. There are no large symmetrical plates on the head or on the belly ; and ornamental appendages, such as crests, gular pouches, &c., are frequently present, either in the males only or in both sexes. The tail is usually long and not fragile; it is prehensile only in the genus Cophotis, and somé Phrynocephali have the curious faculty of curling upwards the extremity of that organ. The digits are usually keeled inferiorly or denticulated laterally. The shape of the body as well as the scaling vary considerably according to the genera and in adaptation to the modes of life. Generally speaking, ground Agamoids have the body depressed and arboreal compressed; but a division of the genera into terrestrial and arboreal, which has hitherto been almost generally accepted, must be given up as impracticable and unnatural. Most Agamoids are exclusively insectivorous ; Lophura, Liolepis, and Uromastiw are herbi- or frugivorous, while some species of Agama havea mixed diet; again, a systematic division into insectivorous and herbivorous, as has been proposed by Theobald, would be as unsatisfactory as that into terrestrial and arboreal. Leaving out the strongly specialized genera Draco and Moloch, all the forms pass very gradually one into another in different direc- tions, rendering a sharp generic division, and still more a serial arrangement, a matter of great difficulty. The Agamide inhabit Africa, Asia, Australia, and Polynesia: they are most numerous in species as well as in genera in the Indian Region; in Africa they are represented by only three genera, viz. Agama, Aporoscelis, and, in the northern parts, Oromastix. Four species extend slightly beyond the limits.of Asia and Africa into South-eastern Europe. They are absent from Madagascar and New Zealand. ‘ Synopsis of the Genera. I. Mouth large; teeth erect in both jaws. A. Incigors small, conical. 1, No true § preanal or femoral pores. a. Ribs much prolonged, supporting a wing-like dermal expansion ........+- 1. Draco, p. 253. b. No wing-like lateral expansion. a. Body not depressed. * Four toes only .... 2. Sitana, p. 270. § “True” by opposition to the callous pore-like swellings of the praanal seales of the males in the genera Agama and Aporoscelis. 252 AGAMIDAR. ** Five toes. + Tympanum hidden. Fifth toe short, not longer than first; no dorsal crest. 3. Otocryptis, p. 271. Three parallel longitudinal folds on each side of the middle of the throat, curved and converging backwards, forming a U-shaped figure 2s oe. vaxcewret eee vee oe 4. Ptyctolemus, p. 273. A dorsal crest $; scales small; no fold across the throat nor in front of the shoulder.......... 5. Aphaniotis, p. 274. A dorsal crest: scales very large, subequal, irregular; tail pre- hhensile oo vciitints Gea ea a 7. Cophotis, p. 275. No dorsal crest; a large rostral appendage, at least in the male. 8. Ceratophora, p. 277. No dorsal crest; dorsal scales small, intermixed with very large conical tubercles ............ 10. Phoxophrys, p. 280. A dorsal crest ; a y-shaped gular fold; a bony supraorbital arch. 11. Lyriocephalus, p. 281. A dorsal crest ; an oblique fold in front of the shoulder. 14, Japalura, p. 307. tt Tympanum exposed. Digits not keeled inferiorly ...... 6. Lophocalotes, p. 274. Snout ending in a long compressed appendage. 9. Harpesaurus, p. 279. A strong fold across the throat... 12. Gonyocephalus, p. 282. No fold across the throat ; dorsal scales unequal; no gular pouch. 13. Acanthosaura, p. 299. No fold across the throat; dorsal scales large, unequal; males with a gular pouch................ 15. Salea, p. 312. No fold, or a very feeble one, across the throat ; dorsal scales equal. 16. Calotes, p. 314. No fold across the throat ; scales minute, equal ; a gular pouch. 17. Chelosania, p. 331. (8. Body more or less depressed. Tympanum exposed ; males without calose preanal scales, 18. Charasia, p. 332, § The presence in the male of a dorsal crest is indicated in the female by a regular vertebral series of strongly keeled scales. 1. DRACO. 253 Tympanum exposed; males with calose preanal scales. 19. Agama, p. 334. Tympanum concealed .......... 20. Phrynocephalus, p. 369. 2. True preeanal or femoral pores, at least in the males. Body depressed ; tympanum distinct; femoral and preanal pores. 21. Amphibolurus, p. 380. Body depressed ; tympanum hidden. 22. Tympanocryptis, p. 392. Body slightly depressed ; no femoral pores. 23. Diporophora, p. 393. Body compressed ; toes denticulated laterally. 24. Physignathus, p. 395. Body slightly compressed ; neck with a large frill-like expansion. 25. Chlamydosaurus, p. 401. Body compressed ; toes lobate .... 26. Lophura, p. 402. Body depressed; no preanal pores. 27. Liolepis, p. 403. B. Incisors united into one or two large cutting-teeth ; tail short, with whorls of spines. Femoral and preanal pores ...... 28. Uromastix, p. 405. No true pores ............0005 29. Aporoscelis, p. 410. II. Mouth very small; teeth in the upper jaw horizontal, directed inwards; body covered with large spines. 30. Moloch, p. 411. 1. DRACO. Draco, Linn. S. N. i. p. 358, e¢ omn. auct. Dracunculus, Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p.14; Gray, Cat. p, 235. Rhacodracon, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 50. Pterosaurus, Fitz. 1... p. 51. Pleuropterus, Fitz. 1, ¢. Dracontoidis, Fitz. 1. c. ‘ Dracocella, Gray, Cat. p. 284, Body depressed, with a large lateral wing-like membrane, supported by the much-produced five or six posterior ribs, folding like a fan. A gular appendage, and a lateral smaller one on each side. Tympanum distinct or covered with scales. Taillong. No femoral or preanal pores. East Indies. ; Synopsis of the Species, I. Nostril lateral, directed outwards. A. The adpressed hind limb reaches at the utmost slightly beyond the elbow of the adpressed fore limb; tympanum naked. 254 AGAMID.E. 1. No orbital spines. Tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ; wing-membranes black-spotted below. 1. volans, p. 256. Tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ; wing-membranes unspotted below .. 2. reticulatus, p. 257. Tympanum as large as the eye-opening ; snout a little longer than the diameter Of the Orbit....2 5 eee sw ease ew ees 3. guentheri, p. 257. 2. A large spine-like scale on the supraciliary border. The largest median dorsal scales at least twice as large as the ventrals; tym- panum as large as the eye-opening .. 4. everetti, p. 258. Dorsal scales hardly larger than the ventrals; tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ..... 0 wee eee eee eee 5. cornutus, p. 258. B, The adpressed hind limb reaches at least to halfway between the elbow of the adpressed fore limb and the axil. 1. The largest median dorsal scales at least twice as large as the ventralis. a. Tympanum, if distinct, smaller than the eye-opening. Wing-membranes above marbled or re- ticulated with black, enclosing round Light @pots: ccscovces catica sakes 6. ornatus, p. 259. Wing-membranes above with small round black spots ; snout not longer than the diameter of the orbit.....-........ 7. spilopterus, p. 260. Wing-membranes above with small round black spots; snout considerably longer than the diameter of the orbit .. ... 8. rostratus, p. 261. 6, Tympanum naked, as large as the eye-opening. A series of strongly enlarged keeled scales along each side of the vertebral line, separated by a row of small smooth BCHOS ea che atne eae mndeme V4 9. tumorensis, p. 261. 2. Dorsal scales little larger than, or as large as, the ventrals. a. On each side of the back a series of enlarged, keeled, distant scales. Tympanum naked; the male’s gular appendage much longer than the head. 10. maculatus, p. 262. Tympanum scaly; the male’s gular appendage shorter than the head .... 11. bimaculatus, p. 263, 1. DRaco. 255 6. No enlarged lateral scales. Wing-membranes above dark brown or with dark brown and light cross bands, with white longitudinal lines ...... 12. lineatus, p. 264. Wing-membranes above yellowish, with a black longitudinal band near their outer margin ............ 0.0000 ee 18. beccariz, p. 264. Wing-membranes above yellowish, with small black spots on their basal half.. 14. spilonotus, p. 265. 3. Dorsal scales all smaller than the ventrals. A feeble caudal crest. ...........006 15. jfimbriatus, p. 265. A caudal crest composed of long distant scales; the male’s gular appendage with a brown anterior margin ...... 16. cristatellus, p. 266, II. Nostril pierced vertically, directed upwards. A. Tympanum naked. 1. The adpressed hind limb does not reach beyond the axil, Tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ; wing-membranes black above with round light spots, inferiorly immacu- late; male without nuchal fold, with a large black spot on each side of the throatsenadere dena ody ie ese seis 17. hematopogon, p. 267. Tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ; wing-membranes above marbled with dark brown, with lighter spots and lines, inferiorly immaculate; male with a nuchal fold ..............6. 18. blanfordii, p. 267. Tympanum as large as the eye-opening ; wing-membranes black above with round light spots, inferiorly with a series of large black spots near the MATOM, cirri wesseirrwaweeee en 19. dussumiert, p. 268. 2. The adpressed hind limb reaches beyond the axil. Wing-membranes above with five trans- verse black bands, inferiorly without markings ........ cece ee eee eee 20. taniopterus, p. 269. B. Tympanum scaly. Wing-membranes above and below with _[p. 269. five regular transverse black bands .. 21. quinquefasciatus, 256 AGAMIDA, 1. Draco volans. Draco volans, Gray, Cat. p. 233. Draco volans, Linn. S. N. i. p. 858; Latr. Rept. ii p.8 ; Cantor, Cat. Mal, Rept. p. 37 ; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 124; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 182. —— prepos, Linn. J, e. —— major, Laur. Syn. Rept. p. 50. —— minor, Laur, 1. c. p. 51. —— viridis, Daud. Rept. iii. p. 301, pl. xli.; Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. u. Vergl. Anat. p. 102; Schleg. Abbild. p. 89, pl. xxiv. fig. 1. — fuscus, Daud. 1. c. p. 307 ; Kuhl, t. ¢. —— daudinii, Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 461. Head small; snout short, as long as, or scarcely longer than, the diameter of the orbit ; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum naked, smaller than the eye-opening. Upper head-scales very un- equal, strongly keeled ; a more or less distinct A-shaped series of enlarged scales on the forehead ; a small subconical tubercle at the posterior corner of the orbit; seven to ten upper labials, the last twice or thrice as large as the preceding. The male’s gular appendage longer than the head. Male with a small nuchal crest. Dorsal scales irregular, keeled, the largest at least twice as large as the ventrals; on each side of the back a series of enlarged keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of the snout; the adpressed hind limb reaches the elbow of the adpressed fore limb or not quite sofar. Upper surfaces metallic, with small dark spots and undulated cross bands; a black spot between the orbits and another on the nape; wing-membranes orange, with black marblings or irregular cross bands; throat speckled with black ; gular appendage orange in the male, bluish in the female. Total length.......... 210 millim. 6a i 3 ica ec ess 15 ,, Width of head........ lls, Body ecm swans 70 =, Fore limb............ 30, Hind limb .......... 36 Cy, OBA psy gk ace ieee aca e 125, Malay peninsula; Sumatra ; Java; Borneo. a-c,d. 3,9, & yg. Penang. Dr. Cantor. é oe Singapore. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. fi. 3. Nias. Hr. H. Sandemann [C.]. hl. 9. Sumatra. H. O. Forbes, Esq. [C.]. m. &. Java. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. n-gy. 3,9, & yg. Java. C. Bowring, Esq. Dd. re Ds Java. Dr. Ploem [C.]. & 3. Java. Leyden Museum. é. Severalspec.:¢ @. Java, wu 9. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. wx. 3,2, & her. Borneo. Rev. R. T. Lowe (Py, y-#,a-B. SQ. Borneo. b-«. d Fast Indies, East-India Company. v Skeleton. East Indies. 1. pRaAco. 257 2. Draco reticulatus. (Puars XX. fig. 1, the head.) Draco reticulatus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 125; Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 374. Head small; snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; nostril directed outwards and slightly upwards ; tympanum naked, smaller than the eye-opening. Upper head-scales very unequal, keeled; a A-shaped series of enlarged scales on the forehead; a compressed prominent scale on the posterior part of the supraciliary region; eight upper labials, the last twice as large as the preceding. The male’s gular appendage as long as the head. Male with a distinct nuchal crest and with a similar crest along each side of the neck. Dorsal scales irregular, very feebly keeled, the largest at least twice as large as the ventrals; on each side of the posterior half of the trunk a continuous series of keeled scales, some of which are larger than the rest. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of the snout; the adpressed hind limb reaches slightly beyond the elbow of the adpressed fore limb. Brownish, with metallic lustre above, with darker reticulation ; wing-membranes above with a dark-brown meshwork enclosing round greenish-white spots, below immaculate ; throat and wattles with purplish-brown reticulation. Total length .......... 225 millim. Head. shccw ci csaurenane x 16. sO, Width of head ........ oh er BOY vested ied ate 69 a, ; Fore limb ............ 35, Hind limb....... ents ALL) gy Taal) - shied nicks 140, Philippines ; Sanghir Islands. a. Philippines. (Type.) 3. Draco guentheri. (Puiatz XX. fig. 2, the head.) Head larger than in D. volans ; snout a little longer than the orbit ; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum naked, as large as the eye-opening. Upper head-scales very unequal, keeled; a A-shaped series of enlarged scales on the forehead; a compressed prominent scale on the posterior part of the supraciliary region ; twelve upper labials, subequal. Dorsal scales irregular, keeled, the largest at least twice as large as the ventrals; on each side of the back a series of enlarged keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends to the tip of the snout; the adpressed hind limb reaches the elbow of the adpressed fore limb. Greenish grey with metallic lustre above. with very indistinct darker markings ; a black spot between the orbits; wing-membranes largely black- marbled above, immaculate inferiorly except near the outer border, where there are one or two small black spots ; lower surface of neck whitish, blackish-dotted. 8 258 AGAMIDA, Total length .......... 192 millim. GAG Eee aGaenia ec esas 16s, Width of head ........ AL) 3; Body sda diesrein canna’ 55, Fore limb ............ 28s Hindlimb............ 34, Hal “iss ack ce Gave ata atese lad ee 12h. 4s, Philippine Islands. a, Q. Philippines. | A, Everett, Esq. [C.]. 4, Draco everetti. (Piare XX. fig. 3, the head.) Head larger than in D. volans; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit ; nostril lateral, directed outwards; tympanum naked, as large as the eye-opening. Upper head-scales very unequal, strongly keeled ; a A-shaped series of enlarged scales on the fore- head; a large compressed spine-like scale on the posterior part of the supraciliary region ; nine or ten upper labials, the last thrice as large as the preceding. Dorsal scales irregular, keeled, the largest at least twice as large as the ventrals ; on each side of the back a series of enlarged keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of: the snout; the adpressed hind limb nearly reaches the elbow of the adpressed fore limb. Upper surfaces grey with metallic lustre, with small dark markings form- ing, five short cross lines on the back; three blackish cross bars on the anterior part of the head, the posterior of which includes the interorbital black spot; a dark band from the eye to the ear ; asmall nuchal black spot; wing-membranes azure-blue, black-marbled above, immaculate inferiorly ; throat and lower surface of neck white, speckled and reticulated with blackish. Total length .......... 208 millim. Head 2 jedi oaee ates as 1 5 Width of head ........ 12, 23 Body eicce ste oo wae ss 66, Fore limb ............ 30, Hind limb............ 36, Pat, eg 7 dcioe ata aie Sen a 125, Philippine Islands. a. Q. Piacer, N.E. Mindanao. A. Everett, Esq. [C]. b. g. Dinagat Island. A. Everett, Esq. ot 5. Draco cornutus. (Prate XX. fig. 4, the head.) Draco cornutus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 125. Head small; snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum naked, smaller than the eye- 1. pRaco. 259 opening. Upper head-scales very unequal, keeled; a ,-shaped series of enlarged scales on the forehead; a large compressed spine- like scale on the posterior part of the supraciliary region; eight or nine upper labials, the last twice or thrice as large as the preceding. The male’s gular appendage as long as the head. A slight indication ofa nuchal crest in both sexes. Dorsal scales subequal, keeled, small, hardly larger than the ventrals; a more or less distinct lateral series of enlarged keleed distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends to the tip of the snout or slightly beyond; the adpressed hind limb does not reach the elbow of the adpressed fore limb. Upper surfaces variegated olive and reddish-brown; a black spot between the orbits, another on the nape, and another on each side of the neck before the shoulders; wing-membranes above spotted or marbled with black and with the margin black, inferiorly with a few black spots or cross bands ; lower surface of limbs and a broad zone along the belly blue in both sexes; throat with blue-green variegations ; the male’s gular appendage red. Total length .......... 222 millim. TY ead iis a sy Soe baka tua oc 16 sO, Width of head ........ Lh oy Body i, i665 5.4 eee: 76 a, Fore limb ............ 30, Hind limb............ 36, Pal vote Attest cedars wes ess 130 _,, Borneo. aod. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. b. 8. Borneo. a (Types?) e 9. N. Borneo. d, Q. Sarawak. 6. Draco ornatus. Dracunculus ornatus, Gray, Cat. p. 285. Draco ornatus, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1873, p. 167. Head larger than in D. volans; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit ; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum scaly. Upper head-scales very unequal, strongly keeled; a more or less distinct A-shaped series of enlarged scales on the forehead; eight to eleven upper labials, the last usually twice or thrice as large as the preceding. The male’s gular appendage as long as the head. Male with a small nuchal crest. Dorsal scales unequal, keeled, the largest twice as large as the ventrals’;; on each side of the back a series of enlarged keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of the snout ; the adpressed hind limb reaches beyond the elbow of the adpressed fore limb, sometimes nearly to the axil. Greenish-grey above with metallic gloss, dark transverse markings and lighter spots; generally a dark cross band ae the 8 260 AGAMIDE. eyes, another on the snout, and black lines radiating from the eye; wing-membranes above marbled or reticulated with black, enclosing round light spots, inferiorly with a few large black spots near the outer border; throat with blue-grey reticulation and blackish dots; belly sometimes with blackish dots. Total length .......... 260 millim. Head. sic sarcvewdio wes 20 4, Width of head ........ 14s, ROdY .ganiwetas cage 70 4, Fore limb ...........- 40 ,, Hind limb............ 50g, Pall’ wruney sateen ieee 170g, ‘ Philippine Islands. a-b. 2. Philippines. Mr. Cuming [C.]. (Types.) e-d. . Philippines. e-g. 2. Philippines. H. J. Veitch, Esq. [P.]. AQ. Manilla. H.M.S. ‘ Challenger.’ an. @ & yg. Luzon. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. o-u. SO. Dinagat Island. A. Everett, Esq. re v. 2. 8S. Negros. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. 7. Draco spilopterus. Dracunculus spilopterus, Gray, J. c. p. 236. Dracunculus spilopterus, Wiegm. Nova Acta Ac. Ces.-Leop. xvii. i. 1835, p. 216, pl. xv. Draco spilopterus, Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 461; Gerv. in Eyd. Voy. Favorite, Zool. pl. xxvii.; Schleg. Abbild. p. 92; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind, p. 124. Dracontoidis personatus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 51. Head larger than in D. volans ; snout as long as, or slightly longer than, the diameter of the orbit; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum usually scaly. Upper head-scales very unequal, very strongly keeled ; a longitudinal series of enlarged scales on the snout ; eight to ten upper labials, the last twice or thrice as large as the preceding. The male’s gular appendage longer than the head. Male withavery distinct nuchal crest. Dorsal scales rather regular, strongly keeled, the largest twice as large as the ventrals; on each side of the posterior half of the trunk a more or less distinct continuous series of strongly keeled scales, some of which are larger than the rest. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of the snout; the adpressed hind limb reaches half way between the elbow of the adpressed fore limb and the axil, or nearly to the latter. Upper parts metallic, more or less distinctly spotted with blackish ; a black interorbital spot; wing-membranes above with small round black spots, inferiorly immaculate except a few large black spots near the outer margin; throat and base of gular appendage dotted or reticulated with blackish. 1. pRAco. 261 Total length ......... 225 millim. GAD, ce ares dats waco’ Ly Width of head ....... ll, BOO gicchoesrvialeate algal 68, Fore limb ........... 35, Hind limb ........... 42, Walk cis 5 2G ge Garner's 140. =, Philippine Islands. a3. Philippines. Mr. Cuming [C.]. aS. Philippines. eg. d. Luzon. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. h-t. 3. Manilla. H.MSS. ‘ Chalterser ke 3. S. Negros. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. ud. Java (?). C. Bowring, Esq. [P.]. 8. Draco rostratus. (Prarz XX. fig. 5, the head.) Draco rostratus, Giinth. Rept. Bret. Ind. p. 127. Head rather small; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit, sloping very gently ; nostril lateral, directed outwards; tympanum scaly. Upper head-scales unequal, strongly keeled; a A-shaped series of enlarged scales on the forehead ; ten upper labials, the last twice as large as the preceding. The male’s gular appendage a little longer than the head. Male with a very distinct nuchal crest. Dorsal scales irregular, keeled, those on the vertebral region con- siderably larger than the ventrals. The fore limb stretched for- wards extends considerably beyond the tip of the snout; the ad- pressed hind limb reaches the axil. Greyish above with metallic reflections ; wing-membranes above with narrow longitudinal lines of white scales and small round black spots; throat and base of gular appendage brown-dotted. Total length .......... 219 millim. Head 2 wesecna est gees 16. 4 * Width of head ........ 10. =, Body. a.2 e heSie Seneens 7 _ Fore limb.. ......... 35, Hind limb ............ 44, Pail Bessa vive we ease . 130, Borneo? ao. Borneo ? Sir E. Belcher [P.]. (Type.) 9. Draco timorensis. Draco timorensis, part., Gray, Cat. p. 233. Draco timorensis (Péron), Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. u. Vergl. Anat. p. 103; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 454; Giinth, Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 123. __— viridis, var. timoriensis, Schleg. Abbild. p. 91. 262 AGAMIDZ, Head larger than in D. volans; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; nostril lateral, directed outwards; tympanum naked, as large as the eye-opening. Upper head-scales very unequal, rather large, keeled ; a small conical tubercle at the posterior corner of the orbit ; nine upper labials, the last twice as large as the pre- ceding. A slight nuchal crest. Dorsal scales larger than ventrals, smooth, except a series of strongly enlarged scales running along each side of the vertebral line ; these large scales, the keels of which form two continuous lines, are separated by a row of small smooth scales; on each side of the back a series of enlarged keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of the snout; the adpressed hind limb reaches midway between the elbow of the adpressed fore limb and the axil. Grey- brown above, with metallic gloss and irregular darker markings ; wing-membranes rather indistinctly blackish-marbled above, with a few black spots inferiorly. Total length .......... 240 millim. Gad seeds heeesae 2 ace de ee 1S 55 Width of head ........ 12s) “ys Body Siamese cae bee 72 oy Fore limb ............ 37, Hind limb............ 44, ESE: a: Aisttve eseccaeesed 150 =, Timor. a. @. Timor. Leyden Museum. 10. Draco maculatus. Dracunculus maculatus, Gray, Cat. p. 236. Draco maculatus, Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p. 39; Giinth, Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 125, pl. xiii. fig. C; Anders, Zool. W. Yunnan, p. 802. Head small; snout a little longer than the diameter of tho orbit ; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum scaly. Upper head- scales unequal, strongly keeled; a compressed prominent scale on the posterior part of the supraciliary region ; seven to eleven upper labials. The male’s gular appendage very large, always much longer than, and frequently twice as long as, the head; female also with a well-developed but smaller gular sac. Male with a very small nuchal crest. Dorsal scales little larger than the ventrals, irregular, smooth or very feebly keeled; on each side of the back a series of large trihedral keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards reaches beyond the tip of the snout; the adpressed hind limb reaches a little beyond the elbow of the adpressed fore limb, or the axilla. Greyish above, with more or less distinct darker markings ; a more or less distinct darker interorbital spot; wing-membranes above with numerous small round black spots, which are seldom confluent, inferiorly immaculate or with a few black spots; a blue spot on each side the base of the gular appendage. 1. prRaco. 263 Total length .......... 197 millim. Mead oc caiswaccbdawe nas 16. C4, Width of head ........ 12. Bod yes tecmvected Sacer cuss 66 CO, Fore limb ............ 33 —C«sy, Hind limb ............ 41 ,, MEBUE seeks acerca ik tio 115_—_é,, From Yunnan to Singapore. a-h. S. —-? Sir J. McGregor [P.]. ad. Penang. ! ee (Types.) d-g. 39. Penance. Dr. Cantor. h-k. 8 Q. Tenasserim. Dr. Packman. ld. Tavoy. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]}. m,2,0.35 9. Pachebone. M. Mouhot [C.}. p-y. SQ. Camboja. M. Mouhot [C.]. r-s,t. oO. Pecu. W. Theobald, Esq. [C.). ud. Assam. Indian Museum. 11. Draco bimaculatus. (Ptare XX. fig. 6, the head.) , Draco bimaculatus, Giinth, Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 127. Head small; snout very short, hardly as long as the diameter of the orbit; nostril lateral, directed outwards; tympanum naked, much smaller than the eye-opening. Upper head-scales unequal, strongly keeled; eight to ten upper labials. The male’s gular appen- dage shorter than the head. Male with a very slight nuchal crest. Dorsal scales rather regular, feebly keeled, a little larger than the ventrals ; on each side a more or less distinct series of enlarged keeled distant scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends considerably beyond the tip of the snout ; the adpressed hind limb reaches the axil or a little beyond. Upper surfaces greenish grey with metallic gloss, and more or less defined broad blackish cross bars; a black interorbital spot; a large round black spot, with a white scale in the centre, behind the angle of the mouth; wing- membranes above blue-green, reticulated with black, with four or five more or less indistinct broad blackish transverse bands, and numerous pale longitudinal lines ; wing-membranes inferiorly with irregular large black spots ; throat and base of gular appendage with dark reticulation ; female with two black cross bars under the neck ; belly sometimes with a few blackish dots. Total length .......... 197 millim. Gad paca ke eaw enna 12° 3; Width of head ........ OF os Body ulak ances 55, Fore Uintb; . 3a. es eae 34—C«, Hind limb ............ 41 ,, Tall ace cso eee wats 130, Philippine Islands. 264 AGAMIDZ, ad. Philippines. Mr. Cuming [C.]. (Type.) b-g. 32. Dinagat Island. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. 12. Draco lineatus. Dracunculus lineatus, Gray, Cat. p. 235. Draco lineatus, Daud. Rept. iii. p. 298; Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. u. Vergl. Anat. p. 102; Dum. §& Bibr. iv. p. 459; Schleg. Abbild. p. 98, pl. xxiv. fig. 5; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 124. -— amboinensis, Lesson, Ill. Zool. pl. xxxviii. Dracunculus lineatus, Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 14, and Nova Acta Ac. Leop. Carol. xvii. i. 1835, p. 217. : Dracontoidis lineatus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 61. Head rather small; snout as long as, or slightly longer than, the diameter of the orbit ; nostril lateral, directed outwards; tympanum usually scaly. Upper head-scales very unequal, keeled; five to eight upper labials. The male’s gular appendage shorter than the head. Male with aslight nuchal crest. Dorsal scales subequal, feebly keeled, not larger than ventrals ; no lateral series of enlarged scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends beyond the tip of the snout ; the adpressed hind limb reaches the axil or a little beyond. Brown or olive above, with lighter spots and undulated cross bands; wing-membranes above dark brown, or with dark brown and light cross bands, constantly with white longitudinal lines; throat and sides of neck with wide-meshed dark network enclosing round light spots, Total length .......... 240 millim. Mad yo iewons esac eis LH cas Width of head ........ 11, BOY s, Fore limb ............ 46°, Hind limb............ 52 Ca, Penang. a do. Penang. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. (Type.) 2, SITANA. Sitana, Cuv. Régne Anim, 2nd ed. ii. p. 48; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 485; Gray, Cat. p. 236; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 184. Semiophorus, Wag. Syst. Amph. p. 152; Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p.14; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 47. Body slightly compressed, limbs long. Fifth toe absent. Scales all keeled, regular, smallest on the flanks. No dorsal crest. Male with a slight nuchal fold and a large folding gular appendage extending backwards to the belly and covered with large scales. No gular fold. Ear exposed. No preanal or femoral pores. India; Ceylon. 1. Sitana ponticeriana. Sitana ponticeriana, Gray, Cat. p. 236. Sitana ponticeriana, Cuv. lL v.; Guér. Icon, Rh. A., Rept. pl. x. fig. 2; Dum. § Bibr. p. 4387; Duvern. R. A. Rept., pl. xvi. fig. 2; Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 473; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl, p. 164; Giinth. 1. c. p.135; Jerdon, Proe. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 76 ; Blanf. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 3865; Stoliezka, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 108; Theob. Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 102. Semiophorus ponticerianus, Wagl. 1. c. . Sitana minor, Giinth. 1c. pl. xiv. fig. A; Stemd. Novara, Rept. p. 26; Anders. Proce. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 166. deccanensis, Jerdon, Proc. As, Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 76; Blanf. i, c. p. 367. ’ 2. sITANA.—3, OTOCRYPTIS. 271 Upper head-scales small, sharply keeled: canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge sharp, with strongly enlarged scales. Dorsal scales larger than ventrals, with sharp keels forming straight longi- tudinal lines ; lateral scales smallest, uniform or intermixed with scattered enlarged ones, Limbs above with uniform strongly keeled scales. The length of the limbs varies very much; in some specimens the hind limb stretched forwards does not extend beyond the orbit, in others (S. minor, Gthr.) it reaches the tip of the snout or even considerably beyond. Tail round, slender, once and a half to twice as long as the head and body, covered with equal keeled scales. Olive-brown above, with a series of rhomboidal spots along the middle of the back ; a more or less distinct light band along each side of the back ; gular appendage tricoloured—hblue, black, and red. Total length .......... 198 millim. Hadas whine aie bee 21 sa, Width of head ........ 15, BOOY® saaiers stsingihcre ok Ble 60, Pore limb i.e ces 40, Hind limb............ 68, Tail sae he tacts Ly 4, India; Ceylon. a,b. oS. India. c-d. SQ. nat i: . pe ap e-f, g-h. i ndia. v. J. E. Gra ede ae oo ae Mz, Mathers. fo k-m. SQ. Madras. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. | ~™ : n-o. Her. S.E. Berar. Indian Museum, Calcutta. p-t. Her. Godavery Valley. W. T. Blanford, Esq. tpt u-y. 6& her. W. of Raitsur. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. z-a. Yg. Sevagherry. Col. Beddome te B. Yg. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C.]. y-6. Her. Ceylon. W. Holdsworth, Esq. [C.]. 3. OTOCRYPTIS. Otocryptis, Wiegm. Isis, 1831, p. 203, and Herp. Mex. p.14; Wagl. Syst. Amph. p. 150; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 480; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p.48; Gray, Cat. p. 237; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 127. Body compressed, limbs very long. Fifth toe very short, not longer than first. All the scales keeled, the dorsals heterogeneous. No dorsal crest. No gular fold. Male with a low nuchal crest and a large folding gular appendage extending backwards to the belly, and covered with large scales. ar concealed. No preanal or femoral pores. en Ceylon ; Southern India. 1. Otocryptis bivittata. -Otocryptis bivittata, Gray, Cat. p. 238. Otoeryptis bivittata, Wiegm. 1. c.; Dum. & Bibr. p. 482; Ginth. Lc. —— wiegmanni, Wagl, lc. 272 AGAMID. Upper head-scales sharply keeled; canthus rostralis and supra- ciliary edge sharp, with strongly enlarged scales ; supraorbital scales large, the inner series forming, with some enlarged scales on the snout, a regular f\-shaped figure; interorbital region with four or five longitudinal series of very small scales, nine to eleven upper and as many lower labials. Dorsal scales unequal, the enlarged ones sometimes forming regular longitudinal series; lateral scales small, with scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales larger than dorsals. Limbs covered with large subequal scales ; the hind limb stretched forwards reaches far beyond the tip of the snout, the heel reaching the eye or the posterior border of the orbit. Tail round, slender, twice and a half as long as head and body, covered with equal strongly keeled scales. Brownish olive above, sides darker ; a dark-brown, light-edged cross band between the eyes, and more or less distinct dark cross bands along the middle of the back; gene- rally a light oblique band from below the eye to the angle of the mouth; males generally with a light band along each side of the back: limbs and tail with more or less distinct dark cross bars; lower surfaces whitish, the throat brownish in the females and young. Total length .......... 246 millim. Head. wees aches eed koe 18s, Width of head ........ V2 uy Body wzcucsvesa peed 48, Fore limb ............ 38, Hind limb ss. sescves ys 89g, Waal, see kee ee sree 180, Ceylon. a, b, ¢, de, f-g. 3, 2, hgr., & yg. Ceylon. 2. Otocryptis beddomii. (Prats XXII. fig. 1.) Head-scales as in the preceding, but the interorbital scales only a little smaller than the others, in two or three longitudinal series ; the f\ -shaped figure formed by the keels of some of the scales generally indistinct ; canthus rostralis less prominent; nine or ten upper and as many lower labials. A small pit on each side of the neck, in front of the shoulder. Dorsal scales unequal, the enlarged ones sometimes forming regular chevrons on the back, with the point directed backwards, or a lateral longitudinal series, the latter always distinct on the sacral region; lateral scales a little smaller, with scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales much larger than dorsals. Limbs above with large equal keeled scales; the hind limb stretched forwards reaches beyond the tip of the snout, the heel reaches the tympanum. Tail round, slender, not twice as long as head and body, covered with equal strongly keeled scales. Light brownish- olive above, uniform, or with small scattered dark-brown spots on the back and limbs; a more or less distinct light, dark-edged oblique band from below the eye to the mouth; lower surfaces whitish, the throat brownish in the young. 3. OTOCRYPTIS.—4, PTYCTOLEMUS. 273 Total length .......... 121 millim Head . osecavvsavvws 14 ” Width of head ........ 9 BODY neces aa. evar we 31 sy, Fore limb ............ 24 Ci, Hind limb............ 50. C,, Path Caged gins halen 76, 8. India. a-e. 2 & her, Sevagherry Ghat. Col. Beddome [C.]. 4, PTYCTOLEAMUS. Ptyctolemus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1864, p, 386. Body compressed, Fifth toe much longer than first. All the scales keeled, the dorsals heterogeneous. No dorsal crest. Three parallel longitudinal folds on each side of the middle of the throat, curved and converging backwards, forming a U-shaped figure. Ear concealed. No preanal or femoral pores. Northern India. 1, Ptyctolemus gularis. Otocryptis (Ptyctoleemus) gularis, Peter's, 1. ¢. Head rather elongate, the snout longer than the diameter of the orbit ; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; upper head- scales unequal, keeled ;. eight upper and as many lower labials. A slight indication of a nuchal crest (2). Dorsal and lateral scales small, feebly keeled, with irregularly scattered enlarged strongly keeled ones; ventrals larger, strongly keeled. Limbs above with subequal scales; the hind limb stretched forwards reaches the posterior border of the orbit; fifth toe as long as third. Tail roundish, slender, a little more than twice as long as head and body, covered with subequal keeled scales. Olive-brown above, with darker transverse spots; two curved dark-brown cross bands, sepa- rated by a light one of equal width, between the eyes; an oblique dark-brown band fro1s below the eye to the angle of the mouth; limbs and tail above with dark cross bands; the skin in the gular folds black. Total length .......... 227 millim. Head. jcc jse ses wee or 19 Width of head ........ 115 ,, Body .. eee eens 50g, Fore limb ..........4+ 31s, Hind limb............ 54 C,, MD ALL: 5, cuatehststeatiaieda hwo nie 158, N, India. a. Q. Sadya. W. T, Blanford, Esq. [P.]. Tr 274 AGAMIDZ. 5, APHANIOTIS. Aphaniotis, Peters, Mon, Berl, Ac. 1864, p. 385. Body compressed, limbs very long and slender. Fifth toe much longer than first. All the scales keeled, the dorsals heterogencous. A dorsal crest. Probably a gular pouch in the male. No gular fold. Ear concealed. No praanal or femoral pores. Malayan district. 1. Aphaniotis fusca. Otocryptis (Aphaniotis) fusca, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1864, p. 385. Snout pointed, a little longer than the diameter of the orbit, with sharp canthus rostralis; upper head-scales sharply keeled, largest on the supraorbital region ; seven or eight upper and eight lower labials. The enlarged dorsal scales forming longitudinal series ; lateral scales small and feebly keeled, intermixed with scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales largest. Limbs above with large equal keeled scales; the hind limb stretched forwards reaches beyond the tip of the snout, the heel reaches the posterior border of the head ; fifth toe as long as third. Tail roundish, slender, twice as long as head and body, covered with equal strongly keeled scales. Brown above, with rather indistinct darker transverse bars ; throat brown, the rest of the lower surface wuitish. Total length .......... 159 millim. ME Gad ity arate cased note Gia 15 +, Width of body ........ DO: gs Body escapee seas isle eee 39°C, Fore limb ............ 31 _sCs, Hind limb............ 52 y, Parl) co athe tes eas kee aha aaa 105, Malacca; Nias; Borneo. a Q. Nias. Hr. Sandemann [C.]. Peters’s description of A. fusca being rather vague, I am not quite satisfied as to the correctness of my identification. At any rate, Peters’s lizard must be very closely allied. 6. LOPHOCALOTES. Lophocalotes, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 593. Tympanum distinct. Body compressed, covered with large sub- equal keeled scales. A dorsal crest. No gular sac; a transverse gular fold. Digits not keeled inferiorly. No femoral or preanal pores. East-Indian archipelago. 6. LOPHOCALOTES.—-7. COPHOTIS. 275 1. Lophocalotes interruptus. Lophocalotes interruptus, Géinth. J. c, pl. xxxvii. fig. A. Head large, swollen below the ears, very distinct from neck ; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit ; tympanum much larger than the eye-opening. Upper head-scales irregular, faintly keeled ; supraorbital scales small, strongly keeled, bordered inwards by a row of enlarged scales; three large scales in a series on the temple; a small slightly prominent tubercle behind the supraciliary edge and another on each side of the nape; seven upper and eight lower labials. Gular scales subrhomboidal, smooth or feebly keeled, those on the median line the smallest, the lateral ones larger than the ventrals. Nuchal crest formed of lanceolate spines not quite as long as the diameter of the tympanum ; dorsal crest not continuous with nuchal, formed by about fourteen triangular spines, only every alter- nate median scale being modified into a spine. Dorsal scales large, thomboidal, rather feebly keeled, the points of the upper scales directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales smaller than dorsals, strongly keeled. Limbs above with subequal keeled scales, some of which are spinose; fourth finger and toe slightly longer than third ; the adpressed hind limb reaches hardly the tympanum. Tail compressed at the base, covered with equal keeled scales; its length equals nearly once and three fourths that of head and body. Green above, with rather irregular yellowish markings on the head and body and cross bars on the limbs. Total length .......... 244 millim. GAG is 66.5 atic cere renga tee 29 «4, Width of head ........ 18g, BOO 4s iaia eivent ies tee 63, Fore limb ............ 40 ,, Hind limb............ 56, DAD: cossaes tas risheticaene OS 152. —,, Kast-Indian archipelago. ad. —? Dr. Bleeker. (Type.) 7. COPHOTIS. Cophotis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1861, p. 1103; Giinth, Rept. Brit. nd, p. 181. Tympanum hidden. Body compressed, covered with large sub- equal irregular scales. A dorsal crest.'''*A very small gular sac in , both sexes; a slight transverse gular fold. Tail prehensile. No femoral or preeanal pores. Ceylon; Sumatra. 1. Cophotis ceylanica. Cophotis ceylanica, Peters, l.c.; Giinth, 1. c. p. 182, pl. xiii. fig. H. Snout nearly twice as long as the diameter of the orbit ; upper t2 276 AGAMIDE. head-scales rather large, unequal, tubercular; male with a small tubercle on the tip of the snout: eight to ten upper and as many lower labials; gular scales feebly keeled, smallest on the median line. Nuchal crest composed of three or four lanceolate spines, the longest of which about equals the diameter of the orbit; dorsal crest non-continuous with the nuchal, composed of twelve to fourteen similar lobes separated from one another; in the female the lobes of the crest are shorter and not raised, but bent sideways on the back. Dorsal scales very large, irregular, imbricate, smooth or shortly keeled, the keels pointing downwards and backwards ; ventral scales small, lanceolate, strongly keeled, mucronate. Scales on the limbs irregular, keeled, some slightly spinose; fingers and toes not very long, third slightly shorter than fourth ; infradigital scales feebly keeled ; the adpressed hind limb reaches hardly the axil. Tail feebly compressed, covered with keeled scales which are smaller inferiorly ; its length is not once and a half that of head and body. Olive above, with irregular dark-brown cross bands ; a light, reddish- brown to cream-coloured band from the end of the snout on the upper lip to above the shoulder ; a cream-coloured spot on the nape and a cross band of the same colour on the anterior part of the back ; lower lip with a broad dark-brown margin; more or less distinct oblique brown lines on the sides ; tail with dark annuli. Total length .......... 140 millim. ead. e seg ae hare oy 19, Width of head .... ... 10° ,, Body 24 oc cs ceiwdadeee 47, Fore limb ............ 28 C«,, Hind limb............ 33, Path. ike shes aw tates 74, Ceylon. aod. Ceylon. G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. 6 2. Ceylon, c-e. 6 & yg. Ceylon. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq. [C.]. 2. Cophotis sumatrana. Cophotis sumatrana, Hubrecht, Notes Leyd. Mus. i, 1879, p. 243, Very closely allied to the preceding, from which it is to be distin- guished by the following characters :—A rostral appendage consis- ting of a small pointed horn-like scale; a fringe of elongated scales along the eupraciliary edge. Nuchal crest composed of nine larger and several smaller lobes; dorsal crest. composed of eighteen lobes ; the crest extends on more than three fourths of the length of the tail. Caudal scales as large ventrally as dorsally. Body and tail with broad brown cross bands. Head marmorated with brown. Total length 180 millim. Sumatra. 8. CERATOPHORA. 277 8. CERATOPHORA. Ceratophora, Gray, Il. Ind. Zool.; Dum, § Bibr. iv. p. 483; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 47; Gray, Cat. p. 237; Guinth. Rept. Brit. foie caer Tympanum hidden. Body more or less compressed, covered with ‘ unequal scales. No dorsal crest ; a nuchal crest present or absent. No gular sac; no gular fold. A large rostral appendage, at least in the males. No femoral or preanal pores, Ceylon. Synopsis of the Species. Gular scales larger than the ventrals, smooth ; lateral scales large, unequal; rostral appen- dage scaleloss wi: asa. dvax eh acasws neve 1. stoddartii, p. 277. Gular scales larger than the ventrals, feebly keeled ; lateral scales large, equal; rostral appendage scaly .......... 0.000 e eee 2. tennentit, p. 278. Gular scales smaller than the ventrals, strongly keeled; lateral scales small; rostral appen- dageiscaly sausiecexdiateierauies ss ... 8. aspera, p. 278. 1. Ceratophora stoddartii. Ceratophora stoddartii, Gray. Cat. p. 237. Ceratophora stoddartii, Gray, Ind. Zool.; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 484 ; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 129; Giinth. 1. ¢. pl. xiii. fig. F. Upper head-scales small, irregular, keeled or tubercular ; occiput concave, with a short raised ridge on each side; interorbital space concave; rostral appendage scaleless, flexible, poinved; its length varies considerably and it is short or entirely absent in the female ; ten to twelve upper and nine or ten lower labials. Gular scales smooth, large, subquadrangular, forming regular longitudinal series, those on the median line smaller. A low denticulated nuchal crest. Dorsal scales irregular and unequal in size, those on the sides large, strongly imbricate, and pointing upwards and backwards, irtermixed with smaller ones; some of the dorsal scales feebly keeled, the others smooth; ventral scales small, smooth or feebly keeled. Limbs above with unequal keeled scales ; the adpressed hind limb reaches the posterior border of the orbit or not quite so far. Tail slightly compressed, covered with equal keeled scales, intermixed with a few enlarged ones at the base ; its length is once and two thirds to twice that of head and body. Olive above, with more or less distinct irregular darker cross bars on the back and limbs; frequently a white streak behind the orbit and a waite spot or longitudinal band on the side of the neck; a white line along the hinder side of the thigh; rostral appendage and throat white (in spirit). Total length .......-.. 252 millim. Wedd icc tee eSeee eins 26=CO@«s Width of head ........ 16 (C, 278 AGAMIDE. Body .....eeee ree eens 56 millim. Fore limb ......-+--++ 45, Hind limb .....--..--- 68, i rc 170_—,, Ceylon. ad. Ceylon. Col. Stoddart [P.]. (Type.) b, ¢, d, e-f, g-t. 3, Ceylon. ©, & her. k. 3, dry. Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. i. Skeleton. Ceylon. 2. Ceratophora tennentii. Ceratophora tennentii, Giinth. in Tenn. Nat. Hist. Ceyl. p. 281, fig., and Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 130. Upper head-scales small, irregular, keeled ; interorbital space and occiput slightly concave; a short raised ridge on each side of the occiput ; rostral appendage large in both sexes, fleshy, compressed, suboval, covered with small scales and granules; ten upper and nine or ten lower labials. Gular scales feebly keeled, large, subquad- rangular, forming regular longitudinal series, those on the median line smaller. A low denticulated nuchal crest. Upper dorsal scales irregular and unequal in size, the larger ones feebly keeled ; lateral scales equal, large, strongly imbricate and pointing upwards . and backwards, smooth or very feebly keeled ; ventral scales smaller, keeled. Limbs above with subequal keeled scales; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye or a little beyond. Tail slightly com- pressed, covered with equal keeled scales ; its length is not quite twice that of head and body. Olive above, itregularly marbled with brownish; young with more distinct dark brown markings, an angular cross band between the eyes being constant, sometimes with light longitudinal lines; a more or less distinct white line along the hinder side of the thighs. Total length.......... 260 millim. Headk ae Ake 25.55 Width of head........ 15: : as Bod yon uta na cess 65 Fore limb...........- AS 6s: Hind limb .......... 76s Tard, -s sacha pace aehwe E70" 45 Ceylon a, b-e. 3 & yg. Ceylon. Types. hg && yee Celen, : vee h-k. 2 & hey. Ceylon. G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. i. Hgr. Ceylon. Col. Beddome [C.]. 3. Ceratophora aspera. Ceratophora aspera, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 181, pl. iii. fig. G. Upper head-scales small, irregular, tubercular ; interorbital space 8. CERATOPHORA.—9. HARPESAURUS. 279 deeply concave; occiput with a pair of low ridges, convergent anteriorly ; rostral appendage large in the male, cylindrical, pointed, covered with small imbricate strongly keeled scales, absent or rudi- mentary in the female; ten to twelve upper and as many lower labials. Gular scales smaller than ventrals, very strongly keeled. No nuchal crest. Dorsal scales small, irregular, unequal, strongly keeled; ventral scales larger, very strongly keeled. Limbs above with strongly keeled unequal scales; digits very strongly keeled ; fifth toe shorter than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches be- tween the shoulder and the orbit. Tail not compressed, covered with subequal strongly keeled scales; its length not more than once and a half that of head and body. Brown, with lighter and darker markings or longitudinal lines; generally a rhombic mark on the sacral region ; males with a large white spot or cross band on the gular region. Total length.......... 83 millim. Head: xisssesgned's sa 11 55 Width of head........ 65 Cy, Body: vsscasieesa ows 26 Fore limb .......... 17 35 Hind limb .......... 26 3 WD an comets sod eee Ba oh ge 46 3 Ceylon. a-b. $2. Ceylon. (Types.) cf, g-l. 3,2, & yg. 8. Ceylon. m-p, 9-t. 3,9, & yg. Ceylon. ; u-z. 3,9, &her. * Ceylon. G. H. K, Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. 9, HARPESAURUS. Arpephorus, (non Fischer de Waldh.) A. Dum, Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 92. Tympanum distinct. Snout ending in a long compressed cuta- neous appendage. Body and tail compressed, covered above with equal smooth scales of moderate size. A dorsal crest. No gular sac ; no transverse gular fold. No femoral or preanal pores. Java. 1. Harpesaurus tricinctus. Arpephorus tricinctus, A. Dum. 1. c, p. 98, and Rev. Mag. Zool. (2) iii. 1851, p. 214, pl. vii., and Arch. Mus. viii. 1856, p. 371. Rostral appendage longer than the head, formed of a compressed falciform scale curved upwards, surrounded at the base by a few large scales. Upper head-scales small, slightly tubercular; a large prominent triangular scale on the snout; canthus rostralis forming a serrated ridge. Gular scales tubercular. Dorsal crest a low serrated ridge. Dorsal scales smooth, equal, forming regular trans- verse series; ventral scales keeled. Scales on the limbs keeled. 280 AGAMIDE, Tail compressed, crested above, the crest a little higher than the dorsal; caudal scales keeled, the inferior spinose. Brown, with three broad transverse yellow bands on the body, the anterior narrowest on the scapular region. Total length (the rostral appendage included) .......+0+ esse ee ee 168 millim. Head (without the appendage).... 19 ,, Body seis sauces ee ee 45 ,, Wall cicccichwrs aces a eens owns oe 83 Cy, Java. 10. PHOXOPHRYS. Phoxophrys, Hubrecht, Notes Leyd. Mus. iii, 1881, p. 61. «Tympanum hidden. Nofemoral pores, Back and sides covered with small smooth scales, intermixed with larger keeled ones, and with very large multicarinate conical tubercles. No dorsal crest. A row of longer crest-scales above the eye. Upper surface of head covered with conical tubercles.” Sumatra. 1. Phoxophrys tuberculata, Phoxophrys tuberculata, Hubr. J. c. “ Head tetrahedral, with asharp canthus rostralis ; above the eye the scales of the canthus become large and erect, giving rise to a sort of horn-like appendage, more than half as high as the diameter of the eye. The head is covered with tubercular scales and carinate tubercles, the interorbital space is deeply concave. At the back of the head a row of scales larger than the surrounding ones forms a transverse bridge between the posterior borders of the eyes, at the same time limiting the interorbital cavity from behind. Ten upper labial shields and as many lower labials. Larger multicarinate tubercles behind the eye and at the angle of the mouth; throat covered with sharply carinated keels; no gular appendage. The small imbricate scales on the sides have their free margins turned upwards. Of the larger multicarinate tubercles on the back, three or four on each side of the median line are more especially prominent. The scales on the belly are larger than those on the sides, and strongly keeled. Strongly keeled scales on the limbs, which on the upper surface are intermixed with larger tubercular multicarinate ones. Tail much longer than the body, all its scales keeled, those on the inferior surface the largest. The hind limb laid forwards extends to the angle of the mouth, the hind limb laid backwards does not reach to the thigh.” From snout to vent 43 millim, W. Sumatra. 11. LyRrocePHALvs. 281 11. LYRIOCEPHALUS. Lyriocephalus, Merrem, Tent. Syst. Amph. p. 49; Wagler, Syst. Amph. p.150; Wiegm. Herp, Mex. p. 14; Dawa, & Bibr. iv. p. 425; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 44; Gray, Cat. p. 237; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 128. Tympanum hidden. Body compressed, covered with small scales intermixed with enlarged ones. A nuchal and a dorsal crest. A gular sac and a V-shaped gular fold. Adult with a globular hump on the nose. No femoral or praanal pores. Pre- and post-orbital bones forming an arch limiting a supra- orbital fossa. Ceylon. 1. Lyriocephalus scutatus. Lyriocephalus scutatus, Gray, Cat. p. 287. Lacerta scutata, Linn. S. N. i. p. 360; Shaw, Zool. iii, ps 221, pl. Ixviii. Tguana clamosa, Laur. Syn. Rept. p. 49. — scutata, Latr. Rept. i. p. 267. Agama scutata, Daud. Rept. iii. p. 845. Lyriocephalus margaritaceus, Merr.1.c.; Guér. Icon. R. A., Rept. De a fig. 2; Dum. & Bibr. p. 427; Duvern. R. A,, Rept. pl. xv. g. 2, scutatus, Wagl. l.c.; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun, Zeyl. p. 166; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 128. macgregorii, Gray, Ill. Ind. Zool. Rostral hump large and globular in the adult, absent in the young ; it is covered with subequal smooth scales; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge sharp, projecting, the latter ending behind in a triangular compressed spine ; a pair of small spines on the occiput ; upper head-scales irregular, unequal, feebly keeled; temple granu- lar, with enlarged tubercles ; fourteen or fifteen upper and as many lower Jabials. Gular sac large in the male, small in the female; gular scales larger than ventrals, keeled, those on the gular sac separated from one another by granules. Body strongly compressed. A low nuchal crest, formed of a cutaneous fold with small triangular scales forming a denticulation. Dorsal crest composed of small triangular compressed tubercles, separated from one another. Dor- sal scales very small, smooth, intermixed with flat, smooth or feebly keeled tubercles which on the nape, and sometimes also on the back, form regular longitudinal series ; these tubercles irregularly scattered on the flanks. Ventral scales moderate, strongly keeled. Limbs with keeled scales, with enlarged tubercles on the thighs ; the adpressed hind limb reaches the neck or the temple. Tail strongly compressed, with a crest similar to the dorsal: upper caudal scales unequal, feebly keeled, lower equal and strongly keeled ; the length of the tail nearly equals that of the head and body. Greenish above, whitish inferiorly. Total length .......... 335 millim. GAA: ie orice endearing de 43, Width of head ........ 25, 282 AGAMIDA, Body vaccsvcceseeewees 122 millim. Fore limb ............ 80, Hind limb.......... . 105, Tall caning ous es exes 170, Ceylon. a, b, c-d. 2 Ceylon. aa =e Sir A. Smith [P.]. f. Skeleton. Ceylon. g. Skull. Ceylon. 12. GONYOCEPHALUS. Gonyocephalus, Kaup, Isis, 1825, p. 590 and 1827, p. 614; Wagler, Syst. Amph. p. 150; Wiegm. Herp. Mex. p. 14; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 45; Gray, Cat. p. 230. Lophyrus (Dum.), Fitzing. N. Class. Rept. p. 17. Lophyrus, part. (non Latr.), Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 410. Lophosaurus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 45. Dilophyrus, Gray, 1. c. p. 288; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 186. Tiaris, Gray, lc. p. 239; Guinth. 1. ¢. p. 151. Coryphophylax (Fitz.), Stetndachn. Novara, Rept. p. 30. Hypsilurus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, p. 707. Arua, Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. vi. 1874, p. 345. Lophosteus, Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus, Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 377. Tympanum distinct. Body compressed. Dorsal scales small, uniform or intermixed with enlarged ones. A dorsal crest. A strong transverse gular fold. Males with a gular sac. No preanal or femoral pores. East Indies, Papuasia and Polynesia, from the Nicobars and Andamans to the Fiji Islands; North-eastern Australia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Supraciliary border strongly raised, forming an angular projection posteriorly. ‘ A. Dorsal crest almost as much developed as the nuchal. .... 1. dorre, p. 284. B. Dorsal crest much less developed than the nuchal. Ventral scales perfectly smooth ; nuchal crest not higher than the snout is long, extending forwards to the OccIpUt: spasanesiwanede ners Bens 2. chameleontinus, p. 285. Ventral scales keeled.............. 3. kuhlii, p. 286. Ventral scales perfectly smooth ; nu- chal crest higher than the snout is long, extending forwards to the in- terorbital region.............04. 4. sumatranus, p. 286. 12. conrocEPHALUs. 283 II. Supraciliary border normal. A. Enlarged scales scattered among the dorsals. 1. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous. a, Ventral scales perfectly smooth. 5. logaster, p. 286. b. Ventral scales feebly keeled. Enlarged dorsal scales forming a lateral series ; none scattered on the GIES: joa. cesta Weeh watea em dasa erie . 6. miotympanum, p. 287. Enlarged dorsal scales irregularly BCALLOFEM: .:3islaid-d dates 2 a catpactnacie bak Sere 7. borneensis, p. 288. c. Ventral scales strongly keeled. Gular scales smooth ................ 8. belli, p. 288. Gular scales strongly keeled .......... 9. sophie, p. 288. 2. Nuchal crest strongly separated from the dorsal. a. Ventral scales keeled. Enlarged dorsal scales forming a regular lateral series parallel to the dorsal crest 2c. nceser nt kee cee’ 10. semperi, p. 289. Enlarged scales forming irregular vertical series on the flanks; tym- panum smaller than theeye-opening .. 11. interruptus, p. 290. Enlarged scales scattered or forming vertical series; tympanum quite as large as the eye-opening; a high candal crest .esiw isa coesiges 12. dilophus, p. 290. 6. Ventral scales smooth ...... 18, tuberculatus, p. 291. 3. Nuchal and dorsal crests subcontinuous. Limbs above with unequal-sized scales, the largest being spinose ........ 14. spinipes, p. 292. Limbs above with subequal scales; the longest spines of the nuchal crest shorter than the greatest diameter of the tympanum .............-.. 15. subcristatus, p. 292. Limbs above with unequal scales; nu- chal crest much higher than dorsal .. 16. hum, p. 298. B. No enlarged dorsal scales. 1. Ventral scales keeled. a. No strongly enlarged scales below the ear. Nuchal crest very low, reduced to a few widely separated, triangular lobes ; dorsal crest indistincb............+- 17. modestus, p. 294. 284 AGAMIDZ. Nuchal crest composed of lanceolate lobes ; dorsal crest distinct; dorsal scales with strongly ascending keels; gular seales keeled .......... 0000s eee 18. geelvinkianus, p. 294. A black spot on each side of the head, involving the ear.............4.. 19. auritus, p. 295, Nuchal and dorsal crests composed of lanceolate lobes ; dorsal scales scarcely keeled, slightly ascending ; gular scales nearly smooth ...........0 eee 20. bruynia, p. 295. 6. Several strongly enlarged flat scales below the ear. a. Anterior border of gular pouch not distinctly toothed ; spines of the dorsal crest not bony. Crest uninterrupted, low; gular scales small, keeled ...... 0 ....... ce eee 21. binotatus, p. 295. Crest subcontinuous, notched above the shoulder; anterior gular scales nearly smooth, some enlarged ...... 22. godeffroyi, p. 295. Nuchal and dorsal crests separated ; gular scales keeled................ 23. papuensis, p. 297. @. Anterior border of gular “pouch with strong serration formed by large com- pressed triangular scales ; spines of the nuchal and dorsal crests bony...... 24. boydii, p. 297. 2. Ventral scales smooth ........ 25. grandis, p. 298. 1. Gonyocephalus doriz. Gonyocephalus dori, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1871, p. 570, and Ann. Mus. Genov. iii, 1872, p. 28, pl. iii. fig. 1. Head high, with strongly elevated projecting supraciliary borders forming an angle posteriorly ; canthus rostralis strongly projecting ; snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; tympanum much smaller than the eye-opening ; upper head-scales small, sub- equal, smooth ; no enlarged scales on the temple ; twelve upper and as many lower labials. Gular sac well developed, with serrated anterior edge; gular scales much smaller than ventrals, smooth. Body very strongly compressed. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, the former scarcely higher than the latter, its height equalling nearly the diameter of the orbit; it begins on a line with the posterior border of the orbit ; the scales of the crest are triangular, with a very regular basal series of large quadrangular ones. Dorsal scales small, equal, roundish or squarish, scarcely imbricate, smooth, without any enlarged ones; ventral scales large, perfectly smooth. Limbs above with equal smooth scales; third and fourth fingers equal; the adpressed hind limb reaches the posterior border 12. eonyocEPrHALUs. 285 of the orbit. Tail very strongly compvessed, with serrated edge above; caudal scales perfectly smooth, except the two inferior series, which are enlarged and strongly keeled; length of the tail once and a half that of head and body, Olive-brown above, with a series of darker spots on each side of the back; tail with regular dark annuli. Total length .......... 331 millim. Head cicsegicscacg.ctaviunacane see 38 Cy, Width of head ........ 26 sy, BOY) ie ocs.caibae oan Shaner he 93 x Fore limb ............ TD) x Hind limb............ 105, Math wavqive ie: panei 200 =, Borneo. a. 3. Sarawak. A. Everett, Esq. [C. ]. e 2. Gonyocephalus chamzleontinus. Gonyocephalus chameleontina, Gray, Cat. p. 238. Iguana chameleontina, Laur. Syn. Rept. p. 47. Lacerta superciliosa, Shaw, Zool, iii. p. 220, pl. Ixviii. Agama gigantea, Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. Vergl. Anat. p. 106. Lophyrus tigrinus, Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 421, pl. xli. (part.); Schleg. Bidr, tot de Dierk. i. p. 5, pl. i. Galeotes lophyrus, Schleg. Abbild. p. 73, pl. xxiii. Head high, with strongly elevated projecting supraciliary borders forming an angle posteriorly ; snout as long as the diameter of the orbit, ending in a small rounded hump in the adult female; tym- panum much smaller than the eye-opening ; upper head-scales small, subequal, smooth ; sides of the head with small subgranular scales, with a few enlarged subconical ones on the temple; ten to twelve upper, and eleven to fourteen lower labials. Gular sac well de- veloped, with serrated anterior edge; gular scales much smaller than ventrals, smooth. Body very strongly compressed. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous ; the former begins on a line with the posterior border of the orbit, and is formed of long compressed spines with three rows of smaller ones at the base; its height in the adult equals the length of the snout ; the dorsal crest rapidly decreases in height, and is soon reduced to a feebly serrated ridge. Dorsal scales very small and smooth, with the points directed upwards, with a few scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales much larger, smooth. Limbs above with subequal smooth or feebly keeled scales; fourth finger a little longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the posterior border of the orbit. Tail strongly compressed, without crest, with keeled slightly serrated upper edge ; upper caudal scales smooth or feebly keeled, lower larger and strongly keeled ; length of the tail not quite twice that of head and body. Olive or greenish above, with dark reticulation which may form more or less distinct bands across the back ; tail with regular dark annuli. 286 AGAMIDA, Total length .......... 356 millim. Head 3 ak selena alate 33g, Width of head ........ 26=—C&«, Bod yey ssegs ge weaees 93, Fore limb ............ TZ Hind limb............ 106g, bah, |S cdrngeacnite soa acetone 230 =, Java; Sumatra. a. 9. Java. J. E.2Gray, Esq. [P.]. 6. Her. Java. Leyden Museum. a ds Bencoolen. Gen, Hardwicke [P.]. 3. Gonyocephalus kuhlii. Lophyrus tigrinus, part., Dum. § Bibr. p, 421. kuhlii, Schleg. Bidr. tot de Dierk. i. p. 5, pl. ii. This species differs from G. chameleontinus in the following points :—Supraciliary border more projecting still, serrated pos- teriorly ; supraorbital scales larger. Nuchal crest a little lower, beginning a little further back. Enlarged dorsal scales more numerous; ventral scales feebly keeled. Scales ou upper surface of limbs of very unequal size; third and fourth fingers nearly equal ; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye. Total length .......... 243 millim, Gad) sae orcs ge a Width of head ........ 17—C,, BOY csisse x ip 803k eeieeie 65 a, Fore limb ............ 53, Hind limb ............ 774 Pail. cewieece den weed . 155, Java. a. 2. Java. 4, Gonyocephalus sumatranus. eee sumatranus, Schleg. Bijdr. tot de Dierk. i. p. 5, pl. iii. fig. 1 Allied to G. chameleontinus, from which it differs chiefly in the much higher nuchal crest, which is composed of very narrow lan- ceolate spines the length of which equals twice the diameter of the eye; this crest extends forwards to the interorbital region. Total length 450 millim. Sumatra. 5. Gonyocephalus liogaster. Tiaris Hogaster, Gtinth, Proc, Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 592, pl. xxxvi. Snout slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge projecting ; tympanum not quite as 12. conyocePHALus. 287 large (in the female distinctly smaller) as the eye-opening ; upper head-scales small, keeled, a little enlarged on the supraorbital region ; a few enlarged conical scales on the temple; nine to eleven upper and nine to twelve lower labials. Gular sac moderately developed, without serrated ante~ior edge; gular scales smaller than ventrals, smooth. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, formed of lanceolate spines with smaller keeled ones at the base; in the male the crest is very high, measuring about the length of the snout on the middle of the back, higher still on the nape, where it does not quite reach the line of the posterior borders of the orbits; in the female and young the crest is much lower and disappears on the pos- terior half of the back. Dorsal scales Very small, smooth or feebly keeled, with the points directed upwards and backwards, with irregularly scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales of moderate size, smooth. Limbs above with feebly keeled scales, which are sub- equal on the arms and legs, more or less unequal on the thighs ; fourth finger slightly longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the tip of the snout or beyond. Tail strongly compressed, with serrated upper edge; upper caudal scales smooth or feebly keeled, lower longer and strongly keeled ; length of the tail a little more than twice that of head and body. Olive above, uniform or with more or less distinct dark cross bands ; throat with black spots, more or less distinctly arranged in oblique series converging towards the median line of the pouch ; tail with regular dark annuli. Total length ... ...... 443 millim. Head! ea ieca wine ence ta 36g, Width of head.......... 2s, Body acneng ee gis sone ea 97 Fore limb ............ 83, Hind limb ............ 125,, SPAIN 4 sete hacasenity ORG es 310, Borneo. a o. Borneo. Marquis G. Doria [P.]. b. : 5 Borneo. Dr. lester [P iS (Types.) ec. Y¥g. Borneo. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. ; dje. 32. Borneo. 6. Gonyocephalus miotympanum. Tiaris miotympanum, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 592, pl. xxvii. fig. B. Very closely allied to G. liogaster, from which it differs in having the gular and ventral scales feebly keeled. Tympanum much smaller than the eye-opening. Third and fourth fingers equal. Scales on upper surface of limbs equal, strongly keeled. A series of enlarged scales along each side of the back; no other scattered large scales on the side. Olive-brown, tail with regular dark annuli; throat without spots. 288 AGAMIDA, Total length .......... 419 millim, Head........: bees Da eyes 35, Width of head ........ DAD ss Rody saree eves deeans 89, Fore limb ............ 75, Hind limb............ lll _,, Tail. 2s ates ew eueiheye ass 295 ,, Borneo. a,b. So. Labuan. L. L. Dillwyn, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) 7. Gonyocephalus borneensis. Lophyrus bornensis, Schleg. Bijdr. tot de Dierk. i. p. 6, pl. iii. fig. 2. Size and habit of (. kuhiii. Nuchal crest and anterior portion of the dorsal composed of very long and linear scales as in G. swma- tranus, but not extending forwards beyond the posterior border of the occiput. Supraciliary edge not very projecting, not angular. Ventral scales keeled. Borneo. 8. Gonyocephalus bellii. ‘ Lophyrus bellii, Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 416; Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, p. 16, Tympanum nearly entirely covered with scales. Upper head- scales small, keeled ; two subconical tubercles on the occiput. Gular sac small, without serrated anterior edge ; gular scales equal, smooth. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, commencing on the occiput ; the crest is composed of lanceolate spines with two or three rows of smaller keeled spines on each side at its base, which gradually decrease in size on the back. Dorsal scales small, keeled, with the points turned upwards and backwards, intermixed with irregularly scattered enlarged ones ; ventral scales strongly keeled. The ad- pressed hind limb reaches nearly the tip of the snout. Tail com- pressed, anteriorly with serrated upper edge; its length more than twice that of head and body. Brownish above, whitish-spotted ; crest greenish grey ; tail with regular dark annuli. Total length .......... 487 millim. Dead 295 si de aeneben sures 45 ,, Body geiesiau este eee 107, Fore limb ............ 90° Hind limb.. ........., 135, Wall, eis: OS bees ee 335, Bengal. 9. Gonyocephalus sophie. Tiaris bellii, (non D. & B.) Gray, Cat. p. 239, Tiaris sophie, Gray, J. ce. p. 240. Tiaris petersii, Giinth. Zool. Rec. iv. p. 136. — sophie, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 593, pl. xxxvii. f. C. 12. gonYocEPHALUS. 289 Snout as long as, or slightly longer than, the diameter of the orbit ; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge projecting; tym- panum smaller than the eye-opening; upper head-scales small, keeled, a little enlarged on the supraorbital region ; a few enlarged conical scales on the temple; eight or nine upper and nine to eleven lower labials. Gular sac rather small, without serrated an- terior edge; gular scales strongly keeled, smaller than ventrals, intermixed with afew enlarged ones. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, formed of lanceolate spines with smaller keeled ones at the base; in the male the crest is high, measuring the length of the snout on the nape, gradually decreasing in height on the back ; the crest much lower in the female, almost absent in the young ; anteriorly, the crest does not quite reach the line of the pos- terior borders of the orbits. Dorsal scales very small, smooth or feebly keeled, with the points directed upwards and backwards, with irregularly scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales of moderate size, strongly keeled. Limbs above with unequal strongly keeled scales; third and fourth fingers equal; the adpressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit or the nostril. Tail strongly compressed, with slightly serrated upper edge; caudal scales all keeled, largest inferiorly ; length of the tail nearly twice that of head and body. Olive above, uniform or with dark cross bands ; tail with regular dark annuli; throat without, or with rather in- distinct, oblique blackish lines. Total length .......... 326 millim. Head Acs Os te dae teres 33 Cy, Width of head ........ 22) 45 Body: eas neces te To. is Fore limb ........ saw BO 45 Hind limb............ 90, Tall ..aeccaes 6 genta 215, Philippine Islands. bc. 2 & yg. Philippines. H. Cuming, Esq. (C.]. (Types.) af. a we Baainen H. Cuming, Esq. tet (Types of T. petersit.) 10. Gonyocephalus semperi. Lophyrus (Tiaris) semperi, Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac. 1867, p. 16. Nuchal crest high, not continuous with the dorsal, which is much lower, The enlarged dorsal scales forming on each side a regular series parallel with the dorsal crest. Ventral scales strongly keeled. Olive-brown or greenish-grey above, uniform in the adult, trans- versely barred with brown in the young; gular sac brownish, or marbled with bluish ; borders of the eyelids and infraorbital border white; tail with broad brown annuli. Philippine Islands. 290 AGAMID A. 11. Gonyocephalus interruptus. (Pirate XXI.) Snout as long as the diameter of the orbit ; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge projecting; tympanum smaller than the eye- opening ; upper head-scales small, keeled, slightly enlarged on the supraorbital region ; scattered conical scales on the back of the head and on the temple ; ten or eleven upper and eleven or thirteen lower labials. Gular sac small, without serrated anterior edge; gular scales strongly keeled, smaller than ventrals, intermixed with a few enlarged ones on the sides. Nuchal crest formed of lanceolate spines with smaller keeled ones at the base; its height equals two thirds the length of the snout; dorsal crest not continuous with, and lower than, the nuchal, gradually decreasing in height. Dorsal scales very small, smooth or indistinctly keeled, with the points directed upwards and backwards; enlarged scales on the flanks, forming irregular vertical series; numerous small tubercles on the nape; ventral scales of moderate size, keeled. Limbs with unequal keeled scales; third and fourth fingers equal; the adpressed hind limb reaches the nostril. Tail strongly compressed, with slightly serrated upper edge; caudal scales all keeled, largest inferiorly ; length of the tail twice that of head and body. Pale olive above, the enlarged tubercles and two cross bands, one on the nape, the other between the shoulders, whitish ; tail with regular dark-brown annuli; limbs with rather indistinct dark cross bands; throat with very indistinct dark lines. Total length ...... “.... 280 millim. Gad joc iis oa wars Mian “DO. ay Width of head ........ 22, BOO Yo acisianersacairaee yale 66, Fore limb ............ 53, Hind limb............ 85, MEG, spine easels Seace eee 185 ,, Philippine Islands. ao. Mindanao. Mr. G. Taylor [P.]. 12. Gonyocephalus dilophus. Tiaris megapogon (Schleg.), Gray, Cat. p. 239. Lophyrus dilophus, Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 419, pl. xlvi. Gonyocephalus (Lophosaurus) dilophus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 45. Tiaris dilophus, Doria, Ann. Mus. Gienov. vi. 1874, p. 345. Gonyocephalus (Tiaris) dilophus, Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 376. Upper head-scales small, strongly keeled; occipital enlarged; tympanum quite as large as the eye-opening ; eleven upper and as many lower labials. Gular sac very large, with strongly serrated anterior edge; gular scales small, keeled, with scattered strongly enlarged ones. Nuchal crest not continuous with dorsal, its height 12. gonyocEPHALUS. 291 greater than the length of the snout; it is composed of a few large lanceolate spines directed backwards, implanted on a strong dermal fold covered with small keeled scales; dorsal crest formed of spines similar to the nuchals, Dorsal scales small, keeled, with the points turned upwards and backwards, intermixed with scattered enlarged ones forming more or less regular transverse series ; ventral scales twice as large as dorsals, keeled. Limbs above with subequal keeled scales. Tail strongly compressed, with a very high crest of lanceolate scales; caudal scales feebly keeled except inferiorly ; tail once and a half the length of head and body. Reddish- brown above, with indistinct darker spots; dorsal crest olive. Total length ......... 550 millim. Head, -.fses4 (ass ashes sat peered TO: hey Body tac erdionsraawhedelars 145 _—C_,, Fore limb ............ 105, Hind limb ............ 193, at oesiets Suk: panties ne 330 N ew Guinea. 13. Gonyocephalus tuberculatus. Tiaris tuberculatus, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p, 598, pl. xxviii. Snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge sharp, projecting; tympanum as large as the eye- opening; occiput concave ; upper head-scales small, strongly keeled ; twelve upper and ten lower labials. Gular sac rather small, without serrated anterior edge; gular scales smooth, smaller than ventrals ; a large subconical tubercle below the tympanum. Nuchal crest not continuous with dorsal, its greatest height somewhat exceeding the length of the snout; it is composed of lanceolate spines directed backwards, very small anteriorly, gradually becoming very large; these spines implanted on a dermal fold covered on each side with three or four rows of keeled pointed scales directed upwards; dorsal crest formed of large lanceolate spines like the posterior nuchals, with a basal series of smaller feebly keeled scales. Dorsal scales smooth or very feebly keeled, with the points directed upwards, intermixed with irregularly scattered enlarged ones ; ventral scales moderately large, smooth. Limbs above with subequal feebly keeled scales ; fourth finger slightly longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye. Tail very strongly compressed, with an upper crest composed of triangular lobes gradually decreasing in size towards the end; caudal scales large, the upper feebly, the lower strongly keeled ; length of the tail not twice that of head and body. Olive, with very indistinct brown spots; gular fold black. Total length .......... 375 millim. Head csi. so ecae snl 37—Ci,, Width of head ........ 24, Body ....ce essere eeee 103 —C«,, 292 AGAMIDA. Fore limb ............ 77 millim. Hind limb ............ 113 —CO‘«y,, Tail (end broken) ...... 235, East-Indian archipelago. a. 3. East-Indian archipelago. Dr. Bleeker. (Type.) 14. Gonyocephalus spinipes. Lophyrus spinipes, 4. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 90, and Arch, Mus, viii. p. 568. Snout slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular, projecting ; tympanum as large as the eye-opening ; occiput concave ; upper head-scales small, subequal, keeled; fourteen or fifteen upper and as many lower labials. Gular sac rather small, with serrated anterior edge; gular seales strongly keeled, smaller than ventrals, intermixed with a few enlarged ones. Nuchal and dorsal crests subcontinuous ; the former composed of triangular spines, the longest of which do not quite equal the vertical diameter of the tympanum, inserted on a fold of the skin; dorsal crest, a denticulation formed of triangular scales. Dorsal scales small, unequal, keeled, intermixed with irregularly scattered, enlarged, strongly keeled mucronate ones; the points of the scales directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales rather small, strongly keeled. Limbs above with unequal keeled scales, intermixed with strongly enlarged mucronate ones; fourth finger longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit or the tip of the snout. Tail compressed, at the base with a serrated upper edge; caudal scales strongly keeled, largest inferiorly ; tail twice as long as head and body. Brown or dark olive above, with indistinct darker spots ; a more or less distinct white line along the hind side of the thigh. Total length .......... 368 millim, Head eins ces eee wk 39! 3, Width of head ........ 27 ss Body sx aiteeciadia wateeeais 84, Fore limb ............ 65a, Hind limb ............ 105, Pa artes siete tee a 245, Queensland. : ad. Queensland. H.M.S. ‘Challenger.’ b-c. So. Richmond River. A. P. Godwin, Esq. [C.]. 15. Gonyocephalus subcristatus. Tiaris subcristata, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxix. 1861, p. 109 ; oan Journ. As. Soc, Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 180, and xi. 1872, p- 116. 12, gonyocEPHALts. 293 es noah maximiliani (Fitz.), Steind, Novara, Rept. p. 80, pl. ii. go. 6. Snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge sharp; tympanum nearly as large as the eye- opening ; upper head-scales of unequal size, strongly keeled; a few enlarged tubercles on the back of the head; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials. Gular sac very small; gular scales smaller than ventrals, keeled. Nuchal crest not continuous with dorsal, formed of triangular spines, the longest of which measure less than the diameter of the eye-opening, inserted on a slight fold of the skin; dorsal crest a serrated ridge. Dorsal scales small, keeled, with the points directed upwards and backwards, with a few irregularly scattered enlarged ones; ventral scales rather small, strongly keeled. Limbs above with subequal keeled scales ; third and fourth fingers equal; the adpressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit, or between the latter and the nostril. Tail strongly compressed, with serrated upper edge, with keeled scales which are larger inferiorly ; the length of the tail a little more than twice that of head and body. Brown or olive above, spotted or reticulated with black on the sides ; sometimes a light, dark-edged band along each side of the back. Total length .......... 294 millim. Head oe candi euenay 26 4; Width of head ........ 16 Cw, OGY: itecns un ohapeconeasans 58 Cs, Foré Viti: oacsiy eee aes 46, Hind limb............ 82 ,, aa! ccciene thtaaie aegne ete 210 ,, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. a-b. S. Andaman Islands. Dr. Anderson [Pak c-e. Her. Nicobar Islands. Prof. Reinhardt [P.]. kg SQ. Nicobar Islands. 16. Gonyocephalus humii. Tiaris humei, Stoliezka, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xiii. 1873, p. 167. Near G. subcristatus, but with the crest very much more deve- loped ; the nuchal part is considerably higher than the dorsal one. General coloration greenish olive, on the top of the head brownish ; sides of the entire body more or less distinctly and rather densely reticulated and spotted with black and yellow; sides of head and neck and the gular sac tinged with purplish blue, labials spotted with blue; chin mostly yellow. © Head and body 110 millim.; tail 295 millim. Tillingchang Island, Nicobars. 294 AGAMIDA, 17. Gonyocephalus modestus, Gonyocephalus (Hypsilurus) modestus, Meyer, Mon. Berl. Ac, 1874, p. 180. - —— (Arua) inormatus, Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. vi. 1874, p. 345, pl. xi. fig. e. —— (Arua) modestus, Peters 8 Doria, Ann, Mus. Genov, xiii. 1878, p. 880, Snout rather pointed, a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge not projecting; tympanum as large as the eye-opening; upper head-scales very small, subequal, sharply keeled; occipital enlarged; ten to twelve upper and seven or eight lower labials. Gular sac small, without serrated edge; gular scales very small, granular. Nuchal crest (in both sexes) reduced to a few widely separated, short, triangular spines, the anterior of which falls above the centre of the tym- panum ; no dorsal crest properly speaking, but a vertebral series of slightly enlarged keeled scales. Dorsal scales very small, equal, keeled, with the points directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales small, keeled. Limbs above with equal keeled scales; fourth finger a little longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the tip of the snout. Tail feebly compressed, without serrated upper edge ; caudal scales all keeled, largest inferiorly ; length of the tail twice and two thirds that of head and body. Olive-brown; limbs and tail with darker cross bands. Total length .......... 335 millim. PLGA sesistacqia’s deanaiastaieeeh 23 ~C«ds Width of head ........ 4 =, Body cpiccsus gies oui x Ligahecs 67, Fore limb ............ 54g, Hind limb............ 84g, Vaal Sveti. ate, ced wees 245, New Guinea. ao. Aru Island. Marquis G. Doria [P.]. (One of the types of G, tnornatus.) 18. Gonyocephalus geelvinkianus. Gonyocephalus (Arua) geelvinkianus, Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus, Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 881. Closely allied to the preceding. Loreal scales smaller, in seven or eight series; eight or ten upper and eight or nine lower labials. Gular sac well developed; gular scales very small and keeled. Nuchal crest formed of lanceolate scales united at the base by a fold of the skin, decreasing abruptly in size between the shoulders; dorsal crest continuous with the nuchal, but much lower. Vinaceous brown or olive above, dotted or vermiculated with black; limbs and tail with dark cross bands. Size of the preceding. Northern New Guinea, 12. aonyvocePHALus. 295 19. Gonyocephalus auritus. Genyooepbalus (Hypsilurus) auritus, Meyer, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p- 180. ee auritus, Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus, Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 382. “Allied to G. binotatus, but much smaller. Orest hardly inter- rupted, low. A black spot on each side of the head, involving the ear. No large plates under the tympanum. Glular sac large, covered with small keeled scales.” : New Guinea. 20. Gonyocephalus bruijuii. Gonyocephalus (Hypsilurus) bruijnii, Peters § Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov, xiii, 1878, p. 379. Upper head-seales strongly keeled ; ten to twelve upper and nine or ten lower labials. Gular sac little developed ( 9 ?); gular scales small, nearly smooth. Nuchal and dorsal crests subcontinuous, separated by a notch, the former slightly higher than the latter, composed of lanceolate lobes. Dorsal scales small, hardly keeled, forming slightly ascending transverse series; ventral scales much larger and strongly keeled. Brownish blue above, whitish beneath, with black spots at the base of the dorsal crest; tail with darker annuli. Total length .......... 580 millim. HOA: csecinGarsace ee nares 40 ,, BOOY? sosia-a gare da aee webs ai 90 Fore limb ............ 70s, Hind limb............ 120. =, MDs dare thee eegesedoto dias 450, Mount Arfak, New Guinea, 21. Gonyocephalus binotatus. Gonyocephalus (Hypsilurus) binotatus, Meyer, Mon, Berl, Ae. 1874, p. 180; Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. vi. 1874, p. 345; Peters § Doria, ‘Ann. Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 379. “Crest uninterrupted, low, bluish. Gular sac moderately large, covered with small keeled scales. A large, strongly marked group of white plates below the tympanum. Beautifully marbled, espe- cially on the nape. Two large, elongate, oval, black-edged, more strongly marked spots on the sides of the neck. Extremities and tail barred. Back black-dotted. Lower surface yellowish. During life with very fine pink and bluish tints.” New Guinea. 22. Gonyocephalus godeffroyi. Lophura (Hypsilurus) godeffroyi, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, p. 707, pl. —. fig. 1. 296 AGAMID ZI, Hypsilurus macrolepis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac, 1872, p. 775. Tiaris longii, Macleay, Proc. Linn, Soc. N.S. W. ii. 1878, p. 108. Snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular, not projecting; occiput concave ; tympanum a little larger than the eye-opening; cheeks strongly swollen under the ear in the males. Upper head-scales very small, equal, sharply keeled; occipital enlarged ; ten to twelve upper and nine or ten lower labials. Gular sac moderately large, not serrated anteriorly ; median gular scales enlarged and smooth, posterior very small and keeled; some strongly enlarged flat scales below the tympanum. Nuchal crest subcontinuous with the dorsal (a notch separating them); in the male it is formed of compressed lobes, the anterior the smallest, inserted on an elevated dermal fold covered with very small keeled scales turned upwards; the longest spines of the nuchal crest equal the greatest diameter of the tympanum ; dorsal crest similar to the nuchal, but a little higher, its base sup- ported by the greatly developed processes of the vertebra. In the females and young the crests little developed. Dorsal scales small, equal, strongly keeled, with the points directed upwards and back- wards; ventral scales moderate, very strongly keeled. Limbs above _ with equal strongly keeled scales; third and fourth fingers nearly equal; the adpressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit, or the tip of the snout. Tail strongly compressed, in the males with a high crest on its basal portion, covered with keeled scales which are larger inferiorly ; its length more than three times that of head and body. Young greenish olive, uniform or with dark cross bars; adult dark brown, with more or less distinct yellowish cross bars. Total length............ 1030 millim. Cad: oe ee gute eae Oe 65, Width of head.......... 55, BOY vigutie-ysn ieee gig eda 170, Fore limb.............. 120 _~—C_#, Hind limb ............ 195, Va we ucscecn esgieearenc es 800 New Ireland, New Britain, Solomon, and Fiji Islands ; Northern Queensland. ad. SQ. Duke of York Island. Rev. G. Brown [C.]. e od. New Ireland. f-h. & & her. Solomon Islands. G. Krefft, Esq. i-k. Her. & yg. Treasury Island. H. B, Guppy, Esq. [P.]. l,m,n. Her. & yg. Santa Anna Island. H. B. Guppy, Esq. te o. Hgr. 3. Sau Christoval. H.M.S. ‘ Herald.’ p. Her. g. San Christoval. Museum Economic Geology. g. Yg. San Christoval. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.]. rt, Yg. Fiji Islands. wu Ye. P J. Macgillivray, Esq. Gonyocephalus nigriqularis, Meyer, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p. 129, said to be closely allied to the preceding, is not sufficiently charac- terized to be placed in the system.—-New Guinea. 12. conroorrHALus. 297 23. Gonyocephalus papuensis. Tiaris papuensis, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. ii. 1878, p. 101. Gonyocephalus (Lophosteus) albertisii, Peters & Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 377. Snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular, not projecting; occiput concave ; tympanum much larger than the eye-opening; cheeks strongly swollen under the ear. Upper head-scales very small, equal, keeled ; occipital enlarged ; twelve upper and ten lower labials. Gular sac moderately large, not serrated anteriorly; gular scales feebly keeled, becoming very small posteriorly, the largest nearly as large as the ventrals; some strongly enlarged flat scales below the tym- panum. Nuchal crest well separated from dorsal, formed of com- pressed lobes, the smallest being the anterior, inserted on an elevated dermal fold covered with very small feebly keeled scales turned upwards; the longest spines of the nuchal crest equal the greatest diameter of the tympanum ; dorsal crest similar to, and not higher than, the nuchal, its base supported by the greatly developed spinose processes of the vertebrae. Dorsal scales small, equal, teebly keeled, the superior with the points directed upwards and back- wards ; ventral scales moderate, strongly keeled. Limbs above with equal keeled scales; third and fourth fingers equal; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye. Tail strongly compressed, with a high upper crest on its basal portion, covered with keeled scales which are larger inferiorly ; its length more than three times that of head and body. Whitish above, tinged with reddish, and with brown ‘vermiculations ; upper part of nape, and a spot on each side of the neck, brown; throat with wide-meshed brown reticulation. Total length .......... 680 millim. Head: ges seweue serene 40 ,, Width of head ........ DB <4, Body sa visusereres eee 120 _~—=4, Fore limb ............ 85, Hind limb ............ 140 _—z, Taal sires cinerea exerstecays 520, New Guinea. ad. Aleya, 8.E. New Guinea. 24. Gonyocephalus boydii. Tiaris boydii, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. W. viii. 1884, p. 482. Snout triangular and shelving; upper surface of head a little concave, covered with minute roughly keeled scales; scales largest below the mouth, expanding behind the ear into a few ivory-looking tubercles of larger size. Gular pouch covered with very minute pointed cales, with broad, pointed, compressed, triangular teeth 298 AGAMID, along its median fold. A large compressed skinny nuchal crest, densely covered with very small smooth scales,.and armed with three or four erect, broad, pointed, triangular, very compressed bony teeth ; dorsal crest composed of acute, very much compressed, triangular bony spines. Dorsal scales small and more or less keeled ; ventral scales larger and more strongly keeled. Scales on the legs keeled. Caudal scales very strongly keeled; occasionally bands of larger keeled scales across the tail at irregular intervals. Reddish brown, with seven or eight narrow dark-brown fascie on the body, and similar but indistinct fasciee on the tail and feet; front of the head and nape greyish, sides of the head stone-blue ; gular pouch and space between tympanum and eye yellow; under- side of body greyish yellow. Head and body 150 millim.; tail 300 millim. Herbert River, Queensland. 25. Gonyocephalus grandis. Dilophyrus grandis, Gray, Cat. p. 238. Dilophyrus grandis, Cantor, Cat. Mal, Rept. p. 34, pl. xx.; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 186. Snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge sharp, projecting ; tympanum nearly as large as the eye-opening; upper head-scales very small, bluntly keeled, enlarged on the canthus rostralis and the supraciliary and supra- orbital borders ; one or two enlarged tubercles on each side behind the occiput ; ten to twelve upper and as many lower labials. Gular sac moderately large, without serrated anterior edge; gular scales smaller than ventrals, smooth. Nuchal and dorsal crests subcon- tinuous, separated by a deep notch, composed of long lanceolate spines united together, free only at the tips, with smaller triangular smooth spines at the base; in the male, the height of the nuchal crest nearly equals the length of the snout, and the dorsal crest is a little lower; in the female, the former is scarcely developed and the latter is reduced to a slight serration. Dorsal scales very small, with the points directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales rather small, smooth. Limbs, above with equal smooth or very feebly keeled scales ; third and fourth fingers equal; the ad- pressed hind limb reaches between the eye and the tip of the snout. Tail strongly compressed, with sharp serrated upper edge; caudal scales smooth, with two rows of enlarged strongly keeled ones inferiorly ; the length of the tail about twice and a half that of head and body. Brown or olive above, with or without darker cross bands; flanks with roundish yellow spots; throat sometimes with blue lines. Total length .......... 560 millim. Gad sie panes eee 44, Width of head ........ 27 oss Body xsi ves ewes yes 111 12. gonYocEPHALUS.—13. ACANTHOSAURA. 299 Fore limb ............ 85 millim. Hind limb............ 140 —,, Dall: sc icoaenine gates 405 ,, Birma ; Malay peninsula; Sumatra; Borneo. " a,b. g. Rangoon. Dr. J. E. Gray [P.]. (Types. ¢. Skeleton. Rangoon. tr 18 Ge tpt Ce) ad. 3. Penang. Dr. Cantor. ef. 3. Nias. Hr. Sandemann [C.]. g. 3. Matang. hi. SQ. Indian archipelago. Dr. Bleeker. 13. ACANTHOSAURA. Acanthosaura, Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd. ix. Syn. p.56, and Cat. Liz. p. 240; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 44; Giinth, Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 147; Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soc, Beng. xli. 1872, p. 110. Lophyrus, part., Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 410. Oriocalotes, Giinth. 1. e. p. 146. Oriotiaris, Giinth. l. c. p. 150. Charasia, part., Stoliczka, 1. v. Tympanum distinct. Body generally compressed, limbs more or less elongate. Dorsal scales heterogeneous, small or moderate. A dorsal crest. No gular fold, but a more or less distinct oblique fold in front of the shoulder. No gularsac. No preeanal or femoral pores. South-Eastern Asia. Synopsis of the Species. I. Nuchal crest separated from dorsal. A. No spine on the side of the neck. A long postorbital spine ............ 1. capra, p. 300. B. A spine on each side of the neck. Postorbital and nuchal spines nearly as long as the diameter of the orbit .... 2. armata, p. 301. Postorbital spine half the diameter of the orbit... 0... e eee eee eee 3. crucigera, p. 302. Postorbital spine not half the diameter of the orbit 6... ee eee eee eee eee 4, lamnidentata, p. 302. II. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous. A. A spine on each side of the neck. The small dorsal scales much smaller than the ventrals ......-.+.e+++5+ 5. coronata, p. 303. The smaller dorsal scales larger than the ventrala ... cece ee eee eee tes 6. minor, p. 304. 800 AGAMIDA, B. No spine on the side of the neck. Dorsal scales not very unequal in size .. 7. kakhienensis, p. 305. Dorsal scales very unequal in size .... 8. major, p. 306. A serrated ridge on each side of the neck, parallel with the nuchal ridge ...... 9. tricarinata, p. 306. 1. Acanthosaura capra. Acanthosaura capra, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, p. 188, and Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 148, pl. xiv. fig. F. Snout as long as the diameter of the orbit ; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ; upper head-scales small, subequal, keeled; a long spine, measuring three fourths the diameter of the orbit in the adult, half that dia- meter in the half-grown male, terminates the supraciliary edge ; ten upper and twelve or thirteen lower labials; gular scales scarcely smaller than the ventrals, strongly keeled. A curved vertical fold on each side of the neck, in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest not continuous with the dorsal, composed of large compressed spines which are a little longer than the postorbital spine, with the base concealed by two or three rows of smaller spines. Dorsal crest less developed than the nuchal, composed of triangular scales gradually decreasing in size behind. Dorsal scales very small, obtusely keeled, all with the points directed upwards; a few slightly en- larged ones are scattered among them; ventral scales larger, strongly keeled. Limbs above with subequal keeled scales ; fourth finger a little longer than third; the hind limb stretched forwards reaches the temple or the eye. Tail compressed, once and one third to once and a half as long as head and body, covered with uniform strongly keeled scales, which are larger inferiorly. Greenish brown, with indistinct roundish light spots; throat of the adult blackish brown, with an orange-coloured streak along the middle. The largest specimen, a skin, measures about 135 millim. from snout to vent; tail 175 millim. . The following measurements are taken from the smaller spe- cimen :— Total length .......... 178 millim. Gad siiios.xaeuaiics nace 20 ~=«, Width of head ........ 1d: 3 Body ss.censeenasancaa 53) a Fore limb ............ 47, Hind mb ss seccacaecas 60a, MPAA foes ch oss wos dots ta ba 105, Siam. a-b. Ad. & her. 3. Chartaboum. M. Mouhot [C.]. (Types.) ec, Ad., stuffed. Chartaboum. M, Mouhot [C.]. 2. Acanthosaura armata. 32. 13. AcANWTHOSAURA. 301 (Puate XXII. fig. 1.) Acanthosaura armata, Gray, Cat. p. 240. Agama armata, Gray, Zool, Journ. iii, 1827, p. 216. Calotes lepidogaster, Cuv. R. A, 2nd ed. ii. p. 39. Acanthosaura armata, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 56; Giinth. Rept, Brit. Ind, p. 148. Lophyrus armatus, Dum. § Bibr. p. 4138; Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. P Gonyocephalus (Acanthosaura) armatus, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 44. Snout as long as, or slightly shorter than, the diameter of the orbit ; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum nearly as large as the eye-opening ; upper head-scales keeled, much larger on the supraorbital region; a long spine, measuring from three fourths to once the diameter of the orbit, terminates the supraciliary edge; eleven to thirteen upper and thirteen to fifteen lower labials ; gular scales strongly keeled, much smaller than the ventrals. An oblique fold on each side of the neck, in front of the shoulder ; a large spine, of the same size as the postorbital, on each side of the nape above the tympanum. Nuchal crest not continuous with the dorsal, composed of large compressed spines, as long as the postorbital ones, with the base concealed by two or three rows of Dorsal crest anteriorly as high as the nuchal, be- coming very low behind. Dorsal scales extremely small, all with the points directed upwards, intermixed with irregularly scattered, enlarged, rhomboidal strongly keeled scales; ventral scales a little larger than the enlarged dorsals, strongly keeled. Fore limb and tibia above with equal keeled scales, femur with unequal ones ; fourth finger very slightly longer than third ; the hind limb stretched forwards reaches between the temple and the nostril. Tail com- pressed, once and one fourth to once and a half as long as head and body, covered with uniform strongly keeled scales, which are larger inferiorly. Brownish above, with round lighter spots, or light with irregular dark spots; some dark lines radiate from the eye; an oblique dark-brown band down each side of the neck, from the interruption between the nuchal and dorsal crests, to the throat. smaller spines. Total length ..... Gad soy oisucc ates Width of head Body weoiswctees Fore limb ....... Hind limb....... Tall cccekan sarees Singapore; Penang; Tenasserim; Siam; Cochin China. u, 6. 2 & her. a z d-e. dQ. f.d. Singapore. Singapore. Penang. Chartaboum. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. (Types.) ‘Dr. Cantor. M. Mouhot [C.]. 302 AGAMID ZB, 3. Acanthosaura crucigera. (Piate XXII. fig. 2.) Acanthosaura armata, part., Blanf. Journ, As. Soc, Beng. xlviii. 1879, p. 180. Snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum smaller than the eye-opening ; upper head-scales rather feebly keeled, much larger on the supra- orbital region; a spine, measuring half the diameter of the orbit, terminates the supraciliary edge; nine or ten upper and as many lower labials ; gular scales strongly keeled, much smaller than the ventrals. An oblique fold down each side of the neck, in front of the shoulder; a spine of the same size as the postorbital on each side of the nape, abovethe tympanum. Nuchal crest not continuous with the dorsal, composed of large compressed spines a little longer than the postorbital ones, with the base concealed by two or three rows of smaller spines. Dorsal crest much lower than the nuchal, gradually decreasing in size, reduced posteriorly to a very feeble denticulation. Dorsal scales extremely small, with the point di- rected upwards, intermixed with irregularly scattered, enlarged, rhomboidal strongly keeled scales ; ventral scales larger than the enlarged dorsals, strongly keeled. Fore limb and tibia above with equal keeled scales, femur with unequal ones; fourth finger very slightly longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit in the female, the end of the snout in the male. Tail compressed, nearly twice as long as head and body, covered with uniform strongly keeled scales, which are larger infe- riorly. Pinkish grey above, with brown spots and marblings en- closing roundish light spots; a large cruciform dark-brown marking on the nape, the lateral branches descending along the antehumeral fold to the throat; eyelids and a streak from the end of the snout to the tympanum, through the orbit, dark brown; limbs and tail with dark and light cross bands. Total length .......... 267 millim. Head ie oo iive se aactentene s 26. OC, Width of head ........ 19 Body’ sea iaeace eet 71 «,, Fore limb ............ aT 45 Hind limb ............ 84, Pall sseainuaasa kes 170, Tenasserim. ad. Tavoy. W. Davison, Esq. [C.], W. T. Blanford, Esq, [P.]. a. Tavoy. W. Davison, Esq. !C.]. 4, Acanthosaura lamnidentata. (Prare XXII. fig. 3.) Snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum a little smaller than the eye- 13, acANTHOSAURA. 303 opening ; upper head-scales keeled, larger on the supraorbital region ; a spine, measuring two fifths the diameter of the orbit, terminates the supraciliary edge; ten or eleven upper and eleven or twelve lower labials ; gular scales strongly keeled, smaller than the ventrals. An oblique fold down each side of the neck, in front of the shoulder ; a spine a little shorter than the postorbital on each side of the nape above the tympanum. Nuchal crest not continuous with the dorsal, composed of compressed triangular scales, the longest of which equal the postorbital spine ; the spines at the base of the nuchal crest small. Dorsal crest very low, formed of triangular scales, gradually decreasing in size posteriorly, where it is reduced to a slight denti- culation. Dorsal scales extremely small, with the points directed upwards, intermixed with irregularly scattered, enlarged, rhomboidal strongly keeled scales; ventral scales larger than the enlarged dorsals, strongly keeled. Fore limb and tibia above with equal keeled scales, femur with unequal ones ; fourth finger very slightly longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye or the nostril. Tail compressed, once and two thirds or once and three fourths as long as head and body, covered with uniform strongly keeled scales, which are larger inferiorly. Brownish-olive above, with roundish lighter spots, or with a series of large dark-brown spots on each side of the back; a large dark-brown marking on the nape, widening anteriorly; hind limbs and tail with dark transverse bars. Total length .......... 280 millim. CB iei cng, and thacenern anaes 28 ys Width of head ........ 20. ,, Bod yrs sa ie owce tee 82 oy Fore limb ............ 57 os Hind limb............ 92 «,, Pall i4i.cas0ee ween 170 ==, Pegu; Tenasserim. ao. Pegu. W. Theobald, Esq. [C.] & 2. Tenasserim. Col. Beddome [C. ]. 5. Acanthosaura coronata. Acanthosaura coronata, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, p. 187, and Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 149, pl. xiv. fig. E. Snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis angular ; supraciliary edge very prominent, serrated behind ; tym- panum smaller than the eye-opening; upper head-seales keeled, a little larger on the supraorbital region ; a very small conical tubercle or spine behind the supraciliary edge ; eleven upper and eleven or twelve lower labials; gular scales much smaller than the ventrals, strongly keeled. An oblique fold on each side in front of the shoulder. A small spine, shorter than the greatest diameter of 304 AGAMIDE, the tympanum, on each side of the nape above the tympanum. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, the former composed of short compressed spines, shorter than the grcatest diameter of the tympanum, the latter reduced to a denticulation. Dorsal scales very small, smooth or feebly keeled, with the points directed back- wards or slightly upwards, intermixed with irregularly scattered, slightly enlarged, keeled ones; ventral scales larger than the en- larged dorsals, strongly keeled. Limbs, and especially digits, shorter than in the preceding species; scales on the fore limb and tibia subequal, strongly keeled, of femur more irregular; fourth finger slightly longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the tympanum in the female, the eye in the male. Tail scarcely com- pressed, as long as, or a little longer than, head and body, covered with uniform strongly keeled scales, which are larger inferiorly. Ground-colour of the male grey, of 'the female brownish red ; irre- gular dark-brown bands across the back and the legs; a yellowish- olive band edged with black across the crown, from one supraciliary edge to the other ; an oblique short yellow band, broadly edged with brown, from below the orbit to the angle of the mouth; other dark- brown streaks radiating from the eye. Total length .......... 175 millim. Head... cic eae ounnna 24 —C,, Width of head ........ 20. ,, Body ies ecieeae's 66, Fore limb ............ 46 Cy, Hind limb............ 65, RU, a eosin sy pias aha oat BB 45 Siam. a-c. 6 9. Chartaboum. M. Mouhot [C.]. (Types.) \ 6. Acanthosaura minor. (Pxrare XXIII. fig. 2.) a Calotes minor, Gray, Cat. p. 244. Oriocalotes minor, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 147. Charasia minor, Theob. Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 118. Snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum smaller than the eye-opening; upper head-scales keeled, of very irregular size, enlarged on the supraorbital region; a small spine, measuring a little less than the vertical diameter of the tympanum, behind the supraciliary edge ; two other similar spines on each side of the back of the head, the foremost nearly equally distant from the tympanum and the nuchal crest, the other just above the tympanum ; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials. Gular scales alittle smaller than the ventrals. An oblique fold on each side of the neck, in frent of the shoulder. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, low, reduced to a serrated ridge on the back. Dorsal scales rather large, strongly keeled, the upper with the points directed obliquely 13. acanrHosauRA. 305 upwards and backwards; some enlarged scales are scattered on the sides ; ventral scales very strongly keeled, smaller than dorsals. Limbs abovewith subequal strongly keeled scales; fourth finger very slightly longer than third: the adpressed hind limb reaches between the neck-fold aud the temple. Tail scarcely compressed, nearly twice as long as head and body, covered with uniform strongly keeled scales, which are not larger inferiorly. Pale brownish-olive above, with irregular dark-brown spots or marblings, frequently forming irregular cross bands; several dark streaks radiate from the i ; throat with more or less distinct irregular dark transverse ines. Total length .......... 217 millim. 6a hts ars dsetaee blige 21.4, Width of head ........ 15g, BOdy ic cee argide ees 5k Ys Fore limb ............ 33 C,, Hind limb............ 45, SDAA %. doa herkanowaseneas 145, Eastern Himalayas. a-c. 2 & yg. Afghanistan. East-India Co. [P.]. a. 2. a East-India Co. fet CT ypen) eh. Q & yg. Khasia. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. a9. Sikkim. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. kh. Q. Sikkim. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. 49. Pp Dr. Griffith. 7. Acanthosaura kakhienensis. Oriocalotes kakhienensis, Anders. Zool. W. Yunnan, p. 806, pl. Lxxvi. fig. 1. Canthus rostralis and supraciliary ridge not well defined ; upper head-scales obtusely keeled, of different sizes ; no spines on the head. A slight fold above and in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest com- posed of six to eight triangular spines, disappearing a short way behind the shoulders. Dorsal scales of moderate size, keeled ; those on the side of the back directed upwards and backwards, and those below downwards and backwards; a few large keeled scales scattered over the sides; scales of chest and belly of moderate size and strongly keeled. The hind limb extends to the angle of the jaw. Base of tail compressed, but thick and somewhat rounded. General colour above olive, irregularly variegated with brown and yellow, these colours having a tendency to arrange themselves in cross bands; a broad black band from the posterior margin of the eye to the tym- panum; black streaks radiate from the eye; under surface olive- green. Size of A. major. Khasia Hills. 38068 AGAMID A. 8. Acanthosaura major. (Pirate XXIII. fig. 3.) Oriocalotes major, Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 77. Charasia major, Theob. Cat. Rept, Brit. Ind, p. 113. Snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum a little larger than the eye-opening ; upper head-scales unequal, keeled, a series of larger ones bordering inwards the supraorbital region ; no postorbital spine ; a row of projecting triangular scales borders the head posteriorly ; seven upper and as many lower labials; gular scales smaller than ventrals, feebly keeled. A rather indistinct oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal and dorsal crest continuous, reduced to a serrated ridge. Dorsal scales very irregular, some very small, others very large; all are distinctly keeled, and the upper have their points directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales distinctly keeled, smaller than the largest dorsals. Limbs above with unequal keeled scales ; fourth finger very slightly longer than third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the tympanum. Tail compressed, once and two thirds as long as head and body, covered with unequal keeled scales. Olive above ; back with six large angular blackish cross bands, with the apex directed backwards; flanks reticulated with blackish ; head above with blackish cross streaks; an oblique black band from the eye to the tympanum, continued along the side of the neck; limbs and tail with dark cross bars. Total length .......... 248 millim. Head: ios tte ceen gd e's 23 =O, Width of head ........ 18, Body wits ga ison vets ee lad 70 «,, Fore Limb ss: ¢ 6s sca g 6 42. ,, Hind limb............ 63, ABU: cea Sake kth eS arate 155, Western Himalaya. a. 9. Valley of the Sutlej, near T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. (Type.) Kotegurh. 9. Acanthosaura tricarinata. Calotes tricarinatus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1854, p. 650. Tiaris elliotti, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 151, pl. xxv. fig. B. Oriotiaris elliotti, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 150; Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 77. Oreotiaris tricarinata, Anders. Proe. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 167. Charasia (Oriotiaris) tricarinata, Stohezka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 112. Snout slightly longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge angular; tympanum nearly as large as the eye-opening; upper head-scales unequal, feebly keeled, a 13. acanrHosavRA.—14. JAPALURA. 307 series of larger ones bordering inwards the supraorbital region; a. conical tubercle behind the supraciliary edge; an oblique transverse row of conical ribbed tubercles on each side, bordering the head posteriorly ; five or six upper and as many lower labials; gular scales smaller than ventrals, indistinctly keeled ; a conical tubercle below the tympanum. Oblique fold in front of the shoulders very indistinct. Body not, or but very slightly, compressed. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, reduced to a series of enlarged strongly keeled scales ; another parallel series of enlarged scales on each side of the nape, lost a short distance beyond the shoulder. Dorsal scales very irregular, scarcely imbricate, smooth or feebly keeled; strongly enlarged keeled scales are scattered on the flanks, and frequently others form angular series across the back; ventral scales as large as the enlarged dorsals, feebly keeled. Limbs above with unequal strongly keeled scales; fourth finger longer than third; the ad- pressed hind limb reaches the eye or the tip of the snout. Tail not compressed, twice to twice and a half as long as head and body, covered with rather unequal keeled scales. Brownish-grey or blue above, uniform or with angular brown markings on the back ; lateral nuchal denticulation brown-edged ; lower surfaces uniform whitish or with small black dots. Total length .......... 162 millim Head ice ccs eed eda aes Ay 55 Width of head ...... 105 ,, Body 23 sis. 9 ese Sete 38C,, Fore limb............ Dil 4 Hind limb............ 46 ,, Tail ch.cnesscewe cere 110, Eastern Himalaya. a Q. Sikkim. Messrs. v. ee [C.]. (Types of | b-d. 6 9. Sikkim. Sir J. Hooker i : Tiarrs elliotti.) e-f.o 9. Sikkim. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. g-t. 62. Sikkim. W. T. Blanford, Esq. pt ke os Darjeeling. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 14. JAPALURA. Japalura, Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (2) xii. 1858, p. 887; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 182. Biancia, Gray, 1. c. . Diploderma, Hallow, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1860, p. 490. Tympanum hidden. Body compressed. Dorsal scales hetero- geneous. Adorsalcrest. Gular pouchsmallor absent. An oblique fold in front of the shoulder ; gular fold present or absent. Tail feebly compressed. No preanal or femoral pores. East Indies ; Southern China. x2 308 AGAMIDE, Synopsis of the Species. I. Third and fourth fingers equal. Infracaudai scales not larger than ventrals ; no transverse gular fold; tibia shorter than the skull ..... ...... 0.0.00 1. variegata, p. 308. Infracaudal scales (at the base of the tail) larger than ventrals ; no transverse gular fold; tibia as long as the skull........ 2. swinhonis, p. 809. Only seven upper labials .............. 3. polygonata, p. 310. Infracaudal scales larger than ventrals; a transverse gular fold; tibia shorter than DHSS ICU ces sscep ncn dni tveely A lank ea gontwasleadca teat 4. yunnanensis, p. 310, II. Fourth finger longer than third. No transverse gular fold; body subquad- TanoUaP coer ae ees ese eee ee 5. planidorsata, p. 311. A transverse gular fold; body strongly COMpPTEssed scsi aiweneavaneedeavsa es 6. nigrilabris, p. 311. 1. Japalura variegata. (PLare XXIV. fig. 1.) Japalura variegata, Gray, Ann. § Mag. N. H. (2) xii. p. 888; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 1383; Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 164; Stoliceka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 106. Biancia niger, Gray, J. ¢. p. 387. Japalura microlepis, Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 76; Anders. Zool. W. Yunnan, p. 804. Snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis sharp ; upper head-scales irregular, sharply keeled - a small tubercular scale behind the supraciliary edge ; other scattered conical scales on the hind part of the head; nine to eleven upper and as many lower labials. Male with a very small gular pouch. A well- developed nuchal crest. Body compressed, covered above and on the sides with small keeled scales intermixed with larger ones, all having their points obliquely directed upwards and backwards; dorsal crest, a slight serrated ridge; ventral scales as large as the largest dorsals, strongly keeled. Limbs above with scales of irregular size; third and fourth fingers nearly equal ; fifth toe not quite as long as third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye; tibia shorter than the skull. Tail compressed, slender, once and a half to once and three fourths as long as head and body, covered above with unequal scales, inferiorly with equal larger ones, the size of which does not exceed that of the ventrals; all the caudal scales keeled. Olive-brown above, generally with alternating broad dark and narrower light chevron-shaped bands on the body; flanks reticulated ; a more or less distinct light band on the upper lip and along each side of the neck; tail with dark annuli; middle of the throat generally black. 14, sapatura. 309 Total length ...... ... 816 millim. Had | ii.-5eack alscoxae ony 29 =, Width of head ........ 18, BOO yg .ccie'c!ehs atic Bars B25 Fore limb ............ 53 —C«,, Hindlimb .......... 90, Bails. cscriense Mian aiel ees 205, Himalayas. a-b. 9& her. Sikkim. Sir J. Hooker [P.]. (Types.) e,d-e. SQ. Sikkim. Sir J. Hooker PP (Types of + Biancia niger.) Sf Q. Sikkim. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. g- 2. Sikkim. T. C. Jerdon,Esq. [P.] (Type of J. microlepis.) h-i. Ye. Sikkim. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. k-o. 3. Darjeeling. p-y. 3 &. Darjeeling. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. 2. Japalura swinhonis. Japalura swinhonis, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 188, pl. xiv. fig. B. Snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis sharp; upper head-scales very small, irregular, keeled ; a small tubercular scale behind the supraciliary edge, and others scattered on the hind part of the head; eight or nine upper and as many lower labials. Male with a very small gular pouch. Asmall nuchal crest. Body strongly compressed, covered above and on the sides with small keeled scales intermixed with larger ones ; only the upper dorsal scales have their points directed upwards ; dorsal crest, a very slightly serrated ridge; ventral scales only a little larger than the gulars, strongly keeled. Limbs above with scales of irregular size; third and fourth fingers nearly equal; fifth toe not quite as long as third; the adpressed hind limp reaches the anterior border of the orbit, or between the latter and the tip of the snout; tibia as long as the skull. Tail compressed, slender, twice and one third to twice and a half as long as head and body, covered above with unequal scales, inferiorly with equal large ones which are larger than the ventrals ; all the caudal scales keeled. Olive- brown above, the back with dark chevron-shaped cross bands; a light longitudinal band on each side of the back; head generally dotted with blackish ; sides reticulate with brown; throat greyish, with large white spots; tail with dark annuli. Total length .......... 284 millim, Head wiacyiee se ceesas v4, Width of head ........ 16, Body wisiswawetonsayes 62, Fore limb ... ........ 43, Hind limb............ 72 Pail. pckeeuwasnemis «a8 198, Formosa. 310 AGAMIDZ. a oS. Formosa. R. Swinhoe, Esq. (C.]. (Type.) b-c,d. 3 & her. Formosa. R. Swinhoe, Esq. [C. ]. ef. d. Formosa. M. Dickson, Esq. [P. ]. 3. Japalura polygonata, Diploderma polygonatum, Hallow. Proc. Ac. Philad. 1860, p. 490. Japalura polygonata, Giinth. Rept. Brit, Ind. p. 184. Appears to be very closely allied to the preceding. Seven upper labials. Uniform greenish-olive above, somewhat deeper upon the back, much lighter beneath, with a marked tinge of yéllow; eight dark bands upon the tail. Amakarima Island, Loo Choo. 4. Japalura yunnanensis. J pigs) swinhoii (non Gthr.), Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, . 411, J spalusa yunnanensis, Anders. Zool. 1. Yunnan, p. 803, pl. lxxvii. g. 2. Snout a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis sharp; upper head-scales moderately large, irregular, keeled; a conical scale behind the supraciliary edge, and others scattered on the hind part of the head; eight upper and as many lower labials. No regular gular pouch; a well-marked transverse gular fold. A small nuchal crest. Body compressed, covered above and on the sides with small strongly keeled scales intermixed with larger ones which may form rather regular longitudinal series ; upper dorsal scales with their points directed slightly upwards and back- wards ; dorsal crest a very slightly serrated ridge; dorsal scales a little larger than the gulars, strongly keeled. Limbs above with scales of unequal size; third and fourth fingers nearly equal; fifth toe nearly as long as third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye or the anterior border of the orbit; tibia shorter than the skull. Tail compressed, slender, a little more than twice as long as head and body, covered above with subequal scales; lower caudal scales larger, larger than the ventrals ; all the caudal scales keeled. Olive above, head spotted with dark brown, the back with aseries of dark spots or bands separated by narrow light interspaces ; a more or less distinct light longitudinal band on each side of the back ; sides reticulate with dark brown; limbs and tail with dark transverse bars. Total length .......... 288 millim. Head (ii sae tou an ee 26 45 Width of head ........ 19 Body, ccieucen-scg eee as 62. ,, Fore limb ............ 46 ,, Hind limb ............ TS x Pal cisessenne -gaeaecceaeds 8 200 ,, Western China. a-c. 3 Q. Szechuen. R. Swinhoe, Esq. [C.]. 14, sapanura. 311 5. Japalura planidorsata. (Puare XXIV. fig. 2.) Japalura planidorsata, Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 70; Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p- 106; Anders. Zool. W, Yunnan, p. 804. Snout not or scarcely longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis sharp ; upper head-scales irregular, sharply keeled, the largest on the supraorbital region ; a few conical scales on the hinder border of the head; nine or ten upper and as many lower labials. Body subquadrangular, the back being plane, bordered by a slight ridge of enlarged scales on each side; dorsal and lateral scales very irregular, keeled, intermixed with enlarged ones which on the back form five angular transverse series, with the point turned backwards; a very slight serrated vertebral ridge; ventral scales as large as the largest dorsals, strongly keeled. Limbs above with scales of irregular size; fourth finger longer than third; fifth toe as long as third; the adpressed hind limb reaches the eye ora little beyond the tip of the snout; tibia as long as, or slightly shorter than, the skull. Tail slightly compressed, above with un- equal scales, inferiorly with equal larger ones, the size of which does not exceed that of the ventrals; all the caudal scales keeled. Olive-brown above, flanks darker ; a band on the upper lip, whitish. Total length (tail broken). 95 millim. Wea iis dew ct waren k 13 CO, Width of head ........ 10°5 ,, Body: « sc028c cau cea 36 C4, Fore limb ............ 24, Hind limb ............ 39 CO, Khasia. a-b. Her. (?). Khasia. ' T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) 6. Japalura nigrilabris. Otoeryptis (Japalura) nigrilabris, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1864, p. 385. Snout very short, shorter than the diameter of the orbit, with angular canthus rostralis; supraciliary ridge prominent, feebly serrated ; upper head-scales irregular, sharply keeled ; scattered enlarged tubercular scales on the posterior part of the head; thirteen upper and as many lower labials; gular scales small, spinose, with enlarged conical ones on the sides. Male with a small gular pouch. A strong transverse gular fold. Body com- pressed, covered above and on the sides with very small keeled scales intermixed with scattered enlarged ones, the points of which are directed upwards and backwards. Nuchal and dorsal crests a slight serrated ridge; ventral scales as large as the largest dorsals, strongly keeled. Limbs above with scales of irregular size ; fourth finger longer than third; fifth toe as long as third; the adpressed hind limb reaches a little beyond the tip of the snout; tibia longer 312 AGAMID A. than the skull. Tail compressed, not twice as long as head and body, covered above with unequal scales, inferiorly with equal larger ones, the size of which exceeds that of the ventrals; all the caudal scales keeled. Light brown, with broad oblique blackish bands down each side; lips dark brown; some of the enlarged scales whitish. Total length ......... 182 millim. ead gc.2 ae akin tee 15, Width of head ........ 115 ,, Body ies we yes teehee 6 35a, Fore limb ............ 30, Hind limb ............ 49, ail wine a snckt eMac ates OL. 5% Borneo. ad. Matang. 15. SALEA. Salea, Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 242; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 145. Mecolepis, 4. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 87. Lophosalea, Beddome, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 158. Tympanum distinct. Body compressed, covered with unequal- sized imbricate keeled scales. Male with a dorso-nuchal crest and a gular sac. No transverse gular fold. Tail compressed. No femoral or preanal pores. Southern India. 1. Salea horsfieldii. Salea horsfieldii, Gray, Cat. p. 242. Salea jerdonii, Gray, Ann. Mag. N. H. xviii. 1846, p. 429; Jerdon, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 473; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 167. Mecolepis trispinosus, A. Dum. Cat. Méth. p. 88, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 564, pl. xxiv. fig. 1. : hirsutus, A. Dum. ll. ec. pp. 88 & 566, fig. 2. sulcatus, A. Dum. il. cc. pp. 89 & 567, fig. 3. Salea horsfieldii, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 145. Snout not more than once and a half as long as the diameter of the orbit, which equals about twice that of the tympanum ; upper head-scales large, rugose, with a more or less marked curved series of regular ones bordering the supraorbital region internally ; a row of three or four enlarged scales from the eye to above the tympanum. Gular scales lanceolate, keeled, ending in a spine as large as or a little larger than the ventrals. No fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest, in the male composed of a few lanceolate spines directed backwards, the longest measuring nearly the length of the snout, with smaller ones at the base; in the female this crest is reduced to a double row of alternate oblique short spines ; dorsal 15. sata. 313 crest not continuous with nuchal, composed of similar slightly shorter lanceolate spines in the male, absent in the female. Dorsal scales large, rhomboidal, strongly keeled, pointing straight back- wards; they are nearly always of unequal size, larger ones being scattered on the sides; ventral scales very strongly imbricate, strongly keeled and ending ina spine, nearly as large as the dorsals.- Limbs moderately elongate, the adpressed hind limb reaching be- tween the shoulder and the tympanum. Tail compressed, and with a small upper crest in the male, scarcely compressed, and without a crest in the female; caudal scales subequal, strongly keeled. Pale olive above, with irregular dark-brown cross bands, which may be broken up by a band of the light-brown colour running along each side of the back ; the enlarged scales on the sides frequently white ; a blackish band, edged below with white, extends from the eye to the fore limb, passing through the tympanum; tail usually with regular dark-brown annuli. Total length .......... 345 millim. Gad ee os seg nccteeoans Qh 45 Width of head ........ 16. =C«, BOdY cise ck os ote 68, Forelimb ............ 44, Hind limb............ 61, EDIE) sratactec oi waidnss Sahu oaly 250 =, Southern India. a-b. 9. India. East-India Company. (Types.) e-d. . Madras. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. (Types of Salea jerdonit.) ef. 9. 8. India. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. g @. Nilgherries. Col. Beddome fet A. Yg. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C. ]. 2. Salea anamallayana. Lophosalea anamallayana, Beddome, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 153, pl. xiv. Snout long, measuring nearly twice the diameter of the orbit ; tympanum once and two thirds or once and three fifths the diameter of the orbit; upper head-scales rather large, feebly keeled, with a regular curved series of enlarged scales bordering tho supraorbital region internally; an enlarged tubercle behind the supraciliary »edge and a few others scattered on the back of the head; a row of threo or four enlarged scales from the eye to above the tympanum. Gular scales alittle larger than ventrals, smooth or keeled. A well- marked curved fold on each side of the neck, in front of the shoulder. Dorso-nuchal crest continuous, composed of large lanceo- late spines. Dorsal scales of unequal size, their arrangement vary- ing considerably, strongly keeled, the upper ones pointing upwards 314 AGAMIDZ. and backwards, the others straight backwards or backwards and downwards; ventral scales very strongly imbricate, strongly keeled, and ending in a spine. The adpressed hind limb reaches the neck. Tail strongly compressed, in its anterior half with an upper crest nearly as much developed as the dorsal; caudal scales rather un- equal in size, keeled. Pale olive above, with four broad angular dark-brown cross bands on the back, separated by narrow inter- spaces; head to the lip dark brown, with small light spots; limbs and tail with more or less regular dark-brown cross bars. Total length .......... 271 millim. Head. < gis 3454 Saws 33 45 Width of head ........ 19_~=CW, Body! sc swe dicns Gos daee To 33 Fore limb ............ 47, Hind limb............ 68, Tail (injured) ........ 160 so, Southern India. ad. Anamallays, 6000 ft. Col. Beddome tet (Type.) b-c. S. Pulney hills. Col. Beddome [C.]. 16. CALOTES *. Calotes, Cuv. R. A. ii. p. 85; Fitzing. N. Classif. Rept. p.17; Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 618; Wagl. Syst. Amph. p.152; Wregm. Herp. Mex. p. 14; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 891; Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 46; Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 242; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 189. Bronchocela, Kaup, l.c. p. 619; Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 894; Fitz. Syst. Rept. p.45; Gray, Cat. p. 240; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 187. Lophodeira, Fitz. J. ¢. p. 46. Pseudocalotes, Fitz. 1, ¢. Tympanum distinct. Body compressed, covered with equal-sized scales. A dorso-nuchal crest. A more or less developed gular sac in the male; no transverse gular fold, or a very feebly marked one. Tail round or feebly compressed. No femoral or preanal pores. Indian Region. Synopsis of the Species. I. No fold in front of the shoulder. A. Lateral scales pointing backwards and downwards. 1. Ventral scales larger than latero-dorsals. a. Fourth finger nearly the same length as the fifth toe. a. Upper dorsal scales pointing upwards and backwards. 57 to 97 scales round the middle of the body ; tympanum at least half the diameter of the orbit............ 1. eristatellus, p. 316. * Salea gularis, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 473.—Mirzapore ? 16. cALoTEs. 315 53 to 67 scales round the middle of the body; tympanum hardly half the diameter of the orbit............ 2. celebensis, p. 318. 8. Only the scales of the row at the base of the dorsal crest point upwards. . 61 to 75 scales round the middle of the body ; gular scales smaller than those on upper surface of arm.......... 3. marmoratus, p. 318. 43 to 53 (65) scales round the middle of the body; gular scales as large as those on upper surface of arm .. 4, jubatus, p. 318. 6. Fourth finger much longer than the fifth toe. 53 scales round the middle of the body 5. smaragdinus, p. 819. 2. Ventral scales not larger than latero-dorsals. 43 to 53 scales round the middle of the Dody> cnsecuisiwes. cgaeetesu aes 6. tympanistriga, p. 320. B. Lateral scales pointing backwards and upwards. 35 to 47 scales round the middle of the body ; tympanum at least half the diameter of the orbit ........ 7. versicolor, p. 821. 53 to 61 scales round the middle of the body; tympanum not quite one third the diameter of the orbit .... 8. maria, p. 322, II. An oblique fold or pit covered with small granular scales in front of the shoulder, not extending across the throat. A. Dorsal scales larger than ventrals, keeled. Two serrated parallel’ ridges on each side of the back of the head ; colour é BIEON, avardnexs tees aa die vee ee 9. jerdonii, p. 328. A long spine behind the supraciliary edge, and two others above the ear. 10. emma, p. 324. No postorbital spine; a few small spines above the ear ............ 11. mystaceus, p. 325. B. Dorsal scales larger than ventrals, smooth. Lateral scales pointing upwards and backwards ; 29 to 35 scales round the middle of the body .......... 12. grandisquamis, p. 325. Lateral scales pointing upwards and backwards ; 37 to 43 scales round the middle of the body .......... 13. nemoricola, p. 326. Lateral scales pointing downwards and backwards 10.0... 6 cee eens 14. liolepis, p. 326. 316 AGAMIDE. C. Dorsal scales as large as or smaller than ventrals. Lateral scales pointing upwards and backwards .............. ea ierieg 15. ophiomachus, p. 327. Lateral scales pointing downwards and backwards; ventrals much larger than dorsals .........-.2.+.055 16, nigrilabris, p. 328. Lateral scales pointing downwards and backwards ; no spines whatever on thesheadstiarcaesosMectpaveg we uet tes 17. Locephalus, p. 329. III. An oblique fold in front of the shoulder, extending across the throat. No spine at the posterior corner of TH: OBOE 05 Spm gcc wipra ce horde doe 18. rouxit, p. 330. A small slender spine behind the supra- ciliary edge 6... eee eee ee 19. elliotti, p. 330. 1. Calotes cristatellus. Bronchocela cristatella, Gray, Cat. p. 241. Agama cristatella, Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. Vergl. Anat. p. 108. gutturosa, Merr. Tent. p. 51. Calotes cristatellus, Fitz. N. Class. Rept. p. 49. Agama moluccana, Lesson, Coquille, Rept. pl. i. fig. 2. Calotes gutturosa, Guérin, Icon, R. A., Rept. pl. vil. fig. 8. Agama vultuosa, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 56. Bronchocela cristatella, Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 619; Dum. § Bibr- iv. p. 895 ; Cantor, Cat. Mal. Rept. p. 30; Gurard, U.S. Explor. Eaped., Herp. p. 411; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 138; Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, p. 17; Steind. Novara, Rept. p. 27 ; Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 178. (Lophodeira) cristatella, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 46. moluccana, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, p. 17; Stoliczka, fe. p. 179. intermedia Peters & Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, . 375. z burmana, Blanf. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlviii. 1878, p. 127. Upper head-scales rather small, keeled, slightly enlarged on supra- orbital region ; a few more or less distinct, erect, compressed scales behind the supraciliary edge; tympanum half, or more than half, the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch very small; gular scales keeled, smaller than ventrals, distinctly larger than latero-dorsals. No oblique fold in front of the shoulder.” Nuchal crest composed of erect compressed spines, the longest never equalling the diameter of the orbit; dorsal crest a mere serrated ridge. 57 to 97 scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales keeled, much smaller than ventrals, the upper ones directed upwards and backwards, the others downwards and backwards. The adpressed hind limb reaches between the eye and the tip of the snout; third and fourth fingers equal or nearly so, about as long as the fifth toe. Tail round, sub- triangular at the base. Green, uniform or with reddish-whito markings. = 16. cALorEs. ‘ 317 Total length .......... 520 millim. WGA sigs ciaraervie sas alacdianecs 37 sy Width of head ........ 22 55 Body: eivess eae atu end 83, Fore limb ............ 65 a, Hind limb............ 105_—C=é,, Paik. created id epawtes Ss 400 ,, Indo-Malayan peninsula and archipelago. An examination of the series in the British Museum shows thata separation of C. cristatellus from C. moluecanus cannot be carried out, although indeed the extreme forms are rather different. The typical C. cristatellus has the rostral very small, separated from the nasal by three or four scales, the two first supralabials very small, the nasal being situated above the third labial, and eighty-one to ninety-seven scales round the middle of the body. C. moluccanus has the rostral larger, separated from the nasal by one or two scales, the nasal situated above the second labial, and fifty-nine to sixty- three scales. However, there are many exceptions, and as similar variations occur also, independently of localities, in the allied C. jubatus, I think a specific separation would not be justified. ‘We have specimens which, in the rostral scutellation, are typical C. cristatellus, but with seventy-five rows of scales; others with the same number of scales, but with the rostral scutellation of C. moluc- canus ; others have the nasal separated from the rostral by three scales and, nevertheless, situated above the second labials, &c. That the number of scales does not exactly correspond with the localities is well shown by specimens 1-0, which, of same size and similar in every other respect, vary in the number of scales round the middle of the body from seventy-five to ninety-one. a,b. § & hgr. Penang. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. od. S. Penang. Dr. Cantor. ef. S. Singapore. g-t. Her. Singapore. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. ko. Singapore. Dr. Dennys [P.]. Lo. Her. Nias. Hr. Sandemann [C.]. p-y 3. Borneo. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. rt, u-v. 6 & hgr. Borneo. L. L. Dillwyn, Esq. [P.]. w. Q. Puerto Princesa. A. Everett, Esq. [C.]. x-y. Hgr. Dinagat Island. A. Everett, Esq. [C-]. 2-8. Her. & yg. Celebes. y. He. N. Ceram. 6-¢. Her. Mysol. n. HUgr. Amboyna P 6. Her. Timor Laut. H. O. Forbes, Esq. [C.]. 1. Skeleton. —? 318 AGAMID. 2. Calotes celebensis. Bronchocela celebensis, Gray, Cat. p. 241. : Bronchocela celebensis, Giinth. Proc. Zool, Soc. 1873, p. 168; Peters § Doria, Ann, Mus. Genov. xiii. 1878, p. 376. Scarcely different from the preceding. The tympanum is smaller, the spines of the male’s nuchal crest narrower, and the scales rather larger ; 53 to 67 scales round the middle of the body. Size and proportions as in the preceding. Celebes. ao. Celebes. (Type.) b-c. S 2. N. Celebes. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. d-i. 5,2, & her. Manado, Dr. A. B, Meyer [C.]. 3. Calotes marmoratus. Bronchocela marmorata, Gray, Cat. p. 242. ? Hombr. & Jacq. Voy. Péle Sud, Rept. pl. iii. ? Lophyrus spinosus, 4. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 91. ey (Bronchocela) philippinus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1867, Bronchosds marmorata, Giinth. Proce. Zool. Soc. 1873, p. 168. Also closely allied to C. eristatellus, from which: it differs in the following points :—The male’s dorsal crest a little more developed ; gular sac larger; gular scales smaller, scarcely larger than dorso- laterals ; only the scales of the row contiguous to the dorsal crest point upwards. Upperand lateral head-scales very small; 61 to 75 scales round the middle of the body. Purplish (in spirit) with blue- green undulating lines which are more or less distinct. Total length .......... 512 millim. Heady sue eticeatsralomiec kaa 33 Cy, Width of head ........ 19 ,, BOY crcsece decir and oeestas 89, Fore limb ............ 68, Hind limb............ 105 _—,, Dail setups ae ees 390 ,, Philippine Islands. ao. Philippines. (Type.) b. @. Philippines. C. Bowring, Esq. [rt c-d. 3. Luzon. Dr, A. B, Meyer (C.]. 4, Calotes jubatus. Bronchocela gutturosa, Gray, Cat. p. 241, Bronchocela gutturosa, (non Merr.) Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 619. jubata, Dum. § Dibr. p. 897; Gtinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 189 ; Sted. Novara, Rept. p. 27; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 179. 16. caLorss. 319 Upper head-scales moderate, keeled, not enlarged on supraorbital region ; a few erect compressed scales behind the supraciliary edge ; tympanum half or more than half the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch well developed ; gular scales keeled, smaller than the ventrals. No oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest large, com- posed of falciform spines directed backwards, the longest equalling or exceeding the diameter of the orbit, with several irregular rows of smaller spines at the base; dorsal crest well developed, though much less so than the nuchal, gradually decreasing in size towards the posterior part of the body. 43 to 53 (exceptionally 65) scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales keeled, smaller than the ventrals ; the scales of the row contiguous to the dorsal crest point upwards and backwards, those of the next row point straight backwards, all the others backwards and downwards. The adpressed hind limb reaches between the eye and the tip of the snout ; third and fourth fingers equal, about as long as the fifth toe. Tail round, sub- triangular, and with slight upper ridge at the base. Green, generally with yellow or reddish spots and short bands. Total length .......... 570 millim. Head sea saisycenvac gaia 34. C,, Width of head ........ Zi |; Body: sgemadesas wade s 96 Ow, Fore limb . .......... TO. ss Hind limb ............ 107_—C«,, Maa scour itd acral aise 440 ,, East-Indian archipelago ; Nicobars. a, 6, Several spec. : Java. C, Bowring, Esq. [P.]. 3,2, her, & yg. od. 3 Q. Java. Dr. Ploem [C.]. ef, g-h. SQ. Java, G, Lyon, Esq. [P.]. t-k. Her. Java. 13. Batavia. m. 3. Soerabaya. J. B. Jukes, eat et no. Manado, Celebes. Dr. A. B. Meyer (C.]. o. Yg. E. Indies. Dr. J. E. Gray [P.]. pds E. Indies. East India Comp. q. Skeleton. —? 5. Calotes smaragdinus. Bronchocela smaragdina, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 188. Upper head-scales small, keeled, slightly enlarged on supraorbital region; tympanum not half the diameter of the orbit. No gular pouch ; anterior gular scales large, posterior smaller. No oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal and dorsal crests scarcely indicated (@). 53 scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales small, rather feebly keeled, the upper ones pointing straight backwards, the others backwards and downwards; ventral scales much larger than dorsals, strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the tip of the snout or a little beyond ; third and fourth 320 AGAMIDA, fingers equal, very long, much longer than the fifth toe. Tail round. Green ; a white line along the side of the body and tail and the hinder side of the thigh. Total length .......... 428 millim. Had i: om ve et gis wees 23, Width of head ........ 12 5; Body sina cats aanie lea 84 80 ,, Fore limb ............ 66 C,, Hind limb ............ 98 COC, Wall sin arcane ccnetae aes 325, Camboja. ab, 2. Camboja. M. Mouhot (0.]. (Types.) 6. Calotes tympanistriga. Bronchocela tympanistriga, Gray, Cat. p. 242. Bronchocela tympanistriga (Kuhl), Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 56; Dum. & Bibr. p. 899; Steind. Novara, Rept. p. 27. —— (Pseudocalotes) tympanistriga, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 46. Upper head-scales rather large, irregular, feebly keeled; a small tubercle behind the supraciliary edge, and a few others scattered on the back of the head; tympanum not quite half the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch scarcely developed; gular scales feebly keeled, about the size of the ventrals. No oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest composed of very small spines ; dorsal crest a slightly serrated ridge. 43 to 53 scales round the middle of the body. Dorsal scales smooth or very feebly keeled, as large as or slightly larger than ventrals, the uppermost pointing backwards and upwards, the others backwards and downwards; ventral scales strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the neck or the tympanum ; fourth finger slightly longer than third. Tail com- pressed, with a slight upper ridge at the base. Greenish, uniform or with more or less distinct dark markings. Total length .......... 264 millim, Gad i aeawcie ete ese dient 21 «4, Width of head ........ 125 ,, BOGY si stinw sap qceanecenas 58, Fore limb ............ 35a, Hindlimb.......... 820 55 MA, «steve sewers Gaeta 185, Java; Sumatra. a,b. SQ. —?P : e 2. Pajo, Sumatra. Hr. Carl Bock [C.]}. 16. cALores. 321 7. Calotes versicolor. Calotes versicolor, Gray, Cat. p. 243. Agama versicolor, Daud. Rept. iii. p.395, pl. xliv.; Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. Vergl. Anat, p. 114. —— tiedemanni, Kwal, 1. c. p. 109. vultuosa, Harl. Journ. Ac, Philad. iv. 1825, p. 296, pl. xix. Calotes tiedemanni, Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 612, pl. viii. Agama indica, Gray, Zool. Journ. iii. 1828, p. 217. Calotes versicolor, Fitz. N. Class. Rept. p. 49; Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 405; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p.170; Jerdon, Journ. As, Soe. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 470; Blyth, wid. p. 649; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 140; Anders, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1872, p. 381; Blanf. £. Persia, p. 813; Anders. Zool. Yunnan, p. 805. cristatus, Jacquemont, Voy. dans V Inde, Rept. pl. ii. ? Calotes viridis, Gray, Ann. § Mag. N. H. xviii. 1846, p. 429. Upper head-scales rather large, smooth or feebly keeled, imbricate, more or less enlarged on supraorbital region; two well-separated spines (seldom absent or scarcely distinct) on each side of the back of the head, above theear ; tympanum half, or less than half, the diameter oftheorbit. Gular pouch not developed ; gular scales smoothor feebly keeled, as large as or larger than ventrals, largest and mucronate in the adult male. No oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Dorso- nuchal crest well developed in the male, composed of lanceolate spines gradually decreasing in size towards the posterior part of the back. Thirty-five to forty-seven scales round the middle of the body ; dorsal scales more or less distinctly keeled, larger than ventrals, all directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales strongly keeled. The ad- pressed hind limb reaches the temple or the eye; fourth finger a little longer than third. Tail round. Light brownish or yellowish (in spirit), uniform or with dark transverse bands or spots, or dark olive-brown with light spots or longitudinal lines ; belly sometimes with dark longitudinal lines. Total length .......... 405 millim. Head occa a cod awe ee 34 SC, Width of head ........ 28 Body? i.c00 4044 eau 86, Fore limb ............ 62, Hind limb............ 90a, Tail) i.e auiseiena as 285, Ceylon, India, eastwards to Tenasserim, Cochin China, and Southern China, westwards to Afghanistan and Baluchistan. a,b. dQ. Ceylon. c-d. 3 Q. Ceylon. R. Templeton, Esq. [P.]. e-h, 7. b, hor., & yg. Ceylon. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit a [C.]. k. Ye. Ceylon. W. i Holdsworth, Esq. [C.]. Lm. Ye. India. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. n-0, p. 3,9, & her. India. W. Masters, Esq. [P.]. Y 222 AGAMIDE, q. Her. India. C. Bowriag, Esq. LP. - r-s. Hg. India. T. C. Jerdon, Lsq. : [P.]. t, u, v-w. 3, her, & yg. India. w. Many specimens. Malabar. Col. Beddome be yy wa. OQ & yg. Madras. Major Beavan [P. ]. B,y-5. db, her., & yg. Madras. J. E. Boileau, Esq. P.]. e. Her. Godayery Valley. we T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. («,r. 3,2, & hg. Deccan. Col. Sykes [P.]. -v. Her. Ganjam, F. Day, Esq. [P.]. & Sd. Patna. W. Masters, Esq. [P.]. o-7. Q & yg. Punjab? Dr. Cantor. p-h, xb. 3,2, & her. Khasia. T. CO. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. ce. Se Jamu, Himalayas. Messrs. v. Schlagint- weit [C.]. dd, ee. Several specimens. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. Sf. Ugr. Sind. Dr. Leith [P.]. gg, hh. D. Afghanistan. East India Comp. a od. Afghanistan. kk-ll, 3 Q. Kalagan, Baluchistan. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. mm. Ye. Salween Valley, Lieut. R. C. Beavan Burmah. [P.]. nn. Her. Siam. C. Bowring, Esq. !P.]. 00, pp-qg. Hey. & yg. Siam. M. Mouhot [C. ]. rr. 3. Pachebon. M. Mouhot [C. ]. ss-tt, Hey. Bangkok. F. E. Lott, Esq. [P.]. un S. Canton. R. Swinhoe [C. j. ov-yy.d,9, & yg. Hainan. R. Swinhoe Cr. zz, aa, BB-yy, d6-e«.3,9, China, J. R. Reeves, Esq. her., & yg. [P.]. ¢¢. Skeleton. Ceylon. 8. Calotes maria. Calotes maria, part., Gray, Cat. p. 243. Calotes platyceps, Blyth, in Kelaart, Prod. Faun. Zeyl., App. p. 46. maria, part., Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 144. maria, Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 77; Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, p. 778, pl. xlv. fig. 2; Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 382, and Zool. Yunnan, p. 806. Upper head-scales rather large, smooth or feebly keeled, imbricate, very slightly enlarged on supraorbital region; two parallel longitu- dinal series of enlarged erect scales, terminating in long spines, above the temple, the lower series separated from the tympanum by several rows of scales; tympanum very small, measuring less than one third the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch not developed ; gular scales strongly keeled, larger than ventrals, not larger than dorsals. No oblique fold in front of the shoulder, Dorso-nuchal 16. cALorEs. 323 crest well developed anteriorly, the longest spines measuring nearly two thirds the diameter of the orbit, gradually decreasing in size and reduced to a feebly serrated edge on the posterior half of the back. Fifty-three to sixty-one scales round the middle of the body ; dorsal scales feebly keeled, all directed upwards and backwards; ventral scales much smaller than dorsals, strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit, or between the latter and the nostril; third and fourth fingers nearly equal. Tail round. Green, with a few light (red) markings constantly present on the limb-joints. Total length .......... 488 millim. Cad nic 5 desea ae tetas 30° 4; Width of head ........ 23—C«,, Body? csee piccada vee as 83, Fore limb ............ 65, Hind limb............ 96, Paik 4 gat ka aaa tees 370, Khasia hills. ao. Afghanistan. E. India Compy. (Type. b, 2, {Afghanistan Be Ogee? c-d, e-h. SQ. asia. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.). 9. Calotes jerdonii. Calotes maria, part., Gray, Cat. p. 243. Calotes maria, part., Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 144. platyceps (non Blyth), Jerdon, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 77. jerdonii, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, p. 778, pl. xlv. fe. 1; Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 382. Upper head-scales rather large, smooth or feebly keeled, imbri- cate, very slightly enlarged on supraorbital region; two parallel longitudinal series of enlarged erect scales on the temple, forming serrated ridges, not terminating in spines ; the lower serrated ridge separated from the tympanum by one or two rows of scales ; tym- panum not quite half the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch not developed ; gular scales strongly keeled, larger than dorsals.. A strong oblique fold or pit in front of the shoulder. Dorso-nuchal crest very low, the longest spines (on the nape) equalling about the diameter of the tympanum. Forty-seven to fifty-five scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales feebly keeled, all directed upwards and backwards ; ventral seales much smaller than dorsals, strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the eye, or between the latter and the nostril ; fourth finger a little longer than third. Tail round. Green, uniform, or with light (red) markings, which may form a longitudino-lateral band ; frequently black lines radiate from the eye: the fold on the side of the neck black. Total length .......... 362 millim. Head’: sskeae, dys es 25 «,, x2 324 AGAMIDA, Width of head ........ 16 millim. BOY? i oet te voces sete ted 67 i, Fore limb ............ 53, Hind mb ss. ain eee 72s, Dail pncitiae macarons 270. 5, Khasia hills ; Himalayas. a, b. ead spec.:d,9, Khasia, T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. & her. (Types.) c-e. S & yg. Khasia. East India Co. (Typesof C. maria.) f-g. & & her. Khasia. Sir J. Hooker [T.]. AQ. Jamu, Himalayas. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. wo. | Afghanistan. | 10. Calotes emma. (Prare XXV. fig. 1.) Calotes emma, Gray, Cat. p. 244. Calotes emma, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 647 ; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 144; Anders. Zool. Yunnan, p. 806. Upper head-scales imbricate, keeled, strongly enlarged on supra- orbital region; a long spine surrounded by small ones behind the supraciliary edge, and two others on each side between the tympa- num and the nuchal crest; the posterior spine smallest, just above the tympanum ; latter measuring half the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch not developed; gular scales keeled, as large as, or a little larger than, ventrals. A very strong oblique curved fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest composed of long lanceolate spines, soon decreasing in size, the dorsal crest being reduced to a feebly serrated ridge. Fifty-one to fifty-five scales round the middle of the body: dorsal scales keeled, all directed upwards and backwards ; ventral scales smaller than dorsals, strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the eye; third and fourth fingers nearly equal. Tail slightly compressed. Light brownish olive above, with trans- verse dark-brown bands on the back, which are interrupted by a more or less strongly defined light lateral band ; black lines radiating from the eye; the fold in front of the arm black. Total length .......... 330 millim. TLORO os ane eeu adels ae 25, ; Width of head ........ 19a, Body a eke keegan ne 65 __,, Fore limb ............ 47, Hind limb ............ 72) 4. WAU jseaistare dlnaese scares 240, Kakhyen and Khasia hills, Pegu, Mergui, and Tenasserim. ad. { Afghanistan. ] East India Co. (Type.) b. g. Tavoy. W. T. Blanford, Hsq. [P.]. ad. India. Prof. Oldham (P.]. 16. cAnores, 325 11. Calotes mystaceus. Calotes mystaceus, Gray, Cat. p. 245, Calotes mystaceus, Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 408 ; Blyth, in Kelaart, Prodr. Faun, Zeyl., App. p. 47; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 141. ? Calotes gigas, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 648. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly kecled, imbricate, scarcely enlarged on supraorbital region ; a few small spines on each side of the head above the tympanum; latter measuring at least half the diameter of the orbit. Gular sac small; gular scales feebly keeled, as large as dorsals. An oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Dorso- nuchal crest well developed in the male, composed of falciform spines directed backwards, the longest measuring the diameter of the orbit ; it gradually decreases in height on the back. being reduced toa mere denticulation on the sacrum. Forty-five to fifty-three scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales keeled, nearly twice as large as ventrals, all directed upwards and backwards ; ventral scales strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the tympanum or the pos- terior border of the orbit; fourth finger slightly longer than third. Tail a little compressed, at the base with a slightly serrated upper ridge. Olive above, frequently with large transverse red spots on the back ; lips yellowish. Total length .......... 380 millim. Head. icca weno ne ens 36, Width of head ........ 25, BOdY cic pase eae 89_—C,, Fore limb ............ ar Hind limb............ 75 4; ATL sac saison Gates 255, Arrakan ; Pegu; Tenasserim ; Siam; Nicobars; Ceylon. —C. e Pegu. W. Theobald, Esq. [P.]. oe Binna, Tisut RO. Beata (P). eo Camboja. M. Mouhot ae f. 2 India. Prof. Oldham | P.]. 12. Calotes grandisquamis. Calotes grandisquamis, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Suc. 1875, p. 226, pl. xxx. Upper head-scales smooth or very feebly keeled, imbricate, enlarged on supraorbital region ; three or four small spines above the tym- panum ; latter measuring half the diameter of the orbit. A gular pouch ; lateral gular scales larger than ventrals, smooth. A short oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Dorso-nuchal crest formed of large lanceolate spines, the longest of which (in the male) equals the diameter of the orbit, gradually decreasing in height on the back : in the female the dorsal crest is reduced to a very feebly serrated ridge. Twenty-nine tothirty-five scales round the middle of the body ; dorsal scales nearly four times as large as ventrals, smooth, pointing 326 AGAMIDA, backwards and upwards ; ventral scales strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the tympanum or slightly beyond ; third and fourth fingers equal. Tail compressed. Green, uniform, or with broad black transverse bands on the back; in one of the specimens each scale within the black bands with a central orange-coloured spot. Total length .......... 463 millim. Headive aig sere a 34. Ci, Width of head ........ Qo a; Body cess sev ees hake 104g, Fore limb ............ 68 ,, Hind limb............ 93—C«,, CL ail; 2s sy artceetennaahs Gi ay ee 325 —,, Malabar. a-d. dQ. Foot of Canoot Ghat. Col. Beddome [C.]. (Types.) 13. Calotes nemoricola. Calotes nemoricola, Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 471, and Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 78. Upper head-scales feebly keeled, imbricate, enlarged on supra- orbital region ; three or four very small spines above the tympanum ; latter measuring not quite half the diameter of the orbit. A gular pouch; gular scales larger than ventrals, very feebly keeled. A short oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest formed of large lanceolate spines, the largest of which measure three fourths the diameter of the orbit; dorsal crest a mere serrated ridge. Thirty- seven to forty-three scales round the middle of the body ; dorsal scales three times as large as ventrals, squarish, smooth, pointing backwards and upwards; ventral scales strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches hardly the tympanum ; third and fourth fingers equal. Tail compressed. Olive above, with indistinct darker markings ; a black streak from the eye to above the tympanum ; dark lines radiating from the eye; gular sac pink (in spirit). Total length .......... 470 millim. GAG egiwgce ne Sogn Gow 40 ,, Width of head ........ 25 Body vovsise aren: “vepaids 100 =, Fore limb ............ 62 4; Hind limb............ 87, BPA] windeiststuaed Ms Ato etnageg 330, Malabar. a-b. Q. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C.]. 14. Calotes liolepis. (Prarz XXV. fig. 2.) Calotes nemoricola (non Jera.), Giinth, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p, 507. Upper head-scales smooth, imbricate, strongly enlarged on supra- 16, CALorEs. 327 orbital region ; two distant spines on each side of the back of the head, between the ear and the nuchal crest ; diameter of the tym- panum nearly half that of the orbit. Gular sac not developed (¢)3 gular scales strongly keeled, as large as ventrals. A short oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest formed of narrow separated spines, the longest of which measure about the diameter of the tym- panum; dorsal crest quite indistinct. Thirty-five or thirty-nine scales round the middle of the body ; dorsal scales three times as large as ventrals, squarish, smooth, pointing backwards and downwards; ven- tral scales strongly keeled, The adpressed hind limb reaches hardly the tympanum ; third and fourth fingers equal. Tail round. Pale olive, with indistinct brown transverse bands on the back; brown lines radiating from the eye, the lower reaching down to the lower lip. Total length .......... 256 millim, ig ads 5 x vid ea gees Ries 214, Width of head ........ 13 5, Body gue cerns e ye eRe dD, Fore limb ....... cone 36-4, Hind limb ............ ol, Pail Sa osu g uth) okietaias 180, Ceylon. a. Q. Ceylon. B. H. Barnes, Esq. [P.]. 6. Yg. Ceylon. a 15. Calotes ophiomachus. Calotes ophiomachus, Gray, Cat. p. 243. Lacerta calotes, Linn. S. N. i. p. 367. Iguana calotes, Laur. Syn. Rept. p. 49. Agama calotes, Daud. Rept. iii. p. 361, pl. xlii. ophiomachus, Merr. Tent. p. 51. lineata, Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. Vergl. Anat. p. 108. Calotes ophiomachus, Kaup, Isis, 1827, p.621; Dum.§ Bibr.iv.p. 403 ; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 169; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 142. Upper head-scales smooth, imbricate, enlarged on supraorbital region ; two groups of spines on each side of the head, between the ear and the nuchal crest; tympanum nearly half the diameter of the orbit. Gular sac not developed; gular scales feebly keeled, nearly as large as ventrals. A short oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Dorso-nuchal crest composed of closely set lanceolate spines directed backwards, with smaller ones at the base; in the male the height of the crest on the nape equals or exceeds the dia- meter of the orbit, and decreases gradually on the back. Thirty- one to thirty-five scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales very feebly keeled, or even quite smooth, with the points directed ‘ upwards and backwards; ventral scales larger than dorsals, very strongly keeled and mucronate. The adpresscd hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit or a little beyond; third and fourth 328 AGAMIDA, fingers nearly equal. Tail round. Green above, frequently with blackish-green cross bands, broader than the interspaces between them ; young sometimes with a whitish longitudinal band on each side of the back. Total length .......... 650 millim. Head 2s eae d Ree 35s Width of head ........ 25, BOY * as. e satan aaeoe es 105 _,, Fore limb .........-+. T4 4, Hind limb ............ 114s, LBS 4 cteana ote ancora ary 510 ——, Ceylon ; Southern India ; Nicobars. a, b-c. 3,2, & her. Ceylon. A. Paul, Esq. [P.]. d-g. ee ba . even, R. ae ee [Pil h. 9 Ceylon. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. 7. Her. Ceylon. Col. Beddome [C.]. k,l. Yg. Ceylon. m, n,o.d,her., & yg. 16. Calotes nigrilabris. Calotes rouxii (non D. & B.), Blyth, Journ. As. Soc, Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 647. —— (Bronchocele) nigrilabris, Peters, Mon. Berl, Ac. 1860, p. 183. nigrilabris, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 148. Upper head-scales smooth, imbricate, not or but slightly enlarged on supraorbital region; a short series of three to six small spines abeve and behind the posterior part of the tympanum; latter mea- swing half, or more than half, the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch not developed ; gular scales more or less distinctly keeled, as large as ventrals. A strong oblique fold or pit in front of the shoulder. Dorso-nuchal crest composed of small lanceolate spines, the longest of which, on the nape, measure about two thirds the diameter of the orbit; on the back the crest is very distinct, but the spines gradually decrease in size. Forty-three to forty-seven scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales rather feebly keeled, the upper pointing straight backwards, the others downwards and backwards; ventral scales much larger than dorsals, very strongly keeled, mucronate. The adpressed hind limb reaches the eye; third and fourth fingers equal. Tail round; in the males the scales on the basal part of the tail very large and hard, those of the median upper row forming a slightly serrated ridge. Green, uniform on the back and tail, or with angular whitish black-edged angular cross bars or ocelli, with or without a reddish-brown vertebral band ; lips and sides of head with a broad black band or variegated with black in the male; female usually with a white, black-edged hori- zontal streak below the eye. 16. catoves. 329 Total length .......... 410 millim Head: ny ydug ye eae 8 35, Width of head ........ 25, Body .... 0 ........ 0. 65, Fore limb ............ 56 Hind limb............ 85a, aL) esc tere dive Wow ald tee 310, Ceylon. ad. Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. b,e,d. SQ. Ceylon. eg. Ceylon. B. H. Barnes, Esq. [P.}. f. Y¥g Ceylon. G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. I hy ib, 2 & ye. Ceylon. W. iH. Holdsworth, Esq. ee 17. Calotes liocephalus. (Prare XXVI.) Calotes liocephalus, Giiinth. Ann. § Mag. N. H. (4) ix. 1872, p. 86. Upper head-scales smooth, imbricate, enlarged on supraorbital region; no spines whatever on the side of the head; tympanum measuring a little more than half the diameter of the orbit. Gular pouch not developed; gular scales much larger than ventrals, rather feebly keeled. An oblique fold in front of the shoulder. Nuchal crest composed of narrow spines the length of which equals the diameter of the tympanum; dorsal crest a mere serrated ridge. Forty-five scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales feebly keeled, the upper ones pointing straight backwards or slightly up- wards, the others downwards and backwards ; ventral scales strongly keeled, nearly the same size as the dorsals. The adpresed hind limb reaches the eye; third and fourth fingers equal. Tail round, the scales of its basal part very large and hard, those of the median upper row forming a serrated edge. Pale olive-green, above with transverse bands of a darker green; four angular reddish-brown cross bands on the back; a dark streak from the eye to above the tympanum ; limbs and tail with alternate lighter and darker cross bands. Total length .......... 360 millim. Head orice se ee ye ew 3 30, Width of head ........ 22: gs Body saes%s scavgaws 60, Fore limb ............ 49, Hind limb ............ 75445 Tail. eisai cee ates 270 ~—C,, Ceylon. ad. Ceylon. G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. [P.]. (Type.) 330 AGAMID A, 18. Calotes rouxii. Calotes rouxii, Gray, Cat. p. 245. Calotes rouxii, Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 407; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 142, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 501. elliotti, (non Githr.) Stoltecka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 113. Upper head-scales feebly keeled, imbricate, strongly enlarged on supraorbital region ; two small slender spines on each side of the back of the head, the anterior midway between the nuchal crest and the tympanum, the posterior just above the latter, which mea- sures half the diameter of the orbit. Gular sac small; gular scales strongly keeled, nearly as large as the ventrals. A strong oblique fold or pit in front of the shoulder, and a transverse gular fold. Nuchal crest composed of a few slender erect spines, the longest of which measures the diameter of the tympanum ; dorsal crest a mere denticulation. Fifty-five or fifty-seven scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales of nearly the same size as the ventrals, keeled, those on the upper half of the body directed upwards and backwards, the others downwards and backwards; ventral scales strongly keeled and mucronate. The adpressed hind limb reaches the posterior border of the orbit; fourth finger longer than third. Tail slightly compressed, the scales on its basal part large and hard, those of the median upper row strongly enlarged and forming a serrated ridge. Olive-brown above, vertebral zone rather lighter ; a dark band from the eye, through the tympanum, along each side of the neck ; the oblique fold in front of the shoulder black; dark lines radiating from the eye. Total length .......... 241 millim. Had) 2522-052 ate 21 ,, Width of head ........ 15, Body ie ease deine aes 55g, Fore limb ............ Ol es Hind limb... ........ 60 LGA? esi aalnshe Gtamaru arenes 165__s,, India. ab. 3. Matheran, Bombay. Dr. Leith [P.]. 19. Calotes elliotti. (Prats XXYV. fig. 3.) Calotes rouxii, (non D. § B.) Jerdon, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1858, p. 471. ellotti, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 142; Jerdon, Proc. As. ee 1870, p. 77; Stoliczka, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, 3 p. 118. Bronchocela indica, Theob. Cat. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 105. Upper head-scales feebly keeled, imbricate, strongly enlarged on supraorbital region ; a small spine behind the supraciliary edge, and two others on each side, the anterior midway between the nuchal crost and the tympanum, the posterior just above the latter, which 16. cALorEs.—17. CHELOSANIA. 331 measures nearly half the diameter of the orbit. Gular sac not de- veloped; gular scales strongly keeled, smaller than the ventrals. ° A strong oblique fold or pit in front of the shoulder, and a trans- verse gular fold. Nuchal crest composed of a few widely separated slender spines, the longest of which measures about two thirds the diameter of the orbit ; dorsal crest a mere denticulation. Fifty-three to sixty-one scales round the middle of the body; dorsal scales of nearly the same size as the ventrals, keeled, the uppermost with the points directed straight backwards, the others directed down- wards and backwards; ventral scales strongly keeled. The ad- pressed hind limb reaches the anterior border of the orbit, or the tip of the snout; fourth finger longer than third. Tail scarcely compressed. Olive above, with more or less distinct angular dark- brown cross bands on the body; an angular black mark on each side of the neck; a white spot below the orbit; dark lines radiating from the eye. Total length .......... 282 millim. ead ios cua a ee tats 20 ,, Width of head ........ 12 4; Ody. niet sihcte eine aes ns 52. C,, Fore limb ............ 38 Ca, Hind limb ............ 60, DOM iets eravaseabcatcey cea helt 210 _~—=» Southern India. a-d. $9. Anamallays, 6000 ft. Col. Beddome [C.). ed. Anamallays. Col. Beddome [C.}. f-h. Her. Top of Sivagiri Ghat. Col. Beddome [C. ]. aud. Tinnevelly. Col. Beddome [C.]. k-n. 3 & her. Malabar. Col. Beddome [C. |. 17. CHELOSANIA. Chelosania, Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 245. Tympanum distinct. Body compressed, covered with equal, very small keeled scales; a very feeble dorsal crest. No transverse gular fold; male with a gular sac. Tail compressed. No preanal or femoral pores. ‘ Australia. 1. Chelosania brunnea. (Prater XXVIL.) Chelosania brunnea, Gray, Cat. p. 245. Head large, swollen at the cheeks, covered above with equal small polygonal rough tubercles scarcely larger than the scales on the body ; no canthus rostralis; nostril equally distant from the eye and the tip of the snout; labials very small; the diameter of the tympanum equals two thirds that of the orbit. Scales on throat and body very small, equal, feebly imbricate, those on the body forming regular transverse series; gular and dorsal scales with a short keel or tubercle, ventrals strongly kecled along the whole 332 AGAMIDA. length; a slight indication of a dorso-nuchal crest. Limbs and digits rather short ; the udpressed hind limb reaches the axilla. ‘Tail compressed, once and a half as long as head and body, ending ob- tusely ; caudal scales slightly larger than dorsals, equal, strongly keeled ; a slight serrated upper ridge. Pale brown. Total length .......... 263 millim. Head... ccs cneeadey cane 31s, Width of head ........ 23, Bod y-- s.cesnecsdir iar seit since te 53 Fore limb ............ 46 ,, Hind limb............ 55a, Pall) i-savasatanraat ash ters 160, West Australia. ad. W. Australia. B. Bynoe, Esq. [C.]. (Type.) 18. CHARASIA. Agama, part., Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 481. Psammophilus, (non Dahib.) Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 79. Charasia, Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 246; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 156. Brachysaura, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxv. 1856, p. 448. Charasia, part., Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. i879, p. 109. Tympanum distinct. Body slightly depressed, covered with uni- form keeled scales. A very feeble dorsal crest. A pit on each side of the throat, usually connected by a transverse fold. No gular sac. Tail round or slightly compressed. No prewanal or femoral pores. India. Synopsis of the Species. Tail longer than head and body; 115 to 140 scales round the middle of the body . 1. dorsalis, p. 332. Tail longer than head and body; 80 to 100 scales round the middle of the body 2. blanfordzana, p. 333. Tail shorter than head and body; gular scales larger than ventrals .......... 3. ornata, p. 334. 1. Charasia dorsalis. Charasia dorsalis, Gray, Cat. p. 246. Agama dorsalis, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. Syn. p. 56; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p- 486; Jerdon, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1858, p. 475, Phrynopsis (Psammophilus) dorsalis, Fitzing. J. c. p. 80. Charasia dorsalis, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 156. Head rather elongate in the adult, covered with small irregular smooth or feebly keeled scales, which are a little enlarged on the supraorbital region ; two very small spines usually present ahove the tympanum ; latter larger than the eye-opening ; cheeks strongly swollen in the adult male. A strongly marked transverse gular 18. CHARASTA. 333 fold; gular scales very small, subimbricate, smooth, very feebly keeled in the young. Seales on the body very small (115 to 140 round the middle), subimbricate, and smooth or indistinctly keeled in the adult, more distinctly keeled and imbricate in the young, the keels of the dorsal scales directed obliquely towards the vertebral line. Dorso-nuchal crest scarcely indicated by a slight ridge. Limbs covered with small scales slightly larger than those on the body ; digits moderately elongate ; the adpressed hind limb reaches between the tympanum and the posterior border of the orbit in the adult, beyond the latter point in the young. Tail round, slightly compressed and much swollen at the base in the adult male, covered with small, more or less distinctly keeled scales which are a little enlarged inferiorly and on the upper median series ; its length equals nearly once and three fourths that of head and body. Young olive- brown, spotted or marbled with brown, and with a series of rounded white spots along each side of the back; this coloration more or less distinctly retained in the female; male yellow or red, with a broad black lateral band commencing from the eye. Total length ...... .. 339 millim. Head. cocs.carvaus cides 38, Width of head :....... 32. —C«,, Bvdyse. soos oe sited 86, Fore limb ....... we. §©§60 76, Hind limb............ Sr ay Pat bce 5 shane ere 215 Southern India. a, b,c. 6,2, & her. India. East India Company [P.]. d. 3. India. Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. e. 2. Madras. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. f. d. Malabar. Col. Beddome | C.]. g. Yg. Nilgherries. F. Day, Esq. [P.}. A. Her. —?P 2. Charasia blanfordiana. Charasia dorsalis, (non Gray) Blanf. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. 1870, p. 368; Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1872, p. 382. —— blanfordana, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 110. This species is very closely allied to the preceding, but remains smaller; the scales are a little larger (80 to 100 round the middle of the body) and always distinctly keeled and imbricate ; and the hind limb stretched forwards extends at least to the posterior border of the orbit. The nuchal crest is a little more developed. Frequently a small spine behind the supraciliary edge, and a few scattered slightly enlarged scales on the flanks. Young olive-brown above, spotted or marbled with brown, and with a series of more or less distinct large lozenge-shaped brown spots on the back ; these markings persist in the adult female, but are absent in the male, which has a more or less distinct dark lateral band as in C. dorsalis, 334 AGAMID.A, Total length .......... 255 millim. Head van oe eau ses ea 26. a5 Width of head ...... Pil) ns Body ssusesegesees vos bos Fore limb ............ 47, Hind limb.-..... .... 72. ,, Tail sao. aaee ee eos 170g, Central India. a, b-c, d, e-7. 3,2, (Codavery Valley. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]}. & her, k-m. 3 2 Jeypore. Col. Beddome [C. ]. np. 3, 2, & her. Near Ranchi, Nagpur. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. 3. Charasia ornata. Brachyura ornata, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxv. 1856, p. 448; Stoliczka, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, p. 77; Cockburn, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. li. 1882, p. 50. Habit stout; head short and convex. Upper head-scales sub- equal, tubercular, obtusely keeled; two small spines surrounded by still smaller ones on each side of the back of the head, above the tympanum ; latter not quite as large as the eye-opening. Gular fold not well marked; gular scales larger than ventrals, feebly keeled. Fifty-seven scales round the middle of the body. Dorsal scales much larger than ventrals, rhomboidal, imbricate, keeled, the keels converging obliquely towards the vertebral line ; ventral scales feebly keeled. Nuchal and dorsal crests not continuous, reduced to a mere serrated ridge. Limbs, and especially digits, rather short; the adpressed hind Jimb reaches the neck; scales on the limbs much smaller than those on the back. Tail round, not quite as long as head and body, covered with equal, strongly keeled scales. Pale brown above, with three rows of darker, light-edged spots on the back, the median row most distinct and formed of rhomboidal spots; limbs and tail with dark cross bars. Total length .......... 94 millim. Gad ss atts eee riot 16 Cw, Width of head ........ 13 4; BOdY's c dc3asdacdnashecny 34, Fore limb ............ 24, Hind limb............ So 45 PPAR: 2. Gooch aicel needs get anche 44, Central and Northern India. a Her. Cutch. F. Stoliczka [C.]. 19. AGAMA. Agama, part., Daud. Hist. Rept. iii. p. 333; Cuvier, Réegne An. ii. p- 33; Merr. Tent. Syst. Amph. p. 50; Fitzing. Neue Classif. Rept. p. 17; Dum. § Bibr, Erp. Gén. iv. p. 481. 19. agama. 335 Stellio, part., Daud. 1. c. iv. p.5; Cur. lc. p. 81; Fits. lc. Trapelus, Cuvier, lc. p. 35; Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 614; Wagler, Syst. Amph. p. 144; Gray, Cat. Liz. p. 258. Tapaya, Frtzing, 1. c. Se lc. p. 145; Dum. § Bibr. lc. p. 526; Gray, lc. p. 254. Phrynopsis, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 80. Podorrhoa, p. 80. Pseudotrapelus, p. 81. Planodes, p. 81. Trapeloides, p. 81. Psammorrhoa, p. 81. Eremioplanis, p. 82. Acanthocercus, p. 84. Laudakia, Gray, lc. p. 254. Agama, Gray, lc. p. 256; Peters, Reise n. Mossamb, iii. p. 38. Plocederma, Blyth, Jown. As. Soc, Beng. xxiii. 1854, p. 737. Barycephalus, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 150, Tympanum distinct. Body more or less depressed. Dorsal crest absent or feebly developed. A pit on each side of the throat and a transverse gular fold. Gular sac present or absent. Tail round or feebly compressed. No femoral pores; males with callose praanal scales. Africa ; Southern Asia; South-eastern Europe. Synopsis of the Species. I. Occipital scale not enlarged ; caudal scales not forming annuli. A. Third toe the longest; two much enlarged scales at the base of the claws. Median dorsal scales smooth, or nearly so, not larger than the ventrals.......... 1. mutabilis, p. 338. Median dorsal scales keeled, larger than the ventrals ............ 0... ce eae 2. sinarta, p. 339. B. Fourth toe the longest. 1. Dorsal scales equal. a. Ear-opening larger than the eye- opening ; third and fourth toes nearly equally long ........ 3. hartmanni, p. 340. 6. Ear-opening not larger than the eye-opening. a. Tail compressed ; ventral scales strongly keeled .......... 4. tournevillit, p. 340. B. Tail rounded. * Dorsal scales much larger than the ventrals. Nostril pierced just below the canthus rostralis ; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput) ; ventral scales smooth or nearly BO 5 it Sep ter saceine sae 4 olan. ake Baa 8 5. agilis, p. 341, 836 AGAMTD, Nostril pierced just above the canthus rostralis; tibia a little longer than the skull; ventral scales feebly keeled (or STOO) o5. 20 a iease Veda oe eS 6. isolepis, p. 342. Nostril pierced just above the canthus rostralis ; dorsal scales spinose, ventrals [p. 343. strongly keeled .................0.. 7. sanguinolenta, ** Dorsal scales scarcely larger than ventrals; lattersmooth. 8. latastii, p. 344. 2. Dorsal scales unequal. a. Scales on the upper surface of the hind limb equal or nearly so. a. Claws of the fingers not much larger than those of the toes. * Males with a large gular pouch; on the middle of the back the larger scales are not twice as large as the smaller. Dorsal scales strongly keeled .......... 10. persica, p. 345. Dorsal scales feebly keeled ............ 11. leucostigma, p. 346. ** Males without a large gular pouch. Dorsal scales irregular ................ 9. inermis, p. 344. Dorsal scales small, equal, intermixed with enlarged ones.................2005. 12. rubrigularis, p.346. 6. Claws of the fingers much larger than those of the toes 13. megalonyw, p. 347. b. Seales of the upper surface of the hind limb intermixed with strongly enlarged ones. Nostril pierced just below the canthus ros- tralis; all the dorsal scales more or less distinctly keeled .................. 14, ruderata, p. 348. Nostril pierced just above the canthus ros- tralis; the smaller dorsal scales smooth or indistinctly keeled................ 15. pallida, p. 348. II. Occipital scale enlarged §. A. Dorsal scales unequal. 1. Fifth toe not extending as far as first; ear-opening smaller than the eye-opening. Third toe the longest; ventral scales keeled 16. hispida, p. 349. Fourth toe slightly longer than third; ventrals smooth.................... 17. brachyura, p. 350. § Slightly in 4. a¢ra. 19. acama. 337 2. Fifth toe extending as far as first; ear-opening larger than the eye-opening. Third toe slightly longer than fourth; ventral scales smooth.............004 18. aculeata, p. 351. Third toe slightly longer than fourth ; ventrals keeled .............2.2005. 19. armata, p. 352. Fourth toe slightly longer than third; ventrals smooth .............. 0.000. 20. atra, p. 352. B. Dorsal scales equal. 1. A slight denticulation or crest on the vertebral line. Dorsal scales considerably larger than ven- HERS. crcvare case Maher AG ees eS 21. mossambica, p. 353. Dorsal scales scarcely larger than ventrals. 22. kirkii, p. 354. 2. No dorsal denticulation or crest. a. Body moderately depressed ; dorsal scales mucronate. a. The longest spines near the ear and on the sides of the neck at least two thirds as long as the diameter of the ear-opening. Dorsal scales much smaller than the caudals, 40 to 50 from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs........ 23. spinosa, p. 355. Dorsal scales nearly as large as the candals, 26 or 27 from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs........ 24. rueppellii, p. 355, B. The longest spines near the ear and on the sides of the neck not two thirds the diameter of the ear-opening. Four or five labials anterior to the front border of the eye; fourth toe as long as the distance from the posterior border of the eye to the end of the snout.. ..... 25. colonorum, p. 356. Seven or eight labials anterior to the front border of the eye; fourth toe as long as the distance from the posterior border of the eye to the nostril ............-- 26. bibronii, p. 357. b. Body much depressed; dorsal scales not or but very slightly mucronate ..........-eeses 27. planiceps, p. 358. III. Occipital scale not enlarged; caudal scales forming more or less distinct annuli; ventral scales smooth; digits compressed. A. The caudal segments, if at all distinct, composed of more than two whorls of scales. 1. Scales on the vertebral region unequal, irregular. Nostril pierced on the canthus rostralis .. 28. atricollis, p. 358. Nostril pierced below the canthus rostralis 29. cyanogaster, p. 359. z 338 AGAMID.E, 2. Scales on the vertebral region equal, or forming longitu- dinal series. a. Ventral scales not much smaller than the largest dorsals. a. Nostril pierced on the canthus rostralis ; tail compressed .. 30. annectens, p. 360. 8. Nostril pierced below the canthus rostralis; tail not compressed, The largest caudal scales scarcely larger than the largest dorsals............-+ 31. stoliczkana, p. 360. Dorsal scales keeled; upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled.............. 32, tuberculata, p. 361. Dorsal scales keeled; upper head-scales sharply keeled .......... 0... cece ee 33. dayana, p. 362. Dorsal scales smooth or very feebly keeled 34. himalayana, p.362. 6. Ventral scales not more than half the size of the largest dorsals. Upper head-scales keeled; dorsal scales sharply keeled; flanks with enlarged BCRIOS ad. oo ediavs tre horeeae i cae eae 35. agrorensis, p. 363. Median dorsal scales of unequal width, forming regular longitudinal series .... 36. melanura, p. 363. Median dorsal scales equal, forming regular longitudinal series; no enlarged scales On the Hanks. oy.4 ahead cracks eee 37. lirata, p. 364. Dorsal scales large, equal, mucronate, the keels forming oblique lines .......... 38. nupta, p. 365. B. Tail divided into distinct segments, each composed of two whorls of scales. Scales on upper surface of tail not larger than those on unper surface of tibia ; more than 200 scales round the middle of the body; gular scales smooth...... 39. microlepis, p. 366. Scales on upper surface of tail not larger than those on upper surface of tibia ; not more than 160 scales round the middle of the body; gular scales smooth........ 40. cawcasica, p. 367. Scales on upper surface of tail larger than those on the tibia, strongly spinose; gular scales strongly keeled .......... Al. stellio, p. 368. 1. Agama mutabilis. Trapelus sinaitus (non Heyd.), Gray, p. 259. Geoffroy, Descr. Egypte, p. 127, pl. v. figs. 3, 4. Agama mutabilis, Merr. Tent. p. 50. Trapelus mutabilis, Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 617. Agama arenaria, Heyden, in Riipp. Atlas N. Afr., Rept. p. 12. Eremioplanis zgyptiaca, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 82. 19. agaMA. 339 Head convex, subcordiform. Nostril tubular, turned upwards and backwards, pierced on the canthus rostralis in a convex nasal. Upper head-scales smooth; occipital not enlarged; a spine-like scale in front of the ear, but no others on the head ; ear entirely exposed, quite as large as the eye-opening; male without gular pouch. Body rounded, a little depressed; dorsal scales very small, juxtaposed or subimbricate, equal, smooth or feebly keeled, and not larger than the ventrals, which are smooth. Limbs long and thin, digits short; tibia longer than the skull; third finger longer than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe a little longer than fourth, fifth extending as far as first. Tail more than twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, compressed, covered with keeled scales which are much larger than those on the body. Males with a row of six large anal pores. Colour very variable ; head sometimes blue. Total length .......... 239 millim. Head iia cws dew aacr os 20 5 Width of head ........ 23°) 35 Body? vicca sw seee eo 67, Fore limb ............ 50 C=» Hind limb............ Slo 3, Tall. ie cacae de ene saws 145, Egypt. a-b, ce. 3. Egypt. J. Burton, Esq. [P.]}. 2. Agama sinaita. Agama sinaita, Heyden, in Riipp. Atlas N. Afr., Rept. p. 10, pl. iii. ; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 509. Podorrhoa (Pseudotrapelus) sinaita, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 81. Trapelus sinaita, Giinth. Proc. Zool, Soc. 1864, p. 489; Tristr. Faun. Palest. pl. xvi. fig. 3. Head convex, subcordiform. Nostril tubular, turned upwards and backwards, pierced on the canthus rostralis in a convex nasal. Upper head-scales smooth; occipital not enlarged; a small spine- like scale in front of the ear, but no others on the hinder part of the head; ear entirely exposed, larger than the eye-opening; male without gular pouch. Body rounded, moderately depressed ; dorsal scales small, equal, rhomboidal, imbricate, keeled; lateral and yentral scales very small, smooth. Limbs very long and thin; digits short; tibia much longer than the skull; third finger longer than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe longer than fourth, fifth extending as far as or a little further than first. Tail more than twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, compressed, covered with keeled scales which are larger than the dorsals. Males with a row of four to eight large anal pores. Olive or grey above, with a few more or less distinct dark cross bands; head blue; collar-pit black ; belly dirty white. z2 340 AGAMID. Total length .......... 223 millim. Head’ eu acebuas eg ee ces 24 —Ci« Width of head ........ 21 «4 Body’ os oxeie ses wo teas 64 sO, Fore limb ............ 50, Hind limb ............ 77 oy Tall. scares ext tenons 135, North Arabia; Syria. a-b. 2 & her. Mount Sinai. 3. Sinaitic Peninsula. H. C. Hart, Esq. [C.]. d. 3. Dead Sea. Canon Tristram [C.]. 3. Agama hartmanni. Agama hartmanni, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1869, p. 65. General proportions and scaling as in A. agilis and isolepis, zt. @. with equal keeled dorsal scales and moderately long limbs. The tympanum much larger, entirely exposed. Third and fourth toes nearly equal in length. Ventral scales quite smooth. Olive- brown above, with a yellow vertebral line from occiput to base of tail, irregular small dark-brown spots on the back, and on each of the sides two rather indistinct rows of large yellow, black-edged spots; lower surfaces ochraceous. Dongola. 4. Agama tournevillii. Agama tournevillei, Lataste, Le Natwraliste, 1880, p. 825. Habit rather slender. Head oval, snout sloping gradually. Nostril not tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced on the canthus rostralis in the posterior part of a small flat nasal. Upper head-scales convex; occipital not enlarged; no spinose scales; a very slight fringe of pointed scales on the upper border of the ear, which is smaller than the eye-opening; male with a large gular ‘pouch. Body round, not at all depressed, covered above with rhom- boidal, imbricate, strongly keeled, not mucronate scales; lateral and ventral scales a little smaller, strongly keeled. Limbs rather slender: tibia a little shorter than the skull (to occiput); third finger slightly shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending quite as far as first. Tail twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, distinctly compressed, covered with keeled scales. Male with a row of anal pores. Sandy-coloured above; a transverse brown band between the eyes, two longitudinal ones from the occiput along the nape, and two others on each side of the head; back with regular longitudinal series of quadrangular trans- verse brown spots separated by rather indistinct longitudinal light lines; these spots form annuli on the tail; lower surfaces whitish ; the gular pouch grey. 19. agama. 341 Total length .......... 256 millim. Head es eses ote wage dew 24 =(C Width of head ........ 19_~=C««, Body? sated Gases iw 70 4, Fore limb ............ 45 ,, Hind limb............ 62, Wail, nn gcetirs Su inereares 162. =a, Algerian Desert. aod. Sahara. 5. Agama agilis. Agama agilis, Gray, Cat. p. 257. Agama agilis, Oliwer, Voy. Emp. Ottoman, ii. p. 488, pl. xxix. fig. 2; Dum. & Babr, iv. p. 496. Podorrhoa (Planodes) agilis, part., Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 81. Agama agilis, part., Blanf. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881, p. 672. Head moderate, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, lateral, pierced just below the canthus rostralis in the posterior part of a flat nasal. Upper head-scales convex, smooth ; occipital not enlarged; a few short spines on the post-temporal region, and two or three on the upper edge of the ear, which is not larger than the eye-opening, and exposed; males with a very slight indication of a gular pouch, Body roundish, moderately depressed, covered above with equal, rhomboidal, imbricate, feebly keeled, shortly mucronate scales; lateral and ventral scales much smaller, smooth, or indistinctly keeled. Limbs moderate; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger slightly shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending quite as far as first. Tail about once and three fourths as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with keeled scales. Male with a single or double row of anal pores. Sandy-coloured above, with more or less distinct broad transverse dark bars, enclosing an elongate narrow lighter spot on the vertebral line; the collar-pit blackish; lower surfaces cream- coloured ; the male’s throat lined with brown. Total length .......... 200 willim, Head 02a ox ea we eyss 22 ys Width of head ........ 20's Body ose eee eee ons 68, Forelimb ...........-5 43, Hind limb............ 63, Wail a cued tants Te 5. Bagdad; Southern Persia. 9. Kazeroon, 8. Persia. be. 5 2. Abadeh, S. Persia. 342 AGAMID 2. 6. Agama isolepis. Agama agilis, (non Oliv.) Aud. Desc. Egypte, Rept. Suppl. p. 169, pl. i. fig. 5; Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 884; Blanf. &. Pers. p. 314, and Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xlv. 1876, p. 22, and xlviii. 1879, p. 129; Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 371. —— savignii, (non Aud.) Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 508; Peters, Mon. a Berl. Ac. 1869, p. es Ric aate sgn hrynopsis savignyi, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 80. iDrapelis sp. Seda, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1870, p. 78. — megalonyx, (nen Gthr.) Stoliceka, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, p. 128; Murray, 1. ¢. p. 370. Agama agilis, part., Blanf. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1881, p. 672. Head moderate, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, superior, pierced just above the canthus rostralis in the posterior part of a flat nasal. Upper head-scales convex, smooth or feebly keeled ; occipital not enlarged ; generally a few short spines on the post-temporal region and a few on the upper edge of the ear, which is exposed and not larger than the eye-opening ; males with a small gular pouch. Body roundish, moderately depressed, covered above with equal, rhomboidal, imbricate, keeled, more or less distinctly mucronate scales; lateral and ventral scales much smaller, feebly keeled, exceptionally smooth. Limbs moderate; tibia a little longer than the skull (to occiput) ; third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending quite as far as first. Tail twice and one fourth to twice and two thirds as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with keeled scales. Male with a single or double row of anal pores. Sandy grey or brown above, with or without dark transverse bands and light rhomboidal vertebral spots; the collar-pit blackish ; lower surfaces white, often with dark longitudinal lines more or less distinctly marked ; males during the breeding-season with the sides of the body and the throat deep blue. Total length .......... 280 millim. Head sccemeceaiines ascend 27 sy, Width of head ........ 23 ys Bod yw cescaewedesaaass 73 5 Fore limb 2.06.80. e8as 53, Hind limb ............ 78 ys Tatl psctereearvase me 175s, From Egypt to Sind. a-c. 6 & yg. S. Persia. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. d-f. 39. Dehbid, north of Shiraz. g-. 29 & yg. Persia. Gen. Goldsmid [P.]. ko. Near Rigan, Narmashir, W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. S.E. Persia. lg. Between Magas and Bam- W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. pur, Baluchistan. m-o. 6 & yg. Istandak, Baluchistan. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. p-y 2 & ber. Rahu Kalat, Baluchistan. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C. 19. agama. 343 r. Yg. Mand, Baluchistan. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. s. Yg. Sind. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. t. Ye. Sind. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. wu. Her. Alpine Punjab. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. 7. Agama sanguinolenta. Tyapelus ? sanguinolentus, Gray, Cat. p. 259. Lacerta sanguinolenta, Pall. Zoogr. Ross.-As. iii, p. 23. Agama aralensis, Lichstenst. in Eversm. Reise, p. 144, and Verz. Doubl. Mus. Berl. p. 101; Eichw. Zool. Spec, iii. p. 185. oxiana, Eichw. . ¢. Trapelus aralensis, Eversm. Nouv. Mém. Ac. Mose. iii. p. 866. sanguinolentus, Lichw. Faun. Casp. Cauc. p. 89, pl. xiv. figs, 3, 4. Podorrhoa (Trapeloidis) sanguinolenta, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 81. Agama sanguinolenta, A. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 102, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 576; Schreib. Herp. Eur. p. 465. —— agilis, part., Blanf. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1881, p. 674. Head moderate, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, lateral, pierced just below the canthus rostralis in the posterior part of a flat nasal. Upper head-scales convex ; occipital not en- larged; a few spine-like scales on the post-temporal region; ear- opening as large as the eye-opening, partly concealed by a strong fringe of spinose scales superiorly ; males with a very small gular pouch. Body roundish, moderately depressed, covered above with equal, rhomboidal, imbricate, very strongly keeled scales, ending in a strong, spinose, raised mucro; lateral and ventral scales much smaller, distinctly keeled. Limbs moderate; tibia nearly as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger a little shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending quite as far as first. Tail a little more than twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with strongly keeled scales. Males with a double or triple row of anal pores. Pale olive or sandy above, with or withont darker transverse bars interrupted by a light vertebral spot; lower surfaces paler, the throat dark blue in the breeding male. Total length .......... 282 millim. Head oie. wae eee 29 ~«,, Width of head ........ 25 Cy, Body cer ciereeeerees 83, Fore limb ............ 46 ,, Hind limb............ G2 «95 Tail. *Laweiiee eowees 170 —*4, Borders of the Caspian Sea; Central Asia; Turkestan. a. Mangyschlak. St. Petersburg Museum tet b West Golodnaja. St. Petersburg Museum [E.}. Ce d ds Syr Darya. M. Severzow [C.]. 344 AGAMIDE. 8. Agama latastii. Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, superior, pierced in the posterior part of a flat nasal just above the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth ; occipital not enlarged ; no spinose scales on the back of the head; a fringe of three or four pointed scales on the upper edge of the ear, which is smaller than the eye-opening. Body depressed, covered above with equal, rhom- boidal, imbricate, smooth or indistinctly keeled scales, the size of which scarcely exceeds that of the ventrals; latter smooth or indi- stinctly keeled. Limbs moderate; tibia slightly shorter than the skull (to occiput); third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not -extending as far as second ; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending quite as far as first. Tail not quite twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with equal keeled scales. Back with four pairs of large quadrangular dark spots. Total length .......... 161 millim. 680 vide oe deals dare 5 18 Cy, Width of head ........ AG i55 BOdY sce eceesg gee ee 56 CO, Fore limb ............ 36 C,, Hind limb ............ 50, MGI? Cc atee Ato acne oan 8h. 4, Egypt. a. 9. Egypt. Sir J. Wilkinson [P.]. 9. Agama inermis. ee savignii, (non D. § B.) Gray, Cat. p. 258. P Agama deserti, Lichtenst. Verz. Doubl. Mus. Berl. p. 101. Agama inermis, Reuss, Mus. Senck. p. 38. —— agilis, (non. Oliv.) Strauch, Erp. Alg. p. 28. —— mutabilis, (non Merr.) Lataste, Le Nat, 1880, p. 825. Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced on the canthus rostralis in the posterior part of a flat nasal. Upper head-scales convex, smooth, or very slightly keeled; occipital not enlarged; a few scattered small spinose scales on the back of the head; a fringe of small spinose scales on the upper edge of the ear, which is smaller than the eye-opening ; male without, or with only an indication of, a gular pouch. Body depressed, covered above with unequal, rhom- boidal, imbricate, keeled, more or less distinctly mucronate scales ; ventral scales smooth or indistinctly keeled. Limbs moderate; tibia as long as, or a little shorter than, the skull (to occiput); third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as first. Tail about twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with equal keeled scales. Males with a double row of anal pores, Grey-brown or sandy-coloured above, 19. agama. 345 with more or less distinct quadrangular brown or reddish spots arranged symmetrically on the back ; sometimes some of the larger scales lighter ; lower surfaces dirty white ; the breeding male’s throat with blue longitudinal lines. Total length .......... 197 millim. Heads sins ses scdesdanin 20 4 Width of head ........ 19. Cy, BOGE asc raaseca wes 65g, Fore limb ............ 38, ' Hind limb em ee wee 56 ” Baal incite ehidien cudetinnnees 112), Egypt to Algeria. ab. S. Egypt. J. Burton, Esq. [P.]. ed. 39. Tan, Mr. Fraser ay ] 10. Agama persica, Agama persica, Blanf. Proc. Zvol. Soc. 1881, p. 674, pl. lix. Head moderate, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced on the canthus rostralis in the posterior part of a flat nasal. Upper head-scales all more or less distinctly keeled; occipital not enlarged; a few short spines on the post-temporal region, and a few on the upper edge of the ear, which is exposed and not larger than the eye-opening ; males with a large gular pouch. Body roundish, moderately depressed, covered above with unequal, rhomboidal, imbricate, keeled, shortly mucronate scales, the largest not being twice as large as the smallest ; lateral and ventral scales smaller, more or less distinctly keeled. Limbs moderate ; tibia nearly as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as first. Tail once and three fourths to twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with equal keeled scales. Males with a double row of anal pores. Grey-brown or sandy-colotred above, with more or less distinct regular series of large quadrangular dark spots on the back, and dark annuli on the tail; some of the enlarged scales frequently white; the collar-pit black ; lower surfaces whitish; the breeding male’s throat dark blue. Total length .......... 240 millim. ead. .m wcities, Paaws os 23. 4, Width of head ........ 20 |,, Ody? sys tia ain ate tet aye casein 70. ,, Fore limb ............ 45 ,, Hind limb...........8. 67s, Tall. .ncciwerenresw on 147_—y, Persia ; Euphrates. -d. 5, 9, & her. Dehbid, Persia. ; : Her.’ eit Kazeroon, Persia. (Types.) fd. Euphrates Expedition. 346 AGAMID 23, 11. Agama leucostigma. Agama leucostygma, Reuss, Mus. Senck. p. 44. Trapelus flavimaculatus, Riippell, N. Wirbelth. Faun. Abyss., Rept. p. 12, pl. vi. fig. 1 Head short, very convex. Nostril not tubular, superior, pierced in the posterior part of a flat nasal above the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth; occipital not enlarged; no distinct spines on the hinder part of the head; a denticulation formed by three pointed scales on the upper edge of the ear, which is not larger than the eye-opening. [Males with a large gular pouch.] Body depressed, covered above with unequal, rhomboidal, imbricate, feebly keeled, not mucronate scales, the largest of which are not twice as large as the smallest; ventral scales smaller, feebly keeled. Limbs moderate ; tibia shorter than the skull (to occiput); digits short; third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as first. ‘Tail nearly twice as long as the distance between gular fold and vent, rounded, covered with equal, keelcd scales. Sandy-coloured above, the back with five dark transverse bars each enclosing a light vertebral elongate rhomboidal spot; lower surfaces white, throat with brown lines. Total length .......... 136 millim. Gad sisehe ws haves anh aea Lh (5 Width ofhead ........ 16 ,, BOO yee crea tawo tes 43, Fore limb ............ BD oy Hind limb............ 41 ,, MPSS Sok tes os 2 Sse al 7 ‘4 Arabia; Egypt. a, Hgr. Arabia. 12. Agama rubrigularis. Trapelus rubrigularis, Blanf. Proc. As. Soc, Beng. 1875, p. 2338, and Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xlv. 1876, p. 28, pl. i. fig. 1; Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 871. Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, pierced in the posterior part of a slightly swollen nasal just above the . canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales keeled ; occipital not enlarged ; no distinct spines on the hinder part of the head; a very slight fringe of pointed scales on the upper edge of the ear, which is hardly as large as the eye-opening. Male without gular pouch. Body depressed, covered above with small rhomboidal, imbricate, smooth scales intermixed with much larger, flat, feebly keeled ones forming more or less irregular transverse series; no enlarged scales on the limbs ; ventral scales smooth. Limbs moderate ; tibia not quite as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second: third toe much shorter than fourth, 19. AGAMA. 347 fifth not extending as far as first. Tail once and two thirds to once and three fourths as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, rather depressed at the base, covered with keeled scales. Male with a row of anal pores. “ Colour olive-brown to grey, spotted with pale yellow, each enlarged scale of the back being in the middle of a pale spot; a dusky longitudinal line on each side of the neck and three or four pairs of dark spots on the back; a bright red patch beneath the throat in living specimens of both sexes.” Total length .......... 175 millim, Head eae on acai 20. ,, Width of head ........ 10 Body wiiseicev aavanvines 60 ,, Fore limb ............ 388 Cy, Hind limb ............ 53, Dall erase aak ewan 95 =a, Sind; Baluchistan; Persia. a-b. 5 & yg. Upper Sind. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. (Types.) 13. Agama megalonyx. Trapelus megalonyx, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 159, pl. xiv. fig. C. Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, superior, pierced in the posterior part of a small flat nasal just above the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales keeled ; occipital not enlarged ; no distinct spines on the hinder part of the head ; a feeble fringe of pointed scales on the upper edge of the ear, which is smaller than the eye-opening. Body depressed, covered above with unequal rhomboidal imbricate scales, the smaller being smooth or indistinctly keeled, the larger being more than twice as large and distinctly keeled; ventral scales smooth. Limbs moderate, the fore pair relatively more developed and armed with very long claws; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as first. Tail not quite twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with equal keeled scales. Greyish above, with darker transverse bands on the back, and a vertebral series of dark-edged light spots; a dark longitudinal band on each side of the neck; collar-pit black ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 140 millim. Héad, 2.6 sien ewe ces 18, Width of head ........ 16. sC«y, tBody «00.0 eee eee eens AT, Fore limb ........+-.- 36 CO, Hind limb............ 46 ,, Tail: ew seawarcs ever 75° 45 Afghanistan ? a Q. Afghanistan ? Dry. Griffith [C.]. (Type.) 348 AGAMIDSE, 14, Agama ruderata. Agama ruderata, Olivier, Voy. Emp. Ottom. ii. p. 429, pl. xxix. fig. 3. — loricata, Reuss, Mus. Senckenb. p. 40. mutabilis, part., Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 505. Eremioplanis ruderata, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 82. Agama, lessone, De Filippi, Viag. Pers. p. 353. Trapelus ruderatus, Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 884; Blanf. E. Persia, p. 315; Murray, Zool. Sind, p. 370. Head short and very convex. Nostril not tubular, lateral, pierced in the posterior part of a small nasal just below the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales keeled or striated; occipital not enlarged; no regular spines on the back of the head; a small denticulation partly covering the ear, which is smaller than the eye-opening. Males without gular pouch. Body short, depressed, covered above with small, irregular, more or less distinctly keeled, imbricate scales, inter- mixed with scattered large, nail-like, pointed keeled scales ; ventral scales smooth. Limbs moderate, with heterogeneous scales; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger a little shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second ; third toe much shorter than fourth. Tail once and a half to twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, with strongly keeled scales inter- mixed with enlarged ones at the base. Males with a double row of anal pores. Greyish or sandy-coloured above, variegated with darker or with dark spots arranged in pairs along the back; tail with dark cross bars; lower surfaces whitish, the male’s throat variegated with bluish grey. Total length .......... 167 millim. Head si anid oes atone 19 ,, Width of head ........ 17_—«a, Body exer gas saay dea 60, Fore limb ............ 35, Hind limb............ 61a, WA ie cease eee e ess 88, Syria to Sind. a-b. 62. Shiraz. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. a 3. Road to Euphrates. C. G. Danford, Esq. [P.]- d. 9. Between Baalbeck and Shtora. Dr. Anderson [P.]. 15. Agama pallida. Trapelus ruderatus, (non Oliv.) Gray, Cat. p. 258. Agama ruderata, (zon Okv ) Aud. Deser. Egypte, Rept. Suppl. p. 169, 1. i. fig. 6. pallida, Reuss, Mus. Senckenb. p. 88, pl. iii. fig. 3. nigrofasciata, Reuss, 1. c. p. 42. —— mutabilis, part., Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 505. Trapelus egyptius, Duvern. R. A., Rept. pl. xiv. fig. 2. —— mutabilis, (non Merr.) Blanf. E. Persia, p. 316. Head short, thick, very convex. Nostril not tubular, superior, 19. agama, 349 pierced in the posterior part of a slightly swollen nasal just above the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales convex, smooth; occipital not enlarged ; no distinct spines on the hinder part of the head; a fringe of small pointed scales on the upper edge of the ear, which is hardly as large as the eye-opening. Male without gular pouch. Body short, depressed, covered above with small irregular, imbricate, smooth or indistinctly keeled scales intermixed with irregularly scattered much larger ones, each of which bears a short keel or spine ; limbs also with scattered enlarged scales; ventral scales smooth. Limbs moderate; tibia nearly as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as second ; third toe much shorter than fourth, fifth not extending as far as first. Tail once and a half to twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, with feebly keeled scales intermixed with enlarged ones at the base. Males with a double row of anal pores. Grey or sandy-coloured above, with paired dark markings, one on the neck and one in front of the sacrum being more constant ; tail with dark cross bars; the breeding male’s head bluish, and the throat with bluish-grey lines ; lower surfaces whitish. Total length .......... 174 millim. Head. ous fee Han we Reed 20 =, Width of head ........ 19 5, Body’ vas eee ery en oes 50. Cy, Fore limb ............ 37 yy Hind limb............ 54°. ,, APA ies iegnave rake aroeee were 104. =C««, Egypt; North Arabia. a-b. 9. Egypt. Sir J. Wilkinson [P.]. c,d. 3 Q. Egypt. ; ef. 2. Nile. Mr. Petherick Pl g-t. & & her. Cairo. Sir R. Owen [ ; k. Her. Cairo. R. MacAndrew, Esq. tet be Gai Suez. R. MacAndrew, Esq. [P.]. mo. Sinaitic Peninsula. H.C. Hart, Esq. [C.]. n-o. do & her. Mount Sinai. 16. Agama, hispida. Agama hispida, Gray, Cat. p. 257. Lacerta hispida, Linn. Mus. Ad. Fred. p. 44, and S. MN. (ed. 10) i, p. 205. oT hiculitity part., Linn. S. N. (ed. 12), i. p. 265, Agama aspera, part., Daud. Rept. iii. p. 402. orbicularis, part., Daud. 1. c. p. 406. gemmata, Daud. J. c. p. 402. . Trapelus hispidus, Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 616, pl. vii. ; Gravenh. Nova Acta Ac. Leop. Carol. xvi. 1833, p. 917, pl. Ixiv. figs. 1-8. Agama spinosa, (non Gray) Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 502, pl. xli. bis. fig. 2. —— hispida, part., Peters, Mon. Berl. Ae, 1870, p. 112. Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, lateral, pierced just below the canthus rostralis in a convex nasal. Upper 3850 AGAMIDE. head-scales unequal, rough, keeled, or subconical; forehead convex, with enlarged subconical scales ; occipital enlarged ; back of head with large conical spinose scales; ear-opening small, not quite as large as the eye-opening. Male without a regular gular pouch. Body depressed, covered with moderately large, imbricate, strongly keeled scales intermixed with strongly enlarged, spinose, raised ones ; a well-marked dorsal and nuchal crest ; ventral scales more or less strongly keeled and mucronate. Limbs moderate; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); fingers short, third longest; toes short, third longer than fourth, fifth not extending as far as first. Tail once and one fourth to once and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with strongly keeled scales, the basal portion intermixed with enlarged spinose scales. Males with a row of anal pores. Brown or olive, spotted with darker ; lower surfaces dirty white, in the young with wide-meshed grey reticulation; throat of the breeding male blue. Total length .......... 187 millim. Head) a eave eee eis 23° 45 Width of head ........ 24 (Ca, Body ecw xeay gcken cae 67 gg, Fore: hmb: 2-500 cue ne AQ) O55 Hind limb............ 62 4, aa: | wove a pani ewe ea 97 4 South Africa. a, b, ¢, d,e,f. Cape of Good Hope. Ad., stutted, gd. Cape of Good Hope. Prof. Busk [P.]. h. Q. Cape of Good Hope. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. to. Cape of Good Hope. Dr. Lea [P.]. kd. Cape of Good Hope. — Townsend, Esq. [P.]. l,m, n-o. Her. & Cape of Good Hope. t Dp. - Africa. 17. Agama brachyura. (Prarz XXVIII. fig. 1.) Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril not tubular, lateral, pierced just below the canthus rostralis in a convex nasal. Upper head-scales smooth ; forehead convex ; occipital enlarged; sides of head posteriorly and neck with small spines; ear-opening a little smaller than the eye-opening. Body depressed, covered with moderately large imbricate strongly keeled scales intermixed with strongly enlarged spinose ones; ventral scales smooth. Limbs moderate ; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); fingers short, third longest ; fourth toe very slightly longer than third, fifth not extending as far as first. Tail shorter than head and body, a little longer than the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with strongly keeled scales. Olive-brown above, with a double series of large dark spots on the back, each pair separated on the 19. agama. 351 vertebral line by a X-shaped whitish marking; lower surfaces whitish, with wide-meshed blackish network. Total length .......... 134 millim. Tad a iealste lean x aanands 19, Width of head ........ 20 «4, Body ......... esau se 52. Cy, Fore limb ............ 38 CO, Hind limb ............ bl, Daal casisanr nar tt tos 63, South Africa. a Q. Cape of Good Hope. Sir A. Smith [P.]. 18. Agama aculeata. Agama aculeata, Gray, Cat. p. 257. Agama aculeata, Merr. Tent. p. 53; Dum. § Bibr. iv. p. 499. Trapelus (Psammorrhoa) bibronii, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 81. Agama hispida, part., Peters, Mon. Berl. Ae. 1870, p. 112. Head short, convex, subcordiform. Nostril slightly tubular, pierced on the canthus rostralis or just below, in a convex nasal. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled; forehead slightly con- vex ; occipital enlarged ; sides of head posteriorly and neck with spinose scales; ear-opening larger than the eye-opening. Male without a regular gular pouch. Body depressed, covered with moderately large, imbricate, strongly keeled scales intermixed with strongly enlarged ones ; a feeble but very distinct dorsal and nuchal crest ; ventral scales perfectly smooth. Limbs moderate; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger very slightly longer than fourth ; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth extending as far as first. Tail nearly twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded in the female, a little compressed in the male, covered with strongly keeled scales. Male with a row of preanal pores. Yellowish or olive-brown above, with a double series of large brown spots on the back ; lower surfaces whitish, the throat with longitudinal brown lines in the female, blackish blue in the breeding male. Total length .......... 252 millim. Head is ss seek. ea see 888 24. (Ci, Width of head ........ 23, Body sve cana ew oes 81 a, Fore limb ............ 48. 55 Hind limb............ 69 Sy, Tail. p2s0 de weeny ee 147_—Cy, South Africa. ad. S. Africa. b-d. 9 & her. Damara Land. of; Sicteton. 8, Africa. Sir A. Smith [P.]. 352 AGAMID, 19, Agama armata. Agama aculeata, (non Merr.) Biane. Spec. Zool. Mossamb. p. 27, pl. i. fig. 2. — armata, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1854, p. 616, and Reise n. Mossamb,. iii. p. 42, pl. vii. fig. 2. —— infralineata, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1877, p. 618. Head moderately long, convex. Nostril slightly tubular, lateral, pierced in a small nasal just below the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales keeled ; occipital enlarged; back of head with scattered short spines ; ear-opening larger than the eye-opening. Body de- pressed, covered with moderately large, imbricate, strongly keeled scales intermixed with enlarged ones, forming longitudinal series ; a slight dorsal and nuchal crest; ventral scales strongly keeled and mucronate. Limbs rather short; tibia shorter than the skull (to occiput); third finger slightly longer than fourth ; third toe slightly longer than fourth, fifth extending beyond first. Tail once and two thirds as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, rounded, covered with strongly keeled scales. Olive-brown above, the en- larged scales lighter ; a double series of darker spots along the back ; lower surfaces lighter, the throat with darker longitudinal lines. Total length .......... 167 millim. Head 2.00 os peas 20° 3, Width ofhead ........ Le 35 BOY cccitis Gekccintatetct aces 57s, Fore limb ............ 36 —C««, Hind limb............ 44. ,, Pail. asgssweegae ne ves 90 _—*ég, South Africa. a. 9. Natal. J. H. Gurney, Esq. [P.]. 20. Agama atra. Agama atra, Gray, Cat. p. 256. Agama atra, Daud. Rept. iii. p. 8349; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 498. subspinosa, Gray, Ann. Philos. 1827, p. 214. Trapelus subhispidus, Kaup, Isis, 1827, p. 616. Phrynopsis atra, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 80. ‘Head moderate, rather depressed. Nostril tubular, pierced in a small convex nasal upon the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled ; occipital slightly enlarged ; sides of head posteriorly and neck with groups of small spines; ear-opening larger than the eye-opening. Male without a regular gular pouch. Body much depressed, covered with small imbricate keeled scales, largest on the vertebral line; these scales sometimes intermixed with scattered enlarged ones; a more or less distinct curved fold along each side of the back; a short nuchal crest; no distinct dorsal crest ; ventral scales small and smooth. Limbs moderate; 19. agama. 353 tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); third finger very slightly shorter than fourth; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail nearly twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, roundish in the female, strongly compressed and crested in the male, covered with equal strongly keeled scales forming more or less distinct annuli. Male with a row of anal pores. Olive-brown above, spotted or speckled with black, some- times nearly black; a lighter, yellowish-brown vertebral band F lower surfaces with more or less distinct dark network or lines, blackish blue in the breeding male. Total length ....... «.+ 203 millim. Head: jesse ick sada ae ee 20, Width of head ......... LSi.. 55 Body e¥siesneut eles 66, Fore limb.............. 43, Hind limb ............ 60, Mat! a2 eta arta S 1i7_s,, South Africa. a,b, Ad., stuffed. Cape of Good Hope. e,d-e. $9. Cape of Good Hope. id. Cape of Good Hope. J. Ford, Esq. [P.]. gd. Cape Recife. A. E. Craven, Esq. [P.]. ‘Ah. QD. Port Elizabeth. ud. S. Africa. Haslar Collection. Kk Q. S. Africa. l-m,n,o. Hgr.& yg. 8. Africa. p. Skeleton. 8. Africa. Sir A. Smith [P.}. q. Skeleton. Cape of Good Hope. 21. Agama mossambica. Agama mossambica, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1864, p. 616, and Reise n. Mossamb,. iii. p. 38, pl. vii. fig. 1; Fischer, Jahresb. Naturh. Mus. Hamé. f. 1883, p. 21, pl. ii. fig. 6. : cariniventris, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1874, p. 159. Head moderate, convex. Nostril tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced in the posterior part of a small nasal on the can- thus rostralis. Upper head-scales feebly keeled; occipital enlarged ; sides of head near the ear, and neck with groups of short spines; ear-opening large, entirely exposed, much larger than the eye- opening; no regular gular pouch. Body moderately depressed, covered above with rhomboidal, mucronate, imbricate scales with strong keels converging towards the vertebral line; a slight nuchal and dorsal crest ; ventral scales keeled; seventy-seven to eighty-one scales round the middle of the body. Limbs moderate ; tibia as long as the skull (to occiput); third and fourth fingers equal, or fourth very slightly longer; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth ex- tending beyond first. Tail twice to twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, slightly compressed, covered with 4 354 AGAMIDA. strongly keeled scales. Olive-brown above, with a row of more or less distinct large brown spots on each side of the vertebral line ; lower surfaces lighter ; throat dotted with blackish. Total length .......... 278 millim. Head s..ccgancs vases er ee ae Width of head ........ 234, Body nos a cuainisy aca tas 84 4s Fore: dmb 2.5.5 36-2009 2% 50. C=, Hind limb............ 70, Deal Sava: ah auaes auehaee eee 170, East Africa. .Q. Quellimane. Sir J. Kirk [P.1. b, Her. Zambesi Exped. Sir J. Kirk tet 22, Agama kirkii, (Prats XXVIII. fig. 2.) Head moderate, convex. Nostril tubular, directed upwards, pierced in the posterior part of a small nasal on the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled; occipital enlarged : sides of head near tho ear and neck, with groups of very small spinose scales ; ear-opening entirely exposed, larger than the eye- opening; no regular gular pouch. Body moderately depressed, covered above with small rhomboidal, not or but very shortly mu- cronate, imbricate scales with strong keels converging towards the vertebral line; a low but very distinct nuchal and dorsal crest ; ventral scales scarcely smaller than dorsals, smooth; ninety-nine scales round the middle of the body. Limbs moderate; tibia a little longer than the skull (to occiput); fourth finger a little longer than third; fourth toe a little longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail nearly twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, compressed and keeled above, covered with strongly keeled scales forming rather distinct annuli. Male with a row of anal pores. Olive above, with dark network enclosing light ocelli ; collar-pit black ; lower surfaces whitish, with indistinct darker lines. Total length .......... 209 millim. Cad ie nsieiecr eed, LO. By Width of head ........ TO. os BOG? sca vaeaysiats eva ote 60, Fore limb ............ 42 ,, Hind limb............ 61 ,, Pall | set ied lalbease a bata skes 130 East Africa. ad. Zambesi Expedition. Sir J. Kirk [P.]. 19. agama, 355 23. Agama spinosa. Agama colonorum (non D. § B.), Gray, Cat. p. 256. Agama spinosa, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix., Syn. p. 57. colonorum, Riippell, N. Wirbelth. Faun, Abyss. p. 14, pl. iv ; Blanf. Zool. Abyss. p. 449. Head small, rather depressed. Nostril tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced in the posterior part of a small nasal on the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth ; generally no elongate scale on the snout; occipital enlarged; sides of head near the ear, and neck with groups of rather long spines, the largest of which measure more than half the diameter of the ear-opening; latter large, exposed, larger than the eye-opening. Throat much plicate ; no regular gular pouch. Body not much depressed, covered above with rather large rhomboidal mucronate imbricate scales, with strong keels converging towards the vertebral line ; these dorsal scales, smaller than the caudals, number forty to fifty from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs (counting on the vertebral line); a distinct nuchal crest composed of rather long spines; no dorsal crest ; ventral scales much smaller than the dorsals, smooth; sixty to seventy-four scales round the middle of the body. Limbs long and strong, digits elongate ; tibia longer than the skull (to occiput); third and fourth fingers equal ; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, roundish in the female, compressed and keeled above in the male, covered with large strongly keeled scales forming rather distinct annuli. Male with a row of anal pores. Olive-brown above ; lower surfaces yellowish, with a well-marked black collar; the middle of the throat orange-red in the male. Totallength .......... 310 millim. Head) occ eeuu ex oes 23" oh Width of head ...... go WD gs Body - occu enw enna 87, Fore limb ............ 54g, Hind limb ............ 15 45 Tail 2vscsasersnseews 200, North-east Africa; Arabia. ad. Egypt. Sir J. G. Wilkinson [P./ b, hee Q. Egypt a J. Burton, Esq. [P.]. d. Rairo Habab, Abyssinia. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. ia: 1 e-f. 3. Mt. Sinai. 24. Agama rueppellii. Agama ruppelli, Vaillant, mn Révoil, Faun. Somalis, Rept. p. 6, pl. i. Distinguished from A. colonorum by the shorter, more globulose head, the longer spines on the back of the head and neck, which partly conceal the ear-opening, and the larger dorsal scales, the size 2a2 356 AGAMID.E. of which nearly equals that of the caudals; twenty-six or twenty- seven dorsal scales from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs. Somali Land. 25, Agama colonorum. Agama occipitalis, Gray, Cat. p. 256, Agama colonorum, part., Daud. Rept. iti. p. 356. —— occipitalis, Gray, Griff. A. K. ix., Syn. p. 56. —— colonorum, Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 489. Podorrhoa colonorum, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 80. Agama colonorum, var. congica, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1877, p. 612. picticauda, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1877, p. 612. Head small, rather depressed. WNostril tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced in the posterior part of a small nasal on the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled ; generally a narrow elongate scale on the middle of the snout; occi- pital enlarged ; nine or ten upper labials; sides of head, near the ear, and neck with groups of short spines, the longest of which are considerably shorter than the diameter of the ear-opening; latter large, entirely exposed, larger than the eye-opening. Throat much plicate ; no regular gular pouch. Body not much depressed, the back slightly keeled, covered with rather large, rhomboidal, mucronate imbricate scales with strong keels converging towards the vertebral line ; these dorsal scales smaller than the caudals, numbering forty to sixty from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs (counting on the vertebral line) ; a distinct nuchal but no dorsal crest ; ventral scales much smaller than the dorsals, smooth or feebly keeled ; sixty to eighty scales round the middle of the body. Limbs long and strong, digits elongate; tibia longer than the skull (to occi- put); third and fourth fingers equal, or fourth slightly longer ; fourth toe a little longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail about twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, roundish in the female, compressed and keeled above in the male, covered with large strongly keeled scales forming rather distinct annuli. Male with a row of anal pores. Olive or brown above, the young with light spots and lines arranged symmetrically ; lower surfaces lighter, uniform or marbled with grey, blackish in the breeding male. Total length .......... 347 millim. Head) eiscca sits sie tive Bie -4 Width of head ........ 23, Body 104 ersomscnctece Sas 100g, Fore limb ............ 63, Hind limb............ 92 =O, Tall aia esisvgaaawaga 220. ,, West Africa. a-d,e. 3. W. Africa. Dr. Stanger [P.]. Ag wh. & & her. W. Africa. W. Raddon, Esq. [P.}. i-k, Yg. W. Africa. Mr. Fraser [C.]. 19. agama. 3h7 Lp.g 7. & & yg. W. Africa, s. Q. Senegal. td. Gambia. u. Her. Sierra Leone. v. Several spec.; g, Ancober River, Gold Major Burton and Capt. 2, & hgr, Coast. ameron [P.}. w. Yg. Ambriz, Angola. ud Carangigo. Dr. Welwitsch [P.]. ¥2% 3 QR. Benguela. J.J. Monteiro, to a-d. 5 & her. S. Africa. Sir A. Smith [P.]. «. Skeleton. —? 26. Agama bibronii *. Agama colonorum, (xon D. § B.) Guich. Expl. Sc, Alg., Rept. p.7; Strauch, Erp, Alg. p. 27. bibronii, A. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 101, and Arch. du Mus, viii. p. 574; Boettg. Abh. Senck. Ges. xiii. 1883, p. 127. oo var. impalearis, Boettg. Abh. Senck. Ges. ix. 1874, p. 182. Head moderate, somewhat less depressed than in A. colonorum. Nostril tubular, directed laterally and posteriorly, pierced just below the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth or indistinctly keeled; a very slightly elongate scale on the middle of the snout ; occipital enlarged ; labials very small, eloven to fourteen upper and as many lower; sides of head and neck with groups of spines which are slightly longer than in A. colonorum; ear-opening entirely exposed, larger than the eye-opening. Throat strongly plicate; no regular gular pouch. Body depressed, covered above with large rhomboidal, mucronate, imbricate scales with strong keels converging towards the vertebral line; these scales scarcely smaller than the caudals, numbering about forty from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs (counting on. the vertebral line); a slight nuchal crest ; no dorsal crest; ventral scales much smaller than the dorsals, smooth ; sixty-two or sixty-four scales round the middle of the hody. Limbs shorter than in A. colonorum, digits also shorter ; tibia as long as the skull; third and fourth fingers equal; third and fourth toes nearly equal, measuring the distance from the posterior border of the eye to the nostril ; fifth toe extending beyond first. Tail about twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, round in the female, feebly compressed in the male; scaling as in A. colonorum. Male with one [to three] row of anal pores. Coloration as in 4. colonorum. Total length .. 250 millim. Fore limb .... 49 millim. Head ........ QT ss Hind limb.... 73 ,, Width ofhead 25 ,, Pail ceases 150, Body ........ 83a, Morocco; Algeria; Tunis. * Described from Algerian specimens in M. Lataste’s collection. 358 AGAMID.E. 27. Agama planiceps. Agama planiceps, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1862, p. 15. Head small, much depressed. Nostril tubular, directed upwards and backwards, pierced in the posterior part of a small nasal on the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled; occipital enlarged; sides of head near the ear, and neck, with groups of short spines; ear-opening large, entirely exposed, much. larger than the eye-opening. Throat much plicate; no regular gular pouch. Body much depressed, covered above with moderate- sized, roundish, not or but very slightly mucronate, imbricate scales, with more or less strong keels converging towards the vertebral line; these dorsal scales much smaller than the caudals, numbering fifty to sixty-five from the origin of the fore limbs to the origin of the hind limbs (counting on the vertebral line); a slight nuchal but no dorsal crest; ventral scales much smaller than the dorsals, smooth ; sixty-four to eighty-six scales round the middle of the body. Limbs long and strong, digits elongate; tibia longer than the skull (to occiput); third and fourth fingers equal; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail about twice and a half as long as the distance from gular fold to vent, roundish in the female, compressed and keeled above in the male, covered with large strongly keeled scales forming rather distinct annuli. Male with a row of small pores. Olive-brown above, with or without yellow spots and bands; lower surfaces yellowish, darker in the male. Total length (tail broken) 239 millim. Body ...... 96 millim. Head. ae ews -aseea a Ps PG x5 Fore limb .. 63 ,, Width of head........ 23s, Hind limb.. 86 ,, South-west Africa. aod. Duque de Bragance, Angola. Prof. B. du Bocage [P.}. 6. Q. Carangigo. Dr. Welwitsch [C.]. e-d. 9 & hgr. Damara Land. ef. dS & yg. —? Berlin Museum. 28. Agama atricollis. Agama atricollis, Smith, IU. 8. Afr., Rept. App. p. 14. Stellio capensis, 4. Dum. Cat. Méth. Rept. p. 106, and Arch. Mus. viii. p. 579. Head large (especially in the male, which has the cheeks strongly swollen), convex, with very prominent supraciliary ridges; nostril lateral, slightly tubular, pierced on the canthus rostralis; upper head-scales mostly feebly keeled; occipital not enlarged; small scattered spinose scales on the cheeks; ear exposed, larger than the eye-opening ; male without a regular gular pouch. Body moderately depressed ; dorsal scales small, rhomboidal, keeled, larger on the vertebral region, everywhere intermixed with enlarged, strongly keeled, pointed scales, which sometimes form longitudinal series on 19. agama. 359 the vertebral region ; a slight nuchal denticulation ; a more or less marked curved fold from the neck to the middle of the side; ventral scales smooth. Limbs moderately elongate, with compressed digits ; the scales on the upper surface of the limbs irregular in size, ‘keeled; third and fourth fingers nearly equal; fourth toe very slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail very slightly compressed, about twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent ; the scales strongly keeled, and forming rather regular annuli, those on the upper surface much enlarged, with denticulated edge. Male with a double row of anal pores. Olive or brown above, marbled or reticulated with blackish ; young with ><><-shaped black markings across the back ; a large black spot in tront of the shoulder; lower surfaces lighter; throat with dark network, blue in the male. Total length .. 360 millim. Fore limb .... 70 millim. Head ........ 38 C,, Hind limb.... 95 ,, Width of head 37 _~—C=, Tall asec sies 220 _—*,, Body se. sakes 102. —««, South Africa. ac. 5, 9,&hgr. Natal. Sir A. Smith [P.]. (Types.) d-e. 38 . Natal: J. Ayres, Esq. Ley 19-2 & yg. Natal. Se lee Lamo. Sir J. Kirk (P.]. ao. 8.E. Africa, Sir J. Kirk [P.]. kg. Duque de Bragance, Prof. B. du Bocage [P.]. Angola. “9. S. Africa. J. H. Gurney, Esq. [P.]. 29. Agama cyanogaster. Stellio cyanogaster, Gray, Cat. p. 255. P Agama gularis, Reuss, Mus. Senck. p. 36. Stellio cyanogaster, Riipp. N. Wirbeth. Faun. Abyss., Rept. p. 10, pl. v.; Dum. & Bibr. iv. p. 582. Acanthocercus cyanogaster, Fitzing. Syst. Rept. p. 84. Agama (Stellio) cyanogaster, Blanf. Zool. Abyss. p. 446. Head moderately depressed; nostril lateral, not tubular, below the canthus rostralis; upper head-scales smooth; occipital not enlarged; small conical spinose scales on the sides of the head near the ear; latter exposed, larger than the eye-opening ; throat strongly plicate, no gular pouch. Body. depressed, with a distinct fold on each side of the back; dorsal scales rather large, irregular, feebly keeled on the vertebral region, minute and intermixed with enlarged ones on the sides ; a series of small spinose scales on the dorsal folds; ventral scales smooth, smaller than the largest dorsals. Limbs moderately elongate, with compressed digits; the scales on the upper surface of the limbs irregular in size, keeled ; fourth finger very slightly longer than third; fourth toe very slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tuil round, nearly 360 AGAMIDE. twice as long as the distance from gular fold to vent; the scales strongly keeled, shortly mucronate, forming regular annuli. Male with a patch of anal pores. Olive-brown above, spotted or reticu- lated with blackish; the vertebral region usually lighter; lower surfaces whitish in the female, with bluish network on the throat, dark blue in the breeding male. Total length.. 265 millim. Fore limb ...... 60 millim. Head ...... Bo 65 Hind limb...... 89° 45 Width of head 29 ,, Maa rats susie see 143 CO, Bod ye iwi sees 90, Abyssinia ; Arabia. a. 3. Abyssinia. W. Jesse, Esq. [C.]. b-d. 9 & yg. Tigré, Abyssinia. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 30. Agama annectens. Agama annectens, Blanf. Zool. Ahyss. p. 446, fig. Head depressed; snout as long as the diameter of the orbit; nostril lateral, slightly tubular, on the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth; occipital not enlarged; a few small spinose scales on the side of the head near the ear ; latter entirely exposed, much larger than the eye-opening. Throat much plicate; no gular pouch. Body depressed ; dorsal scales small, rhomboidal, imbricate, very slightly keeied, largest on the vertebral region, very small on the sides; scattered small spines on the nuchal region; ventral scales perfectly smooth, nearly as large as the median dorsals. Limbs long and strong; digits compressed; fourth finger very slightly longer than third; fourth toe alittle longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail compressed, covered with moderately large keeled scales forming annuli in front, but becoming gradually imbricate towards the tip. Male with a double row of preanal pores. Rufous-brown above, with small irregular blackish rings and a lighter vertebral band. Total length (tail broken) 285 millim. Body........ 102 millim. HOads un cncwrwe eae ees BB. ay Forelimb.... 71 ,, Width of head ........ 29 =Cs, Hindlimb.... 105 ,, Abyssinia. a3. Sooroo Pass. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. (One of the types.) 31. Agama stoliczkana. Stellio stoliczkanus, Blanf. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xliv. 1875, p. 191, and 2nd Yark. Miss., Rept. p. 8, pl. i. figs. 1, 2. Head depressed, its length considerably exceeding its breadth ; nostrils directed backwards, situated below the canthus rostralis. Upper head-scales smooth ; occipital not enlarged; some spinose scales round the tympanum ; groups of spinose scales scattered over the sides and back of the neck, the former being the larger. Throat 19. agama. 361 strongly plicate; no gular pouch. Scales on the back of the neek granular, passing gradually into the bluntly keeled scales of the middle of the back ; these are considerably larger than the scales of the sides, being about twice as broad; latter distinctly keeled, with a few conspicuously larger scales scattered amongst them ; ventral scales smooth, about the same size as those of the middle of the back. Limbs long and strong, covered above with strongly keeled scales; digits as in the preceding. Tail rounded, covered with keeled scales ending in a short spine posteriorly, all in verticils, the largest scarcely larger than the largest dorsal scales. Males with two or three rows of anal pores. General colour pale yellowish, mixed with dusky black; chin and throat dusky, more or less mottled or speckled with pale yellow. Total length...... 374 millim. Fore limb...... 70 millim. From snout to vent 140 __,, Hind limb...... 100 _—,, Eastern Turkestan. 32, Agama tuberculata. Laudakia tuberculata, Gray, Cat. p. 254. Agama Ly cog Gray, Zool. Journ. iii. 1828, p. 218, and Lill. dnd. Zool.; Dum. §& Brbr. iv. p. 488. Podorrhoa tuberculata, Fitz. Syst. Rept. p. 80. Stellio indicus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxii. 1853, p. 646. Barycephalus sykesii, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 150, pl. xxv. fig. A. Stellio tuberculatus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 157 ; Steind. Novara, Rept. p. 22; Stoliezka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xii. 1872, p. 116, pl. iii. fig. 3. ‘ Head much depressed; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit ; nostril lateral, below the canthus rostralis, slightly tubular. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled; occipital not enlarged ; small closely set spinose scales on the sides of the head near the ear, and on the neck ; ear entirely exposed, larger than the eye-opening. Throat strongly plicate; no gular pouch. Body depressed, with a more or less distinct fold on each side of the back; scales on the neck and sides minute, almost granular, keeled, uniform or inter- mixed with scattered enlarged scales ; those on the vertebral region enlarged, equal, rhomboidal, imbricate, strongly keeled; a very slight indication of a nuchal denticulation; ventral scales smooth, nearly as large as the enlarged dorsals. Limbs strong, with com- pressed digits ; the scales on the upper surface of the limbs strongly enlarged and very strongly keeled; third and fourth fingers equal, or fourth very slightly longer; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail rounded, much depressed at the base, covered with moderate-sized strongly keeled scales arranged in rings; its length equals twice and a half to three times the distance from gular fold to vent. Males with a large patch of anal pores and a similar patch of pores on the middle of the belly. Olive-brown above, spotted or speckled with blackish, sometimes , with small yellowish spots; the breeding male’s throat blue, with light spots; sometimes a light vertebral bard. 362 AGAMIDE. Total length.. 315 millim. Fore limb...... 52 millim. Head ...... 27 =, Hind limb...... 77 oy Width of head 22 ,, Pall 56s sh ares 205—C,, Body........ 83 oy, Himalayas. ad. Bengal (?). Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. (Type.) b 2. Garhval. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. } (Types of ce. 2. Simla. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. > Baryceph. d. Her, Ladak. Messrs. v. Schlagintweit [C.]. | sykest.) e-g. Yg. Tibet. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. h-k. § & hgr. Kashmere. T. OC. Jerdon, Esq. [P. ] m. Q. Marri. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. n-o,p. d & her. r 33. Agama dayana. Stellio dayanus, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. 1872, p. 118, pl. iii. fig. 4. Differs from 45 Width of head ........ De sy : Body evi se kava se ewss 38 C,, Fore limb ............ 24, Hind limb............ 43, Mees seca eerie ata he 10 45 Eastern Central Asia. a-b. 9. Shore of Lake Alakul. St. Petersburg Museum. ce. o. West Khara-Kum. St. Petersburg Museum. f-g. Yg. Lepsinskaja Staniza. St. Petersburg Museum. 20, PHRYNOCEPHALUS. 377 8. Phrynocephalus przewalskii. ee przewalskii, Strauch, Voy. Przewalskt, Rept. p. 10, pl. ii. fig. 1. Forehead convex, with large keeled or tectiform scales; nostril anterior, turned upwards ; nasal separated from its fellow by three longitudinal series of scales. Dorsalscales homogeneous, subimbricate, large, plane, and very distinctly keeled on the vertebral region, smaller, very convex, tectiform or spiniform on the sides. Gular, pectoral, and abdominal scales imbricate and distinctly keeled. Third and fourth toes with a fringe of long acute lobules on the outer side. Tail long, thickened and scarcely depressed at the base, then rounded, the end curling upwards, and covered with imbricate keeled scales. Yellowish-orange above, yellowish inferiorly ; a broad sinuous black vertebral band, ending on the sacral region ; sides black-dotted. Total length .......... 193 millim. Head and neck ........ 27), Body: ay sewer e eh 54, aah 054.34 Peace eed 112 Alashan Desert. 9. Phrynocephalus affinis. Phrynocephalus affinis, Strauch, Voy. Przewalski, Rept. p. 18, pl. ii. fig. 2. Forehead convex, with large convex scales; nostril anterior, turned upwards; nasal separated from its fellow by three or four longitudinal series of scales. Dorsal scales homogeneous, subim- bricate, larger and slightly keeled on the vertebral region, smaller, slightly tectiform on the sides. Gular and ventral scales hardly keeled, pectorals very distinctly keeled. Third and fourth toes with a fringe of short acute lobules on the outer side. Tail long, thickened, and depressed at the base, then roundish, slightly com- pressed, the end curling upwards, with imbricate keeled scales. Dirty yellowish grey above, the sides of the neck and body fre- quently reddish ; two series of blackish spots, sometimes confluent on the back; pectoral and abdominal region, and sometimes also the throat, more or less blackish. Total length .......... 174 millim. Head and neck ........ 23s, BODY: sens chara dart 50. Cy, Mai, ee uikiei asec nerecgeare 101 Chinese Province Ordos. 10. Phrynocephalus maculatus. Phrynocephalus maculatus, Anders. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1872, p. 289, fig.; Blanf. Zool, £. Pers. p. 331. 378 AGAMIDE. Forehead convex, with slightly enlarged scales; median supra- orbital scales as large as or smaller than the median dorsals; occipital scales slightly enlarged; nostril directed upwards; nasal separated from its fellow by one scale. Dorsal scales homogeneous, smaller on the sides, rhomboidal, imbricate, smooth. Gular, pectoral, and abdominal scales smooth. Scales on the limbs smooth or feebly keeled. Third and fourth toes with feeble lateral denticulation. Tibia longer than the skull. Tail depressed, especially at the base, tapering to a point, covered with keeled scales; its length equals nearly twice the distance from gular fold to vent. Greyish above, speckled or guttate with whitish, and with more or less distinct darker dots, spots, or cross bands; lower surfaces white; end of tail black inferiorly. Total length .......... 166 millim. Head vi ws esasce eas 2x 18g, Width of head ........ 16 Oy, Body