Qu {2% ste IFoo Cornell Aniversity Library BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME ~ FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Sage 1891 AMHSES gue). 8421 9 Wii Tn Books bp John Burroughs. WORKS. Each volume, 16mo, gilt top, $1.25; the set, 11 vols., uniform, $13.75; half calf, gilt top, $27.50; half polished morocco, $30.25. Wake-Ropsin. WINTER SUNSHINE. Locusts anp Witp Honey. Frasu FIevps. Inpoor Stupizs. Birps anp Ports, with Other Papers. Pepacron, and Other Sketches. Sicns AND SEASONS. Riversy. Wuitman: A Stupy. Tue Licut or Day: Religious Discussions and Criticisms from the Standpoint of.a Naturalist. A YEAR IN THE FIELDS. Selections appropriate to each season of the year, from the writings of John Burroughs. Illustrated from Photographs by CuiF- ‘ton JoHNsoN. Uniform with the Riverside Edition of Burroughs’s works. 12mo, $1.50. WHITMAN: A Study. Riverside Edition. 12m0, $1.50, net. THE LIGHT OF DAY: Religious Discussions and Criticisms from the Standpoint of a Naturalist. 7zv- erside Edition, x2mo, $1.50, net. WAKE-ROBIN. Riverside Aldine Series. 16mo, $1.00. SQUIRRELS AND OTHER FUR-BEARERS. Illus- trated. Square 12mo, $1.00. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, Boston anp New York. . (Page 58) RED FOX. SQUIRRELS ~ AND OTHER FUR-BEARERS BY JOHN BURROUGHS WITH FIFTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLORS AFTER AUDUBON, AND A FRONTISPIECE FROM LIFE BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY @he Riverside press, Cambridge 1900 K RNAV SAS COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY JOHN BURROUGHS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED eg CONTENTS OHAP, : I. Squmrre.s II. THe CaipMung . Il. Tue Woopcuuck . i IV. Tue Rassir AND THE Hees VY. Tue Muskrat : VI. Tue Sxunk VIL. Tue Fox. VIII. Tae WeaAsEL IX. Tue Minx X. Toe Raccoon XI. Tue Porourme . 7 7 ’ XIL Tae Orossom XIII. Wirp Mice XIV. Guuesses or WILD — XV. A Lirs or Fear InpDEXx PAGE 15 32 38 43, 53 72 90 94. 98 106 ' 11 125 185 145 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Rep Fox (page 58) . 7 . . + .« Frontispiece Frying SquirRREL . ‘ . * . a ‘ . 4 Gray SquirREL ‘ 8 CaipMUNK «ee ewe 18 Woopcuuck ‘j e ‘i 4 ‘ te : ; - 84 Gray Ragerr 5 ; 7 a - ‘ 5 : : 40 MuskRAT . é é ‘ : - . 7 ; : - 46 Skunk . ‘ é 3 3 * ‘i : é s 3 50 WEASEL. . - ; ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ ‘ 7 . 4 Mink “ 2 % 5 * ‘ fe a: P : ¥ 90 Raccoon . . ; Z * ‘ - 2 ‘ ‘ - 96 Porcurnne . ‘ a , 5 5 3 3 é ‘ 102 Opossum. ‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘ . ‘ : j » 108 WritE-Footep Mouse . ‘ ‘ 5 r ‘ : 3 112 Jumpinc Mouse : Fy : . 3 5 i : - 120 Rep SquIRREL “ - . x 5 a é é ‘ 136 SQUIRRELS AND OTHER FUR-BEARERS I ‘SQUIRRELS Wa kine through the early October woods one day, I came upon a place where the ground was thickly strewn with very large unopened chestnut burrs. On examination I found that every burr had been cut square off with about an inch of the stem adhering, and not one had been left on the tree. It was not accident, then, but design. Whose design?